UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OscAR L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE BIOLOGY OF PACIFIC TUNAS By Bell M. Shimada FISHERY BULLETIN 58 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 30 cents CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Annotated bibliography 3 Abbreviations used 25 Index by subjects 28 7^^-c':o AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE BIOLOGY OF PACIFIC TUNAS By Bell M. Shimada, Fishery Research Biologist Studies were begun in 1948 by the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to gather fundamental data on the life histories, ecologj', and behavior of the various species of Pacific tunas. Early in the planning of the research program conducted from the Hawaiian Islands, it was recognized that re- view ajid systematic compilation of the literature on these subjects were essential to the effective guidance of the projected research. The principal reference work available was the bibliography of the tunas prepared some '20 years ago by Genevieve Corwin (see Corwin 1930, in the Bibliogi-aphy, p. 5). To meet the needs of the workers in the Investigations, and to assist tuna researchers in general, the preparation of this bibliography was undertaken. The bibliography deals chiefly with the black skipjacks or little tunnies {Euthynnua aUefteratufi, E. Uneatus, and E. yaito) , the oceanic or common skipjack {Katsuwonus pelamis), the albacore {Thvnmbs genno), the bluefin or black tunas {ThimnuK viaccoyi^ T. oiicntalis, and T. tJiyn- nus), the big-eyed tunas (Parathunnus meiachi and P. ,siii), the yellowfin tuna {Neothunnus jnacroptei'us), and the frigate mackerels of the genus Auxis. Synonymous and related species reported from the Pacific Ocean are included. Waters contiguous to the Indo-Australian Archi- pelago have been considei-ed as a part of the Pa- cific Ocean proper, inasmuch as many of the important studies of tuna sjjecies occurring in the Pacific Ocean were based on data gathered in that region. In the review of the literature, some preliminary work was done at Stanford University, Palo Alto, and at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California. The libraries of the Beniice Pauahi Bishop Museum, the University of Hawaii, and the Territoi-ial Board of Agriculture and For- estry in Honolulu, and private collections of staff members of the Investigations were particularly productive of material. The Japanese references were gathered by a reconnaissance team in Japan from November 1948 to July 1949 investigating the results of Japanese tuna research. Search of private and public libraries in and about Tokyo supplied much material that has not hitherto been generally available outside Japan. Some refer- ences found in Corwin's bibliography could not be examined at first hand: these are included here, as given hy Corwin, with a notation to show their source. The general style used by Corwin has been fol- lowed in cataloging and annotating the material. The arrangement of the references is by authors listed alphabetically. Entry is made only under the senior author's name if there is more than one author; the abbreviation "et al." is used with the senior author's name to show collaboration of more than three authors. Each authors works are listed chronologically by year of publication, and those published in the same year are given in alphabetical sequence. Generally, pagination is given only for the parts of the publication falling within the scope of the bibliography. Appropriate notations in the bibliography dis- tinguish those papers published only in Japanese, those published in Japan but written in English, and those jjublished in Japanese with an English abstract. Translations were made of Japanese titles when English equivalents were not given. Brief annotations of the publications are in- cluded except for those that could not be consulted and for those whose titles give a clear indication of the contents. The .scientific nomenclature used by each author is followed in the annotations; appropriate cross references to synonymous names regarded as having priority appear in the Index. Where both vernacular and scientific names of the tuna were given, the scientific nomenclature is retained. The preparation of the Index presented consid- erable difficulty owing to the confused state of the FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AKD WILDLIFE SERVICE taxonomy of the various species of tuna. As the relationsliips of the tuna species of the Pacific, and for that matter the world in general, have not been clearly defined, specific names of questionable validity have been arbitrarily indexed as separate entries. For example, Neothunnus itosibi is re- garded by some workers as a form distinct from Neothunnus 7nacropterus, while others consider the two to be synonymous. References to Neo- thunnus ifosihi and Neothunnus jnacropte/iis, therefore, have been treated separately. Syno- nyms which are generally accepted as applying to one given species, such as Euthynnus pelamis for Katsuioonus pelamis, have been indexed under the name which is believed to have priority, with appropriate cross reference under the synonymous name. The same procedure was used in indexing names which differ slightly in spelling. Again, it should be pointed out that the indexing of these scientific names is to a large degree arbitrary, and is not an attempt to clarify the systematics of the tunas. A list of abbreviations of the various publica- tions cited and of the English translations of titles of Japanese periodicals as used in the bibliography is included. Acknowledgment is made of the valuable assist- ance and advice given the author by various indi- viduals and organizations. Especially is credit due the Fisheries Division, Natural Resources Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Com- mander for the Allied Powers, under W. C. Her- rington, Drs. K. Kuronuma and Y. Hiyama, and other Japanese scientists, and Dr. J. G. F. Harden- burg of Batavia, Java, for their generous cooper- ation. The author is also indebted to the library staffs of Stanford University, the California Academy of Sciences, University of Hawaii, and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, and to Ver- non Brock of the Division of Fish and Game, Board of Agriculture and Forestry, Territory of Hawaii, and staff members of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, who contributed mate- rially to the preparation of this bibliography. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Explanation of symbols [C] = references listed by Corwin (see Corwin 1930, p. 5) that could not be verified. [J] —published in Japanese only. [JE] = published in Japan but written in English. [ Je] = written in Japanese with English abstract. [P] = accession to the library of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations. [For an explanation of the abbreviation see Itst, p. 25] Abe, Tokihaku. 1939. A list of the fishes of the Palao Islands. Palao Trop. Biol. Sta. Studies, No. 4, p. .jGT. [JE] [P] Ocrmo macroplcrus, Kafstiiconus pelamys, Thuimus thynnics: recorded; distribution. AlKAWA, HiROAKI. 193.3. Fisliery conditions on the Pacific Coast for skip- jack, tuna, and sauries. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc., vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 3.J4-369. [J] [P] Alhacore, big-eyed tuna, black tuna, skipjack, yel- lowfin tuna : fishing conditions correlated with sur- face water temperature. 1937. Notes on the shoal of bonito along the Pacific Coast of Japan. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 13-21. [Je] [P] Age analysis and size composition of skipjack catches; stock and population relationships; use of condition factor in separating migratory and nonmigratory fish. AiKAWA, Hlkoaki, and Masao Kato. 1938. Age determination of fish. I. BuU. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 79-88. [Je] [P] Germo genno, Katsinconus vagans, Neothunnus macroptenis, Tliunnus oricnfalis: age analysis using vertebrae ; age composition of commercial catch ; calculated length and weight groups ; body condi- tion; growth rate; morpliometric data. Anonymous. 1938. Status of the investigation of tuna longline fish- ing grounds in the South China Sea. Formosa Fish. Mag., No. 279, pp. 10-19. [J] Alhacore, yellowfin tuna : body temperatures ; dis- tribution ; length-weight data ; sexual maturity ; stomach contents ; figured. 1939. Marked fish. Semi-Ann. Rpt. Oceanogr. Invest., No. &5, p. 137. [J] Skipjack : Japan ; release records of tagged fish. 1941. Pacific skipjack indigenous to Sulu Sea. South Sea Fish., vol. 7, No. 5, p. 5.5. [J] [P] Distributional note. -VSANO, N.\gao. 1939. Food of the alhacore, Germo germo (LacSpMe). South Sea Fish. News, vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 10-11. [J] [P] South Seas; stomach contents; AuxU sp. recorded as food. Ban, Yoshinori. 1941. Search for southern tuna fishing grounds. South Sea Fish., vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 10-21. [J] [P] Yellowfin tuna; South Seas; fishing conditions correlated with oceanography ; stomach contents : age analysis ; sexual maturity. Barnhart, Percy. 1936. Marine fishes of Southern California. Univ. Cali- fornia Press, Berkeley, pp. 36-37. Auxis thazard, Katstnrotiiis pelamis, Germo ala- liinga, Neothuniuis macroptcrits, Thiinnus thynnus: description ; distribution ; English common names ; figures. Bennett, Fbedebick Debell. 1840. Narrative of a whaling voyage around the globe, from the year 1833 to 1S36. Vol. 2, pp. 278-282. London. Scomber germo: description ; anatomy of reproduc- tive system; food; enemies. Scomber pelamys: description ; parasites. Berg, Leo S. 1947. Classification of fishes both recent and fossil. J. W. Edwards Co., Ann Arbor, pp. 491-492. Anatomy and classification of Thunniformes (Plecostei). Bleekeb, Pieter. 1844. Bijdragen tot de geiieeskundige topographic van Batavia. Generisch overzicht der fauna. Nat. Geneesk. Arch. Neerland's Indie, vol. 1, p. 5.53. Tliynnus: recorded. 1845. Bijdragen tot de geneeskundige topographic van Batavia. Generisch overzicht der Fauna. Nat. Geneesk. Arch. Neerland's Indie, vol. 2, p. 516. Aiixis taso: recorded. 1850. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Midden-en Oost-Java, met besehrijving van eenige nieuwe species. Verb. Batavia Genoot. Kunst. Wetens., vol. 23, p. 8. Attxis taso: recorded. 1852. Bijdrage tot de kennis der makreelachtige vlsschen van den Soenda-Moluksdien Archipel. Verb. Batavia Genoot. Kunst. Wetens., vol. 24, pp. 36-37, 89. Thynnus macroptenis, T. thunnina, and T. tonggol: recorded from Dutch East Indies ; description and synonymy of T. tonggol. 3 FISHEKT BULLErmsr OF THE> FISH AND "WILDLIFE SERVICE Bleekeb, Pietek — Continued ISd-t. Faunae ichthyologicae japonicae sjjecies novae. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, vol. 6, pp. 408-409. Aiixis tapeinosoma : recorded and described. 1855. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Ternate. Nat. Tijd.schr. Nederlandsch- Indle, vol. 8, pp. 301-302. Aiixis thyniiokles: recorded; description; compared with A. tapeinosoma, A. taso, and A. vulgaris. 1856. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe en weinig bekende vischsoorten van Amboina, versameld op eene reis door den Molukschen Arcbipel, gedaan in bet gevolg van den Gouverneur-Generaal Duyuiaer van Tvrist in September en October 18.55. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo- Neerlandicae, vol. 1, pp. 41-42. Thyniuis prlnmys: recorded; description: syn- onymy. 1S57. Nieuwe nalezingen op de ichthyologle van Japan. Verb. Batavia Genoot. Kunst. Wetens., vol. 26, p. 98. Auxis taiieinosoma: recorded. 1860a. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfauna van Sumatra. Vis.sehen van Benkoelen, Priaman, Tandjong, Palembang, en Djambi. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo- Neerlandicae, vol. 8, p. 29. Thimnus pelamys, T. thunnina: recorded from the Dutch East Indies. ISGOb. Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfauna van Celebes. Visschen van Bonthain, Badjoa, Sindjal, Lagoesi en Pompenoea. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neer- landicae, vol. 8, p. 38. [C] Thnnmts tliunnina: recorded from Dutch East Indies. 1861a. lets over de vischfauna van bet eiland Pinang. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, vol. 12, p. 74. Thynnus a /finis: recorded from Dutch East Indies. ISClb. Mededeeling omtrent visch.soorten, nieuw voor de kennis der fauna van Singapoera. Versl. Akad. Am- sterdam, vol. 12, p. 52. [C] Thynnus tliunnina. T. totif/f/ol: recorded from Singapore. 1862. Sixi&me m^moire sur la faune ichthyulogique de rile Batjan. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, vol. 14, p. 109. Pelamys macroptenis, P. pelamys. Thynnus tliun- nina: recorded from Dutch East Indies. 1863. Onzieme notice sur la fauna ichtbyologique de I'ile de Ternate. Nederlandsch Tijdschr. Dierk., vol. 1, p. 235. Auxis thynnoides : recorded. 1865a. :finum6ration des esp^ces de poissons actuelle- ment connues de I'ile d'Amboine. Nederlandsch Tijdschr. Dierk., vol. 2, p. 285. Auxis thynnoides, Pelamys marropterus. P. pelamys, P. tliunnina: recorded. 1865b. Sixieme notice sur la faune ichtbyologique de Slam. Nederlandsch Tijdschr. Dierk., vol. 2, p. 173. [C] Thynnus thiinnina: recorded. 1878. Quatrifeme memoire sur la fauna ichtbyologique de la Nouvelle-Guinfe. Arch. N^erlandaises Sci. Nat., vol. 13, p. 50. Auxis taso: recorded. Bleeker. Pieter — Continued 1870. Enumeration des especes de poissons actuelle- ment connvies du Japon et description de trois especes Inddites. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, vol. 18, p. 15. [C] Pelamys sihi Blkr. and Thynnus sibi Schl. com- pared. Boeseman, M. 1947. Revision of the fishes collected by Burger and von Siebold in Japan. Zool. Meded., vol. 28, pp. 91-94. Thynnus macroptcrus, T. orientalis, T. pelamys, T. sibi, T. thunina: description; synonymy. BONHAM, KELSHAW. 1946. Measurements of some pelagic commercial fishes of Hawaii. Copeia, No. 2, pp. 81-84. Katsuwonus pelamis: length-weight data and re- lationship; length frequencies of Neothunnus mac- ropterus; lengths of Euthynnus yaitn. Brock, Vernon E. 1938. A new tuna record from Washington. Copeia, No. 2, p. 98. Thunnus thynnus: recorded. 1939. Occurrence of albacore, Oermo alalvnga, in mid- Pacific. Copeia, No. 1, p. 47. 1943. Contribution to the biology of the albacore (Oermo alalunga) of the Oregon coast and other parts of the North Pacific. Stanford Ichth. Bull., vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 199-248. Age and size composition; growth; spawning; sex ratio; length-frequency data; population analysis. 1949. A preliminary reiiort on Paratliii units sibi in Hawaiian waters and a key to the tunas and tuna-like fi.shes of Hawaii. Pacific Sci., vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 271- 277. P. sibi: description ; morphometric data ; feeding habits. Auxis thazard, Euthynnus yaito, Qeinio alaliiniia. Katsuwonus pelamis, Kishinoella rara, Neothunnus macroptcrus, Parathunnus sibi, Thun- nus orientalis, T. thynnus: key. Cantor, Theodore. 1850. Catalogue of Malayan fishes. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. IS, pt. 2, pp. lOSS-1090. Thynnus affinis: description; distribution; com- pared with T. pelamys. Castelnau, Count P. de. 1872. Contribution to the ichthyology of Australia. Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soc. Victoria, vol. 1, pp. 104-105. Thunnus macroyii: description. Chabanaud, Paul M. 1926. Inventaire de la faune ichtyologique de I'lndo- chine. Note Serv. Oceanogr. Pech. Indochine, No. 1, p. 22. thunnus thiinnina: listed. Chapman, Wilbert M. 1946. Observations on tuna-like fishes in the tropical Pacific. California Fish and Game, vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 165-170. Euthynnus alletteratus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Neo- thunnus macroptcrus: recorded; food of N. macrop- tcrus noted. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TtJNAS Che\'et, Pierke. l!)32a. Inventaire de la fauna ichtyologique de I'lndo- chine. Deuxi&me liste. Note Serv. Oceanogr. POch. Indochine, No. 19, p. 26. Euthynnus yaito: listed. 1932b. Poi.ssons des canipagnes du "de LanessMii"' (192.')- 1929). Trav. lust. Oceanogr. Indochine, 4'' Mem., pp. 11,'5-11,5. Euthynnus i/aito: synonymy: distribution; descrip- tion; Indo-Chinese common names; figure of speci- men and scales. 1934. Revision synonymique de I'oeuvre ichtyologique de G. Tirant. Note Serv. Oceanogr. Pech. Indochine, No. 7, p. 46. Thynnus thunnina listed by Tirant renamed Euthynnus yaito. Cnin.\ Prefecti RAi. Fisheries Experiment Station, Katsuura Branch. 1930. Investigation of skip.lack fishing grounds. Prog. Rpt. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1934, pp. 1-12. [J] [P] Japan ; albacore and skipjaclc fishing conditions correlated with water temperature. 1937. Investigation of skipjack fishing grounds. Prog. Rpt. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., Katsuura Br. fr)r 193.^), pp. 1-9. [J] [P] Japan ; skipjack catch correlated with water tem- perature. 1938. The skipjack fishery. Prog. Rpt. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., Katsuura Br. for 1936, pp. 2-11. [J] [P] Japan ; skipjack catch correlated with water tem- jierature. 1941. The skipjack fishery. Prog. Rpt. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., Katsuura Br. for 193S. pp. 22-25. [J] [P] Japan ; albacore and skipjack fl.shing conditions cor- related with water temperature. Cnti, Tuanting T. 1931. Index piscium sinensium. Biol. Bull. St. John's Univ.,No. 1, pp. 107-108. Auxis rorhei, Neothunnus nmcropterus: synonymy; distribution. Clark, Frances Naomi. 1929. A racial comparison of Californian, Hawaiian and Japanese albacore (Oermo germo). California Fish and Game, vol. 1.1, No. 4, pp. 3.51-.353. San Francisco. Population studies based on comparisons of body proportions, counts of raeristic characters, and sex- ual maturity. Clemens, W. A., and G. V. Wilby. 1946. Fishes of the Pacific Coa.st of Canada. Fi.sh. Res. Bd. Canada, Bull. No. 4S, pp. 164-167. Katsuwonus pdawis, Tliunnus alnlunga: descrip- tion; distriliution ; food; records of capture in Canadian Pacific waters ; figured. Conn, John N. 1919. Scientific problems of the fisheries of the north Pacific. Bull. Scripps Inst., No. 9, p. 4.5. [C] Genno germo, Thunnus alalunga: migration. Cooper, James Graham. 1863. On new genera and species of Californian fishes. Proc. California Acad. Sci., vol. 3, pp. 7i>-77. Orcynus pacificus: described as a new species; dis- tribution ; figured. CoRwiN, Genevieve A. 1930. A bibliography of the tunas. California Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. No. 22, pp. 1-103. ("owAN, Ian M. 19.38. Some fish records from the coast ol' BritLsh Colum- bia. Copeia, No. 2, p. 97. Oermo nlalunga: recorded. Craig, Joe Allen. 1929. List of common and scientific names of fishes. California Div. Fish and Game. Fish I'.ull. No. 1."), pp. 11-12. Euthynnus pilumis, Oermo germo, yrollinnnus eiitn- linae, Thunnus saliens: listed. Cuvier, Georges, and Achiixes Valenciennes. 1831. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Vol. 8, pp. 85, 96, 107. Paris. 8eon)t)er taso, Thynmis paeificus. T. pelamys: de- scription ; records of capture ; figure of T. pelamys. DeJong, J. K. 1940. A preliminary investigation of the spawning hab- its of some fishes of the Java Sea. Treubia. vol. 17. No. 4, pp. 325-326. Euthynnus aVitterntus: frequencies of egg diameter measurements ; resorption of eggs noted. Delsman, H. C. 1931. Fisli eggs and larvae from the Java Sea. Treubia. vol. 13, Nos. .3-1, pp. 407-409. Eggs and larvae believed to be those of Sconihrr (Delsman, Treubia, vol. 8, Nos. 3-4, pp. 395-399) reidentified as Thynmis thunnina. Delsman, H. C, and J. G. F. Hardenburg. 1934. De Indische zeevischen en zeevisscherij. Blblio. Nederlandsch Indische Nat. Ver., No. 6, pp. .330-343. Euthjinnus alletteratiis, E. pelamys, Neothunnus maeropterus, N. rarus: description; distribution: key ; Malayan common names ; spawning of E. allet- teratus and description of eggs and larvae; spawn- ing of N. ranis and description of eggs; food of /.'. pelamys; E. aHetteratus and .V. maeropterus figured. Dill. D. B. 1921. .\ chemical study of certain Pacific coast fishes. Jour. Biol. Chem., vol. 48, pp. 76, 81. [C] Oermo alalunga, O. maeropterus, Thunnus thinniiis: chemical analysis. Domantay, Jose S. 1940. Tuna fishing in Southern Mindanao. Philippine Jour. Sci.. vol. 73. No. 4. pp. 42.3-4.35. Auxis thazard, Euthynnus yaito, Katsuwonus pela- mis, Neothunnus itosihi. N. maeropterus, I'arathun- nus sibi: distribution; figured. 6 FISHERY BULLEfTIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE EcKLES, Howard H. 1949a. Fishery exploration in the Hawaiian Islands (August to October 1948, liy the vessel Oregon of the Pacific Exploration Company). Com. Fish. Rev., voL 11, No. 6, pp. 1-9. Euthi/nnus yaito. Kaisuwonus pelamis, Neothunnus macroiitenis : recorded; K. pelamis and N. macrop- terus figured. 1949b. Observations on juvenile oceanic skipjack {Knt- suiroiins pelamis) from Hawaiian waters and sierra mackerel from the Eastern Pacific. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull., vol. 51, No. 48, pp. 24.5-250. Kntsiiwonus pelamis: anatomy, descriptions, fig- ures, and records of capture of juveniles ; spawning ; juveniles noted in stomachs of adults. ElGENMANN, CaRL H. 1892. The fishes of San Diego, California. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 15, No. 897, pp. 130, 147. Gyninosnrda pelamys, Oreiinus alnlntuia: recorded; seasonal occurrence of Euthynnus pelamis and O. alalonga. ElGENMANN, CARL H., and Rosa S. Eigenmann. 1890. Additions to the fauna of San Diego. Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., 2 Ser., vol. 3, p. 8. Euthynnus pelamys: recorded; description. 1891. A catalogue of the fishes of the Pacific coast of America north of Cerros Island. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 1891-1892, vol. 6, p. 352. Euthynnus pelamys, Germo alalongn: recorded. E\'ERMANN, Barton W., and Alvin Seale. 1907. Fishes of the Philippine Islands. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., vol. 26, p. 61. Oymnosarda pelamis: listed; synonymy. Fish, Marie Poland. 1948. Sonic fishes of the Pacific. Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst. Tech. Rpt., No. 2, pp. 87-91. Aums thazard, Euthynnus, Oermo alalunga, Kat- sttivonus pelamis, Ncothnnnns macropterus, Thun- nns thj/nnns: distribution; English common names; synonymy of K. pelamis, G. alalunga, T. thynnvs; air bladders of G. alalunga, N. macropterus and T. thynnus described; Japanese common names of Euthynnus and T. thynnus; vertical distribution of Parathnnnus mebachi noted. Fitch, ,Iohn E. 1950. Notes on some Pacific fishes. California Fish and Game, vol. 36, No. 2, p. 65. Stomach contents of Neothunnus maeroptenis. Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations. 1949. Recommended scientific and common names of im- portant food fishes. A. Scombriformes. Fish. Div., FAO, UN, 98 pp. Auxis thasard, Euthynnus alletcratus. Genno ala- lunga, Katsuwonus pelamis, Neothunnus macrop- terus, Thunnus thynnus: distribution; synonymy; world-wide common names and recommended nomenclature. Formosa Government-General Fisheries Experiment Station. 1930. Northern oceanographic conditions and skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt. -Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1928, Oceanogr. Sec, pp. 67-70. [J] [P] Formosa; fishing conditions correlated with water temperature, specific gravity, and currents. 1931. Northern oceanographic conditions and skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1929, Oceanogr. Sec, pp. 28-30. [J] [P] Formosa ; fishing conditions correlated with water temperature, specific gi-avity, and currents. 1932. Northern oceanographic conditions and skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1930, Oceanogr. Sec, pp. 10-11. [J] [P] Formosa ; fishing conditions correlated with water temperature, specific gravity, and currents. 1933a. Experimental fishing and investigation in south- ern waters by the Shonan Maru. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1931, Fish. Sec, pp. 1-.50. [J] [P] Yellowfln tuna : Indo-Pacific region ; length-weight data ; fishing conditions in relation to oceanography and weather ; catch per unit of effort ; distribution ; stomach contents. 1933b. Oceanographic conditions and skipjack fishing in northern Formosa. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1931, Oceanogr. Sec, pp. 13-15. [J] [P] Fishing conditions correlated with currents, surface water temperature, and specific gravity. 1934. Oceanographic conditions and skipjack fishing in northern Formosa. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1932, Oceanogr. Sec, pp. 10-12. [J] [P] Fishing conditions correlated with currents, surface water temperature, and specific gravity. Fowler, Henry W. 1904a. A collection of fishes from Sumatra. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2 Ser., vol. 12, p. .506. Germo germon: figured. 1904b. New, rare, or little-known Scombroids. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 56, pp. 761-763. Germo germon, Pelamys affine: description; syn- onymy. 1923a. New or little-known Hawaiian fishes. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Occas. Papers, vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 376-392. Germo macropterus, Thunnus thynnus: recorded. 192.3b. Records of West Coast fishes. Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 75, p. 289. Germo alalunga, Thunnus thynnus: recorded from California. 1927. Fishes of the tropical central Pacific. Bull. Ber- nice P. Bisliop Mus., No. 38, pp. 10-11. Germo sibi: figured; description. 1928. The fishes of Oceania. Mem. Bernice P. Bishop Mus., vol. 10. pp. 132-134. Auxis thasiird, Euthynnus aUctteratus, E. pelamis, Germo alhacorrs. G. alalunga, G. macropterus, G. sibi, Thunnus thynnus: description; synonymy; figures of E. alletteratus and G. sibi. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS Fowler, Henry W. — Continued 1920. Notes on Japaiipse and Chinese fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., vol. si, p. 590. Gcimo sibi, Tliinnius thyntuis: seen in Japan. 1031. The fishes of Oceania - Supplement 1. Mem. Her- nice P. Bishop Mns., vol. 11, No. 5, p. 325. Eiithynnus allrttcratiis, E. pelamis, Onmo ahilunr/a, O. nidcrontcnix, O. x'bi, Thunniis thiiiniiis: listed; s.vnonymy of G. mncroptcrux. 1033. Description of a new lon.i,'-finned tmia {Semathun- nus giiildi) from Tahiti. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., vol. ST), pp. 163-161. De.scriptions of new genus Semafhiinnus and new species, Scmathunnus guildi; Scmathunnux distin- guished from Ncofhiinniis. 1934. The fishes of Oceania — Supplement 2. Mem. Ber- niee P. Bishop Mus., vol. 11. No. 6, p. 400. Eittliynnus peldinis, Semntlnitinus ijuildi, .S. itosili, Thunnus orientalis, T. thynnus: listed; synonymy. 1935. The fishes of the George Vanderbilt South Pacific Expedition, 1937. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Monogr. No. 2, pp. 31-33, 2.53, 277. Aiixis thnxard, Eulhynuiis. Unentim. E. pclamis: description; synonymy. A. thaznrd, Euihynnus allctterafus, E. lineatus, E. pelamis, Qrrmo ala- longa. Neofhunmis maoropterus. Pai-atlinnnus sibi, Thunnus thynnus: recorded from Pacific. 1944. Results of the Fifth George Vanderbilt Expedition (1041). Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Monogr. No. 6, pp. 349, 373-374, 378, 408. Auxis thnznrd. Euthynuus lineatus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus thynnus: records of capture; synonymy. Pacific records of A. thazard, Euthyn- ntis allettcratus, E. lineatus, Oermo alalunga, K. pelamis, Neothunnus argentirittatus, and Thunnus thynnus; description of T. thytinus; figure of E. lineatus. 1949. The fishes of Oceania-Supplement 8. Mem. Ber- nice P. Bishop Mus., vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 73-74. Auxis thazard, Euthynnus wallisi, Katsuwonus vagans, Neothunnus maoropterus, Parathunnus sibi: listed ; synonymy. Fowler, Henry W., and Stanley C. Ball. 1925. Fishes of Hawaii, Johnston Island, and Wake Island. Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus., No. 26, p. 11. Euthynnus alletteratus: listed. Fraser-Brunner, a. 1949. On the fishes of the genus Euthynnus. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, No. 20, pp. 622-628. Euthynnus afflnis afflnis, E. afflnis lineatus, E. nffinis yaito: classification; distribution; figured; key ; synonymy, mw. The fishes of the family Scombridae. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, No. 26, pp. 131-163. Allothunnus fallai, Auxis thazard, Euthynnus afflnis, E. pelamis, Thunnus alalunga, T. albacora, T. obestis, T. thynnus, T. tonggnl. T. zacalles: classification ; description ; distribution ; key ; fig- ured ; synonymy. Fu.JiTA, K.. and Y. Wakita. 1915. A list of fishes from Kishu. Proc. Sei. Fish. Assoc, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 25-37. [J] Auxis hira, A. niaru, Euthynnus yaito, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus alalunga, T. macroptcrus, T. orientalis: listed ; Japanese common names. FUKUDA, M., and S. Iizuka. 1940a. Experimental tima fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kuma- moto Pref. Fisli Expt. Sta. for 1938, pp. 15-20. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, black tuna : Uyukyu Islands, catch in relation to water temperature. 1940b. Skipjack tagging experiment. Prog. Rjit. Kuma- moto Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1938, p. 21. [J] [P] Japan : release records of tagged skipjack. Gilbert, Charles H., and Edwin C. Starks. 1904. The fishes of Panama Bay. Mem. California. Acad. Sci., vol. 4, p. 206. Germo alalunga, Thunnus tliynnus: recorded. GoDSiL, Harry C. 1938. Tuna tagging. California Fish and Game, vol. 24, pp. 245-250. Skipjack, yellowfin tuna : tagging methods and release records. 1948. A preliminary population study of the yellowfin tuna and the albacore. California Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. No. 70, 90 pp. Xcothunnus macropterus, Thunnus gcrmo: morpho- metric data ; population relationships of Japanese, Hawaiian, and California fish analyzetl ; methods of taking morphometric measurements described. 1949. A progress report on the tuna investigations. California Fish and Game, vol. 35, No. 1, pp. .5-9. Albacore, yellowfin tuna : summary of population studies based on morphometrical analysis. GoDsiL, Harry C, and R. D. Byers. 1944. A systematic study of the Pacific tunas. C^ilifor- nia Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. No. 60, 131 ppv Kafsuiconus pelamis, Neothunnus macropterus. Parnthunnus mehiiehi, Thunnus germo, T. thynnus: proportional measurements; methods of measure- ment ; internal anatomy ; key ; figures ; description ; classification ; counts of meristic characters ; anatomical differences between species listed ; pop- ulation relationships discussed for all except P. mebaehi. GoDSiL, Harry C, and E. C. Greenhoou. 1948. Some observations on the tunas of the Hawaiian region. California Div. Fish and Game. Bur. Mar. Fi.sh., 8 pp. (Mimeographed.) Albacore, black skipjack, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : distribution. Graham, David H. 1938. Fishes of Otago Harbour and adjacent seas with additions to previous records. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, vol. 68, pt. 3, p. 414. Auxis thasard: listed. 8 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Griffin, L. T. 1927. Additions to the fish fauna of New Zealand. Trans. New Zealand Inst., vol. 58, pp. 140-141. Germo germo: recorded; synonymy; description; figured. GiJNTHER, Albert. 1860. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 2, pp. 363-366, 369. London. Axixis rochei, A. tapcinoxnimi. Thynnus afflnis. T. parifirim, T. pchimiis, T. thiinnina, T. ionggnl: de- scription; distribution; synonymy. 1876. Die Fische der Siidsee. .Tour. JIus. GodefCmy, vol. 2, pp. 1.50-152. Thynnus germo, T. pclamyn. T. thunnina. T. thyn- nus: synonymy; description; distribution; T. germo and T. thunnina figured. 1889. Report on the pelagic fishes collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 187.3-76. Vol. 31, pt. 78, p. 17. London. Juveniles provisionally identified as Thynnus thun- nina described and figured. HjVKADA, Isokichi. 1928. A new species of Aeanthocephala from the Japa- nese bonito, Euthynnus vagans. Japanese Jour. Zool., vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-4. [J] Parasites. Hart, J. L., and H. J. Holuster. 1947. Notes on the albacore fishery. Prog. Rpt. Pacific Coast Sta., Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, No. 71, pp. 3-4. Albacore catch correlated with water temperature anil area ; stomach contents. Hart, J. L.. et al. 1948. Accumulated data on albacore (Thnnnus ala- lunga). Pacific Biol. Sta., Ilsh. Res. Bd. Canada, Circ. No. 12, 8 pp. Stomach contents ; size composition ; catch corre- lated with area, water temperature, and season. Hasegawa, Kiichi. 1937. Progress report of experimental tuna fishing in the waters ad.1acent to Woleai. South Sea Fish. News, No. 1, pp. 3-7. [J] [P] Tunas : distribution. H.iTAi. Shinkishi, et al. 1941. A symposium on the Investigation of skipjack and tuna spawning grounds. South Sea Sci., vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 64-75. [J] [P] Skip.iack : Japan, Indo-Pacific region. South Seas ; eggs ; juveniles ; food ; migration ; sexual maturity ; probable spawning areas and seasons ; method of differentiating between male and female skipjack. Black tuna: Jaiian, Philippine region; probable spawning areas and season; sexual maturity; de- scription of eggs. YcUowfin tuna: sexual maturity and probable spawning season in Indo-Pacific region. Big-eyed tuna : juveniles recorded from South Seas. Herald, Eaul S. 1949. Pipefishes and seahorses as food for tuna. Cali- fornia Fish and Game, vol. 35, No. 4, p. .';29. Euthynnus yaito, yellowfln tuna: stomach contents, Herre, Albert W. 1932. A check list of fishes recorded from Tahiti. Jour. Pan-Pacific Res. Inst., vol. 7, No. 1, p. 3. Euthynnus alletcraius, E. iwlnniix, Ncnihunnus ma- croptenis: listed. 19.33. A check list of fishes from Dumaguote, Oriental Negros, P. I., and its immediate vicinity. Jour. Pan- Pacific Res. Inst., voL 8, No. 4, p. 7. Euthynnus yaito, Katsmvonus pelamis: listed. 1935. A check list of the fishes of the Pelew Islands. Mid-Pacific Mag., vol. 47, No. 2, p. 104. Katsnirnnios prlnmis, Neothnnnus mncropterua: listed. 1936. Fishes of the Crane Pacific Expedition. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., vol. 21, pp. 105-107. Katsuiconus pelamis, NcotJiunnus macropterus, Thunnus thynnus: distribution; synonymy: obser- vations of N. macroptcnis fin lengths noted. 1940. Distribution of the mackerpl-like fishes in the western Pacific north of the equator. Proc. Sixth Pacific Sci. Cong., vol. 3, pp. 211-215. Auxis thazard, Euthynnus allcterata. E. yaito, Oermo alalunga, KntsnioonHS pelamis, Neothunnus macropterus, N. rarns. Parathunntts siii, Thunnus thynnus: distribution. Herre, Albert W., and Agustin F. Umall. 1948. English and local common names of Philippine fishes. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Circ. 14, 128 pp. Auxis thaxard, Etithynnus yaito. Germo ahiiunga, Eatsuioonus pela)nis, Neothunnus macropterus: listed. HiGASHi, Hideo. 1940a. Utilization of fishery byproducts from the South Seas (3). South Sea Fish., vol. 6. No. 7, pp. 13-20. tJ] [P] Big-eyed tuna, black tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : ratio of viscera weight to body weight. 1940b. Utilization of fishery byproducts from the South Seas (7). South Sea Fish., vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 10-13. [J] [P] Skipjack ; ratio of viscera weight to body weight ; proportional measurements of various body parts. 1941a. Utilization of fishery byproducts from the South Seas (8). South Sea Fish., vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 33-37. [J] [P] Skipjack : length-weight data ; proportional meas- urements of various body parts ; liver figured. 1941b. Utilization of fisliery liyproducts from the South Seas (10). South Sea Fish,, vol. 7, No. 3. pp. 32-39. [J] [P] Katxuu-onus r'agans, Neothunnus macropterus: pro- portional measurements of various body parts ; ag ■ , analysis. I 1941c. Utilization of fi.shery byproducts from the South Seas (14). South Sea Fish., vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 30-43. [J] [P] I Big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : length-weight data ; i proportional measurements of various body parts ; livers figured. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUXAS 9 llKiAsni, Hideo — Continued 1942. Record of experimer.ts on flslies of the South Seas. South Sen Fish., vol. S, No. 11, pii. i:?-27. [J] [P] Kutxiiiconiis vagans, Ncothiinniis macroptcni.i, Parathunniis siii: len.sth-weight data; proportional measurements of various body parts. Hic.AsHi, HiDKo, and Ma,s.\o Hirai. 1!)48. The nicotinic acid content of flsh. Contrib. Cent, Fish. Sta. Japan (1946-1948), No. IS, pp. 129-1.32. [Jk] Sldpjack, yellowfln tuna : nicotinic acid content of various body parts. Hii.ur.nRAND, Samuki, F. 1940. A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru. U. S. Natl. Mus., Bull. 189, pp. 361-372. Eiithynnus alleterata, Katsuwomtg pclamis, Tlnin- tiiis iiiacroptenis: classification; description; syn- onymy; distribution; food; key. Thininiis (jermo, 2'. thynnus: key; occurrences recorded. HiBATStJKA, HiTosHi, and Kaku.ji Imaizumi. 19.34. Experimental fishing and investigation in south- ern venters. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt. -Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for WSC'. Fish. Sec, pp. 97^164. [.I] [P] Yellowfln tuna : Indo-Pacific region ; length-weight data: fishing eoiulitions in relation to oceanography and weather; catch per unit of effort; distribution. HiBATsuKA, HiTosni, and Kiyoji Ito, 1934. Rep WTLDLIFE SEEVICB INANAMI, YOSHITUKI. 1940a. Relationship of viscera weight to body weight in yellowfin tuna. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 2-7. [J] [P] 1940b. Tuna fishing conditions and currents along the eastern coast of the Palau Islands. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 7-10. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : fishing conditions correlated with currents. 1940c. Oceanography and fishing conditions in central Palau waters. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 5-7. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : fishing conditions correlated with currents and water color. 1941. Oceanographlc changes and fishing conditions in Palau waters. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 2-6. [J] [P] Skipjack, yellowfin tuna : fishing conditions corre- lated with water temperature, currents, salinity. 1942a. Oceanographlc conditions and yellowfin tuna fishing grounds in South Sea Island waters. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 2-5. [J] [P] Location of fishing grounds correlated with cur- rents, transparency, water color, and water tem- perature. 1942b. Skiiijaek fishing conditions in Saipan, Truk, and Ponape. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 5-7. [J] [P] Seasonal fluctuations in commercial catch ; size composition. 1942c. Small skipjack caught at Truk. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 6, No. 1, p. 7. [J] [P] Records and measurements of juveniles. 1942d. Report of grounds fished by tuna boats ojier- ating in the inner South Seas. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 7-9. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : fishing conditions correlated with water tempera- ture. Japanese Bureau of Fishemes. 193.3. Report of the southern fisheries investigation for 1931. Bur. Fish., Min. Agr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt., 96 pp. [J] [P] 1934. Report of the southern fisheries investigation for 1932. Bur. Fish., Min. Agr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt, 347 pp. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : Indo-Pacific region ; distribution ; catch correlated with water tempera- ture and transparency ; stomach contents of yellow- fin tuna. 1935. Report of the southern fisheries investigation for 1933. Bur. Fish., Min. Agr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt., 298 pp. [J] 19.39. Results of encouragement given to the exploitation of albacore fishing grounds during 1938. Bur. Fish., Min. Agr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt., 298 pp. [J] [P] Albacore : mid-Pacific region : morphometric data ; stomach contents ; catch correlated with water tem- perature and specific gravity ; distribution. Big- eyed tuna : catch correlated with water tempera- ture; catch per unit of effort. Japanese Bttkeat: of Fisheries — Continued 1940. Results of encouragement given to the exploitation of albacore fishing gi-ounds during 1939. Bur. Fish., Min. Agr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt., 173 pp. [J] [P] Albacore : mid-Pacific region ; morphometric data ; Stomach contents ; catch correlated with water tem- perature and specific gravity; catch per unit of effort ; distribution. 1942. Results of encouragement given to the exploitation of albacore fishing grounds during 1940. Bur. Fish., Min. Agr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt., 135 pp. [J] Jenkins, Glivter P. 1903. Report on collections of fishes made in the Ha- waiian Islands with descriptions of new species. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. for 1902, vol. 22, p. 441. Auxis thaxard, Ginnnosarda alletterata, G. pelamis; listed ; synonymy. Jordan, Davto Starr. 1885. A list of the fishes known from the Pacific coast of tropical America, from the Tropic of Cancer to Panama. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 8, No. 24, p. 373. Orcynus alalonga: recorded. 1923. A classification of fishes including families and genera as far as known. Stanford Univ. Publ., Univ. Ser., Biol. Sci., vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 179-180. Classification and synonymy of Thunnidae. Jordan, David Starr, and Barton Warren Eveemann. 1896. A check-list of the fishes and fish-like vertebrates of North and Middle America. Rpt. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1895, p. 340. Auxis tliaxard, Ocrmo ahilunga, Gymnosarda pela- mis, Thynnus thynnus: distribution; English com- mon names ; synonymy. 1905. The aquatic resources of the Hawaiian Islands. I. The shore fishes of the Hawaiian I.slands, with a general account of the fish fauna. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, vol. 23, pt. 1, pp. 171-175. Atixis thaxard, Germo gcrmo, Oyiunosarda allet- terata, G. pelamis: listed; description; figure; syn- onymy; Hawaiian common names for all except A. thasard. 1926a. A check-list of the fishes of Hawaii. Jour. Pan- Pacific Res. Inst., vol. 1, No. 1, p. 8. KulhynvKS yaito, Germo germo, KisliinoeUa rara, Ncothminus macroptenis, Neothunnus n. sp., Para- thiinnus sibi, Thunnus oricntalis: recorded. 1926b. A review of the giant mackerel-like fishes, tunnies, spearfishes, and swordfishes. Occas. Papers California Acad. Sci., No. 12, pp. 8-25. Germo germo, KisliinoeUa rara, K. zacalles n. sp.. Neothunnus catalinae n. sp., JV. itosibi n. sp., N. ma- eropteriis, N. tonggol, Purathunniis sibi, Thunnus maccoyii, T. orientalis, T. phiUipsi n. sp., and T. saliens n. sp. : keys ; description ; distribution ; syn- onymy of G. germo, P. sibi, T. maccoyii, T. orien- talis; Japanese common names of ^. rara, N. itosibi, N. macropterus ; figures of G. germo, K. zacalles, N. catalinae, N. itosibi, N. macropterus, P. sibi, T. phillipsi, T. saliens. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TITN-AS 11 Jordan, David Starr, and Chari.es Henry Gii3ERt. 1881a. Descriptions of two new sijecies of scopelid fishes (Sudis ringens and Myctophum crciiuUire) from Santa Barbara Channel, California. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. .3, p. 273. Specimens fonnd in food of Orcynus alalonga. 1881b. List of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States, with a table showing the distribution of the six-cies. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 3, p. 456. Orri/niiK alnloniia : recorded. 1882. Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 4, p. 45. Orcynus alalonga: distribution; synonymy; habits; food. Jordan, David Starr, and Carl Leavitf Hubbs. 1925. Record of fishes obtained by David Starr Jordan in Japan, 1922. Mem. Carnegie Mus., vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 21.5-221. Aiixis hira, A. tapcinosoma, EutJiynniis yaito, Oenno germo, Kalsuwotiiis vagans. Kisliinoella ram, Xcothunnus macroptcnis, Parathnnnus sibi, Thunnus oi'ientalis: recorded; descriptions of A. hira, A. tapcitioaoma, G. gcnno, K. rara. N. marrop- tenig, P. sibi and T. orientalis; synonymy of A. tapcinosoma, E. yaito, Gf. germo, N. niacropterus, P. sibi, and T. orientalis; Japanese common names of all but A. hira and E. yaito; key to Katsuwonidae and Thunnidae. Jordan, David Starr, and Eric Knight Jordan. 1922. A list of the fishes of Hawaii, with notes and descriptions of new species. Mem. Carnegie Mus., vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 31-33. Aiixis thazard, Euthynnus allctcratus, E. pclamis, Germo alalunga, O. aryentivittatus, G. macroptcnis, O. sibi, Thinniiis orientalis, T. thynniis: listed; descriptions of G. alalunga, O. macropicrits, O. sibi, and T. orientalis ; Hawaiian common names of E. alleteratus, E. pelamis, and G. macropterus. .Jordan, David Starr, and Charles Metz. 1913. A catalog of the fishes known from the waters of Korea. Mem. Carnegie Mus., vol. 6, No. 2, p. 26. Anxis thazard: Japanese common names; distribu- tion. Jordan, David Starr, and Alvin Seale. 1906. The fishes of Samoa. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., vol. 25, p. 228. Auxis thazard, Germo germo, O. macropterus, Oymnosarda ullctcrata, G. pelamis: distribution. Jordan, David Starr, and J. O. Snybeb. 1900. A list of fishes collected in Japan by Kelnosuke Otaki, and by the United States Steamer .\lbatross, with descriptions of fourteen new species. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 22, p. .352. Axixis thazard and Thunnus schligelt: listed. 1901. A preliminary check list of the fishes of Japan. Annot. 2yool. Jap., vol. 3, pts. 2 and 3, p. 64. Avxis tapcinosoma, Germo macropterus, (1. sibi, Oymnosarda afflnis, Q. allctcrata, Thunnus schle- geli: listed ; Japanese common names. Jordan, David Starr, and Edwin Chapin Stabks. 1007. Notes on fishes from the island of Santa Catalina, southern California. I'roc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 32, pp. 69-70. Germo macropterus: records; synonymy; descrip- tion; figured. O-ymnosarda pelamis: distribution. JORnAN, David Starr, S. Tan.\IvA, and J. O. Snyder. 1913. A catalojme of the fishes of Japan. Jour. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 33, art. 1, pp. 119-121. Auxis thasard, Euthynnus alleteratus, E. vagans, Thunnus alalunga, T. macropterus, T. thynnus: synonymy ; distribution ; Japanese common names ; A. thazard and E. alleteratus figured. Kaooshima Pbefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. 1925. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Ept. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1923, pp. 1-37. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with water temperature; length-weight, girth data. 1926a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1924, pp. 1-51. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with water temperatures ; length-weight and girth data ; records and de.seriptions of scombroid juveniles (also reported in Kishinouye, 1926). 1926b. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1924, pp. 52-66. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands ; catches correlated with water tempera- ture. 1927a. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Sta. for 1925, pp. 38-53. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, black tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands ; catches correlated with water temperature. 1927b. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1925, pp. 1-38. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with water temijerature and currents ; length- weight and girth data ; records and descriptions of scomliroid juveniles (also reported in Kish- inouye 1926). 1928a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1926, pp. 1-22. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack catch correlated with water temperature and currents; length-weight and girth data ; release reccu'ds of tagged fish. 1928b. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. I'rog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1926, pp. 22-37. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, black tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands; catches correlated with water temperature. 12 FISHEKY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Kagoshima Pkefectural Fisheries Experiment Sta- tion— Continued 1929a. Experimental sliipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima I'ref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1927, pp. 1-20. [J] [P] Ryuliyu Islands ; skipjack catch correlated with water temperature; length-weight and girth data. 1929b. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1927, pp. 20-34. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands ; catches correlated with water temperature. 1930a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1928, pp. 1-18. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands; skipjack catch correlated with water temperature. 1930b. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1928, pp. 18-31. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands ; catches correlated with water temperature. 1930c. Experimental fishing l)y small motor vessels : Experimental longline fishing for albacore. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1928, pp. 54-60. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, black tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Lslands ; catches correlated with water temperature. 1931a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1929, pp. 1-lG. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack catch correlated with wa- ter temperature. 1931b. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagosliima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1929, pp. 16-.30. [.I] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands ; catches correlated with water temperature. 1932a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kago- shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1930, pp. 1-20. [J] [P] llyukyu Islands ; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with water temperature. 19.32b. Experimental longline fl.shing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1930, pp. 21-28. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, black tuna, yellowfin tuna : Ryukyu Islands ; catches correlated with water temperature. 1932c. Exiierimental longline fl.shing for albacore and pole and line fishing for mackerel. Prog. Rpt. Kago- .shima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1930, pp. 54-59. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; albacore catch correlated with wa- ter temperature. Kagoshima Pretectural Fisheries Experiment Sta- tion— Cont inued 1933a. Investigation of skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1931, pp. 1-16. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands, Philippine region ; skipjack fishing conditions correlated with water temperature. 1933b. Experimental longline fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1931, pp. 16-23. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : R.Mikyu Islands ; catches correlated with water tempera- ture. 19.35. Investigation of skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1933, pp. 1-12. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with water temperature. 1936a. Investigation of skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. FLsh. Expt. Sta. for 1934, pp. 1-16. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack fi.shing conditions corre- lated with water temperature ; length-weight data. 1936b. Investigation of the migration of important fishes. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1934, pp. 86-87. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; release records of tagged skipjack. 1937. Investigation of skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Pish. Expt. Sta. for 1935, pp. 1-8. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands; skipjack catch correlated with water temperature ; length-weight data ; size com- position of catch. 1938a. Investigation of skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1936, pp. 1^. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack length-weight data. 193Sh. Investigation of the migration of important fishes. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1936, p. 89. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; release records of tagged skipjack. 1939a. Investigation of skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fisli. Expt. Sta. for 1937, pp. 1-3. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack length-weight data. 1939b. Investigation of the migration of important fishes. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1937, p. 69. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; release records of tagged skipjack. 1940a. Experimental .skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1938, pp. 1-3. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands; skipjack length-weight data. 1940b. Investigation of the migration of important fishes. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1938, p. 43. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands; release records of tagged skipjack. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PAaFIC TUNAS 13 Kaooshima Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Sta- tion— Continued 1941. Investigation of skipjaclc fishin;^. I'ro^:. Kpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1939, pp. 1-3. [J] [P] Ryuk.vu Islands ; skipjack length-weight data. Kaxamura, Ma.sami, and Kakuji Imaizumi. 1935. Report on pxp<>rimental fishinir by tlio Shonan Maru in 1935 : Report of exijerimenlal longline fl.shing for tuna in eastern Formosan waters. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. Publ., No. 3, pp. 165-202. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, yellowfln tuna : length-weight data ; body temperatures : sexual maturity ; catch per unit of effort ; fishing conditions in relation to oceanography and weather ; distribution. KANAMfBA. Masami, and Hauuo Yazaki. 1940a. Report on experimental fishing by the Shonan Maru in 1937 : Investigation of tuna longline fishing grounds in the East Philippine Sea. Formosa Govt.- ■ Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. Publ., No. 21, pp. 1-G5. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : catch iJer unit of effort: distribution of yellowfln, big-eyed tuna, and skipjack : yellowfln tuna : stom- ach contents ; body temperature and relation to water temperature ; length-weight data : body con- dition; age analysis; sexual maturity; flsliing con- ditions in relation to oceanography and weather. 1940b. Report of tlie investigation of fishing grounds by the Shonan Maru in 1937: Investigation of tuna long- line fishing grounds in the South China Sea. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. Publ., No. 21, pp. 67-117. [J] [P] Albacore, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : distribution ; catch per unit of effort : fishing conditions in rela- tion to oceanograpliy and weather : albacore, yel- lowfln tuna: stomach contents; body temperature; length-weight data; body condition; age analysis; sexual maturity. Kato, Genji. 1940. An account of longline flshing for tuna. South Sea Fish. News. vol. 4, No. 7, pp. S-10. [J] [P] Sexual maturity of yellowfln tuna noted. Kawamira. Hyozo. 1939. Observations on oceanography and fisliing condi- tions in Palau waters. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 2-6. [.T] [P] Fishing conditions for yellowfin tuna and skipjack correlated with oceanography. Kawana, Takeshi. 1934. Tuna fishing in relation to oceanographic condi- tion.s. Prog. Rpt. Hokkaido Fish. Expt. Sta., vol. 31, pp. 1-180. [J] [P] Tln)}iiiiis orioitalis: Japan; flshing conditions cor- related with astronomical and oceanographic fac- tors ; tagging ; size composilion of commercial catch. 1937. The catch of tunny. Tliutinus oricntiilis T. and S., off Kushiro, Hokkaido, in relation to the vertical difference in water temperature. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 73-74. [Je] ll'J KiDA. Takeo. 193(>. On the surface temperature of water in the tunny flshing grounds off Kushiro and Urakawa in summer. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 87-90. [Je] Thjinnus thj/'inii'i: fishing conditions correlated with water temperature ; size composition of schools ; habits. KiMfltA, Kl.NOSUKE. 1932. Growth curves of blue-fin tuna and yellow-fin tuna based on the catches near Sigedera, on the west coast of I'rov. Idu. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fi.sh., vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 1-4. [Je] [PJ Ncotliiinntis inacroptrnis, T h u ii n u n orioitalis: growth rates determined from size groujis. 1935. Statistical analy.sis of the catch by keddle nets, along the coast of Surugu Bay. Rec. Oceanogr. Works, vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-.3G. [JE] Growth of Ncothiinnus macroptcnis ; age and size groups of Thunnus orient a! if. 1941. Skipjack fishing. Fish. Technol. Lect. .Ser., No. 4, 36 pp. [J] Pacific Ocean ; distribution ; migration ; catch corre- lated with water temperature : age and size composi- tion of commercial catches. 1942a. Tuna and spearfish fishing conditions. Fish. Technol. Lect. Ser., No. 5, 122 pp. [J] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : Japan, Indo-Pacific region. South Seas : fishing conditions correlated with water temperature; age and size composition of albacore and yellowfin tuna. 1942b. Oceanic resources : Offshore fisheries. Sci. Sea, vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 142-147. [J] [P] Albacore, black tuna, skipjack : Pacific Ocean ; dis- tribution : migration ; distribution of big-eyed tuna and yellowfin tuna. 1949. Atlas of skipjack fishing grounds — with data on the albacore grounds. Kuroshio Publ. Co., Tokyo, 44 pp. [J] Japan ; catches of albacore and skipjack correlated with surface water temperature. KiMuitA, KiNosuKE, aud Kazimi Ishii. 1933. Statistical analy.sis of the catch at the north- eastern end of Surugu Bay. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 69-79. [Je] Catches of yellowfin tuna correlated with water temperature. KlSHINOUYE, KaMAKICIII. 1895. Food of tunas and bonitos. Zool. Mag., vol. 7, p. 111. [J] 191,5a. Studies on the mackerels, cybiids, and t\uias. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-24. [J] [P] Auxis hira n. sp., A. maru n. sp., Eiithi/iiiiiis yaito n. sp., Katsmconus pelamys n. sp., Thunnus ala- lunga, T. macroptcnis, T. mebachi a. sp., T. oricn- talis. T. rarus n, sp, : internal anatomy ; classifica- tion ; description ; distribution ; keys ; Japanese com- mon names; figures; spawning of T. orioitalis and A. maru; food and habits of tunas in general. 14 FISHEKT BULLErriN OF THE FISH ANiD WILDLIFE SERVICE KisHiNOUYE, Kamakichi — Continued 1915b. Anatomical aspects of darli muscle. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 12S-136. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, black skipjack, black tuna, frigate mackerel, Ncoihunntis rariis, skipjack, yel- lowfin tuna : anatomy and vascular system of lat- eral musculature described ; figured in part for all except big-eyed tuna and N. rams. 1917a. A new order of tbe Teleostomi. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-4. [J] [P] Classification; description of internal anatomy of order Plecostei and families Tliunnidae and Katsuwonidae. 1917b. The food of tunas. Proc Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 106-108. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tvina : stomach contents ; juvenile albacore, big-eyed tuna, skipjack, and Auxis inaru recorded from stomachs of adults. 191S. Amount of blood in the dark muscle and other muscles of the Plecostei. Proc Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 259-260. [J] [P] Blood content of dark lateral muscle of big-eyed tuna and skipjack compared. 1919a. Studies on the Plecostei. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 269-274. [J] [P] Evolution of various tuna species based on internal anatomy ; vascular system and anatomy of lateral musculature of Thunnidae and Katsuwonidae ; and vascular plexuses of albacore, big-eyed tuna, black skipjack, black tuna, frigate mackerel, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna figured. 1919b. The larval and juvenile stages of the Plecostei. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 49-53. [J] [P] Black skipjack, black tuna, skipjack : western Pacific ; juveniles recorded and described ; markings of young Scombroid fishes mentioned ; Liitken's "albacore" juveniles and Giinther"s "black skip- jack" juvenile described and figured. 1919c. Black skipjack from Mexico. Proc Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. .3, No. 2, p. 113. [J] [P] Eiithjfniius lineatus: Mexico; recorded and de- scribed as a new species. 1921. Tunas of the American coast. Proc Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 3, No. 3, p. 2.39. [J] [P] Anatomical differences between American bluefln tuna and .Japane.se black tuna noted. 1922a. Air bladders of Thunnidae. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 3, No. 4, p. 304. [J] [P] Albacore, big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : air-blad- ders described ; recorded and described for black tuna. 1922b. Carangid-like markings of skipjack. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 304-305. [J] [P] Unusual markings on one specimen recorded and described. 1922c. Black skipjack also found in Japan Sea. Proc Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 3, No. 4, p. 305. [J] [P] Distribution record. KisHiNOUYE, Kamakichi — Continued 1923. Contributions to the comparative study of the so- called Scombroid fishes. Jour. Coll. Agr., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 293^75. [P] Au.ris hira, A. mam, Euthynnns lineatus, E. yaito, Katsitioonus pelamis, Neothunnus macropterus, N. rams, Paratliunnus mcbachi, Thinnuis ffcrnio, T. orientalis: anatomy; bibliogi-aphy : classification; description ; distribution ; figures ; food ; habits ; keys ; Japanese common names ; synonymy ; growth of N. macropterus, T. germo, T. orientalis; enemies of T. orientalis; migration of K. pelamis, T. germo, T. orientalis ; i>arasites of E. yaito, K. pelamis, N. macropterus, P. niebnchi; spawning of E. yaito, K. pelamis, N. macropterus, T. orientalis; young of .4. mam, E. yaito, K. pelamis, T. germo, T. orientalis. 1924. Observations on skipjack fishing grounds. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 87-92. [J] [P] Auxis maru, Euthynnus yaito, Katsuwonus pelamis, INeothunnus macropterus: Ryukyu Islands; rec- ords and descriptions of juveniles. 1926. An outline of studies of the Plecostei (tuna and skipjack) in 1925. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 125-137. [J] [P] Auxis sp., Katsuwonus pelamis, INeothunnus ma- cropterus, "iParathunnus meiachi: Ryukyu Islands ; juveniles recorded, described, and figured. KiTAHAKA, T. 1897. Seombridae of Japan. Jour. Imp. Fish. Bur., Tokyo, vol. 6, pp. 1-3. [C] Tliynnus germo, T. m.acropterus, T. pelaniys, T. .iiis itosibi, N. macroptcnis, I'aratliunnus sibi, 'Jltunniis orientalis: classifica- tion ; description ; distribution ; key ; Japanese com- mon names. Oka.moto, Gorozo. 1940. On the composition of shoals of "katsuo" Euthyn- nus vagans (Lesson) in the northeastern Japanese waters as anal.yzed by the body weight. Bull. Japa- nese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 100-102. [Je] [P] Size and age composition. Okinawa Prefectur-ivl Fisheries Experiment Station. 1931. Investigation of the maturity of skipjack. Prog. Rpt. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 19.30. pp. 106- 107. [J] [P] Skipjack length-weight data ; gonad weight and maturity. 1940a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Oki- nawa Pref. P'ish. Expt. Sta. for 1939, pp. 3-5. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands: skipjack catch correlated with air and water temperatures. 1940b. Experimental tuna fishing. Prog. Rpt. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 19.30, pp. 6-8. [J] [P] Bi.sr-eyed tuna, black tuna: Bonin Islands; catches correlated with water temperature. 1943. Exijerimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Oki- nawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1941, pp. 4-14. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands : distribution of skipjack : catch correlated with air and water temperatures. Okuda, Tuzuru. 191S. Some studies in marine chemistry. I'roe. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 19,3-204, [J] [P] Chemical analysis of dark muscle of frigate mack- erel and skipjack. Okuma, Yasvmichi, Kakt-ji iMAizr.Mi, and Juko Maki. 19.35. Investigation of South Sea fisheries by the Shonan Maru : Investigation of tuna fishing grounds. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1933, Fish. Sec, pp. 120-123. [J] [P] Yellowfin tuna: Iiido-Pacific region; distribution; stomach contents; length-weight data; sexual ma- turity; fishing conditions in relation to oceanog- raphy and weather ; catch per unit of effort. 18 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH ANiD WILDLIFE SERVICE Omori. Kageyu, and Takeshi Fujimoto. 1940. Experimental longllne fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Nagasaki Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1938, pp. 175-214. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, black tuna: .Japan; catches corre- lated with water temperature and specific gravity. O.MORI, Kageyu, and Mas^nobu Fukuda. 1938. Experimental longllne fishing for tuna. Prog. Rpt. Nagasaki Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1936, pp. 47-^8. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, bhick tuna: Japan; catches corre- lated with water tempfrature and si>eclfic gravity. 1940. Experimental longllne fisliiiig for tuna. Prog. Kpt. Nagasaki Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1937, pp. 45- 92. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, black tuna: Japan; catches eoiTe- lated with water temperature and specific gravity. Onodera, Matsuji. 1941. The relation of freshness and condition factor of Palau Islands skipjack to the ratio of finished prod- ucts. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 7-17. [J] [P] Skipjack length-weight data ; body condition of fish. Otaki, Keinosuke, Tsunenobu Fujita, and Tadashi HlGFRASHI. 1903. Fishes of Japan; an account principally of eco- nomic species. 1903-1904. Tokyo. [C] Thunnus sohlegeli: Japan; figured. Oya. Takeo, and Totoo Takahashi. 1936. On the growth accelerating substance in the liver of the marine animals. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 192-194. [Je] [P] Growth hormones in skipjack livers. Phillipps, W. J. 1927a. A check-list of the fishes of New Zealand. Jour. Pan-Paciflc Res. Inst., vol. 2, No. 1, p. 14. Eiithniniiig jH'lamis, Germo germon: listed. 1927b. Bibliography of New Zealand fishes. New Zea- land Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull., No. 1, pp. 45-46. Ocrino germo, Ealsuwonns pelamis, Thunmis phil- lippsi: listed; classification; synonymy; New Zea- land and Maori common names. Phillips, W. J., and E. R. Hougkinson. 1922. Further notes on the edible fishes of New Zealand. New Zealand Jour. Sci. Technol., vol. 5, No. 2, p. 93. Oermo. germo, Gyiiinosarda pelamis: recorded. Powell, A. W. B. 1937. Slarine fishes new to New Zealand ; including the description of a new species of Halieutaea. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, vol. 67. pt. 1, p. 80. Neothunnns itosibi: recorded ; synonymy ; descrip- tion ; figured. Reeves, Cora D. 1928. A catalogue of the fishes of Northeastern China and Korea. Jour. Pan-Pacific Res. Inst., vol. 2, No. 3, p. 8. Auxis tapeinogoma, A. thazurd, Katsuivoniis vagans, Neothunnus niaeropterus, Thunnus oricntalis: listed. Richardson, John. 1S40. Report on ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Rpt. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 15th meeting, pp. 267-268. Thynnus macroptenis, T. orientalis, T. pelamys, T. sibi, T. tJninniiia: synonymy; distribution. RoEDEL, Phil M. 1948a. Common marine fishes of California. California Dlv. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. No. 68, pp. 59-63. Kaf sine onus peJamis, Neothunnus niaeropterus, Thunnus germo, T. thijnnus: classificatiou ; descrip- tion; distribution; English common names; key; figures; anatomical differences between I'arathun- nus nicbachi and T. germo and between P. mebachi and N. macropterus noted. 1948b. Occurrence of the black skipjack {Euthpnnus lineatus) off southern California. California Fish and Game, vol. 34, No. 1, p. 38. Roughly, T. C. 1916. Fishes of Australia and their technology. Tech. Edue. Ser., Technol. Mus. Sydney, No. 21, pp. 10, 162, 164-165. Germo germo, Gymnosarda pelamis: distribution. Thunnus maccoyi : classification; description; dis- tribution; habits; figure. Samson, V. J. 1940. Notes on the occurrence of albacore Oermo al- alunga in the North Pacific. Copeia, No. 4, p. 271. Sasaki, Takeo. 1939a. The relationship between oceanograpluc condi- tions and skipjack fishing grounds in Northeastern waters. Miyagl Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., March, 1939, 12 pp. [J] [P] Skipjack fishing conditions correlated with water temperature ; migration ; size composition of schools. 1939b. The relationship between oceanographic condi- tions and albacore fishing grounds east of Cape No- jima. Miyagi Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., April 1939, 14 pp. [J] [P] Albacore fishing conditions correlated with water temperature ; migration ; size composition of schools. SCAGEL, 11. F. 1949. Report on the investigation of albacore. Pacific Biol. Sta., Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Circ. No. 17, 23 pp. Thunnus aUilunga: Northwest Pacific; catch corre- lated with oceanographic conditions ; size composi- tion of commercial catch; .stomach contents: tag- ging; body temperatures. SCHAEFER, MiLNER B. 194Sa. Morphometrlc characteristics and relative growth of yellowfin tunas (Neothunnus maeropterus) from Central America. Pacific Sci., vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 114-120. Morphometrlc data; length-weight relationship: growth ; classification based on variations in dorsal and anal fin length discussed. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 19 ScHAEFEB, MiLNER B. — Continued 1948b. Size composition of catches of yellowfln tuna {Ncothunntts macroiiterus) from Central America, and ttieir signiflcancp in the determination of growth, age, and schoolini; liabits. U. S. Fish and Wldlife Serv. Fisli. Bull., vol. 51, No. 44, pp. 107-200. Size composition of commercial catch ; sexual ma- turity ; age ; growth ; schooling habits ; length- frequency data from mixed school of skipjaclc and yellowfln tuna. 194,Sc. Spawning of Pacific tunas and its implications to the welfare of the Pacific tuna fisheries. Trans. Tliirteenth North Amer. Wildlife Conf.. pp. 3Clj-.S71. Au.iiti sp., i:utli!iiinus Uncntiis, E. i/nito, Kntmi- icniiKS pclaniix, ?i'eoihunnus macropteriis. Thiinnus gerino: Pacific Ocean; distribution: review of rec- ords and observations on spawning and juveniles ; management problem. ScHAF.FER. MiLNER B., and .7. C. Mark. 194^ia. Spawning of yellowfln tuna (Ncothminiis mn- croptei-Kx) and sliipjaek {Kutsiiicoiuif! pdamis) in the Pacific Ocean off Central America, with descrip- tions of juveniles. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull., vol. 51, No. 44, pp. 187-195. \cof)iiiiituis macropterus: size composition in com- mercial catch: sexual maturity; spawning. Katsu- woniis pelamis: sexual maturity; .spawning; rec- ords of capture, descriptions, and figures of N. macropterus and K. pehimis juveniles. 1948b. Juvenile Eiiih!i))nus liiieatus and Atixix tluiznrd from the Pacific Ocean off Central America. Pacific Sci.. vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 262-271. Anatomy, counts of meristic characters, descrip- tion, figures, and records of capture of juveniles. Schmidt, P. 1930. A check-list of the fishes of the Riu-Kiu Islands. Jour. Pan-Pacific Res. Inst., vol. 5, No. 4, p. 3. EHthynnus allcteratus: listed. ScHMiTT, Waldo L.. and Leonard P. Schultz. 1940. List of the fishes taken on the Presidential Cruise of 1938. Smithsn. Misc. Collect., vol. 98, No. 25, p. 3. Eiithynnus aUcttcratus, E. lineatiis: listed and com- pared. ScHULTZ, Leonard P. 1949. .\ further contribution to the ichthyology of Venezuela. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. 99, pp. 1-211. Tliiiiiniis thi/iniiix: listed; synonymy; English and Venezuelan common names. SCHULTz, Leox.\ed p., and Allan C. DeLacy. 1936. A catalogue of the fishes of Washington and Oregon with distrilnitional records and a bibliog- raphy. Mid-Pacific Mag., vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 70-71. (Icnno alali(iif/n. ThioiniDs thynntis: synonymy; distributional records. Se.\le, Alvin. 1940. Report on fishes from Allan Hancock Exppistribution of tunas. 19.37c. Survey of fishing grounds and channels in Patau waters, 1925-1926. Prog. Rpt. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. No. 1, 1923-35, pp. 2.5-37. [J] [P] Skipjack fishing conditions correlated with oeeano- graphic conditions. 1938. Report of oceanographical investigations. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., Mar. 1938, 124 pp. [J] [P] Skipjack, yellowfin tuna: South Seas; catch corre- lated with oceanograpliic conditions. 1941a. Experimental tuna fishing in waters adjacent to Woleai. Prog. Rpt. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1936, pp. 8-12. [J] [P] Distribution of tunas. 1941b. Investigation of tuna fishing in waters adjacent to foreign territories. Prog. Rpt. South Se.ns Govt.- Gen. Fi.sh. Expt. Sta. for 1936, pp. 17-26. [J] [P] Indo-Pacific region ; yellowfin tuna catch correlated with oeeanographic conditions. 1941c. Investigation of skipjack fishing in the central Caroline Islands. Prog. Rpt. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1937, pp. 63-68. [J] [P] Release of tagged skipjack recorded. 1941d. Investigation of skipjack fishing in Tap waters. Prog. Rpt. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 1937, pp. 69-75. [J] [P] Skipjack length-weight data ; body condition. 1942. Report of a survey of the tuna fishery in Palau waters. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 10-13. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : fishing conditions correlated with currents and water temperature. 1943a. Investigation of albacore fishing in the central Pacific Ocean. Prog. Rpt. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. for 19.39, pp. 1-13. [Jl [P] Length-weight, body depth data for albacore and yellowfin recorded 1943b. Report of the investigation of tuna fishing in waters adjacent to Palau. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 2-4. [J] [P] Skipjack, yellowfin tuna : fishing conditions corre- lated with currents and water temperatures. Starks, Edwin Chapin. 1918. The mackerel and mackerel-like fishes of Cali- fornia. California Fish and Game. vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 118, 119, 123, 124. Thunnus alalunga, T. macrcrptcrus, T. thynnus: description ; distribution ; T. macropterus and T. thynnus figured ; food of T. alalunga. BIBUOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 21 Stabks, Edwin Chapi.v, and Earl Leonard Morris. 1907. The marine fishes of southern California. Univ. California Publ. Zool., vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 179, 181, 188-189. Germo alalungfi, O. macropterus, OymnoHiirda pelamis, Thunnus thyvinis: distribution; English coruuion names; food of G. alahtnga. Stead, L>avid G. 1906. Fishes of Australia. Pp. 161-16.5. Sydney. Germo alalunrjn, Gymnosarda pclamix, Thunnus ihynnux: description; distribution. 1908. The edible tisbes of New South Wales. Dept. Fish., New South Wales, pp. 9")-07. Auxin thazard, Gvmnosarda allrtfcratti, O. prUimis, Thunnus germo, T. vmccoui: listed; description of T. tnaccoyi. Stttehiro, Yasuo. 1936. The reasons why the bonito does not take to baits. Fish. Invest. (Suppl. Rpt.) Imp. Fish. Expt. Sta., No. 3, Paper No. 31, pp. 14-16. [Je] [P] Stomach anatomy ; stomach contents ; length, weight, body condition of skipjack from different schools compared. 1938. The study of finding the reasons why the bonito does not take to the angling-baits. Jour. Imp. Fish. Expt. Sta., No. 9, Paper No. 69, pp. 87-101. [Je] [P] Stomach anatomy ; stomach contents ; length, weight, body condition of skipjack from different schools compared; food organisms figured. 1941. On the islets of Langerhans of teleost fishes. Jour. Imp. Fi.sh. Expt. Sta., No. 11, Paper No. 82, pp. 121-138. [Je] [P] Oermo germo, Katsuwonus vagans, Neothunnus maeroptenis. Paraihunnus sihi. 1942. A study on the digestive .system and feeding habits of fish. Japanese Jour. Zool., vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-303. [JE] Katsuwonus vagans, Neothunnus macropterus, Purathuniius sihi, Thunnus orientalis: digestive system described ; analysis of stomach contents ; digestive system of K. vagans. X. mncroptrrus, T. orientalis figured. Taihoku Province Fisheries Experiment Station. 1927a. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Tai- hoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta. No. 2 (for 1925), pp. 28- 8.x [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with oceanography and weather. 1927b. Experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Tai- hoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta. No. 3 (for 1926), pp. 1-55. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with oceanography and weather. 1928. Report of experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta. No. 4 (for 1927), pp. 1-102. [J] Ryukyu Islands ; body weights ; gonad weight ; stomach contents of skipjack. Taihoki' Province Fisheries Experiment Station — Con. 1929. Report of experimental skipjack fishing. Prog. Rpt. Taihoku Prov. Pish. Expt. Sta. No. 5 (for 1928), pp. 1-SO. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands ; occurrence of skipjack in relation to water temperature, water color, and specific gravity; body weights; stomach contents; gonad weights. 1932. Iteport of the investigation of skipjack fishing grounds. Prog. Kpt. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta. No. 7 (for 1930), pp. 1-17. [J] [P] Ryukyu Islands; skipjack fishing conditions corre- lated with water temperature and water color. Takahashi, Nisitke. 1924. On the new order "Plecostei" established by Dr. Kishinouye. Zool. Mag., vol. 36, No. 432, pp. 397-408. [J] [P] Internal anatomy ; classification ; criticism of Kishi- nouye's order Plecostei. 1926. On the Plecostei, an order of the Teleostomi estab- lished by Prof. Kishinouye. Jour. Coll. Agr., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 383-398. [JE] Takao Province Fisheries Experiment Station. 1927. Experimental longline fishing for tuna and spear- fish. Prog. Rpt. Takao Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., vol. 1, pp. 12-16. [J] [P] Big-eyed and yellowfin tuna : Formosa ; vertical dis- tribution; fishing conditions correlated with time of day and tides. Takayama, I., and S. Ando. 19:54. A study of the "maguro" (Thunnus) fishing in 1930. Jour. Imp. Fish. Expt. Stn. No. 5, Paper No. 38, pp. 1-21. [Je] [P] Neothunnus macropterus, Parathunnus mehachi, Thunnus germo, T. orientalis: fishing conditions cor- related with surface water temperature ; optimum temperature for occurrence of fish recorded. Takatama, I., N. Ikeda, and S. Ando. 1934. A study of the "katsuwo" (Katsuwonus pelamis) fishing in 1930. Jour. Imp. Fish. Expt. Sta., No. 5, Paper No. 39, pp. 23-56. [Je] [P] Fishing conditions correlated with surface water temperature ; temperature range and optimum tem- peratures for occurrence of fish recorded. Tanaka, Siiigeho. 1912. Fishes of Japan. Vol. 8, pp. 140-143. Tokyo. [JE] Euthiinnus pelamis: synonymy: Japano^ie and Eng- lisli common names; description; distribution; figure. 1031. On the distribiition of fishes in Japanese waters. Jour. Fac. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tok.vo, vol. 3, pt. 1, sec. 4, pp. 22, 50. [JE] Auxis hira, Euthynnus alhttcratus, E. pelamiis. Oermo macropterus, Parathynnus sibi. Thynnus alalunga, T. thynnus: distribution; synonymy. 22 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Taranetz, a. R. 1937. Handbook for identification of fishes of Soviet Far East and adjacent waters. Bull. Pacific Sci. Inst. Fisii. and Oceanogr., vol. 11, pp. S6-87. Auxis hira, A. inaru, Oermc alalunga, Katsuwonus pelamw, Neothunnus macropterus, Thunnua thyn- ntis: classification; distribution ; key. Tauchi, Morisabt ro. 19-lOa. On tlie stock of Thunmis orientaUs (T. and S.). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 133- 135. [Je] [P] Survival rates ; rates of exploitation ; age and size composition. 1940b. On the stock of Ncothynnus macropterus (T. and S.). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 136-138. [Je] [P] Survival rates; rates of exploitation; age and size composition ; migration ; population analysis. 1940e. On the stock of Germo j^ermo (Lac(5pede). BuU. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 139-141. [Je] [P] Survival rates ; rates of exploitation ; age and size composition. 1941. On the stock of Euthynnus vagans (L.). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 11, Nos. 5 and 6, pp. 179-183. [Je] Temmick, CoENRtiAD JACOB, and Hermann Schlegex. 1850. Pisces. In Siebold, Ph. Fr. von, Fauna Japonica sive descriptio animalium quae in itinere per Japo- uiam suscepto annis 1823-1830 collegit, etc. Lugduni Batavorum, vol. 3, pp. 94-97. Thynnus macropterus, T. orientaUs, T. pelamys, T, sit>i, T. thunnina: descriptions of all except T. tliunnina; figures of all except T. orientaUs; T. thunnina compared with Mediterranean T. thun- nina; T. sibi compared with Thynnus alalonga (Cuvier). Thompson, William F., and Elmer Hiogins. 1919. Notes from the State Fisheries Laboratory. Cali- fornia Fish and Game, vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 200-203. Auxis thazard noted in commercial catch ; distribu- tion of albacore. Ocrmo macropterus: description; compared with bluefin tuna, Thunnns thynnus. Tinker, Spencer W. 1944. Hawaiian fishes. Tongg Publ. Co., Honolulu, pp. 154-160. Auxis thaxard, Euthynnus allettcrntus, E. pelanii^, Gcrmo alalunga, Neothunnus macropterus, Para- thunnus sibi, Seniathu7inus itosibi, Thunnus orien- taUs, T. thynnus: description; distribution; figures of all except S. itosibi; English common names; Hawaiian common names of E. aUetteratus, E. peJamis, N. macropterus, T. thynnus; Japanese common names of N. macropterus, 8. itosibi, T. orientaUs, T. thynnus; European common names of G. alalunga, T. thynnus; habits, food, enemies of E. pelamis; food, enemies, reproduction of T. thynnus; external differences between T. orien- taUs and T. thynnus; food, reproduction of N. macropterus. TiRANT, Gilbert. 1929. Note sur les poissons de la Basse-Cochinchine et du Cambodge. Note Serv. Oceanogr. Pech. Indochine, No. 6, p. 46. Thynnus thunina: listed. TOMINAGA, SEIJIRO. 1943. Bonitos. Sci. Sea, vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 460-465. [J] Frigate mackerels, black skipjack : description ; distribution ; habits : food ; Japanese common names ; migration and population anal.vsis of Japa- nese skipjack stock. Tomitama, Tetsuo. 1933. The chemical composition of tunny liver oiL Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-7. [Je] [P] Toyama, Yuzo, et al. 1941. Studies on fish in Japan as a source of insulin. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 10, No. 4. Oermo germo, Katsuwonus vagans, Neothunnus 7nacroptems, Parathunnus sibi: yields of insulin tabulated. Tube, J. A. 1948. Whale sharks and devil rays in North Borneo. Copeia, No. 3, p. 222. Euthynnus macroptera: recorded. UCHIDA, KEITAEO. 1923. On the jumping and flight of fishes and other marine animals. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 43-73. [J] Euthynnus vagans, Thunnus thynnus: jumping be- havior described. Uda, Michitaka. 1932. On the body weights of some scombroid fishes of Japan. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Pish., vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 124-129. [Je] [P] Thunnus thynnus: probable causes of seasonal variations in body weights. 1935a. On the estimation of favourable temperature for long-line fishing of tunny. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 61-65. [Je] [P] Oermo macropterus, Parathunnus sibi, Thunmis alalunga, T. thunnus: Japan; distribution in re- lation to water temperature. 1935b. The results of simultaneous oceanographical in- vestigations in the north Pacific Ocean adjacent to Japan made in August 1933. Jour. Imj). Fish. Expt. Sta., No. 6, Paper No. 43, pp. 1-130. [Je] [P] Euthynnus vagans: fi.shing conditions and distribu- tion correlated with oceanography; size composi- tion of schools and commercial catch ; habits. 1936. Locality of fishing centre and shoals of "katuwo" Euthynnus vagans (Lesson) correlated with the con- tact zone of cold and warm currents. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 385-390. [Je] [P] Euthynnus ragans: Japan; occurrence and migra- tion correlated with water temperature. Recoveries of tagged skipjack noted. BIBLIOGRAPHY OX PACIFIC TUNAS 23 Uda. Michitaka— Continued 1938. Correlation of tlie catch of "katuo" in the waters adjacent to Japan. Bull. Japane.se Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 75-78. [Je] [P] Skipjack catches correlated with water tempera- ture. 1939. On the characteristics of the frequency curve for the catch of '-katuo" Euihynnus vagans (Lesson) referred to the water temperature. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 16!>-172. [Je] [P] Skipjack catches correlated with water tempera- ture. 1940a. The time and duration of angling and the catch of "katuo", Enthynnus vagans (Lesson). Bull. Jap- anese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 103-106. [Je] [P] Habits of E. vagans. 1940b. A note on the fl.sheries condition of "katuo" as a function of several oceauographic factors. Bull. Jap- anese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 14.5-148. [Je] [P] Euthynnus vagans: occuiTence of fish in relation to oceanographic factors. 1940c. On the recent anomalous hydrographical condi- tions of the Kuroshio in the south waters ofe Japan proper in relation to the fisheries. Jour. Imp. Fish. Expt. Sta., No. 10, Paper No. 74, pp. 231-278. [Je] [P] Albacore, black tuna, skipjack: fishing conditions correlated with oceanographic factors. 1941. The body-temperature and the bodily features of "katuo" and "sanma". Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 231-236. [Je] [P] Body temperatures of skipjack correlaJ;ed with water temperature; proportional body measure- ments analyzed. Uda. Michitaka, and Eimatsu Tokunaga. 1937. Fishing of Oermo genno (Lac^i^^de) in relation to the hydrography in the North Pacific waters (Rpt. 1). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. .5, No. 5, pp. 295-300. [Je] [P] Fishing correlated with water temperature and salinity; composition of Japanese albacore stock. Uda, Michitaka, and Jieo Tsukdshi. 1934. Local variations in the composition of various shoals of "katsuwo", Euthynnus vagans (Lesson), in several sea districts of Japan. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 100-202. [Je] Size composition of catch by areas ; habits ; popu- lation studies. Uda. Michitaka. and Nobuo Watanabe. 1938. Autumnal fishing of .skipper and bonito influenced by the rapid hydrographic change after the pass of cyclones. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. G, No. 5, pp. 240-242. [Jo] [P] Japan ; indirect influence of cyclones upon shift in fishing grounds discussed. Uehara, Tokijzo. 1941. A survey of tuna grounds in equatorial waters. South Sea Fish. News, vol. 5, No. 3, pp 1;5-17 rj] [P] Big-eyed tuna, skipjack, yellowfiu tuna ; fishing con- ditions correlated with water temperature. Ulrey, Albert B. 1929. A check-list of the fishes of Southern California and Lower California. Jour. Pan-Pacific Res. Inst., vol. 4, No. 4, p. 6. Auxis thazard, Grrmo ahilunga, Katsuwonus pela- mis, Xrothunnus ratalinac, N. macropfcnts, Para- thunnm sibi, Tfiunnus salicns, T. thynnus: listed. Uleey, Axbeet B., and P.\tjl O. Greeley. 1928. A list of the marine fishes (Teleostei) of southern California with their distribution. Bull. So. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., vol. 27, pt. 1. p. 3.5. Auxis thazard, Oermo alalunga, Katsuwonus peJamis, Neothunnus maeroptcrus, Parathunnus sibi, Tlninnus thynnus: synonymy; distribution: English common names. United Nations. See Food a.xd Agriculture Organiza- tion. UNO, MiCHIO. 1936a. Grrmo germo (Lac^pede) in the waters east of Nozima promontory, Tiba Prefecture (Prelim. Rpt. No. 1). Bull. Japane.se Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 4. No. 5. pp. 307--309. [Je] 193611. Oermo germo (Lac^pede) in the waters east of Nozima promontory, Tiba Prefecture (Prelim. Rpt. No. II). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 5, No 4 p. 235. [Je] [P] Age analysis ; length-weight data. Van Clea\-e, Harley J. 1940. The Acanthocephala collected by the Allan Han- cock Pacific Expedition, 1934. A. Hancock Pacific Exped., vol. 2, No. 15, p. 512. Euthynnus altettcratus and Katsuwonus pelamis listed as hosts. Wade, Charles B. 1940. Notes on the Philippine frigate mackerels, family Thunuidae, Genus Auxis. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull., vol. 51, No. 46, pp. 22&-240. Auxis tapcinosoma, A. thaxard: classification; de- scription; key; synonymy; distribution; moi-pho- metric measurements; counts of meristic charac- ters; figures; records, descriptions, and figures of juveniles. Waite, Edgar R. 1907. A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus., vol. 1, No. 1, p. 24. Oymnosarda pelamis: synonymy. 1921. Illustrated catalogue of the fishes of South Aus- tralia. Rec. South Australian Mus., vol 2 No 1 p 143. Tliunnus thynnus: listed; synonymy. 24 FISHERY BUXiLETIN OF THE FISH AJSTiD WILDLIFE SERVICE Waitk, Edgar R. — Continued 192S. A catalogue of the marine fishes of South Aus- tralia. Jour. Pan-Patiflc Res. lust., vol. 3, No. 1, p. 8. Thunnus maccori: listed. Walford, Lionel A. 1931. Handbdolj of common commercial and game fishes of California. California Dlv. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. No. 28, pp. 74-77. Germo alalunya, Kat silicon us pclaiiiis, Ncothiinniis macropterus, Thunnus thynnus: classification; Eng- lish common names : description ; distribution ; figures ; ke.v. 1037. Marine game fishes of the Pacific Coast — Alaska to the Equator. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, pp. 1-20, 2(>-30. Euthjinnus Uncutus, Gcnno alaUinya, Katsxnconus pelamis, Neothunnus macropterus, Thunnus thyn- nus: description; distribution; food; spawning; key ; English common names ; figures. Auxis tha~ard: description ; distribution ; English common names; figure; key. Migration of G. nJatunga, K. pelamis and N. macropterus ; enemies of T. thyn- nus; N. macropterus compared with Allison's tuna. Wataxabe, Hajime. 1030. Investigation of albacore. Prog. Rpt. Shizuoka Pref. Fish. Espt. Sta. for 10.36-38, pp. 22-23. [J] [P] Albacore : mid-Pacific ; stomach contents ; sexual maturity ; body proportions of males and females compared ; morphometric data ; probable spawning season, area, number of eggs. Watanaee, Hakuo. 1940. Fishing conditions south of the Mar.shall Islands. South Sea Fisli., vol. 6, No. 4, p. 22. [J] [P] Big-eyed tuna, yellowfin tuna : length-weight data. Wataxabe, N. 1041. Measurements on the bodily density, body temper- ature and swimming-velocity of "katsuwo", Euthyn- nus vaguns (Lesson). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 14C-14S. [Je] Weber, Max. 1913. Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition. P. 401. Leiilen. Thynnus thunnina: Indo-Australian Archipelago; synonymy ; recorded. Welsh, James P. 1040. Range extension of the file fish Monocnnthus mehDiocepIialus. Pacific Sci., vol. 3. No. 1, p. lOO. Hawaii ; specimens recovered from Euthynnus yaito. Whitehead, S. S. 1920. Tuna season. California Div. Fish and Game, Fi.sh Bull. No. 1.5, p. 48. Albacore, bluefin tuna, skipjack, yellowfin tuna : distribution and seasonal occurrence. 1931. Fishing methods for the bluefin tuna I Thunnus thynnus) and an analysis of the catches. California Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. No. 33, 32 pp. Classification; distribution; figure; migraticm; spawning; catch per unit of effort. Whitley, Gilbert P. 1928. A check-list of the fishes of the Santa Cruz Archi- pelago, Melanesia. Jour. Pan-Pacific Res. Inst., vol. 3, No. 1, p. 12. Neothunnus macropterus: listed. 1937. The Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs, South Pacific Ocean. Australian Zool., vol. 8, pt. 4, pp. 229-231. Wanderer wallisi proposed as new genus and species ; synonymy ; description ; food ; compared with E. yaito and E. allitfcratus. 1947. New sharks and fishes from Western Australia. Australian Zool., vol. 11, pt. 2, pp. 129-150. Euthynnus alleteratus, Katsuiconus pelamis, Kishi- noclla tonggol, Neothunnus macropterus, Thunnus maccoyi: recorded; Australian common names. Yabe, Hiroshi. and Tokumi Mow. 1948. Report of .skipjack investigations for 1947. Cent. Pish. Expt. Sta. Rpt., No. 30. [P] Ryukyu Islands ; length-weight data ; stomach con- tents ; catch correlated with water temperature ; size composition of commercial catch ; age anal- ysis ; spawning season ; maturation of gonads ; esti- mated number of eggs ; past records of juveniles captured in Ryukyu waters. Yamamoto, Shokichi. 1940. Views on increasing the commercial value of dried fish sticks from the South Seas. South Sea F^sh., vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 21-35. [J] [P] Skipjack : Japan, Formosa, South Seas ; propor- tional weights of various body parts compared. ABBREVIATIONS USED A. Hancock Pacific Exped. — Allan Hancock Pacific Ex- peditions. Los Angeles. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Monogr. — Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelpliia, Monographs. Philadelphia. Act. Soc. Sci. Indii-Nocrlandicae — Acta Societatis Scien- tariiiin Indo-Ncerlandicae. Batavia. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. — The Annals and Magazine of Natural History- Ix)ndon. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. — Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York. Ann. Rpt. Laguna Mar. Lab. — ^Annual Report of the Laguna Marine Lalioratory. Claremont, California. Annot. Zool. Jap. — Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. Tokyo. Arch. Neerlandaises Sci. Nat. — Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles. Haarlem. Australian Zool. — The Australian Zoologist. Sydney. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Occas. Papers — Bernice Pauahi Bishop Jluseum. Occasional Papers. Honolulu. Biblio. Nederlandsch Indische Nat. Ver. — Bibliotheek van de Nederlandsch Indische Natuurhistorische Vereenig- ing. Batavia. Biol. Bull. St. John's Univ.— Biological Bulletin of St. John's University. Shanghai. Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist. — Bulletin of the American JInseura of Natural Historj. New York. Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. — Bulletin. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Honolulu. Bull. Biogeog. Soc. Japan — Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan. Tokyo. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish.— Bulletin of tlie Bureau of Fish- eries. United States Department of Commerce and Lahor. Washington. Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fish. — Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. Tokyo. Bull. Pacific Sci. Fish. Inst. — Bulletins of the Pacific Scientific Fisheries Institute. Vladivostok. Bull. Pacific Sci. Inst. Fish, and Oceanogr. — Bulletin of the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Ocean- ograjihy. Vladivostok. Bull. Scripps Inst. — Bulletin. Scripps Institution for Biological Research. Berkeley. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci.— Bulletin of tlie Southern Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences. Los Angeles. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm.— Bulletin of the United States Fi.sh Commission. Washington. Bur. Fish., Min. .\gr. and For., Japanese Imp. Govt. — Bureau of Fisheries. Ministi-y of Agriculture and For- estry. Japanese Imperial Government. [Suisankyoku. Norinsho. Dai Nippon Teikoku Seifu.] Tokyo. California Div. Fish and Game, Bur. .Mar. Fish. — Cali- fornia Division of Fish and Game, Bureau of Marine Fisheries. San Francisco. California I>iv. Fisli and Game, Fish Bull. — California Division of Fish and Game. Fish Bulletin. Sacramento. Cent. Fish. Expt. Sta. Rpt. — Central Fisheries Experiment Station Reports. [Suisan Shikenjo Chosa HOkoku.] Tokyo. Com. Fish. Rev. — Commercial Fisheries Review. Fish and Wildlife Sei-vice. United States Department of the Interior. Washington. Coiieia — Copeia. New York. Council Sci. and Indust. Res., Australia, Pamphlet — Coun- cil for Scientific and Industrial Research. Common- wealth of Australia. Pamphlet. Melbourne. Dept. Fish., New South Wales — Department of Fisheries, New South Wales. Sydney. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser. — Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series. Chicago. Fish. Div., FAO, UN.— Fisheries Division. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Wash- ington. Fish. Invest. (Suppl. Rpt.), Imp. FLsh. Expt. Sta. — Fishery Investigation (Supplementary Report). Imperial Fish- eries Experiment Station. Tokyo. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Bull. — Fisheries Re.search Board of Canada, Bulletin. Vancouver. Fish. Technol. Lect. Series — Fisheries Technology Lecture Series. [Suisan Seizo Kogaku Koza.] Tokyo. Formosa Fish. Mag. — Formosa Fisheries Magazine. [Tai- wan Suisan Zasshi.] Taihoku. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. Publ. — Formosa Gov- ernment-General Fisheries Experiment Station. Publi- cations. [Taiwan Sotokufu Suisan Shikenjo Shuppan.] Kiirun. Iclith. Contrlb. Internatl. Game Fish Assoc. — Ichthyologi- cal Contriliutions of the International Game Fish Asso- ciation. New York. Japanese Jour. Zool. — Japane.se Journal of Zoology. Tokyo. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. — Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal — Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta. Jour. Biol. Chem. — Journal of Biological Chemistry. New York. Jour. Coll. Agr., Imp. Univ. Tokyo — Journal of the Collesre of Agriculture. Imperial University of Tokyo. Tokyo. Jour. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tolcyo — Journal of the College of Science. Imperial University of Tokyo. Tokyo. Jour. Council Sci. and Indust. Res., Australia — Journal of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Commonwealth of .\ustralia. Meltiourne. Jour. Fac. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo — Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. Tokyo. 25 26 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Jour. Imp. Fish. Bur. Tokyo — Journal of the Imperial Fisheries Bureau. Tokyo. Jour. Imp. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Journal of the Imperial Fish- eries Experiment Station. Tok.vo. Jour. Mus. Godeffroy — Journal des Museum Godeffroy. Hamburg. Jour. Pan-Pacific Res. Inst. — Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institution. Honolulu. Mem. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. — Jlemoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Honolulu. Mem. California Acad. Sci. — Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences. San FrancLsco. Mem. Carnegie Mus. — Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum. Pittsburgh. Mid-Pacific Mag. — Mid-Pacific Magazine. Honolulu. Miyagl Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Miyagi Prefe<.tural Fish- eries Experiment Station. [Miyagi-ken Suisan Shi- kenjo. Watanoha. Nat. Genee.sk. Arch. Neerland's Indie — Natuur en Genee- skundig Archief voor Neerland's-Indie. Batavia. Nat. Ti,idschr. Nederlandsch-Indie — Natuurkundig Tijd- schrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie. Batavia. Nederlundsch Tijdschr. Dierk. — Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de DIerkunde. Amsterdam. New Zealand Jour. Sci. Technol. — New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. Wellington. New Zealand Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. — New Zealand Marine Department Fisheries Bulletin. Wellington. Nissan Fish. Res. Sta. Odawara — Nissan Fisheries Re- search Station. [Nissan Suisan Kenkyujo.] Odawara. Note Serv. OciSanogr. Peches Indochine — Notes. Service OcSanographique des Peches de ITndochine. Station Maritime de Cauda. Saigon. Occas. Pap. California Acad. Sci. — Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. Ocean. Fish. — Oceanic Fisheries. [Kaiyo Gyogyo.] Tokyo. Pacific Biol. Sta., Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Circ. — Pacific Biological Stations, Fisheries Research Board of Can- ada. Vancouver. Pacific Sci. — Pacific Science. Honolulu. Palao Trop. Biol. Sta. Studies— Palao Tropical Biological Station Studies. Tokyo. Philippine Jour. Sci. — Philippine Journal of Science. Manila. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. — Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Proc. California Acad. Sci. — Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. I'roc. Sci. Fish. Assoc. — Proceedings of the Scientific Fish- eries Association. Tokyo. I'roc. Sixth Pacific Sci. Cong. — Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. — Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Washington. Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soc. Victoria — Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimation Society of Victoria. Vic- toria. Prog. Rpt. Chiha Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Chiba-ken Suisan Shikenjo Jigyd Hokoku.] Tateyama. Prog. Rpt. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., Katsuura Br.— Progress Reports of the Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Katsuura Branch. [Chiba-ken Suisan Shikenjo Katsuura Bunjo Jigyo Hokoku.] Katsuura. Prog. Rpt. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Formosa Government-General Fisheries Experiment Station [Taiwan Sotokufu Suisan Shi- kenjo ; Jigyo Hokoku ; Shiken Hokoku ; Suisan Shiken Hokoku.] Kiirun. Prog. Rpt. Hokkaido Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Hokkaido Fisheries Experiment Station. [Hok- kaido Suisan Shikenjo Suisan Chosa Hokoku.] Yoichi. Prog. Rpt. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Experi- ment Station. [Kagoshima-ken Suisan Shikenjo Jigyo Hokoku.] Kagoshima. Prog. Rpt. Kochi Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Kdchi Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Kochi-ken Suisan Sliikenjo Jigyo Hokoku.] Susaki. Prog. Rpt. Kumamoto Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Kumamoto Prefectural Fisheries Experi- ment Station. [Kumamoto-ken Suisan Shikenjo Jigyo Hokoku.] Kumamoto. Prog. Kpt. Mie Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta.— Progress Reports of the Mie Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Jlie-kon Suisan Shikenjo Jigyd Hokoku.] Tsu. Prog. Rpt. Nagasaki Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Re- ports of the Nagasaki Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Nagasaki-ken Suisan Shikenjo Jigyo Ho- koku.] Nagasaki. Prog. Rpt. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Oita Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Oita-ken Suisan Shikenjo GyOmu Hokoku.] Oita. Prog. Rpt. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta.— Progress Re- ports of the Okinawa Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Okinawa-ken Suisan Shikenjo: Jigyd Ho- koku; Seiseki ; Seiseki Gaiyd.] Naha. Prog. Rpt. Pacific Coast Sta., Fish. Res. Bd. Canada— Re- ports of the Pacific Coast Stations, Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Vancouver. Prog. Rpt. Shizuoka Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Re- ports of the Shizouka Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station. [Shizuoka-ken Suisan Shikenjo Jigyd Ho- koku.] Sliimizu. Prog. Rpt. South Seas Govt.-(Jen. Fish. Expt. Sta.— Prog- ress Reports of the South Seas Government-General Fisheries Experiment Station. [Nanyd-chd Suisan Shikenjo Jigyd Hokoku.] Patau. Prog. Rpt. Taihoku Prov. Fi.sh. Expt. Sta.— Progress Re- ports of the Tailioku Province Fisheries Experiment Station. [Taihoku-shii Suisau Shikenjo Gydmu Hd- koku.] Taihoku. Prog. Rpt. Takao Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta. — Progress Reports of the Takao Province Fisheries Experiment Station. [Takao-shfi Suisan Shiken Chdsa Hokoku.] Takao. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. — Puljlications. Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNASI 27 Rec. Canterbury Mnscuin — Records of the C;inlerliui-y -Mu- seum. Christcliuieh. Rec. Oceanogr. Works — Records of Oceauographic Works in Japan. Tokyo. Rec. So. Australian Mus. — Records of the South Australian Museum. Adelaide. Rpt. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. — Report of the Briti.sh As- sociation for the Advancement of Science. London. Rpt. U. S. Fish Conim. — Report of the Commissioner. United States Commission of Fish -and Fisheries. Washington. SCAP Nat. Resources See. Rpt. — Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. General Headquarters. Natural Resources Section. Reports. Tokyo. Sci. Sea — Science of the Sea. [Kaiyo no Kagaku.] Sea and Sky — Sea and Sky. [Umi to Sora.] Kobe. Semi-Ann. Rpt. Oceanogr. Invest. — Semi-Annual Report of Oceaniigraphical Investigations. Tokyo. Smithsn. Misc. Collect. — Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. Washington. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish. — Society for the Promotion of Oceanic Fisheries. [Kaiyo Gyogyo Kyokai.] Tok.vo. South Sea Fish. — South Sea Fisheries. [Nanyo Suisau.] Tokyo. South Sea Fish. News — South Sea Fisheries News. fNanyo Suisan JohO.] Patau. South Sea Sci. — South Sea Science. [Kagaku Nanyo.] Palau. Stanford Ichth. Bull.— Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. Stanford. Stanford Univ. Publ., Univ. Ser., Biol. Sci.— Stanford University Publications, University Series, Biological Sciences. Stanford. Tecli. Educ. Ser. Technol. Mus., Sydney — Technical Edu- cation Series. Technological Museum. Sydney. Text Fish.— The Text of the Fisheiy. Tokyo. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa — Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa. [Taiwan Haku- butsu Gakkai Kaiho.] Taihoku. Trans. New Zealand Inst. — ^Transactions and Proceedings of Ihe New Zealand Institute. Wellington. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand — Transactions and Proceed. ings of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Dunedin. Trans. Thirteenth No. Amer. Wildlife Conf. — Transactions of the Thirteenth North American Wildlife Conference. Washington. Trav. Inst. Oceanogr. Indochine — Travaux de I'lnstitut Oceanographique de I'Indochine. Saigon. Treubia — Treubia. Buitenzorg. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Circ- United States Depart- ment of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Circu- lar. Washington. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull.— United States Department of the Interior. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington. U. S. Fi.sh and Wildlife Serv., Fish. Leaf.— United States Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Leaflet. Washington. U. S. Natl. Mus. Bull. — United States Naticmal Museum. Bulletin. Washington. Univ. California Publ. Zool. — University of California Publications in Zoology. Berkeley. Verb. Batavia Genoot. Kunst. Wetene. — ^Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam — Verslagen van de Gewone Vergaderingen der Wis en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. Koninklijke Academic van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam. Vidensk. Selskr. Skr. — Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Copenhagen. Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst. Tech. Rpt. — Woods Hole Oceauographic Institution. Technical Report. Woods Hole. Zool. Mag. — Zoological Magazine. [Dobutsugaku Zasshi.] Tokyo. Zool. Meded. — Zoologische Mededeelingen. Leiden. INDEX BY SUBJECTS Age Aikawa, 1937. Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Ban, 1041. Bi-ock, 1943. Higashi, 1941b. Ikebe, 1939, 1940a, 1940b, 1940c, 1941a, 1941b. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kimura, 1935, 1941, 1942a. Okamoto, 1940. Schuefer, 1948b. Tauchi, 1940a, 1940b, 1940e. Uno, 193Cb. Tabe and Mori, 1948. Albacore. See Tlmnnus germo. Allison's tuna. See Neothunnus alHsoni. Alloihunnus fallai Anatomy Serventy, 1948. Classification Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Serventy, 1948. Compared with Katsuwonidae Serventy, 1948. Description Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Serventy, 1948. Distribution Fra.ser-Brunner, 1950. Serventy, 1948. Figured Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Serventy, 1948. Keys Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Measurement data Serventy, 1948. Synonymy Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Anatomy Air bladder Fish, 1948. Kishinouye, 1922a. And evolution Kishinouye, 1919a. Brain Matsul, 1942a. Migita and Arakawa, 1948. Digestive system Suyehiro, 19.36, 1938, 1941, 1942. External and internal Berg, 1947. Eckles, 1949b. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Imamura, 1949. 28 Anatomy — Continued External and internal — Continued Kishinouye, 1915a, 191ub, 1917a, 1918, 1921, 1923. Nakauiura, 1949. Roedel, 1948b. Schaefer and Marr, 194Sb. Serventy, 1942b, 1948. Takahashi, 1924. Figured Godsil and Byers, 1944. Higashi, 1941a, 1941c. Kishinouye, 1915b, 1919a, 1923. Matsul, 1942b. Migita and Arakawa, 1948. Nakamura, 1938. Serventy, 1941, 19421), 1948. Suyehiro, 1942. Reproductive system Bennett, 1840. Matsui, 1942b. Nakamura, 1938. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1931. Astronomical phenomena correlated with filshing Kawana, 1934. Takao Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927. Auxis Anatomy Kishinouye, 1915b, 1919a. As food of tunas Asano, 1939. Chemical analysis Okuda, 1918. Common names Tominaga, 1943. Description Tominaga, 1943. Distribution Schaefer, 1948c. Tominaga, 1943. Food Tominaga, 1943. Habits Tson and Higgins, 1919. Tinker, 1944. Tirant, 1929. Tominaga, 1943. Tubb, 1948. Ulrey, 1929. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 33 Distribution — Continued Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Wade, 1949. Waite, 1907, 1921, 1928. Walford. 1931, 1937. Weber, 1913. Whitphead. 1929, 1931. Whitley, 1928, 1937, 1947. Distribution correlated with water temperature Tal. Jordan, Tanaka. ,uid Siiyiler. 1913. Kitahara, 1897. Serventy, 1941. Temminck and Schlegel. ISiiO. Tinker, 1944. 34 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AKD WILDLIFE SERVICE Eiithynnus aJlcttrrntiis — Continued Food Hildebrand, 1!>46. Keys Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Hildebraud, 194G. McOulIoch, 1022. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Okada and Matsubaia, 1938. Serventy, 1941. Parasites Manter, 1940. Van Cleave, 1940. Reproduction Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Synonymy Boeseman, 1947. Cbevey, 1934. FAO, 1949. Fowler, 1904b, 1928. Giinther, 1860. 1876. Hildebrand, 1946. Jenkins, 1903. Jordan and Evermann, 1905. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. McCulloch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Richardson, 1846. Tanaka, 1931. Weber, 1913. Young Delsman, 1931. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Giinther, 1889. Etithi/nnus allittcratus. See Eiitlii/nniis alletteratus. Eiiflnjtni'us Uneatus Anatomy Kisbinouye, 1923. Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Classification Fraser-Brunner, 1949. Kisbinouye, 1923. Common names Kisbinouye, 1923. Walford, 1937. Compared with Eiithiinnus alletteratus Sehmitt and Schultz, 1940. Description Fowler, 1938. Kisbinouye, 1919c, 1923. Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Seale, 1940. Walford, 1937. Distribution Fowler, 1938, 1944. Fra-ser-Brunner, 1949. KLsbinouye, 1919c, 1923. Roedel, 194.8a. Schaefer, 1948c. Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Eiitliynnus lincatus — Continued Description — Continued Sehmitt and Schultz, 1940. Seale, 1940. Walford, 1937. Figured Fowler, 1944. Fraser-Brunner, 1949. KLsbinouye, 1923. Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Walford, 1937. Pood Kisbinouye, 1923. Walford, 1937. Habits Ki.shinouye, 1923. Keys Fraser-Brunner, 1949. Kisbinouye, 1923. Walford, 1937. MerLstic characters Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Reproduction Schaefer, 1948c. Walford, 1937. Synonymy Fowler, 1938, 1944. Fraser-Brunner, 1949. Kisbinouye, 1923. Young Schaefer, 1948e. Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Enthyiiniis macroptera Distriltution Tubb, 1948. Euthynnus pelamis. See Kntsuwomis prlamis. Euthynnus pelamys. See Kntsiiironus iiehnnis. Euthynnvs vagans. See Katsuwonus pelamis. Euthynnus wallisi Distribution Fowler, 1949. Synonymy Fowler, 1949. Euthynnus yaito Anatomy Kisbinouye, 191.5a, 191.5b, 1919a, 1923. Chemical analysis Miyauchi, 1915. Classification Fraser-Brunner, 1949. Kisbinouye, 1915a, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Common names Cbevey, 1932a. Fujita and Wakiya, 1915. Herre and Uniali, 1948. Kisbinouye, 1915a, 1923. Nakamura. 1939b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 35 EiitJniinuis i/aito — Continued Couimon names — Continued Shapiro, 19-J8b. Toniinaga, 1943. Compared with Wanderer icallisi Whitley, 1937. De.scription Clievey, ]!»32a. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Oliada and Matsubara, 1938. Tominaga, 1943. Di.stributlon Chevey, 1932a, 1932b. Domantay, 1940. Eckles, 1949a. Fraser-Brnnner, 1949. Fnjita and Wakiya, 1915. Godsil and Greenhood, 1948. Herre, 1933, 1940. Jordan and Everniann, 1926a. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Kishinou.ve, 1915a, 1922c, 1923. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Sphaefer, 194Sc. Shapiro, 194Sb. Smith and Schaefer, 1949. Tominaga, 1943. Figured Chevey, 1932a. Domantay, 1940. Fraser-Brunner, 19^9. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Smith and Schaefer, 1949. Food Herald, 1949. Kishinouye, 1923. Tominaga, 1943. Welsh, 1949. Habits Kishinouye, 1923. Tominaga, 1943. Keys Brock, 1949. Fraser-Brunner, 1949. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Measurement data Bonham, 1946. Parasites Kishinouye, 1923. Reproduction Kishinouye, 1923. Schaefer, 1948c. Synonymy Chevey, 1932a, 19.34. Fraser-Brunner, 1949. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Kishinouye, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b. EiitliiDDiiix i/ailo — Continued Young Kishinouye, 1919b, 1923, 1924. Schaefer, 1948c. Euthynux alletteratus. Set- Euthynnus allettcratus. Evolution Based on internal anatomy Kishinouye, 1919a. Exploitation rates Tauchl. 1940a, 1940b, 1940c. Fishing conditions Correlated with area Hart and Hollister, 1947. Hart et al., 1948. Correlated with astronomical phenomena. See Astro- nomical phenomena. Correlated with oceanography. See Oceanographic conditions. Correlated with .season Hart et al., 1948. Inanami, 1942b. Whitehead, 1929. Fishing grounds Location correlated with oceanography. See Oceano- graphic conditions. Food Anonymous, 1938. Asano, 1939. Ban, 1941. Bennett, 1840. Chapman, 1946. Clemens and Wilby, 1946. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Eckles, 1949b. Fitch, 19.50. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Hart and Hollister, 1947. Hart et al., 1948. Hatai et al., 1941. Herald, 1949. Hildebrand, 1946. Imamura, 1949. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1934, 1939, 1940. Jordan and (3illiert, ISSlb, 18S2. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kishinouye, 1895, 1915a, 1917b, 192:j. Kuronuma, 1940. Marukawa, 19.39. Miyama, Sartiya, and Hasegawa, 1939. Nakamura, 1936, 1943. 1949. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Okuma, Imaizuml, and Maki, 1935. Scagel. 1949. Serventy. 1942a. Shapiro, 1948a. Starks, 1918. Starks and Morris, 1907. Su.veliiro. 1936, 19.38. 1942. Taihoku I'rov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1928, 1929. 36 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Food — Continued Tinker. 1044. Tominasa, 1043. Walford, 1037. Watanabe, H., 1939. Welsh, 1949. Whitley, 1937. Tabe and Mori, 1948. Oermo alalunga. See Thuniuis germo. Germo alntniign. See Thunnus gcrnio. Germo albacores. See Neotlmnnus itosiU. Germo argentiviftafus. See Neothioinus argentivittaUis. Germo germo. See Thnnntis germo. Germo germon. See Thunnus germo. Germo macroptenis. See Neothvv»us macroiiterus. Germo sibi. See Parathtinniis sibi. Gravity, specific. See Specific gravity, also Oceanographic conditions. Growth Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Brock, 1943. Kimura, 1932, 1935. Kishiuouye, 1923. Schaefer, 194Sa, in4Sb. GymnosarcLa afflnis. See Kafsuironns pelamis. Giimnosarda alletterata. See Euthynnns allettcratus. Gymnosarda pelamis. See Kcitsuwonus pelamis. Habits Brock, 1949. Iniamnra, 1949. Jordan and Gilbert, 1882. Kida, 1936. Kishinouye, 191.5a, 1923. jS'akannira, 1049. Roughly, 1016. Schaefer, 1048b. Sei-venty, 1042a. Shapiro, 1948a. Tinker. 1944. Tominasa, 1943. Ucbida, 1923. Uda, in.3.5h. 1040a. Uda and Tsukushi, 1934. Hermaphroditism Nakamura, 1935. Hormones Jligita and Arakawa, 1948. Oya and Takahn.shi. 1936. Toyama et al., 1041. Juveniles. See Young. Katsuwonidae Anatomy Kishinouye, 1017a, 1919a Classification Kishinouye, 1017a. Compared with AHothunnns fallal Serventy, 1948. Katsuwonidae — Continued Keys Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Katsuiconus pelamis Age Aikawa, 1937. Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Higashi, 1941b. Kimura, 1941. Okamoto, 1940. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Anatomy Eckles, 1949b. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Higashi, 1041a. Imamura, 1049. Kishinouye, 1015a, 1015b, 1918, 1919a, 1923. Matsui, 1942a. 1942b. Suyehiro, 1936, 1038, 1941, 1942. Body condition Aikawa, 19.37. Aikawa and Kato. 1038. Ikebe and Jlatsumoto, 1037. Onodera, 1041. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1941d. Suyehiro, 1036, 1038. Body temperature Uda, 1041. Watanabe, N., 1941. Catch per unit of effort Kanamura and Yazaki. 1940a, 1940b. Chemical analysis Hijrashi and Hirai, 1948. Kodama, liziika, and Harada, 1934. Miyania and Osakabe, 1938, 1940. Miyauchi, 1015. Okuda, 1918. Classification Fraser-Brunner, 19.30. Godsil and Byers. 1944. Hildebrand, 1946. Kishinouye, 101.5a, 1023. Nakamura, 1939b. Okada and Matsubara, 1038. Phillipps, 1027b. Eoedel, 1948b. Shapiro, 104Sa. Soldatov and Llndberg, 1030. Taranetz, 1037. Walford, 1031. Common names Barnhart, 1036. Craig, 1929. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. FAO, 1940. Fish, 1948. Fujita and Wakiya, 1915. Herre and Umali, 1048. Jordan and Everniann, 1806, 1005. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 37 Katsuwonus pelamis — Continued Common names — Continued Jordan and Jordan, 1022. Jordan and Snyder, liiOl. Jordan, Tanalia, and Snyder, 1913. Kisliinouye, 191oa, 1923. Kiunata et al., 1941. Naknmura, 1939b. Okada and Matsuhara, 1938. Phillipps, 1927b. Roeilel, 194Sb. Serventy, 1941. Sliapiro, 1948a, 1948b. Smith, 1947. Starks and Morris, 1907. Taiiaka, 1912. Tinker, 1944. Toniinaga, 1943. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931. 1937. Whitley, 1947. Compared with Thynnus afflnis Cantor, ISoO. Description Barnhart, 1936. Bennett, 1840. Bleeker, 1856. Boeseman, 1947. Clemens and Wilby, 1946. ( 'uvier and Valenciennes, 1934. Di'lsuian and Hardenburg, 1934. Eigeumann and Eigenmann, 1890. Fouler, 1028, 1938. Fraser-Brunuer, 1050. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Giinther, 1860, 1876. Hildebrand, 1046. Inianiura, 1940. Jordan and Evermann, 1905. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1922b, 1923. Le.sson, 1830. Macleay, 1881. Meek and Hildebrand, 1023. Nakamura, 1930b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 194Sb. Seale, 1940. Serventy, 1041. Shapiro, 1948a. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Stead, 190(!. Tanaka, 1012. Temminck and Schlegel, 1&50. Tinker, 1044. Toiniiiaga, 1043. Walford, 1931, 1937. Distribution Abe, 1939. Anonymous, 1941. Barnhart, 1936. Katsuwonus pelamis — Continued Distribution — Continued Bleeker, 1856, 1860a, 1862, 1865a. Chapman, 1046. Clemens and Wilby, 1046. Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831. Del.snian and Hardenburg, 1934. Doniantay, 1040. Eekles, 1940a. Eigenmann, 1892. Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890, 1891. Evermann and Seale, 1907. FAO, 1949. Fi.sh, 1948. Fowler, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1944, 1949. Fraser-Brunner, 19.50. Fujita and Wakiya, 1915. Godsil and Greenhood, 1948. Gunther, 1860, 1876. Herre, 1932, 1033, 1935, 1936, 1940. Hildebrand, 1946. Imamura, 1949. Jenkins, 1903. Jordan and Evermann, 1896, 1905. Jordan and Hubbs. 1025. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan and Seale, 1006. Jordan and Snyder, 1001. Jordan and Starks, 1907. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1040a, 1040b. Kimura, 1041, 1942b. Kishinouye, 1015a, 1023. Kumata et al., 1041. Lesson, 1830. Macleay, 1881. Martin, 1038. Matsubara, 1943. McCulloch, 1022. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b. Nichols and Murphy, 1944. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1943. Phillipps, 1027a, 1927b. Phillipi)s and Hodgkinson, 1022. Reeves, 1928. Richardson, 1846. Roedel, 1948b. Roughly, 1916. Schaefer, 1948c. Seale, 1940. Serventy, 1041, 1947. Shapiro, 194Sa, 1948b. Smith and Schaefer. 1940. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1937a. Starks and Morris, 1907. Stead, 1906, 1908. Tanaka, 1912, 1931. 38 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Katsuivonus pelamis — Continued Distribution — Continued Taranetz, 1937. Tinker, 1944. Tominaga, 1943. Ulrey, 1929. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Waite, 1907. Walford, 1931, 1937. Whitehead, 1929. Whitley, 1947. Distribution correlated with water temperature Takayama, Ikeda, and Ando, 1934. Uda, 1935b, 1936, 1940b. Egss Hatai et al., 1941. Marr, 1948. Nakanmra Re.s. Staff, 1949. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Enemies Imaraura, 1949. Tinker, 1944. Figured Barnhart, 1936. Clemens and Wilby, 1946. Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831. Domantay, 1940. Eckles, 1949a. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Jordan and Evermann, 1905. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Kitahara, 1897. Kumata et al., 1941. Lesson, 1830. McCulloch, 1922. Nakamura, 19.39b. Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a. Smith and Schaefer, 1949. Tanaka, 1912. Temminck and Schlegel, 1850. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1931, 1937. Fishing conditions correlated with oceanography Aikawa, 19.33. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Stn., Katsuura Br., 1936, 1937, 1938, 1941. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933b, 1934. Imamura, 1949. Inanami, 1941, 1942d. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta.. 1025, 1926a, 1926b, 1927b, 1928a, 1929a. 1930ii, 1931a, 1932a, 1933a, 1935, 1936a, 1937. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Kawamura, 1939. Kimura, 1941, 1949. Kochi Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1923a. Katsiiironus pcUimis — Continued Fishing conditions correlated with oceanography — Con. Kumamoto Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1946. Mie Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930a, 1930b, 1930d. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1940a, 1943. Sasaki, 1939a. Shapiro, 1948a. Shimamura, 1927. Shizuoka Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1936, 1937. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., Iii37c, 1938. 1942, 1943b. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927a, 1927b, 1929, 1932. Takayama, Ikeda, and Ando, 1934. Uda, 1935b, 1938, 1939, 1940c. Uehara, 1941. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Fishing conditions correlated with weather Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1940a, 1943. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927a, 1927b. Uda and Watanabe, 1938. Food Clemens and Wilby, 1946. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Eckles, 1949b. Hatai et al., 1941. Hildcbrand, 1946. Imamura, 1949. Kishinouye, 1917b, 192.3. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Shapiro, 1948a. Suyehiro, 1936, 1938, 1942. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1928, 1929. Tinker, 1944. Tominaga, 1943. Walford, 1937. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Growth Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Habits Imamura, 1949. Kishinouye, 1923. Shapiro, 1948a. Tinker, 1944. Tominaga, 1943. Uchida, 1923. Uda, 1935b, 1940a. Uda and Tsukushi, 19.34. Hermaphroditism Nakamura, 1935. Hormones Miglta and Arakawa, 1948. Oya and Takahashi, 1936. Toyama et al., 1941. Keys Brock, 1949. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. BIBLIOGRAPHY OX PACIFIC TUNAS 39 Katsuwonus pelamis — Continued Keys — Cimtin\UMl HiMebratKl. 104f). Kishinoiiye. lOlya, 1923. MtCull(Hh, lft22. Meek and Hildebraiul. 1923. Okaila an.-i Mat.subara, 1938, Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Soldatov and Lindber^', 1930. Tai-iUietz, 1937. Walford, 1931, 1937. Length-weiglit relation Bonham, 1946. Measurement data Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Bonham, 1946. Godsil and Byers. 1944. Higashi, 1940a, 1040b, 1941a, 1941b, 1942. Ikebe and Matsumoto. 1937. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 192.">, 1926a, 192Tb, 192Sa, 1929a, 1936a, 1937, 1938a, 1939a, 1940a, 1941. Kodama, liziika, and Harada, 1934. Marr, 1948. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Oita Pref. Fish. E.xpt. Sta., 1925. Okianwa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1931. Onod'ra, 1941. Schaefer, 1948b. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1941d. Suyehiro, 1936, 193S. Expt. Sta., 1928, 1929. Fish. Taihnku Prov. Uda, 1941. Watanabe. N., 1941. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Yamamoto, 1940. Meristic characters Codsil and Byers, 1944. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Migration Hatai et al., 1941. Imamura, 1949. Kiniura, 1941, 1942b. Kishinouye, 1923. Mats\ibara, 1943. Matsumoto, 1937. Sasaki, 19.39a. Shapiro. 194Sa, 1948b. Tominaga, 1943. Uda, 1936. Walford, 1937. Parasites Bennett, 1840. Haraila, 1928. Kishinouye, 1923. Manter, 1940. Van Cleave, 1940. Populations Aikawa, 1937. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Katsuiconus pelamis — Continued Populations — Continued Imamura, 1949. Tauchi, 1941. Tominaga, 1943. Uda and Tsukuslii, 1934. Reproduction Eckles, 1949b. Hatai et al., 1941. Imamura, 1949. Kishinouye, 1923. Marr, 1948. Schaefer, 1948c. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Shapiro, 194Sb. Walford, 1937. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Sex ratio Ikebe and Matsumoto. 1937. Marr, 1948. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Sexual dimorphi.sm Hatai et al., 1941. Sexual maturity Hatai et al., 1941. Marr, 194S. Matsuliara. 1943. Matsui, 1942b. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1931. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Size composition Aikawa, 1937. Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Inanami, 1942b. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1937. Kimura, 1941. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Okamoto, 1940. Sasaki, 1939a. Uda, 193.5b. Uda and Tsukushi, 1934. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Swinuuing velocity Watanabe, N., 1941. Synonymy Bleeker, 1856. Boeseman, 1947. Everniann and Seale, 1907. F.VO, 1949. Fish. 1948. Fowler, 1928, 1934, 1944, 1949. Fraser-Brunner, 19.50. Giinther, 1S60, 1876. Herre, 1936. Hildelirand, 1946. Jenkins, 1903. Jordan and Evermann. 1896, 1905. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder. 1913. 40 FISHERY BULLErriN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Katsuwonus pelamis — Continued Synonymy — Continued Kishinouye, 1023. MeCulloch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b. Philllpps, 1927b. Richardson, 1846. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Tanaka, 1912, 1931. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Waite, 1907. Tagging Anonymous, 1939. Fukuda and lizuka, 1940b. Godsil, 1938. Kagoshima Pref. Fi.sh. Espt. Sta., 1928a, 1936b, 1938b, 1939b, 19401). Matsumoto, 1937. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1941c. Uda, 1936. Toung Eckles, 1949b. Hatai et al., 1941. Inanami, 1942o. Kishinouye, 1019b, 1923, 1924, 1926. Marr, 1948. Sehaefer, 1948c. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Toung as food of tuna Kishinouye, 1917b. Marukawa, 1939. Katsuifonus pelamys. See Kntsuicovtis pelamis. Katmiwomis tJagans. See Kat.s-uironiis pelamis. Kaiicomis vayans. See Katsuwonus pelamis. Key.*! Brock, 1949. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Fraser-Brunner, 1040, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Hildebrand, 1946. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hulibs, 1925. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. MeCulloch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1023. Nakamura, 1040. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 194Sb. Serventy, 1941. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz, 1937. Wade, 1949. Walford, 1931, 1937. Eish inoella Keys Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. EishiiwcUa rnra Classification Nakamura, 1939b. Okada and aiatsubara. 1038. Common names Jordan and Evennann, 1026b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Nakamura, 1939b. Okada and Matsubara. 1938. Compared with Eisliiiioclhi zacalles Nakamura, 1939b. Description Jordan and Evermann. 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs. 1925. Nakamura, 1939b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Distribution Jordan and Evermann, 1926a, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Nakamura. lO.'iOb. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Figured Nakamura, 1939b. Keys Brock, 1949. Jordan and Evermann. 1926b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Synonymy Nakamura, 1939b. Kish inoella tont/r/ol Anatom.y Serventy, 1942b. Common names Serventy, 1941. Whitley, 1947. Compared with Kishinorlla zacalles Serventy, 1942b. Compared with Ncoihunnus varus Serventy, 1942b. Compared with Thunnux niaeeoyi Sei-venty, 1041. Compared with Thunnus nicolsoni Serventy, 1942b. Compared with Thunnus tonggol Serventy, 1942b. Description Serventy, 1941, 1942b. Distiibution Serventy, 1941, 1942a, 1942b. Whitley, 1947. Figured Serventy, 1941, 1942b. Food Serventy, 1942a. Habits Serventy, 1942a. Keys Serventy, 1941. Length-weight relation Serventy, 1941. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 41 Kishinoelln tonijijol — Continued Measurement data Serventy, 1942b. Reproduction Serventy, 1042a. Synonymy Serventy, 1942b. KUhinoclla zacalles Classification Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Nicliols and LuMonle, 1941. Compared witli Kinliiiwclla rara Nakamura. 19:!9b. Compared with KiHhinoella tonggol Serventy, 1942b. Description Fraser-Brunner, 19.50. Jordan and Everniann. 1926b. Distribution Fraser-Brunner, 10.10. .Jordan and Bvermann, 1926b. Figured Fraser-Brunner, 19,")0. Jordan and Everniann, 1926b. Keys Fra.?er-Brunner, 19.50. Jordan and Everniann. 1926b. Synonymy FVaser-Brunner, 1950. Length-weight data. See Morphometries. Maclierel, frigate. See Auxis spp. Management Scbaefer, 194Sc. Maturity Anonymous, 1938. Ban, 1941. Clark, 1929. Hatai et al., 1941. Ikebe, 1939. Imaizumi, 1937. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 1935. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kato, 1940. Marr, 1948. Matsubara, 1943. Matsui, 1042b. Nakamura, 1938. Nakamiira Res. Staff, 1949. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta.. 1931. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Schaefer, 1948b. Scbaefer and Marr, 1948a. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 19.36. Watanabe, H., 1930. Measurement data. See Morphometries. Migration. Cobb, 1919. Hatai et al., 1941. Migration — Continued Imamura, 1949. Kimura, 1941, 1942b. Kishinouye, 1923. Koehi Pref. Fisli. Expt. Sta., 1923b, 1924. Matsubara, 1943. Matsiimoto, 1937. Nakamura, 1943, 1949. Sasaki, 1939a, 1939b. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 104Sa, 104Sb. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Tauclii, 194()b. Tominaga, 1943. Uda, 1936. Walford, 1937. Whitehead, 1931. Morphometries Length-weight relation Bonhani, 1946. Hiratsuka and Morlta, 1935. Schaefer, 1948a. Serventy, 1941. Measurement data Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Anonymous, 1938. Bonham, 1946. Brock, 1043, 1940. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Godsil, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Higashi, 1940a, 1940b, 1911a, 1941c, 1942. Hiratsuka and Imaizumi, 1934. Hiratsuka and Ito, 1934. Ikebe, 1939, 1040a, 19401), 1040c, 1041a, 1941b. Ikebe and Matsumoto, 1037. Inanami, 1940a. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1930, 1940. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1925, 1926a. 1027b, 1928a, 1929a, 1036a, 1937, 1938a, 193!)a, 1940a, 1941. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 1935. Kanamura and Tazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kdihinia, lizuka, and Harada, 1934. Marr, 1948. Miyama, Saruya, and Hasegawa, 1939. Nakamura, 1036, 1930a, 1930b. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1925, 1927a. 1027b, 1930. Okinawa Pref. Fisli. Expt. Sta.. 1931. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki. 1935. Onodera, 1941. Schaefer, 1948a, 194Sb. Serventy, 1942b, 1948. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1941d, 1943a. Suyehiro, 1036, 1938. Tailioku Pi-ov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1028, 1029. Uda, 1932, 1941. Uno, 1036b. Wade, 1949. Watanalie, Ilajinie, 1939. 42 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE M(iri)hometrics — Continued Measurement data — Continued Watanabe, Haruo, 1940. Watanabe, N., 1941. Tabe and Mori, 1948. Yaiuamoto, 1940. Meristic characters Clark, 1929. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Nakamura Re.s. Staff, 1949. Schaefer and Marr, 1948b. Wade, 1949. Methods of measurement Godsil, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Marr and Schaefer, 1949. Sex ratio Brock, 1943. Ikebe and Matsumoto, 19.37. Marr, 194S. Miyama, Saruya, and Hasegawa, 1939. Nakamura Res. Staif, 1949. Ncothiinnus Compared with ScmatliK units Fowler, 1933. Nakamura, 1939a. New species recorded Jordan and Bvermann, 1926a. Neotliunmis albacora Classification Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Common names Nichols and LaJIonte, 1941. Description Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Keys Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Synonymy Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Nrothvnnus alhacora alhacoin. See Ncoihunnns anacora. Nrothnnmis albacora macropterus. See Neotliunnus macropterus. NeotMmnns allisonl Classification Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Common names Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Compared with Ncothuniins macropterus Walford, 1937. Description Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Keys Nichols and LaMonte. 1941. Synonymy Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Neotliunnus alUsoni allisoni. See Neotliunnus allisoni. Ncothunnus allisoni itosibi. See Neotliunnus itosihi. Neotliunnus argentivittatus Common names Nichols and Mui-phy, 1922. Description Nichols and Murphy, 1922. Distribution Fowler, 1944. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Nichols and Murphy, 1922. Neotliunnus catalinae Classification Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Common names Craig, 1929. Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Description Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Distribution Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Ulrey, 1929. Figured Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Keys Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Synonymy Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Neotliunnus itosibi Classification Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Okada and Matsnbara, 1938. Common names Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Compared with Neotliunnus macropterus Nakamura, 1939a, 1939b. DescriiJtion Fowler, 1928. Jordan and Evermann. 1926b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Powell, 1937. Distribution Domantay, 1940. Fowler, 192S. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Martin, 1938. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Powell, 1937. Figured Domantay, 1940. Jordan and Evermann. 1926b. Powell, 1937. Keys Jordan and Evermann. I'.t26b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Synonymy Fowler, 1928. Powell, 1937. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 43 Ifeothtiiniiix nuicroptrnis Age Aikawa iind Kato, 1938. Ban, 1941. Higashi, 1941b. Ikebe, 19:!9, 194(la. 1940h, lOJOc. 1941a, 1941b. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kiiimra, 1942a. Schaefer, 1948b. Tauchi, 1940b. Anatomy Fish, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Higashi, 1941e. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1915b, 1919a, 1922a, 1923. Matsui, 1942a. Migita and Arakawa, 1948. Nakamura, 1949. Suyehiro, 1941, 1942. Body condition Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Ikebe, 1939. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Body temperature Anonymous, 1938. Kanamura and Imaizuuii, 1935. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Nakamura, 1941. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927a, 1930. Catch per unit of effort Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish Expt. Sta., 1933a. Hiratsuka and Iniaizumi, 19.34. Hiratsuka and Ito, 1934. Imaizuuii, 1937. Kanamura and Imaizuuii, 1935. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Nakamura, 1949. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Chemical analysis Dill, 1921. Higashi and Hirai, 1948. Miyania and Osakabe, 1940. Miyama, Saruya, and Hasegawa, 1939. Classification Fra.ser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Hildebrand, 1946. Kishinouye, 191.ja, 1923. Nakamura, 1939a, 1939b, 1943, 1949. Nichols and LaJIonte, 1941. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 194Sb. Schaefer, 194Sa. Shapiro, 194Sa. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz. 19:'.7. Walford. 1931. Coiiimun names Barnhart, 1936. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Neothtimius macropterus — Continued Common names — Continued FAO, 1949. Fi.sh, 194S. Fujita and Wakiya, 1915. Herre and Uniali, 1948. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan and Snyder, 1901. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Kumata et al., 1941. Nakamura, 1939b. 1943, 1949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a, 1948b. Smith, 1947. Starks and Morris, 1907. Tinker, 1944. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931, 1937. Whitley, 1947. Compared with Neothiinntis allisoni Walford, 1937. Compared with Xeoth minus itosibi Nakamura, 1939a, 1939b. Compared witli Parathunnuti iiiehachi Roedel, 1948b. Compared with Semathuiniiis yuildi Nakamura, 1939b. Compared with Tluinniis tinjiniiis Thompson and Biggins, 1919. Description Barnhart, 1936. Boeseman, 1947. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Fowler, 1928. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Hildebrand. 1946. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan and Starks, 1907. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Matsubara, 1943. Nakamura, 19.S9b. 1949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 194Sb. Seale, 1940. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a. Soldatov and Lindberg. 1930. Starks, 1918. Teniniinck and Schle!;el. 1N">0. Thompson and Higgins, 1919. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1931, 1937. 44 FISHERY BULLEITIN OF THE FI&H AK.D WILDLIFE SERVIC7E Neotluinmis macroptents — Continued Distribution Abe, 1939. Anonymous, 1938. Barnhart, 1936. Bleeker, 1852, 1862, 1865a. Chapman, 1946. Chu, 1931. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Domantay, 1940. Eckles, 1949a. FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta„ 1933a. Fowler, 1923a, 1928, 1931, 1938, 1949. Fi'aser-Brunner, 1950. Fujita and Wal^iya, 1915. Godsil and Greenhood, 1948. Herre, 1932, 1935, 1936, 1940. Hildebrand, 1946. Hiratsuka and Imaizumi, 1934. Hiratsuka and Ito, 1934. Holder, 1912. Hubbs, 1916. Imaizumi, 1937. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1934. Jordan and Evermann, 1926a, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan and Seale, 1906. Jordan and Snyder, 1901. Jordan and Starks, 1907. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kanaraura and Imaizumi, 1935, Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kimura, 1942b. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Kochi Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1923b, -924. Kumata et al., 1941. Martin, 1938. Matsubara, 1943. Nakamura, 1939b, 1943. 1949. OUada and Matsubara, 1938. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Reeves, 1928. Richardson, 1846. Roedel, 1948b. Schaefer, 1948c. Seale, 1940. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a, 1948b. Smith and Schaefer, 1949. Soldatov and Lindberg, 19.30. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1937a. Starks, 1918. Starks and Morris, 1907. Takao Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927. Tnnaka, 19.31. Taranetz, 1937. Temminck and Schlegel, 1850. Neotliimnus macroptents — Continued Distribution — Continued Tinker, 1944. Ulrey, 1929. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931, 1937. Whitley, 1928, 1947. Distribution correlated with water temperature Takayama and Ando, 1934. Uda, 1935a. Exploitation rates Tauchi, 1940b. Figured Anonymous, 1938. Barnhart, 1936. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Domantay, 1940. Eckles, 1949a. Fraser-Brunner, 19.50. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Starks, 1907. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Kitahara, 1897. Kumata et al., 1941. Nakamura, 1949. Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a. Starks, 1918. Temminck and Schlegel, 1850. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1931, 1937. Fishing conditions correlated with astronomical phe- nomena Takao Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927. Fishins conditions correlated with oceanography Aikawa, 1933. Ban, 1941. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Hiratsuka and Imaizumi, 1934. Hiratsuka and Ito, 1934. Ikebe, 1940d, 1942. Inanami, 1940b, 1940c, 1941, 1942d. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1934. Kagosbima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1926b, 1927a, 1928b, 1929b, 1930b, 1930e, 1931b, 1932b. 1933b. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 19.35. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kawamura, 1939. Kimura, 1942a. Kinuira and Ishii, 1933. Mie Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930c, 1930e. Nakamura, 1949. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930. Okunia, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Shapiro, 1948a. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1937a, 1938, 1941b, 1942, 1943b. Takao Prov. Fish Expt. Sta., 1927. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 45 Neothunnus macropterus — Continued Fishing conditions correlated with oc(>anography — Con. Takayama and Ando, 1934. Uehara, 1041. Fishing conditions corrchited with weather Formosa Govt. -Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Hiratsuka and Imaizumi, 1934. Hiratsuka and Ito. 1934. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Food Anonymous, 1938. Ban, 1941. Chapman, 1946. Fitch, 1950. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Herald, 1949. Hildebrand, 1946. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1934. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 1935. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kishinouye, 191Tb, 1023. Marukawa, 19.39. Miyania, Saruya, and Hasegawa, 1939. Nakaniura, 1936, 1943, 1949. Okuma, Imaiziirai, and Maki, 1935. Shapiro, 194Sa. Su.vehiro, 1942. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1937. Growth Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Kimura, 1932, 1935. Kishinouye, 1923. Schaefer, 1948a, 1948b. Habits Kishinouye, 1923. Nakaniura, 1949. Schaefer, 194Sb. Shapiro, 1948a. Hormones Migita and Arakawa, 1948. Toyama et al., 1941. Keys Brock, 1949. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Fraser-Brunner, lO.'O. Godsil and Byers, 1044. Hildebrand, 1946. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Nakaniura, 1949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz, 1037. Wallord, 1931, 1937. Ncoth iiiinus macropterus — Continued Length-weight relation Hiratsuka and Morita, 1935 Schaefer, 194Sa. Measurement data Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Anonymous, 19.38. Bonham, 1046. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fisli. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Godsil, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Higa.shi, 1940a, 1941b, lOllc, 1042. Hiratsuka and Imaizumi, 1934. Hiratsuka and Ito, 1034. Ikebe, 1039, 1040a, 104(ib, 1040c, 1941a, 1941b. Inanami, 1940a. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 10.35. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1040a, 1940b. Marr, 1948. Miyama, Saruya, and Hasegawa, 19.39. Nakamura, 19.36, 1939a, 1930b. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., lOL'.". 1027a, 1027b, 1930. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Schaefer, 1948a, 194Sb. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1943a. Watanabe, H., 1940. Meristic characters Godsil and Byers, 1044. Migration Kochi Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1923b, 1924. Nakamura, 1943. Shapiro, 1948a. Tauchi, 1940b. Walford, 1937. Parasites Kishinouye, 1923. Populations Godsil, 1948, 1049. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Tauchi, 1040b. Reproduction Hatai et al., 1041. Ikebe, 1041b. Kishinouye, 1923. Marr, 1948. Nakaniura, 103!)b, 1943, 1949. Schaefer, 194Se. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1937. Sex ratio Marr, 1948. Miyama, Saruya, and Hasegawa, 1939. Sexual maturity Anonymous, 1938. Ban, 1941. Hatai et al., 1941. Ikebe, 1039. Imaizumi, 1037. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 1935. 46 FISHERY BULLErriN OF THE FISH AA'D WTLDLIFE SERVICE Neothunnus macroptervs — Continued Sexual maturity — Continued Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Kato, 1940. Marr, 1948. Okuma, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Schaefer, 1948b. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Size composition Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Kiniura, 1932, 1942a. Scliaefer, 1948b. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Tauehi, 1940b. Survival rates Tauehi, 1940b. Synonymy Boeseman, 1947. Chu, 1931. FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Fowler, 1928, 1931, 1949. Fraser-P.runner, 1950. Herre, 1936. Hildebrand, 1946. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Starks, 1907. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kishinouye, 1923. Nakamura, 19.39a, 19.S9b, 1949. Richardson, 1846. Soldatov and Lindberg. 1930. Tanaka, 1931. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Tagging Godsil, 1938. Young Kishinouye, 1924, 1926. Schaefer, 1948c. Schaefer and Marr. 1948a. Neothunnus ranis Anatomy Kishinouje, 1915a, 1915b, 1923. Nakamura, 1949. Classification Kishinouye, 191.5a, 1923. Nakamura, 1943, 1949. Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Common names Delsman and Hardeiiburg, 1934. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Nakamura, 1943, 1949. Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Compared with Kishinoelhi loni/gol Serventy, 1942b. Description Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Kishinouye, 191.->a, 1923. Nakamura, 1949. •Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Neothunnus ranis — Continued Distribution Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Herre, 1940. Ki.shinouye, 191.5a, 1923. Nakamura, 1943, 1949. Eggs Delsman and Harara. 1938. Shapiro, 194Sb. Tinker, 1944. TJlrey and Greeley, 1928. Compared with Pelamys sibi Bleeker, 1879. Compared with Thynnus alalonga Temminck and Schlegel, 1850. Description Brock, 1949. Fowler, 1927, 1928. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Temminck and Schlegel, 1850. Tinker, 1944. Distribution Domantay, 1940. Fowler, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1938, 1949. Herre, 1940. Jordan and Evermann, 1926a, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan and Snyder, 1901. Paratlunmus sibi — Continued Distribution — Continued Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Richardson, 1846. Shapiro, 1948b. Smith and Schaefer, 1949. Snyder, 1904. Tanaka, 1931. Tinker, 1944. Ulrey, 1929. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Distribution correlated with water temperature Uda, 1935a. Figured Domantay, 1940. Fowler, 1927, 1928. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Kitahara, 1897. Temminck and Schlegel, 1850. Tinker, 1944. Pood Suyehiro, 1942. Habits Brock, 1949. Hormones Toyama et aL, 1941. Keys Brock, 1949. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Measurement data Brock, 1949. Higashi, 1942. Synonymy Fowler, 1928, 1949. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Richardson, 1846. Tanaka, 1931. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Young as food of tunas Marukawa, 1939. Paraihynnus sibi. See Parathunnus sibi. Pelamys afflnc. See Euthynnus alletteratus. Pelamys macropterus. See Neothunnus macropterus. Pelamys pelamys. See Katsuwonns pelamis. Pelamys sibi Compared with Thynnus sibi Bleeker, 1879. Pelamys thunnina. See Euthynnus alletteratus. Plecostei Anatomy Berg, 1947. Kishinouye, 1917a. Takahashi, 1924. Classification Berg, 1947. Kishinouye, 1917a. Takahashi, 1924, 1926. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUXAS 49 Populations Alkawa, 1937. Brock, 194;{. Clark, 1929. Goilsil, 1948. 1949. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Imamura, 1949. Tauchi, 1940a, 1940b. 1940c, 1941. Tominaga, 1943. Uda and Tokunaga, 1937. Uda and Tsukushi, 1934. Reproduction Brock, 1943. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Eckles, 1949b. Hatai et al., 1941. Ikebe, 1941b. Imamura, 1949. Kishinouye, 191.5a, 1923. Marr, 194S. Nakamura. 1938, 1939b, 1943, 1949. Schaefer, 194Sc. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a. Serveuty, 1941, 1942a. Shapiro, 1948b. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1937. Watanabe, H.. 1939. Whitehead, 1931. Tabe and Mori. 1948. Salinity. See also Oceanographic conditions. Correlated with fishing Inanami, 1941. Uda and Tokunaga, 1937. Scomber taso. See Auxis taso. Semathunnus Compared with yeothunnus Fowler, 1933. Nakamura, 1939a. Semaihuntius guildi Compared with Ncothunnus macropterus Nakamura, 1939b. Description Fowler, 1933. Distribution Fowler, 1934. Synonymy Fowler, 1934. Semathunnus itosibi Common names Tinker, 1944. Description Tinker, 1944. Distribution Fowler, 1934. Tinker, 1944. Synonymy Fowler, 1934. Sex. See Morphometries. Sexual maturity. See Maturity. Size composition Aikawa, 1937. Aikawa and Kate, 1938. Brock, 1943. Hart et al., 1948. Inanami, 1942b. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1937. Kawana, 1934. Kida, 1936. Kimura. 1932, 1935, 1941, 1942a. Mine and lehisa, 1940. Nakamura Res. Staff, 1949. Okamoto, 1940. Sasaki, 1939a, 1939b. Scagel, 1949. Schaefer, 1948b. Schaefer and Marr. 1948a. Serventy, 1941, 1947. Tauchi, 1940a, 1940b, 1940c. Uda, 1935b. Uda and Tsukushi, 1934. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Skipjack. See Katmiu-onus pelamis. Skipjack, black. See Euthynnus spp. Spawning. See Reproduction. Specific gravity Correlated with fishing Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933b, 1934. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1939, 1940. Mie Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930a, 1930b, 1930c, 1930d, 1930e. Omori and Fujimoto, 1940. Omori and Fukuda, 1938, 1940. Shimamura, 1927. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1929. Stock. See Populations. Stomach contents. See Food. SuiTival rates Tauchi, 1940a, 1940b, 1940c. Synonymy Bleeker, 1852, 1856. Boeseman, 1947. Chevey, 1932a, 1934. Chu, 1931. Evermann and Seale, 1907. FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Fowler, 1904b, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1944, 1949. Fraser-Brunner, 1949, 1950. Griffin, 1927. Giinther, 1860, 1876. Herre, 1936. Hildebrand, 1946. Jenkins, 1903. Jordan, 1923. Jordan and Evermann, 1896, 1905, 1926b. Jordan and Gilbert, 1882. 50 FISHERY BUXlrErKEN OF THE FISH ANJ> WILDLIFE SERVICE Synonymy — Continued Jordan and Hiibbs, 1925. Jordan and Starks, 1907. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kishinouye, 1923. Liitken, ISSO. McCuIloch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Nakamura, 1939a, 1939b, 1949. Nichols and LaMonte, 1941. Phillipps, 1927b. PoweU, 1937. Richardson, 1846. Schultz, 1949. Schultz and DeLacy, 1936. Serventy, 1942b. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Tanaka, 1912, 1931. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Wade, 1949. Walte, 1907, 1921. Weber, 1913, Whitley, 1937. Tagging Anonymous, 1939. Fukuda and lizuka, 1940b. Godsil, 1938. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1928a, 1936b, 1938b, 1939b, 1940b. Kawana, 1934. Matsumoto, 1937. Seagel, 1949. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Espt. Sta., 1941c. Uda, 1936. Temperature. See Body temjierature ; Water tempera- ture ; also Oceanographic conditions. Thunuidae Anatomy Kishinouye, 1917a, 1919a. Classification Jordan, 1923. Kishinouye, 1917a. Liitken, 1880. Distribution Bleeker, 1844. Keys Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Synonymy Jordan, 1923. Lutken, 1880. Thunniformes. See Plecostei. Thunnus alalungu. See Thunntis germo. Thunnus albacora. See Neothunnus macropterus. Thunnus germo Age Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Brock, 1943. Ikebe, 1940c. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Kimura, 1942a. Thunnus germo — Continued Age — Continued Tauchi, 1940c. Uno, 1936b. Anatomy Bennett, 1840. Fish, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1915b, 1919a, 1922a, 1923. Nakamura, 1949. Suyehiro, 1941. Body condition Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Body temperature Anonymous, 1938. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta.. 1927a. Seagel, 1949. Catch per unit of effort Imaizumi, 1937. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1939, 1940. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940a, 1940b. Nakamura, 1949. Chemical analysis Dill. 1921. Miyauchi, 1915. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Classification Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Kishinouye, 1915a. 1923. Nakamura, 1939b, 1943. 3949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Phillipps, 1927b. Roedel, 1948b. Shapiro, 1948a. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz, 1937. Walford, 1931. Common names Banihart, 1936. Craig, 1929. FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Fujita and Wakiya, 1915. Herre and Umali, 1948. Jordan and Evermann, 1896, 1905. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan, Tanaka. and Snyder, 1913. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b. 1943, 1949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Phillipps, 1927b. Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 194Sa, 1948b. Smith, 1947. Starks and Jlorris, 1907. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 51 Til II II II us germ o — Continued Common naiups — Continued Tinker, 1944. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931, 1937. Compared with Paratlniiiiiiis mehachi Roedel, 194Sb. De.soription Barnhart, 1936. Bennett, 1840. Boeseman, 1947. Clemens and Wilby, 1946. Cooper, isa'!. Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831. Fowler, 1904b, 1928. Fraser-Brunner, 19.o0. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Griffin, 1927. Giinther, ISCO, 1876. Jordan and Evermann. 1905, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 192."). Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Kisbinouye, 1915a, 1923. Jleek and Hildebrand, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b, 1949. Oka da and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 1948b. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Starks, 1918. Stead, 1906. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1931, 1937. Distribution Anonymous. 1938. Barnliart, 1936. Brock, 1939. Clemens and Wilby, 1946. Cooper, 18a3. Cowan, 1938. Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831. Eigenmann, 1892. Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1891. FAO, 1949. Fisii, 1948. Fowler, 1904a, 1923b, 1928, 1931, 1938, 1944. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Fujita and Wakiya, 191.5. Gilbert and Starks, 1904. Godsil and Greenhood, 1948. Griffin, 1927. Giinther, 1860, 1876. Herre, 1940. Hildebrand, 1946. Holder, 1912. Hubbs, 1928. Imaizuuii, 1937. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1939, 1940. Jordan, 1885. 320179°— 51 5 Thunnus germo — Continued Distribution — Continued Jordan and Evermann, 1896, 1905, 1926a, 1926b. Jordan and Gilbert, 1881a, 1882. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan and Seale, 1906. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kanamura and Yazaki, 194()b. Klmura, 1942b. Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Koehi Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1923b, 1924. Matsubara, 1943. McCuUoch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Metz, 1912. Nakamura, 19.39b, 1943, 1949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Phillipps, 1927a, 1927b. Phillipps and Hodgkinson, 1922. Roedel, 1948b. Roughly, 1916. Sampson, 1940. Sehaefer, 1948c. Schultz and DeLacy, 1936. Serventy, 1941, 1947. Shapiro, 1948a, 194Sb. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Starks, 1918. Starks and Morris, 1907. Stead, 1906, 1908. Tanaka, 1931. Taranetz, 1937. Thompson and Higgins, 1919. Tinker, 1944. Ulrey, 1929. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931, 1937. Whitehead, 1929. Distribution correlated with water temperature Takayama and Ando, 1934. Uda, 1935a. Eggs Watanabe, H., 1939. Enemies Bennett, 1840. Exploitation rates Tauchi, 1940c. Figured Anonymous, 1938. Barnhart, 19.36. Clemens and Wilhy, 1946. Cooper, 1S&3. Fowler, 1904a. Fraser-Brunner, 19.50. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Griffin, 1927. Giinther, 1876. Holder, 1912. Jordan and Evermann, 1905, 1920b. 52 FISHE'RY BULLEITIN OiF THE* FISH AA^D WILDLIFE SERMCE Thunnus germo — Oonlinued FiKui-fd — Continned Kishinouye, 1915a, 1923. Kitahara, 1897. Nakamura, 1949. IJoedel, 194Sb. Serventy, 1941. Shapiro, 1948a. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1931, 1937. Fisiiing conditions correlated witli area Hart and Hollister, 1947. Hart et al., 1948. Fisiiing conditions correlated with oceanography Aikawa, 1933. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., Katsuura Br., 1936, 1941. Hart and Hollister, 1947. Hart et al., 1948. Inanaml, 1942d. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1939, 1940. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. E.xpt. .Sta., 1927a, 1928b, 1930b, 1930c, 1931b, 19.32b, 1932c, l!l33b. Kanamnra and Yazaki, 1940b. Ximura, 1942a, 1949. Mie Pref. l^sh. Expt. Sta., 1930c, 1930e. Nakamura, 1949. Sasaki, 1939b. Scagel, 1949. Shapiro, 1948a. Takayama and Ando, 19.34. Uda, 1940c. Uda and Tokunaga, 1937. Fishing conditions correlated wilh season Hart et al., 1948. Fishing grounds correlated with oceanography Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Food Anonymous, 1938. Asano, 1939. Bennett, 1840. Clemens and Wilby, 1946. Hart and Holli-stor, 1947. Hart et al., 1948. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1939, 1940. Jordan and Gilbert, 18811), 1882. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Kishinouye, 1917b, 1923. Kuronuma, 1940. Nakamura, 1943, 1949. Scagel, 1949. Shapiro, 1948a. Starks, 1918. Starks and Morris, 1907. Walford, 1937. Watanabe, H., 1939. Growth Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Brock, 1943. Kishinouye, 1923. Thunnus germo — Continued Habits Jordan and Gilbert, 1882. Kishinouye, 1923. Nakamura, 1949. Shapiro, 1948a. Hormones Toyama et al., 1941. Keys Brock, 1949. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Hildebrand, 194C. Jordan and Evermann. 1926b. Kishinouye, 191."ia, 1023. McCuUoch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Nakamura, 1949. Okada and Matsubara, 1938. Roedel, 194Sb. Serventy, 1941. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz, 1937. Walford, 1931, 1937. Measurement data Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Anonymous, 1938. Brock, 1943. Godsil, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 194^. Ikebe, 1940c. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1939, 1940. Kanamura and Yazaki, 1940b. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1925, 1927a. South Seas Govt.- Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1943a. Uno, 193Cb. Watanabe, H. 1939. Meristie characters Clark, 1929. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Migration Cobb, 1919. Kimura, 1942b. Kisliinouye, 1923. Koclii Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1923b, 1924. Nakamura, 1943, 1949. Sasaki, 1939b. Shapiro, 1948a. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Walford, 1937. Populations Brock, 1943. Clark, 1929. Godsil, 194S, 1949. Godsil and Byers. 1944. Tauehi, 1940c. Uda and Tokunaga, 1937. Reproduction Brock, 1943. Nakamura, 1943. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PACIFIC TUNAS 53 Th II II II IIS i/crmo — Continued Reproduction — Continued Sehaefer, 1948c. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fi.sl'., 1936. Wiilford, 19.37. WjitanMlic, H., 1939. Sex ratio Brook, km:;. Sexual maturity Anonymous, 193S. Clark, 1929. Kanamura and Yaznki. 1940b. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish.. 1936. Wataiuibe, H., 19.39. Size composition Aikawa and Kato, 1938. Brock, 1943. Hart et al., 1948. Kimura, 1942a. Sasaki, 19391x Scagel, 1949. Tauchi, 1940c. Survival rates Tauclii, 1940c. Synonymy Boeseman, 1947. FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Fowler, 1904b, 1928. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Griffin, 1927. Giinther, 18G0, 1876. .Jordan and Evermann, 1896, 1905, 1926b. Jordan and Gilbert, 1882. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kishinouye, 1923. MrCulloch, 1922. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b, 1949. Phillipps, 1927b. Schultz and DeLaey. 1936. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Tanaka, 1931. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Tagging Seagal, 1949. Young Kishinou.ve, 1917b, 1919b, 1923. Liitken, 1880. Schaefer, 1948c. Th II II 11 IIS ninccori. See Tliiiiiiiiis iiinccoyi. 'riiiiiiiiiiK iiiacroyi Catch per unit of effort Serventy, 1947. Classification Itnughly, 1916. Common names Serventy, 1941. Whitley, 1947. Tliiiiuiiis mucroiji — Continued Compared with Kiskinoella tonggol Serventy, 1941. Description Castelnau, 1872. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Macleay, ISSl. Roughly, 1916. Serventy, 1941. Stead, 1908. Distribution Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Lord, 1927. Macleay, 1881. McCulloch, 1922. Roughly, 1916. Serventy, 1941, 1947. Stead, 1908. Waite, 1928. Whitley, 1947. Figured McCulloch, 1922. Roughly, 1916. Serventy, 1941. Habits Roughly, 1916. Keys Jordan and Everniaiui, 1926b. McCulloch, 1922. Serventy, 1941. Length-weight relation Serventy, 1941. Migration Serventy, 1941. Reproduction Serventy, 1941. Size composition Serventy, 1941. 1947. Synonymy Joi'dan and Evermann, 192Gb. McCulloch, 1922. Thiiiiniis ma<-roeseman, 1947. Fowler, 1934. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Kishinouye, 1923. Nakamura, 1939b, 1949. Richard.«on, 1846. Tagging Kawana, 1934. Young Kishinouye, 1919b, 1923. TlniiDuis phillippsi Classification Phillipps. 1927b. Common names Phillipps, in27b. Description Jordan and Evermann. 1926b. Distribution Jordan and Evermann, 1026b. Phillipps, 1927b. Figured Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. ThunnuH orentalis — Continued Keys Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Synonymy Phillipps, 1927b. Tliinnnis pltiltipHi. See Thunnvs phillippsi. Thiititius rants. See Neothunnus rarus. Thinirius siilirns Common names Craig, 1929. Description Jordan and Evermann, 102Gb. Dlstriliution Jordan and Evermann, 1026b. Ulrey, 1020. Figured Jordan and Evermann, 1026b. Keys Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Thunnus schlegeli. See Thunnus orirntalis. Thtinrnis tkunninn. See Euthynnus allHteratus. Thunnus thunnus. See Thunnus thynnus. Thunnus thynnus Anatomy Fish, 1948. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Kishinouye, 1921. Catch -per unit of effort Whitehead, 1931. Chemical analysis Dill, 1921. Classification Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers. 1944. Roedel, 194Sb. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz, 1937. Walford, 1931. Whitehead, 1931. Common names Barnhart, 1936. FAO, 1949. Fl.sh, 1948. Jordan and Evermann, 1896. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Roedel, 194Sb. Schultz, 1949. Starks and Morris, 1907. Tinker, 1944. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931, 1937. Compared with Xrothunnus macropterus Thompson and Higgins, 1919. O^unpared with Thunnus orientalis Bashinouye, 1021. Soc. Prom. Ocean. Fish., 1936. Tinker, 1944. Description Barnhart. 1036. Fowler, 1028, 1944. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. 56 FISHERY BULLEimsr OF THE FISH ANjy WILDLIFE SER\^OE Thunnus thynnus — Continued Description — Continued Godsil and Byers, 1944. Giinther, 1876. Jleek and Hildebrand, 1923. Roedel, 194Sb. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Stark.s, 191S. Stead, 1906. Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1931, 1937. Distribution Abe, 1939. Barnhart, 1936. Brock, 193S. FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Fowler, 1923a, 1923b, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1944. Fraser-I'runner, 19.50. Gilbert and Starks, 1904. Giinther, 1876. Herre, 1936, 1940. Hildebrand, 1946. Holder, 1912. Jordan and Evermann, 1896. Jordan and Jordan, 1922. Jordan, Tanaka, and Sn.vder, 1913. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Metz, 1912. Roedel, 1948b. Schultz, 1949. Schultz and DeLacey, 1936. Soldatov, 1929. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Starks, 1918. Starks and Morris, 1907. Stead, 1906. Tanaka, 1931. Taranetz, 1937. Tinker, 1944. Ulrey, 1929. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Waite, 1921. Walford, 1931, 1937. Whitehead, 1929, 1931. Distribution correlated with water temperature Uda, 1935a. Enemies Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1937. Figured Barnhart, 1936. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Holder, 1912. Kitahara, 1897. Roedel, 1948b. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Starks, 1918. Tinker, 1944. Th iiiDiiis thynnus — Continued Figured — Con t i nued Walford, 1931, 1937. Whitehead, 1931. Fishing conditions correlated with oceanography Kida, 1936. Food Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1937. Habits Kida, 1936. Uchida, 1923. Keys Brock, 1949. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Godsil and Byers, 1944. Hildebrand, 1946. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Roedel, 194Sb. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Taranetz, 1937. Walford, 1931, 1937. Measurement data Godsil and Byers, 1944. Uda, 1932. Meristic characters Godsil and Byers, 1944. Migration Wliitehead, 1931. Populations Godsil and Byers, 1944. Reproduction Tinker, 1944. Walford, 1937. Whitehead, 1931. Size composition Kida, 1936. Synonymy FAO, 1949. Fish, 1948. Fowler, 1928, 1934, 1944. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Giinther, 1876. Herre, 1936. Jordan and Evermann, 1896. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Meek and Hildebrand, 1923. Sclniltz, 1949. Schultz and, DeLacy, 1036. Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930. Tanaka, 1931. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Waite, 1921. Thunnus tonf/ffol Classitication Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Compared with Kishinoclla tonggol Serventy, 1942b. Description Bleeker, 1852. BIBLIOGRAPITi' ON PACIFIC TUNAS 57 Thiinniis ionggol — Continued Description — Continued Fraser-Brunner, lOriO. Giinther, ISGO. Distribution Bleeker, 1852. lS61b. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Gunther, 1S60. Figured Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Serventy, 10-42b. Keys Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Synonymy Bleeker, 1852. Fraser-Brunner, 1950. Giinther, 1860. Thiiiiniin zacnllex. See KishiiioeUa xticalles. 'I'hiDinus. See Thiiiinidiie. Tliiniiiiis afpnis. See EiithiitniKs allcttcrntiis. Thiinnus alaloiiyn. See also Tliiinnux girmo. Compared with TliininuK sihi Temminck and Soldegel, IS.jO. Thtjrmus gcrmo. See Thunnus germo. Thynmis mnccoyi. See Thunnus marroyi. Thynnus macropterus. See Neotlnnntux mncropierus. 'I'hynnus oricnialis. See Thunnus orienfulis. Tliyiuius pacificus. See Thunnus gcrmo. Thynnus pelamys. See Knisuiconus pclnmis. Thynnus silii. See Pamthunnus sihi; also Thunnus gcrmo. Thynnus thunina. See Euthynnus allettcratus. Thynnus thiinnina. See Euthynnus allettcratus. Thynnus thynnus. See Thunnus thynnus. Tliynnus tonggol. See Thunnus toni/gol. Tides. See also Oeeanographic conditions. Correlated with fishing Takao Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927. Transparency, water. See Water transparency ; also Oeeanographic conditions. Tuna Bibliography Corwin, 19.30. Chemical analysis Kodama, lizuka, and Harada, 1934. Tomiyama, 19.3.3. Common names Australian Serventy, 1941. Wliitley, 1947. Kngllsh Barnhart, 1936. Craig, 1929. Fish, 1948. Herre and Uniali, 1948. Jordan and Evermann, 1896. Kumata et al., 1941. Nichols and I.aMonte, 1941. Roedel, 194Sb. Schultz, 1949. Starks and .Morris. 1907. Tuna — Continued Couunoii nanie.s — Continued English— Continued Tanaka, 1912. Tinker, 1944. Ulrey and Greeley, 1928. Walford, 1931, 1937. European Kumata et al., 1941. Tinker, 1944. Hawaiian Jordan and Kvermann, 1905. Jordan ami .Jordan, 1922. Smith, 1!)47. Tinker, 1944. Indo-Chinese Chevey, 1932a. Japanese Fish, 1948. Fujita and Wakiya, 1915. Jordan and Evermann, 1926b. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925. Jordan and Jletz, 1913. Jordan and Snyder, 1901. Jordan, Tanaka, and Snyder, 1913. Kishiiiouye, 191."a, 1923. Kumiita et al.. 1941. Nakamura. 19.391). 1943, 1949. Okad.i and Matsubara, 1938. Shapiro, 194Sa. Tanaka, 1912. Tinker, 1944. Tomiaaga. 1943. Malayan Delsniau and Ilardenbur^, 1934. Kumata et al., 1941. Maori Phillipps, 1927b. Mieronesian Smith, 1947. New Zealand PhilUpps, 1927b. Peruvian Nichols and Murphy, 1922. Philippine Herre and Umali. 1948. Ryukyuan Shapiro, 1948b. Venezuelan Schultz, 1949. Worldwide FAO, 1949. Distribution Hasegawa, 19.37. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1937b, 1941a. Food Kishinouye, 1895, 1915a. Habits Kishinouye, 191.'5a. Measurement data Kodama, lizuka, and Harada. 19.34. 58 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AJXD WILDLIFE SERVICE Winidcrer wallisi Classification Whitley, 1937. Compared with Euthynnus allittcratus Whitley, 1937. Compared with Eutliynnus yaito Whitley, 1937. Description Whitley, 1937. Food Whitley, 1937. Synonymy Whitley, 1937. Water. See also Oceanosraphlc conditions. Color correlated with fishing luanami, 1940c. Taihoku Prov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1929, 1932. Temperature Correlated with body temperature Nakamura, 1941. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1927a, 1930. Correlated with distribution Takayama and Ando, 1934. Takayama, Ikeda, and Ando, 19.34. Correlated with fishing conditions Aikawa, 1933. Chiba Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., Katsuura Br., 1936, 1937, 193S, 1941. Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933b, 1934. Fukuda and lizuka, 1940a. Hart and HoUister, 1947. Hart et al., 1948. lehisa, 1939. Inanami, 1941, 1942d. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1934, 1939, 1940. Kagoshima Pi-ef. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1925, 1926a, 1926b, 1927a, 1927b, 192Sa, 192Sb, 1929a, 1929b, 1930a, 1930b, 1930c, 1931a, 1931b, 1932a, 1932b, 1932c, 1933a, 1933b, 1935, 1936a, 1937. Kanamura aud Yazaki, 1940a. Kawana, 1937. Kida, 1936. Kimura, 1941. 1942a, 1949. Kimura and Ishii, 1933. Kumamoto Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1946. Mie Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930a, 1930b, 1930c, 1930d, 1930e. Okinawa Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1940a, 1940b, 1943. Omori and Fujimoto, 1940. Omori and Fukuda, 1938, 1940. Sasaki, 1939a, 1039b. Shizuoka Pref. l"ish. Expt. Sta., 1936, 1937. South Seas Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1942, 1943b. Taihoku Pi-ov. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1929, 1932. Takayama and Ando, 1934. Takayama, Ikeila, and Ando, 1934. Uda, 1935a, 1935h, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940b, 1940c. Uda and Tokunaga, 1937. Water — Continued Temperature — Continued Correlated with fishing conditions — Continued Uehara, 1941. Yabe and Mori, 1948. Transparency correlated with fishing Inanami, 1942a. Japanese Bur. Fish., 1934. Weather Correlated with fishing Formosa Govt.-Gen. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1933a. Hiratsuka and Imaizumi, 1934. Hiratsuka and Ito, 1934. lehisa, 19.39. Kanamura and Imaizumi, 1935. Oita Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1930. Okinawa Pref. Fish. ExiJt. Sta., 1940a, 1943. Okunia, Imaizumi, and Maki, 1935. Taihoku Prov. Fish. E.xpt. Sta., 1927a, 1927b. Uda and Watauabe, 1938. Yellow-finned tuna. See Neothunnus macropterus. Young As food of tunas Eckles, 1949b. Kishinouye, 1917b. Marukawa, 1939. Description Delsman, 1931. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Eckles, 1949b. Giinther, 1889. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta., 1926a, 1927b. Kishinouye, 1919b, 1923, 1924, 1926. Liitken, 1880. Marr, 1948. Schaefer and Marr, 194Sa, 1948b. Wade, 1949. Figured Eckles, 1949b. Giinther, 1889. Kishinouye, 19191i, 1923, 1926. Liitken, 1880. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a, 194Sb. Wade, 1949. Records of capture Delsman, 1931. Delsman and Hardenburg, 1934. Eckles, 1949b. Giinther, 1889. Hatai et al., 1941. Inanami, 1942c. Kagoshima Pref. Fish. Expt. Sta.. 1926a, 1927b. Kishinouye, 1919b, 1923, 1924, 1926. Liitken, 1880. Marr, 1948. Schaefer, 1948c. Schaefer and Marr, 1948a, 1948b. Wade, 1949. Yabe and Mori, 1948. O UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director BREEDING HABITS OF LAKE TROUT IN NEW YORK By William F. Royce FISHERY BULLETIN 59 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 JNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON 1951 ?or sale by the Superintendent of Documents, V. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.- Price 20 cents CONTENTS Page Sexual dimorphism 59 Spawning habits 61 Age and size at maturity 61 Time of spawning 62 Duration of spawning period 65 Place of spawning 66 Spawning act 68 Environment and development of eggs and larvae 70 Efficiency of fertilization 70 Temperature requirements 71 Effects of predation 71 Development of eggs and alevins 72 Juvenile lake trout of Keuka I^ake 73 Summary 74 Acknowledgments 75 Literature cited 75 BREEDING HABITS OF LAKE TROUT IN NEW YORK By William F. Royce, Fishery Research Biologist The several races of lake trout (Salcelinus [ = Cristii'omer] namaycush) are widely sought in all the more accessible parts of their range. In tlie Great Lakes, where this species is one of the most valued food fishes, it is the object of a major fishery. In smaller lakes of the northeastern I'nited States and southern Canada, where com- mercial fishing usually is prohibited, it is sought as a game fish. This popularity has been accompanied by severe declines in the populations of lake trout in some lakes, notably the Great Lakes. Detailed knowledge of the species, particularly of the eggs, larvae, and juveniles below the sizes commonly caught, is needed for devising measures to prevent such declines, and for successfully introducing this desirable species in additional lakes. Almost nothing is known of the habits of young lake trout, probably because of their deep-water habitat ; in fact, very few wild lake trout less than 8 inches long have even been seen. The re- productive habits of the species have been im- perfectly known, and very little has been published on size and age at maturity. Accordingly, a study of the breeding habits of this species and the life history of its young was made in 1939, 1940, and 1941, on several lakes in the State of New York. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM The lake trout, unique among the salmon family, lacks almost completely the malformed jaws or kype common to mature males of other species. Examination of several hundred lake trout from various lakes in New York State showed that it is almost impossible to distinguish the sex of mature lake trout by examination of the head alone. The males have only a slight tendency toward a more j pointed snout — although J. R. Westman reported in a personal communication that he had seen a verv Note.— This paper is a revision of a thesis that was submitted to Cornell I'niversity in 1943 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the depree of doctor of philosophy. large male lake trout from Lake Simcoe, Ontario, with a well-developed kype. It is pertinent to compare the jaws of the lake trout with those of the Pacific salmon, in which the kype attains its maximum development. The Pacific salmon migrate enormous distances to the spawning ground and live entirely on stored food for almost a year before spawning. Mottley (1936) ' suggests that the development of the kype in the male may occur because its demand on the material mobilized for the development of the gonads differs from that of the female. He postulates that the ovaries would have a general requirement for stored materials, while the testes would require little albuminoid or fat. Thus, these materials might be utilized in the growth of the kype instead of being excreted. The lake trout would appear to be a diametric opposite. It rarely has a kype, migrates only the short distance from the deep to the shoal waters of a lake, and feeds up to and through the spawning period.- Inasmuch as the lake trout does not ac- quire a kype and as the maturation of the gonads parallels that of the salmon, Mottley's suggestion leaves some things to be explained. Possibly, since the lake trout feeds right up to and through the spawning season, the gonads can develop from ingested food instead of mobilizing stored material from the body. Alike in external structure, male and female lake trout are also very similar in color when removed from the water. However, in New York State, the normal coloration of both sexes varies widely from lake to lake. The lake trout of the large, clear Finger Lakes are light olivaceous, almost silvery on the back and sides, with a little yellow or orange in the fins. There are all grada- tions between the color of these trout and the very dark trout of the brown-water Adirondack lakes. I Publications referred to parenthetically by dale are listed in Literature Cited, p. 75 ' Rayner (194 1) found that stomachs of ripe lake trout taken on the spawn- ing area contained fish, lake-trout eftRS, and miscellaneous invertebrates. 59 60 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Figure 1. — Male lake trovit on the spawning grounds in Otsego Lake, N. Y. LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 61 The latter have stronger colors, and the sexual differences are a little more pronounced; the males tend to have more brilliant yellow, orange, and black in the paired fins than the females. But even in these lake trout it is not always possible to distinguish the sexes on the basis of external differences. This normal coloration is considerably changed when the male lake trout are excited on the spawn- ing area. While they are courting, the chromato- phores on their backs contract, making the backs appear decidedly light colored, while the sides, flooded with pigment, become very lustrous and almost black (fig. 1). Merriman (1935) observed this condition in the lake trout of Squani Lake, N . H. , and it was seen by the writer in Otsego Lake, N. Y., in 1940 and 1941, when selected fish were speared and the brilliant coloration was found to be restricted to the males. Striking as this colora- tion was during the courting or spawning, the colors were most ephemeral. After the fish were netted or speared, color differences between the sexes could not be detected. SPAWNING HABITS AGE AND SIZE AT MATURITY The age analysis, by means of scales, of 33 mature lake trout caught by gill net on the spawn- ing area oft' Peach Orchard Point in Seneca Lake, N. Y., showed that 13 had 5 annuli and the remain- ing 20 had 6 annuli. Comparison of the lengths of the lake trout in this sample with the length frequency of 424 lake trout taken during the spawning season in 1941 showed that these age groups comprised tlie bulk of the catch, but probably an appreciable quantity of older fish wiere taken. Data collected during 1940 by J. R. Westman on the lake trout of Lake Simcoe, Ontario, showed that 13 out of 20 five-year-old and 16 out of 17 six-year-old lake trout were mature. Samples from Keuka Lake, N. Y., in the same year showed similar results: 15 out of 18 five-year-old and 5 out of 6 six-year-old trout were mature. There was a shght tendency for the greater proportion of the young males to be mature in these two lakes, as well as in Seneca Lake. Fry and Kennedy (1937) estimated, by means of the modes of a length frequency distribution, that the lake trout of Lake Opeongo, Algonquin Park, Canada, reached the minimum age at maturity in their fifth year of life (corresponding, presumably, to four annuli). Inasmuch as they had only five lake trout less than 13 inches long, and as my observations indicate very small growth of lake trout in the first year, I believe that they assigned to each mode an age 1 year less than it should have been. These data are substantiated by studies made on the growth of hatchery-reared trout. Surbcr (1933) secured eggs from female lake trout, aged 4 years 6 months, whose lengths varied from 18 to 26 inches; but at this time only 10 females out of somewhat less than 2,000 males and females spawned, producing an average of only 962 eggs per female. No data on subsequent spawning were presented, but certainly the majority of these fish did not spawn before their sixth year. Surber considered that this age at maturity was com- parable to that attained by wild fish. He gave the length of the trout at the end of their first, second, third, and fourth years of life as 10, 14, 16 to 18, and 18 to 26 inches, respectively. This rate of growth in the fii-st and second years of life is markedly greater than that existing in Keuka Lake. With this start it is possible that the hatchery fish spawned earlier than they would in the wild, which is known to be true of some other species of hatchery-reared trout, especially brook trout. The rapidly growing lake trout of Seneca Lake, whatever their age, do not mature until they are 26 to 30 inches in total length; those of Keuka Lake mature at a total length of 18 to 24 inches. In Skaneateles Lake, N. Y., however, Rayner (1941) captured many mature lake trout of 15 and 16 inches total length. Fry (1939) reported that the minimum size at maturity in some lakes of Algonquin Park, Canada, varied from 14 to 18 inches according to the lake. Obviously with this variation in size at maturity, a uniform minimum legal-size hmit of 15 inches, such as exists in New York State, may permit the taking of many immature, rapidly growing fish in some lakes while providing entirely too much protection in other lakes. It would appear necessary to consider the growth rate and fishing pressure in each lake in setting a mmimum size limit. Slowly growing lake trout may be subject to senility at a small size. Fry and Kennedy (1937) reported that none of the lake trout of more than 62 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 22 inches fork length in Lake Opeongo, Algonquin Park, Ontario, were capable of spawning. Such widespread inipotency was not observed in any of the New York lake trout. The conservation department employees engaged in spawn-taking operations on the Adirondack and Finger Lakes reported that only occasionally would an impotent fish be found. The more limited observations I made also failed to show any impotency, and it is quite likely that after the lake trout in New York State lakes are mature they may spawn several times before succumbing to the infirmities of age. TIME OF SPAWNING * The available information shows that lake trout, and most other trout, spawn once a year in the fall when the temperature is dropping and the days are becoming shorter. Among different races of lake trout, small variations in the spawning date are found. This is true also of the same race of lake trout in different lakes, and of the same race in the same lake in different years. It appears probable that fluctuations in light and temperature, in the physical characteristics of different lakes, and in the responses of different races are the determining factors. These factors have proved important in in- fluencing the spawning time of other species. Hoover and Hubbard (1937) have shown that brook trout which normally spawned in Decem- ber could be induced to spawn in late August and early September by increasing the amount of light in early spring and decreasing it in late summer. Bissonette and Burger (1940) state that "there is no uniform control of the sexual cycle applicable to all fish. In some fish, tem- perature seems to be the major factor; in others, light and temperature play cooperative roles; while in still others, light appears to be the most important factor." Merriman and Schedl (1941), on the basis of laboratory experiments on the four-spined stickle- back, Apeltes guadracus (Mitchill), concluded that light influenced oogenesis but not spermato- genesis, while temperature somewhat unequally affected the maturation of the gonads of both sexes. McCay et al. (1930) concluded on the basis of feeding experiments that the spawning time of brook trout could be influenced by the food supply. They found that the age at ma- turity could be advanced or postponed by in- creasing or decreasing the amount of food fed to the hatchery trout, but the question of chang- ing the spawning date of mature trout was not clarified. After several years of netting lake trout in Raquette Lake for spawn taking, the hatchery men of the New York Conservation Department have observed that the lake trout run earlier after a sudden drop in temperature. The exten- sive data on their operations were made avail- able to me, and weather data were obtained from the United States Weather Bureau (table 1). Table 1. — Weather conditions in relation to peak of lake- trout egg take at Raquette Lake, 1933-41 Year Air tem- perature ' (° F.) Cloudy days ' Peak of egg take 1933 56.8 54.9 52.4 54.0 55.0 (') 55.4 53.4 56.6 22 21 24 19 21 (') 18 22 21 Oct. 22 1934 Oct. 18 1935 Oct. 13 1936 Oct. 19 1937 Oct. 21 1938 {') 1939 Oct. 23 1940 Oct. 19 1941 Oct. 19 ' Average air temperature for the month of September at nearby Indian Lake. ' Number of cloudy days in July, August, and September in the northern plateau region of New York. 3 No eggs taken. The average air temperature for September reported by the Indian Lake weather station was used because it was the nearest station to Raquette Lake, with complete weather records for the 8 years of spawning data. The average number of cloudy days for the entire northern plateau region of New York was selected because many of the smaller stations had no automatic sunshine recorders and their estimates of cloudi- ness varied considerably. The number of cloudy days in July, August, and September was used because the work of Hoover and Hubbard (1937) indicated that changes in the light required a considerable time to influence the development of the eggs, and these 3 months were the ones preceding the spawning season which had decreasing amounts of daylight. The analysis of these data by multiple regres- sion (table 2) indicated that the date of spawning was advanced by lower temperatures or a greater number of cloudy days and retarded by warmer weather or fewer cloudy days. However, neither on air temperature alone nor on cloudiness alone LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 63 was the partial regression of the spawning date statistically significant. When both factors were considered in a multiple regression coefficient the result was significant (7?=. 8643 when R of .836 or greater is to be expected 5 percent of the time with 5 degrees of freedom). Table 2. — Reduced data for tnutliple regression analysis of the date of peak of lake-trout egg take at Raquetle Lake i, = Avera!;e air temperature for the month of September at Indian Lake. i2= Number of cloudy days in July, August, and Septem- ber in the northern plateau region of New York. ?/=Date of peak of lake-trout egg take. Number of observations: n = 8 Means: i, = 54.81 X2 = 21.00 17=10.25 Sums of squares: &,2= 16.01 Sums of products; Sj 1X2= -6.80 Sx22 = 24.00 5i/2 = 65.50 Sz2y= -27.00 St,!/ = 23.08 Correlation coefficients: r,2=-.3469 r,2=-.6810 r„ = .7534 Standard partial regre.ssion coefficients: B„,.2 = .5675 B„2.,= -.4841 Multiple regression equation: B= - 80.3 -I- 2.32A',- 1.32X2 Tests of Sionikic^nce: Standard partial regression coefficients: (DF = 5) .5675 for B„i 2 ( for B„2 1 ( = .2398 .4841 = 2.366 = 2.019 .2398 neither significant Multiple correlation or multiple regression: (DF = b) /? = .8643 significant A similar analysis of data on the peak of egg take from Upper Saranac Lake (tables 3 and 4) was less conclusive. The date of peak of egg take in 1941 was about a month later than usual, but if we omit this aberrant observation the date of the peak at Upper Saranac Lake seems to bear the same relation to air temperature and cloudiness as at Raquette Lake. However, neither the partial nor the multiple regression coefficients are signifi- cant. (R=. .699 when R of .930 or greater is to be expected 5 percent of the time with 3 degrees of freedom). Table 3. — Wealher conditions in relation to peak of lake-trout egg take in Upper Saranac Lake, 1935-41 Year Air tem- perature' (°F.) Cloudy days' Peak of egg take 52.3 56.9 54.8 52.0 M.g 52.4 57.2 24 19 21 28 18 22 21 Oct. 17 1936 Oct. 23 1937 _ Oct. 21 193g Oct. 15 1939 Oct. 24 1940 Oct. 26 1941 Nov. 20 I Average air temperature for tlie month of Septemljcr at nearby Tupper Lake. ' Number of cloudy days in July, .\ugust, and Septemi>er in the northern plateau region of New York. Table 4. — Reduced data for the multiple regression anaylsis of the date of the peak of lake-trout egg take at Upper Saranac Lake ii = Average air temperature for the month of September at Tupper Lake. i2 = Number of cloudy days in July, August, and Septem- ber in the northern plateau region of New York. y=Date of peak of lake-trout egg take. Number of observations: n = 6 ' Means: *, = 53.87 Sums of squares: Sxi2= 19.03 Sums of products: Si,X2= -28.10 i2 = 22.00 j/ = 21.00 5x2' = 66.00 Si/2 = 90.00 Sx2)/=- 62.00 5x,!/= 19.00 Correlation coefficients: r,2=-.7929 r,2=-.6263 r„, = .4591 Standard partial regression coefficients: B„i.2=-1008 B„2.i=--7062 Multiple regression equation: £:= 50.94 -.219A'i-.825A'2 Tests op Significance: Standard partial regression coefficients: (Df = 3) .1008 for B„i.2 < = for /?„2 1 ' = 6776 7062 = .1488 = 1.0421 6776 neither significant Multiple correlation or multiple regression: (,DF = S) ff = .6990 not significant 1941 data omitted. 64 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Other things must be considered in evaluating these analyses. The data are few, only 6 years in one instance and 8 in the other, and the Weather Bureau data on air temperature and cloudiness cannot be a precise measurement of the tempera- ture and the light actually affecting the fish. Furthermore, the period during which the light and the temperature changes are influential can only be surmised, and other factors may be important. For example, in Raquette Lake in 1938 the notably high water level was suspected of being the cause of almost no lake trout being caught. However, it was not certain whether this affected the migrations or prevented the nets from operating effectively. Considering that a significant relation was established in one instance, and that other data were inconclusive but showed a similar tendency, it is probable that both light and temperature do influence the spawning time of lake trout. Lake trout in Raquette Lake (Oliver R. Kings- bury, report to the New York Conservation De- partment, November 1935) spawn at about the time of the lake turn-over. In the middle of the 1935 spawning season, temperatures taken at the surface and at depths down to 56 feet revealed no more than a 3° F. difference between top and bottom. This seems to be more important than the actual surface temperature in influencing spawning, for the surface temperature on the day the first eggs were taken was 58° F. in 1933, 52° F. in 1934, and 50° F. in 1935. Merriman (1935) reports lake trout spawning in Squam Lake, N. H., when the surface temperature was 42° F. In Otsego Lake in 1940 the lake trout were observed spawning December 5, when the surface tempera- ture was 37° F. No facilities were available for taking deep-water temperatures at that time, but in 1941 the fish were observed late in their spawn- ing season on December 3, when the water tem- perature was uniformly 43° F. from the surface down to 60 feet. These wide variations in surface temperature indicate its slight value as a deter- minant of the date of spawning. Such differences in the progress of cooling in different lakes are probably associated with the depths of the lakes, and it appears that the depth of a lake is associated with the time of lake-trout spawning. Table 5 presents data from the files of the New York State Conservation Department on the time and duration of lake-trout spawn taking Table 5. — Duration of lake-trout spawn taking operations by State Conservation Department in some New York lakes Year Date first eggs r(> eeived at hatch- ery Date of peak of egg take Date last eggs re- ceived at hatch- ery Raquette Lake (alt. 1,762 ft.; max. depth 96 ft.); 1933 1934 ___ Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 12 (') Nov. 5 Oct. 31 Nov. 5 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 (') Oct. 12 Oct. 13 (') Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 15 Oct. 13 Oct. 10 Oct. 20 Sept. 23 Nov. 20 (') (») ('J P) (') (') Oct. 22 Oct. 18 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 (') (') (') Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Oct. 14 (') (') Oct. 22 Oct. 16 Oct. 21 Oct. 25 Oct. 24 (') (') Oct. 24 Oct. 10 Nov. 25 Oct. 17 Oct. 23 Oct. 21 Oct. 15 Oct. 24 Oct. 26 Nov. 20 Oct. 24 Oct. 20 1935 1936 -- Oct. 16 Oct. 21 1937 Oct. 26 1939 Oct. 26 1940 Oct. 24 1941 (') Lake George (alt. 322 ft.; max. depth 187 ft.): 1928 Nov. 14 1929 Nov. 5 1932 Nov. 13 1936 Nov. 9 1938 Nov. 11 Lake Pleasant (alt. 1,724 ft.; max. depth 53 ft.): 1930 1932 (') Oct. 15 Sacandaga Lake (alt. 1,724 ft.; max. depth 60 ft.): 1929 Oct. 13 1930 Oct. 26 1932 Oct. 23 1933 .. Oct. 23 Piseco Lake (alt. 1,661 ft.; max. depth 129 ft.): 1930 . . Oct. 29 1931 ... Nov. 5 1932 Oct. 28 1933 Oct. 15 Seventh Lake (alt. 1,786 ft.; max. depth 85 ft.): 1933 Oct. 24 Seneca Lake, (alt. 444 ft.; max. depth 625 ft.): 1939-41 2 Nov. 3 KeukaLake (alt. 709 ft.; max. depth 187 ft.): 1936-39 ' Dec. 3 Upper Saranac Lake (alt. 1,571 ft.: max. depth 100 ft.): 1935 (=) 1936 (') 1937 (') 1938 0) 1939 m 1940 (') 1941 (') ' Data not available. ■ Same dates were reported (or each year. ' Data depended on hatchery schedule rather than lake-trout migrations. operations in some New York lakes. Figure 2, which incorporates information from table 5, from Rayner (1941) for Skaneateles Lake, and from my observations on Otsego Lake, shows this relation graphically. It appears that the lake trout spawn early in the shoal lakes and later in the deep lakes. If, as indicated previously, they spawn at about the turn-over time of the lake, this would be expected, as the deeper lakes cool off more slowly. Like so many rules, the one that the deeper the lake the later the lake trout spawn has an out- standing exception. In Seneca Lake, the deepest lake in New York State (625 feet maximum depth), the lake trout spawn the earliest. They start in late September and continue through October, spawning in water from 100 to 200 feet LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 65 10 1 I 1 ° 5 - O OTSEGO L / 30 - / 25 - Okeuka l / f JJO _ / — 3 / O SKANEATELES L t>5 Z - / - • C - / Ol GEORGE - 5 — / ~ 30 - / - 25 SEVENTH vCf O PISECO L - I 20 O SACANOfiGA '7 / O UPPER SARANAC L O PAOUETTE L- - 10 A ^ PLEASANT 5 - { 1 SENECA L » 0 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 z < in 5|— 0 100 20D 300 40^ MAXIMUM DEPTH IN FEET Fir.iRE 2. — Relation of average date of peak of lake-trout spawning activity and maximum depth of some New- York lakes. deep at a time well in advance of the turn-over period of the lake. Data taken from September 29 to October 17, 1941, showed that the surface temperature ranged from 57° to 62° F. This large deviation in the time of spawning may be attributed to racial differences in the lake trout. Milner (1874) gives the spawning time of the siscowet (Cristmimer namaycush siscowet) as late August and early September in the deep waters of Lake Superior. In the same lake the common lake trout {Salreliniis [ = ('ristimmer] namaycush) spawns in from 7 feet to 15 fathoms of water during the month of October and in early November (Milner 1874, Van Oosten 19:55). Hubbs (1930) has described the Rush Lake trout {Cristivomer namaycush huronicus) and states that it spawns in deep water in late summer rather than in fall, as does the common lake trout in the same lake. Dymond (1926) gives the time of spawning of the common lake trout as the month of October in Lake Nipigon, Ontario. But he points out that tliere is a race of black trout in the same lake which ascends some of the tributary streams and starts spawning about September 20, and a third race which is said to spawn in deep water from October 20 to November 10. In New York State the spawning data indicate that two races' of lake trout e.xist: One, the Seneca Lake trout, spawns early in deep water, and the other, widespread in the Finger and Adirondack Lakes, spawns in shallow water at about the time of the turn-over of the lake. With these differences in reactions and spawning habits, it would be desirable to determine if the Seneca Lake trout can adapt themselves to the conditions existing in Adirondack Lakes and vice versa before extensive stocking is attempted. Lntil such knowledge can be secured it would be wise to stock lake trout in lakes similar to those from which the eggs were obtained. DURATION OF THE SPAWNING PERIOD Data on the receipt of lake-trout eggs at some of the New York State hatcheries are summarized in table 5. The date of receipt of eggs corresponds closely to the date of take, except for the first one or two days of the spawning season. Ordi- narily, only a few ripe fish are found at first, and if only a few thousand eggs were obtained, they often were held for a day or two until more eggs were available to make the trip to the hatchery worth while. The date the first eggs were taken probably averages about 1 day earlier than the date of their receipt at the hatchery. At the peak of the spawning season the eggs were usually rushed to the hatchery immediately, so the date of the peak receipt of eggs corresponds to the date of the peak egg take. The tlata in table 5 do not indicate the com- plete spawning season but rather the season dur- ing which it was feasible to catch and strip the trout. High water sometimes so affected the fishing of the nets that it was not practical to continue fishing, and bad weather sometimes cut short the stripping operations. Hence, a short period of egg take is not necessarily indicative of a 1 other evidence of racial dilTerence is available. New York State fi.sll hatchery foremen agreed that ckks from Seneca Lake trout averaped ahout 240 an ounce, while egps of lake trout of comparable size from Adirondack lakes averaeed about 200 to 210 an ounce. No measurements of the actual diameters of the ecRs were available, but the counts of the hatchery foremen appeared to be fairly consistent. I). C. llaski'll (unpublished material gathered in 1941) also reports that th<' Seneca Lake trout grow signifiointly raster under hatchery conditions than the young laki- trout from Ranuelte atHi t'pper Saranac Lakes. 66 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE short spawning season. It seems likely, however, that the longer periods of spawn taking closely approximate the spawning season. It appears that the lake-trout spawning season lasts from 10 to 20 clays in the smaller New York lakes and the duration is fairly uniform in the same lake from year to year. The lake trout of Lake George consistently completed their spawn- ing in 7 to 10 days at the most. The length of the spawning season increases in the larger lakes. Van Oosten (1935) gives the duration of the spawning season in Lake Michigan as October 10 to November 21; in Lake Huron, October 10 to November 15; and in Lake Superior, October 1 to November 6. Seneca Lake is similar to the Great Lakes in both date and duration of the spawning season. The earliest and latest dates on which the New York State Conservation Department obtained eggs in Seneca Lake were September 23 and November 3. These dates are for difTerent years, but the earliest and latest dates were similar from year to year. PLACE OF SPAWNING The observations of Merriman (1935), Royce (1936), and the writer indicate that lake-trout spawning areas are restricted to bottom of clean gravel or rubble, free of sand and mud. As the fish make no effort to bury the eggs, the bottom must have crevices into which the eggs can roll, if eggs and larvae are to be protected. The location of these suitable areas of bottom in the lake is primarily determined by currents or wave action which keep the bottom swept clean. The lake trout will roll the smaller stones around and fan oflF the silt, but they cannot remove sand or mud from the crevices. Any bottom that is not swept by currents or waves eventually becomes covered with mud, although in the usual oligo- trophic lake-trout lake this process would take a very long time. In the littoral zone, the width of the area of clean rocks or sand is dependent directly on the size of the lake and its exposure to the wind. In the smaller New York lakes the lake trout general- ly may be found spawning by windy points near deep water (Royce 1936), on bottom kept clean by the waves. A typical example of such shallow- water spawning is to be found in Otsego Lake. In larger lakes the lake trout may go to deeper water for their spawning. Milner (1874) reports that the lake trout in Lake Superior spawn in 7 feet to 15 fathoms of water. Evidence of spawning in the deep water was provided by the capture of ripe fish at that depth and by raising in the nets fragments of honeycombed rocks containing eggs. In Seneca Lake the lake trout are captured for stripping in 100 to 200 feet of water at a time when no lake trout are found in shallow water. The fact that ripe lake trout are captured over bottom that is suitable for spawning is strong evidence that the trout actually are spawning at these depths. Further proof was provided by the capture on the spawning bed in Seneca Lake, in April 1940, of a lake-trout fry 25 millimeters in total length, in water 130 feet deep. There is much evidence that these deeper spawning areas are swept by strong currents. The hatchery fishermen reported that their nets were often rolled over and over by the currents in Seneca Lake. In this same lake off Peach Orchard Point the 40° F. isotherm rose from a depth of 260 feet on September 29, 1941, to 100 feet on October 1 after a strong south wind; on October 7 it was back down to a depth of 230 feet. Such a change must be accompanied by the movement of a huge quantity of water. These currents in Seneca Lake and the other Finger Lakes have left evidence of a prevailing direction of flow. All these lakes are very long and narrow and lie with their long axes in very nearly a north-south direction. Seneca Lake is the largest, being about 40 miles long and 3 miles wide at its widest point. The prevailing winds come from the northwest or the southeast, blow- ing obliquely to the south on the eastern shore and obliquely to the north on the western shore of the lake. The general result has been to form the tips of deltas to the south of the stream mouths on the eastern shore of the lake and to the north of the stream mouths on the western shore. In addition to the characteristic orientation of the deltas, there is a definite gradation in the size of the material deposited in the various parts of the delta. Off the tip of Peach Orchard Point in Seneca Lake down to a depth of at least 300 feet, only clean gravel and rubble could be found with a clamshell dredge, or seen in bottom photo- LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 67 A 1 > 9 i n §>' {^ f m 1 ^ Figi;r?; 3. — The bottom of Seneca Lake west-southwest off the tip of Peach Orchard Point where the lake trout congregate during the spawning season. The picture covers an area on the bottom about 18 by 24 inches at a depth of 120 feet. 68 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE graphs* (fig. 3). The hghter materials, such as mud, were deposited in the coves adjacent to Peach Orchard Point. Evidently other deltas in this lake have similar deposits, since lake trout are captured in large numbers during the spawning season near the tips of the points. The writer has found no evidence that lake trout select a lake bottom supplied with spring water for the deposition of their eggs. The spawning area in Otsego Lake was on a fill about 100 feet out from the original shoreline which was bedrock and showed no evidence of any spring seepage. Comparison of numerous water tem- peratures taken on the spawning area and in the nearby lake at all seasons of the year showed no difference in temperature. Additional evidence was the presence of as thick an ice cover over the ' Ewing. Vine, and Worzel (1946) describe submarine photographic equip- ment and techniques in detail. spawning area on March 31 as on other parts of the lake, just before the spring breakup, when any springs should have caused some erosion of the ice. No mention of spring water on lake-trout spawning areas has been found in the literature I have reviewed. It is concluded that for lake trout, unlike some other species of trout, spring water is a negligible factor in selection of a spawning area. SPAWNING ACT All my observations on the spawning act of lake trout reported here were made at a spawn- ing area on Otsego Lake, N. Y. Otsego Lake is about 8 miles long and averages three-fourths of a mile in width. Its maximum depth is 168 feet, and about 90 percent of the lake is more than 60 feet deep (Odell and Sennmg 1936). Chemical conditions are ideal for lake trout, and the lake has produced fairly good lake-trout fishing for Figure 4.— The courtship act. The male at the left is nudging the female in the side. LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 69 many years. The spawning area kept under ob- servation— the only one well known to the local residents and the only one that could be found — was along the middle of the west shore opposite the deepest part of the lake. Observations were made in this area on Novem- ber 16 and 30 and on December 1 and 5, 1940, and on December 1, 2, and 3, 1941. The trout were observed from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. on some of those days, but the area was visited mostly in the evening. Some trout were on the spawning area at all times of day during the spawning season, but most of the activity was restricted to the evening hours. During periods of bright sunlight only a few males could be seen and they kept to fairly deep water so that observation was difficult. The direct rays of the sun were cut off by a mountain about 4 p. m. and then many trout, both males and females, would arrive on the spawning area, and the males would start courtship and attempt the spawTaing act. The peak of the activity was from 5 p. m. to 9 p. m. Later in the evening the trout again disappeared until only a few were left at 1 1 p. m., when observations were discon- tinued. No nest or redd was built. The males spent their time cruising along close to the bottom, occasionally giving the stones a little fillip with their tails, and several showed considerable abra- sion on the lower jaw and under side of the tail from this fanning and digging. This activity cleaned several hundred square feet of bottom so thoroughly that it was easy to distinguish the area on which the trout were working even when they were not present. It has been the experience of employees of the New York State Conservation Department in netting lake trout for spawn that the males appear in the nets on the spawning area earher in the season than the females, and usually more males are caught. From this experience, and from the fact that the males predominated on the area in Otsego Lake, it seems probable that the males Figure 5. — Just after completion of the spawning act. Two males have spawned with the female in the center. 70 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE are almost entirely responsible for any cleaning of the spawning area before spawning. Belying their appearance, the males are not pugnacious. Occasionally one would make threat- ening motions at another male, but no vigorous fighting was observed. Several whitefish (Core- gonus dupeaformis) and a large eel (Anguilla hostoniensis) were seen among the milling lake trout and were unmolested. It was noted, however, that the males were nearly of the same size. Per- haps they had already disposed of any venture- some small males. Merriman (1935) and others have observed the spawning lake trout splashing at the surface. In Otsego Lake this was noted only infrequently, possibly because the spawning was on a steep slope in 2 to 15 feet of water — deeper water than that in which Merriman made his observations. The males began their courtship upon the ap- pearance of the females on the spawning area. Usually the male nudged the female in the side with his snout (fig. 4) and then attempted the spawning act. Frequently two or more males courted and attempted to spawn with a female at the same time. During courtship the males dis- played the characteristic coloration (fig. 1) and commonly held the dorsal fin erect. These dis- plays were apparently identical to those noted by Merriman (1935). The spawning act or attempts at it normally consisted of one or two males approaching a female, pressing against her sides with their vents in close proximity and then quivering all over (fig. 5). Usually the mouths of both sexes were open and the dorsal fin of the male was held erect. This act was seen clearly at close range several times when no eggs or milt were expressed. On two occasions a cloudiness was noted in the vi- cinity of the vents which probably was caused by the emission of sperm. No eggs were seen but this could have been because of the distance of the observer from the fish and the turbidity of the water. No other act or behavior was seen which could be construed to accompany oviposition. Probably the attempt at the spawning act is a part of courtship and is repeated over and over again until fulfillment. The spawning act was not limited to two or three trout; as many as seven males tad three females were seen at one time, all pressing to- gether in one large group and quivering in unison. No spawning act lasted for more than a few sec- onds, and it seems that a female must accomplish many unions to empty the ovaries completely. The trout are not monogamous and it was impos- sible to follow the movement of any one pair in the milling group. No tendency toward oviposition in any definite place on the spawning area was observed. The trout mated at random over the area cleaned off, and there was no attempt by either sex to bury the eggs. This seeming carelessness in regard to the fate of their young was justified when one attempted to find the eggs. A casual examination of the bottom revealed practically no eggs, but they could be picked up by the hundreds when the stones were turned over carefully. Eggs were recovered in water from 3 inches to 14 feet in depth. Those collected in more than 2 feet of water had to be taken in a Petersen dredge and no estimate of their abundance could be obtained. Along shore in less than 2 feet of water, however, where only an occasional trout was seen spawning, from 20 to 50 eggs could be recovered per square foot of bottom. The eggs were difficult to pick up, and the slightest motion of the water sent them rolling further into crevices between the rocks. In their selection of the bottom on which to spawn, the lake trout had chosen an ideal shelter for their eggs and young. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF EGGS AND LARVAE EFFICIENCY OF FERTILIZATION It has been a long-cherished belief of fish culturists that the natural spawning of trout is a highly inefficient, hit-or-miss process. Critical investigations have shown this belief to be untrue. White (1930) was able to hatch 79 percent of a sample of naturally fertilized brook-trout eggs removed from their redd and placed in a hatchery, and 66 percent of another lot placed in a screen basket and reburied in the redd. Hobbs (1937), after intensively investigating the redds of brown trout, rainbow trout, and quinnat salmon, found that more than 99 percent of the eggs were fertilized. He also found that subsequent heavy loss in the pre-eyed, eyed, and alevin stages was a result of adverse environmental conditions. Under favorable conditions the natural reproduc- tion was a highly efficient process. LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 71 A check of the natural spawning of lake trout in Otsego Lake provided further evidence that natural reproduction is efficient. On December 28, 1941, about 25 days after the trout were observed on the spawning area, a sample of 309 eggs was collected from under the rocks along shore with a small rubber bulb and tube. Of these 309 eggs, 18, or 5.8 percent, were not fertihzed, and 47, or 15.2 percent, had died. Seventy-nine percent of the eggs were ahve and apparently entirely normal after having been on the lake bottom nearly a month. This probably represents a near mini- mum figure for the survival (exclusive of those eaten by predators) inasmuch as the eggs were of necessity collected in only a few inches of water where they were subject to heavy wave action. The vast majority of the eggs were laid in deeper water out of reach of available collecting appara- tus and where they should have been better protected. TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS Lake-trout eggs appear both to require and to withstand slightly lower temperatures than the eggs of other trout. Embody (1934) found that brook- and rainbow-trout eggs suffered excessive mortaUty and developed at a different rate when the water temperature was below 37.4° F.' He found, also, that lake- and brown-trout eggs followed the same rate of development down to 35.2° F., and he judged that development pro- ceeded normally. Brook trout usually spawn in spring water so that their eggs are not subjected to near-freezing temperatures during the winter (Greeley 1932, Hazzard 1932, White 1930). Rain- bow trout normally spawn in the spring when the water is warming (Rayner 1941). Cook (1929) reports that lake-trout eggs develop satisfactorily at the Duluth, Minn., hatchery where water temperatures remain about 32.5° F. throughout the winter. The 140-day incubation period of lake-trout eggs in Otsego Lake indicates an average temperature of 36° or 37° F. in the egg- development tables of Embody (1934). At the Rome, N. Y., State hatchery high mortality occurred in lake-trout eggs developing at water temperatures above 50° F. when other trout eggs developed normally. In other hatcheries, lake- trout eggs from the same source developed nor- * Rainbow-trout cpgs suiterod hiph mortality at temp(?raturcs below 43° F., but Emtwdy thought that in some cases this was due to inferior eRjts. mally at lower temperatures. These facts would indicate that lake-trout eggs can develop success- fully in a lake in the winter, so long as they do not freeze, and that they do not require spring water. No data arc available on the temperature requirements of the alevins. In the spring of 1941 they left the spawning area in Otsego Lake when the water temperature was about 55° F. It seems likely, therefore, that they avoid tem- peratures above 60° F. EFFECTS OF PREDATION The data on the survival of eggs in Otsego Lake do not indicate the true value because they do not consider the removal of eggs by predators. Predators are an ever present danger to lake trout from the egg stage almost to maturity, and cause a loss which is exceedingly difficult to evaluate. No precise measurements have ever been made on the effects of predation at any stage in the growth of wild trout. Many are the potential predators of eggs and alevins. Table 6 lists the animals captured within 100 yards of the lake-trout spawning area in Otsego Lake during April and May 1941. Many of these would destroy eggs if eggs were availabe to them. Atkinson (1931) and Greene, Hunter, and Senning (1932) found that numbers of lake-trout eggs were eaten by suckers {Cat- ostomus commersonii) and bullheads {Ameiurus nebulosus). Both of these species occur in Otsego Lake although they were not captured in the immediate vicinity of the lake-trout spawning area. Greeley (1936) states that a fisherman reported finding lake-trout eggs in the stomachs of Otsego Lake whitefish. Rayner (1941) found many lake-trout eggs in the stomachs of adult lake trout. A female taken by the writer on the Otsego Lake spawning area had 13 lake-trout eggs in its stomach. Small lake trout may be even more voracious predators. W. C. Senning, in a letter to me, reported finding lake-trout eggs in every one of 31 small lake trout taken on the spawning grounds in Seneca Lake in the fall of 1942. These lake trout ranged from 6K to 13 inches in length, and one 12-inch individual had eaten 147 eggs. White (1930) found large numbers of brook-trout eggs in brook-trout stom- achs. Metzelaar (1929) reported that rainbow trout ate numbers of their own eggs. Greeley (1932) found brooks, browns, and rainbows to 72 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 6. — Animals found on and near lake-trout spawning area in Otsego Lake, Apr. 27-June 2, 1941 Phylum and order Coelenterata Platyhelminthes. Arthropoda; Amphipoda. Neuroptera... Ephemerida. , Do- Do Do Do Odonata Do Do Do Do Do Do Plecoptera Coleoptera . . . Trichoptera- . Do Do Do Diptera Do MoUusca: Gastropoda... Do- Pelecypoda.. Chordata: Pisces Do Do Do Do- Do Do Do Do Do Do Do. Do Amphibia... Species Hydra sp Planaria sp- Hyalella sp Sialis sp - BlastuTUi sp -. Ephemerella sp Stenonema sp Hexagenia sp Ephemera sp Qomphus sp - Didymops transversa Epicordulia princeps Helocordulia tihleri. . Neurocordulia obsoleta^ .. Argia moesta Enallagma sp Neoperla sp Dineutes sp Stenophylaz scabripennis . Molanna sp Phryganea sp Qtossosomatinae ' Chironomus sp Tanytarsus sp Limnea sp Planorbis sp Unidentifiable. Coregonus dupeaforrrtis ^ . Cristivomer n. namaycush. Notropis h. hudsonius Hyborhynchus notaius Esoi niger Angidlla hostoniensis Perca fjavescens Stizosledion v. vitreum Bolesoma nigrum olmstedi Micropterus d. dolomieu.. Lepomis gibhosus AmhloplUes rupestris. Cottus cognatas Triturus viridescens.,. Common name Alderfly.. Mayflay. ....do--- do--. do... .do- Dragonfly do do . -do do Damsel fly do.. Stone fly Whirligig-beetle. Caddisfly do do do Midge.. do.. Pond snail . . Wheel snail. Clam Whiteflsh Lake trout Spot-tail shiner Blunt-nosed min- now. Chain pickerel American eel Yellow perch Yellow pike-perch. Johnny darter Small-mouthed bass. Pumpkinseed (sun- flsh). Rock bass Slimy muddler Newt -.- Stage Larva. Nymph. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Larva. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ' Two or more species. be trout-egg eaters. On the Otsego Lake spawn- ing area, an eel (Anguilla bostoniensis) and several whitefish (Coregonus clupeajormis) were seen industriously feeding among the stones where the lake trout were spawning. In addition, a slimy muddler {Coitus cognatus), which is known to eat trout eggs, was captured in the immediate vicinity. What is the effect of this predation? Greeley (1932) concluded that practically all the eggs of rainbow, brown, and brook trout eaten were waste eggs not buried in the redd, and that the effect of egg predators on reproduction was neg- ligible. Hobbs (1937) thought that the number of eggs eaten from the redds of rainbow and brown trout and quinnat salmon was very small. The spawning trout themselves are important predators but they could scarcely be accused of eating all their own spawn. It seems likely that predation would have no more effect on the eggs of lake trout than it has on those of other trout. If the lake trout can spawn on the type of bottom they seem to prefer, the eggs and alevins are certainly well protected until they emerge from the rubble. It was neces- sary to dig deep into the rubble in the Otsego Lake spawning area to capture either eggs or alevins. Additional evidence is provided by the lack of any lake-trout alevins in the stomachs of the following fish captured in the immediate vicinity of the lake-trout spawning area between April 27 and June 2, 1941: 6 whitefish {Coregonus clupeaformis) I adult lake trout {Salvelinus { = Cristivomer] namay- cush) II shiners {Notropis hudsonius) 1 blunt-nosed minnow {Hyborhynchus notatus) 1 chain pickerel {Esox niger) 17 yellow perch {Perca flavescens) 22 johnny darters {Boleosoma nigrum olmstedi) I smallmouth bass {Micropterus d. dolomieu) 4 common sunfish {Lepomis gibhosus) 13 rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) II slimy muddlers {Cottus cognatus) These fish were all captured during the pre- sumably vulnerable time the alevins were absorb- ing the yolk sac and leaving the spawning bed. Such negative evidence is inconclusive but reassur- ing. It is important to note that most trout-egg predators have been indicted for their activities during the time the eggs were being laid and not after the eggs were hidden in the gravel. It is concluded that lake-trout eggs and alevins suffer little from predation after the spawning season, and that during spawning the eggs that are eaten are only those left exposed on the bottom. DEVELOPMENT OF EGGS AND ALEVINS Greeley (1936) collected eyed eggs and newly hatched alevins on the Otsego Lake spawning area on April 12, and more-advanced alevins on May 9. I took newly eyed eggs on February 17, 1941, and later-eyed stages on March 31, 1941, by chopping holes through the ice. (The lake trout had been observed spawning December 5, 1940.) Later, on April 27, with the surface water tempera- ture 44° F., newly hatched sac fry were taken, and on May 17, 1941, many more-advanced fry were taken (temperature data in fig. 6). All the stages were taken from the rubble on the spawning area. LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 73 30 40 TEMPERATURE 50 60 70 IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT Figure 6. — Temperature stratification of Otsego Lake associated with different stages of larval development of lake trout. (Several hauls of the trawl in the vicinity of the spawning area on April 27 and May 17 produced no fry.) Both eggs and fry were well buried in the stones. The eggs were taken with a Petersen dredge, and only after the surface stones were removed could they be found. The fry were all taken with a trawl fitted with a heavy weight in front which turned over the stones. On June 2, 1941, 18 tows of the trawl over the spawning area and in the vicinity down to depth of 60 feet failed to produce any young lake trout. They had definitely moved from the spawning area and the habitat of the earhest feeding stages was still unknown. Comparison of the development of wild fry which were captured and of those grown in a hatch- ery indicates that the time of hatching in Otsego Lake in 1941 was about April 15, and the fry left the shelter of the spawning area May 20 to 25. In Seneca Lake, where the lake trout spawn during late September and October, a single ad- vanced fry was captured in about 130 feet of water off Peach Orchard Point on April 2, 1940. This fry was considerably more advanced than a hatchery fry 2 months old. This would place the time of hatching in late January and indicate an incubation period of approximately 4 months. Consideration of the type of bottom and the kinds of invertebrate inhabitants (table 6) of the lake-trout spawning area in Otsego Lake empha- sizes the striking resemblance of this area to a typical trout-stream environment. Clean gravel and rubble bottom inhabited by stonefly and may- fly nymphs and caddis larvae ordinarily would be associated with a stream instead of a lake. Cer- tainly it seems that lake-trout fry and fingerlings would fare best under conditions similar to those selected by the young of other trout. This trout-stream-like environment in Otsego Lake gave me high hopes of capturing the early fingerling stages in the vicinity. But all efforts, including those with minnow traps, trawl, and shore seine, were unsuccessful. No helpful clues were found in the literature, for lake-trout finger- lings have been reported only from shoal water and small tributaries. Kendall and Goldsborough (1908) captured several lake trout, 1.87 to 2.37 inches long, in small spring tributaries of First Connecticut Lake on July 16 and 18 and August 10. Neave and Bajkov (1929) reported taking 10 lake trout, 32 to 45 mm. long, with a hand net in a small inlet creek at Pyramid Lake, Nev. Miller and Kennedy (1948) noted that fry, and 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old lake trout were found in shallow water along a bouldery shoreline of Great Bear Lake, Mackenzie, Canada. Lake-trout fin- gerlings are not found in such habitats in the summer in New York. The biological survey of the New York State Conservation Department captured none in extensive seining of the shores of the Adirondack lakes and streams, many of which were adjacent to lake-trout waters. There seems to be little doubt that in New York they live in the deeper waters of the lakes in the summer and probably seek rocky bottom. JUVENILE LAKE TROUT OF KEUKA LAKE Intermittently from April 18 to September 16, 1940, effort was made to capture fingerling and juvenile stages of lake trout in Keuka Lake. Their capture was attempted with gill nets, trawls, set lines, and minnow traps. A number of 100- foot sections of gill nets of %-inch to 1 J^inch bars were set for an aggregate of 67 nights at depths of 74 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 10 to 130 feet. Fifty -nine tows of a trawl were made over a similar range of depths. A set line equipped with 80 No. 7 hooks was set for 4 days covering depths from 15 to 40 feet. Minnow traps were set for 8 days at depths from 40 to 80 feet. Included in the catch were 41 lake trout (all caught in gill nets) of which 13 were more than 15 inches in total length — the minimum legal size in New York. The stomach content of the 13 legal-sized trout, and of 1 1 others of legal size gathered from anglers, was 100 percent alewives {Pomolobus psevdoharengus) or unidentifiable fish, probably of the same species (anglers report finding practically nothing but alewives in lake- trout stomachs). The lengths and stomach contents of the sublegal specimens are listed in table 7. Of the 16 speci- mens between 10 and 15 inches in length, only one had eaten arthropods, while the principal food of those between 6 and 10 inches was arthropods, mostly Mysis relicta. Table 7. -Food of lake trout less than 15 inches long from Keuka Lake, 1940 Total length (inches) Date of capture Stomach contents im..... May 11 do Empty. Unidentifiable fish remains. 14 do 3 Pomolohus pseudobarengus' 2 unidentifiable fish 13ii .. do 2 Pomolohus pseudoharengu3. 13 ...do 12^ do 12)^..... 12H llH--- n'A IIM June 29 May 11 June 29 May 24 .do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. lOJ^ lOJi May 11.. do Do. Empty. lO^j .... .. do W'/s lOJi 9H 9H 1;;::;; Sept. 11 May 25 Sept. 13-16 ... May 24 Sept. 13-16... do do do 1 mayfly nymph (Ephemerinae); 1 unidentifiable fish. 5 Pomolohus paeudokarengus. 1 Pungitius pungitius; 23 Mysis Telicta. Unidentifiable fish remains. 1 Pungitius pungitius: 1 unidentifiable fish. 1 Cottus cognatus; 9 Afysis relicta. 12 Mysis Telicta. 7H-.---! do do 34 Mysis relicta. 6H do 10 Mysis Telicta. 6'4 do . .. do 6ii do. 28 Mysis relicta. Summary: Of lake trout 10 to 15 inches in total length, 14 stomachs con- tained fish remains and 1 stomach contained arthropod remains. Of lake trout 6 to 10 inches in total length, 4 stomachs contained fish remains and 10 stomachs contained arthropod remains. In most cases capture of the lake trout was very erratic. The 10 small specimens taken May 1 1 were found in the same place at very nearly the same depth of 100 feet. Nets set there on follow- ing nights caught nothing. The other small specimens taken during May and June and all the larger lake trout were caught, one or two at a time, in different places but almost entirely at depths of 80 to 120 feet. Some consistency was found, however, in the capture of the young lake trout caught September 11 to 16, 1940. These were taken, two or three a rtight, in %- to K-inch bar gill nets set in one restricted location off the southern tip of Bluff Point, a very rocky, steep underwater slope, between depths of 40 and 70 feet. Nets of the same mesh set at the same depths in the vicinity on mLxed mud and rubble bottom failed to catch any trout. As large lake trout were taken in larger-mesh nets in the same area, it seems that the juveniles must have been relying on the shelter of the rocks for protection from their voracious elders. Scale examination indicated that these 6}i- to 10- inch trout were yearlings and 2-year-olds. Since the lake trout of Keuka Lake spawn in late November and probably hatch in late April (see p. 64, table 5), a rate of growth comparable to hatchery growth would allow them to reach only 2 or 3 inches by the first September. Possibly these fingerling fish could be found in the same location as the yearlings were found. Lack of time and equipment prevented any further effort in this direction but it is a good stage at which to resume the search in the future. SUMMARY Lake trout were observed during their spawning season in 1939, 1940, and 1941 in several lakes in New York State, and actual spawning was seen in Otsego Lake, N. Y. Extensive data on spawn- taking operations were obtained from the New York State Conservation Department, and exist- ing literature on the subject was reviewed. It was found that, except for a striking color change in the males while on the spawning area, lake trout lack sexual dimorphism. They mature in about their sixth year at lengths varying from 15 to 30 inches in the different lakes. Spawning occurs once each year, during the autumn. The date varies from late September to early December depending on the race of trout, the amount of sunlight, the autumnal drop in temperature, and the depth of the lake. In the deep water of Seneca Lake, one race LAKE TROUT BREEDING HABITS 75 spawned early. In all other lakes studied, the lake trout spawned in shallow water and usually later. Increased cloudiness in July, August, and September, and low temperatures in September, advanced the date of spawning in Raquctte Lake. Shallower lakes had earlier spawning dates. At the time of spawning, water tempera- ture varied from 58° to 37° F., but in Raquette and Otsego Lakes it was observed that spawning times approximated the turn-over times of the lakes. Generally, the spawning period was about 20 days, but it varied from 10 to 40 days and was fairly consistent from year to year in any one lake. Spawning, whether in shallow or deep water, took place on gravel or rubble bottom that had crevices into which the eggs could roll. No nest or redd was built. No evidence of spring water was observed near any spawning area. In the spawning act, which usually occurred during the evening, from 2 to 10 lake trout par- ticipated. Each attempt at spawning lasted only a few seconds; the act was repeated many times. Approximately 1 month after spawning, a sample of eggs recovered from the crevices in the rocks of Otsego Lake was found to be 79 percent alive. No measurement of the effects of preda- tion on eggs was possible, but it was estimated that only eggs that failed to roll into crevices between the stones could be eaten by predators. In Otsego Lake in 1941 the eggs hatched about April 15 and the fry left the spawning area about May 22. In the deep water of Seneca Lake where the lake trout had spawTied in early October a single advanced fry was taken April 2, 1940. Its development indicated that hatching occurred in late January. Extensive operation of a small beam trawl, set hnes, and minnow traps in Otsego, Keuka, and Seneca Lakes failed to produce any lake trout between advanced fry stage and a length of about 6 inches. Twelve specimens between 6 and 10 inches long that were captured in gill nets in Keuka Lake were found to be 1- and 2-year-olds and to be feeding mostly on Mysis relicta. ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS Deep appreciation is expressed to the following people whose assistance made this work possible: Dr. A. H. Wright, professor of zoology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., gave much encourage- ment and made funds available; Peter I. Tack, A. H. Underbill, and William M. La%vrence, graduate students, and Philhp Strong, fish hatch- ery foreman, provided a large amount of help in the netting operations and the aquatic photog- raphy. Members of the New York State Conservation Department were most cooperative and generous with their time and equipment. Among those to whom I am particularly indebted are S. M. Cowden, supervisor of fish culture; A. P. Miller, district supervisor of fish culture; Dr. Emmehne Moore and Dr. W. C. Senning, aquatic biologists; Charles Deuell, David Haskell, K. B. Nichols, and L. D. Winslow, fish hatchery foremen; and L. D. Tompkins, game protector. I am further indebted to V. S. L. Pate and Minter J. Westfall, Jr., for identification of aquatic insects from Otsego Lake, and to J. R. Westman, for scale samples and data on the lake trout of Lake Simcoe, Ontario. LITERATURE CITED Atkinson, N. J. 1931. The destruction of grey trout eggs by suckers and bullheads. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 61, pp. 183-188. BissoNETTE, T. H., and J. Wendell Burger. 1940. Experimental modification of the sexual cycle of fish. Abstracts of papers presented at the North- eastern Fish Culturists' Meeting, p. 12. Cook, W. A. 1929. A brief summary of the work of the Bureau of Fisheries in the Lake Superior region. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 59, pp. 56-62. Dymond, John Rich.\rd80N. 1926. The fishes of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies, Publications Ontario Fisheries Re- .search Laboratory, No. 27, pp. 3-108. Embody, George C. 1934. Relation of temperature to the incubation periods of eggs of four species of trout. Trans. Amer. Fish- eries Soc, vol. 64, pp. 281-292. EwiNG, Mavrice, a. Vine, and J. L. Worzel. 1946. Photography of the ocean bottom. Jour. Optical Soc. America, vol. 36, No. 6, June 1946, pp. 307-321. Fry, F. E. J. 1939. A comparative study of lake trout fisheries in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Univ. of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser., No. 46: Publications of the Ontario Fish- eries Research Laboratory, No. 58, pp. 7-69. Fry, F. E. J., and W. A. Kennedy. 1937. Report on the 1936 lake trout investigation, Lake Opeongo, Ontario. Univ. of Toronto Studies, 76 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Biol. Ser., No. 42: Publications of the Ontario Fish- eries Research Laboratory, No. 54, pp. 3-20. Greeley, John R. 1932. The spawning habits of brook, brown, and rain- bow trout, and the problem of egg predators. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 62, pp. 239-248. 1936. A Biological Survey of the Delaware and Susque- hanna Watersheds. II. Fishes of the area with an- notated list. Supplemental to 25th Ann. Rept., New York Conserv. Dept., 1935, pp. 45-88. Green, C. W., R. P. Hunter, and W. C. Senning. 1932. A Biological Survey of Oswegatchie and Black River systems. Spjtwn-eating by suckers and bull- heads. Supplemental to 21st Ann. Rept., New York Conserv. Dept., 1931, pp. 26-28. Hazzard, a. S. 1932. Some phases of the life history of the eastern brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchell). Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 62, pp. 344-350. HoBBS, Derisley F. 1937. Natural reproduction of the Quinnat salmon, brown and rainbow trout in certain New Zealand waters. New Zealand Marine Dept., Fisheries Bull., No. 6, pp. 7-104. Hoover, Earle E., and Harry E. Hubbard. 1937. Modification of the sexual cycle in trout by the control of light. Copeia, No. 4, pp. 206-210. HuBBS, Carl L. 1930. Further additions and corrections to the list of the fishes of the Great Lakes and tributary waters. Papers of the Michigan Acad. Science, Arts and Letters, vol. XI, pp. 425-436. Kendall, William Converse, and E. L. Goldsborough. 1908. The fishes of the Connecticut Lakes and neighbor- ing waters. U. S. Bur. Fisheries Doc. No. 633, 77 pp., 10 pis., 5 figs. McCay, C. M., L. a. Maynard, J. W. Titcomb, and M. F. Crowell. 1930. Influence of water temperature upon growth and reproduction of brook trout. Ecology, vol. XI, pp. 30-34. Merriman, Daniel. 1935. Squam Lake trout. Bull. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., No. 75, pp. 3-10. Merriman, Daniel, and H. P. Schedl. 1941. The effects of light and temperature on game- togenesis in the four-spined stickleback, Apeltes quadracus (Mitchill). Jour. Exper. Zool., vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 413-449. Metzelaar, Jan. 1929. The food of the trout in Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 59, pp. 146-152. Miller, R. B., and W. A. Kennedy. 1948. Observations on the lake trout of Great Bear Lake. Jour. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, vol. 7, No. 4, Feb. 1948, pp. 176-189. Milker, James W. 1874. Report on the fisheries of the Great Lakes; the result of inquiries prosecuted in 1871 and 1872. U. S. Fish Comm. Rept. 1872-73, Part II, pp. 1-78. Mottley, C. McC. 1936. The hooked snout in the Salmonidae. Prog. Repts. Pacific Biol. Sta., Nanaimo, British Columbia, and Pacific Fish. Exp. Sta., Prince Rupert, British Columbia, No. 30, pp. 9-10. Neave, F., and A. Bajkov. 1929. Reports of the Jasper Park lakes investigations, 1925-26. V. Food and growth of Jasper Park fishes. Contrib. to Canadian Biol, and Fisheries, New Ser., vol. IV, No. 16, pp. 199-299. Odell, T. T., and W. C. Senning. 1936. A biological survey of the Delaware and Susque- hanna watersheds. III. Lakes and ponds of the Delaware and Susquehanna watersheds. Supple- mental to 25th Ann. Rept., New York Conserv. Dept., pp. 89-121. Rayner, H. J. 1941. The development of a management policy for the rainbow trout of the Finger Lakes. Ph. D. Thesis, Cornell Univ., June 1941. Royce, James S. 1936. Collecting eggs from lake trout in New York lakes. Fish Culture, 2 pp. SURBER, ThADDEUS. 1933. Rearing lake trout to maturity. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 63, pp. 64-68. Van Oosten, John. 1935. The value of questionnaires in commercial fisher- ies regulations and surveys. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 64, pp. 107-117. White, H. C. 1930. Some observations on the eastern brook trout (S. fontinalis) of Prince Edward Island. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 60, pp. 101 108. U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ■ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director DECLINE OF THE LAKE TROUT FISHERY IN LAKE MICHIGAN By Ralph Hile, Paul H. Eschmeyer, and George F. Lunger FISHERY BULLETIN 60 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 20 cents CONTENTS Page Materials and methods 77 Production trends in Lake Michigan, 1879-1949 78 Production in State of Michigan waters, 1891-1908 and 1929^9 81 Abundance in State of Michigan waters, 1929-49 88 Fishmg intensity in State of Michigan waters, 1929^9 90 Relations of production, abundance, and fishing intensity 92 Summary 94 Literatm'e cited 95 II DECLINE OF THE LAKE TROUT FISHERY IN LAKE MICHIGAN By Ralph Hile and Paul H. Eschmeyer, Fishery Research Biologists, and George F. Lunger, Statistician Collapse of the fishery for lake trout, Salveliniis [=Cristivomer] namaycush, of Lake Huron has been treated in detail in a recent publication by Hile (1949). In the present paper we take up the unpleasant task of describing the decline of the lake-trout fishery in yet another of the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan. Lake Superior now stands as the only significant center of conunercial pro- duction of that species yet remaining in the United States. In this, as in the earher paper mentioned, treat- ment will be limited to a statistical account of the changes that have taken place in the lake-trout fisheiy. We offer no extended argument on the role of the sea lamprey in this most recent debacle, other than to express the considered opinion that on the basis of ciu-rently available evidence this parasite must be held the major cause of the catastrophes that have overtaken both Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. MATERIALS AND METHODS The statistics on the production of lake trout in the individual States over the period 1879- 1940, incorporated in table 1, were adapted from Gallagher and Van Oosten (1943) and are from the sources listed in that publication. Our annual totals, however, are in agreement with those of Gallagher and Van Oosten only for those years in which statistics were available for aU four States bordering the lake. In a number of years statis- tics were at hand for Michigan and Wisconsin but not for lUmois and Indiana; in such situations those authors recorded the yields from the first two States as the totals for Lake Michigan. Our totals in the same situations include estimates of the Illinois-Indiana catch. On the basis of the actual distribution of the take among the States in the 8 years with complete data from 1885 through 1917 and in the 6 years ' from 1922 ' For this purpose the 1925 data were usable since the Indiana-Illinois catch was included in the total; statistics for the two States Individually, however, were not available. through 1929 we derived the correction factors 1.0291 and 1.0683. The former factor was ap- plied to the combined Michigan-Wisconsin catch to give an adjusted grand total in years lacking lUinois-Indiana data through 1919; the latter factor was used for years after 1919. To be sure, the percentage contribution of Illinois and Indiana varied within each of the two periods, but the derivation of a greater munber of factors would not have been profitable. We have not consid- ered it advisable to estimate the Lake Michigan total in any year for which we had data for only one State. Statistics on production after 1940 were com- piled directly from commercial fishei-men's re- ports in the Ann Arbor offices of the Fish and Wildlife Service (Michigan) or supplied by State conservation agencies (Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana) . The data on the yield of lake trout in the several statistical districts of the State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan for 1891-1908 were tabulated in the Service's Great Lakes offices from original records supplied by the Michigan Department of Conservation." The detailed information on production, fishing intensity, and estimated availability of lake trout in the State of Michigan waters in 1929^9 is based on analyses of monthly reports of com- mercial fishermen licensed by the State of Michi- gan. These reports, which were supplied by the department of conservation, contain data on fishing locality, kind and amount of gear fished, and kinds and quantities of fish captured for each day of fishing by each Ucensee. The methods employed in estimating the abundance of the principal species and the intens- ity of the fishery in the State of Miciiigan waters of the Great Lakes have been described in detail in earlier publications (Hile 1937; Hile and Jobes > The Works Progress Administration gave valuable assistance in this vorlc 77 78 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1941; Van Oosten, Hile, and Jobes 1946). The boundaries of the eight statistical districts, M-1 to M-8, are given in figure 2. PRODUCTION TRENDS IN LAKE MICHIGAN, 1879-1949 The trends of production of lake trout from 1879 through 1949 perhaps can be brought out best through comments on the yield over certain periods of years (tables 1 and 2; fig. 1). The take in 1879, the fu'st year for which we have a record, was comparatively low (2,659,000 pounds). Catches were higher in 1885 (6.431,000 pounds) and 1889 (5,580,000 pounds) but the take in each of those years and the mean for the two (6,006,000 pounds) were far below the level that characterized the period beginning with 1890. It may be assumed that the fishery was in the process of development in 1879-89. The interval 1890-1911 was one of rather con- sistently high production. The take exceeded 8 million poimds in 7 of the 11 years for which lake totals are recorded and was more than 9 million pounds in 1 of these 7 (9,282,000 pounds in 1896). Of the remaining 4 years, 2 had yields between 7 and 8 million pounds, 1 between 6 and 7 million, and 1 less than 6 million. The two lowest catches (6,624,000 poimds in 1892 and 5,286,000 pounds in 1899) both deviated sharply from the general level for the period and both can be attributed to the low yields recorded for Wisconsin. The grand average catch => for 1890-1911 was 8,230,000 pounds or 2,224,000 pounds greater than for 1885- 89. Every State but Indiana shared in the in- crease; the rise was greatest, however, in Wiscon- sin (1,950,000 pounds). The production of lake trout in Lake Michigan was at a decidedly lower level in 1912-26 when the average yield of 7,007,000 pounds was 1,223,000 pounds below that of 1890-1911. Of the 14 years for which there are totals (see footnote 1 to table 1 concerning the exclusion of data for Wisconsin in 1921) 5 had catches between 7 and 8 million pounds, 8 between 6 and 7 million pounds, and 1 less than 6 million pounds. The highest yield was 7,928,000 pounds in 1915 and the lowest was 5,979,000 pounds in 1918. Dechnes from the preceding period of 932,000 pounds in Wisconsin > To obtain full use of the data of table 1, the means in the body of table 2 were determined from all records of yield for each State during the indicated periods and these State means were added to obtain the totals at the right. and 459,000 pounds in Michigan, were compen- sated to a small degree by increases of 132,000 pounds in Indiana and 36,000 poimds in Illinois. Table 1. — Production of lake trout in Lake Michigan, 1879-1949 [In thousands of pounds] Year State Total Michigan Wisconsm Illinois Indiana 1879 2,659 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885. - - 3,725 2,668 4 34 6,431 1886 1887 1888 1889 2,950 4,674 2,455 3.464 25 72 150 155 5,680 1890 8,364 1891 3,686 3,616 3,122 2 668 2'82i" 5,404 5, 865 1892 6,624 1893 8,774 1894 8,781 1895 2,392 5,304 7,920 1896 3,020 2,872 6,000 4,711 -J-- ... 9,282 1897 7,823 1898 2,540 2,370 2,016 2,844 1899 2,804 77 35 6,286 1901 ~ 1902 4,337 4, 055 1903 4,613 199 76 8,943 4,254 4,456 1905 - 1906 6,103 1907 4,271 1908 4,023 4,328 150 130 8,631 1909 _»- 4,337 1911 3,526 4,640 8,404 3,003 3,558 6,752 IQia 2,544 3,761 6,488 1914 2,711 4,126 7,036 191=1 3 853 3 851 7,928 IQlfi 2,805 3,195 6,174 1917. 2,866 3,745 169 123 6,904 2 456 3, .354 5,979 2,735 3,143 3, 849 3,840 6,776 1920. 7,461 3,107 3,264 ■8,642 3. 801 ■ 12,651 19?2 203 272 7,640 1923 2,767 3 472 3.419 3 752 6,599 1Q?4 7,717 1Q95 3,422 3. 101 J 6, 894 1926 3,352 2,762 165 250 6,530 1927 2,900 2, 379 167 2.53 6,699 1928.. 1,831 2.629 172 187 4,819 1929 2,198 3,817 247 132 6,394 1930.. .. 2,556 2,316 383 186 5,441 1931... 2, 6.52 2,673 202 106 6,632 1932 2,746 2,345 281 98 6,470 1933... . . 2,379 2,481 262 90 6,212 1934 2,053 2,590 225 88 4,957 1935. -_ 2, 451 2,042 260 120 4,873 1936 2,127 2,232 274 130 4, 763 1937 2,264 2,353 271 100 4,988 1938 2,480 1,940 311 174 4,906 1939 - 2,778 2,358 318 205 6,660 1940. 2,780 3,189 2,492 2.747 814 705 179 146 6,266 1941. 6,787 1942 2,641 2, 814 2.695 2,825 1,111 1,193 38 28 6,484 1943 6,860 1944 . 2,609 2,228 2,852 2,516 1,036 694 6,498 1945. 5,437 1946 1,908 914 1,650 1,178 416 333 1 1 3,974 1947 - 2,425 1948. 589 542 65 C) 1,197 1949. 223 116 4 342 1 The recorded yield of 8,642,000 pounds in Wisconsm in 1921 is so badly out of line with data for neighboring years as to be held unreliable. It was not plotted in fig. 1 or employed in the computation of any means or per- centages. 2 No breakdown available of the 371,000 pounds taken in Indiana and Illi- nois. » Less than 500 pounds. DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 79 1920 1945 Figure 1. — Production of lake trout in Lake Michigan, 1889-1949. Upper solid line = entire lake; broken line= Wisconsin; lower solid line = Michigan. The take of lake trout fluctuated about a still lower level in 1927-39 when the average total for the lake was 5,293,000 pounds, 1,714,000 pounds below the mean for 1912-26 and 2,937,000 pounds less than that for 1890-191 1. The catch exceeded 6 million pounds only once in 13 years (6,394,000 pounds in 1929 — again a sharp deviation of the Wisconsin figure from the characteristic level was responsible for the extreme) ; it was between 5 and 6 million pounds in 6 years, and less than 5 million pounds in 6 years. The lowest catch of the period was 4,763,000 pounds in 1936. Michigan, Wis- consin, and Indiana contributed to the decline from 1912-26 to 1927-39 with decreases of 616,000, 1,107,000, and 71,000 pounds, respectively. The Illinois catch, on the contrary, was increased by 80,000 pounds in the latter period. The lake-trout fishery of Lake Michigan enjoyed a brief period of heightened productivity in 1940- 44 when the take exceeded 6 million pounds in every one of the 5 years and averaged 6,578,000 pounds, or 1,285,000 pounds above the 1927-39 mean. To a considerable extent the improvement can be attributed to the large increase of 713,000 80 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 2. — Average production of lake trout in Lake Michigan, by periods [In thousands of pounds] Period Number of years ' Item State Michigan Wisconsin Illinois Indiana Total 1879 1885-89.. 1890-1911 1912-26 1927-39 1940-44 1946-49 Production- Mean annual Percentage Mean annual Percentage Mean annual Percentage Mean annual Percentage Mean annual Percentage Mean annual Percentage production.. of total production. of total production. of total production. of total production. of total production, of total 3,338 55.6 3,492 42.4 3,033 43.3 2.417 45.7 2,807 42.7 1.172 43.8 2,562 42.7 !4.512 54.8 ' 3, 580 61.1 ' 2, 473 46.7 2, 722 41.4 1,200 44.9 14 0 2 143 1.8 179 2.6 269 4.9 972 14.7 302 11.3 92 1.5 83 1.0 215 3.1 144 2.7 78 1.2 0 0 2,659 6,n06 100 8,230 100 7,007 100 6,293 100 6,578 100 2,674 100 1 Number of years for which statistics were available in at least 1 State or for the entire lake. 2 The reported Wisconsin production for the years 1892 and 1899 was far below the level characteristic of the period. If these years are excluded, the Wisconsin mean becomes 4,822 and the percentages and total change accordingly. pounds in Illinois, a rise exceeding the combined increases in Michigan (390,000 pounds) and Wis- consin (249,000 pounds). Indiana alone experi- enced a decline (66,000 pounds). The sharp drop in the recorded Indiana take to a lower level during the 1940-44 interval probably reflects improvement in the collection of statistics more than a decrease in output. Indiana pro- ducers, who traditionaUy take the bulk of their catch of lake trout in State of Michigan waters, have to our best knowledge customarily reported their entire production to both Indiana and Mich- igan. There is considerable evidence, therefore, that part of the take of Indiana fishermen in earlier years was reported in duplicate. In view of the relatively small production of these opera- tors, the efl^ects on the statistics for the entire lake were not particularly damaging, but the figures for Indiana before about 1942 must be viewed with some skepticism. The period 1940-44 is exceptional for its brevity. Statistics for the preceding three periods demon- strated a tendency for the productivity of the lake- trout fishery to fluctuate closely about a character- istic level for from 13 to 22 years. In view of this tendency, it might well be expected that the new high level reached in 1940 would be maintained longer than 5 years. That it was not maintained suggests that some disruptive factor intervened. The sea lamprey qualifies well as that factor. Although the downward trend of production ' Excluding 1921 for which year the reliability of the Wisconsin data appears questionable. * The reported Wisconsin production for 1929 was considerably above the level characteristic of the period. If this year is excluded, the_ Wisconsin mean becomes 2,362 and the percentages and total change accordingly. actually started a year earlier, 1945 can be set a the beginning year of the recent disastrous decline. In this year the catch dropped by more than a million pounds and fell distinctly below the level of 1940—44. Once the decline started, its progress was spectacular. In 1946 the take was under 4 million pounds for the first time since 1879, and each of the years 1947 to 1949 set a new record low. It is the high rate of decrease rather than the average of 2,674,000 pounds that makes the 1945-49 period significant. The collapse of production in the lake-trout fishery of Lake Michigan resembles closely that described for Lake Huron by Hile (1949). Indeed, the decline appears to have been even more rapid in Lake Michigan than in the United States waters of Lake Huron. This point can be brought out by a comparison of the number of years required for a 90-percent or gi-eater decline from the last year with the take above the "modern" average. In Lake Michigan this average can be set at 5,651,000 pounds (the mean for 1927-44), and the last year in which the take exceeded that figure was 1944 (6,498,000 pounds); only 5 years later the catch had dropped by 94.7 percent (to 342,000 pounds m 1949). In the United States waters of Lake Huron the "modern normal yield" was set by Hile at 1,685,000 pounds (the mean for 1895-1939), and the last year with an output above this figure was 1935 (1,743,000 pounds); 10 years were required for the catch to decline 90.1 percent (to 173,000 pounds in 1945). DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 81 PRODUCTION IN STATE OF MICHIGAN WATERS, 1891-1908 AND 1929-49 Records of the annual take of lake trout in the several statistical districts * of the State of Michigan in 1891-1 90S (table 3) make possible the comparison of the actual productivity of various regions and of their percentage contri- butions to the total for the lake * in that period Table 3. — Production of lake troul in Michigan statistical districts, 1891-1908 [In thousands of pounds] District Year Total M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 1891 171 349 1,554 130 346 228 395 513 3,686 1892 35 390 1.691 77 379 290 257 496 3,616 1893 - - 174 144 1,392 98 311 318 360 324 3,122 18M 142 249 1,285 86 255 224 185 243 2,668 1895 109 57 1,312 118 267 185 165 180 2,392 1896 119 392 1,529 151 307 207 160 155 3,020 1897 176 411 1,456 76 212 200 174 167 2,872 1S98 161 288 1,367 46 233 258 98 89 2, 540 1899 127 90 264 191 1,160 782 47 42 298 259 190 190 130 195 164 266 2,370 1900 2.016 IWl . . 168 361 1,073 78 330 344 212 279 2. 844 1902 307 470 1,704 112 362 345 542 493 4,337 1903 380 598 1,534 94 422 246 368 412 4, 055 1904 , 363 572 1,708 138 428 311 296 438 4, 254 1905 382 538 1,903 158 443 380 238 412 4.456 1906 - 332 348 2, 325 195 498 503 446 456 5. KB 1907 299 298 1,670 170 437 446 503 448 4,271 1908 300 421 1,.553 134 33U m 484 318 4,023 1891-1908 mean. 213 352 1,500 108 340 297 289 325 3,425 Percentage of total-.- 6.2 10.3 43.8 3.2 9.9 8.V 8.4 9.5 100 Table 4. — Production of lake trout in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 [In thousands of pounds] Year District Total Produc- tion indei i M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 1929 182 203 220 194 134 72 77 158 236 248 167 83 75 56 91 146 S.7 47 29 11 46 178 149 153 234 300 331 298 276 242 269 296 243 234 220 354 251 299 266 10 5 195 145 79 25 25 3 912 986 1,020 898 692 669 771 823 738 801 1,047 739 910 684 837 835 32.9 675 599 448 219 87 23 68 90 102 113 102 71 89 76 88 117 100 109 141 133 122 101 4.0 131 96 68 38 19 13 273 286 321 387 449 380 432 363 447 437 407 427 449 385 453 393 15.5 462 299 263 126 86 21 291 270 291 354 303 278 306 143 147 183 286 424 413 283 274 282 11.1 251 227 152 71 19 5 146 224 249 313 206 144 234 111 131 148 195 289 414 342 216 224 8.8 261 247 293 155 45 2 174 262 148 156 196 163 300 193 180 303 370 488 432 508 523 293 11.5 587 586 593 234 131 6 2,198 2,556 2,662 2.746 2,379 2,053 2.461 2.127 2,254 2,480 2,778 2,780 3.189 2,641 2,814 2,540 100 2,609 2,228 1,908 914 589 223 86 19.30 101 1931 104 1932 108 1933 94 1934. _.. 81 1935 96 1936 84 1937- - 89 1938- 98 1939 109 1940 109 1941 126 1942 104 1943 HI 1929-43 mean. Percentage of total.-.. 1944 100 103 194.5 1946 1947 88 75 36 1948 23 1949 _ 9 with conditions in recent years (table 4). Despite the considerable fluctuations in annual yield in the different districts to be seen in table 3, com- ments on the 1891-1908 data* will be restricted to the averages; we are without the information on fluctuations in the availability of lake trout, in the intensity of the fishery, and in other conditions, that we need for an intelligent treatment of the matter. Attention should be called, however, to the distinct similarity of trends in production in the several districts. District M-3 strongly dominated the production of lake trout in the State of ^lichigan waters of Lake Michigan in 1891-1908, contributing 43.8 percent of the total output for the period. The percentages for five of the seven remaining districts e.xhibited only small differences, ranging from 10.3 percent for M-2 which held second position to 8.4 percent for M-7 which ranked sixth. The lowest average yields were in M-1 (6.2 percent) and M-4 (3.2 percent). In this early period, waters north of Grand Traverse Point (M-1, M-2, and M-3) ac- coimted for 60.3 percent of the total output as compared with 39.7 percent for districts M-4 through M-8. To facilitate comparisons between the produc- tion of lake trout in the statistical districts in 1891-1908 (table 3) and 1929-43, the"base period" for modern statistics (table 4), a summary (table 5) has been prepared. The principal features of the comparison are a generally lower level of take in the more recent period, a shifting of production toward the more southerly districts, and a lack of pro- noimced changes in the ranking of the districts with respect to the percentage of total yield. Only M-5 exhibited a rise in average armual production from 1891-1908 to 1929-13 (an increase of 53,000 pounds). The remaining seven districts all suffered declines that ranged from 7,000 pounds in M-4 to the tremendous drop of 665,000 pounds in M-3. This latter decline accounted for most of the decrease of 885,000 poimds for the combined districts. In no other district did the take fall by more than 86,000 pounds (the decrease for M-2). 1 Percentage of 1929-43 mean. ' See figure 2 for the boundaries of the statistical districts. ' The term "lake" in this and the following sections has reference to State of Michigan waters only. • The data for 1891-1908 provide a less reliable record of production in the individual districts than do those for 1929 and later. In the earlier period the annual catch of each fisherman was allocated to the district in which his home port was located, whereas in the recent period each day's catch was credited to the statistical district in which the gear actually was lifted. The extent to which fishermen operated outside their home districts in 1891-1908 is unlmown, but records for recent years suggest that error from this source was not sufficiently great to affect the validity of comparisons based on tables 3 and 4, 82 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE STATUTE MILES 10 j 0 10 20 30 40 iO Figure 2. — Statistical districts in State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan. DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 83 Table 5.- —Comparison of average production of lake trout in Michigan statistical districts, 1891-1908 oi id 19S9-4S District 1891-1908 1929-43 Change. 1891 -190S to 1929-43, in— Average produc- tion ' Percentage of total Hank Average produc- tion' Percentage of total Rank Average produc- tion ' Percentage of total Rank M 1 --- 213 352 1,500 108 340 297 289 325 6,2 10.3 43.8 3.2 9.9 8.7 8.4 9.5 7 2 1 8 3 5 6 4 146 266 835 101 393 282 224 293 5.7 10.5 32.9 4.0 15.5 11.1 8.8 11.5 7 5 1 8 2 4 6 3 -67 -86 -665 -7 -1-53 -15 -65 -32 -0.5 +.2 -10.9 -f-.8 -f5.6 +2.i +.i 4-2.0 0 M 2 - -3 M 3 _ _ 0 M-4 __ 0 \I-S +1 M 6 __ +1 0 M 8 - - - -1-1 3.424 100 2.640 100 -885 I Mean annual production in thousands of pounds. The large drop in production in M-3 from 1891- 1908 to 1929-43 was reflected in a decrease of 10.9 in the percentage contribution of the district to the total output of the State of Michigan waters (from 43.8 to 32.9 percent). The only other district in which the percentage decreased was M-1 (a drop of but 0.5). The remaining six districts experi- enced increases in percentage that ranged from 0 .2 m M-2 to 5.6 in M-5. These changes in the vari- ous districts resulted in a noticeable shift of produc- tion toward the south. Districts JM-1, M-2, and M-3, which, as noted earlier, contributed 60.3 percent of the total in 1891-1908, accounted for only 49.1 percent in 1929^3. The proportion for M^ through M-8 rose correspondingly from 39.7 to 50.9 percent. A similar shift in production of lake trout toward the south was described for the State of Michigan waters of Lake Huron by Hilo (1949). Rather than burden the present section, which deals with production trends in 1929-49, with numerous micxplained exceptions to general state- ments, it is believed desnable to anticipate discus- sion that logically should appear later and describe at this tune the peculiar situation in district M-1 that makes the data for that area so difficult to fit into a general account of the lake-trout fishery of the State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan. This difficulty has its origin in the circumstance that M-1 is not true "lake-trout water" and that the commercial catches of the species are normally part of the production in a fishery aimed primarily at the taking of lake whitefish (Coregonvs clupea- formis). As a result, the intensity of the fishery for lake trout, and consequently the production as well, are controlled to a large degree by the condi- tions of the whitefish fishery. This relation is brought out rather forcefully by the data of table 933837—51 2 6 on the production, abundance, and fishing in- tensity for the two species in M-1 over the period 1929^9. The salient features of table 6 are summarized briefly in the foUowing sentences. First, the pro- duction of whitefish in M-1 normally is consider- ably greater than that of lake trout. In only 2 of the 15 yeai-s of the base period 1929-43 was the take of lake trout the greater, and the 15-year average for whitefish was nearly three times that for lake trout. In the years after 1943 the ad- vantage of whitefish was much greater than in the earlier, more nearly nomial period. Second, the availability of lake trout and the intensity of the fisher}^ for that species did not exhibit the positive con-elation that would be expected if abundance Table 6. — Comparison of lake-trout and whitefish fisheries in district M-1, 1929-49 Lake trout Whitefish Year Pro- duc- tion ' Abun- dance iudej ' Fishing- inten- sity index > Pro- duc- tion 1 Abun- dance index ' Fishing- inten- sity index ' • 1929 - - 182 203 220 194 134 72 77 158 236 248 157 83 75 56 91 146 47 29 11 46 178 149 71 65 69 80 97 92 87 137 157 112 94 105 138 96 100 100 63 61 32 20 44 45 162 198 204 155 88 49 56 72 94 139 105 49 35 37 67 100 66 36 22 111 253 207 1,140 1,076 1,196 910 238 263 175 90 105 354 238 123 116 93 141 417 232 234 514 2.427 3,066 2.263 180 145 143 120 66 91 89 75 65 104 86 74 90 SO 92 100 114 100 148 275 221 168 199 1930 238 1931 .... 234 1932 187 1933 62 1934 46 1935 67 1936 42 1937 - 47 1938 120 1939 83 1940 37 1941 36 1942 44 1943 1929-43 mean 1944 1945 1946 _ 1947 68 100 90 97 139 397 1948 629 1949 600 ' In thousands of pounds ' Percentage of 1929-43 moan. ' Operations with large-mesh gill nets only. 84 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 7.- — Correlations between abundance and fishing- intensity indices for lake trout and whitefish in district M-1 Indices correlated Period ' 1929-41 1929^3 1929-19 Abundance of trout : Fishing intensity for trout Abundance of whitefish : Fishmg intensity -0.611 .888 -.710 .961 -.736 .779 .553 .684 -0. 553 .891 -.690 .955 -.704 .778 .514 .641 -0.316 .800 Abundance of trout : Abundance of white- Fishing intensity for trout : Fishing inten- sity for whitefish - -.745 .786 Abundance of trout : Fishing intensity for whitefish -.250 Fishing intensity for trout : Abundance of whitefish Value of r at p — 0 05 - .561 .433 .549 ' Data given for two earlier periods as well as for entire 21 years since war- time conditions disrupted normal trends in fishing intensity after 1941 and the extremely low abundance of lake trout introduced a disturbing factor after 1943. were an important factor in deteimining the rate of fishing; the correlation that did exist is negative (table 7). It should be emphasized here that the estimate of fishing intensity for a particular species is based only on gear lifted on days when some quantity of that species was captured. Third, the fluctuations in fishing intensity for lake trout followed closely those of the gUl-net fishery for whitefish (most lake trout are captured in gill nets), and fishing intensity for whitefish in turn was correlated closely with the fluctuations in the abundance of that species. The data of tables 6 and 7 thus offer rather conclusive evidence that the availability of whitefish is of primary signifi- cance in the determination of the intensity of the lake-trout fishery. The situation just described for district M-1 is not entirely without paraUel. Hile (1949) demon- strated that in three districts of Lake Huron in which lake trout and whitefish ordinarily were taken together in a "two-species fishery" (catches of other varieties in this type of fishery are usually imimportani) the fluctuations in the availability of whitefish exerted a readily detectable effect on the fishing intensity for lake trout. The condi- tions in M-1 merely represent an extreme because of the strongly predominant position of whitefish in the joint fishery and also because of the tre- mendous upturn in the abundance of whitefish and hence in fishing intensity for both whitefish and lake trout at a time when the availability of the latter species was far below normal. Comments on the 1929-49 trends of production in the several statistical districts as recorded in table 4 will be based largely on the summary in the top section of table 8. Reference to the pro- duction curves of figures 3, 4, and 5 also should prove helpful. A pronounced difference is to be detected be- tween the "northern" districts (M-1, M-2, M-3) and the remaining or "southern" districts with respect to the calendar years of highest produc- tion of lake trout within the period 1929-49. Of Table 8. — Summary of -production, abundance, and fishing intensity for lake trout in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 Item District All districts M-1 M-2 M-3 M-i M-S M-6 M-7 M-8 combined Peodcction: 1 1938 1941 1939 1941 1944 1940 1941 1946 1941 3 years cf greatest production 1 1937 1932 1931 1942 1943 1941 1942 1944 1943 I 1931 1931 1930 1944 1941 1932 1932 1945 1940 Last year with production average or greater '1939 1943 1943 1944 1944 1942 1946 1946 1944 First year of recent progressive decline J 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1941 1947 1947 1944 First year with production less than half average > 1944 1946 1947 1947 1947 1947 •1948 1948 1947 Abundance; ( 1937 1936 1939 1943 1943 1940 1941 1942 1943 3 years of greatest abundance { 1941 1933 1941 1935 1944 1941 1942 1943 1941 [ 1936 1931 1932 1934 1941 1943 1943 1944 1942 Last year with abundance average or greater 1943 1941 1943 1944 1946 1946 1947 1947 1944 First year of recent progres.sive decline •1944 • 1944 1944 1944 1944 •1944 1942 1943 1944 First year with abundance below 70 percent '1944 1944 1946 •1947 1948 1949 1949 •1949 1947 Fishinointensitt: ( (') 1941 1930 1940 1933 1931 1931 1946 1930 .1 yenrsj nf grentp.<;t inteiritty \ (') 1943 1931 1930 1932 1932 1932 1940 1931 I (') 1942 1938 1932 1937 1930 1930 1935 1932 T-ast year with inten'^ity average or greater ._ ,_. (') 1944 1945 1945 1939 1941 1946 1946 1941 First year nf recent progressive decline (') 1944 1946 1945 1947 1942 1947 1947 '1947 First year with intensity less than half average (') 1947 1948 1948 1947 1947 1948 1949 •1949 ' 1948 and 1949 production above average. 2 Decline interrupted by increases in 1947 and 1948. ' First recent year; production less than half average in 1934 and 1942. < First recent year; production less than half average in 1936. ' Decline interrupted by increases in 1948 (followed by further slight rise In 1949 in M-1). • First recent year; abundance below 70-percent level in 1930 and/or 1931. ' Fishing intensity so closely linked with availability of whitefish that summary would be meaningless and possibly misleading; see p. 83. • 1941 if irregularities in 1944 and 1946 are ignored. • Intensity unquestionably would have been less than 50 percent of average In 1948 but for the abnormal situation in M-1; see p. 83. DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 85 the 9 "high-production" years listed in tabic 8 for the first three districts, 8 were earlier than 1940 (the 1941 production in M-2 provided the only exception) and 5 earlier than 1935. In districts M— i through M-8, on the contrary, the highest yields usually came after 1939. Only 2 of the 15 high-production years listed for the southern dis- tricts were earlier than 1940 (1932 in M-6 and M-7) and 10 fell within the brief 4-year period 1941^4. O z 3 O 0. CO a < o o 375 M-l /\ 300 / \ ' 1 t 1 1 225 // /V\ -^^^V^ A / ISO - ^ / \ / /\ \ — / • ^ . ,_^ N "v Jx \ \ / / 75 — \ ^^^;:^^-^-n//-- 0 1 1 1 -J 1 1 1 1 L — ! 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 — 1 200 — 100 M O < Ul > < 1990 I93S 1940 1945 Z 500 o o o ce a 400 300 200 100 M-2 200 ti. o lil o < I- z u too 1930 1935 1940 1945 FlGtTBE 3. — Production, abundance index, and fishing-intensity index for lake trout in districts M-l and M-2 1929-49. Solid line = production ; long dashes = abundance index ; short dashes= fishing-intensity index. Scale at left (thousands of pounds) appUes only to production; scale at right is in terms of 1929-43 mean for each item. 86 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1600 — 1200 — eoo in 400 O z O 0 0. 100 1930 1935 1940 1945 O < a: UJ > < IL O in a z < m o 200 150 - 100 V. 50 — Z O O I- o 3 750 o o a. M-4 \ \ -j^ \ 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 100 1 930 1935 1940 I94S eoo 450 300 150 M-5 L < 200 f- z u u ce w a 100 1930 1935 1940 t94S Figure 4.— Production, abundance index, and fishing-intensity index for lake trout in districts M-3, M--4, and M-5, 1929-49. Solid line = production; long dashes= abundance index; short dashes=fishmg-intensity index, hcale at left (thousands of pounds) applies to production only; scale at right is in terms of 1929-43 mean for each item. DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IX LAKE MICHIGAN 87 Soo M-6 1930 1935 19 40 19 45 iOO U. O 10 a X 300 < in :d o I 200 — 100 — o 3 600 a o M-7 /3 / .y ^^. Y/ /''\\~~\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 r \ 1 f 1 r t 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ 1 N 200 n 100 1930 1935 1940 1945 450 — 300 ^^ ISO — M-8 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ .1.. 1 ^ 200 CM 0> (1. O o < o a: 100 1930 1935 1945 Figure 5. — Production, abundance index, and fishing-intensity index for lake trout in districts M-6, M-7, and M-8, 1929-49. Solid line= production; long dashes = abundance index; short dashes= fishing-intensity index. Scale at left (thousands of pounds) applies to production only; scale at right is in terms of 1929-43 mean for each item. 88 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Despite the differences between the northern and southern waters just outlined, all districts agreed in showing production equal to or greater than the 1929^3 mean in relatively recent years. If we ignore the 1948-49 data for M-1, where, as explained, conditions were abnormal, the situation can be described by the statement that every district had average or better production in 1942 or later and in two districts (M-7 and M-8) the take was still above the mean in 1946. The districts agreed further in that the onset of the progressive decline which has caused so much concern and the drop of production to less than half the average also were recent. In only one of the eight districts (M-6) did the recent progressive decrease get imder way before 1944, and in the southernmost waters (M-7 and M-8) it did not start until 1947. With the exception of M-1 and M-2 (again 1948-49 data are ignored in the former district) the 50-percent level was not passed before 1947, and in M-7 and M-8 the take did not drop below half the mean untU 1948. These data suggest a distinct north-to-south trend in the time at which the decline set in. Despite the lateness of the decline, the speed with which it progressed was such that by 1949 the lake-trout fishery had practically come to an end in all districts but M-1. The 1949 total catch for districts M-2 through M-8 was only 74,000 pounds. These same waters had yielded more than 3 million pounds as recently as 1941 and in excess of 2 million pounds as late as 1945. The decline since the latter year represents a decrease of 96.7 percent. The production data for the combined districts may be summarized as follows: Highest yields occurred in the early 1940's (1941, 1943, 1940); 1944 was the last year of above-average production and the first year of the recent decline; the output fell below 50 percent of the 1929-43 mean for the first time in 1947. Even when data are included for M-1 where the 1949 take was above the 1929-43 average, the decrease from 1944 to 1949 amounted to 90.6 percent. ABUNDANCE IN STATE OF MICHIGAN WATERS, 1929-49 The estimates of the abundance or availability ' of lake trout in the statistical districts of the State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan beginning Table 9. — Abundance indices for lake trout in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 [Percentages of 1929-43 mean] Year Abundance percentage in district— Aver- M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 age ' 1929 71 65 69 80 97 92 87 137 157 112 94 105 138 96 100 53 51 32 26 44 45 84 93 114 112 116 110 112 122 98 95 93 81 104 77 90 69 56 61 33 40 19 99 89 103 106 98 104 104 104 88 86 120 83 116 96 105 84 71 56 36 22 12 80 69 86 88 100 132 134 89 92 99 93 77 119 108 134 105 91 76 63 40 30 88 79 71 78 S3 93 101 93 94 97 102 110 129 126 166 146 126 97 73 60 35 89 79 77 98 107 108 116 76 78 90 102 126 125 108 121 117 113 77 72 73 43 72 79 79 110 94 79 96 76 74 78 91 126 153 161 143 139 132 115 108 89 21 74 81 66 73 88 70 81 78 96 100 101 116 119 179 178 174 166 109 106 84 33 87 1930 83 1931 87 1932 96 1933 97 1934 98 1935 102 1936 97 1937 93 1938 — — 92 1939 --- 105 1940 100 1941 123 1942 114 1943 126 1944 110 1945 — - 98 1946 75 1947 60 1948 60 1949 26 1 In the computation of the averages the abundance index for each district was weighted by the percentage contribution of that district to the total catch of all districts over the 15-year period 1929-43. with 1929 (table 9; see also figs. 3, 4, and 5), are based principally on the records of the catch per imit lift of large-mesh gill nets (mesh sizes 4K inches and greater, extension measure). During the base period 1929-43, large-mesh gill nets accounted for 88.1 percent of the total catch of lake trout. Set hooks were second (8.2 percent), and poimd nets third (2.2 percent). The catch of other gears plus a small quantity of lake trout for which gear records were lacking made up the remaining 1.5 percent (presentation here of original data on gear composition of the catch is not considered necessary). Poimd nets were of sufficient importance to be included in the estima- tion of abundance in only three districts (M-1, M-3, M^). Records of the catch per unit of fishing effort of large-mesh gill nets, set hooks, and pound nets in the several districts in 1929-49 are given in tables 10, 11, and 12. In the listing of the years of highest abundance (middle section of table 8), as was true for the years of greatest production (top section) , distinct ' Argument about which of the two words should be employed would con- stitute a futile quibbling over terminology. These estimates are based on the fishing experience of the fishermen — the records of their catch of legal-sized lalce trout per standard unit of fishing effort. They offer no uiformation on the abundance of undersized lalce trout and are affected by such factors as meteorological conditions, annual differences in the time of spawning in relation to the fixed dosed season, and annual differences In the distribution of fish. Yet, for all these obvious wealmesses they offer the best estimates of abundance to be had at the present time. Accordingly, we do not hesitate to use "availability" and "abundance" interchangeably. DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 89 Table 10. — Catch of lake trout per lift of large-mesh gill nets in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 [In pounds per li/t of 10,000 linear feet of large-mesh gill nets 4H inches and greater, extension measure] Year District M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 1929 1930 66 67 63 78 106 73 79 168 189 121 96 118 134 91 94 102 50 48 30 24 42 44 126 143 175 171 169 168 166 184 146 142 142 121 161 115 136 151 105 81 78 49 61 28 13! 117 140 143 122 127 136 136 113 113 161 109 155 125 138 131 109 92 73 47 29 16 83 66 90 88 88 153 138 97 92 106 101 80 126 118 143 105 109 92 80 65 42 31 84 77 72 80 86 96 103 94 95 99 103 113 131 127 158 101 147 126 98 73 61 35 98 86 84 107 119 118 127 82 85 98 113 139 137 118 130 109 129 124 84 79 80 47 99 111 139 201 140 126 188 148 143 181 189 276 264 247 234 179 219 212 189 189 143 34 85 108 1931 92 1932 138 1933 - 1934 138 91 1935 1936 — - — - 128 149 1937 163 1938 — - - 177 1939 184 1940 212 1941 . 196 279 1943. 260 1929-^ mean 160 1944 _. 258 1945 -- 239 1946 158 1947 150 1948 1949 122 48 Table 12. — Catch of lake trout per lift of pound nets in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 (In pounds per lift of 1 pound net. Where no figures are given, few or no lake trout were talcen with this gear] Table 11. — Catch of lake trout per lift of set hooks in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 [In pounds per lift of 1 .000 set hooks. Where no figures are given, few or no lake trout were taken with this gear] Year District M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 1929 223 253 201 151 197 247 237 165 154 129 138 1-29 173 111 187 218 290 198 259 236 215 207 158 190 91 133 143 118 132 229 264 161 182 114 61 111 104 102 137 119 123 94 172 139 147 96 191 131 83 143 73 107 356 247 208 138 165 162 202 275 218 433 117 120 131 108 122 131 72 112 120 "56' 239 194 132 191 201 154 143 117 122 123 153 134 137 173 249 164 346 211 185 74 252 1930 - 194 1931 145 1932 116 19.33 132 1934 . __. 200 1935 162 1936 112 1937 133 19.38 140 1939 161 1940 158 1941 176 1942 102 212 1943 265 121 323 1929-43 mean' 184 190 143 128 140 167 243 174 1944. - 73 1945 1946 208 1947 ~i?)" ""(".)" 435 1948 — ""(.)-" ~m" ~m" 65 1949 C) (») ' For each district for which data are not given for 1 or more years, the 15-year average is estimated by dividing the mean of the available annual averages by the mean of the abundance percentages for the same years. See Van Oosten, Hile, and Jobes (1946) for comments on the estimation of a normal catch when data are not available for all years. " No fishing with set hooks in 1949. diflFerences are to be seen between the northern and southern areas of the lake. Of the 12 "high- abundance" years listed for districts M-1 through M-4,* 9 were earlier than 1940 and only 1 was » District M-1, assigned to the southern districts in the grouping with respect to production, has been assigned to the northern with respect to years of greatest abundance. Year District Year District M-1 M-3 M-f M-1 M-3 M-4 1929 14 15 13 18 16 29 23 8 13 16 12 8 17 16 15 16 25 17 20 17 22 15 11 9 21 27 22 43 47 38 66 24 33 17 13 16 1941 13 12 8 12 16 13 16 10 4 3 1 19 1930 1942 23 1931 1943 2 14 4 18 1932— 1929-43 mean'.. 1944 1945 1933 28 1934 1935.. 9 1936 1937 1946 10 1938 1947-^ — 9 8 S 2 1939 1948 — 1949 7 1940.. ' For each district for which data are not given for 1 or more years, the 15- year average is estimated by dividing the mean of the available annual aver- ages by the mean of the abundance percentages for the same years. See Van Oosten, Hile. and Jobes (1946) for comments on the estimation of a nor- mal catch when data are not available for all years. later than 1941. The corresponding record for districts M-5 through M-8, on the contrary, shows all 12 years within the period 1940-44 and 9 within the still-shorter interval 1941—43. Although the recent progi-essive decline in abundance appears to have started at much the same time in all districts (1942 in M-7, 1943 in M-8, and 1944 in all other districts) it proceeded much more rapidly in northerly than in southerly waters. The last year with abundance at average or greater was 1941 in M-2, 1943 m M-1 and M-3, 1944 in M-4, 1945 m M-5 and M-6, and 1947 in M-7 and M-8. The same north-to-south sequence exists in the first year in which abimdance dropped below the 70-percent level,' 1944 in M-1 and M-2, 1946 in M-3, 1947 in M^, 1948 m M-5, and 1949 in M-6, M-7, and M-8. This north- to-south progression resembles closely that de- scribed for production in the preceding section. The situation invites speculation about the possibility that a southward spread of the sea lamprey was a contributmg factor. Despite the differences in timing just described, the districts agreed in that all showed an ex- tremely low level of availability of lake trout in 1949 (range of abimdance percentages from 45 in M-1 down to 12 m M-3). Admittedly, the dependability of the estimates of abundance decreases rapidly as production falls to low levels. Nevertheless, the consistently low returns per • The 70-percent level Is considered preferable here to the 50-percent flgiu^ employed for analogous items In the data for production (and for fishing hitensity, discussed later). Usually the fishery has all but disappeared by the time the 60-porcent level of abundance is reached. 90 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE unit of fishing effort together with the very fact that production had all but ended in most areas must be accepted as conclusive evidence of the great scarcity of marketable-sized lake trout in the State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan in 1949. For the combined districts the level of abun- dance was highest in 1943 (126), 1941, and 1942. The last year with abundance above average and the first year of the recent progressive decline was 1944, and abundance first dropped below the 70-percent level in 1947. In 1949 the abundance had reached the low figure of 26 percent. Table 13. — Correlations between 1929-43 fluctuations in abundance indices for lake trout in Michigan statistical districts [Values of r corresponding to probabilities p of 0.05 and 0.01 are ±0.514 and ±0.641] District District M-1 M-2 M-3 M^ M-6 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-1 0.113 '"7370 .181 -.460 -.255 -.374 -.617 -0.040 .370 .404 .181 .233 .201 -.037 0.175 .181 .404 "7587 .591 .394 .365 0.346 -.460 .181 .587 "".m .786 .889 0.043 -.256 .233 .591 .681 --"767 .526 0.142 -.374 .201 .394 .786 .767 -"165 0 223 M-2 0.113 -.040 .175 .346 .043 .142 .223 -.617 M-3 -.037 M-4 .365 IM-5 .889 M-6 M-7 M-8 .626 .805 From earlier discussion and from the examina- tion of table 9 and figures 3, 4, and 5, it is apparent that in certain districts the annual fluctuations in the abundance of lake trout followed similar trends. In the northern waters for example, it has been pointed out that most of the years of highest abundance fell before 1940, whereas the southern districts shared a period of high avail- ability in the early 1940's. To provide a more precise measurement of the agreement in these trends, coefficients of correlation were computed for the abundance percentages for aU pairs of districts over the period 1929-43. Data for yeare later than 1943 were excluded in order to minimize or possibly eliminate the distorting effects of the decline in abundance that followed the depredations of the sea lamprey in all districts. This restriction, we believe, has made the coeffi- cients recorded in table 13 relatively reliable estimates of the correlations between fluctuations in the availability of lake trout in the difl'erent districts under approximately "normal" condi- tions. The outstanding feature of the data of table 13 is the close positive correlation among the fluctuations in abundance in the four southern districts (M-5 thi-ough M-8). Of the sLx coeffi- cients that could be computed for these districts, five exceeded the value ordinarily accepted as "higlily significant" (p<^0.01), and the sixth was above the level ordinarily termed "significant" (^<0.05). These high values, together with the consistency with which they occurred with all possible pairings, suggest strongly that the lake- trout fisheries to the south of Grand Traverse Point were based on a common stock or on stocks in which the factors controlling abundance in 1929-43 were the same or subject to sunilar annual fluctuations. Further speculation in the matter would be to little point until we have definite information on the nature of these factors and the methods by which they operate. The fluctuations of abundance in M-4 exhibited positive significant correlation with those in the two districts immediately to the south (M-5 and M-6). The correlation with fluctuations in M-3 also was positive but the value of the coeffi- cient (r= 0.404) was well below the level of significance. Of the 3 coefficients computed between districts M-1, M-2, and M-3, and the 15 calculated between those districts and the ones lying farther south, only one was significant (r= — 0.617, M-2 and M-8). This single significant value in a group of 18 faUs to fit the pattern. The weight of the evidence suggests that the fluctuations in the abundance of lake trout in each of the three northern districts were not correlated with those ia the remaining ones. FISHING INTENSITY IN STATE OF MICHIGAN WATERS, 1929-49 The records of the annual fluctuations in the intensity of the fishery for lake trout (table 14; figs. 3, 4, and 5; bottom section of table 8) fail to reveal the distmct separation with respect to trends that existed between northern and southern areas in production and abundance. With the exception of M-2 where all three years and M-8 where two of the three years of most intensive fishing occurred in the 1940's, the tendency was general for fishmg operations to be heaviest in the early 1930's. Of the 21 "high-intensity" years listed in table 8 (see section on production in the I DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 91 Table 14.- -Intensity of fishery for lake trout in Michigan statistical districts, 1929-49 [In units corresponding to 1/1500 of total eipected catch for all districts over 15-year period 1929-43] Year District Tota M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 19M .. 10.1 7.1 36.8 3.4 11.9 12.7 8.3 9.5 98.8 1930 12.3 9.7 42.9 6.2 14.0 13.3 11.5 13.0 121.9 1931 .. 12.7 10.1 38.3 4.7 17.3 14.6 12.7 9.1 119.6 1932 . 9.6 11.4 32.7 5.2 19.2 14.1 11.5 8.6 112.3 1933 5.4 10.0 27.3 4.1 20.9 11.1 S.9 9.1 96.8 1934 3.1 9.8 25.1 2.2 15.8 10.1 7.5 9.4 83.0 1935 3.4 8.4 28.9 2.6 16.7 10.3 9.5 14.5 94.3 1936 4.6 8.3 30.8 3.3 15.1 7.4 5.8 9.6 84.8 1937... . 5.8 11.8 32.8 3.8 18.6 7.4 6.9 7.3 94.4 1938 8.6 9.9 36.4 4.6 17.4 7.9 7.4 11.8 104.0 1939 6.5 9.8 33.9 4.2 15.6 10.1 8.4 14.3 102.8 1940 3.1 10.6 34.8 6.5 15.1 13.0 8.9 16.5 107.5 1941. 2.1 13.3 30.3 4.6 13.5 12.9 10.6 14.1 101.4 1942 2.3 12.9 28.1 4.8 11.9 10.2 8.8 11.1 90.1 1943 3.6 13.0 31.0 3.6 11.3 8.8 5.8 11.4 88.4 1929-43 mean... 6.2 10.4 32.6 4.1 15.6 10.9 8.9 11.3 100 1944 3.5 2.2 1.4 6.9 15.7 11.0 10.0 6.0 3.0 2.4 31.6 32.8 31.1 23.9 15.8 4.9 4.1 3.5 2.4 1.8 12.3 9.3 10.5 6.8 5.6 8.3 7.8 7.7 3.8 1.0 7.3 7.3 9.9 5.6 1.9 13.1 13.7 21.2 8.7 6.1 91.9 1945 87.2 1946... 91.3 1947 61. 1 1948 50.3 1949 12.8 .7 7.4 1.7 2.4 .4 .4 .7 26.5 various districts for an account of the unusual situation ia M-1) 12 fell within the 4-year period 1930-33. The last year of average or greater fishing intensity was 1939 in M-5, 1941 in M-6, and 1944 to 1946 in the remaining districts. The recent progressive decline started in 1942 in M-6 and in 1944 to 1947 in other areas. Fishing intensity first dropped below the 50-percent level in 1947 m M-2, M-5, and M-6, in 1948 in M-3, M^, and M-7, and m 1949 in M-8. For the combined districts the intensity of the lake-trout fishery was greatest in 1930, 1931, and 1932, and the last year of greater-than-average intensity was 1941. The recent progressive de- cline started in 1947, and in 1949 fishing intensity was only 26 percent of the 1929-43 mean. The factors that influence the intensity of the fishery for lake trout are so numerous, so variable in their effects, and so difficult to appraise, that in most situations it is impossible to evaluate the effect of any one of them. Among these factors may be listed: Weather conditions; costs of operation; availability of and market for lake trout, for species taken along with lake trout, and for species produced alternatively. During the war years scarcities of equipment and supplies and manpower shortages also affected fishing intensity. The availability of the lake trout itself well might be expected to exert an important influence on the intensity of fishing since good catches per unit of effort shoidd stimulate fishing operations and poor lifts depress them. This expectation is not borne out, however, by the following tabulation of the coefficients of correlation between the abundance of lake trout and fishing intensity for the species in the various districts in 1929^1 :"" r District M-1 -0. 611 District M-2 .034 District M-3 -. 378 District M-4 -. 677 r District M-5 -0. 379 District M-6 . 225 District M-7 .357 District M-8 . 633 Of the eight coefficients calculated, four were positive and four negative, and of the three that were "significant" (r= ±0.553 at the 5-percent level of probability) one was positive and two negative. It is not to be concluded, of course, that a plenitude of lake trout is about equaUy likely to stimulate or depress fishing activity; rather, it should be stated that in many situations other factors are of greater importance. The high negative correlation between fishing intensity and abundance of lake trout in M-1 has already been explained. The available sta- tistical data do not suggest an explanation of the even higher negative figure for M-4. Perhaps this significant correlation was merely fortuitous. We are inclined to suspect, however, that the neg- ative correlation can be attributed in part to changes of fishing grounds during the time of the great increase in the popularity of "deep-sea' troUing for lake trout in Grand Traverse Bay (identical with M^) in the 1930's. Although we have no quantitative measure of the effect on the intensity of the fishery, we do know that certain fishermen, in an attempt to lessen friction between sport and commercial interests, avoided the sport- trolling grounds during the peak of the tourist season and moved their operations to grounds north of Grand Traverse Point (M-3) and near Cathead Point (M-5). Consequently, fishing in- tensity may have been lower than normafly would be expected in some years when lake trout were relatively plentiful. The significant positive correlation between fishing intensity and the abundance of lake trout in M-8 may reflect a true cause-and-effect rela- '0 The elimination of years after 1911 in these computations makes possible the best estimate of rel.itions under approximately "normal" conditions since bias from wartime shortages of manpower and materials and the effects of the general sharp deline in abundance that accompanied the increase in the population of sea lampreys in recent years are eliminated or minimized. 92 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE tion, but the lack of a simOar correlation in the other districts throws some doubt on such an interpretation. The general situation in the State of Michigan waters seems to be much the same as that in the United States waters of Lake Huron where Hile (1949) concluded that "indispensable as the lake trout may be to the conduct of a lake trout fisheiy, the abundance of that species is only one of the factors, and in some situations a subordinate factor, in the determination of fishing intensity." RELATIONS OF PRODUCTION, ABUNDANCE, AND FISHING INTENSITY Considerable infoi-mation on the relations of production, abundance, and fishing intensity in the lake-trout fishery of the State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan was given in the preced- ing sections. The discussion of the present sec- tion is restricted largely to the question of the ex- tent to which production has served as an indica- tor of fluctuations in the abundance of lake trout and to changes in the fishery immediately pre- ceding and dm-ing the recent collapse, with special reference to the possible role of overfishing as a factor in the decline in abmidance of lake trout. The accumulation of information on the degree of reliability of production statistics as indicators of changes in abundance or availability in the Great Lakes fisheries is of importance because in many areas data on the actual take per unit of fishing effort are not available or are at hand for only the more recent years. The opinion was expressed by Van Oosten, HUe, and Jobes (1946) that "imder normal conditions (without disruption in the methods or regulations of the fishery), over limited areas, and for short periods of years, large increases or decreases of production may serve as reliable indicators of in- creases or decreases in the abundance of fish on the grounds." A similar view was held by Doan (1942) who considered it valid to employ catch statistics for the estimation of the fluctuation in the abundance of several commercially important species in Lake Erie. Doan based his opinion largely on the agreement between trends in the catch of walleyes or yellow pikeperch {Stizostedion V. vitreum) per unit effort in the principal gear and the total production of the species in four fishing areas of Lakes Huron and Michigan (data for these two lakes adapted from Hile 1937) and in Lake Erie. More recently, Hile (1949) demonstrated a significant positive correlation between annual fluctuations in the production and abundance of lake trout for four of the sLx statistical districts of the United States waters of Lake Huron and for the six districts combined. In a fifth area the co- efhcient was positive with a value corresponding to the 10-percent level of probabihty, but a sig- nificant negative value existed in the sixth district. This negative correlation was explained as the result of the depressing effect of the collapse of the whitefish fishery on the intensity of operations with large-mesh gill nets dui'ing years of relatively high abundance of lake trout (note the similar situation described earlier in this paper for district M-1). Of the coefficients of correlation between the production and abimdance computed for Lake Michigan (table 15) those for the period 1929-41 most nearly reflect "normal" conditions. The co- efficients for the base period 1929-43 were prob- ably biased by the depressing effects of wartime scarcities of manpower and equipment and those for 1929—49 were affected by wartime conditions and more recently by the general collapse of the lake-trout fishery. Table 15. — Correlations between production and abundance of lake trout in Michigan statistical districts, for 3 periods Item Period 1929-41 1929-43 192949 -0. 050 .614 .431 .065 .677 .775 .904 .874 .579 .476 .553 .684 -0.028 .516 .441 .223 .528 .714 .817 .878 .696 .441 .614 .641 0.337 District M-2 .914 District M-3 _. .937 .712 District M-5 .708 District M-6 .802 District M-7 .802 District M-8 .872 All districts .918 Value of r at p — 0.10 .369 .433 .549 Actually, the differences between 1929-41 and 1929-43 were unimportant. In both periods the correlations between production and abimdance were "highly significant" (p<0.01) for M-6, M-7, and M-8 and were "significant" (0.05>p>0.01) for M-2 and M-5 and for the combined districts. The positive coefficients for M-3 were moderately high but nevertheless fell short even of the 10-per- cent value in 1929-41 and barely attained that level in 1929-^3. The 1929-41 and 1929^3 data DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 93 5.000 F a z o a z < D O X o O 3,000 - 2.000 — 1,000 — 1930 1935 1940 1945 Figure 6. — Production, abundance inde.x, and fishing-intensity inde.x for lake trout in combined districts of State of Michigan waters, 1929-49. Solid line = production; Iohr dashes = abundance index; short dashes = fishing-intensity index. Scale at left (thousands of pounds) applies to production only; scale at right is in terras of 1929-43 mean for each item. offer no evidence for a correlation between the pro- duction and abundance of lake trout in M-1 and M-4. A negative correlation between abundance and fishing intensity in each of the two districts in 1929-^1 (see preceding section) imquestionably was a major disturbing influence. From the values of the coefficients for 1929-^1 and/or 1929-43 it appears that production served as a more or less reliable indicator of at least the more significant fluctuations of abundance in five of eight districts and in the lake as a whole, was of highly limited value in one district and was com- pletely undependable in two (see figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6). The failm-e of production and abundance to follow similar courses in M-1 and M-4 (to a con- siderable extent in M-3 also) brings out the impor- tance of being constantly alert to identify and, if possible, evaluate distmbing factors in the use of production figures for detecting changes in abun- dance. It should be stressed also that catch statis- tics should be employed only to detect changes of abundance and not as measures of those changes. The coefficients of correlation for 1929-49 had high positive values — far beyond the level accepted as higlily significant — in districts M-2 through M-8 and in the combined districts. District M-1 , where abnormally intensive fishing kept produc- tion high in later years, offered the single excep- tion. These high values for districts M-2 through M-8 can be attributed to the enormous declines in both production and abundance that occiured in the later years of the period. Too much should not be made of the high coefficients for 1929-49 as an argmnent for the value of production statistics for following trends of availabihtj'. When a fishery suffers a decline as disastrous as the one that has overtaken the lake-trout fishery of Lake Michigan, statistical analyses are hardly required to prove that fish are too scarce to support com- mercial operations. During the years of the decline in the lake-trout fisheries of Lakes Huron and Michigan we heard the opinion expressed both privately and publicly that the sea lamprey had not contributed signifi- cantly to the collapse, that the stocks of lake trout simply had dwindled away under the pressure of overfishing, that the distress of the fishing industry was but just retribution for a wanton despoliation of a valuable public resource. The facts given in an earlier study of the lake-trout fishery of Lake Huron (Hile 1949) demonstrated rather conclu- sively that excessive fishing intensity could not have brought about the collapse of the fisheiy in the United States waters of that lake. Corre- sponding data for the State of Michigan portion of Lake Michigan compel a similar conclusion for the lake-trout fishery of those waters. The data of table 16 (see also fig. 6) fail com- pletely to show a level of fishing intensity that would account for the recent decline in the lake- trout fishery of Lake Michigan. On the contrary, the most intensive fishing operations of the 21-year period, 1929^9, occurred m 1930-32 (112 to 122 percent of the 1929-43 mean — figures that do not indicate excessive fishing even at that time) whereas in the later years fishing intensity has 94 FISHERY BtTLLETESr OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 16. — Indices of production, abundance, and fishing intensity for lake trout in Slate of Michigan waters, 1929-49 [Percentages of 1929-43 means] Year Produc- Abun- Inten- Year Produc- Abun- Inten- tion dance sity tion dance sity 1929 __ 86 87 99 1940 109 100 108 1930 - 101 83 122 1941 126 123 101 1931 104 87 120 1942 104 114 90 1932 108 96 112 1943 111 126 88 1933 - 94 97 97 1944 103 110 92 1934 81 98 83 1945 88 98 87 1935 96 102 94 1946 75 75 91 1936 84 97 85 1947 36 60 61 1937 89 93 94 1948 23 50 50 1938 98 92 104 1949 9 26 26 1939 109 105 103 been invariably below the 100-percent value since 1941. It is particularly significant that intensity was below average in 3 of the 4 years of highest abundance (1941-44) and was barely above the 15-year mean in the fourth. These same years saw production consistently above the mean and at a 21 -year peak in 1941, but a high level of abundance, not intensive fishing, was the cause. Furthermore, the intensity percentage exceeded the abundance percentage in only 2 of the 9 years of the period 1941-49; in the remaining 7 years the two index figures were the same or fishing in- tensity was the lower. It is thus obvious that a rate of fishing that could bring the index of abimdance from a record high figure of 126 in 1943 to a record low value of 26 in 1949 simply did not exist. Some factor other than overfishing caused the lake trout to disappear in Lakes Huron and Michigan. The best evidence points to the sea lamprey. SUMMARY After a developmental period from 1879 through 1889, the fishery for lake trout, Salvelinus [=Cris- tivomer] namaycush, in Lake Michigan entered on a 22-year period (1890-1911) of high and rela- tively stable production. The average annual output for this latter interval was 8,230,000 pounds. There followed two shorter intervals of 15 years (1912-26) and 13 years (1927-39) in which the annual yields were still moderately stable but had successively lower average values of 7,007,000 and 5,293,000 pounds. Production rose in 1940 but the heightened prosperity was short-lived. After 5 years (1940-44) in which the yield was consistently more than 6 million pounds and averaged 6,578,000 pounds, the lake-trout fishery suffered a calamitous decline which saw the annual catch drop from 6,498,000 pounds in 1944 to only 342,000 pounds in 1949. Michigan and Wisconsin have always contrib- uted the bulk of the production of lake trout in Lake Michigan. The contribution of Michigan for the periods listed in the preceding paragraph (excluding the developmental years for which only scattered data were available) ranged from 42.4 percent in 1890-1911 to 45.7 percent in 1927-39. In Wisconsin the range was from 41.4 percent in 1940-44 to 54.8 percent in 1890-1911. The per- centages have been consistently small for Indiana (maximimi of 3.1 percent in 1912-26) and were smaU for Illinois also in the earlier years. More recently Illinois contributed 14.7 percent of the total for the lake in 1940-44 and 11.3 percent in 1945^9. Comparison of the aimual yields of lake trout in the eight statistical districts of the State of Michigan waters of Lake Michigan in 1891-1908 with those of 1929-43 (the base period for our modern statistical analyses) revealed a lower level of productivity in more recent years for every district but M-5 and a slight southward shifting of the centers of production (the north- erly districts M-1 through M-3 contributed 60.3 percent of the 1891-1908 total but only 49.1 percent of the 1929-43 yield). The ranking of the districts with respect to their percentage contribution to the lake total changed little, however. Production statistics for the individual dis- tricts in 1929-49 showed that most of the years of relatively high production (the three best years for each district) fell before 1940 in north- erly waters (M-1 through M-3) and after 1940 in southerly waters (M-4 through M-8). Al- though the recent progressive decline in produc- tion got under way earlier than 1944 in only one district and started as late as 1947 in M-7 and M-8, the catch had dropped to an insignificantly low level in all districts by 1949 (an exception must be made for M-1 where considerable quan- tities of lake trout were taken coincid en tally in an abnormally intensive fishery for whitefish). Records of the three years of greatest abun- dance or availability of lake trout (as computed from the data on the catch per unit of fishing eft'ort of the principal gears) revealed that most of these years fell before 1940 in districts M-1 through M-4, whereas in the waters to the south (M-5 through M-8) they all fell within the period 1940^4. Figures on the last year with abun- DECLINE OF LAKE TROUT IN LAKE MICHIGAN 95 dance at or above the 1929^3 index of 100 and on the first year of abundance below 70 (a level of availability selected as critical in this study) give strong indication of a north-to-south pro- gression in the timing of the recent decline (wTth the more northerly districts the first to drop below average and to pass the 70-percent level). This sequence suggests that the different areas may have been affected successively as the sea lamprey spread from the north to the south. Despite this progression, all eight districts agreed in exlii biting an extremely low level of abundance in 1949 (from 12 to 45 percent of average in the individual districts; 26 percent for the combined districts). During the more nearly normal years preceding the recent general decline of the lake-trout fishery, the annual fluctuations in the abundance of lake trout in the four southern districts (M-5 through M-8) were closely correlated. The coefficient of correlation r was highly significant (p) Aug. 21 (>) Sept. 7 (•) Sept. 8 (>) Sept. 23 Sept. 9 Sept. 20 (>) Sept. 27 (') (>) (•) (■) (•) Oct. 11 (') Sept. 17 (») Oct. 2 (1) First redd digging... (S) Peak of spawning Aug. 28 Aug. 31 (') Sept. 20 (') Sept. 30 (') Oct. 22 Nov. 22 Oct. 20 Oct. 12 Oct. 8 (1) Spawning ended . ... Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Nov. 15 Oct. 25 Oct. 15 (») Nov. 2 (') (') (>) Nov. 4 Oct. 31 Nov. 15 Depth of stream: ' Average (mean) ._ .inches.. 14 8.6 16 13 10 14 11.6 7.8 10 11.5 12 13 9 Minimum do.... 2 3 7 4 6 3 3 2 2 3 2 5 4 Maximum do.... 36 18 26 30 16 48 24 26 30 37 24 28 17 Depth of redds: • Average (mean) do.... 9 8.5 10 9.7 9.3 10 10.7 8 8 5 5.5 5.7 4.2 5 Minimum do.... 3 4 4 4 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 Maximum do.... 20 14 19 18 14 17 18 20 17 9 n 8 9 Velocity of water: Average (mean) .cubic feet a second.. (>) 2 1.5 2 1.7 2 1.3 5'' («) 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.7 Minimum do.... (') .5 1 1 1.4 1 1 (") (■) 1 1 1.7 1.5 Maximum do.... (') 3.5 2 3 2 3.5 3 (') (') 1.8 1.9 2 2 Temperature (Fahrenheit) ot water: Minimum degrees.. 51 47 40 55 47 52 42 42 40 44 48 54 47 Maximum do.... 53 52 55 62 51 61 58 S8 44 49 51 55 48 ' Germany Creek, Abemethy Creek, Elokomin River, and Grays River. ' No data. • Transplanted. < Indefinite. * Average measurements taken from surface to stream bed at each side and at upstream, end of each redd. • Depth below stream bed, taken at deepest part of redd. /y<7/f ^«*/ ^i&si^ Lono/'/'uc/ino/ tJec// V — ioeo//on one/ compara^/ife a/ouft^on.e* or < iJea/« ^ ^/«/ Figure 4. — Diagrammatic views of a fall chinook salmon redd measured daily. 102 FISHERY BULLETIN OF FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CHINOOK SALMON The chinook salmon is native to the Pacific coast from California to Alaska. Some runs ex- tend from Bering Strait to the southern Siberian coast. By transplantation of fertilized eggs, runs have been established in the St. Lawrence River and in certain parts of New Zealand. The Columbia River supports the largest population of the species. In the Columbia River, most of the chinook salmon migrate upstream from March through September. The migration is divided into three more or less distinct classes, and the fish are referred to as spring-run, summer-run, and fall-run chinooks, according to the time they leave the ocean and start on their upstream journey. The smaller spring chinooks, which average about 15 pounds in weight, ascend the Columbia River system for considerable distances and spawn in headwaters from mid-July to mid-September. The larger summer chinooks do not go as far upstream as the spring chinooks, and the time of spawning is later, from September to mid-No- vember. The fall chinooks spawn chiefly in the lower Columbia River tributaries and in the main stems of the Columbia and Snake Rivers at about the same time as the summer chinooks, and the two classes are comparable in size. The summer chinooks have an average weight of about 30 pounds, and the fall chinooks average 20 to 25 pounds. The following three sections describe and com- pare the size and other characteristics of the redds made by spring, summer, and fall chinook salmon, in several tributaries of the Columbia River. SPRING CHINOOK Investigation of spring chinook salmon redds was made in the Ohanapecosh River, a tributary of the Cowlitz River (which is a lower-Columbia tributary), and in Nason Creek, a tributary of the Wenatchee River. The Ohanapecosh has a natural run of spring chinook salmon, whereas the Nason was one of the streams into which fish were transplanted during the Grand Coulee fish- maintenance project. The average redd size and gravel composition of these two streams may be compared in figure 5o, circles A and B. The Ohanapecosh, a mountain stream, contained a high proportion of large rubble about the size of a football. Because of the large-gravel component, the Ohanapecosh redds were considerably smaller (2.9 square yards) than Nason Creek redds (4.9 square yards). The Ohanapecosh redds contained an average of 59 percent medium and small gravel, whereas the Nason Creek redds averaged 86 percent medium and small. Spawning times, stream depths at the redds, depths of redds, and water velocities and tempera- tures for the spring-chinook redds in the two streams are given in the table. SUMMER CHINOOK The spawning of summer chinook salmon was studied in the Entiat River, the Wenatchee River, and the White River tributary of Wenatchee Lake. These are streams selected as foster rivers for some thousands of the chinook salmon blocked by Grand Coulee Dam. The spawning redds measured were made by the transplanted salmon, trapped at Rock Island Dam near Wenatchee, Wash., in July, August, September, and October. Because of the similarity of summer-run to fall-run chinook sal- mon in all but time of migration, I have combined the measurements of the summer-chinook redds with those of fall-chinook redds in the size fre- quency graph, figure 7. For the 41 redds measured in the Entiat, the average size was 7.8 square yards. A comparison of the Entiat average, figure 5a, circle C, with the average nest areas for summer and fall chinooks from other streams shows that the Entiat River redds were distinctly larger than those in other streams. The Entiat River contains an abundance of medium and small rubble which facilitated redd construction and resulted in large redds. The degree of cementation was less in the Entiat than in the Kalama River or the Toutle River (where fall-chinook redds were studied) and probably con- tributed to the ease of digging. Subsurface per- colation was greater, and this is a factor that governs the location of redds to a greater extent than is generally recognized. It was noted that most spawning took place on gravel through which there was a flow of water. The flow was detected by releasing potassium- permanganate solution in test holes in the stream beds. There were areas in the Entiat River and in nearly all streams examined, apparently unex- celled for redd building and where trial redds were CHARACTERISTICS OF SPAWNING NESTS OF COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON 103 visible, that were deserted by salmon for no other ascertainable reason than that there was little or no flow of water through the gravel. Gravel firmly cemented with silt and clay binders usually lacked a percolating flow and was avoided by Entiat River chinooks and by salmon in other streams. All species showed a decided preference for moderately bound stream-bed materials in place of either loose shingle (free-rolling gravel) or firmly bound rubble. Nearly all spawning of summer chinook salmon in the White River took place in areas of the stream that contained 95 percent medium and small gravel. As shown in figure 5a, circle D, 9 redds were measured and the average nest area was 4.7 square yards. Although this appears to contradict the inverse-ratio relation between gravel size and redd area, it is not considered significant, in view of the small number of redds measured. As its name implies, the White River is clouded by quan- tities of chalky glacial material during the summer and fall run-off, and this made observations diffi- cult. The redds studied in the Entiat, Wenatchee, and White Rivers were made by salmon transplanted to each spawning area over a long period of time. Relocation was spaced out in order to keep the sexes evenly distributed in each area. As a result, there was a mixture of stocks, or races, of summer chinook on the same spawning areas, and a wide assortment of sizes of redds resulted. Although the summer chinook are a little larger, as a class, than the fall chinook, their redds contained about the same proportion of large, medium, and small gravel as fall-chinook redds. Figure 5a, circle E, shows that average redd size and gravel composi- tion, for summer chinook in the Wenatchee River are comparable to the redd sizes and gravel com- positions for fall chinook in the Toutle River sys- tem, figure 5o, circles G and H. FALL CHINOOK The Kalama River, the Toutle River, and the Green River tributary of the Toutle, were selected for study of fall chinook salmon redds. The Toutle River is a tributary of the lower Columbia through the Cowlitz River; the Cowlitz and the Kalama enter the Columbia only a few miles apart, about 60 miles from the sea. Thus, they are neighboring streams and they have somewhat similar watersheds — both are moderately forested and have fair gradients — but here the resemblance ends. Because of an insurmountable falls, the Kalama River has only 7 miles of available spawn- ing area, containing a high proportion of large gravel. Most of the stream bed is of stratified gravel, that is, stream-bed disturbances and sub- sequent flooding have overlaid the large gravel with successive layers of smaller stones. During redd digging the salmon encountered the sub- stratum of large rocks with the result that the redds resemble oversize underwater Easter egg baskets. The Kalama River fall-chinook redds contained a higher proportion of large gravel than did other fall-chinook redds. (See fig. 5a, circle F.) The Toutle River and its Green River tributary are both accessible through virtually all their lengths, presenting 40 miles or more of stream bed with a greater choice of spawning rubble than is available to the Kalama River fall chinooks. The areas used contained gravel of relatively uniform size with little or no stratification. Whereas the Kalama River redds averaged 5.7 square yards with 41 percent large gravel, the Toutle River redds averaged 6.5 square yards with 11 percent large gravel. It would appear, from examination of figure 5a, circles F, G, and H, and figure 6, that the abundance of large gravel in the Kalama had the effect of reducing the size of the fall-chinook redds there as compared with fall-chinook redds in the Toutle River and its Green River tributary. The slightly smaller average for the size of the Green River redds, figure 5a, circle G, may be attributable to the fact that fewer redds were measured; figure 6 shows that the modal size of the Green River redds is greater than that of the Kalama River redds. These differences might be explained on the basis of the mechanics of redd building: the large gravel in the Kalama was difficult to dislodge and to move, so the resulting redds were smaller, whereas the medium gravel of the Toutle River was easier to dig in and produced larger redds. SILVER SALMON Silver salmon are distributed throughout the North Pacific from mid-California to Alaska and in Asiatic waters as far south as Japan. The greatest runs are found in the streams of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southeastern 104 FISHERY BULLETIN OF FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE s5/>r/fT^ CA/ftooA /Yason Cf. 4.9 ayt^a, 90 /-*Ma 0/?c ^h /?. lonapeco^t 2.9 aye/sj 9^ f^Ms Sufftftrar C/f/'/rooA 7.8 ayt/s, 4/ ree/efs 4:7 aye/j, 9 /••» 0 10 40 O a 5 ui E NT I AT R. summef /-t/f? O m w TOUTLE R. Af// fc/^ GREEN R. /i// 20 IS 10 KALAMA R. 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 SIZE OF REDDS IN SQUARE YARDS Figure 6. — Size frequency distribution of summer and fall chinook redds. CHARACTERISTICS OF SPAWNING NESTS OF COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON 109 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 10 0 BLUEBACK 141 REDDS CHUH 66 REDDS (A O I SILVER 65 REDDS 8 9 II 12 13 14 19 16 17 18 19 20 SIZE OF REDDS IN SQUARE YARDS Figure 7. — Size frequency distribution of salmon redds from all streams combined. no FISHERY BULLETIN OF FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE salmon, 11 square yards; and blueback salmon, 8 square yards. SUMMARY 1. Observations were made on a large number of chinook, silver, chum, and blueback salmon redds in the Columbia River watershed, and 850 redds were measured. 2. Normally, the female salmon constructs the redd, the male taking no part in this activity. 3. The redd is formed or excavated by the female turning on her side and making violent flexions of the body and tail. The boiling currents set up by this action disturb the gravel of the stream bed which is carried a short distance downstream to form the tailspill. 4. A typical redd is an excavation in the stream bottom, oval in shape, the greatest diameter being lengthwise with the current, and with a tailspill at the downstream end. The center of the redd is referred to as the pot, and it is here that the bulk of the eggs is deposited. 5. Current velocities at spawning areas varied from less than 1 foot a second to 3.5 feet a second. Redds made in fast water were invariably long and narrow; those in quiet water had a broad oval shape. 6. The current in the pot of the redd flows slightly upstream, which favors safe deposition of the eggs in the gravel and is conducive to complete fertilization by the milt of the male salmon. 7. As the spawning progresses, the redd in a sense moves upstream by continued excavation of the upstream edge and filling in of the tailspill area. 8. In general, salmon chose areas of stream bed composed of gravel less than 6 inches in greatest diameter, with the size of the redd inversely pro- portioned to the size of gravel. Firmly cemented gravel was avoided, though where there was some cementation, the size of the redd was inversely proportioned to the amount of cementation. 9. Percolation of water through the gravel appears to be a requisite of the redd site. 10. In general, salmon prefer areas of stream bottom relatively free of mud or silt for redd- making purposes. Silvers (0. kisutch) were the only salmon of the four species which constructed redds in areas of stream bottom containing up to 10 percent mud. 11. Average redd size for the various salmon is as follows: Summer and fall chinook, 6.1 square yards; spring chinook, 3.9 square yards; silver, 3.4 square yards; chum, 2.7 square yards, and blueback, 2.1 square yards. 12. Few redds of any species were made side by side. For the most part, nests were either up or down stream from each other so that they woidd form diagonal rows across the stream. 13. The tendency of female salmon to prevent other females from getting too close resulted in interredd space approximately three times the size of the redd. 14. By dividing the area suitable for spawning in a given stream by four times the average redd area, a conservative estimate will be obtained of the number of salmon that may satisfactorily spawn in the stream. LITERATURE CITED Fish, Frederic F., and Mitchell G. Hanavan. 1948. A report upon the Grand Coulee fish-maintenance project 1939-1947. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Sci. Rept. No. 55. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF TUNAS FROM THE WESTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC By Bell M. Shimada FISHERY BULLETIN 62 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Ofifice, Washington 25, D. C. Price 15 cents CONTENTS Page Collection of data 111 Notes on tuna spawning li;i Yellowiin (Neothunnus macropierus) ^ 113 Big-eyed tuna (Parathunnus sibi) 114 Records of juvenile oceanic skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) 116 Occurrence of bluefin tuna ( Thunnus orienialis) 117 Siunmaiy 118 Literature cited 118 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF TUNAS FROM THE WESTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC By Bell M. Shimada, Fishery Research Biolosist Kesearcli into the biolojiy of Pacific tunas has advanced rajiidly in recent years, yet much re- mains unknown about the life history and habits of tuna species inhabiting waters of the former Man(hited Islands now known as the Pacific Trust Territories, in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. In prewar years, some scientific studies were conducted by the Japanese, but these were limited in scope and directed primarily towards exploitation of the extensive tuna resources to be found near their island possessions. With the opening of the Trust Territories on May 11, 1950, to Japanese mothership-type tuna- fisliing operations, an opportunity was given the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations of the United States Fish and AVildlife Service to gather important data on tunas of this region by send- ing a scientific and technical observer along with the first mothership expedition to leave Japan. I was subsequently detailed aboard the mother- ship Tenyo Maru No. 2 and accompanied the expe- dition from June 12 to September 14. 1950. Dur- ing this assignment my principal duties were to observe Japanese methods of fishing and process- ing tuna, and to collect morphometric data on various tuna species for use by the Pacific Oceanic Fisliery Investigations in current studies on Pa- cific tuna populations. Some information was obtained also on other biological aspects of tunas. These incidental observations on the spawning of yellowfin and big-eyed tuna, on the occurrence of juvenile oceanic skipjack, and on the capture of adult bluefin tuna in the area covered by the expe- dition are summarized in this report. Tliese studies were made possible througii the cooperation of the High Commissioner for the Trust Territoi-ies of the Pacific Islands and the Natural Resources Section, General Headquar- ters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. The assistance rendered by various membcis of the Japanese Fishery Agency and the Taiyo Fisli- ing Co., Ltd., aboard the mothership is also acknowledged. 953180°— 51 COLLECTION OF DATA The expedition, consisting of a mothership and 25 iongline-fishing vessels, commenced its activi- ties in the vicinity of 4°35' north latitude and 143°32' east longitude on June 17, 1950. As the season progressed, the center of fishing gi-adually shifted eastward at a rate of about 100 nautical miles a week, the changes in position of the vessels being dictated largely by the success of fishing in any one area. The deployment of fishing vessels in a north-and-south direction was bounded by 1° and 9° north latitude, but in general fishing was mostly between 1° and 5° north latitude, for it was here that the best catches were made. Wlien operations were terminated on September 5, 1950, the mothership's position was 8° north latitude, 15r)°46' east longitude, whence it returned to Japan. The easternmost limit reached by the catcher boats was 160° east longitude. In all, the expedition fished an area of approximately 305,- 000 square miles from wliich it took over 4,055 tons of tunas, spearfishes, sharks, and other fishes (table 1). Table 1. — Total catch, by species, of Japanese tuna mother- ship expedition, J une-Se.ptember 1950 Species Catch 1 YoUowfin tuiiLi {Neothunnus macropterus) Pounds 4.574,358 699,014 65,378 3,430 6,968 1,760.389 48.182 1,229 Big-evod tuna (PaTafbimmts sihi) . Bluefin tuna (TItunmi.s orienialis) Skipjack iKatsntioiins peJnmis) While marlin (Maknini nttiTlina) Striped marlin (^t'lknirn milsukurii) Sailfish • (Isfinptionis oritfttalis) _ 28,160 13,656 895, 022 23,048 Swordflsh (Xiphiaa gladius) Shark Others i Total 8.118,834 1 Statistics provided by the Japanese Fishery Agency and converted to pounds using conversion factor of 8.27 lbs.=l kan, - Includes short-nosed marlin (Tetraplurus breriroslris). 3 Includes barracuda (Sphyraena argeiUea), wahoo (Acanthocvbium solaTidri), and doliihin {CoTuphaena liippurus). A few tunas wex'e caught by pole and line at tiie surface, but gear employed chiefly was the long- line. This type of gear was developed to a great 111 112 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 20 10 __ JUNE N = 70 1 — I ■ ■■■ ,UJ Jmli^ la 0 10 _ JU N> LY 186 Jy U dl k k , — 0 I 51' N. 2°2,5' N. 142°07' E. 143°27' E. 1,485 1,427 Do. June 30 June 26 Do. July 2 June 27 I°51' N. 14.'i°43' E. 1,294 Do. July 6 July 2 - 2°06' N. 14.'i''46' E. 1,324 Do. Do- do 2°06' N. 145°46' E. 857 Immature (or spent?) Do do 2°06' N. 145°46' E. 884 Do. Do do 2°n5' N. 142°10' E. 1,142 Ripening. Do do 2''05' N. 142°10' E. 1,413 Do. Do do 2<'05' N. 2'>05' N. 142°10' E. 142" 10' E. 1,189 1,144 Do. Do do Do. Do do 2''05' N. 2"'n5' N. 142°10' E. 142° 10' E. 1.064 1,256 Do. Do do Do. Do do 2°05' N. 142°10' E. 1,032 Do. Do do - 2°05' N. 142° 10' E. 1,120 Do. Do do 2°05' N. 142°10' E. 1,232 Do. Do do - 2°n5' N. 142°10' E. 1, 243 Do. Julys July 3- rsT' N. 144°05' E. 1.189 Do. Do do rsT' N. 144°n.')' E. 1,446 Do Do - do r37' N. 144°05' E. 893 Do. July 9- - Julys 2'>12' N. 149°25' E. 1.418 Do. Do do 2''12' N. 149°25' E. 1.353 Do. Do do 2<'12' N. 149°25' E. 1.347 Do. .— Do do 2''12' N. 149°25' E. 1.257 Do Do do 2°12'N. 2n2' N. 149°2.r E. 149°2.V E. 1.181 638 Do. Do do Immature. Do do 2'>12' N. 149°2.V E. 673 Do. Do do 1''49' N. 149°08' E. 1,367 Ripening Do do 1°49' N. 1°49' N. 149°n8' E. 149°08' E. 1.222 1,249 Do. Do do - Do. .--- Do do - 1''49' N. 1°49' N. 149°08' E. 149°08' E. 1.364 1.281 Do. Do do - Do. Do do 1°49' N. 1049' N. 1°49' N. 4°25' N. 149°08' E. 149°n8' E. 149°08' E. 150°.58' E. 1.303 1.256 1.344 1.420 Do. Do do Do. Do -.-. do Bo. July 13 July 9 Do. Do ...do 4°25' N. I°18' N. 160°58' E. 155°30' E. 1,408 1,428 Do. Aug. 3 July 29 Do. Do do I-IS' N. 165°30' E. 1,390 Do. Do do 1°18' N. 155°30' E. 1,154 Do. Do do 1°18' N. 155°30' E. 1,203 Do. Do do 1°18' N. 156°30' E. 1.3.50 Do. Do do ri8' N. 155''.30' E. 1,279 Do. Do do 1°18' N. 155°30' E. 1,233 Spent. Do do 1°18' N. 155°30' E. 857 Immature (or spent?). Do do 1°18' N. 156°3D' E. 881 Do. Do do 1°18' N. 15.'i°30' E. 1,212 Spent. Do do 1°18'N. l.W°30' E. 1,471 Ripening. Do do I^IS' N. 155°30' E. 1,316 Do. Do-^..- do \°\»' N. 15.'i°.3fl' E. 1,312 Do. Do do 1°18' N. 155°30' E. 1.343 Do. AUB. 4-_ July 31 1°10' N. l.")7°29' E. 1.395 Do. Do do- 1°10' N. 157°29' E. 1,498 Do. Do do rio' N. I.'i7°29' E. 1,213 Do. Do - do PlC N. 157°29' E. 1, 465 Spent. Do do 1°10' N. 157°29' E. 1,365 Do. Do do 1°10' N. 157°29' E. 1,307 Ripening. Do do 1°10' N. 167°29' E. 1,277 Do. Aug. 20 Aug. 15---. 3°35' N. 1S6°4.5' E. l.,302 Do. Do do 3''35' N. 155°46' E. 1, 275 Do. Aug. 29 Aug. 26.-.. 2°22' N. 156°34' E. 1,092 Spent. Do do 2'=22' N. 156°34' E. 1,250 Do. Note.— Y. Yabuta of the Nankai Fisheries Experiment Station, Tokyo, Japan, assisted in making part of these observations. July with active spawning commencing in June and extending into August. Further hypothe- sizing that a common yellowfin population had been fished during the season — and there appears to be no evidence to the contrary — it does not seem unreasonable to believe that spawning had oc- curred coiiuidentally throughout the area fished. The spawning season is most likely a long one and may not necessarih' be limited to the summer months, but the peak of spawning probably is at- tained during that period. Yellowfin tuna found elsewhere in the tropical western Pacific Ocean are generally believed to spawn most actively during the summer months. Preliminaiy studies by biologists of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations indicate that dur- ing 1950 this species spawned in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands from early June to Septem- ber. Ill the eastern Pacific, however, the spawn- ing season is considered to be during the late winter and early spring months (Schaefer and Marr 1948a). This variation in time of spawn- ing may be connected to some extent with latitude, or it may be a race-connected characteristic. Dif- ferences in spawning times of different races of the same species in the same or similar places have been observed in other species of fish, such as the Pacific surf smelt (Schaefer 1936) and European herring (Lissner 1934). Big-eyed tuna (Parathunnus sibi) Since big-eyed tuna were usually eviscerated at sea, as previously mentioned, I was not able to examine many reproductive organs of this species. No check was made of the maturity of male fish, but some females that were brought in whole were opened and examined throughout the fishing sea- son from late June to early September. These females possessed either ripening or ripe ovaries, with a few having what could be considered ad- vanced-ripe ovaries. No running-ripe or fully spent ovaries were found. Ovaries classified as ripening may have been in a spawning state, be- cause the big-eyed tuna, like the yellowfin, prob- ably spawns over an extended period with succes- sive batches of eggs being ripened and extiTided. Ovaries that appeared ripe were gi'eatly en- larged, round in cross section, and light pink in color. Those approacliing the running-ripe stage had translucent ova whicli were ready to emerge from the follicles. A sample of 1,000 eggs from such an ovary removed from a 1,102-mm. female showed a modal group of large eggs centering around 1.06 mm. in diameter (fig. 2) . The largest eggs measured approximately 1.22 mm. The eggs probably increase a little more in size as water is absorbed after emission into the sea. TTJNAS FROM WESTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC -r 1 r I 115 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 90 l£>0 1. 10 1.20 DIAMETER IN MILLIMETERS PiGURK 2. — Frequency histogram of ova diameters for a sample of 1,000 Parathunnus siW eggs. 116 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICK From these observations of gonads it may be inferred that the big-eyed tuna also spawns in the area south of the Caroline Islands. Partial veri- fication of the existence of spawning grounds in these waters is furnished by Marukawa (Hatai et al. 1941), who reported at a gathering of Japanese scientists convened to discuss tuna and skipjack spawning that "Juveniles of big-eyed tuna measui'ing 4.2 to 4.3 inches were found inside yellowfin tuna taken by longlines in the Tokobei area (Tobi Island, 3° N., 131°31' E.) last year, while I was in Palau, by a ship of the Fisheries Experiment Station.'" No mention is made, how6ver,'of the date of capture. Despite cai-eful search, juveniles of big-eyed tuna were not found in the many stomachs of yellowfin tuna and other jjelagic fishes examined aboard the mothership. Little is known of the spawning season of the big-eyed tuna; observations, however, suggest that it spawns from June to September, and pos- sibly later. The possibility is not excluded that spawning may be a year-round phenomenon. RECORDS OF JUVENILE OCEANIC SKIPJACK (KATSUWONUS PELAMIS) While examining stomachs of fish landed aboard the mothership, I recovered and preserved in formalin seven juvenile scombroids later iden- tified as oceanic skipjack, Katsuwonus -pelamis. One specimen, measuring 130 mm. from the snout to the end of the hypural plate, was found on July 21, 1950, in the stomach of a black marlin {Makaira masara) caught a few days previously in the vicinity of 1°30' N., 154°08' E. Two addi- tional juveniles of 132 mm. and 169 mm. were re- covered on July 24, 1950, from a sailfish {Istio- phoms orientalis) captured by longlines near 2°28' N., 155°01' E. The remaining four speci- mens, measuring 81 nnn., 94 mm., 132 mm., and 148 mm., were found in stomachs of yellowfin tuna {Neothunnus macroptemis) , the smaller two on August 4, 1950, and the larger two on August 8, 1950. The earlier catches of yellowfin tuna were made at approximately 1°10' N., 157°29' E., and the later catches at 1°14' N., 157°28' E. Re- mains of fish up to 250 mm. in size and identified by skeletal characteristics as oceanic skipjack were found in tunas and other pelagic fish but were not retained because of their poor condition. All of the listed juveniles except the »i-iiii«i. fish were X-rayed in the laboratories of the Pa- cific Oceanic Fishery Investigations in Honolulu, Hawaii. On negatives taken of these juvenile scombroids the skeletal "trellis"' of Kishinouye (1923) (="basketwork" of Godsil and Byers (1944)) was faintly visible in every case and placed these fish within Kishinouye's family Katsuwonidae. The Katsuwonidae include two genera : Euthynnus, which is composed of species having either 37 or 39 vertebrae (Kishinouye 1923, Schaefer and Marr 1948b), and Katsuvjonun, which contains a single species characterized by 41 vertebrae (Kishinouye 1923). There is no knowledge of an overlap in vertebral counts be- tween genera. The total count of 41 vertebrae, including the urostyle, therefore, specifically iden- tified these juveniles as Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus. For further verification, the 81-mm. juvenile was stained, using HoUister's method (1934). There are 41 vertebrae present with 20 precaudal and 21 caudal vertebrae. The lateral processes on the precaudal vertebrae are well developed and the inferior foramina form a "trellis" with the haemal arches. The haemal canal is large, and the first closed haemal arch is on the twelfth ver- tebra. The gill-raker count for the first gill arch on the left side, which is 15 for the upper arch and 38 for the lower, falls within the range of counts given for adults — 15 to 20 and 36 to 38, respectively (Kishinouye 1923). Palatine teeth are present ; vomerine teeth are absent. Vestigial palatine teeth were observed on the 94-mm. speci- men and were absent on the next larger juvenile of 130 mm., so that palatine teeth disappear at a length somewhere between these two. The presence of juvenile oceanic skipjack in stomachs of fish caught throughout the area fished by vessels of the expedition points to the existence of extensive spawning grounds in or adjacent to these waters. The only previous published record of juvenile skipjack from this general locality is that of Inanami (1942). Since this reference is not generally available, my translation of his paper is given here in full : When I went to Truk in June of this year, I was shown siiecimens of small skipjack at the Nanko Fishei'ies Com- pany. Of tlie two, one specimen measuring over 6 sun (180 mm.) was unmistakably a skipjack juvenile; the other, measuring 1.5 »un (45 mm.) in length, may have TUNAS FROM WESTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC 117 been a juvenile skipjack, ered for these specimens : The following data were gath- Table 3. -Bluefin tuna captured in the western equatorial Pacific, June-September 1960 Date of capture June 17. June 26. Julys,. July 12. July 14. July 19. July 26. Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Sept. 4. Locality of capture Latitude 4°20' N. 4''30' N. 2°39' N. 4''0»' N. 3°48' N. 5°02' N. 2''25' N. 4°00' N. 4n5' N. 2°2S' N. I/ODgitude 145''ao' E. 145°10' E. 148'>40' E. 147''57' E. 147<'55' E. 154-16' E. 155<'49' E. 157''30' E. Mift'W E. 155''49' E. (1) Dimensions: Length, 6.6 sun (198 mm.); weight 2r. mo«(»ie (94 grams). Fish No Date of capture : 1700, April 23, 1939. Place of capture : 4 nautical miles southwest of Sarasbinm Pass (Salat Pass, 7'14' N., 152''01' E.). i Method of capture : Pole fishing. 3"1!11II1III1I At the same time, a specimen which could have been * placed in a rice bowl and assumed to have been 6 about 3 snn (90 mm.) in length was caught but not gllilllllllllll retained owing to the carelessness of a crew ';- member. (2) Dimensions: Length, 1.5 sun (4."i mm.); weight, 2moinme (8 grams). .species was caucfht this year indicates a possible Date of capture: May 3, 1940. , • j- . ' • •., j- ^ -u x- n, - . , , »■ , •, ^. ,.. , • change in tactors {loveniinsr its distribution or Place of capture: 14 nautical miles oft Sarashima * . . . "^ g. Pagg availabihty in the western equatorial region. Method of capture : Recovered from the stomach of a Examination of available published logs covering skipjack which apiiarentiy had been caught im- the prewar activities of Japanese tuna-fishing ves- mediately after feeding, for there was no evidence gg]g j,^ ^^^ p^i.^^,^ Mariana, and Caroline Islands failed to show bluefin tuna in their catches. With It is said that small fish weighing 25 momme (94 grams) ^he exception of Abe's listing (1939) from the are extremely rare around Truk, but that fish of this size t> , t i i j n,n . -i ,-i? i „ ,, , n 1 1 • <- ■ c „* r^alau Islands oi a 240-mm. specimen identined are often seen around Palau during certain sea.sons of ^ ^ _ _ some years. ^^ Tfainmts thynnus{ = Thimmis onentcdis'i) , gis Altliough oceanic skipjack are known to be abundant in the vicinity of the many islands and reefs of the western equatorial region, this species apparently is not landbound, for several schools were seen and fished far from land during the operations of the expedition. Spawning prob- ably takes place in the open ocean, as well as near land, as inferred from the recovery of juveniles in fresh condition from fish caught in deep offshore waters. Judging from the sizes of young slcip- jack found, some spawning must occur during the spring months. Kishinouye (1924) estimates that young skipjack grow at a rate of more than 40 mm. a month. Calculations based on this growth rate suggest that juveniles recovered aboard the moth- ership in Julj' were spawned in March and April, and those found later, in April, May, and June. OCCURRENCE OF BLUEFIN TUNA (THUNNUS ORIENTALIS) The bluefin tunas are generally regarded as temperate-zone foi-ms and are seldom found in tropical waters. The capture of 10 large tunas identified as bluefin or black tuna, probably Thwn- ?r(/.s- oHeiifalis (Temminck and Schlegel), l)y expe- dition vessels is therefore of interest (table 3). Furthermore, the frequency with which this far as is known, no other distribution i-ecords exist for bluefin tuna from this general area. The captured fish were all large and weighed from 150 to 500 pounds eviscerated and with gills removed. Since these fish were cleaned at sea immediately after capture and the viscera dis- carded, it was not possible to examine the internal organs and gill rakers. The pectoral fins of those individuals examined were comparatively short, and eacli fish was characterized by a dark over-all coloration, which varied from black dorsally to a dusky graj' veutrally. Measurements of dif- ferent body characters, using standard morpho- metric techniques described by Marr and Schaefer (1949), were taken of four fish. The data are presented in table 4. There are three commonly recognized bluefin species inhabiting the Pacific Ocean: the south- ern bluefin tuna of Australia, Thimrvus maccoyi; the Japanese bluefin or black tuna. Thunnus or'i- entalis; and the so-called California bluefin tuna, Thviimis thi/niiii,s. which is found in the eastern Pacific and adjacent waters. The presently recog- nized northernmost limit of distribution of T. maccoyi is Sydney, Australia (Serventy 1941). The Japanese bluefin tuna, T. oriodaJis, which has yet to be proved distinct from T. thynnus, may occur as far south as the equator, for there are 118 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 4. — Measurevienls of four bluefin tuna from the western equatorial Pacific Fish No. 1 Fish No. 3 Fish No. 5 Fish No. 7 Date of capture June 17 4''20' N. 145°20' E. Julys 2''39' N. 148°4fl' E. July 14 3'>48' N. 147''55' E. 487 2.239 631 661 1.185 1,373 748 675 July 26 Locality of capture: Latitude 2°25' N. I."i5°49' E. Approximate weight (less viscera and gills) 4.30 Total length mm . . Head length mm-_ enout to insertion first dorsal mm-- Snout to insertion second dorsal .mm,- Snout to insertion anal mm - Snout to Insertion ven- tral mm.. Ventral insertion to vent ' mm.. Greatest body depth 2.255 600 648 1.221 1.354 698 667 .578 418 441 391 48 2,139 582 624 1.136 1,253 649 632 550 406 344 331 46 2, 205 599 642 1,172 1,310 674 676 Length pectoral mm.. Length second dorsal mm.. Length anal mm.. Diameter of iris mm.. 406 423 428 61 389 377 365 45 I DeQned as the distance from a line connecting the insertions of the ventral fins to the anterior edge of the vent. records of this species from the southern Philip- pine Ishmds as cited by Wade (1950b). How- ever, Wade believed that the southern distribution of T. orientalis was limited to the northern Philip- pine Islands and that other records were of stray fish. The bluefin tuna herein recorded have been assigned to T. (m-entalis on the basis of distribu- tion alone. It may be shown in the future that T. orientalis is either a valid species or is synonymous with T. thynnus. SUMMARY Various biological investigations were con- ducted aboard a Japanese tuna mothership on tunas and other fishes landed by longline-fishing vessels which operated in waters south of the Caro- line I.slands during the summer of 1950. The re- sults of these studies shed new light on the spawn- ing and distribution of tuna species found in the western equatorial Pacific. Gonads of yellowfin tuna and big-eyed tuna were examined for sexual maturity, and their condition suggests the existence of spawning grounds for these two species in or near the region fished. The yellowfin probably spawns most actively during the summer months. Observations of big-eyed tuna lead to the conclusion that this species spawns from June to September, and possibly during other seasons of the year. Several juvenile oceanic skipjack were recovered from the stomachs of tunas and other pelagic fishes. This is definite proof that oceanic skip- jack spawn extensively in or near the area covered by the expedition. The occurrence of bluefin tuna in equatorial waters is recorded on the basis of several fish caught from June to September 1950. LITERATURE CITED Abe, Tokihaku. 1939. A list of the fishes of the Palao Islands. Palao Trop. Biol. Sta. Studies, No. 4, pp. 523-583. GoDsiL, Harey C, and Robeet D. Byebs. 1944. A systematic study of the Pacific tunas. Califor- nia Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. 60, 131 pp., 18 tables, 76 flgs. Hatai, Shinkishi, et aL 1941. A s.vmposium on the investigation of tuna and skip.iack spawning grounds. South Sea Science [Kagaliu Nanyo], vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 64^-75. HoLI.ISTER, GlOKIA. 1934. Clearing and dyeing fish for bone study. Zoo- logica, vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 89-101, figs. 18-21. INANAMI, YOSHrrCTKI. 1942. Small skipjacli captured at Truk. South Sea Fish. News [Nanyo Suisan Joho], vol. 6, No. 1, p. 524. KiSHINOUYE, KaMAKICHI. 1923. Contributions to the comparative study of the so- called scombroid fishes. Jour. Coll. Agrie. Imp. Univ., Tokyo, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 293-475, 26 figs., 22 pis. 1924. Observations on the skipjack fishing grounds. Proc. Sei. Fish. Assn. [Suisan Gakkai Ho], vol. 4, No. 2, ijp. 87-92. LiSSNEE, H. 1934. On races of herring. Jour, du Couseil, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 346-364, 2 tables. Mare, John ('., and Mit.Nint B. ScHAEFiat. 1949. Definitions of body dimensions used in describ- ing tniias. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin 47, vol. 51, pp. 241-244, 1 flg. SoHAEFKii, Milker B. 193(i. Contribution to the life history of the surf smelt, Hyjioiiiesiis pretiosus, in Puget Sound. Washington State Dept. Fish. Biol. Kept. 35B, 45 pp., 17 tables, 33 figs. Schaefee. Milnee B., and John C. Mabb. 1948a. Contributions to the biology of the Pacific tunas. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin 44, vol. 51, pp. 187-206. 5 tigs. 1948b. Juvenile Euthynnus Ihicatiis and Aiixis thazard from the Pacific Ocean off Central America. Pacific Science, vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 262-271, 4 flgs. TUNAS FROM WESTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC 119 Sekventt, D. L. 1941. The Australian timas. Council Sci. and Indust. Res. Australia. I'aniph. No. 104. 48 pp.. 1> figs., 4 pis. Shapiro, Sidnet. 1950. Th<> .lapanese longline fislici-j for tunas. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Commercial Fisheries Re- view, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-26, 16 figs. Wade, Chables B. 1950a. Observations on the .si)a\vning of Philippine tuna. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fisliciy Uul- letiu 55, vol. .51, pp. 4119-423, 9 tahles. 3 figs. 1950b. .Juvenile forms of Ncothunniin »iiii-roptcni.i, Knt- smconits ptlamis, and EuthiiiinUH ijnito from Philip- pine seas. D. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin 53, vol. 51, pp. 39.')-404, 13 figs. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director POSTLARVAL NEOTHUNNUS MACROPTERUS, AUXIS THAZARD, AND EUTHYNNUS LINEATUS FROM THE PACIFIC COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA By Giles W. Mead Illustrations by Walter B. Schwarz FISHERY BULLETIN 63 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 15 cents CONTENTS Page Observations on adults 121 Observations on yofing 122 Key to postlarvae of five species of Central American scombrids 122 Neothunnus macropterus (Temminck and Schlegel) 123 Auxis thazard Lacep^de - 124 Euthynnus lineatus Kishinouye 126 Literature cited 126 m POSTLARVAL NEOTHUNNUS MACROPTERUS, AUXIS THAZARD, AND EUTHYNNUS LINEATUS FROM THE PACIFIC COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA By Giles W. Mead, Fishery Research Biologist UntU 1942, none of the spawning areas of the several species of eastern Pacific tunas was laiown. Since that year several such regions have been identified and in each case the discovery has been made by indirect means, through the collection and identification of the pelagic postlarvae, for the ripe eggs of the tuna have rarely been found. Knowledge of the location and extent of the spawning grounds of the tunas depends, therefore, on being able to identify the young taken in plankton collections. This paper provides a de- scription of the identifying characters of the juveniles of several tunas. In the late spring of 1949 I had the opportunity to make collections of pelagic postlarvae in waters off the Pacific coast of Central America. Supple- menting this material, a series of uncatalogued specimens ' from the California Academy of Sciences, which was collected off Central America during the 1932 cruise of the Zaca, was examined. OBSERVATIONS ON ADULTS The fishes collected in the spring of 1949 were taken from the motor vessel Alphecca, a tima clipper fishing for the Westgate-Sun Harbor Co. of San Diego, Calif. Actual fishing was confined to the month of May in waters from 50 to 150 miles off the west coast of Nicaragua and El Salvador. Diu-ing this period the 240-ton catch consisted of j'ellowfin tuna, Neothunnus maeropter- 11^ (Temminck and Schlegel), and oceanic skip- jack, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus), the former comprising the bulk of the catch by weight and number. Gonads of 25 of each species were examined for degree of maturity. It was apparent from this examination that the yello\vfin tuna more than 75 centimeters long and all the oceanic skipjack were in advanced stages of sexual ma- turity. (Total lengths are taken from tip of snout I Made available by Lillian Dempster of the California Academy of Sciences. 963182-61 to distal end of the shortest caudal fin ray.) Ovaries were swollen and turgid, although no ova were visible to the imaided eye. Testes of both yellowfin tuna and oceanic skipjack had milt in the central duct. Several large male yellowfin were running ripe, but no females in a similar condition were observed in the catch. Two female black skipjack, Evthynvus lineatus Kishinouye, 54.4 and 55.0 cm. m length were taken. Their ovaries were similar in degree of maturity to those of the oceanic skipjack. Two ripe female sierra mackerel, Scom- heromorus sierra Jordan and Starks, were taken in a bait haul at Alacapule, Mexico, in the Gulf of Cahfornia. Eckles (1949) has described the post- larvae of this species. Althougti numerous at- tempts were made with a high-speed plankton net to recover the eggs from the surface layers of waters where mature fish were found, none proved successful. Apparently the spa\vning season for the tunas is a long one and the spawning area large. Ehren- baum (1924) outlines the probable spawning grounds in the Mediterranean region and in the Atlantic for the species represented in his collec- tions by larvae and postlarvae. He also describes the degree of maturity and possible migrational routes of the adults. Similarly, various Japanese workers have attempted to delimit spawning areas in the western Pacific, and at present extensive work is being done near the Hawaiian Islands and the Phihppines. The spawaiing areas of the tunas in Central America are now knowm to extend from Panama north to Nicaragua and El Salvador and off shore to a distance of more than 100 miles. It is also probable that spawnmg of yellowfin tuna and oceanic skipjack occiu-s off Mexico, since the Zaca collections made there include frigate mackerel and one larval black skipjack. It is not unlikely that futiu-e work will show that this spawning area extends throughout the tropical waters of Central America. 121 122 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE OBSERVATIONS ON YOUNG Since the tunas are subject to intensive fishing in many parts of the world their biology has long been under investigation. Kishinouye (1919) outlines the early work done on the larval stages of these fishes. As he points out in another paper (1926), the work of Ehrenbaum (1924) is probably the most important single work on the young stages of these fishes. The fishes described by Ehrenbaum (1924), Kishinouye (1926), Liitken (1880) and other early workers were generally less than 15 millimeters in length and were taken with plankton nets. For the larger sizes the investi- gator is dependent primarily on collections made under lights or on specimens found in the stomachs of adult fish. Such specimens as these have been described by the more recent workers, Schaefer and Marr (1948a, 1948b), Eckles (1949), Wade (1949), and others. In this paper I shall describe specimens principally between 10 mm. and 18 mm. in length, larger than those taken in planlcton hauls, and note characters I have fomid useful in their identification. As is generally the practice, the Alphecca often drifted at night while on the fishing grounds, offering an excellent opportunity for night col- lecting. The collections were made imder a drop- light suspended immediately above the water. Fourteen such collections yielded, among others, juveniles of the following three scombrid fishes: Neothunnus macropterus, the yellou^fin tuna; Euthynnus lineatus, the black skipjack; and Auxis thazard, the frigate mackerel. Early stages of Table 1. — Data on postlarval Auxis thazard, Neothunnus macropterus, and Euthynnus lineatus taken from the Pacific Ocean off Central America, May 1949 Location Num- Date Species berof speci- Length in millimeters Latitude Longitude mens May 7.... 11"'23'N. 90'=29..VW. A. thazard 28 10. 5 to 28. 5 May 10...- WSS-N. 89°66'W. A. thazard 2 10. 0 to 28. 0 E. lineatus 2 7. 6 to 10. 5 May 15... . U°4fi'N. 87°28'W. A. thazard 3 11.5 to 35.0 May 16.... 11°46'N. 87°41'W. A. thazard 2 27.0 to 30.0 May 17.... 12°16'N. 89°31'W. A. thazard 2 28. 0 to 30. 0 N. macropterus. 2.1 IS. 5 to 25. 0 May 19.... ll''20'N. 87°20'W. A. thazard 3fi 14. 5 to 31.0 E. lineatus 23 13. 5 to 18. 0 May 22...- U''2f.'N. 89°22'W. A. thazard 15 18.0 to 35.0 May24...- 10°47'N. 89°30'W. A. thazard 57 13. 5 to 48. 0 May27..— 12'>50'N. 89-40' W. A. thazard 1 19.0 E. lineatus 2 18. 0 to 23. 6 May 28...- 11°05'N. 89'>55'W. A. thazard 76 10. 6 to 48. 5 N.umcropterus- 12 10. 5 to 16. 0 May29---. 11°05'N. SO-SS'W. A. thazard 12 19. 5 to 36. 0 May 30..-- 12''11'N. go-is'w. A. thazard 27 24. 5 to 40. 5 N. macropterus- 6 19. 5 to 26. 5 all these species have been described by Schaefer and Marr (1948a, 1948b) from specimens taken in the spring of 1947 off Central America. The identification of their specimens made known spawning grounds for the yellowfin tuna, oceanic skipjack, black skipjack, and frigate mackerel off Costa Rica and Panama. The present collec- tions extend the known limits of these spawning regions for three of these species 350 miles north- west up the Central American coast. Dates, positions, and other data for the collections are reported in table 1. KEY TO THE POSTLARVAE OF FIVE SPECIES OF CENTRAL AMERICAN SCOMBRIDS A workable key for the identification of the postlarvae of scombrids known to occiu- off Central America is dependent on a few discrete external characters. The teeth and body shapes are similar in all species. Pigmentation, gill rakers, preopercular spines, viscera, and, to some extent, fin rays are in the process of development and show variation within each species at a given length. The characters used in the key presented here were taken from specimens of Euthynnus lineatus fi'om 7.5 mm. to 32.5 mm., Neothunnus macropterus from 10.5 mm. to 26.5 mm., Scom- beromorus sierra from 21 mm. to 71 mm., and Auxis thazard from 10 mm. to 48.5 mm. in length. The characters used separate species within these ranges but may not hold true for larger or smaller specimens. No specimens of Katsuwonus pelamis were examined but the description of Schaefer and Marr (1948b) based on two individuals, 21 mm. and 44 mm. in length, has been referred to in preparation of the key. Thei'e is no spot on the isthmus of the smaller of these two specimens. The larger fish was cleared and stained for bone study, thus destroying all pigmentation. la. More than 17 spines in the first dorsal. Total number of vertebrae more than 46, usually 47 or 48. First dorsal pigmented distally. Pigment spot on point of isthmus Scomberomoriis sierra. lb. Less than 17 spines in first dorsal. Less than 46 vertebrae. 2a. First dorsal separated from the second by a distance equal to or greater than half the length of the first dorsal; usually 11 spines in first dorsal. Spot on isthmus. Vertebral count usually 20+19=39 . x'iuxis thazard. POST LAR\AL TUNA FROM CENTRAL AMERICA 123 Figure 1. — Ncolhunnus macropterus, 10.5 millimeters long. 2b. First dorsal continuous or almost continuous with second dorsal. 3a. Pigment spot on point of isthmus. First dorsal 14 to 16, heavily pigmented. Vertebral count usually 20+ 17 •= 37 -Euthynnu^ lineatus. 3b. No pigment spot on isthmus. 4a. First dorsal 13 or 14, entire fin heavily pigmented. Vertebral count 18+21'=39 Neoihiinnus macropterus. 4b. First dorsal 16, bearing a few moderately large spots distally. Vertebral count 20 + 21=41 Katsuwonus pelamis. NEOTHUNNUS MACROPTERUS (Temminck and Schlegel) A total of 42 specimens of this species was taken in the collection, ranging from 10.5 mm. to 26.5 mm. in length. Representative specimens were cleared with potassium hydroxide and stained with alizarin (Hollister 1934) so that the bone structure could be examined and the fin rays counted. Fin- ray counts in very small specimens are virtually impossible if the specimens are not stained. NeothunnxLs macropterus can be identified by its characteristic shape, vertebral count (18 + 21), and coloration, as described by Schaefer and Alarr (1948b). No gill rakers can be seen in fish smaller than 15 mm. The position and extent of the visceral organs cannot be determined without sectioning. Schaefer and Marr (1948b) note the characteristics of the viscera and gill rakers in specimens over 15 mm. With the exception of the pectoral, the fins of a 10.5-mm. fisii have within one or two rays of the complete complement of spines or rays. The number of rays in the pectoral fin increases from 13 in the 10.5 mm. specimen to 30 in fish of 30 mm. Each half of the upper and lower jaws bears 11 small, pointed, irregularly spaced teeth. It was found that these young yellowfin can be separated readily from the other specie»s taken, without a special preparation, by the absence of any pigmentation on the point of the isthmus and by the heavily pigmented first dorsal fin. In aU Euthynnus lineatus and Auxis thazard examined there is a pigment spot on the point of the isthmus overlying the junction of the pectoral and pelvic girdles. No post larval Kats% wonus pelamis were available for study, but Milner B. Schaefer of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations informs me that this spot is not present on a 21-mm. specimen taken off Costa Rica. I have found no reference to this spot in the literatiu-e. This character is most useful for separating very small A^. macropterus and E. lineatus since both have a black dorsal fin and they resemble each other closely in botly shape until they attain a length greater than 15 mm. Dermal pigmentation on a 10.5-mm. Neothunnus macropterus is restricted to a thin strip along the first dorsal fin insertion, a patch on the tip of the snout and the heavily pigmented first dorsal fin. Subcutaneous pigmentation occurs over the brain and in the peritoneum overlying the dorsal third of the viscera. In an 11-mm. specimen, the thin strip along the first dorsal insertion extends posteriorly to the base of the third ray of the second dorsal fin; by the 12-mm. stage it lines the upper margin of the body from the operculum to the terminal rays of the second dorsal. Those two specimens show a faint strip along the postcro- ventral margin of the orbit. From this size up to 124 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 33 mm., the largest yellowfin examined, the color pattern follows closely the description published by Schaefer and Marr (1948b). A 12-mm. yellowfin displays three prominent spines at the angle of the preoperculum. Anterior to these are thi'ee lesser spines, and thiee others protrude from the preoperculum above the lai'ge spines. With increasing length of fish, all spines become more and more reduced in relation to the size of the head. They are apparently overgrown by the superficial layers of the preopercular bone. In fish of 26 mm., the only spines discernible are those at the angle of the preoperculum, and even these are noticeably less evident. There appears to be little, if any, growth in these spines over the size range of the fish in my collections. AUXIS THAZARD (Lacepede) This species is the most numerous in the night collections. Young stages are present in 12 of the 14 collections. The 157 specimens taken range from 10 to 49 mm. in length. In addition to the collections listed in table 1, two larger Auxis, 79 and 117 mm. fork length, were taken from the stomach of a large yellowfin caught on May 6 at 11°40' N. latitude, 91°00' W. longitude. These two fish, both broken and with the skin and fins digested away, can be recognized as members of the genus Auxis by the elongated right lobe of the liver, the total vertebral count (39), and the struc- ture of the individual vertebrae as described by Kishinouye (1923: 460). The gill-raker counts,^ 10-f- 1-1-32 and lO-f- 14-33, approximate the counts made by Schaefer and Marr (1948a) on most of their juveniles. In a recent paper. Wade (1949) separates the Philippine species, Auxis (hazard and A. tapeinosoma, on the basis of characters among which only the gill-raker count is apphcable to the young stages.^ He also points out, as Schaefer and Marr (1948a) suggested, that there are probably two species of Auxis in Central Amer- ican waters. If we assume that there are two species and that they can be separated by charac- ters applicable to the Philippine species, my two juveniles, as well as the postlarvae large enough to show a definitive gill-raker count, are A. thazard. The giU-raker counts of 10 specimens are given in 2 The method used in counting and recording gill rakers is the same as that used by Wade (1949) in his discussion of the genus Auih. 3 Wade's description of Anns tapeinosoma agrees with that of Bleeker (1854). However, the pattern and extent of the corselet scales in Bleeker's figure (18M, pi. 7) of A. tapeinosoma agrees more closely with Wade's figure of A. thazard. Figure 2. — Aiais thazard, 11.5 millimeters long. Figure 3. — Attxis thazard, 18 millimeters long. POST LARVAL TUNA FROM CEXTRAL AMERICA 125 table 2. The most anterior arch on both right and left sides was counted. Specimens No. 7 and No. 8 are apparently too small to have a complete set. Table 2. — Oill-raker coui>ts ' of postlarval and juvenile Auxis thazard Specimen Fork length, in millimeters Right first arch Left first arch No. 1 34 34 41 38 42 35 26 30 79 117 9+1+30=40 8+1+30=39 8+1+31=40 9+1+31=41 9+1+32=42 7+1+30=38 5+1+22=28 7+1+28=36 10+1+32=43 10+1+33=44 8+1+30-39 No. 2 8+1+29-38 No. 3 - 8+1 +.30 -39 No. 4..- 7-i-l+32=40 No. 6 9+1+31-41 No. 6 - 6+1+2S-35 No. 7 4+1+22-27 No. 8 7+1+20-34 No. 9 10+1+33-44 No. 10 10+1+33=44 ' The method used in counting and recording gill rakers is the same as that used by Wade (1949) in his discussion of the genus Auxis. The smallest Auxis in the collections is a dam- aged 10-nim. specimen. Dermal pigmentation is confined to narrow strips along the bases of the second dorsal and anal fins and the dorsal and anal finlets, along the lateral line from a point below the posterior end of the second dorsal fin to the posterior extent of the finlets, along the postero- ventral margin of the orbit and to a small spot on the point of the isthmus. The fins are usually colorless although the first dorsal may bear a few scattered melanophores. Four small spines occiu- along the angle of the preoperculum. Each half of the upper and lower jaws bears about 10 small teeth. With increasing size of fish, the local centers of pigmentation expand. On fish of 13 mm. the dorsal strip of body pigmentation extends from the operculum to the caudal at its point of least depth, and a light coloration appears on the snout and operculum. All areas in the dorsal hall" of the body of fish larger than 20 mm. bear at least a light covering of pigment spots. The degree of pig- mentation varies greatly from specimen to speci- men in this species. The pattern here described is that found to be the most common. EUTHYNNUS LINEATUS Kishinouye This species is represented in the collections by 27 specimens, ranging from 7.5 imn. to 23.5 mm. in length. Two fish were cleared and stained and each was found to have a vertebral count of 37, the first caudal vertebra in each case being the twenty-fii'st. As is the case with Neothunnus macrophrus and Auxis thazard, the viscera of the smallest specimens cannot be studied adequately unless specimens are sectioned. Schaefer and Marr (1948a, 1948b) describe the viscera in speci- mens of Euthynnus lineatus more than 15 mm. long. The first dorsal, point of the isthmus, anterior half of the lower jaw, tip of the snout, posteroventral margin of the orbit, and operculum of the smallest specimen (7.5 mm.) bear scattered melanophores. Subcutaneous pigmentation cov- ers the brain and the dorsal margin of the peri- toneum. The only dermal pigmentation evident on the body of this specimen is a pau- of light spots at the posterior end of the anal fin insertion. At 10.5 mm. in length, light pigmentation appears at the base of the first and second dorsals. Body pigmentation is still confined to the bases of the anal and the two dorsal fins. By 14 mm., the pigment has spread anteriorly from the base of the first dorsal to the area overlying the brain. Coloration along the lateral line first appears m a 16-mm. specimen as a few faint spots. On this fish Figure 4. — Eutlii/iniii.'! lineatus, 14 millimeters long. 126 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE the dorsal body pigmentation extends posteriorly from the operculum to the end of the second dorsal. In the region of the second dorsal these spots form a faint line a half millimeter from the dorsal margin of the body. Above this line, along the insertion of the fin itself, is the horizontal bar of dark pigment characteristic of smaller speci- mens. By 17.5 mm., the lateral pigmentation has extended as far back along the Ime of the vertebral column as the posterior end of the second dorsal and anal fins. Coloration along the anal insertion is stUl restricted to the few patches characteristic of the smallest E. lineatus. The posterior half of the orbit is dark. Coloration of snout, jaws, and operculum is more dense. At 22 nam., coloration fii-st appears over the terminal segments of the vertebral colmnn and on the extreme base of the median caudal rays. The dorsal half of the body is dark as far back as the caudal peduncle. Preopercular spines are longer and slenderer than those of A'^. macropterus. The angle of the preoperculum bears the three largest spines. Above these is a pair of small spines; anterior to them are three others. With increasuig length of fish, all become overgTO^vn to a certain extent. At 18 mm., the most dorsal and anterior spines are no longer visible without the use of special techniques. The remainder ai-e visible, although less distinct, m the largest E. lineatus in the collections. Figure 5. — Euihynnus lineatus, 22 millimeters long. LITERATURE CITED Bleeker, Pieter. 1854. Fauna ichthyologicae japonicae species novae. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie uitgegeven door de Naturkundige Vereenigining in Netherlandsch-Indie, vol. 6, pp. 395-426. 1854-57. Nieuwe nalezingen op de ichthyologie van Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschap, vol. 26, pp. 1-132, 8 pis. EcKLEs, Howard H. 1949. Observations on juvenile skipjack (Katsu- wonus pelamis) from Hawaiian waters and sierra mackerel {Scomberomorus sierra) from the Eastern Pacific. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish. Bull., No. 48, vol. 51, pp. 245-250. Ehrenbaum, E. 1924. Scombriformes. Rept. Danish Oceanog. Exped. 1908-1910 to the Mediterranean and Adjacent Seas, vol. 2 (Biology), No. 8, A. 11, pp. 1-42. HoLLisTER, Gloria. 1934. Clearing and dyeing fish for bone study. Zoologica (N. Y.), vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 89-101. KiSHlNOUYE, KaMAKICHI. 1919. The larval and juvenile stages of the Plecostei. Suisan Gakkai Ho, vol. 3, no. 2. (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investi- gations, Translation No. 20 by W. G. Van Campen; hectographed.) 1923. Contributions to the comparative study of the so-called scombroid fishes. Jour. Coll. Agric, Tokyo Imp. Univ., vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 293-475, 22 pis. 1926. An outline of the studies of the Plecostei (tuna and skipjack) in 1925. Suisan Gakkai Ho, vol. 4, no. 3, 1 pi. (U. S. Fi.sh and Wildlife Service' Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, Transla- tion No. 18 by W. G. Van Campen; hectographed.) LDtken, Ch. Frederik. 1880. Spolia Atlantica. Bidrag til Kundskab om Formforandringer hos Fiske under deres Vaext og Udvikling, saerlight hos nogle af Atlanterhavets H0js0fiske. Vidensk. Selsk.Skr.,5. Raekke, natur- videnskabelig og mathemetisk Afd., vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 413-613. POST LARVAL TUNA FROM CENTRAL AMERICA 127 Meek, Seth E., and Hii.debrand, Samuel F. 1923. The marine fishes of Panama. Pub. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. ser. 15, part 1, pp. 1-330, 24 pis. SCHAEFER, MlLNER B., AND MaRR, JoHN C. 1948a. Juvenile Euthynnus lineatus and Auxis thazard from the Pacific Ocean ofi' Central America. Pacific Science, vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 262-271. 1948b. Spawning of yeUowfln tuna (Neolhunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsvwoniis pelamis) in the Pacific Ocean off Central America, with description of juveniles. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish. BuU., No. 44, vol. 51, pp. 187-196. Wade, Charles B. 1949. Notes on the Philippine frigate mackerels, family Thunnidae, genus Auxis. V. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish. Bull., No. 46, vol. 51, pp. 229-240. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director JUVENILE OCEANIC SKIPJACK FROM THE PHOENIX ISLANDS By Bell M. Shimada FISHERY BULLETIN 64 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 10 cents JUVENILE OCEANIC SKIPJACK FROM THE PHOENIX ISLANDS By Bell M. Shimada, Fishery Research Biologist Studies by various investigators have added substantially to oiu- hitherto hinited knowledge of the spawTiiag of oceanic skipjack {Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus 1758) ui the Pacific Ocean. From evidence based on the examination of gonads or the capture of juveniles (see table), spawning grounds have been indicated in waters ofi' Central America (Schaefer and Marr 1948), the Hawaiian Islands (Eckles 1949), the northern Marshall Islands (Marr 1948), the Ti'uk Islands (Inanami 1942), the Phihppine Islands (Wade 1950), and the northern Ryukyu Islands (Kish- inouye 1923). The existence of additional spawn- ing grounds near the PhoenLx Islands in the south central Pacific is demonstrated by the captm-e of juveniles incidental to biological, oceanographical, and exploratory-fishing studies conducted in this locality during the summer of 1950 by the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Honolulu, Hawaii. During a regular hydrographic cruise of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations research vessel Hugh M. Smith, between Hawaii and the Phoenix Islands, two juvenile scombroids were collected on July 18, 1950, at 3°50.5' S. and 171°48.5' W. by collaborating scientist V. E. Brock,' and subsequently identified as oceanic skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis. These young fish, measiu-mg 35 mm. and 48 mm. m total length,- were captui-ed by dipnet under a night light while the vessel was adrift. On August 5, 1950, a sister ship, Hem-y O'Mal- ley, visited the Phoenix Islands for exploratory fishing. Wliile night-light collectuig from this vessel at a position approximately 400 yards ofi' the west end of Hull Island (4°30' S., 172°11' W.), K. Yee,' caught thi-ee additional specimens of juvenile K. pelamis. Total lengths of these fish were 20 mm., 22 mm., and 36 mm. ■ Director, Division of Fish and Game, Territory of Hawaii. 3 Defined as the distance from the tip of the snout to the tip of the shortest median caudal ray. s Fishery Methods and Eriuipment Specialist, Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 953184—51 All five specimens exhibit body contours typical of juvenile oceanic skipjack and possess a very slightly pigmented first dorsal fin and a colorless second dorsal fin, which are characteristic of young fish of this species (Schaefer and Marr 1948, Wade 1950). The 48-mm. juvenile of the Smith col- lection was stained with alizarin red S and found to have a "trellis" and a total of 41 vertebrae, m'ostyle included. The 20-nun. specimen of the O'Malley collection was stained and cleared after HoUister's (1934) method and was found to have a vertebral count of 20-1-21. These characteristics are definitive of Katsuwonus pelamis as shown by Kishmouye (1923), Frade and de Buen (1932), and Godsil and Byers (1944). The 35-mm. specimen is colored with light- brown pigmentation except for the belly, which is colorless, and the head. Pigmentation is more concentrated dorsally and along the sides of the body where it outlines a narrow band along the midline. Scattered melanophores on the peri- toneum are visible tlnough the thin body wall and extend caudally to the anus. The top of the head forward of the nape is brown in color with subcutaneous melanophores on the underlying brain covering. The upper portion of the oper- culum, the posterior and inferior orbit, as well as the sides of the upper and lower jaw, are lightly pigmented with brown. The membrane between the first and second dorsal spme is irregularly marked witli black spots from the Inise to tlie distal ends of the spines; the membrane comiecting the remaining dorsal spines is similarly marked but only near the tips of the spines, the basal half beuig colorless. The second dorsal is with- out color. Black pigment spots are present along the upper pectoral raj's and along the upper base of the fin. Similar spots are present along the insertion of the median fins and finlots. The first dorsal fin is composed of 16 spines of which the second is the longest. Fouileen rays are present in the second dorsal fin. There are 8 dorsal fuilets and 7 anal finlets. An interradial 129 130 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE membrane is present in both series of finlets and joins individual finlets at a point midway between the insertion and the tip. The anal fin has 15 soft rays, the pectoral 27 rays, and the pelvic 6 rays. The tip of one large spme and outlines of two additional spines are visible at the angle of the preopercle. The two smallest specimens, of 20 mm. and 22 mm., agree in general with the description pre- viously given for oceanic skipjack of this size by Schaefer and Marr (1948), but differ in a few respects from the larger juveniles. Body colora- tion is lighter dorsaUy, and pigmentation is more intense on the peritoneimi. The snout appears to be more sharply pomted, possibly because the upper jaw noticeably overlaps the lower jaw. Two conspicuous spines are present at the bend of the preopercle^ and the tip of one additional spine is visible on the inferior margm. Pigmen- tation of the first dorsal fin is linuted to distal ends of the fin membrane between the first and seventh or eighth spine. This is also true of larger specimens, but in the latter coloration ex- tends to the base of the first few anterior spines as well. The basal portion of the pectoral fin is colorless, and the dorsal and anal finlets are joined at the tips by interradial membranes. The capture of these small juveniles is definite evidence that oceanic skipjack spawn in the Phoenix Islands area. Published records oj juvenile oceanic skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus) from the Pacific Ocean Date of capture August 1916. July 1923--- Do August 1923- _ Apr. 14, 1924. May 16, 1924- May 19, 1924. Do May 21, 1924- Do Do May-June 1924. Do June 1924 Do. Do. Apr. 23, 1939. May 3, 1940.. Jan. 28, 1947- Mar. 29, 1947. July 24, 1947. Do May 7, 1948- July 13, 1948. Sept. 3, 1948- Locality Ryukyu Islands (Oki- nawa) . Ryukyu Islands do do Ryukvu Islands (29°47' N-i29°25' E.) Ryukvu Islands (28° 10' "N-i29°15' E.) Rvukvu Islands (29°51' N-i29°52' E.) do Ryukvu Islands (29°47' N-i29°25' E.) do .do. Ryukvu Islands (28°31' N-i29°, 131° E.) do Ryukyu Islands .do- .do- Truk Islands do Costa Rica (9°22.5' N.- 85°47.5' W.) Costa Rica (9° 10' N- 85°20' W.) Marshall Islands (Bikini Atoll). do Philippine Islands (6°37.2' N-121°31' E.) Hawaiian Islands (20°30' N- 158° 45' W.) Hawaiian Islands (19°33' N-156°00' W.) Size Num- of ber speci- of men speci- (mm.) mens 210 1 105 1 125 1 210 1 26 1 58 1 60 1 80 1 63 1 83 1 85 1 3 2 4 3 120 1 153 1 100 to 3 140 198 1 45 1 21 1 44 1 45 1 50 1 13 to 6 27 113 to 6 118 183 1 How collected Pole and line (?) From skipjack or yellow- fin tuna stomach. do do From skipjack stomach. From skipjack or yellow fin tuna stomach. do do do do do Plankton net do From skipjack or yellow- fin tuna stomach. do Dipnet Pole-and-line fishing From skipjack stomach. Dipnet do Regurgitated by skip- jack. do Dipnet Regurgitated by skip- jack. From skipjack stomach- Reference Kishinouye (1923, p. 388). Kishinouye (1924, pp. 88- 89). Do. Do. Kishinouye (1926, p. 128). Kishinouye (1924, pp. 88- 89). Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. Kishinouye (1926, p. 128).' Do.i Kishinouye (1924, pp. 88- 89). Do. Kishinouye (1926, p. 128). Inanami (1942, p. 524). Do.' Schaefer and Marr (1948, p. 193). Do. Marr (1948, p. 202). Do. Wade (1950, p. 399). Eckles (1949, p. 245). Do. ' Identification reported as doubtful. SKIPJACK FROM THE PHOENIX ISLANDS 131 LITEIL\TURE CITED EcKLEs, Howard H. 1949. Observations on juvenile oceanic skipjack (Katsuwonus pelaniis) from Hawaiian waters and Sierra mackerel {Scomberomorus sierra) from the eastern Pacific. U. S. Fish and Wild- life Service, Fishery Bulletin No. 48, pp. 245- 250, 3 figs. Fr.\de, Fkrn.^ndo, and Fernando de Buen. 1932. Poissons scomberiforraes (excepte la famille Scombridae) . Clef de classification principale- ment d'apres la morphologie interne. Comm. Int. pour I'Expl. Sci. de la M6diterrande, Rapp. et Proc. Verb,, vol. 7, annexe A, pp. 69-70. GoDsiL, Harry C, and Robert D. Byers. 1944. A systematic study of the Pacific tunas. Calif. Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin 60, 131 pp., 18 tables, 76 figs. HoLLisTER, Gloria. 1934. Clearing and dyeing fish for bone study. Zool- ogica, vol. 12, Xo. 10, pp. 89-101, figs. 18-21. InaNAMI, YOSHIYUKI. 1942. Small skipjack captured at Truk. South Sea Fish. News [Nanyo Suisau Joho], vol. 6, No. 1, p. 524. KiSHINOUYE, KaMAKICHI. 1923. Contributions to the comparative study of the so-called scombroid fishes. Jour. Coll. Agric. Imp. Univ., Tokyo, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 293-475, 26 figs., 22 pis. KiSHINOUYE, KaMAKICHI. 1924. Observations on the skipjack fishing grounds. Proc. Sci. Fish. Assn. [Suisan Gakkai Ho], vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 87-92. 1926. An outline of studies of the Plecostei (tuna and skipjack) in 1925. Proc. Sci. Fish A.ssn. [Suisan Gakkai Ho], vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 125-137, Ipl. Marr, John C. 1948. Observations on the spawning of oceanic skip- jack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin tuna (Neolhunnus macropterus) in the northern Marshall Islands. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin No. 44, pp. 201-206, 2 tables, 1 fig. Schaefer, Milner B., and John C. Marr. 1948. Spawning of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus ma- cropterus) and skipjack [Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Pacific Ocean off Central America, with descriptions of juveniles. U. S. Fish and Wild- life Service, Fishery Bulletin No. 44, pp. 187- 196, 5 figs. Wade, Charles B. 1950. Juvenile forms of Neothunnus macropterus, Katsuwonus pelamis and Euthynnus yaito from Philippine seas. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin No. 53, pp. 395-404, 13 figs. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director ESTIMATION OF AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TUNA (NEOTHUNNUS MACROPTERUS) IN HAWAIIAN WATERS BY SIZE FREQUENCIES By Harvey L. Moore FISHERY BULLETIN 65 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE — WASHINGTON : 19 5 1 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. — Price_,15 cents CONTENTS Page Sources of data and methods of collection 134 Analysis of weight frequency data 135 Discussion 141 Conclusions 145 Literature cited 145 Appendix 146 II ESTIMATION OF AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TUNA (NEOTHUN- NUS MACROPTERUS) IN HAWAIIAN WATERS BY SIZE FREQUENCIES By Harvey L. Moore, Fishery Research Biologist With a commercially important species, such as tlie yellowfin tuna (A'eothunnes macropterus Tem- niinck and Schlcgel), knowledge of age and growth is essential in both the management and develop- ment of a fishery. To be able to assign ages and to determine the rate of growth makes it possible to determine the number and strength of the year classes that comprise the fishable stock. A fishery dependent on a few age groups or year classes is greatly affected by the marked success or failure of the brood produced in any one year. The reduction or increase in numbers is strongly evident in the total catch when that particular year class enters the commercial fishery. If, however, the fishery is composed of many age groups, the success or failure of spawning in any one year will have little effect on the total stock. It is only when there are several consecutive years of marked failure or success that any appreciable differences in numbers are evident. The vital statistics necessary for quantitative study of fish populations are based on knowledge of the age composition of the stock. It would be difficult indeed to determine such statistics as rates of increase, decrease, fishing, and natural mortality without some knowledge of age and growth. These vital statistics are fundamental in the management of a fish stock. The age and growth rate of tunas may also be of value in the study of migrations, since it seems logical to expect, in general, that short-lived, fast- growing fish travel shorter distances than fish which are long lived and slow growing. Since Petersen's first application of the method of size-frequency study to age and growth de- termination of plaice (1922) many such studies of different species have been made. Much im- provement in the original method has been made, and the application of mathematical formulae to describe the growth of fishes has contributed much toward its refinement. Application of length- or weight-frequency analysis to study of growth of tunas has been limited. Kimura (1932) calculated growth curves for bluefin (Thunnus orientalis) and yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) from weight frequencies of fish taken in Japanese waters from 1924 to 1931. Although the data were collected over a long period of time, those for yellowfin were based on a few specimens if all data were included in the graphs. An examination of the data, as presented, shows that the values plotted in the graphs are based on a few specimens of yellowfin. Westman and Gilbert (1941) employed length- frequency distributions in their study of the Atlantic bluefin (Thunnus fhynnus). The ages of bluefin as determined by this work were based primarilj' on scale readings although the conclu- sions were correlated with the results of the length frequencies. Westman and Xeville (1942), in another study of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, used length frequencies of tuna samples from chum- ming and trolling catches made during August and September 1941. The results of this study were also correlated with scale readings. Brock (1944) applied the method of length frequencies in a study of albacore (Oerino alalunga) taken in the North Pacific and was able to demonstrate the growth of size groups through the albacore season. Partlo (1950) has produced weight-frequency dis- tributions of albacore {ThunnuN alalunga) taken in the waters of British Columbia during 1949. Sampling was not sufficient to show changes in length throughout the albacore season, but the frequency distributions show the definite size groups which make up the fishery. Okamoto (1940) apphed Petersen's method to weight data of skipjack (Katsuwonus vagans) taken in Japanese waters. It was possible to follow definite modal groups through 5 montlis of the fishing season. The question whether modes represented age groups or whether they represented different 133 134 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE strains of skipjack was raised. The conclusion was in favor of age groups. There has been httle study of age and growth determination of Hawaiian tunas. Some measure- ments of the skipjack {Katsuwonus pelamis) were collected by Bonham (1946) in 1944 and 1945, and length frequencies were plotted from these data. Bonham suggested the possibility that two successive year classes were present, but recognized the limitations of his data and did not attempt to assign ages. Brock (ms.) made a rather detailed study of size frequencies of skip- jack. He was able to identify modal groups in the catches of successive years and to demon- strate progression of the modes during the year, whence he concludes they are year classes. No previous studies have been made of the Hawaiian yellowfin tuna. SOURCES OF DATA AND METHODS OF COLLECTION The data for this study were obtained from two different types of fishery, the long-line or flag-line fishery, ami the pole or live-bait fishery. The long-line fishery in Hawaii is carried on through- out the year in most of the waters around the main Hawaiian Islands. The catch from this fishery is sold primarily to the fresh-fish markets by auction. The live-bait fishei-y, on the other hand, is more seasonal and the catch is primarily for the cannery, although some of the fish are sold on the fresh-fish market, especially when the cannery is not operating during the slack season. The long-line fishery is conducted by means of setlines made up of units of gear known as baskets. The term "basket" is derived from woven bamboo baskets in which the units of gear are stowed. A vessel fishes a long-line composed of about 30 baskets, each of which is from 140 to 203 fathoms in length and has 4 to 6 brancii lines with hooks. When the baskets are fastened together and the long-line is set, the hooks fish from 30 to 50 fathoms in depth (June 1950). Long-lines are set in the early morning and are fished only during the daylight hours. LTsually a few tunas are taken each day, and the catches may also contain several marlin, swordfish, and sharks. Fish taken by this method are generally large in comparison with those taken in the live- bait fishery. Yellowfin tuna caught by this method average about 140 pounds in weight, and the big-eyed tuna {Parathunnus sibi) are heavier. The total landings, by months, vary considerably in both the numbers and the species of fish caught. The yellowfin is the most abundant species taken during the summer months, and the big-eyed tuna dominates the winter catch. Albacore also are caught on the long-lines during the winter months, but the numbers are small in comparison with either of the other two species. Although the tunas are definitely seasonal in availability, some fish of all three species usually are taken during the entire year. The second source of data was the live-bait fishery. This fishery is seasonal; most of the catch is taken during the summer months. The fisheiy is dependent on small live fishes which are used as chum to lure the tunas within reach of the feather lures or live bait on hooks on the poles of the fishermen. The fish caught by this method are much smaller than those taken by the long-line method; the largest weigh near 25 pounds. The fact that no large fish are caught on the surface by the pole or live-bait fishery and no small fish are caught at depths fished by the long-line gear indi- cates that there may be a possible vertical migra- tion downward of yellowfin tuna during the early years of life. Although this fishery is primarily for the skip- jack, mixed schools of skipjack and yellowfin or skipjack and big-eyed tuna are sometimes found. Approximately 12 to 15 catches from mixed schools are landed at the cannery each season. It was from schools such as these that tlie data on small yellowfin were collected for this study. Schools of tuna, whether a pure school of skipjack or mixed with either yellowfin or big-eyed tuna, tend to contain fishes with little range in size. Brock (ms.) says of skipjack schools, "no indivi- dual school of fish sampled contained fish differing by more than 20 centimeters in length and usually much less." Differences in sizes of fish from dif- ferent schools, however, were as much as 50 centimeters. Weight and length frequencies of the long-line catch were taken from fish sold at auction by the Kyodo Fishing Co., Ltd., Honolulu. The officials of this company were kind enough to allow measur- ing of the fish on the auction floor before the AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TUNA 135 bidding had begun. As the fish are sohl indi- vidually, it is necessary for the company to keep accurate records of the weight of each fish sold. AYeights as determined by the auction company were taken from the auction records whi<'h were available beginning vvith November 1947. Weights of tunas caught by the live-bait fishery during 1949 were recorded by Fish and Wildlife Service scientists at the cannery of Hawaiian Tuna Packers, Ltd. This study includes only the data of 1948 and 1949. The data for the 2 years consist of 4,793 indi- vidual weights of yellovvfin tuna ranging from 5 to 265 pountls. Of the total number of weights taken, 124 are of small fish most of which were representative of four mixed schools caught by live-bait methods. A few of this group were taken incidentally by trolling or hand-lining. The re- mainder of the data were obtained from the auc- tion records. Since small yellowfin and big-eyed tuna are likely to be confused, a check of the reliability of species determination by the auction company was made during October 1949. During this period 95 yellowfin and 272 big-eyed tuna were identi- fied by various Fish and Wildlife Service scientists. In no case was there found to be an auction record in disagreement with our identifications. It was concluded that the assignment of species as shown by the auction records was accurate. The auction records provided an excellent source of weight-frequency data for several reasons. Be- cause Honolulu is the center of population in the Hawaiian Islands, most of the long-line catch is landed there, and most of this long-line catch passes through the auction of the Kyodo Fishing Co., which supplied the auction records. Fish taken by long-line gear are generally few in num- ber per day's fishing, which would suggest that either the fish tend to be solitary in habit or, if they are schooled, only a few fish from several to many schools are caught during a fishing trip. Since tunas tend to school by size (Brock, in un- published ms.; Schaefer 1948), samples of this sort which are composed of a few fish from each of many schools will tend to be more nearly representative than large samples drawn from only a few schools as are the samples from the cannery. Weights of fish in the round, that is, the entire uncleaned fish as landed at the dock, were weighed on the auction company's scales or on those of the Hawaiian Tuna Packers. Weights were recorded to the nearest pound for long-line fish and to the nearest quarter pound for small fish taken by live-bait fishing. ANALYSIS OF WEIGHT FREQUENCY DATA The initial step in processing the raw data (see the appendix) was to plot the weights of individual fish as frequency distributions for monthly periods. A class interval of 10 pounds was arbi- trarily chosen, with midpoint values of 4.5, 14.5, and so on. Because the monthly catches varied considerably in numbers of fish, they were made comparable by converting the class frequencies into percentages of the total for the month. The average frequency distribution for each year was calculated by averaging the 12 monthly -percentage curves. The results are plotted in figures 1 and 2 for 1948 and 1949. In order to show more clearly the presence of modes, positive de^nations from the mean curve for the year are shaded on the graph for each month. The scale at the bottom of each graph is in terms of both weight in pounds and length in centimeters. The length scale was derived from the equation log L= 1.45660 + 0.33290 log IF which was calculated from a sample of 200 length-weight measurements of yellowfin tmia collected during 1949 by Fish and Wildlife Service scientists. Because there were many irregularities evident in the frequency curves of each month's catch in both 1948 and 1949, and because the 2 years were similar in monthly frequency distributions, it was convenient to combine the 1948 and 1949 data. The combination of the data for the 2 years was then treated in the same manner as that of the the individual years with the exception of a process of first smoothing the data by the formula -7 1 where a, b, and c, are actual values for consecutive class intervals. After smoothing, the data were transformed into percentages of montlily catch. The resulting monthly distribution curves of the combined data with the superimposed mean-percentage curve for the 2 yeai-s calculated in the same manner as for individual years is shown in figure 3. 136 SEPTEMBER FISHERY BULLETIN OF I I I I l.,l I I J I I I I I II THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS FiGt'RE 1. — Weight-freqiK'iicy (iistributions (in percentage) of long-line catches of yellowfin tuna landed at Honolulu, 1948. Monthly frequency distributions are shown by fine line, and mean monthly frequency distributions by heavy line. Positive deviations from the mean are shaded. FEBRUARY AUGUST 5 SEPTEMBER 5 OCTOBER 5 ooooooooot^oooooooogjoooooo I'll I I — 1 1 1 1 1— Figure 2. — Weight-frequency distributions (in percentage) of long- line catches of yellowfin tuna landed at Honolulu, 1949. Monthly frequency distributions are shown by fine line, and mean monthly frequency distributions by heavy line. Positive deviations from the mean are shaded. AGE AND r.ROWTH OF YELLOWFIX TUNA 137 Figure 3. — Weight-frequency distributions (in pereentagej of long-line anrl live-bait catches of yellowfin tuna landed at Honolulu. Smoothed data of 1948 and 1949. Monthly frequenc}' distributions are shown by fine line, and mean monthly frequency distributions by heavy line. Po.sitive deviations from the mean are shaded. Initial examination of the plotted data in figures 1 and 2 shows the presence of a modal group of fishes which can be followed through most months of both 1948 and 1949. The group was designated .V for reference. In the 1948 data the progression of the modes representing this group indicates gradual growth until June, followed by a 5-month period in which no growth is indicated. Following this there appears to be a short period of rapid growth from October through December. From January through December, modal group A^ shows a gain in weight from 75 to i;}5 pounds, a gain of 60 pounds in 1 year. Also present in the plotted data is a smaller size group which becomes evident in the long-line fishery in October 1948 and in December 1 949. This suggests the entrance of a modal group 1 year younger than group A'^. The 1949 data (fig. 2) presented a similar trend in modal progression, except for the last 3 months of the year where rather erratic modal peaks were evident. Because the catches for these months were not large in comparison to catches of the summer months (table 1) any unusual distribu- tions of weights of fish landed would cause erratic modal peaks to appear in the percentage frequency distributions. Table 1. — Xumbers of yellowfin liina taken by long-line fishing and auctioned at the Kyodo Fishing Company, Ltd., Honolulu, in 1948 and 1949 Month January February... March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Total 1948 2,488 1»49 40 39 fil 73 45 20 60 67 97 158 3fi2 514 530 M5 M2 400 381 165 179 102 99 31 92 67 2,181 For a more detailed study of the combined data of the 2 years, a criterion was set up to determine what should be designated a mode and to designate its position. . Modal peaks of positive deviations, evident in the combined 2-ycar data, when plotted as deviations from the mean curve (fig. 4) which met either of the two following conditions were treated as modes in this study: (1) Any positive deviation of a class which shows a difference of 0.5 or more from values of both adjacent classes (fig. 5-A). (2) Wlum the difl'erence between frequency values of positive deviations of two adjacent classes is less than 0.5, and when the frequency values of the classes above and below these two adjacent values are at least 0.5 less than the adjacent values, the intersection of the extrapola- tion of the lines connecting the two classes with the adjacent classes was considered the position of the mode (fig. 5-B). 138 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE This was done by the "transformation" method of Walford (1946). This is a graphic method of describing the growth of animals above the point of inflection, the self-inliibiting phase of growth. 5.0 150 160 170 180 A 190 200 Figure 4. — Deviations of monthly frequency distribution from the mean monthly frequency distribution (in per- centage) for combined and smoothed 1948 and 1949 data. 4,0 Using the above criterion, values of modes were selected as shown in figure 6. Each mode has been labeled with the age group to which it was presumed to belong. In order to plot modal positions against successive months, January of group A'^ was arbitrarily assumed to occur in month 37. Thus the mode of group .A^ in Feb- ruary, March, April, and so on, was plotted in figure 5 against 38, 39, 40, and so on. Modes corresponding to groups which are presumed to be a year younger or older were then plotted 12 months above or below the month value corre- sponding to group A'^. Assuming group A'^— I to be 1 year younger than A'^ and group 7V+I to be 1 year older, A^+II 2 years older, and so on, we proceeded to determine whether a regular growth curve fitted the data. 200 B FiGllRB 5.— Theoretical conditions demonstrating the criterion used in selection of modes. AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TUNA 139 Size of fisli in fi^curc (i was plotted in tcfnis of l('i\r. 9) that the inflection I)oint is within the ranfje of our data, whereas our data in terms of length appear to be above the inflection point. P'or the growth of a number of species of animals, Walford's graphic transformation method gives a straight line when the lengths at age 1, 2, H, 4, . . . 7i, reiiresented on the a: axis, are plotteil against the lengths at age 2, :i, 4, 5, . . . n+1, on the ?/ axis. This method assumes the growth during each period to be of constant ratio to that of the previous period. It has already been noted that the modes make all their progress during half the year and none in the remainder. This should and does show as a stepwise or sinuous deviation from the straight line. Also, this method requires length values for each consecutive unit of time, in this case for each month. Within the limits of our data (fig. 6) there w-ere 28 months for which no modal values were evident in the plotted data. To furnish estimates of the missing values, linear interpolations were made between observed monthly values. 200 ISO The series of actual values and interpolated values was then smoothed twice by a running average of three and resulting values of length at age I) were [)lotted agairLst lengths at age n+1 where age is in months. The plotted data are well fitted by the least-squares line }'=7.04 — 0.96.336 A^, where )' is length at age n + l, and X is length at age /( (fig. 7). From this straight line the upper limit of growth or the upper as\^mptote can be derived according to Walford's method by taking the point of intersection of the line fitted to the plotted data and the line of no growth represented by a line of slope 45° through the zero point (fig. 7). In the case of the yellowfin tuna data used herein, the value in length at the point of intersection of the two lines is at 190.0 centi- meters, which in terms of weight is equal to 294.9 pounds. A maximum weight of this magnitude is within reason for this species; several specimens approaching this limit have been taken in the local flag-line fishery. The largest specimens included in this study, however, were between 260 and 269 pounds. Because the plot of n against '(+ 1 is a constant- percentage rate' and not actual-length values, it is possible to choose the point through which the curve should be passed. As the period from X 100 50 1 1 1 1 • -1 o o 3 « • •• 1 1 0 •oo« 1 N +n ,00000000 • N- N -I 1 I c • • o o • 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 MONTHS FiGCRK 0. — Actual aiifi interpolated values in Iciintli plollcd against iiiontlis and sliowinn assisuod modal groups. Solid points arc actual values and circles arc interpolated values. F'Votu coinhiricd and sniootlied 1948 and 1919 data. 953183 O - 51 - 2 140 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE -r ZOO LENGTH IN CMS AT AGE N Figure 7. — Combined 1948 and 1949 length data are plotted by the method of VValford (1946) and fitted with a straight line. The intersect of the straight line and the line at 45° through the zero point indicates the upper asymptote of the yellowfin tuna. Points mariied by O are observed vahies. month 37 through month 47 is the time group N and is most evident in the plotted data, the mean month and mean length of fish occurring in this period were used as the initial point for computing the relation between fish length and time. The reconstructed growth curve of length on time and the plotted values of the original modes are shown in figure 8. Since figures 7 and 8 indicate that the position of plotted mode values are well fitted oy the calculated growth curve, this serves as verification of the assumption that modal group N—1 is a year younger than N, group N+I is a year older than N, and so on, is correct. Since the original data were in terms of weight, the calculated curve was also trans- formed back to those terms. The growth curve of weight on time is shown in figure 9. From the results of figures 8 and 9, it is possible to determine approximate age of fishes. Ex- trapolation of the curves downward suggests the origin of the fish to be in year A'^— III. Ex- amination of the gonads of yellowfin taken in local waters indicates the spawning period to be centered about the summer months. Assuming AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TUNA 141 tills to be true, the month of June may be selected to represent the mean spawning period; thus, the period from Juno A'— III to June A"— II represents age group 0, or fish in their first year of life, June A^— II to June N — I, age group I, and so on. Owing to possible error in extrapolat- ing the curves downward to the origin, the ages thus assigned may not be quite correct. It is felt, however, that ages through group IV cannot be more than 1 year in error. Sella (1929) states that bluefin tuna hatched in June weigh 300 to 500 grams by September. This is a weight of approximately 1 pound and would fall very close to our growth curve as calculated. Kishinouye (1923) says of the common tunny {Thunnus orientalis), "such small individuals are found in August and in September. Some of them grow to a length of 30 cm. or more. By next spring they grow to a length of ca 60 cm. When 2 years old they are about 1 meter in length and 1 1 kg. in weight." These values when plotted on our curve are not much in disagreement. Specimens of yellowfin tuna have been taken during the month of December in Hawaiian waters weighing 2 pounds; these weights when plotted, also fail very close to the curve of figure 9. Lengths and weights by age groups may also be assigned from figures 8 and 9 as has been done in table 2. Table 2. — Lengths and weights hy age groups of yellowfin tuna taken in Hawaiian waters determined hy the method of growth analysis of Walford (1946) .\ge group Length in centimeters Weight in pounds 0 I 54-103 .. .. 7-46. II 103-136 46-108. Ill 136-155 -..- 108-163. IV 155-168 163-208. DISCUSSION In fairly close agreement with this study are the observations of Schacfer (1948) of the yellowfin in the waters off Central America, where modes in length-frequency distributions were observed at approximately 60 cm., 85 cm., and 115 cm. These modes, when plotted against the assumed age and the month at which the fish were taken, showed a close similarity to the age-length curve of the Hawaiian yellowfin (fig. 10). The conclusion of AGE GROUP 200 150 X o -J 100 L_„ 5 10 -m — 20 N-n- 25 30 35 40 MONTHS N-I ! N MODAL GROUPS 45 50 55 60 N+I L 65 70 N + H Figure 8.- -Cirowth curve of yellowfin tuna taken in Hawaiian waters fitted to lengths witli actual modal values in length superimposed. 142 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AGE GROUP 250 200 w 150 Q ■z. o a. ; 100 UJ 50 0 I IT m IS • • ^ • •• • / 1 i_- n-»« • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 N-m- 15 20 25 N-It- 30 35 40 MONTHS N-L— L 45 50 N - MODAL GROUPS 55 N+I 60 G5 70 N+tt Figure 9. — Growth curve of yellowfin tuna taken in Hawaiian waters fitted to lengths and transformed into terms of weight. Actual modal values in weight are superimposed. 150 I- u 100 50 AGE GROUP I 1 18 24 MONTHS 30 36 42 Figure 10. — Lengths of dominant size groups of yellowfin taken in waters off Central America by Schaefer (1948) plotted against calculated growth curve of Hawaiian yellowfin. Schaefer that the 60-cin. fish probably are 1 year old and the 85-cm. fish a year older is also in close agreement. Our growth curve indicates that the yellowfin tuna grows rapidly during at least the earher years of life. Group N demonstrates a gain in weight of approximately 60 pounds in 1 year. Aikawa and Kato (1938) and Kimura (1932) have studied age and growth of the yellowfin tuna in Japanese waters. Aikawa and Kato assigned ages by the study of marks on vertebral centra which they considered to be annuli. The resulting age-weight relation is shown in figure 11. In plotting these data, which are from table 3, it was assumed that the ma.ximum values were representative of the end of the year of life because the length and weight values for age group O were maximum values. As the month of June has been used in our study as being the approximate center of the AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TUNA 143 AGE GROUP Figure 11. — Growth in weight plotted against age for Hawaiian yellowfin as compared to growth curves calculated by Aikawa and Kate (1938) and Kimura (1932). spawning period, the maximum values as given by Aikawa and Kato have been plotted for the month of June, the assumed last month for any age group. Regardless of the month of the year these values are plotted against, the valu's for any given age group differ greatly from the values resultin£,- from our study of the Hawaiian yellowfin. T,\BLE 3. — Age, length, and weight range of yellowfin tuna from Japanese waters, from Aikaioa and Kato (1938) Age group Length in centimeters Weight in kilograms Weight in pounds 0 Less than 38 38 to 54 Le.ss than 1.5 l.S to 4.3 I... 3 3 to 9 5 H 54 to 70 70 to 85 4.3 to 8.6. . . . 9.5 to 19 0 in 8.6 to 14.0 19 0 to 30 9 IV 85 to 100 14.0 to 21.4 21.4 to 34.0 34.0 to 44.0 44.0 to 57.5 57.5 to 75.0 .10 9 to 47 2 V 100 to 115 VI . 115 to 130 7S 0 to 07 0 VII 130 to 145 VIII 145 to 160 The results of Kimura's (1932) age-weight study also are shown in figure 11. This study is based on a few specimens taken over a long period with no defined method of determining modal values in frequency distributions. The presentation of Kimura's data is based on values of weight taken directly from his growth curve shown in figure 12. Values were converted to pounds for comparison with our data. This growth curve demonstrates more rapid growth than the curve of Aikawa and Kato hut still does not agree with the present Hawaiian study. Figure 13 gives growth curves of other species of tuna taken from various areas in the world compared to the growth curve of Hawaiian yellow- fin. We have plotted these from the published data. This graph shows no other tunas as having a growth rate as rapid as that of the yellowfin tuna of Hawaiian waters. The curve of bluefin tuna of the Mediterranean Sea (Sella 1929) is based on more than 1,500 vertebrae samples. This growth curve, like the growth curve of yellowfin based on vertebra-centra analysis (Aikawa and Kato 1938), shows a very slow growth rate and infers a very long-hved fish, for most of the plotted data are below the point of inflection. BODY WEIGHT KG. 50 20 A- V A / J^ J' ^ n< Mtnni IMllMUM \iinmill 0 I a m IS T Tcr AGE GROUP FiatjRF. 12. — Growth curve of yellowfin tuna in Japanese waters from Kimura (1932). Circles show average weight of a large number of fish of roughly equal weight taken at one time. Solid dots are weights of single fish. Aikawa and Kato (1938), in addition to their study of the yellowfin, determined ages and growth of the black tuna {Thunnus orientalis), the bonito or skipjack {Katsuwonus vagans), and the albacore (Germo germo) by vertebral-centra analysis. Be- cause the skipjack and albacore are smaller species of tuna not comparable to the yellowfin, they have" not been included in the graph. The growth curve of the black tuna, a species more comparable in size, indicates a more rapid growth rate but the curve has only the slightest suggestion of an in- flection point. The growth curve of bluefin tuna (bl^ck tuna of Aikawa and Kato, Thunnus orien- talis) by Kimura (1932) from weight frequencies 144 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 350 300 o z =) o •± 150 100 50 ^ BLACK TUNA / HAWAIIAN YELLOWFIN / / / m^ 1 /^ / / /^SELLA /^ BLUEFIN / KIMURAjf/ / / BLUEFIN / / *yy^ r 1 ^^i^ •^ — ^^ * BLACK TUNAOF AIKAWA 1 ni AGE GROUP ■2L ■m Figure 13. — Age-weight curves of tunas from waters off Japan and Mediterranean Sea compared to curve of Hawaiian vellowfin. demonstrates the most rapid growth but shows no semblance of a point of inflection. As the curves have been fitted to the data by eye, there may be errors in the interpretation, but the curves show the great variation in results of age and growth studies of tunas. Westman and Neville (1942), in a study of 751 length frequencies of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thyn- nus) taken in waters off New York by both the troll and chum fisheries, show the catch to be made up of three distinct age groups. Ages were assigned by scale readings. A comparison of size of fish by ages with the Hawaiian -yellowfin study shows more similarity than the curves indicate in figure 13. Even so, the growth rate of the Atlantic bluefin as shown by plotted data (fig. 14) is not so rapid as yellowfin growth during the early years of life. 150 r 100 50 AGE GROUP 18 24 MONTHS 30 36 42 Figure 14.— Lengths of dominant size groups of bluefin tuna taken off Long Island, New York, by Westman and Neville (1942), plotted against the calculated growth curve of Hawaiian yellowfin. AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TtTNA 145 In general, the results of our study of weight frequencies of Hawaiian yeliowfin tend to disagree with results of some studies of other species of tuna and even with comparable yeliowfin studies. Group A^, present in the Hawaiian long-line catches of both 1948 and 1949, is with little doubt an age group demonstrating a weight gain of about 60 pounds in the calendar year. Wliether or not our conclusions about age are correct in other respects, the yeliowfin tuna of Hawaiian waters undoubt- edly is a rapid-growing species. CONCLUSIONS 1 . The yeUowfin tuna {Neothunnus macropterus) in Hawaiian waters is a rapid-growing fish demon- strating at least during part of its life a growth of approximately 60 pounds in one calendar year. 2. Positions of modes of size frequencies are well fitted by a growth curve calculated by Wal- ford's graphic transformation method, having an upper asymptote at 294.9 pounds. 3. Extrapolation of the calculated curve down- ward shows the spawning period in reference to mode A^ to be in year A'^— III. If this interpreta- tion is valid, mode TV is composed of fish which were completing their third year of life and enter- ing their fourth in the middle of the calendar year of observation. Using the customary designation of age groups according to completed years of life, they would be designated age group II until the middle of the spawning season which occurs in the mid- dle of the calendar year, and then become age group III. LITERATURE CITED AiKAWA, HiROAKi and M. Kato. 1938. Age determination of fish (Preliminary Rept. 1). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fi.sh., vol, 7, No. 1, pp. 79-88, 8 figs. In Japanese with English summary. Transla- tion from the Japanese by W. G. Van Campen. BONHAM, KeI.SHAW. 1946. Measurements of some pelagic commercial fishes of Hawaii. Copeia, 1946, No. 2, pp. 81-84, 2 figs. Brock, Vernon E. 1944. Contribution to the biology of the albacore (Oermo alalunga) of the Oregon coa.st and other parts of the North Pacific. Stanford Ichth. Bull., vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 19-248, 19 figs. JcNE, Fred C. 1950. Preliminary fisheries survey of the Hawaiian- Line Islands area: Part I — The Hawaiian long-line fishery. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Comm. Fish. Review, vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1-23, 18 figs. KiMURA, KiNOSUKE. 1932. Growth curves of the blue-fin tuna and yellow- fin tuna based on the catches near Sigedera, on the west coast of Prov. Izu. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-4, 5 figs. In Japanese with English summary. Translated from the Japanese by W. G. Van Campen. KlSHINOUYE, KaMAKICHI. 1923. Contributions to the comparative study of the so-called scombroid fishes. Jour. College of Agric, Imperial Univ. Tokyo, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 293-475, 26 figs. Okamoto, Gokozo. 1940. On the weight composition of skipjack schools in the northeastern sea area. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 100-102, 2 figs. In Japanese with English synopsis. Translation from the Japanese by W. G. Van Campen. Partlo, J. M. 1950. A report on the 1949 albacore fishery (Thunnus alalunga). Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Pac. Biol. Sta., Cir. 20, pp. 1-37. Petersen, C. G. J. 1922. On the stock of plaice and the plaice fisheries in different waters. A survey. Rept. Danish Biol. Sta., vol. 29, pp. 1-36, Copenhagen. SCHAEFER, MiLNER B. 1948. Size composition of catches of yeliowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) from central America, and their significance in the determination of growth, age, and schooling habits. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish. BuU., No. 44, vol. 51, pp. 197-200, 4 figs. Sella, M. 1929. Migrazioni e habitat del tonno (Thunnus thynnus L.) studiati col metodo degli ami, con osservazioni su I'accrescimento sul regime delle tonnare, ecc. R. Comit. Talasso. Ital. Memoir 156, pp. 1-24, 2 figs. > v> 146 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Snedecor, Georoe W. 1946. Statistical methods. Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. 4th Ed., xvi + 485. Walford, Lionel A. 1946. A new graphic method of describing the growth of animals. Biol. Bull., vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 141-147, 4 figs. Westman, J. R. and P. W. Gilbert. 1941. Notes on age determination and growth of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus ihynnus (Linnaeus). Copeia, 1941, No. 2, pp. 70-72, 3 figs. Westman, J. R. and W. C. Neville. 1942. The tuna fishery of Long Island, New York. Pp. 1-31, 12 figs. Board of Supervisors, Nassau County, Long Island, New York. APPENDIX The following tables of data on yellowfin tuna are those on which the figures and calculations in the text are based. Table A. — Weight frequencies of yellowfin tuna taken by long-line fishing and landed at Honolulu during November and December 1947 Class interval 70 to 79 pounds.. - 80 to 89 pounds.. - 90 to 99 pounds... 100 to 109 pounds. 110 to 119 pounds. 120 to 129 pounds. 130 to 139 pounds. 140 to 149 pounds. 150 to 159 pounds. ItiO to 169 pounds. 170 to 179 pounds. 180 to 189 pounds. 190 to 199 pounds. 200 to 209 pounds. 210 to 219 pounds. 220 to 229 pounds. 2.30 to 239 pounds. 240 to 249 pounds. 250 to 259 pounds. 260 to 269 pounds - Total. November December Number of tuna landed 2 2 2 2 3 0 12 13 10 18 20 17 6 9 5 2 3 1 133 Table B. — Weight frequencies of yellowfin tuna taken by long-li ne fishing and landed at Honolulu d iring 194S Class interval January Febru- ary March April May June July August Septem- ber October Novem- ber Decem- ber Number of tuna landed 1 1 2 2 5 6 9 2 I 8 3 11 8 7 5 5 6 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 5 2 2 6 31 55 45 39 25 37 44 19 25 19 16 8 1 2 3 2 3 3 10 8 18 10 8 5 6 10 4 2 2 6 1 7 4 2 4 4 1 1 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 8 4 3 2 3 6 5 8 6 5 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 4 7 20 34 24 18 17 11 12 5 8 7 1 3 21 2 4 7 3 4 1 4 6 5 4 2 3 8 19 15 9 6 3 8 9 3 1 2 4 3 I 16 80 90 60 25 40 30 51 34 29 30 18 15 3 2 2 1 31 6 13 54 68 45 29 30 24 24 24 9 13 17 3 3 3 10 41 71 59 53 46 49 49 40 46 37 21 11 3 45 90 to 99 pounds 1 9 3 11 8 8 4 3 2 2 79 268 110 to 119 pounds 361 272 130 to 139 pounds 218 140 to 149 pounds 199 198 160 to 169 pounds 216 170 to 179 pounds 147 1 1 142 190 to 199 pounds _ 125 200 to 209 pounds 85 46 1 10 2 4 1 1 1 4 2 260 to 269 pounds.... 1 1 Total 40 61 45 60 97 362 530 542 381 179 99 92 2,488 AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TXINA 147 Table C. — Weight frequencies of yellowfin tuna taken by long-line fishing and landed at Honolulu, 19/i9 Class interval January Febru- ary March April May June July Auftust Septem- October Novem- ber Decem- ber Number o( tuna landed 1 1 I 1 I 1 2 1 4 12 5 I 2 ,1 7 4 1 4 8 3 6 5 5 3 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 5 1 1 3' 1 3 3 1 2 24 23 11 16 20 18 12 5 4 2 5 3 2 4 2 10 9 7 6 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 14 3 16 52 77 68 65 42 51 47 42 28 17 21 9 4 1 1 6 2 10 23 23 19 12 16 12 9 8 5 13 4 2 4 6 8 4 10 11 12 10 7 7 6 3 6 2 4 1 30 2 9 11 8 14 9 4 1 2 4 1 1 2 20 62 51 52 60 56 63 43 33 15 17 18 13 5 3 4 7 39 58 37 46 39 37 31 30 17 20 20 10 2 1 57 90 to 99 pounds ... 2 2 2 9 1 3 1 4 I 2" 109 2 1 I 4 1 1 2 2 217 110 to 119 pounds 249 238 130 to 139 Dounds 251 140 to 149 pounds 150 to 159 pounds 191 199 ISS 170 to 179 Dounds 144 180 to 189 pounds 1 84 190 to 199 DOunds 7C 1 82 1 1 45 1 1 1 17 6 1 2 1 1 Total 39 73 20 67 158 514 545 400 165 102 31 67 2,181 Table D. — Weight frequ incies of yellowfin tuna taken by long-line fishing and landed at Honolulu, 1948 and 1949 combined Class interval January Febru- ary March April May June July August Septem- October Novem- ber Decem- ber Number of tuna landed I 1 1 3 2 9 8 19 11 8 14 6 15 12 11 8 9 9 7 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 I 4 6 12 4 5 1 7 8 4 I 3 8 1 5 19 9 2 6 2 5 5 2 5 5 5 3 1 2 1 3 10 23 11 7 3 14 8 14 11 10 5 4 1 1 1 3 3 5 32 42 28 25 26 21 15 21 g 5 4 9 6 2 1 1 2 2 1 5 3 8 8 41 78 68 58 37 53 56 28 33 24 29 12 2 2 1 2 3 2 5 5 12 17 19 11 11 6 10 11 4 4 2 1 1 2 1 12 1 1 2 10 20 11 25 17 12 8 6 3 3 4 8 7 15 24 44 35 30 27 18 19 11 11 13 3 7 1 35 2 6 32 132 167 128 90 82 81 98 76 57 47 39 24 7 3 2 1 61 80 to 89 pounds 8 33 116 119 97 89 86 87 67 57 24 30 35 16 8 3 7 17 80 129 96 99 85 86 80 70 63 57 41 21 5 1 1 102 188 100 to 109 485 610 120 to 129 pounds 510 130 to 139 pounds 469 390 150 to 159 pounds 397 160 to 169 pounds 381 170 to 179 pounds 291 180 to 189 pounds 2 1 226 195 167 210 to 219 DOunds 91 1 27 10 1 6 1 3 260 to 269 pounds 1 1 Total -. - 79 134 65 127 255 876 1.075 942 546 281 130 159 4.669 Table E. — Weight frequencies 0 f yellow fin tuna taken by live-bait fishing and trolling and landed at Honol ulu during 1949 Class interval January Febru- ary Marcb April May June July August Septem- October Novem- ber Decem- ber Number of tuna landed 22 1 1 15 54 1 76 6 1 3 1 12 1 I 13 4 30 to 39 pounds 2 i 1 32 Total 7 3 1 14 39 57 1 2 124 148 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table F. — Weight frequencies of yellow fin tuna taken by long-line and live-bait fishing and landed at Honolulu during I948 and 1949 Class interval 0 to 9 pounds 10 to 19 pounds 20 to 29 pounds- -- 30 to 39 pounds.-. 40 to 49 pounds... 50 to 59 pounds 60 to 69 pounds... 70 to 79 pounds... 80 to 90 pounds... 90 to 99 pounds... 100 to 109 pounds. 110 to 119 pounds. 120 to 129 pounds. 130 to 139 pounds., 140 to 149 pounds.. 150 to 159 pounds. 160 to 169 pounds.. 170 to 179 pounds.. 180 to 189 pounds. 190 to 199 pounds.. 200 to 209 pounds.. 210 to 219 pounds.. 220 to 229 pounds.. 230 to 239 pounds.. 240 to 249 pounds. - 250 to 259 pounds.. 260 to 269 pounds.. Total January Febru- ary 137 March 66 April May 1 294 8 33 116 119 97 933 July 32 132 167 128 90 82 81 98 76 57 47 39 24 7 3 2 1 1,076 August 7 17 80 129 96 99 85 86 80 70 63 57 41 21 5 1 1 944 Septem- ber October Novem- ber 130 Decem- ber Number of tuna landed 76 12 12 35 61 102 188 485 610 510 469 390 397 381 291 226 195 167 91 27 10 6 3 Table G. — Weight frequencies of yellowfin tuna taken by long-line and live-bait fishing during 1948 and 1949 as percentages of monthly catch with mean frequency distribution in percentage Class interval 0 to 9 pounds 10 to 19 pounds 20 to 29potmds 30 to 39 pounds.... 40 to 49 pounds 50 to 59 pounds 60 to 69 pounds.... 70 to 79 pounds 80 to 89 pounds 90 to 99 pounds.... 100 to 109 pounds., no to 119 pounds.. 120 to 129 pounds.. 130 to 139 pounds.. 140 to 149 pounds. 150 to 159 pounds.. 160 to 169 pounds.. 170 to 179 pounds.. 180 to 189 pounds.. 190 to 199 pounds.. 200 to 209 pounds.. 210 to 219 pounds.. 220 to 229 pounds.. 230 to 239 pounds.. 240 to 249 pounds.. 250 to 259 pounds.. 260 to 269 pounds. Janu- ary 7.0 2.3 1.2 5.8 22.1 10.5 2.3 7.0 2.3 5.8 5.8 2.3 5.8 6.8 5.8 3.5 1.2 2.3 Febru- ary 2.2 0.7 0.7 2.2 7.3 16 8 8.0 5.1 2.2 5. 1 10.2 5.8 10.2 8.0 7.3 3.6 2.9 0.7 0.7 March 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 6.1 9.1 18.2 6. 1 7.6 1.5 10.6 10.6 12. 1 6.1 3.0 1.6 1.5 April 0.7 9.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.4 7. 1 14.2 7.8 17 7 12.0 8.6 5.7 4.2 5.0 2.1 2.1 May 7.5 0.3 0.3 5.1 0.3 1.0 1.0 2.6 10.9 14.3 8.8 8.5 8.8 7. 1 5. 1 7.1 2.7 2.6 1.4 3.1 2.0 0.7 0.3 June 5.8 0.1 0.2 O.'i' 0.8 3.5 12.4 12.8 10.4 9.5 9.2 9.3 7.2 6. 1 2,6 3.2 3.8 1.7 0.8 0.3 July 0.1 0.2 0 6 3.0 12.3 16.5 11.9 8.4 7.6 7.5 9.1 7.1 5.3 4.4 3.6 2.2 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 August 0.2 0.2 0.7 1.8 8.5 13.7 10.2 10.5 9.0 9.1 8.5 7.4 6.7 6.0 4.3 2.2 0.5 0.1 0.1 Sep- tember 0.2 0.9 0.6 1.5 1.5 7.5 14.3 12.4 10.6 6.8 9.7 10.3 5.1 6.0 4.4 5.3 2.2 0.4 0.4 October 1. 1.4 2.8 2.5 5.3 8.5 15.7 12.5 10.7 9.6 6.4 6.8 3.9 3.9 4.6 1.1 2.5 0.4 No- vember 0.8 1,5 2.3 1,5 3.8 3,8 9,2 13.1 14,6 8,5 8,5 4.6 7,7 8.5 3, 1 3,1 1,5 0,8 '1.8 ..6 0.8 De- cember 0.6 0.6 1.9 1.3 5.7 5,0 11.9 6.9 5.0 8,8 3.8 9.4 7.6 6.9 5,0 5,7 5,7 4.4 2.5 1,3 Mean 1,1 0.8 0,4 1.3 0,4 0.5 1,7 4,0 5,0 6.0 8.7 9.9 9.4 10.1 7.7 8.0 6.9 5.3 4,4 3,3 2.5 1.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 AGE AND GROWTH OF YELLOWFIN TTJNA 149 Table H. — Time and position of recognized and interpolated modes from the combined 1948 and 1949 data Month May June July August September. October November. December. January... February . . March April May June July August September. October November. December. January... February.. March April May June -. July Number Observed length, in cenllmeters 47.2 47.2 93.0 93.0 125.3 120.2 125.3 130.1 142 6 134.5 138.7 138.7 Interpolated length, in centimeters 50.4 56.8 60.0 63.2 66.5 77.5 85.2 97.6 102.2 106. 8 111.4 116 0 120.7 Month August September. October November. December. January. .. February.. March April May -. June July August September. October November. December. January. .. February., March AprU May . June July August September. Number Observed length, in centimeters 138.7 14U.3 138.7 146.3 156.4 152.1 152 4 158.2 156.4 162.5 163.1 167.6 Interpolated length, in centimeters 149.7 153.0 152 2 152.3 157.3 163.6 164.1 164.6 165.1 165.6 166.1 166.6 167.1 o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director STUDIES OF GEORGES BANK HADDOCK Part I: Landings by Pounds, Numbers, and Sizes of Fish By Howard A. Schuck FISHERY BULLETIN 66 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE . WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 20 cents CONTENTS Page Introduction 151 Fishing banks and areas studied 152 Organization of study 153 Development of data 153 Ports of landing 153 Categories of fish 156 Seasons 157 Segregating landings by subareas 157 Pounds of haddock landed 157 Average weights of haddock landed 159 Numbers of haddock landed 162 Size compositions of haddock landed 162 Scrod haddock 164 Large haddock 164 Total haddock 164 Undersized haddock 166 Scrod versus large haddock 166 Discussion and summary 174 Literature cited 176 STUDIES OF GEORGES BANK HADDOCK Part I: Landings by Pounds, Numbers, and Sizes of Fish By Howard A. Schuck, Fishery Research Biologist The haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, has been New England's most valuable fishery re- source, and one of the most important in the United States, for nearly three decades. In the early days, this fish was little sought and the annual New England catch was small — only about 40-odd million pounds until well into the 1900's. With the development of filleting and freezing methods the market for haddock grew, and during the 1920's New England landings increased greatly. They reached a peak of about 250 million pounds in 1929, but after that production declined rapidly. From Georges Bank, source of most United States haddock, production dropped from about 223 million pounds in 1929 to 115 million pounds in 1931. In addition, an index of abundance indicates that the size of the stock on Georges Bank declined greatly over these years. The decline of haddock landings and abundance aroused concern in the fishing industry, and in 1930 funds were made available to the United States Bureau of Fisheries (now the Fish and Wildlife Service) to study the haddock and the haddock fishery. The general purposes of the investigation were to determine (1) what caused the decline of the fishery in waters fished by United States fishermen, (2) what could be done to increase abundance and production, or at least to prevent them from decreasing further, and (3) what predictions of future production were possible. During the years 1931-48, a large quantity of data was collected, partly at sea but mostly at the important haddock ports (Boston, Gloucester, and New Bedford, Mass., and Portland, Maine) where collectors and interviewers have worked systematically since 1931. These data, the basis of this and other papers, were obtained with the cooperation of fishermen at sea and of boat owners, dealers, and fish handlers — especially those on the Boston Fish Pier (fig. 1). William C. Harrington, in charge of the Haddock Investigation from 1931 to 1947, planned the col- lection of these data obtained in various years during the period 1931-48 by many employees of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Among these were H. M. Bearse, F. E. Firth, D. F. Hammack, J. J. Miggins, J. M. Shuval, and J. R. Webster. Assisting in tabulating and summarizing data at various times during the years 1945-49 were E. L. Arnold, Jr., F. A. Dreyer, Dorothy B. Monahan, Elizabeth V. Nugent, E. S. Phillips, S. L. Cogswell, and L. D. Stringer. At sea, data were collected on commercial fishing vessels; on the Atlantis, a research vessel leased from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; and on the fishery-research vessels Albatross II (1931 and 1932) and Albatross III (beginning in 1948). Most of these data were collected to deter- mine how to protect small haddock, destroyed in large numbers by the otter-trawl (fig. 2) fleet. Line trawlers (fig. 3) were used in the early days of the haddock fishery, but now only two are oper- ating out of Boston, Mass., the major haddock port. Results of these studies on the small had- dock situation were reported by Herrington (1933, 1935, 1936, 1941).' In addition, a small amount of tagging was done to determine migrations and interdependence of populations. Most of this work remains unreported, but one publication refers to phases of it (Rounsefell 1942). And since the commissioning of the Albatross III in 1948, further experiments on mesh sizes, studies of sur- vival of young haddock that escape through larger mesh, some tagging, and a census of the population of all ages of haddock have been undertaken. At the important haddock ports considerable quantities of data were obtained. These data arc largely unreported, although contributions of Herrington (1944, 1948) and Schuck (1949) have presented segments of them and certain condu- ' Publications referred to parenthetically by date are listed in the Litera- ture Cited, p. 176. 151 152 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ttJI''H2l1HDt«rh Figure 1. — Part of the Boston Fish Pier, where most of the United States production of haddock is landed. Figure 2. — Modern otter trawler: predominant type of vessel in the present-day New England haddock fishery. Figure 3. — Line trawler; prudoniiuant type of vessel in the early years of the New England haddock fishery. sions regarding the fishery. At the ports, since 1931, the following data have been collected: (1) Almost complete records of the poundages landed from various banks, with records of depths and locations from which the fish were taken, the gear used, and the days actually spent fishing; (2) randomized samples of the lengths of fish in the landings; (3) selected samples of scales; and (4) length-weight data. FISHING BANKS AND AREAS STUDIED The United States haddock fishery has depended upon Georges Bank and the Nova Scotian banks. To the north of these banks, haddock are found, but are little fished by United States fishermen. To the south, haddock are not found, except for stragglers. Georges Bank is the most important area for the United States haddock fishery, with about 67 percent of the total United States landings coming from this area during recent years (1931 to 1948). The haddock on Georges Bank are apparently a relatively distinct and homogeneous stock. Present knowledge indicates that the Fundian Channel, which separates Georges Bank from the Nova Scotian banks, is a natural barrier to the intermigration of bottom-living stages of haddock. Evidence of this comes from studies of size com- positions, growth rates, tagging, and vertebral counts. The size composition of the stock and the sizes of haddock of various ages on Georges Bank are decidedly different from those on Browns Bank across the Fundian Channel (Needier 1930, Schuck and Arnold in press). Although the num- ber of tagged haddock is not large, there is no evidence from the returns that any of them crossed this channel (Needier 1930, Schroeder 1942, United States Fish and Wildlife Service unpub- lished data). There is a seasonal migration in the spring from Georges Bank north along the coast of Massachusetts and Maine as far as the Bay of Fundy and a return to Georges Bank in the fall, but very few haddock are caught on this northward migration. Because, first, the Georges Bank area was the most important for the United States haddock fishery and, second, the haddock on Georges Bank formed a relatively distinct population and, third, haddock production from this bank had declined more seriously than production from the Nova Scotian banks, we decided to study first the GEORGES BANK HADDOCK PART i: LANDINGS 153 Georges Bank haddock — before the Nova Scotian haddock. The Georges Bank region comprises most of International Area XXII, shown in figure 4. International Area XXII was established by the North American Council en Fishery Investigation when the western North Atlantic Ocean was divided along natural, political, and ecological lines. By Georges Bank we mean specifically the following subareas (fig. 5) of Area XXII: International subarea 1. Northern Edge and Northeast Peak J 2. Southeast Part of Georges M 3. Southwest Georges N 4. South Channel and Nantucket Shoals G, H, O ' ' Data include very small quantities from subareas Q. R. and S. The manner by which these subareas were established is described by Rounsefell (1948). ORGANIZATION OF STUDY Russell (1942) has expressed the dynamics of a fish population by the equation S, + (0+R)-{C+N) = S2 where 51 = size of population at the beginning of the year, G= additions to the population during the year by growth, i?= additions to the population by recruitment of young fish, C= deductions from the population during the year by fishery, N = deductions from the population during the year due to natural mortahty, 52= size of population at the end of the year. The main problems, as we see them, are (1) to obtain accurate measures of the various quantities expressed in this equation for each year, (2) to determine what effect variations of catch, natural mortahty, growth, and recruitment have had on the size of the stock, (3) to determine what effect variations in the size of the stock have had upon each of these factors, and (4) to show what effect other factors in the environment (hydrographic conditions and stocks of other species of competing fishes) have had upon (a) the size of the stock and (6) the four factors — catch, growth, recruitment, and natural mortality. With this information at hand, if the relative effects of the fishery and of the environment on the stock are sufficiently clear, it should be possible (1) to predict the abundance and production of haddock, and (2) to determine what measures, if any, would maintain or increase the catch of haddock from the important populations. Most of the material in this series is devoted to solving these problems. The purpose of the re- mainder of the present paper is restricted to deter- mining the total landings of Georges Bank haddock for each season and year, 1931 to 1948, in terms of pounds, numbers, average weights, and numbers of each size. Obtaining "total" values impHes adding together not only those portions of the landings of the various ports that originated on Georges Bank, but adding together also data for two artificial market categories, the limits of which vary from season to season, from year to year, and among different areas of the bank. Where we refer to totals we refer, of course, to our best estimate of such values. All such values are subject to a certain amount of error due to limitations in collecting and assembling statistics and to sampling error. The values developed in this paper represent landings but not catches because the smallest sizes of haddock are discarded at sea as they lack sufficient marketable value to be brought to port. DEVELOPMENT OF DATA Ports of landing Haddock are caught in North American waters by fishermen from New England, New York, Canada, Newfoundland, and various European countries. Canadian and Newfoundland landings were ex- cluded from this study, as no records could be found to indicate that any of their haddock were caught in the Georges Bank area. McKenzie (1946) has shown that all Canadian haddock landings for the years 1938 to 1940 came from banks to the north and east of Georges Bank. Herrington (unpublished manuscript) lists all Canadian landings for the years 1918 to 1940 as having originated from banks other than Georges. European fishermen, mainly interested in cod, frequent the Newfoundland banks and the most easterly of the Nova Scotian banks. Records show that Europeans fished on Georges Bank during early years, but not during the years covered in this summary. 154 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE _^_^ ____^ — ^ North Amirican Council on FisHWYlNvtSTHATiONS | CHART NttL (RtVISLD I9J6) 1 STATISTICAL AREAS ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMLRICA Number Region XIV EasKoasf of Greenland IT WeslCocsl of Greenland im Hudson IVM Labrador W Eosf Coasf of Newfoundlond Gulf of Sh Lawrence JL New/oundrand BanKt xc Novo Scoha n\\ New England Middle AnanHc S^a^es XXUI my Soufh AHanhc Sfofes | IIV Gulf of Mexico 1 TTVr Bermuda XlVll Wesr Indies and Bahamas HVnLesser AnHlles I 20' 90° 85° 80° 75° 70" 65° 60° 55° 50° 45* 40° 35° 30° Figure 4. — International statistical areas off the Atlantic coast of North America. 25° GEORGES BANK HADDOCK — PART i: LANDINGS 155 < >< < oo O UllU O LJ i/> i 5 1/1 Z ZZZZ z , a . (r u z I mo 2ZMI w u <2 ' » 4- -^ij-'r^, "« •* s X! ■o 3 X X o u < c3 3 t/2 156 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Thus United States fishermen were the only ones to land haddock from Georges Bank. How- ever, we could not use the total of all United States landings of haddock for this study because United States fishermen took varying quantities of haddock from other banks as well as from Georges. Inasmuch as Georges Bank lies at a considerable distance off shore, it is exploited mainly by large vessels. These vessels land at only a few ports where, for the most part, accurate records have been kept on the origin of haddock landings. Thus for Boston and Gloucester we were able to determine the quantities of haddock landed from Georges Bank each year. We included also in our tabulations the quantities of Georges Bank haddock landed at Portland, Maine, during the years 1931 to 1946. And beginning in 1942, landings of haddock at the port of New Bedford became quite large, so the New Bedford landings of Georges Bank haddock for the years 1942 to 1948 were included. As almost all haddock landed at New York City are taken from the Georges area, the total of that port's landings for all years also were included. We included also the total landings for Groton, Conn, for 1931 and 1932 — landings at this port were negligible after 1932. To these quantities, we added the entire amount of haddock landed on Cape Cod, which lies next to Georges Bank. This is the only area where small boats land Georges Bank haddock, and almost all landings there are from Georges. The sums of these quantities we have accepted as the total poundages ^ of haddock originating in the Georges area that were landed and sold. Categories of fish Immediately after capture at sea, haddock are separated into two market categories, scrod and large. This division of the catch makes it necessary to collect complete data on each market category and later to combine the data to obtain total statistics for the species haddock. As defined by the New England Fish Exchange, scrod haddock (scrod) are those weighing from 1 K ' Sources of data are the former U. S. Bureau of Fisheries and the present U. S. Fish and Wildhfe Service publications. "Current Fishery Statistics" for all years, and unpublished records of various fish companies a.ssembled by William C. Henington. to 2K pounds (gutted weight), and large haddock are those weighing more than 2^ pounds. These definitions are only approximate owing to varia- tions in culling and to a practice of marketing, as scrod, many fish weighing less than IK pounds. We have tabulated records of the landings for both market categories, large and scrod, for all years. Small amounts of "mixed" haddock were added to scrod in New Bedford. When OPA price control regulations were in effect (which allowed a higher price for "large" haddock). New Bedford landings showed an artificial scarcity of scrod and an overabundance of large. For the period July 1943 to June 1946, therefore, we used the percent- age that scrod made up of the monthly total of scrod and large for the ports of Boston, Gloucester, and Portland, from any subarea in any month, to estimate the proportion of scrod in the New Bedford landings from these same subareas in that month. Where we refer to "undersized" haddock we mean those less than IK pounds, the lower limit of the market category of scrod, although at present there is no State or Federal regulation that classifies such fish as imdersized. When we refer to "total haddock" or merely "haddock", we mean the total of all haddock regardless of market category. Most haddock are landed as drawn or gutted fish, but some are landed in the "round". Where poundages of fish in the round were obtained, they were reduced by 15 percent. Thus all poundages are in terms of gutted fish. Landings of large haddock in the round were negligible but landings of round scrod were more numerous and were of two types, (1) regular-sized scrod that were left ungutted because of rough weather or gluts of fish on deck, and (2) unusually small-sized scrod, or baby scrod. Landings of baby scrod became unusually large in the winter of 1940, owing to a scarcity of large haddock and a high abundance of baby haddock (year class 1939). The landings of baby scrod from the winter of 1940 to the summer of 1943 were considered to be so large that in the initial steps of the analysis they were treated separately from scrod or large haddock. These landings of baby scrod amounted to approximately the following: GEORGES BANK HADDOCK— PART i: LANDINGS 157 Thousand.^ Year 1940: of pounds Fall 33 Winter 1 , 097 Year 1941: Spring 3, lo3 Summer 1, 683 Fall - 913 Winter 339 Year 1942: Spring 239 Summer 380 Fall 275 Winter 362 Year 1943: Spring 2,212 Summer - 429 Fall 25 Seasons A "haddock year" is the summation of spring, simimer, fall, and winter seasons, and differs from a calendar year by one month. These seasons are as follows: Months Spring February, March, April. Summer May, June, July. Fall August, September, October. Winter November, December, January (of following year). These seasons agree with the Georges Bank haddock life-cycle better than any other 3-month grouping, for the months of February, March, and April constitute the spawning period. During these months the size and age composition of the catch is considerably different from that of each of the other seasons. All data were collected initially on a monthly basis, then assembled into seasons, and then into haddock years. Segregating landings by subareas Inasmuch as different sizes of haddock are caught on various parts of Georges Bank, we wished in the initial steps of development of the data to segregate the landings by subareas. For the ports of Boston, Gloucester, New Bedford, and Portland, accurate information was obtained on the amounts of haddock landed from each subarea. These ports received the bulk of the total landings (88 percent for all years), thus we allotted the remainder of the landings to subareas on the basis of the subarea contribution at these ports. The subareas shown in figure 5 were in use from 1939 through 1948. In the years before 1939, there were several different systems of naming and segregating the various sections of Georges Bank. The data from earlier years, therefore, were arranged to conform, as much as possible, to the modern subareas. One exception should be noted, however. During the years 1931 through 1935, published statistics furnished a breakdown by only (1) South Channel and Nan- tucket Shoals, and (2) the rest of Georges Bank proper — roughly J, M, and N of the modern terminology. In all tables showing pounds and numbers of fish, values were rounded off to the nearest thousand. Total as well as individual values were rounded off. Thus, individual values do not add up exactly to the totals in some cases. POUNDS OF HADDOCK LANDED Table 1 shows the pounds of scrod and large haddock landed from the four subareas of Georges Bank bj" seasons and years, from 1931 through 1948. Whether particular subareas of Georges Bank contributed more or less haddock in recent years can be studied through this table. Their importance, relative to one another, is shown in table 2 (percent contribution by years, 1936-48 only). The landings are summarized, by seasons, for scrod in table 3, for large in table 4, and for total haddock in table 5. Landings by years only are shown also in tables 3,4, and 5, and in figure 6. ■43 44 45 46 47 46 Figure 6. — Pounds of scrod, large, and total haddock landed from Georges Bank, 1931 to 1948. 954715 O - 51 158 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 1. — Scrod and large haddock landed, by subareas and by seasons, 1931 to 1948 [In thousands of pounds] Table 1. — Scrod and large haddock landed, by subareas and by seasons, 1931 to 1948 — Continued (In thousands of pounds] Year 1931: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1932: Spring Summer Fall Winter - Year 1933: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1934: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1936: Spring Summer Fall Winter Total, 1931-35: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1936: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1937: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1938: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1939: Spring Summer Fall Winter Scrod North- ern Edge South- east Part South west Part '705 '850 '3,997 '8,613 ' 4, 702 '6,797 ' 10, 808 '3,226 '3,441 '3.010 > 7, 725 ' 1, 245 ' 2, 525 ' 5, 042 '1,655 '769 '4,802 '9,509 ' 8, 037 1 10, 505 ' 17. 984 '37,081 '22,776 2,478 3,438 11,368 1,045 875 4,235 1,216 1,816 4,489 5,476 10, 207 1,114 816 1.204 1,246 536 1,680 6,260 13,086 2,313 1.662 966 1,306 2,485 993 4,298 8,592 1,843 3,611 2,900 1,081 1,682 31 375 0 96 11 185 44 36 151 32 20 173 181 458 0 296 South Chan nel 189 405 1,269 1,473 2,253 1,940 991 796 675 1,510 906 286 717 963 996 190 194 915 1,045 266 4.028 5.733 5,207 3,011 1,556 349 584 198 1,558 3,168 797 814 1,724 6,002 2,233 2,739 4,087 8,043 2, 322, Large North- ern Edge South east Part South west Part '24,400 > 18, 822 1 13, 629 '7,637 '8,860 ' 14, 006 '16,126 '8,420 ' 14, 455 ' 12, 056 ' 14, 465 '2,542 '4.190 '7,536 ' 7. 872 '2,413 ' 4, 345 1 14, 861 1 13, 639 '11,082 '56,240 ' 67, 280 '65,731 '32,094 7,620 6,440 13, 382 1,892 3.664 6,475 883 2,425 15, 665 9,326 10, 147 3,346 2,562 2,109 706 1,065 5,853 8.162 6.404 2.173 5,670 1,721 639 2,077 2.609 6.831 8,758 2.617 7.747 3.841 834 2.294 235 293 0 213 168 506 18 126 566 166 13 314 364 978 0 283 South Chan- nel 5.211 14. 788 10. 198 2.854 9.286 5.528 7,177 4,514 3,912 8,659 5,030 1,723 3.071 6.418 4.908 501 821 3.762 4.402 732 22. 301 39, 155 31,715 10. 324 2,309 5,010 2,094 2,133 1,320 5,490 6.776 5.062 3.194 6.598 6.878 4.162 5.091 6,468 7.784 4,911 Season Year 1940: Spring Summer. -- Fall Winter Year 1941: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1942: Spring Summer FalK_ Winter Year 1943: Spring Summer. . Fall Winter Year 1944: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1945: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1946: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1947: Spring Summer Fall Winter Year 1948: Spring Summer Fall. Winter Total. 1936-48: Spring Summer.. - Fall Winter Scrod North- ern Edge 2.156 3. 165 4.535 176 1.916 2.200 8.553 210 3.445 8.462 4.595 404 1.894 3.991 3.170 94 732 2,256 2,286 85 122 322 1,801 7 15 2.497 2.506 412 1,105 2,793 9,936 1,048 2.594 6,523 9.925 4.232 23. 619 49.680 90,568 12,983 South- east Part 1,429 2,608 1,407 1.271 4,042 4,698 6,161 3,318 4,892 .3,780 3,783 2,150 8,562 4,937 4.083 372 2.678 1,289 1.963 423 743 1.185 1.660 250 681 1.876 1.546 1.660 3.906 1.242 1.367 1.866 1.692 1,064 1.998 3.824 35.689 31.884 28.797 21. 553 South west Part 7 639 28 1,532 883 1,697 421 1,636 138 630 276 3,390 372 960 231 1,078 278 669 39 340 52 623 990 1,469 26 548 110 217 288 959 63 242 210 1,432 32 360 2.628 9.207 2.253 10,853 South Chan- nel 3,022 3,081 3,537 1,107 4,773 4,983 5,941 2,342 3,009 4,154 5,104 1,269 790 4,019 2,548 406 290 1,272 536 116 123 853 990 484 287 2,294 4,985 1,560 338 3,343 9,618 2,902 1,680 4,660 4,027 1,323 18, 551 36, 574 54.747 17, 344 Large North- em Edge 4,634 6,417 8,146 2,697 4,380 7,066 264 3.746 8.221 4,947 619 3,296 3,769 4,909 160 3,262 8,215 9,811 509 3,778 3.210 6.934 148 2.871 9. 2.38 9,897 851 4,884 4,644 7,279 666 5,764 3,519 5,786 2,874 66,577 82, 372 103, 456 16,507 South east Part 4,713 6.062 1.797 2,508 12. 139 7.619 2,602 2,343 9,531 4.202 1.304 1,452 8.791 4.160 2.769 655 8,807 South- west Part 5.373 1,717 7,029 2,296 2,369 866 6,707 4,118 3,690 6,302 11,914 2,111 1,148 836 3,113 678 1.245 1.649 92. 387 47.410 25. 259 26, 179 63 1,! 33 2,010 866 2,738 287 1,397 456 914 181 2,416 469 1,618 415 1,762 5,616 172 5,271 776 4,511 1,387 5,024 1,749 2,922 372 1,329 1,280 3,147 71 461 218 1,868 14 South Chan- nel 6,353 7,727 6,514 3,572 4,072 9,071 6,017 4,515 3,138 6,963 6,484 3,138 1,647 8,232 7,292 1,814 2,479 11,093 9,292 4,347 3,060 10, 302 8,570 6,337 1,722 11,547 14,644 5,807 1,616 9,288 9,170 5,856 3,716 6,733 7,102 4,201 8.962 39.716 27. 265 2.963 21,413 103.522 97.617 55,856 ' Pounds shown for 1931 to 1935 are combined for Northern Edge, South- east Part, and Southwest Edge. Table 2. — Percentages of scrod, large, and total Georges Bank haddock landings by subareas a nd years, 1936 to 1948 Scrod Large Total Year North- ern Edge South- east Part South- west Part South Channel Total North- ern Edge South- east Fart South- west Part South Channel Total North- ern Edge South- east Part South- west Part South Channel Total 1936... - 61.2 68.5 66.0 36.6 33.9 24.0 34.1 24.4 35. 1 19.3 25.7 36.4 50.0 39.5 38.8 27.2 12.2 16.1 21.5 22.3 33.8 29.5 47.9 41.7 32.9 26.8 20.5 19.2 26.3 27.0 1.7 .9 .9 2.2 7.4 8.6 9.0 7.0 8.7 26.8 4.3 3.8 4.6 6.6 6.6 9.9 18.4 27.0 39.8 36.4 33.6 27.4 20.7 14.5 21.0 43.2 39.3 26.2 28.6 27.5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54.2 59.8 43.0 33.9 31.2 21.0 30.2 23.3 27.0 21.1 27.6 27.1 36.6 32.9 33.5 23.0 10.0 19.1 24.0 23.9 36 4 28.6 31.4 23.4 18.8 23.9 24.9 13.6 23.3 23.2 1,4 1.2 2.0 2.6 6.5 7.8 6.9 8.8 15.9 17.6 7.7 7. 7 6.3 7.4 7.0 21.4 29.0 36.9 .39.5 ,38.4 34.8 34.3 36.5 33.7 42.6 40.8 40.3 44.6 36.4 36.3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 56.7 62.8 48.7 35.0 32.1 22.3 32. 1 23.8 28.3 20.8 27.2 30.7 43.0 35.2 35.6 24.5 10.7 17.8 22.9 23.4 35.2 29.0 38.3 26.3 21.0 24.5 23.2 16.3 24.4 24.1 1.5 1.1 1.5 2.4 6.8 8.2 7.8 8.1 14.7 18.9 7.0 6.2 4.9 6.8 6.8 17.3 25.5 32.0 39.7 37.7 34.3 31.1 29.8 30.7 39.3 41.3 39.9 35.8 33.6 33.5 100 1937— 100 1938 100 1939 100 1940 100 1941 ._ 100 1942 . 100 1943 100 1944.- 100 1945..- 100 1946- - 100 1947— 100 1948— — 100 100 Unweighted average 100 GEORGES BANK HADDOCK— PART i: LANDINGS 159 Table 3. — Scrod haddock landed, by seasons and years [In tbousands of pounds] Year Spring Summer FaU Winter Total 1931. 894 6,955 4,116 1,605 963 3,872 5,514 4,307 7,524 6,614 11,614 11,484 11,618 3,978 1,040 1,009 5,637 6,176 1,255 8,737 4,520 3,488 5,717 9,604 8,423 7,982 11,743 9,393 13, 578 17,026 13,907 5.485 2.983 7.215 8,337 12,669 5,266 11,799 8.631 6.038 10.554 12.933 14,665 20, 414 17,716 9,507 21,066 13, 757 10,032 4,822 5,441 9,147 20, 873 15, 982 10,086 4,022 1,531 1,845 8.303 3.541 2,482 7,204 6.142 4.086 7,506 7,213 1,950 963 2,210 3,749 6,058 9,729 17,501 1932 31,513 1933 18,798 1934 12,976 1935. 25,537 1936. 29,950 1937 31,084 1938 -- 39,907 1939 --- 43,125 1940 29,600 1941 -- - 53,764 1942 49,480 1943 37,507 15,248 1945. - 11,674 1946 21, 120 40, 905 1948 - -- 44, 556 Total --- 94,920 5,273 152,062 8,448 218,643 12, 147 88,620 4.923 554,245 Average 30, 791 Table 4. — Large haddock landed, by seasons and years [In tbousands of pounds] Year Spring Summer Fall Winter Total 1931 29,611 18, 136 18, 367 7,261 .5,166 13, 828 19,705 15,283 15,811 15,763 19, 674 16. 870 14,202 16,310 14, M3 13, 049 19, 693 12,810 33,610 19,534 20.715 13.953 18, 623 17,218 17,431 15,637 18,118 22,204 23,808 20,300 17, 779 27, 942 20,319 27,825 19,190 12, 798 23, 827 23,303 19,495 12,780 18,041 16, 359 17,647 12,834 17,376 16,490 15, 961 12,916 15,385 24,648 19,260 28,603 17,668 14, 147 10,491 12, 934 4,265 2,914 11,814 6,663 9,588 8,726 10, 105 8,588 8,519 7, 525 4,711 11,844 12,375 13,289 7,809 9,212 97.539 1932 73.907 1933. 62,842 1934... 36,908 1935 --. 53. M4 1936 54,068 1937 64,371 1938 52. 480 1939 - 61.410 1940... -. 63,045 1941-.- 67. 962 1942 57,611 1943 - -- 52, 077 1944 80,744 1945. 66,597 1946. -- 82,766 1947 --. 64,360 1948 48, 967 Total 286,182 15,899 367,004 20,389 326, 740 18, 152 161,372 8,965 1,141,298 \verage 63,405 Table 5. — Total haddock landed, by seasons and years [In thousands of pounds] Year Spring Summer Fall Winter Total 1931. - 30,505 25,091 22.483 8,866 6,129 17,700 25,219 19,590 23,335 22,377 31,288 28,354 25, 820 20,288 15,683 14,058 25,330 18, 986 34, 865 28,271 25,235 17,441 24,340 26, 822 25,854 23,619 29, 861 31, 597 37. 386 37.326 31.686 33.427 23.302 35.040 27, 527 25, 467 29, 093 35, 102 28,126 18, 818 28, 595 29,292 32,312 33,248 35,092 25,997 37, 027 26, 673 25,417 29,470 24, 701 37,750 38.541 30.129 20, 577 16, 956 5,796 4,759 20, 117 10,204 12,070 15,930 16, 247 12, 674 16,025 14, 738 6,661 12,807 14,585 17,038 13. 867 18.941 115,040 1932. 105, 420 1933 81,640 1934 - 49,884 1935. 79, 181 1936. 84,018 1937 --. 95,455 1938 92,387 1939. 104,535 1940. 92, 645 1941... 121,726 1942 107,091 1943- 89,584 1944. - 95.992 1945... 78.271 1946 103. 886 1947- 105, 265 1948. 93,523 Total 381, 102 21, 172 519,066 28,837 545.383 30,299 249, 992 13,888 1, 695, 543 94,196 AVERAGE WEIGHTS OF HADDOCK LANDED Average weights of fish landed, in each season, year, subarea, and market category, were com- puted by combining length samples of haddock landed with seasonal length-weight relations. This procedure is described in the following paragraphs. At the Boston Fish Pier, lengths of representa- tive samples of the haddock landed were obtained from 1931 through 1948. In general, 50 scrod and 100 large haddock were measured from a " trip" when a vessel had fished in only one subarea of Georges Bank, and as many vessels were sampled as time permitted. Each fish was measured from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail. Lengths were re- corded by centimeter groups, that is, fish measur- ing from 40.0 centimeters to and including 40.9 centimeters were recorded as 40 centimeters, fish from 41.0 centimeters to and including 41.9 centimeters as 41 centimeters, and so on. No dis- tinction as to sex was possible as most haddock, when landed, are already dressed. The numbers of Georges Bank haddock that were measured, by years, seasons, and market categories are shown in table 6. In all, measure- ments of 627,996 haddock from Georges Bank were utilized in this analysis. Table 7 illustrates the general method used to compute the average weight of haddock landed. The steps of this method are as follows: (1) The number of fish of each centimeter size group in the total sample for the season was entered in column II; (2) the length-weight relation was available by seasons (table 8 and figure 7) and the average weights for each centimeter size group were listed in column III, the total weight of all fish measured of each centimeter size group was computed in column IV, and the total weight of all sizes in the season's sample was entered at the bottom of column IV; and finaUy (3) the total weight of the sample was divided by the number of fish in the sample to give the average weight of the fish in the sample. We used this same general method for each season, year, subarea, and market category. Summaries of average weights are given in table 9 and figure 8; to save space, values for the various subareas are not shown. 160 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE LENGTH IN INCHES 10 15 20_ z 28 111 $6 'J 1 f '■ M M |.I 1 M ] 1 1 M 1 I r-r ! 1 M ! ! ITTJ 1 : T- z SPRING AND SUMMER i '-- 1 - 1 WINTER f - h - // 1 1 - i . - - /// - /// - _ //' - ! ' - 1 / _ , 1 - In - 7 7 - / - III - //■ - !, ~ 1 - - ; : I - > - A - >/ "- y ^ : y' "i 1 1 1 : 1 f^^ Mill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil MM III 0 10 20 .30..„ 40 5 0 6 0 7 0 B 0 9 0 10 0 Table 6. — Numbers of haddock measured for length, by seasons and years LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figure 7. — Relation between length and weight for Georges Bank haddock, by seasons. ■iZ 1i 34 -35 '36 37 ^8 '39 40 YEAR '42 43 '44 -45 46 47 Figure 8. — Average weights of scrod, large, and total haddock landed from Georges Bank, by years. Season Scrod Large Total Year 1931: Spring __ Summer _. . S13 1,194 3,285 4,102 5,042 4,054 4,577 2.562 5.555 5,248 7,862 6,664 Fall Winter Total _ 9,094 16, 235 25,329 Year 1932: 2,913 2,445 4,849 3.741 3,484 6,245 8,558 3,662 6,397 Summer 8.690 Fall 13,407 Winter 7,403 Total 13,948 21,949 35, 897 Year 1933: 3,082 1,702 2,455 911 3,834 3,775 5,349 2,157 6,914 Summer 5,477 Fall 7,804 Winter -.. 3,068 Total 18,150 15,115 23,265 Year 1934: 675 2,014 2,588 2,691 3,326 3,341 3,924 1,831 4,001 5,355 Fall 6,512 Winter 4.522 Total 7,968 12, 422 20,390 Year 1935: Spring -- 1,440 4.582 7,199 3,318 3,398 7,357 6,462 2,981 4,838 11,939 Fall --- 13, 661 Winter 6,299 Total 16,539 20,198 36, 737 Year 1936: Spring 3,643 9,533 9,740 3,849 6,914 11,089 9,997 5,595 10, 557 20, 622 Fall -- 19, 737 Winter 9,444 Total 26,765 33, 595 60,360 Year 1937: 3,383 5,394 5,129 4,055 8,781 8.777 5,296 5,387 12,164 Summer 14,171 Fall 10,425 Winter --- 9,442 Total 17.961 28,241 46,202 Year 1938: 4,419 4,592 6,250 3.860 7,574 6,520 4,668 3,716 11,993 Summer .. 11,112 Fall 9,918 Winter . 7,576 Total 18, 121 22, 478 40,599 Year 1939: 2,540 5,244 4,448 3,043 4,002 6,835 7,712 4,141 6,542 12,079 Fall 12,160 Winter 7,184 Total 15, 275 22,690 37,965 GEORGES BANK HADDOCK PART i: LANDINGS 161 Table 6. — Numbers of haddock measured for length, by seasons and years — Continued Table 7. — Method used to compute average weight of haddock Example used: 1948, Spring, Southeast Part, Scrod Season Scrod Large Total Year 1940: 4.219 4.085 3,356 4,501 9,324 8,588 4,784 4,379 13,543 12, 674 Fall 8,140 Winter - 8,880 Total - 16, 162 27,075 43,237 Year 1941: 6.080 5,287 8,167 4,853 8,146 6,069 6,179 3,334 14,225 11.356 Fall 14,346 Winter 8,187 Total.. 24,387 23, 727 48,114 Year 1942: 4,516 7.163 6,247 3,933 6,380 8,453 6,186 4,345 10, 896 15,616 12,433 Winter 8,278 Total - 21.859 25,364 47,223 Year 1943: 6.082 4,796 3.237 644 6,644 4,834 6,420 2,304 12.726 9,630 9,657 Winter 2.948 Total - - 14, 759 20,202 34.961 Year 1944: 1,471 1,532 1,984 200 3,295 5,183 6,262 1,890 4.766 fi. 715 7.246 Winter - 2,090 Total - - --- 5,187 15,630 20,817 Year 1945: 250 649 950 699 1,644 1,797 3,150 3,266 1,894 2,446 4,100 Winter 3,965 Total -- 2,548 9,867 12.405 Year 1946: 750 2,600 3.250 2,234 2,800 6,147 6,660 3,387 3.550 8,747 9,910 Winter 5,621 Total - S,834 18,994 27,828 Year 1947: 2.230 2,037 3,776 3,205 3,651 2,870 7,861 4.468 5.881 4.907 Fall 11,637 Winter 7,673 Total 11, 248 18,850 30,098 Year 1948: 3,507 3,480 7.101 4,763 4,181- 2,217 7.417 3,903 7.688 5,697 14.518 Winter 8,666 Total - 18,851 17, 718 36,569 .\n years: 51,713 68,330 83,011 54,602 92, 419 104, 151 110,462 63,308 144. 132 172,481 193, 473 Winter 117,910 Total 267,666 370, 340 627,996 Length group ' (I) Number in sample (II) Average weight (III) Total weight ol sample (IV) 1 5 11 17 29 36 40 44 45 41 31 53 64 82 133 142 188 188 183 160 160 93 62 38 17 11 6 2 Pound) 0.58 .64 .70 .76 .83 .90 .98 1.06 1.14 1.23 1.32 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 Pound) 0.58 30 cm 3.20 31 cm 7.70 32 cm - 12.92 24.07 32.40 35 cm 39.20 46.64 37 cm 51.30 38 cm 50.43 40.92 74.2 81.0 42 cm . 131.2 226.1 255.6 45 cm 376.0 46 cm - 394.8 402.6 48 cm 384.0 49 cm 400.0 241.8 173.6 52 cm 110.2 52.7 35.2 55 cm 20.4 56 cm 7.2 59 cm.. - 1 4.2 Total 1,873 ' 1. 966 3, 680. 16 ' By 1-cm. intervals ■ 3,680.16 pounds 1,873 fi.sh = 1.965 pounds. Table 8. — Length-weight relation by seasons, in terms of centimeter size groups and drawn weight in pounds Length > Drawn weight in pounds Spring Summer Fall Winter 18 cm. 0.15 .17 .20 .23 .27 .30 .34 .38 .43 .47 .52 .58 .64 .70 .76 .83 .90 .98 1.06 1.14 1.23 1.32 1.4 1.5 0.12 .14 .17 .20 .23 .26 .29 .33 .36 .41 .46 .50 .55 .60 .66 .72 .79 .85 .82 1.00 1.08 1.16 1.2 1.3 0.15 .17 .20 .23 .26 .30 .33 .38 .42 .47 .52 .57 .63 .69 .75 .82 .89 .96 1.05 1.13 1.22 1.31 1.4 1.5 0.14 .16 .19 21 cm. _ .21 .26 .28 24 cm .32 25 cm. .36 .40 27 cm .45 28 cm .50 .56 30cm .61 31 cm .67 .73 33 cm .80 34 cm .88 35 cm .96 1.04 37 cm 1.12 1.21 1.31 40cm 1.4 41 cm 1.5 See footnote at end of table. 162 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 8. — Length-weight relation by seasons, in terms of centimeter size groups and drawn weight in pounds — Con. Table 8. — Length-weight relation by seasons, in terms of centimeter size groups and drawn weight in pounds — Con. Length ' Drawn weight in pounds Spring Summer Fall Winter L6 L7 L8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4,4 4.6 4.8 6.0 5.2 5.4 5.7 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2,5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4,9 6.1 1.6 1.7 L8 2.0 2,1 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 5.6 1.6 43 cm 44 cm- 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 47 cm 2.2 48 cm -. 2.4 49 cm 2 6 60 cm. _ ... 2.7 2.8 3.0 53 cm. 3.2 3.4 3.5 56 cm- 3. 7 87 cm 68cm.-- 3.9 4. 1 59 cm.- 60 cm 4.3 4.6 4.8 62 cm 5.0 64 cm 5.2 5.6 66 cm 6. 7 66 cm 6.0 See footnote at end of table. Length i Drawn weight in pounds Spring Summer Fall Winter 67 cm 6.9 6.2 6 4 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.6 7.8 S.l 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.7 10 0 10.3 10.6 10,9 11,4 11.7 12,2 12,6 12,9 13,5 6,4 6,6 5,8 6.1 6.3 6.6 6 8 7,1 7,4 7,7 7,9 8,2 8,6 8.9 9.2 9.5 9.8 10.1 10 3 10.7 11.2 11.6 11.8 12.3 5.9 6.1 6.4 6.7 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9 0 9.3 9.6 10.0 10.3 10.6 10.9 11.4 11,7 12,2 12,6 12,9 13,5 68 cm. 6.6 6 8 69cm- 70cm --- 71 cm. 7 4 72 cm. _ 7 7 73 cm -- 8 3 76 cm. 8 7 76cm 9 4 78 cm 9 7 79 cm 10 1 80 cm 10 4 81 cm 10 8 82 cm. . - - 11 1 83 cm 11 6 84 cm 11.8 85 cm. . 12 3 86cm 12.7 87 cm 13.1 88 cm 13 6 89 cm . - 14. 1 90cm 14.6 ' Size groups by 1-cm. intervals. Table 9. — Average weights in pounds of scrod, large, and total haddock, by seasons and years Year 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 -. 1937 1938 1939.- 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 --. 1945 -..- 1946 1947- 1948 Weighted average Scrod Spring 1.817 1.664 1.938 I. 890 1.874 1.905 1.950 1.972 1.890 1,989 1,688 2,012 1,924 1,926 1,940 1,665 1,876 1,842 1.871 Sum- mer 1.640 1.679 1.248 1,648 1,594 1.456 1,528 1.510 1,633 1.748 1,541 1,690 1,586 1,617 1,296 1,449 1,481 1 493 1,556 Fall 1.663 1.942 1.714 1.614 1.706 1.710 1.820 1,709 1,718 1,867 1,681 1. 701 1,837 1.800 1.644 1.770 1.580 1.681 1.719 Winter 1.641 1.921 1.636 1.402 1.624 1,586 1.793 1.656 1.674 1.658 1.823 1,742 1,809 2.049 1.736 1.778 2.291 1.592 1,697 Total 1.586 1.793 1.604 1,617 1,658 1,626 1,748 1,679 1,715 1,803 1.662 1.766 1,757 1.772 1.573 1.642 1.670 1.623 1.691 Large Spring 3.648 3.732 3,607 3.580 3,706 3, 602 3,580 4,902 3,965 3.434 3.991 3,644 3.495 3,464 3,678 3,630 3, 725 3,959 3.718 Sum- mer 3.112 3.360 3.062 3.126 3.014 3.009 3.160 3.199 3,083 3,218 3,330 3,195 3,138 3,031 3, 167 3,077 3,635 3, 251 3,163 Fall 3.866 3.184 3. 171 3.271 3.044 3,026 3.289 3.348 2.933 3.357 3.377 3, 121 3.306 3.231 3.648 3. 40fi 3.622 3.472 3.306 Winter 3.490 3.322 3,639 3,195 3,476 3,343 4,061 3.819 3,492 3.998 4.030 3.536 2,774 3,965 3,766 3,824 4,194 3.743 3.661 Total 3.473 3.374 3.277 3.263 3. 174 3,187 3,432 3,716 3.285 3.399 3.592 3,340 3.239 3.290 3.481 3.377 3,719 3,572 3,398 Total Spring 3. 643 2,769 3,116 3,082 3,212 3.014 3.027 3.692 2.925 2.827 2.660 2.743 2,565 2,995 3,472 3,346 3,055 2,882 2.984 Sum- mer 3.079 2.562 2.429 2 660 2.492 2.177 2.344 2.322 2.285 2.575 2.342 2.272 2. 195 2,651 2,667 2,499 2,524 2.050 2.430 Fall 3.112 2 621 2 616 2.460 2.360 2 267 2.407 2.107 2 161 2.698 2. 145 2.182 2.513 2.859 2.827 2.782 2 130 2.218 2.413 Winter 2.154 2.832 2.760 2.136 2.363 2.415 3.218 2 401 2 475 2.656 2 572 2 351 2 40O 3.705 3.199 3,052 3.077 2.209 2.596 Total 2.940 2.670 2.643 2.580 2.461 2 374 2 613 2,438 2.384 2.660 2.375 2 366 2 393 2 896 2 948 2.780 2. 519 2.272 2.654 NUMBERS OF HADDOCK LANDED Dividing poundage by average weight gave the number of fish landed — for each season, subarea, market category, and year. Excepting subarea values, all of these numbers are shown in the fol- lowing tables. Tables 10, 11, and 12 show the numbers of scrod, large, and total haddock landed, by sea- sons and years. Relative contributions of scrod and large haddock to the total, by seasons, are shown in figure 9. Figure 10 shows the yearly trends, and here it can be seen that much of the variation in total landings by years is due to variations in scrod landings. The importance of these small-sized haddock to the present fishery is thus evident. SIZE COMPOSITIONS OF HADDOCK LANDED Now having available the number of haddock that were landed (in each season, year, subarea, and market category), and having also the lengths of samples of haddock (in each similar subdi- vision), we estimated how many haddock of each size were landed. This was accomplished by multiplying the number of fish measured in each centimeter size group by the proportion of the number landed to the number measured. This GEORGES BANK HADDOCK PART I I LANDINGS 163 calculation assumes that the fish measured were representative samples of the landings. Pre- cautions had been taken to avoid bias in sampling, and many uniformity trials showed that the sam- ples could be considered as representative of the landing. Table 10. — Numbers of scrod haddock landed, by seasons and years (In thousands of fish] o -i 15 f:-;;:;-.;;:^ SCROD _ ; ^B LARGE — A — — 1 / ^ i^""'!^ — ■ - b — HH| ^^1 — — 1 1 H — 0 1 I I — Year Spring Summer Fall Winter Total 1831. 492 4.204 2,124 849 514 2,033 2,828 2,193 3,980 3,325 6,879 5,708 6,040 2,06fi 636 606 3,004 3,352 816 5,206 3,623 2,117 3,587 6,598 5,512 5,285 7,190 5,373 8,811 10,077 8,771 3,393 2,301 4,978 5,628 8,484 3,186 6,075 5,035 3,742 6,190 7,561 8,056 11,945 10,313 5,093 12,535 8,088 5,460 2,679 3,310 5,169 13,213 9,510 6,547 2,094 938 1,316 5,113 2,232 1,384 4,350 3,670 2,623 4,117 4,140 1,078 470 1,273 2,108 2,644 6,113 11,041 1932. 17,579 1933 11,718 1934 8,024 1935 15,404 1936 18, 424 1937 .. .. 17,780 1938. 23,773 1939 25,153 1940 16,414 1941 32,342 1942 28,013 1943 21,349 1944 8,607 1945. 7,420 1946- 12,861 1947 24, 489 1948 27, 459 Total - 60,732 2,818 97,760 5,431 127, 160 7,066 62,208 2,900 327,860 Average 18,214 Table U.— Numbers of large haddock landed, by seasons and years [In thousands of fish] SUMMER FALL WINTER Figure 9. — Numbers of scrod, large, and total haddock landed from Georges Bank in the average year, by seasons. Year Spring Summer Fall Winter Total 1931- . 8,117 4,859 5,092 2,028 1,394 3,839 5,504 3,118 3,998 4,590 4,930 4,630 4,064 4,708 3,981 3,595 6,287 3,236 10, 799 5,831 6,765 4,464 6,179 6,723 5,617 4,888 5,876 6,899 7,150 6,353 6,666 9,218 6,436 9,043 6,279 3,937 6,164 7,318 6,147 3,907 5,927 6,408 5,366 3,833 6,924 4,912 4,726 4,138 4,663 7,629 6,428 8,399 4,878 4,075 3,006 3,894 1,172 912 3,399 1,993 2,367 2,285 2,894 2,148 2,114 2,128 1,698 2,987 3,287 3,476 1,862 2,461 28,086 1932- 21,902 1933- 19, 176 1934 11,311 1935 16,899 1936 16,963 1937 18,754 1938 14, 124 1939. 18,692 1940 18,549 1941. 1942 - -- .. 18, 920 17, 249 1943 16,080 1944 24,542 1945. 19, 132 1946. -. 24, 612 1947-.- - 17,306 1948 13, 709 Total 76, 970 4,276 116,022 6,445 98,832 .';,491 44,082 2,449 336,906 Average 18,661 Table 12. -Numbers of total haddock landed, by seasons and years [In thousands of fish] I93J '32 33 34 35 '36 37 36 ■40 HI 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 Figure 10. — Numbers of scrod, large, and total haddock landed from Georges Bank, by years. Year Spring Summer FaU Winter Total 1931 8,609 9,063 7,216 2,877 1,908 6,872 8,332 5,311 7,978 7,915 11,809 10,338 10,104 6,773 4,517 4,201 8,291 6,688 11,615 11,037 10,388 6,581 9,766 12,321 11,029 10, 173 13,066 12,272 16, 961 16, 430 14, 436 12,611 8,737 14,021 10,907 12,421 9,350 13,393 11,182 7,649 12,117 12,969 13, 422 15, 778 16,237 10,005 17, 261 12,226 10,113 10,308 8,738 13,668 18,091 13,686 9,6S3 5,988 2,108 2,228 8,512 4,225 3,751 6,635 6,664 4,771 6,231 6,268 2,776 3,457 4,560 5,683 4,506 8,674 39, 127 1932 39, 481 1933 30,894 1934 19,335 1935 32,303 1936 35,387 1937 36,634 1938 37, 897 1939 43,845 1940 34,963 1941 1942 37,429 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total 127, 702 7,096 213, 772 11,876 225, 992 12, 655 96,290 5,349 663,756 Average 36,875 164 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE The size compositions for subareas were com- bined, and thus we obtained a size composition representing all of Georges Bank, for each season, year, and market category. A certain amount of irregularity in these curves was due to sampling variations, inasmuch as only a limited sample from a very large population of fish had been obtained. To eliminate some of this irregularity we smoothed each distribution by a moving average of three. ScTod haddock Tables 13, 14, 15, and 16 show the size compo- sitions ^ of the landings of scrod, in each of the 72 seasons, from 1931 through 1948. Table 17 shows the size compositions of scrod by years. Table 18 and figure 11 show the average size compositions of scrod for each season in all of the 18 years, and table 19 shows the size composition of scrod that were landed in the average year, and also the per- centage size composition. Large haddock Tables 20, 21, 22, and 23 show the size compo- sitions of large haddock in each of the 72 seasons over the 18-year period. Table 24 shows the size composition of large haddock by years. Table 25 and figure 11 show, by seasons, the average size ' For convenience in handling the large mass of data, we grouped all length frequencies by 3-centimenter groups: Fish of the 29-, 30-, and Sl^jentimeter groups were recorded as 30 centimeters, fish of the 32-, 33-, and 34-centimeter groups as 33 centimeters, and so on. In graphs and tables where centimeters are shown, they are shown as 30, 33, and 36 rather than 30.5, 33.5, and 36.5 (the true midpoints of the groups) inasmuch as the original centimeter meas - urements were recorded as 29 when the midpoint was 29.5, 30 instead of 30.5, 31 instead of 31.5, etc. Where inches are shown in graphs, they represent actual values: The inch equivalents opposite 30.5 rather than 30, opposite 31.5 rather than 31, and so on. The sizes in inches corresponding to the true midpoints of the 3-centimeter groups are as follows: 3-centimeter groups: Iiuhea 18 cm 7.3 21 cm _ 8.5 24 cm _ 9.6 27 cm 10.8 30 cm 12.0 33 cm _ 13.2 36 cm 14.4 39 cm 15.6 42 cm 16.7 45 cm 17.9 48 cm 19.1 51 cm 20.3 54 cm 21.6 57 cm 22.6 60 cm 23.8 63 cm 25.0 66 cm 26.2 69 cm.... 27.4 72 cm 28.5 75 cm 29.7 78 cm 30.9 81 cm 32.1 84 cm 33.3 87 cm... 34.4 composition of large haddock that were landed in all 18 years, and table 26 shows the size composi- tion of large haddock that were landed in the average year, and also the percentage size compo- sition. LENGTH IN INCHES 10 15 20 25 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 40 50 60 70 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figure II. — Size compositions of scrod, large, and total haddock landed from Georges Bank in the average year, by seasons. Total haddock Tables 27, 28, 29, and 30, and figures 12a, 12b, and 12c show the size compositions of total had- dock (scrod and large combined) in each of the 72 seasons over the 18-year period. The presence of modes (figures 12a, 12b, and 12c), at slightly increasing sizes of fish in succeed- ing seasons, suggests that each series of modes may be composed largely of the same year class of had- dock. In some instances these year classes (if they are year classes) apparently were the chief source of supply of the fishery for several succeed- ing seasons, and even for succeeding years. These modes are more obvious if one season (spring, for example) in a particular year is com- GEORGES BANK HADDOCK — PART i: LANDINGS 165 pared with the average of that season for all years. Figures 13a, 13b, and 13c show such contrasts in terms of deviations from seasonal means. 1931 I93£ 1933 1934 1935 1936 2 1 - f i b L * L ! k k St 2 I ' L J L A k k k 1 A L i i L 2 -1 1 2 n L ^ i k. J i L i Ik L i i -J < 3 2 i k 1 - a: z 4 0 6 0 4 0 6 0 A 0 6 0 A 0 6 0 4 0 (, 0 4 0 6 0 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS LENGTH IN INCHES FiouRE 12a. — Size compositions of total haddock landings from Georges Bank, by seasons and years, 1931 to 1936. 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figure 12b. — Size compositions of total haddock landings from Georges Bank, by seasons and years, 1937 to 1942. Table 31 and figure 14 show the yearly size compositions for total haddock. Table 32 shows the four seasonal size compositions for the average of all 18 years. These values are shown also in figure 11. In figure 14, it can be seen that there was con- siderable variation in the relative numbers of vari- ous sizes in different years. To study these dif- ferences more readily, we plotted (fig. 15) devia- 4060 4060 4060 40 60 4060 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS LENGTH IN INCHES -lEte- FiGURE 12c. — Size compositions of total haddock landings from Georges Bank, by seasons and years, 1943 to 1948. 40 60 40 60 40 60 ' 40 60 I 40 60~ LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS »« ^o 'si^io 'jo " iJo ' ^0 sjo " ' »' Jo LENGTH IN INCHES Figure 13a. — Deviations from the average size composi- tions, by seasons, 1931 to 1936. tions from the average year. Here, it can be seen that a scarcity of small-sized fish characterized some years such as 1931, 1940, 1944, 1945, and 1946. In other years, such as 1943 and 1948, a scarcity of large-sized fish occurred. In still others, an abundance of either small-sized or large-sized haddock occurred, or a scarcity or an abundance of both — the scarce years of 1933, 1934, and 1935, and the abundant year of 1941 demonstrate this. In other years, such as 1937, all sizes were taken in approximately average numbers. The differences in size composition help to ex- plain how different average weights (shown in table 9) occurred. As one example, the years 1936 166 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE LENGTH IN INCHES 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS ■ ■■I'l'i I t.| I .. ,. I. .. [ 1 1 , I , I.,., 30*H3 20 Xf\0 SO yJo 20 Xf lO LENGTH IN INCHES Figure 13b. — Deviations from the average size composi- tions, by seasons, 1937 to 1942. 1943 1944 I94S 1946 Id47 1946 40 60 ' 40 60 40 60 • 40 60 • 40 60 ' 40 60~ , , LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS lio ' ' 20 ' ajio ' 20 ' jolo ' 20 '»l'io' ^ 'aJ'iQ 20 'aj'ji ^6 'i^ LENGTH IN INCHES Figure 13e. — Deviations from the average size composi- tions, by seasons, 1943 to 1948. and 1941 had an identical, low average weight of 2.37 pounds. In 1936, this low average weight was associated with a slight abundance of small-sized and a scarcity of large-sized haddock, while in 1941 it was associated with factors entirely different — an abundance of all sizes, but with smaU haddock much more abundant than large-sized haddock. It is obvious that average weight is dependent upon the relative numbers of the various sizes and not upon the actual numbers of fish of various sizes. In table 33 are shown the size composition of the average year and the percent size composition. Undersized haddock The New England Fish Exchange defines scrod haddock as 1% to 2^ pounds. The average length LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figure 14. — Size compositions of total haddock landings from Georges Bank, by years. of lYi pound haddock is about 41 centimeters. Thus, most fish up to and including the 39-centi- meter size group could be considered as under- sized. From table 33, we see that in the average year about 4,974,000 undersized fish were landed, or 13.5 percent of the total. In all years the total number of undersized haddock landed was about 89,513,000. The numbers of undersized haddock that were landed in each year are shown in table 34. Scrod versus large haddock Table 35 shows the percentages of each size group that were scrod and large haddock; figure 16 shows the actual size compositions of scrod and large haddock. The dividing line between scrod and large had- dock for the average of the 18-year period was about 48 centimeters. Below 48 centimeters most fish landed were classified as scrod; above 48 most were classified as large haddock. This dividing line has varied from year to year, owing to differences in relative abundance of fish of difference sizes and to market conditions. Such GEORGES BANK HADDOCK — PART I: LANDINGS 167 LENGTH IN INCHES 10 20 3010 20 3010 20 3010 20 30 10 20 30 LENGTH IN INCHES 5 10 15 20 25 ! M ' I I I I I I I I M I I I 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figure 15. — Deviations from average size compositions, by years. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figures 16. — Size compositions of scrod and large had- dock landings from Georges Bank in average year. variation made it necessary to measure samples of each category in evfry year for which we desired an accurate measurement of size composition of the total haddock landings. The amount of overlap in length between the two market categories has been considerable. For instance, haddock as long as 63 centimeters were occasionally landed as scrod, and fish as small as 36 centimeters were landed as large haddock. This was due to difficulties and mistakes in sorting had- dock into two arbitrary categories at sea under varying conditions of weather, haste, and so on. Table 13. — Size compositions of scrod haddock, spring seasons (In thousands of fish] Length ' 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1 1 9" 40 105 278 554 86« 726 215 29 4 1 3 13 108 555 1,211 1,121 819 1,184 1,249 533 78 4 1 28 74 98 152 370 650 520 117 17 6 2 30 113 173 185 314 520 542 253 45 11 4 33 125 385 1.117 1.948 1,530 493 71 1 I 12 63 208 774 1.536 1,667 1,155 441 116 36 18 8 3 1 1 1 1 15 66 160 175 68 14 2 7 31 292 927 1,464 1,111 331 39 2 9 37 162 460 962 1,231 851 234 31 2 ""l6 101 295 654 989 911 311 43 5 2 11 62 250 480 614 481 145 17 3 ...... 30 144 230 112 13 3 2 8 15 38 97 198 188 57 5 33cm-.. 2 44 172 491 828 478 102 7 2 14 62 242 348 l'i6 24 1 1 13 68 144 163 94 28 3 10 75 382 892 899 549 171 26 2 36cm 87 39 cm 531 42 cm - 1,036 45cm... 925 48 cm.. . _ 574 173 .Mem 24 60 cm 69 cm 72 cm Total-. 492 4,204 2,124 849 514 2,033 2,828 2,193 3,980 3,325 6,879 5,708 6,040 2,065 536 606 3,004 3,352 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. 168 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 14. — Size compositions of scrod haddock, summer seasons [In thousands of fish) Length i 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1 2 5 19 128 635 1,550 1.702 1,365 900 258 29 3 1 24 cm 14 152 290 373 524 636 592 593 347 92 9 1 '"17" 265 1,119 1,722 1,343 718 218 64 36 18 2 1 3 16 62 3b6 1,275 1,477 980 769 267 33 5 1 2 4 15 163 949 2,046 1,925 1,402 I. 491 693 107 14 27 cm. . 1 10 106 531 1,230 1,758 2,724 2,706 885 116 10 1 24 214 655 1,276 2,166 2,254 1,575 539 57 8 2 11 29 210 555 940 1,033 1,372 714 104 8 30cm_._ 1 16 114 659 1, 594 1,807 842 159 14 2 12 103 225 472 750 463 83 5 1 1 13 189 623 899 1.028 656 154 20 4 1 25 345 1,059 1,768 2,048 1,502 405 31 6 ""9 134 587 1,176 1,427 1,416 564 56 4 4 10 85 442 996 1,100 636 112 8 "29" 333 868 688 261 104 17 1 17 556 1,366 1,516 1,249 732 177 16 36cm. ._ _. 8 74 240 324 152 17 1 696 39 cm. . 1 758 42 cm,.. 2,420 48 cm. 1 068 51 cm. 135 54 cm... 12 60 cm 1 1 2 63 cm. . Total 816 5,206 3,623 2,117 3,587 6,598 6,512 5,285 7,190 5,373 8,811 10, 077 8.771 3,393 2,301 4,978 5,628 8,484 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervils. Table 15. — Size compositions of scrod haddock, fall seasons [In thousands of fish| Length 1 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 24 cm. - 2 30 166 383 385 1.050 2.444 2.395 994 188 19 1 10 59 136 664 2.519 4,546 3,180 1.106 277 35 2 1 17 44 254 1.228 1,943 1,121 373 53 1 4 17 103 345 1,298 2.690 2,172 776 140 14 2 6 48 183 242 414 1,191 1,535 1,076 347 47 3 1 1 6 58 648 1.901 2.294 1,785 1,095 264 34 3 1 6 12 174 812 1,244 798 213 32 16 2 1 8 36 267 884 1,496 1,504 798 164 11 30 cm 33cm 1 7 127 736 1,299 777 203 28 7 1 . .... 29 318 1,547 2,592 1,362 203 21 2 2 41 362 1,094 1,096 693 385 67 1 1 1 24 256 1.310 2.173 1,648 660 111 7 1 40 370 2,291 4,587 3,359 1,092 177 25 3 1 43 354 1,591 3.262 3.178 1,546 308 27 3 3 41 337 836 1,221 1,553 1,162 281 24 2 3 50 139 315 732 929 418 77 14 2 4 54 1.122 4,250 4,482 2,205 921 147 24 4 4 104 36 cm 1,076 39 cm 2,158 2,389 45 cm___ _ 48 cm 2,262 1,241 236 32 67 cm- 6 2 Total.. 3.186 6,075 5,035 3.742 6,190 7,561 8,056 11,945 10, 313 5,093 12,535 8.088 .'5,460 2,679 3,310 5,169 13, 213 9,510 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals Table 16. — Size compositions of scrod haddock^ winter seasons [In thousands of fishj Length i 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 2 11 140 485 632 643 989 1,346 718 136 11 1 27 cm 16 80 109 176 292 389 204 44 6 5 37 168 343 362 460 565 250 36 5 1 2 18 74 149 155 210 395 292 79 9 1 4 67 243 418 644 1.199 1.176 481 105 11 2 2 28 135 434 719 826 887 510 116 12 1 1 63 321 566 419 288 450 384 113 17 1 7 55 114 169 403 1,076 1.412 698 156 26 1 1 10 49 204 779 1.351 1,076 523 'il 1 1 34 694 2,054 2,264 1,205 274 19 1 1 3 24 107 330 661 595 296 74 14 3 1 "32" 254 813 878 444 177 42 3 1 4 33 cm- - - 36cm - 19 152 567 845 445 59 6 14 68 189 362 231 63 * 1 5 63 199 274 281 208 40 7 1 5 28 52 79 191 107 8 7 37 192 448 457 120 11 1 105 893 39 cm 1,712 42 cm - _-- 1,537 45 cm ; 48 cm - 1,132 676 51 cm 134 64 cm 17 3 60 cm Total-. 6,547 2,094 936 1,316 5,113 2,232 1,384 4,350 3,670 2,623 4,117 4,140 1,078 470 1,273 2,108 2,644 6,113 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. GEORGES BANK HADDOCK — PART I: LANDINGS 169 Table 17. — Size composition^ scrod haddock, in each of the 18 years [In thousands of fish] Length ■ 1931 1932 1933 1934 193S 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1 2 15 101 473 1,421 3.362 5,222 4,752 2,446 551 65 12 1 1 3 32 193 514 904 2,602 4,930 4,999 2,730 700 HI 41 18 2 1 6 34 237 968 2.993 6,089 8.366 7.178 4.544 1.659 246 21 14 153 307 433 890 2,225 3,388 :.773 1,261 255 18 1 '""is" 84 164 655 1.673 2.199 1.995 1,048 180 7 2 1 2 11 142 523 1,090 2,644 4,205 4.184 2,128 429 41 5 1 9 114 458 1.357 4,395 7,577 6,035 2,884 802 114 21 5 1 2 39 240 1,295 3,829 6,818 7,344 4,409 1,063 101 12 1 7 111 529 1.043 1,715 3,309 4 401 3,787 1,335 163 13 1 3 30 246 1.508 4.295 6.520 7.533 5.854 1,774 235 15 2 39 323 1,263 3.085 5.197 5,755 4,100 1,301 204 47 20 8 3 1 1 " "9" 76 314 1,059 2.287 2.834 1,642 342 39 5 1 6 48 546 1,902 2,524 1,746 549 73 21 4 12 48 285 967 2,251 3,388 3,659 1,865 347 33 3 2 1 30 cm 3 42 844 2,920 3,9«3 2,481 697 78 11 2 8 49 454 2.056 5.172 6,355 2,980 460 43 2 4 113 2,007 6,811 7,767 4,797 2.379 537 69 5 8 263 36 cm 2,752 39cm 6,159 7,382 6,660 48cm . 3,459 51 cm. 678 85 57 cm 9 4 72 cm Total 11,041 17, 579 11,718 8,024 15,404 18,424 17,780 23.773 25,153 16, 414 32,342 28,013 21,349 8,607 7,420 12,861 24,489 27.459 ' Size groups by 3-cm. iotervals. Table 18. — Average size composition of scrod haddock, each of the seasons [In thousands of fish] Length ' Spring Summer FaU Winter 24 cm 1 10 23 81 393 985 1,341 1,354 933 271 32 S 1 27 cm -- 1 12 56 157 346 643 808 577 184 29 4 1 1 3 19 76 397 1,389 2,258 1,871 857 172 20 2 3 30 cm 28 107 292 39 cm 562 42 cm 770 716 48 cm 342 51 cm - 71 9 1 63 cm Total 2,819 5,430 7,064 2,901 T.\BLE 19. — Size composition of scrod haddock in the average year [In thousands of fish] ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Length ■ Average number Percent of total 1 17 82 320 1,240 3,281 5,012 4,747 2,710 699 89 12 3 1 0.1 30 cm .4 33 cm 1.8 6.8 18.0 42 cm 27.5 45 cm 26.1 14.9 3.8 54 cm .5 57 cm .1 Total 18, 214 100.0 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 20. — Size compositions of large haddock, spring seasons [In thousands of fish] Length i 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1 1 4 7 38 192 526 658 599 444 306 183 92 44 19 5 1 7 36 148 596 1,068 1,045 732 477 283 172 84 39 16 4 ...... 25 112 395 673 791 728 585 350 185 87 32 15 4 20 118 444 663 608 551 453 322 228 109 46 19 9 1 3 16 96 461 946 1,139 971 641 545 275 122 63 7 1 39cm 6 36 256 825 1,398 1,567 1,537 1,185 742 364 132 51 18 40 279 548 684 753 834 714 497 300 148 43 16 2 """ie" 181 637 1,074 897 753 632 450 282 118 41 7 4 1 5 67 276 410 394 317 231 153 99 47 18 6 4 4 44 132 240 289 233 178 140 76 38 17 3 1 9 89 450 777 798 668 435 306 174 87 34 10 1 2 8 118 636 1.225 1,171 897 608 412 232 122 54 17 2 2 7 36 282 652 778 715 560 416 266 167 78 26 10 2 1 1 9 112 647 1,171 1,018 683 402 241 160 88 42 10 5 1 """"3" 51 395 1.025 1.169 940 604 363 198 101 52 23 5 1 10 75 462 945 992 824 586 382 1S7 94 44 14 4 4 15 73 416 958 978 686 416 252 162 67 25 8 4 42 cm ii 45 cm. 45 48cm. _ 206 526 54cm _ 627 57 cm , . . 590 60 cm. 410 346 228 69 cm . 162 72 cm. 64 19 1 1 84 cm Total.. 8,117 4,859 5,092 2,028 1,394 3,839 5,504 3,118 3,998 4,590 4,930 4,630 4,064 4,708 3.981 3.695 5.287 3.236 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. 170 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 21. — Size compositions of large haddock, summer seasons [In thousands of fish] Length i 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 33 cm- __ 1 15 49 140 604 1,480 1,624 1,411 1,332 1,107 651 359 181 66 14 8 1 36 cm. 1 11 33 315 1.216 1,458 1,090 698 409 267 146 60 24 5 1 """"4" 19 127 650 1,352 1.227 859 650 316 190 116 67 28 11 1 1 6 20 85 486 1,064 1,107 868 58a 354 179 90 39 12 4 1 19 95 457 1,444 2,043 1,862 1,306 913 521 291 172 60 22 10 2 11 49 119 362 782 1.049 1,203 1,264 806 411 216 108 37 14 5 39 cm. .. ... 1 46 291 1,191 2,099 2,138 1,784 1,427 910 507 255 103 36 7 2 1 1 2 27 318 876 936 789 768 773 630 389 209 82 32 7 2 14 44 280 1,065 1,556 1,374 932 628 424 242 128 56 13 8 2 3 23 143 629 971 869 689 542 327 160 74 25 9 2 18 210 938 1.457 1,351 983 607 344 175 66 22 6 1 5 23 129 848 1,562 1,223 798 520 380 202 112 54 13 5 2 2 12 97 676 1,689 1,644 1,176 722 451 273 149 65 28 13 2 6 14 56 461 1,378 1,726 1,468 927 552 291 153 86 30 10 2 2 12 105 767 1,617 1,349 1,036 669 439 249 HI 59 27 10 1 6 16 66 650 1,370 1,448 993 560 332 187 87 38 10 2 1 ...... 104 394 739 901 906 686 672 439 260 114 34 17 2 19 45 cm 147 48 cm 675 51 cm 906 54cm. 813 521 60cm 354 63 cm 238 66 cm. 117 62 78 12 78 cm g 84 cm. 10, 799 5,831 6,765 4,464 6,179 5,723 5,517 4,888 5,876 6,899 7,150 6,353 5,666 9,218 6,436 9,043 5,279 3,937 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 22. — Size compositions of large haddock, fall seasons [In thousands of fish] Length > 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 36 cm 1 4 43 545 1.726 1,802 1,158 716 514 392 244 110 48 12 2 1 1 12 44 337 1,081 1,605 1.182 600 274 138 78 38 12 6 1 4 11 129 825 1,361 883 438 229 124 71 42 14 5 1 6 49 181 406 554 820 984 936 706 387 194 118 60 23 2 1 1 3 22 74 346 1,316 2,047 1,521 996 878 613 343 164 52 20 2 2 39 cm. 14 59 233 463 852 1,029 1,089 956 722 410 171 103 49 11 2 1 6 48 401 1,173 1,685 1,277 762 405 223 156 67 28 10 2 3 1 4 44 213 617 944 777 584 372 210 90 37 9 5 1 19 324 1,320 1,770 1.174 712 336 166 63 24 a 6 1 4 21 203 913 1,327 1,179 788 468 228 121 70 27 11 5 1 2 19 199 729 1,043 806 486 282 149 64 28 17 7 2 1 5 26 362 1,461 1,978 1.196 505 195 116 56 19 6 8 2 10 90 640 1,326 1,242 776 413 210 113 53 25 10 3 6 30 156 601 1,145 1,122 752 449 221 143 64 24 16 6 1 3 16 109 684 1,267 1,109 713 356 193 115 50 20 12 4 2 6 62 436 1,248 1,771 1,671 1,217 671 327 128 55 25 9 3 3 23 126 559 1,005 1,023 797 494 360 255 131 80 16 4 2 2 42 cm. .. 14 45cm 132 48 cm.... 694 51cm.. .. 969 54 cm. 729 57 cm. .. 531 60 cm 413 63 cm. 272 66 cm. 166 69 cm. 93 72 cm. .. 52 20 78 cm 7 81 cm 1 84 cm. Total 6,164 7,318 6,147 3,907 5,927 5,408 6,366 3,833 6,924 4,912 4,726 4,138 4,663 7,629 5,428 8,399 4,878 4,075 ' Siie groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 23. — Size compositions of large haddock, winter seasons [In thousands of fish] Length ' 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 30 cm 2 4 25 48 138 314 446 322 380 461 451 327 200 101 40 19 8 1 33 cm. 1 1 2 36 276 837 911 667 396 341 258 167 67 32 9 2 1 36 cm 5 18 41 64 232 448 470 310 220 146 104 51 18 12 6 2 1 1 7 29 90 193 469 561 569 470 279 174 99 43 12 1 1 39 cm 6 96 410 404 420 469 422 332 229 121 67 32 8 1 4 39 157 257 240 179 118 86 60 26 9 5 1 10 87 191 229 161 98 64 36 18 10 3 4 1 12 216 734 748 626 376 276 222 160 82 36 8 2 1 13 119 384 431 364 265 170 116 71 37 16 5 1 1 7 49 220 355 439 406 322 249 165 90 48 20 5 1 4 16 90 315 451 416 318 249 182 124 71 36 12 2 2 16 124 474 734 564 374 229 165 111 67 31 10 2 1 1 2 36 148 366 439 371 303 201 122 70 42 18 3 2 1 10 55 307 636 470 298 197 118 69 36 17 11 2 1 2 14 68 289 432 346 219 145 86 46 3D 12 6 1 2 6 38 137 394 598 624 528 444 364 188 100 44 16 4 1 ...... 61 146 257 318 310 258 198 148 101 47 17 6 1 3 42 cm 7 94 48 cm 420 51 cm 486 389 67 cm. 326 60cm... 256 63 cm 198 66 cm 136 69 cm 81 72 cm 44 75 cm 15 78 cm 4 81 cm 1 84 cm.. Total 3,006 3,894 1,172 912 3,399 1,993 2.367 2.285 2.894 2,148 2,114 2,128 1,698 2,987 3,287 3,475 1,862 2,461 ' Size groups bv 3-cm. intervals. GEORGES BANK HADDOCK — PART I: LANDINGS 171 Table 24. — Size composition of large haddock, in each of the 18 years (In thousands of fish) Length > 1931 1932 1933 1934 193S 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1M6 1947 1948 2 4 42 149 463 1,194 2.177 2.864 3,358 3.389 2,548 1,475 795 414 169 71 15 2 1 1 1 22 96 370 1.531 3,853 4,877 4,107 3,309 2,751 1,846 999 491 181 59 14 4 1 2 9 146 1.418 3,987 4,333 3.257 2.704 2.342 1.777 1,100 534 205 69 13 4 1 36 cm 2 25 99 860 3,130 4.271 3.434 2,231 1,288 817 469 222 86 25 4 ....... 55 497 2.419 4,259 4.016 2,950 1,948 1,205 698 398 196 76 23 3 2 16 62 412 1,722 3,074 2,986 2.271 1.558 991 550 281 135 50 13 1 "ii 72 651 3,055 4.962 3.701 2.392 1.504 1,077 634 355 169 57 19 5 1 5 22 72 363 2,195 4,534 4,374 2.945 1,757 1.048 650 341 150 60 27 5 1 "is" 49 299 1,605 3.904 4.456 3,521 2,283 1,337 754 378 204 87 24 6 1 8 43 364 2,361 4,359 3,694 2,596 1,681 1,063 586 283 134 57 17 2 ....... 61 315 1.939 4,027 3,881 2,611 1,477 863 510 234 95 36 11 5 3 39 222 1,131 3,481 5,341 .5,139 3.824 2,531 1.410 765 410 167 59 18 2 1 6 55 377 1,559 2.947 3.381 2,984 2,079 1,775 1,117 614 304 74 28 5 1 39 cm 27 237 1,190 2,883 4,769 5.193 4.832 3,900 2,603 1,402 625 289 111 18 4 2 1 21 112 901 3,032 4.471 3.788 2.626 1,783 1,183 730 339 134 35 15 5 1 9 82 510 1.713 2,554 2.201 1.688 1.209 726 367 168 55 24 5 4 53 794 3,124 4.215 3.340 2,304 1,397 872 474 210 86 22 4 6 42 cm 51 45 cm,.. 48 cm 418 1,995 51 cm. .54 cm 2,876 i,5.58 1.968 60 cm 1.433 1.054 637 69 cm 388 72 cm 235 66 20 81 cm 3 87 cm -- Total 28,086 21,902 19, 176 11.311 16,899 16,963 18, 754 14,124 18,692 18. 549 18,920 17.249 16,080 24,542 19, 132 24,512 17.306 13.709 • Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 25. — Average size composition of targe haddock, in each of the seasons (In thousands of flsb] Table 26. — Size composition of targe haddock in the average year [In thousand!! of flshj Length 1 Spring Summer Fall Winter 36 cm . . 2 10 38 216 840 1.370 1.307 1,020 710 456 256 132 60 19 7 1 8 41 264 922 1,367 1.114 744 467 281 156 74 34 14 3 1 2 39cm. 3 21 126 457 828 868 731 524 356 203 100 42 14 3 6 27 45 cm 129 48 cm 349 468 429 57 cm 346 269 192 66cm 120 65 31 75 cm . 12 3 81 cm 1 Total 4.276 6,444 5,491 2,449 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Length ' Average number Percent 36 cm -- 4 27 128 735 2,569 4.032 3,718 2,841 1,970 1,285 736 371 167 59 16 3 39 cm 0.1 .7 3.9 48 cm . 13.8 21.7 19.9 15.2 10.6 63 cm 6.9 3.9 2.0 .» 75 cm . .3 .1 Total 18.661 100.0 1 Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 27. — Size compositions of total haddock, spring seasons [In thousands of fish] Length ' 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1946 1946 1947 1948 1 1 """"9' 40 105 280 562 984 1,362 1.440 1,200 901 608 412 232 122 54 17 2 1 3 13 108 555 1,211 1,121 822 1,235 1,644 1,558 1,247 944 604 363 198 101 52 23 6 1 27 cm 1 28 74 98 153 379 739 970 894 815 674 435 306 174 87 34 10 1 2 30 113 174 189 321 558 734 779 703 610 448 307 183 92 44 19 5 5' 33 125 386 1,127 2,023 1,992 1,438 1,063 825 586 382 197 94 44 14 4 1 12 63 208 778 1,551 1,740 1,571 1,399 1,094 722 434 260 165 68 26 8 4 30 cm 16 62 196 431 893 1.412 1,569 1,537 1,185 742 364 132 51 18 7 31 292 928 1,504 1,390 879 723 755 834 714 497 300 148 43 16 2 9 37 162 462 969 1,267 1,133 886 809 717 561 416 266 167 78 26 10 2 1 ""ie' 101 296 663 1,101 1,658 1,482 1,061 688 402 241 160 88 42 10 5 1 2 11 63 257 516 762 1,077 1,213 1,062 735 477 283 172 84 39 16 4 2 33 169 342 507 686 794 730 585 350 185 87 32 15 9 15 42 117 2 44 172 507 1,009 1,115 1.176 904 753 632 450 282 118 41 7 4 2 14 63 247 415 432 434 395 317 231 153 99 47 18 6 4 1 13 68 148 207 226 268 292 233 178 140 76 38 17 3 10 76 385 2 36 cm. . 87 39 cm... 531 316 908 1,047 632 720 613 551 453 322 228 109 46 19 9 995 1,010 1,117 1,155 971 641 545 275 122 63 7 1 970 48 cm . . . 780 51 cm.. 699 651 590 60 cm. . 410 63 cm . . - 346 228 69 cm. 162 72 cm , . . 64 19 1 •81 cm 1 84 cm Total.. -. 8,609 9,063 7,216 2.877 1.908 5,872 8,332 5,311 7,978 7,915 11,809 10,338 10, 104 6,773 4,517 4,201 8,291 6,588 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. 172 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 28. — Size compositions of total haddock, summer seasons [In thousands of flsh] Length ' 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1 2 5 19 128 636 1.561 1.735 1.680 2, 115 1,716 1,119 701 410 257 146 60 24 5 14 152 290 373 524 650 636 873 1,412 1.647 1.383 933 628 424 242 128 56 13 8 2 ""17' 265 1,123 1,741 1,470 1,368 1, 570 1,281 895 568 318 190 116 67 28 11 1 1 3 16 62 397 1.281 1.497 1.065 1.265 1,321 1,140 873 584 354 179 90 39 12 4 2 4 15 163 949 2.052 1.939 1.458 1.952 2.071 1,833 1.472 927 552 291 153 86 30 10 2 27 cm 1 10 106 531 1,232 1.770 2,829 3, 473 2,402 1,465 1,046 669 439 249 111 59 27 10 1 1 24 214 655 1,282 2,182 2.319 2.125 1.909 1,505 1,001 562 332 187 87 38 10 2 1 U 29 211 570 989 1,173 1,976 2,194 1,728 1,419 1,332 1,108 652 359 181 66 14 8 1 30 cm. .. 1 16 114 661 1.621 2,125 1,718 1,095 803 758 773 630 389 209 82 32 7 2 1 2 12 103 228 495 893 1.092 854 874 690 543 327 160 74 25 9 1 13 189 625 917 1, 2.38 1.594 1.611 1.371 987 607 344 175 66 22 5 1 1 25 345 1,064 1.791 2,177 2.350 1,967 1,254 804 520 380 202 112 54 13 5 2 9" 134 589 1,188 1,524 2,092 2,153 1.700 1.180 722 451 273 149 65 28 13 2 4 10 86 461 1,091 1,567 2,080 2,165 1.870 1.306 913 521 291 172 60 22 10 2 ""29" 344 917 807 623 886 1,066 1,204 1,264 806 411 216 108 37 14 6 33 cm 17 556 1,366 1,626 1,363 1,126 916 917 906 686 672 439 260 114 34 17 2 .36 cm-._ 8 75 286 615 1.343 2,116 2,139 1.784 1,427 910 507 255 103 36 7 2 1 1 696 39 cm... 1 759 42 cm- 2,439 2,488 48 cm. 1 743 51 cm 1,040 825 57 cm 60 cm 63 cm._ 66 cm 69 cm 621 356 238 117 52 72 cm. 75 12 78 cm. 8 81 cm 84 cm Total 11,615 11,037 10,388 6,381 9,766 12,321 11,029 10, 173 13,066 12,272 15,961 16, 430 14,436 12,611 8,737 14.021 10,907 12,421 I Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 29. — Size compositions of total haddock, fall seasons [In thousands of fish] Length 1 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 24 cm 2 30 166 383 386 1,054 2.466 2,598 1,907 1,515 1.198 788 468 228 121 70 27 11 5 1 10 69 136 664 2,525 4,576 3,336 1,707 1.422 1, 157 754 449 221 143 54 24 16 27 cm 1 17 44 254 1,234 1,991 1,522 1,546 1,638 1,278 762 405 223 156 67 28 10 2 3 1 4 17 103 346 1,310 2,734 2,509 1,857 1,745 1, 196 602 274 138 78 38 12 5 1 6 48 183 242 415 1,201 1.625 1,716 1,673 1,289 779 414 210 113 53 25 10 3 1 5 58 649 1,905 2.305 1.914 1.920 1,625 917 441 229 124 71 42 14 5 1 1 6 12 180 861 1,425 1,204 767 852 1,000 938 706 387 194 118 60 23 2 1 1 1 8 36 270 906 1.570 1,860 2,114 2,211 1,632 996 878 613 343 164 52 20 2 2 30 cm --.. 1 7 127 750 1.358 1,010 666 880 1,036 1,090 956 722 410 171 103 49 11 2 1 .- 30 322 1,590 3.137 3,088 2,005 1.179 718 614 392 244 110 48 12 2 1 2 41 362 1,098 1,140 906 1,002 1,011 778 585 372 210 90 37 9 5 1 1 24 256 1,311 2.192 1.972 1,980 1.881 1, 181 712 336 166 63 24 11 6 1 i 40 370 2,293 4,606 3,658 1,821 1.220 830 489 282 149 64 28 17 7 2 1 1 43 364 1,696 3,288 3.640 2,997 2,286 1.223 508 195 116 55 19 6 8 2 3 41 337 839 1,237 1,662 1,846 1,548 1,133 715 356 193 115 50 20 12 4 2 3 50 139 321 794 1,365 1,666 1,848 1,685 1,219 671 327 128 55 25 9 3 4 54 1.122 4,253 4,505 2,331 1,480 1,152 1,047 801 494 360 255 131 80 16 4 2 4 104 36 cm --- 39 cm 1,076 2,160 2,403 45 cm- 2,394 48 cm 1,935 1.195 761 57 cm 537 415 63 cm... 66 cm 272 156 93 72 cm 75 cm. 52 20 78 cm 7 1 84 cm Total . 9,350 13,393 11,182 7,649 12, 117 12, 969 13, 422 15, 778 16,237 10,005 17,261 12,226 10, 113 10, 308 8,738 13,568 18, 091 13.585 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. GEORGES BANK HADDOCK — PART I: LANDINGS Table 30. — Size compositions of total haddock, winter seasons (In thousands of flsh] 173 Length ' 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 2 11 140 485 632 644 1,001 1.561 1,452 884 537 377 276 222 160 82 36 8 2 16 80 109 176 293 399 291 235 235 161 98 64 36 18 10 3 4 5 37 168 343 363 473 684 634 467 369 266 170 116 71 37 16 5 1 2 18 74 149 156 217 444 512 434 448 407 322 249 155 90 48 20 5 1 4 67 243 418 648 1,215 1,266 796 556 427 320 249 182 124 71 35 12 2 2 28 135 434 721 842 1,011 984 850 576 375 229 165 111 57 31 10 2 1 1 63 321 671 437 329 514 616 561 487 311 220 146 104 51 18 12 6 2 1 7 55 114 169 404 1.078 1,448 846 512 465 372 303 201 122 70 42 18 3 2 1 10 49 204 780 1.361 1.I3I 830 668 484 299 197 118 69 36 17 11 2 1 1 34 694 2,060 2,360 1,615 678 439 460 423 332 229 121 67 32 8 2 11 62 240 586 771 566 333 381 461 451 327 200 101 40 19 8 1 3 24 107 335 699 732 690 672 638 531 445 354 188 100 44 16 4 1 "'"32" 254 813 883 495 322 299 321 311 258 198 148 101 47 17 6 1 4 2 20 154 603 1.121 1.282 970 563 396 341 258 167 67 32 9 2 1 14 68 190 366 270 220 265 241 179 118 86 50 26 9 5 1 5 63 201 288 349 497 472 353 220 145 86 46 30 12 6 1 2 5 29 59 108 281 300 467 561 569 470 279 174 99 43 12 1 105 36 cm 8»« 39 cm - 1,715 1.544 45 cm 1,226 48 cm 996 620 406 57 cm 329 60 cm 256 198 136 69 cm 81 44 15 4 81 om 1 Total... 9,553 5.988 2.108 2,228 8.512 4,225 3,751 6,635 6,564 4,771 6.231 6.268 2,776 3.457 4,560 5,583 4,506 8.574 ' Size groups by 3-cm. intervals. Table 31. — Size composition of landings of total haddock, in each of the 18 years (In thousands of fish) Length i 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1 2 15 101 473 1.423 3,387 5,321 ,5,612 5,576 4,822 3,499 2.243 1,289 817 469 222 86 25 4 1 3 32 193 514 904 2,613 4.985 5.496 6.149 4,959 4,127 2,991 1,966 1,207 698 398 196 76 23 3 1 6 34 237 968 2,993 6.102 8,416 7,477 6,149 5.663 4,702 3,542 2,283 1,337 754 378 204 87 24 6 14 163 307 433 890 2,246 3.500 3,674 4,293 4,726 3,806 2.627 1.783 1,183 730 3.39 134 35 15 5 1 ....... 84 164 655 1.682 2,281 2,505 2,761 2,734 2,208 1.690 1.210 726 367 168 55 24 5 2 11 142 523 1,090 2.648 4.258 4,978 5,252 4,644 3,381 2,309 1,397 872 474 210 86 22 4 i 9 114 458 1,359 4,411 7,639 6,447 4,606 3,876 3.100 2,292 1,563 992 550 281 135 50 13 1 27 cm 2 39 240 1,295 3.843 6,890 7.995 7.464 5,989 3,S62 2,404 1,505 1.077 634 355 169 57 19 5 1 7 111 529 1,048 1,737 3,381 4,764 5,982 5,869 4,637 2,958 1,758 1,048 650 341 160 60 27 5 1 3 30 246 1,509 4.303 6.563 7.897 8,125 6,133 3.929 2.611 1.681 1.063 586 283 134 57 17 2 2 39 323 1.263 3.100 5,258 6,070 6,039 6,328 4.085 2,658 1,497 871 513 235 96 36 11 5 9' 76 317 1,098 2.509 3.965 5.123 5.683 5.178 3,829 2.531 1.410 765 410 167 59 18 2 1 8 52 588 2. 051 2.987 2,910 2.726 2.937 3,379 3,393 2.548 1.475 795 414 169 71 15 2 1 12 49 286 989 2,347 3,768 6,190 5,718 6.224 4.140 3,312 2,753 1.847 999 491 181 59 14 4 30 cm 3 42 844 2.947 4,200 3.671 3.5s for study, and Manuel Vieira prepared the illustrations. Robcit Kirk- I)atrick summarized the 1950 Browns Bank data, and John C. Marr, Chief, South Pacific Fishery Investigations, reviewed the manuscript. 177 178 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE HADDOCK FROM GEORGES AND BROWNS BANKS 179 COLLECTION OF DATA Cruise 23 (June 23 to June 29, 1949) of the Albatross III was made primarily to tag haddock on Georges and Browns Banks. However, h-ngth measurements and scale samples were obtained con- currently from a substantial number of fish on each of the two banks, and these data form the basis for this report. The mesh in the otter trawl used was small enough, 2-inch stretched measure, to obtain a representative sample of all sizes and ages of bottom-dwelling haddock (other than young of the year) in a given area. The samples were obtained from two locations on Browns Bank and from five locations on Georges Bank (fig. 1). These locations were not selected at random, but all fish caught on the two banks were taken in nets of the same size, fished in the same manner. SIZE COMPOSITION During this cruise, 10,163 haddock were caught in 61 tows, 9,321 in 45 tows on Georges Bank and 842 in 16 tows on Browns Bank. The size compositions ' of these catches are shown in table 1. The percentage size compositions of the catches from the two banks also are shown in table 1 and are plotted in figure 2. From these data it can be seen that there is a marked difference in the size compositions of the catches from the two banks. < By fork Icnpth, from lip of snout to fork of tail. All lenKths were re- conlpil by continicti'rs, that is, lefiRllis from 20.0 contimeters to and including 20.9 centimeters were recorcieci as 2t).0 centimeters, lengths from 21.0 centi- meters to and including 21.9 centimeters were recorded as 21.0 centimeters, and so on. Data are arranged in .1-ctMitimeier groups, that ii». *JD-. 2I-. and 22-centimeter fish arc groupi'd as 21 -centimeter fish; 23-, 24-. and 2S-ccntimctcr fish are grouped as 2-1-centimeler fish, and so on. BROWNS BANK 20 25 45 Figure 2.- 30 35 40 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS -Percentage size compositions of haddock catches from Georges and Urowiis Batiks. 50 55 180 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 1. — Size compositions of haddock catches from Georges and Browns Banks Georges Bank Browns Bank Length in 3-cen1imeter groups ' Number Percent Number Percent 29 160 129 99 62 81 41 32 47 53 42 46 12 10 4 4 1 3.44 18 centimeters 511 2,973 3,180 734 75 182 410 376 298 239 169 117 40 18 3 3 6.48 31.90 34.12 7.87 .81 1.95 4.40 4.03 3.20 2.66 1.71 1.26 .43 .19 .03 .03 .01 19.00 15 32 24 centimeters 11.76 27 centimeters 6.18 9.62 33 cent iineters 4.87 3ti centimeters . 3.80 5.58 42 centimeters 6.29 4.99 48 centimeters 5.40 51 centimeters . .- 1.42 I 19 57 centimeters ,48 .48 . 12 2 .02 Total 9.321 100.00 842 100,00 ' See text footnote 1. SIZES AT VARIOUS AGES Without sonic method of age determination, we could only speculate about the ages of the fish represented by the modes in these size distribu- tions. Fortunately the age of haddock, at least for the ages represented here, can be assessed accurately by microscopic examination of impres- sions of their scales. Figure 3 shows impressions of scales of 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old haddock collected on this cruise. Scale samples were taken from 1,285 haddock, 823 from Georges Bank and 462 from Browns Bank. Tables 2 and 3 show the distribution of these fish by size, and the number and percentage of fish from each size group that wei-e assigned to each age on the basisof scale examination. From the percentages thus obtained, it was possible to estimate how many fish in the total catch were of each age. It was necessary to determine tlie number of each age in the entire catch, rather than to use only the age samples of tables 2 and 3, because scales were taken from more large fish than from small, in proportion to their abundance. This was done because of the relative scarcity of larger sizes and because of the greater number of ages that make up the size groups of larger fish. The age composition of the total catch was ob- tained by allotting the total catch of each size group (table 1) to the various ages on the basis of the percentages shown in tables 2 and 3. For example, the Georges Bank age analysis showed that, of all 18-centimeter fish for which age read- ings were made, 100 percent were 1-year olds. Accordingly, the total catch (511) of 18-centi- meter haddock taken on Georges Bank were con- sidered to be 1-year-old fish. Likewise, of all 36-centimeter fish for which the ages were read, 92.1 percent were 2-year-olds and 7.9 percent were 3-voar-olds. Thus, of the 410 fish of 36 Table 2. — Age composition of 823 Georges Bank haddock, by scale analysis [In parentheses is the percentage that each age contributed to the total for each sl7.el Length In 3-centimeter Number and percent in age group— Total number, all ages groups ' 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 and over 3 (100.0) 39 (100.0) 39 (100.0) 18 (100.0) 6 (46.2) 3 21 centimeters 39 39 27 centimeters 18 7 (53.8) 65 (100.0) 139 (92, 1 ) 106 (67, 7 ) 34 (30.6) 2 (2.2) 13 33 centimeters 65 36 centimeters 12 (7.9) .50 (32.3) 75 (67.6) 69 (77.fi) 35 (56.4) 10 (20.4) 161 155 42 centimeters. . .. 2 (1.8) 18 (20.2) 23 (37.1) 35 (71,4) 11 (78.6) 3 (37.5) HI 45 cenlimeters 89 4 (6. 6) 4 (8.2) 2 (14,3) 3 (37.6) 1 (60.0) 62 49 1 (7. 1 ) 1 (12.5) 1 (,50.0) 2 (100,0) 1 (100.0) 14 57 centimeters.. .. 1 (12.5) 8 60 centimeters 2 2 66 centimeters 1 0 72 centimeters 1 (50.0) 1 (60.0) 2 All sizes 105 3S2 251 92 14 6 2 1 823 1 See text footnote 1. HADDOCK FROM GEORGES AXD BROWNS BANKS 181 Table 3. — Age composition of 4^2 Browns Bank haddock, by scale analysis [In parentheses is the percentage that each age contributed to the total for each size] Length in 3-centimeter groups ' 15 cen 18 cen 21 cen Z'l cijn 27 cen 30 ci'ii 33 cen 36 cen 39 ecu 42 cen 45 cen 48 cen 51 cen 54 cen 57 cen fiOccn 63 cen timeters.. timctcrs., timeters,. timeters.. timeters. - timeters.. timeters.. timeters., timeters.. timeters.. timeters., timeters.. timeters.. timeters.. timeters., timeters.. timeters.. All sizes.. Number and percent in age group — 13 (100.0) 62 (89.9) 13 (16.0) 7 (10. 1) 68 (S4.0) 50 (96.2) 11 (31.4) 2 (3.8) 24 (68.6) 49 (100.0) 32 (97.0) 12 (63.2) 1 (3.0) 7 (36.8) 19 (90.5) 20 (87.0) 10 (40.0) 4 (17.4) 2 (9.5) 3 (13.0) 15 (60.0) 16 (69.6) 5 (83.3) 1 (12.6) 42 2 (8.7) 0 (0.0) 5 (62.5) 1 (4.3) 1 (16.7) 2 (25.0) 1 (50.0) 1 (50.0) 1 (100.0) 9 and over 2 (100.0) ToUl number, all ages 13 69 81 52 35 49 33 19 21 23 25 23 6 8 2 1 2 462 1 See text footnote 1 . centimetei-s caught on Georges Bank, 378 (92.1 percent) were estimated to be 2-year-olds and 32 (7.9 percent) to be 3-year-oIds. The total numbers of haddock caught of each size and age, shown in tables 4 and 5, were trans- formed into percentages and plotted in figure 4. In effect, this amounted to converting the per- centage size compositions shown in figure 2 into percentage age compositions. From figure 4, it can be seen that, as already suspected from figure 2, the modes are composed largely- of fish of different ages. It can be seen from figure 3 and also from table 6 that for each age the fish caught on Georges Bank were considerably larger than those caught on Browns Bank. One-year-olds from Georges averaged 22.7 centimeters as compared with only 17.9 centimeters from Browns; 2-year-olds from Georges were 36.6 centimeters as compared with 22.4 from Browns; 3-year-olds were 43.2 centime- ters as compared with 30.6; 4-year-olds were 49.4 centimeters as compared with 41.1 centimeters. Also shown in table 6 are the ranges of the means, expressed as the mean + 2 times its standard T.\BLE 4. — Estimated age distribution of haddock catch from Georges Bank Length in 3-centl- meter groups ' Number In age group— Tnial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and over all ages 511 2.973 3.180 734 35 511 2.973 24 cenllmeters 3, 180 27 ccniimeters 734 30 centimeters 40 182 378 2,55 91 5 75 182 30 centimeters 32 121 202 186 90 24 410 376 42 ccniimeters J 48 .59 83 31 7 298 45 centimeters 239 10 10 6 7 2 1.59 51 centimeters 117 3 2 I 3 1 40 .... 2 18 3 63 centimeters 3 60 centimeters . _ 1 69 centimeters 0 1 1 2 Allsiies 7,433 951 655 233 35 10 0 3 1 9.321 Table 5. — Estimated age distribution of haddock catch from Browns Bank Lenpth in 3-centi- meter groups ' Number In age group— ToUl, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and over all ages 15 cenllmeters 29 144 21 29 18 centimeters 16 108 95 16 160 129 24 centimeters 4 36 81 40 20 99 52 30 centimeters 81 33 centimeters 1 12 42 46 17 8 41 32 3ti centimeters S 7 25 32 10 1 47 53 45 centimeters 42 4 0 6 2 2 3 2 46 12 54 centimeters 10 2 4 ...... 4 fiO centimeters 4 63 centimeters 1 All sizes 194 215 181 126 80 10 9 6 1 842 ' See text footnote 1. ' See text footnote 1. 182 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AAD WILDLIFE SERVICE GEORGES BANK YEAR 2 YEARS i^^^k 3 YEARS 4 YEARS FiaoRE 3a. — Impressions of scales of 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year old haddock from Georges Bank. HADDOCK FROM GEORGES AND BROWNS BANKS 183 BROWNS BANK I YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS Fir.uRE 3b. — Impressions of scales of 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old haddock from Browns Bank. 184 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 20- 10 BROWNS BANK / V \ A .s:;^^ ^::frws- :::» - — -^-^ "' --° '° 1 30 cr UJ Q. 20 10 GEORGES BANK .^-O' ?.^-- — --° ~6--'sr.m-?—-- — t. 25 30 35 40 45 50 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS Figure 4. — Percentage age compositions of haddock catches from Georges and Browns Banks. 55 error. The variation within the age groups was such that if sampHng continued, about 95 percent of the mean lengths obtained might be expected to fall within the limits indicated. The differences in average length between the Georges and Browns Banks fish for each age were found to be highly significant.^ The F-test (pro- duced by the analysis of variance of the lengths in tables 2 and 3) showed values far in excess of the 1 percent level. The probability is much less than 1 in 100 that such a large difference in the average length at each age would be due to chance sampling of a homogeneous population of fish. If average lengths are plotted against age for the Browns Bank data, it is seen that the curve is not as smooth as that for the Georges Bank data and that two points (2- and 3-year-olds) seem par- ticularly at variance with (below) what we might expect in a "normal" growth curve. We believe this is due to the fact that, in general, there is ^ .\ges 1 to .'» only. No tests of slcntflcance wpre con'puted for older ages. variability in growth rate between different year classes and one cannot expect to obtain a smooth or "normal" growth curve from a single year's collection of data. Specifically, we contend that the 1946 and 1947 year classes on Browns Bank were subnormal in attained size. Table 6. — Mean length and length range of various ages of haddock from Georges and Browns Banks [.\verages computed from tables 4 and 5: standard errors from tables 2 and 3. Figures In parentheses show number of fish for which ages were read.) Georges Bank Browns Bank Age Mean length Length range ' Mean length Length range ' 22.7 (105) 36.6 (352) 43.2 (251) 49.4 (92) 62.4 (14) 69.1 (6) (0) 62.0 (2) 72.0 (1) 22. 2 to 23. 2 3ft. 3 to 36. 9 42. 7 to 43. 7 48. 7 to 50. 1 60. 2 to 64. 6 17.9 (88) 22.4 (136) 30.6 (119) 41.1 (61) 46.4 (42) 61.6 (7) 52.7 (5) .59.0 (2) 63.0 (2) 17. 6 to 18. 2 2 years . 22. 0 to 22. 8 30. 1 to 31.1 4 years - 40. 2 to 42. 0 45. 4 to 47. 4 6 years 9 years and over 1 Mean±2 times Its standard error. HADDOCK FROM GEORGES AND BROWNS BANKS 185 After this report was begun, the Albatross III completed its 1950 summer census on Browns Bank and there became available a means of testing this hypothesis: If true, the 3- and 4- year-ohls taken in 1950, rather than the 2- and 3-year-olds in 1949, might be found to be smaller than expected. To investigate this, we com- l)uted the average size at each age of all haddock from which scales were taken on Browns Bank in 1950. These average lengths in centimeters are as follows: Areraee Number Imfflh included 1-year-olds 19.3 43 2- year-olds 26. 3 141 3-year-olds 31.5 122 4-year-olds 38. 5 1 64 5-year-olds 48. 0 1 80 6-year-olds 51.4 162 7-year-olds 55. 1 117 If these values are plotted it can be seen that the points for 3- and 4-year-olds do fall below the general trend. Thus it appears that the 1946 and 1947 year classes actually had smaller at- tained sizes, and this appears to be a reasonable explanation for not obtaining a smooth growth curve from the 1949 collection of data on Browns Bank. A completely chance sampling of a homogeneous population in nature is difficult to obtain, but we believe that our sampling was sufficiently repre- sentative to confirm the differences described here. Fii-st, the haddock were caught over several hundred square miles of Georges Bank and over about 100 square miles of Browns Bank. Such large areas were not covered thoroughly, of course, but the net was set at random within them. Sec- ond, the same otter-trawl net was used on the two banks and it should have sampled similarly the same-size fish on the two banks and unquestionably should have made no selection of different ages at the same size. Third, from extensive (un- published) studies of the catch of the commercial fleet on Georges Bank we know that haddock from different parts of Georges Bank grow at rather similar rates. The other possible objection to the tests of significance concerns the "normal- ity" of the size distributions for various ages. Inspection of figure ^indicates that all curves are close to normal except the flat-topped one for 2- year-old haddock from Browns Bank; even this one instance of kurtosis should have little effect on the tests of significance. SUMMARY The haddock on Georges anri Browns Banks grow at different rates. One-year-old haddock averaged 22.7 centimeters on Georges Bank as compared with 17.9 centimeters on Browns; 2- year-olds averaged 36.6 on Georges, 22.4 on Browns; 3-year-olds were 43.2 on Georges, 30.6 on Browns; 4-year-olds were 49.4, and 41.1; and 5-year-olds were 52.4, and 46.4. This difference indicates that hereditary or ecological condi- tions governing growth are different in the two areas and that important intermigrations of the bottom-dwelling stages of haddock do not occur. As a consequence, we need not expect the stocks to fluctuate simultaneously and we should con- tinue to collect and to analyze separately for the two areas the statistics of landings, age, growth, abundance, and other biological data. LITERATURE CITED Herrinoton, William C. 1944. Factors controlling population size. Trans. Ninth Am. Wildlife Conf., pp. 250-263. Needler, a. W. H. 1930. The migrations of haddock and the interrelation- ships of haddock populations in North American waters. Cont. Can. Biol, and Fish., N. S., vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 241-314. ROUNSEFELL, GeORGE A. 1942. Field experiments in selecting the most efficient tag for use in haddock studies. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc, vol. 71, pp. 228-235. SCHROEDER, WlLLI.^M C. 1942. Results of haddock tagging in the Gulf of Maine from 1923 to 1932. Ssars Foundation: Journal Marine Research, vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-19. Vl.\dykov, Vadim D. 1935. Haddock races along the North American Coast. Biol. Bd. Can. Prog. Report, No. 14, pp. 3-7. Walford, Lionel A. 1938. Effect of currents on distribution and survival of the eggs and larvae of the haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) on Georges Bank. U. S. Bureau of Fisher- ies Bull. 29, 73 pp. U. S. GOVERNMENT PfilKTING OFFICE O — 1952 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director A UNIQUE BACTERIUM PATHOGENIC FOR WARM-BLOODED AND COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS By Philip J. Griffin and Stanislas F. Snieszko FISHERY BULLETIN G8 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. Price 10 cents CONTENTS Page Description 187 Pathogenicity 188 Discussion ; 189 Summary 189 Literature cited 190 II A UNIQUE BACTERIUM PATHOGENIC FOR WARM-BLOODED AND COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS By PHILIP J. GRIFFIN' and STANISLAS F. SNIESXKO,'' Bacteriolosists The vast majority of bacterial fish diseases are caused by motile or noimaotile Gram-negative bacteria. Some of these, such as Bacterium sal- monicida, have stable characteristics and represent bacterial species with well-defined properties. There are, however, many inadequately described motile Gram-negative bacteria which have been isolated from diseased warm- and cold-water fishes, amphibians, and reptiles from all over the world. Many of these bacteria belong to the genus Pseudomonas. Some bacteria, pathogenic to am- phibians and reptiles (Hinshaw and McNeil 1946, 1946a, 1947), have been recently described and classified as paracolons. The microorganism described in this report has a peculiar taxonomic position, because some of its characteristics indicate that it should be classi- fied as a pseudomonad, while its physiological and antigenic properties suggest relationship with the paracolons. Paracolon organisms isolated from outbreaks of gastrointestinal diseases in man have been de- scribed as a group of aberrant coliform organisms comprising a distinct biological group (Stuart et al. 1943). Borman, Stuart, and Wheeler (1944) referred coliform-like bacteria that slowly fer- mented lactose to a separate genus, Paracolobac- trum. Those organisms which produced acetyl- methylcarbinol were termed Paracolobadrum aero- genoides. This report is believed to be the first description of organisms conforming largely to the description of Paracolobadrum aerogenoides and pathogenic for fish. Microorganisms were isolated from the body cavities of four aquarium fish belonging to several species (Corydoras aeneus, Xiphophorus hellerii, Platypoecilus maculatus, Lebistes reticulatus) all of which had died suddenly within a period of a ' Department of Microbiology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. » Microbiological Laboratory, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kearaeys- vlUe, W. Va. 956468°— 61 week. One strain (1) was obtained from a living, infected Corydoras aeneus. We are indebted to Dr. E. K. Borman, Bureau of Laboratories, Connecticut State Department of Health, Hartford, for preliminary antigenic typing and for his advice and comments, and to Dr. S. H. Hutner, Haskins Laboratories, New York, and to Dr. R. W. Hinshaw, Camp Detrick, Md., for advice and reading of the manuscript. DESCRIPTION In all cases observed, lesions developed on one side of the body as small areas of greenish discol- oration just under the skin between the pectoral and ventral fins. Upon incision, a fetid and purulent material was exuded. A Gram stain of the discharge revealed numerous Gram-negative rods, 1.3 to 2 microns long and 0.7 micron ^v^de, with romided ends, and exhibiting bipolar staining. In broth and on agar, the bacteria were arranged singly, in pairs, and occasionally in filaments. The rods were encapsulated, as determined by Anthony's method, and did not form endospores. Active motOity was observed and single polar flagella were demonstrated by Novel's method (1939). The organisms were facultatively an- aerobic but grew best with unrestricted access to air. In nutrient broth, the optimum growth temperature was 37° C, the ma.ximum 43° C, and the minimum 5° C. The pH range for growth was from 5.0 to 9.5 with the optimum range be- tween 6.5 and 7.5; best growth occurred at pH 7. Cultures maintained for almost 8 months in the refrigerator stUl contained viable organisms. On nutrient agar, colonies averaged 2 mm. in diameter in 24 hours. They were circular, smooth, entire, slightly convex, and opaque. On blood agar, strains 1 and 2 exhibited a beta hemolytic zone averaging 7 mm. in diameter in 24 hours. After 48 hours the colonics were surrounded by a 16-mm. hemolytic zone with a greenish-bro\vn 187 188 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE discoloration. Strain 3 was nonhemolytic. Blood- agar and nutrient-agar cultures had a strong odor similar to that detected in the incised lesion from the infected fish. Colonies on eosin-methylene- blue and MacConkey's agars appeared glistening and colorless. On agar slants, growth was abun- dant, filiform, glistening, butyrous, and colorless. The appearance of the mediimi remained un- changed. In nutrient broth a pellicle was formed; there was dense clouding and a scant flocculent sediment. A loopful of a 48-hour broth cultm-e inoculated into nutrient broth resulted in visible growth in 4 hom-s at 37° C. At 20° C, growth in gelatin was best at the top, with subsequent stratiform liquefaction. At 37° C, liquefaction was complete in 24 hours. Nitrates were rapidly reduced to nitrites. The methyl-red test was negative. Acetylmethylcar- binol and indole were produced by strains 1 and 2. Strain 3 produced acetylmethylcarbinol but failed to form indole. Growth occiu-red on Simmon's citrate agar. In Koser's citrate broth, strain 1 was negative, strains 2 and 3 positive, after 3 days. Hydrolysis of cornstarch was complete in 24 hours (no color with iodine). Digestion of egg albumin and Loeffler's serum slants began in 48 hom-s and was practically complete in 96 hom-s. H2S was not produced in Pb acetate medium or in Kligler's iron agar. The m-ease test was negative. There was slight acid production (pH 6) with the formation of a small amomit of precipitate in bromo.cresol-pm'ple milk. Peptonization was evi- dent in 48 hours and practically completed in 120 hours. Litmus milk was reduced in 24 hours. Various sugars, alcohols, and glucosides were sterilized by filtration through a porcelain filter and incorporated into standard basal medium in 1-percent concentrations. On original isolation, strains 1 and 2 produced acid in lactose after 21 days, and culture 3 after 27 days. This conforms to the behavior of the paracolon type of micro- organisms which are described as slow lactose fermenters in Bergey's Manual (Breed, Mm-ray, and Hitchens, 1948). After several serial transfers in lactose broth, the time of acid formation in lactose was reduced by 6 to 11 days, depending on the strain. Readings made during a 4-week period showed that acid and gas were produced in 24 hours at 25° C. and at 37° C. in L-arabinose (weak), glucose, D-fructose, D-mannose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, soluble starch, dextrin, glyco- gen, and mannitol. A faint acid reaction and trace of gas appeared in salicin after 4 to 6 days' incubation at 37° C. At 25° C, salicin was fer- mented by all 3 strains in 24 hom-s. Strain 3 differed from strains 1 and 2 in that it produced acid and gas in raffinose but not in sucrose at either temperature. No acid or gas was'produced in D-xylose, L-rhamnose, cellobiose, mellibiose, melizitose, inulin, glycerol, erythritol, adonitol, dulcitol, D-sorbitol, inositol, and esculin, at 25° C. or 37° C. Preliminary antigenic analysis indicated that strains 1 and 2 were antigenically diverse from any of the paracolon types described by Stuart et al. (1943). Strain 1 proved to possess somatic com- ponents XXX and XL of the Salmonella group, while all tests with flagellar antisera were negative. Strain 2 was rough and consequently could not be typed. Strain 3 was negative for somatic components I to XXXVIII and for all flagellar antigens. PATHOGENICITY Nine goldfish {Carassius auratus) and 27 adult white mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 0.2 ml. of 24-hour broth cultures of the 3 strains, and in 19 hoiu-s all were dead. In every instance, the organisms were reisolated in almost pure cul- ture from the fluid present in the body cavity. Similar tests were made with 0.2-ml. suspensions of heat-killed bacteria and filtrates from the same 24-hom- nutrient broth cultures. All fish and mice proved refractory. Strain 3 also proved to be pathogenic for guinea pigs. Further experiments were carried out at the Microbiological Laboratory, Kearneysville, W. Va., in which 60 fingcrling trout were used. Ten trout of each of the following species were inocu- lated intraperitoneally with 0.2 ml. of a 24-hour broth culture: Rainbow trout {Salmo gairdnerii), eastern brook trout (Salvclinus jontinalis), and brown trout {Salmo trutta). As controls, 10 fish of each of these species were inoculated with sterile broth. The temperature of the water in the troughs was approximately 14° C. Some deaths BACTERIUM PATHOGENIC FOR WARM-BLOODED AND COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS 189 occurred within 24 hours after inoculation, and in less than 41 hours eight of the rainbow and all the brook trout were dead. All controls of these two species lived. Results of the brown-trout inoculations were not ?s striking as those of the other two species. In 48 hours sLx of the brown trout had died, but three of the contiol fish also were dead. There were no further deaths in either group. Gross pathological changes were observed in inoculated yearling trout of the three species. Inoculations were performed, as previously indi- cated, using strain 1. Dead and living fish were examined. Macroscopically, the artificially in- fected trout did not show any external lesions other than slight swelling and congestion in the anal region. The most important and character- istic internal pathological changes noted were as follows: Intestine filled with a yellow or white gelatinous mucus, particularlj' in the posterior portion; blood vessels congested and intestinal wall swoUen; liver redder in color than in the controls, and spleen enlarged and much darker. There was some exudate in the peritoneal cavity and occasiozially the peritoneum in the posterior portion of the abdominal cavity was congested. DISCUSSION Biochemically, the organisms described in this paper are very similar to Paracolobactrum aero- genoides; but the possession of a single polar flagellum would place the bacteria in the genus Pseudomonas. It is interesting to note that cul- tures 1 and 2 differed from classical description of members of the Paracolobactrum group in that they formed indole and acetylmethylcarbinol. The production of both substances is not a com- mon occurrence within this genus. Though the slow fermentation of lactose, its pathogenicity, and presence of some Salmonella somatic antigens suggests relationship to paracolons, the possession of a single polar flagellum would, according to the present taxonomic concepts, relate these or- ganisms to the genus Pseudomonas. Paracolon types have been described in warm- blooded and cold-blooded animals. Edwards, Cherry, and Bruner (1943) reported isolating a paracolon type from the liver of a rattlesnake. Hinshaw and McNeil (1946a) reported the isolation of paracolon types that caused heavy mortality in turkey poults. The same authors (1946b) isolated related paracolon types from the livers of rattle- snakes, suggesting a relationship between the types isolated from snakes and those causing in- fection in turkeys. Hinshaw and McNeil (1947) reported the isolation of two sucrose-fermenting paracolon types possessing antigenic components of the Salmonella group from Pacific fence lizards and of paracolons from gopher snakes and sick turkey poults. Members of the genus Pseudomonas have been isolated repeatedly in outbreaks of disease of fishes and other cold-blooded animals (Schaeper- claus 1941, Guthrie 1942). The relative fre- quency of isolations of these groups of bacteria from other cold-blooded animals, and the isola- tions described in this paper, call attention to the possibility that fish ma}- be carriers of these microorganisms. It is also possible that the con- verse is true, that fish acquire infection from organ- ismscarried byhigheranimals. The fact that these organisms have been shown experimentally to be pathogenic for both cold-blooded and warm- blooded animals places them in a unique position and leads one to speculate on the role played by fish with respect to infection in man. SUMMARY The isolation and description of a unique bacterium pathogenic for warm-blooded and cold- blooded animals is discussed. The ntiicroorganism described in this report has a peculiar taxonomic position in that its single polar flagellum is a characteristic of the genus Pseudomonas, whereas relationship to the para- colons is suggested biochemicaUy by its phj^sical and antigenic properties. Paracolon organisms producing acetymethylcarbinol and classified as Paracolobactrum aerogenoides have been isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of man diu'ing epidemics, but this is believed to be the first description of an organism similar to P. aerogen- aides pathogenic for fish. 190 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE LITERATURE CITED BoRMAN, E. K., C. A. Stuart, and K. M. Wheeler. 1944. Taxonomy of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Jour. Bact., vol. 48, pp. 351-367. Breed, R. S., E. G. D. Murray, and A. P. Kitchens. 1948. Bergey's manual of deterniinative bacteriology, 6th ed. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. Edwards, P. R., W. R. Cherry, and D. W. Bruner. 1943. Further studies on coliform bacteria seriologieally related to the genus Salmonella. Jour. Infectious Diseases, vol. 73, pp. 229-238. Guthrie, R. 1942. Studies of microorganisms classified as Proteus hydrophilus. M. S. Thesis, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. HiNSHAw, W. R., and E. McNeil. 1946a. The occurrence of type 10 paracolon in turkeys. Jour. Bact., vol. 51, pp. 281-286. 1946b. Paracolon type 10 from captive rattlesnakes. Jour. Bact., vol. 51, pp. 397-398. 1947. Lizards as carriers of Salmonella and paracolon bacteria. Jour. Bact., vol. 53, pp. 715-718. Novel, E. 1939. Une technique facile et rapide de mise en Evidence des oils bact^riens. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. 63, pp. 302-311. SCHAEPERCLAUS, W. 1941. Fischkrankheiten. 2d edition. Gustav Wenzel & Sohn, Braunschweig, Germany. Stuart, C. A., K. M. Wheeler, R. Rustigian, and A. Zimmerman. 1943. Biochemical and antigenic relationships of the paracolon bacteria. Jour. Bact., vol. 45, pp. 101-119. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M.Day, Director ESTIMATION OF SIZE OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS BY MARKING EXPERIMENTS By Milner B. Schaefer FISHERY BULLETIN 69 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE . WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 15 cents CONTENTS Page Simple case 191 The problem 191 Some applications in the literature . 192 Some further considerations 195 Repeated sampling of a constant population 196 Estimation of a changing population 199 Literature cited 203 ESTIMATION OF SIZE OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS BY MARKING EXPERIMENTS By MILNER B. SCHAEFER, Fishery Research Biologist Determination of population numbers is basic to studies of changes in populations of animals and of the causes of the changes, such as the effects of fishing on a population of fishes. For many animals this cannot be accomplished by direct enumeration, and recourse must be had to indirect methods. One technique which has been employed in the study of fishes, and other organisms as well, and wliich is still in course of development, is the use of marked members to estimate population numbers. SIMPLE CASE THE PROBLEM The simplest case vnth which we have to deal, and which can be applied to many fish populations, is where we have a population containing A'' members (unknown) which is known to contain T marked members and U=N—T unmarked, and where we have drawTi a single representative sample of n members containing t marked and u = n—t umnarked. The term "representative" is used here to mean that the character estimated from the saniple will have a mean value in repeated samples equal to the population value. This cor- responds with the commonly accepted sense of the term, and also with its usage by Neyman (19.34). A simple random sample of the population is repre- sentative, but so also may be various others. The problem of estimating N consists in making such an estimate given T and the sample values /), t, and u. The usual basis of procedure is to accept 7p=-r intuitively and to estimate A^^by the equation N-- nT (1) If, for example, we know there are 100 marked members in the population, and a samph? of 500 contains 50 marked members, we would estimate the population by this equation to be N-- 500X100 50 1,000 968620°— 51 This method has been employed by a consider- able number of mvostigators during the last two decades to estimate the populations of various or- ganisms. The method is much older than this, however, having been employed as early as 178.3 by the famous French mathematician and scientist Laplace in estunating the human population of France. Laplace gave considerable attention to the theoretical problem of the error involved in employing tliis method. This problem attracted the attention of another famous statistician. Karl Pearson, who published an analysis of it in 1928. Later workers in various branches of zoology seem to have overlooked Pearson's work and also that of their zoological contemporaries. They have apparently often "rediscovered" the same method, but have in the main given little or no attention to the problem of the accuracy of the resulting estimate. Laplace determined from a sample the ratio of births in a year to the population producing those births, and then ascertained the number of births in a year in each urban and rural district of France; by multiplying the number of births by th{> ratio of pojiulation to births determined from the sample, he arrived at an estunate of the total population. Laplace was led to consider also the error inherent in his estunate. This problem, as restated by Pearson (1928), but using my notation, is as follows: "A population of unknown size A^is known to contain T affected or marked niembei-s. It is desired to ascertain — on the hypothesis of inverse probabilities — a measure of the error T introduced by estimating N to ha n —> where t is 191 192 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE the number of marked individuals in a sample of size 71." Laplace treated this problem as an urn problem, with an infinite number of black and white balls representing marked and umnarked members. On the basis of an extension of Bayes' theorem, he predicted from a first sample of t and n observed what a second sample with known T but unknown A^^ might produce. He found that the mean value of N would be equal to —7- if T, n, and / are all large. He also took the Tn distribution of A'^ to be normal about — as mean with standard deviation estimated by where t, u, and T are all large, Laplace's case, Cn Tu{T+t){t+u) (2) where the numbers are all large. For the preceding example, where T=]00, 71 = 500, and t=50, Laplace's solution would give an estimate of standard deviation /I 00X450X1 50X500Y^^g^ 50* Pearson reexamined this problem in his 1928 paper because he felt Laplace's urn statement did not fit the actual problem since "We are not taking a second sample from an infinite population. We have only one sample and we want to learn something about the population from which it has been sampled, which is finite in extent, although its extent is unknown. We do know, however, that it contains T white balls; i. e., births in all France." Assuming the sample ti to be a random sample of the finite population A'^, and on the basis of inverse probabilities (Bayes' theorem), Pearson finds that the modal value of the distribution of the possible values of A'^ is N=u + T- u{T-t)_nT t the mean value is A^=ii+T- and the variance is {t-2) On 2 (•u+l)(r-<+l) (n- 1) (T-1) {t-2y {t-2.) (3) (4) (5) Ar=7V=f and "N TuiT-t)(t+u) t^ (6) (7) This estimate of o-^^ is different from and smaller than that of Laplace, the disagreement being attributed by Pearson to Laplace's taking his sampled population as if it were a second sample independent of that already taken. For the example employed before, with r=100, 71=500, <=50, formula 7 would give an <' 00X450X50X500X1 50' =9; Pearson's paper seems to have been generally overlooked by zoologists dealing with similar problems. SOME APPLICATIONS IN THE LITERATURE Formula 1 has been applied to the estimation of diverse aniinal populations. One of the best known of these applications is the so-called Lincoln index of the duck population of North America de- veloped by Lincoln (1930), and mentioned in the textbook of Leopold (1935), the monograph of Kendeigh (1944), the manual of Wright (1939), and elsewhere. Lincoln used the ducks banded at stations in North America as his marked members, and the kill by hunters as his sample of the popula- tion. The inaccm-acies of kill records and the in- complete return of bands were recognized as sources of errors. No attempt was made to esti- mate the statistical error. An application of tliis method was made by Vor- hies and Taylor (1933). These workers computed the number of jack rabbits on fenced cattle ranges of Arizona by taking the ratio of jack rabbits seen to the number of cattle seen in a strip of width equal to the apparent flushing distance of the jack rabbits, and comparing this ratio with the known number of cattle on the range. In this case, the cattle would represent the "marked" members of the population of rabbits plus cattle. It seems rather doubtful whether the ratio in the sample would be a fair estimate of the ratio in the population because of the obviously different SIZE OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS 193 visibility of cows and rabbits, even in a narrow strip. Jackson (19:^3) developed a method of comput- ing the population of tsetse flies in a closed area by marking flies with colored paint and taking a sample to determine the ratio of marked to un- marked. In a later paper (1936) Jackson states that he discovered this method independently in 1930, but meanwhile became cognizant of Lin- coln's work and hastens to credit Lincoln with the method. Jackson mentioned, also, that a representative sample of the population as regards mark ratios would be obtained if either the marking or the subsequent sampling were carried out in a non- selective fashion. This is of considerable prac- tical importance. It is not necessary that both be nonselective. If the marks are randomly, or evenly, distributed in the population, any sample of n members will yield a consistent estimate of the mark ratio in the population. (The term "mark ratio" or "tag ratio" will be used in this paper to mean the quotient of the number of marked mem- bers in a group divided by the total members in the group.) Similarly, a representative sample of the population will yield a consistent estimate of the mark ratio regardless of the distribution of marked members in the population. Sato (1938) estimated the stock of red salmon in the western North Pacific. He stated: 2. The stock (S) of red salmon may be estimated by the formula: Y:X = S:Z, where Y is the number of tagged fishes, X, the number of recaptured fishes, and Z, the total catch of the fish. His estimate of 94.7X10^ individuals in 1936 was made from 1,358 marked fish and 177 re- captures among a sample of 12,339X10^ He made no attempt to estiniate the reliability of the result. It may be seen from formula 7, however, that the sampling error is actually quite large. Green and Evans (1940) employed this method for computing populations of snowshoe hares. Hares were trapped and banded during a long "prccensus period" lasting all winter and up to mid -April. The banded hares at Uberty from these operations were taken as the kno\vn niunber of marked members, and the ratio of marked to unmarked was determined during a short "census period" in April. The formula employed by these authors is essentially formula 1, since they take Hares banded in precensvis period Other hares present in precensus period _ New-banded hares trapp>ed in census period ,„. Other hares trapped in census period ^ ' and compute the number of "other (unmarked) hares present in precensus period," and add it to the number of marked hares to get the total population. This may be illustrated by the suuple example we have employed before, where we have a population containing 100 marked members and draw a sample of 500 containing 50 marked members. Green and Evans would compute "other hares present in precensus period," as follows: 100_ 50 X ~450 X=900 and add the 100 marked hares to get the population estimate of 1,000. These authors consider the effects of several possible sources of error. They show that migra- tion in and out of the area of study is unimportant. The "evenness" of the sampling Ls also considered. They state that "It is essential that trapping throughout the area be uniform during the census retrap in the spring. . . . LTniformity need not be so rigidly maintained during the precensus period." This, of course, is a special case of the rule that either the sampling for tagging must be uniform or the subsequent sanapling for tag ratio must be such as to \aeld a representative sample of the whole population. Green and Evans also consider the "error of random sanapling." Using their notation, wc find that they take: p= proportion of hares trapped in census period that were not banded (trapped) in precensus period. P = number of the hares trapped in census period that were not trapped (banded) in precensus period. .V= total number of hares trapped in the census period. P They then take ffp for the standard deviation of p and state that ■V pq N (9) where q=l—p- Taking P±2 or if that is fractional, the integer immediately below nT t ' Confidence limits on the population estimate The method of confidence intervals, due to NejTnan (1934), may be employed to determine the range of values within which we may expect A' to lie. A discussion of the theory of confidence intervals is beyond the scope of this paper, and reference is made to the original paper of Neyman or to the discussion of Cranacr (1946, p. 507 et seq.) or that of Kendall (1946, p. 62 et seq.). The confidcnco limits of the estimate of the tag ratio in the population may be obtained as follows (Cramer 1946, p. 515): Suppose wc have a population consistinK of a finite number .V of individuals, .Vp of which pos-sess a certain at- tribute A, while the remaining Xg = X— Np do not possess A. It is now required to estimate the unknown proportion p . . . Let us draw a random sample of n individuals without replacement, and observe the numljer v of indi- viduals in the sample possessing the attribute A. In current text-books on probability, it is shown that we have Further the variable p*=- is approximately normally dis- tributed, when n and N—n are large. Taking p* as an estimate of p, we now assume as above that the error of ap- proximation in the normal distribution can bo neglected. The probability that p* lies between the limits pdb /A[-n pq ig V A/-1 n then equal to e, where X has the same significance as in the preceding example. (Note: where X was stated to be the lOOe % value of a normal deviate, and € is the confidence level.) In Cramer's notation E ( ) denotes mathe- matical expectation (or mean value) and D^ ( ) denotes the variance. A' and n have the same meaning as in our earlier T formulae, 1 to 12; p is equal to — > and y is equal to t in those formulae. For any given values of A^, n, and T we can cal- culate the limits within which w* = - mav be ex- ' n pected to fall for a given confidence level, «, by the formula p±X iN-n pq \N-1 ' n ■ (13) where T Given values of n and T from an experiment, we can, then, by formula 13 calculate for various values of p, as ordinates, the limits within which p*, the tag ratio of the sample, as abscissae, may be expected to fall for a given value of the con- fidcnco level e. The (turves connecting these points will form the confidence limits corresponding 196 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE to various values of sample tag ratio ?*="• Since to every value of p there corresponds a value of A'', these curves also give the confidence limits of our estimate of the size of the population made by the formula T (14) T V which is the same as formula 1, of course. A niunerical example may make this clear. Suppose that in a given experiment we have placed 1,000 tagged fish in the population and plan to draw a sample of 2,000 fish for determinmg the tag ratio. By formula 13 we can compute for values of population tag ratio, p, the limits within which p* will be expected to fall in, say, 95 percent of the cases (e=0.95). In figure 1, we have calculated and plotted these limits for part of the range of p for this example. The ordinates on this graph are values of p, and the abscissae are values oi p*. Going horizontally across the graph for a given value of p we come to the values of p* withm which samples of 2,000 from a population having a true tag ratio of p would be expected to fall in 95 percent of the cases. By the theory developed by Neyman the loci of such points for various values of p form the 95-percent confidence limits for values oi p*. For a given value oi p* we go along the vertical to the intersections with these loci to find the confidence limits for that value of p*. Thus, suppose that we draw our sample of 2,000 and find that it contains 100 tagged fish. Our estunate of the tag ratio in the population is 0.05, and from figure 1 we find that for this value oi p* the 95-percent confidence lunits are 0.042 and 0.059. Since we know there are 1,000 tagged fish in the population, our estimate of the population by formula 14 is 20,000 with 95-percent confidence limits 16,950 and 24,800. On the right-hand edge of the graph we have plotted the values of A^^ corresponding to tag-ratio values of the same ordinates on the left-hand edge, in order to exhibit graphically the relation between the two. Such a chart as this may be computed for any particular experiment . The entire range of values of p need not be included; it is sufficient in practice to compute the values to include the region within which p* \a expected to fall. For values of n which are small with respect to N, so that -j^ — T approaches 1, formula 13 ap- proaches the form appropriate for the binomial. Clopper and Pearson (1934) have computed and charted the confidence limits of the binomial for a large number of values of n for 95 percent and 99 percent confidence levels. Since the limits for the binomial fall in every case outside the limits given by formula 13, these charts may be used to obtain upper and lower limits on the sample value oi p* even where n is not small in relation to A'^. This involves, of course, a considerable loss of efficiency when n is not small in relation to A'', so that the employment of formula 13 would seem to be generally preferable in such cases. Chapman (1948) has considered the Poisson approximation to the distribution of expected numbers of tag recoveries where the tag ratio is low, in addition to the normal, normal-binomial, and normal-hypergeometric approximations, as bases for confidence-interval estimates of A^. He has tabulated useful confidence limits for the Poisson distribution, and discusses practical cri- teria for judging which distribution to choose as a basis of estimation for various values of n and — n As is shown by Chapman's example on page 81 of his paper, for experiments involving numbers of tagged fish, T, and subsequent samples, n, of the magnitude of the example we have employed, and which is of the approximate magnitude of most practical tagging experiments, the differences in confidence lunits resulting from the several dis- tributions which might be employed are not very great. In practice it would make little difference which we chose. He recommends which distribu- tion to employ for various situations ; for values of n> 1,000 and->0.05he recommends the normal hypergeometric, which has been employed by me in the example above. REPEATED SAMPLING OF A CONSTANT POPULATION Where the population of an area remains con- stant over an appreciable period of time, it is possible to arrive at an estimate based on repeated sampling and marking. SIZE OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS 197 In order to estimate the population by this method, a sampling station or group of stations is established that will result in a random sample of all parts of the population. Samples are dra^\^l at intervals and the fish are tagged and replaced. Records are kept, for each sample, of the number of fish caught and the number of recaptures. Schnabel (1938) provided a solution to the problem of estimating the population from the resulting data. We may let A^be the total population, as before, Ti be the number of tagged fish in the lake when the i'" sample is drawn, 7i j be the total number in the i'* sample, consisting of ti tagged fish recap- tured and Ui untagged. Schnabel finds that where k samples are drawn, the method of maximum likeliliood gives as an estimate of N the positive real root of the k"' order equations k N-Ti k -12 ti which can be expanded in the form ^..T. m N V~^N^N'^ / 1=1 (15) (16) By taking sufficient terms in formula 16 the root maj' be approximated as closely as desired. Schnabel states that 3 terms of the series are usually sufficient, and that the computations necessary for higher approximations are often prohibitive. Schnabel also considers some sp(>cial cases of formula 16. By writing the equation (15) in the form (17) it may be seen that if Ti is negligible compared to AT', the root of formula 15 is approximately JZniTi i=l k i=l (18) This is the formula which has been emploj'ed by fislieries workers in practice. Its application wall be clear from the example given in table 1 , the data for which are from a marking experiment by Krumholz (1944). Table 1. — Schnabel's method of computing a fish population by repeated sampling and marking [Data from Krumboli (1944) table I] Num- Number Esti- mated popula- tion Date (1941) ber of fish exam- of marked flsb in Product Sum of products Num- ber of returns Sum of re- turns ined lake 53 65 Ti niTi sn.r, ti 2dng" of the fish between tagging and sampling is not complete, and this may need to be taken into consideration in our estimation of the population. Similar situations may occm- among other migratory animals. When there exists such a correlation between time of tagging and time of subsequent sampling, the samples drawn during any particular part of the season do not represent all parts of the popula- tion equallj^; the sample is not a random sample of the whole population. The possible effects of this on our estimates by formula 1 are easily seen. If, as has already been pointed out, all parts of the population have the same tag ratio, if the tags are "evenly distributed," it will make no difference whether the subsequent saniples represent the various parts of the population equally or not. Likewasc, if the population is "evenly" sampled after tagging, that is, if the probability of a given fish being included in the sample is not a function of the time of sampling (and, therefore, not a function of the tinae of tagging), any uneven dis- tribution of tags by time of migration will have no effect. If, on the other hand, the probability of a fish being tagged (the tag ratio) varies with the time of tagging, and the probability of being included in the subsequent sample varies with the time of sampling, and there also exists a correla- tion between time of tagging and time of sampling, it is obvious that the tag ratio in the total sample for the season will differ from that of the popula- tion to some extent, depending on the magnitudes of these factors. Presented here is a method of estimating the population by which these errors may be reduced when the tagging is done by means of numbered tags, so that the relation between time of tagging and time of recovcrj'' may be estimated. I am indebted to Dr. S. Lee Crump of the Iowa State College Statistical Laboratory for much assistance with the mathematics involved. If our tagged fish have been marked by num- bered tags, we know both the date of tagging and date of recovery for each one recovered. This makes it possible to tabulate the recoveries by time of tagging and time of recovery, using as a time interval a convenient period of days. Our notations for the elements involved in the discus- sion of this section, in addition to those introduced before, are as follows: Let A^„ = the total number of fish passing the point of tagging during the a'" period of tagging. (a=l,2, 3, ... a). ra = tho number of these fish which are lagged dm-mg the a'* tagging period. n„t=tha number of fish out of the A'a that are subsequently recovered during the ;"' recovery period. Tai=the number of fish out of the Ta that die and are thus available to be recovered during the i'" recovery period. m„<=the number of tagged fish tagged during the a"" period of tagging and recovered during the i'" period of recovery (i=l, 2, 3, . . . s). m'a,= the number of untagged fish passing the point of tagging during the a'" tagging period and recovered during the i'" recovery period. The following summation conventions are cni- ployed: i a a i ^m'ai = m'a- '^m'a, = m'.i i a Obviously, Also let: ma--\-m'a. = na. m.i + m'.t=(^i 200 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE A'^,=the number of fish dying on the spawning grounds during the i'" recovery period. Pi = The data available from a given experiment can be laid out in a table as follows: Period of tagging (a) Total tagged fish recov- ered Total flsh recov- ered 1 2 3. . . a Period ol recovery (i): 1 _ . mil mi2 77121 maa mn mat mai . . . TTioi raaa . . . moa maa . . . moa 77131 . . . TTlof 771.1 m.2 m.3 771 , Ci 2 c, 3 c. - - ci Total tagged flsh re- covered TBI. ■mi. 7713 . . . ma "=()■ Total fish tagged -_ T, T, Ta . . . To Of course, 'E.T^^T and "^Ct^n. a i Now, the nuin])er of fish passing the tagging point during a which die during period i might be estimated by n „( = rria P.i (22) (I shall denote "estimate of" by the asterisk herein) where Pai is the probability of a fish being tagged during a and recovered during i. This probability is unknown, and om' best available estimate of it seems to be the joint probability Piq^a, where these terms are as defined above. This amounts to taking as the probability of recovery the average probability of recovery of all the fish passing the tagging point during a, and as the probability of being tagged the average probability of being tagged of all the fish dying during period i. If the samples drawn for tagging and the samples later drawn for tag ratios are representative of the parts of the population from which they are drawn, Pi and ga may be estimated from the data as follows: 'Z a = nia p-^^m.j m.i The estimate of iiai is, then, given by «,' mat (24) which is equivalent to ,(; la (yi it ai — '*'' a i • • • • m„. m.i The estimate of the total population is obtamod bj' summing all these n*ai, thus TaCt N* = J2J2ma, (25) m„m.i A somewhat more rigorous derivation, based on Bayes' theorem, has been suggested by Dr. Crump: The problem is to estimate the Ua, and the qa- if we can do this we can take as our estimate of A^, n * a qc Let P(i/a) be the probability that a fish tagged during the a'" period dies and is recovered during the i'" recovery period. Now we have C, fish taken diu"ing the i'" recovery period to be allo- cated over the "a" tagging periods, and hence we want the probability that a fish taken during the i'" recovery period is one of those which passed the tagging point during the a'" tagging period. Denote by P{ali) the desired probability, and by P{a) the true proportion of the ?i fish recovered which passed the tagging point during the a'" tagging period. Then by Bayes' theorem P{i/a)P(a) Piali)- 'j:Piilcc)P{a) (26) we have the problem of estimating the P{i/a) and the P(a). Now, P(„)=-l-— and we may estimate P(a) by P*(a) = m. To estimate Pii/a) we may use rrici P*(ila) = rua Then our estimate of Pia/i) becomes m..ma m.. P*{a/i) = nia Sr^m„-ma / vm..m„ m. (23) This gives us for an estimate of n„. ■ri*ai=j;:c,p*iah)='z:r, m.i mai m.i (27) (28) (29) (30) SIZE OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS Table 3. — Data from a lagging experiment on migrating adult sockeye salmon 201 Week of tagging (a) Total tagged Ssb recovered Total flsh re- covered Cilm-i I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Week of recovery (0 : 1 1 1 3 7 1 11 33 24 5 m-i 3 19 82 184 159 9 30 26 8 C, 19 132 800 2,848 3.476 644 1,247 930 376 6 33 2 ... 5 29 79 52 3 2 7 3 " 6 95 3 2 U 67 77 2 16 7 3 4 14 25 3 10 6 2 15 4S 5 21 86 6 . -. 71 56 1 6 1 8 1 35 77 9 Total tagged flsh recovered ma-.- 3 11 76 180 183 60 6 1 520 Total fish tagged Ta 15 5.00 59 5.36 410 5.39 695 3.86 773 4.22 335 5.58 59 9.83 5 6.00 Talma- 2C. = 10,472. 2 To = 2,351. Taking our estimate of qa as before (23), and as our estimate of N a y o we have, then, „ i m.i rria. (31) (32) which is the same result as obtained in formula 25. Application of this method of population estima- tion may be illustrated by the data from a tagging e.xperiment conducted by me on a migrating popu- lation of adult sockeye salmon in British Columbia. A total of 2,351 fish were tagged in a certain river, on the waj' to their spawning grounds, over an 8-week period. Later, tag-ratio samples were drawn regularly over a 9-week period as the fish spawned and died on the spawning gi-ounds farther upstream: 10,472 fish, of wliich 520 had been tagged, wore recovered in these san^ples. In table 3 are tabulated, in the same form as the table on page 200, tag recoveries by week of tagging and week of recovery, with data on total numbers tagged and recovered for each week. From these (lata are computed values of Talma, and dim., tabulated along the margins. From these com- puted values and the tag-recovery data tabulated in the body of the table has been computed the estimate of the population, as shown in table 4, according to formulae 24 and 25 (or 32). Tiie values in the body of tliis table are values of Ta d n mat which sum to the estimate of A^, ma. m.i ' 47,860 fish. Table 4. — Compulation of pofidalion estimate by formulae 2/f and S5 from the data of table 3 Week of tagging (a) Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Week of recovery (i) : 1 32 34 112 366 34 412 1,736 2,002 689 380 100 2 134 1,093 4,720 4.388 829 321 967 544 3 98 453 4,377 7,103 604 2,807 1,057 595 3, 740 4 1,209 3,049 1,198 2,320 1,198 525 12, 308 5 15. 129 6.. 3 017 409 1,758 208 6,065 5 173 8 . 193 9.. 1 664 Total 130 512 6,352 12,996 16,996 9,499 2,167 208 47,800 From formula 25 (or 32) it may be seen that where the tagging or the sampling is uniform, this estimate reverts to the simple case first discussed. For, if the probabiUty of being tagged is constant for all i, the expected value of Then, N*=j:j:ma>^ d n m-i m' ■, a constant. n ma- m - T m . (33) wliich is identical with formula 1 since m..=t in formida 1. Likewise, if the probabiliity of being recovered is T T constant, the expected value of — - is , a constant. Then, m„ m..' A'*=z;z;wai d T (34) m.i m. . m . . The tagging experiment illustrated in table 3 is a practical situation of this sort. iVlthough the probabihty of a fish being recovered, estimated from dlm.t, changed very much during the course 202 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AM) WILDLIFE SERVICE of the season, the probability of being tagged, judged from Ta/nia- was fau'ly even over most of the season. In consequence, the estimate from the simple formula (1) (10,472) (2,351)^ 345 520 'i^'rito is practically identical with the estimate from formula 25 (or 32). T = 1000 71-2 000 .17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .12 .1 I .10 .09 Q..07 u. O.06 (ii o 05 .04 .03 .02 .01 .00 ^. Z. /. ^ 7 y 7 / / / J. ^ T -6 z -7 ^ -9 10 -II -12 -15 20 -25 -30 o o o is. o -J < o en ■40 -60 _80 ■100 200 .00 01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 SCALE OF P* = ^ Confidence limits on .sample tag ratios and on estimated population numbers, at a confidence level of 95 percent, experiments involving 1,000 tagged individuals and samples of 2,000. for SIZE OF ANIMAL POPULATIONS LITERATURE CITED 203 Cagle, Fred R. 1946. A lizard population on Tinian. Copeia, 1946, No. 1, pp. 4-9. Chapman, D. G. 1948. Problems in enumeration of populations of spawn- ing sockcye salmon. 2. A mathematical study of confidence limits of salmon populations cal- culated from sample tag-ratios. Int. Pacific Salmon Fish. Comm., Bull. II, pp. 69-85. Clopper, C. J., and E. S. Pearson. 1934. The use of confidence or fiducial limits illustrated in the ca.se of the binomial. Biometrika, vol. 26, pp. 404-413. Cramer, H. 1946. Mathematical methods of statistics. Princeton Univ. Press, 1946, 575 pages. Dahl, Knut. 1943. 0rret og 0rretvann. Studier og fors0k. NY Utgave. J. W. Cappelens Forlag, Oslo, 1943, 182 pages. Dice, L. R. 1941. Methods for estimating populations of mammals. Jour. Wildlife Management, vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 398-407. Green, R. C, and C. A. Evans. 1940. Studies on a population cycle of snowshoe hares on the Lake .Alexander Area. I. Gross annual census, 1932-1939. Jour. Wildlife Manage- ment, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 220-238. Jackson, C. H. N. 1933. On the true density of tsetse flies. Jour, .\ninial Ecology, vol. 2, pp. 204-209. 1936. Some new methods in the study of Glossina mossi- lans. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1936, pp. 811- 896. Kendall, M. G. 1944. The advanced theory of statistics, vol. I. J. B. Lippincott, London. 457 pp. 1946. The advanced theory of statistics, vol. II. Charles Griffin & Co., London, 521 pp. Kendeigh, S. C. 1944. Measurement of bird populations. Ecol. Mono- graph 7.^ (1) : 67-106. Krumholz, Louis A. 1944. A check on the fin clipping method for estimating fish populations. Papers Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, vol. 29, pp. 281-291. Leopold, .\ldo. 1935. Game management. New York, 481 pages. Lincoln, F. C. 1930. Calculating waterfowl abundance on the ba.sis of banding returns. U. S. Dept. Agric. Circ. 118, pp. 1-4. Neyman, Jerzy. 1934. On the two different aspects of the representative method — the method of stratified sampling and the method of purposive selection. Jour. Royal Stati.st. Soc, vol. 97, pp. 558-625. Pearson, Karl. 1928. On a method of a.scertaining limits to the actual number of marked members in a population of given size from a sample. Biometrika, vol. 20, pp. 149-174. RiCKER, W. E. ' 1942. Creel census, population estimates and rate of exploitation of game fish in Shoe Lake, Indiana. Invest. Indiana Lakes and Streams, vol. 2. pp. 216-253. 1945a. .\bundance, exploitation and mortality of the fishes in two lakes. Invest. Indiana Lakes and Streams, vol. 2, pp. 345-448. 1945b. Some applications of statistical methods to fishery problems. Biometrics Bulletin, vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 73-79. Roach, Lee S. 1943. Buckeye Lake white bass. Ohio Jour. Sci., vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 263-266. Sato, Rokxtzi. 1938. On the migratory speed of salmon and the stock of red salmon estimated from the tagging experi- ments in northern North Pacific. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 21-23. Schnabel, Zoe E. 1938. The estimation of the total fish population of a lake. Am. Math. Monthly, vol. 45, pp. 348-3.52. Schumacher, F. X., and R. W. Eschmeyer. 1943. The estimate of fish populations in lakes or ponds. Jour. Tenn. Acad. Sci., vol. 18, pp. 228-249 (1943). Underbill, A. Heaton. 1941. Estimation of a breeding population of chub suckers. Trans. Fifth North American Wild- life Conference, 1940, pp. 251-256. VoRHiEs, C. T., and W. P. Taylor. 1933. The life history and ecology of jack rabbits Lepus alleni and L. californicus .ssp. in relation to grazing in Arizona. Univ. Ariz. Tech. Bui. 49, pp. 472-587. Wright, H. M. 1939. Field and laboratory technic in wildlife manage- ment. Univ. of Mich. Press, .Ami Arbor, 1939, 107 pages. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director AGE, GROWTH, AND PRODUCTION OF YELLOW PERCH IN LAKE ERIE By Frank W. Jobes FISHERY BULLETIN 70 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1952 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 20 cents ■ CONTENTS Page Commercial production of yellow perch in Lake Erie 205 Materials and methods 211 Determination of age and growth of Lake Erie yellow perch by the scale method 214 Validity of the annulus as a year mark 214 Body-scale relation 215 Calculation of growth • 218 Calcxilated growth histories of the age groups 218 Discrepancies in the calculated growth histories of different age groups. _ 220 Selection by gear 220 Segregation correlated with sexual maturity ..'- 22 1 Selective destruction according to the legal size limit 222 Other causes 223 General growth curves 223 Growth in length 223 Growth in weight 224 Growth of yellow perch in Lake Erie compared with that in other waters 227 Growth compensation 229 Proportion of season's growth completed at time of captm-e 230 Aimual fluctuations in growth 232 Length-frequency distribution 236 Age composition and abundance of year classes 243 Length-weight relation 252 Coefficient of condition (K) 253 Monthly and annual fluctuations ui the value of K 254 Fluctuations m value of K with stage of maturity 256 Fluctuations in value of if with age 256 Influence of rate of growth on value of K 257 Effect of type of gear on determining value of K 258 Size at matm^ity 259 Sex ratio 260 Summary 262 Bibliography 264 II AGE, GROWTH, AND PRODUCTION OF YELLOW PERCH IN LAKE ERIE By FRANK W. JOBES, Fishery Research Biologist The American yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), is one of the most common food fishes native to the lakes and streams of the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. It con- tributes heavily to the take by hook and line throughout its range and foiTas an important part of the catch of the modern commercial fisherj' in the Great Lakes. The present study of the yellow perch is part of an extensive investigation of the Lake Erie com- mercial fisheries begun by the former U. S. Bureau of Fisheries and continued by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In the years 1927 through 1931 field work was carried on in cooperation with the States of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, the Province of Ontario, the city of Buffalo, and the Buffalo Society of Natural Science; materials were collected also in 1932, 1934, and 1937, and in the years 1943 through 1948. This report is based primarily on the data for the specified years from 1927 to 1937 (referred to here as 1927-37) because in each of those years the materials consisted of random samples of aU yeUow perch taken by the nets. The 1943-48 data are from random sam- ples of the commercial catch only (fish 8)2 inches or more in total length) and will be used only where they add to the knowledge gained from the 1927-37 data. The assistance of the officials and employees of all the agencies involved in this investigation is deeply appreciated. Without their cooperation in the collection of data and the loan of materials this study would have been much more restricted in scope, if not impossible. Special thanks are due Dr. John Van Oosten for directing the study and critically examining the manuscript, and Dr. Ralph HUe for substantial assistance in the anal- j'sis and interpretation of the data. N. H. Lager- strom, Oberlin, Ohio, translated the Swedish and Norwegian references listed in the bibliography. Several authors have studied the age and growth of the yellow perch without making a critical study of the validity of age determinations based on scales. Jobes (1933) and Schneberger (1935) cal- culated lengths from scale measurements on the assumption that the ratio of body length to scale length is constant after the first annulus is formed. Hile and, Jobes (1941) determined the body-scale relation for the yellow perch in Saginaw Bay (Lake Hui-on) and corrected the lengths computed by direct proportion to conform to the empiri- cally determined body-scale relation. Before a detailed study of the life history of the yellow perch in Lake Erie could be undertaken, it was necessary to demonstrate that ages read from scales are accm'ate and to determine the most satisfactoiy method of calculating growth from scale measurements. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION OF YELLOW PERCH IN LAKE ERIE The earliest records of the production of yellow perch in Lake Erie are for the year 1885. The species was taken commerciaUy before that time but was not considered important enough to war- rant separate treatment in the earlier statistical reports. Table 1 gives the available figures on production for the years 1885 to 1947. The pro- duction records for United States waters, for On- tario waters, and for the entire lake are sho\\Ti graphically in figure 1. Although the record of the catch in the United States waters is not complete for the earlier years of the fisher}', the annual yield appears to have been greater before 1900 than in the period im- mediately after. The extremes in the fluctuation in annual production during the earhest period, 1885-99, occurred in the years 1885 and 1889, when catches of 1,601,000 and 3,830,000 pounds were reported. The fragmentary statistics indi- cate a good production in this period; the average 205 206 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 1. — Annual production of yelloiv perch in Lake Erie, 1885-1947 [In thousands of pounds] United States i Canada (Ontario)' Year Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania New York Tot;ll Western part 3 Eastern part* Total LAKE 1885 100 1,266 225 11 1,601 1886.. __ 1887.. 1888... 1889 96 159 3,204 2,483 459 209 70 49 3,830 2,900 1890 1891_ 1892 138 223 115 266 202 147 164 92 128 136 107 81 70 106 99 118 147 1893 - 2,595 1894 282 241 266 238 121 209 398 255 373 218 436 346 176 364 450 428 464 681 913 794 1,137 809 614 852 1,810 876 1,006 1,676 1,810 281 166 208 263 258 182 297 253 193 201 161 207 168 108 180 153 210 167 198 161 271 234 156 143 246 221 267 289 299 663 397 474 500 379 391 696 508 566 418 698 553 334 472 630 681 674 847 1,110 955 1,408 1,042 769 995 2,056 1,097 1,272 1,965 2,109 2,397 2,192 2,060 1,716 2,491 4,330 5.689 3,420 4,266 5, 029 2,729 5,671 5,634 1,254 1,691 2,696 1,407 1,994 2,060 964 711 1,372 1,207 2,417 2,262 1896 1896 1897 • 2,604 407 96 3,253 3,763 1898 1899 2,175 816 268 3,340 3,731 1900..- - - 1901 1902 _. 1903- 626 141 27 873 1,292 1904 1906 _. _ 1906 1907 1908.. 1,441 85 83 1,766 2,386 1909 1910 1911 1912. 86 66 67 108 136 140 68 37 42 41 68 36 34 48 63 32 20 35 34 72 97 87 48 54 17 16 25 13 14 25 36 24 20 29 46 49 1913 •686 1,888 1,698 1,370 866 919 2,673 1,189 2,063 1,768 1,668 » 1,677 2,202 2,414 2,468 3,678 6,779 4,187 8,455 9,239 3,024 13, 252 8,303 1,886 1,596 4,912 1,493 2,774 3,596 1,790 1,178 2,092 1.260 2,636 1,687 '114 81 105 116 173 80 61 18 70 64 98 199 4 13 22 17 79 21 114 10 28 47 67 31 870 2,039 1,933 1,637 1,269 1,088 2,776 1,259 2,192 1,926 1,870 1,941 2,458 2,622 2,748 4,275 6,043 4,341 9.062 9,741 3,434 14,218 9,046 2,051 1,760 6,187 1,608 3,030 3,821 1,958 1,253 2.188 1,352 2,685 1,797 1,825 3,447 2,975 2,406 2,254 3,145 3,872 2,532 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 1919.. 1920 1921 _ 1922 4 036 1923 4,267 4,133 4,618 4,338 6,238 8,606 11,733 7,761 13, 327 14, 770 6,163 19, 889 14, 678 3,305 3,441 7,782 3,015 5,024 6,871 2,922 1,964 3,560 2,559 5, 102 4,049 1924 1,719 1,304 1,323 1,888 3,577 4,782 2,839 3,466 3,667 1,474 3,460 3,795 887 1.298 2.139 956 1.390 1,398 640 536 1.146 982 2.110 1.464 473 756 393 603 753 907 680 799 1,372 1,265 2, 211 1,838 367 393 457 451 604 652 324 176 226 225 307 798 1925 1926.. 76 206 447 177 85 480 330 278 798 642 131 106 200 80 216 163 89 31 66 58 95 97 68 40 130 52 34 55 75 45 119 146 18 34 50 21 26 38 44 20 20 6 8 63 1927 1928 1929.. 1930 1931. 1932 1933.. 1934 1935 1936.. 1937 1938.. 1939 1940 . 1941 1942 . 1943 1944 . 1946 1946 . 1947 ' Records of production from United States waters and from entire lake tor 1886-1940 are from Gallagher and Van Oosten (1943). Statistics of produc- tion from United States waters for later years were compiled originally in the Great Lakes Laboratory of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife .Service from data supplied by the several States and have been published in the Com- mercial Fishery Statistics series of the Service. ' Canadian (Ontario) records for 1894-1939 are from Ford (1943). Data on the yield from Canadian waters in later vears were supplied by the On- tario Department of Lands and Forests. The figures on the catch from all of the Canadian waters of Lake Erie may be found in the annual reports of the Ontario Dep.artment of Lands and Forests. 3 West end to Port Burwpll. ' East of Port Burwell. 5 Fiscal year, July 1, 1896, to June 30, 1897, in United States waters, except Michigan. • Fall catch only. ' Estimated. > Fall catch ol 1924 plus spring catch of 1925. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 207 /^ ^* J rf,,^ .,_ 4v ^^ ^ C*' > >.s ,* y 7 ^ * '^ <■ "** * ^ , •^ ' V "^"•*» V* " '-'.r.-^'^ V'-'** «. :.'~^ > X -i£JJ^ 1^ * * • » ^ * » ■*--_-_' "n s» - — -» _ . _ _/^ :;, ^ , -5,,=^-' "^•"•* • • ' annulus is formed each year and that the scale markings can be interpreted accurately for at least the first three years of life. 2. Scales collected on December 7, 1929, showed no annulus on the edge. Samples obtained July 1, 1929, April 11 and 13, 1932, and April 29, 1937, showed an aim.ulus forming on the edge of the scales. On July 11, 1930, the scales showed a completed annulus a short distance inside the margin. The outermost annulus was farther from the scale margin on September 25, 1930, than in July. These observed variations, especially those on the relative positions of the annulus within the scale margin at different times during the same year (1930), provide evidence that only one annulus was formed on yellow-perch scales each year. 3. There was closer agreement between the calculated and empirical lengths of fish of the same age as determined from scales than between those of different ages. This agreement indicates a constancy in the number of annuli formed each vear. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 215 Annuhis formation appears to be completed be- tween early April (1932 and 1937 collections) and the middle of July (1929 collection). There is no evidence from these data to show a relation be- tween the time of annulus formation and sex, maturity, or spa^^^ling activity. The annulus on yellow-perch scales cannot be said to be a spawn- ing mark despite the approximate coincidence of spawning and the completion of the annulus because (1) immature yellow perch form annuli identical in appearance with those formed by spawning fish, (2) the stage of sexual maturity- appears to have no influence on the time of year the annulus is completed, and (3) the annuli do not show the typical spa\vning marks observed in other species of fish. The most important characteristics of the annuli on the scales of the Lake Erie yellow perch may be stated briefly to be the "cutting over" in the lateral fields resulting from the discontinuity between scale sculpturing of the successive growth areas, and the irregular or fragmented appearance of the last circulus laid down each year. Usually there is a narrow, clear band between the outer- most circulus of one growth area and the first circulus of the next. False (accessor}') annuli occurred not infre- quently on the yellow-perch scales but are be- heved not to have affected the results seriously since all that were recognized were disregarded. Those annuli designated as false were character- ized by a decreased amoimt of "cutting over," by less-well-defined discontinuity between the adjacent fields of growth, and, frequently, by a position that would have given inconsistent calcu- lated lengths. BODY-SCALE RELATION Few calculated lengths for the American yellow perch have been published. The earliest, by Jobes (1933) and Schneberger (1935), were com- puted by the Dalil-Lea method of direct propor- tion. This method is based on the assumption that the ratio of body length to scale length is constant at all lengths beyond that at which the first year mark or annulus is formed. The age and growth of the closely related European perch, Perca fiumatilis L., have been studied by this method by several investigators who found that the lengths calculated by direct proportion usually were less than the empirical lengths for the early years of life. In spite of the wide use of the direct-proportion method, numerous investigations have shown that this method frequently failed to give satisfactorily accurate results since the computed lengths obtained often did not agree with empirical lengths. Of the several methods developed to obtain a closer agreement between calculated and empirical lengths only that of SegerstrMe (1933) for the European yellow perch will be mentioned here, since the calculation of lengths in the present study was by a modification of his procedure. Segerstrale determined the average scale lengths corresponding to different body lengths through an extensive series of measurements of "key" scales, or "Normalschuppen," taken from a selected area of the body. The body-scale relation so deter- mined, expressed either in tabular form or as a curve, served as the basis for calculating the growth histories of individual fish. On purely theoretical grounds, the method of Segerstr&le is the best since it assumes no fixed mathematical relation between body length and scale length, but rather is based on the detailed examination of the actual size of scale at different body lengths. The most serious objection to the use of an empirically determined relation of body length to scale length in the calculation of growth histories is the practical difficulty of obtaining samples with adequate representation of all lengths of fish. The distribution by length of a fish population usually is such that individuals of certain sizes are difficult or impossible to obtain. Inadequate representation of these length intervals inevitably leads to inaccuracies in the calcidated lengths. The diversity of opinions expressed and of results obtained by the several investigators deal- ing with presumably representative collections of the same and different species leads to the con- clusion that the relation of body length to scale length in fishes is not a subject for generalization. The proper method of calculation must be deter- mined for the material at hand. Data on the yellow perch from Lake Erie made possible an anah-sis, for the first time,- of the relation of body length to scale length in a population of American yellow perch. 2 Although circumstances prevented earlier publication of this study, Hile and Jobes (1941) were able to apply the method developed here to the determi- nation of the body-scale relation of the yellow perch of Saginaw Bay. 216 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE intervals, and the corresponding average total lengths in inches, together with the average scale measurement (at magnification X 40.7), and the body-scale (L/Sc) ratios of each length and age group. The L/Sc ratios of the age groups are the averages for data collected both at the end of the growing season and at various times throughout the summer (see p. 211). The data were originally grouped in 5-mm. length intervals, but careful examination revealed that condensa- tion to 10-mm. intervals was justifiable. The average L/Sc ratios of the age groups indicate that the relative size of the scale increased during the first 3 years of life and then decreased slightly during the fourth. However, a comparison of the L/Sc ratios of fish in the same length interval but of different ages revealed that there was no consistent change in the relative size of scale with age. Consequently, the differences between the relative sizes of scales in the different age groups do not depend directly on age but rather on the length distribution of the age groups. Com- parisons between fish in the same age group but of different average lengths showed that the L/Sc ratios became relatively smaller (relatively larger scales) as the fish length approached 4.3 inches (see data for age groups 0 and I) ; remained reasonably constant over the length range of 4.3 to 9.2 inches (age groups I, II, and III); and then established another reasonably steady but higher ratio (relatively smaller scales) over the length range of 9.2 to 10.9 inches (age groups II and III). -Body length io scale length ratio (L/Sc) of selected scales from western Lake Erie yellow perch by 10-mm. intervals (Number of specimens in parentheses) Only key (selected) scales were used to determine the relation between size of scale and size of fish. The scale on the left side of the fish in the third row below the lateral fine and directly beneath the sixth spine of the dorsal fin was designated the key scale. The position of the key scale approximated the center of the area from which the unselected scales were obtained for age and growth determina- tions. The scale occupying the designated posi- tion on the right side of the specimen was used when the one on the left side was lacldng or was regenerated or malformed. Although the collec- tions for the key-scale study were taken at widely spaced intervals of time (see p. 211), an analysis of the data failed to reveal any large or consistent differences for fish captured in different years or seasons.' There is no evidence of a seasonal lag between the growths of body and scale in the Lake Erie yellow perch. The data also failed to show any consistent differences in the relative sizes of scale correlated with sex or stage of maturity. Therefore, data from all fish have been combined in this study without regard for the time of capture, sex, or stage of maturity. Table 3 shows the average standard length of the Lake Erie specimens grouped in 10-millimeter ' Tlie scales of group 0 (first year of life) yellow perch caught during late October and early November 1928 were found to be consistently somewhat smaller than the scales from fish of the same length and the same year class that were caught during September 1928 and June 1929. This unusual phenomenon cannot be explained satisfactorily at present. However, the differences were so small that the inclusion of fish caught during October and November did not change greatly the grand average ratio of body length to scale length (table 3) . Table 3.- Standard-length interval LfSc ratio for age group — Grand average LISc ratio Average stand- ard length (mUlimeters) Average total length (inches) Average scale measurement (X40.7) 0' I II III 41 to 50 mm 1.97 (40) 1.74 (91) 1.55 (37) 1.41 (7) 1.36 (1) 1.97 (40) 1.74 (94) 1.66 (64) 1.41 (30) 1.33 (26) 1.16 (32) 1.16 (16) 1.19 (6) 1.16 (12) 1.14 (29) 1.13 (31) = 1.13 (40) 1.14 (48) 1.19 (21) 1. 15 (8) 1.17 (21) 1. 23 (8) 1.20 (34) 1.21 (13) 1.17 (3) 1.24 (576) 47.7 55.5 64.6 74.6 85.2 97.2 104.2 116.5 126.3 136.7 145.1 166.3 165.5 173.9 184.2 196.6 205.9 216.8 223.6 234.0 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.3 6.7 7.2 7.6 8.0 8.6 8.9 9.4 9.9 10.2 10.6 24.2 1.64 (3) 1.67 (27) 1.42 (23) 1.32 (25) 1.16 (32) 1.15 (15) 1.19 (6) 1.16 (11) 1. 14 (26) 1.12 (23) 1.14 (15) 1.16 (11) 1.18 (1) 31.9 61 to 70 mm-- __- 41.4 71 to 80 mm 52.8 81 to 90 mm. 64.3 91 to 100 mm 83 5 101 to 110 mm... 1. 2i (1) 90.1 Ill to 120 mm 98.2 121 to 130 mm i.n (1) 1.22 (2) 1.08 (6) 1. 12 (22) 1.14 (36) 1.19 (20) 1.15 (8) 1.18 (17) 1.22 (7) 1.20 (24) 1.21 (7) 1.21 (2) 1. 16 (163) 110.2 1.20 (1) 1.22 (2) 1. 13 (2) 1.09 (1) 119 8 141 to 150 mm 128 6 151 to 160 mm 138 3 161 to 170 mm 144 5 171 to 180 mm 146.7 181 to 190 mm 160.2 1.14 (4) 1.35 (1) 1.22 (10) 1.20 (6) 1.08 (1) 1.19 (28) 167.5 201 to 210 mm 166 9 211 to 220 mm 179 9 221 to 230 mm 185 2 231 to 240 mm 200 7 Average 1.74 (176) 1.26 (218) > First year of life. » The age was not determined for 1 specimen in this length interval. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 217 These changes in the LjSc ratio perhaps are shown more clearly in table 3 and figure 3. It is evident that the ratio of body length to scale length in the Lake Erie yellow perch is determined primarily by the length of the fish. Figure 3 is a graphic presentation of the average total lengths and average scale measurements shown in table 3. The straight line extenduig upward from a fish length of 4.6 inches represents the body -scale relation of all fish with total lengths greater than 4.2 inches, on the assumption that a single average (1.16) describes the body-scale ratio satisfactorily for all these fish. The line for the average fish lengths of 2.3 to 4.6 inches was drawn freehand. The line determined by the average LjSc ratio (1.16) fits the data closely for the fish with average total lengths of 4.6 to 8.9 inches. The scales of those fish with average lengths of 9.4 inches and more were somewhat, but not pronouncedly, smaller than would have < O / / « y /■ '""// V / / ... b 0 2 0 0 10 0 15 0 SCALE X 40 7 Fir.URE 3. — Relation between body length and scale length in yellow perch of Lake Erie. 2 5 0 218 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE been expected on theoretical grounds. These rather sHght discrepancies which affected only three length intervals are not believed to invali- date the conclusion that the body-scale ratio is constant beyond the average body length of 4.6 inches. The scales from the fish with average lengths of less than 4.6 inches were relatively much smaller than the scales from the larger fish. It is to be noted particularly that the relative size of the scale increased rapidly as the average length of the fish increased from 2.3 to 4.1 inches. The increase in relative size follows approximately a straight line but its slope is greater than that of the line fitted to the data for the larger fish. The rapid increase in the relative size of the scale during early life was expected from the known facts of scale growth. The scales originate as tiny isolated platelets when the yellow perch has a total length of approximately 1 inch. The scale, then, must grow more rapidly than the body in order to attain the degree of imbrication characteristic of larger fish. It is evident from table 3 and figure 3 that a sharp break in the series of LjSc values and in the continuity of the curve occurred between the average lengths of 4.1 and 4.6 inches. A detailed examination of the LjSc ratios for each millimeter length indicated that the break occurred at a length of 4.3 inches. The average ratio of the 4.2-inch individuals was comparatively high (1 .34), but it fell suddenly to 1.13 in the 4.3-inch fish and continued at that level in the lai-ger specimens. It appears, then, that the LjSc ratio actually assmnes constancy at a fish length of 4.3 inches rather than at 4.6 and no corrections for dispro- portionate growth of body and scale are necessaiy for calcidated values greater than 4.2 inches. Since the two discontinuous portions of the curve of figure 3 were based on averages (in order to obtain a smoother curve) and (for purposes of correcting computed lengths below 4.3 inches) were connected at points of average lengths (4.1 and 4.6), any calculated values that fall between these two averages will be subject to correction. Any correction of length between 4.2 and 4.6 inches theoretically is unwarranted. However, as may be seen from table 4, the corrections for lengths between these hnaits are small and for all practical purposes may be ignored. If the length of the scale were purely a function of the length of the fish, the body-scale curve for the smaller individuals would be expected to join smoothly the straight line that describes the body- scale relation for the larger ones. The pronounced discontinuity in the curve suggests that other fac- tors must be involved. Changes in the relative size of the head with increase in fish length may have been a factor. The relative size of the head was found to decrease progressively with mcrease in fish length tlu'ough the 71 to 80 mm. interval or up to the average length of 74.6 mm. (3.6 inches total length) . Thereafter, variations in the relative size of the head were small and without any detect- able trend through the 171 to 180 mm. interval (8.0 inches average total length). Although the pro- gressive decrease in the relative length of the head may have contributed to the decrease in the values of LjSc up to a fish length of 3.8 inches, it is apparent that these changes did not produce the observed sudden shift in the body-scale relation between 4.3 and 4.7 inches. The possible effect of variations in the number of scales in linear series on the body-scale ratio also was investigated. It was foimd that fish with standard lengths of 81 to 90 mm. (4.1 inches aver- age total length) averaged 54.9 (51 to 58) scales in the latei'al line, and that fish with lengths of 91 to 100 mm. (4.6 inches average total length), aver- aged 55.1 (51 to 62). The small difference (0.2) in the averages could have had little effect on the changes in the body-scale ratio. If it is assumed that this difference could affect the body-scale ratio, then one would expect the larger fish to have relatively smaller scales, a conclusion contrary to the observed facts. It appears that the number of scales in linear series was not a factor in the sudden change in the body-scale ratio of the Lake Erie yellow perch. Length of fish is the ouIa' factor iii these data that can be demonstrated to have had an appreci- able effect on the body-scale ratio. The failure of the two portions of the curve to join smoothly can- not be explained satisfactorily as j-et. CALCULATION OF GROWTH In the preceding discussion it was indicated that because of the discontinuity of the LjSc curve (change m average LjSc ratios) all direct-propor- tion computations of length less than 4.6 inches must undergo correction, and because of the con- stancy in the average ratios no corrections were needed for lengths of 4.6 inclies or more. The YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 219 direct-proportion method was therefore employed whenever the calculated lengths exceeded 4.5 inches and the empirical curve was used only for the smaller lengths. Since the correction for 4.51 inches was less than 0.05 inch, the empirical- curve method was applied only to lengths of 4.46 inches and less. In practice, all lengths were computed b)' direct proportion, and corrected lengths corresponding to calculated lengths 4.46 inches and less were read directly from table 4, which was prepared with the assistance of the empirical body-scale curve (fig. 3). The data for this curve were plotted originally on 1-nim. cross-section paper and the amount of each correction was read directly from this graph. The amomit of correction required for each direct- proportion calculated length is the vertical dis- tance between the extended straight hne repre- senting the body-scale ratio of fish with total lengths of 4.6 inches and more and the empirical line representing the ratio for the shorter fish. The procedure for obtaining the correction for a du-ect-proportion calculated length of 3.25 inches is illustrated in figui-e 3. Line AB is drawn hori- zontally from i=3.25 to B on the straight line representing the body-scale ratio of fish with total lengths of 4.6 inches and more. Line CD is a Table 4. — Calculated lengths (inches) of Lake Erie yellow perch [Total-Iengtb conversion of standard length in millimeters] Direct-proportion calculated length Corrected cal- culated length Dlrect-proiwrtion calculated length Corrected cal- culated length 1.72 2.63 2.63 2.68 2.72 2.77 2.82 2.87 2.87 2.92 2.96 3.01 3.06 3.U 3.15 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.30 3.35 3.39 3.39 3.44 3.49 3.54 3.54 3.59 3.63 3.68 3.68 3.15 3.73 1.77 3.20 3.78 1.82 3.25 3.82 1.86 3.30 3.82 1.91 3.35 3.82 1.9« 3.39 3.85 2.01 3.44 3.85 2.06 3.49 3.90 2.10 3.54 3.95 2.15 3.58 3.95 2.20 3.63 4.00 2.25 3.68 4.04 2.29 . . 3.73 4.04 2.34 3.78 - . . 4.09 2.39 . 3.82 4.09 2.44 3.84 - 4.14 2.49 3.87 4.14 2.53 3.90 4.18 2.58 3.95 4.18 2.62 4.00 4.23 2.68 4.04 - 4.28 2.72 4.09 4.28 2.77 4.14 4.28 2.82 4.18 - 4.32 2.87 4.23 4.32 2.92 4.28 4.37 2.96 4.32 4.42 3.01 4.37 4.42 3.06 4.42 4.46 3.11 4.46 4.51 perpendicular that passes thi'ough B from the scale axis to D on the Une representing the bod}'- scale ratio of the smaller fish. The correction is the distance between points B and D. In the present stud}^ only the first-year lengths fell within the range that requu'ed correction. CALCULATED GROWTH HISTORIES OF THE AGE GROUPS The average weight at capture and the calculated lengths of yellow perch taken from impounding nets in the years 1927-37 are shown by sex and age gi'oup in table 5. Combination of the data for the several years was possible because the corresponding averages varied but little from year to year and the trends in discrepancies between lengths computed from fish of different ages were the same in each of the year classes. The more rapid growth of the females in all years of hfe except the second was evident for each year as well as for the combined years. The corrected calculated lengths at the end of the first year of life are seen to be 0.6 inch greater than those obtained by direct proportion for all age groups of both sexes except group I where the difference was 0.4. The smaller amoxint of cor- rection for age-group-I fish is to be expected since they were the larger individuals of their year class and hence their body-scale ratio deviated less 955513—52 3 from the straight-hne relation requu'ed for direct- proportion computations. In general, the same remarks may be made regarding the data for males, females, and all fish. Without exception the cal- culated first-year lengths of age-group-I fish were greater than those computed from older fish. The calculated lengths of fish older than age group I revealed a slight tendency for the first-j'ear length to decrease as the fish became older. The discrepancies between the calculated first-year lengths of fish older than group I were small. Comparisons of the calculated lengths for all years of life after the fu-st revealed not only that there was a definite tendency for the lengths to decrease as the fish became older but also that the dis- crepancies each year were larger than in the first j-^ear of hfe. It is to be noted also that, with the exception of group-II fish, the length at capture in the late fall was greater than the corresponding lengths computed from older fish. 220 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 5. — Average weights and calculated lengths of Lake Erie yellow perch taken in impounding nets in late fall, 1927-37 combined [Number of specimens in parentlieses] Age group Average weight at capture (ounces) Calculated length ' (inches) at end of year— Uncorrected Corrected Male: Age group I... Age group II-- Age group Ill- Age group IV.. 3.15 4.25 5.54 6.15 Average' Annual increment - Female: Age group I.-- Age group II-- Age group III.. Age group IV.. Age group V... 2.96 4.66 6.57 7.40 8.50 Average' Aimual increment-. All fish: 1 Age group I--- Age group II-. Age group III. Age group IV.. Age group V... 3.02 4.38 5.99 6.86 8.60 Average' Annual increment. 3. 6 (266) 3. 0 (532) 3. 1 (397) 2. 9 (45) 3.0(974) 3.0 3. 5 (37) 3. 1 (490) 3. 2 (355) 2. 9 (55) 2. 9 (5) 3. 1 (905) 3.1 3. 6 (392) 3. 1 (1, 636) 3. 0 (895) 2. 8 (108) 2. 9 (5) 3. 1 (2, 644) 3.1 4. 0 (266) 3. 6 (532) 3. 7 (397) 3. 5 (45) 3. 6 (974) 3.6 3. 9 (37) 3. 7 (490) 3. 8 (355) 3. 5 (65) 3. 6 (5) 3. 7 (905) 3.7 4. 0 (392) 3. 7 (1, 636) 3. 6 (896) 3. 5 (108) 3. 5 (5) 3. 7 (2, 644) 3.7 2 7. 5 (266) 6. 7 (632) 6. 5 (397) 6. 7 (45) 6.6(974) 3.0 7. 2 (36) 6. 9 (490) 6. 7 (355) 5. 9 (65) 6. 0 (6) 6. 7 (905) 3.0 7.4 (371) 6.8 (1.636) 6. 6 (895) 6.8 (108) 6.0(5) 6.7(2,644) 3.0 8. 4 (394) 8.4 (397) 7. 7 (45) 8. 4 (836) 1.8 9. 3 (209) 8. 9 (46) 9. 4 (254) 1.0 9. 6 (23) 10. 1 (23) .7 8. 7 (310) 8. 7 (355) 7, 9 (55) 7.9(6) 8. 6 (725) 1.9 9.9 (192) 9. 3 (55) 9. 1 (6) 9.8 (252) 1.2 10. 2 (28) 10. 0 (5) 10. 7 (33) .9 10.6 (4) 11.3(4) .6 8. 5 (750) 8. 5 (895) 7. 9 (108) 7. 9 (5) 8. 5 (1, 768) 1.8 9. 5 (409) 9. 1 (108) 9. 1 (5) 9. 6 (622) 1.0 10.0 (61) 10. 0 (6) 10. 4 (56) .9 10. 6 (4) 11.0 (4) .6 • The calculated lengths are based on all flsh without regard for time of capture and usually include more specimens than used to determine the length at capture. > The last length shown for each age group is the length at capture late in the fall. In fish older than age group I the discrepancies just described differ from "Lee's phenomenon of apparent decrease in growth rate," as most com- monly encountered, in that the wider disagree- ments occurred among the computed lengths for the later rather than the earlier years of life. It seems probable that the factors that produced the discrepancies in calculated lengths of the Lake Erie perch began to be effective after the first year of hfe had been passed. Since an intensive study of the body-scale rela- tion of the Lake Erie yellow perch has eliminated the possibility of large errors in computed lengths ' Age group I is not included because of selected size. Beyond the third year of life the average lengths were determined by successive addition of the average aimual increments of the age groups for those years. * Includes fish for which the sex was not determined. resulting from the method of calculation, the ob- served discrepancies in the calculated lengths must be considered real rather than apparent. In other words, the older fish in the samples actually grew more slowly than the younger ones. The demon- stration that the discrepancies in computed growth were real, however, does not justify the conclusion that the data are exactly descriptive of the growth in the population from which the samples were taken. Consideration must be given to the possi- bility that the samples were not representative of the population as a whole. DISCREPANCIES IN THE CALCULATED GROWTH HISTORIES OF DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS Two explanations of the discrepancies in com- puted growth can be offered. It may be held that the samples were not representative of the popula- tion in the lake, and that data based on fuUy ade- quate material would not have shown a decline in the growth rate with an increase in age. Or it may be held that the samples were satisfactorily repre- sentative but that certain factors tended to bring about the gradual elimination of the more rapidly growing individuals from the yeUow-perch popula- tion, and that the recorded data therefore represent a valid description of the growth of the Lake Erie perch. SELECTION BY GEAR The selective action of impounding nets in tak- ing samples depends on the escape of small fish through the meshes. A rough approximation of the maximum size of escape may be obtained by deter- YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 221 mining the length of fish with a girth equal to the circumference of the largest meshes found in the lifting pot of the nets. Since the largest meshes of the impounding nets from which the yellow-perch samples were taken were approximately 2}: inches (stretched measm-e), no fish with a girth in excess of about 5 inches should be expected to escape from the net. Forty-two perch with an average girth of 5 inches (range, 4.72 to 5.28 inches) had an average total length of 7.9 inches. Examination of the length-frequency distribu- tions of the age groups (table 19) shows that only the larger of group I were retained because they were too large to escape. About one-fourth of the yellow perch in age group II were as short as the theoretical maximum size of escape; only a few of the group-Ill fish and none in age groups IV and V were shorter than 7.9 inches. It is not possible to make precise estimates of the extent to which the reliability of the samples of the different age groups was affected by the selective action of the gear. However, group-I samples were unquestionably composed of individuals with the most rapid growth. Group-II samples were affected much less severely. Beyond age group II, gear selection probably had no significant effect on the reliability of the samples. It may be concluded, then, that inadequate sampling traceable to gear selectivity was an important factor in the dis- crepancies between the lengths calculated from group-I yellow perch and from older fish, and was a contributing factor in discrepancies between the lengths calculated from group II and from older fish. Discrepancies among age groups older than group II cannot be attributed to the selective action of the nets. The selective action of the impounding nets serves also as the basis for the differential destruc- tion, correlated with growth rate, that brings about an exaggeration of the discrepancies between the calculated growth histories of yellow perch of different ages. Capture in a commercial net ex- poses illegal-sized perch * to a serious risk of de- struction in the fishery since a significant propor- tion ° of the undersized yellow perch are dead when the nets are lifted. With a fishery as intensive as ' Since the legal siie for yellow perch (8H inches total length) Is well above the marimum length of escape, the question of differential destruction de- pendent on gear selectivity concerns only the undersized flsh. ' Dr. John Van Ooston, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, found that approxi- mately 14 percent of the undersized yellow perch were dead in Lake Erie trap nets at the time of lifting. that in Lake Erie a single individual may be ex- posed to destruction repeatedly. Consequently, a severe mortality of the faster-growing yellow perch of the younger age groups, especiallj' age group I, is certain to occur. It appears, then, that perch of the same year class captured at older ages show relatively slow growth not only because the samples of the younger age groups were composed of the faster-growing fish but also because some of these same fast growers were eliminated from the stock as young fish. SEGREGATION CORRELATED WITH SEXUAL MATURITY Any segregation of the yellow-perch population according to maturity would be in effect a segre- gation according to size also, since the proportion of mature individuals increased rapidly mth in- crease La length (table 36), and it was the larger fish in the j'ounger age groups that were mature. It will be shown later that the only evidence of a segregation of yellow perch according to maturity was found during the spawTiing season when the samples consisted almost entirely of mature fish — 97 percent of the yellow perch in samples taken April 11 and 13, 1932, were mature. A comparison of the percentage of mature radi- viduals at different lengths (table 36) with the length-frequency distribution of the age groups (table 19) provides an indication of the extent to which segregation on the basis of maturity may affect the samples of each age. It is seen in table 36 that a majority of the males reached maturity at 6)2 inches but that most of the females were not mature until thej' had passed 8)2 inches. It is apparent from table 19 that of the males only group I would be affected by a segregation on the basis of maturity. Such segregation, however, would practically eliminate the group-I females, seriously affect those in age group II, and to a lesser degree disturb age group III. Because the data in tables 19 and 36 were largely from fish taken in the fall, the remarks concerning each age group may be expected to apply equally well to the next-older group in the next spawning season, since little if any intervening growth would occur. Thus, in the spawning season a segregation on the basis of sexual maturity would affect some of the males and practically all of the females in group II, a few of the males and many of the females in group III, and almost none of the fish in group 1\ and 222 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE older groups. The April 11 and 13, 1932, samples seem to bear out this expectation as there were -no females in age group II but they accounted for 14.3 and 39.4 percent, respectively, of all fish in age groups III and IV. Although other factors no doubt affected the sex ratio in the April 1932 samples (see section on sex ratio, p. 260), segrega- tion on the basis of maturity must have played an important part. Inadequate sampling because of segregation according to maturity is of little unportance in the present study since only one collection employed in the study of age and growth was taken from the spawning rim (1932 collection). In this material the reliability of the data for the group-Ill females only is open to question. Since maturity and length are closely related, it is possible that segregation according to maturity may be a source of destruction in the spawning- run fishery of fish with more rapid growth. The effects of this higher mortality of fish with rapid growth on comparisons of the growth histories of fish of different ages are similar to the effects of the selective destruction of rapidly growing fish associated with gear selectivity (p. 221). SELECTIVE DESTRUCTION ACCORDING TO THE LEGAL SIZE LIMIT The imposition of a minimum legal size limit does much to reduce the effect of selection by gear through the protection of the faster-growing but still illegal-sized individuals, but at the same time adherence to a legal size limit produces a similar selective effect of its own. As the fish reach the minimum legal size limit they are subject to re- moval by the commercial fishery. Consequently, the faster-growing individuals are exposed to this source of destruction earlier in life than are those of slower gi'owth. In a heavily exploited fishery, successive samples of a year class, then, may be composed of fish with successively slower growth as a consequence of continued sorting according to size. The manner and extent to which the selective destruction of yellow perch accordmg to legal size Umit may give rise to discrepancies between the calculated growth histories of different age groups are brought out by the data of table 6. Effects of the elimination of different percentages of legal- sized fish ° on the determination of the growth histories of three age groups also are shown. From the data of table 6 it is obvious that the con- tinued removal of legal-sized yellow perch in the commercial fishery will bring about a decrease in the calculated growth rates of an age group. The first-year computed lengths were affected the least. The exclusion of all legal-sized fish reduced the fh-st-year length by only 0.1 inch in the 1928 group II and 0.2 inch in the 1929 group II but brought about a 0.2-inch increase in the first-year length of the 1928 group III. On the other hand, the effect of the elimination of legal-sized yellow perch on the determination of the calculated lengths at the end of the second and third years of Ufe was pronoimced. The decreases in the second- year length with aU legal-sized fish excluded were as high as 0.7 inch (1929 group II); the decreases in the thu'd-year length were as high as 0.9 inch (1928 group III). When lesser percentages of " A size limit of 8M inches was employed in the separation of legal and undersized fish in all three age groups although a 9-inch limit was actually in effect in 1928. Since most of the 1928 samples were taken in the summer before completion of the season's growth and most of the 1929 samples were taken in the fall, presumably after completion of the season's growth, it was believed that the data for all age groups would be made more nearly com- parable by the use of a single size limit. Table 6. — Effect of excluding legal-sized fish in determining growth histories of Lake Erie yellow perch [Legal size: BH inches] 1928 group II 1929 group II 1928 group III Proportion of legal-sized fish excluded .Vumber of speci- mens Calculated length at end of year of life— Number of speci- mens Calculated length at end of year of life — Number of speci- mens Calculated length at end of year of life— ■ 1 2 1 2 3. 1 2 3 832 750 669 588 506 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.9 6.7 372 323 274 225 176 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.4 6.1 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.1 7.9 70 57 44 31 18 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 5.8 8.2 26 percent 8. 1 8.0 75 percent 7.9 100 percent 7.3 1 Length at capture in fall (see footnote 0, above). YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 223 legal-sized fish were excluded the reductions in the calculated lengths were smaller. It should be mentioned that the data of table 6 are based on the elimination of legal-sized fish in a single group of samples whereas the removal of legal-sized individuals by the fishery is gradual and is also progressive in the sense that continued growth during the fisiiing season brings more and more individuals to the legal size. The data serve, nevertheless, to illustrate the type of selective destruction that must occur in the heavily exploited yellow-perch fishery. Comparisons of the growth data of table 6 with those of table 5, reveal that the discrepancies pro- duced by the elimination of legal-sized fish from an age group resembled closely the discrepancies that actually occurred between the growth histories of different age groups. It is particularly striking that in both table 6 and table 5, the greatest dis- agreements among the calculated lengths of fish older than age group I occurred beyond the first year of life. It must be considered probable that selective destruction based on sorting according to the legal size limit was an important contributing factor in the observed discrepancies in the calcu- lated lengths of the different age groups of Lake Erie yellow perch. OTHER CAUSES Differential natural mortality connected with rate oj growth. — The widely observed association of slower growth with the attainment of greater age in poildlothermic animals which was also found by Hile (1936) in the ciscoes of Silver Lake, Wis., may have been a possible factor in the discrep- ancies in the calculated growth histories of the Lake Erie yellow perch. The effects of such a differential natural mortality among the Lake Erie perch, however, would be obscured by the more unportant soin-ces of differential destruction by the fishery. Annual fluctuations in growth rate. — The dis- crepancies in calculated growth cannot be traced to annual differences in growth rate since the dis- agreements occurred between different age groups of the same year class. Formation of more than one annulus per year. — The vaHdity of the use of the annulus on the Lake Erie yellow-perch scale as a true year mark has been established. Although accessory checks are not infrequent, the scales of those fish concerning whose age there was doubt were discarded. It does not appear reasonable, therefore, to assume that the number of errors in the determination of age was sufficiently great to account for the ob- served discrepancies in the calculated growth of different age groups. Contraction and resorption of the scale. — Van Oosten (1929) pointed out that the natm-e of the structure of scales makes wholly unacceptable the assmnption that a contraction of scales occurs. The examination of thousands of yellow-perch scales faUed to yield any indication of resorption that would effect the calculation of growth. The lunited amount of resorption or erosion observed in the lateral fields of the scales of some old fish did not affect the measurements along the antero- posterior axis of the scales. GENERAL GROWTH CURVES GROWTH IN LENGTH It is not possible to determine a growth cmwe for the Lake Erie yellow perch that is general in the sense that it describes the growth of an indi- vidual typical of the population as a whole. The preceding discussions have brought out clearly that in general the older fish had a slower rate of growth than the j'ounger. Consequently, the combina- tion of the data of several age groups to determine a general growth ciu-ve involves the lumping to- gether of heterogeneous growth material. The resulting curve is descriptive of the samples rather than of a typical individual. These limitations to the significance of the data should be kept in mind in the examination of the information on general growth contained in table 7. The average lengths listed in table 7 have been taken from table 5 and are based on the combina- tion of all age groups except group I, which was omitted as nonrepresentative by reason of gear selection (see p. 221). The lengths of fish taken in the fall (presumably at the end of the growing season) were combined with the corresponding cal- culated lengths. Beyond the third j^car of life the average lengths of the different age groups were determined by successive additions of the average annual increments of growth. This pro- cedure brings about a natural smoothing of the general growth curve for the later years of life. 224 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 7. — Average calculated length, by age, of Lake Erie yellow perch taken by impounding nets Year of life Males; 1 year. 2 year. 3 year. 4 year. 5 year. 6 year. Females: 1 year. 2 year. 3 year. 4 year. 6 year. 6 year. All fish: 1 year. 2 year. 3 year. 4 year. 5 year. 6 year. Number Incre- of speci- Total length ment in Increase mens length Inches Inches Percent 974 974 3.6 6.6 3.6 3.0 83.3 836 8.4 1.8 27.3 264 9.4 1.0 11.9 23 10.1 .7 7.4 905 906 3.7 6.7 3.7 3.0 81.1 726 8.6 1.9 28.4 252 9.8 1 2 14.0 33 10.7 .9 9.2 4 11.3 .6 6.6 2,644 2,644 3.7 6.7 3.7 3.0 81.1 1,758 8.5 1.8 26.9 622 9.5 1.0 11.8 66 10.4 .9 9.5 4 11.0 .6 5.8 Standard length Milli- meters 76 143 181 203 220 77 146 187 216 234 248 77 146 184 208 228 242 The use of the average annual increments caused the lengths of the fish in the later years of life to be higher than the corresponding average calcu- lated lengths as determined from the individual age gi'oups (table 5). For example, as derived from the general growth cm-ve, the length of the females at the end of the fifth year was 10.7 inches as compared to the values of 10.2 (length at time of capture in the autumn) and 10 inches as deter- mined from age-gi-oups IV and V, respectively. Similarly, this length was 10.1 inches as derived from the growth curve of the males but was only 9.6 inches at time of captm-e in the autumn. Dis- crepancies occurred also in the lengths at the end of the fourth and sixth years of life. Although the successive additions of the average annual growth increments, to determine the general growth curve in the later years, introduce dis- crepancies, they cannot be held with certainty to represent errors in the general growth curve. On the contrary, the use of the average annual increments may tend to offset the distorting effects of the differential destruction of the more rapidly growing individuals; hence the seemingly greater lengths of the general growth curve may approximate the true typical growth of the Lake Erie yeUow perch more closely than a cm-ve based entirely on grand-average calculated lengths. Figure 4 is a graphic presentation of the data of table 7 on length at the end of each year of life and the annual growth increment. At the end of the first year of life the females were slightly larger (0.1 inch) than the males, and they maintained this advantage in length during the second year. Be- gimiing in the third year the females increased in length progressively faster than males of the same age until at the end of the fifth year they were 0.6 inch longer. Of particular interest is the fact that the minimum legal size of 8)^ inches, effective in the States of Michigan and Ohio, was reached at the end of the thu-d year by all fish (sexes combined). It may be seen also (table 5) that the average length of the males captured late in the faU at the end of their third year was only slightly less (8.4 inches) and that of the females only a little more (8.7 inches) than the legal minimum. The maxim lun length of yellow perch examined in Lake Erie was 13.9 inches total length, sex not deter- mined. The longest male was 11.3 inches and the longest female 12.9. No physiological explanation can be offered for the difference in the growth of the sexes. It is rather certain, however, that the earlier attain- ment of sexual maturity by the males was not the primary cause of their poorer growth. The females enjoyed the gi-eatest actual and relative ad- vantage in growth in the fourth year of life (fe- males 1.2 inches, males 1 inch). Yet at that size 86.1 percent of the females and 98.6 percent of the males were matm-e (see table 36). If the poor growth of the males was the result of their early attainment of matiu-ity, the greatest advantage in the growth of the females would be expected to occur in the second year of life when 57.8 percent of the males and none of the females were mature. In spite of the differences in the growth of the sexes, the same general description of the course of growth applies to the cm-ves for the females, males, and the sexes combined. The most rapid growth in length took place in the first year of life, after which the annual increments decreased continuously'. GROWTH IN WEIGHT The average weights of the age groups of yellow perch taken late each fall (table 5) bring out clearly that the females were heavier at each age than the males with the exception of those fish assigned to age group II in which the males also were the longer. The best-represented age group (II), which characteristically dominates the late-season YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 225 YEAR OF LIFE Figure 4. — General growth curves showing average length and average annual increments in length of Lake Erie yellow perch at end of each year of life. catches by trap nets, had an average weight of just over 4 ounces. The only group with an average weight of over 8 ounces (V) was repre- sented by only four fish in the late fall samples and, therefore, the reliability of the average is open to question. Although there was consider- able annual variation, the values in table 5 are believed to represent rather well the average weights of yellow perch taken by trap nets from Lake Erie during the later season. The average weights of the age groups captured late in the autumn differed considerably from the corresponding calculated weights (tables 5 and 8). The empirical weights were greater for the younger fish and smaller for the older individuals. Net selectivity, whereby only the heavier of the shorter fish were retained, no doubt accounted for the greater empirical weights of the younger fish. Perhaps the decrease in condition during October and November (p. 255) was enough to bring about the discrepancies noted among the older ages. In order to have strictly comparable data for general growth in length and in weight, the equa- tion for the length-weight relation of the Lake 226 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ot FEMALE — -/■ MALE J / / / / f / / / y - — — / / y / X // // // ^ - 2 5 0 2 0 0 5 0 3 O F FinuRE 5.- -General growth curves showing average calculated weight at end of each year of life and average annual increase in weight of Lake Erie yellow perch according to sex. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 227 Table 8. — Average calculated weight, by age, of Lake Erie yellow perch (Collections of all years combined] Year of life Males: 1 year.. 2 years.. 3 year... 4 year.. 5 year.., 6 year.. Females: 1 year... 2 year.. 3 year... 4 year.. 5 year.. 6 year.. All fish: 1 year.. 2 year.. 3 year.. 4 year.. 5 year.. 6 year.. Weight Qrams 8 66 113 160 204 59 125 190 246 303 58 119 172 224 279 Ounces 0.28 1.98 3.99 5.64 7.20 .32 2.08 4.41 6.70 8.68 10.69 .32 2.05 4.20 6.07 7.90 9.84 Increment in weight Ouncei 0.28 1.70 2.01 1.65 1.66 .32 1.76 2.33 2.29 1.98 2.01 .32 1.73 2.16 1.87 1.83 1.94 Increase 607.1 101.5 41.4 27.7 650.0 112.0 61.9 29.6 23.2 640.6 104.9 44.5 30.1 24.6 Erie perch (see p. 252) has been employed to com- pute weights corresponding to the grand-average lengths of table 7. These calculated weights are table 8 which shows also the annual given in increments and percents of increase in weight. The data on general growth in weight are pre- sented graphically in figure 5. The calculated weights of the females exceeded those of the males in every year of life. The advantage of the females increased regularly from 0.04 ounce at the end of the first year of fife to 1.48 ounces at the end of the fifth. The greatest advantage in the growth of the females occurred in the fourth year of life when the increment was 2.29 ounces as compared to 1.65 for the males. For each sex and for the sexes combined the annual percent increase in weight was greatest in the second year and decreased continuously in the later years. The greatest actual increase in weight occurred in the third year of life. At the end of the third year, when the Lake Erie yellow perch attained the legal length, 8^ inches, the weight (4.2 ounces) was less than half that at the end of the sixth year (9.8 ounces). The heaviest male weighed 12)4 ounces and the heaviest female (a gravid specimen) weighed 19% ounces. GROWTH OF YELLOW PERCH IN LAKE ERIE COMPARED WITH THAT IN OTHER WATERS Comparison of the growth of yellow perch hi Lake Erie with that in other waters will be based on data from the major centers of commercial production of the species. With reference to other waters, it is sufficient to say that the numerous published average lengths of the age groups show tremendous variation in the size of fish of the same age. There appears to be no correlation between geographical location of the lakes and the rate of growth of perch. Table 9 gives the average calculated total length of yellow perch at the end of each year of life as determined in the present study; ' by Hile and Jobes for Saginaw Bay (1941) and for the Wis- consin waters of Green Bay and northwestern Lake Michigan (1942); and by Carlander (1942) for the Mimiesota waters of Lake of the Woods. The data are presented graphically in figure 6. The total lengths shoA^ii were determined where ' Data on the Lake Erie yellow perch published by Harkness (1922) are not Included in the table because of differences In criteria for recognizing aimuli, and his estimated lengths were not computed with reference to the end of years of life. Study of these scales, which he kindly sent to me, failed to reveal any pronounced differences In the rates of growth of yellow perch collected by him in 1920 and of those collected In 1927 and used in the present study. necessary from standard lengths in millimeters by use of the appropriate conversion factors. Calcu- lated lengths at the end of each year of life are used rather than length of the age groups at capture to eliminate discrepancies caused by differ- ences in the time of capture. With the single exception of the first year when the growth from Lake of the Woods was the greatest (3.9 inches), the yellow perch were larger in Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay than in the other three areas. The Lake Erie yellow perch were larger than those from Saginaw Bay in the first 3 years of life. In the fourth year they aver- aged the same, but thereafter the Saginaw Bay Table 9. — Comparison of average calculated total lengths of yellow perch from several localities [Data for sexes combined) Locality Average calculated length (In inches) at end of year— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.7 3.0 2.8 2.8 3.9 6.7 6.3 4.C 4.6 6.4 8.6 8.0 6.3 6.0 6.9 9.6 9.6 7.9 7.1 8.1 10.4 10.7 9.0 8.5 9.2 11.0 12.0 10.2 9.7 10.6 Saginaw Bay Qreen Bay Northwestern Lake 12.8 11.2 12.1 13.9 :::; Lake of the Woods 11.8 12.9 14.1 15.2 19.6 955513— 52- 228 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE I S 10 1 2 YEAR OF LIFE Figure 6. — Average calculated total length in inches at end of each year of life of yellow perch from diflferent waters of the Great Lakes and Lake of the Woods. Sexes combined. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 229 fish averaged the larger. There is a striking similarity in the growth curves of the other three populations (fig. 6). The yellow perch from Lake of the Woods averaged about 1 inch longer than those from Green Bay and northwestern Lake Michigan at the end of the first year, and after this year the individuals from northwestern Lake Michigan averaged somewhat shorter than those from the other two areas. Although each of these growth rates compares favorably with those from other waters, slow growth does occur in the Great Lakes. Van Oosten (1944) reported a sample of yellow perch taken from Presque Isle Bay (Lake Erie) that averaged only 6.7 inches total length as age-group- IV fish. Apparently these slow-growing fish do not frequent Lake Erie proper as none was found among the thousands examined in the course of the present study. The largest yellow perch taken from Lake Ontario by Greeley (1940) had a total length of just more than 6.5 inches in its fifth summer of life. GROWTH COMPENSATION Two types of relation between early size and subsequent growth have been observed: (1) That in which the individuals with greater growth in the first year retain or add to that advantage in later growth; and (2) that in which the individuals with greater growth in the first year grow relatively more slowly each subsequent year so that a reduc- tion in range of size occurs. This latter relation is known as growth compensation. No attempt will be made to review the literature on the subject, but it may be stated that the phenomenon of growth compensation has been observed in so many species of fish, both marine and fresh-water, that its occurrence may be considered general. Age groups II and III of the 1929 collection, both of which contained large numbers of speci- mens, have been selected for a study of the rela- tion between the first-year length and the later growth in length of the Lake Erie yellow perch. The data have been restricted further to those fish collected late in the autumn, when it could be assumed that the year's growth was complete. Table 10 shows the growth histories of the dif- ferent yearling-size classes (sexes separately) of each of these age groups. The first-year difference of 0.99 inch between the average lengths of the largest and smallest group-II males was increased to 1.38 inches in the second year. The maximum difference was re- duced by compensatory growth in the third year to 1.05 inches, but nevertheless remained above the original difference. In the group-II females the original 0.94-inch advantage of the largest yearlings over the smallest was increased sfightly to 0.97 inch in the second year. The maximum difference was reduced by compensatory growth in the third year to only 0.68 inch. Table 10. — Relation between calculated length of Lake Erie yellow perch at end of first year and growth in subsequent years, based on 1929 collections of age groups II and III Calculated length at end of first year of Num- ber of speci- mens Length (Inches) at end of year— Increment (Inches) for year— life 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Age group II: Males: 3.35 Inches and under . .. 59 77 29 3.16 3.58 4.14 .99 3.16 3.68 4.09 .94 3.11 3.58 4.09 .98 3.20 3.63 4.18 .98 6.24 6,88 7.62 1.38 6.28 6.88 7.25 .07 5.60 6.42 7.21 1.71 5.97 6.38 7.88 1.61 8.22 8.55 9.27 1.05 8.27 8.63 8.95 .68 7.48 8.27 8.81 1.33 7.99 8.60 9.32 1.33 3.16 3.68 4.14 3.09 3.30 2.68 1.98 1.67 1.65 3.3fi to 3.82 Inches. 3.83 Inches and over - Maximum dU- Females: 3.36 Inches and 49 64 27 40 68 70 3.16 3.58 4.09 3.13 3.30 3.16 1.99 1.75 1.70 3.36 to 3.82 inches- 3.83 inches and over _ Maximum dif- Age group III: Males: 3.35 Inches and under... 3.36 to 3.82 Inches. 3.83 Inches and 8.86 9.27 9.73 .87 9.46 9.73 10.33 .87 3.11 3.58 4.09 3.20 3.63 4.18 2.39 2.84 3.12 2.77 2.76 3.40 1.98 1.85 1.60 2.02 2.12 1.74 1.38 1.00 .92 Maximum dif- ference Females: 3.35 inches and under 3.36 to 3.82 Inches. 3.83 inches and over ....... 40 57 58 1.47 1.23 1.01 Maximum dif- The relation between first-year length and later growth in length of both sexes of age group III resembled that of the group-II males. The largest yearlings of both the males and females added materially to their first-year advantage over the smallest j-earlings during the second year of fife. The maximum difiference was reduced by compensatory growth during the third year, but remained greater than the original difference. In 230 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE the fourth year further growth compensation reduced the maximum difference below the first- year value. It appears to be characteristic of the growth of the Lake Erie yellow perch that a first-year advantage in size is increased in the second year. Growth compensation occurs in the third and fom-th years of life. PROPORTION OF SEASON'S GROWTH COMPLETED AT TIME OF CAPTURE Table 11. — Increment of growth completed by Lake Erie yellow .perch at certain dates in 1927 For flsh captured— Age group and sex Oct. 24 Oct. 31 to Nov. 21 Season's growth (increment of standard length) to date of capture: Age group I: Males - - Mm. 76 76 46 38 39 21 27 19 Percent 96 95 92 81 83 75 93 66 88 Number 28 40 3 15 22 2 2 8 Mm. 80 All fish » 79 Age group II: Females - -- 50 47 All fish " 47 Age group III: 28 Males 29 All fish 1 - 29 Proportion of season's growth completed to date of capture: Age group I: Males _ Percent 100 All fish > 100 Age group II: 100 Males 100 AH fish 1 . - 100 Age group III: Females - 100 100 All fish 1 100 Average (weighted) percentage 100 Specimens: 136 All fish 1 195 Age group II: 46 Males 95 All fish 1 170 Age group III: Females.-- --. 15 21 AUflsh" . 39 ' Includes fish whose sex was not determined. Although the dates of collection of the Lake Erie yellow perch were not distributed in such a manner as to permit a thoroughgoing study of the progress of growth during the season, scattered data based on samples taken after June 30 do provide a certain amount of information. The calculated increments of growth added in the year of capture and the percentages of these increments of the year's total growth are shown in tables 11, 12, and 13 for three age groups collected in 1927, 1928, and 1929. The growth increments of perch from late-season collections have been considered to represent the total season's growth and hence have been assigned the percentage of 100. The selection of these late-season samples was not Tablk 12. — Increment of growth completed by Lake Erie yellow perch at certain dates in 1928 For flsh captured— Age group and sex July 17 and 23 Aug. 4 and 8 Aug. 23 Sept. 6 Oct. 16 and Nov. 20 Season's growth (increment of standard length) to date of capture: Age group I: All fish •.- Mm. Mm. Mm. 52 26 20 26 20 20 19 Percent 70 70 69 70 83 91 79 71 Number 7 104 40 242 2 3 9 Mm. Mm. 74 Age group II: Female 29 27 29 26 23 24 Percent 37 Male 34 All fish ' 15 18 37 Age group III: 24 Male 22 Allflsh 1 16 Percent 21 Percent 24 Proportion of season's growth completed to date of capture: Age group I: All fish ' . Percent 100 Age group II: 78 79 78 108 104 100 80 Number 100 Male 100 All fish 1 40 49 100 Age group III: Female 100 Male 100 All flsh 1 67 45 Number 88 60 Number 100 Average (weighted) percentage 100 4 Age group II: 68 70 148 5 5 10 77 86 All fish ' 107 151 184 Age group III: Female 18 Male.-- - 7 AU flsh 1 21 5 25 1 Includes fish whose sex was not determined. arbitrary, but was based on a careful study of the growth increments of fish in the collections of single days. For example, detailed data for 1928 (not given here) demonstrated that the growth increments of perch captured on October 16 were as large as those of fish taken on November 20. It was assumed, therefore, that no growth occurred after October 16 in that year, and consequently the sample of that date was included as part of the "late-season" collection. In 1927, on the other hand, the growth increments of perch cap- tured on October 24 were noticeably smaller than those of fish taken on October 31 and on various dates in November. Accordingly, the October 24 sample was excluded in the computation of the YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 231 T,\BLE 13. — Increment of growth completed by Lake Erie yellow perch at certain dates in 1929 For flsh captured— Age group and sex Julyl Aug. 29 and Sept. 8 Sept. 23 Nov. 12 to Dec. 7 Season's growth (Increment of standard lonsth) to date of capture: Age group I: Mm. A/m. Mm. 67 Mm. 64 72 AH flsh • 62 67 42 38 40 26 21 24 Percent 105 70 Age group II: 9 8 9 3 1 2 Percent 39 39 All flsh ■ 41 39 Age group III: 27 22 AH flsh ' - 20 Percent 26 Proportion of season's growth completed to date of capture: Age group I: Percent 100 Males 100 All flsh ' .. 89 96 108 97 102 96 95 96 96 Number 1 100 Age group II: 23 20 23 11 4 8 9 Number 100 Males 100 AUflsh'.. Age group III: 108 100 100 100 AUflshi Average (weighted) percent- age 80 90 Number 100 100 Specimens: Age group I: Number 17 53 All flsh ' 12 1 6 3 9 44 60 104 70 Age group II: 8 5 13 96 35 131 140 168 All flsh ' 42 308 Age group III: 155 178 AUflsh ' 64 333 ' Includes flsh whose sex was not determined. full-season increments of growth.* Other com- binations of collections, as for example, that of the samples of July 17 and 23, 1928, were made only after examination proved the combinations to be warranted. The data of tables 11, 12, and 13 were presented in considerable detail to bring out the fact that neither sex nor age appeared to affect the course of the season's growth. Females did not show consistently lower or higher percentages than males taken on the same day or days; neither did the percentages vary consistently among samples of different age groups captured on the same > Estimates of the progress of growth during the season of capture made by Hile. for the Cisco (1936) and for the rock bass (1941) in the lakes of north- eastern Wisconsin, were based on comparisons of the growth increments up to the time of capture with the full-season growth as calculated from samples of the same year class in collections of later years. The severe discrepancies between the calculated growth histories of different age groups of the same year class of the Lake Erie yellow perch prohibit the use of the same pro- cedure in the present stuily. dates. It appears valid, therefore, to employ the weighted percentages (given in each table) as measures of the proportion of season's growth completed at different dates. In order to obtain a more definite idea of the course of growth through the season, the weighted percentages of tables 11, 12, and 13 were plotted as functions of time within the season (fig. 7). The smooth curve appearing in figure 7 was fitted by inspection to the percentages for 1928 and 1929. For reasons to be brought out presently the single percentage available for 1927 (that of growth up to October 24) was held to represent exceptional conditions and was disregarded in the fitting of the curve. If the curve of figure 7 is accepted as descriptive of the normal course of growth of the yellow perch during the season, the following estimates are obtained: Percent Percent _ , . r If total growth of total growth b or montn OI— end of month within month June 15 15 July... 50 35 August. 80 30 September. 100 20 According to these estimates relatively little growth was completed before July 1 (only 15 per- cent of the total) . The greatest increase in length in a single month occurred in July (35 percent). Growth dropped shghtly in August (to 30 percent) and sharply in September (to 20 percent), and appears to have ceased toward the end of Septem- ber. The small percentage completed on July 1 suggests that growth began some time in Jime, although it is not possible to be certain on that point. The preceding description of the course of the growth of the yellow perch during the season must be recognized as merely an approximation since it was based on rather limited and scattered data. The data for 1927 indicate that with exceptional conditions the percentage of total growth completed at different times within the growing season may vary considerably. Perch collected on October 24, 1927, were found to have completed only 88 percent of the estimated total growth for the season. Although the indicated growth of 12 percent of the season's total between October 24 and October 31 does seem to be too high, the data provide evidence, nevertheless, that growth was proceeding actively in October. 232 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE O U) a. O O X $ o c o in z o n < u w Ik o bl O < h- Z bJ u ce ij a. 9 0 n • /^ 0 1927 1928 o 1929 • 8 0 y / o 7 0 60 50 /o / o / °/ 4 0 3 0 / 2 0 y / 10 0 4 » 2 0 JUNE 10 2 0 JULY 10 2 0 AUGUST 10 20 SEPTEMBER 10 2 0 OCTOBER 3 I Figure 7. — Percentage of season's growth completed at different dates by Lake Erie yellow perch. Curve fitted to 1928-29 data by inspection. Exceptional conditions may be expected also to affect the course of growth in the early season (earlier onset or more rapid early-season increase in some years). ANNUAL FLUCTUATIONS IN GROWTH Data are available for the analysis of fluctua- tions in the growth of the yellow perch taken by impounding nets in Lake Erie in the two periods, 1927-29 and 1943^8. Although the annual increments of growth in the years 1924-29 were computed from samples of the entire take by the nets, whereas the growth in 1940-48 was deter- mined only from the legal-sized fish (8}^ inches and larger), the average annual increments did not differ greatly. The fluctuations in growth were determined separately for each period and repre- sent deviations from the average of the period to YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 233 Table 14. — Calculated annual growth increments according to calendar year and year of life of Lake Erie yellow perch taken by impounding net, 1927-29 [Data for sei.es shown separately] Year of life Males: Age group HI: Fourth year. Third year_- Second year. First year Age group II: Third year.- Second year. First year Females: Age group III: Fourth year. Third year.- Second year. First year Age group II: Third year. . Second year. First year Calculated growth Increments (Inches) in— 1924 3.6 3.7 1926 2.3 3.6 3.6 2.4 3.5 1926 1.9 2.6 3.8 2.7 3.8 1.9 2.7 3.8 2.9 3.8 1.2 1.9 2.9 2.1 3.3 3.6 1.2 2.3 3.0 2.3 3.4 3.6 1928 0.9 1.8 1.4 3.2 1.0 2.0 1.3 3.2 1.7 0.9 which the individual years belong. The analysis has been confined to the growth of age groups II and III since other age groups contained too few fish to give reUable averages in all years. The calculated annual increments of age groups II and III taken in 1927-29 are shown for each sex in table 14 and those for the fish taken in 1943-48 are given in table 15. The data in both tables are arranged so that the horizontal rows show the growth in different calendar years of fish in the same year of life. The vertical columns show the growth in a single calendar year of fish in different years of life. The growth histories of the individ- ual age groups are shown in rows running diago- nally from the bottom to the right. The method of estimating annual fluctuations in growth may be illustrated by the 1925 and 1926 data for the females in table 14. The 1926 Table 15. — Calculated annual growth increments according to calendar year and year of life of Lake Erie yellow perch taken by impounding net, 1943-48 [Data for sexes combined] Year of life Calculated growth increments (inches) in — 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Age group III: 1.2 1.6 2.8 3.9 1.8 3.4 3.7 1.3 1.9 3.1 3.5 1.9 3.3 3.8 1.1 1.6 2.5 3.8 1.9 3.3 3.5 I.l 2.0 2.4 1.3 1.7 1.4 2.1 2.5 3.6 2.4 3.9 3.7 Age group II: 2.1 3.6 3.8 1.9 3.0 2.4 Second year 3.1 3.9 First year 4.1 growths of 2.7, 3.8, and 3.8 inches of age group III in the first and second years of life and of age group II in the first j^ear of life totaled 10.3 inches or 0.9 inch more than the total (9.4) of the corre- sponding increments in 1925 (2.4, 3.5, and 3.5). The average of the two totals is 9.85 inches. Com- pared with this average, the total growths in 1926 showed an improvement of 9.1 percent. A con- tinuation of this procedure shows the percentage change in growth from each year to the next. The position of each year's growth with respect to that of 1924 is obtained by the successive addition of the percentages of change. For example, the growth of the group-Ill females decreased 5.6 percent from 1924 to 1925 as determined by this method of computation, but as indicated above, that of the group-II and group-Ill females in- creased 9.1 percent from 1925 to 1926. Hence, the growth in 1926 may be said to have been —5.64- 9.1, or 3.5 percent better than in 1924. In order to make the percentage deviations describe the changes with respect to average growth over the period 1924-29, rather than only to growth in 1924, the mean of the deviations as computed by the above procedure was subtracted from the in- dividual deviation of each year. The same pro- cedure was used to determine the annual fluctua- tions in growth in 1940 to 1948 (table 15). The method just described for obtaining the percentage deviations from average growth is that employed by Hile (1941) to determine the annual fluctua- tions in growth of the Nebish I.rake (Wisconsin) rock bass. The annual percentage deviations of the growth of the Lake Erie perch from the 1924-29 and 1940- 48 means are shown in table 16 for the sexes sepa- rately, where possible, and for the sexes combined. Particularly noteworthy is the very close agree- ment between the percentage deviations of the sexes. The coefficient of correlation between the annual deviations in the growth of the sexes has the high value of 0.959. This close correlation may be construed as a strong argument for the refiability of the percentages in table 16 as true measures of the annual fluctuations in growth. The annual variations in the growth of the Lake Erie yeUow perch were fairly large. The ranges for the percentages in the period 1924-29 were 23.2 percent for the females, 15.2 percent for the males, and 18.3 percent for the sexes combined. The range in the percentage variation of the sexes 234 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 16. — Deviations in growth rate of Lake Erie yellow perch and in mean air temperatures at Sandusky, Ohio, from 19S4-S9 and 1940-48 averages Deviation from average growth Deviations of mean temperatures Male Female Average May June July August September October 1924 Percent -4.8 -4.8 2.3 8.5 -6.7 5.5 Percent -10.2 -4.6 4.5 13.0 -7.4 4.8 Percent -7.6 -4.7 3.4 10.8 -7.0 5.2 -3.1 2.2 -1.7 -.4 1.8 -4.2 3.4 -7.4 9.7 op -3.9 -1.6 1.8 1.2 2.1 .6 -2.0 4.4 3.0 -.4 5.4 -6.0 -1.0 -2.9 -1.9 'F. -0.7 5.6 -1.5 -1.9 -2.1 .5 .2 1.0 .4 4.0 2.8 -2.8 -1.0 -3.2 -1.4 op -1.9 -1.1 .0 .2 2.1 .6 1.1 1.3 1.1 .8 .6 -2.1 -.7 -2.5 .6 °F. 0.3 .6 2.8 -4.2 2.8 -2.1 -.3 -.9 -.9 .1 1.5 -.1 -4.1 4.7 -.3 "F. -4.5 3.3 .1 3.3 -2.6 .3 -2.5 2.9 -1.3 -3.3 -.1 1.1 .7 .8 1.7 op 3.0 1925 -8.3 1926 -1.4 1927 4.4 1928 3.6 1929 - -1.0 1940 -.9 1941 2.2 1942 -- -.1 1943 -2.4 1944 _ -l.B 1946 -2.3 1946 - 3.5 1947 6.5 1948 -4.7 Correlation (r) between growth and temperature (sexes combined).... .346 -.030 .347 -.605 .504 -.117 combined during the 1940-48 period was 17.1 or a little less than in the 1924-29 period. Growth was below average in 1924 but unproved each year untU the maximiun was reached in 1927. The sharp decline in 1928 was followed by an improve- ment in 1929. Growth in 1940 was below the average for the period 1940-48. The increase in 1941 was followed by a 3-year period in which the growth fluctuated but little; the variations were greater in 1945-48. The poorest growth in the 1940-48 period was in 1947 and the best in 1948. Neither a detailed discussion of all the probable factors that contributed to the annual fluctuations observed in the growth of the Lake Erie yellow perch nor a review of the literature on fluctuations in the growth of fish seems desirable. It may be stated, however, that chief among the factors that previous investigators found associated with annual fluctuations in growth rate were changes in the density of the population and fluctuations in weather conditions (temperature and precipi- tation) .' It is not possible to state definitely whether fluc- tuations in the density of the yellow-perch popula- tion affected the growth of the species in Lake Erie. Three years in which growth was above average (1926, 1927, and 1929) and a year of poor growth (1928) occurred when members of the strong year class of 1926 were abundant. This situation sug- gests that fluctuations in the density of the popu- lation may have little or no effect on the growth rate of the Lake Erie perch. • Hile (1936) and Van Oosten (1944) have reviewed the literature on the causes of fluctuations in the growth rate of fish. In the study of the relation between meteor- ological conditions and the growth rate of the Lake Erie yellow perch, detailed records of rainfall, the percentage of possible sunshine, mean wind veloc- ity, and temperature were consulted. Preliminary analyses of the data demonstrated that no corre- lation existed between growth rate and the first three of the meteorological factors. Seemingly, variations in the amount of sunshine did not affect the production of food sufficiently to influence the growth of the perch . The influence of rainfall which would affect turbidity and the chemical content of the water, and of variation in wind velocity which would affect turbidity, appeared to be too small to detect, or was obscured by other factors. Investigation of the relation between annual fluctuations in temperature and in the growth rate of the Lake Erie yellow perch yielded suggestive results. The annual deviations of the air temper- atures at Sandusky, Ohio,'" from the 1924-29 and 1940^8 averages in each month from May to October, and the coefficients of correlation between the annual deviations of growth and of temperature in each month are shown in table 16. Included in the table are data not only for the four months, June through September, that were held to consti- tute the normal growing season (p. 231), but also for May and October. Evidence was brought out that under exceptional conditions growth may continue through October (p. 230), and it is be- lieved possible that temperatures in May can " These data on air temperatures were taken from Climatologioal Data of the United States by Sections, Weather Bureau, U. S. Department of Agriculture. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 235 affect the time at which the season's growth begins. It is recognized that air temperatures do not provide an exact measure of water temperatures, but air temperatures averaging exceptionally high or low over the period of a month probably have a significant effect on the average water temper- atures, especially in such shallow water as in western Lake Erie. Doan (1942) concluded that either air or water temperatures may be used to indicate monthly variations from normal, as the two fluctuate similarly. Of the six coefficients of correlation between annual fluctuations in growth rate and in the air temperatures of individual months listed in table 16, only that for August (r=— 0.605) may be termed "significant" (r= ±0.514 when p = 0.05). The coefficient for September (r=0.504) fell just short of the significant value and those for July (r=0.347) and May (r = 0.346), though moder- ately high were far from significant. The ex- tremely low values for October (r= — 0.117) and June (7-=— 0.030) offer not the slightest sugges- tion of any correlation between annual fluctua- tions in growth rate and temperatures in those months. Even if temperature were known to be a major factor in the determination of annual fluctuations in growth rate, high correlations between growth and temperature in individual months could hardly be anticipated, since, as has been demon- strated previously, the growing season of the Lake Erie perch includes aU or part of several months. It was with this in mind that the following coeffi- cients of correlation (r) were computed between annual fluctuations in growth and the combined temperatures for several groupings of months: May to October (inclusive) —0. 124 June to September (inclu.si ve) . 036 May and June .218 May, June, and July . 268 May, June, and September . 416 May, June, and October . 104 May, June, September, and October . 352 May and July . 371 May, July, and September . 562 May and September . 550 May and October . ne May, September, and October . 327 June, July, and August —.289 June and August — . 461 June, August, and October.. —.537 June and September . 328 June and October — . 176 June, September, and October. July and August July, August, and September.. July and September August and October September and October .202 .384 .289 .651 420 180 A detailed discussion is unnecessary, but attention is called to the foUowing points: 1. There is no evidence of correlation between annual fluctuations in growth rate and in tempera- ture during the season as a whole. The coeffi- cients for the 6- and 4-month periods May-October and June-September were both low (—0.124 and 0.036). 2. Combinations of data for the 3 months, May, July, and September, which exhibited positive though statistically insignificant correla- tions of temperature and growth yielded evidence that a real correlation may exist. The coefficient for the tliree months combined was 0.562, and both of the groupings of two that included Septem- ber— May and September (r= 0.550), and July and September (7-=0.651)— also showed significant positive correlation between temperature and growth. Only the coefficient for May and July (r=0.371) was below the significant value. It is to be noted also that the combinations of still other months with any of these three, or groupings of them, diminished the correlation below the significant level. 3. The negative coefficient of correlation between annual fluctuations in growth and the combined temperatures during the three months, June, August, and October, that exhibited negative values individually was significant (r=— 0.537) but was less than the figure for August alone ('■=—0.605). Furthermore, not one of the co- efficients for the three pairings of these months — • June and August (r=0.461), June and October (r=— 0.176), and August and October (r= — 0.420)— was sigiuficant. This behavior of the data suggests that any true negative correlation between growth and temperature during the growing seasons probably holds for August alone. Inasmuch as earUer investigations have demon- strated that correlations among meteorological factors themselves can obscure true relations be- tween those factors and growth (Hile 1941) or even render the data highly ambiguous (Van Oosten and Hile 1949), the possibility of similar inter- ference was checked in the present data. This 236 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE work was carried out with special reference to the relation between the annual fluctuations of temper- atures in June and in August and those of other months. The lack of correlation between June tempera- tures and growth appears to be somewhat anoma- lous in view of the evidence of a positive correlation between growth and temperatures in May and July. Since the absolute temperatiire in Jime normally is intermediate between those of May and July a similar relation would be expected for all 3 months. The coefficients of correlation be- tween temperatures in June and those in certain other months listed below are too small, however, to support any belief that a true relation between growth and June temperatures has been concealed by correlations with temperatures of other periods of the growing season. Between June temperature and temperature in — Correlation May and July 0. 291 May and September . 214 May, July, and September . 246 July and September . 124 August .083 The high negative value of r for gi-owth and August temperatures cannot be termed anomalous since water temperatures reach their maximum in that month in most years " and the concept that II This statement is supported by records of lake Erie water temperatures at the intake of the Chestnut Street Water Plant at Erie, Pa. (published in the Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Water Works of that city). According to those records the maximum monthly average water temperature occurred in August in 23 of the 25 years, 1923-47; furthermore, August temper- atures of the period averaged 2.3° and 3.7° F. higher than those of July and September. The crib of the intake is located 5,100 feet north of the Presque Isle Peninsula and is covered by 22 feet of water at low-water level. Al- though Erie is located well to the east of the centers of greatest abundance of the yellow perch, water temperatures off that port may be taken to indicate monthly trends. a high maximum might exert a depressing effect on growth is not unreasonable. It was considered desirable, nevertheless, to determine the possible effects on the interpretation of the data of correla- tions between August temperatures and those of months that exhibited significant positive correla- tions between temperature and growth. The following coefficients, including one for May and July in which temperature was not correlated significantly with growth, were computed. Between August temperature and temperature in — Correlalion May and July —0. 086 May and September — . 186 July and September — . 339 May, July, and September — . 205 Again none of the correlations between tempera- tures in different periods was sufficiently close to conceal possible relations. The data presented in this section may be taken as strong evidence that temperatures exert a significant effect on the annual fluctuations in growth of the yeUow perch in Lake Erie, with high temperatures in May, July, and September (especially September) accelerating growth, and high temperatures in August retarding it. Any attempt at a biological interpretation of the observed correlations would, with our present knowledge, be of little value. Conceivably, tem- peratures may affect growth dnectly, as through the control of the instantaneous rate of increase or of the length of the growing season, or indi- rectly, as through the control of the distribution or abimdance of food organisms. Until more is learned of the natural history of the perch, the mechanism of the apparently significant correla- tion between growth and temperature must remain unknown. LENGTH-FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION The catches of impoimding nets and gill nets differed in the actual form of the frequency dis- tribution as well as in the size of fish taken (table 17). The length distribution of yellow perch caught in trap nets and pound nets was unimodal each year. The shoal-net collections, on the other hand, showed definite bimodal length distri- butions for 1927 and 1929, but gave no indication of bimodality in 1928. The fairly large number of small perch taken by the shoal nets during 1927 is probably explained by the presence of the abundant year class of 1926, then in their second year of life (age group I). The bimodal length distribution of the bull-net samples in 1927 was the result of the accidental captm-e of a large school of small fish on a single day. These smaller individuals ordinarily were not gfiled in the true sense, but rather, were captured by tangling the webbing of the net in the marginal bones of the mouth or in the fins. It will be noticed that there was considerable annual variation in the length of the modal fre- YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 237 Table 17. — Length frequencies of Lake Erie yellow perch by year of capture and type of gear [An asterisk designates tbe modal interval in each frequency distribution] S tand ard-lengt h Total length equivalent to Taken by impounding nets Taken by sboal gill nets ■ Taken by bull gill nets ' midpoint 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1937 Total 1927 1928 1929 Total 1927 1928 1929 Total Incha 2 2 1 1 2.7 2 2 81 to 90 mm 4 0 2 2 4 5 1 1 1 5 6 1 1 101 to no mm 111 to 120 mm 6 0 4 1 31 36 9 1 13 23 4 4 5.4 21 5 73 7 106 37 1 8 46 27 1 28 121 to 130 mm 131 to 140 mm 5 9 46 19 61 40 14 180 64 5 69 •49 49 6.3 108 94 108 168 108 1 677 49 4 4 57 35 1 36 141 to 150 mm 6.7 272 477 291 529 568 3 3 2,143 47 16 1 63 17 9 i 27 151 to 160 mm 7.2 380 1,143 553 1,016 1,167 1 10 4,270 26 11 1 38 4 14 18 161 to 170 mm. .-- 7.6 495 •1,531 1,021 •1,641 2,608 10 24 7,130 14 30 4 48 1 30 3 34 171 to 180 mm 8.1 •509 1, 090 1,692 1, 364 4,524 28 •35 9,242 13 84 27 124 3 40 5 48 181 to 190 mm 8.6 414 612 2, 653 1,126 •4,963 •46 24 •9,738 31 241 165 437 6 79 lb 100 191 to 200 mm 9.0 375 411 •2, 632 759 3,608 27 19 7,831 130 708 987 1,825 13 136 78 227 201 to 210 mm 9.4 317 253 1,765 376 1,399 10 6 4,126 397 •866 •1,750 •3, 013 40 •173 262 46S 211 to 220 mm 9.9 164 98 776 121 381 6 6 1,651 •545 629 1,214 2,288 36 130 •300 •466 221 to 230 mm 10.3 82 29 263 44 103 4 625 237 200 443 880 16 46 1.50 212 231 to 240 mm 10.7 16 14 83 22 29 1 165 51 47 88 186 3 16 30 49 241 to 250 mm 11.2 17 2 28 10 8 65 16 12 24 62 1 4 4 9 251 to 260 mm 11.6 3 3 3 4 4 17 2 2 3 7 I 1 2 261 to 270 mm 2 2 3 8 12 5 1 1 13.0 4 3 7 1 1 1 1 291 to 300 mm 13 4 1 1 13.9 1 1 Total 3,224 5.785 11, 939 7,118 19, 391 133 131 47, 721 1,670 2,764 4,744 9,168 257 681 838 1,776 Average standard Ic ngth Cmm.) 177 170 187 174 182 186 181 180 201 203 207 206 167 200 212 201 Average total lengt 1 (inches) 8.17 7.85 8.64 8.04 8.41 8.69 8.36 8.32 9.22 9.32 9.50 9.41 7.72 9.18 9.73 9.22 Percentage illegal Oess than SH inches) 61.1 78.8 38.1 69.8 63.4 43.6 61.1 65.6 15.9 7.4 2.0 6.2 54.9 17.0 1.4 16.1 ' Gill nets 22 meshes deep. quency group in each gear. The modal frequency intervals of perch caught in impounding nets varied from 161-170 mm. (7.6 inches total length) in 1928 and 1930 to 191-200 mm. (9.0 inches total length) in 1929, or over a range of 30 mm. (1.4 inches). Annual fluctuations in the per- centage occurrence of individuals in the several length intervals of the trap-net and pound-net catches of 1927-29, inclusive, are showTi graphi- cally in figure 8, which includes only the length range over which the representation was continu- ous. The years 1927 to 1929 were selected for graphic presentation because the year class of 1926 dominated the collections for each of those three years. The mode of the 1927 specimens caught in impounding nets was at a length 10 mm. greater than the mode of the 1928 collections. Since col- lections of both years were dominated by fish of the 1926 year class, one would expect the length of the modal frequency in 1928 to be greater than that in 1927. However, this discrepancy can be ex- plained readily. It may be seen in table 21 that two age groups were well represented in the 1927 icollections ; age group I made up 48.9 percent and age group II made up 39.9 percent of the total. The 1928 collections were made up almost entirely (90.6 percent) of group-II fish. Approximately > Oill nets 100 meshes deep. 95 percent of the 1927 specimens were taken in October and November whereas some 72 percent of the 1928 individuals were taken by the end of June. Thus, the 1926 year class (group I of 1927), had only a small part of a growing season in which to increase their lengths before the 1928 collections (in which the year class appeared as age group II) were made. Furthermore, the occurrence of large munbers of group-II fish m 1927 caused the length at maximum abundance in the combined collec- tions of that year to be greater than that of the dominant age group (see table 19). Thus, the reduced abundance of fish older than the 1926 year class in 1928 and the short period of time Lutervening between the dates of collection of the 1927 and 1928 samples no doubt account for the shorter modal length in 1928. The large modal length in 1929 may be attrib- uted in great measure to the dominant 1926 year class which had completed approximately 2 full years' growth subsequent to the collection of the 1927 material. Even so, the length of the modal frequency in 1929 was somewhat less than the modal length of the 1926 year class (age group III) in that year because of the strong representation of the 1927 year class (age group II). In general, the position of the modal frequency each year can 238 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 2 8 24 > O 2 UJ O UJ IT U- LJ o < I- z LJ O (T U Q. I 0 I I I 2 TOTAL LENGTH IN INCHES Figure 8. — Percentage frequency distribution of total length of Lake Erie yellow perch in 1927, 1928, and 1929 collections from impounding nets. Curves extend only over length range where representation was continuous. be explained by the known age composition of the stock and the time of year when the collections were obtained . A similar explanation may acco unt for the shifts in the modal frequency of the years 1930 to 1932 and 1937. The gill-net collections showed trends in the annual fluctuation of the length at maximum abundance similar to those of the impoimding nets, but the total range of variation of the length of the modal frequencies of the fish actually gUled was reduced. The modal frequency interval of the shoal-net samples varied only from 201-210 mm. (9.4 mches total length) in 1928 and 1929 to 211-220 mm. (9.9 mches total length) in 1927, or extended over a range of 10 mm. as compared with a range of 30 mm. in impounding-net samples. The modes of the yellow perch actually gilled by the bull net were at the 201-210 mm. (9.4 inches total length) interval in 1927 and 1928, and at the 211-220 mm. (9.9 inches total length) level in YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 239 1929. The reduction in the annual fluctuation of the position of the modal length intervals of the gilled fish in the gill-net collections as compared with the impounding-net samples can be ascribed to the greater selectivity of gill nets. The lengths of the modal frequencies of fish gilled in both shoal and buU nets were without exception greater than those of fish caught in impounding nets in the same year. The general differences between the length distribution of the 3 5 fish from impounding, shoal, and bull nets (all collections combined) are shown graphically in figure 9. The curves are based on the totals of table 17, expressed as percentage frequencies. The graph includes only the length range over which representation was continuous. As men- tioned in the preceding paragraph, the much more compact distributions and the greater average size of perch in the gill-net collections may be attrib- uted to net selectivity. The occurrence of small 3 0 2 5 U z 3 o < z UJ o 2 0 I 5 I 0 TOTAL LENGTH 9 I N I 0 1 2 N C H E S Figure 9. — Percentage frequency distribution of total lengths of Lake Erie yellow perch in collections from each kind of gear. Curves extend only over length range where representation was continuous. 240 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE perch in the gill-net collections does not represent gUling but, as stated earlier, is the result of the entanglement of the marginal bones of the mouth or of the fins in the gill-net webbing. The occurrence of illegal-sized yellow perch in unpounding-net samples (table 17) varied from a maximum of 78.8 percent in 1928 when the collections were dominated by the 1926 year class as age group II to a minimum of 38.1 percent in 1929 when the same year class was dominant as age group III. Had the computation for 1928 been made on the basis of the then-effective size limit of 9 inches instead of the current 8% inches, the proportion of undersized yellow perch would have been even greater — 89.6 percent. The 1927 collection which was dominated by the 1926 year class as age group I nevertheless had relatively fewer illegal-sized yellow perch (61.1 percent computed from a size limit of 8% inches and 76.2 percent from a size limit of 9 inches) than the 1928 collection. An explanation of this discrepancy was given on page 237. Perch under the legal size limit were in the minority in the impounding-net samples in only 2 of 7 years (1929 and 1932). The percentage of undersized perch in the collec- tions of all years combined, computed from a size limit of 8% inches, was 55.6. Illegal-sized yellow perch were relatively much less abundant in the gill-net than in the impound- ing-net catches, except in the 1927 bull-net samples which contained a high proportion of small, accidentally captured fish. Undersized individuals in shoal-net samples varied from a maximum of 15.9 percent in 1927 to a minimum of 2 percent in 1929 and amounted to 6.2 percent for the 3 years' collections combined. Com- puted from the then-effective size limit of 9 inches, the 1927 and 1928 percentages would have been higher — 20.3 and 23.4. The percentages of under- sized yellow perch in bull nets were 54.9 in 1927, 17.0 in 1928, and 1.4 in 1929. On the basis of the then-effective size limit of 9 inches these would have been increased to 59.1 and 33.2 percent in 1927 and 1928. For all years combined the per- centage of illegal-sized yellow perch in the bull nets was 15.1 as compared with 6.2 in the shoal- net collections. The percentage of Ulegal-sized fish in all gill nets was 7.6. The proportion of illegal-sized yellow perch in gill-net catches provides a fairly precise measure of the destruction of undersized individuals by this type of gear, as practically all individuals are dead at capture or are killed in the process of removal from the nets. It should be noted, however, that on the average the percentage of undersized fish in gill-net samples usually fell well below Ohio's legal allowance of 10 percent in the conomercial catch, especially since the allowance is based on weight rather than on numbers of fish. The destruction of illegal-sized yellow perch can be determined less accurately for impounding nets than for gUl nets because the trap-net and pound- net fishermen are required to return all illegal- sized fish to the water. It is relatively certain that an unknown portion of these fish die as the residt of handling. It is known that on the aver- age 14 percent of the Ulegal-sized perch taken by Lake Erie trap nets are dead at the time of lifting. (See footnote 5, p. 221.) Since 55.6 percent of the yellow perch from impounding nets were under- sized, it may be computed that for every 1,000 yellow perch taken, 76 illegal-sized fish were de- stroyed. This value was well below the 151 de- termined for buU nets but was above the 62 for shoal nets, and equaled the 76 from all gUl nets. However, the computed number of illegal-sized yellow perch destroyed by impounding nets must be considered as the minimum since it does not include those fish that are lolled during the sorting of the catch to conform to the legal-size limit. Further, impounding nets took many more fish during the year than did the gill nets and therefore destroyed many more individuals. The data seem to offer good support to Van Oosten's (1936) con- clusion that more fish are destroyed by trap nets than by gUl nets. The importance of the destruction of small yellow perch by trap nets is emphasized when it is remembered that in recent years this gear has accounted for approximately 61 percent of all perch taken in the United States waters of Lake Erie (65 percent of those taken in Ohio waters) .^^ Table 18 contains a summary of the length fre- quencies (total lengths) by half-inch intervals, the percentage frequencies, and the cumulative per- centages for Lake Erie yellow perch taken in different types of gear, with all years' collections combined. Practical considerations make such 13 Percentages were computed from data for the calendar years 1930, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1937, and 1938 contained in the former V. S. Bureau of Fish- eries publication, "Fisheries Industries of the United States," Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries, for 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938, and 1939. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 241 Table 18. — Length frequencies of Lake Erie yellow perch taken in different types of gear [Collections of all years combined] Trap and pound nets Shoal gill nets Bull gill nets Total-length interval ' Number of specimens Percentage Cumulative percentage Number of specimens Percentage Cumulative percentage Number of specimens Percentage Cumulative percentage 1 2 0.01 .02 0.01 .03 .03 .03 .07 .22 .72 1.31 2.24 2.86 3.38 4.06 6.18 17.13 49.27 83.69 97.30 99.41 99.97 99.99 99.99 99.99 100.00 3 . I to 4 0 inches 1 7 98 130 664 1,872 5,182 8,109 10, 473 11,346 6,189 2,634 761 174 65 11 6 3 4 2 (•) 0.01 .21 .27 1.39 3.92 10.86 16.99 21.95 23.78 12.97 6.62 1.67 .36 .14 .02 .01 .01 .01 «o.oi .22 .49 1.88 5.80 16.66 33.65 55.60 79.38 92.36 97.87 99.44 99.80 99.94 99.96 99.97 99.98 99.99 100. 00 4 14 46 S4 85 67 48 62 194 1,004 2,947 3,156 1,248 193 'I .04 .16 .60 .69 .93 .62 .62 .68 2.12 10.95 32.14 34.42 13.61 2.11 .66 .02 4 5 to 5 0 inches _ . 2 18 40 61 33 22 40 63 156 399 594 297 50 8 2 0.11 1.01 2.25 2.87 1.86 1.24 2.26 3.56 8.78 22.47 33.45 16.72 2.82 .45 .11 0.11 5.0 to 5.5 inches 1.12 3.37 6.0 to 6.6 inches 6.24 8.10 7.0 to 7.5 inches 9.34 7.5 to 8.0 inches 11.69 15.14 8.5 to 9.0 inches 23.92 46.39 9.5 to 10.0 inches - 79.84 96.66 10.5 to 11.0 inches 99.38 11.0 to 11.5 inches __. 99.83 11.5 to 12.0 inches 99.94 12 0 to 12 5 inches 13.0 to 13.5 inches 1 .01 1 .06 100.00 13 5 to 14 0 Inches 1 ' Each H-inch interval contains lengths up to but not including the greater value. > Specimens occurred in the samples but made up less than 0.005 percent of the total. a tabulation desirable sLnce legal-size limits for yellow perch are expressed in terms of the total length in inches. It may be seen at a glance, for example, that with a size limit of 8K inches, 55.6 percent of the yellow perch taken in trap nets were under legal length, whereas 79.38 percent were undersized with a 9-inch limit; or it may be seen that almost 98 percent of the yellow perch in trap- net catches were less than 10 inches long. The tabulation also permits ready comparisons of the catches by different types of gear. The length distributions by age for impounding- net samples are shown in table 19. The collections of 1930, 1932, and 1937 are omitted from the table because the number of specimens whose ages were determined was too small in each of those years to give reliable results. The length range of fish of the same age did not vary greatly in the better- represented age groups during the 3 years 1927 to 1929. The range in length of the age groups was sufficiently great to cause considerable overlapping between these groups. Because of this overlap, length cannot be held a reliable indication of age. Age groups IV and V were represented by too few individuals to give an accurate idea of the range in either group. The distinctly unimodal dis- tribution within each well-represented age group and the great amount of overlapping in length probably accounted for the unimodal length dis- tribution in the yearly collections from impounding nets. Additional data obtained from impounding nets each year in the period 1944^8 (table 20) make possible a comparison of the length distribution of the legal-sized yeUow perch in the commercial catch of those years with the legal-sized fish in- cluded in the biological samples collected from the same type of nets in the 3 years 1927 to 1929. Only age groups II and III will be compared since younger and older fish contributed but little to the commercial catch. The length distribution of the legal-sized (8^ inches total length and larger) yellow perch assigned to age group II exhibited a striking dif- ference between the two periods, 1927-29 and 1944-48. The minimum legal size of 8% inches was near, or above, the modal length of aU group-II fish in each of the 3 years 1927 to 1929. The length distribution of group-II fish in each year of the period 1944-48 gave strong reason to be- lieve that the 8K-inch size limit was below (less than) the modal length each year with the pos- sible exception of 1945 when the small sample agreed more nearly with the data of the earUer period. Also in each year except 1945 of the recent period, age group II contained longer fish than in any year of the earlier period. Fmlher, the number of the longer group-II fish tended to 242 FISHERY BULLETIN OP THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 19. — Length frequencies of Lake Erie yellow perch by age and year of capture, taken by impounding nets from western and middle Lake Erie [An asterisk designates the modal interval in each frequency distribution) Total length equiva- lent to midpoint Age group I Age group U Age group III Age group IV Age group V AUage interval 1927 1928 1929 1927 1928 1929 1927 1928 1929 1927 1928 1929 1927 1929 groups 106 to 110 mm 111 to 116 mm.... 116 to 120 mm inches 6.1 6.3 6.6 6.8 6.0 6.1 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.1 7.3 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.6 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.1 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.1 11.3 11.5 11.7 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 6 13 •16 6 11 7 9 6 1 1 2 1 126 to 130 mm.... 131 to 135 mm.... 136 to 140 mm.... 141 to 146 mm.... 146 to 150 mm.... 161 to 156 mm 166 to 160 mm 161 to 165 mm 166 to 170 mm 171 to 176 mm.... 176 to 180 mm.... 181 to 186 mm... _ 186 to 190 mm.... 191 to 196 mm 196 to 200 mm.... 16 18 23 26 32 •62 37 13 I 1 2 1 2" ' r 2 ^ g 7 1 3 2 7 20 21 34 36 27 •42 39 33 39 27 21 16 4 1 14 I 4 8 14 14 •27 21 •27 20 18 10 11 3 3 2 3 11 29 41 68 80 99 •122 108 100 77 49 28 16 7 3 1 38 1 55 68 1 1 2 3 3 3 6 •8 2 6 8 6 §" 1 106 1 3 4 6 6 4 3 10 •11 8 4 4 2 1 2 134 4 10 18 31 31 52 70 72 •76 68 68 61 36 16 16 10 2 2 199 •223 211 1 •223 1 2 5 8 7 5 3 7 •12 2 6 4 1 204 197 -. 1 189 163 1 133 211 to 216 mm.... 216 to 220 mm.... 2'>l to 225 mm 106 88 1 71 1 1 41 1 i" 1 1 25 236 to 240 mm 21 12 2 4 2 266 to 260 mm.... 1 1 Total - 236 11 83 192 832 372 47 70 632 6 6 6'1 2 3 2,660 Average standard length 162 7.6 97.9 138 6.4 100.0 162 7.0 100.0 181 8.4 69.4 179 8.3 61.2 182 8.4 47.0 196 9.0 26.6 198 9.1 26.7 207 9.6 8.2 214 9.8 20.0 217 10.0 0 214 9.8 0 250 11.4 0 223 10.1 0 186 Average total length (inches)- Percent illegal Oess than 184 8.6 47.2 Table 20. — Length frequencies of legal-sized yellow perch taken commercially and as biological samples in impounding nets in western and middle Lake Erie Standard- length Interval 1927' 1928 > 1929 » 1944 » 1946' 1946 » 1947' 1948 > Years combhied Total-length interval i 1927-29 1944-48 Age group II: Millimeiers 184 to 189 190 to 196 196 to 201 202 to 206 207 to 211 212 to 217 218 to 224 226 to 230 231 to 236 237 to 241 28 20 11 11 2 4 1 119 104 £4 28 12 7 3 44 43 46 26 18 16 3 6 10 17 16 12 6 2 13 13 6 6 S 1 8 8 34 53 26 17 7 1 13 22 60 24 32 9 9 2 2 19 37 65 48 62 28 29 3 7 1 191 167 110 66 32 27 7 59 8 75 to 9 00 inches 90 172 146 9.50 to 9.75 inches - 140 61 10 00 to 10 25 inches 47 10 9*1 tn in 'iO Inrhp"; 6 1 10 in 7fi tn n 00 inrhpi 1 Total number 77 8.96 327 8.86 196 9.07 69 9.37 47 9.10 164 9.45 163 9.28 299 9.39 699 8.94 732 Average total length (inches) — 9.36 Age group III: 184 to 189 190 to 196 196 to 201 202 to 206 207 to 211 212 to 217 218 to 2.i4 226 to 230 231 to 236 237 to 241 242 to 247 24S to 252 263 to 268 3 11 4 4 6 4 2 2 5 4 12 12 6 6 3 2 2 41 68 84 69 76 93 68 51 21 12 8 3 1 1 6 17 18 17 14 7 2 3 2 11 30 21 32 14 16 4 4 1 1 20 20 28 16 9 49 73 100 86 86 103 '3 66 23 12 8 3 2 4 8 75 to 9 00 inches 18 4 5 1 2 2 6 16 12 9 3 1 2 n 9.25 to 9.50 inches 69 94 9.76 to 10.00 Inches 68 10 00 to 10 25 inches 40 10 25 to 10 50 Inches 9 10 50 to 10 75 inches 2 1 10 10 75 to 11 00 irches 3 1 1 11.25 to 11.50 inches-- 1 3 3 36 9.29 62 9.45 684 9.63 12 9.46 85 9.63 60 9.96 134 9.61 101 9.63 671 9.60 382 Average total length (inches) 9.62 ' Each Interval contains lengths up to but not including the greatest value. ' From biological samples. • From commercial samples. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 243 increase in the later years of the 1944-48 period. The average total length of the legal-sized group-II yellow perch was considerably larger in each year except 1945, of the period 1944^8, than in any year of the period 1927-29. The totals for the two periods place the modal length of the legal-sized fish in the 8.50 to 8.75 inch interval in 1927-29 and in the 9.00 to 9.25 inch interval in 1944-48. The weighted-average total lengths for the two periods were 8.94 and 9.36 inclies, respectivelj*. The use of unweighted means of the annual average total lengths to elim- inate the distorting effects of the differences in size of samples changes the averages for the periods only slightly, to 8.96 and 9.32 inches. Both methods of computation show that the age-group-II fish of legal size taken in 1944-48 averaged about 0.4 inch longer than those taken in 1927-29. The general pattern of the length distribution of the legal-sized yellow perch assigned to age group III failed to show as great differences between the 1927-29 and 1944-48 periods as were exhibited by group-II fish. The modal frequency interval was well above the SJs-inch size limit in all years. The average total length was greater each year in the 1944-48 period than in either 1927 or 1928 l)ut agreed rather well with that of 1929. The weighted-average length was almost identical in both periods because the best represented year in the earlier period included fish with the longest average length while the best represented of the later years included specimens with the shortest average for the period. The unweighted means of the annual averages in the two periods were 9.46 and 9.64 inches. The more reliable vmweighted means thus show the legal-size 3-ellow perch as- signed to age group III to have averaged approxi- mately 0.2 mch longer ua 1944^8 than m 1927-29. Although these data do not constitute proof, the,v do offer strong evidence that yellow perch in Lake Erie were growing at a faster rate in 1944-48 than m 1927-29. AGE COMPOSITION AND ABUNDANCE OF YEAR CLASSES In the study of the age and 3-ear-class composi- tion of the Lake Erie yellow perch it should be remembered that the samples must be considered truly descriptive, not of the stock, but rather of the catch of commercial gear. Trap-net and poimd-net collections were employed in the bio- logical study of the relative abimdance of age groups and year classes because those nets are less selective than gill nets. Although samples from impounding nets in a single j^ear may not give dependable information as to the relative abun- dance of the year classes represented, the per- sistent abundance or scarcity of a year class at different ages, that is, in different years' collec- tions, offers a reasonably trustworthy method for the detection of exceptionally strong or weak year classes. Of course, a knowledge of the age com- position in both gill nets and impounding nets is of importance in the practical problem of deter- mining the effects of these types of gear on the stock. The number of specimens and the percentage occurrence of each age group in the yearly collec- tions of biological samples from impounding nets for the years 1927-37 are shown in table 21. Ago group I dominated the samples in one (1927) of the six years in which collections were made, although the percentage of abundance of this age group was also high in 1937. Age group II dommated in tlu-ce years (1928, 1930, and 1937), and gi'oup III was dominant m the remaining two years (1929 and 1932). However, the fact that the 1932 samples were taken from the spawning run in April, when the fish were comparable in size and maturity to those in the next younger age group iu the previous fall, throws doubt on the validity of comparisons between the data for this and other years. The spawning run consists al- most entirely of matiu-e individuals; consequently, those age groups containing high percentages of immatm-e fish were not represented adequately in the 1932 collections. The 1932 data serve, how- ever, to show the age composition of the catch in the spawning-run fishery. It will be brought out later (p. 251) that unusual conditions made possible the dominance of age group I in 1927 and of age group III in 1929. Dominance of age group II in the late-season catch of yellow perch in impounding nets may be considered the normal condition. The preceding remarks were based on the total catch of impounding nets including both legal- 244 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 21. — Distribution by age groups of yellow perch in the different years' collections from impounding nets (Percentages in parentheses] Year Month of capture Number ot specimens Number and percentage in age group— I II III IV V 1927 481 918 1,151 222 133 131 235 (48. 9) 11 (1.2) 83 (7.2) 1 (0.4) 192 (39. 9) 832 (90.6) 372 (32. 3) 172 (77. 5) 2 (1.6) 66 (50.4) 47 (9.8) 70 (7.6) 632 (54.9) 45 (20.3) 98 (73.7) 3 (2.3) 5 (1.0) 6 (0.6) 61 (6.3) 4 (1.8) 33 (24.8) 2 1928 July, August, September, October, and November (0.4) 1929 .■5 1930 (0.3) 1932 April 1937 November . _ 62 (47.3) 3,036 392 (12.9) 1,636 (53. 9) 895 (29. 6) 108 (3.6) 5 (0.2) * The 1929 data may be considered as representative of autumn conditions since 66 percent of the specimens were collected in November and December. sized and illegal-sized fish. It is of practical value to know also the representation of these two size gi'oups separately as well as the age groups in the marketable catch, that is, legal-sized fish. Data on these subjects are contained in table 22 which shows the number and percentage of legal and undersized yellow perch in each age group repre- sented in the total catch and in table 23 which gives the numerical and percentage composition of the marketable catch in each year's collection. From the former table it may be seen that legal- sized yeUow perch constituted an unimportant proportion of age group I. This age gi'oup domi- nated the catch of impounding nets in 1927 but apparently contributed nothing to the commercial yield. The highest percentage of legal-sized perch in any group I was 8.1 in 1937. The majority of all group-II perch captured were undersized — 60.3 percent as determined from a size limit of Sji inches. In only two years (1929 and 1937) did the percentage of undersized perch in age group II fall below 50. Thus it may be seen that the age group that normally dominated the catch of impounding nets (the spawning-run fish- ery excepted) consisted largely of yellow perch that could not be retained and sold by the fisherman. The percentage of undersized perch in all group- Ill fish combined was small (15.1). In two years Table 22. — Distribution by age groups of legal- and illegal-sized yellow perch in the different years impounding nets [Percentages in parentheses] collections fro7n Minimum legal-size limit (inches) Number of speci- mens Number of legal in all ages Number of illegal in all ages Number and percentage in age group — Year I II III IV V Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal 1927.-- 9 m 9 m 8M SH 8H m 8!.4 481 481 918 918 1, 151 222 133 131 3,036 3,036 56 (11.6) 123 (25. 6) 151 (16.4) 384 (41. 8) 843 (73. 2) 54 (24. 3) 74 (55. 6) 60 (38. 2) 1,228 (40. 4) 1.528 (50.3) 425 (88. 4) 358 (74. 4) 767 (83.6) 534 (48. 2) 308 (26. 8) 168 (75. 7) 59 (44. 4) 81 (61. 8) 1,808 (59. 6) 1,508 (49. 7) 0 (0) 4 (1.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 236 (100.0) 231 (98. 3) 11 (100. 0) 11 (100.0) 83 (lOO.O) 1 (100.0) 29 (15.1) 77 (40. 1) 103 (12.4) 327 (39.3) 195 (52. 4) 9 (5.2) 0 (0) 42 (63.6) 378 (23.1) 660 (39. 7) 163 (84. 9) 116 (59. 1) 729 (87. 6) .505 (60. 7) 177 (47. 8) 163 (94.8) 2 (100.0) 24 (36. 4) 1.268 (76. 9) 986 (60.3) 21 (44. 7) 36 (74. 6) 44 (62. 7) 62 (74. 3) .584 (92. 4) 41 (91.1) 45 (45. 9) 3 (100. 0) 738 (82. 5) 760 (84. 9) 26 (56.3) 12 (25. 5) 26 (37. 1) 18 (25. 7) 48 (7.6) 4 (8.9) 53 (54. 1) 0 (0) 157 (17. 5) 135 (15. 1) 4 (80.0) 5 (100.0) 4 (80.0) 5 (100. 0) 61 (100.0) 4 (100. 0) 29 (87. 9) 1 (20.0) 0 (0) 1 (20.0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (12. 1) 2 (100. 0) 2 (100.0) 0 1928 (0) 0 (0) 1929 3 (100. 0) 0 1930 (0) 1932 1937 5 (8.1) 5 (1.3) 9 (2.3) 57 (91. 9) 387 (98. 7) 382 (97. 7) Total: Effective limits >. 8H-inch limit!-. 102 (94. 4) 104 (96.3) 6 (5.6) 4 (3.7) 6 (100. 0) (100. 0) 0 (0) 0 (0) ' The number and percentage of legal- and illegal-sized fish in the various age groups of all years' collections combined as determined for the size limit effec- tive in each year. ' As determined for SJi-inch limit for all years. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 245 (1927 and 1932), however, this percentage ex- ceeded 50. The proportion of undersized perch in age group IV may be considered unimportant, and all group-V perch were of legal size. The effects of the varying percentages of legal and undersized yellow perch in the different age groups, and of the varying abundance of the age groups themselves, on the age composition of the marketable catch may be seen in table 23. Age group II dominated the commercial catch in all years' samples except four, 1929, 1930, 1932, and 1945, when group-Ill fish were most numerous. The data in table 23 give strong indication that the time of capture within the season may have an important effect on the age composition of the marketable catch. The April 1932 (spawning- run) sample contained no legal-sized yellow perch younger than age group III. The midsummer collection of 1930 (most of the fish were taken in July) was dominated by age group II when both legal and undersized yellow perch were included Table 2Z.— Distribution by age groups of legal-sized yellow perch in the different years' collections from impounding nets IPerceutages in parentheses] Legal size limit > (inclies) Number of speci- mens Number and percentage in age group— Year I II III IV \- 1927 11)28. 1929.. .... 19,'!0 1932- 1937 1943 1944 - 1945 1946 1947 1948 Total A verage (unweieht- ed) percent- age: Effective 9 m 9 8H sy- 8^ m 8H 8H m (■) (•> 8M 56 123 151 384 843 54 74 .W 28 81 153 213 320 420 2,443 0 (0) 4 (3.2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) n (n) 0 (n) 5 (10. n) 6 (21.4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0.3) (1.7) 19 (0.8) (2.8) (3.0) 29 (51. 8) 77 (62. 6) 103 (68.2) 327 (8,'i.2) 195 (23.1) 9 (10. 7) 0 (0) 42 (84.0) 16 (57. 1) 69 (85.2) 47 (30.7) 154 (72.3) 163 (50.9) 299 (71.2) 1.126 (46. 1) (50.9) (53.3) 21 (37. 5) 3i (28. .1) 44 (29.1) 62 (13.5) 584 (69.3) 41 (75.9) 45 (60.8) 3 (6.0) 5 (17.9) 12 (14.8) 85 (55.6) 50 (23.5) 134 (41.9) 101 (24.0) 1.125 (46. 0) (38.0) (36.0) 4 (7.1) 5 (4.1) 4 (2.7) 5 (1.3) 61 (7.2) (7.4) 29 (39.2) 0 (0) 1 (3.6) 0 (0) 19 (12.4) (3.3) 19 (6.0) 13 (3.1) 161 (6.6) (7.7) (7.3) 2 (3.6) 2 (I. 6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (0.4) 0 (0) 0 (0) n (0) 0 (0) n (0) 2 (l.,3) 2 (0.9) 3 (0.9) 0 (0) 12 (0..5) (0.6) (0.4) limits.' 3H-lnch limit." I Minimum legal size 9 inches In 1927 and 1928 and 8H Inches in all oilier years. ' As determined for 8M-inch limit for all years. (table 22). However, such a small proportion (5.2 percent) of the age group had attained legal size (table 22) that age group III became strongly dominant (75.9 percent) when only legal-sized fish were considered (table 23). Of the 10 years in which all or most of the yellow perch were taken in autumn (1927, 1928, 1929, 1937, 1943- 48), after the continued growth of group-TI perch had brought a greater proportion of them to legal length, this group dominated the commercial catch in all but 1929 and 1945. Since the condi- tions are known to have been abnormal in 1929, and perhaps also in 1945, it appears vaHd to con- clude that age group II normally dominates the late-season commercial catch. Members of the same year class dominate the fishery as age group III the following spring and during the summer up to the point that the growth of the incoming group II makes it possible for fish of that age to assume a dominant position in the commercial catch. The conclusion about the change in the age composition of the marketable catch within a single season finds further support in data of the 1928 and 1929 collections. Scales were collected in both summer and autumn of each of these years. Comparisons of the percentage age com- position of legal-sized perch in different months of capture in the two years may be found in table 24. Analyses were made for the 1928 data with respect to the then-effective 9-inch size limit and the current 8K-inch limit. The data of table 24 cannot be considered descriptive of the typical seasonal changes in the age composition of legal- sized yellow perch since age group II was abnor- mally abundant in 1928 and group III was excep- tionally strong in 1929. The percentages serve, nevertheless, to show clearly the tendency for group II to replace group III in the marketable catch as the season progresses. In 1928, age group III was dominant among legal-sized j'cUow perch in July (41.7 percent) but age group II was dominant in the later months of the season. Had an 8K-inch limit been in force, age group II would have dominated the catch in July as well as in late season, but its relative importance would have increased, nevertheless, from 69.1 percent in July to 91.1 percent in August to November. The great abundance of group-Ill yellow perch in 1929 made it possible for that age group to maintain its dominance in the marketable catch 246 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 24. — Percentage age composition of legal-sized yel- low perch in Lake Erie in different months of capture in 1928 and 1929 Age group Size limit and month of capture II III IV V 1928: 9-inch size limit: July 33.3 71.6 69.1 91.1 .8 14.4 31.6 41.7 27.7 21.4 8.6 8S.5 86.6 59.4 25.0 .7 9.5 .3 12.9 0 8.6 0 August through Novem- 0 8H-inch size limit: July 0 August through Novem- ber -- 0 1929: 8}-^-inch size limit: July .8 August and September . . November and Decem- 0 .4 to the end of the season. The representation of age group II increased, however, from 0.8 percent in July to 14.4 percent in August and September and to 31.6 percent in November and December. At the same time the corresponding percentage representations of age group III changed from 85.5 to 85.6 to 59.4. The legal-sized fish of the combined samples for all years' collections belonged very largely (92.1 percent) to age groups II and III which were represented almost equally — 46.1 and 46 percent (table 23). However, the relatively high repre- sentation of age group III can be traced to the large 1929 collection in which it was dominant. A more reliable estimate of the age composition of the marketable catch may be had from the un- weighted averages of the percentages for the different years. At the bottom of table 23 these averages are given as computed from the size Hmits actually in effect in the different years (that is, from a size limit of 9 inches in 1927 and 1928 and of SK inches in the later years) and as com- puted from a size Hmit of 8K inches for all years. The percentages computed from both the effective and the 8K-inch size Umits showed dominance of age group II. Yellow perch older than age group V were not found in the samples, but are known to have been present in Lake Erie. Specimens selected because of their large size revealed no males older than age group IV, but did include one female of age group VII and two fish of undetermined sex assigned to age group VIII. The data on the age composition of gill-net catches (shoal and bull nets) contained in tables 25, 26, and 27 correspond to those already given for trap nets. The data for 1927 and 1928 in- cluded both legal- and iUegal-sized fish while those for later years' represented only the com- mercial sizes. Comparisons between the catches of trap nets and giU nets bring out sharply the strongly selective action of the latter gear. Age group III dominated three of the four gill-net collections obtained in 1927 and 1928 (table 25). The fourth (the bull-net collection of 1928) was dominated by age group II, but age group III was only slightly less abundant. This distribution of the age groups bears Uttle resemblance to the age composition of the less-selective impounding nets (table 21) where the 1927 samples were dominated by age group I (48.9 percent), and 90.6 percent of the yellow perch in the 1928 collections were members of age group II. The 1927 gill-net samples do not give the sUghtest indication of the great abundance of age group I. Possibly the dominance of age group II in the 1928 buU-net collection was due to the great abundance of group-II fish in that year. However, the shoal- net collection failed to reveal such dominance and abundance. On the whole, the age composition of gill-net catches appears to be in large measure independent of the relative strength of the age groups in the population. Characteristically, age group III was dominant, with age group II regu- larly well represented and occasionally dominant. The tendency for giU nets to take older fish than do trap nets may be seen also in the greater abun- dance of group-IV yellow perch in the gill-net samples. A second difference between gUl-net and im- pounding-net collections lies in the greater pro- portion of legal-sized yellow perch in the age groups from the former gear (table 26). For example, the percentages of legal yellow perch of group II, in the impounding-net collections for 1927 and 1928, were only 15.1 and 12.4, computed from a 9-inch size hmit (table 22). Group II in the gill- net collections for these years, on the other hand, contained from 30.2 to 79.2 percent of such perch and showed an average for the 2-year period (bull and shoal nets combined) of 47.9 percent. If the percentages of legal-sized yellow perch in age group II are computed from a size limit of 8K inches, the values are 39.7 for impounding-net samples and 76.3 for gill-net collections. A similar though less pronounced difference existed between the percentages of group III legal-sized YELLOW PERCH OF LAKB ERIE T.\Bi,E 25. — Distribution by age groups of yellow perch from gill nets [Percentages in parentheses] 247 Year Month ot capture Number of specimens Number and percentage in age group— I II III IV ^ Taken in shoal nets: 1927 August.. -- July and August — 84 144 2 (2.4) 29 (34.6) S3 (36.8) 40 (47.6) 73 (50.7) 11 (13.1) 17 (11.8) 2 1928 (2.4) 1 (0.7) Total 228 2 (0.9) 82 (36. 0) 113 (49.6) 28 (12.3) 3 August July and August (2.9) Taken in bull nets: 1907 69 133 24 (34.8) 63 (47.4) 38 (55. 1) 66 (42.1) 5 (7.2) 13 (9.8) 2 1928 (0.8) (2.9) Total - . 202 (0.5) 87 (43.1) 94 (46. 5) 18 (8.9) 2 August . . (1.0) Take of shoal and bull nets combined: 1927 153 277 2 (1.3) 1 (0.4) 53 (34.6) 116 (41.9) 68 (51.0) 129 (46. 6) 16 (10. 5) 30 (10. 8) 4 1928 .Tply find August (2.6) 1 (0.4) Total 430 3 (0.7) 169 (39. 3) 207 (48.1) 46 (10. 7) 5 (1.2) Table 26. — Distribution by age groups of legal- and illegal-sized yellow perch from gill nets IPercentages in parentheses] Number of specimens Number legal size Number il- legal size Number and percentage in age group— Year and minimum legal size I II III IV V Legal Illegal Ugal lUegal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Taken in shoal nets: 1927: 84 84 144 144 22s 228 69 69 133 133 202 202 430 430 72 78 101 136 173 213 64 68 75 101 139 169 312 382 12 6 43 9 55 15 5 1 58 32 63 33 118 48 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 19 (65. 5) 25 (86.2) 24 (45. :« 44 (83.0) 43 (52.4) 69 (84. 1) 19 (79.2) 23 (95.8) 19 (30.2) 37 (58.7) 38 (43.7) 60 (69.0) 81 (47.9) 129 (76.3) 10 (34.5) (13.8) 29 (54.7) 9 (17.0) 39 (47. 6) 13 (15.9) 5 (20.8) 1 (4.2) 44 (69.8) 26 (41.3) 49 (66.3) 27 (31.0) 88 (52. 1) 40 (23.7) 40 (100.0) 40 (lOO.O) 60 (82. 2) 73 (100.0) 100 (88.6) 113 (100.0) 38 (100. 0) 33 (100.0) 43 (76. 8) 61 (91.1) 81 (86.2) 89 (94.7) 181 (87.4) 202 (97.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 13 (17. 8) 0 (0) 13 (11.5) 0 (0) 0 CO) 0 (0) 13 (23.2) 5 (8.9) 13 (13. 8) 5 (5.3) 26 (12.6) 5 (2.4) 11 (100.0) 11 (100.0) 16 (94.1) 17 (100.0) 27 (96.4) 28 (100.0) 5 (100.0) 6 (100.0) 13 (100.0) 13 (100.0) 18 (100.0) 18 (100.0) 45 (97.8) 46 (100.0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (5.9) 0 (0) I (3.6) 0 CO) 0 CO) 0 CO) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (2.2) 0 (0) 2 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 1 (100.0) 1 (100.0) 3 (100.0) 3 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 0 (0) 0 1928: 9 inches (0) 0 8J^ inches (0) 0 Total, 1927-28: 9 inches 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (100.0) 2 (100.0) (0) 0 SH inches (0) 0 Taken in bull nets: 1927: (0) 0 (0) 0 1928: 9 inches 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (100.0) 1 (100. 0) 1 (100.0) 1 (100.0) 3 (100.0) 3 (100.0) (0) 8^^ inches Total, 1927-28: 9 inches 2 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 5 (100.0) S (100.0) 0 8H inches (0) 0 Take of shoal and bull nets com- bined: 9 inches (0) 0 8H inches (0) 0 (0) 248 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 27. — Distribution by age groups of legal-sized yellow perch from gill nets, 1927-28 and 1943-48 [Percentages in parentheses] Number and percentage in age Year and minimum legal Total number group— size I II in IV V Period 1927-28: 1927: 130 146 176 236 312 382 0 CO) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) (0) (0) 6 (5.3) 0 (0) 1 (1.3) 1 (0.5) 9 (2.3) 0 (0) 38 (27.9) 48 (32.9) 43 (24.4) 81 (34.3) 81 (26.0) 129 (33. 8) (26. 1) (33. 6) 64 (56. 1) 42 (75. 0) 35 (47.3) 148 (71.5) 74 (19. 0) 170 (58. 4) 78 (57.4) 78 (53.4) 103 (58. 5) 124 (62.6) 181 (58.0) 202 (52.9) (68.0) (53.0) 34 (29. 8) 13 (23.2) 35 (47. 3) 48 (23. 2) 235 (60. 4) 103 (35. 4) 16 (11.8) 16 (11.0) 29 (16. 5) 30 (12.7) 45 (14.4) 46 (12.0) (14. 1) (11.8) 8 (7.0) 1 (1.8) 3 (4.1) 9 (4.3) 71 (18.3) 18 (6.2) 4 (2.9) 4 1928: (2.7) 1 8J*> inches (0. 6) 1 Total, 1927-28: 9 inches (0.4) 5 (1.6) 5 Average percentage: • (1.3) (l.S) (1.6) Period 1943-48: 1943; 8H inches 1944: 8H inches 1945; 8V4 inches 1946; 8H inches 1947: Hi inches 1948: 8H inches 114 56 74 207 389 291 2 (1.8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) Total, 1943-48: 1,131 17 (1.6) (1.6) 633 (47. 1) (54. 6) 468 (41.4) (36.6) 110 (9.7) (7.0) 3 Average percentage: i 8H inches (0.3) (0.4) Total, all years ' — Average percentage: i Effective limits 1,443 17 (1.2) (1.2) 614 (47. 4) (49.3) 649 (41.9) (40.6) 155 (8.8) (8.2) 8 (0.7) 8H-inch limit (0.7) 1 1 Unweighted mean. ' Minimum legal size wis 9 inches in 1927 and 1928 and 8!-i inches in all later years. yellow perch in impounding-net and gill-net col lections. The small numbers of specimens do not warrant detailed comparisons of the remaining age groups. Attention should be called to the fact that in both 1927 and 1928 the samples taken by gill nets did not contain fish caught as late in the season as did those taken by impounding nets. Consequently, the yellow perch taken by gUl nets may be expected to have completed less of the season's growth. Had the collections from both types of gear been made at the same time within the season, the advantage of the gill-net samples with respect to the percentage of legal-sized yellow perch in the age groups would probably have been even greater. Differences in the age composition of collections from the two types of giU nets were not great, although there was a slight tendency for bull nets to take more of the younger fish (table 25) . The only dominant group II occurred in the 1928 bull- net collection, and when the data for 1927 and 1928 are combined, bull nets may be seen to have taken relatively more fish of age group II than did shoal nets and relatively fewer of the older age groups. Likewise, the differences in the proportion of legal- sized yellow perch in corresponding age groups of shoal-net and bull-net collections were not large. The best represented age groups (II and III) of the shoal-net samples contained shghtly higher percentages of legal-sized fish than the same age groups in buU-net samples. The data on numerical and percentage age composition of the legal-sized yellow perch taken by gill nets are presented in table 27 with the catches of shoal and bull nets combined. Added to the 1927 and 1928 data are those obtained from samples of the commercial catch by gill nets in 1943-48. Age group III dominated the samples in both 1927 and 1928 and made up 58 percent of the total at the then-effective size limit of 9 inches (53 percent at the present 8K-inch size limit). Age groups II and JV made up 26.1 and 14.1 per- cent (33.6 and 11.8 percent at the 8K-inch limit) and formed the only other well-represented groups in the catches. Age group I was not represented at all. The 1943-48 data differed from those of the earlier years in that age-group-II fish domi- nated in 4 years, age groups II and III were equally represented in one, and age group III was domi- nant in only 1 year. The averages for the 6 years (comparable to the averages at the 8j2-uich size limit m 1927-28) showed that group II made up 54.5 percent of the total, group III 36.5 percent, group IV 7 percent, and group 11.6 percent. Thus it is seen that there was not only a shift in domi- nance from group III m 1927-28 to group 11 in 1943^8 but also an accompanying decrease in the relative abundance of the fish in groups IV and V and an increase in the number of those in group I. Explanation of the difference in age composi- tion of the legal-sized yellow perch taken by gill nets in 1927-28 and 1943-48 probably hes in the time of year the fish were captured. All of the 1927-28 samples were collected in July and Au- gust whUe those for 1943-48 were taken from late September to early November. The samples ob- tained in July and August (1927-28) unquestion- ably were made up of fish that had not completed the season's growth, whereas those taken later in the year (1943-48) could be expected to have YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 249 completed, or nearly completed, growth for the year. The continued growth, especially of the age group just entering the commercial fishery in large numbers (group II) can be expected to in- crease the relative abundance of the j^ounger indi- viduals among the legal-sized fish. The belief that the time of capture in a year explains the shift of dominance from group III to group II is supported by the strikingly similar changes found in the impouncUng-net data. If the data for impounding and gill nets are considered together, it may be stated that the fishery is supported chiefly by age groups II and III. Age group III dominated the commercial catch of gill nets in late summer of both 1927 and 1928. The same age group is in all probability usually dominant in the earh-season catches also. The late-season (late September to early Novem- ember) commercial catches by gill nets were dom- inated by age group II in 4 of the 6 years 1943^8. Age group III dominated the late-season giU-net catches only once (1947) and age groups II and III were of equal abundance in 1945. The com- mercial catch of impounding nets appeared to be dominated by age group III in the spring and during at least part of the summer. As growth during the summer brings an increasing percent- age of age group II to legal size this age group assumed a more important position in the catch. Dominance by age group II seems to be character- istic of late-season impounding-net catches, al- though there may be exceptions, as in 1929 and 1945, when age group III may be the stronger. The dependence of the fishery on two age groups renders the abundance of the Lake Erie perch very sensitive to natural fluctuations in the strength of year classes and vulnerable to over- fishing. The small quantity of fish of commercial size that is carried over from one year to the next makes the maintenance of protective measures to ensure an adequate stock of spawners at all times highly imperative. The percentage representation of the year classes in each year's collection of j^ellow perch from im- pounding nets in Lake Erie is recorded in table 28. The data for the 1937 collection have been omitted because of the long time interval separat- ing this sample from the earUer collections. Dis- cussion of the year-class composition of the 1937 samples will be based on the age-composition data of table 21. No tabulation has been pre- sented of the year-class composition of gill-net samples because of the highly selective action of that gear. The inability of impounding nets to retain repre- sentative samples of the j'ounger age groups, and the rapid rate at which year classes disappear from the fishery owing to the short life span, combine to make interpretation of data on the year-class composition of the samples most dLSicult. Age group 0 (first year of life) is of course absent from all collections, and normally group-I fish occur Table 28. — Occurrence of year classes of yellow perch in the catch of impounding nets of Lake Erie Asterisk designates dominant year class each year; roman numerals show age at capture] PART I-PERCENTAGE BASED ON ALL FISH TAKEN Year of capture Year class of— 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1927.. 0.4 V 1.0 IV 9. 8 III .5 IV .3 V 39. 9 II 7. 6 III 5.3 V •48. 9 I •90. 6 II •54. 9 III 1.8 IV 1928- 1.2 I 32. 3 II 20. 3 III 1929 7.2 1 •77. 5 II 24. 8 IV 1930- 0.4 I •73.7 III 1932 1.6 n PART n— PERCENTAGE BASED ON COMMERCIAL CATCH Year of capture Year class of — 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 194S 1946 1947 1943 3. 6 IV 17.9 111 •57. 1 II 14.8 III 12.4 IV .9 V 21.4 I •85. 2 II •5.5. 6 III 3.3 IV .9 V 19J4 1945 :.. 1.3 V 30. 7 II 23.6 111 6.0 IV 1946- •72.3 11 41.9 III 3.1 IV '"""•sirg'ii" 24.0 III b'.i'i" •71. 2 II 1947 1948-.- 1.7 1 250 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE only in small numbers. Age group II is affected less by the selective action of the gear although many fish of this age seem to be too small to be retained in the nets in spring and early summer (p. 221). It appears, then, that estimates of the relative abundance of the year classes of the Lake Erie perch must be based chiefly on the represen- tation of the older fish in the different years' samples. The relative strength of age group II may be considered significant only if the sample was taken late in the season. The scarcity of group-I fish cannot be held to indicate a weak year class, although a great abundance of yellow perch of this age may be considered evidence of a strong one. Ordinarily the estimate of the strength of a year class is based on a knowledge of its relative abundance in the collections of several successive years. In the Lake Erie yellow perch, however, the great scarcity of all fish older than age group III, together with the unrehability of data on the abundance of the younger age groups, makes the application of this method very difficult. Further complications arise from the failure to obtain data in 1938 and 1939, and the fact that only the legal-sized fish were sampled in 1943-48. Because of the limitations just outlined it is not possible to make a precise arrangement of the year classes of the Lake Erie yellow perch in the order of their abundance. In fact it is possible to speak with certainty concerning only one of them — the year class of 1926. This year class was without doubt one of exceptional strength. It dominated the impoimding-net collections of three successive years, 1927, 1928, and 1929. Dominance of this year class as group I and as group III is particidarly significant. The only dominant group I of the collections occurred in the 1927 samples. In the remaining collections, age group I made up no more than 7.2 percent of the samples except in 1937 and 1943. Age group III was dominant in the late-season collections of both 1929 and 1945. It should be pointed out further than in 1928 the 1926 year class provided relatively the strongest group II in any of the collections (90.6 percent of the total). Three other year classes appeared to have been of more than ordinary strength. The 1936 year class as grouji I made up 47.3 percent of the entne 1937 sample (table 21). The only other collec- tion with such an abundance of group-I fish was made in 1927 when the 1926 year class dominated the catch of impounding nets. Unfortunately, no samples were obtained in either 1938 or 1939 and, as a consequence, nothing is known of the strength of the 1936 year class at the ages when they would contribute most to the fishery. However, produc- tion increased from 3,305,000 pounds in 1936 to 7,782,000 pounds in 1938 when the 1936 year class would have entered the commercial fishery in greatest numbers. A large increase in yield is to be expected when a strong year class enters the fishery, and the 236-percent increase from 1936 to 1938 in the catch of yellow perch may be taken as evidence, if not proof, that the 1936 year class was of more than ordinary strength. The sharp decline to 3,015,000 pounds in 1939 in the take of yeUow perch could mean the exhaustion of an abundant year class by an intense fishery. Despite the fact that the evaluation of the strength of year classes in the 1943-48 period is handicapped by lack of knowledge of the abun- dance of group-I fish in those years, itseems evident that the 1942 year class was one of considerable size. It comprised 21 .4 percent of the 1943 samples as age group I. The same year class was strongly dominant as group-II fish in 1944 (85.2 percent) and continued to dominate the commercial samples as age group III in 1945 (55.6 percent). The strong representation of the 1942 year class as group-I fish in the commercial yield in 1943 and the dominance of the group in the two succeeding years could have been accomplished only by re- markably good survival. Evidence, less convincing but nevertheless strongly suggestive, points to 1944 as having pro- duced a year class that was stronger than that of either 1943 or 1945. The 1944 year class as group-II fish made up 72.3 percent of the 1946 commercial samples and contributed heavily (41.9 percent) to the 1947 take when they were in age group III. The 1943-48 data from gill nets (table 27) provide some evidence of the relative strength of year classes despite the fact that these nets are highly selective and the samples were taken from the legal-sized yellow perch. Age group III made up 47.3 percent of the legal-sized fish in 1945 and equaled the abundance of group II. This high relative abundance of age group III supports the conclusion reached from the trap-net data that the 1942 year class was of more than ordinary YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 251 strength. Although the fish assigned to age group III dominated the late-season commercial catch of yellow perch by gill nets in 1947, the evidence that the 1944 year class was exceptionally strong is not conclusive. As group-II fish the 1944 year class strongly dominated (71.5 percent) the commercial catch in 1946 and exliibitcd the second-strongest dominance in the 6-year period 1943^8, hut the class appeared sparingly (1.:? percent) as age group I in 1945. Data from the gill nets add strength to the suggestion based on trap-net catches that the year class of 1944 was stronger than that of either 1943 or 1945. The occurrence of rather wide fluctuations in the abundance of year classes has been observed in a large number of species, both marine and fresh-water. Despite the extensive studies that have been made of the fluctuations in abundance of year classes, relatively little is known concerning the imderlying causes. It is agreed rather gen- erally, however, that the fluctuations "have their origin in certain conditions prevailing at a very early period in the fife of the fish" (Hjort 1914). The belief is general also that fluctuations depend on variations in meteorological-hjdi-ographical conditions, although biological conditions (for example, competition for food among the young and increase in predators) may at times be important." Under conditions of a stabilized fishing inten- sity, it is believed that the causes of fluctuations in the abundance of year classes in the fishes of Lake Erie are most probably to be found in the meteorological-hydrographical conditions. It is recognized that overfishing and other factors also may be involved. The simultaneous occurrence in 1926 of a strong year class in seven species strongly suggests that competition for food among the young is not normally a limiting factor. The comparatively low yield of the fishery in 1926, a year that produced a strong year class, indicates that as long as the population is maintained at a reasonable strength the number of spawners may not be the primary determining factor. The weather records from the Sandusky, Ohio, station of the U. S. Weather Bureau (1919-48) have been examined in an effort to detect a possible correlation between weather conditions ■> Jensen (1933) gave a detailed review of the literature and a critical dis- cussion of the causes of fluctuations in the abundance of marine fish of the North Sea and neighboring waters. and the strength of the year classes. It has been assumed that conditions in 1926 and 1942 and probably in 1936 and 1944 were exceptional as those years produced the strongest year classes of 3'ellow perch found within the data, and that the causes for the strength of those year classes should be found in the extent and manner in which the meteorological conditions of those j^ears (lifTered from other years. It was expected further that conditions would be more comparable in the years 1926 and 1942 than in any other j'ears. Because of the previously mentioned impossi- bilit}' of evaluating accurately the strength of each j-ear class it is possible to speak only in general terms concerning the effects of weather, hence detailed weather data will not be presented. The temperature data that were examined referred to air temperatures. As mentioned previously, trends in air temperatm-e no doubt indicate approximate trends in water temperature, especiafly in such shallow water as is found in western Lake Erie. It was found that the winter of 1925-26 (Novem- ber to February) was cold and that the following prespawning period (March and April) was the coldest for the years 1919 to 1948. However, both the winter of 1941-42 and the prespawning period in 1942 were warmer than average. The 2 years probablj^ producing strong jear classes (1936 and 1944) differed m that the winter of 1935-36 was exceptionally cold and that of 1943-44 was warmer than average. The prespawning period in 1936 had above average temperatures but in 1944 temperatures were below average. In other months of the year temperature exhibited no relation to the strength of the year classes. Although all of the 4 years that apparently produced strong year classes had less than average rainfall in May and June, the total precipitation in both 1942 and 1944 was only slightly below normal and amounted to between two and tliree times that in either 1926 or 1936. Wind velocities and percentage of possible sunshine appear to bear even less relation to the strength of year classes than the other factors considered. Van Oosten (1948) pointed out that there was no relation between turbidity and strength of year classes. The contradictory evidence of the effects of temperature during the winter and prespawning period and total precipitation during May and June on the strength of year classes makes it appear that no siinjile n^lation exists. Although 252 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND "WILDLIFE SERVICE extremely high or low temperatures and severe storms may lead to catastrophic destruction of eggs and small fish, the strength of a year class is believed to depend normally on the sum of the effects of many factors. It seems entirely reason- able to suppose that the controlling factors have to do with the coincidental occurrence of early feeding by the newly hatched fish and the appear- ance of suitable food organisms in adequate amounts. LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATION The mathematical relation between length and weight of the yellow porch of Lake Erie in 1927-37 was determined by fitting the equation W=cL" to the average empirical length and weight of each 5-mm. standard-length frequency interval over the range 106 to 250 mm. (5.0 to 11.4 inches total length) . Length intervals both longer and shorter than this range contained less than 28 fish each and were not employed in the fitting of the equa- tion because of possibly unreliable averages. The data represent all yellow perch with standard lengths of 106 to 250 mm. that were measm-ed and weighed without regard for locality, sex, season and year of capture, or gear employed. Data on the length and weight of Lake Erie yeUow perch in 1943—48 are not included because analysis of these later data showed them to be similar in every respect to those obtained during the earlier years. The equation derived from the 1927-37 data ap- phed equally well to the 1943-48 material. The equation that best describes the length- weight relation of the Lake Erie yellow perch is: W=1.766X10-'D'"', in which PF= weight in grams, and L= standard length in millimeters. Since n=3.015, it may be said that the weight of the yellow perch in Lake Erie increased approximately as the cube of the length (n=3.0). Table 29 shows the actual and calculated weights for each 5-mm. interval of standard length of the yellow perch of Lake Erie from 1927 to 1937. Weights were computed both from the cube rela- tionship and from the more general equation (W= ci"). It was found that weights calculated by the general equation agreed closely with those com- puted by the equation IF=1.91X10"'Z^ (The weighted grand average K for all Lake Erie yellow perch was 1.91.) Weights calculated by the two equations were in complete agreement for all but 6 of the 31 frequency intervals for fish with standard lengths of less than 236 mm., and in no interval differed by more than 1 gi-am. The weights com- puted by the two equations agreed at no lengths greater than 235 mm. The weights of these larger yellow perch calculated from the cubic relationship were always less than those computed from the more general equation but at no length was the difference between the two calculated weights greater than 4 grams. It is true also that the differences between the two corresponding calcu- lated weights tended to increase progressively as Table 29. — Actual and calculated weights of Lake Erie yellow perch by 5-millimeter length intervals [Data based on all flsh weighed during the investigation) Standard-length interval > Total length Number offish Average actual weight Average weight calculated from equation— n=cL" W=KX 10-Si5 83 mm Inches 3.9 4.1 4.4 4.6 4.8 .5.1 5.3 5.5 .5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.1 7.3 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.1 11.3 11.5 11.7 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.9 13.1 13.3 13.6 13.8 14.0 1 Grams 7 Grams 11 13 15 18 21 24 27 31 35 40 45 .50 56 62 68 75 82 90 99 108 116 127 137 148 160 172 185 198 212 227 242 258 275 292 310 329 349 369 390 412 436 469 483 508 535 562 Grams 11 88 mm 13 93 mm - - I 1 8 28. 52 53 58 76 93 144 281 431 513 751 992 1,161 1.275 1,463 1,633 1,844 1,997 2,252 2,124 1,845 1,531 1,066 681 399 166 113 66 34 5 7 1 5 1 21 21 21 24 26 29 35 40 45 61 58 64 69 77 83 91 98 108 117 126 137 149 162 174 186 200 213 227 240 255 266 282 304 334 312 349 404 15 68 mm IS 21 24 113 mm 28 31 123 mm 36 128 mm 40 133 mm 138 mm - . 45 50 143 mm 56 62 153 mm R8 75 83 168 mm 91 173 mm 99 108 183 mm 117 1S8 mm - 127 193 mm 137 198 mm 148 160 172 213 mm 185 198 223 mm 212 226 233 mm 242 238 mm 257 274 248 mm 291 309 258 mm 328 347 268 mm 368 273 mm 389 410 283 mm 3 2 418 524 433 456 480 1 476 605 631 658 ' In 5-mm. intervals. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 253 the standard length of the fish increased above 270 mni. A comparison of the average actual weights with the calculated weights shows that there was excellent agreement over most of the length range for which there were large numbers of fish.'* Over the standard length range of 103 to 238 mm. the actual weights at no point disagreed with either of the computed weights by more than 3 grams. It is apparent also that calculated weights obtained by the two equations agreed almost equally well with the average actual weights over this length range. The lack of agreement between the observed weights and the computed weights of perch with standard lengths less than 103 mm. may be due to the small number of specimens of that size. The empu'ical weights were somewhat less than either calculated weight at all but three of the lengths greater than 238 mm. (intervals with midpoints at 258, 273, and 288 were the ex- ceptions). Over this range, the weights calcu- lated on the basis of the cubic relationship were ordinarily closer to the observed weights than were those calculated from the more general equation. The fact that the actual weights of the larger fish were usually less than the computed weights may indicate that both equations fail to fit the data exactly for standard lengths greater than 238 mm., or it may be due to the small number of individuals in most of the frequency intervals. Another possible explanation of the lower actual weights at lengths greater than 238 » The average actual weights are the averages of all flsh in each 5-mm. interval. Only the midleagth of each interval is shown in the table. mm. is that the gill nets selected only the lighter of the longer fish. The weights calculated from the length-weight equation, >F= 1.766 XIO"'!.'"", are shown graphi- cally in figure 10. The use of two scales permits ready conversion from metric to English units of weights and measures. The factors needed most frequently for conversions between standard, fork, and total lengths are shown in table 30. It was mentioned (p. 252) that intervals of standard length that contained less than 28 fish were not used in the determination of the general length-weight equation. Hence, the points on the curve that he below 106 mm. and above 250 mm. are outside the range to which the cui-ve was actually fitted. However, the closeness with which the extra- polated portions of the curve (shown by broken hues) fit the average actual weights based on few specimens indicates that, in spite of the discrep- ancies already mentioned, the curve is for practi- cal purposes applicable to the length-weight rela- tion over the entire range represented. COEFFICIENT OF CONDITION (K) The condition of fishes and fluctuations in the values of the coefficient of condition (K) involve problems that are distinctly different from the description of the general length-weight relation (see Hile 1936, for detailed discussion). Condi- tion, or relative heaviness, is influenced b}' those physiological and environmental factors that affect the general well-being of the individuals. The present data permit a description of the fluc- Table 30. — Factors for conversions between standard, fork, and total lengths of Lake Erie yellow perch [Number of specimens employed to determine values of the factors are shown in parentheses] Factors to be employed for standard lengths of— Conversion of— 80 mm. and under 81 to 130 mm. 131 to 190 mm. 191 to 220 mm. 221 mm. and over Standard length to total length (same unit of measurement) 1.215 (87) .0478 (87) 1.193 (112) .0470 (112) 1.141 (5) .0449 (5) .838 (112) 21.285 (112) .956 (5) .876 (5) 22.250 (5) 1.046 (5) 1.174 (648) .0462 (648) 1.132 (285) .0446 (285) .852 (648) 21.641 (648) .964 (285) .883 (285) 22.428 (285) 1.037 (285) 1.165 (1.267) .0459 (1.267) 1.125 (591) .04(3 (591) .858 (1.267) 21.793 (1. 267) .966 (591) .889 (691) 22.581 (591) 1.035 (591) 1.156 Standard length in millimeters to total length in inches.. (513) .0455 (513) 1.119 Standard length in millimeters to fork length in inches (0) (131) .0441 (0) .823 (87) 20.904 (87) (131) .865 Total length in Inches to standard length in millimeters (513) 21. 971 (513) .968 Fork length to standard length (same unit of measurement) _. . (0) (131) .894 Fork length In inches to standard length In millimeters (6) (131) 22.708 Fork length to total length (same unit of measurement) (0) (131) 1 033 (0) (131) 254 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE TOTAL LENGTH IN INCHES 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 2 0 IS I e 14 W kJ O '2 z o 2 10 I- X o )> • / / L / / /. / / /. • / / /• / / / / / / 7 > X ^ / JL • r 1 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 STANDARD LENGTH IN MILLIMETERS 3 0 0 5 5 0 50 0 450 400 35 0 3 00 250 200 I 50 1 0 0 5 0 < a: O I 32 5 FinuRE 10. — Relation between length and weight in yellow perch of Lake Eric. Solid portion of the curve represents length range to which equation W^cL" was fitted; broken lines represent the curve in length ranges not well repre- sented in the data. Dots show averages of empirical data grouped into 5-nim. length intervals. tuations in the coefficient of condition (K) of the Lake Erie yellow perch according to month of capture, sex and maturity, state of gonads, age, length, and type of gear employed. The data obtained from samples taken in the period 1943-48 will be omitted from this discussion since they contribute nothing new and would bring about no important changes in the conclusions. Monthly and annual fluctuations in the value of K Among the factors that might be expected to influence monthly variations in /t are food, degree of activity, and stage of sexual maturity. Spawn- ing, and the preparatory sexual development, may be expected to produce the greatest changes in condition. Description of the montlily and annual fluctuations in the value of K in the Lake YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 255 Erie 3'el]osv perch is based entirely on specimens taken from impounding nets since, as will be shown later (p. 258), the type of gear employed influences the average value of K and gill nets are particularly selective in this respect. Sex and stage of maturity wei-e shown by sepa- rate analyses to have had very little effect on the value of K except in the spawniing period. The data in table 31 showing the montldy fluctuations in condition of Lake Erie yellow perch according to year of capture therefore, include individuals for which sex or stage of maturity was not re- corded. The data from samples obtained during April 1932, October 1934, and November 1937 are not shown in the table because each of those years was represented by only 1 month. The values of /v for these 3 months were 2.24 (133 fish), 2.24 (207 fish), and 2.18 (131 fish), respectively. Annual fluctuations in condition and differ- ences with respect to the months represented in the various years' collections place limitations on the conclusions to be drawn from the data of table 31. Nevertheless, certain trends can be detected. It is obvious, for example, that perch tend to be in better condition in midsummer and late summer than in June. This is brought out by the follow- ing tabulation of the unweighted averages of K for corresponding months of 1928 and 1929: Average K September 1 . 96 October 1.92 Ax'eruge K June 1.80 July 1.97 August 1.98 November 1. 87 The montlily averages for the 2 years show a great improvement in condition from June to July. Condition remained good in August and September. The average K decreased shghtly in September and undei-went a greater decrease in October and November. The averages in table 31 show that the October-November decline was much more pronounced in 1929 than in 1928. The averages for September, October, and November, 1927, suggest that loss of condition in tlie autumn may not be typical for the Lake Erie perch. In 1927 the value of iiC increased in both October and November. The averages for the 1930 collection, on the other hand, agreed with the trend of the 1928-29 averages. In 1930 the value of K increased markedly in July and re- mained at a high level in August and September. The only available comparisons of the averages of A' for November and December (1929) indicate Table 31. — Monthly values of K (condition) of Lake Erie yellow perch taken in impounding nets, 1927-30 Month April May June.- July___ August September. October November. December. . .\verape. all months... .\verage, excluding April and May 1927 125 895 496 1,616 1,516 1.87 1.91 2.01 1928 1929 I" 429 664 504 132 510 162 458 264 3,123 2,030 >^ 1.78 1.76 1.81 2.06 2,04 2.00 1.9» 1. 1, 1.96 aS. 3,122 1,841 2,747 1.820 451 126 691 417 11,215 8,093 So 1.84 1.78 1.88 1.92 1.93 1.86 1.78 1.88 1.85 1. 41 5 173 25 25 269 228 1.85 1.81 2.31 2.34 2.33 2.24 2.30 an improvement in condition m the latter month. Three comparisons are available of condition in May and June and one of condition in April and May. However, the possible distm-bing effects of variations in the relative abundance of giavid and spent fish in the various AprU and May collections make it inadvisable to draw con- clusions concerning montlily changes in condition from April to May and from May to June. The grand averages for K in the different years' collections are not strictly comparable because of dift'erences from year to year in the months represented. A more reliable estimate of the annual fluctuations in condition may be had from comparisons of averages for correspond- ing months. Comparisons of the averages for September, October, and November indicate that condition was slightly better m 1928 than in 1927. The large 1928 advantages in September and October overshadowed the 1927 advantage in November. Condition was poorer in 1929 than in 1928. The K averages were lower in 1929 in every month except May. The condition of the Lake Erie perch in 1929 was also proliably poorer than in 1927. The September average was higlier in 1929 than in 1927, but the October and Novem- ber averages were both higher in 1927. The best condition of the 4 years occurred in 1930. With the exception of June which had the same K averages in 1928 and 1930, the montlily averages in 1930 were consistently greater tlinn the cor- responding averages in any other year. From the data just discussed it would appear that the probable order of the 4 years with respect to condition of the Lake Erie yellow perch from 256 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE best to poorest condition is: 1930, 1928, 1927, and 1929. The K averages of 2.24 in April 1932 and October 1934, and 2.18 in November 1937 (p. 255), suggest that the condition of the Lake Erie yellow perch in these 3 years was excellent — probably superior to that in 1927, 1928, and 1929. Fluctuations in value of K with stage of maturity Great differences in value of K associated with stage of maturity were foimd in the comparison of the gravid and spent females taken in May. (Unfortunately, gravid and spent males were not recorded separately in the field records.) The detailed information on the loss of weight by the females at spawning is presented in table 32 where the data have been arranged to show the average weight in grams and the average K before and after spawning for each 5-mm. standard- length interval. For both gravid and spent females the changes of K with increase in length appeared to be random rather than to exhibit a progressive increase or decrease. Consequently, there was no obvious relation between the per- centage loss of weight and the length of the speci- mens. The loss of weight varied from 3.4 to 24.6 percent. The average of the percentages computed from the best-represented intervals, those in which both gravid and spent fish were represented by seven or more specimens, showed a weight loss of 16.1 percent at spawning. A slightly lower estimated loss of weight (15.5 per- cent) was obtained from the weighted-average coefficient of condition. Fluctuations in value of K with age Data for the study of the variations of K with age are given in table 33. To avoid the distorting effects of monthly and annual variations in con- dition, averages are given for each month's col- lection of each year. Since sex and stage of matu- rity have little influence on the value of K in the summer and autumn, the data include all the fish whose ages were determined. The data of table 33 do not point toward any dependence of condi- tion on age. It is true that in 7 of 10 comparisons fish of age group II had lower average coefficients of condition than those of age group I. This difference can be explained, however, as the result of gear selectivity. Since the group-I fish were near the smallest size that could be retained by the impounding nets it is readily conceivable that only the heavier individuals of that age group were retained. There is less indication that gear selectivity affected the K values of age groups II and III although numbers of the group-II yellow perch were below the theoretical maximum length of escape (170 mm.). Gear selection possibly may account for the fact that group II had the larger average Kin 9 of 10 comparisons for months earlier than October (see p. 221). In the later months, after group II has practically completed the third season of growth, age group III had the higher K values in all 7 comparisons (October, November, and December). Comparisons of age groups III and IV reveal that the former had the higher average K 6 times whereas the latter had the higher value 2 times. The two age groups Table 32. — Comparison of average weights and condition (K) of gravid and spent female ijellow perch taken by impounding nets in Lake Erie, May 1929 (Number of specimens in parentheses] Average total length Qravid females Spent females Loss of weight Average weight K Average weight K at spawning 166 to 170 mm Inches 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 OraTTW 89 (3) 122 (5) 115 (10) 128 (29) 138 (68) 148 (82) 161 (90) 172 (100) 186 (90) 200 (40) 211 (42) 232 (26) 246 (14) 261 (6) 291 (1) 1.89 2.36 2.05 2.08 2.08 2.06 2.08 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.04 2.09 2.08 2.06 2.16 2.07 (696) arama 86 (10) 92 (20) 99 (24) 109 (52) 118 (75) 125 (101) 135 (107) 147 (92) 157 (77) 167 (48) 175 (39) 181 (7) 214 (5) 232 (3) 230 (4) 1.82 1.78 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.74 1.74 1.76 1.76 1.73 1.69 1.63 1.81 1.83 1.71 1.75 (664) Percent 3.4 171 to 176 mm.. ... 24.6 13.9 181 to 185 mm . _ . . 14.8 186 to 190 mm 14.6 191 to 195 mm - 16.5 196 to 200 mm 16.2 201 to 205 mm 14.6 206 to 210 mm... 15.6 211 to 215 mm 16.5 216 to 220 mm... 17.1 221 to 225 mm 22.0 226 to 230 mm... ..... ... 13.0 231 to 235 mm 11.1 236 to 240 mm... 20.7 16.1 ' Unweighted mean, based on those length intervals in which both gravid and spent fish are represented by at least 7 individuals. YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 257 The range of fluctuation of K for the age groups of Lake Erie yellow perch extended from 1.72 to 2.61. The individual yellow perch were found to have values of K ranging from 1.13 to 3.23, with the average 1.91. Comparisons of these values of K with those found in other waters of the Great Lakes reveal that the yellow perch of Lake Erie were a little heavier than the ones in Saginaw Bay (Hile and Jobes 1941), about equal to those in Green Bay, and somewhat more slender than the yellow perch in northwestern Lake Michigan (Hile and Jobes 1942). Influence of rate of growth on value of K The possibihty that the values of K of the age groups were influenced by varying proportions of faster or slower growing individuals has been in- vestigated. Table 34 permits comparisons of K for yellow perch of the same length but of different ages and for fish of different lengths but of the same age. All comparisons have been limited to fish collected in the same year and month. The data have been limited further to the 1927 and 1929 collections from trap nets since those collec- tions had the most suitable distribution of the age groups, that is, contained adequate samples from more than one age group. It may be seen that there were no consistent differences between the values of K for fish of the same length but different age. In other words, neither the older (slow growing) nor the younger (rapid growing) yellow perch maintained a consistent advantage. This indication that individual growth rate did not influence individual condition is supported by the fact that the longer (more rapid growing) indi- Table 34. — Comparison of condiiioti (K) in Lake Erie yellow perch at different ages and lengths taken by trap nets [Number of specimens in parentheses] had the same values in November 1927. Only three comparisons were available between age groups IV and V, and in each the older age group had the lower K. In general, fluctuations of K with age may be considered random among all age groups in which gear selectivity is absent or unimportant, although there was a tendency for a progressive decrease ^vith age during the period April to September. It may be justified to con- clude, however, that generally condition is inde- pendent of age in the Lake Erie yellow perch. No computation was made of average values of K for all data combined since the combined effects of monthly variations and of variations in the numbers of specimens would cause these averages to be of little significance. Table 33. — Coefficient of condition (K) of Lake Erie yellow perch according to age, month, and year of capture [Number of specimens in parentheses] .Month and year Age group I II in IV V April: 1932 . - 2. 35 (2) 2.05 (107) 2.0O (13) 2.51 (128) 2.07 (393) 1.91 (29) 2.32 (23) 2.26 (98) 1.85 (21) 1.90 (131) 2.16 (40) 2.14 (14) 1.86 (32) 2. 14 (2) 1.94 (10) 2.05 (136) 2. 12 (3) 1.93 (28) 2. 05 (9) 2.08 (19) 2 02 (16) 1.84 (218) 2. 15 (3) 1.94 (115) 2.23 (33) 1.93 (4) 1.82 (16) 2.13 (4) July: 1928 1929 - - 1.72 (1) 1930 — August: 1928 — 2.61 (7) 2. 05 (7) 1929 1930 September: 1928 2.00 (148) 2. 16 (22) 2.41 (21) 1.89 (61) 1.96 (61) 1.92 (129) 1.99 (123) 1.79 (170) 2.07 (66) 1.91 (138) 1929 2.01 (6) 2.38 (1) 1.90 (74) 1930 October: 1927 1.96 (4) 2.02 (1) 2.08 (1) 1.91 (2) 1928 November: 1927 2.01 (161) 1.99 (4) 1.87 (28) 2. 30 (62) 1.93 (42) 1928 1929 1.80 f33) 1.78 (2) 1937 1.93 (12) Average total length Value of ifin- Standard-length interval October 1927 November 1927 November 1929 December 1929 I II I II II lU II III 121 to 130 mm Inehet 8.9 6.3 6.7 7.2 7.6 8.1 8.6 9.0 9.4 9.9 10.3 10.7 11.2 11.6 1.67 (1) 1.96 (1) 1.98 (6) 2. 02 (27) 1. 99 (31) 2.01 (59) 1. 96 (34) 1.91 (2) 1.94 (1) 3.23 (1) 131 to 140 mm 1.71 (4) 1.79 (7) 1.95(17) 1.87(26) 1.87(16) 1.80 (5) 141 to 1 SO mm 1.71 (3) 1.96 (3) 1.91 (12) 1. 82 (10) 1.88(14) 1.81 (U) 1.85 (6) 1.81 (1) 2.03 (5) 1.95 (9) 1. 97 (16) 2. 00 (.■!8) 1. 99 (33) 2.04 (17) 2.01 (8) 2.02 (4) 1.83 (2) 1.81 (9) 1.70 (19) 1. 76 (23) 1. 70 (42) 1. 75 (43) 1. 73 (24) 1.81 (8) 1.93 (2) 1.85(11) 1.86(21) 1.87(30) 1.88(29) 1.81 (18) 1.85(19) 1.85 (7) 1.76 (1) 151 to ITiO mm 161 to 170 mm _.. i.Vs "(i) 1.70 (4) 1.72(13) 1.73 (34) 1. 78 (52) 1.78 (48) 1. 83 (36) 1. 87 (18! 1.93 (10) 1.78 (2) 2.02 (1) 1.87(11) 1.83(14) 181 to 190 mm... 191 to 200 mm 1.86 (21) 1.88 (25) 211 to 220 mm 1. 93 (23) 221 to 230 mm 1.93(15) 231 to 240 mm 2.01 (5) 251 to 260 mm 258 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE viduals of an age group did not differ in condition from tlie shorter, slower-growing fish of the same group. The conclusion concerning the independence of growth rate and condition disagrees with Van Oosten's (1937) observation that the slower-grow- ing individuals of the Lake Superior longjaw {Leucichthys zenithicus) were in the better condi- tion. The same author (Van Oosten 1938) found, however, that growth rate and condition were not correlated in the Lake Erie sheepshead (Aplodinotus (jrunniens) . Effect of type of gear on determining value of K The study of condition in the preceding sections was confined entirely to data from collections taken by trap and pound nets. Gill-net samples were excluded because of the effect of the selective action of that gear on the determination of K. The extent to which gill-net selection affects the determination of the value of the coefficient of condition may be seen from the data of table 35 which show the average K for each centimeter- length interval of the Lake Erie yellow perch taken from trap and gill nets in the same month and calendar year. Only five series were available for comparisons. The consistency with which the value of K was greater for fish caught in gill nets than in trap nets each month leaves little doubt that gill nets capture relatively heavier yellow perch than do impounding nets. In no single month did yellow perch taken in trap nets have average coefficients of condition as great as thosp of fish taken in gill nets. The unweighted averages given in the two columns at the extreme right of table 35 give further information on the general influence of the type of net on the value of K. These averages were computed only for those lengths that were represented in the samples in all the months for which comparisons are given. An examination reveals that fish taken in gill nets had consistently higher average values of K. The averages also reveal a difference between gill- and trap-net samples with respect to the variation of K with length. Except for the relatively high figures at 141 to 150 mm. and 161 to 170 mm., the values of K tended to be constant at all lengths in the trap- net samples. The cause of the high values of K in these shorter fish taken in impounding nets has been discussed previously (p. 256). The nearly constant value of K over the interval 171 to 220 mm. is proljably descriptive of true condition in the population. In the gill-net samples, on the contraiy, K decreased consistently with each increase in length over the entire interval of 171 to 240 mm. In other words, the gill nets selected the heavier short fish and the slenderer long fish. At lengths below 171 mm. the captures of perch by gill nets were probably in large measure "accidents," that is, the fish were tangled in the meshes by their fins or the marginal bones of the mouth. The selective action of gill nets with Table 35. — Effect of type of gear on determination of the coefficient of condition (K) in Lake Erie yellow perch [Number of specimens in parentheses] Standarrt-'.ength interval Average total length September 1927 October 1927 July 1928 August 1928 November 1928 Average i K Trap nets Gill nets Trap nets Gill nets Trap nets Gill nets Trap nets Gill nets Trap nets GUI nets Trap nets Gill nets 91 to 100 mm Inches 4.5 5.0 5.4 6.9 0.3 6.7 7.2 7.6 8.1 8.6 9.0 9.4 9.9 in. 3 10.7 11.2 11.6 12.1 12.5 2. 23 (1) 101 to 110 mm .. 2. 78 (1) 2. 86 (3) 2. 53 (2) 2. 72 (1) 2.11 (12) 2. 10 (65) 2.04 (123) 2.01 (146; 2. 03 (99) 2. 00 (42) 1.97 (9) 2. 01 (3) 2. 11 (2) 1.68 (1) Ill to 120 mm 2.13 (1) 121 to 1.30 mm i. 96 (3) 1. 90 (5) 1. 86 (9) 1.97 (7) 1.80 (1) 2. 64 (1) 2. 16 (6) 2. 05 (39) 2.06 (168) 2.00 (261) 1.99 (99) 1. 91 (20) 1. 85 (6) 1. 67 (4) 1.70 (16) 1.87 (.38) 1.95 (67) 1.93 (98) 1.91 (115) 1.90 (132) 1.90 (I6:i) l.Hl (1401 1.94 (71) 1.94 (49) 1.92 (4) 1.9fl (5) 1. 96 (2) 2.31 (i) 1.90 (1) 1. 95 (2) 1.98 (1) 2. 00 (3) 2. 02 (2) 2. 16 (2) 2.02 (11) 2.08 (29) 1.97 (51) 1.96 (32) 1. 83 (5) 1. 90 (4) 131 to 140 mm .. 1.90 (2) 1.76 (1) 1.80 (1) 1.76 (7) 1.89 (19) 1.82 f23) 1.93 (22) 1.8« (21) 1.88 (13) 1.87 (12) 1.92 (3) 1. 73 (1) 2. 70 (1) 2.30 (8) 2. 14 (13) 2.16 (24) 2.11 (32) 2.18 (61) 2. 17 (74) 2.06 (79) 2.02 (49) 1.91 (24) 1. 86 (9) 1.68 (3) 1.94 (1) 1.90 (1) 1. 97 (1) 1.79 (1) 2.12 (1) 1.94 (5) 2.10 (11) 2.09 (.12) 2 05 (116) 1.95 (101) 1.91 (69) 1.88 (10) 141 to 150 mm 161 to 160 mm ,, 2. 36 (5) 2.22 (18) 2. 14 (25) 1. 98 (33) 2. 06 (32) 1.90 (10) 1. 60 (4) 1. 94 (2) 2.08 (2) 2. 04 (3) 2.19 (20) 2.19 (70) 2.18 (209) 2. 14 (499) 2 08 (468) 2 01 (212) 1. 96 (43) 1.91 (11) 1. 78 (4) 1.97 (2) 2.01 2.03 161 to 170 mm 171 to 180 mm...- 181 to 190 mm. -- 191 to 200 mm..-- 201 to 210 mm- .. 211 to 220 mm.--- 221 to 230 mm 2.12 (2) 2.00 (17) 1. 99 (35) 1.98 (43) 1.96 (27) 1.96 (16) 1.89 (2) 2. 25 (1) 2.00 1.96 1.93 1.94 1.94 1.95 2.05 2.18 2.16 2.09 2.06 1.99 1.96 231 to 240 mm.-. - 1.88 241 to 250 mm- .. 251 to 260 mm 2.06 (1) 261 to 270 mm- .- 271 to 280 mm.... 1.99 (1) 1.99 (145) Average ^ 1.87 (126) 2.01 (626) 1.91 (894) 2.06 (129) 2.10 (369) 2.04 (510) 2.10(1,642) 1.98 (144) 2.00 (368) 1.96 2.04 ' Unweighted mean, computed only for length intervals that were represented in all samples. ' Unweighted mean. TELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 259 respect to condition would not be expected lo operate on these accidental captures. The selec- tion by gill nets of yellow perch according to the condition of the fish is similar to the action of drift (gill) nets on marine herring (Farran 1936) and supports the i)revious conclusion of a like action among the smaller perch by impounding nets. From the preceding discussion it appears not only that gill nets tenfl to take relatively heavier yellow perch in Lake Erie than trap nets but that in gill-net samples K decreased with increases in length. The resulting distortion of the data justifies the exclusion of gill-net material from the study of condition. SIZE AT MATURITY A knowledge of size at sexual maturity has its practical application in the determination of the minimum legal size that may be needed to protect an adequate spawning stock. Data on the rela- tion between total length and the percentage of maturity of the yellow perch taken in 1927-37 are given for the sexes separately and combined in table 36. The males matured at a much smaller size than the females: 47.4 percent of the males were mature or maturing at 6 to 6.5 inches and 48.4 percent of the females were mature or matur- ing at 8 to 8.5 inches. Any minimum legal size for the Lake Erie yellow perch, therefore, must be based on the maturity of females. The shortest K-inch total-length interval that contained a large percentage of mature females was 8 to 8.5 inches. At that length 48.4 percent were mature. At lengths of 8.5 to 9 inches 86.1 percent were mature, and at 9 to 9.5 inches 97 per- cent were mature. All females 9.5 inches and longer were mature. These data show that 86.1 percent of the females were mature in the shortest }2-inch total-length interval (8.5 to 9) available to the commercial fishery operating under the 8}2-inch minimum legal size now effective in the Michigan and Ohio waters of Lake Erie (no size limit on yellow perch in Pennsylvania and New York waters). The samples collected in 1947-48 showed an even greater proportion of mature female yellow perch since 51 of 53 individuals (96.2 percent) in the 8.5- to- 9-inch interval were mature. On the basis of the data in table 36 it is ap- parejit that the great majority of female j'ellow perch in Lake Ya'ip mature at total lengths between 8 and 9 inches. Reference to table 19 reveals that most of the fish with these lengths belonged to age group II (174 mm. standard length is equivalent to 8 inches total length, and 196 mm. equals 9 inches). It thereby becomes apparent that the majority of the female yellow perch reach maturity in Lake Erie during their third year of life and spawn for the first time early in theii- fourth year (as age-group-III fish). The average calcidated length of the females at the end of the third year of life was 8.6 inches (table 7). Although the data in tables 36 and 19 are from fish taken late in the fall one would expect little, if any, growth in winter or until spawTiing time in the spring. The percentages of maturity at the different sizes determined from fall samples, therefore, may be applied reasonably well to the spawning-season population. The small sample Table 36. — Relation between length of Lake Erie yellow perch and proportion of mature individuals, 1927-37 Fork-length interval ' Standard-length interval Sexes combined Female Male Total-length interval ' Mumber mature Number imma- ture Percent- age mature Number mature Number imma- ture Percent- age mature Number mat ure Number imma- ture Percent- age mature Less than 6.n inches . . Less than 5.7 inches... 5.7 tofi..1 inches «..■? to 6.7 inches Less than 127 mm 127 to 140 mm 0 10 26 82 216 521 901 737 426 236 38 17 50 154 189 137 64 15 0 0 0 37.0 34.2 34.7 53.3 79.2 93.4 98.0 100.0 100. U 0 1 0 30 103 348 423 290 190 15 31 95 131 110 56 13 0 0 0 12.5 0 fi.9 18.0 48.4 86.1 97.0 100. 0 100.0 0 9 26 75 18S 418 553 314 136 46 23 10 19 59 58 27 8 2 0 0 0 47.4 141 to 149 mm 57.8 7.0 to l.h inches 1.50 to 161 mm .56.0 7.2 to 7.7 inche-s 7.7 to 8.2 inches 8.2 to 8.7 inches 8.7 to 9.2 inches 9.2 to 9.7 inches. 9.7 inches and over 162 to 172 mm 76.2 8.0 to 8.5 inches n.? to 183 mm. 1.S4 to 195 mm 93.0 98.6 9.0 to 9..1 inchos 9.5 t(i in.tJ inches 10.0 inches and over. . 19B to 206 mm 207 to 218 mm 219 ram. and over 99.4 100.0 100.0 > Fish included within each total-length and fork-length interval had lengths equal to the lowest and up to. but not including, Che greatest length of the interval. 260 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE obtained during the breeding season suggests that spawning in itself may protect immature females since only 3 of 27 females (11.1 percent) in the entire sample were immature. The largest of the immature females in this sample was 8}^ inches total leng;th. SEX RATIO The number of specimens, the sex ratio ex- pressed as the percentage of males in the total for the daily collections, and the ratios for the com- bined collections of each month are shown in table 37 for samples containing 50 or more fish. All samples were obtained from commercial impound- ing nets. The sex ratio of the individual samples fluctuated rather widely within each month except August, September, and December, 1929, and April 1932. This wide fluctuation points to a segregation of the sexes throughout much of the year. A segregation may occur, however, in a month in which the sex ratio is not highly variable (as the predominance of males in April 1 932) . The wide daily variation in the relative abun- dance of females and males in the samples makes it lake were combined after preliminary examinations revealed the combina- tion justifiable. 3. Validity of the use of annuli on the scales of I the yellow perch as year marks was established for the first time on the basis of the following observations: (a) The 1927, 1928, and 1929 col- lections were dominated by the same year class that was represented by larger and, according to scale readings, older fish in each succeeding year; (b) the annulus was on the margin of the scale in the early season but was progressively farther from the margin in raid-July, September, and December; (c) the lengths calculated from scale measurements for different years of life agreed YELLOW PERCH OF LAKE ERIE 263 rather closely with the empirical lengths of fish shown by scale readings to have completed the same number of years of life, and lengths calcu- lated for the same year of life agreed more closely with each other than with lengths computed for any other year regardless of the age of the fish employed in the calculations. 4. The more important criteria employed to determine the presence of an annulus were the discontinuity between successive growth fields which resulted in well-defined "cutting over" of the cu-culi, particularl}' in the lateral region of the scale, and the fragmented, u-regular appearance of the last circulus laid down in each growing sea- son. False annuli occui-rod but it is believed they usually could be detected by the lack of cutting over, their generally indefinite appearance, and tlieir position with respect to true annuli. About 5 percent of the scales were discarded as unfit for age determinations. 5. Annulus formation maj^ be completed as late as July 1 in some years. In spite of the ap- parent coincidence of spawning and the completion of the annulus in some years, the annulus cannot be considered as a spawning mark since immatm-e individuals form annuli identical in appearance with those formed by mature fish, and the charac- teristics of a typical spawning mark as found on the scales of other fish are absent from yellow perch scales. 6. Detailed data are provided on the relation between body length and scale length of the American yellow perch. 7. The Dahl-Lea method of calculating lengths by direct proportion was applicable to the yellow perch when the calculated standard lengths were 96 mm. (4.5 inches total length) or greater. When these lengths were less than 4.5 inches they were corrected by use of a table containing the corrected length corresponding to each length computed by direct proportion. These corrected calculated lengths, derived from an empirical curve of the body-scale relation, were always gi-eater than the uncorrected lengths. Correction of the com- puted lengths failed, however, to e'iminate the discrepancies between corresponding lengths cal- culated for different age groups. 8. Discrepancies occurred between correspond- ing calculated lengths in all years of life. The computed lengths for any one year of life decreased progressively as the fish for which the computa- tions were made became older. Discrepancies in first-year calculated lengths were small among age groups older than group I. 9. The discrepancies in calculated lengths were shown to represent real rather than "apparent" differences in growth since large erroi"s could not result from the method of calculation. 10. It was concluded that the selective action of gear, selection according to maturity at the time of the spawning run, and selection according to legal-size limit, all of which doubtless produced a selective destruction of the more rapidlj' growing individuals in the fishery, were the chief causes of the discrepancies in the calculated growth of the Lake Erie yellow perch, but that a differential natural mortality, correlated with rate of growth, was a possible supplementary factor. The presence of discrepancies between corresponding calculated lengths of different age groups of the same year class proved that annual fluctuations in growth rate were not an important source of the dis- crepancies in calculated lengths. 11. The females grew in length a little more rapidly than the males during the first j-ear of life, at the same rate in the second year, and more rapidly in all later j^ears. 12. The aimual increments of growth in length decreased progressively with age in both sexes. 13. Growth compensation occurred in the Lake Erie yellow perch, but usually did not appear before the third year of life. The difl'erence in average length between the largest and smallest yearlings was maintained or increased in the second year. 14. It was estimated that the proportions of growth completed at the end of the different months of the 1928 and 1929 seasons were 15 per- cent for June, 50 percent for July, 80 percent for August, and 100 percent for September. How- ever, growth continued through October in 1927. 15. Significant correlations could not be demon- strated between armual fluctuations in growth rate and precipitation, percentage of possible sun- shine, and mean wind velocity. Significant posi- tive correlations were determined, however, be- tween growth and mean air temperatures for the following combinations of mouths: May, July, and September; May and September; July and September. Mean air temperatures in August exhibited sisrnificaiit negative correlation with annual fluctuations in growtli rate. 264 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SEEVICE 16. The yellow perch of Lake Erie grew more rapidly than did most of the perch of other waters with which comparisons were made. 17. Scales of Lake Erie yellow perch used by Harkness (1922) were compared with those in the present study, and the annual increments of calculated length indicated no pronounced change in the growth rate of 1927 from that of 1920. 18. Length frequencies of the impounding-net collections had a unimodal distribution each year, but gill-net collections showed both unimodal and bimodal distributions. 19. The position of the mode in the length fre- quencies fluctuated from year to year, and was influenced to a considerable extent by the average length of the dominant age group. The modal frequency fluctuated over a wider range in the im- pounding-net collections than in the gilled fish from gill nets because of the greater selectivity of the latter gear. 20. The coefficient of condition K of individual Lake Erie yellow perch ranged from 1.13 to 3.23, and averaged 1.91. The state of the gonads affected the coefficient of condition of the females during the spawning season, at which time they lost approximately 16 percent of their prespawning weight. There are no data on the loss of weight of males at spawning. At other periods condition was not related to sex or state of maturity. 2 1 . The coefficient of condition increased sharply from June to July and remained at a high level in August and September. In two of three years condition declined in the autumn, but m the third year it improved. 22. Weight of the Lake Erie yellow perch in- creased at a rate slightly greater than the cube of the length. Over the interval of length to which the equation was fitted the empirical and calcu- lated weights agreed closely. 23. The year class of 1926 was unusually strong and dominated the impounding-net catches of 1927, 1928, and 1929. There is evidence from the samples of legal- sized yellow perch that the 1942 year class also was one of exceptional strength. The year classes of 1936 and 1944 are believed to have been of more than ordinary size. 24. No relation between strength of year classes and meteorologic conditions could be demon- strated. 25. The commercial catch (legal size) of both impounding and gill nets was dominated by age group III in the spring and early summer. Domi- nance by group-II fish was characteristic of the late-season catches of both types of gear, although there are exceptions when age group III may be dommant in both gears dui-ing the autumn. 26. The sex ratio was determined to be 96 females to 100 males in the combined data from all samples except those obtained in AprU, when the ratio was obviously distorted. Evidence was obtained of segregation according to sex in all months from AprU to November, inclusive, except September. It was pointed out that the number of samples employed, as well as the number of individuals examined, was important in the accm'ate determination of the sex ratio. The relative abundance of females in a year class increased with age. 27. Male yellow perch in Lake Erie matured at an earlier age and at a smaller size than females. Practically all males were mature or maturing at a total length of 8 inches. Proportions of females matm'e or maturing at different total lengths were 48.4 percent at 8 to Scinches, 86.1 percent at S>% to 9 inches, and 97 percent at 9 to 9/2 inches. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alm, Gunnar. 1917. Undersokningar rorande Hjalmarens naturfor- hall§,nden och fiske. Medd. Kiingl. 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Segekstrale, Curt. 1933. t)ber scalimetrische Methoden zur Bestiramung des linearen Wachstums bei Fischen, insbesondere bei Leuciscus idus L., Ahramis brama L., und Perca fluviatilis L. Acta Zoologica Fennica, vol. 15, pp. 1-168. Smith, M. W. ■ 1939. The fish population of Lake Jesse, Nova Scotia. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci., vol. XIX, Pt. 4, pp. 389-427. SVETOVIDOV, A. N. 1929. To the question of age and growth of perch, roach, and pike from the Lake Krugloe. (Russian: Reference based on translation by John Dubrovsky.) Revue Zoologique Russe, Tome IX, Livr. 4, pp. 3-20. SviDERSKAJA, A. K. 1930. The age and growth rate of perca fluvialilis (L.) from the Lake Ubinskoje. Rapt. Siberian Sci. Sta. Fish., vol. V, No. 1, pp. 153-186. (Russian: English summary.) Townsend, Charles Haskins. 1928. The public aquarium. Rept. U. S. Commr. Fisheries for 1928, App. VII, pp. 249-337, 47 figs. Van Oosten, John. 1923. The whitefishes {Coregonits clupeaformis) . A study of the scales of whitefishes of known ages. Zoologica, vol. II, No. 17, pp. 380-412. 1929. Life history of the lake herring (Leucichthys arttdi Le Sueur) of Lake Huron as revealed by its scales, with a critique of the scale method. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, vol. XLIV (1928), pp. 265-428. 1932a. The maximum age of fresh-water fishes. The Fisherman, vol. 1, No. 11, pp. 3-4. 1932b. Experiment's on the mesh of trapnets and legis- lation of the commercial fisheries of Lake Erie. Trans. .\mer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 62, pp. 100-107. 1936. The mortality of fish in Lake Erie. Great Lakes Fisherman, vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 2-3. 1937. The age, growth, and sex ratio of the Lake Supe- rior longjaw, Leucichthys zenilhicus (Jordan and Evermann). Papers Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, vol. XXII (1930), pp. 691-711. 1938. The age and growth of the Lake Erie sheepshead, Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque. Papers Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, vol. XXIII (1937), pp. 651-668. 1944. Factors affecting the growth of fish. Trans. Ninth North Amer. Wildlife Conf., pp. 177-183. 1948. Turbidity as a factor in the decline of Great Lakes fishes with special reference to Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 75 (1945), pp. 281-322. Van Oosten, John, H. J. Deason, and Frank W. Jobes. 1934. A microprojection machine designed for the study of fish scales. Jour, du Cons., Cons. Perm. Internat. Explor. Mer., vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 241-248. Van Oosten, John, and Ralph Hile. 1949. Age and growth of the lake whitefish, Coregonvs clupeaformis (Mitchill), in Lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 77 (1947), pp. 178-249. Weller, Thomas H. 1938. Note on the sex ratio of the yellow perch in Doug- las Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan. Copeia, No. 2, 1938, pp. 61-64. Wright, Stillman, and Wilbur M. Tidd. 1933. Summary of limnological investigations in western Lake Erie in 1929 and 1930. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc, vol. 63, pp. 271-281. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director FLOUNDERS OF THE GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA IN AMERICAN WATERS By Isaac Ginsburg FISHERY BULLETIN 71 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNn ED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON: 19 5 2 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, \\'ashington 25, D. C. Price 60 cents CONTENTS PagiSina and P-'iendo/ho-mhiis, as the species of these three genera form an inter- related, closely knit, and compact group. A seri- ous drawback to a I'ational study of their life his- tories is the difficulty of properly distinguishing the species, which are so closely related that where two or more occur together considerable difficulty lias been encountered in tiying to refer specimens to their respective species. It is true that Jordan and Gilbert (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 16: 8i;-2-823, 1883) long ago indicated in broad outline the structural characters by which the connnon species may be distinguished; but in Parulichthys that did not prove sufficient. Descriptions based on a few specimens may be of use in separating matei'ial in btdk, but they are insufficient to identify a consi(leral)le percentage of individual fish. The chief characters distinguishing the species are of a meri.stic nature. The extent of intraspecific vai'ia- tions in these characters is considerable. More- over, the species are closely related and they ap- proach one another or even intergrade somewhat in these characters. Consequently, when speci- mens at or near the border line with respect to one or more structural characters are examined, they a))])ear to be inseparable specifically, and doubt is thus cast on the distinctness of the species. The difficulties encountei-ed in properly distin- guishing the species concerned may be appre- ciated by a consideration of two treatises dealing with those species. Hildebrand and Cable (Bull. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries 46:464, 1930) state: "■. . . the present writers are unable to separate the representatives of this genus [Parali^tithy^^, occui-ring locally [at Beaufort, N. C], into more than two groups (species?) . . ." The fact is that three common species are present at Beaufort. The data given by these authors on the chief dilfer- entiating characters nearly agree with those de- termined by me. Many of their specimens formed the basis of my studies. Their figures 79-81 rep- resenting the frequency distributions of the num- bers of gill rakeis and anal and dorsal rays evi- dently are bimodal polygons which, taken sepa- rately, would nn(lerstan(lal)ly lead to the state- ment quoted above. However, it is of the utmost importance to correlate the data on wliirh the pHrg, .Tour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 26. pp. 130-133. 1936. In that paper I discuss briefly some of the differences between the present treatment of the species and that in Norman's work. Where necessary the discussions are here amplified under the accounts of some of the species. identified, it becomes necessary to investigate the chief distinguishing characters by statistical methods ; in other words, it is necessary to deter- mine in detail the variability of these characters of each species separately, showing precisely their limits and their normal frequency distributions, and to correlate them. That has been accom- plished during the present study for the com- mon species, as far as available material permits. It now becomes a comparatively easy matter to separate the species. There is seldom trouble in placing individual specimens, certainly not more so than in many other closely related species. A study such as that reported in the following pages manifestly must precede any consistent study of the life history of each species. Besides studying their taxonomy, the known and scat- tered data regarding the biology and the econom- ics of the species have been digested and con- densed, and original observations included. This pa]ier treats of those species that inhabit the At- lantic and Pacific coasts of North and South Am- erica. The species are so closely interrelated that it is necessary to treat them as a group in order to understand them fully. In stating proportional measurements of cer- tain parts throughout this paper, the figures given refer to percentage of the standard length. State- ments of the size of specimens refer to the total length, including the caudal fin. Measurements of the eyeball and orbit are those of the ujiper eye. The stated number of scales refers to the number of rows over the straight part of the lat- eral line unless otherwise specified (p. 271). The diagnoses include only those characters which are of importance in distinguishing the species. Counts and relative proj)ortions are mostly given in general statements in the diagnoses. More detailed data are in the tables which form part of and should be used in connection with the diag- noses. In the following accounts of the species, the given numbers of specimens e.xamiiied are (hose in the United States National Museiun Catalog, unless otherwise indicated. All illustrations accompanying this paper, ex- ecuted with such obvious skill, were prepared by Louella E. Cable. Figures of specimens represent reworked photographs, which were made in the Smithsonian photographic laboratory. FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 269 COMMON NAMES Since these flounders ;ire common or abunilant fooil fi^shes, it is esjjecialiy desirable for each species to have a distinctive common name which may be uniformly applied to the same species throughout its ranire. An attempt is here made to introduce such conmion names for the species of Paralichthys that occur in the waters of the United States. It is well known to those who deal with the fishes of the country as a whole that the mul- titude of common names applied to a given species is confusing, especially with food fishes that enter the cliannels of trade. Xot only are species often known by different names in different sections of the country, but frecjuently this occurs in adjacent communities of the same State. It is even more confusing when a name is applied in one locality to a particular species, and in another to an en- tirely different species. In this paper, therefore, a distinctive English name is suggested as a uniform counuon name for the species. SAMPLING The chief cliaracters used for separating the species are of a meristic nature and vary within rather wide limits. The variations are of the usual frequency-distribution type and lend themselves readily to the ordinary methods of statistical studies of such variations. It is evident, there- fore, that in any study of these characters it is important to sample the individuals examined in such a manner that the resulting frequency dis- tribution, as tabulated, represents as nearly as pos- sible the living population of the species in the water. The importance of a representative sample in studies of fin ray counts for instance, is forcibly impressed after gaining considerable experience in such studies. It may be readily observed in species in which the number of fin rays varies within considerable limits that sj^ecimens obtained in the same haul of the net will sometimes tend to grou]) themselves either near the beginning or near the end of the frequency distribution of the species as a whole. Therefore, in oi-der to portray adequately the meristic characters for each species, the method of selecting the sample to be studied is of importance. If, let us say. the fin rays of one hundred specimens are enumerated and tab- ulated, and all the specimens are obtained in a single iiaul of the net, the lesult is apt not to pre- sent a true picture of the species. On the other hand, if the hundred specimens are taken at ran- dom, one each, from as many hauls in different localities, the result is apt to present a fairly good view of the normal variation of that ciiaiacter witliin the species as a whole. The individuals employed in this study represent specimens ob- tained by methods intermediate between these two extremes. They were those obtained in the ordi- nary course of extensive collecting, when the tend- ency on the part of the collectoi- is to save a few specimens out of each haul as a sample, especially when any haul yields too many individuals of one species. All the individuals tabulated herewith are a composite of many such samples generally ranging from 1 to 10 specimens m each sample. Only three samjiles had more tlian 10 specimens, the highest number being 21. Tlie frequency dis- tributions thus obtained for the more common species probably represent fairly those of the re- spective species, at lea.st near enough for practical purposes. (The question is further discus-sed on p. 276 in relation to tlie tliree common east -coast species.) STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES DISTIN- GUISHING THE SPECIES For the practical purpose of the proper distinc- tion of the three common eastern species, it is onlv necessary to enumerate correctly for any given specimen, the gill rakers, the anal rays, the dorsal rays, and the scales. The importance of the character's is in the order stated. These struc- tural characters in combination with evident dif- ferences in the color pattern will serve to distin- guish individual fish of the three common si)ecies of the east coast. Proportional measurements in the east coast species are generally' of secondary importance. However, when all the species are taken into consideration these generalizations do not hold altogether, and the important differenti- ating characters are pointed out under each spe- cies. Also, when all the species of the genus are considered, the structure of the scales, whether cycloid or ctenoid, and the presence or absence of accessory scales is of much importance in classi- fication. In distinguishing the species in general, leliance nuist lie ])laced to a lai'ge extent on the nunil)ei- of 270 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE gill rakers, fin rays, and scales. As these numbers vary within wide limits within the species, and individual fish of closely related species may ap- proach or even overlap in these respects, it is evident that the course of the student in his at- tempt to properly distinguish the species is beset with many pitfalls. By way of illustration, it may be pointed out that a specimen of lethostigma, for instance, having 65 rays in the anal fin may be con- sidered as conspecific with a specimen of alh'tgutta having 62 rays, rather than with another specimen of h-thoxtiyma having 72 rays, as far as this one character is concerned. Of coui-se, in the proper identification of any given specimen all the char- acters must be taken into account, but the student will be greatly aided in reaching the correct con- clusion, if instead of the simple range of each meristic character, he has before him tables show- ing the frequency distributions of these charac- tei-s. Such tables are therefore supplied here, as far as availal)le material permitted. In addition to their practical value, the tables afford valuable evidence going to prove the distinctness of closely related species, where doubt may exist. Table 1. — Fiequencii fHntribiitimi hi/ number of ohliqiie rovs of scales over straight part of lateral line to end of hypiiral. Number of scales Spocios 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Hippodossina 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 — 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Pseudorhombus 2 1 Paralichthys 1 1 5 5 1 1 7 2 2 2 1 8 1 4 2 1 3 16 1 4 4 1 2 11 7 6 3 3 5 1 3 1 2 2 8 1 6 2 2 2 2 ..- 1 'I' 2 4 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 2 ■" ... 2 1 8 U " 1 3 X 8 2 6 — 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 albigutta. 2 1 1 6 5 7 18 16 10 9 — — — --- 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 12 11 15 17 20 8 7 11 8 5 5 — 1 1 i" 2 — 1 2 1 2 -■ 1 SCALES The cycloid or ctenoid character of the scales is of primary importance in the major division of the species comprising the genus Paralichthys and is of much help in the identification of the species of this genus as well as of related genera. In the Fishes of North and Middle America, by Jortlan and Evermann (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 47, Pt. 3, 1898), a general work used by ichthyologists to identify American fishes, this character is inade- quately treated. In the definition of the genus (ibid. p. 2624) the statement is made "scales small, weakly ctenoid or ciliated." This is not true of all the species ; and in the descriptions of some of the species the scales are correctly described as "smooth" or "cycloid." It is interesting to note that in the same work, the two genera which are closely related to Paralichthys^ namely, Hip- poglossina (p. 2020) and Lioglossina (p. 2()2'2), as limited by those authors, are distinguished by the scales, ctenoid in one and cycloid in the other. This character is also of importance in forming major divisions of the species comprising the genus Paralichthys. The presence or absence of s])iiiules on the scales was found to be the most con- stant of all characters used in the distinction of the species, with the exception of P. assfuarius and Hippoglossina oblonga (the latter species being assigned to Paralichthys by Jordan and Evermann in the work cited). In H. oblonga the number of spinuliferous scales is highly variable, but a few are always present on the caudal peduncle of the blind side in specimens over 75 mm. long, and the eyed side of the head always has spinuliferous scales in large specimens. In P. aestiuirius, it is an age character, the scales of the eyed side being all si)inuliferous in fish less than about 160 mm. in length. The spinules are gradually lost after that length has been reached; the scales become cycloid in specimens over 220 mm. In the other FLOI'XDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 271 sppries. tliis diaractcr is constant at all apes, al- ilioiiirli in veiy large fisli the spinules in the species liavinir tliem sometimes are com])aratively less niaikeil. In ver}- large specimens they sometimes change to coarsely granular asperities, but the 4 35 1 23 2 2 29 albieutta 4 23 29 32 s 1 tropicus - . . 1 10 1 6 63 66 squamilentus. .. 6 6 3 FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS ANB RELATED GENERA 273 7. 40 30 20 10 1 1 1 V- — \ ' — le thoA m j \ \ \ I N^^ 1 1 \ \ dtbi^utid / ^N^ k 1 1 i \ ' Mentalu9 \ 1 / 1 \ \ / \ / 1 ! \ \ \ / \ / I 1 \ 1 \ \ \ / \ \ ■\ ) a 12 13 14 NUMBER OF (ilLL KAKKKS 15 16 17 18 FiGiRE 1. — Frequpney distrilmtinn by miiubor of ;;ill rakers on lower liuili of outer frill arch of three common east -coast species of I'aralichthi/s. Number of specimens: 115 cleiitdtiis, IK! Utlwstiymu, 93 tilhiijiittii. gill arch its triangular outline may be readily traced, but often it is very faint. In this study the uppermost gill raker was arbitrarily included when it projected sufficiently above the surface of the gill arch so that it could be manipulated with a dissecting needle. When it was adherent to the arch even though its outline was evident it was not included in the count. It may also be stated that such specimens are comparatively few, and any slight differences in counts which may be made by different observers would have little effect on the final result when large numbers are studied. In this study all the counts were made by me. The counts of gill rakers as here recorded were all made on the blind side because of greater convenience in counting. The two sides sometimes varA' slightly in mniiber; but in the small number of specimens in which counts were made on both sides, as a test, there was no average difference in comparing both sides. The counts were then all made on the blind side for convenience and to insure uni- formity. ANAL RAYS Xext to the gill rakers the number of anal rays constitutes the most important character for sep- arating the three common east coast species, the intergrading individuals being few. This char- acter is especially valuable in separating alh'xjutta fniiu lioth (fciifiitKx and Itthostiymu. A glance at Tahle ." ). — -Fri'iiinncii lli.- in 6h timi li / limit hr " of riiiis 1)1 Ihi II mil Jin Species Number of anal rays 46 47 48 49 SO SI 52 53 54 55 5t> 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 7si76;77 1 1 Hippoglossina bollmani > 1 1 1 2 1 mystacium 1 1 stomata . 1 --- 1 2 7 2 1 1 ... 1 2 1 6 I 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 ... ... 1 FsfUdorhoinbus 1 1 1 1 Panilichthys i • 1 adspersus 1 23 i7' 3 16 5 4 3 5 £ 6 2 2 5 3 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 4 6 14 26 aestuarius _ 3 3 1 8 8 4 8 3 1 1 4 2 1 2 brasiliensis .. .. 2 1 11 1 S i 5 4 13 2S 21 12 18 6 6 5 albiEutta _. 1 1 4 10 16 16 26 17 1 ... ... ... "2 1 i 2 io" is" 2S" 27" si" 13 ii' ■»■ i' 1 ... 1 3 3 6 980335° -52 2 274 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 22 20 a I 18 •J. K < a P4 i \ - — / \ V / \ \ / ah '■>^s uH d / \ \ d eni ■at 'IS' — / \ / / / I kfhcsh^tn^ / \ x^ I \ / 1 / i \ \ / \ // \ \/ i y // \ \/ I 1 .X \ // \ I \ i \ // \ \ \ —f- i \ \\ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ j \ J -V\ i \ \ 1 // \ \ 1 i \ 1 / 1 1 I ^\ \ / / \ / X 1 \ ■.^_ ^"^ 55 5f S5 S6 51 58 59 60 61 6Z 63 6i 65 66 67 68 NUMBER OF ANAL KAYS ^ 70 71 1Z 75 n 7S 76 77 FiGTTBE 2. — Fre(iuency distribution by number of anal rays of tliree foninion east-coast species of I'driiliclillnis. Xumlier of sijecimeus : 117 dtntutus, 153 lethustiyma. 111 allnyutta. figure 2 sho^YS the essential specific divergence of ulbigutta from those two closely related species. Because the fin ray counts overlap more or less, while at the same time being of prime importance in separating the species, it is essential to make an accurate count when using this character. In this ' study every fin was counted twice, once on either side, as a check. Since the fin rays are many and the labor of counting tedious, great care and jjatience must be exercised to insure an accurate count. In practice, some means may suggest them- selves to check the counts on both sides of part of the fin. For instance, most specimens have places where the interradial membrane is con- spicuously broken. The number of rays up to such a point is jotted down and when the count is made on the other side this number is checked. Again the count may be made in groups of five or ten rays, a dissecting needle being used to point off the groups. By adopting some such means of facilitating the count accuracy is possible. DORSAL RAYS Although in the three common eastern species the number of dorsal rays intergrades to a con- siderable extent (fig. 3), it is a useful character, supplementing the two previous ones for distin- guishing doubtful specimens. In the separation of cariforruc'us from aestuarhtfi, the numbei' of dorsal rays intergi-ades somewhat less than the number of anal rays. The methods of counting and recording the munber of dorsal rays were the same as stated for the anal rays. CORRELATION IN THE NUMBERS OF ANAL RAYS AND GILL RAKERS Figures 1 to '?> show that the inimber of gill rakers and that of the anal rays constitute the two most divergent characters. By plotting these two counts, one against the other, in a correlation table (fig. 4), a striking proof of the essential specific divergence of the three common eastern species is obtained. Figure 4 has been prepared from the FLOUNDERS OF GF.^•US PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA Taulki;. — Fri 't Z Figure \ — // \ \ -d mit mg / \ , ^d) m tiji n^i ^N \ \ ^ dlbi %ut t3. 1 \ / \ / / \ 1 -1 1 1 \ \ 7 / \ / \ 1 \ \ 1 1 \ 1 1 / ' \ 1 1 / \ 1 1 1 / K / \ 1 1 1 \ 1 / \ 1 < / \\ 1 r \ - \ • /■ / ^ y \ ( V \ N V y' / ^ /\ / \ K \ ' \ ^N 71 7Z 15 If 7S 76 77 78 79 80 81 8Z 83 8f 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 9Z 95 94 9S 96, NTMIIKR (IF DOKSAL KAVS 3. — Frequency ilislrilmtion liy iiunilier of dorsal rays of iliree eoiuinnii east-coast species of I'ltnilirhtliiis. Nuiii- lier of siiecinieiis: 11(1 dciitiilKx, 140 li IlKi.slii/iiid, ll)".> iilhiiiiiltii. roiiorh (lata Ii(>fofe attciiipting to segregate the specimens into tlieir respective species. .V mere inspection of figure -4 siiows convincingly how the specimens are massed into thice fairl}- well (lefineil gi-oiips. These tliree gionps represent: (1) alhhjiitta showing a correlation of low gill raker and fin ray counts; {•!) lethoKtignui having a combination of rehitively few gill rakers and many fin rays; (3) thutntiiH being cliaracterized by relatively many gill rakers in correlation with many fin rays. Wliile tlie hulk of the specimens are concen- lral('(l at tiiree well sepaiiUed legions, smalU'r numbers of specimens radiate diffusely from ilie I hree centers of concentration and it is not possible to draw sharp lines of demarcation sejiarating the three species by these characters akine. The proper placement of specimens at or near tlie border line is discussed on page •2S'2. After sucli somewhat doubtful specimens are properly placed the boundaries may be drawn between the species witli assui'ance, and tliev are indicated \\\ a broken 276 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE line in the chart. In only one of the squares does the broken line cross. That is, of tlie total number studied only two specimens of alblgittta and one of lethostigma have the same correlation of the number of gill rakers and anal rays. Such speci- mens must be assi g 18 1 1 t '9 M o ^ 20 II II III 1 I 1 1 2/ III tHJ lUJ nil nil r 1 Ill 1 2Z 1 f 1 r rNj III III 1 1 23 1 ffV ?i^ nil tHJ 1 1 II z-i II II 1 1 II Si- 55 56 57 5a 59 60 61 6Z 6i 6f 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ^^. 73 7'f^ 75 76 77 NUMBER OF AXAL RAYS Figure 4. — Corrplation between total number of Rill rakers on first gill arch and number of anal rays, of three common east-coast species of PnmWehthija. (See p. 274). Each mark represents one specimen; four marks with a cross line represent five specimens. FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 277 On tlic otlier liaiul. llic inarkfd rci;uhnit.v slinwii liy tlic distribution of the gill-niker count of li thostlgiiM is apiJaiiMitly due to the fact that it is based on material tiiat is not entirely homoge- neous. A combination of the somewhat heteroge- neous data happened to result in a markedly regu- lar distiibution in this case. The more detailed analysis of tlie data for this count is given on page ;^;^2, which shows that the distribution for the combined populations of Texas and Louisiana is not quite so regular as that shown in figure 1. The same may also be true of alhUjntta. The geographic origin of the specimens form- ing the basis of the graiihs is as follows. The total number of specimens tabulated are dlhigufta^ 111; dentatuH, 120; and hthortlgma, 159. The three charactere were determined for nearly all these specimens; in a few exceptions one or an- other character was indetermiiuible on account of injury. The localities of capture of these speci- mens are: alhigntfa, 71 in a mixed lot from Beau- fort, N. C. and Kej' AVest, Fla. (see footnote on p. 279). 20 from Texas. 13 from Florida, and 1 from South Carolina; dentatus, 71 from Chesa- ]>eake Bay, 45 from Beaufort, N. C, 2 from South Carolina, and 2 from Georgia; lethosfigma, 100 from Louisiana, 34 from Texas, 15 from Beau- fort, N. C, 4 from Georgia, and 2 each from Flor- ida, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The great btdk of the specimens in every case thus came from two localities. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show that we are dealing here with three entirely distinct species, although the samides studied apparently are not altogether re])resentative. and somewhat insufficient as to number. The distributions based on the speci- mens examined are somewhat irregular and each species differs to some extent with the locality; but the data presented prove conclusively that each species has its own characteristic distribu- tion iind fairly well-defined limits. It is evident that a fairly good idea of the speiitic distributions and their limits may be gained from the deter- mined (lata; but a study of more specimens and sani])les more nearly approaching perfection should serve in smoothing the distributions. It is of particular interest to determine further the (iillVrences witii local stocks in the distributions of the variabU' characters. COLOR PATTERN A cursory examination (jf tiie species of Para- liclifhyx, in general, shows them to be irregularly blotched. After handling these fishes for some time, however, one ma}' sec a definite generalized color pattern; differences in this pattern, on closer examination, are of some a id in ilistinguishing the species. The generalized color pattern of the genus may best be discerned in some young fi.sh, especially in those in which the pigment is of medium intensity, neither too dark nor too light. The fundamental, typical color pattern may be said to consist of five longitudinal rows of spots on a variably shaded background, one row along the midline, one under the base of the dorsal, one over the base of the anal and two intermediate rows, one between the median and up]>er rows and the other between the median and lower rows. (The spots are sometimes rather irregularly arranged and appear to be in 7 irregular rows, see pp. 306, 307, and 312.) The rows may be designated for convenience in discus- sion as subdorsal, upper intermediate, median, lower intermediate and supra-anal. The spots in the subdorsal and supra-anal rows are generally smaller than in the other three rows. The spots in the median row are generally diffuse, except one spot situated about three-quarters of the way from the gill opening to the base of the caudal fin. In many species this is the most con- spicuous spot on the body and in the following discussions it will be designated as the ])re])e- duncular spot. The value of the color ])altern in distinguishing species lies chiefly in the fact that certain spots in certain locations, depending on the species, are most prominent. For instance, in dcntafun, usu- ally, the three most pi'omini'nt spots are ocellated and are situated at the angles of an imaginary tri- angle, the apex of which is formed by the prepe- duncular spot, while the base is caudad of the apex and is formed by the two posterior spots of the subdorsal and supra-aiuil rows, respectively. This will be designated hereafter as the small triangle. 278 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE In alhiguttn, the three most prominent spots .ire also ocellated and form an imaginary triangle, the apex of which is also the prepeduncular spot, as in cJriitatus ; the base, liowever, is situated cephalad of the apex and is formed by the two anterior spots of the upper and lower intermediate rows, respec- tively. This will be designated as the large tri- angle. Both of these imaginary triangles are pres- ent to a greater or lesser extent in both species. In alhi(fiitta, the spots forming the large tri- angle are the most jirominent and nearly always present; those forming the small triangle are less prominent, or faint, or absent altogether. In dentahis, the spots in the small triangle are usually the most pi-ominent and nearly always jiresent; those in the large triangle are usually well marked, but not so prominent as the others, often about as prominent, sometimes rather faint. In letho- stigma all spots are usually rather faint; some- times the spots in the large triangle are somewhat more prominent, but they are not ocellated. The difference in coloration in the three common species is thus not absolute, it consists of an un- equal development in intensity of pigmentation of different parts of the same color pattern. This being the case, and considering also the variability of intensity of pigmentation with individual fish, it may readily be expected that specimens will freciuently be encountered which could not be placed by color alone. However, the majority of specimens may be referred to their proper species by color differences. As an illustration, the fol- lowing test may be cited. A mixed lot of fish consisting of dcnfnfus, alhigufta, and hthoMtigma, from Beaufort, N. C, were separated by color. After the structural difl^erences were studied, it was found that out of a total of 125 individuals thus separated only 14 specimens had been re- ferred to the wrong species; 11 deiitatuH were placed in alhigidta. two of the latter were tenta- tively identified with the former, and one Irfho- sfigina was mistaken for an alhigutta. It should be stated that this test was made before I had much experience in discerning the color differ- ences of the various species. It may thus be seen that in practice, color is a valuable aid in the proper identification of the species when used in conjunction with the morphological differences, although it is not altogether reliable by itself. The ty]iieal color of the other -species could not be well determined with the available specimens, but notes on the color of these specimens are given under the separate accounts of the species. The spots in the five rows, in general, appear to grow fainter with increased size. To a lesser ex- tent this is also true of the most prominent spots, and in very large specimens the typical specific color pattern is often not discernible. A similar generalized color pattern is probably present also in Pseudorhoi/ibvs and possibly also in HippogJoxii'nia and other related genera, but the material examined is insufficient to determine this definitely for those two genera. In Il'ippo- gloKnimi the most prominent spots are in two rows, two or three spots in a row depending on the sub- genus, and appear to be situated in the subdorsal and supra-anal rows. In Pxeudorhomhus the loca- tion of the most prominent spots differs with the species. Taislk 7. — Piotjortiomil iiicusiircmoits of 3 species of Hippusliissiua [Expressed as percentages of standard length] Species and total length of specimens Xumber Depth Maxillary length Maxillary width Headi Orbit Kyeball of speci- mens Range -Vver- age Range Aver- age Range Aver- age Range Aver- age Range .\ver- age Range .\ver- age H. boUmani: 140-167 mm_. . _ 6 1 2 2 7 4 34.8-38.3 36.4 39.8 40.1 39.2 39.2 40.2 13.7-14.9 14.3 13.6 16.1 14.7 15.4 16.9 3. 2-3. 7 3.5 3.0 3.5 3.3 3.8 4.2 30. S-32. 8 31.!) 30.7 31.7 32. 1 32. 3 34.3 11.3-12.1 11.8 10.4 13.2 11.8 11.3 11.3 8. 9-9. 6 9.2 H. mystacium: 183 mm 8.5 H. stomata: 39. .3-40. 9 38. 8-39. 6 36. 8-40. 7 38. 4-42. 4 14.8-15.3 14.4-14.9 14. 6-16. 1 16. 5-17. 9 3.3-3.6 3. 2-3. 4 3.6^.2 4.0-4.6 30. 7-32. 6 31.4-32.7 31..M3.7 33. 4-35. 6 12. 3-14 11.7-11.8 10.9-11.7 10.9-11.6 10. .5- 10. 5 8.9-9.7 7. 8-8. 9 7.3-7.6 10.5 116-125 mm 9.3 138-208 mm 8.4 240-332 mm 7.5 1 Measurements not including the soft scaleless border. FLOl'XDKUS OF OEXUS P.\R.\LICHTm'P AXI) REL.ATED GENERA 279 Tables. — I'miJOi tiomil nn nsunini nts of xoiiii x/Kt-iix nf I'aralii-litliys (Expressed as percentages of standard lenRth] Species and tfttal length of specimens Number of speci- mens Depth Maxillary Head' Interorbital ' Range .\verage Range Average Range Average Range Average P. adspersus: 37-45 mm... 3 3 6 1 5 1 3 23 13 41 11 3 2 1 10 12 12 1 2 2 4 5 2 1 15 1 1 5 5 6 10 10 10 2 4 5 9 8 10 2 10 10 13 «16 12 7 8 7 16 11 15 8 4 4 5 7 4 44. 6-45. 6 46. 1-47. 2 44.5-48.0 45 0 46, 7 46.7 45, .1 45 9 47.6 40,7 40,2 39,7 39.5 39,5 39.2 39,5 42, 1 43, 0 42 7 42 5 44 5 44.7 47.3 46,9 46.4 45 8 46,9 45 0 44.2 44.4 45.4 41.7 42.9 43.7 43. 3 42, 6 42. 8 42. 3 44.2 44, 1 42 8 43.7 43,8 42 4 41,5 43. 4 41,4 45 1 43.6 4,1,0 41.7 42,6 41,5 11,2 42,6 44 3 45,2 44.7 46.2 49.3 49.7 50.7 13 2-13, 5 13. 2-14. I 12.9-13.9 13,4 13.7 13 5 14.1 13.8 13.5 14 3 14 3 13 ,S 13,7 13 4 13.0 12.0 17.9 15,0 14 2 14. 1 14 2 13.8 1.5,7 1.1,4 14 9 13 K 13.9 13.9 13.4 12.5 11.8 14.2 13.7 13.6 13.0 13.1 13.0 13.5 14.5 13, 5 13.5 14.0 13,6 13.3 HO 16, 3 15,6 15 1 1,1.8 1,1.2 15 5 16.0 18.1 15.9 15 3 14.2 14.4 15.2 15.2 16.2 15 3 13.4 32, 9-34. 9 30. 2-32. 0 29. 1-31. 3 34 0 31.3 30.1 29.8 29.4 28.9 32.7 30 3 2H,7 28.1 27.2 26,8 25.0 36.5 30 7 29.4 28 6 29.6 27.6 32 7 31,4 30 3 27 9 27,8 28.3 27.8 25.1 25.1 31.8 29.9 2S.5 26.9 26.6 215.3 27.1 32 9 29.5 28.8 28.5 27.5 26.5 27.5 34.0 31.5 29.8 29.7 29.0 28.7 33.4 31.0 29.2 28.5 26. 6 26, 7 27,0 27.4 3.3.9 30.0 27.1 2.4-2.6 2.1-2.6 74-S6 mm 2.5 90-118 mm ... 2 4 205 mm 3.5 2-22-276 mm 44. 2-47. 1 28. 4-30. 2 2.9-3.4 3.2 4 1 p. californicus: 42-.'i2mm 40 2-41.5 37. 2-42. 3 37. 7-43. 5 37. 2-41. 7 37. 3^12. 4 38.0^0.8 37.9-41.0 13. 3-15 0 13.3-15 2 12 9-14,3 12.6-14.9 12 7-14,0 12.6-13.7 11.9-12.1 30. S-33. 8 27, 9 31,9 27,7-29.4 26, 4-29. 8 26 1-28.0 26, 0-27. 4 24. 9-25. 1 61-85 mm 1. 6-2. 5 1.7-2.6 1.9-3.0 2. 8-3, 3 2. 9-3. 4 3.5-3.6 2.0 94-120 mm 2 1 124-209 mm _ 2.5 22i;-302 mm 3.0 332-371 mm 3 1 473-570 mm 3.6 P. aestuarius: 66-si mm 41. 1^4. 2 41.6-44.9 39. 9^4. 5 14.8-15,3 13.6-14.6 13. 2-15 1 29. 7-31. 9 28. 1-30. 3 26.9-29.8 1. 8-2. 7 1. 7-2. 5 1.8-2.3 2 1 90-119 mm.._. 2 0 12.1-203 mm _ 2.0 220 mm 3.0 330-381 mm 44.4-44.9 46. 7-17. 8 44- 5-19. 6 44, 6-48. 7 44.8-46.7 45. 8^7. 9 13. 2-14. 3 15.4-15 9 14,0-16,3 14, 2-15 3 13. 3-14. 2 13.7-14.0 26.5-28.7 32. 6-32. 8 29, 6-32, 8 29.5-31.4 26. 9-28. 4 27. 5-28. 0 3. 1-3. 1 3. 1 48-57 mm 1. 9-2. 3 2,2-2.7 2. 2-2. 6 2. 7-3. 0 2. 1 14.3-195 mm 2 4 232-21S mm 2 4 300-306 mm 2 9 3 3 P. br:i,'iiliensis: 131-214 mm 40. 2-15. 6 12. 9-14. 2 27.2-28.7 2.2-3.1 2.8 264 mm 2 9 3.4 P. dentutus from Chesapeake Bay: 29-19 mm... 40. 5-42. 8 42. 4-13. 7 40. 8^4. 7 41.2-15 1 41.1-14.0 41.4-45 4 42. 0-42. 6 41,8-16.5 42. 9-45. 8 41.. 1-44.0 Ml.. 1-45 0 42. 2-45. 1 40. :i-45. 6 42. 5-46. 5 42. 2-44. 6 Ml. 7-46. 2 42 7-47. 5 41.9-46.9 43. 1-46. 1 39.3-44.5 40. 8^4. 3 39. 8-43. 6 38. 5-43. 8 40. 8-45. 5 42 0-15. 4 43. 6-16. 7 43. 4-16. 1 45. 2^7. 7 46. 7-50. 8 46.6-52.3 49. 7-52. 1 13. 3-15 9 12.9-14.4 12. 5-14. 2 12. 3-i:). 7 11.7-1.3.9 11.9-13.8 13. 1-13. 9 14.3-14.9 13. 2-13. 8 13.2-14.0 13. ,3-1,1.0 12 7-14.1 12.9-14.6 13. 7-14. 2 15. 2-17. 4 14. 7-16. 7 14.2-15 7 14.6-16.8 14, .1-16. 5 14.1-16.7 1,1.3-17.4 14,7-17.2 H, 7-16.8 13,2-16.2 13,0-15 9 13.9-15 0 14.4-16.0 14. 1-16. 2 15 5-17. 2 14.6-15 8 13.2-13.6 30. 5-33. 7 28. 4-31. 2 27.2-29.8 25. 7-27. 9 25. 4-27. 5 24. 3-27. 5 26.6-27.6 32 1-33. 4 28, 2-,i0. 9 28. 1-.30. 2 27. 1-29. 2 26. 2-28. 8 25,7-27.8 27.3-27.7 32 S-.35. 0 30.1-33.4 28. 3-31. 2 ' 28, 3-31. 1 28. 1-30. 8 27. 5-30. 5 32 4-34. 3 29, .1-32 2 27 2-31. 1 26, .1-29. 8 24, 7-28. 4 21. 8-27. 3 26. 5-27. 6 25. 7-28. 6 32 .3-36. I 28. 9-30. 9 26. 8-27. 4 &4-92mm 1. S-2. 6 1.6-2.2 2. 0-2. 6 2. 1-2. 8 2 5-3.3 3.1-3.3 2.2 102-130 mm... 1 9 159-194 mm... 2.2 20s-255mm... 2.5 30fl-.390mm..- 2 7 400-432 mm 3.2 P. deiitiitus from N'orth Carolina: 75-93 mm... 1.2-2.3 1.4-2.0 1.6-2 3 2. 2-2. 5 2. 1-2. 9 2.6-3.2 1.8 98-1.30 mm 1 8 149-192 mm :.. 2 1 2 3 31iK390mm 2 5 427-141 mm 2.9 P. albipitta: < 29-17 mm 58-95 mm : 1.9-2.7 1.&-2.3 1. .s-2. 8 2. 3-3. 0 2 7-3.6 2 3 102-130 mm 2 0 143-201 mm 2 "^ 207-273 mm 31 1-389 mm . . 3.1 29-17 mm... 59-95mm 1. 7-2. 9 2. 4-3. 1 2 6-3.6 2 8-4. 1 3. 4-1. 1 3. 7-4. 7 4. 0-5. 2 2.2 2.8 3 I 111-132 mm 206-292 mm 310-383 mm 3 9 39.3-172 mm 497-659 mm 4.6 P. squamilentus: 96-120 mm 1.8-2.2 2.4-2 8 2^0 333-370 mm 2.6 * Head lencth from tip of snout to miir^in of operclo. not inclmiine the posterior soft bor'ii-r. 2 Measured between soft margins. 3 One specimen. 189 mm., uim-^ually slender, depth 38.5. This measure- ment is not included in the averaee. * .Specimens measured from the followin? localities: Texas, 10 specimens, 29-47 mm., and 4. .5S-<>8 mm.; Cedar Keys, Fla., 1. 308 mm; all others in a mixed lot from Beaufort, N. C, and Key West, Fla., the labels of many of them lost and not separable definitely. The somewhat irregular changes in pmportional mea.sun'mt'nt,s with growth may be caused by the mixed samnli's. pi^rhaps the number of si>ecimens from each locality unevenly rcpri'.scnti'd in the ditTerent categories. * One specimen, 9'> mm., having an unusually deep body, 49.3. This measurement is not included in the average. Specimen has fA scales and a number of accessory scales, and is evidently not squamilentus. It has the typical color of aVnqntta. * One specimen nol included in this table. 148 mm., an extreme variant, unusually slender and wiih a notably long head and maxillary: depth 37.7; maxillary 17.7; head 32.4; interorbital 2.2. " Another S[K'cimen, 154 mm., having an unusiially long head for its size, 32.1. This measurement is not included in the average. * Specimens from following lociiHiii-s measured and included in the table: in category 29-47 mm. are 8 specimens from Texas; 59-4*5 mm., 7 from Texas; 111-132 mm.. 3 from Texas, and 13 from Ltiuisiana; 134-200 mm.. 1 from Texas and 10 from Louisiana; 20tV2tt2 mm.. 4. s. and 3 from Texa-i, I^>utsiat»3 and North Carolina, respectively: 310-3K:i mm.. 2, 2. and 4. from Texas, (ieorgia and North Carolina, respectively; ;i'.i;{-472 mm., 4 from North Carolina; 497-059, 2 from Texas, and 2 from North Carolina. 280 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PROPORTIONAL MEASUREMENTS In conventional taxonomic accounts of the species of paralichthyx and related species a prominent part of the description is usually com- prised of statements of the proportional meas- urements of various parts, while the statements referring to gill raker, fin ray and scale counts are apparently based on a few specimens; and such important characters as the sti-uctiu'e of the scales, ctenoid or cycloid, and the presence or absence of accessory scales are often left out. However, for the purpose of distinguishing the species properly, proportional measurements are of secondary im- portance, except in a very few cases, the essential requisites being frequency distribution tables of the numbers of gill rakers, fin rays and scales, and descriijtions of the typical structure of the scales and the presence or absence of accessory scales. In this investigation four measurements, the great- est depth, the length of the maxillary, the length of the head, and the interorbital width, were studied in detail, in order to test the practical value of these characters in the proper distinction of tlie species. The length of the pectoral diifers as be- tween woohnani and brasiliensis, and it may pos- sibly show average diti'eiences between some other species. However, it was not investigated in de- tail, since after a cursory examination it was de- cided that it would not be of a more decisive na- ture than the other four measurements. In the genus Hippof/losxinn the upjier eyeball and orbit were also measured, because these measurements are of some importance in separating the sub- genera; while in the subgenus Hii>po(/lo>arating the species placed in H'rppogJossina, but the transition between ex- treme species in these respects is rather gradual. The same is true of the size of the teeth. The species placed in Paralichthys have markedly long, fanglike teeth, while those placed in Hippoglos- shui have rather small teeth; but here also there is a gradual transition, some of the sjDecies placed in Pseudorhombus having the teeth intermediate in size. No sharp lines may be drawn between the major groups, or genera, on the basis of these three characters. The position of the dorsal origin is of consider- able importance. In the species of HippogJossina the dorsal begins approximately over the middle of the eye, while in nearly all other species it begins over the anterior margin of the eye or a little more forward. However, this character does not separate all the species. In microps (p. 301) which, judged by other characters, apparently belongs to Paralichthys, the dorsal origin is over about the middle of the eye. The presence or absence of accessory scales was found to be a good criterion for the generic sep- aration of the species concerned. All the species of Hippoglossina examined lack accessory scales. All those of Paralichthys have such scales. (They are very few in squamiltenfus, p. 333). The fol- lowing exotic species of Pseudorhombus, labeled as such or under their synonyms in the National Museum, were examined for this character, namely, a7\sius, javanicus, jeiujnsn, pentophthal- mus, cirmamoneus, oligodon and oligolepis (Nor- man, Monogr., 1934). These identifications were made by a number of previous workers from time FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 285 to time, but their autlu'iitiiily was not checked. All the mimeiouri si)ecimeiis exaiiiiiied lacked ac- cessory scales. Of the American species, isosceles lacks accessory scales and it is apparently a Pteu- dor/ia»ibiis (p. 299) ; but in the species described as Paralichthyx friocellatus bj' Miranda Rilwiro, which is possibly also a Pseudorhambus, this chaj- acter may vary with individual fish (p. 335). The accessory scales apjjear rather late in the life of the fish and this character is probably a late evolutionary acquisition. In P. dentatus and /'. alhigutta they appear only after the fish has attained a length of about 75-90 mm., and in these two species they seem to develop at a smaller size than in the others. In P. htasiUensis they seem to develop first ii: specimens between 130 and 155 mm. On account of tlieir late appearance the practical usefulness of this character is limited. Tlie relative development of this character also diifers much with the species. For instance, the accessory scales are jjrofuse in large specimens of dentatus and alhigutta, while in hrasiliemis they are rather few in number. This character, there- fore, is seemingly also not of transcendent impor- tance in generic separation. This character was neglected by authors in gen- eral and it is difficult to appraise its true value. Norman (Monogr., p. 46, 1934) states: ". . . the presence of supplementary scales . . . provide features of taxonomic importance." He includes tliis character in the definition of some genera but fails to mention it in others. Later, in discussing Paralichthys isosceles, Norman (Disc. Rept. vol. 1(), p. 135, 1937) states: "... I am not convinced of the value of this character [the absence of sup- plementary scales] in the definition of genera." However, irrespective of the value of this char- acter in the family as a whole, it is evident tliat in the species concerned it is of at least as much value as the other character employed in the delimita- tion of genera. Judged by the species studied by me, it seems likely that it will prove to be of greater value than the other characters for the nui jor divisions of the species, in showing relation- ship and in the separation of genera. Of course, a final solution of the question must wait until tliis character is determined in all the species involved. its development with size, and its individual vari- ability, especiall}' in triocellatiis which possibly forms an exception. The foregoing consideration of the generic char- acters makes it evident that the thi'ee genera as now constituted are not sharply distinguished. Witli the possible exception of the accessory scale character, no other single character will delimit any one of the three genera concerned. The de- limitation of tlie genera de]iends rather on a com- bination of characters and the lines drawn between them are more or less arbitrary. As far as our present knowledge of the morphology of the spe- cies studied is concerned there are substantial reasons for placing them in a single genus, Para- lichthys, divisible into a munber of subgenera. However, they evidently form groups of related species and in view of the comparatively large number of species involved, it is desii'able to split them up into convenient genera. Another cogent reason for adopting this course is that by doing so the current nomenclature of the species will be least disturbed. It is also possible that a further, intensive study of the species will reveal satis- factor}' internal charactei's to separate the genera. KEY TO AMERICAN SPECIES OF HIPPOGLOSSINA, PSEUDORHOMBUS, AND PARALICHTHYS ^ A. Accessory scales absent in large as well as small fish.' Anterior teeth only slightly or not enlarged, sometimes moderately enlarged. B. Origin of dorsal behind anterior margin of eye: eyeball and orbit very large to moderately Large; interorbital reduced to a mere ridge; the three characters occurring together. Accessory branch of lateral line rather poorly develojjed, not reaching dorsal profile. Ctenoid scales either present on both sides or absent on both sides. Most prominent spots either 4 or 6, depending on the subgenus, in two longitudinal rows, occupying nearly the same positions in all the species; prepeduncular spot obsolescent or absent geniis Hippoglossina (p. 287) a. Orbit and eyeball strikingly large, 10.4 to 12.1 and 7.3 to 9.6, re.spectively, in large specimens. Origin of dorsal usually over or nearly over middle of eye in large as well as in small sjieoimens. Preanal spine (first interhaemal) usually well developed and visible externally. Typical color pattern with 6 prominent spots, incompletely ocel- 3 S|K>cii'S of wliich no spocimons were examined are pla<-<'ti in hnickets. See also p. 334 for three specie.'! of doubtful relationship and position. < Small specimens of all the species lack acci'ssory scales, have a narrow interorhitnl, a comparatively large eye, and the dorsal origin is more or le.ss be- hind lh<' anterior niarcin of the eye. Consequently, this key should be used with care in placing small sitfciniens. 286 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE lated. Scales 45 to 56. Anal rays 46 to 55. Dorsal rays 60 to 70. Ctenoid scales present on both sides. Anterior teeth hardly enlarged subgenus Hippoglossina (p. 288) b. Ctenoid scales on blind side extending forward to middle of body or more anteriorly. Depth 42.4 or less. c. Entire number of gill rakers on first arch 11 to 13. Ctenoid scales on blind side usually extending nearly to shoulder girdle, varying to about a vertical through middle of arch. Maxillary with 3 to 6 cycloid scales. Dorsal rays 60 to 65. Anal rays 46 to 51. Depth 34.8 to 38.3; length and width of maxillary 13.7 to 14.9 and 3.2 to 3.7, respectively; head 30.8 to 32.8 (6 specimens 140 to 167 mm. measured). Hippoglossina (Hippoglossina) bollmani (p. 288) 00. Pintire number of gill rakers on first arch 15 to 21. Ctenoid scales on l>liiid side usually not extending for- ward of posterior angle in lateral line, varying to about a vertical through middle of arch. Dorsal rays 63 to 70. Anal rays 47 to 55. Depth 36.8 to 42.4. d. Three cycloid scales on maxillary. Length and width of maxillary, 13.6 and 3, respectively; head, 30.7 (1 specimen 183 mm. measured). Coast of Chile Hippoglossina (Hippoglossina) mystacium (p. 289) dd. Maxillary with a small patch of 7 to 16 scales, all or at least some of them ctenoid. Length and width of maxillary 14.6-16.1 and 3.6-4.2, respectively; head 31.5-33.7 (range of 7 specimens 138-208 mm.) Coasts of California and lower California Hippoglossina (Hippoglossina) stomata (p. 289 1 [bb. Ctenoid scales on blind side present only on posterior third. DejJth 43-45. Hippoglossina (Hippoglossina) niacrops] (p. 291 ' aa. Orbit rather large, 7.4 to 9.3 in large specimens; eyeball 6.1-7.6 in large .specimens. Origin of dorsal usually over space between anterior margin of eye and that of pupil in large siieciniens, nearly over middle of eye in small fish. Preanal spine covered by skin, not visible externally. Typical color pattern with 4 very prominent ocellated spots. Scales, 63-81. .^nal rays, 58-72. Dorsal rays, 72-86 subgenus Lioglossina (p. 293) e. Ctenoid scales present on both sides, their number highly variable (p. 294), but at least a few alway spresent on head of eyed side and caudal peduncle of blind side. Anterior teeth very moderately enlarged. Anterior two spots on a vertical nearer to head than base of caudal. Atlantic. Hippoglossina (Lioglossina) oblonga (p. 293) ee. Scales all cycloid on both sides. Anterior teeth but slightly enlarged. Anterior two spots on a vertical about midway between posterior margin of head and base of caudal. Pacific. Hippoglossina (Lioglossina) tetrophthnlmus (p. 297) BB. Origin of dorsal over or in front of anterior margin of eye; eyeball and orbit varying from comparatively small to rather large; interorbital varying from mediimi width to a mere ridge. Accessory branch of lateral line rather well developed, usually, but apparently not always, reaching dorsal profile. Ctenoid scales present on eyed side (except possibly in tenuirastruni (Norman Monogr., p. 95), present or absent on blind side depending on the species. Color pattern difi'ering with the species, prepedimcular spot prominent in some. Includes one .\merican species, isosceles (p. 299), po.ssibly also triocellatus of Miranda Ribeiro (p. 334) Pseudorhomhus (p. 298) AA. Accessory scales present (very few in squamilenlus) ; usually beginning to develop on the fish reaching a length of about 75 to 150 mm.: their first appearance with respect to length differing with the species and to some extent with individual fish. Anterior teeth strongly enlarged in most species, caninoid, sometimes moderately enlarged, never subequaL Eye rather small. Most prominent spots usually forming a triangle including the prepeduncular spot. Paralirhthys (p. 300) f. Scales on eyed side ctenoid, at least in fish \ip to about 160 mm.' subgenus Paralichlhys (p. 3011 [g. Origin of dorsal nearly on a vertical through middle of eye. Gill rakers on lower limb 18 to 23. Paralichlhys (Paralichlhys) microps] (p. 301) gg. Origin of dorsal approximately over anterior margin of eye, except in the young. h. Clill rakers on lower limb not more than 11. i. Dorsal of blind side not spotted. Pectoral apiiroximately 2 in head. j. Pectoral rays 12. Scales 76. Sinistral. Atlantic Paralichlhys (Paralichlhys) palagonicus (p. SOI) [jj. Pectoral rays 11. Scales 62. Dextral. Pacific Paralichlhys (Paralichlhys) hilgendorfii] (p. 304) ii. Dorsal of blind side spotted. Pectoral 2.3 to 2.4 in head. Sinistral. k. Scales 68. Gill rakers on lower limb 9 Paralichlhys (Paralichlhys) schmitli (p. 305) [kk. Scales 94. Gill rakers on lower limb 11 Paralichlhys (Paralichlhys) fernandezianus] (p. 305) hh. Gill rakers on lower limb not less than 15. 1. Depth 44-48 and scales ctenoid in large as well as in small specimens. Sinistral. Total number of gill rakers 22-27. D. 68-76. A. 54-61. Pacific Coast of South .\merica. Paralichlhys (Paralichlhys) adspersus (p. 306) 11. Depth 37-45, when more than 43.5 (in afi.5»s measured). Entire number of gill rakers on first arch 10 to 13. Accessory scales in rather moderate numbeis or profuse. t. Anal rays 58. Dorsal rays 75. Vertebrae 10-1-26. Interorbital 2.2. Accessory scales profuse ( 1 specimen 321 mm. studied). Trinidad Paralichthys (Chaenopxelta) tropicus (p. 327) tt. Anal rays 63 to 77. Dorsal ra.vs 80 to 95. Vertebrae 10 to 11-1-27 (in 2 specimens). Interorbital 3.4 to 4.1 (in 8 specimens 310-383 mm.). Accessory scales usually in moderate numbers. East coast of United States Paralichthys (Chaennpsetla) lelhostigma (p. 328) ss. Body notably deep, 46.6 to 52.3 in specimens 96 to 120 mm. (7 measured): 49.7-52.1 in specimens 333 to 370 mm. (4 measured). Entire number of gill rakers 13 to 16. Accessory scales very few. .\nal rays 59 to 64. Dorsal rays 76 to 82. Vertebrae 10-|-28 (in 1 specimen). East coast of United States. Paralichthys (Chaenopsetla) squamilentiis (p. 332) HIPPOGLOSSINA dorsal orifjin and in the size of the eye and the teeth, This genus is distinguished from Paralichthys ^'^^ subgenus Lioglossina is ratlier intermediate (for definition see p. 300) and Pseudorhomhus between ParoZ/c/^^/iy..' and the typical subgenus of chiefly bv the following combination of characters. Hippoglossina. One or two species of Pamllch- Accessory scales absent. Origin of dorsal on space ^^'y" ^^'•'^^^ * backward insertion of the dorsal over pupil. Interorbital reduced to a mere ridge in (P- '^"^1 ) • ^ne species, coeruleostwta (p. 335) , ap- large as well as in small specimens. Eve large. parently shows a combination of a ninnber of Teeth small. Scales either ctenoid on both sides fb^racters common to both genera. However, the or cycloid on both sides. Accessory branch of contained species apparently form, on the whole, lateral line rather poorly developed, not reaching ^^^o f=''i'b' distinct though not sharply divergent donsal profile. Prepedimcuiar spot obsolescent; gr()U])s. But, if the two groups of species are rec- most prominent spots 4 or 6, depending on the ognized as distinct genera, ohlon^a which has been subgenus, in two longitudinal rows. Tliis genus placed in Parallrhthi/s by all recent authors must is divisible into two subgenera. be jilaced in Hippoc/loss'nia. The boundary between Hipipoglossina and III/>/>(>(/h)ssi/ia\iieven\\ei\n'v to Pseudo7-ho>nitis, ParaJichtlnix is not sliarp. The accessory scales both genera agreeing in I lie al)sence of accessory are sparse in some species of ParaZzcA^Ays. In the scales. They differ slightly in the origin of the 288 FISHERY BULLETEN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE dorsal, over anterior margin of pupil or a little more backward in lUppoglossina, over anterior margin of eye or a little more forward in Pseudo- rho/tihurS. The typical subgenus of Hippoglossina diverges in a more pronounced manner from Psei(dorhomhus in tliis respect, but the subgenus Liogloss'ma is rather intermediate. The accessory branch of the lateral line is poorly developed in HippogJossina; it is usually well develo]ied in Pseudorhomhus reaching the dorsal profile in most, but apparently not in all the species. The interorbital is reduced to a mere ridge in Ilip- pogloHHina; in most species of Pse^ulo rhombus^ but apparently not in all, it is wider than a mere ridge. The eye in the typical subgenus of Hip- pogJofisina is markedly large, but in the subgenus Lioglossma it is nearly the same as in some species of Pfieudorho7nhus. In HippogJossina ctenoid scales are present on both sides or absent on both sides; in Pseudorhorribus ctenoid scales are pres- ent on the eyed side and present or absent on the blind side. No other characters than the fore- going are now known by which the two genera may be distinguished. Tliey are hardly adequate as generic characters, and the separation of the two genera is now lai-gely a matter of convenience. Subgenus Hippoglossina Hippofflossina Steindachner, Sltzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien 74 (1): 161 (Ichthy. Beit. 5: 13) 18V6 (genotype Hip- poglossina macrops Steindachner by monotypy). A comparative discussion of the differences be- tween this subgenus and Lloglossin-a is given un- der the latter (p. 293). The four known species of this subgenus are confined to the Pacific Coast of North and South America, in rather deep water. HIPPOGLOSSINA BOLLMANI (PLATE 1) Diagnosis. — Scales on eyed side ctenoid on head and body; on blind side cycloid on head, ctenoid on body, the ctenoid scales extending forward to within 3 to 8 rows of gill opening, sometimes to about a vertical through middle of arch in lateral line. Maxillary of eyed aide with 3 to 6 cycloid, more or less embedded scales, usually in one row, sometimes in two irregular rows. Scales 45 to 49. No accessory scales. Gill rakers 11 to 13 in total number; 2 or 3 on upper limb; 9 or 10 on lower. Anal rays 46 to 51 ; dorsal rays 60 to 65. Pectoral rays on eyed side usually 11 (in 5), some- times 10 (in 1) : on blind side usually 10 (in 5), sometimes 11 (in 1). Origin of dorsal very near- ly over middle of eye (specimens 140 — 167 mm. examined). Teeth nearly eqiuil, the anterior ones slightly enlarged. Maxillary extending to a verti- cal through middle of eye or posterior margin of pupil. Eye conspicuously large; body slender; head and maxillai-y of medium length. Sinistral. Color. — Specimens examined faded. Six con- spicuous spots evident, 3 in a longitudital row below dorsal profile and a similar row above ven- tral profile, nearer to profiles than to a median line. Smaller spots evident on caudal peduncle, one each at base of caudal rays, at upper and lower angles, continued on blind side. A row of small white spots close to dorsal profile, and a similar row at ventral profile. Margins of caudal, dorsal and anal on blind side, blackish posteriorly. Specimens examined and geographic distrihxi- tion. — Panama Bay; Albatross Station 2805; lat. 07°56' N., long. 79°41'30" W.; 51.5 fathoms; March 30. 1S88 (41143, the type; 41147, 41156, 41187, 41216, 41250). Number of specimens studied 6, 140 to 167 mm. Jordan and Bollman (1889) state on page 176, "Numerous specimens were dredged at station 2805," and on page 183 they record it from station 2804 as well. The lat- ter station is a little north and east of 2805, namely, lat. 08°16'30" N., long. 79''37'45" W., 47 fathoms; but no specimens from that station are now present in the U. S. National Museum. Distinctive characters and relationship. — This species difi'ers from stomata chiefly in the smaller number of gill rakers as pointed out under the latter (p. 291), where the other characters distin- guishing the two species are also discussed. Its relationship to mystacimn and to macrops is dis- cussed under the latter two species (pp. 289 and 202) . What may prove to be a unique feature of this species is that the number of pectoral rays on the blind side is predominantly one less than on the eyed side. In all species of Paralichthys the num- bers are predominantly the same on both sides, while H. stomata is rather intermediate in that respect. Ilippogloxsina macrops JORnAN and Boi.r.NtAN (not Steindaclmer), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 12: 17.",, isst) (Alba- tross Station 2805). — Jokdan and Bollman, ibid., p. 183 (recorded from Albatross Stations 2805 and 2804). Hippofflossina hollmiDii Gilheht, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 13: 123, 1890 (based on .loidan :inoIh)Mni. As compared with the original description of macrops, this species differs in having a more slender body, a shorter head, and the ctenoid scales on the blind side evidently extend more forward. niltjiof/Iossina macropx Gi'nther, Proe. Zool. .Soc. Lon- don 1881: 21 (Trinidad Cliannel, listed). — Thompson. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 50: 424. 1916 (specimen from off Taita Peninsula forming tyije of nuistnriiiiii) . — Norman, Monogr. Flatlishes, p. 67. 19:^4 (account lia.sed on spec- imens recorded by Uiintber). HilJI)0{/lox.*iii(i miistiii-him (Jinsmiko, .lour. Washington Acad. Sci. 26: 130, fig. 1, 19:^6 (based on specimen recorded by Thompson). — Norman, Disc. Kep. 16: 132, 1937 (iden- tification of specimens from Trinidad Channel corrected). HIPPOGLOSSINA STOMATA (I'l.ATIC 2) Diagnosis. — Eyed side having nearly all scales on body ctenoid, those on head variable, usually nearly all ctenoid, sometimes the majority cycloid, but some ctenoid scales always present; on blind 290 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE side cycloid on head, ctenoid on greater posterior part of body, the ctenoid scales usually extending on midline to about posterior end of arch, in lat- eral line, varying with individual fish, with that point as a center, from a vertical about through the middle of the arch to an equal distance be- liind ; broad wedge shaped areas of cycloid scales usually extending backward above and below the median ctenoid scales for variable distances, some- times the ctenoid scales ending everywhere on the same, nearly straight, transverse line (above de- scription applying to specimens 116 mm. or more; in two small specimens, 54 and 55 ram., ctenoid scales present only on posterior half of body, the spinules probably not having as yet developed on the more anterior scales: compare with account of ollonga, p. 294) . Maxillary of eyed side with a small patch of 7 to 16 scales, usually in 3, some- times in 2 or 4 irregular rows, all or nearly all ctenoid in medium-sized specimens (116-208 mm.) with the spinules rather well developed, some- times a few of them cycloid; in larger specimens (240-313 mm.) most of them apparently cycloid but early ctenoid nature of a few at least always evident by rather weak spinules or gi-anular asperities (in 2 specimens 54 to 55 mm. scales on maxillary rather small, cycloid and embedded ap- parently not far from beginning of development ). Scales 45 to 56; accessory scales absent. Gill rak- ers on first arch modally 18 in total number, vary- ing 15 to 21; 4 or 5, sometimes 6 on upper limb; modally 13 on lower limb, varying 11 to 15. Anal rays 47 to 55 ; dorsal rays 63 to 70. Pectoral rays nearly always 11 on eyed side (in 12 specimens), sometimes 12 (in 1) ; on blind side 10 (in 5), or 11 (in 8). Origin of dorsal very nearly over middle of eye in small and also large specimens, sometimes nearer to anterior margin of pupil than middle of eye in large fish. Teeth nearly equal, the anterior ones slightly enlarged. Maxillary extending to a vertical through middle of eye in 2 specimens 54 and 55 mm., generally to posterior margin of pupil in specimens 116 to 208 mm., to about posterior margin of eye or below the space between the posterior margin of pupil and pos- terior margin of eye in specimens 240 to 334 mm. Eye conspicuously large ; depth medium ; head and maxillary long, gi-adually increasing in length with growth up to largest specimens (compare with discussion on page 281). Sinistral. Color. — Most specimens examined are faded, where color is present it may be described as fol- lows; Ground color a light brownish yellow, ir- regularly speckled with darker; many ring-like spots of a dark brown on body and head, often the inside area of the ring becoming more or less pig- mented like the periphery, except a small area near the margin, thus forming a rounded dark spot with a small lighter area on one side, the lighter area sometimes in form of a short curved band, the spot then suggesting an incomplete ocellus; 6 spots especially conspicuous and persist- ing in nearly all faded specimens, forming a lon- gitudinal row of three spots below dorsal profile and a similar row over ventral profile; the pair of anterior spots usually less prominent than other 4 on a transverse line dividing an imaginary chord of the arch into two une(|ual parts, about three- fifths anteriorly and two-fifths posteriorly; mid- dle pair of spots on a vertical somewhat nearer to head than base of caudal ; posterior pair of spots near ends of vertical fins, extending partly on the fins. A pair of smaller spots on caudal peduncle, one above and one below, at base of caudal rays, more or less evident, these spots continued for a short distance onto blind side. Caudal of blind side, and to a lesser extent also anal and dorsal, shaded with dark in some specimens. In the two smallest fish, 54 and 55 mm., a faint lighter bar, bordered faintly with a diffuse darker pigmenta- tion extending across the fish between each of the jjosterior two jiairs of spots. The color in life, according to Eigenmann, is strongly tinged with blue, with numerous spots of light blue and with five pairs of dark brown ocelli, the alternate ones more conspicuous. The latter spots are evident- ly those which persist in preserved specimens, but their ocellate character disappears or becomes faint after presei'vation. Lcetotype. — Two specimens were described by Eigenmann without designating a liolotype. One of these, U.S.N.M. 41905, 315 mm. in total length, is hereby designated as the lectotype. Specimens examined. — Santa Barbara Channel. off Santa Barbara, Calif. ; Albatross Station 2961 ; lat. 34°22'45" N. long. 119°40'30" W: 21 fathoms; Feb. 11, 1889 (47289). Santa Barbara Channel, off Ventura, Calif. ; Albatross Station 2971 ; lat. 34°20'23" N. long. 119°37'50" W; 29 fathoms; Feb. 11, 1889 (46324). Nearly same position as FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 291 preceding: Albatross Station l'070; lat. 34°20'20" X. lonnr. 119°37'30" W: 2!) fathoms; Feb. 11, 1889 (■16420). Off Avalon. Dakins Cove, Santa Cata- lina I., Calif.. Albatross Stations 3662 and 3663; 47 fathoms. April 8, 1897 (77967). San Pedro Channel, Calif.; Albatross Station 2939; lat. 33°36' N. long. 119°09'30" W; 27 fathoms; Feb. 5, 1889 (46331; 46344). San Diego. Calif.; Al- batross, 1897-8 (59545). Off Point Loma, San Diego. Calif.; in deep water; Nov. 7, 1889 (41905; tlie lectotype). Oft' the southern boundary of California : Albatross Station 2934; lat. 32°33'30" X. long. 117°16' W: 36 fathoms; Jan. 26. 1889 (46421). Oft" Baliia de Ballenas, Lower Califor- nia; Albatross Station 3044; lat. 26°16'15" N, long. 113°42'15" W: 58 fathoms; Apr. 10. 1889 (46419): Albatross Station 3039; lat. 24°27' N. long. 111°59' W; 47 fathoms; April 8, 1889. Off Cape Tepoca. Gulf of California; Albatross Sta- tion 3018; lat. 30° 16' X. long. 113°05' W; 36 fath- oms; Mar. 24, 1889 (46342). Total number of specimens studied 16, 54 to 332 mm. (rcographic and vertical distrihvtion. — The geo- graphic range of the species as established by the material examined extends from off Santa Bar- bara. Calif., to near the northern end of the Gulf of California ; the range in depth being 21 to 58 fathoms. The record by Starks and Morris car- ries the distribution northward to Point Concep- tion. Calif. Gilbert (1915) records a depth of 74 fathoms. Size. — The lai-gest specimen examined 334 mm. (13 inches), 275 mm. without the caudal, stands for the present as the record size of the species. Distinctive characters and relationship. — This species differs from boUniani chiefly in the number of gill rakers, the total number on the first gill arch being 15 to 21 in stomctta and 11 to 13 in boUmani; although it is possible that when larger series are counted the two species may be found to approach one another in that character or even to intergrade. It usually has more numerous scales on the maxil- lary than bollmani, and these scales are ctenoid in- stead of being cycloid as in that species. Most s2)ecimens of medium size may be distinguished by the extent of the ctenoid scales usually extending forward to the posterior end of the arch in the lateral line in stomata. and usually nearly to the gill opening in bolJiiKini. but sometimes individual fish cannot be distinguished on that basis. Other impoitant diffei-ences are found in stomata hav- ing, on the average, more numerous dorsal and anal rays, a deeper body and longer maxillary than bo/hnani, but there is considerable inter- gradations in those characters, although the two species will no doubt prove to have distinct modes even after much greater numbers are studied. This species is evidently more closely related to mystacium than to bollmani, as far as shown by the structui-al characters. The relation of stomata to mystacium and to macrops is discussed under the accounts of the latter two species. Hipiiof/Iossina stniixitu Eicr.xMANN, Proc. California Acad. Sei. (2) 3: 22, l.y.)3 (off San Diego. Calif.; in deep water). — .Jordan and Evekmanx, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mns. 47 (3) :2620, 1898 (after Eifrenmann).— Gilbert, Kept. U. S. Comm. Fish. 1S98:2S. Is'.m (off fatalina Island. • 'alif. ; 47 fathoms). — Starks and Morbis, Pub. Univ. California (Zool.) 3: 242, 1!K)7 (nff s..utl]i'iM part of Lower California, north to Point Conofption j. — Metz, First Ann. Kept. Lagiina Lab., p. 60, 1912 ( Newport, Calif. : reeiirded under Hi/ipof/lossoiiles). — Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 48: 377, 1015 (Point Conception to Ballenas Bay ; 21—74 fathoms ) .— Hubbs, Pub. Univ. Calif. ( Zool. ) 16: 168, 1916 (San Die^io Market).— Starks, California Fish and Game 4: 16S, fig. S7, 1918 (brief general ac- count).— Ulrett and Greeley, Bull. Southern California Acad. Sci. 28 (1) : 20, 1928 (Catalina I., Long Beach, Newport, Point Firmin, Venice, San 1 >iego, all localities in California). — Norman, Monogr. Flatfishes, p. 66, fig. 34, 1934 (reviewed). HippogTossinn boUmani Hiyama, Marine Fishes of the Pacific coast of Mexico, edited by T. Kuiuada, p. .")9, pL 92, fig. A. 1937 (Mexico, no delinite locality given: the inade- qu.ite account agrees most nearly with stomuta and is probably based on specimens of this species). HIPPOGLOSSINA MACROPS This species was described from Mazatlan, the Pacihc Coast of Mexico, based on specimens "11- 12 Zoll" long. The most essential characters as stated in the original description are as follows; Scales on ej'ed side of body all ctenoid, on blind side ctenoid scales present only on postei'ior third, about 52, A. 52. D. 66 to 67, P. 10-12. Dorsal origin over middle of eye. The ligure shows a very large eye and narrow interorbital. Teeth small. Maxillary extending to a vertical slightly behind middle of eye. Depth 43 to 45 ; head 33 or a little shorter; maxillary 13. Steindachner's ligure shows a dextral flounder, but some statements in the original description are evidently based on a sinistral fish. 292 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE No specimens are available for comparison and the relation of this species to the other three de- scribed above must remain somewhat doubtful for the present. An important character, namely, the number of gill rakers is omitted from the original description. It apparently differs from the other three species in that the ctenoid scales on the blind side do not extend as far forward, being present only on the posterior third of the body, and in having a deeper body. It further differs from stoDiuta in having a shorter maxillary. The taxonomic status of this species which is the genotype of Hippoglossina is uncertain. The u.se of the name macrops has an interesting history which has a bearing on the status of tljA-Species, and the different authors are discussed here in chronological order, omitting the four references cited in the synonymy which are based on Stein- dachner's orginal account. The original speci- mens were stated by Steindachner to have been taken at Mazatlan, but later authors ascribed it to the coast of Chile, apparently without compar- ing their specimens with the types. Giinther (1881) merely lists this species from Trinidad Channel without describing his speci- mens. They were later described by Norman as discussed below. Abbott (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1899, p. 475, 1900) records a specimen from Val- paraiso Harbor, Chile, which he states "agi-ees with the description of H. macrops so exactly in every detail as to leave no doubt whatever of its iden- tity." This author concludes that the locality, Mazatlan, given in the original description, is an error. Abbott's specimen is dextral, has 6-f 11 gill rakers and a well developed, antrorse, preanal spine. Lonnberg (Ergeb.. Hamburger Magalh., Sammelr., Fische, p. li, 1907) records tvio speci- mens under H. marrops without describing them, one from Smyth Channel, Straits of Magellan, and one from Coronel, Chile. Later, Norman (1937, see below) cites Lonnberg's record, with a query, under two species, evidently suggesting that the two specimens mentioned possibly belong to one or two species, myfttacmm and macrops. Norman (Monogr., p. 67, 1934) gives a descrip- tion of two of Giinther's specimens under the name of //. mart'ops. Later, Norman (Discovery Kept. vol. 16, p. 132, 1937) examined another specimen from the coast of Chile which proved to differ specifically from the two specimens he previously (1934) referred to macrops. Norman now con- cludes that the two specimens previously recorded by him and by Giinther as macrops belong to mystacium while his later specimen, taken at lat. 38°22', represents macrops. Its essential char- acters are as follows: Scales about 51; ctenoid scales on blind side only on posterior part of the body. Gill rakers 12 on lower limb. A. 56; D. 69. Pectoral of eyed side with 12 rays. Maxil- lary extending to below middle of eye. Head about 33 ; depth 42. It is not possible to surmise what Abbott's and Lonnberg's s]iecimens re]iresent. They must be restuilied and their pertinent characters estab- lished. As to Norman's specimen, it evidently is different from any of the three species examined by me; but whether it represents macrops is an- other question. The fish fauna of Mazatlan, the offshore fishes in particular, are not well enough known to be sure that a certain species does not occur there. Considering that stomata which seems to be closely related, has been taken on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, it is altogether within the realm of possibility that a species corresponding to the description of mjocrops will also be found to exist on that coast, and that two closely related species of the same genus live side by side. Should this surmise prove to be true, the probabili- ties are that none of the 4 specimens examined by the last-named three authors represent macrops, because nearly all of the species treated here have a comparatively restricted geographic distribu- tion. Another possibility is that the original ac- count of macrops is not (juite accurate and that the species here described as stomata repre- sents Steindachner's macrops. This suggestion is fortified by the fact that stomata is a common species and that it has apparently been taken on the Pacific coast of Mexico as recorded by Hiyama p. 291). Hii>i)oglosf:ina macrops Steindachner, Sitzb. Ak. Wiss. Wien 74 (1) : 161 (Ichth Beit. 5: 13), pi. 3, 1876 (Mazatlan, Mexico). — Jordan and Goss Rept. U. S. Comm. Fish. 1886: 242, 1889 (aftPr Stinndachner ).— Jordan and EvERMANN, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (3) : 2621. ISllS (after Steindachner). — Jordan and others. Rep. U. S. Comui. Pish. 1928: 223, 1930 (listed). FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHTS AND RELATED GENERA 293 Subgenus Lioglossina Lmlonxitw GillxMl. Pr.i.-. r. S. Nat. Mns. 13: 122, 1891 (Kfiiot.vpt' lHiiii()"ui UtrophthalmuH Gilbert by original desig- nati(iti). This s(il).srtta ohlonga and as PseudorhomJbus oblotigus. How- ever, later (1896) the same authors state: "The northern limits of its range is marked liy the cap- ture of a single small individual in 1877, off the mouth of Salem Harbor." This would make it seem likely that their previous reference to Glou- cester Harbor was an error, but the authors may have overlooked that record. Thei-e is also a rec- ord from farther north on the register of the National .Musimiiii. apparently unpublished hereto- fore, namely, off Nova Scotia, lat. 45°25' N. long. 57°10' W., 170 fathoms. This record (23905) en- tered in the register in 1880 as Pseudorhombus ohlangiis could not be verified as to the identifica- tion, since the specimen is not available at present. The southernmost record previously published is apparently that of Longley (1941) from off Tortugas. The specimens examined as listed in the preceding paragraph c-over the range from Provincetown, Mass., to Tortugas, Fla. The vertical distribution of the species is in- teresting in that it varies from north to south. Near the northern end of its range, between Mas- sachusetts and New York, it is common in com- I>aratively shallow water just off the coast and in the larger bays and sounds where it is sometimes taken in large numbers between 5 and 15 fathoms. South of New York, however, it appears to be essentially a deei>er-water species, occurring in water beyond the 20-fathom line. This evidently explains the paucity of records for this species south of New York, since so little trawling is car- ried on farther south in deep water. (At the northern extreme end of its range it possibly also occurs in deep water only, judging by the record from off Nova Scotia mentioned in the preceding paragraph.) The greatest depth at which it was taken is 239 fathoms (33023). Biology. — No comprehensive study of this flounder was ever published and very little is known about the life history of the species. Smith (1898) states that : "The fish spawns in May and its eggs have been exjierimentally hatched at Woods Hole. The eggs are buoyant, one-twenty- sixth of an inch in diameter, and hatch in eight days in water having a mean temperature of 51° to 56° F." Bigelow and Schroeder (1936) record the cajjture of ripe specimens in mid-July. Some pelagic larvae taken by Bigelow and Welsh ( 1924) off the coast of New Jersey on July 19 and August 1, 1913, 8 to 11 mm. have been tentatively identified by those authors as belonging to this species. B'ish of about 40 mm. are taken on the bottom with dredges or trawls. The National Museum has a number of young fish for some of which the dates of capture are known. Since it is quite likely that no extensive study of this species will be undertaken for some time to come, it seems desirable to work up the 296 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE data which iire presented in table 9. Tli(> data are too meager for general comlusions. However, they seem to indicate that the young reach a length of 80 to 160 mm. (3 to 6 inches) by the end of September. It seems also that the variation from year to year in the length at a given date is rather moderate. Economic importance. — Although this fish is sold ill the market, there is no way of gauging its importance in the flounder fishery, since those marketed are not sold undei' a distinctive name but are himped with other flounders. Bet'ause of the small size, its economic importance is probiibly not great. It sometimes ocelli's in quantity from New York to Massachusetts beyond the five fathom line and is taken in dredges, trawls, or weirs. At Woods Hole, Mass., it is most common during May and June, while off New York it is "common in rather deep water" in November (Nichols and Breder). Pearson (1932) found it to a small extent in the winter trawl fishery off Virginia and North Carolina. This author, how- ever, does not state whether the species was taken off the coast of both States, or only off the coast of Virginia. Judging by the vertical distribution of this species (p. 295), it seems probable that it does not occur in any numbers in the shallower waters off North Carolina where the winter trawlers operate. Farther .south it is seldom captured ap- parently because the usual fishing operations do not extend to the depths inhabited by this species in southern waters. Pleuronectes oblonffus Mitchiix, Trans. Litt. and Phil. Soc. New York 1: .391, ISl,^-) (New York). Platcssa quudroceUatu Storeir, Prne. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 2: 242, 184,S (Provincetown, Mass.) Plafessa quadrocularis Gill. Cat. Fish. N. Amer. (supp. Proc. Arad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. 1861), p. 51, 1S61 (no desoriiition, only a citation to Storer : change of name either a lapsus, or regarded more appropriate). PIdtessa guddi-orilliitii Storeh. Mem. Amer. Acad. Art.s Soi.. Boston 8: :!97. pi. 31, tig. 3, 18(34: nl.so in Hist. Fi.sh. M.iss., p. 203, ISti" (Provincetown, Mass.). Vhaenopspttfi oMonf/n Giu., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, isr>4 : 218 and 223. Pseudorhomhns oblongus Lyman, Sixth Ann. Rep. Comra. Inland Fish. Massachusetts, p. 47, 1872 (Waqiioit, Ma.ss. ) . Chaerwpsetta oWoiiiju B.\ird, Rept. U. S. Comm. Fish. 1871-72, p. 824. 1sT-i (Woods Hole, Mass. ) .— GoouE and Bean, Amer. Jour. Sci. Art. (3) 17: 40, 1879 (Gloucester Harbor). P.seiiflorhnnihiis ohlofii/us Goode and Bean. Bull. Essex Inst. 11: 7, 1879 f mouth of Salem Harlior ).— Bean, Proc. U. S. Xat. Mas. 3: 79, 1S80 (Noank, Conn.: Woods Hole and Pi'ovinretown. M.'iss. ). Pfirnlichlhiix ohlniu/iix Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 3: 472, INSI (Station 873, off Martha's Vineyard, lat. 40°02' N., long. 712, 11HI4 I Xantiicket, Mass.). — Kendai.i,, Off. Pap. Bosicm SdC. Nat. Hist. 7 (.S) : 147. lOOS (Ga.vhead. North Truid and Moiioiiioy, M.i.d.s Hole, Mass.).— Bigelow and W'r.i sh, ibid. 40 (1): 494, tig. 20.5, 1025.— Nichols and I'.reder, Zoologica 9: 177, fig. 2.52, 1927 (Oi-ient and Sandy Hook Bay. N. Y. ) .— Schroeder. Copeia, 1931: 45 (Off New Jerse.v, lat. 39°2:i' N.. long. 72°18' W., 88 fathoms; lat. 40°04' N.. long. 73''14' W., 28 fath. Off Rockaway, New York. 11 fath.). — Pearsox, I'. S. Comin. Fish.. Inv. Rept. 1 (10) : 24. 1032 (off Virginia and North Carolina, taken in the winter trawl tishery ) . — .VoRiiAx. Mouogr. Flat- fishes, p. 70. fig. 45. 1034 (Woods Hole. Vineyard Sound, and Buzzards Bay. Mass.; off Long Island, N. Y.). Hi/'l'oglossina ohlnuga Gixsruro. .lour. Washington Acad. Sci. 26: 131. 1036 (systematic position discus.sed). Painlichthiiti ohlo)igiis I!i(;ei.ow and ScHROEnEu. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish. 48 (20) : 340, 1936 (southern half of Georges liank: Virginia ('ajjes: depth 10-112 f.ithonis). — LoxGi.EY. Carnegie Inst. Wa.shington Pul>I. 53.5: 39, 1941 (Tortugas. deep water). HIPPOGLOSSINA TETROPHTHALMUS (PLATE 4) D/agnos/ft. — Scales all cycloid on both sides in small as well as lai'iie specimens; 63 to 69. No accessory scales. Gill I'akers rather short, 2 on upper limb of first gill arch with 1 to 4 tubercles above. 9 to 10 on lower limb. Anal rays 58 to t)3; dorsal rays 76 to 85. Pectoral rays 10 to 12 (10 on both sides in 1; 11 in another; 11 on eyed side, 10 on right in 1; 12 on eyed side, 11 on right in another). Origin of dorsal but slightly in front of anterior margin of pupil in large speci- mens, nearly over middle of eye in small fish. Teeth small and subeqiial, a few anterior ones in upper jaw but slightly enlarged. Maxillary reach- ing to a vertical through posterior margin of eye in large specimens, through posterior margin of pupil in small fish. Interoibital reduced to a mere ridge; eye large: depth 42 to 44.6; maxillary 13.9 to 14.1; head 29.5 to 30.1; upper orbit 8 to 9; upper eyeball 6.3 to 6.5 (measurements of 3 large specimens, 274 to 332 mm.; in 1 small specimen, 51 mm.; depth 38.8, maxillary 15.8, head 33.5, eyeball 10). Sinistral. 980335°— 52 5 Color. — Four large, well-marked, ocellated S[)Ots on eyed side in approximately same position as in ohlo)ih'. — This species agrees with ohlonga in all essential s]iecific structural characters, except one. The origin of the dorsal is nearly the same in both species, and they have the same munbcr of gill rakers, fin rays, and scales. The color pattern is also remarkably alike, there being but a slight difference in the position of the two anterior spots. This likeness appears to be a case of real affinity rather than parallelism. The only essential difference between the two species is that fet/o/>htha//iiiis has all the scales cycloid while in ohlo-nga some of the scales are ctenoid. However, in ohlnngn this character is liighly \ariable, sometimes the greater munber 298 FISHERY BULLETDSr OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE of scales being ctenoid and in some individuals the ctenoid scales being very few. Indeed, if the four specimens of tetrophthahmis described above had been captured on the Atlantic coast, they readily might have been taken to be extreme variants of oilonga in which the ctenoid character of the scales was entirely lost, except for the difference in the position of the two anterior spots. The three large known specimens of tetrophthalirnvs have a somewhat deeper body and longer head and maxillary than average examples of ohlonga of approximately the same size, but the latter species varies considerably in proportional meas- urements of the various parts, and when sufficient numbers are measured the two species very likely will be found to intergrade to a large extent in those respects. This species may readily be dis- tinguished from all other related species on the Pacific coast of North and South America by its distinctive color pattern, Liof/lossina fetrophtholmus Gilbert, Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus. 13: 122, 1891 (Albatross Station 3014 and 301(5; Gulf of California, off Tiburon I.). — Jordan and EIveemann, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (3) : 2622, 1898.— Norman. Monogr Flatfl,shes, p. C9, fig. 37, 1934 (based on U.S.N.M. 47268 and 47290).— Breder, Bull. Binshaui Ocean. Coll. 2 (3) : 3, 1936 (San Francisquito Bay, Gulf of California).— HiYAMA, Marine Fishes of Pacific Coast of Mexico, edited by T. Kumada, p. 59, pi. 92, flg. B, 1937 (Mexico, definite locality not given). PSEUDORHOMBUS PscudorhomiHS Bleeker. Versl. Med. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam 13: 436, 1862 (genotype J'seudorhombus arsius (Hauiiltou-Buclianau)=iJ/(o<»6tts polyspilos Bleeker by monotypy). Pseudorhomhiis is intermediate between Hippo- glossina and Pa)xdkhthifs. It lacks accessory scales like Hippoglossina and has the dorsal origin over the anterior margin of the eye or a little more forward like nearly all species of Paralichthys. The interorbital width and the size of the eye and teeth differ with the species which form the inter- mediate links in a series showing a gradual transi- tion from Flippoglossina to Paralichthys in these three characters. The color pattern is either somewhat like one or like the other of these two genera, or like a combination of the two, depend- ing on the species. The prepeduncular spot is prominent in some species; the other prominent spots on the body are in two longitudinal rows in some species. The differences between Pseudo- 7'homhus and Hippogloxsina are discussed on page 287. As compared with Paralichthys, the species comprised in Pseudorhomitis are generally of smaller size and they have a somewhat different physiognomy. Their general appearance is prob- ably what induced most later authors to maintain the species in a genus distinct from Paralichthys. As far as I could find after a review of the litera- ture, two characters have been proposed, hitherto, for separating Pseudorhombvs from Paralichthys, but neither one is tenable. One of these characters was proposed by Jordan and Evermann (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 25. p. 365, 1902) who distinguished P.'i«///o?'^ci;HZ>M.s from Paralichthys by the former having an accessory branch of the lateral line and the latter lacking it. These authors were followed by Jordan and Starks (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 31, p. 173, lOOC). by Weber (Siboga Exped., p. 414, 1913), by Norman (Monogr., p. 61, 1934), and probably by other authors who recognized Pseudorhombus as dis- tinct. However, this character apparently does not hold. In the Indo-Pacific species now placed by authors in the genus Pseudorhombv-s the acces- sory branch is usually more clearly marked and better develojied, extending to the dorsal profile, but ill some of those species it apparently fails to reach there (see Nonnan, Monogr., figs. 59, 61, 63, and 65). The American species under considera- tion also have an anterior accessory branch of the lateral line more or less developed, although it generally does not extend to the dorsal profile. It is best developed in caJifomicus, the genotyj^e of Paralichthys, in which species it generally falls short of the dorsal profile, but in individual fish it often plainly extends to the dorsal fin, to the base of the fifth to the seventh ray. It is evident that as far as the accessory branch of tlie lateral line is concerned, the Indo-Pacific species do not differ generically from calif ornious and should be placed in Paralichthys. The other character is that used by Regan (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. 6, p. 492. 1910) who divides the two genera on the basis of the number of vertebrae, 10 + 24 in Paralichthys and 10 + 27 in Pseudorhombns. He does not state how many species nor the number of specimens examined to see wliether this character is subject to individual variation intraspecifically, or to specific differences FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND KKLATED GENERA 299 within the ^nus. Two dissected specimens of Icthostigma examined by me give counts of 1 1 +:^7 and 10 + 27; of three specimens of denfaf >/.-:, two liave 11+30 and one has 11 +31 ; one .iq-iMmilejitus lias 10 + 28 and one trojneus has 10 + 26. Jordan and (loss (Kept. U. S. Comm. Fish. 1886, ])]). 243- 2-15, 188D) report the ntiiuber of A'ertehrae as: rnlifo7mi(yus 10 + 25, dentatus 11 + 30, alhiguttn and lethostigmu 10 + 27. 77. uhlonga 11 + 30. Tliomp- son (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.. vol. .50, p. 411, l'.)l()) records the vertebrae of hrasHieims as 11 + 23. Tlie number of vertebrae is. tlierefore, subject both to individual variation and to specific ditier- ences, and the numbers found in the American species which are universally accejited as boinii congeneric, cover the range of both Psendo/hom- hxhs and Paralichthyfi as given by Regan. Conse- quently, no two genera can be distinguished on that basis. This leaves the absence of accessory scales as the best character by which P.sf'U(IarJiomhii^'< may be distinguished from Paralichthijs. This char- acter is discussed on page 284. PSEUDORHOMBUS ISOSCELES (PLATE 5) DiagTioKls. — Scales ctenoid on both sides, except those on cheek and opercle of blind side; 4(1 to .">() (counted on blind side in the three specimens ex- amined, scales (m eyed side largely fallen off); perforate scales 24 to 28 in arch and 50 to .M in straight part to end of hypural. Accessory scales absent. Gill rakers on lower limb 8 or 9, com- paratively short; upper limb with one gill raker at angle and 3 to 5 tul^rosities above but slightly raised. Anal rays 66 to (58; dorsal rays 82 to 84. Pectoral 11, sometimes 10 (11 on both sides in two specimens, 10 on blind side, and 11 on the other in one specimen). Origin of dorsal in front of anterior margin of eye. Interorbital narrow, but wider than a mere ridge. Eyes rather large. Anterior teeth vei-y moderately enlarged. Maxil- lary reaching posteriorly to a vertical through hind margin of eye or not quite that far. Depth 47 to 49.8, maxillary 13.9 to 14.:i. head 26.9 to 29.3, u])per eyeball (i to 6.4, up])er orbit 7.5 to 7.9, inter- orbital 1.3 to 1.6 (range of 3 specimens 243 to 260 nun.). Sinistral. Color. — The color is nearly faded. Two large ocellated spots distinct, situated on a vertical al- most midway between shoulder girdle and base of caudal, one at a short distance below the dorsal profile, and one at an equal distance from the ventral profile. A definite prepeduucular spot is not now present; but Jordan describes it in his original account, and a trace of such a spot is faintly perceptible. Ventral of eyed side with a small, oblong, roiuided black spot at its distal margin. tS/tecinien,s examined and geographic dififrihy- fioii. — ^This account is based on three of Jordan's original specimens from Bahia. Brazil, 243-260 nun. (43335; 43.")68; 43371, herewith designated as the lectotyi^e. 247 mm.). Norman's record (1937) extends the range of the species southward to lati- tude 45°05'. Distinctive characters and relationship. — This si^ecies has ctenoid scales on the blind side, unlike any species of Paralichtkys. It also lacks acces- sory scales. In these two charactei's it agrees with the species of Pseudorkomhus. No other, more substantial characters, are now known by which the two genera may be delimited, and if they are recognized as distinct at all, isosceles should be placed in Pseudorhomhits. In their general ap- pearance, i-egularity of arrangement and sharply defined edges, the scales of isosceles resemble those of Pseudorhombus oligolepis (Bleeker) with which it was compared. This sjiecies is readily distinguished from all closely related species of the M'estern Atlantic, except Hippoglossina ol)- lohgn^ by the piesence of ctenoid scales on both sides. It diffei's from H. oilonga in having fewer scales, in having nearly all scales ctenoid and more strongly so, in the color i)attern and in other char- acters given in the key. This species. H. ohlonga and //. fetrophthahmts have a black spot on the ventral of the eyed side. Attention is here called to this fact; because the ])ossessiou of certain color nnirks in common, is often a good indicator of close relationship in fishes. I'lirnJirhtlnix ixoscrh'x .torilan, Proc. T^. S. Nat. Mus. 13: .S:{0. l.S!)(> (I!:ihia, Brazil ).—Ni)i-niaii. Mmnpsir. Flallishes, p. SO, V-VM (liiised on original accdunt). PuiiidorhoDibiis isnitcelcs Uinsl)urf;, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 26: 131. 1036 (systematic position iliscusscd l. PdinliihtltjiH iiiasci ics Norman, Di-scovery Rept. 16: 134, 1937 (from four stations off the coast of Argentina be- tWiH'U lulimdcs 43°o0' and 4r)°05'). 300 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PARALICHTHYS Definition. — ^Mouth symmetrical, large, maxil- laiy reaching a vertical through middle of eye or more posteriorly, position of postei'ior extrem- ity of maxillary depending largely on size of fish. Ventrals symmetrically placed on both sides of abdominal ridge, the fins from both sides sub- equal in length and in -width of base. Pectoral longer on eyed side, base snbequal on both sides, none of the rays notably prolonged. Body sinis- tral in most species, in 2 species varies with indi- vidual fish being nearly as often dextral as sinisti^al (another species is known from 1 dextral specimen). Lateral line present on both sides; with a well marked curve in front over pectoral fill; with an anterior accessory branch more or less developed, usually more or less disconnected from main lateral line, extending forward and more or less upward, generally not reaching dorsal profile, sometimes reaching there as an individual variation. (The accessory branch of the lateral line is somewhat better developed in calif ormcus^ aestua'rius, adspersvis, and woolmani, where it sometimes reaches the dorsal profile, especially in the larger specimens; but is present to a greater or lesser extent in all the species, is highly variable with the individual in its extent, and is evidently of no importance in distinguishing the species.) Teeth in jaws in one row, similar on both sides; the anterior teeth more or less enlarged, caninoid, especially those of upper jaw, but no marked fangs present ; no teeth on vomer or palatines. Scales medium or small ; ctenoid on eyed side and cycloid on blind side (in subgenus Paralichthys; some ctenoid scales infrequently present on caudal ]3eduncle of blind side in adspersus and calif oi'mi- rus, while in aestuari/im the scales on eyed side become cycloid in large specimens) ; or scales all cycloid on both sides at all ages (in the subgenus Ghaenofsetta). Accessory scales present, usually beginning to develop in fish reaching a length of 75 to 155 mm., the first appearance of accessory scales with respect to length differing with the species and to a lesser extent vai*ying with indi- vidual fish. Gill membranes united, free from isthmus. Dorsal origin over or in front of anterior margin of upper eye in mediinn-sized or large specimens, more or less behind anterior margin of eye in j'oung fish, nearly over middle- of eye in adults, also, of one species; anterior dorsal rays not markedly j^rolonged. Rays of vertical fins sim]i]e, except hindmost; posterior 1 to o rays first becoming split in fish reaching a length of 40 to 60 mm., the number of branched rays and the mnnbcr of dichotomous branchings increasing with size ; total number of branched rays in large fish 5 to 15, with the posterior 2 or 3 sometimes branched dichotomously 3 times, except some- times as an individual variation the ultimate ray and less often also the jienultimate remaining simple in large specimens as well. The inter- orbital wider than a mere ridge, except in young fish ; its width not differing notably with sex. Eye medium or rather small, the eyeball usually 5 percent of standard length or less in large or medium specimens. Gill rakers always consider- ably longer than wide, pointed or narrowly rounded at apex; few and more or less short and broad, to many and quite long and slender. Ver- tebrae 10 to ll-t-23 to 31, the number differing interspecifically, and somewhat varying intra- specifically with the individual (p. 299). Caudal roimded in young fish, becoming more or less biconcave in specimens over 100 or 200 mm., the biconcave condition becoming more pronounced with growth, the upper and lower angles becom- ing more or less produced in large fish. (The size at which the gi-adual changes occur and the rela- tive development of the biconcave condition differs somewhat with the species but the differences are not sufficiently pronounced to be used in specific distinction. ) Typical color pattern in 5 longitudi- nal rows of spots, the most prominent spots oc- cupying various positions within the typical pattern depending on the species (p. 277). The prepeduncular spot prominent in most species, forming part of either the large or the small triangle or both. Paralichthys is most nearly related to Hippo- glossina and Pficmlorhomhiis as discussed under those two genera (pp. 287 and 298) . It is divisible into two subgenera, Paralichthys and Uhaenop- setta. The following account of the genus in- cludes all the known species except olivaceus from the coasts of Japan and China. FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 301 Subgenus Paralichthys ParfiHi-lilln/s Gikabd, U. S. I'mc U. H. Explcr. Surv. Znol., 10 (Fish.) p. 14(i, Is.jS IfieiiotyiM' I'mnlhlillii/s inli- U'liiiruii (Ayv(i!i)=ParaUchtliyii vtaculosus Girard by iiiomityin ). Vrijiixttta Gii.i., I'm.-, Aciul. X.it. Sci., riiiladclphia. 1862, I). .'{.SO (gnnotyiii" I'liralklillnin californiciin (Ayres> = Hipixtt/lu.s.iiin califnrnirnx Ayies by motiotypy). I'roiJxcttii Gii.i,, iliid., 1SG4; pp. 1!)4 and lUS, (geiius fharaiteiized for first time). This sul)ij:(Miu.s differs from Chaoiopxctfo in having ctenoid scales on the eyed side. The scales become ctenoid when the fish is small, the smallest .specimens examined already havinp: the scales on the upper side spinulose (;i7 mm., total length of aestuarius and adnfersus and 42 mm., calif onii- c?/.s) . In one species, asfitnanm, the scales gradu- ally lose their ctenoid character in fish between IGO and 220 mm., larger specimens having all scales cycloid witli no trace of their former ctenoid con- dition. This gives a clue as to how the subgenus Chaem>p.setta originated from species having ctenoid scales on the eyed side. Also, occasional specimens of a(Isper.m.s and caJifomlni^i have the caudal peduncle of the blind side more or less with spiiudiferous scales, thus forming a transition to those species having ctenoid scales on both sides. All the species of the subgenus Parol icJithys are American, with the exception of olvvaceus. PARALICHTHYS MICROPS The following essential characters are compiled from Xorman's two accounts of the species. Scales ctenoid on eyed side, cycloid on blind side; 54 to 65. Accessory scales present. Gill rakers 18-23 on lower limb. A. 50-05; D. 68-80. Pec- toral about 2 in head, with 11-12 rays. Dor.sal origin over middle or anterior half of eye. Eye 4.5-5.5 in head. (Norman's figure shows a rather narrow interorbital.) Canines moderate. Max- illary extending nearly to posterior edge of eye. Dejith 43-50, head 29-32, maxillary about 14, sinistral. Mottled and spotted with darker, median fins blackish towards their margins. Norman places Parali/'hf/ij/x Jordan! Steindach- ner in the synonymj' of laicrops, with a query. Steindachner's species is based on three specimens, 217-2S0 mm. The pertinent characters given in the original description agree with those given by Norman for microps and outlined above, with the following exceptions: Scales about 62-70. Pec- toral almost 1% in head. Eye about 6 in head. Most scales finely nuirgined posteriorly with dark brown, with a central brown point. Three longi- tudimil rows of grayish blue sjwts. along a nunlian line and near dorsal and anal bases. According to the original description jordam appears to have more numerous scales than microps, a character which usually indicates spe- cific divergence in this group of fishes. The color oi jordat)ia\so appears to be distinctively different. The apparent difference in the scale count may be due to different methods of counting or may fall within the range of variation of a single species. While the specimens on which the two names are based may possibly represent the same species, the probaI)ilities are equally as good that they repre- sent di.stinct species. This question may be de- termined only by a direct comparison of the types, or better still, by frequency dis( rihut ion studies of numbers of specimens. Steindachner's specimens appear to have also a somewhat smaller eye and longer pectoral. Nevertheless. Steindachner does not satisfactorily prove that jonlani is distinct. Pending further studies, Norman's treatment is here continued and the two names are associated under one heading. This species is distinctively different from all other species of Parallrhthys in the ])osterior posi- tion of the dorsal origin with reference to the anterior margin of the eye, agreeing with or ap- proaching to the species of Hippor/losairm in tliis respect. The dorsal origin in young fish is behind tlie anterior margin of the eye in all the species, but in microps this condition evidently persists in grown specimens also. Hilipof/lnxxina microps GrxTHFii. Proc. Zmil. Soc Lon- don, l,s,Sl : 21 (west coast of PataKonia).— JoKnox and (io.ss, Kept. U. S. Conim. Fish., 1S«G: 242, 1889 (after Giinther). I'liraUchthjiH jordnni Steindachnrr, Faun. Chile 1: 3l'5 [Zoiil. .lahrb. supp. l>d. 41 1S!)8 (I'lierto llontt, liohahi River. Chile). — Dellin. ("at. Per. Chile, p. 11(4. lOlU (listed). HippiiiiloxKiiw microps Delfln, ibid., p. 103 (listed). Paralichthjis mirrops Nokm.vn, Mdiiugr. Flatfishes, p. 88. tig. .52, 1934 (Chile; west coast i)f Palafionia).— NoR.M.-vN, Disc. Rept. 16: 133, 1037 (coast of Chile, near Conception and al latitude 3S°22'). PARALICHTHYS PATAGONICUS Diagnosis. — Scales ctenoid on e\'ed side, cycloid on idind side; 76. Accessory scales present, mod- erately profuse. Gil! rakers 2+10. Anal ravs 302 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 66; dorsal 82. Pectoral with 1-2 rays, not quite but almost reaching to lateral line on eyed side, considerably short of lateral line on right side. Origin of doreal slightly in front of anterior margin of eye. Maxillary reaching a vertical slightly past posterior margin of eye. Depth 43, head 26, maxillary 13, interorbital 2.3, eye 4.4, snout 6.9, left pectoral 13.1, right pectoral 10.7. Sinistral. The single specimen studied irregularly shaded, not showing any definite color pattern. S-pecimen eTcimined and geographic distribu- tion.— The preceding account is based on a single specimen collected in Uruguay by Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt (87778). Eecords in the literature give a range for this species extending from Monte- video, Uruguay, to Bahia Blanca, Argentina. If the uncertain locality. Fort Famine, given by Giinther for his specimen is correct, and the speci- men in fact belongs to the present species, it would extend its range far to the south, to Magellan Strait. Also, if Paralichthys hicyclopJioi^'S Mi- randa Ribeiro is in fact a synonym, the range of the species would extend northward to the coast of Brazil. Size. — ^The specimen examined, 410 mm. (16 inches), evidently must stand for the j^n'esent as the record size to which the species attains. Distinctive characters and relatiorhships. — This is the only species of the typical subgenus which is now known from the Atlantic coast, and it may be separated from all other species of Paralichthys found in the Atlantic by its ctenoid scales on the eyed side. From Pseudorhomhvs isosceles which occurs in the same region with it, the present spe- cies is easily separable by the cycloid scales on the blind side and its smaller scales. Synonymy and identification. — P. hicyclo- phom-s is based on two specimens 330 mm. long from the Rio de Janeiro market. The pertinent specific characters given in the original account are: Scales ciliated (not stated whether only on one or on both sides) ; 68. Accessory scales pres- ent. Gill rakers 2 + 11 ; A. 65 ; D. 84. Maxillaiy nearly attaining to under posterior border of eye. Two prominent ocellated spots, one in the approx- imate position occupied by the prepeduncular spot in related species, the other and somewhat larger spot under the posterior bend in the lateral line. In their original description of patagonicus Jordan and Goss state : ". . . dorsal rays 7C) ; anal rays 60 . . . gill rakers 3 + 11". These counts and those given for hicyclophorus may fall within the range of variation of a single species, judging by all the species in which the frequency distribu- tion has been determined. The authors of pat (Z(i(il. .Tahi-li., supi)., bd. (i) 1!«).") (.Juuii FfriKiiidi'Z, Cliile). — XdRMAN, Mouo^T. Flatfishes, p. 81, 1934 (after Steindachner). PARALICHTHYS SCHMITTI (PLATES i; AND 7 I Diaffnosi.s. — Scales ctenoid on eyed side, cycloid on l)lind side; ()8. Accessory scales jiresent on both sides, very numerous, nearly covering surface of many regular scales and massed in bands around edges of nearly all scales. Gill rakers short, 9 on lower limb of first gill arch, 3 on upper limb with 1 tubercle aliove. Anal rays 63; dorsal SO; pec- toral 12. Origin of dorsal a little in advance of anterior margin of eye; maxillary extending pos- teriorly to a point a little behind a vertical through posterior margin of lower eye, 15. Body of me- dium depth, 4-1; head 30; interorbital rather wide, 3.2 ; pectoral 2.4 in head. Sinistral. Color. — Blind side of head azid body light-col- ored, like the normal condition in the species of ParalichthyK, but unlike nearly all other species; the fins of underside, including the dorsal, anal, caudal and ventral, distinctly blotched. A nar- row area along upper and lower margins of blind side, in front, speckled with small brown spots, the speckling continued, but less distinct on opposite side. Eyed side dark, irregidarly shaded. Some diffuse spots of more or less greater intensity than the ground color; two or three faintly sug- gesting ocelli ; no spots especially prominent. Pec- toral and ventral of eyed siile with irregidar transverse rows of somewhat elongate spots. Two tliffuse cuived bands on (aiidal. against an irreg- ularly shaded background. Sperl/ncn examined. — This species is known from the single type specimen, 455 mm. (88831), taken at Juan Fei-nandtv. Island, nff the coast of Chile. asoaas"— 52 — ti Di.ifinetive characters avd reJafion-thip. — This species is apparently related to fernandezianus which also has the dorsal blotched on the blind side, an unusual coloi' mark in a species of Paralichthy. : 1, 11):« (.Juan Fernandez Lsland, Chile). PARALICHTHYS FERNANDEZIANUS This species is based on a single specimen, 510 mm., from Juan Fernandez, Chile. The following important specific characters are taken from the original description: Scales ctenoid on eyed side cycloid on blind side; about 94. Accessory scales present. Gill rakers 3 on upper limb of first gill arch with 2 rudiments, 11 on lower limb. A. 60. D. 78. Pectoral slightly more than 21/3 in head; with 11 rays. Origin of dorsal slightly in front of anterior margin of eye. Maxillary attaining past posterior margin of eye by a distance nearly e(]ual to length of eye; 2y^ in head. Sinistral. Dorsal on blind side marbled with irregidar brown spots; eyed side with a fine dark sprinkling. This species has the doi'sal spotted on the blind side like schmitti differing in having more nu- merous scales, and possibly in having more gill rakers and the maxillary extending more back- ward with relation (o the posterior margin of the eye. 306 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Paralichthiis fenuindezianus Steindachner, Faun. Chilen. 3: 20S (Zool. Jahrb. supp., bd. 6), 1905 (Juan Fernandez, Chile). — Norman, Monogr. Flatfishes, p. 87, 1934 (after Steindachner). PARALICHTHYS ADSPERSUS (PLATE 8) Diagnosis. — Scales ctenoid on eyed side, typi- cally cycloid on blind side (sometimes ctenoid scales present on caudal peduncle and adjacent hind part of body) ; 63 to 81. Accessory scales present ; fii-st occurring in specimens of about 100 nnn. ; appearance with respect to size varying in- dividually, becoming very numerous with increase in size. Total number of gill rakers on outer arch 22 to 27, the majority ha\dng 25 or 26 ; 7 or 8 on upper limb, mostly 7; 15 to 19 on lower limb. Anal rays 54 to 61, 57 or 58 in the majority of individuals; dorsal rays 68 to 76. Pectoral rays usually 12 or 13, sometimes 11 (12 on both sides in 5 specimens, 13 in 3, 11 in 1, 12 on blind side and 13 on eyed side in 2, 13 on blind side and 12 on the other in 1. 11 on blind side and 12 on the other in 1). Origin of dorsal over space between an- terior margin of eye and that of pupil in speci- mens 70 to 118 mm., over anterior margin of eye or nearly there in specimens 205 to 388 mm. Max- illary about reaching to a vertical through pos- terior margin of pupil in specimens 72 to 118 mm., to posterior margin of lower eye or slightly past that in specimens 205 to 388 mm. Head compara- tively long. Body rather deep. Caudal usually becoming more or less biconcave in larger speci- mens, sometimes nearly rounded in large fish also. Sinistral. Color. — Rows of spots more or less irregular, appearing like seven longitudinal rows in some specimens; many of the spots more or less ocel- lated ; the three spots forming the larger triangle usually rather more prominent than the other spots. The ocellated spots are present in the larg- est specimen examined, 388 mm. Some of the spots frequently are more or less characteristically ring-like, the center being to some extent pigment- less or but sparsely pigmented. Underside of fins sprinkled with tiny dark dots, somewhat as in H. ohlonga but not so profuse. White spots fre- (juently present ut bases of dorsal and anal fins, but not so well marked as in calif orniciis. Specimens examirwd. — Callao, Peru; P. O. Simmons, 2 specimens, 205-388 mm. (53490) ; R. E. Coker, 3 specimens, 239-276 mm. (77713 and 77715) ; R. C. Murphy, Callao market, 1 specimen 284 nnn. (7273 A. M. K H.). Chincha I., Peru, R. C. Murphy, 3 specimens 37-45 mm. (7911 A. M. N. H.) ; R. C. Murphy, Oct. 26, 1919, 1 speci- men 275 mm. (7290 A. M. N. H.). Mollendo. Peru, R E. Coker, 1 specimen 245 nun. (77716). Tome, Chile, Albatross, 3 specimens 72-86 nun. (77390). Lota, Chile, Feb. 15, 1888, Albatross, 6 specimens 90-118 mm. (77391) . Total number of specimens studied 20, 37 to 388 mm., in length. Geographic distribution. — The material exam- ined covers the range from Callao. Peru, to Lota. Chile; existing records also include this range and San Juan I. Extant records of '■'■Paralichthys adspersus'''' from the Pacific coast of Mexico and Panama apparently are based on specimens of Paraliehthys ivoolmani (p. 313). Size. — The largest specimen examined, from Callao, Peru, is 388 mm. (15 inches) long, includ- ing the caudal fin. However, this may not repre- sent the maximum for the species since those ex- amined are museum specimens, and collectors usually select the smaller examples for preserva- tion. Distinctive characters and relationship. — Of the other species of the subgenus Paraliehthys oc- curring on the coast of South America, adspersus may be distinguished from fernandezianiis, hil- getidorfU and schmitti by its more numerous gill rakers. From microps it differs in the more an- terior insertion of the dorsal. This species is very near to califotwcus differing from the latter chiefly in having a deeper body, there being no intergrades between the two species in this char- acter (table 8). The gill rakers in adspersus are less on the average than in calif amicus, and the fin rays are more numerous; but there is consider- able intergradation in those characters (tables 1 to 5) . P. adspersus is always sinistral, while cali- fornicus is often also dextral. This species inter- grades with aesttutrius in every character studied, except the structure of the scales in the larger specimens. Individual fish of these two species are separable only when they reach a size of about 200 mm., such specimens having the scales on the eyed side ctenoid in adspersus and all or almost all cycloid in aestuanus (p. 310). Economic importance. — This is evidently a food fish on the coast of South America, and some of the FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 307 specimens studied have been obtained in the mar- ket at Callao, Peru ; but tliere does not seem to be anj' data extant as to its abundance or the quanti- ties marketed. Pseitdorhombiis aduprrsiis STEixDACnxER, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien 55 (1) : TOO, pi. 2 (Rhthyol. Notiz. 5:9) 18(57 (Chiiicha Islands, Peru). ParalU'hthiis adttpersux Jordan and Ooss (in part). Kept. U. S. Coniiii. B'i.sh. 188ii: 241), 18S!) (Cullan). Job- dan (in i)art), Proc. California Acad. Sci. (2) 5: ."iOS, 1895 (Callao, Peru). — Jordan and Evkjimann (in part). Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (3) : 2(>27 and 2S72, 1898 (Callao, Peru). — AunoTT, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1S99: 3f>3, 1900 (Coast of Peru). — Steindachner. Fauna Cliilen- .sis 3: 20S (Zool. Jahrb. supp. bd. 6) 1'.in.5 (Juan Fer- nandez, Chile; specific name spelled adxpnstiti). — Starks, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 30: sm. 1906 (Callao, I'eru).— Thompson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 50: 411 and 468, 1916 (Tome and Lota, (labile; Callao, Peru). — Extcrmann and Kadcliffe, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 95: 140. 1917 (Callao and Mollenilo, Peru). — Nichols and Murphy, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hi.-it. 46: .">12, 1922 (Chincha Is., Peru).— Norman, Monogr. Flatfishes, p. 8.3. tiu'. 49. 1934 ( Peru ) : Iquique, Lota, Pescadores Bay, and Juan Fernandez Lsland, Chile). PARALICHTHYS CALIFORNICUS California halibut (PLATE 9) Coinmnti names. — -This species is commonly called halibut in California, a name whiili prop- erly belonj^.s to a distinct and quite diffurent species of flatfish. It is also known as bastard halibut, Monterey halibut, chicken halibut, southeiTi halibut, and alabato. "California hali- but" has been adopted as a uniform common name for this species by the Division of Fish and Game of California. DiagnoKis. — Scales on eyed side ctenoid in large as well as in small fish, cycloid on blind side (the ctenoitl scales sometimes extending in narrow bands at the dorsal and ventral edges of the caudal peduncle of the blind side: infrequently the spinidiferous scales spread over the entire surface of the caudal peduncle and the base of the caudal fin on the blind side) ; 62 to 78. Accessory scales present, first appearing on eyed side of head in specimens of about 100 mm., at about 135 imn. on eyed side of body and a little later on blind side; first appearance of accessory scales with respect to length varying with individual fish, becoming very numerous and nearly covering entire surface of noi-mal scales with incieasing size. Total num- ber of gill rakes on outer arch 25 to 32, the ma- jority having 28 or 29; usually 8 or 9 on upper limb, frequently 7, sometimes 10 or 11 ; lower limb with 18 to 2;5 gill rakers. Anal rays 49 to 59; dorsal rays 66 to 76. Pectoral rays usually 12, frequently 11 or 13 (12 on lioth sides in 15 speci- mens; 11 in 3; 13 in 2; 11 on blind side and 12 on ej'ed side in 4 : 12 on blind side and 11 on other in 1 : 12 on blind side and 13 on the other in 3). Origin of dorsal over anterior margin of pupil in specimens 50 to 85 mm., over space between an- terior margin of eye and that of pupil in specimens 90 to 175 mm., generally- over anterior margin of eye in specimens 175 to 800 mm., distinctly in front of eye in 1 specimen 473 mm., considerably in front in 1 specimen 570 mm. Posterior ex- tremity of maxillary usually falling on a vertical through middle of eye or posterior margin of pupil in specimens 55 to 85 mm., through posterior margin of pupil to that of eye in fish up to about 150 mm., usuallj^ to posterior margin of eye in specimens 150 to 200 mm. and somewhat beyond eye in larger fish. Body rather slender or of medium depth; head and maxillary rather short. Often dextral. (Out of 123 fish examined, 77 were sinistral and 46 were dextral. It is to be noted that in lots of specimens of approximately the same size taken on the same date at the same locality, evidently from the same school having the same origin, the fish are preponderately either sinistral or dextral, suggesting that this character is of an hereditary nature). Color. — Ocellated spots present in some of the small specimens examined, most of the others evi- dently faded from long immersion in preservative, and the frequencj' of occiu-rence of ocellated spots in fresh specimens is problematical. The rows of other spot.s, where present, are often more or less irregular. In (hose specimens in which the ocel- lated spots are pre.sent the three spots forming the larger triangle are often more prominent than the others, and sometimes present in specimens having no other ocellated spots than those three. A longitudinal, somewhat curved, row of six, white, small spots under and along the dorsal profile, beginning at a point over the preopercle and end- ing near the end of the dorsal; and a similar but usually less well-marked row over the base of the anal. These spots are frequently persistent in 308 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE preserved specimens which have otherwise nearly all faded. Sometimes numerous similar, white, small spots are scattered over the head and body, and in such specimens the longitudinal rows as described above are not as saliently marked, but even then the spots in the longitudinal rows stand out more prominent ly than the others. Most other species have white spots moi*e or less developed, but they are usually most prominent in callfumi- cus and also in acstimrius. Specimens ecaamlned. — San Diego, California (22 lots in Nat. Mus., 1 to 11 specimens in a lot, and one lot of 25 specimens, 18 of which are in- cluded in the tables). The following localities on the west coast of Lower California : San Qnen- tin Bay (46561); San Bartolome Bay (47269: 59464) ; Puerto San Bartolome (A. M. N. H. 5460 and 5462) ; Ballenas Bay (A. M. N. H. 5452) ; Magdalena Bay (472S6)- Total number of speci- mens studied 123, 42 to 570 mm. ; 15 from the west coast of Lower California; all others from San Diego. Geographic distrihufion. — The specimens ex- amined rejiresent a range from San Diego Bay. Calif., to Magdalena Bay, Lower California. It has previously been reported from Tomales Bay, Calif., to Magdalena Bay, these two localities be- ing the extremes of its range known at present. Its center of abundance is at San Diego; it is abundant at Monterey; at San Francisco it is not abundant although taken in moderate commercial quantities. Size. — This is the largest species of Pdralirhthys in American waters. The largest fish of which there is any definite record is that reported by Lockington (1879), a specimen weighing 58 pounds. 4 feet 10 inches in length. The same author (1878-79) states that he was told that the fish reaches a weight of 70 pounds. Jordan and CHl- bert (1881) record a fish of 55 pounds. Distinctive characters and relationship. — This species is closely related to aestuarius and ad- sjfersits. From the latter it differs chiefly in the depth of body, there being no intergrading indi- viduals in the many specimens examined although the extremes of the two species approach closely. The form of the frequency-distribution polygon for the number of gill rakers is different in the two species, but in this case there is considerable overlapping. P. caUfomicus is most closely re- lated to aestiKiriu.y. differing from the latter in that the scales retain their ctenoid character with age and in the smaller number of dorsal and anal rays, there being some intergrading in the latter characters. In practice, caJiforiiic'us may be readily distinguished fi'om adspersus in its more slender body and also in their widely separated geographical ranges. From aestuarius, large specimens, those over 200 mm., may be distin- guished by the character of the scales. Small specimens, however, may be distinguished only by the number of fin rays, and this is not reliable in every case (tables 5 and 6) . Difficulty will, there- fore, be experienced in identifying some isolated small specimens in the localities where the two species occur together. In fact this may prove impossible in the case of some individual small fish. If a fish has less than 74 dorsal and less than 56 anal rays, it is nearly always a califoniicus. The probability of its being an aestuanus is remote. Likewise, if a specimen has more than 77 dorsal and more than 60 anal rays it is most likely an aestuarius; the chance of its being a calif arnicas is almost negligible. However, the identification of small specimens having 74 to 77 dorsal I'aj's and 56 to 60 anal rays must be doubtful. Biology. — Although it is a common and impor- tant species very little is known regarding its life history. Clark (1931) states that "spawning . . . occurs from February to July with its greatest intensity in May." According to this author, the fisliermen think that when the fish become abun- dant in late winter or early spring they are mi- grating from greater depths to spawn nearer the coast. This would indicate a spawning migration in the opposite direction from that taken by the summer flounder on the east coast (p. 319) . As to the rate of growth, Clai-k estimates a length of 1-5 inches for fish one year old ; 4—9 inches at 2 years ; 6-15 inches at 3 years; 10-16 inches at 4 years, and 11-17 inches at 5 years. Fixhenj and economic importance. — The Cali- fornia halibut is one of the important food fishes on the coast of California and Lower California. The trammel net is an important gear by which this species is taken and is practically the only gear used around San Pedro due to legal restric- tions (Clark 1931). The inner layer of the tram- mel nets used there has a mesh of 8 inches, FLOTJXDERS OF GEXL'S PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 309 stretched. In other sections of tlic coast, it is also taken willi trawl nets and with hook and line. The connnercial catch is mostly obtained in water from 8 to i20 fathoms in depth. The California halibut is taken in commercial quantities the year- round, but tlie bulk of the catch on the American coast is taken between January and June, with the peak usually occurrinj; during March. Of the total quantity obtained in Mexican waters and landed at American ports, the bulk is obtained between June and November with the peak of the catcli duiin-: Aujrust (Wliitehead 1929). « The annual catch of the California halibut fluc- tuates from year to year, as does that of many other fishes. Superimposed on this annual flu4 (San I •logo. Calif. The name is a homonym of I'leiironrctes iniKiilosus CimER, Reg. Anim., nouv. ed., t. 2, p. .341, 1S2!); and may also prove to be a homonym of Pleiironectes nuiculosus Groxow, in Cat. Fish. British Miis., edit, by Gray, p. 89, lS."i4, if the exact dates of publication could be ascertained). Paralichthiis uuiciilosits Gib.\rd, U. S. Pacific R. R. Exp. Sur. (Zool. ) 10 (Fish.) : 147. Is.xS (.San Diego, Calif.). Hiiiiioylosxiif: cfilifoniicii.s .\YitES, Proc. California Acad. Sci. 2: 29, is.-)!) and [p. .".'.tl flg. 10. IStJO (San Francisco Bay ) . I'sriKlorhoiiihiis i-iinioniiriis (U'nther. Cat. Fish. I'-rit- ish Mus. 4: 426, 1862 (after Ayres). Piiralirlitliys DinriiliiKus GCntiiek, it>i(I., p. 431 (after Giiard). I'lopsctta cdlifornirii Gii.i., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia. 1SH2: 330 (listed). Fitntlichthys iikiciiIoiiik (iii.i., iliid.. isoi: 197 (listed). Vrojitftfd cnlifoniicn Gii.i,, ibid., p. 198 (listed). Paralichthys ma<-iilosiis Lockington, Rep. Comm. Fish. California, 1878-79: 41 (Tomales Bay to San Diego).— Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 2: 79, 1879 (San Fran- cisco, Calif.). — Jordan and Gilrert. ibid. 3: 454, 1881 (San Francisco, JNIoutere.v Bay. San Luis Obisiw, Santa Barbara, San Pedro and San Diego, Calif.). — Jordan and Gilbert, ibid., 4: 66, 1881 (Tomales Bay to San Diego ) . Piiralirhthys californiciis Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. D. S. Nat. Mus. 16: 821, 1883 (CaUfornia). PdnilUhthys maoulosiis Jord.^n, Fishery Industries U. S. (by Goode and others), sec. 1. p. 182. 1884. Paralichthys cnUfitniiciis Jord.^n and Goss, Rept. U. S. Coinm. Fisli. IssO; iMS. IsS!) (Tomales Bay to San Diego, Calif.). — Jordan and Evermann, P.ull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (3) : 2025, 1898 (Tomales Bay to Cerros I.). — Gilbert and Scofield, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 20: 499. 1S98 ( Magda- lena Bay, Lower California). — Stabks and Morris, Pnb. Cniv. California (Zool.) 3: 242, 11X)7 (San Diego Bay).— Metz, First .\nn. Rep. Lagtuia Lab., p. tiO. 1912 ( Ne\%T)ort, Calif.). — OsBi'KN and Nu iioi.s. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 35: 180, 1916 (Port San Bartholume, Balleuas Bay 310 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE anil Magdalpna Bay, Lowor California). — Stabks, Cali- fornia Fish anrt dame 4: 1(!!». fii:. SO, 191S.— Whitehead, liull. Div. Fish Game California 15: 35, 1929 (gives figures of commercial catch).— Clark, ibid., 20: 54, 1930 (qnan- tity of commercial catch). — Clark, California Fish and (lame 16: 315-317, 1930.— Walford, Bull., Div. Fish and Game California 2S: 13S, fig. 113, 1931.— Clark, ibid.. No. 32, 1931 (an account of the fishery). ParalirJifhus mafulosiit 1'lrey and Greeley, Bull. South, California Acad. Sci. 28: 31, 1928 (Santa Monica Bay, San Pedro Bay and Newport Bay, Calif.). ParnUclithys ralifoniiciiK Norman. Mono^r. Flatfishes, p. 81, fig. 47. 1934 (San Francisco and San Diego, Calif.; Magdalena Bay). PARALICHTHYS AESTUARIUS Gulf flounder (PLATE 10) Common name. — Ajiiinrently this species has as yet no cominoii name, and the term "gulf flounder" is proposed as its uniform common name. This name refers to its habitat, beinp: the most common species of Paralichthys in the Gulf of California. Diaffjiosis. — Scales ctenoid on eyed side in small specimens, cycloid in large, the gradual change in the character of the scales generally taking place in fish between 150 and 200 mm. in round figures (varies greatly with individual fish; one of the "cotypes" in the National Museum. 220 mm., still has a few weakly ctenoid scales under the bend in the lateral line, and in another fish 193 mm., no ctenoid scales could be found) ; scales on caudal peduncle usually the first ones to change; cycloid scales on blind side at all ages ; 64 to 79. Acces- sory scales present, first beginning to appear in specimens of 75 to 100 unn.. very numerous on both sides in specimens 200 mm. or longer. Total number of gill rakers 24 to 31, the greatest con- centration of individuals at 27 or 28 ; 18 to 23 on lower limb; 6 to 9 on upper limb, the mode at 8. Anal rays 57 to 67 ; dorsal rays 75 to 85.' Pectoral rays predominantly 12, sometimes 13 or 11 (12 on both sides in 14 specimens, 13 in 2, 11 in 1, 12 on eyed side, and 13 on the other in 1). Origin of dorsal slightly behind anterior margin of eye in 1 specimen 78 mm. ; generally over anterior margin of eye, sometimes slightly in front or somewhat behind in specimens 81 to 220 mm., a little in front of eye in 2 specimens 330 and 381 mm. Maxillary ' One specimen from Gongago Bay has only 71 dorsal rays. The dorsal fin of this specimen apparently has been injured to its base, in part, and ip(;enerated. This count was, therefore, neither Included in the diagnosis nor in table 6. extending backward to a vertical through posterior margin of ]iupil in fish up to 80 or 1(W mm., thi'ough hind margin of eye or slightly past in specimens 200 nun. or longer. Depth medium. Nearly as often dextral as sinistral in the speci- mens examined (16 fish having the eyes on the right side and 22 on the left) . Calor.—Jn small specimens the three spots forming the large triangle are more or less ocel- lated in those fish having the color preserved. Other ocellated spots are frequently present, two ocellated spots, one each in the upper and lower intermediate rows, are often especially well marked, on a vertical about two-thirds the distance from the base to the apex of the large triangle; these two spots forming a quadrangle with the two anterior spots of the large triangle, and a triangle witli the prepeduncular spot on the lateral line. Often spots are present in which the center of the ocellus is lacking, thus simulating "rings." The larger specimens examined, those of 185 mm. or longer, do not show any ocellated spots, but this may be due to their long immersion in preserva- tive. The cotypes show longitudinal rows of white spots at the bases of dorsal and anal, and are also more or less profusely snowed over with smaller white spots. The other specimens exam- ined do not show the white spots, but some have longitudinal rows of dark spots at the bases of the vertical fins in jilace of the white spots. Sprciinens examined. — Shoal Point, at mouth of Colorado River, Albatross, 2 specimens, 193 and 220 mm. (48128. originally designated type), 3, 185-195 mm., same data (Stanford Univ. Zool. Coll. 195) ; 2, 66 and 76 mm., same locality, March 28, 1889. Gulf of California, Alhatross; lat. 30°36'30" N. long. 114°27'45" W., Mar. 27, ISSi), 24 fathoms, 1, 381 mm. (47280) ; lat. 30°58'3()" N. long. 113°17'15" W., Mar. 24, 1889, 11 fathoms, 1, 330 mm. (47281); lat. 31°17'30" N. long. 113°57'15" W-., Mar. 25, 1889, 10 fathoms, 1, 203 mm. (47284). The following specimens obtained by the Pawnee of the Bingham Oceanographic Foundation in 1926: San Felipe Bay. May 19, 3, 101-159 mm.; Gongago Bay, May 18, 9, 66-113 mm., and May 17, 10, 68-148 mm. ; Angeles Bay, May 11, 1, 37 mm.; San Francisquito Bay. May 9. 3, 110-154 mm.; Conception Bay, May 1, 1, 81 mm., and INIay 2, .1, 80 mm. Total number of specimens studied 38, ranging 37 to 381 mm. FLOUNDERS OF GENXJS PARALICHTHYS AXD RELATED GENERA 311 Geographic distribution. — Besides the localities given above from which specimens were studied (all from the Gulf of California), the species has also been recorded from Magdalena Bay on the west coast of Lower California under tlie name of Paralichthys maydahnae. The present known range of the species is tlierefore from the mouth of the Colorado Eiver to ilagdalena Bay. In the latter localitj- it occui-s together with caHfornieus. It is possible that it extends further north on the west coast of Lower California and that it has been confused there with californiciis. Size. — Tlie type of magdalenae, 17 inches, is the largest specimen known of this species. The larg- est specimen examined in this study is 15 inches (381 mm.). Distinctive characters and relatianship. — ^As far as the practical work of correctly identifying ma- terial is concerned, it is onlj' necessary to consider the relation of the present species with woolmani, californicux, and H. tetrophtholmiis, since these are the onlj' known species which occur together witli it in parts of its range, with which it may be confused. P. a-estuwiu^ may be distinguished from icoohnani by the number of gill rakers (table 4). There is a wide gap in the ranges of the two species, and they may be separated without diffi- culty, at all ages, by that character alone. H. tetrophfhahnus has a still smaller number of gill rakers. The situation becomes difficult, however, when we try to distinguish correctly aestuarvus from californicus, as discussed under the account of the latter. This species is evidently closely related to califomicus, nearly agreeing with the latter not only in the number of gill rakers and the number of scales, but also in the almost invariably sinistral or dextral body. The change in the character of the scales of aestuariu-s with age, ctenoid in the small fisli becoming cycloid in the larger indi- viduals, furnishes evidence as to the probable pliylogenetic develo])ment of some species of Paralichthys. Assuming that the loss of spinules on the scales is a more recent development in this genus, it maj' be stated that aestuarius is an off- .shoot of calif oriiicus. As a further development along this line of modification, uxw/nitni! has been dfMJved from aestiiarli/.s. by the loss of .scale .spinules at all ages. "We tlms have evidence to show the derivation of the subgenus Chaenopsetta from typical Paralichthys. Synonymy. — Tlie species described under the name Paralichthys magdalenae was evidently based on a specimen of aestuanus. Abbott in de- scribing his supposedly new species compared it with californicijs and correctly pointed out the important differences, as far as tlie size of the specimen which lie studied was concerned. How- ever, these are the vei-y differences which dis- tinguish aestiuirius from ealifo-rnieus. (xilbert and Starks. by a comparison of the types of m^igditlenae and aestuarius have already concluded that the former was based on a specimen of the latter. Notwithstanding that the edition of the check list by Jordan, Evermann and Clark (1930) lists magdalenae as a tenable species, this name should be relegated to the synonymy of aestuarius. Economic importance. — Xo data are at present extant as to the economic importance of this flounder, if indeed, it enters the market at all. However, the species seems to be common where it does occur and it also reaches marketable size. Consequently, it seems to offer possibilities for exploitation, should it prove to occur in com- mercial quantities. Moreover, in view of its close resemblance to the California halibut, it is possible that it now enters the market mixed with that species in catches obtained southward, in Mexican waters. Paralichthys aestuarius Gilbert and Scofield, Proc. IT. S. Nat. Mus. 20 : 49i», pi. 39, 1898 (Shoal Point, mouth of Colorado Kiver, Mexico). — Johdax :iih1 Kvermaxx. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (3) : 2026, 1898 (Shoal Point, Mouth of Colorado River, Mexico). Paralichthiis magdnlcnae Abbott, ibid., p. 2871 (Mag- dalena Bay, Lower California). Paralichthys aestmirius Gilbert and Starks, Mem. California Acad. Sci. 4: 198, 1904 (type comiwred with maijdalcnae) . Paralichthys magdalenae Jordan and others. Kept, U. S. Comm. Fish., 1928: 223. 1030 (listed). Paralichthys aestuarius Joedan and others, ibid., 224 (listed). — Norman. Monogr. Flatfishes, p. S2, fig. 48, 1934 (based on a paratype). — Bredee*.Bu11. Bingham Ocean. Coll. 2 (3) : 193G ( San Franeisquito Bay, Gongago Bay, Conception Bay, San Felipe Bay, Angeles Bay. all locali- ties in Gulf of California ) . — Hiyama, Marine Fishes of the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Edited by T. Kumuda, p. 58, pi. 91, 1937 (Mexico). •The majority of sperimens forming the bnsis of the present account are the same as those forming the basis of this record, and I wish to expn^B.'s my gratitude to Ur. Breder for the opportunity of sludyint; these specimens. 312 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Subgenus Chaenopsetta Chaenopsetta Giii., Cat. Fish. E. Coast North America (supp. Proc. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 13, 1861), p. 50, 1861 (genot.vpe Paralichtliiis dentatus (Lin- naeus) =Ptoas- ured is given by the same author as 44 cm. (17V'l>" ) ■ taken in the estuary at Mazatlan. ^lexicn. Meek and Ilildebrand record a maximum length of 30.5 cm. The largest specimen examined by me. wjiidi was also studied by Exerniann and Radciilt'e (1917), is 43 cm., from Paita. Peru. Distinctive characters and rdafionxhip. — This species may be distinguished from all others, ex- cept ae.stuar/iis. of the same genus occurring on the Pacific Coast of Xorth and South America, by its cycloid scales. From a.estuarius w-hich occurs in \niit of its range and also has cycloid scales when large, it may be separated by the fewer gill rakers : \2 to 15 on the lower limb of the first arch of irt/oJ- )>Hini, 18 to 20 in aestuarius : the frequency distri- bution of the gill raker covint in the two species being sufiicicntly discontinuous to enable one to distinguish individual fish with assurance. This species is apparently most closely related to hraxil- ierisis from the Atlantic coast. Si/nonj/my. — P. sinaJoae described by Jordan and Abbott and recognized in the new edition of the check list should be deleted and this name placed in the synonymy of ivooJmani. The au- thors in describing P. sinaloae have correctly indi- cated the differences between their supposedly new species and adspersus. except as to the width of the interorbital which is approximately the same when specimens of similar size are compared. However, the distinguishing characters as stated by the.se authors are the same which differentiate n'oolmani from adspersus. These authors further state that iroolmani probably differs from their ■sinaloae because of the smaller number of gill rakers of the former. The type of woolmani has been studied. On the eyed side it has 11 well- develo])ed gill rakers on the lower limb ; and 4 well- developed ones on the upper limb with one short, stumpy gill raker above the 4. According to my method of counting it would be enumerated as 5+11, and this is the number given in the original description. On the blind side it has 12 well- develoj^ed gill rakers on the lower limb with one very shoi't and small but plainly perceptible gill raker in front; and 4 well-developed gill rakers with one tuberosity above. According to my method of counting they would be enumerated as 4+ 13. Therefore, the gill rakers of the type speci- men of v'oolmfini. even when the eyed side is con- sidered, fall within the regular frequency distri- bution for the species here described, which also evidenth' includes sitialoae stated to have 13 or 14 gill rakers on the lower limb. One of the para- types of sinaloae (U.S.X.M. 47486) has been ex- amined, and, except for its being somewhat more slender than the average specimen of wool mani at that length, it does not differ from that species. Gilbert and Starks who have leexamined the tyjies of -sinaloae also coiu'luded that they represent •specimens of the previously described woolmani. Efonomie i)iijioiian(( . — This species is a food fish of some importance where it occurs. Meek and Hildebrand (1928) state it to be "rather com- mon at Panama, and ir is of some commercial value,'" and Gilbert and Starks (1904) report it as "abundant at Panama."' Jordan (1895) states it to be "very common ... at Mazatlan [Mex- ico] . . . and is a food fish of some importance."' However, no figures of the catch are available by which the commercial imjiortance of the species may be definitely established, Paraliclifliiis drntatus Goode and He.\n (in part) Proi;. U. S. Xat. JIus. 2: 123, 187!) (The .specimen recorded fri)iii rarasiia.v, U.S.N.M. 8436, Capt. I'age, agrees more nearly with iroolmaiii and the recorded locality is most prohahl.v in error althim);li the cliiiraclers nf the specimen are not decisively indicative.) I'ttralicMhya aduprrsiis Jori).\n and Gilbert (not Stein- dachiier), ihid., 5: 370, ]SS2 (Cape San Lucas, Lower California). — Jord.'vx and Gii.reut, Bull. U. S. Fish, ("oinm. 2: lOS, 1SS2 (Mazatlan, Mexico). — Jordan and Gii.isERT, ibid., p. Ill (I'anama). — Jorua.n and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 12: ls2, 1889 (the locality is given as Panama, hut later changed to Galapago.* Is. by Jordan and Williams, IstlC. ). .InE;nA.\, I'l-oc ("alifnrnia .\ead. Sci. (2) .5: .'03. lsir>. (Mazatlan and La Paz, Mexico). Paralichthjis wooliiiinii Jordan and Willia.ms, Proc. D. S. Nat. Mus. 19: 4.")7, 1S96 (apparently based on same specimen recorded by Jordan and Boli.man. 1*89. as cominu from Panama, but now assigned to Galapagos Islands). 314 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PitrdlirhthjiK adxjtrr.tuif Jordan anil Evermann (in part). Bull. U. S. Xat. ilus. 47 (3): i;6-'7, 1808 (siieci- nu'ns from Mazatlan and La Paz reffr to this species). Paralirhthys ivoolimini Jordan and Evebmann, iliiil., p. 262S ( redescriiition of t.vpe). Pfinilichtliiis sifuiUxie Jordan and Abbott, ibid., p. 2872 (Mazatliin ami La Paz, Mexico). Paniliclitli!i--i iroolmnni (Iilbert and Starks. Mem. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci. 4: 107, l'.>04 (Panama). Parnlichthj/s adsi)rrsiis Thompson ( in part). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 50: 411, 1!)16 (Mazatlan, Mexico). PfinilicJitlnis iroolwnni Evermann and Radcliffe, Bull. V. S. Nat. Mus. 95: 140, 11)17 (Paita, Peru).— Meek and Hildebrand, Pu1>1. Field JIns. Nat. Hi.st. Chicago (zool. ser.) 15 (.'!) : 974, 1928 (Chame Point, Taboga I. and Panama City market, Panama). Paralirlithijs siiKiloae Jordan and others. Kept. U. S. Comm. Fish., 192S (2) : 224, 1930 (listed). ParaUchtlnjs icoolmani Jordan and others, ibid, (listed).— Norman, Monogr. Flatfi.shes, p. 80, fig. .".1, 19:!4 (La Pjiz, Mexico; Panama). — Breder, Bull. Bingliam Ocean, Coll. 2 (3) : 4, 1930 (Perlas Is., Panama Ba.v ) . Paralirhthys ailxiiri-Kiis Hivama, Marine fishes of the Pacific Coast of Mexico, edited by T. Kumada, p. 08, colored plate 43, 1937 (Mexico). PARALICHTHYS BRASILIENSIS Diagnosh. — Settles cycloid on l)oth sides at all ages; fi2 to 72. (Posterior end of curve in lateral line often not continued rather abruptly into straight horizontal part, as in related species, but somewhat gradually merging with straight part along a short rather oblique line.) Accessory scales present, usually in somewhat larger num- bers on blind side, comparatively not numerous on both .sides, jtresent in specimens as small as 131 mm. (the smallest examined), sometimes .still tib- sent in specimens as large as 155 mm. Total num- ber of gill rakers, on first arch 18 to 22; 4 or 5, sometimes 3, on upper limb; 14 to 17 on lower limb. Anal rays 54 to 60; dorsal rays 68 to 78. Pectoral rays 11 in most fish, sometimes 10 on one or both sides (11 on both sides in 10 specimens; 10 on both sides in 3; 10 on blind side and 11 on the other in 2 ; 10 on eyed side and 11 on the other ill 2). (Vertebrae 11 + 23 according to Thompson 1916). Origin of dorsal more or less in front of anterior margin of eye in specimens 131 mm. or longer. Maxillary about reaching a vertical through posterior margin of orbit in specimens 131 to 214 mm., .somewhat past eye in larger fish. Head and maxillary rather short. Body of me- dium depth. Sinistral. Color. — More or less mottled with shadings of various intensity: traces of white rather dilfttse spots at bases of dorsal and anal in some speci- mens. No evidence of ocellated spots in the speci- mens examined, but probably more or less faded from long immersion in preservative. The figure published by McDonagh of a young specimen shows some ocellated spots. (The prepeduncular spot appears to be doitbled in his figured speci- men.) Specimens examined and geographic disinhu- tion. — Rio de Janeiro; U. S. Exploring Expedi- tion (83404 and 83399, the type and paratype, respectively of Xystreitrys ribeiroi) . Montevideo, Uruguay; Albatross (77388). Buenos Aires, Ar- gentina; Albatross (77389). Mar del Plata at Necochea, Argentina, Dr. T. L. Marini. Total number of specimens studied 17, 131 to 477 mm., (he localities ranging from Rio de Janeiro to Mur del Plata. The northernmost record in the literature is also Rio de Janeiro; the southernmost record is that by McDonagh. namely, San Bias, Argentina. Distinctive characters and relationship. — As compared with related species which are known at or near its range, hruMiUeivs-is may be distin- guished from Pscudorhomibus isosceles and Para- lichthys patagomcus by its cycloid scales. Two species occurring through or near its range belong to the subgenus Chaenopsetta and also have cy- cloid scales, namely. fropieU'S and vorax, from both of which the juesent species nitty be distin- guished by the greater number of gill rakers, and from vorax it may be distingttished also by its smaller scales. In the possession of cycloid scales it agrees with 4 species from the east coast of the United States. As compared with the latter it may be .septttated from (Jcntufvs by the lesser number of fin rays, from alblgiitta by the more numerous gill rttkers and scales, from lethostigma by havitig fewer fin rays and more gill rakers, and from squandlentvfi by the more numerous gill rakers and more slender body. The relationship of htutiHiensis^ as far as niiiy be judged by the characters studied, is evidently nearest to woolmani from the Pacific coast. The two species differ in the frequency distributions of a number of characters, such as the number of rays in the pectoral fin and its length, the number of gill rakers, the i-elative measurement of the FLOUNDERS Ol" GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 315 iiiaxillarv. hear! and deptli. However, there is luoi'i' oi- less inti'ijiradation in all of these struc- tuial (liaraclers. In tlie comparatively few speci- mens studied the irn-s and vorax. The number of pectoral rays is one more than in the single specimen of rorax examined by me. but one specimen is, of course, not of decisive importance in this case. Ranzani's figure shows rather large scales, in about 50 oblique rows over the straight part of the lateral line, rather like vorax., but the number of scales is not mentioned in the description and in view of apparent inac- curacies shown by Ranzani's figures in general, the size of the scales of the published figure of ira.siliensis camiot be accepted as a reliable guide. As far as I know nobody ever redescribed the type. In view of these uncertainties, the best we can do now is to follow later revisers. Jordan and Goss (1889) were the first authors to use the name hra^siliensis in a definite sense. They gave a recog- nizable description of a species of Paralichthys to which they applied Ranzani's name. The species described by them is evidently the same as the one described herewith and 1 iollow these authors in their nomenclature. Norman ( 11>;;4) substitutes the name orhic/nyana for this species and applies the name hrasil iensi^s to the species described by (runther, under the name of vorax and here so designated. This creates an unfortunate confusion of names which is possibly unnecessary. The name orbignyana is apparently not a\ ailable for this species as dis- cussed on pages 303 to ;'>ii4. Regarding the name iwrax. Ranzani may have had specimens of that species when he described his hraxilieimx; but judging by the specimens examined in the National Museum and thos*> I'ecorded by Norman in the British Museum, the ])resent species appears to be much more common than the one described by Giinther as vorax, and the probabilities are much greater that Ranzani had specimens of the present species. Furthermore, the authors presenting the best accounts of this species, in addition to that of 316 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Jordan and Goss, before the appearance of Norman's monograph, have used the name brasiliensis to desisnate it. That name ap- parently was generally applied to this species, although in some cases accounts of "brasiliensis" may refer partly or wholly to other species as well. Probabilities and general usage, therefore, favor the use of the name bra-s-niens/.s for this species, and this course is adopted here. If the type of hrasiUensis is still in existence and in good enough condition for study this question may be settled with finality by its examination, at least as far as the use of that name is concerned. The type and paratype of Xyfitreiirys rihelroi Fowler and Bean were examined and proved to be specimens of the common species here described. Attention may also be called here to the use of the name hra-'i/'J/ens/s- by ^Miranda Rilieiro (Arch. Mus. Rio de Janeiro, vol. 17, 1915). That author describes his brasiliensis as having ctenoid scales, 5 gill rakers on the upper limb and 10 to 15 on the lower. This combination of characters does not agree with any species studied by me. Ribeiro's material either represents a new species, or it consists of a comjDOsite of more than one species. Bippofllnssus braKHicnsia Ranzaxi, Niiov. Anal. Sci. Nat. Bologna 3: 290. 1840 (P.razil; nomen nudum). — Nov. (Vinim. Acad. Si'i Inst. Bon(]n. 5: 10, pi. :>, 1x42 (Brazil ). Paraliclitliys brn-iiJicnxis .Jordan and Gos.s, Kept. U. S. Comm. Fish. ISSO : 24(), ISS'J ( liio de Janeiro, Urazil; Maidon;i(lo. Uruguay) . PseHdorhoiiibiis ilrntaiiix Pert'gia, An. Mus. Civ. Genova (2) 10: 629, 1891 (Montevideo). Paraliclitliys brasiliensis Berg, An. llus. Nac. Buenos Aires 4: 77, 1895 (Bahia Blanca and Mar del Plata. Argentina; Montevideo and Maldonado, Uruguay; giil raker count agrees with tiiis siie<'jes but scale count more like in rorax). — .Iordan and Evf.k\[a.\x. Bull. V. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (.■?) : 2620, ISOS (Rio art of its range, because this is the common commercial flounder taken during the summer, as opposed to PseudopleMTonectes ameri- caniis. the common commei'cial species caught dur- ine: the winter in the same region. The name "summer flounder" is most frequently used by writers and is here adopted as the uniform com- mon name of the species. A summary of the other conniion names as compiled from the literature, and the locality in whicli the names are used, follows. Summer flounder (New Jersey; New York; Rhode Island). Fluke (New York). Plaice (New York; ^lass. ). Chicken halibut (by some fishermen and dealers being either mistakenly or purposefully regarded as the young of the hali- but which it resembles). Brail (Rhode Island). Puckermouth (Rhode Island). Turbot (Mass.). Flatfish (Long Island, New York; Chesapeake Bay; also generally applied). Flounder is ap- plied throughout its range by many people who do not distinguish the different species of flat- FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND HF.LATED GENERA 317 fislies. Book names ajiplicd to this species are: American tnrbot (Storer), lonjr-toothetl flounder (Dc Kay), flounder of New York (Mitdiill). and counuoi^ flounder (Baird ). Diagnosis. — Scales cycloid on both sides at all ajii's; SG to 7R, the nun. have groups of chromatophores somewhat like those described foi- lethosfignia (p. 329) overhn'ing the blotches on the body. The three blotches forming the large triangle are very prominent, rather more so than in lethosfigma. These three blotches are not markedl}' ocellated, thus differing from specimens of alhigutta of similar size. None of the spots in dcnfatus are distinct!}' ocellated in specimens be- tween 20 and 40 mm. ; although some of the spots, especially the two posterior spots which go to form the smaller triangle, in specimens between 30 and 40 mm., sometimes give a faint indication of being destined to become ocellated. These two spots at the posterior ends of the subdorsal and supra-anal rows are jiromiuent, more so than in either letho- sfigma or alhigutta. although they are more or less e\ident in the latter two species. The other blotches on the body are usually more or less dif- fuse. Specimens 55 nun. or longer generally show the characteristic color pattern of large fish. Specimens examined. — Provi ncetown. Mass., August 1856, Putnam (5372). Ah'cox Bav. L. I.. N. Y. (48990). Great South Bay, L. I.", N. Y. (Blue Point Cove. 35907. 49020 and 49054: Fire Island, 35963). Sandy Hook Bay, N. J. (A. M. N.H. 7705). BeesleysPoint, N.J. (789). Ocean City, Md. (45109). Hog Island. Va. (5885). Cape Charles, Va. (42485, 43208, 43142, and 43162). Chesapeake Bay (many localities in Maryland and Virginia). North Carolina (A.M. N. H. 5275 ) . Hatteias, N. C. ( 88478 ) . Beaufort, N. C\ (15016, 51888, 51934 and many specimens in the collection of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries). Charleston, S. C. (17121, 3316S). Coosaw River, S. C. (59099). Parrot Creek, S. C. (59036). St. .*ecies. It is, therefore, much more likely that his Pomatopsetta dentata Gill was based on material of Hippoglossoides platessoides rather than on Paralichthys deiitatus. As to the two records on the register of the National Mu- seum, they probably also refer to some other com- mon species of flatfish. During the seventies when the identifications entered on the register were presumably made, Paralichthys dentat'm was known among the American ichthyologists under the specific name of ocellaris rather than dentatus. According to the data now extant, Paralichthys dentatus does not occur north of Cape Cod. The species is very common and caught in com- mercial quantities from Cape Cod to North Caro- lina, and is abundant from southern Massachu- setts to Chesapeake Bay. In Chesapeake Bay it is the most common flatfish marketed. In the summer it is found chiefly in shallow water, gen- erally to about the 15 fathom line and, in the winter, on the coast of the northern States, it lives in deeper water, and has been recorded from a depth of 100 fathoms off the coast of Virginia, March 3, 1929 (Schroeder 1931). The species shows a preference for hard or sand bottom, but is also taken on mud or grass bottoms. Size. — The usual sizes of this species which enter the mai'ket range from 12 to 25 inches, having a weight of 1/2 to 6 pounds. Fish more than 6 pounds are not common. The largest specimen on record weighed 30 pounds, taken off Ushers Is- land, N. Y. (Nichols and Breder 1927). Goods (1884) records the capture of a specimen weighing 26 pounds, landed at Noank, Conn. A half-pound fish measures about 12 inches; 1 pound, about 15 inches; 2 pounds, about 18 inches; 3 pounds, about 20 inches; 4 pounds, about 22 inches; 8 pounds, about 27 inches; 10 pounds, about 30 inches. Distinctive characters avd relationship. — The characteristic color pattern of this species enables one to identify the great majority of specimens at a glaiu'e. Near the northern end of its range, at Cape Cod, dark specimens in which the color pattern is not well maiked, resemble somewhat Hippoglosoides platessoides, but this latter species may be readily distinguished by its eyes and color being on the right side, its lack of a high arch in the anterior part of the lateral line, it? smaller FLOrXDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AXD RELATED GENERA 319 mouth, smaller teeth, ctenoitl s<'ales, ami other salient differences. Some difficulty may be en- countered in properly distinguishing scattered specimens of this species from alhlgutta or htho- stigmu wliere theii- ranges overlap. Doubtful specimens of dentatua in these localities may gen- erally be properly placed by the more numerous gill rakers. For separating the residual few speci- mens in which the number of gill rakers approach the other two species see page 282. The three spe- cies ai'e evidently quite closely related. Bionomics Spaipning 'period. — The spawning period of this species is evidently the late fall and winter possibly extending to early spring in Chesapeake Bay. judging by available evidence. Hildebrand and Schroeder (1928 : 166) found specimens taken in Chesapeake Bay during October, having com- paratively large gonads. Hildebrand (op. cit.) found the gonads of fish taken at Beaufort, N. C, to be partly developed during fall and early win- ter while those taken in March and Api'il were fully si)ent. Abundant data on the size of the fry and its bearing on the spawning season of the species is furnished by Hildel)rand and Cable (1930: 470).^ In the very extensive collections made at Beaufort. N. C. and reported on by these investigators, individuals 25 mm. (1 inch) or less in length were taken from September to May, the bulk of the specimens having been collected in November and December. As three common species occur at Beaufort, N. C, and no characters for separating the very young fry, before the fin rays and gill rakers become differentiated, are known at present, only the approximate spawning period for the separate species may be surmised. It is possible that the height of spawning varies with the different species. If that is the case, the spawning periods of the separate species probably overlap to a large extent, since the data published by Hildebrand ami Cable do not show anv domi- " The most extensive studies on the biology of ParnXirhthys wlilili have been earried out so far, are those by Hllileliraml and Cable to whose report tlie nailer is referred for detailed accounts. These authors made their studies at Beaufort, N. C. Since, however, three clos<'ly related species of Pninlirhtlnis, are loni- mon tliere, and it is dllliiult or impossible to separate the fry by s|)ecies, Heaufort is not a favorable place to stud.v the develop- ment of di'iilnliiK. The Chesapeake Bay region and localities farther north are more suitable because only this one species of Paralichthys occurs there. nant concentration of fry at different periods of time, when grouped by month intervals. (Per- haps, in a grouping of data by smaller intervals of lime differing heights of spawning would show up to some extent.) In Chesapeake Bay spawn- ing apparentlj' takes place later, in the late winter or earlj' spring, if we are to judge by the size of the fry in relation to the season of the year when taken. Thus, Hildebiand and Schroeder (op. cit.) report fry taken there in May and June to be ap- proximatel}' 25 mm. (0.9 to 1.1 inches). During 1892 the Grampun made some collections in Chesa- peake Bay of young PaniHrliflnjs di-nfatus which are now preserved in the National Museum as fol- lows: June 28, 3 specimens, 49, 58 and 83 mm.; June 29, 1 specimen, 40 mm. ; July 4, 2 specimens, .38 and 50 mm. : July 6, 2 specimens, 42 and 45 mm. ; July 16, 1 specimen, 57 mm. A compari- son of the measurements of these few specimens with the extensive data given by Hildebrand and Cable seems to indicate that sjjuwning occurs somewhat later in Chesapeake Bay. Spaii'iihig places a7id distribution of ft-y. — In regard to particulai' situations where spawning takes place, Bigelow and Welsh (1925: 494) and Hildebrand and Schroeder (1928: 1G6) sug- gest the possibility of the fish going to deep water to spawn. There is evidence showing a general migration of the fish to deejier water with the advent of cold weather (p. 320). One of the ob- jects of this migration may be spawning. That spawning takes place offshore is further indicated by the distribution of the fry as found by Hilde- brand and Cable (1930: 474). Fry up to 3 mm. were taken only at sea; somewhat larger ones, up to 5 mm., were taken also within Beaufort Harbor. but they were much more numerous outside Beau- fort inlet: while sjiecimens 6 to 10 mm. are about equally distributed in the inner and outer waters, extending from 12 to 15 miles offshore into the estuaries of Newport and North Rivers. This furnishes evidence of a gradual movement of the fry to the inner waters from offshoie where they hatch. The type of eggs is unknown at ])resent. l)ut il is probably demersal, as recently hatched ivy were taken by Hildebrand and Cable (1930: 475) chiefly on the bottom. If they hatch on the bot- 320 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE torn, the young become distributed to some extent in the upper layers after hatching and are taken also at the surface with tow nets, but most of them remain on the bottom. Growth. — The rate of growth of this species is as yet unknown, no special study having been made based on a sufficient amount of material. Hildebrand and Schroeder (1928 : 166) by measur- ing a limited number of avai]al)le specimens give tentative figures for growth as being 4I/2 to 7 inches at 1 year and about 10 inches at 2 years. The age at which the fish mature is likewise un- known. Hildebrand and Cable state (1930: 475) that individuals with roe which have been ob- served were large, KJi/o to 29 inches. The age of specimens of that size is unknown at present. Migration. — During the warmer months of the year, between April or May and November or December, depending on the latitude, this species is readily taken in comparatively shallow water, generally between 2 and 20 fathoms. With the advent of cold weather it becomes scarce in shallow water, indicating a general migration of the fish to deeper water. During the winter months it may be taken in large numbers beyond the 20 fathom line (Pearson 1932) and down to 100 fathoms ( Schroeder 1931 ) . This migration is evi- dently induced by the inability of the fish to withstand the colder temperature of the more shallow water. Fish sometimes are found torpid in shallow water during the winter (Baird 1855), probably being trapped by a sudden chill after Ijeing lured from greater depths by a spell of warm weather. The movement to deeper water during cold weather is a common habit of various species of fish. In the case of the summer flounder this is apparently also a spawning migi-ation. The fish appear again in shallow water during the spring of the year, the time of appearance vary- ing with the latitude, and most probably also with the temperature conditions during any given year. Other mass migrations of the adidts are unknown, and it is unlikely that the species makes any other general migrations. The summer flounder is prob- ably a comparatively immobile fish as a species. The young fry after hatching remain chiefly on the bottom, but they become also distributed in the upper layers to some extent, as stated. The fry undertake a movement from offshore to the inner waters. After the young fish exceed a length of 10 mm. they stay on the bottom and continue to move inshore, many going into the estuaries of rivers for considerable distances. The young evidently remain at the brackish-water zone and grow till they reacli a length of about 125 mm. when they seem to gradually spread toward salt water. Food mid feeding hahit>t. — The summer flounder is primarily a predaceous fish. Its food consists chiefly of such species of fish and small inverte- brates as are readily accessible in the region which it inhabits. The following fishes have been re- ported as being preyed upon by the summer floun- der, namely, mackerel, menhaden, tautog, sand launce, silversides, butterfish. and scup; of in- vertebrates, crabs, shrimp, squitl, small mollusks, worms, and sand dollars. In the business of ob- taining food it is aided by its ability of i^artial concealment; by simulating the color of the back- grovmd, by partly burying itself in the bottom, and by the natural flat shape of the body. It lies flat on the bottom, often partly buried in the sand or mud, with the light and dark shades of color of the uppermost surface so varied in intensity on different parts of the body as to blend and har- monize with the background. The instinctive concealment is often so well accomplished that it is quite hard to detect the position of the fish even when keeping a sharp lookout in fairly cl«ar water. It thus waits till some unwary victim chances its way when it strikes with swiftness and force. Sometimes it will pursue schools of small fish to the very surface. Raeeft. — While it is not the primary aim of this investigation to elaborate in detail the characters which may be used in separating races, and, more- over, the material at hand is not sufficient for a thorough racial analysis; it is yet desirable to point out the bearing of the characters investi- gated on the study of racial differentiation. The material examined yields evidence that the popu- lations of Petredirhthys denfatiis from Chesapeake Bay and from Beaufort, N. C, belong to two dis- tinct racial stocks. The frequency distributions of the meristic characters given in tables 2 to 6, segregated by locality, for dentatu-s, are as follows: FLOl'NDKKS OF (iEXLS PAHALICHTHYS AND KKLATED GENERA 321 Gill rakers on upper limb Class 3 4 5 6 7 C'hesaiieake Bay freqiipncies -- -- 31 35 5 North Carolina frequencies 2 4 29 6 1 Gill rakers on lower limb Class 13 11 15 16 17 18 Chesajjeake Bay frequencies -- -- 9 28 25 9 North Carolina frequencies 4 2 9 15 7 2 Total nuntlnr of ijiU rakers on outer arch Class 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Chesapeake Bay frequencies -- -- -- - 6 19 15 23 8 North Carolina frequencies 22126 15 56 .. Anal rays Class 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Chesapeake Bay frequencies -- __ -_ 13 (i 17 12 6 11 3 6 5 North Carolina frequencies 11.-21768673---. Dorsnl rays Class 80 81 85 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Chesapeake Bay frequencies __ ._ 1 ._ 2 7 5 S 12 12 10 4 3 2 3 __ 1 North Carolina frequencies 1 1^. 4-- 1 3 4 8 9 4 1 2 2^. 1_. The (lata tahulated show that there is one con- The diveijxence of the races of drnfafux is such sisteiit and statistically measurable character tliat the popiUation from North Carolina more which may be used in racial studies, namely, the nearly approaches that of alhigntta than speci- number of jjill rakers. There is only a slight dif- mens from Chesapeake Bay approach that species, ference in the frequency distribution of the fin ray When dentatm from Chesapeake Bay is compared counts, which is somewhat more pronounced in with alhigvtta there is a comi)aratively wide gap the anal ray count. However, while the difference between them as far as the total number of gill in the anal count is not very significant, it is of rakers is concerned, and individual specimens of considerable practical value in identification, since the two species may be readily distinguished on overlapping specimens at the extreme end of the that basis; but this structural gap disappears be- frequency distribution disappear in northern tween the two species at North Carolina (compare specimens, and denfatm from Chesapeake Bay is t'le tabulated racial data of dentatm with tables thus more readily separable from alljUjutta. 2 to 4). To a le.sser extent this is also true of the There is practically no difference in the scale count '"'"' ''^•^"^- which is, on that "account, omitted from the pre- \ *« ^o be noted also that there is a difference ceding tabulations by locality. The racial differ- "; ^^^^ regularity of the frequency distributions of . * , , ■ X 1 1 the number of gill rakers in the two populations ence in proportional measurements, shown in table j, , , ^ rA, i^i i tj i ^■ ' ' ,. . „ . , ,-, of dentatxis. Ihe Chesapeake Bav i)opulation is 8, ... g.'o„ps of specimens of app.-oximately ike ^^^^ ^^^^.^^^.^^^ .^^ .^^ structural 'charac'tcrs. the sizes, is not pn.nouiued. The No.-th Carolina ^^^^.^^^^^j _^^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^ ^,^^ frequency distribution is populat.on of dentatuH. m gene.al. is somewhat ,..,^5^^^. compact and regular; while the North deeper bodied and has a slightly longer head and Carolina population is more variable, the spread maxillary. These differences do not hold in all i„,j,|j, „„)i.e extensive, and the frequency polygon the size groups, and it is possible that curves rep- ^-j]] assume a skewed foi-m. resenting the .-elative changes with size in these //y?;/7V//.v//(.— The somewhat irregular fivquency measurements will have somewhat different forms. distribution of dint't/iis from Xo.lli Carolina may bill not enough specimens have been measured to jxissilily be (inc to the p.-escnce of hybrid specimens draw any definite conclusions. which ai'e iiilcriuediate in some respects. This 322 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE would seemingly partly explain the cause of the difficulty of referring occasional individual speci- mens from that coast to their proper species. For instance, the two border-line specimens discussed above (p. 282) having a high fin-ray count, near the extreme of the distribution of the genus as a whole, and gill rakers in intermediate numbers, might be hybrids between dentatns and lefho- stigma (see also fig. 4). However, it is evident from the form of the frequency distributions that the number of hybrids, if indeed any do occur, are not numerous. In any case, it would require more detailed studies to prove the presence of hybrids and to show how they may be identified. It should be emphasized that the only substantial evidence sliowing the probable existence of hy- bridism consists of a rather slight irregularity in the frequency distributions of the characters studied. This evidence is certainly not conclusive. On the contrary, irregularity of frequency distri- butions appears to be the rule rather than the exception in nature. No evidence of hybridism between lethostigma and cJhigutta was found on the Oulf coast where those two are the only com- mon species. Economic Importance. — The summer flounder is one of the important food fishes. The meat is of excellent quality and generally esteemed, resem- bling in flavor the halibut. It is taken chiefly dur- ing the warmer months of the year, between April and November, from shallow water to a depth of about 20 fathoms, the bulk of the commercial catch being captured between 5 and 15 fathoms. As may be expected from its bottom living habit, it is taken in the greatest numbers by the gear most suitable for taking bottom fish, by trawls. Large numbers are also taken in stationary gear, such as pound nets, fyke nets, weirs, and traps. Consid- erable quantities are taken by baited hook and line and to a lesser extent also by haul seines. As stated, the catch of this species had been confined chiefly to the months of April to November. Within recent years a special winter trawl fishery has developed otf the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina which during the winter of 1930-31 pro- duced a yield of this species of more than a million pounds (Pearson 1932). The recent annual yield of this species, in round figures, is 13 million pounds, worth $2,150,000 to the fishermen. These figures are obtained by adding the statistics compiled by the Fish and Wildlife Service for "fluke" fi'om Massachusetts to Delaware and those under the heading of "flounder" for Maryland and Virginia. The name "fluke'' refers to the present species. The catch of "flounder" in the latter two States consists chiefly of Paralichthys dentatns, but includes a variable, an unknown percentage of Pseudopleuronectes americamh8, 17(i6 (Cariilina). Plcuronrctes Vuwitus Linnaeus, ibiil., p. 459 (not Pleuronectes lunatus L. of the tenth edition Syst. Nat., according to Giiuther 1861 and Goode and Bean 1885). Pleuronectes dextatus Walbaum, Gen. Pise, p. 116, 1702 (Carolina). — Block and Schneider, Sys. lohth., p. 156, 1801 (North America). — Mitchill, Tr. Lit. Pliil. Soc. New York 1: 390, 1815 (New Yorli). Pleuronectes mrlunogaster Mitchii.l, ibid. ( Ne\y Yorlv, based on a teratological specimen ) . Pleuronectes aquosus Stoker (not Mitchill). Boston Jour. Nat. Hist. 1: 352, 1836 (Massachusetts). Rlioinbiis aquosiis Stober (not Mitchill), ibid., 2: 484 (Rep. Fish. Mass., p. 146) 1839 (Boston market). Platessa oblonf/a De Kay (not Mitchill), Zool. New York, Fishes p. 299, pi. 48, tig. 156, 1842 ( New York). Plutexsa oceUaris De Kat, ibid., p. 300, pi. 47, tig. 152, 1842 (New York). Plutessa oblotifia Linsi.ky (not Mitchill), Auier. Jour. Sci. Art. 47:72, 1844 (Stratford. Conn.). — Storer, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1: 194. 1844 (teratological siieci- men, no locality). — Storer Mem. Amer. Acad. Art. Sci. (n. s.) 2: 477, 1846; also in Syn. Fish. North America, p. 225, 1846. Platessa oceUaris Bairti. 9th Ann. Kep. Smithsoniiin Inst., p. 340 (18.54) 1855. Cliacnopsctta ohlonga Gill. Cat. Fish. North America (supp. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia 1862), p. 50, 1861. Cliuowpsotta oblonya var. oceUaris Gill, ibid. FLOXJXDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 323 Pseuftnrhnmhiis dfiifnfiix Oi'NTnER I in pari I. Cat. Fisli. British Mus. 4: 42-". 1n(!2 (states tliat tyjic c.f ilrntntitx f^till in existence) . I'xi iidorlioiiibii.i (jhlongns GfNTHER, ibid., p. 421! i after De Kay). Pxeudorhoitibiis ocrllaris GCntheb, ibid., p. 4:'.(l i after De Kay). PlatrnHa ohlonfja Stoker (not Mitcbill), Jlem. Anier. Acad. Art. Sci. Boston 8: 395. pi. 31, tij;. 2 and 2b. 1S(14; also in Hist. Fish. Ma.ssachiisetts p. 202. ISfiT (Province- town and Welltleet. Mass.). Chaenopictta oci'!l)Ktijwtire characters and velation.'tMp. — In the essential diagnostic structural cliaracters this spe- cies agrees closely with alhigutta from the coast of the United States. The number of fin rays and scales and the proportional measurements are very nearly the same in both species. An examination of munbers of specimens may ])ossiI)ly reveal dif- ferences in the frequency distributions of the lumi- ber of gill rakers and pectoral rays, the single specimen studied having these counts, at the upper and lower limits, respectively, of the frecjuency distributions as determined for alhigutta. Speci- mens oi alhigvtta of the same size as the one of vorax described above, already have accessory scales developed, whereas the present specimen shows no trace of such scales. This species does not have the ocellated spots characteristic of alhigutta. As compared with the known species of its sub- genus occurring with it or near its geograjihical range, namely, hrasiliensis and tropicus, this spe- cies may be readily distinguished by its larger scales. It further differs from hrasiliensis in the smaller number of gill rakers. P. vorax evidentlj' bears the same relation to hrasiliensis as aJhigvtta beai-s to dentatus on the east coast of the United States. Rhomius aramaca CASTELNAu(not Cuvier), Anim. Nouv. Rar. Amer. Sud. Poiss., p. 18, pi. 40, fig. 3. 18r)5 (Bahia). Pseudorhiimhus vorax Gunther, Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. 4: 429, 1S62 (South America). Ptiralichthjix liriisilinixix Xiiumax, Monngr. Flatfishes, p. 77. tig. 43, 11134 (based on types of ronix). Pnraliclitliiis rnnix (Jinsiuro, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 26: 132. 1936 nomenclature discussed). PARALICHTHYS TROPICUS (I'l.ATE m Diagnosis. — Scales cycloid on both sides; 67. Accessory scales present on both sides, munerous, except in an area along middle posterior part of body; most otiier scales on body having a com- plete circle of small accessory scales around their edges." Gill rakers rather short. 11 on lower limb (12 on eyed side of the single specimen studied) of first gill arch. 2 on ui)per limb at the angle with two tuberosities above. Anal rays ,">s: clursal 75; 328 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE l)ectoral 11. Vertebrae 10 + 26. Origin of dorsal nearly over anterior margin of eye. Maxillaiy reaching slightly past a vertical tlirongh posterior margin of orbit. Depth 43.9. maxillary 13.G, head 28.1, interorbital 2.2. Sinistral. The single known specimen is now faded, and color pattern of the species is unknown. Specimen excmiined. — The foregoing account is based on the type, 321 mm. (34919). taken at lat. 10°37'4n" N.,"long. 61°42'40" W. (off Trinidad, West Indies), in 31 fathoms. L>i.sfinef/re characferK and relationship. — In the structural characters studied troplnis is appar- ently near to vorax from Brazil differing in hav- ing smaller scales. Although only one specimen of each species was examined, the difference in the scale count (table 1) is so pronounced that there is hardly any question that they belong to distinct species. Other differences between the two species remain to be determined. Very likely tropicus will prove to have a more profuse development of accessory scales. Two other apparent near relatives of this species are lethostigma and squamilentvs from the east coast of the United States. It apparently differs from both in haying fewer vertebrae, and possibly also in having the accessory scales more profuse. It differs further from IrthoKtigma in having fewer rays in the vertical fins, the counts of the type of tropicus falling decidedly out of the frequency dis- tribution based on approximately 150 specimens of the other species (tables 5 and 6). It probably differs from sqviomalentus also in having fewer rays on the average ; but judging by the few speci- mens examined, it is evident that these two species will be found to overlap, possibly rather widely, in this respect. The interorbital is ap]u-eciably nar- rower and the maxillary somewhat shorter than in lethostigma. The depth is less than in squaini- lentiis. Although the precise degree of diver- gence between tropicus and these other two species remains to be learned by a determination of the range of variability of the distinguishing char- acters, there seems hai'dly any question that the single type specimen belongs to a distinct species. It is apparently more remotely I'elated to brasi- liensis, a common species of its subgenus occurring nearer its range, differing chiefly in the number of gill rakers on the first arch and the number of vertebrae ; tropicus having a total of 13 gill rakers and 10 + 26 vertebrae, while the corresponding counts in hrasHiensis are IS to 22 and 11 + 23, re- spectively. Paralichthys tropicus Ginsburg, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 82 (20) : 4,1933 (ofE Tiiiiidad, West Indies). PARALICHTHYS LETHOSTIGMA Southern large flounder (PLATE 15) Common name. — This species is generally called "flounder"' without any qualifying word to distin- guish it from other flounders. Some fishermen distinguish it by the term "mud flounder" p. 324). Since, however, this is the only commercial floun- der of value on the coast of the Southern States that designation is not deemed appropriate and the term "southern large flounder" is suggested as a uniform common name for the species to distin- guish it from other flounders. Diagnosis. — Scales cycloid on both sides at all ages; 52 to 74, nearly all individuals falling in the range between 56 and 67, the mode at 60. Accessory scales rather sparse, sometimes numer- ous in large specimens (although not quite so many as in dentatus.or alhigutta). usually begin- ning to appear in specimens 110 to 120 nun. in length, sometimes very few present in much larger fisli. Total number of gill rakers on fiist arch ranging 10 to 13, nearly all having 11 or 12 (these two numbers occurring with approximately equal frequency) ; nearly always 2 on upper limb, in- frequently 3; 8 to 11 on lower limb, nearly all specimens having 9 or 10. Anal rays 63 to 73, the mode at 69 (77 in one specimen) ; dorsal 80 to 95. Pectoral rays 12 in the majority of fish, frequently 11. sometimes 13 (12 on both sides in 6 ; 11 on both sides in 2; 12 on eyed side and 11 on the other in 2; 13 on eyed side and 12 on the other in 1; 9 on eyed side and 11 on blind side in 1, the last evi- dently being abnormal in this respect ) . Vertebrae 10 or 11 + 27 (in 2 specimens). Origin of dorsal usually somewhat in front of anterior margin of eye in large fish and somewhat behind anterior margin in specimens under 100 mm. Posterior extremity of maxillary reaching to a vertical through posterior margin of pupil in siiecimens of about 35 mm., through posterior margin of eye at about 50 to 100 mm., past eye in specimens over 100 nun. Interorbital rather wide, becoming markedly broad in large fish, conspicuously more FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 329 so tlian in related species. Body becoming deep in larfl nun., and in such individuals the three spots forming the large triangle are most prominent as in aJhigutfa. but they are not ocellated. The relative intensity of the sliadings on the body is subject to great variation as in related species ; some speci- mens being very light all over, especially in life, and otliei-s being very dark. . After being landed, specimens of this species usually have whitish spots irregularly snowed over the body; these usually disappear after the death of the fish, but are sometimes present also in preserved specimens. Small fisli. between 20 and 45 mm., show char- acteristic groups of chromatoi)hores. each group consisting of a blotch-like concentration of minute pigment dots interspersed with coarser chromato- phores. This grouped concentration of chroma- tophores gives a gross appearance of blotches which may be somewhat coalescent. The coarser chromatophores may be also scattered between the blotches, birt they are especially concentrated on them. The characteristic ajipearance of these groups is well shown in Hildebrand and Cable's figure 88. although in most specimens they are not so saliently prominent. One group on the midline, about two-thirds of the distance from the gill opening to the base of the caudal and two others near the angle of ihe curve in the lateral line, one above and one below, tend to be most prominent. The three most prominent groups are in the same position as the three ocellated spots in aJhif/utfa. that is they form the characteristic large triangle of related species, but these spots in the young of Jethostigma are not ocellated. The young of Irtho- rtigma. of about 20 to 40 mm., have the color pat- tern very similar to those of denfatu.s of the same size; but after the material is properly separated some small differences become apparent which are typical of h'thostigma. The two spots at the pos- teiior ends of the subdorsal and supra-anal rows ai'e not as prominent as in dcnfatux; the coarse chromatophores that overlay the dark blotches in groups, are cliaracteristically more niunerous in hth<)iecimens studied extends from Eden- ton, Albemarle Sound, N. C. to Corjius Ciiristi Pass, Tex. This also represents the range of the records in tlie literature, which are based on speci- mens undoubtedly belonging to the i)reseut species. Extant records in tlie literature north of Albe- marle Sound are evidently in error as pointed out later. It yet remains to be discovered whether the species is continuous in its range around the tip lit the peninsula of Florida. The southern- most records of the species now extant are. Indian River on the east coast and Tampa Bay on the 330 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE west coast of Florida. It is 00111111011 or abundant througliout its range. This species lias been recorded a number of times as occurring north of Albemarle Sound. Smith (1907) states that "It ranges as far north as New York, but is most common from Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf Coast." From New York it has been recorded by Jordan and Goss (1889), by Jordan and Evermann (1898) and by Bean (fith Ann. Rept. Forest Fish Game Commission, New York, p. 472. 1902 : ibid., 7th Ann. Rep., p. 456, 1903 ; Cat. Fish New York, p. 720, 1903) . Smith does not .state whether he actually ex- amined specimens from Chesapeake Bay: while, on the other hand, the rather extensive collections of Parol ichfhys made by Schroeder in Chesapeake Bay and reported on by Hildebrand and Schroeder (Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., vol. 43, pt. 1, p. 165, 1928) all represented dentatus and not a single specimen of lethostigma was taken. In this study also, no lethostigma was found among the extensive col- lections obtained by others in Chesapeake Bay. It is, therefore, safe to state that the species does not occur in Chesapeake Bay. Likewise, the repeated records of this species from New Yoi'k evidently are not based on the study of any specimens collected there. They have a common origin and may be traced to an cironeous interpretation of De Kay's work (Zool. New York, Fishes, pp. 299-300) by Gunther (Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus., vol. 4, pp. 426^130, 1862) and Jordan and Goss (1889). De Kay described two species of left-handed-flounders which he desig- nated as Plafexsa obJonga and Plafrsxa ocellifer. Both of these species are evidently referable to Paralichthys dcnfah/ft (Linnaeus), judging by De Kay's accounts. His PJafes-^a ocellifrr is without a doubt the same as Paralichthys dentatus, since his figure shows the typical color pattern of that species, while no other species is known from New York to which this figure may apply. It, there- fore, only remains to consider what his ohlonga represents. The author distinguishes his obJonga from his ocellifer, by the angulated shape of the caudal, the lesser number of rays in the dorsal and the lack of ocellated spots. These three char- acters, as distinguished by De Kay, are not ten- able. The number of dorsal rays as given by De Kay, SS and 95, fall within the range of variation of dentatUis (table 6, p. 279) . The lack of ocellated spots in De Kay's ohlonga may well be ascribed to his having dark individuals in which the ocel- lated spots are faint; such individual specimens of dentatus occur sometimes. P. dentatus always has an angulated caudal, and the material on which De Kay based his ocellifer with a sup- posedly rounded caudal, either had- the caudal frayed at the end or it was shrunken so that it appeared rounded. There is hardly a doubt that ocellifer and ohlonga of De Kay refer to the same species, dentatus of Linnaeus. This was correctly pointed out long ago by Stoi'er (1846 and 1863). Besides the three characters pointed out by De Kay, his figure shows another difference which, however, is not mentioned in the description, namely, that his ohlonga shows a much wider intei'orbital. Gunther who did not have any speci- mens but relied solely on De Kay's account, kept the two species separate, emphasizing the differ- ences in the interorbital width shown by the fig- ures. Jordan and Goss following Gunther, also state that ocellifer and ohlonga of De Kay are distinct and that the latter species is the same as lethostigmu. This is evidently the basis of the frequent reference of lethostigma to New York. While the combination of wide interorbital and the lack of ocellated siwts generally does distin- guish lethostigma from dentatus when specimens of like size are compared, the fornix- character varies greatly with size in both species and the latter varies much with individual fish. The de- cisive difference, the character which would show without a doubt whether the ohlonga of De Kay was based on specimens of lethostigma, namely, the number of gill rakers, is not given by that author. Furthermore, De Kay states in regard to his ohloTiga that it ''is common along our sandy shores, and is procured abundantly in the months of September and October." This statement cer- tainly can not apply to lethostigma. On the basis of the data now extant, therefore, the present species is not known to occur north of North Cai'o- lina. The species prefers a mud bottom (p. 324), and is generally found along the shore, in bays, sounds and lagoons in comparatively shallow water where it is captured readily by si>earing. This flounder also enters fresh water where it is sometimes taken in numbers. It has been reported from Lake George, St. John's River, and Ocklawaha River FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED GENERA 331 in Floridii (Goodel8S4) and frnm Koaiioke River in North Curoliiia (Smith IHiV.) and 1907). Speci- mens from Edenton aiid from Avoca, on Cliowan River, N. C, were examined by me. I was told by fishermen tliat it is taken by spears along the banks of the Mississippi for considerable distances above the mouth. Size. — This is the largest flounder on the coast of the Southern States. Fish brought to the market by giggers are usually between 12 and 20 inches. The largest examined is an individual 26 inches (660 mm.), including the caudal fin, from Beaufort, N. C. Jordan and Gilbert (1883, p. 617) report a maximum length of 30 inches at Charles- ton. S. C. However, in view of the paucity of records, it is quite possible that the species attains a considerably larger size. Dixtinrfhw characters and rclafionxhiiK — On the Gulf coast and the east coast of Florida where albiguita is common, this species may be readily distingtiished. as a rule, by its distinctive color, all of the spots being ditfuse, none especially prom- inent and not definitely ocellated. Doubtful speci- mens are separable by the combination of higher fin ray and scale counts (tables 1, 5, and 6). In the northern part of its range. North Carolina to northern Florida, where dentatus also occurs, lethosfigma. may be distinguished from that spe- cies by the lack of ocellated spots, and more espe- cially by the fewer gill rakers there being no inter- grading individuals with respect to this character, as between these two species. A count of the gill rakers on the first arch will positively distinguish lethostigma and dentatus in every case (tables 2 to 4). From the deep water squrnnilentxijs, this species may be distinguished by the depth of the body aided by the fewer gill rakers and other characters (p. 334). P. Jcthostigma also has a wider interorbital than the other three species, except in the small specimens. Neotype. — .Jordan and Gilbert in 1883 gave a recognizable description of this species under the name of P. dentatus; but the given synonymy and distribution do not api)ly altogether to it. Later, in 1885, they establish the name lethostigma based solely on their account of 1SS3. Since that ac- count is based on more than one species it is neces- sai-y to fix definitely the status of lethostigma by the selection of a type. Jordan and Gilbert's ac- count of 1883 does not contain any statements by which any of the specimens forming the basis of their description may be identified now. In tlieir synonymy they cite Goode and Bean 1879, and the latter authors give museum numbers of the specimens examined by them. One of those specimens, 21279, from Indian River, Fla.. 292 mm., is herewith designated as a neotype. Biology. — No special study was ever made of this species and consequently very little is known regarding its habits and life histoi'y. Spawning probably takes place in late fall and early winter and the spawning season is possibly extended. John C. Pearson, in connection with his studies of the life history of the sciaenids on the coast of Texas obtained some young of this species as fol- lows: In 1926, March 31, Corpus Christi Pass, 1 specimen 53 mm. In 1927, January 25, Harbor I., 3 specimens, 23, 24, and 31 mm. ; February 15, ]Mud I., 4 specimens, 27, 28, 31 and 47 mm.; Feb. 23, Laguna Madre, 5 specimens 33, 36, 59, 62 and 65 mm.; March 11. Lagvnia Madre, 2 specimens 77 and 89 mm.; March 30, Corjjus Christi Pass, 3 specimens, 89, 111, and 114 mm. These few in- dividuals perhaps indicate that the spawning sea- son is in late fall, and they show a fairly rapid growth to the end of March. Fisheiy and economic importance. — A compara- tively important fishery for this species exists on the coast of the Southern States from North Caro- lina to Texas. The most important method in commercial fishing is by means of sjiears, the operation being known as "gigging," "tlounder- lighting" or "floundering." The fishermen's outfit is simple. Besides the spear or "gig," it consists of a flat-bottomed skiif having an iron rod at- tached to the stern in a nearly but not quite up- right position and a wire basket suspended from the upper end of the rod. A flaring fire is lit in the basket by burning pine-knots, called "fat- wood." The skiff is poled along in the shallows, and as the bright flame divulges the position of a flounder it is speared. Fisiiing may be carried out by two men, one poling and the other spearing the fish; but often one man does all the work. Gigging is usually done on dark, calm nights, at the incoming tide with which the fish come into shallow water. On bright mooidight nights or when a wind is blowing, gigging is said not to yield very satisfactory results. 332 FISHERY BI'LLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Besides ffigging:, a method of capture employed New Orleans, La.)— Jordan and Gilbert, ibid., p. 617, in the Soutliem States for taking flounders espe- ^^"^^ (Charleston. S. C). -Jordan and Gii3ebt Bull. US. iiie oumufiii o.a.r ^ 1 ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ (description only refers to this cially. this species is taken m considerable quanti- ^^^^..^^ ^^^^ ^^^ synonymy nor distribution ) .-Bean, ibid., ties in haul seines, trammel nets, grill nets, and, to 27: -131, 1884 (Galveston, Tex. i.— Goode (in part). Fish, a lesser extent, in shrimp trawls. The floundei-s ind. U. S. See. l, p. 179, pi. 42, 18&4 (figure and part of taken %yith these tvpes of gear are mostly obtained account refer to this species). incidentally, while fishing for other species, or in P-"-, //,/„;,,.. ''"'o-^^'V'"'" Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. . ^ U. S. Nat. Mus. 7: 237, 1884 (species established on de- general fishing operations, scription of Jordan and Gilbert 1883. p. 822; no type The annual yield of this species, m round figures, specimen indicated).— Jordam, ibid., 9: 29, 1886 (Beau- is 3,232.000 pounds worth $440,000 to the fisher- fort, N. C.).— Jordan and Goss, Kept. U. S. Comm. Fish., man. These figures are obtained from the pub- 1880: 247, pi. 3, fig. 7. 1889 (part of synonymy and dis- lished statistics of the Fish and Wildlife Service trilnition in error). -Smith. Bull. U. S. Fish. Conmi. 11: , , ,. j.,^ 1 11 n XT .1 /-x 19(i and 200, 1893 (Edenton Bay and Roanoke River under the heading of "flounder from ^ orth Caro- ^^ Plymouth, N. C.) .-Evermann and Kendall, ibid., 12 : lina to Texas for the year 1945. The "flounder' no, i,s«,)4 ( Galveston. Dickinson Ba.vou and Corpus Christi, catch of the Southern States consists chiefly of Tex.).— Henshai.i, ibid., 14: 220, 189.5 (Tampa, Fla.).— ParaJichthyn lethostiqtna with a small admixture Evermann and Bean (in part, Rept. U. S. Comm. Fish., of Paralichthys aJh!gvtta. except that the catch 1«'6: 24S. 189,s (.specimens from Indian River at Stuart . ,^ ,, ^ ,. ■ ^. -■ 1 nno AAA 1 (raly, according to Evermann and Kendall 19(10).— Jordan in ^orth Carolina, consisting of 1,203.0(W pounds, ^^^^ evermaxn. Bull. r. S. Nat. Mus. 47 (3) : 2(i.30, 1898 includes a considerable and unknown percentage ^^^^^ ^^ synonymy and distribution in error ) .—Ever- of Paralichthys dentatvs. mann and Kendall, Rept. U. S. Comm. Fish. 1899: 96, Racial diferen fiat ion. —The number of gill 1900 (Tampa Bay, Fla.). rakers in the IJOpulation of Uthostigma on the Pxralirhm.,. ,,n,tnt.s Fowler (in part), Ann. Rept. , , . / ^ ,, 1 • 1 .ti New Jersev State Mus.. 190.5: pi. 87, 1906 (the figure Atlantic coast apparently averages higher than ^^.^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^p^,..^^^^,^ ^,^ ^^.^ that on the Gulf coast as shown below. Of the species, not tiie description). 6 specimens having 11 gill rakers on the lower Paralichthys Icfhostigmus Smith, Fish. N. C, p. 388, limb, 5 came from North Carolina and Georgia 1907 (Avoca, Albemarle Sound and Roanoke River at and only 1 from Louisiana; although this char- Plymouth, N. C). ■^ , . n • IT, • j: Paralichthys albiniittiis Hilderrand and Cable (in acter was determined m only 23 specimens from ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ j,.^^^ ^^^ ^„3_^„_j ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ gg_ the Atlantic coast as compared with 121 specimens ^(,3,^ (Beaufort, N. C. : fin ra.vs correctly indicated on from the Gulf coast. All specimens having 8 the figures, also part of account applies to this species), o-ill rakers came from the Gulf coast. The modes Paralichthys Icthostir/ma Norman (in part), Monogr. apparently are at 9 and 10 on the Gulf and Atlan- Fiatfi.shes, p. 74. fig. 40. 1934 (North Carolina : Charies- .^^ •' . , ton Harbor. S. C. : Florida: Biloxi Bay to Horn L, Miss.; tic coasts, respectively. ^^^ specimen recorded from Beaufort is an alhioutta, that out rakers on imrrr liwh ^^.^^^ Tobago probably a tropics) .—Gi^snvno. Jour. Number 8 9 10 11 Washington Acad. Sci. 26: 133, 1936 (general notes). North Carolina to Georgia frequencies 7 11 5 Louisiana and Texas frequencies 7 60 53 1 PARALICHTHYS SQUAMILENTUS Chaowpsctta dctitata Gill (not Linnaeus), Proc. Acad. Broad flounder Nat Sci Philadelphia. 1864 : 218 (Charleston, S. C). ^ rn ■ n t ■ ^ i. .Nai. ^Li. r-nudue.in id. v ,0.,, „n-,Tj Cowmon »awi^.— This flounder IS a deep water Lophopsetta maculata \ arrow, ibid., 1877: 20o (Beau- .... „ 1 r. , 1 12 1 fort, N. C. : judging by siz.e recorded and by description Species. living out of reach of the usual fishery op- of fishery proiiabiy relates to present species possibly erations for flounders hitherto pursued in the Gulf, including also dottatiis). For tiiis reason it is largely unknown to the fisher- Psei(f/o/;iom6M« oc(7/f;r(.1 (citation not verified). — Miranda Ribeiro, Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 17 (Heterosomata) : 13, photo., HUT) (Ilha Rasa. Brazil). — Xorman. .Monogr. Flatfishes, p. 80, fig. 46, 1!);34 (Cape Frio, Brazil; 40 fath. ) .—Xorman. Discovery Rept. 16 : 135, 1937 (compared witli P. IxoaceleH). PARALICHTHY.S COERULEOSTICTA This species was described from a single example 73 nun., from Juan Fernandez. Chile. The perti- nent specific i'haracters given in the original de- scription are as follows : A slender spine at begin- ning of anal. Scales on eyed side thickly spimilif- eious. esmooth on bliiul side; 50. (lill rakers on lower limb of first arch -20. A. 70 ; D. 87. Dorsal origin in front of eye. Eye 3 times in head. In- teroibital very nariow. Teeth slender, pointed, gradually and not nuich increasing in length for- ward. Depth 45, heatl about ±2, maxillary 7.3. Sinistral. This species apparently shows characters of both Pardlichthi/x and Hippog/oxs/na. and if ])rop- erly placed in the former largely destroys the boundary between those two genera. The dorsal origin is in front of the eye like Pnralichthyx; but the interorbital is narrow, the teeth are small and it has a preanal s])ine like Hippof/loxxina. Assuming it to be a Hippogloxx'nut. it is to be noted further that the preanal spine, the short maxillary, the relatively many gill rakers and the rather large scales are like in the subgenus llippoglvsx'ma. but the fin rays have a high count and the eye is medium large like in the subgeims Lloglos-nna. On the basis of the original description it is not possible to place this species generically with confi- dence. It is very possible that it belongs to neither one of those two genera. This is further indicated by the unusually short head aiul nuixillary, strikingly shorter than in any species of the two genera. PaniUchthiis cocnilio.ttirtn Steindachner, Fnnna Clii- lensisi 1: :i27 (Zcnil. Jaluliiich. supp. lid. 4) is'.ls (Juan Feniaiiflez I. Chile I .—I 'Ki. UN, Cat. I'oc. Chile, ii. lill, 1901 (listed). — XOKMAN, Jlouogr. Flatlishes, p. SS, 1934 (after Steiudacliuer). HIPPOGLOSSUS KINGII This name was based by Jenyus not on actual specimens, but on a (h'awing i)repared by an olli- cei- of the Retigle. The figure luiblished by Jenyus shows the following characters: Ventral short, with a short base, synuuet rical. Interorbital wide. somewhat as in males of some species of Syncitiin. or in specimens of some other genera. A well 336 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE developed anterior curve in the lateral line. Scales large, in about 35 rows over straight pai"t of lat- eral line. Pectoral short. Mouth rather large, maxillary extending approximately to under pos- terior margin of eye. Teeth comparatively large. Eye small. Body deep, sinistral. D. 66; A. 51; P. 11; ". . . fin-ray formula . . . computed from the recent fish." No spots or other distinctive color markings. Size unknown. The figure further shows the first 18 dorsal rays subequal, rather abruptly lower than and sep- arated from the succeeding rays, as though the dorsal was composed of two separate fins. This is unusual for a flounder, but not so far fetched as may appear. Some flounders now known from the coast of Chile, some species of Paraliehthijs for instance, have the anterior rays short, al- though the increase in length to the posterior rays is more gradual than represented in the figure. Assuming a tear in the interradial membrane in that position in the specimen from which the drawing was prepared, it nuiy be readily con- ceived how this apparently misleading effect was produced by the artist. It is impossible to determine with confidence the particular species of those now known from the coast of Chile, to which the original account may apply. Even its generic affiliation cannot be de- termined with assurance. The apparent best course to follow in this particular case would be to treat it as an unidentifiable species until the flounders from the coast of Chile are better known when it may possibly be placed with some meas- ure of assurance. The species was referred by later authors, gen- erally with a query, to ParaJtcJifJii/.s or Psevdo- rho/nbus, as shown in the bibliography. No au- thor, except Fowler, assigned definite specimens to this species. Fowler described a specimen from the coast of Chile that he identifies with this spe- cies which he places in Paralichthys. The essen- tial characters in his description, based on a mounted specimen, 740 mm., are as follows. Scales all cycloid, 80; A. 53; D. 66. Pectoral 12, "upper rays longest" . . . "large canines in lower jaw about equal each side; no upper canines and upper teetli best developed on blind side." Depth 43; head 28; maxillary 12, "reaches opposite front pupil edge." . . . "lower eye 10, 2 in interorbi- tal'". Sinistral. Fowler's account also is inadequate to deter- mine the genus to which his specimen belongs. Norman (Monogr., p. 84, 1934) suggests that Fowler's specimen may be a HippogJosshia on account of its comparatively few fin rays. How- ever, it apparently has large teeth, a small eye and a wide interorbital, and consequently, can hardly belong to that genus. Also, the point at which the maxillaiy terminates is markedly more forward than in any species of Paralichthya^ espe- cially considering the large size of the specimen described, and it apparently does not belong to that genus either. As compared with the figure published by Jenyns, the specimen described by Fowler ap- parently has smaller scales and a shorter maxil- lary. However, he is the first author to assign a definite specimen to Mngii, and if no species which more nearly approaches Jenyns' figure is ever dis- covered on the coast of Chile, Fowler's restric- tion may be allowed to stand. But his specimen needs to be reexamined to definitely determine its status and generic affiliation. Bilipof/lonsiix hinffii Jenyxs. Zool. Voy. Beagle, 4: 13S. pi. 20, 1.S42 (Valparaiso). — Guichenot, in Hist. Fis. Pol. Cliile, by Gay, Feces, p. 332, 1848.— Gunther, Cat. Fish. Brit. Mil!?. 4: 423, 1S62 (suggest.? that the species may possibly belong to Bleeker's genus Psciirlorfioiiihiis) . Parnlictiilnifi fiiliijer.iim Jokdam anil Goss, Rept. U. S. Conim, Fi.sh. 188(5: 246. 1889 (place under (iiIkixi-xiik with a query). PsriiriorlinDihiis ki)i(/ii Keed, An. Univ. Cliile 98: 66.5 (Cat. Pec. Chilenos, p. 16) 1897 (listeJ). Pardllchthys kiiii/ii Dei.fin, Cat. Pec. Chile, il 1(14, 1900 (listed). — Fowi.er. I'roc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Pliiladcliihia 78: 282. 1026 (Chile). ParnUcUthijx adxijcrxus NoRitAN, MtMH:if> "I' (lENlS PAliAl.lCHTHYS AND liKLATKl) CKNKIiA 343 \N t I ^: ^ f^=^^' K < 344 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE J3 03 ■3. o c o to c 3 CO •a t. P. =3 © 03 ft £ o ^ 03 o Ul 03 i5 T3 O 00 00 03 03 S ^ 5^ TO ^ S cS FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PAHAI.lcnTH VS AND RELATED GENERA 345 .1 12 "> c3 :j $^ .^ \ * S c£ < 346 FISHEin" BULLETIX OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE FLOrXI)Kli> OF GKXrs l>AH M.ICin HVS AM) IJKLATKI) GENERA 347 348 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ~ c3 ? o "3 * — CD o O ° a ■ -*j O <3 _^- g "C 3 3 ^ O SB 2 03 ■e FLOUNDKHS OF GEMS PAKAI.ICI ITHYS AND KKLATED GENERA 349 _-*?*■ - 2 3d - .= c. c „ 5 3 en O >> CO ':^ c3 +^ .— f *3 - c3 c; J / "^2 x" X. 5 — C- — -^ cc CJ ■»^ X d •- £ c c X > (<-< — o a ^ c j:; X ^ X .i: :i _£; D ^ iC a, X = X Z "3 3 350 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AXD WILDLIFE SERVICE c3 ■a a> 13 03 ■a H to 03 ClH FLOUNDERS OF GENUS PARALICHTHYS AND RELATED (iEXKRA \ # 351 O UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND OF THE AMERICAN WEST COAST By Milner B. Schaefer FISHERY BULLETIN 72 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON : 1952 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 15 cents CONTENTS Page Introduction 353 On the selection of regression equations 354 Relative growth of Hawaiian j^ellowfin tuna 358 Comparison of tuna from Hawaii and from the American west coast — 359 Fin lengths 359 Head lengths and distances from snout to fin insertions 362 Other dimensions 37 1 Counts of gill rakers 371 Discussion 37 1 Literature cited 37 3 II COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND OF THE AMERICAN WEST COAST By MiLNER B. SCHAEFER, Fishery Research Biologist The yellowfin tuna of the vicinity of the Hawai- ian Ishiuds, like the form from the adjacent waters of the American west coast (Schaefer 1948), is here referred to Neothunnus macropterus (Tem- niinck and Schlegel) 1842. As has been pointed out pre\nous]y (Schaefer and Walford 1950), it is possible that the various Pacific forms, the form from the Indian Ocean, and perhaps also those from the Atlantic, should be considered a single species of world-wide distribution. The data presented herein support such a conclusion. This cannot be finally settled until populations from more places have been carefully studied, particularly a series from the Indian Ocean from which was described the specimen of A^. argen- tiinttatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) 1831, which should be considered the type of this species. It is also my opinion that the species now re- ferred to the genera Thunnus, Neothunnus, Para- thunnus, and Kishinoella should all be referred, as has been done by Fraser-Brunner (1950), to a single genus, Thunnus. However, since this paper is written to compare the yellowfin tima from the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands with the form from the waters adjacent to the American west coast in order to settle the question whether they are racially distinct, questions of taxonomy, sjmonymy, and nomenclatm-e will be passed over at this time, and for convenience both forms will be referred to the commonly accepted name A'', macropterus. The yello^vfin tuna is the object of an extensive and intensive fishery along the American west coast from California to the Galapagos Islands. In the Hawaiian Islands there exists a minor fishery that promises to be expanded in the near futm-e to encompass other islands of the mid- Pacific and to increase in intensity in the presently exploited region. Wliether the population of the Hawaiian region is part of the same stock of fish as that fished along the American west coast, or is an independent stock, is a question of con- siderable practical importance: if they are the same stock, the new fisheries would merely add to the strain on the stock already being exploited ; if they are independent, there is being tapped an essentially virgin resom-ce. Schaefer (1948) has pubhshed measurement data and counts of denumerable characters on yellowfin tuna from the waters of the Pacific near Costa Rica. Godsil (1948) has published the measui-ements of a few selected dunensions taken from a very large number of specimens from several sampling localities, extending from the tip of lower California to Panama. Godsil and Bj'ers (1944) have also published gdl-raker coimts of value to the present study. Those data and those presented herein from the Hawai- ian Islands are dii'ectly comparable, having been taken in the same manner. Details of measure- ment methods are given in the papers cited and by Marr and Schaefer (1949). Measm-ements were made by several field assistants, but all followed identical procedures. For tliis study, Hawaiian yellowfin tuna were measm-ed during 1949, between February 21 and September 28. They were selected to give as even a representation as practicable of all sizes of fish available. All specimens were fresh and recently landed from commercial fishing vessels. Most specimens were measm-ed at the Honolulu fresh-fish wholesale auction market, not only a very convenient place to work but almost ideal from a sampling standpoint. The fish handled there are caught by flag- lines which, by the nature of their operation, sample the fish population very widely. De- scription of the fishery and the method of handling and marketing the fish ^vill be foimd in June (1950). Smaller sizes of yellowfin tuna, under about 80 cm. in total length, are seldom taken by the flag-line fishery. These small fish are frequently taken by pole-and-line fishmg, in the same manner as on the American west coast, 353 354 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE incidental to fishing for skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis). Specimens of the small sizes were mostly obtained, therefore, from landings at the local tuna cannery, where most of the skipjack catch is landed, particularly during the summer season of good catches. These fish are landed fresh soon after being caught, and are thus comparable to the specimens from the flag-line fishery. The original data on the 203 Hawaiian yeUowfin tuna employed in this study are tabu- lated in table 1. All length measurements are in millimeters, taken as described by Marr and Schaefer (1949). Weights were taken in pounds, because at the auction market the fish were weighed by commercial scales graduated in poimds. Blanks in the table indicate that the measm-ement or count was not taken on the particular specimen. In addition, a few of the tabulated values were omitted from the analj^ses, because they were found to deviate more than three standard deviations from the appropriate regression line and seemed probably to be record- ing errors. These values were as follows: Rejected value 1670-inrD. specimen, snout to insertion first dorsal. 423 1780-mm. specimen, snout to insertion first dorsal 446 1780-mm. specimen, snout to insertion second dorsal 835 1464-mm. specimen, snout to insertion anal 767 1629-mm. specimen, body depth 454 1333-mm. specimen, longest dorsal finlet 34 1259-mm. specimen, length first dorsal spine 97 1397-mm. specimen, lengtli first dorsal spine 129 969-mni. specimen, diameter of iris 26 1605-mm. specimen, diameter of iris 52 Many of the routine computations involved in the analysis of the Hawaiian data, reanalysis of American-west-coast data, and comparison of the two, were performed by Dorothy Dung, whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged. ON THE SELECTION OF REGRESSION EQUATIONS It is characteristic of many animals — perhaps of all — that the various parts of the body grow at different rates, so that as the organism increases in size the ratio of one dimension to another changes. For yeUowfin tuna this has been demonstrated by Godsil (1948), Schaefer (1948), and Schaefer and Walford (1950). Since this is the case, one cannot use the measm-ement ratios normally employed in systematic ichthyology for comparing samples of tunas from different places, except in the trivial case where the fish from the two places are of exactly the same size, because differences connected with size could be confused with differences in form of fish of the same size. In order to avoid this difficulty, the authors of the papers cited above have based their com- parisons of samples on the comparison of the regression of one dimension on that of another (usually total length), taken as a measurement of over-all size. This procedin-e is also employed in the present paper. It may be noted that the efficiency of sampling may be much improved over simple random sampling in such chcumstances by selecting the specimens according to total length (the independent variate) to give an even repre- sentation of all sizes available so far as is practical; such a sampling scheme was employed in obtain- ing the data for table 1. The comparison of body form among fish popidations by comparison of regressions would be a simple and straightforward process if the relations between the body dimensions corres- ponded exactly to the straight lines or simple curves that must be employed in such analyses. Unfortunately, they do not and this may lead to some confusion in the analysis, particularlj'- in situations where one is dealLug with smaU differ- ences and large numbers of specimens. Over restricted ranges of sizes at least, the dimensions of some body parts relative to others seem to be sufficiently well approximated by straight lines (Schaefer 1948, Schaefer and Walford 1950). Large samples of the same size range of the same populations may reveal, however, that regression curves of slight ciu-vilinearity give a better fit to the data, as Godsil (1948) has found for certain dimensions of the American-west-coast yeUowfin. In other cases, such as the fin lengths of yeUow- fin tuna, the regressions are very strongly curvi- linear but may, in some cases at least, be trans- formed by the aUometry equation or other transformation to a hnear or nearly linear relation, as has been done in mj'' papers above cited. Whatever the equation employed, however, it is necessary to bear in mind two things. First, the relation employed in the analj^sis (the mathe- matical model of the true relation between variables), be it Imear or otherwise, is only an approximation to the true relation and as such COMPARISON OF ITILLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 355 does not completely eliminate the effect of size of organism on the character being compared. Second, there sometimes occiu* rather marlced changes in growth rate of one part relative to another at certain sizes, so that a regression which over a considerable range may be represented by a particular equation may not be so represented at all when the range is slightly extended. In- deed, as has been shown bj' Martin (1949), there seem to be sharp inflection points in the relative- growth curves of several fish species. The avoidance of misleading conclusions demands that these matters be kept in mind in analj^ses of morphometric data. Table 1. — Morphometric measurements and counts for Yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) from the Hawaiian Islands Feb. 21-Sept. 28, 1949 'I'otul length S a i g .11 Si f § as s 1| 6 a -9 g a 1 1 1! -a -a .a ii i 0 03 s s a 1 = ■§ 1 X3 3 a o o « 0 ^ a CO 02 eg & O E- S> ;s ^ ^ ;3 0 :3 z 2 2 2 * u. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. 461 mm. 4.0 128 143 249 272 145 114 7 125 63 50 44 14 5 23 m 14 8+0 8+0 10+20 M 457 mm 4.25 1.30 148 255 281 146 127 7 134 48 38 17 6 25 62 13 S+1 8+0 10+20 F 466 mm.. 4.5 135 152 203 292 163 125 6 132 54 60 49 16 5 24 65 14 8+2 8+1 10+21 F 466 mm 4.5 137 132 266 294 l.W 128 7 138 64 54 47 16 6 25 63 14 7+2 7+2 9+20 M 466 mm 5.0 132 163 267 284 148 132 7 130 65 49 17 6 25 63 8+2 8+2 9+22 M 472 mm 5.0 132 148 265 287 153 130 i 143 56 66 16 6 23 65 14 8+2 8+1 9+22 F 476 mm 4.5 136 153 265 295 164 128 6 140 63 53 19 6 20 65 13 7+2 7+1 9+20 M 477 mm 4.5 137 156 266 285 163 124 7 136 68 52 52 16 6 25 56 13 7+1 8+0 477 mm 4.75 138 156 264 290 154 123 7 131 56 49 16 6 25 66 8+1 8+0 16+26 M(7) 488 mm 5.25 135 168 274 302 157 129 9 149 67 69 64 17 6 24 66 14 8+1 8+0 10+20 M 4K8 mm 5.5 137 155 269 296 156 132 6 147 69 63 16 6 24 64 14 8+0 8+0 10+20 F 493 mm 5.0 142 151 259 302 177 123 8 142 56 56 66 16 6 26 57 13 8+1 8+0 10+21 — 493 mm 5.25 140 154 269 301 157 126 9 140 68 61 60 17 6 26 .56 14 8+1 8+1 10+22 M 496 mm 6.0 145 ISO 274 ,305 166 133 8 148 57 63 58 16 6 25 67 14 8+1 7+1 10+20 M 497 mm 5.5 138 159 276 303 1,58 139 7 149 58 46 17 5 25 66 13 8+1 8+1 9+22 M 498 mm 5.25 140 161 276 302 161 12.5 6 151 59 59 62 16 6 26 57 14 8+0 8+1 10+20 F(7) 60(1 mm 5 0 141 l.=i5 274 298 168 125 7 149 56 62 69 18 6 25 57 13 8+1 8+0 9+20 — 601 mm 6 0 142 163 275 307 163 143 6 114 62 62 64 17 6 27 57 12 8+1 8+1 9+20 M 602 mm 5.5 142 163 278 306 158 136 6 152 68 61 18 6 25 68 13 8+1 7+2 9+22 M 509 mm 5,0 142 164 277 306 162 132 151 59 66 65 19 6 26 58 13 7+2 7+2 9+20 M 609 mm 6.0 146 165 281 309 166 130 10 164 60 66 60 19 5 26 60 13 7+1 7+2 10+21 M(?) 509 mm fi.O 146 165 280 303 159 133 7 145 69 62 62 19 6 27 58 13 8+1 8+0 10+22 M 610 mm 6.0 146 157 283 310 171 128 6 130 62 55 63 20 6 26 60 13 8+1 8+1 510 mm 6,5 148 168 292 322 170 133 7 154 62 69 65 20 6 27 59 14 7+2 7+1 9+26 M(7) 611 mm 5.6 145 167 282 317 164 136 10 149 68 68 60 17 6 26 58 14 7+2 V+1 9+21 M 6,0 6,0 145 145 166 168 287 293 311 315 168 168 125 131 8 9 152 145 67 58 19 18 5 6 27 25 58 59 14 13 7+1 8+0 7+2 7+1 8+21 10+21 M 628 mm 68 65 — 630 mm 6,0 153 171 294 32o 167 133 8 141 60 63 61 18 6 25 68 13 8+0 8+0 9+21 M 630 mm 6 5 154 166 290 319 173 136 9 141 60 68 62 19 6 26 62 14 8+2 8+2 9+20 — 633 mm 6.5 160 166 289 319 171 135 8 156 63 68 61 18 6 26 58 14 8+1 7+1 10+19 M(?) 634 mm 7.5 10 163 174 173 189 302 342 328 375 172 196 144 155 9 6 162 191 60 72 18 20 6 7 27 30 60 59 14 14 8+1 8+1 V+2 8+1 8+22 10+20 M 625 mm 74 68 F 666 mm 12 180 204 357 393 206 166 8 188 73 83 84 21 6 27 72 13 8+0 8+0 10+20 681 mm 196 205 215 237 377 396 416 423 226 230 172 184 7 8 216 221 84 78 98 104 105 101 30 29 81 78 14 13 8+1 7+1 8+1 7+1 16+22' F 727 mm 16 28 4 — 755 mm 18.5 207 r>7 408 452 229 192 8 229 88 113 117 25 6 31 84 13 8+1 8+1 — 867 mm 22.0 237 2.56 466 500 266 205 7 279 101 169 184 28 6 33 92 14 8+1 7+2 9+22 — 882 mm 31.5 228 254 456 500 261 237 9 254 96 149 169 28 6 33 90 14 8+1 8+1 8+21 — 885 ram 31.0 238 272 478 621 271 234 6 258 97 143 142 27 6 33 92 13 7+2 7+2 9+22 — 888 mm 30.0 246 244 269 275 475 477 625 526 273 274 232 244 7 7 254 265 107 108 106 161 179 171 34 32 6 6 33 34 98 95 13 14 8+1 8+1 8+1 8+1 9+21 9+22 — 912 mm 34 — 934 mm 34 260 288 494 661 2S9 237 264 93 139 145 30 5 32 99 14 7+1 7+1 8+21 — 934 mm 35 251 283 497 548 287 241 8 2li4 102 157 166 29 6 36 101 14 8+1 8+0 8+20 — 34.6 39 33.6 247 259 268 282 280 280 .604 492 497 560 569 637 278 292 289 246 238 231 7 283 270 293 113 160 157 195 196 160 217 99 101 101 14 "14' 8+1 8+1 8+1 8+1 8+1 8+1 io+2i" — 940 mm — 9f8mm 38 5 34 F 969 mm.. 40.0 255 287 509 557 281 251 7 272 100 143 151 26 6 26 100 13 8+1 8+1 10+21 — 973 mm 39.5 257 291 609 556 289 243 8 278 97 166 184 36 6 34 100 14 8+1 8+1 8+21 -^ 091 mm 41 260 299 525 675 286 258 8 274 110 166 168 34 6 33 98 14 8+1 7+2 10+20 — 1,004 mm 44 266 302 521 567 279 2:54 4 303 112 192 201 38 6 36 101 14 8+1 8+1 8+20 M 46.5 39.5 261 270 289 301 521 623 588 574 298 302 265 240 8 7 2.85 313 iio' 187 186 217 207 104 105 14 13 8+1 8+1 8+1 7+1 16+22" — 1,008 mm 36 6 35 F 1,012 mm 46 272 296 524 .597 306 268 7 274 109 160 177 36 6 33 103 13 7+2 7+2 9+20 — 1,016 mm 38 269 278 517 676 304 245 8 258 109 183 192 36 6 33 104 14 8+1 8+1 10+20 — 1,016 mm 43 262 281 530 583 300 268 7 298 117 197 211 36 5 31 104 13 V+2 7+2 9+20 F 1,023 mm 43 262 290 512 592 302 249 9 300 118 190 212 37 7 33 98 14 8+1 7+2 9+22 — 1,043 mm 49 268 309 .538 593 305 257 7 315 HI 202 209 38 6 33 102 13 8+1 8+1 9+21 M 1,045 mm 46 268 307 545 593 303 269 7 322 112 199 215 39 8 32 105 14 8+1 7+2 10+21 I,nr4 mm 52 277 307 540 605 315 271 9 306 107 205 218 37 6 32 105 14 7+2 8+1 8+22 1,077 mm 49 282 314 670 622 322 267 7 309 127 229 232 40 7 36 108 13 8+1 8+1 10+20 — 1,081 mm 48 290 320 656 626 323 263 7 2.83 119 183 185 39 6 30 109 14 8+1 8+0 10+21 1,086 mm 53 285 314 661 617 321 273 8 294 124 196 198 36 6 34 108 13 8+0 8+1 8+22 1,090 mm 50 293 329 666 621 333 269 5 280 115 170 180 37 6 35 109 13 8+1 8+1 9+22 1,090 mm 51 286 316 657 606 326 269 8 319 126 205 246 39 6 36 111 13 8+1 8+1 9+21 1,132 mm 58 288 322 580 636 319 293 7 323 210 236 43 6 36 110 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 1,134 mm 60 285 330 ,591 639 315 295 S 311 114 206 340 34 6 35 no 14 8+1 8+1 9+20 1,142 mm 63 304 .342 596 651 340 289 9 310 121 2!1 248 41 6 35 115 14 8+1 8+1 8+20 _— 1,170 mm 66 311 336 596 677 349 292 9 305 119 204 210 40 7 34 117 14 8+1 8+0 9+21 ~" 1,172 mm 66 292 330 691 661 325 291 9 332 128 322 336 44 6 37 111 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 1,170 mm 70 301 323 593 657 340 295 9 350 118 249 262 40 5 34 117 14 8+2 8+1 9+21 ^ 356 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND "WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 1. — Morphometric measuremenls and counts for Yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) from the Hawaiian Islands Feb. 31-Sept. 28, iS^S— Continued ri o o o ■3 .3 ■3 !^ _; ris C •3 •3 a oj'rf si t; a> si ll 2 «2 t3 •2 •a Z .E2 s CO » % 0! Total length I„ a 1 •a 3 % 3 si > 3 ■§ to 1! St is § a » ^1 II •o 1 ■fil go ■St OjCB a a a Si 2 n § to O to o a CO 1 O 05 3 ^ 3 3 o 5 Z 3 z 3 3 12 « U). Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. 1.206 mm 75 309 342 605 685 346 299 9 336 133 278 315 43 6 38 123 13 8+1 8+1 7+19 — 1,217 mm 76 313 346 621 693 358 306 7 370 140 305 327 45 6 37 117 14 8--1 8+1 9+20 — 1,238 mm 75 310 348 621 694 351 300 9 343 136 359 267 43 6 37 120 14 8--1 8+1 8+20 — 1,238 mm 80 311 342 624 703 362 303 10 341 134 280 303 44 6 37 118 13 8-1 8+1 9+21 — 84 307 343 616 681 339 316 9 344 131 274 294 44 7 37 118 14 8+1 8+1 8+21 — 1,240 mm. .- 78 317 351 629 702 365 297 / 341 131 276 293 45 6 33 131 13 8+1 8+1 8+19 — 86 314 357 645 700 367 319 9 336 142 276 310 42 6 38 124 13 8+1 8+1 9+20 — 1,256 mm 86 324 366 660 720 370 320 8 375 136 278 306 42 6 37 129 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 M 88 314 366 629 669 351 310 7 343 149 284 355 46 5 39 126 13 8+1 8+1 9+20 — 1,259 mm 82 317 358 632 702 358 303 9 349 97 348 363 51 7 38 124 13 8+2 8+1 10+22 — 1,278 mm .. . 85 311 343 629 702 346 313 10 349 143 298 311 46 5 39 116 13 8+1 8+1 9+20 — 86 313 353 648 720 367 309 7 348 141 331 377 45 5 40 124 14 8+1 8+1 9+22 F 1,288 mm 88 318 369 646 716 365 309 10 369 142 351 398 46 6 38 121 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 — 1,289 mm .-. 88 328 376 646 729 365 325 10 337 134 320 332 49 5 38 129 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 — 1,297 mm --- 86 330 363 659 723 372 325 354 145 270 337 45 6 37 131 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 F 1,297 mm 90 324 358 643 706 366 313 9 353 141 337 387 50 5 38 126 13 8+1 8+1 9+21 — 1,299 mm 85 323 353 648 716 303 304 9 365 132 358 382 44 6 39 126 14 7+2 8+1 10+21 — 1,313 mm ... 98 330 361 667 741 366 318 8 369 149 367 370 47 4 39 129 13 8+1 7+1 9+21 — 1,323 mm 96 329 369 668 752 377 321 8 340 139 364 387 46 6 37 127 13 8+2 7+2 9+20 F 1,323 mm 97 329 357 666 730 371 327 6 367 148 397 458 53 5 40 127 13 ■1+2 7+2 9+21 — 1,323 mm 101 340 360 662 746 396 336 11 336 161 359 372 44 5 38 128 14 8+1 8+1 9+22 — 1,325 mm 1,327 mm 1,330 mm 99 333 342 336 364 676 740 374 381 381 325 7 7 8 338 137 307 335 50 6 6 6 37 131 13 8+1 8+2 7+2 8+1 8+1 7+1 104 100 337 367 323 38 136 13 363 670 757 330 354 162 385 437 51 40 126 14 9+20 1,331 mm 99 331 372 668 732 373 342 9 378 162 306 342 47 6 38 128 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 1,332 mm 93 327 362 661 733 365 306 9 366 146 318 385 47 5 40 12S' 13 8+2 8+1 10+21 1,333 mm 1,337 mm 336 338 316 6 9 345 275 289 34 5 6 35 126 14 7+2 8+2 7+2 95 379 670 734 375 326 349 148 344 366 40 39 131 14 8+1 8+21 1,339 mm 92 324 366 669 741 364 307 7 355 142 317 354 40 6 36 12S 13 8+1 8+0 9+20 F 1,339 mm 100 330 367 652 742 366 312 11 356 153 386 388 64 7 40 131 13 8+2 8+1 8+21 M 1,344 mm 99 334 367 667 752 376 312 9 367 131 327 342 49 4 38 130 14 8+1 7+2 8+21 1,352 mm 112 333 368 668 751 372 348 10 363 145 406 425 64 5 39 132 13 7+2 7+2 9+21 1,353 mm 93 337 375 671 752 378 329 9 336 146 349 450 40 6 40 127 13 7+2 7+2 9+20 1,358 mm 108 333 381 689 775 384 350 7 368 157 363 364 45 5 40 132 14 8+0 8+1 9+20 . . . 1,359 mm 120 335 367 673 747 3/8 361 372 145 350 374 53 6 40 136 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 M , 1,371 mm 99 337 376 692 762 380 319 9 363 337 348 42 5 38 129 13 8+2 8--1 F 1,371 mm 114 344 378 695 779 405 353 10 356 164 244 334 49 5 37 133 13 8+1 8--1 9+21 F 1,378 mm 110 345 387 694 759 379 347 9 361 155 323 361 62 5 39 134 13 8+1 8--1 9+19 M 1,380 mm 107 342 382 686 755 392 337 6 341 147 377 409 50 6 39 129 13 8+2 8+1 9+21 F 1,385 mm 121 348 377 711 792 393 354 8 370 176 336 401 60 6 41 136 14 8+1 8+0 10+21 1,391 mm 110 346 389 698 772 396 346 7 380 139 371 395 60 4 38 134 13 8+1 8+1 10+21 F 1,391 mm 112 346 403 706 781 396 339 8 342 147 304 319 51 6 38 132 13 7+2 8+1 10+21 1,396 mm .. 113 336 372 685 776 379 345 10 360 138 404 447 56 7 39 127 14 8+1 8+1 9+20 F 1,397 mm 123 349 401 706 792 400 366 9 361 129 346 362 48 6 37 134 13 8+2 8+1 9+22 M 1,397 mm 124 354 391 707 777 395 364 8 360 167 308 367 67 6 41 139 13 8+1 8+1 9+20 M 1,399 mm .. 116 340 371 700 780 382 341 8 341 161 383 420 54 6 39 132 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 F 1,405 mm -. 116 346 394 709 783 397 344 8 350 166 406 459 61 6 39 137 14 8+1 7+1 8+21 1,409 mm - 136 346 397 713 788 391 371 10 362 157 470 495 64 6 41 135 13 8+2 8+1 9+20 M 1,413 mm 116 346 396 712 786 394 346 9 368 158 428 506 50 6 40 136 13 8+2 8+1 9+20 F 1,423 mm...... 128 356 405 715 798 401 357 8 358 161 467 632 61 6 40 142 13 8+2 8+1 8+19 — 1,429 mm 12S 352 396 719 786 394 363 11 359 155 309 363 44 5 39 136 13 8+1 8+1 10+20 F 1,429 mm 133 365 388 705 796 401 363 9 355 162 417 500 45 5 41 141 7+2 8+1 8+21 — 1,431 mm 122 362 403 724 799 414 362 7 367 151 341 360 50 6 38 131 14 8+2 8+1 10+21 M 1,435 mm 1,437 mm 133 122 360 351 403 389 720 703 816 794 407 393 371 346 7 9 62 54 6 6 9+1 8+1 8+1 377 16S 462 505 42 131 13 8+1 10+21 1,438 mm 1,441 mm...... 117 123 362 355 397 399 732 726 804 811 4]'> 338 11 10 381 174 418 427 49 6 4 39 138 14 8+2 7+2 404 350 360 156 380 490 51 39 143 13 8+1 11+21 F 1,441 mm. 131 352 392 702 776 392 369 8 382 167 612 641 58 6 41 137 13 8+1 8+1 10+20 1,444 mm 126 351 402 729 794 391 350 6 368 171 406 460 44 6 40 136 13 8+2 8+1 9+22 1,455 mm .. 131 359 407 741 806 409 358 376 169 405 443 51 6 38 141 8+2 8+2 9+20 1,457 mm 133 363 394 750 807 398 307 6 351 148 303 363 58 6 39 137 14 8+1 8+1 9+21 1,464 mm 123 347 385 (i96 767 400 371 9 376 145 465 561 50 6 41 139 14 9+1 9+1 M 1,465 mm 125 374 402 726 822 423 360 1 368 173 335 365 51 6 43 141 13 8+1 8+1 9+20 F 1,466 mm 136 361 403 750 816 408 369 7 342 183 432 621 51 5 40 140 14 8+2 8+1 9+21 M 1,474 mm .. 135 366 404 733 799 408 379 8 362 167 372 612 69 6 42 142 13 8+2 8+1 9+22 M 1,480 mm 148 376 412 750 837 421 388 9 386 177 452 603 66 6 42 149 13 7+1 8+1 9+20 M 1,486 mm 134 364 409 739 835 413 366 7 377 169 442 620 52 5 40 149 14 8+2 8+2 10+23 F 1,488 mm 143 367 395 726 826 428 376 8 372 166 669 645 65 1 43 143 14 8- -2 8+1 8+20 F 1,506 mm 135 368 422 760 851 413 383 10 389 176 430 466 49 i 40 147 13 8--1 8+1 8+22 F 1,514 mm 163 369 423 764 826 416 412 8 394 158 466 493 63 5 41 144 13 8- -2 8+1 9+20 1,517 mm 139 386 416 748 836 437 373 6 375 176 587 687 66 6 44 144 14 8--1 7+2 9+20 M 1,518 mm 165 372 404 742 859 417 386 10 370 169 417 464 55 6 39 145 13 8--1 8+1 8+21 M 1,520 mm 158 366 414 766 830 412 386 10 390 169 621 657 57 6 42 144 13 8-^1 8+1 10+20 1,621mm 146 372 400 742 832 421 377 9 377 178 617 680 54 5 42 143 14 S--1 8+1 9+21 1,634 mm 162 378 421 761 833 422 403 11 396 606 665 60 4 46 144 13 8- -2 8+1 9+20 1,548 mm. 157 397 432 777 858 441 409 7 380 177 465 465 63 5 43 152 14 8--2 8+1 9+23 M 1,550 mm 177 383 420 769 852 430 416 9 379 188 540 527 57 6 44 148 13 8- -2 8+1 8+19 M 1,656 mm 180 385 428 804 879 440 412 9 392 176 666 617 68 4 46 152 13 8- -2 8+1 8+19 — 1,564 mm 153 404 439 798 885 462 388 8 376 193 648 650 58 / 44 157 13 8+2 8+2 9+20 M 1,579 mm 169 398 436 779 880 459 399 8 368 164 382 424 63 0 44 149 13 8+1 8+1 11+21 M 1,581 mm 179 387 434 783 888 441 400 8 381 162 437 481 56 5 40 148 13 8+2 8+2 9+20 M 1,582 mm. 166 389 443 789 881 437 392 6 397 187 647 803 61 6 46 166 13 V+1 7+2 — 1.584 mm 182 392 430 789 864 440 421 382 169 602 670 55 / 42 160 14 8+2 8+1 10+21 1,604 mm 201 394 431 806 884 447 430 11 394 leo 560 668 63 6 43 152 13 8+2 8+1 9+21 1,605 mm 202 396 1 446 782 892 444 425 10 387 152 372 556 60 6 62 151 13 8+2 8+1 10+20 COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 357 Table 1. — Morphometric measurements and counts for Yellowfin tuna (Xeothunnus macropterus) from the Hawaiian Islands Feb. 21-Sepl. 38, 1949— Continued a o ss & 2? S3 bc ■2 s« o ^ S 1 Lb. Mm. Mm. 163 393 432 201 399 445 176 405 430 212 415 447 220 411 455 201 412 459 211 403 470 209 399 447 172 401 442 200 404 454 192 403 444 206 402 442 195 403 445 200 404 44: 209 408 448 201 408 458 201 401 444 204 404 447 208 409 446 203 399 456 205 40O 451 200 414 464 205 414 423 201 40S 457 193 412 461 209 410 450 196 411 449 192 419 447 209 421 455 215 411 462 2H 410 461 215 410 453 216 430 483 205 411 460 225 419 463 222 414 459 227 420 460 219 417 458 229 415 471 227 408 450 221 439 476 223 411 468 224 419 469 212 416 449 238 419 451 236 423 466 230 418 446 230 430 487 a a — ^ Is 2^ 2g S 03 o « a CO CO o Mm. Mm. Mm. 883 445 393 8/7 440 440 902 452 408 907 457 427 905 457 454 901 468 437 895 457 452 890 442 443 901 451 389 889 448 432 890 442 427 890 450 438 910 451 426 915 453 432 919 449 445 913 454 427 903 449 428 907 453 429 916 460 435 910 453 437 923 443 428 924 464 417 902 483 422 914 456 419 917 464 420 9flS 459 450 919 462 423 923 469 438 907 475 408 920 462 427 918 452 443 927 455 435 927 486 440 923 462 420 941 474 451 919 464 430 930 463 462 930 472 451 93S 473 446 935 460 438 9,53 480 425 923 466 452 939 476 447 935 463 432 955 470 447 953 491 456 948 470 452 960 485 455 3 ? c o ^ ■3 S S o 1 w 5. ■a a h 1 e3 §1 a ■a. k ,= 2 j2 li j- tS, M« bD Fi C a .2 l-I ^ .2 s o a ^ Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm Mm. Mm. 368 184 390 664 62 6 45 150 4(K1 184 567 627 65 5 44 153 380 192 438 495 63 6 44 157 4(H) 185 453 700 63 6 45 158 422 165 614 672 02 5 42 151 396 203 554 592 70 6 46 156 390 195 651 745 63 7 45 154 401 195 603 582 64 6 43 153 417 194 686 702 60 5 45 162 440 179 540 603 66 6 45 160 370 206 760 850 67 6 48 153 408 189 564 644 61 4 44 157 406 192 604 615 62 6 44 154 390 184 490 610 63 7 42 166 440 180 624 720 69 6 44 161 394 196 703 725 64 5 45 153 3.83 181 639 716 63 6 46 415 200 654 620 63 6 45 159 406 187 555 579 68 6 45 163 395 196 602 685 65 6 46 158 430 200 527 688 64 5 45 150 399 190 644 790 66 6 47 158 407 200 668 759 65 6 47 158 377 185 592 676 64 6 45 158 402 199 683 715 64 6 45 161 414 185 560 607 62 6 44 164 412 207 661 732 60 5 46 167 382 186 634 753 62 6 47 167 380 196 590 684 65 6 45 169 394 170 604 696 68 6 42 160 389 188 615 657 68 6 46 162 398 186 594 714 62 6 45 160 431 2(M 670 722 65 6 46 174 442 203 607 536 71 6 46 160 432 196 553 584 69 7 43 160 392 186 567 565 67 6 43 156 420 191 598 648 69 6 45 158 398 185 668 733 69 6 46 153 402 197 634 742 M 6 45 156 414 175 614 651 65 6 43 154 422 184 444 522 62 5 46 171 431 190 601 665 60 6 44 168 401 196 583 611 67 6 42 162 420 174 712 742 70 6 45 157 402 187 630 693 61 6 46 159 417 208 647 634 72 6 45 166 398 192 688 781 72 6 52 165 416 211 777 836 72 6 48 168 i 1 W « u-a F= = a 3 d :s Z 14 8+1 14 8+1 14 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+1 13 8+1 14 7+2 13 8+2 14 8+1 14 7+2 13 8+1 14 8+2 13 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+2 13 8+2 13 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+2 13 8+2 13 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+2 13 9+1 13 7+2 14 8+1 13 8+2 13 7+2 13 8+1 13 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+1 13 8+1 14 8+1 13 8+2 13 8+1 13 8+2 14 8+1 1 3 O^ og ..■a •-^ t-c: £. B a 3 3 z z 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+18 8+1 9+20 8+1 8+21 8+1 10+20 8+1 9+19 7+2 10+21 8+1 8+20 8+1 8+20 7+2 9+17 8+1 9+20 8+0 8+21 8+1 8+21 8+1 9+21 8+1 8+21 8+1 9+19 8+1 9+20 8+1 9+20 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+21 8+1 10+21 8+1 8+20 8+1 9+20 8+1 9+20 8+1 9+21 8+0 9+20 8+1 9+19 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+20 8+1 10+21 8+1 9+20 8+2 9+21 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+20 8+1 9+21 K+I 8+20 8+1 10+20 8+1 10+21 7+1 9+20 8+1 7+18 8+2 9+21 8+1 8+21 8+1 9+21 8+1 9+21 8+2 10+20 8+1 9+19 1,611 mm. 1,614 mm. 1,621 mm. 1, '129 mm. 1,629 mm. l,rai mm. 1,635 mm. 1 ,6;i6 mm . 1.638 mm. 1.639 mm. 1.640 mm. 1.641 mm. 1.642 mm. 1.643 mm. l,i'48mm. 1,654 mm, 1.659 mm. 1.660 mm. 1,662 mm. 1,665 mm. 1,665 mm. 1,670 mm. 1,670 mm. 1.673 mm., 1.674 mm. 1,674 mm. 1.676 mm. 1.677 mm. 1,682 mm. 1,696 mm. 1,700 mm. 1,700 mm. 1,700 mm. 1,7113 mm. 1,703 mm. 1.705 mm. 1,714 mm. 1.716 mm. 1.717 mm. 1.718 mm. 1,721 mm. 1.723 mm. 1.724 mm. 1,734 mm. 1,748 mm. 1,778 mm. 1,780 mm. 1,785 mm. Mm. 796 811 785 822 829 810 811 813 810 812 813 809 797 822 808 820 818 827 814 826 835 822 803 829 850 827 817 829 845 844 841 839 849 847 848 836 838 846 846 830 861 832 850 847 847 866 835 889 M M M M M M M M M M 13 7+2 8+1 8+2 8+1 8+2 8+2 8+1 8+1 M M M M M M M M M M M M M m' M M M M M M ■ M M Godsil (1948), whose work will be discussed sub- sequently, has fovmd that a curvilinear equation fits the regressions on bodj^ length of the distances from the tip of the snout to various fin insertions and head length rather better than a linear one. He also discovered that when he fitted regression equations of the selected tj^pe to each of several samples from the same region, and also fitted an equation of this same type to the pooled data of all such samples, the individual regressions differed from the regression for the pooled data to a gi-eater extent than might be expected from purely random variation. This he attributed to a lack of "bio- logical homogeneitj'" (which he contrasts to "sta- tistical homogeneity") within the stock of fish sampled, arising from incomplete mixing of fish from different spa\vning gromids. This may in- deed be true. A rather simpler explanation is that the small differences he found between regressions among the samples from the same region are due to rather great differences in size composition of the several samples and the necessarilv approximate nature of the regression equations employed. "Whatever the cause, it is necessary to recognize that such differences can and do arise and to take suitable account of them where required, both in the sampling and in the subsequent analysis. By drawmg samples widely from many diff'erent schools within the region to be studied, one muii- mizes for purpose of comparison the effects, if any, of lack of "biological homogeneity" by including in the variance of the sample any differences between subdivisions of the population with different genetic histories. By comparing only samples of 358 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE the same size range from different regions, one will tend to reduce the apparent difference due to the failure of the regression equation employed to com- pletely correct for differences in size composition of the samples. There is probably no purely routine method of analysis which may be safely employed in com- paring body dimensions of timas from different regions. The selection of regression equations, and the application of other statistical techniques, should be undertaken with proper consideration of the particular data at hand, the hypotheses regard- ing it that are to be tested, and the precision required in each particular case. RELATIVE GROWTH OF HAWAIIAN YELLOWFIN TUNA Schaefer (1948) and Schaefer and Walford (1950) fitted linear regression lines to head length and distances from tip of snout to insertions of the first dorsal, second dorsal, anal, and ventral fins plotted agamst total length for yellowfin tuna from the west coast of Central America and from the Atlantic coast of Africa. Godsil (1948) found more extensive data on the same dimensions of yellow- fin from the American west coast to be better fitted by a regression line of slight curvilinearity. To the Hawaiian data have been fitted Unear regressions, the constants for which are given in table 2, as well as curvilinear regressions of the type selected by Godsil. Equations for the latter and corresponding standard errors of estimate (s) about them are as follows: Head length y= 69. 54+0. 20805i-164I9/i s= 6.02 Snout to insertion first dorsal v= 80. 34+0. 22S6Sj-16997/j j= 7.77 Snout to insertion second dorsal y= 17. 28+0. 4S226j+11445/t »=10. 94 Snout to insertion ventral. y= 78. 87+0. 23340j:-16778/i s= 7.96 Snout to insertion anal !/ = 109. 92+0. 49037i -25129/1 «= 9.32 Over the range of sizes in our sample, the curvi- linear regressions result in slightly smaller vari- ances about them than the linear regressions; but, as may be seen from the above equations or from the graphs in the next section (figs. 6-10), the differences between these curves and straight lines are slight. Indeed, for snout to second dorsal insei'tion the slight curvature of the regression is opposite in direction to those fitting the data of other dimensions and to that of Godsil for his i\jnerican-west-coast fish (fig. 8). Fm-thermore, the difference between the Hnear and curvilinear regressions for this dimension is, for the Hawaiian data, such as might arise by chance alone in between 1 in 20 and 1 in 100 cases. The relations between body depth and total length, diameter of u-is and head length, and length of maxillary and head length seem to be well described by linear regressions over the entire size range. The statistics of these regressions are tabulated in table 2. In each of these cases where linear regressions fit the data, the y intercept of the regression line differs significantly from zero. Furthermore, ex- cept for depth of body on total length and length of maxillary on head length, the difference is sufficiently great that the expression as ratios of the relation between variables would result in a considerable error from this source. This Table 2. — Statistics of Hnear regressions of measurements of Hawaiian N. macropterus All logarithms are to base 10. jV=nuinber in sample. X, i/=means otx and y. Si', Sy', Sxy are sums of squares and products of deviations from the means i, y. Sx'j 6=^ =regression coefficient of y on x. »'=- —j^^^ — ""estimate of variance about regression line. Independent variable x Dependent variable y JV I F Sx' Sy* Sxy 6 > Total length Head length-- _ 203 201 202 203 202 202 198 203 203 172 172 188 198 202 1247 1242 1244 1247 1246 1245 315 314 3. 06448 3. 13093 3. 13093 3. 07798 3. 06657 ' 3. 06566 314 348 628 354 697 316 37.6 121.8 324 2. 55442 2. 59682 2. 12708 1. 62583 1.82955 32. 985, 274 32, 516, 976 32, 699, 372 32, 985, 274 32, 937, 786 32,838,336 1,667,677 1, 688, 191 6. 52772 1. 54087 1. 54087 5. 42218 6. 44930 6. 47257 1,688,363 2,016,613 7, 221, 223 2,118.502 8, 906, 792 2, 162, 089 9,005 244,663 1, 617, 580 8.11623 8. 66326 6.30176 7.67031 68. 24926 7, 443, 781 8, 071, 090 15, 340, 597 8, 331, 748 17, 108, 301 8, 363, 540 119,469 640, 453 3211,2003 3. 41003 3. 52758 6.30154 6. 94360 19. 39100 0. 22567 . 24821 .40914 . 25259 . 51941 . 25469 .07164 . 37937 491.93 2. 21305 2. 28934 . 97775 1. 07664 2. 99587 6.51 Do Snout to insertion first dorsal 8.17 Do --- 11.03 Do Snout to insertion ventral 8.34 Do - 10.14 Do - ... Greatest body depth 12.64 Diameter of iris -_. __ Length of maxillary 1.51 Do - -- 2.90 13. 73 Do - ,0579 Do Log length anal ' .0588 Do - . 02530 Do T,op Ipn^th lon^p.'^t. rinr.*!n) finlst. . 03146 Do . 02793 ' Only specimens 600 mm. and over ia.total length. COMPAEISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 359 result is similar to that obtained from Central American and African yelIo\\'fin tuna (Schacfer 1948, Schaefcr and Walford 1950) and illustrates again the generalization that, owing to dif- ferential growth rates, comparison of dimensions expressed as ratios is invalid for yellowfin tuna. Also similar to previous Central American and African results, is the finding that the growth of the pectoral fin of Hawaiian yeUowfin tuna is such that over the entire range of sizes available in our sample, the relation between length of fin and total length is well described by the equation 2/=491.9 log x-1184, a linear regression giving a good fit to the length of fin plotted against logarithm of total length. The regression statistics are given in table 2. For Central American and African fish, the lengths of second dorsal and anal fins plotted against total length were found to be fitted by an equation of the type y=az^, so that a linear regression was obtained by plotting logarithms of fin length against logarithms of total length. The sizes of fish involved were from about 50 cm. to 160 cm. in total length for the fish from both regions. For Hawaiian yellowfin tuna, a linear relation between logarithm of fin length and loga- rithm of fish length provides a fairly good fit over the range of sizes 60 cm. to 178 cm., but when smaller sizes are included, the regression is ob- viously curvilinear (fig. 2 and 3). Linear-regres- sion equations were fitted, for comparative pm-poses, only to the data for fish 60 cm. and over in total length, the results being tabulated in table 2. To provide a reasonable fit to the data for all sizes, however, the second-degree polynomials illustrated in the figures were fitted, the equations being, for logarithms of length of second dorsal (?/i) on logarithm of total length (xi), 2/, = 7.64965-5.59555j-, + 1.26613x,2 s=. 05238 and for logarithm of length of anal (y,) on loga- rithm of total length (Xi) 2/i = 4.79192-3.82511z, + 0.99707xi2 s=. 03607 It is obvious that the relative rates of gi'owth of the second dorsal and the anal fins accelerate very rapidly with increase in size of fish, the large fish having, relatively, enormously longer fins. The equation y = ax*' was found to provide a good fit to our Hawaiian data over the entire 998351 — 52 2 range of sizes for length of longest dorsal spine (the fu-st spine in each specimen) and length of longest dorsal finlet relative to total length, the loga- rithms of the dimensions plotted against logarithm of total length being well fitted by linear regres- sions, the constants for which are given in table 2. Tn previous studies of Costa Rican and African fisli, linear regressions were found adequate for those relations over the size range 50 cm. to 160 cm., and for only that range of sizes it would be difficidt to perceive that the allometry equation provides a better fit to the Hawaiian data. The availability of a longer range of sizes from Ha- waiian waters made it possible to observe the slightly curvilinear natiu"e of the relation. How little it differs from a straight line may be seen from the closeness to lunty of the values of b tabulated in table 2 for these regressions. The weight of Hawaiian yellowfin varies almost exactly as the cube of the length, the relation between length in millimeters (x) and weight in pounds (y) being expressed by the equation log 2/=2.996x- 7.35477 COMPARISON OF TUNA FROM HAWAII AND FROM THE AMERICAN WEST COAST Fin lengths The most outstanding differences revealed by this study between yello\vfin tuna from Hawaii and those from waters off Costa Rica are the rela- tive lengths of the pectoral, second dorsal, and anal fins. There seem also to be small but depend- able differences in length of longest dorsal spine and length of longest dorsal fiidet. Figure I illustrates the relation between length of pectoral fin and total length for Hawaiian and Costa Rican fish. The points plotted in this figure, and in the other figures in this paper, do not repre- sent individual fish but are the mean values of the two variables for each 10-cm. size category. This method of plotting recommends itself because the data for uidividual fish are too numerous to be clearly depicted. It lias also tlie advantage of making possible a visual comparison of mean values of the dimension under consideration for fish of each single 10-cm. size category from the two populations. The inlierent disadvantage is, of course, that each point does not represent the same number of fish, so that their positions are of varying degrees of reliability. The regression 360 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 400 600 800 1000 1500 2000 TOTAL LENGTH mm. Figure 1.- — Relations between length of pectoral fin and total length. Open circles and fine line represent Costa Rioan data. Solid circles and heavy line represent Hawaiian data. lines depicted in the figures were in every case fitted to the original data and not to the class means. As may be seen from figure 1, the pectoral fins of Hawaiian ycllowfin tima, over the size range considered, are on the average longer than those of Costa Rican fish, and the difl^erence increases as the size of fish increases. No elaborate statistical analysis is required to show that these samples caimot be considered as arising from the same population. If inspection of the figure itself is not sufficiently convincing, a very simple test suffices to show that the probability of the two samples arising by random sampling from a single popu- lation is very small, regardless of whether or not the growth law on the basis of which the regres- sions were calculated is exactly correct. Under the hypothesis that the Costa Rican sample was drawn from the same population as the Hawaiian sample, we should expect the points for Costa Rican fish to be half the time above and half the time below the corresponding values predicted from the Hawaiian sample. For each size class, the Costa Rican value falls below the value which would be expected on the basis of the Hawaiian sample. The probability of this occurring by chance alone for all 10 Costa Rican points is {]i) '" or 1 chance in 1024; it is, then, most imlikely. In figure 2 are plotted values of logarithm of length of second dorsal fin against logarithm of total length. This transformation yields a linear regression for the Costa Rican sample, the fish in which are from 54 cm. to 157 cm. in total length. Similarly, the Hawaiian data for fish 62 cm. and over in total length are rather well fitted by a linear regression, as shown in the figure (we have no Hawaiian specimens between 54 cm. and 62 cm.). We have also plotted in the figure the second-degree polynomial that fits the Hawaiian data for all sizes of fish in our sample. It is obvious, whichever regression we employ for the Hawaiian fish, that the second dorsal fins of yellow- fin tuna from waters of the Hawaiian Islands grow, relative to tot al length , faster than those of yellow- fin tuna from waters ofl^ Costa Rica. The differ- ence in fin lengths is small at smaller sizes of fish, but increases with size of fish until among large fish the difference is very striking. As may be seen from figure 3, the same situation obtains for the length of anal fin relative to total length. As has been reported for Costa Rican fish and African fish, the variability of fin lengths of second dorsal and anal fins, even on a logarithmic scale, is not entirely independent of size of fish, but tends to be greater at larger sizes. For this reason the values of s for the corresponding equa- tions in table 2 and on page 359 are average values, and wdl be a little too small at large fish sizes and too large at small sizes. Comparison of the linear regressions of figures 2 and 3 majj^ be made by means of analysis of covariance (Kendall 1946, p. 237 et seq.); or, without reference to regression equations, we may simply compare the mean values of the several size classes and , foUowmg the same sort of reason- ing as above in the case of the pectoral fin, arrive at the conclusion that the probability of the sam- ples being drawn from a single population is very small. COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 361 The first dorsal spine was the longest on each of the 188 specimens for wiiich this character was measured. As noted on page 359, a linear regres- sion did not provide a good fit to the original data, compared with a linear regression fitted to the logarithms of the variables. The latter is plotted in figure 4. It was found that the same transfor- mation apphed to the Costa Rican data, j-ielded a linear regression with a shghtly unproved fit to those data also (Schaefer 1948 fitted a Unear regression to the original data) ; this regression TOTAL LENGTH mm. Figure 2. — Relations between length of second dorsal fin and total length. Open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid circles represent Hawaiian data. Solid straight line is linear regression line fitted to Costa Rican data. Broken straight line is linear regression line fitted to Hawaiian data from fish 600 mm. and over in total length. Solid curved line is second degree poly- nomial fitted to all Hawaiian data. 1 1 ' 1 1 1 r 1 f 600 — 1 — 500 - ] - 400 350 - // - 300 - J - ^•250 _l <200 ■z. < - / If - X O 150 ■z. UJ - / - 100 _ / - 90 - ji - 80 - i/i - 70 - - 60 - / '/' - 50 40 - / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - TOTAL LENGTH mm. Figure 3. — Relations between length of anal fin and total L length. Open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid p" circles represent Hawaiian data. Solid straight line is i linear regression line fitted to Costa Rican data. Broken [ straight line is hnear regression hne fitted to Hawaiian j data from fish 600 mm. and over in total length. Solid f curved line is second degree polynomial fitted to all Hawaiian data. also is plotted in figure 4. Analysis of covariance shows that the slopes of the two regressions do not differ more than might be expected by chance, but the levels do; the longest dorsal spines of Hawaiian fish appear on the average to be a small, constant percentage shorter than the longest dorsal spines of Costa Rican fish. Similarly, the logarithms of length of longest dorsal finlet against logarithm of total length yielded a linear regression for the Hawaiian measurements on all sizes of fish, and proved also to provide a good fit to the Costa Rican data for 362 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE TOTAL LENGTH mm Figure 4. — Relations between length of longest dorsal spine and total length. Open circles and fine line repre- sent Costa Rican data; solid circles and heavy line represent Hawaiian data. which Schaefer (1948) had fitted a linear regression to the original data. Again, the resulting regres- sions, plotted in figure 5, when subjected to covariance analysis, indicate a small, constant average percentage difference between finlet lengths of the two populations, the Hawaiian fish having the longer finlets. Head length and distances from snout to fin insei'tions As mentioned earlier, Godsil (1948) has pub- lished the measurements of total length, head length, and distances from tip of snout to the insertions of first dorsal, second dorsal, anal, and ventral fins for nearly 2,000 specimens of yellowfin tuna from the American west coast between Cape San Lucas and Panama. The original measure- ments were published with his analyses of them, so we are able to compare tbese extensive data both with the Costa Rican data published by Schaefer (1948) and with the Hawaiian data pre- sented herein. In figures 6 to 10 have been plotted head length and distances from snout to fin insertions against total length, which is taken in each case as the independent variable. For each of the three groups of data (Godsil's, Costa Rican, Hawaiian) have been plotted tbe mean values of the two variables in each grapb for each 10 cm. of total length. To the pooled west-coast data (Godsil's plus my Costa Rican) have been fitted and plotted linear regressions. Also plotted are the curvilinear regressions computed by Godsd (1948, p. 13) forhisdata, of thetype?/=a+62;-|-c/x. On the same graphs have been plotted also the linear-regression line best fitting the Hawaiian data and the best-fitting curvilinear regression of the type selected by GodsU. For the Hawaiian data, except in one case (snout to insertion of second dorsal of Hawaiian fish), the cxu-vUinear regressions provide a slight improvement in fit over the linear regressions. Inspection of the figiu-es, however, reveals that the differences between the linear and curvUinear regressions are small in comparison with the differences between west-coast and Hawaiian samples. The reduction of the variance about the regression line also is very small in comparison with the difference between the two regions when a cm-vilinear rather than a linear equation is employed. In consequence, the linear-re- gression equations will be employed below in considering the application of analysis of covari- ance to the comparison of samples. 400 600 800 1000 1500 2000 TOTAL LENGTH MM Figure 5. — Relations between length of longest dorsal finlet and total length. Open circles and fine line represent Costa Rican data; solid circles and heavy line represent Hawaiian data. COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 363 400 600 800 1200 1400 1600 1800 TOTAL LENGTH FiGTJRB 6. — Relations between head length and total length. Solid circles represent Hawaiian data; open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid triangles represent Godsil's west-coast data. Fine solid line is linear regression line fitting west-coast data, while heavy solid line is linear regression line fitting Hawaiian data. Fine broken line is Godsil's curvilinear regression for west-coast data, while heavy broken line is similar regression fitted to Hawaiian data. A detailed analysis of covariance is not neces- sary to arrive at the conclusiou that with respect to these dimensions the samples from the Hawaiian Islands are different from the samples from the west coast. It is quite obvious from the plots of the mean values for each 10-cm. size class (figs. 6 to 10) that the head length and the dis- tances from snout to the fin insertions are sig- nificantly shorter for Hawaiian than for west- coast ycllowfin tuna at the larger sizes. If a statement of probability is desired to test a null hypothesis respecting difference between regions, one may proceed in a manner similar to that suggested above in the case of pectoral-fin lengths, confuiing attention for sake of simplicity to the larger sizes of tuna, say over 800 mm. in total length. Considering fish of size classes between 800 mm. and 1,600 mm. in total length, for which specimens were available both from the west coast and from Hawaii, the points for the mean values of each 10-cm. length class of Hawaiian fish fall below the values expected on the basis of west-coast data in all cases for head length (fig. 6), snout to insertion of anal (fig. 7), snout to insertion of second dorsal (fig. 8), and snout to insertion of ventral (fig. 9). Since there are 8 such points for each dunension, and under a null hypothesis they might equally well be above or below the value expected from west-coast data, the probability of the observa- tions on the hypothesis is (M)'=2cg for ^ach di- mension, which is unlikely. For snout to inser- tion of first dorsal, one point (900-mm. size class) falls barely above the expected value; the prob- ability of having at most one point above the expected value under the null hypothesis is (K)H8(K)'=2-|- By the conventional methods of analysis of covariance (Kendall 1946, p. 237 ct seq.), we may also test for each of the dimensions the null hypotheses (1) that the sample from the west coast and the sample from Hawaii may both be represented by a single linear-regression equation 364 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1.000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 I80Q TOTAL LENGTH Figure 7.— Relations between distance from snout to insertion of anal fin and total length. Solid circles represent Ha- waiian data; open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid triangles represent Godsil's west-coast data. Fine solid line is linear regression line fitting west-coast data, while heavy solid line is linear regression line fitting Hawaiian data. Fine broken line is Godsil's curvilinear regression for west-coast data, while heavy broken line is similar regression fitted to Hawaiian data. COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OP HAWAIL\N WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 365 5 800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _l A'r < 00 cc o /y/^ Q 700 — A'/ — Q 2 O o LU . CO 600 — 9^ — -z. /j O ^/y' _^v^ 1- yfy/ (T '^ Li-I 500 ^ 00 2 yj/ yJ^ o y/' 1- <^V 1— 400 9^^ ZD <*y ,//* o 2 00 300 -/ ' 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 TOTAL LENGTH Figure 8.- — Relations between distance from snout to insertion of second dorsal fin and total length. Solid circles repre- sent Hawaiian data; open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid triangles represent Godsil's west-coast data. Fine solid line is linear regression line fitting west-coast data, while heavy solid line is linear regression line fitting Hawaiian data. Fine broken line is Godsil's curvilinear regression for west-coast data, while heavy broken line is similar regression fitted to Hawaiian data. 366 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 800 1000 1200 1400 1800 TOTAL LENGTH Figure 9.- — Relations between distance from snout to insertion of ventral fin and total length. Solid circles represent Hawaiian data; open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid triangles represent Godsil's west-coast data. Fine solid line is linear regression line fitting west-coast data, while heavy solid line is linear regression line fitting Hawaiian data. Fine broken line is Godsil's curvilinear regression for west-coast data, while heavy broken line is similar re- gression fitted to Hawaiian data. and, if this be false, (2) that the regression coefB- cients (slopes) of the regression lines fitting the samples from the two regions are equal. As may be seen from the variance ratios computed in table 3, both these hypotheses are to be rejected for each dimension considered, the west-coast data in this table including the measurements of both Schaefer and Godsil. If we compare the Hawaiian data with the data of Schaefer alone (table 4) we find here also that for no character considered may the data from the two regions be represented by a single linear-regression equation. In two cases, however, indicated by footnotes in the table, the appropriate variance ratio indicates that there is not sufficient reason from these particular data to reject the hypothesis of equality of regression coeflScients. In general, it is quite apparent that for each character the regression lines are different for the two regions and that they differ in slope. Comparison of the regression lines of the dimen- sions of tuna from different regions is perfectly straightforward so long as we are able to assume that the sample regression lines are representative of the tuna populations of the regions in each case. As has been noted earlier, however, Godsil found that repeated samples from the west coast yielded regression lines (curvilinear) for which a null hypothesis could not be supported. The same thing is true if linear regressions are applied to his data (table 5). -His various subgroups along the west coast differ significantly among themselves, and for each dimension they differ in respect of the regression coefficients. As may be seen from table 6, comparison of my Costa Rican data with GodsQ's data from Costa Rica alone (his samples 4, 5, and 12) reveals that a single linear-regression COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 367 equation does not, for any dimension, accurately describe both. It is quite evident that differences may be expected among different samples from the same region. The problem, then, is to determine whether the differences between regions are greater than might reasonably be expected among different samples from the same region. In comparing Hawaiian and west-coast data, where the differ- ences are so large that the distributions of means of subclasses (size groups) are completely separate between the two regions for the most part, the answer is fairly obvious from the graphs of the type herein presented. In table 7 have been tabidated the linear-regression coefficients for each of Godsil's f3 samples, for my Costa Rican sample, and for the Hawaiian sample. From this tabulation it may readily be seen that the Hawaiian regression coefficients fall, for each dimension, well below the lowest value encountered among the several west- coast subsamples. Although in the case at hand we are spared the need for an efficient means of comparing variation between samples within a region with differences between regions where a null hypothesis is not valid for samples within the region, this will not in general be true. The desirability of a test for application in other, less-clear situations is suffi- ciently great that some examination of the problem seems warranted, particularly in view of the fact that Godsil (f948) has already attempted to develop and employ such a test. We wish, there- fore, to consider the problem of measuring the differences between groups where a null hypothesis is not satisfied. 800 TOTAL LENGTH Figure lO.^Relations between distance from snout to insertion of first dorsal fin and total length. Solid circles represent Hawaiian data; open circles represent Costa Rican data; solid triangles represent Godsil's west-coast data. Fine solid line is linear regression line fitting west-coast data, while heavy solid line is linear regression line fitting Hawaiian data. Fine broken line is GodsU's curvilinear regression for west-coast data, while heavy broken line is similar regression fitted to Hawaiian data. 368 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND "WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 3. — Comparison of Hawaiian data and pooled American wesl-coast data by covariance analysis, linear regressions Source of variation Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square Variance ratios Head length: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions Differences between regions Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted means _, Snoat to insertion first dorsal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions. Differences between regions... Differences between regression coefficients. Dilferences between adjusted means Snout to insertion ventral: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions Differences between regions... Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted means Snout to insertion second dorsal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions Differences between regions. Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted means Snout to insertion anal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions Differences between regions Differences l)etween regression coefBcients. Dilferences between adjusted means 2,158 2,156 2 1 1 2,156 2,164 2 1 1 2,110 2,108 2, 156 2, 154 2, 153 2,151 73,920 32,698 41. 222 6,267 34, 966 67, 803 61, 427 16, 376 3,431 12,945 87, 708 51, 946 35. 762 7,709 28, 053 102, 228 77, 765 24. 463 4.263 20.200 128,518 75, 808 62,710 12.017 40. 693 20,611 6,267 23.88 8,188 3,431 17,881 7,709 30. 10 12, 232 4,263 35.24 26, 355 12,017 20,611 = 6. 267 _ 1.6. 17" 8, 188^ 23.88~ 3,431 23.88~ = 72.6.' - = 3I2.: 12.232 36. 10 ~ 4.263 26, 355 35. 24 ~ 12.017 35.24 = 341.0 Table 4. — Comparisons of Hawaiian data and Schaefer^s Costa Rican data by covariance analysis, linear regressions Source of variation Head length: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions Differences between regions Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted means Snout to insertion first dorsal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regressions within regions. Differences between regions Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted means Snout to insertion second dorsal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within regions. Differences between regions... _ Differences between regression coefficients- Differences between adjusted means Snout to insertion anal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within regions.. Differences between regions Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted means Degrees of freedom 241 239 245 243 2 1 1 246 244 246 244 Sum of squares 10. 649 9.399 1,250 143 1,107 16. 568 14, 550 2,008 652 1,456 35, 349 30, 097 5, 2.52 164 5,088 36, 130 23.210 12. 920 .536 12, 384 Mean square 39.33 625 143 1,107 59. 88 1,004 552 123. 35 2,626 164 5.088 6,460 636 Variance ratios 625 39.33 143 39.33 1,107 39.76° 1,004 _ 59.88° 552 2,626 123.36° 164 123.35" 8,088 123.51° 6,460 96. 12° 636 ^ 95. 12" = 15.89 = 13.64 1 1. 33 ^67.91 ' Not significant. COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 369 Table 5. — Comparison of subgroups, Godsil's west-coast data, by covariance analysis, linear regressions Source of variation Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square Variance ratios Head lenKth: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within groups. DifTerences among groups DifTerences among regression coefficients.. DitTerences among adjusted group means. Snout to insertion first dorsal; Deviations from totnl regression .-. Deviations from regression within groups DifTerences among groups.- Differences among regression coefficients.. DitTerences among adjusted group means. Snout to insertion ventral; Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within groups. DifTerences among groups DifTerences among regression coefficients.. DifTerences among adjusted group means. Snout to insertion second dorsal: Deviations from total recession I>cviutious from regression within groups. DitTerences among groups DifTerences among regression coefficients. . Differences among adjusted group means. Snout to insertion anal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within groups. Differences among groups Differences among repression coefficients.. Differences among adjusted group means. 1,909 1,885 1.883 24 12 12 1.907 1,883 24 12 12 1,908 1.884 24 12 12 1.905 1,881 24 12 12 23,049 18,294 4,755 1,773 2,982 36,411 31,623 4,788 2,248 2.540 37.9(50 35,269 2.691 591 2,100 47,560 40,871 6,689 4,379 2,310 51,914 42, 615 2,745 6.5M 9.705 198.1 147.8 16.78 199.5 187.3 112.1 49.25 21.69 278.7 364.9 22.65 387.5 228.8 S-- ^=- 16. 7S 187.3 = 11.89 ^^-5.89 278.7 21.69" 364.9 21.69" 387. 5 22.65" 228. 8_ 22.65° 16.82 Table 6. — Comparisons of Schaefer's and Godsil's Costa Rican data by covariance analysis, linear regressions Source of variation Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square Variance ratios Keadlensth: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within groups.. Differences between groups. Differences between regression coefficients. Differences between adjusted group means. Snout to insertion tirst dorsal: Deviations from total regression. ._ Deviations from regression within groups.. Differences between groups Differences between regression coefficients.. Differences between adjusted group means. Snout to insertion second dorsal: Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within groups.. Differences between groups.. Differences between regression coefficients. DifTerences between adjusted group means. Snout t4> insertion anal; Deviations from total regression Deviations from regression within groups.. Differences between groups Differences between regression coefficients. DilTerenccs between adjusted group means. 806 808 806 807 805 806 804 10, 018 9,730 288 83 205 16. 650 16,226 284 120 164 27.293 27.162 131 60 71 23. 849 23.412 437 52 3S5 144 83 205 20.18 142 120 164 65.5 fiO 71 218 52 385 =6.8S =7.04 =5. 95 12.07 83 12.07' 142 20.18' 120 _ 20.18' 65. 5 ^ 33. 74~ -2!8-=7.49 20.12 29.12 385 = 13.21 ' Not significant. 370 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Denote by Xn, ytj the pair of variate values for the i"" member of the J"" group, by rij the number of members of the j'" group, and by p the number of groups. Also let x.j and y.j be the mean values of the variates in the j''" gi'oup, a"., and y.. be the mean values of the variates for the total of all groups, and A^ be the total of all Uj. The variances about the linear-regression lines may be analyzed as follows: Variation Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square Total, from regression 60 Witbin groups, from regression 6,- Differences between groups N-2 S='^(Vii-y..P-b,'^(iit-z..)(yii-v..) S/N-2 N-2p 2p-2 ■S»=y^,(yi,-V.,-)i-y^,i)i(Zi,-j.,)(y.-,-y.,) I. 1 i. I Si=y^,n,(y.i-ii..)'-to'y^n,(j.,-j..)(y.,— y..) i i '.;■ 8^-2p=«i Si/2p-2=Si Table 7. — Regression coefficients for regressions of various dimensions on total length, for samples from the American west coast and Hawaii Godsil's west-coast samples: No. 1 _... No. 2- _,. No. 3 _.. No. 4' No. S> _- No. 6 , No. 7 , No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 , No. II No. 121 No. 13 , All .'Samples Schaefer's Costa Rican samples Hawaiian samples Head Snout to insertion Snout to insertion ventral Snout to insertion lengtb first dorsal second dorsal 0. 24316 0. 27134 0. 26520 0. 50285 .27902 . 29256 . 29840 . 49022 . 24339 . 26627 . 27189 .48205 . 2.3771 , 25647 . 27185 . 47464 .24118 . 25793 .27210 . 48137 . 26280 . 23873 .29487 . 62624 .23740 . 25746 .27615 . 47767 . 255S0 . 2«390 . 27536 . 60448 .26001 .28341 . 28876 . 60624 .26014 .2801.'; .29405 . 50883 .23811 . 26397 .27348 .49191 .28004 . 30858 . 30067 . 50391 . 25(199 .28519 .28528 . 60207 .24356 . 26148 . 27244 .48358 .23504 .22567 . 26346 . 24821 . 47675 .46914 . 25259 Snout to in- sertion anal 0. 64569 . 5.';697 . .53736 .63666 .64344 . 57669 .64490 .65711 .54416 . 58550 .54S36 . 65914 .68009 .64383 . 63508 .61941 ' Samples from Costa Eican waters. Where bo is the regression coefficient for all data pooled and bj is the regression coefficient for the j''' group. When the null hypothesis is satisfied s, and s, are both unbiased estimates of the variance about the regression line, and then- ratio will be distrib- uted in the F distribution. In the case where the null hypothesis is not satisfied, but a single regression coefficient ade- quately describes the effect of a; on y for all groups, we may subtract yt]=y..+b„i'Xij—x..) from each value of ?/,j to allow for differences in the X variate. The new variable y'ij=ytj—Yij is completely corrected for variations in x, so that differences between adjusted means of groups will be independent of the values of x. We may take, then, an estimate of the differences among the adjusted group means as a measure of the differ- ences between groups which will not be affected by differences in size composition (values of x) of the samples from the different groups (Kendall 1946, p. 244). Geometrically, in this case, the lines are parallel, so that the distance between lines is constant for all values of x. In the case where a single regression coefficient does not represent the effect of x on 1/ for all groups, geometrically where the lines are not parallel, any measm-ement of the distance between lines will depend on the value or values of x employed for the measurement of the distance. Differences between corrected group means wUl, then, not be independent of the x values. Geometrically, the distances between regression lines will be depend- ent upon the selection of the place where the distances are measured. In this situation, ob- viously, differences between adjusted gi'oup means are of small value in measming differences between groups, when the values of x are selected arbitrarily. Godsil's statistic (Godsil 1948, p. 9, table 4), the mean-square deviation of the sample regression line of the group from the sample regression line of all data pooled, based on curvilinear regressions, is similarly dependent on the distribution of the x values of the variates composing the groups, since the regression coefficients are not equal (the lines are not parallel). Its employment as a standard for judging differences between regions as com- pared with differences among groups within the region is, therefore, subject to strong objection. COMPARISON OP YELLOWFIN TtfNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 371 It seems, then, that where the groups within a region differ in their regression coefficients, as is true in the present instance, we have no method of measuring with any precision the differences among these gi-oups as a basis of judging whether a further sample from another region could reasonably be expected to belong to the same population as that from which the groups in ques- tion were di-awn. Of course, in the event the regression coefficient itself is not size-connected, it may be used to characterize the group, and one might compare the variation among group regres- sion coefficients with the observed value of the regression coefficient from the further sample fi'om another region (e. g. table 7). Pending development of a method of precise analysis, comparison of differences among regres- sion lines within regions with differences between regions does not appear to be very fruitful, except in those cases where the difference between regions is so very much greater than differences among samples within a region that it is quite apparent from a simple graph of the data and no precise method of analysis is required. As a practical procedure it appears best, perhaps, to select fish from each region from many different schools, and of sizes that wiU cover the entire range available, and then, in comparing data between regions by covariance analyses, to compare sam- ples of similar size range. In this manner any variation between groups within the region will tend to be assimilated into the variance of the total sample for the whole region, and the total sample will be nearly representative of the popula- tion of the region. Other dimensions Comparison of the regression of diameter of iris on head length of Hawaiian specimens with that of Costa Rican specimens indicates that the relation is different in the two regions. The relations and the means of the two variates for each 10 centi- meters of total length are plotted in figure 11. Comparison of Hawaiian and Costa Rican data respecting regressions of length of maxillary on head length, body depth on total length, and weight on total length indicated that in each case the two samples might have been drawn at ran- dom from a single population so far as these characters are concerned. Counts of gill rakers Counts of total gill rakers of 188 Hawaiian tund (table 1) have a mean value of 29.66 with a stand- ard error of .0870. Schaefer's (1948) Costa Rican data on 45 specimens have a mean value of 30.60 with a standard error of .186, while Godsil and Bj'er's (1944) counts of 60 American-west-coast specimens have a mean of 30.35 with a standard error of .146. Comparison of the Costa Rican and Godsil and Byer's data yields a t value of 1.06, so that the null hypothesis is reasonable and we may pool these data to estimate the mean gill- rakcr count of yello^\^fin from the American west coast as 30.46 with a standard error of .116. The difference of .80 between this value and the Hawai- ian mean is associated with a t value of 5.52. We have verified from our Hawaiian data that there is no correlation between size of fish and gill- raker count. This character seems to offer good possibihties for racial analysis of tunas for that rea- son, since it wiU avoid the difficulties in comparisons which plagued us in regression analyses. DISCUSSION Hawaiian yellowfin tuna differ from those of the American west coast in having, on the average, longer pectoral fins at the same fish size, and this difference is greater for the larger fish. The same is true of the second dorsal and anal fins, but in these cases the fins of the Hawaiian fish also grow at an accelerated rate compared to west-coast fish, so that the difference in fin lengths among the largest fish sizes is very striking. The first dorsal spine appears to be consistently shorter among Hawaiian fish, while the longest dorsal finlet is longer. Among Hawaiian fish, the distance from tip of snout to the posterior edge of the opercle and to the various fin insertions increases, relative to total length, more slowly than among west-coast fish so that all these dimensions are shorter, on the average, for the large fish from Hawaii than for west-coast fish of comparable size. From this it is evident that the posterior pai-t of the trunk grows faster among Hawaiian fish so that at large sizes, say above 700 or 800 mux., the posterior part of the body is more elongate than among west- coast fish of similar sizes. On the basis of the magnitude and consistency of these differences between the biometric charac- 372 Fishery bulletin oJ the fish and wildlife service CO 01 UJ H- UJ < 45 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o • 1 40 A y ^ ' • o 35 •^ /f x^ ^ 30 • o ^ ^ 25 --1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 120 Figure U. 160 200 240 280 320 HEAD LENGTH mm. 360 4 00 -Relations between diameter of iris and length of head. Open circles and fine line represent Costa Rican data; solid circles and heavy line represent Hawaiian data. teristics of yellowfin tuna from the Hawaiian Islands and from the American west coast, there is no doubt that these two populations are to be regarded as distinct. The possibility of some mix- ing between them is not excluded, but if any exists it must be sufficiently small to permit the two populations to maintain their characteristic differences. The statistical comparison of body-proportion data on tunas from different regions by regression analysis is beset with difficulties which are be- yond the scope of this paper to deal with, and which seem not to be critical in this mstance where the differences dealt with are of sufficient magni- tude that sensitive methods are not required. The problem merits, however, fm-ther attention since it will become acute where differences to be meas- ured are small. This problem may be avoided by employing denumerable characters which are not size-con- nected. Gill-raker counts seem to be a useful character of this sort. The Hawaiian and west- coast yeUowfin-tuna populations are quite distinct with respect to mean gUl-raker coimt. The fact, brought out by this study, that the yellowfin tuna of the central Pacific belong to a popidation distinct from that along the American west coast, has important implications in the devel- opment and management of the tuna fisheries. Since the yellowfin tuna of these regions belong to different populations which do not freely inter- mix, a fishery on one can have no effect on the abundance of the other. The fishery along the west coast is not tapping the entu-e yeUowfin- tuna resource of the Pacific. COMPARISON OF YELLOWFIN TUNA OF HAWAIIAN WATERS AND THE AMERICAN WEST COAST 373 The various biometric differences demonstrated herein are of about the same magnitude as the differences between yellowfin tuna from the waters of the American west coast and from the Atlantic off Africa (Schaefer and Walford 1950). In some cases, such as the lengths of second dorsal and anal fins, the differences between the two samples from the Pacific are even more striking than the differ- ences between African and American west-coast samples. If it is borne out by further study that the variation within oceans is about as great as the variation between them, it will be necessary to regard all the yellowfin tunas as belonging to a single species. It is particularly desirable that a series of specimens be examined from the Indian Ocean, whence comes the type of A'^. argentimttatus, which has priority among the several descriptions of species of Neofhunnus, in order to settle the question of nomenclature. LITERATURE CITED Fr.^ser-Brtjnner, A. 1950. The fishes of the family Scombridae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 12, vol. 3, pp. 131-163, 35 figs. GODSIL, H. C. 1948. A preliminary population study of the yellowfin tuna and the albacore. California Div. Fish and Game, Fish. Bull. No. 70, 90 pp., 7 tables, 22 figs. GoDsiL, H. C, and R. D. Byers 1944. A systematic study of the Pacific tunas. California Div. Fish and Game, Fish. Bull. No. 00, 131 pp., 18 tables, 76 figs. June, Fred C. 1950. Preliminary fisheries survey of the Hawaiian-Line Islands area. Part I — The Hawaiian long-line fishery. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Com. Fish. Rev., vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1-23, 8 tables, 18 figs. Kendall, Maurice G. 1946. The advanced theory of statistics. Vol. II. 521 pp. Charles Griffin & Co., London. Marr, John C, and Milner B. Schaefeb 1949. Definitions of body dimensions used in describing tunas. TJ. S. Fi.sh and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bull. No. 47, vol. 51, pp. 241-244, 1 fig. Martin, W. R. 1949. The mechanics of environmental control of body form in fishes. L^niv. Toronto Studies, Biol., No. 58, Pub. Out. Fish. Res. Lab., No. 70, 72 pages, 13 tables, 24 figs. Schaefer, Milner B. 1948. Morphometric characteristics and relative growth of yellowfin tunas (Meolhunnus macropicrus) from Central America. Pacific Science, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 114-120, 2 tables. ScHAEPEH, Milner B., and Lionel A. Walford 1950. Biometric comparison between j'ellowfin tunas (Neolhwmus) of Angola and of the Pacific Coast of Central America. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish. Bull. No. 56, vol. 51, pp. 425-443, 3 tables, 15 figs. o UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oscar L. Chapman, decretory FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Albert M. Day, Director FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ORIENTATION OF MIGRATING ANADROMOUS FISHES By Gerald B. Collins FISHERY BULLETIN 73 From Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service VOLUME 52 [Contribution No. 585, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution] UNITKD STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • WASHINGTON : 1952 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 20 cents CONTENTS Page Historical background 375 Major theories on orientation 375 Sensory basis of orientation 376 Relation of sensory abilities to environmental patterns 376 Experimental approach 378 Materials and methods 378 Experimental method 379 Procedure 380 Controls ^ 381 Water modification 382 Temperature 382 Gaseous content 382 Nongaseous chemicals ^ 383 Measurements 383 Water samples 383 Titrations 384 Hvdrogen-ion concentration 384 Alkahnity and HCO7 384 Carbon dioxide t 384 Oxygen 385 Temperature 385 Velocity 385 Aberrat ions in experimental control 385 Exijpriments 386 Orientative influence of temperature 386 Relation of temperature response to temperature level 387 Orientative influence of CO2 387 Relative orientative influence of CO2 and temperature 388 Orientative influence of pH 388 Experiments using nitrogen and oxygen 389 Nitrogen " 389 Oxygen 389 Other factors influencing orientation 390 The 3:1 ratio of the response 391 Discussion 392 Summary 394 Literature cited 395 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ORIENTATION OF MIGRATING ANADROMOUS FISHES By Gerald B. Collins, Fishery Research Biologist HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Tli(> oiieiitation of migrating fislies lias been tlie subject of investigation and conjecture for many years. Migration paths liave been outlined by tagging experiments, and n wealth of valuable information on the physiology, development, and behavior of migratory fishes has been acquired through the persistent eiforts of many able in- vestigators; but the means by which the fish are directed on their migrations are still largely a matter of speculation. The purpose of the study presented here was to investigate the influence of certain physical and chemical factors upon the orientation of migrating anadromous fish of the genus Pomoloii/s. In the course of this investigation an effort was made to determine experimentally if the migrating fish would orient to differences in the physical and chemical characteristics of water. The existence of difl'erences in physical and cliemical factors in natural waters to which fish might respond has long been known. Slight gradations usually exist in the relative amounts of dissolved gases, in ^H, in temperature, and in other physical and chemical characteristics of a stream from the source to the mouth. Such gradients are usually so slight that the differences I let ween points miles apart are still below tlie tJireshokls of the sensory perception of fish. Much greater gradients are found at stream junctions and at stream entrances into lakes or into the sea. In these gradients there frequently are chemical and physical differences between points a few feet apart which are large enough to be detected by the fish. The existence of these gradients at crucial points along the migration paths of anadromous fishes where they might in- fluence the fish in the selection of a stream has led In speculation on (heir possible role in directing tlie migration of the fish. The author is greatly indebted to Prof. George L. Clarke of Harvard University for his encour- agement, helpful suggestions, and criticisms dur- ing this research. The work was done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for (he degree of doctor of philosophy at Ilarvaid University, De- partment of Biology. TJianks are due also to Prof. .VI tied C. Redfield and many other members of Harvard University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for their advice and aid in securing funds and special equipment. The research during the summer of 1949 was done wiiile occupying a re- search fellowship at the "Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution. The cooperation of the town of Bourne, Mass., is acknowledged for permission to work in Herring Eiver and to use town property at Bournedale. A special debt is gratefully acknowledged to Director Francis W. Sargent and John Burns of the Division of Marine Fisheries, Massachu- setts Conservation Department, for their interest and aid which made this investigation possible. The research in the .spring of 19i9 was done as an emplo3-ee of the Massachusetts Division of Ma- rine Fisheries. The encouragement and aid of Dr. Lionel A. Walford, Ralph P. Silliman. Clinton E. Atkin- son, and others of the Fish and Wildlife Service are also acknowledged. The research in the spring of 1950 was done as an employee of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. MAJOR THEORIES ON ORIENTATION Currently, two major concepts on the orienta- tion of migrating anadromous fishes have gained wide support; and, while not nuitually exclusive, they are, as the frequent clashes in the literature suggest, not entirely compatible. One of these theories regards the upstream migration of the fish as a purposeful "homing" to the part of the river system in which it was hatched or in which it spent the early stages of 375 210217—52- 376 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE its life. Memoiy impressions of the goal or home are implied and the fish is said to be seeking its sjiawning area. The fish is thought to return to its native stream because that was the place where it was spawned rather than because the stream was more accessible or made more attrac- tive by immediate environmental conditions. The fact that significant numbers of fish have actually been observed to return to the streams from which they originated is frequently used as evidence for this homing viewpoint. The other theory is that environmental factors control the direction of migration, and therefore physical and chemical conditions such as tempera- ture, current, amounts of dissolved gases, or odors, are thought to determine the ultimate destination of the fish. These factors fluctuate and are dupli- cated in nature so that migratoi-y fish could go to any stream with these conditions. Those who support the idea of environmental control of the direction of migration present evi- dence that the fish responds to its immediate en- vironment at each point of its migration and they look upon the migration itself as merely the sum of the successive responses. The various species are thought to arrive at their separate destinations because they respond in specifically different ways to the existing patterns of environmental stimuli. The return of many fish to the stream of their origin is to be expected, according to this view- point, because the patterns of environmental con- ditions which direct them persist year after year. Variations of these views may be found ex- pressed under different interpretations of the "parent stream" or ''home stream" theory devel- oped by investigators working on salmon migra- tion. An excellent review of major j^roblems and controversial questions in salmon migration is afforded by the symposium, "The Migration and Conservation of Salmon," published in 1939 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. SENSORY BASIS OF ORIENTATION Whether the migratory lish has purjpose and seeks its native stream or whether the fish is en- tirely directed by immediate envii'onmental fac- tors along its route, its orientation must be achieved by some sensory means. With fish migration, as with bird migration, there has been much speculation over the possible existence of a special sensory perception that is unknown at present. No Jphj'sical basis for this has ever been found nor have such sensory abili- ties ever been demonstrated. There is evidence that fish can see, hear, taste, and smell. It is known that they can respond to tactile and kines- thetic stimuli, react to acceleration and nonrecti- linear motion, and maintain equilibrium. It has been demonstrated that they can respond to tem- perature and to various chemical substances by means otiier than taste or smell. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, it is reasonable to suppose tliat these sensory abilities are the ones by which fish are guided while on their migrations. Therefore, it appears logical to explore fully the I'elation between these known sensory abilities and prevailing environmental' patterns before consid- ering hypothetical sensory abilities. RELATION OF SENSORY ABILITIES TO ENVIRONMENTAL PATTERNS As the sensory abilities of fishes have been re- vealed and delineated many investigations have been made to examine their relation to migration. Chidester (1924)^ pointed out the number and diversity of these investigations as well as their apparently contradictory evidence. Attention was turned to natural environmental patterns which might have a directional influence upon fish with the known sensory abilities. The physical and chemical gradients which exist along the migration paths of anadromous fishes were examined for their possible role in orienting migrating fish. The observations of Ward (1920) in Alaska led him to believe that temperature was an important factor in the choice of a spawning stream bj' sockeye salmon, OncorKynchus nerka. He ob- served that on the upstream migration the fish I^ass from swift to slow water and vice versa, that they go from shallow to deep water and vice versa, and that they move from turbid to clear water and vice versa. However, he found that at the junction of two streams the sockeye sahiion con- sistently chose the colder stream and he concluded tliat temperature was the chief orienting factor. ^ For references referred to parentheticaUy, see Literature Cited, p. 395. ORIENTATION' OF MIGRATING ANADROMOUS FISHES 37; The earlier investigations of Cliamberlain (1907) in Alaska also indicated that temperature influenced the selection of streams by sockeye salmon. However, Chamberlain found that the sockeve chose the warmer streams. Foerster (1929) observed the migration of sock- eye salmon near Cultus Lake, British Columbia, and found the sockeye at one time entering the colder stream and at another time selecting a warmer stream. He coiicluded that temperature probably had very little directing influence on the upstream migi-ation of the sockeye salmon. Foerster also made measurements of the ;)H and of the dissolved o.xygen in the streams, but was un- able to find any correlation between variations in these factors and tlie selection of streams by the sockeye salmon. Roule (1933) expressed the opinion that the i direction of shad, Paralosa nilotica rhodanensis and Alosa alosa, migration was controlled by tem- perature. He pointed out that the migration be- gins -when the river water, pouring into the sea in estuaries, is at a higher temperature than that of the sea. Roule related that in one section of the Rhone River shad fishermen always set their traps on only one bank of the river, whereas along most '- of the river they set traps on both banks. Investi- \ gatiou revealed that the water on one side of the river was several degrees warmer than on the other (hie to the influence of a warm tributary upstream. The shad were always found migrating on the warmer side; and they were also observed to turn off the main stream into certain tributaries which were warmer than the main stream. Roule's ob- servations on the behavior of salmon, Salmo salar, during migration convinced him that the salmon were indifferent to temperature. Roule (1914), observing the selection of par- ticular streams by the Atlantic salmon, Salmo solar, in its upstream migration to spawning areas, concluded that the proportion of dissolved Oo in the water was the dominant factor in directing I lie migration. He maintained that the salmon always choose the water with a higher concentra- tion of dissolved O,. Roule (1933) suggested that the metabolic condition of the fish results in in- creased respiratory activity and it becomes polar- ized toward the more highly oxygenated water. Roule used the word "branchiotropism"' to de- scribe deviations in direction brought about by respiratory influences. He maintained that the "branchiopolarity" of the salmon drives it forward and acts as its guide. Clievey. Roule. and Wrrier (19-27) blamed the depletion of salmon runs in certain streams on the lack of dissolved O, in the streams owing to mill wastes. Their investigations indicated that salmon would not enter a stream with a low dis- solved O2 content. The observation that the shad, Alosa alosa, were not affected by the low O2 con- tent of the water pointed to a marked species difference. Russell ( 19.34) did not agree with the findings of Roule a.nd his coworkers. He pointed out that in I he mouths of certain salmon rivers, such as the Tees and the Tyne, there is a long stretch of lieavily polluted water in which the O; content may fall very low. However, salmon enter and ascend these rivers. Shelford and Powers (191.5) using a gradient tank technique, found that herring fry, Cliipea pallasi. would orient to differences in tempera- ture and dissolved gases. Powers became con- vinced that gradients of COo tension exert an important influence upon the orientation of mi- grating fishes. Powers and Hickman (1928) measured the CO^, tension in lakes, in rivers drain- ing lakes, and in rivere which did not drain lakes in the Fraser and the Columbia River systems. They found that, in general, lakes and rivers draining lakes had a lower CO.. tension (average 0..57 mm. Hg) than rivers not fed by lakes (average 1.05 mm. Hg). Further analysis of the data also indicated that typical mountain streams had higher CO, tensions than streams of the lowland. Powers (1939) pointed to an observation that the sockeye salmon, given a choice, will always choose the fork of a river which drains a lake. The chinook salmon. Oncorhynchvs fsftaict/tscha, in the same situation apparently is indifferent and moves up either branch. Powers suggested that the sockeye is responding to differences in CO, tension in its selection of a stream draining a lake. The lack of a similar response on the part of the cli'iiook sahniin was juTsiimalily looked upon as a species difference. The publications of these investigators who were seeking to correlate the observed movements of migratory fishes to gi-adients of temperature and of dissolved gases were received with great 378 riSHEBY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE interest. There has been, however, a general re- luctance on the part of nianj' engaged in fishery research to accept some of the conclusions put forth. Those investigators who were convinced of a high!}" developed homing ability in anadro- mous fishes found it difficult to reconcile the idea of migrating fishes responding to environmental gradients with that of homing. Many contra- dictory observations made by other workers in the field, because of a general tendency to avoid negative reporting, seldom reached the literature. Furthermore, field workers who were aware of the enormous difficulties in making dependable ob- servations of the movements of fish in large rivers and streams, particularly with only intermittent observations made over a wide area, felt that the evidence upon which the conclusions were based was inadequate. In summarizing previous research in this field it might be said that — (1) TLe ability of fislies to detect dift'erences in temperature and in amounts of dissolved gases has been established experimentally. (2) Laboratory (gradient-tauk) exjierimeuts have also established that differences in temperature and in amounts of dissolved gases can influence the direction of fish movement. (3) Differences in water temperature and amounts of dissolved gases have been shown to exist in natural waters at points where they might exert an important influence upon the direction of migrating anadromous fishes. (4) It has been suggested that these physical and chemical differences do influence the orientation of the migrating fish. (5) Some field observations of migratory-fish be- havior appear to show a relation between the direction of migration and gradients of certain physical and chemical factors. These field ob- servations are relatively few, inconclusive, and contradictory. Thus, it is known that some fishes can orient with reference to certain physical and chemical dif- ferences in water, but whether migrating anad- romous fish.es actually do orient with reference to such differences is not known. The following experiments were undertaken to explore this question with one type of anadromous fish. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH In studying the influence of gradients of physi- cal and chemical characteristics of water upon the orientation of migrating anadromous fishes a di- rect experimental approach was used. Experi- ments were undertaken which attempted to meas- ure the directional responses of migrating fishes of the genus Pomolobus to certain dift'erences in water chamcteristies including temperature, pR, and amounts of dissolved gases (Oo, N2, and CO2). The experiments were designed to avoid many complications that have to be considered in labora- tory experiments with live fish. The experiments were made in the stream in which the fish were migrating so that the fish would not be handled or subjected to the shock of being removed from their natural environment. Tests were made on thou- sands of fish, and each fish was tested oidy once so that consitlerations involving learning could be ignored. Inasmuch as the special migratory behavior of anadromous fishes is exhibited for only limited periods of time, perhaps only once or twice during the life of the fish, an essential condition of these experiments was that they were conducted while the fish were actually migrating. The impor- tance of this is realized when one considers how greatly the respcuise of a fish to environmental stimuli nuiy differ at various physiological stages of its life. As fiugerlings. the fish are found mi- grating downstream; as maturing adults, they migrate upstream. In those species which survive spawning, the spent fish again migrate down- stream. Frequently, individual fish of the same species may be found in a stream responding in very different ways to identical environmental stimuli. The differences in physical and chemical factors tested were artificially produced in these experi- ments but the type and magnitude of the differ- ences were within the range commonly found at stream junctions in nature. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiments were conducted in the Herring Kiver at Bournedale, ]Mass.,'in 1949 and 1950 dur- ing the spring herring runs. The herring run at Bournedale actually consists of two overlapping runs of closely related species. The earlier run, made up of alewives, Pomolobus pseudoliarengus (Wilson) , begins about the first of April and con- tinues until the end of jNIay. The second and smaller run of glut herring, Pomolobus aestivalis ORIENTATION- OF MIGRATING AXADROMOUS FISHES 379 (Mitrhiin, usually starts alxnit the last week of May and lasts until the middle of June. There are visible external differences by which these two species can be identified. The glut her- ring is generally smaller than the alewife, has a -mailer eye in relation to the head, and when ex- amined out of water has darker dorsal pigmenta- tion. The individual variations in size within the two groups overlap considerably, and in the water each species has the ability to modify its pigment to blend with the background in the matter of a few seconds. Consequently, it is very difficult to distinguish between the two species with any de- gree of certainty without first removing the fish from the water. Attempts to separate the two species while the experiments were in progress jM-oved to be impractical. When the studies were completed, a careful comparison of the responses shown by the fish in experiments conducted at the beginning of the early run wlien only alewives weie present with those in experiments made near the end of the later run when only glut herring were present, failed to reveal any differences be- tween the responses of the two species. These anadromous members of the herring family (Clupeidae) proved to be ideally suited to experimental purposes. They are small and migrate in enormous numbers through easily ac- cessible brooks and streams (fig. 1). The con- struction of the experimental apparatus and the conditioning of water for experiments with these fishes can be done on a smaller, less expensive scale than would be necessary for fishes such as the shad or the salmon. At Bournedale each year during the herring run, more than half a million of these fishes enter the small Herring Kiver (completely fresh water; average flow less than 20 c. f. s.) from tlie sea water of the Cape Cod Canal and migrate upstream for approximately a mile to their spawning grounds in Great Herring Pond. The experiments were conducted in the stream a short distance below its entrance into Great Herring Pond. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD As the fish migrated upsti-eam, they were di- lected by wire screens into a shallow experimental trough. The upstream end of the trough was divided into two channels of equal size (fig. 2). As a fisli progressed upstream through the experi- mental trough, it was presented with a choice be- tween the two channels. Differences in water * o UJ a: z o r- •recording point" FOR TEMPERATURE TESTS •point OF DECISION* ZONE OF MIXING Figure 1. — The bcri-iiis run at limirneilalc, .Mass. This pool is immediately below the experimental station. SCREEN DIRECTING FISH INTO TROUGH FIGURE 2.— Dia;;ram of experimental troii^'h. Dimensions : 18 ft. ions, 21 in. wide, and 10 in. deep. 380 FISHEEY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE temperature, in pH, and in dissolved gases between the two channels were created experimentally. The influence of these differences in the physical and chemical characteristics of water upon the orientation of the migrating fish was measured by the number of fish choosing each channel. The experimental trough was 21 inches wide, 10 inches deep, and IS feet long. It was open at both ends so that when it was alined with the direction of stream flow and partially submeiged, the water flowed freely through it. The two channels in the upstream end of the trough were 10 feet long and 10 inches wide. A 10-inch chan- nel width was chosen because it was approximately equal to the length of the fish and would allow enough room for normal swimming movements and turning. The experimental trough could be raised or lowered in the water in order to create any desired depth of flow regardless of the natural fluctuation in the water level of the stream. The flow of water through the trough was maintained at a depth of 6 to 8 inches, while the velocity of water through the trough varied, depending on stream conditions, from a minimum of 1 foot a second to a maximum of 2 feet a second. The trough was stained a dull mahogany to provide a dark background for the fish so that their behavior would be as natural as possible. Exploratory tests the previous year had shown that a light background made the fish extremely nervous and excitable when they were in the shal- low water and confinement of the experimental trough. The trough was also placed in the stream several weeks before tests were begun to reduce the possibility of odors, or other factors that might be unfamiliar or objectionable to the fish. To prevent light inequalities between the two channels resulting from shadows, the experimental trough was shaded from direct sunlight by a can- vas canopy (fig. 3). At the downstream end of the trough a wire- screen gate was installed to control the entrance of the fish into the experimental trough. The necessity for such a device became apparent during preliminary exploratory tests in which the en- trance of the fish was unrestricted. Wlien several fish entered at the same time, they frequently ex- hibited a schooling tendency and all followed the choice of the leader. Their behavior was such that it seemed probable that only one decision was FiGUKE 3. — General view of experimental station, Herring River, Bourneclale, Mass., 1950. A. Entrance for upstream migrants. B. Bypass exit for downstream migi-ants. C. Laboratory for chemical determinations. D. Light-control arrangement. actually made for the entire school. There were instances of schools splitting, with all those on the left side entering the left channel, and all those on the right side entering the right channel, sug- gesting that perhaps in these cases spatial rela- tions alone were involved. There were many variations in such group behavior and they were difficult to interpret in a quantitative way. To avoid the problem completely, an entrance gate was designed. Through this gate (figs. 4 and 5) the fish were allowed to enter, one at a time, and only after the previous one had made its decision and was completely out of the trough. The entrance gate also served to center the fish so that as it entered the experimental trough it was subjected to a mixture of the waters of both channels. Thus, the fish started in the center of a strong transverse gradient (fig. 2) and almost any lateral movement resulted in its being sub- jected to water of a different quality. PROCEDURE As the fish progressed upstream in the trough to the point where it had to choose between the two channels (the "point of decision" in fig. 2), it usually moved from one side of the trough to the other, alternately approaching each channel until it finally entered one. In those tests in which both channels were completely unobstructed the choice was recorded when the fish had completed OlilKXT.VnuX OV .MltiUATIXG ANADliOMOU.S MSHES 381 Figure. 4. — Entrance to experimental trough. A. Entrance gate (closed). B. Retaining pool. C. Retaining-iX)ol gate (open). D. Bypass for downstream migrants. (The white cloth on the bottom of the trough was for photographic purposes and was not present during the tests. ^ its passage tluuuoli tlie i-lianiiel aiul was entirely clear of the troiigli. This system of recordino: decisions permitted the fish to change its choice of channels ut any stage of its progress by turning back and entering the other channel. During tlie exi)erinients in which tlie water was being modified by heating, the rehutance of the fish to pass through the heating apparatus in the upstream ends of the channels, resulted in con- siderable delay. To save time a "recording point" (fig. 2) was chosen below the heating ap- paratus. When this arbitrary point which was -20 inches (approxinuitely twice the length of the iish) from the entrance to the channel was l'ii.ri;i: .".— Dm r.-imc jcali'. The fish were allowed to enter, imi- al ii liiiH'. lliriiu;;h .-i s<-rei'ii gate (sliown open ) . I Thf whiti' ilcitli was imt present during tile tests.) ie;!ched, the lisli was consiih'red to lia\'e made its decision and the result was recordeil. When once the fish had passed the recording point if its for- ward progress was too slow, it was urged to con- linue on out of the trough by taj)s on the trough with a stick immediately behind the fish. AVhen the fish was completely out of the trough, the entrance gate was raised again to allow another to enter. Before each series of tests, any necessary ad- justments of experimental conditions were made and water samples and temperature measurements were taken. The fish were then allowed to enter the trough one at a time. It usually was found convenient to run approximately '25 to 30 indi- vidual tests in succession before the measurements were taken again. The average time for such a .series of tests was about 40 minutes, although it fluctuated considerably depending upon the be- luivioi- of the fish. CONTROLS Kvery I'tl'ort was niadc to kee[i cnnditions, e.g., light, depth of water, rate of How, turbulence, as uniform as possible in both chamiels so that any directional response would be due solely to the factor being tested. Whenever major adjust- ments in the ex])erimeiital conditions had been made, before tests with modified water were be- gun, a series of control tests was run to ensure i;iui;i7- 382 FISHEBY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND AVILDLIFE SERVICE that such iniiforin conditions jirevailed. The re- sults of these tests are suiiiniarizetl in table 1. Table 1. — Uailii totnU of coiitrul tests muOc to ensure that iinifonii eoiitlitioiis e.risted in both channels of the experimental troiii/h, lyJfi) Uatr Number of fish entering— Left channel Right chainiel A nril 30 91 49 54 68 97 68 19 20 71 81 49 25 5'J 47 24 29 89 May 1 39 48 3 73 91 S 49 11 __ . 16 22 ]4 _ _ 64 83 Ifi 47 ig _ _ 29 22 - 49 23 - - 58 24 _ — - -- 24 30 _ 30 Total 841 61.3 800 48.7 To minimize the possibility of some unrecog- nized factor inHueiicin"!- the choice of the fish, control and test channels were alternated between each series of tests. Such alternation resulted in any "nonalternating"' influence being cancelled out when the figures were totaled. An example of the pattern of controls and tests is given in table 2. T.MiLE 2. — Example of the pattern of controls and tests, May 15, 191,9 [Tests listed in chronological order] Left channel Right channel Water characteristic ' Number offish Water characteristic ' Number of fish Oontrol 18 11 26 26 36 11 II) 33 9 22 8 31 Control 17 COa Control 31 COj 19 Control... 27 COj 12 COa Control. 34 16 COj 17 COi Control 26 23 COj Control.. 31 COj 14 ' Control, water unmodified; CO:, gaseous CO2 added. During tests involving temperature differences of greater than 1 degree centigrade, it was neces- sary to have a greater number of heaters in one channel than in the other. To be certain that the response shown was the result of temperature differences rather than dilferences in hydraulic conditions created by the uneciual distribution of heating apj)aratus, a series of control tests was run with the heaters in place but with tlie power turned off. The results of the control tests which were interspersed with the actual temperature tests are shown in table 3. They indicate that the presence of the nonoperating heaters had little or no effect upon the choice of channels made by the Hsh. Tahi.k 8. — Control tests tltiriiKi temperature e.rperinients, 1951) [Immersion heaters in place but jjower turned ofl] Dato and tinu^ Number of fish entering— Number of immer- sion water heaters in — Left channel Right channel Left channel Right channel May 13. 3:45 p. m _. 16 27 9 12 13 14 26 16 12 21 9 11 8 27 13 13 13 7 4 13 17 25 8 12 14 13 27 12 15 30 10 15 7 34 12 11 12 6 4 15 6 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 14. 6:25 p. m -- 10 15 8:evice for iiinclif.viii^ };ase(jiis coiilcnt of watei'. The device i-ontaiiied two separate batteries of aerators so that the two clKMinels could he moditied independently at the same time. of one of till' (liaiinels through a colorless plastic lube jxisitioned horizontally an inch above the Moor of the trough at riglit angles to the direc- tion of stream flow. Small holes were bored in tlie plastic tube at shoi-t intervals to allow an even distribution of the carboy liquiil throughout the channel. MEASUREMENTS Water Samples AVater samples were collected in wide-mouthed 100-milliliter bottles at tiie downstream end of each channel. Samjjle bottles were stoppered while still under water to avoid any gaseous ex- change with liu' air. Tlie samples were collected simultaneously in both cliamiels and were imme- diately brought into the lield laboratory where the clieinical ilciciiuinai ions were beofiin at once. 384 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE' SERVICE Titrations Titnitioiis wi-iv dunt' \vi(li ;i IJerkiiiaii /^H lueti-r. The water-sample bottles were calibrated with the solid stoppers on so that the exact amount of water in each sample was known without further measurenT^nt. The titrations were performed in the samjjle bottles to avoid any opportunity for the modification of the gaseous content of the water due to exposure to air in ponring. Hydrogen-ion Concentration Measm'ements of hydrogen-ion concentrations were made to within 0.0.1 pH unit with a Beckman ;>H meter. A Hellige pocket color comparator was used for rapid pH measurements (to within 0.1 ^■^H unit) during adjtistment of valves while setting up experimental conditions and during a number of the earlier exploratory experiments. Alkalinity and HCO^. In the range of ;?H in which the experiments were made (/>H 7 to pH 6) the alkalinity was assumed to ('(jual tlie concentration of HCO;,. Methyl-orange alkalinity was measured (Ameri- can Public Healtli Association 1946) by titrating tlie sani])le with PLSO^ to an end point of /)H 4.4. Carbon Dioxide The free, or uncombined, CO, content of the water was measured in two ways. Some of the measurements were made directly by titration of the sample with NaOH (American Public Health Association 1946) to an end point of pU 8.2. Other deteiininations of free CO2 were made indi- rectly bj' measuring alkalinity (methyl orange) and pH and then determining CO2 by the graphic method of INIoore ( 1939 ) . The measurements were made to Avithin 0.1 p. p. m. CO2. Those measure- ments made directly by titrating with NaOH were slightly lower than the measurements made in- directly by the graphic method. Therefore, in comparing the water of the two channels only one method was used for each pair of measure- ments. The range of conditions under which the measurements were made is indicated by figure 8 which shows CO- measurements made during the experimentgl During the series of tests which examined the orientative influence of CO,, water was modified bj' the introduction of gaseous CO.. Addition of gaseous COj to the almost unbuffered water of FREE COz (PPM) 7.0 SO 5.0 4.0 • 30 ■ • 20 ■ 0 0 • * • 1.0 ■ . 60 62 6.4 66 6JB .H Figure 8. — Free CO2 measurements. May 1950. Only measurements of samples of unmodified stream water and water modified by the addition of gaseous CO2 are included. The samples were taken under a wide variety of stream and weather conditions. the stream produced several effects. It increased tlte concentration of free CO2 and it decreased the /;H. It also raised the partial pressure, or tension, of CO, in the water. Examples of data from individual tests (table 4) illustrate the first two of these effects. It will be noted that the concen- tration of HCO;j was largely unaffected. In the range of pH in which the experiments were made (pH 7 to ^H 6), carbonates were not present. Water was modified by addition of KJ1(P04) during the tests of the orientative influence of pH. Examples of data from individual tests are given in table 4. In these tests the changes in pH were of approximately the same magnitude as the changes in /*H in the tests in which CO, was added (although K.,H(P04) raised the pH. while CO, lowered it). The addition of K,H(P04), however, had much less effect upon the concentra- tion of free CO2. During this investigation, measurements of CO, were restricted to the convenient and widely ac- cepted methods available for measuring the amount of free CO,. The importance of measur- ing dissolved gases in terras of partial pressures ORIEXTATIOX OF MIGRATING ANADROMOUS FISHES 385 T.\mK 4. — Kxnmplrs of chemical measurements maHe ilurivij iiuliridual tests, June 11, 19!>0 (Stream temperatures, 19° to 19.4° C] Channel Water characteristic ' Hydrogen- ion concen- tration Alkalinity or HCO, Carbon dioxide Left COi 6.40 6.57 P. p. m. Co CO J 4.04 3.98 P. p. m. 3.05 Control 2.06 Difference..- .17 .06 .99 Left Control. COs 6.57 6.18 3.88 3.76 1.95 Right 4.08 Tii(Tcrenfi>--,. .39 .12 2.73 Left Control 6.52 6.97 = 1.70 K8H(P0») J 1.62 .45 .08 K.H(P04) Left 6.94 6.57 M.71 !1.78 .37 .07 ' COi, gaseous COj added; control, water immodifled; KsHCPOi), KjHCPOO added. ' Samples titrated with XaOH. when considering their physiological effects iipon organisms is recognized. The ability of a gas to diffuse through a membrane depends upon the tension of the gas in solution. Therefore, the tension of the gas is critical where, as in respira- tion, an actual gaseous exchange is made. How- ever, very iUtle is known of the sensory mecha- nism by which fish detect differences of CO2 ; nor is it known whether CO2 must actually permeate a membrane to affect the sensory organs. Under the circumstances of these experiments, where botli channels receive water from the same source under identical conditions, the CO2 tension would be directly proportional to the amount of fi'ee CO2 present. Therefore, the relative amounts of CO2 in the two channels may be used as indexes of tlie relative CO2 tensions. Oxygen Tlie amount of dissolved oxygen was deter- mined by the standard Winkler method (Ameri- can Public Healtli Association 1946) after pre- liminary orientation tests (Ellis, Westfall. and Ellis 1948) for the presence of interfering sub- stances proved to be negative. Temperature Temperatures were measured to 0.1° C. by the use of a mercury thermometer held horizontally in the water with its long axis in the direction of the current. The measurements were taken at the downstream end in each channel with the center of tlie tiiermometer at a point 2 inches from tiie bottom of the trough (the level at which the lish usually swam) and 2 inches from the wall whicli divided tiie trough into two channels. Velocity The velocity of tlie water flowing through the trough was measured by means of an impeller- fype current meter. Measurements were accu- rate to within 0.2 feet per second, and represent the average velocity of the water over a 90-second period of time. The measurements were taken at the downstream end of each channel at a point halfway between the channel walls. ABERRATIONS IN EXPERIMENTAL CONTROL Throughout the experiments, measurements of phj'sical and chemical water characteristics such as temperature, velocity. //H, and amounts of dissolved gases were imuh more juecise than the experimental control of these characteristics. Hydraulic conditions above the head of the ex- ])erimental trough created a periodic eddying (every 5 to 15 seconds) which resulted in a fluctua- tion in the rate of flow alternately in each channel. During tests in which water characteristics were l)eing modified, eddying caused a periodic fluctua- tion in the degree of modification. For example, during tests in which the water was modified by lieating. eddying resulted in a temperature fluctu- ation of approximately 0.5° C. in the channel being modified. Temperature measurements to within 0.1° C. were made almost instantaneously, and the extent of the temperature fluctuation was easily measured by a comparison of maximum and minimum tem- perature readings. However, measurements of other water characteristics such as velocity, />H, and amounts of dissolved gases were average measurements. Velocity measurements (read in terms of propeller revolutions per unit time) rep- resented an average velocity for a 90-secoud period of time. The manner in which the water samples were taken for measurements of pH and amounts of dissolved gases tended to collect a mixture of the water flowing through a channel over a pei'iod of time greater than the time for a complete cycle of eddy fluctuation and so tiiese measurements also represent measurements of average conditions. 386 riSHEBY BULLETES^ OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE- SERVICE Such average measurements gave no clear indica- tion of the degree of fluctuation. Some of the other experimental conditions also could not be controlled completely. The depth of the water in the trough, maintained at 6 to 8 inches at the downstream end of the two channels, varied from 4 inches to 10 inches at the ends of the trough when the trough deviated from a hori- zontal position. The downstream end of the trougli had a tendency to settle as a result of the clogging of the screen entrance gate by floating organic debris. Variations of this sort atfected the channels equally, however, and probably are of little significance. During the experiments in which water was heated electrically there frequently was a vertical variation in the temperature of the water in the modified channel due to inadequate mixing of the heated water. This was particularly true when only a few heaters were in operation. At such times, the variation was as much as 0.4° C. from the warmer water near the bottom of the channel to the cooler water near the surface. The tem- perature measurements, made 2 inches from the bottom of the channel (the level at which the fish ustially swam), were always of the maximum temperature. In interpreting the data collected during these experiments, such variations in experimental con- ditions must be taken into consideration, particu- larly when thresholds are concerned. The thresh- olds for the responses of the fish may actually be lower than those indicated by the data. EXPERIMENTS ORIENTATIVE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE Experiments were conducted in which the migrating fish were presented with a choice be- tween waters of two different temperatures. The responses of the fish (table 5) indicated a pref- erence for the warmer water. The stream tem]ierature during these experi- ments ranged from 11.1° to 22.3° C. The tem- perature differences between channels, created by heating the water of one channel, were varied from 0.4° to 3.0° C. The threshold of the re- sponse api^eared to be at a temperature difference of approximately 0.5° C. Periodic eddying which caused a fluctuation in the water temperature of the channel being modi- fied (see Aberrations in Experimental Control, }). ;!sr)) was probably responsible for tlie appar- ently intermediate nature of the response to tem-* perature differences of 0.5° to 1.0° C. The tem- perature difference values given in tables 5 and 6 are maximum values. The minimum values were approximately 0.5° C. less. For example, during tests at the recorded temperature difference of 0.7° C, for at least part of the time, the tempera- ture difference was approximately 0.2° C. Therefore, only at recorded temperature dif- ferences above 1.0° C. was the thi-csliold differtMire of 0.5° C. exceeded continually tlirouglioiil tlic entire test. TAiii.i': ."). — Rcniioiisc to frmpernttire rliffcrriires <)n the response of the fish. Tabi.k (i. — Rvlittiiiii of tinii>rriiliirr rrxponxc t(i l( iiiin i uliin Uvil 1 Rotahulatioii of data from table 5. Stream temperature levels include +0.9° C. (e. g., 11" C. includes temperature levels to 11.9° C.)) Number of decisions Entered channel with— Stream temperature level Warmer water Cooler water 11 roup k: 1 11° C - - 139 178 185 274 116 124 66 85 147 35 43 238 217 159 290 198 123 27 Percent 65 Percent 35 12° C . 65 1 35 13° C C5 , 35 14° C _ 60 59 55 66 54 53 80 79 77 80 75 76 77 82 78 40 15° C 41 16° C 45 17° C 45 J8° C 46 19° C 47 Group B:> 11° C 20 12° C 21 14° C - 23 l.i" C 20 16° C . 25 17° C - 24 18° C 23 20° C 18 22° C - 22 ' Temperature difference between chaimels, 0.5° to 1.0° C. 2 Temijerature ditlerence between channels, 1.1° to 3.0° C. Talvinjr into account once ajzain the eddyinii' con- dition (see p. 385), the data indicate that the re- sponses of the fish were atfected by the tempera- ture level only vrhen temperature differences of thre.sliold magnitudes were concerned. The evi- dence suggests a possible relation between this phenomenon and the type of threshold phenomena described by Weber's law. Weber (1846) be- lieved the threshold of difference to be propor- tional to the intensity of stimulus. Although the ratio of these two factors has since been shown to lie variable, a tendency for the threshold of difference to increase with an increase in intensity of stimulus has been observed. Tlie experiments !it Bournedale, planned with other purposes in mind, did not produce the type of data necessary to examine tliis particular aspect of the response to temperature differences. However, it seems very piobable that the decrease in the response of the fish (shown in group A, taiile (i) was due to an increase in the threshold of the response to li'inpiMat lire dillVrences as the leinpeiature Icxel of ihe stream increased. ORIENTATIVE INFLUENCE OF CO2 The migrating lish were jjresented with a choice of waters having different amounts of free, or uncombined. CO;. The difference in free CO2 between the waters of the two channels was estab- lished by the direct addition of gaseous CO2 to the water of one channel while the other remained unmodified. During some of the tests this pro- cedure was varied by the addition of the gaseous CO2 to both channels but at different rates. Throughout the tests the fish indicated a definite preference for the water with the lower free CO; content (table 7). Table 7. — Responsr.i to iliffcii nci x in ('()• hh xhoirii in CJ-ijeriments, Mail I -III. I'.i'i'-K and Mnii 7^/i(»c 'J, JUiiO Free C02 difference between channels Number of decisions >4.0 p. p. m. 1.4 p. p. m. 0.6 p. p. m_ 0.3 p. p. m.. 0.2 p. p. m. 1.120 128 063 216 157 Entered cbannel with— Lower COj Percent 73 77 71 69 59 Higher COa Percrnt 23 29 31 41 Note. — Unmodified stream water varied from 0.7 p. p. in. free COi to 2.9 p. p. m. free CO: and pH 6.9 to pH 6.4. Stream temperatures 11.1° to 22.3° C. COi differences listed include differences ±0.1 p. p. m. of listed dilTer- ences except 0.3 which includes only -f-O.l p. p. m. "Whether the fish in the CO2 experiments were responding to differences in free COj or to associ- ated differences in HCO3 is not actually known. The data (table 7) indicate that if the response was to differences in the amount of free CO., the threshold of the response lies below differences of 0.3 1). p. m. If the response of the fish was to differences in IICO.^i, then the threshold of the response must be much lower. During most of the tests in which the differences in free CO2 were less than l.n p. p. 111.. the differences in IICO^^ were not even measurable by the method of meas- urement used (i. e., they were less than 0.1 p. p. m. IICOj as CaCO:,). It seems more probable that the response of the fisli was a response to free CO2. The experiments do not indicate whether the respon.se of the fish (assuming that the response was to free CO2) was to differences in the amount 388 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE of free CO2 or to differences in CO., tension. Tlie difference in CO2 tension associated ^Yitll a differ- ence of 0.3 p. p. m. free CO, under tlie conditions of these experiments would be approximately 0.1 mm. Hg. The response of tlie fisli to differences in CO2 (whether it was to the amount of free CO,, to tlie CO2 tension, or to associated HCO.t) "as similar to the response of the fish to temperature differ- ences in that it appeared to be a uniform response to all differences above the threshold difference. RELATIVE ORIENTATIVE INFLUENCE OF CO. AND TEMPERATURE As the evidence was acquired indicating that differences in temperature and differences in CO2 could influence the orientation of the migi-ating fish, the need for some information on the relative influence of the two factors became increasingly obvious. Under the controlled conditions of the experiments, where all factors other than the one used for testing were maintained equal in both channels, the fish might show as great a response to a relatively minor influence as they would to an important or dominant factor. To examine the relative orientative influence of CO2 and tem- perature, two groups of experiments were under- taken. In one set of experiments the directional influences of the two factors were arranged so as to be in conflict. The differences in CO2 favored the choice of one channel, while the differences in temperature favored the selection of the other. In a second group of experiments the differences both in CO2 and in temperature favored the selec- tion of the same channel. The data (table 8) collected indicate that the relative importance of the two orienting factors depends upon their quantitative relationships. By altering the relative amounts of heat and of CO2 added to the water, it was possible to demon- strate circumstances under which either factor could balance or even dominate the other when the factors were in opposition. The data also suggest that when the two factors are not in op- position they may actually augment each other and together provoke a response in a greater num- ber of fish than either factor could produce alone. ORIENTATIVE INFLUENCE OF pH In the preceding experiments involving the ad- dition of gaseous CO, to the water, the differences in the amount of free CO2 between the two chan- nels were always accompanied by differences in pH. (see table 4). The question arises as to whether the response shown by the migi-ating fish is to the differences in CO2 or to the accom- panying differences in pH. An attempt was made to answer this question experimentally with the migrating fish. It was necessary to use a substance which would, when added to the water, modify the pH of the water to the same degree that it was modified during the CO2 experiments (see table 9) without, at the same time, materially affecting the amount of free CO2 in the water. It was also necessary that the substance be one to which the fish would not respond by means such as taste or smell. To avoid the difficulties of determining whether the response of a fish was to the taste or to the smell of a chemical, or whether its response was to pH differences created by that chemical, it was neces- sary to select a substance to which the fish did not respond at all. In one of a series of exploratory tests (table 10) NaOH was used to modify the water. There was no response to a difference in pH of 0.1 (compare with response to pH difference 0.1 created by the addition of gaseous CO2, table 9). However, it will be noted that when the difference in pH was greater tlian 1.0 pB. unit, the fish favored the Table 8. — Relative orientative influence of CO2 and temperature as shown in tests made June 3-11, 1950 Water temperature difference between channels Free CO2 difference between channels Number of decisions Entered channel with— Relation of factors Warmer water and higher COj Cooler water and lower COj Warmer water and lower COi Cooler water and higher COs ( 0. 5 to 0. G i 1. 8 to 2. 1 I 1.8 to 2.4 P.p. m. >7.0 0. 5 to 2. 0 2,4 to 7.0 99 129 169 Perceni 24 62 48 Percent 76 38 62 Percent Percent Opposing.- 2.0 to 2.4 0.5 to 2.0 154 83 17 Note.— Stream temperatures, 16.9° to 22.2° C. Unmodified stream water, 0.7 p. p. m. to 2.1 p. p. m. free COi; pH 7.0 to pH 6.5. ORTF.NT.\TinX OF MIGR.VTIXr, .\X.\DROMOUS FISHES 389 T.vnt.E 9. — Experinicntu icith CO-, tabiihtted accortliiir/ to diffe rones in pH, May 10'i9 Xumber of decisions Percent entering— pll (lilTcroiice between chiinnols ' Higher COi Lower CO. >1.00 ij.50 f)63 114 157 30 29 28 41 70 0.10 71 0.05 -. 72 59 Tviii.K 12. — Measun mnnts of free CO, taken during the tents sltmrn in taljlc Jl [Samples titrated with N'aOH] ' K;iilBe, iill ti.U to pH U.S. Taui.e 10. — Ejcix rinicnis iritli XaOII tnhiiloted accordinii to differences in pH, May H, 19^9 Number of decisions Percent entering — pH difliTcnces between channels Control channel > Channel with NaOlI added ^ >1 00 267 104 39 48 61 0 10 - --- 52 > Unmodified stream water, pH 6.6 to pH 6.8; low pH; high COj content. 2 High pH: low COj content. modified water. Although CO2 was not measured in this test it seems very probable that the dif- ference in free CO2 which would be associated with tlie large diiference in pYi would exceed the threshold 0.3 p. p. m. After several acids and bases were tried, an ex- periment was undertaken using KjHCPOj) as the modifying agent. The data collected (table 11) reveal no indication of a response on the part of the fish although differences in /'H were present. These differences in pH were of the same magni- tude as those in many CO2 tests in which the fish responded. The accompanying table 12 of free CO2 measurements made while the tests were in progress shows that during the tests differences of free CO2 between channels were very small, gen- erally less than the precision of measurement. T-'iiiLE 11. — Orientative influence of pE as shoun in tests made June 10-12, 1950 (Differences in pH include differences ±0.1 pH unit] K2H(1'0.) added Unmod- ified control Difler- ence in pH Number of decisions Entered channel with— High pH LowpH pfl 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 pll 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 0.2 .4 .6 .8 148 127 141 20 Percent 49 51 47 50 Percent 51 1 49 ,13 m 43« 49 .il K,H(P04) added Unmodified control UifTerence in free COi 1 UilTerence InpH P. p. m. P. p. m. P. p. m. 1.94 1.96 0.02 C.2 1.62 1.69 .07 .1 1.71 1.78 .07 .4 1.62 1.70 .08 .4 1.31 1.45 .14 .6 On the basis of the evidence froiii lliis e.xpeii- iiieiit. it wdiild scciu reasonable to conclude that tlie response shown by tlie migrating fish in (lie ])revioiis tests was a response to differences in ('(X ratlicr ihiiii a I'esponse to diff'erences in pH. EXPERIMENTS USING NITROGEN AND OXYGEN Nitrogen During the tests with CO2, particularly those tests in which the CO2 had been added to only one of the two channels, the possibility had to be con- sitlered that the i)hysical presence of many bub- bles in the modified channel might be influencing tlie choice of the fish. To eliminate this possi- bility nitrogen was used as a control. The gaseous nitrogen was bubbled into the water of one of the liiannels in the same manner and at the same rate as the CO2 in the previous experiments. The ad- dition of the N2 produced no measurable differ- ence ill the amount of dissolved O2. The data (table 13) reveal that the fish failed to show any response to the nitrogen or to the presence of the many bubbles produced. The nitrogen was then used as a control in a series of CO2 tests. The results f)f these tests show the same response to CO2 that was shown in i)revioiis tests, again indicating tliat tlie presence or absence of the bubbles had no influence upon the choice of the fish. Oxygen To investigate the orientative influence of O,, the migrating fish were presented with a choice of waters which contained (btl'erent amounts of dis- solved O2. 1 he water of one of the channels was modified by the addition of gaseous O.. Tlie ex- periment, however, was severely limited by the fact that the water of the stream was already more than biO percent saturated. The data in table l."> show that the fish did not respond to a relatively small difference in O2 luuler these conditions. The 390 FISHERY BULLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Table 13. — Experiments testing orientative influence of oxiigen and nitrogen Number of decisions Entered control channel Entered channel with— Factor N. added CO2 added Oj added Nitrogen bubbles Nitrogen (control) 300 477 344 Percent 60 Percent 50 71 50 Percent Percent 29 50 1 stream temperature, 15.4° to 19.1° C. O2 content of immoditied stream water, 10.5 to 10.7 p. p. m. Oj difTcrence between chamiels, 1.1 p. p. m. experiments unfortunately provide no informa- tion on the possible effect of differences in O2 at lower values where differences may be very important. OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING ORIENTATION Although the major experimental efforts of this investigation were concerned with the orientative influence of temperature and dissolved gases, ex- ploratory experiments also examined the influence of other factors. The influence of water velocity upon the orien- tation of the migrating fish was explored by sub- jecting tlie fish to a clioice between waters of dif- ferent velocities. The difference in velocity be- tween the two channels was created by placing a glass plate across the upstream entrance to one of the channels, restricting the amount of water en- tering that channel and so reducing the velocity of the water in the downstream end of the channel. The response of the fish (table 14) indicated that water velocity could be a factor in fish orientation. The influence of water turbulence upon the ori- entation of the fish was explored in a similar man- ner. The turbulence in one of the. channels was reduced by placing glass plates, several feet in length, in the center of the channel parallel to the channel walls. This produced a flow which was smooth and laminar in appearance. In the other channel, small glass plates were set at an angle to create eddies which produced a visible tur- bulence. Most of the fish selected the channel Table 14. — Orientative influence of velocity Water velocity Number of decisions Entered channel with— Right channel Left channel Higher velocity Lower ' velocity Ft.lsec. l.S 0.7 Ft.lsec. 0.7 1.0 2tl 2li Percent 85 05 Percent 15 35 with less turbulence (table 15). CO2 was then added to the channel with less turbulence in order to discover the relative influence of turbulence and CO2. The data indicate that CO, had the greater orientati\e influence. Table 15. — Orientative influence of turtjulence and CO1 Number of decisions Entered channel with— Influence of— Maximum turbulence Minimum turbulence 26 27 Percent 32 70 Percent OS 130 I CO2 added. 4 p. p. m. All exjiloratory experiment was made which in- dicated that visual factors may influence fish orientation. The downstream end of one chan- nel was partially blocked (see fig. 9). The fish normally swam within a few inches of the bottom of the trough so that the "obstacle" did not inter- fere in any physical way with their progress. However, most of the fish entered the channel which was completely unobstructed. To examine the relative influence of this visual factor and temperature, the water of the partially blocked channel was heated 2° C. The data (table 16) show that under these conditions temperature was the dominant orienting factor. These tests were crude experiments of an ex- ploratory nature. There undoubtedly were some velocity differences involved in the turbulence tests. The partial block at the downstream end of one of the channels in the tests involving the visual factor probably created slight differences WOODEN BLOCK (3\ OPEN Figure 9. — "VisuiU" l;ii-ti>r (cxplorulitry U'Sts). ORIENTATION OF MIGRATING ANADROMOUS FISHES 391 Table 16. — Orientative influence of the visual factor Influence of— Number of decisions Entered channel that was— Open Obstructed 89 Percent 65 40 Percent 35 Temperature and visual factor 93 160 T.Mii.K 17. — Influence of sex on the response to COz ami tcwpcriiture ' Heat added, 2° C. ill liydriiiilic conditions between the two chiinnels. Tlio oxporimeiits were done with relatively small iHiinl)ers of fisii iuid Ihe (le<>ree of the response should not tic iiitfr])i('ted too literall}'. However, tlie e.\])(>riniciils are jireseiited here bcause they do iiidicMic tliat ciiaracteristics of flow, snch as velocity and turliulence, can have a direct ional influenci' ii[)on migrating fish. They also indi- cate tliat, under some circumstances at least, visual factors are capable of influencing fish orientation. THE 3 : 1 RATIO OF THE RESPONSE The explanation for the persistence of the ap- proximately :'> : 1 ratio in the response of the tish to temperature ditferences and to CO2 differences is not readily apparent. The absence of a response much closer to a 100 percent response under such controlled conditions would seem to indicate that only a proportion of the fish were influenced by the orienting factor. If, for example, half of the fish were influenced by the testing factor and the other half entered the channels at random, the resulting ratio would be 3 : 1. A possible sexual variation in the response of the fish was considered. A trap was placed at the head of each channel and after a series of CO- tests had been run, the fish in each trap were examined for sex. This procedure was later re- peated with a series of temperature tests. The data (table IT) indicate that the sex of the fish has no effect upon its response to differences in CO. and temperature. The possibility of individual variation in the sensitivity of the fish to temperature differences and to CO:; differences was examined by gradually increasing the differences between the two chan- nels. Had there been significant individual vari- ation in sensitivity, the response would have be- come greater as the difference between channels gradually exceeded the thresholds of more and Number of decisions Percent that entered channel with- Factor and sex COj content- Temperature— Higher Ix)wer 1 Higher 1 I«wer CO2: Male 54 70 ' 24 38 20 27 74 73 Female _....,— - Temperature: Male Tfl ' 21 70 24 more fish. This, however, did not occur. The r('S|)onse remained ajiproximatelj' 3:1 even at the niaximum attainable dilleiences (>7.00 p. p. m. free CO, and 3.0° C). The possibility was also considered that some in- dividuals might be completely insensible to the ilifferences in temperatuie and CO, which were being used in the experiments. An experiment was set up in which lish that had i)reviously been tested were again subjected to the same choice. A trap was placed at the head of each channel and a series of CO, tests were made. The trapped fish were then brought back to the entrance of the experimental trough and the CO, tests repeated. The data (table IS) show that the response of the fish that had i)reviously entered the channel with the higher CO_. was a])pniximately 3: 1 in favor of the channel with the lower CO,, and those fish which had previously entered the channel with tiie lower CO-, also exhibited a 3:1 response in favor of the channel with the lower CO2. Such evidence strongly suggests that the 3 : 1 latio is not due to the failure of particular in- dividuals or particular groups of individuals to respond to the orienting factor. It seems more jirobable that the explanation lies in the behavior patterns inherent in all the fish. If, for example, every fish responded to an orienting factor only half the time and acted at landom the other half, the result would also lie a '■'> : \ ratio. Further Table IS. — Retesling the response of fish to CO, Number of decisions Entered channel with— Fish from channel with— Higher tOj I>ower COi Lower COj Higher COi 111 54 Peranl 27 30 PercaU 73 70 392 FISHEBY BULLETESr OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE experiments may be necessary to throw some light on tlie nature of the ratio and to learn whether the phenomenon has any significance beyond the restricted circumstances of this experimental method. DISCUSSION Wlien the results of the preceding experiments are compared with the findings of other investi- gators several interesting possibilities are sug- gested. One possibility is that the response of the fish to temperature differences might be a family characteristic. The two species of fish, Pomolohuii pseud oharengus (Wilson) and Pomolobu.s aesti- valis (Mitchill), which at Bournedale showed a consistent preference for warmer water, are mem- bers of the family Clupeidae. Shelford and Powers (1915) found that herring, Clufea paUasi, fry preferred warmer water. The ol)ser- vations of Roule (1933) indicated tliat migi-ating shad, Paralosa nilotica rhodanensis and Alosa aJosa, which also belong to the family Clupeidae, selected water of higher temperature. The threshold of the response to temperature differences shown by the two species of fish at Bournedale (0.5° C.) agrees very closely with that reported by Shelford and Powers (1915) for herring fry. This threshold may seem high com- pared to the minimum effective thermal stimulus range for certain fresh-water fishes (differences of 0.03° to 0.07° C.) reported by Bull (1936). However, it must be remembered that this temper- ature diffei-ence represents the minimum tempera- ture difference which will provoke an uncondi- tioned orientative response in the fish. The minimum temperature difference which can be perceived by the fish is probably much less. Powers and Hickman (1928) presented evidence to show that rivers draining lakes usually had lower CO2 tensions than other rivers (average difference 0.5 mm. Hg) . Powers (1939) contended that by means of these differences in CO2 tension migrating fish could select certain types of streams. The results of the CO2 experiments at Bournedale would fit well into his argmnent. The alewife and the glut herring both showed a strong prefei'- ence for water of lower CO2 tension (threshold difference 0.1 mm. Hg). These fishes usually spawn in small ponds and shallow lakes and the choice of water of lower CO2 content would result in the selection of streams leading to lakes or ponds. The fundamental nature of the response of the fish to differences in CO2 and to differences in temperature is indicated by the manner in which CO2 and temperature were able to dominate com- peting orienting factors in the exploratory tests shown on page 390. The low threshold values for these responses also suggest their probable importance. The experiments examining the orientative in- fluence of i>\l (p. 3S8) confirm the conclusion of Powers (1930) that /)H was largely ineffective as a factor influencing the behavior of aquatic ani- mals. Whether the response of the fish in the experiments at Bournedale was to differences in free CO2 or to tlie associated difforences in HCO.-, was not actually established although the thres- hold values involved suggest that the response was to free CO2. If the response was to the free CO2 the influence of COo differences is limited to waters with a pH of less than 8.4. This fact might be used to advantage in an experiment to determine to which of the two factors the fish are responding. Although the main efforts of this investigation were directed toward examining the orientative influence of CO2 and temperature upon the mi- grating fish, this was not meant to imply that these are the only major influences which might be concerned in other situations. The influence of differences in dissolved O2 may be of great im- portance when lower O2 values are concerned, which was not the case at Bournedale. Under .special conditions flow characteristics such as ve- locity and turbulence may play an important part in directing the fish. The role of olfactory mem- ory needs to be further explored. The influence of factors affecting the orientation of the fish in- directly (e. g., by controlling the depth of swim- ming) must be considered. It was largely to stress the fact that many factors may be con- cerned in fish orientation that the exploratory tests involving velocity, turbulence, and visual factors were included in this report. Perhaps one of the most important considera- tions to which the foregoing experiments call at- tention is that not only are there many factors which may have a directional influence upon the migrating fish but also that they must all be con- sidered together. The experiments examining ORIENT ATIOX OF MIGRATING ANADROMOUS FISHES 393 the relative influence of COo and temperature demonstrated conditions under which the response to temperature diiTerences could dominate the re- sponse to CO2 differences when the factors were in o]iposition. Tlie reverse situation was also eim heads coutaiu a pruiciu (.pro- tamine) containing large percentages of argiuine. It re- iiuires a vast protein metabolism to obtain tlie necessarj- arginine. I'lotein metabolism and especially fasting — both necessary lor the liberation of argiuine from the muscular tissue of Ihe salmon — tends to produce acidosis of the blood, i. c, lower the alkali reserve of the blood. This is common knowledge. A salmon with a low alkali reserve blood would find low carbon dioxide tension water more advantageous. The special physiological state of the migrating fish might prevent it from becoming adjusted to its environment. As experimental evidence is acquired indicating physical and chemical differences may have a di- rc'ctional influence upon migrating fish, the method by which the fish is oriented to these dif- ferences becomes an important consideration, par- ticiilarly when one is trying to relate artificial ex- [leriniental conditions to situations found in nature. There are two methods by which fish might be- come oriented in a gradient. The fish might make a sinmltaneous comparison of intensities of stinm- 394 FISHERY BXTLiLETIN OF THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE lation by means of symmetrically placed receptors and turn toward (or away from) the maximmn stimulation. If this was the method of orienta- tion, the orientative influence of gradients would be limited to those gradients great enough so that the differences between points a few inches apart (the distance between paired receptors) are above the tlu'eshold of sensory perception of fish. Grad- ients as high as this do actually exist in nature but usually only as n narrow zone between two hodies of water which are just beginning to mix. A second metliod \>\ wliicli a lish might orient in a gradient is similar to the ''trial'' juethod of orientation characterized by Jennings (1906) as "selection from among the conditions produced by various movements." He points out that in this type of behavior, "Each stimulus causes as a rule not merely a single definite action that may be called a reflex, but a series of "trial" movements, of the most diverse character, and including at times practically all the movements of which the animal is capable." This type of orientation Fraenkel and Gunn (1940) have labeled "klino- taxis," and defined as "a directed orientation made possible by means of regular deviations and involving comparison of intensities at successive points in time," and they pointed out examples of such behavior in many invertebrates. In this method of orientation the fish, subjecting itself to varied conditions by its active movements, would select the most favorable condition or direction. The method involves both movement and com- parison of intensities of stimulation that are suc- cessive in time. The behavior of the fish as they selected a chan- nel in the experimental trough at Bournedale strongly suggested that this latter method of ori- entation is the one used. As the fish entered the trough they usually swam from one side to the other, approaching first one channel and then the other. When once the fish had left the narrow zone in which the water was mixing (fig. 2) it was no longer subjected to a gradient. Its sensory receptors were all subjected to the same intensity of stimulation and, therefore, the current was the only orientative influence dii'ecting the niovement of the fish upstream, unless memory was involved; Yet the fish repeatedly swam from one side of the trough to the other and f recjuently even after en- tering one channel, they turned back and entered the other. Orientation by means of a comparison of in- tensities that are successive in time would make it possible for fish to become oriented in much smaller gradients than would be necessary if orien- tation was by a simultaneous comparison of in- tensities. The minimum gradient in wliich a lish could orient would depend on the speed of the fish and the time interval of its sensory memory. Tlie experiments at Bournedale have demon- strated that one group of migrating anadromous fishes will orient with reference to differences in certain physical and chemical water characteris- tics created artificially. It is logical to suppose that the fish will also be oriented by similar dif- ferences occurring along their migration routes in nature. SUMMARY The iDurpose of this investigation was to exam- ine experimentally the influence of certain physi- cal and chemical water characteristics upon the orientation of one type of migrating anadromous fish. The migrating fish were presented witli a choice between two channels that carried water with different characteristics. The orientative in- fluence of the water properties in question was measured by the number of fish selecting each channel. The reactions of more than 8,000 lish of the genus Poinolohus — alewife, P. pseudoharen- gus (Wilson), and glut herring, P. aestivalis (Mitchill) — were tested as the fish migrated wp- stream through the Herring River at Bournedale, Mass., toward their spawning area, in the springs of 1949 and 1950. The fish were not removed from the stream or handled in any way. Each was tested individ- ually and tested only once (the few exceptions are noted). The findings of this investigation were: 1. Presented with a choice of waters having dif- ferent temperatures, 77 percent of the fish entered the channel with the warmer water when the tem- perature difference continuously exceeded 0.5° C. The temperature differences examined ranged from 0.4° to 3.0° C. Water temperatures during experiments varied from 11.1° to 22.3° C. 2. The response of the fish to temperature dif- ferences near the threshold difference decreased as the temperature level of the water increased. 3. Presented with a choice of waters having different amounts of free CO2, 72 percent of the fish entered the channel with water of a lower I ORIENTATION OF MIGRATING ANADROMOXJS FISHES 395 free CO2 content when the free CO, difference exceeded ().:'> ]>. j). ni. (0.1 mm. of Hjr in terms of CO2 tension). The differences in free CO2 ex- amined ranged from 0.2 p. p. m. CO2 to greater than 4.0 p. p. m. The amount of free CO. in the ■water during these experiments varied from 0.8 p. p. m. to 7.1 p. p. m. 4. The sex of the fish appeared to have no in- fluence on its response to differences in COj con- tent or in temperature. T). Explorator_y experiments indicated that vis- ual factors and such factors as velocity and t arbulence can influence orientation. G. The fi.'^h did not respond to a difference of 1.1 p. m. m. O2 created during experiments. The amount of O2 in the water during the experiments ranged from 10.5 p. p. m. to 10.7 p. p. m. and water temperatures ranged from 15.4° to 19.1° C. 7. The fish were indifferent to pH differences as large as 0.8 pH unit when associated differences in free CO2 were less than the threshold 0.3 p. p. m. The pH of the water varied from 6.5 to 7.3 during these experiments. 8. The relative orientative influence of CO2 and temperature, when the two factors were in opposition, was shown to depend upon their rela- tive differences of magnitude. A difference in temperature of approximately 2° C. dominated an opposing difference in free CO2 of 2.0 p. p. m. A difference of CO2 slightly in excess of 2.4 p. p. m. balanced the opposite effect of a 2° C. tempera- ture difference. A difference of >7.0 p. p. m. CO2 dominated over a temperature difference of 0.6° C. S). The behavior of the fish during the experi- ments indicated that the orientation was accom- plished by a nictliod of "trial" involving both movement of the fish and a comparison of in- tensities of stimulations which were successive in time. LITER.\TURE CITED American Association kor the Advancement of Science. 1939. The migration and conservation of salmon. Publ. No. 8, 106 pp. Science Press, Lancaster. Pa. AMERICAN Public Health Association. 1946. Standard methods for the examination of water aiul sewnge. Ed. '.). 2!1(j pp., illus. New Y