MEDICAL LMBT&AflSY GIFT OF THE SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERIES UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF G. S. Graham-Smith, M.D. and J. E. Purvis, M.A. University Lecturer in Hygiene and Secretary to the Sub-Syndicate for Tropical Medicine University Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics in their application to Hygiene and Preventive Medi- cine, and Secretary to the State Medicine Syndicate FLIES IN RELATION TO DISEASE BLOODSUCKING FLIES sv CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager ILontlon: FETTER LANE, E.C. lElrmburgf): ioo PRINCES STREET dl HonSon: H. K. LEWIS, 136 GOWER STREET, W.C. ILontlon: WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28 ESSEX STREET, STRAND tfieto gorfe: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bombas ant Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO. Ltd. Toronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. £ofcgo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved FLIES IN RELATION TO DISEASE ^^ BLOODSUCKING FLIES by EDWARD /HINDLE, B.A., Ph.D. Assistant to the Quick Professor of Biology, Cambridge Mb Cambridge : at the University Press 1914 7-\&l4- TO OTTO BEIT IN RECOGNITION OF HIS GENEROUS GIFTS TOWARD THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH EDITORS' PREFACE IN view of the increasing importance of the study of public hygiene and the recognition by doctors, teachers, adminis- trators and members of Public Health and Hygiene Committees alike that the salus populi must rest, in part at least, upon a scientific basis, the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press have decided to publish a series of volumes dealing with the various subjects connected with Public Health. The books included in the Series present in a useful and handy form the knowledge now available in many branches of the subject. They are written by experts, and the authors are occupied, or have been occupied, either in investigations connected with the various themes or in their application and administration. They include the latest scientific and practical information offered in a manner which is not too technical. The bibliographies contain references to the literature of each subject which will ensure their utility to the specialist. It has been the desire of the editors to arrange that the books should appeal to various classes of readers : and it is hoped that they will be useful to the medical profession at home and abroad, to bacteriologists and laboratory students, to munici- pal engineers and architects, to medical officers of health and sanitary inspectors and to teachers and administrators. Many of the volumes will contain material which will be suggestive and instructive to members of Public Health and Hygiene Committees ; and it is intended that they shall seek to influence the large body of educated and intelligent public opinion interested in the problems of public health. 72674 PREFACE ALTHOUGH it is now generally recognized that flies are very important agencies in the dissemination of infectious diseases, few people are aware of the remarkable advances which have resulted from modern research in this field. To the general public the practical application of these researches appeals with greater force than the detailed accounts of investigations, of absorbing interest though many of them are, in the varied subjects which have to be called to our aid in combating disease. Some of the results hitherto obtained may be illustrated by two examples, both of which have brought this subject into some prominence. In the first of these, Yellow Fever, owing to the factors involved being relatively simple, it is literally possible within a few months to remove this most deadly disease from the list of human ailments. All that is required is public appreciation of the remedies at our disposal, as demonstrated by the result of the admirable measures adopted by the Americans first in Cuba and afterwards in Panama, which alone rendered possible the completion of the Canal. Similar measures in other regions directed against the mosquito (Stegomyia fasciata), which is responsible for the transmission of the infection, would render the reappearance of Yellow Fever in the highest degree improbable in the future. Sleeping Sickness may be taken as our second example. The difficulties in this case are undoubtedly more formidable, owing to the extreme complexity of the modes of dissemination. Vlll PREFACE Nevertheless much has already been accomplished, though it is little to what might be done if more adequate funds were at the disposal of our Colonial Medical and Administrative Authorities. The enlightened policy of the Colonial Office contrasts sadly with the lack of interest displayed by the public as a whole, both at home and in the Colonies affected. Public and private funds could not be directed more profitably to the service of humanity than in the fields which the far- sighted enterprise of this Department has opened up of recent years. New and formidable developments in the problem of Sleeping Sickness, to confine ourselves to the second example we have chosen, render it imperative that immediate steps should be taken to combat the spread of a particularly deadly variety of this infection, which, although at present confined to small areas in Nyasaland and the adjoining provinces, threatens to extend over a large part of Africa. In addition to these two examples, Malaria in all its forms is gradually becoming subject to human control, though some countries are slow to realize that they cannot remain neutral in this war waged by science against their most deadly internal enemies, the mosquitoes. Verily the fly's proboscis is more successful in retarding the progress of civilization and the alleviation of human suffering than all the armaments of our most Christian Powers ! The author's main object in writing this book has been to collocate the more important observations concerning the part taken by biting flies in the transmission of disease. In doing this it seemed advisable to include notes on the classi- fication of the flies concerned and also descriptions of the infections transmitted, but no attempt has been made to give any account of the clinical symptoms of the various diseases, PREFACE IX whether of man or animals. Special attention has been devoted to the modes of life of the more important insects mentioned, to the manner in which the infection is transmitted from one host to another, and also to any preventive measures directed either against the flies or the infections themsel Hitherto those interested in this subject have been obliged to refer to entomological treatises for a knowledge of the insects, while information concerning the infections trans- mitted was only likely to be contained in medical or zoological publications. Thus there is danger of the interdependence of the two subjects being overlooked. The entomologist work- ing in this field, without a more or less complete knowledge of the factors influencing the transmission of any particular malady, is liable to waste his efforts in unprofitable directions ; whilst the Medical Officer or Administrator who is ignorant of the main results of entomological research is equally handi- capped in his attempts to combat the group of diseases under discussion. It is hoped, therefore, that this book will appeal to both classes and at the same time that its significance for the prevention of disease will be apparent to that wider public already indicated. The present volume together with that published by Dr Graham-Smith in the same series1, covers the whole field marked out by their general title, Flies and Disc It may be useful to give the reader some idea of the general arrangement of the subject matter that we have adopted. After a short introduction, follow chapters on the structure and classification of the Diptera, accompanied by a list of biting fiies known to transmit any infection. Each family, including any such carriers of disease, is then dealt with 1 Craham-Smith. Flies and Disea Public Health S X PREFACE separately and in most cases some important member of the family is described in greater detail. As far as possible the description of the infections immediately follows that of the family concerned in their transmission. Thus the account of the Psychodidae and Phlebotomus is succeeded by a chapter devoted to Pappataci Fever (Three Day Fever), whilst the account of Malaria follows that of the Anophelinae. Certain difficulties have arisen in the case of diseases (e.g. trypano- somiasis) transmitted by members of more than one family, but such infections have been described in connection with their more important carrier. At the end of each chapter are given a few references to the literature on the subject, but it should be emphasised that the bibliography is not in any way complete, but merely contains the titles of publications that will be of assistance to students requiring detailed in- formation in any particular branch. The present edition does not profess to deal with works published later than the beginning of 1913, although in isolated cases it has been found possible to include references to later work. The writer has great pleasure in acknowledging the extremely valuable assistance which he has received from Major S. R. Christophers, I. M.S., in the preparation of chapters VIII and IX, devoted respectively to the classification of the Culicidae, and an account of Malaria. These are almost entirely the work of that distinguished authority and con- sidering their importance in the present work, his name ought to have appeared as a joint author. However, Major Christo- phers would not consent to this arrangement and therefore the author can only express his great indebtedness for this generous help. For permission to reproduce illustrations, which had previously appeared in other publications, and also for the PREFACE XI loan of the original blocks, I am indebted to the following : the Publisher (G. Fischer) and Editors of the Archiv fur Protistenkunde, for permission to reproduce Fig. 87) the Editor of the Bulletin of Entomological Research for the loan of the blocks of Figs. 18, 19, 59-61, 67, 73 and 74 ; the President and Fellows of the Cambridge Philosophical Society for the loan of the block of Fig. 57; the Editors of the Journals of Parasitology and Hygiene for the block of Fig. 41 and permis- sion to reproduce Figs. 4, 8, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 31 ; the Director of the Tropical Diseases Bureau for the loan of the blocks of Figs. 42-45 and 65 ; Dr P. H. Bahr and Messrs Witherby and Co. for the loan of the blocks of Figs. 54 and 56 ; Maclure, Philips and Co. for permission to reproduce Figs. 46, 47 and 49. Dr E. Roubaud for the loan of the blocks of Figs. 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 76-78 ; Dr G. S. Graham-Smith for the loan of the blocks of Figs. 1-3 and 82 and 83 ; Professor G. H. F. Nuttall for permission to reproduce Figs. 30, 32 and 55 ; Surgeon- General Sir David Bruce for permission to reproduce Figs. 79 and 80; and Miss Muriel Robertson for permission to reproduce the drawings from which Fig. 75 was constructed ; Mr Edwin Wilson, F.E.S., kindly prepared the drawing of the stridulating organ of Anopheles (Fig. 28). It is the author's pleasant duty to return thanks for the assistance afforded by these gentlemen. In conclusion, I should like to express the great debt I owe to Professor G. H. F. Nuttall, who by his friendly criticism and helpful suggestions has lightened the author's labours and also prevented many serious omissions. E. H. September, 191 4. CONTENTS CHAP. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. Introduction ....... Diptera — General description and classification Biting-Flies as carriers of disease Orthorrhapha Nematocera .... Family Psychodidae (Moth-flies and Sand-flies) . Diseases carried by Phlebotomus — Pappataci Fever Family Culicidae (Gnats or Mosquitoes) Culicidae (Mosquitoes) continued. Classification Anopheline-transmitted diseases Culicinae ........ Diseases transmitted by Culicinae. Yellow Fever Dengue, Bird Malaria, etc. .... Diseases transmitted by Anophelinae and Culicinae Filariasis ....... Orthorrhapha Brachycera ..... Family Tabanidae (Breeze-flies, Cleggs, Horse-flies Gad-flies, Seroot-flies) .... Cyclorrhapha Schizophora ..... The Tsetse-flies — Genus Glossina Wied., 1830 Glossina and Disease. The Trypanosomes Glossina and Disease (continued) Stomoxys ..... Infections transmitted by Stomoxys Lyperosia ... Family Hippoboscidae (Tick-flies) Infections transmitted by Hippoboscidae Index PAGE 1 12 25 32 35 44 50 75 119 165 177 202 224 226 239 243 293 300 355 361 369 372 379 387 LIST OF FIGURES FIG. I. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- io. ii. 12. 13- I4. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. An Anthomyid fly immediately after emerging from the puparium ....... Ventral view of head of the same fly Side view of head of the same fly Side view of a female Anopheles maculipennis Meigen ( x about 20) ...... Wing of Tabanus sp. shewing the venation Acephalous larva of Stomoxys calcitrans (x 7) . Eucephalous larva of Phlebotomus papatasii Obtectate pupa of Anopheles maculipennis Coarctate pupa of Stomoxys calcitrans Wing of Kelloggina, a blepharocerid Thorax of Tipula ...... Wing of Ryphus ...... Wing of Cecidomyia ...... Antenna of Orphnephila ..... Right hind-leg of Mycetophilus Head of Bibio ....... Wing of Chironomus sp. ..... Head of Phlebotomus papatasii .... Wing venation of Phlebotomus papatasii . Phlebotomus papatasii. Male .... Phlebotomus papatasii. Female Freshly extruded egg of Phlebotomus papatasii . Adult larva of P. papatasii .... Pupa of P. papatasii ..... Anopheles maculipennis. A , enlarged view of male ; B of female ....... Transverse section through proboscis of a female Anopheles maculipennis , shewing the relative position of the parts when at rest ....... Side view of the head of a female Anopheles maculipennis with the various mouth parts separated, but in the relative position in which they lie when enclosed in the groove of the labium ..... View of under-surface of the base of the wing of Anopheles maculipennis, shewing stridulating organ . Schematic longitudinal section of a female Anopheles nicieu- lipennis ......... head PAGE 14 14 x4 16 17 20 20 22 22 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 36 36 37 38 40 40 4i 5i 52 33 55 57 XIV LIST OF FIGURES FIG. PAGE 30. Diagram shewing the corresponding stages in the life-cycle of Anopheles and Culex ...... 63 31. Anopheles maculipennis.. A, side view and B, dorsal view of egg ; C, young larva and D, fully-grown larva ; E flabellum, or flap overhanging base of certain thoracic hairs ; F, a palmate hair ; G, ventral view of head of fully-grown larva ....... 65 32. Anopheles maculipennis <$, captured in Cambridge, shewing acarine parasites attached to the body . . . 73 33. Anopheles bifurcatus ....... 80 34. Anopheles (Patagiamyia) gigas ...... 82 35. Anopheles (Myzorhynchus) barbirostris .... 84 36. Anopheles (Myzomyia) listoni ... . . . 86 37. Anopheles (Pyretophorus) neavei ..... 88 38. Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) maculatus . . . . 91 39. Anopheles (Cellia) pulcherrimus ..... 93 40. Diagrammatic representation of the life-cycle of the parasite of pernicious malaria . . . . . 130 41. Photomicrograph of sporozoites of malaria from salivary glands of Anopheles (Pyretophorus) costalis . . . 135 42. Breeding places of Anophelines. Railway cutting at Kurunegala . . . . . . . . 137 43. Breeding places of Anophelines. Flooded Paddy Fields in Ceylon . . . . . . . . . 139 44. Indian fish of utility as mosquito-destroyers. A (q) and B ($) , Lebias dispar ; C, Nuria danrica . . . 150 45. Indian fish of utility as mosquito-destroyers. A , Haplochilus panchax ; B, Ambassis ranga; C, Trichogaster fas- ciatus . . . . . . . . . 152 46. Stegomyia fasciata, adult female . . . . . 166 47. Stegomyia fasciata, adult male ..... 168 48. Distribution of Stegomyia fasciata . . . . . 169 49. Larva and pupa of Stegomy ia fascia ta . . . . 174 50. Approximate distribution of Yellow Fever . . . 179 51. Distribution of Dengue . . . . . . . 191 52. Distribution of Culex fatigans ...... 193 53. Stomach of Culex shewing large numbers of the sporocysts of Plasmodium prcecox on its walls . . . . 199 54. Microfilariae of F. bancrofti emerging from the uterus of the parent filaria . . . . . . . . 207 55. Filaria bancrofti. Stages in development within mosquito 211 56. Head and proboscis of Stegomyia pseudoscutellaris , 15 days after feeding, shewing two filarial lying in the head and three in the proboscis . . . . . . 213 57. A , view of the heart of a dog infested with Filaria immitis ; B, a female worm removed from the heart to shew its length ......... 220 LIST OF FIGURES XV FIG. PAGE 58. Part of the Malpighian tubule of an Anopheles claviger, infected with the embryos of Filaria immitis . . 221 59. Tabanus kingi $ ........ 227 60. A rock at Khor Arbat, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, shewing sites selected by Tabanus kingi for ovipositing . . 228 61. Egg-mass and mature larva of Tabanus kingi . . . 229 62. Comparative morphology of the proboscis of Glossina (I), Melophagus (II) and Stomoxys (III) .... 244 63. Wing of Glossina palpalis to shew the venation . . 245 64. Gravid uterus of G. palpalis, containing a larva at an ad- vanced stage of development ..... 246 65. Glossina palpalis. Photographs shewing the flies in a position of rest ........ 257 66. Internal anatomy of Glossina palpalis .... 259 67. View on River Gambia to shew a typical haunt of Glossina palpalis ......... 261 68. Glossina palpalis in the act of feeding .... 264 69. Glossina palpalis. Female in the act of parturition . . 266 70. Freshly laid larva of G. palpalis shewing the changes in the body form ........ 267 71. G. palpalis. Puparia before and after the escape of the imago ......... 268 72. Glossina morsitans. Dorsal view of female . . . 276 73. Path through thin deciduous bush, to shew a typical haunt of G. morsitans . . . . . . . . 279 74. Base of a tree in Nyasaland shewing one of the positions in which the pupae of G. morsitans may be found . . 284 75. Diagram of the life-cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense . . 312 76. Transverse section (semi-diagrammatic) of the proboscis of an infected Glossina . . . . . . 314 77. Culture of Trypanosoma pecaudi, from the intestine of G. palpalis ........ 334 78. Culture of Trypanosoma congolense from the intestine of G. palpalis . . . . . . . . 351 79. Trypanosoma simice. Successive stages in the division . 354 80. Trypanosoma simice. Large multinucleate form . . 354 81. Wing venation of Stomoxys calcitrans .... \^b 82. Side view of head of Stable-fly. A, proboscis in resting position ; B, proboscis extended .... 356 S3. Stable-fly, Stomoxys calcitrans . . . . . . 357 84. Stomoxys calcitrans. Eggs . . . . . . $59. 85. Lynch 1 a ma ura $ ....... . 86. Hippobosca rufipes . . . . . . . . ^;S 87. Developmental cycle of Hcemoproteus Columbia ^. Trypanosoma theileri. A, small crithidial form ; B, Large Individual from blood of cow ..... ERRATA p. 37. After Fig. 20 insert the words ''After Newstead." p. 38. After Fig. 21 insert the words " After Newstead." p. 87. For A. agripi Patton read A. azriki Patton. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Although biting-flies had long been suspected of being responsible for the spread of various diseases, it was not until 1877 ^na-t any direct proof was brought forward in support of this hypothesis. In that year Manson, working in China, discovered that the minute worm, Filaria bancrofti, present in the blood of a large percentage of the natives that he examined, underwent a development inside the body of the common grey-legged mosquito, Culex fatigans. Although these observations were incomplete and the exact mode of transmission remained undiscovered until more than twenty years later, yet they were of the highest importance, since Manson's work laid the foundation for all subsequent inves- tigations on the part played by biting-flies as carriers of disease. With the exception of these few observations on the de- velopment of Filaria in the mosquito, practically the whole of our knowledge of the transmission of disease by insects, has been acquired within the last twenty years. Thus Bruce, in 1895, discovered the cause of Nagana, Trypanosoma brucei, and its transmission by the tsetse-fly, whilst two years later Ross, by his brilliant researches on the development of Proteo- soma and the manner in which it is spread by the mosquito, placed the methods of eradicating malaria on a scientific basis. The rapid progress in this subject may be appreciated by the fact that, with the exception of the specific descriptions of certain insects and the above-mentioned work on Filaria, the present volume is entirely concerned with discoveries of the last twenty years. Within this period biting-flies have been H. B. F. 1 2 DIRECT TRANSMISSION [CH. shewn to transmit in addition to numerous infections of animals the following human diseases : malaria, sleeping sickness, yellow fever, three-day fever ; and evidence has been brought forward also suggesting that dengue and epidemic polyomyelitis are spread by these insects. Before proceeding to a discussion of individual infections, however, and the part played by flies in their transmission, it will be convenient to give a short general account of some of the problems connected with this subject. It has never been proved that, under natural conditions, biting-flies normally transmit any other than animal parasites from one host to another. In those cases in which the patho- genic agent is unknown, e.g. yellow fever, three-day fever, the clinical symptoms seem to indicate that these diseases are also due to animal parasites and not to bacteria. There is no a priori reason why biting-flies should not transmit bacterial infections as well as animal, but certainly no bacterial disease is known to be normally transmitted by these insects. Since a biting-fly feeds on blood and can only become infected by ingesting the parasite, it necessarily follows that the latter, at least during some part of its life-cycle, must be present in the blood of the vertebrate host, and the manner in which the infection is conveyed by the insect may be either " direct " or " indirect." (a) Direct transmission. When the pathogenic agent does not develop in the body of the biting-fly, but is merely carried on the mouth-parts and directly inoculated into the next host which the insect feeds upon, the transmission is said to be direct or mechanical. This kind of transmission somewhat resembles the method of infecting a healthy animal by means of the prick of a needle that has been thrust previously into an infected animal and which is thereby soiled with the infective blood from the latter. The efficiency of any particular species to act as the direct carrier of a disease agent obviously depends on such mechanical details as the size and shape of the mouth-parts, the number of parasites in the blood, etc. It is possible that bacterial as I] DIRECT TRANSMISSION 3 well as animal infections may be occasionally carried in this manner, especially in those cases where the bacteria are present in the peripheral circulation in considerable numbers, e.g. anthrax, Mediterranean fever. Moreover, by feeding sufficient numbers of any species of biting-fly on an animal containing large numbers of some parasite in its blood, and subsequently, without any interval, on a normal susceptible animal, it is possible to obtain experimentally the direct transmission of practically any blood-inhabiting parasite. Employing such methods the transmission of sleeping sickness and relapsing fever may be effected by means of the bites of Stegomyia, and Mediterranean fever by the bites of Culex ; it is almost certain, however, that such transmission rarely, if ever, occurs in nature. Nevertheless, the possibility must not be ignored and all biting-flies should be regarded with suspicion from the point of view of preventive medicine. Although under experimental conditions it is comparatively easy to demonstrate the direct transmission of certain diseases it is becoming more and more evident that, compared with in- direct transmission, this mode of infection plays a relatively unimportant part in the spread of disease. The pathogenic agent of the disease, even under the most favourable conditions, can only survive for a very limited time (at most two to three days) on the mouth-parts of the biting-fly and unless the latter feeds on another host before the expiration of this period no infection is produced. As a rule a fly which has had a full meal of blood rarely desires to feed again for some days and it is only those flies which are interrupted during their feeding that are liable to bite another host within a short space of time. El Debab, a trypanosomiasis of camels occurring in North Africa, is one of the best examples of a disease which seems to be transmitted in this manner. Edmond and Etienne Sergent have shewn that the outbreaks of this disease can be explained on the supposition that it is directly transmitted from infected to healthy animals by various species of tabanids, and they note that in nature these insects frequently bite two or more animals in quick succession, being disturbed whilst feeding, through the efforts of their unwilling victims. 4 INDIRECT TRANSMISSION [CH. It is, of course, quite possible for a biting-fly to transmit any particular infection both directly and indirectly, as in the case of the transmission of Nagana [Trypanosoma brucei) by Glossina pallidipes. Bruce shewed that if a tsetse fed on blood containing these trypanosomes, the fly remained infec- tive for about forty-eight hours, during which period, if it bit another animal, the latter became infected. It has since been proved, however, that in addition this trypanosome develops in the alimentary canal of the tsetse-fly and after a certain incubation period, during which the fly is non-infective, it again becomes infective. This infection, therefore, is trans- mitted both directly and indirectly, but the epidemiology of the disease is strongly against the view that transmission is usually effected by the direct method. (b) Indirect transmission. When the pathogenic agent causing the disease undergoes some developmental cycle in the biting-fly, resulting in the latter becoming more or less permanently infective after this development has taken place, the transmission is said to be indirect or cyclical. In these cases there is always a definite biological relationship between the biting-fly and the parasite which it conveys, and the latter is only capable of development within the members of certain species or families of insects. The best known example of this indirect method of transmission is that of the malarial parasite by the mosquito. When the parasite, at a suitable stage of its life-history, is taken into the stomach of a susceptible species of mosquito, it undergoes a complicated cycle of development in its new host, finally resulting in the salivary glands of the latter becoming invaded by a stage of the parasite adapted for entry into the blood of the next person that the mosquito bites. It will be noticed that in this, and all other cases of indirect transmission by biting-flies, the parasite develops in two hosts, vertebrate and invertebrate, respectively. The host in which the parasite undergoes its sexual life-cycle is called the definitive host. In the case of the majority, if not all, I] INTERMEDIATE HOST 5 protozoal parasites, the sexual part of their life-cycle takes place in the invertebrate carrier, and therefore the latter is the definitive host. On the other hand, the sexual cycle of Filaria bancrofti takes place in its vertebrate host, man, and in this case man is the definitive host. The host in which the parasite merely multiplies asexually is called the intermediate host, and in the case of protozoal infections is the vertebrate, but in Filaria is the invertebrate, host. The term " intermediate host " has given rise to much con- fusion, for many writers still persist in considering the expression synonymous with " invertebrate host." As a matter of fact, in the majority of cases the vertebrate is the intermediate host, and it is only obscuring the true relations of parasite and host to persist in the erroneous application of this term. In all cases the equilibrium between parasite and host is much better established in the definitive than in the inter- mediate host. As a general rule parasites do not have a very harmful action on their definitive hosts, whether inverte- brate or vertebrate, whilst on the other hand there are many examples of parasites seriously affecting the health of their intermediate hosts. Thus the malarial parasite does not seem to affect injuriously the health of its definitive host, the mos- quito, whilst in the intermediate host, man, it produces malaria, a serious and often fatal disease. Similarly, the presence of Filaria bancrofti in its definitive host, man, does not produce any obvious ill-effects, whilst a large proportion of the infected mosquitoes succumb to the infection. Although so many parasites have an injurious effect upon their hosts, sometimes causing death, it is obviously a short- sighted policy for a parasite to kill its host, as by so doing it also destroys itself. A parasite which invariably killed its host would eventually die out, owing to the extermination of the latter, and it is not inconceivable that, in this way, excessively fatal infections have disappeared from the world, together with the animals they affected. At the present time the great majority of blood parasites do not cause the death of their hosts. An equilibrium between 6 CONDITIONS AFFECTING TRANSMISSION [CH. the parasite and its host has become established and the former does not increase beyond a certain limit, with the result that the health of the animal from which it is deriving nourishment is not very seriously affected. This is the case with numerous parasites, such as the majority of trypanosomes in vertebrates, Hcemoproteus in birds, Haemogregarines in reptiles, etc. It is only in rare cases that the parasites increase to such an extent that they markedly affect the health of their hosts, but since our attention is only called to diseased animals, the cases in which disease is caused by the parasites are more generally noticed. A pathogenic blood parasite cannot persist indefinitely unless one or more of the following conditions are fulfilled : (i) The disease which it produces may be of long duration so that the invertebrate host has numerous opportunities of becoming infected with the parasite and spreading the infec- tion to other hosts. Of course the parasite must be present in the blood in sufficient numbers and at a suitable stage of development to ensure the infection of the biting host which transmits the disease. If these conditions were fulfilled an excessively fatal, though chronic disease, possessed of efficient means of distribution would be able to persist until the exter- mination of its host had been accomplished, after which it would also cease to exist, unless it became adapted to some other host. (2) The infection may be hereditarily transmitted in the invertebrate host, so that the offspring of an infected parent also carries the infection. Fortunately, with the doubtful exception of yellow fever in Stegomyia, no biting-fly is known to transmit any disease agent to its offspring. One of the best examples of this mode of hereditary infection in other groups is that of Spirochceta duttoni in its invertebrate host the tick, Ornithodorus moubata. (3) The parasite may infest more than one species of vertebrate host, in one or more of which the equilibrium be- tween parasite and host has become established. This is by far the most important condition from an epidemiological point of view. If a parasite is able to live in several verte- brate hosts and is non-pathogenic towards any one of them, I] CONDITIONS AFFECTING TRANSMISSION J the latter serves as a reservoir for the infection and in the presence of an efficient transmitting agent the parasite may persist indefinitely. It is now known that the parasite of sleeping sickness {Trypanosoma gambiense) is maintained in this manner, since in addition to man it infests other vertebrate hosts, e.g. ante- lopes, which are practically unaffected by it. In the case of the malaria parasite an equilibrium is becom- ing established between it and its vertebrate host, man, but only in those races that have been exposed to infection for a considerable period. As a result the latter serve as reservoirs of infection for those races that have not become immunized, in whom the parasite produces malaria, a disease which is often fatal unless checked by suitable treatment. The relations between the parasites and their hosts are very complicated and are not yet thoroughly understood. From a biological point of view, it is probable that all protozoal blood parasites carried by biting-flies are primarily insect parasites and have only secondarily become adapted for living in the blood of vertebrates. Certainly in every case where the life- cycle of the parasite is known the insect is the definitive host, and the equilibrium between the parasite and its insect host seems to be well established, whilst this is not the case with regard to the mutual relations in the vertebrate host. The extreme pathogenicity of certain protozoal infections in vertebrates, e.g. yellow fever in man, the various trypano- somiases of man and animals, etc., strongly suggests that these diseases are of comparatively recent origin and there has not yet been time for any balance to become established between the parasites and their respective hosts. The trypanosomes constitute an excellent example of a group of flagellates which primitively inhabited the alimentary tracts of various invertebrates, and have recently become adapted to a parasitic mode of life in the blood of vertebrates. A large variety of insects, both biting and non-biting, contain parasitic flagellates, Crithidia, Lcptomonas, etc., in their digestive tracts, and there are all stages between fla- gellates which are just capable of living in the blood of 8 CONDITIONS AFFECTING TRANSMISSION [CH. vertebrates, but are usually insect parasites (e.g. Trypanosoma boylei Lafont), and such forms as Trypanosoma gambiense, which have become well-adapted to a parasitic mode of life in many of the larger vertebrates. In the latter case the tsetse-fly, the insect host of T. gambiense, has apparently developed an immunity against infection with this flagellate, for only a com- paratively small proportion of the flies becomes infected after ingesting blood containing the parasites. When once a biting-fly becomes infected with the par- ticular species of blood parasite of which it is the definitive host, it generally remains infective for a very considerable period, often for the remainder of its life. It is obvious, therefore, that when a parasite is transmitted by a true defini- tive host, it is much more difficult to eradicate than when it is spread mechanically. In the latter case it is only necessary to protect all infected vertebrates from the bites of flies for a period of not more than three days and the insects cease to be infective. In the former case, however, the eradication of the parasite can only be accomplished effectively by the destruc- tion of the insect host. In fact the prevention of protozoal infections, which include many of the more important tropical diseases, is mainly an entomological problem, as it depends on the destruction of insects and to do this a knowledge of their habits and life-cycles is essential. In the case of yellow fever the destruction of the invertebrate host, Stegomyia fasciata, is comparatively simple, and as a result this disease is rapidly disappearing from the more civilized parts of the world. On the other hand, no effective means have yet been discovered of destroying Glossina mor- sitans, one of the most important disease carriers in Africa. Yet there is little doubt that when we have acquired a complete knowledge of the bionomics of this redoubtable insect, it will be possible to devise some means of considerably reducing its numbers. An infected invertebrate host may spread infection from one vertebrate to another in a variety of ways, but in the case of biting-flies, the infected insect whilst feeding generally inoculates the parasite directly into the body of the host. I] DEVELOPMENT OF PARASITE 9 The possibility of other modes of infection, however, should not be ignored, for they are known to occur in closely related groups, and therefore it is considered advisable to include a short account of some of the ways in which the infective agent may be spread by its invertebrate host. The simplest case is that in which the parasite, without undergoing any morphological or biological changes, merely multiplies in the alimentary canal of its invertebrate host. The parasite may then enter a vertebrate either by regurgi- tation of the contents of the alimentary canal when the inverte- brate host is feeding, or else by the faeces of the latter, containing the parasites, entering the open wound caused by its bite. The plague bacillus, which multiplies in the gut of the flea, is probably transmitted in this way. Usually, however, the parasite undergoes a cyclical develop- ment, passing through various stages that are generally incapa- ble of living in the blood of vertebrates, and therefore during this developmental period the host is non-infective. This negative interval is known as the incubation period and may vary from two or three days up to as long as 12 or 13 weeks, its duration depending mainly on the temperature, as develop- ment is accelerated by increased warmth and retarded, or even completely arrested, by cold. The development of various species of trypanosomes in the alimentary canal of the tsetse-fly includes some of the simplest examples of cyclical evolution. In the case of Trypanosoma cazalboui, when ingested by the tsetse some of the parasites remain in the fly's proboscis. In this region they develop, also undergoing certain biological changes, and for a period of about seven days they are incapable of living in the blood of vertebrates. At the expiration of this short incubation period, however, the trypanosomes recover their infectivity for vertebrates, and after this the tsetse is infective for a consider- able period. In other trypanosomes, e.g. T. gambiense and T. brucei, the evolution in the tsetse-fly is more complicated, the parasites developing in the digestive tract and passing through a crithidial stage before finally becoming infective, but in every case during this development they are restricted IO DEVELOPMENT OF PARASITE [CH. to the lumen of the alimentary canal and its ducts. It is probable that the evolution of Hcemoproteus columbce is also restricted to the alimentary canal of its invertebrate host, Lynchia, but in this case the development is rather more complicated than that of the trypanosomes, as it includes a sexual phenomenon. The most complex type of evolution is that of the malaria parasite (Plasmodium) in its definitive host, the mosquito. In this case the development commences with the production of sexual forms which only become mature in the stomach of the mosquito, and the result of conjugation is a motile body which bores its way through the gut-wall and comes to rest in or near the outer lining of the gut. It then grows at the expense of the tissues of the mosquito and forms a large spherical cyst in which are developed minute sickle-shaped bodies, the sporozoites. Eventually the latter are set free into the body- cavity of the insect and make their way to the salivary glands, where they come to rest in the salivary ducts. These forms are capable of developing in the blood of the vertebrate host and are inoculated, together with the salivary fluid, when the mosquito feeds. The development of the Haemogregarines and Piroplasmidae in their respective invertebrate hosts seems to resemble that of Plasmodium. Between the simple evolu- tion of T. cazalboui and the highly complicated development of Plasmodium there are numerous gradations, but the majority of protozoal parasites probably pass through a life- cycle comparable with that of Plasmodium. The development of the ultra-microscopic virus of yellow fever is peculiar from the fact that it is possible to transmit the infection from one mosquito to another without the media- tion of the vertebrate host. The incubation period of the virus in the mosquito is about 12 days, but after the insect has become infective, if it. is crushed up and fed to another Stegomyia the latter becomes infective. The evolution of Filaria in the invertebrate host is very different from that of the Protozoa, as the sexual part of the life-cycle takes place in the vertebrate, in this case the defini- tive host, and the embrvonic filariae, contained in the blood, IJ MODES OF INFECTION II merely require to complete part of their larval development in the tissues of the mosquito. The manner in which the infective agent re-enters the vertebrate host is of considerable interest and varies in dif- ferent cases. As a rule the infective agent is directly inoculated into the body when the infected invertebrate feeds on some vertebrate host. The parasites may be present in the proboscis of the infected arthropod or leech, or contained in the salivary fluid, but in either case the result is the same and the infection is passed directly into the blood. In the case of Filaria, the parasite is contained in the proboscis of the infected insect and when it feeds escapes on to the surface of the skin. The parasite subsequently bores its way through the skin and thus reaches the general circula- tion of its vertebrate host. Sometimes the infective agent is merely deposited on the surface of the skin in the faeces of the invertebrate host. From this site the parasite may reach the blood circula- tion by means of the open wound caused by the bite of the invertebrate host (as in the case of Spirochceta duttoni), or through an excoriated part of the skin. Sometimes the same result is obtained by the host licking up the parasite from the surface of its body. This is one of the modes of infection of Trypanosoma lewisi, in which the infection reaches the circulation through the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal of the rat. The transmission of Spirochceta recurrentis by the louse is comparable with that of S. duttoni by the human tick, for in the former case the parasites, set free only by crushing the insect, pass through the excoriations produced by scratching with the finger-nails. As lice are frequently crushed between the nails, it is easy to see how the infective agent can reach the circulation. Occasionally it is necessary for the vertebrate to swallow the parasite, which subsequently bores its way through the alimentary canal. The best known example of this method is that of Filaria medinensis, which develops in the body of 12 DIPTERA [CH. Cyclops. When an infected specimen of the latter is taken into the stomach, the filariae are set free and penetrate into the tissues of the vertebrate host. The transmission of the Leucocytozoon of the rat by Lcelaps is of the same nature, for the rats can only become infected by swallowing Lcelaps containing the parasites. As mentioned above the transmission of Trypanosoma lewisi by the rat -flea is also of this nature, and Strickland has shewn that the surest way of infecting rats with this trypanosome is to feed them with fleas containing the parasite. REFERENCES. Brumpt, E. (1910). Precis de Parasitologie. Paris : Masson et Cie. Castellani and Chalmers (191 2). Manual of Tropical Medicine, 2nd edition. London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. Hindle, E. (191 1). The Transmission of Spirochceta duttoni. Para- sitology, vol. iv. pp. 133-149. Manson, P. (1908). Tropical Diseases, 5th edition. London : Cassell and Co. Ltd. Mesnil, F. (1912). Modes de propagation des Trypanosomiases. Les Trypanosomes chez l'hote invertebre. Bull. Inst. Pasteur, vol. x. pp. 1-17 and 49-63. Minchin, E. A. (1912). An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa. London : Edward Arnold. Strickland, C. (191 1). Mechanism of Transmission of T. lewisi by the Rat-flea. Brit. Med. Journ. 191 1, p. 1049. CHAPTER II DIPTERA. — GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Definition. The large Order of Diptera includes all those insects provided with two well-developed wings and, in addi- tion, a hinder pair of rudimentary wings known as halteres, or balancers. The mouth-parts are usually adapted for piercing and sucking, and are more or less modified according to the habits of the insect. The various stages of development, larva, pupa, and adult, or imago, are quite distinct, metamorphosis being complete. In addition, all the members of the Order Il] GENERAL MORPHOLOGY 13 possess a distinctly segmented abdomen with the exception of the Pupipara, a very aberrant group which has become modified for an exclusively parasitic mode of existence. General Morphology. The head is connected with the thorax by an extremely slender neck and in consequence is very mobile, being capable of undergoing semi-rotation. The majority of the exposed surface is occupied by the large faceted eyes, which are usually much larger in the male than in the female, probably owing to the fact that the former has to seek out its mate. The eyes may actually meet in the middle line, in which case they are termed holoptic, in contradistinction to when they are separate, or dichoptic. The holoptic condition is especially characteristic of the male but occasionally is found in both sexes. In certain families, e.g. Muscidae, the head shews anteriorly a small depression, the lunula, which is bounded by an arched suture passing over the bases of the antennae. This structure is the remnant of a peculiar organ, the ptilinum, which, in the fly emerging from the pupal case, appears as a bladder- like expansion of the front of the head. The ptilinum can be expanded and retracted and consequently it is of great use in helping the fly to break through the pupal case, and also to force its way through any material in which the latter may be buried. It is only present during the first few hours after the fly has emerged and subsequently it becomes com- pletely introverted, forming the inconspicuous lunula of the mature fly (Figs. 1-3). The antennae are of great use to the systematist as they offer a simple means of classification, the number of segments being of considerable importance. In the more primitive families of the Order, e.g. Culicidae, there are a series of segments of approximately equal size, the number of which varies from eight to sixteen. In some cases the antennae of the male are larger and composed of more segments than those of the female. The majority of flies, 14 DIPTERA — MOUTH-PARTS CH. however, possess antennae of a totally distinct form, peculiar to the order, consisting of three segments, the outer one of which, at its distal extremity, bears a fine process known as the arista, which is occasionally segmented and often covered with hairs. It probably represents the remaining segments of the more primitive type of antennae. Fig. i. An Anthomyid fly immediately after emerging from the puparium, shewing the greatly distended ptilinum and unexpanded wings. Figs. 2 and 3. Ventral and side views of the head of the same fly. After Graham-Smith. The mouth -parts are composed typically of the following structures : labrum, epipharynx, maxillae, mandibles, hypo- pharynx and labium. These are liable to great variation, even within the same family, but all blood-sucking Diptera agree in the possession of a mouth that is adapted for piercing and cutting. The labrum, or upper lip, together with the epipharynx, is usually elongated ; the hypopharynx, or tongue, is also much prolonged and, together with the labrum, may form a tube for the ingestion of blood or other liquids ; the IlJ THORAX AND ABDOMEN 1 5 labium, or lower lip, is more or less membranous or fleshy, and usually functions as a sheath for the protection of the other mouth-parts. The mandibles and maxillce are each represented by a pair of long pointed processes adapted for piercing. In addition, a pair of well-developed maxillary palps is always present, situated one on each side of the base of the labium. The palps are extraordinarily well developed in the Culicidae (Fig. 4), in the genus Megarhinus being nearly as long as the whole body of the insect. The thorax is composed almost entirely of mesothorax, the prothorax and metathorax being very small and fused with it. A small part of the metathorax projects backwards over the base of the abdomen and is known as the scutellum. The abdomen is composed of a variable number of segments, more or less closely fused together. The number of segments externally visible may vary from nine to five, or rarely four. In certain cases the first two segments are fused together and the first one is often very much shortened. In the male the terminal segments are curled under the body, forming what is termed the hypopygium, which serves to protect the copulatory appendages. The three pairs of legs are attached to the prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax, respectively. The legs are in- variably composed of five parts known as the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus. The tarsus is generally five-jointed ; its terminal joint bears a well-developed pair of claws, and underneath each of these is often a free pad or membrane, the pulvillus. This structure is often absent amongst the Orthorrhapha and is usually better developed in the male than in the female. Between each pair of claws is situated a median structure known as the empodinm, which may have the form of a pad, or a bristle. Occasionally the pulvilli are absent and the empodium takes on their function. The wings are of very great importance from a classificatory point of view. As in all insects they consist of simple folds supported by veins or nervures, the arrangement of which is known as the venation. The wings are membranous but may be covered with hairs or scales, and the shape and disposition i6 DIPTERA [CH. _^ y. 0 a "1 0 4-> - a JO >•> Oj E — X _JZ — X c rt -r o 13 8 $ ■- fc ^o .•a >2» s f— <+H § < g >> u 43 4j < 0 o <*, — o +3 o ^ 0 V ■r. Cfl oj bo 0J 5 rt 5 ., . u a sd £ > a> — S-i . 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C p crton, Macke Baldr« N x — g - £ c 7= C - ja — - -a 1 a 8 § = ^ - - — _ — — T. >> ?OiJt--> pes ""- ia id Be — c ^ go ^ ^T < > - 1 >^ ad - ~ - 1 d S S £ B S d u U .-^ ^ _^ ^ ^ _j ^j +i •** -4J c a . c £ C C u o o y = B S 0 a e e . P . Pt . . p, . p* . p 8 O'j* OU2 *< .x •-* c :g o*4S c s > § - s BO > ^•■T ^~ ^~ s -r £ > £ > £ > vo i) - & = Si M 11^ ^5- •3.2 « - 0 -r ■s. *" n ° S -15 - « t d s ?s to 5 0 ^ .f, I - - ^ « r: s « S 2 . s v. Q 8 x^« x. C U 3 5 3 o o JJ .0 o T3 3 CTi 8«§<§ 3 O pq be d 8 T3 3 cd 3 en nJ u ct 3 O^ u -w tfJjfg Cd ^ c -a pq c >» . r • r~ •„ > 5 *■< rt 5 (/)+> c ., re o H"! nJ 5 5 bc-2 3 &c .2 c 3 2 o •- 5>pq a « &, .3 o > v-r;"y 3 rt ~ £ ffi1 111 cd fid c 5 ^§ .< . cd • Ct fi ~~Z< o .H.M.S 3 c/: rt v£i .2 *a.-a >^ A* r-H llj cd cj d"«S cd < X3 3 -M cd . o fcuO«~ .2 rt '5 s t/3 o 3 o e «^3 g s o I ^s h :s. rt ^ o 43 0 a o N « « u 'O^ in "o « 01 ^^ SI id J3 X <0 =3 o o ^ u fo U ^ -u 3 •d ^ t« : : : :^ 3 < "g 1 <^ to 5^ to S ^3 5*. " ::::.« :S2 - t>C vj x , u e o 1 1 1 1 1 OCT, 0) . xi +-> C . g •i 6-T *■» a ^ S «3 s ^ •eg d^^j o .« c/} a P cu e~. O ^' r/3 -«a O <» si p II Oh a ° |=S Q i.i hi" o a ttC o5 a T3 • o3 o a o3 u o3 03 £ l-l ^H^ ra u O o5 a co CD u Q I I I I I s -^ "■■ -^ ^ I I I II •a *l £ o . § - 3 a 2 32 ORTHORRHAPHA NEMATOCERA [CH. responsible for the transmission of the large number of parasitic animals that occur in the blood of vertebrates, especially in the tropics. Their great economic importance as carriers of disease agents has become universally recognized during the past twenty years and at the present time it is unnecessary to dwell on this point. In fact there seems to be a tendency for authors to go to the other extreme and credit biting insects with the spread of almost every disease in which the mode of infection remains unknown. Nevertheless, a large number of species of biting-flies have been shewn to be respon- sible for the spread of various diseases as may be seen from the preceding table, in which are included all biting-flies that are known to carry infections, together with the infection, or infections, which they transmit (Table I). CHAPTER IV ORTHORRHAPHA NEMATOCERA Definition. As a rule a member of this series may be easily recognized by its long thin body, slender legs and long narrow wings. Moreover the antennae are long and filiform, being composed of 6 to 15 segments that often bear whorls of hairs, especially in the male. The larvae are aquatic, or live in decaying organic matter (e.g. Phlebotomus) . The Nematocera includes some of the most important biting-flies that carry disease, as the great family of mosquitoes belongs to this group. Classification. YVilliston divides them into 12 families, of which four are known to include members that either occasion- ally or habitually feed on blood. In the present work his method of classification has been adopted and the following table includes all the families of the Nematocera. Those which include any members that are known to carry disease are printed in capital letters and will be discussed more fully. IVl ORTHORRHAPHA XEMATOCERA Synopsis of the Families of Orthorrhapha Nematocerd1 33 ( Body and wings thickly covered with hairs; flies resembling moths (Fig. 20) =Psychodid^e. I Flies not resembling moths =2. f Wings with a network of fine vein-like creases besides the ordinary ■{ veins (Fig. 10) = Blepharocendce2. I Wings without any additional network of vein-like creases = 3. C Scutum usually with a V-shaped transverse suture (Fig. 11); wings < usually with a discal cell - Tipulidce. I Scutum without a transverse suture =4. fWi IWi ngs with a discal ceil (Fig. 12) =Rhypiiidce. ings without a discal cell =5. r Antennae abnormal, apparently consisting of two segments and a 5 < terminal arista (Fig. 14) = Orphnepkilidre. I Antennae normally nematocerous =6. r Posterior edge of wing fringed with scales (Fig 25) =Culicid/£. \ Posterior edge of wing not fringed with scales = 7. f Minute fragile midges ; wings commonly with only three longitudinal J veins (Fig. 13) =Cecidomyidce. 7 J Not abnormally delicate and fragile ; wings usually with numerous I veins. ems. = 8. {Ocelli present (Fig. 16, oc) =9. Ocelli absent = 10. r Coxae elongate ; antennae usually elongate ; all the tibiae end in spurs 9 ^ (Fig. 15) =MycetophilidcB. I Coxae short; antennae usually shorter than thorax —Bibinnidce. {The costal vein extends all round the wing = Di.xidce. The costal vein stops at or near the tip of the wing (Fig. 17) -11. (-Gnat-like llies with long slender legs; antennae filiform, often with whorls of hairs =Chironomida>z. 11 gvn£ Tncd^UenaU Fig. 29. Anopheles maculipennis. Schematic longitudinal section of a female insect shewing the relations of the various parts of the alimentary canal to each other, and to the exoskeleton, also the salivary glands of one side with their duct joining the common duct, which is prolonged into the hypopharynx. The ventral reservoir is rilled, the stomach contracted. One of the dorsal reservoirs is cut oil near to where it joins the oesophagus. After Nuttall and Shipley. 58 culicid^e [ch. the pharynx into the next region of the alimentary canal. The pharynx of the female mosquito is both larger and stronger than that of the male, this being the result of the more voracious habits of the former. The oesophagus is a short, circular tube, extending from the posterior end of the tri-radiate pharynx to the oesophageal valve. Into its posterior end, about on the level of the origin of the first pair of legs, open the three oesophageal diverticula. The largest of these is the ventral diverticulum opening into the oesophagus by means of a single median pore and extend- ing backwards beneath the alimentary canal as far as the sixth or seventh segment. The other two dorso-lateral diver- ticula are much smaller and open one on each side of the oesophagus. The function of these sacs is still far from being settled, for although Nuttall and Shipley have shewn that food material is passed into them, yet it is doubtful whether their chief function is to serve as reservoirs. The sacs generally contain small bubbles of carbon dioxide and also larger or smaller numbers of a small round fungus belonging to the Entomophtoracese. The presence of these bubbles in the sacs has caused certain authors to suppose that there was some connection between them and the tracheal system, whilst others, noticing the rhythmic contractions of the ventral sac, have supposed that it was an accessory pumping apparatus. The main function of the diverticula is probably to assist in the feeding of the mosquito and the manner in which this is affected will be described later (vide habits). The oesophageal valve is homologous with the proventriculus of many insects, and serves as a valve between the oesophagus and the mid-gut. It is little more than a slight invagination of the intestinal wall surrounded by a very thick sphincter muscle. Six small protuberances, the remnants of the csecal appendages of the larva, can usually be seen in the walls of the valve. The mid-gut is the only part of the alimentary canal that is not lined with chitin and consequently the only part in which VII] INTERNAL ANATOMY 59 any food absorption takes place. Commencing at the oeso- phageal valve it consists of a straight tube expanded posteriorly, extending to about the posterior limit of the sixth segment. The expanded posterior region is commonly termed the " sto- mach " and this term may conveniently be retained ; it is in this hinder region of the mid-gut that the malarial parasite develops. The wall of the mid-gut is surrounded by both longitudinal and circular muscle layers and the latter throw the surface into a series of folds so that this region of the alimentary canal has an annulated appearance. The mid-gut is extremely well supplied with tracheae, which branch in such a manner that the whole surface is covered with fine air- capillaries. The interior is lined by a layer of large cubical cells, some of which are secretory in function. The ileum commences at the junction of the Malpighian tubules with the mid-gut ; it is a thin-walled tube lined with chitin raised up in the form of ridges. It passes insensibly into the colon, which is merely a straight tube opening suddenly into the large oval rectum. The latter contains six large ovoid papillae which considerably diminish the size of the chamber. These rectal papillae are abundantly supplied with tracheae and their function is possibly respiratory. The rectum narrows just before the anus, which opens in the last segment of the body, immediately beneath the genital aperture. It is guarded by two short lateral papillae. The Malpighian tubules are five in number, opening into the alimentary canal at the junction of the mid- and hind-gut. The wall of each tubule is composed of large secretory cells abundantly supplied with tracheae. These cells are excretory in function, for the Malpighian tubules often contain uric acid and other waste nitrogenous products. The Malpighian tubules are frequently the haunt of pro- tozoal parasites, the lumen of the tubes being a common place in which to find insect flagellates. The salivary apparatus ; commencing with the opening at the tip of the hypopharynx, it consists of the following parts : a median groove, or " salivary gutter," extending from the tip to the base of the hypopharynx. This groove is arched over 60 CULICID.E [CH. by thin chitinous lamellae and therefore serves the purpose of a duct. At the base of the hypopharynx is the salivary receptacle or pump, connecting the salivary groove with the common salivary duct. The pump is somewhat drum-like in form, its membrane being moved by muscles by means of which the saliva is first pumped out of the glands and then down the salivary groove to the tip of the hypopharynx. The salivary pump is situated beneath the floor of the buccal cavity. From its posterior end a median, common salivary duct extends backwards until it reaches the commencement of the pharynx, at which point it branches into two. These secondary ducts run side by side along the ventral wall of the neck into the thoracic cavity, where they diverge and each branches into three smaller ducts. Each of the latter terminates in a salivary gland, there being three glands on each side. These three salivary glands are at first arranged in the form of a triangle but subsequently their position changes and the gland which at first occupies a dorsal position comes to lie in between the other two glands. It is usually known as the "central gland" and differs both in size and structure from the other two, known as the " lateral glands." The size of the glands varies according to the size of the insect but is always greater in the females than in the males. The dimensions of the glands of an average-sized female are as follows : length of lateral glands, 880 ^ ; length of central gland, 510/u,; width of glands, 85 /x. In the male the large glands only measure about 200 /jl in length by 50 /x in breadth. The salivary glands are of very great importance from a parasitological point of view, since the infective sporozoites of malaria congregate within the cells of these organs and are passed out with the salivary secretion. Therefore by a micro- scopical examination of these glands it is possible to find out whether or not a mosquito is infected. The structure of the three glands is similar, each consisting of an elongated sac the lumen of which is surrounded by a single layer of secretory cells, but they differ somewhat in their finer details. The acinus of each of the lateral glands is more or less filled with an abundant secretion, which also fills the secretory VII ] INTERNAL ANATOMY 6 1 cells to such an extent that their nuclei are forced to the periphery. Moreover, these cells are granular in appearance, in contradistinction to those of the central gland, which are clear The lumen of the central gland is much smaller than that of each lateral gland, and the clear secretion almost entirely fills the cells. This central gland has long been supposed to be the source of the irritating substance which is inoculated when a mosquito begins to feed, and accordingly is still commonly known under the name of " Poison-Gland." Schaudinn, however, has shewn that its secretion produces no effect when injected into the skin and the irritation following a bite is due to the entrance into the wound of a fungus, which is derived from the oeso- phageal diverticula. (b) The reproductive organs. The genital organs of the female consist of a pair of lobulated masses containing numerous eggs in various stages of development. From each a short wide duct leads into a common oviduct opening to the exterior in the eighth segment. Into the common duct open three short seminal receptacles and also a cement-gland. The function of the latter is probably to secrete a protective coating for the eggs. The male genital organs consist of a pair of minute testes situated in the eighth segment. From each arises a simple tube, the vas deferens, and the two unite just before the opening to the exterior, forming a common ejaculatory duct. The latter ends in a short penis and the external aperture, situated on the ninth segment, is guarded by an elaborate arrangement of claspers, or gonapophyses, that are of some importance from a classificatory point of view. The sper- matozoa are stored, and also complete their development, in two receptacuke seminales, opening one on each side into the vasa deferentia immediately before their junction. (c) The respiratory system. This consists of two large tracheae running longitudinally one on each side of the body and giving off branches to all the internal organs. Each main longitudinal trunk is connected by means of short branches with the stigmata, or breathing pores, of which there are two 62 CULICID.E [CH. pairs of large thoracic, situated on the mesothorax and meta- thorax respectively, and six pairs of abdominal, on the second to the seventh segments. (d) The circulatory system. As in the majority of insects the circulatory system consists of a dorsal tube or heart con- tained within a pericardium. The heart is provided with valves and by its rhythmic contractions the blood, which bathes all the organs, is kept circulating round the body. (e) The nervous system. This consists of a double ventral nerve-cord uniting a series of ganglia, one to each segment. The anterior or cephalic ganglion, situated in the head and supplying nerves to the appendages of this region, is remark- able for its large size in comparison with that of the insect. From this ganglion the ventral nerve-cords pass one on each side of the oesophagus, to unite in an infra-oesophageal ganglion. The double ventral nerve-cord continues posteriorly from this ganglion and in each segment, except the last, is enlarged into a segmental ganglion. Life-cycle. The life-cycle of all species of mosquitoes may be briefty outlined in a few words. The female, after being fertilized, deposits her eggs on, or near, the surface of some water. After a short interval these hatch out giving rise to young aquatic larvae, which grow until they reach a certain size and then pupate. The resulting pupa is actively motile and swims about in the water as vigorously as the larva. After a comparatively short existence the anterior dorsal region of the pupa splits and the adult insect emerges. The egg. The number of eggs laid by the female varies considerably, from 40 to 100 (A. maculipennis) , up to as many as 400 (Culex pipiens). The eggs may occur singly, as in the case of Anopheles and Stegomyia, or adhere together forming boat- or raft-shaped masses, as in Culex and many other Culi- cinse, and being provided with air-chambers, they invariably float on the surface of the water. The shape of the eggs is different in each genus ; those of Anopheles are boat-shaped with a distinct float at the sides, growing broader in the middle (Fig. 31, A, B), whilst those of Culex are fusiform (Fig. 30). In the great majority of mosquitoes the eggs are laid on the VII LIFE-CYCLE 63 surface of the water and the larvae hatch out after two or three days. In A edes and Psorophora, however, the eggs are laid singly, in most cases not upon the surface of water, but in such situa- tions that the egg lies dormant for some time awaiting favour- able conditions for the development of the larvae. In Northern 4fe 14mamwimi,^-- i OVUM Fig. 30. Diagram shewing the corresponding stages in the life-cycle of Anopheles (on the left) and Calex (on the right). From a wall diagram drawn by Professor Nuttall. regions it seems that some of the eggs, although they may be repeatedly submerged, will not hatch until they have been frozen, and it is by means of these eggs that the mosquitoes manage to persist through the winter. The larva. So far as known the larvae of all mosquitoes are entirely aquatic in habit. The larva possesses a distinct head 64 CULICID/E [CH. provided with strong mandibles adapted for biting. The shape of the head varies in different families, being long and narrow in the majority of Anophelinae and large and broad in the Culicinae. The thorax is broad and its three segments are fused together to form a single mass. The abdomen is long and slender, and is composed of nine distinct segments. The anus opens at the apex of the terminal segment and is sur- rounded by four, more or less well-developed, tracheal gills. The respiratory system consists of two main longitudinal tracheae opening on the dorsal surface of the eighth abdominal segment, either by two separate apertures in a hollow at the base of a papilla (as in the Anophelinae) or at the apex of a distinct breathing tube or syphon of varying length (as in the Culicinae). The presence or absence of this structure furnishes an easy method of distinguishing the larvae of Anophelines from those of the Culicines. Moreover, it is possible to distinguish different genera and even species by means of the larval characters, such as the arrangements of the hairs on the segments, the form of the mandibles and other head appendages, the shape of the syphon, etc. The larva progresses in the water by means of energetic wriggling movements, but the larvae of Culicines are generally more active than those of the Anophelines. Moreover, in the latter, because of the situation of the respiratory apertures, and the presence of the palmate hairs, the larvae float hori- zontally under the surface of the water, and closely resemble bits of floating sticks. The Culicine larvae merely bring the tip of the breathing syphon in contact with the surface film of the water and then hang downwards so that their bodies make an angle with the surface of the water. This position is also partly due to the heavy jaws and head, which weigh down the anterior end. The difference in the attitude assumed by the larvae when at the surface of the water is very characteristic and constitutes one of the simplest methods of distinguishing between Anophelines and Culicines at this stage of development (Fig. 30). The larvae may be either herbivorous or carnivorous. As a VII LIFE-CYCLE 65 Fig. 31. Anopheles maculipennis. A, side view, and B, dorsal view of egg; C, young larva, and D, fully-grown larva ; E, flabellum or flap overhanging the base of certain thoracic hairs ; F, a palmate hair ; G, ventral view of head of fully-grown larva. After Nuttall and Shipley. Lettering : ant, antenna ; ap, anal papillae ; b, brush ; fl, float ; h, stout hairs of mandible which arrange the brush ; m, hooked hairs at edge of maxilla ; nip, palp of maxilla ; mst, the " under-lip," or metastoma ; mt, median tuft of hairs ; ph, palmate hair ; st, stigma. H. B. F. 66 CULICID.E [CH. general rule they feed on algae, but many species swallow any kind of minute object that may be in the water. By means of the mouth-brushes (Fig. 31, G, b) currents are set up towards the mouth, and any small particles are carried with the stream and swallowed. Certain larvae (e.g. Culex pipiens) seem to thrive best when the water is charged with animal refuse, whilst the larvae of Psorophora, Lutzia and some other genera are actively predacious, feeding upon other mosquito larvae. When food is abundant and the temperature favourable the larva grows rapidly and may become full-grown in little more than a week. The duration of the larval stage, how- ever, is extremely variable, for the larvae of some species (e.g. Wyeomyia smithii) can live for nearly a year without any food. The duration is also greatly prolonged by low tempera- tures and it is probable that some species pass through the winter in the larval form. During its growth the larva moults four times, the last of these moults giving rise to the pupa. The pupa is also aquatic, and swims actively through the water, though of course it is unable to take in any food, the appendages of the head and thorax of the future fly being enclosed in a common chitinous covering. The pupa respires by means of a pair of appendages on the thorax, the respiratory trumpets, or horns (Fig. 8, tr) . These trumpets communicate with the anterior pair of thoracic spiracles and when the pupa is at the top of the water they break through the surface film and thus admit air to the spiracles. The pupa is kept floating at the surface by means of a pair of fan-like tufts of hairs, situated on the dorsal surface of the first abdominal segment. The abdomen is composed of nine distinct segments ; the eighth bears at its apex a pair of large chitinous plates, the paddles or fins. The shape of the trumpets and paddles varies in different species but these characters are of no generic value. The duration of the pupal stage as a rule does not exceed more than two or three days, but as in the case of the other stages may be prolonged by low temperatures. Towards the end of this period the pupa becomes inflated with air and when the adult is about to emerge it gradually straightens VII] BIOLOGY OF ADULT MOSQUITO 67 its abdomen and floats almost horizontally on the surface of the water. The thoracic region then splits longitudinally and the adult mosquito gradually draws itself out of the skin and after a few minutes is able to fly away. Biology of the Adult Mosquito. Food-habits. Although the females of a large number of species of mosquitoes habitually feed on blood, the habit is by no means universal throughout the family, as practically all the males and a considerable number of the females feed on various plant juices. Some species, e.g. Stegomyia fasciata, attack man much more readily than others. The majority of the Culicinae seem to be mainly parasitic on birds. Mosquitoes are very susceptible to heat and cold, for during the winter they never bite except on occasional warm days. The reaction to heat is so striking that this is probably one of the main reasons of their being attracted towards warm- blooded animals and other warm objects. Howlett has shewn that hungry female mosquitoes {Anopheles and Cnlex) will bite viciously at a test-tube of boiling water, or even of hot copper sulphate solution. In the latter case the insects could be observed to thrust their proboscides into the crust of copper sulphate that had crystallized on the outside of the tube. It is possible that the blood-sucking habit may have been derived from what was originally a simple thermotropism (attraction by heat). A large number of mosquitoes feed only at night, but Stegomyia fasciata and most of the northern species, and also those inhabiting jungle, feed during the day-time The method of feeding. When a female mosquito commences to feed, the tip of the labrum is placed against the surface, and then the sharp maxillae and mandibles are thrust into the skin. The labrum is then forced into the wound and thus the whole six stylets of the proboscis enter the skin, being guided by the labium. The latter is doubled back as the mouth-parts enter deeper into the host. The subsequent processes can onlv be conjectured from experiments on mosquitoes under artificial conditions, but arc probably as follows. 5—2 68 BIOLOGY OF ADULT MOSQUITO [CH. After piercing the skin the insect begins to pass its salivary secretion along the groove in the labrum. The function of this secretion is, however, quite unknown. Meanwhile the amount of carbon dioxide in the tracheae of the insect increases considerably owing to its proximity to the body of its host and as a result the muscular contractions are considerably augmented. The effect of this increase in the muscular con- tractions is to cause compression of the oesophageal diverticula, and their contents, consisting of bubbles of carbon dioxide and also of a fungus, are forced into the oesophagus and for- wards through the proboscis into the wound caused by the bite. The lumen of the proboscis, buccal cavity and oeso- phagus is thus filled with carbon dioxide, derived from the diverticula, and this gas is supposed to retard the coagulation of the blood. The fungus, which is also extruded from the diverticula, enters the skin and is the cause of the great irritation and local swelling that often follow the bite of a mosquito. The association of this fungus with the mosquito constitutes one of the most interesting cases of commensalism hitherto described. The fungus is present in the egg, larva and pupa, and can always be found in the oesophageal diverticula of freshly emerged mosquitoes. In this region it multiplies on the food which is taken into the diverticula, and during its growth produces bubbles of carbon dioxide. When the mos- quito feeds, the majority of the fungi and the bubbles of carbon dioxide are extruded, but the few remaining fungi rapidly grow on the blood which passes into the diverticula during the meal, and thus more carbon dioxide is produced. Schaudinn shewed that the inoculation of the salivary glands of the mosquito into the skin did not produce any effect, whereas the inoculation of the contents of the ventral diverti- culum was followed by the formation of an irritant swelling resembling that caused by the bite of a mosquito. These results have also been confirmed by Major Williams, I. M.S., whilst working in the Quick Laboratory, Cambridge. Colour. Mosquitoes, like all other blood-sucking insects, have a decided preference for dark colours and avoid lighter shades. Nuttall found that dark blue and dark red were the VII EFFECT OF COLOURS 69 most attractive colours to Anopheles maculipennis, whilst yellow, white, and orange seemed to repel the insects. His experiment is of sufficient interest to be reproduced in detail : I To test the influence of colour a number of pasteboard boxes were taken, which measured 20 by 16 cms. and had a depth of 10 cms. The boxes were lined with cloth, having a slightly roughened surface, to which the insects could com- fortably cling. All of the fabrics had a dull — not shiny — surface, and each box was lined with cloth of a different colour. The boxes were placed in rows upon the floor and upon each other in tiers, the order being changed each day after the observations had been made. The interior of the boxes was moderately illuminated by light reflected from the surface of the white tent. On 17 days during a month beginning with the middle of June, we counted the number of flies which had accumulated in the boxes. Counts were actually made on 17 sunny and cloudy days, and with the following result : Number of A . maculipennis counted 7 days Colour of box in each bo> : during i Navy blue 108 Dark red 90 Brown (reddish) 81 Scarlet 59 Black 49 Slate grey 3i Dark green (olive) 24 Violet 18 Leaf green 17 Blue 14 Pearl grey 9 Pale green 4 Light blue (forget-me-not) 3 Ochre 2 White 2 Orange 1 Yellow 0 *• It is evident, therefore, that white or khaki-coloured clothing is the most suitable in regions where mosquitoes arc troublesome." 70 BIOLOGY OF ADULT MOSQUITO [CH. Sound. We have already referred to the stridulating apparatus described by Shipley and Wilson, by means of which the insect emits a sound whilst flying. Certain males seem to be very susceptible to notes resembling the hum of the female and the insects have been noticed to swarm around instruments emitting particular notes. At Grantchester, near Cambridge, where Anopheles maculipennis and Culex pipiens are fairly common, the writer has noticed that these insects may be aroused to activity by the sound of a piano or violin. Howard was informed by Mr A. De P. Weaver, that while engaged in some experiments in harmonic telegraphy, in which a musical note of a certain pitch was produced by electrical means, he found that when the note was raised to a certain number of vibrations per second, all mosquitoes, not only in the same room but also from other parts, would con- gregate near the apparatus and would be precipitated from the air with considerable force. He therefore covered a large surface with sticky fly-paper and after sounding the note for a few seconds caught all the mosquitoes in the vicinity. Habitat and modes of dissemination. As a rule mosquitoes do not wander more than one or two hundred yards from their breeding places (see page 72). Nevertheless, occasionally migratory flights have been noticed during which the insects travelled many miles. Such a mode of dissemination, how- ever, is certainly very rare and generally mosquitoes are spread by human agency. Ships and trains are both responsible for the introduction of species into fresh localities, as the females may remain in the holds of ships or in the carriages of trains for several days, and thus be carried hundreds of miles. The occurrence of certain species at scattered seaports in various parts of the world shews that this mode of dissemination has been of considerable importance in the past, when ships carried unprotected tanks of water. Resting position. When at rest an Anopheline can generally be distinguished from a Culicine by the attitude of the body and the legs. Anophelines usually rest with the proboscis pointing towards the surface, and as the proboscis and the rest of the body are in a straight line, the insect has a very VII] HIBERNATION AND LONGEVITY ?I characteristic appearance and seems to be standing on its head. On the other hand, in the Culicinae the proboscis forms an angle with the rest of the body and therefore the insect has a hump- backed appearance ; moreover, it generally rests with its body parallel to the surface, or with the posterior extremity bent towards the surface. These differences in the position of rest, whilst being useful for the recognition of living mosquitoes, are by no means constant, as Anopheles sometimes settles in the same manner as Culex. The differences between the two positions are well shewn in Fig. 30. Hibernation. In cold regions mosquitoes generally pass through the winter in the egg stage, but in addition some of the females hibernate in dark corners. During last winter several females of A. maculipennis and Theobaldia annulata hibernated at the top of a wardrobe in the author's bedroom at Grantchester, disappearing after the warm weather in April. In tropical countries mosquitoes generally hibernate during the dry season, when all the breeding pools disappear. In addition, however, some of their eggs may remain in the mud at the bottom of dried pools and develop when these are again filled with water. Longevity. There are very few observations on the longevity of mosquitoes, but the length of life of the female seems to be far greater than that of the male. Those females which hibernate may live for nearly a year, but in confinement Anophelines have not been kept alive for more than about a month. In the case of Aedes Knab has found that the female may live for at least three months, and Stegomyia has been kept alive for 154 days. Mating habits. In many species, e.g. Culex pipiens, the males form large swarms, to which the females seem to be attracted. The latter, however, merely fly to the swarm in order to secure a mate, and as soon as this is effected the pair at once drops out of the swarm. This habit of forming swarms is not entirely confined to the male sex, for swarms of females have been observed side by side with those of males. Copulation may be accomplished either on the wing, as in the case of Stegomyia fasciata, or whilst resting, and is generally of but short duration. 72 culicid^: [CH. Flight. Although long flights have been recorded in isolated cases, there is little doubt that as a rule the flight of mos- quitoes is very limited, rarely exceeding a quarter of a mile. From a prophylactic point of view, the distance they are capable of travelling is of great importance, for in most coun- tries it is only possible to keep circumscribed areas free from mosquitoes, and if the insects were able to travel any con- siderable distance these areas would be continually invaded by mosquitoes from the surrounding country. It is known that this does not happen to any marked degree, but occasionally long flights have been recorded suggesting that under some con- ditions the Culicidae may travel considerable distances. The majority of such flights seem to be of a migratory nature and the cause of them is unknown. The most authentic accounts all come from America, where the salt-marsh species belonging to the genus Aedes are certainly capable of travelling five to ten miles, whilst distances of as much as 40 miles have been recorded. Such flights, however, must be regarded as very exceptional and, from a prophylactic point of view, may be disregarded. Enemies. In the section on the methods of destruction of these insects, we shall have occasion to refer again to some of the natural enemies of the mosquitoes. The greatest mortality takes place amongst the immature stages, which are exposed to the attacks of countless enemies. In fact the observations of Nicholls and others have shewn that the larvae of mosquitoes are practically unable to exist in permanent waters, as the latter contain such large numbers of predaceous aquatic animals, such as fish, dragon-fly larvae, beetles, etc. The importance of fish in destroying larvae is now generally recognized, but unfortunately in many cases it is rather difficult to employ this means of destruction, as the mosquitoes can breed in small pools of water where fishes cannot live. The bladder-worts, Utricularia, capture various animals in their small bladders, and in this way considerable numbers of the larvae may be destroyed, as the plants will grow in stagnant pools. In addition another insectivorous plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa, a member of the sundew family, captures VII] ENEMIES 73 mosquito larvae, its leaves closing quickly on any animal that touches them. The larvae are sometimes destroyed by fungi and bacteria, but these groups of organisms are neither of them very im- portant enemies. Both the adult insect and its immature stages are para- sitized by various species of Protozoa and also by nematodes and trematodes. Insect enemies are responsible for the destruction of enormous numbers of mosquitoes. The larvae of Hydrophilidae and Dytiscidae devour large numbers of larvae, Fig. 32. Anopheles maciilipennis J captured in Cambridge, shewing acarine parasites attached to the body. (From a photograph taken by Professor Nuttall.) and one Dytiscus larva has been known to destroy 434 mos- quito larvae in two days. Whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) are also great enemies of the larvae, and no Anopheles has a chance in any water inhabited by them. Similarly the various species of aquatic Hemiptera destroy the larvae and also emerging imagoes, or females laying their eggs. Dragon-flies in the adult stage feed on other flying insects, and in their immature stages devour mosquito larvae, etc. Their voracious habits, in all stages, are notorious, and they must destroy enormous num- bers of Culicidae along with other Dipt era. Some of the most formidable natural enemies of the mosquito larvae are to be 74 culicid^ [ch. found amongst the family Culicidae itself. The predaceous and cannibalistic larvae of Psorophora, Lutzia, Megarhinus, etc., readily attack larvae either of their own, or other species. The larva of Lutzia is so effective that in Rio de Janeiro it has been employed to destroy the larvae of the more dangerous Stegomyia fasciata. The immature stages of many other aquatic Diptera also prey on the Culicidae. Various predaceous Diptera, especially the Empididae, capture mosquitoes along with other insects ; a blood-sucking fly, Sitnu- lium, has been observed to kill mosquitoes by sucking the blood out of them. A most curious case, however, is that of an Anthomyid fly, Lispa sinensis, which has been seen to catch and eat the larvae of mosquitoes in Hongkong. A Dolicho- podid fly of Panama also attacks the larvae in a similar manner. Mites have frequently been seen attached to the bodies of both the adult and immature stages of mosquitoes. In some regions, e.g. Uganda, as many as 50 per cent, of the mosquitoes may be attacked. The presence of these mites, however, does not seem to affect seriously the health of the host, though no doubt it may be weakened. Spiders undoubtedly destroy large numbers of mosquitoes, and are amongst the most efficient natural enemies of the adult insects. The jumping spiders of the genus Salticus are very common in houses in the tropics, and are a most valuable aid in the destruction of both mos- quitoes and flies. Newts and the aquatic larvae of salamanders readily devour mosquito larvae, and the latter are rarely found in pools inhabited by these batrachians. In India the common gecko lizard destroys large numbers of Culicidae in houses, and therefore should be encouraged as it is quite harmless. Birds and bats, however, must be regarded as the most important vertebrate enemies of the adult mosquitoes. The smaller insectivorous birds, night-hawks, swifts and swallows, all devour enormous numbers of Diptera. More than 600 insects, mostly mosquitoes, have been counted from the stomach of an American swift (ChcBtura pelagica). In addition aquatic and shore-birds eat considerable numbers of the larvae. At VII] CLASSIFICATION 75 least nine species of shore-birds, mostly phaloropes and sand- pipers, are known to eat mosquitoes, and any such birds should be strictly protected. REFERENCES. Howard, L. O. (1902). Mosquitoes. New York: McClure, Phillips and Co. Howard, L. O., Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F. (191 2). The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Carnegie Institute of Washington. Publication No. 159. (Contains complete re- ferences to literature on the subject.) Howlett, F. M. (1910). The Influence of Temperature upon the Biting of Mosquitoes. Parasitology, vol. in. pp. 479-484. Imms, A. D. (1907-8). On the Larval and Pupal Stages of Anopheles maculipennis , Meigen. Journ. of Hygiene, vol. vu. pp. 291-318, and Parasitology, vol. 1. pp. 103-133. Nicholls, Lucius (191 2). Some observations on the Bionomics and Breeding-places of Anopheles in Saint Lucia, West Indies. Bull. Entomol. Research, vol. 111. pp. 251-268. Nuttall, G. H. F. and Shipley, A. E. (1901-1903). The Structure and Biology of Anopheles. Journ. of Hygiene, vol. 1. pp. 45-77, 269-276 and 451-484 ; vol. 11. pp. 58-84 ; vol. 111. pp. 166-215. Schaudinn (1904). Generations- und Wirtswechsel bei Trypanosomen und Spirochaeten. Arb. a. d. Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte , vol. xx. pp. 387-438. Shipley, A. E. and Wilson, E. (1902). On a possible stridulating organ in the Mosquito {Anopheles maculipennis Meigen). Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. xl. pp. 367-372. Theobald, F. V. (1901-10). A monograph of the CulicidcB of the World. London : Brit. Mus. Vols. l-v. CHAPTER VIII culicid^e (mosquitoes) continued, classification The most recent classification of the Culicidae is that given by Edwards, and is as follows. Family. CULICID.K. Sub- family. Culicinae. (Ordinary mosquito with long proboscis.) 1. Tribe. Anophelinne. 2. Tribe. Mcgarhininae. j6 CULICID^E [CH. 3. Tribe. Culicinae r Culicinae ^1 = Metanotopsilse <, Aedinae J> of Theobald. I Uranotaeninae J 4. Tribe. Sabethinae r Trichoprosoponinae "^ . _ = MetanototrichaB ( DendromyinaP } of Theobald. Sub-family. Chaoborin^;. (Midge-like mosquitoes without piercing proboscis.) = Corethra. Meigen. = Sayomyia. Coquillet. Sub-family. Dixin^e. (No piercing proboscis.) Tribe i. Anophelin^e. Female palps as long as the proboscis. Male palpi clubbed. Scutellum simple and bar-shaped. Larva without respiratory tube. According to Theobald and others adopting his views the Anophelinse consist of some 20 or more genera distinguished by differences in scale structure. The general nature of this subdivision and the more important genera are shewn in the following scheme : I. No true scales1 on either thorax or abdomen. a. Upright head scales are narrow and rod-like Stethomyia. Theobald. b. Upright head scales are of ordinary expanded type. (a) Wing scales moderately broad, widest ia the middle. Without prothoracic tuft .'. .. Anopheles Meigen. With prothoracic tuft . . . . Patagiamyia. James. (b) Wing scales narrow, widest towards free end Myzomyia. Blanchard. (c) Wing scales inflated . . . . . . Cycloleppteron. Theobald. II. No true scales dorsally on either thorax or abdomen, but there is a tuft of scales ventrally on the penultimate abdo- minal segment. Myzorhynchus Blanchard- 1 A very useful distinction has been made by James between true and false scales. True scales, besides being broader, have striations which can readily be counted. False scales, which correspond roughly to the hair-like scales of Theobald, shew only indistinct striations which are too indefinite to be counted. VIII] TRIBE ANOPHELIN.ZE 77 III. Thorax covered with true scales. a. No scales on abdomen. Head scales of ordinary type . . . . Pyretophovus. Blanchard. Head scales rather flattened . . . . Myzorhynchella. Theobald. b. Scales on last few segments of abdomen only Nyssorhynchus. Blanchard. c. Many scales on abdomen but no lateral tufts Neocellia. Theobald. d. Lateral scale tufts as well as other scales on the abdomen. Cellia. Theobald. In addition there are genera represented by only one or two species. Thus there is Feltinella Theobald, near Patagiamyia, for F. pallidopalpi Theo. (basal lobes of male genitalia jointed) ; and Lophoscelomyia Theo. for L. asiatica Leicester, a peculiar species with scale tufts on the femora, also related to Patagiamyia. Near Myzomyia come Pseudo- myzomyia Theo., for P. rossii Giles1, and Neomyzomyia Theo., for N. elegans James. Kerteszia Theo., for K. boliviensis Theo., and Manguinhosia Cruz, for M. lutzi Cruz, are also genera without scales on the thorax, but with scales on the last segments of the abdomen. Both are of new world distribution. Near Neocellia, but with a complete row of ventral scale tufts, is Christophersia James, for Ch. kochii Donitz, and near Nyssorhyn- chus, but with outstanding scales on the antenna, is Calvertina Ludlow, for C. lineata Ludlow. Very peculiar genera are Christy a Theo., for C. implexa Theo., an immense Anopheles with long lateral tufts of hair-like scales on the abdomen, Chagasia Cruz, for C. fajardoi Cruz, a species with Culex-like attitude, and Arribalzagia Theo., for A. maculipes Theo., and two other species of elaborately ornamented and very large Anophelines from Brazil. The genus Bironella Theo., for B. gracilis Theo., a species known only from a single male specimen, has very short forked cells. It is not quite certain, however, that it is an Anopheline. Edwards sinks all these genera excepting Bironella under A nopheles Meigen, maintaining that the differences in scale 1 .1/. rossii (iiles is the type species of Myxomyia. Therefore the forma- tion of a genus Pseudomyzomyia having M. rossii as the type species is not allowable. ?S TRIBE ANOPHELINAE [CH. structure are insufficient upon which to found genera. In this case the Anophelinae are considered as represented by a single genus (Anopheles Meigen, type species A. maculipennis Meigen) containing some hundred or more species. These conflicting views regarding nomenclature make it very difficult at present to treat of the systematic arrangement of this sub-family. The most that can be done is to give some classified tabulation of the species based on their more con- spicuous characters, and to indicate as far as possible groups of species corresponding to a particular scale structure and hitherto given generic rank. In this respect use has been made of the general scheme of the natural affinities of the Anophe- linae given by Christophers. In this scheme the Anophelinae are subdivided into three main natural divisions, the relation of these divisions to the genera already mentioned being as follows : A. Protoanopheles. Stethomyia. Anopheles, Patagiamyia and Lophoscelomyia. Myzorhynchus, Cycloleppteron, Arribalzagia and Notonotricha (Coquillet). B. Deuteroanopheles. Myzomyia and Pyretophorus. Pseudomyzomyia. Xyssorhynchits, Neocellia and Cellia. C. Xeoanopheles. Xeomyzomyia, etc. In the following table the known species of Anophelinae are arranged in the form of a synoptic table. In this table 12 groups more or less readily differentiated both by general characters and by scale structure are given. The species which compose these groups often so closely resemble one another that they differ only in a few minute details, a generalized descrip- tion serving for the chief characters of all the species in the group. The chief characters of any species, therefore, to a large extent can be gleaned from the table, but for a full description of each species the present space is inadequate, and systematic works on the Culicidae must be consulted. A second table is given shewing all described species of Anopheles, with their synonymy if necessary, and their relation as far as is known to the transmission of malaria. VIII] SPECIES OF AXOPHELIX.E 79 Dichotomous Table shewing Natural Grouping of Species of Anophelince. 1. Costa has less than four main dark spots . . . . . . . . 2 Costa has at least four main dark spots . . . . . . . . 6 2. Costa without any pale interruption even at apex . . 3 Costa with at least one pale interruption . . . . . . . . 4 3. Female palps with second segment disproportionately long Group 1. (Stetkomyia.) Female palps of ordinary Anophelme type Group 2. {Anopheles.) 4. No true scales on mesothorax . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mesothorax with true scales . . Group 5. (Arribalzagia.) 5. Wing veins without mixed dark and light scales Group 3. {Patagiamyia.) Wing veins with mixed dark and light scales Group 4. (MyzorhyncJnis.) 6. Not more than three dark spots on sixth vein . . . . . . 7 More than three dark spots on sixth vein Group 12. (Neomyzotnyia.) 7. Terminal segment of female palps considerably less than half length of penultimate segment Terminal segment at least half length penultimate . . . . 9 8. Mesothorax without true scales . . Group 6. (Myzomyia.)1 Mesothorax with true scales . . Group 7. (Pyretophorus.)1 9 Mesothorax not clothed with true scales Group 8. {Pseudomyzomyia.)1 Mesothorax covered with true scales . . . . . . . 10 10. Abdomen without lateral tufts .. .. .. .. .. 11 Abdomen with lateral tufts .. .. Group 11. (Cellia.) n. Palps very shaggy as in Myzorhynchus Group 10. (Myzorhynchella.) Palps not so shaggy . . . . . . Group u. (Xyssorhynchus.) Table shewing Detailed Tabulation of Species of AnophelincE. A. Protoanopheles. Number of main dark costal spots is less than four. Junctions of cross-veins with longitudinal veins and bifurca- tions of second and fourth veins dark scaled. A'. Costa devoid of any pale areas even at apex of wing. Group 1. Female palps with the second segment disproportionate I segments three and four both being short. (Stethowyia. Theobald. Type species 5. nimba. Theo.) General characters of groups. Appearance. Attitude Culex-like, legs thin and slendci . Palps long and thin. 1 Vide, however, remarks on the type species of these genera and nomen- clature. 8o SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E [CH. Markings. Wings. Unspotted. Palps. Unbanded. Legs. Entirely unornamented. Scale structure. Head scales narrow and linear, not expanded as in all other Anopheles. No scales on pro- thorax, mesothorax or abdomen. Species. A. nimba. Theobald. A. aitkeni. James. A. culiciformis. James and Liston. A. corethroides. Theobald. Synonymy. A. pallida. Ludlow = „-J. aitkeni (James). A. fragilis. Theobald — A. aitkeni (James). A. trcacheri. Leicester = yL aitkeni (James). Differentiation of species. Thorax adorned. Silvery median and lateral lines . . A . nimba. No silvery lines . . . . . . A . corethroides. Thorax not adorned. Anterior forked cell very long . . . . A . aitkeni. Anterior forked cell not unusually long A. culiciformis. Group 2. Second segment of female palps not disproportionately long, terminal segment not less than half length of penultimate (orthodactylous). ( Anopheles Meigen, s^wsw. James. Type species A. maculipennis. Meigen.) Fig. 33. Anopheles bifurcatus. (Group 2.) General characters of group. Appearance. Attitude Anopheles-like. Mostly large species with thin palps and slender limbs. VIIl] SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN^E 8l Markings. Wings devoid of any pale spots (except A. crucians and A. eiseni). Palps. Unhanded (except in A . smithii and faint bands in A. immaculatus). Legs. Unornamented except for pale areas at tibio- femoral and tibio-tarsal joints. Tarsi unbanded. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. No prothoracic tuft. No scales on mesothorax or abdomen. Wing scales moderately broad. Species. A. A. A. A. A. A, A. A. Coquillet. maculipennis. Meigen. bifurcatus. Linnaeus. plumbeus. Haliday. algeriensis. Theobald. barianensis. James and Liston. barberi. Coquillet*. immaculatus. James. smithii. Theobald. A. eiseni. Coquillet. A. crucians. Wiedemann. * Ccelodiazesis barberi. Synonymy. C. bifurcatus. Meigen quadrimaculatus . Say annulimanus. Van der Wulp claviger. Fabricius \ —A. maculipennis. Meigen. grisescens. Stephens J or A. bifurcatus. Linn. atropos. Dyar and Knab "» A . occidentalis. Dyar and Knab J C. trifurcatus. Fabricius "| A. villosus. Desvoidy y = A. bifurcatus. Linnaeus. A. walkeri. Theobald J A. nigripes. Staeger = yL plumbeus. Haliday. A. ferruginosus. Wied. = y4. crucians. Wied (?). = A. maculipennis. Meigen. ? A. maculipennis. Meigen. Differentiation of species. Wings without pale spots on any of the veins Dark spots at cross-veins and bifurcations Wings uniformly dark without any spots, (i) Palps unbanded. Petiole of first forked cell more than £ length of cell Thorax with pale but not white streak anteriorly. Abdomen with yellow hairs Abdomen with brown hairs Abdomen with black and white hairs Thorax with white streak Petiole of first forked cell £ length of cell (ii) Palps banded. Banding indistinct, light mosquito .. Banding narrow but distinct, dark mosquito A . maculipennis. .. A. .. A. . . A. bifurcatus. algeriensis. barianensis. .. A. . . A. nigripes. barl H I A. ulatus. A. smithii. H. B. F. 82 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E B. Wings with some pale areas. Hind tibiae with broad, white, apical band Hind tibiae without broad band [CH. A. eiseni. A. crucians. " . Costa shews at least one pale interruption. (a) No true scales on mesothorax. Group 3. Wing veins do not shew any conspicuous admixture of dark and light scales. (Patagiamyia. James. Type species A. gigas. Giles.) Fig. 34. Anopheles {Patagiamyia) gigas. (Group 3.) General characters of group. Appearance. Attitude Anopheles-like. Usually rather large Ano- phelines of brownish colour. Markings. Wings spotted. Dark costal spots may be distinct and well separated by pale areas but there are not four main dark spots. Palps. Unbanded or with four narrow bands including pale apex. Legs. Knee spots present. Tarsi unbanded or banded, but not conspicuously. Except for a white band on femur present in some species no other ornamentation of legs. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. No prothoracic tuft. No true scales on mesothorax. Abdomen may or may not have scales on last few segments of abdomen, but some scales are usually present, especially in male. VIII] SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E 83 Species. A. gigas. Giles. A. simlensis. James and Liston. A . punctipennis. Say. A. formosus. Ludlow. *A. pallidopalpi. Theobald. **A. lindesayi. Giles. **A. lindesayi var. maculata. Theobald. **A. asiatica. Leicester. **A. wellingtonianus . Alcock. A. atratipes. Skuse. A. franciscanus. McCracken. A. perplexans. Ludlow. A. pseudopunctipennis. Theobald. *Feltinella. Theobald. Type species F. pallidopalpi. **Lophoscelomyia. Theobald. Type species L. asiatica. Leicester. Synonymy. A. (Culex) hyemalis. Filch = ^4. punctipennis. Say. Lophomyia. Giles = Lophoscelomyia. Theobald. Differentiation of species. Costa with large prominent dark spots. Palps not banded .. A. gigas. Palps banded. Tarsi banded. A. simlensis A. formosus. Tarsi unbanded. Fringe spots present at all vein endings A. pseudopunctipennis. A . franciscanus. Fringe spots absent A. punctipennis. A. pallidopalpi. One fringe spot present . . . . A . perplexans. Costa with narrow interruptions only. Femur with broad white band. Ruff of scales on femur. White band apical White band not apical No ruff of projecting scales Femur without pale band A. asiatica. A. wellingtonianus. A. lindesayi. A. atratipes. Group 4. Wing scales with conspicuous admixture of dark and light scales. (Myzorhynchus. Blanchard. Type species M. sinensis. Wied.) General characters of group. Appearance. Large species, black or nearly so. Anopheles-attitude strongly developed. Palps markedly sha^ . (>— 2 §4 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN^E [CH. Markings. Wings dark with minute pale interruptions on costa usually only two in number, one at apex and one at junction of subcosta with costa. Sixth vein has two conspicuous dark spots, the scales forming which aggregated. Light spots on upper surface of wing not in all cases reproduced below. Palps. Unbanded or with four narrow pale bands including pale apex. Legs. Knee spots, banded tarsus, and in some cases further ornamentation. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. Prothoracic tuft present. No scales on mesothorax. May or may not be scales on terminal portion of abdomen. A tuft of scales usually present on ventral surface of penultimate abdominal segment. Wing scales very broad. Fig. 35. Anopheles {Myzorhynchus) barbirostris. (Group 4.) Species. A. barbirostris. Van der Wulp. A. pseudobarbirostris. Ludlow. A . bancroftii. Giles. A. umbrosus. Theobald. A. albotcsniaius. Theobald. A. strachani. Theobald. A. sinensis. Wiedemann. A. sinensis var. indiensis. Theobald. A. psendopictus. Grassi. A. paludis. Theobald. CA. paludis var. similis. Theobald. \A. mauritianus. Grandpre. *A. 'grabhamii. Theobald. * Cycloleppteron. Theobald. Type species C. grabhamii. Theobald. VIII SPECIES OF ANOPHELINiE 85 =A. sinensis. Wied. }- . >=A. pseudopictus. Grassi. Synonymy. A. vanus. Walker A. annularis. Van der Wulp A. jesoensis. Tsuzuki A. plumiger. Donitz A. minutus. Theobald A. uigerrimus. Giles \= A. sinensis var. indiensis. A. nigerrimus . James and Liston J Theobald. A. separatus. Leicester \ - . . TTT. , A . ,.. ■ , T ■ r = }A. sinensis. Wied. A. peditfpniatus. Leicester J A. brachypus. Donitz = (?) A. sinensis. Wied. A. alb o annul atus. James and Liston = ^4. albotcsniatus. Theobald. A. paludis var. similis. Theobald = ^4. mauritianus. Grandpre. A. mauritianus. Grandpre = (?) A. paludis. Theobald. A . coustani. Laveran A. ziemani. Van Griinberg } =A. mauritianus. Grandpre. A. tenebrosus. Donitz A. pictus. Loew A. pictus. Ficalbi Differentiation of species A. Wing scales not inflated (Myzorhynchus). Tip of hind tarsus not white. Palpi not banded. Hind tarsal points narrowly banded. No fringe spots One fringe spot Two fringe spots. Legs not mottled Legs mottled Several fringe spots Hind tarsi broadly banded Palpi banded. Wing fringe with one pale spot Wing fringe unspotted B. Wing scales inflated (Cycloleppieron) . . (b) Mesonotam with true scales. Group 5. Costa with broad pale interruptions. {Arribalzagia. Theobald. Type species A. maculipes. Theobald.) General characters of group. Appearance. Large highly ornamented species. Markings. Wings prominently spotted, but with three main dark spots only. Small accessory spots present in addition to those at base of costa. Pale spots on upper surface of wing in many cases not represented beneath Sixth vein with more than two spots. Palps. Four pale bands. Legs. Speckled and ornamented. .. A. strachim. .. A. umbrosus. .. A. barbirostris. .. A. pseudobarbirostris .. A. bancroftii. .. A. alb otceni atus. .. A. sinensis. .. A. pseudopictus. .. A. grabhamii. 86 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E [CH. Scale structure. Heavily scaled species. Head scales expanded. Prothorax with tufts. Mesothorax with broad scales. Abdomen with scales and lateral tufts. Species. A. maculipes. Theobald. A. pseudomaculipes. Chagas. A. malefactor. Dyar and Knab. *A. mediopunctatus. Theobald. *A. intermedium. Chagas. * Notonotricka. Coquillet. Type species Ar mediopunctatus. B. Deuteroanopheles. Number of main dark costal spots, four. Not more than three dark spots on sixth vein. Junctions of cross-veins with longitudinals and bifurcations of second and fourth veins the seat of light interruptions (except Myzorhynchella) . B'. Female palps with terminal segment considerably less than half penultimate. Tarsi not broadly banded. Tips of hind- legs not white. Group 6. Mesothorax without true scales. {Myzomyia. Blanchard1.) Fig. 36. Anopheles (Myzomyia) listoni. (Group 6.) 1 The type species of Myzomyia is M. rossii Giles, but this species does not conform to the characters of Myzomyia as now usually understood. Group 6, therefore, though it contains most of the well-known Myzomyice [A . funesta, A. listoni, etc.) cannot correctly be described as Myzomyia, which name ought to be retained for whatever group M. rossii represents. Similarly, the name Pseudomyzomyia proposed by Theobald for M. rossii is incorrect. VIIl] SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E 87 General characters of group. Markings. Small brownish species. Wings with four main dark costal spots. Middle spot not completely broken {i.e. shewing double interruption on first longitudinal as in A. maculatus. Theobald). Sixth vein with two or fewer dark spots (except A. albirostris Theobald, which has three). Fringe spots usually absent at sixth vein and often deficient at other vein endings. Palps. Three pale bands, the apical one including the whole of the apical segment1. Legs. Knee spots and sometimes narrow and incon- spicuous tarsal banding, but no other ornamentation. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. No prothoracic scale tufts. Mesothorax without true scales. Abdomen without scales. Wing scales narrow. Species. A. funesta. Giles. A. funesta var. subumbrosa. Theobald. A. funesta var. umbrosa. Theobald. A. listoni. Liston. A. rhodesiensis. Theobald. A. culicifacies . Giles. A . nili. Theobald. A. turkhudi. Liston. A. hispaniola. Theobald. A. albirostris. Theobald. A. hebes. Donitz. A. flavicosta. Edwards. A. impunctus. Donitz. A. longipalpis. Theobald. A. pyretophoroides. Theobald. A. agripi. Patton. A. d'thali. Patton. A. jehafi. Patton. Synonymy . A. listoni. Giles ^1 A. turkhudi. Giles r=A. culicifacies. Giles. A. indica. Theobald J A. leptomeres. Theobald = (?) A . culicifacies. Giles. A. kumassii. Chalmers = A. funesta. Giles. A. umbrosa. Edwards (nom. pveoc.) = A. funesta var. umbrosa, Theobald. A. ihtviatilis. Stephens and Christophers. MSS. \= A. listoni. A . Christopher si. Theobald J Liston. A. christophersi var. alboapicalis. Theo. = --L albirostris. Theo. A. albirostris. Theo. = (?) A. aconita. Donitz. . .' . formosaensis.' Tsuzuki = (?) A. aconita var. cohcesa. Donitz. A. impunctata. D6nitz-Blanchard = .L impunctus. Donitz. A. pictus. Macdonald = A . hispaniola. Theobald. A. cruzii. Dyar and Knab = J. lutzi. Theobald. 1 In A. turkhudi and A. hispaniola the tip is dark. 88 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E [CH. Differentiation of species. Proboscis unbanded. Apex of palps pale. Fringe spots present at all veins except sixth. Tarsal banding distinct though not conspicuous. Third longitudinal light Third longitudinal dark Tarsal banding absent or very narrow and indistinct A. Fringe spots absent or present only at two or three veins Palps with three pale bands. No fringe spots . . . . . . . . A . Two fringe spots . . . . . . . . A . Palps with pale apex only . . . . . . A . Apex of palps dark. Black apex narrow . . . . . . . . A . Black apex broader . . . . . . . . . . A. Proboscis with apical half white . . . . . . A . funesta. funesta var. umbrosa. listoni. Group 7. Mesothorax with blue scales. (Pyretophorus1. Blanchard.) rhodesiensis. culici fades, nili. turkhudi. hispaniola. albirostris. aconita. Fig. 37. Anopheles (Pyretophorus) neavei. (Group 7.) General characters of group. Appearance. Mostly rather light brown species with notably long and thin palps. Markings. Wings with four dark spots usually not completely broken. Wing fringe spots most frequently absent from sixth vein. Palps, With three bands or four. Sometimes with dark apex. Legs. Free from speckling or marked banding of tarsus. 1 Though most of the members of the genus Pyretophorus are included here, this generic name cannot be employed, as P. costalis Loew, the type species, clearly belongs to a separate group. VIII] SPECIES OF ANOPHELINiE 89 Scale structure. Head scales expanded. No prothoracic tuft. Meso thorax scaled. Abdomen completely devoid of scales. Species. A. superpictus. Grassi. A. nursei. Theobald. A. nigrifasciatus. Theobald. A. cleopatrce. Willcocks. MSS. A. cardamitisi. Newstead and Carter. A. distinctus. Newstead and Carter. A . distinctus var. melanocosta. Newstead and Carter. A . palestinensis. Theobald. A. cinereus. Theobald. A . sergentii. Theobald. A. jeyporensis. James. A. myzomy fades. Theobald. A. chaudoyei. Theobald. A. transvaalensis. Carter. A . minimus. Theobald. A . pitchjordi. Power. A. arabiensis. Patton. A. austenii. Theobald. Synonymy . A. nursei. Theobald = (?) A. nigrifasciatus. Theobald variety A. chaudoyei. Billet = A. chaudoyei. Theobald. Differentiation of species. Palps with one broad pale band. Apex of palps light. Third costal spot not completely broken. Sixth vein with two dark spots .. .. A. sergentii. Sixth vein with three dark spots. Costal spots more or less confluent .. A. distinctus Costal spots distinct. Tarsi not banded. (A. nursei. A. cleopatYcP. A. palestinensis. A. minimus. Fore and hind tarsi banded . . . . A . cinereus. .,,,.,,, (A. cardamatisi. All tarsi banded . . . . . . . . (A. superpictus. Apex of palps dark. Tarsi not banded .. .. .. .. ..A. nigrifi Tarsi not banded. Three dark lines on mesonotum .. .. A . myxomyfacies. Two dark lines on mesonotum .. .. A. chami Palps with two broad pale bands A. austenii. 90 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E [CH. B". Apical segment of female palps at least half length of penultimate. Tarsi broadly banded. (a) Mesothorax not completely clothed with true scales. Group 8. {Psendomyzomyia. Theobald1. Myzomyia. Blanchard. Type species, Ps. rossii. Giles.) General characters of group. Appearance. Light fawn to moderately dark species. Palps rather shaggy. Markings. Wings with light areas much developed. Costa with four main dark spots. Third spot completely broken. Sixth vein with two dark spots. Fringe spots at all veins. Palps. Three light bands, the apical one including whole of last segment. Legs. Tarsi banded. May be speckled. Tips of hind tarsi not white. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. No pro thoracic tufts. Mesothorax mostly with narrow hair-like scales. Abdomen with some scales on last segment, especially in male. Species. A. rossii. Giles. A. indefinata. Ludlow. A. ludlowi. Theobald. A. mangy ana. Banks. Synonymy. A. mangy ana. Banks = (?)^. ludlowi. Theobald. A. vagus. D6nitz = yL rossii. Giles. A. rossii var. indefinata. Ludlow = ^4. indefinata. Ludlow. Differentiation of Species. Legs not speckled. Apical palpal band very broad . . . . A . indefinata. Apical band not so broad . . . . A . rossii. Legs speckled. Large species . . . . . . A . ludlowi. Smaller species . . . . . . . . A . mangyana. (b) Mesothorax completely clothed with true scales. Abdomen without lateral tufts. Group g. Palps moderately shaggy only. Bifurcations of second and fourth veins both sites of pale interruptions. Head scales as in majority of Anophelines. (Nyssorhynchus. Blanchard2.) 1 Vide footnote to Group 6, on page 86. 2 Here again there is confusion in the nomenclature. The type species of haver ania Theobald ( = Nyssorhynchus Blanchard) is A. (Cellia) argyrotarsis. The well-known group of so-called Nyssorhynchus, therefore, is incorrectly so called. VIII] SPECIES OF AXOPHELIX.E 91 General characters of group. Appearance. Highly ornamented species. Tips of hind tarsi always white. Markings. Wings clearly spotted. Fringe spots at all vein endings. Sixth vein with three spots. Palps. With three bands. Legs. With white hind tarsi often speckled. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. Mesothorax covered^witb scales. Abdomen with some scales. -v .---jc-:-^ Fig. 3S. Anopheles {Xyssorhynchus) maculatus. (Group 9.] Species. A. fuliginosus. Giles. A. nivipes. Theobald. A. freer a. Banks. A. philippinensis. Ludlow. A. fowleri. Christophers. A. jamesii. Theobald. A . pretoriensis. Theobald. A. maculipalpis. Giles. A . maculatus. Theobald. A . theobaldi. Giles. *A. wiUmori. James. *A. stephensi. Theobald. A . cos talis. Loew. A. costalis var. melas. Theobald. A. pseudocosialis. Theobald. A. merits. Donitz. A . marshallii. Theobald. |.-L kochii. Donitz. A. kamvari. James and Liston. A . ardensis. Theobald. A. aurcosquamiger. Theobald. * Xcn-ellia. Theobald. Type species A . willmori. Jam< t Christophersia. James. Type species A . kochii. Don 92 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN^ [CH. ff^. lineata. Ludlow. A. flava. Ludlow. A. waponi. Edwards. A. tibani. Patton. ff Calvertina. Ludlow. Type species A. lineata. Ludlow. Synonymy. A. gambit Giles \=A% costdUs. Loew. A. gracilis. Donitz J A jamesii. Listen \=A . fuliginosus. Giles. A. leucopus. Donitz J A. dudgeoni. Theobald = ^4. willmori. James. A. indica. Theobald = A. willmori var. James. A . pseudowillmori. Theobald. ^ A. ivillmori. Leicester > =A. maculatus. Theobald. A. willmori. Watson J A. maculipalpis. James and Liston \=A. maculipalpis var. A. indiensis. Theobald J indiensis. Theo. A. nigrans. Staunton = ^. karwari. James. A. halli. James = yL kochii. Donitz. A. intermedia. Rothwell "\ , , . , _, , , , >=A. stebhensi. Theobald. A. metaboles. Theobald \=A. stepht Differentiation of species. A. Tips of hind tarsi white. Palps with not more than one broad band. (a) Legs not speckled. White band at junction of first and second tarsal segment. r A . fuliginosus . Very closely related species .. .. ' ' \ a' f L A. philippinensis. No white band at junction of first and second tarsal segments A. fowleri. {b) Legs speckled. Palpi with speckling in addition to bands .. A. maculipalpis. Palps without speckling. Three tarsal segments pure white . . . . A . jamesii. Two tarsal segments pure white . . . . A . pretoriensis. Palps with two broad bands. Two tarsal segments altogether white . . . . A . theobaldi. One tarsal segment only altogether white. Scales on last few segments of abdomen .. A. maculatus. Scales on all segments . . . . . . A . willmori. Palp with more than two broad bands. Palps with five white bands .. .. .. A. kcchii. Palps with four white bands .. .. . . A. karwari. VIII] SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN^E 93 B. Tips of hind tarsi not white. Apical band of palps only broad. First tarsus not spotted. Fringe spots narrow. Femur speckled Femur not speckled Fringe spots broad First tarsus spotted Two palpal bands broad. A few scales on abdomen Many scales on abdomen . . Group 10. A. coslalis. A. pseudocostalis. A. merus. A. ardensis. A. marshallii. A. stephensi. Palps markedly shaggy. Bifurcations of second and fourth veins (one or both) dark scaled. Head scales flattened. (Myzorhynchella. Theobald. Type species M. nigra. Theobald.) General characters of group. Appearance. Black species. Palps shaggy. Markings. Costa with four main dark spots, the light interruptions in some cases bridged by dark on first longitudinal. Palps. Unbanded or with four bands. Legs. May be ornamented. Scale structure. Head scales flattish. Mesothorax scaled. Prothoracic tuft present. Abdomen free from scales. Species. A. nigra. A. lutzi1. A. parva, Theobald. Cruz. Chagas. A. nigritarsis. Chagas. A. tibiomaculata. Neiva. A. gilesa. Neiva. (c) Abdomen with lateral scale tufts. Group ii. (Cellia. Theobald. Type species A. pharoensis. Theobald.) &-V ^:- £"- "-:_- "-' **- ---— ^-^ m ' r g r * > 'jtf-H? Fig. 39. Anopheles (Cellia) pulcherrimus. (Group 11.) 1 There arc three species i^( A . lutzi, of which A. was first so named. A. {Myxorkynckella) In!:: Cruz, then renaming if generic distinctions between the Anophelina are 94 SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN^E General characters of group. Markings. Costa with four main dark spots. [CH. Fringe spots at all Palps. With four light bands. Legs. Ornamented. Scale structure. Head scales expanded. Prothorax may have a few scales or a tuft. Mesothorax covered with scales. Abdomen with scales and lateral scale tufts. Species. A. A. A. A, A. A. argyrotarsis. Desvoidy. A. albimanus. Wied. A. jacobi. Hill and Haydon. A . cincta. Newstead and Carter A. pulcherrima. Theobald. A . pharoensis. Theobald. Ventrillon. pharoensis var. alba. bigotii. Theobald. gorgasi. Dyar and Knab. squamosa. Theobald. squamosa var. arnoldi. Newstead and Carter. Synonymy . A. albipes. Theobald ^ A cubensis. Agramonte ' alUmanus. Wied. A. tarsi-maculatus. Goeldi f A. argyrotarsis. Theobald J A. albitarsis. Arribalzaga = A . argyrotarsis. Desvoidy. A. albofimbriata. Gi\es = A. pharoensis. Theobald. A. bozasi. Neveu-Lemaire = (?) A. pharoensis. Theobald. A. braziliensis. Chagas = ( ? ) ^4 . argyrotarsis. Desvoidy. A. punctipennis. Bigot. MSS.=y4. bigotii. Theobald. A. squamosa arnoldi. Stephens and Christophers = A . squamosa var. arnoldi. Stephens and Christophers. Differentiation of species. Tips of all legs pale. Metatarsus with distinct bands Metatarsus with flecks of white only Tips of hind-legs only pale. (a) Three segments of hind tarsus altogether white. Apex of abdomen dark Apex of abdomen whitish grey (b) Three segments of hind tarsus white except for small dark band on last segment (c) One segment only of hind tarsus white. Femora and tibiae mottled Femora and tibia? not mottled Tips of hind-legs not pale A. cincta. A . jacobi. A. argyrotarsis, A. braziliensis. A. albimanus. A. pharoensis. A. bigotii. A. squamosa. C. Neoanopheles. Costa with four main dark spots. Sixth vein with more than three dark spots. Junctions of cross-veins with longi- tudinal veins and bifurcations of second and fourth veins the seat of pale interruptions. VIII] SPECIES OF ANOPHELIN.E 95 Group 12. (Neomyzomyia. Theobald. Type species A . elegans. James.) General characters of group. Markings. Wings with a large number of spots on veins. Third longitudinal with several dark and light areas. Sixth vein may have five or six dark spots. Palps. With well-marked white bands. Legs. Speckled and ornamented. Scale structure. Prothorax usually with scale tuft. Species. A. elegans1. James. A. punctulata. Donitz. A. annulipes. Walker. A. tessellatus. Theobald. A. masteri. Skuse. A. natalensis. Hill and Haydon. A. deceptor. Donitz. A. watsoni. Leicester. Synonymy . A. ceylonica. Newstead and Carter = (?) A. tessellatus. Theobald. A. leucosphyrus. Donitz = (?) ^4 . elegans. James. A. muscivus. Skuse = vL annulipes. Walker. A. ocellatus. Theobald = yL punctatus. Donitz. A. punctulatus. Theobald — A. tessellatus. Theobald. A. punctulata. James = /L tessellatus. Theobald. A. thorntonii. Ludlow = (?)yL tessellatus. Theobald. Peculiar Anophelines not placed in Table. A. rajardoi. Lutz (Chagasia, Cruz). A. boliviensis. Theobald (Kerteszia, Theobald). A. lutzi. Cruz (Manguinhosia, Cruz). A. gracilis. Theobald (Bironella, Theobald). A. implexa. Theobald (Christya, Theobald). A. lineata. Ludlow (Calvertina, Ludlow). A. brunnipes. (? Nyssorhynchus.) Theobald. A. christyi. (? Nyssorhynchus, Neocellia.) Newstead and Carter. A. lutzi. (? Myzomyia.) Theobald. A. wellcomei. (? Anopheles.) Theobald. A. pseudosquamosa. (? Cellia.) Newstead and Carter. Insufficiently described or doubtful Species. A. annulipalpis. Arrib. A. maculicosta. Becker. A . annulipes. Arrib. A . martini. Laveran. A. antennatus. Becker. A. multicolor. Camboulin. A. cohcesus. Dounc -. A. pursati. Laveran. A. error. Theobald = (no species). A. stigmaticus. Skuse. A. farauti. Laveran. A. subpictus. Grassi. A. formosaensis II. Tsuzuki'-'. A. vincenti. Laveran. A . neiriti. Yentrillon. 1 Neomyzomyia Theobald. - According to Kinoshita, A. cohcesus and A . formosaensts = A . listoui. Table II. The known species of Anophelines, with their their habitat and connection Present group tabulation Species and Synonyms and generic synonymy Distribution I A . aconita Donitz [3] 6. {Myzomyia) . . Malay 2 A. aconita var. cohcesa Donitz [4] . . b. (Myzomyia) Malay 3- A. aitkeni James [ia] (i9°3) 1. (Stethomyia) India, Malay 4- *A . albimana Wiedemann [1] II. (Cellia) S. & C. America 5- A . albipes Theobald [2] 11. (Cellia) W. Indies, S. America 6. *A . albirostris Theobald [6] . . 6. (Myzomyia) Malay, etc. . . 7- A . albitarsis Arribalzaga [3] — 8. A. alboannulatus James & Liston [4] 4. (Myzorhynchus Malay 9- A. albofimbriata Giles (1904) 11. (Cellia) . . Egypt IO. A . albotceniatus Leicester [2] 4. (Myzorhynchus Malay ii. *A. algeriensis Theobald [6] (1903) • • 2. (Anopheles) N. Africa 12. A . annularis Van der Wulp [4] 4. (Myzorhynchus Malay *3- A . annulimanus Van der Wulp [2] . . 2. (Anopheles) — 14. A . anmdipalpis Arrib. [1] . . — Argentine 15- A. annulipes Walker [3] 12. (Nyssorhynchus ) Australia 16. A. annulipes Arrib. [1] Argentine 17- A . antennatus Becker — — 18. A. ardensis Theobald [11] . . 10. (Pyretophorus) . Natal 19. A . argyrotarsis Desvoidy [1] 11. (Cellia) West Indies, S. America, etc. 20. A . avabiensis Patton ?IO. Aden 21. A. arnoldi Stephens & Christophers 11. (Cellia) Transvaal 22. A . adatica Leicester [1] 3. (Lophoscelomyia) Malay 23- A . atratipes Skuse [1] 3. (Pyretophorus) . Australia 24. A . atropos Dyar & Knab [2] 2. (Anopheles) N. America 25- A. aureosquamiger Theobald [14] . . 10. (Nyssorhynchus Transvaal 26. A . aurirostris Watson — — 27. A. austenii Theobald [10] 7. (Pyretophorus) . Angola 28. A . azriki Patton 6. (Myzomyia) (?) Aden 29. A . bancroftii Giles [4?)] 4. (Myzorhynchus) Australia 3°- A. barberi Coquillet [4] (1903) 2. (Anopheles) — 31. A . barbirostris Van der Wulp [4] . . 4. (Myzorhynchus) India, Malay, China 32< A. bavianensis James & Liston [4] (1911) 2. (Anopheles) India 33- A . bellatov Dyar & Knab [2] 6. (Myzomyia) (?) 34- *A. bifurcatus Linnaeus [2] (1758) . . 2. (Anopheles) Europe 35- A . bifurcatus Meigen [1] 2. (Anopheles) Europe 36. A . bigotii Theobald [2] 11. (Cellia) Chili 37- A . bisignata 6. (Myzomyia) — 38. A. boliviensis Theobald [12] (Kerteszia) S. America 39- A . bozasi Neveu-Lemaire [3] 11. (Cellia) N. Africa 40. A. br achy pus Ddnitz 4. (Myzorhynchus) Malay 'esent classification and generic synonymy, and notes on ith malaria. ransmission experi- ments. ,'ycle observed of — r. Malignant tertian, .T. Simple tertian, q. Quartan ; z. to zygote stage, nd S, to sporozoite stage Observations regarding transmission in nature. (z) Zygote and (s) Sporozoite stage observed Epidemiological evidence of transmission irling, s.t. Darling, (t) ;), m.t. (s) lunton.M.T. Staunton, (z) Ed.&Et.Sergent,(s) moshita, T. Daniels, ( + )? Christophers ( + )? James, Staun- ton, ( + ) Remarks = A. albirostris Theobald (?). = A. formosaensis II Tsuzuki. Forest and jungle species biting by da} like a Stegomyia. Commonest carrier in Central and Tropi cal S. America. 70 % of those fee by Darling became infected. = A. albimana Wied. Important carrier in Malay. = A. argyrotarsis. = A. albotamiatus. = A. pharoensis. Important carrier in Algeria (littoral) = A. sinensis Wied. = A. maculipennis Wied. Common Australian species. rling, (f) Darling, m.t. (?), (z) Patton, (s) Important carrier in Aden Hinterland = A. squamosa var. avnoldi Newsteac and Carter. phens & Doubtful (Christo- lristophers phers) T. ? A. albirostris Theobald. Unlikely to Hill species. Sooo ft. carry in nature owing to distri- bution issi, (t) . . Grassi, (t) Common English Anopheles. — A. maculipennis Meigcn. = A. sinensis (?). H. B F. Table II (continued). The known species of Anophelines, notes on their habitat and Species and Synonyms 41. A. braziliensis Chagas 42. A. brunnipes Theobald [17] 43. A. cardamitisi Newst. & Carter [1] 44. A. ceylonica Newst. & Carter [1] . . 45. A. chaadoyei Theobald [6] 46. A . chaadoyei Billet 47. A . christophersi Theobald [4] 48. A. christophersi var. alboapicales Theobald [17] 49. A. christyi Newst. & Carter [2] 50. A . cincta Newst. & Carter [1] 51 . A . cinerens Theobald [2] 52. A. claviger Fabricius 53. A. cohcesus Doune 54. A. corethroides Theobald [14] (1907) 55. *A. costalis Loew [2] . . Present group tabulation and generic synonymy 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. A. costalis var. melas Theobald [6] A . coustani Laveran [2] A. crucians Wied. [2] (1828) A . cruzii Dyar and Knab [1] A . cubensis Agramonte A . culicifacies Giles [3] A. culiciformis James & Listen [4] (1904) A . deceptor Donitz [2] A . distinctus Newst. & Carter [2] . . A . distinctus var. melanocosta Newst. & Carter [2] A . d'thali Patton A. dudgeoni Theobald [16] A. eiseni Coquillet [3] (1902) A. elegans James [la] A . error Theobald [2] A. fajardoi Lutz [1] . . A . farauti Laveran [3] A . ferruginosus Wied. [2] . . A . flava Ludlow [5] . . A. flavicosta Edwards [1] A. fluviatilis Stephens & Christo- phers MSS. A . formosaensis I Tsuzuki A. formosaensis II Tsuzuki A . formosus Ludlow [6b] A . fowleri Christophers [1] . . {Cellia) (Nyssorhynchus) (Pyretophorus) . . (Pyretophorus) . . Distribution S. America . . Angola Greece Ceylon Algeria, etc. . . II. II. (Neocellia) {Cellia) Uganda West Africa . 7- {Pyretophorus) . . Africa 1. 10. (Stethomyia) (Pyretophorus) . . Australia Africa 10. (Pyretophorus) . . Africa 2. (Anopheles) N. America . 6. (Myzomyia) India 12. (Stethomyia) ( ) India Malay 7- (Pyretophorus) . . Rhodesia 7- 6. 11. 2. 12. (Pyretophorus) . . (Myzomyia) (?) (Neocellia) (Anopheles) ( Neomyzomyia ) Rhodesia Aden C. America . (Aldrichia) (Chagasia) Brazil 10. (Nyssorhynchus) ? Nigeria 6. (Myzomyia) Formosa ? Formosa 3 (Patagiamyia) . . Formosa 10. (Nyssorhynchus or Neocellia) India ith their present classification and generic synonymy, and inflection with malaria. ransmission experi- ments, ^ycle observed of — t. .Malignant tertian, .t. Simple tertian, Q. Quartan ; f z, to zygote stage, nd s, to sporozoite stage Observations regarding transmission in nature. (z) Zygote and (s) Sporozoite stage observed Epidemiological evidence of transmission Remarks = A. argyrotarsis (?). — =A. tessellatus Theobald. Billet, ( + ) .. Common Anopheles in oases, breedii in saline waters. — =A. chaudoyei Theobald. — =A. listoni Liston. A. albirostris. A. maculipennis Meigen. A. bifuvcatus Linnaeus. oss, Annett Ross, Stephens & Austen Christophers, etc. .T. Q. M.T. :ephens & hristophers, >.T. Q. M.T. (s) Stephens & Christo- phers, (s) Active and common transmitter i Tropical Africa. = A. mauvitianus Grandpre. = A. {Myzomyia) lutzi Theobald. = A. albimana Wied. Commonest Indian carrier. Patton, ( + ?) illmoyi James. Forest species in Andamans (Christc phers), ? any part in transmissior = no species. = A. crucians (?). suzuki. m.t. Tsuzuki (s) s) suzuki, m.t. Tsuzuki (s) s) Tsuzuki, ( + ) Tsuzuki, ( + ) — A. listoni Liston. = A. aconita var. cohcesa Donitz (?). Table II (continued). The known species of Anophelines, notes on their habitat and Species and Synonyms 8 1 . A. fragilis Theobald [8] 82. A. franciscanus McCracken [i'_ 83. A. freer ce Banks [1] . . 84. *A. fuliginosus Giles [4a] Present group tabulation and generic synonymy Distribution ? (Anopheles) . . California, etc. 10. (Nyssorhynchus) Philippines . . 10. (Nyssorhynchus) India, etc. 85. *A. funesta Giles [2] 6. (Myzomyia) Africa 86. A. funesta var. subumbrosa Theo- bald [6] 6. (Myzomyia) Africa . . 87. A . funesta var. umbrosa 6. (Myzomyia) Africa 88. A. funesta var. neiriti Blanchard . 6. (Myzomyia) Africa 89. A . gambles Giles [46] — — 90. A . gigas Giles [3] 3- (Patagiamyia) India 91. A . gilesi Neiva 9- (Myzorhynchella) Brazil 92. A . gorgasi Dyar and Knab n. (Cellia) C. America . . 93- A . grabhamii Theobald 4. (Cycloleppteron) W. Indies , S. America 94. A. gracilis Theobald [12] (Bironella) — 95- A . gracilis Donitz — — 96. A . grisescens Stephens [2] . . — — 97- A. halli James [3a] — — 98. A . hebes Donitz [3] . . \ 6. (Myzomyia) East and S.W. Africa 99. *A . hispaniola Theobald [6] . . 6. (Myzomyia) N. Africa, Spain 100. A. (C.) hyemalis Fitch — — 101. A. immaculatus James [1] (1902) . 2. (Anopheles) India 102. A . implexa Theobald [7] (Christy a) Africa . . 103. A . impunctus Donitz 6. (Myzomyia) Egypt 104. A . indefinata Ludlow [4] — — 105. A. indica Theobald [14] . 10. (Neocellia) India .. 106. A . indica Theobald [2] 6. (Myzomyia) India 107. A. indiensis Theobald [14] . . 10. (N yssorhynchus) India 108. A . indiensis 4. (Myzorhynchus) India 109. A . intermedia Rothwell — India no. A . intermedium Chagas 5- ( Cycloleppteron, Notonotricha) Brazil . . III. A . jacobi Hill and Haydon ... n. (Cellia) Natal 112. A . jamesii Theobald [2] 10. ( Nyssorhynchus ) India "3- A . jamesii Liston — — 114. A . jehafi Patton — — "5- A . jesoensis Tsuzuki — Formosa, etc. 116. A. jeyporensis James [1] 7- (Pyretophorus) . . India 117. A. harwari James & Liston 10. ( Nyssorhynchus ) India, Malay 118. A . kochii Donitz [1] — — 119. A . kumassii Chalmers 120. A . leptomeres Theobald [6] . . — — 121. A . leucopus Donitz [1] — — with their present classification and generic synonymy, and connection with malaria. Transmission experi- ments. Cycle observed of — M.T. Malignant tertian, S.t. Simple tertian, Q. Quartan ; of z, to zygote stage, and s, to sporozoite stage Observations regarding transmission in nature. (z) Zygote and (s) Sporozoite stage observed Epidemiological evidence of transmission Remarks Stephens & Christophers, M.T. (z) Q. (z). Ross, Annett Austen, S.T. Q. Daniels, M.T. Adie, (s) Stephens & Christo- phers, (s) ; some- times 50 % infected Not an active carrier as far as kno\ Adie found only 1 in 200 infect Active and important common can in Tropical Africa. Improbable act- ing as carrier owing to dis- tribution vide A. neiviti Ventrillon [1]. = A. funesta Giles. Hill species. Ed. & Et. Sergent, (t) (s) Negative in Anda- mans (Christophers) ruz, (t) = A. costalis Loew. = A. maculipennis or A. bifurcatus. = A. kockii Donitz. Common carrier, Algeria and S. Spa = A. panctipennis Say. =A. wiUmori James var. = A. culici fades Giles. =i4. )naculipa!; iiensis Thi = A. sinensis var. indiensis Theoba = A. stephensi Liston. A . fuh riles. •A.cinereus (?) (Theobald). Staunton (sus- pected) Daniels, ( + ) pro- bable A. funesta Giles. A. cuhcifmcUs Giles (?). A, fuh ;les Table II [continued). The known species of Anophelines, notes on their habitat and 122. A 123. I24. A A 125. 126. A *A Species and Synonyms leucosphyrus Donitz [1] . . lindesayi Giles [4a] lindesavi var. maculata Theo- bald [17] lineata Ludlow listoni Liston [1] . . 127. A. listoni Giles 128. A. longipalpis Theobald [6] 129. *A. ludlowi Theobald [6] 130. A. hitzi Cruz 131. A. lutzi Cruz 132. *A. lutzi Theobald 133. *A. maculatus Theobald [2] 134. A . maculicosta Becker 135. A. maculipalpis Giles [4ft] . . 136. A. maculipalpis James & Liston . 137. *A. maculipalpis var. indiensi Theobald Present group tabulation and generic synonymy Distribution 138. *A. maculipennis Meigen [2] (18 18) . 139. A. maculipes Theobald [6] . . 140. f-4 . malefactor Dyar and Knab [ia] . 141. A. mangyana Banks [1] 142. A. marshallii Theobald [6] . . 143. A. martini Laveran [3] 144. A . mauritianus Grandpre .. 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 A . masteri Skuse [1] . . A . mediopunctatus Theobald [6j A . merus Donitz A . metaboles Theobald [4] A . minimus Theobald [2] A. minutus Theobald [6] A . multicolor Cambouln A. muscivus Skuse [1] A. myzomyfacies Theobald [14] A . natalensis Hill & Haydon A . nigerrimus Giles [4a] A. nigerrimus James & Liston [4] A. nigra Theobald [14] A . nigrans Staunton A. nigrifasciatus Theobald [14] A . nigripes Staeger A . nigritarsis Chagas [1] A . nili Theobald [9] 12. 3- 3- 6. Neomyzomyia) Malay, etc. Patagiamyia) India Patagiamyia) India Calvertia) . . Philippines Myzomyia) . . India Myzomyia) Pseudomyzomyia ) Central Africa Malay Myzorhynchella) Brazil Manguinhosia) Brazil Myzomyia ?) . . Brazil Nyssorhynchus) India Nyssorhynchus) China 10. (Nyssorhynchus) India 2. {Anopheles) Europe, America 5- 5- (Arribalzagia) . . (Arribalzagia) . . Brazil Brazil 10. 4- (Pyretophorus) . . (Myzorhynchus) Mashonaland Cambodia Mauritius.Madagascar 12. 5- {Nyssorhynchus) ( Cycloleppteron ) Australia Brazil Africa 7- (Pyretophorus) . . China 7- 2. (Pyretophorus) . . (Myzorhynchus ?) Algeria Natal 9- ( Myzorhynchella ) Brazil, etc. 7- (Pyretophorus) . . India 9- 6. ( Myzorhynch ella ) (Myzomyia) Brazil Africa with their present classification and generic synonymy, and connection with malaria. Transmission experi- ments. Cycle observed of— m.t. Malignant tertian, S.T. Simple tertian, Q. Quartan ; of z. to zygote stage, | and s, to sporozoite stage Observations regarding transmission in nature. (/.) Zygote and (s) Sporozoite stage observed Epidemiological evidence of transmission Remarks Kinoshita, (t) Stephens & Christo- phers, (s) Hill species. Active and important carrier in cerl terai tracts in India. = A. culicifacies Giles. Christophers, (z) Christophers Important salt-swamp breeding m.t. (carrier in An- littoral malaria carrier, damans) Staunton, m.t. Watson (N. willmori Watson = N. macn- latus), Staunton Lutz, (t) .. Forest carrier,breeding in bromelias, — Common terai species, India. Comn carrier, Malay States (referred as N . willmori by Watson). Stephens & Christophers, m.t. (z) Grassi, etc. Darling, (f) Cruz, (t) Robertson, Liston, Bentley, (s) Grassi, etc. Ed. Sergent, (s) = A. maculipalpis var. indiensis Th Common carrier in X.W. Terai. — Common carrier in Europe and No America. — Not concerned in transmission Panama (Darling). — =A. ludlowi Theobald (?). Laveran, ( + ) — Ross. Doubtful Probably = A. paludis Theobald, carrier not act- ively transmit- ting in Mauritius = A. stephensi Liston. = A. siiier. = A. annulipcs Walker. =sA . sinen = A . sine* = A . hat n .>>: }.. — A. plumbeus Haliday. Table II (continued). The known species of Anophelines, notes on their habitat and Species and Synonyms 163. A. nimba Theobald [6] (1903) 164. A . nivipes Theobald [8] 165. A. nursei Theobald [14] 166. A. ocellatus Theobald 167. A. occidentalis Dyar & Knab 168. A. palestinensis Theobald [6] 169. A . pallida Ludlow .. 170. A. pallidopalpi Theobald [14] 171. A. paludis Theobald [1] 172. A. paludis var. similis Theobald [6] 173. A . parva Chagas [1] . . 174. A. peditamiatus Leicester [2] 175. A . perplex ans Ludlow 176. A. pharoensis Theobald [2] 177. A. pharoensis var. alba Ventrillon 178. A. philippinensis Ludlow [1] 179. A. pictus Loew [1] . . 180. A. pictus Ficalbi [2] . . 181. A . pictus Macdonald 182. A. pitchfordi Power 183. A. plumbeus Haliday (1828) 184. A . plumiger Donitz [1] 185. A. pretoriensis Theobald [6] 186. A. pseudobarbirostris Ludlow [2] 187. A. pseudocostalis Theobald [17] 188. A. pseudomaculipes Chagas [1] 189. A. pseudopictus Grassi [1] . . 190. *A. pseudopunctipennis Theobald [3] Present group tabulation and generic synonymy Distribution i. (Stethomyia) . . Brazil, etc. 10. (Nyssorhynchus) Malay 7. (Pyretophorus) . . India 7- (Pyretophorus) . . Palestine, Cyprus 3- 4- (Feltinella) ( Myzorhynchus ) Sierra Leone 9- (Myzorhynchella) Brazil 3- 11. (Anopheles) (Cellia) N. America . . Egypt n. 10. (Cellia) ( Nyssorhynchus ) Philippines . . 7- 2. (Pyretophorus) . . (Anopheles) Africa Europe 10. 4- 10. 5- 4- 3. (Nyssorhynchus) (Myzorhynchus) (Pyretophorus) . . (Arribalzagia) . . (Myzorhynchus ) (Anopheles) Transvaal Philippines . . Africa Brazil Europe N. America . . 191. A. pseudosquamosa Newst. & Carter [2] 192. A. pseudowillmori Theobald [17] 193. A . pulcherrima Theobald [4] 194. \A. punctipennis Say [1] 195. A. punctipennis Bigot MSS. 196. A. punctulata Donitz [1] 197. A . pursati Laveran [3] 198. A. pyretophoroides Theobald [14] 199. A, quadrimaculatus Say [2] 200. A . rhodesiensis Theobald [2] 201. \A. rossi'i Giles [1] (Cellia) Rhodesia II. 3- (Cellia) (Paiagiamyia) . India N. America . . 12. (Cellia) . . East Indies, etc 6. (Myzomyia) Transvaal 6. (Myzomyia) Africa (Pseudomyzomyia) India, China 202. A. rossii var. indefinata Ludlow [4] 203. A. separatus Leicester 204. A. sergentii Theobald [14] .. 205. A. simlensis James [4] ( Myzorhynchus ) (Pyretophorus) . (Paiagiamyia) . Malay Algeria India with their present classification and generic synonymy, and connection with malaria. Transmission experi- ments. Cycle observed of — m.t. Malignant tertian, s.t. Simple tertian, Q. Quartan ; of z, to zygote stage, and s, to sporozoite stage Observations regarding transmission in nature. (z) Zygote and (s) Sporozoite stage observed Epidemiological evidence of transmission Remarks Newstead, Dutton & Todd, (t) Possibly = A. nigyifasciatus var. = A. punctulatus Donitz. = ( ? ) A . maculipennis. = A. aitkeni James (?). = A. mauritianus Grandpre. = A. sinensis. A. pseudopiclus Grassi. ■A. pseudopiclus Grassi. A . hispaniola. = A. sinensis Cruz, (t) Darling, m.t. (8) Only slightly concerned in t mission in Canal Zone (Dar 12-9 % of those fed by Dc became infected. = A . maculatus. Hirschberg, (F) Stephens & Christophers, Q. m.t. James, Stephens & Christophers, (f) ; Bentley, Staunton Laveran, ( + ) Little relation —A. bxgotxx, =A.macuhj \merican). Apparently transmit very little, all, in "nature, thouch commi Indian sp = A. indefinata Liull = ? A . Unlikely to be Hill S] transmitter from distribu- tion. Table II [continued) The known species of Anophelines, notes on their habitat and Species and Synonyms 206. *A . sinensis Wiedemann [2] Present group tabulation and generic synonymy 4. {Myzorhynchus) Distribution India, China, Malay 207. A. smithii Theobald [10] (1905) 208. A. squamosns Theobald [2] 209. A. squamosns var. arnoldi Newst. & Carter [2] 210. *A. stephensi Liston [1] 211. 212. 213. 214. A. stigmaticus Skuse [1] A. strachani Theobald [14] A . subpictus Grassi . . A. superpictus Grassi [1] 215. A. tarsimaculatus Gceldi 2. {Anopheles) 11. [Cellia) 11. {Cellia) 10. {Nyssorhynchus, Neocellia) 4. {Myzorhynchus) 7. {Pyretophorus) . 11. (Cellia) Sierra Leone Africa Africa India Australia W. Africa India Europe S. America 216. A. tenebrosus Donitz 217. A. tessellatum Theobald [2] 218. *A. theobaldi Giles [3] 12. — Malay 10. {Nyssorhynchus) India 219. A. thorntonii Ludlow (1904) 220. A. tibani Patton 221. A. tibiomaculata Neiva [1] 222. A. transvaalensis Carter 223. A. treacheri Leicester 224. A. trifurcatus Fabricius [1] 225. A. turkhudi Liston [1] — Aden 9. {Myzorhynchella) Brazil 7. {Pyretophorus) . . Transvaal 6. (Myzomyia) India 226. 227. A . umbrosa Edwards [1] A. umbrosus Theobald [6] 6. {Myzomyia) . . Africa 4. {Myzorhynchus) Malay 228. A . unicolor 229. A . vauus Donitz [3] . . 230. A. nanus Walker [4] 231. A . villosus Desvoidy [1] 232. A, vincenti Laveran [ia] 233. A. ivalkeri Theobald [2] 234. A. watsonii Edwards [1] 235. A. watsonii Leicester [2] 236. A. wellcomei Theobald [9] . 237. A. wellingtonianus Alcock . 238. *A. ivillmori James .. 239. A. willmori var. maculosa J; 240. A. willmori Leicester 241. A. ziemani Van Grunberg . {Myzomyia) 10. {Nyssorhynchus) Nigeria 12. {Anopheles) Malay 3- {Patagiamyia, Myzorhynchus ) 10. {Nyssorhynchus) India 10. {Nyssorhynchus) India with their present classification and generic synonymy, and connection with malaria. Transmission experi- ments. Cycle observed of — m.t. Malignant tertian, S.T. Simple tertian, Q. Quartan ; of z, to zygote stage, and s, to sporozoite stage Tsuzuki, q, & others Kino- shita, s.t. Q.M.T. = F Observations regarding transmission in nature. (z) Zygote and (s) Sporozoite stage observed Epidemiological evidence of transmission Remark- Stephens & Liston, (t) ; Bent- Christophers ley, (t) Important and active carrier. C in towns owing to power of bn in cisterns, wells, etc. Darling, 00 Grassi, (t) ; Bignami & Bastianelli, (t) = {})A. albimana. Considered tinct by Dyar and Knab. 60 those fed by Darling becarc fected. = A. mauritianas. Stephens & Christophers, m.t. (z) q.(z) Probably transmits in terai and parts of India. = A. tessellation. Stephens & Christophers, m.t. (z) Staunton, m.t. (f) — =A. aitkeni James. — = A. bifurcatus Linnaeus Gill. Large Probably transmits numbers in very malarious spot Watson con- — siders to be carrier = A. rossii Gil< — = A. sinensis Wied. — = A. bifurcatus Linnaeus. = A. bifurcatus Liir Adie (Mrs), (s) Carrier in terai country. Theobald - .1 . ■ ndpre. 108 megarhinin.e [ch. Tribe 2. Megarhinin^e. Proboscis with the apical half much thinner than the basal, and bent downwards at an angle with it. Scutellum evenly rounded. Wings long and narrow ; fork cells both very short, but with the first much shorter than the second. Large species completely clothed with flat, more or less metallic, scales, usually blue or green. Larvae predaceous ; adults not bloodsuckers. The Megarhininae are popularly known as Elephant mos- quitoes owing to their enormous size. None of the species have been shewn to be directly concerned in the spread of disease, but the predaceous larvae of some species play an important role in keeping down the number of other species of mosquitoes. T. immisericors (Walker), the common Elephant mosquito of India and Burmah, for example, in the larval stage is generally found living on the larvae of Stegomyia. The two chief genera are Megarhinus and Toxorhynchites, the former of new world and the latter of old world distribution. Tribe 3. Culicinae. Thorax more or less rounded ; metanotum without bristles ; scutellum more or less distinctly trilobed. Larvae with air tube and median ventral brush on anal segment (after the first stage). This sub-family includes over 600 species and, next to the Anophelinae, is the most important from the point of view of the transmission of disease. Theobald in his monograph recognizes nearly 100 genera, arranged as follows : Palpae of male long Culicince. Palpae of male short. First forked cell of wing long Aedina. First forked cell of wing very short Uvanot&nince In addition certain peculiar forms have been given the rank of a sub-family by Theobald. In other respects having the characters of Culicinae, but differing in having a seventh vein on the wing with scales, is Heptaphlebomyinae. Also resembling Culicinae, but having a very long second segment of the antenna, is Deinoceratinae. VIIl] GENERA OF CULICIN^E IO9 Edwards divides the Culicinge into two main groups : (i) Culex group. Eggs laid in masses ; last segment of female abdomen broad, immovable ; claws of female never toothed. Genera : Culex, Tcsniorhynchus, JEdomyia, Theobaldia, Uranotcenia. (2) Aedes group. Eggs laid singly ; last segment of female abdomen narrow, usually completely retracted into the penultimate ; claws of female, at least on the four anterior legs, nearly always toothed. Genera : Mucidus, Psorophora, Janthinosoma, Ochlerotatus, Stegomyia, Aedes. The following scheme is that of Edwards, giving the chief characters of the more important genera. Table of Genera of Culicincz (Edwards). Claws of female toothed . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Claws of female simple . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Posterior cross-vein slightly beyond mid cross- vein ; legs shaggily scaled ; female palpi half as long as proboscis .. .. .. .. Mucidus. Posterior cross-vein before mid cross-vein ; legs not shaggily scaled ; female palpi not half as long as proboscis . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Male palpi with two apparent joints . . . . Banksinella. Male palpi with three apparent joints .. .. .. .. 4 Last two joints of male palpi thin, about equal in length ; black and white species ; head all flat- scaled Stegomyia. (Includes Stegomyia, Dcsvoidya, Leicesteria, Scutomyia and Kiv.gia of Theobald.) Last two joints of male palpi more or less thickened, especially the penultimate, which is longer than the terminal ; not usually black and white species, head not usually flat-scaled above . . Ockle\ (Includes Acartomyia, AEdimorphus, Andersottia, BaiM Culicada, Culicelsa, Danielsia, Duttonia, Eccu". Gualteria, InimetocuUx, Lepidoplatys, L Molpemyia, Myxosquamus, Neopecomyic leptiomyia, Protoculcx, Protomach\; Pseu,: skusea, R of Theobald ami others.) 110 GENERA OF CULICIN^ [CH. 5. Eighth segment of female abdomen slender, retractile ; male resembling a Stegomyia . . Howardina. Eighth segment of female abdomen broad trun- cate (except in Mimomyia), not retractile . . . . . . 6 6. Head without any flat scales in the middle above ; proboscis never swollen at tip . . . . . . . . . . 7 Head with at least a row of flat scales round the eye margins, usually almost entirely clothed with flat scales ; proboscis often swollen at tip 13 7. Wing scales very broad and dense . . . . . . . . 8 Wing scales not very broad . . . . . . . . . . 9 8. Male palpi as long as proboscis, thin last joint very short . . . . . . . . . . . . Mansonioides. Palpi similar in both sexes, very short ; middle femora with a tuft of scales at the tip . . Mdomyia. 9. Fork cells very short ; wings nearly bare ; male palpi two-jointed . . . . . . . . Mimomyia. (Includes Boycia, Conopomyia, Hispidimyia, Ludlowia, Mimomyia, Radioculex, of Theobald, etc.) Fork cells not very short ; male palpi three- jointed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. jo 10. Metatarsus of bind-legs distinctly shorter than the tibia ; male palpi long, the last two joints swollen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Metatarsus of hind-legs at least as long as the tibia, male palpi thin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 11. Penultimate joint of male palpi thicker and some- what longer than terminal one, usually yellow species . . . . . . . . . . . . T csniorhynchus . (Includes T csniorhynchus and Mansonia of Theobald.) Penultimate joint of male palpi thinner but not longer than terminal one ; not yellow species ; cross-veins almost in a line . . . . . . Theobaldia. 12. Male palpi longer than proboscis, last two joints curved upwards . . . . . . . . . . Culex. (Includes Aporoculex, Heptaphlebomyia, Lasioconops, Leucomyia, Ltitzia, Maillotia, Melanoconion, Microculex, Oculeomyia, and Trichopronomyia of Theobald.) Male palpi shorter than proboscis, straight . . Protomelanoconion. 13. A row of small flat scales round the eyes ; basal joint of male palpi with a row of projecting scales ; otherwise like Culex . . . . . . Culiciomyia. (Includes Culiciomyia, Trichorhynchus, Neomelanoconion, and Pectino- palpus of Theobald.) Head mostly or entirely flat-scaled in middle . . . . . . 14 14. Proboscis not swollen at tip ; fork cells not very short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Proboscis swollen at tip or fork cells very short, first shorter than second . . . . . . . . . . 17 VIII GENERA OF CULICIN^E I I I r5. Lateral vein scales with apices simple, 4 antennae plumose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Lateral vein scales with apices dentate, $ antennae pilose . . . . . . . . . . . . Hodgesia. 1 6. Medium-sized species, pale palpi thin, almost without hairs and slightly shorter than the proboscis . . . . . . . . . . . . Eumelanomyia. Very small species, male palpi short like those of the female . . . . . . . . . . Micra'edes. 17. Fork cells very short, first shorter than second .. .. 18 Fork cells not very short, first not shorter than second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 18. Lateral vein scales absent ; male palpi long, two- jointed, apical one swollen ; fore and mid-claws of male unequal, toothed . . . . . . Mimomyia. Lateral vein scales present, broad ; male palpi very short ; male claws not toothed, the front pair small and equal . . . . . . . . Uvanotcenia. (Includes Uranot&nia, Pseudouranotcpnia, Anisocheleomyia, Pseudo- ficalbia of Theobald.) 19. Proboscis not hairy . . . . . . . . Ingramia. ( = Dasymyia . Leicester. ) Proboscis with long hairs . . . . . . . . Harpagnmyia. ( = Malay a. Leicester.) Of the genera noted above some are more important than others, both as regards the number of species and their relation to disease transmission. Mucidus (seven species). The larvae are predaeeous and, like those of the MegarhinincB, feed on other mosquito larvae. Species of Mucidus have a very striking " mouldy " appearance, due to the long outstanding scales on the legs, etc. Not one of the species has been noted as concerned in the transmission of disease. Banksinella (five species). Some species at least suck human blood with avidity. No species has been proved to transmit any disease. Stegomyia and Kingia (over 40 species). Mosquitoes of the genus S are medium-sized, brilliantly banded and marked with black and silvery white. The head is entirely covered with flat appressed scales and all lobes of the scutellum likewise carry broad Hat scales. The following is Theobald's table for the differentiation oi the species of Stegomyia^ with some additional ones described since his work was published. 112 SPECIES OF STEGOMYIA [CH. Genus Stegomyia Theobald (1910;. A. Proboscis banded. a. Legs basally banded. Thorax brown, with scattered creamy-white scales annulirostris. Theobald. Thorax black, with narrow-curved golden scales periskeleta. Giles, act. Legs with basal and apical banding. Forelegs with no bands ; mid with apical and basal bands on first tarsal and second tarsal ; hind with basal bands. Thorax white in front, with a brown eye-like spot on each side. thomsoni. Theobald. AA. Proboscis unbanded )8. Legs basally banded. 7. Abdomen basally banded. Thorax with one median silvery-white line scutellaris. Walker. Thorax similar, but two white spots near where line ends gebeleinensis. Theobald. Thorax with a white line on each pleuron in addition to a median silvery- white line . . . . pseudoscutellaris. Theobald. Thorax with two median yellow lines and lateral curved silvery lines . . . . . . . . . . fasciata. Fabricius. Thorax with two short median lines and a white patch on each side .. .. .. .. .. .. nigeria. Theobald. Thorax with large lateral white spots in front, smaller ones by wings, two narrow median yellow lines, and two posterior sub- median white lines . . . . . . . . lilii. Theobald. Thorax with a white W-shaped area in front, a prolongation curved on each side enclosing a brown eye-like spot W-alba. Theobald. Thorax with white frontal median spot, two large lateral spots, a small one in front of the wings, a narrow median white line and narrow sub-median ones on posterior half. Last two hind tarsi white . . . . . . . . wellmanii. Theobald. Thorax brown, with broad white line in front extending laterally towards wings, where they swell into a large patch; a white line on each side just past wing roots. Last two hind tarsi white desmotes. Giles. Thorax with silvery-white spot on each side in front, small one over root of wings, and white over their base. Last two hind tarsi white . . . . . . . . pseudonigeria. Theobald. Thorax with two lateral white spots, front one the largest, small median one near head, two yellow median lines, a short silvery one on each side before scutellum . . simpsoni. Theobald. Thorax with a silvery-white scaled area in front and another each side in front of wings . . . . argentecmaciilata. Theobald. VIII] SPECIES OF STEGOMYIA II3 Thorax with median yellowish-white line, a silvery patch on each side in front of wings, extending as a fine yellow line to scutellum, and another silvery spot before base of each wing poweri. Theobald. Thorax with small grey scaled area in front of roots of wings and three short creamy lines behind . . minutissima. Theobald. Thorax ? (denuded). Abdomen black ; fifth segment with yellow basal band ; sixth, unbanded ; seventh, two median lateral white spots ; eighth, two basal lateral white spots ; second hind tarsal nearly all white . . dubia. Theobald. Thorax dark brown ; abdomen with dark scales arid basal ochraceous bandings well-marked on segments 2, 3, 4 and 5 quasinigritia. Ludlow. Thorax dark brown. Abdomen dark brown, with brilliant lateral white spots, sometimes extending across tergum as basal bands nigritia. Ludlow. 77. Abdomen unbanded. Third hind tarsal nearly all white. Thorax with two lateral white marks directed upwards africana. Theobald. Thorax with white spot in front and another in front of each wing apicoargentia. Theobald. First hind tarsal all white, second basally white, last two dark. Thorax chestnut-brown with a broad patch of white scales on each side in front and a median pale fine . . terrens. Walker. First hind tarsal with very small basal white spot ; second tarsal mostly white, other segments black . . pollinctor. Graham. j3/3. Legs with white lines as well as basal bands. Thorax brown with white lines ; abdomen with basal bands grantii. Theobald. j3j8/3. Fore and mid-legs with apical bands ; hind basal. Fourth tarsal of hind-legs nearly all white mcdiopunctata. Theobald. Mid metatarsi with basal pale banding, base and apex of hind, also base of first tarsal .. .. .. assamensis. Theobald. Basal two-thirds of hind femora white, metatarsus and first three tarsal joints with basal white bands . . imitator. Leio j8/3j8/3. Fore and mid-legs unbanded; hind femora white basally and at apex. Thorax black scaled in female and golden scaled in the male. Abdomen unbanded dorsally but banded ventrally with square pearly white spots laterally .. dissimilis. Lei< -;. Legs unbanded. 5. Abdomen basally banded. Thorax, front half white, rest bronzy-brown pseu Theobald. Thorax deep brown, with scattered golden scales, shewing dark eye-like spots; head white, dark on each side and behind Theobald. Thorax brown, with golden stripes ; abdomen with DVT bands fifth and sixth segments raly H. B. F. 114 SPECIES OF STEGOMYIA [CH. 55. Abdominal banding indistinct. Thorax with broad silvery- white patch on each side in front albolateralis. Theobald. 555. Abdomen unbanded. Thorax, six silvery spots . . . . argenteopunctata. Theobald. Thorax with dark-brown narrow curved scales. Scutellum with very marked meridian lobe . . . . hatiensis. Carter. 5555. Abdomen with apical white lateral spots. Thorax unadorned, except for pale scaled lines internally punctolateralis. Theobald. Abdomen with basal white lateral spots. Thorax with two pale indistinct median parallel lines and two silvery lateral spots . . . . . . minuta. Theobald. Thorax unadorned. White spot mid head . . . . . . tripunctata. Theobald. No white spot . . . . . . amesii. Ludlow. Thorax brownish-black with dark bronze scales. Abdomen clad with purple-black scales and white triangular lateral spots fusca. Leicester. 55555. Abdomen with silvery apical lateral spots on all segments except first two . . . . . . tasmaniensis. Strickland. AAA. Proboscis yellow basally, dark apically. Abdomen with apical pale bands .. . .crassipes. Van der Wulp. AAAA. Proboscis with median interrupted white lines on basal half. Head black, anterior margin grey . . albomarginata. Newstead. Desvuidya (five species). Large mosquitoes active by day like Stegomyia, small with silvery venter, but less ornamented than Stegomyia. Leicesteria (ten species). Resembling Desvoidya, but the female pupae are half the length of the proboscis. Ochlerotatus. This genus as reconstructed by Edwards is an important one from the large number of different forms included. Of the original genera now sunk under Ochlerotatus, many contain but few species, and have not been shewn to play any part in disease transmission. Culicada is a genus represented by many species and especially occurs in North America and Europe. Howardina (seven species). The best known species in this genus is the common H. sugens {Scutomyia Meigen = Stegomyia Meigen). Grabhamia (twenty-eight species). There are a large number of common species of this genus which usually have a characteristic floury appearance. They are of active bloodsucking habits. Mansonioides (three species). These have an even more pronouncedly floury or " pepper and salt " appearance. Aedomyia and Numomyia. These are now domestic species, having no rela- tion to any disease. Many do not, under ordinary circumstances, feed upon man. VIII] PUBLICATIONS ON CULICID.E 115 Tcsniorhynchus and Mansonia. Mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia are especially characteristic of swamp country, and occur in enormous numbers in many parts of Tropical Africa and elsewhere. They are concerned in the transmission of Filariasis. Theobaldia. Large gnats common in the temperate zone. Culex (several hundred species). Culex pipiens = common English gnat. Culex fatigans-— commonest mosquito of tropics acting as transmitting agent of Filariasis. It is also the definitive host of Plasmodium prczcox, the malarial parasite of birds. Culex concolor as a larva has actively cannibal habits, and plays an important part in keeping down the numbers of the common C. fatigans and its near allies. Culiciomyia, and other genera of little importance as carriers, etc. Tribe 4. Sabethin^e. The members of this tribe are not known to carry any disease. PUBLICATIONS OF IMPORTANCE IN CONNECTION WITH NOMENCLATURE AND SYSTEMATIC WORK ON CULICIDJE. The numbers in brackets refer to the data given in the Table o species of Anopheles (pp. 96—107). The asterisks mark recent and important papers, or those in which recognized species of Anopheles are described. Agramonte (1900). El progresso medico, x. p. 460. Arribalzaga [1] (1878). El naturalista Argentino. [2] (1883). Bol. Acad. nac. d. Ciencias, iv. * [3] (1891). Rivista del Museo de la Plata (Culicida). ♦Bancroft (1908). Annals of the Queensland Museum, No. 8. ♦Banks (1906). Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 1. No. 9. Becker (1903). Mitteilungen aus dem Zool. Mus. in Berlin, 11. p. 68. ♦Blanchard [id] (1901) [ib] (1905). Les moustiques, histoire natui et mddicale. Paris. * [2] (1901). Compt. rend. Soc. Biol. vol. liii. p. 1045. * [3] (1902). Ibid. vol. liv. p. 793. ♦Bourroul (1904). Mosquitos do Bras 1 1. Bahia. Camboulin (1902). C. R. Acad. Sc. cxxxv. p. 704. ♦Carter [1] (1910). The Entomologist, vol. xliii. p. I ♦Chagas [1]. In Peryassu. Chalmers [1] (1900). Lancet. [2] (1905). Spolia Zeylandica, 11. 8, p. 1 ♦Christophers [1] (1911)- Paludism, No. 2. Coquillet [1] (1896). Canadian Entom. xxvm. * [2] (1900). U.S. 1' »S md Series, No. 40. * [3] (1902). New York S -• x P i9i- Il6 PUBLICATIONS ON CULICID^ [CH. *Coquillet [4] (1903). Canadian Entom. xxxv. * [5] (1900). U.S. Depart, of Agric, Bureau of Entom. Tech. Ser. No. 11. Cruz [1] (1906). Brazil Medico, xx. 20, p. 199. * [2] (1908). In Peryassu. Desvoidy [1] (1827). Mem. d. 1. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, III. p. 411. [2] (1828). Ibid. vol. iv. ♦Donitz [1] (1901). Insekten Borse, xvm. * [2] (1902). Zeits. f. Hygiene, xli. p. 15. * [4] (1903). Ibid, xliii. p. 215. *Dyar and Knab [ia] (1907). Journ. New York Entom. Soc. xv. p. 198. * [16] (1909). Proc. of the U.S. Nat. Museum, xxxv. p. 53. * [2]. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xix. p. 160. *Edwards [1] (191 1). Bull. Entom. Research, 11. part 2, p. 141. * [2] (191 1). Ibid. 11. part 3, p. 241. * [3] (191 2). Ibid. in. part 1, p. 1. * [4] (1912). Ibid. in. part 3, p. 241. Fabricius [1] (1775)- Sy sterna entomologica, etc. [2] (1777). Genera insectorum. [3] (1781). Species insectorum, etc. [4] (1877). Mantissa insectorum, etc. [5] i1 794)- Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. [6] (1805). Syst. Antliatorum, etc. 6, p. 35. Ficalbi [1] (1896). Bull. Soc. Entom. Ital. xxviii. * [2] (1899). Ibid. xxxi. Fischer [1] (1812). Mem. Soc. Imperiale Nat. Moscou, iv. p. 167. Fitch (1885). New York State Museum, 2nd Entom. Report. *Giles [1] (1899). Jour. Prop. Medicine, 11. p. 62. * [2] (1900). Liverpool School of Prop. Med., Memoir 11. * [3] (1901). Entom. Monthly Mag. xn. p. 196. * [4a] (1900) [46] (1902). Handbook of Gnats or Mosquitoes. London. * [5] (1904). A Revision of the AnophelincB (supp. to handbook). *Goeldi (1905). Os mosquitos no Para. Para. ♦Grandpre [1] (1900). Planters' Gazette Press. Port Louis. [2] (1902). Zool. Anz. xxv. No. 677, 21 July. ♦Grassi [1] (1899). Atti Accad. d. Lincei, Ser. 5, Memor. in. 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Naturhist. Tijdschr. n. p. 252. [2] (1869). Tijds. voor Entom. [4] (1884). Ley den Museum Notes. Ventrillon [1] (1906). Bull. d. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. xn. p. 100. [2] (1906). Ibid. xii. p. 198. Walker [3] (1850). Insecta Saundersonii, 1. Watson (1910). Annals of Trop. Med. and Par. iv. No. 2. Wiedemann [2] (1828). Ausser Eur op. Zweif. Insekten, 1. IX] MALARIA 119 CHAPTER IX ANOPHELINE-TRANSMITTED DISEASES MALARIA. Synonyms. Ague, Paludism, Intermittent fever, Remit- tent fever ; Marsh, Climatic, Jungle, Hill, Mountain and Coast fever, Plasmodiose, Fievre palustre, Wechsemeber, Kaltesfieber, Ylvperos, Bimbi ou Moustique (Galla), Mbou ou Moustique, and also many local names such as Roman fever, Sierra fever, etc., etc. Definition. Under the term malaria is grouped together a number of intermittent fevers caused by plasmodial parasites living in the red blood corpuscles At the present time only three distinct species of these parasites are usually recognized, viz. Plasmodium malaria, P. vivax, and P. falciparum ( = La- verania malarice) ; each gives rise to a distinct type of fever and is transmitted by various Anopheline mosquitoes. The common features of the disease, in addition to fever, are anaemia, hypertrophy of the spleen, and sometimes the liver, and the deposition of pigment (melanin) in the various organs and integument. Historical. The periodicity of the febrile attacks of malaria had attracted attention long before the parasitic nature of this disease was known, or its transmission by mos- quitoes suspected. Certain references have been taken shewing that malaria was recognized even in the time of Homer (1100 B.C.) and in the Hippocratic Books (500 B.C.) \v\ having quotidian, tertian and quartan periodicity are described. This characteristic periodicity, which finds expression in the term intermittent fever, even now sometimes used, represent however, practically everything that was known about the disease in these early times. A much more precise knowledge of malaria and a dear recognition of remittent and pernicious forms of the d where periodicity is not a feature, followed the introduction 120 MALARIA [CH. to Europe in the seventeenth century of Cinchona and its alkaloids, it being then possible to distinguish types of fever curable by quinine from those not affected by this drug. A third feature of malaria, namely its frequent association with paludic conditions, although it seems to some extent to have been known to the ancients [e.g. Varro, 116 B.C.), was first fully realized as a result of the work of Doni, Morton, Lancisi and others, from the seventeenth century onwards. This association was explained as shewing that malaria was due to exhalations from decaying vegetable matter, or to minute forms of life present in such exhalations. Hence there resulted the Miasm theory of malaria, a theory universally held by mankind up to a few years ago and responsible for the name " Malaria " (=bad air). In 1847 the occurrence of the characteristic pigment of malaria in the blood and organs was discovered by Meckel ; this pigment, it was thought, was the result of the chemical action of miasm on the blood. In 188 1 Laveran discovered the organism containing this pigment now known as the malarial parasite. Within a few years Laveran's organism, the first discovered protozoon parasitic in man, was universally recognized as the cause of malaria. Thus in modern usage it has followed that no diag- nosis which has not been based upon the demonstration of this parasite, or its characteristic pigment in the blood, is accepted as of any value in a crucial case, malaria now being an example of a disease defined not on clinical but on parasitological grounds. In 1886 Golgi demonstrated the nature of the life-cycle of the parasite in man, and shewed that the periodicity of the febrile attacks was dependent on the length of the cycle of development of successive broods of the parasite, and that the attack of fever occurred at the time when such broods simul- taneously broke up into the spores which restarted the cycle. Golgi also differentiated two species of malarial parasite, the parasites of quartan and of tertian malaria, respectively. In 189 1 Marchiafava and Bignami, after studying certain irregular fevers prevalent in Rome in the summer and autumn, IX] HISTORICAL 121 announced the existence of a third species of parasite, charac- terized by the occurrence of very minute forms, and now known as the cestivo-autumnal, malignant tertian or tropical parasite. It was shortly afterwards discovered that certain large and peculiar crescentic forms of the parasite, now very familiar as crescents, were a stage in the life-cycle of this third species. In addition these and other Italian workers by their collective researches made quite clear the real parasitic nature of Laveran's bodies and by elaborating methods by which they could be demonstrated, laid the foundation for the study of the malarial parasite by observers in other parts of the world. In the decade or so following upon these early observations a great many important facts in regard to malaria were elicited. It was shewn that infection could be conveyed to healthy persons by the subcutaneous or intravenous inoculation of the blood of malarial subjects. It was also proved that in such cases only that form of parasite appeared which had been present in the original infection, thus greatly strengthening the view of a plurality of species. Other species more or less resembling the malarial parasite, but shewn to be distinct, were also found to occur in birds, bats and other animals, and were closely studied. Special methods of staining were elaborated and much work was done with regard to the peculiar crescent bodies and the process of exflagellation exhibited by these and by certain other forms of the parasite. All efforts to discover how the parasites gained an entrance to the blood of man, however, failed. Experiments (Marchia- fava ; Celli, 1885 ; Marino, 1890, and Zeri, 1890, etc.), under- taken with a view to producing malaria in healthy pers by causing them to drink water from notoriously malarious places, were without result. When marsh water was inje into animals a condition thought at first to be malaria was produced, associated with tumefaction of the spleen and the appearance of pigment in the organs. Bui it is now obvi that this condition was one of septicaemia! and with the dis- covery of the malarial parasite any significance attaching to these experiments had to be abandoned. The possibility that mosquitoes might be concerned in the 122 MALARIA [CH. transmission of malaria had been put forward already by King (1883). That mosquitoes might convey malaria was also definitely suggested by Laveran on the analogy of the develop- ment of filarial embryos in the mosquito (1884). But it was Manson (1894) who more especially elaborated and emphasized the probability of mosquito transmission, and who by his remarkable deductions, based on the behaviour of the flagellate bodies, led directly to Ross's efforts to demonstrate this rela- tion experimentally. But none of these hypotheses, not even Manson's carefully thought out deductions, anticipated the mosquito cycle as we now know it, as a result of Ross's brilliant research, in all its beautiful simplicity. According to Manson it was the flagella breaking away from the parasite that underwent development in the mosquito, and it was by the medium of water in which the mosquito eventually died that it was supposed re-infection of man took place. Ross's discovery of the cycle of develop- ment of Proteosoma shewed that it was the whole parasite which underwent development, and that re-infection did not take place through water, but that the parasites underwent growth and multiplication in the body of the mosquito, eventu- ally rinding their way to the salivary glands, to be injected with the salivary secretion when the mosquito next fed. The significance of flagellation was almost coincidently shewn by MacCallum, who observed in Hcemoproteus (= Halteridium), another parasite of birds, the fertilization of the female form, or macrogamete, by the flagella, or microgametes, liberated from the microgametocyte, or male form, of the parasite. The discovery of the life-cycle of Proteosoma, and the fact that the protozoa, like the parasitic worms, might exhibit melaxeny, or the utilization of two or more hosts in their development, gave the clue to the method of transmission of human malaria, and the mosquito cycle of the malarial para- site, as worked out by Grassi and others, was found to follow almost exactly the development previously noted by Ross in the case of Proteosoma. But whereas the parasite of birds underwent development only in mosquitoes of the genus Culex (C. fatigans), that of man required those of the genus IX] HISTORICAL 123 Anopheles. {A. maculipennis and an Anopheles in which Ross had already seen zygote stages of the malarial parasite in India.) Observations and experiments in Rome shewed that the occurrence of Anopheline mosquitoes was especially charac- teristic of malarious localities, and still more important that patients contracted the disease when exposed to the bites of Anopheles brought from notoriously malarious districts, or those which had been previously fed on malarious subjects. A final proof was the classical experiment of Manson, in which Anopheles infected in Italy were allowed to feed upon two volunteers in England, both of whom as a result contracted malaria. This discovery, one of the most remarkable in the history of medicine, was so opposed to popular ideas of the way in which malaria was contracted, that for a time there were some who doubted whether the simple explanation given by Ross's experiments could explain all the facts regarding malaria transmission. Especially the idea that malaria was supposed to be contracted in remote and uninhabited swamps led to the frequently expressed suggestion that there might be channels of infection other than the mosquito, and a good deal was made of certain bodies found by Ross within the parasitic cysts, and called by him " black spores," as shewing that there might be a cycle of development over and above that already known. In order to explain the deadliness of tropical swamps and jungles, others suggested that Anopheles obtained infection by hereditary transmission from mosquito to mosquito, or from the blood of bats or other wild animals. " Black spor however, are now known to be a species of Nosema attack the mosquito independently of malarial infection, whilst it is now generally recognized that, contrary to current belief, remote jungles and swamps in themselves are harmless, in the absence of human inhabitants to yield infection. Neither hereditary infection of mosquitoes nor their infection from wild animals is now considered probable, and the view universally held at the present time is that malaria is an infectious dis< passing from man to man, but requiring for this purpose the presence of an intermediary transmitting host, the mosquil 124 HISTORY OF MALARIA [CH. This view, that malaria is a disease transmitted by Anopheles, but essentially of an infectious nature depending on pre-existing human infection for its origin, may be said to be that upon which all present day conceptions regarding the epidemiology and prevention of malaria are based. Such a conception of malaria is of course entirely opposed to the older notions of a " telluric " disease, and as a result the whole method of approaching malaria problems has so changed that writers sometimes refer to researches they may have conducted as being directed from the New ^Etiological Standpoint. But though all the more modern work upon malaria has been based upon the discovery of the mosquito cycle; yet it would be a mistake to suppose that no considerable advance in the knowledge of malaria has been made since this great discovery. Not only has there been a vast accumulation of knowledge regarding the circumstances connected with malaria in almost all parts of the world, but even in some cases a distinct modification, or rather expansion, of original conceptions of the disease has resulted. Thus the idea of malaria as an infectious disease requiring some previous case of fever from which infec- tion was to be derived, has been modified, at least as far as tropical countries are concerned, and brought more into touch with the old telluric views by the discovery of the almost ubiquitous latent infection of native indigenous races and of the part played by native communities as " reservoirs of infection." Equally important have been the striking advances in the conception of the part played by economic influences in determining the degree of prevalence of malaria, for as stated by Celli it is not merely malaria parasite + Anopheles + man which determines the prevalence of malaria, especially the prevalence of this disease in epidemic form, but the formula malaria parasite 4- Anopheles 4- man + X. It is in fact the com- plicated factors involved in this unknown X with which the most recent investigations on malaria have been mainly con- cerned, and the complete elucidation of Celli's formula will constitute still another step of no mean importance in the history of malarial research. Again, with regard to advances in connection with IX] LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE 125 preventive measures directed against malaria, there has not only been a great increase of practical experience of such action under particular circumstances, but methods of combating the disease have sometimes become possible which at first sight were not self-evident. As examples may be mentioned the important method of dealing with malaria known as Segregation, now largely employed in Tropical Africa, and the no less remark- able development of prophylaxis as recently applied among British troops in India, where malaria has been combated not only by direct, but by a host of indirect and often extremely ingenious devices. Life-cycle of the Malaria Parasite in Man and in the Mosquito. Like many other parasitic Protozoa, the malarial parasite has two periods of multiplication in its life-cycle, one in which it multiplies and over-runs its mammalian host, the other in which, to ensure its eventual translation to a fresh host, it multiplies in the body of the mosquito. The first period of multiplication in the blood of man, since it occurs independent ly of any fusion of male and female elements (syngamy) , is known as the asexual, or, from the fact that multiplication goes on by a process of schizogony , the schizogonous cycle. The period of multiplication, which starts with the entry of blood contain- ing suitable forms of the parasite into the stomach of the mosquito, is dependent on the fertilization of the female element (macrogamete) by a male element (tnicrogamete) and is known as the sexual or sporogonous cycle, sporogony being the term applied to the analogous part of the life-cycle in other Sporoz The schizogonous cycle can be repeated, as far as is known, an indefinite number of times, and apparently without the inter- vention of any sexual process may keep up a condition of infection of the host lasting for several years. Sporogony, on the other hand, occurs but once, with the formation of a • number of the forms known as sporozoites, which, after accumu- lating in the salivary glands of the mosquito, remain without further development until introduced into the bl< .in. 126 LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE [CH. Schizogony occurs only in man, and the schizont forms, if ingested by the mosquito, are simply digested. But whilst the greater part of the sporogonous cycle takes place in the mosquito, the early stages, as far as the formation of the sexual forms is concerned, takes place in the blood of man. Thus in the blood of a malarious patient both asexual and sexual forms may be seen ; the former are those concerned in the production of fever and the clinical effects of malaria generally, the latter are of importance only if they are taken up by a suitable mosquito. Although three species of Plasmodium occur in man and give rise each to a distinct type of fever, their methods of development and multiplication are essentially the same. Asexual cycle. — Schizogony. We will commence with a description of the parasite as it is introduced into the blood by the bite of an infected mosquito. At this stage it consists of a small sickle-shaped body, about 10-20/x in length by 1-2^ in diameter. It is known as the sporozoite, and large numbers of these are extruded with the salivary secretion of an infected mosquito, as may be seen by allowing the insect to feed on a drop of glycerine on a slide. The sporozoite consists of a central nucleus surrounded by a uniformly staining elongate mass of cytoplasm. It is pointed at both ends, and by means of flexion is capable of progressive movements in the blood plasma. After being introduced into the blood of a human being three possibilities are open to these sporozoites. They may be killed in the body and thus produce no infection ; they may remain latent in the spleen or some other internal organ until a favourable opportunity to develop presents itself ; and lastly, they may proceed at once to develop and give rise to the characteristic fever after a certain incubation period. The sporozoite begins to develop by first boring into a red blood corpuscle and thus becoming an intracellular parasite. Once it has entered the red cell it assumes a rounded amoeboid form, which is known as the trophozoite. The young trophozoite is actively amoeboid, giving off pseudopodia and absorbing nourishment from the contents of the red cell. At first it consists of a uniform mass of cytoplasm IX] LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE 1 27 containing a single nucleus, but soon a " vacuole " appears in the parasite, causing it to assume a ring form (Fig. 40, 1). As the parasite grows it feeds on the substance of the red corpuscle, and gradually destroys the whole cell, but during this process certain waste products are formed, one of which is deposited within the cytoplasm of the growing trophozoite in the form of pigment granules. These granules are composed of a brown or black substance allied to melanin, to which the name " haemozoin " is sometimes applied. This substance is chiefly the result of the decomposition of the haemoglobin, and has very pronounced physiological properties, being mainly responsible for the febrile attacks that occur in patients suffer- ing from malaria. The trophozoite grows until it reaches a certain size — about three-quarters the diameter of the red cell — when it becomes rounded off and withdraws all pseudopodia. The full grown trophozoite is then known as the schizont, and consists of a rounded mass of cytoplasm containing numerous pigment granules and a nucleus situated to one side of the centre. This nucleus now begins to divide, according to the species of Plas- modium, into 6 to 20 smaller nuclei (Fig. 40, 5), which become arranged around the periphery of the parasite. Each of the nuclei then becomes surrounded by a mass of cytoplasm which separates off from the remainder, and thus a number of small parasites are formed. These are known as the merozoites and are usually ovoid bodies, about 2/j. by i/x, each containing single nucleus. In the above-described process a certain amount of cytoplasm, containing all the pigment granules, is left unsegmented at the centre of the cell. After segmen- tation is complete the wall of the red cell bursts and the mi zoites, together with the residual protoplasm and pigment granules, escape into the blood stream. Many of the merozoites are now ingested by the leu but a certain number escape and at once proceed to attack other red cells. Unlike the sporozoite, the merozoite does Dot directly bore its way into the red cell, but usually becomes attached to the surface of the cell. Very soon after the young parasite has attached ttseti 128 LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE [CH. cytoplasm becomes spread out and exhibits a characteristic, comparatively large, clear, central vacuole, the effect of which is to give the parasite the appearance of a ring, such ring forms occurring in the early stages of development of all three forms of the parasite. In fresh preparations these ring forms can be seen to possess on one part of their circumference a swelling like the stone of a signet ring which is the nucleus, and to extrude small pseudopodial processes, which in some forms are very long and slender, in others more lobose. In specimens stained by the Romanowsky method the nuclear portion is conspicuous as a bright red mass, whilst lying around the vacuole is a thin crescentic portion of delicate blue-staining cytoplasm. Many of the ring forms, especially in the case of the malig- nant tertian parasite, remain for some time attached to the surface of the red blood corpuscle, such forms being termed accole or attached parasites. Eventually in all species the parasite sinks into the substance of the cell. The subsequent development is identical with that pre- viously described, the termination of which is the formation of a schizont and the subsequent liberation of a number of merozoites into the blood stream. This cycle may be repeated any number of times until a large proportion of the red cells is infected. The asexual method of multiplication in the blood of the vertebrate host is characteristic of all species of Plasmodium. By this means the infection is carried from one cell to another within the vertebrate host, and very rapidly millions of the blood corpuscles become infected. The destruction of the blood cells thus entailed rapidly produces anaemia in the affected patient, but much more harm is done by the waste products of the parasites. These consist of the pigment granules and various other products of metabolism which are left behind in the residual protoplasm when schizogony occurs. As they can only escape into the blood stream when the red cell bursts, these various toxic waste products are liberated together with the merozoites, and as most of the infected corpuscles rupture about the same time, the effect of the accumulated IX] LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE 120, products is so considerable as to produce an attack of fever in the patient. The febrile attacks only occur when schizogony is taking place and the merozoites are being liberated into the blood stream. The interval between the attacks indica1 therefore, the time taken by the parasite to develop from the merozoite through the trophozoite stages up to the schizont; and to subdivide into a number of merozoites, or, in other words, to pass through the complete asexual cycle. It has been found that the time taken for the completion of this cycle varies in different species of Plasmodium, being 72 hours in the case of P. malaria, 48 hours in P. vivax, and from 24 to 48 hours in P. falciparum. Hence the fevers caused by each of these parasites differ from one another by the intervals elapsing between the febrile attacks. The full description of these species, together with their distinguishing characteristics, is described below (vide p. 155). In these few words we have briefly described the asexual cycle of development that takes place in the vertebrate host, but, as will be obvious, the only method by which the meroz< >i could infect another host would be by the inoculation of blood containing them. This method of transmission is successful, for if blood containing malarial parasites is inoculated into a normal human being, the latter becomes infected with malaria. However, such a mode of transmission probably never occurs in nature, for the merozoites are incapable of withstanding desiccation, or any other of the vicissitudes to which they would be exposed on the proboscis of a biting arthropod, the only conceivable agent for such direct transmission. Con- sequently, in addition to its asexual multiplication, which merely serves to increase its numbers in the infected individual, it is necessary for the parasite to possess some mean- oi being carried from one host to another. We shall see that provision is made for this transmission, but first it is necessary to describe another development that the young trophozoite may und< i in the red cell. Development of the sexual forms in the blood. About a week after a patient becomes infected with malaria certain lai intracorpuscular forms may be observed that do not go through H. B. F. 12a £13 a PI] $,&$ "a Fig. 40. Diagrammatic representation of the life-cycle of the malarial parasite of pernicious malaria. 1-6. The schizogonous cycle shewing successive stages in growth from the young ring form (1) up to the fully-grown parasite (4) in which tlie nucleus has divided. 5 and 6. Division of the body of the parasite to form the merozoites. 7. A single merozoite, which CH. IX] LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE 131 is capable of entering another red cell and repeating the above-described cycle. 8-1 1. Formation of the gametocytes ; these arise by growth of merozoites and after reaching a certain size (10) develop into either male or female gametocytes (11a and 116) ; in the male gametocyte (116) the nucleus is larger and more scattered than in the female (11a). 12-16. Stages of the sexual generation in the stomach of the mosquito. 12a, 13a and 14a. The formation of the female gamete. 126, 136 and 146. Stages in the formation of the male gametes. 15. Fertiliza- tion, resulting in the formation of a zygote (16), which then becomes motile and is known as the ookinete (17). 18-22. Stages in the sporogonous cycle in the mosquito. The ookinete (17) bores into the stomach wall and forms a cyst (18) ; it increases in size, its nucleus multiplies and eventually each nucleus becomes surrounded by a mass of cytoplasm, forming a number of sporo- blasts (19) ; each of these sporoblasts gives rise to numerous sporozoites (20-21). The ripe sporocyst is represented in 21, and the escaping sporozoites (22) enter the salivary gland of the mosquito and escaping with the salivary secretion, enter the blood and are capable of repeating the cycle. the process of schizogony. These are the sexual forms, and are of two kinds, male and female. It is probable that the merozoites differentiate sexually at an early stage of the disease, but what determines the sex is unknown. In its earliest stages the young sexual form is indistinguish- able from an ordinary trophozoite, but it grows extremely slowly and never assumes the ring form. As it grows its cytoplasm becomes filled with granules of pigment and soon certain differences can be noticed in the staining reactions of the protoplasm, resulting in the differentia- tion of what are known as the macrogametocytes and micro- gametocytes respectively. The former are destined to give rise to the female gametes, and are characterized by the pos- session of a small feebly-chromatic nucleus and a dense cyto- plasm containing numerous granules and much pigment. The microgametocytes, which give rise to the male gametes, haw each a large densely chromatic nucleus extending across the middle of the cell, and the cytoplasm is clearer and contains less pigment. When full grown, the sexual forms are larger than the red cells which contain them ; consequently the latter are consider- ably distorted by the parasite and form conspicuous objects that were noticed long before their true nature was recognized. 9—2 I32 LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE [CH. At this stage there are now three types oi parasites, viz. the schizonts, macrogametocytes and microgametocytes, the two latter belonging to the sexual and the former to the asexual cycle. The sexual cycle cannot be completed in the blood but only in the internal organs of those species of mosquito which transmit the infection. In the absence of these the micro- gametocytes soon die off without any further development taking place. The macrogametocytes, on the other hand, are much more resistant, and can remain in the body for very considerable periods. These are the forms that are supposed to be respon- sible for the cases of latent malaria, in which a patient may remain in good health for some years and then suddenly develop typical malaria without having been exposed to the possibility of re-infection. In these cases it is the macrogametocytes that have remained dormant in the body waiting for a convenient opportunity to develop, such as that afforded by a chill or any other diminution in the vitality of the patient. Under these circumstances the macrogametocyte develops parthenogeneti- cally. Its nucleus divides into two parts, one densely chromatic and the other poor in chromatin. The pigment granules and other waste products gather round the latter, and the whole is divided off from the remaining protoplasm and constitutes a sort of residuum similar to that left behind by the merozoites. Th° remaining part of the macrogametocyte, now much clearer by the loss of its pigment granules, divides up into a number of merozoites in exactly the same way as an ordinary schizont, and the merozoites escaping into the blood plasma penetrate other red cells and thus start another cycle of schizogony. Sexual cycle. — Sporogony. As mentioned above the macro- and microgametocytes only complete their development in the internal organs of the mosquito that is responsible for their transmission. When such a mosquito — in the case of malaria only Anophelines — feeds on the blood of a patient containing sexual forms, in addition to the latter, it ingests many parasites belonging to the schizogonous IX] LIFE:CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE 133 cycle. All these are digested, the macro- and microgame- tocytes being the only forms that are capable of re- sisting the secretions in the stomach of the mosquito. Here they undergo further development, the stimulus for which is probably the reduction in temperature, combined with the dilution of the blood that takes place in the gut of the insect. The macrogametocyte escapes from its red cell and becomes spherical ; then its nucleus divides and one of the daughter- nuclei, together with a small amount of cytoplasm, is extruded as a polar body (Fig. 40, 14 a). After this maturation process is complete the parasite is now ready for fertilization, and is known as the female or macrogamete. The microgametocyte undergoes a different kind of develop- ment, for after becoming spherical and escaping from the red corpuscle, its nucleus breaks up into a number of fragments, sometimes known as chromidia, which travel outwards and become arranged round the periphery of the cell. Part of the nucleus remains behind at the centre as a residuum and is not used up in the subsequent development. The surface of the microgametocyte now grows out into a number of nagellum-like processes into each of which passes one of the nuclear fragments. These processes are highly motile, and by their lashing about cause the parasite to resemble a flagellate. In consequence the earlier observers referred these forms to the genus Polymitus, and they are still often referred to by this name. Each of the flagellum-like processes finally becomes free and swims away as an independent organism. These are the male or micro- gametes. The microgametocyte usually produces four to six of these microgametes which in their formation use up the protoplasm of the gametocyte, merely Leaving a residuum com- posed of all the pigment granules, together with part of the original nucleus and a small amount of cytoplasm. The microgamete consists of an elongated filament with a slight thickening about the middle of its length, caused by the nuclear matter. It progresses by rapid wave-like movements and as it is only about 0*5/1 in diameter, is extremely difficult to observe in the living state. 134 LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE [CH. Conjugation now takes place, one of the microgametes boring its way into a macrogamete. This is followed by union of the two nuclei, and the resulting structure is known as the zygote. At first the zygote is spherical, but it soon elongates into a small worm-like body which is actively motile, moving about in much the same way as a gregarine. The zygote is then known as the ookinete or, by some writers, the vermicide, because of the character of its movements. The whole of this process, including the formation of the gametes and their union to form the ookinete, takes place in the stomach (= hinder part of the mid-gut) of the mosquito, and is completed within a comparatively short time. All the above stages may be observed by placing a drop of blood con- taining the gametocytes on a slide and slightly breathing on it. If the preparation be now covered with a cover-glass and examined under an oil-immersion lens, all the stages in the evolution of the micro- and macrogametes, and their subse- quent union to form the ookinete, maybe followed in the living state. The subsequent development of the ookinete can take place only in the mosquito, and we shall proceed with the description of the changes which it undergoes in this site. After moving about for some time, the ookinete bores through the epithelium of the gut-wall and comes to rest between this layer and the tissues immediately surrounding it. Here the parasite becomes rounded off and secretes a thin cyst- wall. This form is known as the oocvst and is parasitic upon the mosquito, for it grows considerably in size, absorbing nourishment from the surrounding tissues. During its growth, the gut-wall is bulged out towards the body-cavity, and conse- quently at this stage the stomach of the infected mosquito has a very characteristic appearance (Fig. 53). As many as 500 oocysts have been found in the stomach-wall of a single infected Anopheles. As the oocyst grows, its nucleus divides into a number of daughter-nuclei, each of which becomes surrounded by a mass of cytoplasm and gradually separated off from its neighbours. These are known as the sporoblasts ; they are irregular in form IX] LIFE-CYCLE OF MALARIAL PARASITE 135 and remain slightly connected together by means of cytoplasmic processes. After the formation of the sporoblasts a certain amount of protoplasm is left over, containing all the waste products and also some of the pigment granules originally present in the macrogamete. The nucleus of each sporoblast now divides into a large number of smaller ones which become arranged around the periphery. The surface of the sporoblast then exhibits a number of cytoplasmic projections, each of which increases in length and takes with it a daughter-nucleus. Eventually the spindle- shaped process, with its contained nucleus, becomes free from Fig. 41. Photomicrograph of sporozoites of malaria from the salivary glands of Anopheles (Pyretophnrus) costalis. x about 1000. After Hill and Haydon. the mother sporoblast, and is then known as the sporozoite. Each sporoblast produces large numbers of these bodies, but a certain amount of protoplasm containing waste products is always left unused in their formation. The oocyst, which con- tains the whole of the sporozoites derived from the many sporoblasts, and by this time has increased enormously in size, eventuallv bursts, and the sporozoites are set free in the body- cavity of the mosquito. As the coelomiq fluid bathes all the organs of the mosquito, the sporozoites are brought in contact with all parts of the body. They appear to have a predilection lor the salivary glands and the majority bore their way into 136 MOSQUITOES IN RELATION TO MALARIA |"CH. these organs and may be seen filling the secretory cells and also becoming free in the lumen. The sporozoites are now incapable of further development in the mosquito, but if the latter feeds on a human being, large numbers of them are introduced into the wound together with the salivary secretion. They thus enter the blood and there penetrate into the red blood corpuscles and start the schizogonous cycle with which we commenced. The whole of this process, from the differentiation of the macro- and microgametocytes to the formation of the sporo- zoites, is known as the sexual or sporogonous cycle, and is completed in from ten to twelve days. Thus a mosquito that has ingested blood containing the gametocytes does not become infective until this incubation period has elapsed. Then its salivary glands contain the sporozoites, and the insect probably remains infective during the remainder of its life. Bionomics of Mosquitoes in Relation to Malaria. The habits of the particular species of mosquito concerned in the transmission of malaria in any particular locality are of the highest importance, and therefore, at the risk of repetition, some of the more important features may be briefly mentioned. The majority of Anophelines are more commonly associated with village life, and are especially prevalent in more or less uncultivated districts, and, unlike the Culicines, their breeding habits are usually unsuitable for their persistence in towns. With respect to this point, however, there are exceptions, and it will be necessary to refer to the connection between the habits of various species in relation to the spread of malaria. At the time of the discovery of the mosquito cycle, only some half-dozen species of Anopheles were known, most of which are European species. There are now more than 100 well defined and accurately described species, as well as many named varieties, and these taken collectively have a distribu- tion which extends almost all over the globe. These species differ not only in morphological details, but what is more important from our present point of view, they vary greatly in their habits and in their relation to malaria. IX MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA 137 Among habits affecting the conditions of malarial dissemina- tion may be mentioned the predilection of particular species for particular kinds of breeding place. Some species are essentially stream breeders and are even adapted by their habits, and probably to some extent by structure, to prevent themselves being carried away by flood conditions. An example of a species Fig. 42. Breeding places of Anophelines. Railway cutting at Kurunegala. The water course flowing on each side of the permanent way supplying the engines with water. These channels are blocked with weeds, from amongst which larva? of A. ailicifacies and A. rossii have been taken. After Bahr (from the Tropica! Diseases Bulletin). having this habit is A. (Myzomyia) listoni [M. christopht Theobald), which swarms in the streams of the sub-Himalayan terai, and is largely responsible for the high prevalence of malaria in these regions. Another example is A . (Nyssorhynchus) willmori, a species which is very difficult to eradicate, because of its power of breeding freely in the small streams of Malay I38 MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA [CH. Other species are pool-breeders, and some may even restrict themselves, or be able to nourish only in some particular kind of pool. Thus the numerical prevalence of the common Indian species A. (Myzomyia) rossii is dependent usually on the occur- rence of small freshly-filled shallow muddy ram-pools, such as are formed in countless thousands during the Indian monsoon. In the forests of South America a malaria-transmitting species, A. (Myzomyia) lutzi, breeds in various pitcher-plants, and especially in the cups of various epiphytic tree pines. An even more remarkable choice of breeding place is seen in the Malayan species A. (Lophoscelomyia) asiatica, which is found breeding only in bamboos that have been perforated by a borer. Over a large tract of the earth's surface, where mangrove swamps and salt marshes are a feature of the sea coasts, the species A . (Myzomyia) ludlowi breeds in brackish water, in pools that are entered by the sea at spring tides. In the case of the Andaman Islands, Christophers has recently shewn that this species is the chief carrier of malaria, and as it is not found at a greater distance than half-a-mile from the coast, is the cause of a littoral distribution of malaria in these islands. Another good example of the extent to which habits of particular species in regard to the choice of breeding place may affect the dissemination of malaria is seen in the case of the very interesting A nopheles, A. (Nyssorhynchus) stephensi. This species ordinarily is found in pools in large sandy river beds, and has a predilection for quite small collections of water, such as the hoof-marks made by cattle coming to drink, or shallow surface wells made in the sand at the river margin. It was found, however, by the Royal Societies Commission, to possess, like Culicines, the power of breeding in water pots and other domestic utensils, when these were filled with com- paratively clean water. More recently this species has been shewn by Liston and by Bentley to be the species concerned in the spread of malaria in Bombay City, where the population is as dense as in the heart of London, and under conditions where no other species of this genus has been able to survive. It is entirely due to the power of N. stephensi to breed in wells, covered cisterns, and such like places, that it has been able to IX] MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA 139 to the genus as a whole, establish itself in these novel and quite unsuitable surroundings. Apart from the differences in regard to the ability to flourish in particular kinds of breeding places, are other habits which sometimes influence very considerably the epidemiological conditions under which malaria is spread. Thus many species of Fig. 43. Flooded Paddy Fields in Ceylon. The picture shews in the fore- ground the pools formed by the hoof-marks of cattle ; in these Anophelines breed. After Bahr (from the Tropical Diseases Bulletin). Anopheles are naturally little addicted to entering or remaining in human habitations, and in nature are not found particu- larly associated with man. Other species readily take up a life of dependence on man and utilize his dwellings as shelter. It is to this latter class that the more important malaria earners belong. Again, under ordinary circumstances, some spe are entirely nocturnal in their habits, whilst ethers bite freely 140 MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA [CH, on cloudy moist days, and others again may have actively diurnal habits and feed by day like Stegomyia. An example of the latter habit is seen in the species A. (Myzorhynchus) barbirostris, which swarms in the forests of Malay and is most bloodthirsty throughout the daytime. Another diurnal species is Anopheles aitkeni. Even the boldness and persistence, or even the small size of particular species, may add greatly to their effect in transmitting malaria under particular circumstances. But in addition to these differences in habits which indirectly affect the transmission of malaria, there is the very important question of the relative suitability of different species of Ano- pheles for the development of the parasite. When it was shewn that certain species of Anopheles carried malaria and that Culex and other biting insects did not, it was assumed that the power to act as a suitable host to the malaria parasite was common to all Anophelines. The first instance of an Anopheles being shewn not to transmit malaria was in the case of the common Indian species A. (Myzomyia) rossii. This species is found quite commonly in very large numbers associated with every degree of prevalence of malaria, but it has not yet been shewn to act as a transmitting agent under natural conditions, though it can be infected experimentally. Not infrequently this species occurs along with others which are actively concerned in the spread of malaria, but though under these circumstances a considerable percentage of both A. (Myzo- myia) culicifacies and A. (Nyssorhynchus) stephensi have been found with sporozoites in the salivary glands, A. (Myzomyia) rossii has never been found infected. This peculiar fact, re- garding which the following independent figures have been given, is not easy to explain, but there seems little doubt that Stephens and Christophers Lahore (Punjab) Ennur (Madras) Bentley Bombay M. culicifacies 6% 6% N. stephensi 3*5 7c Myzomyia rossii IX] MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA 141 for some reason, A. rossii is not an active transmitter of malaria, if it transmits at all, under natural conditions. Another species not suitable as a carrier, and which in this case was refractory even to experimental infection, is the North American species Anopheles punctipennis. In this case A. maculipennis and A. punctipennis were fed together on an infected patient ; the former became infected whilst the latter remained free from infection. The development of the three species of malarial parasites does not take place with the same facility in any given species of mosquito. Thus Kinoshita found that in Formosa, Plasmodium falciparum was incapable of development within A. (Myzo- rhynchus) sinensis, whilst this species of mosquito could easily be infected with Plasmodium vivax (seven times out of eleven) and less easily with Plasmodium malarice (one in seven). In the same region A. (Myzomyia) Christopher si almost invariably became infected when fed on a patient containing the gametes of P. falciparum in his blood. Other species have also been noted as probably not taking an active part in malaria transmission or to be actually refrac- tory to experimental infection with the malaria parasite. But though some species are possibly incapable of acting as hosts, and whilst some are more suitable hosts than others, there is reason to believe that very many of the species are at least potential transmitters. Thus in India, Stephens and Christo- phers succeeded in experimentally infecting all but one species out of a considerable variety of Anophelines. Similarly. Darling at Panama has produced infection in many of the Anophelines of that region. The most important point in regard to the transmitting power of a species is the extent to which it is found actively concerned in transmission under natural conditions. In this respect there are certain species which must be looked upon as the chief carriers in particular parts of the world. In Europe the common carrier is Anopheles maculipennis, but the common species, Anopheles bi fur coins, is also capable of transmitting malaria. A. maculipennis is the common carrier in the Mediterranean islands and is largely concerned I42 MOSQUITOES AXD MALARIA [CH. in the spread of malaria in Algeria and Palestine. It is also the chief agent in North America. In Algeria, besides A. macidipennis, the species incriminated are : Anopheles algeriensis (Ed. and Et. Sergent, 1905), especi- ally occurring in the coast regions; A. hispaniola (Sergents, 1905), found chiefly in the hilly broken country; A. (Pyreto- phorus) myzomyfacies (Ed. Sergent) ; A. (P.) superpictus and A. (P.) chaudoyei. A. chaudoyei is capable of breeding freely in saline waters and is the species chiefly concerned in malarial transmission in the Saharan oases. In Egypt, A. (Cellia) pharoensis is a proved and important carrier. Anopheles funesta and A. costalis have both been shewn by Ross to transmit the infection, and are the most important and widely distributed carriers of malaria in Tropical Africa. In India, Stephens and Christophers shewed that A. (My- zomyia) listoni is a very actively transmitting agent in the Duars or terai country at the foot of the Eastern Himalayas. A more general, and perhaps the commonest Indian transmitter is A. (Myzomyia) culicifacies. A. fuliginosus Giles has also been shewn to transmit the disease, but apparently is not a very important carrier. A. maculipalpis has been found infected in nature in various parts of India. Amongst the most impor- tant and active Indian carriers are A. (Nyssorhynchus) stephensi and A. (N.) willmori. In Malay, in addition to M. listoni, the proved carriers in nature are A. (Myzomyia) albirostris, A. (Myzomyia) ludlowi, and A. (Nyssorhynchus) willmori. In Central America a number of species are active carriers, the most important being A. (Cellia) argyrotarsis and A. (C.) albimana. In addition there are numbers of species very probably concerned in malaria transmission, perhaps even important carriers in particular parts of the world, e.g. A . formosaensis in the island of Formosa ; A. arabiensis in the Aden hinterland; A. (Myzomyia) lutzi in the forests of Brazil; and A. (Nys- sorhynchus) annulipes in Formosa, Australia, etc. IX] MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA 143 Influences affecting Malaria through the Transmitting Host. The most powerful influences affecting Anopheles are tem- perature, rainfall and humidity. Added to these must be considered the physical characters of the country under con- sideration, the nature of the soil, the prevalence of natural enemies, and even the races of mankind inhabiting the countries. With regard to physical conditions, generally hot moist climates are suitable, cold and also excessively dry climates unsuitable, to the development of Anopheles. In this respect, however, the question of species and even of special adaptive habits becomes important. Temperature plays a double role. If low it not only delays or prevents the propagation of Anopheles, but it even more actively interferes with the development of the parasite within the mosquito. A perennial low temperature may altogether prevent the propagation of the parasites, for it is found that the gametocytes cannot develop below a temperature of about 15° C. As a result, one can trace northern and southern limits to the occurrence of malaria, corresponding to the mean sum- mer isotherm of 150 to 160 C. Moreover, the different species of malaria require different degrees of warmth in order to ensure their development. Thus Plasmodium malaria develops best at comparatively low temperatures, and consequently is found in much colder regions than the other two species. On the other hand P. falciparum will only develop at comparatively high temperatures, and therefore in temperate regions it only occurs during the summer and autumn months, whilst throughout the tropics it is prevalent the whole year round. Plasmodium vivax occupies a somewhat intermediate position, for it is capable of development throughout a wide range of temperature and, as one would expect, this species is the most widely distributed, occurring in both tropical and tem- perate regions. A perennial low temperature within limits, however, does not prevent the propagation of certain specie 5 Anopheles, e.g. A. bifurcaius reaches a particularly large size in the north of Scot land. Still less does a temporary or SOnaJ period of low temperature destroy or permanently 144 MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA [CH. affect the prevalence of Anopheles, such periods being tided over by " hibernation." It is thus easy to see how, as regards the northern and southern limits of malaria, we may have these fairly corresponding with the limits of the distribution of Anopheles, and to understand how, even apart from any other reason, a considerable altitude may be associated with a freedom from malaria, even though Anopheles are still found. Rainfall, up to a certain point, is very favourable to Ano- pheles, but if excessive it may have an adverse effect by washing away the larvae and destroying them. Humidity would seem to be entirelv a favourable circumstance, and has been shewn to affect favourably the development of the malarial parasite within the mosquito. The nature of the soil may affect conditions as regards Anopheles, not only by its power to retain surface water or to allow of the formation of springs, but often by reason of its chemical nature ; surface waters in some soils readily develop a ferruginous scum or other conditions, unsuitable to the development of mosquitoes. The occurrence of natural enemies, especially circumstances which favour the general presence in surface waters of small fish, is a most powerful influence checking the multiplication of A nopheles. Under conditions of alternate rainfall and drought many pools utilized by Anopheles are of too temporary a nature for the presence of fish, or even of other natural enemies, such as various predaceous insect larvae. On the contrary, in very moist countries, even the smaller pools are usually stocked with fish and other predaceous animals. There may thus often be a very fortunate regulating mechanism which may com- pletely reverse the normal order of affairs and make Anopheles comparatively scarce under conditions that at first sight might appear wholly favourable. Besides being open to attack by fish and various predaceous aquatic insects, .4 nopheles are frequently the victims of parasites. Among such may be mentioned acarid ectoparasites, an encysted trematode, nematodes, gregarines, flagellates of the genus Leptomonas, and at least one species of Nosetna. They are also liable to invasion by certain fungi. IX] MALARIA IN RELATION TO MAN 145 The part played by Anopheles in the transmission of malaria is often distinctly modified by the method of life and customs of man. Thus the type of dwelling may be such as to minimize the chances of Anopheles obtaining human blood or, on the other hand, to greatly favour such a chance. Thus, the introduction of glass windows into English houses may well have hastened the disappearance of malaria from this country. Again, communities, by housing cattle or other domestic animals, often favour the occurrence of Anopheles, whilst the amount of clothing worn and special modes of livelihood, may similarly affect the prevalence of malaria. Malaria in Relation to Man. So long as man was supposed to be the victim of animal- culae, that before entering his body lived a free life in marsh water, etc., the part man himself played in the continuance and preservation of the parasite was not considered. But as we now understand the rationale of malaria transmission, it is evident that man, no less than the mosquito, is essential to the continued life of the parasite, and the nature of man's influence as a host is at least equal in importance to those circumstances we have discussed in the previous section. It will be evident from what has already been said that it is man and not the mosquito which forms the chief reservoir of infection. A man once infected, even though no longer exposed to re-infection, may harbour the parasite for years. So long as he does so, and is liable to relapses with the formation of gametes, such a man is capable of infecting mos- quitoes and of restarting active transmission of the disease. The ability to maintain a prolonged state of infection in man is therefore a very valuable asset to the parasite, and all con- ditions which favour or are adverse to a maintenance of the parasite in the blood of man are of epidemiological importance. Similarly, the amount of infection passed on to the mosquito has been shewn to be an important matter, a mosquito which has taken in blood containing many gametes being capable of giving rise to a much more severe in feet ion than one which H. B. 1 IO I46 MALARIA IN RELATION TO MAN [CH. has taken in but a few parasites. Thus questions of suscepti- bility and immunity, whether natural or acquired, or due to the use of drugs, have to be considered. Also the condition of nutrition of the members of a community, and its effect on the natural resistance of the human organism against the parasite, and the extent to which influences favourable to relapses prevail, are all factors in the epidemiology of malaria. Susceptibility to malaria may be evidenced either by in- creased liability to infection, or by the degree to which toleration of the presence of the parasite exists. In the case of primitive and aboriginal races there is evidence to shew that apart from any possible lessened liability to infection, there is often a greater degree of toleration than is exhibited, for example, in Europeans. A real immunity with a lessened liability to infection is also undoubtedly developed in those persons long exposed to malarial infection. When in any race toleration and immunity are well marked, a considerable degree of malaria may occur in a latent form. In such cases susceptible strangers suffer far more than the native residents. The importance of the part played by susceptibility and immunity in malaria was demonstrated by Koch at Stephansort in New Guinea, where, at the time his observations were made, malaria was very prevalent. Koch was able to shew that after a batch of Chinese immigrant coolies, who formed a large portion of the population, had been resident for some years in the colony they suffered distinctly less from malaria than they did on their first arrival, and that in the absence of fresh immigration, malaria amongst the community, as a whole, shewed a steady decline, but with each successive large immigration of new coolies there was a marked recrudescence of the disease. These observations of Koch establish a principle in malarial epide- miology which may be termed the law of non-immune immi- gration (Christophers and Bentley), and which applies to all immigration of susceptible individuals into a malarial focus. Where the number of strangers is small, the effect is chiefly exhibited upon them, as in the case of Europeans residing in Africa. Here, as shewn by Stephens and Christophers, the whole epidemiological outlook as regards the European is IXl MALARIA IN RELATION TO MAN 147 dominated by the presence of a more or less latent native malaria. Where the influx of strangers is comparatively very large, the whole community is adversely affected, and under certain circumstances the prevalence of malaria through a whole tract of country may be greatly increased. Since the new-born child is, in a sense, an immigrant, in any community the young children are especially affected. Where malarial infection is intense, but the population is stable and possibly possesses a certain degree of racial tolerance, the amount of infection is highest in the young children and at a minimum in the adults. In this case the children go through life more or less permanently infected and with a certain amount of splenic enlargement. At about the age of puberty, they cease to shew parasites in their blood, or to exhibit enlarge- ment of the spleen. W7here malaria is more or less seasonal in its occurrence, or where there is any serious degree of immigration or shifting of populations, the restriction of infection to children is less marked. All grades of difference in this respect may be en- countered, the usual rule being that strictly indigenous and primitive tribes shew the greatest amount of tolerance, and along with a high proportion of infection amongst children, exhibit the greatest adult immunity from infection. Recently much stress has been laid upon the influence of economic factors in determining a high or a low degree of malaria prevalence. Poverty stricken and squalidly living communities in malarious countries usually exhibit a far greater degree of malarial infection than do communities in a condition of prosperity. Besides the "social " distribution of malaria, very grave manifestations may be brought about at least partly by conditions of general stress, such as the occur- rence of famines or scarcity following failure of rainfall, especially when this is followed by floods still further adding to the disl i and supplying all the requisites for an active transmission of the disease by Anopheline mosquitoes. Thus, in Denmark. epidemics of great severity have frequently followed great storms, which had led to extensive inundations associated I48 PREVENTION OF MALARIA CH. with much hardship, and a similar condition has been described in India, where, during exceptional monsoons, many large rivers overflow their banks, causing extensive inundations. Under such conditions malaria may prevail with such intensity as to cause a mortality with which it is not usually associated, and may equal or exceed the ravages of even bubonic plague. Besides purely economic influences, the prevalence of malaria is often greatly enhanced in a community, or even in a population, by circumstances leading to unusual conditions of labour, increased physical fatigue, exposure to the sun and to rain. In such cases the mere production of relapses alone may lead to a greatly increased prevalence of malaria, but where Anopheles are present there is naturally associated with an increased output of parasites an increased transmission of the disease. Malaria may from such reasons be greatly increased during certain seasons, e.g. the rainy season in the Canal Zone, even though the number of Anopheles has not been increased. An increase of malaria during the harvests is another familiar example. Where unusual exposure and hardship are associated with inadequate food and general distress, the result is usually for malaria to assert itself in a very grave form, even though the conditions as regards Anopheles are not especially favourable. The Prevention of Malaria. Under present-day conceptions there can be no transmission of malaria under any of the following conditions : 1. Absence of Anophelines, by which infection would be conveyed. 2. Absence of infected persons in the community, from whom infection could be obtained by the mosquitoes, even if these were present. 3. The existence of adequate " protection " by means of which either (a) The healthy cannot be bitten. (b) The infected cannot be bitten. IX] OBLITERATION OF BREEDING PLACES 149 Preventive action therefore aims at bringing about more or less perfectly one or more of these conditions. Theoretically any one of the three, if completely realized, would suffice to prevent any fresh transmission of malaria, and finally to ex- terminate the disease. Unfortunately in practice it is usually possible only very imperfectly to achieve the desired end in any of these directions, and it becomes necessary to combine the effects of as many methods as possible. Circumstances alone can determine in any given case which line of action is most called for, or what combination of methods is likely to be most effective. Under the first head come all measures which have as their object the reduction in the number of Anophelines present. Such action may be direct, as in the case of anti-mosquito campaigns, or indirect as by the extension of agriculture, or large drainage measures. Under the second head come various methods of quinine prophylaxis, all agreeing in the use of quinine as a destroyer of the parasite in the human host, but differing a good deal in the immediate object arrived at. Under this head also come certain measures applicable to mixed communities as the " Removal or prophylactic treatment of the reservoir of infection," " Segregation of the healthy," and the avoidance by the individual of sources of infection generally. Under the head of protection are included such measures as the screening of dwellings and barracks, the use of suitable protective clothing, and the use of the mosquito net. 1. Many methods of attacking Anopheles are now known, the more important being : The obliteration of breeding places. By minor drainage measures, filling up pools or depressions with earth and, in some cases, subsoil drainage, pools utilized by Anopheles for breeding may be completely done away with. In cases where it is difficult or impossible to carry out such action, breeding places may be made less suitable by clearing out weeds, deepen- ing, and perhaps even lining with masonry, the edges of large sheets of water. Not infrequently the chief sources of An&phi are to be found in connection with small streams, in which training in some form or another should be performed. Where sawwHsa' Fig. 44. Indian fish of utility as mosquito-destroyers. Chaudhuri (from the Tropical Diseases Bulletin). A ( 3 ) and B ( 9 ). Lebias dispar (nat. size). C. Nuria danrica (nat. size). After Sewell and CH. IXJ LARVICIDES I3I wells are an important source of Anopheles they often require special devices to prevent them being a source of danger whilst allowing water to be obtained from them, and other breeding places of a special nature may require special measures to deal with them. On the whole the most important consideration in such measures is that the action taken should be of as per- manent a nature as possible. The use of larvicides. Many substances have been experi- mented with in respect to their lethal effect upon the larvae of mosquitoes. The larvicide in most general use is some form of kerosene or mixture containing this substance. The oil floats on the surface of the water and thus interferes with the respiration of the larvae and pupae. Certain aniline dyes, and other chemical bodies which dissolve in the water, have very powerful larvicidal properties, and their use has been suggested. The chief difficulty with regard to ail larvicides is the temporary nature of the effect they produce, and the necessity for regular and periodical treatment of the breeding places attacked in this way. Ordinarily such substances are now used only where more permanent measures are not possible. The introduction of natural enemies. So far the hope that by the introduction of some natural enemy, the number of Anopheles in a country could be at all affected, has not met with much encouragement. Nevertheless, under certain cir- cumstances, the use of suitable small fish has an application. The most effective larvae-eating fish for the most part belong to the family Cypriondontidce, but species of Anabas, Ophio- cephalus and others are also of practical use in this respect. Measures directed against the adult mosquito. The fumigation of houses with burning sulphur, pyrethrum and other sub- stances, has been found of use. In Panama the catching of adult mosquitoes by children for a small reward is said to be wry effective. Whitewashing and improvement in lighting during the daytime may be called for sometimes. The various measures briefly outlined above are but some of the tools in the hand of the sanitarian, to be used as circum- stances require them. Before they can be applied with suc> it is almost always necessary for the conditions relating to ^s**^ Fig. 45. Indian fish of utility as mosquito-destroyers. Chaudhuri (from the Tropical Diseases Bulletin). A. Haplochilus panchax (nat. size). B. Ambassis ranga (nat. size). C. Trichogaster fasciatus (nat. size). After Sewell and CH. IX] QUININE PROPHYLAXIS 153 transmission to have been very thoroughly studied and the whole area accurately and thoroughly surveyed. Of measures indirectly affecting the prevalence of Anopheles, the most important are " drainage " and " agriculture." The drainage of marshes, lakes, etc. has long been known to have a favourable effect upon malaria. Agricultural operation, by which waste lands are reduced to the condition of tilled fields, is another general measure having a very definite influence upon malaria. Both these measures, though they do not aim directly at mosquito reduction, bring about this result indirectly by lowering the level of the subsoil water, lessening humidity and so forth. A measure of this general kind, which may assume importance under certain circumstances, is protection against flooding. It has recently been shewn that some of the worst manifestations of epidemic malaria follow in the wake of floods, arising from the overflowing of rivers and swollen mountain torrents. In such cases various engineering devices may be important anti-malarial measures of this general kind. 2. Where preventive action against malaria takes the form of attacking the parasite in the human host it usually consists of some method of quinine prophylaxis. In the method advocated by Koch an attempt is made to sterilize, as far as the malarial parasite is concerned, the blood of every member of the community by systematically searching out and treating every infected person. The method to which the term quinine prophylaxis is generally applied, is one in which as many of the community as possible are persuaded to take quinine regularly and systematically. Where large and at the same time poor and ignorant populations are concerned, it has generally been found impossible to apply either of the above measures sufficiently thoroughly to be effective, and it is now recognized that under these circumstances the greatest benefits are obtained by treating the sick and encouraging in every way the use of quinine in its curative rather than its prophylactic capacity. This method is usually designated quinine treatment of the sick. Though directed especially to the saving of life, it has been found also to have a general influence upon malaria. 154 SEGREGATION [CH. In addition to this direct action of quinine upon the source of infection in man, there are a number of indirect methods of reducing the sources of infection. 3. (a) Very often where mixed communities are con- cerned, it may be desirable to protect especially the more susceptible class of individuals. When possible this is brought about by some form of segregation. Where the reservoir of virus is small in comparison with the community of susceptibles, as frequently happens in Algerian stations, segregation takes the form of removal of the indigenous community to a short distance from the station. Where the number of the suscep- tible persons is small in comparison with the reservoir, as is usual in the case of Europeans in Africa, it is advisable to build quarters for this community at some distance from the native settlement. In some cases it may be desirable to undertake measures against malaria in a small community acting as a " reservoir," not so much for the direct effect upon this com- munity, as for the indirect effect upon the larger susceptible community surrounding it. In this way, the actual application of segregation may vary, though the principle remains the same. Still another indirect method of diminishing the amount of human infection, and thus reducing the activity of malaria transmission, is the protection of a community from influences likely to bring about repeated relapses. For example, among labourers or convicts, or even among agricultural people, any amelioration of the conditions under which they are living may be looked upon as an anti-malarial measure coming under this head. (b) Protection against the bites of Anopheles by the screening of dwellings with wire gauze, etc. is a measure which has been found especially valuable in Panama and elsewhere. The protection brought about by the habitual and careful use of a mosquito net is perhaps the most effective measure of private prophylaxis known against malaria, and with some other minor precautions is quite sufficient to enable the educated individual to enter the most malarious tracts unharmed. The use of mosquito nets by the sick is a valuable prophylactic IX] PLASMODIUM VIVAX 155 measure in hospitals, where in the absence ol any such pre- caution the dissemination of malaria may result from the bringing together of many cases of the disease. Descriptions of the three Plasmodia causing Malaria. I. Plasmodium vivax (Grassi and Feletti, 1890) and Tertian Malaria. Synonyms : Oscillaria malaria Laveran, 1881, pro parte. Hcemosporidium tertianum Lewkowicz, 1887. Plasmodium var. tertiana Golgi, 1889. Hcemamceba vivax Grassi and Feletti, 1890. Plasmodium malarice var. tertiance Celli and San Felice, 1891. Hcemamceba laverani var. tertiana Labbe, 1894. Plas- modium malarice tertianum Labbe, 1899. Hcemamceba malarice var. magna Laveran, 1900. Hcemamceba malarice var. tertiance Laveran, 1901. Plasmodium tertiance Billet, 1904, pro parte. Description. The young trophozoite appears in the red blood corpuscles as a very actively amoeboid body about 1-2 tx in diameter. It is much more active than the other two species of malarial parasites and it was because of this feature that the specific name vivax was applied to it. The young trophozoite very soon assumes the ring form, and by means of its pseudopodia and the large amount of exposed surface, it grows rapidly at the expense of the contents of the red cell. The latter becomes pale and swollen, and on staining with Giemsa its protoplasm presents certain degeneration phenomena, taking the form of scattered red granules, known as Schurrner's dots. The presence of these dots in the proto- plasm of the infected red cells generally serves to distinguish P. vivax from the other malarial parasites, but similar ap- pearances occur in the red cells of dogs infected with Babe (Piroplasma) cam's. As the trophozoite grows, melanin is formed and deposited in the form of fine rods scattered throughout the cytoplasm of the parasite. The period of growth occupies about hours, by which time the trophozoite almost fills the corpuscle, the fully formed schizont being 8*5-10^ in diameter. 156 PLASMODIUM VIVAX [CH. From the thirtieth to the forty-eighth hour the schizont divides up into from 15 to 20 merozoites, or rarely as many as 24. The stages in this process have been described above, but it may be well to repeat that all the melanin, together with a certain amount of waste protoplasm is left unused. The melanin granules are packed together in the form of one or two conspicuous brown masses, usually situated at the middle of the parasite. The merozoites are somewhat irregularly arranged, often in two concentric circles ; rosette forms, such as occur in P. malaria and P. falciparum, are absent. About the forty-eighth hour the wall of the red cell bursts open and the contained merozoites together with the melanin and other waste products are liberated in the serum. The cycle of schizogony therefore occupies 48 hours, and in conse- quence the febrile attacks recur after this interval. In P. vivax the gametocytes are common in the peri- pheral circulation as well as in the internal organs, and con- sequently their development can be followed without much difficulty. The macrogametocytes are large spherical bodies about 12-16 ^ in diameter, and in addition to their size may be distinguished from the schizonts by their denser protoplasm and larger and more numerous melanin granules. The nucleus is usually situated at the periphery and is an oval structure containing numerous chromatinic granules. The microgameto- cytes are similar in shape to the macrogametocytes, but are much smaller (9-1 1 /n), and in addition maybe distinguished from the latter by their large densely staining nucleus. In addition, the cytoplasm is very much lighter and less granular. Both the kinds of gametocytes originate from ordinary merozoites, but during their development can be distinguished from the schizonts by their much slower growth and absence of active amoeboid and ring forms. The development of P. vivax in the mosquito was first worked out in Anopheles maculipennis, one of the common mosquitoes of Europe, but many other species are known to transmit the infection equally well. When ingested by the mosquito, the development of the gametes will not take place below 160 C, IX] LIFE-CYCLE 157 but the most favourable temperature is much higher (24- 30° C). The microgametocyte gives rise to 4 to 8 microgametes, and the macrogametocyte undergoes division of the nucleus and extrusion of a polar body before becoming a macro- gamete ready for fertilization. After this process has taken place, the male and female pro-nuclei are said to remain apart for some time before uniting to form the single nucleus of the ookinete. At a temperature of 280 C. the latter has penetrated the gut-wall and become an oocyst by the end of about 40 hours after the mosquito's feed. At this stage the oocyst is an almost transparent spherical body containing thin brown strands of melanin, and is surrounded by a well- defined wall. The nucleus has already commenced to divide and several daughter-nuclei are scattered through the cyto- plasm. The following day the oocyst increases in size and the sporo- blasts begin to separate off from each other. The melanin is aggregated together into clumps lying between the sporoblasts. On the fourth day the oocyst is now seen to contain well-defined sporoblasts, each of which is covered by the growing sporo- zoites. During the fourth and fifth days the oocyst still continues to grow, attaining a diameter of about 50 /* and projects outwards into the ccelom of the insect. The sporo- zoites become completely formed and thus the oocyst is trans- formed into a hollow sphere containing innumerable sporozoites each about 14 p in diameter. About the seventh or eighth day the cyst ruptures and the numerous sporozoites are liberated into the ccelomic fluid. From here large numbers find their way to the salivary glands, but some of them bore into the developing eggs in the ovary. The fate of these latter is un- known, for up to the present, beyond this fact, there is nothing to support the view that the infection is transmitted to the offspring of an infected mosquito. The above cycle of sporogony is thus complete in about eight days, under these favourable conditions of temperature, and after the sporozoites have entered the salivary glands the mosquito becomes infective. At lower temperatures the 158 PLASMODIUM MALARIiE [CH. development is very much prolonged and consequently the mosquito does not become infective until after a much longer incubation period. The length of time that a mosquito remains infected has never yet been proved, but it is probably for the remainder of its life. Distribution. This species is widely distributed throughout the world, occurring in most tropical and subtropical regions. It also occurs somewhat scantily in Northern Europe below 6o° north latitude. As a result of successful mosquito campaigns and other prophylactic measures the distribution of the disease is being restricted, and it has been eradicated from some parts of the world. Tertian fever or ague was formerly prevalent in Britain and it is interesting to note that one or two isolated cases of malaria in patients that had never left England have been recorded within the present century. Consequently the con- ditions for the transmission of the disease have not yet entirely disappeared from this country. II. Plasmodium malaria (Laveran, 1881) and Quartan Fever. Synonyms : Oscillaria malaria Laveran, 1883. Plasmo- dium var. quartana Golgi, 1890. Plasmodium malaria var. quartance Celli and San Felice, 189 1. Hamamceba malaria Grassi and Feletti, 1892. Hcemamceba laverani var. quartana Labbe, 1894. Hcemosporidium quartana Lewkowicz, 1897. Plasmodium malaria quartanum Labbe, 1899. Hamomonas malaria Ross, 1900. Hamamceba malaria var. magna Laveran, 1900. H. malaria var. quartana Laveran, 1901. Plasmodium golgii Sambon, 1902. Plasmodium quartana Billet, 1904. Laverania malaria Jancso, 1905. Description. The young trophozoite is somewhat smaller than that of P. vivax, and also much less active. The pseudo- podia are usually blunt, so that the parasite is rather com- pact in appearance. The pigment is deposited in the form of very coarse darkly-coloured granules, or rodlets, which are IX] LIFE-CYCLE 1 59 commonly gathered at the periphery of the parasite. In contra- distinction to the granules of the other species of malarial parasites, those of P. malarice are non-motile. A vacuole is formed, but is comparatively small and disappears during the growth of the trophozoite. The presence of the parasite in the red cell does not produce any evident changes in the cor- puscle beyond a slight decrease in size and a darker colour. The trophozoite takes about 60 hours to grow up into the mature schizont, which is a somewhat angular body 6-7 /x in diameter. During the next 12 hours the nucleus of the schizont divides up into 6-12 smaller ones, which become arranged in a single circle at the periphery. Each becomes surrounded by a mass of cytoplasm which separates off from its neighbours and thus a regular circle of 6-12 merozoites is formed. The pigment granules form a dark clump at the centre and as the merozoites radiate from it, a very typical rosette appearance is produced. The merozoites (about 1*75 u in diameter) are now set free by the rupture of the corpuscle and may enter another red cell and repeat the cycle. More often, however, they seem to be killed off by the phagocytes, and thus it is only rarely that this parasite produces fatal effects in its host. The whole of the above cycle takes place in the peripheral blood, and occupies 72 hours. Accordingly the fever which is caused by this parasite occurs every fourth day (hence the name Quartan Fever after the schizogony takes place. In addition to the simple quartan fever in which the attacks recur every fourth day, cases of double and triple quartan are also met with. In double quartan fever the attacks recur on the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth days. etc. This is merely a case of a double infection, and the parasites being the descendants of two separate lots of sporozoites. are at different stages of development. The first infection will undergo schizogony on the fourth, seventh, tenth days. etc. after the entry of the sporozoites, whilst if the second infection occurs on the day following any of these attacks the latter j6o PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM [_CH- parasites will complete their cycle of schizogony every 72 hours from this date onwards, i.e. on the fifth, eighth, eleventh days, etc. The result of such a double infection will be the occurrence of febrile attacks on two successive days followed by an interval of one day, and to this type of fever the term Double Quartan is applied. In the same way a patient may again become infected on the only day on which schizogony is not taking place, and after this last infection has developed will shew a rise in temperature every day. This type of fever is known as Triple Quartan Fever ; it may be distinguished from the other kinds of malaria by the shape of the parasites. III. Plasmodium falciparum (Welch, 1897) and Quotidian, Malignant Tertian, or ^Estivo- Autumnal Malaria. Synonyms : Oscillaria malarice Laveran, 1881, pro parte. Hcemamceba prcecox Grassi and Feletti, 1890. Hcemamceba malarice prcecox + H. malarice immaculatum Grassi and Feletti, 1890. Laverania malarice Grassi and Feletti, 1890. Plasmo- dium malarice var. quotidiance Celli and San Felice, 1890. Hcemosporidium undecimance Lewkowicz, 1892. H. sedeci- mance Lewkowicz, 1892. H. vigesimotertiance Lewkowicz, 1892. Hcemamceba laverani Labbe, 1894. Hcematozoon falci- parum Welch, 1897. Hcemamonas prcecox Ross, 1899. Plasmo- dium malarice prcecox Labbe, 1899. Plasmodium prcecox R. Blanchard, 1900. Hcemamceba malarice vTar. parva Laveran, 1900. Plasmodium immaculatum Schaudinn, 1902. Laverania prcecox Xocard and Leclainche, 1903. Description. This is the smallest of the three species of Plasmodium affecting man, the fully developed schizont being not more than about 5^ in diameter. The young sporozoite is very small and, after penetrating a red cell, as a rule at once assumes the ring form. The latter is characteristic in appear- ance as the nucleus is always peripheral and the contours of the ring are very dark and clear. The trophozoites have the peculiarity of frequently appearing at the surface of the red cell. They are distinguished from those of the other two species of IX] LIFE-CYCLE l6l malaria by their active amceboid movements. The tropho- zoites grow rapidly and assume an oval form ; they contain a few pigment granules which are small, irregular and only feebly motile. During its growth the parasite causes an alteration in the substance of the red cell, which in stained preparations is seen to contain a number of granules known as Maurer's dots. Otherwise the erythrocyte remains unaltered in ap- pearance until the formation of the merozoites results in its destruction. The fully developed schizont is 4-5 to 5//, in diameter, and is very rarely present in the peripheral circulation. It segments into 8-10 or sometimes 15 merozoites, which may either be arranged in the form of a rosette, or irregularly. The segmenta- tion almost invariably takes place in the capillaries of the internal organs, and when it is in process there is a tendency for the red cells to cling together and also adhere to the wall of the blood-vessel, thus causing obstruction of the circulation. The whole cycle of schizogony takes from 24 to 48 hours to be completed, and thus the febrile attacks are more or less irregular, but often occur each day. The gametocytes develop from the trophozoites in the usual manner, but are distinguished from those of the other two human species of Plasmodium by their crescentic form. The macrogametocyte may be distinguished by the arrangement of the pigment, which is usually concentrated in the neighbour- hood of the compact nucleus, leaving the remainder of the cytoplasm clear. In the microgametocyte the pigment is irregularly scattered through the cytoplasm and the nucleus is somewhat diffuse. Moreover the shape of the two kinds of gametocytes is different, being long and thin in the case of the former, and broad and somewhat rounded in the latter. The remains of the distorted red cell may be seen surrounding the " crescents," the haemoglobin often being concentrated in the form of a small clump attached to the side of the parasite. The dimensions of a fully grown macrogametocyte are about 12- X 4 . These gametocytes are very conspicuous in the circulation of patients suffering from P. falciparum, and under the name of H. B. F. II 1 62 MALARIA [CH. " crescents " were known for many years before their true nature was discovered. On being taken into the gut of a sus- ceptible species of mosquito, the gametocytes escape from the red cells and give rise to the gametes. The macrogamete is vermiform, whilst the microgametocyte becomes spherical before giving rise to the microgametes. The cycle of develop- ment in the mosquito at the most favourable temperature, 28-300 C, is complete within eight days. In this species development cannot take place below 180 C, and consequently it is only found in warm countries, the disease to which it gives rise being often known as " Malaria Tropica." The develop- ment of P. falciparum in the mosquito is more easily followed than that of the other species of malarial parasites, for when a mosquito is susceptible to this species, as in the case of A. (Myzomyia) Christopher si, practically all the insects become infected when fed on a patient suffering from this infection. In consequence of the comparatively high temperature required for the development of P. falciparum within the mosquito, the disease does not occur in temperate regions except during the summer. Usually associated with P. vivax, it is found throughout the whole of the tropics, except in regions like the Sahara, where mosquitoes are absent owing to the lack of water. LITERATURE. The more important and accessible general treatises upon malaria, and papers dealing with recent work upon epidemiology and preventive measures against malaria. fBahr, P. H. (1913)- Malaria in Kurunegala. Report Colonial Office. April, 191 3. fBentley (1910). Malaria in Bombay (Report). Govern. Central Press, Bombay. j-Celli (1901). Malaria according to the New Researches. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1901. t Christophers. Malaria in the Punjab. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the San. and Med. Depart, of the Gov. of India, No. 46. t Malaria in the Andamans. Ibid. No. 56. Christy. Mosquitoes and Malaria. Good elementary account. Craig (1909). The Malarial Fevers, H cemoglobinuric Fever and the Blood Protozoa of Man. t Works representative of the more recent lines of investigation on malaria. •43 ri o ^_ |j ° d .5 3 p o cu O ^3 3*3 CO rCl u OT o 1 5S o rd H-. 43 CD O 33S « C g ^ 5 g a- 5 "»h o c o g-x-g ^ o -C-43 43 /• "*■ £ JB-SS — -: - 3 e 8 its. u In ""■ ~ 4-> "l_> Sort o o ^ CO IT. Pu t/3 M 5 >, § CO CD >%> r' r 4J > d CO <" >-< d 3> B 2 0 s 0 CD Jl ° rt r^ •4-> M rt — rd a 11 M d o o bO d co j^> .S3 rt 2 o -O >»,d CD 1^5 CO -+-> "d -t-> d ■ CU 4-> CD CD to 1_ r \ •>— 1 6 U CJ w q T3 __ ■+-> o a -233 to o a rt -a i c 2 e ri'rt / u d 3 -5 w C O ^ p. Cu r. co 0 0 0 'O cii 0 S. v_ BO ^z -d — c O u z n u 5 c C - +3 3 0 0 rt — . c 3 0 fi c- < in p u 0 S 5 > i/] < — p > u - - - - — - s g*a b - — s 5 ~ s 5 — — s — - IX] LITERATURE 163 Darling (1910). Factors in the Transmission and Prevention of Malaria in the Canal Zone. Annals Trop. Med. and Parasitology, iv. part 2. Droderick (1909). A Practical Study of Malaria. Saunders & Co. Philadelphia. Grail and Marchoux (1910). TraiU de Pathologie Exotique. Bailliere et fils. Paris. Hirsh (1883). Handbook of Geographical and Historical Pathology. New Sydenham Society. Vol. 1. ♦Laveran (1907). TraiU du Paludisme. Masson & Co. Paris. Liihe (1906). Article on Blood Protozoa in Mense's Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten. Mannaberg (1905). Malaria, in Nothnagel's Encyclopedia. English edition. fMathis and Leger (191 1). Recherches de Parasitologic et de Pathologie humaines et animates au Tonkin. Masson & Co. Paris. jRoss, R. (1909). Report on the Prevention of Malaria in Mauritius. Waterlow and Sons. London. f (191 1). The Prevention of Malaria. John Murray. London. Ruge, R. (1903). Introduction to the Study of Malarial Diseases- Rebman, London. t (191 2). Malariaparasiten. In Kolle and Wassermann's Hand- buch (a comparatively short but very complete account), f Sergent, Ed. and Et. Campagne antipaludique en Algerie, etc. Annals de I'Instit. Pasteur. Jan. 1903, Feb. and Mar. 1904, April and May 1906, Jan. 1907, May 1908, and Campagne antipaludique (Gov. gen. de l'Algerie), 1908-10. Stephens and Christophers (1907). The Practical Study of Malaria (deals with technique, Malaria Survey, etc.). t Watson (1910). Prevention of Malaria in the Federated Malay States. University Press, Liverpool. *Ziemann. In Mense's Handbuch, 1906. Vide also : ■\Atti delta Soc. per gli studi delta Malaria. Annual volume. 1 899-1 908. ^Malaria. Vols. 1 and 11, now discontinued. \Paludism. Nos. 1-5. | Various articles in Ross's Prevention of Malaria. The more important publications dealing with the question of transmission of malarial parasites by particular species of Anopheles. Adie (1903). A note on Anopheles fuliginosus and Sporozoites. Indian Med. Gazette, xxxviii. p. 246. Adie, Mrs (191 1). Ne. Willmori, a proved carrier in nature. Paludism, No. 3. Banks (1907). Experiments in Malarial Transmission by means of M. ludlowi. Philippine Journal of Science, B. vol. 11. No. o, p. 513. * Complete treatises dealing minutely with every side of the subject. t Works representative of the more recent lines of investigation on malaria. 11 — 2 164 MALARIA [CH. Bastianelli and Bignami (1899). AHi d. Soc. per gli studi d. Malaria, 1. p. 28. Bastianelli, Bignami and Grassi (1898). Atti d. R. Accad. dei Lincei, vii. p. 313. Bentley (191 1). Myzomyia rossi and Malaria. Paludism, No. 2. (191 1). The Seasonal Malarial Infection of M. stephensi in Bombay. Paludism, No. 2. (19 1 2). Malaria in Bombay. Gov. Central Press, Bombay. Billet (1903). Sur un Espece nouvelle d' Anopheles {A. chaudoyei) et sa relation avec le paludisme a Touggart. C. R. Soc. Biol. lv. p. 565. Christophers (1912). Malaria in the Andamans. Sci. Memoirs by Officers of the San. and Med. Departs, of Gov. of India, No. 56. Cruz (1910). Prophylaxis of Malaria in Central and Southern Brazil. In Ross's Prevention of Malaria. Daniels (1900). Development of Crescents in the small dark A nopheles prevalent in British Central Africa. Reports to Mai. Com. of R. S. Ser. V. (1909). Mosquitoes in the Federated Malay States. Studies from the Institute for Med. Research {Fed. Malay States), vol. in. Darling (1909). Transmission of Malarial Fever in the Canal Zone by Anopheles Mosquitoes. Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc. Lill, p. 2051. (1910). Factors in the Transmission and Prevention of Malaria in the Canal Zone. Annals of Prop. Med. and Par. iv. part 2. Grassi (1902). Die Malaria, Studien eines Zoologen. 2. Aufl. Jena. Hill and Haydon. Annals of the Natal Government Museum. Hirshberg (1904). An Anopheles mosquito which does not transmit malaria. Phe Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. Feb. 1904. James (1902). Malaria in India. Sci. Memoirs by Officers of the San. and Med. Departs, of the Gov. of India, No. 2. James and Liston (191 1). The Anopheline Mosquitoes of India. Cal- cutta. Jancso (1904). Zur Frage der Infektion der Anopheles claviger mit Malariaparasiten bei neiderer Temperatur. Cent. f. Bakt. xxxvi. p. 624. (1905). Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die geschlechtliche Generationsentwicklung der Malariaparasiten, etc. Cent. f. Bakt. xxxviii. p. 650. Kinoshita (1906). Uber die Verbreitung der Anophelen auf Formosa und deren Beziehung zu der Malariakrankheiten. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg. x. p. 708. Koch (1899). Uber die Entwicklung der Malariaparasiten. Zeit. f. Hygiene, xxxn. Liston (1908). The present Epidemic of Malaria in the Port of Bombay. Jour. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 15 Nov. Lutz (1903). Waldmosquitos und YValdmalaria. Cent. f. Bakt. xxxiii. p. 282. Macdonald (1910). Malaria in Spain. In Ross's Prevention of Malaria. IX] LITERATURE 165 Newstead, Dutton and Todd (1907). Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State. Annals of Trop. Med. and Par. 1. p. 10. Patton (1905). The Culicid Fauna of the Aden Hinterland. Jour. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. p. 623. Ross (1908) . Report on the Prevention of Malaria in Mauritius. London. (1910). The Prevention of Malaria. London: John Murray. Ross, Annett and Austen (1900). Report of the Malaria Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir 11. Schaudinn (1904). Die Malaria in dem Dorfe " St Michele di Lerne " in Istria, etc. Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Gesundh. xxi. p. 403. Schuffner (1902). Die Beziehungen der Malariaparasiten zu Mensch und Miicke an der Ostkuste Sumatras. Zeits. f. Hygiene, xli. p. 89. Sergent, Ed. and Et. (1905). Anopheles algeriensis et Myzomyia hispaniola convoient le Paludisme. C. R. Soc. Biol. lix. p. 499. (1908-10). Campagne antipaludique en Algerie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vols. xxn. and xxiv. Staunton (191 3). The Anopheles Mosquitoes of Malaya and their Larvae, with some notes on Malaria-carrying Species. Jour, of the London School of Trop. Medicine, vol. II. Stephens and Christophers (1 899-1 902). Reports to the Malaria Com- mittee of the Royal Society, i-viii. (1907) The Practical Study of Malaria. University Press, Liverpool. Tsuzuki (1902). Malaria und ihre Vermittler in Japan. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Trop.-Hyg. vi. pp. 9, 285. Van der Scheer and V. Berlekom (1900). Malaria and Mosquitos in Zealand. Brit. Med. Jour. 1. p. 202. 26 Jan. 1901. Vogel (1910). Myzomyia rossi as a Malaria Carrier. Philippine Jour, of Science, vol. v. No. 3, p. 277. Watson (1910). The Prevention of Malaria in the Fed. Malay States. University Press, Liverpool. CHAPTER X culicin^e The main characters of the Culicinse have already been described in Chapter VIII and therefore we shall at once proceed to a description of by far the most important member of the group, namely, Stegomyia fasciata, notorious as one of the commonest domestic mosquitoes and also for the part it plays in the transmission of Yellow Fever. i66 STEGOMYIA FASCIATA [CH. Stegomyia fasciata (Fabricius, 1805)1. The Tiger Mosquito. Synonyms: Culex fasciatns Fabricius, 1805. C. calopus Meigen, 1818. C. frater Desvoidy, 1827. C. tceniatus Wiedemann, 1828. C. konoupi Brulle(?), 1832. C. viridifrons Walker, 1848. C. annnlitarsis Macquart, 1848. C. excitans Walker, 1848. C. inexorabiJis Walker, 1848. C. formosus Walker 1848. C. exagitans Walker, 1856. C. impatibilis Walker, i860. C. bancroftii Skuse, 1886. C. mosquito Arribalzaga, 1891. C. elegans Ficalbi, 1896. C. rossii Giles, 1899. Stegomyia fasciata Theobald, 1901. Description. In addition to possessing the characters of the genus (p. 109), according to Theobald this species may be distinguished by the following features : " Thorax dark-brown to reddish-brown, with two median parallel pale lines and a curved silvery one on each side, a small line in front between the two median ones. Abdomen black, with two white basal bands and lateral spots. Legs black, with basal white bands, last joint of hind-legs pure white." (Theobald.) The female has a head densely covered with broad flat scales, which are black and grey on each side. There is a white patch on each side and another Fig. 46. Stegomyia fasciata, adult female ; enlarged. (After Howard.) 1 According to Howard, Dyar and Knab (191 3) the correct name of this species is A'edes calopus. X] DESCRIPTION 167 in the median line extending from in front back to the neck. The scales at the back of the head are in the form of long black bristles and project forward. The eyes are black surrounded by a white border and sometimes contain white patches. The antennae are brown, excepting the basal segment, which is black with a patch of white scales on its inner side. They are longer than the proboscis and have a banded appearance. The proboscis is brown, almost black towards the extremity, but lighter about the middle. The palps are black, and only about one-third the length of the proboscis ; each is composed of three seg- ments covered with large flat scales, those of the first two being brown, and silvery-white on the last segment. The dark-brown thorax is covered with reddish-brown, pale-golden and cream-coloured scales and is ornamented with various white spots and lines. In front, near the neck, there is a white spot on each side. The dorsal surface has a white, broad curved band on each side extending from the anterior edge of the thorax and curving inwards about the middle of the mesonotum, from which it is continued backwards as a thinner pale line to the scutellum. Between them are two parallel pale lines extending about half way across the mesonotum and on to the scutellum, and anteriorly is a short white line between these two. The scutellum has a thick row of white scales and also three tufts of bristles. The metanotum is brown. The pleurae are dark-brown with several patches of white scales. There is much variation in both the size and colour of the thoracic scales and many of the varieties have been described as distinct species. The arrangement of the ornamentation is however very constant and will serve to distinguish fasciata from any other species of the genus Stegomyia. The abdomen is brownish-black, circled with a white band at the base of each segment ; the posterior four bands before the last one are more or less tinged with yellow. There is a triangular white spot on the sides of each segment, and in addition the first segment is almost covered with cream- coloured scales and edged with pale hairs. The legs are brown, circled with white. The coxae are yellowish. The femurs are yellowish towards the base, brown towards the apex, but with white scales on the ventral surface, and finally the extreme tip is pure white. Those of the third pair are swollen at the extremity. The tibiae are black. The metatarsi have basal white bands. The fore tarsi have the first joint basally white and the rest black ; the mid tarsi are the same. The hind tarsi are all basally white except the last joint, which is white, and the penultimate segment, which is white with the exception of a black apex. The claws of the first two pairs of legs are toothed and those of the hinder pair without teeth. The wings are clear, unspotted, a little longer than the abdomen, with brown scales, those of the lateral nervures being very long and narrow, and of the median, short and broad. The first sub-marginal cell is longer and only slightly narrower than the second posterior cell, and the base of the former is a little nearer the base of the wing than the latter. The posterior cross-vein is about one and a half to twice its length distant from the mid cross-vein. The latter unites with the supernumerary forming a very obtuse angle, almost straight. The balancers are ochraceous and sometimes the knob is slightly fuscous. The length is 3-5 to 5*0 mm. i68 STEGOMYIA FASCIATA [CH. The male is darker than the female. The head is black with white scales in front and in the middle. The antennae are brown, marked with paler bands, sometimes almost white. The proboscis and palps are black, the latter possessing four white basal bands. The thorax is marked in the same way as the female, but the scales are more silvery and the markings more distinct. The first segment of the abdomen is covered with cream-coloured scales, the bases of the second to the fifth with white, and the fifth to the eighth have clear white lateral spots. The latter also occur on the sides of the anterior segments. The claws of the fore-legs are unequal, the larger one being toothed and the smaller, simple ; those of the mid-legs are simple, and unequal ; the hind claws are equal and simple. The genital armature is of the usual form. The length is 3*0 mm. to 4*5 mm. Fig- 47- Stegomyia fasciata, adult male; enlarged. (After Howard.) Habitat. This is one of the commonest species of mosquitoes and is widely distributed throughout almost all tropical and subtropical regions. Although sometimes occurring in tem- perate countries it is essentially a tropical species, for below a temperature of 230 C. the female refuses to feed and at 200 C. loses all activity and will not oviposit. The most favourable climatic condition for its development is a humid atmo- sphere, at a temperature of 25-300 C. all the year round. x] HABITAT 169 In the laboratory S.fasciata may be kept alive for some time at 7-8 ° C, if kept in a refrigerator and thereby protected from currents of air. When exposed to a similar temperature in the open air it soon dies. At o° C. the insect succumbs in a few seconds and, on the other hand, a temperature of 37° C. is also rapidly fatal. This susceptibility to variations in temperature causes this mosquito to be confined to certain degrees of latitude, from 400 N. to 400 S., or more exactly between the two isothermal lines of 200 C. Owing to the ease with which it may be carried from one country to another by means of ships, the species is now found in most of the regions between these limits. The accompanying map (Fig. 48) represents the distribution of Fig. 48. The distribution of Stegomyia fasciata. S. fasciata, and it will be noticed that the insect especially occurs along the coast lines and the banks of large ri\ where the requisite conditions of humidity are fulfilled. It 1- absent from those regions in which the temperature dm the night falls so low as to be harmful to reproduction. 170 STEGOMYIA FASCIATA [CH. In addition to its susceptibility to cold Stegomyia is even more affected by dryness, especially when accompanied by heat. The insect is somewhat protected from the vicissitudes of the climate by its domestic habits, as it is generally found inside houses. In fact its fondness for houses is so great that, according to Boyce, it is never found breeding at distances of more than 50 to 100 yards from buildings. On emerging from the pupa, the imago at once flies into a house or other shelter, and generally settles down in some dark corner and, like most other blood-sucking flies, it has a great preference for dark-coloured objects. If the mosquitoes are breeding close to ships they often enter them, and in consequence Stegomyia is the commonest species found on board ship. In the old sailing ships, not only could these insects live for weeks in the cabins, store- rooms, holds, etc., but actually breed in the water that was often left exposed in various receptacles. Although modern steamers do not afford such facilities for the persistence of this insect on board, yet recently there have been cases in which live Stegomyia fasciata were found on ships that had been at sea 13 to 20 days. Feeding habits. As in the majority of mosquitoes the female Stegomyia is the only one which feeds on blood and this food is necessary before the insect is able to lay its eggs. The male, which is fully developed on emergence, does not bite, in spite of statements to the contrary. It feeds on fruit juices and also settles on the skin, to which it is attracted by the secre- tions of the body. Although the male does not actually bite, the singing noise produced by its wings is very annoying ; its note is much higher than that of the female. The female does not feed on all persons indiscriminately, but seems to exercise some choice in the selection of its victims. Thus it prefers white people to black, in spite of its fondness for dark objects. Similarly blondes are preferred to brunettes, children to adults, and fresh arrivals from temperate regions suffer more than acclimatized persons. The factors which guide the insect in the selection of its host are not known, but scent is probably the most important, after the effect of the body-heat. X] BIONOMICS 171 According to Marchoux, who has given one of the most complete accounts of 5. fasciata, the female is entirely nocturnal in its blood-sucking habits, except for a short time after it emerges from the pupal case. Under these latter conditions the insect is so hungry that as soon as it is able to fly it sets off to find a host. Once having succeeded in obtaining a meal, the female comes to rest in some dark corner, and in future only attempts to feed towards the evening, or at night. This statement, however, as to the nocturnal feeding habits of S. fasciata has been denied by many subsequent investigators, who agree in the view that this mosquito is mainly diurnal in its feeding habits. Although in nature blood appears to be the only food of the females, Goeldi succeeded in keeping them alive for more than three months on a diet of honey. These insects, however, were unable to lay any eggs. Length of life. In a state of captivity, female 5. fasciata have been kept alive for a period of more than four months, so that their duration of life is comparatively long, but in nature, it is doubtful whether an insect would often be able to live such a long time. The occurrence of isolated cases of yellow fever long after an epidemic has ceased may be due to the persistence of infected mosquitoes or, on the other hand, to the presence of mild and unrecognized cases of the disease. The male has a much shorter life than the female, for as it feeds on the nectar of flowers, and moreover is very active, it requires to feed much oftener. As a result of its continual search for nourishment, and also for females, the male is con- tinually exposed to accidents and soon loses his protective scales. From this moment the slightest drop of moisture is sufficient to cause the suffocation of the insect. The maximum period that female S. fasciata have been kept alive when nourished on honey is 102 days, whilst under similar circumstances males only lived for periods varying from 28 to 72 days. Fertilization and egg-laying. Copulation is usually accom- plished in the open air, especially during the warm hours oi the day. The union is made when the insects arc flying, only 172 STEGOMYIA FASCIATA ~CH. rarely when at rest, as the two ventral surfaces are brought in apposition. The spermatozoa are stored in the spermathecae, but although a fertilized female may thus remain fertile for a long time, eventually the sperm becomes used up and another copulation is necessary before more fertile eggs can be pro- duced. The female lays the first batch of eggs a few days after taking its first meal of blood, the exact period varying accord- ing to the conditions of temperature and humidity. When these are very favourable the period may be as short as two days, but at temperatures below 200 C. the interval may be prolonged indefinitely and two or three feeds may elapse before egg-laying commences. The average number of batches of eggs laid is usually two or three, but in individual cases as many as nine batches have been observed. The eggs are extruded singly and the number laid on the first occasion is generally 60 to 90. The number of eggs comprising the subsequent batches is always less than that of the first one, this being the most important. Goeldi has found that the females usually die immediately after the final act of parturition, though in two instances individuals survived 12 and 14 days respectively. The same author also states that fertilized eggs may remain latent in the body of the female for from 23 to 102 days. A meal of blood was capable of causing the female to lay her eggs after these two periods respectively. The eggs are generally laid at night, on the surface of almost any stagnant water. They may be found in the water collected in old tins, saucepans, rain-tubs, broken bottles, holes in trees, and practically in every accumulation of water, however slight, occurring in the vicinity of the houses the mos- quito inhabits. The nature of the water seems to be indifferent, for the eggs hatch out in the most stagnant and evil-smelling water, almost as readily as in pure water. The egg. The egg consists of an ovoid body, rather more pointed at one end than the other, and is blackish in colour, dotted over with small white hemispherical particles of X] LIFE-CYCLE 173 excretory matter. In addition the egg is surrounded by a series of small air-chambers which help to keep it afloat. As each egg is laid by the female a small drop of liquid is also extruded on the surface of the water and may help to keep the egg floating, as this secretion is of somewhat oily consistency. Certainly a slight agitation of the water is sufficient to cause the eggs to sink, but development proceeds almost as well beneath the water as at the surface. In the former case, however, the eggs are more liable to the attacks of bacteria, etc. Under favourable conditions the eggs hatch out in about two or three days. In the Amazons the normal incubation period is said to be from three to eight days, but its duration depends almost entirely on the temperature. If this falls below 200 C. the eggs are unable to develop, and if the ther- mometer falls to this temperature for a few hours each day the development is greatly prolonged. The eggs are very resistant and can withstand long exposures to cold and dryness. They may be exposed to a temperature of 370 C. for one hour, or kept at o° C. for many days, without their vitality being affected. Eggs have been maintained for several months between io°C. and 200 C. and when the tem- perature was raised, about one-twentieth of them hatched out. The most striking results, however, are those obtained with eggs that have been dried. These may be kept for three months without more than 40 per cent, of them dying. Francis has also shewn that they may remain alive for six and a half months if kept dry. Xewstead describes an experiment with eggs of 5. fasciata that had been sent from Manaos on the Amazon. The eggs had been laid on moist white filter paprr ; they were then dried in air and subsequently for 24 hours over calcium chloride. They were then packed in tubes and sent across to England. Forty-five to 47 days later, on their arrival at Liverpool, they were placed in water at and several larvae hatched out within 12 hours. Moreover, these Larvae developed very rapidly and the adult insects emerj within 12 days. From these results it is evident that the eggs of S. fasciata under certain conditions may remain alive for considerable periods without developing. 174 STEGOMYIA FASCIATA [CH. The larva. The egg gives birth to a small, colourless, and very active larva, which occasionally swims and wriggles along the surface of the water in the same manner as certain Ano- phelines. This larva under favourable conditions grows rapidly, and after a succession of moults attains the pupal stage. Fig. 49. Larva and Pupa of Stegomyia fasciata, with enlarged parts. (After Howard.) The larva of Stegomyia may generally be distinguished by two characters, viz. its comparatively colourless appearance and the short black respiratory syphon, one-quarter the total length of the abdomen. The larvae of Culex are darker coloured X] LARVA I75 and generally possess long respiratory syphons. In addition the larvae of S. fasciata possess the following characters : The antennae are smooth, the tuft being represented by a single short hair. At the apex there is a minute but distinct second joint and a few delicate hairs. The labial plate pos- sesses one large terminal tooth and 11 or 12 smaller ones on each side of it. The thorax is rather hairy and bears four large chitinous hooks, two on each side. Each of these hooks gives off one or two hairs. The abdomen is very broad, and is almost the same width all the way down. The two lateral combs, situated on the eighth segment, each consist of eight to ten serrated spines, varying in size and the number of serrations. The syphon is comparatively short and stumpy, being only one-quarter the total length of the abdomen, and about two and a half times as long as its width at the base. The syphon spines vary both in number and arrangement ; they are succeeded by a triple hair. The terminal segment of the abdomen is very short and almost rectangular and bears a number of blunt bifurcate hairs. The papillae are broad and rounded ; their length is about one and a half times that of the last segment. The larvae feed on decaying organic matter, especially on nitrogenous substances. They thrive best in neutral or slightly alkaline water, and soon die if free acids are present. Although still capable of development in very brackish water, 5. fasciata cannot live in sea-water, as at least one other species of the genus (5. pseiidoscutellaris) has been shewn capable of doing. After a number of moults the larva gives rise to the pupa. The duration of the larval stage at fairly warm temperatures varies from seven to fifteen days, but a temperature of below 200 C. will prolong development almost indefinitely. The young larvae are remarkably tenacious of life under water and will stand submersion for three to five hours. The fully grown larvae can still endure a submergence of at least one and a half to two hours, a property which enables them to feed at the bottom of comparatively deep water. There is no record of the live larvae of 5 \yia ever having been found in ice, as in the case of those of the allied 176 STEGOMYIA FASCIATA [CH. genus Culex. Miss Mitchell has found them in water at i° C. and states that some pupated at 120 C, but in the labora- tory the larvae generally die if the temperature falls to io° C. It is noteworthy that these low temperatures are more fatal to the fully grown larvae than to the earlier stages. If the temperature of the water in which the mosquitoes are developing falls daily below 200 C, the duration of the larval stage may exceed a month. The adults which eventually emerge, moreover, are generally so weak and unhealthy that they are unable to feed and soon die. The pupa. The duration of the pupal stage varies from one to five days, after which the adult insect emerges. The pupae are very sensitive to cold and a fall of temperature is almost invariably fatal to them, as their organization is not adapted to withstand the vicissitudes of climate. The pupae resemble those of Culex in their general appearance. The duration of the complete life-cycle from the new laid egg to the emergence of the imago maybe as short as n days, but is usually from 15 to 20 days. A prolonged exposure to cold, on the other hand, may increase this period to as much as five months, and as mentioned above, the dried eggs are capable of living for long periods without developing. Stegomyia fasciata and disease. In addition to being one of the commonest species of mosquito occurring in the tropics, Stegomyia fasciata is entirely responsible for the transmission of " Yellow Fever." It also has been shewn capable of trans- mitting Filaria bancrofti to man, but as this parasite is more commonly carried by members of the genus Culex, the infection will be described later. Ed. Sergent and Neumann have shewn that Plasmodium (Proteosoma) prcecox or relicta, parasitic in birds, will develop in S. fasciata. Finally, Fiilleborn and Mayer, by feeding this mosquito on the blood of animals swarming with trypanosomes and subsequently, after short intervals, on normal animals, have succeeded in the mechanical transmission of Trypanosoma gambiense. It is very doubtful, however, whether in nature S. fasciata ever carries sleeping sickness, and in any case such transmission can only be very exceptional. Xl] YELLOW FEVER 177 REFERENCES. Boyce, R. (191 1). Yellow Fever and its prevention. John Murray. London. Francis, S. W. (1907). Observations on the life-cycle of Stegomyia calopus. Publ. Health Reports, vol. xxn. pp. 381-3. Goeldi, E. A. (1904). Os Mosquitos no Para. Bol. Mus. Goeldi {Para), vol. iv. fasc. 2, pp. 129-197. Howard, L. O. (1901). Mosquitoes. McClure, Phillips and Co. New York. Dyar and Knab (191 2). The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Publ. 159. Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington. Marchoux, E. (1910). Fievre Jaune, in Chantemesse and Mosny's Traite d' Hygiene. Bailliere et fils. Paris. Theobald, F. V. (1901-10). A Monograph of the Culicidce or Mosquitoes. Vols. 1 to v. Brit. Museum, London. CHAPTER XI DISEASES TRANSMITTED BY CULICIN^. YELLOW FEVER, DENGUE, BIRD MALARIA, ETC. I. Yellow Fever. Synonyms. Bilious remittent fever. Tropical toxaemic jaundice. Typhus Icteroides. Pestis Americana. Febris Flava. Yellow Jack. Magdalena fever. Fievre Jaune. Gelbfieber. Febbre Gialla. Fiebre Amarilla. Typhus Amaril. Matla- zahuatl. Coup de Barre. General account and history. Yellow fever is an acute non- contagious fever, usually characterized by the occurrence of two paroxysms of fever separated by an intermission, and accom- panied by albuminuria, haemorrhages and jaundice. The presence of the latter symptom has given rise to the name by which the disease is usually known, but it should be emphasized that this feature is often absent in mild cases. The disease is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical America, and also, according to most authorities, on the West Coast of Africa. It is endemic only in those regions where Stegomyia fascial* H. B. F. 1 - I78 YELLOW FEVER [CH. can exist all the year round, and in consequence only appears sporadically in subtropical and temperate regions. It is mainly a disease of seaport towns and practically all the great epidemics have occurred in such localities. About the early history of yellow fever very little is certain. It is said to have been known by the Aztecs under the title of " Matlazahuatl." Other authorities believe that the disease originally occurred in the Antilles and was carried by the Spaniards to the mainland of America. There is little doubt that the disease originated in America and was fully established by the time that the early explorers arrived from Europe. On the other hand certain authors have thought that it might have been introduced from West Africa by the slave- boats, but such a view is not in accordance with the fact that the disease seems to have been already known in America when Columbus discovered the continent. From Central America yellow fever has been carried by ships to various parts of the world, in some of which it has become endemic, and in others only occurred in epidemic form. Its distribution is shewn in Fig. 50, which represents the extreme range of all places in which yellow fever has been known to occur within recent times. At present many of these localities are quite free from the disease and, as a result of anti-mosquito campaigns, many more are likely to become so in the near future. At present the chief endemic foci of the disease are the States of Central and South America, with the exception of Panama, and the West Coast of Africa. In the United States, the Gulf States have frequently been the site of great epidemics, but the climatic conditions prevent the disease from becoming endemic. In West Africa yellow fever seems to have been known since 1778, when it was recorded from St Louis. The fact that the disease has existed in an unbroken line for more than a century, is strong evidence of its endemic character in West Africa, and although there have been no outstanding epidemics, yet the number of patients who annually succumb to " Bilious Remittent Fever " is considerable. One of the XI] HISTORY 179 greatest difficulties in the way of studying the disease is the fact that mild cases of yellow fever cannot be diagnosed with any certainty. As a result, although the natives of endemic regions must frequently harbour the virus in their blood, up to the present it has been impossible to discover any direct proofs of it. Fig. 50. The approximate distribution of Yellow Fever at the present time. Infected regions are coloured black. The cause and method of infection of yellow fever have been a puzzle ever since the disease became known, and altln >ugh the latter of these two points has now boon settled the causal agent is still a matter of discussion. In early times it was believed that the virus was in some way transmitted through the air, and the fact that it usually occurred in the vicinity of water lod to the belief that it was produced by bacterial fermentation. Subsequently a number 1 j- l80 YELLOW FEVER [CH. of bacteria were described as the cause of the disease, but all of them have been shewn to be merely secondary invasions. In addition to being regarded as a highly infectious disease, yellow fever was always considered to be contagious, and patients suffering from it were strictly isolated and their cloth- ing, etc. thoroughly sterilized. In spite of this isolation of patients, however, epidemics were not checked, and it was noticed that many persons became infected without ever having come in contact with infected cases, whilst frequently doctors and nurses, who worked in the same rooms as the patients, did not suffer from it. It was also observed that ships coming from infected ports frequently carried the infection and consequently quarantine ordinances were brought into force, which to some extent reduced the spread of the disease, but the wars at the end of the eighteenth century caused these measures to be relaxed, with the result that some very serious epidemics occurred about this time. These afforded some opportunities for the study of the disease and several American observers called attention to the large numbers of mosquitoes and other insects that occurred during yellow fever epidemics. In 1848, Nott, of Mobile, accused some insect or mosquito of being the possible carrier. It was not, however, till 1881 that Charles Finlay of Havana definitely attributed the transmission of the disease to a mosquito. He had noticed in Cuba the connection that seemed to exist between the prevalence of yellow fever and the presence of large numbers of the tiger mosquito, 5. fasciata. Accordingly, he attempted to transmit the infection experi- mentally by feeding mosquitoes on patients suffering from the disease and subsequently on normal persons. Although his experiments were open to many objections, there is no doubt that Finlay did succeed in transmitting the disease by means of the bites of mosquitoes and he energetically advanced his theory in a number of articles. Eventually his views began to attract the attention they deserved and finally, in 1899, an American Commission was sent to Cuba to study the disease. This commission was composed of four members, Reed, Carroll, Lazear, and Agramonte, and the way in which they XI] HISTORY l8l investigated the problem of the transmission of yellow fever will always remain famous. During their investigations Dr Lazear succumbed to the disease, but the research was carried on by his fellow workers, who succeeded in proving beyond all doubt that yellow fever is carried by the tiger mosquito, Stegomyia fasciata. The earlier work of the commission was devoted to an examination of the various bacteria that had been described as the cause of the disease. Of these the most notorious were Sanarelli's Bacillus icteroides, and Sternberg's Bacillus X, which had been found in a certain number of cases. Reed and Carroll found that both these bacteria played no part in the aetiology of the malady, but were merely the result of a secondary infection. Subsequently, in 1900, Reed, Carroll, Agramonte and Lazear shewed that the disease could be pro- duced in non-immune persons by the subcutaneous inoculation of blood from an infected patient. They also proved that the disease was not contagious but could only be spread by the bites of infected S. fasciata. These results have been thoroughly confirmed by subsequent investigators. The work of the French Commission, composed of Marchoux, Salimbeni and Simond, is the most important of all subsequent researches on the disease, for these authors were able to elucidate some of the necessary conditions for the transmission of the malady. They also found that the first generation of the offspring from an infected mosquito is capable of infecting persons. Their results will be considered in detail in the section devoted to a description of the mode of transmission of yellow fever. The practical benefits that have resulted from the applica- tion of the discovery of the mode of transmission of yellow fever are only paralleled by those following Ross's work on the development of Plasmodium in the mosquito. In the Panama Canal zone, which used to be one of the worst endemic regions in Central America, as a result of anti- mosquito campaigns the number of cases of yellow fever was reduced so rapidly that within five years the disease had com- pletely disappeared from this region. 1 82 YELLOW FEVER [CH. Geographical distribution. In considering the distribution of yellow fever it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the disease is being rapidly eradicated from the more civilized regions of the world, and comparatively few endemic centres exist at the present time. The most important of these are the following : Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spanish Honduras, Venezuela, French Guiana, certain parts of Mexico and the West Indies, and along the banks of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Magdalena Rivers. It will thus be seen that the States of Central and South America are the great centres of the disease, and from these regions it has spread into many other countries. It is probably endemic in West Africa for the continual recurrence of small epidemics cannot be explained on the supposition that these represent infections introduced by ships. The endemic centres of yellow fever do not extend beyond latitudes 400 N. and 400 S., where the mean isotherm is not below 260 C. The malady, however, often extends into colder regions during the summer months, and may produce great epidemics, which, however, always disappear on the return of cold weather. Great epidemics of yellow fever have occurred in many of the seaport towns of the Southern United States, especially in New Orleans where, in 1878, there was a record of 4046 deaths as the result of one epidemic. The Gulf ports were probably endemic centres during the eighteenth century and first half of the nineteenth, but as the result of improved hygienic conditions and better drainage the breeding places of the mosquitoes have been reduced until now the disease is almost extinct. The Atlantic ports, as far north as New York, were also frequently visited by more or less severe epidemics, as the disease was continually being introduced by ships coming from Cuba and other endemic centres. The infected Stegomyia carried from these places would be able to live on board for some weeks and thus be capable of spreading the infection at the ports at which the ship called. XI] GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 183 On the West Coast of America the general conditions are so unfavourable to the breeding of the mosquito, that the disease has not been able to establish itself and has only appeared sporadically in one or two localities, with the exception of the Isthmus of Panama, which until recently was one of the noted endemic centres. With this exception, therefore, the West Coast has never been the scene of any severe epidemics, for comparatively few ships sail up the coast and consequently there has been little chance of their spreading infected mosquitoes. Colon is practically the only port that has hitherto been liable to infection, but with the opening of the Panama Canal and the increase in trade which this is sure to effect, the question of the possibility of thus extending the range of yellow fever will have to be carefully considered. The recent outbreak at St Nazaire in 1908 has shewn clearly that even modern ships are capable of carrying infected Stegomyia for considerable distances. In Europe the appearances of the disease have been very similar to those in North America, and many epidemics occurred during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when the growth of commercial intercourse resulted in an increase in the number of ships coming from endemic centres. In Southern Europe numerous epidemics of considerable severity have occurred, and the ports of France, and even Swansea and Southampton in England, have been the scenes of small outbreaks. In the south of Europe Stegomyia fasciata is capable of breeding, and therefore epidemics could easily become established during the summer months, but in the more northerly regions this is out of the question. In these cases the infection is strictly limited to persons who have been near a ship carrying infected mosquitoes on board. Thus in the case of the outbreak at St Nazaire in iqoS, infected Stegomyia were taken on board a ship at Martinique. These were carried across the Atlantic and on arrival at St Nazaire, several of the mosquitoes escaped and fed on persons either on board or in the vicinity of the ship. Eleven individuals were known to be infected in this way, of whom seven died. 184 YELLOW FEVER [CH Unless greater care is taken to screen ships during their stay in infected ports, there is little doubt that occasional epidemics of this nature now and then will appear. In North Europe, where the absence of Stegomyia prevents any further . spread of the infection, these slight outbreaks are of com- paratively slight danger, but in regions where the mosquito is abundant, e.g. Malay and India, the introduction of a few infected Stegomyia might lead to the production of terrible epidemics, such as those which raged in Barcelona during the eighteenth century. Mode of infection. The various theories as to the nature of this disease have been sufficiently discussed in the previous chapter, and we shall at once proceed to a description of the work of the American Commission of 1899, on the transmission of yellow fever The first attempts of this commission to transmit the disease by mosquitoes were made with some Stegomyia fasciata that hatched in the laboratory from eggs supplied by Finlay. These insects were fed several times on patients suffering from yellow fever at various stages of the illness. Eleven persons having offered themselves for experiment, each day these infected mosquitoes were fed on a fresh human subject. Only two of these persons became infected, and both of them had been bitten by mosquitoes that had fed 12 days previously on the blood of a yellow fever patient in the first stage of the disease. In this preliminary experiment the possibility of these two patients having become infected by other means had not been definitely excluded. It was decided, therefore, to continue these experiments, after taking more rigorous precautions against any external contamination. A camp was established in the neighbourhood of Tuemados, on a plateau that was well drained, and absolutely free from yellow fever. Twenty- eight non-immune subjects, mostly Americans and Spaniards, were shut up in this camp and carefully examined for several days in order to make sure that none of them were infected. If any of the patients shewed the slightest febrile symptoms they were at once removed from the camp, but none of the XI] MODE OF INFECTION 185 others were allowed to go out of it. After these preliminary precautions, some Stegomyia that had fed 12 days previously on a yellow fever patient in the first stages of the disease, were allowed to bite twelve persons. Ten of them became infected after incubation periods varying from 41 hours to five days. Twelve other persons who remained in the camp never shewed the slightest signs of infection, although living in close proximity with these yellow fever patients. This experiment proved that not only is this mosquito the carrier of the infection, but that contact with patients is harmless. The latter is most important from an economic point of view, and therefore the commission carefully inves- tigated the question. A mosquito-proof house was constructed so as to present the worst possible hygienic conditions. It was badly venti- lated, and badly lighted, and the windows were kept shut all day. The air inside the house was very humid and the tem- perature often rose to 350 C. Into this house was introduced the soiled linen from beds that had been occupied by yellow fever patients. A certain number of persons occupied this house for 20 days, sleeping between bed-clothes that had been soiled by the excrement and black vomit of yellow fever patients. In spite of these conditions none of the persons occupying the house became infected and the experiment has been repeated several times with similar results. No matter under what conditions of sanitation, etc., in the absence of Stegomyia, nobody became infected with the disease. Finally, a house was constructed of the same dimensions as the preceding, but well lighted and ventilated, so as to present the best hygienic conditions. This house was rendered mosquito-proof by wire gauze, and also was divided into two halves by means of a partition of the same material. On one side the persons occupying the room were exposed to the same conditions as in the preceding experiment, namely, sleeping between the soiled bed linen from yellow fever patients, etc. In the other half only carefully sterilized materia] was allowed to enter but, in addition, there were introduced 15 mosquil that had fed, at least 12 days previously, on patients at the 1 86 YELLOW FEVER [CH. commencement of their infection. A young American doctor, Dr Moran, entered this half of the house and was bitten by a number of the mosquitoes. After a short incubation period, he developed a typical attack of yellow fever, whilst persons who occupied the other half of the house for at least 20 days remained healthy. In this manner was established the important truth that yellow fever is only carried by means of the mosquito, and the above-mentioned results have been repeatedly confirmed by subsequent investigators. The causal agent. In spite of numerous researches the causal agent is still under discussion, for most of the organisms that have been described from yellow fever patients may be explained as the result of secondary infection, or in other cases, as artefacts. Because of the many points of resemblance be- tween relapsing fever and yellow fever, it has been suggested that the latter is also due to a spirochete. Recently Seidelin has described the occurrence of a parasite, belonging to the Babesiidae, in the blood and organs of yellow fever patients. To this parasite Seidelin has given the name of Paraplasma flavigenum, and he considers it to be the causal agent of yellow fever. Whatever the causal agent may be, it is present in the circulation in large numbers, for the subcutaneous injection of minute quantities of infected blood into a non-immune person is followed by an attack of yellow fever. It is said to be present in the circulation only during the first three days of an attack, for blood taken from a patient on the fourth day, when his temperature was still high (400 C.) was found to be non-infective. However, as there has only been one attempt made to infect persons with the blood taken from patients after the third day, this statement is still open to question. On the whole it seems probable that yellow fever patients may remain infective even after all signs of the disease have dis- appeared, for it is difficult to explain its prevalence in certain cases except on the theory of latent infections. The organism must be excessively minute for it can easily pass through a Chamberland Filter F. When the infected serum is diluted XI] DEVELOPMENT IN MOSQUITO 187 with an equal quantity of water the virus is even capable of passing through a Chamberland Filter B, 0-033 c-c- of the filtrate producing a typical attack when injected into a non- immune person. The virus is extremely fragile, for a drop of infected blood may be placed on an excoriated part of the skin with impunity, as the slightest desiccation destroys the disease agent. More- over, it is very susceptible to heat, for at a temperature of 550 C. it loses its virulence within five minutes. Development within the mosquito. Under ordinary cir- cumstances when a Stegomyia has fed on the blood of a yellow fever patient during the first three days of an attack, it becomes infective after an incubation period of about 12 days. The conditions of development within the mosquito are very uncertain, however, for it often happens that mosquitoes remain uninfective, even though fed on infected blood. The effect of temperature is very important and probably accounts to some extent for the restricted range of the disease. If a mosquito is kept at a temperature of about 220 C, instead of becoming infective 12 days after an infected feed, the incu- bation period is prolonged to three or four weeks. At 200 C. the virus is incapable of developing within the mosquito and thus the latter does not become infected. If an infected mosquito, capable of transmitting the disease, is exposed to a low temperature, it ceases to be infective, but recovers this power on again being warmed. It is possible that changes in temperature alter the virulence of the disease, for during the cool season the cases of yellow fever are often benign, the most severe ones occurring during the hot weather. Under certain conditions it seems that the infection may be transmitted to the offspring of an infected mosquito. Marchoux and Simond kept a female Stegomyia, which laid its eggs 16 days after an infective feed. These eggs were kepi at a temperature of about 280 C. and developed in a com- paratively short length of time into the adult insects. The latter were found to be infected and produced a typical attack of yellow fever when fed on anon-immune subject. Although no one else has succeeded in repeating this experiment, the 1 88 YELLOW FEVER [CH French investigators were so careful to exclude all chance of error, that there is little doubt that under certain conditions, a Stegomyia infected with yellow fever is able to transmit the infection to its offspring. The reappearance of yellow fever in places where it had apparently become extinct may possibly be explained by this factor. Once a mosquito has become infected, it probably continues so for the remainder of its life, but there are not sufficient observations on this question. In nature the insects are certainly still infective after being nourished on sugar for two or three weeks, as shewn in the case of the St Xazaire epidemic. It is possible for the virus of yellow fever to be preserved indefinitely in the mosquito and thus the cycle of development must be quite different from that of Plasmodium. This was clearly shewn by an interesting experiment performed by Marchoux and Simond. Mosquitoes, that had fed on an infected patient more than 12 days previously, were ground up in thick syrup and some freshly hatched Stegomyia fed on this mixture. Fifteen days later these insects were found to be infected, although they had never fed on a yellow fever patient. Vaccination. Although no successful means of preventing infection by this means have yet been discovered, the results obtained by the use of various sera are of some interest. We have previously referred to the extreme susceptibility to temperature of the virus of yellow fever. Warming for five minutes at 550 C. destroys all its activity. If preserved at a temperature of 290 to 300 C. in an ordinary tube plugged with cotton, the serum loses its virulence within 48 hours. The same temperature acts much more slowly if the infected serum is covered with a layer of oil in order to protect it from the air. At the end of five days some serum kept in this manner was still infective, and produced an attack of yellow fever when injected into a non-immune person. It should be added that it only produced a very mild attack. After being thus preserved for eight days the serum lost its virulence entirely and could be injected into non-immunes without producing any infection. XI] VACCINATION 189 The inoculation of serum that had either been warmed, or kept for eight days at 250 C, was found to confer a partial immunity against yellow fever. All the subjects that had received such injections, were subsequently inoculated with a virulent strain of yellow fever, and in every case the resulting attack was found to be extremely mild in character, shewing that the serum had had an immunizing effect. During the course of an attack of yellow fever the presence of antibodies in the blood of the patient may easily be demon- strated. The serum of a patient taken on the eighth day of an attack and injected into a non-immune person, completely protected the latter against infection when subsequently inocu- lated with virulent blood. The serum of a convalescent patient is even more effective, and if injected into non-immune persons will protect them against all attempts at infection for a period of about 20 days. By the twenty-sixth day the immunity begins to disappear but is still present, for the inoculation of virulent blood only produces a slight attack of fever. Such immune serum may also be applied therapeutically, and when injected into infected patients is said to diminish the severity of the symptoms and hasten the recovery. Unfortunately, all these methods are of little use, because they require the presence of infected patients and conva- lescents to furnish the necessary materials. REFERENCES. Boyce, R. (191 1). Yellow Fever and its prevention. London : John Murray. Clarac, A. and Simond, P. L. (191 2). Fievre Jaune, in Grail and Clarac's Traite Pratique de Pathologie Exotique. Paris. Vol. in. pp. 21-176. Finlay, C. (1883). Sur une nouvcllc theorie de la fievre jaune. Ref. Arch, de mid. nav. January, 1883. Marchoux, E. (1910). Fievre Jaune, in Chantemesse and Mosny's Traite d'Hygi&ne. Paris : Bailliere et fils. Marchoux, Salimbeni and Simond (1903). La fievre jaune. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. xvn. pp. 665-731. Marchoux and Simond (1906). Etudes sur la fievre jaune. Ibid, vol xx. pp. 16, 104 and 161. Reed, Carroll, Agramonte and Lazear (1900). Preliminary note 00 the Etiology of Yellow Fever. Phil. Med. J cum. Oct, 27. I90 DENGUE [CH. Reed and Carroll (1902). Recent researches concerning the etiology, propagation, and prevention of Yellow Fever, by the U.S. Army Commission. Journ. of Hygiene, vol. II, pp. 101-119. Sanarelli, G. (1897). Etiologie et pathogenie de la rievre jaune. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, xi. p. 433. Seidelin, H. (191 1). The Etiology of Yellow Fever. Yellow Fever Bulletin, vol. 1. pp. 229-258. For a complete bibliography see the Yellow Fever Bulletin, and also Scheube's Die Krankheiten der warmen Lander. (Jena : G. Fischer.) II. Dengue. Synonyms. The synonymy of this disease is very extensive, upwards of 100 names having been applied to it. The most important of these are as follows : Dandy Fever ; Breakbone Fever ; Febris Endemica cum Roseola ; Exanthesis Arthrosia ; Arthrodynie ; Knokkelkoorts ; Eruptive Rheumatic Fever ; Fievre rouge, etc. History. The first records of dengue do not appear before the end of the eighteenth century, though there is some possi- bility that an epidemic noted by Pazzio as occurring in Seville from 1764 to 1768 was caused by this disease. In 1779 dengue was noted in Cairo and Arabia, by Gaberti ; in India, by Persin ; and also in Batavia, by David Bylon. The following year Rush described an epidemic occurring in Philadelphia, and in 1784 the disease was introduced from the West Indies into Spain, where it caused severe epidemics in Cadiz and Seville, which were well described by Cristobal Cubillas. During the nineteenth century epidemics have been recorded from most tropical and subtropical regions. According to Manson there is a tendency for these epidemics to occur at intervals of about 20 years. The last epidemic to occur in Europe was in 1889, when the disease was especially prevalent in Turkey, Greece, and the Eastern Mediterranean region generally. Distribution and epidemiology. Dengue is essentially a tropical disease, but occasionally it extends into subtropical regions. It has occurred in practically every country between XI DISTRIBUTION I9I 32° 47' N. and 230 23' S., and during the summer months it may extend up to as much as 420 N. The disease is usually more prevalent in low-lying lands well supplied with water, probably because such sites provide better opportunities for the breeding of Culex. There are exceptions to this rule, however, for during the epidemic in Syria in 1888-9 the disease extended to villages having an altitude of nearly 4000 feet. 1 180 160 rtO 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 GO 80 100 123 1 to 1 .■-. \r~- $ ■A.V i J I -m ^ ft \ i 1^ 1i "J i .fie f ^ ■j~-> •v— * "5i — ^SC 4vf 2? ^ t p / F )&t? d&t i \ *> L 7jt- S\ } $ > f < P ■','' Q> < ^ 4t i rA I- Y 1 cJ jVj J ^^ . I 1 ^rf nx * 2D c VT. 3 -*! ^ : d /^ V / \ -V — . —v -*r I -^^N J w„ \i /T : " • V -\ ' ,- V [ 80 1 to I 20 1 30 o e o ! \ J 0 a 2 ' • ■ O K » i 0 1 KX * C M Fig. 51. The distribution of Dengue. The countries from which cases have been recorded are coloured black. (Compare this chart with that on page 193, shewing the distribution of Culex fatigans.) The distribution of dengue, past and present, is represented in the accompanying map (Fig. 51). At the present time the chief endemic centres of the infection are India and the East Indies, and, in the New World, the Wes1 hulk- and Central America. From these centres the disease, in warm summers, may even extend into temperate regions, but on the approach of winter it gradually disappears, as a certain amount of heat seems to be necessary for its transmission. I92 DENGUE [CH. Neither age, sex, race, nor social conditions, seem to have any effect on this disease, which attacks rich and poor, old and young, black and white, with the utmost impartiality. The rapid spread of epidemics of dengue is another feature which was noticed even by the earliest observers. The rapidity with which it extends is probably unequalled by any other malady, and usually within a few days of its appearance in any particular locality a considerable proportion of the population will be found suffering from the disease. In 1884 an epidemic in Noumea broke out so suddenly that the majority of the public services were disorganized ; a regiment of marines was reduced to less than one section, and so many of the sailors were affected that the ships were temporarily put out of action. The disease is usually conveyed from one place to another by means of ships carrying infected passengers. Thus dengue was introduced into Tahiti by a steamer that carried a single infected passenger, who had contracted the disease in Noumea. This case was sufficient to start an epidemic in the island. When any particular maritime locality becomes the centre of an epidemic, all ships visiting the place are liable to become infected. Occasionally the disease is spread by means of trains as, for example, in India, where it was carried from Calcutta across Bengal by these means. Such a method of expansion, however, is somewhat unusual and seaports continue to be the localities most visited by epidemics, the infection being introduced by ships. An epidemic generally lasts for about five or six months, gradually diminishing in the number of cases until it finally disappears. It is interesting to note that the distribution of dengue shews a remarkable coincidence with that of Culex fatigans. (Figs. 51 and 52.) Causal agent. Our knowledge of dengue is still very im- perfect and in spite of numerous researches the cause of the disease remains unknown. McLaughlin, in 1886, found a micrococcus in the blood of infected patients and supposed that this was the causative agent, but his results have been disproved by subsequent investigators. In 1903, Graham believed that he had discovered the cause of the disease, in XI CAUSAL AGENT 193 the form of small hyaline bodies occurring in the red cells, which he considered to be related to Babesia. In addition, he fed Culex fatigans on infected patients and claimed to have found his parasites in the insects up to the fifth day after feeding, without, however, observing any signs of their develop- ment. Nevertheless the salivary glands were said to contain spores from two days up to a month after the mosquito had Fig. 52. The distribution of Culex fatigans. fed on infected blood. A typical attack of dengue was pro- duced in a healthy person by the injection of the salivary glands of a mosquito, that had fed on an infected patient 24 hours previously. Although Graham's work on the transmission of dengue by Culex fatigans has been confirmed, the organism which he described has never been observed by any subsequent investi- gators, but from the nature of the disease there seems little doubt that it is caused by some protozoal parasite living in the blood. Ashburn and Craig have studied the aetiology H. B. F. 13 194 DENGUE [CH. and transmission of dengue in the Philippines, and were able to produce the disease in normal persons by the intravenous injection of 20 c.cs. of blood from an infected patient. The incubation period was two to three days, and was followed by typical attacks of dengue. These authors also found that 'the pathogenic agent was so small that it would pass through the pores of a filter which retained organisms o-4 ^ in diameter, filtered serum being equally as infective as non-filtered blood. The blood shews little alteration except in the leucocyte count, a slight or well-marked leucopenia being a fairly constant character. The number of polymorphonuclear leucocytes may be reduced to forty or fifty per cent., but at the same time there is an increase of the large mononuclears and lymphocytes, the latter predominating. Some authors maintain that the leucocyte formula remains essentially the same throughout the disease, whilst others are of the opinion that considerable variations occur. Dengue is not accompanied by any anaemia, the red cells remaining normal both in number and ap- pearance. Mode of infection. The transmission of this disease is still somewhat obscure in spite of the work of Graham, and Ashburn and Craig. For a long time it was considered to be a highly contagious infection and During recorded a case in which five families that received their washing from the same laund- ress all became infected about the same time and before the other inhabitants. Arnold, in 1846, was the first to support the idea that the disease is not contagious and based his theory on two facts noticed in Havana, namely, that the epidemic was localized in the town and did not spread into the surrounding country, and that among the first cases, not any of the patients had been in contact with one another, either directly or in- directly. The belief in the contagious nature of dengue has now been abandoned by the majority of investigators, but, in addition to the idea that it is carried bv Culex, various other theories of animal transmission have been advanced. In America it is a common idea that the spread of the disease depends in some XI] MODE OF INFECTION 195 way on the cattle. In India, Martialis has noticed that the cows and horses are sometimes attacked by dengue, often presenting a temporary paralysis of one or more legs, but usually recovering after three or four days. Also, Duchateau, during an epidemic in the Senegal, noticed that it coincided with a high mortality amongst the wild birds and fowls. None of these theories has received any support from experiments, for up to the present all attempts to infect animals have remained negative. Finally, in 1903, Graham propounded the theory that Culex fatigans is responsible for the transmission of this disease and supported his theory by experiments. Ashburn and Craig, however, are the only investigators who have actually succeeded in transmitting the disease by the bites of infected Culex fatigans. It should be noted, however, that they only succeeded on one occasion and their results have not been confirmed. The details of Ashburn and Craig's experiments are as follows : On September 12th, a non-immune soldier was placed under a mosquito net with about 20 Culex fatigans that had fed on a dengue patient the previous night. The man was bitten on the night of the 12th, approximately one day after the mosquitoes had fed. About three and a half days later he shewed a distinct rise of temperature and a day later developed a typical attack of dengue. It is evident that in this experiment the parasite causing the disease had no time to undergo any cycle of development in the mosquito, except a very short one. As all attempts to infect persons by the bites of mosquitoes after an interval of more than one day gave negative results, Ashburn and Craig are of the opinion that the parasite of dengue is merely capable of living in the stomach of the mosquito and does not need to undergo any cycle of development before becoming infective. It must be admitted that the experimental evidence in support of the mosquito transmission theory is very incomplete, but a consideration of its epidemiology Leaves no doubt as to the usual mode of infection 1 >-- I96 BIRD MALARIA [CH. In the first place the disease has been definitely proved to be non-contagious, but is infectious in the same way as yellow fever and malaria. Secondly, the distribution of dengue more or less coincides with that of Culex fatigans. Additional support, however, is that brought forward by E. H. Ross, who shewed that in Port Said, Egypt, dengue entirely dis- appeared after the destruction of mosquitoes. Previously the town had been subject to severe epidemics, but since the extermination of the mosquitoes, not a single case of dengue has been recorded, although the disease has been rife in other parts of Egypt. Of course, it is possible that other Culicines may be capable of transmitting the infection, and the observations of Legendre in Hanoi suggest that Stegomyia is probably a carrier of the virus. REFERENCES. Ashburn and Craig (1907). Experimental investigations regarding the etiology of Dengue Fever. Philippine Jour. Sci. Sect. B, Med. Sci. vol. 11. No. 2. Graham (1903). The Dengue; a study of the pathology and mode of propagation. Journ. Trop. Med. 1903, p. 209. Legendre (191 1). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. iv. p. 26. Seidelin, H. (1913)- Dengue. A summary. Yellow Fever Bulletin, vol. 11. pp. 335-358. (Contains a very good general account of the disease.) III. Bird Malaria {Plasmodium prcecox [Grassi and Feletti]). General account. A great variety of birds, such as finches, sparrows, crows, etc., have been found infected with a parasite closely resembling the Plasmodia of man. By some authors this bird parasite has been separated off into a distinct genus, Proteosoma, but the differences between it and Plasmodium are so slight that now the two are generally united. There is also some doubt as to whether all the Plasmodia occurring in birds should be regarded as one species, and some observers have preferred to give specific names to the Plasmodia from different XI CAUSAL AGENT 197 species of birds, but there is no justification for this course, as hitherto all attempts to find any specific differences, apart from the kind of host, have failed. Therefore, for the present, all the plasmodial parasites occurring in birds may be regarded as belonging to one species, Plasmodium prcecox (Grassi and Feletti, 1890). The parasites have a decidedly pathogenic action upon the birds they infest. They grow at the expense of the red cor- puscles, which lose their haemoglobin, and gradually degenerate. As a result infected birds become anaemic and, in addition, the substances produced by the parasites seem to have a general toxic effect upon the organs of the body. As in the case of human malaria, the body temperature rises, but rarely more than 1-1*5° C. Birds not infrequently succumb to the infection, especially during the early part of the year, when climatic conditions are somewhat severe. Causal agent. Plasmodium prcecox in its general form somewhat resembles P. vivax. The small amoeboid sporozoites penetrate into the red cells and there generally assume a some- what triangular form, with a round vesicular nucleus containing a karyosome. This young trophozoite grows at the expense of the contents of the red cell and deposits waste materials in the form of pigment granules, which are scattered through its protoplasm. Danilewsky refers to these young forms as " pseudo- vacuolar." The protoplasm is finely granular and contains numerous vacuoles. According to Labbe there are two kinds of schizogony in the circulating blood. Sometimes the parasite divides up into six or seven merozoites arranged in the form of a rosette, whilst at other times the parasite divides up into very numerous merozoites scattered irregularly throughout the infected blood corpuscle. In both cases the pigment and waste materials are left behind in the form of a residual body. The merozoites escape and penetrate other blood corpuscles, where they either develop and repeat the schizogonic cycle, or cue rise to the gametocytes. The development of the latter closely resembles that of the corresponding forms in other species of Plasmodia (e.g. P. vivax). ig8 BIRD MALARIA [CH. The Morphological Changes. Development in the mosquito. The experiments of Ross, Sergent, Ruge and Neumann have shewn that at least four species of Culicinae are capable of transmitting P. prczcox, viz. Culex pipiens, C. fatigans, C. nemorosus and Stegomyia fasciata. In all these species the development of the parasite is practically identical with that of P. vivax in Anopheles, and therefore it is unnecessary to describe it in detail. The development, however, does not take place with equal facility in all these species, even under the same conditions of temperature and humidity. Thus Neumann found that out of 501 Stegomyia fasciata which fed on an infected canary, only 57 (= 11*4 per cent.) subsequently shewed the development of ripe cysts and the sporozoites of the parasite. On the other hand out of 104 Culex pipiens fed under similar conditions, 85 (= 817 per cent.) became infected. Moreover the time occupied in the develop- ment of the parasite, from the ingestion of the gametocytes to the appearance of sporozoites in the salivary gland of the mosquito, was longer in the case of Stegomyia than in Culex. At a temperature of 270 C, with a relatively high humidity of about 75 to 80 per cent., the times occupied by the various stages of development were as follows : Formation of microgametes Copulation Formation of ookinete, commencement of majority formed . . Disappearance of ookinetes from the stomach Formation of sporocyst . . Development of sporozoites in the cyst Total developmental period, from the ingestion of the infected blood to the appearance of sporozoites in the salivary glands of the infected mosquito In Culex 30 to 45 mins. 30 to 60 mins. About 10 to 12 hours 20 hours After 48 hours About 30 hours 6 to 7 days 9 to 11 days In Stegomyia 30 to 60 mins. 39 to 90 mins. About 16 hours 26 hours After 72 hours Not before the 3rd or 4th day 8 to 10 days 13 to 15 days XI] DEVELOPMENT OF PARASITE I99 At a temperature of 200 to 220 C. the formation of the ookinete and its subsequent development is very greatly prolonged, but the liberation of the microgametes and the process of copulation does not seem to be delayed. If the humidity is lowered to about 40 per cent, the develop- ment of the cysts is prolonged for at least two days, so it seems that a dry atmosphere is relatively unfavourable to the infection of mosquitoes. Fig. 53. View of the stomach of a Culex shewing large numbers of the sporocysts of Plasmodium prcecox on its walls. (After Ross.) Neumann kept very large numbers of Culex and fed them entirely on the blood of an infected canary. Although the majority of these mosquitoes were heavily infected with the Plasmodium, none of them seemed to shew any ill-effects from the presence of these parasites. On the other hand Koch, who similarly fed a number of Culex nemorosus on birds infected with P. pvcecox, found that many of the insects succumbed to the infection. REFERENCES. Grassi, B. (1901). Die Malavia-Studien eines Zoologen. Jena: Fischer. Koch, R. Ueber die Entwicklung der Malariaparasiten. Zeitschr. /. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh. vol. xxxn. Neumann, R. O. (1909). Die Obertragung von Plasmodium prcrcox auf Kanarienvogel. Arch. f. Protistoikunde, vol. XIII. pp. 23-69, Ross, R. (1905). Nobel Prize Essay, 1905. Ruge, R. (1901). Untersuchungen iiber das deutsche Protcosotia. Centralbl. f. Bakt. 1. vol. xxix. pp. 187— 191. Sergent, Ed. and Et. (1907). Etudes sur les Hematozoaires d'Oiseaux. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. xxi. pp. 251-280. 200 schaudinn's researches [ch. IV. Appendix. The Blood Parasites of Athene noctua. In addition to the above-mentioned infections, it is probable that most of the blood parasites of birds are trans- mitted by the agency of some species of mosquito. Schaudinn, in his famous memoir on the life-cycles of the parasites of the Little Owl [Athene noctua), described the development of these organisms in the alimentary canal of the common gnat, Culex pipiens. The Little Owl harbours in its blood at least six forms of avian parasites, namely, (i) a proteosoma ; (2) a halteridium ; (3) a small form of trypanosome ; (4) a large form of trypano- some ; (5) a leucocytozoon ; and (6) a spirochete. According to Schaudinn all these forms belong to the life- cycle of only three species of parasites. The proteosoma is certainly a distinct form unrelated to any of the others. On the other hand the halteridium and the small trypanosome were said to be phases of the same parasite, whilst the large trypanosome, leucocytozoon and spirochete were considered as stages in the development of another parasite. The halteridium was supposed to be the resting intra- corpuscular stage of the small trypanosome, which at night developed a locomotor apparatus, became free from the red cell and swam about as an ordinary trypanosome ; in the morning it penetrated another red cell, its locomotor apparatus disappeared, and it again became a halteridium. Three forms of the parasite were distinguished, known respectively as male, female and indifferent forms. The latter were the forms which multiplied in the blood, and from these small trypanosomes either indifferent, male, or female forms, might develop. The two latter developed slower than the indifferent forms, and as they grew larger were unable to change from the hal- teridium to the trypanosome form, but became exclusively intracorpuscular or halteridium forms. The further develop- ment of these sexual forms could only take place if they were ingested by a gnat, Culex pipiens. In the alimentary canal of this insect the male and female forms became free and copulated, forming typical ookinetes. The latter developed XlJ HALTERIDIUM OF ATHENE NOCTUA 201 into trypanosomes which again might be either female or indifferent, or divide up into a large number of male forms. Ultimately the indifferent and male trypanosomes were inocu- lated back again into an owl ; the female trypanosomes being too bulky could not pass through the proboscis of the gnat, and as the male forms soon died out in the blood the new infection was started by the indifferent trypanosomes. This extraordinary account of the life-cycle of the parasite of the Little Owl has been the subject of much discussion during the past few years. Mayer has brought forward evidence in support of one of Schaudinn's statements, for he found that when owl's blood containing only halteridia was kept in hanging drops under the microscope, eventually trypanosomes made their appearance and these could only have come there by the transformation of the halteridia. On the other hand no other confirmation of the life-cycle has hitherto been published, whilst there are many serious objections to it. In the first place the careful researches of Minchin and Woodcock, who worked at Rovigno, the place where Schaudinn made his observations, have shewn that in the blood of Athene noctua there is every stage between the small trypanosomes and the large ones, and there is every reason to suppose that in this case, as in many other verte- brates, these are all merely forms of one polymorphic try- panosome. Further the development of Hcemoproteus columbce, the halteridium of the pigeon (v. Chapter XXIII), is of a totally different kind, as the transmitting host is not a mosquito and moreover the development does not include any trypanosome phases. Minchin suggests a solution of the difficulty by supposing that the trypanosome of the Little Owl, like other known species of trypanosomes, has intracorpuscular forms which have been confused with true halteridia. With regard to Schaudinn's account of the life-cycle of the Leucocytozoon there is not the slightest doubt that do relation exists between this parasite and the spirochetes and 202 FILARIASIS [CH. trypanosomes, which are supposed to be stages in its develop- ment. The bacterial nature of the spirochetes is now generally admitted, and the life-cycles of those species that have been investigated have been found to be of the simplest nature, not involving any sexual phenomena, or anything in the slightest degree comparable with Schaudinn's account. Up to the present, no observer has succeeded in working out the life-cycle of any Leucocytozoon, but it is unlikely that a gnat is responsible for its transmission. On the whole, therefore, it seems better to disregard Schaudinn's statements concerning this parasite, and to con- sider its life-cycle as still an open question. REFERENCES. Dobell, C. C. (1912). Researches on the Spirochaets and related organisms. Arch. f. Protistenkunde, vol. xxvi. pp. 117-240. Mayer, M. (191 1). Uber ein Halteridium und Leucocytozoon des Waldkauzes und deren Weiterentwicklung in Stechmucken. Ibid. vol. xxi. pp. 232-254. Minchin, E. A. (1912). An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa, pp. 389-394. London : Edward Arnold. Minchin and Woodcock, H. M. (191 1). Observations on the Trypano- some of the Little Owl (Athene noctua). Quart. Joum.Micr. Sci. vol. lvii. pp. 141-185. Schaudinn, F. (1904). Generations- und Wirtswechsel bei Trypano- soma und Spirochete. Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt. vol. xx. P- 387. CHAPTER XII DISEASES TRANSMITTED BY ANOPHELIN^ AND CULICIN^E. FILARIASIS I. Filaria bancrofti Cobbold, 1877. Synonyms. Trichina cystica Salisbury, 1868. F. sanguinis hominis Lewis, 1872. F. sanguinis hominis cegyptiaca Sonsino, 1874. F. dermathemica da Silva Aranjo, 1855. F. wucheresi da Silva Lima, 1877. F. sanguinis hominum Hall, 1885. F. sanguinis hominum nocturna Manson, 1891. F. nocturna XII] HISTORY 203 Manson, 1891. Microfilaria nocturna Manson, 1891. F. phi- lippinensis Ashburn and Craig, 1906. History. The embryo of this species was discovered by Demarquay in 1863, in the chylous fluid from a case of dropsy of the tunica vaginalis, occurring in the West Indies. Wucherer in 1866 noticed the parasites in the urine of several cases of tropical chyluria, and in the next few years these embryos were found in similar cases from various parts of the world. In 1872 Lewis found that the parasites occurred in the blood of man, and Manson, da Silva Lima and Crevaux established the identity of these blood filariae with those occurring in cases of chyluria and lymph scrotum. In 1876 the adult filaria was discovered by Bancroft in an abscess of a lymphatic gland of the arm and also in a hydrocele of the spermatic cord. Manson studied the disease in China, and was the first to notice the periodic increase and decrease in the number of parasites in the peripheral circulation. From these observations he deduced that some blood-sucking insect was responsible for the spread of the infection, and his discovery in 1878 that mosquitoes were the agents in the transmission of the disease constitutes one of the landmarks in the history of tropical medicine. In 1879 he described the changes undergone by the filaria in the body of the mosquito, Culex pipiens, but the method in which the parasite again reached man remained undiscovered till 1900, when Low observed the worms in the proboscides of mosquitoes infected with Filaria bancrofti. Distribution. This species has been recorded from tropical and subtropical countries in most parts of the world. In Europe one case has been observed in Spain and another in Italy ; it is also probable that it occasionally occurs in Greece and Turkey. In Asia this filaria is widely spread throughout China, Japan, the Philippines, and India. It is rare in Indo- China. In Oceania it is extremely common in the majority of the islands, and in Samoa at least one half the inhabitants are said to be infected. In Australia it occurs as far south as Brisbane. In Africa it has been recorded from many Localities in the north, east and west, and probably occurs throughout the whole continent north of latitude 20 S. It is also common 204 FILARIA BANCROFTI [CH. in Mauritius, Reunion and Madagascar. In America, it is common in many parts of the West Indies and Brazil, and cases occur in the southern United States up to lati- tude 400 N. Description. The adult filariae do not occur in the peripheral blood circulation, but are found in various parts of the lym- phatics. The males and females generally occur together, often coiled about each other. Sometimes several occur together in small cyst-like dilatations of the distal lymphatics ; they are also found in the larger lymphatic vessels and in the glands themselves, and, probably not infrequently, in the thoracic duct. The female is a long, hair-like, transparent, motile worm, 50-155 mm. in length, and 0-15-0715 mm. in breadth. The two uterine tubes, easily seen through the transparent integument, occupy the greater length of the body, and are filled with ova and embryos at various stages of development. The body is plain, tapering rather abruptly towards the anterior end to form a distinct neck, beyond which is the slightly en- larged rounded oral extremity. The tail is also tapered, but ends rather abruptly. The cuticle is finely striated. At a short distance behind the head a luminous V-shaped spot is visible, that may represent the water- vascular system. The vulva is situated on the ventral surface at a distance of about 2*56 mm. from the anterior extremity. The anus opens immediately in front of the tail, 0-13-0-28 mm. from the posterior extremity. The worm is ovo-viviparous. The ova measure 25-38 n in length by 15 fi in breadth. The male resembles the female in its general appearance but is somewhat smaller, usually about 70-80 mm. in length by 0-40 mm. in breadth. When living it may further be dis- tinguished from the female by its marked tendency to curl, and also by the shape of the tail, the extremity of which is sharply incurvated, often making one or two spirals. The anus is situated O'li mm. from the posterior extremity and from its aperture emerge two slender, unequal spicules, respectively 0*2 and 06 mm. in length. According to Looss there are three pairs of post-anal papillae ; pre-anal papillae seem to be XII] DESCRIPTION 205 absent. The anterior end is rounded and not marked off from the rest of the body by a distinct neck as in the case of the female. The embryos, or microfilariae as they are frequently termed, occur in the peripheral blood. Manson describes the move- ments of the living parasite in the following words : "In fresh blood, F. nocturna (== bancrofti) is seen to be a minute, trans- parent, colourless, snake-like organism which, without materi- ally changing its position on the slide, wriggles about in a state of great activity, constantly agitating and displacing the cor- puscles in its neighbourhood. At first the movements are so active that the anatomical features of the filaria cannot be made out. In the course of a few hours the movements slow down, and then one can see that the little worm is shaped like a snake or an eel — that is to say, it is a long, slender, cylindrical organism, having one extremity abruptly rounded off, the other for about one-fifth of its entire length gradually tapering to a fine point. When examined with a low power, it appears to be structureless ; with a high power, a certain amount of structure can, on close scrutiny, be made out. In the first place, it can be seen that the entire animal is en- closed in an exceedingly delicate, limp, structureless sack, in which it moves backwards and forwards. This sack or " sheath " as it is generally called, although closely applied to the body, is considerably longer than the worm it encloses, so that that part of the sack which for the time being is not occupied is collapsed, and trails after the head or tail or both, as the case may be. It can be seen also that about the posterior part of the middle third of the parasite there is what appears to be an irregular aggregation of granular matter which, by suitable staining, can be shown to be viscous of some sort. This organ runs for some distance along the axis of the worm. Further, if high power be used, a closely set. very delicate transverse striation can be detected in the museulo-cutan layer throughout the entire Length of the animal. Besides this if carefully looked for at a point about one-fifth of the entire length of the organism backward- from the head end. a shining triangular V-shaped patch is always visible, This 206 FILARIA BANCROFTI [CH. V-spot is brought out by very light staining with dilute logwood. The dye brings out yet another spot, similar to the preceding, though very much smaller ; this second spot is situated a short distance from the end of the tail. The former I have designated the V-spot ; the latter the " tail spot." Staining with logwood also shows the body of the little animal is principally composed of a column of closely packed, exceedingly minute cells enclosed in the transversely striated musculo-cutaneous cylinder ; at all events, many nuclei are thereby rendered visible. Dr Low has recently pointed out to me that the break seen in all stained specimens in the central column of nuclei occurs at a point slightly posterior to the anterior V-spot. This break can only be recognized in stained specimens." According to Annett, Dutton and Elliott, if preparations of the living filaria are examined directly after being made from the patient, the embryos are seen to exhibit, for a short period, a rapidly progressive movement across the field of the microscope — at first so rapid that the parasites can only be traced with difficulty. This movement quickly ceases, as the sheath of the embryo soon becomes attached to the slide, as described above. The embryos vary from 270 to 340 m in length, by 7 to 11 fi in breadth. Life-cycle in the vertebrate host. We shall commence with the adult female in the lymphatics of the infected patient. The fertilization is internal and the fertilized female usually contains large numbers of embryos at various stages of development. As this animal is ovi- viviparous, the eggs are not liberated from the body of the parent until the embryonic filariae (= microfilariae) are well formed and capable of inde- pendent motion. The egg is surrounded by a transparent sheath, within which the embryos are enclosed the whole time they remain in the vertebrate host. The young filariae, each enclosed in its sheath, on being liberated make their way into the blood-vessels of the host and may be found in the peripheral circulation. Whilst remaining in the blood they are incapable of further development, but are enclosed XII PERIODICITY 207 within their sheaths, presenting an appearance similar to that shewn in Fig. 54. These are the filariae that one encounters on examining the blood of a filarious patient, and as will be seen they are merely immature forms and, consequently, it is very difficult to classify them, as the various species are distinguished mainly by the characters of the adults. These embryos arc- often termed " microfilariae " in order to distinguish them from the mature " filariae," but it should be remembered that such a term cannot be used in a generic sense. Kig. 54. Microfilariae of F. bancrofti emerging from the uterus of the parent filaria, uncoiling in their chorionic envelopes. {After Bahr, from Filariasis and Elephantiasis in Fiji.) Periodicity. The number of filariae in the peripheral cir- culation presents remarkable periodic variations, a pheno- menon which was first noticed by Manson. In the Filaria bancrofti, this author found that, in China, the parasites were present in the peripheral circulation during the night, but disappeared during the day : and he proposed the specific name nocturna in order to express this habit, ruder normal conditions of health and habit, during the day the parasite is 208 FILARIA BANCROFTI [CH. rarely seen in the blood of a patient, or, if present, only in very small numbers, but as evening approaches about five or six o'clock the filariae begin to enter the peripheral circulation in gradually increasing numbers. The maximum is usually attained about midnight, when it is no uncommon thing to find 300, or even 600, in every drop of blood. The numbers then begin to diminish, and by eight or nine o'clock in the morning the filarial have disappeared again for the day. This diurnal periodicity may be maintained with regularity for years. Manson was able to shew that during the daytime the parasites retire to the lungs, heart and larger arteries, where they may be found in enormous numbers. In the case of a filarious patient who had committed suicide during the daytime, the parasites were found to occur in the various organs in the following numbers, which indicate the average per slide : liver, § ; spleen, r ; brachial venae comites, 28 ; bone marrow, o ; muscle of heart, 122 ; carotid artery, 612 ; lung, 675. In the lungs the filariae were found lying outstretched or coiled in the blood-vessels, both small and large. In the carotid they occurred in enormous numbers on its inner surface, though how they managed to maintain their position in the blood current remains unexplained. Many authors have attempted to explain this remarkable periodicity in the occurrence of the parasites in the peripheral circulation. Mackenzie shewed that it was in some way con- nected with sleep, for by reversing the usual habits, and making a patient sleep during the day and work at night, it was found that, after a few days of hesitation, the filariae became diurnal instead of nocturnal. These results have also been confirmed by Annett, Dutton and Elliott working in Nigeria. Carter supposed that the embryos were carried into the circulation at the end of each day by the overflowing of chyle that follows alimentation. Myers suggested that the embryos are only laid at night and all die before the morning. Scheube supposed that the passage of the embryos from the lymphatics into the blood was prevented during the day by muscular work and digestion, and facilitated at night by the relaxation of the muscles. Von Linstow explained it on the XII] LIFE-CYCLE IN MOSQUITO 209 supposition that during the night the dilatation of the cutaneous capillaries facilitated the entrance of the filariae into the cir- culation. Against all these theories can be brought the objection that a closely related species, Filaria diurna, is normally diurnal, and yet presents a somewhat similar life-cycle to that of F. bancrofti. A still more serious difficulty in the way of any mechanical explanation is the occurrence, in some parts of the world, of varieties of F. bancrofti that are diurnal in habit, and yet others which exhibit no periodicity. The researches of Bahr have shewn that in Fiji and Oceania generally, the filariae occur in the blood of patients in no regular manner, and yet the parasites are morphologically identical with F. bancrofti. Similarly, Ashburn and Craig, because it exhibited no perio- dicity, considered the human filaria of the Philippines to be a distinct species, and gave it the name of F. philippinensis , but Low has shewn that it is identical with F. bancrofti. Bahr's observations are of great interest, for they suggest that in Fiji the absence of periodicity in the filaria is a partial adaptation to the habits of its usual invertebrate host in this locality, Stegomyia pseudoscutellaris, a mosquito which only feeds during the day. At present, however, there is no hypothesis that will satis- factorily account for the phenomenon of filarial periodica \ . Life-cycle in the mosquito — the intermediate host. As men- tioned above, the filarial embryos are incapable of further development within the body of their host, but require to be ingested by a mosquito belonging to one of the species that serve as the invertebrate hosts for F. bancrofti. Then the parasites undergo further evolution in the body of the mosquito. The various stages in the metamorphosis of this specirs in the body of Culex pipiens have been worked out by Manson. The development maybe conveniently divided into seven sta§ First Stage. Shortly after being ingested by the mosquito the transverse striation of the embryo becomes well marked, as if from longitudinal shrinking. Within about one hour the embryo breaks out of its sheath and then shews active move- ments. The parasite bores its way through the walls of the H. B. f. 14 210 FILARIA BANCROFTI CH. stomach and eventually comes to rest in the thoracic muscles of the mosquito. This process is usually complete in about 12 to 18 hours, but some of the worms die in the stomach. In the thorax all movement ceases, the striation disappears and various changes take place in the interior of the filaria. Second Stage. This generally occupies about two to three days, during which the body thickens, and a mouth begins to appear. The posterior V-spot appears as a large vacuole and the anterior V-spot becomes very distinct. Third Stage. The mouth becomes open and four large fleshy lips are formed. The posterior V-spot enlarges and definitely becomes the anus, appearing in front of the tail as a break in the cuticle, from which granular matter exudes. A row of cells appears in the previously apparently homogeneous body and terminates in front of the anus in some large cells. This row of cells later gives rise to the alimentary canal and a tegumentary layer with a cavity between. The larva is now 0-03-0-3 mm. in length by 0-029-0-05 mm. in diameter. At this stage the tail becomes large and sickle-shaped and the cells of the body usually dip into it. The alimentary canal extends from the mouth to the anus. Motion is entirely sus- pended. Fourth Stage. Rapid growth takes place and the body retracts from the tail, which becomes a mere appendage. The length of the worm varies from 0-35-0-5 mm. Fifth Stage. When the body has attained its maximum thickness the anterior end commences to elongate and become thinner, and the mouth begins to close. The anterior and posterior ends may elongate simultaneously, but more often this process occurs along the whole length of the larva. The mouth eventually closes and all, or nearly all, traces of the viscera disappear. About the seventh day of development the body of the worm assumes a fibrous and very transparent appearance, but before this stage is reached a well developed alimentary canal with pharynx and oesophagus may be distinguished. Slight movements now commence at the neck of the animal and extend downwards, and about this stage a general ecdysis takes place and the sickle-shaped tail is cast off, a new skin XII DEVELOPMENT IN MOSQUITO 211 being developed within the old one. Large cells appear at the end of the tail and form three or four papillae which characterise the larva at the end of this and during the next stage. V Fig. 55. Filaria bancroftix 200. Stages in the development within the mosquito. (After Nuttall.) a, young filaria immediately after escaping from the sheath ; b, 5 days, c, 10 days, and d, 10 days after ing by the mosquito. The worm is now about 1-5 mm. in Length, and its breadth has diminished to about one-half. The anterior end ta] but is abruptly rounded off ; the posterior end also ta: ' ! — - 212 FILARIA BANCROFTI [CH. slightly from the anus backwards, and bears the above-men- tioned papillae. Sixth Stage. The movements now become more active. The lips of the mouth are closely pressed together in the form of a cone and minute horny papillae are present. The worm now measures about i"5 mm. by 0*03 mm. Until 1900 it was supposed that this was the final stage in the development, and that the worm now required to escape into some water, in which it swam about until it was taken up by man in drinking water. In that year Low shewed that there was yet another stage. Seventh Stage. When the filariae have reached their highest development in the thoracic muscles they leave that tissue and begin to travel forwards, probably as a result of some chemiotactic attraction. They pass into the loose cellular tissue in the prothorax near the salivary glands, then force their way through the neck and coil themselves up in the loose connective tissue just below the cephalic ganglion and salivary sac. Finally, they pass into the proboscis of the mosquito by making an independent passage through Dutton's membrane at the base of the labrum, and pushing forward between the labrum and hypopharynx amongst the stylets. Here the worms are found stretched along the length of the proboscis, head foremost Two worms, probably male and female, are nearly always found together. In this stage the worm is usually about 1 mm. in length and 0*025 mm. in breadth'. It tapers slightly towards each extremity, and at the anterior end the cuticle is thickened in places to form a few small papillae arranged round the terminal mouth. The posterior end, which is rounded off, is provided with three papillae almost at right angles to the axis of the body of the worm. The alimentary canal is straight and shews no marked differentiation into oesophagus and intestine. Towards the anterior end, 0*14 mm. from the extremity, there is an indication of the presence of an orifice, towards which the genital duct is seen to bend. These young filariae remain in the proboscis of the mosquito until it feeds on some host. The worms then escape and may be XII] DEVELOPMENT IN MOSQUITO 213 214 FILARIA BANCROFT! [CH. found on the skin in the neighbourhood of the wound caused by the bite of the insect. If the skin is sufficiently moist the filariae then bore their way through the epidermis into the subcutaneous tissues. In some cases they may select the wound caused by the mosquito as the point of entrance into the body of their vertebrate host, but in most cases it is pro- bable that they make an independent entrance through the undamaged skin, as Looss has shewn to be the case for the larvae of Agchylostoma duodenale. Moreover, Bahr has actually observed the larvae of Filaria bancrofti bore into the pores of the skin. The filariae were dissected out of infected mosquitoes and placed in a drop of saline on the back of a man's hand. The larvae could easily be seen wriggling about in the water, but when placed on the skin, after a few convulsive move- ments, they suddenly disappeared, apparently through the orifices of the gland ducts. Six filariae were observed to disappear in this manner, ''with almost lightning-like rapidity." When the skin is very dry the young filariae often die before they are able to effect an entrance, and therefore a person may be bitten by an infected mosquito .without developing filariasis. If, however, the young worms effect an entrance, they make their way to the lymphatics of their host and there develop into the adult filariae. After fertilization the females then develop embryos, which, on being liberated, make their way to the blood circulation, and thus the life-cycle may be repeated. Conditions affecting the development of the filaria within the body of the mosquito. One of the most important factors in- fluencing development is the species of mosquito in which this process takes place. In some species development occurs much more readily and occupies a shorter period than in others. For example, in Fiji, Bahr found that F. bancrofti developed very readily in Stegomyia pseudoscutellaris, under favourable conditions, the young worms appearing in the proboscis within ten days. On the other hand, in Culex fatigans the develop- ment proceeded much less regularly and occupied a longer period, whilst in C. jepsoni and S. fasciata the worms developed very slowly, and eventually degenerated in the thoracic muscles without arriving at maturity. The effect of different species XII] INVERTEBRATE HOSTS 215 on the development is well shewn by the number of nlariae that developed in each species. Stegomyia pseudoscutellaris and Culex fatigans are both efficient intermediate hosts for F. ban- crofti ; but in the former practically all the embryos develop in the insect and come to maturity, whereas in the latter only two or three ever complete their development. The effect of temperature on the rate of development is very marked ; at a high temperature the worms may be found in the proboscis after six days, but during cold weather the same evolution is not complete for at least 20 days, or may even be totally arrested. The following species of mosquitoes are capable of acting as the intermediate hosts for F. bancrofti, and with further re- searches there is little doubt that the list will have to be considerably extended. In many cases the development in the mosquito has not been followed completely : Species Locality Observer Anophelines : A. {Myzomyia) rossii1 .. India James „ (Pyretophorus) coslalis1 West Africa Annett, Dutton and Elliott ,, (Myzoyhynchus) sinensis2 . . Malay Leicester barbirostris2 > > ' ' ,, ,, ,, peditceniatus* ,, ,, (Cellia) argyrotarsis2 West Indies Low ,, ,, albipes2 )( Vincent Culicines : Culex pipiens1 . . China Manson [Australia Bancroft jaiigansx 1 St Lucia 1 West Indies I Philippines Low Ashburn and Craig gelidus2} (Malay, Sumatra, the Leicester sitiens2 \ "( Celebes and Malacca Stegomyia fasciata3 St Lucia, W. Indies, Low etc. ,, gracilis2 j perplex a2 t Malay Leicester scutellaris2 ) pseudoscutellaris1 Fiji Bahr Mausonia unifortnis (? africana) 1 Central Africa Daniels ,, a)i)iulipes2 ) Scutomyia albolincata2 I . . Malay Leicester Taniorhynchus domesticus* | 1 Species in which complete development has boon observed. 2 Species in which in all probability complete development takes place, but forms have not boon actually seen in proboscis. 3 Species in which an incomplete partial development occurs. Forms never reach stage suitable for proboscis. 2l6 FILARIA BANCROFTI [CH. Effect of filarice on the mosquito. The developing filar iae have a very deleterious effect on the health of the mosquito, and heavily infected individuals can easily be recognized by their sluggish appearance. When a very large number of embryos are ingested by a favourable intermediate host, the resulting development usually causes the death of the mos- quito. In the case of S. pseudoscutellaris, Bahr noticed that when mosquitoes were fed on a slightly infected patient nearly all of them were alive 21 days later, but out of a batch of 200 insects that fed on a patient shewing very numerous filariae in his blood, only 17 managed to survive an equal length of time. The period at which the infected mosquitoes died was dependent apparently upon the degree of development of the filariae. Thus, in warm weather most of the insects died on the sixth day after feeding, and in the cooler season on the tenth. The last stages of development, when the filaria is entering the proboscis, seem to be the most critical time for the mosquito, as in one batch 23 Stegomyia were alive on the 15th day after infection, but only three of them lived four days longer. Possibility of another "indirect" mode of transmission by the mosquito. The pathogenic effect of F. bancrofti upon its intermediate host is of considerable interest, for it suggests that the worm has only recently become adapted to its present mode of transmission. Moreover, it seems possible that Manson's theory that the filariae first escape into water and subsequently enter man, has been discarded rather too hastily. When the mature larvae migrate from the thoracic muscles, although most of them come to rest in the proboscis, it is no uncommon occurrence to find them in the legs and other regions of the mosquito. These " mistakes " on the part of the larvae also afford support to the theory that this filaria has only re- cently adopted its present mode of entry into the body. When the young filaria escapes from the proboscis of the mosquito on to the skin, it is only capable of penetrating the surface in the presence of moisture. On the other hand the young filariae will live in water for several hours, and if a drop of water con- taining them is placed on the skin the parasites at once disappear down the openings of the gland-ducts. XII] ELEPHANTIASIS 21/ It is evident, therefore, that if this filaria escapes into water, either by the death of its insect host, or some other cause, it is perfectly adapted for the penetration of any skin with which it may come in contact. This was probably the original manner in which the parasite was carried by mosquitoes, and the possibility of the occurrence of such an " indirect " mode of transmission, concurrently with the more recently acquired " direct " method, should not be ignored. Pathological effects. In most cases F. bancrofti does not seem to exercise any marked injurious effect on its host ; patients often shew filariae in their blood for many years and all the time appear in perfect health. Under certain conditions, however, the adult filaria may give rise to various pathological symptoms, mainly as a result of obstructing lymphatics. Amongst these affections may be mentioned chyluria, lymph scrotum, vari- cose groin glands, etc. In some instances a living worm, or a bundle of worms, may plug the thoracic duct and act as an embolus, or originate a thrombus ; in others, they give rise to inflammatory thickening of the walls, as a result of irritation, and thus lead to obstruction from the consequent stenosis. In such cases the embryos may disappear from the blood, usually as a result of the death of the adults. Sometimes adult filariae occur in large numbers in the lym- phatic glands and also in the epididymis, testis and tunica vaginalis. In these situations the worms may die and become cretified, and whether alive or dead they cause fibrosis and blocking of the glands. Elephantiasis. Of all the affections that are supposed to be due to filariasis, elephantiasis is the most important, as it occurs in most tropical countries. The disease may be defined as a chronic inflammatory hypertrophy of the fibrous con- nective tissue in some region of the body, induced by Lymph stasis and resulting in a considerable hypertrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. It most commonly affects the 1 gs scrotum, vulva, arms and breast. The resulting growths may become of enormous size, especially in cases ^\ elephantiasis the scrotum, in which this organ may attain the weight ol over 230 pounds. According to Manson the condition ol Lymph 2l8 ELEPHANTIASIS [CH. stasis, necessary for the production of elephantiasis, may be due to the blocking of the lymphatic ganglia by the unripe eggs of filariae, expelled from the parent before the embryos are able to uncoil. These eggs are five times as wide as the embryo, and being more or less rigid would be incapable of passing through any lymph glands. This theory accounts for the fact that the filaria embryos are rarely found in the cir- culation of patients affected with elephantiasis. The reasons for regarding elephantiasis as a filarial disease are given by Manson as follows : " (i) The geographical distribution of Filaria bancrofti and of elephantiasis correspond ; where elephantiasis is common there the filaria abounds and vice versa. (2) Filarial lym- phatic varix and elephantiasis occur in the same district and frequently concur in the same individual. (3) # Lymph scrotum, an unquestionably filarial disease, often terminates in elephantiasis of the scrotum. (4) Elephantiasis of the leg sometimes supervenes on the surgical removal of a lymph scrotum. (5) Elephantiasis and lymphatic varix are essen- tially diseases of the lymphatics. (6) Filarial lymphatic varix and true elephantiasis are both accompanied by the same type of recurring lymphangitis. (7) As filarial lym- phatic varix is practically proved to be caused by the filaria, the inference that true elephantiasis — the disease with which the former is so often associated and has so many affinities — is attributable to the same cause, appears to be warranted." On the other hand the filarial nature of elephantiasis is strongly opposed by certain authors, who bring forward argu- ments in support of the view that the disease is caused by bacteria. Le Dantec considers it due to a symbiotic infection with a Streptococcus and a Dermococcus. Dubruel obtained Streptococci in pure culture from cases of elephantiasis, and lately favourable results in the treatment of the disease seem to have been obtained by employing a vaccine prepared from this streptococcus. This author remarks that in the Island of Moorea (Tahiti), where about one-twelfth of the inhabitants shew elephantiasis, he examined the blood of 200 persons XII] FILARIA IMMITIS 210, without finding a single filaria. Moreover, he cites examples in which the contagious nature of the disease seems to be admissible. REFERENXES. Annett, Dutton and Elliott (1901). Report on the Malaria Expedition to Nigeria. Part II, Filariasis. Liv. Sch. of Trop. Med. Liverpool. Ashburn and Craig (1907). Observations upon Filaria philippinensis and its development in the mosquito. Phil. Journ. Sci., Sect. B, vol. 11. pp. 1-14. Bahr, P. H. (1912). Filariasis and Elephantiasis in Fiji. Journ. of the School of Trop. Med., Supplement No. 1. Bancroft, T. (1900). On the Morphology of the young form of Filaria bancrofti Cobb, in the body of Culex ciliaris. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxm. p. 48. Cobbold (1879). The life-history of Filaria bancrofti. Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 356. Demarquay (1863). Note sur une tumeur de bourse. Gaz. mid. Paris (3), vol. xvm. p. 665. Le Dantec (1900). Precis de pathologie exotique. Paris. Lewis, T. R. (1872). On a FLcematozoon inhabiting Human Blood. Calcutta, 1872. Linstow, v. (1900). Ueb. d. Art. d. Blutfil. d. Mensch. Zool. Anz. vol. xxm. p. 26. Low, G. C. (1900). A recent observation on Filaria nocturna in Culex. Brit. Med. Journ. 1. p. 1456. Manson, P. (1884). The metamorphosis of Filaria sanguinis hominis in the mosquito. Trans. Linn. Soc. Zool. vol. 11. pp. 10 and 367. Tropical Diseases. London : Cassell and Co. Nuttall, G. H. F. Encycl. Medic a, Edinburgh, vol. vm. Scheube (1883). Die Filar iakrankheit. Volkmann's Samml. kl. Vortr. No. 232. II. Filaria immitis (Leidy, 1S56). Synonyms. F. canis cordis Leidy, 1850. F. papillosa, hcematica canis domestici Gruby and Delafond. [852. General account. This parasite occurs in the dog. in which it was first seen by Panthot in 1679 anc* afterwards by Pey- ronnie in 1778. It has also been found in the fox. and the wolf. Noe and Fiilleborn shewed that Anopheles maeuliper. and also Stegomyia faseiata. serve as the intermediate lu>st~ this species. 220 FILARIA IMMITIS [CH. Distribution. F. immitis is very common in China and Japan where most of the dogs are infected. It is also common in Italy, especially in the marshy districts round Pisa and Milan. It has also been recorded from England, France, Denmark, Germany, Australia, Fiji, the United -States and Brazil. Fig. 57. A, view of the heart of a dog infested with Filaria immitis Leidy ( X |) ; the right ventricle and base of the pulmonary artery have been opened, a, aorta ; b, pulmonary artery ; c, vena cava ; d, right ventricle ; e, appendix of left auricle ; /, appendix of right auricle. B, a female F . immitis removed from the heart to show its length. Natural size. (After Shipley.) Description. The adult is a filiform whitish worm, tapering at both extremities, especially at the tail, and rounded ante- riorly. The mouth is terminal, and surrounded by six, small, indistinct papillae. The anus is near the end of the tail. The male is 12-18 cm. in length by 07-0-9 cm. in breadth, and possesses a spirally wound tail, bearing two small lateral ridges supported by papillae. According to Schneider there are n papillae, six of which are post-anal. From the anus XIIJ LIFE-CYCLE 221 arise two spicules of unequal length. The female is 25-30 cm. in length, by 1-1*3 mm- m breadth. The tail is short and blunt, and the vulva is situated near the origin of the intestine, a distance of about 7 mm. from the mouth. The eggs hatch in the uterus, liberating embryos about 285 to 295 p> in length, by 5 ^ in breadth ; their anterior ends are somewhat tapered, whilst posteriorly the body tapers off into a long and delicate tail. Life-cycle. As in the case of F. bancrofti, the embryos of F. immitis are liberated into the blood and appear in the peripheral circulation. According to Manson the embryos of this species, as in bancrofti, are more common in the blood during the night, thus exhibiting a nocturnal periodicity, but this is denied by Fiilleborn. If the embryos are injected into the blood of a healthy dog, they will persist in the circulation for several months. Fig. 58. Part of the Malpighian tubule of an An phel infected with the embryos of Filaria immitis. (Alter Noe .) 222 FILARIA IMMITIS LCH. The further development of the embryos takes place in certain species of mosquito and has been carefully investigated by Noe and Fulleborn. The most efficient intermediate host was found to be Anopheles maculipennis , which invariably became infected by feeding on blood containing the embryos. On the other hand, under similar conditions only about 20 per cent, of Stegomyia fasciata shewed any development of the filariae within their bodies. Noe found that development would also take place in a large number of Anophelines, including Anopheles bifurcatus, Myzorhynchus pseudopictus and Myzomyia superpicta, and also in the following Culicines : Culex penicil- laris, C. malaria and C. pipiens. When a mosquito has fed upon an infected dog, three or four times as many filariae are found in the stomach of the insect as in the blood of the dog. The reason for this apparent increase is the concentration of blood that takes place in the gut of the mosquito, most of the serum being excreted within an hour after a meal. Within 20 to 40 minutes after being ingested by an Anopheles, the filariae are found in the Malpighian tubules, in which site they undergo their further development. The worms are guided to the tubules by some chemiotactic influence, for they have been shewn to be attracted towards the mouth of an open capillary tube containing an emulsion of a Mal- pighian tubule in normal saline. The embryos, during their development in the mosquito, cause a marked alteration in the character of the epithelium of the Malpighian tubules, which may be the cause of the high mortality amongst infected insects. The rate of development of F. immitis, as in the case of bancrofti, depends mainly upon the temperature, for at 260 C. the whole process is complete within ten days, whereas at 200 to 210 C, it is very much prolonged. When the development is complete, the young filariae bore through the walls of the Malpighian tubule into the body-cavity of their host, and migrate towards the head. They usually come to rest within the sheath of the proboscis, but isolated examples may be found in the palps and legs. XIIJ REFERENCES 223 When an infected Anopheles, containing filariae in its proboscis, feeds on a dog, the worms escape through the fine membrane (Dutton's membrane) uniting the labellae, and thus get on to the surface of the skin. If this is sufficiently moist they penetrate the epidermis, and may be found in the sub- cutaneous tissues. The young filariae then make their way towards the heart and great vessels of the dog, and there develop into the adults. The worms may also be found in other regions of the body, but in any case the embryos, on being liberated, make their way into the circulation. Accord- ing to Galeb and Pourquier the embryos may pass into the foetal circulation, and therefore the disease may be transmitted hereditarily. The pathogenic effects on the dog vary considerably ; weak- ness, anaemia, cough, icterus, ascites and lameness may be observed and a fatal result is frequent. No effective treat- ment is known. Filaria recondita Grassi, 1890. This filaria, which also inhabits the dogs in many parts of the world, is closely related to F. immitis. Grassi and Calandruccio have shewn that the embryos develop in the body of the dog- flea {Pulex serraticeps), the cat-flea (Pulex irritans), and also in a tick (Rhipi- cephalus siculus Koch). Although infection experiments with fleas gave no positive results, it seems probable that these insects may serve as the inter- mediate hosts for this filaria. REFERENCES. Calandruccio (1892). Descrizione degli embrioni e delle larve della filaria recondita (Grassi). Atti dell' Accad. Giornia, vol. lxix. Fiilleborn, F. (1908). Ueber Versuche an Hundefilarien und deren Uebertragung durch Mucken. Arch. f. Schiffs. u. Trope vol. xii. Suppl. S, 43 pp. 4 pis. (191 2). Untersuchungen iiber die chemotaktische Wirkung der Malpighischen Gefasse von Stechmuckeii auf Hundemikrofilarien. Centralbl. f. Bakter. vol. lxv. pp. 349-352. (1912). Zur Morphologie der Dirohluria immitis Leidy, ifi Ibid. vol. LXV. pp. 341-349, Grassi and Nod (1900). Uebertragung dor Blutfilari auf- schliesslich durch den Stich von Stechmucken. CeniralbLf. I Orig. vol. xxviii. No. 19. 224 ORTHORRHAPHA BRACHYCERA [CH. Noe, G. (1901). Sul circlo evolutivo della Filaria bancrofti (Cobbold) e della Filaria immitis (Leidy). Ric. f. n. laborot. d. anatomia normale d. R. Univ. di Roma, vol. vm. pp. 275-353. (1903). Ulteriori studi sulla Filaria immitis. Rend. Ace. d. Lincei. vol. xn. pp. 476-483. Shipley, A. E. (1896). Nemathelminthes and Chaetognatha, in Cam- bridge Natural History. London : Macmillan and Co. CHAPTER XIII ORTHORRHAPHA BRACHYCERA The flies belonging to this series are characterised by the form of the antennae, which, although variable, are never truly Nematocerous, nor yet like those of the Cyclorrhapha. They are usually composed of three dissimilar segments, of which the third is sometimes elongate and subdivided into a number of indistinctly separated segments. When an arista is present it is always terminal in position, and never superior as in the Cyclorrhapha. Rarely, as in the Leptidae, the antennae may be divided into more than three segments. The palpi are one- or two-jointed. Around the base of the antennae there is no definite arched suture enclosing a small depressed space, as in the Cyclorrhapha Schizophora. The venation of the wings is usually more complex than that of any of the other divisions ; the second longitudinal vein is simple, but the third and fourth veins are often forked. The anal cell is closed before the border of the wing, or distinctly narrowed at the border. A discal cell is practically always present. This group includes 16 families of flies, of which only one — the Tabanidae — is of any interest from the present point of view. Two other families, the Leptidae and Asilidae, include a few blood-sucking species, but are o*f little importance. As, however, many of the species belonging to these and other families, are habitually predacious on insects, they have an economic interest, and therefore we append the following synopsis. The only one of these families that includes species known to carry disease is the Tabanidae. XIII] SYNOPSIS OF FAMILIES 22 ; Synopsis of the families of Orthorrhapha Brachycera1. I. Third antennal segment composed of a series of in- distinctly separated subsegments ; empodia pulvilliform ; third and fourth longitudinal veins forked. (a) Costal vein extending all round the wing ; squamae large ; the third antennal segment never has a style or arista . . . . Tabanidce. (b) Costal vein extending all round the wing ; squamae small ; third antennal segment may have a style, or arista, or not, or the antenna may consist of a large number of segments . . . . . . . . Leptidce. (c) Costal vein not extending beyond tip of wing, longitudinal veins not crowded anteriorly ; two sub-marginal and five posterior cells always present, the fourth closed. Third antennal joint composed of seven annuli, with a terminal style or arista . . . . . . . . . . Acanthomeridcz , (d) Costal vein not extending beyond tip of wing ; longitudinal veins usually more or less crowded anteriorly, posterior ones often weak ; four or five posterior cells, the fourth rarely or never closed . . Stvatiomyidcs. II. Third antennal segment simple, with or without a terminal style or arista ; empodia pulvilliform. (a) Head small, formed almost entirely by the eyes ; thorax large and humped ; squamae peculiarly large . . . . . . . . Acrocerida. (6) Squamae small or moderate ; venation of wings peculiarly intricate NemestrinidcB. (c) Squamae small ; wing venation more or less resembling that of Tabanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leptidce. III. Third antennal segment simple, with or without a terminal style or arista ; empodia, when present, bristle-like ; third longitudinal vein, and often the fourth, forked. (a) Crown of head concave between the eyes : (i) Proboscis a rigid chitinous dagger ; flies bristly and hairv A si! id (P. (ii) Proboscis with fleshy labella ; antennae composed of four segn. flies without bristles .. .. .. .. .. •• Mydaidcp. (b) Crown of head not excavated between the eyes : (i) Wing with five posterior cells ; third and fourth longitudinal veins curve forwards . . . . . . . • • • (ii) Wing with five posterior cells; fourth longitudinal vein does not curve forwards ; predaceous flies . . . . . . • • • • Thett (iii) Wing with three or four (rarely five) posterior cells and often with dark markings; anal cell large; usually hairy bee-like flies, often with a Long slender proboscis used for sucking the nectar from flowers 1 Modified from Aleock, loc. cit. p. 13 2. H. B. F. l5 226 TABANID.E [CH. (iv) Wing with three or four posterior cells, anal cell often small ; femora and tibiae often with combs of spinules ; small dull-coloured pre- daceous flies usually with a stiff proboscis for impaling prey . . Empididce . (v) Wings with three posterior cells ; proboscis not projecting ; small flies often found on windows . . . . . . . . Scenopinidcs . IV. Third antennal segment simple, with or without an arista ; the empodia, when present, are bristle-like ; third longitudinal vein not forked. (a) Wings shaped like a lance-head, the venation somewhat as in the Psychodidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LonchopteYidcs . {b) Second basal cell confluent with discal cell ; anal cell, if present, small ; usually brilliantly coloured flies with metallic sheen . . DolichopodidcB . (c) Second basal and discal cells either confluent or distinct ; anal cell, if present, small ; not brilliantly coloured flies . . . . . . Empididcs . (d) Antennae apparently two-jointed, with a three-jointed arista ; wings (rarely wanting) with several stout veins anteriorly and other, weaker ones apparently connected with them and running obliquely across the wing ; small hunchbacked, quick running, bristly flies.. .. .. Phoridce. CHAPTER XIV FAMILY TABANID^E (BREEZE-FLIES, CLEGGS, HORSE- FLIES, GAD-FLIES, SERUT-FLIES) Description. The members of this extensive and important family are usually large and strongly built flies, the females of which feed on blood. The head is large ; the antennae are projecting, and the third joint is composed of four to eight indistinct segments, or annuli. The eyes are very large and laterally extended ; in the male they meet along the middle line (holoptic), but in the female the eyes are smaller and a narrow streak is left between them (dichoptic). In the living insect the eyes are often iridescent and usually marked with green, purple, or brown bands, or spots. The proboscis is projecting, sometimes as long as, or longer than, the body, and the mouth parts are adapted for piercing and cutting. Generally the labium is coarse and fleshy and the labella are large ; the epipharynx and hypopharynx are strong dagger-shaped structures ; the mandibles are XIV] DESCRIPTION 227 sharply pointed and the maxillae have serrate edges. The palpi are distinct and two-jointed ; the terminal joint is inflated and hangs in front on each side of the proboscis. The thorax and abdomen are clothed with fine hairs, never with bristles, and are often striped or marked with dull colours. The abdomen is broad, never constricted at the base, and com- posed of seven visible segments. The legs are stout and the tibiae sometimes dilated ; the pulvilli and empodia are in the form of large membraneous plates. The venation of the wings is very constant ; the third and fourth longitudinals are forked, so that two marginal and five posterior cells are always present ; the basal cells are large and the anal cells usually closed. The marginal or costal vein encompasses the entire wing (Fig. 5) . The squamae are large. Fig- 59- Tabanns kingi Austen, ? ( X 3). (After Austen.) Habitat. The members of this family arc widely distributed throughout the world and about 1800 different species have already been described. They are especially evident on clear warm days, as soon as the sun has warmed the air, and arc usually most active towards midday, but near Sedbergh, York- shire, the writer has been badly bitten by ILrmatopotd in the early mornings. 228 TABANID.E [CH. The males live entirely on the juices of flowers, honeydew, etc., and, in the absence of other food, the female will also feed on these substances. By nature, however, the female feeds on blood, and is one of the most blood-thirsty of all insects. Its bite is painful, but usually is not followed by any marked inflammation, or swelling. Life-cycle. The eggs of the Tabanidae are commonly laid in large shapely masses on the leaves and stems of plants growing in marshy ground, or overhanging water. In some species they are deposited on stones or rocks above the water of streams, and are very difficult to discover. Fig. 60. A rock at Khor Arbat, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, showing sites selected by Tabanus kingi for ovipositing (indicated by crosses); the three lower crosses represent freshly laid egg-masses. (After King.) The eggs of Tabanus par were observed by King to be laid separately on the under surface of the leaves of water-plants. The colour of the eggs is usually brown or black, and at ordinary summer temperatures they hatch out in from seven to nine days. XIV LIFE-CYCLE 229 The larvae may be found in rotting logs and stumps, in the soil at the edges of pools and streams, under stones in ditches, or swimming free in the water. If kept supplied with a diet of angle- worms the larvae can easily be reared, either in jars of moist earth, or in jars containing sand and water. As a rule they are cannibalistic in habit and only one can be reared in each jar, but T. biguttatus is an exception to this rule, and in this species several can be reared together in the same receptacle. The larvae are cylindrical in form, pointed at both ends ; the body is composed of eleven segments, each of which is usually encircled by a prominent fleshy ring, or row of protuberances, Fig. 61. Egg-mass and mature larva of Tabanus kingi Austen, a, egg- mass, x6 ; b, lateral view of larva, X3 ; c. lateral view 01 4th and 5th abdominal segments, x6 ; d, posterior view of anal segment (inverted), X6 ; e, lateral view of anal pseudopod. (After King.) which are most pronounced on the ventral side, where th as prolegs. The head is small, but distinct, and the mouth parts are very peculiar ; the mandibles are attached so as to m antero-posteriorly ; when they are retracted the anterior ends point forwards, but when extended they point downws backwards, thus forming a pair of hooks that serve to hold prey. The duration of the larval stage depends upon the temperature. In temperate countries the larva usually lives through the 230 TABANID^E [CH. winter and only pupates the following spring, but in Egypt King was able to rear T. par, from the freshly hatched larvae to adults, in three and a half months. The pupal stage is usually completed in three to four weeks, and as the whole development generally takes about eleven months, the duration of the larval stage is very considerable. In some cases it probably takes more than one year for its development. When fully grown the larva buries itself in the sand, or earth, in its immediate neighbourhood, and then pupates. Classification. The following synopsis of the genera of Tabanidae is taken from Miss Ricardo's Revision of the Family ; the more important genera, which have a world-wide distribu- tion, are printed in capitals : Synopsis of Genera of Tabanida. 1. Tabanin^e. Ocelli absent ; hind tibiae not spurred. I Third antennal segment composed of four subsegments or rings, and i i not angulated or spurred at base =2 I Third antennal segment composed of five subsegments or rings = 5 f Rings so distinct that the antenna appears to consist of six segments 2 ] Hexatoma Meigen (Europe). L Rings not so distinct as to modify the appearance of the antenna = 3 f Wings with a profusion of ring-like and scroll-like markings 3 4 HLematopota. I Wings without circles and scrolls = 4 f First and second antennal segments pubescent in the male, third segment 4 jecting tubercle . . . . Udenocera Ricardo (Ceylon). I Antennae not as in Udenocera Diachlorus Osten Sacken (America and Philippines). XIV] CLASSIFICATION 23 1 /Abdomen short, stout, very convex Stibasoma Schiner (America). \ Abdomen not as in Stibasoma . . .. .. .. = 10 f Antennae long and slender, first segment long 10 ■{ Acanthocera Macquart (South America). I Antennas not as in Acanthocera . . .. .. .. =11 [ Slenderer in build, usually with thorax and abdomen banded ; third J antennal segment slender, wings mostly with brown markings 1 Dichelacera Macquart (South America). I Stouter in build, third antennal segment stout . . Tabanus Linn. II. Pangoniin^. Ocelli usually present ; hind tibiae spurred. f Third antennal segment composed of eight or seven subsegments or I me from the north. Dr Alexander, in Northern Nig ria, found large marsh consisting elephant ' clumps of palm trees and thick un :h. thor.. riled to rind the rlv on the banks of a river about three quar mile away. 254 GLOSSINA TACHINOIDES [CH. Although usually confined to the vicinity of water, in Southern Arabia G. tachinoides occurs in thick belts of euphorbia, tamarisk and cactus, often some distance from the edge of any water, but is never seen in the date groves or along the patches of cultivation. Moiser has recently given an interesting account of the habits of G. tachinoides in the Bornu Province, Northern Nigeria, where the flies have existed for an indefinite period confined to the thick bush. In order to study the vertical range of the flies, men were posted up trees at heights varying from 10 to 25 feet, but in no case were any of the insects seen, although there were several on the ground. As a result of his observations Moiser comes to the following conclusions : — Deep shade and proximity to water appear to be the main factors influencing the distribution of the flies. Their natural resting place is on the lower side of twigs and branches of undergrowth, under the shade of large trees, at a height usually not greater than a foot above the ground. The flies are very restless and the observer is of the opinion that during the day they are continually moving about from place to place within the fly- belt and only for short periods rest on the under surface of twigs and small branches and perhaps on the ground. They do not usually travel higher than four or five feet and probably never as high as ten feet, therefore it is unlikely that the flies feed on monkeys or birds, but on the ground animals, e.g. the warthog, duiker or bushbuck. G. tachinoides requires a meal fairly frequently and accord- ing to Moiser cannot withstand starvation without water for longer than 24 to 30 hours. On the other hand Roubaud kept ten flies in saturated air and all were alive after three days, and three after ten days. In captivity they will feed on the bodies of other tsetse-flies and it is not improbable that in nature they feed on other insects, ticks, grasshoppers etc. Certainly in Arabia, Carter noticed this fly in localities where the chance of getting a feed of mammalian blood must be very slight indeed. The flies feed voraciously on human beings and are very troublesome, as they are quite active in dull weather and in the very early hours of the morning, when XVI] GLOSSINA TACHINOIDES 255 palpalis is usually quiescent. Moreover, according to Dr Alexander the flies bite after dark, at 7.0 p.m. he having had to take refuge in his mosquito net, and his boys remarked that the flies were more troublesome than mosquitoes. G. tachinoides is very resistant to heat, an exposure of one and a half hours in a stove at 400 C. being well borne. As a result the species is able to exist in very warm regions and occurs in the Sudan in localities that are too hot for G. palpalis. Reproduction. The flies copulate immediately after hatch- ing and at 250 C. the larvae are deposited at intervals of about eight days. The duration of the pupal stage in Dahomey (at 240 to 250 C.) was found by Roubaud to be from 28 to 35 days. Like palpalis, the pupae will resist immersion in water for a period of 20 hours, and are able to withstand a tempera- ture of 350 C. for ten hours in the day, so long as the experiment is only continued for a few days ; if it goes on for a month, all the pupae die. G. Tachinoides and Disease. This species is one of the main carriers of Souma (T. cazalboui) and T. dimorphon, in West Africa. Moreover, although direct experimental evidence is lacking, it is likely that tachinoides is able to transmit sleeping sickness. In Togoland on the Oti River, a tributary of the Volta, Zupitza believes that it takes the place of G. palpalis as a carrier of this dist Prophylaxis. The methods that will be described for G. palpalis (see p. 315) are also applicable to tachinoides, and in Northern Nigeria experiments have been made on the efl of cutting down the undergrowth on the banks of rivers. ( >ne month after the clearing very few tachinoides could bo found and pupae were sought without success. LITERATURE. Carter, R. Markham (1906). Brit. Med. Journ. Nov. 17. 1906, p. I Moiser, B. (191 2). Bull. lint. Research, vol. in. p. 195. Neave, A. S. (1912). Ibid. p. 275. Roubaud, E. (1911). Compt. Rend. A Simpson, J. J. (1912). Bull. Eni A. in. p. Zupitza (1909). Cf. S. S. Bulletin, vol. 11. p. 1 \g. 256 GLOSSINA PALPALIS [CH. Glossina palpalis Rob. Desv. 1830. Synonyms. Nemorhina palpalis Rob. Desv. 1830. Glossina longipalpis Walker {nee Wiedemann), 1873. G. ventricosa Bigot, 1885. G. tabaniformis Bigot, 1885. G. maculata Newstead, 1907. G. fuscipes Newstead, 1910. Description1. " Length, i 8 to 9 mm., 2 8-6 to 10-2 mm., width of head j 2-4 to 2-6 mm., ? 2-5 to just under 3 mm.; width of front of vertex, J o-6 mm., 2 1 mm ; length of wing, ? 7 to 8-4 mm., the manner in which it i< effected. Presumably the transmission is usually indirect, as in th< most other sped Bies, H. B. F. 274 GLOSSINA LONGIPALPIS [CH. REFERE^XES. Austen, E. (1903). Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies. Neave, S. A. (1912). Bull. Entom. Research, vol. 111. p. 275. Ross, P. H. (1909-10). Reports of the Nairobi Bacteriological Laboratory . Sant' Anna, J. F. (1911). Quoted in 5. 5. Bulletin, vol. 111. p. 143. Glossina longipalpis Wied., 1830. Description. This species closely resembles G. pall id 'i pes in its general appearance. It is slightly larger than G. morsitans and may be distinguished by the possession of a fringe of fine hairs on the anterior margin of the third joint of the antennae. In addition the dark brown, transverse, abdominal bands extend close to the hind margins of the segments, and the last two joints of the front and middle tarsi have sharply defined, clove- brown or black tips. The length of the male varies from 8'4 to o/o mm. and of the female from 9-0 to ico mm. Distribution. G. longipalpis is essentially a West African species, its range extending from Senegal to the south-eastern corner of the Congo Free State. In addition a single specimen was collected in 1864, by Sir John Kirk in the Zambesi valley, between Tete and the Victoria Falls. There are no other records, however, of its occurrence further south than the Congo Free State and it seems to have disappeared from the valley of the Zambesi. Between the limits of its distribution the species is fairly common and it is one of the most important tsetse- flies of the West Coast of Africa. Bionomics. G. longipalpis, although not closely restricted to the immediate vicinity of water, is not found as far distant from it as G. morsitans. In southern Nigeria, Simpson states that the species is associated with a moister climate and is especially found in denser vegetation of the mixed deciduous forest type. On the other hand, Kinghorn states that in Ashanti G. longipalpis is essentially an open country fly and is not found in the forest belt. The only grass country in which it was rare was Banda and its absence from this locality was attributed to very large stretches of land being under cultivation. The most important observations on the bionomics XVI] GLOSSINA LONGIPALPIS 275 of this species are those of Roubaud in Dahomey. Jn this region G. longipalpis is found near the streams and large n\ The separation of the sexes is well marked, the males being met with only in the tufts of bushes along the edge of the forest near the water courses, while the females are found in open clearings where there are acacias and mimosas. The fly is especially abundant during the rains, but seems to disappear almost completely in the dry season, especially after the bush is burnt. During the rainy season the fly extends its ra: very considerably and may be found more and more outside it- usual haunts, individuals occurring in the savannahs far from any water course. The period of the north-east wind (Harmattan) is very unfavourable to them. G. longipalpis feeds mainly on wild mammals, accompanying them in their movements ; it especially frequents paths recently trodden by hippopotamus and elephant. Reproduction. G. longipalpis has never been observed to copulate in captivity. Moreover, it is very susceptible to the influence of physical conditions, a temperature of 35 with either saturated or dry air, interfering with reproduction. At 250 C, Roubaud found that the females deposited larvae at intervals of about ten days, and the pupal stage, at an average temperature of from 240 to 250 C, was found to last from 26 to 35 days. The pups hatch out all the v round, including the cold season, and the diminution of flies in the dry season cannot be explained by the assumption that during this period the pupal stage is prolonged. I i. LONGIPALPIS and Disc. This species is a most important carrier of animal trypano- somiasis. Thus in Dahomey, Bouet and Roubaud found that the wild flies were frequently naturally infected with T. dimorphon, and that on the Oueme* Knar a very lai portion of the flies were infected with T. pecaudi. is said to be the *' hos1 oi choice " for this latter trypanosome. In addition, this species is an efficient intermediate azalboui. 276 GLOSSINA MORSITANS [CH. REFERENCES. Austen, E. (1911). Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies, p. 63. Bouet and Roubaud (1910). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. xxiv. p. 658 ; Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. ill. pp. 599, 722. Kinghorn, A. (191 1). Cf. 5. 5. Bulletin, vol. in. p. 136. Roubaud, E. (191 1). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. vol. clii. p. 406. Simpson, J. J. (1912). Bull. Entom. Research, vol. 111. p. 137. Glossina morsitans Westwood, 1850. Synonym. Glossina submorsitans Newstead, 191 1. cf , ? . Length cf 7-2 to 9 mm., ? 8-6 to 9-6 mm. ; width of head, cf 2-4 to 2-75 mm., ? 2-5 to 3 mm. ; width of front at vertex, uk-- times even in its absence. As a rule the flies disappear during a shower, but they have been known to bite during heavy rain. Like G. palpalis, the presenl species 1- especially attracted by moving objects, but quickly leaves them a- soon a- all motion ceases. Thus Montgomery ami Kin-horn note that even in its natural haunt-. G. morsitans will quickly ret- from a person coming to a halt, although they may have been pestilent immediately prior t<> tin-. In addition to being attracted by dark colours, Newstead found that the shades most preferred by tin- species v khaki and yellowish-green, whilst white was the least ,\r- 282 GLOSSIXA MORSITANS [CH. of all. The flies will readily bite through one thickness of clothing and if the bottoms of the trousers are open they frequently creep up the legs and bite above the socks. The males feed on blood as readily as the females, and the large swarms of tsetse are mainly composed of the former. The females seem to be more hardy than the males, for in certain transmission experiments with G. morsitans, Fischer employed 636 males and 766 females ; 70 days later only 135 males had survived, whilst 265 females were still alive. In captivity moisture is rapidly fatal to this species ; more- over it is very intolerant of high temperatures, for Roubaud, in Dahomey, observed that specimens exposed to 40° C. died within an hour. The fly, however, occurs in districts, e.g. the Luangwa Valley, where the thermometer frequently registers 420 C. in the shade. Practically nothing is known about the natural enemies of G. morsitans, but Xewstead in Xyasaland has found examples of the fly in the food contents of two species of birds, viz. : the common African Drongo (Dicrurus afer) and a small Bee-eater. It is possible that the fly is susceptible to rinderpest for it is difficult to explain the disappearance of this insect from South Africa and the Transvaal on any other hypothesis. The well-known hunter, Mr F. C. Selous, has published some interesting observations relating to this question. It is well known that after the great epidemic of rinderpest in 1896, G. morsitans disappeared from practically all the country south of the Zambesi. Throughout this region the buffaloes were exterminated, but although there seems to have been a very close association between these animals and G. morsitans, it is well known that the tsetse-fly can thrive on the blood of other animals, and as zebras, giraffes, antelopes, etc. were all left in considerable numbers it is difficult to understand why the fly also disappeared. It is possible, of course, that the tsetse-fly had become so restricted in its feeding habits, that when its usual host, the buffalo, disappeared, it was unable to adapt itself to feeding on other animals and simply died out through lack of food, but it seems more reasonable to suppose that the rinderpest XVI] REPRODUCTION 283 had a directly injurious action on the fly. Further observa- tions on this question are necessary in order to explain the disappearance of G. morsitans from certain parts of Africa in recent times. Reproduction. Most of the observations on the breeding habits of G. morsitans have been made during the past two or three years and are still very incomplete. Unlike G. longi- palpis, morsitans readily copulates in captivity and in conse- quence the flies can be raised in the laboratory without much difficulty. Fischer found that on Lake Victoria, bred flies began to drop larvae about the twentieth day after hatching. Kinghorn, in Northern Rhodesia, states that 14 to 15 days is the usual gestation period under laboratory conditions (temperature 58-5° to 77*8° F.), but much irregularity was displayed by the females, and after the first larva had been born, many of them did not produce a second one for a considerable time. In Upper Dahomey, Roubaud found that the interval betw successive deposits of larvae, at a temperature of about 32 C, was usually eight to nine days. Newstead found the pupae in three separate spots in the forest, about one and a half miles from the banks of the Shire River, at a place lying about 18 miles due north of Liwonde, Nyasaland. The pupae were found buried in soil at the foot of various trees. In Rhodesia, Jack has found the pupae in several localities, e.g. under a clump of Mubula tn on a high ant-heap ; under the exposed roots of a Baobab ; at the base of a Mopani tree, etc. The author write- : "In all places except two, where pupae were found, the soil was either sandy and easily worked, often rich in humus, or covered with leaves which afforded an easily penetrable shelter. In two instances case- were taken from hard soil, in one instance one and a half inches below the surface, but the chit in which forms the case is an enduring substance in a dry situation, so that tin- age of these eases is difficult to judge. The soil may have been soft when the larvae entered or they may have penetrated al a crack. It is in the highest degree improbable that a larva could penetrate one and a half inches of hard baked ant-heap. 284 GLOSSIXA MORSITAXS [CH. In every instance the ground was well drained and often the slope was very sharp. All the pupa cases except four were from trees near the bank of a river or wet vlei, where there was shade and where the " fly " congregates in the dry weather. The four excepted were taken from the base of a large Baobab tree on the summit of a hill not far from a river (the Sinyama) Fig. 74 Base of a tree in Nyasaland shewing one of the positions (indicated by arrows) in which the pupae of Glossina morsitans may be found. (After Jack.) it is true, but away from the influence of the water, there being no shade about the roots in August. This points to the fact that the larva? are deposited in any convenient situation, when the fly is scattered during the wet weather... . ' The summary of the investigations into the breeding haunts is therefore, that in the dry weather the larvae are deposited in sheltered positions about the bases of big shady XVlJ REPRODUCTION 2©5 trees, such as are at that time of the year practically i onnned to the banks of rivers, pools, and vleis, dry or otherwise on the surface. Generally the soil is easily worked, and often humus is abundant, and the drainage is usually good. The selection of a well drained situation may not seem necessary in the dry weather, but the instinct to select such would doubtless be oi great value, when the pupal period extends into the rains. During the wet weather it is probable that the young are deposited more generally through the bush." Mr R. S. Harger, late of North Eastern Rhodesia, in a letter published in The Field states that he had often watched G morsitans depositing its eggs (= larva;) in the damp soil, thrown up by the digging of a trench round his tent. In captivity, when the freshly laid larva is placed on powdered earth it immediately commences to burrow until it is from one to two centimetres below the surface, when it at once proceeds to pupate. Apparently the larvae are capable of secreting a slightly viscid fluid, for in glass tube- they were often observed to adhere to the side and Kinghorn suggests that the purpose of this fluid is to gather the earth around the pupa. As in all species of Glossina, the duration of the pupal stage varies according to the temperature. In Rhodesia, at a temperature of 150 to 250 C, Kinghorn found that the pupal period varied from 47 to 53 days. On Lake Victoria, according to Fischer, the period lasts on an average from 35 to 40 d whilst Roubaud, in the Upper Dahomey, found that at a tempera- ture of about 320 C. the duration of the pupal stage was only 23 to 2$ days. Lloyd, at Nawalia, obtained similar results, for at temperatures ranging from 17 to _,N ( the aver duration of the pupal period varied from 22 to 51 days. A.s in the case of G. paipalis, intra-uterine pupation has been observed occasionally. G. morsitans and Disi (',. morsitans is known to be the earner oi more trypanosome diseases than any other species oi Glossina. In the first place it has been proved to be the- mam it not the only, carrier of T. rhodesiense, the path 286 GLOSSINA LONGIPENNIS [CH. the human trypanosomiasis of Rhodesia, Nyasaland and certain parts of German East Africa (Rovuma River). Moreover Fischer's experiments on the Victoria Lake, clearly shew that under experimental conditions T. gambiense may be transmitted by this species of tsetse, in which it undergoes a cyclical develop- ment. In addition G. morsitans has been proved to be the inter- mediate host of the following infections : T. brucei, T. pecandi, T. cazalboui, T. dimorphon, T. pecoritm, T. congolense and T. simice, each of which is described below, together with the manner in which the fly conveys the infection. REFERENCES. Austen, E. (1903). Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies. (1911)- Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies. Fischer, W. (1913)- Arch. f. Schiffs u. Trop. Hyg. vol. xvn. p. 73. Hall (1910). Bull. Ent. Research, vol. t. p. 183. Jack, R. (1912). Ibid. vol. 11. p. 357. Kinghorn, A. (1912). Ibid. vol. n. p. 29T. Lloyd, LI. (1912). Ibid. vol. in. p. 233. Montgomery and Kinghorn (1909). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. in. p. 322. Neave, S. A. (1912). Bull. Ent. Research, vol. 111. p. 275. Newstead, R. (1910). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. iv. p. 369. Roubaud, E. (191 1). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., No. 14, p. 637. Sharpe, Sir A. (1910). Bull. Ent. Research, vol. 1. p. 173. Simpson, J.J. (1912). Ibid. vol. 11. p. 301, and vol. 111. p. 137. Selous, F. C. (1910). African Nature Notes and Reminiscences, London. Shircore, J. O. (1914). Bull. Ent. Research, vol. v. p. 87. Glossina longipennis Corti, 1895. Description. This species resembles G. brevipalpis in its size and general appearance, but may easily be distinguished by the presence of four sharply defined, dark brown, more or less elongate spots on the thorax arranged in a parallelogram, two in front and two behind the transverse suture. The proboscis bulb has a sharply defined brown, or dark brown, tip. The length of the male varies from I0'2 to ir6 mm., and of the female from 11-9 to 13*0 mm. XVI] BIONOMICS 287 Distribution. G. longipennis seems to be restricted to the north east corner of Africa for it has only been recorded from Somaliland and British East Africa. It probably also occurs in Southern Abyssinia. Bionomics. Dr P. H. Ross states that the present species is found all the year round in the same haunts as G. brevipalpis. It is most easily caught after 4 p.m. resting on the red soil of paths or caravan tracks, and seems to resemble G. brevipalpis in its feeding habits. G. longipennis is attracted by lights at night and is probably the commonest tsetse-fly caught in the railway carriages. On one occasion for a night and a day the station master's house at Kenani was occupied by these flies in such numbers that during the night the lamps were extin- guished, and Ross suggests that this may be an instance of migration. Incidentally it may be mentioned that Peel, who captured this species in West Somaliland, found that it occurred in a definite fly-belt extending from Biermuddo to Boholo Deno. The species seems to be independent of water and most active in a dry atmosphere. Brumpt found that in Somali- land it generally fed at night, attacking both man and animal-. G. longipennis and Disease. Brumpt is of the opinion that Aino, a cattle disease of Somaliland caused by a trypanosome probably identical with T. brucei, is transmitted by G. longipennis. and brings forward evidence in support of his hypothesis. Dr P. H. R ss is the only one who has succeeded in obtaining any experimental proof of the disease-transmitting capabilities of this species. A large number of freshly caught flies from the neighbourb of Kenani were kept in an incubator at 25° C. The flies were then led on a monkey between 5th December, 1912, and January nth, 1913, the animal being batten 577 times. 1 rv- panosomes were found in its blood on January 13th and the author for the present would class them in the T. dim group. REFERENCES Austen, E. (1911). Handbook of th* Brumpt, E. (1902). Arch, de Parasitologic, vol. v. p. 1 Ross, P. 1 1. (1904 to). Nairobi Laboratory /. Diseases Bulletin, mi| vol. 1. p. 505 288 GLOSSINA BREVIPALPIS [CH. Glossina brevipalpis Newstead, 19 10. Synonyms. G. fusca Austen, 1903 {nee Walker). G. tabaniformis Stuhl- mann, 1902 (nee Westwood). Description. Owing to an unfortunate error in Austen's Monograph, G. brevipalpis was there described under the name G. fusca, as with the scanty material at the author's command it was very difficult to form correct conclusions as to the characters of the species. As a result the majority of writers following Austen, have described the habits and occurrence of the present species under the name G. fusca. G. brevipalpis is the common large tsetse-fly of many parts of Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa. The most striking casual feature of the species is the darkening of the wings in the region of the anterior and posterior transverse veins, so as to appear as dark spots on the otherwise pale wings. It may be distinguished from G. longipennis by the absence of a dark brown ocellar spot, of a brown tip to the proboscis bulb and of the characteristic dark spots on the thorax. In addition, it may be distinguished from G. fusca by having the proboscis and palpi much shorter ; the head distinctly wider, and closer to the thorax ; the thoracic markings and general colouration much less distinct ; also, the size is often larger. The length of the male varies from 10*2 to i2-25 mm. and of the female from iro to 13-5 mm. Distribution. This species has been recorded from British, German and Portuguese East Africa, Uganda, Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia, the Katanga district of the Congo Free State and Angola. Although occurring in the two latter districts, G. brevipalpis has not hitherto been found on the west coast of Africa, but is essentially an East African species. Bionomics. The many descriptions of the habits of this species have nearly all been given under the name of G. fusca and this point should be remembered in looking up references on the subject. G. brevipalpis requires only a moderate degree of humidity and is generally found where there is fairly heavy timber and bush. It is more adaptable to external conditions than G. palpalis, and Stuhlmann notes that it requires an average yearly temperature of 230 to 260 C, with a maximum of 360 to XVI] BIONOMICS 289 37° C. and a minimum of io° to 120 C, and an average humidity of 66 to 83 %. In British East Africa it occurs at varying levels from the sea coast to Fort Hall, a height of 4000 feet. According to Dr P. H. Ross, in the valley of Kibwezi it is generally found among rocks on the hills, resting on the slightly damp black cotton soil between boulders. It may be caught in quantities all the year round, but is more abundant during the wet season. It is said to be markedly nocturnal in its feeding habits and on one occasion was met with in numbers resembling a swarm of bees. On the other hand Milne states that the fly generally bites between three and five in the afternoon, and in the Kibwezi valley is more prevalent during May and June than any other time of the year. In German East Africa, Stuhlmann found that the fly was present at Anami all the year round, but Keysselitz and Mayer state that very few females could be captured during December, January and February. Like many other species of tsetse-fly, G. brevipalpis occasionally follows animals to some distance from its actual haunts and Stuhlmann notes that in this way, especially during the hot weather, isolated examples were frequently found amongst the mountains at altitudes up to 3250 feet, whilst during December to April the flies were often met with in the settlements. In Nyasaland, Davey recorded the capture of a few indi- viduals belonging to this species, all of which, with one exception, were caught within 900 yards of the edge of Lake X\ Sanderson was informed by the natives that during the rains (January), at which time practically the whole country is under water, G. brevipalpis is very prevalent in North Nyasaland all over the grassy plain lying between the shore of the lake and a line of foot-hills some ten miles away. In June and July this species was found, sometimes in wry large numbers, in the beds of all the streams between Karongo and Sougive, although many of them were dry. It was occasionally caught in the native villages. According to Dr Sanderson, G. brevipalpis is active ana desirous of feeding only in the early morning before 8.0 o'clock and in the evening after about 4.0 o'clock. During the day- H.B.F. 19 290 GLOSSINA BREVIPALPIS [CH. time the fly remains sheltered under the leaves of bushes, or in the grass, always near the ground, or low down on the trunks of trees, not more than two or three feet from the base. At Kaporo, near the north end of Lake Nyasa, Davey found that they preferred to rest on trees surrounded by creepers and undergrowth, and hidden away in crevices in the bark or under the branches. While thus resting motionless Sanderson states that the flies are very difficult to discover and their presence would be entirely unsuspected. About 4.0 p.m. when the fly is ready to feed, it emerges from its hiding-place and settles on dried leaves, sticks or dust on paths, apparently lying in wait for a meal. As the wild animals on their way to the water in the evening often stand for a time on emerging from the forest on to a path, the flies would thus have an opportunity of feeding. According to Davey, although G. brevipalpis as a rule seems ready to bite human beings in the evening, it does not set to work with the same rapidity and voracity as G. morsitans. Stuhlmann kept large numbers of the flies in captivity at Amani, German East Africa, and found that they required a meal of blood at least every six or seven days, and by feeding them every fourth or fifth day, individual females were kept alive for upwards of four months. Sanderson writes : " The flies bite through dark clothes, but have never been seen to settle on white surfaces " and Stuhlmann frequently noticed that when a light and a dark- coloured mule were walking side by side, only the latter was attacked. In Nyasaland, Davey found that wherever he met with this fly game was abundant. Once during the wet season, having shot two bush-pigs about sunset, on going up to them he found several G. brevipalpis apparently trying to suck blood from the carcases, although for some time previously he had been unable to find any of the flies. Although in captivity approximately equal numbers of males and females are obtained from pupae, there is an enor- mous preponderance of males among the captured specimens. XVI] BIONOMICS 29I Stuhlmann found that in order to catch females it was neces- sary to use some animal as a decoy, but even then they were much more difficult to catch than males. The gravid females are probably much more wary and move about less than the males, and are consequently more rarely caught. Reproduction. In nature the flies have occasionally been observed in coitu on tree-trunks. Stuhlmann noticed that in captivity only freshly hatched females received the males, but possibly the behaviour of the flies was modified by the artificial conditions. Stuhlmann has given a very complete account of the breeding habits of this species in German East Africa and the following observations are taken from his report. When females were kept at a temperature of 230 to 250 C, they gave birth to larvae at intervals of about 12 days, but by varying the temperature the interval could be varied from 10 to 21 days. In three and a half months one female gave birth to eight larvae, of which, however, two were dead. The extrusion of larvae apparently proceeds uninterruptedly the whole year round, but the intervals are prolonged during the cold season. The freshly extruded larva is of the usual Glossina shape and its behaviour previous to pupation has been well described. " If the new-born larva be placed in a glass dish or on blotting-paper, it crawls about for a time exactly like an ordinary fly-maggot, after which it becomes stationary and soon contracts, its chitinous integument thickens and darkens, and in about three-quarters of an hour it has assumed the appearance of a coarctate pupa. If, however, the larva be transferred to moderately damp sand, it at once burrows into it, making a straight tunnel ; thus in one case a larva penetrated to a depth of 8*5 cms. Under such conditions, from an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half elapsed before the change to the pupal state was completed. In dry sand a larva did not burrow so deeply, since, as it burrowed, the sand continually fell in, but nevertheless it reached a depth of 2 to 3 cms. We may assume that in nature the larvae behave in a similar wa the fly will deposit its offspring on a spot which is sheltered 292 G. BREVIPALPIS AND DISEASE [CH. and slightly damp, and the larva will at once burrow beneath the surface." The average duration of the pupal stage at 300 C. was found to be about 36 days, but by varying the temperature it could be shortened to 30 days or prolonged to as much as 65 days. There is some evidence to shew that this species may reproduce parthenogenetically, for on two occasions Stuhlmann observed fully developed larvae laid by virgin females that had been bred in captivity. G. BREVIPALPIS and Disease. Although there is little doubt that the present species is an important carrier of cattle trypanosomes precise information is lacking. According to Stuhlmann, in German East Africa it is one of the chief disseminators of Nagana among domestic animals. Both Koch and Stuhlmann fed G. brevipalpis on animals infected with T. bmcei and attempted to trace the development of the parasite within the vertebrate host. The latter author gives an interesting description of the various supposed developmental changes undergone by the trypano- somes, but in no case did any direct inoculation experiments give positive results and therefore the transmission of T. brucei by G. brevipalpis remains as yet unproven. Similarly in the case of T. gambiense, Koch observed a commencement of its development in the gut of G. brevipalpis and Fischer is of the opinion that this species may occasionally act as an intermediate host for sleeping sickness. Dr P. H. Ross has shewn that the fly is able to transmit mechanically T. gambiense from infected to healthy monkeys. During 91 days, 51 flies were fed first on an infected monkey and eight hours later on a healthy one. The latter shewed parasites in its blood on the ninety-fifth day. Later the same investigator had two positive results in the transmission of T. gambiense by G. brevipalpis employing the " interrupted " method of feeding, but as the flies were caught in nature there is a slight doubt as to whether the trypanosome was really gambiense. XVl] THE TRYPANOSOMES 293 REFERENCES. Austen, E. (1903). Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies, p. 95. (1911). Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies, p. 85. Davey, J. B. (1910). Bull. Entom. Research, vol. 1. p. 143. Koch, R. (1905). Deutsche Med. Wochenschr. vol. xxxi. Nov. 23. Milne, A. D. (1910). S. S. Bulletin, vol. 11. p. 37. Neave, S. A. (1912). Bull. Entom. Research, vol. ill. p. 275. Newstead, R. (1910). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. vi. p. 372. Ross, P. H. (1908). Colonial Report East African Protectorate, No. 6490. (1910). Nairobi Laboratory Reports, vol. 1. Sanderson, M. (1911)- Bull. Entom. Research, vol. 1. p. 292. Stuhlmann, F. (1907). Arb. Kais. Gesundheitsamte, vol. xxvi. p. 301. CHAPTER XVII GLOSSINA AND DISEASE THE TRYPANOSOMES Diagnosis, etc. The trypanosomes constitute a well-defined group of flagellates inhabiting the blood of vertebrates, and with few exceptions the known pathogenic species are mainly transmitted by various species of Glossina. As many of them are carried by more than one kind of tsetse-fly, it will be convenient to discuss them collectively, instead of describing each trypanosome separately under the heading of one of its carriers. The genus Trypanosoma includes all those flagellates characterised by the possession of a more or less elongated fusiform body and a single anterior flagellum, which, at 1 during some part of the life-cycle, arises near the posterior end of the body, and for the greater part of its Length is attached to a fold of the periplast, known as the undulating membrane. Occasionally the flagellum does not become free anteriorly but is attached to the undulating membrane along its whole Length, The dimensions of different species, or even oi different stages of the same species, may range from a- -mall a- 12 microns in length by 1-5 microns m breadth, up to more than 294 TRYPANOSOMES [CH. ioo microns in length by 10 microns in breadth ; but the great majority of them are between 20 and 30 microns in length, by i*5 to 2-5 microns in breadth. General description. The body of a trypanosome consists of an elongated fusiform mass of cytoplasm containing two nuclei and bounded by a more or less distinct periplast. The cytoplasm may stain uniformly, but frequently contains numbers of chromatic granules, the presence or absence of which is sometimes of use for classificatory purposes. The larger of the nuclei is usually situated about the middle of the length of the body and is known as the trophonucleus. Typically it consists of an oval, lightly-staining vesicle, con- taining a deeply-staining, central karyosome. The smaller nucleus, known as the kinetonucleus, is generally situated at, or near, the posterior, non-flagellate extremity of the try- panosome. The kinetonucleus is also known as the centrosome, blepharoplast, or micro-nucleus, but all these terms are liable to lead to confusion. The term blepharoplast, or centrosome, should be reserved for the small basal corpuscle, or end-bead, situated close to the kinetonucleus, from which arises the flagellum, running forward attached to the surface until it reaches the anterior extremity of the body. In its course along the body the flagellum is attached to the surface by means of a transparent membrane, the undulating membrane, which varies considerably in its development in different species, but is always distinct. The parasite mainly progresses by the aid of wave-like motions of this undulating membrane, accompanied by wriggling of the whole body. The movements of the living trypanosome are sometimes of use in identifying the species, the very quick darting motions of T. lewisi and T. cazalboui being very characteristic. The relative positions of the two nuclei serves as a means of distinguishing T. rhodesiense, and the size of the kineto- nucleus is a character of considerable value, but the dimensions of the parasite probably constitute one of the most useful means of identifying the various species. In giving the dimensions of any particular species it is necessary to give the measurements of a moderately large XVIlJ MODE OF DIVISION 295 number of individuals, and the most convenient way of pre- senting the result of such a series of measurements is by means of a Galtonian curve. With this graphic method it is possible to detect whether the species is dimorphic or monomorphic, and Bruce has shewn how it is possible to distinguish species that have the same range of dimensions, e.g. T. brucei and T. evansi. Mode of division. In the blood, the parasites multiply by longitudinal fission, the details of which are essentially the same in all species of trypanosomes. The first sign of division is usually seen in the kinetonucleus, which seems to swell up, resulting in the formation of an oval vesicle, throughout which the chromatin is evenly distributed. The chromatin then aggregates together in the form of a band lying across the middle of the vesicle, which now becomes slightly elongated. This band then divides transversely and the two halves move apart, one of them usually approaching the trophonucleus, and appar- ently without any further changes, beyond the disappearance of the vesicle, these two bands constitute the two daughter kinetonuclei. The details of this process can only be observed in those trypanosomes possessing a comparatively large kinetonucleus and have not been followed in the case of those species with excessively small ones. The end-bead, often with the basal part of the flagellum, divides at the same time as the kinetonucleus. In some forms the flagellum together with the undulating membrane divides along a considerable part of its length, so that the new flagellum is formed by splitting of the old one, whilst in other cases an entirely new daughter flagellum develops from one of the daugh- ter end-beads. The trophonucleus usually divides shortly after the division of the kinetonucleus is complete. The central karyosome divides, and the two halves move apart until they are situated one at each pole of the nucleus, still remaining connected, however, by a fine line. In some species the chromatin may become arranged in the form of an equatorial plate, which then splits transversely, each half moving up toward- it- respective pole. In other species no equatorial plate is formed, but the 296 TRYPANOSOMES [CH. chromatin merely becomes aggregated around each pole and division is more or less direct. In either case the connecting line eventually disappears and the two daughter nuclei gradu- ally assume the usual form. Meanwhile the new flagellum has become nearly as long as the old one. The animal then splits longitudinally, the fission commencing at the anterior end and extending down until the two halves are connected merely by their posterior extremities, in which position they may remain for some little time before finally separating. In some species, e.g. T. lewisi, the trypanosomes multiply by a process of schizogony, and multinucleate forms are not infrequently found in many other species. The presence or absence of such forms occasionally gives some help in the determination of the species. Biological characters. Certain trypanosomes will only live in one particular vertebrate host and when injected into other species are unable to survive. None of the pathogenic trypanosomes, however, are restricted to one species, the nearest approach to it occurring in the case of T. sirnice, which only affects monkeys and goats. The great majority of trypanosomes have little or no effect upon the health of their hosts and accordingly are termed non- pathogenic. On the contrary, the most important parasites from the present point of view — the pathogenic trypano- somes— have a marked injurious effect on the health of the animals they inhabit. The effect of these parasites on their hosts is of help in distinguishing the various forms, as the incubation period, duration of the disease, symptoms, etc, etc., all furnish useful indications. Yet another means of distinguishing these pathogenic trypanosomes is furnished by the results of inoculating the parasites into various experimental animals. The smaller animals are refractory to certain trypanosomes that are patho- genic to ruminants, and on the other hand some parasites have a much more pathogenic effect on small animals than on large ones. The method of infection is another important character. XVII] BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS 297 Some trypanosomiases are transmitted entirely by coitus others by tsetse-flies, and yet others by Stomoxys and Tabanid>. In those few cases in which the life-cycle of the trypanosome in the tsetse-fly (Glossina) has been followed, the evolution of the flagellate within the body of the fly is found to differ in different species, and in future this may furnish an important means of distinguishing them. At present it is possible to distinguish those trypanosomes which infect the whole length of the alimentary canal of the fly (infection totale), from those that are restricted to the proboscis. Cross immunity reactions. The most certain method of distinguishing any two races of trypanosomes is by means of their immunity reactions. Thus, given two races of trypano- somes A and B, an animal having recovered from A is inocu- lated with B, in order to determine whether or not it possesses immunity against the latter, and vice versa. If an animal which has recovered from A is still susceptible to B, one as- sumes that A and B constitute distinct species. On the other hand if an animal which has recovered from A, and therefore is immune against this strain, is also immune against B, the two are considered to be identical. This method is only capable of application in the laboratory and cannot be used during expeditions in the tropics. Sero-diagnostic methods. Laveran and Mesnil have also called attention to the possibility of employing sero-diagnostic methods in the identification of trypanosomes. The serum oi an animal which has acquired immunity against any particular trypanosome, is often active when mixed with blood containing this trypanosome, and inactive when mixed under similar conditions with other species of trypanosomes. Unfortun- ately the activity of the immune sera is too variable to give any wry certain results, and this method, therefore, only gives useful indications. The production of agglutination by means of the addition of immune serum of the same species of trypanoson* of use in some cases, but is very inconstant. Classification. The identification of the various sped trypanosomes has become a matter of great difficulty, especially 298 AFRICAN PATHOGENIC TRYPANOSOMES [CH. in the case of the numerous cattle trypanosomes of Africa, and at the present time there is no simple method by which the different varieties can be distinguished with any certainty. In some cases the morphology is sufficiently distinctive, but in most cases the trypanosomes are chiefly distinguished by their biological characters, and these are often very difficult to observe even in well equipped laboratories. In every case, there- fore, species should be distinguished as much as possible by morphological characters, for the present practice of giving specific names to merely " physiological varieties " is of questionable value. In the following table we have adopted Laveran and Mesnil's method of sub-dividing trypanosomes into three groups, according to the presence or absence of a free flagellum, or those strains in which both forms occur. It has been found necessary to omit many so-called species that have been in- sufficiently described, and whose identification is very uncertain, if not impossible. Key to the pathogenic trypanosomes of Africa. A. Trypanosomes in which the flagellum always possesses a free part anteriorly. f Living trypanosome extremely active, frequently darting across the field of the microscope. Dogs, monkeys, rats and mice all refractory to 1 ■{ infection ; ruminants and horses susceptible — cazalboui, Laveran ( =vivax, Bruce etc. nee Ziemann). I Dogs, rats and mice susceptible to infection . . . . . . =2 C Monkeys and ruminants more or less refractory to infection. Horses 2 thai constitute the pro ventricular type gradually develop from the broader forms, and as their numbers increase move forward into the proventriculus, where they are the dominant type. There is only one important point in which they differ from their predecessors. The body is long and slender, the cytoplasm finely granular and much less dense than in the broader forms, but the trophonucleus shews a distinct change. The kar some has become much smaller and the membrane ha- become much more marked and stains deeply. In the fully developed slender tvpes, division rarely seems to occur. The infection grows forward by sheer torn of multiplication until it tills the whole of the middle and hinder intestine and the posterior part of the anterior intestine. The anterior portion of the anterior intestine and the proventriculus she* 314 T. GAMBIENSE [CH. the typical long slender forms and are only invaded about the middle of the developmental cycle. There seems to be some difficulty in the trypanosomes reaching the proventriculus and once arrived there they cannot maintain themselves if the fly is exposed to too long a fast. If there is any considerable interval before another meal the trypanosomes gradually ebb backwards to the posterior part of the anterior intestine and only gradually recover their position again after the next feed. The intestinal infection is thus the focus from which the sub- sequent stages are derived. Fig. 76. Transverse section (semi-diagrammatic) of the proboscis of an infected Glossina. The section shews the arrangement and aspect of the trypano- somes attached to the walls of the labrum (L) and the hypopharynx (Hyp.), (xaboutyoo.) (After Roubaud.) L, labrum ; Hyp. hypopharynx ; M, M' , muscles ; L. inf., under lip. After becoming established in the proventriculus the slender forms pass up into the hypopharynx and then along the salivary ducts into the salivary glands. The period at which this happens depends upon the virulence of the trypanosomes, and early infectivity is generally a character found in a strain which produces many positive flies. The trypanosomes settle down in the salivary glands in the cellular part of the lumen immedi- ately above the narrow tubular part of the duct. At first they are slender forms attached to the wall of the gland by their flagella, but later they gradually change into broad crithidial forms. XVIII] LIFE-CYCLE 315 These crithidial flagellates multiply and finally All up i portions of the gland with flagellates in all stages from typical crithidial forms, attached by the flagellum, to free-swimming trypanosomes closely resembling the blood type. The fly never becomes infective until the trypanosomes have invaded the salivary glands. The proventriculus and gut forms when injected into monkeys never produce an infection. The inva- sion of the glands usually occurs about the 20th day, but occasionally it may take place earlier, in one case a salivary gland being found infected on the 12th day. The Glossina seems to become infective two to five days after the trypano- somes have invaded the gland. During this period the para- sites pass through the crithidial cycle, which seems to be a necessary feature in the development of the trypanosome in the invertebrate host before the latter can become infective. The whole cycle from the ingestion of the trypanosome- to the appearance of young blood forms in the salivary glands generally occupies from 20 to 30 days, after which the Glos- sina becomes infective and probably remains so for the remainder of its life. When an infected fly bites an animal the young trypanosomes in the lumen of the salivary glands are passed dowrn the duct together with the salivary secretion and thus injected into the wound caused by the mouth parts of the insect. Prophylaxis of Sleeping Sickness. In spite of the experimental evidence to shew that Glossina morsitans, G.fusca, and G. tachinoides, and probably the other members of the genus, are all capable of transmitting sleeping sickness, the epidemiological evidence in support of the view that G. palpalis is the main carrier, is overwhelming. A >rd- ingly, for the time being, in combating the spread i >f t he (li- the other species of tsetse-flies may be ignored. The prophy- lactic measures fall into two main classes. In the first place we may prevent the access of trypanosome carriers to fl] and in the second, we may attempt the destruction of the fly. With regard to the former of these two methods, the diffi- culties in the way oi preventing the flies becoming inf< 316 SLEEPING SICKNESS [CH. have been enormously increased by the discovery that the wild game may serve as a reservoir for sleeping sickness. When it was discovered that the tsetse-flies along the shores of Lake Victoria were infected, the government of Uganda ordered the removal of all the population from the infested regions and by means of stringent regulations prevented any persons living on the lake shores or on any of the islands. Nevertheless three years later the tsetse-flies were still infected with sleeping sickness, although during this period they could not have had the opportunity of feeding on the blood of any human being suffering from the disease. It is evident, therefore, that the wild game serves as an efficient reservoir for sleeping sickness and as there is no possibility of exterminating all the mammals in the infected regions, the idea of eradicating the disease in this manner must be abandoned. Nevertheless, it is very important to prevent any infected person entering a fly area in which sleeping sickness does not already exist. The danger of this has been well exemplified in the case of Uganda, where, owing to the entrance of a few infected natives from the Congo, the disease was introduced among the previously uninfected Glossina palpalis, along the shores of Lake Victoria. Dr Bagshawe in his excellent article on this subject, advises the removal of healthy persons from the vicinity of the fly, or their protection from fly bites. This may be effected in a variety of ways amongst which may be mentioned the following : Whenever possible villages or markets should be removed to fly-free areas as has been done in Uganda. In many districts, however, the difficulties in the way of such a scheme are almost insuperable, and even in Uganda it has not been found practic- able to deal in a similar way with the infected districts near the Albert Lake and White Nile. Needless to add, any camps, whether temporary or permanent, should not be pitched in the fly regions. All occupations carried on in fly-areas should be discouraged or prohibited. The most important of these is fishing, as river and lake-side natives usually spend all their time in this occu- pation, unprotected by any clothes and constantly being bitten XVIII] PROPHYLAXIS )\J by the tsetse-flies. The rapid spread of sleeping sickness in Uganda was the result of the fishing habits of the nati\ Fishermen should be recommended to cultivate the soil or raise stock, and regulations prohibiting fishing in fly infested regions should be enforced. Brumpt has suggested that the natives who live on fish might be persuaded to grow vegetables by importing dried sea fish in exchange for their vegetable produce. Rubber collecting in palpalis areas should also be abandoned and there is little doubt that the prevalence sleeping sickness in the Congo is largely due to this occupation. During the heat of the day all fly areas should be avoided as the insects are especially active during these hours. Any visits to the water that may be necessary should be made either in the early morning or late evening. Whenever possible roads should be selected that do not traverse fly areas, and when travelling fly-infested ferries and fords should be avoided. If caravans are obliged to a such rivers at hours when the fly is active, they should not be allowed to halt within a distance of at least ioo yards of the water. In the construction of railways, fly areas might also be avoided, for there is a great danger of these in- being carried very considerable distances in the carriages of trains. When trains have to travel through infested regions the carriages and trucks should be protected with wire gauze ; similarly, steamers that ply on fly-infested hikes or n should have some portion of the upper deck protected. The protective effect of clothing is well known and the comparative immunity of Europeans and native chiefs is mainly due to their practice of wearing clothes. The peasants who go about i<»r the most part naked are particularly liable to the bites oi the flies, and therefore they should be instructed a- to the pi ect of clothes. Europeans when travell regions should take great care to protect their legs ami ai and if the tin- are numerous it is advisable to wear both \ a\u\ gloves. It is possible that some substance may be round which will be repellent to the flv and when rubbed on the skin will keep it away, but up to the present ^^ satisfactory repellent has been diso rvered. 318 SLEEPING SICKNESS [CH. The instruction of the natives and also Europeans, as to the danger of being bitten by tsetse-flies, should be carried out systematically in all infected regions, for without the co- operation of all persons it will be impossible to prevent the occurrence of cases of sleeping sickness. It is most important that no person harbouring trypano- somes in his blood should be allowed to travel from one district to another. All sick persons should be segregated in treatment camps, away from any species of tsetse-fly. The employment of these segregation camps in Uganda has greatly reduced the number of deaths from sleeping sickness, but unfor- tunately such methods can never entirely eradicate the disease. It should be forbidden to recruit soldiers, carriers or labourers in infected districts and bring them into any other districts which contain fly areas. The importance of such pre- ventive measures in the case of uninfected districts containing G. palpalis is obvious, but the passage of persons harbouring trypanosomes from one infected district to another should also be avoided. Dr Bagshawe has called attention to the impor- tance of this measure, for the strains of T. gambiense vary in virulence. There is some evidence that in consequence of the introduction of a virulent strain into a region where a mild strain previously existed, a small endemic focus of sleeping sickness has been succeeded by a great epidemic. It is also possible that an epidemic which is gradually losing its virulence and tending to die out may be kept alive by the introduction of persons harbouring virulent trypanosomes in their blood. The only effective way of suppressing sleeping sickness is by the extermination of the tsetse-fly, and, therefore, the most important of all prophylactic measures are those directed against the fly. In fact, the control of this disease is essentially a problem for the entomologists. There are no doubt enormous difficulties in the way of exterminating an insect ranging over some millions of square miles of Tropical Africa, but the manner in which Stegomyia and other mosquitoes are disappearing during campaigns against yellow fever and malaria should make one hesitate before considering such a task impossible. A complete knowledge of the bionomics of G. palpalis, including its natural XVIII PROPHYLAXIS 319 enemies and diseases, would be of immense value, and yet up to the present comparatively little work has been done on this subject. Bagshawe advises the use of the following measures against the fly : (a) The clearing of fly-infested scrub. (b) The filling up or draining of pools when it is practicable. (c) The cultivation of plants noxious to the fly. (d) The destruction of animals on which the fly feed-. (e) The encouragement or introduction of animals or plants (Fungi) which attack the fly in its adult or pupal stages. (/) The collection or destruction of pupae or of the flies themselves. The clearing of fly-infested scrub has been found to be of great value in Uganda, but it is rather difficult of application over wide areas. As the natural range of palpalis does not exceed 30 yards from the water, a clearance of this strip will cause the disappearance of the fly. According to Roubaud, in the Congo it is sufficient merely to thin out the vegetation on each side of the water, but in most localities it is necessary to remove thoroughly all brushwood and scrub which shelter the fly and its pupae. The cleared areas must either be kepi free from scrub-vegetation, or some crop planted which will not give the flies any shelter. Citronella is one of the most suitable, as the grass repays cultivation and its smell may be repugnant to the fly. No clearing should be attempted unless it is p ►ssible to make it efficient and keep the cleared spaces free from --rub. and before undertaking any such measure the locality should be carefully examined. The flies and pupae may be restricted to certain parts of the shore, in which case it is only necessary to clear these areas. It is advisable to clear the following Locali- ties : boat and steamer landing-places on lakes or rivers : dipping and washing places : stations on railways that traverse t>m areas ; ferries and fords ; and the sites of market- or camps. The clearing should be performed during the dry season, because the flies are then less numerous. In the Senegal, where clearing has been practised on a 320 SLEEPING SICKNESS fCH. large scale, whole tracts of country have been deforested, and in consequence, the streams have dried up and the tsetse-flies have disappeared. The destruction of animals on which the flies feed is a proposal that needs very careful examination. Koch advocated the destruction of the crocodile, but as mentioned above (p. 264) it is very doubtful whether this scheme would be of much use, and the available evidence is decidedly against it. The destruction of the big game is not likely to affect the numbers of G. palpalis, for it rarely feeds on these animals, as they mostly come to the water at early morning or late evening, when the flies are not about. The main food supply of this insect has not yet been satisfactorily decided. Minchin has suggested the introduction of jungle-fowl, which might scratch up the pupae and devour them, but it is possible that the birds might find plenty of other food. In any case the experiment might be tried, for at present we know very few enemies of this redoubtable insect. A knowledge of the insectivorous birds that prey upon the tsetse-fly is much to be desired, for we are almost in complete ignorance of this subject. With regard to the collection or destruction of the pupae or of the flies themselves, there is little hope of any considerable reduction in numbers being effected by these means. Dr Bal- four is of the opinion that fly-traps might be of some use and mentions an incident in support of this view. In the Sudan occurs a limited fly-belt, about twenty miles long and three or four miles in breadth. The fly is G. morsitans which in this locality haunts the neighbourhood of wells. " This limited and peculiar distribution is said by the natives to be due to the fact that the fly was intentionally brought here from the river for purposes of revenge! This may or may not be true, ...but certain it is that at the present time the natives trap the fly in gourds containing blood as a bait, and then liberate them in spots where the cattle or horses of their enemies are grazing or are collected together. The trap is a spherical gourd with a hole cut in the top. It is half-filled with blood, and carefully watched. As soon as a number of flies have entered it in quest XVIII] REFERENCES 321 of food the native rushes forward and claps his hand over the aperture. He then closes the hole in some more permanent fashion, and carries off the flies in triumph for the future discomfiture of those with whom he has a feud. This native custom would certainly seem to indicate that a blood trap is a feasible method of dealing with one of the greatest pests from which Africa, the land of pests, has ever had to suffer." Mr Maldonado, manager of one of the estates in the Isle of Principe, caught large numbers of G. palpalis, by making his labourers wear a black cloth, coated with bird-lime, on their backs. This method of trapping tsetse-flies, however, has not given good results in other localities, for it has been shewn that a single fly-catcher can capture far more flies in a single day than twenty or thirty fly-papers. REFERENCES. Bagshawe, A. G. (1908). Sleeping Sickness Bulletin, vol. 1. Balfour, A. (1908). Third Report Wellcome Research Laboratories. Khartoum. Bruce and Nabarro (1903). Progress Report on Sleeping Sickness in Uganda. Reports S. S. Comm. of Roy. Soc. No. 1. Bruce, Hamerton and Bateman (191 1). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 564, pp. 311-327- Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman, Mackie and Lady Bruce (191 1). Eleventh Report of S. S. Commission of the Royal Society. H. M. Stationery Office, London. Castellani (1903). Rep. S. S. Comm. of Roy. Soc. 1903. Duke (1912). Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. lxxxv. pp. 156-69. Dutton (1902). Trypanosoma in man. B.M.J. Jan. 4, p. 42. and Todd (1903). First Report of the Trypanosomiasis expe- dition to Senegambia. Liv. Sch. of Trop. Med. Memoir xi. Kleine (1909). Deutsch. Med. Wochenschr. May 27, pp. 024 23. Laveran and Mesnil (1912). Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases. Masson : Paris. Martin, Lebceuf and Roubaud (1909). Rapport de la Mission d*4tueles de la maladie du sommeil au Congo Francais, 1906-1908. Masson : Paris. Mense (1906). Handbuch der Tropenkranhheitcn vol. m. Minchin (1908). Quart. Journ. M 1 1 S^ i. vol. LI I. pp. 159 Robertson, M. (1912). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 57s, pp. 24] (1913). Trans, Roy. Soc. B, vol. 23, pp. i"i Ross and Thomson (1911)- Proc. Roy. Soc. B 563, pp Sandwith (1912). Sleeping Sickness. Macmillan 4 Ion. Taute (1911). Zeitschr.f. Hyg. u. Infeki vol. 1 xix. pp. J H. B. F. -1 322 TRYPANOSOMA RHODESIENSE [CH. Trypanosoma rhodesiense Stephens and Fantham, 19 10. General account. Until 1909 it was generally supposed that human trypanosomiasis was restricted to regions in which Glossina palpalis occurs, for there were no records of any cases occurring outside such areas. In that year Hearsey published an account of six cases of trypanosomiasis in persons who had not visited any palpalis region. The infections in every case must have been contracted either in Nyasaland or North-Eastern Rhodesia, or Portuguese East Africa. Subsequently a number of additional cases were recorded, especially along the shores of Lake Nyasa and in the Luangwa Valley. In 1910, the first of these cases reached England and was studied at the Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool. The history of this patient is of some interest as it was in his blood that this trypanosome was first observed, and it is the only strain of the virus which has yet reached Europe. W.A., a male aged 26, first went to South Africa in July, 1904, living in Johannesburg till the end of 1906. He then went to Salisbury for two years. About the end of November, 1908, he left Salisbury for North-Eastern Rhodesia with a view to prospecting for minerals. On the journey northwards he passed through Fort Jameson, Landazi, and Chinsali to Kasama, arriving at the latter place about the beginning of June, 1909. During this journey the patient traversed an area infested with Glossina morsitans. He stayed two months at Kasama, a place apparently free from tsetse-flies. On the return journey he called at Mpika (where Glossina morsitans occurs), Serenje and Mzaza (G. morsitans present). On September 10, he left Mzaza and travelling along the Luangwa River reached Feira on September 28. During this part of the journey he would pass through an area infested with Glossina fusca, between Mzaza and Hargreaves. The patient first became ill on September 20th, but after a rest of two days continued his journey. A short stay was made at Feira and then the return journey was continued through the Hartley District to Salisbury, where it was found that he was XVIII] GENERAL ACCOUNT 323 suffering from trypanosomiasis, parasites Deing found in his blood on November 17th, 1909. The patient subsequently returned to England and in 1910 was admitted into the Royal Southern Hospital. The same year Stephens whilst examining a stained speci- men of the blood of a rat infected with this race of trypanosomes observed a marked peculiarity in its morphology, and in November, 1910, Stephens and Fantham gave a full description of this new species of human trypanosome under the name of T. rhodesiense. The announcement of the discovery of a new species of human trypanosome has given rise to a great deal of discussion as to the nature of T. rhodesiense and its relation to pre-existing species of trypanosomes. Whereas some authors tend to regard it as merely a variety of T. gambiense, hardly distinct, others consider it to be a form of T. brucei that has acquired patho- genic properties for man. The latter view seems rather unlikely, for on two or three occasions man has been shewn to be immune against experimental infection with T. brucei, and, moreover, human serum has a curative action on nagana in experimental infections. By means of cross-immunity reactions Laveran and Mesnil have shewn that rhodesiense is distinct from both gambiense and brucei, and therefore it must be regarded as a new species of human trypanosome. There can be little doubt that T. rhodesiense has arisen within the last few years and that it is an interesting example of the origin of a new species at the present time. As the transmitting agent G. morsitans is widely distributed through- out Rhodesia and East Africa, there is no reason why this disease, had it previously existed, should not also have had a wide range of distribution, instead of being restricted to one or two valleys in Nyasaland and Rhodesia, and the symptoms are so characteristic that the disease could hardly have re- mained unnoticed. Since the discovery of the trypanosome, however, its range of distribution has increased considerably and already cases have occurred south of the Zambesi. The sudden appearance 21 — 2 324 TRYPANOSOMA RHODESIENSE [CH. of this disease in one small region, followed by such a rapid spread, can only be explained on the supposition that it is an entirely new form of sleeping sickness. Moreover, its extremely deadly effect on its vertebrate host, man, is further evidence in support of the same view. T. rhodesiense is remarkably pathogenic to the majority of experimental animals, the duration of life of monkeys infected with this species being only about 8 to 14 days, as compared with 27 to 149 days in the case of T. gambiense. It is evident, therefore, that this new trypanosome is extraordinarily virulent, and it is also very resistant to treatment, atoxyl apparently having no effect on it. In man the course of the disease is much more rapid than in the case of ordinary sleeping sickness (T. gambiense) and death usually takes place within three or four months of infection. At present T. rhodesiense is restricted to Southern Nyasaland, North-Eastern Rhodesia, especially in the Luangwa Valley, and Portuguese East Africa, but it seems to be extending its range and unless effective preventive measures are discovered there is reason to fear that it may give rise throughout Africa to an epidemic, besides which the ravages of gambiense would appear almost mild in comparison. Morphology of the parasite. T. rhodesiense in most respects resembles T. gambiense, but is characterised by the occurrence of stout or stumpy forms in which some have the trophonucleus at the posterior end. Stephens and Fantham give the following account of the parasite : " Rats inoculated with this Rhodesian strain usually shew a few long thin trypanosomes in the peripheral blood in about three days. The stumpy forms of trypanosomes with the trophonucleus posterior appear about the fifth or sixth day and from this time onwards somewhat increase in number up to the seventh or eleventh day- They then form about six per cent, of the trypanosomes present, but may decrease again, varying from day to day." The dimensions of stumpy forms with a posterior tropho- nucleus vary from 17 to 21 microns in length by 2 to 3 microns in breadth. There is a well-marked kinetonucleus XVIII] MORPHOLOGY AND TRANSMISSION 325 and the flagellum terminates in a short free portion. The cyto- plasm is coarsely granular, especially at the anterior end. In addition Stephens and Fantham mention the occurrence of " snout " forms with an elongated posterior end. These forms are present especially during the first half of the infection, and although not absent from the ordinary strains of T. gam- biense are much more numerous in the case of rhodesiense. It is important to note that the posterior position of the trophonucleus has never been observed in trypanosomes in the blood of man, but only in experimental animals. Wenyon and Hanschell found that the percentage of posterior nuclear forms varies very much, not only with the stage of infection but also with the strain employed. In three strains of rhodesiense in rats the percentages of these forms were found to vary in one strain from o to 0-9 per cent., in the second from 3 to 7 per cent, and in the third strain from 13 to 40 per cent. T. rhodesiense, like gambiense, is markedly dimorphic, for there are long slender forms and short stumpy forms, together with intermediate forms. The numerical relations between these various forms are extremely variable, depending on the stage of infection. The dimensions of the parasites vary from I3 to 39 microns in length, but the majority of them fall between 17 and 30 microns. Mode of transmission. In 1912, Kinghorn and Yorke demonstrated the transmission of T. rhodesiense by Glossina morsitans, the experiments being carried out at Nawalia, Northern Rhodesia, on the Nyamadzi River, a tributary of the Luangwa. About five per cent, of the flies were found to become infected when fed on patients or animals containing trypanosomes. The development in the fly is of the cyclical type, the insect becoming infective after an incubation period of about fourteen days. Once infected a fly remains infective for the remainder of its life and may infect fresh animals at each successive feed. Temperature has a marked effect on the development of rhodesiense in the intermediate host as shewn by the following experiment. " Two batches of wild G. morsitans, batch A 95 flies, batch 326 TRYPANOSOMA RHODESIENSE [CH. B 119, shewn to be non-infective by feeding upon clean mon- keys, were fed for three days on a rhodesiense-iniected guinea- pig. Each batch was then fed on a healthy monkey until the fortieth day, the mean temperature being 590 F. Neither monkey became infected. The 42 flies remaining of batch A were placed in the incubator at 85 ° F., and the 58 flies of batch B were left at laboratory temperature. Of the batch A flies, on the 43rd day only six were alive. From the 41st to the 47th day the flies of batch A were fed on a monkey (which died) ; from the 48th day on a rat. The rat became infected, shewing that batch A contained an infective fly on the 48th day, eight days after being placed in the incubator. The four flies still alive on the 53rd day were fed on four clean rats, three of which became infected. On the 61st day the 38 flies of batch B, which had then failed to infect the monkey, were put in the incubator at 830 F., and from that day till the 75th were fed on a healthy monkey. The animal unfortunately died. All the flies were dissected as they died. One was found to harbour trypanosomes in the salivary glands and gut, and animals inoculated with the con- tents became infected. In the first part of the experiment the relative humidity in the incubator was 36 per cent., in the second, 72 per cent." This experiment clearly shews that at a comparatively low temperature the early stages of the trypanosomes may persist in the alimentary canal of the fly for sixty days, but that for the completion of the cycle of development a higher tempera- ture is required (75 ° — 85° F.) . The necessity of a certain degree of heat, before the fly can become infective, explains why Kleine was unable to transmit T. gambiense by G. morsitans on Lake Victoria, where the temperature is not high enough. The life cycle of T. rhodesiense within the tsetse-fly has not been thoroughly worked out, but seems to present many points of resemblance to that of T. gambiense in G. palpalis. The trypanosomes first become established in the intestine and in every case the salivary glands are invaded before the fly becomes infective. The manner in which the glands become infected is uncertain, but it is apparently secondary to the XVIII] TRANSMISSION 327 intestinal infection, and it only occurs when the trypanosomes in the gut have reached a certain stage of development, and even then only when the conditions of temperature are suitable for the further development of the parasites. It was found that on every occasion on which the salivary glands were infec- tive, the trypanosomes in the intestine were also virulent As a large number of the wild game harbour T. rhodesiense, in nature the fly is frequently infected. In the Luangwa Valley, Kinghorn and Yorke found that about 0-18 per cent, of the morsitans were infected with rhodesiense. Recently, however, Taute has published an important paper in which the validity of these results is questioned. This investigator carried out experiments at Lubimbinu, Portuguese Nyasaland, and found that a large proportion (16-2 per cent.) of the big game of that district was infected with a trypanosome closely agreeing with T. rhodesiense in its general characters. Nevertheless this parasite was shewn to be non-pathogenic for man, as Taute fed laboratory-bred Glossina morsitans on a monkey infected with the wild game strain, and subsequently on a number of animals and also himself. After the usual incubation period the flies became infective and all the experimental animais (goats, dogs, and monkeys) on which they were fed became infected and died of trypanosomiasis. On the other hand, although Taute fed these same tsetse-flies on himself for four days after they had been proved to be infec- tive for animals, yet he remained well. This experiment was repeated, with the same results, and in addition the author injected himself with 2 c.c. of blood from a naturally infected dog, without ever developing any symptoms of trypanosomiasis. These results suggest that game and domestic animals may not play the part in the spread of human trypanosomiasis that certain authors have supposed, and trypanosomes from such sources can only be regarded with certainty as factors in the spread of sleeping sickness when they have been shewn to be pathogenic for man. 328 TRYPANOSOMA BRUCEI [CH. REFERENCES. Hearsey (1909). Nyasaland Sleeping Sickness Diary. Part vni. Kinghorn and Yorke (1912). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitology, vol. vi. pp. 1-23, 301-15 and 317-24. Laveran and Mesnil (191 2) . Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases , 2nd edit. Masson : Paris. Shircore, J. O. (1913). Trans. Soc. Trop. Med. and Hyg. vol. vi. pp. 131-42. Stephens and Fantham (1910). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 561, pp. 28-32. Taute, M. (1913). Arbeit a. d. Kais. Gesundheitsamte, vol. lxv. pp. 102-112. Wenyon and Hanschell (1912). //. Lond. Sch. of Trop. Med. vol. 11. PP- 34*35 Nagana (T. brucei Plimmer and Bradford, 1899). General account. Nagana, or the " tsetse-fly disease," is the most widely distributed and best known of all the cattle trypanosomiases of Africa. For many years the common tsetse-fly, Glossina morsitans, was known to be the cause of the disease and the popular belief was that the fly injected into the bitten animal some poison that caused the well-known symptoms of the " fly disease." In 1895, Bruce, together with his wife, investigated the disease as it occurred in Zululand and discovered that it was caused by the presence of a trypanosome in the blood. This parasite was found to be conveyed from diseased to healthy animals by the common tsetse-fly, and was present in the blood of all affected animals. Bruce gives the following account of the infection. " Nagana, or the fly disease, is a specific malady appearing in horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, dogs, cats, and many other animals, and of which the duration varies from a few days to some weeks or even up to some months. It is invariably fatal in the horse, ass and dog ; but a small percentage of cattle recover. It is characterised by fever, by an infiltration of coagulated lymph into the subcutaneous tissue of the neck, abdomen or the extremities, giving rise to a swelling of these regions ; by a more or less rapid destruction of the red cells of the blood, an extreme emaciation, often blindness, and by the XVIIl] GENERAL ACCOUNT 329 constant presence in the blood of an intusorian parasite — a trypanosome." It is generally supposed that Bruce employed Glossina morsitans in these transmission experiments, but, according to Austen, from a consideration of the description and figures given in Bruce's Report on the tsetse-fly disease, or nagana, in Zululand, there can be little doubt that G. pallidipes was the species employed. T. brucei is one of the best known of all the trypanosomes, as a dog infected with the parasite reached England in 1898, and subsequently was sent to most of the laboratories of Europe. As a result this parasite is the one most often employed in treatment experiments and other observations on the biology of trypanosomes under experimental conditions. The disease is widely distributed in Africa, where, in addition to Zululand, it has been recorded from the basins of the Limpopo and Zambesi, Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia, German and British East Africa, Uganda, Bahr el Ghazal, and in the region of the White Nile. It is also possible that the disease may occur in Somaliland and Galla, for the trypanosome causing the camel disease known as Aino is indistinguishable morphologically from T. brucei. Nagana is one of the most deadly of all trypanosomiases and the majority of animals succumb to the infection after a comparatively short illness. With regard to the virus as it occurs in the laboratories of Europe, Laveran and Mesnil divide the mammals into three groups according to their susceptibility. (1) Animals in which nagana produces an acute infec- tion : mice, rats, marmots, hedgehogs, dogs and monkeys. (2) Animals in which nagana produces a sub-acute infection : rabbits, guinea-pigs, dormice, horses, donkeys, mules and pigs. (3) Animals in which nagana produces a chronic infection : cattle, goats and sheep." In nature the disease affects horses, ruminants and dogs, and also the wild game, such as antelopes, waterbuck, etc . 330 TRYPANOSOMA BRUCEI CH. are frequently infected with the trypanosome. These wild animals, however, seem to have become immune against the disease, for they may harbour the parasite in the blood for long periods without suffering from any apparent ill-effects. The wild game, therefore, serves as a reservoir for the infection, as in the case of T. gambiense, and thus, in nature, generally a large proportion of G. morsitans and pallidipes are infected with T. brucei. The morphology of the parasite. In the living state, T. brucei displays active movements, as its undulating membrane is well developed. Its translatory powers, however, are far inferior to those of T. cazalboui and it rarely moves out of the field of the microscope. The dimensions of the parasite according to Bruce vary from 15 to 34 microns in length. Moreover the species is somewhat dimorphic, the short stumpy forms measuring from 2 to 5 microns in diameter and the elongated forms only about i*5 microns in diameter. According to Laveran and Mesnil the average length of the parasite in horses is 28 to 33 microns and in dogs and the smaller rodents 26 to 27 microns. In stained specimens the protoplasm usually contains numerous granules, especially in the anterior region of the body. The kinetonucleus is distinct, and is generally situated near the posterior extremity, especially in the shorter forms. The undulating membrane is much folded and the flagellum usually becomes free at its anterior extremity. The trypanosome multiplies by simple longitudinal division. Mode of infection. The experiments of Bruce in Zululand shewed that Glossina pallidipes and morsitans were able to transmit T. brucei, but the exact mode of infection remained unknown until Kleine's observations were published. In 1909, Kleine shewed experimentally that G. palpalis is able to transmit this disease, and in addition that the trypano- some underwent a cyclical development in its invertebrate host. The account of the first experiment in which this important discovery was made is as follows : Since nagana did not exist in the Kirugu region (in German East Africa) some sheep and a mule were brought from a place XVIII] MODE OF INFECTION 331 seven days' march away ; these animals had been naturally infected with nagana by the bites of G. morsitans. Fifty G. palpalis were fed on three of these infected animals for three successive days and from the fourth day onwards daily on fresh healthy animals. From the fourth to the seventeenth day inclusive the flies fed on a new animal each day, but none of them became infected. From the eighteenth to the twenty- fourth day the flies fed on the same sheep, and from the twenty- fifth to thirty-ninth day on the same ox. On the twelfth day after the flies were put on this ox, numerous trypanosomes were found in the blood and the sheep was also found to be infected. All the other animals remained healthy. Continuing this experi- ment from the fortieth to the fiftieth day the flies, now reduced in number to twenty-two, were fed on two goats, two calves and two sheep. All these animals became infected after incu- bation periods varying from five to eight days. This experiment clearlv shews that G. palpalis remains non- infective for many days after the ingestion of blood containing T. brucei, but that after this negative incubation period the flies become infective and may remain so for a considerable length of time. Later these experiments were repeated employing Glossiua morsitans instead of palpalis. It was found that the animals bitten during the three days following the feed on an infected animal, all became infected, the transmission being direct, as in the case of the Zululand experiments. The animals bitten from the fourth to the tenth day remained healthy, whilst all those that were bitten by the flies from the eleventh to the forty-fourth day became infected. Moreover, Taute has shewn that Glossina morsitans may remain infective for at least 83 days. The evolution of T, brucei within the intermediate host has not been fully worked out, but the parasites seem to multiply within the alimentary canal and subsequently invade the proboscis in a manner similar to T. gambicnse. 332 TRYPANOSOMA PECAUDI [CH. REFERENCES. Austen (1911). Handbook of Tsetse Flies. Bruce (1895). Preliminary Report on the Tsetse Fly disease or Nagana in Zululand. Ubombo, Zululand. Further Report, 1896. Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie (1910). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, vol. LXXXIII. Kleine (1909). Deutsche Med. Woch. Nos. 11, 21, 29 and 45. Kleine and Taute (191 1). Arb. a. d. Kais. Gesundheitsamte , vol. xxxi. Laveran and Mesnil (191 2). Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases. Paris : Masson et Cie. Baleri (T. pecaudi Laveran, 1907). General account. In 1904, Cazalbou observed a trypanosome in the blood of a horse from the Bani region of Northern Nigeria. This animal was suffering from a disease known by the natives as Baleri. In 1907, Laveran described the trypanosome under the name of T. pecaudi, and since this time Baleri has been recorded from many parts of Tropical Africa. It is common in the Upper Senegal and Nigeria, especially in the basins of the Niger, Bani, and the Upper Volta. It has also been observed in the Lower Senegal, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, French Congo, and in the region of Chari. In Bahr el Ghazal, Balfour and Wenyon have observed in dromedaries and horses infections probably due to T. pecaudi. Baleri is especially a disease of horses and donkeys, but cattle are also susceptible to infection. The disease is charac- terised by the occurrence of febrile attacks that are repeated every three, four or five days. The trypanosomes are generally numerous during the first attacks, becoming rare towards the end of the infection. In horses the disease is practically always fatal, after a duration of from three to four months. Donkeys are less susceptible and may remain infected for nearly two years before death supervenes. A large number of animals may be experimentally infected with T. pecaudi and the symptoms vary according to the species. Cattle, goats, sheep and pigs are very resistant to the infection and generally recover. On the other hand, monkeys, dogs, cats, guinea-pigs, rats and mice are all susceptible and the XVIII] MORPHOLOGY AND TRANSMISSION 333 infection is invariably fatal. In these animals the parasites are numerous in the late stages of the disease. Morphology of the parasite. In the living state the move- ments of the trypanosome are very active. In stained preparations two types can be distinguished, namely, long thin forms and short broad forms. The long thin forms measure about 25 to 35 microns in length by about 1-5 microns in breadth. The posterior ex- tremity is drawn out to a point. The undulating membrane is very narrow and the flagellum anteriorly is free for about one-quarter of its length. The elongate trophonucleus is situated about the middle of the body and the kinetonucleus is some distance away from the posterior extremity. The cytoplasm is free from granules. The short forms measure from 14 to 20 microns in length by 3 to 4 microns in breadth. They are stumpy in ap- pearance and the undulating membrane is very well developed ; there is no free flagellum. The trophonucleus is large and round and the kinetonucleus is situated almost at the posterior extremity. The cytoplasm often contains numerous granules. In the Bahr el Ghazal strain, Wenyon found many forms in which the kinetonucleus was near to the trophonucleus and a few in which the latter was at the posterior end of the body. Both the long and short forms multiply by ordinary longi- tudinal division. Mode of infection. T. pecaudi is transmitted mainly if not entirely by tsetse-flies. The experiments of Bouet and Roubaud in Dahomey have shewn that, in this region, G. longipalpis is the most favourable intermediate host, but tachinoides, palpalis and morsitans, can also carry the disease. These two authors found that the longipalpis caught on the banks of the Oueme River, in the neighbourhood of Agouagon, were heavily infected with T. pecaudi. Thus batches of 45 flies and upwards, almost invariably produced infections of pecaudi when fed on susceptible animals. On the other hand. several hundred palpalis and tachinoides captured in the same area and similarly fed on susceptible animals never produced any infection, so it is evident from the epidemiological point 334 TRYPANOSOMA PECAUDI [CH. of view that longipalpis is the species which in this region constitutes the reservoir fly of T. pecaudi, to the exclusion of the others. The incubation period of the parasite in G. longi- palpis is about 23 days. In addition, 60 G. tachinoides were fed on a guinea-pig infected with T. pecaudi and then on a series of healthy guinea-pigs. Two of these guinea-pigs became infected, giving an incubation period in the fly of 26 days, whereas the others remained normal. In this region experi- ments with G. palpalis gave entirely negative results, but Bouffard previously succeeded in the transmission of T. pecaudi by means of this species, though only with difficulty. Fig. 77. Culture of T. pecaudi, in the intestine of G. palpalis ( x 1200). a, b, normal forms from the circulating blood ; 1-5 forms 18 hours after ingestion; 1,2, involution forms; 3, slender form; 4, 5, large forms; 6, 7, large forms 56 hours after ingestion. (After Roubaud.) In the Nigerian Sudan, Bouet and Roubaud, during the dry season, found that the morsitans of that region were naturally infected with T. pecaudi. It appears, therefore, that longipalpis and morsitans are the two most favourable hosts for this parasite, and that tachinoides and, exceptionally, palpalis may also be infected. Every infected fly that was dissected contained flagellates along the whole of the digestive tract from the proboscis to the hinder intestine. The trypanosomes multiply in the intestine up to 48 hours after ingestion in a modified form XVIII] TRYPANOSOMA CAZALBOUI 335 called by Roubaud the " intestinal trypanosome form." Under favourable conditions these multiply very rapidly and in seven to nine days invade the whole of the intestine as far as the pharynx. These flies are not infective until the parasites have invaded the proboscis and passed through the Crithidia and Leptomonas phase. These proboscis forms multiply and some reach the hypopharynx, where they assume the " salivary trypanosome form " and are then capable of infecting any susceptible animal. REFERENXES. Bouet and Roubaud (1910). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. III. p. 599. (1911). Ibid. vol. iv. p. 539. Bouffard (1908). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. xxn. p. 15. Cazalbou (1904). Rec. de Med. Veter. vol. lxxxi. p. 615. Laveran (1907). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. vol. cxliv. pp. 243-247. Balfour and Wenyon (1908). Rep. Wellcome Research Lab. Khartoum. Souma (T. cazalboui Laveran). General account. In 1904, Cazalbou described, from the Upper Niger Territories, a cattle trypanosomiasis known to the natives by the name of Souma. Two years later, Laveran described the trypanosome causing this disease under the name of T. cazalboui, and also gave an account of its biological properties. The disease has subsequently been observed in most of the provinces of West Africa south of latitude 17 ° X., especially along the upper valleys of the Niger and Volta. It is common in Uganda and has also been recorded from the French Congo, Congo Free State and Rhodesia. Souma is a very widespread disease affecting cattle, h< mules, and donkeys; goats, sheep and antelope are also suscep- tible to the infection, but contrary to the general rule for the group of trypanosomes to which it belongs, dogs, cats, monk- pigs, rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and mice are all refractory, and this constitutes one of the principal means of distinguishing T. cazalboui from allied forms. T. vivax and T. uniforme are very closely related to this 336 TRYPANOSOMA CAZALBOUI [CH. species and may subsequently prove to be identical, but at present it is impossible to unite them without increasing the confusion of the subject. The incubation period is usually about seven days. The course of the disease is variable and may be either acute, subacute, or chronic. In the former case, cattle may succumb in as short a time as eight days after infection. The average duration of the malady is about two months, being terminated by the death of the infected animal, but in some cases the dis- ease lingers on for more than a year, and recoveries are not unknown. The parasites are usually rare in the peripheral circulation, but often increase in numbers previous to the death of the host. Morphology of T. cazalboui. The movements of the living parasite are very active and it frequently darts across the field of the microscope. It is a monomorphic species and its dimensions are very constant ; in stained specimens about 24 microns in length, by 1*5 to 2 microns in breadth. The trophonucleus is oval and situated about the middle of the body, whilst the distinct and spherical kinetonucleus is situated very close to the rounded posterior extremity. The undulating membrane is not markedly folded, resembling that of T. lewisi ; the flagel- lum is always free at the anterior extremity. Division is of the usual longitudinal type. Mode of infection. The principal agents for the transmis- sion of Souma are tsetse-flies, four species of which, viz., G. palpalis, tachinoides, longipalpis and morsitans, have been proved capable of carrying the infection. In addition, Bouffard's experiments have shewn that Stomoxys may serve as a direct carrier (vide p. 362). The distribution of Souma seems to shew that Glossina pal- palis is the usual intermediate host, and Bouffard found that in Upper Guinea this species was commonly infected with T. cazalboui. Experimentally, both G. palpalis and G. tachinoides have been proved to be very liable to become infected when fed on an animal containing the trypanosomes in its blood, for XVIII MODE OF INFECTION Bouffard found that out of 224 tsetse that ingested T. caz no less than 38-8 per cent, became infected. In Uganda, Bruce and his collaborators found that under similar circum- stances about 20 per cent, of palpalis shewed a development of trypanosomes in the proboscis The effect of climate on the development of this trypanosome in the intermediate host is well shewn by the results of Bouet and Roubaud in Upper Dahomey and the Nigerian Sudan, during the dry season. In these regions only two species of Glossina, namely tachinoides and morsitans, were found during the summer, all palpalis having disappeared as a result of the dry weather. Experiments were undertaken to determine which of these species was most liable to infection with T. .boui. Although in Middle Dahomey tachinoides was as efficient a carrier as palpalis, in the dry regions of Upper Dahomey and the Nigerian Sudan the same species was only infected with great difficulty, the authors concluding that during the dry season, at any rate, G. tachinoides of the regions between 12 and ly north latitude is unable, or only slightlv able, to infect with the endemic viruses, or those which it is able to transmit outside these areas. On the other hand, about 50 per cent, of wild morsitans captured at random were found to be infected ; the development of the trypanosome in this spe however, is somewhat slower than in palpalis, tachinoides and longipalpis, respectively. In the Katanga district the mem- bers of the Belgian Sleeping Sickness Expedition (1 912 found an equally large percentage of morsitans infected with cazalboui. The development of the trypanosome in the tsetse-fly is restricted to the proboscis, the flagellates never multiplying in any other part of the alimentary canal. Palpalis, tachino: and longipalpis, become infective about six to seven d after an infecting feed, whilst in the case of morsitans this developmental period is prolonged to eight to ten d; In Uganda, the development of T. cazalboui is much slower than in the West African Provinces, for the members of the Sleeping Sickness Commission at Mpumu. found that the non- infective period varied from n to 35 days. H. B. F. 33$ TRYPANOSOMA CAZALBOUI [CH. It is possible that this remarkable difference in the rate of development may be accounted for by the difference in climate, for Bamako, on the Niger, the locality where Bouffard performed his experiments, is less than iooo feet above sea-level, whereas Mpumu is more than 4000. Moreover, the mean temperature of Uganda is far below that of Bamako and the influence of this factor is most important. After being ingested some of the trypanosomes remain in the proboscis of the fly and change into Leptomonas or Crithidial forms. These become attached to the walls of the labrum and undergo rapid multiplication, resulting in the production of large clusters of flagellates, which may almost obstruct the cavity of the proboscis. Under the influence of the salivary secretion some of these fixed flagellates develop into small actively motile trypanosomes closely resembling the blood forms. These free trypanosomes are found in the hypopharynx and escape together with the salivary secretion when an infected fly feeds on any host. Once a fly becomes infected it may remain infective for at least two and a half months and probably for the remainder of its life. If the air is very dry, however, the flagellates may disappear from the proboscis and the fly cease to be infective. Thus Bouet and Roubaud found that in Upper Dahomey during the dry season about 50 per cent, of freshly caught morsitans shewed infection of the proboscis, but when these flies were kept and examined 20 to 31 days later the proportion of infected flies was only two in thirteen. Roubaud has performed some very interesting experiments on the effects of various conditions on the development of T. cazalboui in G. palpalis, which supplement the observations of Bouet and Roubaud in Upper Dahomey. Twelve G. palpalis, caught in nature, were placed in a dehydrated atmosphere. Twelve hours later and twice in the three succeeding days they were allowed to feed on a goat infected with T. cazalboui. Four days later they were fed on a healthy kid for two days. On the ninth day the flies were dissected and found to be uninfected and also the kid remained healthy. In another experiment eight flies were fed for two days on the infected goat and then XVIII] TRANSMISSION 339 placed in a partially dehydrated atmosphere. They were fed every day on a healthy kid until the ninth day when they were dissected and four were found to be infected. In another similar experiment three out of fifteen flies became infected and the kid succumbed to trypanosomiasis caused by their bites In two control experiments, during which the flies were kept in the ordinary atmosphere, eight out of twelve and eight out of nine flies shewed flagellates and also infected a succession of healthy kids on which they were fed. In another experiment, six flies hatched from pupae that had been kept in dry air from their formation, were fed on July 7, 8, and 9 on an infected goat and then returned to dry air. On the 18th and 19th they were allowed to bite a healthy kid and on the 27th and 28th yet another normal kid. The next day the flies were dissected and two out of six were found to be infected, moreover both kids suffered from a very severe attack of trypanosomiasis. Roubaud accordingly is of the opinion that if the modifying influence, such as dry air, acts for a long time before the infecting feed is given, the saliva regains its suitability as a medium for the development of the trypanosomes. The action of saturated air was similarly tested and respec- tively, one fly in eight and one in fifteen became infected, without, however, infecting a kitten on which they were fed. These results tend to explain the author's observation that, in nature, during the dry season more flies were found to be infected than during the wet. REFERENCES. Bouet and Roubaud (191 1). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. IV. p. 539. Bouffard, G. (1909). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. II. p. 599. (1910). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. xxiv. p. 276. Cazalbou, L. (1905). Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. vol. lviii. pp. 564—565 Laveran, A. (1906). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. vol. cxliii. pp. 94-97. (1910). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. III. p. 80. Rodhain, Pons, van den Branden and Bequaert (191 2). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. v. pp. 45-50 and 281-84. Roubaud, E. (1909). These de doctorat es sci. not. Paris, June. 1009. (1910)- Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 1910, pp. 729-32. 340 TRYPANOSOMA VI VAX [CH. Trypanosoma vivax Ziemann, 1905. In 1905, Ziemann described under the name of T. vivax a trypanosome occurring in the blood of cattle, sheep, and goats in the Cameroons. The symptoms of the disease it produces are almost identical with those of Souma, and moreover, in its morphology, T. vivax closely resembles cazalboui. But Ziemann definitely states that rats are susceptible to T. vivax, eight of them dying from the infection after eight, nine and eleven days. Also a dog and a pig both shewed a temporary infection. On the other hand, rats are absolutely refractory to T. cazalboui and this constitutes a method of distinguishing the two. Bagshawe has called attention to the resemblance between the two forms, and inclines to consider them as constituting a single species. This view has been opposed by Laveran, and certainly as long as " species " of trypanosomes are distin- guished mainly on the basis of cross-immunity reactions and the susceptibility of laboratory animals, it is impossible to unite two forms differing so markedly in the latter feature. Bruce and his colleagues on the basis of a microscopic exam- ination of Ziemann's slides came to the conclusion that T. cazalboui Laveran was synonymous with T. vivax Ziemann. Accordingly throughout their reports they have employed the latter name for a trypanosome which is undoubtedly identical with the T. cazalboui of the French and Belgian authors. A careful comparison of Ziemann's original description with the accounts of cazalboui, shew that although very closely related the two forms may be easily distinguished by their respective animal reactions. Thus, all small laboratory animals and the pig are refractory to cazalboui, whereas rats are very susceptible to vivax and die within eleven days ; also a dog and a pig shewed a temporary infection. As rats as well as the other small experimental animals are not susceptible to the Uganda virus, it is evident that the species of that region, which has been referred to as T. vivax, should be known correctly as cazalboui. XVIIl] TRYPANOSOMA UNIFORME 341 Undoubtedly the two forms are closely related, but as long as the reaction of experimental animals constitutes one of the means of distinguishing varieties of trypanosomes, it is only increasing the confusion of the subject to unite vivax and cazalboui on purely morphological grounds. REFERENCES. Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie (1910). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, vol. 556, p. 368 and vol. 561, p. 1. Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Lady Bruce (191 1). Eleventh Report Sleeping Sickness Comm. of Roy. Soc. Yorke and Blacklock (191 1). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. v. P- 413. Ziemann, H. (1905). Centralbl. f. Bakter. I. Orig. vol. xxxvui. p. 9. Trypanosoma uniforme Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie, 191 1. This parasite was first noticed in the blood of oxen in Uganda. It closely resembles T. cazalboui, but may be distin- guished by its smaller size. T. uniforme causes a very fatal disease, for two naturally infected cattle died after 5 and 79 days respectively. Goats inoculated with the parasite lived on an average 29 days, but out of three sheep inoculated only one became infected. Fraser and Duke found that two out of 30 bushbuck and sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei), obtained within two miles of the shore of Lake Victoria, were naturally infected with T. uniforme. Monkeys, pigs, dogs, cats, guinea-pigs and white rats are all refractory to this parasite, another characteristic in which this species resembles cazalboui. According to Laveran and Mesnil, uniforme is probably the same as cazalboui, but its small size seems to be a sufficient means of distinction. Morphology. T. uniforme is a small and active trypanosome with marked translatory movement, though inferior to that of cazalboui. The parasites are remarkably uniform in size and appearance, the average dimensions being 16 microns in Length by i*5 to 2-5 microns in breadth. The extreme range of variation in the length is onlv from a minimum of 12 to 342 TRYPANOSOMA DIMORPHON [CH. a maximum of 19 microns. The free part of the flagellum is from 1 to 5 microns in length. In all other characters T. uniforme is the same as cazalboui, with the exception that there is no marked narrowing opposite the trophonucleus as in the case of the latter species. Mode of infection. Fraser and Duke have shewn that the Glossina palpalis in the neighbourhood of Lake Victoria are naturally infected with this trypanosome, for after 1020 flies from the lake-shore had been fed on a goat it became infected with T. uniforme. Also it was shewn experimentally that laboratory-bred palpalis were capable of transmitting this species of trypanosome from infected to healthy animals. Of six experiments four were successful. The flies became infective in from 27 to 37 days, and the infection in the fly was always limited to the proboscis as in the case of cazalboui. REFERENCES. Brace, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie (191 1). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 563, p. 176. Fraser and Duke (1912). Ibid. B, vol. lxxxv. p. 1. Trypanosoma dimorphon Laveran and Mesnil, 1904. Synonyms. T. confusum Montgomery and Kinghorn, 1909. T. frobeninsi Weissenborn, 191 1. General account. In 1902, Dutton and Todd in the course of their expedition to the Gambia observed trypanosomes in the blood of some of the horses in that region. Under the title of " Horse trypanosome " they described and figured the parasites occurring in one of these horses. The .emarkable feature about the infection was the occurrence of small tadpole-shaped trypanosomes without any free flagellum, side by side with long and slender forms with a long free flagel- lum. Dutton and Todd did not name their horse trypano- some, a fortunate omission, since there is practically no doubt that several distinct species were in their hands. One of these infected horses was sent over to Liverpool and from here the strain was sent across to Laveran and Mesnil in Paris, where they studied the morphology of the trypanosome, and, in 1904, published a description of it under the name of T. dimorphon. XVIII] GENERAL ACCOUNT 343 The name T. dimorphon, therefore, is only applicable to the trypanosome which reached Europe and was described by Laveran and Mesnil. This parasite, as pointed out by the authors, differs considerably from Dutton and Todd's description of the " Horse trypanosome," especially in the absence of any forms provided with a free flagellum. T. dimorphon Laveran and Mesnil, is the ordinary dimorphon of the laboratories ol Europe, and it is important that the use of this name should be abso- lutely restricted to trypanosomes agreeing with Laveran and Mesnil's original description (1904). Montgomery and King- horn wish to reserve the name T. dimorphon for the forms described by Dutton and Todd and apply the term T. confusum to the parasite described by Laveran and Mesnil. Such a course, however, is illegitimate, for the name dimorphon was only applied to the latter, and never to Dutton and Todd's original description. The occurrence of mixed infections in many animals is a source of great difficulty in identifying the species of trypano- somes, for Yorke and Blacklock have shewn that dimorphon and cazalboui may occur side by side in horses from the Gambia. T. dimorphon is widely distributed throughout West Africa and has been recorded from the following localities : Gambia, Senegal, Casamance, Upper Gambia, French Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Togoland, Dahomey, French Sudan and French Congo. In the Congo Free State, Rhodesia, Zululand, Portuguese East Africa, Zanzibar, Bahr el Ghazal, and Somali- land, trypanosomes of the dimorphon type have been observed, but it is difficult to say whether they should all be referred to T. dimorphon Laveran and Mesnil. Horses, mules, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, mon- keys, and all the smaller laboratory animals are susceptible to infection with T. dimorphon. As a rule, in the larger animals. the course of the disease is slow, and death only occurs after trypanosomes have been present in the blood for several months. In some cases the animals recover and trypanosomes may be present in the peripheral circulation for some years, without apparently producing any pathogenic symptoms. 344 TRYPANOSOMA DIMORPHON [CH. Morphology of the parasite. In the fresh state, the dimorphic nature of this species is easily recognisable. The most common forms are only 12 to 14 microns in length and 1 micron in breadth, with a rounded posterior extremity and a body which gradually tapers towards the anterior extremity. These short forms present a somewhat characteristic movement ; after progressing forward for some little distance, wriggling after the manner of a tadpole, they stop abruptly, and then move on again in the same fashion. The undulating membrane is very slightly developed. The long forms of dimorphon are less common than the pre- ceding and may occasionally be absent. They range from 20 to 25 microns in length, by 1-5 microns in breadth. The undulating membrane is only slightly developed and the parasites, although more active than the short forms, do not present as lively motions as T. brucei. These two forms are connected by intermediate stages, and therefore the short trypanosomes might be regarded as a young form of the large, were it not for the fact that they both reproduce by longitudinal fission. In Giemsa-stained specimens, a remarkable feature of dimorphon is the extremely dense blue colour of the protoplasm. The kinetonucleus is situated close to the rounded posterior extremity. The undulating membrane is never very marked and in every case the protoplasm is continued along to the extremity of the flagellum. This latter feature, together with the dimorphism, is very characteristic. Division is of the usual longitudinal type. Mode of infection. Bouet, in 1907, succeeded in transmitting T. dimorphon by the bites of Glossina palpalis that had fed on an infected animal 24 hours previously. In this experiment the transmission was merely mechanical. In Dahomey, Bouet and Roubaud have demonstrated the part played by G. palpalis, tachinoides and longipalpis in the transmission of this parasite. Palpalis captured in nature, were fed on two dogs, a sheep, and a kid, and these animals became infected with dimorphon after incubation periods vary- ing from 14 to 20 days. The same flies were fed on guinea-pigs XVIII] TRANSMISSION 345 but produced no infection, thus shewing that these animals are only slightly susceptible to this trypanosome. G. morsitans is also capable of transmitting T. dimorphon, and thus four species of tsetse-flies in West Africa are all efficient intermediate hosts for the parasite. The experiments with regard to the infection of the fly are somewhat inconclusive, but from an examination of " wild " tsetse it appears that longipalpis is the most often infected, then tachinoides, whilst the proportion of palpalis containing dimorphon is very much less, being only about one per cent. In Dahomey, the negative period of incubation in the fly is said to be more than 18 days, but as Bouet and Roubaud worked entirely with wild flies the exact period could not be decided. The infection in each species of fly is what is known as " total." The trypanosomes become established in the hind intestine and gradually extend forwards until they reach the proboscis, when they become fixed and assume the Leptomonas or Crithidial form. These proboscis forms of dimorphon may be distinguished from those of congolense by the frequent occur- rence of giant forms like those of cazalboui, but differing in the flattened appearance of the posterior prolongation. The inocu- lation of intestinal forms produced no infection, whereas when the proboscis was inoculated a positive result was obtained. It is evident, therefore, that the evolution of T. dimorphon in Glossina longipalpis, tachinoides, palpalis, and morsitans, respectively, is of the usual type, first a multiplication of try- panosomes in the intestine, during which period the fly is non- infective, followed by an invasion of the proboscis where the Leptomonas or Crithidial stage is gone through, after which the fly becomes infective. REFERENCES. Bouet (1907). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. XXI. p. 474. and Roubaud (1910). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. III. p. 722 Dutton and Todd (1903). Liverpool Sch. of Prop. Med. Memoir XI. Laveran and Mesnil (1904). Compt. Rend 1. vol. cxxxvin. p Montgomery ami Kinghorn (1909). Lancet. Sept. 25, iq Yorke and Blacklock (1911). Ann. Prop. Med. and Parasit. vol. v. p. I 1 3 and vol. VI. p. 107. 346 TRYPANOSOMA PECORUM [CH\ Trypanosoma pecorum Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie, 1910. General account. In 1910, Bruce and his collaborators observed a trypanosome in the horses and cattle of Uganda. This parasite was supposed to be identical with T. dimorphon and T. congolense, and, therefore, all three were united under the name T. pecorum. Laveran, however, has shewn by means of cross-immunity reactions that T. pecorum is a distinct species, but is closely related to dimorphon, congolense and nanum. Recently Kinghorn and Yorke have found T. pecorum present in the wild game of the Luangwa Valley, North-Eastern Rhodesia. The incubation period in cattle inoculated with T. pecorum is on an average about six to seven days. The duration of the disease may vary from 26 up to as long as 287 days. It is invariably fatal, the symptoms being weakness and emacia- tion, accompanied by anaemia. Cattle, goats, sheep, monkeys, dogs, rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and mice are all susceptible to infection with T. pecorum, and this constitutes a means of distinguishing it from nanum. Duke's experiments have shewn that the bushbuck is also susceptible and may remain infective for at least 323 days, therefore the wild game may serve as a reservoir for this trypanosome. Morphology of the parasite. In the living state T. pecorum is remarkable for its habit of exhibiting alternate periods of quiescence and activity. When quiescent it usually buries itself under clumps of red cells and is thus difficult to detect. The movements are active but, as in the case of T. congolense, not translatory ; therefore, the parasites do not travel across the field of the microscope. In stained specimens the trypanosome is practically indis- tinguishable from T. nanum and T. congolense. It is a monomorphic species ; the extreme variations in length are 8 to 18 microns, but the average dimensions, comprising the majority of individuals, are 14 microns in length by about 3 microns in breadth, including the undulating membrane. The posterior extremity is rounded ; the anterior XVIII] TRANSMISSION 347 is more or less tapering. The undulating membrane is well developed, being larger than that of T. nanum, and there is no free flagellum. The oval trophonucleus is situated about the middle of the body and the small spherical kinetonucleus is at the posterior extremity. The cytoplasm is generally homo- geneous and not very granular. Mode of infection. The results of Kinghorn and Yorke in the Luangwa Valley have shewn that Glossina morsitans is probably the most important agent for the spread of this infection. By collecting large numbers of these tsetse-flies and feeding them on healthy monkeys, out of 3202 flies at least two were found to be infected with T. pecorum. Under experimental conditions, Glossina palpalis can also serve as the intermediate host for this species and animals may be infected by the bites of palpalis that have previously ingested blood containing T. pecorum. The mode of transmission is indirect, that is to say the trypanosome undergoes a cyclical development within the alimentary canal of the fly, but this development is so extremely slow that it is evident that G. palpalis is not the usual intermediate host of this parasite. It is also significant that wild palpalis has never been found naturally infected with pecorum. The stages in the develop- ment of T. pecorum in the alimentary canal of G. palpalis have been observed by Fraser and Duke, and also by Miss Robertson. Although these two species of Glossina have thus been proved capable of transmitting this infection, there is considerable evidence to shew that the disease can exist in the absence of tsetse. Thus Bruce and other members of the Sleeping Sick- ness Commission saw an outbreak of T. pecorum infection under the following circumstances. The cattle belonging to this Commission grazed at the foot of Mpumu Hill, half to the east and half to the west. Tdbamts and Hcematopota were occasionally seen but always in very small numbers. In September, 1909, swarms of Tabanus secedens Walk, suddenly appeared to the west of the hill and a month later to the east. Soon afterwards the cattle, which had been healthy for a war. shewed signs of T. pecorum infection, first those which -razed to the west, then those which mazed to the east. It should be 348 TRYPANOSOMA NANUM [CH. noted that there were a few pre-existing cases of infection in the herd. Afterwards a few Glossina palpalis were found at the foot of the hill. Nevertheless, although this circumstantial evidence is so strong, all attempts to transmit the disease experimentally by the bites of either Tabanids or Stomoxys have given uniformly negative results. Development within the intermediate host. The development of T. pecorum within the alimentary canal of Glossina palpalis in all essential features resembles that of T. nanum, but is excessively slow, so that it seems probable that this species of tsetse only exceptionally serves as its intermediate host. The parasites develop in the hinder intestine and give rise to a large number of trypanosomes of very varying size. Eventually, the slender forms are produced and these are extraordinarily attenuated ; in addition the nuclear changes occurring at this stage in the cycle of T. gambiense, also take place in T. pecorum. The invasion of the proventriculus usually occurs about the 45th day and no proboscis infection was found before the 76th day. The Crithidial phase is passed through in the proboscis, as in the case of T. nanum, and the salivary glands are never invaded. LITERATURE. Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie (1910). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, vol. lxxxii. p. 468. Duke, H. L. (1912). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, vol. lxxxv. p. 554. Kinghorn, A. and Yorke, W. (191 2). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. vi. pp. 301 and 317. Laveran, A. (1910). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. in. p. 718. Robertson, M. (1913). Trans. Roy. Soc. B, vol. ccm. pp. 161-184. Trypanosoma nanum Laveran, 1905. General account. This parasite was first discovered by A. Balfour in 1904, in the blood of cattle from the Anglo- Egyptian Sudan. It has since been recorded from various other localities of this region and also in Uganda, where Bruce and his collaborators found it in the blood of cattle. XVIII] MORPHOLOGY 349 Kleine and Fischer, in the region of Lake Tanganyika, have found both sheep and antelopes naturally infected with a try- panosome that seems to agree with nanum in its characters. In cattle, T. nanum produces a disease which develops slowly ; the main symptom is the well-marked anaemia, which is accompanied by a gradual emaciation and usually ends in the death of the infected animal. The parasites are usually present in the peripheral circula- tion, sometimes in considerable numbers, and can be easily recognised. T. nanum can readily be inoculated into cattle and goats, but all the smaller laboratory animals are refractory to infec- tion, for monkeys, dogs, rats and mice have been inoculated without becoming infected. Morphology of the parasite. Laveran has given the following diagnosis of Trypanosoma nanum : ' The trypanosomes measure 10 to 14 /x in length, by 1-5 to 2 /a in breadth. Their structure is that of flagellates belonging to the genus Trypanosoma ; yet, contrary to the rule, the protoplasm is prolonged at the anterior end, in such a manner that there is no free flagellum, or the free part of the flagellum is extremely short. The undulating membrane is very narrow and in consequence only slightly evident. The posterior extremity is conical, not drawn out, otherwise a little variable in form." " The oval nucleus is situated about the middle of the body of the parasite. The centrosome (= kinetonucleus), rounded and rather large, is found almost at the posterior extremity. " The protoplasm is homogeneous, without granulations. " Some of the forms, a little larger than the others, shew two centrosomes and a flagellum divided for a greater or 1< extent from the origin in the centrosome ; these are evidently multiplication forms." In Uganda the length of the parasite may extend up to 16 microns as shewn by Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Maekie. and also by Duke. Mode of transmission. The experiments of Duke in Uganda have shewn that Glossinapalpalis may serve as the intermediate 350 TRYPANOSOMA NANUM [CH. host for T. nanum. Laboratory bred flies were fed on an infected sheep and subsequently on a calf, which developed a typical infection with this trypanosome. About five per cent, of the flies fed on this sheep were found to be infected. Kleine and Fischer are of the opinion that Glossina morsitans is the intermediate host of T. nanum in the region of Lake Tanganyika. Development of the parasite. In the blood the trypanosome multiplies in the usual manner by means of longitudinal division. When taken into the gut of G. palpalis the resulting changes are exactly comparable with those that take place in the case of T. gambiense, described above. The trypanosomes begin to develop in the hinder intestine and by the ioth day numerous parasites may be found in the hinder and middle intestine. The slender forms begin to be produced from the ioth to the 14th day onwards, and the proventriculus is usually invaded about the 20th day. The proventricular forms are not quite so uniformly slender as in the case of T. gambiense. Moreover, there are no marked changes in the appearance of the nuclei of T. nanum. About the 25th day the trypanosomes invade the proboscis, where they may be found attached to the labrum, often lying in clusters. They then pass through the Crithidial phase, many of them being extremely long and slender. Subsequently trypanosome forms are produced which may be found free, sometimes in the hypopharynx and at other times in the labrum. The salivary glands never become infected in the case of T. nanum, the proboscis infection apparently playing the same part as the gland infection in the cycle of T. gambiense. LITERATURE. Laveran, A. (1905). Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. vol. lvii. p. 292. Balfour, A. (1904). B. M. J. Nov. 26, 1904. Bruce, Hamerton, Bateman and Mackie (1910). Proc. Roy. Soc. 1910, B, vol. lxxxiii. p. 180. Duke, H. L. (1912). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, vol. lxxxv. p. 4. Kleine and Fischer (1911). Zeitschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskr. vol. lxx. p. 18. Robertson, M. (1913)- Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, vol. ccm. p. 161. XVIII TRYPANOSOMA CONGOLENSE Trypanosoma congolense Broden, 1904. This parasite, which very closely resembles T. pecorum and T. dimorphon, was first described by Broden, who found it occur- ring in the blood of a donkey and sheep in the Congo Free State. Subsequently the parasite was also observed in the blood of cattle and dromedaries in the same locality and also in cattle, sheep, goats and dogs in the French Congo, where, according to Martin, Lebceuf and Roubaud, it is widely distributed. In North-East Rhodesia, Montgomery and Kinghorn have observed T. congolense in the blood of cattle. It is doubtful whether the trypanosomes occurring in dogs on the shores of Tanganyika should be referred to this species or to T. pecorum. T. congolense is only distinguishable from T. pecorum by cross-immunity reactions, for Laveran and Mesnil shewed that a goat immune against T. congolense was susceptible to infec- tion with pecorum. Otherwise the two forms are practically identical and it is questionable whether they should be regarded as distinct species. Fig. 78. Culture of T. congolense in the intestine of G. palpalis. ( x about 1000). a, b, normal forms from the circulating blood ; 1,2, forms 24 hours after ingestion ; 3, 5, forms after 48 hours ; 6, 7, forms alter 56 hours. (After Roubaud.) In addition to cattle, sheep, goats and dogs, all the usual experimental animals may be infected with congolense, but the course of the disease is usually very slow, resembling that of dimorphon. The constant susceptibility of guinea-pigs is, however, in marked contrast with that of other Laboratory 352 TRYPANOSOMA CONGOLENSE [CH. animals, for Laveran and Mesnil found that the average duration of the disease in this species was only two weeks and invariably resulted in the death of the animal. Morphology of the parasite. The living parasite exhibits active wriggling movements without, however, progressing across the field of the microscope. The trypanosomes are often attached to the leucocytes by their anterior extremities. The dimensions of the majority of the individuals vary between 10 to 13 microns in length, by 1 to 2 microns in breadth, and the largest forms are never more than 17 microns in length, a means of distinguishing this species from dimorphon. In stained specimens the posterior extremity is rounded and anteriorly the body of the parasite gradually tapers, the protoplasm being prolonged to the extremity of the flagellum. The trophonucleus is situated about the middle of the length of the parasite ; the kinetonucleus is very distinct and is usually close to the posterior extremity. The protoplasm is somewhat clear and rarely contains chromatophilous granules. Mode of infection. There is some little doubt as to whether G. palpalis is capable of transmitting congolense, for the only positive experiments with this species of tsetse-fly that have been recorded up to the present are those of Roubaud, and this author states that the observations were made with " T. con- golense (vel dimorphon)." In the alimentary canal of G. palpalis Roubaud observed the commencement of a development of this trypanosome somewhat resembling that of T. gambiense, but the parasites all disappeared by the end of the third day. Rodhain, van den Branden, Pons and Bequaert, found that the G. morsitans in the Katanga region were naturally infected with congolense. In addition an experiment was made with 23 flies born in the laboratory. These were fed on an infected goat and subsequently on healthy animals. After an incubation period of 23 days one of the flies became infective. This individual on dissection was found to present an " infec- tion totale " of the alimentary canal. The parasites in the intestine were nearly all of the trypanosome type and some were of the blood form. In the proboscis the hypopharyngeal XVIII] TRYPANOSOMA SIMI^ 353 tube was filled with small trypanosomes of the congolense type without any free flagellum, whilst the parasites that swarmed in the labrum were of the Leptomonas type. REFERENCES. Broden, A. (1904). Bull. Soc. d' Etudes Coloniales, Bruxelles, February, 1904. Laveran and Mesnil (191 2). Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases. Montgomery and Kinghorn (1909). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. in. p. 349. Rodhain, van den Branden, Pons and Bequaert (1912). Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. vol. v. p. 281. Roubaud (1909). These de doct. es sci. nat. Paris, pp. 153 and 161. Trypanosoma simiae Bruce, Harvey, Hamerton, Davey and Lady Bruce, 1912. Synonym. T. ignotum Kinghorn and Yorke, 1912. General account. This species of trypanosome has been recorded from Nyasaland, Central Angoniland, and Xorth- Eastern Rhodesia, where a large percentage of Glossina mor- si tans are naturally infected with the parasite. Its pathogenic properties are very remarkable, since it only affects such widely different animals as monkeys and goats. Oxen, baboons, dogs, guinea-pigs, and white rats, seem to be immune. In goats T. simiat sets up a chronic disease, but in monkeys the infection is rapidly fatal, for in a series of 19 the average duration of life after the trypanosomes were first seen in the blood was only 2-9 days. Morphology. When living the parasite shews active pro- gressive movements, some individuals passing complete ly across the field of the microscope. The dimensions of the trypanosomes as found in the monkey and the goat, are found to vary from 14 to 24 microns in length, by I to 2*75 microns in breadth, the mean being 18 microns in Length by 175 in breadth. The parasites are monomorphic and. as a rule, fairly uniform in shape. The authors give the following summary of its characters : " Elongated, narrow, undulating body : posterior extremity bluntly pointed or rounded ; anterior extremity pointed : 354 TRYPANOSOMA SIMILE CH nucleus oval ; micronucleus small, round, situated about 1-5 microns from posterior extremity, placed laterally, protuberant ; undulating membrane marked, thrown into bold folds ; flagel- lum frequently not projecting beyond undulating membrane, sometimes 1 to 2 microns of the extremity apparently free." ^%^ Fig. 79. Trypanosoma simice. Successive stages in the division shewing the peculiar manner in which the two daughter trypanosomes seem to " slip " past each other, until they are only joined by their non-flagellate ends. (After Bruce, Harvey, Hamerton, Davey and Lady Bruce.) In the blood of the monkey these trypanosomes swarm in enormous numbers and numerous division forms can be seen, often four or five in a field. When dividing the trypanosomes appear to slip past one another until they are only joined by their posterior extremities, as shewn in Fig. 79. Multiplication often takes place so rapidly that the individual trypanosomes have not time to disengage themselves and thus large multi- Fig. 80. Trypanosoma simice. Large multinucleate form. (After Bruce, Harvey, Hamerton, Davey and Lady Bruce.) XVIII] stomoxys 355 nucleate masses are produced, sometimes filling the whole field of the microscope (Fig. 80). The life history of this parasite in its intermediate host, Glossina morsitans, has not yet been worked out. Its extreme pathogenicity in monkeys is very remarkable and suggests that T. simice is a species that has only recently become adapted to its present mode of life. LITERATURE. Bruce, Harvey, Hamerton, Davey and Lady Bruce (191 2). Proc. Roy. Soc. B, vol. lxxxv. p. 477. Kinghorn and Yorke (1912). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. vi. pp. 301-315 and 317-324. CHAPTER XIX STOMOXYS General description. The members of the genus Stomoxys may be distinguished from other blood-sucking Muscidae by the following characters : The proboscis protrudes horizontally in front of the head and is pointed towards its anterior extremity. The maxillary palps are cylindrical and slender, less than half the length of the proboscis. The first longitudinal vein opens into the wing about mid-way along its length, almost opposite the small transverse vein. The first posterior marginal cell opens widely at the tip of the wing. Between the posterior transverse vein and the margin of the wing the fourth longitudinal vein is arched like a bow with the concavity facing the third longi- tudinal vein (Fig. 81). The flies belonging to this genus are all moderate sized (5 to 7 mm.) dull-coloured insects that generally feed on the blood of cattle. They closely resemble the house-fly (Musca domestical] in general appearance, but may be readily distin- guished by the presence of the proboscis, and also Stom rests with its wings widely divergent whilst in Musca they are 356 STOMOXYS [CH. held closer together The most abundant species is Stomoxys calcitrans, the common stable-fly of this country, but in addition to this insect, 5. nigra is also supposed to be concerned in the spread of disease. Auxiliary vein Anterior cross-vein Fig. 8i, Wing venation of Stomoxys calcitrans. Stomoxys calcitrans Linn. General description. This insect closely resembles the common house-fly in colouration and general appearance, but as mentioned above, may be easily recognised by the pres- ence of the biting proboscis and the attitude of the wings. In addition 5. calcitrans is distinguished by the following characters : A B Fig. 82. Side view of head of Stable-fly; A, proboscis in resting position B, proboscis extended. (After Graham-Smith.) XIX DESCRIPTION 357 The lower part of the face is white, frequently with a yel- lowish tint, which is especially visible upon the sides of the forehead. The latter is marked with black or reddish-brown stripes ; the antennae are brown, at times lighter dorsally. The maxillary palps are short, scarcely protruding, and yellow in colour. The dorsal surface of the thorax is marked with four dark longitudinal stripes, two on each side, extending from the shoulders to the scutellum, but interrupted in the middle of their length by the transverse suture. The abdomen has a yellowish-brown tint and is marked with three indistinct dark spots on the second segment and some on the following segments. The legs are blackish-brown with reddish-yellow knees. According to Austen, the African examples of this species are smaller than British specimens and the abdominal spots shew considerable variation in size and shape. The insect varies from about 5-5 to 7 mm. in length. Fig. 83. Stable-fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Y 5). On the left, magnified view of antenna. On the right, view of the fly in its resting position. (Nat. size.) (After Graham-Smith.) Distribution. S. calcitrans has been recorded from almost every part of the world, occurring throughout both temperate and tropical countries and even extending as far nortl Lapland. It is especially abundant, however, in warmer countries, or during the summer months of more temperate regions. Habits. The common name of this insect, the stable-fly 35S STOMOXYS [CH. gives a true indication of its usual habitat, and during the sum- mer large numbers of Stomoxys may generally be found around the cow-sheds and stables of any farmyard ; in warm weather, however, it may be found wherever cattle are grazing ; and during late summer and autumn they are frequently found in houses, where they are known as " Biting House-flies." When resting on a wall, Stomoxys generally points the head upwards, and thus may be distinguished from the house-fly which usually takes the opposite position. The fly may feed on the juices from any decaying organic matter, and also on the blood of vertebrates. It is possible that its blood-sucking habits have been somewhat over-esti- mated, for Xewstead kept a careful watch on both horses and cattle in a farmyard where Stomoxys were plentiful without seeing even one settle on an animal. During hot weather, however, the flies become very troublesome to animals and may even attack human beings. The voracious habits of Stomoxys are well shewn when a number are kept together in captivity. Under these circumstances if an individual suffers any injury, the others at once try to feed on it and, if succer^s- ful in piercing the integument, suck all the contents out of their unfortunate companion. Unlike many blood-sucking flies, the female Stomoxys will lay fertile eggs without ever having fed on blood. Life history. Xewstead has recently given a complete description of the metamorphosis of this insect from which the following account is taken. The female generally lays its eggs a few inches below the surface in stable manure, decomposing vegetable matter, or similar materials. Although the flight of this insect is usually noiseless, when the female is preparing to oviposit the noise of its wings is distinctly audible, resembling the hum made by most other members of the Muscidae. The eggs are generally laid in an irregular heap and their number is usually about 50 to 70. The egg is 1 mm. in length, very elongate, shaped somewhat like a banana, being curved on one side and deeply grooved on the other. This groove widens towards the anterior end. The colour of the egg is white when first laid, but subsequently becomes creamy-white. XIX] LIFE HISTORY 359 The larva escapes by splitting the egg membrane at the broad end of the groove. During August, with an average tempera- ture of 720 F. in the day and 650 at night, the incubation period varies from two to three days. The young larva is round, smooth, and almost transparent, and of the usual acephalous muscid type (Fig. 6, p. 20). It may be distinguished by the appearance of the two posterior stigmata, which are small, circular and situated rather far apart. Its length when full grown is about n mm. The duration of Fi no apparent reason why the disease should not have broken out 366 POLIOMYELITIS [CH. previously to 1907, for large numbers of emigrants had been arriving for many years before that date, and also why the infection should have suddenly appeared in many other parts of the world. Since this date, however, the disease has taken on fresh activities in its original home, and in 191 1, Sweden was visited by a very severe epidemic. Distribution. Poliomyelitis is especially prevalent in Scan- dinavia and Northern Europe but, in addition, epidemics have occurred in England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Spain ; in America large numbers of cases have been recorded from New York and Boston in the east, to San Francisco in the west, and a large outbreak occurred in Cuba in 1909. The disease has also been recorded from various parts of Australia. Causal agent. Although the most varied methods of staining and cultivation have been employed, no parasite has ever been detected in patients infected with poliomyelitis, but the scarcity of polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the altered cerebro-spinal fluid and spinal cord and the large increase in the number of mononuclears suggest that the parasite is protozoal in nature. The filterable nature of the virus has since been demonstrated, for if the spinal cord of a recently paralysed monkey is made into an emulsion with either distilled water, or normal saline, and passed through a Berkefeld filter, the resulting filtrate is still infective. Moreover, its activity is very considerable, for one thousandth of a cubic centimetre of a filtered 2-5 per cent, suspension of the spinal cord of an infected monkey is sufficient to produce infection and paralysis when injected into another monkey. The resistance of the virus is extraordinary, for in dust, especially within protein matter, it remains virulent for months. In diffuse day- light it survives indefinitely and resists the action of pure glycerine and 0-5 per cent, phenol for many months. The virus may be preserved by passage through monkeys, as these animals are easily infected by the intra-cerebral injection of an emulsion of the brain or spinal cord of an animal suffering from poliomyelitis. The susceptibility of monkeys has enabled Flexner, in conjunction respectively with Lewis and Clark, and also Landsteiner and Levaditi, to make some XX] CAUSAL AGENT 367 observations on the development of the virus within the body of an infected subject. The disease is essentially one of the central nervous system as evidenced by both the clinical and pathological features of the infection. If the virus is injected into the sciatic nerve of a monkey, it has been shewn that it multiplies in the nerve, first at the site of the injection and then progresses along the nerve until it reaches the spinal cord, when it causes paralysis of the hind-quarters. When the virus is placed on the unin- jured nasal mucous membrane, the infective agent travels up the olfactory nerves and subsequently causes general paralysis. It is evident, therefore, that nervous tissue is the one in which the organism chiefly multiplies. From the brain and spinal cord it passes into the cerebro-spinal fluid and thence into the blood circulation and lymphatic system, but in these positions it does not seem to persist for any length of time, except in the lymphatic nodes. The presence of the virus in the lymphatics explains why the nasal secretion becomes infected, for it has been shewn that poliomyelitis escapes with the secretions of the nose and throat and the discharges from the intestine of an infected person. Method of infection. Considering the infectivity of the various secretions of a patient suffering from poliomyelitis, it is only reasonable to suppose that the disease may be directly transmitted from one person to another without the aid of any intermediate host. Flexner supports the view that the nasal mucous membrane is the chief site of infection, for the virus is able to survive in the form of dust and thus mighl be inhaled, and, in fact, the sweepings of a room occupied by a poliomyelitis patient have been shewn to be infected. On the other hand, as a result of very thorough epidemio- logical studies conducted by the Massachusetts State Board of Health, evidence has been collected which supports the theory that the disease is spread by insects. Rosenau has recently (1912) been able to transmit poliomyelitis from infected to healthy monkeys by the bites of Stotnoxys cakitrans. Several monkeys infected with the disease by intracerebral inoculation were daily exposed to the bites of several hundred Stomoxys, 368 POLIOMYELITIS [CH. at the same time exposing twelve healthy monkeys to the bites of these flies. Of these twelve monkeys, six developed symp- toms characteristic of poliomyelitis, namely, illness, followed by more or less extensive paralysis- Two monkeys died, and in the spinal cord of one of them was found the characteristic lesions of this disease, i.e., perivascular infiltration and des- truction of the motor cells of the anterior cornu. Anderson and Frost have confirmed these experiments of Rosenau and their results will be given in detail. On October 3rd, a rhesus was inoculated intracerebrally with an emulsion of the spinal cord of a monkey that had died of poliomyelitis. Two hours after inoculation it was exposed to the bites of about 300 Stomoxys collected in Washington. Each day until the death of the monkey on October 8th, it was exposed for about two hours to the bites of these flies, together with additional ones that were added as they were caught. This monkey developed the characteristic complete paralysis on October 7th and died on October 8th. Another monkey similarly inoculated on October 5th was then daily exposed to the bites of the same lot of flies from October 7th until October 9th, when the second monkey died. Thus from October 4th to the 9th inclusive, the Stomoxys had been able to feed on two monkeys infected with poliomyelitis. Beginning on October 4th, two fresh monkeys (Java and rhesus) were exposed daily for about two hours to the bites of these same flies ; and on October 5th yet a third monkey (rhesus) was similarly exposed. On October 12th the Java monkey was found completely paralysed and died the same day. The second rhesus monkey also developed paralysis during the day and was anaesthetised. The first rhesus monkey died on October 13th after presenting the typical symptoms of poliomyelitis. Thus three monkeys exposed daily to the bites of several hundred Stomoxys, which at the same time were allowed to feed on two infected monkeys, developed typical symptoms of poliomyelitis seven, eight and nine days, respectively, from the date of their first exposure to the bites of the flies. These results are of great interest and shew that the XX] LYPEROSIA 369 disease may be transmitted by the bites of Stomoxys. It should be added, however, that the transmission has only been effected under experimental conditions and it remains to be seen whether this is the usual method of infection in nature, for cases of poliomyelitis have occurred in the absence of any Stomoxys. REFERENCES. Anderson and Frost (191 2). Transmission of poliomyelitis by means of the stable-fly {Stomoxys calcitrans). Public Health Reports, Washington, vol. xxvu. No. 43. Brues and Sheppard (191 2). The possible etiological relation of certain biting insects to the spread of infantile paralysis. Journ. Econ. Entom. vol. v. No. 4. Kling, Wernstedt and Pettersson (191 2). Recherches sur le mode de propagation de la paralysie infantile epidemique. Zeitschr. f. Immunitdtsforschung, vol. xii. pp. 316—323 and 657-670. Kling and Levaditi (1913). Etudes sur la poliomyelite. Publ. de I'lnst. Pasteur. 126 pp. Paris : Maretheux. Rosenau (1913). Public Health Reports, Washington, vol. xxvu. CHAPTER XXI LYPEROSIA General description. The genus Lyperosia is closely related to Stomoxys, from which it may be distinguished by the shape of the maxillary palps, which are more or less spatulate, and as long, or almost as long, as the proboscis. When the insect is resting the palps ensheath the proboscis, as in the case of Glossina, and as a result the combined structures appear as a stout rod-like process in front of the head. The proboscis is long and tapering, chitinous throughout, and the labella are small. The arista is feathered only on the dorsal sun The third longitudinal vein is without bristles and the fourth longitudinal is gently curved distally so as to Leave the first posterior cell wide open. All the known species of Lyperosia are small, dull, incon- spicuous insects, not exceeding about 4 mm. in Length. H. B. F. -4 370 LYPEROSIA [CH. They are very common on domestic animals and generally cluster on any small sores. They also take advantage of the wounds caused by the bites of Tabanids, etc. In the Philip- pines, Mitzmain has observed these insects to wait for a Tabanus to finish feeding and then immediately suck up the drop of blood that oozed from the open wound caused by the larger insect. They are also capable of obtaining blood for themselves, and the only European species, L. irritans Linn., has the habit of clustering in a dense mass about the base of the horns of cattle. Lyperosia rarely attacks man, but regarding a Uganda species, L. punctigera, Austen records the following observation by the collector (the late Dr W. A. Denshaw) : " These flies were noticed in great numbers in one camp only near the Nile, and were very troublesome to my boys early one sunny morning ; they clustered thickly on any small sore, and quickly filled themselves ; though preferring to feed in this way, they seemed also to insert the proboscis into sound skin." Life-cycle. The life-history of Lyperosia irritans Linn, has been investigated in America by Riley and Howard. The eggs are laid singly on the surface of freshly dropped cow-dung. They are light reddish-brown in colour and vary from 1-25 to 1-37 mm. in length, by 0-34 to 0-41 mm. in breadth. As soon as they hatch the larvae penetrate into the dung and in this situation complete their development. The fully-grown larva is dirty white in colour and about 7 mm. in length. The posterior stigmatic plates, situated on the terminal segment, are large, very dark brown, and almost circular, but with their inner adjacent margins almost straight, and each has a circular central opening. On the ventral surface of the anal segment is a dark yellow chitinous plate bearing six irregular paired tubercles, and the whole plate is surrounded by an area of coarsely granulated skin. The pupae are found in the ground beneath the dung, at a depth of about 2 cms. The puparium resembles that of the house-fly, being dark brown in colour and barrel-shaped. Its dimensions vary from 4 to 4-5 mm. in length, by 2 to 2-5 mm. in breadth. XXl] LYPEROSIA AND DISEASE 371 Lyperosia and Disease There is no direct experimental evidence in support of the view that Lyperosia carries any infection, but certain authors have suggested that this fly may occasionally be responsible for the spread of various trypanosomiases of animals. Schat is of the opinion that Lyperosia exigua de Meijere, takes a part in the spread of Surra in Java. Montgomery and Kinghorn, in Rhodesia, record an outbreak of trypanosomiasis occurring under the following circumstances. A herd of cattle in Northern Rhodesia which had been in good health for a year was kept on a farm two-and-a-half miles from the nearest tsetse area. In April six bullocks were sent on a journey and as they passed through a fly belt were prob- ably bitten by tsetse. These bullocks returned to the farm a few days later. In June, three of these animals and also one which had not been away shewed trypanosomes. In July, fifteen animals were infected so all the healthy cattle were isolated in a place that seemed free from biting-flies. Five more of these animals shewed trypanosomes in August and were removed, but the balance continued to remain uninfected. The average duration of the disease was about 30 days, and the parasite is described as T. dimorphon. The authors write : " From an examination of all conditions, we think it prob- able that one or more of the six cattle that went to Mwomboshi in April contracted the disease on the road and brought it to the farm, where, in the presence of Stomoxys and Lyperosia in the kraals, the animals, including cows and bulls, which did not leave the place, became infected, and that the segregation from these flies checked its spread to the fourteen cattle which remained healthv." Montgomery and Kmghorn believe that in this case, Lyperosia was partly responsible for the transmission, the trypanosomes being directly carried from infected to healthy animals. In India, Leese has given an interesting account of an out- break of Surra in the Bikanir State in the desert of Rajputana. During this outbreak the Imperial Service Camel Corps, out of 500 camels, had only 205 survivors and of these 130 were -4—- 372 HIPPOBOSCIDAE [CH. suffering from chronic Surra. Only 40 camels had been out- side the State and the great majority of them had been in the Corps so long that they could not have been infected when purchased, therefore the infection must have chiefly spread within the State itself. Bikanir is about 200 miles square, and there is only one small locality in which Tabanus is known to occur. Leese proved that the outbreak occurred and spread when the camels were grazing in the desert portion of the State at least 100 miles from any fly zone. In this region the only biting fly present was Lyperosia minuta Bezzi, which swarmed on the animals and caused great irritation so that the camels rubbed against each other in order to dislodge them. It seems probable, therefore, that Surra can spread in the presence of Lyperosia alone, and Leese believes that the transmission is probably mechanical. REFERENCES. Austen, E. (1909). African Blood-sucking Flies, p. 160. Leese, A. S. (1912). Journ. Trop. Vet. Sci. vol. vn. p. 19. Montgomery and Kinghorn (1908). Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. vol. 11. p. 130. Riley, C. V. and Howard, L. O. (1889). Insect Life, vol. 11. p. 93. Schat, P. (1903)- Mededal. Proefstation Oost-Java, 3rd ser. No. 44. CHAPTER XXII Family Hippoboscidae (Tick-Flies). Description. The members of this family may be regarded as Mnscidae that have become adapted to an entirely parasitic mode of life on birds and mammals. As a result certain marked changes in structure and reproduction have taken place and the flies form such a distinct group that they are frequently placed in a separate sub-order, the Pupipara, characterized by their viviparous mode of reproduction. The Hippoboscidae may be distinguished by the following charac- ters : XXII] DESCRIPTION AND BIONOMICS 373 The head is generally flattened and usually fits into an emargination of the thorax. The antennae are apparently one- jointed and are inserted in pits or depressions, situated near the border of the mouth. The maxillary palps ensheath the proboscis, which closely resembles that of Glossina, but never projects in front of the head. The eyes are round or oval, and are widely separated in both sexes ; ocelli may be present or absent. The thorax is flattened, strongly chitinised, and leathery in appearance ; the scutellum is broad and short. The abdomen is unsegmented. The legs are rather short and very strong, broadly separated by the abdomen and end in powerful claws. The wings may be well-developed, rudimen- tary, or entirely absent ; when present the veins are always concentrated towards the anterior margin. The halteres are small or rudimentary. The length of the adult insect may vary from about 3 mm. up to 11 -5 mm. Bionomics. The Hippoboscidae live amongst the fur or feathers of either mammals or birds, and by means of their strong legs and claws are enabled to cling to their hcsts. As a result of the adoption of this parasitic mode of life, the wings have gradually become rudimentary and in Melophagus ovinns. the common " sheep-ked," they are entirely wanting. They run about on the surface of their hosts, and even when possessing well- developed wings make little use of them. They feed entirely by sucking the blood of birds and mammals, and except for some special reason, such as the death of the host, rarely leave its body. The bites of Hippoboscidae are not very painful to man, but the sensation produced by their sharp claws hanging to the skin is most unpleasant. However, none of the species, except fortuitously, ever attack man. Reproduction. As in the case of Glossina, the female Hippoboscid at certain intervals gives birth to a fully crown larva which at once proceeds to pupate. The body oi the larva exhibits practically no trace of segmentation and thus differs from those of the true Muscidae. The female may deposit its larva either amongst the hair of its host e.g. Melo- phagus) or on the ground (e.g. Lynch ia), but precise information 374 HIPPOBOSCIDAE [CH. on this subject is lacking. After a variable incubation period the pupa, which is of the usual Cyclorrhaphous type, splits off a cap at the anterior end and the perfect insect emerges from the circular aperture thus formed. Hippoboscidce and disease. Up to the present no truly pathogenic organisms have been shewn to be carried by Hippo- boscidae, but two species of Hippobosca are said to transmit Trypanosoma theileri occurring in cattle in the Transvaal, and three species of Lynchia have been shewn to carry the pigeon halteridium, Hcemoproteus columbce. The insects, therefore, are of little importance from the point of view of disease- carriers, but some of them are of economic interest because of the harm they do to domestic animals, through mere irritation. Classification. The Hippoboscidae may be divided into thirteen genera as follows : Synopsis of the genera of Hippoboscidce after Speiser1. A. Wings well developed and junctional. /Claws with the usual two points (heel and tip) ; parasitic on mammals =2 \ Claws with three teeth ; parasitic on birds . . . . . . . . =3 I^Head of normal form, not broadly impinging on thorax, freely movable ; J ocelli absent ; wings always present . . . . = Hippobosca. I Head flat, broadly impinging on thorax ; ocelli present ; wings sometimes I becoming detached (in female) leaving only a shred =Dipoptena. f Ocelli present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =4 \ Ocelli wanting (no anal cell) .. .. .. .. .. .. =5 = 6 = 0mithophila. the tip rounded = Lynchia. than in Ovnithomyia, with = Olfersia. Third longitudinal vein not elbowed at the anterior transverse vein = Ovnithomyia. Third longitudinal vein abruptly bent forwards at the level of the anterior transverse vein — Ornithceca. J" Anal cell present \ Anal cell absent . . p Wings of a peculiarly pointed form (vide Fig. 85) 5 ■{ Wings of the ordinary form but less expanded I broadly rounded tip 6 B. Wings rudimentary or wanting. /Wings present, but rudimentary and functionless ; halteres present = 2 \ Wings and halteres absent . . . . . . . . =Melophagus. 1 Modified from Alcock's Entomology for Medical Officers, p. 187. XXIl] LYNCHIA 375 /Claws with the usual two points (heel and tip) .. .. .. =3 \ Claws with three teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . =4 f Ocelli present. Wings always well developed, but always in the female and generally in the male becoming detached, so that only shreds remain resembling rudimentary wings . . . . = Lipoptena. Ocelli wanting. Wings rudimentary. Legs much enlarged or elongated *- =Allobosca. f Ocelli present. Wings narrow, nearly ten times as long as broad, and ■< longer than the abdomen . . . . . . . . =Stenopteryx. I Ocelli absent. Wings not more than three times as long as broad .. =5 /Wings as long as, or longer than, the abdomen . . — Oxypterum. \ Wing rudiments much shorter than the abdomen . . . . . . =6 /Veins of the wings distinct. Asiatic species . . . . =Myiophthiria. \ Veins of the wings indistinct. North American species = Brachypteromyia. Genus Lynchia Weyenbergh. Speiser1 gives the following diagnosis of the genus : " Head without frontal eyes, antennal prolongations frequently bearing characteristic brushes. Scutellum squarely cut off from the thorax, almost four times as broad as long, often with con- spicuous hairs. Legs normal, claws with accessory teeth and rather large basal protuberances. Wings narrowly tapering, consequently the venation is striking and characteristic. The posterior basal cell is quite open, the posterior transverse vein absent. The veins appear somewhat more compressed towards the anterior border than in Olfersia Leach. Spec, typica : L. penelopes Weyenbergh." Certain members of this genus have been shewn to transmit Hcetnoproteus columbce and are probably responsible for the spread of other kinds of Halteridia. L. lividicolor, Bigot (1885) 2 has been shewn to transmit H. columbce in Brazil. It is easily distinguished from the other members of its genus by the brownish colour of the wings instead of the usual milky-white. 1 Speiser (1902). Studien liber Diptera pupipara. /. Hymenoptett logie u. Dipt vol. 11. p. 155. ■ Bigot (1885), Ann. Soc. lint. France, p. 238. 376 LYNCHIA MAURA [CH. Lynchia maura (Bigot), 1885. Olfersia maura Bigot, 1885. Description. Bigot gives the following diagnosis of this species : " Antennae chestnut-coloured with yellowish setae ; epistome and vertex testaceous ; frons brown, shining on either side. Thorax brownish-black, scarcely shining, with the shoulders and scutellum dirty fulvous. Abdomen obscurely infuscate ; apex of the second segment with a fulvous margin. Legs testaceous ; upper surfaces of femora slightly infuscated and with scanty black setae ; posterior femora marked on the outside with a slender brownish line. Wings nearly hyaline ; costal and first four longitudinal veins tinctured with black along the whole length, and the fifth vein as far as the first black transverse vein." Fig. 85. Lynchia maura ? . ( x 6.) Drawn from Bigot's type specimen. Bionomics. L. maura generally occurs on young pigeons about 15 to 20 days old, in which the feathers have commenced to grow. As many as 50 or 60 may be found on a nestling pigeon, whereas it is uncommon to find any on the adult birds. The insects usually remain hidden amongst the plumage and their smooth flat body enables them to glide under the feathers. If the bird is taken in the hand, or shakes itself very thoroughly, the Lynchia take flight. They change hosts readily and their flight is very rapid. XXII] LIFE-CYCLE 377 The insect seems to be unable to live on any other bird than the pigeon, and in captivity usually dies within 48 hours after being removed from its host. The copulation takes place either during repose or whilst the insects are flying and lasts a very long time ; during the act the female raises its wings in order to permit the access of the male. Life-cycle. The larva is laid amongst the dry dust in the pigeon-house, never in the moist excrement. When freshly laid the larva appears as a white ovoid body with a black spot in the form of a six-rayed star at the posterior pole. Pupation is usually complete within an hour of the larva being born, and is accompanied by darkening of the integument, which becomes black. The pupa measures about 3 mm. in length by 2-5 mm. in breadth, and closely resembles a small grain of seed. The surface of the pupa is marked by a network of fine lines giving it the appearance of crushed morocco. The pupa hatches after an incubation period of 23 to 28 days, when it is kept at a temperature of 24 to 300 C. When pupae are kept at the body temperature of the pigeon (420 C.) they invariably die without hatching, therefore it is very unlikely that they occur amongst the feathers on the body of the host. Lynchia and disease. Three species belonging to this genus, viz. L. maura, brunea and lividicolor, have been shewn capable of transmitting Hcemoproteus columbce. It is also probable that certain other protozoal infections of pigeons, such as trypanosomes and Leucocytozoa may also be carried by these insects, but up to the present there is no experimental proof in support of this supposition. LITERATURE. Bigot (1885). Ann. Soc. Entomol. de France, 6th series, vol. V. p. - Sergent, Ed. and Et. (1907). Ann. Inst. Pasteur, vol. xxi. p. 251. 3J& HIPPOBOSCA RUFIPES [CH- Hippobosca rufipes v. Olfers, 1816. This species is about 1 cm. in length and is characterised by the markings on the thorax and scutellum. The thorax is a rich chestnut-brown colour and is bordered by a ring of yellowish- white spots ; in addition there is a white spot in the middle of the dorsal surface. The scutellum is marked by a median red spot, on each side of which is a yellowish-white spot. Fig. 86. Hippobosca rufipes. ( x 3.) Bionomics. H. rufipes is the common parasite of cattle and horses in South Africa. According to von Olfers, the type of this species was taken on an ostrich, but he suggests that the fly may have come from a quagga, as these animals used to mingle with the flocks of ostriches. According to Theiler it is often found on cattle, on which it usually settles between the hind-legs, but may occur running over any part of the body. This species may occasionally stray on to other hosts, for Mr Distant states that in the Transvaal this fly often attached itself to his neck. A pupa of H. rufipes has been described by Austen. It is 5-6 mm. in length by 4-8 mm. in breadth and is roundly ovate in shape. The colour is a dark seal-brown with the exception of the posterior end which bears a black cap, separated off from XXII] H^MOPROTEUS COLUMB^ 379 the rest of the surface by a distinct groove. The anterior end is surrounded by a darker line, marking the line of dehiscence of the cephalic cap. There is a longitudinal row of six punc- tures on each side, above and below, near the lateral margin. Hippobosca and disease. In addition to being the carrier of Trypanosoma theileri [vide infra), Mr Hutcheon states that a local form of anthrax, which is very common in horses in parts of Griqualand West, is most probably due to infection caused by Hippobosca rufipes. There is no experimental evidence in support of this statement. Hippobosca maculata, Leach, also occurs parasitic on horses and cattle in many parts of the world, including South Africa, where, however, it is comparatively uncommon. It is probable that this species as well as rufipes is capable of transmitting T. theileri, and in his experiments Theiler used a mixture of the two. As, however, rufipes is the more common species in South Africa, where T. theileri is especially prevalent, it is only reasonable to assume that it is the usual carrier of the infection. CHAPTER XXIII INFECTIONS TRANSMITTED BY HIPPOBOSCIDAE 1. Haemoproteus columbae Celli and San Felice, 189 1. General account. Hczmoprotcus columbce, the halteridium of the pigeon, is very common in many parts of the world, having been recorded from Italy, France, North Africa, India and Brazil. It is apparently non-pathogenic, for pigeons may shew large numbers of the parasites in the blood circulation for years, without any obvious harmful effects being produced Et. and Ed. Sergent, in 1906, shewed that in Algeria the para- site is transmitted by Lynchia tnaura Bigot, one ol the Hippoboscidae. In 10,08, Aragao worked out the life-cycl< the parasite both in the blood of the pigeon and in the inver- tebrate hosts of this infection in Brazil, viz., Lynchia bra and L. lividicolor (Oliv.). Aragao's account is somewhat 380 H^MOPROTEUS COLUMB^ [CH. incomplete but such as it is does not support Schaudinn's observations on the life-cycle of a closely related parasite, Hcemo- proteus noctuce, occurring in the little stone owl, Athene noctua . Life-cycle. Owing to the presence of infected flies in the nests of the pigeons, the young birds frequently become infected, the parasites appearing in the blood after an in- cubation period of from 20 to 30 days. The first stages of development take place in the white blood corpuscles and if smears are made of the lungs of a pigeon 13 or 14 days after it has been bitten by an infected insect, the young forms of the Hcemoproteus can generally be found within the leucocytes. At this stage the parasite appears as a small mass of protoplasm about 3 to 4 microns in diameter, containing one or two nuclei. This form lives within the cytoplasm of a leucocyte and by repeated division gives rise to a number of parasites, each of which contains a single nucleus and is provided with a more or less distinct membrane. This stage may be found in the pigeon from 15 to 17 days after the bite of the insect. Each of these bodies then commences to grow very rapidly and produces a large mass of cytoplasm 8 to 12 microns in diameter, containing several small particles of chromatin, and surrounded by a more or less definite cyst-wall. The leucocytes containing the parasites undergo hypertrophy and become very large, up to 60 microns in diameter. This phase of development is present about the eighteenth or nineteenth day. According to Aragao, at this stage it is possible to distinguish two kinds of cysts by their staining reactions, one of which will give rise to the female and the other to the male-producing merozoites. From the twentieth to the twenty-fourth day of development the cysts increase enormously in size, up to as much as 50 microns in diameter. The membrane is now very distinct and the numerous nuclei are uniformly scattered throughout the cytoplasm. The cysts cease to grow and their protoplasm breaks up into a number of polygonal masses with the nuclei arranged along their edges (Fig. 87, 18), thus closely resembling the young malaria sporoblasts. This change takes place on the twenty-fifth day and is immediately succeeded by the division XXIII] DEVELOPMENTAL CYCLE 381 Fig. 87. Developmental cycle of Hcsmoproteus columba. la and id, young halteridia in the blood corpuscles ; la to 4a and ib to 4 in the growth of the female and male gametocytes, respectively : 5a, female gamete ; 56, formation of male gametes ; o, fertilization ; 7, zygote ; 8 to 12, stages in the extrusion of granules from the ookinete ; 13, youi stage in a leucocyte from the lung of a pigeon ; 14 to 20, stages in its multiplication, accompanied by hypertrophy of the lew >, the liberation of large numbers of uninucleate forms which enter the red cells and there become the young halteridia. (Alter Aragfto.) 382 JLEMOPROTEUS COLUMB^ [CH. into merozoites. Each nucleus, together with a small mass of cytoplasm, becomes separated off, and thus, in the inside of the cyst, hundreds of merozoites are formed (Fig. 8y, ip) . The cysts, together with the leucocyte that contains them, then rupture, and the merozoites are set free in the blood stream of the pigeon about 26 days after the bite of an infected insect (Fig. 87, 20). The merozoites then invade the red blood corpuscles and develop into the typical halteridium forms that are found in the circulating blood (Fig. 87, i-j), and these are incapable of any further development within the body of the pigeon. Accord- ingly there is no cycle of schizogony such as occurs in the case of the malarial parasites, but after the completion of develop- ment within the leucocytes in the internal organs, the merozoites, as soon as they have entered the red blood corpuscles, develop into the sexual forms, male and female. The appearance of the male and female gametocytes of HcBtnoproteus is practically the same as that of the corres- ponding stages of Plasmodium. The macro-garnet ocytes stain intensely and contain a large amount of reserve food material in the form of granules, whilst the micro-gametocytes are much lighter and almost free from granules. When taken into the stomach of the invertebrate host the gametocytes escape from the red cells and give rise to the gametes. The macro-gamete is a large rounded body containing a single nucleus near the middle of the cytoplasm (Fig. Sy, ja). The nucleus of the micro-gametocyte (Fig. 8y, 4b) breaks up into a number of small particles arranged in pairs, and each pair, together with a small quantity of cytoplasm, becomes separated off in the form of an elongate vermiform micro-gamete. These swim about until they come in contact with a ripe macro-gamete when fertilization takes place, the result of the fusion being an ookinete. The liberation of the micro-gametes and the process of fertilization may be observed by placing a small quantity of infected blood on a glass slide and watching it under the microscope. Probably as a result of the diminu- tion in temperature, the ripening of the gametes and fertili- zation take place in the same way as if the blood had been ingested into the stomach of its invertebrate host. XXIIl] LIFE-CYCLE 383 The ookinetes may be observed in the gut of Lynchia within three hours after a meal of infected blood. Each ookinete is an elongate, somewhat gregarine-like body, that moves about by means of undulations of its body. The pigment granules, that originally are scattered throughout the whole of its cytoplasm, become concentrated in a clump at the posterior extremity (Fig. 8j, 9-1 /), which eventually is separated from the rest of the body. In this manner the ookinete gets rid of the waste granules in its cytoplasm. The subsequent history of this form is not certain, but in all probability it does not undergo any further development in the invertebrate host. When an infected Lynchia bites a pigeon, the ookinetes present in the front part of the insect's alimentary canal, are introduced into the blood of the bird and undergo further development in the leucocytes. The cycle within the vertebrate host is then repeated, the parasite multiplying in the leucocytes of the pigeon in the manner described above. It will be noticed that Hcemoprotens columbcz possesses only one method of multiplication, there being no distinct schizo- gonic and sporogonic cycles as in the case of Plasmodium. The parasite is apparently unable to multiply within the body of its invertebrate host, Lynchia, all multiplication taking place in the vertebrate host. H. columbcB is not hereditarily transmitted to the offspring of infected Lynchia, for large numbers of freshly-hatched insects may be fed on a healthy pigeon without producing any infection. The number of halteridia appearing in the blood circu- lation of a pigeon is directly proportional to the number of infected Lynchia that feed on the bird. The bite of only onv insect produces a very mild infection, whereas when 50 are led on a pigeon, almost every corpuscle becomes infected. REFERENXES. Aragao (1908). Der Entwicklungsgang und die Obertragung von Hatnoproteus columbcr. Arch. f. Protistcnkunde, vol. xn. p. 154. Mayer, M. (1910). Die Entwicklung von Halteridium. Arch, j 5 //. Tropenhyg. vol, xiv. p. 197. (191 1). Ein Halteridium und Leucoeyto/oon des Waldkar. ../. ProHsienkunde, vol. xxi. p. 232. Sergent, Ed. and Et. (1907). Les Hemato/oaires d'Ois Inst. Pasteur, vol. xxi. p. 231. 384 TRYPANOSOMA THEILERI [CH. 2. Trypanosoma theileri Laveran, 1902. Synonym. T. transvaaliense Laveran. General account. This trypanosome was discovered by Theiler in 1902, occurring in the blood of cattle in the TransvaaL It was named and described by Laveran, in 1902, who at the same time distinguished two species of trypanosomes occurring" in the blood of cattle in the Transvaal, viz. T. theileri and 7\ transvaaliense. Theiler has shewn that the latter is merely a young stage in the development of T. theileri, for when blood containing transvaaliense was injected into cattle the latter developed infections of typical theileri. The pathogenic effects of this trypanosome are so slight, that no difference can be detected between normal and infected cattle. Since the discovery of T. theileri, non-pathogenic trypano- somes have been found in the blood of catt e from all parts of the world. In the majority of cases the parasites are present in such scanty numbers that their presence can only be detected by means of culturing the blood of the infected animals, but in others the trypanosomes are in sufficient quantity to be evident on ordinary microscopic examination. Considering the fact that cattle infected with T. theileri in Africa frequently shew very many parasites in the circulating blood, whereas in the case of infections with T. americanum, franki, rutherfordi, etc., the trypanosomes are always excessively rare, the specific identity of these forms seems a little doubtful. However, there is a possibility that the numerous non-pathogenic trypanosomes, described under different names1 from practically every part of the world, only constitute one species, and therefore the observations in this chapter only refer to T. theileri as observed in the Transvaal. Morphology of the parasite. T. theileri is remarkable because of its relatively enormous size. The large forms measure as much as 60 to 70 microns in length by 4 to 5 microns in breadth. The transvaaliense forms, which are probably stages 1 Among these may be mentioned T. himalayanum, indicum and muktesari Lingard, 1904 ; T. franki Frosch, 1909 ; T. wrublewskii, T. americanum Crawley, 1909 ; T. rutherfordi Hadwen, 191 2. XXIII MORPHOLOGY 38; in the development of these large trypanosomes vary consider- ably in their dimensions. The smaller parasites measure about 18 microns in length by 2 microns in breadth, and all stages in their increase in size may be observed. In the small forms the kinetonucleus is frequently situated alongside the tropho- Fig. 8%. Trypanosoma theileri. x about 1500. A. Small crithidial form B. Large individual from the blood of a cow. (After Theiler.) nucleus in the middle of the body of the trypanosome, and the undulating membrane is only slightly developed. In the larger parasites of the theileri type, the kinetonucleus is situated towards the posterior extremity and the trophonucleus about the middle of the body. The undulating membrane is very large and thrown into bold folds ; anteriorly the flagellum is free for a distance equal to about one-quarter the length of the body of the parasite. The protoplasm contains large numbers of granules and stains very deeply. The only mode of multiplication that has been observed is simple longitudinal division, which is of the normal type. Mode of transmission. Theiler has shewn that this trypano- some may be carried from one animal to another by means of Hippobosca. " For this purpose some flies were kept over- night in order to make them hungry, and were then placed on the groins of an infected calf. To give the experiment ei chance of success, the spot where the flies were put to I first shaved, as was also the spot on a clean animal wl were placed for infection. Feeding by turns on a sick and on a clean animal was thus repeated several times, in order to secure H. B. F. 386 TRYPANOSOMA THEILERI [CH. XXIII an infection. Out of four experiments made in this way, two were successful. It must be stated here that the experimental animals were kept together with control animals in a stable, to exclude spontaneous infection, and that none of the control animals shewed a spontaneous infection. The incubation periods coincided typically with the period which is observed after artificial infection with small quantities of virus " (Theiler). Two specimens of the Hippobosca used in these experiments were identified by Speiser as Hippobosca rufipes v. Olfers, and H. maculata Leach, respectively. As the latter is excessively rare in South Africa, it is probable that H. rufipes is the usual carrier of T. theileri. The parasite may also be experimentally transmitted to cattle by the injection of small quantities of infected blood. Under these circumstances the incubation period depends, to a large extent, on the number of trypanosomes introduced ; it averages between four and six days, but in one case a period of 18 days was noticed. The trypanosomes are only present in the peripheral circulation for a comparatively short time and then disappear, leaving the animal immune against any further infection. The longest period in which the presence of the parasite was observed in the blood was 13 days, the average nine days, and the shortest period, one day. While present the numbers of the parasites may rise to 30 trypanosomes in each microscopic field, but the average is about five per field. The disappearance of the parasites is only apparent, however, for the blood of a cow has been shewn to be still infective 11 months after the animal was inoculated. REFERENCES. Laveran, A. (1902). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. vol. cxxxiv. p. 512. Theiler, A. (1903). Journ. Com. Path, and Therap. vol. xvi. p. 193. INDEX Where more than one reference is given the most important is printed in black figures Acalyptratae 24, 239, 240 Acanthocera 231 Acanthomeridae 225 Acartomyia 109 Acroceridae 225 Aedes 63, 71, 72, 109 calopus See Stegomyia fasciata Aedimorphus 109 Aedinae 76 Aedomyia 109, no, 114 Aestivo-autumnal malaria See Plas- modium falciparum African trypanosomiasis See Sleep- ing Sickness Agchylostoma duodenale 214 Ague See Malaria Aino 31, 287, 329 Aldrovanda vesiculosa 72 Allobosca 375 Ambassis ranga 152 Anabas 151 Andersonia 109 A nisocheleomyia in Anopheles 62, 63, 76, 78, 79, 95, 123, 134, 136, 144, 145, 148, 149, 154 Enemies of 144 Anopheles aconita 87, 88, 96 — var. cohcBsa 87, 96, 99 aitkeni 26, 80, 96, 105, 107, 140 albimana 94, 96, 97, 99, 107, 142 albipes 27, 94, 96, 215 albirostris 26, 87, 88, 96, 97, 99, albitarsis 94, 96 alboa>niulatus 85, 96 albofimbriata 94, 96 albotaniatus 84, 85, 96, 97 algerunsis 26, 81, 96, 142 annularis 85, 96 ainiulnnanus Si, 96 annulipalpis 95, 96 annttlipes Walker 95, 96, 103, 142 atnntliPt's Arrib. 95, 96 antennatus 05, 96 ardensis 91, 93, 96 Anopheles argyrotarsis 27, 90, 94, 96, 97, 99, 142, 215 arabiensis 26, 89, 96, 142 arnoldi 96 asiatica 83, 96, 138 atratipes 83, 96 atropos 81, 96 aureosquamiger 91, 96 aurirostris 96 austenii 89, 96 azriki 96 bancroftii 84, 96 barberi 81, 96 barbirostris 27, 84, 96, 140, 215 barianensis 81, 96 bellator 96 bifurcatus Linn. 26, 80, 81, 96, 99, 107, 141, 143, 222 bifurcatus Meigen 96, 101 bigotii 94, 96, 105 bisignata 96 boliviensis 95, 96 bozasi 94, 96 br achy pus 85, 96 braziliensis 94, 98 brunnipes 95, 98 cardamatisi 89, 98 ceylonica 95, 98 chaudoyei Theobald 27, 89, 98, 99, 142 chaudoyei Billet 89, 98 chrisiophersi 87, oS, 141, I Christopher si var. alboapicalis Sj, 98 christyi 95, 98 cincta 94 en. - 98, 101 clanger 8i, 98, j;i cleopatra 89 cohepsus 95, costalis M-. 215 costalis var. 1 I 33 Cc'.V 3S8 INDEX Anopheles crucians 81, 82, 98, 99 cvuzii 87, 98 cubensis 94, 98 culicifacies 26, 87, 88, 98, 101, 103, 137, 140, 142 culiciformis 80, 98 deceptor 95, 98 distinctus 89, 98 distinctus var. melanocosta 89, 98 d'thali 27, 87, 98 dudgeoni 92, 98 eiseni 81, 82, 98 elegans 95, 98 gy^oy 95, 98 fajardoi 95, 98 farauti 95, 98 ferruginosus 81, 98 yZaya 92, 98 flavicosta 87, 98 fluviatilis 87, 98 formosaensis I 26, 87, 98, 142 formosaensis II 26, 95, 97, 98 formosus 83, 98 fowleri 91, 92, 98 fragilis 80, 100 franciscanus 83, 100 freer ce 91, 92, 100 fuliginosus 27, 91, 92, 100, 101, 142 funesta 26, 86, 87, 88, 100, 101, 142 funesta var. subumbrosa 87, 100 funesta var. umbrosa 87, 88, 100 funesta var. neiriti 100 gambles 92, 100 gz'gas 82, 83, 100 gz'tes* 93, 100 gorgasi 94, 100 grabhamii 84, 100 gracilis Theobald 95, 100 gracilis Donitz 92, 100 grisescens 81, 100 Aa//i 92, 100 Ae&es 87, 100 hispaniola 27, 87, 88, 100, 105, 142 hy emahs 83, 100 immaculatus 81, 100 implex a 95, 100 impunctus 87, 100 indefinata 90, 100, 105 indica 87, 92, 100 indiensis 92. 100 intermedia 92, 100 intermedium 86, 100 jacobi 94, 100 jamesii Theobald 91, 100 jamesii Liston 92, 100 jehafi 87, 100 jesoensis 85, 100 jeyporensis 89, 100 Anopheles karwari 91, 92, 100, 103 kochii 91, 92, 100, 10 1 kumassii 87, 100 leptomeres 87, 100 leucopsus 92, 100 leucosphyrus 95, 102 lindesayi 83, 102 lindesayi var. maculata 83, 102 lineata 92, 95, 102 listoni 26, 86, 87, 88, 95, 99, 102, 137. 142 longipalpis 87, 102 ludlowi 27, 90, 102, 103, 138, 142 /wtei Cruz 93, 95, 102 Jwte* Theobald 27, 87, 93, 95, 99, 102, 138, 142 maculatus 27, 87, 91, 92, 102, 105, 107 maculicosta 95, 102 maculipalpis Giles 91, 102, 142 maculipalpis James and Liston 92, 102 maculipalpis var. indiensis 27, 92, 101, 102, 103 maculipennis 26, 51, 62, 65, 70, 71, 80, 81, 97, 99, 101, 102, 105, 141, 142, 156, 219, 222 ; Pupa 22 maculipes 85, 86, 102 malefactor 86, 102 mangy ana 90, 102 marshallii 91, 93, 102 martini 95, 102 masteri 95, 102 mauritianus 27, 84, 85, 99, 102, 105, 107 mediopunctatus 28, 86, 102 merus 91, 93, 102 metaboles 92, 102 minimus 89, 102 minutus 27, 85, 102 multicolor 95, 102 muscivus 95, 102 myzomyfacies 27, 89, 102, 142 natalensis 95, 102 neavei 88 neiriti 95, 101 nigerrimus Giles 27, 85, 102 nigerrimus James and Liston 85, 102 m'^ra 93, 102 nigrans 92, 102 nigrifasciatus 89, 102, 105 nigripes 81, 102 nigritarsis 93, 102 m/j 87, 88, 102 nimba 79, 80, 104 nivipes 91, 92, 104 nursei 89, 104 ocellatus 95, 104 occidentalis 104 INDEX 389 Anopheles palestinensis 89, 104 pallida 80, 104 pallidopalpi 83, 104 paludis 84, 85, 103, 104 paludis var. similis 84, 85, 104 parva 93, 104 peditcsniatus 27, 85, 104, 215 perplexans 83, 104 pharoensis 93, 94, 97, 104, 142 pharoensis var. a/fra 94, 104 philippinensis 91, 92, 104 pictus Ficalbi 85, 104 pictus Lcew 85, 104 pictus Macdonald. 87, 104 pitch f or di 89, 104 plumbeus 81, 103, 104 plumiger 85, 104 pretoriensis 91, 92, 104 pseudobarbirostris 84, 104 pseudocostalis 91, 93, 104 pseudomaculipes 28, 86, 104 pseudopictus 27, 84, 85, 104, 105, 222 pseudopunctipennis 26, 83, 104 pseudo squamosa 95, 104 pseudowillmori 92, 104 pulcherrima 93, 94, 104 punctatus 95 punctipennis Bigot mss. 94, 104 punctipennis Say 28, 83, 101, 104, 141 punctulata 95, 104, 105 pursati 26, 95, 104 pyretophoroides 87, 104 quadrimaculatus 81, 104 rhodesiensis 87, 88, 104 ro5su 26, 86, 90, 104, 107, 137, 138, 140, 215 rossii var. indefinata 90., 104 separatus 85, 104 sergentii 89, 104 simlensis 83, 104 sinensis 27, 83, 84, 85, 97, 101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 141, 215 sinensis var. indiensis 84, 85, 101 smithii 81, 106 squamosus 94, 106 squamosus var. arnoldi 94, 97, 106 stephensi 91, 92, 93, 101, 103, 106, 138, 140, 142 stigmaticus 95, 106 strachani 84, 106 subpictus 95, 106 superpictus 27, 89, 106, 142, 222 tarsimaculatus 27, 94, 106 tenebrosus 85, 106 tcsscllatu))i 95, 99, 106, 107 theobaldi 27, 91, 92, io(> thonito)!!! 95, 106 tibani 02, 106 tibiomaculata 93, [06 Anopheles transvaalensis 89, 106 treacheri 80, 106 trifurcatus 81, 106 turkhudi 27, 87, 88, 106 umbrosa 87, 106 umbrosus 27, 84, 106 unicolor 106 vagus 90, 106 vanus 85, 106 villosus 81, 106 vincenti 95, 106 walkeri 81, 106 waponi 92 watsonii Edwards 106 watsonii Leicester 95, 10C wellcomei 95, 106 wellingtonianus 83, io5 willmori James 27, 91, 92, 99, 101, 106, 137, 142 willmori Leicester 92, 106 willmori var. maculosa 106 ziemani 85, 106 Anophelinae 26, 76, 215 Dichotomous table showing natural grouping of species of 79 Table showing detailed tabulation of species of 79 Introduction of natural enemies of 151 Measures directed against adult mosquitoes 151 Obliteration of breeding- places 149 Anopheline-transmitted diseases 119 Anthomyidae 241 Anthrax 3, 31, 379 Antimosquito campaigns 149 Apioceridae 225 Apocampta 231 Aporoculex no Apotolestes 231 Arista 14 Arribalzagia 77, 78, 79, 85 See ^4 nopheles maculipes 77, 85 Asilidae 224, 225 ^ *Aen£ woe/Ma Blood parasites of 200 Babesia cams 155 Bacillus icteroides 1 8 1 Bacillus X 181 Baleri. General account 332: Ref- erences to literature on 335 also Trypanosoma pccauJi Banksnieila 109, ill Bathosomyia \ Bdellolarvnx 31. 2 13 BtWo 3 j Bibionidae Bilious remittent lever >V< Yellow Fever 390 INDEX Bird Malaria 196 General account 196 References to literature 199 See also Plasmodium prcecox Bironella 77, 95 ; see Anopheles gracilis 77 Biting-Flies as Carriers of Disease 25 Blepharoceridae 33 Blood-sucking Muscidae 241 Bolbodimyia 230 Bombyliidae 225 Brachypteromyia 375 Breeze-Flies See Tabanidae Boycia no Cacomyia 109 Cadicera 231 Calvertina 77, 92, 95 lineata 77, 92 Calyptratae 24, 239, 240 Synopsis of families of 240 Cecidomyia 34 Cecidomyidae 33 Cellia 77, 78, 79, 90, 93, 95 ; see A nopheles argyrotarsis 90 Celli's formula 124 Ceratopogon 26 Chagasia 77, 95 ; see Anopheles fajardoi 77 Chalcididae 270 Chaoborinae 76 Chironomidae 26, 33 Chironomus 34 Chcetura pelagica 74 Christopher sia 77, 91 ; see Ano- pheles hoc hit 77, 91 Christy a 77, 95 ; see Anopheles implex a 77 Chrysops 28, 231, 238 Cinchona 120 Cincindela 270 Citronella 319 Classification of Diptera 23 Cleggs See Tabanidae Ccelodiazesis barberi 81 Commensalism between fungus and mosquito 68 Conopomyia no Corethra 76 Corizoneura 231 Crescents 161, 162 Crithidia 7 Culex 2, 62, 63, 109, no, 115, 175, 176, 191, 198 concolor 115 fatigans 1, 28, 115, 122, 195, 196 198, 215 fatigans Distribution of 193 (Leucomyia) gelidus 28, 215 Culex jepsoni 214 malaria 222 (Culicada) nemorosus 28, 198, 199 penicillaris 222 pipiens 28, 62, 66, 70, 71, 115, 198, 200, 203, 209, 215, 222 (Leucomyia) sitiens 28, 215 Culicada 109, 114 Culicelsa 109 Culicidce 13, 17, 26, 28, 33, 50 Affect of colours 68 Biology of adult 67 Circulatory system 62 Classification 75 Definition 50 Digestive organs 56 Egg 62 Enemies of 72 External Anatomy 50 Flight 72 Food-habits 67 Habitats 70 Hibernation 71 Influence of sound on 70 Internal Anatomy 56 Larva 63 Life-cycle 62 Longevity 71 Mating habits 71 Method of feeding 67 Modes of dissemination 70 Nervous system 62 Publications of importance in con- nection with nomenclature and systematic work on 115 Pupa 66 References 75 Reproductive organs 61 Respiratory system 61 Resting position 70 Salivary apparatus 59 Culicinae 165, 215 Diseases transmitted by 177 References 177 Culiciomyia. no, 115 Curupira 33 Cyclical evolution of parasites 9 Cyclical transmission 4 Cycloleppteron 76, 78, 84, 85 ; see Anopheles grabhamii 84 Cyclops 1 1 Cyclorrhapha 23 Cyclorrhapha Aschiza 24 Cyclorrhapha Schizophora 24, 30, 224, 239 General description 239 Cypriondontidae 151 Danielsia 109 Dasybasis 230 INDEX 39* Dasymyia 1 1 1 Definitive host 4 Dendromyinae 76 Dengue 28, 190 Causal agent of 192 Distribution and Epidemiology 190 History 190 Mode of Infection 194 References to literature on 196 Synonyms 190 Dermococcus 218 Desvoidya 109, 114 Deuteroanopheles 86 Development of parasite in the in- vertebrate host 9 Dexiidae 241 Diachlorus 230 Diatomineura 231 Dichelacera 231 Dichoptic 1 3 Dicrania 231 Dipoptena 374 Diptera Abdomen 15 Alimentary canal of 19 Antennae 14 Classification of 23 Definition of 12 Eggs 20 General description of 12 General morphology 13 Head 14 Heart 19 Internal Anatomy of 19 Larvae 21 Legs 15 Mouth-parts 14 Nervous system 19 Pupa 21 Reproduction 20 Reproductive organs 19 Respiratory system 19 Surface of body 19 Thorax 15 Wings 15 Direct transmission 2 Dixidae },}, Dixinae 76 Dolichopodklae 74, 226 Dolomedes 270 Dorcal&mus 231 Double Quartan Fever 160 Dourim- 136 Drainage 153 Duttoma 109 Dytiscnl.r Dytiscus 73 Ecculex tog El Debab z, 233, 235 Elephantiasis 217 Empididae 74, 226 Empodium 15 Entomophtoraceae 58 Epidemic poliomyelitis See Polio- myelitis Epipharynx 14 Erephrosis 231 Esenbeckia 232 Eumelanomyia 1 1 1 Eumyiid Flies 24 Feltinella 77, 83 ; see Anopheles pallidopalpi 77. 83 Filaria 10, 11 Filaria bancrofti 1, 5, 26, 27, 176, 202, 365 Conditions affecting development in mosquito 214 Description 204 Distribution 203 Effect on mosquito 216 History 203 Life-cycle in mosquito 209 Life-cycle in vertebrate host 206 Pathological effects 217 Periodicity 207 Possibility of another indirect mode of transmission by mos- quito 216 References to literature on 219 Synonyms 202 Filaria canis cordis See F. imnutis diurna 209 Filaria immitis 26, 219 Description 220 Distribution 220 General account 219 Life-cycle 221 Pathogenic effects 223 References to literature on 223 Synonyms of 219 Filaria labiato-papillosa 31, 364 Description 364 Habitat 364 Life-history 364 References to literature on Synonyms 364 Filaria lou medinensis 11 noctuna See F. bancrofti Persians 304 phiUppinensis Sec F. recondita 223 sanguinis hominum nocturnj /•'. bancrofti Filariasis 202 Finlava 109 Fish as mosquito desti 151. 15a Gad-Flies S« Tabankte 392 INDEX Gastvophilns 240 Gastroxides 232 Gilesia 109 Glossina 20, 233, 242, 243, 297, 373 and disease 250, 293, 300 Determination of the species of 247 Diagnosis 243 Distribution 247 General description 243 References to literature on 252 Synopsis of species of 248 austeni 248 brevipalpis 31,243,248,249,287,288 Bionomics 288 Description 288 Distribution 288 References to literature on 293 Reproduction 291 Synonyms 288 and disease 292 Glossina caliginea 248 Glossina fusca 248, 249, 288, 315, 322 fusca (Austen 1903) See Glossina brevipalpis fuscipleuris 249 Glossina longipalpis 30, 249, 251, 274, 283, 333, 334, 336, 337, 344. 345 Bionomics 274 Description 274 Distribution 274 References to literature on 276 Reproduction 275 and disease 275 Glossina longipennis 31, 243, 249, 286, 288 Bionomics 287 Description 286 Distribution 287 References to literature on 287 and disease 287 medicorum 249 Glossina morsitans 8, 30, 246, 247, 248 , 249, 250, 251, 272, 273, 306, 3IQ, 315. 320, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334. 336, 337. 338, 345. 347. 350. 352, 353. 355 Bionomics 278 Description 276 Distribution 277 Primary Fly Centres 280 References to literature on 286 Reproduction 283 Synonyms 276 and disease 285 var. pallida 249, 277 var. paradoxa 248, 249, 277 Glossina pallicera 248 pallidipes 30, 249, 271, 305, 329, 330 Bionomics 271 Glossina pallidipes Description 271 Distribution 271 References to literature on 274 and disease 273 Glossina palpalis 30, 233, 244, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256. 300. 305. 3°6, 308, 315, 318, 319, 320, 330, 331, 333, 334, 336. 337. 338, 342, 344. 345. 347. 348. 349, 35o, 352, 363 Bionomics 260 Breeding localities 268 Description 256 Distribution 258 Internal Anatomy 258 Longevity 266 Natural enemies 269 References to literature on 271 Reproduction 266 Synonyms 256 var. wellmani 257 and Disease 270 tabaniformis 248, 249 Glossina tachinoides 30, 243, 248, 251. 253, 315, 333. 334. 336, 337. 344. 345 Bionomics 253 Description 253 Distribution 253 Prophylaxis against 255 References to literature on 255 Reproduction 255 Synonyms 253 Goniops 231 Grabhamia 114 Gualteria 109 Gyrinidae 73 Hcemamosba See Plasmodium Hcematobia 31, 243 Hcsmatobosca 31, 243 HcBmatopota 28, 227, 230, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 347 Haemogregarines 10 Hcemoproteus 122, 200 columbes 10, 31, 201, 374, 475, 379 General account 379 Life-cycle 380 References to literature on 383 noctucs 28, 380 H cemosporidium See Plasmodium Haemazoin 127 Halteridium See Hcemoproteus Haplochilus panchax 152 Harpagomyia 1 1 1 Heptaphlebomyia no Hereditary transmission 6 Hexatoma 230 Hibernation of Anophelines 144 INDEX 393 Hippobosca 374, 385 and disease 379 maculata 31, 379, 386 rufipes 31, 378, 386 Bionomics 378 Hippoboscidae 23, 31, 372 Bionomics 373 Classification 374 General description 372 References to literature on 377 Reproduction 373 Synopsis of genera of 374 and disease 374 Hispidimyia no Hodgesia ill Holoptic 13 Horse-Flies See Tabanidae Howardina no, 114 Humidity 144 Hydrophilidae 73 Hypopharynx 14 Hypopygium 15 Incubation period 9 Indirect transmission 4 Infantile paralysis See Poliomyelitis Ingramia in Inimetoculex 109 Intermediate host 5 Intermittent fever See Malaria Janthinosoma 109 Kelloggina 34 Kerteszia 77, 95 See Anopheles boliviensis 77 Kingia 109, 111 Labium 15 Labrum 14 Lalaps 12 Larvae 2 1 Larvicides 151 Lasioconops no Laverania 90 See Plasmodium Lebias dispar 150 Leicesteria 109, 114 Lepidoplatys 109 Lepidoselasa 230 Lepidotomyia 109 Leptidae 29, 224, 225 Leptomonas 7, 144 Leslieomyia 109 Leucocytogoon 12, 200, 202, 377 riemanni 28 Leucomyia no Lice 1 1 Li pop ten a 375 Lis pa sinensis 74 Lonchopteridae 226 Lophomyia 83 Lophoscelomyia 77, 83 See Anopheles asiatica 77, 83 Ludlowia no Lunula 13 Lutzia 66, 74, no Lynchia 10, 373, 374, 375, 383 and disease 377 fcnmea 377, 379 brunnipes 3 1 lividicolor 3L, 375, 377, 379 Lynchia maura 31, 376, 379 Bionomics 376 Description 376 Life-cycle 377 References to literature on 377 penelopes 375 Lyperosia 31, 243, 369 General description 369 Life-cycle 370 References to literature on 372 and disease 371 exigua 31, 361, 371 irritans 370 minula 31, 372 punctigera 370 Maillotia no Mai de la Zousfana 29, 236 Malaria 26, 27, 28, 119 Bionomics of mosquitoes in relation to 136 Definition 119 Historical 119 Immunity against 1 }'• Influences affecting through trans- mitting host 143 Life-cycle of parasite 125 Literature on New Aetiological Standpoint 1 2 } Prevention of 148 Racial tolerance to 147 Reservoirs of 154 Segregation 125, 154 Susceptibility to 14') Synonyms 119 Tropica See Plasmodium falci- parum Malaria and Nonimmune immigi in relation to man 145 Malarial parasite See /'. Affect of temperature on De\ 1 raent ol 1 4.3 \-< \ual cycle 126 Development ^i 9exual forms in blood 129 Intravenous inoculation of 121 Life-cycle of 125 394 INDEX Malarial parasite Schizogony 126 Sexual cycle 132 Sporogony 132 Malaya ill Malignant tertian See Plasmodium falciparum Malignant tertian malaria 121 Mandibles 15 Manguinhosia 77, 95 Manguinhosia lutzi 77 Mansonia 115 annulipes 29, 215 uniformis 29 uniformis (? africana) 215 Mansonioides no, 114 Matlazahuatl 178 Maxillae 1 5 Maxillary palps 15 Mbori 236 Mechanical transmission 2 Mediterranean Fever 28 Megarhininae 75 Megarhinus 15, 74 Melanoconion 110 Melaxeny 122 Melophagus 373, 374 ovinus 244, 373 Metanotopsilae 76 Metanototrichae 76 Miasm theory 120 Micraedes III Microculex no Mimomyia no, in Mites 74 Modes of infection 11 Molpemyia 109 Mosquitoes See Culicidae Mucidus 109, in Musca domestica 355 Muscidae 13, 30, 241, 373 (Blood-sucking) 241 (Blood-sucking) Synopsis of fami- lies of 242 Mycetophilidae 33 Mycetophilus 34 Mydaidae 225 Myiophthiria 375 Myodaria 239 Myxosquamus 109 Myzomyia 76, 78, 79, 86, 90, 93, 95 See Anopheles Myzorhynchella 77, 79, 86, 93 See Anopheles nigra 93 Myzorhynchus 76, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85 See Anopheles Nagana 236 General account 328 References to literature on 332 Nagana See also Trypanosoma brucei Nemestrinidae 225 Neoanopheles 94 Neocellia 77, 78, 91, 95 See Anopheles N eomelanoconion no Neomyzomyia 77, 78, 79, 95 See Anopheles elegans 77, 95 Neopecomyia 109 Nonimmune immigration 146 Notonotricha 86 See Anopheles intermedium 86 Nosema 144 Numomyia 114 Nuria danrica 150 Nyssorhynchus 77, 78, 79, 90, 91, 95 See Anopheles Ochlerotatus 109, 114 Oculeomyia no Oesophageal diverticula 58 Function of 67 Oestridae 240 Olfersia 374, 375 maura See Lynchia maura Ophiocephalus 151 Ornithodorus moubata 6 Ornithoeca 374 Ornithomyia 374 Ornithophila 374 Orphnephila 34 Orphnephilidae 33 Orthorrhapha 23 Brachycera 23, 29, 224 Synopsis of Families of 225 Orthorrhapha Nematocera 23 Classification 32 Definition 32 Synopsis of Families 33 Oscillaria See Plasmodium Oxypterum 375 Paludism See Malaria Pangonia 28, 231, 234, 235 Pangoniinae 231 Pappataci Fever 26, 44 Causal agent 47 Distribution 45 History 44 Mode of infection 46 Prophylactic measures 47 References 48 Symptomatology 45 Synonyms 44 Pappataci Flies See Phlebotomus Paraplasma fiavigenum 186 Patagiamyia 76, 77, 78, 79, 82 See Anopheles INDEX Pecomyia 109 Pectinopalpus no Pheidole megacephala 270 Pelecorhynchus 231 Pellagra 26 Phagomyia 109 Philcematomyia 31, 242 Phlebotomus Breeding localities 41,42 Definition of genus 36 Eggs 40 General account 35 Larva 40, 41 Life-cycle of 39 Pupa 41 References 48 Synopsis of species 42, 43, 44 and disease 42 and reptiles 39 Phlebotomus Fever See Pappataci Fever Phlebotomus antennatus 43 argentipes 43 cruciatus 44 duboscquii 43 himalayensis 43 intermedins 44 longipalpis 44 major 43 malabaricus 43 mascittii 43 minutus 43, 46 nigerrimus 42 Phlebotomus papatasii 20, 26, 43 Bionomics of 37 Wing venation 36 perniciosus 43, 46 perturbans 44 rostrans 44 squamipleuris 43 squamiventris 44 vexator 44 Phoridae 226 Piroplasma See Babesia Piroplasmidae 10 Pityocera 231 Plasmodium 10, 181, 196 Plasmodium falciparum 129, 130, 141, 143, 156, 160 Description of 160 Synonyms of 160 Plasmodium malarice 129, 141, 14}, 156, 158 Description of 158 Synonyms 158 pr&cox 28, 176, 197, 200 Development in the mosquito 198 relicta See P. />r <-/ . Plasmodium viva* 129, 141. 143, 155. 10 2, 197 Description of 155 Plasmodium vivax Distribution 158 Synonyms of 155 Poliomyelitis 31, 365 Causal agent 366 Distribution 366 History 365 Method of infection 367 References to Literature on 369 Synonyms 365 Polyleptiomyia 109 Polymitus 133 Primary Fly centres 280 Pristorhynchomyia 242 Pronopes 232 Proteosoma 1, 122 See Plasmodium prcecox Protoanopheles 78 Protoculex 109 Protomacleaya 109 Protomelanoconion no Pseudoculex 109 Pseudoficalbia in Pseudograbhamia 109 Pseudohowardina 109 Pseudomyzomyia 77, 79, 86, 90 See Anopheles rossii 77, 86, 90 Pseudoskusea 109 Pseudouranotcenia III Pseudovacuolae 197 Psorophora 63, 66, 74, 109 Psychodidae 26, 33 Definition 35 Ptilinum 13 Pulex irritans 223 serraticeps 223 Pulvillus 15 Pupa 21 Pupipares 13, 20, 25 Pyretophorus 77, 78, 79, 88 See A nopheles costalis 88 Quartan Fever See Plasmodium malaria- malaria 120 Quinine prophylaxis 153 Quinine treatment of the sick is J Quotidian malaria See Pla falciparum Radioculex no Rainfall 144 Relations between parasite and Reservoirs of infection Rkinomyxa Rhipiccphalus sicu'. Rhyphidae 33 30 INDEX Sabethinae 76, 115 Salticus 74 Sand-Flies See Phlebotomus Sarcophagidae 241 Sayomyia 76 Scenopinidae 226 Schiner's nomenclature 18 Schuffner's dots 155 Scione 231 Scutellum 15 Scutomyia 109, 114 albolineata 29, 215 Segregation 154 Selasoma 230 Sepsis 240 Seroot-Flies See Tabanidae Silvius 232 Simuliidae 26, 33 Simulium 26, 74 Sleeping Sickness 300 Definition 300 Distribution 306 History 300 Prophylaxis 315 References to literature on 321 Synonyms 300 See also Trypanosoma gam- biense and T. rhodesiense Souma 236, 251 General account 335 References to literature on 339 See also Trypanosoma cazalboui Spiders 74 Spirochceta 200 duttoni 6, 11 recurrentis 1 1 Stable-fly See Stomoxys Stegoconops 109 Stegomyia 2, 62, 71, 109, in, 198 216 and dengue 196 africana 113 albocephala 113 albolateralis 113 albomarginata 114 amesii 114 annulirostris 112 apicoargentia 113 argenteomaculata 112 argenteopunctata 114 assamensis 113 auriostriata 113 crassipes 114 desmotes 112 dissimilis 113 dubia 113 ta fasciata 8, 28, 67, 112, 165, 166, 177, 181, 198, 214, 215, 219, 222 Description 166 Egg 172 Stegomyia fasciata Feeding habits of 170 Fertilization and egg-laying 171 Habitat of 168 Larva 174 Length of life 171 Life-cycle 172 Pupa 176 Synonyms 166 and disease 176 fusca 114 gebeleinensis 112 gracilis 29, 215 grantii 113 hatiensis 114 imitator 113 lilii 112 mediopunctata 113 minuta 114 minutissima 113 nigeria 112 nigritia 113 periskeleta 112 perplex a 29, 215 pollinctor 113 poweri 113 pseudonigeria 112 pseudonivea 113 pseudoscutellaris 29, 112, 175, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216 punctolateralis 114 quasinigritia 113 scutellaris 29, 112, 215 simpsoni 112 tasmaniensis 114 terrens 113 thomsoni 112 tripunctata 114 W .-alba 112 wellmanii 112 Stenopteryx 375 Stenoscutis 109 Stethomyia 76, 78, 79 See Anopheles nimba 79 Stomoxys 233, 234, 236, 237, 242, 243. 336, 348, 355. 365 General description 355 and disease 361 Stomoxys calcitrans 20, 31, 238, 244, 356, 362, 363. 364, 365. 367, 368, 369 Distribution 357 General description 356 Habits 357 Life-history 358 Methods of destruction 360 Pupa 22 References to literature on 361 and S. m'gra 31 Stomoxys nigra 234, 362, 363 INDEX Stratiomyidae 225 Streptococcus 218 Stridulating organ $j Stygeromyia 31, 243 Surra 232, 236, 237, 238 Tabanidae 29, 224, 225, 226 Classification 230 Description 226 Habitat 227 Life-cycle 228 References to literature 239 Synopsis of genera 230 and disease 232 Tabaninae 230 Tabanus 231, 235, 236, 237, 347, 361, 363. 370. 372 \\ ing venation of 17 atratus 29, 238 biguttatus 28, 229, 236 d 1 tee ni at us 29 fumifer 29, 236 'kingi 227, 228, 229 minimus 29, 237 nemoralis 29, 235 par 228, 230 partitus 29, 236 secedens 29, 233, 347 striatus 29, 232, 238 tceniatus 236 tomentosus 29, 235 vagus 29, 236 Tachinidae 241 Tceniorhynchus 109, no, 115 domesticus 29, 215 Tarsus 15 Tertian malaria 120, 155 Thapsia 235 Theobald i a 109, no, 115 annulata 71 There vidae 225 Thermotropism in mosquitoes 67 Three-Day Fever 26 See Pappataci Fever Tick- Flies See Hippoboscidae Tipula 34 Tipulidae 33 Transmission, General conditions affecting 6 Trichogaster fasciatus 132 Trichopronomyia no Trichoprosoponinae Trichorhynch us 1 10 Triple Quartan Fever 160 Trypanoso))iata 200 Biological characters - Classification •minity reactions oi genus 293 neral description 204 Key t>> African pathogenic Trypanosomaia Mode of division 295 References 299 Sero-diagnostic methods 2 Trypanosoma americanum boy lei 8 Trypanosoma brucei 1, 9, 29, 30, 31, 235. 270, 27- 294, 298, 323, 328, 344, 363 Mode of Infection 330 Morphology 330 See also Xagana Trypanosoma cazalboui 9, 29, 30, 236, 250, 251, 252, 25:, - 275, 286, 294, 298, 330, 335, 340, 341, 343, 362, 363 Mode of infection 336 Morphology 336 confusum See T. dimorphon Trypanosoma congolense 28' 344- 345. 346, 351 General account 351 Mode of infection ^^2 Morphology 352 References to literature on 353 Trypanosoma dimorphon 30, 3] 234, 250, 251, 255, 27V . 275, 286, 287, 299, 342, 340, 35L 362, 371 General account 342 Mode of infection 344 Morphology 344 References to literature on 345 Synonyms 342 Trypanosoma equiperdun: 363 evansi 29, 31, 23' - 361, 362, 363 var. mbori 29, 298 franki 3S4 Trypanosoma gambiense 250, 251 292, 299, 300, 304. 306 323, 350, 363 Life-history in vertebrate 1. Endogenous cycle Life-history within the in\ brate host — 1 310 Trypanosoma himoij S indie um muktesj Try pci' 34'.. 347. 348 Development • le of transi Keferer. 398 INDEX Trypanosoma pecandi 30, 31, 234, 235, 270, 275, 286, 299, 332, 362 Mode of infection 333 Morphology 333 Trypanosoma pecorum 29, 30, 233, 270, 286, 299, 346, 351 Development within the inverte- brate host 348 General account 346 Mode of infection 347 Morphology 346 References to literature on 348 Trypanosoma rhodesiense 30, 251, 285, 294, 299, 322 General account 322 Mode of transmission 325 Morphology of 324 References to literature on 328 rutherfordi 384 Trypanosoma simice 30, 286, 296, 299. 353 General account 353 Morphology 353 References to literature on 355 Synonyms 353 soudanense 29, 31, 233, 235, 298, 362, 363 Trypanosoma theileri 31, 374, 379, 384 General account 384 Mode of transmission 385 Morphology 384 togolense 298 iransvaaliense See T. theileri ugandense 305 Trypanosoma itniforme 335, 341 Mode of infection 342 Morphology 341 References to literature on 342 Trypanosoma vivax 335, 340 References to literature on 34 Trypanosoma vivax Bruce See T. cazalboui wrublewskii 384 Trypanosomes 293 Trypanosomiasis 361 Trypanosomiases, Conditions affect- ing transmission by tsetse-flies 250 Tsetse-Flies 243 Tsetse-Fly Disease See Nagana Typhus icteroides See Yellow Fever Udenocera 230 Uranotcsnia 109, 11 1 Uranotaeninae 76 Utricularia 72 Venation 15 Verruga Peruviana 26, 42 Wyeomyia smithii 66 Yellow Fever 8, 28, 176, 177 Causal Agent of 186 Development of virus within mosquito 187 Distribution 179, 182 Endemic centres of 182 General account and history 177 Immune serum 189 Mode of infection 184 References to literature 189 St Xazaire epidemic 183 Synonyms 177 Vaccination 188 Virus of 10 Yellow Jack See Yellow Fever CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERIES UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF G. 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