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CO Z w 2 w 2 CO 2 s ,< /«\ E . .. 4‘i .v^x i xrx^x 5 _.^x S ,< ISSN: 0738-9388 Volume: XIX THE FEST1VUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club January 8, 1987 Number: 1 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave., San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists s Inc. Eugene Coan Besearch Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Fesearch Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM "Twenty-eight years of the Ocean World" Sam Hinton, scientist and folksinger, and former director of the Scripps Ocean Aquarium for eighteen years will be the speaker (and, we hope, singer) for the evening. Meeting date: January 15, 1987 4 CONTENTS Emended description and designation of lectotypes for Fdvartia (Murexiella) humilis (Broderip, 1833) and F. (M.) norrisii (Reeve, 1845) and discussion of F. (M . ) laurae (E. H. Vokes, 1970): Muricidae D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY and BARBARA W. MYERS 2 Book review: Seashells of Brazil by E.C. Rios McLEAN, JAMES H. (reviewer) 8 Club news 8 Page 2 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(l) : 1987 EMENDED DESCRIPTION AND DESIGNATION OF LECTOTYPES FOR FAVARTIA (MUREXIELLA) HUMILIS (BRODERIP, 1833) AND F (M.) NORRISI I (REEVE, 1845) AND DISCUSSION OF R (M.) LAURAE (E. H. VOKES, 1970): MURICIDAE BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO and BARBARA W. MYERS Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 ABSTRACT Syntypes of Murex humilis Broderip, 1833, and Mur ex norrisii Reeve, 1845, were examined and a lectotype for each species is designated. Comparison is made between M. humilis and M. norrisii. Favartia (Murexiella)'' laurae (E. H. Vokes, 1970) is discussed and the distribution is extended to Ecuador. INTRODUCTION In Radwm and D'Attilio (1976) the synonymy for Murexiella humilis (Broderip, 1833) erroneously included M urex norrisii Reeve, 1845, and Mur exiella laurae E.H. Vokes, 1970. In this paper we are clarifying the specific characters for each species and comparing them with each other FAVARTIA (MUREXIELLA) HUMILIS (BRODERIP, 1833) Murex humilis Broderip, 1833:175; figured Sowerby (1834) Conch. Illus. pi. 65, figs. 46-47 Murex humilis Broderip: REEVE (1845), pi. 13, fig. 50a, 50b Murexiella keenae E.H. Vokes, 1970:325-326, pi. 50, figs. 1-3 Murexiella keenae E.H. Vokes: KEEN (1971:519, fig. 989) Murexiella humilis Broderip: RADWIN and D'ATTILIO (1976:157, pi. 25, figs. 3-5) The type lot of Murex humilis in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) consists of three specimens, reg. #197482, from the H. Cuming collection. Broderip indicated the type locality as Sanctae Elenae, Ecuador. All three specimens are worn and probably were collected dead (Figs. 1 and 2). We could not match exactly any of the syntypes to Sowerby 's figures (46 and 47) in the Conchological Illustrations. However, one of the syntypes is very close to Sowerby ' s figure. We here designate this specimen as the lecto- type (Figs. 3 and 4). The other two syntypes closely resemble the figure by Sowerby in Reeve (1845, pi. 13, figs. 50a and 50b). Vokes (1970) noted that this Reeve figure resembled her new species Murexiella keenae. We consider that all three specimens of the syntypic lot represent morphological variation of the same species and we are, there- fore, designating the Figure 1. Favartia (Murexiella) humilis (Broderip/ 1833) Syntypes Reg. #197482 British Museum (Nat. Hist.), apertural view. Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum of Natural History. Vol . XIX(l): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 3 remaining two specimens paralectotypes . Based on the syntypic material and other specimens studied, it is our conclusion that M. keenae falls in the synonymy of Favartia 04.) humilis. The lectotype measures 33.9mm x 22.2 mm and is fusiform with a rather short spire and convex body whorl. Siphonal canal is straight, narrowly open and distally recurved. The nucleus is eroded and there are five weakly shouldered postnuclear whorls with an impressed suture. Aperture is subcircular with no apparent anal sulcus; outer lip weakly crenulate and weakly lirate within. Thfe Figure 2. Dorsal view of syntypes of F. (M . ) humilis shown in Figure 1. Figure 3. F. 04.) humilis. Lectotype here selected. 33.9 x 22.2 mm, apertural view. Figure 4. Dorsal view of lectotype of F. 04.) humilis. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) Brit. Mus. (N.H. ) Reg. #197482 Page 4 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(l) : 1987 columellar lip is adherent above and detached and weakly erect below. There are eight varices on the body whorl, which cross the shoulder and terminate at the suture. There are five strong cords on the body, one on the shoulder and three on the canal. Where the cords intercept the varices, short recurved open spines are developed. The leading edge of the final varix is somewhat scabrous. Color is dull white with faint traces of pale ochre banding at the shoulder and in the interspaces of the cords at the varices. The two paralectotypes measure 34.5 x 22.9 mm [A] and 31.0 x 19.0 mm [B] . They differ mainly in their thicker varices, overall robust appearance and shorter canal. Neither of the two paralectotypes had a preserved protoconch. Color is dull gray- white with traces of rust color banding at the shoulder, midway on the body whorl, and on the tips of the short spines of the canal. FAVARTIA (MUREXIELLA) NORRISII (REEVE, 1845) Murex norrisii Reeve, 1845, pi. 28, sp. 129a and b Murexiella norrisii (Reeve): FAIR (1976), fig. 276 [syntype #197416 (sic)] Murex norrisii Reeve: D'ATTILIO (1986:48-50, figs. 2 and 3) Early in 1986 the senior author received from Carol Skoglund of Phoenix, Arizona, two specimens of a muricid collected at San Pedro, Ecuador. These two specimens were identified as Murex norrisii Reeve, 1845. A statement in his article (D'Attilio, 1986) that the type was lost occasioned an immediate reply from Ms. Kathie Way of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) stating that three syntypes were deposited in the British Museum Reg. #1974064. Thereafter we borrowed these types to confirm our understanding of this species (Figs. 5 and 6). A note accompanying the types stated, "The middle-sized specimens appears to be that figured. Reeve mentions a further syntype in the Norris colln. , whereabouts unknown." We here designate as lectotype the middle-sized specimen, since it appears to be closest to the size of Reeve's figure. However, the spines, although similar, are not as long or delicately recurved as in Reeve's figures. Further the siphonal canal on Reeve's figures appears nearly straight relative to the axis of the shell, whereas the canal in the syntypes is strongly bent to the left. Except for these slight differences, the three syntypes do not differ to any degree from the figured specimen. The lectotype (Figs. 7 and 8^ 32.8 x 20.7 mm, is a fusiform shell with a moderately high spire, impressed suture, tapering body whorl and long, narrowly open siphonal canal which is bent to the left. The nucleus is eroded and there are five moderately tabulate whorls. Aperture is subcircular; outer lip crenulate, inner lip appressed above, erect and de- tached below. There are six varices which cross the shoulder and terminate at the suture. There are five major cords on the body whorl with a minor cord in each interspace. Each major cord has several grooves and remnants of lamellae are visible on all cords. There are two cords on the canal with an inter- stitial minor cord and three minor cords are present in the gap between the body and canal. Where Figure 5 , Favartia (Murexiella) norrisii (Reeve, 1845) Syntypes Reg. #1974064 Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), apertural view. Vol . XIX(l) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 5 the cords are intercepted by the varices, there are short, open, branched spines. Color is white with brown spots on the posterior three spines; spire is mostly pale brown. The two paralectotypes measure 35.9 x 24.9 mm [A] and 26.3 x 17.6 mm [B] . "A" has six postnuclear whorls. Color of the paralectotypes is the same as the lectotype. Inasmuch as Reeve did not designate a type locality, we here designate San Pedro, Ecuador, from which two living specimens were collected (C. Skoglund, pers. comm. ) . Figure 6. F. (M . ) norrisii (Reeve, 1845) dorsal view of syntypes. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.); Figure 7. F. (M.)norrisii (Reeve, 1845) Lectotype here selected. 32.8 x 20.7 mm, apertural view, Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Reg. #1974064. Figure 8. F. (M. ) norvisii (Reeve, 1845) dorsal view of lectotype. Page 6 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(l) : 1987 Favartia (Murexiella) norrisii differs from F. (M .) humilis in its overall shape with a body whorl that tapers gently to the narrowing siphonal canal, while F. (M .) humilis has a convex to globose body whorl that becomes tightly constricted at the canal. F. (M .) norrisii is a lighter, more delicate shell and tends to have numerous frondose and branching spines in contrast to F. (M .) humilis which is strong and heavy with a single spine at the termination of each cord where it is intercepted by a varix. The protoconch of F. (M .) humilis (Fig. 9) has 3% conical whorls. The surface is abraded and the extreme terminal portion is eroded. It differs from the protoconch of F. (M .) norrisii (Fig. 10) which has 2\ to 2% smooth, brown, low, broadly convex whorls. FAVARTIA (MUREXIELLA) LAURAE (E.H. VOKES , 1970) Murexiella laurae E.H. Vokes, 1970:328-329, pi. 50, figs. 4 and 5 Murexiella laurae Vokes: POORMAN, 1980:273, figs. 5 and 6 ^Favartia (Murexiella) laurae (E.H. Vokes, 1970) was erroneously placed in the synonymy of F. (M .) humilis by Radwin and D’Attilio (1976) but was treated as a valid species by Poorman (1980). After our examination of the syntypes of F. (M .) humilis we also consider F. (M .) laurae to be a valid species. Favartia (M .) laurae differs from F. (M .) humilis by its smaller size, fewer varices, three to five rather than six to eight for F (M .) humilis 3 and the deep pits between the cords at the varices characteristic of F. (M .) laurae. We have examined specimens of F. (M.) laurae from Playa del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (one specimen, C. Skoglund collection); La Plata Island, Ecuador (one specimen); Salango Island, Ecuador (one specimen); Chatham Bay, Cocos Island, Costa Rica (one specimen, D.R. Shasky collection) (Figs. 11 and 12); Juluapan, Colima, Mexico (eight specimens, L. Poorman collection). Previously cited distribution for F.(M.) laurae was from Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico to White Friars, Mexico (Poorman, 1980). The records for Costa Rica, Cocos Island, and Ecuador indicate the distribution may extend to the south nearly 2,000 miles. We wisn to thank the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) for loan of the syntypic material of Murex humilis Broderip, 1833 and M. norrisii Reeve, 1845. The photo- graphs of these syntypes are published here with the kind permission of the Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) . We also wish to thank Mrs. Carol Skoglund of Phoenix, Arizona; Dr. Donald R. Shasky of Redlands California and Mr. Leroy H. Poorman of Westminster, California, Figure 9. F. (M .) humilis , detail drawing of protoconch, X50. SDNHM #82936, off Danzante Is., Gulf Figure 10. F. (M .) norrisii , detail drawing of protoconch, X50. San Pedro, Ecuador. SDNHM #90734 ex C. Skoglund collection of California. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vol . XIX(l) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 7 for the loan of study material. We are very grateful to Mr. David K. Mulliner of San Diego, California, for the photographs used in this paper, and Mrs. Theo H. Fusby, department secretary, for typing the manuscript. Figure 11. Favartia (M .) lauvae Figure 12. F. (14.) laurae, dorsal (E.H. Vokes , 1970). Drawing of a ~ view of specimen shown in Figure 11. 12.7 x 8.0 mm specimen, dredged, Chatham D.R. Shasky collection. Bay, Cocos Is., Costa Rica. 1984. LITERATURE CITED BRODERIP, W.J. 1833. Characters of new species of Mollusca and Conchifera collected by Mr. Cuming. Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1832:173-179 D'ATTILIO, A. 1986. Rediscovery of Murex norr'isii Reeve, 1845. Festivus 28(4):48-50, 4 figs FAIR, R. 1976. The Murex book: an illustrated catalogue of Recent Muricidae (Muricinae Muricopsinae , Ocenebrinae) . 138 pp., 23 pis. Fair, Hawaii KEEN, A MYRA 1971. Sea shells of tropical west America. 2nd ed . 1064 pp., 22 pis. ca 4000 text figs. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA P00RMAN, L.H. 1980. Reinstatement of two species of Murexiella (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Veliger 22 (3) : 273-276 , 7 figs. RADWIN, G.E. AND A. D'ATTILIO 1976. Murex shells of the world, an illustrated guide to the Muricidae. 284 pp 32 pis. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA Page 8 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(l) : 1987 REEVE, L. A. 1845-1846. Conchologia Iconica or illustrations of the shells of molluscous animals. Vol. 3 (Murex) , pis. 1-36, London SOWERBY, G.B. II 1834. Conchological Illustrations. Murex , pis. 58-67. Sowerby, London VOKES , E.H. 1970. The west American species of Muvex'ie'lZa (Gastropoda: Muricidae) including two new species. Veliger 12 (3) : 325-329 , pi. 50 BOOK REVIEW SEASHELLS OF BRAZIL By E.C. Rios. 1985 Published by Museu Oceanographico , Rio Grande, Brazil 328 pages, including index, 102 black and white plates, 1421 species of marine mollusks treated. Price: $27.50 The long coastline of Brazil includes the southern limits of the tropical Caribbean faunal province, as well as the northern limits of the subtropical Argentinian faunal province. The need for compilation of this fauna has been met since 1970 by E.C. Rios of the Rio Grande Oceanographic Museum, Rio Grande, Brazil. Although the title implies that this is a new book, SEASHELLS OF BRAZIL is the third edition of a work that first appeared in 1970 under the title COASTAL BRAZILIAN SEASHELLS, followed by BRAZILIAN MARINE MOLLUSKS ICONOGRAPHY in 1975. The new edition is a major improvement over the previous edition, including a sub- stantial increase in the number of species treated, which now number 1421, compared to 1328. For each species, the previous edition gave the range in the western Atlantic, records in Brazil, habitat, and dimensions. The text in the new edition has been amplified to include a brief description of each species, as well as a diagnosis of the genera and subgenera, and citation of the type species (but not where it occurs). Synonyms are listed, although the format precludes detailed dis- cussion or justification. In general, the format of the text is similar to that of the second edition of AMERICAN SEASHELLS by R. Tucker Abbott. The bibliography is extensive but includes mostly the work of recent authors; it does not lead the user to the original descriptions of all the species treated in the book. A faunal analysis based on the distributional limits given in the book would be useful for a future edition or a separate publication. SEASHELLS OF BRAZIL is indispensible to a study of western Atlantic mollusks. James H. McLean CLUB NEWS THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY The Club’s annual Christmas party, held at the Mariners' Club on December 6 was a joyful success. Club members and guests, in their holiday finery, filled the fes- tive room. June King provided the lovely poinsettia in shell centerpieces for the tables and members’ gaily wrapped exchange gifts were near the tree awaiting the gift exchange. Jules Hertz, the Master of Ceremonies, led off the evening with humor and gave background on the Club which this year celebrated its 25th anniversary. Officers for 1986 were thanked both by Jules and outgoing president Richard Herrmann, and the 1987 board was installed. After dinner Dave Mulliner and Richard Herrmann presented a slide show enjoyed by all which highlighted activities of the Club and its members during 1986. Following the raffle ( a 1987 San Diego Tide Calendar) which was won by Barbara Farmer, the members enjoyed the Club's traditional gift exchange. It was a beautiful evening, warm with friendship and the spirit of the season. ISSN: 0738-9388 Ql Hot FAS' Hell, » v,.ame: XIX THE FESTI VUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club February 12, 1987 Number: 2 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inry, a doctoral student at the University of California at Santa Barbara will receive $1,000. which she will use to complete her research project, "The contribution of pteropod molluscs in the calcium carbonate cycle of the oceans." The second award recipient, doctoral student Carolyn Declerk of the University of California at Davis, will recieve $400. toward her research on "Morphological and genetic divergences in introduced populations of the Atlantic oyster drill, Urosalpinx oinevea." DUES ARE OVERDUE If you have not paid your dues, this is your last issue of The Festivus. Dues for 1987 were payable in January. To be listed on the membership roster in the April issue of The Festivus, dues must be recieved by the end of March. ISSN: 0738-9388 / W d//. THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Volume: XIX April 9, 1987 Number: 4 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Besearch Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Fesearch Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. COME TO THE AUCTION/POTLUCK - APRIL 25, 1986 See Page 37 and map on last page. (There is no regular meeting this month.) CONTENTS Cantharus fragarius (Wood, 1828) at Cocos Island SHASKY, DONALD R 30 Typhisopsis coronatus and dwarf Typhisala grandis at Costa Rica D’ATTILIO, ANTHONY 32 Common shell names STOHLER, RUDOLF 36 Club news 31, 37 Membership roster and map for detaching Page 30 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(4) : 1967 CANTHARUS FRAGAR I US (WOOD, 1828) AT COCOS ISLAND BY DONALD R. SHASKY 834 W. Highland Avenue, Redlands, California 92373 On April 23, 1986, a single, perfect live specimen of Cantharus fragarius (Wood, 1828) was taken by Dr. Michel Montoya from under a dead coral slab in 17 meters at Roca Sucia, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica (Figure 1). This 26.5x13. 7 mm specimen has a pink protoconch and aperture with dark brown, orange and cream colored bands. The specific name fragaria was introduced by Wood as l bluta fragaria on page 11 of the Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus and illustrated on plate 3, figure 2. It is found again on page 31 as Buceinum fragaria {Valuta) . Curiously, the Voluta section for the plates is on page 59 and the species is not mentioned there. It appears that Wiener' s species Turbinella oarolinae proposed in 1841 without locality information is a synonym of Carttharus fragarius as is Reeve's Ricinula Bella described in 1846 from specimens collected by Hugh Cuming at Capul Island, Philippines at low tide. In addition to Buceinum 3 Valuta 3 Turbinella and FLcinula3 this species has been assigned to Cantharus (Salisbury, 1983); Clivipollia (Wolfe, 1976; Higa, 1977; and Kay, 1979); Peristernia (H. & A. Adams, 1853); and Pollia (Abbott & Dance, 1982). It also appears close to Engina Gray, 1839 based on shell characters. Awaiting radular and/or anatomical studies, I have placed the species provisionally in Cantharus. Cantharus fragarius has been reported from the Maldives, Mauritius, the Philippines, Phoenix and Boston Islands, and Hawaii. This is the first time it has been found in the eastern Pacific . My appreciation to David K. Mulliner for transferring my color slide into a black and white print. Figure 1. Cantharus fragarius (Wood, 1828). 26.5 x 13.7 mm. Leg. M. Montoya Roca Sucia, Cocos Is., Costa Rica Literature Cited ABBOTT, R.T. and P. DANCE 1982. Compendium of Seashells. E.P. Dutton, N.Y., p. 172 ADAMS, H. and A. ADAMS 1853. The genera of Recent Mollusca arranged according to their organization. London, vol. 1:153 GRAY, J.E. 1839. Molluscous animals and their shells in F.W. Beechey, The zoology of Capt. Beechey's voyage... in his Majesty's ship Blossom ...London. HIGA, L. 1977. Recent finds. Hawaiian Shell News 25(2) :15, fig. 1 Vol . XIX(4) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 31 KAY, E . A. 1979. Hawaiian Marine Shells. Bishop Museum Press, pp. 262-263, fig. 92E KIENER, L.C. 1841. Species general et iconographie des coquilles vivantes... Paris, vol. 6:47-48, pi. 18, fig. 1 REEVE, L . A. 1846. Conchologia Iconica. London. Rieinula, vol. 3, pi. 3, fig. 15 SALISBURY, R. 1983. Those underrated tropical whelks. Hawaiian Shell News 31(7) :1, 7, fig. 7 WOLFE, C. 1976. Notes on the color identification plate. Hawaiian Shell News 24(11) :6 WOOD, W. 1828. Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus of a catalog of shells. London, pp. 11, 31, pi. 3, fig. 27 FOR YOUR INFORMATION STUDENT RESEARCH GRANT ANNOUNCED BY THE WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS The Western Society of Malacologists , founded in 1968 to promote the study of malacology and invertebrate zoology, will award a grant of $500 to an undergraduate or graduate student for the academic year 1987-88. The grant is offered to initiate or further research concerned with molluscs, in systematics, biology, ecology, paleontology or related fields. The completed application form and research pro- posal must be accompanied by an outline of academic background and by a letter from a faculty member or other professional scientist supervising or knowing of the student's work. Deadline for applications and accompanying materials is May 1, 1987. For an application, write to Dr. Vida C. Kenk, WSM Committee on Student Grants, Dept. Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, California 95192. CONCHOLOGISTS OF AMERICA ANNOUNCES TWO GRANTS AWARDED Two grants were awarded at the 14th Annual Convention of the COA. A $1,000 grant was awarded the the U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution to help defray expenses of graduate student research on the molluscan collection and a $500 grant was awarded to Rudiger Bieler for color plates for his forthcoming monograph on Architectonidae . Requests for 1987 grants must be submitted in writing no later than May 15, 1987 and sent to Richard W. Forbush, Awards Chairman, 1104 Sklar Dr. E. , Venice, Florida 33595 PUBLICATION RECEIVED Volume 2 (no. 2/3:9-19, 6 figs.) of the serial publication Marginella Marginalia was received by the Club. A publication of the Dayton Museum of Natural History, its purpose is the dissemination of information on the Marginellidae . To receive the publication, write to Editor Gary A. Coovert , Dayton Museum of Natural History, 2629 Ridge Ave., Dayton, OH 45414. "Subscription dues are voluntary but encouraged." Page 32 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(4) : 1987 TYPH I SOPS I S CORQNATUS AND DWARF TYPHISALA GRAND IS AT COSTA RICA BY ANTHONY D ' ATTILIO Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 Among other recent donations to the San Diego Natural History Museum by Carol Skoglund of Phoenix, Arizona were two specimens of Typhisala grandis (A. Adams, 1855), (SDNHM 90773) dredged off Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica which appear to be fully mature at 13.7 and 12.2 mm L. (Figures 1 and 2). A third example (17.9 mm L) in the Hertz collection was also dredged by the Skoglunds at the same time (Figures 3 and 4 ) . Figures 1 and 2. Typhisala grandis (A. Adams, 1855) (SDNHM 90773), dredged in 24.4-36.6 m (80-120 ft.) on mud bottom, Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, April 1986. Leg. Carol and Paul Skoglund. 1) apertural view, left=13.7 mm L, right=12.2 mm L 2) dorsal view, left=13.7 mm L, right=12.2 mm L Each specimen has five whorls and a protoconch which is partially preserved in one specimen (SDNHM 90773) is probably complete between 2^ to 3 whorls. (Figure 5). The specimens show the usual sculpture of transverse cords on the body whorl with intervarical sculpture of spiny-tipped extensions arising from the swollen costae on the body (Figure 6). The dwarfish specimens from Costa Rica differ only in quantitative morphology. Mature, more typical specimens reach 36 mm in length, are robust and rather quad- rangular in overall outline with a large expanded apertural varix. The dwarfish specimens exhibit a prolongation of the apertural varix obliquely and posteriorly. The partition also appears more complexly folded than otherwise noted on large, more typical specimens. Vol . XIX(4): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 33 Figures 3 and 4. Typhisala grandis (A. Adams, 1855), 17.9 mm L, Hertz collection. Same collecting data as in Figures 1 and 2. 3) apertural view 4) dorsal view Figure 5. T. grandis _, protoconch of Figure 6. T. grandis3 detail of spiny 17.9 mm L specimen (SDNHM 90773), X50 tipped extensions arising from the costae on the body, 17.9 mm L specimen (SDNHM 90773), X25 Page 34 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(4) : 1987 Unlike Typhisaia grandis specimens of Typhisopsis coronatus (Broderip, 1833) which were collected at the same time and in the same locality by the Skoglunds show no dwarfing (Figures 7 and 8). The specimen illustrated is 21.8 mm L. The species reaches approximately 38 mm L at maturity with six to seven whorls. Figures 7 and 8. Typhisopsis coronatus (Broderip, 1833), 21.8 mm L, (SDNHM 91506), dredged in 24.4 to 36.6 m (80-120 ft.) on mud bottom, Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, April 1986. Leg. Carol and Paul Skoglund. a) apertural view, b) dorsal view Figure 9 shows the partially preserved protoconchs of two specimens with 5 whorled teleo- conchs in the Hertz collection. While superficially re- sembling Typhisaia grandis, the surface of Typhisopsis coronatus is sculptured by an extremely irregular lamellate surface (Figures 9 and 10) completely lacking in Typhisaia grandis, and possibly unique for the typhids. I have only noted this peculiar surface sculpture in the Ocenebrinae species Poropteron uncinarius (Lamarck, 1822). The surface of the shell in T. coronatus is indented or pitted and uneven lamellae form Figure 9. T. coronatus , partially preserved protoconchs of two specimens in the Hertz collection dredged by the Skoglunds at the same time as that shown in Figures 7 and 8. Left specimen = 21.2 mm L, right specimen = 20.7 mm L Vol . XIX(4): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 35 over this surface. The lamellae are very thin and chipped unevenly at the edges. Figure 10. T. ooronatus, camera lucida drawing shows the entire surface with microsculpture of gouge-like pits. Figure 11. T. ooronatus , detail of microsculpture greatly enlarged ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My thanks to Carol Skoglund of Phoenix, Arizona for donating the specimens studied to the San Diego Natural History Museum and to Carole and Jules Hertz of San Diego, California for making their specimens available for study. My appreciation also to David K. Mulliner for the excellent photography of these species. Page 36 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(4): 1987 COMMON SHELL NAMES BY RUDOLF STOHLER 1584 Milvia Street, Berkeley, California 94709 When attempting to discuss a subject of possible controversial aspects it is best to define terms to be used. In the present instance the term "common name" cries loudly and insistently for such a procedure. It seems to be inherent in human beings to give names to all parts of their environment. We feel comfortable when we do not use terms such as "that thing." Since there are many human beings around, a particular object may be given as many different names as there are people. Mark Twain in his sketch Adam's Diary tells about the naming of animals by Eve. When Adam asked her why she called a particular animal a "lion" she replied quite logically, "because it looks like a lion." For- tunately for us. Eve did not notice shells, so she did not name them! It is obvious that confusion is unavoidable if every person calls a particular object by the name he invented regardless of what the other individual calls the same object. This means that different individuals must come to an agreement as to what object is meant by a particular name. That name thus becomes a "common" name, meaning a name that is applied by all members of a community to a particular subject. But confusion still is possible since different communities of people in dif- ferent localities may - and in all probability did - agree on a "common name" for the same object already named by the other group. If trading occurs between the two communities, an agreement must be reached as to the name by which the object is to be known. If the daily language of the two groups is very different a "translation" of the names may have to be worked out. Thus, for example, an American "shark" will be known also as a German "Haifisch." Since it appears that there are more than just a dozen or so different shell species, and also since ardent shell collectors may wish to "trade" with members of many different nationalities, these "common" names have to be translated into many different languages. This makes exchanging shells very cumbersome and hazardous at the same time. If I were exchanging some San Francisco Bay mussels with a Frenchman in Brittany for "moules" and a German in Kiel for "Miesmuscheln , " I might get quite upset to get just more Mytilus edulis . Reviewing what we have said so far, it seems that an object - such as a shell - could have dozens or even hundreds of "common" names. But, as the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland said, "A word means what _I want it to mean." My_ meaning of "common name" is a name by which a particular object is known all over the world. That does not mean, however, that I could drop down in the middle of a busy market- place anywhere in the world and ask any individual for a Meroenaria mevoenav'ia and get anything more than a blank look and a shrug of the shoulder. But among shell collectors it should evoke a look of recognition — provided my pronunciation is understood . Through the efforts of an International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature there are precisely such "common names" as I mean . By applying certain rules estab- lished by this commision very strictly, eventually all species of animals will have just one name (consisting, to be sure, of two words). Unfortunately, in spite of these efforts, we still have possible sources for confusion: the ways these names are pronounced. The ancient Romans did not have the foresight to make video tape recordings of their famous orators or even of their successful politicians. And the ancient Greeks were not any smarter in this respect. Thus, we shall never know exactly how we should correctly pronounce the Latin and latinized words. Modern schools throughout the world teach "classical languages;" Vol . XIX(4): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 37 that is, they teach vocabularies, grammar and syntax and a sort of pronunciation which usually is heavily colored by the way the language of the particular country is spoken. It is easy to distinguish a French-Latin from an Italian-Latin or an American-Latin . It appears, then, that to bring total harmony and complete mutual understanding into being we must agree not only on a single nomenclature but also on a single way of pronouncing the words. It would seem that a valiant effort in this direction has been made in several countries by compilations of selected names with a phonetic guide to pronunciation. A pitfall is that, especially in long lists, consistency in phonetic representation is very difficult to maintain and unfortunately, users of such guides tend to over- look the fact that the phonetic equivalents apply only within the language area for which the guide was written. A way out of this difficulty might be the production of tape recordings accompanied by a printed list of the names spoken on the tape. In that way, a collector of molluscan shells could learn to pronounce the names of his treasures in a way that would be understood anywhere. I freely admit that this idea is a dream that will not be fulfilled, at least not for many years. But then, there is no law that regulates dreams - at least, not yet! CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - MARCH 19, 1987 Ron McPeak entertained an appreciative audience of 41 members and guests with pictures and narration of some of his adventures in the Arctic and Antarctic. These occurred in the 1960s, but the pictures are timeless. For those who were unable to attend, picture Ron in Eskimo garb mushing along with a dog team! We greatly enjoyed sharing Ron’s memories. Several members of the Club had just returned from an exciting trip to the Philippines and Bob Yin promised a program on the trip later in the year. Dave Mulliner exhibited a book he had obtained from the Bishop Museum in Honolulu on the highly valued Niihau shell leis. Wes Farmer reported that he had found a live Black Murex at Bird Ruck in La Jolla, the details to be published in The Festivus. The Club Auction/Potluck on April 25 will be held again at the home of Mary and Ron McPeak (see map on last page of this issue). If you plan to attend and have not signed up to bring a potluck dish or contributed shells, please contact a Board member to arrange for pickup of shell donation and suggestion for potluck contribution. Librarian Margaret Mulliner requests the return of Burgess' new cowry book. If you have forgotten to return it, please contact Margaret (488-2701) and arrange for its return. Phil Faulconer is interested in obtaining a shell cabinet. If you have one, new or used, give him a call. Carole Hertz announced that plans for the WSM annual meeting at SDSU June 21- 25 are coming along. Our Club will host a wine and cheese reception on the 21st. If you would like to help, let us know. The door prize was won by Bill Romer and the cookies were provided by Nola Michel and Carol and Bill Romer. Barbara L. Farmer THE AUCTION/POTLUCK - APRIL 25, 1987 The Club's biggest social event and only fundraiser is almost here! Don't miss the fun. Come to the Auction at the home of Mary and Ron McPeak (see map on last page). Festivities begin at 6:00 P.M. If you have not already donated shells to help support the Club or signed up for your potluck donation, please contact either Bill Romer (278-2389) or Carole Hertz (277-6259). See you there!! 1 SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB Membership Roster-1987 Abbott, R. Tucker 2208 South Colonial Dr. Melbourne, FL 32901 Bratcher. Twila 8121 Malholland Terrace Los Angeles, CA. 90046 Covey, Jewel 5666 E. Hampton Apt.l5j Tucson, AZ 85712 Adams, Rosemary 13346 Birchwooa Sunnymead , CA 92388 American Museum of Nat. Hist. Library Ser ials-Jud ith Walsh Central Park West at 79th St . New York, NY 10024 Auckland Institute & Museum Ian Thwaites, Librarian Private Bag, Auckland New Zealand Barton, Geo. & Paula 620 S. Nevada St. Oceanside, CA 92054 722- 7281 Baxendell, Lee 1475 Somerset Cardiff, CA 92007 752-2919 Benak, Rita 38 19 Strong St . San Diego, CA 92111 Bennett, Jo 1559 Tredegar Dr. Fort Myers, FL 33907 Bertsch, Hans 2511 W. Sunflower T-9 Sant, a Ana, CA. 92704 Bouchet, Dr. Phillipe Museum D'Histoire Naturelle 55 Rue de Buffon 75005 Paris, France Boyd, Susan & Bobby P.O.Box 1541 Fallbrook, CA 92028 728-9721 British Museum (N.H.) Acquisitions Section (DLS) Cromwell Rd . London SW 7 5BD England Brosius, Doris & George 1350 Loring §t§_34Sf0’ CA 92109 Brown, Billee & Bob 6333 La Jolla Blvd , #171 La Jolla, CA 92037 454-5788 Buck, Larry 2407 Sacada Circle Rancho La Costa, CA 92009 436-8265 Burch, Beatrice & Thomas Kailua^ ^I996734 Catarius, Debbie & Larry 4173 Galt St. San Diego, CA 92117 270-4376 Cate, Jean M. P.O.Box 3049 Rancho Santa Fe , CA 92067 756-4744 Cerutti, Richard 1359 Sweetwater Lane Spring Valley, CA 92077 462-4841 Clover, Phillip P.0. Box 339 Glen Ellen, CA 95442 Coan, Eugene 891 San Jude Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94306 D'ALtilio, Rose & Tony 2415 29th St. San Diego, CA 92104 281-9731 Davis, Florence C. Rte. 1, Box 1639 Brobecks, PA 17329 Delaware Museum N.H. Box 3937 Greenville, Del 19807 Draper, Bertram 85H Bleriot Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 Duffy, John 5016 Ellison PI. San Diego, CA, 92116 284-0834 DuShane , Helen 15012 El Soneto Whittier, CA 90605 Everson, Gene 8325 Adrian Ct. Matthews, NC 28105 Farmer, Barbara & Wes. 11061 Lea Terrace Dr. Santee, CA 92071 448-8697 Faulconer, Heidrun & Phi P.O.Box 82632 San Diego, CA 92138 222-808? Fernandes, Francisco c/o Santos Brito Santa Rita, Cacela 8900 Algarve, Portugal Bradner, Marge & Hugh I867 CJaminito Marzolla La Jolla, CA 92037 459-7681 Coovert, Gary 36 Prospect Ave. DaytoVi, OH 45415 Flentz, Mary & John 149 Via La Soledad Redondo Beach, CA 90277 213-375-6400 2 Foster, Robert P.O.Box 3010 Santa Barbara, CA 93130-3010 963-3228 Kabat , Alan R. Museum of Comparative Zool. Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 Luke. Spencer S.I.O. A-007 P.O.Box 1529 La Jolla. CA 92093 Gemmell, Joyce ISO S, Anza Sp.47C El Cajon, CA 92020 447-8004 Gill, Eve 1566 Oramas Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93103 805-962-6661 Glauser. Maurice 3. Chemin du Pontrde-Ville 1224 Chene-Bougenes Swi t.zerland Goldberg. Richard P.O.Box 137 Fresh Meadows, NY H365 Good, Barbara 1802 McKee St. #C 6 San Diego, CA 92110 291-5380 Gori, Sandro Via Sernesi 7 Livorno, Italy Haines, Debara Diane P.O.Box 741 San Mart in CA 95°46 Hamilton, Ian 6640 Linda Visla Rd . C-6 San Diego, CA 92111 278-6213 Hanselman, Geo. & Virginia 58I8 Tulane St. San Diego, CA 92122 453-3OI9 Herrmann, Richard & Ginny 7709 Eads Ave . La Jolla, CA 92037 459-3317 Hertz, Jules & Carole 3883 Mt . Blackburn San Diego, CA 92111 277-6259 Johnson, John P.O.Box 1205 MCB Camp Buller FP0 Seattle, WA 98773 Kaiser, Kirstie FvOt Box 4289 Park City, UT 84060 Kantor, Ruth & Martin 2706 Jennings St. San Diego, CA 92106 225-3433 Keeler, James Marriott Jr., Jo Ann & Billlj 3430 Madison Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 280-9583 Martin, Clifford & Clifton 324 Kennedy Lane Oceanside, CA 92054 757-1528 3209 Del Rio Terrace Tallahassee, FL 32312 Kemp, Bruce 9420-D Carlton Oaks Dr. Sant ee. CA 92071 225-7^94 (work) Kennedy, George Invert. Paleontology Los Angeles Co, Museum (NH) 900 Exposition Blvd . Los Angeles, CA 90007 Mathews, Suzanne 816 Lehigh Ave. Chula Vista, CA 92013 421-7505 McPeak, Ron & Mary 7989 La Brusca Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 942-3489 Metz, George 121 Wildhorse Valley D Wt&S* 94947 King, Frank & Harriet 859 E. Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 726-2523 Michel, John & Nola 4758 Mt. Cervin Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 278-9088 King, June & Bob 4269 Hawk St. San Diego, CA 92103 296-0574 Montoya, Michel P.O.Box 6327 San Jose, Costa Rica Koch, Robert & Wendy 722 7 tlorlh 1 Phoenix, AZ t h Ave . 15021 I Mulliner, David & Marg’ 5283 Vickie Dr. San Diego, CA 92109 488-2701 Leonard, Fred L. 800 North 41st Ave. Hollywood, FL 33021 Levine, Annita 139-62 Pershing Crescent Jamaica, NY 11435 Lindahl, Ken & Marge 202 Grand Canal Balboa Island, CA 92662 714-675-7377 714-673-17H3 Myers, John & Barbara 3761 Mt. . Augustus Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 279-9806 Partington, Bill & Kellj 10143 Trocha de Penni Lakeside, CA 92040 448-2 9H Perrin, Marilyn 10960 Via Abaca San Diego, CA 92126 586-0175 3 Pisor, Don & Jeanne 10373 El Honcho PI. San Diego, Ca 92124 279-9342 Poorman, Forrest- & Leroy 15300 Magnolia St. Sp.53 Westminster, CA 92683 Rice. Tom P.O.Box 219 Port Gamble, WA 98364 Robertson, Robert Academy of Nat'l Sciences 19t.h & The Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 Robertson, Wally c/o 1137 Prospect St. La Jolla, Ca 92037 459-6858 Rockey, William Tetra Tech Internal ional 1911 Fort Myer Dr. # 403 Arlington, VA 22209 Romer, Bill & Carol 3249 Towser St . San Diego, CA 92123 278-2389 Ruhl, Deborah 902 W. Victoria #223 Montebello, CA 90640 Sage, Pat & John 1635 Lanoitan Ave . National City, CA 92050 267-3264 Sage, Walter E. Ill Dept. Marine Invert- American Museum (N.H.) Central Pk. w at 79th St. New York, NY 10024 S.I.O. Library C-075-C Univ. of California La Jolla, CA 92093 Weber, Gladys 6439 W. Myrtle Ave, #79 Glendale, AZ 85301 Shasky, Donald R. 834 W. Highland Ave. Redlands, CA 92373 Skoglund, Carol 3846 E. Highland Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85018 Smith, Vivienne B. 16331 Porto Bello St.,NW Bokeelia, FL 33922 Smithsonian Inst, Library Library Acqus i 1 ions # 9010520201 Washington, D.C. 20560 Souder. John 7845 Michelle Dr. La Mesa, CA 92041 462-0404 Stephens, Susan B. P.O.Box 217 425 Lighthouse Way Sanibel , FL 33957 Stohler, RudGlf (Hon.) 1584 Mil via St. Berkeley, CA 94709 Strigliabott i, Susan 2582 Del Mar fits. Rd . Del Mar, CA 92014 481-6177 Webster, Herb 3402-A Ruby Lantern Dana Pt . CA 92629 714-240-1606 Woolsey, Jody 3717 Bagley Ave. #206 Los Angelos, CA 90034 Wuyts, Jean 82 Koningsarendlaan 2100 Deurne 4 Antwerp, Belgium Ye end, Arthur & Margeneti 5668 Lord Cecil St. 4?f“05^Sgo, CA* 92122 Yin, Bob 1275 Torrey Pines Rd . La Jolla, CA 92037 454-2342 Norrid, Charlotte & Henry 233 E. Cairo Dr. Tempe , AZ 85282 Snell, Chuck P.0. Box AC Trinidad, CA 95570 Taylor, Roland & Kay 2437 Aster St. J San Diego, CA 92109 274-2998 Valli, Adrian 1549 N, Vulcan #26 Leucadia, CA 92024 Sant, a Barbara Museum (NH) 2559 Puesta Del Sol Rd . Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Schuler, Marty 5170 Baxter San Diego, CA 92117 270-3080 Scott, Paul St a. Barbara Museum (NH) 2559 Puesta Del Sol Rd . Santa Barbara, CA 931 05 Vaught , Kay 8646 E. Paraiso Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Yokes , Emily Dept . Geology Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118 Voso, Ed & Helen 1815 Sweetwater Rd . Sp.134 Spring Valley, CA 920 77 469-8308 Map for the Auction/Potluck — April 25, 1987 Festivities begin at 6:00 P.M. This map is not to scale 6 THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club ISSN: 0738-9388 Volume: XIX May 14, 1987 Number: 5 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists3 JUN 1 5 1987 i Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences / Anthony D'Attilio N^£/8RARiES San Diego Natural History William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM Sea Life of San Diego and Baja California is the title of an illustrated talk to be presented by Wes Farmer, Club President and author of several books on sea life of these areas Meeting date: May 21, 1987 CONTENTS Club news 39 Thyca crystallina follow-up BRATCHER, TWILA 40 The Black Murex, Muricanthus nigritus 3 from Bird Rock, La Jolla, California — fact or fiction? FARMER, WESLEY 42 Range extensions of several Panamic mollusks based on new records made in Nicaragua, part I MONTOYA, MICHEL, AL LOPEZ, AND JULIO LOPEZ 43 Page 39 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XIX(5) : 1987 CLUB NEWS THE AUCTION/POTLUCK - April 25, 1987 For the second year in a row, Mary and Ron McPeak were our gracious hosts for the Club's big funraiser and fundraiser. This year as last — it was the best!! Over fifty members and guests enjoyed each others company while imbibing "Dave's punch" and feasting on the delicious potluck contributions. They pored over silent auction items, auction lists and auction specimens until eight o'clock when President Wes Farmer announced that the auction would begin. The auction contributions were outstanding — two Conus gloviamaris 3 a Conus dusaveli 3 Cypvaea schildevzana 3 a "Tony" shell drawing, and a beautiful under- water photograph to name but a few of the special donations. Once underway with Marty Schuler and Carole Hertz, the Club's perennial auctioneers, the bidding was spirited, generous and good natured with much laughter amid the serious bidding. It was great fun. The auction was a social and financial success thanks to our hosts Mary and Ron, the members who donated (and bid) so generously and those who helped organize the party. THE CLUB HOSTS A WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION FOR THE WSM The Club has volunteered to host a wine and cheese reception at the upcoming annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists (WSM) . The reception will be from 4:30-6:00 P.M. on Sunday, June 21st in the Activity Center East, adjacent to Tenochca Hall, on the campus of San Diego State University. (Maps will be available) . The reception will provide a cordial beginning to the meeting and will be an opportunity for Club members to meet other amateurs and professionals as well as renew acquaintance with old friends. The WSM meeting will run from June 21-25 with informative talks during the mornings and afternoons and social events in the evenings, including an "Underwater Night" arranged by Richard Herrmann, a shell and book auction, a banquet at the San Diego Natural History Museum, and field trips on the last day. If you would like to help with the arrangements for the reception or attend the meeting, please contact Carole Hertz (277-6259). ANNUAL PLANT SALE OF THE BOTANICAL GARDEN FOUNDATION The annual plant sale of the Botanical Garden Foundation will be on May 30 and 31 in the patio of the Casa del Prado. All groups meeting there are asked to donate rooted plants for the sale. Bring your donations to Room 104 on Friday, May 29 and please be sure to note that your donation is from the San Diego Shell Club. Our Club benefits greatly by being able to meet at the Casa del Prado and members are urged to donate plants to benefit the Botanical Garden Foundation. If you have questions concerning donations, contact either June King (296-0574) or Carole Hertz (277-6259). TOO LATE FOR THE ROSTER Anderson, Jayne and Mike, 745 1st. St., Suite 102, Encinitas, CA 92024 Bukry, J. David, U.S. Geological Survey, MS-915, 345 Middlefield Rd . , Menlo Park CA 94025 Haigh, Betty and Ernest, P.0. Box 2107, Simi Valley, CA 93062 Holiman, Audrey and Wayne, P.0. Box 246, Edinburg, TX 78539 Woods, William L. , P.0. Box 231397, San Diego, CA 92123 CHANGE OF ADDRESS Bertsch, Hans, P.0. Box 25797, Santa Ana, CA 92799 NEW MEMBERS Hawaiian Malacological Society, P.0. Box 10391, Honolulu, HA 96816 Williams, Peggy, Rt . 8, Box 28A, Sarasota, FL 34243 Vol . XIX (5 ) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 40 THYCA CRYSTALLINA FOLLOW-UP BY TWILA BRATCHER 8121 Mulholland Terrace, Hollywood, California 90046 While doing research on Thyca cry staVtina (Gould, 1846) for an article in The Festivus (September 1984), I discovered the fascinating fact that the male of the species is almost microscopic and lives on the foot of the female, under the shell. I remembered this recently when I picked up the vial which had held the Thyca. Before tossing it away, I decided to place it under the microscope. There it was, the tiny shell of the male Thyca still in place on the dried body of the female (Figure 1) . The shell of the male is thin and translucent, measuring 2.4 mm, almost smooth, but with some predominently spiral sculpture (Figure 2) as opposed to the thicker shell of the female (14.8 mm L) with its beautifully sculptured granular, radiating axial ribs (Figure 3) . Figure 1. Thyca cvystallina (Gould, 1846) Shell of female with dried body and male on foot. Female shell — 14.8 mm L Male shell — 2.4 mm L Figure 2. T. cvystallina, closeup view of male shell, 2.4 mm L Leg. T. Bratcher, Philippine Is. Page 41 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(5): 1987 Thyca cry stallina is parasitic on the blue sea stars Linckia laevigata and L. multiflora both of Linnaeus. The genus Thyca was formerly included in the family Capulidae but was transferred to the Eulimidae by Dr. Alison Kay in 1979 because of its distinctly eulimid proto- conch and its parasitic association with echinoderms. Anders Waren (1980), in his revision of the genus Thyca3 gave five additional reasons for the placement of Thyca in the Eulimidae instead of the Capulidae . Literature Cited KAY, ALISON 1979. Hawaiian Marine Shells, Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 4: Mollusca, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Spec. Pub. 64 ,, (4):l-653, text figs. WAREN, ANDERS 1980. Revision of the genera Thyca3 Stilifer3 Scaleno stoma 3 Mucronalia and Echineulima (Mollusca, Prosobranchia, Eulimidae). Zoologica Scripta9: 187-210, text figs.. Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Gotenborg, Sweden Figure 3. Thyca crystallina3 female shell, right side view, 14.8 mm L NEW PUBLICATION RECEIVED Anatomy, Reproductive Biology, and Phylogeny of the Planaxidae (Cerithiacea : Prosobranchia by Richard S. Houbrick (1987), Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, no. 445, 57 pages, 27 figures, 6 tables. This paper discusses in depth the six Recent genera which are recognized by the author as comprising the Planaxidae, a marine group of herbivores inhabiting the intertidal environment which brood their young in specialized brood pouches. Synonymies; conchological , radular and anatomical descriptions; and the life histories and ecology of each genus. This publication will be available for circulation at the May meeting. ANNOUNCEMENT OF A NEW PUBLICATION Nudibranchs of Southern Africa; A Guide to Opisthobranch Molluscs of Southern Africa, by Terrence Gosliner (1987) 136 pages, 268 color plates, paperback. Published by Sea Challengers, Price: $34.95. Announcement forms will be available at the May meeting with further information and order stubs. Vol . XIX(5 ) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 42 THE BLACK MU REX, MURICANTHUS NIGRITUS, FROM BIRD ROCK, LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA — FACT OR FICTION? BY WESLEY M. FARMER 11061 Lea Terrace Drive, Santee, California 92071 During a low tide nature walk with the San Diego Herpetological Society on February 28, 1987, I found a specimen of the Black Murex, Muricanthus nigritus (Philippi, 1845). It was nestled between rocks under a partially submerged rock ledge some four feet long and 1^ feet high about 25 feet from the base of the rip- rap of the shoreline cliff. I commented to the group that this live animal is not usually found here but in the Gulf of California, its more normal distribution. The murex was passed around but not collected. The next day my daughter Deanna and I went back to the same locality and I found a Black Murex in about the same place as the one the day before. The live murex had two oyster holes drilled partially through the shell on the dorsal side. The shell is 58 mm long with an operculum 20 mm long by 13 mm wide. Figure 1 is of the shell with the operculum held in place by the foot. The question is: why was the Black Murex in La Jolla? Was it a result of "El Nino"? Was it there because a sympathetic collector from the Gulf of California turned it loose at Bird Rock or a collector scattered about distant collected species into a new habitat? I think that someone returned the shell to this area because a return trip to the Gulf of California was out of the question. It is not the first time that a tropical species has been found under a San Diego County beach rock. When I was "collecting nudibranchs" many years ago at the tip of Point Loma and looking under rocks for sea life, I found a 100 mm (at least) Tiger Cowry as shiny as the day it must have come from the market place. In retro- spect, I think it was slipped under a flat stone in my path by the fellow tidepooler I was with that day. Occasionally a marine organism has been reported at a certain locality never to be found there again. Many years later a writer will state that it should not be considered part of the animal current distribution. This suggests that perhaps the ranges of some species fluc- tuate as a result of an "El Nino" or some wayward pio- neering specimen. That this Black Murex was found at Bird Rock is a fact. How it got there is subject to debate. Fig. 1. Murioanthus nigritus (Philippi, 1845), 58 mm L Page 43 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(5) 1987 RANGE EXTENSIONS OF SEVERAL PANAMIC HOLLUSKS BASED ON NEW RECORDS HADE IN NICARAGUA. PART I. BY MICHEL MONTOYA,* AL LOPEZ** and JULIO LOPEZ** *Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacion para la Agricultura (IICA), P.O. Box 4830, Managua, Nicaragua. ^'Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), P.O. Box A-90, Managua, Nicaragua. ABSTRACT Information on the range extensions of thirteen species of marine mollusks of the Panamic Province is offered: three Bivalvia and ten Gastropoda. The data are based on findings recorded by the authors from the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. INTRODUCTION The Pacific coast of Nicaragua has been little explored by malacologists , and the historical accounts of mollusk collecting have been few and far between. However those that have been carried out have resulted in several dozen descriptions of new taxa while type localities such as El Realejo, Corinto, and San Juan del Sur have become notable in Panamic malacology. The most important collections made on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua have been those of H. Cuming towards the end of the 1820s, of A.S. Oersted in 1846 (Morch, 1859) H.N. Lowe in 1931 (Lowe, 1932) and the Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society carried out in late 1937 (Beebe, 1938). The authors have collected extensively on the west coast of Nicaragua since 1977, and the data here presented are a small part of their research. The methods of collecting were by beachcombing, wading and shallow diving, and the specimens are held in the collection of the Central American University (UCA) of Managua, Nicaragua. The identification of the material presented in this paper was verified by Dr. J McLean of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Dr. E. Coan of the California Academy of Sciences and Dr. F.R. Bernard of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Voucher specimens analyzed were deposited in the Malacology Section, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. COLLECTION STATIONS The collecting stations cited in the text are listed below with locality (and the administrative division to which it belongs) and the geographical coordinates. Santa Julia, Chinandega Aposentillo, Chinandega Aserradores, Chinandega Poneloya, Leon Miramar, Leon Los Playones, Leon Masachapa, Managua La Boquita, Carazo Casares, Carazo Chococente, Carazo Popoyo, Rivas Majagual, Rivas Marsella, Rivas El Toro, Rivas San Juan del Sur, Rivas La Flor, Rivas 13°03 ' 00"N ; 87°34'00"W 12°37'52"N; 87°21'55"W 12°36'27"N; 87o20'23"W 12°22'50"N; 87°02'49"W 12°09'27"N; 86°45,49"W 12°07 ' 02"N ; 86°44'42"W 11°47 ' 13"N; 86°31 ' 01"W 11°40 ' 40"N ; 86°22 ' 30"W 11°39'04"N; 86°21 ’ 40"W 11°32 ’ 06"N ; 86°11,15"W 11°26'40"N; 86o05'00"W 11°17 ' 52"N ; 85°55 ’ 00"W 11°17 ' 06"N ; 85°54 ’ 14"W 11°16 ' 30"N ; 85°53'59"W 11°15 ' 34"N ; 85°52 ' 49"W 11°08,30"N; 85°47 ' 30"W Vol . XIX(5): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 44 ACCOUNT OF SPECIES BIVALVIA Pectinidae Pecten ( Flabellipecten) berryi Bernard, 1983 Collecting data: El Toro (new southern extension); one single valve, 70 mm Previous range: Off coast of Sonora, Mexico (Keen, 1971:85) Observations : This species is Pecten ( Flabellipecten) lunaris Berry, 1963, not Romer, 1839 (Bernard , 1983:68). Pecten (Oppenheimopecten) perulus Olsson, 1961 Collecting data: Santa Julia (new northern extension), Poneloya, Miramar and Casares; loose valves, to 32 mm Previous range: Guanico, Panama to Lobitos, Peru (Olsson, 1961:159). Petricolidae Petricola (Petricola) lucasana Hertlein and Strong, 1948 Collecting data: Masachapa (new southern extension); one valve, 21 mm Previous range: Gulf of California from Cabo San Lucas to Punta Penasco, Sonora, and southward to Oaxaca, Mexico (Keen, 1971:197), 16N-31N (Bernard, 1983). GASTROPODA Triviidae Trivia ( Dolichupis) acutidentata (Gaskoin, 1836) Collecting data: La Boquita (new northern extension), Casares and Chococente; fourteen specimens in drift, to 8 mm Previous range: Known only from Ecuador (Keen, 1971:486). Thaididae Cymia tecta (Wood, 1828) Collecting data: Aserradores (new northern extension), Los Playones, Masachapa, La Boquita and Chococente; many live specimens on rocks at low tide, to 60 mm Previous range: Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica (Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932:120) to Ecuador (Keen, 1971:552). Columbellidae Anachis (Anachis) lyrata (Sowerby, 1832) Collecting data: Aposentillo (new northern extension), Masachapa and Chococente; many empty shells in drift, to 16 mm Previous range: San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua to Montijo Bay, Panama (Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932:117) Observations : Originally described from the tropical eastern Pacific, specimens of this species from the Atlantic coast of Central and South America are in- distinguishable from the Pacific examples. The western Atlantic distribution ranges from Cuba and the coast of Central America to Santa Catarina, Brazil (Radwin, 1977:120). Mitrella lalage Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932 Collecting data: Aserradores, La Boquita, Chococente, El Toro and San Juan del Sur (new southern extension); many live specimens under rocks in tide pools, to 6 mm Previous range: Southern part of the Gulf of California (Sonora) to Oaxaca, Mexico (Keen, 1971:593) Observations: These shells have a white diffuse subsutural band. Page 45 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(5) : 1987 Nassarina (Zanassarina) whiter (Bartsch, 1928) Collecting data: Aposentillo (new northern extension), Los Playones, Masachapa, La Boquita, Chococente, Majagual, Marsella and El Toro; some twenty specimens in tide pools on rocks, 6 to 8.1 mm Previous range: Manabi (Shasky, 1984:29) to Guayaquil, Ecuador (Keen, 1971:596) Ruthia mazatlaniea Shasky, 1970 Collecting data: Masachapa and La Boquita (new southern extension) ; four specimens in tide pools, crabbed, to 12 mm Previous range: Mazatlah, Sinaloa and Los Angeles Bay, Jalisco, Mexico (Shasky, 1970:192) Stvombina (Strombina) sinuata (Sowerby, 1875) Collecting data: Aposentillo (new southern extension); single specimen in tide pool, crabbed, 16.4 mm Previous range; San Jose, Guatemala and El Salvador, probably Panama (Keen, 1971:601) Observations : Though crabbed and missing part of the lip close to the anterior canal, the shell surface is in good condition and bears white and light brown maculations. Nassariidae Nassarius exzlis (Powys, 1835) Collecting data: Aposentillo (new northern extension), Los Playones, Masachapa, and San Juan del Sur; fourteen empty shells in drift, to 12.8 mm Previous range: Montijo Bay, Panama (Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932:115) to Paita, Peru (Keen, 1971:606) Observations : The color of this shell is brown but we have found some gray specimens. Mitridae Subeanoilla gigantea (Reeve, 1844, ex Swainson MS) Collecting data: Aposentillo (new northern extension), Aserradores, La Boquita, Chococente, Popoyo and La Flor; fifteen empty shells, 43 to 68 mm Previous range: Panama to Ecuador (Keen, 1971:644). Cancellariidae Canaellavia (Narona) mitriformis Sowerby, 1832 Collecting data: Aserradores (new northern extension), Los Playones, Chococente, El Toro and La Flor, live and empty specimens, 10 to 32.3 mm Previous range: Panama to Peru (Keen, 1971:653) Observations : The usual color is purple brown, but two gray and one pink specimen were taken. LITERATURE CITED BEEBE, W. 1938. Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society XIV. Introduction, itinerary, list of stations, nets and dredges of the Eastern Pacific Zaca Expedition, 1937-1938. Zoologica 23 (3) : 287-298 . BERNARD, F.R. 1983. Catalogue of the living Bivalvia of the eastern Pacific Ocean: Bering Strait to Cape Horn. Spec. Publ. Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. 61, Ottawa. 102 pp. KEEN, A.M. 1971. Sea shells of tropical west America, 2nd ed. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford. 1094 pp. LOWE, H.N. 1932. Shell collecting in west Central America. Nautilus 45(3):73-82. MORCH, O.A.L. 1859. Beitrage zur Molluskenf auna Central-Amerika ' s . Malakozool. Blatter 6(4) :102-126. OLSSON, A. A. 1961. Mollusks of the tropical eastern Pacific. . .Panamic-Pacific Pelecypoda. Paleo. Res. Inst. Ithaca. 574 pp. PILSBRY, H.A. and H.N. LOWE. 1932. West Mexican and Central American mollusks collected by H.N. Lowe, 1929-31. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 84:33-144. RADWIN, G.E. 1977. The family Columbellidae in the western Atlantic. Pt. Ila. The Pyreninae. Veliger 20 (2) : 119-133 . SHASKY, D.R. 1970. New gastropod taxa from tropical western America. Veliger 13(2): 188-195. 1984. A preliminary checklist of marine mollusks from Manabi Province, Ecuador. Western Soc. Malac., Annual Report (1983) 16:25-32. ISSN: 0738-9388 yoi ftfoll' Volume: XIX THE FESTI VUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club - 1 y ]Qp < June 11, 1987 Ji Number: 6 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Carole M. Hertz Photographer David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00 Overseas (surface mail): $12.00 Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate University of Calif ornia3 Berkeley Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM DIVING THE NORTHERN COOK ISLANDS Philip Faulconer, underwater photographer and Club member, will give a slide presentation with accompanying music of the Cook Islands. Meeting date: 18 June CONTENTS Club news 47 Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific - part V SHASKY, DONALD R 48 Correction to "Thyca crystallina follow-up" 50 Recent contributions to malacology: reviews and comments on two new shell books CHANEY, HENRY W 51 Comparison of Naquetia annandalei (Preston, 1910) and Naquetia harclayi (Reeve, 1857) D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY and CAROLE M. HERTZ 56 Page 47 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 CLUB NEWS FROM THE; MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - MAY 21, 1987 The speaker for the evening was President Wes Farmer, who spoke on sea life in San Diego and Baja California. His slides of tide pools, fish, nudibranchs and Baja beach scenes as well as invertebrate models were enjoyed by the twenty members and guests attending. The Botanical Garden Foundation requests plant donations for their annual plant sale May 30 and 31. Wes Farmer will attend the next Foundation meeting as our representative. The liability insurance has quadrupled this year and there will be a one-time tenant assessment of $25, plus a yearly room rate of $50. Outstanding bills from the Club auction should be paid to the San Diego Shell Club and given to treasurer Margaret Mulliner or sent to the Club address. The door prize shell drawing was won by Larry Buck. It is requested that each member bring a shell next month for the evening's display. Please bring something unusual or one that you want identified. Ginny Herrmann, Acting Secretary RECORDING SECRETARY NEEDED If you are willing to serve as recording secretary for the remainder of 1987, will you please contact President Wes Farmer ( 448-8697). WSM WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION - JUNE 21, 1987 The Club is hosting a reception for the 20th annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists from 4-6 P.M. on Sunday June 21st at the A.C.E. (Activity Center East) adjacent to Tenochca Residence Hall on the campus of San Diego State University. All Club members are invited to attend and meet and welcome members of the WSM. Parking in the high rise across from Tenochca Hall will be available to Club members at no cost during the reception. For further information (and map) contact Carole Hertz (277-6259). NOTICE OF NEW PUBLICATION American Malacologists, Inc. announces AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF THE RECENT MARINE GASTROPODA FROM PUERTO RICO by Dr. Edgardo Ortiz-Corps. Price $9.00. This 220 page report was issued in April 1985 as the Sexto Simposio de la Fauna de Puerto Rico y el Caribe. This "thoroughly documented faunal checklist of the Caribbean [in English] ...reports the presence in Puerto Rico of 743 marine gastropods.... This in contrast to the 437 species reported by Warmke and Abbott 25 years ago... . The work includes synonyms, all known references in the literature... biology and recent nomenclatural changes..." Further information and order blank will be available at the June meeting. Also announced from American Malacologists. the REGISTER OF AMERICAN MALACOLOGISTS, 1986-87. Price $14.00 until Sept. 1, 1987 (regularly $21.00). Page 49 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 1 Vmikoro aouta (Recluz, 1844) Vanikoro aouta was de- scribed as Narioa aouta from specimens taken by Hugh Cuming. Dr. Alison Kay (1979) cites records of this species from Hawaii, the Tuamotus, Lord Hood Island and the Moluccas. I have dredged numerous dead specimens (Figure 3) at Cocos Island, Costa Rica in depths of 100-300 meters. I have taken none alive. Amphithalamus inolusis Carpenter, 1864 Fig. 3. Vanikoro aouta Amphithalamus inolusis was described from southern Cali- fornia. Subsequently A. stephensae Bartsch, 1927, was described from Magdalena Bay, Baja California, Mexico and A. trosti Strong and Hertlein, 1939, from Panama. Dr. Winston Ponder (1983) in his review of the genera of Barleeidae, states that the "American species of Amphithalamus prob- ably fall into a single com- plex, being very similar and clearly closely related." I have found A. trosti to be abundant throughout the Panamic province, sometimes finding a thousand specimens on a single dive. I have usually found it in the siftings of algae covered rocks or coral shaken into a collecting pail or bag. I have taken it from the intertidal zone to depths of 33 meters. In early October 1985, while snorkeling on the north side of Sand Island, Midway Islands, I found two specimens of A. inolusis (Figure 4) in siftings from dead coral. This is the first record of this taxon in the Indo-Pacif ic. Ac kno wl e d gmen t s My appreciation to David K. Mulliner who made the black and white prints from the original slides taken by Bert Draper. Literature Cited Fig. 4. Amphithalamus inolusis BARTSCH, PAUL. 1927. New West American marine mollusks. Proc. USNM 70(2660) Art. 11:1-36, pis. 1-6 (Apr. 8) CARPENTER, PHILIP P. 1864. Supplementary report on the state of our knowledge with regard to the Vol-. XIX(6) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 48 UPDATE ON MOLLUSKS WITH INDO-PACIFIC FAUNAL AFFINITIES IN THE TROPICAL EASTERN PACIFIC - PART V BY DONALD R. SHASKY 834 W. Highland Avenue, Redlands, California 92373 Three additional species are now added to the list of Indo-Pacific mollusks found in the tropical eastern Pacific and a southern California species is recorded for the first time in the Indo-Pacific. Streptopinna saocata (Linnaeus, 1758) Rosewater (1961) in his monograph of the Indo- Pacific Pinnidae gives the distribution of Streptopinna saocata as from East Africa to eastern Polynesia. He states that its habitat is under and between rocks in tidepools and in cavities of coral and that it may assume an almost unbelievable degree of contortion. While diving in 27 meters at Roca Sucia, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, on April 23, 1986, I found a recently dead specimen (Figure 1) wedged between coral slabs. This specimen, 191x78x1 mm, is mini- mally contorted and closely resembles the specimen figured by Dr. Rosewater (pi. 171, figs. 1-2) from Keokea, Hilo, Hawaii. Herviera gliriella (Melvill and Standen, 1896) Originally described as Pyrgulina gliriella from specimens collected at Lifu (now Lifou) Island, Loyalty Islands, the authors in 1899 proposed the genus Herviera with Pyrgulina gliriella as the type. In this paper they mentioned that the species was also taken at Uvea Island, Loyalty Islands and from New Caledonia. Dr. Alison Kay (1979) notes Herviera gliriella Fig. 1. Streptopinna saocata from the Line and Hawaiian Islands and I have collected the species at Sand Island in the Midway IslandSi A figure of an unidentified Turljonilla from the Cocos-Keeling Islands in a paper by Dr. Virginia Orr Maes (1967, pi. 19, fig. 3) also appears to be H. gliriella . While SCUBA diving I have collected H. gliriella at the following Panamic localities: 1) 8-15 meters, Coastecomate , Jalisco, Mexico, October 1968 2) 13 meters off the S.W. tip of Isla Partida, Gulf of California, Mexico, August 1975 3) 12-17 meters on Ostrea fisheri Dali, 1914, at Isla Ballena, Gulf of California, Mexico, October 1982 4) 12-37 meters from three sites at Cocos Island, Costa Rica, 1983-85 (Figure 2). Fig. 2. Herviera gliriella Vol . XIX(6) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 50 Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Rept . Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1863:517-686 (August) KAY, E. ALISON 1979. Hawaiian marine shells. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Spec. Pub. 6(4):i-xviii + 1-654,, 195 figs.. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. LINNAEUS, CARL 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. 10th ed. Vol. 1, Regnum animale, 824 pp. Stockholm. (Jan. 1) MAES, VIRGINIA ORR 1967. The littoral marine mollusks of Cocos-Keeling Islands (Indian Ocean). Proc. ANSP 119:4 MELVILL, JAMES C. AND ROBERT STANDEN 1896. Notes on a collection of shells from Lifu and Ovea, Loyalty Islands, formed by the Rev. James and Mrs. Hadfield, with list of species. Part II. J. Conch. 8:273-320, pis. 9-11 1899. Eerviera} a new genus of Pyramidellidae. ibid. 9:185-186 PONDER, WINSTON F. 1983. Review of the genera of the Barleeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissoacea) . / Rec. Aust. Mus. 35 (6) : 231-281 , figs. 1-27 RECLUZ, C . A. 1844. Rev. Zool. (Soc. Cuv.) 7:47 (Feb.) ROSEWATER, JOSEPH 1961. The family Pinnidae in the Indo-Pacif ic . Indo-Pacific Mollusca: 1(4): 175-226, 37 pis. STRONG, A.M. AND LEO G. HERTLEIN 1939. Marine mollusks from Panama collected by the Allan Hancock Expedition to the Galapagos Islands, 1931-32. Allan Hancock Foundation Publ. of Univ. S. Calif., Los Angeles 2 (12) : 177-245 , pis. 18-23 (August 21) CORRECTION TO "THYCA CRYSTALLINA FOLLOW-UP" CORRECTION: In the article THYCA CRYSTALLINA FOLLOW-UP by Twila Bratcher (May 1987) [Festivus XIX(5) :40-41, 3 figs.], part of the beginning section was omitted. This beginning section is reprinted correctly below. "While doing research on Thyca crystallina (Gould, 1846) for an article in The Festivus (September 1984), I discovered the fascinating fact that the male of the species is almost microscopic and lives on the foot of the female, under the shell. I remembered this recently when I picked up the vial which had held the Thyca. [The alcohol had long since evaporated and nothing was left in the vial except a small hard brown piece of material a few millimeters in diameter, obviously the dried remains of the body of the Thyca^ Before tossing it away, I decided to place it under the microscope. There it was, the tiny shell of the male Thyca still in place on the dried body of the female (Figure 1)," The editor regrets this error and the omission of credit to Bert Draper for the fine photography of the specimens of Thyca cry stallina . Mrs. Bratcher had written in her original letter, "I felt that even with my macro lens and extension tubes, I would not be able to come up with the pictures of the 2.4 mm shell, so I didn’t even try." Page 51 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO MALACOLOGY REVIEWS AND COMMENTS ON TWO NEW SHELL BOOKS BY HENRY W. CHANEY Research Associate, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, California 93105 Recently, two works have been published which are directed to both professional and amateur malacologists . Each are comprehensive treatments of prominent gastropod groups, the olive shells (genus Oliva) and the Terebridae. While they have been anticipated by interested students for some time, these books also represent a con- siderable investment to an individual collector, and so it is important to know if these works are a worthwhile addition to your library. As a guide to those who have not yet acquired these texts, the following is a detailed discussion of the qualities of each work. These are two separate reviews, but comparisons are inevitable. While these works review groups of approximately the same size, they differ appreciably from each other in quality and format. ATLAS OF LIVING OLIVE SHELLS OF THE WORLD By Edward J. Petuch and Dennis M. Sargent. 1986. Published by Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF) , P.0. Box 8068, Charlottesville, VA 22906-8068. 253 pages, color plates, black and white figures and maps. Price is $68.50 plus $2.50 postage. Technical Description The ATLAS consists of eight chapters of text, 39 color plates, plus glossary and bibliography. The book size is 5^ by 8 inches, or slightly larger than a field guide. The first five chapters briefly introduce the genus Oliva, discuss morpho- logical characters, evolutionary history, ecology, and the higher systematics of the family Olividae. The second chapter on morphology contains a key figure (B) with "outlines of the shapes of the various subgenera of the genus Oliva." During identification, the outline of the unknown specimen is to be matched against one of 19 shapes figured, before moving to the discussion of that particular subgenus. Chapter six discusses zoogeography presenting 32 maps of distributional ranges. The next chapter is a compendium of Oliva, including both a list of new taxa and one showing relative abundances of olive species, arranged by subgenera. Chapter eight is the large systematic discussion, arranged alphabetically. Species are figured both dorsally and ventrally in color plates placed at the rear of the text. Captions appear separately. In this review, the authors recognize 144 species, 32 subspecies, and many color forms. There are 300 taxa with associated names, although the authors state that named color forms are not taxonomically significant. As part of this total, the authors contribute ten new subgenera, 28 species and 18 subspecies. In contrast, Ziegler and Porreca (1969) recognized 57 species and 101 forms while Abbott and Wagner’s listing in THE STANDARD CATALOG, based on the Burch (1960) list, recognized 234 species. Discussion Although both conspicuous and attractive, the olives of the world (in this case, Oliva) are often represented in general surveys or regional texts by a few plates and descriptions of the best known species and color forms. Except for Zeigler and Porreca 's OLIVE SHELLS OF THE WORLD (1969) most comprehensive surveys date from the Page 52 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 nineteenth century, like the stupendously illustrated works by Duclos from the 1840s. As the first significant treatment of this genus in almost 20 years, I approached this work with considerable anticipation, cognizant of the wealth of new material now available from throughout the world. However, even as I began to use this work I became very disappointed and frustrated with its inadequacies. It is not my in- tention to minimize the valuable information here, or to frivolously dismiss the amount of work which has been devoted to this complex and problematic group. Instead I contend that the valuable parts of this ATLAS have been obscured, in some cases eclipsed, by a combination of poor implementation and a lousy format, flaws which were needlessly created. I reviewed this work evaluating its efficiency as an "atlas.” I used a few hundred lots of olives, about 90% self-collected from a variety of localities, reexamining and reconciling each lot with the text. Depending on how one judges the systematics herein, this test collection contained about 70% of the nominal extant taxa. The results of this exercise are organized as responses to the following five basic questions. 1. What type of book is this? This work is clearly not a monograph of the genus (and is not labeled as such) , in spite of numerous taxa being described on three different taxonomic levels. Except for forms new to science, primary type material of known forms is not figured or adequately discussed. Apart from the study collections at the Smithsonian and Delaware, it would appear that the authors never consulted other museum collections but relied only on private holdings. The text is poorly sourced being supported by only a two page bibliography, which lists 43 citations. There is no discussion or illustration of the living animal, its anatomy, or radular characters. A very brief physiological description is included in a two page chapter on ecology. There is no indication, even in the acknowledgments, that this work was critically reviewed by any other workers or authorities. The text contains spelling and grammatical errors, the index is missing entries and some pages have a sloppy format. This book needed an editor. Consequently, this work is of limited use to professionals needing source infor- mation, apart from the new taxa, and may be a real problem for a curator. One must judge it as an identification manual for the individual shell collector. 2. Is the ATLAS adequately organized as an identification manual? The physical organization of this book, the placement of species descriptions in relation to illustrations, maps and other information, is the worst of any malaco- logical text of modern times. It is a major failure, a "four finger" book requiring digits to be placed in the index, the illustrations, their captions and the species descriptions. The reader then must flip back and forth. More fingers are required to consult maps and their captions since these sit elsewhere. While many books segregate illustrations from the text, the plates are accompanied by, not isolated from, captions as is the case here. The decision to arrange the text, figures and captions in this manner is unfathomable and absolutely inexcusable. Added difficulty occurs when trying to examine similar forms of a species complex. Since the taxa are arranged alphabetically, first by subgenus and then internally by species, similar species are mixed in with other forms, appearing on different pages and plates. The authors should have rearranged their material to better facilitate comparative identification, which, after all, is the primary purpose of the text. 3. How adequate are the species descriptions, illustrations and maps? Looking past the abysmal organization of the book as a whole, the inconsistencies in the systematic presentation can be criticized. The authors use 19 subgenera, 10 of which are new, to arrange the Oliva. Inexplicably, only the new subgenera are accompanied by descriptions, the other nine are not. Thus the reader must already be sufficiently familiar with each of the older subgenera to distinguish their Page 53 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 morphological features from those of the "new" groups. The chapter on shell morphology helps in general terms by using 19 drawn outlines, but this remains inadequate without a written comparative analysis. The authors would have greatly improved their presentation by using a subgeneric key. At the specific level, most descriptions are accompanied by a brief discussion, covering geographic details and a size range. Comparative comments about other similar taxa are intermittently provided. The illustrations, the responsibility of the junior author, are only successful with the larger specimens. The color register appears poor and the contrast muted on some plates, making it difficult to spot some details. The reproduction is particularly weak with some of the light-colored specimens. It would have been interesting to see the original plates to note if quality was lost during publication Distributional maps, presented in the zoogeographical chapter, show ranges of all nominal taxa but not all the subspecies proposed. As with the color plates, map captions do not accompany their subjects. 4. What about the quality of the actual systematics? How an author taxonomically organizes a group under study is the crux of any systematic review. The choices made either in applying names or erecting new taxa are also the aspects most susceptible to subjective reactions of the reader. From a historical perspective, probably no group of gastropods, excepting the cones, has been as over identified as the olives. In reviewing the systematic history of the genus, summarized in Ziegler and Porreca but not mentioned in the present work, the actual number of recognized valid taxa has fluctuated widely since the eighteenth century. Lamarck (1811) recognized 62 species, six years later Dillwyn reduced this to 18; later. Reeve (1850) figured 100 species while Marrat (1870-71) figured 220. By 1883, Tryon had reduced this number back to 55, and so on. Obviously this taxonomic instability is nothing new in Oliva , thanks to the extreme variability inherent in the group. However the reader should be aware of this his- torical experience and use that perspective when judging the systematics in the present work, since it is based on the same morphological criteria as earlier studies ten new subgenera notwithstanding. With 18 new subspecies, the present ATLAS is easily the best example of trinomialism since Dautzenberg ' s work (1927). While the use of a subspecific level is perfectly acceptable, the authors do not follow a consistent definition of what separates a subspecies from a nominate taxon. Do we assume that a subspecies exists when a disjunct distribution is an isolating mechanism (a classical definition when applied properly), or when the specimen differs in some physical characteristic like size or color? What then is a form? At this level the authors' work appears to suffer from a lack of information readily available from public collections. Examples can be cited from both pre- viously described taxa and the authors' contributions. It is reported that Oliva aarneola kwaj eleinensis de Motta, 1985 differs from carneola by having two raised bands (physical difference?). It is implied here that this subspecies is a Marshallese form with an attenuated range (geographic difference?), although the text gives one range while the map gives another. Given the extreme variability of this very common species, it is highly unlikely that a subspecific level is legitimate, especially since the form is known from other localities. If in the small holdings of the Santa Barbara Museum there are examples of kwaj eleinensis from the Philippines, Saipan and Fiji imagine the results from consulting a large Indo-Pacific study collection. Other examples of weak arguments are those for the proposed subspecies of Oliva buloui found in the Solomon Islands. Here the forms, insoripta and stoneorum differ on the basis of color and physical dimension. They are described as endemic to the Solomons with type localities about 20 miles apart in the middle of a 1,100 mile archipelago. The number of specimens examined is not given. The authors state that both subspecies occur at the southern edge of the range for buloui s.s. and are Page 55 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6 ) 1987 Discussion My comments about the LIVING TEREBRA are considerably shorter than those on the ATLAS OF LIVING OLIVES. The superior nature of this work does not need excess verbiage to shape a recommendation. Whereas the value of the ATLAS is obscured by a myriad of deficienceis (and is a collection manager’s nightmare), this monograph is the epitome of malacological scholarship and can be enjoyed by both the dedicated amateur and the professional. The development of this text and its "imminent" arrival had been known by many for some time. Personally, I stopped cataloging Tevebva three years ago in antici- pation of this work. When it finally arrived last winter I greedily consumed it, applying it against every specimen in the house (even ones uncleaned). Unlike my recent experience with olives, there were no disappointments here; now several similar appearing taxa can be easily separated, thanks to detailed descriptions and figures. This work is very definitely a monographic treatment of the Terebridae. The authors have devoted many years to the effort and have noted in their introduction that all original descriptions since Linnaeus have been evaluated. They have traveled to the museums around the world, 24 institutions are cited, to examine and figure the available types. They have also personally collected taxa in all the major faunal provinces, using a full spectrum of collecting methods. Each species description is comprehensively sourced and supported by a detailed bibliography. Also, unlike the ATLAS OF LIVING OLIVES, the reader is not exposed to a flood of new terebrid taxa. All species discussed in the present work have been previously described in recognized, and accessible, journals. Functionally the text is arranged to easily access both the written descriptions and their figures. The plates are staggered to allow the text and figures to follow as closely as possible and usually the species description faces the proper illustration. A great asset of the monograph is the use of detailed figures to highlight diagnostic shell characteristics with either a middle whorl or aperture view shown in close-up, along with a general ventral aspect. The high quality color plates are also a great contribution to the work. As with any large group of mollusks the Tevebva have some species complexes which are particularly confusing. In most cases these "trouble" spots are handled very well by the text and detailed figures. In a few instances the reader may re- main confused when the authors have not comprehensively compared taxa [i.e. species "A" is different from "B," "B" differs from "C," but how does "A" differ from "C"?], or have made an indistinct qualitative statement ["A" is "larger" than "B"] . This latter descriptive approach succeeds when a large sample is available, but not when the reader has a few sub-adult specimens. The species complexes around Tevebva tvisevi-ata and undulata can be cited as examples. The use of small scale dichotomous keys for these complexes would be a possible solution here, a device which Cernohorsky has used in past studies. Once again the refrain: should you buy this book? This work is an invaluable reference guide to the Tevebva and should be in every malacological library. Its superb execution as a study of this family could prove a stimulus to increased interest in the Tevebva by collectors. As the successful product of years of dedication and study, this work can justifiably be a source of great pride to its authors. An unqualified recommendation. Vol . XIX(6) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 54 found in "deeper water." Is this an isolating factor? The fact that they can be found throughout the Solomons on dark silt substrates along with the nominate form, is information readily available from local collectors in the region but apparently not to the authors. Again, a more complete record, and better research of sources would have greatly improved the strength of the authors' systematic arguments. A final example, replete with hazards symptomatic of the whole work, has regional appeal to Panamic collectors. Discussion of the Oliva spioata complex is incor- porated into a six page essay describing the evolutionary history of the subgenus Strephona. There are no references here, implying that this is original research. Shell structure, coloration and geography are used to define the spioata complex as seven species, five subspecies and several named color forms. Do not expect many synonyms in this construct. Any coherence in this scheme is obliterated by the alphabetical positioning of these taxa in with other species of Strephona from other regions across 30 pages of text and five plates. It is a real mess to sort out and defeats the value of having an introductory essay in the first place. Finally an extraneous note: I report, with incredulity, that the authors have named four new species in honor of a single individual, Leonard C. Hill of Miami ( hitti3 leonardi3 leonardhilli3 and tenhitli) . This must rank as a record of sorts, certainly within a single genus. Given this richness of "immortality," I hope that at least one of these taxa might stand the test of time. 5. Should you buy this book? Although this volume is an example of great potential squandered by an inexusably poor format and plenty of incomplete scholarship, there is a wealth of information present. For people who maintain a comprehensive malacological library, this work must be automatically included. For serious olive collectors this book is required, for being the most recent source and for the introduction of the taxa. It will be repeatedly cited and used, is spite of itself. For general collectors who only have a passing interest in olives I suggest the general texts already available, thereby avoiding an additional expenditure and needless aggravation. LIVING TEREBRAS OF THE WORLD A MONOGRAPH OF THE RECENT TEREBRIDAE OF THE WORLD By Twila Bratcher and Walter 0. Cernohorsky. 1987. Published by American Malacologists , P.0. Box 1192, Burlington, MA 01803. 240 pages, color, black and white figures. Price is $54.95 postpaid. Technical Description This work can be divided into a preliminary explanatory section which has a review of Terebra biology, morphology, ecology, fossil taxa, methods of collecting and cleaning; and the systematics section, in which the species of four genera: Terebra3 Eastula3 Uuplioaria3 and Terenella are described. Concluding sections con- tain a detailed glossary (defining terminology used in the text), a comprehensive bibliography and an index arranged as an alphabetical list of taxa referenced to species numbers in the text. Synonyms and nomen dubium are also cross-referenced. This book is a full-sized 8% by 11 inches. There are a variety of figures. The first section has 36 line drawings, black and white photographs or scanning electron micrographs illustrating morphological terminology, protoconchs and radulae. There are six color plates which include a living specimen and about 100 taxa. Figures in the systematics section characterize each of 268 taxa described in the text, mostly by multiple views of primary type material showing detailed aspects. Illustrations usually face the printed description Each of the 268 systematic accounts contains a detailed morphological description, a type locality, species distribution, the status and disposition of the type, and a discussion section including comparative observations using similar taxa. Species with similar characteristics and distributions are grouped together to aid comparisons Vol. XIX(6) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 56 COMPARISON OF NAQUETIA ANNANDALEI (PRESTON, 1910) AND NAQUETIA BARCLAY I (REEVE, 1857) BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO and CAROLE M. HERTZ Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 ABSTRACT The shell morphology of Naquetia annandalei (Preston, 1910) and N. bavclayi (Reeve, 1857) are compared. The holotype of N. annandalei and the lectotype of N. bavclayi (selected herein) are illustrated. A synonymy for each species based on previous illustrations is given. For a number of years there has been considerable discussion and confusion con- cerning the two Naquetia species annandalei and bavclayi. More recently greater numbers of N. annandalei have been collected in 75 to 100 meters in the Philippine Islands and a more comprehensive look at this species and its morphology is possible as well as a comparison with N. bavclayi. Naquetia annandalei (Preston, 1910) Ptevonotus annandalei Preston, 1910, Rec. Indian Mus. 5 : 118-119 , fig. 3 1864. [in 1858-1870]. Muvex tvigonulus Lamarck var.?. Dunker, Novitates Conch. 2:65-66, pi. 22, figs. 3,4 1966. Naquetia bavclayi (Reeve). D'Attilio, Hawaiian Shell News 14(7) :5, figs. 1,2 1968. Ptevynotus (Naquetia) annandalei (Preston). E.H. Vokes, J. Conch. 26:304, pi. 13, figs. 1,2 1973. Muvex (Lativus) bavclayi (Reeve). Leehman, Hawaiian Shell News 21(1) :8, 1 fig. 1976. Naquetia bavclayi (Reeve). Radwin & D’Attilio, Murex Shells of the World, p. 80, pi. 15, fig. 8 1982. Naquetia annandalei (Preston). Abbott & Dance, Compendium of Seashells (f rontis . ) 1985. Chicoveus (Naquetia) bavclayi (Reeve). Houart, Xenophora 29:8-9, figs. 1, la, 2,3 Naquetia annandalei described from the type locality "off Gopalpore" in the Bay of Bengal is fairly common in the Philippine Islands and occasionally in southeastern Japan. It is obtained in approximately 75 to 100 meters in tangle nets in the Philippines . The species was well figured and described by Preston (1910), who noted "its graceful form combined with the curiously nodulose sculpture." Photographs of the holotype, courtesy of the Zoological Survey of India, are shown here in Figures 1 and 2. The protoconch of a juvenile specimen (19.9 mm L) in the San Diego Natural History Museum collection (SDNHM 92119) (Figure 3) has 3^ rounded whorls. Mature specimens of N. annandalei have approximately eight moderately convex postnuclear whorls, usually with three weak to strong costae on the body whorl and a double row of nodes on the shoulder; strongly rioded specimens giving the appearance of having more costae. The shell of N. annandalei has a long body whorl relative Page 57 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 to the spire, retaining its delicate appearance even at 100 mm length. It has a long, recurved canal and a medium- large ovate aperture. All varices have a fluted flange most prominent at the base of the body whorl and canal (Figures 4 and 5). The body whorl is encircled by extremely fine, delicately nodose spiral cords, the stronger cords sometimes forming heavier knobs where they cross the costae, and others having only the double row of nodes at the shoulder. The entire shell is trans- versely, microscopically sculptured (Figure 6) , giving the shell a sandpaper- like texture referred to by Preston as "almost scabrous." Figure 3. N. annandalei. Camera lucida drawing of the protoconch of a 19.9 mm L specimen (SDNHM 92119) showing 3h rounded whorls. Locality: Philippines Donor: Loyal J. Bibbey Figures 1 and 2. Naquetia annandalei (Preston, 1910). Holotype (ZSIReg'd. nom. 4708/1, 76.5mm L (per Preston) Type locality: "Off Gopalpore," Bay of Bengal Photos courtesy of Dr. N.V. Subba Rao Figures 4 and 5. N. annandalei 3 96.7 x 44.8 mm Glass and Foster collection 84-237. Collected by Philippine fishermen and sold in the markets at Cebu, Philippine Islands. Page 59 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(6) 1987 Figures 7 and 8. Naquetia bare lay i (Reeve, 1857), lectotype [B.M.(N.H.) reg. no. 196277], 83.1 x - 51 ram. Type locality: St. Brandon Shoal, off Mauritius (7) apertural view (8) dorsal view. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum (N.H. ) with a robust and globose form. Of the specimens of N. annandalei examined from 19.9 to 104.9 mm L, all retained a slender delicate appearance as in Figures 4 and 5. However the coloring of both species is similar, and examination of the micro- sculpture of the type of N. barolayi (Figure 9) shows considerable similarity to that of N. annandalei (Figure 6). Camera lucida drawings of the anal sulci of N. barolayi and N. annandalei (Figures 10 and 11) are included to show their similarity. The sulcus in each is deeply notched and bracketed by a single large node on the columellar side and a paired node on the apertural side. Concluding Remarks Although we have studied many specimens of N. annandalei j we have not seen any with the broad globose body whorl and heavy appearance of the lectotype of N. barolayi^ and we therefore continue to consider them as separate taxa. Future collecting may very well reveal intergrading populations. Figure 9. N. barolayi. Camera lucida drawing of detail of sculpture at apertural edge of body whorl of lectotype. Vol . XIX(6) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 58 Figure 6- Naquetia annandalei 3 camera lucida drawing of detail of spiral sculpture on body whorl of specimen shown in Figures 4 and 5 . Naquetia barclayi (Reeve, 1857) Murex barclayi Reeve. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 207, t>l. 38, figs. 2a, 2b 1969. Murex barclayi Reeve. Dance, Rare Shells, p. 74, pi. 9, figa. a 1973. Murex barclayi Reeve. Harasewych, Hawaiian Shell News 21(4) :4, figs. 1,2 1976. Naquetia barclayi (Reeve). Fair, The Murex Book, p. 24, pi. 14, fig. 172 1982. Naquetia barclayi (Reeve). Abbott & Dance, Compendium of Seashells, p. 133 (left bottom) 1985. Chicoreus (Naquetia) barclayi (Reeve). Houart, Xenophora 29:9, fig. 4 The original description copied from Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1857 follows: "5. Murex barclayi. Mur. testa trigono-ovata 3 canali breviuscula recurva; spira brevij acuminata ; anfractibus transversim tenuissime serrato-liratis et striatis 3 longitudinaliter trivaricosis3 varicibus basin versus conspicue fimbriato-laminatis3 interstitiis triseriatim tuberculatis et nodatis; rosaceo-alba3 purpurascente et ferrugineo -cameo tincta et maculata. Long. 3k poll., lat. 1-3/4 poll. Hab. St. Brandon Shoal, near Mauritius (thrown on shore after a hurricane) This very beautiful species is very closely allied to a shell in Mr. Cuming's collection, which has been attributed by Mr. Sowerby, in his 'Conchological Illustrations,' to M. trigonulus3 Lamarck. It is also as closely allied to a shell in the collection of the King of Denmark, which was figured for that species by myself in the 'Conchologia Iconica. ' From both, however, it is sufficiently distinct to establish its claim as a new species." The British Museum (Natural History) syntype [B.M.(N.H.) reg. no. 196277] of Murex barclayi (Figures 7 and 8), here designated lectotype, is the same colorful specimen figured by Reeve (1857:209, figs. 2a and 2b). A second syntype collected by Sir David Barclay at the same time (Dance, 1969) but not mentioned in Reeve (1857), was figured by Harasewych (1973). This specimen, housed in the Department of Zoology National Museum of Wales (Trew and Oliver [Rec'd, 1981]) [N.M.W. 155.158.15] is the poorer of the two and is here designated a paralectotype . No further specimens of Naquetia barclayi have been reported from the type locality and none have been collected elsewhere. Discussion Naquetia annandalei has often been synonymized with N. barclayi (Reeve, 1857). To better understand the relationship between N. annandalei and N. barclayi we borrowed the lectotype of N. barclayi from the British Museum (N.H.) reg. no. 196277 (Figures :7 and 8). It differs from N. annandalei in its more prominent sculpture Vol . XIX(6) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 60 T Figures 10 and 11. Detail drawings of anal sulci in N. barolayi and N. annandalei (10) N. barolayi3 lectotype (11) N. annandalei- > specimen shown in Figures 4 and 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. N.V. Subba Rao of the Zoological Survey of India kindly provided the photographs of the type of Naquetia annandalei . The trustees of the British Museum (N.H.) and Ms. Kathie Way generously made the lectotype of Naquetia barolayi available to us for study and photography. Study specimens of N. annandalei were made available to us by the following friends: Mr. Charles Glass and Mr. Robert Foster of Santa Barbara, California; Mr. Donald Pisor of San Diego, California; and Mr. Loyal J. Bibbey of Imperial Beach, California . Mr. David K. Mulliner photographed the lectotype of N. barolayi and a specimen of N. annandalei. Mrs. Theo Fusby typed the preliminary and final drafts of the manuscript . . . . FHft Moll- ISSN: 0738-9388 Ithe festivus ' y A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Volume: XIX July 9, 1987 Number: 7 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Carole M. Hertz Photographer David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00 Overseas (surface mail): $12.00 Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 'Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate University of Calif ornia3 Berkeley Emily Vokes Tulane University Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Roo.m 10'4 , Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park \ The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM N HABITATS IN SAN FELIPE, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Joyce Gemmell, longtime Club member who lived in San Felipe for eleven years will give a slide presentation on the beach areas around San Felipe and the mollusks found there. She will also show some "This is how it used to be" slides of the San Felipe area. Meeting date: 16 July CONTENTS Club news 62 Morphology of the spine in two closely related Favartia species: Favartia (Murexiella) pelepili (D'Attilio & Bertsch, 1980) and F. (M .) judithae (D'Attilio & Bertsch, 1980) D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY 63 The genus Oreohelix (Pulmonata: Oreohelicidae) in two western canyons of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming BEETLE, DOROTHY E 66 A note from R. Tucker Abbott 72 Page 62 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(7) : 1987 CLUB NEWS FOR YOUR INFORMATION 1) The Club's annual Christmas party will be held on Saturday evening, December 5 at the Admiral Kidd Club. Mark your calendars. There will be further details later. 2) The Club's annual September party needs a garden! If you are willing to host this outdoor party, please contact either Wes Farmer (576-2143) or Bill Romer (278-2389). 3) The book The Living Cowries has not yet been returned to the Club library. Since no loan card was signed, please contact Margaret Mulliner (488-2701) if you have the book. NEW MEMBERS Chaney, Barbara, 1633 Posilipo Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108 Wu, Shi-Kuei, University of Colorado, Campus Box 315, Boulder, CO 80309 CHANGES OF ADDRESS Everson, Gene, 500 Nottingham Parkway, Louisville, KY 40222 Farmer, Wesley, 3591 Ruffin Road #226, San Diego, CA 92116, 576-2143 TOO LATE FOR THE ROSTER Squires, Richard L. , 26800 Espuma Drive, Saugus, CA 91350 FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - JUNE 18, 1987 Philip Faulconer gave an excellent presentation on diving the Northern Cook Islands. The slide presentation was accompanied by a soundtrack of music played by the islanders. We also learned of the Faulconer 's adventure with a not so gracious captain on their trip though the islands. After the break, the slides from the Club Christmas party and Auction were shown by Dave Mulliner followed by another short slide presentation by the Faulconers. The entire meeting was enjoyed by an unusually large audience. Once again outstanding bills from the Club auction should be given or sent to Margaret Mulliner. The Botanical Garden Foundation's annual plant sale was a success, thanks to all those who donated plants. The door prize was won by the Faulconers and the cookies were provided by the Mulliners. Ian Hamilton, Acting Recording Secretary BACK ISSUES OF THE FESTIVUS ARE AVAILABLE 1985-1987— $10.00 per year 1983-1984 — $8.00 per year 1971-1982— $6.00 per year (1971, 1972, 1977, 1978 have some issues xeroxed) 1978 includes George E. Radwin Memorial Issue, 15 pp., 20 figs., includes bibliography of work of G.E. Radwin includes A Catalogue of Coralliophilidae by A. D'Attilio, pp. 69-85 (xerox) 1980 includes Seastar Predation on Mollusks in the San Felipe Bay Area by Gemmell, Hertz & Myers, 32 pp., 51 figs. 1983 Supplement: Illustration of the types named by S.S. Berry in his "Leaflets in Malacology." by C.M. Hertz, 42 pp., 92 figs. $6.00 domestic, $6.50 overseas surface mail 1986 Supplement: A faunal study of the bivalves of San Felipe and Environs... by Gemmell, Myers & Hertz, 72 pp., 79 figs. + maps, $8.75 domestic, $9.25 overseas surface mail Vol . XIX(7) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 63 MORPHOLOGY OF THE SPINE IN TWO CLOSELY RELATED FAVARTIA SPECIES: FAVARTIA (MUREXIELLA) PELEPILI ( D ' ATT I L 1 0 & BERTSCH, 1980) AND F. (M.) JUDITHAE (D'ATTILIO & BERTSCH, 1980) BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 The proliferation of newly described species of iavavtia s.s. and its subgenus Muvexiella in recent years has made it necessary to study the shell characters re- vealed under high magnification as well as the gross morphology. The illustrations provided herein were made using a camera lucida attachment to a Wild microscope. The two species under consideration here were proposed as Ezvavtia pelepili and F. judithae both of D'Attilio and Bertsch, 1980. Ponder (1972) submerged the genus Muvexiella Clench & Perez Farfante, 1945 as a subgenus of Favavtia. I am following Ponder in placing these species in Favavtia subgenus Muvexiella . As stated in D'Attilio and Bertsch (1980), species that have long spines connected by varical webbing fall into Muvexiella and the spine formation of these two species is distinctive, permitting the use of this parameter for species identification. In F. (M .) judithae (Figure la-b) the inward side of the spines is folded but not closed and the edges of both sides of the spines are strongly and regularly undulate (Figure 2). There are 2 to 3 tiers of spines forming a flange on the varical swelling. The major spines are broad and intercalated with smaller versions of the same character. The uppermost tier of spines is strongly recurved. F. (M .) pelepili (Figure 3a-c) has a varical flange which differs from F. (M .) judithae in that the forward side of the spines may be open or closed but not undulate (Figure 4a-b) ; they are longer, more widely spaced and distally branching like antlers. The tiered effect of the flange is less prominent since the two lower tiers of spines are more poorly developed than in F. (M J judithae. In F. (M .) pelepili the shoulder spines may be very prominently elongated diagonally and posteriorly to the axis as seen in Figure 3c. Literature Cited D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY & HANS BERTSCH 1980. Four species of Ftevynotus and Favavtia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the Philippine Islands. Trans. S.D. Soc. Nat. Hist. 19 (12) : 169-179 . PONDER, WINSTON F. 1972 Notes on some Australian genera and species of the family Muricidae. Jour. Malac. Soc. Aust. 2 (3) : 215-248 . Page 64 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(7) : 1987 Figure 1. Fdvartia (Murexiella) judithae (D'Attilio & Bertsch, 1980) Holotype (SDNHM 88143 [T.S. 521]. Length: 25 mm. (a) dorsal view (b) apertural view. From D’Attilio & Bertsch (1980). Figure 2. F. (M .) judithae 3 detail of apertural varix of holotype showing the undulate nature of the spines. Vol . XIX(7 ) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 65 Figure 3. Favartia (Murexiella) pelep-ili (D'Attilio & Bertsch, 1980), (a & b) holotyp (SDNHM 91336 [T.S. 519]), dorsal and apertural views. Length: 31 mm (c) paratype (SDNHM 91337 [T.S. 520]), dorsal view. Length: 18 mm Figure 4. F. (M .) pelepiH 3 details of varical flange and spines of holotype. (a) long widely spaced spines of uppermost tier (b) lower tiers of spines (c) elongate spines, branched distally, diagonal and posterior to the axis Page 66 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(7) : 1987 THE GENUS OREOHELIX (PULMONATA: OREOHEL I C I DAE ) IN TWO WESTERN CANYONS OF THE BIG HORN MOUNTAINS, WYOMING BY DOROTHY E. BEETLE 2631 Shadow Court, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525 Oreohelix was collected by the author in July of 1956, 1957 and 1958 in Ten Sleep and Shell Canyons during a survey of mollusks inhabiting the Big Horn Mountains. These canyons and their tributaries were collected in earlier years by Don W. Walker and Junius Henderson. 0. pygmaea was described by H.A. Pilsbry from material collected by Walker in White Creek, a tributary of Shell Canyon. 0. pygmaea maoulata and 0. subrudis obseura were collected and described by Henderson from shells found in Shell and White Creek Canyons. 0. yavapai extremitatis was collected by both Walker and Henderson in several locations from Shell Canyon. In all, eight species and subspecies or forms have been described from or reported as inhabiting the canyons. A study of the banding patterns, coloration and height/diameter ratio of Oreohelix colonies collected in 1985 and previously, including material in the University of Colorado Museum at Boulder, suggested some of the names should be placed in synonymy. Description of the Study Area The Big Horn Mountains curve through north central Wyoming in a north to south direction, gradually decreasing in height at either end. The range averages 40 to 60 miles in width and rises to high peaks of which Cloud's Peak is the tallest at an elevation of 13,165 feet. The high country has extensive exposures of granitic rock where glaciation and erosion have removed the sedimentary overlay. For more than 200 miles both the eastern and western slopes of the Big Horns are faced by predominantly sedimentary escarpments that rise abruptly over 1,000 feet. The escarpments have been carved by creeks into a myriad of short steep canyons, particularly on the western side. Two major western canyons are Ten Sleep Canyon in Washakie County and Shell Canyon in Big Horn County. Ten Sleep Canyon rises from the Big Horn Basin five miles east of Ten Sleep. From the entrance of the canyon to its head, the elevation rises from 4,500 to 7,500 feet. Its steep slopes and vertical cliffs have been cut by Ten Sleep Creek, a narrow precipitous watercourse. U.S. Highway 16 winds up the canyon some 10 miles. Shell Canyon is approximately 40 miles north of Ten Sleep Canyon. Like Ten Sleep Canyon, it rises from the Big Horn Basin. Shell Creek drops through the canyon from a height of approximately 7,500 feet at its junction with Cabin Creek. Above this point Shell Creek, like Ten Sleep Creek, becomes a rather placid mountain stream draining small lakes and swampy areas in the high country. U.S. Highway 14 winds along the canyon wall. The two canyons are similar in topography, geological formation and plant associations. They receive little moisture in the form of rain or snow: Ten Sleep Canyon averages slightly over 8 inches a year and Shell Canyon 6.5 inches. Extremes of temperature occur: summer days can be hot, the nights cool and winters may be severe. Where it is possible for plants to gain a foothold along the narrow creek banks, there are sparse stands of narrow leaf cottonwood ( Populus angustifolia) and juniper (Juniperus virginiana scopularum) . Where the bottom widens, as at the junction of Leigh and Ten Sleep Canyons, river birch (Betula oooidentalis) , chokecherry (Prunus virginiana ), Rocky Mountain maple (Acer glabrum) , rose ( Rosa sp) and service berry ( Amelanchier alnifolia) appear. Vol . XIX(7) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 67 The steep slopes of the canyon have scattered mountain mahogany (Cerooearpus montanus) 3 squawbush ( thus trilobata) 3 big sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata) 3 as well as juniper, yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) and white pine (Pinus flexilis). The latter, with Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) 3 covers shaded and north facing slopes. An occasional spring or seep welling from the cliff base is surrounded by aspen (Populus tremuloides) . Aspen groves and moist meadows grow at the head of each canyon. Materials and Methods The last week of May 1985, Stephan L. Welty and I collected Oreohelix in Ten Sleep and Shell Canyons from their mouths at approximately 4,500 feet to the top of the escarpment at some 7,500 feet. Populations were sampled at creek side, on the steep slopes, at the base of cliffs and in aspen groves at the canyon heads. Oreohelix was found in isolated colonies wherever suitable habitat existed. Rock faces, talus slopes, single large boulders perched on the slopes, a large fallen cottonwood tree caught two feet above the ground, sparse leaf litter along the creek, groves surrounding springs, all provided suitable habitat. Mollusks associated with Oreohelix , vegetation, rock type, exposure and elevation were noted for each colony. The height and diameter of each shell was measured by vernier calipers and the height/ diameter (H/D) ratio and mean of the diameters per colony calculated. The banding pattern of 1,784 individuals from 54 colonies, including dead shells in the immediate vicinity of a colony, was recorded. The bands were numbered 1-8. Band 1, when present, is a wide light brown band immediately below the suture. Band 2 lies above the peri- phery and Band 3 at or just below the periphery. Bands 4-8 occur on the base of the shell and may be absent, faint, interrupted or fused. See Figure 1. A description of the species collected and relevant synonymy is provided. Details of banding pattern, measurement and habitat are given. Figure 1. Banding pattern in Oreohelix Descriptions of the Species Oreohelix pygmaea Pilsbry Oreohelix pygmaea Pilsbry, 1913:52, pi. 3, figs. 10-12 0. strigosa berryi Pilsbry, 1915:48 0. pygmaea maoulata Henderson, 1918:45-47 The shell of Oreohelix pygmaea is small, high spired, with convex whorls sculptured with irregular axial striae and some im- pressed spiral striae. Embryonic whorls are dark brown and finely striated. Shells of 4^-5% whorls had diameters of 8.4-15.0 mm and heights of 5.8-14.1 mm. Tbe umbilicus is deep and only 1/8-1/6 the shell diameter. Oveohelix strigosa berryi Pilsbry, 1915, represents the smallest shells of 0. pygmaea. Collections from Johnson County, Wyoming near the Tyrell Ranger Station and material in the U.C. Museum from Yellowstone National Park had diameters of 7. 6-9.5 mm and heights of 1913 (Figure 2) Figure 2. Oreohelix pygmaea Pilsbry, 1913 Page 68 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XIX(7 ) : 1987 4. 9-7. 4 mm. Other than size, the shells are as in the species. Oreohelix pygmaea maculata Henderson, 1918, is merely a dark phase of 0. pygmaea. Oreohelix subrudis (Pfeiffer in Reeve, 1854) (Figure 3) Helix subrudis Pfeiffer in Reeve, 1854: pi. 198, figs. 1390a, b Oreohelix subrudis obscura Henderson, 1918:46 Oreohelix subrudis is a high spired shell with moderately con- vex rather roughly striate whorls; embryonic whorls dark brown. Ground color of the shell is whitish, usually with two brown bands. Umbilicus is nearly 1/3 the shell diameter. Diameter of shells with 4^-5^ whorls was 13.0-21.7 mm; heights were 8.2- 16 . 8 mm. Oreohelix subrudis obscura Henderson, 1918, is a dark phase of the species. Figure 3. Oreohelix subrudis (Pfeiffer in Reeve, 1854) Oreohelix yavapai extremitatis Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1911 (Figure 4) Oreohelix yavapai extremitatis Pilsbry & 0. yavapai magnicomu Pilsbry, 1916:141 Ferriss, 1911:184, pi. 12, figs. 15-21 0. carinifera Beetle, 1961:96; non 0. Oreohelix yavapai extremitatis is a low spired shell with at least the first half of the body whorl acutely carinate. Embryonic whorls are a light tan flesh color; subsequent whorls have a pale tan luster. Diameters of shells with 4^-5^ whorls were 12.7-20.8 mm and heights were 5.1-12.0 mm. The umbilicus is wide, 1/4-1/ 3 the shell diameter . Shells with the greatest dia- meter generally have the last half of the body whorl rounded to the aperture. Those attributed to 0. yavapai magnicomu Pilsbry, 1916, are represented by these large robust shells with convex whorls. 0. carinifera Beetle, 1961 is a misidentif ication based on strongly carinate shells. carinifera Pilsbry, 1912:89 Figure 4. Oreohelix yavapai extremitatis Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1911 Results 1. Banding. Table 1 summarizes the banding pattern of the three species. One or two narrow brown bands on the upper surface of the shell is a prevalent pattern. The Vol . XIX(7 ) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 69 base often lacks bands but may display multiple fine lines or a single wide band. Of the 784 shells of Oveohelix pygmaea examined, the embryonic whorls were dark brown, except for 29 unbanded ones; 28 of these were opaque white and one entirely a pale yellow. Most shells have bands 1-3. In the dark brown phase, the base is frequently a solid chocolate brown below band 3 to the umbilicus. The embryonic whorls of 526 Oveohelix subvudis were brown except for 20 unbanded ones that were all white. Bands 2 and 3 are usually the darkest. Bands 4-8 are fine basal lines present in some specimens. No shells had the chocolate brown base seen in 0. pygmaea. Of 19 colonies, 5 were exclusively dark brown shells; 5 a mix of all brown or white shells with varied banding patterns and 9 with only the whitish ground and various combinations of bands. Shells of Oveohelix yavapai extvemitatis are distinctive with embryonic whorls a tan flesh color and subsequent whorls with a pale tan luster. The banding pattern is quite uniform. Of 424 shells, only one had bands on the base. Band 3 is always the darkest when present. The shells are not invariably 2-banded. Fifty-nine shells, of a yellowish ground color, lacked bands entirely. Four colonies had some shells with flammulate streaking in addition to bands. Table 1 shows that 37.37% of the shells of Oveohelix pygmaea with bands on the upper surface lacked basal bands and a nearly equal number, 36.48%, had basal bands. Of 0. subvudis 3 42.21% with bands on the upper surface lacked basal bands and 26.61% had bands. Except for one shell, all 0. yavapai extvemitatis lacked basal bands. 0. pygmaea had a smaller percentage (8.5%) of all brown shells than 0. subvudis (27.0%). 2. Height and Diameter Comparisons. Shells from 54 colonies of Oveohelix were examined. From this the height/diameter (H/D) ratio and mean diameter per colony were calculated. See Table 2. In a few colonies the largest shells of Oveohelix pygmaea overlapped the diameter of small specimens of 0. subvudis3 but the former could be separated by the greater convexity of the whorls, the impressed spiral striae and small umbilicus. 0. subvudis and 0. yavapai extvemitatis share nearly the same range of diameters, but the low spire, carinate whorls and shell luster of the latter separate them. Figure 5 shows that the three species can be separated by the H/D ratio clearly into distinct species. Thirteen shells of Oveohelix pygmaea had apertures descending in front, resulting in abnormally high-spired shells. One shell of 0. subvudis had a steeply descending front with the beginning of open coiling. 3. Habitat. In Wyoming, Oveohelix pygmaea3 with one exception, has been found only in the Big Horn Mountains. It occupies some habitats favored by 0. subvudis. It was found alive at 10 stations at the base of sedimentary cliffs, in talus and on the steep slopes, primarily under juniper, squawbush and mountain mahogany. It occurred in cottonwood along the river four times. It was present six times in more moist situations of aspen or willow groves, and once under conifers and shrubs along Leigh Creek. Oveohelix subvudis is the most common species in the study area and, indeed, in Wyoming. It can be found along river banks, both in sparse cottonwood stands or in deep humus of deciduous trees, in aspen, mixed coniferous woods, under sagebrush and other shrubs, on steep slopes under talus and at the base of cliffs. Among 19 colonies, 10 occurred on the steep slopes, in talus and up to the base of cliffs; three in cottonwoods at streamside and two in damp situations under shrubs and conifers and four in aspen. Oveohelix yavapai extvemitatis occupies the driest habitats of the three species. Thirteen colonies occurred at the base of cliffs, in talus or on the steep slopes. Only one colony was found in cottonwoods at the stream. Discussion Shells of some species of Oveohelix offer a puzzling variation as well as simi- larity. Live collected shells are often a dull opaque white with two brown bands, although bands may be lacking or accessory bands be present. 0. yavapai extvemitatis Table 1. Banding patterns of three Oreohelix species. Bands 1-2 lie on upper surface of the whorl. Band 3 is at or just below the periphery. Bands 4-8 are on the base of the whorl. Total of Base all brown below shells and No basal lines, 4-8 With basal lines, 4-8 Shell all Band 3 to umbilicus Species percent 1-2-3 0-2-3 0-0-3 0-0-0 1-2-3 0-2-3 0-0-3 0-0-0 brown 1-2-3 0-2-3 0-0-3 0. pygmaea 784 100% 49 83 161 6.25 10.59 20.53 24 177 23 3.06 22.58 2.93 86 5 67 10.97 0.64 8.54 45 38 26 5.74 4.85 3.32 0. subrudis 526 100% 155 60 7 20 29.47 11.41 1.33 3.8 132 8 0 25.09 1.52 0 2 142 0.38 27.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. yavapai 424 extremitatis 100% 32 245 87 59 7.55 57.78 20.52 13.91 0 10 0 0.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 2. Dimensions of three Oreohelix species in Ten Sleep and Shell Canyons — all shells 4*s to 5\ whorls. Number of Range of individual Range of individual Mean diameter per Species colonies shell heights in mm shell diameters in mm colony in ram H/D ratio 0. pygmaea 21 0. subrudis 19 0. yavapai extremitatis 14 5.8-14.1 8.2-16.8 8.4-15.0 13.0-21.7 9.4-13.1 14.6-20.3 0.67-0.81 0.69-0.81 Vol. XIX(7) : 1987 Table 1. Banding patterns of three Oreohelix species. Bands 1-2 lie on upper surface of the whorl. Band 3 is at or just below the periphery. Bands 4-8 are on the base of the whorl. THE FESTIVUE Vol. XIX(7) : 1987 CN CO o CO cn • 1 — 1 3 i 43 CO o o o o , v£> 03 00 O LO o CN O o o O a • • • i 1 >, C3 O On U O P>* 00 03 1 CN •H QJ • • . r-Q o CL, TJ 44 LO rH o 00 O', OJ p 0) rH CN CN LO o 0) •H £ 1 1 1 4J CO • . r — 1 Cd i — i 00 O 0) o VH ■H CO • • • (3 O', CU 03 44 cO CN *H LO rH 00 S3 S3 43 i — i rH t — 1 i — 1 co . -cT o •H 00 i 1 1 1 o . CU •H oo (N r — 1 rH CN CO 1 — 1 O rH lo r-' LH 0) • • • CO 1 00 LO rH 00 CD cn co CM o 3*1 d o i — i o a 33 O d a) S-i o 4-C d •H U a) 4-) a) e d ■H T3 i — 1 i — ! Cl} 33 d d d a) iS Figure 5. H/D versus shell diameter per colony Page 72 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(7) : 1987 had the most uniform banding pattern of the three species. Banding is not regarded as a significant character. Albinos appeared as well as a melanistic phase. Within a single colony, particularly of Oreohelix pygmaea and 0. subrudis, shells can vary widely in diameter, height of spire, convexity of whorls and width of umbilicus. Extremes within a colony could be designated as different species or sub- species, yet a series of shells can be selected leading from one to the other. Each colony tended to have a prevalent appearance distinct from other colonies. Isolation of colonies would perpetuate differences. Individuals of one species were not found living in colonies with another species. Variation in shell diameter and height between colonies of the same species probably indicates differences in environmental conditions of moisture and nutrition. Both height and diameter of shells were greater in comparatively moist situations than in exposed ones. Summation of differences in the height/diameter ratio and shell characters of embryonic whorls, umbilicus and ornamentation indicates only three species ( Oreohelix pygmaea 3 0. subrudis and 0. yavapai extremitatis) occur in Ten Sleep and Shell Canyons. Other species, subspecies or forms previously reported are not distinguishable or are errors of identification. Acknowledgments Grateful thanks are extended to Dr. Shi-Kuei Wu for his comments in preparation of this paper and to Stephan L. Welty who assisted in fieldwork. Richard E. Pillmore, my husband, prepared Figure 5 and the photographs. Literature Cited BEETLE, D.E. 1961. Mollusca of the Big Horn Mountains. Nautilus 74 (3) : 95-102 . HENDERSON, J.A. 1918. A mollusk hunt in Wyoming. Nautilus 32(2) :45— 47. PILSBRY, H.A. 1905. Mollusca of the southwestern states, I: Urocoptidae; Helicidae of Arizona and New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 57:221-290. 1912. A new Oreohelix from Montana. Nautilus 26(2) : 89 . 1913. Notes on some Oreohelices from Wyoming. Nautilus 27(1) :52. 1915. A new subspecies of Oreohelix eooperi. Nautilus 29(4): 48. 1916. On some ill understood Oreohelices. Nautilus 29(12) :141. 1939. Land Mollusca of North America, north of Mexico. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Monograph 3. 1 (1) : 412-533 . PILSBRY, H.A. and J.H. FERRISS 1911. Mollusca of the southwestern states, V: the Grand Canyon and northern Arizona. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 63:174-199. REEVE, L. A. 1854. Conchologia Iconica. 7, pi. 198, figs. 1390a, b. A NOTE FROM R. TUCKER ABBOTT Tom Stewart, an enthusiastic SCUBA diver in our Astronaut Trail Shell Club, has been collecting a new species of Cyclotheea, a genus new to the Atlantic, from the outer shells of living Spondylus ameriaanus. It is a new species, but we hear that it is being described elsewhere. No males have been found, as yet. I have been working on its variation and anatomy. Moll ISSN: 0738-9388 Volume: XIX / / n if \ ( mM'&o f THE FESTI VUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club August 13, 1987 Number: 8 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Carole M. Hertz Photographer David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00 Overseas (surface mail): $12.00 Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $3.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists > Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D’Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate University of California , Berkeley Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM RARE AND STRANGE COWRIE RADULAE Hugh Bradner, Club member who has spent much time studying cowries and their radulae, will give this slide presentation. A display of shells from Samoa will be presented by the new Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Valli who collected them on their recent honeymoon trip. Slides of the recent WSM meeting taken by Dave Mulliner will also be shown. A multiple shell drawing will follow the business meeting (see page 82). Meeting date: 20 August 1987 CONTENTS Changes at the San Diego Natural History Museum 74 Comparisons between John Earle’s Easter Island cowrie and Cypraea cernica Sowerby, 1870 BRADNER, HUGH 75 Reports on two national meetings HERTZ, JULES (on WSM) AND BILLEE L. BROWN (on COA) 80 Club news 81 Page 74 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(8) : 1987 CHANGES AT THE SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM The San Diego Natural History Museum has announced the hiring of Dr. Richard C. Brusca, of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, who will take the newly created Joshua L. Baily Chair as Curator of Marine Invertebrates. The announcement indicated that this has been made possible by the Joshua L. Baily estate. In addition, the Museum has agreed, at Dr. Brusca's request, to provide a full-time permanent, salaried collections manager for the Marine Invertebrates Department. These events have resulted in the phasing out of all part-time paid employees in Marine Invertebrates. The initial phase was the termination of Curatorial Assistants Carole M. Hertz and Barbara W. Myers and Secretary Theo H. Fusby as part-time paid employees effective July 1, 1987. The second step is the elimination of Anthony D'Attilio's part-time position at the Museum effective October 1, 1987. Anthony D'Attilio joined the Museum as a part-time employee in 1969 during the tenure of Dr. George E. Radwin and has been Acting Curator of the Department for a number of years. Mr. D'Attilio and his associates have been encouraged to continue to utilize the Museum's facilities in an informal and purely research capacity. Dr. Brusca, who has written extensively on the invertebrate faunas of the eastern Pacific and whose primary area of expertise is in marine isopods, assumes official responsibility for the Department on September 1, 1987. Since more than 99 percent of the Department's current collection is molluscan, it is hoped that the Museum and Dr. Brusca will see fit to hire a malacologist as the collection manager. The changes at the SDNHM are of great concern to all U.S. malacologists and have prompted resolutions from the major malacological organizations in this country — the American Malacological Union and the Western Society N cd 3 O CJ •H d cd cd o CD cd Pd O N— ' d cd pi d • e E & cn d d to- N •H & cd d -a d pi CD cd ed Pi d o •H cd d z S O H 2; s s •X3 CD 4-1 a d dd uoNOoONOOC'Oor^ooNorN.inuo NOoooooor-NNoaNNOoooNr-.NOoo on on oo o on oo h c- in Td O i — I i — I t — I i — l CM i — I i — I t — I i — I i — I rH i — I i — I i — I i — I i — I i — l i-H rH rH i — l r— I i — I i — l r-H rH i — I < — ! rH CM i— I i — I r— I CM i — I i — I o 4-1 cd PQ Q Q Pi 03 3 N-/ v— ' N / & cd cd cd CD w PC rJ Z Vol . XIX(8) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 77 2E 24. -f 1 nn — 1 “ 1R 4 □ (54) Cyyraea aemioa 4. (13) Easter Is. Cyipvaea 17 19 REDUCED LABIAL TOOTH COUNT 23 Fig. 1. Histograms of reduced labial tooth count TABLE 2 STATISTICAL COMPARISON OF LABIAL TOOTH COUNTS Mean Std. Deviation Variance Median Easter Is. C. aemioa specimens specimens 16.8 17.7 1.48 1.27 2.19 1.62 17 18 were so similar. Judging from these 5 specimens, C. aemioa should be classed among the cowrie species that have very little radular variation. Unless detailed reports of anatomy, or optical microscope tooth studies of basal bracts, show consistent differences between the Easter Island cowrie and C. aemioa 3 I conclude that they should not be considered different species. There remains the interesting question of why this species is so stable that it has remained unchanged, while the other two Easter Island cowries have evolved, during long isolation, into such different species. I am particularly indebted to John Earle and Dr. Maurice Jay for furnishing specimens, and to Dr. C.M. Burgess for helping me make tooth counts on his collection of C. aemioa. The work was supported by a grant from the Foundation For Ocean Research. Page 78 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(8) : 1987 4-1 o co 5 0) •H > ;s w c n o o CN X G O •rH G G a) X cO ,-1 B o G M-l Figure 3. (a) Radula of C. "oemi-oa^ " spec. 1 from Easter Is., X150. (b) C. oevnioa^ spec. T1 from La Reunion, X200. Vol . XIX (8) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 79 Figure 4. (a) C. "eemiectj " spec. 2, from Easter Is., X250. (b) C. cevni,ca3 spec. Ull from La Reunion. X250. REPORTS ON TWO NATIONAL MEETINGS FROM THE WSM MEETING The Western Society of Malacologists (WSM) held their 20th annual meeting at San Diego State University, San Diego, California from June 21-25, 1987. More than 75 people attended portions of the technical sessions and/or social events. A wine and cheese reception hosted by the San Diego Shell Club started the meeting off on a very pleasant note and there was enough wine and cheese left over for additional servings the next two evenings. Following the first evening’s reception was a viewing of slides brought by many of the attendees. Of particular interest were those brought by Joyce Gemmell showing the San Felipe, Baja California area in the 1960s and the road to Gonzaga Bay. During the next three days, we were privileged to hear many excellent technical papers, review some beautifully prepared exhibits, and get a first hand review of a computer database on marine bivalve mollusks of the world. The latter prepared by Karl W. Flessa and David Jablonski illustrated rapid retrieval of information on geographic distribution of families and genera, number of genera and species within regions, faunal lists, etc. To me and many others who attended the WSM, the high- lights of the technical meeting were the two symposia, i.e. (1) Northern Gulf of California: its Molluscan Distributions, Physical Oceanography and Geologic History of the Past 10-12 Million Years organized by Judith Terry Smith and (2) Molluscan Aquaculture organized by David L. Leighton. The latter was a completely new subject for WSM and I heard many comments on how impressive the presentations were and how it is a subject that WSM should continue to cover in future meetings. The social events were equally impressive. An "Underwater Night" slide show was arranged by San Diego Shell Club member Richard Herrmann and featured slides taken by three prominent underwater photographers. The 1^ hour show was truly marvelous with beautiful slides of mollusks, fish, corals, kelp forest, etc. The third night was a very successful shell and book auction which raised approximately $1100. , and the last night we had a well attended banquet at the San Diego Natural History Museum. The banquet started with a cocktail reception during which time attendees could visit the Departments of Marine Invertebrates and Paleontology. Those departments were specially opened so that attendees could talk to the curators and view the collections. The banquet followed with an exceptionally fine catered dinner and then we all went to the museum auditorium where we were introduced to the banquet speaker. Dr. George Somero, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. Dr. Somero gave a truly outstanding presentation, "Mollusks Which Live on Sulfide or Natural Gas," covering those mollusks that live in deep water vents as well as those that live in sewage outfalls. The slides of the deep water animals and a description of the latest theory on how they function in such depths were extremely interesting to all. The meeting ended on the morning of June 25 with a field trip to Hubbs Research Institute arranged by David K. Mulliner. This included an excellent tour of the research laboratories and review of special projects. The meeting was so successful that we are all looking forward to the 1988 meeting . Jules Hertz FROM THE COA MEETING One hundred sixty-five enthusiastic people attended the annual meeting of the COA (Conchologists of America) in St. Louis. There was something for everyone. The program topics included shelling trips to Indonesia, Melanesia, Palau in Micronesia, Australia and New Zealand, and dredging trips to Panama as well as land shelling in Jamaica. Some of the titilating titles were: Color and Shapes of Shells, Opercula and Apertures, Shells on Stamps, Shells Grown in an Aquarium, What makes a Shell Rare, and Around the World in 80 Dives. The presentation of "My, What Big Teeth You Have or Radula Rhapsody" turned out not to be SEM pictures of radula Vol. XIX(8) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 81 teeth but rather pictures of living mollusks using their radulae to obtain food. Drawings for door prizes of books or specimen shells were held frequently throughout the sessions and there was an exchange of club pins and t-shirts. The Dealers’ Bourse was very popular as well. Members gathered each morning for "shell talk" and a continental breakfast in the meeting room before the sessions began. Outside activities included a prime rib dinner/dance cruise on The Mississippi, a walking tour of the St. Louis waterfront, a ride to the top (630 feet) of the Gateway Arch, and a bus tour of Union Station and the Botanical Gardens. The beautification and urban renewal of downtown St. Louis and the waterfront is impressive. The ornate Union Station has been converted to a hotel and enclosed mall. The programs, the outside activities, the hospitality of St. Louis and the enthusiasm of the members combined to make a fine meeting Billee L. Brown CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - JULY 16, 1987 Joyce Gemmell, who lived in San Felipe for eleven years, presented the slide program, "Molluscan Habitats of San Felipe" giving members a view of the collecting areas from north of San Felipe to San Luis Gonzaga. She also gave information on shells found at particular beaches and had some excellent slides of the beach areas and the mollusks living there $ some of the animals shown were spawning. It was learned at the business meeting that the Club still does not have a garden for the annual September party. Please notify a board member if you can host this party. The Christmas party will be held on December 5th at the Admiral Kidd Club at the Naval Training Center. A suggestion was made and after discussion it was decided to have shell drawings at the August meeting. Members are requested to bring one or two duplicate shells from their collections These will then be "drawn" at the meeting in addition to the usual door prize. A letter was read from Carole Hertz thanking the Club (and the arrangements committee) for the wine and cheese reception at the recent Western Society of Malacologists meeting. After the business meeting Joyce Gemmell presented a second slide show of life in San Felipe in the 60s and early 70s with pictures of the town and the "road" south to Gonzaga. Martin Kantor won the door prize and the cookies were provided by Ginny Herrmann and Larry Buck. Ginny Herrmann, Acting Secretary PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED Bibliografia sobre moluscos como plaga en plantas de interes economico [ Bibliography on mollusks as pests on plants of economic importance] by A. I. Calderon de Cerdas and A.M. Arias de Guerrero. 1985. Published by CIDIA, 78 pp., some entries with abstracts. To receive a copy, send to Federico Dao, IICA, Apdo. 55-2200 Coronado, Costa Rica. THE CORALS - CAPTIVATING AND CHARMING GIFT FROM NEPTUNE, by Sadao Kosuge, 1987. Published by Institute of Malacology of Tokyo, Spec. Pub. no. 2, 175 pp. , hardcover, 5x7, 16 color pages plus black & white illus. , complete text and figure legends in Japanese . Page 82 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(8) : 1987 MULTIPLE SHELL DRAWING AT THE AUGUST MEETING The Club will have a multiple shell drawing at the August meeting. If you can, bring in one or two duplicate shells for the drawing. These shells, on display during the evening, will be drawn one by one at the end of the business meeting. Bill Romer will further explain the procedure at the time. THE SEPTEMBER PARTY The Club's annual September party, hopefully to be held on September 26th, is still "gardenless." This is the Club's annual "theme" party and is usually held outdoors in the host family's garden. Final arrangements must be made by the end of the August meeting in order that a theme, menu and entertainment can be set up. If you can host this party, please contact either Wes Farmer (576-2143), Bill Romer (278-2389) or Carole Hertz (277-6259). NEW MEMBERS La Grange, Linda and John, 533 N. Rios Ave. , Solana Beach, CA 92075 755-7215 Reed, Wayne, 107 Murray St., Chula Vista, CA 92010 691-8766 CHANGE OF ADDRESS Schuler, Martin, 746 Ash Ave., Chula Vista, CA 92010 426—8987 CROWN POINT SHELL CLUB ANNOUNCES ITS THIRD SHELL SHOW The Crown Point Shell Club, Crown Point, Indiana, will hold its third shell show from September 18-20 at the Southlake Mall in Merrilville, Indiana. Judges will be Russell Jensen of the Delaware Museum (N.H.) and Gary Coovert of the Dhyton Museum (N.H.) and Holly Coovert. Entry blanks for the show can be obtained by writing to Crown Point Shell Collectors Study Group, P.0. Box 462, Crown Point , IN 46307. Fiji 'l Mo lb ISSN: 0738-9388 Volume: XIX THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club September 10, 1987 Number: 9 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Carole M. Hertz Photographer David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00 Overseas (surface mail): $12.00 Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malaaologists t Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate University of California 3 Berkeley Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. THE END OF SUMMER FLING The annual September party will be held on Saturday evening September 26, 1987 at the poolside clubhouse at the home of Wes Farmer. See details on page 92 and the map on the last page. There will be no regular meeting this month. CONTENTS White snails (Helicidae) in San Diego County, California BARRY ROTH, CAROLE M. HERTZ and RICHARD CERUTTI 84 A further note on "white snails" 88 Comments on the variability in shell morphology of Murexiella peregrina Olivera, 1980, with hitherto unpublished illustrations of the radula and protoconch ANTHONY D’ATTILIO 89 Club news 92 Page 84 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(9): 1987 WHITE SNAILS (HELICIDAE) IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BY BARRY ROTH1, CAROLE M. HERTZ2, and RICHARD CERUTTI2 1Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 2San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.0. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 With the exception of Cepaea hortensis (Muller, 1774) in northeastern North America, the land snail family Helicidae is native to the Old World. However, many of its species are good travelers and have been introduced through human agency to remote parts of the world. Where they have become established, several of these are significant field and garden pests, feeding on crops and fouling shipments of agricultural products. With its equable climate, California has proven a receptive home to several introduced helicids, including Helix aspersa Muller, 1774, Helix aperta Born, 1778, Otala lactea (Muller, 1774), Theba pisana (Muller, 1774), and Coohlioella barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) [synonym: Helix ventvosa Ferussac, 1820] (Hanna, 1966; Roth and Chivers, 1980; Hertz, 1985; Cerutti, 1986a, 1986b) . Theba pisana was established in San Diego County around 1914 but was thought to have been suppressed by the 1940s; here we report on a recent reinfestation. Cevnuella virgata (da Costa, 1778) is here reported in California for the first time. "White snails" is an informal term used by economic malacologists for members of several subfamilies of Helicidae which have in common shells with an opaque whitish color. Baker (1986) has given an excellent summary of their occurrence in Australia and the available information on their biology and control. 1. Theba pisana (Muller, 1774) In 1986 Theba pisana was found in abundance at two San Diego County sites. At Woodman Street and Skyline Drive, in southeastern San Diego (Map 1), it was feeding on wild radish ( Baphanus sativus), the leaves of wild mustard (Brassica sp.) (Figure 1) and curly dock ( Rrniex cvispus)3 and rabbit pellets on the ground. In dry weather the snails were found sealed up to -2 ir above the ground on the stems of fennel (Figure 2). Theba pisana was also abundant at Mission Gorge Road and Fanita Drive, Santee (Map 2). At this site it was most commonly found feeding on the outer cortex of fennel ( Foenioulum vulgave) stalks (Figure 3 ) but also on wild radish, wild mustard, and curly dock. At Santee on January 4, 1987, T. pisana was observed laying eggs in de- pressions in damp, soft soil shortly after a rain. The process appears similar to that in Otala lactea (Cerutti, 1986a). After the eggs are laid the Map 1. Sites of infestations of white snails (Circled area denotes T. pisana sites.) Vol . XIX(9) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 85 nests are covered with a thin capping of moist soil. Six nests were noted, with clutches of 29, 37, 40, 43, 52, and 59 eggs. Infestations in San Diego County in the 1910s and 1930s and in Los Angeles and Orange counties in the 1930s and 1940s were the subject of intense control efforts (Gammon, 1943; Hanna, 1966). Although Gammon (1943) wrote that "the eradi- cation [had] reached a very favorable stage" and Hanna (1966) stated that in 1940 "the task seemed to have been completed," total eradication was never claimed. SANTEE Map 2. Site of Theba pisana and Cemuella \oivgata infestation. Figure 1. Theba pisana feeding on wild mustard at site shown on Map 1. of fennel during dry weather at site shown in Map 1 . Page 86 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(9) : 1987 Gammon (1943) mentioned four live adults taken out of a clay bank at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1937. He concluded that there was no evidence of reproduction and, since the last time T. pisana was found there was in 1927, they apparently had been buried in the bank for some ten years. Now that T. pisana is known to have a one- or two-year life cycle (Cowie, 1984), it seems more likely that it was present and reproducing continuously but at low enough levels to escape detection, or else a separate episode of introduction was involved. Either way, the episode demonstrates the difficulties facing control of T. pisana. The native range of T. pisana includes the countries around the Mediterranean and along the Atlantic coasts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Britain and Ireland (Kerney and Cameron, 1979). It has been intro- duced to South Africa, the temperate regions of Australia, and oases in Saudi Arabia (Baker, 1986). There are numerous cases of its interception in cargoes at ports in the eastern and Gulf Coast states (Dundee, 1974). It is said to be the most commonly intercepted species of terrestrial snail (Mead, 1971) Theba pisana is a serious pest of flowers, shrubs, vegetables, pasture and forage crops, citrus, stone fruits, and nut and olive trees (Baker, 1986). It is an intermediate host of nematode parasites of sheep and cattle and has been implicated in the spread of a fungus that damages melons. On the positive side, it is a popular food item, although away from the Mediterranean region, cultural predilections cause it to be utilized only rarely. 2. Cernuella virgata (da Costa, 1778) Six specimens of this helicid were first collected by Cerutti on January 4, 1987, in a sample of over 100 Theba pisana from Mission Gorge Road and Fanita Drive, Santee (Map 2). A return survey on February 16, 1987, showed Cernuella virgata to be far less common than T. pisana , probably amounting to less than two percent of the white snail population at this site. A total of 30 living specimens of C. virgata were collected. No specimens of C. virgata were found at the Woodman Street site in San Diego. Cernuella virgata was found feeding on the cortex of fennel, most commonly on wilted or dying stalks; it was not observed to eat the leaves. In dry weather the snails seal to the stalks up to * 2 m above the ground. The shells of Cernuella virgata and Theba pisana are similar in shape and size, but the animal of C. virgata is usually black (Figure 4) while that of T. pisana is tan. Under a hand lens, the spire of C. virgata has prominent, closely set, regular axial ribs that extend from suture to suture. The axial sculpture of T. pisana is weaker, more irregular, and strongest just below the suture. Theba pisana has Vol. XIX(9): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 87 fine, incised spiral grooves, which are absent in C. vivgata. This is the first report of C. vivgata in California. Previously it has been intercepted at ports in eastern and Gulf Coast states, in a wide variety of cargoes originating in Europe and North Africa (Dundee, 1974). It is widely distributed in Mediterranean and western European countries (Kerney and Cameron, 1979) and is established in South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia (Baker, 1986). Like T. pisana _, C. vivgata is an important agricultural pest where it has become naturalized. In Australia it has been known to comtaminate grain harvests, owing to its habit of climbing cereal stalks (Baker, 1986). The shipments may then be rejected or downgraded by v authorities. Cevnuella vivgata also causes damage by feeding on field and ornamental crops and is an intermediate host for various parasites of livestock. Its native range and its success in temperate parts of Australia suggest that C. vivgata could find many parts of California habitable. Acknowledgments Food plants were identified by Jim Dice, Botany; Department , San Diego Natural History Museum. David K. Mulliner took the photograph of Cevnuella vivgata. Figure 4. Cevnuella vivgata, (SDNHM 93338). Photo taken in studio setup. Literature Cited BAKER, G.H. 1986. The biology and control of white snails (Mollusca: Helicidae) , introduced pests in Australia. CSIRO Australia Div. Entomol. Tech. Pap. 25:1-31. CERUTTI, R. 1986a. Otala laotea laying eggs. Festivus 18(6): 80-81. 1986b. Finding Helix apevta Born in San Diego County, California. Festivus 18(11) 154-155. COWIE, R.H. 1984. The life-cycle and productivity of the land-snail Theba pisana (Mollusca: Helicidae). Jour. Anim. Ecol. 53:311-325. DUNDEE, D.S. 1974. Catalog of introduced molluscs of eastern North America. Sterkiana 55-1-37 GAMMON, E.T. 1943. Helicid snails in California. Bull. California Dep. Agric. 32 (3) *173-187 HANNA, G.D. 1966. Introduced mollusks of western North America. California Acad. Sci. Occas. Pap. 48:1-108. Page 88 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX (9) : 1987 HERTZ, C.M. 1985. Otala laotea (Muller, 1774) in San Diego County, California. Festivus 17 (11) : 119-120. KERNEY, M.P., and R.A.D. CAMERON 1979. A field guide to the land snails of Britain and north-west Europe. Collins, London. 288 pp. MEAD , A. R. 1971. Helicid land mollusks introduced into North America. The Biologist 53(3) 104-111. ROTH, B., and D.D. CHIVERS 1980. Helix aperta introduced in Richmond, California (Mollusca: Pulmonata). Veliger 22 (4) : 385-387 . A FURTHER NOTE ON "WHITE SNAILS" The San Diego Union of August 20, 1987 informed that San Diego County agricultural officials are planning to "firebomb" the white snails to wipe out the infestation threatening the farming industry in the county. Two lots in Oceanside have already been burned and George Opel, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner is quoted as stating they "counted a million of them [dead snails] in one 7^ acre field." This is the method which was used in the La Jolla infestation from 1914 to 1922. It was stated that the "killer snails" [Rumina deoollata (Linnaeus, 1758)] were tried first but that though they can control a white snail population, they can not eradicate it. Pesticide control has also been rejected as ineffective since the snails climb the plants and the pesticides fall to the ground. Continued controlled burning, which also clears out the weeds and underbrush, is planned as the more "natural" means of controlling the white snails although "times have changed and the county has grown, and burning in the more populated areas could be tricky." Vol . XIX(9): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 89 COMMENTS ON THE VARIABILITY IN SHELL MORPHOLOGY OF MUREXIELLA PEREGRINA OLIVERA, 1980, WITH HITHERTO UNPUBLISHED ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE RADULA AND PROTOCONCH BY ANTHONY D ' ATTILIO Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 In his paper, "A New Species of Muricacean Gastropod” published in The Veliger (Vol. 23(l):19-20, 2 pis.). Dr. Olivera refers to the "great variation seen in different specimens of the species..." illustrating his point with photographs of the dorsal aspects of eight paratypes of MurexielZa pevegvina. However, none of those illustrated have the extreme narrow form with very short spines found on a few specimens I examined recently from among 11 specimens of this species from the Philippines . For purposes of clarifying these differences in the slenderness of form and the formation of the varical flange, both photographs and camera lucida enlarged drawings are provided. While the narrowness of the shell is the most noticeable difference, the principal difference is demonstrable on the dorsal surface of the shell of both forms. In the broader form, that of the holotype and the specimen shown here in Figure 1, the spiral cords are deeply cut in from the distal edge of the flange to about 2/3 of the surface; the remaining area of the shell up to the preceding varix is nearly smooth with little or no indication of spiral cords (Figure 2). Figure la and b. Muvexiella pevegrina , SDNHM 82300, from the Philippine Islands (a) dorsal aspect (b) apertural aspect. Length: 13.1 mm Page 90 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(9) : 1987 In specimens with the narrow form, shown here in Figures 3 and 4, the intervarical area exhibits continuous spiral grooves to the preceding varix. In addition, the entire flange and its terminal spinosity is much reduced in size (Figure 4). The 11 specimens studied by me ranged from 10.1 to 15.9 mm with from 5 to 5^ postnuclear whorls. Figure 5 illustrates the protoconch of 2^ conical, convex whorls. The radula is typically muricopsine with a large strongly projecting central cusp and moderately short strong laterals and smaller intermediate cusps (Figure 6). Acknowledgments Mrs. Barbara W. Myers, my associate, extracted and mounted the radula. Messrs. Charles Glass and Robert Foster of Santa Barbara, Mr. Don Pisor and Mr. L.J. Bibbey of San Diego, and Mr. Victor Dan of Manila, Philippine Is., provided comparative material. The photos were taken by Mr. David K. Mulliner. To all of the above I am very grateful. Figure 2. M. peregrina, detail of distal edge of flange in specimen showing the broad form, SDNHM 80741. Camera lucida drawing, greatly reduced. Figure 3. M. peregrina 3 detail of distal edge of flange in specimen showing the narrow form. Glass and Foster Collection Camera lucida drawing, greatly reduced. Vol . XIX(9) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 91 Figure 4. M. pevegrina. from the Philippine Islands . Pisor Collection (a) dorsal aspect (b) apertural aspect. Figure 5. M. pevegrina, protoconch of SDNHM 80741. X50 Figure 6. M . pevegrina, radula of Pisor specimen shown in Figure 4. Page 92 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(9) : 1987 CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - AUGUST 20, 1987 Cowry enthusiast Hugh Bradner warmed to his subject as he discussed rare cowries and their radulae. Cypraea valentia Perry, 1811; C. kingae Rehder & Wilson, 1975; C. katsuae Kuroda, 1960; C. leueocLon Broderip, 1828; C. guttata Gmelin, 1791; C. aurantium Gmelin, 1791, and others were compared and the differences in the radulae diagnosed. According to Dr. Bradner, one must consider not only the morphology of the central tooth but also the three pairs of lateral teeth. He also showed us a cowry identified as C. onyx melanesiae Schilder, 1937, whose radula differed from the usual C. onyx but closely resembled the radula of C. talpa Linne, 1758. There was a hands-on exhibit of many of these rare cowries which proved to be a great attraction. Just before the coffee break, and at the request of several members present, Carole Hertz gave a brief summary of the events taking place in the Malacology /Marine Invertebrate Department of the San Diego Natural History Museum. The entire Malacology staff was terminated including Anthony D'Attilio, Acting Curator (who will leave on October 1). Through a generous bequest to the Department by Joshua L. Baily , a longtime friend of malacology, the Museum established the Joshua L Baily Chair of Marine Invertebrates and hired Dr. Richard C. Brusca to fill the position. Although Dr. Brusca has written two books and several papers on the invertebrate fauna of the eastern Pacific his main research interests and expertise are in marine isopods (Phylum Arthropoda) . The question left unanswered is the future of malacology at the San Diego Natural History Museum. The September party "The End of Summer Fling" was discussed. It will be held on Saturday, September 26, 1987 at the home of Wes Farmer. The menu was discussed and a signup sheet passed among the members. [For further information see below and map on last page.] Dave Mulliner showed slides of the meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists held at SDSU in June. It is always fun to see old friends having a good time. The shell lottery was a great success and was enthusiastically enjoyed by all. Eight members each brought a shell for the lottery and eight lucky winners went home with a lovely prize. Sherry Valli and Margenette Yeend brought the delicious cookies for the coffee break and Hugh Bradner won the door prize. Barbara W. Myers, Acting Secretary THE END OF SUMMER FLING! The Club's annual September party will be held at the Club house and poolside at Wes Farmer's home [See map on last page ] on Saturday evening September 26. Festivities will begin at 6:00 P.M. (Parking is limited so note alternate parking site across the street as shown on the map.) At the September party it is traditional to have a set menu. If you have not yet signed up to bring a food contribution, contact either Wes Farmer (576-1243), Bill Romer (278-2389), or Carole Hertz (277-6359). Come dressed in your casual best end-of-summer-f ling finery (the pool is available) It will be a fun party with music, entertainment and great company. Remember to bring your food contribution and serving and eating utensils. See you there! ! SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB SUMMER FLING September Party directions: from 805: exit onto Balboa, east to Convoy, south to Aero Dr., east to Ruffin Rd . , south about a block or two. Clubhouse on East side of street; park at Sharp Operations Center on West side. From San Diego Stadium on Friars Road: up Mission Village Drive to Ruffin Rd . , right turn or north about a half mile, parking on the west side of the street at Sharp Operations Center across from the Clubhouse. Sept. 26. THE ADDRESS: 3575 Ruffin Rd. at the Summer Hill Clubhouse. TIME: 6:00 P.M. (Quiet hours start at 10:00, swimming in pool or Jacuzi stops at ll:00)(No glass containers of any kind by the the pool, thank you). HAVE A GOOD TIME!!! Quest ions : Wes 5 76-2 1 4 3. THE FEST1VU A publication of the San Diego Shell Club ISSN: 07 libraries Volume: XIX October 8, 1987 Number: 10 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00 Overseas (surface mail): $12.00 Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists > Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California. Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate University of Califomia3 Berkeley Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM SAN MIGUEL ISLAND, JEWEL OF THE CHANNEL ISLANDS Richard Herrmann, Club member and talented underwater photographer will give an above and below the surface look at this area in his slide presentation. Presentation of the 1988 slate of officers Multiple shell drawing will follow the business meeting (see page 99) . Meeting date: 15 October 1987 CONTENTS Engina strongi Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932 (Buccinidae) ; its distribution and discovery of possible paratypes BARBARA W. MYERS and ANTHONY D'ATTILIO 94 Two new books on mollusks "Nudibranchs of southern Africa" by Terrence Gosliner SANDRA MILLEN (reviewer) 97 "New Caribbean molluscan faunas" by Edward J. Petuch R. TUCKER ABBOTT (reviewer) 98 Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific - VI DONALD R. SHASKY 100 Club news 101 Page 94 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(IO) 1987 ENGINA STRONGI PILSBRY AND LOWE, 1932 (BUCCINIDAE); ITS DISTRIBUTION AND DISCOVERY OF POSSIBLE PARATYPES BY BARBARA W. MYERS and ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 During our study of the distribution of Traohypollia lugubris (C.B. Adams, 1852), we examined specimens from Isla de Guadalupe, Mexico (SDNHM 10050) collected by Carl Hubbs et at in 1954. One of the three specimens in this lot was T. lugubris while the other two specimens proved to be Engina strongi Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932 (now SDNHM 93340). The largest specimen in the lot, shown in Figure 1, is a fusiform shell with four postnuclear whorls; suture indistinct; body whorl with nine axial ribs and seven major spiral cords, two spiral cords on the canal. The color is ivory-white stained rust on the elevated portion of the cords as they cross the axial ribs. The aperture (Figure 2) is oval with a broadly open siphonal canal. The U-shaped anal sulcus is bracketed by a denticle on the columella and one on the outer lip; outer lip thickened with seven strong rounded denticles; inner lip or columella with five strong nodes. The pro- toconch (Figure 3) consists of 2>H smooth convex whorls, the final quarter whorl rippled. There is a light brown band circling the whorls of the protoconch. Engina strongi is not listed among the molluscan species from Isla de Guadalupe by Chace (1958) or Lindberg et at (1980). A part of D.R. Lindberg' s collection made in 1975 was deposited in the Department of Paleontology, San Diego Natural History Museum and examination of that collection failed to discover any specimens of E. strongi. Pilsbry and Lowe cited Santa Catalina Island, California (in 50 fathoms) as the type locality of E. strongi. Few pub- lished records of the geographical distribution of this species were found during our research. Burch (1942) dredged specimens from 50 fathoms (91.5 m) on gravel Figure 1. Engina strongi , (SDNHM 93340). Camera lucida drawing of 10.1x5.5 mm specimen from Isla de Guadalupe. Vol . XIX(IO) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 95 bottom at Redondo Beach, California and Valentine (1956) listed E. strongi from the Pleistocene of Potrero Canyon, Pacific Palisades, California as very rare with less than five specimens found. The species is not cited in the following major publications containing references to the eastern Pacific molluscan fauna: Keen (1971), Abbott (1974) and McLean (1978). We found four additional lots of Engina strongi in the San Diego Natural History Museum malacology collection: #50646 — one specimen from San Diego, California, collected from 23.8 m 50626 — four specimens from San Diego, California (dredged) 15654 — three specimens from La Jolla, California, among kelp roots 50638 — nine specimens from Santa Catalina Island, California in 50 fm. (91.5 m) The specimens in lot #50638 were collected by H.N. Lowe from the type locality and are possible paratypes. The original description stated that the holotype was deposited in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and that paratypes were in the Lowe collection. Hertz (1986) had negative results locating paratypes of E. strongi in other musuem collections i.e . Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, American Museum of Natural History, California Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Since the San Diego Natural History Museum was the final repository of the Lowe collection, it is our belief that these specimens were not recognized at the time they were accessioned into the Museum collection. Personal communication from James H. McLean, Curator of Malacology, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, noted the following: "The LACM collection contains 15 lots of Engina strongi from California, including Catalina Island, Tanner Bank, Farnsworth Bank, Anacapa Island, Santa Cruz Island, San Miguel Island, San Clemente Island and with a northern mainland locality record off Pt . Dume. We have 20 lots from Baja California, including Guadalupe, Cedros, San Benito and Natividad Islands. Our southernmost locality is 20 fm off Figure 3. E. strongi , SDNHM 93340 Thurloe Head, Baja California (27°36’S)." Camera iucid‘a drawing, greatly en- Therefore, to the best of our knowledge, larged of specimen 8.9 x4 . 8 mm, the distribution of E. strongx is from Pt. Dume, showing the protoconch of 3*4 Los Angeles County, California, to Thurloe Head, smooth conical whorls. Figure 2. E. strongi 3 camera lucida drawing of specimen in Figure 1, greatly enlarged, showing denticles on the outer lip and nodes on the columella. Page 96 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(IO) 1987 Baja California, Mexico, and the offshore Islands. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank James H. McLean, Curator of Malacology, Los Angeles County Museum (N.H.) for suggesting the identity of the Guadalupe Island specimen as E. strongi and further for taking the time to check and make a tally of that institution's collection of specimens of E. strongi and their collecting data. We further thank Tom Demere of the Department of Paleontology, San Diego Natural History Museum, for making the Lindberg collection available to us. LITERATURE CITED ABBOTT, R.T. 1974. American Seashells, 2nd edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. N.Y., 663 pp. 24 pis., numerous text figs. ADAMS, C.B. 1852. BURCH, T. 1942. CHACE, E.P. 1958. HERTZ, C.M. 1986. KEEN, A.M. Catalogue of shells collected at Panama, with notes on their synonymy, station, and geographical distribution. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. 5:229-527. Dredging off Redondo Beach, California. Min. Conch. Club S. Calif. #17:5-12. The marine molluscan fauna of Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Trans. S.D.S.N.H. 12(19) :319-332, 1 fig. Herbert Nelson Lowe 1880-1936, a gifted amateur conchologist from southern California. Festivus 18(3):26-43, 17 figs. 1971. Sea shells of tropical West America, 2nd edition. Stanford Univ. Press. 1,064 pp., 22 pis., numerous text figs. LINDBERG, D.R. et al 1980. Invertebrate magafossils of Pleistocene (Sangamon Interglacial) age from Isla de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico in The California Islands: Proceedings of a multidisciplinary symposium. Santa Barbara, CA., 787 pp. MCLEAN, J.H. 1978. Marine shells of southern California, revised edition. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Sci. ser. 24. 104 pp., 54 figs. PILSBRY, H. A. AND H.N. LOWE 1932. West Mexican and Central American mollusks collected by H.N. Lowe, 1929- 31. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 84:33-144, 17 pis. VALENTINE, J.W. 1956. Upper Pleistocene Mollusca from Potrero Canyon, Pacific Palisades, California. Trans. SDSNH 12 (10) : 181-205 , pi. 13. Vol . XIX(IO) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 97 TWO NEW BOOKS ON MOLLUSKS NUDIBRANCHS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA By Terrence Gosliner. 1987.' Published by Sea Challengers and Jeff Hamann, Monterey, California 136 pages, 268 color plates, 8X10, softcovered Price: $34.95 The opisthobranch molluscs have evolved from shelled ancestors which, over time, lost their shells and developed expanded soft parts. Gradually the shell became enveloped, reduced and finally lost. Freedom from the constriction of the shell resulted in a veritable explosion of elaborate form and vivid color. Unfortunately both are lost during preservation, so there has been little incentive for collectors to study these fascinating creatures. Recently, however, there have been a number of popular guides to opisthobranchs published that take full advantage of color photography. The latest is Terry Gosliner ’s NUDIBRANCHS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA which includes the non-nudibranch opisthobranchs as well. The layout of this book is excellent. Most of the book is taken up by one column of color photographs, three to a page, and an opposite column of information on the animals. The photographs are large enough so that there is no feeling of constraint. This spaceous feeling is aided by a format which lays the information beside the animals instead of alternating pages of photographs with pages of infor- mation. The photographs show the animals alive, healthy and in water with superb color rendition. The only flaws are a few underexposed photographs and some with air bubbles, confusing backgrounds or minor framing errors. But considering the size and rarity of the subject matter, the author did a tremendous job. In many cases he has presented us with the only photographs ever taken of these animals. Indeed, of the 268 photographed species, 92 are undescribed! The information column gives the genus and species of each animal (where known) , and a taxonomy section with a few sentences describing distinguishing features or color variation. The natural history section, also brief, mentions habitat, food and egg mass (if known). The last section on occurrence and distribution is interesting because 76 of the species in this book were described elsewhere and are here recorded from southern Africa for the first time. As with most identification guides, the reader’s attention is captured by the photographs, but the real work of the author is in the writing. Just think of the difficulty involved in identifying 92 undescribed opisthobranchs down to the genus level when it was necessary to dissect out radulas and reproductive systems to do so. Also consider the time spent searching through old journals and reports to compile a list of the 205 species previously recorded from southern Africa. For that matter, try devising a key based solely on external characters for 268 species. All of these represent formidable tasks and require an unusual amount of expertise on the part of the author. Dr. Gosliner is uniquely suited for the task of compiling this book because he brings with him experience working with both Atlantic and Pacific fauna. In many ways, his synthesis of the biogeography of southern Africa opisthobranchs (pp. 13-15) represents the best and worst parts of this book. Best because the overview emphasizes and illustrates important trends in endemism and Indo-Pacific affinities. Worst because the map on page 135, to which he doesn't refer, is insufficient to allow a reader to follow the discussion appropriately. Of course, if this is the worst deficiency I can find in the book, you can see that it is excellent indeed. The introductory section also includes a general overview of important features of opisthobranchs, a basic glossary, and a large number of well-drawn illustrations by Bill Liltved. I felt that some of the illustrations would have benefitted from further reduction and that the gills of Armina (p. 27C) should have been illustrated Page 98 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XIX(IO) 1987 in the context of the whole animal. But, in general, this section will prove useful. Who is this book for? Any opisthobranch specialist will be eager to obtain a copy, both to see the new ranges and to admire the wealth of previously unphotographed and undescribed species. Since a large portion of this book contains species that may be found throughout the Indo-Pacif ic , it is an essential reference guide for malacologists working in this area. However, a significant portion of the opisto- branchs are also found, or are closely related to, species either in the tropical or temperate Atlantic and Pacific oceans, so its appeal is worldwide. Nor is it limited to specialists. The book is written for an intelligent amateur malacologist or would-be "brancher." There is information on collecting, identifying and preserving opisthobranchs. The author encourages nondestructive identification of live specimens and their return to their environment. Where the specimens are undescribed, he requests they be preserved and shipped to him at the California Academy of Sciences where he can use them for future scientific study. SANDRA MILLEN Editor’s note: This book will be available for circulation at the October meeting. NEW CARIBBEAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS By Edward J. Petuch. 1987 Published by Coastal Education and Research Foundation [CERF] , Charlottesville, Virginia 154 + 4 pages, 28+1 plates, softcovered Price: $32.50 Despite vitriolic international reviews of previous molluscan works being produced by this private "foundation," this latest publication shows great improvement in the quality of format, editing and illustrations (see Philippe Bouchet, 1987, in Xenophora no. 38; Henry W. Chaney, 1987, in The Festivus, vol. 19, no. 6). The Olive book published last year by CERF had the unique record of 342 spelling mistakes, wrong dates, incorrect authors, upside-down illustrations and switched catalog numbers and figure references. This new paper has a minimum of such careless editorial control, a fact often beyond the correction by authors. The present work is a symptom of a curious present-day situation in malacology, reminiscent of the 19th century era of Hugh Cuming, the Sowerbys, Reeve and Marrat. Improved methods and an increase in shell collecting, a scarcity of well-trained mollusk taxonomists, and the pressure of commercial seashell interests have brought on the unbridled description of new species. Some, of course, are obviously new good species; but many others are probably ecologic forms, expressions of geographical dines or limited populations in transient isolation. CERF's new paper is well illustrated by the excellent black-and-white photographs made by Kevan Sunderland, a top Floridian shell collector. This work will be useful to amateurs, and those who must keep up with the literature, because it illustrates many uncommon, previously described Caribbean species, as well as the 109 species and 5 genera newly described. In due course, the latter novelties will be analyzed by others engaged in monographic studies and the valid ones accepted into the scientific literature and new editions of popular guides. It is not possible in a short review to discuss the status of these new species spanning thirty major families, other than to say that in all likelihood at least ten to twenty of them will prove to be valid when careful study is undertaken. Surely the scientific experts on the Cerithiidae, Muricidae, Trochidae and Pectinidae could have staved off synonyms and other placement errors had this work been reviewed by competent peers prior to publication. One need only compare the recent careful treatment of the genus Cataegis, with its anatomical, radular and shell observations (McLean and Quinn, 1987, in The Nautilus, vol. 101, no. 3) to realize the ludicrous nature of the treatment of " Homalopoma finkli n. sp." Actually it is in the Trochidae, not the Turbinidae, and unfortuately is a senior synonym of Cataegis toreuta McLean Vol . XIX(IO) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 99 and Quinn, 1987. One clear case of a remarkable discovery is the appearance in the Miami area of a small parasitic gastropod CyoZotheca [sZo] paceZ now being found by scuba divers on SpondyZus } as well as on Chlamys. However, Cyclothyca paoei (Petuch) is not in the family Capulidae, but rather a new family near the Pyramidelloidea heterogastropods, a fact long known to our colleagues in California and Australia. I agree with the author, although perhaps not his possible motives, in naming new species after those we wish to honor for their activities in malacology. This adds a bit of history to our nomenclature. The American Malacological Union's committee on vernacular names frowns on this custom and, indeed, usually refuses to translate these easily remembered names into common English names, e.g._, Linda's Volute, Harland's Cone, etc. Their objections and fears, however, have some foundation when we see that this author has named 21 new species after Linda Petuch, 11 after Kevan Sunderland and 8 after Robert Pace in the same publication. The so-called "Caribbean Molluscan Faunas" are really not well-defined faunas, nor faunules as Bartsch would call them, nor newly discovered, nor always newly named. The paper is artificially divided into small areas which are best defined as localized collecting grounds from which the author has been given "strange and new species" by enthusiastic shell collectors and shell dealers. If the reader wishes to track down a new species in his favorite genus, he will have to search throughout six different "faunas" or parts of this geographical maze. Only time and thorough scientific work will sort out the taxonomic excesses of workers like Maxwell Smith, Paul Bartsch, Edward Petuch and others. This "arrogant" reviewer would like to make the "pronouncement" that almost every shallow-water marine mollusk in the Caribbean has probably been named three or four times, and that even some of Petuch' s valid species will themselves receive additional synonyms as amateur taxonomists continue to describe new species. Let us hope that CERF does not continue its practice of encouraging the old disease known as the "mihi itch." Mihi- was the Latin term used to indicate that these are "my species." R. Tucker Abbott Page 100 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(10) 1987 UPDATE ON MOLLUSKS WITH INDO-PACIFIC FAUNAL AFFINITIES IN THE TROPICAL EASTERN PACIFIC - VI * DONALD R. SHASKY 834 West Highland Avenue, Redlands, California 92373 Dr. Anders Waren of Stockholm, Sweden, has examined my Eulimidae from Cocos Island, Costa Rica and has identified two lots of Balds ogasawarana (Pilsbry, 1905) (pers. comm. Waren, 1987). This species was described from the Bonin Islands, south- east of Japan. I collected three specimens on April 14-16, 1983 at Bahia Weston in 1- 13 m, under dead coral and one specimen (Figures 1 and 2) on April 19, 1983, in 10-20 m under dead coral off Isla Manuelita. The host is unknown to me. Figures 1 and 2. Balds ogasawarana (Pilsbry, 1905). Apertural and dorsal views of 4.6 x 1.6 mm specimen taken under dead coral in 10-20 m, Isla Manuelita Cocos Island, Costa Rica, April 19, 1983. D.R. Shasky collection. I have previously reported finding Favartia garretti (Pease, 1869) at Cocos Island and on the West American mainland (Shasky, 1983, 1983a). My identification of this taxon was based on comparison with two worn specimens of F. garretti from Hawaii in the San Diego Natural History Museum collection. After collecting two live specimens of F. garretti off Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, last fall, it was apparent that the Cocos Island specimens are not conspecific. A manuscript is now in preparation by Anthony D'Attilio and Barbara W. Myers describing the Cocos Island species. *Adapted from a paper presented to the annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists - June 1987 VoJ. XIX(IO) 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 101 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Dr. Anders Waren for examining my Eulimidae and David K. Mulliner for photographing the specimen figured. LITERATURE CITED KAY, E . A. 1979. Hawaiian Marine Shells. Bishop Museum Press, Hawaii, p. 653, fig. 195. PILSBRY, H. A. 1905. New Japanese marine Mollusca. Proc.ANSP 57:111, pi. 2, figs. 2-3. SHASKY, D.R. 1983. New records of Indo-Pacific mollusks from Cocos Island, Costa Rica, Nautilus 97 (4) : 144-145 . 1983a Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific - II. Festivus XV:109-110. CLUB NEWS THE END OF SUMMER FLING The Club does have great parties! The Clubhouse at Wes Farmer’s residence was a perfect spot. Roomy and comfortable with kitchen, billiard room and, just outside, a large swimming pool. As always, everyone was glad to see each other. The food was delicious and substantial quantities of salad, chicken, baked beans and dessert were consumed. Many lingered at the tables enjoying conversations with new and old friends while others swam and played pool. Our grateful thanks to our host Wes Farmer for his hospitality. THE CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY— DECEMBER 5, 1987 This year the Club's annual Christmas Dinner Party will be held in the Bronze Room at the Admiral Kidd Club. (Map and details will be in the November issue). The festivities will begin at 6:00 P.M. with no-host cocktails and dinner is planned for 7:00 P.M. (There will be dancing during the evening in the main room). Two dinner choices are available,: Prime rib of beef at $14.70 or Coquilles St. Jacques at $13.60. Both include tossed salad, baked potato, vegetable, and coffee or tea. Tax and tip are included. Our Club provides the dinner wine. Since the Admiral Kidd Club requires payment in advance, reservations must be received not later than November 19th (the date of the November meeting). ANOTHER MULTIPLE SHELL DRAWING AT THE OCTOBER MEETING The multiple shell drawing will be repeated at the October meeting by popular request. Members are asked to bring in one or two duplicate shells for this drawing. The shells will be on display through the evening and will be drawn - one by one - after the business meeting. 6> L qel fY/3 Moll ■ Volume: XIX Cj^A\ ! n ° & 1 M/j /y^*\ NOV 23 1987 4 HsaaaBJrE stivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club November 12, 1987 ISSN: 0738-9388 Number: 11 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer Wesley Farmer Bill Romer Ginny Herrmann Barbara Farmer Margaret Mulliner FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Carole M. Hertz Photographer David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00 Overseas (surface mail): $12.00 Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt . Blackburn Ave . , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional. Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists , Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate University of Califomia3 Berkeley Emily Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except December. The publication date appears on the masthead above. PROGRAM HOW GASTROPODS MAKE THEIR SHELLS Bert Draper, Associate at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History and micro-photographer, will give this slide presentation. Election of Officers Meeting date: 19 November 1987 CONTENTS Regarding the Easter Island Cypraea cernica HUGH BRADNER 103 Correction to D.R. Shasky’s "Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific — VI" 103 The shell morphology of the varix in two Favcortia species: Favartia dorothyae Emerson & D’Attilio, 1979, and F. munda (Reeve, 1849) ANTHONY D’ATTILIO 104 Shelling in Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory BILL ROMER 108 Club news Ill A selected index to volume XIX (1987) 112 Map for detaching Page 103 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987 REGARDING THE EASTER ISLAND CYPRAEA CERNICA BY HUGH BRADNER Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California 92093 After my report on Cypraea oemioa Sowerby, 1870, appeared in The Festivus (Bradner, 1987), Walter Sage of the American Museum of Natural History brought to my attention a paper by J. Senders and P. Martin (Senders and Martin, 1987), in which they conclude that John Earle's Easter Island discovery should be classified as a new subspecies of Cypraea oemica. They describe it on the basis of 5 specimens that were furnished by J.P. Lefort of Huahine, French Polynesia; and they name it C. oemica Zeforti. In comparing my 3 specimens from Easter Island with 2 specimens from Okinawa and 4 specimens from La Reunion, I cannot agree with 7 of the 11 "most significant" differences that are cited by Senders and Martin. I understand that H.A. Rehder is studying a larger number of Easter Island specimens, and I suggest that the name C. oemioa Zeforti Senders and Martin, 1987, be accepted provisionally pending his report. LITERATURE CITED BRADNER, HUGH 1987. Comparisons between John Earle's Easter Island cowrie and Cypraea oemioa Sowerby, 1870. Festivus 19(8):75-79, 4 figs., 3 tables (August 13). SENDERS, JACQUES and PHILIPPE MARTIN 1987. Description d'une nouvelle sous-espece de Cypraeidae en provenance de l'lle de Paques. Apex 2(l):13-23, 2 pls» (January 2). CORRECTION TO D.R. SHASKY"S, "UPDATE ON MOLLUSKS WITH INDO-PACIFIC FAUNAL AFFINITIES IN THE TROPICAL EASTERN PACIFIC — VI" [FESTIVUS 19 (10) :100] The illustration in Figures 1 and 2 is of a specimen of Balds ogasawarana (Pilsbry, 1905) 4.4 xl.4 mm from a third lot of two specimens taken by D.R. Shasky in 12 meters (40 ft.) under dead coral at Isla Pajaros, Cocos Island, Costa Rica on March 8, 1984 and April 19, 1983. It was listed on page 100 as a specimen from Isla Manuelita, Cocos Island. It should also be noted that three lots were collected rather than two as stated in the writeup. IN MEMORIAM It is with regret that we report the passing of Norval F. Brewer on October 7, 1987 at the age of 78. Our sympathy is extended to his wife, Blanche and his family. Vol. XIX(ll) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 104 THE SHELL MORPHOLOGY OF THE VARIX IN TWO FAVARTIA SPECIES: FAVARTIA DQROTHYAE EMERSON & D'ATTILIO, 1979, AND F. MUNDA (REEVE, 1849) BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Associate, Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 Eavartia munda is one of the smaller Ezvartia species, rarely reaching 10 mm in height (Figure 1). The protoconch, not previously figured, consists of 1^ convex whorls (Figure 2). In the apertural view (Figure 1) , the leading side of the varical costae are shown to consist of low broadly open spinelike crenulations , approximately three per spine, with depressed lamellose areas between. The shell is richly sculptured with scabrous cords. A complete growth episode from the outer lip edge to the leading edge of the penultimate varix is shown in Figure 3. The dorsal surface has four sca- brous cords separated by deep inter-cord depressions. An enlarged detail is shown in Figure 4. Another cord is on the canal (Figure 3). The cords are composed of a series of ascending, unequal, asymmetrical segments which sometimes appear scale-like. No spiral or axial striae embellish the surface of the four specimens studied here, two from Amiami, Okima, Japan (ex Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo) and two from Kii, Japan (ex Akibumi Teramachi collection, now SDNHM 78063) one of which is figured here. Figure 1. Savartia munda (Reeve, 1849) SDNHM 78063, 7.2 mm H, in 9.1m (5 fm. ) off Kii, Japan, apertural view. Figure 2. Bavavtia munda protoconchs of two specimens in SDNHM 78063 at 32. 4X. Page 105 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987 Figure 4. F. munda3 detail of two scabrous cords on specimen shown in Figure 3 at 32. 5X. area from lip edge to penultimate varix at 16.6 X. Figure 3. Bavartia munda3 camera lucida drawing showing dorsal Fxvartia dorothyae Emerson & D'Attilio, 1979 (Figure 5) attains a height of about 20 mm. See D'Attilio (1980) for discussion of morphology and illustration of the Figure 5. Exvartia dorothyae Emerson & D'Attilio, 1979. SDNHM 81718, 15.0 mm H, Punta Engano, Mactan, Philippine Is., in net traps in 119 m (65 fm.), apertural and dorsal views. Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 106 protoconch, operculum and radula. There are five weakly sculptured cords on the body whorl and one in the concave area between the body whorl and the canal. The shoulder has a few ephemeral cords distally which project as a spiny ridge (Figure 6). The intervarical area is small with the leading edge of the varical margin almost central. Most of the rich sculpture is found on the leading side of the elevated varices which are distally recurved and scabrously ornamented (Figure 7) and the leading surface of the spinose flange consists of a series of 5 to 7 overlapping, undulate scabrous lamellae per spine shown in detail in Figure 8. The surface can be best thought of as a furbelow drapery. The scale-like lamellae are irregularly connected from spine to spine, but distally the spines are broadly open and their terminations are strongly recurved (Figures 6 and 7). anterior Figure 6. Favartia dorothyae _, SDNHM 87745, 23.1 mm H, camera lucida drawing of dorsal area showing the area between the crests of two varices at 7.8 X. Note that the varical margin is midway in the small intervarical area. This species does not differ substantially from the generic type, Eavartia brevicula (Sowerby, 1834). In the type the spinose flange is more regularly and symmetrically formed and the low spine area is crossed by thick lamellae, each some distance apart lending the shell its sculpture of window-like depressions. Page 107 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987' Figure 7. F. dovothyae _, camera lucida drawing of a portion of the outer lip of the specimen shown in Figure 6, at 16.5 X. Figure 8. F. dovothyae3 detail _at 32X of spine shown at A on specimen in Figure 7. LITERATURE CITED D’ATTILIO, ANTHONY 1980. A supplementary note on Fdvavtia dovothyae Emerson & D'Attilio, 1979. Festivus 12(5):67-68, 5 figs. EMERSON, WILLIAM K. and ANTHONY D’ATTILIO 1979. Six new living species of muricacean gastropods. Nautilus 93(1):1-10, 21 figs. REEVE, LOVELL A. 1849. Conchologia Iconica, or illustrations of the shells of molluscous animals. Muvex. London. Suppl., pi. 1. SOWERBY, GEORGE B. II 1834. The Conchological Illustrations. Muvex. London, pis. 58-67. Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 108 SHELLING IN DIEGO GARCIA, BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY BY BILL ROMER 3249 Towser, San Diego, California 92123 Itrgo (Sarrta c=>- As an employee of the U.S. Navy, I had the unique opportunity to visit a remote tropical island. Being assigned to the U.S.S. ACADIA (i)D-42) on its first western Pacific deployment, we visited this paradise in March of 1983. This paradise is, of course, Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory, and we were sent there to pro- vide repair services to our deployed ships cruising in the Indian Ocean. Diego Garcia is a coral atoll located in the Chagos Archipelago [7°14,20"S; 72°26'El almost exactly centered in the Indian Ocean. The Island is shaped like a footprint without toes, forming a horseshoe around a very large lagoon (see Map I) . The ball of the foot, or main part of the island, is where all the base facilites are located. From there the island runs south approximately 22 miles to the southern tip and then turns north for 21 miles to the far side, or British side of the island. It was on the 22 mile strip of land that most of my collecting took place. The width of the island varies from just over two hundred feet to just under a mile. Diego Garcia has facilities for refueling and resupplying ships and aircraft of the U.S. Pacific fleet, and has an airstrip capable of handling the biggest cargo planes. Leased from Great Britain, which once used it as a penal colony, Diego Garcia provides a safe haven for ships as well as a rest and recre- ation area. Scuba diving was not allowed because there was no decompression chamber available and swimming on the ocean sides of the is- land was also forbidden. In fact, wading was only NAVSUPPFAC CANTAINMENT AitEA BOAT LANDING AREA "R" SITE (LIVING AREA) "C" SITE (RECEIVING SITE) "SEABEE BEACH” POL AREA (PUMPING STATION) POL PIER (REFUELING PIER) POL STORAGE (FUEL TANKS) AIRFIELD FACILITIES DREDGE SITE GENERATOR SITE TRANSMITTER SITE BRITISH GATE Map I. Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory Page 109 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987 allowed as long as you didn't go deeper than knee-level since there were strong rip currents, coral channels and, most of all, sharks in ankle-deep water. If you didn't watch for the sharks, they would swim between your legs. That's the bad news, now for the good. Snorkeling and free diving inside the lagoon were permitted from sunrise to sunset. Many a good coral head was there to explore as well as coral rubble and sand. The airstrip and refueling pier (F,G,H) were built by dredging so just digging in the sand in these areas offered many shells. Walking along the beach at the transmitter site (K) was another source of shells and going through the dredge site off-flow (I) many fresh-dead specimens were obtained . Most of my collecting was limited to weekends and the days I managed to escape from the job. This was ample time, but I would have spent much more time if permitted. The local recreation beach was known as "Seabee Beach" (D) for the Navy Seabee battalion stationed there. It was the best area for collecting, even for a novice like me. This beach was far north of the dredging operations and the water was free from silt. Many species were observed on the coral and rubble in this location. When weather would not permit swimming, I would walk along the miles of beach (K) looking through the sand rubble for shells washed in by the storms or frequent the dredge site and its off-flow areas (I). The dredge was being used to deepen the harbor as well as reclaim land area. Walking through the off-flow areas and digging in the different levels of mud and silt, I obtained many fresh dead specimens. Below is a list of shells I was able to identify. Many bags of worn miters, cerithiums, cowries, moon snails and so on remain yet unidentified, some too worn to ever get named. Diego Garcia offers some fantastic opportunities for both the novice and the experienced collector, and I had the most fun, after dark or when I could not get to the beach, trying to identify the many varied species I'd collected. LIST OF SPECIES COLLECTED (L = live specimens; D = dead collected shells) TRANSMITTER SPECIES SEABEE BEACH (D) DREDGE SITE (I) SITE (K) COMMENTS Tridacna squamosa Lamarck, 1879 Turbo ohrysostomus (Linne", 1758) Biinoclavis vertagus (Linne'', 1758 Lambis chiragra (Linne'', 1758) L. Iccmbis (Linne', 1758) Strombus luhuanus Linne, 1758 S. uroeus Linne', 1758 Cypraea annulus Linne'-, 1758 C. arabica Linne', 1758 C. argus Linne', 1758 C. asellus Linne", 1758 C. caputserpentis Linne", 1758 C. cameola Linne', 1758 C. depressa Gray, 1824 C. diluculum Reeve, 1845 C. felina Gmelin, 1791 C. helvola Linne", 1758 C. interrupta Gray, 1824 C. Isabella Linne", 1758 C. kieneri Hidalgo, 1906 C. lynx Linne', 1758 C. moneta Linne', 1758 C. nucleus Linne, 1758 C. quadrimaculata Gray, 1824 C. sourra Gmelin, 1791 C. staphylaea Linne, 1758 C. tigris Linne' 1758 C. vitellus Linne', 1758 Cypraecassis rufa (Linne", 1758) Charonia tritonis (Linne' 1758) Cymatium muricinum (Roding, 1798) C. rubeculum (Linne', 1758) C. ( Fanularia) undet. L L L L L L L L L L L L L L D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D with large hermit crabs snorkeling II " dwarfs D D snorkeling two color forms snorkeling +60 mm from (I) j uvenile , II Vol. XIX(ll): 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 110 Gyrinewn gyrinum (Linne, 1758) Chicoreus brunneus (Link, 1807) Nassa franaolina (Bruguiere, 1789) Coralliophila undet. Engina mendicaria (Linne", 1758) Colwnbella undet. Harpa amouretta Roding, 1798 Mitra ferruginea Lamarck, 1811 Conus coronatus Gmelin, 1791 C. ebraeus Linne', 1758 C. nussatella Linnd', 1758 C. pulioarius Hwass, 1792 C. lividus Hwass, 1792 C. ?textile Linne", 1758 Aplustrum amplustre (Linne", 1758) D D D D D D D D D small L snorkeling L " L L L " very worn snorkeling BOOK NEWS NEW PUBLICATION ANNOUNCED BY E.J. BRILL (P.0. Box 9000, 2300 PA Leiden, The Netherlands) " SpondyluSj Spiny Oyster Shells of the World" by Kevin Lamprell (1987), 84 pages, 36 full color plates, clothbound at $18.25 (also published in hard cover with dust jacket, no price given). The announcement states that 95 species are described in detail "supported by superb full-page coloured plates." "...an accurate up-to-date listing of scientific names including author and date of description, plus used synonyms for many species of these spiny oyster shells." TWO NEW AUDIO SHELL CASSETTES ANNOUNCED BY R. TUCKER ABBOTT (American Malacologists , P.0. Box 1192, Burlington, MA 01803) "Exploring Collectible Shells ,"90 minute cassette with 64 page all color book at $12.95 and "Say It Right , " 35 minute cassette with 280 page, softcover book at $16.95. Add $1.00 postage and handling per cassette. Page 111 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(ll) : 1987 CLUB NEWS THE CLUB'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER PARTY — DECEMBER 5, 1987 As noted in the October issue, arrangements have been completed for the Club's annual Christmas party. It will be held in the Bronze Room of the Admiral Kidd Club (see map on last page) with no host coctails beginning at 6:00 P.M. and dinner at 7:00 P.M. Two dinner choices are available: Coquilles San Jacques (a casserole of shrimp, crab, scallops and mushrooms baked in a creamy white sauce with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese) at $13.60 or Prime Rib of Beef (English cut with hot au jus) at $14.70. Both include tossed salad, baked potato, vegetable and coffee or tea. Tax and tip are included and our Club provides complimentary dinner wine. Reservations must be received not later than November 19th (Club meeting date) since the Admiral Kidd Club requires payment in advance. Following dinner and the program, the Club will hold its traditional shell gift exchange. Bring your gift wrapped shell to place under the tree. Place data and name inside the package only. On the outside put on the general locale i.e. Pacific, Caribbean, etc. Numbers will be drawn and those bringing a shell gift will choose one from under the tree. There will be dancing in the main room throughout the evening. It will be a great party, as always. Come and welcome the season with your friends. Guests are welcome. NEW MEMBERS Clark, Roger N. , 549 Torrey St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Negus, Richard H. , 140 Tamarack #2, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 434-9808 FROM THE MINUTES-SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING-October 15, 1987 Richard Herrmann presented a slide program entitled, "San Miguel Island, Jewel of the Channel Islands. He presented spectacular underwater and topside slides of the island and surrounding sea life. This northernmost island differs from the other Channel Islands in the influence of cold water currents. Richard showed a variety of fishes, sea stars, anemones and sand animals from this beautiful area. At the business portion of the meeting the slate of officers for 1988 was presented as follows: President: Bill Romer, Vice President: Bob Yin, Recording Secretary: Wayne Reed, Treasurer: Margaret Mulliner, Editor: Carole Hertz. The position of Corresponding Secretary is still unfilled. Nominations from the floor will be entertained at the November meeting prior to the election of officers. Bob Yin proposed a two-presentation format for meetings, one formal, longer talk and one less formal speaker after the refreshment break. The Christmas Party was discussed. The deadline for reservations is November 19. (See above) . The newest business announced, was the arrival of Carol and Bill Romer’s baby on October 12 at 11:55 P.M. The delicious cookies were provided by Kay Taylor and Marge Bradner. Ginny Herrmann Vol. XIX(ll) : 1987 THE FESTIVUS Page 112 A SELECTED INDEX TO VOLUME XIX (1987) ABBOTT, R. TUCKER A note from R. Tucker Abbott [Cyclotheoa] 72 Concerning Otala lactea (Muller, 1774) 12 [Book review] "New Caribbean molluscan faunas" by E. Petuch 98 BEETLE, DOROTHY E. The genus Oreohelix (Pulmonata: Oreohelicidae) in two western canyons of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming 66 BERTSCH, HANS A first report of the marine habitats and biota of the island of Grenada (southeastern Caribbean) 21 BRADNER, HUGH Comparisons between John Earle's Easter Island cowrie and Cypraea oemioa Sowerby, 1870.... 75 Regarding the Easter Island Cypraea oemioa 103 BRATCHER, TWILA Thyoa orystallina followup 40 BROWN, BILLEE Report from the COA meeting 81 CHANEY, HENRY W. Recent contributions to malacology: reviews and comments on two new shell books ["Atlas of living Olive shells of the world" by Petuch and Sargent and "Living Terebras of the world" by Bratcher and Cernohorsky] 51 D ' ATTILIO , ANTHONY Comments on the variability in shell morphology of Murexiella peregrina Olivera, 1980, with hitherto unpublished illustrations of the radula and protoconch. 89 Morphology of the spine in two closely related Fbvartia species: Favartia (Murexiella) pelepili (D'Attilio & Bertsch, 1980) and F. (M . ) judithae (D'Attilio & Bertsch, 1980) 63 Remarks on Favartia (Murexiella) perita (Hinds, 1844) (Muricidae) 13 The shell morphology of the varix in two Favartia species: Fbvartia dorothyae Emerson & D'Attilio, 1979, and Fdvartia munda (Reeve, 1857). 104 Typhisopsis ooronatus and dwarf Typhisala grandis at Costa Rica 32 D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY and CAROLE M. HERTZ Comparison of Naquetia annandalei (Preston, 1910) and Naquetia barolayi (Reeve, 1857) 56 D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY and BARBARA W. MYERS Emended description and designation of lectotypes for Fbvartia (Murexiella) humilis (Broderip, 1833) and F. (M . ) norrisii (Reeve, 1845) and discussion of F. (M . ) laurae (E.H. Vokes, 1970): Muricidae 2 DUSHANE, HELEN The synonymy of Epitonium (Gyrosaala) lamellosum (Lamarck, 1822) 10 FARMER, WESLEY The Black Murex, Muricanthus nigritus3 from Bird Rock, La Jolla, California — fact or fiction? 42 HANSELMAN, GEORGE A. An aberrant Mopalia (Polyplacophora : Mopaliidae) 19 HERTZ, CAROLE M. [Editor] A further note on "White Snails" 88 Changes at the San Diego Natural History Museum 74 Correction to Twila Bratcher's "Thyoa crystallina" followup 50 Correction to Donald R. Shasky's "Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal af f inities. . .Part VI" 103 Page 113 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XIX(ll): 1987 HERTZ, JULES Report from the WSM meeting 80 MCLEAN, JAMES H. Book review: "Seashells of Brazil" by E.C. Rios 8 MCPEAK, RONALD H. Book review: "A guide to the identification of The Living Corals" by J.C. Bythell , 18 MILLEN, SANDRA [Book review] "Nudibranchs of southern Africa" by T. Gosliner 97 MONTOYA, MICHEL, AL LOPEZ and JULIO LOPEZ Range extensions of several Panamic mollusks based on new records made in Nicaragua, Part 1 43 MYERS, BARBARA W. and ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Engina strong-l Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932 (Buccinidae) ; its distribution and discovery of possible paratypes 94 ROMER, BILL Shelling in Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory 108 ROTH, BARRY, CAROLE M. HERTZ and RICHARD CERUTTI White Snails (Helicidae) in San Diego County, California 84 SHASKY, DONALD R. Cantharus fragarius (Wood, 1828) at Cocos Island 30 Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific-Part V 48 Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific-Part VI 100 STOHLER, RUDOLF Common shell names 36 CLUB SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY December 5, 1987 BRONZE ROOM at the ADMIRAL KIDD CLUB Cocktails Dinner 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. ! ‘-f cu i-f < H- U) (D ROSECRANS St. Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D’Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. PROGRAM Norbert Wu, a graduate student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography will be our speaker. Mr. Wu was an underwater still photographer with the Cousteau expedition to New Zealand and his photography was on exhibit at the Lawrence Hall of Science in San Francisco. He will present a slide program entitled: "Life in a Kelp Forest" Meeting date: February 18, 1988 CONTENTS Excerpts from the 1988 tide calendar for the northern Gulf of California 9 Cymatium gibbosum at Palos Verdes LARRY CATARIUS 10 A note on the distribution of Siratus yliciferoides (Kuroda, 1942) ANTHONY D’ATTILIO and BARBARA W. MYERS 11 Club news 15 Page 9. THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX ( 2 ) : 1988 EXCERPTS FROM THE 1988 TIDE CALENDAR FOR THE NORTHERN GULF OF CALIFORNIA The entries listed below will show only periods of low tides of -4.0 feet * and below. The tidal measurements, in this calendar prepared by The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, are for Puerto Penasco and are given in Mountain Standard Time. To correct for San Felipe, subtract one hour from listed times (San Felipe is on Pacific Standard Time). For Bahia de Los Angeles, add 15-30 minutes to calendar predictions (the amplitude at Bahia de Los Angeles is about one-half of calendar measurements). Tides at Santa Rosalia and Guaymas cannot be estimated using this calendar. [Interpretation of tide calendar is approximate.] February June 14. -3.8 at 6:00 P.M. 29. -4.0 at 8:00 A.M. 15. -5.0 at 7:00 P.M. 30. -4.2 at 8:30 A.M. 16. -6.1 at 7:30 P.M. July 17. -6.5 at 8:00 P.M. 28. -4.8 at 7:30 A.M. 18. -4.4 at 8:30 A.M. 29. -5.8 at 8:00 A.M. -6.1 at 8:30 P.M. 30. -5.9 at 8:30 A.M. 19. -4.7 at 9:00 A.M. 31. -4.2 at 9:30 A.M. -5.0 at 9:00 P.M. 20. -4.1 at 9:30 A.M. August 25. -4.0 at 6:30 A.M. March 26. -5.5 at 6:50 A.M. 15. -4.0 at 6:00 P.M. 27. -6.0 at 7:15 A.M. 16. -3.9 at 6:30 A.M. -3.9 at 8:15 P.M. -5.9 at 6:30 P.M. 28. -5.9 at 8:30 A.M. 17. -4.9 at 7:00 A.M. -4.2 at 9:00 P.M. -5.9 at 7:15 P.M. 29. -4.4 at 9:30 A.M. 18. -6.0 at 7:30 A.M. -4.0 at 9:30 P.M. -4.9 at 7:45 P.M. 19. -5.9 at 8:00 A.M. September -3.9 at 8:30 P.M. 23. -3.9 at 6:00 A.M. 20. -4.3 at 9:00 A.M. 24. -4.4 at 6:30 A.M. -4.1 at 7:00 P.M. April 25. -4.9 at 8:00 A.M. 2. -4.0 at 8:00 A.M. -4.9 at 8:30 P.M. 3. -3.9 at 8:30 A.M. 26. -4.2 at 8:30 A.M. 4. -3.9 at 8:30 A.M. -4.5 at 8:00 P.M. 14. -4.0 at 7:00 A.M. 27. -4.2 at 9:00 P.M. -3.9 at 6:45 P.M. 15. -5.0 at 7:00 A.M. October -3.8 at 7:30 P.M. 23. -4.2 at 7:00 P.M. 16. -5.9 at 7:15 A.M. 24. -5.5 at 7:30 P.M. 17. -5.0 at 8:15 A.M. 25. -5.6 at 8:00 P.M. 18. -3.9 at 9:00 A.M. 26. -4.2 at 8:30 P.M. May November 2. -4.0 at 8:00 A.M. 21.. -3.9 at 6:15 P.M. 3. -3.8 at 8:30 A.M. 22. -4.0 at 6:50 P.M. 14. -3.9 at 7:00 A.M. 23. -4.1 at 7:00 P.M. 15. -4.1 at 7:30 A.M. 24. -3.8 at 7:45 P.M. 16. -4.0 at 8:00 A.M. Slightly higher tides are listed when in conjunction with a series of -4 foot tides and below. Vol . XX ( 2 ) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 10 CYMATIUM GIBBQSUM AT PALOS VERDES BY LARRY CATARIUS 4173 Galt Street, San Diego, California 92117 On Saturday June 11, 1983, Bob Pike of Buena Park and I were diving in 13.7 meters (45 feet) of water off Palos Verdes, California. We were looking for Ptevopuvpuva trialata (Sowerby, 1844) on sand next to rocks when I collected a live, 42.6 mm specimen of Cymatium gibbosum (Broderip, 1833) (Figures 1 and 2). Figures 1 and 2. Cymatium gibbosum (Broderip, 1833), apertural and dorsal views. Length: 42.6 mm. Location: Palos Verdes, California in 13.7 m. Photos: D. Mulliner Upon surfacing, I showed it to Bob and we decided to make a second dive in the same area and look for more. No others were found. Bob took the specimen home and put it in his aquarium where it lived for another three months. It was not observed feeding in the aquarium. This species has not been reported from this area in recent years. Keen's (1971:508) SEA SHELLS OF TROPICAL WEST AMERICA reports it from Sonora, Mexico to the Galapagos Islands and Peru and C. adairensis _, a possible subspecies with coarser sculpture, restricted to the northern Gulf of California. However, Dali in 1921 in the USNM BULLETIN 112, page 141, listed the species from "San Pedro and San Diego, California, to Panama." Page 11 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX (2) : 1988 A NOTE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF SIRATUS PL I C I FERO IDES (KURODA, 1942) BY ANTHONY D ' ATTILIO and BARBARA W. MYERS Associates, Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 Siratus pticiferoides (Kuroda, 1942) was first described by Sowerby in 1841 as Murex pliaiferus [ non Bivona-Bernardi, 1832] . The shell is large (maximum 130+ mm) , fusiform with a moderately long siphonal canal. Until recently the distribution of Siratus plieiferoid.es has been confined to the northern portion of the western Pacific, i.e. Japan, China, Taiwan and the Philippine Islands (Figures 1-4). When Sowerby described Murex ptieiferus, he gave no type locality for the species. His specimen was from the collection of Hugh Cuming, who often kept collecting data separate from his specimens with the intention of adding the information at a later date (Dance, 1966). We might tentatively establish the Philippine Islands as the type locality since Cuming reached the northern extension of the Philippines on his thrid voyage (Dance, 1966). No evidence has been found that he collected in China, Japan or Taiwan. In addition, the coloration of Sowerby’s illustration (Conch. Illus., pi. 195, fig. 101) is more nearly like that of Philippine Island specimens, i.e., with brown stripes rather than the almost dead white of the Japanese shell. Figures 1 and 2. Siratus pticiferoid.es (Kuroda, 1942). SDNHM 79054, from Kii, Japan. Size: 102.1 x 47.0 mm, dorsal and apertural views Photos: D. Mulliner Vol . XX (2) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 12 Figures 3 and 4. Siratus pliciferoides . SDNHM 62005, from Batangas Bay, Philippine Islands, Size: 118.5 x 54.0 mm, dorsal and ventral views. Photos: D. Mulliner We have specimens in the San Diego Natural History Museum (#85998) collected and donated by Don Pisor that were dredged from 120 m off Russell Island, Solomon Islands, in April 1985 (Figures 5 and 6). Houart (1986) mentions one specimen collected from 200 m off Balade, New Caledonia. Specimens recently dredged in 500 m off Rowley Shoals, Port Hedland, northwest Australia are in the Charles Glass and Robert Foster collection, and extend the distribution southwest into the Indian Ocean (Figures 7 and 8). Radwin and D'Attilio (1976) and Houart (1986) placed Murex (Siratus) propinquus Kuroda and Azuma, 1961, in the synonymy of Siratus pliciferoides, and Houart also synonymized Siratus hirasei Shikama, 1973. Without studying type material, we make no comments regarding these taxa. Over its wide distribtuion the species changes very little in shell morphology. The differences are mainly in the number of varical spines, thickness of the varices and depth of the depressed area on the receding side of the varices. The specimens from the Solomon Islands lack any spination and appear more robust than the specimens from other areas. Mention is made by Sowerby (1879) of a specimen with a "spiniferous webbed appendage above the angle on the varices." Shikama (1973) il- lustrates Siratus hirasei as having a webbed appearance. Figures 7 and 8 from northwest Australia show a webbed flange on the varices of the body whorl. Most frequently the shell is colored white to cream and occasionally two ephemeral rust color bands appear on the body whorl. Some specimens, especially Philippine Island examples, have rust color on the surface of the spiral threads. Suggestions that Siratus viedani Kosuge, 1980, may represent the immature stages of S. pliciferoides cannot be determined without a growth series of S. pliciferoides. There appears, nonetheless, to be a close relationship between the two species. t'age 13 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(2): 1988 Figures 5 and 6. S. pZicifevozdes . SDNHM 85998, from Russell Island , Solomon Islands, dredged 100-120 m. Size: 103.6 x 51.4 mm, dorsal and ventral views. Photos. D. Mulliner Figures 7 and 8. S. plicifevoides . Glass and Foster collection, 97.2 mm, from northwest Australia, dorsal and apertural views. Photos: C. Glass Vol. XX(2) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 14 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express our gratitude to Charles Glass and Robert Foster of Santa Barbara, California, for the loan of specimens for study and for the photographs used for Figures 7 and 8. We also thank David K. Mulliner of San Diego, California for the other photographs used in this paper, namely Figures 1-6. LITERATURE CITED DANCE, S.P. 1966. SHELL COLLECTING AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. 343 pp . , 35 pis . HOUART, R. 1986. Mollusca Gastropoda: noteworthy Muricidae from the Pacific Ocean, with description of seven new species. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. 1985. ser. A. Zoology 133:427-444, pis. 1-5. KURODA, T. 1942. Two Japanese murices whose names have been preoccupied. Venus 12(1-2): 80-81. KURODA, T. and M. AZUMA 'in Azuma. 1961. Descriptions of six new species of Japanese marine Gastropoda. Venus 21(3): 296-303, text figs. 7, 10. KOSUGE, S. 1980. Descriptions of three new species of the family Muricidae (Gastropoda Muricacea) . Bull. Inst. Malac. Tokyo l(4):53-56, pis. 14-15. RADWIN, G.E. and A. D'ATTILIO. 1976. MUREX SHELLS OF THE WORLD, AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE MURICIDAE. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA 284 pp., 32 pis., 192 text figs. SHIKAMA, T. 1973. Description of new marine Gastropoda from the east and south China Seas. Sci. Repts. Yokohama Nat. Univ. Sec. II, #20, 8 pp., 2 pis. SOWERBY, G.B. II 1841. Conch. Illus. Muvex3 pts. 187-199. London. 1879. Thesaurus Conchyl. Monograph of the genus Murex3 55 pp . , 24 pis. Page 15 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(2) : 1988 CLUB NEWS FROM THE. MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - JANUARY 21, 1938 Wayne Reed, the evening's speaker, presented an illustrated talk on "Shell Collecting Through History." He discussed early collectors and their collections with slides of engravings and artifacts from early Pompeii to Victorian times. The collectors included Pliny the Elder, Martin Lister, George Rumphius, Captain Bligh, Hugh Cuming, Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Louis Stevenson. There were many interesting slides including several displays that Wayne put together and had photographed of artifacts and shells that might have been typical of European Renaissance collections. As part of the business meeting, Jules Hertz read announcements of the upcoming WSM meeting at Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California from July 17-21, 1988 and the COA meeting in Ft. Myers, Florida, from July 11-15, 1988. Larry Buck volunteered his house for the September party and the Christmas party is now set at the Admiral Kidd Club on December 3, 1988. President Bill Romer discussed the April auction and asked for someone to volunteer their house for the evening; he also asked that members start bringing shells for the auction to the next meeting. Cookies for the evening were provided by Wayne Reed and Margaret Mulliner. The door prize was won by new member, Maria Goldstein. Jules Hertz, Acting Recording Secretary NEW MEMBERS Kim and Don Avilez , 5481 Los Robles, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Maria and Raymond Goldstein, 1183 Loma Portal Dr., El Cajon, CA 92020, 449-9179 NEW PUBLICATION RECEIVED "List of Publications, 1954-1986, compiled by R.M.C. Thompson. 1987. Division of marine and freshwater science. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, DSIR. Wellington. 135 pages DUES ARE DUE Make checks payable to San Diego Shell Club and mail to Club address. See front page of this issue. THE ANNUAL AUCTION/POTLUCK A home is needed for the Club's annual auction which is held on a Saturday evening in April. If you are willing to host this party, please contact either Bill Romer (278-2389) or Carole Hertz (277-6259). THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY —1988 Mark your calendars. The annual Christmas dinner party will be on Saturday evening December 3 at the Admiral Kidd Club. This year it will be held in the New York Room an the main floor facing out on the water. V n% ISSN: 0738-9388 Volume: XX THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club March 10, 1988 Number: 3 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research. Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. PROGRAM "SHELL COLLECTING IN NORTHWESTERN AUSTRALIA" Don Pisor, Club member and local shell dealer who has led many successful tours for shell enthusiasts will present this video program. Meeting date: March 17, 1988 CONTENTS A cautionary note to editors and authors CAROLE M. HERTZ 17 Detailed studies of the morphology of the varical flange in two Favartia species: F avartia rosamiae and A. leonae ANTHONY D'ATTILIO 18 An Argonauta shell found in San Diego JULES HERTZ 22 Club news 25 Page 17 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(3) : 1988 A CAUTIONARY NOTE TO EDITORS AND AUTHORS BY CAROLE M. HERTZ In the recent past, two articles have been published, one in LAS CONCHAS (the newsletter of the Pacific Shell Club) and the other in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, which discuss soon-to-be-named new molluscan species. In both, the proposed names are used before the descriptions of these species appear in the scientific literature. The January 3rd, 1988, issue of LAS CONCHAS, postmarked December 24, 1987, carried an article by A1 Lopez entitled, "Two new Agavonia species," which gives the names of two new species and briefly discusses them and, in only broad terms, their relationships to previously named species. (The December 24th date would have to be taken as the date of publication.) This article preceded the January 4, 1988, paper in THE VELIGER (vol. 30 (3) :295-304) by Lopez, Montoya and Lopez, "A review of the genus Agavonia (Olividae) in the Panamic province and the description of two new species from Nicaragua." In the UPI release carried in the LOS ANGELES TIMES of January 2, 1988, Peter Ward of the University of Washington is interviewed concerning a new species of Nautilus (pictured in the piece) on display at the Seattle Aquarium. It had been captured by Dr. Ward off Vanuatu, New Hebrides, in December 1987. The article quoted Dr. Ward as stating that he "is thinking of naming the new species Nautilus vanuatuensis . ..." Using the names of new taxa in this way, prior to their publication in the scientific literature, is an unwise practice on the part of the editors and authors involved. In some cases, such news articles could inadvertently become the "official" publications of the taxa. According to the Third edition (February 1985) of the INTERNATIONAL CODE OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE, a new species to be "available" (for use as a scientific name) need only fulfill the following requirements [paraphrased] : (1) be published for the permanent scientific record by a method that assures numerous identical copies that are obtainable, when first issued, free or by purchase ; (2) have a name spelled in Latin letters and used as a valid scientific name when published; (3) follow the principles of binomial nomenclature; and (4) be accompanied by a description or definition that states in words characters that are purported to differentiate the taxon Fortunately, the fourth requirement is not met by the newspaper account of Ward's new Nautilus , which has only a photograph, and it is not met by the LAS CONCHAS mention of the new species of Agavonia. Nevertheless, editors, authors, and scientists being interviewed by newspaper writers, must use caution in allowing the names of new taxa to appear in any literature prior to their formal descriptions in scientific journals. If in doubt, such taxa can be discussed in general terms, given informal, "common names," or called "new species A."' I thank Dr. Eugene Coan for reading a draft of this article and for offering helpful suggestions. Vol. XX(3) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 18 DETAILED STUDIES OF THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE VARICAL FLANGE IN TWO FAVARTIA SPECIES: FAVARTIA ROSAMIAE AND F. LEONAE BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Associate, Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, CA 92112 This second illustrative commentary (see Festivus, Nov. 1987) deals with the microsculpture of two other small Favartia species: Favartia rosamiae and F. leonae both of D'Attilio and Myers, 1985. These two species are of more than passing interest for the complexity in sculptural morphology and because, in their growth to full maturity, their ontogeny undergoes a significant change in the last or mature varix. The body whorl in these species has one less varix than the previous whorls and this type of growth change is atypical of the Muricidae as a whole except for a number of aspelloid species. The illustration of this microsculpture is achieved by camera lucida drawings for the outline and contours and sufficient shading to further enhance a clearly visual concept of the forms. A further note must be born in mind regarding studies such as these and that is that no two specimens, even in the same breeding population, are ever precisely the same. Genetics, with the uniqueness of the individual, works as clearly with the molluscan shell as it does with higher forms of life. With the exception of the sculpture following the penultimate varix of the body whorl, Favartia rosamiae (Figures 1 and 2) has strong raised scabrous cords on the entire shell with two on the spire and five on the body whorl. After the penultimate varix, the shell lacks the scabrous cords of the preceding intervarical areas (Figure 2). Figures 1 and 2. Favartia rosamiae D’Attilio and Myers, 1985, apertural (1) and dorsal (2) views of Paratype A, SDNHM 85101, 15 mm L, Okinawa Photos: D. Mulliner Page 19 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(3) : 1988 The most remarkable feature of the ontogeny of the varices in this species (Figure 3A-3C) is the change from a posteriorly produced flange on the ante- penultimate varix (3A) gradually broadening anteriorly on the penultimate varix (3B) until the final varix (3C) when the spinose portions of the entire flange are equally Figure 3A-3C. Favartia vosamiae , details of the varices on the body whorl in Paratype A, greatly enlarged (A) antepenultimate varix (B) penultimate varix (C) final varix A detail of the scabrous cords of all but the final intervarical area is shown in Figure 4. These cords, appearing to emanate one segment from the other are cut / by striae along their length [ and between the cords additional transverse and growth lines are visible. Figure 4. F. rosamiae detail of sculpture of shoulder spine and one below on penultimate whorl, greatly enlarged Vol . XX(3) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 20 Favartia leonae (Figures 5 and 6) in its ontogeny parallels that of E rosamiae but lacks its strongly raised squamose cords (Figure 4)j the transverse sculpture in F. leonae is much reduced. In F. leonae the tnree final varices (Figures 7A-7C) demonstrate an even more remarkable change than F. rosamiae in that the posterior spinosity in the antepenultimate (7A) and penultimate (7B) varices is stronger than that of F. rosamiae while on the final varix all vestiges of spinosity have dis- appeared and the anterior portion is replaced by a broad flange (7C). In the apertural view (Figure 5) the unusual change on the final varix may be mistaken for a broken spine. To my knowledge, these two species, in the elimination of what would be the penultimate varix on the body whorl land the complete change in shell morphology of the final varix, are unusual in the Muricidae. Figures 5 and 6. Favartia leonae D'Attilio and Myers, 1985, apertural (5) and dorsal (6) views of holotype, SDNHM 81638, 14.2 mm L, Okinawa Photos: D. Mulliner ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank David K. Mulliner for the photography of the two species illustrated herein. LITERATURE CITED D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY and BARBARA W. MYERS 1985. Two new species of Favartia from the west Pacific Ocean (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Nautilus 99 (2-3) : 58-61 , 11 figs. Page 21 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(3) : 1988 A Figure 7A-C. F. leonae, details of the varices on the body whorl, greatly enlarged, (A) antepenultimate varix (B) penultimate varix (C) final varix STUDENT RESEARCH GRANT IN MALACOLOGY The SAnta Barbara Shell Club announces a single research grant up to $1,000. to support student research in malacology through the Sara T. DeLaney Scholarship. The grant is available to: a full time student in a formal graduate degree program (Master's or Doctorate) with the thesis or dissertation topic primarily focused on some aspect of eastern Pacific or west American malacology (including North, Central and South America). The research topic may involve marine, land or freshwater mollusks. Research currently in progress or beginning in the 1988-89 academic year will be considered. Include with each application : (1) a proposal, limited to three pages discussing the research project and detailing work to be aided by this grant and its malacological significance (2) a budget outlining use of the funds (3) a curriculum vitae or resume (4) letter of recommendation from applicant's thesis advisor (5) list of grants and amounts currently being received or anticipated in the 1988-89 academic year. Projects to be considered for funding are: (1) purchase of research materials such as chemicals, photographic supplies, field collecting equipment, dissecting and optical accessories, computer supplies, etc. (2) electron microscope usage fees and mainframe computer time (3) travel costs to visit museums or institutions which have collections or resources vital to the research topic. Completed applications must be received no later than 1 June 1988. Awards will be announced by 15 August 1988. Send applications to: Sara T. DeLaney Scholarship, Santa Barbara Shell Club., P.0. Box 30191, Santa Barbara, CA 93130 For further information, contact Paul Scott, (805) 682-4711 Vol . XX(3) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 22 AN ARGONAUTA SHELL FOUND IN SAN DIEGO BY JULES HERTZ 3883 Mt . Blackburn Avenue, San Diego, California 92111 On 20 December 1987, I collected a shell of an Argonauta in beach drift at the northwest end of Tourmaline Surfing Beach, Pacific Beach, San Diego, California. The shell, the egg case of a female Argonauta , was slightly damaged and measured 27.7 mm in length. In over twenty years of collecting on this particular beach and others in the San Diego area, this is the first time I have found the shell of an Argonauta. There had been high tides the previous day and this may have brought the shell in from far offshore. The shell pictured in Figures 1 to 3 compares well with the drawings of the holotype of Argonauta comutus Conrad, 1854 (= A. expansus Dali, 1872) herewith reprinted as Figure 4 and is very similar to the holotype of A. expansus figured by Dali (1902) and by Keen (1971). A. eomutus is reported from the Gulf of California to Panama. Conrad's original description stated, "...back with inter- rupted undulations and distant unequal tubercles; whole surface except the umbo minutely papillose. Angle of the lip with a spine nearly at right angles with the length of the shell; surface white and destitute of polish; submargin of sinus and the spine dark purple." The shell found at Pacific Beach differs in several ways Figures 1-3. An Argonauta shell from Pacific Beach, three views (1) side view (2) interior view (3) dorsal view Photos: D.K. Mulliner Page 23 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX ( 3 ) : 1988 from the description of the type of A. oomutus. First, the shell is polished both inside and out. In addition, the surface looks smooth externally, although under 10X magnification a very finely papil- lose surface is apparent. I have a lot of four shells found at Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico which closely matches the original description of A. oomutus. Each of the shells in the lot are destitute of polish and even the smallest one, which is approximately the same size as the one from Pacific Beach, has a much more pronounced papillose (granulose) surface. A lot in the San Diego Natural History Museum, SDNHM 22013, contains five shells collected by H.N. Lowe in 1929 at La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico and identified as A. expansa Dali, 1872. These shells were later identified by S.S. Berry as A. oomutus. These shells are approximately 25 to 75 mm in length and are very variable with the smallest shell less papil- lose, less broad in the keel, less tuberculate and have less black on the tubercules. Assuming that the Pacific Beach shell is not A. oomutus _, then what other possibilities exist? The most likely are Argonauta nouryi Lorois, 1852 (= A. gruneri Dunker, 1852) and Argonauta paoifious Dali, 1869, both possibilities figured by Keen (1971). A. nouryi is widespread and ranges on the Pacific west coast from southern California to Peru. The shell is more elliptical than A. oomutus 3 has a wider and more weakly tuberculate keel ,. and a finely granular tex- ture. A specimen donated to the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM 87759) by Don Pisor and reported from Baja California, Mexico is white, glossy, less tuberculate, more elliptical and shows almost no expansion of the spine projections of the lip. It appears as a more fragile and open shell. Argonauta paoifious , reported from southern California through the Gulf of California and southward to the Galapagos Islands and Peru, is a shell which looks identical to Argonauta argo Linnaeus, 1758, a worldwide species. Dali (1371) dis- cussed in detail many differences in the animals of A. paoifious and A. argo3 although his material was "rather limited." A. paoifious is a whitish shell rather compressed at the basal keel, which is narrow, finely tuberculate, and suffused with black. The San Diego Natural History Museum contains lots of A. paoifious from Imperial Beach, California (1 shell, #4106) , San Pedro, California (2 shells, #22003) and La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico (4 shells, #22000). These shells are generally opaque white, finely granular, and have varying degrees of axial expansion in the projections of the lip (varying from approximately 0 to 45 degrees). The lot of A. paoifious San Pedro looks identical to a lot of three shells of A. argo from Sea Breeze, Florida, both lots having varying degrees of expansion and both lots having pinkish coloration around the lip spine. The two long axial expansions shown in the figured specimen from Pacific Beach seems to be a variable characteristic within a species and cannot be used to distin- guish one species from another. Johnson and Snook (1967) show a drawing of A. paoifious with an expanded lip and Abbott (1974) shows a drawing of A. argo with long axial expansions almost perpendicular to the axis. Dali (1908) in his summary on Figure 4. Argonauta oomutus s from Conrad , (1854) , 2 views Vol . XX(3) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 24 Argonauta stated that "the granulation of the surface is not a specific character" and noted "that young specimens of nearly all the larger forms are for a time distinctly auriculate, but may become simple in the adult stage." It is doubtful that the single small specimen figured here could ever be iden- tified to a given species. Given the variability within shells of a species, ident fication would be questionable without knowledge of the animal. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Dave Mulliner for the photographs of the Argonauta shell and to the Marine Invertebrate Department of the San Diego Natural History Museum for permission to study their collection. LITERATURE CITED ABBOTT, R.T. 1974. American Seashells, 2nd ed . , Van Nostrand Rheinhold, 663 pp. , 6405 text figs . , 24 pis . CONRAD, T. A. 1854. Monograph of the genus Argonauta , Linne, with descriptions of five new species. Jour. ANSP ser. 2 (2 ): 331-334 , pi. 34 (Feb.) DALL, W.H. 1869. Notes on the Argonaut. Amer. Naturalist 3(5):236-239 (July) 1871. Descriptions of sixty new forms of mollusks from the west coast of North America and the north Pacific Ocean, with notes on others already described. Amer. Jour. Conch. 7(2):93-160, pis. 13-16 (Nov. 2) 1872. Descriptions of new species of Mollusca from the northwest coast of America. Proc. CAS 4:303 1902. Illustrations and descriptions of new, unfigured , or imperfectly known shells chiefly American in the U.S. National Museum. Proc. USNM 24(1264) 499-566, pis. 27-40 (Mar. 31) 1908. Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California. . .XIV. The Mollusca and Brachiopoda. Bull MCZ, Harvard 43(6): 205-487, pis. 1-22 (Oct.) JOHNSON, M.E. and H.J. SNOOK 1967. Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast. Dover Pub., NY. 659 pp . , 700 figs LINNAEUS, C 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. 10th ed. reformata, Stockholm, vol. 1, Regnum animales, 824 pp (Jan. 1) Lorois, E.L. 1852. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Argonaute. Rev. Mag. de Zool. ser. 2(4):9-10, pi. 1 (not seen) KEEN, A.M. 1971. Sea Shells of Tropical West America, 2nd ed., Stanford’ Univ. Press, Stanford, CA. , 1064 pp. , 22 pis., ca 4000 text figs. Page 25 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(3): 1988 CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB - FEBRUARY 18, 1988 Secretary Jules Hertz called the meeting to order and introduced the speaker for the evening, Norbert Wu. Mr. Wu's slide presentation, "Life in a Kelp Forest" began with pictures of silvery schools of anchovies and sardines, tuna, and shots of dolphin and sharks. He linked sea otters with healthier kelp forests and discussed earlier problems with DDT contamination in pelican eggs. There were numerous dramatic closeups in the kelp forest; strawberry anemones, pinstripe shrimp on bat stars, lobsters, flying fish off Santa Barbara, and many other fantastic views in the coastal waters off Monterey and San Diego. Perhaps most memorable were colorful and vivid images of beds of sand dollars, tiny hitchhiking cancer crabs in the bells of jellyfish, and delicate nudibranchs. Norbert also brought along some breathtaking calendars showing some of his best undersea photography, available to those Club members present at a reduced price. During the business portion of the meeting, Jules read pertinent correspondence and book notices and reminded members that dues are due. The Christmas party is set for Saturday, December 3rd in the New York Room of the Admiral Kidd Club and the Club Auction/Potluck date is set for April 30th at the home of Wes Farmer. Shells are desperately needed and members were requested to bring them to the next meeting or contact a board member for pickup. Club member Don Pisor presented a slide program on the Conchologists of America (COA) to better inform Club members of this national organization and encourage the Club to host a COA convention in San Diego in 1989. Following a brief discussion, the members voted to host the convention. It will mean work for the Club; actual expenditures of about $200. and much volunteer help. Wayne Reed, Recording Secretary NEW MEMBERS Bishop, John A., 3026 Treeman, San Diego, CA 92106, 223-6038 Hansen Family, P.0. Box 83914, San Diego, CA 92138, 275-3030, ext 158 Librarie Justus Lipsius, Av. Milcamps 188 B 15, 1040 Brussels, Belgium THE ANNUAL AUCTION/POTLUCK The annual auction/potluck will be held on April 30th at the home of Wes Farmer [Map will appear in the April issue ] with festivities beginning at 6:00 P.M. This gala event, the Club's only fundraiser provides the support for The Festivus, our donations to scientific organizations, our social events and library purchases. We invite ALL our members, local and out-of-town, to donate generously to the auction. Members are urged to bring their shell donations to the March meeting or contact a board member for their pickup. For out-of-town members, please send to the Club address. Specimen quality shells, with collecting data when possible, are preferred. LAST REMINDER THAT DUES ARE DUE Membership dues for the year 1988 are now overdue. If you have not paid your dues, this will be the last issue of The Festivus which you will receive. To be included on the Club roster, which appears in the April issue, dues must be received by 31 March 1988. IN MEMORIAL Word has just reached us that longtime Club member Cliff Ames passed away in his sleep of a heart attack on December 6, 1987. After the death of his first wife, Waneta, Cliff relocated to the midwest where he was raised. It was in Aurora, Missouri that he died. Our sympathy is extended to his wife Cathy. 0 / VI o L'U t ISSN: 0738-9388 Volume: XX THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club April 14, 1988 Number: 4 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc. , c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American M alacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. COME TO THE AUCTION/POTLUCK ! ! Saturday evening, April 30 6:00 P.M. ? For details see page 34 and map on last page. There is no regular meeting this month. CONTENTS Two look-alike turrids from the eastern Pacific: Clathromangelia fuscoligata and Mangelia rhyssa JULES HERTZ Book review: MOLLUSCHI EDULII DELLE MARCHE ANTHONY D’ATTILIO, reviewer Club news . . . Club membership roster Map for detaching 27 32 33 Page 27 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(4) : 1988 TWO LOOK-ALIKE TURRIDS FROM THE EASTERN PACIFIC: CLATHROMANGELIA FUSCOLIGATA AND MANGEL I A RHYSSA BY JULES HERTZ 3883 Mt . Blackburn Avenue, San Diego, California 92111 Two small look-alike turrids that can be found off San Diego, California are Clathromangelia fuseoligata (Dali, 1871) and Mangel ia rhyssa Dali, 1919. Type specimens for both species are housed at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. This article will primarily deal with the shell characters of the two species and will refrain from dealing with nomenclatural issues. Clathromang elia fuseoligata is found from Monterey to San Diego, California. Dali (1871) originally named the species Daphnella fuseoligata based on two dead collected specimens from a Monterey beach. The two type specimens are the lectotype (USNM 56088) selected by J. McLean in October 1969 and the paralectotype (USNM 697368, ex 56088). Dali’s description of C. fuseoligata follows. "Shell fusiform, slender, solid, of four or five whorls; spire half as long as the shell, aperture the same; the latter narrow with no perceptible sinus, and a short open canal; columella and outer lip smooth. Sculpture consisting of strong, revolving, ele- vated lines, six on the last whorl, crossed by strong, regular, longitudinal costae of about the same size, twelve on the last whorl. These ridges are remarkably uniform, and their intersections produce a very conspicuously regular reticulation. The longi-^ tudinal ridges are, perhaps, a little thicker on the convexity of the whorls than above and below. General coloration white, with a reddish brown band between the suture and the first revolving ridge, another between and including the third and fourth ridges, the other revolving ridges being dotted with brown between their inter- sections with the costae. These intersections, especially on the last whorls, appear somewhat nodulous." Examination of the type specimens revealed that they were very worn. The para- lectotype has an obviously broken protoconch, and the lectotype must have a broken protoconch which is so worn as to appear unbroken but with noticeably fewer whorls. The thickened outer lip of the lectotype with its undulate peristome reflecting the external spiral sculpture is shown in Figure 1. There is no thickened ridge within. Figure 2 shows the worn protoconch of the lectotype. lip edge Figure 1. C. fuseoligata s lectotype (USNM 56088), outer lip area at 32X Vol . XX(4) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 28 A live collected specimen from the northern part of the range (Carmel Submarine Canyon, San Jose Creek Beach, Monterey County) is shown in Figure 3a and b. These show a robust shell with sculpture producing strong square cancellations. The shells found in southern California seem less robust, more slender, but still with strong cancellate sculpture. Figure 4 shows two typical specimens from southern California. A drawing of the protoconch of the specimen from Del Mar, California is shown in Figure 5. McLean (1978) reports C. fuscoligata as "not uncommon in gravel under kelp. Figure 3 a and b. C. fusaoligata, LACM 60-24, apertural and dorsal views of specimen from Carmel Submarine Canyon, San Jose Creek Beach, Montery County, California, collector J.H. McLean, 1960-1964 Photos: D.K. Mulliner The look-alike species was originally named Mangilia (Clathromangilia) rhyssa by Dali (1919). The holotype, USNM 55479, was figured in Dali's original publi- cation, and the original description follows. "Shell small brownish, coarsely sculptured, with six whorls exclusive of the (lost) nucleus; suture appressed, somewhat constricted, obscure; upper whorls with two prominent cords crossing the ribs without nodulation, the last whorl with six, the spiral sculpture more prominent than the axial, which consists of (on the last whorl 10) straight axial ribs continuous to the base; there are traces of some fine spiral striation; the interstices of the reticulation are deep and squarish; sutural fasciole obscure, the sulcus very shallow, the aperture short with hardly any canal and no denticulations or lirations. Height of shell, 7; of last whorl, 4, diameter, 2 mm." Dali (1919) listed the distribution as "Gulf of California, Stearns collection," Dali (1921) listed the range as "near San Diego, California." M angelia rhyssa is listed in the Rejected and Indeterminate Species section of Keen's (1971) SEA SHELLS OF TROPICAL WEST AMERICA. This indicates that it is a doubtful Panamic species, but it is recognized as a species occurring in southern California Page 29 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(4 ) : 1988. Figure 4. C. fusaoligata, two specimens from southern California. Dorsal view of specimen collected at Del Mar (7.5 mm) and apertural view of specimen collected off Pt . Loma in San Diego (8.3 mm ). Both specimens in B.W. Myers collection Photo: D.K. Mulliner Figure 5. C. fusaoligata , two views of the protoconch of specimen from Del Mar shown in Figure 4. at 38.5. Examination of the type specimen showed it to be a worn, dead collected specimen with the tip of the base worn off. B.W. Myers has a worn specimen from off Point Loma, San Diego, California which looks just like the type. This Pt. Loma specimen was collected along with some fresh specimens that are not worn, and two of these are shown in Figure 6. The shell aperture appears to widen at the base as the species ages. Figure 7 is a camera lucida drawing of the protoconch of one of the specimens in Figure 6. The protoconchs of Mangelia rhyssa and Clathromangelia fusaoligata are quite distinctive. For M. rhyssa the protoconch consists of approximately 2^ whorls with no clear cut varix demarcating the protoconch from the teleoconch. There are three riblets on the protoconch coalescing towards the apex. The shell is microscopically radially ribbed following the first protoconch whorl. The ribs cross the shoulder and over the cords. The protoconch of C. fusaoligata has about 2h whorls until the first axial ridge of the teleoconch. It has one minor rib above the shoulder angle and one rib below. Other major differences between the two species are the more slender appearance of M. rhyssa and the fact that M. rhyssa has a reddish brown shell whereas C. fusaoligata has a white shell with brown color blotches. Vol . XX(4) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 30 Figure 6. Mangelia vhyssa 3 two specimens from Figure 7. M . vhyssa, two views of off Pt. Loma, San Diego (5.8 and 6.3 mm), the protoconch of 6.3 mm specimen B.W. Myers collection Photo: D.K. Mulliner shown in Figure 6,at 38. 5X ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I gratefully acknowledge the camera lucida drawings by Anthony D'Attilio and the fine photographs by David K. Mulliner of the two turrid species. I am indebted to James H. McLean of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History for the loan of comparison material and to the late Joseph Rosewater of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution for the loan of the type specimens. I am particularly indebted to Barbara W. Myers for the loan of study material and for her keen observations of the type material. LITERATURE CITED DALL, WILLIAM HEALEY 1871. Descriptions of sixty new forms of mollusks from the west coast of America and the north Pacific Ocean, with notes on others already described. Amer. Jour. Conch. 7(2):93-160, pis. 13-16 (Nov. 2). 1919. Description of new species of mollusks of the family Turritidae from the coast of America and adjacent regions. Proc. USNM 56 (2288) : 1-86 , pis. 1-24 (Aug. 8). 1921. Summary of marine shellbearing mollusks of the northwest coast of America... Bull USNM 112, 217 pp . , 22 pis. (Feb. 24). Page 31 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(4): 1988 KEEN A. MYRA 1971. Sea Shells of Tropical West America, 2nd ed., Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA, vii-xiv + lu64 pp., 22 pis., ca 4,000 text figs. MCLEAN, JAMES H. S 1978. Marine shells of southern California, revised ed . Science series 24, Los Angeles County Mus. Nat. Hist., Zoology no. 11, 104 pp. , 54 figs. TESKEY COLLECTION ENHANCES FLORIDA RESEARCH (News release from R. Tucker Abbott) The unique collection of mollusks assembled by Margaret C. Teskey, former Secretary of the American Malacological Union, has recently been donated to the Florida State Museum at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The valuable collection, consisting of many hundreds of minute and shallow-water species with good locality data is now being curated in the research facilities at the Florida State Museum. Mrs. Teskey, now a resident of Beaverton, Oregon, spent a dozen years in the Florida Keys sampling obscure populations, some located at the now-protected Looe Key. Friends have also rushed to her aid to. supply funds for the curating of this valuable resource for future research. "Our emphasis in the past has been on non-marine mollusks," said Dr. Fred Thompson, Curator at this major Florida museum, "but recent developments are pointing towards a more active role in Florida's rich marine fauna, both living and fossil." The Director of the museum. Dr. Peter Bennett, intends to increase the public's awareness of Florida's marine shells "through new exhibits, the addition of a marine malacologist to the staff and increased cooperation with both amateur and professional mollusk field activities." NEW LAW TO REGULATE PLASTIC POLLUTION IN THE OCEAN [News release from "Tidelines" sea grant extension program, University of California, Cooperative Extension, San Diego County excerpted below] Late in 1987 the United States signed an international treaty called MARPOL to limit pollution in the oceans and passed Public Law 100-220 (U.S. Japan Fishery Agreement) to implement it in the U.S. by December of 1988. Part of the MARPOL treaty (Annex V.) will prohibit the dumping of plastics at sea and will severely restrict the ability of vessels to dump other types of ship- generated garbage at sea and in U.S. navigable waters. It will apply to all types of watercraft, from the smallest pleasure craft to the largest oceangoing commercial ship and will prohibit the dumping of plastics in all waters and prohibit the dumping of dunnage, lining and packing material which will float within 25 nautical miles and prohibit the dumping of food wastes and all other garbage within 12 nautical miles from land except allowing dumping of food wastes outside 3 nautical miles if they have been ground so they can pass through a 25 mm screen,. Adequate shoreside facilities for garbage reception will be required under Annex V. Page 32 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(4) : 1988 MOLLUSCHI EDULII DELLE MARCHE Published by Ufficio Pesca Marittima, Ancona, Italy Author (s) and publication date not given 44 pages illustrated in color with text entirely in Italian. Softbound The above is a regional official publication concerning the molluscan food fisheries of the maritime area of Ancona, Italy, situated on the Adriatic Sea and was intended, apparently, to be distributed by their fisheries bureau, the Societa Picena di Malacologia. I received this book in 1987 from Tiziano Cossignani, a visiting malacologist and member of the Societa Picena de Malacologia. This 44 page book is divided into two sections; the first 26 pages with 32 colored illustrations of very good quality, lists the gastropods and bivalves found in the area with the Latin binomen for each species as well as a brief description, habitat information with notes on where collected, and its gastronomic uses. Included also in this section is an index of the common Italian names for the Latin binomens and a glossary of the technical terms used. The second section entitled "I Molluschi in Cucina" (mollusks in the kitchen) has 42 recipes with detailed preparation instructions, a bibliography and an index to the species. In addition to the gastronomic delights to be enjoyed from eating the variety of gastropod and bivalve species, the book is of special interest since most of these species, if not all, have not become scarce or extinct after thousands of years of fishing and collecting. It is good to see our old friends, Murex trunculus Linne and Murex brandaris Linne still being collected today for food as well as various species of naticids, Nassarius3 Patella 3 Haliotis3 Arca3 Lbnaxs Cardium3 Ernsts and Peeten, and more unusual, species of Lithophaga and Pholas. This demonstrates the difference between raising or collecting food for subsistence as opposed to subjecting a resource to the pressure of quick profit. It appears that when managed properly, fishing of mollusks over many years does not necessarily lead to species extinction. This book does not appear to be for sale to the general public. If you wish further information, you might write to Carlo Alberto del Mastro, Assessorato Industria ed Artigianato, Uficio Pesca Maritima, Ancona, Italy, Anthony D'Attilio IN MEMORIAM Bill Gemmell, husband of longtime Club member, Joyce Gemmell, passed away last month at the age of 93 following surgery. Many longtime Club members have fond memories of visits to Joyce and Bill's home in San Felipe and smile on recalling early morning wild rides with Bill or Joyce at the wheel of the dune buggy as it barreled through the desert to catch a , low tide at some remote beach. Our condolences are extended to Joyce. L_ Page 33 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX (4) : 1988 CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - MARCH 17, 1988 Club President Bill Romer welcomed and introduced the new Club members and then introduced the speaker for the evening, Mr. Don Pisor, who presented a video program entitled, "Shell Collecting in Northwestern Australia and Indonesia." Don’s shell collecting adventures took us to the best collecting areas at king and low tides in the vicinity of Eighty Mile Beach, near Broome, Northwest Australia. Always traveling in two sturdy, cross-country type vehicles, Don put the members in the driver’s seat as we got a firsthand look at shell collecting, including the gathering of Murex stainforthi and video tape of the rotting, rusting remains of a World War II Catalina Flying Boat in Broome Harbour. Captured in Don’s video tour were live, crawling volutes and black olives found on a mile-long sandbar some 200 yards wide. Murex were also recovered in a mangrove swamp. One of the biggest prizes was a giant Syrinx aruanus3 a species which reaches a length of over two feet. Some 100 miles north of Broome, Dion and his group went down sandy roads and located habitats of the giant Tridaona gigas and T. squamosa. His Indonesian experiences were revealed with startling video footage of color- ful catamaran-outrigger boats, unbelievably beautiful orange and blue sea urchins, and views of olive shells burying themselves in sand within 30 seconds. We visited a number of old temples in the mountains, and rice paddies in the hills. There were Balinese women carrying baskets, and we saw and heard an exotic Balinese dance com- plete with bells, chimes, dongs and steel drums. We got a look at a huge sculpture of an Epitonium soalare (Precious wentletrap) in front of a spectacular shell shop 200 miles north of Bangkok, Thailand. Don mentioned that he found many nice bargains in the shop. Also of great interest was the Phuket Aquarium, and the gold leaf and blue enamel on the temples. The program concluded with a river tour through Bangkok, with merchants eager to sell their wares coming right up to the boats. After the refreshment break. Bill called for volunteer workers for the C0A Convention. We will need a volunteer force to deal with all the various functions of the Convention. The Club Auction/Potluck is scheduled for April 30th at the condo complex of Wes Farmer. Members were reminded to donate shells. Wes Farmer asked for volunteers to attend the Botanical Garden Foundation meetings . The tasty refreshments were provided by June and Bob King and Mella and Herb Webster . THE 21ST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS (WSM) The 21st annual meeting of the WSM will be held in Darwin Hall on the campus of Sonoma State University on July 17-21, 1988. Contributed papers are welcome on all aspects of molluscan neontology and paleontology, including research on terrestrial, freshwater, and marine mollusks. Two symposia have been organized, one on the Biogeography and Evolution of the Molluscan Fauna of the Galapagos Islands featuring about 20 speakers on all aspects of Galapagos Mollusca and the second on Molluscan Herbivore/Plant Interactions featuring about 10 speakers. A mid-meeting field trip is planned to observe and collect living and fossil mollusks at the rocky outer coast at Bodega Head, the protected sand-mud flats of Bodega Harbor, and the Pliocene Wilson Grove Formation and to compare the depositional environments in which Holocene and Pliocene mollusks are found in Sonoma County. The field trip includes a tour of the Bodega Marine Laboratory and the lobster mari- culture facility. Other events including an auction, exhibits, and evening social events culminating in a banquet are planned. Vol . XX(4) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 34 THE ANNUAL AUCTION/ POTLUCK OF THE SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB The Club’s biggest social event and only fundraiser is almost here!! Don't miss it. Come to the Auction at the Clubhouse of Wes Farmer’s condo complex at 3591 Ruffin Road (see map on last page). Festivities begin at 6:00 P.M. If you have not already donated shells to help support the Club or signed up for your potluck donation, please contact either Bill Romer (278-2389) or Carole Hertz (277-6259). See you there!! THE 16TH C0NCH0L0GISTS OF AMERICA (COA) CONVENTION THE 16th COA convention will be held at Fort Myers, Florida from July 11-15, 1988, hosted by the Southwest Florida Conchologists Society. It will be held at the Sheraton Harbor Palace Hotel Activities will include, among others, programs, tours, auction, trips. Dealers' Bourse, parties and a Christmas in July Banquet with guest speaker, Dr. Emily Vokes. For further information contact Gene Herbert (813) 731-2405 or A1 Bridell (813) 472-1637. HAWAIIAN MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY SHELL SHOW AND AUCTION The Hawaiian Malacological Society's first Shell Show in nearly a decade, to be combined with a Shell Auction and Audio-Visual Program has been scheduled for November 11-13 at the Neal Blaisdell Center in central Honolulu. Collectors, dealers, and malacologists worldwide have been invited to participate. The Auction will feature both rare and medium-expensive shells with proceeds supporting the HMS Scholarship Fund. Half a dozen prestigious trophies will be of- fered for the Shell Show displays; among them the Smithsonian Institution Award, the Conchologists of America Trophy and a new perpetual Tom Richert Memorial Award for the Shell of the Show. Also included will be Audio-Visual programs. Details, as they are worked out, are available from the HMS Shell Show Committee P.0. Box 22130, Honolulu, HI 96822 or from Stu Lillico (808) 734-3703. THE GREATER SAN DIEGO SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR The Club will again participate in the Science Fair which will take place from April 13-17, 1988 in the Federal Building in Balboa Park. Our Club offers an award to an upper division entrant whose project falls into the area of marine life re- search. The winner will present an overview of his/her project at a Club meeting at which time the award will be given. MIDWEST REGIONAL SHELL SHOW, INDIANAPOLIS The Midwest Regional Shell Show, hosted by the Indianapolis Shell Club, will be held on August 13 and 14, 1988 at the Glendale Shopping Mall, Indianapolis, Indiana. Judging of the scientific displays will be by Jerry Harasewych and Kevin Sunderland. There will be an auction, dinner in honor of the judges, slide show, awards break- fast and a presentation by Dr. Harasewych on "Collecting slit shells by submarine," Following this there will be shells for sale by dealers in attendance and a program by Keven Sunderland on Venezuela. For further information write to CPrl Sahlherg, 7826 Camberwood Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46268. SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB Membership list - 1988 Abbott , R . Tucker 2208 South Colonial Dr. Melbourne, FL 32901 Adams , Rosemary 13346 Birchwood Sunnymead, CA 92388 British Museum of , N.H. Acquisitions Sec. (DLS) Cromwell Rd . London SW7 5BD England Brosius, Geo, & Doris 1350 Loring St. San Diego, CA 92109 American Museum of N.H. 483-3447 Library Serials-Judith Walsh Central Park at 79th St. New York,N.Y. 10024 Auckland Institute & Mus Ian Thwaites , Librarian Private Bag, Auckland NZ Barton, Geo. & Paula 620 S. Nevada St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Brown, Bob & Billee 6333 La Jolla Blvd. #171 La Jolla, CA 92037 454-5788 Buck, Larry & Toni 2534 Via Pisa Del Mar, CA 92014 792-5404 722-7° °1 Baxendell, Lee 1475 Somerset Cardiff, CA 92007 752-2919 Bennett, Jo 1559 Tredegar Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Bukry, Dr. J. David U.S. Geol . Surv. MS-915 345 Middlefield Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 Burch, Tom & Beatrice P.O.Box 309 Kailua, HI 96734 Catarius , Larry & Debbie 4173 Galt St. Bertsch, Hans P.O.Box 25797 Santa Ana,CA 52799 Bishop, John 3026 Freeman San Diego, CA 92106 223-6038 San Diego, CA 92117 270-4376 Cafe, Jean M. P.O.Box 3049 Rancho Santa Fe,CA 90267 756-4744 Bouchet,Dr. Phillipe Mus D’Histoire Naturelle 55 Rue de Button 75005 Paris, France Bradner, Hugh & Marge 1867 Caminito Marzella La Jolla, CA 92037 459-7681 Bratcher, Twila 8121 Malholland Terr. Los Angeles, CA 90046 Chaney, Barbara 1633 Posilipo Lane Santa Barbara, CA 93108 Clark, Roger & Karen 410 Melarky St. Winnemucca, NV 89445 Clover, Phillip P.O.Box 339 Glen Ellen, CA 95442 Coan, Gene 891 San Jude Ave . Palo Alto , CA 94306 Coovert ,G ary 36 Prospect Ave. Dayton, OH 45415 D'Attilio, Tony & Rose 2415 - 29th St. San Diego, CA 92104 281-9731 Davis, Florence C. Rte. 1, Box 1639 Brobecks , PA 17329 Delaware Museum of N.H. Box 3937 Greenville, Del. 19807 Draper, Bertram 8511 Bleriot Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 DuShane , Helen 15012 El Soneto Whittier, CA 90605 Ernest , James Box 831 Balboa, Rep. of Panama Everson, Gene 500 Nottingham Pky Louisville, KY 40222 Farmer, Wes 3591 Ruffin Rd . #226 San Diego, CA 92123 576-2143 Faulconer, Phil & Heidrun P.O.Box 82632 San Diego, CA 92138 222-8082 Fernandes, Francisco c/o Santos Brito Santa Rita, Cacela 8900 Algarve, Portugal Flentz, John & Mary 149 Via La Soledad Redondo Beach. CA 90277 Forrer , Richard B. P.O.Box 462 Northf ield , OH 44067 -2- Foster, Robert P.O.Box 3010 Santa Barbara, CA 93130- 3010 Gemmell, Joyce 150 S. Anza Sp.47C El Caion, CA 92020 447-8004 Glauser, Maurice 5 Chemin du Pont-de-Ville 1224 Chene-Bouger ies Switzerland Goldberg, Richard P.O.Box 137 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 Goldstein, Raymond & Maria 1183 Loma Portal Dr. El Cajon, CA 92020 449-9179 Good, Barbara 1802 McKee St. #C6 San Diego, CA 92110 291-5380 Gori , Sandro Via Sernesi 7 Livorno, Italy Haigh, Ernest & Elizabeth P.O.Box 2107 Simi Valiev, CA 93062 Haines ,Debara Diane 3428 Waco St. Apt. 2 San Diego, CA 92117 275-4337 Hamilton, Ian 6640 Linda Vista Rd . C-6 San Diego, CA 92111 278-6213 Hanselman , Geo. & Viginia 5818 Tulane St. San Diego, CA 92122 453-3019 Hansen, Mike & Karen P.O.Box 83914 San Diego, CA 92138 275-3030 ext 158 Herrmann, Richard & Ginny 7711 Eads Ave . La Jolla, CA 92037 459-3317 Hertz, Jules & Carole 3883 Mt. Blackburn San Diego, CA 92111 277-6259 H.M.S. P.O.Box 22130 Honolulu, HI 96822 Holiman, Wayne & Audrey P.O.Box 246 Edinberg, TX 78539 Johnson, S.Sgt.John P.O.Box 1205 MCB Camp Butler FPO Seattle, WA 98773 King, Frank & Harriet 859 E. Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 726-2523 King, Bob & June 4269 Hawk St. San Diego, CA 92103 296-0574 Koch, Robert & Wendy 7227 North 15th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021 LaGrange , John & Linda 533 North Rios Siola^na Beach, CA 92075 755-7215 Leonard, Fred L. 800 North 41st. Ave. Hollywood, FL. 33021 Levine, Annita 139-62 Pershing Crescent Jamaica, NY 11435 Librarie Justus Liosius Av Milcamps 188 B 15 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium Lindahl , Ken & Marge 202 Grand Canal Balboa Island, CA 92662 Michel, John & Nola 4758 Mt . Cervin Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 278- 9088 Montoya, Michel P.O.Box 6327 San Jose, Costa Rica Mulliner, David & Margare: 5283 Vickie Dr. San Diego, CA 92109 488-2701 Myers , John & Barbara 3761 Mt . Augustus Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 279- 9806 Kabat , Alan R. Luke, Spencer Mus . of Comparative Zool. S.I.O. A-007 Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 Kaiser, Kirstie P.O.Box 4289 Park City, UT 84060 Kantap. 1, 66 pp. MARINCOVICH, LOUIE JR. 1977. Cenozoic Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of the northeastern Pacific. Bull. Amer. Paleo. 70(294) 494 pp . PONDER, WINSTON 1972. Notes on some Australian genera and species of the family Muricidae (Neogastropoda). Jour. Malac. Soc. Aust. 2(3): 215-248. 1985. A review of the genera of the Rissoidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissoacea). Rec. Aust. Mus. Suppl. 4, 221 pp. POORMAN, LEROY H. 1982. Molluscan populations at Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. Festivus 14 (9) : 101-104 . POORMAN, FORREST L. & LEROY H. POORMAN 1979. The San Carlos Rectangle. Festivus 11(4):30-31. RADWIN, GEORGE E. & ANTHONY D’ATTILIO 1976. Murex shells of the world ... Stanford Univ. Press. Stanford. 284 pp. ROBERTSON, ROBERT 1975. Faunal affinities of the Architectonicidae in the eastern Pacific. Bull. Amer. Malac. Union for 1975:51-52. VOKES , EMILY H. 1982. Update of Muricidae for "Sea Shells of Tropical West America" (as of June 1982). Ann. Rpt . Western Soc. Malac. 15:10-12. 1984. Comparison of the Muricidae of the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic, with cognate species. Shells & Sea Life 16 (11) : 210-215 . MOLLUSCAN SPECIES IN THE SAN CARLOS RECTANGLE BIVALVIA 3 Solemya (Petrasma) valvulus Carpenter, 1864, 35 m on silt 4 Nucula (Nucula) declivis Hinds, 1843, 35 m on gravel 5 N. (N. ) exigua Sowerby, 1833, 35 m on gravel 8 N. (N.) schenki Hertlein 6, Strong, 1940, 35 m on gravel 9 N. (Ennucula) Columbiana Dali, 1908, 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells 16 Nuculana (Costelloleda) costellata (Sowerby, 1833), 20 m on gravel 17 N. (C.) marella Hertlein, Hanna 6 Strong, 1940, 100 m on empty shells 19 N. (Saccella) aarita (Dali, 1908), 30-100 m on gravel and empty shells 23 N. (S.) elenensis (Sowerby, 1833), 35-90 m on gravel and empty shells 26 N. (S.) impar (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932), 20-40 m on gravel 35* N. lucasana Strong & Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells 39 Adrana exoptata (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 30 m in sand 40 A. periascoensis (Lowe, 1935), 30 m in sand 64 Nucinella eubdola (Strong & Hertlein, 1935), 35 m in gravel 66 Area (Area) mutabilis (Sowerby, 1833), intertidal under rocks 67 A. (A.) pacifica (Sowerby, 1833), 20-35 m on sand and gravel 74 Barbatia ( Cucullaearca ) reeveana (Orbigny, 1846), intertidal under rocks 79* Anadara (Anadara) mazatlanica (Hertlein 6 Strong, 1943), 25-90 m on gravel and empty shells 88 A. (Esmerarca) reinharti (Lowe, 1935), 35 m on small rocks Page 52 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(6) : 1988 90 A. (Larkinia) multicostata (Sowerby, 1833), Intertidal; dr 20 m on small rocks 92* A. ( Risia) formosa (Sowerby, 1833), 20-50 m on gravel 93 A. (Scapharca) biangulata (Sowerby, 1833), 20 m on gravel 99 Arcopsis solida (Sowerby, 1833), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on small rocks 103 Noetia ( Sheldonella) delgada (Lowe, 1935), 100 m on empty shells 110 Glycymeris (Glycymeris) gigantea (Reeve, 1843), 60 m on small rocks 112 £7. (G . ) maeulata (Broderip, 1832), 20 m in sand 116 G. (Tucetona) multicostata (Sowerby, 1833), 20 m in sand 117 G. (T. ) strigilata (Sowerby, 1833), 35 m in gravel 122 Brachidontes semilaevis (Menke, 1849), 100 m on Brillia aerope 125 Mytella guyanensis (Lamarck, 1819), intertidal on rock; dr 20 m on Spondylus valve 129* Septifer zeteki Hertlein & Strong, 1946, 35 m on small rocks 131 Crenella divaricata (Orbigny, 1842) [Gemmell, Hertz, Myers, 1980 for date correction] 35 m on gravel 132 Gregariella chenui (Recluz, 1842), 65 m on small rocks 133* G. coarctata (Carpenter, 1857), 100 m on empty shells 134* G. denticulata (Dali, 1871), 35 m on gravel 135 Lioberus ealvadoricus (Hertlein & Strong, 1946), 40 m on gravel 143 Lithophaga (Myoforceps) aristata (Dillwyn, 1817), intertidal 149 Modiolus capax (Conrad, 1837), intertidal on reef; dr 35 m on rocks 151 M. pseudotulipus Olsson, 1961, 25 m on small rocks 153 Amygdalum americanum Soot-Ryen, 1955, 25 m on silt 161 Pteria sterna (Gould, 1851), intertidal under rocks; dr 35-50 m on gorgonians 162 Binctada mazatlanica (Hanley, 1856), on reef at low tide 164 Isognomon quadratus (Anton, 1837) [=1. recognitus (Mabille, 1895)] [Bernard, 1983], intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on rocks 167 Myrakeena angelica (Rochebrune, 1895) [Harry, 1985], intertidal on rocks; 35 m on rocks 169* M. conchaphila (Carpenter, 1857)- [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 171 Eyotissa hyotis (Linne, 1758) [= Ostrea fischeri Dali, 1914 ][ibid] 100 m (1 valve) 173* Undulostrea megodon (Hanley, 1846) [ibid] 35 m on rocks 174d Saccostrea palmula (Carpenter, 1857) [= 0. dalli Lamy, 1930] [ibid] 100 m (.2 valves) 175 Ostrea tubulifera Dali, 1914, 20 m on empty shells 176 Pecten ( Flabellipecten) berryi Bernard, 1983 [= Pecten lunaris Berry, 1963 not Romer, 1839] [Bernard, 1983] 100 m on empty shells 177 P. ( F. ) sericeus Hinds, 1845, 100 m on empty shells (with Capulus ) 181 P. (Oppenheimopecten) vogdesi Arnold, 1906, 70 m on small rocks and silt (with Capulus ) 182 Argopecten circularis (Sowerby, 1835), 35 m on gravel 183 Chlamys lowei (Hertlein, 1935), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells (with Capulus ) 187 Cyclopecten graui (Knudsen, 1970) [Keen & Coan, 1975] 100 m on empty shells 191* Delectopecten polyleptus (Dali, 1908), 35 m on gravel 194 D. zacae (Hertlein, 1935), 100 m on empty shells 195 Leptopecten (Leptopecten) biolleyi (Hertlein & Strong, 1946), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells 198 L. (L.) palmeri (Dali, 1897), 100 m on empty shells 199* L. (L.) velero (Hertlein, 1935), 100 m on empty shells 202* Lyropecten (Nodipecten) subnodosus (Sowerby, 1835), 35-60 m on small rocks 204* Pseudamussium (Peplum) fasciculatum (Hinds, 1845), 100 m on empty shells 207* Plicatula inezana Durham, 1950, 30-100 m on small rocks 208* P. penicillata Carpenter, 1857, 20-80 m in empty valves 210 Spondylus calcifer Carpenter, 1857, 100 m 212 S. princeps unicolor Sowerby, 1847, 35 m 214 Lima (Lima) tetrica Gould, 1851, intertidal under rocks in estero; dr 35 m with rocks 217 L. ( Limaria ) hemphilli Hertlein & Strong, 1946, 35 m with rocks 218* L. (Limatula) similaris Dali, 1908, 35 m with gravel 219 L. (Promantellum) pacifica Orbigny, 1846, intertidal under rocks 221 Anomia adamas (Gray, 1850), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on small rocks 224* Placunanomia cumingii Broderip, 1832, 35 m on small rocks 227* Pododesmus (Monia) cepio (Gray, 1850), on pilings in estero 229 Eucrassatella antillarum (Reeve, 1842) [= E. digueti Lamy, 1917] [Coan, 1984] 35 m on silt 234 Crassinella pacifica (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on gravel 236 Tellidorella cristulata Berry, 1936, 110 m on sand and silt 237 Carditamera af finis (Sowerby, 1833) [Gemmell, Myers 6 Hertz, 1987] intertidal in estero 239 Cardites crassicostata (Sowerby, 1825) [ibid] 20-35 m on small rocks 242* Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) beebei (Hertlein, 1958) [Bernard, 1983] 100 m on empty shells 244 Cardita (Strophocardia)megastropha (Gray, 1825), 20 m on rocks 269 Lucina ( Callucina) lingualis Carpenter, 1864, 20 m in sand 270 L. (C.) prolongata Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on rocks 271 L. (Here) excavata Carpenter, 1857, 100 m on empty shells 272 L. (Lunisca) centrifuga (Dali, 1901), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells 276* L. (Pleurolucina) cancellaris Philippi, 1846, 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells 277* L. (P. ) leucocymoides (Lowe, 1935) 90 m on gravel and empty shells 278 L. (P.) undatoides Hertlein 6 Strong, 1945, 35 m on gravel 280* Ctena chiquita (Dali, 1901), 35 m on gravel 281* C. clarionensis Hertlein 6 Strong, 1946, 35 m on gravel 283* C. galapagana (Dali, 1901), 35 m on gravel 284 C. mexicana (Dali, 1901), 35 m on gravel Vol . XX(6) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 53 285* Divalinga ( Divalinga) ebumea (Reeve, 1850), 35-60 m on gravel 287* Miltha xantusi (Dali, 1905), 90-100 m on empty shells 288 Pegophysema edentuloides (Verrill, 1870), 80 m on silt and small rocks 289 Lucinoma annulata (Reeve, 1850), 120 m on silt 291* Diplodonta inezensis (Hertlein & Strong, 1947), 35 m on silt 292 D. subquadrata (Carpenter, 1856) [= D. suprema Olsson, 1961] [Hertz, Myers 6 Gemmell, 1982] 35 m in silt [P. subquadrata] ; 35 m in sand [O. suprema] 295 Pelaniella (Zemysia) parilis (Conrad, 1848) [= F. sericata (Reeve, 1850) ] [Bernard , 1983] 35 m in silt 296 Phlyctiderma (Phlyctiderma) discrepans (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m in gravel 300* P. (Pegmapex) phoebe (Berry, 1960), 35 m in gravel 302 Conahoaele excavata (Dali, 1901) [Bernard, 1983 | 20 m in sand 304 Cymatioa eleotilis (Berry, 1963), intertidal 308 Tryphomyax mexicanus (Berry, 1959), 20 m in sand 309 Amerycina colpoioa (Dali, 1913), 20 m in sand 310 A. aultrata Keen, 1971, 30 m on silt 311 Lasaea subvividus Dali, 1899, intertidal 312 Kellia suborbicularis (Montagu, 1803), 60 m on gravel 322 Solecavdia ebumea Conrad, 1849, 60 m on gravel 324 Aligena cokeri Dali, 1909, 20 m in sand 327 Mysella compressa (Dali, 1913), 100 m on empty shells 339* Orobitella zorrita (Olsson, 1961), 20-30 m in sand 340 Pythinella sublaevis (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m in apertures of turrids 342* Basterotia (Basterotia) peninsularis (Jordan, 1936), 25 m in sand and gravel 343 B. (B. ) hertleini Durham, 1950, 30 m in sand 346 Chama buddiana C.B. Adams, 1852 [= C. mexicana Carpenter, 1857] [Hertz, Gemmell and Myers, 1982] intertidal on rocks; dr 35-100 m on rocks and empty shells 348 C. frondosa Broderip, 1835, 30 m on small rocks 350 C. sordida Broderip, 1835, 35 m on small rocks 351* C. squamuligera Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, intertidal on rocks; 20 m on rocks 353* Arcinella California (Dali, 1903), 35 m on small rocks 357 Pseudochama fanus (Reeve, 1847), 35 m on small rocks 359 P. saavedrae Hertlein & Strong, 1946, 35 m on small rocks 360 Trachycardzwn ( Trachycardium ) consors (Sowerby, 1833), 30-100 m on silt and empty shells 362 T. ( Fallocardia) senticosum (Sowerby, 1833), intertidal in mud 365 T. (Phlogocardia) belcheri (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829), 35-60 m on silt 366 Papyridea aspersa (Sowerby, 1833), 40-60 m on gravel 367 P. crockeri Strong & Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells 369 Trigoniocardia ( Trigoniocardia ) granifera (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829), 35 m on gravel 370 Americardia biangulata (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) [Bernard, 1983] intertidal in estero; 20-35 m in sand and rocks 373 Lophocardium annettae (Dali, 1889), 35 m on coarse gravel 376* Nemocardium (Microcardium) pazianum (Dali, 1916), 20-100 m on silt and empty shells 377* Laevicardium clarionense (Hertlein & Strong, 1947), 35-60 m on sand and gravel 379 L. elenense (Sowerby, 1840), 20 m in sand 380 Periglypta multicostata (Sowerby, 1835), intertidal in sand around rocks; dr 20 m on small rocks 381 Ventricolaria isocardia (Verrill, 1870), 35-80 m on gravel 382* V. magdalenae (Dali, 1902), 110 m on silt 383 Gouldia calif omica Dali, 1917, 35-60 m on sand and gravel 391 Transenella caryonautus Berry, 1963, 60 m on gravel 394* T. modesta (Sowerby, 1835), 20 m in sand 397* Pitar (Pitar) berryi Keen, 1971, 35 m in sand 401 P. IP.) helenae Olsson, 1961, 20-35 m in sand and silt 403* P. (P. ) perfragilis Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932, 100 m on empty shells 406 P. (Eyphantosoma) pollicaris (Carpenter, 1864), 20 m in sand 414* P. ( Lamellic07icha ) frizzelli Hertlein 6 Strong, 1948, 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells 421 P. (Pitarella) catharius (Dali, 1902), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells 424 Megapitaria aurantiaca (Sowerby, 1831), intertidal in sand around rocks; dr 35 m in gravel 425 M. squalida (Sowerby, 1835), 20-35 m in sand and silt 426 Dosinia dunkeri (Philippi, 1844), 35-100 m on sand and empty shells 429* Cyclinella fadisi Olsson, 1961, 35 m on silt and gravel 434 C. ulloana Hertlein & Strong, 1948, 35 m on gravel 439 Psephidia cymata Dali, 1913, 35 m on silt and sand 441 Chione (Chione) compta (Broderip, 1835), 35 m on sand 444 C. (?C.) tumens (Verrill, 1870), intertidal in sand 445 C. (C.) undatella (Sowerby, 1835), intertidal in sand 456 C. (Chionopsis) purpurissata Dali, 1902, 80 m on gravel 457 C. (Iliochione) subrugosa (Wood, 1828), intertidal in sand 460 C. (Lirophora) mariae (Orbigny, 1846), 35 m in gravel 463 C. (Timoclea) squamosa (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m in gravel 483 Petricola (Rupellaria) robusta Sowerby, 1834, beach specimens 497 Anatina cyprinus (Wood, 1828), 20-50 m in silt and sand Page 54 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(6) : 1988 512 513* 515 517 518 523* 529 535 538* 539 540* 546* 551 557 559 567 568A 569 598 603 607* 608* 609 614 624 626 628* 631 633 634 637 638 649 650 661 669 673 676 678* 684 687* 692* 695* 710 733 739 740* 744 746* 749* 762* 764 766 773 777 781 786 789 Tellina (Angulus) ooani Keen, 1971, 30 ra In sand T. (A.) felix Hanley, 1844, 90 m in silt T. (A,) hibema Hanley, 1844, 35 m in silt T. (A.) meropsis Dali, 1900, 20 m in sand T. (A.) recurvata Hertlein & Strong, 1949, 35 m in sand T. (Elliptotellina) pacifica Dali, 1900, 20-35 m in sand and gravel T. (Eury tellina) inaequistriata Donovan, 1802, 35 ra in sand T. (E.) simulans C.B. Adams, 1852, intertidal; dr 100 m on empty shells T. (Lyratellina) lyra Hanley, 1844, 35 m in gravel T. (L.) lyrica Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, 35 ra in gravel T. (Merisca) brevirostris Deshayes, 1855, 35-100 m on silt and empty shells T. (Phyllodina) pristiphora Dali, 1900, 35-90 m on silt and empty shells T. (Tellinella) cumingii Hanley, 1844, 35 m on gravel Leporimetis cognata (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1902) [Coan, 1971] 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells Maooma (Cymatoica) undulata (Hanley, 1844), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells M. (Psammacoma) panamensis spectri Hertlein & Strong, 1949 [Gemmell, Myers & Hertz, 1984] 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells M. seota (Conrad, 1837) 80 m on empty shells (valves) Psammotreta (Psammotreta) aurora (Hanley, 1844), 35 m on gravel ionax punatatostriatus Hanley, 1843, intertidal in sand Gari (G obraeus) helenae Olsson, 1961, 35 m in gravel G. (G . ) panamensis Olsson, 1961, 20-35 m in sand G. (G . ) regularis (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal in sand Heterodonax paoifious (Conrad, 1837), intertidal in sand Solecurtis guaymasensis Lowe, 1935, 20-35 m in sand Tagelus (Mesopleura) politus (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m in silt Semele aalifomiaa (Reeve, 1853 ex A. Adams MS), around octopus burrow in estero S. oraneana Hertlein & Strong, 1949, 100 m on empty shells S. formosa (Sowerby, 1833) [= S. verruculastra Keen, 1966] [Coan, 1983] 30-100 m (valves) S. jovis ' (Reeve, 1853), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells S. junonia (Verrill, 1870) [= S. rosea rosea (Sowerby, 1833)] [Coan, in press] 20—35 m in gravel S. paoifica Dali, 1915, 35 m on gravel S. pallida (Sowerby, 1833), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells S. sparsilineata Dali, 1915, 35 m on gravel S. tortuosa (C.B. Adams, 1852), 100 m on empty shells Semelina subquadrata (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on gravel Erisis nitidus (Clessin, 1888) [=E. califomicus Dali, 1899] [Bernard, 1983] 20 m in silt Sphenia lutioola (Valenciennes, 1846 [=5. fragilis (H.& A. Adams, 1854) ] [ibid] 50 m on gravel Corbula (Caryooorbula) marmorata Hinds, 1843, 35 m in gravel C. (C.) nuoiformis Sowerby, 1833, 25 m in gravel C. (Juliacorbula) bicarinata Sowerby, 1833, intertidal in estero C. (J.) ira Dali, 1908, 100 m on empty shells C. ( Vxricorbula) speoiosa Reeve, 1843, 20-35 m in sand Gastroohaena rugulosa Sowerby, 1834, diving 20 m on Spondylus Parapholas oalva (Sowerby, 1834), 35 m in large sandstone Pandora (Pandora) unci f era Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, 35-50 m in coarse sand P. (Pandorella) granulata Dali, 1915, 35 m in gravel P. (P. ) radiata Sowerby, 1835, 100 m on empty shells Entodesma (Entodesma) inflation (Conrad, 1837), 20-35 m in silt E. (Agriodesma) sechuranum Pilsbry & Olsson, 1935, 20 m in silt Periploma (Periploma) carpenteri Dali, 1896, 100 m in silt Asthenothaerus villosier Carpenter, 1864, 35 m in silt Cyathodonta dubiosa Dali, 1915, 100 m on empty shells C. undulata Conrad, 1849, 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells Cuspidaria panamensis Dali, 1908, 100 m on empty shells Cardiomya costata (Sowerby, 1834), 35 m in sand and gravel C. lanieri (Strong 6 Hertlein, 1937), 110 m in silt Plectodon scaber Carpenter, 1864, 80-100 m on empty shells Verticordia ( Ibrticordia) omata (Orbigny, 1846), 35 m in gravel GASTROPODA 1A Haliotis walallensis Stearns, 1899, 100 m on empty shells (1 broken specimen) 5 Sinezona rimuloides Carpenter, 1865, 35 m on small rocks 9 Hemitoma (Montfortia) hermosa Lowe, 1939, 10-75 m on small rocks 13 Pimula mexicana Berry, 1969, 35 m on small rocks 15 Diodora alta (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on rocks 16 U digueti (Mabille, 1895), 35 m on rocks 18 D. inaequalis (Sowerby, 1835), intertidal under rock 22 D. pusilla (Berry, 1959), 35 m on rocks 23 D. satumalis (Carpenter, 1864;, 35 m on rocks 25* Lucapinella callomarginata (Dali, 1871), intertidal under rock 27 L. eleanore McLean, 1967, 20-35 m on small rocks 28 L. milleri Berry, 1959, 35 m on rocks Vol . XX ( 6): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 55 29* Stromboli beebei (Hertlein & Strong, 1951), 100 m on empty shells 37* Pissurella (Cremides) microtrema Sowerby, 1835, intertidal under rock 38* I. (C.) nigrocincta Carpenter, 1856, 20 m on rocks 40 E (C.) rubropicta Pilsbry, 1890, 35 m on small rocks 43* Leurolepas roseola McLean, 1970, 35 m on rocks 45 Collisella acutapex (Berry, 1960), 20 m on rocks 46 C. atrata (Carpenter, 1857), intertidal on rock 51 C. stanfordiana (Berry, 1957), intertidal on rock 52 C. strigatella (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal on rock 53 C. strongiana (Hertlein, 1958), 20 m on rocks 54 C. turveri (Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951), intertidal on rock 54a C. turveri fayae (Hertlein, 1958), intertidal on rock 56* Notoacmaea fascicularis (Menke, 1851), intertidal on Padina 58A N. ubiquita Lindberg 6 McLean, 1981, intertidal on Padina 59 Patelloida semirubida (Dali, 1914), intertidal; 35 m on rock 73 Solariella triplostephanus Dali, 1910, 20-35 m on small rocks 74 Turcica admirabilis Berry, 1969, 100 m on empty shells 77 Calliostoma bonita Strong, Hanna 6 Hertlein, 1933, 100 m on empty shell 78 C. eximium (Reeve, 1843), 20-35 m on small rocks 85 C. marshalli Lowe, 1935, 35 m on small rocks 86 C. mcleani Shasky 6 Campbell, 1964, intertidal; 20-90 m on small rocks and empty shells 88 C. palmeri Dali, 1871, 35 m on small rocks 94 Tegula (Chlorostoma) rugosa (A. Adams, 1853), intertidal on rock 97 T. (Agathi stoma) corteziana McLean, 1970, intertidal among rocks 103 T. (A) mariamadre Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932, 100 m on empty shells 105 T. (A.) mariana Dali, 1919, intertidal; dr 20 m on small rocks 109 T. (A.) rubroflammulata (Koch in Philippi, 1843), 35 m on small rocks 122 Parviturbo concepcionensis (Lowe, 1935), 35 m on small rocks 124 P. steamsii (Dali, 1918), 20-35 m on small rocks 134 Arene (Marevalvata) balboai (Strong & Hertlein, 1939), 20-35 m on small rocks 135 A. (Otollonia) fricki (Crosse, 1865), 20-35 m on small rocks 141 Homalopoma (Panocochlea) clippertonensis (Hertlein & Emerson, 1953), 100 m on empty shells 144 Turbo (Callopoma) fluctuosus Wood, 1828, intertidal 149 T. (M armor o stoma) squamiger Reeve, 1843, 20 m among small rocks 157 Astraea (Uvanilla) unguis (Wood, 1828), intertidal among rocks 158 Tricolia cyclostoma (Carpenter, 1864), 20 m among small rocks 159* T. diantha McLean, 1970, 35 m on rocks 164 T. variegata (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal; dr 35 m among small rocks 166 Nerita (Theliostyla) funiculata Menke, 1851, intertidal among rocks 168 Theodoxus ( Vlttoclithon) luteofasciatus (Miller, 1879)[Keen & Coan, 1975] intertidal on mangrove roots 169 Phenacolepas malonei Vanatta, 1912, 20-100 m on small rocks 170 P. osculans (C.B. Adams, 1852), intertidal under rocks 180 Littorina albicarinata McLean, 1970, in tide pool 181 L. aspera Philippi, 1846, 35 m on small rocks 183 L. modesta Philippi, 1846, on rocks in splash zone 186* L. pullata Carpenter, 1864, intertidal on rocks 194* Lirobarleeia clarionensis (Bartsch, 1911) [Draper, 1986] 35 m on gravel 203 Alvania inconspicua (C.B. Adams, 1852) [Ponder, 1985] 35 m on rocks 209* Lirobarleeia perlata (Morch, 1860), intertidal under rocks 219* Amphithalamus trosti Strong 6 Hertlein, 1939, 35 m on rocks 240* Riasoina { Pissoina) alarconi Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 35 m on coarse gravel 255* R (R) fortis (C.B. Adams, 1852), intertidal under rocks 273 R (R) woodwardi Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on gravel 275* R ( Polinia) ericana Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 35 m on gravel 276* lolinia insignis De Folin, 1867 [= Pissoina ( Polinia ) signae Bartsch, 1915] [Ponder, 1985] 35 m on rocks 277* Acirsa menesthoides Carpenter, 1864 [= Pissoina berryi Baker, Hanna 6 Strong, 1930] [DuShane, 1974 placed #667 in Epitoniidae] 35 m on gravel 279* Lirobarleeia lirata (Carpenter, 1857) [Draper, 1986' placed at 204A] 35 m on gravel 290* Vitrinella ( Vitrinellops ) campylochila Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1952, 100 m on empty shells 305 Aorotrema humboldti (Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951), 35 m on gravel 310 Cyclostremiscus (Cyclostremiscus) baldridgae (Bartsch, 1911), 35 m on gravel bifrontia (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on gravel coronatus (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on gravel gallo Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1945, 35 m on gravel gordanus (Hertlein & Strong, 1951), 10-100 m lowei (Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1938), 35 m on gravel nodosus (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on small rocks nummus Pilsbry & Olsson, 1952, 35 m on small rocks spiceri (Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1938), 20 m among small rocks spiritualis (Baker, Hanna 6 Strong, 1938), 20 m among small rocks tricarinatus (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on coarse gravel 311* C. (C.) 313* C. (C.) 317* C. (C.) 320 C. (C.) 323* C. (C.) 326* C. (C.) 327* C. (C.) 337 C. (C.) 338* C. (C.) 341* C. (C.) 342 C. (C.) 343* C. (C.) 344* c. (C.) 347* c. (Mire Page 56 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(6) : 1988 350 352 357* 360* 362* 368* 370* 371* 375* 376* 377* 383* 387* 389 393* 395* 402* 403* 415* 425 426 427a 428 429a 430 437 438 441* 442* 445 446 449 451* 465* 467 472 473 475* 490 491 492 /.q/. 495* 497* 499 500 503 505* 506 507* 510 515 516 517 522* 530* 538* 542 543* 555* 557 557A 562 572* 573 575 577 587 597A 601 602 603 607 608 Discop8ie (Alleorus) deprellus (Strong, 1938), 35 m among small rocks Epiacynia medialis Keen, 1971, 35 m among small rocks Lydiphnis ( Cymatopteryx ) strongi Pilsbry & Olsson, 1952, 35 m among small rocks Parviturboides decussatus (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on rocks P. monile (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on rocks Solariorbie ( Solariorbis ) concinnus (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on rocks S. (S.) hambaahi (Strong & Hertlein, 1939), 35 m on rocks S. (S.) hannai (Strong & Hertlein, 1939), 35 m on rocks S. (S.) minutus (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on rocks S. (S.) narinensis Pilsbry & Olsson, 1952, 35 m on rocks S. )S.) pyrioallosus (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on rocks S. (Hapalorbis) ditropis Pilsbry & Olsson, 1952, 35 m on rocks S. (H.) seminudue (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on rocks S . (Systellomphalus) elegans Pilsbry & Olsson, 1952, 35 m on rocks Teinostoma (Teinostoma) politum A. Adams, 1851, intertidal under rock T. (Esmeralda) concavaxis Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1945, 35 m on rocks T. (Pseudorotella) ocuadorianum Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1941, 35 m on rocks T. (P.) herbertianum Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 35 m on rocks T. (P.) hemphilli Strong & Hertlein, 1939, 35 m on rocks Arohiteotonioa (Architectonica) nobilis Roding, 1798, 35-100 m on small rocks and empty shells A. ( Dlscotectonica) plaoentalis (Hinds, 1844), 100 m on empty shells Helvacus architae panamensis Bartsch, 1918 [Robertson, 1975] , 35 m on gravel H. bicanaliculatus (Valenciennes, 1832), intertidal among anemones H. oaelatus planispira Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932 [Robertson, 1975] 35 m on small rocks H. mazatlaniaus Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1932, 35 m on small rocks Turritella clarionensis Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 100 m among empty shells T. gonostoma Valenciennes, 1832, spawning in upper estero T. mariana Dali, 1908, 35-40 m on coarse gravel Ti. nodulo8a King & Broderip, 1832, 35 m on sand and small rocks T. rubescens Reeve, 1849, 35 m on sand and small rocks T. willetti McLean, 1970, 20-30 m on small rocks Vermicular-la pellucida ebumea (Reeve, 1842), intertidal on rock, dr 30 m on rock Caecum bahiahondaense Strong 6 Hertlein, 1939, 35 m on rocks C. quadratum Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on rocks C. eemilaeve Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on rocks Elephantanellum heptagonum (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on small rocks E. liratocinctum (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on small rocks E. eubob8oletum (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on small rocks Modulus catenulatus (Philippi, 1849), intertidal in mud around mangroves M. cerodes (A. Adams, 1851), intertidal around rocks; dr 20-35 m on gravel M. disculu8 (Philippi, 1846), 35 m on gravel I termetes (Thylaeodus) indentatus (Carpenter, 1857), 35 ra on rock Petaloconchus ( Macrophragma ) ‘complicatus Dali, 1908, 35 m on rock P. (M . ) innumerabilis Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1935, 35 ra on rock Tripeycha (Tripsycha) tripsycha (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932), 40 m on gravel T. (Eualetes) aentiquadra (Valenciennes, 1846), 100 m on empty shells Serpulorbis margaritaceus (Chenu, 1844 ex Rousseau, MS), 35 m on rock Dendropoma lituella (Morch, 1861), 50 m on gravel Cerithium (Ochetoclava) germatum Hinds, 1844, 25 m on coarse gravel C. (Thericium) adustum Kiener, 1841, intertidal among rocks C. (T.) maculosum Kiener, 1841, intertidal among rocks C. (T.) stercusmuscarum Valenciennes, 1833, intertidal among rocks C. uncinatum (Gmelin, 1791) 40 m on gravel Liocerithium judithae Keen, 1971, intertidal around rocks Cerithiopsis bristolae Baker, Hanna 6 Strong, 1938, 35 m on small rocks C. guatulcoensis Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 35 m on small rocks C. perrini Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 35 m on small rocks C. subgloriosa Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1938, 40 m among rocks C. tuberculoides Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on small rocks Metaxis convexa (Carpenter, 1857), 40 m on coarse gravel Seila aeaimilata (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on rocks S. montereyensis Bartsch, 1907, 35 m on rocks Alaba supralirata Carpenter, 1857, 35 m among rocks Triphora altemata C.B. Adams, 1852, 35 m among rocks T. chamberlini Baker, 1926, 35 m among rocks T. contrerasi Baker, 1926, 35 m among rocks T\. dalli Bartsch, 1907, 35 m among rocks T. oweni Baker, 1926, 40 m on coarse gravel T. bicolor Bartsch, 1907, 40 m on coarse gravel Cerithidea albonodosa Gould & Carpenter, 1857, head of estero around rocks C. mazatlanica Carpenter, 1857, upper estero around rocks C. montagnei (Orbigny, 1839), upper estero on mangrove roots Strombus (Strombus) graailior Sowerby, 1825, 20-30 m on silt and sand S. (Lentigo) granulatus Swainson, 1822, 20-30 m on silt and sand Vol . XX(6) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 57 611 613 616 617 620 623 625 629 631 633 634 636 637 652* 653* 655 661 668* 670 671 672 676* 678 680 681 684* 686 702 707* 721 728 740 747 749* 752 753 766 767 776 788* 796* 797 799 806 807 808 809 810 811 814 817 820 822 823* 825 826 827 828 832 835 837 861 864* 866* 870 871* 873 882 893 895 905 907 909 910 912 Epitonium (Asperiscala) acapulcanum Dali, 1917, 35 m on small rocks E. (A.) aanna Dali, 1919, intertidal under rocks E. (A.) emydonesus Dali, 1917, intertidal under rocks E. (A.) eutaenium (Dali, 1917) 35 m on small rocks E. (A.) huffmani DuShane & McLean, 1968, intertidal on rocks E. (A.) lowei (Dali, 1906), 100 m on empty shells E. (A.) minuticosta (De Boury, 1912), 35 m on small rocks E. (A.) tinctorium Dali, 1919, intertidal under rock E. (A.) walkeriaman Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 100 m on empty shells E. (Cirsotrema) togatum Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 50-100 m on small rocks and empty shells E. (C.) vulpinum (Hinds, 1844), 35-100 m E. (Hirtoscala) reflexum (Carpenter, 1856), intertidal under rock E. (H.) replication (Sowerby, 1844), 35 m on gravel E. (Nitidiscala) hindsii (Carpenter, 1856), 35 m on gravel E. (Asperiecala) obtusum (Sowerby, 1844) [DuShane, 1974] intertidal on reef E. (Nitidiscala) politian (Sowerby, 1844), 100 m on empty shells E. (N.) willetti Strong 6 Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells Acirsa murrha (DuShane, 1970), 100 m on empty shells Amaea (Scalina) brunneopicta (Dali, 1908), 20-35 m on coarse gravel A. (S.) deroyae DuShane, 1970, 80-100 m on silt and empty shells A. (S.) ferminiana (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells Opalia ( Lentiscala) exopleura (Dali, 1917) [DuShane, 1974] intertidal on reef 0. ( D. ) crenatoides (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal on reef 0. (R) funiculata (Carpenter, 1857), intertidal on reef 0. (Nodiscala) infrequens (C.B. Adams, 1852) [= 0. (N.) bullata Carpenter, 1864] [DuShane, 1974] intertidal 0. ( Lentiscala) mexicana Dali, 1908 [DuShane, 1974] intertidal on reef on reet O. (Nodiscala) spongiosa Carpenter, 1864, 20-40 m on coarse gravel Eulima lapazana (Bartsch, 1917), 35 m among small rocks E. toioneendi (Bartsch, 1917), 20-30 m among rocks Balcis gibba De Folin, 1867, 40 m on small rocks B. mexicana (Bartsch, 1917), 35 m among small rocks B. yod (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m among small rocks Niso (Niso) baueri Emerson, 1965, 35 m among small rocks Eulimostraca hipolitensis (Bartsch, ' 1917) [Hertz & Hertz, 1982] 35 m among small rocks Niso (Niso) splendidula (Sowerby, 1834), 35 m on coarse gravel and small rocks N. (Neovolusia) excolpa Bartsch, 1917, 20-100 m among small rocks Hipponix panamensis C.B. Adams, 1852, intertidal on rocks; dr 35 m on small rocks H. pilosus (Deshayes, 1832), intertidal on rocks Possarus lucanus Dali, 1919, 30 m among rocks M acromphalina hancocki (Strong & Hertlein, 1939), 20 m on coarse gravel M. symmetrica (Pilsbry & Olsson, 1945), 30 m on coarse gravel kmikoro aperta (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal under rocks; 20 m on coarse gravel Calyptraea (Calyptraea) conica Broderip, 1834, 35 m on rocks and shells Cheilea cepacea (Broderip, 1834), 35 m on rocks C. corrugata (Broderip, 1834), 20 m on small rocks Crepidula aculeata (Gmelin, 1791), 35 m on small rocks C. arenata (Broderip, 1834), 20 m on coarse gravel C. excavata (Broderip, 1834), 35 m on rocks C. incurva (Broderip, 1834), intertidal under rocks C. onyx Sowerby, 1824, intertidal under rocks C. striolata Menke, 1851, 35 m in apertures of empty shells Crepipatella lingulata (Gould, 1846) [Keen & Coan, 1975] intertidal on Padina Crucibulum (Crucibulum) lignarium (Broderip, 1834), intertidal; dr 10-100 m on Turritella C. (C.) monticulus Berry, 1969, 100 m on small rocks C. (C.) scutellatum (Wood, 1828), 35 m on rocks C. (C.) spinosum (Sowerby, 1824), 20-35 m on rocks and shells C. (C.) umbrella (Deshayes, 1830), intertidal under rock; 20-50 m on rocks C. ( Dispctaea) concameratum Reeve, 1859, 20-35 m on rocks Capulus sericeus J.& R. Burch, 1961, 50-100 m on pectens Thyca (Bessomia) callista (Berry, 1959), diving 10 m on Phatariea unifasciata X enophora robusta Verrill, 1870, 30-50 m on rocks and gravel Natica (Naticarius) cherrmitzii (Pfeiffer, 1840) [Marincovich, 1977] intertidal in estero N. (Glyphepithema) idiopoma (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932) [ibid] 35 m on sand and silt N. (N.) scethra (Dali, 1908) [ibid] 35-100 m on small rocks and empty shells N. (Stigmaulax) broderipiana Recluz, 1844, 20 m in sand N. (S.) elenae Recluz, 1844, 30-90 m in sand Polinices (Polinices) bifasciatus (Griffith 6 Pidgeon, 1834), intertidal in estero; dr 35 m in' silt P. (P. ) uber (Valenciennes, 1832), 20-35 m on sand and silt Simon sanctij ohannis (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 100 m in silt Lamellaria inflata (C.B. Adams, 1852), intertidal on sponges; dr 35 m Trivia (Pusula) calif omiana (Gray, 1827) 35 m T. (P.) myrae Campbell, 1961, 20-35 m T. (P.) sanguinea (Sowerby, 1832, ex Gray MS), 35 m T. (P.) solandri (Sowerby, 1832 , ex Gray MS), intertidal; dr 35 m Hespererato columbella (Menke, 1847) [Cate, 1977] 20-100 m Page 58 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(6): 1988 919 Cypraea (Erosaria) albuginosa Gray, 1825, intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m 922 C. (Lurid) isabellamexicana Stearns, 1893, intertidal under rock 925 C. (Macrocypraea) cervinetta Keiner, 1843, intertidal among rocks in estero 927 C. (Pseudozortaria) arabicula (Lamarck, 1811), intertidal under rocks 929 C. (P.) robertsi (Hidalgo, 1906), 100 m 933 C. (Zonaria) annettae Dali, 1909, intertidal under rocks; dr 24-40 m 935 Cyphoma emarginatum (Sowerby, 1830), 50-80 m on gorgonians 936 Sitmia aequalis (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal on gorgonians; dr 60-100 m on gorgonians 937 S. avena (Sowerby, 1832), 40 m on gorgonian 939 S. rufa (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal on gorgonian 940 Jenneria pustulata (Lightfoot, 1786), intertidal on rocks; dr 20-40 m 947 Cassis (Levenia) eoaretata Sowerby, 1825, in tide pool; dr 35 m on rocks 948 C. (Semicassis) centiquadrata (Valenciennes, 1832), intertidal in sand 950 Morum (Morum) tuberculosum (Reeve, 1842, ex Sowerby, MS)[Hughes & Emerson, 1987 placed in Harpidae] in tide pools 952 Ficus ventricosa (Sowerby, 1825), 100 m on empty shells 954 Cymatium (Monoplex) amictoideum (Keen, 1971) [Beu, 1985] 80-100 m on empty shells 956* C. (M . ) parthenopeum keenae (Beu, 1970), 100 m on empty shells 957 C. (Turritriton) lignarium (Broderip, 1833) [Beu, 1985] 100 m on empty shells 961 C. (T.) gibbosum (Broderip, 1833), intertidal among rocks; dr 35-100 m on rocks 962 Distorsio ( Distorsio) constricta (Broderip, 1833) [Beu, 1985] 20-100 m on rocks and empty shells 966 Bufonia (Marsupina) nana (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 967 Cx-ossata califomica sonorana (Berry, I960)' [ibid] r00 m on empty shells 969 Colubraria (Colubraria) lucasensis Strong & Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells 972 C. (C.) siphonata (Reeve, 1844), 2G-35 m on rock and gravel 974 C. ( ?Tritonoharpa) xavieri Campbell, 1961, 130 m (1 empty specimen) 975 Murex (Murex) elenensis Dali, 1909, 35 m on sand and rocks 978* M. (M . ) tricoronis (Berry, 1960) [D'Attilio 6 Hertz, 1979] 35 m on sand and gravel 979 Phyllonotus brassica (Lamarck, 1822) [Radwin 6 D'Attilio, 1976] 100 m on empty shells 980 P. erythrostomus (Swainson, 1831) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 985* Favartia ( Murexiella ) diomedaea (Dali, 1908) [Ponder, 1972] 100 m on empty shells 988 F. (Murexiella) humilis (Broderip, 1833) [ibid ] 35 m on small rocks 990* F: (M . ) lappa (Broderip, 1833) [ibid] 20 m on coarse gravel 991A F. (M . ) mildredae (Poorman, 1980) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 993 F. (M.)perita (Hinds, 1844) [ibid] 35 m on sand and small rocks 1001 Hexaplex (Muricanthus) radix (Gmelin, 1791) [Vokes, 1982] 35 m on sand and small rocks 1002* H. ((4.) princeps (Broderip, 1833) f ibid] in sand among rocks at mouth of estero 1004 Muricopsis armatus (A. Adams, 1854), 20-35 m on coarse gravel 1007 M. zeteki Hertlein & Strong, 1951, diving among rocks 1008A Poiriera (Paziella) advenus (Poorman, 1980) [Vokes, 1984] 100 m on empty shells 1011 Purpurellus pinniger (Broderip, 1833) [Radwin 6 D'Attilio, 1976] on rock; dr 20-80 m among small rocks 1013* Aspella (Aspella) pyramidalis (Broderip, 1833), intertidal under rock 1013A* A. (A.) pollux Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976, 90 m among empty shells 1019 Dermomurex (Trialatella) cunninghamae (Berry, 1964). 20-35 m on coarse gravel and rocks 1020 Bizetiella carmen (Lowe, 1935) [Radwin 6 D'Attilio, 1976] 25-35 m on coarse gravel 1021 Attiliosa nodulosa (A. Adams, 1855) [= Coralliophila incompta Berry, 1960] [ibid] intertidal; dr 20 m on gravel 1022* Pascula rufonotata (Carpenter, 1864), 30 m on gravel 1024a Eupleura triquetra (Reeve, 1844), intertidal in estero 1029A Pygmaepterys poormani (Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976) [D'Attilio & Myers, 1985] 35-50 m on small rocks with gorgonians 1030 Phyllocoma scalari' formic (Broderip, 1833), intertidal on rock 1036 Pteropurpura (Pteropurpura) erinaceoides (Valenciennes, 1832), intertidal on rocks: dr 35-80 m on rocks 1037 P. (P. ) centrifuga (Hinds, 1844), 90-100 m on empty shells 1040 Vitularia salebrosa (King & Broderip, 1832), intertidal on gorgonians 1041* Acanthotrophon carduus (Broderip, 1833), 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells 1043* A. sorenseni (Hertlein & Strong, 1951), 100 m on empty shells 1044* Austrotrophon cerrosensis (Dali, 1891) [Abbott 6 Dance, 1982] 100 m on empty shells 1049 Typhis (Talityphis) latipennis (Dali, 1919), 80 m on silt 1051 T. (Typhisopsis) coronatus (Broderip, 1833), 30-100 m on silt and empty shells 1052 T. (Typhisala) grandis (A. Adams, 1855), 35-100 m on silt and empty shells 1058 Tripterotyphis lowei (Pilsbry, 1931) [D'Attilio & Hertz, 1984] intertidal under rocks, dr 20-35 m on gravel 1060 Coralliophila (Coralliophila) macleani (Shasky, 1970), intertidal on gorgonians 1065* C. (Pseudomurex) orcuttiana Dali, 1919, 35-80 m on coarse gravel 1066 C. (P.) parva (E.A. Smith, 1877), intertidal among anemones; dr 50 m among small rocks 1068 Babelomurex hindsii (Carpenter, 1857) [D'Attilio 6 Myers, 1984] 20-100 m among rocks and empty shells 1082 Acanthina angelica I. Oldroyd, 1918, intertidal on rocks 1088* Purpura pansa Gould, 1853, on rocks in splash zone 1093 Trachypollia lugubris (C.B. Adams, 1852) 20-40 m among small rocks 1096 Neorapana tuberculata (Sowerby, 1835), intertidal among rocks 1099 Caducifer (Monostiolum) biliratus (Reeve, 1846), 35-110 m on small rocks and empty shells 1101* C. (M . ) crebristriatus (Carpenter, 1856), 40-100 m among small rocks and empty shells 1102* C. (M . ) nigrocostatus (Reeve, 1846), 100 m on empty shells 1104 Cantharus (Muricantharus) panamicus (Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951) [Keen & Coan, 1975] 100 m on empty shells 1106 C. shaskyi Berry, 1959, 100 m on empty shells 1115 C. (Gemophos) sanguinolentus (Duclos, 1833), intertidal among rocks 1121 Solenosteira macrospira Berry, 1957, 35 m among small rocks 1124 Engina solida Dali, 1917, 20-35 m on rocks and gravel 1125 E. jugosa (C.B. Adams, 1852), 20-35 m on rocks and gravel Vol . XX(6): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 57 611 613 616 617 620 623 625 629 631 633 634 636 637 652* 653* 655 661 668* 670 671 672 676* 678 680 681 684* 686 702 707* 721 728 740 747 749* 752 753 766 767 776 788* 796* 797 799 806 807 808 809 810 811 814 817 820 822 823* 825 826 827 828 832 835 837 861 864* 866* 870 871* 873 882 893 895 905 907 909 910 912 Epitonium (Asperiscala) aoapulaanum Dali, 1917, 35 m on small rocks E. (A.) canna Dali, 1919, intertidal under rocks E. (A.) emydone8U8 Dali, 1917, intertidal under rocks E. (A.) eutaenium (Dali, 1917) 35 m on small rocks E. (A.) huffmani DuShane & McLean, 1968, intertidal on rocks E. (A.) lowei (Dali, 1906), 100 m on empty shells E. (A.) minuticosta (De Boury, 1912), 35 m on small rocks E. (A.) tinctoriion Dali, 1919, intertidal under rock E. (A.) walkerianum Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 100 m on empty shells E. (Cirsotrema) togatum Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 50-100 m on small rocks and empty shells E. (C.) vulpinum (Hinds, 1844), 35-100 m E. (Hirtosoala) reflexion (Carpenter, 1856), intertidal under rock E. (H.) replication (Sowerby, 1844), 35 ra on gravel E. (Nitidiscala) hindsii (Carpenter, 1856), 35 m on gravel E. ( Asperiscala ) obtusion (Sowerby, 1844) [DuShane, 1974] intertidal on reef E. (Nitidiscala) politum (Sowerby, 1844), 100 m on empty shells E. (N.) willetti Strong 6 Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells Acirsa murrha (DuShane, 1970), 100 m on empty shells Amaea (Scalina) brunneopicta (Dali, 1908), 20-35 m on coarse gravel A. (S.) deroyae DuShane, 1970, 80-100 m on silt and empty shells A. (S.) ferminiana (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells Opalia ( Uentiscala) exopleura (Dali, 1917) [DuShane, 1974] intertidal on reef 0. ( D. ) crenatoides (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal on reef 0. ( R) funiculata (Carpenter, 1857), intertidal on reef 0. (Nodiscala) infrequene (C.B. Adams, 1852) [= 0. (N.) bullata Carpenter, 1864] [DuShane, 1974] intertidal 0. ( Eentiscala) mexicana Dali, 1908 [DuShane, 1974] intertidal on reef on teet O. (Nodiscala) spongiosa Carpenter, 1864, 20-40 m on coarse gravel Eulima lapazana (Bartsch, 1917), 35 m among small rocks E. tounsendi (Bartsch, 1917), 20-30 m among rocks Balds gibba De Folin, 1867, 40 m on small rocks B. mexicana (Bartsch, 1917), 35 m among small rocks B. yod (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m among small rocks Niso (Niso) baueri Emerson, 1965, 35 m among small rocks Eulimostraca hipolitensis (Bartsch,' 1917) [Hertz 6 Hertz, 1982] 35 m among small rocks Niso (Niso) splendidula (Sowerby, 1834), 35 m on coarse gravel and small rocks N. (Neovolusia) excolpa Bartsch, 1917, 20-100 m among small rocks Hipponix panamensis C.B. Adams, 1852, intertidal on rocks; dr 35 m on small rocks H. pilosus (Deshayes, 1832), intertidal on rocks Possarus lucanus Dali, 1919, 30 m among rocks M acromphalina hancocki (Strong 6 Hertlein, 1939), 20 m on coarse gravel M . symmetrica (Pilsbry & Olsson, 1945), 30 ra on coarse gravel lanikoro aperta (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal under rocks; 20 m on coarse gravel Calyptraea (Calyptraea) conica Broderip, 1834, 35 m on rocks and shells Cheilea cepacea (Broderip, 1834), 35 m on rocks C. corrugata (Broderip, 1834), 20 m on small rocks Crepidula aculeata (Gmelin, 1791), 35 m on small rocks C. arenata (Broderip, 1834), 20 m on coarse gravel C. excavata (Broderip, 1834), 35 m on rocks C. incurva (Broderip, 1834), intertidal under rocks C. onyx Sowerby, 1824, intertidal under rocks C. striolata Menke, 1851, 35 m in apertures of empty shells Crepipatella lingulata (Gould, 1846) [Keen & Coan, 1975] intertidal on Padina Crucibulum (Crucibulum) lignarium (Broderip, 1834), intertidal; dr 10-100 m on Turritella C. (C.) montiaulus Berry, 1969, 100 m on small rocks C. (C.) scutellatum (Wood, 1828), 35 m on rocks C. (C. ) spinosum (Sowerby, 1824), 20-35 m on rocks and shells C. (C.) umbrella (Deshayes, 1830), intertidal under rock; 20-50 m on rocks C. ( Dispctaea) concameratum Reeve, 1859, 20-35 m on rocks Capulus sericeus J.& R. Burch, 1961, 50-100 m on pectens Thyca (Bessomia) callista (Berry, 1959), diving 10 m on Phatariea unifasciata X enophora robusta Verrill, 1870, 30-50 m on rocks and gravel Natica (Naticarius) chemnitzii (Pfeiffer, 1840) [Marincovich, 1977] intertidal in estero N. (Glyphepithema) idiopoma (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932) [ibid] 35 m on sand and silt N. (N.) scethra (Dali, 1908) [ibid] 35-100 m on small rocks and empty shells N. (Stigmaulax) broderipiana Re'cluz, 1844, 20 m in sand N. (S.) elenae Recluz, 1844, 30-90 m in sand Polinices (Polinices) bifasciatus (Griffith 6. Pidgeon, 1834), intertidal in estero; dr 35 m in' silt P. (P. ) uber (Valenciennes, 1832), 20-35 m on sand and silt Sinum sanctijohannis (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932), 100 m in silt Lamellaria inflata (C.B. Adams, 1852), intertidal on sponges; dr 35 m Trivia (Pusula) calif oimiana (Gray, 1827) 35 m T. (P.) myrae Campbell, 1961, 20-35 m T. (P.) sanguinea (Sowerby, 1832, ex Gray MS), 35 m T. (P.) solandri (Sowerby, 1832 , ex Gray MS), intertidal; dr 35 m Hespererato columbella (Menke, 1847) [Cate, 1977] 20-100 m Page 58 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(6) : 1988 919 Cypraea ( Erosaria ) albuginosa Gray, 1825, intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m 922 C. (Luria) isabellamexicana Stearns, 1893, intertidal under rock 925 C. (Macrocypraea) oervinetta Reiner, 1843, intertidal among rocks in estero 927 C. (Pseudozonaria) arabicula (Lamarck, 1811), intertidal under rocks 929 C. (P.) robertsi (Hidalgo, 1906), 100 m 933 C. (Zonaria) annettae Dali, 1909, intertidal under rocks; dr 24-40 m 935 Cyphoma emarginatum (Sowerby, 1830), 50-80 m on gorgonians 936 Sirnnia aequalis (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal on gorgonians; dr 60-100 m on gorgonians 937 S. avena (Sowerby, 1832), 40 m on gorgonian 939 S. rufa (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal on gorgonian 940 Jermeria pustulata (Lightfoot, 1786), intertidal on rocks; dr 20-40 m 947 Cassia (Levenia) coarctata Sowerby, 1825, in tide pool; dr 35 m on rocks 948 C. (Semicassis) centiquadrata (Valenciennes, 1832), intertidal in sand 950 Morwn (Morum) tuberculosum (Reeve, 1842, ex Sowerby, MS)[Hughes 4 Emerson, 1987 placed in Harpidae] in tide pools 952 Ficus ventricosa (Sowerby, 1825), 100 m on empty shells 954 Cymatium (Monoplex) amictoideum (Keen, 1971) [Beu, 1985] 80-100 m on empty shells 956* C. (M . ) parthenopeum keenae (Beu, 1970), 100 m on empty shells 957 C. ( Turritriton ) lignarium (Broderip, 1833) [Beu, 1985] 100 m on empty shells 961 C. (T.) gibbosum (Broderip, 1833), intertidal among rocks; dr 35-100 m on rocks 962 Distorsio (Distorsio) constricta (Broderip, 1833) [Beu, 1985] 20-100 m on rocks and empty shells 966 Bufonia (Marsupina) nana (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 967 Crossata califomica sonorana (Berry, I960)' [ibid] xOO m on empty shells 969 Colubraria (Colubraria) lucasensis Strong & Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells 972 C. (C.) siphonata (Reeve, 1844), 2G-35 m on rock and gravel 974 C. (?Tritonoharpa) xavieri Campbell, 1961, 130 m (1 empty specimen) 975 Murex (Murex) elenensis Dali, 1909, 35 m on sand and rocks 978* M. (M . ) tricoronis (Berry, 1960) [D'Attilio 4 Hertz, 1979] 35 m on sand and gravel 979 Phyllonotus brassica (Lamarck, 1822) [Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976] 100 m on empty shells 980 P. erythrostomus (Swainson, 1831) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 985* FOvavtia (Muvexiella) diomedaea (Dali, 1908) [Ponder, 1972] 100 m on empty shells 988 F. (Murexiella) humilis (Broderip, 1833) [ibid] 35 m on small rocks 990* F. (M . ) lappa (Broderip, 1833) [ibid] 20 m on coarse gravel 991A F. (M . ) mildredae (Poorman, 1980) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 993 F (M.)perita (Hinds, 1844) [ibid] 35 m on sand and small rocks 1001 Hexaplex (Muricanthus ) radix (Gmelin, 1791) [Vokes, 1982] 35 m on sand and small rocks 1002* H. 04.) princeps (Broderip, 1833) [ibid] in sand among rocks at mouth of estero 1004 Muricopsis armatus (A. Adams, 1854), 20-35 m on coarse gravel 1007 M. zeteki Hertlein 4 Strong, 1951, diving among rocks 1008A Poiriera (Paziella) advenus (Poorman, 1980) [Vokes, 1984] 100 m on empty shells 1011 Purpurellus pinniger (Broderip, 1833) [Radwin 6 D'Attilio, 1976] on rock; dr 20-80 m among small rocks 1013* Aspella (Aspella) pyramidalis (Broderip, 1833), intertidal under rock 1013A* A. (A.) pollux Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976, 90 m among empty shells 1019 Dsxmomurex (Trialatella) cunninghamae (Berry, 1964). 20-35 m on coarse gravel and rocks 1020 Bizetiella carmen (Lowe, 1935) [Radwin 4 D'Attilio, 1976] 25-35 m on coarse gravel 1021 Attiliosa nodulosa (A. Adams, 1855) [= Coralliophila incompta Berry, 1960] [ibid] intertidal; dr 20 m on gravel 1022* Pascula rufonotata (Carpenter, 1864), 30 m on gravel 1024a Rupleura triquetra (Reeve, 1844), intertidal in estero 1029A Pygmaepterys poormani (Radwin 4 D'Attilio, 1976) [D'Attilio 4 Myers, 1985] 35-50 m on small rocks with gorgonians 1030 Phyllocoma scalari' formic (Broderip, 1833), intertidal on rock 1036 Pteropurpura (Pteropurpura) erinaceoides (Valenciennes, 1832), intertidal on rocks; dr 35-80 m on rocks 1037 P. (P.) centrifuga (Hinds, 1844), 90-100 m on empty shells 1040 vitularia salebrosa (King 4 Broderip, 1832), intertidal on gorgonians 1041* Acanthotrophon carduus (Broderip, 1833), 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells 1043* A. sorenseni (Hertlein 4 Strong, 1951), 100 m on empty shells 1044* Austrotrophon cerrosensis (Dali, 1891) [Abbott 4 Dance, 1982] 100 m on empty shells 1049 Typhis (Talityphis) latipennis (Dali, 1919), 80 m on silt 1051 T. (Typhisopsis) coronatus (Broderip, 1833), 30-100 m on silt and empty shells 1052 T. (Typhisala) grandis (A. Adams, 1855), 35-100 m on silt and empty shells 1058 Triptero typhis lowei (Pilsbry, 1931) [D'Attilio 4 Hertz, 1984] intertidal under rocks, dr 20-35 m on gravel 1060 Coralliophila (Coralliophila) macleani (Shasky, 1970), intertidal on gorgonians 1065* C. (Pseudomurex) orcuttiana Dali, 1919, 35-80 m on coarse gravel 1066 C. (P. ) parva (E.A. Smith, 1877), intertidal among anemones; dr 50 m among small rocks 1068 Babelomurex hindsii (Carpenter, 1857) [D'Attilio 4 Myers, 1984] 20-100 m among rocks and empty shells 1082 Acanthina angelica I. Oldroyd, 1918, intertidal on rocks 1088* Purpura pansa Gould, 1853, on rocks in splash zone 1093 Trachypollia lugubris (C.B. Adams, 1852) 20-40 m among small rocks 1096 Neorapana tuberculata (Sowerby, 1835), intertidal among rocks 1099 Caducifer (Monostiolum) biliratus (Reeve, 1846), 35-110 m on small rocks and empty shells 1101* C. (M . ) crebristriatus (Carpenter, 1856), 40-100 m among small rocks and empty shells 1102* C. (M . ) nigrocostatus (Reeve, 1846), 100 m on empty shells 1104 Cantharus (Muricantharus) panamicus (Hertlein 4 Strong, 1951) [Keen 4 Coan, 1975] 100 m on empty shells 1106 C. shaskyi Berry, 1959, 100 m on empty shells 1115 C. (Gemophos) sanguinolentus (Duclos, 1833), intertidal among rocks 1121 Solenosteira macrospira Berry, 1957, 35 m among small rocks 1124 Engina solida Dali, 1917, 20-35 m on rocks and gravel 1125 E. jugosa (C.B. Adams, 1852), 20-35 m on rocks and gravel Vol . XX(6): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 59 1138 1142* 1144 1153 1155* 1156* 1162 11634 1164 1175 1178 1195 1196 1197 1199 1209 1213 1221* 1222 1232* 1235 1238 1242 1247 1252 1253 1254 1261 1265 1270 1273 1277 1280 1291 1292* 1293 1295 1302 1304 1306 1308* 1309 1312* 1313 1318 1319 1321 1329* 1331 1340 1340A 1342 1344 1346 1349 1350A 1351* 1353 1357* 1363 1364 1365 1370 1377 1383 1387 1397 1408 1414* 1417 1419* 1420* 1421 1423 1426 1428 1429 1430 1435 Phos (Antillophos ) veraguensis Hinds, 1843, 35-70 m on silt and gravel P. (Cymatophos) gaudens Hinds, 1844, 20 m on coarse gravel P. (Metaphos) articulatus Hinds, 1844, 80 m on gravel Columbella aureomexicana (Howard, 1963), intertidal around rocks; dr 40 m on small rocks C. fuacata Sowerby, 1832, intertidal around rocks C. haemaetoma Sowerby, 1832, 20-35 m among rocks C. strombiformis Lamarck, 1822, intertidal around rocks Aesopus chrystaloides Carpenter, 1886, 100 m on empty shells A. ( Ithiaesopus ) arestus Dali, 1919, intertidal under rocks Anachis (Costoanachis) coronatus (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on rocks and gravel A. (?C.) fayae Keen, 1971, intertidal on Padina A (C.) varia (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal under rocks A. (C.) Varicosa (Gaskoin, 1852), 35 m among small rocks A. (Q.) vexillum (Reeve, 1858), intertidal under rocks A. (Glyptanachis) hilli Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932, 35 m among small rocks A. (Parvanachis) pygmaea (Sowerby, 1832), intertidal on rocks A. (Zafrona) incerta (Stearns, 1892), intertidal; dr 20-35 m among small rocks Decipifu8 dictynna (Dali, 1919), 20 m in gravel D. gracilis McLean, 1959, intertidal under rocks Mitrella caulerpae Keen, 1971, intertidal on Padina M. dorma Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1938, intertidal under rocks M. granti Lowe, 1935, intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m among small rocks M. millepunctata (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal on algae; dr 35 m Nassarina (Cigclirina) helenae Keen, 1971, 20-100 m among rocks and shells N. (Steironepion) tincta (Carpenter, 1864), 35 m on gravel N. (Zanassarina) anitae Campbell, 1961, 35-100 m on gravel N. (Z.) atella Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932, intertidal under rocks; dr 60 m on gravel PaxKmetaria dupontii (Kiener, 1849-50), intertidal on rocks; dr 40 m on gravel Strombina (Strombina) angularis (Sowerby, 1832), 80-100 m on silt and empty shells S. (S.) dorsata (Sowerby, 1832), 20 m on sand S. (S.) gibberula (Sowerby, 1832), 20-35 m on gravel S. (S.) maculosa (Sowerby, 1832), 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells S. (S.) pavonina (Hinds, 1844), 100 m on empty shells Nassarius nodicinctus (A. Adams, 1852) [= N. angulicostis (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932 )] [Cernohorsky , 1984] 20 m on gravel and rock N. catallus (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells N. cerritensis (Arnold, 1903), 35-100 m on rocks N. corpulentus (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m among rocks N. guaymasensis (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 35-100 m on rocks and empty shells N. insculptus (Carpenter, 1864), 100 tn on empty shells N. miser (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells N. onchodes (Dali, 1917), 100 m on empty shells N. pagodus (Reeve, 1844), intertidal around rocks N. shaskyi McLean, 1970, 100 m on empty shells N. taeniolatus (Philippi, 1845), 35 m on gravel N. (Arcularia) iodes (Dali, 1917), intertidal under rocks N. (A.) luteostoma (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829 ), intertidal near mangroves N. (A.) tiarula (Kiener, 1841), intertidal under rocks Latirus hemphilli Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 40 m on small rocks L. praestantior Melvill, 1892, 35 m among rocks Rilsifusus dupetitthouarsz (Kiener, 1840), intertidal in sand, dr 100 m on empty shells (juveniles) Pusinus turris (Valenciennes, 1832), 100 m on empty shells F. (Aptyxie) cinereus (Reeve, 1847), intertidal on rocks; dr 35 m F. (Barbarofusus) colpoicus Dali, 1915, 100 m on empty shells F. ambustus (Gould, 1853), 20-35 m on small rocks F. panamensis (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells F. sonorae Poorman, 1981, 100 m on empty shells F. zacae Strong & Hertlein, 1937, 100 m on empty shells Lyria (Enaeta) cumingii (Broderip, 1832), 20-40 m on coarse gravel Harpa crenata Swainson, 1822, 100 m on empty shells Oliva (Oliva) polpasta Duclos, 1833, 35 m in sand O. (0.) porphyria (Linnaeus, 1758), 20 m in sand 0. (Strephoma) spicata (Roding, 1798), 20-35 m in sand Agaronia testacea (Lamarck, 1811) 35 m in sand Olivella (Olivella) dama (Wood, 1828 ex Mawe.MS), 35 m on gravel and small rock 0. ( 0 .) steveni Burch & Campbell, 1963, 20 m in gravel 0. ( Dactylidella) anazora (Duclos, 1835), intertidal in sand VaP.um caestus (Broderip, 1833), 30 m on small rocks Mb Ivarina ( \blvarina) taeniolata taeniolata Morch, 1860, 35 m on rocks Granula minor (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on rocks Granulina margaritula (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on rocks Mitra (Atramitra) belcheri Hinds, 1843, 80 m on silt and small rocks M. (A.) fultoni E. A. Smith, 1892, on small rocks and corals at 90 m V . (A.) swainsonii Broderip, 1836, 35 m on small rocks M. (Mitra) crenata Broderip, 1836 [Cernohorsky, 1976] 20 m on gravel M. (M . ) lens Wood, 1828 [ibid] intertidal around rocks Subcancilla (Subcancilla) sphoni Shasky 6 Campbell, 1964 [ibid] 20-35 m Mitra (Strigatella) tristis Broderip, 1836, intertidal under rocks; dr 20 m in gravel M . lignaria Reeve, 1844, 100 m on empty shells Subcancilla calodinota (Berry, 1960), 30-100 m on silt and rock Page 60 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(6): 1988 1436 1437 1439* 1440 1441 1442 1443* 1444A 1445 1447* 1450* 1451 1452 1455* 1457 1458* 1460* 1462 1465* 1466 1468 1469A 1470* 1476* 1481 1482 1484 1485* 1486 1489 1489a 1491* 1493 1494 1495* 1499 1500 1501 1502 1504 1505 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1511a 1514 1516 1517 1522* 1524 1528 1529* 1535a 1538c 1547* 1548* 1554 1555* 1558* 1560* 1564 1565* 1566 1571* 1574A 1575 1575A 1579 1595 1599 1605 S. directa (Berry, 1960), 65 m on silt S. erythrogramma (Tomlin, 1931), 35-65 m on silt and small rock S. gigantea (Reeve, 1844, ex Swainson, MS), 35 m on silt and gravel S. hindsii (Reeve, 1844), 20-35 m on sand S. lindsayi (Berry, 1960), 20 m in sand S. malleti (Petit de la Saussaye, 1852), 25-100 m on sand and empty shells S. phorminx (Berry, 1969), 100 m on empty shells S. welkerorum Whitney, 1977, 80-100 m on small rocks and empty shells Thala gratiosa (Reeve, 1845), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m T. sotitaria (C.B. Adams, 1852), 20 m in coarse gravel Cancellaria (CanceZZaria) decussata Sowerby, 1832, 120 m on silt C. (C.) germruZata Sowerby, 1832, 30 m on coarse gravel C. (C.) obesa Sowerby, 1832, 35 m on silt and small rocks C. (C.) ventricosa Hinds, 1843, 100 m on empty shells C. (Agatrix) strongi Shasky, 1961, 100 m on empty shells C. (Aphera) tessellata Sowerby, 1832, 100 m on empty shells C. (Bivetia) indentata Sowerby, 1832, 25-100 m on small rocks and empty shells C. (Bivetiella) pulchra Sowerby, 1832, 20 m on sand C. (Euclia) balboae Pilsbry, 1931, 30 m on sand C. (E.) cassidiformis Sowerby, 1832, 35 m on gravel C. (MassyZa) corrugate Hinds, 1843, 35 m on small rocks (1 dead specimen) C. (Naronal cooperi (Gabb, 1865), 100 m on empty shells (1 broken specimen) C. (N.) exopZeura Dali, 1908, 100 m on empty shells C. (SveZtia) centrota Dali, 1896, 100 m on empty shells Trigonostoma (OZssoneZZa) campbeZZi Shasky, 1961, 20-80 m on silt among rocks T. funicuZatum (Hinds, 1843), 100 m on empty shells T. ( \entriZia) buZZatum (Sowerby, 1832), 100 m on empty shells T. (V . ) eZegantuZum M. Smith, 1947, 20 m on gravel T. ( V. ) goniostoma (Sowerby, 1832), 20-40 m on gravel Conus (Conus) brunneus Wood, 1828, intertidal around rocks C. (C.)bartschi Hanna & Strong, 1949, 30-80 m on small rocks C. (C.) diadema Sowerby, 1834, dead in tide pool C. (C.) gZadiator Broderip, 1833, intertidal around rocks C. (C.) princeps Linnaeus, 1758, intertidal around rocks; dr 35 m on rocks C. (C.) tiaratus Sowerby, 1833, ex Broderip, MS, intertidal in tide pool C. (CheZyconus) orion Broderip, 1833, 35 m on small rocks C. (C.) purpurascens Sowerby, 1833, ex Broderip, MS, intertidal around rocks C. (C.) vittatus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792, 100 m on empty shells C. (CyZindrus) daZZi Stearns, 1873, 35 m on small rocks C. (?Leptoconus) gradatus Wood, 1828, ex Mawe, MS, 100 m on empty shells C. (L. ) poormani Berry, 1968, 100 m on empty shells C. (L.) reguZaris Sowerby, 1833 [- C. (T,.) vp.curvus Broderip. 1833] [Coomans, Moolenbeek & Wils, 1986] 20- 35 m on gravel and small rocks. 1C. reg'ilarlg}: 100 m on empty shells [C. recur ''us ] C. (L.) scaZaris Valenciennes, 1832, 1UU m on empty shells C. (L.) virgatus Reeve, 1849, intertidal around rocks; dr 20-30 m on small rocks C. (L.) archon Broderip, 1833, 50-100 m on small rocks C. (L.) fergusoni Sowerby, 1873, 100 m on empty shells C. (L. ) xanthicus Dali, 1910, 100 m on empty shells C. ( Stephanoconus ) nux Broderip, 1833, intertidal on rocks C. (X imeniconus ) tomatus Sowerby, 1833, ex Broderip, MS, 20 m in sand C. (X . ) ximenes Gray, 1839, 80 m on silt and small rocks Terebra armiZZata Hinds, 1844 [=T. aZbocincta Carpenter, 1857] [Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1987] 35 m on silt and small.. rocks__[2L _amiZZata]\ 35 m on gravel [T. aZbocincta] T. berryi Campbell, 1961, 10 m in sand T. churea Campbell, 1964, 35 m on gravel T. corintoensis Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, 20 m on gravel T. guayaquiZensis E.A. Smith, 1880, (1535, left figure), 35 m on gravel T. petiveriana Deshayes, 1857 (large figures right and left), 80 m on silt and small rocks T. Zarvaeformis Hinds, 1844, 10 m in sand T. Zucana Dali, 1908, 100 m on empty shells T. omata Gray, 1834, 35 m on silt and small rocks T. panamensis Dali, 1908, 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells ■T. puncturosa Berry, 1959, 35 m on silt and gravel T. robusta Hinds, 1844, 20-100 m on rock and gravel T. shyana Bratcher 4 Burch, 1970, 35 m on gravel T. 8peciZZata Hinds. 1844. \ T. baZaenorum Dali. 19081 [Bratcher & Cernohorskv. 1987] 20 m in sand, 100m on empty shells [T. spcciZZata ]; 20 m in sand [ T . baZaenorum ] T. strigata Sowerby, 1825, 35 m on silt and small rocks T. variegata Gray, 1834, intertidal in estero; dr 20-35 m on sand and gravel Megasurcuta ?cooperi (Arnold, 1903), 100 m on empty shells (3 dead specimens) Hormoapira macuZosa (Sowerby, 1834), 35 m on gravel Ophioderma canceZZata (Carpenter, 1864), 100 m on empty shells CalZicZava aZcmene (Dali, 1919), 35 m on silt Kylix hecuba (Dali, 1919), 35 m on silt K. paziana (Dali, 1919), 35 m on silt ImacZava unimaouZata (Sowerby, 1834), 10-80 m in sand Vol . XX(6): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 61 1615 1616 1619 1620 1621 1623 1626 1627 1634 1637 1640* 1641 1643 1646 1647 1648 1649 1654 1655 1656 1659 1661 1662 1663 1676 1679 1680 1683 1684 1685 1686* 1687 1688 1691 1694 1697* 1699 1701 1702 1706 1708* 1710 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1719 1721* 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1731 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1739 1740* 1741 1742* 1743 1755 1756 1769* 1772* 1773 1774 1776 1777 1778 Brillia ( Brillia) acapulcana (Lowe, 1935), 20-40 m in sand and gravel U (D.) aerope (Dali, 1919), 100 m on empty shells D. ( D. ) aunninghamae McLean 6 Poorman, 1971, 25-100 m on small rocks and empty shells D. ( D. ) inornate McLean & Poorman, 1971, 90 m on empty shells D. (IX) roseola (Hertlein & Strong, 1955), 35 m on sand and silt D. ( H ) tumida McLean & Poorman, 1971, 20-60 m in sand and small rocks D. (Clathrodrillia) berryi McLean & Poorman, 1971, 100 m on empty shells H (C.) salvadorioa (Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951), 20-35 m on gravel Cerodrillia oybele (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 20-35 m on gravel Splendrillia bratoherae McLean & Poorman, 1971, 20-100 m on gravel Iredalea perfeota (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932), 35 m on gravel Bellaspira aaalivicosta McLean & Poorman, 1970, 35 m on gravel B. melea Dali, 1919, 10-35 m on gravel Germrula hindsiana Berry, 1958, 100 m on empty shells Polystira nobilis (Hinds, 1843), 100 m on empty shells P. oxytropis (Sowerby, 1834), 20-35 m on gravel P. piota (Reeve, 1843, ex Beck, MS), 35 m on gravel Fusiturricula armilda (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells Cochlespira oedonulli (Reeve, 1843), 20-80 m on empty shells Knefastia dalli Bartsch, 1944, intertidal around rocks; dr 20-80 m on small rocks K. olivacea (Sowerby, 1833), 100 m on empty shells K. tuberculifera (Broderip 6 Sowerby, 1829), 50 m on small rocks K. walker i Berry, 1958, 80-100 m on small rocks Pyrgospira obelisous (Reeve, 1843), 35-90 m in coarse gravel Crassispira (Crassispira) maura (Sowerby, 1834), 60 m on small rocks C. (Burchia) unicolor (Sowerby, 1834), 20 m in gravel C. (Crassiclava) cortezi Shasky 6 Campbell, 1964, 35 m on gravel and small rocks C. (Crassipirella) brujae Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 80 m on silt and small rocks C. (C.) chacei Hertlein 6 Strong, 1951, 80 m on silt and small rocks C. (C.) discors (Sowerby, 1834), intertidal; dr 35 m on rock and gravel C. (C.) epicasta Dali, 1919, 35-100 m on silt, rock and empty shells C. (C.) rugitecta (Dali, 1918), 90 m on empty shells C. (C.) rustica (Sowerby, 1834), 35-100 m on small rocks and empty shells C. ( D allspira) bifurca (E.A. Smith, 1888), 20-35 m on coarse gravel C. ( V. ) erigone Dali, 1919, 35-70 m on silt and small rocks C. ( Striospira ) adana (Bartsch, 1950), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on small rocks C. (S.) kluthi E.K. Jordan, 1936, 20 m on coarse gravel C. (S.) tepocana Dali, 1919, intertidal under rocks; dr 20-30 m on small rocks C. (S.) xanti Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 35 m on small rocks C. (monilispira) pluto Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, intertidal on rocks Hindsiclava andromeda (Dali, 1919), 100 m on empty shells H. militaris (Reeve, 1843), ex Hinds, MS), 35 m on small rocks Buchema granulosa (Sowerby, 1834), intertidal under rocks; dr 20-40 m on small rocks Lioglypho stoma exdcea (Hinds, 1843), 35-100 m on rocks and empty shells L. rectilabrum McLean 6 Poorman, 1971, 100 m on empty shells Maesiella hermanita (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 20-35 m on small rocks M. maesae McLean & Poorman, 1971, 35 m on gravel M iraclathurella bicanalifera (Sowerby, 1834), intertidal under rocks; dr 20 m on gravel Carinodrillia adonis Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932, 35-100 m on rocks and empty shells C. dichroa Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, 35-100 m on rocks and empty shells C. halis (Dali, 1919), 35-100 m on rocks and empty shells C. hexagona (Sowerby, 1834), 35 m on small rocks C. lachrymosa McLean & Poorman, 1971, 20 m on gravel Strictispira ericana (Hertlein & Strong, 1951), 25-100 m on rocks and empty shells Z onulispira grandimaculata (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on silt and small rocks Compsodrillia albonodosa (Carpenter, 1857), 20 m on gravel C. alcestis (Dali, 1919), 35-100 m on empty shells C. bicarinata (Shasky, 1961), 80-100 m on empty shells C. duplicata (Sowerby, 1834), 30-100 m on empty shells C. excentrica (Sowerby, 1834), 20-35 m on rocks C. haliplexa (Dali, 1919), 20-35 m on gravel C. jaculum (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 20-35 m on silt C. olssoni McLean 6 Poorman, 1971, 35 m on silt C. opaca McLean & Poorman, 1971, 100 m on empty shells C. thestia (Dali, 1919), 20 m on gravel Pilsbryspira ( Nymphispira) bacchia (Dali, 1919), intertidal; dr 20-35 m on gravel P. (N. ) nymphia (Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932), intertidal under rocks Mitrolumna mitriformis (Shasky, 1961), 100 m on empty shells Cymakra granata McLean & Poorman, 1971, 100 m on empty shells Diptychophlia occata (Hinds, 1843), 100 m on empty shells Clathurella maryae McLean & Poorman, 1971, 35-100 m on small rocks and empty shells C. rigida (Hinds, 1843), 20-35 m on small rocks Nannodiella fratemalis (Dali, 1919), 20-35 m on gravel N. nana (Dali, 1919), 35 m on gravel Page 62 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(6) : 1988 1781 1784 1785 1787* 1789 1791 1793 1798 1799 1803 1806 1807 1809 1810 1813 1816 1819* 1822 1823 1826 1829 1830 1831 1832 1835 1836* 1836A 1837 1839 1840 1843 1848 1876* 1877 1879* 1880* 1881 1884* 1887* 1889 1893 1958* 1960* 1972* 1985* 1988* 1995* 2010* 2016* 2018* 2020 2023* 2027* 2028* 2040* 2041 2044 2045 2050* 2056* 2066* 2068 2083 2088* 2124* 2128 2144* 2162* 2175* 2216* 2230 2231A Glyphostoma (Glyphostoma) neglecta (Hinds, 1843), 20 m on gravel G. (G . ) thalassoma (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells G. (Euglyphostoma) Candida (Hinds, 1843), 40-70 m on silt and small rocks Strombinoturris crockeri Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 80-100 m on empty shells Kurtziella (Kurtziella) plwnbea (Hinds, 1843), 100 m on empty shells K. (Granoturria) antipyrgus (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells K. (Kurtzina) cyrene (Dali, 1919), 20 m on gravel lenatwrria mevita (Hinds, 1843), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on small rocks T. verdensia (Dali, 1919), 35 m on gravel Euclathurella carisaima (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932), intertidal under rocks Platycythara electra (Dali, 1919), 35 m among rocks Thelecythara dushanae McLean & Poorman, 1971, 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells Kurtzia aethra (Dali, 1919), 20 m on gravel K. arteaga (Dali & Bartsch, 191(5, 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells K. granulatissima (Morch, 1860), 20-35 m on gravel Agathotoma (Agathotoma) alcippe (Dali, 1918), 35-100 m on gravel and empty shells A. (A.) neglecta (C.B. Adams, 1852), 20-35 m on gravel A. ( Vitricythara) klasmidia Shasky, 1971, 35 m on gravel A. ( V. ) secalis Shasky, 1971, 20 m on gravel Pyrgocythara emersoni Shasky, 1971, intertidal under rocks P. Helena (Dali, 1919), 35 m on gravel P. melita (Dali, 1919), 20-35 m on gravel P. phaethusa (Dali, 1919), intertidal under rocks P. acammoni (Dali, 1919), intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on gravel Ithycythara penelope (Dali, 1919), 35 m on gravel Laphnella allemani (Bartsch, 1931), intertidal under rocks D. levicallis Poorman, 1983, 80-100 m on empty shells D. bartschi Dali, 1919, 35 m on gravel D. mazatlanica Pilsbry 6 Lowe, 1932, intertidal under rocks; dr 35 m on gravel D. retusa McLean & Poorman, 1971, 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells Philbertia doris Dali, 1919, 35-50 m on small rocks Microdaphne trichodes (Dali, 1919), intertidal under rocks Pyramidella (Pyramidella) hancocki Strong 6 Hertlein, 1939, 20-100 m on gravel and empty shells P. (Longchaeus) adamsi Carpenter, 1864, 35 m on gravel P. (L.) conica C.B. Adams, 1852, 35 m on small rocks P. (L.) elenensis Bartsch, 1924, 40 m on small rocks P. (L.) mazatlanica Dali 6 Bartsch, 1909, 20-35 m on gravel P. (Pharcidella) hastata (A. Adams in Sowerby, 1854), intertidal under rocks P. (P. ) panamensis Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on gravel P. ( Ibluspa) linearum Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, 35 m on gravel Iselica ovoidea (Gould, 1853), 35 m on small rocks Odostomia (Egila) lacunata Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on grave. 0. (Eulimastoma) dotella Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on gravel 0. (Evalea) tenuis Carpenter, 1857, 100 m on empty shells 0. ( Ividella) naviea Dali & Bartsch, 1907, 35 m on empty shells 0. (I.) ulloana Strong, 1949, 35 m on gravel 0. (Menestho) grijalve Baker, Hanna A Strong, 1928, 35 m on gravel 0. (Miralda) terebellum (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on gravel 0. ( Salaesia) scalariformis Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on gravel 0. (S.) laxa Dali 6 Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on gravel Periatichia hermosa (Lowe, 1935), 35 m on gravel Triptychus incantatus (Hertlein 6 Strong, 1939), 100 m on empty shells Turbonilla (Turbonilla) lucana Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on small rocks T. (T.) prolongata Carpenter, 1857, 35 m on small rocks T. ( Chemnitzia ) aculeus (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on small rocks T. (C.) aepynota Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on small rocks T. (C.) keleeyi Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on small rocks T. (C.) muricata (Carpenter, 1857), 35 m on small rocks T. (C.) sinaloana Strong, 1949, 35 m on small rocks T. ( Rmkeria) andrewsi Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on small rocks T. ( D. ) sedillina Dali & Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on small rocks T. (Mormula) coyotensis Baker, Hanna & Strong, 1928, 20-40 m on small rocks T. (Ptycheulimella) penaacoensis Lowe, 1935, 20 m on gravel T. (Pyrgiscus) amiriana Hertlein & Strong, 1951, 35 m on gravel T. (P. ) gruberi Hertlein A Strong, 1951, 35 m on gravel T. (P.) histias Dali A Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on gravel T. (P. ) marshalli Dali A Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on gravel T. (P.) striosa (C.B. Adams, 1852), 35 m on gravel T . (P.) ulys8i Hertlein A Strong, 1951, 35 m on gravel T. (Strioturbonilla) pazana Dali A Bartsch, 1909, 35 m on gravel Acteon traakii Steams, 1897, 35 m on small rocks Pictaxis punctocaelatus (Carpenter, 1864) [=P. coronadoensis Stearns, 1898] [Abbott, 1974] 35m on rocks [P. punctocaelatus ] ; 100 m on empty shells [P. coronadoensis] small Vol . XX(6) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 63 2235 Bulla (Bulla) gouldiana Pilsbry, 1895, intertidal in ester© ; dr 35 m on gravel 2236 B. (B. ) punotulata A. Adams in Sowerby, 1850, intertidal 2239 Atys casta Carpenter, 1864, 35 m on gravel 2240 A. chimera Baker & Hanna, 1927, 20 m on gravel 2242 A. liriope Hertlein 6 Strong, 1931, 20 m in gravel 22^3 llaminoaa angelensis Baker 6 Hanna, 1927, 20 m in gravel 2245 H. virescens (Sowerby, 1833), intertidal around rocks 2248 Sulcoretusa paziana (Dali, 1919), 35 m on gravel 2250 Volvulella (Volvulella) cylindrica (Carpenter, 1864), 35 m on gravel 2252 tyoodbridgea williamsi Berry, 1953, 35 m on gravel 2254A Chelidonura polyalphos Gosliner & Williams, 1972, intertidal 2254B C. evelinae Marcus, 1955, intertidal 2257 Acteocina angustiov Baker & Hanna, 1927, 20-40 m in silt 2263 Cylichna fantasma (Baker & Hanna, 1927), 35 m on silt 2264 C. inca (Dali, 1908), 100 m on empty shells 2277 * Cavolinia tridentata (Niebuhr, 1775* ex Forskal, MS), 35 m on gravel 2278 C. uncinata (Rang, 1829), 35 m on gravel 2283* Diacria quadridentata (Blainville, 1821, ex Lesueur, MS), 35 m on gravel 2285* Hyalocylis striata (Rang, 1828), 35 m on gravel 2296 Aplysia (Neaplysia) calif omica Cooper, 1863, intertidal under rocks 2297 A. (Pruvotaplysia) parvula Morch, 1863, intertidal under rocks 2303 Lolabrifera dolabrifera (Rang, 1828), intertidal under rocks 2304A Phyllaplysia padinae Williams & Gosliner, 1973, intertidal on Padina 2305 Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy 6 Gaimard, 1824), intertidal on algae 2306 Pleurobranchus areolatum (Morch, 1863), intertidal under rocks 2308 Berthellina citrina (Ruppell & Leuckart, 1828), intertidal under rocks 2312* Oxynoe panamensis Pilsbry 6 Olsson, 1943, intertidal on Caulerpa 2313* Lobiger souverbii Fischer, 1857, intertidal on Caulerpa 2314A Ascobulla califomica (Hamatani, 1971), intertidal in sand around Caulerpa 2316* Berthelinia (Edenttellina) chloris (Dali, 1918), intertidal on Caulerpa 2327 Conualevia mizuna Marcus 6 Marcus, 1967, intertidal under rocks 2329A Chromodoris bawnanni Bertsch, 1970, intertidal under rocks 2331 C. norrisi Farmer, 1963, intertidal under rocks 2331A C. sphoni (Marcus, 1971) [Bertsch, 1978] 40 m on small rocks 2332 Chromolaichma sedna (Marcus 6 Marcus, 1967) [Bertsch, 1977] 40 m on small rocks 2335 Hypselodoris califomiensis (Bergh, 1879), intertidal under rocks 2336 Cadlina evelinae Ernst Marcus, 1958, intertidal under rocks 2340 Discodaris mavis Marcus & Marcus, 1967, intertidal under rocks 2350 Polycera alabe Collier & Farmer, 1964, intertidal under rocks 2361 LDriopsilla janaina Marcus & Marcus, 1967, intertidal under rocks 2362A Crosslandia daedali Poorman & Mulliner, 1981, intertidal on Padina 2370 Melibe leonina (Gould, 1852), intertidal on Padina 2372 Tritonia pickensi Marcus & Marcus, 1967, intertidal under rocks 2380 Coryphella cynara Marcus & Marcus, 1967, intertidal under rocks 2388A Spurilla alba (Risbec, 1928), intertidal under rocks 2388 S. ckromosoma Cockerell & Eliot, 1905, intertidal under rocks 2389 Heimissenda crassicomis (Eschscholtz , in Rathke, 1831), intertidal under rocks 2396 Onchidella hildae (Hoffman, 1928), intertidal around rocks 2401* Melanrpus (Pira) tabogensis C.B. Adams, 1852, intertidal 2412 Pedipes unisulcatus Cooper, 1866, in sand bank above high tide 2425 Williamia peltoides (Carpenter, 1864), intertidal; dr 20 m on gravel P0LYPLAC0PH0RA 35* Lepidozona formosa Ferreira, 1974, 35 m on rocks 36A L. laurae Ferreira, 1985, 100 m on empty shells 37 L. serrata (Carpenter, 1864), 100 m on empty shells 38 L. subtilis Berry, 1956, intertidal under rocks; dr 100 m on empty shells 42 Chaetopleura unilineata Leloup, 1954 [="Chaetopleura mixta (Dali, 1919)" in Thorpe in Keen, 1971] [Ferreira, 1983] 10-100 m on rocks 42A C. lanuginosa (Dali, 1879) [ibid] 100 m on empty shells 44 Lepidochitona beanii (Carpenter, 1857), 20 m on rocks 45 Nuttalina crossota Berry, 1956, intertidal under rocks 48 Lepidochitona lirulatus (Berry, 1963), 35 m on rocks SCAPH0P0DA 3 Dentaliim ( D entalium) oerstedii Morch, 1860, 20-90 m in silt 4 D. ( D. ) vallicolens Raymond, 1904, 80 m in silt 8 D. (Graptacme) semipolitim Broderip & Sowerby, 1829, 20-40 m in silt 11 D. (Tesseracme) tesseragonum Sowerby, 1832, 20-35 m in silt 14 Pustiaria ( Laevidentalium ) splendida (Sowerby, 1832), 20-35 m in silt 17 Siphonodentalium quadrifissatum (Pilsbry & Sharp, 1898), 100 m on empty shells 18 Cadulus (Gadila) fusiformis Pilsbry 6 Sharp, 1898, 35 m in silt 23 C. (Polyschides ) calif omicus Pilsbry 6 Sharp, 1898, 30 m in silt . ISSN: 0738-9388 QL 46/ mil l 6 THE F E S T I V U S If A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Volume: XX July 14, 1988 Number: 7 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave., San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American M alacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D’Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. PROGRAM "Deep Water Shells of California" Ralph Ferguson, longtime collector and dealer from Wi California, will present this program featuring trawled sr this coast. Meeting date: July 21, 1988 CONTENTS Notes on the morphology of Favartia (Murexiella) martini (Shikama, 1977) and F. (M.) mactanensis Emerson & D'Attilio, 1979) ANTHONY D ' ATTILIO 65 Lyropecten subnodosus off Cedros Island RON H. MCPEAK 69 Club news 69 A brief look at two new publications 70 lmington , eciej Page 65 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(7) : 1988 NOTES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF FAVARTIA (MU REX I ELLA) MARTINI (SHI KAMA, 1977) AND F. (M.) MACTANENSIS (EMERSON & D'ATTILIO, 1979) BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Associate, Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 This paper follows, essentially, the method used in several recently published in treating closely related species in pairs. This simplifies explanations both pictorial and written concerning the differences and similarities of both species. The two species reviewed in this paper, Favartia (MurexieZZa) martini (Shikama, 1977) and F. (M.) mactanensis (Emerson & D’Attilio, 1979), fall within the range of small to medium size for the subgenus. Relatively large species of this subgenus occur in the eastern Pacific where most MurexieZZa have been known since the mid- 19th Century. Most of the western Pacific species have been discovered within the last two decades; their discovery made possible by the tangle-net-method of collecting in 100 meters or more. The use of such collecting techniques in the Indian Ocean, especially along the east coast of Africa, will probably reveal other species in this complex. Favartia (MurexieZZa) martini is easily distinguished from other members of the genus by the long shoulder spine with three secondary spines on the varix and the long recurved canal. ( Figures 1 and 2). A Figures 1 and 2. Favartia (MurexieZZa) martini (Shikama, 1977). D. Pisor collection. Length (not including canal): 22.5 mm [If canal were straight it would add -9.6 mm] Maximum diameter (to edges of spines): 20.2 mm Location: Cebu Is., Philippines Is. (1) apertural view (2) dorsal view Photos. D. Mullxner Vol . XX(7 ) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 66 anterior to the three short spines. The shell has a protoconch of 1% bulbous whorls and a mature specimen, such as the one shown here, may possess a teleoconch of 7 whorls. This specimen is unusual in having brown spines on the spire and body whorl. Viewed dorsally (Figures 3 and 4), the varix has a weakly defined, transversely sculptured undulate intervarical area with the shoulder spine and 3 shorter spines strongly longitudinally grooved. Additionally, the entire surface in well-preserved specimens has a low scabrous surface. shoulder spine Figures 3 and 4. F. (M.) martini. SDNHM 92828. Length: 10.6 mm (canal ^8 mm) Location: Philippine Is. Donor: L.J. Bibbey. (3) dorsal view of final varix, greatly enlarged (4) enlarged dorsal view of shoulder spine r Ventrally the varical spines are nearly closed, if not entirely so (Figure 5). As the flange grows out from the aperture, the surface becomes lamellose and folded longitudinally (Figure 6) never becoming as strongly elevated on the three varical spines as on the shoulder spine (Figure 7). Figure 5. F. (M. ) martini. SDNHM 92828 Apertural view, greatly enlarged, showing nearly closed varical spines. 67 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(7) : 1988 posterior Figures 6 and 7. F.(M.) martini. SDNHM 92828 (6) detail of lamellose folds growing out from the aperture and the 3 spines below the shoulder spine (7) ventral view of shoulder spine, greatly enlarged, showing strongly elevated folds Study of the micro-characters in Favartia (Murexiella) mactanensis (Figures 8 and 9) indicates both similarities and differences from the closely related F.(M.) martini . Shell growth begins with strong surface sculpture which diminishes in richness as the shell reaches maturity towards the final varix. On the spire, especially, the strong axial lamellae are undulately raised forming cowl-like scales. This feature diminishes dorsally on the final varix, becoming weakly raised growth lamellae (Figure 10). The surface of the final varix, when not eroded, is also microscopically transversely striate and the shoulder spine is not extensively prolonged as in F . (M. ) martini . The ventral surface of the apertural flange (Figure 11) is sculptured with axial and spiral elements. The area closest to the aperture is folded and raised transversely corresponding to the lower portions of the spines. The relatively simple, but not symmetrically formed, spines become twisted and turned upward posteriorly at their crests. In both F. ( M .) martini and F. (M.) mactanensis the shells change from six varices on the early whorls to five on the mature last varix. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank David K. Mulliner for the fine photography and Donald Pisor for the loan of the study specimen. Vol . XX(7): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 68 Figures 8 and 9. Favartia ( Murexiella ) mactanensis (Emerson 6 D'Attilio, 1979). SDNHM 92087. Length: 12.2 mm. Maximum diameter to edges of spines: 12.6 mm. Location: Philippine Is. Donor: D. Pisor (8) apertural view (9) dorsal view Photos: D. Mulliner Figures 10 and 11. F.(M.) mactanensis. SDNHM 82301. Length: 19.8 mm. Maximum diameter to edges of spines: 11.8 mm. Location: Cebu, Philippine Is. Donor: V. Dan. (10) Dorsal view of final varix, greatly enlarged, showing weakly raised growth lamellae (11) Ventral surface of apertural flange, greatly enlarged, showing the transverse folds aperturally and the upturned, twisted spines. Page 69 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX ( 7 ) : 1988 LITERATURE CITED EMERSON, WILLIAM K. and ANTHONY D'ATTILIO 1979. Six new living species of muricacean gastropods. Nautilus 93(1): 1-10, 21 figs. SHIKAMA, TOKIO 1977. Descriptions of new and noteworthy Gastropoda from western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Sci. Repts., Yokohama Natl. Univ. sect. 2, Biol. & Geol. Sci., no. 24:9-23, pis. 1-5, 2 figs. LYROPECTEN SUBNODOSUS OFF CEDROS ISLAND BY RON H. MCPEAK KELCO, Division of Merck Inc., P.0. Box 23576 San Diego, California 92123-1718 On February 12, 1988, Keith Ullrich and I were conducting diving surveys off the northern tip of Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico. During the survey, Keith collected a beautiful live specimen of Lyroyeeten subnodosus (Sowerby, 1835) on the rocky bottom at a depth of 15 meters. The scallop was large, approximately 160 mm in length, and appeared healthy. This specimen was collected 33 miles north of its reported range, from Scammon's Lagoon on the west coast of Baja California to Peru, in Keen's (1971) SEA SHELLS OF TROPICAL WEST AMERICA. CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - JUNE 16, 1988 Our speaker for the evening was Marc Chamberlain, neurologist and award winning underwater photographer who presented a kaleidoscope of startling colors in his program BRANCHS + UNDERWATER IMAGES OF EASTERN PACIFIC INVERTEBRATES. He showed slides of invertebrates inhabiting the waters from Vancouver all the way down to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California. Using a Nikonos Three camera, Marc has photographed such intriguing seldom-seen animals as the gorgeous Dirona alabaster , which he described as "always a big crowd pleaser." He has photographed many of his inverte- brate subjects against the brilliant background of the volcano sponge with the soft reds and oranges. In concluding a truly marvelous program, Marc showed a slide of his wife, Susan, in diving gear examining a mollusk without a shell, the octopus. During the coffee break, members and guests had an opportunity to purchase back issues and duplicate publications from the Club library librarian, Margaret Mulliner announced that the monies collected from the sale of these magazines will be used to bind back issues of THE FESTIVUS. Linda and John LaGrange and Ginny and Richard Herrmann provided the delicious cookies enjoyed during the break Following the coffee break, slides of Tony's retirement party at the San Diego Natural History Museum were shown followed by pictures from the 1987 September and Christmas parties. These were enjoyed by all. Don Pisor briefly mentioned that volunteers for chairmanships for the 1989 COA meeting in San Diego are still needed. If you are willing to help, contact Don at 279-9342 Bill Romer waved the grab bags overhead and Ken Lindahl, with the lucky number, went home with some unexpected treasures. Wayne Reed volunteered to bring cookies to the next meeting. Wayne Reed Page 70 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(7): 1988 A BRIEF LOOK AT TWO NEW PUBLICATIONS MARINE FAUNA AND FLORA OF BERMUDA, A SYSTEMATIC GUIDE TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF MARINE ORGANISMS Editor: Wolfgang Sterrer Illustrators: Wolfgang Sterrer and Christine Schoepf er-Sterrer Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 1986 742 pages, 228 black & white plates, 16 color plates, 2 maps, hardbound Price: $99.95 This new book DOES Bermuda! It covers the plant kingdom from fungi to flowering plants and the animal kingdon from protozoa to mammals (whales). Each section is treated by specialists in the field. The black and white drawings are excellent and the color plates beautifully illustrate groups such as Algae, Porifera, Anthozoa and Decapoda. The color plates of the mollusks are limited, but their illustration in black and white is superior. For the Mollusca, as well as the other groups, each class is broken into the following sections: Characteristics, Occurrence, Identification, Biology, Development, References and Plates. The molluscan species are listed by their Latin names and authors (no dates) followed by their common names and brief synonymies. A twenty-three page reference section, a glossary and taxonomic index are included. For those who work with North Atlantic species, this book will be a must. For others, it might be on their wish lists. TREASURES OF THE TROPICS By: Rene Catala Photography by: Rene and Stucki Catala with some exceptions Publisher: Facts on File Publications, N.Y. 1986 Translated from the French by Enzo Sirna (First edition OFFRANDES DE LA MER published entirely in French in 1980) 334 pages, 700 full color photographs, large size, hardbound Price: $50.00 This gorgeous book is by Dr. Rene Catala who established the Biologie Marine (known as the Aquarium Noumea) in Noumea, New Caledonia in 1956 and with his wife, Stucki, managed the aquarium for twenty years. Most of the exquisite photography is of specimens collected by them for the aquarium from an area between five and twenty- two kilometers from the aquarium. The author states that many of the corals and fish survived in the aquarium for the twenty years under their care. It was from material collected for the aquarium that Dr. Catala established, in 1957, that corals flouresce. The informative text is written in a conversational style easily understood by the non-professional and is referenced with footnotes. The author considers himself a non-specialist and states that there may be taxonomic errors (which there are). There are over 180 magnificent photographs of mollusks alone, including some with egg masses and photographs of cephalopods hunting. All animals illustrated are identified by their Latin names and the figure legends include short descriptive and/ or habitat notes. This is not vour usual cocktail table picture book and one need not be con- versant with New Caledonian fauna to appreciate and want to own it. It is an incredible bargain at $50.00. t*f *-iiE /vu,( THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vok XX August 11, 1988 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD ^~***J^L-*^ R. Tucker Abbott American M alacologists s Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. PROGRAM WHERE THE COWRIES HIDE Dr. Hugh Bradner, Club member and cowry specialist who has given several fine programs on cowries and their radulae, will present this popular talk on how to find cowries. His presentation will be illustrated with slides. Meeting date: August 18, 1988 CONTENTS Further on Kaas and Van Belle’s MONOGRAPH OF LIVING CHITONS" GEORGE A. HANSELMAN , 72 Comparison of two Favartia (Caribiella) species, one from the western Atlantic and one from the eastern Pacific ANTHONY D'ATTILIO 73 Club news 76 Early conchologists in Baja California, Mexico HELEN DUSHANE 77 A report on the annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists JULES HERTZ , 82 Page 72 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX (8) 1988 FURTHER ON KAAS AND VAN BELLE'S "MONOGRAPH OF LIVING CHITONS" Volume III of the above-named publication, most evidently the definitive pub- lication in the field of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) , is now available. It is in every way precision, detail, quality of content and quality of publication the equal of the first two volumes (see THE FESTIVUS, volume XVIII, no. 3, March 13, 1986), and covers several areas of special interest to those of us who live in the northern eastern Pacific region. Two innovations appear in this volume. Firstly, this volume is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Antpnio J. F. Ferreira, whose tragically early death in 1986 closed a vigorous career of able and knowledgeable research into the Polyplacophora. In a comparatively few years Dr. Ferreira exercised great influence in this field, and termination of his further contributions will be a real loss. Secondly, the first forty-one pages of this volume are devoted to an updating and expansion of the information presented in the first two volumes of the series. Although those volumes were issued in 1985, they hereby are brought current on ad- ditional species published as late as 1986 in itself an excellent indication of the meticulous thoroughness of the work as a whole. It is the stated intention of the authors to continue such updating in further volumes. Volume III continues coverage of the family Ischnochitonidae Dali, 1899. Two subfamilies are included: subfamily Chaetopleurinae Plate, 1899, with three genera totalling thirty-eight species, and the subfamily Ischnochitoninae Dali, 1889, with three genera totalling sixty-three species. The pattern of coverage retains the excellent format established in the initial volumes, each species being noted as to type species, location of the holotype, the principal synonymy, a thorough description and discussion, a plate averaging over a dozen fine pen-and-ink figures, and a map of the species' geographical distribution. This then amounts, for these two sub- families alone, to 220 pages of text including 117 plates totalling 1,213 figures, plus 22 maps, a 7-page index, and 14 pages of bibliography. The volume therefore totals 302 pages. The lowered value of the U.S. dollar in the international market raises the price of this volume to about $65.00 delivered. It is worth the cost. Copies may be ordered from the publisher N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij v/h E.J. Brill, Leiden, the Netherlands, through their U.S. agent Expeditors of the Printed Word, P.0. Box 1305, Long Island City, N.Y. 11101. Note that payment (the bill will accompany the delivered book) may be sent to the agent for forwarding to E.J. Brill, but that the check itself should be made out to E.J. Brill rather than to the agent. If you have not yet subscribed to this publication I recommend that you do so without delay. This is indeed a major publication. George A. Hanselman Vol . XX(8) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 73 COMPARISON OF TWO FAVARTIA (CAR IB I ELLA) SPECIES, ONE FROM THE WESTERN ATLANTIC AND ONE FROM THE EASTERN PACIFIC BY ANTHONY D'ATTILIO Associate, Department of Marine Invertebrates, San Diego Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, California 92112 In this paper a comparison is made to clarify the subtle differences of micro- scopic detail of form which is present in two small muricids. These differences contribute to the overall visual effect of the shells of these species. The small details, not readily distinguishable without magnification, are of much interest scientifically and aesthetically The two species under consideration are from both sides of the Panamic land bridge. Favartia (Caribiella) alveata (Kiener, 1842) from the western Atlantic, is a relatively shallow water species collected from intertidal to 5 m and widely dis- tributed from Bermuda to Brazil (Figures 1 and 2) and is the type of the subgenus. Favartia (C.) erosa (Broderip, 1833) is found over most of the tropical Panamic Province and may also be collected in shallow water (Figures 3 and 4). Figures 1 and 2. Favartia (Caribiella) alveata (Kiener, 1842). SDNHM 42853, Length: 15.2 mm, Loc . : West Indies, ex J.F. Anderson collection. Figured in Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976 (Fig. 92 in a schematic figure as F. erosa ) (1) apertural view (2) dorsal view. Photos: D.K. Mulliner Page 74 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(8) 1988 Figures 3 and 4. Favartia (Carzbiella) erosa (Broderip, 1833). SDNHM 23327 Length: 13.3 mm, Loc . : Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Leg. H.N. Lowe, June 1929, ex H.N. Lowe collection (1) apertural view (2) dorsal view. Photos: D.K. Mulliner The gross morphology of these species has been described in systematic icono- graphies and in various regional studies as well as in Radwin and D’Attilio's (1976) MUREX SHELLS OF THE WORLD. (Note: Inadvertently, the schematic Figure 92 on Page 148 in Radwin and D'Attilio is wrongly referred to F.(C.) erosa. It should read F. (C. ) alveata. ) Both species have the family character of scabrous cords revolving on each whorl interrupted by their varices. In the Muricinae genus Favartia the most common number of spiral cords on the spire is two. On the final or body whorl the number is variable and ranges from 4 to 7 depending on the species. F. (C.) alveata has 5 cords on the body whorl and two on the broad canal. The apertural varix as well as the one opposite (to the left of the aperture) are largest. This dorso-ventral flattening is one of the characteristics of the subgenus Caribzella . Figure 5 shows the final and penultimate varices and the intervarical area between them. A more enlarged detail view of the spiral cords is noted in Figure 6. The scabrous segments of each cord are fluted, raised strongly in relief, bowl-like with scalloped edges, each bowl-form segment narrower at its contact with the one below. These interesting forms, with no two ever exactly alike or mechanically symmetrical, are also finely axially striate (incremental growth lines). Tbe striae continue between the cords in the depressed inter-cord areas. Page 75 Vol . XX(8) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Figures 5 and 6. F. ( C .) alveata. (5) SDNHM 42853, specimen shown in Figures 1 and 2. Detail of area between the final and penultimate varices. (6) Detail of the spiral cords in a 10.6 mm L specimen from Fortaleza, Brazil in the Roland Houart collection. Favartia ( Caribiella erosa) (Figures 3 and 4) has a more elongate shell with a relatively longer body whorl than F. (C.) alveata. It has 6 to 7 cords on the body whorl with an additional 1 or 2 cords on the canal area. The intervarical area on the body whorl is shown in detail in Figure 7 illustrating the form of the 6 cords. A further enlarged detail of part of this same area is shown in Figure 8. Figures 7 and 8. F. (C.) erosa. SDNHM 23327, specimen shown in Figures 3 and 4. (7) detail of the intervarical area on the body whorl (8) a further enlarged detail of the same area. Page 76 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX (8) 1988 Though examined visually (without magnification) the sculpture of the cords appears the same for both species, a microscopic view shows the lack of any bowl- like or cove-formed scales in F. (C.) erosa. The sculptural relief of each segment of the cords is very weakly scale-like and distinctly different from that of F. ( C .) alveata. The weak form of the cord structures results also in the slightly undulate character of the varices in F. (C.) erosa in contrast to the more strongly undulate scabrous lamellae of the varices in F. (C.) alveata. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Specimens studied for this paper are from the San Diego Natural History Museum collection and the private collections of Rolant Houart of Belgium and Jules and Carole Hertz of San Diego. The photographs were kindly provided by David K. Mulliner. CLUB NEWS FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - JULY 21, 1988 After President Bill Romer welcomed everyone to the July 21st meeting, Bob Yin introduced the speaker for the evening, Ralph Ferguson, longtime collector (45 years) and dealer from Wilmington, California and president of the Long Beach Shell Club. Ralph Ferguson's program featured a fascinating show and tell of trawled species from off our coast; a program supercharged with his refreshing sense of humor and ability to tell anecdotes. He held his audience spellbound with an eye-catching array of west coast shell species. Each one came with a story; memories of a young bare- foot boy walking the docks in Eureka, exploring crab boats, nets and lobster traps looking for overlooked shells. Ralph told of his obsession for collecting the odd and the unusual such as a sculpturesque glass sponge from 400 fathoms off Crescent City, Oregon and an eight-legged seastar. During the coffee break, with the cookies provided by Wayne Reed, the audience had the opportunity to examine, close-up, some of the favorites in Ralph's collection. During the business portion of the meeting, members were reminded that we are still seeking volunteers for committees for the COA meeting in San Diego next year. Interested members should contact Don Pisor (279-9342). The theme and menu for the September party to be held at the home of Toni and Larry Buck will be Mexican. The party will be held on Saturday evening, September 17th beginning at 6:00 P.M. The menu was outlined and members signed up for their menu contribution. The signup sheet will be passed again at the August meeting. A mini-program at the very end of the meeting, was presented by Adrian Valli who shared with us some exquisite shell specimens he found at Punta Chivato in Baja California, including an unusually large giant Fusinus dupetithouarsi , a mag- nificent white spindle. The door prize was won by Barbara Myers. Wayne Reed, Recording Secretary Vol . XX(8) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 77 EARLY CONCHOLOGISTS IN BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO BY HELEN DUSHANE 10512 El Soneto, Whittier, California 90605 We know the exploration of new lands invites the zealous, the rascal, the eccentric, and the amateur, who, by his explorations, hopes to be recognized in the scientific world. The following four men were no exception; one was a zealot, two were rascals, one was an amateur hoping to gain scientific recognition, and all four were eccentrics. It is common knowledge that the first conchologists on the peninsula of Baja California, Mexico were the Indians who collected mollusks for food and for personal adornment. Few know of the following four men who contributed scientific knowledge of the peninsular molluscan fauna to our literature (DuShane, 1971). FRANCISCO EUSEBIO KINO The Jesuit priest, Francisco Eusebio Kino, proved that Baja California was not an island as had been previously thought. He noted that the Pima Indians on the mainland of Mexico used the certain blue, iridescent shells of Ealiotis fulgens as drinking cups and other useful objects as well as for pendants. They said the shells were obtained through trade with Indians to the west. In 1684, while in the vicinity of Comondu (at approximately 26^03 'N; 1120l7'W) he observed the aborigines using a certain blue shell he had seen being utilized by the Pimas. When questioned they always pointed to the Pacific Ocean, a trip they stated of several days over high mountains with no mention of a waterway. This information confirmed his con- clusion that Alta and Baja California were a continuous land mass, with no water separating them. It was many years before maps were changed to agree with Father Kino's conclusions. His work reflects the earliest historical record of shell collecting on the West Coast. It is a curious fact that not one shell has ever been named to honor his memory (DuShane, 1971). JOSE LONGINOS MARTINEZ In 1786, Charles III of Spain created the Botanical Expedition which carried Jo se^ Longinos Martinez as naturalist of the Expedition from Mexico City to San Diego, California, by way of Baja California. He began his journey north from Cape San Lucas in 1792 (Baily, 1945). He traveled a route which carried him from mission to mission encumbered with an escort of five military men, pack animals carrying pro- visions, equipment for the preservation of specimens, and a tent. At most places he had to make camp in the open, preparing any specimens he may have collected during the day, writing letters and making notes in his Journal (Simpson, 1938). Longinos listed his collection under a heading he called The Three Kingdoms of Nature. To show how scientifically incompetent he was one must read an excerpt from his Journal. "Those animals which might yield some profit are... nacre shells, abalone, (auriculares) , mother-of-pearl, for the same; and pearls, which rightfully have the reputation of being abundant along the coast of the gulf as far as the port of San Luis." (The port of San Luis to which he refers is known today as Bahia San Luis Gonzaga.) "Shellfish is very abundant and I have collected more than 300 species." Whether the specimens were collected on the Pacific or on the Gulf of California side of the peninsula Longinos neglects to state, nor does our scientist tell us what he did with the specimens. Page 78 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(8) 1988 In a few of his Journal entries he gives us small insights into the natural wonders he was encountering, but he never tells enough as, "At San Luis [not Bahia San Luis Gonzaga on the Gulf of California side of the peninsula, but Mission San Luis Gonzaga situated in the southern portion of the peninsula] there are. . . a great vein of caracoles [sea snails] and other petrified products of the sea, agatized and mineralized." Again, "At the latitude of San Ignacio, near the Gulf coast, among some high volcanic hills called Las Virgenes, in the territory that surrounds them, and in the adjacent hills, one f inds ... caracoles , shells of all descriptions, and petrified marine bodies, so that the diversity of the stones makes the rough and broken character of the country delightful." (Simpson, 1938). At San Bor ja (near the Bahia del Los Angeles), on the gulf side of the penin- sula, he collected enough shells to send a shipment to the archbishop of Seville. The great conchologists of the nineteenth century had not yet allocated shells into genera and species so it is doubtful if Longinos knew the names of the specimens he sent. In the years since his Expedition, however, two shells have been named for him: Cardita (Cyclocardia) longino Baily, 1945, and Epitonium ( Asperiscala ) longinosamm Du Shane, 1970. Longinos died of tuberculosis in Campeche in 1803. We can wish he had left us a complete legacy of knowledge concerning his traveling and collecting in Baja California during this poorly known era. ✓ JANOS XANTUS (LOUIS VESEY) Biographies of early field naturalists are extremely rare and that of Janos Xantus is no exception. Born of Greek parents, October 5, 1825, he emigrated to the United States in 1851. Although he rose from obscurity to fame, his failure to keep a diary and his proneness to exaggeration have prevented a precise study of his life and collections. Henry Miller Madden (1949) made the best attempt at ferreting the truth from a welter of conflicting testimony regarding this man. Xantus served in the United States Army under the assumed name of Louis Vesey for a period of more than three years, but Army routine galled him. During his stint in the Army he was recommended to Dr. Spencer Fullerton Baird, then Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, as an indefatigable collector of scientific specimens. Through correspondence they formed a close personal friendship. Baja California was terra incognita at that time and Baird was intrigued by Xantus' request to explore the peninsula. One wonders in the face of such obstacles as poor communication, slow travel, lack of reference material, and complete igno- rance of certain localities how Xantus came to desire to collect in Baja California. He wrote, " I think there is hardly any spot on the North Americain continent, which would reward more a collector's trouble, as the Vermillion Sea and environs. That Region forms something like a connecting link between the U.S. and Central American zoology, & is almost unknown." (Madden, 1949). Baird suggested that Xantus accept a post in the Coast Survey as an observer of tides in Baja California. This sug- gestion was agreeable to Xantus who sailed from San Francisco March 14, 1859, on the bark Wilhelm Kirchner. Four days later they reached Guadalupe Island. The captain agreeably landed a boat on the island and the now happy naturalist spent several hours there collecting. This is the first recorded scientific exploration of Guadalupe Island. Arriving at Cape San Lucas on April 4, 1859, he set up his camp in a remote spot seven miles from the small village of San Lucas, near where Rancho El Tule is now. He immediately began appraising the area from the standpoint of collecting specimens and wrote to Baird with zeal and enthusiasm concerning the general ecology. He regretted not having a camera, being one of the first scientists to realize the value of this aid in recording nature. Probably Xantus ranged no farther than seventy-five miles from his station during the two year stay at the Cape, since his duties with the Coast Survey whould have precluded his traveling further. There were two digressions from this schedule: July and August 1860 when he was at Todos Vol . XX(8) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 79 Santos on the west side of the peninsula, and one trip to Mazatlan in June and July 1861. It is interesting to note that Xantus absented himself from the Cape during the hottest months although he reported that the temperature scarcely changed five or six degrees between summer and winter, but that the wind blew all the time — a gross exaggeration! That Janos Xantus was an ambitious field collector cannot be doubted. One can only wish he had been more careful in estimating distances since he was inclined to overestimate the distances of his excursions from the Cape, his labels were indefinite and some of the locality names attributed to specimens taken by him have changed over the years. Eventually the Coast Survey personnel were displeased with the discrepant reports made by Xantus and on July 28, 1861, the station was officially closed. After a conference with Baird in Washington, Xantus returned to his native Hungary. As an illustration of his arrogance Xa'htus had his protrait painted wearing the uniform of a lieutenant of the United States Navy. For a man who rebelled at regimentation imposed on him by the Army, it is amazing to find him standing for a portrait in a uniform of a branch of the service he never knew. He died December 13, 1894, at his home in Budapest, Hungary. Conchology is certainly richer for having the type specimens collected by Xantus housed in the Smithsonian Institution, with duplicates in the Hungarian National Museum, The Royal Hungarian Society of Natural Sciences in Budapest, and the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. However, Xantus, as well as Longinos, often made erroneous statements. Each went out of his way to make claims for things seen and distances traveled which no one at that time could refute. Molluscan Species Named in Honor of Janos Xantus Mittha xantusi (Dali, 1905). A rare shell, most specimens having been dredged off Cape San Lucas in 30 or more fathoms. Conus xanthious Dali, 1910. Epitonium xantusi Dali, 1917. From Dali's description and notes it appears Xantus collected this species at Cape San Lucas. [Synonym of AspevisoaZa aoapuZoana (Dali, 1917)1. CycZostrema xantusi Bartsch, 1907. Crassispira xanti Hertlein and Strong, 1951. Type locality, Cape San Lucas Bay. BuZimus xantusi Binney, 1860. (terrestrial mollusk) BuZimuZus veseyianus Dali, 1893. This land shell was named by Dali in honor of Mr. J. Xantus de Vesey. This appears to be the first and only instance of an author using the assumed name of Xantus for a new species. CHARLES RUSSELL ORCUTT Born in Vermont April 27, 1864, Charles Russell Orcutt came to San Diego in 1879 as a lad of fifteen years. His father maintained a horticultural nursery on the outskirts of San Diego and Orcutt made his first trips into Baja California with such men as botanists C.C. Parry and C.G. Pringle. Soon the rich molluscan fauna of the outer coast of Baja California began to intrigue the young Orcutt. Even with little education he had an instinctive and searching interest in the natural sciences which led him to explore such places as El Sauzal, Punta Banda, and San Quintxn. Motivated by an anxiety to do something that would be important in a scientific way he once went to San Quintin Bay and gathered what is probably the largest collection of fossils that has ever been made from that area and shipped them, at his own expense, to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. It was probably through the friendships of Parry and Pringle that he began to realize the need for a scientific journal in conchology. In 1884 he commenced pub- lication of The West American Scientist , and continued it, somewhat sporadically into 1921. It contained about 180 numbers in 22 volumes. A life subscription was ten dollars and yearly subscriptions were one dollar or ten cents an issue. Coan (1966) states that the most nearly complete set of this work is in the library of Page 80 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(8) 1988 The San Diego Society of Natural History. Eugene Goan (1966) did an admirable collation of The West American Scientist; admirable because Orcutt occasionally started a new volume number before the previous one had been completed. Volume XI was started before Volume X was complete. Volume XXI follows Volume XXII. Many issues have no Table of Contents. SometimeiS he repeated page numbers in succeeding issues (DuShane, 1971). In addition, the cover of Volume III, no. 32 reads, "Volume IV " (Orcutt, 1887). One of his later numbers was printed on the back of wallpaper. Without apparent warning to his subscribers Orcutt ceased publication of his journal between March 1892 and July 1893, a period of fifteen months. Not content with publishing one scientific journal, Orcutt extended his efforts to include a periodical he called West American Mollusca, consisting of 13 issues which appeared from 1900 to 1902(7). His California Art and Nature also had articles on mollusks of Baja California and appeared in 1901 and 1902 with 12 issues. As the years passed, Orcutt became more involved with conchology and less with botany. His place smelled so badly of rotting animals within the shells that the neighbors complained. The later numbers of his journal contain articles of real interest to conchologists . This is particularly true of three lists of mollusks collected in Baja California at Lagoon Head, Santo Domingo Landing, east of Cedros Island (Orcutt, 1900) and of Pleistocene fossil mollusks from San Quintin Bay (Orcutt, 1921) as well as his Magdalena Bay List (Orcutt, 1918). About this time (1883), he met Henry Hemphill, a bricklayer and amateur con- chologist who resided in San Diego and it was natural that they should be drawn to one another. Together they made a trip (1884) to the bed of the Santo Tomas River, about 30 miles south of Ensenada. They collected land snails but Orcutt never published a list of what they obtained. In 1888 Orcutt explored San Quintin Bay and collected Aomaea scabra3 Chlorostoma funebrales 3 littorina planaxis 3 Lottia gigantea and Pallochiton lanuginosa (Orcutt, 1896). Twenty-five years passed before Orcutt told of his experiences on this trip (Orcutt, 1921). "The main portion of the bay is bordered with banks of sand and fossil shells, varied on the ocean side by an ancient lava flow, in places underlaid and overlaid with stratas containing shells. . .countless thousands of Eaminoea olgae Dali strewed the beach. Two or three hundred pounds of the fossils were collected and some years later were sent to the American Museum of Natural History (New York City)." ^ In 1889 Orcutt visited the beach at Santo Tomas and mentioned the collection and sale of abalone by the Chinese. The shells sold at from $25. to $30. a ton and dried abalone meat brought $110. a ton. Orcutt sometimes went off without even a blanket, eating with Indian groups he encountered and sleeping on the ground. He mentioned that one of the Indians at Todos Santos Bay (Ensenada) was wearing only a pair of red mittens! At one point he mentioned having little for breakfast, no lunch and a supper of griddle cakes and melted pinoche (Orcutt, 1893). In 1889 Orcutt took a small steamer which landed him at Lagoon Head, approxi- mately 325 miles south of San Diego. Sometimes known as Morro Santo Domingo, just north of Guerrero Negro, it is directly east of Cedros Island. Here he found a few Indian pearl hunters with whom he contrived to take most of his meals, scanty though they were. He reported a menu of: Breakfast: black coffee, no sugar, tortillas, clams Dinner: ditto Supper: ditto. Occasionally a stewed fish varied the diet. He commented on the abundance of Peeten aequisculcatus 3 Venus simillima} Dosinia ponderosa3 Laevicardium elatum3 Area species, Amiantis eallosa3 Anomia peruviana3 Cypraea spadicea3 Choromytilus palliopunetatus and Pedipes unisuleata (Orcutt, 1900). In 1917 Orcutt took the longest trip of all into Baja California territory. He left San Diego by boat and landed on Magdalena Island where he spent a month collecting some 400 species of mollusks and fossil shells. Dali identified 64 species and described 3 new species (Dali, 1918). He spent one day on nearby Isla Margarita collecting land shells (Orcutt, 1918). Vol . XX(8) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 81 By April 1888, Orcutt had already spoken with some 50 individuals regarding the promotion of a west American museum that would contain the results of research, be a custodian of records and a factor in public education. In The West American Scientist VII, for August he made a plea for his plans, "The little collections, originally displayed on a tea plate, have grown to too large proportions for one pair of hands.... The work calls for many hands and greater means to render the greatest results, in benefits to mankind, attainable." Today, Orcutt' s specimens no longer exist as a major collection. Some of the material accessioned under "Orcutt Estate" is at the San Diego Natural History Museum (pers. comm. E.C. Wilson, 1967*). The California Academy of Sciences pur- chased a small amount and the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University pur- chased the Magdalena Bay collection. Most of the material was sold by C.L. Cass, a private collector and dealer. This material has been scattered or lost. Orcutt died in Haiti in 1929 at the age of 65 years. He retained throughout his lifetime the characteristics of a New Englander, shrewd, thrifty to the point of being penurious, never forgetful of a slight, yet generous to a fault with those he admired or wished to help. Molluscan Species Named in Honor of Charles Russell Orcutt Fossils Coralliochama orcutti White, 1885 (?) Macro oaVlista orcutti Dali, 1918 Sanguinolaria orcutti (Dali, 1921) Marine Species Chlamy do concha orcutti Dali, 1884 Epitonium orcuttianum Dali, 1917 Caecum orcutti Dali, 1885 Barleeia orcutti Bartsch, 1920 Bankia orcutti Bartsch, 1923 Acmaea triangularis orcutti Pilsbry, Fusinus (?) orcutti Dali, 1915 Mitra orcutti Dali, 1920 Coralliophila orcuttiana (Dali, 1919) Odostomia orcutti Bartsch, 1917 Macron orcutti Dali, 1918 Land Species Epiphragmophora orcutti Dali, 1900 Eucalodium orcutti Dali, 1910 Pupa orcutti Pilsbry, 1891 (nomena nuda) Amnicola orcutti Pilsbry, 1928 Micrarionta harperi orcuttiana Bartsch, 1937 [new name for Sonorella baileyi orcutti Bartsch, 1904 not Epiphragmophora orcutti Dali, 1900] 1891 Fresh Water Species Unio orcutti Wright Molluscan Species Named by Orcutt Haliotis corrugata var. diegoensis Orcutt, 1900 Ealiotis cracherodi bonita Orcutt, 1900 Haliotis cracherodi rosea Orcutt, 1900 LITERATURE CITED BAILY , J.L. 1945. COAN, E. 1966. DALL, W.H. 1918. DUSHANE, H. 1970. 1971. JR. Cardita ( Cyclocardia ) longini3 new name f oxV enericardia ( Cyclocardia ) nodulosa Dali, 1919. Nautilus 58 (4) : 118-120 . (Apr. 1945), Charles Russell Orcutt, pioneer Californian malacologist , and "The West American Scientist." Trans. SDSNH 14(8):85-96 (Apr. 29, 1966). Pleistocene fossils of Magdalena Bay, Lower California collected by Charles Russell Orcutt. Nautilus 32:23-26. Five new epitoniid gastropods from the west coast of the Americas. Contrib. in Sci. LACM CLXXXV:1,2 (Apr. 17, 1970). The Baja California travels of Charles Russell Orcutt. Baja Calif. Travel Ser. Vol. 23. Dawson'sBook Shop, Los Angeles, California, 75 pp. 13 photographs, 1 map. -'Curator, Invertebrate Paleontology, San Diego Natural History Museum, presently in the same capacity at the Natural History Museum, Los Angeles County. Page 82 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(8) 1988 MADDEN, M.M. 1949. Xantus, Hungarian naturalist in the pioneer west. Thesis, Columbia University. 312 pp. , illus. ORCUTT, C.R. 1887. The West American Scientist, III (July) 1893. Ibid. VIII : 76 (Oct.) 1896. Ibid. X: 1 (Nov.) 1900. Ibid. X: 26-27 (Mar.); XI: 74-76 (Aug.) 1918a Ibid. XXII: 8 (Apr.) 1918b Helix areolata. Nautilus 32(2): 55-58 (Oct. 22) 1921. The West American Scientist. XIX:17-20 (Apr. 27); XXII:18-20 (Apr. 27); XXI : 21-24 (June 15) SIMPSON, L.B. 1938. California in 1792. The expedition of Jose' Long inos Martinez, translated by Lesley Byrd Simpson, San Marino, California 111 pp., illus., map. (The original manuscript of the Longinos Journal is in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. A REPORT ON THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS BY JULES HERTZ 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, California 92111 The Western Society of Malacologists (WSM) held their 21st annual meeting, July 17-21, 1988, at Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California. There were three days of papers including two symposia and assorted contributed papers. The meeting started with a wine and cheese reception sponsored by the Northern California Malacozoological Society followed by an evening slide presentation by Don Shasky and Kirstie Kaiser. Slides were shown of last year's WSM meeting and animal and under- water slides from Cocos Island and the Galapagos Islands. The first symposium. Biogeography and Evolution of Molluscan Fauna of the Galapagos Islands, included 12 papers on very diverse subjects relating to the Galapagos such as El Nino effects on fishes, paleontological studies, molluscan faunal studies, and some historical aspects of the islands. Jack Stein Grove of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History gave an outstanding presentation entitled, "El Nino 1982-83 and New Records of Indo-West Pacif ic '.Fishes at the Galapagos." He recorded the first sightings of five species of Indo-West Pacific fishes in the eastern Pacific at the Galapagos following the 1982-83 El Nino. Another extremely interesting paper, presented by Mitchell M. Colgan, University of California, Santa Cruz, was "The Urvina Bay Uplift: Biological and Paleontological Implications." This paper dis- cussed studies of an area along the west-central coast of Isabella Island which was suddenly uplifted in March 1954. The second day was devoted to the symposium, Molluscan Herbivore-Plant Inter- actions and to a number of contributed papers. Much of the work presented at the second symposium was part of PhD studies and it was encouraging to hear presentations from this delightful group of young future scientists. Vol. XX(8) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 83 Before the final day of contributed papers, we took a break and went on an ex- tended day of field trips. Starting at 8:30 A.M. we took a short trip to Whittacker Bluffs in the northwestern corner of Marin County where we were shown a small outcrop of rocks from the Late Pliocene belonging to the 'Merced* Formation ( now officially known as the Wilson Grove Fm.). After viewing these rocks and some of the items that had been taken from there in the past, the trip continued to Bodega Bay. There we walked on the extensive exposure of sand flats, and were able to dig and screen a number of animals from what appeared to be a muddy desert. This was followed by poking around at the rocky outcropping at Horseshoe Cove adjacent to the Bodega Marine Laboratory and an exciting find by Annette M. Olson of one of the algas on which she was working in Oregon. After a box lunch, the group was given an extensive tour of the Bodega Marine Laboratory and were able to view the R&D activities on aquaculture of lobsters, oysters, and mussels. We then completed the field trip with a tour of the Korbel Champagne Cellars and an evaluation of various champagnes. The latter pre- pared us for an evening of feverish bidding at the annual WSM auction of molluscan specimens and literature. Hank Chaney served as auctioneer and did an outstanding job of selling. His storytelling, pleading, and cajoling entertained us all and resulted in some spirited bidding. Even some of the professional got caught up in the excitement of the bidding and provided some of the most humorous and memorable moments. George Kennedy con- ducted the reprint sale and this added significantly to the evening's entertainment. The final day of contributed papers covered a variety of both Recent and fossil molluscan subjects. Of particular interest was a paper by Sandra M. Gardner, San Jose State University entitled, "A New Vermetid from Mexico." This described finding of a new species of vermetid on encrusted Ancistvomesus mexioanus3 the giant limpet from Mexico. In addition to the 36 papers presented, we had some additional evening events which were highly interesting and entertaining. Mr. Dave Nagle from the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department spoke on their diver rescue program accompanied by many inter- esting slides. A second evening's entertainment was provided by Joe Mueller, a Sonoma State University biology graduate student, who showed spectacular slides of the marine invertebrate fauna from Monterey to Salt Point. The final event was the traditional banquet held at the River Cafe, a beautiful old Victorian home in Petaluma which had been moved to a picturesque setting. Matt James, of Sonoma State University, the WSM President and organizer of the Galapagos symposium, can be extremely proud of having put together a very fine program of papers and events. During the meeting there were extensive discussions, formal and informal, con- cerning the status of the molluscan collection at the San Diego Museum of Natural History. It was announced that the American Malacological Union (AMU) at its annual meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, had passed a resolution to submit a petition to the Board of Trustees of the San Diego Museum of Natural History which urged the Board of Trustees "to honor the bequest of Dr. Joshua L. Baily, Jr., who clearly in- tended to support mulluscan studies at the San Diego Museum of Natural History." The petition urged the immediate establishment of a Curatorship of Mollusks and re- commended that it be known as the Joshua L. Baily Chair of Malacology. The WSM mem- bership approved a similar petition at the Sonoma meeting, and it too is being sent to the Board of Trustees of the San Diego Museum of Natural History. Signees of the two petitions include most of the professional malacologists of the United States. It was announced that the WSM will have its next meeting in Los Angeles in conjunction with the AMU. It will be held June 25-30, 1989 at the Davidson Conference Center of the University of Southern Chlifornia. It is being co-chaired by AMU president-elect Dr. James H. McLean and WSM president-elect Dr. Hans Bertsch. Further information can be obtained by writing either Dr. Bertsch or Dr. McLean, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007. ' • ■ ISSN: 0738-9388 &lf 4tHEEESTIVUS V^vX i_ l • F A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Volume: XX September 8, 1988 Number: 9 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mullxner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. COME TO THE MEXICAN FIESTA Saturday, September 17th at the home of Toni and Larry Buck (See details and map on the last page.) There will be no regular meeting this month. CONTENTS Club news 85 The radula of Ceratostoma (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) in West America SHI-KUEI WU 86 Wesley M. Farmer's remarkable art: an introduction WAYNE REED 89 Synthetic sea life WESLEY M. FARMER 90 Map and details for September party for detaching Page 85 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(9) : 1988 CLUB NEWS ANNUAL MEETINGS, LOS ANGELES, 25-30 JUNE 1989: THE WESTERN SOCIETY OF MALACOLOGISTS AND THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL UNION The 55th annual meeting of the AMU and the 22nd annual meeting of the WSM will be a combined meeting, June 25-30, 1989, held in Los Angeles, California, at the Davidson Conference Center of the University of Southern California. Facilities at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History will also be used for some of the scheduled events. Two full days of symposia are planned. One, on Systematics and Evolution of Western North American Land Mollusks, convened by F.G. Hochberg and Barry Roth, and one on Pelagic Gastropods convened by Roger R. Seapy. There will also be a shorter session on Scaphopod Biology convened by Ronald L. Shimek. One auction is to be held by the WSM. Field trips for collecting marine, land, and fossil mollusks will be arranged. Registration will be Sunday, June 25 in the lobby of the University Hilton with the presidents’ reception that evening at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Four days are available for symposia and scheduled papers, June 26-29. The annual business meeting and banquet will be Thursday, June 29, with field trips scheduled for Friday, June 30. There are to be three choices for housing: the University Hilton, the Vagabond Motel, and the University dormitories, all very close to the Davidson Conference Center. A wide selection of restaurants is available in the immediate vicinity and an optional meal package will be offered through the university. For further information contact AMU president-elect Dr. James H. Mclean, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007 (213-744-3377) or WSM president Dr. Hans Bertsch, at the same address (213-372-4436). FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1988 Bill Romer introduced guest Alan Gettleman, president of Conchologists of America (COA) who said that next year’s meeting (to be hosted by our Club) will be the first on the west coast in about eight years. He said that the COA will help the Ciub in any way it can and will pay all the bills. He added that the COA gives a trophy to any club having a shell show open to other exhibitors. Dr. Hugh Bradner, our speaker for the evening, talked on the habitats of cowries. He told that cowries are normally associated with corals and most are nocturnal. He showed slides indicating the types of areas to find cypraea. He said that cowries can be carnivorous or herbivorous while many can’t make up their minds. Hugh also showed slides of the living animals with their mantles exposed. Billee Brown brought in a display of blue shells. After the coffee break, with cookies provided by Marge and Ken Lindahl and Toni and Larry Buck, the September party was discussed. Billee Brown NEW MEMBER Blair Armstrong, 8009 Calle de la Plata, La Jolla, CA 92037, 459-7463 CHANGES OF ADDRESS Ernest and Elizabeth Haigh, P.0. Box 1180, Palmdale, CA 93550 Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Bibliotheek Ned. Malac. Veren. Postbus 4766, 1009 AT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands John Johnson, H&HS - MATSCo.- 90, ATC School, NATTC, Millington, TN 38054 Vol . XX(9) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 86 THE RADULA OF CERATOSTOMA (NEOGASTROPODA: MURICIDAE) IN WEST AMERICA BY SHI-KUEI WU Campus Box 315, University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, Colorado 80309 Ceratostoma foliatum (Gmelin, 1791) The Foliated Thorn Purpura, Ceratostoma foliatum , occurs from Alaska to San Pedro, California, from the shore line down to 64 meters (35 fms) in depth. It is 51 to 76 mm in length, with 3 large, thin, foliaceous varices per whorl which are finely fimbriated on the anterior side. Numerous spiral cords are rather prominent and of various sizes. The siphonal canal is closed, its anterior tip turned up and to the right. The base of the outer lip has a moderately strong spine. The aperture is white and the exterior is white to light brown (Abbott, 1974). For figures, see Abbott's (1974) color Plate 9, Fig. 1937 and Radwin and D'Attilio's (1976) Plate 18, Figs. 1-2. Three radulae from a lot at the University of Colorado Museum (UCM No. 14110, collected by J. Henderson on 11 July 1925 from Deception Pass, Washington State) were examined. The preparation of radular slides and the radular terminology follow those of Wu (1965). The measurements of shell length, apertural length, radular length and width of rachidian for three radulae were: Shell length Apertural length Radular length Rachidian length 78.9 mm 78.9 79.2 28 . 2 mm 27.9 28.3 22 mm 170 mji 23 175 24 160 The rachidian is 5-cusped (Figs. 1-3): the central cusp (CC) is long, twice as long as the lateral cusps (LC) from the anterior view (Fig. 1). However, it seems almost equal in length to the lateral cusp from the dorsal view (Fig. 3). The lateral cusps are broad at their base and their tips point outwardly. The medial denticle (MD) is usually single, stout and short, or occasionally split into 2 or 3, near the medial side of the lateral cusp. There are 4-6 lateral denticles (LD), usually 5, and saw- or knob-like. The marginal cusps (MC) are distinct and pointed from the dorsal view. The anterior basal line (ABL) of the rachidian is concave; the pos- terior marginal angle (PMA) of the base is rather weak and located under the mar- ginal cusp from the dorsal view. The anterior side of the central cusp is slightly projected, forming a slight convexity at the middle. The lateral tooth is, in general, a sickle form. The shape of the lateral tooth in the folded condition is slightly different from that of the unfolded condition (Fig. 3). Ceratostoma nuttalli (Conrad, 1837) The Nuttall's Thorn Purpura, Ceratostoma nuttalli 3 occurs at the littoral shore from Pt. Conception, California to Santa Maria Bay, Baja California, Mexico (Radwin and D'Attilio, 1976). It is 38 to 51 mm in length, similar to C. foliatum , but with much more poorly developed varices, and with one prominent, noduled rib between each varix. The spine on the outer lip is usually long and sharp. The exterior is yellowish brown, sometimes spirally banded. The siphonal canal is closed along its length (Abbott, 1974). For figures, see Abbott's (1974) color Plate 9, Fig. 1938 and Radwin and D'Attilio's (1976) Plate 18, Fig. 15. This is the type species of Ceratostoma Herrmannsen, 1846, by monotypy. Page 87 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(9) : 1988 One radula from a lot at the Los Angeles County Museum (LACM 49-247, collected by R/V Velero IV, on 4 March 1949, from a cove 1.25 miles (2.01km) south of Cedros Island lighthouse, Cedros Island, Mexico) was examined. The length of this shell was 54.2 mm and the animal was a male. The rachidian width is 125 mji. The rachidian is 5-cusped (Figs. 4-5): the central cusp is slightly longer than that of the lateral teeth from the anteror view (Fig. 4). However, it seems almost equal in length from the dorsal view (Fig. 5). The lateral cusps are much broader than the central cusp in width at their bases and their tips point directly posteriorly. The medial denticle is single near the base of the lateral tooth and deeply cut. There are 4 saw-like lateral denticles. The marginal cusps are distinct. The base of the rachidian is the same as that of Ceratostoma foliation ; however, the posterior marginal angle of the base is extremely strong and pointed, showing as 2 marginal cusps from both anterior and dorsal views (Figs. 4 and 5). The lateral tooth is a generally sickle-shaped tooth. Discussion As for the West American faunal constituents of Ceratostoma _, Radwin and D'Attilio (1976) placed the species lugubre (Broderip) which occurs from Magdalena Bay, Baja California, Mexico to Guayaquil, Ecuador in the genus Ceratostoma. How- ever, Keen (1958) and Vokes (1984) placed the species in the genus Oeenebra. Later Keen (1971) put the species in Ceratostoma. Vokes (1984) and Keen (1971) retain monooeros (Sowerby) and unicorne (Reeve) in the genus Ceratostoma. However, C. unioorne was considered a synonym of C. nuttalli and C. monooeros a variety of C. nuttatli by Tryon (1880). This paper describes two species of West American Ceratostoma radulae. In general, the basic radular morphology of C. foliatim and C. nuttalli is similar. The differences between the two species are: (1) the tip direction of the lateral cusps, (2) the lengths and bases of the central cusp and its lateral cusps, and (3) the development of the posterior marginal angle of the base as mentioned earlier in the above radular description. These differences might be due to size and individual variation. The rachidian morphology of Ceratostoma nuttatli described in this paper agrees well with that of Radwin and D'Attilio (1976:114, Fig. 69) Whether the radulae of C. lugubre3 C. unioorne and C. monooeros } and those of Ceratostoma in the West Pacific, i.e. C. bumetti (Adams and Reeve), C. foumieri (Crosse), C. inornatum (Recluz) and C. rorifluum (Adams and Reeve), agree with American C. foliatum and C. nuttatli remain to be studied. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Dr. William K. Emerson and Mr. Walter E. Sage, III, of the American Museum of Natural History, for their suggestions and reading of this manuscript, and Dr. James II. McLean, Mr. C. Clifton Coney and Mr. Gale Sphon of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, for the loan of specimens of Ceratostoma nuttalli. LITERATURE CITED ABBOTT, R.T. 1974. AMERICAN SEASHELLS Second Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., N.Y., 663 pp. KEEN, A.M. 1958. SEA SHELLS OF TROPICAL WEST AMERICA. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif. 624 pp. 1971. SEA SHELLS OF TROPICAL WEST AMERICA, Second Edition. Stanford Univ. Press, ca. 1064 pp. RADWIN, G.E. and A. D'ATTILIO 1976. MUREX SHELLS OF THE WORLD. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif. 284 pp. TRYON, G.W. JR. 1880. Manual of Conchology, Vol. II Muricidae. Philadelphia, Pa. 289 pp. Vol . XX(9) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 88 VOKES , E.H. 1984. Comparison of the Muricidae of the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic, with cognate species. Shells and Sea Life 16:210-215. WU, S.-K. 1965. Studies of the radulae of Taiwan muricid gastropods. Bull. Inst. Zool. Academia Sinica 4:95-106. Figures 1 and 2. Ceratostoma foliatum (Gmelin, 1791). Camera lucida drawings of a rachidian. (1) anterior view (2) dorsal view. Figure 3. C. foZiatwn} camera lucida drawing showing dorsal view of rachidian and lateral teeth. Figures 4 and 5. Ceratostoma nuttalli (Conrad, 1837). Camera lucida drawings of a rachidian (4) anterior view (5) dorsal view. Note central cusp slants slightly to the left side. The scales of Figures 1-5 are at Figure 3. Abbreviations to the figures: ABL, anterior basal line; AP , anterior projection of central cusp; AS, anterior side of rachidian base; CC, central cusp; LC, lateral cusp; LD, lateral denticle of lateral cusp; LT, lateral tooth; MC, marginal cusp; MD, medial denticle of lateral cusp; PBL, posterior basal line; PMA, posterior marginal angle of base. Page 89 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(9) : 1988 WESLEY M. FARMER'S REMARKABLE ART AN INTRODUCTION BY WAYNE REED 107 Murray Street, Chula Vista, California 92010 Wes is no stranger to members of the San Diego Shell Club. As our former president, his long-standing involvement has richly rewarded us with his presentations and papers on the colorful kingdom of the opisthobranch. His opisthobranch sculptures in resin are faithful reproductions of these exotic sea slugs. Wes has a Ph.D from Columbia Pacific University and an M.S. in zoology from Arizona State University. An advanced diver, he has served as Junior Scientist aboard a Scripps Institution of Oceanography research vessel collecting fish and nudibranchs off central Baja California. His numerous books and publications include SEASHORE DISCOVERIES, with over 240 of his line drawings. Some of Wes' early work can be seen at the San Diego Natural History Museum in a 40-foot underwater diorama depicting the ocean depths. A kelp forest rises from offshore rocks with a representative marine fauna in a resinous world. As a former Curator of Exhibits at the Museum, Wes painstakingly created many of the realistic, lifelike fiberglass fish from molds; a tedious and complex process which few have the patience or talent to attempt. His reproductions of marine life and his sculp- tures are in museums and private collection* the British Royal Family. Wes' latest accomplishments include a model of a venomous Conus textile attacking its prey (Figure 1) and a living Nautilus pompilius (Figure 2). Figure 1. Model of Conus textile Linne, 1758, attacking its prey is embedded in five pounds of polymer. ■ Hi Figure 2. Model of living Nautilus pompilius Linne, 1758, held by Wayne Reed. The sculptured animal can be removed from the shell. Vol . XX(9): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 90 SYNTHETIC SEA LIFE BY WESLEY M. FARMER 3591 Ruffin Road #226, San Diego, California 92123 I was introduced to the wonders of sea life by my grandfather and my uncle during my early years. Later, while a student at Roosevelt Junior High, I discovered that some of those in the shop class were working with plexiglass laminations, using color adhesive between the layers and shaping it into heart pendants. It wasn't long before I got the idea of embedding a small seahorse and salamander in Bio Plastic, a material produced by Wards Natural Science Establishment, Inc. in Rochester, New Yojrk. A correspondence course at the Southwestern School of Taxidermy resulted in a few other creations such as a bluegill fish mount, a barn owl mount and prepared insects . My interests in taxidermy found me looking at the exhibits at the San Diego Natural History Museum and asking questions about the methods of preservation and restoration of natural history specimens. By the late 1950s I'd become acquainted with Glen Ives, then a Museum preparator at that institution and we undertook an exhibit for the Museum encompassing about 150 fish species of southern California. The exhibit included a synoptic collection as well as a 40-foot underwater diorama. Our goal was to improve the public's understanding of the adaptations peculiar to the fish fauna. Before we could begin molding the fishes, we had to decide exactly what we wanted as a final product such as which side would be presented for display as well as what the fish would be "doing" i.e., feeding, turning, conforming to habitat etc. When this had been determined, the fish could be cleaned of its slime by rubbing alum onto the surface (taking care not to rub off the scales and other parts for molding). The slime, if not killed, could give unsatisfactory results in the plaster mold. Other tedious steps were required in preparing the fishes. Two fins had to be cut away from the body: the pectoral fin on the display side and the pelvic fin on the opposite side. The other fins remained intact. In some instances it was desired to have the mouth open. The oral cavity was quickly filled with thick plaster of paris to avoid deterioration. We spent hours preparing the fish to be molded using damp paper hand towels, straight pins, plaster of paris, polyethylene pan, and vasoline. Placing the alum- treated fish on damp paper towels and into a container of sand, the fins were pinned in place. Plaster of paris was poured over the fish, and after making sure the so- lution had settled into all the undercuts, Glen and I waited half an hour to an hour. The mold, after being treated with a thin film of separator and thoroughly dried, was ready for resin and fiber glass. Polyester, epoxy, bioplastics and other resins were used. Many other factors had to be taken into consideration in applying the fiber glass; the amount of catalyst used in the resin, the temperature, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere, the cutting of the fiber glass cloth, and the continued brushing. Then, there were the finishing touches such as preparing the eyes of clear plexiglass plastic. We used countless color photographs of living specimens as a guide to painting the fish. One of my most successful models was of a large Opah with its colored resins on the fleshy side and a sagittal section on the other side, showing all the bones in place. Following a move to Arizona, I began creating nudibranch sculptures in polymer resin. I originally made my sea slug sculptures embedded in a resin block such as the one shown in Figure 1. To date I have made over 200 opisthobranch replicas re- presenting species found in the waters of San Diego, the Gulf of California, the Galapagos Islands and Australia. Page 91 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(9): 1988 Figure 1. Anisodoris nob-ilis MacFarland, 1905, model in polymer resin. This was an early effort to make resin gills. Though my earliest nudibranch models (made when I was in high school and still on exhibit on the lower floor of the San Diego Natural History Museum) were made of water clay, but my later resin models begin in clay and molds are then made. The hard resinous product comes out of the mold. The number of molds necessary to recreate each animal depends on the complexity of the animal. Recently I designed and built for Wayne Reed a replica of a living Chambered Nautilus which can be removed from the shell. Since these mollusks are seldom seen alive, Wayne thought the model would make an interesting display and educational showpiece. Fortu- nately, Sea World of San Diego is one of the few places where this cephalopod is kept in captivity. I made several trips to Sea World to observe and sketch this living fossil swimming in the aquarium. (See Figure 2, p. 89 in this issue.) Many separate molds had to be made to prepare this modeL As an example, a separate mold had to be made for each of the of the animal's over 30 tentacles. Figure 2 is of a model of the animal of Argonauta argo Linne, 1758 which I made for Martin Schuler, longtime Club member. I've always been fascinated with the various materials on the market that can be used for making these replicas. There is a great deal of personal satisfaction in converting glass cloth and liquid polymer resin into a faithful reproduction of a natural wonder. Sculpturing sea life is an exciting challenge. Figure 2. Model of Argonauta argo made for Martin Schuler. 1-5 North (or South) to Carmel Valley Road offramp, (Del Mar); Carmel Valley Road West .6 miles to Via Grimaldi;' Via Grimaldi North 1/2 block to Via Pisa; Right on Via Pisa, 7th house on left - 2534 Via Pisa Park anywhere along street. Larry and Toni Buck 792-5404 Thomas Bros. Map 34, B-5 Carmel Road Come to the Mexican Fiesta beginning at 6:00 P.M. on Saturday, September 17th Come in your best Mexican finery and enjoy a wonderful Mexican dinner complete with Mexican appetizers, green salad, two kinds of enchiladas, beans, Mexican rice and brownies, cheescake and coffee. Beer, wine and soft drinks will be provided by the Club. There will be Mexican music and a pinata will be filled with shells. It will be a great party with good friends, so if you want to come and have not yet been contacted, call either Larry and Toni Buck (792-5404) or Carole Hertz (277-6259) to find out which menu item you can bring.' For those attending, remember to bring the following: your menu contribution with serving utensil; eating utensils (plates and cups will be provided); and if you can bring a lawn chair, it would be helpful, i Hasta la Fiesta Mejicana! ■ | T H E FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club ISSN: 0738-9388 Ql •Ho i Veil Volume: XX October 13, 1988 Number: 10 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave. , San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D'Attilio Associate San Diego Natural History Museum William K. Emerson American Museum of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciences James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. PROGRAM "Waiter, There's a Bug in My Clam" Craig Cary, graduate student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography will give an illustrated presentation on bivalves containing symbiotic bacteria. Mini-Program Carole and Jules Hertz will give a brief slide show on the recent annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists Meeting date: October 20, 1988 CONTENTS Club news 93 The role of the amateur in the development of malacology in the western United States EUGENE V. COAN 94 Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific — VIII DONALD R. SHASKY 104 Recent findings of Chlamys hastata (Sowerby, 1843) in its southern range limit G.L. BUCK 106 Announcement of position in malacology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 107 Page 93 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(10) 1988 CLUB NEWS PUBLICATION RECEIVED THE SJOLIE-HUTSELL GUIDE TO RETAIL PRICES FOR MARINE SHELLS OF THE WEST COAST NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA By Linda L. Sjolie-Hutsell 1988. Published by Sjolie-Hutsell, P.O. Box 86835, San Diego, CA 92138 76 pages, unpaginated Price: $14.50 As stated in the introduction, this price guide covers species found from Washington to Panama and "was compiled from a cross-section of mail-order lists sent out by retail specimen dealers and lists prices for fine to gem quality specimens...." The author further notes that an effort was made to ensure current, correct classi- fications of the entries. Four appendices are included for quick reference to genera within the families. Genera and species are listed alphabetically within families with generalized localities and "relative value" of the entries. A copy was kindly donated to the Club library by the author and will be available for circulation at the October meeting. THE CLUB'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER PARTY The Club Christmas party will be on Saturday evening December 3rd at the Admiral Kidd Club in the San Diego Room overlooking the water. Entree choices are: Roast prime rib of beef with baked potato $14.50 Fillet of sole stuffed with crab served with wild rice 13.60 The meal includes salad, rolls and butter, green vegetable and coffee or tea. The dinner price includes tax and gratuity and the Club will provide the dinner wine. Paid reservations must be received by the November meeting (November 17). The first fifty reservations will be those accepted. THE ANNUAL SEPTEMBER PARTY— A MEXICAN FIESTA It could very well have been a zesty fiesta on a veranda somewhere on the tierra caliente, but in reality it was our Mexican party held at the splendid home of Toni and Larry Buck in Del Mar. Toni and Larry hosted our annual September party with all the gusto and flavor of Old Mexico. Club members joined together to help create what was undoubtedly one of the best south-of-the-border potlucks this side of the Sierra Madre. Tasty enchiladas, frijoles, tacos, salads, snappy salsas and guacamole dips in conch shells greeted the palates of all those who were lucky enough to attend. The distinctive atmosphere of the evening was made all the more realistic by those who showed up in their Mexican finery. Background party music included five-string guitars, Veracruz trumpets, and the ubiquitous mariachi (in stereo, of course)! The lighter side of the evening included all those probing swings at a shell- filled pinata. And Larry Buck invited folks inside to see his terrific self- collected shell specimens. The Club thanks the Bucks for their great hospitality. Wayne Reed NEW MEMBERS Anderson, Roland, Seattle Aquarium, Pier 59, Waterfront Park, Seattle, WA 98101 Jackson, Ellen and John, 11448 Rolling Hills Dr., El Cajon, CA 92020 Vol . XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 94 THE ROLE OF THE AMATEUR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALACOLOGY IN THE WESTERN UNITED STATES BY EUGENE V. COAN Research Associate, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 94118 '•'00 [a paper delivered to the meeting of the American Malacological Union, Charleston, North Carolina, 20 June 1988, Symposium on the History of Malacology] The theme I pursue in this talk is that the amateur has played a particularly significant role in the development of the science of malacology on the west coast of the United States, this for a variety of reasons, some unique. I'll outline the reasons for this involvement and its chief personalities. Then, I'll explain why I think that the role of the amateur has declined in recent years, to the detriment of malacology. However, I will also point out that this situation can be improved. First, there is the matter of definitions. Here, I encompass within the term "amateur" all those who are not paid specifically for their work in malacology. Amateurs thus include some who have had professional-level training but who either had jobs in other fields, or were sufficiently well off not to have to generate income by any occupation. The term "non-professional" might be used, but that term also implies work badly done and that would confuse matters. The term "amateur" picks up this second meaning only when converted to the adjective "amateurish" which I have avoided. Secondly, I would not argue that the western United States is in any way entirely unique. I am sure that, to some extent, the things I am pointing out are true on the East Coast of the United States, and in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere. However, the situation is sufficiently unique on the West Coast to see clearly some important factors and to draw from them some more universal conclusions . The reasons I give for the unusual importance of the amateur in West Coast malacology are the fact that the fauna was not encumbered by much earlier and confusing work, that the work on the West Coast remained well grounded in the methodologies of Europe and the East Coast, that there were frequent compilations and handbooks that placed important information in the hands of the public, and that there was a tradition of volunteerism and involvement that characterizes newly settled areas. The first factor, then, that made a difference was that most of the fauna of this coast and of the eastern Pacific was not described until after 1850. Thus, there were few entanglements with confusing early literature in diverse languages with cryptic descriptions, bad figures, and unobtainable or missing type specimens. This meant that the fauna was a relatively clean slate. (It remains amazing to me to see how long the past continued to plague the present in Europe and elsewhere with endless paragraphs of speculation about what name goes with which species and with continuing taxonomic questions that should have been solved by locating type material, by neotype designations, petitions, or arbitrary but clear choices." Aside from light touches by a few early voyages, the study of malacology on the West Coast began with the contributions of several key amateurs. The first was the botanist Thomas Nuttall (Figure 1). On his overland trip to the West Coast in 1834-1836, Nuttall collected many marine mollusks and brought them back to the East Coast, where they were named by Timothy Abbott Conrad. We'll call Nuttall the West Coast's first amateur, since his chief interest was botany. He illustrates what has Page 95 THE FESTIVUS Vol.XX(lO) 1988 been one of the most important roles of amateurs — collecting. He brought back shells tied, though with some mix-ups, to particular stations on the West Coast. Most of the types of these taxa are in the British Museum. The next West Coast amateur was truly unique, for he never visited the West Coast. That was the Reverend Phillip Pearsall Carpenter (Figure 2). His work in malacology began with a purchased collection of mollusks from Mazatlan, Mexico, which he studied in England to provide diversion from his ministerial duties. As time went by, however, his malacological work took an increasing proportion of his life, but almost all of his voluminous work on the marine fauna of the eastern Pacific was under- taken as a hobby, and it came to include three major books and many papers. Almost all of his species are represented by types in the British Museum, the United States National Museum, and the Redpath Museum. Carpenter's work illustrated the painstaking and careful studies that amateurs can conduct. He undertook an amazingly thorough literature search about the fauna of the eastern Pacific and the western United States, used comparative material available in Britain, studied the collections of the USNM, and described many of his new taxa based on suites of specimens, noting variation. His work was of a level equal to the best professionals of his time, and he drew conclusions about biogeography and evolution from it. Figure 1. Thomas Nuttall Figure 2. Phillip Pearsall Carpenter :> The third major amateur was James Graham Cooper (Figure 3), about whom I prepared a biography a few years ago. He made his living chiefly as a physician. He participated in one of the Railroad Surveys in the 1850s, on which he collected some mollusks along with material of other animals and of plants. He settled in California in the 1860s, working for a while for the California Geological Survey as its zoologist. During this time, he became increasingly interested in malacology, but after the Survey died, his interest had to remain at the amateur level while he earned a living in medicine. He described many taxa from the marine, land, and freshwater faunas, as welx Vol . XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 96 as many fossils, and most of his types are available for study. His career demon- strates how difficult it was for dedicated malacologists to find employment in biology, even a century ago. He persisted in spite of the obstacles — as many others have done since then — to make a major contribution. I pause from my description of early workers to make a second general point about the character of the work of amateurs on the West Coast fauna. The work of these early malacologists was well grounded in the methodologies of Europe and the East Coast. These men were not reinventing the wheel nor were they taking off on bizarre tangents. They were fairly restrained in proposing new taxa, particularly genera. They saw the relationships to previously described taxa and were as interested in outlining rela- tionships as in demonstrating differences. Taxa were tied to type specimens, with descriptions containing differentiating characters. Moreover, work on fossil and Recent material went on hand in hand. The next amateur that I would like to feature is Josiah Keep (Figure 4). Although he was a professor at Mills College, he was chiefly a teacher of geology and astronomy, and his work in malacology was as an amateur. His contribution was as a popular izer. The handbooks he published, written in a most engaging manner, were instrumental in inter- esting the public in malacology. Without them, West American malacology would probably have taken a very different path. He also gave public lectures and a summer marine biology course at Monterey. Such popular- izing allowed interested members of the public to believe that science was within their understanding, not the remote territory of high priests. I will here express my prejudice about what I call the "mystique of the professional, which characterizes many fields, including medicine, law, finance, auto mechanics, and many sciences. This mystique involves maintaining that there is a body of infor- mation and technique that is completely be- yond the average mortal. Thus, public awareness and participation is undesirable. In the case of such professions as medicine, law, finance, and auto mechanics, the reason is economic. If the public cut through the masquerade, over-paid professionals would have less work. In the case of such sciences as malacology, the excuses are more subtle Figure 3. James Graham Cooper Figure 4. Josiah Keep Page 97 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(10) 1988 and have to do with snobbery and the fear that public involvement will mess things up. The exclusionary attitude, however, doesn't help and, in fact, probably makes things worse by promoting uncoordinated, competing activity and the proliferation of inaccurate publications that clutter the literature. Of course. West Coast malacology had had some less-than-completely-helpf ul amateurs. I have prepared biographical sketches, bibliographies, and lists of taxa of two amateurs who made extensive collections at least partly for sale. Their publications were not well grounded in science, and the names that they introduced contain a high percentage of synonyms. These were Henry Hemphill (Figure 5), a bricklayer turned professional collector, and Charles Russell Orcutt (Figure 6), collector and magazine editor. Hemphill introduced some 102 names, of which 66% were unavailable or are now regarded as synonyms. None of the names that Orcutt introduced are valid. However, their material was mostly well located as to station and was sufficiently extensive to allow a study of variation. It was important in acquisition of West Coast material in institutions throughout the country. This material was relied upon ex- tensively by such professionals as Dali and Pilsbry in their work on the West Coast fauna. A unique story is that of Ida Oldroyd (Figure 7). She was an amateur in southern California, her husband earning a living in carpentry. She amassed a huge collection, through her own efforts and extensive exchange, and, after her husband retired, she talked Stanford University into acquiring her material, with her as its curator. Her chief contribution, in addition to the collection, was the publication of a set of four volumes that contained original descriptions and new illustrations of the northwest American marine mollusks. Although it was not very carefully or critically prepared, it remained the only comprehensive work on the eastern Pacific fauna for many years. Such major compilations as hers served to put the state of current information in many hands and to stimulate original work. For reasons that I don't fully under- stand, the amateurs who became involved in the scientific study of malacology on the West Coast have been an unusually productive Figure 5. Henry Hemphill Vol . XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 98 bunch. I suspect that this was partly an outgrowth of the custom of sharing and working together that characterizes frontiers generally. For example, some workers started classes for themselves and worked together to produce their own materials. Nothing better illustrates this than the effort of John Q. Burch (Figure 8) in the 1940s to produce a checklist of West Coast mollusks. This effort resulted in a substantive publication that contains much original material and was the product of the combined work of many individuals. Figure 7 . Ida Oldroyd Important early workers included: Herbert N. Lowe (Figure 9), a florist, who worked on the fauna of the Panamic province with Pilsbry, and who pub- lished some 26 papers and some 167 taxa, most in collaboration with Pilsbry. George Willett (Figure 10), who was variously a policeman, soldier, fisherman, fox farmer, and ornith- ologist. He published 39 papers and described quite a number of taxa, in- cluding several that he collected in southeastern Alaska. A. M. Strong (Figure 11), a mining engineer, pub- lished many significant papers and authored quite a number of taxa, many in collaboration with Leo Hertlein. Fred Baker (Figure 12) was a physician, who published a couple of dozen papers. Stillman Berry (Figure 13) of independ- ent means as well as part-time rancher Figure 8. John Q. Burch Figure 9. Herbert N. Lowe Page 99 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(10) 1988 Figure 10. George Willett Figure 12. Fred Baker Figure 11. A. M. Strong Figure 13. Stillman Berry Vol . XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 100 and iris grower, published 209 papers and authored 401 taxa. Wendell Gregg (Figure 14), a physician, published a number of papers on land snails. Allyn Smith (Figure 15) worked most of his life for the phone company and published over 100 papers and many new taxa. Robert Talmadge (Figure 16), who worked for the Pacific Gas & Electric Company as a line- man in the rugged mountains of northwestern California published some 95 papers. Emery and Elsie Chace (Figures 17-18), who had various jobs throughout their lives, he mostly in construction, published some 40 papers. Lorenzo G. Yates (Figure 19), a dentist, and Faye Howard (Figure 20) each published a few articles, but both contributed major scien- tific collections to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Of course, some of this body of work is of high quality, some is not. Some papers are just newsletter notes. Some names are now regarded as synonyms. But, collectively it is a considerable amount of original work. In more recent years, Myra Keen's book on the tropical eastern Pacific fauna helped to draw many amateurs into malacology, not only because it stimulated collecting in that area but also because it posed many un- Figure 14. Wendell Gregg Figure 15. Allyn Smith Page 101 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(10) 1988 Figure 17. Emery Chace Figure 18. Elsie Chace Figure 19. Lorenzo G. Yates Figure 20. Faye Howard Vol. XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 102 resolved questions in a way that was approachable by the scholarly non-professional. Other handbooks, such as Jim McLean's pamphlet on the mollusks of southern California, have also helped. As a result, there is a very substantial number of people who went on to make significant contributions through their carefully made collections and their publications, including the recent work of Twila Bratcher on the Terebridae, that of Helen DuShane on the Epitoniidae, the many papers of Don Shasky, LeRoy Poorman, and Carole Hertz on the Panamic fauna, the important col- lection of Carol Skoglund, the photographic contributions of Bertram Draper and the many contributions of the late Tony Ferreira to the study of chitons. Several new factors have recently decreased the involvement of amateurs in the science of malacology on the West Coast. Collecting by the public is not permitted in California because of the effect that overcollecting was having on the marine fauna, and this has limited the introduction of young people, drawn by their curiosity about the natural world as well as acquisitiveness, . to malacology. In many areas, the marine fauna has been severely depleted because of pollution and habitat de- struction. There are shrinking professional resources, with some programs like that at Stanford University shut down completely. With much of the era of descriptive malacology past us, the problems attacked by professionals, and the tools that they use, are more complex. Finally, it has been several years since a major compilation has appeared that poses problems to challenge scholarly amateurs. Fostering amateur involvement does pay off. It generates collections that may eventually devolve to institutions. With professional interest, the scientific value of these collections can be maximized. Involved amateurs can provide needed finan- cial support for institutions. Amateurs often provide volunteer assistance to museums, almost essential in keeping them going in these days of severely limited budgets. Properly directed, there are volunteer roles for a wide array of persons, from high school students to seasoned, scholarly amateurs. Amateurs, their organi- zations, and museum volunteers are also important in generating public and political support for institutions. Amateurs are important in helping to disseminate accurate knowledge to the public, and they can provide useful ideas for and assistance in research. It takes an investment in time, as well as in learning the skills required to adequately manage volunteers and to work with amateurs. The following are a few ideas I've collected from various sources: (1) Professionals can go out of their way to address public forums, including shell clubs. Their message should be pitched not only to entertain but also to con- vey the excitement and scientific challenge of the field. Each presentation should include an effort to recruit assistance for their institutions. Learning how to do this well takes some effort. The fascinated high school student of today is tomorrow's professional. (2) Curators should define a variety of jobs that can be handled by volunteers with different levels of experience and skill. Volunteers cannot be considered slave labor. They seek acceptance, gratitude, companionship, and an opportunity to learn. Writing "volunteer job descriptions" is a useful and educational experience. Time and patience are also needed to train amateurs in curatorial and research methods. A system of museum titles and non-monetary rewards is essential in building skills and maintaining interest. (3) In everything that professionals and professional-level amateurs write, an effort should be made to explain the basic ideas in a way that nearly everyone can understand, and important unresolved problems should be posed in a manner that challenges the reader. (4) Although large compilations and handbooks for the public take a consider- able effort and may be dissatisfying for perfectionists who want all unsolved prob- lems to be cleared up first, it is important to generate such works from time to time. They handle many questions, promote public knowledge, provide a way to pose Page 103 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(10) 1988 interesting problems for others to work on, and recruit public support. (5) Professionals should be willing to help amateurs with their publications to ensure their accuracy and to promote their utility. Amateurs and their organi- zations need to be willing to have such review. Getting a manuscript reviewed critically for the first time can be a traumatic experience, but the benefits of the exercise eventually become clear. (6) Many professionals reside in a fairly closely defined environment and have never had an opportunity to learn skills in dealing with the public, amateur organizations, and volunteers. These skills can be learned, and it is never too lat Only by making a conscious effort at the institutional level — in public and private museums and at universities can the involvement of amateurs in malacology be optimized. It is worth the effort, for history shows us that it can pay off. The word "amateur" comes from the Latin word "amator," a lover. Who could have a better reason for engaging in malacology? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I appreciate the help of Donald R. Shasky for providing many of the pictures and David K. Mulliner for preparing black and white prints of most of the photographs . Vol . XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 104 UPDATE ON MOLLUSKS WITH INDO-PACIFIC FAUNAL AFFINITIES IN THE TROPICAL EASTERN PACIFIC - VIII BY DONALD R. SHASKY 834 W. Highland Avenue, Redlands, California 92373 [adapted from a paper presented to the annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists , Sonoma State University, July 1988] This year, I have three species and an additional unidentified juvenile PeristemZa species to report. Three are from the Galapagos and one from Cocos Island, Costa Rica. The first is Trioolia (Hiloa) variabiZis (Pease, 1861). Robert Robertson (1985) con- sidered T. (H.) variabiZis as the most wide- spread and abundant TricoZia in the Indo-West Pacific. As the name implies, it has a wide range of color patterns, size, and sculpture. Its reported range is from East Africa to Hawaii and French Polynesia. I collected a single specimen from Isla Manuelita, Cocos Island, Costa Rica (Figure 1) . The second species is LinateZZa (GeZagna) suocincta (Linnaeus, 1771). Beu and Cernohorsky (1986) state that the range for this species is from Gabon in West Africa, East Africa, and as far east as Hawaii. While diving in 10-17 meters off Enderby Island, an islet off Floreana Island, Galapagos Islands, I collected a single specimen (Figure 2). The third species is Cantharus (PoZZia) fumosus (Dillwyn, 1817). This species is known throughout the Indo-Pacif ic. I collected two specimens in the Galapagos, one from 10-17 meters off Champion Island and the other in the same depth off Floreana Island (Figure 3). Illustrated in Figure 4 is what almost certainly is a juvenile specimen of a species of Peristemia , a genus previously unknown in the eastern Pacific. I have two specimens of this species, each from a different island in the Galapagos. I am hopeful that someone seeing this illustration will be able to recognize it and supply a name for it. I thank David K. Mulliner for preparing black and white prints from my slides. Figure 1. TricoZia (EiZoa) variabiZis (Pease, 1861). Length: 1.5 mm, taken under dead coral in 13.7 m, Isla Manuelita, Cocos Is. , Costa Rica. Leg. D.R. Shasky, Feb. 23, 1988 LITERATURE CITED BEU, ALLEN G. AND WALTER 0. CERNOHORSKY 1986. Taxonomy of gastropods of the families Ranellidae (=Cymatiidae) and Bursidae. Part I. Adoption of Ranellidae and review of LinateZZa Gray, 1857. New Zealand Jour. Zool. 13:241-246, 35 figs. Page 105 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(10) 1988 ROBERTSON, ROBERT 1985. Archaegastropod biology and the systematics of the genus Tvicolza (Trochacea: Trocoliidae) in the Indo-West Pacific. Monog. Marine Mollusca 3:1-103, 96 pis. (Linnaeus, 1771). Length: 15.7 mm, taken in 9-15 m under rock, Enderby Is., off Floreana Is., Galapagos Is., Feb. 1988 Leg. D.R. Shasky Figure 3. Cantharus (Pollia) fimosus (Dillwyn, 1817). Length: 7.8 mm, taken in 9-15 m under rock. Champion Is., Galapagos Is., Feb. 1988, Leg. D.R. Shasky Figure 4. Pevistevnia species. Length: 6.4 mm, taken in 6-12 m, under rock, Floreana Is. , Galapagos Is., Feb. 1988, Leg. D.R. Shasky Vol. XX(10) 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 106 RECENT FINDINGS OF CHLANYS HASTATA (SOWERBY, 1843) IN ITS SOUTHERN RANGE UNIT BY G. L. BUCK 2534 Via Pisa, Del Mar, California 92014 The waters off San Diego, California are the southern limit to the geographical range of Chlamys hastata (Sowerby, 1843), a pecten usually found in more northerly waters. McLean (1978:69-70) in "Marine Shells of Southern California," gives the distribution as Alaska to San Diego, uncommon, in depths of 60 feet and deeper. I have collected three specimens by scuba in the last several years, all three in the same general area, a rocky habitat. One, a 23 mm brown specimen (Figure 1) was living attached by its byssus under a rock at 95 foot depth. Another 15 mm brown specimen was taken fresh dead at 100 feet (Figure 1), and the last, a 43 mm, beautiful bright orange specimen (Figure 2) was found sandwiched in a crack on a deep water reef at 85 feet along with Crassadoma gigantea (Gray, 1825), Chama arcana Bernard, 1976, strawberry anemones, sponges and multitudes of other invertebrates — a very fertile area. Incidentally, the orange C. hastata was covered with an orange sponge growth which was removed very easily with a short bleach soak and a soft brush. Figure 1. Chlamys hastata (Sowerby, 1843), Left: 23 mm in length collected in 95 feet, Right: 15 mm in length, collected empty in 100 feet of water Photo: D.K. Mulliner Figure 2. C. hastata , 43 mm in length collected in 85 feet of water Photo: D.K. Mulliner Page 107 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(10) 1988 On this same dive I also found my main objective, Haliotis rufescens Swainson, 1822, up to 255 mm. Also seen in this area were H. sorenseni Bartsch, 1940; H. assimilis Dali, 1868; and H. watallensis Stearns, 1899; all far from common now and in need of protection. On subsequent dives in this area during September 1988, Kim Hutsell and I found eight more: specimens of C. hastata. They were mostly found covered with sponge, attached by byssus on tops of rocks in 90 to 110 feet of water. I would be interested to find out if others have collected C. hastata to the south in Mexican waters off the Santo Tomas area, where cooler California current waters might be more the typical habitat of this temperate water species. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank Dave Mulliner for photographing the specimens of C. hastata. THE SANTA BARBARA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ANNOUNCES A POSITION IN MALACOLOGY The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History is seeking a qualified malacologist to fill the new Howard/Berry Endowed Chair of Malacology. The person hired for this full-time position will receive a salary of from $25,000-27,000 (depending on qualifications and experience) plus benefits and will report to the Head of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology. Candidates are required to have a PhD in biology/zoology with dissertation in malacology or related field of invertebrate zoology with demonstrated capability in malacology research (preferably with specialization in systematics of marine or terrestrial mollusks) . Prior experience with fauna of eastern Pacific Ocean or western North America and experience in museum techniques and management of invertebrate collections is required as well as computer and database management skills and proven record or potential for grantsmanship . The responsibilities of the full-time, regular, exempt position include management of portions of the Museum’s mollusk and invertebrate collections; collection based research in malacology and related aspects of systematics and natural history of invertebrates; assisting in routine operation and management of the department; preparing funding proposals to granting agencies for collection support and research programs; participating in public education and exhibition programs, and serving as resource for information to the community at large. Applications will be reviewed beginning 30 October with the position remaining open until filled. A letter of application along with resume; names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references; outline of research interests and goals; and sample of published materials should be sent to: Dr. F.G. Hochberg, Assistant Director Collections and Research Division Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 2559 Puesta del Sol Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 682-4711 ISSN: 0738-9388 §L~ Ho l ^1? m>n. Volume: XX THE FESTIVUS A publication of the San Diego Shell Club November 10, 1988 Number: 11 CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary (Corres.) Secretary (Record.) Treasurer FESTIVUS STAFF Editor Photographer Bill Romer Bob Yin Jules Hertz Wayne Reed Margaret Mulliner Carole M. Hertz David K. Mulliner MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION Annual dues are payable to San Diego Shell Club. Single member: $10.00; Family membership: $12.00; Overseas (surface mail): $12.00. Address all correspondence to the San Diego Shell Club, Inc., c/o 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave., San Diego, CA 92111 Single copies of this issue: $5.00. Postage is additional SCIENTIFIC REVIEW BOARD R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists 3 Inc. Eugene Coan Research Associate California Academy of Sciences Anthony D’Attilio 2415 29th Street San Diego, California 92104 William K. Emerson American Musevim of Natural History Terrence M. Gosliner California Academy of Sciencg&if James H. McLean Los Angeles County Muse of Natural History Barry Roth Research Associate Santa Barbara Museum of Natura Emily H. Vokes Tulane University The Festivus is published monthly except Meeting date: third Thursday, 7:30 P.M., December. The publication date appears Room 104, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park on the masthead above. PROGRAM MARINE MOLLUSKS OF THE PLIOCENE OF SAN DIEGO Mr. Tom Demere, Collections Manager of the Department of Paleontology of the San Diego Natural History Museum, will present an illustrated program on the Pliocene mollusks of the San Diego area in relation to the Recent mollusks. He will discuss recent extinctions and the evolution of mollusks touching on their paleoenvironments and paleoecology. In addition to the slides, Mr. Demere will have display specimens. MINI-PROGRAM Carole and Jules Hertz will give a brief slide show on the recent annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists Meeting date: November 17, 1988 CONTENTS News Release: Supplement of The Festivus Volume XX to be published this month.... 109 Club news 109 Deep water shells from off Isla Smith, Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico CAROL SKOGLUND 110 A selected index to Volume XX (1988) 117 Map for detaching Page 109 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(ll) : 1988 A SUPPLEMENT OF THE FESTIVUS VOLUME XX TO BE PUBLISHED THIS MONTH THE FESTIVUS is publishing a supplement for 1988 (volume 20) entitled, "An Illustrated Catalogue of the Family Typhidae Cossmann, 1903 (Gastropoda: Muricacea)" by Anthony D'Attilio and Carole M. Hertz containing over 73 pages of information on the family with over 109 drawings by the senior author illustrating shell morphology and radula characters for this group of gastropods. The paper contains two catalogues enumerating nominal taxa in the Typhidae; one of the described fossil and Recent genera and the other of the fossil and Recent species. The Supplement will be received by all paid members and will be available to non-members (and those not members in 1988) at a cost of $11.00 domestic, $12.00 overseas surface mail, and $15.50 overseas air mail. To order, send your check to The San Diego Shell Club at the address shown on the cover page of this issue. CLUB NEWS THE CLUB'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER PARTY — DECEMBER 3, 1988 As noted in the October issue, arrangements have been completed for the annual Christmas party. It will be held in the San Diego Room of the Admiral Kidd Club (see map on last page) with no host cocktails beginning at 6:00 P.M. and dinner at 7:00 P.M. Two dinner choices are available: Roast prime rib of beef (English cut with au jus) and baked potato at $14.50 and Fillet of sole stuffed with crab served with wild rice at $13.60. Both include tossed salad, vegetable and coffee or tea. Tax and gratuity are included and our Club provides complimentary dinner wine. Reservations must be received not later than the November Club meeting (November 17th) and the first fifty reservations are those which can be accepted. Following dinner and the program, the Club will hold its traditional shell exchange. Bring your gift wrapped shell to place under the tree. Place data and name inside the package only. On the outside put on only the general locale i.e. Pacific, Caribbean, etc. Numbers will be drawn and those bringing a shell gift will choose one from under the tree. There will be dancing in the main room throughout the evening. It will be a great party, as usual. So come and welcome in the season with your friends. Guests are welcome. FROM THE MINUTES - SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB MEETING - OCTOBER 20, 1988 Craig Cary, a doctoral candidate at Scripps and an accomplished photographer presented the program with the amusing title, "Waiter, There's a Bug in my Clam. It was a five-star presentation. Craig delivered a vivid and comprehensive program on the aquatic life forms and communities which flourish near deep sea hydrothermal vents. Craig's authoritative account of exploratory dives in submersibles some 4,500 meters down in the Marianas Trench was illustrated by a collection of incredible slides revealing an eerie underwater 'moonscape' and sulfide clouds rising from violent submarine hot springs. Club members were treated to rare pictures of biomass com- munities which thrive in a seemingly hostile and toxic environment. Craig explained that the clams, Calyptogena magnified, are unique bivalves reaching up to 12 inches in length and weighing up to 3^> pounds with highly specialized blood, no gut and no digestive tract. The chemosynthetic bacteria reside within the gills, taking hydrogen sulfide and oxidizing it. When dissected the clams are revealed to contain a tremen- dous amount of hemoglobin. During the business portion of the meeting the slate of officers for 1989 was presented: President; Larry Buck, Vice President; Bob Yin, Record. Sec'y; Wayne Reed, Corres. Sec'y; Richard Negus, Treasurer; Margaret Mulliner. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the November meeting prior to the election of officers. Margenette and Arthur Yeend and Debbie and Larry Catarius provided the delicious cookies and Sherry Valli won the door prize. Wayne Reed Vol . XX(ll): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 110 DEEP WATER SHELLS FROM OFF ISLA SMITH, BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 3846 E. Highland, Phoenix, Arizona 85018 CAROL SKOGLUND BY Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico, is located on the Gulf of California. Three major papers have described the area and reported a combined total of 603 species of mollusks. McLean (1961) listed 405 species taken intertidally by several collectors. Coan (1978) reported 177 identifiable species as a result of 161 samples taken with an orange peel grab at depths to 49 m, including 67 previously reported by McLean. Poorman & Poorman (1978) added 160 species to the known total. Roy and Forrest Poorman, with Carl and Laura Shy, collected intertidally and by dredging to 30 m. Chaetopleura shyana Ferreira, 1983 was collected intertidally at Isla La Pata in the bay by the Shys (Ferreira, 1983) and Lepidozona stohlevi Ferreira, 1985, was dredged by them at 12 to 36 m (Ferreira, 1985). In addition, several species of nudibranchs have also been reported from Bahia de los Angeles in the past few years, including Hypselodoris calif orniensis (Bergh, 1879) [Bertsch, 1978] ; Polycerella glandulosa Behrens & Gosliner, 1988; Bajaeolis bertschi Gosliner & Behrens, 1986; and Tvitonia pickensi Marcus & Marcus, 1967 [Bertsch & Gosliner, 1984] . In May 1980, November 1981 and again in April 1988, my husband Paul and I camped at Punta La Gringa at the northern end of the bay and dredged off nearby Isla Smith. We used a 14-foot aluminum boat and a small dredge made of angle iron and hardware cloth. In the channel off the northwestern end of Isla Smith (113°34'W, 29°6'N) we found an area of swift currents and 183 m (600 ft.) deep water. The amount of line required for dredging is normally about three times the depth being dredged. At 30.5m (100 ft.), using 300 feet of line, we can feel when the dredge hits the bottom, and there is a "bumping" feel on the line as the boat goes forward to pull the dredge along the bottom. As the water gets deeper and more line is needed, both the stretch in the line and the currents make this "bumping" harder to feel. At 183 meters with all 1,500 feet of line out, "feel" was completely gone. We adopted the method of stopping the boat to let the dredge and line settle to the bottom, then going slowly forward, hoping the dredge was still on the bottom. By repeating this "grab" method we got a small amount of material in the dredge each haul. This was usually less than a cupful of small, very black rocks with traces of mud and a few shells. The three trips produced a total of 73 species from the 183 meter depth. Forty- two species were live taken. Thirty-one were taken only as empty shells that could have washed in from other areas. Thirteen of the species we took had been previously reported from Bahia de los Angeles. Fourteen species could not be identified. Included in this unusually large number of unidentified species are a Cyclocavdia that is probably undescribed (fide Coan) (Figure 1), a shell that comes close to being a Caducifev but without the distinct posterior notch of that genus (Figure 2) and a Pseudochama that doesn't seem to match any of the currently known species (Figure 3). Three of the other unnamed species have also been taken by us in other parts of the Gulf of California. These are the Cvucibulim (Figure 4), the Pyramidella (Figure 5), and the Rictaxis (Figure 6). Page 111 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(ll) : 1988 Figure 1. Cyclocardia sp. 9 mm Figure 2. ? Caducifer 18 mm Figure 3. Pseudochama sp. 16 mm As a result of this dredging, Ferreira (1984) described Ischnochiton carolianus and the ranges of Pteropurpura macroptera (Deshayes, 1839) and Favartia mildredae (Poorman, 1980) were extended to Bahia de los Angeles (Skoglund, 1983). Coan (1988) reported Semele craneana Hertlein and Strong, 1949 from the same material. In the systematic account that follows, range extensions are designated by asterisks. Ventricolari-a fordi (Yates, 1890) (Figure 7) and Pteropurpura macroptera (Deshayes, 1839) (Figure 8) are new to the Panamic Province. Ten other species represent range extensions within the Panamic Province. Previously known ranges of these species are included and the author cited. These include Phenacolepas puntarene (Figure 9) and Trophon cf. cerrosensis (Figure 10). Identifying numbers from Keen (1971) are used where available. I would like to acknowledge the help of the late Dr. Antonio Ferreira and to thank Dr. Eugene V. Coan and Mrs. Barbara W. Myers for assistance with some of the identifications. Photographs are by Paul Skoglund except for Figure 8 which was taken by Dave Mulliner for a previous paper. Vol. XX(ll) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 112 Figure 6. Rictaxix sp . 8 . 5 mm Page 113 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(ll): 1988 Figure 8. Pteropurpura macroptera 37 mm Photo: D. Mulliner Figure 9. Phenacolepas puntavene, 3 mm 37 mm Vol . XX(ll): 1988 THE FESTIVUS Page 114 BIVALVIA 30 Nuoulana (Thestyleda) hamata (Carpenter, 1864) 117 Glyoymeris of strigilata G. sp. (unidentified) 137 Megaovenella oolumbiana (Dali, 1897) 151 Modiolus amerioanus (Leach, 1815) 154 Amygdalum palladium (Dali, 1916) 177 Peoten sericeus Hinds, 1845 187 Cyclopeoten exquisitus Grau, 1959 190 C. pernomus (Hertlein, 1935) Also dredged nearby at 14 m 236 Tellidorella oristulata Berry, 1963 Cyolocavdia sp. (probably undescribed) 277 Lucina leuoooymoides (Lowe, 1935) *289 Luoinoma annulata Reeve, 1850 Range: A northern species that reaches its southern limit in the Gulf of California (Keen, 1971); 33N-60N (Bernard, 1983); off San Carlos Bay, Sonora, Mexico (Poorman 6 Poorman, 291 Diplodonta inezensis (Hertlein & Strong, 1947) Pseudochama sp. (unidentified) * Ventricolaria fordi (Yates, 1890) Range: Monterey Bay, California to Isla San Geronimo, N. Baja California (McLean, 1978) *403 Pitar perfragilis Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932 Range: San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua (Keen, 1971): off San Carlos Bay, Sonora, Mexico (Poorman & Poorman (1988). Also dredged nearby at 14 m Tellina (Merisoa) sp. (unidentified) *570 Psammotreta mazatlanioa (Deshayes, 1855) Range: Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico to Ecuador (Keen, 1971) 628 Semele oraneana Hertlein & Strong, 1949 Range: Southern end of the Gulf of California and off Isla Clarion (Keen, 1971); 18N-26 N (Bernard, 1983); off San Carlos Bay, Sonora, Mexico (Poorman & Poorman (1988) 651 Semele venusta (Reeve, 1853, ex A. Adams MS) Also dredged nearby at 14 m 687 Corbula iva Dali, 1908 764 Cyathodonta of dubiosa Dali, 1915 ( fide Coan) Bushia n. sp. (Coan in litt) 786 Pleotodon soaber Carpenter, 1864 GASTROPODA 71 Solariella peramabilis Carpenter, 1864 171 Phenaoolepas puntarene (Morch, 1860) Range: Puntarenas, Costa Rica (Keen, 1971) 420 Arohiteotonioa nobilis Roding, 1798 443 Turritella of pavkeri McLean, 1970 Alabina sp. (unidentified) 623 Aspevisoala lowei (Dali, 1906) 655 Nitidisoala politum (Sowerby, 1844) 751 Niso lomana Bartsch, 1917 799 Calyptraea oonioa Broderip, 1834 1 valve 10 live juveniles 1 live specimen 1 valve 1 valve 2 live specimens 2 live juveniles 1 live, 4 valves 1 live, 2 valves 1 valve 8 live, several valves 7 valves 5 valves 1988) 5 valves 2 live & valves 1 valve 18 live specimens 3 live specimens 1 live 1 valve 2 live, several valves 40 live specimens 2 valves 2 specimens, 2 valves 4 live, 2 dead 12 live, several dead 2 live 1 live, 1 dead juvenile 15 dead specimens 3 dead 1 dead 2 dead 4 live 10 live, 5 dead Page 115 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX(ll): 1988 806 * 823 877 954 1037 * *1044 1273 1344 * 1457 1602 1626 1643 1647 1655 1714 1769 1784 1785 2230 * *2262 Cheilea cepacea (Broderip, 1834) Cvucibulum monticulus Berry, 1969 Range: Mazatlan to the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico (Keen, 1971) > off San Carlos nay, Sonora, Mexico (Poorman & Poorman, 1988) Cvucibulum sp. 1 (unidentified) Cvucibulum sp. 2 (unidentified) Polinices intemevatus (Philippi, 1853) Also dredged nearby at 14 m Cymatiim covvugatum ccmic turn (Reeve, 1844) Favartia (Muvexiella) mildvedae (Poorman, 1980) Range: Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico (Poorman, 1980) Ptevopuvpuva centvifuga (Hinds, 1844) P. macvopteva (Deshayes, 1839) Range: Monterey, California to Bahia Todos Santos, outer coast of Baja California (McLean 1978) Tvophon (Austvo tvophon) cf cevvosensis Dali, 1891 Range: off Isla Cedros, Baja California to Acapulco, Mexico (Keen, 1971) ?Caducifev sp. (unidentified) Stvombina (Sincola) gibbevula (Sowerby, 1832) Nassarius sp. (unidentified) Fusinus tuvvis Valenciennes, 1832 Fusinus (Bavbavofusus) colpoicus Dali, 1915 Fusinus sonovae Poorman, 1981 Range: Guaymas, Sonora area and Isla Partida, Baja California (Poorman, 1981) Agatvix stvongi (Shasky, 1961) Kylix zacae Hertlein & Strong, 1951 Dvillia bevvyi McLean & Poorman, 1971 Bellaspiva melea Dali, 1919 Also dredged nearby in 24 m 1 dead 2 dead 2 dead 1 dead 9 live 2 dead juveniles 1 live 1 live, 1 dead 1 live 1 live 1 live, 2 dead 1 live 3 dead 1 live 9 live, 6 dead 1 dead 1 live 2 live, 5 dead 5 live 4 live Polystira nobilis (Hinds, 1843) Cochlespiva cedonulli (Reeve, 1843) Lioglypho stoma evicea (Hinds, 1843) Mitrolumna mitriformis (Shasky, 1961) Glyphostoma thalassoma (Dali, 1908) G. Candida (Hinds, 1843) Also dredged nearby in 24 m Pyramidetla (Pharcidelia) sp. (unidentified) Iselica sp. (unidentified) Acteon traskii Stearns, 1897 Rictaxis sp. (unidentified) Cylichna atahualpa (Dali, 1908) Range: Gulf of Panama (Keen, 1971) 8 live, 3 dead 1 dead 1 live, 2 dead 1 live 4 live, 5 dead 1 live, 4 dead 3 live 3 live 2 dead 1 dead 1 dead P0LYPLAC0PH0RA Leptochiton nexus Carpenter, 1864 Ischnochiton carolianus Ferreira, 1984 Lepidozona stohleri Ferriera, 1985 L. sp. (unidentified) 4 live 4 live 2 live 2 live SCAPHOPODA 3 9 17 Dentalium oerstedii Morch, 1860 Tesseracme hancocki (Emerson, 1956) Also found nearby in 14 m Siphonodentalium quadrifissatum (Pilsbry & Sharp, 1898) Graptacme sp. (unidentified) 20 dead 2 dead 10 dead 2 dead Vol . XX(ll) : 1988 THE FESTIVUS Vol. XX(ll): 1988 LITERATURE CITED BEHRENS, DAVID W. & TERRENCE M. GOSLINER 1988. The first record of Polyaerella Verrill, 1881, from the Pacific, with the description of a new species. Veliger 30(3) : 319-324 (Jan. 4). BERNARD, F.R. 1983. Catalogue of the living Bivalvia of the eastern Pacific Ocean: Bering Strait to Cape Horn. Canadian spec. pub. Fish. & Aquatic Sci. 61: 102 pp. BERTSCH, HANS 1978. The Chromodoridinae. nudibranchs from the Pacific coast of America. -Part XV. The genus Hypselodoris . Veliger 21 (2) : 236-250 (Oct. 1). BERTSCH, HANS 6 TERRENCE GOSLINER 1984. Tritonia pickensi (Nudibranchia: Tritoniidae) from Baja California, Mexico. Shells and Sea Life 16(9) : 138-139. COAN, EUGENE V. 1968. A biological survey of Bahia de los Angeles, Gulf of California, Mexico. III. Trans. SDSNH 15 (8) : 107-132 , figs. 1-2 (Sept. 25). 1988. Recent eastern Pacific species of the bivalve genus Semele. Veliger 31(1,2): 1-42, 64 figs. (July 1). FERREIRA, ANTONIO J. 1983. The genus Chaetopteura Shuttleworth, 1853 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the warm- temperate and tropical eastern Pacific, southern California to Peru, with the description of two new species. Veliger 25 (3) : 203-224 , 35 text figs. (Jan. 1). 1984. A new species of Ischnoahiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the Gulf of California. Veliger 26 (3) : 179-182 , 6 text figs. (Jan. 3). 1985. Three new species of Lepzdosona (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Gulf of California. Veliger 27 (4 ): 423-429 , 14 text figs. (Apr. 1). GOSLINER, TERRENCE M. & iDAVID W. BEHRENS 1986. Two new species and genera of aeolid nudibranchs from the tropical eastern Pacific. Veliger 29 (1) : 101-113 (July 1). KEEN, A. MYRA 1971. Sea shells of tropical west America: marine mollusks from Baja California to Peru. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif, i-xiv+1,066 pp., ca 4000 text figs., 22 color pis. (Sept. 1). MCLEAN, JAMES H. 1961. Marine mollusks from Los Angeles Bay, Gulf of California. Trans. SDSNH 12(28) :449- 476, figs. 1-3 (Aug. 15). 1978. Marine shells of southern California. LACM(NH) sci. ser. 24, revised ed . 104 pp. (Mar. 20). POORMAN, LEROY H. 1980. Two new molluscan species (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Veliger 22 (4 ): 361-363 , figs. 1-4 (Apr. 1). 1981. New species of Fusinus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Veliger 23 (4) : 339-344 , figs. 1-13 (Apr. 1). 1981. Comments on two misunderstood fusinids (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Veliger 23 (4 ): 345-347 , figs. 1-4 (Apr. 1). POORMAN, FORREST L. 4 LEROY H. POORMAN 1978. Additional molluscan records from Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California Norte. Veliger 20 (4) : 369-374 , map (Apr. 1). 1988. A report of the molluscan species in the San Carlos Rectangle, Sonora, Mexico, collected by Forrest L. and Leroy H. Poorman from December 1953 to December 1983. Festivus 20(6):47-63, map (June 9). SKOGLUND, CAROL 1983. Range extensions of Muricidae in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Festivus 15(1): 107-108, figs. 1-4 (Nov. 10). Page 117 THE FESTIVUS Vol . XX (11) : 1988 A SELECTED INDEX TO VOLUME XX (1988) BUCK, G.L. Recent findings of Chlamys hastata (Sowerby, 1843) in its southern range limit 106 CATARIUS, LARRY Cymatium gibbosum at Palos Verdes 10 COAN, EUGENE The role of the amateur in the development of malacology in the western United States 94 D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY On the systematic position of Muvex permaestus Hedley, 1915, a muricopsine species 3 Detailed studies of the morphology of the varical flange in two Favavtia species: Favavtia vosamiae and F. leonae 18 Book review: MOLLUSCHI EDULII DELLE MARCHE 32 Illustrated notes on Favavtia (Muvexiella) gavvettii (Pease, 1868) from Hawaii 36 Notes on the morphology of Favavtia (Muvexiella) martini (Shikama, 1977) 65 Comparison of two Favavtia (Cavibiella) species, one from the western Atlantic and one from the eastern Pacific 73 D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY AND BARBARA W. MYERS A note on the distribution of Sivatus piioifevoides (Kuroda, 1942) 11 DUSHANE, HELEN Early conchologists in Baja California, Mexico 77 FARMER, WESLEY M. Synthetic sea life 90 HANSELMAN, GEORGE A. Further on Kaas and Van Belle’s MONOGRAPH OF LIVING CHITONS [Book review] 72 HERRMANN, RICHARD Sinmia vidievi at Anacapa Island 2 HERTZ, CAROLE M. A cautionary note to editors and authors 17 HERTZ, JULES An Avgonauta shell found in San Diego 22 Two look-alike turrids from the eastern Pacific: Clathvomangelia fuseoligata and Mangelia vhyssa 27 A report on the annual meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists . 82 MCPEAK, RON H. Lyvopeeten subnodosus off Cedros Island 69 MYERS, BARBARA W. AND ANTHONY D'ATTILIO A look at a few of the books on malacology from Japan 39 P00RMAN, FORREST L. AND LEROY H. P00RMAN A report of the molluscan species in the San Carlos Rectangle, Sonora, Mexico, collected by Forrest L. and Leroy H. Poorman from December 1953 to December 1983 47 REED, WAYNE Wesley Farmer's remarkable art: an introduction 89 SHASKY, DONALD R. Update on mollusks with Indo-Pacific faunal affinities in the tropical eastern Pacific — VIII 104 SKOGLUND, CAROL Deep water shells from off Isla Smith, Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico WU, SHI-KUEI The radula of Cevatostoma (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) in West America... 86 CLUB SAN DIEGO SHELL CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 3, 1988 SAN DIEGO ROOM ADMIRAL KIDD CLUB Cocktails 6:00 P.M. 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