FROZEN PROCESSED FISH AND SHELLFISH CONSUMPTION IN INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES Houston , Texas UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES WASHINGTON 25, D. C. CIRCULAR 71 United States Department of the Interior, Fred A, Seaton, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Arnie J. Suomela, Commissioner Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald L. McKernan, Director INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES are among the best of all potential markets for frozen fishery products. In recognition of this, a survey was londertaken to obtain information on the consumption of frozen processed fish and shellfish! in these establishments. This study was conducted in ten selected cities by Crossley, S-D Surveys, Inc. , of New York City in order to obtain information which could be used by the fishing industry to increase consumer demand for fishery products. The data obtained for each city as a result of this survey, together with an explanation of the methods and procedures used, are published in a series as follows: Circular 66 - Survey Methods ajid Porcedures Circular 67 - Atlanta, Georgia Circular 68 - Chicago, Illinois Circular 69 - Cleveland, Ohio Circular 70 - Denver, Colorado Circular 71 - Houston, Texas Circular 72 - Los Angeles, California Circular 73 - New York, New York Circular 74 - Omaha, Nebraska Circular 75 - Portland, Oregon Circular 76 - Springfield, Massachusetts This project was financed from funds provided by the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act to increase production and markets for the domestic fishing industry. These publications are available upon request from the Director, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C. FROZEN PROCESSED FISH AND SHELLFISH CONSUMPTION IN INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES HOUSTON, TEXAS Prepared in the Division of Industrial Research and Services Branch of Market Development CIRCULAR 71 WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table Page SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1-4 DETAILED FINDINGS 1 Did the Establishment Buy Sea Food in the Preceding Twelve Months ? 5 2 Did the Establishment Buy Frozen Processed Sea Food in the Preceding Twelve Months ? 6 3 Frozen Processed Fish Bought in November, 1958 How Processed Before Purchase 7 4 Quantity of Frozen Processed Fish Bought in November, 1958 . 8 5 Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction with Prepreparation of Frozen Processed Fish 9 6 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Quality and Condition of Frozen Processed Fish 9 7 Package Sizes of Frozen Processed Fish Bought in November, 1958 and Average Number of Servings Per Pound . 10 8 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Types and Sizes of Frozen Processed Fish Packages 10 9 Percentage of Frozen Processed Fish Served Fried, Broiled, Baked, and in Other Ways 11 10 Frozen Processed Shellfish Bought in November, 1958 How Processed Before Purchase 12 11 Quantity of Frozen Processed Shellfish Bought in November, 1958 .......... 13 12 Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction with Prepreparation of Frozen Processed Shellfish 14 Table Page 13 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Quality and Condition of Frozen Processed ShelKish ..,..,,...,..... 14 14 Package Sizes of Frozen Processed Shellfish Bought in November, 1958 and Average Number of Servings Per Pound 15 15 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Types and Sizes of Frozen Processed Shellfish Packages ............................ 15 16 Percentage of Frozen Processed ShelKish Served Fried, Broiled, Baked and in Other Ways ........................... 16 17 Types of Portions Bought in November, 1958 17 18 Quantity of Portions Bought in November, 1958 ......................... 17 19 Amount of Portions Bought by Establishments, as Compared to the Previous Year ................. .................. . 18 20 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Quality and Condition of Portions 18 21 Is the Quality of Portions Better than that of other Frozen Processed Fish - For What Reasons ? 19 22 Advantages of Using Portions 19 23 Disadvantages of Using Portions . 20 24 Do Establishments Think Customers Prefer Portions to Other Frozen Processed Fish - For What Reasons ? ....................................................... 20 Table Page 25 Average Weight of Portions and Average Number of Servings Per Package 21 26 Satisfaction with the Size of Portions in a Package 21 27 Percentage of Portions Served Fried, Broiled, Baked, and in Other Ways 22 28 Do Establishnrients Cook Portions While Still Frozen? 23 29 Cost of Using Portions, as Compared to Other Frozen Processed Fish and Reasons Why Portions are Thought More or Less Expensive 23 30 When Ordering Portions from Suppliers, Do Establishments Specify the Kind of Fish? .... . 24 31 Would the Establishments Like to Have Other Portion Controlled Sea Food Items Not Now Available? 24 32 Reasons Establishments Did Not Buy Portions During November, 1958 25 32 Was Price a Reason Establishments Did Not Buy Portions ? 25 33 Types of Supplier Providing Frozen Processed Sea Food to Establishments 26 34 Distance of Establishment from Main Supplier of Frozen Processed Sea Food 27 35 Frequency of Deliveries of Frozen Processed Sea Food 28 36 Can Suppliers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Improve Services to Establishments? 29 Table Page 37 Amount Spent for Frozen Processed Sea Food During Preceding Twelve Months 30 38 Profitability to Establishments of Frozen Processed Sea Food and Other High Protein Foods 3j^ 39 Do the Establishments Know they can buy Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food? .....,..,...., 32 40 Do the Establishments Buy Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Pro cessed Sea Food? 32 41 Reasons Establishments Buy Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food 33 42 Has Government Inspection Affected the Amount of Frozen Processed Sea Food Bought by the Establishments ? . 34 43 If Governnnent Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food were Available Would the Establishment Buy More or Less ? 34 (Information has been omitted as too few Establishments Qualified to Respond) 44 Previous Use of Frozen Processed Sea Food By Nonusers and Reasons for Stopping Use or for Never Using 35 45 Do Establishments Have Cold Storage Facilities for Keeping Frozen Processed Sea Food? According to Type of Establishments and Sales Volume 36 46 According to Nonusers of Sea Food and Users Not Using Frozen Processed Sea Food 37 Table Page DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE a Total Receipts from Meals Served During 1957 or Last Fiscal Year . 38 b Amount Establishments Spent for Food During Previous Twelve Months , 39 c Percentage of Total Operating Cost Spent for Food in Previous Twelve Months . 40 d Average Number of Meals Served by Establishments 41 e Average Price Per Meal Served 42 f Number of Regular Employees Engaged in Preparing and Serving Food 43 g Seating Capacity of Establishments 43 h Number of Days of the Week on Which Establishments Serve Meals 44 1 Percentage of Establishments Serving Specialized Types of Food . 45 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (Hoaston) A. Use of Frozen Froces&ed Sea Food (Tables 1. 2) Five sixths of all the establishments in Houston said they bought sea food in the previous twelve months. Amoiig buyers of sea food, the majority said they made purchases of sea food ii the frozen processed form. Thirty-nine per cent of all thi establishirients said they had bought frozen proces-ed fish in November. 1956; 33 per cent said tKey h.v.d bought frozen processed shellfish; and 19 per cent said they nad bought por- tions. Among institutions (such as sr^hools a;,a hospitals), the Incidence of use of frozen pro^-essed sea food was greater than among public eating places. Of the ten cities in the survey, Houston ranked fifth, in terms of the percentage of "in establisnaents buying frozen processed sea food. codfish steaks and fish cakes were popular in the Houston s.?hools. Codfish filleta were frequently bought in Los Angeles, Omaha,, and New York, while ocean perch fillets were purchased widely and in sub- stantieuL quantities in the Southern and Middle Western cities included ;.• the survey. Attitudes Toward Preprepar^tion a.'i.i Quality and Condition of Fish (Tables 5, bT A great majority of Houston purchasers were satisfied witr the present prepreparation of fish, s.nd wit,!, the quality and condition of the fish. This wa.=; generally true for the t< eluded in f-he survey. "ities in- Frozen Processed Fish P:,rcha5es, Attitudes, and Practices 1. Purchases; Species and Amount, oi Pre- preparation (Tables 3 '■<) Almost one third of the users of frozen proc- essed fish bought codfis.h fillets during November, 1958, This was the leading Item in Houston in terms of total pounds purctiased- Ocean perch fillets were bought by a sizable number of Houston e3t.ublishments; while 3, Pack.sglng o; Fish (Tables 1, 8) Houston e;-tahlJshments most typically bought frozen procf^ssed fish In 5 po;;nd packages. 't. Met.hods of Preparing and Serving F^s^ (Table 9} Frying was 'he most usual method of preparing fish among Houston establishments. The nver- age estab.l] .stjnent served 79 per cent 01 its fish fried. Frying was the leading method in all cities of the study. ten Frozen Processed Shellfish - F^rohases. Attitgdes, and Practices 1. Puronases: Species arid T^-pe of Preprep- aratjon (Tables 1. . 11) Balf of the Houston pv. -itusers of shellfish bought breaded shrimp in November, 1958. Two fifths of the establishments bought raw shrimp. These two Items were also first and second in Houston, in tenn.s of total quantity purchased. Breaded shrimp and raw shrimp were bought widely and in large quantities in all of the other citleF included ir, the study. 2, Attitudes Toward Prepreparatlon; Toward ^ality and Condition of Shellfisn (Tables 1?, 13) Ail but a small number of purchasers were satisfied with the present prep reparation of shellfish, and with the quality and condition of the shellfish which they bought. The same held generally tn^e for the other cities in the survey. 3. Packaging of Shellfish (Tables ih , IS) Breaded shrimp was characterlsticallv bought in 3 pound packages in Houston. Raw shrimp was most often bought in 5 pound packages. Methods of Preparing ar i Serving Shellfish (Tat-le It J Frying was the most popular way of preparing shellfish in Houston. The typical e.^tablish- ment served two thirds of its shellfish fried. As with fish, frying was the leading method of preparing shellfish in all ten cities of the study. D. Portion Controlled Sea Food - Purchases, Attitudes, and Practices 1, Purchases' Type of Prepreparation (Tables 1, 17, ItJ, 19T Almost a fifth of all the establishments in Houston bought portions during November, 1956- Houston r-srlted fifth in percentage of estab- lishments ."•uying port'.ions. In Houston, portions were most widely bougnt uncooked and breaded; and the quantity pur- chased wa^ greater thar. that of any other type of prepreparation. Half of the purchasers of portions said that they were currently bi^ying about the same amount of portions as the year before. About a o^uarter said they were buying more while Jit per cent said they were buying less. Attitudes Toward Portions (Tables 20. ?1, 22. 23, 24) Nearly all establishments said they were sat- isfied with the quality and condition of por- tions. About one sixth of thfi users of portions said thev thought the quality of portions was het- ter thi:, that of other frozen processed fish. Almost foi^r fifths rated the quality as ahout the same. Major advantages -itea for portioiis includes: i of Users Clti'ig Cor.ver.ier.ce, easi^ cf preparation 55 Fast, time;3 9xing 37 Size of portions, uniforn portions 36 Csn >?ontrol food costs be'.ter - know profit I8 About 5j fourth o; the uc^rs specified some dis- advantage to using portions. A variety of dis- advantages were nisntioned. Users of portions generally thought tneir cus- tomer; liKed portions as well as other types of frozen processed fish with fewer than 7 per cent saying :^'-at their customers lilted portions less than other ti'pes of frozen processed .ses food. 3. Packaging of Portions (Tables .??. 96) Houston purchasers tended to buy portions in pacliages of about the sajne size as those pre- ferred by purchasers in other cities. The a ve rage weight of a package of portions for the city was 5" 9 pounds. However, they tended to buy individual por- tions of larger :: ze. The average weight of an individual portion was 7~8 ounces. Almost all establishments, in Houston and th'; other nine cities, said they were sal- isfi"d with the size of portions in the paoksges. Merii'Ods of Prepa:-i:;e and Scr/ina Poi-tlons (Tahles g| -^) Frying was the most widely used method uT preparing and serving portions i:; Houston with 91 per cent of the estahl; shments serv- ing them this way. The average establish- ment serve fried. 0? per cent of Its portions Frying was the .'eading method in nine of the ten cities of the study. The exception was Springfield, Massachusetts, where baking was the most popi;lar method of preparation. Five .'. ix*h- . using portion the Houston establishments cooked them while frozen. Cost of Ur-ing Portions (Table 29) OTily a tenth of the establishments using portions said they were more expensive than ot.her forms of frozen processed fish, A. large majority of users considered them less expensive, or rated them about the same, 6. Miscellaneous Findings About Portions (Tables 30 y 31 T Three guarteis of the Houston establishments said they specified the kind of fish when or- dering portions. Only 3 per cent of the users suggested a/iy new portion items, not nov available, which they would like to have. 7. Monusers of Portions (Table 32) Establishments which used frozen processed sea food, but iiot portions, gave a number of rea- sons for not buying portions: they used fresh fish, they sold comparatively little fish, they served other types of fish E. Suppliers of Frozen Processed 3ea Food (Tables 33. 3^, 33, 36) Establishments in Houston tended to buy frozen proc- essed bc^ food from sea food wholesalers, usually less than ten miles away, to have it delivered once a week, and to be satisfied with the services of the suppliers. Sea food wholesalers supplied 58 per cent of the estab^ lishments, while frozen food distributors accounted for another 3^ per cent. Main suppliers were located less than ten miles from the ejtaMishnent, in 65 per cent of the cases. In more than half the cases, deliveries were made once a week, while deliveries were made from two to four times a week in about 20 per cent of the establisijne-nts. Only a small fraction of the purchasers said they couli think of ways in which the- suppliers could improve their services. F. Expenditures for Frozen Processed Sea Food; Its Profitability (Tables 37, 3O) Two fifths of the establishments reporting in Houston said that they spent less than $250 for frozen proc- essed sea food during the preceding twelve months. The highest figure reported fell between $30,000 and $1*9,999. Other establishments were \etween these two extremes, with the median coming at $383- More than two thirds of the profit -making establishments which expressed an opinion, considered frozen processed sea food more proflt-iMe than other high protein foods. G. Governipent Inspection of Frozen Processed Sea Food - Awareness. Dffect, and Attitudes (Tables 39, 'tO. '^iT'^gJ All but 8 per cent of the establishments in Houston were aware that they could buy frozen processed sea food, which had been inspected or graded by the United States Government. Of the establishments aware that they could buy Government inspected or graded sea food, almost all said they had bought some. When purchasers were asked if the inspection had affected the amount of frozen processed sea food which they bought, 5 per cent said the inspec- tion had caused them to buy more. Monusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food; Cold Storage Facilities (Tables h'j, kk, 4$) Most nonusers in Houston said they had never bought fro- zen processed sea food with the main reasons given that they sold little or no fish, or used fresh fish. Findings regarding cold storage facilities among non- users in Houston may be summarized as follows: Total Nonusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food i 100 Have cold storage facilities 66 Don't use sea food at all 20 Use sea food but not frozen processed sea fooo 46 No cold storage facilities 3/^ DETAILED FINDINGS TaUe 1 DID THE ESTABLISHMEtn' BUY SKA FOOD IH THE PRECEDING TWELVE MOUTHS? According to Type of Estatilishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Yes, bought sea food Bought frozen processed sea food Bought frozen processed fish Bought frozen processed shellfish Bought portions Type of Establishment Public Eating Places Institutions (196) (92) Sales Volume Total Less Than $10,000 (101) $10,000- 39,999 (91) $to,ooo- 99,999 (1*1*) $100,000 and Over (288) (5a) i i i i 4 i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.0 78.8 98.3 75. "* 86.5 89.3 87.0 58.4 38.6 33-0 18.8 1*9.9 28.2 36.8 18.6 88.9 76.1 19-7 19-7 1A.5 27.2 20. ii. 15.7 62.1* 1^2.1* 34.1 18,8 80.0 56.0 52.0 30.7 62.0 1*1.0 1*1.0 16.0 Ko, did not buy sea food 17.0 21.2 1.7 2l>.6 13.5 10.7 13.0 Table 2 DID THE ESTABLISHMENT BUY FROZEK PROCESSKD SEA FOOD Hi THE PRECEDING TWELVE MONTHS? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Purchasing Sea Food In Preceding 12 Months Yes, bought frozen processed sea food No, did not buy frozen processed sea food Type of Public Eating Places (155) Establishment Institutions (90) Sales Volume Total Less Than $10,000 (79) $10,000- 39,999 (79) $J*0,000- 99,999 (1*0) $100,000 and Over (2U5) (hi) i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.3 63.3 90. u 59-0 72.1 89.6 71.3 29.7 36.7 9.6 Ul.O 27.9 10.4 28.7 Table 3 FROZEN PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IM NOVEMBER, 1958 - HOW PROCESSED BEFORE PURCHASE According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish Catfish Fillets Breaded fillets Cod Fillets Steaks Breaded fillets Raw Fish Cakes Breaded Raw Flounder Fillets Raw Haddock Breaded Fillets Steaks Raw Total (119) i 100. 0« 3-h • 5 30-9 35-3 1.1* 7.2 1.1* 33-3 9-7 2.9 Less $1*0,000 Than $10,000- and $10,000 39,999 Over (32) (1*0) (57) i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total Less $1*0,000 Than $10,000- and $10,000 39,999 Over 1-9 11-5 65.1* 3.8 61.5 9.6 1-9 1-9 7.7 U.8 1.2 27.8 31-9 1.1* 13.9 1*.2 29.2 12-5 8.3 7-3 2.1* 1*5.8 19-3 6.0 19.3 7.2 7.2 6.0 13.3 3.6 3.6 i i i Halibut Breaded 1.0 - - 2.1* Fillets 1.1* - 1*.2 - Steaks .5 - 1.1* - Breaded fillets ■ 5 1-9 - - Raw 1.1* - - 3.6 Ocean Perch Breaded 1.0 - 1.1. 1.2 Fillets lU.O 7.7 15-3 16.9 Steaks • 5 - 1.1* - Breaded fillets 2.1* - 6.9 - Raw 1.0 - - 2.U Redfish Breaded ■ 5 - 1.2 2.1. Fillets 1.0 1.9 1.2 - Red Snapper Fillets 1.0 1-9 1.2 2.1. Raw l.U - 3.6 7.3 Salmon Steaks J.l* - 1.1* 1*.5 Trout Breaded 1.0 - 2.1* 2.1* Fillels 1-9 - 1.2 - Steaks 1.1* - - - Raw 1,U - 3.6 7.3 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. Table 4 qaAMTITY OF FROZEM PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, 1958 Average Humber of Pounds Total Pounds AU Establishments User Establishments Catfish Fillets Breaded fillets U67 60 .9 66.7 6o.o Cod Fillets Steaks Breaded fillets Rav 23,359 2,o8l 90 2, ''65 U3.6 3.9 W k.6 364. 9 26.5 30.0 l6l*.3 Fish Cakes Breaded Raw ??? (a) (b) 74.0 Flounder FlUets Raw 66l» 147 1.2 (D) 33.2 24.5 Haddock Breaded FlUets Steaks Rav 226 1,622 36 90 (b) 3.0 M (b) 37.7 90.1 12.0 12.9 Hallhut Breaded FiUets Steaks Breaded flUets Kaw ^5° 18 (a) (a) 210 la) (b) 75.0 6.0 70.0 Average Number of Pounds Total Pounds AU Establishments User Establishments Ocean Perch Breaded FiUets Steaks Breaded fiUets Raw 31* 6,297 3 10l> 1,360 (b) U.7 (a) (b) 2.5 17.0 217.1 3.0 20.8 680.0 Redfish Breaded FiUets 30 235 (b) (b) 30.0 U7.5 Red Snapper FlUets ino .6 205.0 Rfllmnn Steaks 230 (b) 46.0 Trout Breaded FiUets Steaks Raw 203 45 3 (bj (a) 80.0 50.8 15.0 1.0 (a) Purchases were not reported in quantities large enough to compute meaningful figures. (b) Less than half a pound. Table 5 SATISFACTION OR DISSATISFACTION WITH FREPREPARATION OF FROZEN PBOCESSED FISH Total Users Total Purchases of Cod i 100.0 Prefer more prepreparation of cod Prefer less prepreparation of cod Prefer prepreparation as it is No answer Total Purchases of Fish Cakes Prefer more prepreparation of fish cakes Prefer less prepreparation of fish cakes Prefer prepreparation as it is Total Purchases of Flounder Prefer more prepreparation of flounder Prefer less prepreparation of flounder Prefer prepreparation as it is Total Purchases of Haddock 98.1 Prefer more prepreparation of haddock 1.9 Prefer less prepreparation of haddock Prefer prepreparation as it is No answer Total Purchases of Ocean Perch 100.0 Prefer more prepreparation of ocean perch Prefer less prepreparation of ocean perch Prefer prepreparation as it is 100. 0 3.8 96.2 (1) The percentages shown in the body of the table are computed on the total number of purchases of each species of fish. Many users bought more than one species. Some establishments also bought a species prepared in two different ways. For example, haddock fillets and haddock steaks. This was counted as two purchases of the species. Because purchases of many species were few in number, the species are not included in the table. Total Users -\9 6.-. 3 S.8 5-1 94.9 Table 6 SATISFACTION AHP DISSATISFACTION WITH QUALITY AND CONDITION OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish, November, 1956 (lJ-9) Satisfied Dissatisfied No answer 100.0 9'*. 3 Table 7 PACKAGE SIZES OF FRCgM PROCESSED FISH BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, I956 AJID AVERAJE HUMBEB OF gEaVINGS PER POUTOg) Total Purchasers of Flounder Fillets Total Purchasers of Cod Fillets 1 pound packages 3 pound packages 5 pound packages 7 pound packages 10 pound packages 1^ pound packages 50 pound packages and over Average number of servings per pound 100.0 7.8 6.3 67.2 3-1 7.8 3.1 k.7 3.6 Packages less than 1 pound 1 pound packages h pound packages 5 pound packages 10 pound packages Average nuiaber of servings per pound Total Purchasers of Ocean Perch Fillets 1 pound packages 3 pound packages 5 pound packages 10 pound packages Average number of servings per pound 100.0 5.0 1*0.0 10.0 20.0 25.0 3.2 100.0 20.7 20.7 1*8.3 10.3 3.7 (1) The tabh shows figures for those species and types of prepreparation which occur most oflen in the city. Sometlmer figures are shown for package sizes but not average number of servings per pound. In these cases the data on servings per pound is limited. The percertHj,e in the body of the table are based on the number of establishments which bought one specie. 1 fisn, preprepared in one manner. 10 Table 8 SATISFACTION AMI DISSATISFACTION WITH TYPES AND SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED FISH PACKAGES Total Users of Proven Processed Fish, November, 1958 Satisfied Dissatisfied No answer Total (U9) i 100.0 92.8 2.9 Table 9 P£RCi:.HTAaE OF FRuZEN PfiOCESSED FISH SERVKD FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, AMD IN OTHER WAYS According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Fish Establishments Serving Fried None fried 1 - Iki, 15 - 3H 35 - &^i 65 - ehi Over 84^ Don't know, no answer, refused Average percentage served Total (U.9) 100.0 5-3 8.7 2. It 73-5 h.3 78.8 Less Than $10,000 $10,000- 39,999 (40) $40,000- 99,999 {2h) $100,000 and Over (32) (23) i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.8 1.4 11.9 7-3 1-9 1.9 84.6 5.8 8.3 4.2 81.9 4.2 4.8 4.8 71.4 7-1 22.0 22.0 2.4 46.3 85.6 86.6 74.9 60.9 Establishments Serving Broiled None broiled 1 - l45t 15 - 3>*i 35 - 64^ 65 - 84^ Over 845t Don't know, no answer, refused Average percentage served 80.2 2.9 3-9 4.8 2.9 1.0 h.3 6.9 88.5 1.9 1-9 1-9 5.8 3-5 84.6 4.2 1.4 4.2 1.4 4.2 4.2 83.4 7-1 2.4 7.1 1.8 58.6 14.6 12.2 14.6 20.5 Establishments Serving Baked None baked 1 - 14* 15 - ihi 35 - 645t 65 - 84* Over 84* Don't know, no answer, refused Average percentage served 85.5 .5 2.9 1.9 1.5 3-4 4.3 6.2 88.5 1.9 3.8 5.8 3-9 95.8 4.2 73.8 75-7 _ 14.6 2.4 7.3 4.8 2.4 .1.9 - 7.1 - 16.9 9.0 Establishments Se; ing in Other Ways None 1:' other ays 1 - 14-,, 15 - 3''* 35 - 64* 65 - 84* Over 84* Don't know, no answer, refused Average percentage served 91-3 2.9 1-5 4.3 1.5 94.2 5.8 2-8 4.2 4.2 2.9 92-9 7-1 90. C 9.8 2.4 11 Table 10 FROZEM PROCESSED SHELLFISH BOUGHT IN HOVEMBER, 19$8 - HOW PROCESSED BEFORE PURCHASE According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Clams Breaded Crabs Cooked Breaded Cooked and deviled Breaded and stuffed Deviled and stuffed Crab meat - shelled and debellied. frozen and canned Canned Raw; whole. clean Lobster Cooked Cleaned and deheaded tails Raw; whole, clean Oysters Cooked Breaded Raw; clean, shelled Scallops Cooked Breaded Canned Raw; clean, shelled Shrimp Cooked Breaded Cooked and breaded Raw; clean, deheaded, shelled and deveined Total Less Than $U0,000 $1*0,000 and Over (97) (52) (i*5) i i i. 100.0* 100.0 100.0 39-5 33-0 1.3 3-1* 2.1 5.0 1-7 - 3.8 .6 1.0 - 1.7 - 3.8 1.1 - 2.5 5.6 _ 12.5 .6 1.0 6.2 7-2 5.0 .6 1.3 i*.? 3.1 6.3 9.0 8.2 10.0 .6 1-3 7-3 6.2 8.8 10.2 7-2 13.8 .6 1.3 U.O 3.1 5.0 .6 1.0 - h.5 3.1 6.3 3.1* . 7-5 50.8 57-7 1*2.5 1.1 - 2.5 1*7-5 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 12 Table 11 QUAMTITY OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH BOUGHT IK NOVEMBER, 195S Total Pounds Average Mumber of Pounds All Establishments User Establishments Clams Breaded 50 M 50.0 Crabs Cooked sgit Breaded 16U Cooked and deviled (a) Breaded aofl stuffsd DeTiLed -aoO stuffed 32 Crab meat - shelled and debellled. frozen and canned 1*68 Canned 600 Raw; whole, clean 112 Lobster Cooked 180 Cleaned and deheaded taiLs 808 Eaw; Whole, clean l,5i*l Oysters Cooked (a) Breaded 2U7 Raw; clean, shelled 1*64 Scallops Cooked ko Breaded 126 Canned (a) Raw; clean, shelled 1,170 Shrimp Cooked 700 Breaded it, 716 Cooked and breaded kl Raw; clean, deheaded , shelled and de veined 2,262 .5 (b) w 2.2 J^9-0 16.0 .9 1.1 (b) 46.8 600.0 10.1 (b) 1.5 2.9 180.0 101.0 96.3 .5 .9 18*9 25.8 (b) 40.0 18.0 146.3 1.3 116.7 8.9 52.4 .1 20.5 4.2 32.3 (a) Purchas-.^s were not repor+ei iv. ■".'.'latities large t-uOu-^i to compute- :?.e:i..i .■;^:: iil figures, (b) Less than half a pound. 13 Table 12 SATISFACTION OR DISSATISFACTION WITH PREPREPARATION OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH Total Users i 100.0 Total Purchases of Crabs Prefer more prepreparatlon of crabs Prefer less prepreparatlon of crabs Prefer prepreparatlon as it is No answer Total Purchases of Lobster Prefer more prepreparatlon of lobster Prefer less prepreparatlon of lobster Prefer prepreparatlon as it Is No answer Total Purchases of Oysters Prefer more prepreparatlon of oysters 13-5 Prefer less prepreparatlon of oysters 83-8 Prefer prepreparatlon as it is 2.7 No answer 100.0 Total Purchases of Shrimp Prefer more prepreparatlon of shrimp Prefer less prepreparatlon of shrinq) 96.0 Prefer prepreparatlon as It Is U.O No answer (1) The percentages shown in the body of the table are confuted on the total number of purchases of each species of shellfish. Many establishments bou^t more than one species. Some estab- lishments also bought a species prepared In two different ways. For example, shrimp breaded and shrimp cooked. This was counted as two purchases of the species. Because purchases of some species--clams, abalone, and others — were few In number, the species are not Included In the table. Total Users i 100.0 9e.9 3-1 100.0 1.2 1.2 97.0 .6 Table 13 SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTIOH WITH gU'ALITY AND COHPITION OF FROZEN PBXESSED SHELLFISH Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish, November, 19?6 (97) 14 Satisfied Dissatisfied 100.0 87.0 13.0 PACKAGE SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH BOUGHT W NOVEMBER^ 19^8 AMD AVERAGE NUMBER OF SERVIHGS PER POUND(i) Total Purchasers of Shrimp - Breaded 1 pound packages 2 pound packages 3 pound packages h pound packages 5 pound packages 7 pound packages Average number of servings per pound 100.0 6.7 11.1 k^.h 3-3 32.2 3-3 3-3 Total Purchasers of Shrtn^ - Ray 1 pound packages 3 pound packages k pound packages 5 pound packages 10 pound packages Average number of servings per pound (l) The table shows figures for those species and types of prepreparation which occur most often in the city. Sometimes figures are shown for package sizes but not average number of servings per pound. In these cases the data on servings per pound is limited. The percentages in the body of the table are based on the number of establishments which bought one species of sheLlfish, preprepared in one manner. 100.0 2.9 5-7 2.9 72.8 15-7 k.h SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION WITH TYPES AND SIZES OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH PACKAGES 15 Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Satisfied Dissatisfied Total (97) i 100.0 98.9 1.1 Table 16 PERCENTAGE OF FROZEN PROCESSED SHELLFISH SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, MTD IK CITHER WAYS According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish itol.a!« Serving Fried J - Iki 15 - M ■i'i - 6k4 65 - ■"'?1 Over Sl-a't know, no answer, refused Averafis percentage served Less $1*0,000 Than and Total $40,000 Over (97) (52) (Its) i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 16.1* 17-5 15.0 1.1 - 2.5 k.o 1.0 7.5 10.7 6.2 16.2 3->* 1.0 6.2 62.7 71*. 3 48.8 1.7 - 3.8 Total Users of Frozen Processed Shellfish Establishments Serving Baked None baked 1 - 14^ 15 - 3*** 35 - 645t 65 - 845t Over 84^ Don ' t know , no answer, refused 67-7 72.4 61.9 Average percentage served Total Less Than $40,000 $40,000 and Over (97) (52) (1*5) i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 93-7 .6 1.7 2.3 97.8 1.1 1.1 88.7 2.5 5.0 1.7 - 3'8 1.6 • 3 3-2 Establlahments Serving Broiled None broiled 79.6 89.7 67.5 1 - 14^1 6.8 3.1 11.2 15 - 3^* 6.2 13-7 35 - 6ki, 2.3 3-1 1.3 65 - 845t .6 1.0 - Over &ii 2.8 3-1 2.5 Don't know, no answer, refused 1.7 - 3-8 Average percentage served 6.3 5.4 7.4 Establishments Serving in Other Ways None in other ways 69.5 80.4 56.2 1 - 1456 2.3 - 5.0 15 - ^i k.5 1.0 8.8 35 - 64* 9.0 5.2 13.7 65 - 8hi . - - Over 845t 13.0 IS-i* 12.5 Don't know, no answer, refused 1.7 - 3.8 Average percentage served 18.0 15.1 21.6 Note: Percentages, other than average percentages, are based on total establishments interviewed. Average percentages are computed by assigning the cases in any one of the six intervals to the mid- point of the interval, and taking an average of all the cases. 16 Table 17 TYPES OF PORTIOMS BOUGHT IH NOVEMBER, 1956 Total Users of Portions Cooked - breaded Cooked - plain Uncooked - breaded Itocooked - plain Total (59) i 100.0* 13.2 9.2 65.1 21*. 1» Table 18 QUAHTITY OF PORTIONS BOUGHT IN NOVEMBER, 1958 Cooked - breaded Cooked - plain Uncooked - breaded Uncooked - plain Average Hmnber of Pounds Total All User Pounds Establishments Establishments 660 1.2 50.8 963 1.8 107.0 h,nh 8.9 7k.6 2,573 k.8 107.2 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 17 Table 19 AMOUMT OF PORTIONS BOUOaT BY ESTABLISHMEMTS, AS COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS YEAR Total Users of Portions Use more now Use about the same Use less now Don't know Total (59) i 100.0 23.8 13.8 12.9 Table 20 SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTIOH WITH QUALITY AND CONDITION OF PORTIONS Total Purchases of Types of Portions, November, 1956 Satisfied Dissatisfied Total (66) 4 100.0 99.1 .9 Bote: Figures are based on total purchases of types of por- tions. Some establishments bought more than one type. 18 Table 21 IS THE QUALITY OF PORTIONS BETTER THAM THAT OF OTHER FROZEN PROCESSED FISH - FOR WHAT REASONS? Total Users of Portions Say portions better Quality Uniform controlled serving - alvays same amount Firmer, don't break Taste better - tasty, like the flavor Attractive - eye appealing All others Don ' t know - no answer About the same Don't know Total (59) 100.0 16.8* 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 78. 2 5.0 Table 22 ADVANTAGES OF USING PORTIONS Total Users of Portions, November, 1958 Convenience, ease of preparation - save labor, already prepared Fast, timesaving - quicker to serve, prepare Size of portions - uniform, controlled servings, the fight size serving Can control food cost better - know profit Economical - no waste No bones Sanitary - cleaner, safer No spoilage Customers like them Quality All others No advantages Total (59) i 100.0* 55. 1^ 36.6 35.6 17.8 13-9 5.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ♦ Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 19 Table 23 DISADVANTAGES OF USING PORTIONS Total Users of Portions Portions wrong size - too small I^ck flavor - not as tasty, sometimes dry Not economical - more expensive to buy Quality not as good - not always sure what' in them All others No disadvantages Total (59) 100 .o* 5.9 5.0 5.0 it.O 5.9 77.2 Table 24 DO ESTABLISHMENTS THINK CUSTOMERS PREFER PORTIONS TO OTHER FROZEN PROCESSED FISH - FOR WHAT REASONS? Total Users of Portions Think customers like portions better Customers order - seem to like them Uniform controlled servings - always the same amount Taste better - like flavor Attractive - eye appealing All others Think customers like portions less Lack flavor - not as tasty Portions too small Customers don't order - ask for them Poor quality - can't tell what is in them Don't know - no answer Think customers like portions about the same Don't know Total (59) i 100.0 24.8* 7.9 2.0 1.0 3.0 6.9* 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 65.3 3.0 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 20 Table 25 AVERAGE WEIGHT OF PORTIONS AMD AVERAGE NUMBER OF SERVINGS PER PACKAGE Total users of portions, November, 1958 Average weight of package of portions, in pounds Average number of servings per package Average weight of individual servings, in ounces Average weight of individual portions, in ounces Note: Average weight of portions does not equal average weight of individual servings since some operators obtained more than one serv- ing from a portion, while other operators used more than one portion for a serving. 59 5-9 22.8 Ij.l 7.3 Table 26 SATISFACTION WITH THE SIZE OF PORTIONS IN A PACKAGE Total Users of Portions Satisfied Dissatisfied Total (59) i 100.0 96.0 k.o 21 Table 27 PERCENTAGE OF PQRTIOHS SERVED FRIED, BROILED, BAKED, AMD IM OTHER WAYS Total Users of Portions Establis'rm.-nts Serving Fried None fried 1 - Ik'f, 15 - 3^ 35 - 6U^ 65 - 8U* Over 6ki Average percentage served Total (59) i 100.0 8.9 2.0 2.0 3-0 8U.1 81.5 Total Users of Portions Establishments Serving Baked None baked 1 - Iki 15 - Zhi, 35 - 6hi, 65 - eh% Over 8h% Average percentage served Total (59) i 100.0 93.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5-3 Establishments Serving Broiled None broiled 1 - lU^ 15 - M 35 - 6lt5t 65 - 81*5^ Over 8^ Average percentage served 93.0 3-0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.k Establishments Serving in Other Ways None in other ways 97-0 1 - 11*5^ 15 - 31+* 35 - 6U^ 65 - 8it^ Over 81+^ 3.0 Average percentage served 2.7 22 Table 28 DO ESTABLISHWEMTS COOK PORTIONS WHILE STILL FROZEN? Total Users of Portions Yes, cook while frozen Bo, do not cook while frozen Total (59) i 100.0 83.2 16.8 Table 29 COST OF USING PORTIONS, AS COMPARED TO OTHKR FROZEN PROCESSED FISH AND REASONS WHY PORTIONS ARE THOUGHT MORE OR LESS EXPENSIVE Total Users of Portions Say portions more expensive Cost is more for amount of serving Price Includes processing and packaging ration would tend to raise cost preprepa- Portlons less expensive Cuts cost of preparation Labor saving - requires no preparation Time saving Uniform controlled servings Less or no waste No spoilage - can keep in freezer, can keep until ready to use Goes further - more servings from package Don't know - no answer About the same Don ' t know ♦ Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question Total (59) 100.0 9.9 5.9 h.O 50.5* 2o7B 18.8 15.9 13.9 7.9 1.0 1.0 2.0 33.7 5.9 23 Table 30 WHEN ORDERIMG PORTIONS FRCW SUPPLIERS, DO ESTABLISHMENTS SPECIFY THE KIND OF FISH? Total Users of Portions Specify kind of fish Do not specify kind of fish Total (59) i 100.0 75.2 24.8 Table 31 WOULD THE ESTABLISHMENTS LIKE TO HAVE OTHER PORTION CONTROLLED SEA FOOD ITEMS NOT NOW AVAILABLE? Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Yes, would like other items No, would not like other items Don't know No answer Total (181) i 100.0 2.9 9U.9 1-9 • 3 24 Table 32 REASONS ESTABLISHMENTS DID NOT BUY PORTIONS DURING NOVEMBER, 1958 Total Establishments Using Frozen Processed Sea Food, but Not Portions Total (122) WAS PRICE A REASON ESTABLISHMENT'S DID NOT BUY PORTIONS? 100.0* No particular reason - just didn't Use fresh fish - prefer fresh fish Sell, serve little or no fish - no demand, calls for it Serve other types - perch, shrimp, halibut, etc., other types more popular Quality not as good - doesn't meet our quality standards, can't tell what is in it Prefer to prepare own - rather bread ray own, do not like way it must be cooked, prefer own methods Size of portions - prefer to cut own portions, want larger portions, get more with other kinds Too expensive - cheaper to use fresh fish, cheaper to prepare ourselves Dislike flavor - fresh fish has more flavor, no taste to portion controlled sea foods Company makes the rules - policy against it Don't like them so wouldn't serve them Not attractive - not eye appealing Didn't know it was available All others 3l*.0 16.5 l6.o 13-7 9.9 7-1 6.6 k.2 3.8 2.8 1-9 1-9 1.1* Total Honusers Who Did Not Volunteer Price as a Reason Yes, price was a reason No, price was not a reason No answer Total (117) i 100.0 3.1* 95.6 1.0 Don't know, no answer ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 25 Table 33 TYPES OF SUPPLIER PROVIDING FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD TO ESTABLISHMENTS According to Sales Volume rozen Food Total (181) Less ■rwn $10,000 (52) $10,000- 39,999 (59) $40,000- 99,999 (35) $100,000 and Over Total Users of Fi Processed Sea (35) i ^ i i i 100.0* 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Sea food processors 3.2 1.2 • 9 5.0 8.1 Sea food wholesalers 57-5 68.2 59. h 55.0 1+1.9 Frozen food distributors 33.5 10.6 37.8 35-0 56.5 All other, grocery stores, supermarkets 6.7 18.8 1-9 3-3 1.6 No answer 2.6 2.k _ 5.0 4.8 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 26 Table 34 DISTAJICE OF ESTABLISHMENT FROM MAIH SUPPLIER OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD According to Location Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Less than 10 miles 10 - 50 miles 51 - 100 miles More than 100 miles Out of In Central Central Business Business Total District District (181) (151) (30) 1 i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.2 58.3 9lv.9 9-3 11.4 - Don't know No answer 25.2 • 3 29-9 .1+ 5.1 27 Table 35 FREQUENCIf OF DELIVERIES OF FR0ZEH PROCKSSED SEA FOOD According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Every day 2 - k times per week Once a week 2-3 times per month Once a month Less than once a month Type of Public Eating Places (102) Establishment Institutions (79) Sales Volume Total Less Than $10,000 (52) $10,000- 39,999 (59) $i+0,000- 99,999 (35) $100,000 and Over (181) (35) i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 10.5 iU.8 1-9 3-5 11.3 11.7 17.8 19.8 27.8 3.8 10.6 lii.2 25.0 37.1 55-3 1+2.6 80.8 65.9 56.6 51.7 41.9 5.8 7.2 2.9 8.2 6.6 5.0 1.6 i^.S 3-3 6.8 7.1 h.7 5.0 - 3.8 3.8 3.8 k.7 6.6 1.6 - Don't know, no answer 1.6 28 Table 36 CAN SUPPLIERS OF FROZEH PROCESSED SEA FOOD IMPROVE SERVICES TO ESTABLISHMENTS? According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Yes, can improve services No, cannot improve services Total Less Than $10,000 (52) $10,000- 39,999 (59) $ltO,000- 99,999 (35) $100,000 and Over (181) (35) i i i i 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.8 8.2 ^■1 1.7 8.1 93-9 91.8 95.3 98.3 90.3 No answer 1.6 29 Table 37 AMOUm SPENT FOR FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD DURING PRECEDING TWELVE MONTHS According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed SeaFood Spent under $250 $250 - 499 $500 - 999 $1,000 - 2,499 $2,500 - 4,999 $5,000 - 9,999 $10,000 - 14,999 $15,000 - 29,999 $30,000 - 49,999 $50,000 - 99,999 $100,000 and over Total Less Than $10,000 (52) $10,000- 39,999 (59) $40,000- 99,999 (35) $100,000 and Over (181) (35) i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 41.1 16.6 18.6 9.9 72.7 6.1 18.2 43.4 25.0 23.3 8.3 28.6 21.4 11^.3 25.0 13-3 6.7 13.3 10.0 6.6 1^.6 1.3 3.0 - 10.7 20.0 23.3 6.7 1-3 6.7 30 Table 38 PROFITABILrrY TO ESTABLISHMEMTS OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD AND OTHER HIGH PROTEIM FOODS According to Sales Volume Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Say sea food more profitable than other high protein foods Say beef more profitable than sea food Say all foods the same in profitability Say meat (unspecified) more profitable than sea food Say chicken more profitable than sea food Say miscellaneous other foods more profitable than sea food Nonprofit establishments Don't know No answer Tbtal Less Than $10,000 (52) $10,000- 39,999 (59) $40,000- 99,999 (35) $100,000 and Over (181) (35) i i i i $ 100.0* 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 32.3 20.0 36.7 33-3 40.4 3-5 4.7 4.7 3-3 - 3.2 2.4 - - 12.9 2.6 - 7-5 - - 2.2 3-5 - 3-3 3.2 3-5 1.2 5-7 - 6.5 28.4 44.7 25.5 21.7 17-7 19.2 20.0 l4.2 31-7 14.5 5.8 3-5 5-7 10.0 4.8 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 31 Table 39 DO THE ESTABLISEMENTS KNOW THEY CAK BUY GOVEPJWEKT HiSPECTEr. OR GRADEP FROZEN' FROCEjSEP 3EA FOOD? According to Type of Establishment Total Users of Frozen Processed Sea Food Yes, know they can No, do not know they can No answer Total (lei) i 100.0 92.3 • 3 Public Eating Placer; L-. stitutions (102) (79) i i 100.0 100.0 89.5 98.1 10.0 1.9 Table 40 DO THE ESTABLISHMENTS BUY GOVERNMENT mSPECTED OR GRADED FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD? According to Type of Establishment Total Establishments Knowing Government Inspected or Graded Frozen Processed Sea Food Was Available Yes, do buy No, do not buy Total Public Eat ing Places Institutions (168) (91) (77) i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 No answer 97.9 2.1 96.8 3-2 100.0 32 Table 41 REASONS ESTABLISHMEMTS BUY GOVERNMEFT INSPECTED OR GRADED FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD According to Type of Establishment Total Purchasers of Government Inspected or Graded Sea Food Government inspected foods are safe - pure, fresh, clean, no germs or disease Best quality - use better products, more uniform quality Only type available - it ' s all inspected, that ' s what supplier carried Prefer Government inspected - wouldn't buy any other Company demands that it's bought Public demands it Easy to handle - easy to serve, ready to cook, portion controlled Government/law requires it All others Don't know, no answer Total Public Eating Places Institutions (166) (89) (77) i i i 100. 0* 100.0 100.0 55.1 42.0 78.4 40.3 53.6 16.7 8.8 12.2 2.9 4.6 6.6 1.0 3-9 1.8 3-3 2.8 4.9 1.4 1.1 2.2 1-7 - 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.1 1.7 _ ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a quesUon. 33 Table 42 HAS GOVERNMENT INSPECTION AFFECTEI; THE AMOUNT OF FROZEK PROCESSED SEA FOOD B0U3HT BY THE ESTABLISHMENT? According tc Type of Establishment Total User; of Government iHopected Frozen Processes Sea Foog Buy more Buy about the same Buy less Don't Know No answer Public- Total Eat Ing Places Institutions U66; (B9: v77) « * i 100.0 lOC.O 100.0 ^.9 6.1 2.9 92.2 90.6 95.1 .k 2.5 3-3 1.0 1.0 34 Table 4 3 IF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED OR GRADED FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD WERE AVAILABLE WOULD THE ESTABLISHMENT BUY MORE OR LESS? TABLE 43 HAS BEEN OMITTED AS TOO FEW ESTABLISHMENTS QUALIFIED TO RESPOND. iable 44 PREVIOUS USE OF FROZEN PROCESSED SEA. FOOD BY HOHUSERS AMD- REASONS FOR STOPPING USE OR FOR NEVER USING According to Sales Volume Total Nonusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Have served frozen processed sea food before Lacked flavor - own prepared fish has better flavor No demand - didn't sell enough, no volume, customers prefer other foods More expensive than other forms of fish Prefer to serve fresh fish All others Have not served frozen processed sea food before Sell little or no fish - no demand, call for it, not in that business Use fresh fish - prefer to serve fresh fish, fresh fish available all year Too expensive - cheaper to use fresh, prepare ourselves Unable to Handle preparation - no equipment, not enough room, no time, would need extra help Like taste, freshness of fresh fish - don't trust frozen food, fresh fish tastes better, some frozen is ke^t too long No stor^.Je facilities - no freezer law doeso't allow - don't have license, license costs too much All others Don't know, no answer Total (107) i 100.0 9.4* 3.6 3-1 2.2 1.3 90.6* 1+2. ,6 25. .6 6, .3 k, .9 k 1 .0 .8 1 5 .8 .1* .k Less Than $UO,000 $40,000 and Over (81) (26) i i 100.0 100.0 lA 15.1 2.4 7.5 2.4 1.2 .6 1.8 5.7 5.7 92.4 44.7 27.6 4.1 4.1 4.1 2.4 2.4 .6 4.7 84.9 35.8 18.9 13.2 7.5 3.8 7.5 ♦Denotes that percentages might add to more than the total because of more than one reply to a question. 35 Table 45 DO ESTABLISHMENTS HAVE COLD STORAGE FACILITIES FOR KEEPING FROZEN PROCESSED SEA FOOD? According to Type of Establishment and Sales Volume Total Establishments Yes, have cold storage facilities No, do not have cold storage facilities Type of Public Eating Places (196) Establishment Institutions (92) Sales Volume Total Less Than $10,000 (101) $10,000- 39,999 (91) $U0,000- 99, 000 (i^M $100,000 and Over (288) (52) i i i i i i i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 81. U 77.6 9U.9 73-3 82.3 94.7 85.0 17-9 21.1* 5.1 26.7 16.5 5-3 13.0 No answer 1.0 1.2 2.0 Average capacity. In cubic feet 69.1 70.5 65.1 33.8 35. 1» 59-6 20J4.3 36 Table 46 DO ESTABLISHMEMIS HAVE COLD STORAGE FACILITIES FOR KEEPING FROZEH PROCESSED SEA FOODS? According to Nonusers of Sea Food and Users Not Using Frozen Processed Sea Food Total Nonusers of Frozen Processed Sea Food Yes, have cold storage facilities No, do not have cold storage facilities Users Not Using Nonusers Frozen of Processed Total Sea Food Sea Food (107) i i 4 100.0 U0.8 59.2 65.9 19.7 46.2 S"*.! 21.1 13.0 37 DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE