FROZEN PROCESSED FISH AND SHELLFISH CONSUMPTION IN INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES Chicago, Illinois UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE '^ BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES WASHINGTON 25, D. C. CIRCULAR 68 United States Department of the Interior, Fred A. Seaton, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Arnie J. Suomela, Commissioner Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald L. McKernan, Director INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES are among the best of all potential markets for frozen fishery products. In recognition of this, a survey was undertaken to obtain information on the consumption of frozen processed fish and shellfish in these establishments. This study was conducted in ten selected cities by Crossley, S-D Surveys, Inc. , of New York City in order to obtain information which could be used by the fishing industry to increase consumer demand for fishery products. The data objained for each city as a result of this survey, together with an explanation of the methods and procedures used, are pbblished in a series as follows: Circular 66 - Survey Methods and Procedures Circular 67 - Atlanta, Georgia Circular 68 - Chicago, Illinois Circiilar 69 - Cleveland, Ohio Circular 70 - Denver, Colorado Circular 71 - Houston, Texas Circular 72 - Los Angeles, California Circular 73 - New York, New York Circular 74 - Omaha, Nebraska Circular 75 - Portland, Oregon Circular 76 - Springfield, Massachusetts This project was finsinced from fvmds provided by the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act to increase production and markets for the domestic fishing industry. These publications are available upon request from the Director, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C. FROZEN PROCESSED FISH AND SHELLFISH CONSUMPTION IN INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Prepared in the Division of Industrial Research and Services Branch of Market Development CIRCULAR 68 WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table BaRe SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1 - 5 DETAIUBD FINDINGS 1 Did the Establishment Buy Sea Food in the Preceding Twelve Months ? .•• 6 2 Old the Establishment Buy Frozen Processed Sea Food in the Preceding Twelve Months 7 ••••.*.• 7 3 Frozen Processed Fish Bought in November, 1958 How Processed Before Purchase • 8- 11 4 Quantity of Frozen Processed Fish Bou^t in November, 1958 12-13 5 Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction with Prepreparation of Frozen Processed Fish 14 6 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Quality and Condition of Frozen Processed Fish 14 7 Package Sizes of Frozen Processed Fish Bought in November, 1958 and Average Number of Servings Per Pound 15 . jg 8 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction viith Types and Sizes of Frozen Processed Fish Packages ^y 9 Percentage of Frozen Processed Fish Served Fried, Broiled, Baked, and in Other Ways 13 _ 19 10 Frozen Processed Shellfish Bought in November, 1958 How Processed Before Purchase. ..*•. 20 11 Quantity of Frozen Processed Shellfish Bought in November, 1958 21 Table Page 12 Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction with Prepreparation of Frozen Processed Shellfish 22 13 Satisfaction ajid Dissatisfaction with Quality and Condition of Frozen Processed Shellfish 22 14 Package Sizes of Frozen Processed Shellfish Bought in November, 1958 and Average Number of Servings Per Pound 23 15 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Types and Sizes of Frozen Processed Shellfish Packages 23 16 Percentage of Frozen Processed Shellfish Served Fried, Broiled, Baked amd in Other Ways 24-25 17 Types of Portions Bought in November, 1958 26 18 Quantity of Portions Bought in November, 1958 26 19 Amount of Portions Bought by Establishments, as Compared to the Previous Year 27 20 Satisfaction cind Dissatisfaction with Quality and Condition of Portions , , 28 21 Is the Quality of Portions Better than that of other Frozen Processed Fish - For What Reasons 7 28 22 Advantages of Using Portions 29 23 Disadvantages of Using Portions 29 24 Do Establishments Think Customers Prefer Portions to Other Frozen Processed Fish - For What Reasons ? 30 Table 25 Average Weight of PortlonB and Average Number of Servings Per Package «• 31 26 Satisfaction with the Size of Portions in a Package 31 27 Percentage of Portions Served Fried, Broiled, Baked, and in Other Ways 32 ^ 33 28 Do Establishments Cook Portions While Still Frozen? 34 29 Cost of Using Portions, as Compared to Other Frozen Processed Fish and Reasons Why Portions are Thought More or Less Expensive 35 30 When Ordering Portions from Suppliers, Do Establishments Specify the Kind of Fish? 36 31 Would the Establishments Lake to Have Other Portion Controlled Sea Food Items Not Now Available ? ^-, . 37 32 Reasons Establishments Did Not Buy Portions During November, 1958 38 32 Was Price a Reason Establishments Did Not Buy Portions ? 38 33 Types of Supplier Providing Frozen Processed Sea Food to Establishments •• •« • . * 39 34 Distance of Establishment from Main Supplier of Frozen Processed Sea Food .•••. 40 35 Frequency of Deliveries of Frozen Processed Sea Food •••.....-. 4^ 36 Can Suppliers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Improve Services to Establishments?..... .<.-.. 42 Table Page 37 Amount Spent for Frozen Processed Sea Food During Preceding Twelve Months 43 38 Profitability to Establishments of Frozen Processed Sea Food and Other High Protein Foods 44 39 Do the Establishments Know they can buy Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food? ac. 40 Do the Establishments Buy Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food ? 45 41 Reasons Establishments Buy Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food 45 42 Has Government Inspection Affected the Amount of Frozen Processed Sea Food Bought by the Establishments ? 47 43 If Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food were Available Would the Establishme nt Buy More or Less ? ^Y 44 Previous Use of Frozen Processed Sea Food by Nonusers and Reasons for Stopping Use or for Never Using 43 45 Do Establishments Have Cold Storage Facilities for Keeping Frozen Processed Sea Food? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume 49 46 According to Nonusers of Sea Food and Users Not Using Frozen Processed Sea Food 50 Table Page nSTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE a Total Receipts from Meals Served During 1957 or Last Fiscal Year 51 b Amount Establishments Spent for Food During Previous Twelve Months 52 c Percentage of Total Operating Cost Spent for Food in Previous Twelve Months 53 d Average Number of Meals Served by Establishments 54 e Average Price Per Meal Served. 55 f Number of Regular Employees Engaged in Preparing and Se rving Food ....•••••... 56 g Seating Capacity of Establishments 56 h. Number of Days of the Week on Which Establishments Se rve Meals .• 57 i Percentage of Establishments Serving Specialized Types of Food 58 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS {Chicago; Use of Frozen Processed Sea Food (Tables 1^ ^) Four fifths of all tne establishments in Chicago said they bought sea food in the previous twelve months. Among buyers of sea food, a heavy majority said they made purchases of sea food in the frozen processed form. Forty-six per cent of all the establishments said they had bought frozen processed fish in November, 1958; 35 per cent said they had bought frozen pro- cessed shellfish; while 13 per cent said they had ■bought portions. Among institutions (such as schools and hospitals), the incidence of use of frozen processed sea food was greater than among public eating places. Of the ten cities in the survey, Chicago ranked fourth, in terms of the percentage of all establishments buying frozen processed sea food- B. Frozen Processed Fish - Purchases, Attitudes, and Practices 1. Purchases: Species and Amount of Pre- preparation (Tables 3^ ^) Almost two thirds of the users of frozen processed fish bought ocean perch fillets during November, 195^- This was the most popular of the frozen processed fish items in Chicago . Ocean perch fillet was also th'^ leading item, in terms of total pounds pur- chased. Halibut steaks were also bought in large quan- tities Dv many establishments in Chicago. Ocean perch fillets were bought widely and in substantial quantities in the Southern and Middle Western cities included in the survey, while halibut steaks were popular purchases in Denver, Los Angeles, Omaha, and Springfield. A greater variety of species was bought by Chicago establishments than by those of some other cities. Haddock fillets, and salmon steaks were bought in some quantity, and various other items were purchased by Chicago establishments. Twenty-two species were in- cluded in Chicago purchases. Attitudes Toward Frepreparatiop and Quality and Condition of Fish (TaPles 5. 6J A great ma^iority of Chicago purchasers were satisfied -with the present prepreparation of fish, and with the quality and condition of the fish. This was generally true for the ten cities included in the survey. 3- PBcKnglnff of riah (Tablea 7, 6) Chicago establishments most typically bought froxen processed flab in 5 pound packag«s. Methods of Prepariog and Servine fish (Table ?) Frying was the most popular method of prepar- ing fish among Chicago establishments, the average establishment served 69 per cent of its fish fried. frying was the leading method in all ten cities of the study. froren Processed Shellfish - Purchagea. Attitudes^ and Practices Purchases: preparation Species and l^pe (Tables 10, 11) of Pre- Anong Chicago users of frozen processed shell- fish, two thirds bought breaded shrliq) in Boveober, 1958. A fourth of the users bought raw shrimp. Large quantities were purchased of both Items . Because of a large purchase by a major airline, crab meat was the leading item In terms of quantity for Chicago. Breaded shrimp and raw shrimp were bought widely and in large quGLntities In all of the other cities Included In the study. 2. Attitudes Toward Prepreparatlon; Toward Quality and Condition of Shellfish (Tables 12, 13) All but a few puretaasers were satisfied with the present preprepart .on of shellfish, ami wit *he quality and condition of the shell- fish .. :ch they bought. The same held generally true for the other cities In the survey. i- Packaglne of Shellfish (Tables lU, 1$) Leading shellfish items were most often bought in 5 pound packages In Chicago. k. ttethoda of Preparing and Serving Shellfish (Table lb] Frying was the most popular way of preparing shellfish in Chicago. The typical establish- mrnt served three quarters of its shellfish fried. As vlth f iab, frying was the leading method of preparing ahellflsh In all ten cities of the study- Portion Controlled Sea Food - Purchases, Attitudes, and Practices i. Purchases: Type of Prepreparatlon [Tables 1, 17, IB, 19) ~ One el^th of all the establishments in Chicago bought portions during IioveiBber> 1958. Chicago rai^^d ninth among the ten cities, in percentage of establishments buying portions . In Chicago portions were most often bought uncooked-plain and uncooked-breaded. Almost three fourths of the purchasers of por- tions said that they were currently buying about the same amount of portions as the year before. Fifteen per cent said they were buy- ing more, and 6 per cent said they were buying less. 2. Attitudes Toward Portions (Tables 20, 21 2S, 23, 21*) nearly all establishments said they were sat- isfied with the quality and condition of por- tions. About 10 per cent of the users of portions said they thought the quality of portions was better than that of other frozen processed fish. Almost four fifths of the users rated the quality as about the same, while a small nvnnber considered the quality poorer. Major advantages cited for portions Included: Convenience, ease of preparation Fast, timesaving Size of portions, uniform portions Economy, no waste Can control food costs better - know profit i, of Users Citing 55 U6 28 27 l6 About one fourth of the users specified some disadvantage to using portions. A variety of disadvantages was mentioned. Users of portions gen ally thought their Cb_='omers liked portions as well as other type? ^f frozen processed fish. Fewer than 5 per cent said that their customers liked portions less than other types of frozen processed sea food. 3. Packaging of Portions (Table 23, 26) Chicago purchasers tended to buy portions in somewhat larger packages than purchasers in other cities. The average weight of a pack- age of portions for the city was 6.2 pounds. Chicago establishments tended to buy indi- vidual portions of medium size. The average weight of an individual portion was 1*75 ounces . The great majority of establishments, in Chicago and the other nine cities, said they were satisfied with the size of portions in the packages . k. Methods of Preparing and Serving Portions (Tables 27, 28) Frying was the most widely used method of preparing and serving portions in Chicago, with 89 per cent of establishments serving them this way . The average establishment served 77 per cent of its portions fried. Frying was the leading method In nine of the ten cities of the stijdy. The exception was Springfield, Massachusetts, where bak- ing was the most popular method of prepara- tion. Almost three fifths of the Chicago establish- ments using portions cooked them while frozen. 5. Cost of Using Portions (Table 29) Fewer than a tenth of the establishments using portions said they were more expensive than other forms of frozen processed fish. A large majority of users considered them less expen- sive, or rated them about the same. Miscella.oe3ue Findings About Portions [Tables 30) 31) Five sixths of the Chicago establishments said they specified the kind of fish when ordering portions . Only 1 per cent of the users suggested any new portion items, not now available, which they would like to have. 7. Hopusers of Portions (Table 32) Establishments which used frozen processed sea food, but not portions, gave a number of rea- sons for not buying portions: they sold com- paratively little fish, they served other types of fish, the size of the portions was not suit- able. E. Sxippliers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Tables 33, i'*, 3;, 36)" Establishments in Chicago tended to buy frozen processed sea food from sea food wholesalers, usually less than ten miles away, to have it delivered once a week, and to be satisfied with the services of the suppliers. Sea food wholesalers suppl -d 62 per cent of the estab- lishmer.-s, while frozen foi distributors accounted for another i_ per cent. Main suppliers were located less than 10 miles from the establishment, in 79 per cent of the cases. In more than two thirds of the cases, deliveries were made once a week. Only a small number of purchasers said they coxild think of ways in which the suppliers could improve their serv- ices. F. Expenditures for Frozen Processed Sea Food; Its Profitability (Tables 37, 3iJ)' More than a third of the establishments reporting in Chicago said that they spent less than $250 for frozen processed sea food during the preceding twelve months. The highest figure reported fell between $3C,0OC and $'*9>999- Other establishments were between these two extremes, with the median coming at $1*57 • Almost two thirds of the reporting, profit-making es- tablishments which expressed an opinion, considered frozen processed sea food more profitable than other high protein foods. Government Inspection of Frozen Processed Sea Food - Awareness. Effect, and Attitudes (Tables 39, kC, hi, hS) Almost three quarters of the establishments in Chicago were aware that they could buy frozen processed sea food, which had been inspected or graded by the United States Government. Of those who were unaware, a small number said they would buy more sea food if Government inspected sea food were available. Most said they would buy about t[\e same amount, or that they did not know. Of the establishments aware that they could buy Government inspected or graded sea food, almost all had bought some. When purchasers were asked if the inspec- tion had affected the amount of frozen processed sea food which they bought, 1 per cent said the inspection had caused them to buy more . H. Nonusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food; Cold Storage Facilities (Tables U3, kk, kfj Most nonusers in Chicago said they had never bought frozen processed sea food, with the main reason given be- ing that they sold little or no fish. The pattern was similar in other cities. Findings regarding cold storage facilities among nonusers in Chicago may be summarized as follows; Total Nonusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food 100 Have cold storage facilities 71 Don't use sea food at all 33 Use sea food, but not frozen processed sea food 3o No cold storage facilities 29 DETAILED FlhfDINGS Table 1 DID THE ESTABT.TSHMENT BUY SEA FOOD IN THE PRECEDING TWELVE MOUTHS? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Yes, bought sea food Bought frozen processed sea food Bought frozen processed fish Bought frozen processed shellfish Bought portions Type of Establishment Sales Volume Total Public Restaurants (615) Schools, Plants (51) Hospitals, Welfare Establishments (50) All Others (126) Less Than $10,000 (272) $10,000- 39,999 (291) $40,000- 99,999 (152) $100,000 and Over (842) (127) i i i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 79.6 79.2 98.0 100.0 65.9 67.3 80.1 90.8 91.3 58.6 1*5.6 58.0 U5.2 58.8 78.0 68.0 U3.7 33-3 i.1.2 30.5 57.7 1*3.3 76.3 64.5 76.1* fee. 6 34.9 12.8 35.8 8.9 U9.O 26.0 20.0 30.2 19.1 5.1 34.0 11.0 47.4 23.0 55-9 21.3 No, did not buy sea food 20.4 20.8 2.0 34.1 32.7 19.9 9.2 8.7 Table 2 DID THE E3TABLISHMEHT BUY FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD IN THE PRECEDING TWELVE MONTHS? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Purchasing Sea Food in Preceding 12 Months Yes, bought frozen processed sea food Ro, did not buy frozen processed sea food Type of Establishment Sales Volume Total Public Restaurants (1»67) Schools, Plants (50) Hospitals, Welfare Establishments (50) All Others (83) Less Than $10,000 (183) $10,000- }9,999 , (233) $1*0,000- 99,999 (138) $100,000 and Over (670) (116) i i i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 73.6 73.3 84.0 78.0 66.3 61.2 72.1 84.1 83.6 26. 4 26.7 16.0 22.0 33.7 38.8 27.9 15.9 16. U Table 3 FROZEW PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN HOVEMBER, 1958 - HOW PROCESSED BEFORE PURCHASE According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish Buffalo Steaks Raw Tjrpe of Public Eating PUces (320) Establishment Institutions (64) Sales V "olume Total Less Than $10,000 (83) $10,000- (126) $40,000- 99,999 (98) $100,000 and Over (384) (77) i i i i i i i 100. 0» 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .3 .5 .3 .6 - 1.2 .8 .8 - - Catfish Raw •3 1.2 Cod Breaded Fillets Steaks Breaded fillets Cakes Raw .8 1».7 .8 .3 1.0 1.0 .9 _ _ 3.1 . 2.5 15.6 2.4 1.6 6.1 10.4 .6 1.6 1.2 .6 - 1.3 _ 1.6 l.S . - - .9 1.6 . - a.o 2.6 .6 3.1 - - 3-1 1.3 Fish Cakes Breaded 1.0 1.6 .8 2.0 1.3 Flounder Fillets Raw 1.0 .5 .9 .6 1.6 i.O 1.0 2.6 1.3 Grouper Fillets .3 i.J 'Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. Table 3 (Contd.) FROZEM FROCBSSED FISH BOUGHT m NOVEMBER, 1956 - HOW PROCESSED BEFORE PURCHASE ~~~ (Continued) According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Type of EEtablishment Public Eating Places Institutions i i Less Than $10,000 Sales Volume $10,000- 39,999 $1*0,000- ^,999 $100,000 and Over Haddock Cooked .3 Breaded .5 Fillets 7.3 Steaks 1.8 Raw 1.0 Halibut Breaded .5 Fillets 3.1* Steaks 35.7 Breaded fillets • 3 Cooked steaks .3 Vlhole center cuts .3 Rav 3.1 Lake Perch Fillets 1.3 Ocean Perch Breaded l*.U Fillets 63.8 Steaks .3 Cooked and breaded .3 Cooked fillets .3 Breaded fillets 11.2 Boned .5 Raw 2.3 .3 _ _ _ 1.0 - .6 _ 1.2 - 1.0 - 5.6 15.6 3.6 It.O 10.2 13.0 1-3 h.l 3.2 2.0 1.3 .9 1.6 - .8 2.0 1.3 .3 1.6 1.0 1.3 3.>* 3.1 3^6 .6 6.1 3-9 33.8 1*5.3 27-7 39.0 31.6 1*14.2 .3 - 1.2 - - - 1.6 1.2 ■ - - - .3 _ . .8 - - 3.1 3.1 - .8 5.1 7-8 .9 3.1 - 2.4 - 2.6 5.0 1.6 3.6 k.O 7.1 2.6 61.3 76.6 69.9 61.9 61,2 63.6 .3 - l.P - - - .3 _ - .8 - - 1.6 1,2 - - - 12.5 h.7 7.2 11*. 3 12,2 9.1 3.1 - 1.6 - - 2.2 3-1 2.1. 1.6 3.1 ■?.6 Table 3 (Contd. ) FROZEH PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IH NOVEMBER, 1938 - HOW PROCiSSED BEFORE PURCHASE (Continued) According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Pike Fillets Pompano Raw Red Snapper Fillets Steaks Salmon Breaded Fillets Steaks Breaded steaks Raw Sole Fillets Raw Type of Public Eating Places i Establishment Institutions Sales Volume Total Less Than $10,000 i $10,000- 39,999 i $1*0,000- 99,999 i $100,000 and Over i i 1.0 .9 1.6 1.2 .8 1.0 1.3 .5 .6 - - - - 2.6 1.3 .5 1.3 • 3 1.6 - .8 2.0 2.6 1.3 • 3 .8 h.l .3 1.0 • 3 .6 2.8 .3 • 9 1.6 lU.l 1.6 1.2 .8 .8 9.2 1.0 1.3 2.6 7.8 3.9 6.5 1.3 5.3 1.6 12.5 1.2 3.2 9.2 1.0 l't.3 5.2 Squid Raw .3 l.l; 10 Table 3 (Contd. ) FBOZEN PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, 1958 - HOW PROCESSED BEFORE PURCHASE (Continued) According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Type of Establishment Public Eating Places Institutions i i Less Than Sales Volume $10,000- 39.999 $1*0,000- 99,999 $100,000 and Over Swordflsh Cooked Fillets Steaks Raw .3 .5 1.3 .5 .3 .3 .9 .6 1.6 3-1 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.3 3.9 2.6 Trout Fillets Raw .8 .8 1.0 3.9 2.6 Tuna Frozen canned Turbot .3 1.2 1.0 Whiteflsh Fillets Steaks Breaded steaks Raw 3.6 .5 .3 .8 2.2 .6 .3 .9 10.9 1.2 8 k.l 10. u 8 1.0 - 8 - . - 8 _ -2.6 Whiting Fillets Raw .6 1.6 1.2 1.2 11 Table 4 quAifrrrY of frozen processed fish bought in November, 1958 Average Wumber of Pounds Total PoundB Average Number of Founds All Establishments User Establishments Buffalo Steaks 10 (a) 10. 0 Raw 80 (b) uo. 0 Catfish Raw (a) - Cod Breaded 58 (b) 19- 3 Fillets 2,336 2.8 129. b Steaks 1*1 (a) 13- 5 Breaded flUets 25 (a) 25. .0 Cakes 165 (b) Ul.2 Raw 8U (b) 21. ,0 Fish Cakes Breaded 185 (b) 1*6.2 Flounder Fillets 135 (b) (a) 33-7 Raw 20 10. .0 Grouper Fillets 50 (b) 20, .0 Total All User Pounds Establishments Establishments Haddock Cooked i*0 (a) (a) UO.O Breaded 19 9.5 Fillets 6.622 7.9 236-5 Steaks 9^3 1.1 135-0 Raw 65 (b) 21.3 Halibut Breaded 30 (a) 15.0 Fillets 7,280 6.6 560.0 Steaks 13,755 16.3 100. I* Breaded fillets 8 (a) 8.0 Cooked steaks 6 a) a) 6.0 Whole center cuts 30 30.0 Raw 1,352 1.6 112.7 Lake Perch Fillets 11*3 (b) 28.5 Ocean Perch Breaded 518 .6 30.5 FiUets 20,213 2U.0 82.5 Steaks 12 {"^ 12.0 Cooked and breaded 10 (a) 10.0 Cooked fillets 6 (a) 6.0 Breaded fillets 2,236 2.7 52.0 Boned 30 (a) 15.0 Raw 1,32'* 1.6 1U7.1 (a) Purchases were not reported In quantities large enough to coBSPute meaningful figures. (b) Less than half a pound. 12 Table 4 {Contd. ) QUANTITY OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBEH, 19^8 (Continued) Average Ntomber of Pounds Average Number of Pounds Total Pounds All Establishments User Establishments Pike Fillets 61*3 .8 160.8 Pompano Raw (a) - - Red Snapper Fillets Steaks 11*6 (a) w 29-2 Snimnn Breaded Fillets Steaks Breaded steaks Raw 10 375 9,126 10 2,51*1* (a) (b) 10.8 (a) 3.0 10.0 125.0 507-0 10.0 636.0 Sole Fillets Raw 1,513 1.25 1.8 • 5 60.5 85.0 Squid Raw 5 (a) 5.0 Total All User Pounds Establishment s Establishments Swordfish Cooked Fillets Steaks Raw 20 320 325 250 (a) (b) (b) (b) 20.0 160.0 65.0 125-0 Trout Fillets Raw 1*56 183 ■ 5 (b) 152.0 61.0 Tuna Frozen canned (a) (a) - Turbot Raw 1*0 (a) 1*0.0 Whiteflsh Fillets Steaks Breaded steaks Raw 1,058 70 10 168 1-3 (b) (a) (b) 75.5 35.0 10.0 56.0 Whiting Fillets Raw 50 55 (b) (b) 50.0 27-5 (a) Purchases were not reported in quantities large enough to cappute meaningful flgures- (b) Less than half a pound. 13 Table 5 3ATISPACTI0B CB DISaATIS?AeTIOS WITH PREPREPARATIOll OF FROZEN FBOCESSEP ?ISH Total Users i 100.0 Total Purchases of Cod Total Purchases of Salaon Prefer more prepreparatlon of cod Prefer lees prepreparatlon of cod Prefer prepreparatlon as It ie Ho answer Total Purchases of Haddock Prefer more prepreparatlon of haddock Prefer less prepreparatlon of haddock Prefer prepreparatlon as It Is Ro answer Total Purchases of Halibut Prefer more prepreparatlon of halibut Prefer less prepreparatlon of halibut Prefer prepreparatlon as It 1b No aasver Total Purchases of Ocean Perch Prefer more prepreparatlon of ocean perch Prefer less prepreparatlon of ocean perch Prefer prepreparatlon as It Is No answer 90.9 9.1 2.U 85.7 U.9 .6 89.2 10.2 100.0 .3 .3 ■93.1 6.3 Prefer more prepreparatlon of salmon Prefer less prepreparatlon of salmon Prefer prepreparatlon as It Is No answer Total Purchases of Sole Prefer more prepreparatlon of sole Prefer less prepreparatlon of sole Prefer prepreparatlon as It Is No answer Total Purchases of Whlteflsh Prefer more prepreparatlon of whlteflsh Prefer less prepreparatlon of whlteflsh Prefer prepreparatlon as It is No answer (1) The percentages shown In the body of the table are canputed on the total number of pxirchases of each species of fish. Many users bought moz% than one species. Seme establishments also bought a species prepared in two different ways. JVar example, haddock fillets and haddock steaks. This was counted as two purchases of the species. Because purchases of many species were few in number, the species are not included In the table. Total Users 85.2 IU.8 96.7 3.3 5.0 90.0 5.0 Table 6 SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION WITH qUALITY AND CONDITION OF raOZSN PROCESSED FISH Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish, November, 193S Satisfied Dissatisfied No answer Total (38i*) i 100.0 96.1 1.8 2.1 Table 7 PACKAGE SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, I958 AND AVERAGE NUMBER OF SERVINGS PER POUND(l) Total Total Purchasers of Halibut Steaks 1 pound packages 2 pound packages 3 pound packages It pound packages 5 pound packages 6 pound packages 7 pound packages 8 pound packages 10 pound packages 11 pound packages 15 pound packages 20 pound packages 25 pound packages 1+0 pound packages 50 pound packages and over No answer 100.0 5.8 .7 1.5 39> 2.2 .7 1.5 18.3 .7 5.8 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.9 k.k Packages less than 1 pound packages 3 pound packages 5 pound packages 10 pound packages 50 pound packages Average number of servings per pound i Total Purchasers of Haddock F; illets 100.0 in 1 pound 3.6 3.6 7.1 71.1. 10.7 J and over 3.6 5.0 Average number of servings per pound 3.3 (1) The table shows figures for those species and types of prepreparation which occur most often in the city. Some times figures are shown for package sl/es but not average number of servings per pound. In these cases the data on servings per pound is limited. The percentages in the body of the table are based on the number of establishments which bought one species of fish, preprejjared in one manner. 15 Table 7 (Contd.) PACKAGES SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, 1958 AND AVERAGE NUMBER CF SERVINGS PER POUND(l) Total Total Purchasers of Ocean Perch Fillets 1 pound packages 2 pound packages 3 pound packages U pound packages 5 pound packages 6 pound packages 10 pound packages 15 pound packages 50 pound packages and over No answer Average number of servings per pound Total 100.0 Total Purchasers of Ocean Perch - Breaded Fillets 15. 3. k. 3. 62. 1. 6. 3.8 1 pound packages 2 pound packages 3 pound packages k pound packages 5 pound packages 10 pound packages Average number of servings per pound Total Purchasers of Sole - Fillets 1 pound packages 2 pound packages 5 pound packages 10 pound packages 50 pound packages and over No ansver 100.0 2.3 X1.6 7.0 16.3 58.1 1^.7 3.1* 100.0 12.0 1*.0 68.0 k.O 8.0 Average number of servings per pound 5.3 (1) The table shows figures for those species and types of prepreparat Ion which occur most often in the city. Sometimes figures are shown for package sizes but not average number of servings per pound. In these cases the data on servings per pound is limited. The percentages in the body of the table are based on the number of establishments which bought one species of fish, preprepared in one manner. 16 Table 8 SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION WITH TYPES AND SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH PACKAGES Total Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish, November, I956 (381t) i 100.0 Satisfied 94.5 Dlsaatlsfled 3.I Don't know .3 No answer 2.1 17 Table 9 PERCEHTAGE of frozen processed fish served fried, broiled, baked, AMD IH OTHER WAYS According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volujne Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish Eflt''>'i Ishments Serving Fried None fried 1 - lU^ 15 - 3^*% 35 - 6J*H 65 - Qki, Over BUf Don't know, no answer, refused Average percentage served Type of Public Establlshnent Sales Volume Less $100,000 Eating Than $10,000- $40,000- «nH Total Places (320) Institutions (64) $10,000 (83) 39,999 , (126) 99,999 (98) Over (384) (77) i i 1 i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 IDO.O 9.6 7-5 20.3 13.3 3-2 6.1 .20.8 1.0 .6 3-1 - 1.6 - 2.6 5.2 5-6 3-1 1.2 2.4 6.1 13.0 19-5 18.1 26.6 10.8 16.7 26.5 24.7 4.7 3-1 12.5 2.4 1.6 7.2 9.1 57-7 62.9 31-3 67-5 72.1 52.1 29.8 2-3 2.2 3-1 4.8 2.4 2.0 - 69.4 72.4 54.1 73- "t 78.8 69.5 50.0 JEstabllshmentB Serving Broiled Nooe broiled 1 - l45t 15 - 34* 35 - 64^ 65 - 84* Over 845t Don't know, no answer, refuse! Average percentage served 72.7 74.0 65.7 79.6 85.7 67.4 50.6 1-3 .6 4.7 1.2 .6 2.0 1-3 3-9 2.5 10.9 2.4 .8 51 9.1 12.2 11.6 15.6 8.4 7.1 17.4 18.2 2.1 2.5 - .8 2.0 6.5 5-5 6.6 - 3.6 2.4 4.1 14.3 2.3 2.2 3-1 4.8 2.1< 2.0 - 14.1 14.6 11.1 8.6 6.7 15.6 29.4 18 Table 9 (Contd.) PERCENTAGE OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, AITD IM OTHER WAYS (Continued) According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish Establishments Serving Baked None baked 1 - Iki 15 - 3H 35 - 6ki 65 - 84^ Over 81*^ Don't know, no answer, refused Type of I Public Sstablishment Sales Volume Less $100,000 Eating Than $10,000- $40,000- and Total Places (320) Institutions (64) $10,000 (83) 39,999 (126) 99,999 (98) Over (384) (77) M i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 76.6 81.2 53-1 80.8 80.9 75.6 66.2 1.6 1-3 3-1 - .8 1.0 5.2 4.7 k.k 6.3 - 3.2 9.2 6.5 9.6 8.1 17.2 4.8 8.7 12.2 13.0 1-3 ■ 9 3-1 1.2 1.6 - 2.6 3-9 1-9 14.1 8.4 2.4 - 6.5 2.3 2.2 3-1 4.8 2.4 2.0 - Average percentage served 10.9 7.8 26.4 11.6 8.6 16.4 Establishments Serving in Other Ways None in other ways 1 - l4it 15 - 3"** 35 - 64it 65 - 84«t Over 8456 Don't know, no answer, refuses Average percentage served 96.0 •3 •3 • 5 •3 •3 2.3 .8 96.6 • 3 • 3 •3 •3 2.2 93.7 1.6 1.6 3-1 • 9 95.2 4.8 97.6 2.4 )5.o 96.1 - 1.3 - 1.3 2.0 - - 1-3 1.0 - 2.0 - 2.0 1.6 19 Table 10 FROZEN PROCESSED SHKLUISH BOUGHT IH SOVEMBER, 19^8 - HOW PROCESSED BEFCHE PURCHASE According to type of Eetabliahment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Clams Canned Raw; clean Crabs Cooked Crab legs Deviled and stuffed Crab meat - shelled and debellled, frozen wpH canned Raw; whole, clean Lobster Coolsed Cooked lobster meat Block frozen lobster meat Cleaned and deheaded tails Raw; whole, clean Oyatere Breaded Canned Raw; clean Scallops Cooked Breaded Raw; clean, shelled Shrimp Cooked Breaded Cooked and breaded Deheaded, raw In shell Breaded steak Stuffed with crab meat Raw; clean, deheaded, shelle* and develned Total (29U) i 100.0* • 3 1.0 .7 • 3 • 3 l.k 1-7 1.0 • 3 •3 7.8 k.k 2.0 •3 3-1 .3 5-1 8.5 2.1* 67.7 l.U .3 .3 ■3 2U.1 O^rpe of Establishment Institutions (36) Sales Volume Public Eating Places Less Than ♦10,000 (52) $10,000- }9,999 (99) $1*0,000- 99,999 (72) $100,000 and Over (258) (71) i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .u 22.9 33-3 1.9 21.2 18.2 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a queetion. 20 l.U 3-1 2.8 .8 _ . _ 2.8 . .It _ . _ _ 1.1* .k - - - 1.1* - 1.6 . . . . 5.6 1.6 2.8 - - 2.8 1*.2 .8 2.8 1.1* 2.8 .U _ . _ _ 1.1* .1» _ _ - - l.U 8.1 5.6 1-9 7.1 5.6 15.5 U.3 5.6 3.0 5.6 8.5 2.3 1.9 3.0 2.8 .h _ - . l.U 1.6 13-9 3.8 1.0 2.8 5.6 .k l.U '*.3 11.1 1-9 1.0 8.3 9-9 7-8 13.9 6.1 9-7 16.9 1.6 8.3 1.9 2.0 1.1* U.2 70.5 1*7.2 71.2 78.8 59-7 57-7 1.1 2.8 1-9 1.0 1.1* l.U .U . - 1.0 - - .k _ . - 1.1* - .k _ - - l-.i* - 28.2 Table 11 QUAMTITY OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, 1958 Average Number of Pounds Clams Canned Raw; clean Crabs Cooked Crab legs Deviled and stuffed Crab meat - shelled and debellied, frozen and canned (c) Raw; whole, clean Lobster Cooked Cooked lobster meat Block frozen lobster meat Cleaned and deheaded tails Raw; whole, clean Oysters Breaded Canned Raw; clean Scallops Cooked Breaded Raw; clean, shelled Shrimp Cooked Breaded Cooked and breaded Deheaded, raw in shell Breaded steak Stuffed with crab meat Raw: clean, deheaded, shelled a. id deveined Total Pounds (a) 260 120 100 2lt 51,733- T6U 180 1,000 200 6,189 2,353 9k (a) 285 200 635 1+82 2,698 11,781 117 30 8 150 7,185 All Establishments (b) (b) ta) 61. U .9 le^ shrljnp breaded and shrlJi^ cooked- This was ootmted as two purchases of the species. Because purchases of soioe apeclea — clams^ abalone^ and others- were few In number, the speclea are not Included in the table. 22 Table 15 aATI3F;«?TICa!) and DISSATIS7/CTI0B VTTR ^ALITY AND CdTDITIOM OP WOZEW PROCESSED SHELLFISH Total Users of Frozen Processed ShellfiBh, November, 19^6 (29^) i 100.0 Satlafied 9U.£ Dissatisfied 3.I Ro answer 2.7 PACKAGE SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, 195Q AND AVERAGE NIMEER Of SHAVINGS PER POUWD(lj Total Piarchasers of Lobster Tails - Cleaned and Deheaded 100.0 Packages less than 1 pound k.k 1 pound packages 17-3 5 pound packages 17'3 10 pound packages 21.8 20 pound packages IT* 3 25 pound packages 13' 1 50 pound packages and over k. k No answer 4. It- Average number of servings per pound 1.7 Total Purchasers of Scallops - Raw 100 -0 1 pound packages ^.0 2 pound packages k.O 3 pound packages k.O k pound packages k.O 5 pound packages 68.0 10 pound packages k.O 30 pound packages 4.0 50 pound packages and over k*0 No answer U.O Average number of servings per pound 4.1 Total Purchasers of Shrimp - Breaded Packages less than 1 pound 1 pound packages 2 pound packages 3 pound packages k pound packages 5 pound packages 6 pound packages 8 pound packages 10 pound packages 30 pound packages No answer Average number of servings per pound Total Purchasers of Shrimp - Raw 2 pound packages 3 pound packages 5 pound packages 7 pound packages 10 pound packages 20 pound packages 25 pound packages 30 pound packages 50 pound packages and over Average number of servings per pound (1) The table shows figxires for those species and types of prepreparation which occllt most often in the city. Sometimes figures are shown for package sizes but not average number of servings per pound. In these cases the data on servings per pound is limited. The percentages in the body of the table are based on the number of establishments which bought one species of shellfish, preprepared in one manner. 100.0 .5 1.0 9.6 21.1 21.1 41.2 1.0 .5 2.5 ■ 5 1.0 3.3 100.0 5-6 5.6 74.7 1.4 7.1 1.4 1,4 1.4 1.4 4.4 SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION WITH TYPES AND SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH PACKAGES Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Satisfied Dissatisfied No answer (291.) i 100.0 96.6 1.0 2. It Table 16 PERCEWTAGE OF FROZBK PROCESSED SHELLFISH SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, AHD IH OTHER WAYS According to Type of EstabllEhnent and Sales Volime Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Establlsliments Serving Fried None fried 1 - Ikf, 15 - 3H 35 - 6ki 65 - 84^ Over &*% Don't know. no answer, refused Average percentage served Total (294) i 100.0 9-9 1.0 2.0 7-5 k.k 71.1 4.1 76.1 Type of : Establishment Sales Volume Public Less $100,000 Eating Than $10,000- $40,000- and Places Institutions (36) ^0,000 (52) 39,999 (99) 99,99? . (72) Over (258) (71) i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.2 36.2 7.7 8.1 4.1 19.7 1.2 . . 4.2 2.3 . . 1.0 2.8 4.2 7.4 8.3 1.9 6.1 U.l 9.9 3-9 8.3 4.0 5.6 7.0 75-5 38.9 82.7 76.8 73.6 52.2 3-5 8.3 7.7 4.0 2.8 2.8 79.5 50.3 83.4 80.1 80.3 61.1 Establishments Serving Broiled None broiled 1 - I45t 15 - 3^ 35 - 64* 65 - 84* Over 645t Don't know, no answer, refused 86.1 •3 1.7 4.4 1.4 2.0 4.1 Average percentage seized 5.6 >7.1 77.7 2.8 1.6 2.8 '*.3 5.6 1.2 2.6 2.3 - 3-5 8.3 5.7 6.2 92.3 7-7 S7.9 88.9 76.1 - 1.4 . - 7.1 5.1 6.9 4.2 1.0 4.2 2.0 1.U 4.2 4.0 2.8 2.6 5-3 4.9 U.3 Note! Percentages, other than average percentages, are based on total establishments interviewed. Average percentages are computed by assigning the cases in any one of the six intervals to the mid- point of the interval, and taking an average of all the cases. 24 Table 16 (Contd. ) FERCEHTAGE OF FROZEM PROCESSED SHELLFISH SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, AND IN OTHER WAYS "^ ' (Continued^ According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Establishments Serving Baked None baked 1 - lit* 15 - iH 35 - 64* 65 - Bit* Over 81** Don't know, no answer, refused Average percentage served Type of Public Eating Places (258) Establishment Institutions (36) Sales Volujne Total Less Than $10,000 (52) $10,000- 39,999 (.99) $1*0,000- 99,999 (72) $100,000 and Over (291* ) (71) i i i i i * i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.6 ■ 7 1.0 .3 • 3 l*.l 1-3 94.5 .4 .8 .1* .1* 3.5 1.2 86.1 2.8 2.8 2.2 92.3 7.7 94.9 1.1 4.0 .6 97.2 2.6 2.8 4.2 1.4 2.8 4.2 Establishments Serving in Other Ways None in other ways 75.8 1 - 14* 3-1 15 - 3^ 5.8 35 - 64* 4.1 65 - 84* - Over 84* 7-1 Don't know, no answer, refused 4.1 Average percentage served 10.7 80.2 44.5 62.7 80.8 77.8 62.0 2.3 8.3 - 3.0 1.4 7.0 5.8 5.6 - 6.1 8.2 7.0 4.7 1.9 1.0 5.6 8.5 3.5 33-3 7.7 5.1 4.2 12.7 3-5 8.3 7.7 4.0 2.8 2.8 7.4 35.6 7.1 9.0 18.6 Percentages, other than average percentages, are based on total establishments interviewed. Average percentages are computed by assigning the cases in any one of the six intervals to the mid- point of the interval, and taking an average of all the cases. 25 Table 17 TYPES OF PORTIONS BOUGHT Dl HOVEMBER, 1958 According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Portions Cooked - breaded Cooked - plain Uncooked - breaded Uncooked - plain Type of Public Eating Places Establishment Institutions Sales Volume Total Less Than $1*0,000 $1+0,000 and Over (108) (73) (35) ih6) (62) i i i i i 100.0* 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 17.5 16.4 20.0 15.2 19.3 1.0 1.3 - - 1.6 48.1 49.3 45.7 in- 3 53.3 1*1.7 41.1 1*2.9 1*5.7 38.7 Table 18 QUANTITY OF PORTIONS BOUCaiT IN NOVEMBER, 1958 Average Number of Pounds Cooked - breaded Cooked - plain Itacooked - breaded Uacooked - plain Total Pounds All Establishments User Establishments 1,526 1.8 80.3 48 (D) 48.0 4,690 5.6 90.2 7,637 9.1 169-7 (b) Less than half a pound. ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 26 Table 19 AMOUMT OF PORTIONS BOUGBT BY ESTABLISHMENTS, AS COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS YEAR According to Type of Establistunent and Sales Voliime Total Users of Portions Use more now Use about the sane Use less now Type of Public Eating Places Establishment Institutions Sales Volume Total Less Than $1*0,000 $40,000 and Over (108) (73) (35) (46) (62) i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11*. 8 15.1 11*. 3 17.4 12.9 71.3 72.6 68.6 63.1 77-5 5.6 2.7 11.4 6.5 4.8 Don't know 8.3 9.6 5-7 13.0 4.8 27 TaUe 20 a/CTISFACTIOH AND DISgATISFACTION WTTH gUALITY AMD CONDmON OF PORTIOIE Total Purchases of Types of Portions, November, 1958 Satisfied Dissatisfied Don't know Total (117) 100.0 96.6 1.7 1.7 Bote: Figures are based on total purchases of types of por- tions. Some establishments bought more than one type. Table 21 IS THE QUALITY OF PORTIOHS BETTER THAM THAT OF OTHER FROZEN PROCESSED FISH - FOR WHAT REASONS? Total Users of Portions Say portions better Quality Uniform controlled serving - alvays same amount Customers order, seem to like them - more demand Attractive - eye appealing Just like them better - brand I buy is better Don't know - no answer Portions poorer Poor quality - inferior quality, can't tell what is in them About the same Don't know Ho answer Total (108) i 100.0 10. g* .9 .9 .9 .9 1.9 1.9 1-9 78.7 e.3 .9 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to ■& question. 28 Table 22 ADVABTAGES OF USING PORTIONS Total Users of Portions, November, 1956 Convenience, ease of preparation - save labor, already prepared Fast, tlmesavlng - quicker to serve, prepare Size of portions - uniform, controlled servings, the right size serving Economical - no waste Can control food cost better - know profit Attractive, eye appealing Cxistomers like them Taste better No spoilage No bones Sanitary - cleaner, safer No advantages Don ' t know, no answer Total (108) i 100.0* 5Jt.6 46.3 27.8 26.9 15-7 k.6 k.6 2.8 1-9 • 9 •9 1-9 1-9 Table 23 DISADVANTAGES OF USING PORTIONS Total Users of Portions Portions wrong size - too small Not economical - more expensive to buy Quality not as good - not always sure what's in them Not enough demand - customers do not order Lack flavor - not as tasty, sometimes dry Break too easily All others No disadvantages Don't know, no answer Total (108) 100 .0* ii.6 2.8 1.9 1.9 .9 .9 2.8 75.9 11.1 •Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a quesUon 29 Table 24 DO ESTABLISHMEWTS THINK CUSTOMERS PREFER PORTIOHS TO OTHER FROZEH PROCESSED FISH - FOR WHAT RKASOSSI Total Users of PcrrtlonB Hiinh customers Illte portions better Uniform controlled servings - always the same amount Attractive - eye appealing Taste better - like flavor Customers order - seem to like them Ho bones - safer for children Don't know - no answer Think customers like portions less Lack flavor - not as tasty Look artificial - not real Portions too small Poor quality - can't tell what is In them I'hlnk custcaners like portions about the same Don't know 2».1» 12.0 9.3 2.8 1-9 .9 3.7 k.6* 1-9 1-9 .9 .9 58.3 13.0 *Denotea that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 30 Table 25 AVERAGE WEIGHT CF PORTIONS AMD AVERAGE NUMBER OF SERVINGS PER PACKAGE Total users of portions, November, 1958 Average weight of package of portions, in pounds Average number of servings per package Average weight of individual servings, in ounces Average weight of individual portions, in ounces Note: Average weight of portions does not equal average weight of individual servings since some operators ohtaired mere than one serv- ing from a portion, while other operators used more than one portion for a serving. 108 6.2 26.2 3.8 3) Table 26 SATISFACTION WITH THE SIZE OF PORTIONS IN A PACKAGE Total Users of Portions Satisfied Dissatisfied Don't know, no answer Total (108) i 100.0 90.7 5.6 3-7 Table 27 PERCENTftGE OF PORTIOHS SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, ATTO IN OTHER WAYS According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Portions Establishments Serving Fried None fried 1 - Iki 15 - 35 - 65 3U5t Over 81** Average percentage served Type of Public Establishment Sales Volume Less $1*0,000 Eating Than and Total Places Institutions $1*0,000 Over (108) (73) (35) (U6) (62) i i i i. i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 11.1 8.2 17-1 10.9 11.3 •9 1.1* - . 1.6 1.8 2.7 - _ 3-2 5.6 2.7 11. u 2.2 8.1 2.6 8.6 _ k.B 77.8 85.0 62.9 86.9 71.0 77-3 80.7 70.2 81.5 71*. 2 Establishments Serving Broiled None broiled 1 - 11.56 15 - 3"** 35 - 6U* 65 - Qk-f, Over Ski Average percentage served 86.1 2.8 2.8 1.8 •9 5.6 7-6 67-7 1.4 l.U 2-7 l.U 5.1* 7.9 82.9 5-7 5-7 5-7 7-1 93-5 2.2 U.3 14.6 60.7 u.e 3-2 3.2 1.6 6.5 9.9 32 Table 27 (Contd. ) PERCENTAGE OF PORTIONS SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, AMD IN OTHER WAYS (Continued) According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Portions Establishments Serving Baked None baked 1 - lU5t 15 - 31*^ 35 - 6i*5t 65 - Qhi Over Bk^ Average percentage served Total (108) 100.0 88.0 1.8 1.8 3-7 h.l 6.T Type of Establishment Institutions Sales Volume Public Eating Places Less Than $ltO,000 $1*0,000 and Over (73) (35) (1*6) (62) i i i. i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.8 1.1* 71. u 5-7 2.9 8.6 91-3 2.2 85.5 1.6 3.2 5.5 1.1* 11. U 6.5 3-2 2.3 15-9 6.2 7-1 Establishments Serving in Other Ways None in other ways 1 - 11** 15 - 3"** 35 - 61** 65 - 81** Over 81»* Average percentage served J. 2 • 9 97-2 l.U l.lj l.U 100.0 100.0 96.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 33 Table 28 DO ESTABLISHMEHT3 COOK PORTIONS WHILE STILL gR0ZEN7 According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volujne Toteil Users of Portions Yes, cook while frozen No, do not cook while frozen Type of Establishment Public Eating Places Institutions Sales Volume Total Less Than $ltO,000 $40,000 and Over (108) (73) (35) (46) (62) i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 59.2 60.3 57.1 69.6 51.6 38.0 35.6 J*2.9 28.2 45.2 So answer 2.8 4.1 2.2 3.2 Table 29 COST OF USING PORTIONS, AS COMPARED TO OTHER FROZEN PROCESSED FISH AND REASONS WHY PORTIONS ARE THOUGHT MORE OR LESS EXPENSIVE Total Total Users of Portions (108) 100.0 Say portions more expensive 9*3* Price includes processing and packaging - preprepa- ration would tend to raise cost 7 ,h Good qxiality - choice fish 1.8 Cost is more for amount of serving -9 Portions less expensive ^T-^ Less or no waste loTT Labor saving - requires no preparation L5-7 Time saving 1-3 -9 Uniform controlled servings ^.6 Cuts cost of preparation 2.8 No spoilage - can keep in freezer, can keep until ready to use 2.8 Can control food costs better - know your profit 1.8 All others 2.8 Don't know - no answer 10.2 About the same 38-0 Don't know 5.5 *Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 35 Table 30 WHEN ODERING PORTIONS FROM SUPPLIERS, DO ESTABLISHMEMTS SPECIFY THE KIMD OF FISH? According to Type of Eatabllshment and Sales Volume Total Users of Portions Specify kind of fish Do not specify kind of fish Total (108) i. 100.0 63.3 1J*.8 Type of Establisbment Institutions Sales Volume Public Eating Places Less ^,000 $1*0,000 and Over (73) (35) (.h6) (62) i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 79-5 91. U 78.3 87.1 17. a 8.6 17.4 12.9 No answer 1-9 2.7 4.3 36 Table 31 WOULD THE ESTABLISHMEMTS LIKE TO HAVE OTHER PORTION CONTROLLED SEA FOCD ITEMS HOT HOW AVAIIABLE? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen processed Sea Food Yes, would like other Items No, would not like other items Don't know No answer Type of PuMic Eating Places Establishment Institutions Sales Volume Total Less Than $1*0,000 $1*0,000 and Over "•93) (1*12) (81) (280) (213) i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.1* 1.0 3-7 1.8 1.0 9^-7 91-5 92.6 9C.3 93.1* 3.0 3.1* 1.2 3-6 2.3 3-9 U.l 2.5 "♦•a 3.3 37 Table 32 REASONS ESTftBLISHMENTS DID NOT BUY PORTIONS DURING NOVEMBER, I958 Total Establishments Using Frozen Processed Sea Food, but Not Portions Sell, serve little or no fish - no demand, calls for it Serve other types - perch, shrimp, halibut, etc., other types more popular Size of portions - prefer to cut own portions, want larger portions, get more with other kinds Too expensive - cheaper to use fresh fish, cheaper to prepare ourselves Quality not as good - doesn't meet our quality standEirds, can't tell what is in it Prefer to prepare own - rather bread mj' own, do not like way it must be cooked, prefer own methods Use fresh fish - prefer fresh fish Don't like them so wouldn't serve them Dislike flavor - fresh fish has more flavor, no taste to portion controlled sea foods No particular reason - Just didn't Didn't know it was available Compeiny makes the rules - policy against it Just opened the restaurant - don't know what we will handle Not attractive - not eye appealing Wanted to change menu - try something different All others Don't know, no answer-. Total (3S5) 100.0* 3lt.3 1U.5 13.8 7.3 6.0 5-7 k.9 k.9 li.2 3.1 1.6 1-3 1-3 1-3 .8 3-9 2.9 WAS PRICE A REASON ESTABLISHMENTS DID NOT BUY PORTIONS? Total Total Nonusers Who Did Not Volunteer Price as i a Reason (357) s 100.0 a reason 2.2 iot a reason 93.6 No answer k.2 ^Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 38 Table 33 TYPES OF SUPPLIER FBOVIDIHG FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD TO ESTABLISHMKHTS According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Sea food processors Sea food vholesalers Frozen food distributors All other, grocery stores, supermarkets No answer Total Less Than ^0,000 (112) $10,000- 39,999 , (168) $1(0,000- ?9,999 (U6) $100,000 and Over (U93) (97) i i i i i 100.0* 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.8 1.8 1-7 U.l 62.3 49.1 56.5 72. U 75-3 23-1 2k. 1 28.0 21.6 15-5 11.6 19.6 Ik. 3 3-4 7.2 2.8 5.4 2.11 2.6 l-O ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total becanae of more than one reply to a qaestlon. 39 Table 34 DISTANCE OF ESTABLISHMENT FROM MAIN SUPPLIER OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOIi According to Location Less than 10 miles 10 - 50 miles 51 - 100 miles More than 100 miles Total Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food (1*93) i 100.0 tiles 78.5 19.1 Out of In Central Central Business Business District District (1*U9) (1*U) i i 100.0 100.0 77-3 90.9 20.5 it.5 .2 2-3 Don ' t knov 1.0 1.1 No answer 1.2 1.1 2.3 40 Table 35 FREQUKNCY OF DELIVERIES OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Every day 2 - k times per week Once a week 2-3 times per month Once a month Less than once a month Type of Put lie Establishment Sales Volume Less $100,000 Eating Than $10,000- $1*0,000- and Total Places (1.12) Institutions (81) $10,000 (112) ?9,999 <168) 99,999 (116) Over (1*93) (97) i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.7 6.6 1.2 .9 k.2 5.2 Ik.k 11.0 12.9 1.2 it.5 7.7 11.2 23.7 68.6 68.9 66.7 66.1 74.1* 74.1 51.. 7 6.5 5.8 9.9 8.5 8.3 3-5 1..1 3.1* 1.9 11. i •7.1 2.4 2. -6 2.1 1.1* 1.0 3.7 1.8 1.2 1.7 1.0 Don't know, no answer 3.4 2.9 6.2 10.7 1.7 41 Table 36 CAH SUPPLIERS OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD IMPROVE SERVICES TO ESTABLISHMENTS? According to Sales Volume Total Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food {'♦93) Yes, can improve services No, cannot improve services Don't knov No answer 100.0 93-3 •3 1.0 Less Than $10,000 $10,000- 39,999 (168) $1(0,000- 99,999 (116) $100,000 and Over (112) (97) i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.8 4.8 3-5 3.1 92.8 92.2 93.9 9I1.8 2.7 3.0 ■ 9 2.1 2.7 _ 1.7 _ 42 Table J7 AMOUMT SPEHT FOR FROZEM PROCESSED SEA FOOD DURING PRECEDDIG TWELVE MOUTHS According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Spent under ^50 |£50 - 1*99 $500 - 999 $1,000 - 2,1*99 $2,500 - It, 999 $5,000 - 9,999 $10,000 - li*,999 $15,000 - 29,999 $30,000 - 1*9,999 $50,000 - 99,999 $100,000 and over .6 Type of Public Eating Establishment Sales Volume Less Than $10,000- $1*0,000- $100,000 and Total (1*93) Places $10,000 (112) 39,999 99,999 Over (Bl) (168) (U6) (97) i i i i i i i. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 35.8 17.0 20.5 16.0 39.3 17.1* 19.7 13-9 12.8 lU.9 27.7 29-7 75.0 16.7 6.9 1.1* 39.5 27.1 23-3 8.5 16.8 11.6 32.6 27.1* 13-5 5-9 13-5 29.8 i*.i* 3-9 1.1* • 3 l*.7 3-5 .9 •3 2.1 6.1* l*.3 - .6 .8 6.3 1*.2 1.1 13.5 13-5 5.9 1.1* 2.1 3.0 43 Table 38 PROFITABILirY TO ESTABLISHMEMTS OF FROZEM PROCESSED SEA FOOD AMD OTHER HIGH PROTEIN FOODS According to Sales Volume and Type of Establishment Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Type of Public Eating Places (1*12) Establishment, Institutions (81) Sales Volume Total Less Than $10,000 (U2) $10,000- 39,999 (168) $40,000- 99,999 (116) $100,000 aad Over (493) (97) i i i i. i i i 100.0* 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Say sea food more profitable than other high protein foods Say meat (unspecified) more profitable than sea food Say all foods the same in profitability Say beef more profitable than sea food Say eggs more profitable than sea food Say chicken more profitable than sea food Say miscellaneous other meats more profitable than sea food Say miscellaneous other foods more profitable than sea food Nonprofit establishments Don't know No answer 43.0 8.9 8.9 4.1 1.0 .2 2.4 11.6 17.2 4.1 47.3 21.0 29.5 43.4 50.0 49.5 .0.4 .0.2 4.9 1.2 2.5 13.4 4.5 4.5 11.9 9.5 3.0 3.4 12.9 5.2 8.2 5.2 1.2 .2 - •9 .6 1.7 •9 1.0 .2 - - .6 - - 2.9 70.4 1.8 12.5 3.6 10.1 1.7 10.3 2-1 14.4 .9.9 3-7 26.8 15-5 12.9 14.4 4.6 1.2 7-1 3.0 ^■^ 3.1 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 44 Table 39 DO THE ESTABLISHMENTS KMOW THEY CAM BUY GO'/ERMMEMT IHSFECTED OB GRABEP FROZEM PROCESSED SEA FOOD? Accordlag to Type of Establishment Total Public Eating Places Institutions Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food (1.12) (81) i 100.0 100.0 100.0 Yes , know they can 73- 1* 71.8 31. 5 No, do not know they can &b.\ 28.2 17-3 Table 40 DO THE ESTABLISHMEMTS BUY GOVERNMENT IHSFECTED OR GRADED FROZEN FBOCESSED SEA FOOD? According to Type of Establishment Total Establishments Knowing Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food Was Available Yes, do buy No, do not buy No ansver rotal Public Eatljig Places Infltltutions (362) (296) (66) i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.3 98.3 98.5 .6 ■ 7 - 1.5 4$ Table 41 KEASOMS ESTABLISHMENTS BUY GOVERNMEWT IHSFECTED OR GRADED FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD According to Type of Establishment Total Purchasers of Govermnent Inspected or Graded Sea Food Best quality - use better products, more uniform quality Only type available - It's all inspected, that ' s what supplier carried Government Inspected foods are safe - pure, fresh, clean, no germs or disease Prefer Government Inspected - wouldn't buy any other Public demands it Easy to handle - easy to serve, ready to cook, portion controlled Government/law requires it Company demands that it ' s bought All others Don't know, no answer Total Public Eating Places Institutions (356) (291) (65) i i i 100.0* 100.0 100.0 kz:i h3-3 36.9 31.2 30.9 32.3 27-5 26.5 32.3 2.5 2.1 k.6 1.7 2.1 - 1.4 .8 .6 •3 1.0 • 7 6.2 .3 - 1.5 If.S i*.8 3.1 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 46 Table 42 HAS CiOVERNMENT INSPECTION AFFECTED THE AMOUMT OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD BOUGHT BY THE ESTABLISHMENT? According to Type of Estatlishment Total Users of Oovernment Inspected Frozen Processed Sea Food Buy more Buy about the sane Buy lesB Don't know Ho answer Total Public Eating Places Institutions (356) (291) (65) i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.1* 1.4 1-5 85.1 86.3 80.0 5-9 7.6 5.8 6.5 6.2 12.3 Table 43 IF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED OR CgADED FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD WERE AVAHABLE WOULD THE ESTABLISHMENT BUY MORE OR LESS? Total Establishments Not Know- ing Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food Was Available Say they would buy more Say they would buy less About the same Don't know No answer Total (130) i 100.0 3-9 70.0 23.1 3.0 47 Table 44 PREVIOUS USE OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD BY NONUSERS AND REASONS FOR STOPPING USE OR FOR NEVER USIMG According to Sales Volume Total HoDusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Have served frozen processed sea food before No demand - didn't sell enough, no volume, customers prefer other foods Prefer to serve fresh fish Lacked flavor - own prepared fish has better flavor More expensive than other forms of fish All others Have not served frozen processed sea food before Sell little or no fish - no demand, call for it, not in that business Use fresh fish - prefer to serve fresh fish, fresh fish available all year Like taste, freshness of fresh fish - don't trust frozen food, fresh fish tastes better, some frozen is kept too long Unable to handle preparation - no equipment, not enough room, no time, vould need extra help Just opened, don't know what I'll sell Too expensive - cheaper to use fresh, prepare ourselves No storage facilities o freezer All others Don't know, no ans'.e" Less Than $10,000 $10,000- 39,999 (123) $1(0,000- 99,999 , (36) $100,000 and Over (160) (30-) i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total i 100.0 10.9* 10.0 11.1* 11.1 13.3 5.1^ l^.0 •9 .6 .6 88.5* 51.6 l6,9 lU.o 2.9 2.0 1.7 1.1* 2.6 6.9 3.1 .6 90.0 53.1 15.0 13.1 2.5 5.0 2.5 3.1 1.3 2.5 h.9 5.7 .8 52.8 16.3 lU.6 5.7 1.6 .8 2.U 5.6 5*6 55.6 16.7 11.1 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 6.7 83. i( 33.3 30.0 20.0 3.3 3.3 3.3 Don't know .8 3.3 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 48 Table 45 DO ESTftBLISHMEiraS HAVE COLD ST(»AGE FACILITIES FOR KEEPING FROZEM PROCESSED SEA FOOD? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Yes, have cold storage facilities No, do not have cold storage facilities No answer Type of Establishment Sales Volume Total Public Restaurants (615) Schools, Plants (51) Hospitals, Welfare Establishments (50) All Others (126) Less Than $10,000 (272) $10,000- 39,999 (291) $1*0,000- 99,999 (152) $100,000 and Over (81»2) (127) i i i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.00.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8i».3 84.7 91*. 1 90.0- 76.2 77.9 81*. 2 89.5 92.1 15-2 lit.8 5-9 10.0 23.0 21.7 15.5 10.5 6.3 • 5 • 5 _ - .6 .1^ •3 - 1.6 Average capacity. In cubic feet 23.0 65.2 116. U 57. "• 15.0 19.1* 32.0 107.9 -s? Table 46 DO ESTABLISHMEHTO HAVE COLD STORAGE FACILITIES FOR KEEPIMG FROZEM PROCESSED SEA F00D7 According to Nonusers of Sea Food and Users Not Using Frozen Processed Sea Food Total Nonusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Yes, bave cold storage facilities Ho, do not have cold storage facilities Total Nonusers of Sea Food Users Not Using Frozen Processed Sea Food (3U9) i i i 100.0 ii2^ 50.7 70.5 33.0 37.5 28.1* 15.5 12.9 No ansver 1.1 50 DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE (Tables a through i contain classification data regarding operations of the establishments) Table a TOTAL RECEIPTS FROM MEAI^ SERVED DURIHG 19^7 OR LAST FISCAL YEJiB. According to Type of Establishments Total Establishments Total Receipts Less than $10,000 ^0,000 - 39,999 $1»0,000 - 99,999 $100,000 and over Total Public Restaurants Schools, Plants Hospitals, Welfare Establishments All Others (a*2) (615) {5i; (50) (126) i i i i i 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 32-3 33.7 19.6 30.0 31.7 3h.5 36.4 25. u 26.0 32.6 18.1 17.1 27-5 12.0 21.4 15-1 12.8 27-5 32.0 U.3 51 TaUe b AMOUHT ESTABLISHMEffTS SFEWT FOR FOOD DURIKC! PREVIOUS TWELVE MONTHS According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Spent under $1,000 $1,000 - 2,U99 *2,500 - U,999 $5,000 - 9,999 $10,000 - ll*,999 $15,000 - 29,999 $30,000 - lt9,999 $50,000 - 99,999 $100,000 - 2'»9,999 $250,000 and over Type of Establishment Sales Volume Hospitals, Less $100,000 Public Schools, Welfare All Than $10,000- $40,000- and Total Restaurants Plants Establishments Others $10,000 39,999 99,999 Over (8U2) (615) (51) (50) (126) (272) (291) (132) (127) i i i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.8 6.8 _ _ 12.6 26.9 _ _ _ 12.3 14.9 2.9 k.2 9.9 41.3 k.S - 1.4 8.8 9.2 2.9 - 12.6 10.5 15.7 2.2 - 16.8 18.4 17.2 16.7 9.9 16.2 31.5 5.6 1.4 9.6 9.2 2.9 16.7 12.6 2.9 21.9 4.4 1.4 19.1 ZL.O 11. k k.2 19-7 _ 23.9 44.4 4.3 6.1* 6.1 22.8 . l.k . - 26.7 2.9 10.0 7.2 19.9 33.2 6.5 1.1 1.4 16.7 32-3 5.5 3.9 8.6 25.0 4.3 - - - 32.3 h.7 3-3 11.4 - 8.5 1.1 .8 - 24.0 52 Table c PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL OPERATING COST SPENT FOR FOOD m PREVIOUS TWELVE MONTHS According to Type of Establishoient and Sales Volume Type of Establishment Total Establishments Spent under 5^ for food 5 - 14* 15 - Skf 25 - 3>*i 35 - kki U5 - 54* 55 - 64* 65 - 74* 75 - 8U* 85 - 94* 95 - 100* Total (642) i 100.0 1-3 2.2 1.7 6.7 27.2 40.4 11.5 5.6 2.6 .4 .4 Public Schools, Hospitals, Welfare AU Restaurants Plants Establishments others (615) (51) (50) (126) i i 4 i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .6 1.2 .6 6.3 5-5 2.8 5-5 14'3 19.0 2.8 2.8 5.6 8.2 25.6 43-1 13-9 5.7 27.8 41.7 11.1 2.8 23.7 14.3 U.8 9-5 34.7 2.8 5.6 2-7 •3 2.8 4.8 4.8 k.B 1.4 1.4 Sales Volume Less Than $10,000 $10,000- 39,999 $1*0,000- 99,999 $100,000 and Over (272) (291) (152) (127) i i i 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.7 3.6 5.4 11.6 1.2 .6 6.0 1.0 1.0 5.8 3.8 3.8 2.5 21.4 34.8 7.1 24.7 1*2.2 15.1 7.2 30.1 43.6 13.6 3-9 36.2 1*0.0 7v5 5.0 7.1 1.8 1.2 1.0 1-2 53 Table d AVERAGE NUMBER OF MEALS SEHVED BY ESTABLISHMENTS According to lype of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Total 842 Public Restaurants 6X5 Hospitals, Schools, Welfare Plants Establishments Others 51 50 Less $100,000 All Than $10,000- $UO,000- and Others $10,000 39,999 99,999 Over 126 222 221 152 127 Averare Number of Main Meals Served Midday, weekdays Sea food meals Midday, Saturdays and Sundays Sea food meals Evening, weekdays Sea food meals Evening, Saturdays and Sundays Seafood meals 18 75 It 77 10 &i k 99 11 611 90 222 UO 11.0 13 37 3 75 e leu 16 536 75 62 1* 112 11*9 3 91* 5 16 •• 29 3 73 k 333 17 66 9 135 22 156 18 73 7 1 33 3 76 8 31*0 50 57 5 93 141 2 58 6 11 1 32 7U 5 264 15 •• Less than one half meal. 54 Table e AVERAGE PRICE PER MEAL SKHVKD According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establlsbments Dhder ^.2^ ♦■25 - Ag ♦•50 - .7h ♦•75 - -99 ll.OO - 1.1*9 il.50 - 1.99 ^.00 - 2.1*9 ♦2.50 - 2.99 i3-00 - 3-99 ^.00 - I*. 99 $5.00 and over Ho answer nonprofit estahllalment Type of Establishment Sales Volume Total Public Restaurants (615) Schools, Plants (51) Hospitals, Welfare Establishments (50) All Others (126) Less Than $10,000 (272) $10,000- 39,999 . (291) $1*0,000- 99,999 (152) $100,000 and Over (81*2) (127) i i i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .2 16.8 26.0 20.1* .3 15-0 29.7 23.3 1*1.2 35.3 7.8 6'o 8.0 i*.o 33-2 21*. 6 18.3 .k 30.9 28.3 19.1 15.5 33.1* 21*. 1 • 7 14.5 26.3 21.1 5.5 17.1* ll*.2 13-1 2.0 1-7 15.6 6.0 2.1* 1.5 3.9 10.0 5.6 .8 1.6 i*.o 10.3 2.2 '7 12.0 3.U 1.1* .7 17-1 5.3 3.3 3-9 16.5 11.0 4.7 4.7 1.2 1.1 - - 2.4 - ■ 3 1.3 5-5 .1 .2 - - - - - - .8 6.1 U.9 5-9 lU.O 8.7 3-7 5.8 3.9 14.2 3.9 - 5.9 58.0 .6 k.k 3.1* 2.6 5.5 55 Table f NUMBER OF REGUIAR IMPLOYEES ENGAGED IN PREPABING AITO SERVIHG FOOD According to Sales Volume Total establishments Average number per establishment Total 81*2 8 Less Than $10,000 272 $10,000- 39.999 291 $1*0,000- 99,999 152 $100,000 and Over 127 6l» Table g SEATING CAPACITY OF ESTABLISHMENTS According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volu«e Total Total establishments 8'*2 Average seating capacity, in seats 91 Public Restaurants 615 57 Tarpe of Establishment Hospitals, Schools, Welfare All Plants Establishments Others 51 50 126 1*09 168 102 Sales Volume Less Than $10,000 872 $10,000- }9,999 , 291 $1*0,000- 99.999 $100,000 and Over 152 127 31k 1*1* llU 302 56 Table h NUMBER OF DAYS 0? THE WEEK OM WHICH ESTABLISBMEMTS SERVE MEALS According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total (81*2) Type of Establishment Sales Volume Public Restaurants (615) Schools , Plants (51) Hospitals, Welfare AU Others Less Than $10,000 $10,000- 39,999 $1*0,000- 99,999 $100,000 and Over Total Establlshinents (50) (126) (272) (291) (152) (127) i i i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Serve on 7 days lt7-7 1*5.7 13-7 96.0 52.U 39-7 1*7.1 54.6 58.2 Serve on 6 days 35.1* 1(0.8 9.8 2.0 32.5 36.8 38.5 30.9 30.7 Serve on 5 dyae 15-9 12.7 71*. 5 - 11*. 3 22.0 lU.U 13.8 8.7 Serve on less than 5 days .6 • 5 2.0 2.0 - 1.5 - .7 - No ansver .!» .3 2.1* 57 Table i PERCENTAGE OF ESTABLISHMENTS SERVING SPECIALIZED TYPES OF FOOD According to Sales Volume Total Establishments Establishments with no specialty Total Less Than $10,000 (272) $10,000- 39,999 (291) $1*0,000- 99,999 (152) $100,000 and Over (81*2) (127) i i i i 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 79.9 82.7 75.9 80.9 81.9 Establishments vlth specialty Italian food Kosher Steak or chophouse Barbecue Chinese food Chicken specialty Sea food Mexican, Spanish French food All others 20.1* 6.2 3.1 2.5 2.1. 1.5 1.1 .7 .7 .1 2.1 7.'* 2.2 .7 3.3 .k 1.1 .7 1-5 21*. 1 7.6 2.7 2.7 3.1 2.7 1.7 1.0 1.1* 1.7 19-1 i*.6 5-3 2.0 2.0 1.3 3.9 18.1 2.1* 3.1 6.3 1.6 .8 .8 .8 2.1* ^Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 58 MBL WHOI Library ■ Serials 5 WHSE 00119 n