: N t NOAA TR NMFS CIRC-377 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION <**,otc o T3 SEATTLE, WA December 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 45 cents The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1 LISTS 2 Circular 2 Data Report 6 Fishery Industrial Research 8 Fishery Leaflet 11 Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 12 AUTHOR INDEX 19 SUBJECT INDEX 21 INDEX BY MARSDEN SQUARES 32 in IV FISHERY PUBLICATIONS, CALENDAR YEAR 1970 LISTS AND INDEXES By MARY ELLEN ENGETT and LEE C. THORSON Scientific Publications Staff National Marine Fisheries Service ABSTRACT The following series of fishery publications of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (until October, 1970 the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) in calendar year 1970 are listed numerically (with abstracts) and indexed by author, subject, and geographic area: Circular, Data Report, Fishery Industrial Research, Fishery Leaflet, and Special Scientific Report — Fisheries. INTRODUCTION This document provides for calendar year 1970 numerical lists (with abstracts) and indexes by author, subject, and geographical area, the following series of publications of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which until October 1970 was the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Circular Data Report Fishery Industrial Research (ceased publi- cation with Vol. 6, No. 4, October 1970) Fishery Leaflet Special Scientific Report— Fisheries A separate listing has been issued of material appearing in the Fishery Bulletin for 1970. The document is divided into four principal sections: Numerical listing of series (with abstracts) Author index Subject index Index by Marsden squares The last section has been included to afford easy access to the publications for those persons interested in specific geographical areas. Figure 1 shows the Marsden squares treated in the several publications. The series abbreviations used in the indexes are: Circular C Data Report D Fishery Industrial Research FIR Fishery Leaflet FL Special Scientific Report — Fisheries S LISTS Circular 315. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. By Richard G. Bakkala. March 1970, iii + 89 pp.. 15 figs.. 51 tables. ABSTRACT Information presented on the ehum salmon in- cludes nomenclature, taxonomy, morphology, dis- tribution, ecology and life history, population dynamics, fishery, and protection and management. 316-318. Published in 1969. 319. Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory Ann Arbor, Michi- gan. Anonymous. March 1970, 4 fan-fold. (No abstract) 320-329. Published in 1969. 330, Vol. 4. EASTROPAC Atlas: Biological and Nutrient Chemistry Data from Principal Participating Ships, First and Second Moni- tor Cruises, April-July 1967. By Cuthbert M. Love, (editor). November 1970, viii + 125 pp., 165 charts. For sale by the Superinten- dent of Documents, U.S. Government Print- ing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price $4.75 per volume. ABSTRACT This atlas contains charts depicting the distribu- tion of physical, chemical, and biological oceano- graphic properties and associated meteorological properties observed during EASTROPAC. EAST- ROPAC was an international cooperative investi- gation of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (20° N. to 20° S., and from the west coasts of the American continents to 119° W.) which was intended to pro- vide data necessary for a more effective use of the marine resources of the area, especially tropical tunas, and also to increase knowledge of the ocean circulation, air-sea interaction, and ecology. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now National Marine Fisheries Service) was the coordinating agency. The field work, from February 1967 through March 1968, was divided into seven 2-month cruise periods. During each cruise period one or more ships were operating in the study area. On completion of the field work the data seemed too numerous for a classical data report. Instead, it was decided to produce an 11-volume atlas of the results, with 5 volumes containing physical oceano- graphic and meteorological data from the principal participating ships, 5 volumes containing biological and nutrient chemistry data from the same ships, and 1 volume containing all data from Latin Ameri- can cooperating ships and ships of opportunity. Extensive use was made of a computer and auto- matic plotter in preparation of the atlas charts. Methods used to collect and process the data upon which the atlas is based are described in detail by the contributors of the following categories of charts: temperature, salinity, and derived quanti- ties; thickness of the upper mixed layer; dissolved oxygen; meteorology; nutrient chemistry; phyto- plankton standing stocks and production; zoo- plankton and fish larvae; micronekton; birds, fish schools, and marine mammals. 331. Guidelines for the Processing of Hot- Smoked Chub. By H. L. Seagran, J. T. Grai- koski, and J. A. Emerson. January 1970, iv + 23 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Attention is called to the importance of plant sanitation and of raw material quality and handling in the preparation of an acceptable, safe smoked chub product. Suggested procedures for brining and smoking the fish are included, together with a brief discussion of related variables and processing equipment. The application of these guidelines should help industry prepare smoked chub that will meet known requirements of public regulatory agen- cies. 332. Pacific Hake — Importance of the World- wide Hake, Merluccius, Resource. By Richard B. Grinds, and Michael F. Tillman. March 1970, iii + 1-21 pp., 12 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Aspects of hake taxonomy, biology, and world fisheries are reviewed from the literature. Of the 11 nominal hake species, 6 represent a substantial segment of the total gadoid species landed in the world and play an important role in world fisheries economy. The historical development of the fishery for six species of hake is discussed. (332.) Pacific Hake — Distribution and Biology of Pacific Hake: A Synopsis. By Martin O. Nelson, and Herbert A. Larkins. March 1970, pp. 23-33, 2 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT Pacific hake occur from the Gulf of Alaska to the Gulf of California. Genetic studies suggest that a single population inhabits the ocean region from British Columbia to Baja California. Studies of the abundance of hake larvae have shown that spawning is mainly during December to April in offshore areas along the coasts of south- ern California and Baja California. The morpho- logical characteristics of larvae are comparable to other fish with pelagic eggs. Larvae are most often encountered within or near the thermocline at temperatures of 47.5° to 65.3° F. Little is known about the distribution of juvenile (ages 1-3) hake. Except when spawning, adult hake are primarily residents of the upper Continental Slope and Shelf. It is hypothesized that adult hake undertake an annual migration northward in the spring and summer and southward beginning in the fall to the offshore spawning region. During the late spring to fall, feeding adult fish are found from British Columbia to northern California and are most abundant off Washington and Oregon. By December most fish have moved out of the Vancouver Island- Oregon area. Adu'lt hake feeding in inshore areas during the spring to fall period characteristically form long narrow schools just off bottom. They make pro- nounced diel vertical migrations. Hake feed on a large variety of fish and invertebrates. In the Washington-Oregon region, euphausiids appear to be their primary food. Hake grow rapidly to age 6. Preliminary age composition analysis suggests that after age 5 their annual natural mortality rate is about 43 per- cent. Apparent fluctuations in year class strength have been observed. (332.) Pacific Hake— Food of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, in Washington and Northern Oregon Coastal Waters. By Miles S. Alton and Martin 0. Nelson. March 1970, pp. 35-42, 2 figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT Examination of the stomach contents suggests that Pacific hake feeds principally on pelagic or- ganisms during its seasonal residence (spring to fall) off the Washington and northern Oregon coasts. Euphausiids, Thysanoessa spinifera and Euphausia pacifica, were the leading food items of Pacific hake in both frequency of occurrence and contribution by weight. Other important forms were fish and panda- lid shrimp. Similar to Pacific hake, several of the prety of hake (euphausiids, pandalid shrimp, and Sergestes similis) undergo a vertical movement dur- ing the evening and early morning. A high incidence of empty stomachs in fish captured late in the day may suggest that hake resume feeding sometime between sunset and the following morning. (332.) Pacific Hake — Pacific Hake Fishery in Washington and Oregon Coastal Waters. By Martin 0. Nelson. March 1970, pp. 43-52, 2 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT In 1966 both United States and Soviet vessels began harvesting hake from coastal waters. Egg and larvae and trawl surveys have shown the hake resource to be large and capable of supporting a sizeable fishery. In offshore waters hake are fished from May to November between northern California and Vancouver Island. Four U.S. vessels partici- pated in the offshore fishery in 1966, and 10 vessels in 1967. Total U.S. catches reported by fishermen were 3.7 million pounds in 1966 and 18.5 million pounds in 1967. The increased U.S. production in 1967 was due to increased fishing and increased catch-per-hour-trawled. Most of the U.S. production came from the region between lat. 46° and 48° N. in waters between 20 and 80 fathoms deep. Highest catch rates were during June and July. As the season progressed the fishery shifted to the north and to deeper water. Conspicuously few species were mixed in with the hake catches. The size of the offshore fishery is difficult to predict and will be greatly influenced by economic factors and fluctu- ations in stock abundance. (332.) Pacific Hake — Operation of the Soviet Trawl Fleet off the Washington and Oregon Coasts during 1966 and 1967. By Charles R. Hitz. March 1970, pp. 53-75, 16 figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT A large Soviet fishing fleet has been trawling for Pacific ocean perch and Pacific hake off the north- western coast of the United States since April 1966. The report describes the types of vessels making up the fleet and the fishing techniques used. The fleet comprised side trawlers, stern trawlers, and support ships. Details are given on the SRT, SRTR Okean, SRTM Mayak, RT Pioneer, BMRT Pushkin and Muyakovskii, RTM Tropik and At- lantik, Skryplev, and seven support ships. The entire fleet worked as a unit with a command ship that directed the scouting and harvesting. It moved into the area in April and left in December. In 1966 the fleet reached a peak of 111 ships in July, and in 1967 it peaked at 114 ships in May. (332.) Pacific Hake — Midwater Trawling Equipment and Fishing Technique for Cap- turing Hake off the Coast of Washington and Oregon. By Leonard J. Johnson, and William L. High. March 1970, pp. 77-101, 20 figs., 8 tables. ABSTRACT The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries has designed and developed midwater trawls, special otterboards, and a system to continuously indicate trawl depth. Cobb pelagic trawls have caught hake in midwater and the BCF Universal trawl has caught hake both on bottom and in midwater while being towed by Pacific Northwest trawlers at only 1.6 to 2.3 knots. Both Cobb pelagic otterboards and China V-doors have been used to spread the trawls. The trawls were designed to open 40 to 80 feet. Comparative fishing trials have shown that trawls of light-weight monofilament catch more fish than trawls of multi- filament nylon. To trawl effectively for hake in mid- water the fisherman must invest about $16,000 for equipment — two trawls, two depth telemetry sys- tems, otterboards, cable meters, and 20-inch diame- ter trawl blocks. (332.) Pacific Hake — Economic Aspects of the 1967 Offshore Pacific Hake Fishery. By Wal- ter T. Pereyra, and Jack A. Richards. March 1070. pp. 103-119. 10 figs.. 8 tables, 1 app. ABSTRACT The study was carried out to ascertain the eco- nomic performance of existing trawl vessels when fishing for hake with modern midwater trawl gear. Cost and revenue aspects of the 1967 operation are presented, and the economics of the fishery are discussed relative to the establishment of a viable Pacific hake fishery. (332.) Pacific Hake — Proximate Chemical Composition of Pacific Hake. By Max Pa- tashnik, Harold J. Barnett, and Richard W. Nelson. March 1970, pp. 121-125, 6 tables. ABSTRACT The composition of ocean hake varied seasonally, and fat varied most. Whole fish had about 1.5 to 3.5 percent fat during March to July and about 4 to 6 percent fat during September to November. They had 13.4 to 15.0 percent protein during March to July and 14.4 to 15.6 percent protein during September to November. They had about 3 percent ash during all periods. In contrast to the edible fillets, the waste portion had lower moisture, lower protein, and substantially higher fat contents. The composition of Puget Sound hake varied seasonally, and again fat varied most. The fat con- tent of whole fish was highest (6.4-7.4 percent) from about October through January. The average fat content of Puget Sound hake was higher than that of ocean hake, being 73 percent higher in the whole fish, 56 percent higher in fillets, and 68 percent higher in the waste portion. The protein content of whole fish ranged from 12.3 to 13.4 percent in early April to 16.1 percent in July. During the period January through May and during October, the livers were high in fat, averaging 44 percent fat in females and 58 percent fat in males. The average protein content of ocean hake fillets was 16.5 percent and that of Puget Sound fillets was 16.1 percent. (332.) Pacific Hake — Characteristics of Pacific Hake, Merluccius productus, That Affect Its Suitability for Food. By John A. Dassow, Max Patashnik, and Barbara J. Koury. March 1970, pp. 127-136, 3 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT The expanding population and the increasing dependence of the United States on imported food fish necessitate a continuing study of latent protein sources such as the undeveloped fishery for Pacific hake off the Pacific coast. Direct use of hake in food products is desirable to encourage diversification of the fishing industry. Hake, long considered an undesirable species, has been studied for potential application in fresh, frozen, and processed products. The factors studied include color, odor, flavor, texture (including the cause of mushy texture), keeping quality, com- position, and food value. We believe that the best use of species such as hake is in processed-food products for which frozen minced fish flesh can be prepared with suitable additives that help it have desirable flavor, texture, and keeping quality. (332.) Pacific Hake— Production of Meal and Oil from Hake. By Richard W. Nelson, and John A. Dyer. March 1970, pp. 137-142, 5 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT The chemical and physical properties of Pacific hake indicate that it is suitable for production of meal and oil. The oil content is sufficiently high so that wet rendering should be used to produce a high-quality fish meal. A plant built at Aberdeen, Wash., has operated successfully from a technical standpoint but has experienced difficulty obtaining enough hake to enable it to operate profitably and at prices the plant could afford to pay. (332.) Pacific Hake — Preliminary Studies of the Nutritive Value of Hake Meal for Poultry. By Lawrence R. Berg. March 1970, pp. 143- 148, 6 tables. ABSTRACT As new fish meal such as Pacific hake meal are produced and offered to the feeding industry, the value of such meals as ingredients in poultry rations needs to be determined. During 1966 and 1967, meals became available from initial hake reduction oper- ations on the Pacific coast. The composition of three samples of hake meals and their nutritive value in poultry rations were studied. In comparative tests with British Columbia herring meal, all meals promoted good growth when added at the 5 percent level to a basal ration for broilers. (332.) Pacific Hake — Feeding Pacific Hake to Mink. By F. M. Stout, J. Adair, and J. E. Old- field. March 1970, pp. 149-152, 3 tables. ABSTRACT Pacific hake offers considerable potential as an economical protein source for mink rations. Early research demonstrated that a serious problem, "cotton-fur," a manifestation of iron deficiency, was caused by feeding raw hake to mink. This problem was identified and surmounted by heat-processing the hake. This report deals with investigation of the nutritional value to the mink of rations containing several forms and quantities of hake. 333. Recommended Practices for Vessel Sani- tation and Fish Handling. By Edgar W. Bow- man and Alfred Larsen. March 1970, iv + 27 pp., 6 figs. ABSTRACT Current practices aboard commercial fishing: vessels have come about largely through trial and error, rather than through the application of re- search findings. As a result, fishermen have not always kept pace with the increasing demands by consumers for fishery products of higher quality. This report can provide the fishery industry with a measuring stick necessary for self evaluation, while supplying specific recommendations for improving vessel sanitation and fish handling techniques. 334. Published in 1969. 335. Progress Report of the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries Center for Estuarine and Menhaden Research, Pesticide Field Station, Gulf Breeze, Fla. Fiscal Year 1969. By T. R. Rice, and Thomas W. Duke. August 1970, iii + 33 pp., 29 figs., 12 tables. ABSTRACT Research activities include studies on the fate and effect of pesticides in the estuarine environment. 336. The Northern Fur Seal. By Ralph C. Baker, Ford Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo. April 1970, iii + 19 pp. ABSTRACT The early history of worldwide fur sealing; the distribution and movement of northern fur seals; and their food, physical characteristics, reproduc- tion, and mortality and disease are discussed. In- formation is also given on fur seal population, management, and research; sealing on the Pribilof Islands; and processing and sale of fur seal skins. 337. Program of Division of Economic Research, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Fiscal Year 1969. By Frederick W. Bell. April 1970, iii + 29 pp., 12 figs., 7 tables. ABSTRACT The Division studies the economic behavior of the U.S. fishing industry to provide information needed by Government policy makers and industry members to solve many of the problems facing the fishing industry. This first report describes briefly the organization and functions of the Division in re- lation to the Government's policies concerning the commercial fisheries. The report summarizes (1) the projects completed in the Branch of Demand and Marketing Research and the Branch of Supply and Resource Use Re- search during Fiscal Year 1969; and (2) those projects included in Fiscal Year 1970 work program. 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Auke Bay, Alaska. By U.S. De- partment of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970. (Four-Fold Flyer) (No abstract) 339. Salmon Research at Ice Harbor Dam. By Wesley J. Ebel. April 1970. (Four-Fold Flyer, 4 figs.) ABSTRACT Juvenile salmon were collected at Ice Harbor Dam and transported downstream in the Columbia River. This method of bypassing dams and reser- voirs may be a means of increasing the survival of the fish. 340. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Techno- logical Laboratory Gloucester, Massachusetts,. By U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970. (Four-Fold Flyer.) (No abstract) 341. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C. For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1968. By Kenneth A. Henry, and Joseph H. Kutkuhn and Staff August 1970, iii + 24 pp., 11 figs., 16 tables. ABSTRACT Results of biological research in the blue crab and menhaden programs are discussed. Major topics include abundance, distribution, and survival of blue crab and menhaden larvae, juveniles, and adults; results of menhaden tagging studies; and details of the 1967 menhaden fishery. Other activities of the laboratory staff, and publications for fiscal year 1968, are listed. 342. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, Fiscal Year 1969. By James E. Sykes. August 1970, iii + 22 pp., 20 figs., 8 tables. ABSTRACT Highlights of research in fiscal year 1969 included analysis and publication of data related to effects of engineering on the estuarine resource and com- pletion of field work on the Florida portion of the cooperative Gulf of Mexico Estuarine Inventory. In addition, data supplied through testimony to the Florida Legislature assisted in the establishment of an aquatic preserve; and after a local hearing in which Laboratory data were presented, a munici- pality disapproved a potentially damaging engineer- ing project. 343. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas Fiscal Year 1969. By Milton J. Lindner and Robert E. Stevenson. August 1970, iii + 39 pp.. 28 figs.. 9 tables. ABSTRACT Progress of research is reported. Emphasis is on shrimp, and the research involves the fields of mariculture, population dynamics, ecology, and oceanography. 344. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory Progress in Research 1965-'69 Miami, Florida. By Ann Weeks. October 1970, iv + 65 pp., 53 figs. ABSTRACT The history, facilities, and programs of the labora- tory are described. The development of the tuna fishery in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, mid-1950's to mid-1960's, is discussed. Condensed cruise reports of the research vessels Geronimo and Undaimted are included. 345. Not issued. 346. Sportsman's Guide to Handling, Smoking, and Preserving Great Lakes Coho Salmon. By Shearon Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran, and Paul M. Earl. September 1970, iii + 28 pp., 15 figs. ABSTRACT Since the introduction of coho salmon in Lake Michigan in 1966, little information on the proper care and use of the Great Lakes variety of this fish has been made available to the sportsman. This pamphlet gives guidelines for cleaning, butchering, cooking, or storing coho. Emphasis is placed on smoking procedures — one of the more popular ways of preparing coho. The use of these guidelines will help the sportsman prepare satisfactory products. 347. Synopsis of Biological Data on Pacific Ocean Perch, Sebastodes alutus. By Richard L. Major and Herbert H. Shippen. December 1970, iii + 38 pp., 31 figs., 11 tables. ABSTRACT This synopsis has information on the taxonomy, life history, population structure, and harvesting of a species that is being intensively fished and studied by the United States, Canada, the U.S.S.R., and Japan. This synopsis includes data from scien- tific papers either printed in English or translated from Japanese and Russian into English. 348. Not issued. 349. Published in 1971. 350. Research in Fiscal Year 1969 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Labora- tory, Beaufort, N.C. By Kenneth A. Henry, and Joseph H. Kutkuhn. November 1970, ii + 49 pp., 21 figs., 17 tables. ABSTRACT Research on blue crab, conducted for thirteen years at the Laboratory, is summarized briefly. Progress of research in the menhaden investigation — the life history, ecology, behavior-physiology, tagging, and population dynamics programs — is reported. Research in the Industrial Schoolfishes Program is reviewed. 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Explora- tory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pas- cagoula, Mississippi July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 pp., 29 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT The research activities of the Base emphasize the development of new techniques for locating and assessing unutilized marine stocks and include studies in aerial photography, multispectral pho- tography, marine bioluminescence, fish oil film, and sonar technology. Described are the outfitting of the new research vessel Oregon II; the continu- ation of conventional exploration for shrimp and fish in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and western Atlantic; the efforts to implement the development of the Florida calico scallop industry; and the activi- ties of the Exploratory Data Center. 352. Upstream Passage of Anadromous Fish Through Navigation Locks and Use of the Stream for Spawning and Nursery Habitat Cape Fear River, N.C, 1962-66. By Paul R. Nichols and Darrell E. Louder. October 1970, iv + 12 pp., 9 figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT Studies were made of the feasibility of using navigation locks to pass anadromous fish upstream during their spawning migration in lieu of installing fishways. It was found that shad and other ana- dromous fish will use the locks to move upstream and locks may be used to restore, at least in part, spawning runs above barriers. Continued studies are needed to refine techniques for locking fish upstream. Data Report (Hard copies of Data Reports Nos. 40 thru 47 are for sale at $3.00 and microfiche copies for 65 cents each — Nos. 48 and 49 are for sale at $10.00 and microfiche copies for 65 cents each by the U.S. De- partment of Commerce, National Technical Informa- tion Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22151.) 40. Larvae of Tuna and Frigate Mackerel (Pisces, Scombridae) in the Northwestern Gulf of Guinea and Off Sierra Leone, Geronimo Cruise 5, 10 February to 19 April 1965. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. By W. J. Richards, David C. Simmons, Ann Jensen, and Walter C. Mann. April 1970, 24 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT The number of tuna and frigate mackerel larvae are given by size class, and associated station data are listed. 41. Spawning Ground Catalog of the Chignik River System, Alaska. United States De- partment of the Interior. Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries. Duane E. Phinney. January 1970, 147 pp. on 3 microfiche. ABSTRACT All known information about the sockeye salmon runs and the spawning grounds of the Chignik River System, Alaska, is cataloged in this report. The system, which is composed of two lakes, Chignik and Black, supports the largest run of sockeye salmon on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula. The catalog lists for each spawning stream or beach the name, location, physical description, description of the sockeye salmon runs, and a chronological listing of the spawning ground surveys. 42. Temperature, Salinity, and Transparency Observations, Coastal Gulf of Maine, 1962- 65. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. By Joseph J. Graham. January 1970, 44 pp. on 1 micro- fiche. ABSTRACT The observations are plotted for 11 cruises. Temperature usually increased and salinity de- creased from east to west along the coast. These trends were complicated vertically by less tidal mixing and larger river discharges in the west, causing a more pronounced vertical stratification there than in the east. Transparency usually in- creased from inshore to offshore, and at times the distribution of isolines of transparency agreed closely with those of temperature. 43. Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Alka- linity, and Biochemical Oxygen Demand in the Columbia River Estuary, 1966-67. United States Department of the Interior. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. By Carl W. Sims, and Carl J. Cederholm. January 1970, 34 pp. on 1 microfiche. ABSTRACT These data collected at 19 locations in the Co- lumbia River estuary are presented as a reference for researchers in fisheries or in water quality. 44. Stream Catalog of Southeastern Alaska Regulatory Districts Nos. 10 and 11. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. By E. J. Huizer, T. H. Richardson, and Norman Johnston. Febru- ary 1970, 268 pp. on 4 microfiche. ABSTRACT Information about part of Southeastern Alaska salmon streams is cataloged from the voluminous records of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game; the Alaska Salmon Industry; the Fisheries Re- search Institute of the University of Washington; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries; and other agencies. Stream des- criptions, maps, and historical records of salmon escapement data are compiled for 71 salmon streams in Southeastern Alaska Regulatory Districts 10 and 11. Each stream is located geographically by latitude and longitude and by orientation to prom- inent landmasses. A standard numbering system, number designations formerly in use, and common names of streams are listed. Physical descriptions are presented for the intertidal zone and the up- stream area of each stream. Available records of weather, water temperatures, and information useful to ground and aerial stream surveyors are presented in brief form. The species of salmon using the spawning grounds and estimates of the escapements each year for many years are given. 45. Stream Catalog of Southeastern Alaska Regulatory Districts Nos. 14 and 15. United States Department of the Interior. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. By E. J. Huizer, and T. H. Richardson. February 1970, 209 pp. on 4 microfiche. ABSTRACT Information about part of Southeastern Alaska salmon streams is cataloged from the voluminous records of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game; the Alaska Salmon Industry; the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries; and other agencies. Stream des- criptions, maps, and historical records of salmon escapement data are compiled for 69 salmon streams in Southeastern Alaska Regulatory Districts 14 and 15. Each stream is located geographically by latitude and longitude and by orientation to prom- inent landmasses. A standard numbering system, number designations formerly in use, and common names of streams are listed. Physical descriptions are presented for the intertidal zone and the up- stream areas of each stream. Available records of weather, water temperatures, and information use- ful to ground and aerial stream surveyors are presented in brief form. The species of salmon using the spawning- grounds and estimates of the escape- ments each year for many years are given. 46. Stream Catalog of Southeastern Alaska Regulatory District No. 12. United States Department of the Interior. Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. By E. J. Huizer, T. Richard- son, and C. C. Larson. March 1970, 223 pp. on 4 microfiche. ABSTRACT Information about pait of Southeastern Alaska salmon streams is cataloged from the voluminous records of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game; the Alaska Salmon Industry; the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries; and other agencies. Stream descriptions, maps, and historical records of salmon excapement data are compiled for 58 salmon streams in Southeastern Alaska Regulatory District 12. Each stream is located geographically by latitude and longitude and by orientation to prominent land- masses. A standard numbering system, number designations formerly in use, and common names of streams are listed. Physical descriptions are pre- sented for the intertidal zone and the upstream areas of each stream. Available records of weather, water temperatures, and information useful to ground and aerial stream surveyors are presented in brief form. The species of salmon using the spawning grounds and estimates of the escape- ments each year for many years are given. 47. Stream Catalog of Southeastern Alaska Regulatory District No. 13. United States Department of the Interior. Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. By James W. Parker. March 1970, 326 pp. on 5 microfiche. ABSTRACT Information about part of Southeastern Alaska salmon streams is cataloged from the voluminous records of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game; the Alaska Salmon Industry; the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries; and other agencies. Stream des- criptions, maps, and historical records of salmon escapement data are compiled for 99 salmon streams in Southeastern Alaska Regulatory District 13. Each stream is located geographically by latitude and by orientation to prominent landmasses. A standard numbering system, number designations formerly in use, and common names of streams are listed. Physical descriptions are presented for the intertidal zone and the upstream area of each stream. Available records of weather, water tem- peratures, and information useful to ground and aerial stream surveyors are presented in brief form. The species of salmon using the spawning grounds and estimates of the escapements each year for many years are given. 48. Physical-Chemical Oceanographic Data from the North Pacific Ocean, 1966-68. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. W. J. Ingraham, Jr. and D. M. Fisk. June 1970, 683 pp. on 10 microfiche. ABSTRACT Temperature and salinity data collected during six cruises of the RV George B. Kelez and one cruise of the RV Miller Freeman in the central and northeastern Pacific Ocean are presented. These data were compiled from 156 Nansen bottle casts and 494 STD casts. 49. Materials for the Study of Changes in Ap- parent Abundance of Tunas in the Indian Ocean, 1952-65. United States Department of the Interior. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. B. J. Rothschild and M. Y. Y. Yong. June 1970, 349 pp. on 6 microfiche. ABSTRACT Data have been summarized on CPUE (catch- per-unit-of-effort) for the yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, southern bluefin tuna, and albacore, for each 10-degree quadrangle of the Indian Ocean. The summarization includes (1) estimates of CPUE of each tuna species for each month (1952-65) and 10-degree quadrangle of the Indian Ocean; (2) plots of a least-squares polynominal showing the observed and fitted points of CPUE as a time-series for each 10-degree quadrangle; and (3) tables giving the actual values of CPUE, the predicted values, and the residual values as functions of time for each 10-degree quadrangle. Fishery Industrial Research Vol. 6, No. 1. Commercial Feasibility of Irradi- ating Haddock and Cod Fillets: Introduction. By John D. Kaylor and Edward J. Murphy, pp. 1-3, 1 fig. ABSTRACT In the studies introduced by this report, three questions were asked: Is a high enough proportion of haddock and cod, as landed in New England, fresh enough to justify their being irradiated? (2) Is the temperature of fish during commercial dis- tribution by common carrier sufficiently low to preserve the quality of the fish? (3) Can haddock and cod fillets be irradiated and shipped on a com- mercial scale and still exhibit a significantly in- creased shelf life at iced temperatures? The data collected in the studies indicate that the answer to each of the three questions is "yes." Vol. 6, No. 1. Recommendations for Handling and Icing Fresh Pacific Halibut Aboard Vessels. By Wayne Tretsven and Harold Barnett. pp. 5-13, 5 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT The icing of halibut aboard the fishing vessel sometimes is inadequate to minimize the loss of quality during the trip. Observations made of icing and other handling practices aboard halibut vessels serve as the basis for the recommendations sug- gested here for improving the method of handling. Adhering to these recommendations will help the fisherman land halibut of more uniform quality. Vol. 6, No. 1. Phycocolloids. By Norman W. Dur- rant and F. Bruce Sanford. pp. 15-51, 45 figs. ABSTRACT Although phycocolloids — gelatinous materials produced from seaweeds — are economically impor- tant, they are not widely known materials. This paper discusses the three principal phycolloids manu- factured in this country — namely, agar-agar, algin, and carrageenan — and outlines the ways they are produced and the ways they are used. At the manu- facturer's level, these three phycocolloids are worth about 15 million dollars a year to the United States. Vol. 6, No. 2. Machine for Separating Northern Shrimp, Pandalus borealis, from Fish and Trash in the Catch. By Michael G. Corbett. pp. 53-62, 8 figs. ABSTRACT Because of the labor required in separating northern shrimp from the unwanted components of the catch that are taken along with it, this valu- able resource in the Gulf of Maine is not harvested to the extent possible. Consequently, a machine was developed to separate the shrimp from the bulk of groundfish and other species taken in trawl catches during exploratory and commercial fishing. Its use eliminates the laborious task of sorting the catch by hand, yet the separator recovers about 95 percent of the shrimp that are fed into it, while eliminating about 90 percent of the trash. Vol. 6, No. 2. Recommendations for the Sanitary Operation of Plants that Process Fresh and Frozen Fish. By J. Perry Lane. pp. 63-82. ABSTRACT The problem of sanitation in food-processing plants is receiving increasing attention from Federal and State regulatory agencies, as well as private industry. This article covers recommended guide- lines that can assist the processors of fresh and frozen fish in evaluating their existing sanitation practices or in establishing new ones. Vol. 6, No. 2. Tow-Bar System for Seining Farm Ponds. By Kenneth L. Coon and James E. Ellis, pp. 83-88, 5 figs. ABSTRACT The farm-pond fish-raising industry has needed mechanized methods to lower the cost of harvesting the fish. This report describes equipment and its operation for hauling a small seine with farm tractors or trucks if the pond has levees or a shore that can accommodate these vehicles. The equip- ment works well with ponds up to 450 feet wide and of any length. Vol. 6, No. 2. Preliminary Study of the Proxi- mate Composition of Meat of Fur Seal, Cal- lorhinus ursinus. By Richard W. Nelson and Harold J. Barnett. pp. 89-92, 4 tables. ABSTRACT Finding profitable uses for the carcasses of fur seal has presented a problem to the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. As a part of an effort to encourage use of the carcasses, several separate lots of meat and ground eviscerated carcasses were analyzed to determine proximate chemical com- position. In this preliminary study, individual carcasses and samples from lots of ground carcasses were high in protein content and variable in oil content. Analyses of small samples of male and female seals taken at different times during the harvesting season indicated that variation in com- position did not correlate with the time of sampling nor with the sex of the animal. Vol. 6, No. 3. Feasibility of Using Tennessee River Fish for Fishery Products. By Richard A. Krzeczkowski. pp. 93-103, 4 tables. ABSTRACT Populations of reservoir fishes are dominated by species that are of no interest to sport fisherman and that are of low market value. Yet a useful outlet is needed for them. Would they perhaps be suitable for the production offish meal? In partial answer to this complex question, the present study investigated the nutritional aspects of some of the principal species of fishes growing abundantly in reservoirs. In this connection, carp, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, and threadfin shad from the Tennessee River (specifically, Kentucky Lake) were harvested commercially and were rendered into press cake and fish meal. The seasonal variations in proximate analyses, the composition of extracted fish oil, the presence or absence of thiaminase in the materials, the concentration of DDT and DDE, and the comparative value of the fish meal in broiler rations were determined. The study indicated that these species of fishes are nutritionally and physically suitable for the pro- duction offish press cake, meal, and oil. Vol. 6, No. 3. Economic Study of the San Pedro Wetfish Boats. By William F. Perrin and Bruno G. Noetzel. pp. 105-138, 11 figs., 24 tables. ABSTRACT The San Pedro wetfish fleet is shrinking in size and is not yielding good wages for fishermen or good returns to investors. A study was made to determine if improvement of the economic state of the antiquated fleet might be accomplished by the construction of new, efficient vessels, both for re- placements and for expansion of the fleet to harvest underused stocks of jack mackerel and anchovies in the region of the California Current. The in- vestigation yielded two conclusions: (1) the con- struction of new vessels — even if subsidized — is not economically feasible at present rates of catch and prices of fish and (2) the expansion of the fleet through acquisition of surplus vessels from other fisheries at relatively favorable cost is feasible, given sufficient demand for wetfish at present prices. Vol. 6, No. 3. Commercial Feasibility of Irradi- ating Haddock and Cod Fillets-1. Quality of Haddock as Landed at Boston, Massachusetts. By John D. Kaylor and Edward J. Murphy, pp. 139-145, 3 tables. ABSTRACT Successful commercial preservation of fresh fish fillets by irradiation requires that raw material of a level of quality suitable for irradiation be avail- able. To determine the amount of haddock, Melano- grammus aeglefinus, landed in Boston by the New England offshore fleet that meet this level, we surveyed the Boston haddock fishery. About 78 per- cent of the haddock landed were of a level of quality high enough to warrant their being irradi- ated. Because haddock and cod, Gadus morhua, are handled similarily, this conclusion also applies to cod. Thus, the quality offish would not be a problem in the irradiation preservation of fresh haddock and cod fillets. Vol. 6, No. 3. Commercial Feasibility of Irradi- ating Haddock and Cod Fillets-2. Tempera- ture Patterns During Shipments of Fresh Fillets By Truck and By Rail. By John D. Kaylor and Edward J. Murphy, pp. 147-154, 7 tables. ABSTRACT For fresh haddock and cod fillets to be irradiated and shipped commercially to distant points in the United States, the fillets must be kept near the temperature of ice during distribution. To check on the temperatures to be expected, we surveyed the principal methods of commercial distribution of fresh fishery products. We found that present commercial methods of distributing fresh haddock fillets result in fillet temperatures that average less than 40° F., a temperature that would be sufficiently low to permit shipment of irradiated fillets to the most distant parts of the country. Vol. 6, No. 3 Author Index to Publications and Addresses — 1968, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Branch of Technology and Branch of Reports (Seattle). By Helen E. Plastino and Mary S. Fukuyama. pp. 155-162. (No abstract) Vol. 6, No. 4. Machine Separation of Edible Flesh from Fish. By David Miyauchi and Maynard Steinberg, pp. 165-171, 2 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT Meeting the expanding demand for fishery pro- ducts will require us to utilize the undeveloped fisheries and the industrial fisheries as sources of food. This use, in turn, will require us to develop foods that are new and that are unique in appear- ance, palatability or nutritional qualities. One step we can take toward this goal is to recover a higher yield of edible flesh from fish economically. By use of a flesh-separating machine, such as the one reported upon here, we can significantly increase the yield of edible flesh. Vol. 6, No. 4. Blueing of Processed Crab Meat 1. A Study of Processing Procedures That May Cause a Blue Discoloration in Fasteurized Crab Meat. By Melvin E. Waters, pp. 173-183, 3 tables. ABSTRACT Although the yearly economic loss due to the sporadic blueing of canned pasteurized crab meat usually is small, processors understandably are anxious to avoid this problem. To study the causes of blue discoloration, I varied the commercial methods. Pasteurizing at tempera- tures above 170° F. (regardless of processing time) causes some blueing of the meat. Aging the meat before pasteurizing it shortened its shelf life but did not cause blueing. Exposing the meat to the metal of cans as well as to bits of solder placed in the meat also did not cause blueing. Heating the meat at 170° F. for 5 minutes was adequate to pasteurize meat containing 49 x 104 microorganisms per gram and resulted in a product free from blueing during a shelf life of more than 12 months. Vol. 6, No. 4. The Ocean Quahog, Arctica island- ica, resource of the Northwestern Atlantic. By Phillip S. Parker and Ernest D. McRae, Jr. pp. 185-195, 5 figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT The ocean quahog is a species of marine clam. Some of the anatomical differences between it and the hard clam, Mercenaiia mercenaria, are dis- cussed. The range and population density of the ocean quahog in Continental Shelf areas off the Atlantic seaboard vary considerably with changes in water depths and bottom sediments. Much of the basic information for this article was gathered during the survey of the surf clam, Spisula solidissiiiia, by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. The gear, method used, procedure, and 10 results of the survey pertinent to ocean quahogs are presented. The ocean quahog resource is generally unused. It is waiting for anyone willing to reap the harvest. Fishery Leaflet 627. List pf Fishery Cooperatives in the United States, 1969-70. By U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bur- eau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970, iii + 13 pp. ABSTRACT Seventy-eight fishery cooperatives in 15 States and Puerto Rico are listed. Also included in most instances are the name of one of the officers of each co-op, the number of members, the number of boats owned by members, the type of cooperative, and the major species offish and shellfish caught. 628. Available Fishery Bulletins of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. By U.S. Depart- ment of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. February 1970, 11 pp. ABSTRACT Fishery Bulletins are technical reports on scien- tific investigations of fishery biology. The Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission was begun in 1881; it became the Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries in 1904 and the Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1941. Separates were issued as documents through volume 46; the last document was No. 1103. Beginning with volume 47 in 1931 and continuing through volume 62 in 1963, each separate appeared as a numbered Bul- letin. A new system began in 1963 with volume 63, in which papers are bound together in a single number of the Bulletin. Available Bulletins are distrubuted free to libraries and to a limited number of universities and other scientific co- operators. A listing of all Bulletins in volumes 47 through 65 is distributed free by the Division of Publications, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 1801 N. Moore St., Arlington, VA. 22209. If you need this complete listing, please ask for Fishery Leaflet 597. 629. Fishery Motion Pictures. By U.S. Depart- ment of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. May 1970, iii + 28 pp. (No abstract) 630. A Brief History of Commercial Fishing in Lake Erie. By Vernon C. Applegate and Harry D. Van Meter. April 1970, iii + 28 pp., 8 figs., 16 photos, 1 app. table. ABSTRACT Salient features of the development of the industry from about 1815 to 1968, changes in fishing gears and methods, changes in the kinds and abundance of fishes caught, and the attendant effects of disap- pearing species on the stability of the fishery are described. The history and present status of the walleye, yellow perch, and eight other fishes, still taken in commercial quantities, are presented in more detail and are considered in the context of their effect on the current moribund state of the U.S. fishery. Past and present contributions of Lake Erie's tributaries and northerly connecting waters to the fishery are outlined briefly. The "out- look" for the fishery under present conditions of selective overfishing for high-value species, ex- cessive pollution, ineffective and uncoordinated regulation, and antiquated methods of handling, processing, and marketing fish are discussed, and possible solutions to these problems are suggested. 631. Alaska's Fishery Resources — The Shrimps. By Louis Barr. January 1970, iii + 10 pp., 7 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT Shrimp fishing began in Alaska over 50 years ago. Recently the annual domestic catch has been as high as 40 million pounds. Japanese and Soviet Union fishermen operating in Alaska waters have caught as much as 70 million pounds annually in recent years. The five commercially important shrimp of Alaska belong to the family Pandalidae; the most important is the pink shrimp, Pandalus borealis. The com- plicated life histories of these shrimp are all similar. The shrimp develop first as males and after several years transform to females, which they remain for the rest of their lives. United States fishermen use otter trawls, beam trawls, and pots, and deliver their catch to ports in Alaska; foreign fishermen use larger otter trawls and process the catch at sea. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries are studying shrimp. They are sampling the commercial catch, trying to improve the product, and conducting ex- ploratory fishing and biological research. 632. Alaska's Fishery Resources — The Chum Salmon. By Theodore R. Merrell, Jr. June 1970, iii + 7 pp., 6 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT The chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, is the most widely distributed and second most abundant of the five Pacific salmon. It is one of Alaska's valuable fishery resources. Chum salmon spawn in late summer and fall — some in small streams near the ocean and others in large rivers in which they travel as far as 1,500 miles from the ocean. The young hatch in midwinter but stay in the stream gravel until spring, when they emerge and migrate to sea. They spend 2 to 4 years in the sea and weigh 11 about 10 pounds when they return to spawn and die in their native stream. Most chum salmon are taken in purse seines and are canned; hundreds of thousands are caught in gill nets and fish wheels for human and dog food. This fishery is mostly in the large rivers that run into the Bering and Chukchi Seas of northern Alaska. Little biological research has been done on chum salmon, so less is known about them than any other Pacific salmon. 633. Diversion and Collection of Juvenile Fish with Traveling Screens. By Daniel W. Bates. March 1970, 6 pp., 6 figs. ABSTRACT A horizontal traveling screen, suitable for screen- ing fish or debris from powerplant water intakes or irrigation diversions, was designed and operated by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries during 1965- 69. The structure consisted of a vertically hung, endless belt or wire-cloth screen panels, flush with the face of the water intake structure or at an angle to the direction of flow. Field tests in different water approach velocities, with the screen traveling at various rates, proved that such a facility can be operated efficiently. The horizontal traveling screen, as described here, should contribute materially to the development of an efficient, relatively low-cost diversion facility for fish and debris. Special Scientific Report — Fisheries 586. The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part VII: Observations of Sea Birds March 1964 to June 1965. By Warren B. King. June 1970, vi + 136 pp., 36 figs., 11 tables, 2 app. tables. ABSTRACT Sea birds were observed by scientists of the Smithsonian Institution's Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program on a systematic basis in the central Pacific Ocean for 15 months as part of the Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Program of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Honolulu, Hawaii. Two experienced observers al- ternated watches each day from sunrise to sunset. Every bird sighted was identified and logged, along with the time and location of observation, the number of birds in the sighting, and, when possible, their age, sex, plumage, molt, behavior, direction of flight, and any other information that might prove pertinent. Twenty-five birds that were captured alive were banded, and 18 birds were collected to help verify sight records of species seldom or never recorded previously in the central Pacific. In 3,561.1 hours of observation, 13,080 sightings were made of 65,707 birds along the replicate cruise track covering 34,384 nautical miles (63,610 km.) The distribution and abundance of each of the 51 species or field-recognizable subspecies observed within the study area were treated on a monthly and seasonal basis and discussed in the light of the island of origin and breeding phenology of each species. The abundance of sea birds was examined in relation to environmental conditions to show the extent of their association. The composition, distribution, and abundance of flocks of sea birds were analyzed. 587-590. Published in 1969. 591. A Bibliography of the Lobsters, Genus Homarus. By R. D. Lewis. January 1970, i + 47 pp. ABSTRACT A total of 1,303 references are given. 592. Passage of Adult Salmon and Trout Through Pipes. By Emil Slatick. January 1970, iii + 18 pp., 8 figs., 12 tables. ABSTRACT Pipes, which are relatively inexpensive and easily installed, are an economical and efficient solution to certain problems of fish passage at dams and at other obstacles blocking migratory routes. The purposes of this study (1963-64) were to determine: (1) if adult salmon and trout at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River would use a pipe as a pas- sageway and (2) how the conditions at the entrance and within the pipe, diameter and length, illumina- tion, and flow would influence passage. The pipes were 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 m. in diameter and were 27.4 to 82.3 m. long. Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), sockeye salmon (O. nerka), coho salmon (O. kistttch), and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) passed through unilluminated pipes up to 82.3 m. long. Of the four species tested, only steelhead trout appeared to benefit appreciably from illumination. For distances up to 82.3 m., a 0.6-m. -diameter pipe was large enough to pass all salmon and trout. The fish passed through a 0.6-m.- diameter pipe when it was flooded or partly filled with water, but did not readily enter a 0.3-m. pipe until special conditions of water velocity and transi- tion from pool to pipe were provided. 593. Published in 1969. 594. Seasonal and Areal Distribution of Zoo- plankton in Coastal Waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1967 and 1968. By Kenneth Sherman. July 1970, iii + 8 pp., 6 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT The abundance, composition, and seasonal vari- ations in the distribution of zooplankton are des- cribed. Thirteen taxa were among the more abundant zooplankters in the samples: 6 were holoplanktonic, and 7 were meroplanktonic. Copepods were the dominant zooplankters during all seasons in both years. Zooplankton volumes were highest in the western area (Cape Ann to Cape Elizabeth), inter- 12 mediate in the central area (Cape Elizabeth to Mt. Desert Island), and lowest in the eastern sector (Mt. Desert Island to Machias Bay). The differences in zooplankton abundance among1 areas and between years were caused by variations in the timing of vernal warming and coastal differences in water column stability and circulation. 595. Size, Seasonal Abundance, and Length- Weight' Relation of Some Scombrid Fishes from Southeast Florida. By Grant L. Beards- ley, Jr., and William J. Richards. May 1970, iii + 6 pp., 5 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Seven species of scombrid fishes were sampled for length and weight at a taxidermy firm for 1 year (September 1967-September 1968). These data yield- ed information on size distribution and seasonal abundance of the species off south Florida. In addi- tion, length-weight relations and calculated weights at given lengths are presented. 596. Fecundity, Multiple Spawning, and Des- cription of the Gonads in Sebastodes. By John S. MacGregor. March 1970, iii + 12 pp., 6 figs., 7 tables. ABSTRACT More than 50 species of Sebastodes, an ovovivi- parous genus of scorpaenid fishes, occur off the California coast. In the ovaries of nine species examined, evidence of two spawnings per spawn- ing season was found in three (S. ovalis, S. coti- stellatus, S. paucispinis) but not in the other six (S. camatus, S. rosaceus, S. serriceps, S. ser- ranoides, S. atrovirens, S. riiberrimus). Two spawn- ings were indicated by either (1) small numbers of advanced larvae entrapped in the ovaries and as- sociated with full complements of developing eggs or early embyros or (2) a secondary group of de- veloping eggs along with about equal numbers of advanced embryos. The relative number of eggs or embryos was lower in the three species that gave evidence of two spawnings (162 eggs or embryos per gram of fish) than in the other six species (280 eggs or embryos per gram offish). 597. Fur Seal Investigations, 1967. By Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory. March 1970, vii + 104 pp., 31 figs., 79 tables. ABSTRACT Totals of 55,720 male northern fur seals (Cal- lorhinus wrsinus) and 10,471 females were killed on the Pribilof Islands in 1967. The predicted kill of males was 56,200. Counts of dead seals on the rookeries included 17,426 pups, 155 adult males, and 185 adult females. Counts of live adult males were 8,876 harem and 5,707 idle. Major causes of death amoung 232 pups were malnutrition, liver damage-multiple hemorrhage- perinatal complex, hookworm disease, and infections. Thirty-four percent of 1,255 females age 4 and older had given birth to pups. The mean weights of pups from four rookeries differed significantly. Seals tagged included 12,472 pups, 835 yearlings, and 1,200 of ages 2 to 4; 115 pups were marked by freeze branding. A total of 5,435 seals tagged on the Pribilof Islands were recovered there in 1967 as were 31 seals tagged by the U.S.S.R. on the Com- mander Islands or on Robben Island. An estimated 377,000 pups were born on the Pribilof Islands in 1965 and 385,000 in 1967. The estimate of yearling males in 1963 from the 1962 year class was 79,000; in 1965 the estimate of yearlings from the 1964 year class was 129,000. The predicted kill of 2 -to 5-year-old males on the Pribilof Islands in 1968 is 49,500. An artificial formula supplemented with selenium, vitamin E, methionine, and glycerin, was superior to an unsupplemented formula for maintaining fur seal pups in captivity. During pelagic fur seal investigations, seals were most commonly seen within 111 km. (60 nautical miles) of land in January and February, and most were collected off Cape Flattery and westward to La Perouse Bank. Of 835 fur seals sighted off Washington, 131 were collected, 27 were wounded and lost, and 21 were killed and lost. Of 118 female seals collected, 57 percent were gravid; the youngest were three primiparous and one multiparous 5- year-olds. Salmonidae (Onchorhynehus spp.) and Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) were the principal species eaten by seals off Washington. Shrimp were found for the first time in fur seal stomachs. We saw 32 seals and collected 1 during studies of distribution in the Bering Sea and in waters near the eastern Aleutian Islands from 20 November to 4 December 1966. One of us observed Japanese pelagic fur seal research in April and May 1967. We saw two fur seals off northern California in September and none off Washington and Oregon in August and Septem- ber 1967. On the basis of gastrointestinal contents and parasites, 9 of 20 pups had fed on marine organisms while still on the Pribilof Islands. 598. Published in 1969. 599. Diagnostic Characters of Juveniles of the Shrimps Penaeus aztecus aztecus, P. duora- rum duorarum, and P. brasiliensis (Crusta- cea, Decapoda, Penaeidae). By Isabel Perez Farfante. February 1970, iii + 26 pp., 25 figs. ABSTRACT Illustrated tables are presented for the identi- fication and sex determination of juveniles (with carapace lengths of 8 mm. or more) of three grooved shrimps of the genus Penaeus occurring in various areas along the North American Atlantic coast, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Bermudas. Included 13 is an account of the development of the petasmata, thelyca, and appendices masculinae. GOO. Birectilinear Recruitment Curves to Assess Influence of Lake Size on Survival of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to Bristol Bay and Forecast Runs. By Ralph P. Silliman. March 1970, iii + 9 pp.. 13 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Comparison of the sizes of lakes and the sizes of sockeye salmon runs to Bristol Bay shows that the two variables are closely related. Birectilinear reproduction curves express quantitatively the dependence of small returns on escapement num- bers and of large returns on lake capacity. Com- parison of "hindcasts" from the birectilinear curves with published forecasts for 1961-67 showed that those from the birectilinear curves were closest to the actual returns. This situation changed in 1968- 69. A composite of birectilinear return estimates and "probability tree" age allocations is worth con- sidering. 601. Effect of Flow on Performance and Be- havior of Chinook Salmon in Fishways. By Clark S. Thompson. March 1970, iii + 11 pp., 8 figs., 3 tables. ABSTRACT Adult fall-run chinook slamon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) were studied during plunging and streaming conditions of flow in a pool-and-overfall fishway that permitted recycling of fish after each completed circuit. Flows were controlled by adjust- ment of valves in a lock at the head of the fishway. Individual fish were timed as they ascended a specified number of pools under each condition. Combined data on the performance of individual fish and comparisons of combined data from all fish tested suggest that plunging and streaming flows may be equally suitable for the passage of chinook salmon in a pool-and-overfall fishway. About 60 percent of the fish ascended slightly faster in the streaming flow, but the average rate of ascent for all fish was slightly higher in a plunging flow. Orientation of the fish is described in relation to type and velocity of flow. Most fish preferred to rest in the lower downstream quadrant of the pool in the plunging flow; conversely, the lower upstream quadrant was preferred in a streaming flow. Resting fish always faced the current. 602. Biological Characteristics of Intertidal and Fresh-Water Spawning Pink Salmon at Olsen Creek, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1962- 63. By John H. Helle. May 1970, iii + 19 pp., 11 figs., 5 tables. ABSTRACT Prince William Sound is unique among major pink salmon-producing areas in that a significant portion of the spawning takes place in the inter- tidal zones of streams. Olsen Creek is one of the major spawning streams in the sound. The percentage of fines (solids passing through an 0.833-mm. sieve) in spawning-bed materials in- creased progressively from higher to lower intertidal levels, i.e., higher intertidal levels contained coarser spawning gravel than lower levels. Although less than one-third of the spawning area available in the Olsen Creek drainage is subject to tidal influence, 70 percent of the total pink salmon spawners occupied this area in 1962 and 30 percent in 1963. Late-run fish of the even-year line spawned only in the intertidal area; fish of both the early and late runs of the odd-year line spawned in both the intertidal and fresh-water areas. The size of the spawning populations was estimated by a repetitive stream survey technique, which is des- cribed and compared with the three methods used in 1960 and 1961. The length of pink salmon was compared between sexes, between spawning areas, and between times of spawning. Fish in the even-year line that spawned in the small intertidal creeks tended to be smaller than those that used the main stream, but in the odd-year line this difference was confined to females. The mean lengths of females were about the same in 1962 and 1963, but females from the odd-year line were more fecund. In both years a significant positive correlation was shown between lengths of females and numbers of eggs. 603. Distribution and Abundance of Fish in the Yakima River, Wash., April 1957 to May 1958. By Benjamin G. Patten, Richard B. Thompson, and William D. Gronlund. June 1970, iii + 31 pp., 26 figs., 37 tables. ABSTRACT Fish were collected from the main stem (lower 281 km.) of the river at 2-month intervals. Native fish consisted of six families, with 23 species and three hybrids; exotic fish consisted of five families with 10 species. The water temperature from the mouth of the river to 145 km. upstream was high in summer compared with the stretch between km. 153 and 281. Eleven species were taken princi- pally from the lower 145 km. of the river; 14 other species were taken mostly from the upper area. The greatest numbers of fish were collected from the mouth to km. 64 and from km. 120 to 177. These abundances coincided with centers of abundance of the families Cyprinidae and Catostomidae. Centrar- chids were abundant below km. 97, and Cotidae and Salmonidae were most abuntant above km. 161. The fewest fish were collected between km. 72 and 89, possibly because of slow current, high summer temperatures, and a muddy bottom. Seasonal dis- tribution and abundance of each species are dis- cussed. Although cyprinids and catostomids were the most abundant fish, salmon (genus Oucorhyncus) and trout (genus Salmo) are the most valuable to man. Trout and juvenile salmon were most common from km. 153 to 281. 14 604. The Flora and Fauna of a Basin in Central Florida Bay. By J. Harold Hudson, Donald M. Allen, and T. J. Costello. May 1970, iii + 14 pp., 2 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT One hundred ninety-six species of plants and animals are reported from a nursery area for pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum duorarum, in a basin of central Florida Bay. Many of the organisms are benthic and associated with shallow beds of turtle grass, Thalassia testudinum. Although abrupt habitat variations may affect species distribution, the general distribution of organisms in the basin and bay defines environments influenced by different water masses. 605. Contributions to the Life Histories of Several Penaeid Shrimps (Penaeidae) along the South Atlantic Coast of the United States. By William W. Anderson. May 1970, iii + 24 pp., 15 figs., 12 tables. ABSTRACT Shrimp, the most valuable fishery resource of the south Atlantic coast of the United States, contribut- ed about 40 percent of the $27 million exvessel value of all fishery landings in the area in 1966. Three species of shallow-water penaeid shrimps are of greatest commercial importance: white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus; brown shrimp, P. aztecus; and pink shrimp, P. duorarum. The shrimp fishery is reviewed for trends in yield for the area as a unit, by States, and by species, for the 10-year period 1958-67. A trend toward steady decline in total shrimp landings is indicated. During studies on the white shrimp along the south Atlantic coast of the United States in 1931-35, data were obtained on the brown shrimp; the sea bob, Xiphopeneus kroyeri; and Trachypeneus constrictus. Observations were also made on the pink shrimp from operations of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries R/V Oregon of northeast Florida near Cape Kennedy in 1965-67. This report presents size distribution, ovary de- velopment, and sex ratios of the several species of shrimp, and includes limited information on spawning season. 606. Annotated References on the Pacific Saury, Cololabis saira. By Steven E. Hughes. June 1970, iii + 12 pp. ABSTRACT The pertinent literature on the saury is reviewed, because of the recent interest in developing a fishery for this species along the west coast of the United States. Over three-fourths of the 72 refer- ences concern Japanese or Soviet reports on their saury stocks and fishing industries. The annotations briefly describe the nature of the research and summarize the important results or conclusions. A subject-author index is provided. 607. Studies on Continuous Transmission Fre- quency Modulated Sonar. By Frank J. Hester. June 1970, iii + 26 pp. 1st paper, Sonar Target Classification Experiments with a Continuous-Transmission Doppler Sonar. By Frank J. Hester, pp. 1-20, 14 figs., 4 tables. ABSTRACT A continuous-transmission sonar with very fine echo frequency discrimination was designed and constructed to study Doppler effects caused by the motion of fish as they relate to fish size and swim- ming characteristics. Although the equipment per- formed as theory predicted, difficulties with sea noise and trouble in maintaining contact with fish schools showed that commercial application of this approach is unsuitable without considerable ad- ditional development work. These problems and some results are discussed, and notes on target- strength measurements of several species of fishes are included in this report. (607.) Studies on Continuous Transmission Frequency Modulated Sonar. By Frank J. Hester. June 1970, iii + 26 pp. 2nd paper, Acoustic Target Strength of Several Species of Fish. By H. W. Volberg. June 1970, pp. 21- 26, 10 figs. ABSTRACT To design fish-finding sonar equipment it is neces- sary to have information about target strengths of fish. This study was made principally to determine the target strength of tunas at several acoustic frequencies. In addition, measurements were made on other living, dead, fresh, and frozen fresh-water and salt-water fishes, some without swim bladders. 608. Preliminary Designs of Traveling Screens to Collect Juvenile Fish. 1st paper, Traveling Screens for Collection of Juvenile Salmon (Models I and II). By Daniel W. Bates and John G. Vanderwalker. July 1970, v + 1-5 pp., 6 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT Two horizontal traveling screens were designed and operated for 2 years at the Carson National Fish Hatchery, Carson, Wash. Deflection efficiencies were 100 percent in 37 tests of over 11,000 juvenile coho, Oneorhynchus kisutch, and chinook salmon, O. tshawytscha. The screens demonstrated their potential capacity to divert young salmon moving upstream. (608.) Preliminary Designs of Traveling Screens to Collect Juvenile Fish. July 1970, v + 15 pp. 2nd paper, Design and Operation of a Cantilevered Traveling Fish Screen (Model V). By Daniel W. Bates, Ernest W. Murphey, and Earl F. Prentice, pp. 6-15, 15 10 figs.. 1 table. ABSTRACT .Model V was installed within the Stanfield Ir- rigation Canal near Echo, Oreg. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries developed the screen to meet the need for improved guiding of juvenile fish of all sizes and to reduce capital and operational costs. Field tests with the model V screen showed a head loss of only 9.1 mm. with waterflow of 73 centimeters per second. From 97 to 100 percent of the juvenile migrant coho salmon, Oncorhynchiis kisutch, and steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri, that entered the Stanfield Irrigation Canal were diverted into a bypass. The self-cleaning screen, supported by a wire- rope suspension system, traverses the 8.5 m. wide, 1.8 m. deep, earth-lined section of the canal at a 20° angle to the waterflow. Torsion induced in the structure by water forces on the screen is resisted by a main torque tube with track support arms placed at intervals along the tube. The support arms are tied with wire rope to anchors on shore. To minimize drag, the speed of the screen in the water can be matched to water velocity and the screen returned upstream above the water. Screen panels are cantilevered from carriers on a continuous track. 609. Annotated Bibliography of Zooplankton Sampling Devices. By Jack W. Jossi. July 1970, iii + 90 pp. ABSTRACT The bibliography gives references to publications issued since 1873. It has information on many characteristics of these devices. The references are listed by author and by KWIC index. 610. Limnological Study of Lower Columbia River, 1967-68. By Shirley M. Clark and George R. Snyder. July 1970, iii + 14 pp., 15 figs., 11 tables. ABSTRACT Limnological data were collected from late July 1967 through December 1968 at seven sampling stations from above the mouth of the Willamette River to below Puget Island. Items studied were: physical (water temperature, turbidity, conductivity, and salinity), chemical (pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, calcium, magnesium, and sodi- um), and biological (chlorophyll a and zooplankton). Dissolved oxygen was lower in 1967-68 than it has been in previous studies in 1954-55 and 1960; water temperature was higher in 1967-68 than in the other two periods. 611. Laboratory Tests of an Electrical Barrier for Controlling Predation by Northern Squaw- fish. By Galen H. Maxfield, Robert H. Lander, and Charles D. Volz. July 1970, iii + 8 pp., 4 figs., 5 tables. ABSTRACT Northern squawfish (Ptychocheihts oregonensis) prey extensively on the young of sport and com- mercial fishes. Of particular concern to us was their heavy predation during early spring and summer on salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) that are released from upstream hatcheries on the Columbia River and must pass through squawfish-infested areas on their way to the sea. Control of these predators entailed finding a means of blocking their passage into the release areas of the hatchery-reared salmon without interfering with the outmigration. For this purpose, we explored in the laboratory the effective- ness of electrical fields previously found to direct the movements of salmon fingerlings. Electrical fields were produced by two rows of hollow aluminum electrodes suspended in the water across a laboratory tank. Exploratory tests were run to determine what combinations of electrode arrays, voltage gradients, and electrical conditions would give results warranting systematic testing. Ten fish were tested individually in each of these elimination tests. On the basis of test results, four electrode arrays, with capacitor discharge pulses at 8 pulses per second and a pulse duration equivalent to that of 40 milli-second "rectangular pulse," were tested at three voltage gradients. A staggered array of electrodes in which the electrodes were spaced at 61-cm. intervals in rows 200 cm. apart was most effective. At the voltage gradients of 0.75, 1.00, and 1.25 volts per centimeter, 85, 93, and 96 percent respectively, of the squawfish were blocked. 612. The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study. Part VIII: Sea-level meteorological properties and heat exchange processes, July 1963 to June 1965. By Gunter R. Seckel. June 1970, iv + 129 pp., 6 figs., 8 tables. ABSTRACT Meteorological data were summarized and large- scale heat exchange processes computed, in 5° square units of the area lat. 0° to 35° N., long. 130° to 170° W., for each month. The result complement time-sequence oceanographic observations of the Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study in the area lat. 10° to 26° N., long. 148° to 157° W., Febru- ary 1964 to June 1965. The source and processing of meteorological data, and the computation of the radiation from sun and sky, the effective back radiation, the heat of evaporation, and the con- duction of sensible heat are described. The results are consistent with monthly heat exchange processes computed from long-term mean meteorological properties in the North Pacific. Despite inade- quacies in the distribution and quality of data, the meteorological data summaries and the derived heat exchange processes are adequate for interseason and interyear comparison of large-scale, sea-air interactions. 1 6 613. Sea-Bottom Photographs and Macroben- thos Collections from the Continental Shelf off Massachusetts. By Roland L. Wigley and Roger B. Theroux. August 1970, iii + 12 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. ABSTRACT Epibenthic invertebrate animals were sampled with a large scallop dredge and photographed with a sled-mounted camera at four locations on the Continental Shelf off Massachusetts in August 1965. Sea-bottom photographs taken at a station south of Martha's Vineyard, Mass., at a depth of 59 m. revealed a sandy silt sediment with a slightly uneven microtopography. At three stations on south- eastern Georges Bank, at 64 to 82 m., sediments were predominantly sand with small proportions of shell fragments and silt. The microtopography was generally rough and irregular, largely caused by feeding of fish and other biological activity. Sand ripples were common; some apparently formed by wave action and others by tidal currents. Species composition of the large epibenthic in- vertebrates was similar at the three localities on Georges Bank but differed markedly from that south of Martha's Vineyard. Also, the number of speci- mens were substantially higher on Georges Bank than south of Martha's Vineyard. The densities of invertebrates estimated from photographs (0.7, 1.7, 1.8, and 8.6 individuals per square meter) at the four stations were substantially higher than estimates based on the dredge collections (0.02, 0.16, 0.3 and 3.3 individuals per square meter). 614. A Sled-Mounted Suction Sampler for Ben- thic Organisms. By Donald M. Allen and J. Harold Hudson. August 1970, iii + 5 pp., 5 figs., 1 table. ABSTRACT The sampler is an underwater vacuum device mounted on a sled; a venturi-type water dredge provides suction. This equipment collects quantita- tive samples of young pink shrimp, Penaeus duora- rum ditoranim, and is effective in capturing other small benthic organisms. 615. Distribution of Fishing Effort and Catches of Skipjack Tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in Hawaiian Waters, by Quarters of the Year, 1948-65. By Richard N. Uchida. June 1970, iv + 37 pp., 6 figs., 22 tables. ABSTRACT The temporal and spatial distribution of fishing effort and skipjack tuna catches are described on the basis of detailed data on catch, location, and effort obtained each year from all vessels that fish full time for skipjack tuna in Hawaiian waters. Summarized are the amount of "effective" fishing (defined as a trip on which skipjack tuna are caught), the resulting catch, and catch per standard effective trip in each statistical area and combinations of statistical areas (regions). The fishing is highly seasonal. Usually the effort expended and the catch in the first quarter were 15 and 9 percent, respectively, of their annual totals. Fishing intensified in May and second quarter catches, produced by 32 percent of the annual effort, accounted for 33 percent of the annual catch. A further increase in effort to 36 percent of the annual total in the third quarter increased catches sharply so that they constituted 46 percent of the annual take. As the abundance of skipjack tuna declined in the fall, fishing also declined; fourth quarter effort, which was reduced to 17 percent of the annual total, produced only 12 percent of the annual catch. 616. Effect of Quality of the Spawning Bed on Growth and Development of Pink Salmon Embryos and Alevins. By Ralph A. Wells and William J. McNeil. August 1970, iii + 6 pp., 4 tables. ABSTRACT Among three segments of the spawning ground in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, the largest and fastest developing embryos and alevins of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, came from spawn- ing gravels characterized by high levels of dissolved oxygen in intragravel water. The high oxygen levels occurred in a stream segment which has a relatively steep grade and coarse materials in the bed. No differences in water temperature were ob- served among the three segments. 617. Fur Seal Investigations, 1968. By NMFS, Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory. De- cember 1970, iii + 125 pp., 32 figs., 53 tables, 99 app. tables. ABSTRACT Field investigations in 1968 were made on the Pribilof Islands from June to October, in Washing- ton waters in November-December 1967 and Janu- ary-February 1968, and in Alaska waters from May to August 1968. Data were collected during these periods for studies of population levels and the maximum sustained yield, and the distribution, feeding habits, migrations, and pregnancy rates of fur seals. In 1968, 45,625 male and 13,335 female fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) were killed on the Pribilof Islands. Dead fur seals counted included 31,438 pups and 350 animals older than pups. The major causes of death among 379 pups were malnutrition, hook- worm disease, trauma, infections, and perinatal complex. We estimated that the Islands had 7,924 harem and 4,383 idle males in mid-July. Pregnancy rates of females were 42 percent for 1,058 from hauling grounds in 1968 and 100 percent for 221 from rookeries in 1957. The average weights of the pups were 9.6 kg. for males and 8.3 kg. for females. Seals tagged included 17 11,675 pups regardless of sex. 714 males estimated to be yearlings, and 1.495 males estimated to be 2 years old. Of the marked seals recovered, 3,946 had been given tags or other marks as pups and 1,197 had been tagged at age 1 or older. Tag loss apparently is highest soon after tagging. The recovery rate for pups tagged in September has been higher than that for pups tagged in August. Pups marked by removing parts of flippers apparently have a higher survival rate than pups that have been given tags and flipper marks. Two different methods of esti- mating populations yielded similar values (400,000 and 350,000) for the number of pups born in 1965. The pup population estimates decreased annually since 1960 to less than 400,000 in 1965. Estimates of the number of yearling males for several year classes are 82,000 (1961), 79,000 (1962), 115,000 (1964), and 80,000 (1965). After the kill in 1966, the population still included 25.000 3-year-old males from the 1963 year class and 70.000 2-year-old males from the 1964 year class. The predicted kill of males in ages 2 to 5 was 49.000 for 1968 and is 56,000 for 1969. The actual kill in 1968 was 44,162. The recovery rate of young males tagged and recovered in 1968 was higher for those marked in June than for those marked in July. The recovery rate for seals tagged on hauling grounds inaccessible to the kill was less than that for seals tagged on accessible hauling grounds. One often transmitters attached to seals emitted signals for 9 days. Nearly all of 250 adult males killed from rookeries were age 10 or older, but 58 percent of 100 adult males killed from hauling grounds were less than 10 years. Researchers took 374 seals off Washington and 456 in Alaska waters; 38 of these seals had tags or other marks. About 50 percent of the female seals taken were from 1 to 7 years old. The principal fishes eaten by fur seals off Washing- ton were salmon. Oncorhynchns spp.; anchovy, Engraulis mordax; rockfish, Sebastodes spp.; eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus; and capelin, Mallotns villosus. The principal foods consumed in Alaska waters were walleye pollock, Theragra chal- cogramynus; squids, Cephalopoda; and Atka mack- erel, Pleurogrammus monopt ery gins. tributaries) and in a few areas in the middle water- shed, (3) sockeye salmon — in lakes and tributaries of lakes (in the middle portion of the watershed), and (4) chum salmon — in lower portions of tribu- taries that enter the Columbia River below the Dalles Dam. All four species have lost many spawn- ing areas because of water-use developments and changes in the watershed resulting from logging, highway construction, agricultural cultivation, placer mining, and dumping of wastes. Serious depletion of the runs of all four species is evident from the available data (the commercial catches before 1938 and since 1938 augmented by informa- tion on escapement and sport catch). The future prospects are fair for steelhead trout, good for coho salmon, and poor for sockeye and chum salmon. 619. Published in 1971. 620. The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study. Part IX: The Sea-Level Wind Field and Wind Stress Values, July 1963 to June 1965. By Gunter R. Seckel. June 1970, iii + 66 pp., 5 figs., 2 app. tables. ABSTRACT Wind observations and derived wind stresses are summarized in 5° square units of the area lat. 0° to 35° N., long. 130° to 170° W., for each month. The results complement time-sequence oceanographic observations of the Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study in the area lat. 10° to 26° N., long. 148° to 157° W., February 1964 to June 1965. The sources and processing of wind observations, and the computations to obtain the zonal and meridional components of the wind velocity, the square of the wind speed, and the zonal and meridional compon- ents of the wind stress are described. The results are consistent with monthly wind stresses com- puted from long-term mean winds over the North Pacific. Despite inadequacies in the distribution and quality of data, the wind and wind stress sum- maries are adequate for interseason and interyear comparisons. 618. Spawning Areas and Abundance of Steel- head Trout and Coho, Sockeye, and Chum Salmon in the Columbia River Basin-Past and Present. By Leonard A. Fulton. December 1970, iii + 37 pp., 6 figs., 11 maps, 9 tables. ABSTRACT Past spawning areas (those removed from use before 1969) and present ones (those in use in 1969) are described for steelhead trout. Salmo gairdneri; coho salmon, Oncorhynchns kisutch; sockeye salmon, O. nerka; and chum salmon, O. keta. The different species characteristically spawn in the following areas: (1) steelhead trout — in streams of all sizes 'widely dispersed throughout the watershed) (2) coho salmon — in small streams (mostly in the lower 621. Published in 1971. 622. Published in 1971. 623. Apparent Abundance, Distribution, and Migrations of Albacore, Thunnus alalunga, on the North Pacific Longline Grounds. By Brian J. Rothschild and Marian Y. Y. Yong. September 1970, v + 37 pp., 19 figs., 5 tables. ABSTRACT This paper considers the dynamics of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, on the Japanese North Pacific longline grounds. In addition to changes in apparent abundance and distribution, the modes of immigra- 18 tion and emigration from the longline grounds are considered in terms of the migratory route of the albacore in the North Pacific Ocean. The data show a clear decline in apparent abundance on the long- line grounds during the 1949-61 study period. This decline could not be related to changes in the aver- age size of the fish or fishing effort. Spatial statistics were computed to describe the distribution of the albacore on the longline grounds. These show very clear cyclical changes each year. These changes reflect a net southwest movement of the two-dimen- sional first-moment at a velocity of about 6.5 miles (12 km.) day-1. The second order spatial statistics showed a maximum longitudinal expansion and latitudinal contraction during the peak of the fishing season. The time-space coordinates of the two- dimensional first-moment of the albacore distribu- tion appear to be highly predictable. The migration route of the albacore among North American, pole- and-line, and longline fisheries is considered. It appears that the dynamically most significant move- ment of albacore is from the North American fishery, to the pole-and-line fishery, to the longline fishery. AUTHOR INDEX Adair, J. — see Stout et al. Allen, Donald M., and J. Harold Hudson, S 614 Alton, Miles S., and Martin 0. Nelson, C 332 Anderson, William W., S 605 Anonymous, C 319, C 338, C 340, FL 627, FL 628, FL 629, S 597, S 608, S 617 Applegate, Vernon C, and Harry D. Van Meter, FL 630 Baker, Ralph C, Ford Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo, C 336 Bakkala, Richard G., C 315 Baltzo, C. Howard — see Baker et al. Barnett, Harold J. — see Nelson and Barnett see Patashnik et al. see Tretsven and Barnett Barr, Louis, FL 631 Bates, Daniel W., FL 633 , Ernest W. Murphey, and Earl F. Prentice, S 608 , and John G. Vanderwalker, S 608 Beardsley, Grant L., Jr., and William J. Richards, S 595 Bell, Frederick W., C 337 Berg, Lawrence R., C 332 Bowman, Edgar W., C 333 Bullis, Harvey R., Jr., and John R. Thompson, C 351 Cederholm, Carl J. — see Sims and Cederholm Clark, Shirley M., and George R. Snyder, S 610 Coon, Kenneth L., and James E. Ellis, FIR, v.6, p.83 Corbett, Michael G., FIR, v.6, p.53 Dassow, John A., Max Patashnik, and Barbara J. Koury, C 332 Dudley, Shearon, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran and Paul M. Earl, C 346 Duke, Thomas W. — see Rice and Duke Durrant, Norman W., F. Bruce Sanford, FIR, v.6, p. 15 Dyer, John A. — see Nelson and Dyer Earl, Paul M. — see Dudley et al. Edel, Wesley J., C 339 Ellis, James E. — see Coon and Ellis Emerson, J. A. — see Seagran et al. Farfante, Isabel Perez, S 599 Fisk, Donald M. — see Ingraham and Fisk Fulton, Leonard A., S 618 Graham, Joseph J., D 42 Graikoski, J. T. — see Dudley et al. see Seagran et al. Grinols, Richard B., and Michael F. Tillman, C 332 Gronlund, William D. — see Patten et al. Helle, John H.,S 602 Henry, Kenneth A., and Joseph H. Kutkuhn, C 350, C 341 Hester, Frank J., S 607 High, William L. — see Johnson and High Hitz, Charles R., C 332 Hudson, J. Harold, Donald M. Allen, and T. J. Costello, S604 19 Hudson. J. Harold — see Allen and Hudson Hughes, Steven E.. S 606 Huizer. E. J., and T. H. Richardson, D 45 Huizer. E. J.. T. H. Richardson, and Norman Johnson, D44 Huizer. E. J.. T. H. Richardson, and C. C. Larson, D 46 Ingraham, W. James, and Donald M. Fisk, D 48 Jensen. Ann — see Richards et al. Johnson, Leonard J., and William L. High, C 332 Johnson, Norman — see Huizer et al. Jossi, Jack W..S 609 Kaylor, John D., and Edward J. Murphy, FIR, v. 6, p.l, 139, 147 King, Warren B., S 586 Koury, Barbara J. — see Dassow et al. Krzeczkowski, Richard A., FIR, v. 6, p. 93 Kutkuhn, Joseph H. — see Henry and Kutkuhn Lander, Robert H. — see Maxfield et al. Lane. J. Perry, FIR, v.6, p.63 Larkins. Herbert A. — see Nelson and Larkins Larsen, Alfred — see Bowman and Larsen Larsen, C. C. — see Huizer et al. Lindner, Milton J., and Robert E. Stevenson, C 343 Louder, Darrell E. — see Nichols and Louder Love, Cuthbert M. (editor), C 330, v.4 Major, Richard L., and Herbert H. Shippen, C 347 Mann, Walter C. — see Richards et al. Maxfield, Galen H., Robert H. Lander, and Charles D. Volz, S 611 Merrell, Theodore R., Jr., FL 632 Miyauchi, David, and Maynard Steinberg, FIR, v.6, p. 165 Murphy, Edward J. — see Kaylor and Murphy Murphey, Ernest W. — see Bates et al. MacGregor, John S., S 596 McNeil, William J. — see Wells and McNeil McRae, Ernest D., Jr. — see Parker and McRae Nelson, Martin O., C 332 , and Herbert A. Larkins, C 332 see Alton and Nelson Nelson, Richard W„ and Harold J. Barnett, FIR, v.6, p.89 , and John A. Dyer, C 332 see Patashnik et al. Nichols, Paul R., and Darrell E. Louder, C 352 Noetzel, Bruno G. — see Perrin and Noetzel Oldfield, J. E. — see Stout et al. Parker, James W., D 47 Parker, Phillip S., and Ernest D. McRae, Jr., FIR, v.6, p. 185 Patashnik, Max, Harold J. Barnett, and Richard W. Nelson, C 332 Patashnik, Max — see Dassow et al. Patten, Benajmin G., Richard B. Thompson, and William D. Gronlund, S 603 Pereyra, Walter T., and Jack A. Richards, C 332 Perrin, William F., and Bruno G. Noetzel, FIR, v.6, p. 105 Phinney, Duane E., D 41 Prentice, Earl F. — see Bates et al. Rice, T. R., and Thomas W. Duke, C 335 Richards, Jack A. — see Pereyra and Richards Richards, William J., David C. Simmons, Ann Jensen, and Walter C. Mann, D 40 Richardson, T. H. — see Huizer and Richardson Richardson, T. H. — see Huizer et al. Rothschild, B. J., and M. Y. Y. Yong, D 49, S 623 Sanford, Bruce F. — see Durrant and Sanford Seagran, H. L., J. T. Graikoski, and J. A. Emerson, C 331 20 Seagran, H. L. — see Dudley et al. Seckel, Gunter R., S 612, S 620 Sherman, Kenneth, S 594 Shippen, Herbert H. — see Major and Shippen Silliman, Ralph P., S 600 Simmons, David C. — see Richards et al. Sims, Carl W., and Carl J. Cederholm, D 43 Slatick, Emil, S 592 Snyder, George R. — see Clark and Snyder Steinberg, Maynard — see Miyauchi and Steinberg Stevenson, Robert E. — see Lindner and Stevenson Stout, F. M., J. Adair, and J. E. Oldfield, C 332 Sykes, James E.,C 342 Theoroux, Roger B. — see Wigley and Theoroux Thompson, Clark S., S 601 Thompson, John R. — see Bullis and Thompson Thompson, Richard B. — see Patten et al. Tillman, Michael F. — see Grinols and Tillman Tretsven, Wayne, and Harold Barnett, FIR v. 6, p. 5 Uchida, Richard N., S 615 Vanderwalker, John G. — see Bates and Vanderwalker Van Meter, Harry D. — see Applegate and Van Meter Volberg, H. W., S 607 Volz, Charles D. — see Maxfield et al. Waters, Melvin E., FIR, v.6, p. 17.3 Weeks, Ann, C 344 Wells, Ralph A., and William J. McNeil, S 616 Wigley, Roland L., and Roger B. Theoroux, S 613 Wilke, Ford — see Baker et al. Yong, Marian Y. Y. — see Rothschild and Yong SUBJECT INDEX Acanthocybium solanderi — see Wahoo Adler — see Vessels Akademik Berg — see Vessels Alaska AukeBay,C 338 Bristol Bay, S 600 chum salmon resource, FL 632 Kasitsna Bay, C 338 king salmon, C 338 Little Port Walter, C 338 Olsen Creek, Prince William Sound, S 602 Pribilof Islands, S 597, S 617 shrimp resource, FL 631 southeastern, salmon streams common names, D 44, D 45 descriptions, D 44, D 45 escapement, D 44, D 45 locations, D 44, D 45 maps, D 44, D 45 numbers, D 44, D 45 species, D 44, D 45 water temperatures, D 44, D 45 weather, D 44, D 45 spawning ground of the Chignik River System, D 41 stream catalogue Regnlatory District No. 12, D 46 Regulatory District No. 13, D 47 Albacore changes in abundance in Indian Ocean, 1952-65, D 49 fishery, C 344 North Pacific longline grounds apparent abundance, S 623 apparent movement, S 623 average location, S 623 decline in apparent abundance, S 623 distribution, S 623 evolution of migratory pattern, S 623 migratory route, S 623 possible genetic effects of fishing, S 623 size distribution, S 623 predator of Pacific Ocean perch, C 347 Albatross IV — see Vessels Alycou — see Vessels Ann Arbor, Michigan, C 319 Arctica islandica — see Ocean quahog Argentine hake fishery, C 332, p. 11 Argopecten gibbus — see Calico scallop Argopecten irradians — see Bay scallop 21 Atlantic thread herring: artificial rearing:. C 344 Atlantik — see Vessels Auke Bay. Alaska. C 338 Bacterial ice — see Refrigeration of fresh fish Baron — see Vessels Bass — see White bass Bay scallop comparative size. C 344 Beaufort, North Carolina, C 341, C 350 Bermudas diagnostic characters of juvenile shrimp, S 599 Bibliography zooplankton sampling devices, S 609 Bigeye tuna changes in abundance in Indian Ocean, 1952-65, D 49 fishery, C 344 Biological data from EASTROPAC first and second monitor cruises April-July 1967, C 330, v. 4 Biology Pacific hake, C 332, p. 23 Black Douglas — see Vessels Black quahog — see Ocean quahog Blackfin tuna fishery, C 344 size distribution and relative abundance, S 595 Bluefin tuna changes in abundance in Indian Ocean, 1952-65, D 49 fishery, C 344 Bold Venture — see Vessels Bonneville Dam, Washington, C 339 Boston, Massachusetts quality of haddock, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 139 George M. Bowers — see Vessels Bracui — see Vessels Bratsk — see Vessels Brine, refrigerated — see Refrigeration of fresh fish Bristol Bay, Alaska, S 600 Brown shrimp life history Georgia, S 605 North Carolina, S 605 Northeast Florida, S 605 South Carolina, S 605 Bullheads history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Ann Arbor, Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, C 319 Beaufort, N.C. laboratory report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, C 341 research in fiscal year 1969, C 350 Division of Economic Research program for fiscal year 1969, C 337 Galveston, Texas laboratory report for fiscal year 1969, C 343 Miami, Florida laboratory progress in research, 1965-1969, C 344 St. Peterburg Beach, Florida laboratory report for fiscal year 1969, C 342 Butchering coho salmon, C 346 Calico scallop comparative size, C 344 California San Pedro wetfish boats, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 105 Callorhinus ursinus — see Fur seal Cape Fear River, North Carolina, C 352 Cape hake fishery, C 332, p. 9 Caribbean — see Vessels Carp history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Carson, Washington, S 608 Casco — see Vessels Catfish — see Channel catfish Central Florida Bay Porpoise Lake, S 604 Challenger — see Vessels Channel catfish history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Chignik River System, Alaska spawning ground, D 41 22 Chilean hake fishery, C 332, p. 12 Chinook salmon effect of water flow in fishways on behavior, S 601 on performance, S 601 plunging flow, S 601 streaming' flow, S 601 passage through pipes, S 592 Chub hot-smoked brining, C 331 frozen, C 331 labeling and records, C 331 monitoring equipment, C 331 nonfrozen, C 331 packaging and handling, C 331 smoking, C 331 salt concentration, method for determining, C 331 Chum salmon abundance, S 618 Alaskan economic importance, FL 632 geographic distribution, FL 632 life history, FL 632 bionomics and life history, C 315 distribution, C 315 fishery, C 315 future runs, S 618 identity, C 315 population, C 315 protection and management, C 315 spawning areas, S 618 Cisco — see Vessels estuary, 1966-67 biochemical oxygen demand, D 43 dissolved oxygen, D 43 temperature, D 43 total alkalinity, D 43 limnological characteristics calcium and magnesium, S 610 chlorophyll a, S 610 comparison between years, S 610 conductivity and salinity, S 610 dissolved oxygen, S 610 pH, S610 phosphate, S 610 silicate, S 610 sodium, S 610 turbidity, S 610 water temperature, S 610 zooplankton, S 610 Commando — see Vessels Commodoro Laserre — see Vessels Coolidge II — see Vessels Coonstripe shrimp description, FL 631 Crab meat relation of blueing to age of crab meat before pasteurization, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 178 exposure of crab meat to metals, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 180 temperature and time of pasteurization, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 175 Townsend Cromwell — see Vessels Cleaning coho salmon, C 346 John N. Cobb — see Vessels Cod fillets commercial feasibility of irradiating, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 1. value of irradiating for quality, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 139 Coho salmon abundance, S 618 future runs, S 618 Great Lakes sportman's guide to handling, smoking and pre- serving, C 346 passage through pipes, S 592 spawning areas, S 618 Colloids — see Sea-weed colloids Cololabis saira — see Pacific saury Columbia River Culling prevention of bacteria, C 333 Delaware (1 ) — see Vessels Diplanthera wrightii — see Shoal grass Distribution Pacific hake, C 332, p. 23 Division of Economic Research — see Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries Dock shrimp description, FL 631 EASTROPAC atlas, first and second monitor ci'uises, April-July 1967, C 330, v. 4 Echo, Oregon, S 608 Enugu — see Vessels 23 Erebus — see Vessels European hake fishery, C 332. p. 7 Eutkynmts alletteratus — see Little tunny Exploratory Fishing- and Gear Research Base explorations in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea gear development, C 351 resource assessment, C 351 explorations off the coast of the U.S., C 351 industry activity east coast of Florida, C 351 Gulf of Mexico, C 351 location and assessment of bottom-dwelling resources, C 351 midwater fishes by sonar, C 351 surface-dwelling pelagic fishes, C 351 Farm ponds tow-bar system for seining equipment. FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 83 operation, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 86 Favorite — see Vessels Fecundity Sebastodes, S 596 Fish echoes relation to sonar detection, S 607 Fish handling recommended practices, C 333 Fish larvae frigate mackerel, D 40 Pacific Ocean perch, C 347 tuna, D 40 Fish processing plants construction basic facilities, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 66 employee facilities, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 72 processing equipment, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 70 premises, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 65 processing recommendations bacteriological testing procedures, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 73 plant and personnel sanitation, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 75 product handling, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 78 sanitation, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 64 Fish screens — see Screens Fishery North Pacific albacore, S 623 Fish anadromous spawning, C 352 upstream passage through navigation locks, C 352 use of stream for nursery, C 352 capacity tests of pipes, S 592 flesh separator potential impact on U.S. fisheries, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 171 separating flesh from fillet waste and trimmings, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 169 separating flesh from headed and gutted fish, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 167 tests with small pink shrimp, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 170 passage through pipes, effect of entrance and exit conditions, S 592 illumination, S 592 pipe diameter, S 592 sharp turns in pipe, S 592 water depth, S 592 water velocity, S 592 Yakima River, Washington distribution and abundance, S 603 effect of water temperature and flow on distribu- tion, S 603 names and numbers of families and species, S 603 Fish containers bins.C 333 boxes, C 333 portable bulk containers, C 333 Fishery bulletins list from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, February 1970, FL 628 Fishery cooperatives in the U.S. from 1969-70, FL 627 Fishery plant sanitizing methods, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 16 Fishery products using Tennessee River fish, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 93 Fishways — see Chinook salmon Florida Gulf Breeze Pesticide Field Station, C 335 northeast, shrimp fishery brown, S 605 pink, S 605 Porpoise Lake, Central Florida Bay, S 604 St. Petersburg Beach, C 342 seombrid fishes, S 595 Miller Freeman — see Vessels Fresh water ice — see Refrigeration of fresh fish Fur seal distribution and movements, C 336 food.C 336 history of fur sealing, C 336 24 Japanese research, 1967, S 597 management, C 336 mortality and disease, C 336 physical characteristics, C 336 Pribilof Islands activity of young males on land, 1968, S 617 adult males on the hauling grounds, 1968, S 617 age classification and number killed, 1967, S 597 age classification and number killed, 1968, S 617 distribution, 1967, S 597 distribution, 1968, S 617 food, 1967, S 597 food, 1968, S 617 forecast kill of males, 1968, S 597 forecast kill of males, 1969, S 617 marking, 1967, S 597 marking, 1968, S 617 mortality, 1967, S 597 mortality, 1968, S 617 nutrition of pups, 1967, S 597 pelagic research, 1968, S 617 population estimation, 1967, S 597 population estimation, 1968, S 617 reproduction, 1967, S 597 size, 1967, S 597 processing and sale of skins, C 336 proximate composition of meat commercially ground, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 91 eviscerated carcasses obtained at intervals during harvest season, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 91 eviscerated carcasses with blubber and bone, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 90 eviscerated carcasses with blubber and bone re- moved, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 91 sealing on Pribilof Islands, C 336 Gadus morhua — see Cod fillets Galveston, Texas, C 343 Georges Bank, Massachusetts photographic and dredge-collection stations, S 613 Georgia shrimp fishery brown, S 605 sea bob, S 605 Trachypeneus constrictus, S 605 Geronimo — see Vessels Charles H. Gilbert — see Vessels Gloucester, Massachusetts technological laboratory in, C 340 Goa — see Vessels Goldfish history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Grass — see Shoal grass; Turtle grass Great Lakes handling, smoking and preserving coho salmon, C 346 Lake Erie fish, FL 630 Gulf Breeze, Florida progress report from Pesticide Field Station, C 335 Gulf of Guinea northwestern frigate mackerel larvae, D 40 tuna larvae, D 40 Gulf of Maine coastal, 1962-65 salinity, D 42 temperature, D 42 transparency, D 42 seasonal volume of zooplankton, S 594 surface temperature and salinity, S 594 Gulf of Mexico diagnostic characters of juvenile shrimp, S 599 Hachiman Mara — see Vessels Haddock commercial feasibility landed at Boston, Massachusetts, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 139 Haddock fillets commercial feasibility of irradiating, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 1 value of irradiating for quality, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 139 Hake — see Pacific hake Hake development, C 332, p. 5 feeding behavior, C 332, p. 3 fishing technique keeping trawl among fish, C 332, p. 96 locating fish, C 332, p. 96 recommendations, C 332, p. 97 retrieving trawl, C 332, p. 97 setting trawl, C 332, p. 96 growth, C 332, p. 6 length of pelagic existence, C 332, p. 6 midwater trawling equipment BCF Universal trawl, C 332, p. 83 Cobb pelagic trawls, C 332, p. 79 cost, C 332, p. 94 depth telemetry system, C 332, p. 89 otterboards, C 332, p. 87 recommendations, C 332, p. 97 migrations, C 332, p. 4 production of meal and oil from characteristics of meal and oil, C 332, p. 140 economic factors, C 332, p. 140 feasibility for reduction, C 332, p. 138 processing, C 332, p. 140 reproductive behavior, C 332, p. 5 schooling behavior, C 332, p. 3 25 size composition. C 332. p. 6 vessels. C 332, p. 95 worldwide resource. C 332, p. 15 Halibut — see Pacific halibut Hawaii observations of sea birds, S 586 Hiodoti — see Vessels Humpy shrimp description, FL 631 Ice — see Refrigeration of fresh fish Ice Harbor Dam, Washington, C 339 Indian Ocean changes in the abundance of tunas, 1952-65, D 49 Irradiation commercial feasibility in cod and haddock, FIR v. 6 no. l.p. 1 Iskatel — see Vessels Itehnen — see Vessels Japan pelagic fur seal research, S 597 John Day Dam, Washington, C 339 Junior — see Vessels Kamchatka Gory — see Vessels Kasitsna Bay, Alaska, C 338 Katsuwonus pelamis — see Skipjack tuna George B. Kelez — see Vessels King mackerel size distribution and relative abundance, S 595 King salmon, Alaska, C 338 Krym — see Vessels Lady Olga — see Vessels Lake Erie brief history of commercial fishing bullheads, FL 630 channel catfish, FL 630 goldfish, FL 630 sheephead, FL 630 smelt, FL 630 suckers, F, 630 walleye, FL 630 white bass, FL 630 yellow perch, FL 630 Larvae, fish — see Fish larvae Little Port Walter, Alaska, C 338 Little tunny distribution, C 344 size distribution and relative abundance, S 595 Mikhail Lomonosov — see Vessels Longline fishery albacore, S 623 Mabel Susan — see Vessels Mackerel — see King mackerel Mahogany quahog — see Ocean quahog Malaspina — see Vessels Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts Gloucester technological laboratory, C 340 photographic and dredge-collection stations, S 613 quality of Boston haddock, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 139 sea-bottom studies Georges Bank, S 613 Martha's Vineyard, S 613 Mayak — see Vessels Mayakorxkii — see Vessels Melanogrammus aeglefinus — see Haddock Mcrluccius albidas — see Offshore hake Merluccius angustimanus — see Panamanian hake Merluccius australis — see New Zealand hake Merluccius bili>iearis — see Silver hake Merluccius capensis — see Cape hake Merluccius gayi — see Chilean hake Merluccius hubbsi — see Argentine hake Merluccius magnoculus distribution, C 332, p. 7 Merluccius merluccius — see European hake Merluccius polylepis distribution, C 332, p. 7 Merluccius productus — see Pacific hake Michigan, Ann Arbor, C 319 Mitrre II — see vessels Musky II — see Vessels 26 New England irradiating' fillets cod, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 1 haddock, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 1 New Zealand hake distribution, C 332, p. 7 North American Atlantic coast diagnostic characters of juvenile shrimp, S 599 North Carolina Beaufort, C 341, C 350 Cape Fear River, C 352 shrimp fishery brown, S 605 North Pacific Ocean meteorological properties and heat exchange, S 612 temperature and salinity data, 1966-68, D 48 Northern shrimp separating machine description, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 54 evaluation, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 61 future design, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 60 operation, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 54 present design, FIR v. 6 no. 2, p. 59 Northern squawfish tests of electrical barrier for controlling predation by distance between rows of electrodes, S 611 electrical conditions, S 611 spacing and patterns of electrodes, S 611 systematic tests, S 611 Nutrient chemistry data from EASTROPAC first and second monitor cruises, April-July 1967, C 330, v. 4 Oceanographer — see Vessels Ocean quahog Bureau of Commercial Fisheries clam survey, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 188 history of resource, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 187 potential of resource, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 193 Ocean shrimp description, FL 631 Offshore hake distribution, C 332, p. 6 Oguii — see Vessels Okean — see Vessels Olsen Creek, Prince William Sound, Alaska spawning pink salmon, S 602 Ombango — see Vessels Oncorhynchus gorbuscha — see Pink salmon Oncorhynchus kcta — see Chum salmon Onchorhyncus kisiitch — seeCoho salmon Onchorhynchus nerka — see Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha — see Chinook salmon Opisthonema oglinum — see Atlantic thread herring Oregon — see Vessels Oregon coastal waters, food of Pacific hake, C 332, p. 35 coastal waters, hake fishery, C 332, p. 43 Echo, S 608 midwater trawling equipment and fishing technique for capturing hake off, C 332, p. 77 Soviet trawl fleet off, C 332, p. 53 Orlan — see Vessels Pacific hake age and growth, C 332, p. 30 as mink food meal.C 332, p. 151 raw, C 332, p. 149 wet processed, C 332, p. 150 behavior, C 332, p. 29 characteristics color, C 332, p. 129 composition, C 332, p. 132 flavor, C 332, p. 129 keeping quality, C 332, p. 131 nutritive value, C 332, p. 134 odor, C 332, p. 129 texture, C 332, p. 129 development, C 332, p. 26 distribution adults, C 332, p. 27 eggs, C 332, p. 26 juveniles, C 332, p. 27 larvae, C 332, p. 26 fecundity, C 332, p. 25 feeding pattern, C 332, p. 38 fillet yield, C 332, p. 125 fishery, C 332, p. 13 food availability, C 332, p. 40 euphausiids.C 332, p. 36 fish, C 332, p. 38 other organisms, C 332, p. 38 pandalids.C 332, p. 38 interspecific relations, C 332, p. 39 maturity, C 332, p. 25 meal, nutritive value for poultry biological tests, C 332, p. 144 chemical composition, C 332, p. 40 migration, C 332, p. 28 migrations of food organisims, C 332, p. 40 mortality, C 332, p. 31 opportunistic feeding, C 332, p. 40 proximate chemical composition, ocean, C 332, p. 122 27 Puget Sound. C 332. p. 124 range, C 332. p. 25 seasonal feeding-, C 332. p. 38 standing- stock and yield estimates. C 332, p. 38 suitability for food. C 332, p. 134 Pacific hake fishery coastal, C 332. p. 45 competition from other fisheries, C 332, p. 115 development, C 332, p. 44 distribution. C 332. p. 46 economic aspects Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, C 332, p. 106 BCF gear costs, C 332, p. 107 charter fleet. C 332, p. 106 costs per ton offish landed, C 332, p. 108 gross stock, C 332, p. 107 operating costs, C 332, p. 107 salaries, C 332, p. 107 vessel costs, C 332, p. 107 vessel return, C 332, p. 107 without government assistance, C 332, p. 109 economic conditions necessary for a viable fishery, C 332. p. Ill fishing methods, C 332, p. 45 future development. C 332, p. 50 Oregon, C 332, p. 43 performance of large versus medium vessels, C 332, p. 109 seasonality, C 332, p. 114 statistics, C 332, p. 46 vessels, C 332, p. 45 Washington, C 332, p. 43 Pacific halibut handling and icing aboard vessels, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 6 Pacific Ocean fishing season, C 347 north sea-level wind field, S 620 sea-level wind stress values, S 620 observations of sea birds, S 586 Pacific Ocean perch boats used, C 347 fishing equipment, C 347 productivity, C 347 synopsis of biological data, C 347 Pacific saury annotated references, S 606 Panamanian hake distribution, C 332, p. 7 Pandalopsis dispar — see Sidestripe shrimp Pandalus danae — see Dock shrimp Pandalus goniurus — see Humpy shrimp l'a attains hypsinotus — see Coonstripe shrimp Pandalus jordani — see Ocean shrimp Pa)idahtn montagui description, FL 631 Pandalus platyceros — see Spot shrimp Pandalus stenolepis description, FL 631 Penaeid shrimp — see Shrimp Perch — see Pacific Ocean perch; Yellow perch Personnel sanitation aboard fishing vessels, C 335 Pervomaisk — see Vessels Peter E. — see Vessels Petropavlovsk — see Vessels John Elliott Pillsbury — see Vessels Pink salmon biological characteristics of intertidal and freshwater spawnings, S 602 growth and development effect of quality of spawning bed, S 616 effects of water quality on, S 616 embryos and alevins, S 616 Pink shrimp collection by sled-mounted suction sampler, S 614 description, FL 631 nursery area in Central Florida Bay, S 604 Pioneer — see Vessels Placopecten mag ellanicus — see Sea scallop Reine Pokou — see Vessels Ponds — see Farm ponds Porpoise Lake, Central Florida Bay flora and fauna identification, S 604 Predation northern squawfish tests of electrical barrier for controlling, S 61 1 Pribilof — see Vessels Pribilof Islands, Alaska fur seal investigations, 1967, S 597 fur seal investigations, 1968, S 617 Prince William Sound, Alaska, S 602 Ptychocheilus o),egonensis — see Northern squawfish 28 Puget Sound, Washington, C 332, p. 124 Puskin — see Vessels Quahog — see Ocean quahog Recruit — see Vessels G.B. Reed — see Vessels References Pacific saury, S 606 Refrigeration of fresh fish bacterial ice, C 333 fresh water ice, C 333 refrigerated brine, C 333 salt water ice, C 333 Refrigerator — see Vessels Rockaway — see Vessels Rockfish — see Sebastodes Rorqual — see Vessels Sablefish — see Vessels New St. Joseph — see Vessels St. Michael — see Vessels St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, C 342 Salinity North Pacific Ocean 1965-68, D 49 Salmo gairdneri — see Steelhead trout Salmon — see Chinook salmon; Chum salmon; Coho salmon; Pink salmon; Sockeye salmon Salmon Alaska stream catalogue Regulatory District No. 12, D 46 Regulatory District No. 13. D 47 juvenile collection by traveling screens, S 608 fish species that reside with, in Yakima River, Washington, S 603 safe passage through dams, C 339 Salt water ice — see Refrigeration of fresh fish Sampler sled-mounted suction, for benthic organisms design, S 614 evaluation, S 614 sampling procedure, S 614 San Juan — see Vessels San Pedro wetfish boats economic study, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 105 Sanitation — see Vessel sanitation Saury — see Pacific saury Scomberomorus ca valla — see King mackerel Screen cantilevered traveling fish description, S 608 effectiveness, S 608 operation, S 608 traveling fish advantages, S 608 design, S 608 efficiency, S 608 future application, FL 633 improvements in design, FL 633 operation, S 608 problems in screening fish, FL 633 proposal to industry, FL 633 Sea birds Pacific Ocean abundance and distribution, S 586 environmental influence, S 586 flock analysis, S 586 species accounts, S 586 Sea bob life history Georgia, S 605 South Carolina, S 605 Sea-bottom studies continental shelf off Massachusetts, S 613 Seal — see Fur seal Sea-level meteorological properties and heat exchange processes July 1963 to June 1965, S 612 North Pacific Ocean wind field, S 620 wind stress values, S 620 Sea scallop comparative size, C 344 Sea-weed colloids production, manufacturing and use, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 15 Sebastodes description of ovaries and eggs, S 596 testes, S 596 spawning season, S 596 Sebastodes alutus — see Pacific Ocean perch 29 Sevastopol — see Vessels Skryplev — see Vessels Sheephead history in Lake Erie. FL 630 Shipment of fresh fillets rail. FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 151 truck, FIR v. 6 no. 3, p. 148 Shoal grass in Porpoise Lake, Florida, S 604 Shoyo — see Vessels Shrimp — see Northern shrimp; Pink shrimp; Spot shrimp Shrimp Alaskan commercial species, FL 631 fisheries, FL 631 food.FL 631 life history, FL 631 predators, FL 631 research, FL 631 diagnostic characters of juveniles Penaeus aztecus aztecus, S 599 Penaeus brasiliensis, S 599 Penaeus duorarum duorarum, S 599 fishery Florida east coast, S 605 Georgia, S 605 North Carolina, S 605 South Carolina, S 605 life history brown, S 605 pink, S 605 sea bob, S 605 Trachypeneus constrictus, S 605 Sidestripe shrimp description, FL 631 Sierra Leone frigate mackerel larvae, D 40 tuna larvae, D 40 Silver Bay — see Vessels Silver hake fishery, C 332 Siscoivet — see Vessels Skipjack tuna fishery, C 344 Hawaiian waters apparent abundance, S 615 distribution of fishing effort and catches, S 615 distribution of quarterly catches, by regions, S 615 size distribution and relative aboundance, S 595 target strength for sonar detection, S 607 Smelt history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Sockeye salmon abundance, S 618 birectilinear recruitment curves, S 600 future runs, S 618 influence of lake size on survival, S 600 passage through pipes, S 592 spawning areas, S 618 spawning grounds in the Chignik River System, Alaska, D 41 Sonar testing feasibility study, S 607 South Carolina shrimp fishery brown, S 605 sea bob, S 605 Soviet trawl fleet fishing fleet, C 332, p. 54 fishing method, C 332, p. 70 movement, C 332, p. 68 research activities, C 332, p. 67 side trawlers, C 332, p. 54 stern trawlers, C 332, p. 58 support ships, C 332, p. 61 Spassk — see Vessels Spawn ers, intertidal and fresh-water Pink salmon, S 602 Sport fishing handling, smoking, and preserving Great Lakes coho salmon, C 346 Spot shrimp description, FL 631 Squawfish — see Northern squawfish States — see Vessels Steelhead trout abundance, S 618 future runs, S 618 passage through pipes, S 592 spawning areas, S 618 Storing coho salmon, C 346 Suckers history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Swim bladders comparison of tunas for sonar detection, S 607 30 -L. Tavriya — see Vessels Temperature heat-exchange in North Pacific Ocean, S 612 North Pacific Ocean, 1966-68, D 48 patterns during shipment of fresh fillets by truck, and by rail, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 147 Tennessee River fish use for fishery products, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 93 Tenyu Mara — see Vessels Texas Galveston, C 343 Thalassia testudimtm — see Turtle grass Thunnus alalunga — see Albacore Thunnus albacares — see Yellowfin tuna Thunnus atlanticus — see Balckfin tuna Thunnus obesus — see Bigeye tuna Thunnus thynnus — see Bluefin tuna Tonquin — see Vessels Tordenskjold — see Vessels Trachypeneus constrictus — see Shrimp Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory Atlantic tuna fishery, C 344 progress in research calico scallop biology program, C 344 developmental biology of fishes, C 344 fishery oceanography, C 344 taxonomy of clupeoid fishes, C 344 tuna fishery biology, C 344 research program 1965, C 344 1969, C 344 research vessels and cruises, C 344 Tropik — see Vessels Trout — see Steelhead trout Tuna — see Albacore; Bigeye tuna; Blackfin tuna; Blue- fin tuna; Little tunny; Skipjack tuna; Yellowfin tuna Turtle grass in Porpoise Lake, Florida, S 604 Undaunted — see Vessels Vermin control aboard fishing vessels, C 333 Vessels Adler, C 332, p. 67 Akademik Berg, C 332, p. 67 Albatross IV, S 613 Alcyon, C 344 Atlantik, C 332, p. 58 Baron, C 332, pp. 41, 87, 105 Black Douglas, S 596, S 597 Bold Venture, C 344 George M. Bowers, C 351 Bracui, C 344 Bratsk, C 332, p. 63 Caribbean, C 344 Casco, C 344 Challenger, C 344 Cisco, C 319 John N. Cobb, S 597; C 332, pp. 41, 44, 78, 106, 122, 128 Commando, C 332, p. 106 Comodoro Laserre, C 344 Coolidge II, C 332, p. 105 Townsend Cromwell, S 586, S 612, S 620 Delaware (1), FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 190 Enugu, C 344 Erebus, C 332, p. 64 Favorite, C 319 Miller Freeman, C 338, D 48 Geronimo, C 344, D 40 Charles H. Gilbert, S 612, S 620 Goa, C 344 Hachiman Maru, S 597 Hiodon,C 319 Iskatel,C 332, p. 67 Itelmen,C 332, p. 58 Junior, C 332, p. 105 Kamchatka Gory, C 332, p. 65 George B. Kelez, D 48 Krym,C 332, p. 67 Lady Olga, C 332, p. 105 Mikhail Lomonosov , C 344 Mabel Susan, FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 190 Malaspina, C 344 Mayak, C 332, p. 54 Mayakovskii, C 332, p. 58 Murre II, C 338 Musky II, C 319 Oceanog rapher, C 344 Ogon,C 332, p. 67 Okean, C 332, p. 54 Ombango, C 344 Oregon, C 351, S 605 Oregon II, C 351 Orlan,C 332, p. 67 Pervomaisk, C 332, p. 63 Peter E.,C 332, p. 105 Petropavlovsk, C 332, p. 65 John Elliot Pillsbury, C 344 Pioneer, C 332, p. 54 Reine Pokou, C 344 Pribilof, S597, S 617 Pushkin, C 332, p. 58 Recruit, C 332, p. 105 G. B. Reed, S 597 Refrigerator, C 332, p. 63 31 Rockaway, C 344 Rorqual. S 594. FIR v. 6 no. 4, p. 190 Sablefish.C 338 New St. Joseph, S 617 St. Michael, C 332, pp. 44, 78. 105 San Juan.C 344 Sevastopol, C 332, p. 63 Shoyo.C 344 Silver Bay, C 344 Siscowet, C 319 Skryplev, C 332, p. 58 Spassk, C 332, p. 63 States, C 336 Tavriya.C 332, p. 63 re»2/H Mm<,S 597 Tonquin, S 597, S 617 Tordenskjold, C 332, p. 105 Tropik, C 332, p. 58 Undaunted, C 344 Voyager, C 332, p. 105 Washington, C 332, pp. 47, 105 JVesfen* F&er, C 332, pp. 45, 81 Yaquina, S 597 Zrezrfa.C 344 Vessels, recommendations handling and icing Pacific halibut, FIR v. 6 no. 1, p. 12 improvements in design, C 333 Vessel sanitation methods to be used, C 333 Voyager — see Vessels Wahoo size distribution and relative abundance, S 595 Walleye history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Washington — see Vessels Washington Bonneville Dam, C 339 Carson, S 608 coastal waters, food of Pacific hake, C 332, p. 35 coastal waters, hake fishery, C 332, p. 43 Columbia River, S 610, S 618, D 43 Ice Harbor Dam, C 339 John Day Dam, C 339 midwater trawling equipment and fishing technique for capturing hake off, C 332, p. 77 Puget Sound, C 332, p. 124 Soviet trawl fleet off, C 332, p. 53 Yakima River, S 603 Western Flyer — see Vessels Wetfish boats — see San Pedro wetfish boats White bass history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Wind field and stress values at sea level comparisons with other results in North Pacific, S620 computations, S 620 inadequacy in distribution and quality of data, S 620 interseason and interyear comparison, S 620 Yakima River, Washington, S 603 Yaquina — see Vessels Yellow perch history in Lake Erie, FL 630 Yellowfin tuna changes in abundance in the Indian Ocean, 1952-65, D 49 fishery, C 344 target strength for sonar detection, S 607 Zooplankton Gulf of Maine circulation and abundance, S 594 copepod abundance and distribution, S 594 group and species composition, S 594 temperature and abundance, S 594 volume, S 594 sampling devices annotated bibliography, S 609 Zvezda — see Vessels INDEX BY MARSDEN SQUARES (see Figure 1) 001 C 344 D40 002 C344 D40 003 C344 004 C 344 005 C 344 006 C 344 007 C 344 008 C 344 009 C 344 014 S612 S620 015 S 620 016 S612 S620 017 S612 S620 027 D49 028 D49 029 D49 030 D49 031 32 D49 032 D49 036 C 344 038 C 344 039 C 344 040 , C 344 041 C 344 042 C 344 043 C 344 044 C 344 045 C 344 050 S612 S 620 051 S 620 052 S 612 S 615 S620 053 S 612 S 620 057 S 586 063 D 49 064 D 49 065 D49 066 D 49 067 D 49 074 C 344 079 C 344 080 C 344 S 599 081 C 341 S 595 C 342 S604 S599 C 344 S 605 C 343 082 C 341 C 343 S 623 S 599 123 084 S 620 S 623 124 085 S 612 S 623 S 620 086 125 S612 S 612 S620 S 620 087 126 S 620 S 623 088 127 S 620 S623 S615 128 S 612 S623 089 129 S 620 S 623 S615 130 S612 C 315 091 S 597 S 623 S 623 092 131 S 623 C 315 093 S 623 S586 132 S623 C 315 095 151 S 623 FIR 6, p. 190 099 D 42 D 49 S 594 100 S 613 D 49 C 340 102 152 D 49 D 42 103 C 346 D49 S 594 115 FIR 6, p. 190 FIR 6, p. 190 FL 630 116 S 613 C 350 FIR 6, p. 139 C 346 153 FIR 6, p. 190 C 319 C 352 C 346 S 599 FL 630 C341 154 117 FIR 6, p. 93 C 335 156 C 341 FL 633 C 346 S 603 120 S 608 FIR 6, p. 107 S 618 S 596 157 S 607 C 315 S 623 C 332 121 C 339 C 315 C 347 S 623 D 43 S 596 S592 C 347 S597 S 597 S601 122 S603 C 347 S 608 S 620 S610 S 611 S618 S623 158 C 315 C 347 S597 S 623 159 S 602 160 C 315 D48 161 C 315 D48 162 C 315 C 347 D48 163 C315 C 347 D48 S 623 164 C 315 C 347 D48 S 623 165 C 315 C 347 S 623 166 C 315 C 336 S 597 S 623 167 C 315 168 C 315 193 C315 C 338 194 C 315 C 347 D 44 D 45 D46 D 47 FL 631 S 616 195 C 315 C347 FL631 S 602 196 C 315 C 347 33 D41 D48 FL 631 L97 C 315 C 336 C 347 D 48 FL631 S597 198 C 315 C 336 C 347 D 48 S597 199 C 315 C 347 D48 S 617 200 C 315 C336 C 347 D 48 201 C 315 C 347 202 C 315 203 C 315 230 C 315 231 C 315 C 347 FL631 232 C 315 C 347 233 C 315 C 347 234 C 315 C 347 235 C 315 C 347 236 C 315 C 347 237 C 315 267 C 315 268 C 315 269 C 315 271 C315 272 C 315 273 C 315 274 C 315 275 C 315 300 C 344 301 C 344 302 C344 303 C 344 304 C344 305 C 344 326 D49 327 D 49 328 D49 329 D49 330 D 49 331 D 49 334 C 344 335 C344 336 C 344 D 40 337 C344 338 C344 339 C 344 359 D49 360 D49 361 D 49 362 D49 363 D49 364 D 49 365 D49 366 D49 367 D49 370 C 344 371 C 344 374 C344 375 C344 376 C 344 396 D49 397 D49 398 D49 399 D 49 400 D 49 401 D49 402 D49 403 D49 404 D49 431 D49 432 D49 433 D49 434 D49 435 D49 436 D49 437 D49 438 D49 439 D49 440 D49 441 D49 467 D49 468 D49 469 D49 470 D49 471 D49 472 D49 473 D49 474 D49 475 D49 476 D49 477 D49 GPO 796-680 34 349. Use of abstracts and summaries as communica- tion devices in technical articles. By F. Bruce Sanford. February 1971, iii + 11 pp., 1 fig. 350. Research in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C. By the Laboratory staff. No- vember 1970, ii + 49 pp., 21 figs., 17 tables. 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 pp., 29 figs., 1 table. 352. Upstream passage of anadromous fish through navigation locks and use of the stream for spawn- ing and nursery habitat, Cape Fear River, N.C , 1962-66. By Paul R. Nichols and Darrell e! Louder. October 1970, iv -f 12 pp., 9 figs. 4 tables. 356. Floating laboratory for study of aquatic organ- isms and their environment. By George R. Snyder, Theodore H. Blahm, and Robert J. Mc- Connell. May 1971, iii + 16 pp., 11 figs'. 361. Regional and other related aspects of shellfish consumption — some preliminary findings from the 1969 Consumer Panel Survey. By Morton M. Miller and Darrel A. Nash. June 1971, iv + 18 pp., 19 figs., 3 tables, 10 apps. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF BLDG. 67, NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98115 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PT!ffi|p^ ,£0000 175013 "4j3 f* U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCfc 210 U.S.MAIL