Z’f^Mru fart Vf 6 C (‘ Ctrt da Pel i%l&AJU iMtiKz lod, dtuZ f lY * @J, oZpu-t , C*d oca/j tfj ***, ty * 9Vv^, %n+/\ 5,1bOdt »m TaAc rtpjj tf)bo (/ Y\ ■ ’ ^ V ^ F ^ '•Ha I'O-'tt ft*# J/ffc'f 37 fo dak A d *h «JA fkt* (rkf 1 /, $-, ckT'Ukc * Jr? ; ^ 4^0 2 , H *9< h $ ' ' Sr^wr 4* *4/ ■• ■ H ’ -■• i *T' ^ 1 ,/ ;y , 3°JO M vc&b tZfrti* xicl ' «*■ 9t fd*’ ,. 3eAm *4 (tifoiiat&ui stoi- ,4n^W <7r\f)a(k Olt-iA a^l QtaM ' ' l ' ’ / jL ' , . / » rj| ' . <5fo7* ( • ■* ' 4 3 cp.^l rz^H 77 e^v/ 7 Vk ^ &dlj 3% r 3 . & ? ' /’• •’' 5* ■■ « i !IM‘< /: ‘ C V ' Cur ■ ■■ . ■■ ' r '•' : *' " " w '5 ^ p Lpjld titik ■ ' »*««, '? r ' $ st u 7*- 1 , i.', a '**i'§mi '* Of.mt*H cm/, fyv&fw ! , , ''. ; ,2> —/{yjy /tTMtr Ut A*? *4 fit ■ : ’ nm / ► *■ 1 Xklti JL-. -- — l f'' 7 > W ^ *7 ^ ! \aj CL * >n C'. K.r ^ (%0\ K- It 1 4 ip fapf a ' A < ^'P ^“> jb« /c r &#&%-** ^JJ Po$7 ^ a (/IrJUiM rr ^ >V ‘‘" > Ou, ^UtWffK / Qfaf***“ l Ptd Pc ' "' -HA-/ k - '^ppf' ^ ^ ' ; ^V> -f/ *^ny '' ATf ' ^f- / ‘Wft' 'if) 1 ri, < ! * ' r ^r>Ypj'*i i:\j j*rp ^ z . Yv&.S'vt) ytj tT "”-* -'f r? it 7 v*y P^f i apiece »-•?** • i iSd ; w* a/h-ru PA, Aft Pe-)\ Y\ t if K-f trV\_ H\ A r-pbv \ C^ti. & f tfrC ■ > '"f Yh, ~~fjZ (P^L-CsCsvv*. &fci' tPJ/'P-wji 3 /y/ /< '(ttvv' >r#»'0 flfK 0A£ vma (int-3 ■MvZjJ ! ~ fldSefi ]{jy ] < x_.u n cl ay -V t /o yyv, ^ 1 ^ ^ Orvtr f ' *V-/ Y-4^ fe» f4 , "' ; -.^.v f t ■ ‘ A " > n* w ^fj^c , 6 / (>*if f*w i-s / f t- 'l v/rr>~s^ r } M! t }.- ^ ^-jp&jL J'C-f' ;. :| -V' 7*' o&e y v - (fj >£ ^ ii eZL^O ) tAWrti “I Cl.})), a.,.,' i l/i '■'}' 1 ■ ! ~l , Ax/j Arvt a « t-v ll / w - /Vi- - ^ flLUry\{l\_ IpA I 6/ iA(/, '^n- rr-et 'tiyr-f <* u .' rs/ y • jLuI' & ,1 ‘ ' ■ .< •',. ' *V 1 ‘<7 MJm-I uy-M Cf.arftM ^ M 0 ^ • | */' '■'jft’f' *?.. ■ *••• v' ' ut‘) tit*, 'i r^r 3 p-i;- :t ;,y ‘,W / , C.. r .» , f.,“0.7h, Sj’ 7myt\ /j.j\: t_j. jj (fti! W /!/ -*■*,; , A /u (K; *. f\l cfitiw j ft »va~/ iw+'jtifrrt (‘h.f <'W>^ >«4 tl fyvo 4 cvnJ «■ iypstu *v it, m4 'tv ^UfA«7V\ * 4. 1 I^~ht OfuJU/~n, ijQ/ -jf tnuJ! , 1 4 ;■',.> »,X (£Vft ^ (9>v 0^ %Oty\y A*J Jt'hk- , l )h w f t ^ Jr / 2 • 3 0 . j yrtvJ* C^wrtw rvn» ? •» * f />f tt&u Jl i trv, - r*~t v »'-=. V» ' \ 0 ■' 1 3 ,)l ^ j ^ fK ( JJv.. i/ (^-n^ iJvj^ Jv~ j j-rlf h }~en/ , jj ’’• ['--ij >/» v-v^C , 9 a 7 ? a* " 5m* 7 «-?., ddU„{.< J~\.„ >*'-( 4~ P <7T* **^0 O/K-A. c»-/ />_ Oi'JWty &M, iL l-LM-v JL jr\rj' CWv~ !Vm/^L frlttiy pfcl /vlmj tf\ i- t*» , Cf' itv* U, tl J 7 f- 5\, • -A -JX A ,,,<, Ms*r$ A *.v* ■? y-rv-c 1>/ Jk’ i) I -Lh^ i W v-J . -if *$■' rtftM */,■>, t />, <*., v r.'-t • , / A'ff'S •v . ,( A* i -rvt 7 -■ ' i •> t - , A, V «*v- iPCha jS *•» i-t-A , CW*>y a. , ' A- yryt r - ■ — , ^ j/-4_ Avv^kx / i ,y V Cn - *■4 (W K ’9 "~f~r-e+y^ fV JJ-< ■(V'*''! *- &4 f / / cUi J 9 r i j / 'Tv hjjj/t An/ ,-, i A-"t < Uw»/l|Hn. •! ■' •• »* * 7 $f\'J , Afu, o/lr ; *C? t. . ’it /v /*-v ' v ) ; t (iu*4 , y/rX^ i 7l P*€ ,. i)lr(Vnw W* 7. j)itu i A r’y / f ^i'^-' » A k*j Vpm SrfiX ck> i / d iv., i( f’H*,, i-d Ar * / j A *^) .6-v^ A d f)w; / )S /u +f^v> Cu.-f>- -JM 6^1 ••''•••• ^*><4 . c V iVh or ftv. % SM tA Obuvn>fJ>t' ft vd( ev»^-> tynjj- - /<* i ; ifA a~.( «>■>>- . hft itHx? i I ' ■'< 1 ; / i ./ >j IvttA-bT-tJ %0'll^t tfl'i cl P r r[$ n j-n' r f\cc{ - ,-VAt , Ciy. C'( Urf.-J, < / , ■Wf .( », tt. >M rv rbv ft-C At . / cLj-0‘( /- C{ ,Jr^ vi '^*+1 (yfn~}( u- r A-^O t l/ ,ferCi< ^7 /£ Q-l.Ct'V* -/■Mo iL-u ^iy^clt( c*~ J /‘jurtJj, Ush /> T^vr Ijtu j , ( X edi t $«yl l *Q ¥/:} 'o^A ,: *' tlx\ yrtUAxJ ir^ OpCLk*. '^fc\juV r* ' 1 1 Y >'■ t j f)//tb A J/1 fl) //-• /l' * AtVJ/Ho )//),(■/■ *y faifrlttj K /rtf &£n', *- (j.'.*v~t( J f \ rV»m inf-/' -CUi-f • "L 'i<'M,(.f- i O-r^uA fYw Ti- Hrr'A i $€ CCAuVf h*o-t 'T^ r Sf~o At-T^-S 0 tsi( (J^ J ly - a Im v-tU ,7 M Av^C/V^i £MjL- - : 4 %f ^ < "'o-l!t*/ <' f .. £/.C/ c i ^ J^i. \/j (zt rr^U- !/*■* r' &/* n-vu'/c « , ^ t £-fri »-/ ,'c/u v s*/. />K£Ha fitt/ kr\i*Y , / i^A,. /./"/£» l*H-t h 'a 4 lsnC\n£wf' l ^/ f; JM',,- (/ * ft, AmJt \-4 l> 4 ’( d I v h-,t );^ll>i'Ct (A Hl-ivl W-i*^ at, . ~fr ^/ ^ /rr^ i/oti y*f M2«^^h rtruui. tUaaJMuf, J l 3- it (iV’ft J^d\'*l Jhvb d < r J A.. - v ■-• ■■■ .,— , $ < ^ l\d h- x t ^ 0 ,f\Aj *2 , A^x A c\ / ffjt e£ ' ^ /. ^Wi - 3 X-J A qI li^Av'fjv. /r ?v /| w'TK , / (f. , / It tt y'-J, lUriA^-li ■ yn ^H ■■• , ,- ,1 '• ’ i.'D i ^ j / . 'ti I & »%r (r- ~kciu~ "fr %#d£d I /: 1 I J / ' T / ' / anr^id a- *^.fTw ft ll / t-v 1 /J Ww/f-rl a-' — rr> i/U. i-UtA jt Xtifctfv, Om Tto U^ . o\. <> / ; • " ■ ^r c^T 7 »\J*k CnntX-l U *'f° 1 1 4 ., »f 1 ruptii 1 ! nil i« rniiii I ini « Did ;i! ir _ fruit* ‘j b- 0*hv/V _ y- - obotvdX 1 < ‘ ‘ t ( «-/>w) 1/L t A/et/Aw, r’Z/Vn-x 1 f!|! H r!» f «.t * If k r Alt nr\ nrys. t i..,/ Prtwuy ymAs-l i > ^r-> ?r+jrt tf i >yiAf«- '■>-<'/ ~jvt (fr^oi , ZC l/ r fT'-tr. iwi ‘Irt >" A CiptA. •>. f !'■<■/ /fy> //*. ( r.ivj, or- /u, tf-rfAi i -V-, 'ivyvlLt U irw ava. ,,'Vr hi .Velopn M li tie iitji ti&i pieli niiii "' 'in l Mill ‘litll Bile Mil m «ji dep«|i »ri!i imd UiD Dr. of I Wit retell ! ■ portion; Wednesday, fair. ransas — Tuesday, fair, somewhat r; Wednesday, fair. t Texas — Tuesday, fair, cooler in east portion; Wednesday, fair. ~E FIVE CENTS PER COPY V SELF I .■ IV, POISON BOOZE FIGHT RAGES IN CONGRESS Personal Observance of Dry Law by Members Under Attack in Talks Washington. Jan. 8 (IP).— 1 The con- troversy over deaths during the holi- day season from drinking poisoned alcohol reached both the senate and house floors Monday as 3 oon as con- gress reconvened. At both ends of the capitol the personal conduct of members in the observance of the dry law was questioned, and before sunset the discussion had reached the treasury Where both Secretary Mel- lon and Lincoln C. Andrews, the pro- hibition enforcement chief, issued statements. ..,,., Ca d>stie Speeches Made. c.»7 hl l e v epr t? en , tative CeI!er > Demo- crat of New kork, was accusing his colleagues ,n the house of ‘'drinking to excess. Senator Edwards, Demo- crat of. New Jersey, in a lengthy speech in the senate was condemning 1 hypocrisy of some representa- drink wet” Pe ° P ° VOte dry (UlU (Ta/i/ ri *0 ^^*5 j' *j | (] m \M, 0*r-(l Cvjf''u*f~ /)*. Hy V-) • % 7 ,„. , Orx rjrr- ' :■•( Lt*y ( y/ Ott^. ft-'frv f >•• " Y^(fljVf^ Or 1 mV 3j v- ! h, Vj ft./ Vi v ~L ' :f£ < ■"' j ’ < i toi' o-\Vl & V Vr &yv v^v> ai /v^ ;vv ^'Jt% >-i V - / ^ " ■■' / fi d , JW> «/ 1 J * wrin ca /.' «V>vf of iVf i\, Taii< 4 «••/<,. f fte a. / <*■/ jr 4W Cc-^ fin* VtA- v. ' v , ' ‘ f ni*8 fty.*/ Utorni 'hyr-t j HA *! ft>n ^V'- f. /•« // ■VwA. JfVy&v , Q'l'Lt /'rh ( < ' ' <><• r> •■"-/» JiA ■'•' /■ '^1 r ^ A c- -iu ,% < ■<- t,\ i Tv./ p kt |%yV y • , ‘ r " '-"'■Bpty ift //l .h 1 1 w V /S ‘fo .4m- .- i a/- i / / ty ■ •■ ' i • (2Huu*flSui( /? V. /'Vi/, u V.V v ‘l I U$A\ Pvi/A CjhA ufa ftr\V /^ivs * * Hi - c-rt^*, i ►, Icetim t & j.3o >?■ '%. Lti^i u (k Lu Ur* h- UC\ ^/-iniA. If tUtof Jfy tc^, 6n^nj Oran diujlv iJuuAtJ f c*n.J( ttbvy 1 ^ &X CVi r jm^roAj \-e. jr ~i' ■ riu <■ , ~fh/ JpoP-'fo. Ck? cryt /<■"{- Cwc/ /!( '/r !H~r~u^ rv\ jot fZf^n , U'-» ^Luju*- Dv-i! «- / 7 / fccu*. yrxtf "rr, <>Y n ~tr , 'T ty # 0. o<7TU04 /K- / wC <*£*** Moa /w //Vf ft-r -it, tJ flee ■ fu / ^ ^ / .y.'-'C g&Mji J fa fad fZtf-i’d d'h Un U/ 'H m 'iduM'ii j far 4 ,■• >• . i-n /’.•/ '^e (t-htiluO fats fajjtifaxj K. k ( fKi -J^r ~ ^c/ k*nHi, & fob :t> /VI I ! nit /w>l , i'df d <^il t.d'uit !o,(uil ' i-faj ’ /,. c (iW^V fMl-9-/ *U» /»•/ ( tu/y^ c/n i //, ^ vdy' / ^6 dj{\ I-, ?v titlf jh lie ^ -* &'\ 4 ,yd ( i /'/'-'!-•< ( /' iTX^ 7 >a ~/!At ^ wwi "jft f* 4r£t/iif^ t f >-u\ u /. .'7- i> /''*■> ;!/ ^ j v fr nH-Mhvi tud t‘- ihA , L r - Ir^Aitk a j ^ftUut A 4 i«e 0 r D vt~ub ' IIY^ ~ Civ i, ~T.tA( C^Q u 5- ^4 ,$Tu*Tft jy^'Cu; l . -■^•■>Dr Mirffr UM&h M oJr l>%f ^,%, C< t-npr' c, A I (}~~ctcu, (f«f *L J rf/C <*. LcMaji cm,(sfc. 1 hyi^if~y\ 'kiy- /iv/C ] i*-h4 ai '.\f’y — bbiji Ufa# j fal I &(- f ‘^A'T-J'S Aw/ vuj - a^wA /«u.~^c & \ri / y b’UiitxJi, r^n.4, fa. ( wf ^?Arn C * J hv'h > l / v • C tGubufr, IrA b ij. *>{, l~i : r»- ot, jttStviU ^-rrCuTi'^ \/l , Gkatw , % , 7 - 11 'D 4 dr out/ 6 r! '-A .-'A , , ^ ■ ,(,'/ rA ? /, K A ’# ;• /• C" ' *J( "h&ji h/7M Mi(fx ■; w'/iiA <£^iw^V' tf/tTi i’. nv*- ■ ■’■ , f t* & 3 (u?(s. a* (OU , -fTf A/ \^ad 'tty,- L P'j' JL 1 - 1 a< /. / A, £ Cl, i < '< ^ ' •<■ h 'd'flA u-, cujL A-*i (fry'fs , enrtn /'loflij/hi t>u c< ■ A J Ci 1,1 )• / (\( tft. Ci \ \t (i t// >_ -/ fi^L jrtjV+U- ! fu *-e c< , if -ft £ty 7 faij . y- h ~}f cd i > - jo ^ > ,,'t. 'j c A*. Wt ~ }hv^ W Lt/'lc :'\rr -j 7 / i r.ti. V t -n ! i . . a inp *Jf. f / . K i/twa/h .- fj %!> jw'i' j/ $tptx dte&nTftf h, itrsn 4- d" L-: £ , .“' f * &d~T*d (oo/vtA it ;TtuUh ;u/ # /Im' . » 1 / fern, ' ” d^rr-t I'K&ti lr Jem*. J ? h*. C^ U, ~if j\-t_ ■iHVti /rr . / < ^ ' / 'r'f, , l - /Y WVr^j J(- vL ■/ / , /•• <\ (T" ,'lni-'/ iiui^f t+, ~h-t h'^Ki } by it / ->j *Y t «-' 7 y •’// ^V-7 /> (■ /;.-. dh\ i !/ r i'f'/( #iyAv) LrrtdXd h~ 0 i r-f. , Xy <■ ( /} j < . i '( y tv»Y a^-iv/ ^ /w /ttf/r /? ,/i ); cJwt;- ,. \ ^ f oM 7 {jLl ± $t-*. fa/dj) "h. QjLtv yiwrty* <-■< i^'v. (iWA tV/ftty'" f\. if \y ‘ 'tip it/ii 'itj t/hi Kd( ~fr $)* tlj n f 6 '■ 3 oP l % l J& OipJW j Co* ■, 7i-CA JY4M.* *t^> <- !j (\^/j * dr sa U. ( ^fV OU-iVt^r. , Qv\ /- Mr f 0 )Q 4 a 4 ' tfhtrfz af'C 6 ’fo- ■'' ' '//')/*'- tjo4 M>ys; (U J'M ijf-t 1 du tj j ' !f dju- 4 f; c rfrtjj c ft/ y. •'/&*., d L rrn. 0 *m/. 4 *heUt jh tra . 1 l J 1 1" /Wwo . '' 'fa* ^ (7 !■"- c&i^ (hf/jfckrtl tj (Hfa jf p. o/ljiM. o((f ' rnuli <*K th 4 iig i-tj+f, 'finitfoencff Krvut J} 1 *~< &<>'■•» IrtJ'ov JM i /1 AC') C> 3 , , V Jfm fW>3 CJtTvSt^ia^ OUfl^. UM. \'U ds 1 • k '»v £ 4 y- 'i i, 'tlr QA/tt-ru! A //< Vv , ^ Art//' ^ "^TCw. On-; chil/L h^fcd A It » . . / 1 /(tf/wi h n-fip.. .,,, ‘ ^ri i, a- /'<« /t. I /J i i ■ . , / / J n t CA'i'illj kv]A (h>uJI to LW «T1 - ly \ Z hrJtbJ ’ )-. -V /■' j /v^ 14 D f > . , 'fr\, J j(U/'n Ov/Tai «>, G(ry^~cn\ Oha^ t/K : '4 h i \ a aha^ C&h dtAtefr rv^ Ip^c m\ ", (>Wuy 'v, h ^hJI ~tf ~Pm i ® 4> 4 11 i ^~oLhjl ~fiwrr , ; * 1 /< 1 mha 'r/ : '.\ lav ”4 J-y f n-/d_i ' 1 ~ ' U ^ —f [ * DjfiJx i)y'.*L , 4m\ /( , t/tvJLct G (/ lr ~fc*. 44/ W" Cm-y£^ j evft 'f’S t jlfyh '■j\xnt- Gu, j fffA^ww 1 Sv-t •sPtPZf* “■ fa-tfJo Ut w / 1 - / it&oc/a 't t , b'iUh . t*dx{ // C/% ; ' 'V- . * -sLt, 1 '. '/ . y it

«<\ . v **» , A* OrO ■■■ cU.L o/l-k. (fvrr 'il-eu^h-i «™u. f-U'-'-i , J Lj} w I , IWfbrt d^mvw* d-nrw. JL ^io'TK orrn/Ltd rv i-« i A'/ - j t~*( & i-*. 'WV.<-// i j •*■ 1 ? fc'.U< t y . . j!ud( f, '. * h < w ■'■' /fHi. (/^ , -^’ W A A i tv{T UvL>. { f ') -2 0 f, k , it/ ' G Cm^€ inuf / ••’■•o ■$/t. »> */r tutyi, #j^ ^ z JV-fU. j u^T'Tr rvvr~A j" A. A-*> ^Cf ff\*LC ' - j- * - L^\ rtZA/ £ ,4/ t : u( Oyw ^ d-‘Lf p^-t d- j j i < r (jud tv - a , , L^l On Ip ~fc / M{0o /) l ?*/:£+ }? 'My ^wV/ti/s , fy'j < ‘•^i-nv'VH ,* /'ll 'Kn^i itkuu) '■MA^An f 7 /Mfo J^w /jj - fhMMc^ ~^u TGl* 0u ,, / / '".y ■ Gt\, ^jr b n m P k b&k. J (JpPciur, ’'-4 d U’, h Piji-'i' djLStijJ j7i ^ u* / ! ..,.f 7 hi ■ ■ ? v i'ft// Ji^u wf iOTr, 4^ u,k r f ? / U / J it • 'U k- & wf/ J St <"u m d J/fi (VvvU-t^/ i *-i / o I*'} «. Anti- A Ar-^ rH — Oy < •c?-< > c . Tt Of! /*fc > • ' nVT hs i a— 0 ^ (ujJr ^\Q/W ( ' ,( /f /U_ S*-X~ OwtcWom ru* ( $5!r *{ oLl J J f I ft <* >V C M' C? ■'THU?' / /rv^t f ‘<1-, * J) (tU&'ftyjJ ft / “ /* *•<**/ /?< ,' ■ /' ' ; ‘ . ■ ’, ^ jcA^f f/X / I Af>- .■'•'■ . .s-Aj 77 . 1 '*•• ■• ■ ' a-/ ; U [h^io JU /w/f "(j llu/*~ *A !o (■ it). Jfo.7 dL.,. , 1 , '■ f U Yh % %( cCl ' f « t • L ^ cf< ^ A/v V&vr fa* Aji'X A t ^fi'i\ : f~Z0r<': ■"f ^\ nlvsj^xt-, 'Tichifi- lu'St* &+■ ~H PmJTj iirH, u/ /A3 c U - )r-f CM ct / Jd-tt- ^*AVK. j4 fe Ww *'1v MjvJatA omA /• v -1 .'• fi- - •/' . ;. >'• ,/y , W/ ir f" -t'/ ^ //k A— 3 k-iM ih-t ^ %rfy\. hr, it* rA- ’ a*. J l (,'i.C-j H /_ / ■■ n- / - •/?!, Mtii-Cv (d c,vj %rtyj.i ,-,( ,. ’ Ort/. ' *-• ^ jhcttU'Mc \UKA+» f fciV -* ^AtAinn \ c/u i"/ >ri»i /*>- Av^ 2 f-%. U'/ i*s $ A*'*' 1 1 f i! O'-h, a/f~ Wn , f ^ A ■ Hr\\ U~- *■ aficx J c>. w » ( - *•' •''/ • " / /r^\ OirtJ~rA'{r~L n vi tnv^tfcchJ ivT-tk ^m4} /, }^f rtyA'/uffl oAryt hdL. n I / UCd--f>\ , •‘ *v QjJJLJ /k >! , i<- - ■U 4 ( CX&L#IlJ St/fd-(A , Jjct^O Li, ItHr, fkttu/ / « 0 /\uj 4-ni/ IrtY-f A'jf ■'fo-U}' / ft* fa r/!r J ' 1 ■'" ' ’■ , a; c It* J 'Vt'C /! alju.. t-uM 1 Jitfe Jdw (■lus/trr'li -• vajo jfyaro** l&k /Jf ►j /*/ Jblrutf jJ a^j 4 ~&\* fj j (Jf / d f_f t XW«J}f*a i 4 V ' h' • O' Ipf A t/JU. A^ji. °ji i f Qh f d j. ;'K , jU^ J (WT^ (rX/wv* e» / // y <&*■■&*'/( «a. j e/^ojlnA rr* t>r*( f , oh • { r rtrwo Pi a irTi If/ ‘tty* h? t lit Jjl tfabjf/' f-e. J & j ” ^ C&A\f r ’/ J\u u>JUk, /,Vu ~i <■*.(,+-* d ; V v Ctof d ’Hi'V' 'Af roiv/ (ijfii/-'- 1 ' i*/ ! ■imrr i-.-c fir~CU- m< s/ ' ^l)), r)yy; C "ite '«••• fr1>j v ij- Pefcvf (Ml tffy ~k*f ft^rtiisKr- {jb*** ^ A 7r /w < p'hvfa cOL i- e> jaUuMj JfcTj,y H fh-wvt** c it-tZf *4* Xa rV-/i ■ . , ' - .'/ iv\ Gh^f * r y^\ Iftvc (Tr,rvv^a jh-'~fcc^Qfrht* G , " yrw ' 5 j^T ' t j ( ; ,(!■ I A ' r\\.$j f iy'f I'^C/'f^ ' k~*P r c (t \Aj ff i I'TH Li*\ /)_*. '' o-r , AeW '/r £ 4 # -t&f !.• - ? i, J** ■ '>\ • / r #■»<» Ar i? «t Yv. G, >' W f’/rw. e< X/ 4 G, WriviC i/ (\l*cl'\‘ ■y*, G* e-~~ A4-» Ux-rVK • r ~/ f n rf •/ rteo^o *v Air^t cr Ch~^-J U'j >' * tsirwfc . Ci)\iu ’ / »4r{<„ c^uts. *i Q^ 4 *f 4 Cr / 4 ', i -: (tCc ’ ^r\ !\ U ?\ /fc ( b >\ f) 4 u*faL t . A <•/ < i '4 k-ptJljL ,-., ■ '■• xsmrx * && “C ^uSu l *1 ’■ r > : & (% i f>? >;£>Z u 1 : ■/ ti-Zj’ f*& hf)t,ru. j 1 1 j r-C\^ f Qs\iy\ , jF AT*o «_ . ' r • Z F JU. Crj Uitvfn, f'/Lu- :h>h -• If-,/ »-A, £X • r 1 ,'/ ■ ', / ' V *** ' Z/kt A ' - \ jM $ > c -' d ’ K . ( I ' hftmr , n /r , /w Ct,\Cfi\\ ( r j\ChJuJ ^ v > " !> ^/ ( fytJLdl ivuZi "< t < /.; ») / *»> r n JefUi ( . »**< — „ -t // ,* #“L Awjt W , JflK " f ? J $& Gr * r\ J ~f igAjjt *> 6 ^ , 1 i t ' ' 1 , (/ v*y o J-^O J ., j: ,Jr^J m.y /.- .;■ ^ A .^ **> r r- > j , : £ f AS * iji . ilfyf naDF — ■ " - / 7 l /* 3 , f 4 ^ ^ vc / t^'/r 6 # v * • ^ 0 ///cr ! j .<\ / ; , > ( !* ft K '("'O Olv a - 1 ^ r ]^^ 3 ^h '$ F ^ k ) j'js ^ <~'^ro Q^CcLfo , C ^ Cit -< , < 7 ^r he C'anfk , f fyfyiflr Zr r . TUCSON, ARIZONA, SUNE ANTI-EVOLUTION j LAW SUSTAINED IN SCOPES CASE But Court Refuses to Confirm Conviction, Due to Ille- gal Sentence. CHARGES DISMISSED Judges Unanimously Advise Against Continued Prosecution. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 15 (By The Associated Press) — Tennessee’s supreme court today proclaimed the fundamental soundness of the state's famous law against teaching the theory of evolution in state- supported scnools. At the same time it reversed the verdict of guilty against John T. Scopes, whose case was on appeal, and then barred recourse to the United States supreme court by recommending that the case be nolle prossed in- stead of re-tried. This done late today and the case dismissed. Without a dissenting vote, the court recommended to L. D. Smith, state attorney-general, that the “peace and dignity” of the state would best be served by a nolle pi'osse, thus ending what the court termed “this bizarre case,” ancc and for all. Mr. Smith announced he would follow the recommenda- tion and not seek a re-trial. b Says Act Uncertain 3 The opinion declaring the ’aw t constitutional ,Was delivered by i Chief Justice Green and concurred « in by two other justices, but Jut- . tiee McKinney dissented on the 1 ground that the act's “uncertainty i of meaning,” rendered it invalid. The conviction of Scopes, who was a science teacher in Dayton high school, was reversed because Judge John T. Raulston, presiding, fined him ,$100, when the, jury failed to fix a fine. The high court held that only a jury may fix a fine of more than '$60 under Tennessee law. While obviously disappointed over the. action of the court, counsel for Scopes pointed to certain features US indicating a partial victory for the opponents of the law. Express- ing satisfaction with the dissenting opinion of Justice McKinney, they viewed as favorable 'also a part of Justice Chambliss' opinion, which differed in one phase from the ma- jority decision. Agrees Law Is Sound Justice Chambliss,' while agree- ing with Chief Justice Green and Justice Cook, as to the organic soundness of the law, declared his belief that the act "only prohibits the teaching , of the materialistic I theory of evolution, which denies the hand of God in the creation of man." Commenting, on thjs opinion, Henry E. Cotton, attorney for the Tennessee Academy ol’ Science, and, an associate in Scopes' counsel, as- serted that this view was not >p- ’I Ttnspa » r. +s« -.—-ail. would best bo served by a nolle proase, thus ending what the court termed "this bizarre case,” ancc and for all. Mr. Smith announced he would follow the recommenda- tion and not seek a re-trial. Says Act Uncertain The opinion declaring the ’aw constitutional , Was delivered by Chief Justice Green and concurred in by two other justices, but Jus- tice McKinney dissented on the ground that the act’s “uncertainty of meaning’,” rendered it invalid. The conviction of Scopes, who was a science teacher in Dayton high school, was reversed because Judge John T. Raulston, presiding, fined him $100, when the jury failed to fix a fine. The high court held that only a jury may fix a fine of more than $50 under Tennessee law. While obviously disappointed over ) the action of the court, counsel for Scopes pointed to certain features as indicating a partial victory for the opponents of the law'. Express- ing satisfaction with the dissenting opinion of Justice McKinney, they viewed as favorable also a part of Justice Chambliss’ opinion,, which differed in one phase from the ma- jority- decision. Agrees Law Is Sound Justice Chambliss,' while agree- ing with Chief Justice Green and Justice Cook, as to the organic soundness of the law, declared his belief that the act “only prohibits the teaching , of the materialistic theory of evolution, which denies the hand of God in the creation of man.” Commenting on this opinion, Henry E. Cotton, attorney for the Tennessee Academy of Science, and, an associate’ in Scopes’ counsel, as- serted that this view was not >p- posed to the. known position u! many recognized scientists ever** where. SCOPES EXPRESSES I DISAPPOINTMENT ‘ CHICAGO, Jan. 15 (/P) — Disap- pointment tempered with the belief that the Tennessee supreme court's decision did not end the case was expressed by John Thomas Scopes, first violator of the Tennessee .anti- evolution law which was upheld to- day as constitutional. Scopes studying at the University of Chicago under a 2-year scholar- ship given him by scientists wno observed him at the Dayton tri,il, disappeared from the college cam- pus shortly after he made his brief statement. DECISION A SUBTERFUGE MALONE DECLARES NEW YORK, Jan. 15 (A')— T -I e decision of the Tennessee supreme court to reduce the fine of John > . Scopes to $50 and the recommenda- tion that the case he nolle pressed lather than retried, seems to Dudley Field Malone, one of the defense counsel, a subterfuge typical of a “country court,” he said today. “It rests with the Tennessee counsel in the case to decide on the significance of the recommenda- tion that the case be nolle prossed, Mr. Malone said. “Of course, ve cannot announce whether or not an appeal to the United States su- preme court, will be made until we have conferred with counsel .n Tennessee.’’ Ml' L CARRY CAF C I 1 libMJ iin i ijni/f I , Night Entertainment During Rodeo. Wolfville, the mythical cow camp ade famous by Alfred Henry >wis in his "Wolfville Days,” the ght attraction during the rodeo 5t year, will again be a feature this year's cowboy festival. The ucson Central Trades council will ive entire charge of the affair and is secured the services of George P. und, originator of last year’s > jccessful show, to direct and anage the affair. All of the features of last year’s iow Will be regained, together with hundred and one new attractions id cowboy stunts that will lit in ith a typical western cow camp. President Fred Steger of the ades council says that members the council will operate the en- ~e show and that there will be no ligh-pressure” Concession men id artists allowed on the grounds. “We are going to operate the ow from, an educational and nusement standpoint, The 1927 ition of ‘Wolfville’ will be held om February 17 to the 22d, and ill be better, bigger and grander every way than last year’s fa- ous show," he said. The foiirwmg mempers of the ades' council acting as an cxecu- ve committee will have entire large of the project: J. W. Hop- ins, chak'man; W. C. Milsap, Fred teger, Harry Delford, Tom On- ;ott and L. E. Brewer. , In the Legislature j PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 15 OP).— 'he ease with which Mulford Win- or of Yuma wields the gavel as resident of the senate, aided and betted by caustic .repartee, re- rinds the old-timers in the press I allery of Speaker fom Reed in the ational house of representatives ome 30 years ago. A southern congressman, replete fith rhetoric but short on logic, ose to a point of order, charging hat he had been accused of being “lobbyist, filibusterer and law- er.” Reed remarked, dryly. "We /ill nolle the last charge.” Major Kelly, state historian: Silly Spear, editor of the Arizona tepublican, and Ned Creighton, ean of the active reporters, daily ccupy .the press galleries of the ogislature. Never has a legisla- ure met without the presence of his editorial trio. Major Kelly in- ists he comes in only as an on- ooker and that he is “through” as br> nicler of current events. Mr Ipear takes copious notes and ap- lears ns intensely interested as he regular reporters. Ned Creigh- on daily dispenses legislative loings to the press of the state. Bob Copies, 69-year-old reporter, ■itizen of the world and, in his own vords, a connecting link between he dim past and the present, is lolly on the job in the press gal- ery for a {diami „ newspaper. Bub ihows the activity of a cub re- porter and the enthusiasm of youth n his daily ramble for news. Forty- live years ago Bob was editor of a icwspaper in Tucson, and he re- palls with gusto that only through ■evenues from saloon and gambling muse advertisements was the on per aide to meet the Saturday Payroll. wnfi Sut*“’'’s sense of humor 1 often is exhibited on the floor of the senate. A senator had arisen 1 several times, and in) emphasizing his objections to a bill, had repeat- ed himself so often that he at- tracted the attention of every one in the chamber— a signal ac- 1 c«V» m on t ■ lusemeni. standpoint, me isnsi ition of 'Wolfville' will be held om February 17 to the 22d, and ill be better, bigger and grander ’ every Way than last year’s fa- ous show,” he said. The following members of the ades' Council acting as an exeeu- | ve committee will have entire I large of the project: J. W. Hop- ins, chairman; W. C. Milsap, Fred teger, Harry DelTord, Tom On- ott and 'Ll. E. Brewer. In the Legislature j PHOENIX, Arlz., Jan. 15 (TP). — - ’he ease with which Mulford Win- or of Yuma wields the gavel as resident of the senate, aided and betted by caustic , repartee, re- linds the old-timers in the press allery of Speaker IJom Reed in the ational house of representatives cone 30 years ago. A southern congressman, replete nth rhetoric but short on logic, ose to a point of order, charging hat he had been accused of being . "lobbyist, filibusterer and law- er.” Reed remarked, dryly: "We /ill nolle the last charge.” Major Kelly, state historian; Silly Spear, editor of the Arizona tepublican, and Ned Creighton, can of the active reporters, daily ecupy .the press galleries of the jglslature. Never has a legisla- ure met without the presence of his editorial trio. Major Kelly in- ists he comes in only as an on- ooker and that he is "through” as lire nicler of current events. Mr Spear takes copious notes and ap- iearS as intensely interested as he regular reporters. Ned C.'reigh- on daily dispenses legislative loings to the press of the state. Bob Caples, 69-year-old reporter, dtizen of the world and, in his own vords, a connecting link between he dim past and the present, is laity oar the job in the press gal- cr.v for a Miami, newspaper. Bob shows the activity of a cub re- porter and the enthusiasm of youth n his daily ramble for news. Porty- ’ive years ago Bob was editor of a ibwspaper in Tucson, and he re- fills with gusto that only through revenues from saloon and gambling' rouse advertisements was the raper able to meet the Saturday aayroll. v-rip Sui*°”’s sense of humor rften is exhibited on the floor of the senate. A senator had ' arisen several times, and ini emphasizing his objections to a bill, had repeat- ed himself so often that he at- tracted the attention of every one in the chamber — a signal ac- complishment. The senator from Cochise very formally addressed the chair and asked permission to address a question to his colleague who had the floor at the moment. “Is the senator starting a new speech or continuing the first speech he started?” Sutter asked with his best seriousness. VACANT HOUSE IS DAMAGED IN FIRE A small fire in a vacant house called' the fire department to the corner of Church and Franklin street early yesterday morning, and the blaze was extinguished before any serious damage re- sulted, Yesterday afternoon the depart- ment answered an alarm turned in from North Main street, only to find out that it was a false alarm, thought to have been turned in by boys playing in the neighborhood. Police officers w'ere 7 una ble to check exactly Who wan I (Associated Press) In^ im Tho 11 ?' Ten “" Jan - «— Hold- J the formal dismissal of thp Scopes evolution case by aereemert today, attorneys for the defeat 6 ™ 611 * noun red n.* iu “ tne defense an- nounced that they would file a to by^gV\ement°wlth\ d D en |^HrTtete H£™*’ g f nera1 ' w* made poiible because actual dismissal of the case although requested by the attornev general and agreed to by the state COUrt ' ,lart n°t been placed I formally on the minutes of the trih unal at Knoxville, from which ™ ferred° n P ° int the Case was trans- an^evomtiL hel ? yesterda 7 that the Sar^evX Te c“d recommended that it beVo?!* PERSE IN R! fJMP WASH! tion of t the outsi American day deck ing here Attend 400 acret J ewish kite tan. yed, icial ft A 1 vi would V said moth. . And there’s He Is . big and hearty and -wus to send thrills down other folk’s backs. How would they know he was strong he-man stuff if he didn’t tell them so? He gets the children about him and tells them ghost stories, blood curdling ghost stories. “And a long bony aim without body or even the shadow of body reached out of the darkness and clutched him. He couldn’t push It off. His hand slipped right through It, yet It clutched with Icy fingers on nls throat. Slowly, slowly." “Bill.” calls mother half laughing, half protesting, "Don’t frighten thOBe children with your awful stories. You know there’s not a word of truth in them. They’re awful." “He isn’t scaring us, mom. We aren't afraid. Go on, Uncle Bill. What happened then? Did he choke him or Wheel by mo the d Anybf It c seeing the e a c.lv othei their. child” (Cop what? And Uncle Bill pleased by the ap- plause goes on with his thrilling tale, right on to the frozen end. The chil- dren draw a long breath and stretch themselves and draw closer to the fireside. The youngest boy gets close to his mother In the circle of lamp light. “No, I’m not scared, mother. Ghosts don’t really happen, do they?” And that night he cannot sleep and AUNT HET By BOBKBT QC1UJU* Do not throw Lighted Cigarettes, Cigars or Matches from Train San Diego and Arizona Railway INFORMATION SHORTEST LINE— FASTEST TIME EAST 1. The San Diego and Arizona Railway, completed Decem- ber 1, 1919, forms in connection with the Southern Pacific and its eastern connections, a new transcontinental route between San Diego and the East. Through Pullman cars are operated between San Diego and Chicago on Golden State L'mited in connection with the Southern Pacific and Rock Island Lines, and between San Diego and New Orleans on Sunset Limited in connection with Southern Pacific. It is the terminal railroad of the shortest line between Kansas City and the Pacific Ocean and between New Orleans and the Pacific Ocean. 2. Distance between San Diego and El Centro, 148 miles; (Between San Diego and Yuma, 220 miles). 3. Elevation at Hipass, highest point on line, 3,660 feet; at El Centro, lowest point on line, 49 feet below sea level. 4. Grades: Maximum grade Westbound, 2.2%; Eastbound, 1.4%. * 5. Cost of San Diego and Arizona Railway, $19,000,000. and is owned one-half by the J. D. and A. B. Spreckels Securities Company, and one-half by the Southern Pacific Company. 6. Railroad crosses United States- Mexico International Boundary Line at Tijuana and Lindero. Boundary at Lindero is crossed in Tunnel No. 4, 26 feet from the west end. Runs 44 miles through Mexico, known as Lower Cali- fornia. Ten miles is the greatest dis- tance into Mexico from the Inter- national Boundary line. 7. There are 21 tunnels on the San Diego and Arizona Railway, one partly in Mexico and partly in the United States. Cost of tunnels, $1,760,200. The longest tunnel, No. 14, is 2,597 feet, and the shortest tunnel, No. 1, is 187 feet. The total length of all tunnels is 2.98 miles. When passing through the tunnels, notice that you are not bothered with objectionable fumes and smoke from locomotives, as is usual when trains are operated through tunnels. This is due to the large bore of tunnels, exceptionally light atmosphere, and a slight draft continually passing through Carriso Gorge. 8. Distance through Carriso Gorge is 11 miles, and cost for construction, $3,939,000.00. Depth of Gorge from railroad, 900 feet. Carriso Gorge takes its name from the grass in its depths, which is used by Indians in basket work. Mountains are southerly extension of the Sierra Nevada Range. Notice the 22 fan leaf palms and spring at bottom of Gorge between Tunnels 20 and 21. 9. Campo Creek Viaduct, 77 miles from San Diego. Length, 600 feet. Height, 185 feet. Cost, $115,700.00. 10. The San Diego and Arizona Railway is the only railroad that received permission from the United States Government to continue construction during the entire period of the world war because of the importance of reaching the port of San Diego, where the United States Government maintains an extensive Naval Base. 11. One feature of importance, from the viewpoint of our Government, is that the completion of the San Diego and Arizona forms, in connection with the Southern Pacific, a railroad direct along the Mexican Boundary from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico. 12. Tijuana is noted as a Mexican sight-seeing place for tourists. The Lower California Jockey Club holds a 100-day or longer racing meet at Tijuana once each year, which has a large attendance from all over the world. Opening date, Thanksgiving Day. 13. Notice when approaching Redondo westbound or leaving Redondo eastbound, the horseshoe curve where the track can be seen on the mountain side, three different locations at one time. 14. Imperial Valley: A desert waste in 1900. Today is an agricultural empire of 531,674 acres under irrigation on the American side, with more than 200,000 acres on the Mexican side. Population, 50,000 in 1923. Shipped in 1923 about 50,000 car- loads of products by freight of a value of nearly $50,000,000, including 14,000 carloads of cante- loupes and melons, 8,000 carloads of lettuce and vegetables, 125,000 bales of cotton, and 7,000,000 pounds of dairy products. The valley is irrigated from Colorado River, and is perhaps the richest producing farm area in the world. 15. Desert Plant Life: After leaving Coyote Wells westbound, and continuing up through Carriso Gorge, the desert is covered with many species of desert plants, including many vari- eties of cacti. In the spring of the year many of these plants are in full bloom, which adds to their beauty. Pictures, together with the namos of some of the principal plants, are shown on the reverse side of this sheet. 16. Jacumba Hot Springs: Sum- mer and winter resort 92 miles from San Diego. Altitude, 2,835 feet; hot and cold artesian mineral water; large outdoor swimming pool; hotel, tent houses, cottages and auditorium. 17. On the “Golden State Route,” between San Diego and Yuma, the Inter-California Railway, a part of the Southern Pacific System, is used between Mexicali and Algodones, oper- ating a distance of 52 miles through Mexico. 18. Yuma, on Southern Pacific: Near Yuma is located the Laguna Dam for diverting water from the Colorado River for irrigating purposes. There are 50,000 acres in Arizona irrigated from the Laguna Diversion Dam at this time. Project under way to irrigate 6,400 additional acres of Mesa land within the next year, and eventually there will be 120,000 acres of land under irrigation in the vicinity of Yuma. Climatic conditions provide for the growing of some of the most delicious fruits that are grown anywhere in the world. 19. Ask the conductor, brakeman or observation porter for time that train crosses the International border and passes points of interest. Additional copies of this circular may be had upon application to porter. For information regarding freight rates, passenger fares, tickets, baggage and Pullman reservations, address SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA RAILWAY 602 Spreckels Building, San Diego A. D. HAGAMAN Asst. Gen. Freight and Passenger Agent F. B. DORSEY Traffic Manager (OVER) FISH HOOK CACTUS MamlUaria Tctranceslra mmunis WILD CENTURY PLANT Agave Deserli ' Cl'Y\ faOff ! -Znv /J : (hsnJtj f. JoC. faifa ini^Or A i ~farf 1 >L~fa , < .t— -7 (7/_ Y. > < ■ vr /W, r^yjr 0n4 it/ (!cu--bji*A Art / difafavM J ; '«Xjt , Ml tW rain'll ‘lit l"l • ' "M.I Pvv^-i '«/ fhU/UjL. fa Tte Ofaf'j s#6*~, au. Uv^cU- (u/jji <~*fr m 1 — r^J"TT£ tin* W\ 'fafcuf fa Al(f r0A\, fa /W A ,/7 (j I A W jlm. Wo hAttV lit//'. n5f M~ 4-(A~ U*-e*£ A C<\ - <-/ O 3 /To / to ktitfe. 01 fa bat k& A ^ > j »'rK( , 0\(/i p/flA-wo- 1 a^~&\Mt) fr-e-i j ~fa UtL Sfafa ~M. ct\h ... . fa pftiux ddtc ^4 : V (l\r> j^i l J..1 " icfar^t Ot^fjj fa P&^u. <7 v ' A Z nil !j.(J tyl/ff~ .0)101', ph-yCCf h\/\>.,S'j i tCUWv W)tt/ {-j iLdt.0 -fa (TOi't/ /Artvw dd£- TBUiit 4 W# (XtMM fa , hfa eiU tlufafa^ j+XAz ~fa / 1. (f-. *; i'mLAj -J~ a vaA i auCi -/ , /*««*> M >>v6L L/i xfs U~vl i'VivAw ) i u/fat , fcftystvfa^ fa fa^jc^eftut j h4~tv£rt w iW^T «W £Lh • dL h4r fa fa fa ■ »/ A , (Ifaj^ft fat K l. Cl. i . . * :ej vJ.tiKS' • r^vf fa fa fc^&fair t hy /}fcu On fa j -fa Q*t I II K £tt’C fat- faum OOsu vo <*.. U ~) r'tNStvi- fy i yk \ i »/ vt j nvf ' N fauc Ortu, ‘fir fcci-tu, f>. to} Ua Or •t^brh-fc^ ~~t< r,. jouM~ (r^nAi j TrCc fi r i c t\ rc /^3 } iffeA /O ufj / pi / (f/lt/rpt ^\o-v't(z , ItC (lf)i~ K«* k Nr,/.'./ y^au mV''";, - ir £-/>,.,/ ~n c etthl MtlvKdL, jB^hjU ~t: A J a j . *>- Qh C : ' . 'in. r&a ^ /* t, «i &■ . -Puy/P &*>r+u*£ (d'/vf li-t n iU i Or el 7hc.^. r * n rt c r/ r , II fif rsf Art r 'l\-r (^.9/i/Uir , , / , *W /**£ v/ "< 7W (■-('( ><■^ 1 ^ 7 ) o )at /ftovt 3 C i t> . 'Afi'tp ll fifty*/*/ 1 j fanfC /:'• iu ■■ 7 •/ tuJAfry . .cf ( ■ fit.if : r \M t - (t. r\ 1 1 i ^ «./' ., / f,Y_ *L J_Ar* , £ 2 ^ kcio ^ toy /"&w /^Oi i i. £r Cr. it ir fr*-> 'vt. : 1 ‘ ■fi-f 4.(,J r , iku -k *J 3 r * / - G ^ iw / n\At- < f u.' . hi t m JfeirtiAi# r CX'-tfC'lM i. >,M' ^ At ,-i/w u t: W, 4 A i l • ■J Or-et ; vUU /> 7 >V , — -, ^ , / ..// V- !**M 'A *< 5 Wt &u (&/I ckjJ A-t )c*V't/-Vv m *k /W, iW)- 'W.i j ^ -'"yy 4 -« — /r»V/ t«< 1 *>■ t/ "Jpl'ytvvt r K4 i A fV M >- r)v^ e»u -/ AV-k » 1 s 4 n (f&ivs, faA fit}. j i ' / tofh fit i : ' P -U, " f , li Jt Qft\ QMr&djp; r+*-d, i^Uk: ft r- r-fLt „ IrfJ^ Ch'-tC, 7/e yh&l^ (Uj-< O'uol “h c .a\a/v^ ^ ^ fh-x l ju tv* fs. L4 h Vic? ^ d-*rtr J CMS. $ ^r- - \x .; ■ m ; 9wju\ i'*J '^uJUa, ° > - rfYnt 7>a> //a. /iPwTtv/ «/f- JH& Of.ivytay.tL , W»*t fwY *4 v i?6 / J >V»v<; ^ A-Urt r d < yj a £^fr-f~ P in /(. ip •&/ c vjd^JU *& . jA ’p «4 h -///)) Jyj rM^’ *“' ftidfr* f / ..r " • •■••. /Ice*, y 'J’fcfr , ' a - I'avlf.J cuA oteu ^ \ £ ' -■ - % i >h< ( 0 :h. 22 Ifcu nan $u 'i(y^ r?L+t', . I r j ( ( C >■ ( vk 11 1 ) rn- A' ii it i , . , ^ a.',y' ' hiUm. n (/>■» &r*yf '.'j't', ■' >v i?]^ »*'<■ f Ct jf)rjv*n 1 m»*A ft Acifitu jjoJay rp it/i'-j , (/} th^if j>fk4 *j- n~r,r t. t'jr it h f ^ v 1 * Jiutjc/a' a>\< "y’Q , (^hJi'v{um{^\j „ / • ' ; W Vv ' /I p '^ ^ / Cfrk A AjStyi^ *v\ "V Qv^ fr i, (h ^f~A {dm, , ^ ;t i\ 2 — ( i AJ 1/ <5 1 '& 4 ( Ontf- n 8^{ t aU\ (L-sCrd i ' >? $ ■ ^ hy */- t Jjlu v 4 t(. ^ A^> /'op ix i sT ‘i >r /**-/' )' 1 / &<> It ft. Pt\ "it jtd+tJf O^VW k*y Qh?>t4 QfW’l Uy j / Ct&t rtf h fl&fcvL )hl* Pdbfrf'U , i^ia i ‘-yPdJbrtric ■4 I \ ^K. rwytyc, Otfr ^ fdb :jf' O t / vrt^f iV ' i; " c[ • / #*./■* Ai ; XvyV, H a-n-.ruu} >i \rtr.a />r7U hiSt (yc\.t ^vii" t'HnA j If- 1 h ftfk tt f\ el fv> h.'j t J/J nf-yf’ CtU fyrf titjh d pAl 'fi jfcU^s , ^ *3 ^4rr r iPdU' J'-^u.r. / J A V , it J fr iOntw* /j~c^ (vtf tj >4 r)-4w iifsJ j V. \t»i >/./ of Vh «v , i\ (1 0 *»c<» 0 1 0 j (fe II T ’ Vf , . ,/ i ," i ($ '■ e-f tv "h > V/-/' AX ? 3, Ja $kh ( ; 'A! Qt k Q*sfrCi«.,oO-*t Itk A*o Tv1l*> nh)vV / f(j (jfuv.tofy'ir t'lf' 1 r r: >y TO y> ok*4 3 'miA 7r T&j f /?, ; A/ f*W>^ M-to Sh** . j)th~. >Hi ijf i~ \N 4 - o r > y fol'fc iL >4 f cfi— jyA Ku A f j r^j if °^-/0 OnjsJu^' O^-trAjJ (/Jjj L tfTtA / >c. ~ '<-tat(. , t \ (±td)JU j a* 'ft. £nr oik r-»l i Orn/fi^j rt> fln-w /a# ft/ '’ > K'ti{‘. it ^jJ nA\ ^ /(rtH U\ k(-vij ICt, vJfcr/4 Ar-c'tr £> vnpzfjx /■ !j, r,». (,/,, i‘L'ir lurfc ?(Pki r&r* ft. &lj- uir-- hb(_ it A ‘‘ 4 ft- !' ”-&*> *-'i ij—jAA. 3 C\\‘J t • i ./ * j u i • *x ^v-3 ■1 / i H «£ly fwt jr U ' <; >’ 4 ^ U o/l if /_$> (nMj M.V »- Ii / , jWlfc, nrf^ U-fct M If A'-f— ^ AOi fW3 _ KJ ^TVr-t 3 *o *- » Vw/-' hl' i.\ BtujnUt^ ( Uj -jjuJih. « ecy^-rH- <. Wo«_ i»rvc fWl'jl- tb.il f^-rhl/ by/ u ///£, 1 f £,'$()**- {Tcuejjh ua »/ *v 4» J>^ ^*«k t>r* icjfce j~Jtt J aM^M*uJT ipOvuAg lj I f_ ifc- t> t\ l '»/(/, 4 , ^ ; , J ^U 4 o «/>*/ /vA^ fty Aa 4 ~~fi)ttlu t‘i( , X. 1 / *w (\ /< f ^, i btw'hk'o ‘f tv l'C y }&*( i-y A^' ^ff* l /&0 ff-tyt * t /-Cib^ f.Jyy*- tlrducuf. XT M ' * ‘ C •# $h~t~i' to* ^tto m ■■ : -^*o J . .> /.? ,- ■■^■•ftcJl ^ ^ V ; ^ Ul*^, >•'/•£ Aa< j £* ,v /'•; It/ (jl' i / « t/ . rid , fj fctu | 1 rr W fi - CAv/O ' tf *i-u it "ikl) ■fft,-.i ntti ^ ■■h-x. ty'fc*. U £ ( %jj (>-fW * 1 -% ‘ if o/p&. I'-ti} •( A |j : rCo* .< ill / ,, L fo-torylUu. Hi ) ( 'nifvU. j O^tf r „^ (U*P.r/~Jz A ••fcC<- v /.'f,' A . , $uV Hvt-tfwir 1 ' j’hrln fU *+-tt 0k , 'J afcndt % {/!-■ , l ib j, \t-\ni'£j 0- f (Jfltn /ii\ v jj ! !. j A\ 'j^Jtj' ■' ~fc* 6^. Or- UrJA"^ / OtU-n //,, ( J Qv*fr \ — k i AA- '. iit/r )htioi'tvs iO tty , *Q/v^r \ — ft // tr . iitfr ■Jhi*)kk\ /J fO , OfC'lLt^ Qi i ■) /, tj'Cy . «£ J tru-r nv'h/.'j' i -; / r 'A. AW" f'w (TliuP vhi £4eZt* efu . (T^-* W . t r * r J \\ 1 e arJ V y. , " y'l. i-! i"r - QsUmXji / , ftl.{i/ ^ t (v/ C 1/Vvv. J ITU* lr j fhu/ni\r* <4. ftXO U ^ h 0 \>)-'*h*M /m^ " "> i u T’' h to'fitLt *f y /Ofjv/ h)ij l •' ' / } K-”^> •■>' »•'* f f , (faj !' //* f-C-// , k r-r 'Vi'} 0 *U 1 U\ J AxiJaM, *~t) fou*! *j/ bfH ' irj -K /-k../-,, Dt'-f i^ireUl i/divf pJ lir- QCna/( ‘j '> - n, St\ !& ri,.l ■ — / i /Z* 1 C). .. .. * J ,. -JLr Jq,{£ i ■ .; ( 1 1 t -t ' t > ' j ' ,f_* ■(-<*■'.-( ( ^ (/ i5*_i yy * ''‘vy/ i <■" ftnWt/ 6 7^0 /A 7r frc vQ/'/Cnvf? ■rcfcr^ "ofi UA-* /v/Vf.. t~-\ 7fccfnZ£ 1 (h firpjtf'fU a. If* ty\ rt-A L ■^/v- J (PcuvLtJ v! a\\d. ifAij^d. et t ■n>( <‘ ‘"&'i~j-( St\f~ 1th*- 4*t^ Pm( *^-e ~Tr J 'ku *4 ‘ic pH**. ljp >. A*, / / ■ - tj p', %+d '.jh>-cC On,'-/- A £ /Vtv. ■ > V * / 3 > ¥■ f a<~J ,f r/-'^%t k\(x f o / h rd dj *{ dli U-dkl\4 ' uXjft WXpdjh , > WtAAc!aAr fJ. — — — ' ;■ ftt If t &■} 9 !r t£ (a V? V : • 1 i' . / / i. /T) A !\ . i i M J J J fw' 4 1 ’’ '' i ' rr ‘ 4 i' *' ~ ” $// ■ w r ^ 6 ^-.' , c '• v - «> ■ 1 , / frt. 9 om 4- 'itu it» f t - o / 3 ’- ^ /■ >j; (7 m (V j'r - u o j I*-/ !, T:td, K fj- tl () 1 fir :i If j H t < 1 - ■ ( »/ ^ £ >0 /■ , i T>U h iCt\ #w> y -h * jsmW. ijiU ^ l\ , /] j/rtvU .-Vf : if irV'/ * _ Mi; ' J ' 'Is lUu W-ri Pn tLtv-c-( h'f >-> ' " h / ' *'< z/' tUJyiv 1 1 U , J^'fr\mM'i^eu r -ill'. / ;( *• • V»-< -(? /K'-i'iC vfi ? Hu > &. ft h'&j U f f H , -f ^ (2 )1 ( ^ (L^AsL Cbj^OlA, 77 j & evHL 4 izti'fdU ^n-L U*r)iC -04 Vy^-U , QtoA- pUA, fK or" ■tx. ^ -r\+*U ijy^Viv. .ju rfcu^t t ’ \ftjjn I' drt . 7^-Vt h^Tu<'v^.»^' /It— &Vl/ (TTW'AA &♦" frfWr.l /((£ r tt/S^ 'tUj tv l trfj\ c*^ , jb /u>eyi o/ h*~d. III. ! 'i : ■ /..'•_ 7r<2f ifc y^ir ^i^rfr^re-jJ ^~iht 1 YrrUtf, Cdb-T On&tfj’i-I ~lfcl OrWltdjJ^ t^U. &jy*A~id.irL /k j ~b OhrwA $h^e -/v~ Qfo-y\cr*Z^. , J/lu Jp ^ nr^v. Au frrrAi^ fr^fj(t *jj-e V ^ > tv.V i‘i/i i ^i, r •^tip ^ r p ^ i*\ $ '« rmJC, Q/X /kr k- (ptf/i iAa^Ki * f a£lt ' - ^ - - ' /V^ , i i<> ( k ^-4 'Z- ? nrvr Ohu.rZT^ Q- r rn~ud tyt-'ij^ ~7hy> fr-c, (Pci J4.^ / vv .. h itd’K. h/«/n~h*\£ jj u-l.\. \j jrjl l nv-tj pk Ac? id.^ j il 1 (Ar k fir-r y^KiLc (\dj 1 [ ^ V ‘ / '/ h : fn^lt M i & [ f~P rr -‘^> ^ 'V'Jtk-m ; '7, j Q— “O il.// "W Av-! •/>. r i TfW /6vi ^ ClUM ;)< (A-'A/tty, dr»-(r-ir+*jl V (f ^ 'W. q\<*f A ~o iU* mN " '. . / « &i ii A it >j : ’ C-Jtj ^W^Vv- i/htH’ r/ t t$4tj. ctu avu/ tv-y AvW 7ft, 0 ftift y '/ H ( u*/" hu\ c/ c< ■ , . ' t . ?vCt •■*(/< (< AvW ^/■' >w >!.■' r'.(,- Of'Q’ , Sw-v^ “few ' ( l/'U !' *ZCu irC t J ftrt -v/<» t ( '1 ^ eiy iUt.Sf r {/ /c/ H' iw ctirffrr, C'j~fcL fSttuK, l (He dhu>/1Lt.il /i^ / oC(/H )^4r\ /A\. (J-l't’V' d #si 'He it'f aHTX P/rh, f df*4. iz t -VU ! I ; , V , (X Jf U> /■ d fftfcj. ’ f’ ~k ‘Vr\ tS\ 'n ’L^ ~f r i A7r vl p rib-- d «W ft I'rU'iUcf * i/v<. <•/ ft* J „ »|/ 'C /w _ r)r v-h 4 /to «*•-» > 'cl'to'i If C ^ - / ~ j* Av ftwvv; ov Tf)ij fr\.(r, „( Cl<< r. <-( ‘ t\. , wtfLtg kyr ;•/•: '• ft- ft Qhb/fCsTb ■ L cmJA . ! ~UA{i<4 ftvw 7y*>A /W'/"7w Ifoull r*-j OiL ,,,. ^ bjj , J' : fr-'tij (X .., • -v r; a bhj'kbk r*-e r<'~t Au>{yil (2o itM l~UA/a*i>. ^ m- ') Vr4 ~~Lf ^nt-i Tl.pmV v '*A : - re-C^VL /< j \ OmJSL ill rw <$hu h'ti'L .v. o ^ /'- / -C A ■’; <■ f ' i tflJ'jJ 1 , (jlw*rtdi-K /*. ft. Jf'V-tf l.-'U .'•"**•( Av-t/lt. 4 S/**’ • ^ f Ui^'Lii u-i ■/•Vv, 'fat £?uy /ttctv . -/w / /v tyff/n «‘v, hxwi' >■ % km*4n &* 4* /^' Av Or- fr.': ■*> ic-t . .V( •' : Ti4'fri/‘t ,' .7 ,,/, : '(( 1 ' ' , mu~K j% xljvr faz~ i* - krb\ tfcut OTV . Av^v( fay- 4 tO 0 1( ii-t/Lf /V. ¥r k^JUt ^i/wi r w*jh U t~i t- (n\ • ■*&< p%aJm^j J •/ io,Jcivx ft- Irr 1L t (fr^- fw •row. Kfr>+* y fail rvfi r/jp4' /y» , $it '‘L.bi^h J \)n\r t'U. fi .\\u* iu( A) fj\i r ! ■ r : \ f , fb H't-t.yl /-ATt A*u-( It 0 hrffl» t At/ f 'S 'iv'u, /Wutv. S^VKfmic trpy iPitPrtu*^, 7»Cv 'rwVt'.f i< c^) GyjJs-> Cuvh^~t/ H *■/> Gwt w A 'ti rfU. Hh d&hfa * •• Of 3&i Kb (hu. I a-, r/-i / f I A-dA<.« A - I [ -iU\ i lit Hrf( « 1 t#Ci i c ha 'i f Joufc 4', (% />u c* ; Ci. >( i ». ! / f to, ^ I A ' •< v 4 w< {j~% A % V' /> A ■w fj tunfj^rt » : ( 7T Ucf 0*&<>£ ^ <£-fcC . h'-t A/ j fTvu-’rtM */ A-t-w* C/ - -v v . v , iuAiJcu ~ t jJr J&Lf tciu' i tr < ,/ ,Hve A 1 A \ «' '' t otv-J, ^J-rvA j 4 f i'X-f t f > i '■!-< jfK CK- hcij f ' ^A V(P*^V CM« / /*■■ fir Pa**ib*A.i Apf ^(Uyf, J^-L irriL i^f a’,' >-J f tM( ■' • " rvnfiv A/ fi*AWi f fctw* /r CH^ V] j t\<£ 4 -t{( if n 4 UAffton*/ /Kt C 1 Cu *14 J ! x a ' ' ' ! jf ''' "j >rryJ 'i M, t' wilt*, ii- •Jl tikif iLA. hrti, tA tCk qJbauu* J_ ■' '- I ‘L (Ijr-t ' /r ft rc// f A (U/ctyi frt/ r PeA/fe- T< J cU"\\ OniJt- (f*u Ll 11 / 1"' Qt/J r, 11 f\Sfc * trull (U*^f> .> <»►! t/bk C^Aoyu orfW/ A dnU h^tUt'pyntA, vr4 , , , Q.J b WKcyi A* CWAJCKH rWU^. t-v/ / f/ , 9 V , 4< | / Ac fH.yv tif-tf V’, i l ife Mu . \ y f . t*. £■ i| ^ } l *r^Af&** 4*M' c ' ’''■: t ( : ’ nl , (PftftJh-t C *-* 1 • . ! , . QaltiJ j/V'. ^vji C. £T C^Vrvo , 'k-Lu4 fn o [‘O&U 0 (A'. 'VI , U ■ / I : - V «■ no , >-t &f\ *££4 \u/ kl DU ->' V^, iUt. h)\7t*, t.' a / - fU L'k 4l'~( y Y\ l !\a CLrX{ > r As. P "7 '/£, f* i f f.-U-S; 4 ti /S/s~ r ^AV-va h f\t6t/\cluJ n- ufu'ihZi '\ichu~Ftf / 0 r^nt cj ft, )i ^ -trL fvw'r "~£t/Kv>\. , ^ C j om f-r tfoi'H j brd (tt ( V (O'A a„ Vr-tL Jiijt A 4 ' '&uhr rf / hj~f)-t ojjitu tit. A s / hr* 4 ' / hh r>!/'U oikt^ ITU fcJj» t'i t i ; '■ I t Cu t) 1 1 On {. ~if*f fW *A& Ay U cwrvtW k-t rMa^ii *•<<£/ ~tr Vu. ~hj tiftprH TJtwsv if J J' AnjJ a/K HH >q j-tnj, J fftfl 6 - faA 2 , IJ~ ko^o j&i, r^r* rtrxlLti Or\\. jyOrrlU V \ ' , - . W C^J At'/* fr ,- [ fty 'ftifj («rfl t jXr^' ft) tit/ "ft kez**tL ^ QmC(i*j (r 'it hi A OhJ ' 1 wvt«< ef/iri. 4. (jrtk{ kfrri rjy/noi Jr- UM _ t~t4 ~ke. 'ycn*i‘i\ l -j nr?( /y. t c^fi b-- J (sTvJA ktiAjij -tt $"M r /(» f WiZ*j Q-n£ty -, fcfcjj "rf*a iftitf . >j " 7 u a*. _ a_ (AIAzl JiiTutl !\ <•/ 1 /i't' 1 »» tU>m} rze -,1 '■> A p{ I ~ ~ fr) / / h'c(«*g . ,y j fU-,( a ' A \ t '+ 1 A Ch '* < <5*4*^ /. i / /) Dch -4 JFpwyfr <&rrtij A |W «(/u&, h flw i/ct’i,! tu (luoli^ pj A-*. W/I r ,;t. Xi. /Vtl’ l'-rcli(td f 4 ,wj w f, i 0 \\ h Ifii 4* /k irt'f'h /* }] < r, / (d- ' ' *» !• • ^ fa i^k \ I rmlCi, ' > ; 4 t A < r *^t y ^ve fTj^’ J If ** 9 " (ifif-lit/ fifty*; CwJ .Z' > /*— . > ~fc. ■' ■«. r, -fc j/.w flix '< r dfa'cfi % W '(vi .pfrm/'c V'C (Vt/ t~i/ >H/. U.e-1 /)< (/u 7 /^ ffa-(\- !b\tik yi' ftfirctvt ~ jn*'(n, T 4 ~fft ? *tafc f Awe* /VT h*. iu •>* 6 ytC*-, //■<> , 4j />/ y & ). fT/f- &4.+. I’T M i i 7 ^ 0 £. "f " V/ A< ( <*-W fj-fru! ( H ( c* < &)&}?, ikttj 1 " hr $)UtTJ, t *..( )r^ut< >f i'» /, •Aw.’; '■rtij 7 ^ A*rt kca du'ujj 't* fijfa&frzfr* wjh f/VH f-f / F ., du/\h. Pf !( *.<>■{, d 'rv i /Jw4 k ■ fY />! «> < 1 v h w '7 /r »-» s,y Q ,; /yj ■ <■ tf':> ) fKrw ^ ft irc.n^- Vo/rw/ y n ' f f- ■ ■ .(. OnM. ■ w-j tj>ucUi f ‘fn/cfou iA^U- J'l 0 t-t-f'l i ' ! ■ C f' ■■ •> j . V 1 1 ' / • ! • ' - / - (PacAt.{«‘ jm;> tv.Jry ~W ^"«r> yk 6aJ,). i rA ft 7&W -dj-fkl /»( "X ftiij 4- / ■ - 1 f x ^ ' r t {// 1 cffi,.-., X) > 'U n*cH *u 'Ml 1 , Htfii X JN? QtutU iik l >v> 7 'v-f fV •I ! 1 M< J i- • :■ / ^W>-» r-ntK f/ y-jL jMh t) < f 1 - f i IktrK lit- J tfj-U tfr, &ff*h Tt rajij t a-r3.it -■*? , k\-l P-^~ Uo rk Cl\^j-Jl ^Jjk/ (04, , /f^ kltcfiy* ft i/ffej ItsrJ Oft f-t c\\j c'<) : I k'h •/ %Lt Oft r/} Cm,// m n*m ‘j vfXl ■ A lTyMrt*Jf Cu Y i l^J ■ t 4^j*< 4.J ^6 aH’ t^. , fytUjb *v ~k. nuiftwhv ' » ij if A 1-njCb , ,-f "-'!••( Vv /}-' f 'l -r :/ 1 J~ 4 •/ -K*' • /■ f ■’ I. ( f : ^jf{ ,i / I /tvtyi j ^ $ iyrUi^-t’ 0 r-{ tJ T(n> i 3 1 J ,f ~/{L. VvJ/ ' /’flwjC. ^ [ / ;'l , J flu6f « (l<-7vtv >’tf ft.). £ ti ,.i [ { Cu / &/-vi r Ar ^ ■ 1 ^ >->.. ^ (./■ ^ &*{*/ dtc/'k/ yfi*< , !•" ''* A /. ^ A/ t&Al ? < w i /-tWi^ hllfCfi’f 5 ) (\yJ &{/)-( j A. fijh/‘ • A, On Ait 1 oi-w.ib'f i /•; 'r* ‘I > << /#*/ / tffcjptAt, Au S_«/ //Tv. f t-f S*^'J ’ S^J k-t ct*) >j /'U (ja &(**» fy*f 'hiy j '■)' ■’■'>■!'’> "■-* {uM'/iijfj , lUhfal 7 *^ k y ' ^U • • (•f / ' LJ •' ', : r ( c/ f>YV*. ■fr~k tur*uj) M \- , II 1 f . I ? Wif&u J wM*Xi N £w/ /vi <5 « imtil/ I M : » >• £*-* v /ry- r>. Pn^/(/ Mf, y (la *v .>>: v t , *"• . •-« •. * •.. Vtfc/ (. frdltttA) n- t "i( 7 ( .< • n ■ : „/ - IMtfA fct cpt-fi- t\*A , Jf'Jt c f; l (ft\ Ul t'j'k*. ha*lh l 'fit tint //h u /J f /"‘ / i . i , i ;' . / * (S 5Mv r,. f / r 0a*) I /V\ JiV XS , r>ii//- S (I) t fa f far-.nM oUI'Tt, j c*t J av~ ( <(£■<. v > ■(< < , • , fltfv/r A,:- ■ ?»-**, jit df-W. 0* -rt £ Aw n, Qtt i rfa ,/ .i'-Ai,^u a,<~t y (-tilths * /WS i j s h c4r o, • . • - -CuiPt, TiCk. f ni 4-f 1 %4t*9 fy . >( 0\U< jm, '> i - .' • .' ! ' ij J 0\ [ d‘- ru. 4 ; » /W V - /, h\rij(j fiw/ (rrcMJt )w uw v f}J~sul^ iVr»MAv- fV^ Qfr'r~vPtu], Jf>\ ctU Iff 0)/' f(h 3 o it ' tv?/ ,)r»^ Ah <•• ~tof f/ty, TaJMUA tm ft l^Ajg - " A t f" IN-^'-K (W ih 'if*"i r &- ^TJiOry tin., i, i- i'"’: ■ / i r / '''•- ! Isdju' • yt^hyf ny/fa' j l> > ; ' r i ’-' - ■ ^ A sfotyie^f C^-neG / ^-c dc*') dpc-i el' f G i ■/r^riv. ckw (Vm#^ oqcuG our^f * i (*v> , Jjtf lu^ju •“'jl dyjj'i-cU/f' fGJfGG^ , /Ta^~_ ahv.jf fh-^ ctdf, &uM&ri U -j A >»y ? v, #*,/' ^ *aG 0-''Cn (->-/ /J A f\fiQ^d^ — Gj\nc£*-l&1 ni , At Qr%,l li /(f > f~ fcu Tk ckU ifa tr,^t leeuu i* (; r, r/i , * ,/~tdr,e/-et <) — ^ Cm-iek OY)dU\ Au*.dU"~t/ Au~ &-f( > rh &} f j>v o/lf^ bn CVuihvi t S~t cft^XyL^ ltddfy, iT>>. >^v d 4 ti,u ±.{ 1 f^cto !A ^v. yf Afrs,_£ A£h ^4 Udiufc, iT&J /K mL A A-r< C ■• A'>-.' ‘ : ;y/ / 7 - /<- ?ra.JL( lr/Y.y./ ri' A / 7 '>*«. r*u / Otn/P Cj, /K (V^rorvi tyrtt^fe X. rw-f, Xtttk. ll> -c*\». ' fit < t) «//>;, cii- y ' oX^k. M y»3 ..' C it \ (yrf - $ t/j) ' / 0^ -l JJ~Us |7i f~ 1( Afc*T 4 'i' ^ '/ l frvrr-c 'jjr/l * j4v-, J'*Lr*K<,,j L a*- ■ iC f?y-i\ j™-(^ »vL>i( duoy^iv \ta- L , ]r Oc*r4»*. Ly^. r 7/4, ( 5 x 7 (ftc‘.Y/ H %+/\r e,. ■ 1 , y - * 4 ^> a. Ay Jv)i /4 x> ■ >-ir ,J arO^av* ? '.'.th «/--** Ir^t Ort /e* t/ i'/ 7)X ? I'f'ivA/ $ i 0 P. ^ , tr-fr&ty J c.' Ct^ / (■ "fuvt Tovvik^ tw f* / ' $• fft iyT "£< i \ h tX /*/ / l /jf{ ^ r „*Sr{--tJt , Od ^k-XV ^t'.' f . -■ ,r - £ j l I *» ^u^iv-7 ^ ty'tof CL (\edt^ P*?f< c 'r~rl f 1 (Pa$t (dAtr. h -ed ^ j dry y MdluJ ctU rt,\r*y\ y' rc.y n\rt*i j/ \~fr-t. t? Au U af %$_%; _/n. Yru . ^- f *v dffL» *t 5 a^' . A i£ui\\~tJ 'i / * ; 'T’"^- ji^Crtu If,./ f,] ij i /// 0 ' u/du i i -/a n)J f . ' i’v.rJ <»~4. P "■ 't jj OUw lv\£/l^ 4 ^ ^ Owtl >'■ pen. dp 4 ftrTyhi |>ry? >i > A“> d I ^ ^ ivnC-c d> *w ct-tiAtx j *tii ->• A\(U t\i Ac /-. '/>/, j/r 0 l 6 vrV ai- 5 , ^ d (U uH P(\ j> l /MV* &v/ ir*1i ew- 1 J n '/ nrvu t- a/ j o-i y >J/y^ ^n\< • A-uj ( Ay-f rw. •/ 'Vf'-£V , y ^ uMv .. ' ih — ' '--A ( s *£ i \l \ .i -tv »w^ ■"+14 a- 4 , '«.. )l it / I. /• £ »\'f, 1 I £/>. r tndtd n i . / A Q*M^r*n*A t ~ OtvN ry\ ' > '/ w )V^ rdi->f OYVt/« Avk i-tw (j y- " ,; ' '■' A-t Ai ; /A v i' von\. Owfc Piji (hiufy-, v Pad oti i- 1 i \ ■4 / rV, (i Y-hiind ' f ' om-a 1 ,'^e PtAL iv, /•t>y’ ■’ • tfw(> / - £t ' 1 ’ * v ^ * t ■ 1 • : ry, L \ y \ 'i+iv .fl wr/lL asL'fa, &Wv"ftva^, JH) <** ■•'•.■ ;vrA ^ S ; ,/ -v • > 4-i/ M ' :/ ' (icf!-r~»l n Wt/Ip "TV.. .^c.^. n ’>'1 rV ,J, f 4 ■ ' { , uCh\ ft < r ‘ b '/// >• - ( > ’ . , a. i( *i ‘‘•l "* f ‘ J. 1VV >■■>-? * : -U 'r-£ h>4*fc ft 1 wc/*-** ; '/•. - ^ f y tu. /ftftfc (\\( rt ivs /: *v> tLt-rffcj !( ‘ t' f Cw( >Wt c — U '"' " — - - j fa if ^ Iwl ® ^ f*f 11 1 *g fr/V :/ ■ 44 r. f, • c j ■ ( :•> <- -f />*, f » r f * ^V'-O ~I$MJ aJfc' r ^crr*V, 4l)’C/'y4 A** /Ou . /A ';... \ ft l jr> f " , A ? ' ^ 'o i,uO, t . •: - Hfvy 0 alfc-yt I'N / A- I, i' dvA ( W /v p'*~< Cti' d h ^dU? 1AM K~ \Jy(M ICS , Mfr-H A. {^*■1 I. / ■ / . / / ,.^Z ^ -A t/L ' ■ , ,:ti f I , ffif'.ll > hits cue— juii fr'Hl ttj-ucbii , Ot\iAj(V~. ( ho Mcitj <■! j~ir J~ ^fdtvjr Cl-r-S K» "^k CA^Z»i->y sj < t . (lit -i; r-f • -’ ! fy/b q */) Aw yZ ~ir «ty y, /ft /-V ', - f W Aiu /, / , ,' ; , /v4 . W «v+*i < ■ A 4 ' / r>Vr, / *^ 4 <’ fee ’’■' : A<-< JU(.klk^ rc~ L. i J ry^ Liu * I 7 ry #w r Z )\ f , i, ij * / ( *J t ‘fPiCdfaC~fr ihff icfaftr- li? / ’(Jit A ' J i ’ b • f Jf C'j* *d/ itz (Jcixitn- w, 0L A ryyv\ ^ (4. -pt^X-C , t. ,}' Ctyjf \‘ ; ht- f!v f ( EmU L ' ' ' - ■■ ■;; ' { /•/«/' 0 /';, , /;/•/ ’/Huf 'M -t ti '$^$twvJ v-effn '<•• ri- ' •. -v 4' > rv\ . j 1 ) f.v, ui ,r, • / ,'V , ',*» j ■'AtftjJ frt*j •' * ^ ■ . ' ' ■ / ^1/ fPtt m-a &Y (4 5 "7 / Uijj .jf i h ho/ r* h OffA fcjrftXt-t/ If !r* nffafi •(■.;/ ft.f (7 /W-V >*yU, 4 ?/ ' j . r. •' ' / . /< ^ fit. 7 f;; , /•/' • (lh4>\ , /yv /V >.; r iM - "/It ‘ fM‘*3 t ■ '- 1 It \r*({ t fc %Sj Jf i/^4'My6^4i.,// 4Cra ‘TJvuiL % j fex f-P ■ ^ (/(W* a-u. ^ t f at A ■-'C'Clif (Hq* d% , ( G^v. h V/ fi' r : / \MUa. t'f* &i r ^ ~ (tfc. t 'hu, frd. r£> jW <'<<‘' '■, Z^..?,,, j*W 5 / - a/' frUt 4 j gjUi L~l, t OlSTtH tittjU . , i'f )~. fcV / ff l ■ . / 'li~, i*. «>•, , f *4 irw 4 C v*rp\ / Sh\^dctA 7 'Sy \ J 7 -/. ^ »■ i vo u-)\\, ( K. 6 A- ; r i ,,. , ia( J f(N //"W P 'An.(tj &vi/ /)/>\ CA f l Y~C C* . wh* ir ^ 'i . .&*ct Gfa^Lo ,-*>) )j ciAwf/r > i-u «va>/ j a , fte 1 c *^- , ivit /r^’ni 1 i (Mid f\ Qci(ld\ j^k/'-a >«rty rkos? ft p ‘ Vr c7 I? A ^ / 0^0 <*,' 1 ^-/(D fV/'/Tn (. ^tl 7 Ua ff crtAr/j '^j'a^j , ( ^WfddU^, / \0 od( H {yjt ir t ^fri\'i liMfi 'd^ / d ft ft' A''f ifi i/'A ft ft' !'•' rt i\ - £tf ; p ,v ~ Ac P(U-if\C, fypi. littL L&- ($*t4. ftr rtV 0 , j^df^ '/> [MU'*) rtv a j/ ti 4/4 1 ,','lw / ' A« , 0. U j \ c £ v ^u£ f j , . , J Ct'ft / a- ■ /-t' m/A/i-c,/ /no ^v-/U ^>M*vV ‘j ( 4/1^4 # ToCf XUj ,(ld)'*~r\ ,J 4 b JrtyCft*. TfiAx'i <9C«y/p. !/ _X4/j Aw_ Cbltf- /'X;* ^i x~£ v ^ ivcpru«U <^Jl /''">- ft Cui f^U Ar-x £> :t-0uv(J ?ft-C ?x/ >- M/f /' „ „ , Ok/«Y 44'mcf4 O-i tu. '~j~Uc*JLh d-ftu h /t u4't~ iti*. n (m P~n f -' r ' ' ' fr’g ^ - *' r ^. / A fc4 / X ^ l0 K- 6a t n-f i &£ £yV H r /if} !7r*w A ,> -» t Ildus* >, X- Aw /aAa rw i* lvJA,y tfg'Tr /•■’._ foiijsfr ( ii+j faJL. . y /) -f 'h'tiftlu . ^ 4 ?-> t, '2+uUfc Ja~Ulh Cw ' L oorri A. ck. - /(( j\ ~j . .. ‘—tx y c^-< A rr./Av. '/K Mt//" rAf-i ,■ A <-.< j/ i i^k. J* 3 & t/A ) h ' &' r^vCIf-tA. \ r f\-t ft (tv. On^ (~i iC(~Z c( > yi 'x'X-t^-f^ ClT ^/ll h^ArC /Ttv^" OrU4 ftfGt f , c< , /?h^ fi \S} ’ ;c/ v ^'t> * A ~f{ ' rwA/ -© K t{ ^ _ /' '» - -V 1"* , r-w rryfjZu *1 T,i f-i- \ r-mrti^ h, ""$■£«» /fc. 7 ^/ 23 - QfovfUll Ofcffr *j ![j,f i^4- $- P ' • '{ A jaf, \ ^7^” Cft'&wXlr L-llt , /)fc\ IwX flo/i'i-i-C 1m* ir ~h~c ['■{rUt j i- Hl^n-f, dj' Pf I fCfa-f Orx^L-j} f i h t[ajytU'i r /ilf / >r.fl/.', y /*v iy /cr * uAL. Ac / t /Trvy^ tfxtj lifTJY* \ lUr^t ,~%H> a flTU/ /&rn/fi )/ ^ 'W- fj^VVv it », , - * 7 Or/C ^P&wfyiCfryy ')/hi ft> (ru far (rfd ^t*fa**4 I'it.'J'V'-'tii'c >ib’H- /n'fc 4 /^* 4 - i^n>y ( }>u 7 ^ ( h,in afU -_ t* j 7& (n* Li '•!■'' < ' y(jT 6r»/^l jr '})< Ov-*l (J Q h'^f < C*\) t rmyr r '''iC/ Pfan^U C^/ ^ rm< /-«*o >(/ A/v "-4 /.-t/. jfowfcuit cm j U\i(\-^ rrx-i fa hJ- i-fai Pt cO-iTi-i >(t -jit ^v-tJ frn^ Ayf'r3 l (W m /vv^. 4^ fa^tr/y / 'L. j^t.cJ OrtML Pf lluJ y ( t ■■ <*-fc t A. - , V '(k\. isaJIuI /tk &m 4L fir-ct &y*~Uo h\fa~rrLu-u •( If //-in , O'MSw f OlhA t(d f n^a.t7L « , <( OmL ufw.i *>v > -f. ha ■> r*' (irrt-fj ThftUryG*,, Jhn (idtiZtl J OrrVlL uAJ pr-e-s (St/ ; I .Lr a cJ. y (ZlfWri ^j3 i y«v ** A-c ~ty!&A rr+eAyj 7 v« /*~£-r* J «tv* ^ h h\ctu t ,dj j%- (UtiAAfi 'lr P fc&*Vrvt , i/L h r/ ,•{,.( ' * f'kJ. (KwJji ftriXti/ta f owX $ I, d &fit ^ /y\$fci f o ) ft '2- Ivv d t (/ k If/ Cfr lx- I ^ f- f /" Ct't’ r v \, ( St fac V^X h. ffirisj')- / a. (Y&'Iia/i f.*U^ (\ X**^TW>ri *wv^ Vrt/fj£ X*X-t fcwo ri‘ ^3 v^TTnu. ■fc, Otts( iu )v f^t I, /ti'K ( f (<*/r /'4j (I l ^-Oimv 'Vjffc 'ycdf^J \ frp4x* A «// "/t. Ta&Ut *6l*-3 f>t'■■(. ^4- - ■■++* / l, (SrfYf'ii f\* hfi "if ^ijuwdU :<■■ /tfr-r j 4^ h*f, jf*M (*■ \huuj, %rtUCtA ^/HK -ct'~ji^, 1 ntt't'is-Ci <~- X y i'i faXuXi Cf&*fcwi, % 4 ,k i^'lt (rm i'r^j'f'^ f)-1^ ! tAbl ' ■Av-J *“*/ Mt^Cf >: v 'j y Tfe C^rpM tm 1 1¥' #YUj , ^aUw( *W ftteil dM ( l c £>w\ 4 < t . ' •■. I ll'./ 1' TFiiX oa 7 ^Jr ij- ' (Pfuja-Uil rtr\f/f h lx. Ml ; u fax*: c *4 fu : i\. i - A a jtj uc nd k , 0 a i h d U y OaxM , l % j ';.r 1 ft / ^ r »b\’ ' fvdiSr, ), '!■ /II 1 .. &A fxK &-( I j ^ j*M , ■4 f ‘ (Jc*£iM J us. 3 ~xJry(t, G ~&-rf * 1 ' ^ /t' ». «^z tt 1 /» ■ * i nt yj 1 ^ r J '-' h, jrnf ^'liT/, .«'// Ttu , nr ~t/c 7 ju> f c*x j vt nin f^ J TT%* J ^ /, w I twl /Nt 4^ &f)r-«s f>l t'\' dXm t"\ /vri>' Y LOk. /'*/•? v. „ A^-u r j iWvo r,v 1 Oi : ::j r».uly • 4 ^ fiw*^ w? ' ^ hfti h _ fl, ^ ft //-, ^.acJk~ ifAcUtU^ (\’jA CtQ jf) iltlti a Uu~ff m »; ••■ •/ fnuh^ fii, /aa 7/ ih U oAifa +£ I C 6*-/ ■' 114 r£ •' fl - $Cm j ~kc %p$ C. • j / , J ty**, £ I. , ' 1 . \-r- &lj .1 : *- ^ ? ' /*> rtviyf &£*>/ a- W 4*w ,*• *• j 4 b»A (t » wi>\‘ tu P i*/u u/ ylt^ ',' Vim-— Vn ‘ J V '•'•• " v'/ - .' ( Ckflwl Atv^a ,;V> «i/J /n/fxr' I ■ ■ *tj k ~fij i reA~» ~fy^f ^ ^ **■+*&. ££■ A *_ j ^ MnV Ovrr/> u «< QtMmj ~h.y *>T> .■»•'••»<■» ___![ i , •/_, &**< 7 k l irffi. n u JU- 'u h ''■<■ '~ M 'J 7 : 'h' i Y , ' e ' L%A P [ \ '-n tv >w T n ^ *7 / j r A *>t i ... /V j ^ /w^ / \ ^ %A/vv-tJr. c^i J/ " jb*-~ c^i 144 * 0 / ^~rrti^ C'-drtti J ^■•-"ir dj~f «■((. , bxjt’flLt fhHST Ox\ in J>) 0 * i . n Jj ru f,j *fh c ' ■ » l( J ’c^, «trv- 9.AjQ(y 7m-.. ' . ' > n j/ ( /•• A Ay yW^-' ^ r . ,'■< ■;'■< Ow< y{Lj 1 Js. , Y t (1 /// 'i-c/ 4 U /r “>^1 fautnytA-Jsj rMA >v/Y a/ f/ 3 o A lv, Oft .A 6 ^ kv- fV-f «_4 At oCfi/ «■/ t*'A,-( 0; ; Aft i / < r / t / 01 f fy t y 6 tt,. (•/ <-, <-Vs y^Al \ :)Ll/ '•■//// li„ , j(i /', f i, J a / ofa i t"t / -to "ic * A < • •jy '■ i: d/j> b( fctM. k*ti' j •■?('■'••'■ j />% *5 @/)niK &{%-. j ?Y cw^ c+vj 'i~ 'A? irV| * i ' d t ti*. •< '■?*>. (k 7 . t irr^rtt wi* &&* ■. f; !\ mrffa 4u*C~ir uxoomI, ? (/ ( I- < ‘uJ f Ol CW ', Lfc * — v- j ■ y - / ^4r j~^^ n /j)' (hAA. ~~fct, /iMf *-r < 7^<, ffrm*t***^~ t ' Art K-f'i'TT") 'inf AU.. ttiXffJ /& k)fa’ &-H "btu J jte .' , AC j*wt* Oc^jJ ' ~r A 1 1 tv^Z-j C £4 ( V) J C>>y >/ ', -".y A / /U fy fy ', //,'. »>/ Oiur Im-Ulf ifa' ^ if S I \U< ! I if/ )>utn, , 'i'Jt 1 ‘ 1 **•£{, C^j'wv'v*. f'V'-, •> rtA ■/*.(ii’^ .( *<£*' ^ . ‘fa J\rt^ v|-T / «£u^ j JJt Jc^\ .-jw t»v- n 8, a. ///(/ if jrf jUi Ik v»t ifft Ovtl but^khd (m 4 - fftw/ tw 1 tvy/i U k ifc'ytU yqr*ptf iyf j< { > r , j 4 ft >•* Kn */<, ■}h\-u^~ i/»v. ) M/iri' Mr-fr A//4 v>(/ (/' e*? J-' hierr/if «vv/ Jbl**iic, fit 1 #*•<->/ - ' ' ' A'l hv- //-/ /fet c/r-(^ Xjfj^ } £(fpi 4 / (L'tc 1 $ 4 *-'/ - fid-ipr )H&( 4-HP^, P **u 4 *u (U >~d m.v 2 >Y £>w M. o&j$ 4 ?! !( j P.'h \ : fr . / 5 m ^.,^ r wtfv k. J bJkcffo CbmcLj ’xtff , ‘ l dj foJ) • ifU &f ?/ fj UK . > <■ yk £y**, mn^ * t ifl $T*$-tK\ PcUJjai jb I ■>■{■>., ,4t/ t*j 4 ’jtifO'fa' >rfb, oh i-HxrfiA A. mAV Ah rtr . W- itMtg. JwJU b rtfL 4 ^•vto c/ iW ' 'k- it o o' a/ty c <■. «-'* , flu “> K\tU) &\ A q ; 11 Wt C«'.t ^ ^•vw ■' »,lj: ' /tntfc. ■')&** 'j k /■■’< b/ Ixi J{*-~ o\d Vt -, , //'*■ LM (>V A^-jCkifOwJ *j ~t *t. ~t k W'/j t ■> f . ^ $ bfurt ~kj* > 7 TV i c*«. , A ^>r Ov«^v ‘Vfi!-. '^O&MrC k{ > -^ > ^ ^oyUi^LtOt 1 jZ#K ' If OvlShtid t ^Tji» /t»/, i^t'U n >r >> U&Z' b'Lt. t ItR y> ^ Ay f\ M i . a - / /} t hid' »j) Im I , n- ^ IW«> a !i ftv .( /I\‘hff^ Mvt )m,V, »iiMt i\ ihr ■ . j *f i'^dr^d. {ft'i&y. (rftf'h. fjlJ 'M IMA. " 5 \. £Vn 4 CnUL<^ at /<-/ i/y' ^/vrt lt\rf/4 rj ihr- (j 4x l Vrt Cv^k. 0{ l wh ^ j "rfvc •JU I'hA'j Cw.i( iy-c i T»«(! jftip^nirr , wdr it* r. tin Ha /Vhx '1 rfi >!' At >r (‘V, ,^. W^. ''Of. tjbfY fi it//)' ff~tv-t. a- : jftA. ai t :]J\ (Tr-f Cv l& Ot . a./ ; o/, y- a.-/ ^iyn #r ^ 7 r*x; J / rrt > J fcyit oUi/\i^ric ^ dtp, 1 y/K V'/'i lid, V: 'f'ArdtL*'! , Jk "#/ r ni lu j 4 K A 3 btxXi flrtv tikle. l(nn*fti jy/ ^ (J jj/r h /C)i fivVv ^//Vvr J fr «v\. -v j f(not( ^cuSh : n Ut\~ tVYKLtl A , f\<) n^nu Li fie Cm / it ■(( f i 4(Oj fj / /w <^w. , OpC^-v 4 A-nxI /^.t^ (i-t-yr^L j) nw JLlc- : i ' (%ndj CrAU t rt^ c^L ^Y^jyi *>d vtii’io 0 \, dajzj f* iif 4 >P. #/?. y/n ^ tfr'i'f i Ol-^J , jfj dm h (\MtOn YvC?t», , Ar uj Avrt 3-ttv, Ifc*. % . . ct'Y'-^A Hu O- f ry-rf iLwit^ jXl rrirfCfc- tLayJ- JH HhiM*** t^tx bt(Ot !r PiD/ffc^X, pA Cufh-t Or ‘I cvb\i/ hti t/j >'*-j /''A?'/ :1 W.|'K Or5<>£/ ArU j^A -H .-3 d~T~rbCt , Jf fie CmAfarX Lf -f»r'/ iW( ’ir’ tL. / *7^ /Jf 1 '/ > n (•■ Xt + OvU{~ f T-** fL, ~}r bv !U Ii'-tl n. d't' »> r UJi. lit j '•<• ))tX-( a Wr4 jr) 'orTtAjj 'K<, j'f'f m h ,i r t ^4t J\ IjtA !• >iu h OVTM Drtby iv fit-) nuti^ C*'l Ux l~( OfhJ fh , fyl frr /v JlVi «< j A PA A it I su fhid tfa f* -y > « j (*>Qt / M $ otfHa+d, 7K / Jr'!' [tlcffacwedi 4 #n. / A iM<. fty\f< j At /cim^ /W" A/Uvs ZtJlU At T'w ^tudZj, ryrnA'Li > ' ■' -■ < t *y\, ; ivV 'rrt^ "/l a^< j'iA,--t ■( k "A (Ufrlr Ciwt/ l ^ i Oh , JU^ j > j% & &£, 1 (?oW{Aw, Ai ah/fixh nuA fvf "J l Jfo* "Ir^H C^uW'U a /) / r-w , ix j *4 . ■ f A ' ] i *~4 ~^*w ~fa* p? JU tQh'tr t /• ► , i'/. &c ij-T frnft- my 4 im/t i*-i< / 4 Cftuwht. f)lTV\ «wvf jyyjjJ^ ilb-Tt »A (fry kir^l kyrf : ! r»K, -n*M CVrt (Lfrt^l ; V Ay<^ / ' ; * (j \f ^4vu t »Y-v vy i~iif A > le ■ » / J-rfll cx (fpipA m bVtu/y ycoJAf u*-tf TFe^ unl l*+tv( rfK , iWvjfo Pcov/i ’'Ir-^vjr ^ [/) rW iHrutv/ 4~fai Hj pij(tt( h hu/h jL&t-nd li.t CCtf ft) £f .*'71 iiH.h4 , 7i?^ ( i: i{,'(rf * c*vv /we V 4< ■. A In j ft-*' 1 cLowHt fflu.-<-c r, ' At "Trv, <• .' .. (£ V «A| :.“fc" fn^t/frr^ t rh~fa y hit v*ww y^Vr Olt^ %&• LtW c*. I Mj lx t~lu> ’./i ^ />/ A ) Ovt /(in^ &tn . 0 y\ fontf- fu~i .xhf\l-l'}- t A'Tk&x P *'K*» , .. kn&luf fill&ty dlii'l Ow A (P'A Ml*. , ^)W Ovrv 4 , UtUfo h en 4 i^rH. ■ A 'h *1 '»» ¥ f (a * }h faJUjtH JcJuji/p»/L dll cLu h»jr 4 t c r .’‘-nci / fW\W yG , i\i A / fl twit A At* tit* £~ Ity, 'hrattA^ a^l vH, l ldb)iM'fi*- , ( JW >tut)f\/t/l 4. dct&l/lfi iXJr /v4c (’»;*/> h-o, ^ Ltarfdjl, TitJoJctt OhOA^k f J M iii Ouj, m? r. i«tL ft Chr^hc C*^e! YH^e j h-r C a -j-»r (.£ W»0 tjC f^rCw ^ f > rr , Qryt^ W) ft M*t\ M A— tob/fj otcu, ■''■■ r r,,y n , rn-j /? ’ U h^-CL^-t A ll4VfY> A k-Atij ; ) 7t * 4 ,; , , / . . - t/ . . ^fCCSr#'! ( m-j / / 1 Lg M 7 *c W i- //<: i i yj Lij j %*&(<*■ jfa\ cA > A ojj+ttte jh'^t+Ce, tom/J fV^V '■ f '--w > rvrrv7t y 7 A £r^ •££ ''’W} ^ • . li ', , /(ftp j Ztktfur/ Anrr r tf c^>( ti fat. A ' 0 hu. t W-fOu f v y '«.£.< r fVrrv/L y £j rtC U '^o ./, , i / ?( . . /n c /i »“-»< ' At i if Ofr\d/( Art tf Arx c-m .ht i .4 \{i~ %■ I («il4 /(L 4 ), flu: C' (>■»-<. /f i/iW f / I'Sr W| / $k ^ tfnt't-’iu /'ii >/T.fw ry/'ftt * < r*L u., AijfibJkm th'. 'rC^SXs M /.,■ Cb\*L ■ "■■. v\ »'/ 4a ’ nr^f a // ; »<<»-/ «•;// / r rn\nj - " I I 1 fc , jdt-'*. jtu/i ft wV y>l Ck lutu-U ^ ~fac t, JdtM-t fit, Ji'eiH ~tr afavA Ji A’ cW" 7 C C ^ »Ak-i ( j p >»f TrwriAfw * A ! /v. -r 'If ~gd ’*-< A/ 1 fu-t-ft/ iMds v m 1 a t 1 [ ■hi ' Jl CjgZWjl , Jr UU<)_ d(L% (Pru/jj cou-ol jli dktK at(f QPPh , ny. wiAtcutl, jf (Kk focltr •■•«/' jPt&wlfipfii k'HfrttCi? tor (L C^VMl /?/<>/ ' “^-s/ cttd clrtAQ fU'Xfai cl yrrvlC L JP~k^ P&tt llt-K-ff'l frdpyjJwlr f e ?^~rf • Qjtii Iom 4- bo-d Pi t'bnn VTtMrfM. Pit fo*L j ti*> chntf- Ciwi / - ;■ n V > J4j &r$j-*pA>i ''Ctt-e ' ! : ' ft t f» f <- ~ice 'V-ia-*?/e M&f M Ql'fy/ tjfruHi r&wfj. n\ hJ'pcwU^ , , oft** dr . ’t • ■ I ’ : ~lu drfu /( ( Qfr^C-t PTfw I Pij% £ 4 / ~7Ktt v f ’V'X ( rr A// '■’>v •■ it/,/ ettw'tA Mi Q((b^t ^cC^tPj. ((■(( )<«■ &<■/ t'r fired*. >u. iuitj && * ' V ■ '/ . ■ ■••',/ A '. v., <■ 1 - • /•»* . Ov- 7 1 / 14 ,, - . V //? Oudit* ,fiji ,ijl h ' 1 fid ’it (It-tf, hfahiyts T^./Kv ; tr-t KAO '; ft r t >vv J^TT' * 0 . „ < Lfiitt/th, $fftr-d(h<{ CfACtM-U), (• -. . AjL /< fffo S'VfM^v !t~c dACuf-U? >j- ''. d&ftiT-nf O^^cLl oAIjJj Nt r jvxtotvf oUl >j fu^ jr ‘‘Pf (i ^tytj '^/U( 4 iMw a* e^H^?Tw, '(' £' i.t I ltd : 1 a > ffrrvt £ I /' / a* 4 a ^ %/j^f feejjh* djj- Q^k/Ui^ £irtr-t /J.jvf t *1 '1 ittz nv 0, O', hv^tfi^cl (Amo, ^ n-crn-t jj ^>v '7 0 /Wife /; jrnhff. ’''/ Ai-'/vy / C*rf( A V /..'fr -*vu , i/f ()tW^ /h-e ' r / ^ // />/ r/kithl „ r ,- — - — ■ -« .m.^- f in »v a/ J>rtv,. ; Av/ »> /i ftv» AVOAX r\ , JL r? fw w ^ rv V / r ^ “ ^~~7[ hr j f (w.d, ~h* t rtrtcf clr~mx i*, orrwf a I'rfC, _dl t'ii Ki{ Av «J‘TC({/' ( <^4 ftrtfj d fc-tAi J\ /wa> A»rr\. y A..// A :*A/j - ’ ^ / hr 'Cr^i ^ ItKjf* rdf -H ^ 1 "H F) «A / Uvk, ^ ";;Cw d f 'C J on e/ A\n^% r ~t? n^t/Lt t/ pih>tt-( /> Kii^~k Cit*f ,Tt\^JjK tn^r4-i^fi c , Hj i)L, \}/n-\it'-- t J {jr-UTv^kchol irh/k^c^ a\ 7 r 0& Jnfctfc*. fad fjfcdd d h kP drtU , (j-i iridd'it H V 4 ' ft, - (wUs/p Jt ■ */" <»rU{ bnutCf 01 %fe' iii li/ f "A 6 ,/ ;m M t 44 A- %M?n $<*■*. Af/ Ag /?//«■-; )\ ,/' ,lZKf fr Po>\ f\\, K^. d Qrtit It a ex i f jr- k& i, Qj,bil'j>l n t 'he y /j j (n u( fod // !\) 19 Mt Qmt i &hi § *dgM On sk> cn^df /},,,{> L f-tto, frv-U (-i Oyht-f'ffar-f hM ktyf A /t I , Vj^ - ' 1 / k'J'ff t ( . i yL/t w 'lututtt "k dhrt^ frk. (idf, sA\ / P, i^/ IAwA y6»vv v &t~Ui'-Pu ~fr 'dfi-i'-j ■/- 0 j^"' t'^j jkid tj‘ h 0\M~r . r Cfn eruri t / & 'h/. Gr&htfjt, fyutvf. // C ^-Zfif 'll affix. fft 11 i . 'T $ /f? $7a>^A, mwr> vH, fin ^ „ , . ] '/ af ciUil}}, ft vWi •fis um\ Uah( jr\ (K-wMx $})/**£ \ ffixtA 'Iuvum i it/rW o It- U~~ft / rt-* i ^v'oXm. *w/ h-fc .Ov.li vL t^J^-jfiann, d'YitraJ 0 \ ~fi~vn /•/" //. ih o( tft Hr) !m\ « i Cc Ai v/)/Ati< &t, uW/V &jj ‘tjM Z/fn/f Qm rutile tj flt-H &TK-I/ ft r l Ur (li \ fi^Ac/ 'l(r -)nx fiuilt/ip ! M*9 i, / >v/ A(./ (tuff if. (filpi yfi (luo-uj lft-f dfWK Qrtl Jetic/ ij f ‘XutfjJ lc TraJx. & f\t J. t, 'firuflr ffftj (}:(k(J' f/f 'inyt/tfi tmv, ft-t fM*~ firtfe. I il. r \ , (fild- Am /It d u^y f/utU t'u in Aw/H I (JffHnL fftfti/u j, ~ ( ~in bffj tfi&VMX d rpp Mt w'fiinh )'.'(fn>j r if a "kluffo * tux Ww «? fijrfx WJ\lA Hr At Onm/i {jjfu\j ftrdfx r Ltc -tv. > , H «vj iii'- v i • ■ Ar^jrvU-**. j~h Tfo> « (j ’ i otrxt 'i Ur-dt-M I'fmfa'h $Oa/( L- uJ c(i- C\. :? tflJh, {>) ftyu sfihe !»u*t du' -C'iu'ix dll tr^-tfiavIL fen /•> 7h* }rw4, (Lt.dl / l > -n .. : 1 ■' ) hl^ ( \tU 7)/‘, PfClf, aAiu nn. j !r^ m .u^ vfm § ~fc Q-e*. MU ) •■'., Ofvutol LtdCf f>n th-n, «' ^ 1 *o ct^ Or^(tu/>y- nji\- c _fl ft QvU If he >/ ! i (>-■' cu 4 c «•'* iv \ ■■ 'd u-»i . *4, /t '>Ar+r-A, jU.Ud((y |4i «*» A 9r dufr- (./ ’ : ✓ +s Ofcifa luwvfcU I'' w/utbs nt;> n, ,vH- "wV tX oiU n t)fK# f y Qr^tfi w nf! *c jn ^ , Ga ru* ci (f/ Q$n t\ ~k A w rUitf -nl j />*/ ~m or t (\CiJf ] r w//h V^T /ajtow. Xiilt A-C «U>1 Jfl/Htf. ^f-V-V 1 ', . /; jr^ fTt*i irn , : ,-. • L A ■ V dtt/h dL rt-Ao 4 r K. At/ ^ . , k. '> f-uu ih .i^ ft | _ Ac /{lysf n*/i j fr$c\, r |L ’ ft} ■ ",a ^tsr&yj-MA ■ rr^Ltil •■ U (j t &r-4 - A, GctX, \fi i #-» h i ,i • \ )< ■ ■({.. < rn~t^ s n} j iu (j* ^oltctk^ j A. lA'T tt-Y) fti'C-L , or-A*. rh^.d- fj a-nt i X-u^r( C'nr '. ; i Juintir '■ / " ‘ , %, & ‘rtj, fttrfr ew i f A-/,, r-u.’ /' hru'ru^cCT 4A. J **r ( 'Tf \ \ U *V 4; ^7? / ' -‘'•^ *' W . /?%, (-ulfe/tkto V# ,/l . . „ . / / &C£Ia. ^[ >t(h Q Ccn'-c An <5 m-Y j ':!/',/ */*(! ft '"V --.rr - /I fafrir&i j)>w V-tA (A ’ iCcL Sfrry/C, $h. h (i Ma,^t htio/tj aa [' 'i a, ( , J^dr fLt Cnijf', -‘‘.t f j~K hn-'/. ' l) c(>, iA lw^r /)< (afl 0 \-d i-e, hvzuJa»tf ~tr aiL L?: ^ rv/yi i)\'Cty~c far'd ~Lt A ( ffy sIatoT^/ aw i c h&thfh t/- 'j p &n r~z( f n i- hi , T^t chtitf (Yu.-, /,:'', . Pyvr - '' H Tr- '/{ fi Oturpi ’ •■'■' > t< Mri %.p*/ K U 0 >i 4 - 4 nrr-tU( &T*U f*,&, A ; / ■: tfa U' - tv*n (iaJju tl n-r.J to /) */ r~?Oifo- l /nr a cLPr-t J j fpjr foirtc 4 Jw/'* frty Ut;^ur.< r j)/\ f'i~e (/J 't* u-. /" '; V 4 'thl'U.t tMiu if 4 /-C4 kiM 'h r* (fa\ 11 , Jr 'h. tfyi( hi u, j faduauJ if 9)^ 'hi//' ttUu*), j /*)(£> w 4 (fats, ?/ CjdVn fa_ /'/"r* lfyt-< fk-ta^rwu. ft, jjfo ‘ ( ft foj >" si ! V*y a I / V /1 • / 4 r>m< 4 / tbu/ tt/cu-A \ f ! aJ . It / t / In cr.i-n! ri'hvi iJ.u*:U tf.t/ <*h*v (M/ Ik / Clyy g (riAAMl / l 'Jft QacJL >5 " tfcUj tJrj- / o i ' ret n_ St OnJUbJ iL flrf OTtfJtCi/ [/^rf /fc|Vi. v ■l' 7 Jr./' fa Vf) l( f/l i t (fa A}»q u m finl -fvUt / &f a- j 'Q a*u a^,( fat &< jM 4 x P- 0 ?l. lit 6 hjL *4 kvnsfirf! tiWy '/ 0 / 4 * ~tuio tQrtft id t /, x&f, fl Juttn, f 0 svi t (hrn^t_ <1 Of/nTcjt (H~o\_e ‘t-T1'*er ■r -1 , , M~CuJ 3 t.*J W //,U CAvi^'S Crrj, - (A (> t t/l, (tL/uur? J (Ob' CUr-u/ ^ CJ t'l'k, ftr-f ' t- <•< * * 'j(Jb \ltfJulA . , "is' I’Yrt dr ~tw.J ~Uy4 r 4 w/ ftwl OwJlT tedtC - A Ati ttofifti ») - ^4 J * — i fU tfe I vGJ&i Qwr UUrt- - \Zjj WLMTti! A ^ 1^ rLmU. A A IhIv I' t/ ■vr>5 lieu/ d&jr Cs.-J rn^itUlr Urw, U'h«rt h at /nP.Qh. 1 v i Qch iCrwi^v OhoAsoj /y- OtiK I (S'* t-J oCt ( yh, i'y fb> rt-£ /nU ~fj- 6 -RfffVv (H\ kf ?i Luttv ^■IfaJrtU , jl/X/H ~r>/ X/k l4w, OvtjC) 0^,r'(L^ s Ctw£ fa.djfJvAjtdf ^r<~fr />< t^tJ- Lc. \rz^> CUl tr dt( . **-*<■ Lj (.jvaJ ~tf- l:t*j , JJe. Lff& fctu. j4l/y/ G. (%-^tynf kJ *,j~f r %(k trz+r-c K $ Tt L(aJ Civ4i{ KiA f) (yf.iG^u iu d f-C'K*"' 'j /7t_ I >/j f\ pfC~ IruLs./ t^\-- 7 : . id i^ / fij -f£''-l - t K dt &T&ni it /<" ty- j x r- r ,f ',,/r fide fh\& QL-t'dtjtt kpr* OW-i't ' at i • ~tj~ei tui )i\A. rWTS>o (UWHifi tf'it ’l nl'ivi-l 7 -v *-7 /*< ,flA^ / '<-/ *A tAuJlfi */ lv. 'f l^|,, iztfizf oJ /( PM t I%t ffolft Otut, £r~+. InjjTiict, ffa 1 ' .A ' ,L< L mi Adi it > ^ $rTf{fii hJr > c , tu f i f r C'ft*v Ivfi M hi : > Iu rv. _ //, llft'Wt' rtA-1-f - fk~.lt iTv\ n AJi (ttair,,, ‘ 1 ! ft, ./’ Ci-' A-"#- / fcc- Au C■• ' v - Olti-fJ a ! /L , i * ”/r /'Hi ^ 7^ L TV) f\An-t*f ’J itlt P< . . V. CT r 'JMblUjl dcifi '^j ■ f&Qt *tr fi / ikdcrJ (R-Mi C-O t bJ ^ A Ufa, (j I 8 <»*f A^***^" ' (At iu '/vrr^t-rnA y 7 J? ; 'Hrrt. ftWMtl If ftdlfUtij $iM-tA dti y CX 'lpv> 'jl , CANADIAN PACIFIC / fan %QAcL httlt Joi/fcs . jtt J as, sh&ifa W J /.. f . i*. . 1^ hc~C&L 4 ^ j ,, w . _ . v ... ' ■ lr_ nh'.>uv'f i foui tm^ kt (Lih i 'v * ■■■-* + , {[( f“K ( Yf*( C'-tn-f yj> n-S~~fiKb / rx v f%*^, hft*. iiMwh'- 1 ' I, IMMitt, -» ; ; ■ ,■ ^ ■■ ' r ft '"' ■ rtl ‘ S/4,,/0 pt- n & U VSpS^l d* !> I . I > *»v\. *) Cn.ud- nZ( l 'Y\n/! ! i h*4V Tr tdL ^nrurw ^■«'. <& j>VtU( i «(V| om. C.-U \r^A-f Wt. L) "i ,/' f‘ jw 1 1/ d ;&h j *ft *V , V\f £h iXs | looj^f. 1 i {hn 1 w >• fw (' i /i - ; ^ 4 : j "Ct/" t jin fjM& tmj i'wi.s m fc^yitfctopi * »i+ fH&jw/v ,Cir^ M «- 'UwdvD -Wm 'W/ jj ^ S'iwjjj * r d> t vv fc ^ ' {// < 5 ;0 /. 1»> £ j fo>Kt t-usn^. 0M /[l fa cldh A-' K 'KoM^ ,j , J , '■;■% '• ^ - ■/ • L Jr - ■ I „frn.-fo ^ ^ Ir tJ~ '• ft V ft* /-Vu ^ A (3rOt^?fe^*fw err^fc-'r+zt/c*/ *ji~fj~*b*1 r >n f-*i, if* CdutrlA 'ff Vfr^t in. ~/>rrnuL^ £ • j hm Cru-i-K, T'fcVIAo * a tyd cU{ fhi ’ «•;/ OH#- <$/($, (Sj fcfe MutkOft n sLimo r^f ( <^^y^cvft,fc "$*A ^K^/C*7 /tu 3 &-T*k» Obj&MA. /mx t fi< 0^ e Xr fi i C rn ■) < ■i*\ « '/j 7w< i , /v/ / •) a-tv A yit>s Vc/d. y , K V, fj ~%t O', >y/^Ay^ Vi [/tj t i d t^/i. tvd ii 'rn-ty 1~( Srt r\.rt . dfkcft-* *hk i b/jlMi lhn~h i j j * l font n r! ,.f j 6-(J,nn^> / 1 1 i e r rt, *i mi rT iaJ^W m»U j~fu. ft tii/y fitii-A **-d , t/j i !j/j ■ ' it Gw^ '"'r<- 'I / ( *4w *1K i' (Un.*t i.-s ^1/frj r, Utk 'i^H.Sox ; tl/jj^ /yVj -Irii-i ftritu. u-U~tU irifyffo a> / itu i ( ‘ // /J h ««•? // **•*/ /pi "i %Crt*ji r h\* d'l-ryy.. (h\(ft/f /) I m tPlAt'Cv H*. ? /'W Pj| Min v cv Ir^cL- Qiy/nt&iSti a../ J a.- Vy A r/th jr^A r^iu- Cn>/ u At /Hf-V' ^ j |i; Cfc^ t(v. i*w tAu**, *' t mM**Z ,1.1 llll'fi i.p* 4 /{ r-,,ll,„l fk, /9Al».'f/ A? #M. k \ * l j £>VK ? re-^ i 4 ij U 4 / ^ <| C*- /->#/' rt?£L j m re^( A fw* (Lavw ®M. cMtd / pV rwo ^ Ttfrr^i, , % ' •4 j q Mwi h*- * hr hA>qL ~ kj ~ ■■ / “ ■■ ,4 La. &UA -j j-*‘ >f »~A ';'[' (j \J~a-ti ma f\ nAi , fjt &\jf> A*» w V>lf-^t 3 a: 2 ->A it. m K^ VVA i r- ^ jxtUC fev »y hr. jti dtu h &Ij Aa* flfyv d tie <$ aujuart'gj hUf>'c*-ffj h 'fca. *>■/ c/aj*? , If (< >’ •-' ^ -*y " 0 . ' ' ht^C I'nll/Orf 1/ /» K\ t >»^*iru >kn-i , (Mif-t $(- ^i,.A p*e X A ,y l 1 ftt-t ' 'i'?(«s /^T - ^ C^tcdLilet 0\. but/ \J it] I* . 7i "i-t &riltt i^titdoh 1 '..•- ^rc A YvK &i/Y*~C 0~! A /, ■ fl /JA/* A ^V» / d Ho~j\T *- Pi * r ) 1 u 'fo £W< or\ed/*Q fr-Cf ~J% ~j j ' . ' r •' j y cvV ®jj CV^ ‘ j—U >nl f , ^ ^l^vs / / " 4.~~"l , L ' 0 a '^i J 1 ^ "*0 * • f*U O' /»/ Lt'urtJi/ «Af J / fl V-$ / / A^w . (if M. ('Kv/ '■ ‘ ‘ rt /'X^n- j/fY^ nw^ / dfe - -#,/■* : p .,,' , -- 1 , ,r ■ J-tiii C”i >4, ^ Bi/o-i ■hit-c*L-4 . v*~h 7h r/-t s A.y lUi~ , . nnj- X, Sj 1 rfy' &r-h- > ' /;ji 4 v CA *^ v- * 1 -/ N- ^ tU. ^ ‘~[ r' : - i t 1 ' ^ “ix. ^ ^ W-Wt j ~t ~t 6 .: J w/ &7(. hk ^ r tJTHM-l C[\ypi~ J )'iK.S cuf > . L h* O. J fi' ' J ^ M 1 ^3/' f*uyf( j?uv 1 l, Vt'-'I-H ■ • /, r It js». f I i|v ^t*ivj .-U' f 7 ct//* / , •'*! tt • / ' 4 7 f if ”&• l (5oW«.»/' !iV C/S^fU v, #V , ; '• I ', • 1 I, I r ... i 'V-f ( ^ (”!' I OtU «« r ■■ 1 (t i . / ' L, ' c* j >“**v ^ 4 j~m' .( .'xv *« s ' i ^ ( (l-l rf' ro-«4i h iw” (YScw X&Jtyfa 7 }a_ orfra*- cCtf (^H., f-V\uJ *v Ai f/j'hnj, €#v - it-V. ) a U(x*-f/ 'L*. 1 * , r* i’b- HyT" Vj- ,y " #>Vw y, ) x fll f (KrJU oUt 1 ** - toof''! 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A j^Cthy CUl t >k-4 ; 'ii (j- ' > r* j '*4 StdVM , • -0 0 /U /I r., (V I ;•/.■ '.V ' -/V . fafa^ ^ fa* o^ t tw, Oh Ch\ i ^T? 7 t ti i d (A> ^un- f' ? 4 ; n UtsU > "A>rh _€ ttffrj- W //- [,/ (V /■ ^ IX ■n iL Of .di' rf(i J, J\ M fa mI I- Otcfa^f »v ^ '^O-i-AW J, Gn+d>j fad ^ 4ii ->r» /WVn M 4 *1 f(H"h t • j fu Vlvil */U / sv ft ft* M>(/ I *// /;. . 5^ r “ ^3 / fat CIajl iry <. ifal J'Qr rnYuje-t, aiu( rj .'Ot'irt' a} A"& «j i\l \ : ■ • > (t ■ . ' " . 'l . / A/ j it C ■ /?/?, (j i nnv\ Cr 0 rA h (f ? ' /?■ /ty?f ***( ( b-Oil I'lt 'l f /ftic/, ^ 7Vl d-fnre 'Mit- » h/ip 7\{ tfr/hncrtih °rr (i/n-e n~i^ '/,-c ia-~ to tf>n • VA -AmA > y , n ■ v 7 f; i > 4 - , / r C' ^ ( 1 (thtj, >1 i ' ' «i ' ■*" *< “f £*» ^ 4 ff ^ / U ( tti in I , >nw *- f ; rx. 1 , { A , 4 - ^ >f f| CiU'-r&f h f( )9 / n / frvrr i-H >V «r ti Hr / 1 , ' *?A (k^-n r i y , Diiji it trtnt^j i t^efy vt/ miiMcj pH 'if tk arsenic., asbestos, coal, feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum, lepklollte (lilliia mica), magnesite, mica, mineral pigments (ochres), peat, natural gas, petroleum, phosphate, pyrites, quartz, salt, talc, cement, clay lime, sand, gravel, slate, stone, etc. 5. Of tho three prairie Provinces, Manitoba is the most abundantly endowed with water power resources. More than 5,000,000 h.p. is available in the water powers of the Winnipeg and Nelson rivers. Plants of 250,000 h.p. capacity are now In operation. tf. Western Canada is a new and wealthy mar- ket, offering the manufacturer unrivalled oppor- tunities for present profits and substantial future growth. THE WESTERN MARKET 2, ©67, &S2 Acres People Area Population Manitoba 161,172,208 acres 639,056 Saskatchewan 161,088,000 “ 821,042 Alberto 163,382,400 “ 607,584 7. Alberta has 81 million acres of land suitable for agriculture, of which only 11 million acres are cultivated. It has a population of 607,000; could sustain a population of 3,750,000. Saskatchewan has 73 million acres suitable for cultivation, of which 20 millions are being cul- tivated. It has a population of about 821,000: could support one of 2,320,000. Manitoba has 25 million acres suitable for cul- tivation, of which only S million acres are being cultivated. Its population is a little over 639,000; could sustain 1,960,000. (Continued on Page 4.) WINNIPEG AT A GLANCE Capital of the Province of Manitoba. Altitude — 760 ft. above seaboard. Area — 15,961 acres; 24.9 sq. miles. Population — 295,000. Streets — 500 miles. Street Railway — 112 miles. Parks — 674 acres; 31 Parks. Rivers — 2; Water area 422 acres. Schools — 66 . . Colleges — 5. Retail Stores — 2,600. Water Rate — $1.75 to $3.15 per quarter. Electric Eight Rate — 3c per k.w.h. Electric PoAver Rate — %c per k.w.h. up. Telephone Rate — Business, $78; Residence, $38 per year. Industrial Output — Over $100,000,000 annually. Wholesale Turnover — $250,000,000 annually. Bank Clearings exceed $2,500,000,000 annually. Postal Receipts exceed $2,800,000 annually. Customs Receipts exceed $12,000,000 annually. Issued by Industrial Development Board of Manitoba Confederation Life Building Winnipeg Write for General Industrial Report of Winnipeg and List of Industrial Opportunities. What’s Behind Winnipeg * • 1. Manitoba stands out pre-eminently among the Provinces of Canada as a field for exploitation. Rich in undeveloped fisheries, in mineral areas, especially in agricultural wealth, it extends, not only to the aspiring and intelligent settlor tho means of useful independence, but to the capital- ist unlimited opportunity for economic gain. 2. Manitoba’s area Is 251,832 square miles. This Is more than double the area of tho British Tales and is greater than the area of Germany, of Spain or of France. It exceeds the combined areas of the states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. The water area of the province covers 15,500 square miles and includes one of the largest inland fisheries in the world. 3. Although Manitoba is world-famed as «. prairie agricultural Province, over 75% of its area is wooded. There are over 137,000 square miles of forest land in the Province. There is estimated to be 8,400,000,000 cubic feet of pulp and fuel wood in these areas, including over 28,000,- 000 cords of poplar, 20,000,000 cords of Jackplno and 18,000,000 of spruce. 4. Manitoba Is fast assuming the role of a min- ing Province. Her resources include antimony, cobalt, copper, gold, iron, lead, molybdenum, nickel, platinum and palladlan, silver, tin, tungsten, slim. (Continued on Page 8.) THE MAIN ELEMENTS GOVERNING INDUSTRIAL LOCATION Showing How They Are Met By WINNIPEG RESOURCES AND FACILITIES THE FOUR MAIN ELEMENTS Power Supply 1. 5,000,000 h.p. available in Mani- toba. Over 260,000 h.p. in operation. Lowest power rates in America. Can- ada's greatest coal supply next door to the Province. Power in abundance. Labor Supply 2. A Cosmopolitan City that has attracted artisans of every trade from the world over. Labor supply centre for the West. Ample, con- tented labor. Natural Resources 3. Immense resources in timber, fish, fur, game, gold, copper, cobalt, iron, lead, zinc, tungsten, cement, clays, silica sand, etc., etc. Served by lakes, rivers and railways. 75% of Manitoba’s area Is wooded and min- eralized. Unlimited resources. Transportation Facilities 4. Greatest transportation centre in Canada; 27 lines in all directions. Two rivers linking network of lakes and rivers in 250,000 square miles of territory. Inter-urban street railway and bus service. Good transportation facilities. OTHER ESSENTIAL FACTORS Present Industrial Development 5. 490 factories; $100,000,000 output; $17,000,000 payroll, 59 prosperous and growing groups of industries, making more than 400 commodities. A growing manufacturing centre. Local Attitude Towaid Industries 6. Constant support of home products and keen desire to foster local manufacturing. Backed by “Made-in-Manitoba” campaign, conducted the year round in both city and country, A receptive market. Accessable Markets 7. Local market of 300,000. Provincial, 639.056. Western, 2,067,682. Wealthy, fast-grow- ing and loyal to Western indus- tries. Covered by network of railways radiating from Winni- peg. World’s Fastest Growing Market. Sites for Industries 8. Scores of Ideal sites or space for Industrial purposes, at a reasonable cost. 120 miles of sidings in the business field. Connection with two Transcon- tinental railways. River sites. Good locations at low cost. Community Spirit 9. A hustling Western city, developed from trading post of 215 in 50 years. Famed for Community consciousness and progressiveness. A city where men are looking FORWARD . Winnipeg never marks time. Laws and Taxation 10. Sound and reasonable leg- islation for industry. Low taxa- tion and generally favorable at- titude toward legitimate busi- ness. Wholehearted co-opera- tion with manufacturers. Cost of Living 11. Living costs as low as any Canadian city. Centre of agricultural, dairy and cattle country. Immense retail stores. Low rates for light, water, tele- phone, etc. Saving in operating and living costs. Health and Climate 12. One of world’s healthiest cities. Lower death rate from tuberculosis than anywhere in America. Low infantile mortal- ity. Model hospitals and insti- tutions for children. Canada’s sunniest city. Public Improvements 13. Central steam heating in business area. Abundant pure, soft water. Efficient street rail- way service. Wide streets. Ex- cellent schools and colleges. Centre of Western education, art and music. Comfort and cul- ture. Social and Living Conditions 14. 674 acres of parks. 20 golf courses. Magnificent thea- tres. 70 minute service to lake resorts. Leading sport centre. Fine homes, clubs and churches. No slums. A clean, spacious, well-equipped home city. tu h ^ / 1 ,-ji) r«JyLt tJ iv\My^ 'hr /Twi fh a-font' ft\JH -'Ju%£& , o d n-v~ /ClM , (/c’V /Ml /• W ^*brn ts-^, 4,\(( / )«■'/' . ' ',{ rt'nr n n(t ffei t (, ^44 7 H' au S>r\pYsj I'c^t ! TM 1 cf / Kh ' ' / L d I \. A^L{ "2-iTV / } " 0 ^ rji/ iiiA/ nMjn* nir-f lit u. 4*hzltty* j IMvra* &( t(> } , tfSTvs}- drjofrm, 4 - fyX\/ d , di-v*' 't; ~hf (m> ; ,j o_ n IwX- , rtU " a, ; n :.-/— ■' ' '4^^ il *l> y *. (o ^7 >/r»Ao /aj>j f*rt 0-u rk ptl.fe, ^ p**" •* 4v kilA j <&&& Jx (rfyJr (fit) p h-J, }j ^ / -ti^rutuf, Cdl i» l til-fj/twf / l* '■ M'lf.JA Sjtu illiil ^ (i' , , iii,(i -/tt h' Ui( Io iCa), dd J cUtft It I'ft^j "fe l /ct,tU :j\il 'Ittlf /n/l^ j/l-Lt^, 'lu- (t-yif’l /tVi '< 4(43^ i J' ,■ , M-W . t l4 flro^) MX, A of f C\*J (u(L'(C /// r£j f QriJU+K hr*. O A- Leivr-tK-. f&wd.j iUij >< *T.t i ' V/ ■ pJhlOfo tJij .'*// «, J-.yi i tioitth hy.. a-j 1 ' j, i/in (>N U\ 9 a* *vv . ^ m l. d^u-txu ag;A,\ "y 1 itA-^ Crkt\i ujrA . K^i /T>- /■ tw 7 V 4 *^ /.Mr 9 r« iJ^no-rlc t'j'^/ 4 ' li-- u> //W/" ilutl-t 0 f /y hd% -. cl j fa /v' V, Cw^/y CHa. ( Ah 'liu dwiv/t mlikit fafa &ti'j -3 \e *- i^y^M IW£ fV- r'- AH ' 4 An 4 , j u •-? w\ . J (fait it HijJld a ' /f 1 * ^ (fayirfasi fa-it rjctv? /r wt&fu Jk. , /)►/ 4-t ^ r ■ , h Au /% iv/ ■■ yf- C*-* /k (: . f, Q. 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