F I E LD B O # Native Illinois Shrubs LEO R, TEH ON 1 L L i: N O I. S NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUALS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT UREANA-CHAMPAIGN ILL HIST. SURVEY - 1 "«i-OM msTOSICAL \ ^^^VIST Fieldbook of • Native Illinois Shrubs X ri '3 IT, O < a: a. STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director Fteldbook of Native Illinois Shrubs By Leo R. Tehon MANUAL 3 Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Theodore H. Prison, Chief Urbana December 1942 STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Frank G. Thompson, Chairman William Trelease, D.Sc, LL.D., Biology Edson S. Bastin, Ph.D., Geology Ezra J. Kraus, Ph.D., D.Sc, Forestry Roger Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc, L. R. HowsoN, B.S.C.E., C.E., Engineering Chemistry Arthur Cutts Willard, D.Eng., LL.D., President of the University of Illinois NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Urbana, Illinois Scientific and Technical Staff Theodore H. Frison, Ph.D., Chief Section of Economic Entomology W. P. Flint, B.S., Chief Entomolo- gist C. C. CoMPTON, Ph.D., Associate En- tomologist M. D. Farrar, Ph.D., Research En- tomologist J. H. Bigger, M.S., Associate Ento- mologist S. C. Chandler, B.S., Southern Field Entomologist James W. Apple, M.S., Northern Field Entomologist B. G. Berger, M.A., Assistant Ento- mologist H. B. Petty, Jr., B.A., Assistant, Entomology Extension J. E. Porter, B.A., Entomological Assistant C. J. Weinman, Ph.D., Research Fel- low in Entomology George F. Ludvik, B.A., Research Fellozu in Entomology J. M. Magner, B.A., Junior Entomol- ogist (U.S.B.E.P.Q. and Commod- ity Credit Corporation, cooperating) Section of Insect Survey H. H. Ross, Ph.D., Systematic Ento- mologist Carl O. Mohr, Ph.D., Associate En- tomologist, Artist B. D. Burks, Ph.D., Assistant Ento- mologist (on leave) G. T. Riegel, M.S., Entomological Assistant Kathryn M. Sommerman, M.S., Artist, Entomological Assistant Section of Applied Botany and Plant Pathology L. R. Tehon, Ph.D., Botanist D. B. Creager, Ph.D., Research Pa- thologist J. C. Carter, Ph.D., Assistant Bot- anist G. H. Boewe, M.S., Field Botanist Section of Aquatic Biology David H. Thompson, Ph.D., Zoologis, George W. Bennett, Ph.D., Limnol ogist D. F. Hansen, Ph.D., Assistant Zo ologist Bruno Limbach, M.S., Zoological Assistant Section of Game Research and Management Ralph E. Yeatter, Ph.D., Gamt Specialist Section of Wildlife Experimental Areas Arthur S. Hawkins, M.S., Ganit Technician (on leave) F. C. Bellrose, Jr., B.S., Assistant Game Technician Jessop B. Low, Ph.D., Assistant Game Technician W. H. Elder, Ph.D., Assistant Gavu Technician Cooperative Wildlife Restoration Program (State Department of Conservatior and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- ice) Harry G. Anderson, M.A., Junioi Biologist L. G. Brown, B.S., Junior Biologist R. E. Hesselschwerdt, B.A., Junioi Biologist C. S. Spooner, Jr., M.F., Junior Biol- ogist Section of Forestry James E. Davis, M.F., Extension Forester Lee E. Yeager, Ph.D., Forester Section of Publications James S. Ayars, B.S., Editor Technical Consultant: Herpetology, Howard K. Gloyd, Ph.D., Director of the Museum, Chicago Academy of Sciences This manual is a contribution from the Section of Applied Botany and Plant Pathology (A4974 1—6-41) FOREWORD THIRD in a series of fieldbooks, the present publication is, like the first on wild flowers and the second on land snails, intended primarily for amateur naturalists and nature lovers who wish to become acquainted with the flora and fauna of Illinois. Dr. Leo R. Tehon, the author, has since 1921 held the title of Botanist with the Illinois Natural History Survey and is well acquainted with the flora of the state. The introductory section includes a discussion of the various shrub habitats of Illinois, directions for the use of botanical keys, and keys to the families and genera of shrubs found growing wild within the state borders. The descriptive section mentions 210 species and 27 varieties, representing 77 genera and 43 families. This section contains, also, keys to the species and illustrations of most of the shrubs described. A glossary is appended to aid the beginning botanist in an understanding of technical terms. For a number of years, the Natural History Survey has systemat- ically made collections of the Illinois flora and of records related to it. The present manual reflects some phases of this activity. In preparation is a complete report of the flora of the state. Miss Kathryn M. Sommerman, Artist and Entomological Assis- tant for the Natural History Survey since 1939, made the accurately detailed drawings for the 72 line figures that illustrate the field- book. Adapting the material to the general format of the Survey's manual series was the work of James S. Ayars, Technical Editor. Of the colored photographs reproduced in this fieldbook, those of the Prairie Rose, Silky Dogwood and American Bittersweet are by Ray R. Hamm, University of Illinois photographer ; that of the Indigobush is by Dr. Tehon ; those of the Smooth Sumac and Trumpetcreeper are by Mr. Ayars. This fieldbook is published in the hope that it will prove as use- ful to the people of the state as have the two similar publications that preceded it. Theodore H. Prison Chief Urbana, Illinois June 15, 1942 CON TEN T S Introduction 1 Shrub Habitats 3 Usefulness of Shrubs 6 Purpose of the Manual 6 Common and Scientific Names 7 Excluded Species 8 Naturalized Shrubs 8 How to Name Shrubs 9 Verification of Identifications 12 Local Shrub Collections 12 Analytical Keys 14 Natural Key to the Shrub Families 14 Key to Genera 17 Description of Species 23 Taxaceae 25 Pinaceae 26 Liliaceae 28 Salicaceae 34 Myricaceae 59 Betulaceae 61 Ulmaceae 69 Loranthaceae 71 Aristolochiaceae . 72 Ranunculaceae 74 Menispermaceae 76 Berberidaceae 80 Lauraceae 82 Hydrangeaceae 85 Iteaceae 89 Grossulariaceae 91 Hamamelidaceae 96 Rosaceae 98 Malaceae 128 Amygdalaceae 139 Leguminosae 144 Rutaceae 149 Anacardiaceae 153 Aquifoliaceae 161 Celastraceae 166 Staphyleaceae 173 Hippocastanaceae 175 Rhamnaceae 177 Vitaceae 184 Hypericaceae 200 Cistaceae 204 Thymelaeaceae 206 Elaeagnaceae 208- Araliaceae 210 Cornaceae 212 Ericaceae 220 Vacciniaceae 228 Sapotaceae 236 Styracaceae 239 Oleaceae 244 Bignoniaceae 246 Rubiaceae 249 Caprifoliaceae 252 Map of Illinois 274 Glossary 275 Index 287 COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS Prairie Rose, Rosa set'igera Frontispiece FACING PAGE Silky Dogwood, Cornus Amomum 8 American Bittersweet, Celastrus scandens 8 Indigobush, Amorpha fruticosa 152 Smooth Sumac, Rhus glabra 152 Trurapetcreeper, Campsis radicans 248 Introduction INTRODUCTION THE number of kinds of shrubs and woody vines that grow in Illinois as natives and as naturalized introductions is surprisingly large. Definite mention is made in the following pages of 210 species and 27 varieties. These represent 77 gen- era and are distributed among 43 botanical families. In Indiana, the only nearby state in which the shrubs have been cataloged separately, there are about 150 species, and in Minnesota, among about 275 native and cultivated woody species, approxi- mately 160 are native shrubs. This large variety in Illinois is, however, to be expected. Geographically, the state is so located as to include sections of the eastern deciduous forest, extensive prairies, remnants of the northern forest, and a remarkable representation of the Gulf Coast forest. Illinois extends some 380 miles north and south and more than 200 miles east and west. In the north- east it borders on Lake Michigan, and on much of its periphery it is bordered by large rivers, some of them the greatest on this continent. In altitude, it ranges from about 280 feet above sea level at the Ohio River to about 1,250 feet at Charles Mound, in Jo Daviess County; and the average elevation is about 700 feet. Most of the state has been subject to glacial action, but the extreme northwest corner, essentially Jo Daviess County, and the Ohio valley in the south, have not been influ- enced by glaciers. Both the extension of the Ozark Mountains in the south and the hills of the northwest present a great var- iety of physical conformations and favor a great and varied display of plant species. Shrub Habitats. — ^All of the above factors and many others besides have given rise to great diversity of habitats. Some habi- tats are extensive and cover very large areas of land. In them the shrub population is relatively uniform. Others are smaller and specialized; and in them the shrubs usually are different from those occurring nearby. Not infrequently small, special- ized habitats support shrubs found nowhere else in the state. The predominant shrub habitats of the state, both as to areas covered and number of kinds of shrubs, were formerly the prairie and deciduous forest regions. Most of the prairies and [3] 4 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 forests have been destroyed, but forest remnants that have es- caped destruction harbor a large number of shrub species, and non-arable and abandoned portions of the prairie support a smaller number. The completeness w^ith which prairies and forests have been sacrificed to the interests of agriculture and industry has affected as markedly the abundance and distribu- tion of shrubs as of trees, grasses and herbs. But, fortunately for the plant lover, many kinds of shrubs survive in out-of-the- way, neglected corners, in woodlots, along streams, roadsides and fence rows, and in young forest growth that has been per- mitted to spring up following destruction of the original forest. The Prairie. — In the great expanse of land once grass covered but now given over to plowed fields, small differences in soil, elevation and exposure provide opportunity for the existence, of a wide variety of shrubs such as the Prairie Willow, Dwarf Pussy Willow, Meadow Spirea, Prairie Rose, Leadplant and Wolfberry. Stream margins support numerous willows, and prairie groves and timber along larger streams encourage thickets of varied composition. Plow-broken land, when aban- doned, is often covered with sumac and brambles. The Forest Margin.^^ln general, the richest growth of shrubs takes place at the forest edge. Here the transition from forest to prairie is accompanied by changes in soil, moisture, sunlight, shade, protection and other factors that furnish con- ditions ideal for many types of shrubs. The Forest. — Within the forest itself the number of kinds of shrubs is large, also. Here shrubs, especially adapted to life in deep shade, still air and a humid atmosphere, form a dense, low understory beneath such lesser trees as Ironwood, Blue Beech and Redbud. Here, also, climbing woody vines are numerous. Lake Michigan Moorlands. — This region, which extends some distance inland along the shore of Lake Michigan, is characterized especially by its sandy soil, which ages ago was arranged by the action of the lake and later by wind into great, flat reaches, shallow swales and swelling dunes. Low-lying por- tions have remained until recently as marshes. In this region Common Juniper, Speckled Alder, Alder-Leaved Buckthorn, Jersey-Tea, Buffaloberry, Bearberry and American Cranberry- bush are characteristic shrubs. Cold Bogs. — An exceedingly interesting habitat is the bog area in Lake and McHenry counties. Many small lakes and TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 5 bogs are spread over a considerable territory and present a remarkable and for Illinois a unique type of shrub association, which includes Purple Chokeberry, Vacciniums, Poison Sumac and Sweetfern. Sands. — Remarkable also are the small and large sand regions. There are six of real importance, and together they cover many hundreds of square miles. The Havana sand area covers some 20 per cent of Mason County and extends northward into Taze- well and across the Illinois River into Fulton and Peoria coun- ties. In Jo Daviess and Carroll counties, there is the region along the Mississippi River known as the Sand Prairies, and in Lee, Bureau and Henry counties, along the lower course of the Green River, are the Green River sands. Along the Missis- sippi River in Henderson and Mercer counties, the Oquawka sand lands are extensive, and in southeastern Kankakee and northern Iroquois counties the St. Anne sands stretch for miles. The somewhat lesser region of Wilmington sands lies in Will and Grundy counties. There are smaller areas in Whiteside County, in northern Winnebago, in eastern Ogle, in Cass and in Lawrence counties. Sands such as the Green River, Havana, Wilmington and St. Anne are the outwash from glaciers; some others are the result of disintegration by wind, rain and sun of St. Peter sandstone, now represented at Castle Rock, Starved Rock and elsewhere. The Ozarks. — Across the southern part of the state runs an extension of the Ozark Mountains, with numerous summits approaching 1,000 feet above sea level. Here diverse formations of sandstone, limestone and shale are exposed, and great irreg- ularities in topography provide a wide variety of habitats favor- . able to many kinds of plants. The shrub flora in this region has not been investigated as carefully as might be wished, but it is among the richest in the state in diversity of kinds and in abundance. The Ohio Valley. — South of the Ozarks lies a flat region, in- cluding essentially Alexander, Pulaski and Massac counties, which in Tertiary times formed the northern tip of the Gulf of Mexico. Many of the herbs, trees and shrubs that grow in this region are so typically southern that they are known best as Gulf Coast inhabitants. Here are to be found woody Clematis and Wisteria, Crossvine, Virginia Willow, the Bumelias and numbers of other interesting species. Northward along the 6 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 Wabash and Mississippi rivers, a gradual transformation of this southern flora occurs, but deciduous Holly, Swamp Privet, Silverbell and other species remain to mark its earlier existence as far north as Wabash and Pike counties. Usefulness of Shrubs. — Were one to classify wild plants according to man's interest in them, trees probably would rank first, herbs second and shrubs third. For this there is a very practical set of reasons. Trees have been exceedingly important to man, first in providing weapons and shelter, later as material for household equipment, machinery, transportation and beauty. Wild herbs are important because many of them have medicinal values and are serviceable in maintaining or restoring health and because the brilliance of their blossoms adds cheer and beauty to even the dullest of habitations; and cultivated herbs are the sources of man's most important foods. The usefulness of shrubs, although less apparent, is in reality great. They do not yield lumber in quantity, but such of them as produce useful wood furnish it as a rule for very special pur- poses. Certain of them have become important in commerce as plants furnishing food; in the main, as is true of grapes, rasp- berries, blackberries, dewberries and hazelnuts, such foods are luxuries rather than necessities. The use of shrubs in beautifi- cation is very extensive, also. Although only a few of them pro- duce the flower splendor exhibited by herbs, their desirability in adornment of habitations has been enhanced by their adaptability for artistic effects in hedges and massed plantings and as speci- men plantings. In their native habitat, shrubs furnish shelter, food and cover to woods-loving birds and animals. The beauty of wild shrubs, their usefulness as occasional sources of food and the protection they give to wildlife have long been appreciated and justify more than the usual general interest in their habits, occurrence and distribution. For beauty alone, few things surpass the dog- woods, shadbush and hawthorns in the early spring landscape. Purpose of the Manual. — This manual is not a technical contribution to the science of botany but a series of descriptions and illustrations, based on good scientific procedure, intended to be understandable and useful to the nature lover. To this end, descriptions of species cover all the botanical features that a person ordinarily will have need or occasion to notice. They depart from the usual botanical method, however, in two re- TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 7 spects. Full sentences are used throughout, and commonplace words are employed wherever they can be made to fit accurately. This, it is hoped, will make the text more easily read and will give the botanically untrained user more vivid pictures of the shrubs that are described. Measurements, given as inches or fractions of an inch for small plant parts, are not so accurately stated as would have been possible with the less-used metric system, but the more familiar standard will be interpreted more easily. It has not been possible to avoid technical words entirely. In botany, as in every branch of knowledge, meaningful words re- place circuitous expressions. Many of the technical words of botany are adaptations of words in common use that express the resemblance of plant parts to familiar objects. The number of technical words with which one must be familiar is not large, but there is a considerable number of terms that have special meanings in the descriptions of particular shrubs. For the in- terpretation of all these terms, a glossary is appended. Common and Scientific Names. — To the uninitiated, im- posing scientific names may be confusing, as also may be the fact that a single shrub is given two or three common names. Common names differ from locality to locality. A shrub known in one place under one name may be known in another place under a different name. It is true also, now more than formerly, that in one locality a shrub may be known by a num- ber of common names. It is therefore impossible to determine what common name is proper. In this text, common names known to be in use in Illinois are preferred to those used else- where. To some extent scientific names prevent the confusion that arises from common names. In principle, at least, there should be only one scientific name for each kind of plant. This principle does not work out perfectly in practice, but its convenience and serviceability cannot be doubted. In general, the scientific nomenclature used here is that of the Second Edition, published in June, 1940, of Alfred Rehder's Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs. But some deviation has been necessary, since, at the time of the publication of Rehder's Second Edition, this text had been completed for two years, the illustrations for one year, in the form in which they were to be presented. Genera are more freely segregated into 8 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 families; and certain genera and species have been retained, although they are not recognized as distinct in Rehder's Manual. In cases such as these, also in Instances where Rehder's usage departs widely from that to be found in the familiar Seventh Edition of Gray's New Manual of Botany or In Britton and Brown's Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions, it has been possible to add explanations which will enable the user of this fieldbook to reconcile the differences. Excluded Species. — There are records of occurrence In Illinois for a considerable number of shrub species not listed in the text. In part they are printed reports of species that, ac- cording to present understanding of range limits, ought not to occur within the state. In many Instances it has not been pos- sible to test such reports by examining specimens, and inability to verify the reports has been considered adequate cause for omitting the species. In other instances, in which specimens could be seen, it was clear that records were based either on mis- determinations or on determinations according with older species concepts. The occurrence of dubious species has been recorded in part, also, by specimens deposited In herbariums. It is true particularly of the older collections that the specimens, properly named in accordance with botanical concepts extant at the time they were collected, fit into newer species. Redetermination of such material has unified It with the species treatment embodied in this text. Naturalized Shrubs. — This manual is intended particularly to cover the native shrubs, but a few naturalized shrubs have been included. When white men began to settle In Illinois, they brought with them from their eastern homes shrubs which they had grown there, some of which had been brought earlier from Europe. Other shrubs were purchased from nurseries, to decorate the bare prairie home sites. Some of these shrubs made themselves so much at home that they reseeded In wild habitats and have become naturalized members of our native plant communities. A number of these shrubs have been given, in this manual, the same full descriptions as have native species. If, however, there is evidence that certain introduced shrubs persisting in the wild state do not multiply sufficiently to insure their permanent existence here, attention has been called to them and to the fact that they may be encountered from time Silky Dogwood Cornus AmomuTn Miller American Bittersweet Celastrus scandens Linn:ieus TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 9 to time; but the lengthy descriptions accorded other species have not been given. How to Name Shrubs. — The first purpose of a manual is to assist persons in finding names for plants in which they are interested. With the keys in this manual, a person without bo- tanical training can, with a little time and effort, find the names of shrubs utterly strange to him. It always has been difficult to explain how to use a botanical key. This is true, perhaps, because a key provides directions both for coming to a conclusion and for obtaining a set of facts upon which to base the conclusion. It is puzzling to the inexperi- enced user at first. However, it has this advantage: it prede- termines for its user the items that must be observed and, when they have been observed and properly followed through, pro- vides immediately the required conclusion. The things to be observed are the distinguishing characteristics every kind of shrub possesses, and the conclusions drawn from them are names of shrubs. To illustrate the manner in which a key works, we might imagine that a stranger has asked what house is occupied by a person living on a street with which we are very familiar, al- though we cannot quite remember the house number. When we give directions to the stranger for finding the house, we may not say all of the following things, but our process of thought may be imagined as this: "The house is not in the first four or five blocks, but somewhere in the sixth, seventh or eighth block. It is on the south side, not on the north side, of the street, and it is a brick, not a frame, house. It has a wide porch across the front, so that the door does not open immediately to the side- walk, and it is moreover the only house of this general descrip- tion where three small evergreens stand on each side of the steps leading to the porch." With such a set of directions our stranger will know about how far to go, which side of the street to look on, and the kind of house to look for. And he will know one definite fact that will enable him to recognize the house, when he comes to it, as certainly as though he knew its number. The key for naming shrubs works on exactly the same basis, except that it must include, so to speak, every house on the street or, in our case, every shrub in the state; it is based simi- larly on important characteristics. These characteristics are set 10 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 down in outline form and generally are arranged in pairs, so that a choice can be made between important characters first, less important characters second and still less important char- acters third. By continued choosing as the outline proceeds, a point is reached where no further choice is possible, and the final distinguishing characteristic tells exactly the name of the shrub. As a further example, let us "run down" in the key to genera, page 17, two wild shrubs with which we already are familiar. One of them, let us say, is a wild juniper, the other a dogwood. The key begins with two contrasting lines labeled I and II, the first of which says "Leaves very narrow; linear, or scalelike, and small," the second, "Leaves broader, with proper blades; not pinelike." Obviously line I describes the leaves of the juni- per and line II the leaves of the dogwood. Hence we must search for the name of our juniper under I and the name of our dogwood under 11. Taking the juniper first, since it comes in the first part of the key, we find set in under I two lines labeled A. The first says, "Leaves evergreen, glabrous ; more than ]/i inch long." The second says, "Leaves persistent but not evergreen, pubescent; less than i^ inch long." The leaves on our juniper fit the description given by the first A, and under it we find two lines labeled with uncapitalized a's, in which the descriptions contrasted are "Leaves apparently in 2 ranks; green above," and "Leaves in whorls of 3 ; with a white line above." Examining our juniper carefully, we find that the leaves are set three in a ring around the stem and that each leaf does have a fine white line on the upper side, which is ex- actly what the key requires. So we know that the juniper is to be looked for under the botanical genus Juniperus, on page 27 in the body of this manual. Now, let us see what we can do about the dogwood. Since we know it is included under II in the key, we start there. We find first a line labeled A, which reads, "Leaves simple, though often toothed or lobed," and further down in the key we find, on page 21, another line labeled A, which reads "Leaves definitely compound, composed of 2 or more leaflets." Our dogwood's leaves are simple, that is, each one is a single piece and is not made up of two or more small, leaflike pieces. Hence, we know we will find it somewhere in the part of the outline included under the first A, on page 17. The following line, labeled B, TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 11 says, "Leaves opposite or whorled; 2 or 3 at a node." Farther along in the key another line labeled B reads, "Leaves alter- nate; 1 at a node." On the small dogwood branch that we have at hand, leaves arranged as pairs are set opposite each other on the stem. Again it is clear that our dogwood is in- cluded somewhere under the first B. Under this first B, we find a C line reading, "Leaf margins entire." Contrasted with this, a little farther down, is the other C, "Leaf margins toothed." As nearly as we can see without a hand lens, there are no teeth of any kind on the dogwood leaf margins ; so we follow through under the first C and come to the D lines, "Leaves and twigs densely coated with silvery or rusty scales," and "No silvery or rusty scales present." Finding no such scales on our dogwood, we proceed under the second D to the lines labeled E, "Leaf blades with translucent dots," and "Leaf blades, without translucent dots." Holding our dogwood leaves up to the light, we try to see any special places in the blade, however minute, where the light shines through clearly. We find none, and so we know that we must continue under the second E. Beneath this are two lines labeled G. The first one says, "Leaves often 3 at a node," the second, "Leaves definitely 2 at a node." If we happen to be near this shrub while we are trying to name it we may examine several stems; otherwise, the single stem that we have at hand will have to do, and we find that there are only two and never more than two leaves at a node. This carries us on under the second G. The distinction between the lines labeled H is quite apparent, since the first H line, which reads, "Leaves thick; parasites growing on tree branches," does not at all describe our dogwood, whereas "Leaves normally thin; not parasites" does at least include it. So we come to the next pair of lines, labeled I, "Secondary veins running together near the margins and meeting at the leaf tip; leaves often mealy beneath," and, contrasted with this, "Leaves without such veins; often glaucous beneath." Now, if we ex- amine the dogwood leaves carefully, we shall find that sec- ondary veins run out at intervals from the main vein of the leaf and that, very near the margins, they run together into fine marginal veins, which follow the margin of the leaf on each side from the bottom secondary vein up to the tip of the leaf, where they unite. This apparently is what is meant by the first of the letter I lines in the key, and so we learn that our 12 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 dogwood belongs in the genus Cornus, which is described and pictured beginning on page 212 in the manual. Turning to page 213, we find a similar but short key, which enables us to "run down" the shrub to its species without having to read all the species descriptions. These two examples have been fairly simple. At least they have "run down" in the early part of the key. But almost any of the wild shrubs of the state can be named in the same way, even though the names appear near the end of the key. Although the key looks complicated, the process of naming is simple, because as a rule only a relatively small number of the many items listed in the key have to be considered in the naming of any given shrub. In making choices at the beginning of the key, we may eliminate from consideration large sections of the key that do not apply, just as in giving directions to our stranger we eliminated quickly the first few blocks and all of the frame houses. Verification of Identifications. — The user of this manual should be able, by using the key and the descriptions in this volume, to identify most of the native shrubs with which he comes in contact. But from time to time even persons well practiced in identification are certain to encounter specimens too difficult to name with certainty. In such cases the assistance of a professional botanist may be sought. The Section of Applied Botany of the Illinois Natural History Survey is always ready to assist in the identification of shrubs, and of other plants of all kinds. Samples may be sent in fresh condition or as prepared botanical specimens, and verification of the collector's determinations or accurate determinations of the specimens will be given in return. Fresh specimens may be sent by mail if they are wrapped in waxed paper so as not to wither badly before arrival. Dried specimens, carefully packed, may be sent by parcel post or express. Persons who ask this service should remember, of course, that the botanist to whom they write sees only the sample that is sent to him. The samples should be typical and whenever possible they should contain stem, leaves, and flowers or fruit. For the accurate determina- tion of certain kinds of shrubs, both flowers and fruit are nec- essary. Care in selecting samples not only makes the botanist's work easier but also helps him render good service. Local Shrub Collections. — ^As has been intimated on an- TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 13 other page, knowledge of the shrubs that grow in Illinois is by no means perfect. The catalog of species occurring in the state undoubtedly is very nearly complete, but too little is known of the exact distribution of individual species. To one interested in shrubs, a survey of the township or county in which he resides and the making of a local collection for the region in which he lives will yield results of real scientific value, especially if pub- lication of a species list and habitat notes can be achieved. ANALYTICAL KEYS The shrubs described in the text belong, without exception, to the division of plants known as Spermatophyta. They bear true flowers which contain either pistils or stamens, or both, and produce seeds which contain embryos. By two genera, they represent the Gymnospermae ; by one genus, they represent the Monocotyledones ; and, by all other genera, the Dicotyledones of the Angiospermae. Although they can be identified most easily by means of the arti- ficial characters used in the genus key beginning on page 17, their botanical relationships are more accurately expressed by the natural key below, which leads to their families. The shorter keys given, where necessary, under the individual families, lead to genera; and, under genera, keys lead to the species. « Natural Key to the Shrub Families I. Gymnospermae Ovules and seeds borne in an open bract; stigma wanting. A. Pistillate flowers borne singly or in pairs, each developing into a berry-like fruit Taxaceae, p. 25 A. Pistillate flowers in small, few-bracted catkins, each catkin maturing as a berry-like fruit. Juniperus, in the Pinaceae, p. 26 II. Angiospermae Ovules and seeds borne in closed ovaries ; one or more stigmas present. A. Monocotyledones: Flowers with 3 petals and 3 sepals, dioecious; staminate flowers with 6 stamens; pistillate flowers with 3 united carpels and 3 sessile stigmas Smilax, in the Liliaceae, p. 28 A. Dicotyledones: Flower parts commonly in 4's or 5's, at least not in regular whorls of 3. B. Corolla wanting; calyx present or absent. C. Calyx wanting; both staminate and pistillate flowers in catkins. D. Fruit a 1-celled, many-seeded pod ; seeds hairy tufted Salicaceae, p. 34 D. Fruit nutlike, 1-seeded ; seed not hairy tufted Myricaceae, p. 59 C. Calyx present at least in either staminate or pistillate flowers. E. At least the staminate flowers in catkins; fruit a nut or achene Betulaceae, p. 61 E. None of the flowers in catkins. F. Carpels 2, united ; stigmas 2 ; ovary 1-celled and 1-ovuled Ulmaceae, p. 69 [ 14 ] TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 15 F. Carpels 1 or several and distinct or united. G. Ovary inferior, compound. H. Ovary 1-celled, becoming a 1-sceded drupe Loranthaceae, p. 71 H. Ovary 6-celled, becoming a 6-celled, many- seeded capsule Aristolochiaceae, p. 72 G. Ovary superior. I. Carpels 3 to many, separate. J. Fruit a 1-seeded achene with a persistent plumose style Clematis, in the Ranunculaceae, p. 74 J. Fruit a thin-fleshed drupe . Calycocarpum, in the Menispermaceae, p. 76 I. Carpel 1 ; fruit a 1-seeded berry or drupe. K. Stamens 9, in 3 whorls Lauraceae, p. 82 K. Stamens 8, opposite and alternate with the corolla lobes. L. Flowers perfect; alternate stamens longer; leaves alternate Thymelaeaceae, p. 206 L. Flowers dioecious; stamens equal"; leaves opposite Elaeagnaceae, p. 208 B. Both calyx and corolla, or at least a corolla, present. M. Petals separate, or only 1 petal present. N. Carpels 1 or several and distinct. O. Stamens inserted at the base of the receptacle. P. Carpels 2 to 6, each maturing as a fleshy drupe Menispermaceae, p. 76 P. Carpel 1, maturing as a 1- to few-seeded berry ' Berberidaceae, p. 80 O. Stamens inserted on the margin of a disk which often more or less incloses the gynoecium. R. Flowers regular; petals 5. 8. Carpels several or numerous, becoming fol- licles, achenes or drupelets Rosaceae, p. 98 S. Carpel 1, becoming a fleshy drupe Amygdalaceae, p. 139 R. Flowers irregular ; petal 1 Amorpha, in the Leguminosae, p. 144 N. Carpels 2 to several, united basally or by their styles. T. Ovary superior. U. Stamens inserted at the base of the receptacle. V. Stamens more than 10 in number; leaves black dotted Hypericaceae, p. 200 V. Stamens usually (but not more than) twice as many as the petals. W. Ovary 1-celled Cistaceae, p. 204 W. Ovary 2- to several-celled. X. Stamens 5 ; carpels united by their styles Zanthoxylum, in the Rutaceae, p. 149 X. Stamens 2 to 4; carpels united basally Oleaceae, p. 244 16 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 U. Stamens inserted on the margin of a disk which more or less incloses the gynoecium. Y. Stamens opposite, and of the same number as, the petals. Z. Sepals evident; upright shrubs Rhamnaceae, p. 177 Z. Sepals minute (or obsolete) ; vines .... Vitaceae, p. 184 Y. Stamens alternate with, and of the same num- ber as, the petals. a. Leaves compound, alternate Anacardiaceae, p. 153 a. Leaves simple, or opposite if compound. b. Leaves simple, alternate or opposite. c. Ovule 1 in each cell of the ovary; fruit a drupe Aquifoliaceae, p. 161 c. Ovules 2 or more in each cell of the ovary; fruit a capsule; seed arillate. Celastraceae, p. 166 b. Leaves compound, opposite. d. Flowers regular, leaves pinnate Staphyleaceae, p. 173 d. Flowers irregular, leaves digitate Hippocastanaceae, p. 175 T. Ovary inferior or partially included. e. Stamens more than double the number of petals. f. Fruit a capsule Philadelphus, in the Hydrangeaceae, p. 85 f. Fruit a pome Malaceae, p. 128 e. Stamens double the number of petals, or fewer. g. Styles distinct or wanting. h. Ovules several in each cell of the ovary. i. Leaves opposite; fruit a capsule Hydrangea, in the Hydrangeaceae, p. 85 i. Leaves alternate; fruit a berry Grossulariaceae, p. 91 h. Ovule 1 in each cell of the ovary. j. Styles and carpels 5 ; ovary 5-celled ; flowers 5-merous Araliaceae, p. 210 j. Styles and carpels 2; ovary 2-celled ; flow- ers 4-merous. k. Fruit a fleshy drupe containing a 2- seeded stone; leaves opposite Cornaceae, p. 212 k. Fruit a woody capsule; leaves alternate Hamamelidaceae, p. 96 g. Styles united, 1. Stamens 8 or 10 ; anthers opening by pores ; fruit a berry Vacciniaceae, p. 228 1. Stamens 5 ; anthers opening lengthwise ; fruit a dry capsule Iteaceae, p. 89 TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 17 M. Petals more or less united, m. Ovary superior. n. Stamens free from the corolla. o. Carpel 1; corolla irregular. Leguminosae, p. 144 o. Carpels several, united ; corolla regular Ericaceae, p. 220 n. Stamens more or less adnate to the corolla. p. Stamens 5 ; petaloid staminodes 5 Sapotaceae, p. 236 p. Stamens 4; staminodes, when present, not peta- loid Bignoniaceae, p. 246 m. Ovary inferior. q. Stamens twice, or more than twice, as many as the corolla lobes. r. Ovary 1-celled Styracaceae, p. 239 r. Ovary 4- to 10-celled Vacciniaceae, p. 228 q. Stamens the same in number as the corolla lobes. s. Leaves joined by stipules Rubiaceae, p. 249 s. Stipules wanting Caprifoliaceae, p. 252 Key to Genera I. Leaves very narrow ; linear, or scalelike, and small. A. Leaves evergreen, glabrous; more than ]/s inch long. a. Leaves apparently in 2 ranks; green above. . .Taxus, p. 25 a. Leaves in whorls of 3 ; with a white line above Juniperus, p. 27 A. Leaves persistent but not evergreen, pubescent; less than l4 inch long Hudsonia, p. 204 IL Leaves broader, with proper blades; not pinelike. A. Leaves simple, though often toothed or lobed. B. Leaves opposite or whorled ; 2 or 3 at a node. C. Leaf margins entire. D. Leaves and twigs densely coated with silvery or rusty scales Shepherdia, p. 208 D. No silvery or rusty scales present. E, Leaf blades with translucent dots. F. Branchlets round ; creeping shrubs Ascyrum, p. 200 F. Branchlets 2-edged ; upright shrubs Hypericum, p. 201 E. Leaf blades without translucent dots. G. Leaves often 3 at a node. . . . Cephalanthus, p. 250 G. Leaves definitely 2 at a node. H. Leaves thick; parasites growing on tree branches Phoradendron, p. 71 H. Leaves normally thin ; not parasites. L Secondary veins running together near the margins and meeting at the leaf tip; leaves often mealy beneath. . . .Cornus, p. 212 18 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 I. Leaves without such veins; often glaucous beneath. J. Buds superposed Lonicera, p. 268 J. Buds not superposed Symphoricarpos, p. 265 C. Leaf margins toothed. K. Decumbent shrub, rooting at the nodes Euonymus, p. 167 K. Upright shrubs. L. Internodes with decurrent, pubescent lines Diervilla, p. 272 L. Pubescence, if present, not in decurrent lines. M. Hollow petiole bases covering buds Philadelphus, p. 89 M. Petiole bases not hollow, buds axillary. N. Stems squarish Euonymus, p. 167 N. Stems round. O. Stipules or their minute scars present. . Viburnum, p. 255 O. Neither stipules nor their scars present. P. Leaves acute to acuminate at both ends Forestiera, p. 244 P. Leaves rounded or cordate at the base Hydrangea, p. 86 B. Leaves alternate; 1 at a node. Q. Leaf margins entire, neither toothed nor lobed. R. A pair of tendrils at the base of the petiole; spiny or prickly, green vines with blue-black berries in axillary clusters Smilax, p. 29 R. No tendrils at the base of the petiole. S. Armed with spines arising in the leaf axils Bumelia, p. 237 S. Unarmed shrubs or vines. T. Low, creeping, or prostrate shrubs with per- sistent leaves. U. Leaves obovate, green beneath Arctostaphylos, p. 227 U. Leaves oblong to ovate, glaucous beneath Vaccinium, p. 229 T. Erect shrubs, whether low or tall, or climbing vines. V. Leaves linear, revolute, white-puberulent beneath, persistent Andromeda, p. 223 V. Leaves broad, deciduous. W. Leaves and bark spicy and aromatic, fruit a red drupe Lindera, p. 83 W. Leaves and bark neither spicy nor aro- matic. X. Leaves broadly cordate, palmately 3- to 7-veined ; twining vines Aristolochia, p. 73 TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 19 X. Leaves not cordate, or if so each with only 1 main nerve. Y, Petioles concealing buds in their hol- low bases Dirca, p. 206 Y. Petiole bases solid and buds axillary. Z. Leaves with marginal veins ending in the tips Cornus, p. 212 Z. Leaves without such lateral veins. a. Buds covered by 1 scale only . . . Salix, p. 34 a. Buds with 2 to several scales. b. Leaves resinous-dotted beneath Gaylussacia, p. 228 b. Leaves not resinously dotted. c. Leaf blades mucronate- tipped Nemopanthus, p. 165 c. Blades not mucronate. d. Blades thick and revolute, leaves and branches scurfy with scales Chamaedaphne, p. 224 d. Blades thin, not revolute, no scurfy scales present Vaccinium, p. 229 Q. Leaf margins either lobed or toothed, often both, e. Leaves definitely lobed, often toothed also. f. Leaves linear; margins cut to the midrib to form 20 or more half-wedge-shaped lobes Comptonia, p. 59 f. Leaves not linear. g. Vines with palmately veined leaves. h. Tendrils opposite at least some of the leaves; margins serrate. . i. Petioles uniformly glabrous or pubescent Vitis, p. 185 i. Upper half of petiole pubescent, lower half glabrous Ampelopsis, p. 194 h. No tendrils present; margins without teeth, j. Leaves densely pubescent beneath, fruit red Cocculus, p. 77 j. Leaves glabrous except on the veins be- neath. k. Leaves peltate, fruit blue '. Menispermum, p. 78 k. Leaves deeply cordate, fruit black Calycocarpum, p. 80 g. Erect shrubs. 1. Leaves palmately lobed and veined. m. Armed with spines or prickles Grossularia, p. 94 m. Unarmed. 20 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 n. Petioles and branchlets glandular- pubescent Rubus, p. 105 n. Without glandular pubescence. o. Leaves resinous-dotted beneath Ribes, p. 92 o. Leaves without resinous dots Physocarpus, p. 99 1. Leaves pinnately veined Crataegus, p. 134 Leaf margins toothed but the blades not lobed. p. Armed with spines or thorns. q. Glands present on the petiole near the blade Prunus, p. 139 q. Petiole not bearing glands. r. Large, straight thorns on twigs and branches Crataegus, p. 134 r. Small branched spines on twigs and branches Berberis, p. 81 p. Not armed with spines or thorns. s. Twining vines Celastrus, p. 170 s. Spreading or upright shrubs. t. Leaves clustered or in groups of 3 to 7 at ends of branches. u. Upright shrub; leaves oblong to ovate Azalea, p. 221 u.* Prostrate, creeping shrub; leaves ovate to nearly round. Gaultheria, p. 226 t. Leaves distributed along the twigs ; upright shrubs. V. Leaves with 3 to 5 main veins. w. Low shrubs with glandular-serrate leaves Ceanothus, p. 181 w. Tall shrubs with plainly serrate leaves Celtis, p. 69 v. Leaves with 1 main vein. X. Buds inclosed by 1 scale Salix, p. 34 X. Buds inclosed by 2 or more scales. y. Lower leaf surface stellate- pubescent Halesia, p. 240 y. Leaves without stellate pubescence, z. Small, dark glands on the midrib, above Aronia, p. 130 z. Midrib glandless. . 1. Petiole gland-bearing near the blade Prunus, p. 139 1. Petiole glandless. 2. Leaf base cordate or notched. 3. Teeth rounded and large, resembling scallops Hamamelis, p. 96 3. Teeth sharp and fine. 4. Leaves acute, entire mar- gin serrate Corylus, p. 62 TEHON: FIELDBOOK OF NATIVE ILLINOIS SHRUBS 21 4. Leaves obtuse, only the distal half or third of the margin serrate Amelanchier, p. 133 2. Leaf base rounded or tapered to the petiole. 5, Teeth distant and low Styrax, p. 242 5. Teeth close and usually prominent. 6. Teeth rounded Ilex, p. 162 6. Teeth sharp pointed. 7. Low shrub with wrin- kled bark. Vaccinium, p. 229 7. Tall shrubs with smooth or rough bark. 8. Veins conspicuously straight and extending to teeth. 9. Usually 4 or 5 pairs of veins per leaf Betula, p. 64 9. Usually 8 or 9 pairs of veins per leaf Alnus, p. 66 8. Veins either not con- spicuously straight or not ending in teeth. 10. Buds superposed, pith chambered Itea, p. 90 10. Buds solitary, pith solid. 11. Veins parallel and distinct nearly to the margin . . . Rhamnus, p. 177 11. Veins not con- spicuously paral- lel, branching to- ward the margin Spiraea, p. 101 A. Leaves definitely compound, composed of 2 or more leaf- lets. 12. Leaves opposite, 2 at a node. 13. Leaf margins entire. 14. Leaflets 2 per leaf Bignonia, p. 246 14. Leaflets 3 per leaf Clematis, p. 75 13. Leaf margins toothed. 15. Leaflets few, palmately arranged. 22 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY MANUAL 3 16. Leaflets 5 or 7 per leaf Aesculus, p. 175 16. Leaflets 3 per leaf Staphylea, p. 173 15. Leaflets many, pinnately arranged. 17. Climbing vines with aerial roots. Campsis, p. 248 17. Erect shrubs Sambucus, p. 252 12. Leaves alternate, 1 at a node. 18. Leaf margins entire. 19. Leaflets 3 per leaf Ptelea, p. 151 19. Leaflets usually 5 or more. 20. Twining vines Wisteria, p. 146 20. Erect shrubs. 21. Stems armed with spines . . Zanthoxylum, p. 149 21. Stems unarmed. 22. Leaflets mostly 5 (3 to 7) per leaf Potentilla, p. 103 22. Leaflets 7 or more per leaf. 23. Leaflets obtuse and mucronate at the tip Amorpha, p. 145 23. Leaflets taper pointed to acuminate.... Rhus, p. 153 18. Leaf margins toothed. 24. Leaflets 3 per leaf. 25. Both leaf surfaces black dotted Ptelea, p. 151 25. Leaves not black dotted Rhus, p. 153 24. Leaflets 5 or- more per leaf. 26. Stems armed with spines or prickles. 27. Leaves twice compound Aralia, p. 210 27. Leaves once compound. 28. Stipules attached to the petioles. . Rosa, p. 117 28. Stipules free and deciduous Rubus, p. 105 26. Stems unarmed. 29. Vines. 30. Leaves palmately compound Parthenocissus, p. 196 30. Leaves pinnately compound Ampelopsis, p. 194 29. Tall shrubs ; leaves pinnately compound. 31. A cluster of glands in the rachis channel at the base of each leaflet Sorbus, p. 129 31. No glands on the rachis Rhus, p. 153 DesoHption of Species TAXACEAE The Yew Family The yews are trees and shrubs, evergreen in America and ;imilar in aspect to the pines, having linear leaves and usually )earing pistils and stamens in separate floral structures. The nale flowers are globular, with a few stamens, the anthers of vhich are arranged beneath a shieldlike, usually more or less obed connecting plate, and the pistillate flowers bear one ovule :ach, which develops into a bony-coated seed with a large, leshy scale for cover. The family is represented in North America and in Illinois )nly by the following native species. TAXUS CANADENSIS Marshall American Yew Canada Yew Ground Hemlock The American Yew, fig. 1, is a low and sprawling evergreen isually less than 3 feet high, though occasionally it grows up- ight to a height of nearly 5 feet. Its branches, which spread I to 5 feet from the center of the plant, generally turn upward y^ ,//---: .A \ % V 4 '» J 'i ii »*i . FIG. 1 Taxus canadensis 1 25 1 26 PINACEAE 4 i toward the ends and are clothed with linear, sharply pointed, green leaves one-third to 1 inch long by usually less than l/i inch wide. These leaves, which are keeled on both faces, appear to be disposed in two rows, or ranks, along the twigs but in reality they are in spirals, and the twisting of their petioles ar- ranges them in rows to face the light. Flowers, which appear in April, are borne in leaf axils on year old branches. The pistillate flowers develop first into shal- low, scaly cups, which by September are transformed into oval, m red, berry-like structures one-third inch long, each with a bony seed, or nutlet, buried in its coral-red, jelly-like pulp. Distribution. — Distinctly North American, the American Yew ranges from Newfoundland south to Virginia and west- ward into Ohio and Manitoba, occupying in this territory the same habitat as the Hemlock, for the seedling of which it readily is mistaken. In Illinois, it is known to occur in the bogs of Lake County, where it is associated with other unusual plants in a type of habitat rare in the state, in the Apple River region in Jo Daviess County, at Starved Rock, and in the White Pine preserve in Ogle County. Many years ago it occurred elsewhere in the state, as in Kankakee County along Rock Creek and in Winnebago County, but it is no longer to be found in those localities. The last collection in Kankakee County was made by E. J. Hill in 1847. Certain recent records, for example in Cook and Carroll counties, are apparently based on specimens taken from cultivated plants. PINACEAE The Pine Family This is a family of trees and shrubs that are generally ever- green and that bear short, awl-shaped or long, needle-like leaves and produce seeds in the familiar dry cones or in fleshy, berry-like structures. It is world wide in distribution and of great economic importance, both for lumber and other products taken from the coniferous forests of the mountainous regions and coastal plains and for the decorative value of its many ornamental tree and shrub species. Although it is represented in North America, in both tree and shrub form, by more than a dozen native genera, only one shrubby species is native in Illinois. PINACEAE 27 JUNIPERUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Junipers Red Cedars The junipers are evergreen trees and shrubs having small, awllike or scalelike evergreen leaves arranged on the twigs in whorls of three, and berry-like, bloom-covered fruits, which contain 1 to 3 oval, bony seeds. They are best known in Illinois by the Red Cedar, a tree species that grows throughout the state as a weed in desolated soil and is in evil repute in orchard regions because of its relation to important rust diseases of apples. The single shrubby species native in the state is the following. JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS Linnaeus Common Juniper The Common Juniper, fig. 2, is generally low and spreading, with branches clothed in short, awllike leaves, but occasionally it attains a height of 6 or more feet. Its spreading, sharply pointed leaves, set in close or distant whorls and lacking petioles, / / ( > FIG. 2 Juniperus communis 28 LILIACEAE are straight or somewhat incurved, green, convex beneath and concave above, striped lengthwise by a white line about one- third as wide as the leaves ; they measure hardly more than one-twentieth inch in width and are one-third to Y2 inch long. The flowers, of which the poUeniferous and ovuliferous are separate, are borne in leaf axils on younger shoots. After a period of 3 years the fruits, developed from the ovulate flowers, mature as very short, globular, dark blue berries conspicuously covered by white bloom and generally contain in the dry, resin- ous pulp 3 horny, warty, somewhat 3-sided seeds less than 14 inch long. DiSTRiBUTiox. — A common shrub in both northern Europe and North America, the Common Juniper ranges westward across the Boreal part of our continent, from Greenland to Alaska and southward by way of mountain ranges into Georgia in the east and into Texas, New Mexico and California in the west. In Illinois, it occurs in extreme northern and southern parts of the state but not in intermediate regions. In the north, in Cook and Lake counties, it is characteristically shrubby, but in a few southern Illino.is counties it assumes an upright habit. Jiiniperus horizontalis Moench, the Creeping Juniper or Creeping Savin, though not native in Illinois, was seeded on the Waukegan moorland nearly three-quarters of a century ago and now occurs there as an established, naturalized species. It differs from the Common Juniper in that its leaves, on mature branches, are scalelike and set in pairs. Also, its fruit matures in the second, instead of the third, year. On the Wau- kegan moorland it has developed from the original seeding as a low, trailing shrub with bright steel-blue foliage which, in autumn, turns pale purple and becomes glaucous. These dis- tinctive characteristics, valuable when this shrub is used as an ornamental, have given rise to a common name, Waukegan Juniper, and to technical recognition as forma Douglasii Rehder. LILIACEAE The Lily Family Plants of the lily family are, in the main, herbs, but a few members are woody. The colored flowers are regular, consist- ing of symmetrical parts including 3 sepals, 3 petals, usually 6 LILIACEAE 29 stamens bearing 2-celled anthers, and a single pistil made up, as a rule, of a 3-celled ovary and 3 distinct, or more or less united, styles. The petals and sepals usually are colored alike and are similar in size and shape. The ovary ripens into a pod, as in the lily, or into a berry, as in asparagus, containing many or few seeds. This is an exceedingly large family of varied aspect and wide distribution, well known in our gardens, both for its decorative members and for those useful as vegetables. It is represented in Illinois by a great many native herbs and the w^oody greenbriers. SMILAX Linnaeus Greenbriers Sawbriers The greenbriers are woody or, less often, herbaceous vines, which climb and cling by means of tendrils arising in pairs from leaf petioles. Their stems frequently are armed with prickles. The greenish or yellowish, dioecious flowers, which occur in small, axillary umbels, are small, and each has 3 regular, sep- arate sepals, 3 similar petals, and 6 stamens or a 3-celled, very shortly 3-styled ovary, which develops into a small, 2- to 6- seeded, pulpy berry. The petioled, broad-bladed leaves are alter- nate on the stems and are characterized by the 2 to 4 prominent veins that run parallel with the midvein through the length of the blade. Key to the Greenbrier Species Leaves green on both sides. Leaves of young plants contracted on the sides and appear- ing hastate S. Bona-nox, p. 32 Leaves of young and old plants not contracted or hastate. Three nerves of the leaf reaching the apex; fruit more or less glaucous S. rotundifolia, p. 29 Five nerves reaching the apex; fruit not glaucous S. hispida, p. 33 Leaves green above, glaucous beneath S. glauca, p. 30 SMILAX ROTUNDIFOLIA Linnaeus Common Greenbrier Horsebrier Round-Leaved Brier The Common Greenbrier, fig. 3, is a large, climbing vine with dull green, ovate leaves and with stems and often branchlets rather sparsely beset with long, sharp spines. The vines arise from long underground stems and become, with age. rather 30 LILIACEAE angular at the base. They branch abundantly, and the branch- lets are definitely 4-sided and zigzag. The spines are flattened at their bases and extend their sharp, black tips outward to a distance of about one-third inch. As a rule there are no spines on the nodes, but on the internodes, particularly of the main stem, from 3 to a dozen may occur. The leaves generally are ovate but vary from nearly round or rotund to lanceolate, and occasionally some leaves are constricted below the middle. They measure li/^ to 6 inches in length by l/^ to nearly 6 inches wide. The blade is acute and often cuspidate at the tip, narrowed, rounded or cordate at the base, and more or less denticulate along the edges. The denticulations are rarely colored. Gener- ally the leaf is a little paler beneath than above and usually dull green on both faces but sometimes glossy green. The main nerves are most apparent beneath and number 5 or 7. Usually 3 of them, less frequently 5, unite at the leaf tip. The petioles are round and short, measuring one-fifth to four-fifths inch in length. The flowers, standing in umbels in leaf axils, are borne on pedicels generally shorter than the leaf petioles, and the pistil- late and staminate flowers are produced in separate umbels, the pistillate numbering about 20 per umbel, the staminate generally fewer. From 3 to 8 of the pistillate flowers of each group ma- ture into globose, blue to blackish, bloom-covered berries, ^4 inch or a little more in diameter. Each berry contains 1 to 3 mahogany-red seeds. Distribution. — The North American range of the Common Greenbrier extends from Nova Scotia southwestward into Iowa and southward from this northern limit into most of the territory included between Georgia and Texas. In Illinois, it has been reported from all parts of the state, but in the extreme northern counties it is rare. SMI LAX GLAUCA Walter Sawbrier The Sawbrier, fig. 3, is a spiny, slender-stemmed vine with abundant, longish, rather straight, leafy branchlets. Its stems are green and smooth, ]/^ to ^4 ir^^h in diameter, and beset with numerous short, straight or recurved spines up to one-third inch long. The slender branchlets are round or, less often, somewhat LILIACEAE 31 Smilax glauca FIG. 3 Smilax hispida Smilax rotundifolia Smilax Bona-nox 32 LILIACEAE 4-angled, occasionally glaucous, and bear as a rule a varying number of scattered, short spines. The leaves, II/2 to 5 inches long by 1/^ to 4 inches wide, are mostly ovate or broadly lanceo- late, though they vary from broadly ovate to nearly linear and are sometimes a little constricted near the middle. They are acute and often cuspidate at the tip, wedge shaped to broadly cordate at the base, and smooth and toothless at the edges, which turn under. The blade is smooth and either glaucous or green above, but glaucous and densely papillose beneath, and has 3 or 5 strong nerves, 3 of which unite at the leaf tip. The petioles are J4 to i/^ inch long. Flowers appear in May or June in umbeled groups of 5 to 10 in leaf axils. Three to 5 flowers of each pistillate umbel mature into bluish-black, bloom-covered berries 14 to one-third inch in diameter, each of which contains 1 to 3 mahogany-red seeds. In this species the peduncles, ^i to l}/i inches long, are characteristically longer than the petioles. Distribution. — The Sawbrier is southern in its range, which extends from Virginia westward into, southern Illinois and southward to Florida in the east and Texas in the west. In Illinois, it occurs north to Lawrence County in the east and Union County in the west, but intermediately does not come north of the Ozarks. SMI LAX BONA-NOX Linnaeus Fringed Greenbrier The Fringed Greenbrier, fig. 3, is a large, high-climbing vine with crooked stems, zigzag branches and deeply constricted leaves. Toward the base the stems are \^ to Yz inch in diameter, rounded but usually w^ith 1 prominent edge or angle, usually covered by a thick, white pubescence of stellate hairs, and beset with scattered (3 to 8 per node) pubescent spines, 1 of which in each internode is flat at the base and colored at the tip, the others being straight or a little recurved and one-third to Yz inch long. The branches are noticeably zigzag, angular and spineless. Leaves on vigorous vines are ovate-hastate, dark yellow green on both faces, 1 to 6 inches long by i/? to 5 inches wnde and have rather thick blades with acute or cuspidate tips, narrowed, truncate or cordate bases, and smooth or more or less denticulate margins, which are colorless and thickened, though LILIACEAE • 33 the denticulations are more or less colored. There are 5 to 9 nerves per leaf, 3 of which unite at the apex. The petioles are round, 14 to 1 inch long, and shorter than the peduncles. Flowers occur in umbels arising from leaf axils. The pistillate flowers are distinctly smaller than, and about twice as numer- ous as, the staminate, and 3 to 10 in each umbel mature in Oc- tober or November into black, faintly bloomy berries about 14 inch in diameter, each with light mahogany-red seeds. Distribution. — The Fringed Greenbrier ranges from New Jersey, Virginia and Florida westward to Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Texas. In Illinois, it is found only in the extreme southern part of the state, along the Ohio River. SMILAX HISPIDA Muhlenberg Greenbrier Hispid Greenbrier The Greenbrier, fig. 3, is a long, climbing vine, with stems coarser than the other Smilax species and with straightish, leafy branches. Near the base the stem is nearly 1/ inch in diameter, smooth and somewhat striate. Above it is round or nearly so and is rather densely set both on the nodes and in the inter- nodes with bristle-like, very thick spines up to Yi inch long. The branches are generally round, less often a little angled or 4- sidcd, and rarely spiny. The leaves are generally ovate but vary from orbicular to lanceolate. They may be 6 or 7 inches long by 5 or 6 inches wide but usually are 3 by 2i/^ inches. The blades are thin, dark green above and below, acute or cuspidate at the apex, narrowed to broadly cordate at the base, with erose or denticulate margins and 5, 7 or 9 nerves, 5 of which unite at the apex. The petioles are about one-third inch long and only one-third to one-half as long as the peduncles. The flowers occur in axillary umbels, the pistillate having 20 to 40 flowers each, the staminate 10 to 25 flowers. In the pis- tillate umbels, 10 to 12 flowers mature in October or November into globose, black, bloomless berries about Ya i^ich in diameter, each containing 1 or, less often, 2 mahogany-red seeds. Distribution. — The Greenbrier ranges from Connecticut westward into Ontario and Minnesota and southward into Virginia, Tennessee, Kansas and Texas. It occurs throughout Illinois, preferring the rich moist soils of woods and stream banks but growing also in the poorest soils. 34 SALICACEAE SALICACEAE The Willow Family This family is made up of trees, shrubs and herbs, which bear simple, alternate leaves and produce pistillate and stami- nate flowers in deciduous catkins, the two kinds of flowers be- ing borne on separate plants. The fruit is a small, lanceolate capsule, which splits lengthwise into 2 recurving valves to liber- ate numerous oblong, tiny seeds, each of which has a small tuft of down at its base. There are no sepals or petals in the flowers. The bark of all members of the family is bitter. Of wide distribution and great usefulness, the willow family is represented in Illinois as trees by both willows and poplars; 17 species of willow shrubs are native in the state. SALIX (Tournefort) Linnaeus Willows Osiers The willows may be trees, shrubs or herbs, the shrubby forms having clustered stems, round, slender branchlets, variously shaped leaves, and catkins that appear before, with or after the leaves. Salix is a very large and complex genus, of wide distribution in the world. In Illinois, only trees and shrubs are present, and these are useful for many purposes, including basket withes, charcoal, ornamental plantings and hedges. The members of the genus are very difficult to identify with certainty by vegeta- tive characters alone. For accurate identification, it is desir- able to have both flowers and fruit. Key to the Willow Species Because of the confusion that might arise in mistaking for shrub species the young specimens of native or naturalized tree-size species, the key given below includes both shrubby and tree species. I. Leaves green on both sides. A. Margins remotely denticulate, teeth spinulose. B. Blades long and very narrow, acute at both base and apex (2-4^ by l4-]/i inches) S. longifolla, p. 40 B. Blades oblong (2-4 by l4-H inches) S. longifolia var. Wheeleri, p. 42 A, Margins closely serrate. C. Blades linear-lanceolate (tree) S. nigra 1 SALICACEAE 35 C. Blades broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, and usually paler beneath S. cordata, p. 42 C. Blades broadly lanceolate to ovate. D. Upper surface shiny, apex acute, petioles glandular. E. Both surfaces glabrous. F. Leaves ovate and short acuminate (tree) S. pentandra F. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, long acuminate S. lucida, p. 38 E. Thinly covered beneath with soft hairs S. lucida var. intonsa, p, 39 D. Upper surface dull, apex acute, petioles not glan- dular S, adenophylla, p. 46 IL Leaves green above, whitened with bloom beneath (glau- cous). H. Margins distinctly, if only finely, serrate. L Petioles glandular. J. Blades lanceolate, acuminate. K. Blades linear-lanceolate; branchlets pendulous, slender and tough (introduced tree) S. babylonica K. Blades broader, lanceolate; branchlets spreading, stouter and fragile. L. Blades somewhat sericeous; teeth very close together (introduced tree) S. alba L. Blades glabrous; teeth farther apart S. f ragilis, p. 40 J. Blades elliptical, acute S. serissima, p. 39 L Petioles not glandular. M. Blades narrowly lanceolate, acuminate. S. longipes, p. 36 M. Blades broadly lanceolate to ovate. N. Leaves ovate-lanceolate ; acuminate ; petioles long and slender (tree) S. amygdaloides N. Leaves ovate, short acute ; petioles short S. glaucophylla, p. 44 M. Blades lanceolate, acute. O. Leaves glabrous or only slightly hairy. P. Pale green or subglaucous beneath, coarsely reticulated above S. cordata, p. 42 P. Glaucous and finely reticulated above and below S. petiolaris, p. 49 O. Blades pubescent beneath, glabrous or only finely hairy above. Q. Leaves gray pubescent and reticulated beneath S. capraea, p. 58 Q. Leaves silvery-silky, not reticulated beneath. R. Pubescence silvery-silky only S. sericea, p. 54 R. Pubescence with tawny hairs intermixed S. subsericea, p. 56 H. Margins entire or at most remotely dentate or serrulate, mostly revolute. 36 SALICACEAE S. Blades glabrous or nearly so above and below. T. Leaves small (1-2 inches long), oblong, closely re- ticulated S. pedicellaris, p. 47 T. Leaves large (2-4 inches long), coarsely reticulated beneath. U. Obovate, thin and entire S. discolor, p. 48 U. Elliptic-oval, thick, coarsely repand-dentate S. discolor var. eriocephala, p. 49 S. Blades tomentose and more or less rugose, at least beneath. V. Linear-oblanceolate ; white-woolly beneath S. Candida, p. 57 V. Oblanceolate ; gray-tomentose beneath. W. Leaves 2-4 inches long S. humilis, p. 51 W. Leaves 1-2 inches long S. tristis, p. 53 V. Elliptic-oval or rhomboidal S. Bebbiana, p. 52 SALIX LONG! PES Shuttleworth Ward's Willow Through most of its range Ward's Willow, fig. 4, is a low, gray-barked shrub 3 to 10 feet high, but it may become tall and treelike. Its narrowly to broadly lanceolate leaves, 2yi to 6 inches long by ^ to ll^ inches wide, taper from the rounded base to a long, acuminate point. The margin is finely and closely serrate, and the blade is dark green above but densely and whitely glaucous beneath, at first more or less pubescent but later glabrous above and usually also below, though often re- maining somewhat pubescent beneath, especially on the midrib. The petioles are ]/^ to y?, inch long, moderately stout, thinly to densely pubescent, and yellowish to dark brown. The conspicu- ous stipules, often ^ inch long, are ovate to reniform, acute or rounded, sharply serrate like the leaves, eventually glabrous, and densely white-glaucous beneath. Branchlets are rather slender, glabrous or finely pubescent, yellowish to dark red brown, and terete. The reddish-brown buds are about ]/s inch long, blunt ovate, appressed, and thinly to heavily pubescent. Catkins appear before the leaves. They are slender, lax, and Ij/^ to 4 inches long. At first nearly sessile, eventually they ter- minate leafy peduncles 1/^ to 2 inches long. The scales of the flowers are ovate to oblanceolate, yellowish, and villous. The staminate flowers have 5 to 8 stamens, the filaments of which are hairy toward the base. The pistillate flowers have very short styles terminated by 2 very short, entire stigmas. The SALICACEAE 37 Salix serissima Salix lucida Salix fragilis FIG. 4 Salix longifolia Salix longipes 38 SALICACEAE capsules when mature are narrowly ovate, often so contracted above the middle as to seem acuminate, glabrous, ]/i to 14 i^^h long, and they stand on short but distinct pedicels. Distribution. — Ward's Willow is a southern species that ranges from the Potomac River and Cuba to Texas and Okla- homa and from the Gulf of Mexico northward to the Ohio River and up the Mississippi into Illinois in the region of East St. Louis. The form occurring in the north, especially that in Illinois, is recognized by some botanists as the variety Wardii (Bebb) Schneider, for which the distinguishing characteristics are ob- tuse stipules and glabrous branchlets. It grows along with the Black Willow on the banks of rivers and swamps, but does not stray inland, as the Black Willow does. SALIX LUCIDA Muhlenberg Shining Willow The Shining Willow, fig. 4, is a shrub of moderate height, usually 3 to 10 feet tall or occasionally treelike and up to 20 feet high, with moderately stout, shining branchlets and large, long- pointed, shiny green, leathery leaves. The leaves, though vari- able, are generally ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2 to 6 inches long by 34 to 2 inches wnde or even larger, with long acuminate tips and acute or rounded bases. The margins are flat, non-revolute, and closely serrate with sharp, gland-tipped teeth. The blades are glabrous and green, and shining above and below. They stand on moderately stout, chestnut to dark brown petioles fur- nished with glands above on their outer ends. The stipules are semilunate to reniform, glandular toothed, up to \^ inch long, and eventually deciduous. The twigs and branchlets are terete, moderately stout, shiny as if varnished, light to dark brown, and glabrous, and the large buds are glabrous, narrowly ovate, blunt to pointed, somewhat appressed, and l/^ to ^ inch long. The catkins emerge from lateral buds on the old wood be- fore the leaves appear. They terminate leafy peduncles 14 to ^ inch long and are stout, oval or oblong, ^ to 2 inches long in flower, with oblong to obovate, obtuse, yellowish, thinly long-hairy scales, the apices of which are entire or irregularly notched with shallow indentations. Pistillate catkins become 2 to 3 inches long in fruit. The staminate flowers have each 3 to 4 SALICACEAE 39 5 or sometimes more stamens, the filaments of which are free and pubescent at the base. Each pistillate flower has a short, undivided style, capped by a short, thick, deeply cut stigma. The capsules, three-sixteenths to five-sixteenths inch long at ma- turity, are lanceolate-ampuliform, brownish, and glabrous, and are raised on the pedicels to a height half their length. Distribution. — The Shining Willow inhabits wet situations and stream banks from Newfoundland westward to Manitoba and southward to Delaware, northern Indiana, northern Iowa, and North Dakota. In Illinois, it occurs only in the northern third of the state. The variety intonsa Fernald is distinguished by having its first year branchlets and the under surface of its leaves perma- nently though thinly covered with reddish pubescence. It oc- curs in northern Indiana about as frequently as the typical form and may be encountered in Illinois. SALIX SERISSIMA (Bailey) Fernald Autumn Willow The Autumn Willow, fig. 4, is a shrub 3 to 12 feet high with shining, olive-brown branches and shining, glabrous, yellowish- brown branchlets, which bear elliptic or oblong-lanceolate leaves that usually are rounded at the base and acute or short- acuminate at the apex. The leaf blades are 2 to 4 inches long by about Yz to \y^ inches wide, closely and finely glandular- serrate on the margins, dark green, shining, and glabrous above, and pale to subglaucous beneath. The slender petioles are us- ually glandular at the outer ends, and stipules are wanting. The short, stout catkins, which appear on the end of short, leafy, lateral branches after the leaves are out, are oblong to oval and l/^ to 1 inch long. Pistillate catkins are about ^ inch wide and lax at maturity. The catkin scales are obovate, pale yellow, and covered with long, white hair. Mature capsules are narrowly conical, about 14 inch long, thick walled, brown, and glabrous, and stand on stout pedicels. Staminate flowers bear 3 to 5 or more stamens with free, finely long-hairy fila- ments, and pistillate flowers bear short styles capped by very short, 2-lobed stigmas. The flowering period ranges from late June to the middle of July, and capsules mature from early August into September. 40 SALICACEAE Distribution. — The Autumn Willow inhabits swamps and bogs from Newfoundland west to Alberta and south to Massa- chusetts, northern Ohio, and Indiana. Its occurrence in Illinois is substantiated for a single locality near Beach, in Lake County. SALIX FRAGILIS Linnaeus Crack Willow Brittle Willow The Crack Willow, fig. 4, is often shrubby, although at ma- turity' it becomes a slender tree up to 80 feet tall with gray, roughish bark and reddish-green twigs that are very brittle at the base. Its leaves are lanceolate, long-acuminate at the tip, acute at the base, distinctly and rather sharply serrate with rather widely set, small teeth, glabrous both above and below and distinctly glaucous below, dark green above, 3 to 6 inches long, and Yz to \ inch wide. The glabrous, gland-bearing petioles are ]/j_ to two-thirds inch long. The semicordate stipules are early deciduous. The catkins in flower are 1 to 3 inches long, the staminate bearing 2-stamened flowers, the filaments of which are sepa- rate and pubescent below. The pistillate catkins, which stand on the ends of lateral, leafy peduncles, are rather loosely flow- ered and at maturity become 3 to 5 inches long. The female flowers, bearing pistils with short styles and 2-notched stigmas, develop into conic, glabrous capsules up to ]/^ inch long, which are set on short pedicels that scarcely exceed the glands. The species flowers in early May with the leaves, and the fruit matures in June. Distribution. — The Crack Willow, a native of Europe, has been planted more or less widely throughout eastern North America. It is reported to have become an escape in northern Atlantic Coast states. In Illinois, it is somewhat doubtfully recorded from Kankakee County and in the Chicago region, where it is said to be a common escape along roads and fences. SALIX LONGIFOLIA Muhlenberg Sandbar Willow Longleaf Willow The Sandbar Willow, fig. 4, is a fairly tall shrub with clus- tered, gray-barked stems that attain a height of 5 to 15 feet, sometimes more. The usually linear-lanceolate leaves, which SALICACEAE 41 may vary to linear-oblanceolate or very narrowly elliptical, are acute at the tip, narrowed to the petiole at the base, 2 to 5 inches long by 14 to i/^ inch wide, green on both sides, thinly to silvery villous when young, and glabrate or entirely glabrous in age. The flat, non-revolute margins are interrupted by fine, di- vergent, widely spaced, spinulose teeth. The short petioles, only one-sixteenth to 14 inch long, are moderately slender and pubescent at first but later glabrous. There are no stipules. The twigs and branches are moderately stout, terete, reddish brown to brown, and generally pubescent at first. As a rule they become glabrous, although sometimes branchlets retain their pubes- cence for a year. The small buds are one-sixteenth to % inch long, pubescent at first, later glabrous, and a little redder than the twigs. The catkins, which appear after the leaf buds unfold, develop singly or in groups of 2 or 3 on slender, leafy lateral or subter- minal twigs ]4. inch long. The staminate catkins are ^ to 1^ inches long, the pistillate 1 to 3 inches long and rather loosely flowered. When in groups, the lower or lateral catkins appear later than the terminal ones. The deciduous catkin scales are yellow, lanceolate, and only thinly pubescent. Staminate flowers have 2 stamens, the filaments of which are free and pubescent, and each pistillate flower has a single gland and a very short, divided stigma capping an almost obsolete style. Capsules, when they are mature, measure yi to y% inch long and are am- puliform in shape. They are thinly to silvery villous when voung but glabrous at maturity, reddish brown to light or dark brown, and raised on very distinct pedicels. This species flowers in southern Illinois in early or mid April and in northern Illi- nois in early or late May, and fruit matures in June or even to late July. Distribution. — The Sandbar Willow is one of the most common willows of northeastern North America. It ranges from Quebec to New Brunswick, southward to Delaware, across the continent to Alaska in the north, over most of the Great Plains, and south to southern Louisiana. In Illinois, it probably occurs throughout the entire state, growing, as its name implies, very commonly on sandy shores and abundantly on the moist alluvial soils of streams and marshy regions, par- ticularly where land is subject to overflow from adjacent waters. 42 SALICACEAE The variety W heeler i (Rowlee) Schneider is distinguished chiefly by its leaves, which are shorter and broader, i.e., 2 to 4 inches long by about ^ to ^ inch wide, and also densely cov- ered by long and rather permanent hairs. It is in this last respect said to resemble the S. argophylla of the Pacific Coast. In Illinois, it appears to be rare and is definitely recorded only in St. Clair, Winnebago and Cook counties. SALIX CORDATA Muhlenberg Heartleaf Willow Cordate Willow The Heartleaf Willow, fig. 5, is a shrub of rather large size, generally 5 to 25 feet high, with a bushy habit and moderate to rather slender twigs that bear long, narrow, dark green leaves. The leaves are narrowly to broadly oblanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate at the tip, generally cordate but often rounded to the petiole at the base, dark green above and glaucous-white or at least lighter green beneath. They are closely and finely serrate but not revolute on the margins, often puberulent upon emer- gence but later glabrous*, and 3 to 5 inches long by yi to U/z inches wide. In age they become rigid, with strong, conspicuous, white or yellowish to light brown petioles at first more or less pubescent but later glabrous and about ]/i to Yz inch long. They are subtended by semicordate to rotund, sharply serrate, gla- brous, persistent stipules up to Yz inch long. The yellowish to dark brown twigs are terete, often lined or ridged below the leaf-scars; they are pubescent at first and often, the floral twigs especially, remain so throughout their first year, other- wise becoming glabrous. The appressed buds are dark yellow to dark brown, conical, pointed and pubescent, and measure about 1/^ to 14 inch long. The catkins, which appear simultaneously with the leaves, are nearly sessile. They are 1 to 2^ inches long and quite slender, being only about Y ^^^^ wide. Pistillate catkins become 2 to 3 inches long at maturity. Staminate flowers have 2 sta- mens, the filaments of which are glabrous. The styles of pistil- late flowers are short and undivided and bear 2 entire or divided stigmas half as long as the style. Mature capsules are lanceo- late, about Y iiich long, glabrous, greenish to tan brown, and provided with. a short pedicel about equal in length to the scale, which is oblong, lanceolate, brown, and more or less hairy. SALICACEAE 43 Salix pedicellaris Salix adenophylla Salix discolor FIG. 5 Salix cordata Salix glaucophylla 44 SALICACEAE Distribution. — The Heartleaf Willow is distributed widely over northeastern North America, ranging from New Bruns- wick southward to Maryland and westward into Manitoba in the north and Kansas in the south. In Illinois, it is common in most of the northern section of the state, from Lake Michigan westward to the Mississippi in Jo Daviess County, and ranges southward into Lawrence County in the east and Menard County in the west. It is subject to attack by an insect which causes the deformation of terminal buds into large, conelike structures. It is stated by authorities that this species hybridizes freely with S. sericea, less commonly with S. nigra, and resulting hybrids may be expected throughout its range in Illinois. Collections made by E. J. Hill near Kankakee and two speci- mens taken by Dr. Frederick Brendel near Peoria have been referred to the variety angustata Andersson, but these speci- mens are so like the general run of the species that they hardly seem worth varietal segregation. It is the opinion of C. R. Ball that the species is common in Indiana but that the variety does not occur there. Very probably we have the same situation in Illinois. The variety myricoides (Muhlenberg) Carey, thought by one authority to be the hybrid of S. cordata and S. sericea, is distinguished by its cinereous or canescent twigs with perma- nent pubescence, elongate leaves wnth blades tapering and acute at the base, sparsely appressed, small, ovate, pointed stipules that are hairy beneath, and capsules at first silky but later gla- brate. The range of this variety, from Massachusetts to Wis- consin and south to Kansas, includes Illinois, and specimens collected by V. H. Chase in Stark County, by E. J. Hill in Kan- kakee County, and by Elihu Hall in Menard County seem to be representative. SALiX GLAUCOPHYLLA Bebb Blueleaf Willow Glaucous-Leaved Willow The Blueleaf Willow, fig. 5, is a low, spreading shrub up to 7 feet tall with clustered stems, stoutish branches, and leathery green leaves that are densely blue-glaucous beneath. The leaf blades, elliptical-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate or even ovate, are 2 to 4 inches long by ^ to Ij^ inches wide, acute to shortly acuminate at the tip, acute, rounded or even somewhat cordate SALICACEAE 45 at the base, with serrate to crenate-serrate margins and inbent teeth that are gland tipped. The leaves are glabrous or some- what tomentose beneath on the lower portion of the midrib, and the nerves are rather prominent on old leaves. The stout branchlets are terete, glabrous in age, and yellowish to dark brown. They bear rather large, plump buds, ]4, to 14 i"^'h long, ovate in shape and blunt, reddish yellow to yellowish brown to dark brown in color, glabrous or occasionally quite noticeably though thinly pubescent. The stipules are subcordate to broadly reniform, j^ to ^ inch long, and acute, with serrulate, glandu- lar margins, glabrous, glaucous beneath like the leaves, and persistent or deciduous. The stout petioles are reddish yellow to dark brown, glabrous or pubescent on the upper side, and 14 to 1/2 inch long. The catkins generally appear before the leaves, arising later- ally from old wood above small, bractlike leaves. They are nearly sessile or peduncled and at first 1]/^ to 2^ inches long. The pistillate catkins become at maturity 2 to 4 inches long and 1/2 to ^ inch wide. The rachis and peduncle are pilose, and the brown scales, which blacken in drying, are also pilose. The staminate flowers bear 2 stamens, with glabrous filaments 14 to ^ inch long. The pistillate flowers have short, entire styles about twice as long as they are thick, and entire or divided stigmas. Mature capsules are ampuliform, 14 to ^ inch long, glabrous, and greenish to reddish yellow. They are raised on slender pedicels yi inch or more long. Distribution. — The Blueleaf Willow, a shrub of northern sandy and alluvial situations, ranges from eastern Quebec west- ward into eastern Wisconsin. In Illinois it is limited to the northern section of the state. It grows in Winnebago County, in Lake County on the sands with iS. adenophylla north of Waukegan, and on sandy ground near Lake Michigan in Cook County. Flowering occurs in late April and early May, and the fruit is ripe in late May and early June. This species has been considered a variety of S. glaucophylloides Fernald, which ranges much farther north and northeast. The variety angustifolia Bebb has narrower leaves, that is, not over one-fourth as wide as long, and they are acute at the base as well as at the tip. It is said to have the same general range as the species as a whole, but in Illinois it is reported only at Colehour and Englewood in Cook County. 46 SALICACEAE SALIX ADENOPHYLLA Hooker Gland-Leaved Willow Dune Willow The Gland-Leaved Willow, fig. 5, is low and spreading, often straggling, 3 to 5}/i or rarely 6 feet high, with short, stoutish branches, which bear crowded, short-stalked, ovate, thick and leathery, deep green leaves above conspicuous, subcordate stip- ules. Leaf blades, which vary from ovate to ovate-lanceolate, are at first silvery with long, silky tomentum but eventually be- come glabrous on both surfaces. They range from ll/^ to 3 inches long by ^ to 1^ inches wide. Their bases are generally cordate, though sometimes only broadly rounded, and the apices are acute or abruptly acuminate. Their margins are closely, finely and regularly serrate, and the teeth are gland tipped. The petioles are short, being V^ to ]4 inch long and, like the leaves, hairy at first but eventually nearly or quite glabrous. The semicordate to nearly ovate stipules, ]/i to y^ inch long, also are silky at first but become glabrous, and their margins are serrate with gland-tipped teeth. Twigs when young are silvery with silky hairs and remain more or less puberulent through 2 or more seasons. The bark, at first light reddish brown, becomes dark red to brown and bears numerous orange lenticels which appear in the second season. The conical buds, ]4- to }i inch long, are orange red, glabrous on the upper half, silky pubes- cent below, and stand closely appressed to the twigs. Catkins appear with or before the leaves, both kinds stand- ing erect on divergent, pubescent peduncles ^ to ll/^ inches long, and they often are subtended by 3 to 5 small leaves up to ^ inch long. Scales of the catkins are generally villous, ob- long, and pale brown. Both kinds of catkins are at first ^ to 11/4 inches long, but the pistillate catkins lengthen in maturity to 2i/^ to 3 inches and continue to be pubescent on the rachis. Staminate flowers contain 2 stamens, the filaments of which are glabrous ; and pistillate flowers bear 2 entire or slightly divided stigmas at the top of the short styles. The glabrous capsules in maturity are reddish, conic and without distinct beaks. They stand ^ to ^ inch high on glabrous pedicels nearly twice as long as the floral glands. Distribution. — The Gland-Leaved Willow is a shrub of northern sandy regions. It ranges from Labrador to James Bay and south to the Great Lakes region, reaching its most south- SALICACEAE 47 ern stations in northern Indiana and Illinois. It was at one time an abundant shrub on the sandy shores of Lake Michigan north of Chicago but is now much reduced in distribution and in abundance. It does not grow inland. SALIX PEDICELLARIS Pursh Bog Willow The Bog Willow, fig. 5, is a low, spreading or trailing shrub with erect, leafy shoots 1 to 5 feet high, which arise from long, creeping, root-covered stems that penetrate deeply into the bog. The leaves are glabrous, narrowly to broadly elliptical, ^ to lyz inches long by 14 to i/^ inch wide, thick and somewhat leathery, pale green above and often glossy, paler and usually white-glaucous beneath, obtuse or occasionally somewhat pointed at the apex and narrowed to the petiole at the base. The margins are entire and usually distinctly revolute, and fine glands often are present. The yellowish leaf veins are finely reticulated both above and below. Twigs and branchlets both are moderate in diameter to rather stout, brown to olive brown, glabrous, and generally terete, but often fine yet distinct ridges run down from the leaf-scars. The petioles are slender, gla- brous, and only ]/s to ]/^ inch long. The light brown buds are glabrous, rather plump and bluntly ovate, one- to three-six- teenths inch long, and stand appressed against the twigs. Stip- ules are entirely lacking. Catkins, which appear with the leaves, are cylindrical to oval and Y^ to lYz inches long. They arise from lateral buds on old wood and stand erect on leafy peduncles ^ to 2 inches long. The pistillate catkin becomes lax in fruit, though not pendulous, and its yellow scales are oval to obovate and either obtuse or somewhat pointed, glabrous, and a trifle pubescent. Staminate flowers have 2 stamens, the filaments of which are free, and pistillate flowers bear very short, entire styles capped by short, thick, entire or bifid stigmas. Mature capsules are lanceolate to narrowly conic, orange brown to brown, glabrous, spreading and loosely arranged, three-sixteenths to 14 inch long, and raised on a slender pedicel about Y> ^^^^ high. Distribution. — The Bog Willow grows in bogs and wet meadows or marshy ground from eastern Quebec across the continent to British Columbia, southward into New Jersey and 48 SALICACEAE Pennsylvania and, in the west, into Idaho and Washington. In Illinois, it is a rare plant, probably limited at the present time to the bogs of Lake County. Formerly it grew near Peoria, and Dr. Frederick Brendel collected specimens in Woodford County, "1 mile beyond the upper ferry," a locality said to be the farth- est south in the Mississippi valley for this species. SALIX DISCOLOR Muhlenberg Pussy Willow The Pussy Willow, fig. 5, usually is a shrub 6 to 12 feet high but occasionally is more or less treelike and up to 24 feet high, with unusually smooth stems, reddish-brown bark, and moderate to stout branchlets upon which the leaves appear after flowering. The leaves are lanceolate to rather strongly elliptical, with acute or shortly acuminate tips, acute or rounded bases, entire or coarsely toothed margins, and glabrous surfaces dark and shining above but densely glaucous and, in some varieties, also more or less pubescent beneath, especially on the midvein. They are 2 to '4 inches long by "1 to II/2 inches wide. The rather stout petioles upon which they stand are ]4 to i/^ inch long and glabrous in the typical form. The stipules are roundish to lanceolate, entire or toothed, glaucous beneath, and up to 14 inch long. Both branchlets and twigs are terete, reddish purple or dark brown, and glabrous in the typical form, with rather prominently raised leaf-scars. The typically glabrous buds are ovate to subconical, and their scales are bright orange brown to dark brown. Those that produce leaves are blunt, appressed, and about i/^ inch long; those that produce flowers are rather di- vergent, with sharp, incurved points, plump, and ]/^ to }^ inch long. Catkins appear before the leaves, bursting from buds on old wood. Both sorts are sessile, stout, and dense, without basal leafy bracts. The staminate catkins, commonly known as "pussies," are ^ to 2 inches long. The pistillate catkins, at first the same size, attain at maturity a length of 1 to 3i/4 inches. The catkin scales are elliptic to oblanceolate, dark brown, and clothed with long, shining hair. Staminate flowers bear 2 stamens, the filaments of which are pubescent and free from each other. Pistillate flowers have short, entire styles about as long as the usually entire stigmas. The capsules at SALICACEAE 49 maturity are conic, beaked, and densely pubescent with gray, woolly hairs. They are about 14 inch long, and stand on distinct pedicels that much exceed the floral glands. Flowering time is late March in the southern part of the state and mid April in the north. Fruit ripens about a month later, almost simul- taneously w^ith the unfolding of the leaves. Distribution. — The Pussy Willow is a common shrub in wet and swampy situations throughout northeastern North America. It ranges from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia westward into Saskatchewan and southward into eastern Delaware, Kentucky and southern Missouri. It grows in all parts of Illinois. The variety eriocephala (Michaux) Andersson differs from the typical form especially in having pubescent branches and bud scales, but also its leaves are thicker, more distinctly lance- olate, and pubescent beneath. It has the same range as the typical form, and numerous collections indicate that it is com- mon in Illinois. SALIX PETIOLARIS J. E. Smith Slender Willow This willow, known generally by no common name though sometimes called Slender Willow, fig. 6, is a few-stemmed shrub or small, gray-barked tree 3 to 6 or even 10 feet high. Its linear-lanceolate to lanceolate leaves, 2 to 4 inches long by 14 to ^ inch wide, are green and often shiny above but more or less densely glaucous and reticulate-veiny beneath; thinly pubescent with silvery hairs when young but glabrate or gla- brous when mature. The leaves are acuminate at the tip and acute at the base, and the margins are not revolute but are finely glandular toothed. The petioles are rather slender, brownish, and ]/4 to ]/z inch or more long. Stipules are not present. The slender twigs are terete, dark brown, and gla- brous to somewhat puberulent, and the branches diverge from the stems at angles of about 45 degrees. The flat, blunt buds, set above conspicuously raised leaf-scars, are orange brown to brown, small, ovate, about one-sixteenth to 14, inch long, and appressed to the stems. Catkins appear at the same time as the leaves. They are bracted and bear linear to spatulate, acute-tipped, light brown, thinly hairy scales. The nearly sessile staminate catkins are 50 SALICACEAE Salix tristis Salix Bebbiana FIG. 6 Salix petiolaris Salix humilis SALICACEAE 51 obovoid and ^ to ^ inch long. The pistillate catkins, about the same size when in flower, stand on leafy peduncles ^ inch long and at maturity reach a length of ^ to lyz inches. Stami- nate flowers bear 2 stamens, the filaments of which are free, slender, and glabrous or only finely pubescent at the base. Pistillate flowers have short, entire or divided stigmas joined to the ovary by an exceedingly short style. The mature capsules are lanceolate, thinly pubescent with silvery hair, yi to Y^ inch long, and stand on slender pedicels one-sixteenth to 14 inch high. Distribution. — The Slender Willow is a northern shrub which inhabits moist alluvial soil and ranges westward from New Brunswick into Saskatchewan and southward to New Jersey in the east and South Dakota in the west. Northern Illinois lies just within the southern limits of its range, and it has been recorded in Cook, Winnebago, Kankakee and Peoria counties. In the Chicago region, it is a shrub of low ground and is generally overlooked, although nowhere is it common. Almost without exception, specimens collected in Illinois belong to the variety gracilis Andersson, which is distinguished by its more slender and more graceful twigs, narrower and more sharply toothed leaves, and longer capsule pedicels. SALIX HUMILIS Marshall Prairie Willow Upland Willow The Prairie Willow, fig. 6, is a low shrub, generally only 2 to 7 feet, less often 10 feet, tall, with clustered stems bear- ing moderate to stout branchlets and crowded, leathery leaves. The leaf blades vary from linear-oblanceolate to obovate but are chiefly long-oblanceolate and measure 2 to 5 inches long by Y^ to ^ inch wide. They are acute or short acuminate at the tip and narrowed at the base, rich green above with whitish veins and glaucous below, puberulent to glabrous above and more or less tomentose beneath. The veins, beneath, are rather strongly reticulated, and the leaf margins are distinctly revolute, entire to undulate or, more commonly, undulate-serrate. The yellowish brown petioles are moderately stout, pubescent to glabrate, and V^ to ^ inch long. The twigs and branchlets are terete, yellowish, purplish or brown, and pubescent to glabrate. The linear to broadly lanceolate stipules are serrate, acute at the tip, asymmetrically acute at the base, distinctly stalked, 52 SALICACEAE pubescent, and glaucescent. The broadly ovate, appressed buds are yellowish, orange brown or even darker, heavily pubescent to glabrate, blunt to rather pointed, one-sixteenth to 14 inch long, and stand above prominent, closely spaced leaf-scars. The catkins appear before the leaves, in the latter part of April in the southern counties and in the early part of May in the northern. They are borne on old wood and arise from lateral and subterminal buds. They are sessile, naked, obovoid to cylindrical, and J/2 to 1 14 inches long. Pistillate catkins become % to li/^ inches long in fruit and are then divergent or often recurved. Staminate flowers have 2 stamens, the filaments of which are free and glabrous, and pistillate flowers have short, entire styles capped by short, divided stigmas. The capsules at maturity are slender, ampuliform, long beaked, gray-pubescent and brown. They are 14 to ^ inch long and stand on pedicels about one-sixteenth inch high. Distribution. — The Prairie Willow is a shrub of very wide range extending from Newfoundland westward into North Dakota, and southward in the east to Florida and in the west to Texas. Throughout ihis region it is a frequent, even com- mon, shrub of uplands and prairies. In size and texture of leaves, pubescence and other characteristics it is exceedingly variable, forms of it having been assigned no less than five distinct, mostly specific names. Practically all Illinois material is assignable to the variety rigidiuscula Andersson, which differs from the forms found in the north and east in having narrowly oblanceolate leaves that in age become both glabrate and strongly veined beneath. SALIX BEBBIANA Sargent Beak Willow Bebb's Willow The Beak Willow, fig. 6, is a tall shrub, or sometimes a small tree up to 25 feet high, with 1 to a few stems that bear numerous slender, widely spreading branchlets, which are gla- brous to pubescent, yellow^ish to brown, and abundantly marked with bud scars. The thick, firm leaves are obovate to narrowly oblanceolate, acute to abruptly acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, and lYi to 3 or 4 inches long by ^ to I14 inches wide. The margins are entire to wavy-crenate and a little revolute, and the surface is dull green and finely pubescent SALICACEAE 53 above but paler to glaucous and densely pubescent and rugose beneath. The stipules may be obsolete or, if well grown, semi- cordate, acute and serrate. The numerous catkins appear before or at the same time as the leaves. The staminate catkins are up to 1 inch long, sessile, yellow, and narrowed at the base. The pistillate catkins are ^ to I14 inches long and nearly sessile when in flower, but as much as 3 inches long and lax when in fruit, and terminal on bracted or leafy, densely hairy peduncles 1/ to •)4 inch long. Staminate flowers contain 2 stamens with slender filaments, which are free. The capsules, which are lanceolate and taper to a long beak, stand on slender pedicels, but the styles are almost obsolete and the stigma lobes are entire to deeply cleft. The scales in both catkins are lanceolate to oblong, mostly pale yellow but reddish at the tips, and densely to thinly long-hairy. The catkins are in flower during the early half of May, and fruit matures in late May and early June. Distribution. — The Beak Willow grows in moist but not swampy situations from Newfoundland to Alaska and south to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, eastern South Dakota and cen- tral California. In Illinois, it is abundant in the extreme northeastern corner, whence it ranges westward across the state, becoming rare in Jo Daviess County. SALIX TRISTIS Alton Dwarf Pussy Willow Dwarf Upland Willow The Dwarf Pussy Willowy fig. 6, is a low shrub, generally 12 to 18 inches, very seldom more than 2 feet, high with spread- ing, decumbent branches and crowded, small, heathlike, hairy leaves. The leaf blades are narrowly oblanceolate, Yi to nearly 2 inches long by l/g to y% inch wnde, acute at the tip and tapered to the petiole. They are dark green and pubescent to glabrate above but glaucous and woolly beneath, and the margins are entire, undulate or undulate-serrate, and strongly revolute. The short petioles are about i/^ inch long and generally pu- bescent like the leaves. The early deciduous stipules are minutely pubescent. Twigs and branches are slender to moderately stout, terete, at first puberulent and green, but glabrous and yellow, reddish brown, or nearly black in age. The reddish-brown, blunt buds are ovate, finely and often sparsely puberulent, and 54 SALICACEAE i 1 often stand collaterally in pairs appressed to the stem. They are one-sixteenth to ]/s inch long. The catkins are numerous and crowded, and appear in advance of the leaves. They are small, broadly oblong, three-sixteenths to ^ inch long, spreading, sessile or at the most short peduncled, and without bracts. Pistillate catkins become ^ inch long in fruit. The catkin scales are minute, reddish with reddish-brown tips, and lanate-hairy. Staminate flowers have 2 stamens, the filaments of which are free and glabrous, and pistillate flowers have very short, entire styles capped by short, entire or divided stigmas. The mature capsules are lanceolate-ampuliform, pu- bescent, generally red tinted at the base, i/^ to five-sixteenths inch long, and are raised on pedicels about one-sixteenth inch 4 high. Distribution. — The Dwarf Pussy Willow% which prefers sandy uplands, roadsides, and thicket borders, ranges from Massachusetts to North Dakota and south into Florida in the east, Tennessee and Missouri, eastern Nebraska, and South Dakota in the west. It should be found in suitable situations throughout much of Illinois, although its occurrence has been established only in Cook, Kankakee, Peoria and St. Clair counties. SAL!X SERICEA Marshall Silky Willow The Silky Willow, fig. 7, is a low shrub 3 to 8 feet tall, with clustered stems and dark green leaves that are brightly silvered beneath with close, silky hair. The narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate leaf blades are 2 to 3 or, rarely, 4 inches long by }/2 io }i inch wide, acuminate at the tip, acute or rounded at the base, dark green and puberulent to glabrous above, glaucous and densely shiny-silvery pubescent beneath. The veinlets above and below become finely netted in age, and the margins are finely serrate. The petioles on which the leaves stand are slen- der, yi to y^ inch long, light to dark brown, and puberulent to glabrous. The linear-lanceolate to semicordate, usually early deciduous, stipules are glaucous beneath and have serrate mar- gins. The slender, terete twigs range from light to dark brown, and from puberulent to glabrous. They bear blunt, ovate, flattened or plump, reddish-brown, appressed buds that are SALICACEAE 55 Salix Candida Salix subsericea FIG. 7 Salix sericea Salix capraea 56 SALICACEAE puberulent or glabrous and small, l/^ to three-sixteenths inch long. Numerous catkins appear in the spring before the leaves. They are sessile or very nearly so and are either destitute of bracts or have only 2 or 3 small bracts on their very short peduncles. The staminate catkins are ovoid to oblong and ^ to ^ inch long, and the pistillate catkins are I/2 to 1 inch long in flower and up to I14 inches long in fruit, w^hen they are narrow and cylindrical. The catkin scales are obtuse, ovate, dark brown, and covered by long hairs. Staminate flowers bear 2 stamens, the filaments of which are free and glabrous, and pistillate flowers have very short, though frequently divided, styles, which are capped by very short, notched stigmas. The capsules when mature are blunt, ovoid to oblong, silvery pu- bescent, and 1/^ to three-sixteenths inch long. They stand on a distinct pedicel which may be as much as one-sixteenth inch long. Distribution. — The Silky Willow prefers moist and boggy situations and grows in such places from New Brunswick west- ward into Michigan and south into South Carolina and south- eastern Missouri. In Illinois, it should be found in suitable situations throughout the state, but thus far its occurrence has been established only near Lake Michigan and in the Wabash valley. SALIX SUBSERICEA (Andersson) Schneider This willow, fig. 7, too little known to have a common name, is a large, widely branching shrub that attains 8 or 10 feet of height in the best specimens. Generally it is considerably smaller and is similar in many ways to S. petiolaris. Its narrowly lance- olate to oblanceolate leaves, which are i/^ to 2 inches long by 14 to J/2 inch wide, stand on petioles less than 14 irich long. The leaf margins are serrate to entire and slightly revolute. Young leaves are finely hairy, both above and below, and the hairs are silvery or often distinctly tawny. Eventually they become glabrous. The slender, glabrous branches are reddish to purple and provided with fine, longitudinal ridges. They are at first hairy like the leaves and after the first year bear dis- tinctly raised leaf-scars ^ to 1/^ inch apart. The ovate, pointed buds, which are appressed or, less often, a little divergent, are SALICACEAE 57 reddish to purple, finely hairy on the lower half, and about l/s inch long. Catkins appear at about the same time as the leaves. They stand on short, leafy pedicels, especially the pistillate ones, which are ^ to \l4 inches long and erect in fruit. The catkin scales are light brown, obovate, and thinly to densely fine-hairy. The styles of the pistillate flowers are short, spreading, and divided, with 2 long, spreading stigmas. The capsules at maturity are lanceolate, at first finely hairy but at maturity nearly glabrous, and stand on pedicels about one-sixteenth inch high. Distribution. — This unusual willow is known in Illinois only through collections of E. J. Hill at West Pullman, Cook County, and from the Barrens near Kankakee. SALIX CANDIDA Fluegge Sage Willow Hoary Willow The Sage Willow, fig. 7, is a low, very branchy shrub generally ^ to 10 inches, rarely 3 feet, high, with long, narrow, densely white-tomentose leaves. The leaf blades are linear-oblong or narrowly oblanceolate, ^ to 14 i"ch wide by \]/i to 4 inches long, and acute at the apex and at the base. They have revolute, conspicuously glandular margins that usually are entire but occasionally are crenulate. They are dark green and dull, nearly glabrous to thinly tomentose, with sunken veins above, and densely white-tomentose beneath. The petioles, about l/g to 14 inch long, are more or less whitened with tomentum. The moderately slender, round branches are divaricate, at first white with dense tomentum, later glabrous and yellowish, red brown or even darker, with buds spaced \4, to \^ inch apart, and often marked by distinct, fine ridges which are decurrent from the leaf-scars. The buds are red brown to red, ovate, blunt and rounded, often flattened, rather closely appressed, glabrous to tomentulose, and one-sixteenth to ]/% inch long. Catkins appear at about the same time as the leaves and are nearly sessile, or the pistillate ones may have leafy bracts and peduncles. They are ^/i to II/2 inches long in flower, and the pistillate catkins become ^ to 2 inches long in fruit. Scales are brown, obovate, and thinly hairy. Staminate flowers bear 2 stamens with slender, glabrous filaments; and the styles of pistillate flowers are short, reddish, entire or divided, and 58 SALICACEAE I capped by short, spreading, notched stigmas. The mature cap- | sules are about 14 inch long, lanceolate, and whitened with tomentum. They stand on short pedicels that hardly exceed the height of the floral glands. Distribution. — The Sage Willow is a shrub of the far north. It ranges from Newfoundland and Labrador westward across subarctic North America to British Columbia and southward into the New England states. New Jersey, northern Ohio and Indiana, and thence westward to the Rocky ^Mountains, where it again ranges southward as far as Colorado. Throughout this region it is an inhabitant of cold bogs in glaciated regions. In Illinois, it occurs most abundantly in the tamarack and sphag- num bogs of Lake County and in lake shore and dune bogs near Lake Michigan. It may, however, be found rarely in other parts of the state, as is evidenced by collections made years ago] by Dr. Frederick Brendel in Tazewell County. The Tazewell] County records are southern points for the Sage Willow. SALIX CAPRAEA Linnaeus Goat Willow Sallow Willow The Goat Willow, fig. 7, a native of Eurasia, introduced into America as an ornamental, is widely cultivated in Europe. It is often a small tree or, with us, a treelike shrub with large, coarsely subdentate leaves and moderately slender to large branchlets. The leaves, which are 3 to 6 inches long, vary in shape from narrowly ovate to rather broadly oblong-orbicular. They are dark green and glabrous and marked by conspicuous yellowish to brown midveins and whitish, prominent or obscure veinlets above, whitish or grey tomentose beneath with promi- nent, netted, brown veins and veinlets. The apex of the blade is acute or abruptly pointed and the base is rounded to the petiole, or subcordate, and the margins are revolute, subdentate to crenulate, and without glands. The leaves stand on stout petioles ^ to ^ inch long, which are more or less pubescent to tomentose and glandless. The terete twigs are moderate to coarse, tomentose when young but glabrate in age, and bear bark that is somewhat wrinkled to smooth, yellowish brown to dark red. The rather large, subconical buds are red to red brown, somewhat appressed, |/^ to 14 inch long, and either puberulent or glabrate. The early deciduous stipules are sub- MYRICACEAE 59 cordate, somewhat crenulate, about ^4 i"ch long, and pubescent. Catkins appear before the leaves, and both sorts of catkins are sessile. The staminate catkins are yi to \]/? inches long and very show^^, and the pistillate catkins are at first }4 to 1 inch long but in fruit become 2 to 3 inches long and stand erect on hairy peduncles ]/i to Yz inch high. Staminate flowers have two stamens with very long, yellow, glabrous filaments, and pistillate flowers bear short, usually undivided styles capped by 2 long, spreading, bifid stigmas. The scales are brown, lance- olate, and tomentose. The capsules at maturity are about |4 inch long, lanceolate, and tomentose, and stand on long, to- mentose pedicels which exceed the floral disk by three to four times. Distribution. — The Goat Willow is a native of Eurasia, but it has been widely used as an ornamental tree in Europe, where its leaves are considered ideal food for cows, goats and horses, and it has been transplanted to this country. In America, it is known chiefly by the pendulous or weeping varieties, which have been extensively planted. In Illinois, it is an occasional escape from cultivation. MYRICACEAE The Sweet Gale, or Bayberry, Family This is a family of monoecious or dioecious shrubs that bear flowers in short, scaly catkins and produce alternate, resinous- dotted, and often fragrant leaves. Female flow^ers develop, from the one-celled ovaries, a drupelike nut for fruit. There are but two genera in the family, the following occurring in Illinois. COMPTONIA L'Heritier Sweetfern This genus has the general characteristics of the family. The flowers occur in catkins or aments, and each flower, placed under a scale or bract, possesses a pair of bractlets. Staminate catkins are ellipsoid to cylindrical, and pistillate catkins are ovoid or globular. Both sorts arise from axillary, scaly buds. Staminate flowers have 2 to 8 stamens, the filaments of which tend to be joined toward the base, and 2-celled anthers. Pistillate catkins ripen Into globular to subcylindric, small nuts. 60 MYRICACEAE There are four North American species of this family, the Sweet Gale, native in the north and much used in decorative planting; the Wax Myrtle, the nuts of which are coated with wax; the Bayberry of the eastern coast; and the Sweetfern, which alone is native in Illinois. COMPTONIA PEREGRINA (Linnaeus) Coulter Sweetfern The Sweetfern, fig. 8, is a low, twiggy, mat-forming, sweet- scented shrub a little over 1 foot to nearly 3 feet high, with long, narrow, cut-edged, ferny leaves. Its branches are slender, pubescent, and bear alternate, linear-lanceolate leaves 1 to 4 or occasionally 5 inches long by i/^ to ^ inch wide. The blades, characteristically deeply cut into 20 or more rounded lobes or teeth, are dark green above, paler and pubescent beneath and on the midrib and margin above, and covered more or less densely on both faces with resinous glands. The apex usually is acute and the base is rounded to the very short petiole. The early deciduous stipules are small and half-cordate. The flowers are generally dioecious, though occasionally FIG. 8 Comptonia peregrina BETULACEAE 61 monoecious. The staminate catkins, about ^ inch long, clus- tered together on the ends of branches, fall about the middle of May. The globular pistillate catkins stand at the end of short, lateral branches. They become burlike at maturity and as a rule are 4-seeded. In the pistillate flower the ovary is surrounded by 8 long, narrow, awllike, persistent, pubescent scales or bracts that eventually surround and nearly conceal the light brown nut, which is only about ]/s inch long. Distribution. — More widely distributed than the other species of the family, the Sweetfern ranges from Nova Scotia westward to Saskatchewan, southward in the east to North Carolina and in the west into northern Indiana, northeastern Illinois, and Minnesota. In Illinois, it is known to occur only in the extreme northeastern corner of the state, growing in sandy open woods and swamps. BETULACEAE The Birch Family The birch family consists of monoecious or occasionally dio- ecious trees and shrubs with flowers generally in catkins. Staminate flowers always are in catkins, but pistillate flowers may be clustered or arranged in spikes. The leaves, subtended by early deciduous stipules, are alternate, simple, and straight veined. The fruit is typically a 1-celled or 1-seeded nut, which is borne free or inclosed in a foliaceous, sometimes woody, involucre. This is a small family of about 5 genera, some trees and some shrubs, all of which occur in Illinois. Ostrya, the Hop Hornbeam, Carpinus, the Hornbeam, and the tree birches have been described among the trees of the state. The shrubby forms include hazelnuts, alders and small birches. Key to Shrubby Genera Staminate flowers in catkins, pistillate flowers in clusters; nuts large, inclosed in a leafy, somewhat lignified involucre. . . . Corylus, p. 62 Both staminate and pistillate flowers in catkins; the seedlike nutlets free and winged. Fruiting catkins membranous; winter buds sessile . Betula, p. 64 Fruiting catkins woody, miniature cones; winter buds stalked Alnus, p. 66 62 BETULACEAE CORYLUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus Hazelnuts Filberts This is a genus of shrubs or, in other lands, small trees, which bear alternate, thin, doubly toothed, broad-bladed leaves. The staminate catkins arise singly or in fascicles from scaly buds onj year-old twigs, and the staminate flowers bear 8 stamens and 2 scaly bractlets attached to the inner face of the catkin scale. The pistillate flowers emerge, several together, from a scaly bud on the tip of an early, leafy shoot. The ovary in the flower is tipped with the short limb of the adherent calyx scales. One of its 2 ovules is sterile. The style is short, with 2 red, elongated, slender stigmas. The fruit, an ovoid or globose nut, is inclosed in a cup made up of 2 enlarged, leafy or woody bracts. This genus is, in America, represented by two native species. The filbert of commerce is a Japanese species. Key to Hazelnut Species Twigs and petioles glandular-bristly, fruit husk open to the top of the nut, its bracts toothed C. americana Twigs and petioles not glandular-bristly, fruit husk densely bristly, closed, and prolonged into a narrow, tubular beak C. cornuta CORYLUS AMERICANA Marshall Hazelnut American Hazel The Hazelnut, fig. 9, is a small, branched shrub generally 3 to 5 feet high, or occasionally of ranker growth and 15 or more feet tall. Its alternate, simple, 2-ranked leaves, often as much as 6 inches long by 4 inches wide but usually 3 by 2 inches, vary from nearly orbicular to the more usual ovate, and have acuminate tips, slightly obliquely cordate bases, doubly serrate margins, and teeth that are short and blunt. The upper surface is more or less pubescent, the lower thickly so, and the veins and veinlets are at times more or less densely overgrown with stalked glands. The rather stout petioles are ]/i to \ inch long, pubescent, and more or less covered w^ith glandular hairs. The gray or brown, zigzag branchlets, at first pubescent and also covered by green or reddish glandular hairs, the latter often persisting, are moderately stout or slender, terete, and contain continuous, pale, somewhat 3-sided pith. BETULACEAE 63 The solitary, alternate buds are round to ovoid, obtuse, gray- pubescent. l4 inch long, and have 4 distinctly exposed scales. They are sessile and seated somewhat obliquely above rather FIG. 9 Corylus cornuta Corylus americana small, half-round to triangular and somewhat raised leaf-scars, each marked by 3 bundle traces and flanked by elongated stipule scars. The graceful, ashen staminate catkins, pendulous at the ends of branches or in leaf axils near branch ends, are up to 2]/i inches long. They develop in the fall and flower the next spring. They may be single, or 2 to 5 may occur together. Their scales are pubescent, and each scale subtends a stamen. Pistillate flowers occur in inconspicuous, budlike tufts at the ends of branchlets and in axils of upper leaves on the current year's growth. These mature in the fall into shell-covered nuts, each inclosed by 2 enlarged, more or less pubescent and glandular- hairy bracts. The nuts, which occur in groups of 2 to 4, are globose and light brown, and the shell inclosing them is large, bony, and pubescent at the base. The mature nuts are yl to ^ inch in diameter. 64 BETULACEAE Distribution. — The American Hazel ranges, In a variety of soils and situations, throughout the temperate part of eastern North America, from Maine westward to Saskatchewan and southward to Florida and Oklahoma. In Illinois, It grows through most of the state, although it has not thus far been widely collected or reported. It flowers in March and April, and the fruit ripens from July to September. The Beaked Hazelnut, C. cornuta Marchant, fig. 9, has been reported, possibly erroneously, In Morgan and Pike counties. This species differs from the foregoing in that the twigs, at first covered only with scattered long hairs, become glabrate, and in that the bracts that surround the fruit are united and pro- longed Into the tubular, bristly beak for which the species is named. BETULA (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Birches The birches are trees and shrubs which bear alternate, broad- bladed, toothed leaves, and produce both staminate and fertile flowers in catkins. In the staminate catkins there are 3 flowers to each scale, and each flower has 1 calyx scale and 4 stamens with 1-celled anthers. In the pistillate catkins there are 2 or 3 flowers per scale, each of which has a naked ovary with 2 spread- ing stigmas but without a calyx scale. The ovary ripens Into a winged, scalelike nutlet. The buds on the birches are sessile and scaly. The staminate catkins are sessile also, may be ter- minal or lateral, and are formed in the summer and expand the following spring. The pistillate catkins stand at the ends of short, 2-leaved, lateral branchlets. In Illinois, the shrubby birches are represented by the one following species. BETULA PUMILA Linnaeus Dwarf Birch The Dwarf Birch, fig. 10, is a relatively low shrub 3 to 10 feet high, with reddish-brown, smooth bark, characteristic birch- shaped leaves, and. In late summer, catkins, which are to pro- duce flowers the succeeding year. The leaves are oval, obovate or nearly orbicular, and vary considerably in size, ranging from BETULACEAE 65 Betula pumila FIG. 10 AInus rugosa AInus incana 66 BETULACEAE ^ to 11/2 inches in length on fruiting branchlets and nearly 2i/^ inches in length on sterile branchlets. They are wedge shaped at the base, more or less rounded, though occasionally acute, at the apex, closely serrate on the margin, and at first hairy on both surfaces but later glabrous or nearly so. The twigs, pu- bescent when young, remain more or less so for a year or more and become reddish brown or, later, somewhat grayish. The pistillate catkins are usually about 1/^ inch long and 14 inch wide and stand on stalks about 14 inch long. Their scales are lobed to about the middle, the middle lobe being generally the largest, the lateral ones more or less spreading and some- what ciliate on the margin. The nutlets and the wings are variable, the nutlets being ovate to slightly obovate and the wings generally not so wide as the nutlets. Distribution. — The Dwarf Birch, a northern shrub, ranges from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan and south to northern In- diana and southeastern Minnesota. In Illinois, it occurs only in the extreme northeastern corner of the state, in Cook and Lake counties, in its typical habitat of bogs, swamps and lake shores. A variety, glandulifera Regel, is sometimes distinguished on the basis that in glandulifera young twigs are more or less abundantly dotted with glands. The typical form and this variety may be found in the same habitat and are so likely to intergrade that the distinction is made with considerable difficulty. ALNUS B. Eberhart The Alders The alders are shrubs or small trees, which bear alternate, broad-bladed, toothed leaves and produce stalked but few-scaled, solitary or raceme-like clusters of catkins. The pendulous stami- nate catkins have 4 or 5 bractlets and 3 or 6 flowers clustered at the base of each short-stalked scale, each flower having a 3- to 5-parted calyx and a similar number of stamens, the anthers of which are 2 celled. The scales of the pistillate cat- kins are fleshy and each covers 2 flowers and 2 small, adherent scalelets. In fruit they are w^oody. The alders are shrubs of stream banks, riverbottoms and swamps, as w^ell as of high mountainous regions. Of about 20 species, 9 are North American and 2 occur in Illinois. BETULACEAE 67 Key to the Alder Species Leaves conspicuously doubly serrate, the teeth sharp and rather coarse, the under surface glaucous; mature cones pendant; nutlets with a narrow, thick, marginal wing A. incana Leaves not conspicuously doubly serrate, the teeth small and rather blunt, the under surface green; mature cones erect; nutlets without a marginal wing A. rugosa ALNUS INCANA (Linnaeus) Moench Speckled Alder The Speckled Alder, fig. 10, is a low, stooling shrub with gray-dotted, reddish-barked stems that rise, at an angle of 20 to 40 degrees from the vertical, to a height of 8 to 10 feet. The broadly ovate leaves, 2 to 4\6 inches long and nearly as wide, are at first pubescent on both surfaces but become glabrate above with age and eventually nearly glabrous and distinctly glaucous beneath. The leaf tip is acute or shortly acuminate, the base broadly rounded or subcordate and often a little asymmetrical. The margins are doubly and sharply serrate, and the veins, beneath, are prominent, parallel, and pinnately arranged so as to terminate in the tips of the large teeth. The twigs are pu- bescent and grayish at first but become smooth and turn to golden or reddish brown marked by many dark specks. They are terete to slightly triangular, contain small, continuous 3-sided pith and bear rather large, 3-scaled, ovate, puberulent, stalked, gummy, red-brown buds ]4. inch long, w^hich are set singly above somewhat raised, half-round leaf-scars dotted with 3 bundle traces and flanked by narrow, inconspicuous stipule scars. The early deciduous stipules are conspicuous, foliaceous, lanceolate, entire, pubescent, and about i/^ inch long. The slender staminate catkins occur in groups of 3 or more. Each is 2i/4 to 3 inches long when in flower and stands on a peduncle yi to }^ inch long. The pistillate catkins occur in clusters of 2 to 7 near the end of branchlets. They are oval, about i/i inch long by ^ inch wide in flower but become woody and looser in fruit. The minute, reddish-brown to chestnut- colored nutlets are ovoid and flat, and the edge of the shell extends outward slightly into a narrow, thick margin or wing. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Speckled Alder grows in cold swamps and on low ground along streams from Newfoundland south- ward into New York and westward into Saskatchewan and 68 BETULACEAE Nebraska. In Illinois, which lies on the southern boundary of its range, it is to be found only on the moorland north of Waukegan, in Lake County, where it is rare. ALNUS RUGOSA (Du Roi) Sprengel Hazel Alder The Hazel Alder, fig. 10, is an erect shrub, usually 12 or 14 feet high but often in its larger growth somewhat treelike, with flexuous, ascending branches and distinctly obovate leaves, 2l/^ to 4 inches long and about tw^o-thirds as wide, which are dark green above and lighter green, glutinous, and often shiny beneath. They are pubescent on both surfaces w^hen young but become glabrate in age. The veins beneath remain, however, distinctly brown and hairy. The margins are finely toothed with minute, divergent, bluntly pointed teeth, each of which forms the end of 1 small veinlet. The leaf apex is rounded, with at times a small point, and the base slopes in a wedge shape to the petiole, which is of moderate size, pubescent, and ]/2 to }i inch long. The stipules are quickly deciduous. The m.ain branches and trunk are fluted, or angled, and covered wnth thin, nearly smooth, gray or, on younger growth, reddish to brown bark. The twigs are slender, straight, fluted or angled, dark reddish brown on all but the newest growth, and glabrous, but new growth is pubescent with brown hair. The blunt, pubescent, narrowly ovate, brown buds, about }/i inch long, are raised on stout stalks nearly as long as the buds. The leaf-scars are small, little or distinctly raised, narrowly to broadly oval, and marked with 3 distinct bundle traces. Staminate catkins are borne at the end of new growth. They are pendulous, stout, and ll.^^ to 5 inches long in flower. The pistillate catkins, formed the previous fall, are globular to ovate in shape, woody, conelike, ^ to ^ inch long, and stand erect on the end of branches in clusters of 2 to 5. Distribution. — The Hazel Alder ranges throughout most of the eastern half of the United States, from Maine to Florida and west to Minnesota and Texas, preferring throughout this territory the margins of streams, wet woods, and cold swamps. Its general distribution, however, is patchy, and large territories apparently are avoided. In Illinois, it occurs in practically all parts of the state, though it is more common northward. ULMACEAE 69 The European Alder, A. glutinosa (Linnaeus) Gaertner, has escaped from cultivation in Du Page County. ULMACEAE The Elm Family The elm family consists of trees and shrubs, which bear simple, 2-ranked leaves that are asymmetrically oblique at the base and monoecious, polygamous, or perfect greenish flowers arranged in cymes or racemes. There are 3 to 8 sepals, which are more or less united at the base, no petals, and there are 3 to 8 stamens opposite the sepals. The 2 pistils are united into a 1- or 2-celled, superior ovary, which develops into a 1-seeded samara, drupe or nut. The more than 150 species in this family, ascribed to about 15 genera, are widely distributed through the world, except in the very far north and the very far south. In Illinois, the family is well represented by elms and hackberries, but only 1 shrubby species occurs in the state. CELTIS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Hackberries The hackberries are shrubs or trees with thin, smooth or corky-ridged bark and usually serrate, 2-ranked, membranous leaves that are oblique at the base. The axillary flowers are monoecious, the staminate being either solitary or clustered and the pistillate usually solitary. There are 4 or 5 deciduous sepals, the same number of stamens, and a 1-celled ovary, which de- velops into a globose or elliptic drupe containing a small amount of pulp and a bony stone. There are about 60 species of hackberries widely distributed in temperate regions in the northern hemisphere and in the tropics. Besides two native tree species, the following shrubby species occurs in Illinois. CELTIS PUMILA Pursh Shrubby Hackberry The Shrubby Hackberry, fig. 11, is usually a low shrub 5 or 6 feet tall, less frequently a small tree up to 12 feet tall, with thin, 70 ULMACEAE smooth, gray bark and twigs that are hairy at first but become smooth or nearly so by autumn. The leaves are broadly to nar- rowly ovate, 11/4 to 4 inches long, rounded or somewhat cordate and oblique at the base, and taper pointed to acuminate at the apex. The leaf margins are entire or, rarely, bear a few teeth FIG. 11 Celtis pumila near the middle, and the blade is thick, smooth above at ma- turity, and generally more or less pubescent along the veins beneath. The globose to elliptical fruit, which matures in late autumn, is usually orange or light cherry color at first, later dark cherry red. Distribution. — The Shrubby Hackberry ranges from Penn- sylvania to Illinois and south to Florida and Arkansas, where it usually grows on dry sandy soils and rocky slopes. In Illinois, it is apparently widely distributed but is rare ahd local in occur- rence. It has been recorded in the northeastern corner of the state, apparently as an extension from the dunes of northern Indiana, but there are no intervening records between this and southern Illinois, where it has been reported in White, Johnson and Williamson, Union and Jersey counties. There is also a soli- tary record from the vicinity of Oquawka in Henderson County. LORANTHACEAE 71 LORANTHACEAE The Mistletoe Family The mistletoes are small, shrubby plants, which live as para- sites upon larger, woody plants and inhabit especially the branches of trees. In America the family is represented by two genera, one of which inhabits evergreen trees, the other deciduous trees. The latter, alone, occurs in Illinois. PHORADENDRON Nuttall The American Mistletoes The American mistletoes are shrubs parasitic on deciduous trees. They have opposite, leathery, flat leaves, usually jointed, brittle twigs, and small, bracted flowers that are dioecious and arise in axillary spikes. Both staminate and pistillate flowers are provided with a generally 3-lobed, globose or ovoid calyx, but have no corolla. The fruit is a globose to ovoid, fleshy berry. There are in the neighborhood of 100 species in this genus. All of them are inhabitants of America, but only 6 or 7 grow within the limits of the United States and only 1 grows in Illinois. PHORADENDRON FLAVESCENS (Pursh) Nuttall American Mistletoe Mistletoe The American ^Mistletoe, fig. 12, is a small, evergreen shrub that lives as a parasite on many kinds of deciduous trees. Its branching stems, which are glabrous or slightly pubescent, are not often longer than 12 to 18 inches, and its rather stout, terete twigs are brittle, especially at the base. Both branches and leaves are opposite. The leaves are almost sessile, oblance- olate to obovate, and ^ to 2 inches long by 14 to ^ inch wide. They are rounded at the tip and narrowed at the base to the very short petiole, and their margins are entire. They are quite thick and smooth at maturity and marked by 3 to 5 nerves. Pistillate plants can be told from staminate plants by the fact that their leaves are dark green. The dioecious flowers arise in spikes from the leaf axils, coming into blossom about -the last of October. The small 72 ARISTOLOCHIACEAE FIG. 12 Phoradendron flavescens globose berries, scarcely more than i/^ inch in diameter, mature in late November, and each contains a single seed surrounded by a whitish, sticky mass, which causes it to stick to trees to which it is spread. Distribution. — ^The American Mistletoe ranges from New Jersey westward into Missouri and southward to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is southern in occurrence, at present rare, but nevertheless interesting, partly because of its parasitic habit on trees and partly because of its botanical relationship to the holiday mistletoe. And indeed this shrub, where it grows, is used for holiday decoration. In Illinois, it appears to prefer American elm and black gum as hosts but it occurs also on many other species. In this state, it inhabits especially the Wabash and Ohio river bottoms, coming up the Wabash as far as Wabash County and up the Mississippi into the bottomlands of Union County. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE The Birthwort Family The birthworts are a family of low herbs or twining vines with alternate, mostly cordate leaves and perfect flowers which ARISTOLOCHIACEAE 73 have a conspicuous, lurid calyx joined at the base to the 4- to 6-celled ovary. The fruit is, in our species, a many-seeded, 6-celled capsule. The flowers lack petals and contain 5 to many stamens, which are more or less united with the style. Although chiefly South American, this family is widely known in our climate by the Wild Ginger and the decorative vine com- monly called Dutchman's Pipe. ARISTOLOCHIA (Tournefort) Linnaeus Birthwort Pipe Vine The twining birthworts are extensive vines with alternate, mostly petioled, entire leaves, which are ovate or cordate and palmately nerved. The flowers are characteristic because of the striking, bent and colored calyx, which is adnate to at least the base of the ovary and extends as a narrow tube that usually is inflated around the style and contracted at the throat, beyond which the 3 lobes are either spreading or reflexed. Of the three twining species of this genus in Illinois, only the following is woody. ARISTOLOCHIA TOMENTOSA Sims Woolly Pipe Vine The Woolly Pipe Vine, fig. 13, is a twining vine with per- sistently woolly or tomentose twigs, petioles and leaves, and with strikingly curved, yellowish-green, large flowers that somewhat resemble the Dutchman's Pipe. The alternate, simple leaves are ovate to nearly orbicular, 3 to 6 inches long or, generally, somewhat wider, rounded at the apex, and tend- ing to be cordate at the base. They are quite veiny, with 3 primary veins that are conspicuous and plainly visible above, and the margins are entire. The wooUy-tomentose petioles are rather stout and 1 to 3 inches long. The flowers, which usually are few, occur singly on the stems opposite the leaves, and the peduncles on which they are borne generally are longer than the opposite petioles. The long calyx tube is divided at its tip into 3 parts that spread or are recurved, and are yellow above the purplish throat. The oblong, dry cap- sule, 2 to 2Y2 inches long, is more or less tomentose and usually has 6 prominent longitudinal ridges alternating with 6 less 74 RANUNCULACEAE prominent ridges. The numerous seeds are flat, triangular, and ]/4 to y^ inch long. Distribution. — The Woolly Pipe Vine grows near streams and the backwaters of rivers from North Carolina and Florida westward into Kansas and Alabama. In Illinois, it is limited FIG. 13 Aristolochia tomentosa to the southern part of the state, where it occurs in its usual habitat, following the Wabash River northward as far as Wabash and White counties and coming up the Mississippi into Jackson county. Another species, A. durior Hill, the Dutchman's Pipe, widely used as a decorative vine, ranges from Pennsylvania to Minne- sota and from Georgia to Tennessee and Kansas. It has been reported in the Wabash valley in southeastern Illinois, but no specimens have been seen to substantiate the report. RANUNCULACEAE The Crowfoot Family The crowfoot family consists of herbs or climbing vines, which bear alternate or opposite, simple or compound leaves RANUNCULACEAE 75 without stipules, and regular or irregular flowers with 3 to 15 sepals and with or without as many petals. There usually are many stamens, and the numerous carpels are distinct and 1- to 2-celled. The fruit may be an achene, a follicle or a berry. This very large family, which includes the crowfoots and buttercups, contains nearly 1,200 species which are widely dis- tributed in temperate and cool regions on both sides of the equator and occur even at high altitudes in the tropics. Al- though the family is represented in Illinois by many common and well-known herbs, only the following genus is woody. CLEMATIS Linnaeus Virgin's-Bower Clematis The virgin's-bowers are climbing vines with opposite, pin- nately compound leaves, the leaflets of which may be entire or toothed, and short cymes of perfect or dioecious flowers that lack petals. The small sepals are white and resemble petals. There are many stamens and several to many pistils, each of which develops into a 1 -seeded achene, on w^hich the elongated style remains as a silky or plumose tail. Although there are more than 200 species in this genus, widely distributed in temperate parts of the northern hemisphere, only the following occurs as a woody vine in Illinois. CLEMATIS VIRGINIANA Linnaeus Virginia Virgin's-Bower Traveler's-Joy Love Vine The Virginia Virgin's-Bower, fig. 14, is a climbing vine with more or less woody stems as much as 18 or 20 feet long, which bear opposite, compound leaves, white flowers in axillary, leafy panicles, and plumose heads of seeds. The leaves are either ternately compound, with 3 leaflets, or, rarely, pinnately compound, with 5 leaflets, which are ovate, 2 to 4 inches long, acuminate at the apex, and rounded to subcordate at the base. The margins are coarsely toothed, and both surfaces are gla- brous to nearly so. The dull-white flowers, which are dioecious and about 1 inch in diameter, are borne in few-flowered axillary, leafy panicles. The sepals are obovate to spatulate, and petals are lacking. Each ovary develops into a hairy achene tipped with 76 MENISPERMACEAE the long, hairy or plumose, persistent style, and the achenes of 1 flower make a plumose head fully 2 inches in diameter. Distribution. — The Virginia Virgin's-Bower, a vine of shrubby thickets, ranges from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and FIG. 14 Clematis virginiana south to Georgia and Tennessee. In Illinois, it has been re- corded in almost every heavily wooded section of the state, with the exception of Jo Daviess County in the extreme northwest. It is not, however, truly woody except in the most southern part of the state. MENISPERMACEAE The Moonseed Family The moonseed family consists chiefly of woody climbers with palmate or peltate leaves arranged alternately on the stems, without stipules. The sepals, 4 to 8 in number, and the petals, 6 to 8 in number, are similar and are arranged in 3 or 4 rows. The dioecious flowers are small and bear 6 to many stamens or 3 to 6 ovaries which develop into oval, fleshy, 1-seeded drupes. MENISPERMACEAE 77 Although principally tropical, the moonseed family is rep- resented in Illinois by three species, belonging to three genera, each of them at times woody and all vines. Key to the Genera Flowers with both sepals and petals, anthers 4-ceIled, seeds in the shape of a large crescent or ring. Parts of the flower, i.e., stamens, petals and sepals, 6 each Cocculus, p. 77 Parts of the flower variable in number; sepals 4 to 8, petals 6 to 8, and stamens 12 to 24 Menispermum, p. 78 Flowers without petals, anthers 2-celled, seeds hollowed so as to be saucer-like Calycocarpum, p. 80 COCCULUS De Candolle Coral Bead Moonseed Littleberry Vine The coral beads are slender, twining vines, perennial and oc- casionally woody, that bear alternate, petioled leaves, which are ovate or cordate and entire or lobed but not peltate. The flowers are usually dioecious but may be polygamous and occur in axillary cymes or panicles. Both sepals and petals are in two series, and the flowers contain 6 stamens, which are more or less reduced in the pistillate flowers, or 3 to 6 pistils. The fruit is a somewhat flattened drupe, which contains a reniform or horseshoe-shaped stone. The coral beads, otherwise Asiatic and African, are repre- sented in North America by the single species described below. COCCULUS CAROLINUS (Linnaeus) De Candolle Carolina Moonseed Coral Bead The Carolina Moonseed, fig. 15, is a slender, twining vine with stems up to 25 feet long, from which alternate, more or less 3-pointed leaves arise on long petioles. The leaves are broadly ovate or deltoid, cordate at the base, palmately 3- or 5-veined, sometimes 5-lobed, and 2 to 4 inches long. Mainly they are glabrous above but densely pubescent beneath. The slender petioles are 1 to 4 inches long. The small staminate flowers arise in axillary and terminal panicles, 1 to 5 inches long, that are loose but not drooping. The pistillate flowers, other- wise similar to the staminate ones, occur in simple racemes. Both kinds have sepals and petals that are rough, or erose, at 78 MENISPERMACEAE the apex. The laterally flattened fruit is red, and V^ to 14 i"ch in diameter. It contains a kidney-shaped or horseshoe-shaped stone. Distribution. — The Carolina Moonseed grows in woods and thickets from Virginia to Kansas and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it occurs only in the extreme southern part, where it ranges along the Mississippi, Ohio, and Wabash rivers, reaching its most northern occurrence in the Wabash valley near Little Rock Ferry, Wabash County, and running north- ward into Jackson County along the Big Muddy River and near Grand Towner. Apparently it does not pass north of the Ozarks except along the rivers on either side. MENISPERMUM (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Moonseeds The moonseeds are climbing vines with alternate, peltate or cordate leaves that may be either lobed or entire and with flowers that are dioecious and that grow in panicles. Each flower has 4 to 8 sepals arranged in two series and 6 to 8 petals that are shorter than the sepals. There are 12 to 24 stamens and, in the fertile flowers, 2 to 4 pistils, each of which matures as a fleshy, 1 -seeded, blackish drupe containing a single crescent-shaped seed, for which the vine is named. There are two species of moonseed vines, one native in east- ern North America, the other native in Asia. MENISPERMUM CANADENSE Linnaeus Moonseed Vine Canada Moonseed The Moonseed Vine, fig. 15, is a climber of considerable length, ranging from 6 to 25 feet or more, with twining, slight- ly pubescent stems and with cordate and entire or 3- to 7-lobed or angled, alternate leaves set on slender petioles. These leaves are glabrate above and pubescent beneath, and measure 4 to 8 inches in width. Rarely, the petiole is set in near the mar- gin so as to make the leaf somewhat peltate. The greenish- white flowers occur in loose panicles, which arise from the axils of the leaves and develop oblong, bluish-black drupes; within the pulp of each a crescent-shaped seed is buried. Distribution. — The Moonseed, a relatively infrequent vine MENISPERMACEAE 79 FIG. 15 Calycocarpum Lyoni Cocculus carolinus Menispermum canadense 80 BERBERIDACEAE of woods along hillsides and streams, ranges from western Que- bec to Manitoba and south to Georgia and Arkansas. In Illi- nois, it grows throughout the length and breadth of the state, avoiding only purely prairie regions where there are neither woods nor thickets to furnish the necessary shade. CALYCOCARPUM Nuttall Western Moonseed Cupseed The cupseed genus is a monotypic one, confined to the south- central United States. It has the distinguishing characteristics of its one species, which is described below. CALYCOCARPUM LYON I (Pursh) Nuttall Cupseed Western Moonseed The Cupseed, fig. 15, is a high-climbing vine reaching to the tops of trees by twining stems, which bear large, petioled, pal- mately veined, lobed leaves. The leaves are thin, cordate at the base, strikingly 3- to 7-lobed, and 5 to 8 inches long, with acute to acuminate lobe points. They are glabrous above but more or less pubescent, at least on the veins, beneath. The dioecious flowers stand in slender axillary panicles and are provided with 6 sepals arranged in two rows, but lack petals. There are 12 stamens, imperfect in the pistillate flowers, and 3 pistils, each of which develops into a black, fleshy drupe nearly 1 inch long, containing in its thin flesh a round or oval, cup-shaped stone. Distribution. — The Cupseed vine, a plant of woody regions along streams, ranges from Kentucky into Kansas and south- ward into Florida and Louisiana. In Illinois, it is the rarest of the moonseed vines and occurs only in the extreme southern part of the state, in the valleys of the Wabash, Ohio and Cache rivers. Flowers appear in May and June, but the fruit does not become ripe until August. BERBERIDACEAE The Barberry Family The members of the barberry family are shrubs with yellow wood and inner bark, which bear alternate, simple or pinnately compound, spine-toothed leaves, and racemes or panicles of BERBERIDACEAE 81 small, yellow flowers with sepals in two rows above 2 or 3 small bracts, 6 petals arranged in two rows, and 6 stamens. The 1 -celled ovar}', capped by a shield-shaped stigma, develops into a few-seeded, usually juicy berry. There are more than 250 species in this family, with a wide distribution in temperate regions north of the equator and southward into the Andes in South America. Only the follow- ing occurs in Illinois. BERBERIS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Barberries The barberries, shrubs with the characteristics of the family, are armed with simple or branched spines formed by the trans- formation of primary leaves. The foliage consists of fascicles of secondary leaves developed in axils of the first. Flowers are borne in simple, drooping racemes, and the sour, red berries, which have no bloom, are edible. Of more than 150 species in this genus, perhaps as many as 50 have been introduced into cultivation, and 1, the Japanese Barberry or Berberis Thunbergii De CandoUe, is widely planted at the present time in Illinois. The following species was early introduced and became widespread and naturalized. BERBERIS VULGARIS Linnaeus Common Barberry The Common Barberry, fig. 16, is an erect shrub 5 to 10 feet or more tall, with gray stems and yellowish or yellowish-red branchlets, which are strongly grooved and bear many 3-parted spines along their length in place of primary leaves. Secondary leaves, developed in the axils of the transformed primary leaves, are elliptic to oblong or obovate, ^ to 1]/^ inches long, obtuse or rarely somewhat pointed at the tips, and narrowed at the base into a petiole J4 to 1/4 inch long. The leaf margin is serrate, and the teeth are pointed with small, weak spines. The inflores- cence, a raceme which terminates short, lateral branches, is many flowered, 1 to 2 inches long in flower, and 3 to 4 inches long in fruit. The flowers are yellow and \^ inch broad or more. The berries at maturity are oblong or elliptic, sour, and bright scarlet. 82 LAURACEAE Distribution. — The Common Barberry is a native of Europe and Asia, where it is widely used as a decorative shrub. It was brought to New England by early colonists and later was FIG. 16 Berberis vulgaris planted throughout the northeastern states. The berries are at- tractive to birds, which scattered seeds so extensively that the shrub became an established, naturalized species. However, it is now doomed to extinction, through the efforts of the Bar- berry Eradication campaign, which proposes, by destroying it, to remove one of the hosts of black stem rust. LAURACEAE The Laurel Family The laurel family consists of aromatic shrubs or trees with alternate, non-stipulate, and usually glandular-punctate leaves. The monoecious flowers have 4 to 10, most often 6, sepals ar- ranged in two series, but no petals. The stamens, more numer- ous than the sepals, are reduced in the pistillate flowers. In pistillate flowers, the pistils are solitary and the ovary is 1- celled; the fruit is a drupe which contains a solitary seed. LAURACEAE 83 The laurel family, widely distributed in the tropics and com- prising more than a thousand species, is most widely represented in Illinois by the very well known weed tree, Sassafras. Among the shrubs, it is represented here only by the following genus. LINDERA Thunberg The Spicebushes The spicebushes are shrubs, or rarely trees, with aromatic, spicy bark and entire, alternate leaves. They bear yellow flowers in umbels, which arise from old leaf axils before the leaves ap- pear. The flowers usually have 6 sepals, rarely 7 to 9, and there are as a rule 9 stamens in the staminate flowers. The fruit, characteristic of the family, is a pulpy drupe. There are over 60 species in this genus, all of them Asian except 2 that are North American. Some Asian species are trees. Both of the North American species are shrubs and occur in Illinois; they usually are classed in the genus Benzoin. Key to the Spicebush Species Leaves narrowed at the base ; the shrub glabrous throughout L. Benzoin Leaves rounded or nearly cordate at the base ; twigs and lower leaf surfaces pubescent L. melissaefolium LINDERA BENZOIN (Linnaeus) Biume Spicebush Spiceweed Benjamin Bush The Spicebush, fig. 17, is a stout, branching shrub 8 or 10 feet high with stems \ to lYi inches in diameter at the base, covered by rough bark interrupted with corky lenticels. Two kinds of leaves are to be found, all of them alternately placed. Those toward the upper parts of the branches are oblong-ovate or nearly oval; those farther down are generally much smaller and oval to nearly circular. The blades, commonly 2 to 5 inches long by 1 to 2i/^ inches wide, are acute or somewhat short-acum- inate at the tip and narrowed to the petiole at the base, green above and paler beneath, and the margins are entire. The petioles of the outer leaves are ]A, to Yi inch long, those of the lower leaves shorter. Flowers appear before the leaves in April or early in May, in small, stalkless clusters from the axils of the last year's leaves. 84 LAURACEAE M \ "x^ II V, 7/ Vi A FIG. 17 Lindera melissaefolium Lindera Benzoin HYDRANGEACEAE 85 There are generally 3 to 6 bright yellow flowers in a cluster. The pistillate flowers develop into bright red, fleshy drupes, which ripen in October or November, are bluntly oval to nearly spherical, nearly Yi inch long, and stand on pedicels about half as long. Distribution. — The Spicebush, an undershrub in wet woods, ranges from Maine westward to central Michigan and south into Georgia, Mississippi and Kansas. It occurs throughout Illinois wherever a suitable habitat is to be found. LINDERA MELISSAEFOLIUM (Walter) Blume Hairy Spicebush The Hairy Spicebush, fig. 17, is very similar to the common Spicebush in shape and size but is distinguished by the dense pubescence of the young twigs, buds, and lower surface of the leaves. Also, the leaf blades are ovate-lanceolate to oblong, acute or acuminate at the apex, and rounded to subcordate at the base. They are 2 to 4 inches long by ^ to ll/^ inches wide and stand on petioles l/^ to ^4 i^^^h long. The fruit develops from the pistillate flowers and is about Y2 inch long and oval. Distribution. — The Hairy Spicebush inhabits swamps and wet soil from Missouri to North Carolina and south to Alabama and Florida. Throughout its range it flowers in February and March. In Illinois, it is rare and occurs only in the southern tip of the state. HYDRANGEACEAE The Hydrangea Family The hydrangea famih' consists of shrubs, trees and some vines, which bear opposite leaves w^ithout stipules and perfect flowers arranged in cymes. The flowers may have 4 to 10 sepals and the same number of petals, and there may be 8 to many stamens and 2 to 5 or, rarely, 10 united pistils per flower. The ovary is partly or w^hoUy inferior, and the styles arising from it may be distinct or united. The fruit, when developed, is a capsule. There are some 16 genera and 80 species in the family, but in Illinois it is represented only by the two wild, native hydrangeas and by the introduced, sometimes escaped, Mock Orange or Syringa. These may be distinguished as follows. 36 HYDRANGEACEAE Key to the Genera Flowers with small petals and 8 to 10 stamens, the hypanthium ribbed in fruit Hydrangea Flowers with large petals and 12 to 16 stamens, the hypanthium in fruit not ribbed Philadelphus HYDRANGEA (Gronovius) Linnaeus The Hydrangeas The hydrangeas are shrubs with opposite leaves and perfect flowers borne in cymes. The flowers have 4 or 5 sepals, minute except in the sterile flowers, where they are enlarged and petal- like. There are 4 or 5 petals and 8 or 10 stamens. Each inferior ovary consists of 2 to 4 united carpels and has the same number of cells. Styles are wanting, but there are 2 to 4 stigmas. The capsule is membranous walled and open at the top and contains numerous seeds. The genus is represented in Illinois by the following species. Key to the Hydrangea Species Leaves glabrous or with only scattered hairs H. arborescens Leaves densely grayish-tomentose on the underside H. cinerea HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS Linnaeus Hydrangea Smooth Hydrangea The Smooth Hydrangea, fig. 18, is a shrub which grows in clumps, generally to about 3 feet, seldom as much as 6 feet, high. Its old stems are covered by shreddy bark and its pubescent branchlets bear opposite, rather large leaves which are ovate or nearly orbicular. The leaf blades, supported on slender petioles 1 to 4 inches long, are short-acuminate at the apex, cor- date or rounded at the base, 3 to 6 inches long by nearly as wide, and sharply dentate or serrate on the margins. The upper surface often is more or less sparsely pubescent, the lower sur- face more or less pubescent on the main nerves and lighter green than the upper. The small flowers appear in the latter part of June and in July, standing in terminal cymes or cymelike, white clusters. The flowers in the clusters are of two kinds, fertile and sterile, the sterile being generally fewer and on the outer margins of the clusters. Fertile flowers develop small, 2-celled capsules, HYDRANGEACEAE 87 FIG. 18 Philadelphus coronarius u.,^.-,^^^^ ^;««^a, , , , , nydrangea cinerea Hydrangea arborescens ' 88 HYDRANGEACEAE ripe in the autumn, which are glabrous, a little broader than long, and generally prominently ribbed. Each contains many seeds, which also are longitudinally ribbed. Distribution. — The distribution of the Smooth Hydrangea is from New York west to Missouri and Oklahoma and south to Georgia and Alabama. With us, it is a plant of wet, shady ravines, and in this habitat it lives throughout the southern two- thirds of Illinois, the most northern record being Starved Rock in La Salle County. HYDRANGEA CINEREA Small Ashy Hydrangea The Ashy Hydrangea, fig. 18, is a spreading shrub 3 to 6 feet high that bears large, round or ovate to elliptic leaves, the blades of which are acuminate at the tip, rounded or cordate at the base, and serrate along the margins. They are 3 to 6 inches long and as a rule somewhat thicker and heavier than those of the preceding species, green on the upper side and nearly gla- brous, but tomentose beneath. The cymes of flowers are round topped rather than flat topped, as in the Smooth Hydrangea, and commonly 1 to 4 inches broad. Sterile flowers, often called ray-flowers, are usually present, and the mature capsule is ]/i inch long or less and not quite so wide. Flowers appear in June and July, and fruiting heads with their conspicuous, whitened ray-flowers are mature in late summer and early fall. Distribution. — The Ashy Hydrangea grows in mountainous regions from North Carolina west to Missouri and southward into Georgia and Alabama. In Illinois, it occurs only in the Ozark region in the extreme southern part of the state, the present records of occurrence being limited to the vicinity of Vienna in Johnson County and to Dixon Springs, Golconda and Brownfield in Pope County. This species is sometimes consid- ered a variety of the preceding species and then is known as H. arboresceris var. Deamii St. John. The Silverleaf Hydrangea, H. radiata Walter, has been re- ported from two counties in the state, Washington and Ver- milion. Both of these are very old records and are, quite obviously, misidentifications. The record in both cases undoubt- edly applies to one of the hairy varietal forms of the ordinary species, arborescens. ITEACEAE 89 PHILADELPHUS Linnaeus Mock Oranges Syringas The mock oranges are branching shrubs with toothed or en- tire, opposite leaves and perfect flowers borne singly or in cymes at the end of short, leafy branches. There are 4 or, rarely, 5 sepals in the flowers, which are persistent, and 4 or, rarely, 5 white or yellowish-white petals. The stamens are usually nu- merous, that is, from 25 to 60, and the 4-celled ovaries are about two-thirds inferior. The mature fruit is a capsule which is more or less woody, and contains numerous seeds, the coats of which are netted. PHILADELPHUS CORONARIUS Linnaeus Syringa Mock Orange The Syringa, fig. 18, is a 6- to 12-foot shrub characterized bv brown, glabrous bark, which exfoliates in flakes during the second season. The apparently 3-nerved leaf blades are ovate or oval, denticulate along the margins, glabrous, or pubescent beneath, and 2 to 4 inches long. They are acute or acuminate at the tip and rounded or narrowed at the base, and the teeth on the margins are rather distantly spaced. The creamy white, very fragrant flowers are arranged in racemes at the end of the branches, and are about 1 to ly'z inches broad. There are 5 to 9 flowers in each raceme. Distribution. — The Syringa is an introduced shrub that has escaped somewhat sparingly from cultivation in Illinois. The appearance of the flowers, which bloom in May and June, gives rise to the occasionally used name Orange Flo\ver Tree. A single native species, P. verrucosus Schrader. has been reported in literature as being found on rocky talus below high bluffs on the Ohio River near Golconda in Pope County. This, the only record of its occurrence in Illinois or elsewhere, needs substantiating. ITEACEAE The Virginia Willow Family The Virginia willow family is a small family of shrubs and small trees with simple, alternate leaves without stipules and 90 ITEACEAE with perfect flowers borne in terminal racemes. The calyx tube is 5-lobed and adnate at the base to the ovary, and the 5 petals are linear. There are 4 stamens and a 2-celled ovary, w^hich develops into a 2-valved, several- to many-seeded capsule. The one genus in this family contains perhaps 10 species, all native in southeastern Asia with the exception of the following, which is North American. The genus is, by some botanists, included in the Saxifragaceae. ITEA (Gronovius) Linnaeus Sweetspire Virginia Willow , The Sweetspires are deciduous or, occasionally, evergreen shrubs or trees with small, superposed buds and alternate, ser- rate leaves without stipules. The flow^ers are white, small, and perfect and are borne in terminal or axillary racemes or pani- cles. The calyx tube, which consists of 5 sepals, is persistent. There are 5 stamens, and the 2-celled, superior ovary develops into an elongated, 2-grooved capsule which contains many flat- « tened seeds. fl ITEA VIRGINICA Linnaeus Virginia V/illow I The Virginia Willow, fig. 19, is an upright shrub 3 to 9 feet tall, with slender, wandlike branches, which are pubescent while young but become glabrate when old. The simple, alter- nate leaves, which stand on petioles about ^4 ii^ch -long, are el- liptic to oblong, acute to short-acuminate at the tip, usually cuneate at the base, and 1^ to 4 inches long. The margins are serrulate, and the surface is glabrous above but often spar- ingly pubescent beneath. The small, fragrant, white flowers, which are in bloom in July and August, are borne in dense, up- right, pubescent racemes 2 to 6 inches long. The fruit develops as a narrow, pubescent capsule about 14. inch long. Distribution. — The Virginia Willow is a shrub of wet places, in which it ranges from New^ Jersey to Missouri and southward to Florida and Louisiana. In Illinois, where it approaches the northwestern limits of its range, it is a rare and localized species found only in the extreme southern tip of the state, where it is recorded from the Sandusky Swamp and a GROSSULARIACEAE 91 FIG. 19 Itea virginica Cache River cypress swamp in Alexander County, from a swamp near Karnak in Pulaski County, and from swamps near Rago in Johnson County. GROSSULARIACEAE The Gooseberry Family The gooseberries are shrubs with simple alternate leaves that are triple or palmately nerved and with flowers having sepals, petals, and stamens numbering as a rule 5 but occasionally 4. The ovary is inferior, and the fruit is a berry. This family is made up of two distinct kinds of plants, closely related, and much used for their fruit as well as for decoration — the goose- berries and currants. They are distinguished as follows. Key to the Genera Unarmed shrubs with racemes made up of 5 or more flowers; bractlets of the flowers linear; fruit pedicel jointed beneath the fruit Ribes. p. 92 Shrubs armed with spines at the nodes ; the flowering racemes having clusters of only 1 to 4 flowers as a rule ; bractlets smaller and sheathlike; fruit pedicel not jointed beneath the fruit Grossularia. p. 94 92 GROSSULARIACEAE RIBES Linnaeus The Currants The currants are unarmed shrubs with alternate, palmately veined and usually also palmately lobed leaves. The inflores- cence is several to many flowered, the flower pedicels are jointed, and a small pair of bractlets often is present at the nodes. The shrubs bear perfect flowers and these develop Into thin-skinned berries that never are spiny and may have or be without glands. The fruit disarticulates from the pedicel at the joints. The currants are represented in Illinois by a single native species. RIBES AMERICANUM Miller American Black Currant The American Black Currant, fig. 20, is an erect shrub, growing 1 to 2i/2 feet high, with branches which bear neither spines nor bristles. The leaves are nearly orbicular in outline but 3-lobed, with the lower lobes sometimes so deeply cut that the leaves appear 5-lobed. They are 1 to 3 inches wide, some- what pubescent, and resinous dotted on the underside. The margins are dentate-serrate, and the lobes are acute. Flowers are borne In pendulous, rather loose, pubescent racemes, which arise from the axils of leaves on short fruiting spurs. These flowers are greenish yellow and about one-third inch long, and each has a linear, small bractlet. They stand on pedicels that are much shorter than the flowers. The calyx lobes are about as long as the tube of the corolla, oblong, rounded at the apex, and more or less pubescent. The petals and the stamens are a little shorter than the sepals. The fruit matures in July and August from the flowers which appeared In May. The berries are globose, black, smooth, and about ]/\ Inch In diameter. Distribution. — The American Black Currant Is a woods- inhabiting plant that grows from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and south to Virginia, Iowa and Nebraska. In Illinois, it is most frequent In the woods of the northern part of the state, Inhabit- ing there the boggy places along streams. Probably it grows throughout the state but Is rare southward. GR05SULARIACEAE 93 FIG. 20 Ribes americanum Grossularia cynosbati Grossularia missouriensis 94 GROSSULARIACEAE GROSSULARIA (Tournefort) Miller The Gooseberries The gooseberries are spreading or upright shrubs that nor- mally are armed at the nodes with simple or 3-forked spines and that bear rounded or kidney-shaped leaves which usually are 3 to 5 cleft and crenate or dentate on the margins. The flowers arise in few-flowered racemes from the axils of leaves on short fruiting spurs. The flower pedicels are not jointed. The fruit is a berry with, in most species, a smooth but, in some, a glandu- lar hispid or spiny skin. Gooseberries have been widely cultivated, both for their fruit and because of their decorative value. Although gooseberries are distributed throughout the temperate zone, the bulk of the species occur in the United States, and in Illinois the following are to be found. Key to the Gooseberry Species Calyx lobes shorter than the tube of the flower; the ovary and the berry prickly G. cynosbati, p. 94 Calyx lobes longer than the tube of the flower; the ovary and the berry without prickles. Spines at the nodes about 14 to ^ inch long; the anthers of the flowers exserted G. missouriensis, p. 95 Spines at the nodes about 14 inch long; the anthers not exserted G. hirtella, p. 96 GROSSULARIA CYNOSBATI (Linnaeus) Miller Pasture Gooseberry Dogberry The Pasture Gooseberry, fig. 20, is a spreading or, rarely, erect shrub seldom more than 2 feet high, with spines at the nodes and, on younger branches, generally covered more or less densely with long, reddish prickles. The leaves are nearly orbicular in outline but 3-lobed, with the lower lobes some- times more or less lobed also, cordate or truncate at the base, and acute or obtuse at the lobe point. They are 1 to 2 inches wide and about as long, and their margins are crenate-dentate or incised. They stand on slender, generally pubescent petioles 1/^ to \]A inches long. There are 1 to 3 green flowers on the peduncled racemes, sup- ported by slender pedicels. These flowers, 14 inch or a little longer, are characterized by oblong calyx lobes which are GROSSULARIACEAE 95 shorter than the tube of the flower, and the stamens are not exserted beyond the tube. The berries, which are one-third to Yi inch in diameter, mature from the last of July on into Sep- tember from flowers that appeared in April or May. They are reddish purple, covered with few to many prickles, and vary considerably in size on the same bush. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Pasture Gooseberry grows in rich, moist soil from New Brunswick westward to Manitoba and southward to North Carolina and Missouri. It occurs in suit- able habitats throughout Illinois, but it is not to be searched for in the prairie regions and has not been recorded south of the Ozarks. GROSSULARIA MISSOURIENSIS (Nuttall) Coville & Britton The Missouri Gooseberry The Missouri Gooseberry is larger than the common Pas- ture Gooseberry and more nearly erect, reaching commonly a height of 4l/^ feet. Spines, 1 to 3 in number, are generally pres- ent on the nodes, and are somewhat larger than those of the other species. The white or whitish younger branches are sometimes covered by prickles. The blades of the leaves, Vj^ to Xy'l inches long, are nearly orbicular but 3-lobed, the lower lobes being sometimes more or less lobed also. The leaf bases are subcordate, truncate, or even somewhat rounded, and the lobes are generally obtuse, though sometimes acute, at the tip. The leaf margin is closely and irregularly crenate-dentate. and the leaf surface is pubescent when young, but smooth or nearly so at maturity above and always pubescent beneath. The leaves stand on pubescent petioles. The flowers, w^hich appear in April or May, are greenish and occur in clusters of 1 to 3 on each peduncle. Both peduncles and pedicels are pubescent and sometimes also glandular, and the bractlets are sheathing and glandular ciliate. In the flowers, both stamens and styles are longer than the calyx lobes and ap- pear exserted. The fruit, which matures from July to Septem- ber, is purplish, smooth on the surface, and nearly Yi inch in diameter. Distribution. — The Missouri Gooseberry is a shrub which prefers the wooded banks of streams or the steep slopes of ra- 96 HAMAMELIDACEAE vines. It is to be found from Michigan west to South Dakota and south to Tennessee and Oklahoma. In Illinois, it is widely distributed but has been collected and recorded a relatively small number of times. The Low Wild Gooseberry, G. hirtella (Michaux) Coville & Britton, an erect shrub generally somewhat less than 3 feet high, with few or no nodal spines and pinkish to cherry-colored or sometimes purplish to black fruit less than Yl ii^ch in diame- ter, has not to our knowledge been found in the state. It is a plant characteristically inhabiting tamarack bogs and swampy places in woods and along streams. Since northern Ohio and Indiana are on the southern boundary of its range, it may possibly be found in northeastern Illinois. HAMAMELIDACEAE The Witch-Hazel Family The witch-hazel family consists of shrubs or trees which bear alternate, simple leaves and flowers which may be perfect, polygamous or monoecious. There are 4 or 5 sepals in each flower and the same number of linear or spatulate petals, or the petals may be wanting. The stamens may be 4 to many, with distinct filaments. The ovary consists of 2 united carpels and is 2-celled. It is partly inferior and is capped by 2 styles. The ovules are solitary in each carpel. The members of the family develop as fruit a woody or coriaceous capsule which is elastic- ally dehiscent. The witch-hazel family consists of some 13 genera and about 40 species, which are natives of North America, Asia and South Africa. In North America, 2 genera, both shrubs, are native, and 1 is native in Illinois. HAMAMELiS Linnaeus The Witch-Hazels The witch-hazels are shrubs with alternate leaves and yellow, bracted flowers which appear in late summer or in autumn. The calyx of the flower is made up of 4 sepals which are persistent and adnate to the lower part of the ovary. There are also 4 elongated, linear, persistent petals, which are wanting in the staminate flowers. The stamens are 4, and the ovary is 2-celled HAMAMELIDACEAE 97 and capped by 2 short styles. The fruit Is a woody capsule, which is at length 2-valved at the summit and contains an ob- long, shining seed. There are three known species in this genus, two of which occur in Japan. The third is native in eastern North America. HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA Linnaeus Witch-Hazel Spotted Alder The Witch-Hazel, fig. 21, is a shrub, or less often a small tree, reaching at the most a height of about 20 feet, with slightly scurfy or glabrous twigs and short-petioled, ovate or broadly oval leaves that are pointed to obtuse at the apex and somewhat cordate and asymmetrical at the base. Bright yellow flowers occur in axillary clusters late in the season. The leaves are stellate pubescent, at least when young, 2 to 5 inches long, thick, and repand-dentate. The flowers are nearly sessile and have narrow petals about one-sixteenth inch wide and 1/^ to ^ inch long. The lobes of the calyx are spreading or recurved, oval, and ciliate and pubescent on the outer surface. Capsules mature during the second season. FIG. 21 Hamamelis virginiana 98 ROSACEAE They are beaked by the 2 persistent styles, are densely pubes- cent, and are 14 to one-third inch high. They at length burst open and reveal the bony, oblong, black seeds, which are not quite so large as the capsule. Distribution. — The common Witch-Hazel, a plant of ravine slopes and low woods, grows from Nova Scotia to Ontario and Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. It is found in Illinois wherever a suitable habitat occurs, although it is not to be looked for in purely prairie regions. This is the shrub from which the witch-hazel used in medi- cine is derived. The bark and leaves are the source of the drug. It is the plant that furnished the forked hazel branches used by early settlers to search for underground water. ROSACEAE The Rose Family The rose family is an exceedingly large one, made up of herbs, shrubs and trees, all of which bear alternate, simple or compound leaves and, generally, stipules. The flowers of all members of the family are regular, usually having 5 sepals and 5 petals. The stamens are commonly numerous, and the fruit is usually a follicle or an achene. With more than 75 genera and more than 1,200 species, this family is very widely distributed over the world. JMany of its members furnish food and many of them also are valuable as ornamentals. It has, therefore, great economic importance. Key to the Shrubby Genera Shrubs with unarmed stems. Shrubs with simple leaves and white or rose-colored flowers. Shrubs with branches which curve down, corymbose in- florescence, and carpels united at the base and in maturity inflated, opening by 2 sutures. Physocarpus, p. 99 Shrubs with erect or ascending branches, paniculate in- florescence, and carpels free at the base and in matur- ity not inflated, opening by only 1 suture. . .Spiraea, p. 101 Shrubs with compound leaves and yellow flowers Potentilla, p. 103 Shrubs with stems armed with prickles or bristles, sometimes with both. Flowers white or purple ; the fruit an aggregate of fleshy carpels, edible Rubus, p. 105 Flowers rose colored ; the fruit a more or less fleshy hip, not commonly eaten Rosa, p. 117 ROSACEAE 99 PHYSOCARPUS Rafinesque The Ninebarks The ninebarks are shrubs with exfoliating bark, which bear alternate. 3- to 5-ribbed and more or less lobed leaves usually pubescent with more or less stellate hairs. The flowers occur in terminal corymbs and have 5 persistent sepals and 5 white or pinkish petals, 20 to 40 stamens, and 1 to 5 pistils, which are more or less united at the base. The fruit at maturity is a more or less inflated capsule which opens along both sutures, and the shiny, bony-coated seeds are obliquely pear shaped. Key to the Ninebark Species Leaves ovate, carpels usually 5 and glabrous P. opulifolius Leaves suborbicular, carpels 3 or 4 and finely pubescent P. intermedius PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS (Linnaeus) Maximowicz Common Ninebark The Common Ninebark, fig. 22, is a much-branched and spreading shrub, reaching occasionally 9 or 10 feet in height; the old bark exfoliates in long, thin strips. The branchlets and the upper branches are more or less pubescent. The kaves are ovate to nearly orbicular and more or less definitely 3-nerved, sometimes also 3-lobed, and for the most part cordate or trun- cate at the base. They are glabrous, 1 to 2 inches long on the fruiting branches and on the sterile branches often almost twice as large. The margins are irregularly and doubly crenate, and at maturity the surface is smooth or nearly so above but more or less pubescent beneath, at least on the main nerves. The white flowers occur in terminal corymbs in May or early June, 25 or more in a cluster. The sepals are ovate, acute, and pubescent inside and out, and the petals are broadly ovate to nearlv orbicular and more or less pubescent on both sides. The fruit, which matures from the last of July into September, consists of 3 to 5 follicles 14 to i/^ inch long, which are glabrous and shining, obliquely awl tipped, and about twice as long as the calyx. The glossy, very light brown seed is obliquely ovate and hardly one-sixteenth inch long. Distribution. — The Common Ninebark is a shrub of 100 ROSACEAE FIG. 22 Physocarpus intermedius Physocarpus opulifolius Spiraea tomentosa Spiraea alba ROSACEAE 101 marshes and low woods. It is to be found in such situations from Quebec westward into Iowa and south to Georgia and Tennessee. It occurs in suitable habitats throughout the state of Illinois, but has been reported much more frequently in the northern part than in the southern, where it evidently is rare and perhaps definitely localized. PHYSOCARPUS INTERMEDIUS (Rydberg) Schneider Illinois Ninebark The Illinois Xinebark, fig. 22, is a shrub very similar in gen- eral appearance, foliage, and flowers to the Common Xinebark. It may be distinguished, however, by the fact that its leaves are mostly narrower and narrowed to the petiole at the base. Also, the calyx is densely stellate pubescent and the follicles, 3 or 4 per flower, are abruptly acuminate and permanently stellate pubescent. It is a lower shrub than the Common Xinebark, seldom more than 4i^ feet tall. Distribution. — The Illinois Xinebark ranges from Xew York westward into South Dakota and southward into Missouri and Arkansas. In Illinois, it is a relatively rare shrub that has been infrequently recorded, mostly in the southern and south- eastern part of the state. By some authorities, this second species is believed to be merely a variety of the first, distinguished entirely on the basis of its permanently pubescent follicles. Material collected in Illinois does not show the intergrading, in this respect, that Deam has observed in his probably much more numerous In- diana collections. SPIRAEA (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Meadowsweets Spireas The meadowsweets are shrubs with alternate, pinnately veined and usually simple leaves but no stipules. The flowers are perfect, with 5 sepals, 5 white to red petals, 15 to 70 sta- mens and 5 or, rarely, as few as 3 or as many as 8 distinct pistils. The flowers are variously aggregated into racemes, corymbs or panicles. The fruits are leathery follicles which are not inflated and which open along 1 suture and contain, usually, 4 seeds which taper at both ends. 1 02 ' ROSACEAE • There are over 80 species of meadowsweet, all natives of the north temperate zone. In North America some 18 species occur, but only 2 are native in Illinois. The Bridal Wreath, Thunberg Spirea, and others are commonly cultivated, because of their decorative value, and are familiar to almost everyone. Key to the Meadowsweet Species Leaves not tomentose beneath, flowers white S. alba Leaves tomentose beneath, flowers pink or purplish. . S. tomentosa SPIRAEA ALBA Du Roi Meadow Spirea Narrow- Leaved Meadowsweet The Meadow Spirea, fig. 22, is an erect shrub that grows generally about 3 feet high, but may become 6 feet tall, with liglit brown branches and stems and narrowly oblanceolate leaves. The leaf blades are 1 to 2\/2 inches long and ]/z to ^ inch wide, acute or, rarely, rounded at the apex, wedge shaped at the base, and smooth or sparingly pubescent both above and be- low^ The leaf margins are sharply serrate. Sometimes upper - leaves are almost sessile and lower leaves have petioles up to " ]/s inch long. The flowers occur in terminal panicles, which may be ll/^ to 5 inches long. The peduncle and calyx of the flowers and the branches of the panicle are more or less densely pubescent. The white flowers appear in July and August, and the fruit, which matures in the autumn, consists, for each flower, of 5 smooth follicles containing 2 to 5 seeds less than ]/§ inch in length. Distribution. — The Meadow Spirea, which is almost always an inhabitant of low^ ground, is distributed from Ontario west- ward to Saskatchewan and southward to South Carolina and Mississippi. Its range includes the entire state of Illinois, and it is to be found throughout the state in suitable situations, al- though it is rare south of the Ozarks. SPIRAEA TOMENTOSA Linnaeus Hardback Steeplebush The Hardback, fig. 22, is an erect, tomentose shrub, gener- ally about 3 feet tall, with ovate-lanceolate leaves, which are dark green above and denselv white or rustv tomentose below. ROSACEAE 1 03 The narrowly oval leaf blades are 1 to 2 inches long and i/^ to 1 inch wide, acute or blunt at the apex, and narrowed at the base to the short petiole. The leaf margin is coarseh' crenate- serrate, and the upper surface may be more or less puberulent. The pink or rarely purplish, still more rarely white, flowers are borne in narrow, tomentose panicles 4 to 7 inches long. The calyx lobes are about the length of the floral tube, acute and, at maturity, reflexed. The fruit consists of 5 follicles from each flower; the follicles are tomentose or, in age, somewhat bare at the summit, and there usually are 4 to 7 seeds in each follicle. Distribution. — The Hardback is a shrub of low grounds and is said to occur only on acid or sour soils. It is therefore local in occurrence, although where it does occur thousands of plants together may occupy considerable areas. Its range is from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and south to Georgia and Kan- sas. In Illinois, it is recorded only from the northeastern section of the state, notably near Chicago in Cook County, in wet sandy swales in Lake County, in Kankakee County, and also in Iroquois County, near the town of St. Anne. This would indicate a preference in Illinois for a sandy habitat. The shrub should be found, however, in many other parts of the state, if persistent search is made. The report of iS. latifolia (Aiton) Borkhausen in Richland County may refer to either of the foregoing species, but it probably refers to S. alba. POTENTILLA Linnaeus Cinquefoils Five-Fingers The cinquefoils are, with a few shrubby exceptions, annual or perennial herbs with rootstocks, pinnately or digitately compound leaves, and paniculate inflorescences. The flowers commonly have 5 sepals and 5 petals and are bractless. The stamens are generally not more than 20 in number and there usually are numerous pistils attached to a hemispheric or conic receptacle. The seeds are contained within individual carpels. There are more than 300 species in this genus, almost all of them distributed in the north temperate zone. About 125 are American, and in Illinois, besides a number of herbaceous species, there occurs the following shrub. 104 ROSACEAE POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA Linnaeus Shrubby Cinquefoil The Shrubby Cinquefoil, fig. 23, is a small, more or less erect shrub, which commonly grows 1 to 3 feet high and is much branched. The stem is covered by light reddish-brown, shreddy bark, and the branches are densely covered with long hair. The leaves are pinnately compound and consist generally of 5 but sometimes of 3 or 7 sessile leaflets, which are oblong or oblong-ovate, acute at the tip, narroAved at the base, and silky pubescent on both faces. The margin of the leaflet is entire and revolute. Flowers appear from July to September, and vary in color from light yellow to orange. The fruit is a head, consisting of many carpels or achenes less than one-sixteenth inch long, which are dry and hard and covered with long hairs. Distribution. — The Shrubby Cinquefoil, typically a bog or marsh plant, ranges from Labrador to Alaska and south to New Jersey and California. Although it often has been col- lected in Illinois, its distribution seems definitely limited to the northeastern corner of the state, including Cook and Lake FIG. 23 Potentilla fruticosa ROSACEAE 105 counties, and to the Apple River Canyon in the extreme north- western corner of the state. Formerly, it must have been very abundant near Chicago, Ravenswood, Elgin and Waukegan. Probably it has been largely destroyed and now may be a fairly rare plant. RUBUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Brambles: Raspberries, Blackberries, Dewberries The brambles are chiefly shrubs with trailing, erect, or curved branches. A few are herbaceous. The woody forms are peren- nial and have stems armed with prickles or bristles, or both. The stems are biennial, simple and unbranched the first year but the second year develop side branches which bear fruit. The leaves are alternate and may be either simple or compound and composed of 3 or 5 leaflets. Flowers are borne in racemes or corymbs and are chiefly white, with 5 green sepals and 5 petals. The stamens and the ovaries are many, and the fruit is an edible aggregate of fleshy carpels. Between 1,500 and 2,000 species have been described in this genus, which is world wide in distribution. But there is much overlapping of species, with resultant confusion in charac- teristics, so that professional opinion varies greatly, both as to what may constitute a species and as to the number of species properly recognizable. The brambles are divisible into three general groups which are relatively easily recognized: raspberries, the ripe fruit of which separates as a hollow shell from the receptacle on which it is borne ; blackberries, the fruit of which does not separate from its receptacle; and dewberries, which have the same kind of fruit as the blackberries but which have stems that, in their second year, are trailing, rather than erect or curving. Key to the Bramble Species Leaves simple, but usually more or less lobed . . R. odoratus, p. 106 Leaves compound, consisting of 3 to 5 leaflets. Leaves white-tomentose beneath, fruit parting from the recep- tacle (raspberries). Stems prickly and glaucous, fruit black. R. occidentalis, p. 108 Stems bristle armed, not glaucous, fruit red. Plants not glandular-hispid ; inflorescence finely villous R. idaeus, p. 108 106 ROSACEAE Plants glandular-hispid, especially the inflorescence R. strigosus, p. 109 Leaves green beneath; prickles on the angles of the stems; fruit adhering to the receptacle. Old stems erect, curving or arching (blackberries). Inflorescence densely glandular, glands stalked R. allegheniensis, p. 110 Inflorescence not glandular or the stalks sessile. Leaves glabrous beneath R. canadensis, p. 110 Leaves pubescent beneath. New canes deeply channeled between prominent angles R. argutus, p. 112 New canes terete or nearly so R. frondosus, p. 113 Old stems prostrate and trailing (dewberries). Leaves green above and below, stems sparsely retrorse- prickly R. flagellaris, p. 114 Leaves dark green above, paler beneath; stems densely retrorse-bristly R. hispidus, p. 116 RUBUS ODORATUS Linnaeus Flowering Raspberry Thimbleberry The Flowering Raspberry, fig. 24, which grows 3 to 5 feet high, is distinct among raspberries because of its simple leaves, which are digitately ribbed and lobed, and its relatively tall stems wnth more or less shreddy bark, w^hich are essentially unarmed, though glandular-hispid in the young parts, and villous. The broadly cordate leaf blades are 3- to 5-lobed with triangular or ovate, abruptly acute lobes which are irregularly serrate, 5 to 7 inches long and almost as wide, and pubescent both above and below. The flowers, which appear from about the middle of June to the middle of July, are grouped in terminal panicles and have rose-purple, orbicular petals. The sepals and the long flower pedicels are densely glandular-hispid. The flattened spherical, reddish fruit, which matures in midsummer, is dry and hardly pleasant to eat. Distribution. — The Flowering Raspberry is naturally an inhabitant of rocky soil in woods and is distributed from Nova Scotia westward to Michigan and south to Georgia and Ten- nessee. In Illinois, essentially a prairie state with few rock- covered regions, it has been known as a rare shrub. If it is not now extinct, it should be found on wooded rocky slopes along streams, especially in the hilly Ozark region of the state and southward. 4 ROSACEAE 07 Rubus strigosus FIG. 24 Rubus idaeus Rubus occidentalis Rubus odoratus 108 ROSACEAE , RUBUS OCCIDENTALIS Linnaeus Common Blackcap Raspberry The Common Blackcap Raspberry, fig. 24, is a shrub with canelike stems sometimes 10 or 12 feet long, which arch and recurve so that the tips often root in the soil. It is sparingly armed with strong, recurved prickles. Old canes are purplish and more or less glaucous, and new canes are so glaucous as to be whitish. The leaves are 3-foliate, or rarely on new canes some are 5-foliate. The leaflets are ovate, generally 2 to 3 inches long, and abruptly acuminate at the apex, and the ter- minal leaflet is rounded or cordate at the base. Leaflet margins are doubly serrate and the blades are smooth or nearly so above but white-tomentose beneath. Both the petioles and the leaflet stalks are glabrous or only slightly pubescent. The corymbs of flowers are either terminal or axillary and consist of only a few flowers, w^hich bloom from early May until early June. The petals are white, and the sepals, which are tomentose on both sides, are reflexed at flowering time but close about the ripening fruit, w^hich is matured from the last of June until the last of July. It is black, hemispheric, variable in size, more or less tomentose, about ^ to ^ inch in diameter, juicy and quite edible. Distribution. — The Common Blackcap occurs in both moist and dry habitats in open woods and clearings and on the borders of streams and lakes. In these situations, it ranges from New Brunswick westward to Minnesota and southward to Georgia and Colorado. In Illinois, it is the most common of the rasp- berries and is to be found in almost all parts of the state. Its ^ fruit, in season, is commonly picked and eaten. RUBUS IDAEUS Linnaeus European Red Raspberry The European Red Raspberry, fig. 24, is a shrub with erect, light-colored, finely tomentose stems, which are armed with bristles or weak prickles. The leaves of 1-year-old canes are pinnately 5-foliate, and those on the flower-bearing branches are 3-foliate. The terminal leaflets are broadly ovate, rounded or cordate at the base, short-acuminate at the tips, and doubly j serrate along the margins. They are 2 to 4 inches long and " ROSACEAE 109 dark green above but white-tomentose beneath. Lateral leaflets are ovate and somewhat smaller than the terminal ones. The flowers are grouped in short racemes which are terminal or arise from the upper axils. The peduncles' and pedicels are hnely tomentose and armed with small, recurved prickles. The oblong or conical fruit is commonly dark red but sometimes yellowish to whitish. It is variable in quality and size, but usually edible. Distribution. — This is the common cultivated Red Rasp- berry. It is native in Eurasia and has been widely introduced into North America as a cultivated plant valuable for its fruit. In Illinois, as elsewhere, it has escaped to some extent from cultivation, and one may expect to encounter it in any part of the state. RUBUS STRIGOSUS Michaux American Red Raspberry Common Wild Raspberry The American Red Raspberry, fig. 24, a shrub which grows 1 to 6 feet high, has more or less bristly, but not tomentose, brownish or reddish stems. The leaves on new shoots are pin- nately 5-foliate and those on the flowering branches are 3-foliate. The ovate terminal leaflet is 2 to 4 inches long, doubly serrate, abruptly acuminate at the apex, rounded or cordate at the base, and sometimes 3-lobed. Lateral leaflets are obliquely ovate and smaller. The leaf blades are dark green and short-hairy to glabrate above but white-tomentose beneath. The narrow stip- ules are deciduous. The flowers are borne in terminal and axillary, few-flowered racemes on slender pedicels which are curving in fruit. The petals are white, and the sepals are spreading, acuminate, mostly hispid, and velvety. The fruit when ripe is elongate-hemispheric, bright red or, rarely, white, and edible. Distribution. — The American Red Raspberry generally prefers moist soil rich in humus and is therefore found often in old bogs and marshes that are being invaded by timber. It ranges from Newfoundland westward to British Columbia and southward to Virginia and Wyoming. In Illinois, it is undoubt- edly much more widespread than the records for Joliet, Cass and Hancock counties indicate. Taxonomically, it is perhaps better to regard the American Red Raspberry as a variety, 1 1 0 ROSACEAE rather than as a species; it would then be known as R. idaeus var. strigosus (Michaux) Maximowicz. RUBUS ALLEGHENIENSIS Porter Blackberry Allegheny Blackberry The Allegheny Blackberry, fig. 25, is a relatively erect shrub with canes that when old attain a length of 3 to 6 feet and are recurved in the upper part. The lower part of the stem is terete, but the upper part is angled and sparsely clothed with straight, or in the inflorescence recurved, prickles. The erect, angled new canes bear leaves which are either 3- or 5-foliate. Petioles, leaf stalks and midribs are villous and glandular. Leaflets are ovate, doubly serrate, abruptly acuminate, pilose above but softly pubescent beneath, and ^ to 4 inches long. The flowers are borne in May in elongated racemes of 6 to 20 or more flowers, which extend well beyond the leaves. The pedicel of each flower arises from the axil of a bract. The petals are white, and the sepals are reflexed while the plant is in flower. The pedicels on which the flowers stand are long and spread at a wide angle from the midstalk of the racemes. Fruit begins to mature in July. It is black, 1/4 to yz inch long, hemispheric, and tart. Distribution. — The Allegheny Blackberry prefers moist, rich soil and frequently occurs on cut-over woodland, in open woods, and along fences and roadsides. It is perhaps the com- monest blackberry in Illinois and grows everywhere in the state. It is the original wild form from which many of the cultivated blackberries have been selected. RUBUS CANADENSIS Linriaeus Wild Blackberry This Wild Blackberry, fig. 25, is a shrub with erect stems which reach a length of 3 to 12 feet and are grooved, round angled, and glabrous. Sometimes they are unarmed or are pro- vided with a few weak, straight prickles. The leaves on new shoots are 5-foliate, those on old shoots 3-foliate. The thin, dark green leaflets are glabrous or nearly so, sharply serrate, abruptly long-acuminate at the tip, rounded or subcordate at the base, and 2 to 6 inches long. Leaflets on flowering branches ROSACEAE 111 Rubus argutus FIG. 25 Rubus canadensis Rubus allegheniensis Rubus frondosus 1 1 2 ROSACEAE are oval, less acuminate, and I14 to '^ inches long. The flowers occur in lax racemes commonly 3 to 6 inches long, at the tips of branches and in the axils of old leaves. The oval petals are about 1/2 inch long and the lanceolate sepals are acuminate. The flowers, which blossom in May and June, develop later into black and very pulpy fruits about Y2 ir'ch long. Distribution. — This blackberry inhabits thickets and woods and grows from Newfoundland west to Minnesota and south- ward as far as North Carolina. In Illinois, it is a rare shrub reported definitely only from Cahokia, south of East St. Louis. Possibly this report is erroneous. RUBUS ARGUTUS Link Highbush Blackberry Tall Blackberry The Highbush Blackberry, fig. 25, is an erect or somewhat nodding shrub w4th canes that when old reach a length of 3 to 6 feet and have at least the upper part deeply furrowed and prickly. It is characteristic that the prickles are flattened at the base. They are straight or recurved, the recurved ones more abundant toward the tip of the stems. The new canes, which usually are smooth but sometimes pubescent or sprinkled with sessile red glands, are deeply channeled on the sides. The leaves of new canes are usually 5-foliate. Terminal leaflets are acuminate at the apex, rounded or subcordate at the base and generally about 3 inches long by II/2 inches wide. The blade is slightly pubescent above and definitely pubescent beneath, espe- cially along the veins. The margins are more or less doubly and sharply serrate. The leaves of old canes are almost entirely 3-foliate, with leaflets similar to those on the new canes, except that they are smaller and are gradually rather than abruptly acute at the apex. The inflorescence is a short raceme, consisting commofily of 6 to 10 flowers, its peduncle pubescent and armed more or less with recurved prickles. It may be terminal or arise from the axils of leaves. The white flowers, which bloom in the early part of June, have round to oval petals about Yl inch long and ovate sepals with abrupt tips, which are strongly reflexed at fruiting time. The pedicels of the flowers are strongly ascend- ing, about 1/2 to 1 inch long, pubescent, and sometimes prickly. Fruit ripens from late July to about the middle of August. It ROSACEAE 1 1 3 is glabrous, oblong, about i/^ to ^ inch long by half as wide, sweet, and reddish when it becomes dry. Distribution. — The Highbush Blackberry seems to prefer a hard, moist soil, frequently a clay soil, and in such habitats ranges from Nova Scotia southwestward to Kansas and Iowa. In the east its southern limit is North Carolina. In Illinois, it occurs throughout the southern part of the state and has been reported rather frequently from the vicinity of Chicago. Although there are straggling occurrences in the north, the northern limits of abundance are probably Vermilion County in the east and Pike County in the west. This species, as represented in Illinois, might possibly be better regarded as R. ostryifoUus Rydberg; it has, however, been most often classified under the name used here. RUBUS FRONDOSUS Bigelow Leafy-Flowered Blackberry The Leafy-Flowered Blackberry, fig. 25, is a shrub with erect young stems and with old canes that usually recurve strongly but do not root at the tip. The stems are terete or nearly so, generally 3 to 6 feet long, and bear few prickles, most of which are somewhat flattened at the base, and short and straight or only partly recurved. Sometimes the upper parts of new canes have wide, shallow channels. Most leaves on new canes are 5-foliate, and the terminal leaflet is broadly ovate, abruptly short-acuminate at the apex, and rounded or cordate at the base. The leaf surface is sparingly short-pubescent above and densely so beneath, and the margins are doubly serrate with ovate teeth. Most leaves on the old canes are 3-foliate and doubly serrate with ovate teeth, and the terminal leaflet is rhombic-oval or obovate, about 1 14 to 2 inches long, acute at the apex, and generally wedge shaped at the base. The inflorescence is a very short raceme, generally of fewer than 10 flowers, which open about the first of June. The ovate sepals, which have abrupt short tips, become strongly reflexed at fruiting time. The flower pedicels are ascending, densely pubescent, and ]/4. to Y? inch long. The black, glabrous fruit, which begins to ripen in July, is globose or slightly elongated, juicy, tart, and edible. Distribution. — The Leafy-Flowered Blackberry appears to 1 1 4 ROSACEAE prefer drier land than other blackberry species and ranges from Ontario westward to Iowa and south to Virginia and Kansas. It is a relatively common shrub throughout most of the northern two-thirds of Illinois. The southernmost records are Wabash and Marion counties. RUBUS FLAGELLARIS Willdenow Northern Dewberry The Northern Dewberry, fig. 26, is a low, trailing shrub with stems that when old are prostrate, 3 to 9 feet long, gla- brous, and armed more or less with weak, recurved prickles, which put out lateral branches 4 to 12 inches long. The new canes, which soon become prostrate, are smooth or, rarely, are sparsely covered with long hairs or sessile red glands. Prickles on the stems usually are flattened at the base ; and the branchlets and petioles are more or less pubescent and prickly, sometimes also covered with sessile red glands and glandular hair. Leaves on new canes are usually 3-foliate, rarely 5-foliate, and their leaflets vary in shape. The terminal leaflet is ovate to nearly orbicular, acuminate at the apex, and sharply and irregularly doubly serrate. The blades are more or less pubescent above and beneath, and occasionally covered with sessile red glands or glandular hairs on the underside. The inflorescence, placed toward the end of branchlets, con- sists as a rule of 1 to 5 flowers, which arise singly in the axils of upper leaves or bracts or, often, 2 or 3 are grouped together, terminating the branch. The flowers bloom from early in May to past the middle of June. The sepals are ovate, acute, and sometimes more or less leaflike, tomentose within and pubescent and sometimes glandular on the outside. The narrowly elliptic to ovate petals are about Yi inch long, and the stamens generally are shorter than the sepals. The black, juicy fruit, which ma- tures from late June into early August, is hemispheric or slightly elongated, usually about 1/^ inch long, and glabrate to hairy. Distribution. — The Northern Dewberry grows on almost any kind of soil, although it prefers poor or acid soils, and ranges from southern Maine to Minnesota and south to Vir- ginia and Oklahoma. It occurs throughout all of Illinois, frequently invading abandoned fields, disturbed soil along roadsides, and other waste places. ROSACEAE 115 FIG. 26 Rubus flagellaris Rubus hispidus 1 1 6 ROSACEAE The Xorthern Dewberry is extremely variable, and taxono- mists have separated several of its forms as species. All of these are included here under the one name. This shrub, besides yielding great quantities of wild fruit, is the species from which nearly all cultivated dewberries have been derived. RUBUS HISPIDUS Linnaeus Swamp Dewberry The Swamp Dewberry, fig. 26, is a low shrub with slender, prostrate, trailing stems, w^hich, although glabrous, are clothed more or less densely with recurved or straight bristles, all of which are tipped with glands. The branchlets are erect, usually 3 to 6 inches long, and bear 3-foliate or, rarely, 5-foliate leaves with nearly smooth or occasionally pubescent petioles more or less covered with bristles similar to those of the stem. The blades are firm and sometimes persist through the winter. They are obovate, or the lateral ones may be rhombic-ovate to nearly orbicular, generally % to 2 inches long, nearly acute at the apex, and rounded at the base. The margin is doubly serrate, except the lower third, which may be entire. The upper surface is glossy and smooth, and the lower surface is smooth with, frequently, pubescen-t veins. The flowers occur in groups of 2 to 6 at the end of branchlets, and there also may be 1 or 2 from the axils of upper leaves. The white blossoms open from early June to the last of August. They stand on pubescent, sometimes bristly pedicels. Sepals are ovate, nearly acute or sometimes obtuse, and pointed with a gland. The}' are densely pubescent on the outside and tomentose within, are reflexed at flowering time and do not close on the fruit. The white petals are obovate. The fruit, which usually matures in August or later, is reddish purple and consists of a few glabrous, sour drupelets. Because of its small size and acidity, it has little food value. Distribution. — As its name indicates, the Swamp Dewberry grows near lakes and marshes, especially at the base of wooded slopes. In such habitats it ranges from Nova Scotia to Georgia and west to Minnesota and Kansas. All of Illinois lies within its range, and it may be expected in suitable habitats anywhere within the state. It has not been widely reported, however. Present records indicate its occurrence onlv in Cook County, ROSACEAE 117 in old sand regions in Kankakee County, and in Pulaski County & in the extreme southern part of the state. I Additional Bramble Species. — Besides the above important Her relatively abundant species, others have been recorded occa- Fsionally. One, Rubus pubescens Rafinesque, is herbaceous and ■ is sometimes called the Dwarf Raspberry. It bears globose, ■ edible, dark red fruit and is a low, unarmed perennial some- times slightly woody at the base. It has been extensively col- lected in a few northeastern counties, the only part of the state in which it is known to occur. Rare collections of southern species have been recorded from the southern part of Illinois. Among these are R. betulifoUus Small, R. pergratiis Blanchard.' R. recurvans Blanchard and R. rubrisetiis Rydberg. The bram- bles of the state have not been completely studied, and both I occurrence and distribution remain to be demonstrated for these and other species. I ROSA (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Roses The roses are a group of erect or widely spreading shrubs with stems generally armed with prickles, alternate, compound, odd-pinnate leaves, and stipules adnate to the petioles. Flowers have 5 sepals, which are united at the base and more or less foliaceous, 5 showy petals, and many stamens. The several to numerous pistils develop bony seeds or achenes inside of small, apple-like fruits called hips, which are the fleshy receptacles of the flowers. The rose genus is represented by great numbers of species widely distributed over the northern hemisphere, and the popularity of the flower has led to its cultivation in an ever- increasing number of varieties. Distinctions between even wild species are not easily made, and there is perhaps as much dis- agreement among authorities concerning the rose species as there is concerning Rubus species. Key to the Rose Species Old stems trailing or climbing; leaves on old stems mostly 3- foliate, on new growth 3- or 5-foliate R. setigera, p. IIS Old stems essentially erect; leaves on old and new stems 5- to 9-foliate. Calvx lobes reflexed after flowering, and deciduous. 1 1 1 8 ROSACEAE Prickles stout and strongly recurved R. palustris, p. 120 Prickles slender and straight. Leaflet surfaces pubescent beneath. Leaflets thin R. Lyonii, p. 122 Leaflets thick and coriaceous R. rudiuscula, p. 125 Only the veins beneath pubescent. Leaflet teeth not gland tipped R. Carolina, p. 121 Leaflet teeth gland tipped R. serrulata, p. 125 Calyx lobes erect after flowering, and persistent. Prickles generally absent below the stipules. Leaflets 9 to 11 per leaf, densely pubescent beneath R. suffulta, p. 127 Leaflets 5 to 7 per leaf, finely pubescent beneath R. blanda, p. 124 Prickles present below stipules; leaves glabrous R. Woodsii, p. 128 ROSA SETIGERA Michaux Prairie Rose The Prairie Rose, fig. 27, is a shrub with arching, climbing stems usually 4 to 12 feet long, which are armed with prickles scattered singly along and around the stem and in pairs below each leaf on the upper part of the stem. They are recurved, • or rarely straight, and the lower half is much enlarged and , flattened laterally. Both petioles and rachises are more or less ; covered with stalked glands. The stipules are narrow, adnate ■,; for about three-fourths of their length, and marginally studded with glandular hairs. Leaves on old stems generally have 3 leaflets, on new stems either 3 or 5 leaflets. The leaflets are lanceolate to broadly ovate, or sometimes slightly obovate, and lateral leaflets are nearly sessile. The terminal leaflet Is defi- nitely stalked and is always the largest, and the basal pair, when there are 5 leaflets, is always much smaller. Leaflets are wedge shaped or rounded at the base, or the terminal leaflet sometimes may be subcordate, acute or acuminate at the apex, either serrate or doubly serrate. The upper surface is glabrous, and the low^er surface is glabrous or somewhat pubescent along the veins. The flowers, which appear from the middle of June through July, are borne in terminal corymbs, on pedicels covered with glandular hairs. The calyx tube and the sepals are glandular hispid, the end of the sepals being reflexed after flowering and later deciduous. The petal color Is light to deep rose. The ROSACEAE 1 19 Rosa Carolina FIG. 27 Rosa setigera Rosa palustris 1 20 ROSACEAE species is marked by the fact that the styles of the pistils co- here in a column. The fruit, which is red, matures in autumn and is glandular-hispid, pear shaped to subglobose, and about one-third inch in diameter. Distribution. — The Prairie Rose prefers relatively open situations along fences and roadsides, in clearings, and in open woods. In such places it grows from Ohio to Florida and west to Kansas. In Illinois, it is common and abundant. It has been reported from all parts of the state and seemingly from all kinds of situations except dense woods. It is one of the most beautiful of the wild roses and is one of the species from which valuable cultivated climbing roses have been derived. Forms of this rose distinguished by more or less dense pu- bescence on the under surface of the leaves and with leaflets which are as a rule thicker and have a harsher appearance are segregated as the variety tomentosa Torrey & Gray. ROSA PALUSTRIS Marshall Swamp Rose The Swamp Rose, fig. 27, is a shrub with erect, smooth stems generally 2 to 6 feet high that are armed with numerous prickles, which are limited to non-flowering stems on some specimens. These prickles are recurved and generally flattened at the base, sometimes quite eccentric and strongly decurrent on the stems, and arranged singly except on new shoots, where they often occur in pairs below the leaves. IVIost leaves have 7 leaflets, but sometimes there are 5 or 9. The leaflets are lance-elliptic to broadly elliptic and up to 3 inches long by I14 inches wide, though usually only about half that size. Lateral leaflets are sessile or nearly so, but terminal leaflets are supported on a' stalk almost Yi inch long. They are narrowed at the base and generally acute at the apex, though sometimes rounded, and the margins are finely serrate nearly to the base. The surface is smooth or nearly so above and hairy beneath, though sometimes only on the veins. Both petioles and rachises are pubescent and sometimes prickly. The stipules are narrow, commonly with involute edges, and Yi to II/4 inches long. The flowers, deep rose in color, up to 2 inches wide, which blossom from late in June through July, are in corymbs or ROSACEAE 121 sometimes are solitary, and are seated on pedicels up to ^ inch long, which are glandular-hispid or, rarely, almost smooth. The tube of the calyx is glandular-hispid and the attenuated calyx lobes, sometimes foliaceous at the tip, are glandular-hispid on the back and tomentose on the inside and on the margins. They spread and become reflexed after flowering and are tardily deciduous. The fruit matures in autumn as a red, glandular- hispid, most often depressed-globose but rarely somewhat oblong hip about ^ inch in diameter, with seeds attached to the bottom. Distribution. — The Swamp Rose grows in wet places from Xova Scotia south to Florida and west to iVIinnesota and Mis- sissippi. In Illinois, it occurs through much of the state and may be looked for wherever suitably wet habitats occur. ROSA CAROLINA Linnaeus Pasture Rose The Pasture Rose, fig. 27, is a shrub with erect, terete stems up to 3 feet, but generally 11/^ to 2 feet, tall, which are smooth, or rarely glandular-hispid, and thickly covered when young with stout, weak prickles. The prickles are arranged singly about the stem, often in pairs below leaves on the branchlets, and are more or less deciduous after the first year. They are straight, recurved, reflexed, or rarely point forward, and sometimes young prickles are flattened at the base. The leaves are made up of 5 to 7 leaflets, which are lanceolate-elliptic to nearly orbicular, and generally about I14 inches long by 3^ inch wide, acute at the apex or sometimes rounded, and acute or narrowed at the base. The margins are sharply and closely serrate, and the sur- face is generally smooth above and glabrous or more or less densely pubescent beneath. Lateral leaflets are sessile or nearly so, and terminal leaflets stand on stalks about Yi inch long. Both petioles and rachises are more or less pubescent, glandular, and prickly, and the stipules, about Yz inch long and ]/% inch wide, generally have some teeth and some glands on the margin. The flowers, which bloom from about the first of June until the middle of August, usually are solitary or in pairs or clusters of 3 at the end of branchlets and may be 2 inches or more in diameter. They stand on more or less glandular-hispid pedicels 1 to 1 14 inches long. The calyx tube is more or less glandular- hispid, and the lobes are lanceolate-cordate and often expanded 1 22 ROSACEAE at the tip, generally about 1 inch long, generally reflexed after the petals fall, and tardily deciduous. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is pear shaped or depressed-globose, red, about ]/^ to ]/2 inch in diameter, and smooth or more or less glandular- hispid. The achenes are attached to its base. Distribution. — The Pasture Rose prefers relatively open situations and is to be found on the borders of woods, in open places in woodlands, or along roadsides from Maine to Wis- consin and south to Florida and Texas. It is distributed throughout tht; entire state of Illinois. The Pasture Rose sends out long underground stems, from which aerial stems arise. These tend to die back from year to year, but may be responsible for sizable colonies of the rose. The species is an extremely variable one, forms of it having been segregated both as species and as varieties. It appears to be very sensitive to habitat factors. This rose has been in cultivation since 1826 and is used for borders and shrubbery. The variety grandiflora (Baker) Rehder has been distinguished on the basis that the leaflets are usually 7 and obovate or oval, and the flowers about 2i/^ inches across. Another variety, glandulosa (Crepin) Rehder, has doubly and glandularly ser- rate leaflets and glandular-hispid rachises. R. Lyonii Pursh, described below, is considered by authorities a variety of this species and is then designated as var. villosa (Best) Rehder. ROSA LYONII Pursh \ This rose, fig. 28, is a rather low shrub, with round, glabrous ^ stems seldom as much as 4 feet long, which usually are bristly and covered with slender prickles. The leaves have 5 to 7 elliptic to lance-elliptic leaflets 1/^ to 2 inches long, which are acute or, rarely, obtuse, serrate along the margins, and dull and sparingly pubescent to glabrate above but definitely pu- bescent beneath. The rachis on which the . leaflets stand is villous, and the stipules are narrow. The rose-pink flowers stand in groups of 1 to 4 and are 2 to 2i/^ inches wide. The pedicels and the receptacle are glandular-hispid, or rarely the receptacle may be glabrous. The petals are sometimes sparingly lobed. The hip, which matures in the fall, is 14 to ^ inch in diameter, and the seeds are attached at its bottom. Distribution. — This rose ranges from Massachusetts west- ROSACEAE 123 Rosa blanda FIG. 28 Rosa Lyonii Rosa serrulata 1 24 ROSACEAE ward to IVIinnesota and south to Georgia and Arkansas. In Illinois, it is rare, reported thus far only from St. Clair and Henderson counties. ROSA BLANDA Alton Meadow Rose The iVIeadow Rose, fig. 28, is a low shrub generally less than 3 feet high, with glabrous canes that when old are sometimes covered more or less densely with short, straight, or curved weak prickles. The branches and branchlets are also smooth, or rarely armed with a few prickles. There are 5 to 7, or rarely 9, oval to obovate or oblong leaflets per leaf. Lateral leaflets are sessile or stand on very short stalks, and terminal leaflets stand on stalks sometimes U/i inches long. The leaflets are up to 1 inch wide and nearly 2 inches long, acute or rounded at the apex, narrowed or rounded at the base, and coarsely serrate on the margins. The upper surface is dull, smooth or, rarely, slightly pubescent, and the under surface is more or less pubescent. Petioles and rachises are more or less densely woolly pubescent and, rarely, glandular-hispid also. The stipules are generally pubescent above and beneath, or sometimes glabrous except on the margins, which are entire and ciliate or more or less glandular-hispid. The pale or bright pink flowers, which appear about the first of June, are solitary or in pairs or small clusters of 3 to 5 at the end of branches. They stand on glabrous pedicels 14 to ^ inch long. The calyx tube is glabrous, and its lanceolate, cau- date lobes are slightly dilated at the tip, about 14 inch long, and glandular-hispid on the back, and erect and persistent. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is scarlet, nearly globose or oval, and smooth, and the seeds are attached at the bottom of the seed receptacle. Distribution. — ^The Meadow Rose ranges from Newfound- land west to Saskatchewan and south to Pennsylvania and Illinois. In Illinois, it is an abundant rose in the northern counties, but becomes rarer southward and has not been ob- served at any point south of the Ozarks. A tall, swamp-inhabiting form of this species growing in northeastern Illinois counties appears identical with R. acicu- larioides Schuette, a Wisconsin species. ROSACEAE 1 25 ROSA SERRULATA Rafinesque This rose, fig. 2S, is a shrub with slender arms 1 to 3 feet high, which bear straight, round prickles in pairs below the stipules, and it usually has 5, or sometimes 3 or 7, leaflets per leaf. The leaflets are lance-elliptic or, rarely, oval, glabrous on both sides or slightly pubescent on the veins beneath, and also pale beneath. The margins are sharply, often doubly, ser- rate and the teeth are gland tipped. The flowers are solitary and first open in early ^lay. The fruit matures in late autumn and reaches a size of about li inch. The seeds are attached at the bottom of the fruit. Distribution. — This rose, which grows e^>ecialiy on high land, is distributed from Massachusetts westward to Ontario and Iowa and south to Florida and New ^lexico. In Illinois, it is rare and has been taken definitely only in Lawrence County. Perhaps it is, as authorities believe, identical with R. Carolina var. gland ulosa (Crepin) Rehder. ROSA RUDIUSCULA Greene This rose, fig. 29. is an erect shrub generally 2 to 3 feet high, with short and ascending branches. The stems are terete, smooth, and more or less covered with prickles and bristles when young but sparsely so when old. The prickles are round, straight, sometimes curved, slightly reflexed, or on some of the branches not reflexed at all. For the most part, the leaves have 5 to 7 leaflets, though rarely 9. The leaflets are subc»riaceous, elliptic oval, or oblong, and generally fi to 13^ inches long by about i inch wide. They are acute or rounded at the apex and nar- rowed at the base, and the margins are sharply serrate except at the base, there being generally 10 to 15 teeth on each side of the leaf. The blade is glabrous above, paler and pubescent all over the lower surface or only along the midrib, and the midrib is often reddish. The rachis of the leaf is pubescent and often bears a few prickles or bristles and some stalked glands. Lateral leaflets are nearly sessile, but terminal leaflets are seated on stalks nearly X\ inch long. The stipules are lanceolate to oval, and smooth to densely pubescent above and beneath, ^th mar- gins which are pubescent and entire, or sometimes glandular- dentate. 126 ROSACEAE FIG. 29 Rosa Woodsii Rosa suffulta Rosa rudiuscula ROSACEAE 1 27 The flowers stand solitarily at the end of the branches, or in twos or threes, on pedicels about ^ inch long, which are generally glandular-hispid but sometimes smooth. The calyx tube is often glandular-hispid, and its lobes are lanceolate and caudate, reflexed, and deciduous. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is generally depressed, \^ inch wide or a little larger, and bright red. Distribution. — This rose is a prairie species which ranges from Indiana westward into ^Missouri and from Wisconsin and Iowa south to Oklahoma. It grows throughout the prairie region of Illinois and is to be looked for especially along road- sides. The reddish foliage and the thicker leaflets serve as a ready means of distinguishing it from the Pasture Rose. ROSA SUFFULTA Greene This rose, fig. 29, is a shrub with erect, generally simple stems, which reach a height of 18 to 30 inches and are covered more or less densely with straight prickles. The leaves are made up commonly of 9, but sometimes of 7 or 11, obovate or broadly oval leaflets, which are bluntly or acutely rounded at the apex and narrowed at the base. Their margins are bluntly and rather coarsely serrate, and the blades at maturity are generally smooth above but pubescent beneath. Petioles and the rachises are woolly pubescent and sometimes glandular-prickly. The stipules are pubescent and dilated, and their margins are more or less erose or dentate and studded with glands. The flowers stand in corymbs at the top of the stems and are supported on smooth pedicels 14 ^o nearly l/^ inch long. The calyx tube is glabrous, and its lobes are caudate, often expanded at the tip, glandular on the back, and tomentose within and on the outer margin. After flowering they are generally erect and persistent. The red, globose or, rarely, pyriform fruit matures in the autumn and is not quite 14 inch in diameter. The seeds are attached to the bottom and near the base of the interior. Distribution. — This rose is a prairie species generally as- sociated with typical prairie land. Its natural range is from Alberta to Manitoba and south to Texas and New Mexico. Illinois stands almost on the eastern border of its range, and it is known to occur in northern, central and western, but not the southeastern, sections of the state. 1 28 MALACEAE ROSA WOODSIl Lindley Woods's Rose This rose, fig. 29, is an erect shrub with terete, glabrous stems ll/^ to 6 feet high, which are armed with numerous straight or slightly recurved prickles. The leaves are made up of 5 to 7 obovate leaflets, which are wedge shaped at the base, glabrous on both sides, and glaucous beneath. They are 14 to 1/^ inch long, or rarely longer, and serrate around the upper part of the margin. The stipules are glabrous, usually without glands, and entire or a little toothed on the margins. The sepals are glabrous or slightly glandular on the back and, after flowering, stand erectly together and are persistent on the fruit. The flowering period is from May to July. The glabrous, red fruit is globose, only slightly more than 1/^ inch in diameter at maturity, and it ripens in the autumn. Distribution. — This rose is an inhabitant of river banks and thickets from Manitoba to North Dakota and south to Kansas and westward. As a plains species, it occurs rarely in Illinois, being actually reported only in Jo Daviess County, in the northwest corner of the state, and in Pope County, in the extreme south. MALACEAE The Apple Family The apple family consists of shrubs or trees which bear simple or pinnately compound, alternate, stipulate leaves and perfect, regular flowers with a well-developed hypanthium adnate to the ovary, which in maturity becomes fleshy and constitutes a part of the fruit. The sepals and petals are for the most part 5 in number; the stamens are distinct and numerous and inserted on the margins of the receptacle; and the ovary consists of 1 to 5 united pistils, the cells being 5 and the corresponding styles distinct or sometimes partly united. The fruit is more or less fleshy, apple-like, and generally is called a pome. The apple family, sometimes considered not distinct from the rose family, consists of some 20 genera and more than 500 species, which are widely distributed in Europe, Asia and North America and extend southward to Mexico and into South America along the Andes. The family is noted for the useful- MALACEAE 1 29 ness of Its members, especially the apple and pear. There are four shrubby genera found in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Genera Leaves compound Sorbus, p. 129 Leaves simple. Shrubs without spines. Leaf margins serrate and teeth gland-tipped ; stalked glands on the midrib above Aronia, p. 130 Leaf margins serrate but the teeth not gland-tipped ; no stalked glands on the midrib above. . . Amelanchier, p. 133 Shrubs with spines Crataegus, p. 134 SORBUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus Mountain-Ash The mountain-ashes are shrubs or trees, which bear alternate, pinnately compound leaves consisting of serrate leaflets, decidu- ous stipules, and perfect, regular flowers in terminal, compound cymes. The flowers have 5 erect, or spreading, deciduous sepals, 5 white, spreading petals, many stamens, and an inferior ovary adnate to the h^-panthium. The styles are 3 and usually distinct, and the 3 cells of the ovary each contain 2 ovules. The fruit is small, berry-like and, in our species, red and very acid. There are about 10 species, all of them natives of the north temperate zone, and at least 4 are native in North America. The cultivated mountain-ash, note^vorthy for its decorative, orange-yellow fruit, is a member of the genus. There is only one shrubby species native in Illinois. SORBUS SUBVESTITA Greene Western Mountain-Ash The Western ]\Iountain-Ash is an erect shrub, or more rarely a small tree, with branchlets which are at first long pubescent but soon become smooth. Its leaves, which are 4 to 6 inches long, stand on petioles ]/^ to li^ inches long and consist of 13 to 17 leaflets arranged in pinnate pairs along the rachis. The leaflets are lanceolate or oblong, up to 1^ inches long by Y2 inch or a little more wide, acute at the apex, rounded and very asym- metrical at the base, the upper half being the shortest. The margins are singly and sharply serrate to near the base, or the lower side may be serrate only to about the middle. Both sur- 1 30 MALACEAE faces are long pubescent at first, but the upper surface soon becomes glabrous or nearly so and the lower surface remains pubescent until maturity. The rachis is usually long pubescent, channeled above, and bears a cluster of glands in the channel at the base of each leaflet. Lateral leaflets are sessile, or nearly so, and terminal leaflets stand on a stalk ]/i to ]/2 inch long. The stipules are obovate and glandular-serrate, and the upper margin is elongated and tipped with a bristle-like gland. The white flowers appear late in May in terminal cymes. The calyx tube is pubescent at first but soon becomes glabrous. The fruit, which matures in late August or September, is a small, globose, bright red pome a little less than 14 ir^^h in diameter, which as a rule contains 1 seed. Distribution. — The Western Mountain-Ash is an inhabitant of the far north with a natural range which extends from Lab- rador to Minnesota and south to Pennsylvania and Iowa. Its occurrence in Illinois at the present time is to be doubted, al- though two specimens collected in Lake County nearly half a century ago show that it was a member of the state's flora. ARONIA Medicus Chokeberry Chokepear The chokeberries are low shrubs which bear simple, alternate, serrate leaves, small, deciduous stipules, and small, perfect flow- ers in terminal, compound cymes. There are 5 distinct sepals, 5 white or pink, spreading petals, numerous stamens, and a 3- to 5-celled ovary capped by 3 to 5 basally united styles. The fruit is a small, globose pome capped by a persistent calyx. This genus consists of only three species, all restricted to North America. The following occur in Illinois. Key to the Chokeberry Species Branchlets, calyx and pedicels more or less pubescent A. prunifolia Branchlets, calyx and pedicels glabrous A. melanocarpa ARONIA PRUNIFOLIA (Marshall) Rehder Purple Chokeberry The Purple Chokeberry, fig. 30, is a shrub which grows 3 to 9 feet high, with smooth or somewhat roughened bark somewhat MALACEAE 131 Aronia prunifolia FIG. 30 Amelanchier humilis Aronia melanocarpa 1 32 MALACEAE like the bark of cherries. The branches are smooth and generally grayish, and the branchlets more or less woolly-pubescent and light or reddish brown. The obovate or sometimes oval leaves, usually % to 1 inch wide and 2 to 3 inches long, are generally abruptly short-acuminate or acute and taper to the petiole at the base. They are smooth above and more or less woolly- pubescent beneath and stand on petioles seldom more than \^ inch long. The flowers, which appear in the latter part of May, usually stand in clusters of 12 or fewer, on peduncles \^ to 1/ inch long. The calyx is generally densely woolly-pubescent on the outside, and the lobes are triangular, alw^ays woolly on the in- side, and may have a few red glands on the margins. The petals, w^hich are about Y^ inch long, are broadly ovate to oval. The fruit, which matures after the middle of August and on through the fall, is variable in shape and size, and lustrous. It Is even- tually purplish black, dry, spherical, and a little less than l4 Inch In diameter. Distribution.— The Purple Chokeberry grows in old tama- rack bogs and similar situations and In such habitats ranges from Newfoundland west to Minnesota and south to Florida. In Illinois, It Is to be sought only in the old bogs in the north- eastern corner of the state. Early maturing fruit Is much larger than that matured later, very juicy, and somewhat astringent. ARONIA MELANOCARPA (Michaux) Elliott Chokepear Black Chokeberry The Chokepear, fig. 30, Is an upright shrub sometimes as much as 12 feet high, with obovate or ovate, short-petloled, glabrous leaves which may be obtuse, acute, or abruptly acu- minate at the tip, and are narrow^ed or wedge shaped at the base. The leaf margins are finely dentate, and the blade Is dark green above and pale beneath. Both calyx and pedicels are glabrous. The flowers bear petals less than 14 inch long, which are ovate to obovate, and the fruit is globose or oval, purplish black or black, 14 to one-third Inch In diameter, and It falls early. Distribution. — The Black Chokeberry grows near ponds or in low woods, rarely on drier soil, and ranges from Nova Scotia to Ontario and south to Florida and Illinois. In Illinois, MALACEAE 1 33 it occurs in suitable habitats throughout the entire northern third of the state, and one rare report of it comes as far south as Ciark County. AMELANCHIER Medicus Shadblow Serviceberry Shadbush The shadblows are shrubs or trees with alternate, simple, petioled leaves that may be either serrate or entire. The un- armed branches bear racemose or, rarely, solitary, white flow- ers, which have bell-shaped calyx tubes more or less adnate to the ovary, 5 narrow, reflexed, persistent sepals, 5 petals, and many stamens. The 2 to 5 styles are united at least at the base, where they are also pubescent. The at least partly in- ferior ovary has twice as many cavities as there are styles, and 1 ovule in each cavity. The hoary, gray pome is hollow, very light, and 4- to 10-celled. The shadbushes, a group of about 25 species, are all north temperate zone plants. Perhaps 18 or 19 are natives of North America, where they are well known because of their beauty and because of legends regarding them in the New England states. Only the following occurs in Illinois. AMELANCHIER HUMILIS Wiegand Low Shadblow Low Shadbush The Low Shadblow, fig. 30, is an erect shrub with stems 16 inches to nearly 5 feet high, which arise from stolons. The branchlets are generally pubescent at first but become smooth and reddish brown by the end of the season. They bear broad, oval or oval-oblong leaves, 2 to 4 inches long by ^ to 2 inches wide, which are rounded at the apex or sometimes subacute, and mostly rounded or subcordate at the base. The margins are coarsely and somewhat irregularly dentate to the middle or lower, leaving the basal part entire or very shallowly toothed. The teeth often are double. When young, the leaves are folded together and slightly pubescent above, but at length become dark green. They are densely tomentose beneath when first unfolded but become glabrous at maturity. The 7 to 13 pairs of veins are conspicuous above and beneath. At maturity, the petioles, 1/^ to ^ inch long, are pubescent at least above. 134 MALACEAE The flowers are borne in short, erect racemes, which may be either terminal or lateral, and contain usually 5 flowers. Flowering occurs from early to late May, and the blossoms are white, with obovate or oblanceolate, small petals. The juicy, edible fruit matures in July. It is at first cherry red but turns purple black, and at maturity is nearly globose, glaucous, and about ]/^ inch in diameter. The sepals are per- sistent and stand erect on the fruit. Distribution. — The Low Shadblow, a shrub of slopes and hills, ranges from Vermont westward to Nebraska and north- ward perhaps to the Mackenzie River. In Illinois, it should be found, on careful search, throughout much of the northern part of the state, but up to the present it is definitely recorded only in Hancock County. CRATAEGUS Linnaeus Haw Hawthorn The hawthorns are shrubs or small trees usually armed with thorns or spines. They bear alternate, petioled, simple, toothed, usually more or less lobed leaves, and terminal, cymose clusters of flowers, which have 5 sepals that are reflexed after blossom- ing, 5 white or pink, spreading, rounded petals, and 5 to 25 stamens with slender, incurved filaments. The ovary is inferior and consists of 1 to 5 carpels capped by 1 to 5 distinct stigmas. The fruit, a globose, pear-shaped, or ellipsoid pome, which may be yellow, red, blue or black, contains 1 to 5 bony carpels, each of which bears 1 seed. There are perhaps 300 species of hawthorns. Most of them are natives of the north temperate zone but they range south- ward by way of the table lands of Mexico into the Andes. The center of distribution is said to lie in the eastern United States, and many of the named species have been described from ma- terial collected in Illinois. The naming of hawthorns is ex- ceedingly difficult. Taxonomic botanists have named more than 1,000 species from the United States alone, but the consensus is that many of these are hybrids. Hawthorns are abundant in almost all parts of Illinois; but, in spite of many collections and careful study in two limited sec- tions of the state, they are by no means well known. There is record of the occurrence of 105 species in Illinois, but neither MALACEAE • 135 the distribution nor the abundance of more than a few is known. Forty-seven species have been described and named from origi- nal Illinois material, but most of these and many of the others are known only from isolated or limited collections. The 26 species given in the following key, without distinction as to tree or shrub forms, are known to have either wide distribution or local abundance and are those most apt to be encountered. Among the hawthorns there is much variation in the obvious characters relied upon, in other groups, for species identification. Species normally treelike often assume a shrubby habit. Leaf shape may vary greatly, even on the same branch; and varia- tions in finer characters, such as lobing, serration, pubescence, twig color, and size, texture and color of fruit, add confusion. Major characters used in distinguishing species are, in the order of their commonly recognized importance, (1) the color of the anthers, (2) the number of the stamens, (3) the pu- bescence character of the corymbs at flowering time, and (4) the general shape of the leaf. Broader characters used in the grouping of species include (1) leaf serration and lobing, (2) leaf texture, (3) leaf veining, (4) foliage color, (5) size, shape and color of the fruit, and (6) the number and shape of the nutlets. Accurate naming of a hawthorn is a task that taxes even the discriminative judgment of an experienced taxonomist. Careful and prolonged observation of the unknown plant must be coupled with keen appreciation of characteristics as they appear or change from season to season. For any but the most com- mon species, the help of an expert should be sought, and one should submit for examination an adequate series of specimens showing the full growing season's changes from flowers to ripe fruit. Key to Common Hawthorn Species A. Leaf veins extending only to the points of lobes or teeth ; leaves usually only slightly, if at all, lobed. B. Leaf widest at or beyond the middle, the base wedge shaped. C. Widest part of the leaf beyond the middle. 1. Leaves lustrous; veins not deeply impressed above. 2. Thorns 3 to 4 inches long, midrib greenish (fig. 31) C. Crus-galli L. 2. Thorns 1 to 2 inches long, midrib yellow C. arduennae Sarg. 136 MALACEAE FIG. 31 Crataegus Margaretta Crataegus Crus-galli Crataegus illinoiensis Crataegus rotundifolia MALACEAE 137 I. Leaves dull; veins deeply impressed above. 3. Thorns up to 7 inches long; leaves glabrous above C. cuneiformis (Marsh.) Egglest. 3. Thorns up to 2 inches long; leaves pubescent C. punctata J acq. C. Leaf blade widest at the middle. 4. Leaf veins deeply impressed above. 5. Leaves thin; thorns V/i to 2 inches long C. tomentosa L. 5. Leaves leathery, thorns up to Zli to 4 inches long. 6. Leaves elliptic, acute at both ends C. succulenta Schrad. 6. Leaves broader, mostly rounded at the apex. 7. Calyx lobes edged with stipitate, bright red glands (fig. 31) C. illinoiensis Ashe 7. Calj-x lobes bearing only minute, dark glands C. macracantha Lodd. 4. Leaf veins not deeply impressed above. 8. Margins of calyx lobes glandular. 9. Leaves leathery, U/i to 2 inches long, midrib green (fig. 31) C. rotundifolia Moench 9. Leaves firm, 1 to I14 inches long, midrib yellow (fig. 31) C. Marga'retta Ashe 8. Margins of calyx lobes glandless. 10. Thorns up to 1 inch long; midrib yellow below C. viridis L. 10. Thorns 1 to 1^ inches long; midrib red below C. nitida (Engelm.) Sarg. B. Leaf widest toward the base. D. Calyx lobes entire ; leaves relatively sma.ll. 11. Leaves glabrous above, blue green; fruit hard and covered with bloom. 12. Fruit green until nearly ripe (fig. 32) C. pruinosa (Wendl.) K. Koch 12. Fruit orange red, green blotched, dark dotted C. conjuncta Sarg. 11. Leaves pubescent or scabrous above; fruit soft and without bloom. 13. Leaf teeth tipped with bright red glands C. lucorum Sarg. 13. Leaf teeth lacking such glands. 14. Fruit subglobose. 15. Fruit reddish purple, pale dotted C. cyanophylla Sarg. 15. Fruit scarlet, not conspicuously dotted G. sextilis Sarg. 14. Fruit obovoid, bright reddish purple C. apiomorpha Sarg. D. Calyx lobes toothed ; leaves larger (1 to 4 inches long). 16. Mature leaves glabrous. 17. Calyx not enlarged on the fruit. 138 MALACEAE FIG. 32 Crataegus mollis Crataegus pruinosa Crataegus Phaenopyrum AMYGDALACEAE 139 18. Thorns 1 to 11/^ inches long; midrib yellow G. assurgens Sarg. 18. Thorns up to Zyz inches long. 19. Midrib greenish; petioles up to l^i inches long; fruit obovoid, crimson, pale dotted C. Hillii Sarg. 19. Midrib yellow; petioles \]/2 to 3 inches long; fruit subglobose, bright red, pale dotted C. sertata Sarg. 17. Calyx much enlarged on the fruit C. coccinioides Ashe 16. Mature leaves pubescent or tementose below (fig. 32) C. mollis (T. & G.) Scheele A. Leaf veins extending both to lobe points and to sinuses. E. Leaves triangular-ovate; sepals deciduous (fig. 32) C. Phaenopyrum (L. f.) Med. E. Leaf bases cuneate; sepals persistent. 20. Leaves with 3 to 5 short, broad, serrulate lobes C. Oxyacantha L. 20. Leaves with 3 to 7 long, narrow, entire lobes C. monogyna Jacq. AMYGDALACEAE The Plum Family The plum family consists of trees or shrubs which bear al- ternate, simple leaves, deciduous stipules and, in the American species, perfect flowers that have 5 sepals, 5 petals and 10 or more stamens. The pistils are usually solitary and develop into a single-seeded fruit known as a drupe, of which the plum is typical. The family is widely distributed in the north temperate zone and contains some 120 species, divided into about 10 geiiera. Among the important species are the edible and cultivated plums, the peach, the apricot and the cherries. The family is represented in Illinois by both native tree and shrub forms. PRUNUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus Plums and Cherries These are shrubs or trees with alternate, deciduous leaves which usually are toothed on the margin and can be definitely recognized by the presence of glands on the petioles near the base of the leaf blades. The flowers, which are perfect, are solitary, umbellate, or in corymbs at the end of leafy branches, 1 40 AMYGDALACEAE or arise from scaly, lateral buds. There are 5 sepals, 5 petals, and 15 to 30 stamens with distinct, filiform filaments. The drupe has a fleshy covering, is often white with bloom, and contains within its pulp a bony, smooth stone which incloses the seed. Key to the Shrubby Species Flowers produced in umbel-like clusters, appearing before or with the leaves on branchlets produced the preceding year. Leaves mostly lanceolate and folded together; calyx lobes ciliate ; fruit red when ripe P. angustifolia, p. 140 Leaves mostly oblanceolate and flat; calyx lobes not ciliate; fruit black when ripe P. pumila, p. 142 Flowers produced in racemes, appearing after the leaves on branchlets of the present year P. virginiana, p. 143 PRUNUS ANGUSTIFOLIA Marshall Chickasaw Plum The Chickasaw Plum, fig. 33, is an erect, bushy shrub often 12 or more feet high, with stems as much as 2j/2 inches in di- ameter. The branches are many, usually crooked or zigzag, and some of the shorter ones tend to become thornlike. The branchlets are slender, glabrous and reddish, and bear lanceo- late to oblong-lanceolate leaves, some or all of which have the upper surface folded together. These leaves are 1 to 2]/^ inches long by 14 to ^ inch wide, acute at the apex, and narrowed or rounded at the base. The margins are finely and minutely glandular-serrate, and the blade is glossy and smooth above, but paler and smooth beneath or pubescent beneath along the midrib. The petioles, which are variable in length but short, are pubescent above and generally bear 2 glands near the base of the leaf blade. The flowers, which appear before or with the leaves in May, stand in umbels of 2 to 4 on smooth pedicels ]/^ to 14 inch long. They are white and a little less than 14 i^^^h wide. The calyx lobes are oblong, obtuse, and entire but ciliate on the margins. The petals are obovate. The fruit, which ripens the latter part of June or early in July, is bright red, not covered by bloom, is globose, and about 14 inch in diameter. Its pulp clings to the stone, which is round, and roughened on the surface. Distribution. — The Chickasaw Plum is a shrub well adapted to poor soil, especially clay and sand, and grows from AMYGDALACEAE 41 Prunus angustifolia FIG. 33 Prunus virginiana Prunus pumila 1 42 AMYGDALACEAE Delaware to Florida and west to Texas and Nebraska. It has been widely cultivated for its fruit. In Illinois, it is reported by numerous collections from the southern half of the state but there is no record of it in northern Illinois elsewhere than at Castle Rock. PRUNUS PUMILA Linnaeus Sand Cherry The Sand Cherry, fig. 33, is an erect shrub, generally 2 to 9 feet high, with characteristically nearly erect leaves, bark resembling that of a cultivated cherry tree, and strongly angled, reddish-brown to gray branches. The branchlets, green and glabrous at first, become reddish brown by the end of the sea- son. The leaves are mostly oblanceolate or spatulate, and us- ually I14 to lYi inches long by 14 to % inch wide, though often larger on vigorous shoots and seedlings. The blade is acute at the apex or, rarely, bluntly rounded, and is long tapered to the petiole at the base. The margins are serrate with short, gland-tipped teeth to somewhat below the middle of the leaf, often farther down on one side than the other, and the surface is smooth above and beneath and much paler beneath. The petioles, which are y% to Ya i^^ch long, generally have 1 or 2 glands near the base of the leaf blade. The stipules, which are soon lost, are linear and glandular-serrate. The white flowers appear before or with the leaves in late May, generally 2 or 3 together, rarely 4, in sessile umbels. The calyx is glabrous, and the calyx lobes are very short, obtuse, and glandular-serrate on the margins, which usually are rose colored. The obovate or ovate petals are about one-sixteenth inch long. Fruit begins to ripen in late July and is mature shortly after the middle of August. For the most part it is nearly globose and a little over 14 inch in diameter, or it may be somewhat elongated and about 14 inch wide and ^ inch long. When ripe, it is black and not bloom covered, is purplish red, juicy, and tasty. The stone is ovoid to oblong, rounded at one or both ends, or sometimes pointed at both ends, and has a definite, narrow ridge on the back. Its surface is marked with slanting grooves which point outward from the dorsal groove. Distribution. — The Sand Cherry prefers sandy situations, where it may grow alone or in association with other shrubs AMYGDALACEAE 143 and trees. Where the habitat is favorable, it may be found from New Brunswick west to Manitoba and south to Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois. In Illinois, it has been widely collected from the sandy regions in Cook and Lake counties, occasionally in Kankakee County, and near Oregon, where dry sand from sandstone rocks favors its growth. Forms with broad leaves are segregated as var. susquehanae (Willdenow) Jaeger. PRUNUS VIRGINIANA Linnaeus Chokecherry Common Chokecherry The Chokecherry, fig. 33, is a small or large, erect shrub up to 18 feet high, with stems as much as 3 inches in diam.eter and smooth, reddish-brown branches and greenish branchlets which turn reddish brown. Its oval to obovate leaves with blades up to 3 inches long and 1^ inches wide are narrowly acute and short pointed at the apex, and narrowed, rounded, or subcor- date at the base. The margins are sharply serrate or often doubly serrate, and the surface is smooth above, and smooth but definitely paler beneath or with pubescence along the mid- rib or in the axils of the principal veins. The petioles, which are ]/^ to nearly I/2 inch long, generally bear 2 glands near the base of the blade. The flowers, which appear from early May to early June, occur in terminal racemes arising from short, lateral branch- lets of the season. These racemes, which have glabrous stalks, are from 1^ to 3 inches long and each has about 25 white flowers, which are less than 14 i^^ch wide. The calyx lobes are deciduous, cut along the edges, and mostly tipped with glands. The fruit, which begins to ripen during the last of August, is at maturity nearly black, globose, and V^ to 14 i^ich in diameter. The stone within is smooth and varies from oblong-ovoid to nearly orbicular. It is slightly compressed laterally and the dorsal suture is broad, while the ventral one is acute. Distribution. — The Chokecherry is a northern shrub which is distributed from Labrador to Hudson Bay and south to North Carolina, Kentucky and Kansas. It prefers moist, al- luvial soil along lakes and streams but may occasionally occur along roadsides and fences. In Illinois, though by no means a common shrub, it is widely distributed over the northern half of the state and is especially abundant in the northeastern 144 LEGUMINOSAE corner. Southward it becomes rare, and has not been reported south of Jefferson and St. Clair counties. Forms of this cherry which occur in the northeastern part of the state, especially on the sand near Lake Michigan, are re- ferred to the variety demissa (Nuttall) Torrey, which differs in having the underside of the leaves w^ooUy-pubescent and the leaf blades more or less cordate at the base. Also, the branch- lets are puberulent and the rachis and pedicels of the inflores- cence are pubescent. LEGUMINOSAE The Pea Family The pea family includes herbs, vines, shrubs and trees, all of which bear alternate and for the most part compound, stipulate leaves and irregular but mostly perfect flowers in spikes, heads, racemes or panicles. The calyx in this family is 4- to 5-toothed or 4- to 5-cleft, the lobes being either equal or unequal and sometimes 2-lipped. The petals are more or less united and usually consist of a broad upper one, called the standard or banner, 2 lateral ones, known as wings, and 2 front ones which are more or less united to form the keel. The stamens may be monodelphous, diadelphous or sometimes separate. In most genera there are 10; sometimes there are 9, and rarely there are only 5. The pistil is simple and generally there is only 1 per flower. The ovary is superior and for the most part 1-celled, and the style is simple and unbranched. The fruit, commonly known as a legume, is a 1- to many-seeded pod which opens by 2 valves. There are over 300 genera and more than 10,000 species in this family. They are most abundant in temperate and warm regions and include a large number of commercially important plants. Although many species of herbs and several trees na- tive in Illinois belong to this family, only two of the native genera are represented by shrubby species. These shrubs are all plants of special habitats, and each occurs only where favorable habitats exist in the state. The local variation in characteristics has given rise to varietal names not recognized below. Key to the Shrubby Genera Upright shrubs with glandular-punctate leaves. . .Amorpha, p. 145 Twining vines; leaves not glandular-punctate Wisteria, p. 146 LEGUMINOSAE 145 AMORPHA Linnaeus False-Indigo Shoestrings The false-indigos are shrubs with alternate, odd-pinnate leaves, which are also glandular-punctate. The flowers are perfect but incomplete and are borne in spikelike racemes. The calyx has 5 lobes and is short, and the blue, purple or white corolla lacks wings and keel. The banner is erect, clawed, and folded around the 10 stamens, the filaments of which are united at the base only. The ovary develops into a short, 1- to 2-seeded, nearly indehiscent pod. The false-indigos are limited in their distribution to North America and Mexico. There are about 15 species, of which only 2 occur in Illinois as shrubs. Key to the False- Indigo Species Tall shrubs, reaching a height of 3 to 12 feet; leaflets ^4 to 11^ inches long A. fruticosa Low shrubs, generally less than 3 feet high ; leaflets mostly less than ^ inch long A. canescens AMORPHA FRUTICOSA Linnaeus Indigobush False-Indigo The Indigobush, fig. 34, is an erect shrub with gray or brown bark and greenish branchlets, which become glabrous, or nearly so, and light brown by autumn. The leaves are generally 8 to 12 inches long. They stand on petioles 14 to ^ inch long and consist as a rule of 9 to 25 entire-margined leaflets which are set in opposite or nearly opposite pairs well separated along the rachis on stalks less than ]/$ inch long. The leaflets are }/i to li/^ inches long, oval or oblong, rounded or narrowed at the base, and rounded and emarginate but mucronate at the tip. At maturity, the surface is more or less pubescent on both sides and is glandular-dotted beneath. The inflorescences, clusters of spikelike racemes, are borne near the end of the branches. Sometimes the spikes are solitary. The flowers, which open in ]\Iay or June, are numerous, violet- purple, and about 14 inch long. The fruit is a glabrous, gland- ular pod generally 14 i^^ch long or a little more, which usually contains 2 seeds. Distribution. — The Indigobush prefers well-drained allu- 146 LEGUMINOSAE vial soil along streams and in such situations grows from south- ern Pennsylvania northwestward to Saskatchewan and south to Florida and northern Mexico. In Illinois, it is exceedingly rare, although widely distributed. There are records of it from Winnebago County in the extreme north, Calhoun County in the west, and Pope County in the southeast. AMORPHA CANESCENS Nuttall Leadplant The Leadplant, fig. 34, is a densely white-canescent, erect shrub usually 2 to 3 feet high, without side branches. The leaves, which are 2 to 5 inches long, stand on very short petioles and consist of 21 to 49 nearly sessile leaflets, which are crowded on the rachis in opposite or nearly opposite pairs. The leaflet is 14 to about Y2 i^^ch in length, oval, lanceolate, or oblong, rounded or truncate at the base, and obtuse or acute and mu- cronate at the apex. The margin is entire. The surface is appressed-pubescent above and woolly-pubescent beneath. The inflorescence consists of a terminal cluster of many-flowered spikes. The flowers appear in June or July and are small and purplish blue. The fruit is a 1-seeded, densely hairy pod about 14 inch long. Distribution. — The Leadplant prefers sandy situations on knolls and ridges and dry places in prairies, especially when they are located in the open. In such situations it ranges from northern Indiana to Manitoba and south to Louisiana and New Mexico. In Illinois, it is widely distributed and abundant throughout the northern half of the state but distinctly local- ized, because of its definite habitat limitation. WISTERIA Nuttall The Wisterias The wisterias are long, climbing vines that bear alternate, odd-pinnately compound leaves, which are subtended by stipules and bear alternate leaflets. The flowers are showy, colored, and borne in large terminal racemes. The calyx is somewhat 2-lipped, the upper lobe shorter than the 3 lower ones, and the standard of the corolla is large, reflexed, and clawed, while the wings are oblong and eared at the base. The keel is curved LEGUMINOSAE 147 FIG. 34 Wisteria macrostachya Amorpha canescens Amorpha fruticosa 148 LEGUMINOSAE inward and obtuse. The stamens are arranged in 2 groups, and the ovary develops into an elongated, leathery pod contain- ing several seeds. There are seven species of wisteria native in Asia and two native in North America. Only the following occurs in Illinois as a woody vine. WISTERIA MACROSTACHYA Nuttail Wisteria The Wisteria, fig. 34, is a slender, climbing vine with long stems, sometimes 20 to 25 feet in length, bearing sparingly pu- bescent young branches, which soon become glabrous, and alter- nate, pinnately compound leaves composed usually of 9 leaflets set alternately but more or less definitely in pairs along the rachis. The leaflets are ovate to elliptic, 1 to 2^ inches long, acuminate at the tip, and rounded to almost cordate at the base. The margins are smooth and the surface, although pu- bescent at first, becomes glabrous with maturity or remains only sparingly pubescent. The lilac to purple, showy flowers are borne in dense racemes 8 to 12 inches long, which, although terminal, are loosely flow- ered and drooping. Both rachis and lower pedicel are hairy and glandular with cup-shaped glands. The bell-shaped, pu- bescent calyx has lower teeth at least half as long as the tube. The standard of the corolla is not prominently eared, but the wings bear an awl-shaped spur at the base about as long as the claw. The flowers are in blossom from July to August, and the fruit, which ripens in fall, is an elongated pod 2 to 4 inches long, which is narrowed between the seeds and contains several black, shining seeds. Distribution. — This wisteria is an inhabitant of swampy woods and ranges from southern Illinois to Louisiana and Texas. In Illinois, it is limited to a very small portion of the southern part of the state, not extending north beyond the Ozarks at any point. It has thus far been recorded in Pope, Pulaski and Alexander counties only, in one instance as a fence climber, but elsewhere only as a climbing vine in the rich bottomland forests along the southern rivers. Early reports of Wisteria frutescens (Linnaeus) Poiret in Washington and other southern counties are undoubtedly referable to this species. RUTACEAE ' 1 49 RUTACEAE The Rue Family The rue family consists of trees or shrubs, which are made aromatic by secreting glands in the foliage. The leaves are for the most i^art digitately or pinnately compound, and the leaflets are not equilateral. The flowers are perfect and polygamous or dioecious. The calyx consists usually of 3 to 5 lobes or sepals, which rarely may be wanting, and there are 3 to 5 petals. The stamens may be either the same number as the petals or twice as many, and the ovary consists of 1 to 5 or more free or united carpels. The fruit is variable and may be a follicle, a capsule, a samara or a drupe. This large family of more than 100 genera and nearly 1,000 species occurs most abundantly in South Africa and Australia. Its 2 North American shrubby genera are both native in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Genera Shrubs armed with spines, the leaflets more than 3 Zanthoxylum Shrubs not armed with spines, the leaflets 3 per leaf Ptelea ZANTHOXYLUM Linnaeus Prickly-Ash The prickly-ashes are shrubs or trees, usually prickly and with aromatic bark, that bear alternate, usually pinnate leaves often provided with stipular prickles. The flowers are mostly in cymes or panicles and are perfect and dioecious or polygamous. The sepals may be 3 to 5, or sometimes wanting, and usually are more or less united. There are 3 to 10 petals and 3 to 5 stamens. The pistils, which are only rudimentary in staminate flowers, number 1 to 5 and develop into 1-celled and usually 1 -seeded follicles. The seeds are oblong, black, and shiny. Among about 150 species, w^hich are natives of temperate and near-tropical regions, only 4 occur within the boundaries of the United States and only 1 in Illinois. ZANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM Miller Prickly-Ash Toothache-Tree The Prickly-Ash, fig. 35, is a much-branched, upright shrub generally Ayz to 10 but sometimes as much as 18 feet high, with 150 RUTACEAE FIG. 35 Zanthoxylum americanum Ptelea trifoliata RUTACEAE 151 smooth, gray or brownish bark and smooth branches and branchlets armed, at the base of each leaf, with a pair of straight, sharp spines, which are persistent and much flattened at the base. The odd-pinnate leaves, which are 3 to 10 inches long, consist of 5 to 11 leaflets set oppositely in pairs along the rachis on very short stalks. The narrowly to broadly ovate leaflets, ^ to 3 inches long and ]/i to 1^ inches wide, taper gradually to the apex, where they are obtuse and notched, but at the base they are oblique and either narrowed or rounded. The margin is entire or crenulate, and the surface, pubescent at first, becomes smooth or nearly so above and remains pu- bescent beneath. The petiole and rachis are sometimes prickly. The flowers, which appear before the leaves, stand in small, axillary clusters on the branches of the previous season. They are dioecious and small, the staminate being about one-six- teenth inch in diameter. The fruit, which matures in August and September, is a reddish, globose or ellipsoid, 1-seeded cap- sule about ]4, inch long, with a pitted surface. It is strongly aromatic, and the seeds are black and shining. Distribution. — The Prickly-Ash is a shrub which prefers low woods, especially those growing on flood plains and along banks of streams. In such situations it is distributed from Que- bec and Ontario to North Dakota and south to Georgia and Oklahoma. In Illinois, it is a widely distributed and frequently observed shrub throughout the northern two-thirds of the state, but southward it is seldom or rarely encountered. The most southern Illinois records are Tunnel Hill in Johnson County and Murphysboro in Jackson County. PTELEA Linnaeus Hop-Tree Shrubby Trefoil The hop-trees are unarmed shrubs or trees with alternate or, rarely, opposite, 3-foliate leaves, the leaflets of which are entire or toothed and translucently dotted. The polygamous flowers are produced in corymbose or paniculate cymes and bear 4, 5 or, rarely, 6 sepals and the same number of greenish or yellowish-white petals. There are 4, 5 or, rarely, 6 stamens, which are imperfect in the pistillate flowers. The ovary con- sists of 2 or 3 united carpels, and the fruit is a 2-celled or, rarely, 3-celled samara with reticulated wings. 1 52 RUTACEAE There are only three species of hop-tree, all natives of the United States and Mexico. Only one of them occurs in Illinois. PTELEA TRIPOLI ATA Linnaeus Wafer Ash Hop-Tree The Wafer Ash, fig. 35, is an erect, sometimes treelike, shrub 5 to 15 feet tall, with smooth, gray or grayish-brown bark, which may be roughened on old specimens, light to me- dium brown branches and branchlets, and small, 3-foliate, ash- like, compound leaves, which stand on petioles 2|/^ to 4 inches long. The leaflets are sessile or nearly so and are variable in size and shape. They are ovate to oblong-lanceolate, on fruit- ing branches 1^ to 6 inches long, and on sterile shoots often somewhat larger. Lateral leaflets are about two-thirds as large as the terminal one, and all are somewhat inequilateral, the lateral ones the more noticeably so. They are short-acumi- nate and gradually tapered to blunt and often distinctly notched tips and are oblique and narrowed to rounded at the base. The margins, though usually entire, may be undulate or coarsely serrate. The leaf surface at maturity is smooth and shining above and pale and smooth below, and both surfaces are sprinkled with black dots. The numerous, small, greenish flowers, which appear in June and early July after the leaves are almost full grown, are borne in panicled cymes. The fruit, which matures in August and September, is a colorless samara about 1/^ to 1 inch long, usually circular but sometimes oval in outline, with a rounded or notched apex and a rounded, subcordate, or sometimes somewhat narrowed base. Both of its faces are strongly and coarsely reticulated, and the sp^aces between veins are sprinkled with resinous glands. The body of the samara is oblong and situated near its center. Distribution. — The Wafer Ash, a shrub of limestone bluffs and black alluvial soils along streams, occurs from Connecticut and southern Ontario westward to Wisconsin and south to Florida and northern Mexico. It grows throughout the state of Illinois, wherever suitable habitats occur. Individuals with leaflets remaining hairy are segregated as form pubescens (Pursh) Fernald; shrubs of wider growth habit and pubescent branchlets as var. Deamiana Nieuwland. ANACARDIACEAE 153 ANACARDIACEAE The Sumac Family The sumacs, shrubs or trees with alternate, simple or pin- nately compound leaves without stipules, bear polygamous, monoecious or dioecious flowers in panicles, spikes or racemes. The flowers are regular and have 3 to 5 distinct sepals, 3 to 5 petals, and 3 to 5 stamens alternate with the petals. The ovary consists of 4 to 5 united or nearly distinct carpels, and the styles are likewise either united or distinct. The fruit is a drupe or berry which contains a solitary seed. There are about 60 genera and 3,000 species in this family. These are most abundant in warm or tropical regions, but the range of a few extends into the temperate zone. Three genera are native in northeastern North America, but only one grows in Illinois. RHUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Sumacs The sumacs are shrubs, trees or vines, some poisonous and some not, w^ith alternate, odd-pinnate leaves, which may be en- tire or toothed. The greenish-white or yellow flowers are polygamous or dioecious and occur in terminal panicles. Sepals, petals and stamens commonly are 5 in number. The ovary is 1-celled, and the fruit is a small drupe containing a smooth stone. Key to the Sumac Species Leaflets 3 per leaf. Petioles of the leaves generally less than ll4 inches long, the fruit red and densely hairy R. aromatica, p. 159 Petioles generally more than 1\4 inches long, the fruit pale green and usually smooth R. radicans, p. 159 Leaflets more than 3 per leaf. Branchlets pubescent. Rachis of the leaf winged, leaflets almost entire but some- times with a few coarse teeth R. copallina, p. 154 Rachis of the leaf not winged, leaflets regularly serrate to the base R. typhina, p. 1 54 Branchlets smooth. Branchlets angled, leaves serrate, fruit red. . .R. glabra, p. 156 Branchlets round, leaves entire or nearly so, fruit pale green to almost colorless R. vernix, p. 158 154 ANACARDIACEAE RHUS COPALLINA Linnaeus Shining Sumac The Shining Sumac, fig. 36, is an erect shrub generally 4 to 7 feet high, with densely short-pubescent branchlets and leaves 6 to 18 inches long on long petioles. Both the petiole and the rachis are more or less pubescent, and the rachis is definitely winged between the leaflets. There are, as a rule, 7 to 15 leaf- lets per leaf. These are ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, and usually \]/^ inches to 4]/^ inches long by ]/2 to I14 inches wide. They are unequilateral at the base, and the lateral ones, which are sometimes falcate, are sessile or nearly so, and some- what smaller than the terminal leaflet. The leaflet blades are acute to short- or long-acuminate and oblique and narrowed or rounded at the base, with margins entire or with a few coarse teeth. The leaf surface is smooth or nearly so above except on the midvein, where it is densely pubescent, and it is more or less pubescent beneath. The inflorescence is a terminal panicle 4 to 8 inches long, which appears in flower in July and August. The flowers are greenish yellow or sometimes pinkish, and the margins of the petals are more or less glandular-cillate. The fruit, which ma- tures in September or October, Is somewhat asymmetrically spherical in shape, about 14, inch In diameter, red, and densely covered with hairs and short-stalked or sessile glands. The smooth seeds are brown and quite small. Distribution. — The Shining Sumac, a shrub of dry, sandy soil, prefers open places such as abandoned fields, borders of woodlands, and fence rows. In such situations It grows from New England westward to Michigan and south to Florida and Texas. It ranges throughout the length and breadth of Illi- nois but Is not, of course, to be expected In purely prairie regions. RHUS TYPHINA Linnaeus Staghorn Sumac The Staghorn Sumac, fig. 36, is an erect shrub, sometimes a small tree, 5 to 18 feet tall, with densely velvety pubescent branchlets, and compound leaves 8 to 24 inches long on long petioles. The leaflets, of w^hlch there are 11 to 25 per leaf, are ANACARDIACEAE 155 FIG. 36 Rhus typhina Rhus copallina 156 ANACARDIACEAE sessile, oblong to linear-oblong, often falcate, 1 14 to 5 inches long, and up to \]4 inches wide. They are narrowed or rounded at the base and acuminate at the apex, and their margins are finely or coarsely serrate. At maturity they are dark green and smooth above, or nearly so beneath, except on the midrib and the main vein. The inflorescence is a dense, terminal panicle up to 12 inches long, which comes into flower in June and July. The flowers are greenish yellow, those bearing stamens being about ]/s inch in diameter, and the margins of the petals are not glandular- ciliate. The fruit matures in August and September as a small, bright red drupe densely covered with long red hairs; and the light brown, slightly flattened seed is smooth and oblique. Distribution. — The Staghorn Sumac prefers sandy or gravelly ridges and slopes or bluffs, and sometimes it grows in moist situations about lakes and bogs. It ranges from New Brunswick to North Dakota and south to Georgia and Missis- sippi. In Illinois, it is widely distributed throughout the north- ern part of the state, being especially abundant in the north- east in the vicinity of Lake Michigan. Elsewhere it is rare and local, and has been recorded at Starved Rock in La Salle County, in Morgan County, Cass County, Hancock County and along bluffs of the Apple River in Jo Daviess County. RHUS GLABRA Linnaeus Smooth Sumac The Smooth Sumac, fig. 37, is an upright shrub commonly 4 to 12 feet high, with branchlets which are, by the end of the year, more or less keeled below the buds and with compound leaves 12 to 20 inches long. The leaf rachis is smooth, except for a pubescent line above, and the leaflets generally number 15 to 25. The lateral leaflets are sessile or nearly so, and the terminal ones are short-stalked. The blades are oblong-ovate to lanceolate-oblong, 2 to 4 inches long by l^ to 1 14 inches wide, and acuminate at the apex. Terminal leaflets are nar- rowed or rounded at the base; lateral leaflets are oblique and rounded at the base. The margins are rather coarsely serrate and the leaf surface is green and smooth above, except along the midvein, and smooth and glaucous beneath. The inflorescence is a large, terminal, pubescent panicle, and ANACARDIACEAE 157 Rhus glabra FIG. 37 Rhus vernix 158 ANACARDIACEAE the flowers, which appear in June or July, are greenish yellow. The fruit matures from late August into October, and is slightly flattened, asymmetrically globose, bright red, densely covered with short, sticky hairs, and sour. The smooth seeds are small, ash colored or light brown, and somewhat wider than long. Distribution. — The Smooth Sumac grows in dry, sandy or gravelly soil and ranges from Nova Scotia west to North Da- kota and south to Florida and Louisiana. It often grows in colonies in open places, on sandy or gravelly ridges, along the borders of woods, and on fence rows. It is distributed through- out the state of Illinois. RHUS VERNIX Linnaeus Poison Sumac Swamp Sumac Poison Elder The Poison Sumac, fig. 37, is an erect shrub, or sometimes a small tree, w4th a w^idely spreading crown of smooth branches and branchlets bearing compound leaves 6 to 14 inches long. The leaf rachis is smooth or nearly so, and the leaflets, of which there are 7 to 13, vary greatly in shape and size on the same leaf, being obovate-oblong to oval, and li/ to 4i/^ inches long by ^ to 2 inches wnde. They taper abruptly to a blunt point and also taper to the petiole. They may be nearly sessile or stand on short stalks, the terminal leaflets being longer stalked, as a rule, than the others. The margins are entire or somewhat undulating, and at maturity the leaves are dark green and smooth above ; when young they are pubescent but soon become smooth or nearly so beneath. The inflorescence takes the form of an axillary panicle. The flowers open in June and are greenish yellow. The fruit, w^hich matures in August and September, is pale green to almost color- less and slightly flattened to somewhat asymmetrically globose. The flat, depressed seeds are deeply grooved along the sides and have about 4 ridges on a side. Distribution. — The Poison Sumac is a shrub that grows on low ground about lakes and tamarack bogs. In such situations it ranges from northern New England to Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is known only in the tamarack bogs of Lake County. Poison Sumac is the most poisonous shrub in Illinois. Its ANACARDIACEAE 159 poisonous principle is the same as that carried by Poison Ivy, but the effect is reputed to be much more severe. RHUS AROMATICA Aiton Fragrant Sumac The Fragrant Sumac, fig. 38, is a low, spreading shrub about 3 feet high or, rarely, an erect shrub up to 12 feet high, with smooth or pubescent branchlets, compound leaves 2 to 5 inches long, and petioles from j/2 to 1^4 inches long. There are 3 ovate to rhombic leaflets per leaf, the lateral 2 sessile, the terminal on a short stalk. The terminal leaflet is I14 to 3^ inches long and about ^ to 2i^ inches wide, and the lateral leaflets are about three-fourths as large. The blades are acute or rounded at the apex, the terminal one narrowed at the base and the lateral ones either narrowed or rounded and asym- metrical at the base. The margin is closely crenate-dentate, and the surface is pubescent both above and beneath, or some- times glabrous. The inflorescences are in the form of short, crowded, axillary spikes borne on year-old branchlets. The greenish-yellow flowers open, as a rule, before the leaves appear. The fruit, which matures from July on into September, is red, densely hairy, globose, and small, and contains a light brown, slightly flat- tened, asymmetrical seed. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Fragrant Sumac prefers ridges and rocky bluffs along streams and ravines, where open situations favor its growth. In such habitats, it is distributed from western Vermont to Minnesota and south to Florida and Louisiana. It grows in suitable situations throughout Illinois. When erect and with leaflets rounded to obtuse at the apex, more densely pubescent beneath than above, and provided with fewer, rounded teeth, shrubs of this species are segregated as var. iUinoensis (Greene) Rehder. RHUS RADICANS Linnaeus Poison Ivy Three-Leaved Ivy Poison Oak Poison Ivy, fig. 38, is a trailing shrub or climbing vine which trails by underground stems or climbs by aerial rootlets. Its branches are more or less striate and pubescent. The com- 160 ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans FIG. 38 Rhus aromatica AQUIFOLIACEAE 161 pound, 3-foliate leaves are variable in size, shape, texture and pubescence, being generally 6 to 14 inches long and on petioles up to 6 inches long. The blades are ovate to rhombic, and acuminate or short-acuminate at the apex, the lateral ones on short stalks, the terminal one on a definitely longer stalk. The terminal leaflet is rounded at the base or sometimes narrowed; the lateral ones are asymmetrical and oblique, although more or less rounded, at the base; and the margins are either entire or provided with 1 to several coarse teeth. Rarely, the leaflets are lobed. The surfaces are pubescent on unfolding but become glabrous in varying degrees at maturity, remaining pubescent at least on the principal veins. The greenish flowers appear in loose axillary panicles from the last of May on into June. The fruit, w^hich matures from the last of August on through October, is somewhat flattened- globose, pale green to almost colorless, and usually smooth, though sometimes more or less densely covered with hairs; and the flattened small seed has a groove near the middle across the shortest diameter. Distribution. — Poison Ivy is well adapted to almost any kind of habitat and is becoming increasingly common through- out its range, which extends from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and south to Florida and Mexico. In Illinois, it is an expected and generally abundant vine of deep woods, as well as a common and troublesome weed of roadsides and other waste places. Persons who suspect, or know, they are susceptible to ivy poisoning should become familiar enough with this plant to be able to avoid it. The white lac in the leaves, stems and fruit contains a poisonous principle known as toxicodendrol, which causes severe inflammation of the skin. But poisoning often can be prevented by washing the skin thoroughly with soap and water after exposure. A vanishing cream containing sodium perborate is said to give protection if applied to the skin before it is exposed to the poison. AQUIFOLIACEAE The Holly Family The holly family consists of shrubs or trees with alternate, often evergreen, leaves without stipules. The flowers are per- 162 " AQUIFOLIACEAE feet, dioecious or polygamous, and usually are produced in cymes. They are made up of 4 to 6 sepals, which are persistent, the same number of deciduous petals, and stamens alternate with the petals. The ovary is compound, consisting of 2 to 6 carpels, and the stigma is usually sessile on the ovary. The fruit is a drupe with horny or crusty nutlets. There are only 3 genera but some 300 species in this family, all native in temperate and tropical regions. Two of the genera occur in North America and both are represented by native shrubs in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Genera Leaves serrate; petals united at the base; fruit pedicels usually about 14 inch long - Ilex, p. 162 Leaf margins entire or, rarely, with a few teeth ; petals not at all united; fruit pedicels more than 14 inch long Nemopanthus, p. 165 ILEX Linnaeus Holly Winterberry The hollies are usually glabrous shrubs or small trees with dioecious flow^ers. Staminate flowers occur in axillary clusters, and pistillate flowers are solitary. The sepals, petals and sta- mens number 4 to 6, and the petals are united at the base. The fruit is a nearly globose drupe with 4 to 6 or, rarely, 7 or 8 nutlets. There are about 200 species of holly, most of them American but some Asian and Australian. About 15 occur in the United States, and the 2 following are native in Illinois. Key to the Holly Species Lobes of the calyx not ciliate, the nutlets ribbed I. decidua Lobes of the calyx ciliate, nutlets not ribbed I. verticillata ILEX DECIDUA Walter Possumhaw Swamp Holly The Possumhaw, fig. 39, is an upright shrub, or less often a small tree, with gray bark made warty by corky lenticels. The branches are light gray and the smooth branchlets soon become light gray. The leaves, which are borne in crowded groups on the ends of short branchlets, or may be separated AQUIFOLIACEAE FIG. 39 Nemopanthus mucronata Ilex decidua Ilex verticillata 164 AQUIFOLIACEAE on vigorous branchlets, are firm, rather widely to narrowly lanceolate, and 1^ to 4 inches long by about ^ to li/^ inches wide. The apex is bluntly acute and the blade usually is tapered from below the middle to the petiole, the margin being crenu- late or crenulate-serrate. The blade is smooth above and more or less pubescent beneath, especially on the main veins, and the short petiole is grooved and pubescent above. The flowers are of two sorts. Those having stamens are borne on pedicels about l^ to j4 ir^ch long, generally in clusters of 3 to 12. Those having pistils stand on shorter pedicels and are solitary or in pairs. The calyx lobes are triangular, blunt, and not glandular-ciliate. The fruit, which matures in Sep- tember and October, is globose, nearly one-third inch in diam- eter, red, and contains 3 to 4 nutlets, w^hich are moon shaped, bony, and ribbed longitudinally. Distribution. — The Possumhaw prefers the borders of sloughs and bogs and usually grows in swamps and low woods. In such habitats it is scattered from Virginia west to Illinois and southern Missouri and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, its distribution follows chiefly the valleys of the Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi rivers, beginning, on the eastern side of the state, at Edwards and Wabash counties and extending south around the lower part of the state and north again to the southern tip of Calhoun County. It is, however, reported at an altitude of 900 feet in the Ozarks in Union County, and there is an isolated report of its occur- rence in La Salle County along the Illinois River. ILEX VERTiCILLATA (Linnaeus) Gray Common Winterberry The Common Winterberry, fig. 39, is an erect shrub 5 to 15 feet high, with smooth bark roughened by warty lenticels and with gray to reddish-brown branches. The branchlets are smooth, and the oval-lanceolate to broadly obovate leaves are 114 to 4 inches long by ^ to 2 inches wide. They are mostly acuminate at the tip and narrowed to sometimes rounded at the base, and the margins are serrate or sometimes doubly serrate. The leaf surface is glabrous or nearly so above and more or less pubescent beneath, particularly on the main veins. The texture of the leaves varies, some being thin, others thick AQUIFOLIACEAE * 165 or firm and often very veiny beneath. The petioles are chan- neled above and thinly pubescent. The greenish or yellowish-white flowers appear in June and early July and are of two kinds. Those with stamens are clus- tered in short-peduncled cymes of as many as a dozen flowers. Those having pistils occur 1 to 3 in a place. The calyx lobes are obtuse and definitely ciliate. The fruit, which appears in the autumn, is bright red or orange, globose, about one-third inch in diameter, and contains 3 to 5 nutlets, which are lunate, bone colored, and smooth. Distribution. — The Common Winterberry is a shrub which prefers low land bordering lakes, marshes and swamps, and in such situations ranges from Nova Scotia west to Minnesota and south to Florida and Mississippi, In Illinois, it divides the state with the Possumhaw, occurring in the northeastern quar- ter. It has been especially abundant in Cook and Lake counties and ranges southwestward to Oregon and southward into Kan- kakee County. There is a single report from as far south as Hardin County. NEMOPANTHUS Rafinesque Mountain-Holly Catberry The mountain-hollies are shrubs with ashy gray bark and alternate, deciduous leaves which are glabrous and slender petioled. The axillary flow^ers appear singly or a few together and are long pediceled and dioecious. Staminate flowers have minute, 4- or 5-toothed calyces, and fertile flowers have none. There are 4 or 5 long, narrow, spreading petals and 4 or 5 stamens per flower. The fruit is a drupe which contains 4 or 5 bony nutlets. This genus contains but a single species. NEMOPANTHUS MUCRONATA (Linnaeus) Trelease Mountain-Holly The Mountain-Holly, fig. 39, is an erect, branching shrub 4 to 12 feet high, with gray stems and gray branches, which may turn reddish brown, and smooth branchlets. The leaves are oval to oblong-oval and occur in crowded groups on the ] 66 CELASTRACEAE end of short spurs. The blades are 1)4 to 4 inches long by about J/^ to 1^ inches wide, generally thin, and for the most part blunt and mucronate, although sometimes acute. They are narrowed at the base, and the margins are entire or rarely show a few teeth. Both the leaves and the petioles are smooth above and below. The flowers, which appear in May, are solitary or in clusters up to 4 in number. They stand on pedicels about 1 inch long. The fruit, which ripens towards the last of July, is crimson red, globose, and generally about ]/^ inch in diameter. It usually contains 4 nutlets, which are smooth, moon shaped, and have at least 1 rib on the back. Distribution. — The Mountain-Holly, like the other hollies in Illinois, prefers swampy places about lakes and bogs. In such habitats it ranges from Newfoundland to Wisconsin and south to Virginia and Illinois. In Illinois, it is so rare as to have been collected only four times within the boundary of the state. Three of these reports are from Cook County, and the fourth is from Starved Rock in La Salle County. CELASTRACEAE The Staff -Tree Family The staff-tree family is made up of shrubs, trees and climbing vines, some of which are spiny, with opposite, whorled, or alter- nate, simple leaves without stipules. The inflorescences normally are cymose, and the flowers are perfect and polygamous or dioecious. There are 4 or 5 sepals, 4 or 5 petals, 4 or 5 stamens, and a compound pistil made up of 2 to 5 ovaries. The style is short or absent, and the ovary is capped by a 2- to 5-lobed stigma. The fruit is a capsule, a drupe or a berry, and the seeds often are surrounded by a brightly colored structure known as an aril. Of about 45 genera, comprising between 350 and 400 species widely distributed in temperate and warmer regions, 3 occur in the northeastern United States and 2 are native in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Genera Decumbent or upright shrubs with opposite leaves Euonymus, p. 167 Twining vines with alternate leaves Celastrus, p. 170 CELASTRACEAE 1 67 EUONYMUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus Burning Bush Wahoo The burning bushes are shrubs or trees, commonly with 4-angled branches and opposite, entire or toothed, deciduous leaves and deciduous stipules. The flowers are solitary or grouped in cymes and have the structure indicated for the family. The fruit is a 3- to 5-lobed capsule, which is angled or winged and at maturity splits down through the middle at the back of each cell. There are 2 seeds in each cavity, sur- rounded by an orange or scarlet aril. There are about 120 species in this genus, inhabitants of Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and Central America. Three species are native in Illinois. Key to the Burning Bush Species Petioles of the 2 end leaves on the branches more than 14 inch long, mature capsules smooth E. atropurpurea, p. 167 Petioles of the final leaves on the branches less than 14 inch long, mature capsules tuberculate. Erect or ascending shrubs with ovate-lanceolate terminal leaves and light red capsules E. americana, p. 169 Decumbent shrubs which root at the nodes, terminal leaves obovate, capsules scarlet or orange red. . . E. obovata, p. 170 EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREA Jacquin Wahoo The Wahoo, fig. 40, is an erect shrub, or rarely a small tree, up to 25 feet tall, with stems up to 2 inches in diameter and green branches streaked or covered more or less with reddish brown. The green, smooth branchlets are 4-angled and bear oblong-ovate, elliptic, or obovate leaves II/2 to 6 inches long and ^ to 1^ inches wide. The leaf blades are acuminate at the apex, narrowed at the base or sometimes rounded, ser- rulate or biserrulate on the margins, smooth above and finely hairy beneath, and stand on petioles up to ^ inch long. The flowers, which appear from the last of May on into early July, are maroon colored, hardly \^ inch across, and occur 5 to 15 together in cymes arising from the axils of leaves on the current year's growth. The purplish-red fruit, which matures in late September and on through October, is a some- what flattened, smooth, lobed capsule about ^^ inch wide, made 168 CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americana FIG. 40 Euonymus atropurpurea CELASTRACEAE 1 69 up usually of 2 to 4 cells. In each cell there are 1 or 2 oblong, light brown nutlets less than Yi inch in length. Distribution. — The Wahoo is a shrub that prefers banks and low ground along streams, although it is found occasionally in other situations. It ranges from New York to Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it occurs in all wooded portions and is recorded in many places along small and large streams, where prairie regions are invaded by woods. EUONYMUS AMERICANA Linnaeus Brook Euonymus The Brook Euonymus, fig. 40, is a low but erect or ascend- ing shrub, which reaches a height of only 6 to 12 inches. It is much branched, and the branches and branchlets are greenish gray, 4-angled, and smooth. The leaves are nearly sessile and ovate-lanceolate to broadly oval, and the terminal pair on the branch usually is not so large as other pairs. The leaf blades are acuminate or abruptly acute at the apex, generally nar- rowed at the base or sometimes rounded or subcordate, and 1 to 4 inches long by ^ to \Y\ inches wide. The margins are crenulate-serrate and the surface is smooth above and also beneath, except on the midrib, which may be pubescent. The flowers, which appear in May, are grouped 1 to 3 together in small cymes which arise from the axils of leaves of the present year. The petals are circular or nearly so, with toothed margins, and are usually greenish purple. The fruit matures in September and October as a somewhat flattened 3- to 5-celled and lobed, light red capsule, which is tuber- culately roughened. Each cell of the capsule contains 1 to 6 nutlets, which are elliptic and more or less flattened and have the orange color characteristic of bittersweet. Distribution. — The Brook Euonymus prefers low, flat woods. It is a species definitely southern in distribution and ranges from New York west to Illinois and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it has been reported only rarely, but these reports range throughout the length of the state, from Cook County in the northeast to Hancock County in the cen- tral west by way of La Salle County, and finally in Pulaski Countv in the south. It is one of the rare shrubs of the state. 170 CELASTRACEAE EUONYMUS OBOVATA Nuttall Running Euonymus The Running Euonymus, fig. 41, is a decumbent shrub which roots at the nodes and sends up upright branches to a height of 6 to 18 inches. These branches are gray and terete, and the branchlets, at first green, become gray and smooth or, rarely, remain somewhat pubescent. Each branch has, as a rule, 2 to 4 pairs of leaves, which are either sessile or on short petioles seldom more than 1/^ inch long. The leaf blades are obovate to elliptic or oblong, and the terminal 2 leaves on each branch are definitely the largest. The leaves range from l]/^ to 3^ inches long and from ^ to 1^ inches wide and they are abruptly narrowed at the tip to a blunt point and tapered to the petiole below. The margins are crenulate-serrate or sometimes somewhat double toothed, and the leaf surface is smooth or pubescent on the principal veins above and glabrous beneath. The flowers, which appear in May, are grouped 1 to 3 together in small cymes. The petals are circular, with short or indistinct claws, and are greenish yellow on the outer part and maroon colored toward the base. The fruit matures in autumn as a flat, 3-angled, scarlet to orange-red capsule about 14 inch wide, which is tuberculately roughened. Each cell in the capsule contains 1 to 2 seeds which are elliptic and more or less flattened, smooth, and flesh colored. Distribution. — The Running Euonymus prefers rich, moist soil in woods and grows in dense mats which may cover several square yards. It ranges from Ontario to Michigan and south to Pennsylvania and Kentucky. In Illinois, it has been col- lected and reported frequently from woody portions of the state, but not from the prairie regions in the central part, and it ranges from the northern to the southern and from the eastern to the western boundaries. CELASTRUS Linnaeus Bittersweets Waxworts The bittersweets are twining vines or shrubs with alternate, entire or toothed leaves and minute stipules. The flowers are borne in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles. There are CELASTRACEAE 171 FIG. 41 Celastrus scandens Euonymus obovata 1 72 CELASTRACEAE 5 sepals, 5 petals, 5 stamens and a compound pistil consisting of 2 to 4 cells capped by a short, stout style and a 2- to 4-lobed stigma. The capsule is globose or ellipsoid, leathery, and 2- to 4-celled, and at maturity it splits down the back of the middle of each cell. In each cavity there are 1 to 2 seeds surrounded by a scarlet aril. There are more than 30 bittersweet species, chiefly native in southern and eastern Asia and Australia. The species described here Is the only one native in North America. CELASTRUS SCANDENS Linnaeus American Bittersweet The American Bittersw^eet, fig. 41, Is a twining vine with stems up to 6 inches in circumference and as much as 35 feet long. The branches are smooth and gray or brown, and the branchlets, green at first, are smooth and become gray by the end of the season. The leaves are oval, ovate, or obovate, with blades up to 6 inches long and half as wide, and petioles which are variable in length and up to ^ Inch long. The leaf blade is acute or acuminate at the apex, usually narrowed at the base to the petiole, though sometimes rounded, crenulate on the margin, and smooth both above and beneath. The flowers, which appear in May and June, are greenish yellow and stand in racemes or panicles 1 14 to 2 inches long, which frequently are terminal on the branchlets. The fruit, which matures In late autumn, is a globular, brilliant orange capsule about 14 inch in diameter, which breaks open by 3 valves to expose the crimson arils which surround the seed. Generally, in each aril there are 2 reddish-brown seeds about i/i inch long. Distribution. — The American Bittersweet prefers a rich, moist soil, but grows in all kinds of soil and also in dry situa- tions. It ranges from Manitoba southeastward to North Carolina and Tennessee and southwestward into New Mexico. It occurs throughout the state of Illinois, excepting only areas that are natural prairie. With the removal of most of the original forest, it has adapted itself to some extent as a fence- row inhabitant. In the fall the fruit of this vine Is collected and sold In towns and cities as indoor decoration for the winter months. STAPH YLEACEAE 173 STAPHYLEACEAE The Bladdernut Family The bladdernut family consists of shrubs or trees with alter- nate or opposite, compound leaves which have no stipules. The flowers are perfect or polygamous and are borne in racemes or panicles. There are 5 sepals and 5 petals, and the stamens have distinct filaments. The ovary consists of 2 or 3 partly united carpels capped by 2 or 3 distinct or partly united styles. The fruit is an inflated, membranous capsule or a berry, and the seeds may be few^ or many. There are about 22 species in this family. They are widely distributed and assigned among 5 genera, of which 1 only occurs in Illinois. STAPHYLEA Linnaeus The Bladdernuts The bladdernuts are shrubs with 3-foliate or odd-pinnate, opposite leaves and perfect, regular flow^ers, which are pro- duced in axillary racemes or panicles. The carpels are united at the base, and the stigmas are capitate. The fruit is a mem- branous capsule, which is 2- or 3-celled and 2- or 3-lobed, and seeds are produced singly in each cavity. There are about six species, all of them inhabitants of the north temperate zone. Two are native in North America, one in California, the other in the northeastern states. STAPHYLEA TRI FOLIA Linnaeus American Bladdernut The American Bladdernut, fig. 42, is an erect shrub 3 to 12 feet high, with stems up to 4 inches in diameter covered by smoothish bark, which may be longitudinally streaked with gray, and smoothish branches also streaked w^th gray. The branchlets, green at first, are glabrous and turn light reddish brown by late autumn. The leaves, which are opposite, are trifoliate and stand on petioles 1 to 5 inches long. The blades are glabrous or pubescent, mostly oval but quite variable, and up to 2 inches long by ^ inch wide. The terminal leaflet is the largest. The leaflets are abruptly short-acuminate at the 174 STAPHYLEACEAE apex and rounded or narrowed at the base, the lateral ones being also somewhat asymmetrical at the base. The margins are closely serrate and the surfaces, almost smooth above on unfolding, become glabrous or nearly so at maturity, although they generally are pubescent beneath. Terminal leaflets stand FIG. 42 Staphylea trifolia on stalks up to 2 inches long, but lateral leaflets are generally sessile or very short stalked. The flowers, which appear from early in April until about the middle of May, when the leaves are well grown, are de- veloped in drooping racemes 1 14 to 4 inches long, which arise in the axils of leaves at the end of branchlets. Flowers, which are hardly 14 ^^^^ wide, have a white corolla and a greenish- white or pinkish calyx. The fruit, which ripens during October, is an inflated, papery, 3-celled pod, usually obovate but some- times nearly spherical, and pubescent at flowering time but glabrous or nearly so at maturity. It is variable in size and may be as much as 3 Inches long by 2 Inches wide. The single seed in each cavity is light brown, smooth, and 14 inch long. Distribution. — The American Bladdernut is seldom found elsewhere than on slopes and banks along streams. It ranges HIPPOCASTANACEAE v 175 from Quebec to ^Minnesota and south to South Carolina and Kansas. In Illinois, it grows from the northern boundary to the southern and from the eastern to the western, and one may expect to encounter it wherever suitable habitats occur, with the single exception that there are no records of its occur- rence in the extreme northwestern corner of the state, HIPPOCASTANACEAE The Buckeye Family The buckeye family consists of shrubs or trees which bear alternate, palmately compound leaves without stipules, and racemes or panicles of irregular, showy, polygamous flowers. The tubular to bell-shaped calyx is 5-lobed, and there are 4 or 5 unequal petals and 5 to 9 stamens. The 3 pistils are united into a 3-celled ovary which develops into a leathery, smooth or prickly capsule containing a single large seed. The 2 genera in this family number about 20 species, natives of Asia, North America and ^Mexico. Only the following genus is represented in Illinois. AESCULUS Linnaeus Buckeye Horsechestnut The buckeyes are deciduous trees or shrubs with rather coarse branches bearing large w^inter buds and long-petioled, digitately compound leaves, the leaflets of which are serrate. Showy flowers are borne in upright, many-flowered panicles. The calyx is bell-shaped to tubular and 4- or 5-lobed, and there are 4 or 5 petals with long claws. There are 5 to 9 stamens, and the 3-celled, superior ovary develops into a 1 -celled, leathery capsule, containing usually 1 very large seed marked with a round, whitish scar that gives rise to the name buckeye. There are about 25 species of buckeye or horsechestnut native in eastern Asia, southeastern Europe, and North America. In all species the bark is bitter and astringent, and the seeds contain a glucoside, aesculin, that is poisonous to animals and man. Heat inactivates the poison, however, and the seed can be used as food after being thoroughly roasted. For the most part the buckeyes are trees, but the following species grows as a shrub in Illinois. 176 HIPPOCASTANACEAE AESCULUS PAVIA Linnaeus Red Buckeye The Red Buckeye, fig. 43, is a shrub 3 to 8 feet high or sometimes a tall tree with large, erect, smooth-barked branches and glabrous, orange-brown branchlets which become pale brown and are conspicuously marked by numerous leaf-scars. FIG. 43 Aesculus Pavia The leaves are opposite and digitately compound, being made up of 5 elliptic to oblong leaflets, which are abruptly acuminate at the apex and gradually narrowed and wedge shaped at the base. The leaflet margins are sharply but evenly toothed, and the blades at maturity are glabrous above and beneath, except that there are conspicuous tufts of hair in the vein axils be- neath. The leaves are 4 to 6 inches long, and the leaflets have the same length and are from I14 to 1^ inches wide. The light red flowers, which open in early spring when the leaves are about half grown, stand at the end of branches in narrow panicles 4 to 8 inches long. The tubular calyx is red, and the petals are provided at the base with claws as long as the calyx, the upper pair with claws much longer than the calyx. RHAMNACEAE 177 The fruit, which ripens late in the fall, is a smooth, pitted, leathery capsule, which contains 1 or 2 seeds, each about 1 inch wide. Distribution. — The Red Buckeye is a shrub or tree of rich riverbottom lands. It ranges from Virginia to southern Illinois and southward to Florida and Louisiana. In Illinois, its distribu- tion is distinctly southern and includes only Union County, in the vicinity of Jonesboro, Pope County, in the vicinity of Gol- conda, and Alexander County, in the vicinity of Hanging Rock. The Sweet Buckeye, A. octandra Marshall, is relatively common in southern Illinois and sometimes assumes a some- what shrubby growth habit. It may be distinguished from the Red Buckeye by the reddish-brown pubescence on its leaf veins. RHAMNACEAE The Buckthorn Family The buckthorn family consists of shrubs or trees with alter- nate or, rarely, opposite, simple, usually several-ribbed leaves and small stipules. The flowers are greenish, perfect or polyga- mous or, rarely, dioecious. There are 4 or 5 sepals and an equal number of petals and stamens. The ovary consists of 2 or 3 united carpels which are immersed in the disk of the flower and are capped by more or less united styles and stigmas. The fruit may be a capsule, a drupe or a samara. There are about 600 species in this family, all natives of temperate and warmer regions. They are distributed among some 50 genera, of which 3 are native in eastern North America and 2 in Illinois. Key to the Genera Leaves pinnately veined, flowers greenish yellow, fruit a drupe Rhamnus, p. 177 Leaves strongly 3-veined, flowers white, fruit a dry capsule Ceanothus, p. 181 RHAMNUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Buckthorns The buckthorns are shrubs or trees, either unarmed or armed with spinelike branchlets, which bear alternate, toothed or en- 178 RHAMNACEAE tire, several-ribbed leaves and early deciduous stipules. The flowers are perfect or polygamous, axillary, and often clustered in various ways. There are 4 or 5 sepals, 4 or 5 petals (the latter sometimes wanting), and 4 or 5 stamens with short fila- ments. The ovary is 2- or 4-celled, with 2 or 4 styles united at the base. The fruit is a berry-like drupe which contains 3 to 4 nutlets. Some 90 species of buckthorn are known in temperate and warmer regions. About 15 of them are native in North America and 3 occur in Illinois. Key to the Buckthorn Species Flowers with 4 sepals and 4 petals, fruit containing 2 nutlets. R. lanceolata, p. 178 Flowers with 5 sepals and 5 petals, fruit containing 3 nutlets. Pedicels of flowers glabrate, petals absent, nutlets grooved on the back R. alnifolia, p. 180 Pedicels of flowers pubescent, petals 5, nutlets not grooved on the back R. caroliniana, p. 180 RHAMNUS LANCEOLATA Pursh Lance-Leaved Buckthorn The Lance-Leaved Buckthorn, fig. 44, is a small or large, widely branching shrub with gray to dark brown branches. The branchlets, at first puberulent, become smooth or nearly so and gray by the end of the season. The ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate leaves are 1 14 to 4 inches long by % to 1^ inches wide, narrowed or rounded at the base, and acute or acuminate at the apex. Their margins are crenulate-serrate; and the upper surface becomes smooth, but the lower surface remains more or less pubescent. The petioles are definite, though short, and variable in length. The dioecious, yellowish-green, fragrant flowers appear in May with the leaves and stand in sessile clusters in the axils of lower leaves. Generally there are 1 to 3, sometimes as many as 6, flowers, in a cluster. The pedicels on which they stand are glabrate and quite short. The black fruit, which matures in August and September, is globose, about ]/§ inch in diameter, and contains 2 nutlets, each with a deep groove on the back. Distribution. — The Lance-Leaved Buckthorn inhabits many tj^pes of habitats from very dry ground to bogs. It ranges from Pennsylvania to Nebraska and south to Alabama and Texas. RHAMNACEAE 179 FIG. 44 Rhamnus caroliniana Rhamnus ainifolia Rhamnus lanceolata 1 80 RHAMNACEAE It is the commonest and most abundant of the buckthorns in Illinois and ranges from the eastern to the western boundary and from the northern boundary southward at least as far as St. Clair and Effingham counties. RHAMNUS ALNIFOLIA L'Heritier Alder- Leaved Buckthorn The Alder-Leaved Buckthorn, fig. 44, is a low shrub with reddish-brown, smooth bark, which seldom reaches a height of more than 3 feet. The branchlets are at first more or less pubescent but become smooth and gray by the end of the sea- son. The leaves are oval or slightly obovate, 1^ to 5 inches long by ^ to 2l/^ inches wide, acute or acuminate at the apex, more or less narrowed at the base, and crenulate-serrate on the margins. The surface is smooth above, except the midrib and the upper surface of the petiole, and smooth beneath at maturity, although the main nerves may remain more or less pubescent. The lower leaves are often smaller than the outer leaves and more rounded at the tip. The small, greenish-yellow flowers, which appear in late May and early June, stand alone or in clusters of 2 to 3 in the axils of lower leaves on short, glabrate pedicels. The black, bloom- covered fruit, which matures in August, is oboyoid, about one- third inch long, and contains 1 to 3 more or less tuberculate nutlets bearing 2 grooves on the back. Distribution. — The Alder-Leaved Buckthorn prefers bogs and swamps. It ranges from Newfoundland to British Colum- bia and south to New Jersey and Illinois, inland, and northern California on the western coast. In Illinois, it is at present limited to the northeastern corner of the state, where it is common, although formerly, like a number of other bog plants, it grew in Peoria and Tazewell counties. RHAMNUS CAROLINIANA Walter Carolina Buckthorn The Carolina Buckthorn, fig. 44, is a tall shrub, or occa- sionally a small tree, the branchlets of which are at first puberulent and green but later glabrate and gray. The leaves, often 6 inches long by 2 inches wide, are broadest beyond the RHAMNACEAE 181 middle, acute or acuminate at the apex, and rounded or slightly- narrowed to the petiole. The margins are irregularly crenulate- serrate, and at maturity the blades are smooth above and generally more or less pubescent along the main veins beneath. The lower leaves are usually definitely smaller than the upper or outer ones and tend to be more rounded at the apex. The petioles are about l4 to ^ inch long and at least pubescent above. The greenish-yellow flowers, which appear in June after the leaves are grown, stand in small umbels of about 12 flowers in the leaf axils. Rarely the flowers may be solitary or in small clusters of 2 or 3. The peduncle, the pedicel and the calyx tube are pubescent. The fruit, which matures in late autumn, is at first red and then black. It is globose, about one-third inch in diameter, and contains 3 nutlets without grooves on the back. Distribution. — The Carolina Buckthorn prefers the sides of wooded hills. It ranges from Virginia to Nebraska and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, its occurrence in the southern part of the state is well established, although its exact range is not well known. It was reported years ago from the vicinity of Grand Tower and more recently from Shawnee- town and Jackson County. The collection made at Grand Tower has been distinguished as the variety mollis Fernald, which is characterized by having leaves that are velvety be- neath. The European Alder Buckthorn, R. Frangula Linnaeus, is reported to have escaped from cultivation in northeastern Illi- nois. This species may be distinguished from the Carolina Buck- thorn by its panicled rather than umbeled inflorescence and its entire-margined leaves, which have 8 to 10 instead of 7 to 15 pairs of veins. CEANOTHUS Linnaeus The Jersey-Teas This genus consists chiefly of deciduous or evergreen shrubs which often are somewhat spiny. The leaves are alternate, usually 3-ribbed from the base, and serrate or sometimes entire, and the stipules are small and deciduous. The small, perfect flowers, which have their parts arranged in fives, are borne in 1 82 RHAMNACEAE small umbels which combine to form terminal spikes or panicles. The ovary is 3-celled, and the fruit is usually dry, globose, and 3-lobed at the apex, and separates into 3 nutlets. There are between 50 and 60 species in this genus, all of them natives of North America and northern Mexico. Only 2 occur in the northeastern United States and these are native also in Illinois. Key to the Jersey-Tea Species Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, pubescent beneath ; peduncles longer than the leaves from whose axils they arise ; cap- sules crested ; seeds smooth C. americanus Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous beneath; peduncles shorter than the leaves in whose axils they arise ; capsules not crested ; seeds pitted on the surface C. ovatus CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS Linnaeus Jersey-Tea The Jersey-Tea, fig. 45, is an erect shrub, generally with several stems rising from a very large, red rootstock to a height seldom in excess of 3 feet. The stems are somewhat branched and either pubescent or glabrous below. The leaves are ovate to ovate-oblong, 1^ to 4 inches long, ^ to 3 inches wide, acute at the apex, and generally rounded and somewhat cordate at the base. Margins are serrate, and the teeth are tipped with glands. The surface is more or less pubescent above and gen- erally velvety to the touch beneath. The petioles are short, usually less than 14 if'ch long. The small, white flowers, which appear in June and early July, stand in dense clusters at the end of long peduncles, which are either terminal or arise from the axils of leaves of the current year. The petals are clawed. The fruit matures in September and October as a 3-celled capsule, each cell of which contains one smooth, light brown seed, which is oblong and is flattened on one side. Distribution. — The Jersey-Tea prefers dry situations and often is found on slopes with black oak, as well as occasionally in prairie regions. It ranges from Manitoba to Maine and south to Texas and Florida. In Illinois, it has been collected in more than a third of the counties and is one of the most widely distributed shrubs in the state. RHAMNACEAE 183 FIG. 45 Ceanothus ovatus Ceanothus americanus 184 VITACEAE CEANOTHUS OVATUS Desfontaines Inland Jersey-Tea The Inland Jersey-Tea, fig. 45, is a small, erect shrub with stems which are smooth throughout by the end of the season and commonly reach a height of only 12 to 24 inches. Its very short-petioled leaves are elliptic to lanceolate, ^ to 2 inches long by 14 to 2 inches wide, obtuse at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base, glabrous beneath or at maturity some- what hairy along the veins, and provided along the margins with gland-tipped teeth. The tiny, white flowers are grouped in terminal clusters on short peduncles or sometimes arise from the axils of upper leaves. The fruit matures in autumn and is similar to that of the Jersey-Tea, except that the capsules are smooth and the seeds within the capsules are dark brown, somewhat longer than those of the Jersey-Tea, and covered with pits. Distribution. — The Inland Jersey-Tea ranges from Ver- mont to Manitoba and south to Maryland, Illinois and Texas. In Illinois, it is a relatively rare shrub, apparently limited to sandy habitats in the northern third of the state. It has been reported from Cook, Lake, Whiteside, Jo Daviess and Han- cock counties only. VITACEAE The Grape Family The grape family consists of woody vines which climb by means of tendrils and bear perfect, polygamous or dioecious flowers in axillary racemes. There are 4 or 5 sepals and petals in each flower, and the 4 or 5 stamens are situated opposite the petals. The ovary consists of 2 united or, rarely, of 3 distinct carpels, the styles of which are united and topped by capitate or peltate stigmas. The fruit is a fleshy berry, which contains 1 or 2 seeds in each of its cavities. The members of the grape family are widely distributed over the world and constitute some 500 species. They are grouped in about 10 genera, 3 of which are native in northeastern United States and in Illinois. Various native species are in cultivation, both as ornamentals and as sources of food. The fruits of certain wild grapes are sought for the making of jellies. VITACEAE .' 185 Key to the Genera Leaves simple. Pith of the branches interrupted at the nodes; petals not separating at the summit but falling off as a cap; berry spherical, black or bluish black, and edible Vitis, p. 185 Pith of the branches not interrupted at the nodes; petals separating and expanding before falling off; berry ob- late-spherical in shape, bluish, not edible Ampelopsis, p. 194 Leaves compound, the leaflets palmately arranged Parthenocissus, p. 196 VITIS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Grapes The grapes are climbing or trailing vines, mostly with shreddy bark and branched tendrils opposite some or all of the leaves. The leaves are alternate and simple but often prominently lobed and veined, and the stipules are small and early deciduous. The flowers are dioecious or, rarely, perfect and possess a minute calyx and early deciduous petals which cling together at the top like a cap. The ovary is 2-celled, and the fruit is a pulpy berry which contains a few pear-shaped seeds. Grapes are native in warm and temperate regions throughout the world. There are about 50 species, among which possibly 20 are native in the United States and 6 in Illinois. They often are difficult to identify botanically. Key to the Grape Species A tendril or a flower cluster opposite every leaf V. Labrusca, p. 186 Neither a tendril nor a flower cluster opposite every third leaf. Under surface of the leaves rusty pubescent, glaucous, or covered with cobwebby pubescence V. aestivalis, p. 186 Under surface of the leaves glabrous or pubescent but never glaucous or rusty pubescent. Leaves either without lobes or with 2 lateral lobes forming wide sinuses. Under surface of mature leaves more or less densely pubescent V. cinerea, p. 188 Leaves glabrous on the under surface or pubescent only along the veins V. vulpina, p. 190 Leaves with 2 lateral lobes forming acute sinuses. Branchlets bright red; berries bloomless V. palmata, p. 191 Branchlets not red; berries bloom covered. V. riparia, p. 193 186 VITACEAE VITIS LABRUSCA Linnaeus Fox Grape The Fox Grape, fig. 46, is a long vine with stems that have more of a tendency to trail than to twine. The branchlets and petioles are covered with dense, rusty or whitish hair and fre- quently with upright, stalked glands. The leaves, about as long as wide, generally are 2 to 6 inches wide and usually have 2 short lateral lobes, which may be either blunt or acute, sepa- rated from the blade by broad, rounded sinuses. The blade is either deeply and narrowly or broadly V-shaped at the base, acute or acuminate at the apex, and irregularly toothed with relatively shallow, mucronate teeth. The upper leaf surface is woolly when the leaf unfolds but becomes smooth or nearly so at maturity and is then dull and dark green. The under surface is covered until maturity with a heavy, rusty or whitish tomentum, but at maturity the veins may become smooth. The petioles are usually about two-thirds as long as the leaf blade. The inflorescence arises from the stem opposite a leaf and stands on a peduncle I/2 to 2 inches long. The flow^ers bloom about the middle of June, and the berries, which mature from late August into September, are dark purple to wine red, spherical, and about Y\ inch in diameter, and covered with little or no bloom. Each contains 2 to 4 seeds, which are notched at the large end. Distribution. — The Fox Grape, which prefers woods along streams and bodies of water, ranges from New England to Illinois and south to Georgia. In Illinois it is, however, so rare that there is only one reliable report of its occurrence in the state. This report is for Cass County. The Fox Grape is the wild species from which a considerable number of the American grapes now in cultivation, such as the Concord and Catawba, were derived. VITIS AESTIVALIS Michaux Summer Grape The Summer Grape, fig. 46, is a large, high-climbing vine with large, lobed leaves and small, tough-skinned, black berries. Its branchlets, more or less woolly when young, soon become smooth or nearly so, except the first few internodes, which VITACEAE 87 /w FIG. 46 Vitis aestivalis Vitis Labrusca 188 VITACEAE remain densely pubescent. The leaf blades, just about as long as wide, are 2 to 7 inches long and generally 3- to 5-lobed. The lobe tips are acute, and the sinuses are usually rounded, though sometimes acute. The base of the leaf is deeply and narrowly, or widely, U-shaped, and the margin is irregularly serrate with low teeth ending in a small point. The leaf is covered above and beneath by white, or rusty, cobwebby pubescence when it unfolds but soon becomes smooth and bright green above while remaining more or less cobwebby and rusty beneath, especially along the veins. The lower surface is for the most part green but may be glaucous or bluish green. The petioles, like rhe leaves, are covered with cobwebby pubescence and are usually one-third to two-thirds as long as the blade. The cylindrical or sometimes branched inflorescence arises opposite a leaf, is 2 to 6 inches long, stands on a peduncle sometimes as much as 2 inches long, and is in blossom through- out the month of June. The berries, which mature in Sep- tember and October, are somewhat more than \^ inch in diameter, black, and bloom covered, and contain 2 to 4 seeds. Distribution. — The Summer Grape is an inhabitant of woods and thickets from New Hampshire and Florida west- ward to Kansas and Texas. It is found in suitable situations practically throughout the state of Illinois and is perhaps the most generally distributed wild grape in the state. As described here, the Summer Grape includes V. bicolor Le Conte, which sometimes is distinguished as a separate species, V. argentifoUa Munson, or as the variety bicolor (Le Conte) Deam, on the basis that the leaves are glaucous beneath and nearly glabrous when old. VITIS CINEREA Engelmann Sweet Winter Grape The Sweet Winter Grape, fig. 47, is a large, high-climbing vine with angled branchlets, large, indefinitely lobed leaves, and large, black fruit. The branchlets are densely covered with persistent, gray pubescence and sometimes even appear woolly. The leaf, generally somewhat longer than wide, is 2 to 6 inches long and entire or furnished with 2 short and sometimes in- distinct lateral lobes or shoulders, which point away from the tip of the leaf. The sinuses between the lobes and the apex are I VITACEAE 189 FIG. 47 Vitis vulpina Vitis cinerea 190 VITACEAE broad and rounded. The leaf base is deeply and narrowly or I broadly V-shaped, and the basal lobes approach each other closely or overlap. The upper leaf surface is covered, when the leaf emerges, with whitish, cobwebby pubescence, which soon disappears, leaving the surface smooth, dull, and dark green. The under surface is at first covered with white woolly pubescence, but this disappears entirely at maturity, leaving a short, abundant, gray pubescence at least on the veins. The petioles are one-third to two-thirds as long as the blade and are densely covered with pubescence similar to that of the branchlets. The broad, loose inflorescence is 4 to 8 inches long and stands on a peduncle ^ to 2 inches long. The flowers open from the middle of June through the early part of July, and the berries, which mature in clusters 2 to 6 inches long in September and October, are slightly over 14 irich In diameter, black, and as a rule without bloom, but sometimes somewhat frosty-powdered. Each contains 1 to 3 small seeds. Distribution. — The Sweet Winter Grape ranges, in woods and thickets, from southern Ohio to Nebraska and south to Louisiana and Texas. In Illinois, it ranges throughout the southern third of the state, where it is a very common grape, and has been reported as far north as Champaign, Woodford and Henderson counties. VITIS VULPINA Linnaeus Frost Grape The Frost Grape, fig. 47, is a high-climbing vine with charac- teristically heart-shaped, large, smooth leaves that are entire or inconspicuously lobed. The branchlets are more or less pubescent up to flowering time but smooth except on the nodes by the time the fruit is mature. The leaf blades are cordate- ovate, just about as wide as long, commonly 3]/? to 6 inches long, acute or shortly acuminate at the apex, and mostly V-shaped at the cordate base. The leaf margin is more or less ciliate and mostly without lobes but sometimes has 2 short, lateral lobes which are acute and less than 1 ^ inch long. The teeth are irregular, tipped with a very distinct point, and rarely acute. The upper leaf surface is smooth, as is also the lower surface, except that all of the larger veins and sometimes the VITACEAE 191 smaller ones are covered with white hair, which sometimes is rusty in the axils of the main veins. The petiole is about two-thirds as long as the leaf blade and pubescent to glabrous at maturity, except where it joins the blade. The loose inflorescence is cylindrical or somewhat pyramid shaped, drooping, and 3 to 8 inches long. The flowers blossom in late May and through most of June, and the fruit begins to ripen about the middle of September. The fruit clusters are commonly 3 to 8 inches long and stand on peduncles ^4 to llo inches long. The black, bloom-covered berries are some- what less than 1 2 inch in diameter and generally contain 2 or 3 broadly ovate, small seeds. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Frost Grape ranges, in woods and thickets, from New York to Nebraska and south to Florida and Texas. It is found throughout Illinois, being especially common in fence-row thickets, and is perhaps the commonest and most 'abundant wild grape in the state. It is, however, rare, perhaps entirely absent, in the northeastern corner of the state in the counties bordering on Lake ^Michigan. VITIS PALMATA Vahl Catbird Grape The Catbird Grape, fig. 48, is a climbing vine with bright red branchlets, shreddy bark, and distinctly triangular, 3-lobed, sharp-pointed leaves. The branchlets become reddish brown at maturity and are smooth by flowering time, except for warty glands on the lower internodes. The leaf blades, usually longer than wide, are 2 to 5 inches long, long-acuminate at the apex, and very broadly U-shaped at the base. The leaf margin is smooth or slightly ciliate and provided with 2 short but distinct lateral lobes, or sometimes the leaf is 5-lobed, and the lobes are separated by deep or shallow, acute or obtuse sinuses. The teeth terminating primary v^eins are distinctly longer and sharper than the other convex or acute teeth, but all are tipped with a slender, small spine. The leaf surface is bright green and smooth above, except on the veins, and smooth beneath except on the veins and in the axils of the larger veins, which are commonly bright red. The petioles are one-half to two-thirds as long as the blade and usually glabrous. The inflorescence is either branched or shouldered, and 2 to 192 VITACEAE FIG. 48 Vitis riparia Vitis palmata VITACEAE 193 5 inches long. Flowering occurs during the early part of July, and the fruit, which hangs in loose or compact clusters 2 to 6 inches long, ripens about the first of October, The berries are somewhat more than i/; inch in diameter, black, and without bloom. Each contains 1 or 2 seeds, which may be globose or hemispherical. Distribution. — The Catbird Grape grows in damp situa- tions, such as the low ground bordering ponds and backwaters of rivers, from Illinois to Iowa and south to Louisiana and Texas. In Illinois, it follows the Wabash valley from Law- rence County south to the Ohio River, around the state in the Ohio and Cache River valleys, and northward along the Mississippi to St. Clair County, VITIS RIPARIA Michaux Riverbank Grape The Riverbank Grape, fig. 48, is a high-climbing, large vine with shreddy bark and cordate, markedly acutely lobed, acute- toothed leaves. The branchlets are smooth or sometimes somewhat cobwebby, and the leaf blades, about as long as wide, are 2 to 6 inches long, acute or acuminate at the apex, and very broadly U-shaped at the base. Rarely the basal sinus is so narrow that the basal lobes overlap. The margin is densely ciliate and provided with 2 conspicuous lateral lobes up to ^ inch long, which may point either forward or out- ward. Their sinuses are acute. The teeth on the margins are acute and each is tipped with a small short spine. The surface of the leaf is smooth above, except on the main veins, and more or less pubescent with whitish hair on all of the main veins below. The petioles are one-third to two-thirds as long as the leaf blade and more or less pubescent, especially on the upper side. The inflorescence stands opposite a leaf and is 2 to 5 inches long. The flowers open from the middle of May to about the middle of June, and the fruit ripens during the latter part of August. The fruit clusters are generally compact, rarely loose, somewhat larger than the original inflorescence, and charac- teristically provided with a large branch. The very sour, black, densely bloom-covered berries are nearly 1/4 inch in diameter, and each contains 1 to 4 seeds. 194 VITACEAE Distribution. — The Riverbank Grape, as Its name infers, prefers low, alluvial soil along streams. It ranges from New Brunswick to Manitoba and south to Virginia and Texas. In Illinois, it is a very common and abundant grape, distributed through the length and breadth of the state. In prairie regions, however, small streams without floodplains do not support it. AMPELOPSIS Michaux Ampelopsis The Ampelopsis genus consists of climbing vines with a few tendrils, alternate, simple or pinnately compound leaves and, for the most part, perfect flowers arranged in cymes. There are 5 sepals, and the 5 petals are distinct and expand into a flower. The ovary is 2-celled and capped by a slender style. The fruit is a berry which, at maturity, is nearly dry and contains 2 to 4 seeds. There are about 15 species, all natives of temperate and warm regions. Two are known to occur in North America; one is native in Illinois. The distinction between Ampelopsis and Parthenocissus is quite technical. For Illinois species, ten- drils furnish the most reliable character, those of Parthenocis- sus having adhesion disks, those of Ampelopsis having none. AMPELOPSIS CORDATA Michaux Heartleaf Ampelopsis The Heartleaf Ampelopsis, fig. 49, is a large climbing vine with tight, sometimes deeply furrowed bark and unbranched tendrils which often end in a disk. The leaves are ovate to broadly ovate, sometimes fully as wide as long, and commonly 2 to 5 inches long. They are acuminate at the apex and cordate, less often truncate, at the base, and the margin is coarsely and irregularly toothed and often provided with 2 short lateral lobes. The surface is smooth, both above and beneath, except for a few hairs on the veins at the base of the leaf, and the under surface commonly is lighter green than the upper. The petioles are about one-half as long as the blade, and the basal half is smooth, while the upper half is more or less pubescent. The small flowers occur in panicles of 25 to 70 opposite the leaves, or sometimes in smaller panicles on the branches of VITACEAE 195 Ampelopsis cordata FIG. 49 Ampelopsis arborea 196 VITACEAE tendrils, and the panicles are usually forked. The peduncle below the fork is ^ to 2]/^ inches long. Blossoms open in June or early July, and the fruit matures in September and October as a flattened spherical berry about 14 ^^ch in diameter, which is bluish and provided with a thin, dry pulp. There are, as a rule, 2 broadly ovate seeds in each berry. Distribution. — The Heartleaf Ampelopsis is a vine which prefers wooded floodplains along rivers. It ranges from Vir- ginia to Nebraska and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is distinctly a southern vine, to be searched for in the valleys of the Wabash River from Wabash County south, around the state in the valleys of the Ohio and Cache rivers and up the Mississippi River as far as the southern tip of Jersey County. It also extends some distance up the Illinois from its union with the Mississippi. A second species, A. arborea (Linnaeus) Koehne, fig. 49, sometimes called the Pinnate-Leaved Ampelopsis, may occur very sparingly in the extreme southern part of the state. It was recorded many years ago in Jackson County and has been reported in recent years in Union, Alexander and Pulaski coun- ties. It is distinguished from the more abundant species by hav- ing pinnately or bi-pinnately compound leaves, which are defi- nitely serrate on the margins. PARTHENOCISSUS Planchon Woodbine Five-Leaved Ivy The woodbines are climbing or trailing vines with forking tendrils sometimes tipped with adhesive disks and with alter- nate, palmately 5- to 7-foliate leaves. The flowers are perfect or dioecious and borne in compound cymes. There are 5 sepals, 5 petals and 5 stamens ; and the 2-celled ovary ripens into a berry, which has but little flesh and is nearly inedible. The seeds are indefinitely 3-angled. There are about 10 species in this genus, all of them natives of eastern North America or Asia. Two occur in Illinois. Key to the Woodbine Species Leaves dull above, inflorescence not dichotomously branched P. quinquef olia Leaves shiny above, inflorescence dichotomously branched P. inserta VITACEAE 197 PARTHENOCISSUS QUINQUEFOLIA (Linnaeus) Planchon Virginia Creeper Woodbine The Virginia Creeper, fig. 50, is a high-climbing vine with tight bark furrowed on large stems, palmately compound, 5-parted leaves and small, dry, grapelike fruit. Terminal branchlets are more or less pubescent, but fruiting and lateral branchlets are usually smooth. Tendrils are branched and have from 3 to 8 offshoots, of which 1 or more may be provided with disks. The leaves vary greatly in shape and size, but are composed normally of 5 ovate, oblong-ovate, or even obovate leaflets, of which the middle or terminal 1 is distinctly the largest and the 2 at the rear are distinctly smallest. The leaflets may be as much as 6 inches long and nearly 4 inches wide. The lateral leaflets of each group are asymmetrical, having one-half of the blade much larger than the other. These leaflets are acute or acuminate at the apex and narrowed at the base, and the margins are coarsely and irregularly serrate. The surface is often smooth above and beneath, or more or less densely pubescent, and the leaves on terminal branchlets are generally more hairy than those on other branchlets. The blade is dull green above and distinctly paler beneath. The leaflets may be nearly sessile or set on stalks up to 14 i^^ch long, and the entire leaf stands on a petiole which may be as much as 8 inches long. The flowers, which are borne in panicles and open from late June through July, or sometimes even on into August, are clustered in groups of 10 to 20 at the ends of the branches of the panicle. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is a nearly globose, blue-black, dry berry covered with a whitish bloom. It varies considerably in size but is commonly about Ya i^^h in diameter, and contains from 1 to 4 seeds. Distribution. — The Virginia Creeper is a vine which com- monly inhabits woody regions, without particular regard to other habitat characteristics. It ranges from New England to Missouri and south to Florida and Mexico. In Illinois, it grows throughout the state. It is no longer limited to woods but, because its fruit is attractive to birds, it has become a common fence-row straggler. Its berries have been suspected — probably erroneously — of being poisonous when eaten in quantity. This is the vine so commonly cultivated as Virginia Creeper, 198 VITACEAE FIG. 50 Parthenocissus quinquefolia Parthenocissus inserta VITACEAE 199 The variableness of its characteristics has given rise to the naming of several varieties, of which the following are authen- tically reported in Illinois. Variety Saint-Paulii (Graebner) Rehder, which is distinguished by branchlets sometimes pro- ducing aerial roots, by tendrils having 8 to 10 branches, and by oblong-obovate leaflets cuneate at the base, short stalked, pubescent above, doubly serrate with usually flaring teeth, and elongated panicles, occurs in St. Clair County and also near Mascoutah and Peoria. Variety hirsuta (Pursh) Planchon, which has branchlets, tendrils, petioles and leaves pubescent at least while young, has been reported in the southeast corner of the state, in Pope County. PARTHENOCISSUS INSERTA (Kerner) K. Fritsch Virginia Creeper Thicket Creeper This Virginia Creeper, fig. 50, is usually a low and rambling vine with stems 15 to 60 feet long, which climbs over bushes and is rarely high climbing. The branchlets are smooth, and the tendrils, which are also smooth and lack disks, usually have 1 to 4 branches. There normally are 5 leaflets per leaf, which are ovate to obovate, acute or acuminate at the apex, and wedge shaped or narrowed at the base. The margin is coarsely toothed, except that the base usually is entire. The leaf blade is lustrous and smooth above and beneath, except that the veins are some- what hairy near the base of the leaflet. The lower leaflets are small and asymmetrical, and the terminal is slightly the largest and symmetrical, measuring as much as 6 inches long by 2 to 2Y2 inches wide. The leaflets are nearly sessile or shortly stalked, and the smooth petioles on which they stand may be 6 to 7 Inches long. The flowers, which appear from about the middle of June to the middle of July, are arranged in panicles somewhat longer than the petiole of the leaf opposite which they stand. The panicles are dichotomously branched, and the divisions end in clusters of 10 to 20 flowers. The blue-black fruit, which ma- tures about the last of August and later, is lightly covered with white bloom, nearly globose, and about ]/^ inch in diameter. It contains 1 to 4 seeds. Distribution. — This Virginia Creeper is an inhabitant of thickets in woody regions and ranges from eastern Canada to 200 HYPERICACEAE Manitoba and south to New York and Texas. In Illinois, it seems to be generally uncommon; but it has been reported very frequently in the northeast corner of the state, and throughout the northern third. It has been reported occasionally as far south as Wabash County in the east and Macoupin County in the west. HYPERICACEAE The St. John's-Wort Family The St, John's-worts are shrubs or herbs, which bear opposite or, rarely, whorled, entire, translucently dotted leaves, no stip- ules, and perfect, regular flowers in cymes. The flowers have 4 or 5 sepals and 4 or 5 yellowish to pink petals. The stamens may be few or many and are usually divided into 3 or 5 groups. The ovary, which consists of several united pistils, is 1-celled or 3- to 7-celled. The styles are distinct or united, and the stigmas often are capitate. The fruit is a capsule, which opens by splitting along the septums. There are some 300 species in the St. John's-wort family. They are distributed among 10 genera, which range mostly in temperate and warm regions. In the northeastern United States, the family is represented by 4 genera, and in Illinois there are 3 species which may be considered as shrubs. Key to the Genera Low, difi^use shrubs with 4 sepals, 4 petals and 2 pistils Ascyrum Erect shrubs with 5 sepals, 5 petals and more than 2 pistils Hypericum ASCYRUM Linnaeus St. Andrew's Cross The St. Peter's-Worts These plants are low, leafy shrubs with opposite, black-dotted leaves and perfect, solitary, terminal flowers borne on 2-bracted pedicels. The 4 sepals are very unequal, the outer 2 being much larger, and the 4 petals are yellow and somewhat oblique. The stamens are distinct, or the filaments may be united toward the base, and the anthers open lengthwise. The ovary is 1-celled, and develops into a tapering capsule. There are about five species, all native in the western hemi- ft HYPERICACEAE 201 sphere. Of the two that occur in eastern North America, one is native in Illinois. ASCYRUM HYPERICOIDES Linnaeus St. Andrew's Cross The St. Andrew's Cross, fig. 51, is a low, diffuse shrub with creeping stems from which flattened, 2-edged branchlets rise erectly to a height of 6 to 12 inches. The branchlets are many and reddish brown, and the bark is shreddy. The sessile, oppo- site leaves are oblanceolate or spatulate, about i/^ to 1 inch long by 14 irich wide, and nearly without petioles. They are obtuse or rounded at the apex, narrowed to the base, and very minutely black dotted both above and below. The flowers, which appear in July and August, are solitary in the axils of upper leaves or grouped in twos or threes at the end of branchlets. They are about Y2 inch in diameter and stand on very short pedicels bearing 2 bracts. The fruit matures in the autumn as a flat, ovoid capsule composed of 2 cells, which contain many tiny, oblong seeds, the surfaces of which are pitted in many lengthwise lines. Distribution. — St. Andrew's Cross prefers poor soil on the slopes or tops of ridges, especially in open places in wooded regions. It ranges from Massachusetts to Nebraska and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is distinctly southern in occurrence, being limited to the southern tip of the state and apparently not extending north of the Ozarks. HYPERICUM (Tournefort) Linnaeus The St. John's-Worts The St. John's-worts are herbs or shrubs with opposite, usually sessile leaves which are thick, entire or nearly so, and punctate. The flowers are borne in cymes and have 5 somewhat unequal sepals and 5 yellow petals. The stamens are numerous, and the 1-celled ovary develops into a 1- to 5-celled capsule containing numerous seeds. The are more than 200 species of St. John's-worts, with wide geographic distribution. Between 30 and 35 species occur in North America, and the 2 following are more or less shrubby in Illinois. 202 HYPERICACEAE Key to the Shrubby Species Leaves completely sessile ; flowers with 5 styles, capsules 5-celled H. Kalmianum Leaves on very short but distinct petioles; styles 3, capsules 3-celled H. prolificum HYPERICUM KALMIANUM Linnaeus Kalm's St. John's-Wort Kalm's St. John's-Wort, fig. 51, is a lovi^ shrub seldom more than 12 to 30 inches high, with ascending branches and branch- lets bearing entirely sessile, opposite leaves. The leaves are oblanceolate to linear-oblong, 1 to 2 inches long by about 14 inch wide, obtuse or acute at the apex and rounded at the base. The lower surface is glaucous, and the upper surface is covered with minute black dots. The flowers, which appear in July and August, are arranged in small, compound cymes at the end of branchlets. The yellow flowers are ^ to 1 inch wide and stand on short pedicels. The fruit, which matures in the autumn, is a 4- to 6-celled, ovoid capsule about one-third inch long, which contains numerous oblong seeds pitted on the surface in lengthwise rows. Distribution. — Kalm's St. John's-Wort is a shrub which prefers sandy situations and it ranges, where habitats are suitable, from Quebec to Wisconsin and south into New York and Illinois. Its Illinois distribution is remarkable, in that it is limited to the region directly adjacent to Lake Michigan, in the northeast corner of the state, to a relatively small terri- tory in the western part of the Ozarks, and to Pope County, in the southern part of the state. There apparently are no inter- vening situations in which this plant is found. HYPERICUM PROLIFICUM Linnaeus Shrubby St. John's-Wort The Shrubby St. John's-Wort, fig. 51, is a low and usually widely branching shrub, which reaches a height of 2 to 3]/^ feet. Its ascending or erect, 2-edged branches bear numerous opposite, very shortly petioled leaves, which are linear-oblong to oblanceolate and ^ to 4 inches long by 14 to % inch wide. They are obtuse at the apex, the main nerve running out HYPERICACEAE 203 FIG. 51 Ascyrum hypericoides Hypericum prolificum Hypericum Kalmianum 204 CISTACEAE through the apex to form a short point, and narrowed at the base to very short petioles. The flowers, which appear from about the last of June on through most of August, are solitary or in 1 or more pairs in the axils of the uppermost leaves, or they also may occur in small clusters that terminate the branchlets. The bright yellow flowers are generally about ^ inch wide and stand on pedicels about 1/^ inch long. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is a 3-celled capsule up to Yi inch long, containing many oblong or often curved seeds, the surfaces of which bear numerous pits arranged in lengthwise lines. Distribution. — The Shrubby St. John's-Wort grows in low places, especially about small lakes and marshes, and prefers shaded to open situations. It ranges from southern Ontario to Minnesota and south to Georgia and Mississippi. It ranges through most of Illinois as a widely distributed but infrequent and localized shrub, which tends to occur individually rather than in groups. It has not been reported, however, in the region north and west of the Rock River. CISTACEAE The Rock-Rose Family Members of the rock-rose family are either shrubs or low undershrubs with alternate or opposite leaves and nearly regu- lar, usually perfect flowers borne either solitarily or in various types of inflorescences. The flowers are made up of 3 to 5 persistent sepals and of 3 or 5 petals, which are soon lost and may sometimes be wanting. The stamens are 8 in number, and the ovary consists of several united pistils which develop into a capsule containing several or many seeds. The more than 150 species in this family are divided into about 8 genera, 3 of which occur in northeastern North America. In Illinois, the following is the single shrubby genus. HUDSONIA Linnaeus Beach Heather The beach heathers are low, tufted, much-branched shrubs with small, scalelike, persistent leaves and small, regular, per- fect flowers, which terminate branches. The flowers have 5 CISTACEAE 205 sepals and 5 yellow, oblong petals. There are 8 stamens, and the ovary consists of 3 united carpels capped by a single filiform style. The fruit, a 3-valved but 1-celled capsule containing 3 to 6 seeds, is inclosed at maturity in the mature calyx. There are three species of beach heathers, all native in eastern North America. Only the following is native in Illinois. HUDSON I A TOMENTOSA Nuttall Woolly Hudsonia False Heather The Woolly Hudsonia, fig. 52, is a low, diffuse and very branchy shrub 4 to 8 inches tall, which forms dense tufts. The leaves are very numerous, small, narrow and awllike, the FIG. 52 Hudsonia tomentosa longest being hardly ]/s inch long. They overlap so that they cover the branches and branchlets, and they are hoary-pubescent all over. The flowers, which appear during the last of May and continue until the middle of July, stand at the end of short branchlets. They are minute, yellow, and very short pediceled. 206 THYMELAEACEAE The sepals are densely long-hairy. The fruit, which matures very shortly after the petals wither, is an ovoid, 3-angled, smooth capsule, which bears 1 or 2 minute, oblong seeds. Distribution. — The Woolly Hudsonia is a shrub of sandy regions and in them is distributed from New Brunswick to Manitoba and south to North Carolina and North Dakota. It is widely distributed but nevertheless exceedingly rare and localized in northern Illinois. Records of its occurrence include three stations in Jo Daviess County and one in Lee County. Numerous individuals growing in one place form extensive mats. THYMELAEACEAE The Mezereum Family The mezereum family consists of shrubs or trees having acrid juice and tough bark and bearing perfect or polygamous flowers and alternate or opposite, simple leaves without stipules. The calyx of the flower consists of 4 or 5 united sepals, which often bear 4 or 5 scales within. There is no corolla. There are as many, or twice as many, stamens as sepals, and a solitary pistil with a usually eccentric style, which develops into a berry-like drupe. This family contains over 400 species, divided among 37 genera. It is very widely distributed but is most abundant in Australia and South Africa. In eastern North America it is represented by two genera, one of which is an escape from culti- vation. The following is the native genus. DIRCA Linnaeus The Leatherwoods The leatherwoods are shrubs with alternate, simple, entire leaves and with flowers, which appear before the leaves, that have a funnel-shaped, corolla-like, wavy, slightly 4-lobed calyx. There are 8 stamens, the filaments of which are longer than the calyx, though unequal in length. The 1-celled ovary develops into a 1-seeded drupe. There are two known species in this genus, both natives of North America. One species occurs only in California; the other is native in Illinois and in other parts of eastern North America. THYMELAEACEAE 207 DIRCA PALUSTRIS Linnaeus Leatherwood Moosewood The Leatherwood, fig. 53, is a widely branching shrub that reaches a height of more than 6 feet and has smooth, gray- barked stems of large diameter. The exceedingly tough bark gives rise to the common name, Leatherwood. The branches FIG. 53 Dirca palustris and branchlets have peculiar nodes, readily recognized when once seen, that frequently are described as "socket joints." The simple, alternate leaves, which stand on very short petioles, are for the most part obovate or oval and 1]/^ to 4 inches long by 1 to 2Yi inches wide. The margins are entire, and the blades are obtuse at the apex and rounded or narro^ved at the base. The leaf is pubescent when young but soon becomes entirely glabrous. The flowers, which appear in April before the leaves emerge from terminal and upper buds, stand in clusters of 3 on short peduncles. They are light yellow and less than 14 inch long. The scales inclosing buds are densely brown-pubescent on the outside and are slow to fall. The fruit, a 1 -seeded drupe which 208 ELAEAGNACEAE usually matures in May and drops early, is about Y2 iiich long, spindle shaped, and light green, and when ripe sits on a pedicel about 14 inch long. The dark brown stone is characterized by a lengthwise white streak. Distribution. — The Leatherwood prefers moist, shaded situations along the banks and bluffs of streams. It ranges from New Brunswick to Minnesota and south to Florida and Mississippi. In Illinois, it is widely distributed and ranges from the northeastern to the northwestern corner of the state and southward at least as far as Pope County. Although widely collected, it is a relatively infrequent and localized shrub. ELAEAGNACEAE The Oleaster Family The oleaster family consists of shrubs or trees recognized with especial ease because of the silvery, scaly or stellate pu- bescence on the leaves and branchlets. The leaves are entire and may be either alternate or opposite. Perfect, polygamous or dioecious flowers are borne in clusters in the axils of leaves. There are 4 sepals, w^hich are deciduous, and the corolla is lacking. The stamens may be either 4 or 8, and the ovary is 1 -celled and inferior. The fruit is a somewhat fleshy drupe composed of the thickened perianth base. The 20 or so widely distributed species that compose this family are grouped in 3 genera, 2 of which occur in eastern North America. These are distinctive in appearance, because of the silvery color given by the covering of scales. Only the fol- lowing is native in Illinois. SHEPHERDIA Nuttall Buffaloberries Bullberries The buffaloberries, shrubs with silvery or brown, scaly or stellate pubescence, bear opposite, petioled leaves and small, dioecious flowers that arise in clusters at the nodes on branches of the preceding season. The stamens are 8 in number, and the fruit is drupelike. There are three species, one limited to Utah, one far northern and western, and the following, native in Illinois and eastern North America. ELAEAGNACEAE 209 SHEPHERDIA CANADENSIS (Linnaeus) Nuttall Buffaloberry The Buffaloberry, fig. 54, is an erect shrub commonly 3 to 5 feet high, with stems, branches and branchlets densely and conspicuously covered with fringed, silvery or brown scales. The simple leaves are opposite, ovate or elliptic, 1 14 to 3 inches FIG. 54 Sheperdia canadensis long and, at the most, 1^ inches wide. They are thick, obtuse at the apex, rounded or sometimes narrowed at the base, and entire on the margins. The surface is dull green above and more or less densely covered with tufted pubescence ; beneath it is densely and conspicuously covered with a mixture of silvery and reddish-brown fringed scales. The dioecious flowers, which appear before the leaves, are borne in short, lateral racemes. They are yellowish green and nearly 14 inch wide. The fruit is red to yellowish, drupelike, oval, less than Yi inch long, and contains 1 seed. Distribution. — The Buffaloberry, a shrub of woods and stream banks, ranges from Newfoundland to Alaska and south to New York and southwestern Wisconsin. In Illinois, it is 210 ARALIACEAE confined entirely to the northeastern corner of the state, on dry- bluffs of ravines near Lake Michigan at Lake Forest, at Glen- coe and at Willow Springs. It is said to be common in that region. Its fruit, though sweetish, lacks the flavor possessed by the fruit of certain other species and is little if at all used as food. ARALIACEAE The Ginseng Family The members of the ginseng family include herbs, shrubs and trees. They are aromatic and bear alternate or whorled, simple or compound leaves and inconspicuous, umbellate in- florescences made up of perfect or polygamous, regular flowers. There are 5 often very small sepals and 5 or 10 petals. The stamens number 5 or 10 and stand alternate with the petals. The ovary consists of 2 to 5 united carpels and is 2- to 5-celled, with the same number of styles. The fruit is either a berry or a drupe. There are about 475 species in this family, widely distributed in both temperate and tropical regions. They are segregated into about 50 genera, 3 of which are native in northeastern North America. The single genus which follows is the only shrubby one native in Illinois. Many members of the family have been considered important as medicinal and dye-yielding plants. ARALIA (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Spikenards Sarsaparilla The spikenards are either perennial herbs or shrubs, which bear alternate, petioled, pinnately or ternately compound leaves with serrate leaflets. The flowers are perfect or polygamous and are borne in raceme-like or panicle-like umbels, or in com- pound umbels. There are 5 sepals, 5 petals and 5 stamens, and the 5-celled ovary is capped by 5 spreading styles. The fruit is a 5-lobed and 5-celled drupe, which contains as a rule 5 seeds. There are about 30 species of spikenards, all natives of North America and Asia. Six of these species occur in North America and 4 of them occur in the northern and eastern part of the United States. Only the following is shrubby. ARALIACEAE 21 1 ARALIA SPiNOSA Linnaeus Hercules' Club Devil's-Walkingstick The Devil's-Walkingstick, fig. 55, is a large, erect shrub up to 20 feet high with stems covered vi^ith tight bark and many strong, straight, or curved spines, which are located mostly at the nodes. The leaves are alternate, bipinnate, and sometimes as much as 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. The petioles may be 10 to 20 inches long, and both they and the midribs are usually beset with prickles. The leaflets are variable in num- ber, but always many, and stand on short stalks. The blades of the leaflets are thin or thick at maturity, ovate, and ll/^ to Syz inches long by ^ to 2 inches wide. They are acute or acuminate at the apex and generally rounded to subcordate and asymmetrical at the base. The margin is sharply serrate to entire, and the surface is smooth above and slightly glau- cous and more or less pubescent on the veins beneath. The minute, white flowers, which open early in August, are arranged in large compound panicles, so that 10 to 30 flowers stand in umbels at the end of divisions of the panicle. The divisions of the panicle are densely pubescent and provided FIG. 55 Aralia spinosa 212 CORNACEAE with stalked glands. Fruit ripens in September and October as a globular, black, berry-like drupe about 14 inch in diameter, with often as many as 5 flat, oblong seeds inclosed in its juicy pulp. Distribution. — The Devil's-Walkingstick prefers dry situa- tions in open woods and clearings. It ranges from Pennsylvania to Iowa and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is a relatively rare shrub with a limited distribution, which includes only the southern tip of the state. The most northern records of occurrence include White County on the east and Union County on the west. It apparently does not pass inland into the middle of the state north of the Ozarks. CORNACEAE The Dogwood Family Members of the dogwood family include shrubs, trees and a few perennial herbs, which bear alternate or opposite, usually entire, often firm leaves without stipules. The flowers are per- fect or monoecious and occur in cymes or heads, or rarely staminate flowers may be borne in catkin-like spikes. There are 4 or 5 sepals, 4 or 5 petals, and 4 or 5 stamens in each flower, and the ovary consists of 1 to 4 united carpels, which develop into a drupelike fruit containing a 1- to 4-celled stone. The 80 to 90 species comprising the dogwood family rep- resent about 15 genera widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. Four of the genera are native in northeastern North America, but only one shrubby genus is represented in Illinois. CORNUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Dogwoods The dogwoods are shrubs, or less often trees, mostly with opposite branches and opposite or, rarely, alternate, entire leaves. The flowers are perfect and arranged in open, dichot- omously branched cymes. The 4 sepals usually are small, and the 4 petals are white. The 4 stamens have filiform or awl-shaped filaments. The fruit is a thinly fleshy drupe, which contains a usually 2-celled, bony stone, and the seeds are flattened. CORNACEAE 213 There are about 20 poorly understood species of dogwoods, most of them natives of the north temperate zone. The fol- lowing occur in Illinois. Key to the Dogwood Species Pubescence on young twigs, inflorescence and leaves woolly and more or less spreading. Leaves rough on upper surface, branchlets brown, fruit white C. asperifolia, p. 214 Leaves not rough to the touch on the upper surface. Leaves roundly ovate, with 7 to 9 pairs of veins, branch- lets greenish, fruit blue C. rugosa, p. 213 Leaves ovate or elliptic, with 4 to 6 pairs of veins. Branchlets purplish, fruit blue C. Amomum, p. 214 Branchlets brown, fruit white C. Baileyi, p. 216 Pubescence either none or, if present, entirely appressed on the leaves, inflorescence and young twigs. Leaves opposite, fruit white. Leaves broadly ovate, branches red C. stolonifera, p. 217 Leaves lanceolate, branches gray C. foemina, p. 219 Leaves alternate, fruit blue C, alternifolia, p. 219 CORNUS RUGOSA Lamarck Roundleaf Dogwood The Roundleaf Dogwood, fig. 56, is an erect shrub 6 to 10 feet high, with gray or brownish-green branches and green branchlets which may be nearly smooth, partly pubescent, or even woolly pubescent. The opposite leaves are nearly circular to broadly ovate, and variable in size, being at times 6 inches long. The blade is abruptly narrowed at the tip to a short point and rounded or, rarely, narrowed at the base. It is short-pubescent with appressed hairs above and pale and woolly beneath. The veins are arranged in 7 to 9 pairs, and the petioles are short, commonly about 14 inch in length. The flowers appear from late in May until about the middle of June, and the fruit, which matures in autumn, is globose, blue, and contains a globose stone which is rounded at each end, somewhat oblique, and marked w^ith 8 shallow, length- wise furrows. Distribution. — The Roundleaf Dogwood, which prefers sandy habitats, ranges from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and south to Virginia and Iowa. In Illinois, it is abundant chiefly on the sands near Lake Michigan, but it has been reliably re- 214 CORNACEAE ported also from sandy areas in Will, Kane and Jo Daviess counties in the extreme northern part of the state. Possibly the southern records for Pope and Hardin counties apply to C. asperifolia through mistaken identification. CORNUS AMOMUM Miller Silky Dogwood The Silky Dogwood, fig. 56, is an erect shrub 4 to 10 feet high, with brown, pubescent branchlets and ovate to oblong leaves. The leaf blades usually are 2 to 5 inches long by 1/^ to 114 inches wide, abruptly acute to short-acuminate at the apex, and usually narrowed, though sometimes rounded, at the base. The surface is glabrous or somewhat sparingly pu- bescent above with appressed hairs, but the underside is covered with long, appressed, reddish hairs. This reddish covering, which usually is dense, is one of the most striking charac- teristics of the species. The petioles are short, somewhat more than 14 vcvch long as a rule, and are pubescent at least on the upper side. The flowers, which appear in June, are borne in pubescent, cymose inflorescences, which are covered by both colorless and reddish hairs. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is globose and bluish. Distribution. — The Silky Dogwood, which prefers low woods about ponds and lakes and along streams, ranges from Newfoundland to Florida and Kentucky. In Illinois, in its typical form and in the variation sometimes called C. obliqua Rafinesque, it ranges throughout the state and is the most widely collected and frequently reported of the dogwoods. CORNUS ASPERIFOLIA Michaux Rough leaf Dogwood The Roughleaf Dogwood, fig. 56, is an erect shrub, or at times a small tree with a spreading top, which stands as high as 18 feet and has trunks or stems 3 to 4 inches in diameter. The branches are reddish brown at first but become gray, while the branchlets, at first greenish, soon become reddish brown. They are woolly or closely pubescent with colorless, long hairs, among which some reddish ones occur. The oppo- CORNACEAE 215 FIG. 56 Cornus rugosa Cornus asperifolia Cornus Baileyi Cornus Amomum 216 CORNACEAE site leaves are broadly to narrowly ovate and have mostly 4 or 5 pairs of veins. They measure at most about 5 inches long by 2i/2 inches wide. They are usually abruptly narrowed to a short or longish point at the apex and rounded or nar- rowed, rarely subcordate, at the base, and large leaves often are conspicuously asymmetrical at the base. The surface is pubescent above and distinctly rough to the touch. Beneath, it is woolly and mealy, and the hairs beneath are usually color- less but may be reddish on the veins. The petioles are short, commonly about ]/^ inch long. The inflorescence, a convex cyme, is likewise covered with pubescence which frequently contains reddish hairs. The flow- ers, which are open from late May through most of June, mature fruit on bright red pedicels in August and September. The fruit is white, nearly globose, and pulpy, and contains stones that are conspicuously flattened laterally, but broader than high, and smooth on the surface. Distribution. — The Roughleaf Dogwood prefers moist soil along streams and rivers and ranges from Ontario to South Dakota and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it may be found throughout the state, along streams and rivers bor- dered by woods or shrub thickets. A hybrid between this species and C. Amomum is in cultivation as an ornamental and is known as X C. Horseyi Rehder. CORNUS BAILEYI Coulter & Evans This dogwood, fig. 56, is an erect shrub 3 to 6 feet high with purplish or bright red, smooth branches and green or reddish branchlets, which are at first pubescent but eventually become smooth and purplish. The ovate leaves are 1 14 to 4 inches long by ^ to 2i/^ inches wide, short or long pointed at the apex because of the narrowing of the leaf blade, and rounded or narrowed to the petiole below. There are as a rule 4 to 6 pairs of veins per leaf. The upper surface is more or less pubescent with appressed hairs, and the lower surface is woolly and densely white-mealy. The veins are frequently reddish on the underside of the leaf. The inflorescence, a pubescent and generally also woolly cyme 1 to 2 inches wide, blooms from about the middle of May through the first week in June, and rarely also late in CORNACEAE 217 the fall. The fruit, which matures from early in July until October, is a white, flattened globe about one-third inch in diameter with more or less pulpy flesh and a dark stone, which is variable in size and shape, nearly smooth, and only faintly marked on the surface with a longitudinal groove around its widest diameter. Distribution. — This dogwood, which prefers wet, sandy soils, ranges from Ontario to Manitoba and south to Pennsyl- vania, Indiana and Illinois. In our state, it has been reported with authority only from the vicinity of Lake Michigan in Cook County. It is very closely allied to C. stolonifera and may be found more widely distributed, if collectors will care- fully observe the woolly under surfaces of leaves. CORNUS STOLONIFERA Michaux Red-Osier Red-Dogwood The Red-Osier, fig. 57, is an erect or spreading shrub, the stems of which arise from underground stolons and grow to a height of 4 to 10 feet. Its smooth branches are purplish to bright red, and the branchlets, at first greenish and pu- bescent, become smooth and purplish or bright red. The oppo- site leaves are ovate to oval, 1% to 3 inches long by ^ to 1^ inches wide, acute or acuminate at the apex, narrowed or rounded at the base, short-pubescent above with appressed hairs, and densely mealy and closely pubescent beneath, so that the lower surface appears grayish. The inflorescence is a flat-topped cyme commonly ^ to 1]/^ inches wide. The flowers blossom in the latter part of May and the early part of June, and fruit matures in July and August as a white, pulpy, flattened-globose drupe about 14 inch in diameter, which contains a dark stone sometimes marked with a faint longitudinal groove. Distribution. — The Red-Osier prefers wet, swampy situa- tions and sandy soils and it ranges from Newfoundland to ^ ukon and south to Virginia, Tennessee and California. In Illinois, it is statewide in distribution but most abundant in the sandy regions of Cook and Lake counties. It also occurs frequently in sands in Will, Kankakee and Tazewell counties and has been sparingly reported in many other places, some of them in the southernmost tip of the state. 218 CORNACEAE FIG. 57 Cornus foemina Cornus alternifolia Cornus stolonifera CORNACEAE 219 CORNUS FOEMINA Miller Gray Dogwood The Gray Dogwood, fig. 57, is an erect, quite leafy shrub 3 to 7 feet high, with smooth gray branches and light reddish- brown to gray, more or less angled branchlets. The ovate to lanceolate leaves have, as a rule, 3 or 4 pairs of veins, are variable in size, reaching 3 inches long by l]/?, inches wide, and are generally long-acuminate at the apex and wedge shaped or rounded at the base. The surface is short-pubescent with appressed, colorless hairs above and below and also mealy be- neath. The inflorescence is a convex cyme, 1 to 2 inches wide, which is sparsely pubescent with appressed colorless hairs. The flowers, which appear during June, mature in August and September as moist, pulpy, flattened-globose drupes less than 14 irich wide, containing stones somewhat compressed laterally, longer than wide, and marked with shallow furrows which reach from the apex to the middle or below. Distribution. — The Gray Dogwood grows in moist or dry, sandy or gravelly soils along the shores of lakes and streams, along roadsides and fences, and in clearings in woods. It ranges ^from ]\Iaine to Minnesota and south to the Carolinas and Arkansas. In Illinois, it ranges throughout the state and is one of the most abundant dogwoods. CORNUS ALTERNIFOLIA Linnaeus filius Alternate-Leaved Dogwood Pagoda Dogwood The Alternate-Leaved Dogw^ood, fig. 57, is an erect shrub with a spreading top, which grows to a height of 15 feet and has coarse stems up to 2 inches in diameter. The branches and branchlets are smooth, usually greenish, and bear alter- nate or, rarely, a few opposite leaves, which are as a rule clustered at the end of the branches on petioles ]/> to 2 inches long. The leaf blades are mostly oval but vary to ovoid or obovate and are li/ to 4 inches long by ^ to 2i/^ inches wide, short pointed at the apex, narrowed or, less often, rounded at the base, and yellowish green. The leaf surface soon becomes smooth above but remains woolly and mealy beneath. The flowers, which bloom from early in May until early in June, are borne in flat, small cymes. The thinly pulpy, globose 220 ERICACEAE fruit, which matures in July and August on red pedicels, is bluish black and contains a small stone shallowly grooved between 8 lines, which run from the base to the middle or nearly to the tip. Distribution. — The Alternate-Leaved Dogwood grows on low land along streams and lakes and at the base of woody slopes. It ranges from New Brunswick to Minnesota and south to Missouri and Florida. In Illinois, it ranges across the entire northern part of the state and extends southward in the east to Clark County and in the west to Calhoun County. The very beautiful Flowering Dogwood, C. fiorida Linnaeus, is abundant in many parts of the state, especially on the borders of woods, and is familiar to many people. It is in reality a small tree, which may be recognized during flowering season by the brilliant white leaves that surround the inconspicuous flowers. ERICACEAE The Heath Family The heath family includes herbs, shrubs and trees that bear opposite, alternate or whorled leaves, which usually are leathery and persistent and lack stipules. The perfect flowers have 4 or 5 distinct or partially united sepals, a regular corolla of 4 or 5 more or less united petals, and stamens of the same number or twice as many as the petals. The ovary is made up of 2 to 5 united carpels, the styles of which are united and provided with a capitate or peltate stigma. The fruit lisually is a capsule but sometimes may be a berry or drupe. There are over 1,000 species in this large family, which is distributed throughout the world. Among about 60 genera, more than 20 are native in the northeastern United States, and 5 are represented in Illinois by native shrubby species. Key to the Shrubby Genera Leaves in close clusters of 3 to 5 at the end of upright branches Gaultheria, p. 226 Leaves definitely arranged along the length of branchlets. Leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate and nearly sessile Andromeda, p. 223 Leaves broader and distinctly, if shortly, petioled. Margins of the leaves entire Arctostaphylos, p. 227 I ERICACEAE 221 Leaf margins at least ciliate-toothed. Leaves densely covered on both sides with minute, round, scurfy scales Chamaedaphne, p. 224 Leaves hairy only on the midrib and lateral veins beneath Azalea, p. 221 AZALEA Linnaeus The Azaleas The azaleas are for the most part tall, erect, branching shrubs with alternate, thin, deciduous leaves and large, col- ored flowers arranged in terminal umbels. The calyx is small and 5-parted, and the somewhat 2-lipped corolla consists of 5 petals, w^hich are united below into a narrow tube. There are 5 or, rarely, 10 stamens, which extend beyond the tube of the corolla, and the 5-celled ovary develops into a 5-celled capsule, which contains many seeds and opens along the septa from the top downw^ard. There are about 40 species of azaleas native in North America and Asia. Some 10 of these are native in the eastern United States, but only 1 occurs in Illinois. The azaleas usually are included in the genus Rhododeyidron, and the Pink Azalea then is known as R. nudiflorum (Linnaeus) Torrey. AZALEA NUDIFLORA Linnaeus Pink Azalea Wild Honeysuckle The Pink Azalea, fig. 58, is a shrub which growls to a height of 2 to 6 feet, producing stems that are unbranched below but branched above into glabrous or stiffly hairy twigs. The oblong to ovate leaves are 2 to 4 inches long, acute at both ends, short petioled, hairy on the midrib and sometimes on the veins be- neath, glabrous above when old, and ciliolate on the serrate margins. The pink to nearly white, slightly odorous flowers, which open before or at the time the leaves appear, are li^ to 2 inches broad and are grouped in umbels at the tip of the branches. The corolla is somewhat 2-lipped and shorter than the narrow tube. The stamens extend much beyond the corolla. The fruit is a linear to oblong, strigose-hairy capsule about ^ inch long, which stands erect on a hairy pedicel. Distribution. — The Pink Azalea grows in dry, sandy or 222 ERICACEAE FIG. 58 Azalea nudiflora Andromeda glaucophylla ERICACEAE 223 rocky woods and thickets from Massachusetts west to Illinois and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is very limited in distribution and grows only on rocky bluffs and hillsides of the Ozarks in Union County, from Wolf Lake northward to the Big ]\Iuddy River in the vicinity of Aldridge. ANDROMEDA Linnaeus The Bog-Rosemaries The bog-rosemaries are glabrous, evergreen shrubs with leathery, entire-margined, revolute leaves and with perfect flowers borne in terminal umbels. The 5 sepals are persistent, and the 5-toothed, globular corolla incloses the 10 stamens, the filaments of which are bearded. The ovary is 5-celled and is capped by a column-like style. The capsule is subglobose to 5-angled and opens by means of 5 valves to free the mam' leathery, shining seeds. Two species of bog-rosemaries are recognized. One of them grows naturally in the far northwest and the other occurs in northeastern North America. ANDROMEDA GLAUCOPHYLLA Link Downy Bog-Rosemary The Downy Bog-Rosemary, fig. 58, is a low shrub that sends up ascending branches 4 to 10 inches long from a smooth, creep- ing stem. The thick leaves are linear to lanceolate-oblong, ^ to 21/ inches long by less than 1/ inch wide, sessile or with a very short petiole, abruptly acute and tipped at the apex, and long-tapered to the base. The margins are entire and revolute, and the blades are smooth and dark green above, and whitened with fine hair beneath. The white or pink, 5-petaled flowers, which appear from early in May on through June, are borne, usually 5 to 10 together, in clusters at the end of branchlets, each on a re- curving pedicel, which is as a rule about twice as long as the flower or fruit. The fruit is a 5-celled capsule, which is much flattened at the apex and opens by 5 valves to set loose the many shining, light brown seeds. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Downy Bog-Rosemary is a shrub which grows in the peat and sphagnum of tamarack bogs, in which it 224 ERICACEAE ranges from Labrador to Manitoba and south to New Jersey, Illinois and Minnesota. In Illinois, it is rare and has been reported only in the northeastern corner, in Lake and McHenry counties. It has not been reported since 1909, however, and now may be extinct, CHAMAEDAPHNE Moench The Leatherleafs The leatherleafs are shrubs with branching stems, which bear alternate, leathery, slightly toothed leaves and perfect flowers in 1-sided, leafy racemes. The 5-lobed, star-shaped calyx is subtended by 2 bracts, and there are 10 stamens, which are included within the 5-lobed corolla. The ovary is 5-celled, with an elongate style, and the capsule is flattened, 5-valved, and many seeded. This genus has one species, which is widely distributed through the north temperate zone. CHAMAEDAPHNE CALYCULATA (Linnaeus) Moench Leatherleaf Dwarf Cassandra The Leatherleaf, fig. 59, is a low but erect or ascending, much-branched shrub, II/2 to 3 feet high, with branchlets at first woolly pubescent and more or less densely covered with scurfy scales. The leaves tend to be evergreen and are thick and leathery, oblong, elliptic, or oblanceolate, 1/^ to 1 1/4 inches long, and up to i/? inch wide. The leaves in the inflorescence are smaller, tipped with a small point, rounded or acute at the apex, and narrowed at the base. The margin is obscurely toothed or erose, and the petioles are very short but definite and pubescent. The inflorescense is a terminal, leafy-bracted raceme usually ^ to 5 inches long, the flowers of which, arranged singly in the axils of the bracts, begin to bloom during the early part of May. The sepals are triangular to ovate, ciliate, thick, and scurfy on the back. The white corolla is oblong to cylindrical, and small. Fruit matures in September as a much-flattened, 5-celled capsule containing many tiny, irregularly shaped seeds. Distribution. — The Leatherleaf, found only in peaty bogs, ERICACEAE 225 FIG. 59 Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi Chamaedaphne calyculata Gaultheria procumbens 226 ERICACEAE ranges from Newfoundland to Alaska and south to Georgia and Illinois. In Illinois, it is recorded only from Lake and Cook counties and is at the present time possibly extinct, except in a bog near Volo in Lake County. GAULTHERIA (Kalm) Linnaeus Creeping Wintergreen Creeping wintergreens are shrubs or undershrubs with alter- nate, long-persistent leaves and perfect flowers borne singly in axils or in axillary racemes. There are 5 sepals and an urn-shaped corolla inclosing the 10 stamens. The ovary and the capsule are 5-celled and 5-lobed. The calyx and other flower structures enlarge and become fleshy, inclose the cap- sule, and form a berry-like fruit. There are about 100 species in this genus, most of which occur in the Andes Mountains in South America. A few, however, are North American and Asiatic, and the following is native in Illinois. GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS Linnaeus Creeping Wintergreen Checkerberry The Creeping Wintergreen, fig. 59, is a prostrate shrub with creeping, underground stems, from which rise branches 2 to 6 inches long that rarely are branched and usually are woolly pubescent among the leaves at the top. The leaves occur 3 to 7 together toward the end of the branches, and are persistent, aromatic when bruised, thick and leathery, and oval to nearly round. The blades are ^ to 2 inches long by about Yl ^^ ll/^ inches w^ide, crenate on the margins with bristle-tipped, low teeth, apiculate and rounded or, rarely, acute at the apex, and narrowed or, rarely, rounded at the base. The surface is smooth above or pubescent on the midrib and glabrous be- neath. The petioles are short, about i^ inch long, and more or less woolly. White flowers, borne singly in the axils of leaves, appear from about the first of July on to the middle of August. Fruit matures late in October and in November as bright red, flat- tened, globose, fleshy structures, which persist on the plants until late the following spring, increasing in size during that time. ERICACEAE 227 Distribution. — The Creeping Wintergreen, a shrub of moist, sandy woods, ranges from Manitoba to Minnesota and south to Georgia and Tennessee. Its presence in Illinois is known only from one reported occurrence along the shore of Lake Michigan north of Chicago. It probably has been exter- minated. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS Adanson The Bearberries Kinnikinnick The bearberries are shrubs or small trees with alternate, thick, evergreen leaves and perfect flowers, which are borne in terminal racemes provided with small bracts. The flowers have 5 persistent sepals and an urn-shaped corolla with 4 or 5 recurved lobes. The 8 to 10 stamens have filaments ^vhich are swollen and hairy at the base. The ovary is 4- to 10-celled and develops into a drupelike fruit with a 1- to 8-seeded stone, or w^ith seeds more or less separate. Some 40 species of bearberries are known, almost all of them inhabitants of western North America. The following, native in Illinois, is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI (Linnaeus) Sprengel Bearberry Kinnikinnick The Bearberry, fig. 59, is a trailing shrub with more or less spreading or upright branches 4 to 16 inches long which, when trailing, often root at the nodes. They are covered by reddish- brown, exfoliating bark, and the branchlets are white-tomentose or, often, smooth by the end of the season. The leaves are evergreen, leathery, spatulate to broadly ovate, and V^ to I14 inches long by i/g to a little more than Yl inch wide. The blade is rounded at the apex and narrowed at the base, and the leaf margin is entire, though sometimes ciliate. The surface is smooth above, or sometimes pubescent on the midrib toward the base, and smooth beneath except on the midrib. The petioles are short and often pubescent. The inflorescence consists of axillary and terminal clusters of 1 to 6 flowers, which stand on short, reflexed peduncles. The white flowers with purplish-pink corolla lobes bloom in May and early June and develop in July and August into 228 VACCINIACEAE bright, cherry-red, somewhat flattened-spherlcal fruits about ^ inch wide with thin, astringent pulp. Each fruit contains 5 nutlets more or less grown together into a stone. Distribution. — The Bearberry is a sand-loving shrub, which ranges from Newfoundland to Yukon and south to Virginia and Illinois, Colorado and California. In Illinois, it now is found only on the sand areas bordering Lake Michigan in Cook and Lake counties, but formerly it grew, according to records, as far south as Peoria. VACCINIACEAE The Huckleberry Family The huckleberry family includes shrubs, small trees and a few delicate vines, which bear alternate, simple, sometimes evergreen leaves and perfect flowers, which are either clus- tered or solitary. There are 4 or 5 sepals, 4 or 5 united petals, and twice as many stamens as there are lobes on the corolla. The ovary consists of 4 or 5 united carpels, is in- ferior, 4- to 10-celled, and develops into a pulpy berry or drupe. The huckleberry family contains some 300 species, assigned to about 20 genera, and is of very wide geographic distribu- tion. About 7 genera occur in northeastern North America, and 2 are native in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Genera Calyx and under surface of the leaves covered with resinous scales Gaylussacia, p. 228 Calyx and leaves without resinous scales Vaccinium, p. 229 GAYLUSSACIA Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth The Huckleberries The huckleberries are shrubs with deciduous or evergreen, alternate leaves, the blades of which are entire and resinous dotted, and with flowers grouped in axillary, drooping racemes. The sepals are 5, and the corolla Is tubular and 5-lobed and incloses 10 stamens. The ovary is 10-celled and develops into a drupe with a 10-celled stone or with 10 bony nutlets. There are about 40 species in this genus, all of them Ameri- can. Only the following is native In Illinois. VACCINIACEAE 229 GAYLUSSACIA BACCATA (Wangenheim) K. Koch Black Huckleberry Highbush Huckleberry The Black Huckleberry, fig. 60, is an erect or ascending shrub up to 4 feet tall but commonly li/ to 21/^ feet high, with branchlets that are more or less pubescent toward the end. The oval, oblong or oblanceolate leaves are 1 to 3 inches long by 14 to 1 14 inches wide, acute, obtuse, or rounded at the apex, and narrowed at the base. The leaf margin is entire and ciliate, and the surface is green on both sides, but more or less pubescent and covered with scales beneath, the scales persisting until maturity of the leaves. The petioles are very short and pubescent. The inflorescence consists of short racemes bearing up to 7 flowers, which arise from old axils on the former year's branchlets or sometimes on the present year's growth. The reddish or pink flowers bloom from early in May until early in June. The calyx, which is soon deciduous, is covered with resinous scales. The black or bluish fruit ripens from the last of July until September as a globose, sweet-fleshed drupe with at most only a slight bloom and contains 10 almond-shaped, small seeds. Distribution. — The Black Huckleberry ranges, in acid, sandy soils, from Newfoundland to Manitoba and south to Georgia, Tennessee and ^Minnesota. In Illinois, it ranges through much of the northern third of the state and, without intervening occurrences, in Alexander County in the south. The region of greatest abundance is in the northeast corner of the state, but there are also records from the vicinity of La Salle, Castle Rock, Kankakee, Starved Rock and Peru. VACCINIUM Linnaeus Blueberry Bilberry Whortleberry The blueberries are low shrubs with alternate, thin, de- ciduous leaves and \yith flowers borne singly, in racemes or in fascicles. The calyx lobes are 4 or 5, and the white, pink or purplish corolla is made up of 4 or 5 more or less united petals. The stamens are 8 or 10, and the fruit is a sweet and edible, blue-black or red berry sometimes covered with bloom. 230 VACCINIACEAE FIG. 60 Vaccinium angustifolium Gaylussacia baccata Vaccinium vacillans Vaccinium arboreum VACCINIACEAE 231 There are more than 150 species in this genus, which has a very wide geographic distribution. Between 15 and 20 of them occur in North America. The following are the shrubby species occurring in Illinois. Key to the Blueberry Species Stems more or less upright, at least not creeping or trailing; fruit blue or black. Shrubs usually 3 feet or more tall; leaves glossy above; fruit black V, arboreum, p. 231 Shrubs commonly less than 3 feet high; leaves not conspicu- ously glossy; fruit blue or blue black. Leaves glabrous beneath at maturity. Lower surface of leaves green, margin serrulate V. angustifolium, p. 232 Leaves glaucous beneath, the margin entire V. vacillans, p. 232 Leaves pubescent beneath at maturity V. canadense, p. 233 Stems trailing or creeping; fruit reddish. Bracts placed above the middle of the pedicel, green V. macrocarpum, p. 235 Bracts generally placed below the middle of the pedicel, mostly colored V. Oxycoccus, p. 236 VACCINIUM ARBOREUM Marshall Farkleberry The Farkleberry, fig. 60, is a shrub up to 10 feet high with straggling stems as much as 2 inches in diameter, which are covered with scaly, gray bark and bear green branchlets, which become gray or brown but remain more or less pubescent. The leaves stand on very short petioles and are obovate to nearly circular and up to 21/^ inches long by 11/ inches wide. The margins are revolute and entire and usually bear large, sessile glands. The blade is acute or rounded, mucronate tipped at the apex and narrowed at the base, glabrous and shiny above and pale and more or less pubescent beneath. There often are sessile glands on the midrib and veins be- neath. The white flowers, which appear from late in May until mid June, are borne in axillary or, frequently, in terminal p racemes composed of many flowers. Fruit matures in October or later as a black, globose, shiny, dry and inedible berry, which contains many seeds covered on the surface with shal- low pits. 232 VACCINIACEAE Distribution. — The Farkleberry ranges in dry sandy soils in open woods from Virginia to Florida and westward into Texas. In Illinois, it grows only in the southern third of the state and is limited in its occurrence to the Ozarks. An exceptionally large shrub in Giant City State Park is recorded as being 20 feet high and having stems 3 inches in diameter. Glaucous- leaved shrubs with leaflike bracts in the inflorescence, taken near Tunnel Hill, Johnson County, have been referred to the variety glaucescens (Greene) Sargent. VACCINIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Alton Lowbush Blueberry The Lowbush Blueberry, fig. 60, is an ascending or erect shrub 1 to 2 feet high with yellow-green, wrinkled branches and branchlets, and with crowded leaves. The leaves are lanceolate to spatulate, ]/4 to Xyi inches long by about 14 to ^ inch wide, acute or sometimes blunt at the apex, and nar- rowed at the base. The margins are sharply toothed and the teeth end in gland-tipped bristles. The surface is smooth or nearly so above and below at maturity, but the very short petioles are ciliate. The white or pinkish flowers, w^hich appear during the early part of May, are borne in short racemes of about 5 flowers. Fruit begins to ripen early in July and matures as a flattened, globular, sweet and edible berry, about Y2 irich in diameter, covered with bluish bloom. Distribution. — The Lowbush Blueberry, a shrub of dry sandy soil, ranges from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan and south to Virginia, Illinois and Minnesota. In Illinois, it is limited to the northeastern part of the state, and has been reported frequently in sandy regions adjacent to Lake Michigan and in isolated cases in Kankakee County and at Starved Rock in La Salle County. VACCINIUM VACILLANS Kalm Dryland Blueberry I The Dryland Blueberry, fig. 60, is an erect shrub 1 to 2 or ; even 4 feet high with yellow-green branches and branchlets, j which are pubescent in lines and wrinkled on the surface. The \ VACCINIACEAE 233 leaves are mostly oval but also lanceolate or nearly circular, up to 2i/^ inches long by U/^ inches wide, acute or obtuse at the apex, and narrowed or, rarely, rounded at the base. The margin is finely toothed, and the surface is glabrous above and beneath at maturity. The midrib may be slightly pubescent toward the base, and the petiole is very short. The greenish-yellow flowers are borne in short racemes con- sisting of 5 to 7 or sometimes a dozen flowers, which begin to open in late April and continue in blossom until early in June. Fruit ripens from early in July until well into September as blue-black, flattened, globose berries, usually densely bloom covered, which are sweet and edible and considerably less than ]/? inch in diameter. Distribution. — The Dryland Blueberry grows in dry, sandy soil in woods from New Hampshire to Ontario and Michigan and south to Georgia and Kansas. In Illinois, it has a remark- able distribution. It is relatively abundant in the sandy regions in the northeast corner of the state and ranges, in isolated occur- rences, to Castle Rock on the Rock River and, at least it formerly ranged, to Peoria on the Illinois River. It is, how- ever, most abundant in the Ozarks in southern Illinois, where it has been collected in Pope and Union counties, in Giant City State Park, and in southeastern Jackson County. Specimens taken in Union County have been referred to the variety crinitum Fernald, which is distinguished by the branches being generally pubescent instead of pubescent in lines. The Illinois material of this species is by no means uniform, and critical examination of collections gathered in various sections of the state will suggest assignment of some specimens to V. pallidum Aiton, of some to, perhaps, V. Torreyanum Camp, and of some, even, to varieties of V. corymbosum Linnaeus, at least as these species are treated in various manuals. VACCINIUM CANADENSE Kalm Canada Blueberry The Canada Blueberry, fig. 61, is an ascending or erect shrub 8 inches to 2 feet high with wrinkled, pubescent branches and branchlets bearing oval to lanceolate leaves usually 1 inch long by y^ inch wide. The leaf blades are acute at the apex, nar- rowed to the very short but distinct petiole, and entire on the 234 VACCINIACEAE FIG. 61 Vaccinium canadense Vaccinium macrocarpum Vaccinium Oxycoccus VACCINIACEAE 235 margins. The upper leaf surface, though pubescent when young, is glabrous except on the midvein at maturity, and the lower surface is densely spreading-pubescent at maturity. The greenish-white, red-tinted flowers, which appear early in May, occur 5 to 6 together in small racemes. The fruit, which matures early in July, is a somewhat flattened, globular, blue-black berry covered with bloom, which is sweet, edible, and about ]/\ inch in diameter. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Canada Blueberry, a shrub of moist, often swampy, open or wooded situations, ranges from Lab- rador and Manitoba south to Virginia and Illinois. In Illinois, its occurrence is confined to the northern part of the state, where it has been a common inhabitant of drained tamarack swamps in Lake County and a persistent but not abundant shrub at Starved Rock in La Salle County and at Castle Rock on the Rock River. VACCINIUM MACROCARPUM Alton Cranberry The Cranberry, fig. 61, is a low, trailing shrub with slender stems 12 to 30 inches long, which root at the nodes and send up erect or ascending branches to a height of 4 to 8 inches. The branchlets, which vary considerably in length, are more or less pubescent, light to reddish brown, and bear oblong- elliptic leaves about ]/\ to Y2 irich long, which are obtuse or rounded at the apex and base, and entire and slightly revolute on the margin. The leaf surface is dark green and smooth above but glaucous and smooth beneath. The pinkish flowers are borne in terminal racemes of as many as 8 flowers, and each raceme ends in a leafy shoot. Each flower pedicel bears 2 bracts, situated above the middle of the pedicel, which are smooth on both surfaces and ciliate along the margins. Blossoming occurs in late June and early July, and fruit matures from about the middle of August through the autumn. The reddish, globular to pear-shaped berries, which are about ]A ii^ch in diameter, are sour but edible when cooked. Distribution. — The Cranberry, a shrub of sphagnum bogs, ranges from Newfoundland to Minnesota and south to West Virginia and Arkansas. In Illinois, it is very rare, if indeed 236 SAPOTACEAE it now exists in the state, and is limited to the extreme north- east corner. It has been reported only in Lake and McHenry counties. VACCINIUM OXYCOCCUS Linnaeus Small Cranberry The Small Cranberry, fig. 61, is a low, trailing shrub, with slender, creeping stems that root at the nodes and send up light to dark brown branchlets, which slough oflt their bark but are at first completely pubescent. The leaves are evergreen, oblong to ovate, about 14 inch long and about l4 inch wide. The blade is acute or obtuse at the apex, rounded at the base, and pro- vided with an entire, revolute margin, which is ciliate. The leaf surface is dark green and smooth on the upperside and smooth but glaucous on the underside, and the petioles are very short. The pinkish flowers are borne up to 4 together in terminal racemes, which often end in a leafy shoot, and the flower pedi- cels, which may be i/^ to 2 inches long, bear 2 usually colored bracts set, as a rule, below the middle of the pedicel. Blossom- ing occurs about the middle of June, and fruit matures in autumn as a reddish, globose, sour but edible berry somewhat more than 14 ^^^^ ^^ diameter. Distribution. — The Small Cranberry is a bog shrub that ranges from Maine to Saskatchewan and southward to North Carolina and Minnesota. In Illinois, it is exceedingly rare. There is but a single report of its presence, that of its occur- rence in Cedar Lake bog in Lake County. Perhaps it might be found in other tamarack bogs in the same region. SAPOTACEAE The Sapodilla Family The sapodilla family consists of shrubs and trees, which sometimes are thorny and bear alternate, entire, estipulate leaves, and perfect or, rarely, polygamous, clustered flowers. The sepals, 4 to 12 in number, are arranged in 1 or 2 series, and the corolla ends in 4 lobes, which are deciduous. The stamens correspond in number to the corolla lobes and are adnate to the corolla tube opposite the lobes. The ovary con- 5AP0TACEAE 237 sists of several united carpels, is 4- to 12-celled, and develops into a berry containing as a rule 1 nutlike seed. The more than 400 species in this family are for the most part inhabitants of tropical regions. They represent about 35 genera, 5 of which occur in North America and 1 in Illinois. BUMELIA Swartz The Bumelias Buckthorns The bumelias are small trees or, with us, shrubs, which bear conspicuously nerved, simple, alternate leaves and, some- times, spines in the axils of the leaves. The small, perfect flowers, borne in axillary clusters, are white, and the corolla lobes are longer than the tube and appended on each side. There are 5 stamens, and the ovary is 5-celled; but the berry is drupelike and usually contains a solitary seed. There are about 35 species of bumelias, all of them native in America. The following two are shrubby and occur in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Species Leaves glabrous or nearly so B. lycioides Leaves rusty-woolly beneath B. lanuginosa BUMELIA LYCIOIDES (Linnaeus) Persoon Southern Buckthorn Carolina Buckthorn The Southern Buckthorn, fig. 62, is an erect, gray-barked shrub or sometimes a small tree up to 25 feet high with short, divergent branches which resemble spines and, on the branch- lets, bark roughened by many lenticels. On terminal branchlets of the current season, the leaves are alternate, but on lateral branchlets from old wood they stand in clusters of 2 to 6. The leaf blades are elliptic to oblanceolate, commonly 2]/^ to 5 inches long and yz to lYz inches wide, with entire and slightly revolute margins. They are acute at the apex, wedge shaped at the base, and at maturity smooth both above and beneath and definitely reticulated. The petioles are short, commonly about 14 inch long. The white flowers, which appear at about the time the leaves are full grown, are borne on old wood in clusters ranging from 15 to 75 flowers, each on a short, glabrous petiole. The fruit, 238 SAPOTACEAE FIG. 62 Bumelia lycioides Bumelia lanuginosa STYRACACEAE 239 which matures in autumn, is a nearly black, ovoid, pulpy drupe usually about Yz inch long. Distribution. — The Southern Buckthorn, a shrub of moist situations and thickets, ranges from Virginia to southern Illinois and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is to be found in the valleys of the Ohio and Cache rivers, south of the Ozarks, where it may be sought in cypress swamps and in thickets along dry sloughs. It has been recorded in Hardin, Pulaski, Union, Johnson and Alexander counties. BUMELIA LANUGINOSA (Michaux) Persoon Woolly Buckthorn Gum Elastic The Woolly Buckthorn, fig. 62, is a shrub up to 20 feet tall or sometimes, in the far south, a tree reaching a height of 60 feet, with usually spiny twigs and persistent, rather leathery leaves, which are glabrous above and densely pubescent beneath. The leaves are oblanceolate or oblong, usually obtuse at the apex and wedge shaped at the base, XYi to Z inches long by about 1/2 to 1 inch wide, and they stand on petioles up to Ya inch in length. The flowers occur 3 to 18 together in fascicles developed on old wood, and the fruit, which is an oval, or glo- bose, black berry, is Y\ to Yl irich in diameter. Distribution. — The Woolly Buckthorn is a shrub of thickets and woods, which ranges from Illinois to Kansas and south to Florida and Texas. It is exceedingly rare in Illinois and has been reported with authority only from the vicinity of Mound City in Pulaski County. STYRACACEAE The Storax Family The storax family consists of trees or shrubs with alternate leaves more or less covered with stellate pubescence, without stipules and with regular, perfect flowers borne in clusters. The calyx is adherent to the ovary to some extent and consists of 4 to 8 parts, and the corolla has 4 to 8 lobes. The stamens are generally twice as many as the petals and inserted on the tube. The ovary consists of 2 to 5 cells and develops into a berry-like fruit or drupe, which is nearly dry, is 1-seeded and in some cases is winged. 240 STYRACACEAE There are some 75 species in this family, representing 7 genera, which are mostly tropical and most abundant in South America, In the northeastern United States, and in Illinois, the 2 following genera occur. Key to the Shrubby Genera Leaf margins finely serrate ; fruit oblong and with 2 or 4 lengthwise wings Halesia, p. 240 Leaf margins entire or very coarsely toothed ; fruit globose or oblong and without wings Styrax, p. 242 HALESIA Ellis The Silverbells The silverbells are small, more or less pubescent trees or shrubs, which bear thin, deciduous, finely dentate leaves and large, white, drooping, bell-shaped flowers in lateral clusters or in short racemes. The flowers appear before or with the leaves. The calyx is 4- to 5-ribbed, adnate to the ovary, and 4-toothed, and the bell-shaped corolla consists of 4 or 5 nearly separate petals. There are 8 to 16 stamens, and the 2- to 4-celled ovary develops into a dry, oblong, 2- to 4-winged, 1- to 4-celled fruit. There are three species of silverbells, all of them native in southeastern North America. Only the following occurs in Illinois. HALESIA CAROLINA Linnaeus Silverbell Snowdrop Tree The Silverbell, fig. 63, is a tall shrub, 20 to 30 feet high, or a small tree, reaching a maximum height in the south of about 45 feet and a trunk diameter of 12 to 18 inches. It bears oval to oblong, thin leaves, which are denticulate on the margin, acuminate at the tip, and narrowed at the base. The leaf surface is dark green and glabrous above at maturity but pale green and covered with stellate pubescence beneath. The leaves are 2 to 6 inches long by 1 to 3 inches wide and stand on short petioles. The flowers are borne, up to 5 together, in clusters which appear at about the same time as the leaves. Each flower is borne on a slender pedicel 1 to 11/ inches long and consists STYRACACEAE 241 FIG. 63 Halesia Carolina Styrax americana Styrax pulverulenta 242 STYRACACEAE of a minute calyx and a white corolla J/^ to ^ inch long. The 4-celled ovary develops into an oblong, 4-winged fruit 1 to ll/ mches long and usually somewhat longer than the pedicel on which it stands. It is capped by the persistent style. Distribution. — The Silverbell inhabits wooded slopes and banks along streams from West Virginia to Illinois and south to Florida and Alabama. In Illinois, it is a rare shrub, with known occurrence that includes only the Wabash River valley, in Wabash County, and the Ohio River valley, in the vicinity of Metropolis. STYRAX (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Snowbells The snowbells are shrubs or small trees with alternate, deciduous leaves and large, drooping Howers borne in lateral or terminal racemes before the leaves appear. The calyx is persistent, adnate to the ovary, and 5-toothed, and the corolla is 5-parted and incloses 10 stamens. The ovary, which is 3-celled, develops into a globose to oblong, nearly dry, leathery fruit, which commonly is only 1 -seeded. There are between 70 and 80 species of snowbells, widely distributed in America, Europe and Asia. Of the 5 that grow in southern and western parts of the United States, the follow- ing 2 are native in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Species Foliage and inflorescence glabrous S. americana Lower surface of leaves and inflorescence stellate-pubescent S. pulverulenta STYRAX AMERICANA Lamarck American Snowbell Smooth Storax The American Snowbell, fig. 63, is a slender, erect shrub 4 to 8 feet high with grayish or reddish-brown stems clothed in very thin bark and covered by stellate pubescence, the branch- lets being more or less densely pubescent. The leaves are al- ternate, without stipules, oval to obovate, and 1 to 3 inches long by 1/4 to 1 inch wide. They are pinnately veined, with the principal veins prolonged beyond the margin into short, incurved hooks, so that the margin appears obscurely and STYRACACEAE 243 coarsely crenate-dentate. The blade is acute and short-pointed, rarely obtuse, at the apex, and narrowed at the base to a very short petiole. It is smooth above and either smooth or nearly so beneath, but the petioles commonly are somewhat pubescent. The white flowers, which are regularly 5-parted, are borne in groups of 2 to 7 in short, leafy racemes. They appear from the last of May until about the middle of June. The fruit, which matures from the last of September on into October, is a nearly globose, densely white-pubescent, dry drupe about 14 inch in diameter, which breaks at the tip into 3 thin valves to expose the brown stone it contains. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The American Snowbell is an inhabitant of moist thickets and swamps from Virginia w^est to Missouri and south to Florida and Louisiana. In Illinois, it occurs infrequent- ly in the Wabash and Ohio river valleys; it is reported from Lawrence, Massac and Pulaski counties. STYRAX PULVERULENTA Michaux Downy Storax The Downy Storax, fig. 63, is a shrub 4 to 10 feet high with slender stems and branchlets covered by stellate-pubescent, thin, reddish-brown bark, which eventually becomes gray. The oval to oblong leaves are alternate, without stipules, acute at each end, denticulate or nearly entire on the margins, and short petioled. The blades are 1 to 2i'2 inches long by 1 to \]4. inches wide, green and smooth above but pale and densely covered on the lower surface with stellate hairs. The w^hite flowers are borne in short, 2-flowered, terminal racemes or, often, in pairs in axils of leaves on the current season's growth. The petals are oblong-lanceolate and acute, and the calyx is small. The flowering period ranges from late in ]\Iay until about the middle of June, and fruit matures in late September and October as a globose, whitely hairy, dry and leathery, 1-seeded drupe, ]/-^ inch in diameter, which breaks open in 3 parts at the top, revealing a single globular seed. Distribution. — The Downy Storax ranges in moist woods and thickets from Virginia to Arkansas and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it has been recorded only once, in a cypress swamp near Rago in Johnson County. 244 OLEACEAE OLEACEAE The Olive Family The olive family consists of trees, shrubs and a few almost herbaceous plants with opposite or, rarely, alternate, simple or pinnately compound leaves without stipules. The regular flowers are perfect, polygamous or dioecious, and usually have 2 to 4 sepals and 2 to 4 petals. There usually are 2 stamens inserted on the corolla tube, and the superior, 2-celled ovary develops into a fruit, which may be a capsule, a samara, a berry or a drupe. The more than 500 species in this family, representing 20 or more genera, are widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions. Of the shrubby forms only one is native in Illinois, but both the common Lilac, Syringa vulgaris Linnaeus, and the common Privet, Ligustrum vulgare Linnaeus, occur in the state as occasional escapes from cultivation. FORESTIERA Poiret The Swamp Privets The swamp privets are shrubs with opposite, simple, toothed or entire leaves, which may be deciduous or persistent, and with small, yellow or greenish flowers borne before the leaves open in short racemes or panicles in the axils of leaves of the preceding season. There is either no calyx or a minute, 4-toothed calyx, and no corolla or at most 1 or 2 small, soon deciduous petals. There are 2 to 4 stamens, and the 2-celled ovary de- velops into an oblong to nearly globose drupe, which contains 1 seed, or less often 2 seeds. There are about 15 species of swamp privet, which range through the southern United States to Mexico, Central America and Brazil. Only the following occurs in Illinois. FORESTIERA ACUMINATA (Michaux) Poiret Swamp Privet The Swamp Privet, fig. 64, is a tall, spreading shrub 12 to 15 feet high, or rarely a tree of much greater height, with small, spreading branches and slender, light brown branchlets marked by numerous lenticels. Lateral twigs in the angles of the leaves OLEACEAE 245 become spinelike. The leaves are ovate to oblong, acuminate or acute at both ends, finely toothed on the margins, 1 to 4 inches long by 1/^ to 2 inches wide, and stand on slender petioles one-third to two-thirds inch long. The flowers are of two kinds, the staminate occurring in fascicles and the pistillate in short panicles. There usually is FIG. 64 Forestiera acuminata no calyx and no corolla, but in the staminate flowers there are 4 stamens with bright yellow anthers, which are seldom present in the fertile flowers. The flowering period is from late April into May, and the dark blue to purple fruit ripens in June and July and falls as soon as it is mature. It is oblong to ovoid, acute at the tip, crowned with the remnants of the style, and 1 to 1 14 inches long by about 1/; inch thick, with thin dry flesh covering a single striated seed. Distribution. — The Swamp Privet inhabits the borders of streams and swamps in low, moist soil from southern Indiana to Arkansas and south to Georgia and Texas. In Illinois, its distribution follows the tributary and large river valleys around the southern part of the state from Lawrence County in the east to Pike County in the west and up the Illinois River at 246 BIGNONIACEAE least as far as Tazewell County. The most northerly point recorded for this shrub in Illinois is an island in the Illinois River lying just north of the Mason-Tazewell county line. BIGNONIACEAE The Trumpetcreeper Family The members of the trumpetcreeper family include trees, shrubs, woody vines and some herbs with mostly opposite leaves, which are simple or pinnately compound and lack stip- ules. The large, showy flowers are perfect and irregular, the calyx having 5 lobes arranged in 2 lips and the corolla being likewise 5-lobed and more or less 2-lipped at the top of its funnel-shaped tube. There are 5 stamens, 1 or 3 of which usually are rudimentary or sterile, and the ovary is a 1 -celled, compound pistil, which develops into a leathery or woody cap- sule containing numerous winged seeds. The more than 500 species in this family, representing about 100 genera, are widely distributed in tropical regions, but a few species grow in both the north and south temperate zones. In Illinois, the common Catalpa tree is perhaps the family's best known member. The following woody vines also occur in the state. Key to the Shrubby Genera Leaf margins entire; vines with tendrils Bignonia, p. 246 Leaf margins toothed; vines without tendrils Campsis, p. 248 BIGNONIA (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Trumpet-Flowers The trumpet-flowers are high-climbing, often evergreen vines, which climb by means of tendrils and bear opposite, compound leaves consisting of 2 leaflets, the rachis of which ends in a branched tendril that clings by small disks. The flowers are borne in axillary cymes. The calyx is 5-lobed, and the corolla is bell shaped, with a 5-parted, slightly 2-lipped, spreading face. There are 4 stamens, which are included within the corolla; and the fruit is an elongated capsule flattened parallel with its thin internal partition, which contains many small, winged seeds arranged in 2 rows in each part of the capsule. There is but a single species in this genus. BIGNONIACEAE 247 FIG. 65 Campsis radicans Bignonia capreolata 248 BIGNONIACEAE BIGNONIA CAPREOLATA Linnaeus Crossvine The Crossvine. tig. 65. is a long, slender vine, which climbs over trees of great height and is provided with an extensive underground root system. The rough bark on old stems is scaly and exfoliates lengthwise. The branchlets are smooth and bear opposite, compound leaves, each usually with 2 small, stipule-like leaves in its axil. The short petiole is pubescent above and usually is prolonged between the 2 leaflets into a tendril, which subdivides by threes and ends in disks. The leaf- lets are oblong to ovate, 3 to 8 inches long, and Ij/ to 6 inches wide, entire, often somewhat wa\y margined, short or long point- ed at the apex, and generally cordate or obtuse at the base. The surface is dark green and smooth above and smooth beneath. The flowers, which appear through May, are borne on gla- brous pedicels in clusters of 3 to 5 in the axils of leaves. The show}' mahogany-red or deep orange, trumpet-shaped flowers are often 2 or more inches long. The fruit is a large, flat, 2-celled capsule frequently 5 to 7 inches long and 34 to 1 inch wide, which contains many flat, winged seeds measuring, in- cluding the wings, as much as lij inches long. Distribution. — The Crossvine, a vine of low, moist woods, ranges from southern Virginia to southern Illinois and south to Florida and Louisiana. In Illinois, its distribution is entirely southern and follows the valleys of the Wabash. Ohio and Mis- sissippi rivers from Wabash County southward around the lower end of the state, south of the Ozarks, and north again at least as far as St. Clair Count>'. CAMPSIS Loureiro The Trumpetcreepers The trumpetcreepers are woody vines, which twine or climb by aerial rootlets and bear opposite, pinnately compound leaves with toothed leaflets and clustered, often paniculate, perfect flowers. The calyx is short, tubular and 5-lobed, and the corolla is long, funnel-shaped, 5-lobed and somewhat 2-lipped. There are 4 stamens included within the corolla, and the fruit is a firm, leather}- capsule flattened crosswise to the partition, which contains numerous winged seeds. TrUMPEI CREEPER Campsis riidicans ('Lin^aeu^) Secmann RUBIACEAE 249 There are two species in this genus, one native in Japan, the other in eastern North America. CAMPSIS RADiCANS (Linnaeus) Seemann Trumpetcreeper Trumpet-Flower The Trumpetcreeper, fig. 65, is a large, long, twining vine with stems often as much as 3 and 4 inches in diameter and with glabrous branches, which bear pinnately compound leaves oppo- sitely arranged and on petioles 1 to 2 inches long. There com- monly are aerial rootlets opposite or just below each leaf on the stem. There are 7 to 13 ovate to lanceolate leaflets per leaf, the individual leaflet measuring 3 to 7 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide. The terminal one usually is long stalked and the lateral ones are shorter stalked or nearly sessile. The leaflet margins are very coarsely serrate, and the blades are acuminate at the apex and mostly narrowed or sometimes squar- ish but definitely asymmetrical at the base. The surface is smooth above but usually more or less pubescent beneath, espe- cially on the midrib. The trumpet-shaped flowers, which appear early in June and all through the summer, are reddish orange, showy, and as much as 2 inches long. The fruit, which begins to mature in late August, is a 2-celled capsule flattened at right angles to its par- tition, which measures from' 4 to 10 inches in length by ^ to 1 inch in diameter. It contains numerous flat seeds with tissue- like wings, which are eroded on the edges. Distribution. — The Trumpetcreeper, normally a vine of moist woods and thickets, ranges from New Jersey to Iowa and south to Florida and Texas. It is impossible to say what its original range in Illinois may have been, since it has been spread widely into cultivated grounds and in many parts of the state is now a troublesome weed. It grows abundantly as a hardy and w^ell-naturalized vine as far north as Peoria and Henderson counties. RUBIACEAE The Madder Family The madder family consists mostly of herbs but contains a few shrubby plants with opposite or verticillate leaves and 250 RUBIACEAE perfect, regular, symmetrical flowers. The calyx is small, with its 4 or 5 sepals more or less united and adnate to the ovary, and the corolla consists of a long or short tube of 4 or 5 petals, which are separated to varying degrees. Alternate with the petals are 4 or 5 stamens. The ovary is 1- to 10-celled and develops into a capsule, a berry or a drupe containing 1 to many seeds. There are more than 6,000 species in this family, which rep- resent nearly 350 genera and have a very wide distribution, especially in the tropics. The following is the only shrubby form in Illinois. CEPHALANTHUS Linnaeus The Buttonbushes The buttonbushes are shrubs or small trees with 4-angled branches and opposite or, rarely, whorled, entire leaves. The perfect flowers are axillary or terminal and are borne singly or in densely panicled heads. There are 4 sepals, and the white or yellowish, funnel-shaped corolla is tipped by 4 lobes. The 4 stamens are adnate to the throat of the corolla, and the 2-celled ovary develops into a dry fruit, which broadens from the base upward and contains 2 to 4 nutlets. The seven species of buttonbush are natives chiefly of Asia. Only one occurs in North America. CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS Linnaeus Buttonbush Honeyballs Globeflower The Buttonbush, fig. 66, is a large, spreading shrub, in southern Illinois almost of tree size but commonly 4 to 15 feet high, with usually furrowed bark and smooth branchlets on which the leaves are opposite or whorled. The ovate to lanceolate leaves stand on petioles ]/^ to ^ inch long and usually point forward along the branches. The leaf blades are entire on the margins, acute or acuminate at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base, 3 to 6 inches long by II/2 to 3 inches w^ide, smooth and dark green above, and light green and more or less hairy on the midrib and veins be- neath. The flowers are borne in globular heads of as many as 200 RUBIACEAE 251 flowers each; and the heads may be either terminal or lateral but in any case situated toward the end of the twigs and fre- quently beyond the last leaves. The small, creamy white, mostly 4-parted flowers blossom from early in July until early in FIG. 66 Cephalanthus occidentalis September. Fruit matures in the autumn, forming globose heads composed of numerous pyramid-shaped capsules generally about 14 inch long. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The Buttonbush inhabits margins of swamps, ponds and sloughs from New Brunswick to southern Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is statewide in distribution and increases both in abundance and size from north to south, being rarely abundant in running water but extremely common wherever water is still. In many situations it invades the margins of ponds, and in southern Illinois often is the principal shrub on the edges of the backwaters of the large rivers. A variety, pubescens Rafinesque, is distinguished on the basis that branchlets, peduncles, petioles and the entire under surface of the leaf are pubescent. This form is probably coextensive with the rest of this species in Illinois. 252 CAPRI FOLIACEAE CAPRI FOLIACEAE The Honeysuckle Family The honeysuckle family includes shrubs, vines, and a few small trees with opposite, simple, or pinnately compound leaves without stipules. The perfect flowers may be regular or ir- regular. The calyx is 3- to 5-lobed or, if tubular, ends in 3 to 5 teeth, and the corolla has 5 petals that are more or less united and it is sometimes 2-lipped at the apex. There are 5 stamens, and the inferior ovary, which is 1- to 6-celled, develops into a berry, drupe or capsule. There are some 400 species in this family, divided into about 10 genera, which are for the most part native in the northern hemisphere, with a few in South America and Australia. Many: species are in cultivation as ornamentals, a few species are important as sources of drugs, and some species furnish fruit used as food. The following shrubs and vines occur as natives j in Illinois. Key to the Shrubby Genera Leaves compound Sambucus, p. 252 Leaves simple. Leaf margins definitely toothed. Branchlets with finely hairy lines running downward from the leaf bases or leaf-scars Diervilla, p. 272 i Branchlets smooth or, if pubescent, the pubescence not arranged in Unes Viburnum, p. 25 5 j Leaves with entire or nearly entire margins. Vines or at most semierect shrubs Lonicera, p. 268 Low, spreading shrubs Symphoricarpos, p. 265 1 SAMBUCUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus The Elders The elders are shrubs or trees with opposite, odd-pinnateM compound leaves and small, whitish flowers borne in compound cymes. The 5 calyx lobes are minute and the 5-lobed corolla is wheel or saucer shaped. Five stamens are inserted at the base of the corolla, and the 3- to 5-celled ovary develops into| a berry-like drupe, each cell of which contains one seed. The elders are widely distributed and number some 25 species, of which about 12 occur in North America. Two are native in) Illinois. CAPRIFOLIACEAE 253 Key to the Elder Species Uppermost pair of leaflets definitely, if only shortly, stalked ; mature fruit black S. canadensis Uppermost pair of leaflets sessile; mature fruit bright red S. pubens SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS Linnaeus Elderberry American Elder The Elderberry, fig. 67, is an erect, only somewhat woody shrub 4 to 12 feet high with gray bark, large pith, and smooth branches and branchlets. The odd-pinnately compound leaves, 6 to 10 inches long, consist of 5 to 11 but commonly 5 or 7 toothed leaflets set oppositely in pairs along the rachis. Each leaflet is ovate to lanceolate, up to 6 inches long by 2]/^ inches wide, closely and finely serrate on the margin, abruptly nar- rowed at the apex to a short or long point, and narrowed or rounded asymmetrically at the base. The surface is smooth above but more or less pubescent on the midrib or veins be- neath. Lateral leaflets usually stand on short stalks, the ter- minal one on a definitely longer stalk. The inflorescence is usually a 5-branched, compound cyme bearing numerous small, white flowers, which blossom from early in June through most of August. The fruit, which begins to mature in late August, is a small, spherical, black berry less than I/4 inch in diameter with crimson juice. It contains 3 to 5 small seeds. Distribution. — The Elderberry grows in moist soil along streams, about lakes, and in open woodlands from Nova Scotia to ^Manitoba and south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it ranges through the entire state and may be expected in any place where there is suitable soil and an abundance of light. Frequently it becomes a nuisance as a weed, since, if cut off above the ground, it will sprout from the roots. Shrubs with leaflets grayish green and soft-pubescent beneath are distin- guished as var. submollis Rehder. SAMBUCUS PUBENS Michaux Scarlet Elder The Scarlet Elder, fig. 67, is an erect shrub 4 to 10 feet high with stems covered by warty bark and with smooth, gray 254 CAPRIFOLIACEAE FIG. 67 Sambucus pubens c u ^ ^ •^ Sambucus canadensis CAPRIFOLIACEAE 255 branches and pubescent, partly pubescent, or smooth branch- lets. The pinnately compound leaves are made up of 5 or 7 leaflets, and there generally are 2 large glands in place of stipules at the base of the petiole. The leaflets are ovate- lanceolate to oval, 21/ to 6 inches long, and up to 2 inches wide, with finely serrate margins and with blades gradually narrowed to a long point or acuminate at the apex and nar- rowed or rounded and asymmetrical at the base. At maturity, the surface is smooth above and lighter green and pubescent beneath. The uppermost 2 leaflets are sessile; the others stand on short stalks; and the terminal leaflet stands on a stalk a little more than 14 to 1 inch long. The inflorescence is a pyramid-shaped, crowded and con- gested cyme, which bears a large number of small, white flow- ers that blossom in the early part of ]\Iay. The fruit matures in late June as a scarlet to red, broadly ovate, flat-topped berry with yellowish juice and it contains 3 small seeds. Distribution. — The Scarlet Elder, a shrub of bogs and wet woods, ranges from Newfoundland to Alaska and southward as far as Georgia and California. In Illinois, it is limited in occurrence to the northeastern part of the state. There it is especially abundant in Cook County, less frequent in Kankakee, Will and La Salle counties. There is an isolated report, pos- sibly to be doubted, of its occurrence in Cass County. VIBURNUM (Tournefort) Linnaeus Arrowwood Cranberry Tree Snowballs The arrowwoods are shrubs or small trees with simple, though sometimes lobed, opposite leaves with or without stip- ules, which bear flowers in compound cymes. There are 5 calyx teeth, and the regular corolla, which is wheel shaped or shortly bell shaped, has 5 lobes. There are 5 stamens and a 1- to 3-celled ovary which develops into a 1-seeded drupe. The viburnums are widely distributed and comprise more than 100 species. Between 15 and 20 of them occur in North America, and the 9 species given below are native in Illinois. They constitute a very difficult group, upon which the best authorities are not at the present time in agreement. Besides those given below, there probably are others native in the state. 256 CAPRI FOLIACEAE Key to the Shrubby Species Leaves not lobed, veins pinnately arranged. Margins round-toothed or entire V. cassinoides, p. 256 Margins definitely, even when finely, sharp toothed. Leaves conspicuously long pointed, lower surface bearing red-tinted scales V. Lentago, p. 258 Leaves at most acuminate ; no reddish scales present. Pubescence on leaves or twigs consisting of simple hairs. Petioles winged, pubescence on petioles and veins red. V. rufidulum, p. 258 Petioles without wings, pubescence white. Petioles up to % inch long. Margins finely toothed V. prunifolium, p. 259 Margins coarsely toothed V. dentatum, p. 261 Petioles mostly ^4 i^ch long or less V. affine, p. 261 Pubescence on leaves and young twigs stellate V. molle, p. 262 Leaves 3-lobed; main veins 3 or 5, palmately arranged. Leaves densely pubescent beneath ; petioles without glands V. acerifolium, p. 264 Leaves pubescent only on the veins beneath; petioles bearing glands near the base of the leaf blade. . . .V. trilobum, p. 265 VIBURNUM CASSINOIDES Linnaeus Withe-Rod The Withe-Rod, fig. 68, is an erect shrub with a wide- spreading top, which grows to a height of 4 to 8 feet and is more or less scurfy on the branchlets. The leaves are elliptic to oval or oblong but variable in size as well as shape, measur- ing 1 1/2 to nearly 4 inches long by ^ to 2]/^ inches wide, and they lack stipules. The blades are acute to short-acute at the tip, narrowed or rounded at the base, and irregularly round- toothed to entire on the margins. The leaf surface is scurfy spotted above and below when young but soon becomes smooth or nearly so above. The petioles are usually less than ]/^ inch long, flat and channeled above, and scurfy. The white flowers, which appear in June, are produced in gland-bearing cymes up to 3 inches wide. There are usually about 5 sterile flowers in each cyme. The fruit, which matures in September and October, is black, bloom covered, globose to slightly oblong, and more than % inch long. This fruit con- tains a broadly oval, lens-shaped stone, 1 surface of which is marked with a faint rib, and the other surface with a wide groove. CAPRI FOLIACEAE 257 FIG. 68 \/ik,.KK,,.rv, I ^„4.^«^ Viburnum cassinoides ,/.. r-, , Viburnum Lentago Viburnum rufidulum 258 CAPRIFOLIACEAE Distribution. — The Withe-Rod is a shrub of low, sandy ground and swamps, which ranges from Newfoundland to Manitoba and south to Alabama and Georgia. Its known occurrence in Illinois is limited to two stations in the southern part of the state, one near Ware in Union County, the other near Dixon Springs in Pope County. VIBURNUM LENTAGO Linnaeus Nannyberry The Nannyberry, fig. 68, is an erect shrub 3 to 18 feet high with a bushy top composed of smooth branches and branchlets which bear ovate to orbicular, serrate leaves, the tips of which commonly are drawn out into conspicuously long, entire points. The leaf blades are rounded or narrowed at the base, sharply and finely serrate on the margin, and smooth above and be- neath, except that the lower surface is covered more or less densely with reddish scales. The petioles are 14 to ^ irich long. The white, sweet-smelling flowers, which open late in May and continue through much of the month of June, are produced in nearly sessile cymes which include 3 to 4 or, rarely, 5 sterile flowers. The fruit, which matures in September and October, is black, bloom covered, edible, oblong, and about i/^ inch in length. It contains an oval to oblong stone, one surface of which is flat, the other convex, but neither marked with grooves or ridges. Distribution. — The Nannyberry is a shrub which prefers low ground and bogs near lakes and ponds. It ranges from Quebec to Manitoba southward to West Virginia and Colo- rado. In Illinois, it ranges throughout a great part of the state, from the northern boundary south at least as far as Franklin County, Giant City State Park in Jackson County, and St. Clair County. It apparently does not range south of the Ozarks. VIBURNUM RUFIDULUM Rafinesque Southern Blackhaw The Southern Blackhaw, fig. 68, is an erect shrub or some- times a bushy tree 15 to 30 feet tall with thick, deeply furrowed bark broken into short lengths and with branchlets covered CAPRI FOLIACEAE 259 more or less densely with rusty red tomentum. The leaves are very thick, elliptic to obovate, and often carry a pair of stipular leaves about 14 inch in diameter. The blades are generally about 2 inches wide by 3 inches long, acute or rounded at the apex, and have the margins finely serrate to very near the base, which extends downward along the petiole to form a narrow but distinct wing on each side of the petiole. The sur- face is smooth and glossy above and smooth beneath or covered more or less densely, especially on the veins, with rusty to- mentum. The white flowers, which appear in June, are borne in ter- minal, nearly sessile cymes. There commonly are 4 neutral flowers in each cyme. The fruit, which matures in October, is black, bloom covered, edible, usually oblong, and about Yi inch long. It contains a broadly oval, flat stone with a low ridge in the center of one surface and a groove on the oppo- site face. Distribution. — The Southern Blackhaw is a shrub which grows on wooded and often rocky slopes from Virginia and southern Illinois south to Florida and Texas. In Illinois, it is confined to the southern part of the state, ranging from the Ohio River northward to the Ozarks, on the eastern side of the state along the Wabash valley as far north as Lawrence County, and on the western side along the Mississippi and Illinois river valleys as far north as Jersey County. VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM Linnaeus Blackhaw The Blackhaw, fig. 69, is a shrub or sometimes a small tree 6 to 24 feet high w^ith smooth branches and branchlets, which bear ovate to broadly oval leaves that are obtuse to acute at the apex and narrowed or rounded at the base, 1 to 3 inches long, and very finely serrate on the margins. The surface is glabrous or nearly so, both above and below, as are the peti- oles also. The flowers are borne in sessile or very short-stalked cymes 2 to 4 inches broad, which bear several neutral flowers along with the fertile flowers, which open at about the same time that the leaves expand. The fruit, ripe in September, is an oval, bluish-black, bloom-covered, sweet and edible drupe up 260 CAPRIFOLIACEAE FIG. 69 Viburnum prunifolium Viburnum dentatum Viburnum affine CAPRIFOLIACEAE 261 to 1/2 inch long, which contains an oval stone flat on one side and slightly convex on the other. Distribution. — The Blackhaw is an inhabitant of dry soil from Connecticut to Michigan and southward to Georgia and Texas. In Illinois, it ranges from Cook, Lake and Jo Daviess counties south at least to Pope, Johnson and Union counties. There are no records, however, for the lowlands and swampy regions south of the Ozarks. VIBURNUM DENTATUM Linnaeus Arrowwood The Arrowwood, fig. 69, is a shrub sometimes 15 feet high with slender, gray branches and glabrous branchlets. The leaves are ovate to nearly orbicular, acute or short-acuminate at the apex, and rounded to somewhat cordate at the base. The margins are closely toothed, and the leaf surface is gla- brous both above and below but sometimes pubescent with clusters of simple hairs in the axils of the veins on the under- side. The leaves measure li/^ to 3 inches in length and ^4 to 1 inch in width. The leaf veins are pinnately arranged and prominent on the underside of the leaf. The flowers, which appear in May or June, are borne in long-stalked cymes 2 to 3 inches wide, which contain no sterile flowers. The fruit, which is about 14 inch in diameter, is glo- bose or slightly ovoid and blue to nearly black, and contains a similarly shaped stone, which is rounded on one side and deeply grooved on the opposite face. Distribution. — The Arrowwood ranges in moist soils from New Brunswick to Ontario and Minnesota and southward into Georgia. Although Illinois lies to the west of its normal range, specimens referable to it have been taken at Starved Rock, Salem in Marion County, Olney and Parkersburg in Richland County, Carbondale in Jackson County, Rush Town- ship in Jo Daviess County, and in Alexander County. VIBURNUM AFFINE Bush Missouri Viburnum The Missouri Viburnum, fig. 69, is an erect shrub 3 to 5 feet tall with a bushy top made up of smooth or, rarely, 262 CAPRI FOLIACEAE minutely pubescent branches and branchlets. The leaves are ovate to broadly ovate, ll/^ to 3 inches long by ^ to 2j4 inches wide, usually long pointed at the apex, narrowed to somewhat cordate at the base, and coarsely and irregularly toothed on the margin with 4 to 9 teeth to a side. The leaf blade is smooth above and beneath, except for the pubescence on the veins and in the axils. The petioles are commonly quite short, usually less than 14 inch long. The flowers, which appear from late May on into June, are borne in cymes, li/^ to 2 inches wide, more or less covered with reddish glands. There may be as many as 7 sterile flowers per cyme. The frmt, which matures in September, is black, not bloom covered, and is a little more than 14 inch long. It con- tains a similarly shaped stone with a short central groove and 2 faint marginal ones on one surface and on the opposite surface a central ridge and 2 grooves. Distribution. — The Missouri Viburnum, which prefers dry, sandy, or clay soils in wooded regions, ranges from Ohio to Minnesota and southward into Missouri. In Illinois, it is reported only from northern parts of the state, including Kanka- kee, Lake, Peoria, Cook and Winnebago counties. A variety, hypomalacum Blake, differing in having the petioles and both surfaces of the leaves pubescent all over, occurs in Lake, Cook and McHenry counties. This species has been assigned, as var. affine (Bush ex Schneider) House, to V. Rafinesquianum Schultes, the species then being, by the reversal, synonymous with var. hypomalacum. VIBURNUM MOLLE Michaux Soft-Leaved Arrowwood Kentucky Viburnum The Soft-Leaved Arrowwood, fig. 70, is an erect shrub 4 to 10 feet high with characteristic bark which exfoliates like that of a birch tree, leaving a smooth, reddish-brown under-bark. The branches and branchlets are gray and smooth, although young branches are more or less covered with short glands when they first appear. The leaves, which bear filiform stipules on the petioles, are ovate to nearly circular, mostly 3 to 5 inches long by 2 to 4 inches wide, abruptly acute or acuminate at the apex, cordate at the base, coarsely dentate on the margins, dark green and smooth above, and yellow green beneath. The entire CAPRIFOLIACEAE 263 ^ / ^^ FIG. 70 Viburnum molle Viburnum acerifolium Viburnum trilobum 264 CAPRI FOLIACEAE under surface usually is thickly covered with stellate hairs, at any rate along the veins, of which there usually are 6 or 7 pairs. The petioles are }i to lyz inches long and glabrous but covered with reddish glands. The white flowers, which appear from late in May to early June, are produced in cymes ll/^ to 3 inches broad, the rays of which are thickly covered with reddish glands. There are usually 6 or 7 sterile flowers in each cyme. The fruit, which matures in late September and October, is black, broadly oblong, about 1/^ inch long and less than that wide. It contains a flat stone, one surface of which is marked with 2 marginal grooves. Distribution. — The Soft-Leaved Arrowwood is a shrub that grows on high banks of rivers and streams in Indiana and Kentucky and west to Missouri. In Illinois, it is rare and thus far has been reported with authority only near Marshall in Clark County, and Metropolis in Massac County. VIBURNUM ACERIFOLIUM Linnaeus Mapleleaf Viburnum The Mapleleaf Viburnum, fig. 70, is a relatively low shrub 2 to 6 feet high with short branches and pubescent branchlets, which bear opposite, 3-lobed leaves that are palmately 3-nerved from the base. The leaf blades are generally ovate in shape and 2 to 6 inches long, with about the same range in width. The lobes are acute at the apex, the lateral lobes spreading. The base of the leaf is rounded to subcordate, and the margins are coarsely and irregularly toothed. The upper surface is pubescent to al- most smooth, but the lower surface is densely pubescent with both simple and stellate hairs and is covered with sessile glands. The round petiole, \/^ to \ inch long, is pubescent and without glands. The white or faintly pink-tinted flowers, which bloom from about the middle of May on to the middle of June, are borne in pubescent cymes ll/^ to 3 inches wide. There are commonly 3 to 7 sterile flowers in each cyme. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is commonly black, dull, without bloom, globose to slightly oblong, and a little more than 14 i^^ch in diameter. Its pulpy flesh incloses a lens-shaped stone, 1 face of which is di- vided equally by 2 deep grooves, the other by a central and 2 marginal grooves. CAPRIFOLIACEAE 265 Distribution. — The Mapleleaf Viburnum, a shrub that grows along the upper part of wooded slopes, ranges from New Brunswick to Wisconsin and south to Georgia and Ala- bama. In Illinois, it is by no means common. It grows in the northeastern corner of the state, Jo Daviess County in the west, and as far south on the eastern side of the state as Clark County. VIBURNUM TRILOBUM Marshall American Cranberrybush The American Cranberrybush, fig. 70, is an erect shrub 3 to 10 feet high with smoothish, gray-barked branchlets, which bear opposite, 3-lobed leaves with 3 or 5 palmately arranged main veins. The leaves stand on petioles up to about ^ inch long, which are smooth and bear 2 large glands near the base of the leaf. The blades are broadly ovate in general shape, 2 to 4 inches long, and 2 to about 5 inches wide, and more or less pubescent both above and below. The lobes are acute at the tip ; the blade is usually slightly cordate at the base ; and the margins are coarsely and irregularly toothed. The white flowers appear in June in cymes covered more or less with red glands, and all of the outer flowers of the cymes are sterile. The red, translucent fruit matures in September but persists on the shrub. It is globose to oval, about 14 inch in diameter, and very sour and contains a broadly ovate to nearly circular stone, which is concave on one face and convex on the other but not marked with grooves or ridges on either face. DiSTRiBUTiox. — The American Cranberrybush inhabits rich, low woods from Newfoundland to British Columbia and south to New Jersey and South Dakota. In Illinois, it is a rare shrub occurring only in Cook, Lake and Jo Daviess counties. SYMPHORICARPOS (Dillenius) Ludwig Coralberry Snowberry The coralberries are shrubs with opposite, short-petioled leaves, and they bear white or pink flowers in small terminal or axillary clusters. The sepals are united so that the calyx is 4- or 5-toothed, and the 4 or 5 petals are united into an 266 CAPRI FOLIACEAE open, bell-shaped to flattened, regular corolla, to which the 4 or 5 stamens are adnate. The ovary is 4-celled and develops into a globose to ovoid berry, which contains only 2 seeds. There are about 10 species of coralberries, all of them North American, with individual ranges that extend over most of the North American continent and south into the mountains in Mexico. Two species occur in Illinois. Key to the Coralberry Species Branchlets pubescent, purplish; fruit red S. orbiculatus Branchlets nearly glabrous, brownish red; fruit white S. occidentalis SYMPHORICARPOS ORBICULATUS Moench Buckbrush Coralberry Indian Currant Buckbrush, fig. 71, is an erect or spreading, often densely branched shrub commonly 2 to 4 feet high with shreddy bark on the main stems and light brown bark and purplish pubescence on the branchlets. The thick, oval leaves are opposite, ^4 to 2 inches long and up to 1]/^ inches wide, and entire or wavy along the margins. The blade is obtuse to acute at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base, glabrous or nearly so above at maturity, but more or less densely pubescent w4th long hairs beneath. The petioles are usually less than Ys inch long. The pinkish flowers, which occur in dense clusters or short spikes in the axils of upper leaves, or terminally, bloom from about the first of July until after mid August. The purplish- red fruit, which begins to ripen in September, is a globose to ovoid, rather dry berry, about 14 inch in diameter, which con- tains 2 small, bony, flat, oblong seeds. Distribution. — Buckbrush grows in many kinds of soil and in many situations, from New York to South Dakota and south to Georgia and Texas. In Illinois, where it is perhaps the best known native shrub, it ranges in greater or less abundance throughout the entire state. It is rarer in the extreme north, and south of the Ozarks, than in other parts and possibly may be absent from a small region in the northwest corner of the state. This shrub is much used in cultivation as an ornamental, its slender, red berry-covered branches lending attractive color in fall and w^inter. CAPRIFOLIACEAE 267 FIG. 71 Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Symphoricarpos occidentalis 268 CAPRIFOLIACEAE SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS Hooker Wolfberry The Wolfberry, fig. 71, is an erect but low shrub 1 to 3 feet high, which branches freely and also spreads freely from the roots to form dense colonies. The young twigs are slender, light reddish brown, and puberulent to glabrous. The bark on older stems is gray and shredded. The opposite, ovate leaves are rather thick, entire or more or less definitely and roundly lobed on the margins, 1 to 4 inches long by ^ to 3 inches wide, acute or rounded or mucronate at the apex, and rounded or narrowed at the base. The surface is dark dull green and sparingly pubescent above and pale bluish green and thinly pubescent, at least on the veins, below. The petiole is distinct, commonly longer than in the preceding species, and pubescent. The pinkish flowers are sessile in dense axillary and terminal spikes, which are in blossom in June and early July. The fruit is a dull white berry, which soon becomes blackish and dis- colored, and which contains 2 straw-colored, smooth, flattish seeds less than ^4 i^ich long. Distribution. — The Wolfberry, a shrub of dry soils in prairie and wooded regions, ranges from Michigan to British Columbia and south to Illinois, Kansas and Colorado. In Illi- nois, it is a rare shrub limited in occurrence to the extreme north and recorded authoritatively only from Cook, Hancock, Du Page, Jo Daviess, McHenry and Carroll counties. LONICERA Linnaeus The Honeysuckles Most of the honeysuckles are shrubs or climbing vines with opposite, simple leaves and usually irregular flowers borne in interrupted spikes or heads in the axils of leaves. There are 5 small calyx lobes, and the 5 petals are united into a funnel- shaped or trumpet-shaped corolla, which is either 5-lobed or more or less 2-lipped. The slender filaments of the 5 stamens are adnate to the corolla. The ovary is 2- to 3-celled and develops into a 2- to 3-celled, fleshy berry that contains few seeds. There are well over 150 species of honeysuckles, natives for CAPRIFOLIACEAE 269 the most part of the north temperate zone but a few tropical. About 25 are native in North America, and the following occur as woody forms in Illinois. Key to the Honeysuckle Species Upper leaves on flowering branches connate ; vines. Leaves glabrous on both sides L. dioica, p. 269 Leaves pubescent beneath L. prolifera, p. 269 Leaves all with petioles; shrubs L. canadensis, p. 271 LONICERA DIOICA Linnaeus Limber Honeysuckle The Limber Honeysuckle, fig. 72, is a climbing or sometimes somewhat shrublike vine with stems 3 to 10 feet long, hollow branches, and glabrous branchlets. The opposite leaves are for the most part oblong and 2 to 4 inches long by as much as 2 inches wide. They are either sessile or short petioled, and a few upper pairs are united around the stem at the base so that at least the uppermost pair forms a disk, which is usually some- what tapered at each end and more or less constricted at the middle of each side. The blades of other leaves are obtuse at the apex, variously narrowed to the base, glabrous both above and beneath, glaucous beneath, and entire margined. The flowers, which are in bloom during the last part of May, stand on very short peduncles and are arranged in whorls, of which there may be 1 to 3, each containing about 6 flowers, at the end of branchlets. The flower is light to dark purple, or greenish yellow tinted with purple, and I/2 to }i inch long. Fruit matures in July and August as salmon-colored berries, each on an elongated pedicel and each containing usually 3 seeds. Distribution. — ^The Limber Honeysuckle grows in moist soil along the banks of streams, in woods and in bogs from Maine to Manitoba and south to North Carolina and Missouri. In Illinois, it occurs only in relatively sandy woods and on ravine slopes in Cook and Lake counties near Lake Michigan. LONICERA PROLIFERA (Kirchner) Rehder Grape Honeysuckle The Grape Honeysuckle, fig. 72, is a climbing vine with stems 6 to 12 feet long bearing hollow branches and glabrous branch- 270 CAPRIFOLIACEAE FIG. 72 Lonicera dioica Lonicera canadensis Lonicera prolifera Diervilla Lonicera CAPRIFOLIACEAE 271 lets. The opposite leaves, which are mostly oval, are sessile or connate or, rarely, nearly circular and on petioles up to 1/4 inch Ions:. Usuallv toward the end of branches 1 to 4 pairs of leaves are connate or sometimes in whorls of 3, the uppermost pair of which forms a broadly oval disk, the tips of which are obtuse and the margins more or less constricted at the middle. The blades of ordinary leaves are rounded or obtuse at the apex, rounded or variously narrowed to the base, entire margined, smooth and dark green above, but very glaucous beneath and generally also more or less pubescent beneath. The flowers occur either terminally or in axils of upper leaves. When axillary they are in clusters of 3 and when terminal they are arranged in 1 to 4 whorls of 3 to 5 flowers each. Blossoming occurs in late May and June, and the pale yellow flow^ers are, rarely, swollen at the base. Fruit begins to ripen late in July as a coral-red berry, about ]/^ inch in diameter, which contains small, oval, flat seeds. Distribution. — The Grape Honeysuckle is a vine of woods and stream banks and ranges from Ohio to Iowa and Missouri and south to Tennessee. In Illinois, it is the most common of the honeysuckles, ranging across the entire state from east to west in the north and extending southward to Vermilion County in the east and to Morgan County in the west. LONICERA CANADENSIS Marshall Fly Honeysuckle Twinberry The Fly Honeysuckle, fig. 72, is an erect or sprawling shrub 2 to 4 feet high with stems which contain white pith and bear glabrous branchlets. The leaves are ovate-oblong to elliptic, mostly li^ to 4 inches long, up to li/^ inches wide, acute or blunt at the apex, and rounded or subcordate at the base. The margin is entire and ciliate, and the surface is bright green and glabrous above and beneath. The flowers, which begin to blossom early in May, are borne in pairs on long, slender peduncles that rise from the axils of leaves on branchlets of the current season. The greenish-yellow flowers, about ^ inch long, are distinctly swollen at the base. Fruit matures in July as a reddish, ovoid berry, about ^4 i"<^h in diameter, which contains usually 3 or 4 seeds. Distribution. — The Fly Honeysuckle is an inhabitant of 272 CAPRIFOLIACEAE moist woods from Nova Scotia to Saskatchewan and south to Connecticut and Minnesota. In Illinois, its occurrence is re- liably known only for three stations, namely. West Pullman and Wildwood in Cook County, and near the Des Plaines River in Lake County. An additional species, L. sempervirens Linnaeus, is dubiously reported on the basis of a few specimens taken at straggling stations through the southern section of the state. The Japa- nese Honeysuckle, L. japonica Thunberg, has escaped from cultivation in several places, notably near Anna and Jones- boro in Union County, near Pinckneyville in Perry County, in Johnson County, and at Villa Ridge in Pulaski County. DIERVILLA (Tournefort) Miller Bush-Honeysuckle The bush-honeysuckles are shrubs with simple, opposite leaves and with yellow flowers borne singly or mostly in small terminal or axillary cymes. There are 5 linear calyx lobes, and the petals are united into a narrowly funnel-shaped corolla with 5 lobes at the top. The 5 stamens are adnate to the corolla tube. The ovary is 2-celled and develops into a linear-oblong, 2-valved, many-seeded capsule, which opens by splitting along the septa. There are three species in this genus, all of them inhabitants of the eastern United States. Only the following is native in Illinois. DIERVILLA LONICERA Miller Bush-Honeysuckle The Bush-Honeysuckle, fig. 72, is a low but erect shrub com- monly 16 to 24 inches, or less often 3 feet, high with gray, shreddy bark on old stems and green or often red-tinted branch- lets, which are smooth or frequently puberulent in lines running down from the nodes. The opposite leaves are ovate to lanceo- late, mostly 2y2 to 6 inches long, and up to 2 inches wide, with ciliate, rounded teeth on the margin. The blades are narrowed to a long point or acuminate at the tip, rounded or narrowed at the base, smooth above, and smooth beneath or hairy on the midrib and veins. The flowers are borne terminally and in the axils of leaves in CAPRI FOLIACEAE 273 cymelike clusters of as many as 5, but usually 3, flowers. They begin to blossom in late May and continue through the early half of June. The light yellow corolla turns reddish in age. The fruit, which matures in autumn, is a smooth, oblong, 2-celled capsule about 14 inch long, terminated by a beak crowned with the 5 persistent sepals. It contains many small seeds, which are closely pitted on the surface. Distribution. — The Bush-Honeysuckle, a shrub of dry and often sandy soils shaded by woods, ranges from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan and south to North Carolina and Kentucky. In Illinois, it is a frequently observed though rather rare shrub limited in occurrence to the northeast corner of the state, where it has been most abundantly recorded in Cook, Lake and Du Page counties; also it has been recorded at Castle Rock in Ogle County, Starved Rock in La Salle County, and Rock Creek in Kankakee County. MAP OF ILLINOIS Counties and vegetation areas of Illinois. (Adapted with per- mission from A. G, Vestal's map of 1930, which was based on C. J. Telford's original forests map published by the Illinois Natural History Survey in 1926.) [274] Glossary GLOSS A R Y Achene, A small, dry, hard fruit made up of 1 seed and carpel. Strawberry seeds and buckwheat grains are achenes. Acuminate. Tapering to a long, sharp point. Usually used with reference to leaf tips but may apply to other plant parts. Acute. Sharp-pointed. Con- trasts with blunt, rounded, and truncate in describing leaf tips and many other plant parts. Adnate. Grown together. Usu- ally used for flower parts, e.ff., when stamens are grown to or united with petals. Alternate. Any arrangement of leaves or other parts that can- not be described as opposite or whorled. Ament. A spike of crowded flowers of one sex, among which scales are interspersed. Equivalent for the most part to the term catkin used with willows. Ampuliform. Like a small, narrow-necked, round bottle. Used especially to describe seed capsules of willows. Anther. The enlarged, termi- nal part of a stamen, in which pollen is formed. Apiculate. Ending in a minute, sharp point. Appressed. Standing close to or against. Used especially for buds laid close against the twigs. Aril. A fleshy structure grow- ing out of the scar on a seed and sometimes covering the seed. Used here for the col- ored, fleshy seed covers of Euonymus and Celastrtis. Armed. Provided with prick- les, spines or sharp thorns, as if for defense. Ascending. Tending to grow or to curve upward. Used chiefly to describe branches which grow or curve upward so as to be nearly as upright as the stem. Asymmetrical. Unequal or un- like. Used particularly to de- scribe leaf bases, when one side of the base is larger than the other. Awl-shaped. Like the point of a shoemaker's awl, which is a short, coarse needle. Axil. The upper angle between a leaf and the stem on which it is borne. Axillary. In or arising from the axil of a leaf. Used to indicate the position of buds, thorns and inflorescences. Berry. A pulpy fruit developed from a single pistil, which may contain one to many seeds but never a stone. Gooseberries and grapes are typical berries. Bifid. Incompletely divided in- to t%vo parts. Biserrate. Provided with teeth which are themselves toothed on the edges. Usually de- scriptive of leaf margins. Biserrulate. The same as bi- serrate, except that the teeth are small. Bloom. A fine powdery cover- ing of wax on fruit. Readily seen on certain cultivated and wild plums and on Concord grapes. Bract. A usually small leaf, above which a flower or flow- er cluster arises. [277 ] 278 GLOSSARY Bractlet. As used in this text, a very small bract. Branchlet. A small branch. Used in this text only for growth of the current year. Bristle. A long, stiff hair. Used in this text for structures less formidable than prickles. Bundle trace. A small scar in- side the leaf-scar, which marks the position of a sap-conduct- ing strand (vascular bundle). Calyx. The outer, usually green part of a blossom. The term that is applied collec- tively to all the sepals of a flower. Capitate. Arranged or formed in heads or in dense or com- pact clusters. Or, in connec- tion with a pistil, the stigma in the form of a cap at the top of the st\le. Capsule. A dry fruit made up of more than one pod, which usually opens at maturity. Violets and poppies produce their seeds in capsules. Carpel. A simple pistil. In a compound pistil the number of carpels is the same as the number of pistils that have grown together. Catkin. The crowded flower spike characteristic of wil- lows. See ament. Canescent. Densely covered with close, fine, hair that is grayish. Caudate. Provided with a tail- like appendage. Used to de- scribe some leaf bases and the sepals of rose blossoms. Chambered. Divided by cross plates into small rooms. Used to describe the partitioned pith space in certain stems. Ciliate. Bearing short, usually stiff hairs. Used especially to describe leaf margins. Ciliolate. The same as ciliate, except that the hairs are mi- nute. Claw. The long, narrow stalk into which the bases of petals of some kinds of flowers taper. Collaterally. Placed side by side. Compound. Composed of a number of similar parts. Used to designate leaves with blades subdivided into smaller leaflets and pistils composed of 2 or more united carpels. Conic. Resembling a cone in shape. Connate. Grown together. Used in this text especially to indicate that the bases of leaves are united around the stem. Constricted. Drawn together or narrowed at some point. Used most often to describe leaves that are narrower in the middle than at the tip and base. Cordate. Heart-shaped. Used to indicate the general shape of leaves and petals but more particularly to describe the manner in which leaf bases join petioles. Corolla. The inner, usually colored part of a blossom. The term applied collectively to all the petals of a flower. Corymb. An inflorescence in which the pedicels of lower flowers elongate so that all of the flowers make a relatively flat top. Crenate. Provided with round- ed rather than sharp-pointed teeth. Used especially to de- scribe margins of leaves. Crenate-serrate. Toothed with round-pointed teeth. Used to describe leaf margins that are not exactly serrate yet are GLOSSARY 279 more definitely toothed than is implied in the term crenate. Crenulate. The same as cre- nate, except that the rounded teeth are very small. Cuneate. Wedge-shaped. Used particularly to describe leaf bases when the margins taper to the petiole as a wedge does to its point. Cuspidate. Prolonged at the tip into a tapering, sharp point. Such points are usually firmer than the tissues from which they arise. Cyme. An inflorescence in which the central flower opens first and the outer or lower ones later. Cymose. Having the charac- teristics of a cyme. Deciduous. Falling oflr. Used for trees and shrubs from which the leaves fall in the autumn and also for plant parts, such as sepals and stipules, that fall off soon after they appear. Contrast- ing words are evergreen and persistent. Decumbent. Growing flat along the ground but with stem tips or branches ascend- ing. Used to indicate the growth habit of certain low shrubs. Decurrent. Running down the stem. Used in this text only for lines of hairs, which begin at leaf bases or leaf-scars and extend various distances downward. Dehiscent. Splitting open. Used in this text only to describe seed capsules. Dentate. Toothed. A general descriptive term for leaf mar- gins. Denticulate. Toothed, but the toothing very fine. Diadelphous. In two groups. Used for stamens that are separated into two distinct sets. Dichotomously. Dividing into equal branches. Used in this text to describe the forking of stems and branches and of stalks in inflorescences. Digitate. Spreading like the fingers. Used in this text only for the arrangement of leaflets in certain compound leaves. Dilated. Swollen or expanded. Dioecious. Unisexual. Used in this text to indicate that stam- inate flowers are borne on one plant and pistillate flowers on another. Contrasting terms are monoecious and perfect. Disarticulate. To disjoint. Used in this text for the separating of fruit from the stem on which it is borne. Disk. A glandlike structure found in certain types of flowers, to which petals and often stamens are attached. Divaricate. Widely spreading. Indicates that branches ex- tend outward almost at right angles to the stem from which they arise. Divergent. Spreading or spread- ing apart. Used to describe the angle of growth of branches and the positions of flower stalks in inflorescences. Less widely spreading than divaricate. Dorsal. The back of a plant part. For example, the upper side of a leaf. Drupe. A fleshy fruit with the seed inclosed in a stony cov- ering. Plums, cherries and olives are topical drupes. Drupelet. The same as a drupe, except that the fruit is very small. Used in this text for the individual parts of the raspberry fruit. 280 GLOSSARY Eccentric. Placed away from the center. Elliptic. Having the general form of an ellipse. Used most frequently for leaf shape. Elliptic-oval. Between elliptic and oval in shape. Used to describe leaf shape. Elliptic-lanceolate. Between el- liptic and lanceolate in shape. Used to describe leaf shape. Entire. Without teeth or lobes. Used especially to indicate that leaf margins lack teeth. Erose. Appearing as if irregu- larly eaten out. Used for leaf margins when more accurate terms, such as serrate or cre- nate, do not apply. Exserted. Extending beyond, as when stamens are so long that the anthers are held out be- yond the corolla tube. Exfoliate. To peel off in layers. Used in describing the man- ner in which bark is shed. The terra is applied most familiarly to the flaking off of bark from shagbark hick- ory trunks. Falcate. Scythe-shaped. Indi- cates that leaf blades are curved so that their tips ap- pear to turn backward. Fascicle. A dense flower clus- ter. Also a group of closely united seed pods. Fertile. Capable of producing fruit. Used in this text for flowers which bear function- ing pistils and for branches on which such flowers are borne. Filament. The stalk of a sta- men. Fleshy. Consisting of more than the usual amount of tissue. Leaves are fleshy when they are exceptionally thick, and a fruit is fleshy when it has either soft or firm pulp. Fluted. Provided with longi- tudinal ridges and hollows. Used for surfaces of stems marked by alternating ridges and hollows; more definite than striate. Foliaceous. Leaflike. Used in this text for stipules, bracts, and sepals that are larger than usual and resemble leaves. Foliate. Having leaves or leaf- lets. Used in this text espe- cially for compound leaves, to indicate the number of leaflets that compose the leaf. Follicle. A dry, podlike fruit formed from a single carpel, which opens along one side only. A milkweed pod is a giant follicle. Free. Not attached, adnate, or united to any other plant part. Used in this text to indicate that filaments of stamens are not united with one another. Glabrate. Nearly glabrous, that is, with only a few, often scattered hairs. Glabrous. Devoid of hairs. This is the opposite of pu- bescent. Gland. A small plant organ which has the function of secretion. Glands may occur on petioles as small warts, on the tips of teeth as minute enlargements, in the midst of leaf tissue as minute clear spots, and as caps on the tips of hairs on leaves, stems, sepals and fruit. Glandular. Bearing or fur- nished with glands or, some- times, similar to or of the nature of a gland. Glandular-punctate. Dotted with glands. Used to de- GLOSSARY 281 scribe leaf blades containing dark or translucent, glandu- lar dots. Glandular-ciliate. Bearing cilia that are gland tipped. Used to describe margins of leaves and sepals. Glaucescent. Becoming glau- cous. Glaucous. Covered with blue, white, or pale green bloom. Used especially to describe under surfaces of leaves. The blue-white covering of a cab- bage leaf is a familiar exam- ple. Globose. Having the shape of a globe. Used for many plant parts. Glutinous. Sticky or mucilagi- nous. Used especially to de- scribe seeds but frequently also other plant parts. Hastate. Shaped like an ar- rowhead, but with the two basal points long and spread- ing. Used to indicate leaf shape. Head. An inflorescence in which the flower stalks are very short and the flowers numerous, so that they make a very com- pact group. Herbaceous. Like an herb, i. e., with stems that die down to the ground each 3^ear. Hip. A hollow, generally fleshy fruit with seeds on the inner wall. In this text, restricted to rose fruits. Hispid. Clothed with stiflF, bristly hairs. Used especially for the hairy covering of stems. Hypanthium. A part of some flowers upon which calyx, corolla and stamens are seat- ed. The tube formed by united sepals sometimes is called a hypanthium. Incised. Deeply cut. Used principally to describe lobing of leaves. Inferior. Beneath, but used generally to indicate that the ovary is inclosed beneath the base of the sepals. Inflated. Blown up. Used for any bladdery or baggy con- dition. Inflorescence. Any flower clus- ter. Internode. The stem between two leaves or leaf-scars. Involucre. A group of bracts situated below a flower or an inflorescence, or surround- ing a fruit. Involute. Having the edges rolled inward. Irregular. Dissimilar in size or shape. Used in this text for flowers when petals or sepals difi^er in either size or shape. Keeled. Provided with a ridge that resembles the keel of a boat; also, in flowers of the pea family, the lower, boat- shaped part of the flower. Lanceolate. Shaped like the head of a lance. Leaf-scar. The scar left on a twig when a leaf falls. Lenticel. A small, rough open- ing in bark, which permits passage of air. Limb. The blade of a petal, or, in a collective sense, the expanded part of a corolla. Linear. Specifically, like a line. Used for leaves and other plant parts that are very much longer than wide. Lipped. Provided with lips. Used to describe flowers with petals united through most of their length but divided at the end to form an upper and a lower lip. The snapdragon flower is a familiar example. Lobed. Incompletel}' divided. 282 GLOSSARY Used to describe leaves the blades of which are not com- pletely divided into leaflets, to describe the calyx or co- rolla of flowers the sepals or petals of which are united so that the individual parts are separate at the end of the tube, and to describe fruits developed from compound pis- tils the individual carpels of which remain only partly united in the mature fruit. Lunate. Moon-shaped or cres- cent-shaped. Used in this text for certain seeds. Mealy. Coated with a floury deposit. A coarser covering than a glaucous bloom. Membranous. Having the tex- ture of a membrane. Used in this text to describe the wings of some seeds and the coverings of some podlike fruits. Monodelphous. In one group. Used for stamens that are held in one bundle because their filaments are united through part of their length. See diadelphous. Monoecious. Applied to plants if pistils and stamens are borne in separate flowers but both kinds of flowers are borne on the same plant. Contrasting words are dio- ecious, polygamous and per- fect. Monotypic. Having but one type. Used in this text to indicate that a genus or family consists of only one species. Mucronate. Ending in a short, stiff, abrupt point. Used in this text to describe tips and teeth of leaves when veins extend through the edge of the blade. Node. The joint of a stem. Recognizable as the place where leaves or buds are attached. Oblanceolate. Like the head of a lance, but with the widest part beyond the middle. Used to indicate the shape of leaves and other plant parts. Oblique. Slanted or having un- equal sides. Used especially to describe bases of leaves when one side of the base extends farther down on the petiole than the other. Oblong. Oblong in general out- line but, with plants, carrying also the idea that both ends are broadly rounded. Obovate. Oval but with the wide part away from the stem. Used especially to de- scribe leaf shape. Obsolete. Rudimentary. Used particularly in describing flowers, to indicate that some parts are either suppressed or present only in rudimentary form. Obtuse. Bluntly rounded at the end. Used for tips of leaves and other plant parts. Odd-pinnate. Consisting of an uneven number of leaflets. Indicates that a compound leaf has leaflets set in pairs along its rachis and has a single leaf at the end of the rachis. Opposite. The term used when leaves occur in pairs at the nodes. Contrasting words are alternate and luhorled. Orbicular. Like an orb; essen- tially spherical. Used fre- quently to indicate the shape of fruits. Ovary. The ovule-bearing part of a pistil. Oval. Broadly elliptical. Ovate. Egg-shaped, the wide part basal. Used to indicate the outline shape of leaves and many other plant parts. GLOSSARY 283 Ovoid. More or less oval or egg-shaped. Generally not quite so definite as ovate or oval. Ovule. The body in a pistil which, after pollination, be- comes the seed. Palmate. Lobed or veined like a hand. Used commonly in describing simple leaves. The similar word, digitate, is used for compound leaves. Panicle. An inflorescence with both a main stalk and lateral branches, the flowers on stalks rising from the lateral branches. Papillose. Bearing papillae, that is, small, wartlike rough- nesses. Pedicel. The stalk upon which an individual flower in an inflorescence sits. Peduncle. The stalk of an in- florescence or, if there is only one flower, the stalk of the flower. Peltate. Shield-shaped. Used for round or oval leaves that have the petioles joined to the main vein somewhere within the area of the leaf rather than at an end and also for other plant parts that resemble a shield in shape. Pendulous. Hanging or droop- ing. Used in this text to describe the general appear- ance of branches and branch- lets. Perfect. Having both stamens and pistil in one flower. Con- trasting words are dioecious, monoecious and polygamous. Perianth. The calyx and co- rolla taken together. Petal. The individual part of a corolla. In most flowers, one of the colored parts. Petiole. The stalk of a leaf. Pilose. Covered with soft, long hairs. Pinnate. With a main axis from which branches go out on either side. Used in this text to indicate both the vein- ing of leaves and the ar- rangement of leaflets in com- pound leaves. Pistil. The organ in a flower which accepts pollen, contains the ovule, and develops seed. Pistillate. Pistil-bearing. Used to designate flowers that bear pistils, and plants that bear pistil-bearing flowers. Polygamous. Used when both unisexual and bisexual flowers are borne on the same plant. Pome. A fruit resembling an apple. Prickle. A short, slender, weak spine. In this text, inter- mediate between bristle and spine. Puberulent. Covered with very fine hairs. Pubescent. Covered with hairs. A general term for all hairy coverings ; contrasts with gla- brous. Punctate. Marked with small dots. Raceme. An inflorescence hav- ing only a main axis, from which the flower pedicels arise. Flowers at the bottom of the axis blossom earlier than those at the top. Racemose. Having the charac- teristics or appearance of a raceme. Rachis. The axis of an in- florescence or of a compound leaf. Rank. A row. Used in describ- ing the positions of leaves, one above the other, on the stem. Ray-flower. Used in this text for the sterile, enlarged, whit- ish or greenish flowers in 284 GLOSSARY Hydrangea and Euonymus in- florescences. Receptacle. The tip of the flower pedicel, to which are attached all parts of the flower. Recurved. Curved downward or backward. Reflexed. Bent downward or backward abruptly. Used in this text especially to indi- cate the position of the sepals on rose fruits. Regular. Having all sepals, and all petals, alike. Reniform. Kidney - shaped. Used in this text to describe leaf shape. Repand. Undulating. Used for leaf margins that are not sufficiently toothed to be called crenate. Resinous-dotted. Covered with small dots of resin. Used in this text to describe leaf sur- faces covered with small dots of exuded resin. Reticulate. Forming a net- work. Used especially to describe leaf veining. Retrorse. Turned backward. Especially descriptive of long hairs and bristles. Revolute. Rolled backward or under. Used in this text to indicate that leaf margins are rolled under. Rhombic. Having sides ob- liquely parallel. Used espe- cially for fruits when the axis of the fruit is not a straight extension of the pedicel. Rhomboidal. Having a rhom- bic shape. Rotund. Rounded and swollen. Used in characterizing fruit. Samara. A dry fruit with wings. The maple seed is a familiar samara. Scabrous. Covered with hairs or rough projections, so that the surface feels rough to the touch. Used in characterizing the surfaces of leaves. Scale. One of the small, dry flakes that form the outside of a bud ; also a small flake found on some stems and leaves. Semicordate. Used for a leaf base with a somewhat heart- shaped attachment to the peti- ole. Semilunate. Almost crescent- shaped. Used to indicate the shape of certain seeds. Sepal. The individual part of a calyx. In most flowers, one of the green parts. Septum. A partition. Used in this text for the partition that separates the carpels of a compound pistil. Sericeous. Covered with very fine, silky, usually shiny hair. Serrate. Bearing sharp teeth that are directed forward. Used to describe leaf mar- gins. Serrulate. The same as ser- rate, but the teeth very small. Sessile. Without a stalk. Used for leaves that are attached directly to the stem, for leaf- lets that are attached directly to the rachis, and for very short - stemmed flowers and fruits. Shoulder. The large lateral branch in the inflorescence and fruit cluster of some species of grapes. Simple. Not compound. Used to indicate that leaf blades are in one piece and that pistils are not united with one another. Sinus. The open space between lobes in a leaf blade. Smooth. Smooth to the touch. Lacking hairs or projections GLOSSARY 285 which would give a feeling of roughness. Used in charac- terizing leaf surfaces; almost equivalent to glabrous. Spatulate. Shaped like a spoon. Used for leaves that are wide and round at the apex and taper gradually to the peti- ole. Spike. An inflorescence with a long central axis upon which numerous flowers are borne without pedicels. Spine. A sharp-pointed, rigid, thornlike structure. Used in this text only for modified leaves and stipules. Inter- mediate between prickle and thorn. Spinulose. Bearing small spines. Spur. A hollow, elongated ex- tension from a petal or sepal, which contains nectar. Each petal in a Columbine flower has a spur. Stamen. The pollen-producing organ of a flower. Staminate. Stamen-bearing. Used to designate flowers that bear stamens, and plants that bear stamen-bearing flowers. Standard. The broad, top petal of the flower of a plant be- longing in the pea family. Stellate. Star-shaped. Used in this text particularly to desig- nate plant hairs that have broad or slender branches arranged like the points of a star. Sterile. Not capable of pro- ducing seed. Used in this text for flowers that lack pistils and for branches that do not bear flowers. Stigma. That part of a pistil, usually the apex, that re- ceives pollen. Stipitate. Stalked. Stipulate. Bearing stipules. Stipule. A small or large, leaf- like outgrowth at the base of the petiole. Striate. Marked with fine par- allel lines. Used in this text to characterize the surfaces of stems and certain seeds. Strigose. Covered with stiflF, straight, sharp hairs, which are closely appressed. Most commonly used in describing branchlets. Style. The part of the pistil connecting the base, where the ovule is situated, with the stigma. Sub- A prefix meaning almost, nearly, or somewhat. Used in this text with such terms as cordate, coriaceous, conical^ dentate, and glaucous, to mean, a little less definitely, the same as the stem word would mean by itself. Superior. Indicates that the ovary is set above and free from the base of the calyx. Superposed. One above an- other. Used in this text to indicate that two or more buds stand in a row above a leaf-scar. Suture. The line of union be- tween parts. In this text, the junction of carpels in a com- pound fruit. Terete. Approaching cylindri- cal ; at least, circular in cross section. Used to describe twigs ; contrasting words are angled and square. Ternately. Having parts ar- ranged in threes. Used in this text to indicate that a compound leaf is composed of 3 leaflets. Thorn. A large, sharp-pointed, woody spine. Used in this text only for spines resulting from the growth of a bud. Technically, such thorns are 286 GLOSSARY dwarfed branches. See spine, prickle, bristle. Throat. The upper part of the corolla tube in a flower with united petals. Tomentose. Heavily covered with cotton-like or wool-like matted hair. Tomentulose. Finely and close- ly tomentose. Tomentum. An entangled cot- tony or woolly, hairy cover- ing. Truncate. Abruptly cut off so as to appear squarish. Used often in describing the apices and bases of leaves. Tube. The portion of a corolla or calyx formed by the union, edge to edge, of petals or sep- als. Tuberculate. Bearing small warts or tubercles. Umbel. An inflorescence in which the flower pedicels all arise from a common point at the top of the peduncle. Undulate. Wavj' or sinuous. Used in describing leaf mar- gins; differs from crenate in that the waves are long and not very toothlike. Undulate-serrate. The same as undulate, except that the waves are shorter and some- what resemble teeth. Urn-shaped. Having the shape of an urn; that is, broad at the bottom and constricted into a throat near the top. Used in this manual only to indicate the shape of certain fruits and flowers. Valve. One of the sections into which a dry, dehiscent capsule divides when it opens. Verticillate. Arranged in whorls. Used to indicate the grouping of leaves in threes or more at the nodes. Con- trasting words are alternate and opposite. Villous. Covered with long, soft hairs. Used especially to describe the hairy coating of leaf surfaces. Wedge-shaped. Tapering to a point. Used in this text espe- cially to describe leaf bases that taper regularly and sharply to the petiole. Whorled. Arranged in a circle or ring. In this text used par- ticularly when three or more leaves occur in a ring at each node; practically the same as verticillate. Winged. Provided with a wing. Used in this text for thin outgrowths which serve as wings in distributing the seeds on which they grow. Index INDEX Important or principal references are indicated by numerals in bold face type. For scientific names, but not common names, illus- trations arc indicated by (fig.) folloiinng the page number. A acerifolium, Viburnum 263 (fig.), 264 acicularioides, Rosa 124 acuminata, Forestiera 244, 245 (fig.) adenophvlla, Salix .' 43 (fig.), 45, 46 Aesculus 175 octandra 177 Pavia 176 (fig.) aestivalis, Vitis. .186, 187 (fig.) affine Viburnum 260 (fig.), 261 Viburnum Rafinesquian- um 262 alba, Spiraea 100 (fig.), 102, 103 Alder Buckthorn 181 European 69 Hazel 68 Speckled 4, 67 Spotted 97 Alder-Leaved Buckthorn. .4, 180 Alders 66 Aldridge 223 Alexander County 5, 91, 148, 177, 196, 229, 239, 261 allegheniensis, Rubus 110, 111 (fig.) Allegheny Blackberry 110 alnifolia, Rhamnus 179 (fig.), 180 Alnus 66 glutinosa 69 incana 65 (fig.), 67 rugosa 65 (fig.), 68 Alternate-Leaved Dogwood 219, 220 alternifolia, Cornus ; 218 (fig.), 219 Amelanchier 133 humilis 131 (fig.), 133 American Bittersweet col. pi. facing 8, 172 Black Currant 92 Bladdernut 173, 174 Cranberrybush 4, 265 Elder 253 Hazel 62, 64 Mistletoe 71, 72 Mistletoes 71 Red Raspberry 109 Snowbell 242, 243 Yew 25, 26 americana Corylus 62, 63 (fig.) Euonymus 168 (fig.), 169 Styrax 241 (fig.), 242 americanum Ribes 92, 93 (fig.) Zanthoxylum. .149, 150 (fig.) americanus, Ceanothus 182, 183 (fig.) Amoraum, Cornus col. pi. facing 8, 214, 215 (fig.), 216 Amorpha . 145 canescens 146, 147 (fig.) fruticosa 145, 147 (fig.), col. pi. facing 152 Ampelopsis 194 arborea 195 (fig.), 196 cordata 194, 195 (fig.) Heartleaf 194, 196 Pinnate-Leaved 196 [289] 290 INDEX Amygdalaceae 139 Anacardiaceae 153 Andromeda 223 glaucophylla. . .222 (fig.), 223 angustata, Salix cordata. ... 44 angustifoHa Prunus 140, 141 (fig.) Salix glaucophylla 45 angustifolium, Vaccinium... 230 (fig.), 232 Anna 272 apiomorpha, Crataegus 137 Apple Family 128 River 156 Canyon 105 Region 26 Aquifoliaceae 161 Aralia 210 spinosa 211 (fig.) Araliaceae 210 arborea, Ampelopsis 195 (fig.), 196 arborescens, Hydrangea. . . . 86, 87 (fig.), 88 arboreum, Vaccinium 230 (fig.), 231 Arctostaphylos 227 Uva-ursi 225 (fig.), 227 arduennae, Crataegus 135 argentifolia, Vitis 188 argophylla, Salix 42 argutus, Rubus. . .lll(fig.), 112 Aristolochia 73 durior 74 tomentosa 73, 74 (fig.) Aristolochiaceae 72 aromatica, Rhus. .159, 160 (fig.) Aronia 130 melanocarpa. . .131 (fig.), 132 prunifolia 130, 131 (fig.) Arrowwood 255, 261 Soft-Leaved 262, 264 Ascyrum 200 hypericoides. . .201, 203 (fig.) Ash, Wafer 152 Ashy Hydrangea 88 asperifolia, Cornus 214, 215 (fig.) assurgens, Crataegus 139 atropurpurea, Euonymus. . . . 167, 168 (fig.) Autumn Willow 39, 40 Azalea 221 nudiflora 221, 222 (fig.) Pink 221 Azaleas 221 B baccata, Gaylussacia 229, 230 (fig.) Baileyi, Cornus.. 215 (fig.), 216 Ball, C. R 44 Barberries 81 Barberry Common . ' 81, 82 Family 80 Japanese 81 Bayberry 60 Family 59 Beach 40 Heather 204 Beak Willow 52, 53 Beaked Hazelnut 64 Bearberries 227 Bearberry 4, 227, 228 Bebbiana, Salix 50 (fig.), 52 Bebb's Willow 52 Benjamin Bush 83 Benzoin 83 Lindera 83, 84 (fig.) Berberidaceae 80 Berberis 81 Thunbergii 81 vulgaris 81, 82 (fig.) Betula 64 pumila 64, 65 (fig.) glandulifera 66 Betulaceae 61 betulifolius, Rubus 117 bicolor Vitis 188 Vitis aestivalis 188 INDEX 291 Big Muddy River 78, 223 BIgnonia 246 capreolata. . . 247 (fig.), 248 Bignoniaceae 246 Bilberry 229 Birch Dwarf 64, 66 Family 61 Birches 64 Birthwort 73 Family 72 Bittersweet, American col. pi. facing 8, 172 Bittersweets 170 Black Chokeberry 132 Huckleberry 229 Willow 38 Blackberries 6, 105 Blackberry 110 Allegheny 110 Highbush 112, 113 Leafy-Flowered 113 Tall 112 Wild 110 Blackcap, Common 108 Blackcap Raspberry, Com- mon 108 Blackhaw 259, 261 Southern 258, 259 Bladdernut American 173, 174 Family 173 Bladdernuts 173 blanda, Rosa .123 (fig.), 124 Blue Beech 4 Blueberry 229 Canada 233, 235 Dryland 232, 233 Lowbush 232 Blueleaf Willow 44, 45 Bog-Rosemaries 223 Bog-Rosemary, Downy 223 Bog Willow 47 Bona-nox, Smilax..31 (fig.), 32 Brambles 105 Brendel, Frederick 44, 48, 58 Bridal Wreath 102 Brier, Round-Leaved 29 Brittle Willow 40 Brook Euonymus 169 Brownfield 88 Buckbrush 266 Buckeye 175 Family 175 Red 176, 177 Sweet 177 Buckthorn Alder 181 Alder-Leaved 4, 180 Carolina 180, 181, 237 Family 177 Lance-Leaved 178 Southern 237, 239 Woolly 239 Buckthorns 177, 237 Buffaloberries 208 Buffaloberry 4, 209 Bullberries 208 Bumelia 237 lanuginosa 238 (fig.), 239 lycioides 237, 238 (fig.) Bumelias 5, 237 Bureau County 5 Burning Bush 167 Bush-Honeysuckle 272, 273 Buttonbush 250, 251 Buttonbushes 250 Cache River 80, 91, 196, 239 Valley 193 Cahokia 112 Calhoun County ... 146, 164, 220 Calycocarpum 80 Lyoni 79 (fig.), 80 calyculata, Chamaedaphne. . ■•; 224, 225 (fig.) Campsis 248 radicans 247 (fig.), col. pi. facing 248, 249 Canada Blueberry 233, 235 292 INDEX Canada — continued Moonseed 78 Yew 25 canadense Menispermum. . .78, 79 (fig.) Vaccinium 233, 234 (fig.) canadensis Lonicera 270 (fig.), 271 Rubus 110, 111 (fig.) Sambucus 253, 254 (fig.) Shepherdia 209 (fig.) Taxus. 25 (fig.) Candida, Salix 55 (fig.) 57 canescens, Amorpha 146, 147 (fig.) capraea, Salix 55 (fig.), 58 capreolata, Bignonia 247 (fig.), 248 Caprifoliaceae 252 Carbondale 261 Carolina Buckthorn 180, 181, 237 Moonseed 77, 78 Carolina Halesia 240, 241 (fig.) Rosa 119 (fig.), 121 caroliniana, Rhamnus 179 (fig.), 180 carolinus, Cocculus 77, 79 (fig.) Carpinus 61 Carroll County 5, 26, 268 Cass County 5, 109, 156, 186, 255 Cassandra, Dwarf 224 cassinoides, Viburnum 256, 257 (fig.) Castle Rock 5, 142, 229, 233, 235, 273 Catalpa 246 Catawba Grape 186 Catberry 165 Catbird Grape 191, 193 Ceanothus 181 americanus. . . .182, 183 (fig.) ovatus 183 (fig.), 184 Cedar Lake 236 Cedar, Red 27 Cedars, Red 27 Celastraceae 166 Celastrus 170 scandens col. pi. facing 8, 171 (fig.), 172 Celtis 69 pumila 69, 70 (fig.) Cephalanthus 250 occidentalis. . . .250, 251 (fig.) pubescens 251 Chamaedaphne 224 calyculata 224, 225 (fig.) Champaign County 190 Charles Mound 3 Chase, V. H 44 Checkerberry 226 Cherries 139 Cherry, Sand 142 Chicago. . .47, 103, 105, 113, 227 Region 40, 51 Chickasaw Plum 140 Chokeberry 130 Black 132 Purple 5, 130, 132 Chokecherry 143 Common 143 Chokepear 130, 132 cinerea Hydrangea 87 (fig.), 88 Vitis 188, 189 (fig.) Cinquefoil, Shrubby 104 Cinquefoils 103 Cistaceae 204 Clark County 133, 220, 264, 265 Clematis 5, 75 virginiana 75, 76 (fig.) coccinioides, Crataegus 139 Cocculus 77 carolinus 77, 79 (fig.) Cold Bogs 4 Colehour 45 Common and Scientific Names 7 Common Barberry 81, 82 INDEX 293 Blackcap 108 Blackcap Raspberry 108 Chokecherry 143 Greenbrier 29, 30 Juniper 4, 27, 28 Names 7 Ninebark 99 Wild Raspberry 109 Winterberry 164, 165 communis, Juniperus. .27 (fig.) Comptonia 59 peregrina 60 (fig.) Concord Grape 186 conjuncta, Crataegus 137 Cook County 26, 28, 42, 45, 51, 54, 57, 66, 103, 104, 116, 143, 165, 166, 169, 184, 217, 226, 228, 255, 261, 262, 265, 268, 269, 272, 273 copallina, Rhus .154, 155 (fig.) Coral Bead 77 Coralberry 265, 266 cordata Ampelopsis. . . .194, 195 (fig.) Salix 42, 43 (fig.), 44 Cordate Willow 42 Cornaceae 212 Cornus 12, 212 alternifolia. . . .218 (fig.), 219 Amomum. . . col. pi. facing 8, 214, 215 (fig.), 216 asperifolia 214, 215 (fig.) Baileyi 215 (fig.), 216 florida 220 foemina 218 (fig.), 219 X Horseyi 216 obliqua 214 rugosa 213, 215 (fig.) stolonifera 217, 218 (fig.) cornuta, Corylus...63 (fig.), 64 coronarius, Philadelphus. . . . 87 (fig.), 89 Corylus 62 americana 62, 63 (fig.) cornuta 63 (fig.), 64 corymbosum, Vaccinium. . . .233 Crack Willow 40 Cranberry 235 Small.'. 236 Tree 255 Cranberrybush, American... 4, 265 Crataegus 134 apiomorpha 137 arduennae 135 assurgens 139 coccinioides 139 conjuncta 137 Crus-galli 135, 136 (fig.) cuneiformis 137 cyanophylla 137 Hillii 139 illinoiensis. . . . 136 (fig.), 137 lucorum 137 macracantha 137 Margaretta. .136 (fig.), 137 mollis 138 (fig.), 139 monogyna 139 nitida 137 Oxyacantha 139 Phaenopyrum. .138 (fig.), 139 pruinosa 137, 138 (fig.) punctata 137 rotundifolia. . .136 (fig.), 137 sertata 139 sextilis 137 succulenta 137 tomentosa 137 viridis 137 Creeper Thicket 199 Virginia 197, 199 Creeping Juniper 28 Savin 28 Wintergreen 226, 227 crinitum, Vaccinium vacil- lans 233 Crossvine 5, 248 Crowfoot Family 74 Crus-galli, Crataegus ■■■•■■■; 135, 136 (fig.) cuneiformis, Crataegus 137 Cupseed 80 294 INDEX Currant American Black 92 Indian 266 Currants 92 cyanophylla, Crataegus 137 cynosbati, Grossularia 93 (fig.). 94 Deamiana, Ptelea trifoliata 152 Deamii, Hydrangea arbores- cens 88 decidua, Ilex .. 162, 163 (fig.) demissa, Prunus virginiana 144 dentatum, Viburnum 260 (fig.), 261 Des Plaines River 272 Devil's-Walkingstick. . .211, 212 Dewberries 6, 105 Dewberry Northern 114 Swamp 116 Diervilla 272 Lonicera 270 (fig.), 272 dioica, Lonicera. .269, 270 (fig.) Dirca 206 palustris 207 (fig.) discolor, Salix 43 (fig.), 48 Dixon Springs 88, 258 Dogberry 94 Dogwood 10 Alternate-Leaved . . . .219, 220 Family 212 Flowering 220 Gray 219 Pagoda 219 Roughleaf 214, 216 Roundleaf 213 Silky. . . col. pi. facing 8, 214 Dogwoods 212 Douglasii, Juniperus hori- zontalis 28 Downy Bog-Rosemary 223 Storax 243 Dryland Blueberry 232, 233 Dune Willow. 46 Du Page Count>^. . . .69, 268, 273 durior, Aristolochia 74 Dutchman's Pipe 73, 74 Dwarf Birch 64, 66 Cassandra 224 Pussy Willow 4, 53, 54 Upland Willow 53 E East St. Louis 38, 112 Edwards County 16+ Effingham County 180 Elaeagnaceae 208 Elastic, Gum 239 Elder American 253 Poison .158 Scarlet 253, 255 Elderberry 253 Elders 252 Elgin 105 Elm Family 69 Englewood 45 Ericaceae 220 eriocephala, Salix discolor. . 49 Euonymus 167 americana 168 (fig.), 169 atropurpurea . .167, 168 (fig.) Brook 169 obovata 170, 171 (fig.) Running 170 European Alder 69 Red Raspberry 108 Excluded Species 8 False Heather 205 -Indigo 145 Farkleberry 231, 232 Filberts 62 Five-Fingers 103 NDEX 295 Five-Leaved Ivy 196 flagellaris, Rubus 114, 115 (fig.) flavescens, Phoradendron. . . 71, 72 (fig.) florida, Cornus 220 Flowering Dogwood 220 Raspberry 106 Fly Honeysuckle 271 foemina, Cornus. .218 (fig.), 219 Forest 4 Margin 4 Forestiera 244 acuminata 244, 245 (fig.) Fox Grape 186 fragilis, Salix 37 (fig.), 40 Fragrant Sumac 159 Frangula, Rhamnus 181 Franklin County 258 Fringed Greenbrier 32, 33 frondosus, Rubus 111 (fig.), 113 Frost Grape 190, 191 frutescens, Wisteria 148 fruticosa Amorpha 145, 147 (fig.), col. pi. facing 152 Potentilla 104 (fig.) Fulton County 5 Gale, Sweet 60 Gaultheria 226 procumbens. . . .225 (fig.), 226 Gaylussacia 228 baccata 229, 230 (fig.) Giant City State Park 232, 233, 258 Ginseng Family 210 glabra, Rhus col. pi. facing 152, 156, 157 (fig.) Gland-Leaved Willow 46 glandulifera, Betula pumila 66 glandulosa, Rosa Carolina. . . 122, 125 glauca, Smilax 30, 31 (fig.) glaucescens, Vaccinium arbo- reum 232 glaucophylla Andromeda. . . .222 (fig.), 223 Salix 43 (fig.), 44 glaucophylloides, Salix 45 Glaucous-Leaved Willow... 44 Glencoe 210 Globeflower 250 glutinosa, Alnus 69 Goat Willow 58, 59 Golconda 88, 89, 177 Gooseberries 94 Gooseberry Family 91 Low Wild '. . 96 Missouri 95 Pasture 94, 95 gracilis, Salix petiolaris. . . . 51 Grand Tower 78, 181 grandiflora, Rosa Carolina. 122 Grape Catawba 186 Catbird 191, 193 Concord 186 Family 184 Fox 186 Frost 190, 191 Honeysuckle 269, 271 Riverbank 193, 194 Summer 186, 188 Sweet Winter 188, 190 Grapes 6, 185 Gray Dogwood 219 Greenbrier 33 Common 29 Fringed 32, 33 Hispid 33 Greenbriers 29 Green River 5 Sands 5 Grossularia 94 cynosbati 93 (fig.), 94 hirtella 96 missouriensis. . . .93 (fig.), 95 Grossulariaceae 91 Ground Hemlock 25 296 INDEX Grundy County 5 Gulf Coast Forest 3 Gum Elastic 239 H Hackberries 69 Hackberry, Shrubby 69, 70 Hairv Spicebush 85 Halesia 240 Carolina 240, 241 (fig.) Hall, Elihu 44 Hamamelidaceae 96 Hamamelis 96 virginiana 97 (fig.) Hancock County . . .109, 134, 156, 169, 184, 268 Hanging Rock 177 Hardback 102, 103 Hardin County. . . .165, 214, 239 Havana Sand Area 5 Haw 134 Hawthorn 134 Hazel Alder 68 American 62, 64 Hazelnut 62 Beaked 64 Hazelnuts 6, 62 Heartleaf Ampelopsis 194, 196 Willow 42, 44 Heath Family 220 Heather Beach 204 False 205 Hemlock 26 Ground 25 Henderson County 5, 70, 124, 190, 249 Henry County 5 Hercules' Club 211 Highbush Blackberry 112, 113 Huckleberry 229 Hill, E. J 26, 44, 57 Hillii, Crataegus 139 Hippocastanaceae 175 hirsuta, Parthenocissus quin- quefolia 199 hirtella, Grossularia 96 Hispid Greenbrier 33 hispida, Smilax....31 (fig.), 33 hispidus, Rubus. 115( fig.), 116 Hoary Willow 57 Holly .'...6, 162 Family 161 Swamp 162 Honeyballs 250 Honeysuckle Family 252 Fly 271 Grape 269, 271 Japanese 272 Limber 269 Wild 221 Honeysuckles 268 Hop Hornbeam 61 Hop-Tree 151, 152 horizontalis, Juniperus 28 Hornbeam 61 Hop 61 Horsebrier 29 Horsechestnut 175 Horseyi, X Cornus 216 Huckleberries 228 Huckleberry Black 229 Family 228 Highbush 229 Hudsonia 204 tomentosa 205 (fig.) Woollv 205, 206 humilis Amelanchier. . .131 (fig.), 133 Salix 50 (fig.), 51 Hydrangea 86 arborescens. . .86, 87 (fig.), 88 Deamii 88 Ashy 88 cinerea 87 (fig.), 88 Family 85 radiata 88 Silverleaf 88 INDEX 297 Smooth 86, 88 Hydrangeaceae 85 Hydrangeas 86 Hypericaceae 200 hvpericoides, Ascyrum 201, 203 (fig.) Hypericum 201 kalmianum 202, 203 (fig.) prolificum 202, 203 (fig.) hvpomalacum, Viburnum af- 'fine 262 I idaeus. Rubus. . . .107 (fig.), 108 Identifications, Verification of 12 Ilex 162 decidua 162, 163 (fig.) verticillata. . . .163 (fig.), 164 illinoensis, Rhus aromatica. . 159 illinoiensis, Crataegus .._ 136 (fig.), 137 Illinois Map of 274 Ninebark 101 River... 5, 164, 196, 233, 245, 246, 259 incana, Alnus 65 (fig.), 67 Indian Currant 266 Indigobush 145, col. pi. facing 152 Inland Jersey-Tea 184 inserta, Parthenocissus 198 (fig.), 199 intermedius, Physocarpus . . . 100 (fig.), 101 intonsa, Salix lucida 39 Ironwood 4 Iroquois County ....5, 103 Itea 90 virginica 90, 91 (fig.) Iteaceae 89 Ivy Five-Leaved 196 Poison 159, 161 Three-Leaved 159 Jackson County 74, 78, 151, 181, 196, 233, 258, 261 Japanese Barberry 81 Honeysuckle 272 japonica, Lonicera 272 Jefferson County 144 Jersey County 70, 196, 259 -Tea "....4, 182 Inland 184 -Teas 181 Jo Daviess County 3, 5, 26, 44, 53, 76, 128,' 156, 184, 206, 214, 261, 265, 268 Johnson County 70, 88, 91, 151, 232, 239, 243, 261, 272 Joliet 109 Jonesboro 177, 272 Juniper 10 Common 4, 27, 28 Creeping 28 Waukegan 28 Junipers 27 Juniperus 10, 27 communis 27 (fig.) horizontalis 28 Douglasii 28 K Kalmianum, Hypericum... 202, 203 (fig.) Kalm's St. John's-Wort 202 Kane County 214 Kankakee 44, 57, 229 County. . .5, 26, 40, 44, 51, 54, 103, 117, 143, 165, 217, 232, 255, 262, 273 Karnak. 91 Kentucky Viburnum 262 Kinnikinnick 227 Labrusca, Vitis. . .186, 187 (fig.) 298 INDEX Lake County. . . .4, 26, 28, 40, 45, 48, 58, 66, 68, 103, 104, 130, 143, 158, 165, 184, 217, 224, 226, 228, 235, 236, 261, 262, 265, 269, 272, 273 Forest 210 Michigan 3, 4, 44, 45, 47, 56, 58, 144, 156, 191, 202, 210, 213, 217, 227, 228, 232, 269 Moorlands 4 Lance-Leaved Buckthorn. ... 178 lanceolata, Rharanus .■■■ 178, 179 (fig.) lanuginosa, Buraelia 238 (fig.), 239 La Salle 229 County 88, 156, 164, 166, 169, 232, 235, 255, 273 latifolia. Spiraea 103 Lauraceae 82 Laurel Family 82 Lawrence County 5, 32, 44, 125, 193, 243, 245, 259 Leadplant 4, 146 Leafy-Flowered Blackberry 113 Leatherleaf 224 Leatherleafs 224 Leatherwood 207, 208 Leatherwoods 206 Lee County 5, 206 Leguminosae 144 Lentago, Viburnum 257 (fig.), 258 Ligustrum vulgare 244 Lilac 244 Liliaceae 28 Lily Family 28 Limber Honeysuckle 269 Lindera 83 Benzoin 83, 84 (fig.) melissaefolium. .84 (fig.), 85 Little Rock Ferry 78 Littleberry Vine 77 Local Shrub Collections 12 longifolia, Salix 37 (fig.), 40 longipes, Salix 36, 37 (fig.) Longleaf Willow 40 Lonicera 268 canadensis 270 (fig.), 271 Diervilla 270 (fig.), 272 dioica....,....269, 270 (fig.) japonica 272 prolifera 269, 270 (fig.) sempervirens 272 Loranthaceae 71 Love Vine 75 Low Shadblow 133, 134 Shadbush 133 Wild Gooseberry 96 Lowbush Blueberry 232 lucida, Salix 37 (fig.), 38 lucorum, Crataegus 137 lycioides, Bumelia 237,238 (fig.) Lyoni, Calycocarpum 79 (fig.), 80 Lyonii, Rosa 122, 123 (fig.) M Macoupin County 200 macracantha, Crataegus . 137 macrocarpum, Vaccinium . 234 (fig.), 235 macrostachya, Wisteria. .. 147 (fig.), 148 Madder Family 249 Malaceae 128 Map of Illinois 274 Mapleleaf Viburnum .264, 265 Margaretta, Crataegus 136 (fig.), 137 Marion County 114, 261 Marshall 264 Mascoutah 199 Mason County 5, 246 Massac County 5, 243, 264 McHenry County 4, 224, 236, 262, 268 Meadow Rose 124 Spirea 4, 102 INDEX 299 Meadowsweet, Narrow- Leaved 102 Meadowsweets 101 melanocarpa, Aronia 131 (fig.), 132 melissaefolium, Lindera. . . . 8+ (fig.), 85 Menard County 44 Menisperraaceae 76 Menispermum 78 canadense 78, 79 (fig.) Mercer County ' 5 Metropolis 242, 264 Mezereum Family 206 Mississippi River. . .5, 6, 38, 44, 72, 74, 78, 164, 193, 196, 248, 259 Missouri Gooseberry 95 Viburnum 261, 262 missouriensis, Grossularia. . 93 (fig.), 95 Mistletoe 71 American 71, 72 Family 71 Mistletoes, American 71 Mock Orange 85, 89 Mock Oranges 89 moUe, Viburnum ^ 262, 263 (fig.) mollis Crataegus 138 (fig.), 139 Rhamnus caroliniana 181 raonogyna, Crataegus 139 Moonseed 77, 78 Canada 78 Carolina 77, 78 Family 76 Vine 78 Western 80 Moonseeds 78 Moorland 68 Waukegan 28 Moorlands, Lake Michigan. . 4 Moosewood 207 Morgan County 64, 156, 271 Mound City 239 Mountain-Ash 129 Western 129, 130 Mountain-Holly 165, 166 mucronata, Nemopanthus. . . ...163 (fig.), 165 Murphysboro 151 Myricaceae 59 myricoides, Salix cordata. . . 44 Myrtle, Wax 60 N Nannyberry 258 Narrow-Leaved Meadow- sweet 102 Naturalized Shrubs 8 Nemopanthus 165 mucronata 163 (fig.), 165 nigra, Salix 44 Ninebark Common 99 Illinois 101 Ninebarks 99 nitida, Crataegus 137 Northern Dewberry 114 nudiflora. Azalea 221, 222 (fig.) nudiflorum, Rhododendron. .221 Oak, Poison 159 obliqua, Cornus 214 obovata, Euonymus • 170, 171 (fig.) occidentalis Cephalanthus. .250, 251 (fig.) Rubus 107 (fig.), 108 Symphoricarpos 267 (fig.), 268 octandra, Aesculus 177 odoratus, Rubus. .106, 107 (fig.) Ogle County 5, 26, 273 Ohio River .3, 33, 38, 72, 78, 80, 89, 164, 193, 196, 239, 248, 259 Valley. . . . 3, 5, 193, 242,243 300 INDEX Oleaceae 244 Oleaster Family 208 Olive Family 244 Olney 261 opulifolius, Physocarpus. . . . 99, 100 (fig.) Oquawka 70 Sand Lands 5 Orange Flower Tree 89 orbiculatus, Symphoricarpos 266, 267 (fig.) Oregon 143, 165 Osiers 34 Ostrya 61 ostryifolius, Rubus 113 ovatus, Ceanothus 183 (fig.), 184 Oxyacantha, Crataegus 139 Oxycoccus, Vacciniura , 234 (fig.), 236 Ozark Mountains 3, 5 Region 88, 106 Ozarks. .5, 32, 78, 95, 102, 124, 148, 164, 201, 202, 223, 232, 233, 239, 248, 258, 259, 261, 266 Pagoda Dogwood 219 pallidum, Vaccinium 233 palmata, Vitis. . .191, 192 (fig.) palustris Dirca 207 (fig.) Rosa 119 (fig.), 120 Parkersburg 261 Parthenocissus 194, 196 inserta 198 (fig.), 199 quinquefolia. . .197, 198 (fig.) hirsuta 199 Saint-Paulii 199 Pasture Gooseberry 94, 95 Rose 121, 122, 127 Pavia, Aesculus 176 (fig.) Pea Family 144 pedicellaris, Salix. .43 (fig.), 47 Peoria 44, 48, 199, 228, 233 County.... 5, 51, 54, 180, 249, 262 peregrina, Comptonia. .60 (fig.) pergratus, Rubus 117 Perry County 272 Peru 229 petiolaris, Salix. .49, 50 (fig.), 56 Phaenopyrum, Crataegus 138 (fig.), 139 Philadelphus 89 coronarius 87 (fig.), 89 verrucosus 89 Phoradendron 71 flavescens 71, 72 (fig.) Physocarpus 99 intermedins 100 (fig.), 101 opulifolius 99, 100 (fig.) Pike County 6, 64, 113, 245 Pinaceae 26 Pinckneyville 272 Pine Family 26 Pink Azalea 221 Pinnate-Leaved Ampelopsis 196 Pipe Dutchman's 73, 74 Vine 73 Woolly 73, 74 Plum Chickasaw 140 Family 139 Plums 139 Poison Elder 158 Ivy 159, 161 Oak 159 Sumac 5, 158 Pope County... 88, 89, 128, 146, 148, 177, 199, 208, 214, 233, 258, 261 Possumhaw 162, 164, 165 Potentilla 103 fruticosa 104 (fig.) Prairie 4 Rose. col. frontis., 4, 118, 120 Willow 4, 51, 52 Prickly-Ash 149, 151 INDEX 301 Privet 244 Swamp 6, 244, 245 Privets, swamp 244 procumbens, Gaultheria. . . 225 (fig.), 226 prolifera, Lonicera 269, 270 (fig.) prolificura, Hypericum 202, 203 (fig.) pruinosa, Crataegus 137, 138 (fig.) prunifolia, Aronia 130, 131 (fig.) prunifolium. Viburnum 259, 260 (fig.) Prunus 139 angustifolia. . .140, 141 (fig.) pumila 141 (fig.), 142 susquehanae 143 virginiana 141 (fig.), 143 demissa 144 Ptelea 151 trifoliata 150 (fig.), 152 Deamiana 152 pubescens 152 pubens, Sambucus 253,254 (fig.) pubescens Cephalanthus occidentalis 251 Ptelea trifoliata 152 Rubus 117 Pulaski Count}'. . .5, 91, 117, 148, 169, 196, 239, 243, 272 pulverulenta, Styrax 241 (fig.), 243 pumila Betula 64, 65 (fig.) Celtis 69, 70 (fig.) Prunus 141 (fig.), 142 punctata, Crataegus 137 Purple Chokeberry. . .5, 130, 132 Pussy Willow 48, 49 Dwarf 4, 53, 54 quinquefolia, Parthenocissus 197, 198 (fig.) radiata, Hydrangea 88 radicans Campsis 247 (fig.), col. pi. facing 248, 249 Rhus 159, 160 (fig.) Rafinesquianum, Viburnum.. 262 Rago 91, 243 Ranunculaceae 74 Raspberries 6, 105 Raspberry American Red ^109 Common Blackcap 108 Common Wild 109 European Red 108 Flowering 106 Red 109 Ravenswood 105 recurvans, Rubus 117 Red Buckeye 176, 177 Cedar 27 Cedars 27 -Dogwood 217 -Osier 217 Raspberry 109 American 109 European .108 Redbud 4 Rehder, Alfred 7 Rharanaceae 177 Rhamnus 177 alnifolia 179 (fig.), 180 caroliniana. . . .179 (fig.), 180 mollis 181 Frangula 181 lanceolata 178, 179 (fig.) Rhododendron 221 nudiflorum 221 Rhus 153 aromatica 159, 160 (fig.) illinoensis 159 copallina 154, 155 (fig.) glabra col. pi. facing 152, 156, 157 (fig.) 302 INDEX Rhus — continued radicans 159, 160 (fig.) typhlna 154, 155 (fig.) vernix 157 (fig.), 158 Ribes 92 americanum 92, 93 (fig.) Richland County 103, 261 rigidiuscula, Salix humilis. . 52 riparia, Vltis. . . .192 (fig.), 193 Riverbank Grape 193, 194 Rock Creek 273 Rock River 204, 233, 235 Rock-Rose Family 204 Rosa 117 acicularioides 124 blanda 123 (fig.), 124 Carolina 119 (fig.), 121 glandulosa 122, 125 grandiflora 122 villosa 122 Lyonii 122, 123 (fig.) palustris 119 (fig.), 120 rudiuscula 125, 126 (fig.) serrulata 123 (fig.), 125 setigera col. fronds., 118, 119 (fig.) tomentosa 120 suffulta 126 (fig.), 127 Woodsii 126 (fig.), 128 Rosaceae 98 Rose Family 98 Meadow 124 Pasture 121, 122, 127 Prairie col. frontis., 4, 118, 120 Swamp 120, 121 Woods's 128 Roses 117 rotundifolia Crataegus 136 (fig.), 137 Smilax 29, 31 (fig.) Roughleaf Dogwood. 214, 216 Roundleaf Dogwood 213 Round-Leaved Brier 29 Rubiaceae 249 rubrisetus, Rubus 117 Rubus 105, 117 allegheniensis 110, 111 (fig.) argutus Ill (fig.), 112 betulifolius 117 canadensis 110, 111 (fig.) flagellaris 114, 115 (fig.) frondosus Ill (fig.), 113 hispidus 115 (fig.), 116 idaeus 107 (fig.), 108 strigosus 110 occidentalis 107 (fig.), 108 odoratus 106, 107 (fig.) ostryifolius 113 pergratus 117 pubescens 117 recurvans 117 rubrisetus 117 strigosus 107 (fig.), 109 rudiuscula, Rosa. .125, 126 (fig.) Rue Family 149 rufidulum, Viburnum 257 (fig.), 258 rugosa Alnus 65 (fig.), 68 Cornus 213, 215 (fig.) Running Euonymus 170 Rush Township 261 Rutaceae 149 S Sage Willow 57, 58 St. Andrew's Cross 200, 201 St. Anne 103 Sands 5 St. Clair County. . . .42, 54, 124, 144, 180, 193, 199, 248, 258 St. John's-Wort Family 200 Kalm's 202 Shrubby 202, 204 St. John's-Worts 201 Saint-Paulii, Parthenocissus quinquefolia 199 St. Peter Sandstone 5 St. Peter's-Worts... 200 Salem 261 Salicaceae 34 INDEX 303 Salix 34 adenophylla. .43 (fig.), 45, 46 argophylla 42 Bebbiana 50 (fig.), 52 Candida 55 (fig.), 57 capraea 55 (fig.), 58 cordata 42, 43 (fig.), 44 angustata 44 myrlcoides 44 discolor 43 (fig.), 48 eriocephala 49 fragilis 37 (fig.), 40 glaucophylla 43 (fig.), 44 angustifolia 45 glaucophylloides 45 humilis 50 (fig.), 51 rigidiuscula 52 longifolia 37 (fig.), 40 Wheeleri 42 longipes 36, 37 (fig.) Wardii 38 lucida 37 (fig.), 38 intonsa 39 nigra 44 pedicellaris 43 (fig.), 47 petiolaris 49, 50 (fig.), 56 gracilis 51 sericea 44, 54, 55 (fi.g.) serissima 37 (fig.), 39 subsericea 55 (fig.), 56 tristis 50 (fig.), 53 Sallow Willow 58 Sambucus 252 canadensis 253, 254 (fig.) submollis 253 pubens 253, 254 (fig.) Sand Cherry 142 Prairies 5 Sandbar Willow 40, 41 Sands 5 Sandusky Swamp 90 Sapodilla Family 236 Sapotaceae 236 Sarsaparilla 210 Sassafras 83 Savin, Creeping 28 Sawbrier 30, 32 Sawbriers 29 scandens, Celastrus col. pi. facing 8, 171 (fig.), 172 Scarlet Elder 253, 255 Scientific Names 7 sempervirens, Lonicera 272 sericea, Salix. . 44, 54, 55 (fig.) serissima, Salix. . . .37 (fig.), 39 serrulata, Rosa . .123 (fig.), 125 sertata, Crataegus 139 Serviceberry 133 setigera, Rosa . . col. frontis., 118. 119 (fig.) sextilis, Crataegus 137 Shadblow 133 Low 133, 134 Shadbush 133 Low 133 Shawneetown 181 Shepherdia 208 canadensis 209 (fig.) Shining " Sumac 154 Willow 38, 39 Shoestrings 145 Shrub Collections, Local 12 Habitats 3 Shrubby Cinquefoil 104 Hackberry 69, 70 St. John's-Wort 202, 204 Trefoil 151 Shrubs Naturalized 8 Usefulness of 6 Silky Dogwood. . . col. pi. facing 8, 214 Willow 54, 56 Silverbell 6, 240, 242 Silverbells 240 Silverleaf Hydrangea 88 Slender Willow 49, 51 Small Cranberry 236 Smilax 29 304 INDEX Smilax — continued Bona-nox 31 (fig.), 32 glauca 30, 31 (fig.) hispida 31 (fig.), 33 rotundifolia 29, 31 (fig.) Smooth Hydrangea 86, 88 Storax 242 Sumac col. pi. facing 152, 156, 158 Snowballs 255 Snowbell, American 242, 243 Snowbells 242 Snowberry 265 Snowdrop Tree 240 Soft-Leaved Arrowwood. . . . 262, 264 Sorbus 129 subvestita 129 Southern Blackhaw 258, 259 Buckthorn 237, 239 Species, Excluded 8 Speckled Alder 4, 67 Spicebush 83, 85 Hairy 85 Spicebushes 83 Spiceweed 83 Spikenards 210 spinosa, Aralia 211 (fig.) Spiraea 101 alba 100 (fig.), 102, 103 latifolia 103 tomentosa 100 (fig.), 102 Spirea Meadow 4, 102 Thunberg 102 Spireas 101 Spotted Alder 97 Staff-Tree Family 166 Staghorn Sumac 154, 156 Staphylea 173 trifolia 173, 174 (fig.) Staphyleaceae 173 Stark County 44 Starved Rock 5, 26, 88, 156, 166, 229, 232, 235, 261, 273 Steeplebush 102 stolonifera, Cornus 217, 218 (fig.) Storax Downy 243 Family 239 Smooth 242 strigosus Rubus 107 (fig.), 109 Rubus idaeus 110 Styracaceae 239 Sty rax .242 americana 241 (fig.), 242 pulverulenta. . .241 (fig.), 243 submollis, Sambucus cana- densis 253 subsericea, Salix...55 (fig.), 56 subvestita, Sorbus 129 succulenta, Crataegus 137 suffulta, Rosa.... 126 (fig.), 127 Sumac 4 Family 153 Fragrant 159 Poison 5, 158 Shining 154 Smooth. . . col. pi. facing 152, 156, 158 Staghorn 154, 156 Swamp 158 Sumacs 153 Summer Grape 186, 188 susquehanae, Prunus pumila 143 Swamp Dewberry 116 Holly 162 Privet 6, 244, 245 Privets 244 Rose 120, 121 Sumac 158 Sweet Buckeye 177 Gale 60 Family 59 Winter Grape 188, 190 Sweetfern 5, 59, 60, 61 Sweetspire 90 Symphoricarpos 265 INDEX 305 occidentalis 267 (fig.), 268 orbiculatus. . . .266, 267 (fig.) Syringa 89 vulgaris 244 Syringas 89 Tall Blackberry 112 Taxaceae 25 Taxus canadensis 25 (fig.) Tazewell County 5, 58, 180, 217, 246 Thicket Creeper 199 Thimbleberry 106 Three-Leaved Ivy 159 Thunberg Spirea 102 Thunbergii, Berberis 81 Thymelaeaceae 206 tomentosa Aristolochia 73, 74 (fig.) Crataegus 137 Hudsonia 205 (fig.) Rosa setigera 120 Spiraea 100 (fig.), 102 Toothache-Tree 149 Torreyanum, Vaccinium . . . .233 Traveler's-Joy 75 Trefoil, Shrubby 151 trifolia, Staphylea 173, 174 (fig.) trifoliata, Ptelea..l50 (fig.), 152 trilobum, Viburnum 263 (fig.), 265 tristis, Salix 50 (fig.), 53 Trumpetcreeper col. pi. facing 248, 249 Family 246 Trumpetcreepers 248 Trumpet-Flower 249 Trumpet-Flowers 246 Tunnel Hill 151, 232 Twinberry 271 typhina, Rhus. . . .154, 155 (fig.) u Ulmaceae 69 Union County. . . .32, 70, 72, 164 177, 196. 212, 223, 233, 239, 258, 261, 272 Upland Willow 51 Dwarf 53 Usefulness of Shrubs 6 Uva-ursi, Arctostaphylos. . . . 225 (fig.), 227 V Vacciniaceae 228 Vaccinium 229 angustifolium. .230 (fig.), 232 arboreum 230 (fig.), 231 glaucescens 232 canadense 233, 234 (fig.) corymbosum 233 macrocarpum. .234 (fig.), 235 Oxycoccus 234 (fig.), 236 pallidum 233 Torreyanum 233 vacillans 230 (fig.), 232 crinitum 233 Vacciniums 5 vacillans, Vaccinium 230 (fig.), 232 Verification of Identifications 12 Vermilion County. . 88, 113, 271 vernix, Rhus 157 (fig.), 158 verrucosus, Philadelphus ... 89 verticillata. Ilex.. 163 (fig.), 164 Viburnum 255 acerifolium. . . .263 (fig.), 264 affine 260 (fig.), 261 hypomalacum 262 cassinoides. . . .256, 257 (fig.) dentatum 260 (fig.), 261 Kentucky 262 Lentago 257 (fig.), 258 Mapleleaf 264, 265 Missouri 261, 262 moUe 262, 263 (fig.) prunifolium 259, 260 (fig.) Rafinesquianum 262 affine 262 rufidulum 257 (fig.), 258 306 INDEX Viburnum — continued trilobum 263 (fig.), 265 Vienna 88 Villa Ridge 272 villosa, Rosa Carolina 122 Virginia Creeper 197, 199 Virgin's-Bower 75, 76 Willow 5, 90 Family 89 virginiana Clematis 75, 76 (fig.) Hamamelis 97 (fig.) Prunus 141 (fig.), 143 virginica, Itea 90, 91 (fig.) Virgin's-Bower 75 Virginia 75, 76 viridis, Crataegus 137 Vitaceae 184 Vitis 185 aestivalis 186, 187 (fig.) bicolor 188 argentifolia 188 bicolor 188 cinerea 188, 189 (fig.) Labrusca 186, 187 (fig.) palmata 191, 192 (fig.) riparia 192 (fig.), 193 ■ vulpina 189 (fig.), 190 Volo 226 vulgare, Ligustrum 244 vulgaris Berberis 81, 82 (fig.) Syringa 244 vulpina, Vitis. .189 (fig.), 190 W Wabash County 6, 72, 74, 78, 114, 164, 196, 200, 242, 248 River. . . .6, 72, 74, 78, 80, 164, 196, 248 Valley. .56, 74, 78, 193, 242, 243, 259 Wafer Ash 152 Wahoo 167, 169 Wardii, Salix longipes 38 Ward's Willow 36, 38 Ware 258 Washington County 88, 148 Waukegan 45, 68, 105 Juniper 28 Moorland 28 Wax Myrtle 60 Waxworts 170 West Pullman 57, 272 Western Moonseed 80 Mountain-Ash 129, 130 Wheeleri, Salix longifolia. . . 42 White County 70, 74, 212 Pine Preserve 26 Whiteside County 5, 184 Whortleberry 229 Wild Blackberry 110 Honeysuckle 221 Raspberry, Common 109 Wildwood 272 Will County. . . . 5, 214, 217, 255 Williamson County. 70 Willow Autumn 39, 40 Beak 52, 53 Bebb's 52 Black 38 Blueleaf 44, 45 Bog 47 Brittle 40 Cordate 42 Crack 40 Dune 46 Dwarf Pussy 4, 53, 54 Dwarf Upland 53 Family 34 Gland-Leaved 46 Glaucous-Leaved 44 Goat 58, 59 Heartleaf 42, 44 Hoary 57 Longleaf 40 Prairie 4, 51, 52 INDEX 307 Pussy 48, 49 Sage 57, 58 Sallow 58 Sandbar 40, 41 Shining 38, 39 Silky 54, 56 Slender 49, 51 Springs 210 Upland 51 Virginia 5, 90 Ward's 36, 38 Willows 34 Wilmington Sands 5 Winnebago County 5, 26, 42,45, 51, 146, 262 Winter Grape, Sweet. .188, 190 Winterberry 162 Common 164, 165 Wintergreen, Creeping 226, 227 Wisteria 5, 146, 148 frutescens 148 macrostachya. . 147 (fig.), 148 Wisterias 146 Witch-Hazel 97, 98 Family 96 Witch-Hazels 96 Withe-Rod 256, 258 Wolf Lake 223 Wolfberry 4, 268 Woodbine 196, 197 Woodford County 48, 190 Woodsii, Rosa... 126 (fig.), 128 Woods's Rose 128 Woolly Buckthorn 239 Hudsonia 205, 206 Pipe Vine 73, 74 Y Yew American 25, 26 Canada 25 Family 25 Z Zanthoxylum 149 americanum. . .149, 150 (fig.)