^vtl*** ■ ^ "^^r<- ^ A^ i"^ ^^ J •" ■ ^H JX*^ >> "1-^ V >■ ..'.\:i w > y. l^^^W it ^■ ■i<^-'2: ■ ■ :. ^':"-' v,-*r ■«i-i- c> ,?-« .: \< plant. Besides the species now figured, Aquilegia cdpina, with large purplish-bhie flowers, witli white centre, growing about fifteen inches high ; Arjuilegia f/hnululosa, a well-known and beautiful variety ; Aquileqia fragrans, with pale lemon-coloured flowers, and Aquilcgia Vcrvuenana, with variegated foliage, — will be found well worthy of cultivation. 323 J Andrews . del et lith Tmcent Brooks , Imu Plate 323. HYBEID TERPETU^y;; ROSE, NAPOLEON III. Among the " suimyiiiemorit's " of 186G, arc two days we spent, one at Lyons, the other at Vitry, near Paris, for the purpose of inspecting the novelties amongst Roses, coming out in the autumn. We were fortiniatc^ in both cases in being- favoured with fine weather, before the excessive heat had de- stroyed the beauty of the bloom. At Lyons, we were much interested in seeing, for the first time, gardens long known to us by fame, viz. those of T^acharme, Guillot _/'76', Gonod, and Duclier, and in looking at tiie new Roses they were about to send out from their establishments, — T/iorin, from Lacharme, the celebrated raiser of Charles Le- febcre ; Horace Venief, H. P., and Madame Marrjotfin, Bonton (VOr, and Madame lircmoml (Tea Roses), from Guillot Jils ; Gloire de Montplaisir, Madame Reval, and Madame Anna Buf/nrf, from Gonod ; and ylnfoine Bucher, Madame Pulliat, Madeleine Xorrin, Monsieur Plainsanfon, and Ville de Lyon, from Ducher ; and we have very little fear that their deservedly high reputation will be sustained by the productions of this year, for nothing could be more beautiful than some of those enumerated above ; and considering the number of good Roses tliat have emanated from a city which certainly to a stranger does not seem a particularly favourable one for flowers, it may well claim to being the ferre des roses, that some of its admirers say it is. On our return to Paris, we were equally fortunate in our visit to M. Eugene Verdier's grounds, at Vitry, and \vliere, amongst a number of brilliant Roses, both of last year and the present, we were at once struck with the brilliant colouring and general appearance of the fine Rose now figured ; we secured blooms of it, and it is now faithfully, as far as possible, por- trayed by Mr. Andrews. A Rose must be sometliing remark- able when it sliines out amongst a number of others of the same colour, and tliis was the case with the Rose in question ; it is evidently of the General Jacqiieminof class, although fuller than tliat Rose, and more intense in its scarlet ; the habit is also good, and we are very much mistaken if it will not prove to be one of the most valuable Roses of the present year. 324 ■Vndrews, del et Hth Vincent Brooks , Imp. Plate 32i. FANCY PANSIES. Although the past few years have been unfavourable to the growth of Pausies in the south of England, the Scotch florists have continued their labours and have been very successful, esjiccially in the Fancy class, in improving the shajie and sub- stance of a class of flowers which, from their peculiarity of colouring, will have perhaps a larger number of admirers than those which are better known as florists' flowers. But it is not in this respect alone that the Fancy Pansy is likely to be a favourite ; the reproach that has for some time been brought against our flower gardens, that we endure nine nioullis of disorder en- barrenness for three months of beauty, is fast being done away with. Mr. Fleming, of Cliveden, has shown how it is possible to have the parterre interesting during winter, and brilliant in spring, as well as gorgeous in summer. For this pur])ose, amongst other things, the Pansy has been largely used, and one of those which we now figure. Imperial Blue (Fig. o), will, we believe, prove to be a most valuable variety for that purpose ; it was exhibited by Mr. Laing, of the firm of Downie, Laird, and Laing, of Stanstead Park, Forest Hill, S.E., several times last year, and was very generally ad- mired ; it is strong in habit, abundant in blooming, and differing in shade of colour from any blue Pansy we have, while the in- tense black blotch and eyes make it very distinct. Besides this, we have figured TJiomas Downie (Fig. 1), a white-ground flower, with deep purple blotches, and a fringe of purplish pencilling proceeding from the blotches towards the border of the petals ; the upper petals are veined at the base with a light feathery- looking blotch. Miss J. Kay (Fig. 2), the lower petals of which are bright yellow, with very large crimson maroon blotches ; the upper petals are of magenta, with dark blotch and very narrow yellow lacmg. Hugh Jdair (Fig. 4) is a white ground flower, of exceeding purity and beauty, perfect in shape, and having a large blotch on each of the lower petals, of a dark mauve co- lour, the edges of the blotch being regularly vandyked ; the upper petals are bright magenta, shaded and veined with a dark tint of the same colour, and with a yellow eye. These are all from the collection of Messrs. Downie, Laird, and Laing, and bear witness to the great success which has attended their efforts. 325. J Andrews , del at lith Tincent Brooks , Imp Plate 3257 DAHLIA, FLAMBEAU Tt is no\i' some years since we figured one of the nnmerous varieties of this <^n(l autumnal flower; and altliongh the Dahlia lias shared the fate of many a florist's flower, in heing put into the background, because the inexorable demands of tlie " bedder out " could not And a place for it, — yet we feel that it is one so w(>ll deserving of cultivation, tiiat we have had again recourse to Mr. Turner's productions, and have figured this very beautiful variety, which has obtained a certi- ficate of merit from the Floral Committee of tlie Ilo3al Horti- cultural Society, and is likely to be one of the most remarkable flowers of the season. The past season has been so very unfavourable for many of the usual occupants of the flower-garden, that more attention has been paid to the Dalilia ; and a writer in a contemporary, while deploring that the Scarlet (jleraniums were a washy pink, Calceolarias completely toned down by the quantity of foliage, Verbenas utterly useless, and Hollyhocks glued to the stakes to \vlii( li they were tied, — said that yet the Dahlia was unin- jured, the pride and ornament of the autumnal garden, and sug- gests a freer use of it for decorative purposes ; to whicli we can add our own testimony, that on paying a visit to The Denbies, near Dorking, tlie well-known seat of Mrs. Cubitt, we were mucli struck with a border of Dahlias which Mr. Drewett had arranged in front of the long line of glass arcades, wliich form so distinguishing a feature of the place. It is not, however, as a bedding Dahlia that we bespeak attention to FJamhemi, but as a remarkably fine exhibition fiower, of fine build and good quality ; its colour is a rich deep chrome yellow, heavily edged and tipped with scarlet lake, a new and most, novel flower, with high close centre. The first yellow-ground Dahlia that has been at all constant ; the fault generally being the great inicertainty of this most attractive class. It is Init three feet high, and equally effective for the garden and exhibition. 326 J Aadrevfs, del.et lith %icenL £roo3s3 , Imp, Plate 32&. THUNBEEGIA FUAGRANS. Several species of this genus of stove-climbing plants are already well known, and extensively cultivated, more especially T. alafa, and its varieties niafa aJhn and alata aurmifiaca ; b\it as for as usefulness is concerned, we tliink they must give place to the species now figured, which, although very similar to the old Thunbenjia fragrans, is, we believe, distinct. "^^'e shall allow its introducer, Mr. B. S. "Williams, of the ^'ictoria Nursery, IIoll()\\ay, to speak for himself concerning it ; he says that he " believes this to be the most useful plant he has ever had the pleasure of offering, the whole character being quite distinct from any other Thuuhergia ; and whether grown as a p()t-[)h^nt, ov planted in tlie border for covering pillars or trellis-work, it will be invaluable ; being free in growtli, with ample foliage of a dark-green, with great sub- stance. It continues flowering tlironghont the year, but its principal period is during the winter moiitlis, a time when white flowers arc scarce ; although grown in a warm stmc, it has never shown any signs of red spider, a most important feature in this cl.ass of jdants." During the present winter wo have paid two visits to Mr. Williams's Nursery, and, in botli instances, found this plant in bloom, bearing out tlie character he has given of it. It is well known that it is almost impossible to meet the demands for \\hitc flowers in the winter months ; and as they are indispen- sable for bridal bouquets, everything that can be added to the already limited number of white winter-flowering plants is a de- sideratum gained. It is well known that one eminent raiser of forced flowers, near Paris, has acquired considerable wealth. and obtained a name, for the ingenious manner in which he makes the common Lih\c produce white flowers ; and the free- ness of flowering slio\\ n by the plant now figured, will make it very valuable fen' such purposes.* * "We here add a note from its introducer: — " I have always considered it a distinct variety from T.frpgrans; the Floral Committee who adjudicated it a ceriificate found it to differ from the true one in the form of the leaf: the leaf of this variety is more fleshy, and far less spear-shajjed." The flower we believe is also lar, .ri "Vincent Brooks , Imp . Plate 328. CimYSAXTIIEMUMS, LADY TiVLFOUllD AND PlJlirUREA ELEGAXS. AVhatever neglect may liavc overtaken etlier florists' flowers, there seems to be very little fear of the Chrysanthemum being passed over. It comes into bloom at a time of the year when the beauty of the garden is past, and when flowers are conse- quently scarce; it also so readily adapts itself to the varying" circumstances under whicli it is grown, being as much at home in the smoky purlieus of London, as in the pure atmosphere of the country ; it is so easily propagated, and bears the exposure to all kinds of weather so well, tliat even if less beautiful than it is, it would still merit the favour in whicli it is held ; con- sequently we are no way surprised to hear tliat it is yearly increasing in favour, and that the new varieties are so much sought after, that there is great difficulty in meeting the de- mand. We are, as usual, indebted to the very extensive collection of Mr. John Salter, of the Versailles Nursery, Hammersmith, to whom we owe, with very few exceptions, all the novelties that have been introduced for many years, for the blooms whicli we now figure. We paid a somewhat lengthened visit to his winter-garden in November last, and from amongst a number of varieties selected these. Incurved flowers ha\e now attained to such perfection, that w^e think the attention of raisers will In- directed more to the rcfle.xed flowers, and that probably Mr. Fortune's introductions from Japan, of whicli very little use has as yet been made, will be found useful for the purposes of hybridizing. Of the varieties now figured, Lady Talfonrd (Fig. 1) is a beautifully incurved flower, of a delicate rosy lilac, well up in the centre, and showing that beautifully symmetrical form so earnestly desired by exhibitors ; we have no doubt that it will be found in many winning stands at our next autumnal exhi- bitions. It is also a plant of excellent habit, and was awarded a first-class certificate by the Floral Committee on Nov. 20, 18GG. Purpurea elecjans (Fig. "2) is of an entirely new shade of colour, being a beautiful deep purple-violet ; the flower is of a rosette form, not incurved, and very compact ; the habit of the plant is good, and it will make an excellent conservatory plant. 329 JAridrews, del et lith "Vincent Brooks , imp Plate 329. SOPHRONTTTS GRANDIFLORA, var, Higli-coloured flowers arc not rommon in the very varied and lovely tribe to which the subject of our present Plate be- longs. "While rich in all tlie shades of blue, lilac, and yellow, and containing some of the loveliest white flowers in the whole realm of Flora, scarlet flowers are comparatively scarce ; in- deed, as a rule, the Orchid attracts us more by the singularity of its form, the delicacy of its tints, or the strength of its per- fume, than by tlie brilliancy of its colouring ; hence SophrO' nifis (jrandijtora, though in itself small, is much valued for its colour. Sophronitis grandijlora, like many of the Orcliid family, is to be found, in some cases, differing from its normal character ; thus in the variety we now figure, the leaves are considerably longer than in the variety usually grown ; and in some that we have seen there is a diff"erence in the shade of colour ; but no very remarkable departure, in any case, has been noted ; and our object in selecting the variety now figured, is to bring under the notice of a class of orchid-growers which has arisen of late years, a valuable and easily-managed plant. "NVe saw this variety in bloom at Mr. "Williams's, at the Vic- toria Nursery, ITnlloway. and are indebted to liim, both for tlie opportunity of figuring it, and for the following note on its culture : — " It is a very free blooming plant, and is best grown on a block of wood (as shown in the Plate) suspended from the roof of the house, Avith a good supply of water at the roots ; this is best done by syringing the block once or twice a day in warm weather, but in winter less will suflfice ; the temperature of a cool house will suit it best, and as near the glass as pos- sible, so that it may make strong growtli." So much lias been said on the subject of the cool-house treatment, that there is no need to enter ujion it liere, but merely to add that a " cool- house " is a comj)arative term, and if it is imagined that Orchids can be grown under the same conditions as a Pelar- gonium, as some seem to imagine, a \ery great mistake is committed. We may add that in addition to its other claims, Sophronifis qrandijlora is an autumn and winter- blooming Orchid. 330, \ adrews, del et ttii . Vmcer: Plate 330. CAMELLIA, MRS. D0M13RAIN. We are indebted to the distinguished hcnticulturist M. Ani- broise VerschafFclt, of Ghent, for the opportunity of figuring this very charming addition to (his universally admired class of flowers. He is well known as not only one of the most spirited and enterprising of the Belgian nurserymen, but especially for the great attention he has paid to the cultiva- tion of the Camellia, and for the many new kinds he has introduced ; his ' Icouograpliie des Camellias,' now comprising many volumes, devoted solely to figures and descrijitions of his favourite fiower, will long remain a monument of his zeal and industry. In some of the newer kinds of Camellias, we meet with flowers composed of very large petals, comparatively few in number ; and these have, perhaps, the more noble appearance, while, on the other hand, we have those composed of a number of smaller petals, biit thoroughly imbricated, and these are probably the most generally admired ; such exqiiisitely-formed flowers as Sarah Frost and Rcinc des Beautes will have a greater number of admirers than such flowers as Mathotiana and Coun- tess of Orkney ; and it is to this small-petaled division that Mrs. iJomhrain belongs. The complaint, which is often made, that new varieties of Camellias present no novelty, will not, as has been oliserved by the editor of ' L'lllustraticm Ilorticole,' be made against the va- riety now figured ; it is a beautifully delicate pink, margined \\\{\\ white, and is really no\el in character ; it was raised by a distinguished Belgian amateur, and has been introduced to tlie iiul)lic. during the past autumn, l)y M. A. Verschaffelt. into whose hands it passed. The foliage is also somewhat peculiar, the leaves heing- more pointed than in many of the varieties known, and luuing very frequently, as shown in the figure, one side of the leaf larger than tlie other. 331 nr»A: ?j?^y ■ ■>''"'i^<'^' Andrews . deLet lith Tmcent Broota , Imp , Plate 331. rOMPON CIIRYSANTHEiMUiMS. This interesting- cLiss of plants is becoming more than ever popular and useful, for many of the varieties obtained now bloom so late, that the period of bloominc; is greatly prolonged, and hence their value as decorative plants greatly increased. We have again had recourse to the extensive collection of jNIr. John Salter, of the Versailles Nursery, Hammersmith, for the subjects of our present Plate. The past season was a very favourable one for the out-door blooming of the Chrysanthemum ; early frosts did not interfere witli t!icm,and they continued in great beauty until Christmas; thus we never saw Mr. .Salter's collection in grcniter perfection than it was this year, and that in a situation where frost is very severely felt. Hence we were enabled to see what va- rieties are most suited for out-of-door purposes, and subjoin a list of those in the Pompon class which we think will give every satisfaction : — Andromeda, Jitix-ole, Aurore Borcale, Bijou d' Horticulture, Capella, Citronella, Comte AchiUe Vi(/ier, Burujlet, Fairest of the Fair, Francois I", Golden Aurore, Julia Engelhach, La Voffue, Lizzie Ilohnes, Lucinda, Madame Fould, Marabout, Mademoiselle Marti te, Minnie Warren, Mrs. Ui.r, President Decaisne, Rose Trevenna, Salamon, Little Gem, Trophee, and Wliite Trevenna. The flowers figurfnl in our Plate are Saint Michael (Fig. 1), very bright golden-yellow, equal in colour to Jardin des I'lan/cs and what is called a full-sized Pompon ; the habit is dwarf and the plant very fine. The Countess (Fig. 2) is a cliarming little miniature Poni])nn, blush, tinted lilac, flowering in compact little bouquets, and sure to be very attractive to ladies; it will also be a very good one for cutting for nosegays, a service for which the Chrysanthemum is largely used. Madge Wildjire (Fig. 3), a vivid red with large golden tips, distinct and novel in colour, and very pleasing. 332. Plate 332. ZONALE GERANIUM, MISS MAETIN. Wo arc "convinced, tliat althougli we liave recently figured one or two Geraniums in the Zonalc or bedding class, no apology will be needed by our subscribers for bringing before them the very beautiful variety we now figure, for there is no class of flowers more popular at the present day than they are. As Miss Mnrtin has been raised by a cultivator comparatively unknown, we think it best to let him give the particulars of his success himself, as related in a note by whicli we have been kindly fixvf)ured. " I commenced," says Mr. Groom, of Ipswich, " hybridizing Geraniums about twelve years ago, working with the choicest varieties then out. The quantity raised by me every year is between 2000 and 3000 ; from these I select not more than six plants, which I consider the best, combining good habit of growth and quality of flower ; the next season I endeavour to improve on the production of the former one by fertilizing upon my own stock only, so that a pedigree may be said to exist from my own strain. The three varieties to be sent oirt in the spring are dwarf in habit, although very fine growers, foliage thick and very attractive for their dense zones; I have even proved them as beddcrs, and Mr. Grieve and other cele- brated geranium raisers who have seen them at various periods, pronounce them to be superior to any yet known to the public ; this has induced me to offer them with every confidence. For pot-culture they are invaluable, both for summer and winter decoration ; they are immensely fine bloomers, and having large trusses for almost every joint. I may also add, that although the last season was exceedingly unfavourable for bedding plants generally, 1 had a profusion of bloom in my garden on the three Geraniums alluded to ; this was noticed not only by myself but by others also." Miss Martin is in colour a beautiful soft rosy-peach ; flower of immense size, very round, the upper petals overlapping ; foliage lively green with dark black zone. The other two varieties are Sir Fitzroij Kelly, striking scarlet-cerise, and FJorihunda alho nana, a pure white bedder. They \nll all be let out by Mr. Ward, of The Rosery, Ipswich, during the pre- sent spring. 333. Plate 333. IRESINE IIEEBSTII, AUREO-RETICULATA. There is no plant of recent introduction about -wliicli such ditt'ei-ent opinions have been entertained as the now well- known Iresine Uerhstii, or, as it is better knowni on the Conti- nent, ^scyranthes Verschaffeltii — a difference of opinion which was shown also with regard to Coleiis Verscliajfclfii and other bedding plants of a similar character. It is to be accounted for, we think, by the fact that the Iresine answers very well in a warm dry soil and in a slieltered situation, while in retentive soils and low damp situations it generally is a failure. The' va- riety of it which we now figure is one which we are inclined to think will be found a very useful addition to our bedding plants. "We have been informed by M. Jean Verschaffelt, of Ghent, that it was secured and fixed by ^I. Vanderhecke de Lembette, I'resident of the Eoyal Horticultural Society of Ghent, and one of the most distingiiished amateurs in Belgium or on the Continent, whose stock passed into M. Verschaffelt's hands ; but the plant originated at the same time at the establisiiment of ^IM. Jacob Makoy, of Liege, who were the first to an- nounce it. M. Verscliaficlt adds, " I have grown it now for some months, and found it to be a very fine and distinct variety. 1 think it will do very well planted alternately wit li the type, and make a good contrast." We saw the plant growing during the winter months at Mr. Bull's at Chelsea, and from one of his plants the drawing was made. It struck us at the time that there was another use which might be made of it, if the plant were well managed and grown specially for that purpose, viz. as a table jilaiit ; the contrast of colours, both of them bright, would be thrown up admirably from a white table-cloth, and the style of the plant is such that it could be easily kept \\ithin bounds, very large plants rather spoiling than adding to the effect of table decoration. 334. Plate 334. PELARGONIUMS, MILTON AND NEGEESS. In the earlier days of rolargonium culture, when the im- provement commenced whicli has ended in such magnificent results, there were two names with wliich every lover of the flower was familiar, Garth and Foster— the former a clergj man m Surrey, the latter a gentleman residing at Clevver Manor, near Windsor. Mr. Garth, for jears before his death, had given up his favourites, as least so I'ar as originathig new varieties was concerned, and Mr. Iloyle may be said to have succeeded to the position he occupied ; while j\Ir. Foster has been succeeded by his son, who is as arch-nt a follower of tlie pursuit as his fother was. Tiierc was always a very marked difference in the flowers of tlie two raisers, Mr. Hoyle's in shape being far superior, and Mr. Foster's being mainly noted for colour; and as each kept naturally enougli to their own fe collection of that beautiful and most useful Orchid Lycaste Skinneri — such as that, for instance, of Mr. Veitch, of Chelsea — without being struck with this varia- tion. No collection of florists' flowers. Carnations, Pansies, Pe- largoniums, etc., presents a more striking variety ; and we may perhaps yet find that the Orchid shares the same fate as other flowers where such variety exists, and collections, wuth special names attached to them, will be cultivated, as in the case of the tiowcrs already alluded to. Lcelia albida does not, so far as we know, present such a number of varieties as the Lijcaste, but the present Plate is a proof that it does v^ary from the type at times. The plant was sent to us by Messrs. Backhouse and Sou, of York, with an inti- mation that they believed it to be a quite novel form of the flower ; this, however, they have since found incorrect, and that it very frequently sports in this manner. The normal colour of the flower is that of a yellowish-white, and the addi- tion in the present variety of the beautiful rosy-pink tips to the lip, and edges of the petals greatly adds to the beauty of the ])lant, which is still further enhanced by the very bright oiange- yellow spot in the centre of the li[), with its bright red line. Lcelia albida was one of those plants which, subjected to the uniform treatment that Orchids used to receive in times ])ast, did not display the grace and beauty that it now does when treated, like the Lyca.sfc and Odonfof/lotisum, etc., in a more rational manner ; it requires a minimum heat of 40° in winter. We lately had the pleasure of seeing at the Bishop of AVin- chester's a cool orchid-liouse, in which, managed rationally, and not subjected to cold, but cool treatment, the inmates were most flourishing, and it is a system which puts the growth of Orchids within the reacli of many who formerly slirank from it on account of the expense. CO CO Plate 380. TAPEINOTES CAROLINiE. The family to which this boautiful stove ])\ant belonpjs furnishers perhaps as large a iinniber of really handsome and valuable decorative plants as any in the whoh^ ran fn-mer is weak in habit and very subject to mildew, the latter is straggling in growth and not very fine. When then we say that Ladij of Lan(jlehunj is a sport from a bed of Purple Kinci, — the very best of all Verbenas for its habit, — we have said enough to show that is likely to take a good position and to be much sought after. Ladij of Lanfjlehurii was obtained, and, as our neighbours say, "fixed" by Mr. Crookshank, gardener to A\'. Jones Lloyd, Esq., Langlebury, near Welwyn, Herts. It was exhibited last year before the Floral Committee, when it obtained a first- class certificate, and beautiful trusses of bloom were exhibited this spring at tlic shows of the Royal Iloiticultural and Royal Botanic Socipties, and were greatly admired, both by the nu- merous visitors, and also by those whose criticisms are founded on long acquaintance witli the Verbena, and whose judgment was that it fully deserved the position given to it. 338, .1 Andrews. del etlith. ■Vmeent Brook , Imp . Plate 338. COLEUS GIBSONII. Wc last month figured ii new and beautiful sport of Iresine Ilerhstii, belie^-ing it to be well suited both for bedding purposes and for pot-culture ; we have now tlie pleasure of figui'ing another plant whieh we saw tried with some success last year, and which, should the season be favourable, is destined to be still more grown and better appreciated this year. CoJeus Verschaffeltii has proved itself, in the hands of skilful cultivators, and in suitable situations, to be one of the most valuable and effective of bedding plants, although a great deal of opposition was shown to it from many quarters. The species which we now figure, less brilliant in its colouring indeed, will be found, we ho])e. valuable for the same purposes. Culeus Gibsonii was sent home by Mr. John G. Yeitch, from Xew Caledonia, where it was discovered growing in vast quan- tities, its highly-coloui'cd foliage forming a most striking fea- ture. It is one of the results of the tour made by him in the South Pacific, which we have ouly to regret, in the cause of science and floriculture, was not more prolonged, and for various causes could not be as effective as he had himself wished or ho]ipd it would be. Sufficient, however, has been done to en- title him to the gratitude of all lovers of plants, and perhaps to encourage some one to ransack those islands for their trea- sures. In habit, C. Gibsonii is quite equal to C. Verschaffeltii ; being dwarf and very busliy, the leaves are large, often exceed- ing five inches in length, and are of a light-green colour, dis- tinctly veined and blotched with dark crimson-purple. Mr. Veitch says of it, " that is a most ornamental plant for pot- culture, and can be recommended as an excellent companion to the other species for summer flower-garden decoration, where from its novel and distinct colouring it cannot fail to prove an acquisition." If persons expect from it so brilliant an eftect as from C. Verscliaffelfii, of course they must needsbe disappointed, but if they are contented that it shall occupy a place of in- terest in the many-coloured parterre they will find it suitable, and we think moreover that it will form an excellent plant for table-decoration. 339 Andrevrs del.etlith. Ymceat Brooks, Imp. Plate 339. VARIETIES or PEESIAN CYCLAMEN. We are sufficiently justified in figuring some recently raised varieties of the Persian Cyclamen by the greatly increased in- terest taken in its growth; this has been evidenced by the large number of plants brought forward at our early spring sliows, Avhich have received the warmest encomiums, both from the lovers of plants, and that more numerous body the general public, which admires flowers, but seeks not to enter into the mysteries of their production, habit, or growth. We are indebted to Mr. Wiggins, gardener to Mr. Walter Beck, of Worton Cottage, Isleworth, both for the opportunity of figuring these varieties and also for the following notes on their culture. Many persons have imagined — and, indeed, tlie method in growing them has tended to this — that it requires some considerable time to bring them to perfection, wliile it lias been generally recommended to allow them to go to rest after their period of flowering is over, but it will be seen that Mr. Wiggins's plan is entirely opposed to this ; he says, — " The plants which I have exhibited in 48s this spring were only in the seed-pan this time last year. In fact, the seed was sown in heat in March, 18GG ; as soon as the seedlings had attained sufficient size to be handled they were potted off into small thumbs, in a compost of leaf-mould, well rotted cow-dung, loam, and some white silver-sand, they were then placed in good strong heat and pushed on as rapidly as possible; when they had filled these pots with roots they were placed in 48s, in the same compost, and still kept in lieat. The result of this generous treatment was that I was enabled to exhibit bulbs about tile size of walnuts, with from twelve tn twenty blooms on them, in twelve months from the sowiuii; of the seed." The varieties figured have been named and are greatly in advance, both in size and quality of bloom; but the difficulty of perpetuating varieties must ever be a bar to their being cul- tivated as a florist's flower. Pelargoniums we can multiply by cuttings, and Auriculas by offsets ; but there seems, at present, no method for propagating the Cyclamen except by seed, and this, of course, will not ])erpetnate the variety. Eubnim graudl- florum (Fig. 1) is a large higlily-coloured flower; Orifiamme (Fig. 2) in the same style, but with shorter and broader petals. White Delicatum is an improvement in shape of petal on tlie older varieties of the same colour. Plate 840. L^LIA PILCHERI. AVe noticed in ii contemporary lately a reference to the troubles of Orchid nomenclature, and some amusinj? remarks were made by Professor Reichenbach on the subject. The cause that suggested it was the fact of recently introduced and unknown plants being sold only with numbers attached to them or witli the names of the species they were suppdsed to belong to ; and it was suggested to attach to them fancy names, which miglit be hereafter altered when they were scientifically inves- tigated, or had fiow( red, and could be referred to the species to which they really did belong. But is there not another point in the same direction which requires consideration, the attach- ing of scientific or, at any rate, Latin names to hybrid Orchids? In the course of a few years, if the hybridization of Orchids progresses as it has done, how is any one commencing to to grow a collection to know, when he looks down the list, whether Cattleya Exoniensis or Calanthe Veitchii are species or whether they are garden varieties ? The same holds good in other genera as well as Orchids, and we think it would be well if some method of avoiding the endless confusion that promises to be entailed on us could be devised; and will Weigmann's method of nomenclature be generally accepted "? Lcelia Pilchcn is another of the successful results of Mr. Dominy's hybridization of Orchids. It is the progeny of Lcelia Perrini crossed with Cattleya crispa. The seeds were sown by Mr. Dominy about ten years ago, and some of the plants bloomed last year for the first time. The plant is a strong grower and does well under the same treatment as its parents. It was exhibited this spring before the Floral Com- mittee of the lloyal Horticultural Society and obtained a first- class certificate. The beautiful figure of it by Mr. Andrews hardly needs describing, but it will be seen that the flower is a beautiful Frcnich-white in colour, with a lovely purple spot in the lip ; it has been named in honour of Mr. Pilcher, gardener to S. Rucker, Esq., of Wandsworth, long known for his valuable collection of Orchids. 341. "^ J Andrews, del. et lith . "Vincent Brooks. Imp- Plate 341. AURICULA, PETER CAMPJ3ELL (CUNNINGHAM'S). A few years ago we figured an Auricula wliicli brought before us by its nauie two of the luost emiuent and successful cultivators of this beautiful flower, Ileadlys Geon/c Lir/Jttbodi/. We now figure another which, in the same way, marks two dis- tinguished cultivators, whose names are not perhaps quite so well known, but who have nevertheless added much to the interest in this flower, especially in Scotland. Mr. P. Campbell, of Falkirk, is well known to Auricula lovers as the raiser of those fine flowers — Lord Palmersfon, green edge, Eobert Burns, white, and Pizarro, self; while Mr. Cunningham has not only raised this fine variety, but also Juhn Waterstcin, of which we have heard, although we have not seen it, that it is even supe- rior to George Lighthody, which is generally looked on now as the standard of perfection. "NMieu the present rage for bedding has somewhat subsided, and there is a return to the love for those fine florists' flowers which tended so mucli to increase the love for floriculture in this country, we have no doubt that the Auricula will again be sought after ; indeed, we are told that at the Botanic Society's show in April this year, the fine collection exliibited by Mr. C. Turner, of the Eoyal Nurseries, Slough, attracted so mucli attention, that a speedy return of them to favour was pre- dicted. Peter CampheU, raised by Mr. Cunningham, of Brookfield Cottage, near Johnstone, N.B., is a flower of fine properties; the edge a lovely bright green, and the ground-colour a beau- tiful dark-brown crimson, it is tliis which marks tlic tiowev as one of so much beauty and novelty ; and even althougli otlier flowers may possess in some points superior properties, yet tliis stamps it as one which will always make it a pleasing stage variety, on our own stage it was selected by several persons as one of the most striking flowers there. 345 ■■-5 -ipI et.lit'h "Vincent Broofe.Imp Plate 312. VARIETIES OF EARLY TULIPS. The rapid strides that spriii<>-g-ard('uiiig lias made witliin these hxst two years has brouglit into inueh more prominent notice the many beautiful varieties of early-Howerinfj; Tidips, both single and double, which previously had l)een only grown as jxit-plants, or were to be found only in mixed borders and shrubberies. Perhaps the most successful attempt to use the early Tulip for decorative ])urposes, in or near the Metropolis, was that of Mr. Mann, the able superintendent of Hyde Park. That por- tion of the park bordering on Park Lane was, in the latter part of April and early in ^lay, a blaze of beaut)", large masses of one kind of flower, such as Voidcur Cardinal, Yelloio Prince, }]'hif(; Pottchaliker, etc., being employed to give the desired effect ; but we question whether, with those whose means are more limited and space confined, it is not a better plan to mix the varieties, and by this means ensure a more continiu)us bloom ; this is the plan we have adoi)ted in our own garden, where we have mainly employed the Tulip as a ribbon-flower. By mixing the various kinds, even the early Van Thols and the late-flowering Duchess of Parma, we have been enabled to ensure bloom for several weeks ; in order to do this the better, they should be planted tolerabl)' close, not more than three inches apart, and in double or treble rows. It is easy, after the earliest- flowering varieties have shed their jjetals, to go round and cut off the flower-stems, and then all app(-arance of raggedness is done away with, while, instead of having perhaps a fortnight's or three weeks' bloom, you ensure one to last four or five weeks. After the flowering season is over, the bulbs must be lifted, and either be placed in an airy shed to dry, or else placed loosely in the ground in some out-of-the-way corner, until the leaves are completely withered. The varieties now figured, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Cutbush and Son, Highgate, were selected by us from the large collection exliibited by them at their auniuil spring exliibition at the Crystal Palace, as they seemed to be more novel and remarkable in their colouring than many others more brilliant perhaps than they are. La Plaisantc {Y\q. 1) is a large golden-yellow flower, barred at the sides with crimson, and with a broad flame of crimson-lilac in the centre of each petal. Vaii Spaivdoncl' (Fig. 2) is a cream-coloured flower, slightly stained with green, flamed and barred with lilac-crimson. 34S ■Vincent Brooks, Imp. Plate 313. ODONTOGLOSSUM iVI.EXANDEiE. l>y tar the largest number of what arc now termed cool- house Orcliids are obtained from tlie tropical countries of New (iranada, Peru. Caiatemala, and Mexico, but although in the low and flat parts of these countries the temperature is so high, yet in the more elevated regions, where vast numbers of Orchids are to be found, a much more cool and genial climate pre- vails; but owing to the unseasonable treatment to which these were exposed in former years, few, comparatively speaking, were to be found doing well in Orchid-houses. Even now, owing to their having, when imported, to pass through one of the hottest climates in tlie world, hundreds of them reach this country in a dead or dying state; we have seen literally hun- dreds of imported Odontoglossums at Messrs. Low's, nothing but a mass of water, — the tissue having been completely de- stroyed in their passage from the higher regions to the sea- coast. Amongst the more recent introductions from these regions, Odonfoglossum Alexandrce has attracted most notice ; several ])lants of it have been exhibited by Mr. Bull, of Chelsea, and others; and from one of the plants shown by Mr. Bull the accompanying beautiful drawing has been made by Mr. An- drews. The marking varies occasionally, and this is more pro- minently spotted than some that have b(>en exhibited. We have little to add as to the culture of these plants. 0. AlexandrcB thrives under the same treatment as its con- geners, requiring an abundant supply of water when growing freely ; the soil should never be dry. In summer they should be carefully shaded from sunshine, and a moist temperature main- tained, tho iiii>lit temperature beinij;- tlien fifteen or twenty degrees lower than the day temperature ; in winter little or no water should be given, and the atmosphere kept as dry as pos- sible. The temperature in winter should be about fifty, and in summer from sixty to eighty; lower than this we know has been recommended, but we believe this to be best suited to a sound and healthy condition, and in this we have seen them flourishing vigorously. 344 Plate 344. ITIPPEASTRUM PARDINUM. Tliere are few flowers in th(> early part of the year more valuable for tlieir brilliant effect, or more easily managed, than the various kinds of Amaryllis and Ilippeastrum; rcujuiring- only (he temperature of an intermediate house to bring them to perfection, — throwing up fine noble-looking spikes of bloom, witli sometimi's four or five blooms, they ought surely to have a more prominent position assigned to them than they have hitherto had. The Belgian and French nurserymen grow them in considerable numbers, and have, by careful hybridizing, ori- ginated many fine varieties ; while latterly, ^lessrs. Vcitcli, of Chelsea, and Mr. Garraway, of Bristol, have exhibited some beautiful kinds, but whether of their own raising or of foreign origin we cannot say. A remarkable addition to the species of this genus has been exhibited during the present spring by the Messrs. Veitch and Sons, of Chelsea ; that which we now figure, Hippeastnmi par- suggest(>d and are still used. Then it was ftnind tiiat Cnlcus VtrachuffeUii and the scaVlet-leaved ^lina- ranth would suit admirably for the same pnr])ose, and when Mr. Gibson hail arranged his subtropical gnrden at liattersea, it was seen how largely foliage^ did come into service; thus, e\en the geraniunis, Mrs. I'v/ioc/c, Golden Fleece, and other varieties are used for their foliage and not for their flowers, — the beds ill fact looking better when they are denuded of flowers. AVe cannot but think, then, that the two varieties of Colens, though perhaps not so brilliant as Yerscliatj'eltii, will yet be found (piite suited for giving a change of colour. Coleus Veitchii has very large, almost heart-shaped, leaves of a deep chocolate-colour, with the edges of a bright lively green, and with a peculiar gloomy lustre on them ; it is a plant of free growth and good habit, will require, during the winter months, a tolerably warm and dry temperature, and is readily increased by cuttings; like the other varieties named, we believe it will also prove to be a valuable plant for table decoration. 346 Plate 3iG. CAMELLIA, DUCIIESSE DE NASSAU. Although we liave hitely tiguicd a new IV'lgiau Camellia {Jfrs. Dombrain), jet the great beauty of the variety iu nur ])re.seut Plate will be deemed a sufficieut excuse for our tiguring it also, Avhile its exquisite shape clearly entitles it to be ranked amongst the very foremost in those (lualities which constitute a good Camellia. A great deal of discussion has taken place lately with regard to the proper method of cultivation to be adopted with this universal favourite, and some very opposite methods ha\e been recommended, both as to the time for repotting, and the nature of the soil in which the)' are to be grown. Mr. Pearson, of Ciiilwell, Notts, has recommended a plan which, at any rate, has the merit of novelty in it, one which he states he has found most successful, and which we can bear witness to from our own personal experience, lie suggests that the soil in which the Camellia is grown is generally too light, tliat all admixture of peat and leaf-mould should be avoided (although the Belgians, who are very famous cultiA ators of it, use hardly anytliing but leaf-mould, so far as we liave been enabled to judge) and that loam only slionld be used; contrary, too, to all the usual directions on the subject, he recommends that instead of •' well-rotted loam." it should be used ijuite fresh as it comes off the pasture, cut about an inch and a half thick, and then torn to pieces about an inch stjuare ; that llie Camellias should be potted immediately that they liave done flowering, kept shaded, cool, and well watered, and that liealtliv foliaire and abundant bhioni will reward sucli cnlti- vation. We have tested this method in a small way, and so far have every reason to be satisfied with it, especially in the case of a plant Avhich had evidently become diseased, but which on being repotted, as described by Mr. Pearson, has recovered its health, and is now groAvinneatli, their characteristic feature bcini;- the rows of beautiful rose-coloured spots (in U. mar- (jHfliaccAi pure white), which seem not as if they formed part of the leaf, but were set on " studded," as the ' Botanical Magazine ' describes them, " with rubies," but they are not of quite so deep a colour, being rather of a i)ale pink, 'i'liere seems to be some dift"erence of opinion as to tlie Hower ; in the plant figured, there was only the single flower, situated in the axil of the leaves, while in the ' Botanical Magazine,' it is described as bearing a cyme of from four to six flowers ; as there figured, it is of a light mauve colour, wliercas in Mr. Bull's plant it was a lively carmine-rose, the edges of the petals being deeply marked with bright carmine ; it is the foliage, however, which constitutes its chief charm, and which will make it, w'e believe, to be a very general favourite. Plate 318. ODONTOGLOSSUM MACIILOSUM. That Orchids arc increasing in tlie fu\our of tin- pul>lir^ both liorticultnrnl and general, is apparent, we tliink, from the increasing demand, and also from the ai)])reeiative remarks when banks of Orchids are displayed at our great Kxhil)itions. The present season has been peculiarly unfavourable foi- tliis purjxise, many persons refusing to allow their fine collections to run the risk of being injured in sending them to the place of exhibition during the very low temperature wliich has pre- vailed in the months of May and June this year. Among the various genera of Orchids, none are becoming moi-e general favourites than the Odontoglossum, the great variety of species, their facility of culture, and their great beauty, all tending to fliis end; moreover, a great impetus has been given to their culture by the magnificent monograph by Mr. Bateman, in course of publication. Some idea of the immense richness in Orchids of the country from whence the subject of our Plate comes may be gathered from the flict, that Professor Heichenbnch, in his recently-jiublished work on the Orchids of Central .\merica, enumerates about 300 sp(>cies, from an area, as we are informed by a contcMuporary, of not more than 200 miles. There is no doubt tliat especial atten- tion has been devoted to this quarter of the world, not only because of the number and beauty of tlie species, but because the greater portion of them will succeed under the more rational and less ex])ensive mode of treatment wliicli has been recently intnxhiecMl. Odujitoff/ossnin uiaculusiiin is an Orchid of a vei-v attractive character, the spike producing a large number of flowers, the sepals and lip of which are thickly studded with bright brown spots on a cream-coloured ground. \Mnle less delicate than Odontoglossum Alexandrce, it is richer in colour, and will be found a desirable companion for that fine species. Our draw- ing was taken from a plant in the collection of Mr. Bull, of Chelsea. 349 y^ wm: ► f / !■■ J. Andrews , del et llth . Vincent Brooks, in i Plate 319. ANTHUEIUM SCUEliZEllIANUM, Wo liave many valid reasons for figuring this fine plant, although it has been introdueed as long back as ISCi'i (at the same time as Lilium auratum) ; several of our subscribers have expressed a wish to have a good figure of it, it is now becom- ing a really popular flower, owing to large importations of it having taken place, its cultixation is better understood, and, as a consequence, the figures which have already appeared of it by no means adequately represent its beauty. Anthurhim Schcrzeriamnn was first figured in the ' Botanical Magazine,' where the spatlie was represented as an inch and one-eighth in length, and three-quarters of an inch in breadth. In the ' Florist and Pomologist,' for October, 18G5, it was again figured, wliere that in the ' Botanical Magazine ' was spoken of as ludicrously inferior, and a reference made to their o^vn plate, where it was represented as three inches in length, and one and seven-eighths in breadth. Since that period, how- ever, owing to the success that has attended its cultivation, the beauty of the flower has been greatly developed, and it is now no uncommon thing to see it at Mr. Veitch's, to whom we are indebted for the opportunity of figuring the plant, with several flowers, each of which measures four inches, and sometimes even more, in length, by three in breadth. We are informed at Messrs. Veitch's that the plan adopted in its cultivation is to grow it as a stove plant during the winter months, and then bring it into a cooler house for bloom- ing, where for months it continues to be an object of great interest and beauty, — one remarkable characteristic of it being the great persistency of the flowers, which remain for a period of six and seven weeks without showing the slightest symptom of decay. It is a native of Guatemala and Costa Rica, and as we observe that large importations have been made of it during the present^ season by the Messrs. Low, of Clapton, it will now be within the reach of every one who has the command of a small stove. 350. "Wneent Brooks . Imp Plate 350. VIOLA PEDATA. The caprices of fasliion arc oftentimes productive of strange consequences. The efforts of the pre-Haffaelite school in giving an artistic value to red hair liave made tliat which was formerly, if not considered a defect, at least but little regarded, become tlic rage, and everytliing was done to produce that which was formerly despised. lu the same way in the realms of Flora ; many a plant that has heretofore "bloomed unseen, and wasted its sweetness on tlu> desert air," lias been invested with an im- portance wliicli their intrinsic worth and beauty would never have gained for them. This has been notably the case with some members of the family of ^'iola ; for example, more was said and written last year upon the claims of Hula corn ii fa as an edging plant tluiii al)i)ut any other plant of the season. No lady could have been more anxious to declare that she had just exactly that golden tint of hair whicli constituted tlie painter's ideal of beauty, than was this and tliat writer to show that liis strain of Viola conit(f(( was exactly the true one, and the Aery tint that was required. Having tried it somewhat extensively, we can bear witness to its good efF(>ct, especially as an edging to il/yvs. Pollock Pelar- gonium, and its very great duration of l)lo()ming, from May to October, gives it a value Avhich many ollu-r edging plants are deficient in. Anotiier member of the f\imily is tlie plant whicli we now figure, and for whicli we arc indebted to the Messrs. Backhouse and Son, of York, and whose description of it is as follows: — " By far the most beautiful of any of the American "Molas which we have seen, and liitlierto very rare in tliis country. The leaves are deeply divideil, like the foot of a bird, and the very large flowers are of the loveliest pale blue, tinted with mauve. Plant compact and dwarf, growing in very sandy soil, where there is but slight shade. It is quite distinct from, and very sui^erior to Viola jirdinafct and Viola pinnata, and will, we feel sure, become a favourite wherever known." The Plate faith- fully represents its very free-flowering qualities, while the shade of colour is one that is vciy much required in the present style of gardening. 351. J Andrews, del, etlith. "Wncent Brooks, Imp Plate 351. TEA EOSE, MADAME ^lARGOTTIN. "When wc were at Lyons last year, and enjoying a run tlirongh the celebrated Rose-gardens of that city, we were very much strufk witli two tea-scented Roses in the possession of ^I. ( iuillot/'V.y, and as any addition to that very favourite class is sure to be welcome if it be good, Mr. Andrews has, from flowers supplied from our own garden, given an admirable figure of one of these, whicli we believe will be a general favourite. There are some Roses which are known as tea-scented, which are really not so, but noisettes, such as Gloire de Dijon and Marechal Niel, the fact of their possessing the delicate perfume of the Tea Rose being probably the reason why they have been so classed. As a rule, the genuine Tea Rose is smaller in habit and leaf, and not so robust in its constitution. Madame Mar- gottin is a genuine tea-scented Rose ; it is, as will be seen from the Plate, a medium-sized flower, of a delicate primrose-yellow colour, witli a most lovely peach-coloured tint in the centre petals. The sliape of the flower is good, and tlie substance of the petals is very firm, and, as a consequence, the individual blooms are not so fugitive as in some of the Teas. _ The other flower which we have alluded to is Boiifon d'Or ; this is a most exquisite little gold button of a very lively yellow hue, and, for its size, likely to be a great favourite for wearing as a single flower. We cannot say as yet that we have been greatly impressed with the new Roses ; so {av as our o^vn experience of them goes, the present season is not likely to produce any very great improvement on our already fine varieties. One Rose, indeed, has appeared of which we liope to give a figure, and which lias created quite a sensation as an English-raised Rose, Mi^is Ingram.; but as yet we have not seen anything very remark- able, indeed it is very difRcnlt to surpass some of the Eoses that we have, and it must be a very good Eose that will excel Charles Le/ehvre, Pierre Notting, Comtesse C. de Chabrillant, John Hopper, Maurice Bernhardin, Madame Victor Verdier, and other well-known flowers. J. Andrews , del et lith Tincent Brooks, Imp Plate 352. NOSEGAY PELArvGOXIUJir, EMMELINE. Slella has generally been considered the tyi)e of a true nose- gay, and "an improvement on Stella" "in tlie same style as Stella" has been generally considered the best character wliich can be given of a new flower. If, then, wc> describe Emmcline as a " Rose Stella" we shall, perhaps, best convey the idea of the flower to those w ho are lovers of the nosegay section, and who have not had an opportunity of seeing it as exhibited this season by Messrs. Downie, Laird, and Laing, of Stanstead Park, Forest Hill, and Edinburgh, who have already by their fine flowers, Mrs. Laing and King of Nosegays, won a name for themselves in this popidar class of flowers. ^^'e cannot do a greater service than give herewith a list of those varieties which are to be sent out by this firm next sea- son, for it will be seen that they have been highly thought of when exhibited : Countess of Rosshjn, bright rosy-pink, with a glowing carmine shade ; very large leaves and compact habit. First-class ccitificate, Royal Horticultural Society, Crystal Palace, and Brighton. Emmeline (the plant figured), deep rosy-pink, with a violet sliade ; very large truss ; growth ^ igorous and compact. First-class certificate, Royal Horticultiu-al Society, Crystal Palace, and Regent's Park. Bose Stella, light rosy-pink ; large truss ; very dwarf, compact habit. First-class certificate. Royal Horticultural Society, Crystal Palace, and Brighton. Jliglit lion. Gathorne Hardy, bright glowing orange- scarlet, immense truss, dark zone, and fine habit. First-class certificate. Crystal Palace and Brighton ; second-class certifi- cate, l{o\al Horticultural Society. Comet, very dark crimson- scarlet, with a pui"ple hue ; compact globular trass ; fine zone ; dwarf compact habit. First-class certificate, Regent's Park. Nosegai/ Jloyihunda, bright-orange scarlet ; large, compact glo- bular truss ; fine habit, and very fine. First-class certificate. Regent's Park. In addition to these, they have amongst Zonals, Seraph, clear briglit salmon, fine form ; very dark zone ; good truss, and very fine. First-class certificate. Royal Horticultural Society. The Sultan, dark glowing orange-scarlet, broad petals, large truss, dwarf habit, and very free ; and Tom Thumb (nose- gay), deep crimson-scarlet, plain leaf, very dwarf and fine, not more than six inches high. 353, Plate 353. EOSE, illSS INGTIAM. We have again the pleasure of figuring a Rose of genuine English origin, and one, too, which we are very much inclined to think will prove as great an acquisition as that now famous Rose John Hopper, raised by Mr. '\\'ard, of Ipswich, and more especially as it belongs to a class in which we have been defi- cient,— a class represented by Madame Bivers and Madame Vidot, neither of which, although very beautiful Roses, are of sufficiently vigorous constitutions to suit all soils and situa- tions. Miss Ingram owes its origin to one who has been long known as a successful hybridizer of fruits and flowers — Mr. Ingram, the veteran gardener of the Royal Gardens, Frogmore, — and will, perhaps, more tend to perpetuate his name and fame as a raiser, than any of his former productions. It was first exhi- bited this season at the Royal Botanic Society's June show, where it received a first-class certificate ; and wherever it has been shown since, it has received a similar award. It was very greatly admired by all who saw it at this show, and also at tlie Royal Horticultural Society and Crystal Palace Exhibitions, and has boon pronounced by some of our most celebrated rosarians as a Rose of first-rate qualities. AVe have seen it ourselves growing in the nursery of Mr. Charles Turner, Slough ; and in vigour of constitution and profuseness, it fully equals any of our Roses. One most severe test it has stood ; for while nearly all the light Roses were killed in the neighbourhood of Slough during the last winter, Miss Inqram was quite uninjured. This is a most important point in its favour, while, as will be seen from the admirable figure of Mr. Andrews, it possesses an aduiirablc contour, as mucli cupped as the old Cabbage Rose, the colour being a delicate blush-white, with a deeper tinge of blush in the centre of the flower. It will be, we believe, let out next year by Mr. Charles Turner, of the Eoyal Nursery, Slough, who possesses the entire stock. 354: Plate 354. i3EG0 lA BOLIVENSIS. Few collectors have been more successful in adding to our stores of useful jili^nts than Mr. Pearce, who has for so long been engaged in ransacking portions of South America, in the interests of Messrs. Veitch and Son, of Chelsea ; his disco- veries are such, tliat they come within the reach of a large number of horticulturists, from their being adapted for green- house culture ; and in this, one of the most recent of his in- troductions, we think that we can hail another valuable addi- tion to our new plants. Vie learn from tlie ' Botanical Magazine,' in wliich it has just been figured (Tab. 5G57), that it was discovered by ^^'ed- dell in the Cordillera of Bolivia ; but we suppose it was merely retained as a dried specimen in his licrbarium, for it was re- garded as quite a new plant when sent home by Mr. Pearce ; and we know that wlien it was exhibited at the Paris Interna- tional Show in May, it attracted more of the attention, both of botanists and horticulturists, than any plant there exhibited ; it was afterwards exhibited at the Royal Horticultural Society at Kensington, and was tliere greatly admired. The root is tuberous, and the stem rises from it to the height of about two feet, although possibly, under cultivation, it may become larger ; the flowers are very freely produced, in groups of two and three, springing from the main stem, and hang down gracefully, displaying their brilliant scarlet colour very well. There is a good deal of peculiaritj' in the structure of the plant, differing from other Begonias, which makes it a plant of con- siderable interest to botanists. It often happens with our new introductions, however, that many of them are interesting both to tiic botanist and horticulturist ; tliis Begonia is one of these, and as we believe it to be of very easy cultivation, we expect that it will be, ere long, very generally grown ; at any rate, by all those who can appreciate this class of plants, it must be regarded as one of no common order of merit. We are in- debted to the Messrs. Veitch for the opportunity of figuring it. 355. 1^ x:. #* /S5-% Plate 355. DENDKOBIUM EENSONIiE. So numerous are the S2)ecies of Orchids, and so eminently popular has the class become, that we constantly hear of per- sons who take under their special care different families; some are more ftimous for their Odontoglossunis, others for their Dendrobiums, others for tlieir Cypripediums, and so on. By the admirers of Orchids generally, and by the cultivators of Dendrobiums especially, the very beautiful plant which we now figure, will doubtless be considered a great acquisition. We are indebted to Messrs. Vcitch and Son for the oppor- tunity of figuring it, and also for the following information regarding its introduction : — " Dendrobimn Bensonia; was first introduced by us last spring from Burmah, through Colonel Benson, to whom is due the merit of having discovered several fine new Orchids. Some specimens flowered here soon after their arrival, and its lovely flowers produced in such profusion, at once won for it a high position among our most valued Dendrobiums, and decided it to be a most desirable acquisition. It is named Bensonkc by desire of Colonel Benson, in honour of his wife ; and has been awarded a Silver Floral Medal by the Royal Horticultural Society, besides several first-class cer- tificates from other societies." The locality from whence it comes at once pronounces it to be one of those Orchids which require a warm temperature, although considerable modifications of treadnent, even in these Orchids, have been made since the introduction of what is known as the cool treatment of Orchids has been introduced. It will l)(> seen from tlie Plate that the colour is of a delicate French-white, with a large brilliant orange-yellow blotch on the lip, at the base of which are two irregular deep brownish- crimson spots, giving the plant a most striking appearance, and marking it as one of the most effective of its tribe. 356: Plate 356. GLOXINIAS, MADAME DE SMET, PRINCE TECK, AND ROSE D' AMOUR. Altliougli, as a general rule, the period of blooming of the many beautiful varieties of Gloxinia is after the great Metro- politan shows are held, and, consequently, they are not so much seen there as they would otherwise be, yet sometimes tlu^y are brought forward ; and more especially is this the case with new seedling varieties ; the same reason, however, indi- cates their usefulness for the decoration of the conservatory, after the spring and summer occupants have finished flowering, for when Pelargoniums have been cut down, and Azaleas been put out of doors, then the Gloxinias and Achimenes take their place, and give, during the later months of summer, a beautiful and interesting display. Tlie cultivation of the Gloxinia is so well known, and has been so often treated of in various numbers of the ' Floral Magazine,' that it will be unnecessary to repeat the directions on this head. Tt will be seen that Madame de Smet (Fig. 1 ) occupies a somewhat midway position between the upright and drooping varieties. The flowers are of large size, and of great substance ; the colour, a beautiful bright lavender or mauve, and very freely produced. It received a first-clnss certificate from the Floral Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society, and at the Eoyal Botanic Society's June show. Prince Tcck (Fig. 2) belongs to the upright section, and is a flower of very regular outline, the colour of the lobes being a beautiful bright purple with a deeper shade of the same colour at the base of each. Eose d'Amoiir (Fig. .3) is a large flower of drooping habit, the colour being a brilliant carmine rose, white at the base, and the throat slightly spotted with ro.se on a yellowish mound ; it will thus be seen that three ditt'erent strains of this flower are represented by the flowers figured, all alike beau- tiful, and decided advances ou those we already possess. These flowers are all in the possession of Messrs. Veitch and iSon, Chelsea. 367 tews.dei et liti^ Vmcent Brooks. Imp Plate 8.') 7. DOUBLE-FLOAVERED PELARGONIUM, PRINCE OF NOVELTIES. It is difficult to say what direction the results of hybridizing in this universally popular class of flowers is likely to take. We have seen the most marvellous changes in the leaf-colouring, and the introduction of novel colours into the flowers of the zonal section. And then already in such varieties as Gloire de Nancy and Triomphe de Lorraine, double flowers have made their appearance ; and now, in tlie case of the variety we now figure, we have, in the larger-flowered section, the production of the same results, — the commencement of a change it is im- possible to foresee the end of The Prince of Novelties is in the possession of Messrs. E. G. Henderson and Son, of Wellington Eoad, St. John's Wood, to whom we are indebted for the opportunity of figuring it, and is being distributed by them this autumn. We cannot do better than give their description of it. They speak of it as "A very beautiful and remarkable novelty, differing from the ordinary class of Pelargoniums by the usual upper and lower petals, of unequal outline, being transformed into a flat, circular ray of equal-sized petals, forming a diameter in each flower of about an inch and three-quarters in width, and filled up in the centre with small petaloid segments, or flower-lobes. . . . These in- dividual blossoms are produced in trusses of from three to six or nine each, according to the vigour of the plant. The general colour is brilliant carmine tinted crimson, bounded with a blush-white margin, each petal being marked at the base with a dark rich crimson blotch, from which netted lines run over the carmine surface. Its style of growth shows a neat, free, and robust branching habit and flowering in small or medium- sized plants from nine inches to one, two, and three feet high. Its peculiarly vigorous growth requires a less rich soil than others, and also a more restricted condition of growth, by seldom potting. By adopting these precautions it will be found to retain its rich ample verdure, and form fine plants in smaller pots than the generality of kinds equally robust. Strong- vigorous plants sliould not be potted later than from October to January; and successional ones not later than March." We had the opportunity of seeing in August the stock of this novel flower ; and can bear witness to the accuracy of the description, and its value as a decorative plant. idrews. del . et lith 358 '^■^4 ^m^-: ^- m im-' ■ruicen'i^ Di ooKs, iUti: Plati.: 35S. NEW srOTTEJ) FOXGLOVE, BEAUTY OE DOEKING. Tlie common wild Foxolove is associated, in the minds of many persons, Avith scenes of wild beauty, and is always sure to attract notice from the boldness of its style of growth and tlie brilliancy of its colouring; and it was often a matter of surprise that it had not been taken in hand by tliose who are ever ready to cater for the novelty-seeking desires of the lovers of flowers. The plant itself was so hardy and robust, that it was surmised, that if it could be improved, it would be a very popular flower. It will be seen from the variety we now figure, that this improvement has at last been commenced, and we doubt not the work of hybridization will go on as it has done in other flowers. 'J'he ordinary colour of the wild Foxglove, spoken of by Sir "William Hooker as the " most stately and beautiful of our herbaceous plants," is purple, spotted within, while occasionally a white variety is obtained ; the crossing of these two colours is sure to produce vari(>ty, and in that now figured, we are enabled to trace tlii.s effect : we have seen some, of the most varying shades of colour, and doubt not that they will be as much so as the herbaceous Calceohtrids. As to the method of cultivaticni, although a large number of A-arieties have been already obtained and fixed, and will be cultivated in collections, as has been tlie case, yet we should imagine, that as it is so very readily seeded, and the plants are likely to bloom the following season, cultivators will jjrefer doing with them as they have already done with the Calceolaria, \ iz. growing it from seed ; and thus from jear to year throwing away the old plants, saving seed from the most remarkable, will ha\e the pleasure of continued novelty. We are indebted to the Messrs. Ivery, of Dorking, for the oppor- tunity of figuring the variety in our Plate. 369 Vcicent Br ode , hnj Plate 359. CARXAT10X8. TllUE BLUE AND ECCENTllIC. It says a great deal for the beauty of the Carnation and Picotee that, notwithstanding the scant enconragement offered to them in and around the Metropolis, they still maintain their hold, and that not only are there persons ready to purchase, but amateurs still willing to devote time and attention to hybri- dizing and obtaining new varieties. It is said that at the Horticultural Show, held at l>ury St. Edmund's, on July 16th, there were " some splendid stands exhibited ; Picotees without a trace of blotch or bar, reminding one of the floral compe- titions of old, such a filling-up of these fine old flowers requiring incessant attention, care," etc. Yes, far more tlian all these fine showy-looking tricolour (jeraniums, about wliich people who sneered at the florist's distinctions as absurd are now quite as enthusiastic as ever any grower of the Pansy or Carnation was in former days. 'llu' flowers which we now figure are unquestionably deser\ang of the distinguislied position they occupy, both having been awarded first-class certificates at the Exhibition at Bury St. Edmund's, where they were exhibited by Mr. Charles Turner, of the Royal Nursery, Slough, tlie largest grower of these beautiful flowers in the south of England. True Blue (Fig. 1 ) is a purple-flake flower of great excellence ; the petals large and regularly disposed, with most regular purple flakes in each petal, the colour in no case running or confused. Eccentric (Fig. 2) is a scarlet bizarre of good brilliancy, belonging to a class always remarkable for tlieir fine effect, the briglit scarlet bars and then the deep crimson ones giving it a very rich appearance ; it is remarkable for its substance and good quality. When we see sucli flowers as this we do not wonder at the enthusiasm which the growers of them have shown, nor that they shoukl think but lightly of a style of gardening that ignores their beauty. Vinoerit Br'aiks.Imp. Plate 360. CATTLEYA BEABANTLE. The work of hybridization in Orchids goes bravely on, not- withstanding; the remonstrances of those who deplore the con- fusion that it is likely to create amongst their favourite flowers, —our pag(^s having already shown that this has been largely done ; while in the present Plate we have another instance, although in this case not between different fomilics, l)ut be- tween two species of the same family. Cattleya Brahantke was exhibited by tlie Messrs. ^'eitch, of King's Road, Chelsea, at the June Inhibition of the Royal Botanic Society, Regent's Park, where it was very nuuli ad- mir(>d, and received a first-class certificate. It is a liybrid variety, raised by Mr. Uoniiny, and is a cross between Cattleya Aclandue and Cattleya Loddtgesii— both Brazilian Orchids— the former being of a ^iur])lisli-brown colour, the latter rosy-lilac. We seem to have in Cafth-yn Brahantia% named, we belie\e, after the Duchess of Brabant, a fail- mingling of the two flowers, while the habit is sturdy and excellent. As both the parents are Brazilian Orchids, it will not come under the designation of cool house Orchids, but will require a warm temperature. Those who are large growers of tliis singularly beautiful, widespread, and attractive tribe of plants, have their special houses devoted to the various countries from whence they a;e imported, an East Indian house, a Brazilian house, and so forili ; all this requires a very large outlav, but at the same time, \'.ith judicious management, those of more limited means may grow some of the different countries very readily, as, indeed, nrist be done by the great majority of those who cultivate them. We do not imagine that Caitlcya Bra- hantice will offer any difficulty in its culture. 361. J. Andrews. deLetlth. Vincent Brook s . Imp Plate 301. ROSE, ANTOTNE DUCIIEU. Nothing can be iiioro disappointinu; tliaii writing about nt'w Hoses, except it be growing tliem ; for year after year the most flaming descriptions are given of about seventy or eighty varieties, all of which, were we to believe the raisers, are better than any that have gone before; while at tin' cud of tlie season we find, perhaps, that if three or four out of the whole number are worth retaining, it is quite as many as we are warranted in doing. Seeing, even, is not believing, here ; for although a Rose may look well and be handsome, yet there may be some pecidiarity in its growtli whicli prevents it from holding a place in our gardens ; such, for instance, as Naj)oUo)i III., which, beautiful as it was when we save it at Vitry last year, and as figured by Mr. x\ndrews, has too delicate a consti- tution ever to make it a general favourite. When visiting the Kose gardens of France last season, we expressed an opinion that the Rose which we now figure, Antoine Diicher, would prove to be the best Rose of the season, and we are still inclined to this opinion. Certainly, so far as we have been enabled to see, the tAvo Tea Roses, Madame Mnrqoftin, Bouton iTOr, and the Hybrid Perpetuals, Horace Vernet, Antoine Bucher, Mademoiselle Anne Wood, and Madame Biml (perhaps), are likely to prove those best worth retaining. We have seen only a few of those of tlie jjrcsent year, and can, therefore, hardly venture to say nnuh ; but as the Rose growers have had the opixn-tunity of a continuous exhibition at the "Exposition TTniversclle," we may conclude, 1 thiidc, tliat those which have obtained prizes there are likelj- to be good, so that we may hope that Prince Humbert and Ducliesse d'Aosfe, raised by our friend M. ^[argottin, at IJourg-la-Reine, and Baron Lassus de St. Gcnies, are likely to be varieties of merit; and to these we mnst add La France, which we saw with M. Guillot tils, last year, and Edouard Morren, which has been pur chased by the Messrs. Lee, of Hammersmith, and of which we heard good repcn'ts from the Rose growers of Paris. Antoine Luclicr was raised by M. Ducher, of Lyons, and is a seedling from Madame Domar/e, of good shape, and of a vivid red colour suffused witli purple. 362. J Andrews, del.et lith. Vincent Brooks, Imp. . Plate 802. i'E LAIIGONTU.AIS— IIEIIILOOM AND VICTOU. It is remarkable how some seasons seem more productive of good varieties of florists' flowers than others. Thus, last year was one in Avhich very few really good and first-rate \aiifties of the Pelargonium were produced, while the present has perhaps been the most remarkable one, in this respect, that we have had for some years past, — both Mr. Iloyle and i\Ir. Forster liaAang exhibited new kinds, wliich have received an unusual number of first-class certificates, and been greatly admired by all who have had the opportunity of seeing them. There can be no question of the great popularity of this beau- tiful and easily-cultivated plant, and we are sure that all those who do grow it will appreciate the numerous varieties of this season as worthy additions to tlunr stock, whether it be small or large. We, who can remember the earliest stages of that develoi> ment which has gone on so rapidly of late years, may well be surprised at the amazing change, although from year to year the improvement must necessarily be small. To beat such flowers as Jvlui lloijle. Mart/ Iloyle, etc., requires an amount of excel- lence not easy of attainment, but the florist, no way discou- raged, works on, gladly hailing the least advance, until, after a few years, the flowers he once thought unsurpassable, are now thrown into the shade. The varieties we can figure are. Fig. 1 , Heirloom, a flower of first-rate character, the shape being all that can be desired, the colour a very rich rosy-carmine ground, with a large blotcii in the ujjper petals, witii a clear white throat, ricfor. Fig. 2, is a veiy high-coloured flower ; the upi)er i)etals being of an intense deep maroon, almost black, with a narrow clear border of deep crimson ; the lower petals are of a bright crimson-pink, Avith a blotch in each petal, with a bright veining of crimson outside. Both Howers have received certificates of merit, and are of good habit of growth. '^ -V- ■■'■^' / r,/^ m \ v^^ / ,--*"■. ^ ^ #► ^-^ >^^ ^'.^ Plates 3G3, 304<. GL.\J)IOLI-AI>OLriIE ]mONGNIAHT, NEWTON. In ovdcv to give a better scope to the al)ilities of Mr. An- drews in portraying this bcantifnl autumn flower, we have, in a donble Plate, given a representation of two very beantii'ul varieti(\>?, whicli liave been sent ont by M. Sonchet, of Fon- taineblcau, of world-wide fame as the chief raiser of this lovely tribe. We have had an opportiinity, dnring the present month, of visiting the extensive collection of M. vSouchct, at Fontainebleau, and of hearing from himself the method of cultivation which he pursues, — a method whicli it would be .somewhat difHcnlt for many to follow, inasmuch as he allows the ground to be entirely fallow for a year before jdanting his bulbs, and never returns to the same ground for tluee years. lie appears to know nothing of the disease which has proved so fatal to the expectation of many growers, — our own amongst the number ; nor, Avhen we showed him some of our diseased bidbs, could he accomit for it. Adolplie Brongniart (Fig. 1) is the finest Gladiolus that lias hitherto been raised ; the size of the flowers, the excellence of its form, the variety of its colouring, all give it the claim to be unrivalled ; but even it will be eclipsed by a variety we saw the other day at Fontainebleau, "■ Semiramis." Newton (Fig. 2) is a variety of the preceding year, remarkable for its very deep colouring, and also of good form. The best of the flowers of 186()-G7 are, we think, Adolphe Ihwu/niart, Princesse Marie de Camhmhje, and Lady Franklin, while of those of the present year, rrinccsa Alice, lilac, lightly linti'd with rose, Norma, white, sometimes very lightly tinted witli lilac, Urani(\ white, striped witli lively carmine-rose, Mo- zart, lively rose, largely tinted with violet, and tiamed with deep carmine, and Semiramis, rosy-carmine ground, largely flamed with deep carmine, will, as far as we have been able to judge, be the choicest varieties of the season. Plate 3G5. BEGONIA VEITClllT. Again are wo indebted to the indefatigable labours of Mr. Pearco, the eminently successful collector of the Messrs. Veitch, of Chelsea, for a most valuable addition to our gardens ; the more so, as we are inclined to believe that in many parts of the kingdom it will prove perfectly hardy, and ^^ ill go far to increase the popularity of herbaceons plants, towards which there seems to be much attention given at present. As the plant has been already figured in the 'Botanical Magazine ' (Tab. .")G63), we would here subjoin Dr. Hooker's statement witii regard to it antl a very closely allied species, Berionin Clar/cei: — "Of all the species of Begonia known, this is, 1 think, the finest, ^^'itll the habit of Saxi/rar/a ciliata, immense flowers of a vivid vermilion cinnabar red that no colourist can reproduce, it adds the novel feature of being hardy in certain parts of England at any rate, if not in all. It was discovered by Messrs. Veitch's collector, Mr. Pearce, near Cuzco, in Peru, at an elevation of 12,000 to 12, 500 feet; and the plants gi-own in Mr. Veitch's establishment have already given sufficient proof of hardihood, by withstandjug a tempera- ture of 25° Falir. with absolute impunity. Unwilling as I am to pronounce on the probable or possible adaptation of exotic plants to an English climate, I cannot but believe that in the soutli-wcstern counties, and in the south of Ireland, the Be- gonia I'cifchii will certainly prove one of the most ornamental of border plants." Of the nearly allied species, after noticing the points of difference. Dr. Hooker says, in the nund)er for last month (November), where li. Clnrlel is figured, '-AMiether this and Bcijonia Veitchii, together with another allied to it from the same country, and hitherto unpublished, will even- tnall)' prove wholly distinct is, I think, doubtful ; thoy will pro- bably be extensively hybridized." We do not think it will be necessary to do more now than refer to the exquisite drawing of Mr. Andrews, to bear witness to the justice of these remarks, and to the value of this recent addition to our herbaceous plants.* * Amongst the innny uses to wliich the houses known as " Hereinan's " might be put, that of affording sJielter to plants of doubtful hardiness, with- out interfering with the ordinary purposes of the house, may be mentioned. An admirable pamphlet by Mr. Hercman, written in a plain and easy style, has recently been published, and deserves the attention of all lovers of a siarden. Y^ Plate 3GG. VERBENAS, MISS TURXEll, THOMAS HARRIS, AND INTERESTING. Any i)orson wlio luis visited the autumn exhibition of the Crystal Palace must have been struck by the exceeding beauty of the boxes of cut blooms of Verbena, exhibited by Charles J. Perry, Esq., of The Cedars, Castle IJromwich. near liirminjjham ; and we may safely say, that in tlie class to which he lias espe- cially devoted his attention, Verbenas for I'xliibitinii, he is quite unrivalled. We have, therefore, great pleasure in giving this statement of his method of growing tlicm, wliich lie has obligingly furnished us with. "The cuttings are struck in March, and tlie strongest plants are potted into small pots as soon as rooted, and placed in a moderately warm dung frame, they then receive one stop ; after they have made a little growth, they are potted into 48-sized pots, and receive another stopping as soon as they have well taken hold of the soil. After they have made some growth, they are finally potted into the blooming-pots, whicii should be about five or six inches across, not larger ; and early in May th(>y are placed in a cool, well-ventilated greenliouse. Short slicks are put to each shoot as tliey grow, for the purpose of keeping the trusses upright. The soil I prefer is old turf mixed with decayed frame-manure ; tlie plants must never suffer from want of water, and must be fumigated whenever an aphis makes its appearance ; if properly attended to, blooms may be cut continually from the beginning of June until the end of September, and the plants will form one of the most interesting features of the greenhouse, at a time when few flowering-plants are under glass; the per!'ume is also parti- cnlavly pleasant, tlie odour of many of the varieties partaking much of that of orano-c-blossom. Tlie blooms should be con- tinually cut off the plants, and not allowed to go to seed if fine trusses arc required ; if the plants are well grown, the foot- stalks of the blooms will be sufficiently long for any decorative purposes for whicli they may be required." Eacli year shows that ]Mr. Perry still improves the character of his flowers ; of those cxliibited this season, for which he has received several first-class certificates, we have selected three for illustration. 3Iiss Tiuiicr (Fig. 1) is a splendid white flower, very large, with bright rosy-pink eye ; truss large and Avell-formed. Thomas llayvis (Fig. 2) is a rich, deep plum of fine form ; and Interesting (Fig. 3) is a large light crimson flower with yellow eye ; all flowers of first-rate quality. 06/ ,/ ^--^ / %! Tlatk ;5()7. CATTLEYA, DOMIXIANA ALBA. We have already, in t!ie ])i('sciit and previous volnnics, li^urcd sonic varieties of this extensive and Iteautifnl fi;enns, and are indebted to the same source for the illustration we now f^ive, \\/.. tlie extensive collection of the Messrs. Veitch, of Chelsea; this being ohc of the many beautiful additions made to our Or- chidaceous plants, by tlie skill and perseverance of Mr. Dominy. \\'c have noticed that the practice which has for some time prevailed, of giving Latin names to garden hybrids, and against which we protested in a recent number, has been taken up by the most widely circulated of our gardening publications ; and we trust sonietliing will be done to put a stop to a practice which often proceeds from mere pedantry, and which must, in tlie case of Orchids, involve unutterable confusion, for it is not witli them as with the more evanescent garden flowers. Latin names may be given to Phloxes, Chrysanthenuims, Calceolarias, and sucli-Iike things ; but in a few years they are forgotten, wlnle tlie Orchid, wliich has once been considered worthy of being named, will most probably remain for many years ; indeed, as long as the original species. Caftleya Domini ana alba is a li\hrid of very great beauty, partaking somewliat of the cliaracter of CaftJcyn luonicnuis, figured in Plate 2G1), and to which attention has recently been drawn by Professor Reichenbach. Altiiough tlie sepals are broad(>r, and tiie flower altogetlier laiger, they, as well as the petals, are of a beautifnlly delicate lavender tint ; while the lip, which is very large and nuicli opened out at tin* apex, is of a beautiful, ])early wliite, a large portion of it being of a biilliant rosy-lilac, spotted in Hues of tlie same colour. Tlie size of the (lower, and its l)iilli:nu y of colouring, justly entille it to be considered a most desirable variety, and add another to the many proofs given by Mr. Dominy (whose name it perpe- tuates) of his skill as a hybridizer. ,i6f Plate 3G8. LAXTAXAS, JULIUS C^SAR, MADAME DUrOY, AXD ADOLPIIE IIIVASS. A strange and, as wo think, a quite undeserved prejudice seems to exist against the tribe of plants whicli wc now figure; and to remove wliich, and bring them before those who take pleasure in varied forms of flowers, as jilants of real value, has been our object in making tlu>m the subject of our Plate. The Lantana is very largely used in Fraiiec for dcconitive ])urposes, both in ]iots and for bedding purposes. We saw large beds of them in several of the public jiarks and gardens of Paris, during the present year; and in a pleasant walk through our world-wide-known subtropical department at Battersea, we found that INIr. Gibson has also used them. Wc also saw a fine collection of the newest varieties at INIessrs. E. G. Henderson and Co., AVellington House, St. John's AVood, and were obligingly favoured by Iiini with blooms of those now figured. We have had also, in our own small gieeidiouse. jdants of them, displaying their gay blooms from the beginning of August until the present time (November 20th). Surely, then, they arc deserving of more attention. We have heard of two objeclions to them ; one, that they have a peculiarly unpleasant odour, ^^'e think this must be a matter of taste simply ; the flowers themselves Iia\ e liardly any, and the leaves, when bruised, emit an odour very similar to the black currant, so that this can hardly be called very un- pleasant. Tlie other objection has, perhaps, more in it; that as cut blooms they very soon fade: this is true, but tlien ihey need not be cut, but merely kept as decorati\e plants. 'J'hey have one remarkable featme. viz. the chanjrine character of tlie flowers; in some instances this is A^ery great, and adds a pleasing beauty to tlie plant. JnUns Ccvsar (Fig. 1) is a golden- yellow flower, changing to red. Madame Dufoy (Fig. 2) is a pale yellow, changing to rose; and Adolphe Ilivass (Fig. 3) bright canary, with golden centre. There are many other ex- cellent varieties, and the French raisers are adding to their number yearly. i1 III! nil III 3 5185 00292 4940 '-irjr'x*^/^- \ir" *>*%/ V"-*' > vV- <»,* -'v^ '" ^'T^.f^ /^ ^'-X ^^a^A^.4^ \■^ '. 5 A. •■■> .-V*,. y ^' : } %M '"^ :^ V