FLORA MALESIANA SERIES I - SPERMATOPHYTA Flowering Plants Vol. 10, part 4 DEDICATION TO BLUME ADDENDA Aceraceae 4: 3, 592 Actinidiaceae S.s. /s Ce 27] Aixoaceae 4: 267 Alismataceae 52317) 6295 Alseuosmiaceae 10: 335 Amaranthaceae 4: 69,593; 6:915; 8: 549 Anacardiaceae 8: 395 Ancistrocladaceae 42-538 Aponogetonaceae 4: 11; 7: 213 Araliaceae—I 921,553 Araucariaceae 10: 419 Aristolochiaceae Ve. S38 Balanophoraceae TE 1833" 82549 Basellaceae 5: 300 Bat(id)aceae 5: 414 Betulaceae 5° 207 162917 Bignoniaceae 8:114; 9: 554 Bixaceae s.S. 4: 239 Burmanniaceae 4: 1337592; 92554 Burseraceae 5: 209, 567 63.9175 7382092555 Butomaceae Ss S556 Byblidaceae 72135 Callitrichaceae 42251 Campanulaceae 6: 107, 928; 9: 556 Cannab(in)aceae 4: 222 Cappar(id)aceae 6:61; 7: 822 Caprifoliaceae 4: 175; 6: 928: 92556 Cardiopteridaceae 75 93 Celastraceae 6: 227, 389, 930 Centrolepidaceae 5: 421 Ceratophyllaceae 4: 41 Chenopodiaceae 4: 99,594; 6:932; 9: 557 Chloranthaceae 1Oz-123 Chrysobalanaceae 10: 635 Clethraceae 7: 139 Cochlospermaceae 4: 61 Combretaceae 4: 533; 5:564; 6: 932 Coniferales 10: 337 Connaraceae 5: 495; 6:933; 9:557 Convolvulaceae 4: 388, 599 $2558; 62.936: 7: 823; 9: 558 Comaceae 8: 85 Corynocarpaceae 4: 262; 5: 557 Crassulaceae 4: 197; 9: 558 Cruciferae 10: 541 Crypteroniaceae 8: 187 Ctenolophonaceae 10: 629 Cupressaceae 10: 442 Cyperaceae 72455. 92 107 Datiscaceae 4: 382 INDEX TO REVISED FAMILIES Dichapetalaceae 5: 305; 6: 941 Dilleniaceae 4: 141; 7: 824 Dioscoreaceae 4: 293 Dipsacaceae 4: 290 Dipterocarpaceae 92237 Droseraceae Ao STs Se oy, eee Elaeagnaceae 1055151 Elatinaceae 4: 203 Epacridaceae 6: 422 Ericaceae 6: 469, 943 $:.549;° 9: 562; 10:.716 Erythroxylaceae 5: 543; 8: 549 Fagaceae 122095) 92503 Flacourtiaceae 5: 1,565 62943; 7: 827;, 92563 Flagellaceae 4: 245; 9: 564 Geraniaceae 6: 445; 9: 565 Gnetaceae 4: 336; 6: 944 Gonystylaceae 4: 349 Goodeniaceae 525335,)007 6: 949; 7:827; 9: 566 Haemodoraceae 5: 111; 10: 717 Haloragaceae 7: 239, 828 Hamamelidaceae 53/363 Hippocrateaceae 6: 389 Hydrocharitaceae 5: 381 6: 952; 7: 828; 9: 566; 10: 717 Hydrophyllaceae 4: 207 Hyperiaceae G: 1; 10: 727 Icacinaceae PAS 9-566 Iridaceae Se 777410: 17 Ixonanthaceae 10: 621 Juglandaceae 6: 143 Juncaceae 4: 210; 9: 566 Juncaginaceae 4: 57 Labiatae 8: 301; 9: 566 Leeaccae 6 fre bis Lemnaceae T3219 Lentibulariaceae 8: 275 Liliaceae—I 9: 189 Linaceae 10: 607 Loganiaceae 62293 ,953;- 92 567 Lophopyxidaceae 7: 89 Magnoliaceae 10: 561 Malpighiaceae 53.125 Martyniaceae 4: 216 Menispermaccae 10: 157 Monimiaceae 10: 255 Moringaccae 4: 45 Myoporaceae 4: 265 Mynicaccae 4: 276 Najadaceac 6: 157 Nyctaginaceae 6: 450 Nyssaceae 4: 29 Ochnaceac 1:97 Olacaceae 1: 212717 Onagraceae 8: 98 Opiliaceae 10534 Oxalidaceae 7: Isis Papaveraceae 5: 114 Passifloraceae 7: 405 Pedaliaceae 4: 216%, Feros Pentaphragmataceae 4: 517 Pentaphylacaceae Br Zt Philydraceae aS Phytolaccaceae 4: 228 Pinaceae 10: 447 Pittosporaceae 6:960; 5: 345 Plumbaginaceae 4: 107 Podocarpaceae 10: 351 Podostemaceae 4:65; 6: 963 Polemoniaceae 4: 195 Polygalaceae 10: 455 Pontederiaceae 4: 255 Portulacaceae TxAZs Primulaceae 6: 173 Proteaceae 5: 147 Punicaceae 4: 226 Restionaceae 5: 416 Rhizophoraceae 5: 429; 6: 965; 825350 Sabiaceae 10: 351 Salicaceae 5: 107 Salvadoraceae 4: 224 Sarcosperma(ta)ceae 42132 Saururaceae 4: 47 Scyphostegiaceae 5: 297; 6: 967 Simaroubaceae 6: 193, 968 Sonneratiaceae 4: 280, 513; 6: 973 Sparganiaceae 4: 233; 10: 718 Sphenocleaceae 4: 27 Sphenostemonaceae 10: 145 Stackhousiaceae 4: -35 Staphyleaceae 6: 49 Stylidiaceae 4: 529; 6: 976 Styracaceae 4: 49; 9: 568 Symplocaceae 8: 205; 9: 569; 10: 718 Taccaceae 7: 806 Taxaceae 10: 347 Thymelaeaceae 4: 349; 6: 1,976; 7: 830 Trapaceae 4: 43 Trigoniaceae 4: 59 Trimeniaceae 10: 327 Triuridaccae 10: 109 Tumeraceae 4: 235 Typhaceae 4: 242; 6: 982 Ulmaceae 8: 31 Umbelliferae 4: 113, 595 5: 555; 6: 983; 7: 630 oe Valerianaceae 4: 253 Violaceae 7: 179, 831; 10: 720 Xyridaceae 4: 366, 598; 9: 571 Zygophyllaceae 4: 64 TAXONOMICAL REVISIONS THE LuESTHER T. MERTZ LIBRARY THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA LEMBAGA ILMU PENGETAHUAN INDONESIA (L.LP.L.) INDONESIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES FLORA MALESIANA BEING AN ILLUSTRATED SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT OF THE MALESIAN FLORA|/ INCLUDING KEYS FOR DETERMINATION | DIAGNOSTIC DESCRIPTIONS / REFERENCES TO THE LITERATURE | SYNONYMY/| AND DISTRIBUTION / AND NOTES ON THE ECOLOGY OF ITS WILD AND COMMONLY CULTIVATED PLANTS PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN BIOLOGY / BOGOR / JAVA AND OF THE RIJKSHERBARIUM / LEIDEN / NETHERLANDS PREPARED ON AN INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE BASIS UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF SEVERAL DIRECTORS OF BOTANIC GARDENS / KEEPERS OF HERBARIA AND VARIOUS PROMINENT BOTANISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF BOTANICAL SCIENCE AND THE CULTURAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE PEOPLES OF SOUTH-EASTERN ASIA TO THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC REGION SERIES I SPERMATOPHYTA VOLUME 10 GENERAL EDITORS: Dr. C. G. G. J. VAN STEENIS (f 1986) Dr. W. J. J. O. DE WILDE KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LONDON 1984—1989 Library in Congress Catalog Card Number 72-175112 ISBN 0-7923-0421-7 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk en MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Publication dates Part 1 20 Jan. 1984 Part 2 21 May 1986 Part 3 19 Oct. 1986 Part 4 3 Aug. 1989 All Rights Reserved © 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Printed in the Netherlands CONTENTS I Sa 5 oS sn caine A eee e ene IRA «ak an ek hE ae Sb be okie ein ere (3) PE ae en and. tesla es Aa a AS 2 os es We oe ae amet oe ek (5) nny @ 0 5 Ca: BWM) SSICCEES peer So orc vo do ete ne ees Gee as wis oe ele (7) NINES 00000" SEONG. 7-55 i hoon Seat eee: Merah: Sowden ay ee 2 es eg Se Se Ee (41) TAXONOMICAL REVISIONS in alphabetical sequence peneene by C56.G.5. van Steenis . 2% o.50%... Gases nabs es aee we eee eee 335 poerars by 1). 3, de Lanbeutels: -. «cis cicaes decuae cose cece ee ee ee 419 Jena by Dine Toe. oi os acs sin Hk we « ohh Ge ern ee ae ee 53 eee by B. Verdcourt). 2.» es... cc sn cas Seties ay weet Ue eee 123 Ceeerene by GT. Prances 05 oe oie lose Qktien oo oe ee ee oa 635 Cee ).3..de Lanbeulels soc cccc cae sen deena tank .> . . cee a 337 Cee ES. JOUSEN. ooo ace ain nics Eine ein wa Ee eee oe eee 541 Ctenolophonaceae by A.M.N. van Hooren & H.P. Nooteboom..................... 629 Clee try. D.). de: Laubenfels. 23.0.5. 2. apy dae ot ae 443 Pee by 3.F. Veldkanip: .. <2 ..506005 0.2% sonst ee eee ee eee 151 Cee ty BR. Kool. oo. be iene a cca os oe chee ee at eee ce 621 Linaceae by A.M.N. van Hooren & H.P. Nooteboom ................2c0eeeeeeeees 607 ee OF FIP. NOotebOOnh . < ... 65s sco vd nie sie een oes es 561 pee oy LL, Fornaio. 52s ai. bs cas ewes ene eee ee ene eee 157 eee We. PIUINGON : 5... sca kp saeco debe ua cee cesieewts > eee eee 255 CT UNE os. See Pees 2s ba @ vide das alee he ee ba Bale Oc ae ] CE CERI os a ewe evince cutie da bwacssuaee vane san oats + ante 31 eee ah e8 « Cae A UUOTONS os os dies Sawih ke vw kek o once ak ee ee 447 Peres OY DP). de Lasbeutels .. 5 6.. s odie cc's co kere ew s Be ee ee 351 Poe OF KR. van der Mebiden .... 66 2bSe as Site cere ees we ee 455 Sabiaceae by C.F. van Beusekom & Th.P.M. van de Water ................000eeees 679 eaeemonacese by C.G.G.J. van Steemigsu fei). . i> pwns oe oe Ae cca uuledenmenens 145 Pee er 0.3. Ge Laubentels oc edu dene so vcan vou ehibas 0300 uae beewkseeeeee 347 Feeeeonee by W.R. PHIGDSON . . 5.0. os cicblie doc bcanwucak whe vaawd bay cake 327 7peeecene by 3.P.M. van Meerendonk .° oi ..0 oo cvcndcvcssctocsaue sate taneenee 109 ADDENDA to volumes 4—10 Addenda, corrigenda et emendanda by C.G.G.J. van Steenis ef al. ..........000000es 717 INDEX Index to scientific plant names by E.E. van Nieuwkoop............0660000eeeee eee 721 ELS PPL. c Dedicated to the memory of CARL LUDWIG BLUME DEDICATION' Many botanists must have wondered why as yet no volume of Flora Malesiana was dedicated to the outstanding botanist CARL LUDWIG BLUME, undisputed pioneer in planning the compilation of a ‘Flora Malesiana’. The writing of this Dedication would have been greatly facilitated if a full biography of BLUME had been existent, but none is available; there is not even a bibliography of his works. Only recent- ly, in 1979, two biographical attempts were made, by J. MACLEAN and by A. DEN OUDEN, but only for the period 1820—1832; together with other biographical and obituary notes they are here assembled in Appendix B. I have also compiled a bibliography: Appendix A.” There are various reasons to account for the lack of data. At Leiden there are, in the Rijksher- barium archives, only few letters addressed to or written by BLUME, and this is also the case for the University archives. Also TREUB (B) in his papers on the history of the Botanic Gardens at Bogor complained about the lack of correspondence of BLUME. The largest source of (official) letters is contained in the huge ‘Rijksarchief’ at The Hague, but it will require a large, time- consuming effort to unearth these (D: 5). BLUME’s large private library was auctioned at Leipzig in March 1863, soon following his death, by the firm of O.T. WEIGEL (B; D: 9). It has sometimes been suggested that the lack of a full biography — to which BLUME was certain- ly entitled — could be explained by the fact that BLUME had few friends (D: 8) and that his contem- porary colleagues were antagonistic. But this explanation does not really hold, as a biography of the charismatic MIQUEL was not written before a century after his death. In the Netherlands the climate is not favourable for biographies of scientists, at least not in botany (D: 7). For the reasons given above I have waited a long time to frame a worthy dedication, in the hope that some historiographer would feel attracted to compose a full biography of BLume. In the absence of this I have ventured to accumulate material myself, recently supported by a study of MACLEAN (B) on BLUME’s years in Java and based on archival research in the ‘Rijksarchief’, and an unpublished essay by DEN OUDEN (B) on the same period based on details from several hun- dreds of letters in the same archives. To my regret biographers frequently do not give sufficient attention to personality and motiva- tions, but confine themselves to an appreciation of achievements. I have tried to form an opinion about this facet of BLUME. From BLUME’s profuse writings much can be learned about his motiva- tions and his attitude towards society and people. It stands beyond doubt — and that must soon have been realized by his contemporaries (E, F) — that in the science of botanical taxonomy BLUME was on a level with the great taxonomists of the previous century. But in the eyes of his close col- leagues he was an autocratic, dominant, unsympathetic person, and this impression still lingers around his name and overshadows the singular value of his scientific work. His sharp pen and especially his fanatical pursuit of a monopolistic position for the Rijksherbarium estranged him from his surroundings. Goppun (B: 1931) has pointed this out very well. My purpose in composing this dedication is to give a sketch of Blume’s life, his work and his motivations in a detached way. Blume has a right to an impartial judgement; activities and per- sonalities should be kept well apart. In a few cases, where there is lack of clarity about the inter- pretation of historical data, I will give BLUME the benefit of the doubt. (1) Shortly before his death in May 1976 the author of this Dedication and former Editor of Flora Male- siana, Professor C.G.G.J. VAN STEENIS, finished the text of the manuscript. He had the intention to use this biography of Blume to conclude volume 10 of the Flora. We wholeheartedly like to carry out his intention here. — The General Editor. (2) The documentation here presented is recorded in six appendices: A. BLUMe’s publications annotated; B. Biographical sources; C. References to cited literature; D. Notes (mostly additional information considered useful to illustrate the situations under which BLume had to work, his surroundings, personalia, etc.); E. Eponymy; F. Honorary distinctions and memberships. The photograph on the opposite page is copied from Rumphia 3 (1847), BLUME sitting above his treasures of the Javanese flora, including Nepenthes, Rafflesia, Rhizanthes, orchids and a rattan, presumably Plec- tocomia, the picture dating from the time when he was at the height of his career. (7) FLORA MALESIANA Towards the end of the 18th century two earlier attempts to compile a Flora of Malesia were made, namely by FRANcIsco NoroNa in 1786 and by Louris DescHamps in 1794—1798 (B: VAN STEENIS & VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1970; C: VAN STEENIS c.S., 1954). Both attempts were abortive by the unfortunate loss of the material these collectors had made. In the early 19th century the time had come for the more thorough exploration of the tropical floras, both in the New and in the Old World. In the Indies it was started by W. RoxBURGH and N. WALLICH. In Malesia there had been quite some botanical activity in RAFFLES’ time, notably by W. Jack in Sumatra and by Tu. HorsFieLp and L.T. LESCHENAULT DE LA Tour in Java, but these researches had led only to publications by JAcK. The proper achievement fell to BLUME, after the establishment of the Botanic Gardens at Bui- tenzorg (Bogor) in 1817, where a year later BLUME started a research period of seven years which led to his brilliant scientific career. Cart Lupwic BLuME, born at Brunswick (Germany) on 9 June 1796, was a son of the merchant CHRISTIAAN NICOLAAS LUDWIG BLUME and of MELUSINE CAROLINE SOPHIE DRECHSLER. His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was five years old. He was an eager boy and was attracted by the study of pharmacy. To a high degree he was interested in travel books of foreign countries, a trend and interest possibly strongly developed in Germany since Hum- BOLDT’s time, known as the ‘Wanderlust’, a tendency perpetuated to the present day (D: 10). BLUME’s interests were probably directed towards the many unexplored regions of the globe, in- cluding the tropics. By 1813 he used his heritance to buy clothes and equipment, and enlisted as a volunteer in the ‘Liitzowsche Jagercorps’, fighting against the French. Later on he went to the Netherlands, where on 29 December 1814 the Medical Board of the Dutch Forces appointed him as a military apothecary of the second class. On 6 April 1815 he was placed with the ambulance of the second division of the mobile forces in Belgium. He was present at Waterloo. According to the military Stamboeken (Registers) he was an apothecary of the second class in the hospitals at Den Helder and Leiden between 1814 and 1817. When in 1815 Prof. S.J. BRUGMANS was commissioned to bring back the collections of natural history from Paris to the Netherlands — collections which the French had taken there in 1795 — BLUME was appointed as his assistent. In some way or other, young BLUME enjoyed the support of the Duchess of BRAUNSCHWEIG, financially and otherwise. She fostered his career and had recommended him to Prof. BRUGMANS (+ 1819), who urged BLuME — who had performed his task excellently — to study natural history and medicine. BLUME followed this advice and took a degree as Doctor of Medicine on 9 July 1817 at Leiden (A: 1817). Shortly before this date, apparently in view of his doctorate, BLUME finished his activities as an apothecary in the hospital at Leiden. On 17 October 1817 he returned in the service of the hospital as an M.D., after having obtained, on 6 October 1817, the degree of a health-officer of the second class of the forces and hospitals. On 11 January 1818 he was honour- ably discharged as a surgeon-major and on 28 March 1818 became a health-officer of the second class of the forces in the Netherlands East Indies. On 28 May 1818 followed the same appointment for the first class; he worked at Leiden till 17 March 1818. Shortly after his arrival in Java, on 11 January 1819, BLUME was appointed deputy-director un- der C.G.C. REINWARDT in charge of the organization of Education, Medical service, Agriculture, Arts and Scientific investigation. He was then only 22 years old, but obviously highly esteemed for his ambition, zeal, knowledge and energy. His initial salary was f 500 annually. He lived in REINWARDT’s house at Buitenzorg (Bogor), enlarged for this purpose, in the Botanic Gardens. He married the rich WILHELMINA NICOLASINA CRANSSEN. This marriage was obviously not very successful. He was divorced in April 1830 in Brussels and he remarried at the end of that month JOHANNA ALLETTA WILHELMINA WAARDENBURG, by whom he had 7 children. At that time the Government was much concerned about serious tropical diseases, small-pox, typhoid, cholera, and in 1820 ReiInwarpT wrote a detailed report on the state of vaccination in (8) DEDICATION the years 1818—1819. All civil servants were informed of the Government’s intention to maintain and promote vaccination. BLUME was provisionally appointed ‘Inspector of Vaccine’ in 1819. He informed the Government that it was desirable to use indigenous plants instead of imported medicines which often lost their value during the long sea-voyage, and the Government requested him to make proposals. In the seven years between 1819 and 1826 BLUME travelled widely in West and Central Java, as far east as Rembang, often accompanied by assistants, draughtsmen and interested persons, collecting plants and also animals; gathering information on all sorts of aspects, including the medicinal value of certain plants, inspecting epidemics, efc.; in short he was engaged in an overall, thorough scientific exploration. He gathered many duplicates and his herbarium specimens are still in excellent condition. It has never become clear to me how these early explorers managed to dry and preserve their collections so well in the everwet tropics under the primitive conditions of the time, trekking from camp to camp (B: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1950). In 1821/22 he was in Bantam in the company of the civil servant J.B. SPANOGHE; in 1822 he made a large exploration of Mt Salak; in 1823 of Mt Gedeh; in 1824 he made a large tour of inspec- tion in the company of the clerk G.H. NAGEL, the gardener W. KENT, and the draughtsman A. Latour, to many places: Kuripan (near Bogor) with hotwells in limestone then surrounded by primary forest, Mt Seribu (hills SW. of Jakarta), then to the Krawang region (E. of Jakarta) eastwards to Indramayu, proceeding to Cheribon, ascending Mts Tjeremai, Tangkuban Prahu, Burangrang, going as far as Tegal. Furthermore, he explored the then completely forest-clad large island of Nusa Kambangan (S. Central Java) where he detected Rafflesia. In 1825 he was again in Rembang (Central Java), but also in Bantam, ascending Mt Parang. These must have been hectic, creative years in BLUME’s life. In view of later controversies I have listed these explorations, which show that BLuME covered a considerable part of West and Central Java, and that his travels partly covered the same habitats which had been visited by KUHL and VAN HASSELT, members of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’, but also went beyond these. The result was of course that the majority of species were collected by both parties. In all probability BLUME studied, analyzed, and described his collections in situ, facilitating later publication. In addition to all this field work he published scientific reports on many of these explorations, in part made public in a number of letters which he wrote to the brothers NEEs VON EsENBECK, published in the Regensburg journal Flora (A: 1823-1826). Finally he compiled all this material in the voluminous Bijdragen (A: 1825—1827), containing the concise treatment of some 700 genera and about 2400 species, belonging to 170 families of flowering plants. This achievement is colossal, as he had only very few books at his disposal, viz. WILLDENOw, Species Plantarum, PERSOON, Synopsis, SPRENGEL, Anleitung and Systema Vegeta- bilium, DE Jussieu, Familles des Plantes, ROxBURGH, Flora Indica vol. 1, and W. Jack, Malayan Miscellanies. He had of course also at his disposal the works of RHEEDE and RUMPHIUs but they were of hardly any taxonomical use. He mentioned in his Enumeratio that he had seen the plates of NoroNa, obviously of a set since lost, but could not have had much profit from them for his purpose. The writing of the Bijdragen itself was a tremendous task, let alone the research incorporated in them, a great deal of the genera and species being new to science. This research work has ap- peared to be of very high quality, testified by the fact that a very large amount of his newly pro- posed genera still stand and that others, now merged with earlier described ones, were always good taxa and were later often still recognized as subgenera or sections. A great merit was that BLUME hardly ever failed to recognize their proper affinity and almost always placed them in the proper family, evidence of his great systematic capacity. In view of the rather primitive state of tropical botany in his time this deserves great respect. BLuMe’s skills in this field also appeared from a first attempt to construct a system of affinity for tropical orchids, laid down in the Tabellen en Platen voor de Javaansche Orchideén (A: 1825), issued in part simultaneously with fascicle 6 of the Bi/- (9) FLORA MALESIANA dragen. He complained that he had had no access to contemporary literature on the family by R. Brown, C.S. KuNTH, and L.M.A. pu Petit THouars, which he only received during the print- ing of his own system of the orchids. This first attempt was much later crowned with his monograph Flora Javae. Nova Series (A: 1858—1859) of the Orchidaceae, the largest and least known family of the Malesian flora. In addition he published in the first five fascicles of the Bijdragen data on the useful and medicinal plants of the families treated. Apart from his work with vaccination and his exploration and botanical research work, another duty had fallen to BLUME, when he was in June 1822 appointed director of the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg (Bogor), at REINWARDT’s request succeeding him. REINWARDT himself repatriated in that year. The annual salary was f 1000. This was a task in itself; besides enriching the garden with plants he collected during his own travels, he was also in contact with other gardens abroad, for instance at Mauritius and Calcutta, with the purpose of exchange. BLUME was well aware of the fact that he should attempt to stimulate our consulates in foreign countries to collect plants or seeds for the garden, a policy which he later also followed when he was director of the Rijksherbarium. For the Buitenzorg garden he wished to have more Chinese and Japanese species and to obtain material he wrote to the Dutch consul in Canton and the representative in Deshima (Japan). A year later, in 1824, he instructed the Dutch in Japan how to dispatch seeds and plants to Batavia (Jakarta). Furthermore, BLUME sent Javanese and other exotic plants in small baskets to the university gardens at Leiden, Utrecht and Ghent in the Netherlands and also dispatched seeds to the ‘Société de Flore’ at Brussels. In 1823 BLUME published the first Catalogus van ... ’s-Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg (A). In the listing were many manuscript names of REINWARDT under the latter’s name. BLUME himself added several new genera under his own name with valid descriptions. Without doubt BLUME was the botanical ‘motor’ of this catalogue, REINWARDT having been too much occupied by ad- ministrative and organizational matters, and besides having been previously occupied by his large exploration of eastern Malesia. It should be added that REINWARDT’s plant-systematical knowledge was meagre (D: 8). On 11 June 1822 BLumE was also definitively appointed as ‘Inspector of Vaccine’ and had to attend to his medical-pharmaceutical duties as well. He reported on the virtues of hotwells in Krawang (A: 1825, 1839), gained information on the fight against cholera, efc. for which he in- itiated medical treatment, and paid attention to medicinal plants (A: 1825, 1832). On 12 August 1823 he was appointed commissioner of the civil health service. In short, his duties were manyfold and his achievements in these years are of tremendous proportion. In 1824 BLUME received permission to extend his research to all Dutch possessions in the East Indies and was allowed to publish in the journals of Dutch societies. The Government would pay for the printing of a book on botany, obviously the Bijdragen, with the provision that all discoveries, observations and prepared specimens would be the exclusive property of the Nether- lands Government. In a letter dated 6 August 1825, no. 365, BLUME informed the Governor-General about the pro- posed publication of his large book Flora Javae, pointing out that this was urgent as other persons who had explored in the Netherlands Indies were already active in having their discoveries printed. These other persons were obviously the French explorer L.T. LESCHENAULT, the American TH. HOoRSFIELD, and especially the British W. RoxBuRGH and W. Jack. He said that with the insecure life in the tropics, when so many fell an early victim to tropical diseases, he felt that he had to safeguard his research, the result of his extensive field work and observations for science. Therefore he had decided to publish the very concise Bijdragen in anticipation of the large work Flora Javae which he had in mind. He mentioned that his own health slightly deteriorated, but there is no evidence that he was ever seriously ill in Java (D: 11). The Bijdragen were certainly not merely a striving for priority. (10) DEDICATION It was then that years of negotiation started about financing the expensive Flora Javae. For its elaboration he requested a leave of three to four years in Europe, necessary for the acquisiton of information which the new literature and the comment of experienced botanists could offer, and this required visits to some of the famous herbaria in Europe. He offered to stay in Europe on part of his salary. In September 1825 the Governor-General permitted him a two-years stay in the Netherlands, at one third of his pay. After a frustrated attempt of BLUME to ship a large amount of living material to the Netherlands, and an offer to pay for his own passage, the Government finally decided by 26 June 1826 to commission BLUME for two years leave to the Netherlands on half-pay. His medical activities and the vaccination were assigned to his colleague PEiTcH and the botanical work in the Gardens would be looked after by the gardeners JAMES HOOPER and ALEXANDER ZIP- PELIUS who, together, would be paid from the other half of BLuMe’s salary. These were times of poor economy in the kingdom. BLUME took with him 29 cases of herbarium material, sailing in the ship ‘Christina Bernardina’, destination Brussels, then the capital of the kingdom. He had the good fortune that the ship ar- rived safely, so many earlier dispatches having been lost by shipwreck, for instance several of REINWARDT’s. By the end of 1826 BLumE arrived in Holland. By far the main part of the collec- tions were made by himself, minor ones were included, e.g. those made by REINWARDT in Java and East Malesia (Celebes, Moluccas, Timor), local Javanese collections made by the gardeners ZipPELIus, KENT and Hooper In the vicinity of Buitenzorg, efc. It should be stressed, however, that none of the collections of KUHL and VAN HAssELT were included, as these were property of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’. Later, in 1828, these latter collections were dispatched to the Museum of Natural History at Leiden by G. VAN RAALTEN, who had been taxidermist in the ser- vice of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’, assisting KUHL and VAN HASSELT. VAN RAALTEN was also a capable draughtsman; he died at Kupang (Timor) in 1829. VAN BrepDa’s archive, now at the ‘Hollandsche Maatschappij’, Haarlem, contains a partial abstract of a letter dated 22 July 1825 by G. VAN RAALTEN (B: 1825), in which he complains that BiuME — who had inspected the orchids in the KUHL & VAN HassELT herbarium — had noted which species had been depicted of their collections. He became afraid that BLUME’s publication would precede the publication of the KUHL & VAN HassELT plants and found this unfair. He felt extreme- ly sorry for the misfortunes which befell KuHL and vAN HAssELT. This letter was certainly one of the arguments for later, unjust accusations that BLuME stole scientific property. VAN RAALTEN pointed out that BLUME had agreed with vAN HassELT to work out the orchids jointly, which BiuME also acknowledged in his Bijdragen; in fact some 27 names have a dual authorship, as I have elucidated (B: VAN STEENIS, 1980). As a non-botanist VAN RAALTEN did not understand that in such unfortunate situations the dead have no claim unless they left manuscripts. A testimony that BLuME, after his departure from Java, had no access to manuscripts or draw- ings of Kuni and vAN HassELt is the fact that in the Bogor Library there is — or at least was, before World War II — a book containing drawings of KUHL & VAN HASSELT (on Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae, etc.); it is a further proof that BLumeE did not have these documents (D: 1). Still, the letter by VAN RAALTEN, which was badly understood and interpreted, had influence. Accusations and slander lead a long life, and are often eagerly reproduced by antagonists. Thus even TEMMINCK, the director of the Museum of Natural History at Leiden, wrote in 1828 — when the Kuni & VAN HassELT herbarium was transferred to BLUME — that the latter should guarantee priority to the manuscript names of KuHL & VAN HassELT in publishing, although TEMMINCK must have been quite well informed about the situation. I regret that Smit (B: 1979) in his essay still accepted VAN RAALTEN’S accusation. On the arrival of Blume in Brussels, he reported to D.J. van Ewuck (1786-1855), administra- tor of Education, Arts and Sciences in the Department of the Interior, who was very much im- pressed by Biume’s personality and works. In December 1826 van Ewucx spoke highly of Biume, praised his diligence and knowledge and declared himself in favour of the Flora Javae (11) FLORA MALESIANA plans. The Minister contacted his colleague of the Colonies, who in his turn applied to King Willem I. This was followed by endless discussions who would pay for the publication of Flora Javae. The result was that BLUME received 7000 florins and that the Dutch Government would buy 50 copies (5 florins for each instalment), the Netherlands Indies’ Government would buy 4 copies, and that he was allowed to appoint a draughtsman (ARCKENHAUSEN) for a period of four years. BLUME had in mind to publish 250 instalments. In the meantime BLUME pursued his activities in Holland, continued the Bijdragen, and com- posed a new work under the title Enumeratio plantarum Javae ... (A: 1827—1828). The treatment was more elaborate than that of the Bijdragen. It was published in Leiden. He mentioned on the title page that he had also used material from KUHL and VAN HaAssELT, but this is hardly possible as this came only available to him in 1828 (D: 1). BLUME dedicated the first volume to the NEES vON ESENBECKS at Regensburg, with whom he had early friendly relations for several years. BLUME’s frequent letters to them on his experiences in the exploration of Java were published in several volumes of the journal Flora, and he frequent- ly sent them cryptogams, mosses and fungi; when he returned to Holland in 1826 he stuffed empty spaces in his cases between his parcels with moss samples, especially hepatics, which enabled Tu.F.L. NEES voN EsENBECK to publish on Javanese Hepaticae in 1830. Partly out of courtesy the latter published a paper on Javanese Fungi, with BLUME as co-author (A: 1827). As a matter of fact BLUME extended his interest distinctly to cryptogams, and earlier had already pictured and studied mosses and fungi himself in the field. This interest did not wane, because in 1841 he readily agreed with ZOLLINGER to buy lichen collections from Java where ZOLLINGER intended to explore. The second volume of the Enumeratio, dedicated to W.J. HOOKER, consists mostly of descrip- tions of Pteridophyta; in fact it is the first account of them in Java. It proves BLUME’s thorough botanical knowledge, because he was mostly versed in Spermatophyta. Notwithstanding that, this volume is as complete and its contents as accurate as that of the flowering plants, according to HENNIPMAN (C: 1979). When in 1828 BLUME’s leave came to an end, he requested discharge of his position as chief of the Civil Health Service. This was granted because he would continue to work on botany and would not return to Java. By Royal Decree of 22 June 1828 he was granted from | July 1828 onwards an annual salary of 3000 florins for his services and an annual half-pay of 2000 florins, till he had obtained another position. BLUME had to cede in this same year his immense collection of animals and insects to the Museum of Natural History at Leiden. As compensation he would receive an an- nuity (B: GUZEN, 1938). The first two parts of Flora Javae appeared in Brussels, in 1828, under authority of BLUME and his adjunct, Dr. J.B. FiscHEr. J.G.S. VAN BREDA (C: 1827—1829), then professor at Ghent and by profession a zoologist, would participate, or at least elaborate, the Orchidaceae and Asclepia- daceae. For this purpose the drawings and descriptions of plants made by KUHL and VAN HASSELT were also given to VAN BREDA. On 31 March 1829 the Rijksherbarium was founded at Brussels, with BLUME as director, with the title of professor. One of his first actions was to instigate that the Botanic Gardens at Buiten- zorg should regularly provide consignments of plants to the Rijksherbarium, and furthermore, that the members of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’ in the Indies should not distribute specimens to foreign herbaria. The Rijksherbarium did not long exist at Brussels because of the 1830 rebellion, and was saved in the nick of time and transported to Leiden by FIscHER and VON SIEBOLD. This subject has been fully reported by my wife (C: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1962). BLUME himself was not on the spot, because he was on his honeymoon to Geneva. He combined this tour with the object of inspecting the ROEMER herbarium, which was for sale, to see whether it was worth-while to purchase it for the Rijksherbarium collections. The Rijksherbarium, after its transfer to Leiden, was at that time not affiliated to the Universi- (12) DEDICATION ty, but was subjected immediately to the Ministry of the Interior. That Ministry drafted an In- struction for the director, effective from the first of January, 1831 (C: vAN Dam, 1832). BLUME continued the issue of Flora Javae. Mid-1830 35 instalments had been published. Unfor- tunately, the subscriptions appeared insufficient and money ran out, and the work was temporari- ly abandoned. BiuMmE did his best to expand the Rijksherbarium collections on a large scale. Via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he urged civil servants abroad and in the colonies to collect plants and make herbaria. ' For this purpose he composed a booklet of instruction (of which I have not been able to trace a copy) on how plants should be made into a herbarium, as drying plants in the tropics brings along difficulties by the moist climate and the often bulky and/or fleshy structure of the material. Moreover, there was the problem of frequent insect damage once plants are dried. With some people BLUME succeeded. There is e.g. a large collection of several hundreds of specimens made by the Dutch consul in Venezuela, J.G. VAN LANDSBERGE, made in 1842. This collection is arranged by families, but remains unidentified to the present; it contains many duplicates. On the whole, however, BLUME’s urging did not meet with great success. BLUME also approached missionaries to collect plants in their territory, and stimulated phar- macists to do the same; those whom he tutored at Leiden he gave special attention and instruction. Although in this way many people sent overseas were aware of his wishes, the results were very meagre, as compared for example with the results of F. von MUELLER in Australia in his contacts with missionaries. The latter’s success is probably to be ascribed to the fact that he maintained a very regular correspondence with them and kept them timely informed of results. Besides, VON MUELLER lived much closer to them. In general, the attempt to acquire botanical material by stimulating an interest in the tropical flora among medical men and other residents in the colony and the collecting of specimens was, as far as I can judge, not successful either. The endeavour in itself was excellent, but possibly precocious in the early 19th century. In addition BLUME was engaged in buying collections which were for sale. A curious, significant example was a collection of Javanese plants offered in 1837 for sale to the Government by the German physician J.G.H. KoLLMANN, who was in the service of the Dutch East Indian army. This offer was referred to BLUME who found to his great surprise that this collection contained also the set of duplicates (about 4000 specimens) which he had conscientiously left at the Botanic Gardens in Buitenzorg (C: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1950; D: 4). It should be borne in mind that it was factually impossible for BLUME to work on incoming col- lections without having a large staff of botanists at his disposal. From numerous letters in the ‘Rijksarchief’ it is evident that he pleaded time and again for the appointment of staff officers. Notwithstanding the esteem he was held in by the Ministry of the Interior and the sympathy of some high officials, notably vAN Ewuck, it was of no avail. He could not even attain a permanent position for his two closest collaborators, Dr. J.B. FiscHeR and his draughtsman and handy-man J.C.P. ARCKENHAUSEN (C: GrieP c.s., 1977; D: 12). Financially the Netherlands were at that time at low ebb. BLUME, moreover, was unfortunate with respect to the few scientific co-operators he had. VAN HAssELT and FiscHER met untimely deaths and vAN BREDA took another job. Members of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’ were entitled to work out the results after seven years of exploration in the East Indies, but in this category it was only P.W. KorTHALS who per- formed excellent work. KoRTHALS was possibly a modest man, in the shadow of BLumgE, but his work in the field and in science was of the same high quality. KORTHALS would have been an ex- cellent staff member, but after his retirement he devoted his time to philosophical contemplation, (1) A. pe CANDOLLE mentioned (B: 1862) that BLUME told him the Netherlands Indies’ Government had ordered, at BLume’s request, that all physicians in their service should have A.P. De CANDOLLE’s essay Sur les propriétés des plantes (1816) as a botanical guide. (13) FLORA MALESIANA as became evident from ZOLLINGER’s diary. BLUME cannot be blamed for the fact that KORTHALS abandoned botany (B: ZOLLINGER, 1841; D: 8). H. vAN HALL had worked with BLUME on a temporary basis from about 1850, but was only of- ficially appointed adjunct-director in 1854, the only permanent scientific collaborator BLUME was ever allowed. Deficiency of technical staff was another drawback; here again attempts to expand failed. Apart from his draughtsman ARCKENHAUSEN technical assistants were few. This must in my opin- ion be one of the main reasons that hardly any duplicates were distributed in order to exchange material with foreign institutes to enrich the Rijksherbarium. Foreign colleagues complained that BiuME asked for their material, but seldom gave a return. This greedy and monopolistic attitude made him unsympathetic. Evil tongues claimed that it was BLUME’s intention not to distribute duplicates, as he wanted to prevent new species to be described by others. I cannot believe this to be correct for in any case he could have distributed duplicates of species already described by himself. Obviously BLUME was not in favour of seeing undescribed species published on dupli- cates. Not until the 1860s, under MIQUEL’s directorship, numerous duplicates were distributed, partly unnamed. The same open policy was followed by the Herbarium Bogoriense (with an ex- ception of selected Javanese collections made by C.A. BACKER) and this more generous attitude was also kept up by MERRILL in Manila, and from M1QuEL onwards by the Rijksherbarium. In the first place this is done for the greater safety of the collections (in that respect we have but to think of the disastrous effect of the fires in Berlin and Manila) but also because all research on Malesian plants must be welcomed, irrespective where and by whom. It is self-evident that in case of free-for-all descriptions a lot depends on the quality of the collaborators. It is true that not infrequently mediocre or uncritical collaborators have created more extra work rather than solved the problems for their successors. A great inconvenience associated with duplicates of the early Dutch collectors was the fact that they were not numbered, neither by BLUME himself, nor by KORTHALS, REINWARDT, or others. Through this, typification is difficult and it is sometimes impossible to know which duplicates belong to which collection. The more praiseworthy a TEIJSMANN, who consecutively numbered the Buitenzorg collections! But then the latter had more personnel. BLUME’s limited staff was certain- ly one of the reasons that the numerous collections remained undivided. Whom could he trust to distribute the unmounted collections in a responsible way? As already mentioned it was not before the 1860’s that MIQUEL, BLUME’s successor, instigated the policy of free distribution of duplicates, but certainly did not do it himself; he had it done by technical personnel. Without doubt the distribution of duplicates was extremely important as the result was the acquisition of numerous duplicates in exchange from foreign herbaria in Europe. It is a pity that this distribution lacked carefulness as regards the labels. Occasionally specimens with BLUME’s handwriting were sent elsewhere, for instance to Paris, while specimens retained at Leiden have labels written by a clerk. This is not seldom a nuisance in connection with the assignment of the holotype. Sometimes the use of wrongly printed labels is confusing, for in- stance of KORTHALS specimens of which sometimes ‘Sumatra’-labelled plants are really from SE. Borneo. At BLUME’s and MIQUEL’s times most of the Malesian collections were not mounted; this was only done towards the end of the 19th century. As the prime botanist he was, BLUME’s interests were by no means restricted to those of a scien- tist working in seclusion. He was always keen on the development of the colony towards better living and status. He stressed the importance of promoting the cultivation of plants not only in the interest of big enterprise, but he held the opinion that there had to be a balanced situation for the benefit of all! This comprised also the introduction of new, useful plants. If one reads his general papers it appears that he had wide interests from his early stay in Java onwards. In the first five instalments of the Bijdragen he provided families with notes on their useful species. He wrote a monograph on the peppers (A: 1826) and as early as 1820 he took the initiative to advise the Government on the importance of cultivating indigo and of importing cochineal, and last but (14) DEDICATION not least to import Cinchona, which materialized only three decades later through Hasskarl. In many papers he advocated more activity in agricultural matters and stressed the importance for national well-being in commercial, hence financial, aspects, for the Dutch as well as for the native people. Asa medical man, in his capacity of ‘Inspector of Vaccine’, and during his many travels, BLUME was of course in intimate contact with the Javanese people and he took their welfare as much to heart as that of the Dutch people; he clearly regarded them all as co-citizens. For example, he pleaded openly in a letter to the Governor-General of the Indies (A: 1829) for the desirability of abolishing opium, as he found this a menace for the population; only much later this was regulated indeed by the Opium Law. In 1842 BLuME founded, together with PH.F. von SIEBOLD and on the instigation of J. PEROT, the ‘Société Royale pour |’Encouragement de |’Horticulture dans les Pays-Bas’ (Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Horticulture). This was part of his endeavour to make botany subservient to the general interest of the kingdom and to create a stimulant for new financial and commercial interests. In a first issue of the above-mentioned ‘Societé’ (A: 1844) he compiled a large list of useful plant species. Also later he showed his unfailing devotion by a stimulating paper on timbers resistant to pile-worm (A: 1859). Altogether he held enlightened, progressive ideas — not so popular in those days — and in his opinion the native people ought to have their share of welfare, not in the least because their man- power was an essential aspect of a prosperous colony. In this respect it is significant that he named the genus Santiria after Bapa SANTIR, an old Sundanese, who accompanied BLUME on his explora- tions of Mt Salak. It was JUNGHUHN who took this amiss (B: JUNGHUHN, 1853) and suggested that BLUME was consciously deceptive in pretending to be generous, but really threw a blame on great botanists and other dignified man who were the only persons entitled to be honoured by eponymy. In his colonial arrogance JUNGHUHN called Bapa SANTIR an inferior person, not more than a sim- ple ‘pakkedrager’ (kuli, carrier), whereas in all probability Bapa SANTIR was an intelligent man and an outstanding local authority on plants who knew his way in the forest, knew the vernacular names and uses of forest plants and assisted BLUME in many ways. It is testimony of the irony of fate because in history JUNGHUHN is reputed to be the pioneer and advocate of a progressive society of freethinkers, whereas BLUME is remembered as a distinctly conservative person, though all his writings give evidence of a progressive, liberal mentality. It appeared that BLUME, mirabile dictu, was the more enlightened of the two; he was certainly devoid of any racial prejudice. In 1843 Biume started the journal De Indische Bij, another endeavour to promote an interest among the Dutch public in the understanding of the colony. Only one volume was issued (1843), mainly filled with papers by himself and his friend C.F.E. Praetorius, Director of Cultures in Java, on all kind of subjects, partly political, partly ethnographical, on Borneo and South Sumatra, and on plant fibres. Returning to BLuMe’s scientific works: in spite of the untimely abandoning of his Flora Javae, he set up another large-scale work in the thirties, Rumphia, the scope of which included also other parts of Malesia. The first fascicle appeared in 1836. It consisted finally of four volumes (1836—1849). This work was of the same critical standing as Flora Javae, to which it was similar in size and printing. In a sense it is an attempt towards a Flora Malesiana. Towards the end of the forties BLUME again managed to issue some important parts of Flora Javae, namely the Filices (instalments 36—39 in 1847 and 40 in 1851) and the Loranthaceae (instalments 41 & 42 in 1851). How these issues and Rumphia were financed is unknown to me. The abrupt end of Flora Javae was regrettable and H.C. vAN HALL, professor of botany at Groningen, was much concerned about its continuation, which he found of national importance (C: VAN HALL, 1856). In a session of the Royal Academy of 28 June 1856 he proposed that this lofty body might form a committee to approach BLuME in order to come to a proposal from the Academy to the Government for further financing Flora Javae; at that time 42 instalments, each with 6 plates, had been issued. I do not know if vAN HALL’s pleading led to any further action, but it shows that Flora Javae had supporters. (15) FLORA MALESIANA After BLUME’s death there obviously remained illustrated printed material for a continuation of Flora Javae. These 23 coloured plates, called Planches inédites, mostly represented species of Loranthaceae and Ericaceae, all provided with analyses. They were offered for sale as a packet by the firm VAN DER Hoek, Leiden, in 1862 or 1863 (A: 1863; C: VAN STEENIS, 1947). Towards the end of the forties, when BLUME was in his prime, he must have been disappointed with the untimely discontinuation of the two works on which he had set his heart, Flora Javae and Rumphia, and the insufficient public interest in his journal De Indische Bij. Moreover, clouds had gradually gathered round his claim that the Rijksherbarium had the monopoly for housing and possessing all collections made in the colonies by persons in the pay of the Government. He based this claim on the Instruction for the Rijksherbarium of 1832. This claim, however, was an optimistically exaggerated interpretation of art. 10 of this instruction which read (transl.): ‘The Director will attempt to acquire collections, notes and drawings from all civil servants or people in the pay of the Government through proposals at the proper place and authority’ (C: VAN Dam, 1832). BLUME may have had a moral right to claim these collections, but could not refer to a legal right. His claim was not attended to and this must have been a thorn in his flesh. BLUME opposed the founding of Herbarium Bogoriense by TEIJSMANN in 1844, claiming that the latter should send the specimens to the Rijksherbarium, or at least the duplicates, but he found insufficient understanding with TEIJSMANN, who foresaw that he would have little profit from this in the way of a speedy naming of the specimens. Furthermore, TEIJSMANN’S assistant, J.K. HASSKARL, had assembled a large private herbarium which he took with him on repatriation to Germany. Then von SIEBOLD’s herbarium was elaborated at Munich by ZuCCARINI (D: 2) where the types were left. W.H. DE VRIESE, professor at Amsterdam, had acquired the herbarium of SPLITGERBER, made in Surinam, but had not donated this to the Rijksherbarium. Finally, JUNGHUHN, Officially belonging to the medical department in Java, had assembled a very large herbarium in Java, which BLUME could not get into his hands (D: 3). It was purchased by Leiden University, under the condition that it should not be incorporated in the Rijksherbarium; it was entrusted to DE VRIESE. Finally, there was the rising star of tropical botany, F.A.W. MIQUEL, who originally published valuable monographs of Piperaceae, Cycadaceae, Casuarinaceae, Melocacti (partly for DE CANDOLLE’s Prodromus), and later elaborated various large families in MARTIUS’ Flora Brasiliensis. He became also more and more interested in Asiatic plants, starting with his Analecta Botanica Indica, published by the Royal Academy. MIQUEL was a man of immense out- put and diligent handling of material, with an open mind for collaboration, which he brought in practice himself. Considering that, if the JUNGHUHN collection fell into BLUME’s hands, identifica- tions would be endlessly retarded, combined with JUNGHUHN’s natural desire that it should be speedily worked out, DE VRIESE reasonably entrusted JUNGHUHN’s collection for this purpose to MIQuEL. With elaborate support (e.g. BENTHAM’s), the latter indeed published the Plantae Junghuhnianae. This must have caused immense irritation to BLUME, who was constantly on the barricades defending his institute, stressing again and again that collections made by government officials with government money ought to be deposited in the Rijksherbarium. This monopoly also concerned himself. My wife (C: vAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1979: 51) wrote: ‘whatever has been said to BLUME’s discredit, one thing is certain, and that is, that he was possibly the only botanist (and a devoted, not to say inspired one) in his period who had no private herbarium.’ It is ironic but true that BLUME’s strict monopolistic claims made people reluctant to put their collections under his care, though BLUME was, although not legally, at least morally in his rights. Even admitting that his claims were correct, it must be said that he should have realized that, if all these collections had been donated to the Rijksherbarium, he could as a single person never have mastered them. This would have been necessary, as some people wanted names and iden- tifications. He should have tried to compromise and initiate collaboration and division of labour, at least with MiQuEL and DE VRIESE, and not sit tight-fisted on propriety of collections. But ob- viously he could not well adjust himself to the changing conditions of the times and the rise of capable colleagues in his specialized field. This led to most unfortunate friction and a clash of (16) DEDICATION personalities. He offended especially JUNGHUHN in writing with his sharp pen an acid comment in Rumphia (1847 or 1849?) on JUNGHUHN’s so-called Lycopodium arboreum which he had ‘at first sight’ recognized as belonging to the conifer genus Dacrydium, and BLUME renamed Primula imperialis JUNGH. as P. Kuhlii BLuME, claiming that Kuni had found this first and thus had priori- ty for eponymy, nomenclaturally wrong of course. JUNGHUHN complained that BLUME begrudged him to describe Acer javanicum and had renamed this wrongly A. niveum, in which JUNGHUHN in turn was wrong. In short, about 1850 the fight was on and several very sharp and polemic papers were published to and fro (D: 13). The unfortunate result was that BLUME became a still more isolated and probably a rather em- bittered person. Apart from odd fascicles of Flora Javae and Rumphia he had no opportunity for further great undertakings. He then put himself to proceed with a subject, stipulated in the 1832 Instruction for the Rijksherbarium, namely compiling a catalogue of the collections of that herbarium. As this implied identifications, this was not a clerical task for a non-botanist. My wife mentioned (C: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1979: 35) that the scientific arrangement of the collections was started by J. Prerot (1831—1840), who was succeeded by J.H. MOLKENBOER (assisted by C. KERBERT and SCHULTEs Jr, the son of J.A. SCHULTEs) (1840—1846), and finally by H. vAN HALL (1853—1862). Their work of course facilitated BLUME’s later Museum Botanicum. These helpers were named ‘assistants’, only VAN HALL was designated the title ‘conservator’. In December 1850 BLuME had to face an official new Instruction for managing the Rijksher- barium collections (C: THORBECKE, 1850). This was to meet official complaints by DE VRIESE, JUNGHUHN and VON SIEBOLD and especially MIQUEL, all influential persons, who wanted to bor- row material, requests only reluctantly given in to by BLUME. MIQUEL wrote to VON SCHLECHTEN- DAL (B: STAFLEU, 1970: 321): ‘Es ist mir endlich gelungen, das Reichs Herbarium zu 6ffnen. Nach einem Befehl der Regierung sind die Samml. aus Borneo, die noch ganz unbearbeitet waren, mir zur Disposition gestellt.’ BLUME was ordered to proceed with the catalogue; no unicates were to be removed from the collections; furthermore, the director had to refrain from publishing discoveries by still living persons of the former ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’, unless with their con- sent. It must have irritated him considerably that responsibility and authority were restricted. The catalogue, named Museum Botanicum, was printed in fascicles, all filling one sheet (16 pages), apparently with the intention to publish the fascicles monthly. It consists of two volumes in which the fascicles of volume one are dated by the year and month. The first volume was dated from 1849 to 1852 and finished with an index. The second volume was started with a fascicle dated 1852, but fascicles 2—8 are undated, fascicles 9-16 being dated November 1855 to June 1856. There was no index; this was later composed by myself and CHEW WEE LEK (C: VAN STEENIS & CHEW WEE Lek, 1974). As BEUMEE (B: 1948) and STAFLEU & Cowan (B: 1976) have pointed out there are discrepancies about the dates of publication and this induced the latter towards sug- gesting that BLuMeE withheld literature from his colleagues (MIQUEL, WEDDELL, efc.) and that in other cases the possibility of antedating cannot be excluded. MIQUEL (B: 1856) severely criticized the doubtful datings of the fascicles. It is quite probable that not every fascicle was for sale at the published date, but sold in lots, and confusion remains. In the absence of well-founded data regarding the authority which paid for the publication, who arranged the sale, and whether one could subscribe, we must refrain from further comments (D: 6). Possibly BLuME still had a manuscript for one other fascicle which is known as Mélanges botaniques (A: 1855). Up till the present it was assumed not to have been effectively published. This is, however, wrong, as I have discussed earlier (B: VAN STEENIS, 1986). The pamphlet was privately published and donated by BLUME to his close friends; at least two copies still exist. The Museum Botanicum is an important, critical work; it contains some attempts towards revi- sions and, though species and genera from all over the tropics were dealt with, the main text refers to the Malesian flora. We do not know why the Museum Botanicum was rather abruptly abandon- ed. It is not unthinkable that BLumMe wanted to unburden himself from his old love, the Or- chidaceae, and saw an opportunity to publish this masterly work which he had had constantly in (17) FLORA MALESIANA mind since his early Buitenzorg years. This work had been interrupted several times, first when his collaboration with VAN HASSELT came to an untimely end by the latter’s death, and later by the early leaving of vAN BREDA. Now it was published as Flora Javae, Nova Series (A: 1858—1859). There is also a French-titled edition, with a preface in French, but otherwise iden- tical. According to W.E.G. SEEMANN (B: 1859) BLUME complained that the Government had not contributed to its financing; obviously BLUME, who was a man of means, had taken the risk of financing it himself. Besides the excellent works of R. BRown, LINDLEY and REICHENBACH On the Orchidaceae and the affinities within the family, also BLUME’s work is very important and of similar standing, and naturally of special importance for Malesian botany. BLUME, naturalized as a Dutch citizen in 1851, died in Leiden, after a long, painful illness on February 3, 1862, at the age of 65. As said before, BLUME is through his large oeuvre — including eight important and critical botanical works of high standard: the Cata/ogus, the monograph on Piperaceae, the Bijdragen, the Enumeratio, Flora Javae, Rumphia, Museum Botanicum, and Flora Javae, Nova Series — one of the great botanists of the former century. A ninth treatise, on cholera in Asia (A: 1831), is medical. His creative output is imposing. He distinguished eight new families, to wit, Apostasiaceae (now mostly judged a subfamily among Orchidaceae), Burmanniaceae, Cardiopteridaceae, Dipterocarpacaeae, Hernandiaceae, Myricaceae, Sabiaceae, and Schisandraceae. \n addition he described, from Malesia alone, some 300 new genera of which 160 are still used, and 140 are now in synonymy, either for reasons of nomenclature or for new systematical insights. However, they were all proper taxa and are still frequently recognized as infrageneric taxa, e.g. Tarrietia and Campanumoea. Furthermore, he described his genera and species almost always in the proper families cq. genera, testimony of his systematic vision. As to his scientific achievement, his talent was soon recognized, both in Holland and abroad and he was soon made a member of learned societies (F). As usual for members of the ‘Leopol- dina’, they should have a cognomen; BLUME took for himself the well-chosen name RUMPHIUS SECUNDUS. Many generic names (E) and very many species were named after him. We are pleased that the journal of the Rijksherbarium, Blumea, is named after him. As an explorer BLUME was exemplary in multidisciplinary approach by making observations on the spot, having a draughtsman with him, interrogating the native people about the uses and ver- nacular names, collecting insects and other animals, and paying attention to soils, mineral wells, etc., and by timely reporting about his field research, a good habit which young explorers of the present day should take more to heart. Through his medical profession he made also observations about native diseases and tried to cope with these to relieve suffering of the people. All his endeavours in this field and also his many advices on agricultural and horticultural af- fairs were focussed on tying up scientific botany and practice for the benefit of society. As such he was the opposite of the scholar in the ivory tower. His sharp observation power paired with interest were not confined to botany, as appears from his conclusions on serious contagious diseases among which cholera and typhoid were the most dangerous. As ‘Inspector of Vaccine’ he went to Central Java on inspection during a cholera epidemic and observed that the disease was especially prevalent in the lower lands, and less so in villages in the mountains. He deduced that cholera was spread by the polluted water and that the freshwater wells in the mountains were less contaminated. He prescribed all sorts of simple means for a diet and medicinal substances from native plants, but in the first place he advised boiling the drinking-water, and optionally ad- ding some cinnamon in polluted areas. When settled at Leiden BLUME published a book on Asiatic cholera (A: 1831). Shortly after, he attended a congress of naturalists and surgeons at Halle, a town at that time suffering from a serious epidemic of cholera. He observed that in the rather isolated ‘Franckische Stiftung’, a community of some 1800 souls, there was no cholera. These people were followers of the pietist A.H. FRANCKE, founder of this ‘Stiftung’ in 1663. To his (18) DEDICATION satisfaction he observed that this group of people got its own water from wells through a system of tubes several miles outside Halle. In Holland, where at that time cholera also was a serious disease, he noted that it was rare in the southwestern island province of Zeeland, and he correlated this with the fact that drinking-water there was mostly rainwater. The next year he wrote a pam- phlet (A: 1832) on the subject which he had printed in 1000 copies at his own expense. He forward- ed free copies to all municipalities, stressing that boiling all drinking-water was the simple remedy. One would expect that the arguments for this cheap advice were immediately accepted, and at least tested. But his opinion was completely overruled by the powerful voice of G.J. MULDER, a chemist of great influence, who declared that BLUME’s conclusions were nonsense and that all water from ditches and canals was fit for drinking and had nothing to do with the dispersion of cholera. BLuME’s role looks to me similar to the one of SEMMELWEISs in Vienna and his fight against puerperal fever. Thirty years later BLUME’s conclusions were of course fully accepted. As a civil servant BLUME excelled in activity for the benefit of the country and colony, in pro- moting the interests of agriculture and horticulture, throughout his life. As a director of the Rijks- herbarium he did all he could under the circumstances, to raise it to a first-rate institution. As my wife (C: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1979: 37) put forward, BLUME succeeded in greatly enriching the Rijksherbarium with important standard collections, e.g. SPANOGHE (Timor), KORTHALS (W. Malesia), FoRSTEN (Celebes), VON SIEBOLD, TEXTOR and BURGER (Japan), SIEBER, SCHULTES, CUMING, PERSOON, Dozy, and MOLKENBOER (Bryophytes). Besides this, he acquired large sets of duplicates from the collections of WALLICH, ECKLON & DREGE (Cape), and Plantae Preissianae (Australia). He purchased also several smaller collections from South America. In the preceding pages I hope to have succeeded in making it clear that the slander of which BLUME was a victim was unfounded and can be defused by factual evidence. I will now proceed with some remarks on BLUME’s personality and his motives, as an addition to what already may transpire from the precedings pages. Much can be learned about this from his published papers. A perusal of his personal letters to his colleagues abroad will add probably more but this falls beyond my capacity. Another source is the opinion of third parties which can be found, for instance, in biographical papers. However, the latter are mostly an evaluation of the quantity and quality of achievements and seldom enter into personal facets. Among the obituaries of BLUME only GoppIJN (B: 1931) ventilated some well-considered remarks. BLUME was a most intelligent person devoted to science and with a broad outlook, dedicated to promote the interests of his second fatherland and all its inhabitants. He pleaded for a society in which everyone, irrespective of race, should benefit from increasing profit. He was antagonistic to the idea of a ‘Cultuurstelsel’' and pleaded for a free society. As to his social contacts, it is difficult to ascertain much factual evidence without having access to his personal correspondence. His family life seems to have been happy and his wife sometimes shared his stays abroad. In Java he had good friends, e.g. PRAETORIUS, SPANOGHE and several others. As to his contacts with foreign colleagues, BLUME apparently often took part in the annual ‘Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte’ in Germany. In his native country he must have had friendly relations, among them the NEES VON ESENBECKS at Regensburg. According to ROLAND (B: 1944) he and his wife paid in September-October 1834 a lengthy visit to Paris where he had many friends (amongst others DECAISNE, BRONGNIART). He met many prominent personalities, compared material from Java of Araceae, Annonaceae, etc. with Paris collections, bought books, acquired and bought collections and frequently stayed with J.E. Gay (who had very rich collections) for studying material, often together with A. Moquin- TANDON, the monographer of Chenopodiaceae. The latter said of BLUME (B: ROLAND, 1944: 74): (1) In the Netherlands East Indies the system in which the local people were forced to grow various sorts of crop suitable for the European market (in force mainly in Java, 1828-1890). (19) FLORA MALESIANA ‘Je suis sorti avec M. BLUME dont j’aime beaucoup la figure gracieuse, la gaité et la vitalité vrai- ment méridionale.’ The fact that so many honours befell him (F) indicates that he must have enjoyed the sympathy of many persons abroad who took the initiative to make the proposal. In political circles in Holland he certainly was also appreciated; the fact that he did not succeed in building up a staff of collaborators for which he pleaded in vain for two decades, can be ascribed to the rather poor economic situation of the kingdom, unfavourable for creating permanent scientific positions. I believe that the later strenuous relations with his Leiden scientific contemporaries must, to a large part, be ascribed to feelings of envy towards his great capacities by the autocratic VON SIEBOLD and JUNGHUHN, the mediocre DE VRIESE and the frustrated REINWARDT and HASSKARL, who all eagerly grasped any opportunity to damage his image. In this they were in a way assisted by BLUME’s rigid, autocratic personality. Unfortunately it is difficult to obtain more impartial contemporaneous information from neutral, disinterested parties. Among the rather neutral sources there is one, from the Swiss HEINRICH ZOLLINGER, who wrote an extensive diary which is now deposited in the Central Library at Ziirich (B: ZOLLINGER, 1841). The part of this diary relating to ZOLLINGER’s stay at Leiden, Oc- tober to December 1841, was typed out and generously put at my disposal by Prof. Dr. H. WaAn- NER, Ziirich. ZOLLINGER, at the suggestion of A. DE CANDOLLE, was considering a botanical-zoological ex- ploration of Java and wanted subscriptions from biologists, authorities, and institutes for his endeavour. After having obtained some in Switzerland, France, and Belgium, he came to Hol- land, in 1841, where MIQUEL gave him some hope. With his letters of recommendation he tried to obtain subscriptions from the Rijksherbarium and from the National Museum of Natural History at Leiden. Above all, he sollicited free transport for himself and his equipment to Java from the Dutch authorities as a contribution to his future work in the colony. In his diary Zot- LINGER gave his free opinion on several scientists he visited (REINWARDT, TEMMINCK, SCHLEGEL, DE VRIESE, AMMANN, SPLITGERBER, SCHWANER, VON SIEBOLD, KORTHALS) (D: 8). He paid visits to BLUME and noted about him (B: ZOLLINGER, 1841: 25): ‘BLUME ist ein kleines, elegantes, vornehmes, lebhaftes Mannchen, das sich auf verschiedene Weise ein grosses Vermogen und eine grosse Reputation erworben hat. Er war sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend, gab mir Rathe aller Art. Ob nun im Herzen es anders aussieht, warum er so gegen mich ist, weiss ich nicht. Ich will das Beste denken und auf meiner Huth sein’; |.c. 29: ‘Er schwatzte mir freundlich vor, wie bis jetzt noch kein Privatunternehmen wie meines auf Java, gelungen. Wie ich dort nichts neues mehr finden werde, besonders im Westen; ich mtisse mich zeitig nach einer Anstellung umsehen. Aus dem Ganzen schien mir hervorzugehen dass er mich ganz abzuhalten oder fiir den hollandische Dienst zu gewinnen sucht; denn auf beide Weise kommt nichts in fremde Hande, oder im letzteren alles zuerst in die seinen’; /.c. 31 (summarized in English): von SIEBOLD suggests that BLUME is a rather tough person and reckons that ZOLLINGER will anyway send him plants, obviously alluding to BLUME’s refusal to subscribe to a set of ZOLLINGER’S plants; /.c. 33: BLUME subscribed to buy Lichenes from Java and offered him an iron trunk. He spent another evening in BLUME’s beautiful house, with a large library, but the trunk did not turn up. ‘BLUME hat fiinf htibsche Kinder und eine hochgebildete Frau. Er zeigte mir seine Rumphia und andere Sachen, die auf Java bezug haben. Wir sprachen meist von Indien. Ich soll 3 Kisten (lebende) Pflanzen miterhalten’ (obviously for the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg). At the advice of BLUME he went to Mr. Ar- RIENS, a high official at The Hague, who suggested an audience with the Minister of the Navy, but ZOLLINGER had no success; all he got was a permission to collect in the colony, antiquities ex- cepted. In passing, ZOLLINGER followed BLUME’s advice and sollicited to be attached to the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg, but there was no vacancy at that time. Thus, ZOLLINGER had not much success at Leiden, as far as botany was concerned. It remains guesswork whether BLUME could have achieved more for him if he had backed him up. Summing up my impression of BLUME’s personality, it appears that he was not a social, (20) DEDICATION amicable person, but self-centered and keeping aloof; also conscious of his capacities and dignity but lacking flexibility. However, his motives were honest, and this becomes clear from scanning his own writings and other literature, if judged against the background of his time and cir- cumstances. It is true that he had a sharp pen and in defending the rights and interests of the Rijks- herbarium his acid reprimanding of JUNGHUHN, no less a dominant authority than himself, un- necessarily hurt personally, which, to say the least, led to a severe estrangement. However, the slander to which BLUME became a victim is unjustified, and may well have been induced by jealousy of his brilliant scientific achievements and envy of his monopolistic position at the Rijksherbarium. In my view BLUME was an enlightened scientist, whose image may hereby be restored. C.G.G.J. VAN STEENIS (21) FLORA MALESIANA Appendix A — Blume’s publications 1817 — Dissertatio inauguralis medica, de Arsenico et Ratione qua in Animalia agit. Leiden. 49 pp. With verses by D.J. VEEGENS, a friend, and Prof. S.J. BRUGMANS. 1821 — Minerale wateren van Tjipannas en Tyiradjas. Bataviaasche Courant, 15 Sept. 1821. Repr. in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 1/2, 1845: 162—166. Contains a chemical analysis, obviously made by BLUME himself, of the mineral contents of these waters. 1822 — Gedachten op eene reize door het Zuid-Oostelijk gedeelte der Residentie Bantam. Bataviaasche Courant, 16 Febr. to 30 Nov. 1822. Repr. in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, nos 3/4, 1845: 1—36. Report of trip, describing the history, anthropology, ethnography and politics of the Badui people in SW. Java. No botany involved. 1822 — Beschrijving van de heilige graven der Badoeis in het Zuid-Oostelijk gedeelte der Residen- tie Bantam. This appeared as the chapter ‘Mengelingen’ in the Bataviaasche Courant, nos 7, 8, 10, 13, 27—29, and 32, 16 Febr. to 30 Nov. 1822. Repr. in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, nos 3/4, 1845: 1—36. An ethnographical description of the Badui people in SW. Java, their sacred graves, etc. In the library of the Institute Taal-, Land- & Volkenkunde, Leiden University, there is a 85 pp. manuscript (H 75) with the title “Gedachten op eene reize, in de maanden December en Januari jl., in het zuidoostelijke gedeelte der Residentie Bantam gedaan. Getrokken uit de Javaansche Couranten van 1822,’ which is probably copied /iteratim. 1823 — Catalogus van eenige der merkwaardigste zoo in- als uitheemsche gewassen, te vinden in ’s-Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Batavia. 112 pp., | pl. Several new genera and species. Many nomina nuda under REINWARDT’s name. Repr. in Arnold Arboretum 1946. 1823 — Beschrijving van eenige gewassen, waargenomen op eenen togt naar den Salak in den Jaare 1822. Verhand. Batav. Genootschap van K. & W. 9: 129-202. Mostly descriptions of plants (Magnoliaceae, Loranthaceae, Dipterocarpus, Cedrela, Piper, etc.). 1823 — Letter to NEES VON EsENBECK. Flora 6: 713—716. Report on a planned trip in Java. 1823 — Bijdrage tot de kennis onzer Javaansche eiken. Verhand. Batav. Genootschap van K. & W. 9: 203-223, 6 pl. Account of Quercus in Java (incl. also Lithocarpus). 1823 — (with C.G. NEES voN EsENBECK) Pugillus plantarum Javanicarum, e Cryptogamicarum variis ordinibus selectus. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 11 (1): 117—138, pl. 12 & 13. Descriptions of Pteridophytes, the new species under dual authorship ‘NEEs & BL.’. (22) DEDICATION 1824 — Letter to NEES VON EsENBECK: Ueber die Vegetation des Berges Gedee auf der Insel Java. Flora 7: 289-295. Extract from a larger paper in Dutch, see below (1825). Sketches on the exploration of Mt Gedeh made together with the hortulanus KENT. BLUME did not ascend Mt Pangrango. 1824 — Epidemie onder de buffels. Bataviaasche Courant, 10 Jan. 1824: ‘Verslag van den kommissaris van den burgerlijk geneeskundigen Dienst in Nederlandsch Indié C.L. Blume.’ See also: Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4, 1845: 91—94. Epidemic disease among the buffaloes. 1825 — Letter to the Governor-General, dated 8 Dec. 1824, published in the Bataviaasche Courant, 12 Jan. 1825. Report on BLUME’s discovery of Rafflesia in Nusa Kambangan I. (S. Java), the first discovery of the genus in Java. He did not name it here. 1825 — Bestijging van den berg Tjerimai, gewoonlijk genoemd Tjermé, in de Residentie Cheri- bon. Bataviaasche Courant, 2 Febr. 1825. Repr. in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4, 1845: 102—116. Report of a trip from Krawang eastwards to Panarukan, Linggadjati, culminating in the as- cent of Mt Tjeremai, with many botanical data on plants encountered. 1825 — Over de gesteldheid van het gebergte Gedeh. Verhand. Batav. Genootschap van K. & W. 10: 55—104. Lively topographical and botanical description of an ascent of Mt Gedeh from Bogor via Puntjak, along Megamendung, Tjibeureum and Kandangbadak through the crater and along the Alun-Alun to the summit. BLUME did not ascend Mt Pangrango, and thus missed Primula imperialis. 1825 — Inlandsche middelen tegen diarrheén. Bataviaasche Courant, 23 Febr. 1825. Native recipes against diarrhoea. See also: Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4, 1845: 116. 1825 — Tabellen en Platen voor de Javaansche Orchideén. Batavia. 5 tab., 16 pl. Folio. Famous exposition of a system of the Javanese orchids and their affinities; 73 spp. depicted in detail. Issued with the Bijdragen (1825—1827) part 6. 1825 — (with C.G. NEES VON EsENBECK & C.G.C. REINWARDT) Hepaticae Javanicae editae con- Junctis studiis et opera. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 12: 181—238, 409—417. Account of hepatics in Java. 1825 — lets over de planten onder den naam van Patma, bij de Hindostaners en de Javanen bekend. Bataviaasche Courant, 9 March 1825. Repr. in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4, 1845: 179-183. A note on plants known under the vernacular name ‘patma’ (= Rafflesia). (23) FLORA MALESIANA 1825 — Korte beschrijving van de Patma der Javanen. Bataviaasche Courant, 23 March 1825 (22 pp., in L). Repr. in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4, 1845: 183-194. Short description of the ‘patma’ (= Rafflesia) of the Javanese. 1825 — Die Patma-Pflanze der Indier und Javanesen und Beschreibung einer neu entdeckten Blume auf der Insel Noesa Kambangan, die an Grosse alle bis dahin bekannt gewesenen uibertrifft. Liter. Wochenbl. der Borsenhalle, Hamburg, no 29: 454—462. Repr. in L. As the preceding. 1825 — Beitrdge zur Kenntnis von Bantam, dem westlichsten Bezirk auf Java. Hertha II: 227—257. Not seen. Probably similar to entries in 1822. 1825 — Letter to TH.F.L. NEES VON ESENBECK: Reise von Batavia nach Krawang in der Preanger Regentschaft. Flora 8 (2): 577—585. Report of journey from Batavia to Krawang. 1825 — Etwas tiber die Rhizantheae, eine neue Pflanzenfamilie, und die Gattung Rafflesia insbe- sondere. Flora 8 (2): 609-624. 1825 — Letter to TH.F.L. NEES voN ESENBECK: Ueber Pflanzen der Gegend von Batavia. Flora 8 (2): 676-680. Flora of the vicinity of Batavia. 1825 — Letter to the Governor-General, dated 20 Nov., on the flowering of a new species of a new genus of Araceae with a very large inflorescence, obviously Amorphophallus cam- panulatus, in the Botanic Garden, with reference to Tacca phallifera RUMPH. Bataviaasche Courant, 23 Nov. 1825. 1825—1827 — Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indié. 17 fascicles, 1169 pp. For publication dates, see STAFLEU & CowWAN, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 236. In all 107 families are treated, in which 700 genera and over 2300 species were incorporated. There are many new genera and very many new species, all described in concise Latin. In the first 5 fascicles each family has also a paragraph with notes on its useful plants. On p. 265 BLUME mentioned that his plan was to treat the orchids together with VAN HASSELT; 27 species out of the 296 were jointly described. Through vAN HASSELT’s early death this joint venture was frustrated. There is a typed Index to the names in L. Data on useful plants mentioned in fascicle 1 were copied in Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1826- 1: 26—29, 37-41. 1826 — Monographie der Oost-Indische pepersoorten. Verhand. Batav. Genootschap van K. & W. 11: 139-245, 6 pl., 41 fig. Monography of Netherlands-Indian species of Piper. 1826 — De Tacca Culat van Rumphius wedergevonden. Mededeeling van de waarnemingen van C.L.Blume. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1826-1: 333—334. (24) DEDICATION Report about BLUME’s recollection of a Rumphian aroid in the island of Nusa Kambangan, S. Java: Amorphophallus campanulatus. 1826 — Letter to NEES VON ESENBECK: Bruchstticke einer Reise auf der Insel Java. Flora 9 (2): 417—426, 433-441. Report on a trip in NW. Java, including also an ascent of Mt Tjeremai. 1827 — (with TH.F.L. NEEs vON ESENBECK) Fungi Javanici. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 13 (1): 9—22, pl. 2—7. 1827 — Over een nieuw plantengeslacht, de Brugmansia, uit de natuurlijke familie der Rhizan- theae. In: H.C. vAN HALL (ed.), Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen 2: 419—423. Brugmansia, a new genus of the Rafflesiaceae. 1827 — Observations sur le structure des poivres. Ann. Sc. Nat. 12: 216—224. Extract in French of the monograph of Piper (1826). 1827 — Bijdrage tot de kennis van het landschap Bantam, in het westelijk gedeelte van Java, etc. Cybele (Tijdschr. Bevordering Land- en Volkenkunde) VI‘ stuk: 1—36. Contribution to the knowledge of Bantam, West Java. Almost /iteratim reproduced under the same title in Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4, 1845: 1—36. 1827 — Over de staat der indigo-teelt. In: P. VAN GRIETHUIZEN, Over de staat der indigo-teelt. De Nederl. Hermes, Tijdschr. Koophandel, Zeevaart en Nijverheid 2, no 10: 40—42. Brief information and references on cultivation of indigo. 1827—1828 — Enumeratio plantarum Javae et insularum adjacentium minus cognitarum vel novarum ex herbariis Reinwardtii, Hasseltii, Kuhlii, Blumei, etc. Leiden. 2 vols. 278 pp. Description of some families of Angiosperms and the Pteridophytes. Properly a continua- tion of the Bijdragen (1825—1827), although in more detail and with longer descriptions. Repr. Den Haag 1830, Amsterdam 1968. 1828 — Het Duizend-Gebergte (Goenong Seribu). In: G.H. NAGEL, Schetsen uit mijne Javaansche portefeuille; Javaansche tafereelen: 69—75 (in L). Remarks on the landscape of the ‘Thousand Hills’, in the plain SW of Jakarta. Also a brief description of the limestone hills Kuripan, SW of Bogor, famous for their hotsprings, which yielded several plants not found anywhere else, amongst them a Cycas sp. 1828—1851— Flora Javae nec non insularum adjacentium. Brussels. 3 vols. Three sumptuous folio volumes, with analyses, plates, and descriptions in great detail. The authorship is partly ascribed to his assistant Dr. J.B. FiscHer, who was his ‘adjutore’. The preface is probably most interesting, but being not in sufficient command of the Latin language, I cannot evaluate it. For publication dates, see StarLeU & Cowan, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 236. 23 Planches inédites were for sale in probably 1863 (see also C: VAN STEENIS, 1947). 1829 — Letter to the Governor-General. Algemeen Handelsblad of April Ist, no 26. (25) FLORA MALESIANA On the occasion of the appointment of Governor-General VAN DEN BoscH; on the impor- tance of stimulating cultures for the general welfare, commerce, and the benefit of the com- mon people. BLuME pleaded for the gradual abandoning cq. restriction of the use of opium. 1831 — Reistogte naar Buitenzorg, het Duizend-Gebergte, Koeripan en in de omstreken van Batavia, 1824; door een ambtenaar. Recensent (de Recensenten) XXIV, 2: 427—442, 467—471. This contribution is not written by BLUME himself, but by one of the civil servants accom- panying him, A. ZrppELius or A. LATouR, on a trip to the hills W of Bogor. By BLUME himself also described in the entry of 1828, Het Duizend-Gebergte. Contains no scientific observations. 1831 — Ueber einige Ostindische, und besonders Javanische Melastomataceen. Flora 15 (2): 465—527. A thorough study of the family Melastomataceae in which BLUME described 12 new genera, all standing to the present day, mainly based on species described in the Bijdragen (1825-1827). 1831 — Over eenige Oost-Indische, byzonder Javaansche, Melastomataceae. In: H.C. vAN HALL (ed.), Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen 6: 211—268. The same as the preceding entry. 1831 — Eenige woorden over de redding van het Rijks Herbarium door Dr. J.B. Fischer. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode no 23, 10 June: 356—359 & no 24, 17 June: 374—377 (in L). Details on the transfer of the Rijksherbarium from Brussels to Holland by Dr. J.B. FiscHER. 1831 — Over de Asiatische cholera, uit eigene waarnemingen en echte stukken. C.G. SULPKE, Amsterdam. viii+ 203 pp. (In University Library at U). Historical account and personal experience with cholera in the Netherlands Indies, exten- sively documented; measures taken by the government to cope with this disastrous illness. 1832 — Vruchten mijner ondervinding in het afweren en genezen der cholera. Amsterdam. 31 pp. (in L). A most interesting paper prescribing how to deal with patients suffering from cholera, in Java called febris endemica bataviae. Recipes for external and internal use. Prescribing the boiling of drinking-water. Paper printed in 1000 copies at the author’s expense, distributed freely to boards of municipalities in the Netherlands. 1832 — Beschrijving van Calamus draco Willd., etc. In: H.C. vAN HALt (ed.), Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen 7: 115—129. Extensive Latin description of a rattan from S. Sumatra collected by his friend C.F.E. PRAETORIUS. 1832 — Uittreksel uit eenen brief van den Heer J.B. Spanoghe aan den hoogleeraar C.L. Blume. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1832-I: 356—361. Notes on the situation in Bima (Sumbawa), with biographical notes on SPANOGHE by BLUME. Plant list of Bima. 1834 — Observationes de genere Helicia Lour. Ann. Sc. Nat. sér. II, 1 (1) Bot.: 211—220. Review of the genus, with new species. (26) DEDICATION 1834 — Eenige waarnemingen omtrent de Culilawan boom van Rumphius. Tijdschr. Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie 1: 45—64, t. 2. Repr. in: WIEGMAN, Archiv Naturgeschichte | (1835) 116—126, and in: Jahrb. Pharm. Berlin 35 (1835) 9—29. On Cinnamomum described by RUMPHIUs. 1834 — Eenige opmerkingen over de natuurlijke rangschikking van Rohdea, Tupistra en Aspidistra, als mede de beschrijving eener nieuwe soort van dit laatste geslacht. Tijdschr. Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie 1: 67—85, pl. 3 & 4. Botanical relations between three genera, and description of a new species of Aspidistra. 1834 — De novis quibusdam plantarum familiis expositio et olim jam expositarum enumeratio. Tijdschr. Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie 1: 131—162. Repr. in Ann. Sc. Nat. sr. II, 2 Bot.: 89—106. A preprint was issued in 1833, see STAFLEU & COWAN, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 2367. Description of a number of newly proposed families, Apostasiaceae, etc., with a few new species. 1835 — Neesia, genus plantarum javanicum repertum, descriptum et figura illustratum. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 17 (1): 73-84, pl. 6. A new genus of Bombacaceae named after TH.FR.L. NEES VON ESENBECK. 1835—1848 — Rumphia, sive commentationes botanicae imprimis de plantis Indiae orientalis, tum penitus incognitis tum quae in libris Rheedii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii, aliorum, recensentur. Leiden, Amsterdam. 4 vols. Folio. For publication dates, see STAFLEU & COWAN, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 238. Conditions for sale were mentioned in Ann. Sc. Nat. sér. II, 4 (1835) 318. JUNGHUHN mentions that part of the work was elaborated and illustrated by J. DECAISNE and the Latin was supervised by D.J. VEEGENS, a friend of BLUME. 1837 — Levensbyzonderheden van Franz Junghuhn. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1837-II: 277, footnote. Biographical notes on F. JUNGHUHN. 1837 — Levensbyzonderheden van Dr A. Fritze. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1837-II: 277, footnote. Biographical notes on A. Fritze, Inspector of Physicians and benefactor of JUNGHUHN. 1837 — Naschrift op den brief van Junghuhn uit Djocjakarta. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1837-II: 278—280. Appendix to a letter of JUNGHUHN. 1838 — Revue des palmiers de l’archipel des Indes orientales. Bull. Sc. Phys. & Natur. en Néerlande no 9: 61—67. Repr. in Ann. Sc. Nat. sér. II, 10 Bot.: 369-377. 1838 — Miquelia, genus novum plantarum javanicarum. Bull. Sc. Phys. & Natur. en Néerlande no 13: 93-95. Repr. in Ann. Sc. Nat. sér. II, 10 Bot.: 255—256. (27) 1838 1839 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 (28) FLORA MALESIANA Description of a new genus of /cacinaceae, named after MIQUEL, then director of the Rotter- dam Botanical Garden. — (transl.) Advertisement for sustaining the edition of Flora Javae, Rumphia, efc. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1838-II: 322, 401. — Beschrijving der minerale bronnen, welke nabij Tyiratjas in de Residentie Krawang worden gevonden. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indié 2 (1): 451—455. Description of mineral wells near Tjiratjas in Krawang, E of Jakarta. — Levensbyzonderheden over Th.St. Raffles. De Indische Bij 1: 49, footnote. Praise of RAFFLES’ humane government. — Engeland’s staatkunde omtrent China. De Indische Bij 1: 61—77. To stimulate the necessity of increasing naval power in Netherlands-Indian waters and ex- tend commercial relations with Japan. In a footnote on p. 76 BLUME refers again to the necessity of regulating the trade in opium. — Toelichting aangaande de nasporingen op Borneo van G. Miller. De Indische Bij 1: 103—176. On the geography, anthropology, commercial situation etc. of W. Borneo, from cor- respondence with G. MULLER. In a footnote on p. 104 BLUME reveals the bad management of the Governor-General DAENDELS, and he praises RAFFLES for his humane, unselfish ad- ministration. — Bladvulling. De Indische Bij 1: 320. An occasional note on common social progress, whereby also the native people should pros- per. Private property of land by non-natives is discouraged. Native rule should not be under- mined. Adat should be maintained. — Over een Nederlandsch Gezantschap in Japan. De Indische Bij 1: 479—480. Importance of a Netherlands Embassy in Japan. — Over eenige Oost-Indische planten welke eene uitmuntende vezelstof opleveren, en Gedachten over het nut van dergelijke kulturen tot opbeuring van de buiten Java gelegene etablissementen. De Indische Bij 1: 481—509. On the importance of fibres, from ramie, cotton and Musa; tissues provided by BLUME were examined. — (with P.F. von SIEBOLD) Ontwerp tot oprigting van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Aanmoediging van den Tuinbouw. Jaarb. Ned. Mij. Aanmoed. Tuinbouw over 1844: iii—iv. Tentative rules for the newly erected society. DEDICATION 1844 — Over het nut der invoering van vreemde gewassen en de laatste pogingen om daardoor den tuinbouw hier te lande op te beuren. Jaarb. Ned. Mij. Aanmoed. Tuinbouw over 1844: 41-88. On the use of importing exotic plants for horticulture in the Netherlands. 1844 — Naamiijst van Oost-Indische en bepaaldelijk Javaansche gewassen, etc. Jaarb. Ned. Mij. Aanmoed. Tuinbouw over 1844: 88—90, t. 1—4 (col.). Unsigned, but attributed to BLUME. 1844 — Ueber das Lycopodium arboreum Jungh. Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte Abt. 2, 22: 85-89. Identified as Dacrydium cf. elatum WALL. on type material shown to him by W.H. DE VrieEsE. In Rumphia 3 (1849) 219, 221 BLume later added sour remarks. 1844 — Ueber ein Surrogat des Chinesischen Thees. Amtlicher Bericht tiber die Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte Abt. 2, 22: 90-92. Made public in a session of the Society at Bremen, 23 Sept. 1844. As Prof. G.J. MULDER had shown the alkaloid theine is the same as caffeine, BLUME suggested that tea could be made from dried leaves of coffee. 1845 — De Koffij-thee. Astrea, Tydschr. van Schoone Kunsten, Wetenschap en Letteren 1: 285. Same as preceding. 1845 — Minerale wateren van Tjipannas en Tjiradjas. Opmerkingen nopens de bruikbaarheid van dien te Tjipannas (Preanger Reg.), beschrijving en scheikundig onderzoek van dien te Tjiradjas (Krawang). Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 1/2: 162—166. Reprint of an article published in the Bataviaasche Courant of 15 Sept. 1821. 1845 — Gedachten op eene reis door het zuidoostelijk gedeelte der Residentie Bantam. Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4: 1—36. Account of his experience on a trip through SE. Bantam in W. Java. Account of the Badui people. Reprint of an article published in 1822. 1845 — Fragment uit een Dagboek gehouden op eene reis over Java. Bestijging van den berg Tjerimai, gewoonlijk genoemd Tjermé, in de Residentie Cheribon. Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4: 102—116. Report on an exploration of Mt Tjeremai, above Cheribon. Reprint of an article published in 1825. 1845 ~— Over inlandsche middelen tegen diarrhoe. Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4: 116. Indigenous recipes against diarrhoea. Copied from the paper published in 1825. 1845 ~— De patma van Noesa Kambangan. Indisch Magazijn, Tweede Twaalftal, no 3/4: 179-194 (in L). Reprint of an article published in the Bataviaasche Courant of 9 & 23 March 1825, in which he described his finding of Rafflesia in Nusa Kambangan I. (S. Central Java) and claimed this to be the largest flower, superseding Nelumbium. (29) FLORA MALESIANA 1846 — An article in the ‘Handelsblad’. In this article BLUME advised to hold expositions of colonial products from the East and West Indies in the Netherlands from time to time. 1849—1856— Museum botanicum Lugduno-Batavum sive stirpium exoticarum, novarum vel 1850 1850 1852 1855 (30) minus cognitarum ex vivis aut siccis brevis expositio et descriptio. Leiden. 2 vols. Appeared in dated parts each of 16 pp. In all, I: 396 pp., 60 fig.; Il: 256 pp., 58 fig. The second volume was not finished and had no index. For publication dates, see STAFLEU & COWAN, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 240. A most important work, being a scientific catalogue of the Rijksherbarium collections, hence containing descriptions and treatments of plants from all over the world. An Index to volume 2 was prepared by C.G.G.J. VAN STEENIS & CHEW WEE LEK at the Rijksherbarium in 1974 (see Appendix C). — Antwoord aan den Heer W.H. De Vriese. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1850-II: 99-109, 114—123. Repr. 34 pp. in L. BLuME defends his criticism on the identity of Lycopodium arboreum and the reduction of Pinus merkusii, and the right of the Rijksherbarium to be the depository of collections made by civil servants. — Opheldering van de inlichtingen van den Heer Fr. Junghuhn. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1850-II: 258—261, 274—279. Repr. 19 pp. in L. On JUNGHUHN’s collection and the right of the Rijksherbarium as the proper public deposi- tory of botanical collections. — Copy of a letter to J.G. BAub, Minister of the Colonies, dated 14 March 1840, ‘nopens de bereiding van thee uit koffie-bladeren, met aanbeveling tot het nemen van proeven in het groot op Java zelf.’ Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Indié 3: 122—126. Proposal to prepare tea from coffee leaves and suggesting experiments with this on a large scale in Java. There are two other entries on the subject in 1844 & 1845; see also Astrea 1 (1851) 256. — Mélanges botaniques. 8°. No 1, 1 Aug. 1855: 1—8; no 2, 1 Sept. 1855: 9—12. Facsimile in Taxon 35 (1986) 274—285. Until June 1985 assumed not to have been published; see STAFLEU & Cowan, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 241. The new names efc. in the Mélanges were validated by WALPERS in his Annales 4 (1857) 642—644 and a rather large extract was published in Flora 41 (1858) 254—256. L. VOGELENZANG, librarian of the Rijksherbarium, found in VESQUE’s bibliography of J. DECAISNE (C: 1883) that the latter had a copy of the Mélanges in his library, now incor- porated in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris. H. HEINE located another copy in the Bibliotheque Central of the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle at Paris which had belonged to the library of A.TH. BRONGNIART. The original copy mentioned in Flora is still not located. It was probably dedicated to NEES vON ESENBECK. The pamphlet was not for sale, but it was effectively published and at least two copies exist. Both Paris copies were autographed to BLUME’s close friends. He may have sent more copies to other botanists with whom he was befriended. Obviously BLUME published it at his own expense and the reason for this is unknown. He could have published it in his Museum Botanicum Lugdunum-Batavum. The first numéro of the Mélanges contains a discussion on paper-making by the Sino- DEDICATION Japanese and three species are described of Broussonetia (2 new). Furthermore there is a sec- tion ‘synonymie de quelques plantes peu connues’, concerning species and genera of Cuno- niaceae, Saxifragaceae, Rosaceae, Guttiferae (Cratoxylon), Dipterocarpaceae, Ulmaceae, Moraceae, and Nepenthes. Numéro 2 contains Chrysobalanaceae and Rosaceae (Pygeum) (B: VAN STEENIS, 1986). 1858 — Bijdrage tot de kennis der Oost-Indische Orchideén en het maaksel (de organisatie) van hare bevruchtingswerktuigen. Vers]. & Meded. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam 7: 100—115, 2 pl. Interpretation of the orchidaceous flower, with special regard to Apostasiaceae. 1858(—1859) — Flora Javae et insularum adjacentium. Nova Series. Leiden. pp. 8+6+ 162, 66 col. pl. Also edited with a French title, see below. A sumptuous work in which BLUME summarized his large knowledge on orchids in which he had great insight since he wrote the Bijdragen (1825-1827). 1858(—1859) — Collection des Orchideées les plus remarquables de l’Archipel Indien et du Japon. The French-titled version of the Flora Javae, Nova Series. For publication dates, see STAFLEU & Cowan, Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, 1 (1976) 240. 1859 — (with A.H. VAN DER Boon MEscn) Geschikte materialen uit de Overzeesche bezittingen voor het vervaardigen van papier. Report about useful materials from overseas territories suitable to manufacture paper. 1859 — Vanda suaveolens Bl. Ann. Hort. Bot. ou Fl. Jard. Pays-Bas 2: 1—2, 1 col. pl. 1859 — Over eenige Oost-Indische houtsoorten in verband met de verwoestingen door den paal- worm of andere schelpdieren hier te lande en elders aangerigt. Versl. & Meded. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. 9: 25—49. Repr. 25 pp. in L. A scholarly review of timbers resistant against teredo and other molluscs, in which BLUME summarized experience onwards of Rumputus and collected data from all kinds of sources, indicating valuable species to be used in sea harbours. 1860 — De houtteelt verbonden met den landbouw. Tijdschr. Ned. Mij. ter Bevordering van de Nijverheid 23: 1—29. Cultivation of timber species in relation to agriculture. 1861 — Monographie des Anoectochilus, Goodyera et genres voisins, les plus remarquables de V’archipel Indien et du Japon. Belg. Hort. 11: 369-378, 1 pl. Extract from Flora Javae, Nova Series (1858—1859). 1863 — Flora Javae. Planches inédites. 23 coloured folio plates of Javanese plants with names and analyses. These were probably intended for further instalments of the Flora Javae, but remained without text. On the back of some plates an advertisement was printed by a booksellers firm in Leiden; herein BLume’s works were offered for sale, as a packet, probably one or two years after his death. I have distributed a few copies to some herbaria, with a note, in November 1947 (C: 1947). Further particulars I published in Blumea 6 (1948) 263. (31) FLORA MALESIANA Excluded 1823 (April) — Herinnering aan acht merkwaardige dagen van mijn leven, op een uitstapje naar de top van de Gounong (berg) Gedu. This concerns a 16 pp. manuscript which has wrongly been attributed to BLUME. It was writ- ten by a party following BLUME’s trail to the lower part of the crater of Mt Gedeh above Tjibodas. It is preserved in the library of the Instituut van Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Leiden University (H 338). Appendix B — Biographical sources AA, A.J. VAN DER. 1878. Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden. Bijvoegsel: 34—35; ibid.: 111—115. — A concise biography. ANONYMOUS. 1827—1856. Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode 1827-II: 137; 1829-I: 227; 1831-I: 50, 359; 1833-I: 429; 1838-II: 290; 1851-I: 257; 1853-I: 193, 305; 1855: 118; 1856: 57. ANONYMOUS. 1853. Bonplandia 1: 228. — BLUME was in Berlin and offered (obviously at a meet- ing) fibres of Boehmeria tenacissima BL. which he said had a great durability and could possibly be of importance for the navy. He was then presented to the King of Prussia. On the fibres of this Boehmeria he published in the Mélanges botaniques (A, 1855). ANONYMOUS. 1855. Bonplandia 3: 155. — Here it was reported that REINWARDT sold his library for Dfl. 20,000. His herbarium was donated to the University herbarium of Leiden, on the con- dition that it should not be incorporated in the Rijksherbarium. N.B. In the ‘Instruction’ of 1832 (see C: VAN Dam) it had been officially decreed that the University herbarium was to be merged with the Rijksherbarium! ANONYMOUS. 1858. Flora 41: 254—256. — Extract review of Mélanges botaniques. ANONYMOUS. 1862. Leidsch Dagblad, 5 Febr. 1862, no 598. Repr. of 3 pp. in L. — Formal obituary. ANONYMOUS. 1862. Bonplandia 10: 47. — Obituary note. ANONYMOUS. 1862. Botanische Zeitung 20: 56. — Obituary note. ANONYMOUS. 1862. Proceedings Linnean Society of London 1862: xcvi—xcviii. — Obituary note. ANONYMOUS. 1862 or 1863. Annuaire de l’Académie de Paris. — Obituary note (not seen). ANoNymous. 1875. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie 2: 746—747. — Short biography. ANoNyYmMovus. 1875. Album Studiosorum Lugdunum Batavum 1575—1875, column 1243. — Short biography. ANoNyMous. 1930. Nieuw Nederlandsch Biographisch Woordenboek 8: 132—133. — Short biography. BACKER, C.A. 1936. Verklarend woordenboek van wetenschappelijke plantennamen: 70. — Brief — biography. BaILLon, H.E. 1877. Dictionnaire de Botanique 1: 433. BEUMEE, J.G.B. 1948. C.L. Blume, Museum Botanicum. Fl. Males. Bull. no 3: 69—70. — On the dates of publication. BOERLAGE, J.G. 1896. Botanische literatuur. Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indié ed. 1, 1: 210, 272—273, 280. BRETSCHNEIDER, E. 1898. History of European botanical discoveries in China: 308—309. London. — Brief biography; BLumeE illustrated some Chinese plants. BurpeT, H.M. 1972. Cartulae ad botanicorum graphicem. Candollea 27: 327-328. CANDOLLE, A. DE.1862. Mémoires et souvenirs de A.P. de Candolle: 150, 383, 412. — 1880. Phytographie: 318. — Praises the excellent figures in BLUME’s Museum Botanicum. (32) DEDICATION COLENBRANDER, H.T. 1926. Koloniale Geschiedenis 3: 111. DaANSER, B.H. 1938. Who can give further information about the dates of publication of Blume’s Flora Javae? Chron. Bot. 4: 454—455. —— 1939. The publication dates of Blume’s Flora Javae. Blumea 3: 203-211. Goppun, W.A. 1931. ’s-Rijks Herbarium 1830—1930. Meded. Rijksherb. 62b: 1—53. — Rather extensive biographical notes. Guzen, A. 1938. ’s-Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, 1820—1915: 100—101. Rotterdam. — On BLuMe’s zoological contributions to the Leiden Museum. Hatt, H.C. van. 1862. C.L. Blume. De Nederl. Spectator, 22 Febr. 1862, no 8: 57-59. — Biographical data; rather extensive (in L). HASSKARL, J.K. 1850. Antwoord aan den heer C.L. Blume, wegens onderscheidene te mijnen aan- zien geuite beschuldigingen, vervat in zijn antwoord aan den heer W.H. de Vriese, Leiden 1850. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1850. Repr. of 16 pp. in L. — HAsskart defending his rights to have a private herbarium. Jacoss, M. 1980. C.L. Blume (1796—1862). Fl. Males. Bull. no 33: 3362—3363. JANSEN, P. & W.H. WacntTer. 1941. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 51: 343. — Biographical references. JUNGHUHN, F. 1837. Brief aan C.L. Blume vanuit Djocjakarta, 2 Febr. 1837. Alg. Konst- en Let- terbode 1837-II: 275—277. — 1850. Inlichtingen aangeboden aan het publiek over zeker geschrift van den heer C.L. Blume, en antwoord aan dien Heer. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1850, no 41. Repr. 9 pp. in L. — Self-defense in keeping his private herbarium. — 1850. Vervolg der inlichtingen aangeboden aan het publiek over een geschrift van den heer C.L. Blume. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1850. Repr. 29 pp. in L. — Polemics with BLUME. —— 1851. Een woord over den Sambinoer-boom van Sumatra, betrekkelijk deszelfs botanische bepaling. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 2: 2-16. — On BLUME’s reduction of JUNGHUHN’s Lycopodium arboreum to Dacrydium. —— 1853. Java, zijne gedaante, zijn plantentooi, en inwendige bouw, |: 183—186. 2nd Dutch ed. KALKMAN, C. 1979. The Rijksherbarium, past and present. Blumea 25: 13—26, especially p. 14. Koster, J.Th. Facsimile handwritings of BLumMe. — Unpublished (in L). LAsEGUE, A. 1845. Musée botanique de M. Benjamin Delessert: 268, 293, 307, 315, 346, 347, 506, 535, 562. LEENHOUTS, P.W. 1980. Het Botanisch Kabinet te Franeker: 34. Lintum, C. TE. 1913. Een eeuw van vooruitgang, 1813—1913. Zwolle (not seen). — BLUME was far ahead of his time in having found the solution of the combat against cholera by the simple boiling of drinking-water. MAcLEAN, J. 1979. Carl Ludwig Blume and the Netherlands East Indies. Janus 66: 15—29. — Period 1820—1831; valuable biographical essay. MACLEAN traced many letters in the Colonial Archives of the ‘Rijksarchief’, The Hague. MIQueEL, F.A.W. 1856. Review of Blume, Museum Botanicum. Bot. Zeit. 14: 185—188, 540—541. — MIQUEL complained severely about BLUME’s antedating issues of the Museum Botanicum and his attempts to withhold information from his colleagues. Oupen, A. DEN. 1979. C.L. Blume, periode 1826—1832. Unpublished essay, made under supervi- sion of Dr. P. Smit, Biohistorical Institute, Utrecht. — A thorough account, largely based on official letters and documents of the period mentioned, as present in the ‘Rijksarchief’, The Hague. Pritzet, G.A. 1872. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae: 29. — BLuMe’s selected bibliography. Putte, A.A. 1917. Botanische literatuur. Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch Indié ed. 2, vol. 1: 317, 394—395; ibid. 1919. Vol. 4: 422. RAALTEN, G. VAN. 1825. Unpublished letter to J.G.S. van Breda (?). — Erroneous accusation that BLuME stole property or information from Kuni & VAN HAsseLt (in L). RoLanp, M. 1944. Alfred Moquin-Tandon. Un naturaliste 4 Paris sous Louis-Philippe. Journal (33) FLORA MALESIANA d’un voyage inédit (1834). Paris, Mercure de France ed. 3: 351 pp. — Historically a most in- teresting booklet full of biographical data of French botanists. BLUME paid a prolonged stay to Paris in Sept./Oct. 1834. ROMER, L.S.A.M. von. 1921. Historische Schetsen. Batavia. 335 pp., 109 pl.; a very brief obituary on p. 193. — It is most peculiar that in the brief history of cholera (pp. 232—238) the author, himself a physician, makes no mention at all of BLUME’s important work on the sub- ject. ScHouTeE, D. 1937. Occidental therapeutics in the Netherlands East Indies during three centuries of Netherlands settlement. Publication of the Netherlands Indies Health Service: 114-119. — Cited the governmental regulations and instructions for the native chiefs, extension of the vac- cination, etc. Some of these might have actually been written by BLUME, who was chief of vac- cination and later even chief of the medical service. SEEMANN, B. 1863. Journ. Bot. 1: 64. — Short obituary. SEEMANN, W.E.G. 1859. Bonplandia 7: 52—53. — BLUME complained that the Netherlands Government did not contribute funds towards the publication of the Flora Javae, Nova Series, and that this was printed at his own expense. SEEMANN had received the volume, or at least first sheets of it, on 3 Nov. 1858. He criticizes BLUME for having given too little attention to the works of LINDLEY and REICHENBACH. Sirks, M.J. 1915. Indisch Natuuronderzoek: 109—112, portr. Amsterdam. — Brief biographical notes. Smit, P. 1979. The Rijksherbarium and the scientific and social conditions which influenced its foundation. Blumea 25: 5—11. — In this excellent essay on the foundation of the Rijksher- barium SIT erroneously mentioned (p. 9) that BLUME transferred the KUHL & VAN HASSELT specimens to Leiden in 1826. —— & R.J.CH.V. TER LAAGE (eds.). 1970. Essays in biohistory. Regnum Vegetabile 71. STAFLEU, F.A. 1966. Wentia 16: 28—31. — In an excellent biography of MIQUEL some notes on BLUME. — 1970. The Miquel-Schlechtendal correspondence. A picture of European botany, 1836— 1866. In: P. Smit & R.J.CH.V. TER LAAGE, Essays in biohistory. Regnum Vegetabile 71: 295—341. — Many data on BLuME and his works. Page 307: DECAISNE made several drawings for Rumphia. Page 324: JUNGHUHN sold his herbarium to the University of Leiden on the condi- tion that it should not be incorporated in the Rijksherbarium. Page 326: Reference to MIQUEL, who was glad that in February 1851 a new, more ‘liberal’ Instruction for the Rijksherbarium was issued by the Government. Page 331: Reference to MIQUEL’s complaint about the irregulari- ties with the dates of Museum Botanicum. Page 334: Reference to the difficulty in choice of a successor of BLUME. —— 1978. Flora Malesiana I, 8: (7)—(16). — Dedication to the memory of F.A.W. MIQUEL, con- taining some notes on BLUME. — &R.S. Cowan. 1976. Taxonomic literature. Ed. 2, vol. 1: 234-241 (Regnum Vegetabile 94). STEENIS, C.G.G.J. vAN. 1941. Natuurwet. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 101: 216. — The Planches inédites appeared at least before 1883. — 1948. On the date of publication of Blume’s Planches inédites. Blumea 6: 263. —— 1979. The Rijksherbarium and its contribution to the knowledge of the tropical Asiatic flora. Blumea 25: 57—77, especially pp. 60—62. — BLUME’s endeavours. — 1980. The publication of Blume’s Tabellen en Platen voor de javaansche Orchideeén. Miscellaneous Papers Landbouwhogeschool, Wageningen 19: 289-291. — 1986. Blume’s Mélanges botaniques effectively published, 1855. Taxon 35: 272—273; fac- simile of the Mélanges: 274-285. — &M.J. VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN. 1970. The plates of Javanese plants of Francisco Norona, with a revised evaluation of his generic names. In: P. Smit & R.J.CH.V. TER LAAGE: Essays in biohistory. Regnum Vegetabile 71: 353. — BLUME has seen NoroNna’s plates in Java, as well as (34) DEDICATION REINWARDT. Incidentally BLUME mentioned a few NorRONA names in the synonymy of his works. STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, M.J. vAN. 1950. Carl Ludwig Blume. Flora Malesiana I, 1: 64—66, 600, portr. — Brief personalia; account of BLUME’s travels and publications. — 1979. Directorate of C.L. Blume. Blumea 25: 35—39. TREvuB, M. 1889. Geschiedenis van ’s-Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Meded. ’s Lands Planten- tuin 6: 1—79. Batavia. — History of the Botanic Gardens, Bogor, from 1817 till 1844. —— 1892. Korte geschiedenis van ’s-Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg: 7—9, portr. — Short history, as above. ULE, Witty. Geschichte der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Natur- forscher 1852—1882. No. 1071 (not seen). VeTH, P.J. 1884. Ontdekkers en onderzoekers: 45—149. Leiden. — Mostly on REINWARDT; por- trait of BLUME. Vos, C. DE. 1888. Korte schets van de geschiedenis der plantkunde efc.: 91—92. Bolsward. VriEsE, W.H. DE. 1851. Naschrift (to JUNGHUHN’s paper). Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 2: 13—17 (in L). — Defending JUNGHUHN. —— 1851. Teregtwijzing van C.L. Blume’s naamsverwarring. Alg. Konst- en Letterbode 1850-II: 35—38. Repr. of 4 pp. in L. — On the reduction of Pinus merkusii to P. finlaysoniana. WEIGEL, T.O. 1863 (Jan.). Verzeichniss der nachgelassenen Bibliothek von C.L. Blume. Leipzig. I1I—V1I+81 pp. — With portrait of BLUME. WINKLER-PRINS, C. 1949. Encyclopaedie ed. 6, 4: 374. Wit, H.C.D. be. 1949. 47. Blume. Flora Malesiana I, 4: civ—cv. — A brief account of BLUME’s life; discussion of achievements and main publications. —— 1950. History of Malesian botany. 29 pp., unpublished. — Typed copies of letters to and from BLUME, partly relating to herbarium REINWARDT, but largely official letters on the sale and distribution of Flora Javae and Rumphia. Several derived from the ‘Rijksarchief’, The Hague. ZOLLINGER, H. 1841. Tagebuch (ined.), 5 Oct.—31 Dec. — Unpublished diary of ZOLLINGER; typed copy by H. WANNER in L. Appendix C — References to cited literature ARCKENHAUSEN, J.C.P. See his biography by H.-G. Gruep ef al., vide infra. BreDA, J.G.S. vAN. 1827—1829. Genera et species Orchidearum et Asclepiadarum quas in itinerere per insulam Java collegerunt Dr. H. Kuhl et Dr. J.C. van Hasselt. Ghent. Folio. 15 fol. & 15 tab. col. Dam, VAN. 13 Febr. 1832. Ontwerp van eene instructie voor den Directeur van het Rijksherbarium (Ministry of the Interior, Sth Div., No. 254 — Concept of an Instruction to the Director of the Rijksherbarium). Directions for the director in 14 articles: how to manage the collections, the accommodation, the facilities for and availability to other botanists, loans, the making of a catalogue of the col- lections, exchange of duplicates, desirability of acquiring collections from civil servants, the fu- sion of the University Herbarium with that of the Rijksherbarium, the order that the director writes an annual report on the important accessions, and that proposals of the director had to go via the Curators of the University. A particularly ticklish point was stipulated in art. 10, in which the director was prohibited to publish on discoveries of still living persons and explorers without their consent. The Instruction was approved by the Minister of the Interior and was stipulated to be effective from January Ist, 1831. (35) FLORA MALESIANA GrieP, H.-G., H. ULLRICH & G. WAGENITZ. 1977. Johann Christian Arckenhausen (1784—1855). In H. Utricu (ed.), Goslarer Kiinstler und Kunsthandwerker 1: 1—32, illust. (D, 12). HALL, H.C. vAN. 1856. Voorstel omtrent de voortzetting van de uitgave der Flora Javae. In W.H. DE VRIESE: Tuinbouwflora 3: 365—366. HENNIPMAN, E. 1979. The collections of Pteridophytes at the Rijksherbarium. Blumea 25: 103—106. REINWARDT, C.G.C. 1826. Nova plantarum indicarum genera. Syll. Plant. Ratisb. 2: 1—15. —— 1828. Ueber den Charakter der Vegetation auf den Inseln des Indischen Archipels. Ein Vor- trag. Kon. Akad. Wiss. Berlin: 1—18. STEENIS, C.G.G.J. VAN. 1947. Introduction to the Planches inédites Flora Javae (mimeographed). — Pamphlet, consisting of a coloured folio plate of BLUME’s Planches inédites with at the back an advertisement for the sale of BLUME’s works, probably from 1862 or 1863. Copies were sent to some selected European libraries. —— & CHEW WEE LEK. 1974. Index to C.L. Blume, Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum, vol. 2, 1856—1857. Leiden. 24 pp. — ,M.J. VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN & C.A. BACKER. 1954. Louis Auguste Deschamps. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Hist. ser. 1, no 2: 51—68, pl. 13 (a reproduction of the drawing DESCHAMPS made of Rafflesia). STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, M.J. vAN. 1950. Kollmann’s collection of Javan plants. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg sér. III, 18: 463—466. — 1962. Contributions to the history of botany and exploration in Malaysia. 8. Heinrich Birger (?1806—1858), explorer in Japan and Sumatra. 9. The transfer of the Rijksherbarium from Brussels to Holland in 1830. Blumea 11: 495—505; 505—508, 1 photo. — 1979. The collections of the Rijksherbarium. Blumea 25: 29—56. THORBECKE, J.R. 11 Nov. 1850. Instructie voor den Directeur van het Rijks-Herbarium te Leijden (Ministry of the Interior, Sth Div., No. 254 — Instruction for the Director of the Rijksherbarium at Ikeijden). 22 pp. (in L): Instruction to replace that of 1832 (see under C: vAN Dam), consisting of 28 articles. New stipulations were: the director should be present on the first three days of the week; not more than one family of plants can be borrowed by a single person; the director is prohibited to use data from the still living members of the former ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’ without their per- mission; he is not allowed to have a private collection; as to exchange, priority has to be given to Dutch botanists and institutes, effective onwards of December Ist, 1850. A most peculiar stipulation was in art. 18: anybody could claim to receive duplicates from the overseas territories (the names of which had already been printed and the plants described) even when nothing was offered in exchange. So it has happened recently that, in cleaning a school somewhere in Holland, a set of Javanese sheets was found, obviously claimed by a former en- thusiastic teacher who had, it seems, no employ for it. VESQUE, J. 1883. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu M. J. Decaisne. Avec une notice biogra- phique par M. le Dr. Ed. Bornet. Paris. Libraire de la Bibliotheque Nationale: 13. — Listing under no 56: ‘Blume, Mélanges botaniques (Premier et deuxieme numéro). Leyde, 1855, br. in-8, de 12 pp.—Envoi autogr. de |’auteur a M. Decaisne. VRIESE, W.H. DE. 1858. Reinwardt’s Reize naar het Oostelijk gedeelte van den Indischen Archipel in het jaar 1821 etc. Amsterdam. Appendix D — Notes 1)—Later it was said that BLUME misused the collections and manuscripts of A. ZIPPELIUS, a gardener of the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg (Bogor), who made a long exploration trip to the Moluccas, SW. New Guinea, and Timor, where he died. (36) DEDICATION Surely ZIPPELIUS made a most important collection, but he left no manuscripts at L; we only have a box full of old provisional labels. As a matter of fact, P. BLEEKER found in the archives of the ‘Natuurkundige Vereeniging’ at Batavia manuscripts and notes of ZIPPELIus that were of- fered to BLUME about 1850, under the condition that the latter should publish them. BLUME never replied to this. In fact this request came two decades too late, as BLUME had worked on ZIPPELIUs’s material (received through the intermediary of J.B. SPANOGHE IN + 1830/31) and published this earlier in Rumphia and in the Museum Botanicum. BLUME honoured ZIPPELIUS by naming the Piperaceous genus Zippelia after him. (See also the footnote under D: 4.) BLuME has also been accused of having left at Bogor no duplicate specimens of the collections he took to the Netherlands, but this is untrue (see C: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1950; and D: 4). As to the KuHL & VAN HaAssELT collections: they did not add many novelties to what BLUME himself had collected. The sites where he travelled covered most of theirs, and even far beyond eastwards. Besides, the KUHL & VAN HASSELT collections came only in BLUME’s hands in 1828 when he had already published his Bijdragen (1825—1827) and Enumeratio (1827—1828). And as late as 1844 vAN Brepa offered him a packet of notes written by KUHL and VAN HASSELT, when the main part of Flora Javae (1828—1851) had already been published. 2) — Pu.F. von SIEBOLD, a most meritorious scientist, withheld his collections from BLUME. Most of VON SIEBOLD’s botanical collections were not made by himself, but by BURGER, TEXTOR, KEISKE and others (see C: VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1962). VON SIEBOLD also was a dominating, ambitious person. The Flora Japonica was authored by ‘SmEBOLD & ZUCCARINI’, but the latter, professor at Munich, was the proper author responsible for the research. VON SIEBOLD hardly had any claim towards being a botanical taxonomist. As BURGER belonged to the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’, their herbarium should properly go to the Rijksherbarium. Though BURGER’s share in the under- taking was very large — he also wrote a large manuscript on Japanese fishes — VON SIEBOLD later refused to support BURGER’s second appointment to the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’ for the ex- ploration of W. Sumatra, because the latter would not be sufficiently endorsed with scientific knowledge (/.c. 501), a most ungracious and unjust gesture. Von SIEBOLD claimed later to have been the saviour of the Rijksherbarium in 1830, whereas his sole purpose was to get back specimens collected during his internment by the Japanese in Deshima (/.c. 501). Whatever the great merits of voN SIEBOLD may have been, these facts throw a distinct shadow on his honesty and tolerance regarding other people. 3) — F.W. JUNGHUHN was a physician of the army since 1835, but his superior, A.E. FRITZE, per- mitted him to devote himself to the study of nature. In 1840 he was charged with making investiga- tions in the Batak Lands, W. Sumatra. After his return to Java JUNGHUHN was appointed a member of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’ (1845—1848). Through his Reisen durch Java and Die Battalander auf Sumatra it became clear that JUNGHUHN had amassed a great herbarium, and BiuME claimed this for the Rijksherbarium. JUNGHUHN refused, which caused BLUME’s irritation. As JUNGHUHN was no taxonomist and had made errors in precursory papers (amongst others with Lycopodium arboreum), BLuMe’s sharp remarks on this led to a strong mutual animosity between him and JUNGHUHN. 4) — According to my wife (C: vAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN, 1950), G.H.J. KOLLMANN was a German senior physician, in the service of the Dutch East Indian army and stationed at Buitenzorg (Bogor) in 1821—1835, on leave in Europe in 1835—1837. In 1837 he offered the Dutch government a col- lection of Javanese plants for sale.' His letter and material were designated to BLUME, who, to (1) About the contents of the collection which came in Kollmann’s hands more can be found in J. MACLEAN, Scientiarum Historia 15 (2), 1973, 112—113. They comprised zoological collections as well as ethnographical ones besides the herbarium specimens. According to KOLLMANN they were acquired at auctions (presumably in Java) and contained not only BLume collections but also Zrprettus plants (M.J. VAN STEENIS-KRUSEMAN). (37) FLORA MALESIANA his surprise, found that this was the set of duplicates (more than 4000) of his collection he painstakingly left at Buitenzorg when returning to Holland. KOLLMANN himself never collected. Obviously the collection had been stored somewhere in the annexes of the Palace at Buitenzorg, adjoining the Botanic Gardens. The curator of the Gardens, JAMEs Hooper, was subordinated to the Intendant of the Palace. In some way or other KOLLMANN appropriated this collection. The rumour that BLuME did not leave duplicates at Buitenzorg appears fully untrue. Why he never alluded in print to the curious way in which the Bogor duplicate collection came into his hands, can only be guessed at (D: 14). He was either loyal to KOLLMANN, with whom he had friendly rela- tions, or he found it unnecessary to justify himself. Anyway it shows his loyalty to the Buitenzorg Gardens. 5) — Both J. MACLEAN and A. DEN OUDEN (B: 1979) have searched in the ‘Rijksarchief’, The Hague, where all official correspondence by BLUME is kept. For a proper biography the period 1830—1862 should also be covered. Moreover, personal letters will be kept in the archives of several botanical institutes as BLUME had contacts with many botanists. 6) — It is quite possible that, as soon as BLUME had finished the text for a fascicle of Museum Botanicum, he sent it to the printers and assumed it then to be effectively published. In his splen- did isolation, surrounded by envious, hostile colleagues and antagonists, BLUME did not care about their interests. Leiden was at that time a centre where nobody did care about collaboration or sympathy, each staff member promoting self-interests; a most unfortunate situation. 7) — The number of extensive biographies of prominent Dutch botanists is small. I know off-hand only those of C.G.C. REINWARDT, HUGO DE VRIES, W. BEIJERINCK, F. JUNGHUHN, J.P. Lotsy, F.A.W. MIQUEL, and H.J. LAM. Such biographical studies require much time, and also historical- minded people to compose them. If one should like to have a posthumous biography made, it is best, in my opinion, to write an autobiography; one ought to think timely of this. 8) — The diary of H. ZOLLINGER contains notes on his stay at Leiden in 1841, with interesting per- sonal information on members of the biological circle at Leiden. Amongst others about the com- plaints of REINWARDT that BLUME did not give him sufficient honour and published all novelties under his own name. But C.A.L.M. SCHWANER, a German geologist and member of the ‘Natuurkundige Commissie’, said that this was due to the fact that REINWARDT did not publish himself, even not his own report on the exploration in East Malesia, and that REINWARDT’s reasons for not publishing was that he was afraid not to come up to the expectations the botanical public had of him. As a matter of fact, the lecture REINWARDT held for this select public, the ‘Ver- sammlung Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte’ on 20 September 1828 about the vegetation of Malesia, was not exciting, but mediocre (C: REINWARDT, 1828). The same holds for his paper Nova plantarum indicarum genera; many genera were assigned to wrong families and several others had been described before. REINWARDT’s creative efforts lay mainly in the organization of botany and cultures in Java, not in research. His report on the exploration of the Moluccas was after his death published in 1858 by W.H. DE VrigsE (C: 1858), together with a biography. Another fact ZOLLINGER mentioned was that it was not due to BLUME that P. KoRTHALS aban- doned botany. KorTHALS told ZOLLINGER at the time the first was working out his most important, meticulous observations, that botany was an inferior branch of science as compared with philosophical and etymological studies, which he found more interesting and scholarly. 9) — According to WEIGEL’s catalogue (B: WEIGEL, 1863), BLUME had a very large library, the total number of entries being 2123, largely concerning botany (1527 entries). It is peculiar that BLUME’s works are only represented by 9 items. None of his publications on useful and medicinal plants were represented. (38) DEDICATION 10) — As a matter of fact, the majority of biologists, physicians, and explorers in the early part of last century concerned with the biology of the Indies were scientists with the German nationali- ty or of German descent, e.g., ARCKENHAUSEN, BLUME, BURGER, J.B. FISCHER, HASSKARL, JUNGHUHN, KuHL, MACKLOT, SAL. MULLER, REINWARDT, VON ROSENBERG, SCHLEGEL, SCHWANER, VON SIEBOLD, ZIPPELIUS. Also in South American and African botanical pioneer ex- ploration Germans played a prominent role in the former century. 11) — As to his health, BLUME withstood illnesses obviously rather well, probably because he ap- plied his own devices, drinking boiled water, etc. He was reported to suffer of fever during his trip to Rembang (see A: 1828). In 1826 (Java) BLUME complained of illness. In Holland he was rather seriously ill about 1829. Early 1850 he suffered of laryngitis. 12) — H.-C. Grier c.s. (C: 1977) in their biography of J.C.P. ARCKENHAUSEN reproduced a letter (in the ‘Rijksarchief’, The Hague) from BLuME to the Minister of the Interior at The Hague (d.d. 27 Dec. 1832), in which he pleads for the second time for a permanent position of ARCKENHAUSEN. BLUME mentioned that he had 1500 drawings, mostly from Latour, made in Java. These drawings were sketches which should be made ready for reproduction in Flora Javae and often needed to be supplemented by details (from herbarium material). ARCKENHAUSEN could manage to prepare 7 or 8 drawings monthly. As the publication of Flora Javae at Brussels needed monthly 12 draw- ings for the two instalments, BLUME had attracted a certain Mr. VIvIEN as draughtsman (in 1827) and Mr. Sixtus (in 1828) for keeping pace. VIvIEN disappeared in 1829 and he was replaced by ARCKENHAUSEN. The Minister was of the opinion that ARCKENHAUSEN should be paid from the Flora Javae project funds. The latter worked for BLuME at least until 1832, possibly longer. After repatriation to Germany ARCKENHAUSEN remained draughtsman in Goslar, drawing all kinds of plants and animals, mostly for KReBs, Naturgeschichte. After ARCKENHAUSEN’S death (1855) his estate was sold in 1862, among which 134 plates of Flora Javae. In the library of the Natur- wissenschaftliche Verein, in volume 19 (portfolio), 190 plates of BLUME’s work are preserved, of which some unfinished sketches. Whether they are originals or printed copies, and whether there are unpublished drawings among them, has still to be examined. Plates by ARCKENHAUSEN are reproduced too in Rumphia, volumes 1-3. In Java J.TH. Brk was another artist, originally in the service of REINWARDT, who drew for BLUME. 13) — Why the polemic papers between BLUME and JUNGHUHN, DE VRIESE, and others (see B) started as late as 1850 is unclear, because BLUME had already in 1844 (see A) reduced Lycopodium arboreum — the subject of controversy. BLUME’s denigrating words accompanying the reduction were published by him in Rumphia (3: 219, 221) and these gave offence to JUNGHUHN and DE Vriese. STAFLEU & CowAN (Taxonomic literature, ed. 2, vol. 1, 1976) gave 1847 as date for this part of Rumphia, but it might be that 1849 fits better (as mentioned by LoreENTzZ, cf. Flora Male- siana I, 4: clxxii, and also accepted by DE WIT). 14) — Why Biume did not defend himself more openly and publicly is not clear. It is of course a fact that one cannot well oppose rumours without published evidence. He was clearly not a very militant personality. BLUME took action only twice: first, when he revealed the transfer of the Rijksherbarium from Brussels and gave honour to FiscHer (A: 1831); and second, in defending himself against JUNGHUHN (A: 1850). For the rest he satisfied himself by writing explanatory let- ters. Though convinced of his view on the cause of cholera, he did not officially oppose MULDER in public. In all these matters I am inclined to believe BLUME felt it below his dignity to expose himself. (39) FLORA MALESIANA Appendix E — Eponymy Blumia C.G.D. Nees 1823, nom. rejic. (= Magnolia L.). Blumia K.P.J. SPRENGEL 1826 (= Saurauia WILLD.). Blumea H.G.L. Retcus. 1828 (= Neesia BLUME). Blumea A.P. DC. 1833. Blumeodendron Kurz 1873. Blumella vaN TreGHEM 1895 (= Elytranthe Blume + Macrosolen BLUME). Blumeopsis GAGNEP. 1920. The journal Blumea, official botanical journal of the Rijksherbarium; vol. 1, 1934—hodie. Epithets for species, blumei, blumii, etc., are too numerous to enumerate here. Appendix F — Honorary distinctions and memberships 1829 (31 March): Ridder (Knight) in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw; the Netherlands. 1851: Légion d’Honneur; France. 1851: Preussische Rothe Adler-Ordens, 3. Klasse; Prussia. 1853: Knight Cross of the Albrechts Order of Sachsen; Saxony. 1853: Large golden medal for merits from the King of Belgium. 1822: Council member Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia; Neth- erlands Indies. 1825 (6 Febr.): Corresponding member of the Maatschappij van Landbouw en Kruidkunde; the Netherlands. 1827: Member of the Koninklijk Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten (the later Netherlands Royal Academy); the Netherlands. 1827 (29 June): Member of the Provinciaals Utrechtsch Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Utrecht; the Netherlands. 1829 (7 Jan.): Member of the KOnigliche Botanische Gesellschaft zu Regensburg; Bavaria, Ger- many. 1833: Member of the Hollandsche Maatschappij van Wetenschappen, Haarlem; the Netherlands. 1845: Doctor honoris causa and Matheseos magister of Leiden University; the Netherlands. 1851 (7 April): Foreign corresponding member of the Institut de France, Paris; France. 1853 (May): Ordinary member of the Kaiserliche Akademie fiir Naturkunde, Moscow; Russia. 1855: Honorary member of the ‘Maatschappij ter Bevordering der Geneeskunde’, Baden; Ger- many. 1855 (31 March): Member of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam; the Netherlands. 1856 (10 Oct.): Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm; Sweden. Member of: Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina Academia Naturae Curiosorum, Bonn; Germany. Cognomen: Rumphius secundus. Linnean Society of London; England. Societas Caesarea Naturae Curiosorum Mosquensis, Moscow; Russia. Societas Medico-Botanica Londinensis, London; England. Natuurkundige Vereeniging van Nederlandsch-Indié, Batavia; Netherlands Indies. (40) ABBREVIATIONS AND SIGNS acc. = according Ak. Bis. = Aklan Bisaya (Philip. language) Alf. Cel. = Alfurese Celebes (language) alt. = altitude Anat. = Anatomy Ap. = Apayao (Philip. language) app. = appendix, appendices appr. = approximate Apr. = April Arch. = Archipelago atl. =atlas auct. div. = auctores diversi; various authors auct(t). mal. = auctores malayenses; authors dealing with Malesian flora auct(t). plur. = auctores plures; several authors Aug. = August Bag. = Bagobo (Philip. language) basionym = original name of the type specimen; its epithet remains permanently attached to the taxon which is typified by it provided it is of the same rank. Bg. = Buginese (language) Bik. = Bikol (Philip. language) Bil. = Bila-an (Philip. language) Bill. = Billiton Bis. = Bisaya (Philip. language) Bon. = Bontok (Philip. language) Born. = Borneo Bt = Bukit; mountain Bug. = Buginese (language) Buk. = Bukidnon (Philip. language) c. =circiter; about C. Bis. = Cebu Bisaya (Philip. language) cf. = confer; compare Chab. = Chabecano (Philip. language) citations = see references cm = centimetre c.n. =see comb. nov. comb. nov. =combinatio nova; new combination CS = cross-section or transversal section of an organ c.s.=cum suis; with collaboration cum fig. =including the figure cur. =curante; edited by D (after a vernacular name) = Dutch Daj. = Dyak (language) d.b.h. =diameter at breast height D.E.1. = Dutch East Indies descr. added behind a reference=means that this contains a valid description diam. = diameter Distr. (as an item) = Distribution Distr. (with a geographical name) = District ditto =the same, see do Div. = Division, or Divide div. = diversus (masc.); various do = ditto (Ital.); the same Dum. = Dumagat (Philip. language) dupl. = duplicate E=east (after degrees: eastern longitude) E (after a vernacular name) = English Ecol. = Ecology ed. = edited; edition; editor ¢.g.=exempli gratia; for example elab. = elaboravit; revised em(end). = emendavit; emended em(erg). ed. = emergency edition Engl. = English etc., &c. =et cetera; and (the) other things ex auctt. = ex auctores; according to authors excl. = exclusus (masc.); excluding, exclusive of ex descr. =known to the author only from the de- scription f. (before a plant name) =/forma; form f. (after a personal name) = filius; the son f. (in citations) = figure fam. = family Feb(r). = February fide =according to fig. = figure fl. =flore, floret (floruit); (with) flower, flowering For. Serv. = Forest Service fr. =fructu, fructescit; (with) fruit, fruiting Fr. (after a vernacular name) = French G.= Gunung (Malay); mountain Gad. = Gaddang (Philip. language) gen. = genus; genus genus delendum = genus to be rejected Germ. = German geront. =Old World haud = not, not at all holotype=the specimen on which the original de- scription was actually based or so designated by the original author homonym =a name which duplicates the name of an earlier described taxon (of the same rank) but which is based on a different type species or type specimen; all later homonyms are nomenclaturally illegitimate, unless conserved I.=Island ib(id). =ibidem; the same, in the same place Ibn. = Ibanag (Philip. language) ic. =icon, icones; plate, plates ic. inedit.=icon ineditum, icones inedita; inedited plate(s) id. =idem; the same i.e. =id est; that is If. =Ifugdao (Philip. language) Ig.=Igorot (Philip. language) Ilg. = Ilongot (Philip. language) Ilk. = Il6ko (Philip. language) in adnot. =in adnotatione; in note, in annotation incl. = inclusus (masc.); including, inclusive(ly) indet. = indetermined Indr. = Indragiri (in Central Sumatra) inedit. = ineditus (masc.); inedited in herb. =in herbario; in the herbarium in litt. =in litteris; communicated by letter in sched. =in schedula; on a herbarium sheet in sicc. =in sicco; in a dried state in syn. =in synonymis; in synonymy Is. = Islands Is. (after a vernacular name) =Isinai (Philip. lan- guage) Ism. = Isdmal (Philip. language) isotype =a duplicate of the holotype; in arboreous plants isotypes have often been collected from a single tree, shrub, or liana from which the holo- type was also derived lv. =Ivatan (Philip. language) J(av). = Javanese (language) Jan. = January Jr = Junior Klg. = Kalinga (Philip. language) Kul. = Kulaman (Philip. language) Kuy. = Kuyénon (Philip. language) Lamp. = Lampong Districts (in S. Sumatra) (41) FLORA MALESIANA Lan. = Lanao (Philip. language) lang. = language l.c. =loco citato; compare reference lectotype =the specimen selected @ posteriori from the authentic elements on which the taxon was based when no holotype was designated or when the holotype is lost livr. =livraison, part Il.cc. =/.c. (plur.) LS =longitudinal or lengthwise section of an organ m= metre M = Malay (language) Mag. = Magindanao (Philip. language) Mak. = Makassar, Macassar (in SW. Celebes) Mal. = Malay(an) Mal. Pen. = Malay Peninsula Mand. = Mandaya (Philip. language) Mang. = Mangyan (Philip. language) Mar. = March Mbo= Manobo (Philip. language) Md. = Madurese (language) Minangk. = Minangkabau (a Sumatran language) min, part. =pro minore parte; for the smaller part mm = milimetre Mng. = Mangguangan (Philip. language) Morph. = Morphology ms(c), MS(S) = manuscript(s) Mt(s) = Mount(ains) n. =numero; number N= North (after degrees: northern latitude); or New (e.g. in N. Guinea) NE. = northeast nec=not neerl. = Netherlands, Netherlands edition Neg. = Negrito (Philip. language) N.E.I. =Netherlands East Indies neotype=the specimen designated to serve as no- menclatural type when no authentic specimens have existed or when they have been lost; a neotype retains its status as the new type as long as no auth- entic elements are recovered and as long as it can be shown to be satisfactory in accordance with the original description or figure of the taxon N.G. = New Guinea N.1. = Netherlands Indies no =numero; number nom. =nomen; name (only)=nomen nudum nom. al.=nomen aliorum; name used by other authors nom. alt(ern).=nomen alternativum; alternative name nom. cons(erv).=nomen conservandum, nomina conservanda; generic name(s) conserved by the In- ternational Rules of Botanical Nomenclature nom. fam. cons.=nomen familiarum conservan- dum; conserved family name nom. gen. cons. =see nomen conservandum nom. gen. cons. prop.=nomen genericum conser- vandum propositum; generic name proposed for conservation nom. illeg(it). =nomen name nom. leg(it). =nomen legitimum; legitimate name nom. nov. =nomen novum; new name nom. nud. = nomen nudum; name published without description and without reference to previous pub- lications illegitimum; illegitimate (42) nom. rej(ic.) = nomen rejiciendum; name rejected by the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature nom. seminudum=a name which is provided with some unessential notes or details which cannot be considered to represent a sufficient description which is, according to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, compulsory for valid publication of the name of a taxon nom. subnudum = nomen seminudum nom. superfl. =a name superfluous when it was pub- lished; in most cases it is a name based on the same type as an other earlier specific name non followed by author’s name and year, not placed in parentheses, and put at the end of a citation= means that this author has published the same name mentioned in the citation independently. These names (combinations) are therefore homo- nyms. Compare 56b line 5—4 from bottom. The same can happen with generic names. (non followed by abbreviation of author’s name) be- fore a reference (citation) headed by an other author’s name = means that the second author has misinterpreted the taxon of the first author. Compare p. 419a under species 47 the synonym A. celebica. DIELS misapplied the name H. celebica as earlier described by BurRcK. non al.=non aliorum; not of other authors non vidi=not seen by the author nov. =nova (femin.); new (species, variety, efc.) Nov. = November n.s. =new series n. Sp. =nova species; new species n. (sp.) prov.=nomen (specificum) provisorium; provisional new (specific) name n.v. =non vidi; not seen NW. =northwest Oct. = October op.cit. = opere citato; in the work cited p.=pagina; page P.=Pulau, Pulu (in Malay); Island Pal(emb.) = Palembang Pamp. = Pampdangan (Philip. language) Pang. = Pangasinan (Philip. language) paratype =a specimen cited with the original descrip- tion other than the holotype part. alt. =for the other part P. Bis. = Panay Bisaya (Philip. language) P.I.=Philippine Islands pl. =plate plurim. = plurimus; most p.p. =pro parte; partly pr. max. p. = pro maxima parte; for the greater part pro=as far as is concerned prob. =probabiliter; probably prop. = propositus; proposed Prov. = Province pr.p. = pro parte; partly pt = part quae est = which is quoad basionym, syn., specimina, efc. =as far as the basionym, synonym(s), specimen(s), efc. are con- cerned references =see for abbreviations the list in vol. 5, pp. cxlv—clxv Res. = Residency or Reserve resp. =respective(ly) Abbreviations and signs S =south (after degrees: southern latitude) S (after a vernacular name) = Sundanese (language) Sbl. =Sambali (Philip. language) SE. = southeast sec. =secus; according to sect. = sectio; section sens. ampl. (ampliss.)=sensu amplo (amplissimo); in a wider sense, in the widest sense sens. lat. =sensu lato; in a wide sense sens. str. (strictiss.)=sensu stricto (strictissimo); in the narrow sense, in the narrowest sense Sept. = September seq., Seqq. =Sequens, sequentia; the following ser. = series s.l. =sensu lato; in a wide sense S.-L. Bis. =Samar-Leyte Bisaya (Philip. language) Sml. = Samal (Philip. language) s.n.=sine numero; (specimen) without the collec- tor’s number Sp. = Spanish (language) sp(ec). = species; species specim. = specimen(s) sphalm. =sphalmate; by error, erroneous Spp. = species; species (plural) Sr = Senior S.S. =see sens. str. ssp. = subspecies; subspecies s.str. =see sens. str. stat. nov. =status nova; proposed in a new rank Sub. = Subanum (Philip. language) subg(en). =subgenus; subgenus subsect. = subsectio; subsection subsp. = subspecies; subspecies Sul. = Sulu (Philip. language) Sum. E.C.=Sumatra East Coast Sum. W.C.=Sumatra West Coast Suppl. = Supplement SW. =southwest syn. =synonymum; synonym synonyms =the names of taxa which have been re- ferred to an earlier described taxon of the same rank and with which they have been united on taxonomical grounds or which are bound together nomenclaturally syntypes = the specimens used by the original author when no holotype was designed or more specimens were simultaneously designated as type t. = tabula; plate Tag. = Tagalog (Philip. language) Tagb. = Tagbanua (Philip. language) Tagk. = Tagaka-olo (Philip. language) Tapan. = Tapanuli (in NW. Sumatra) taxon=each entity throughout the hierarchic ranks of the plant kingdom which can be described and discriminated from other taxa of the same rank Taxon. = Taxonomy Tg = Tandjung (Malay); cape Ting. = Tinggian (Philip. language) Tir. = Tirurai (Philip. language) transl. = translated type = each taxon above the rank of a species is typi- fied by a type belonging to a lower rank, for in- stance a family by a genus, a genus in its turn by a species; a species or infraspecific taxon is typified by a specimen. The name of a taxon is nomenclatu- rally permanently attached to its type; from this it cannot be inferred that the type always represents botanically the most typical or average structure found in the circumscription of the taxon. type specimen=the specimen or other element to which the name of a species or infraspecific taxon is (nomenclaturally) permanently attached; botan- ically a type specimen is a random specimen on which the name was based by description. There- fore, it does not need to represent the average or most typical representative of a population. See holotype, isotype, lectotype, syntype, paratype, and neotype typ. excl. =typo excluso; type excluded typ. incl. =typo incluso; type included typus = see type and type specimen var. = varietas; variety var. nov. = varietas nova; new variety Vern. = Vernacular vide =see viz. = videlicet; namely vol. = volume W =west (after degrees: western longitude) Yak. = Yakan (Philip. language) + =about &=and @ = diameter 3 =male (flower, efc.) 2 =female (flower, efc.) $, 9 =bisexual (flower) (3) (2) =dioecious with unisexual flowers ($2) =monoecious with unisexual flowers (3 %)= polygamous (2%) = polygamous oc} = many > =more than (in size, number, efc.) < =less than (size, number, efc.) x 2/5=2/5 of natural size * montana = means that the epithet montana is that of a hybrid (43) eet ~~ sabre, Gx? ers ‘reetue | SSGHO) Seye’ ala Gey) - “aihizoqi acy! baw ogc) se - - wave i yb Oe 54 ’ ree ‘FF iene « DL. Oetepesies wan Geeon wir © om “we trope , i © wer thle & an ¥ neélrowdae A al m4 © ant eee ee By as My Gyke, Grigyage) stale © om ws) om caeryiyot safle) scadt WP. | ’ M moda TN © oe : oO wnilerii, io o thet, = | ‘ : aDiypjid poy (ehh, #7 Umi a n ame Fata. = Fopennsto (Pauly. | patty a b> eae Lagwe — oe hice og << >< = ¥ “< g pn : ¥ i _ aw’ on o=—n-a¢ —— ean 5 As, (eae ee gwar t oe ™_ * ae — = : ‘ 9 - ae in . 7 _ = = a CHRYSOBALANACEAE (G.T. Prance, Kew)’ Trees or shrubs (or rarely suffrutices outside Malesia). Leaves simple, alternate, often coriaceous, glabrous or with an indumentum on undersurface, margin en- tire; petioles often with 2 lateral glands. Stipules 2, minute and caducous to large and persistent, usually linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence racemose, paniculate or cymose; flowers bracteate and usually bibracteolate; bracts and bracteoles small and caducous or larger and enclosing flower or groups of flowers and persistent. Flowers actinomorphic to zygomorphic, hermaphrodite or rarely polygamous, markedly perigynous. Receptacle campanulate to cylindrical or rarely flattened cupuliforum, often gibbous at base; calyx lobes 5, imbricate, often unequal, erect or reflexed. Petals 5 (absent in some Neotropical species), inserted on mar- gin of disk, commonly unequal, imbricate, deciduous, rarely clawed. Stamens indefinite, 2—60 (to 300 in Neotropics), inserted on margin of the disk, in a com- plete circle or unilateral, all fertile or some without anthers and often reduced to small tooth-like staminodes; filaments filiform, free or ligulately connate, short and included to long and far exserted; anthers small, 2-locular, longitudi- nally dehiscent, glabrous or rarely pubescent. Ovary basically of three carpels but usually with only one developed, the other two aborted or vestigial, various- ly attached to (the base, middle or mouth of) receptacle, usually sessile or with short gynophore, pubescent or villous; ovary unilocular with two ovules or bi- locular with one ovule in each locule. Ovules erect, with micropyle at base (epitropous). Style filiform, basally attached; stigma 3-lobed or truncate. Fruit a fleshy or dry drupe of varied size, interior often densely hairy; endocarp much varied, thick or thin, fibrous or bony, often with a special mechanism for seed- ling escape. Seed erect, exalbuminous, the testa membraneous; cotyledons amygdaloid, plano-convex, fleshy, sometimes ruminate. Germination hypogeal with the first leaves opposite or alternate or epigeal with opposite first leaves. An extensive review of the generic limits of the family has been published: G.T. PRANCE & F. Wuite, The genera of Chrysobalanaceae: a study in practical and theoretical taxonomy and its relevance to evolutionary biology, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 320 (1988) 1—184. This con- tains full details of taxonomic history, morphology, anatomy, pollen, ecology and distribution of the family. A condensed version of these subjects is given here. Details of the Neotropical members of the family are given in: G.T. PRANCE, Chrysobalanaceae, Flora Neotropica 9 (1972) 1-410. The African members of the family were treated in: F. WuiTE, The taxonomy, ecology and chorology of African Chrysobalanaceae (excluding Acioa), Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 46 (1976) 265—350. Distribution. Pantropical with 456 species in 17 genera; 365 species in the Neotropics, 57 in Africa, and 34 in Asia, Malesia and the Pacific. Seven genera are native to the Flora Malesiana region and one species of an eighth genus, Chry- sobalanus, from Africa and South America, has naturalized in Malesia and Fiji and is therefore included in this treatment. All four tribes of Chrysobalanaceae are represented in the region. The genera treated here fall into the following tribes of PRANCE & WHITE: Tribe Chrysobalaneae: Chrysobalanus, Licania, Parastemon. (1) Drawings made by Bobbi Angell, David Woolcott, Kirsten Tind, and Julia Loken; David Johnson assisted with the distribution maps. (635) 636 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Tribe Parinarieae: Hunga, Parinari. Tribe Couepieae: Maranthes. Tribe Hirtelleae: Atuna, Kostermanthus. The genera Atuna, Hunga, Kostermanthus, and Parastemon are confined to the Malesian and Pacific region. Licania is predominantly a Neotropical genus (186 species there) with a single species in West Africa and three in Malesia. Parinari is a pantropical genus with almost equal rep- resentation in all three major regions of the tropics, and Maranthes is predominantly an African genus with one abundant and widespread species in Malesia and the Pacific and a single closely related species in Central America. Morphology. All species of Chrysobalanaceae are woody and most are trees or treelets. All are leptocaul. Several, including species of Atuna, Kostermanthus, Licania (Neotropical), Magni- stipula (African), Maranthes and Parinari, exceed a height of 30 m and are important constituents of the upper forest canopy or are emergents. Six African and Neotropical species belonging to Licania, Magnistipula and Parinari are geoxylic suffrutices with massive woody underground parts, but rather exiguous aerial shoots which are capable of only limited upward growth and a similar form occurs in Parinari nonda in Australia. In their architecture and growth-dynamics those Chrysobalanaceae that have been studied ex- hibit the model of TROLL. This has been demonstrated only in African and Neotropical species. Herbarium specimens of Atuna show a distinct pattern of branching which is difficult to describe except in terms of development based on the living plant. Buttresses are normally absent but frequently well-developed in some species of Parinari and Atuna, for example, P. canarioides, P. costata, P. oblongifolia, A. cordata and A. excelsa, and the trunk of some species of Parinari, e.g. P. parva and P. gigantea is often fluted at the base. The leaves, which are simple and spirally inserted, are frequently arranged distichously. Most species have stiff, coriaceous, evergreen leaves which contain abundant silica inclusions. Stipules are nearly always present but are sometimes small and caducous. In some Neotropical species of Parinari the stipules reach a length of 7 cm, they are up to 4 cm in Parinari parva. In Atuna they are prominently keeled, a unique feature in the family. The lamina is entire, in all Malesian species. In nearly all species of Parinari, and a few Neotropical species of Licania, the veins on the lower surface are extremely prominent and form a dense network occupying more than half of the leaf surface so that the stomata are confined to relatively small sunken crypts which are densely filled with short curly hairs. Foliar glands occur in most, possibly all, species. They secrete nectar which is eaten by ants, and function chiefly on young leaves. On mature leaves of herbarium specimens they are not always clearly visible. The structure and distribution on the leaf of the glands varies greatly from genus to genus and provides characters of considerable taxonomic importance. Small discoid glands occur in various places on the lower surface or margins of the lamina in Parastemon. There are larger, sometimes ill-defined, glandular areas towards the base of the lamina in Maranthes. In Parinari conspicuous glands occur on the petiole. The inflorescence is very variable. In Chrysobalanus the few-flowered inflorescence is a short raceme of cymules or is cymose throughout, or is a false raceme or a subsessile fascicle. In Parastemon the inflorescence is a simple or branched raceme. Hunga and Malesian species of Licania have simple or branched racemes of usually congested cymules. More complex mixed in- florescences with cymose ultimate units are found in Kostermanthus and Parinari, and the inflo- rescence of Maranthes is corymbose. Since the inflorescence is usually cymose, at least in part, a distinction between bract and bracteole cannot always be drawn. Bracts and bracteoles are usually small but in nearly all species of Parinari they are relatively large and enclose small groups of developing flowers. In most species the flowers appear to be bisexual, but future field work may show that this is not always so. Parastemon urophyllus is said to be polygamodioecious. Floral symmetry varies from almost completely actinomorphic, apart from the lateral style, in 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 637 Chrysobalanus, Parastemon, and most species of Licania to strongly zygomorphic in Kosterman- thus. Actinomorphic flowers are patelliform or shallowly cupuliform, and zygomorphic flowers usually have a long receptacle-tube, but in Kostermanthus the strongly zygomorphic flowers have avery short receptacle. In the Chrysobalanaceae the receptacle-surface is always lined with nectar- secreting tissue, which sometimes, as in Maranthes corymbosa, almost completely fills the tube. In most genera the entrance to the receptacle tube is blocked by long straight retrorse hairs, but these are lacking in Kostermanthus. In Parastemon the nectariferous lining of the receptacle is freely exposed. There are always five, completely free, slightly to strongly imbricate sepals which vary from subequal in Chrysobalanus to markedly unequal in Kostermanthus. In most genera they are acute or subacute but in Kostermanthus and Maranthes they are suborbicular and deeply concave. Petals are present in all Malesian species but absent in many Neotropical species of Licania. There are always five. They are mostly caducous. In shape they vary from linear-spathulate (Chrysobalanus) to orbicular. They are usually subequal, but in Kostermanthus they are very un- equal in shape and size and are strongly unguiculate. Stamens vary in number from two in Parastemon urophyllus to 40 in Maranthes. In Chrysoba- lanus, most species of Licania, Parastemon versteeghii, and Maranthes they form a complete or almost complete circle round the entrance to the flower and all or most are fertile. Otherwise the fertile stamens are inserted unilaterally opposite the carpel. Staminodes are frequently present op- posite the style. In several genera the filaments appear to be united at the base, but it is sometimes difficult to decide whether this represents true union or whether the filaments are free but inserted on a development of a receptacular rim. In Maranthes the stamens are inserted in two or more rows on the outer surface of what appears to be a receptacular annulus. In length the filaments vary from much shorter than the calyx, as in Hunga, Parastemon and some species of Licania, to very much longer in Maranthes. In Kostermanthus the filaments are united for at least half of their length to form a conspicuous ligule. The gynoecium fundamentally is composed of three carpels which are free except for the gynobasic style. In most species there is only one functional carpel, though one or two small rudimentary carpels can sometimes be seen. Due to the development of a false dissepiment the ovary is bilocular in Hunga, Parinari, and Atuna. The fruit is basically a drupe but there is considerable variation in detail, apparently associated with dispersal and germination. In Chrysobalanus, Parastemon and Hunga the endocarp has a smooth surface and is sharply differentiated from the mesocarp. In the other genera the differen- tiation is less well-defined. In Chrysobalanus and Hunga, seedling escape is effected by means of longitudinal lines of weakness. In Parastemon and Maranthes two large lateral plates fall away permitting the seedling to emerge. In Parinari there are two small basal ‘plugs’ or obturators. All other genera seem to lack specialized means of seedlings escape. In Chrysobalanus, Licania, Parastemon, Parinari, and Atuna, germination is cryptocotylar, whereas in Maranthes it is phanerocotylar. Vegetative Anatomy. — Leaf anatomy. Indumentum, if present, consisting of long unicel- lular hairs. Variously positioned glands (extrafloral nectaries) with slender upright epidermal secretory cells commonly present. Wax present as platelets (FEHRENBACH & BARTHLOTT, 1988). Stomata mostly paracytic, confined to the lower leaf surface. Upper epidermis often composed of tall cells; with mucilaginous inner walls in some species. Hypodermis often present. Mesophyll entirely composed of palisade-like cells, more rarely dorsiventral and differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue. Asterosclereids occasionally present in mesophyll. Veins mostly with scleren- chyma sheaths including sclereids with U-shaped wall thickenings, sometimes vertically transcur- rent. Midrib and distal end of petiole with a closed vascular cylinder, with or without additional adaxial or medullary collateral bundles. Silica bodies and silicified cell walls common, especially in epidermis. Young stem. Cork arising superficially. Pericyclic sclerenchyma ring composed of fibres and 638 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 sclereids with U-shaped wall thickenings. Secondary phloem occasionally with secretory (tannin?) cells. Sieve tube plastids of the S-type (BEHNKE, 1984). Silica bodies often present in pericycle, phloem and xylem rays, and in pith. Wood anatomy. Growth rings absent or, if present, defined by differences in the spacing of tangential parenchyma bands. Vessels diffuse, often in a weakly oblique pattern, (almost) exclu- sively solitary, tending to be of two distinct sizes, the larger ones very wide (200—300 um). Vessel perforations simple. Tyloses often present in heartwood, sclerotic in some species. Vessel—ray pit- ting including elongate horizontal or oblique to almost vertical pits with strongly reduced borders, often unilaterally compound. Fibres often thick-walled, with distinctly bordered pits throughout the tangential walls, and in the radial walls often confined to fibre—ray contacts (fibre-tracheids); in contact with vessels often less thick-walled and with biseriate bordered pits (= vasicentric tracheids). Parenchyma in fine uniseriate or locally bi(—tri)-seriate, regular or irregular wavy tan- gential bands. Parenchyma strands typically long, of up to 16 cells. Some axial parenchyma cells with spiral thickenings in Atuna p.p., Licania, Maranthes p.p., and Kostermanthus (TER WELLE, 1975). Rays predominantly uniseriate, but in some taxa also biseriate, typically weakly heteroge- neous with (often weakly) procumbent central cells and one row of square to upright marginal cells (Kribs type III), sometimes homogeneous and composed of procumbent cells only. Silica bodies universally present in ray cells, more rarely in axial parenchyma cells. Rhomboidal crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells noted in Parastemon. Taxonomic notes based on vegetative anatomy. The above general anatomical description is based on the literature (for leaf and young stem anatomy mainly KUsTER, 1897, as abstracted by SOLEREDER, 1899; and PRANCE, 1972, and PRANCE & WHITE, 1988, for wood anatomy from many sources), amplified with original observations on slides present in the Rijksherbarium at Leiden. A number of anatomical characters may prove to be of considerable taxonomic significance at the genus or species level (mucilaginous leaf epidermis, distribution of silica grains in leaves, young stem, and wood, vascular pattern and sclerenchyma support of leaf veins and petiole, fibre and sclereid distribution pattern of the mature bark (RotH, 1981), spiral thickenings in axial parenchyma cells of the wood, ray width and histology, efc.). However, for the Malesian Chryso- balanaceae their diagnostic value remains largely untested. On the whole the Chrysobalanaceae are anatomically rather homogeneous, and as repeatedly emphasized, quite distinct from the Rosaceae. Anatomically Chrysobalanaceae are also distinct from the numerous families to which they have been compared in the search for closest relatives. References: BEHNKE, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 71 (1984) 824-831; Descu, Manual of Malayan Timbers 2 (1954) 474—485; BurGEss, Timbers of Sabah (1966) 434—436; FEHRENBACH & BARTHLOTT, Bot. Jahrb. 109 (1988) 407—428; FuruNo, Anatomy of Papua New Guinea Wood (Continued), Res. Report of Foreign Wood 8, Shimane Univ. (1979); HayAsHI c.s., Micrographic Atlas of Southeast Asian Timber, Kyoto Univ. (1973); LEcomTE, Les bois-de |’ Indochine (1926) 59-61; METCALFE & CHALK, Anatomy of the Dicotyledons 1 (1950) 550—553; Moi. & JANssontus, Mikrographie des Holzes der auf Java vorkommenden Baumarten 3 (1914) 222—230; PRANCE, Flora Neotropica 9 (1972) 1—19; PRANCE & WuiTE, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 320 (1988) 1—184; RotH, Encycl. Plant Anatomy 9, 3 (1981) 286—295, 402—403; SoLEREDER, Systematische Anatomie der Dicotyledonen (1899) 341—351; TER WELLE, Acta Bot. Neerl. 24 (1975) 397—405; IAWA Bulletin 1976/2 (1976) 19-29; TER WELLE & DETIENNE, Flora of the Guianas A 85 (1986) 109—126. — P. Baas. Palynology. The pollen of Chrysobalanaceae is very uniform, but is different from that of Rosaceae. It is of little value for distinguishing between the genera of Chrysobalanaceae or for arranging them in groups. Most species have grains with three furrows, but some species have three or four; there are no special features except occasional equatorial constrictions. With light microscopy the pores are indistinct, and in some species are difficult to observe. The grains are usually distinctly triangular in shape in polar view, except when four-furrowed; they are elliptical to circular in equatorial view 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 639 and are oblate-spheroidal, prolate-spheroidal or subprolate in shape as indicated by the ratio: polar length x 100, divided by the equatorial length = 85—150. The size is very variable from one genus to another; the polar area is usually small, sometimes medium, but never large. The exine is medium to rather thick with very little patterning; it is usually scabrous to verrucose, but never striate. The pollen of Chrysobalanaceae and Rosaceae is similar but readily distinguishable. The former is markedly triangular in polar view in the expanded grain, whereas in Rosaceae it is never more than weakly triangular. Most Rosaceae have more distinctive pores, and many have more patterning on the wall. A feature that occurs frequently in the Rosaceae is a distinct wedge-shaped protrusion from the middle of the furrow, obvious in polar view, which does not occur in Chryso- balanaceae. ERDTMAN (1952) states ‘pollen morphological objections cannot be raised against regarding the Chrysobalanaceae as a separate family.’ Our own study of Rosaceae pollen (sensu lato) confirmed that three main types of pollen occur: the Rosaceae sensu stricto, the Chrysobalanaceae, and the Neuradoideae types (PRANCE, 1963). The differences between pollen of Chrysobalanaceae and Rosaceae are, however, comparatively small. By contrast, the pollen of the 7ropaeolaceae, Geraniaceae, Limnanthaceae, Linaceae, Polygalaceae, and Sapindaceae, families which various phylogenists (HALLIER, 1923; BONNE, 1926; HAUMAN, 1951; GUTZWILLER, 1961) have suggested are closely related to Chrysobalanaceae, is very different. Pollen morphology thus provides reasons for keeping the Chrysobalanaceae near to the Rosaceae in the Rosales, and not for remov- ing it to the Geraniales or Sapindales. The pollen of Chrysobalanaceae is so uniform that it does not provide good generic characters. Kostermanthus heteropetala is distinct from all other Chrysobalanaceae examined, including Dactyladenia (Africa) and Acioa (America) with which it shares a staminal ligule, in having three swellings on each of the triangular sides of the grain in polar view. Apart from Kostermanthus no other genus is clearly definable on pollen characters. References: BONNE, C. R. Hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 182 (1926) 1404—1406; ERDTMAN, Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy, Angiosperms (1952) 380—383; GUTZWILLER, Bot. Jahrb. 81 (1961) 1—49; Hatter, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 39 (1923) 1-178; HAauMAN, Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Brux. 21 (1951) 167—198; PRANCE, A taxonomic study of the Chrysobalanaceae. Thesis, Oxford (1963). Phytochemistry. Chemical knowledge about the family Chrysobalanaceae is still scanty. HEGNAUER (1973) treated it as Chrysobalanoideae sub Rosaceae. Chrysobalanaceae are note- worthy for their tendency to accumulate silica (SiO2) in leaves and in the wood where usually every ray cell contains one globular silica inclusion. Leaf flavonoid patterns are dominated by the flavonols quercetin and kaempferol; some taxa also have myricetin. Proanthocyanidins (formerly called leucoanthocyanidins), i.e. condensed tannins, were demonstrated to be present in leaves of few species of Chrysobalanus, Licania, and Parinari, but galli- and ellagitannins have not yet been traced in the family. The recent flavonoid investigation of 21 species of Parinari (CORADIN, GIAN- wast & PRANCE, 1985) resulted in the identification of a number of 3-glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin and myricetin, and showed restriction of myricetin glycosides to four African species; dihydroquercetin(‘taxifolin’)-3-glycosides were noticeable only in Asian Parinari insularum from the Pacific islands and vicenin-like C-glycoflavones only in a few African populations of P. ex- celsa. Myricetin was also observed in leaves of Licania macrophylla which besides has much con- densed tannins in all parts, saponins in leaf, pericarp, seed, and stem and root bark; alkaloids in stem and root bark (GRENAND, Moretti & JACQUEMIN, 1987). Cyanogenic glycosides which are characteristic of a number of Rosaceous taxa have not been traced in Chrysobalanaceae hitherto. The most noteworthy chemical character known from the family at present is the fatty acid pattern of their seed triglycerides; conjugated trienoic and tetraenoic C\s-acids such as alpha- elaeostearic and parinaric acids are present as major fatty acids in seed oils of species of Chrysoba- lanus, Licania, and Parinari s.1. (i.e. including Atuna, Maranthes and the African Neocarya). 640 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 This character, however, which links Chrysobalanaceae biochemically with Prunoideae (same type of seed oils in some Prunus s./. species) seems not to be universal in the family. According to JoNES & EARLE (1966) seed kernels of a species of Couepia (Central & South America) con- tained an oil without conjugated unsaturation. Still too little is known from the chemistry of this taxon to allow a sound chemotaxonomic discussion. References: CORADIN, GIANNASI & PRANCE, Brittonia 37 (1985) 169—178; GRENAND, MORETTI & JACQUEMIN, Pharmacopées traditionelles en Guyane, ed. Orstom, Paris (1987); HEGNAUER, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen 6 (1973) 84—130; Jones & EARLE, Econ. Bot. 20 (1966) 137; PRANCE & White, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B 320 (1988) 28—29. — R. HEGNAUER. Dispersal. The fruits of Chrysobalanaceae are very uniform in basic structure but remark- ably diverse in functional detail. Despite their uniformity they have become adapted to a wide range of dispersal agents, sometimes within a single genus or species; however, few species have been studied in the field. Chrysobalanus icaco ssp. icaco is dispersed by ocean currents, and also by bats, rodents and monkeys, and possibly by birds; C. cuspidatus is said to be dispersed by birds. Some Neotropical species of Licania are bat-dispersed, whereas the fruits of several South American riverine species float and are also eaten by fish; those of the African species L. elaeo- sperma are also transported by water. The Malesian species L. splendens is dispersed by the fruit pigeon Ducula aenea. Various species of Parinari are known to be dispersed by bats, elephants, baboons and other primates, a scatter-hoarding squirrel, fruit pigeons, rheas, emus, agoutis and fish. Species of Couepia, Licania and Parinari are frequently eaten by bats in the Neotropics. Maranthes corymbosa is dispersed by birds, most notable hornbills and fruit pigeons, and, at least for short distances, by a scatter-hoarding squirrel. The fruits of some African species are eaten by monkeys which are possibly mainly destructive. Atuna is dispersed by ocean currents and a scatter-hoarding squirrel and possibly by wild pigs. Uses. Members of the Chrysobalanaceae are used by the local people everywhere, for building, fuel, charcoal and in folk medicine. The fruits and seeds of some species are highly esteemed, and others are eaten in times of scarcity; some are used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages. At present, Chrysobalanaceae are only of local importance commercially, but, with improved communications and technology, their potential as a source of construction timber, fruits, and edible and industrial oils appears to be promising. The Malesian standard timber name for various genera of Chrysobalanaceae is merbatu. Edible fruits and seeds. Chrysobalanus icaco is tinned and bottled in syrup and sold in Colom- bia and Venezuela under the name Jcacos. The fruit of several Neotropical species of Couepia and Parinari are eaten. In Amboina a dish called Koku koku is prepared from the mashed seeds of Atuna excelsa mixed with raw or fried small fish, ginger, onions, chillies and lime juice. Wood. Despite the large supplies of Chrysobalanaceae wood potentially available, commercial sawn timber is produced only in relatively small amounts. This is because its high silica content blunts even tungsten-tipped saws. Because the wood of many species is resistant to marine borers, it is used throughout the tropics for piers and other marine constructions. Caulking and waterproofing agent. In the Solomon Islands the principal use of Atuna excelsa sensu lato is for caulking the seams of plank-built canoes. The seeds, which are known as ‘putty nut’ are pounded to a putty-like consistency. After application the putty hardens and darkens, but if exposed too long to the sun it cracks, so canoes drawn up on the beach are often kept in the shade of sheds. In the central and south-eastern Solomons it is used for setting shell inlay in wood bowls, figures and other articles. The north-western Solomon Islanders also use it for water- proofing bottles made from gourds. In the Admiralty Islands (Manus) coiled baskets are coated with it to make them waterproof (B.A.L. CRANSTONE, in litt., 14 June 1983). History of Parinari. The taxonomic history of Parinari is complex. At least some species of all Malesian genera except Chrysobalanus, and Parastemon have at one time or another been placed in Parinari. 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 641 All species of Atuna and Maranthes have been included in Parinari. Despite their considerable differences from Parinari sensu stricto in virtually all other respects, these genera have one feature in common — a bilocular ovary. It was the adoption of this character as a generic criterion, especially by BENTHAM (1849), that led to the increasingly artificial nature of Parinari. As Parinari became more and more heterogeneous even some species with unilocular ovaries were included, for example, the species now placed in Kostermanthus. In the original description of Parinari, which was based on P. campestris and P. montana from French Guiana, AUBLET (1775) mentioned the bilocular ovary, but he does not appear to have at- tached much importance to it. De Jussieu (1789), who brought all previously described genera of Chrysobalanaceae together for the first time, knew some of them only from the original descriptions and illustrations. His implication that Parinari differs from the other genera principally in its bilocular ovary seems to have laid the foundations for the subsequent confused history of the group. De Jussteu was the first to extend the concept of Parinari to another continent by citing in synonymy two manuscript names of ADANSON from Senegal, Mampata and Neou. The former was subsequently described as P. excelsa and the latter as P. macrophylla by SABINE. The following year, in his Prodromus, DE CANDOLLE (1825), who only knew the four species mentioned above, divided Parinari into two sections. Section Petrocarya (correctly section Parinari) was based on a superfluous generic name which SCHREBER (1789) substituted for the earlier Parinari. It included AuBLET’s original species. Section Neocarya was based on P. senegalensis DC. [now Neocarya macrophylla (SABINE) PRANCE], but P. excelsa was associated with it, probably because its type-description is inadequate to characterize it properly. Parinari macrophylla is not mentioned by DE CANDOLLE. He was also apparently unaware of the first true Parinari to be described from Asia, P. sumatrana BENTH., which had been described by JACK in the illegitimate genus Petrocarya in 1822. DE CANDOLLE indirectly emphasized the importance of the bilocular ovary of Parinari by describing the ovary of all other genera as unilocular. During the first half of the nineteenth century, in addition to Neocarya macrophylla, a few other species, which belong to other genera, were described in Parinari or its illegitimate synonym Petrocarya, because of their bilocular ovary. Thus JAcK (1822) described Petrocarya excelsa (now Atuna excelsa), and BENTHAM (1840) published Parinari coriacea (now Exellodendron coriacea), but it was BENTHAM’s treatment of Parinari in HOOKER’s Niger Flora (1849) that firmly establish- ed Parinari as an artificial genus. Whereas earlier workers had implied that the bilocular ovary is a diagnostic character of Parinari, BENTHAM referred to the spurious dissepiment which separates the ovules as ‘the essen- tial character.’ BENTHAM divided Parinari into three sections as follows: Section 1: Petrocarya (correctly Parinari) included the African species P. excelsa and P. curatellifolia, all the known American species including P. coriacea (now Exellodendron cor- iaceum), and, with some doubt, three species BENTHAM had not seen himself, namely P. sumatrana BENTH. (a true Parinari), P. glaberrima Hassk. (now Atuna excelsa) and P. scabra Hassk. (now Atuna scabra). Section 2: Sarcostegia BENTH. included two new species, P. polyandra (now Maranthes polyan- dra) and P. griffithiana (now Maranthes corymbosa), and, with some doubt, also P. jackiana BenTH. (based on Petrocarya excelsa, now Atuna excelsa) which BENTHAM had not examined. Section 3: Neocarya DC. contained P. macrophylla (now Neocarya macrophylla) and its synonym P. senegalensis. BENTHAM’s circumscription of Parinari was probably much wider than he imagined, largely because of the inclusion of the Asian species he only knew from the literature. He appears to have adopted it with some reservation. Parinari polyandra has c. 40 fertile stamens and BENTHAM men- tions that this, in conjunction with the glandular leaves and fleshy ‘calyx’, might ‘suggest the es- tablishment of a distinct genus.’ He clearly believed that the stamen number of Parinari varies more or less continuously, but the evidence he cites is partly on the species he had not studied. 642 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 BENTHAM’s circumscription of Parinari included five genera which are now regarded as distinct, namely, in additon to Parinari itself, Atuna Rarin., Exellodendron PRANCE, Maranthes BLUME and Neocarya PRANCE. Two of these from Malesia had enjoyed a brief period of generic recogni- tion. Thus, Maranthes was described by BLUME in 1825, but three years later he transferred the type species to his illegitimate Exitelea. Atuna was described by RAFINESQUE in 1838, but remained disregarded for more than 100 years, though one of its species was independently described by HASSKARL in 1842 as the type of his new genus Cyclandrophora. \t appears that HAssKARL had little faith in his new genus for he united it with Parinari within a year of its publication, although it has little in common with the latter, other than the bilocular ovary. Since BENTHAM (1849) nearly all species of Chrysobalanaceae with false dissepiment (and even some without) were automatically placed in Parinari regardless of any other consideration. As new species now placed in Exellodendron, Maranthes and Atuna were described they were all placed in Parinari. Likewise, equally disparate elements which are now placed in Bafodeya PRANCE, Hunga PANCHER ex PRANCE and Kostermanthus PRANCE joined the assemblage. KEY TO THE GENERA based on flowering material 1. Stamens free, not united into a ligule; petals not clawed, ovary uni- or bilocular. 2. Ovary unilocular, inserted at or near base of receptacle. 3. Inflorescence a panicle of cymules; fertile stamens 7—26. ASE STAtenstlo— 26 Ee iLL AMICNES) MMAIGV a CXSCTECG oo ooo cos oops. 0 layeusssoheio oV'osogni Patios n can lcdaus 1. Chrysobalanus A Stamens, 7—10: the tllaments Plabrous, IMCIWIGed ~... . ous eye sic g «24s wlan c = o> 5 sy sees 2. Licania a] InmMOrescence FACemiOSe: LetiNe StamMenS:2 OF So... cs ce te on ces ects nes Bene eee eee 3. Parastemon 2. Ovary bilocular, inserted at mouth or midway up receptacle. 5. Fertile stamens 6—8(—9), markedly unilateral, the filaments equal or not exceeding the calyx lobes. 6. Lower leaf surface glabrous or lanate, with stomatal cavities; bracteoles not enclosing small groups of flowers; inflorescence a panicle of cymules; ovary inserted midway up receptacle ........ 4. Hunga 6. Lower leaf surface usually areolate with stomatal cavities; bracteoles enclosing small groups of flowers; inflorescence a much-branched panicle; ovary inserted at mouth of receptacle.......... 5. Parinari 5. Fertile stamens 10—50, usually inserted around complete circle; the filaments far exserted beyond calyx lobes. 7. Stamens 10—25; inflorescence little branched panicles, or racemes.................--.-- 6. Atuna 7. Stamens c. 45; inflorescence much-branched corymbose panicles ................... 7. Maranthes 1. Stamens united into a strap-shaped ligule; the 2 anterior petals unguiculate and enveloping the ligule in Dads oOyahy UNNOCULARA 2 sears. ce he. LE Beet) SEs Be eae 8. Kostermanthus KEY TO THE GENERA based on fruiting material 1. Epicarp crustaceous-verrucose; mesocarp thick, hard, fibrous; endocarp breaking up irregularly on germi- nation; cotyledons at least slightly ruminate. 2. Stamens free to base (can often be seen persistent around base of young fruit). Cotyledons ruminate 6. Atuna 2. Stamens united into a unilateral ligule. Cotyledons only slightly ruminate ......... 8. Kostermanthus 1. Epicarp smooth and glabrous or distinctly lenticellate but not crustaceous; if lenticellate then endocarp opening by a pair of basal stoppers to allow seedling escape. Cotyledons not ruminate. 3. Epicarp lenticellate; opening by a pair of basal stoppers to allow seedling escape, always thick and woody; fruit bilocular, but often only one loculus developing seed................00ceeeeeeeeee 5. Parinari 3. Epicarp glabrous and smooth without lenticels; opening by lateral plates, longitudinal lines or no special mechanism of seedling escape; fruit uni- or bilocular. 4. Endocarp opening by a pair of lateral plates to allow seedling to escape; endocarp thick and woody or thin and bony. 5. Fruit unilocular; endocarp very thin, bony 5. Fruit bilocular; endocarp thick, woody SES EAE a PSE Cae 3. Parastemon PER eee es Sere eS Che Ce OTT ATT CT Ce 7. Maranthes 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 643 4. Endocarp not opening by lateral plates, usually opening longitudinally; endocarp thin and bony. 6. Fruit usually bilocular, 1.5—5 cm long, sometimes sagittate with a distinct stipe, not ridged 4. Hunga 6. Fruit unilocular, either 1—1.3 cm long, ellipsoid or 2—5 cm long and ridged. Menat nidred. Leaves Orbiculare ks. <...< sss 0202s de ss) oe ee ee > ee 1. Chrysobalanus at smooth, not ridged. ‘Leaves oblong to elliptic:. .: ....... ema... - ete See ~ = 2. Licania 1. CHRYSOBALANUS Linn. Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 513; DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 525; Hoox. f. in Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1 (1865) 606; Hook. f. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 14 (2) (1867) 7; PRANCE, FI. Neotrop. 9 (1972) 14. — Fig. 1. Shrubs or small trees. Stipules small, connate-axillary, caducous. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces, without stomatal crypts. Petioles eglandular. /nflo- rescence terminal or axillary cymules or a panicle of cymules. Bracts and brac- teoles to 2 mm long, eglandular, not enclosing groups of flower buds. Flowers hermaphrodite. Receptacle campanulate, symmetric, tomentose on exterior and interior; calyx lobes 5, acute, equal. Peta/s 5, longer than calyx lobes, not clawed. Stamens 15—26, all fertile, inserted on margin of disk; filaments hairy, united in groups for half length, exserted. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, densely pilose; carpel unilocular, with 2 ovules. Style pubescent. Fruit a small fleshy drupe, epicarp smooth and ridged, endocarp hard, thin, glabrous on in- terior, with 4—8 prominent longitudinal ridges which correspond to lines of fracture for seedling escape. Distr. Three species, one in West Africa and the Neotropics, two confined to the Neotropics. One species naturalized in Malesia and Fiji. Uses. Edible fruit. The shrub is used for the stabilization of dunes. 1. Chrysobalanus icaco Linn. Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 513; Browne, Nat. Hist. Jamaica (1756) 250; Jaca. Sel. Stirp. Am. Hist. (1763) 155; DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 525; Hook. f. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 14 (2) (1867) 7; PRANCE, Fl. Neotrop. 9 (1972) 15; Smitu, FI. Vit. Nov. 3 (1985) 50. — Fig. 1. Shrub or small tree to 5 m tall, the branches gla- brous and lenticellate. Stipu/es 1-3 mm long, cadu- cous. Leaves orbicular to ovate-elliptic, 2—8 by 2—6 cm, retuse, rounded or with short blunt acumen at apex, subcuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; petioles 2-4 mm. /nflorescences small terminal and axillary cymules or panicles of cymules, the rachis and branches grey-puberulous. Flowers 4—6 mm long. Receptacle campanulate-cupuliform, symmet- rical, tomentose on exterior and interior. Calyx lobes rounded to acute, tomentellous on both surfaces. Petals white, glabrous, exserted. Stamens 15—26, the filaments joined for up to half of length in small groups, densely hairy, exserted. Ovary at base of receptacle, pilose. Fruit ovate to obovate, 2—5 cm long; epicarp smooth with longitudinal ridges; mesocarp thin and fleshy; endocarp thin, hard, ridged on exterior. Distr. Neotropics, mainly in coastal areas; West & Central Africa, naturalized in Fiji, cultivated in Vietnam; in Malesia cultivated in Singapore where it has escaped and naturalized. Fig. 1D. Ecol. Dunes, beaches and coastal scrub. Uses. Edible fruit. 644 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Fig. 1. Chrysobalanus icaco Linn. A. Detail of flower; B. habit; C. fruit; D. distribution in Malesia. 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 645 Fig. 2. Licania splendens (KORTH.) PRANCE. A. Habit, x 0.5; B. flower, x 9; C. flower section, x 9; D. fruit, x 1 (A—C ELMER 20916, D Ramos & CONVOCAR 83437). 2. LICANIA AUvBL. Hist. Pl. Guiane Fr. 1 (1775) 119, t. 45; DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 527; Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook.f. Gen. PI. 1 (1865) 606; Frirscu, Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 4 (1889) 33; Focke in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 3 (1891) 58; PRANCcE, FI. Neotrop. 9 (1972) 21; PRANCE & WuitTM. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 328; WHITE, Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 46 (1976) 280; PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 94. — Mogquilea AvuBL. Hist. Pl. Guiane Fr. 1 (1775) 521, t. 208; DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 526; Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1 (1865) 606; FockE in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 3 (1891) 58. — Dahuronia Scop. Introd. (1777) 217, nom. illeg. — Hedycrea Scures. in Linn., Gen. Pl. ed. 8, 1 (1789) 160, nom. illeg. — Angelesia Kortu. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3 (1854) 384; Boeri. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1 (1890) 424; Burk. Dict. (1935) 159; CoRNER, Wayside Trees (1940) 526; Hutcu. Gen. Flow. Pl. 1 (1964) 191. — Trichocarya Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 358; ibid. 6 (1858) 1084, p.p. quoad T. splendens tantum. — Geobalanus SMALL, Fl. Miami (1913) 80; Hutcu. Gen. Flow. PI. 1 (1964) 191. — Coccomelia Ripiey, J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. n. 82 (1920) 183; Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 671. — Afrolicania Mippr. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 8 (1921) 483. — Fig. 2. Small to large trees. Stipules small, free, caducous. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces, without stomatal crypts. Petioles eglandular. /nflorescence a panicle of cymules. Bracts and bracteoles to 1.5 mm long, membraneous, eglandular, not enclosing groups of flower buds. Flowers hermaphrodite. Receptacle cam- panulate, slightly asymmetric, tomentose on exterior, tomentose within; calyx 646 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 lobes 5, acute, unequal. Petals 5, small, not exceeding the calyx lobes, not clawed. Stamens 7—10, all fertile, inserted on margin of disk; filaments gla- brous, included, slightly united at base. Ovary inserted at or near base of recep- tacle, pilose on exterior; carpel unilocular, with 2 ovules. Style pubescent at base, the stigma capitate. Fruit a small, fleshy drupe, narrowed to a shortly stip- itate base; epicarp smooth, not ridged, glabrous, not lenticellate; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp thin, hard, bony, breaking up in longitudinal lines during ger- mination, tomentose within. Distr. About 180 species in the Neotropics, one species in West Africa; three species in Malesia from the Malay Peninsula to New Guinea and the Philippines, but not in the Lesser Sunda Islands. Uses. The timber is strong and durable and resistant to marine borers. It is hard to work because of silica. Note. The description above is for the Malesian eiement of Licania; the genus is much more variable in the Neotropics. The three Asian species are placed in subgenus Angelesia by PRANCE & WuirtE, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 320 (1988) 94. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Fruit 1—1.3 cm long, ellipsoid, not narrowed towards base or apex. 2. Leaves oblong, the apices distinctly acuminate; inflorescence rachis densely puberulous 1. L. splendens 2. Leaves elliptic to oblong-elliptic, the apices acute to rounded and emarginate; inflorescence rachis sparsely TUDCTULOUS ap te reer ee sse-oro ogc DRRAat soc wie ech ters hela an acne 2. L. palawanensis 1. Fruit 2.5—5 cm long, narrowed at apex and base; fusiform .......-......2.0ssse5<.- 3. L. fusicarpa 1. Licania splendens (KORTH.) PRANCE, Fl. Neotrop. 9 (1972) 172. — Angelesia splendens Kortu. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3 (1854) 384; BoeRL. & Koorp. Ic. Bog. 1, 4 (1901) 59, t. 96; MerR. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 307; Enum. Philip. Pl. 2 (1923) 236; Cor- NER, Wayside Trees (1940) 526; BROWNE, For. Trees Sarawak & Brunei (1955) 307. — Licania angelesia BiumE, Meélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 358. — Chrysobalanus splendens Kortu. ex Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 358, in syn. — Parinarium fragile TeEwsm. & BINN. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1866) 253, nom. nud. — Parinarium nitidum Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 310. — Ferolia nitida (Hook. f.) Rip.ey, J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. n. 82 (1920) 183; Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 671. — Parinarium philippinense Emer, Leaf]. Philip. Bot. 10 (1939) 3809. — Fig. 2. Tree to 25 m tall, the young branches sparsely lan- ate, soon glabrous. Stipules linear-lanceolate, to 3 mm long, caducous. Leaves 4—11 by 1.8—4.2 cm, oblong, usually acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, glabrous beneath; petioles 2-5 mm, canaliculate, glabrous when mature. /nflorescence terminal and axillary panicles of cymules, 1.5—14 cm long, the rachis and branches grey-puberulous. Flowers c. 2 mm long. Receptacle campanulate, slightly swollen to one side, grey-tomentellous on exterior, tomen- tose within; pedicels c. 1 mm long. Calyx lobes acute, tomentellous on both surfaces. Petals pubescent on exterior. Stamens 7—10, slightly unilateral, the fila- ments glabrous. Ovary at or near base of receptacle, unilocular, pilose on exterior. Fruit ellipsoid, 1—1.3 cm long; epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp thin, hard, bony, breaking open by longitudinal lines of weakness, tomentose within. Distr. Thailand; in Malesia: Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, W. Java, Borneo, Philippines. Fig. 3. Ecol. Commonest in forest, including diptero- carp forest, on hill slopes and ridges, but wide-rang- ing in peat swamp, freshwater swamp forest, on sea- shores, and in rocky places; 0—400(—800) m altitude. Uses. The timber is strong, durable and resistant to marine borers and is used for saltwater piles, rail- road ties, efc. However, it is extremely hard to work and requires special tools because of silica. The fruit is edible but is not widely used. Vern. Malay Peninsula: champrai, medang merah, m. puteh, membatu, mempadang, merbatu kechil; Borneo: piasau-piasau, Kedayan, gandulong, Dusun, tampaluan, Sabah, sampaluan, Brunei, buku-buku, bunga, djentihan burung, mauhi, Kalimantan; Philippines: taguilom bay; amayan, ba- lik, D.Bis., dagifgan, dagingdingan, S.L.Bis., gapas, maralibus, Tagb. 2. Licania palawanensis PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 94. Shrub, young branches sparsely puberulous soon becoming glabrous. Stipules lanceolate, 1—2 mm long, glabrous, caducous. Leaves 3—6 by 1.4—3 cm, CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 647 Fig. 3. Distribution of Licania splendens (KORTH.) PRANCE (dots) and L. palawanensis PRANCE (triangles). elliptic to oblong elliptic, rounded to acute at apex, emarginate, subcuneate at base, glabrous beneath; petioles 1—3 mm long, c. 1.5 mm wide, lanate be- coming glabrous with age, rugose. /nflorescences panicles of cymules, 3—4 cm long, the rachis and branches sparsely puberulous. Flowers c. 2 mm long. Receptacle campanulate, slightly swollen to one side, grey-tomentellous on exterior, tomentose within; pedicels c. 1 mm long. Calyx lobes acute, tomentel- lous on exterior, puberulous within. Petals puberu- lous on exterior. Stamens 7, inserted around com- plete circle, the filaments glabrous. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, lanate-pilose, unilocular. Fruit (immature) ellipsoid, epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin; endocarp thin, hard, bony, tomen- tose within, breaking open by longitudinal lines of weakness. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Palawan). Fig. 3. Ecol. Confined to ultrabasic rock formation; 0-300 m altitude, including sea-shore forest. 3. Licania fusicarpa (KosTeERM.) PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 366. — Hunga fusicarpa Koster. Rein- wardtia 10 (1985) 123. Tree to 7 m tall, young branches puberulous, gla- brescent, with small prominent round lenticels. Stip- ules not seen. Leaves 5-10 by 1—4.5 cm, charta- ceous, oblong to elliptic, acute to bluntly acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, glabrous and glossy on both surfaces, decurrent onto petiole; petioles 2-3 mm long, rugose, puberulous becoming glabrous with age. Inflorescences terminal and axillary panicles of cymules, few-flowered, the rachis and branches sparsely puberulous. Flowers c. 2 mm long. Recep- tacle campanulate, grey-tomentellous on exterior, tomentose within; pedicels 2-3 mm long. Calyx lobes acute, narrow, tomentellous on exterior, pu- berulous within. Petals not seen. Stamens persistent beneath young fruit, 0.5—1 mm long, connate at base. Fruit (2.5—)3—5 cm long, narrowly spindle- shaped, narrowed at apex to a tip 2—3 mm long, nar- rowed at base in stipe 5-10 mm long; epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin; endocarp hard, bony, c. | mm thick, densely lanate within, without lines of dehiscence. Distr. Malesia: E. Papua New Guinea (Milne Bay Prov., Ferguson I., Morobe Prov.). Fig. 5. Ecol. Coastal rain-forest, 0-300 m altitude. 648 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Fig. 4. Parastemon urophyllus (WALL. ex A.DC.) A.DC. A. Habit, x 0.5; B. flower, x 10; C. fruit, x 1; D. flower section, x 10 (A, B Sincrarr 39504, C, D SINCLAIR 3319). 3. PARASTEMON A.DC. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 18 (1842) 208; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 359; Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1 (1865) 607; Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 312; BoerL. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1 (1890) 426; FockE in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 3 (1891) 60; MerrR. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 307; Rm ey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 672; MerR. & Perry, J. Arn. Arb. 21 (1940) 197; CorNER, Wayside Trees (1940) 526; Hutcu. Gen. Flow. Pl. 1 (1964) 193. — Diemenia KorTH. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3 (1854) 388; BoERL. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1 (1890) 425. — Trichocarya Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 357, p.p. — Fig. 4. Tree or shrub. Stipules small and triangular, caducous. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces, without stomatal cavities, with 2 small discoid glands at base of lamina; petioles eglandular. Jnflorescence an axillary or rarely terminal simple or sparsely branched raceme. Bracts and bracteoles small, eglandular, not en- closing groups of flower buds. Flowers hermaphrodite or polygamo-dioecious. Receptacle patelliform or shallowly cupuliform, shortly hairy within; calyx lobes 5, acute, subequal. Petals 5, not exceeding calyx lobes, not clawed. Sta- mens either 5 and all fertile or 2 fertile with 3 staminodes; the filaments glabrous, shorter than the calyx lobes. Ovary centrally inserted at base of recep- 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 649 tacle, glabrous or densely hairy on exterior; carpel unilocular, with 2 ovules. Style filiform, puberulous towards the base, with 3 large undivided lobes at apex or | obscure lobe and 2 large, sometimes deeply divided lobes. Fruit a small drupe to c. 1.5 cm or c. 3 cm long; epicarp smooth, not lenticellate; endocarp thin, hard, bony, smooth on exterior, glabrous within; with 2 large lateral plates which break away on germination to allow seedling escape. Distr. Three species; Nicobar Islands; in Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Moluccas, New Guinea, Admiralty Is. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Fruit 1—1.5 mm long. Primary veins of leaves 8—11 pairs. 2. Receptacle shallowly cup-shaped, glabrous on exterior; fertile stamens 2; style 3-lobed at apex. Inflores- PeRPLPSECIS 2 2). A SRS ys CASE See Se LSE Pad teh LR I 2 ot ee We aan 1. P. urophyllus 2. Receptacle saucer-shaped, puberulous on exterior; fertile stamens 5; style with one obscure and two large ume mcaL ONES. ‘Intiorescence VIOUS «37,.¢.04- «0 Seis cise § hoe saci Penis, San Saco 2. P. versteeghii 1. Fruit 2.3—3.5 mm long. Primary veins of leaves 5—6 pairs .............0.0e0e0es 3. P. grandifructus 1. Parastemon urophyllus (WALL. ex A.DC.) A.DC. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 18 (1842) 208; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 359; BoERL. & Koorp. Ic. Bog. 1, 4 (1901) 61, t. 97; RmpLey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 672; Burk. Dict. (1935) 1693; CoRNER, Wayside Trees (1940) 526; Browne, For. Trees Sarawak & Brunei (1955) 308; KocHuM. & WyaTtT-SmiTH, Mal. For. Rec. 17 (1964); PRANCE & WuitTM. Tree FI. Malaya 2 (1973) 331. — Embelia urophylla [WALL. Cat. (1830) n. 2309, nom. nud.] ex A.DC. Trans. Linn. Soc. 17 (1837) 131. — Diemenia racemosa (KorTH.) Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 358. — Licania diemenia BLiuMeE, Meélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; Hassk. Flora 41 (1858) 256, nom. illeg. — Parastemon spicatus Rip.ey, J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. n. 75 (1917) 29. — Fig. 4. Tree to 40 m tall, or shrub, the young branches glabrous, the trunk often buttressed. Stipules triangular, c. 1 mm long, caducous. Leaves thinly co- riaceous, narrowly oblong, 2.5—8 by 1.4—2.5 cm, cuspidate acuminate at apex, the tip 5-15 mm, cuneate at base; midrib plane above, prominulous beneath; primary veins 8—11 pairs; petioles 4-5 mm long, canaliculate, glabrous. Inflorescence of ax- illary and rarely terminal racemes or occasionally slightly branched, 4—14 cm long, the rachis glabrous. Flowers polygamo-dioecious, c. 1.5 mm long. Recep- tacle broadly cupuliform to flattened saucer-shaped, glabrous on exterior, tomentose within; pedicels up to 2 mm long. Calyx lobes acute, glabrous on exte- rior. Petals 5. Stamens 2 fertile and 3 sterile stami- nodes opposite. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, pilose on exterior, unilocular. Style pilose at base, glabrous above, the stigma trifid. Fruit ellipsoid, 1—1.5 cm long; epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin, hard; endocarp thin, hard, bony, glabrous within, opening by 2 lateral plates. Distr. Nicobar Islands; in Malesia: Malay Penin- sula, Sumatra, Borneo. Fig. 5. Ecol. Characteristic of peat swamp forest where it is a common large tree, but wide ranging into shorter, more open scrub forest. Uses. The wood is hard to use because of the silica content, but it is used locally for general con- struction, posts, and as firewood. Vern. Malay Peninsula: kelat, k. pasir, k. puteh, nylas; Sumatra: galam tabanga, kayu gelang, malas, meriawak; Borneo: mandailas, Brunei, Besaya, sem- palawan, Brunei, tempalawan, Bajau, mengilas, ngilas padang, obah, Sarawak. Notes. The only record of this species from Java (BLUME s.n., L) is very dubious since the collector’s name was added later. It is probably either misla- belled or from cultivated material. The only dif- ference given between P. spicatus and P. urophyllus is that the former is a shrub with sessile flowers. Some forms of P. urophyllus have extremely short pedicels and most sessile-flowered individuals are recorded as being small trees. There is thus no reason to maintain P. spicatus as a distinct species. 2. Parastemon versteeghii Merr. & Perry, J. Arn. Arb. 21 (1940) 197. Tree to 40 m tall, the young branches sparsely puberulous, soon glabrous. Stipules triangular, c. | mm long, caducous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, nar- rowly oblong, 5—9.5 by 1.8—3.7 cm, cuspidate acu- minate at apex, the tip 7-15 mm long, cuneate at base; midrib plane above, prominulous beneath; primary veins 8-12 pairs, inconspicuous, slightly | FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Fig. 5. Distribution of Licania fusicarpa (KOSTERM.) PRANCE (diamond), Parastemon urophyllus (WALL. ex A.DC.) A.DC. (dots), P. grandifructus PRANCE (squares), and P. versteeghii MERR. & PERRY (triangles). prominulous beneath; petioles 3—7 mm long, terete, glabrescent. /nflorescence of axillary and terminal racemes, 2—9 cm long, the rachis sparsely villous. Flowers hermaphrodite, c. 1.5 mm long; pedicels 1.5—3 mm, sparsely villous. Receptacle broadly cupuliform-flattened, sparsely villous on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute, with hirsute margins. Petals 5, with hirsute margins. Stamens 5, all fertile, opposite the petals in a complete circle. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, glabrous on ex- terior except at base, unilocular. Sty/e pilose at base, glabrous above, the stigma with two large apical lobes, the third reduced or missing. Fruit ellipsoid, c. 1.6 cm long; epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin, hard; endocarp thin, hard, bony, glabrous within, opening by two lateral plates. Distr. Malesia: Moluccas (Morotai), Guinea, and Admiralty Is. Fig. 5. Ecol. Usuallyin well-drained hill forest up to 700m altitude, but also reported from secondary forest, swampy (Campnosperma) forest and even beach forest. Vern. New Guinea: mangu, Tobelo, noeng, New 3. Parastemon grandifructus PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 366. Tree to 30 m tall, the young branches glabrous, the trunk lightly buttressed to 1 m. Stipules caducous (not seen). Leaves coriaceous, narrowly oblong, 5—8.5 by 1.8—3.2 cm, with long cuspidate acumen at apex, the tip 10—16 mm long, cuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib prominent above, prominulous or plane beneath; primary veins 5—6 pairs, prominulous above, plane beneath; petioles 5—8 mm long, glabrous, slightly canaliculate, slight- ly swollen at base. Inflorescence of axillary and ter- minal racemes, the rachis glabrous. Flowers seen on- ly in fruiting specimens. Calyx lobes 5, acute, glabrous on exterior, glabrous within except for a few hairs around base. Receptacle glabrous on ex- terior in fruiting condition. Style persistent below fruits, the stigma bifid or trifid. Fruit ellipsoid, 2.3—3.5 by 1.3—1.5 cm, epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin, 0.25 mm; endocarp thin, hard, bony, 0.25 mm thick, glabrous within, opening by 2 lateral plates 1.9—2 cm long. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah). Fig. Irian, gorsauw, Tor, gwarsau, Wainlag, sirebo, 5. sisero, Kemtoek, sosopi, Japen, telek, Mooi, sino- Ecol. Upland white sand areas. ree, Biak. Vern. Borneo: ngilas, Iban, praus, Dyak. 4. HUNGA PANCHER €X PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 79; Fl. Nouv. Caléd. et Dép. 12 (1983) 106. — Fig. 6, 8. Shrubs or small trees. Stipules lanceolate and persistent (absent or very early 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 651 caducous in New Caledonian species). Leaves usually glabrous on both surfaces (lanate beneath in some New Caledonian species), with a pair of, often obscure, marginal glands towards the base, without stomatal cavities; petioles eglan- dular. Inflorescence a few-flowered terminal or axially raceme of cymules. Bracts and bracteoles small, persistent, not enclosing the flowers in small groups. Flowers hermaphrodite, slightly zygomorphic. Receptacle campanu- late, slightly asymmetric, shortly puberulous on exterior, densely pubescent within. Calyx lobes 5, acute. Petals 5, small, not exceeding calyx lobes, not clawed. Stamens 5—9, not exceeding calyx lobes, unilateral with 3—7 stami- nodes opposite. Ovary inserted midway up receptacle, densely hairy on exterior; carpel bilocular with one ovule in each loculus. Style truncate but distinctly 3- lobed at apex. Fruit small, fleshy, bilocular or often with one loculus underde- veloped; epicarp smooth, not ridged, not lenticellate; mesocarp thin, fleshy; en- docarp thin, hard, bony, with a smooth surface, interior very hairy, with 4—6 longitudinal lines of weakness which allow the seedling to escape. Distr. There are 11 species, 8 of which occur in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Is., 3 in Malesia: Papua New Guinea. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Inflorescence branches glabrescent; flowers glabrescent on exterior. Leaves with conspicuous anastomos- ing venation, oblong-elliptic to elliptic, 4—8.5 cm broad. DAMES CHINE, '7-5—S.5) CHMOIOAG 5: aie cay sie eteeiein, 5 vs cris Re as piles, 1. H. novoguineensis poeeaen OMlone-Cluptic, 46.5 Cm DIGAG ee foo es -siard toys’ cosa taate cco Mle tea tte Ria le Sree ae 2. H. papuana 1. Inflorescence branches lanate to puberulous; flowers pubescent on exterior. Leaf with venation not con- spicuously anastomosing, oblong-lanceolate, 2—3.7 cm broad.................00000- 3. H. longifolia 1. Hunga novoguineensis PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 88. — Fig. 6 G, H. Tree 4 m tall, the young branches puberulous, soon glabrous, lenticellate. Stipules lanceolate, pu- berulous, c. 5 mm long, persistent. Leaves coria- ceous, elliptic, 15S—19 by 7.5—8.5 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, apex acuminate, the acumen 8—10 mm long, subcuneate at base; primary veins 11—14 pairs, anastomosing 4 mm away from margins, pro- minulous above, prominent beneath; petioles 5—6 mm long, puberulous soon becoming glabrous, slightly canaliculate, eglandular. /nflorescence of terminal and axillary panicles, the rachis and bran- ches puberulous. Bracts and bracteoles 1-2 mm long, puberulous, persistent. Flowers not seen. Fruit Sagittate pyriform, c. 3.5 cm long, the upper part triangular, 2—2.5 cm long, the base with a stipe 6—10 mm long; epicarp glabrous, smooth, mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp thin, hard, bony, lanate within. Distr. Malesia: Papua New Guinea, two collec- tions, from Morobe and Milne Bay Prov. Fig. 7. Ecol. Oak forest on slopes, at c. 800 m altitude. 2. Hunga papuana (BAKER /.) PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 88. — Angelesia papuana Baker f. J. Bot. 61, Suppl. (1923) 13. — Fig. 6 A-F. Small tree, the young branches lanate, soon gla- brous. Stipules lanceolate, 3—6 mm long, puberu- lous, persistent. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-elliptic, 10—19 by 4—6.5 cm, finely acuminate at apex, the tip 8—16 mm, rounded to subcuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; primary veins 9—13 pairs, promin- ulous above, prominent beneath, conspicuously ana- stomosing 5 mm from margin; petioles 2-4 mm long, shallowly canaliculate, sparsely puberulous when young, soon glabrescent, rugose. /nflores- cences of terminal and axillary panicles, 3-10 cm long, the rachis and branches sparsely lanate- puberulous when young. Bracts and _ bracteoles 0.5—2 mm long, sparsely puberulous-glabrescent on both surfaces. Flowers 1.5—2 mm long. Receptacle campanulate, glabrous externally, tomentose within. Calyx lobes glabrous on both faces except for cilio- late margins. Petals glabrous. Stamens c. 7, unilateral with toothed staminodes opposite. Ovary 652 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Fig. 6. Hunga papuana (BAKER f.) PRANCE. A. Habit, x 0.5; B. flower, x7; C. flower section, x 9; D. petal, x15; E. fruit, x 0.5; F. ovary section, x 15. — H. novoguineensis PRANCE. G. Young fruit section, x 1; H. habit, x 0.5 (A—C Forses 504, D—F Womerstey NGF 19307, G, H HARTLEY 12645). CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 653 Fig. 7. Distribution of Hunga longifolia PRANCE (star), H. novoguineensis PRANCE (dots), and H. pa- puana (BAKER /.) PRANCE (triangles). bilocular, lanate-pilose externally. Style pilose at base, glabrous above, stigma truncate. Fruit sagit- tate-pyriform, unilocular, to 5 cm long, the upper portion triangular, 2—3.5 cm long, the base narrowly and abruptly tapered to a stipe 0.6—1 cm long; epicarp smooth, glabrous; mesocarp thin, fleshy; en- docarp thin, hard, bony, lanate-tomentose within. Distr. Malesia: Papua New Guinea. Fig. 7. Ecol. Oak forest; 500-1000 m altitude. 3. Hunga longifolia PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 84. — Fig. 8. Tree 15 m tall, the young branches puberulous, soon glabrous. Stipules linear-lanceolate, 5—6.5 mm long, puberulous, subpersistent. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, 7-13 by 2—3.7 cm, acute to bluntly acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; petioles 3—5 mm long, shallowly canaliculate, lanate when young, glabrescent with Fig. 8. Hunga longifolia Prance. A. Habit, x 0.5; B. flower; C. petal; D. ovary section, all x 20. 654 age, slightly rugose. /nflorescences axillary and ter- minal panicles of cymules 1.5—6 cm long, the rachis and branches appressed lanate when young, becom- ing puberulous. Bracts and bracteoles 1—3.5 mm long, sparsely puberulous-glabrescent on both sur- faces. Flowers 2—2.5 mm long. Receptacle cam- panulate, swollen slightly to one side, lanate-tomen- tose on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 | for ciliate margins. Stamens 6—8, unilateral with 3—5 short staminodes opposite them. Ovary bilocular, in- serted midway up receptacle tube, pilose on exterior. Style pilose at base. Fruit not seen. Distr. Malesia: Papua New Guinea (Misima I.), known from a single collection. Fig. 7. Ecol. Rain-forest on N. slope, at 300 m altitude. Fl. July. pubescent on both surfaces. Petals glabrous except 5. PARINARI AUvuBL. Hist. Pl. Guiane Fr. 1 (1775) 204; HAUMAN, Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 21 (1951) 184, quoad subg. Euparinari tantum; BACKER & Baku.f. Fl. Java 1 (1964) 521, p.p.; HutcH. Gen. Flow. Pl. 1 (1964) 192, p.p. excl. syn. Maranthes etc.; KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 7, excl. syn. Thelira, Ferolia, Mampata et Neou; PRANCE, FI. Neotrop. 9 (1972) 178; PRANCE & WHITM. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 332; WuireE, Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 46 (1976) 310; Distr. Pl. Afr. 10 (1976) 327; Fl. Zamb. 4 (1978) 36; PRANCE, FI. Venez. 4 (1982) 325; SmirH, Fl. Vit. Nov. 3 (1985) 44. — Dugortia Scop. Introd. (1777) 217, nom. illeg. — Parinarium Juss. Gen. Pl. (1789) 342; LaMK, Encycl. Méth. Bot. 5 (1804) 17; St.Him. Expos. Fam. 2 (1804) 194, p.p.; R.Br. in Tuckey, Nar. Exped. Riv. Zaire Cong. (1818) 433; StEuD. Nom. (1821) 591; DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 526; Por. Dict. Sci. 37 (1825) 544; BarTL. Ord. Nat. (1830) 406; G.Don, Gen. Syst. 2 (1832) 478; MEIssN. Gen. (1836/42) 102; BENTH. Hook. J. Bot. 2 (1840) 211, 218; ENDL. Gen. (1840) 1252, n. 6411; BENTH. in Hook., Niger FI. (1849) 333; Mia. Stirp. Surin. Select. 2 (1850) 7; BLUME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 94; Mélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 352; ibid. (1858) 1084; C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 644; Mia. Suppl. Sumatra (1860) 306; BENTH. Fl. Austr. 2 (1864) 426; Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook.f, Gen. Pl. 1 (1865) 607; Mia. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3 (1867) 237; Hook. f. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 14 (2) (1867) 49; BaiLy. Hist. Pl. 2 (1869) 435, 482; Kurz, For. Fl. Bur- ma | (1877) 432; Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 308; Frirscu, Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 4 (1889) 33; BoERL. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1 (1890) 421, 424; FockE in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 3 (1891) 60; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 276; K. & V. Bijdr. 5 (1900) 332; BamLEy, Queensl. Fl. 2 (1900) 524; BRANDIS, Indian Trees (1906) 278; BAcKER, Schoolfl. Java 1 (1911) 445; Ripiey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 666; Merr. Enum. Philip. Flow. Pl. 2 (1923) 235; Burk. Dict. (1935) 1693; CORNER, Wayside Trees (1940) 527. — Petrocarya ScureB. in Linn. Gen. Pl. ed. 8, 1 (1789) 245, nom. superfl. — Parinarium sect. Petrocarya DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 526; BENTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 335, p.p. excl. P. glaberrima et P. scabra. — Parinarium sect. Neocarya DC. Prod. 2 (1825) 526, p.p. quoad P. excelsum. — Balantium DeEsv. ex Bucu.-Ham. Prod. PI. Ind. Occ. (1825) 34. — Parinarium subg. Petrocarya (DC.) Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 352. — 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 655 Lepidocarpa KortTu. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3 (1854) 385. — Ferolia O.KUNTZE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216, p.p. (non Ferolia AuBL.). — Fig. 15. Small or large trees or rarely shrubs. Stipules small to large, persistent or ca- ducous. Leaves usually with stomatal crypts filled with pubescence on lower sur- face or rarely glabrous, or lanate pubescent without crypts. Petioles usually with 2 circular glands above. /nflorescence a many-flowered complex cyme or cy- mose panicle. Bracts and bracteoles eglandular, usually concealing flower buds individually and in small groups. Flowers hermaphrodite. Receptacle subcam- pulate to cupuliform, slightly swollen to one side, tomentose on both surfaces; calyx lobes 5, deltate, acute, densely hairy on both surfaces. Petals 5, as long as or shorter than sepals, caducous. Stamens 6—10, unilateral, the filaments glabrous, included, with c. 6 minute staminodes opposite. Ovary inserted on up- per half of receptacle tube below mouth, pilose on exterior; carpel bilocular with 1 ovule in each loculus; style arcuate, included. Fruit a fleshy drupe; epicarp ver- rucose; endocarp thick, with a rough fibrous surface, with 2 basal obturators for seedling escape. Distr. Pantropical with 18 species in the Neotropics, 6 in Africa and 15 in tropical Asia (P. anamensis), Malesia, the Pacific region (P. insularam) and northern Queensland, Australia; in Malesia 13 species. Uses. The fruit of several species are edible, but little-used. Note. Since inflorescences and flowers are uniform in the Malesian region, the species are difficult to separate; a key containing all 15 Australasian species, based on leaf characters only, is given here. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Stomatal crypts absent from leaf underside; leaf underside glabrous or with a persistent lanate pubescence and then with large persistent stipules 7-40 mm. 2. Leaf undersurface glabrous. Stipules small and caducous. 3. Leaves elliptic to oblong or obovate-elliptic, 9.5—20.5 by 4.5—8.5 cm; primary veins 11—16 pairs. Pan- MCN MERE ATI SUVETY DUDESCENE, « ..0).0 io, 0.0 « arp oo » sites SRNOMNNG ION StaRBICIS J nan oe 1. P. argenteo-sericea 3. Leaves ovate, 5—9 by 2—4.5 cm; primary veins 7—11 pairs. Panicles small and subsericeous brown RED escrow grote 'e'n iow acess nip v'a'e 6:0 arsyee: 4 6-u\e"av¥-0 SRMeTe eats Seite tak gun Ieee 2. P. canarioides 2. Leaf undersurface densely lanate pubescent, but when removed no stomatal crypts present; stipules large and persistent, 7—40 mm long, 3—5 cm broad at base. 4. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 5—18 cm long on flowering branches, thickly coriaceous, base cuneate 3. P. elmeri 4. Leaves elliptic to oblong, 11—28 cm long, chartaceous, base rounded.................. 4. P. parva 1. Stomatal crypts present on leaf underside; leaf undersurface lanate or at least pubescent in crypts; stipules usually small, or if larger then early caducous. 5. Leaf lower surface with a series of small glands along lower part of margin. Calyx broadly cupuliform. 6. Leaf apex acute or rounded but not acuminate; primary veins 10—17 pairs. Young branches with small, almost plane lenticels. Low tree of savanna, savanna forest and forest margins ....... 5. P. nonda 6. Leaf apex acuminate, acumen 3—10 mm long; primary veins 16—22 pairs; young branches with extreme- ly prominent large lenticels; large tree of rain-forest and hills ..................45. 6. P. papuana 5. Leaf lower surface without marginal glands on lower part. Calyx usually campanulate. 7. Primary leaf veins 20-33 pairs (16—26 pairs in P. costata ssp. polyneura). per enenen 8 §7:annt longs ics SRO ORT es oo oe Welddns en WRT eS ae 7. P. oblongifolia 8. Petioles 3—6 mm long. 9. Leaves chartaceous, primary veins prominulous above, 16—26 pairs 13c. P. costata ssp. polyneura 9. Leaves coriaceous, primary veins impressed for upper portion, 20-28 pairs....... 8. P. gigantea 656 7. Primary leaf veins 20 pairs or fewer. FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 10. Petioles 10-20 mm long; leaves with or without a metallic sheen above. 11. Leaves with metallic sheen above; petioles 14—20 mm long; leaves 4—9 cm broad. Borneo 9. P. metallica 11. Leaves without metallic sheen; petioles 10—12 mm long; leaves 6.5—12 cm broad. New Guinea 10. P. prancei 10. Petioles 3—10 mm long; leaves without metallic sheen. 12. Leaves rigidly coriaceous, often broadest well below mid point; midrib and often primary veins lightly impressed on upper surface........ yo. cetoatosid bits.2toeitl. Ae 11. P. rigida 12. Leaves thinly coriaceous or chartaceous, usually broadest at or above middle (except in P. in- sularum); midrib and primary veins usually plane or prominulous. 13. Leaves ovate, with long thin acumen, tapering from well below mid point; midrib impressed above. Plants of Pacific Islands (Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Wallis Is.) .................005- P. insularum 13. Leaves elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, tapering from middle or above; midrib usually plane or pro- minulous. Plants of Sunda shelf. 14. Inflorescence predominantly axillary. Leaves broadly elliptic .............. 12. P. sumatrana 14. Inflorescence terminal and subterminal. Leaves elliptic to narrowly oblong. 15. Leaf apex rounded to acute. Thailand and Indochina....................... P. anamensis 15. Leaf apex acuminate. Burma, Malay Peninsula, Indonesia and the Philippines 13. P. costata 1. Parinari argenteo-sericea KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 47, f. 1; 158. Trees to 35 m tall; the young branches glabrous, prominently lenticellate. Stipules lanceolate, to 8mm long, tomentose on exterior, early caducous. Leaves chartaceous, oblong, elliptic to subovate-elliptic, 9.5—20.5 by 4.5—8.5 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, without stomatal cavities beneath, usually 2 glands beneath at base near junction with midrib, acute to shortly acuminate at apex, the tip 7-10 mm long, rounded at base; midrib lightly impressed above ex- cept near base, prominent beneath; primary veins 11—16 pairs, plane above, prominent beneath, erect- patent; petioles 5—9 mm long, eglandular, glabrous, rugulose. Inflorescence a lax, much branched, ter- minal panicle 9—15 cm long, the rachis and branches densely grey sericeous-tomentose; bracts and brac- teoles ovate, acute, densely tomentellous on exterior, glabrous within except near apex, caducous. Recep- tacle campanulate, markedly gibbous, densely grey tomentellous on exterior, 2—3 mm long; pedicels 1—3 mm long. Calyx lobes 2—3 mm long, narrowly ovate, densely grey tomentose on exterior, tomentellous within. Petals spathulate, 2 mm long, caducous. Fer- tile stamens 7—8, base forming a conspicuous fused ring with opposite tooth-like staminodes. Ovary densely pilose. Style pilose, stigma truncate. Fruit ovoid, 7-8 by 4.5—5.5 cm, exocarp densely len- ticellate; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp extremely hard and thick (1—8 cm thick), woody, granular, and very irregularly ridged, with 2 small loculi in centre, densely lanate within. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Sabah). Fig. 9. Ecol.Hillside forest, to 100 m altitude; forest along rivers. Vern. Berangan, Malay. Fig. 9. Distribution of Parinari argenteo-sericea KosTERM. (stars) and P. canarioides KOSTERM. (dots). 2. Parinari canarioides KostERM. New & Crit. Mal. Pl. 3 (1955) 25, t. 12 (For. Dept. Bur. of Planning, Bogor, Indonesia); Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 159, f. 2. Trees to 60 m tall; trunk buttressed to 2.5 m high; young branches sparsely puberulous, glabrescent, lenticellate. Stipules linear, acute to 5 mm, hirsute, early caducous, present on very young leaves only. Leaves chartaceous, ovate, 5—9 by 2—4.3 cm, gla- brous on both surfaces when mature, without sto- matal crypts beneath, acuminate at apex, the tip 5—12 mm long, rounded to subcordate at base; midrib lightly impressed above, prominent beneath, sparsely pubescent when young; primary veins 7—11 pairs, plane to prominulous above, prominent be- neath, arcuate; petioles 3-7 mm, glabrous when mature, eglandular or with small rather inconspicu- 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 657 ous central glands. Inflorescences dense-flowered ax- illary panicles to 4.5 cm long, the rachis and branches tomentose; bracts and bracteoles persistent, ovate, puberulous on exterior, caducous. Receptacle cam- panulate, 3 mm long, tomentose on exterior; pedicels 1—2 mm long; calyx lobes elliptic, concave, c. 2mm, acute, sparsely puberulous on exterior, densely to- mentellous on interior. Petals elliptic, obtuse, 2mm, tapered to base. Fertile stamens 7—8. Fruit ellipsoid, 3.5—5 by 1.5—2.5 cm; epicarp densely to sparsely len- ticellate; mesocarp fleshy, 1 mm thick; endocarp 5 mm thick, hard, marbled, densely lanate within. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Philippines (Palawan). Fig. 9. Ecol. Forest extending up to 800 m altitude. Uses. The timber is much used, but of poor quali- ty. Fruit edible, also eaten by pigs. 3. Parinari elmeri MERR. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 92; KosterM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 161, f. 4; PRANCE & WuiT. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 335. Trees to 32 m, without buttresses; the young bran- ches densely tomentellous, glabrescent, obscurely lenticellate. Stipules lanceolate, acute, to 18 mm long by 3 mm broad at base, lateral, tomentellous, persis- tent. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 5—18 by 1.5—7 cm, chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, glabrous above, densely lanate pubescent beneath, without stomatal cavities; acuminate at apex, the tip 5S—13 mm long, subcuneate at base; midrib plane or slight- ly impressed and pubescent above when young, prominent beneath; primary veins 14—21 pairs, prominent beneath, curved at margin; secondary nerves more or less parallel forming ladder-like reticulation; petioles 1.5—6 mm long, tomentellous, “o. \ J Raa View eal } ay PAs MDW ia, : yp Up Be 4 é re 2 e! NV [ws ») C / \ ° 4 4 ‘o p ~, = 4 2 ele *, : ‘ PA. Pea Sy or / Poe 4, . bad an i ~Lan, L i os 4 Cc Y a Ie . > r4 —— po hac a= ee! oa 1" “ 5; a Fig. 10. Distribution of Parinari elmeri MERR. (stars) and P. parva Kosterm. (dots). glandular, but glands often obscured. Jnflorescences of raceme-like reduced terminal and axillary panicles or cymules, 1.7—3 cm long, the rachis and branches densely brown tomentose; bracts and bracteoles large, 2 mm long, ovate, persistent. Receptacle con- ical, gibbous, to 3 mm long, brown-lanate on exte- rior, pedicels 0.5—2 mm long. Calyx-lobes ovate, acute, 2—3 mm long, lanate on exterior. Petals white, oblong-ovate, 2—3 mm long, narrowed to base. Fer- tile stamens 7—9 with tooth-like staminodes oppo- site. Fruit oblong-ellipsoid, 6.7 by 3.7 cm; epicarp sparingly lenticellate. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Borneo (Sara- wak, Brunei, Sabah, NE. Kalimantan), Philippines (Mindanao). Fig. 10. Ecol. Lowland and hill forest to 900 m, including areas on ultrabasic rock. Uses. The wood is used for supports of Iban long houses. Vern. Borneo: resak, Iban. 4. Parinari parva KosTerM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 52, f. 5; 162; PRANCE & WuiTM. Tree FI. Malaya 2 (1973) 335. Tree to 15 m tall, bole often fluted at base, without buttresses; the young branches densely tomentellous, glabrescent, conspicuously lenticellate. Stipules lan- ceolate, lateral, 13—37 mm long, up to 5 mm broad at base, persistent, conspicuously reticulate and densely tomentose on exterior. Leaves chartaceous, oblong to elliptic, 11-28 by 5.5—11 cm, glabrous above, densely lanate-arachnoid pubescent beneath, the pubescence completely obscuring reticulate ner- vation, but without stomatal crypts; finely acumi- nate at apex, the tip 3—13 mm long, rounded to sub- cordate at base; midrib plane and pubescent above, prominent beneath; primary veins 15—23 pairs, ar- cuate and anastomosing at margin, plane above, prominent beneath, pilose; petioles 5—8 mm, densely pale brown pilose, with 2—3 extremely prominent glands. Jnflorescence of short little-branched termi- nal and axillary panicles to 5 cm long, sometimes borne on young woody branches, the rachis and branches densely pale-brown tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles ovate, acute, to 5 mm long, persistent. Receptacle campanulate, 3 mm long, pale brown tomentose on exterior; calyx lobes acute, ovate- lanceolate, 1—1.5 mm long, densely tomentose. Petals white. Fruit ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid, to 10 cm long by 3 cm broad; epicarp densely len- ticellate, ridged when dry; mesocarp thin and fleshy; endocarp thick, hard. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kelantan, Trengganu, Pahang, Johore), Sumatra, Borneo. Fig. 10. Ecol. Mostly on ridge tops and hillsides to 750 m altitude. 658 5. Parinari nonda F.v.M. ex BENTH. FI. Austr. 2 (1864) 426; Banks & Sox. Bot. Cook’s Voy. 1 (1900) t. 92; Bamey, Queensl. Fl. 2 (1900) 524; Compreh. Cat. Queensl. Pl. (1913) 167; PULLE, Nova Guinea, Bot. 8, 2 (1910) 367; KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 170, f. lla, excl. syn. P. papuanum et P. salomonen- se. — Ferolia nonda (F.v.M. ex BENTH.) O. KTZE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. Trees to 15 m tall, without buttresses, the young branches sparsely puberulous, soon glabrous, with small prominulous lenticels. Stipules lanceolate, membraneous, tomentellous, to 5mm long, very ear- ly caducous. Leaves chartaceous to thinly coria- ceous, oblong, 4—11 by 1.8—4.2 cm, glabrous above, with stomatal crypts filled with lanate pubescence beneath, rounded to acute (or rarely bluntly acumi- nate) at apex, subcuneate at base; midrib plane or prominulous, sparsely tomentellous when young above, prominent beneath; primary veins 10—17 pairs, curved at margins; secondary nerves reticulate slightly flattened, with a series of marginal glands at veins on lower portion; petioles 5-10 mm long, tomentellous, terete, with 2—4 prominent, conspic- uous glands near mid point. /nflorescence of spread- ing terminal and subterminal panicles, S—11 cm long, the rachis and branches rather sparsely grey- brown tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles large, ovate, 2.5—3 mm long, tomentose, caducous. Recep- tacle campanulate, 2—3 mm long, tomentose on ex- terior; pedicels 0.5—1 mm long. Calyx lobes triangu- lar, acute, c. 1 mm long, tomentose on exterior, tomentellous within. Petals 5, white, acute. Fertile stamens 7—9, with tooth-like staminodes opposite, lanate around base. Ovary villous. Style villous lanate on lower portion, glabrous above; stigma capitate. Fruit ovoid, epicarp sparingly lenticellate. Distr. Australia (Queensland and Northern Ter- ritory) and in Malesia: southern extreme of Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. Fig. 11. Ecol. Savanna, open forest, forest on rocky areas in lowlands. Vern. Papua New Guinea: warrem. 6. Parinari papuana C.T.WuiTE, J. Arn. Arb. 31 (1950) 86. — Parinari nonda auct. non BENTH.: Kos- TERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 170, p.p. Large trees to 40 m tall, buttressed or unbut- tressed, the young branches puberulous, soon gla- brous, with clusters of large prominent lenticels with central slit. Stipules lanceolate, very early caducous. Leaves thickly coriaceous to chartaceous, oblong, 4—18 by 1.5—6.5 cm, glabrous above, with stomatal crypts filled with lanate pubescence beneath, acu- minate at apex, the tip 3—10 mm long, rounded to subcuneate at base; midrib plane or slightly impress- ed and sparsely tomentellous when young above, prominent beneath; primary veins 16-22 pairs, FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 i ~ i ee i > “ rp SI?" N z= C Ss QI eo *%e e F ee eu. e Us as. « me "ee ®\ k e } .e * e \ =< \ Fig. 11. Distribution of Parinari nonda F.v.M. ex BENTH. curved and anastomosing at margins; secondary nerves reticulate, slightly flattened, with a series of marginal glands at vein endings on lower portion; petioles 2-8 mm long, tomentellous when young, terete or slightly canaliculate, with 2 conspicuous or sometimes obscure glands. /nflorescence of terminal and subterminal panicles, 2—6 cm long, the rachis and branches densely tomentose or tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles large, ovate, 2—2.5 mm long, tomentose on exterior; pedicels 0.2—1.5 mm long. Calyx lobes triangular, acute, c. 1 mm long, tomen- tose on exterior, tomentellous within. Petals 5, white, acute. Fertile stamens 7—8, with tooth-like staminodes opposite, lanate around base. Ovary villous, style villous on lower portion, glabrous above; stigma capitate. Fruit ovoid, 4—6 cm long; epicarp sparingly to densely lenticellate; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp hard, thick, marbled, lanate within. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES 1. Leaves coriaceous, 4-11 by 1.9—5 cm. Mature fruit c. 6 cm long when dry. Montane a. ssp. papuana 1. Leaves chartaceous, 7-18 by 2.5—7 cm. Lowland. 2. Fruit sparsely lenticellate, small, c. 4 cm long. Leaf base subcuneate..... b. ssp. salomonense 2. Fruit densely lenticellate, large, c. 6.5 cm long. Leaf base usually rounded ...... c. ssp. whitei a. SSp. papuana Unbuttressed tree. Leaves thickly coriaceous, 4—11 by 1.9—5 cm, subcuneate at base. Mature fruit c. 6 cm long when dry; densely lenticellate on ex- terior. Distr. Malesia: Northern, Central and Eastern Papua New Guinea. Fig. 12. Ecol. Mountains, 500—2000 m altitude. Fig. 12. 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 659 Fig. 12. Distribution of Parinari papuana C.T. WHITE ssp. papuana (dots), ssp. salomonensis (C.T. WHITE) PRANCE (triangles), and ssp. whitei PRANCE (stars). Vern. Korafe, morni, Aiyura, puwirini, Was- kuk, Tor, Anona. b. ssp. salomonense (C.T.WHITE) PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 369. — Parinari salomonense C.T.WHITE, J. Arn. Arb. 31 (1950) 87. Buttressed tree. Leaves chartaceous, 7—12 by 3—7 cm, subcuneate at base. Mature fruit c. 4 cm long, sparsely lenticellate on exterior. Distr. Solomon Islands. Fig. 12. Eco!. Lowland forest, hillsides and ridges to 300 m altitude. Vern. Malmone, Kwara’ae, nakisi, one one, sautalu, susui. c. ssp. whitei PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 369. Unbuttressed tree. Leaves chartaceous, 7—18 by 2.5—6.5 cm, rounded at base. Mature fruit c. 6.5 cm long, densely lenticellate on exterior. Distr. Malesia: West Irian and Papua New Gui- nea along northern coast from extreme west to east. Fig. 12. Vern. Lowka, Manikiong, ogelet, Mooi. 7. Parinari oblongifolia Hook. /. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 309; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 279; Ripiey, Agr. Bull. Str. & Fed. Mal. St. 1 (1902) 144; Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 668; Foxw. Mal. For. Rec. 3 (1927) 175; Corner, Wayside Trees (1940) 527; KosterM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 165, /. 8; PRANCE & Wuitm. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 335. — Ferolia oblongifolia (Hoox.f.) O. Ktze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. — Parinarium borneense Merr. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 93. Trees to 40 m tall, trunk low thick buttressed to 2 m, the young branches minutely tomentellous, gla- brescent, conspicuously prominently lenticellate. Stipules ovate to lanceolate, acute, 3—5 mm, pilose on exterior, early caducous. Leaves coriaceous, ellip- tic to oblong, 14—23 by 4—9 cm, glabrous above, with stomatal cavities filled with grey lanate pubes- cence beneath, shortly acuminate at apex, the tip 3—13 mm long, rounded to subcordate at base; midrib plane above, glabrous when mature except at base, prominent, glabrescent beneath; primary veins 23-35 pairs, erect, plane above, flattened and prom- inent beneath; secondary veins prominulous and parallel + ladder-like beneath; petioles 9-17 mm long, thick, tomentellous, when young, glabrescent, eglandular or glandular. /nflorescences of large, spreading terminal panicles, 10—21 cm long by 7—12 cm broad, the rachis and branches yellow-grey to- mentellous; bracts and bracteoles ovate, 3 mm long, early caducous. Receptacle campanulate, slightly gibbous, 3 mm long, densely grey tomentose on ex- terior; pedicels 1-3 mm long; calyx lobes ovate, acute, 1.5—2 mm long, unequal, grey tomentose. Petals white to bluish, lanceolate to spathulate, nar- rowed towards base, c. 2 mm long, glabrous. Sta- mens 8—10, with tooth-like staminodes opposite. Ovary pilose; style glabrous; stigma truncate. Fruit ellipsoid, 5-9 by 3—4 cm, epicarp densely len- ticellate; mesocarp 1.5—2 mm thick; endocarp hard, thick, marbled, 7—13 mm thick, fibrous, densely lanate within. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (S. Kelantan to Johore), Sumatra, Borneo (Sabah, Kalimantan). Fig. 13. Ecol. Lowland rain-forest and beside rivers or in valleys extending to 450 m altitude. Vern. Malay Peninsula: bedara hutan, kemalau, mentelor, merbatu; dungun bukit, Malay; Borneo: mankudar, mengkudu, Kalimantan. 660 Fig. 13. Distribution of Parinari oblongifolia Hook./. (dots), P. gigantea KosTERM. (stars), and P. metallica KOSTERM. (triangles). 8. Parinari gigantea KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 182, f. 19. Large trees to 40 m tall, trunk fluted at base, the young branches densely lanate pubescent, glabres- cent, with conspicuous small lenticels. Stipules lan- ceolate, acute, to 25 mm long, caducous, membra- neous, densely appressed tomentellous on exterior, glabrous within. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic, 9-17 by 5—8 cm, glabrous above, with dense conspicuous stomatal crypts beneath, bluntly acuminate at apex, the tip 3—6 mm long, rounded at base; midrib plane above, prominent and pilose, glabrescent beneath; primary veins 20—28 pairs, slightly impressed on up- per portion, prominulous on lower portion of upper surface, straight, erect, parallel; secondary veins + parallel; petiole thick, 4-7 mm long, tomentellous when young, with 2 small round glands on mid point above. Flowers not seen. Infructescence axillary, 3—5 mm long. Fruit irregularly ellipsoid, 6.5 cm long, 4 cm broad; epicarp densely lenticellate; meso- carp fleshy; endocarp hard, bony, irregularly ribbed, lanate within. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (W. Kalimantan, Sabah). Fig. 13. Ecol. Lowland forest. Vern. Lempong, Kalimantan. 9. Parinari metallica KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 49, f. 3; 160, f. 3. Trees to 16 m tall, unbuttressed, the young bran- ches appressed strigose, glabrescent, conspicuously lenticellate. Stipules ovate-lanceolate, acute, 8—15 mm long, densely brown tomentose, membraneous, early caducous. Leaves thickly coriaceous, elliptic, 8-17 by 4—9 cm, glabrous and shiny with metallic sheen above when dry, with dense stomatal crypts filled with hairs, apex rounded to shortly blunt acu- minate, the tip 0-3 mm long, rounded or subcuneate FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 at base; midrib plane above, prominent beneath; primary veins 10—15 pairs, prominulous to plane above, prominent beneath, erect, curved only at margin; petioles 14—20 mm long, glabrescent, with inconspicuous glands near to lamina base, puberu- lous, glabrescent. Inflorescence of axillary little- branched panicles, 4—10 cm long, the rachis and branches densely brown tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles ovate, early caducous. Receptacle cam- panulate, slightly gibbous, 2—3 mm long, ferrugin- eous pubescent on exterior; pedicels 0.5 mm long; calyx lobes lanceolate, acute, 1 mm long, tomentel- lous. Petals lanceolate, glabrous. Stamens c. 8 with short tooth-like staminodes opposite. Ovary densely pilose. Style glabrous, equalling stamens; stigma truncate. Fruit not seen. Distr. Known only from Brunei, Sabah, and Sarawak. Fig. 13. Ecol. Forests on well-drained soil, hillsides, 50—300 m altitude. 10. Parinari prancei KosTERM. Reinwardtia 10 (1985) 124. Trees to 25 m tall, the young branches densely brown lanate and pilose, lenticellate. Stipules caducous (not seen). Leaves rigidly coriaceous, ellip- tic, 9-21 by 6.5—12 cm, glabrous and shiny above when mature, lanate when young, with conspicuous stomatal crypts filled by lanate pubescence beneath, broadly apiculate at apex, rounded to broadly sub- cuneate at base; midrib + plane above, prominent beneath; primary veins 14—16 pairs, plane or slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, arcuate near margins, secondary venation parallel and forming a ladder-like reticulum; petioles 10-12 mm long, densely ferrugineous lanuginose when young, eglan- dular. /nflorescences of axillary little branched small panicles or racemes, to 3 cm long, the rachis and branches densely appressed tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles caducous. Receptacle campanulate-cupu- liform, 3—4 mm long, appressed tomentellous on ex- terior; pedicels 1.5 cm long; calyx lobes triangular, acute, 1.5 mm long, tomentellous. Fruit ellipsoid, c. 4 by 6 cm diam.; epicarp densely lenticellate; meso- carp fleshy, 2 mm thick; endocarp woody, very hard and thick, marbled, densely lanate within. Distr. Malesia: E. Papua New Guinea (Milne Bay Prov., Northern Prov.). Fig. 14. Ecol. Lowland rain-forest to 400 m altitude. 11. Parinari rigida KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 53, f. 6a, b; 163. — Parinari ashtonii KOSTERM. Rein- wardtia 7 (1965) 53, f. 7; 164. Trees to 30 m tall, unbuttressed, the young branch- es tomentellous, glabrescent, inconspicuously len- ticellate. Stipules caducous (not seen). Leaves rigidly coriaceous, elliptic to oblong ovate, 7.5—23 by 3-8 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 661 20 120° crea a -- 30° 740° 150° 20° ‘ Gait) = : x } ) b/¥ AL t % Vn 3 i / aa 5 o. — . E L? { ein di ‘ ‘s Ne i = k x es peri are’) he: \ 5 * \ ¢ ea a ‘ 9 ne iy. pee .y ) ° Q a aoe F ria { ese \“e \ 9 ‘ WX oa a ee et ee % sic ( ee | Ss, u a Ore ow CI offs - 120° a 100° 110° é P= - a 0 tiss : Coe ae A “wt ie Eo SR a Say oo 2 Fig. 14. Distribution of Parinari prancei KOSTERM. (diamonds), P. rigida KosTERM. (stars), and P. sumatrana (JACK) BENTH. (triangles). cm, those near to inflorescence much smaller than others, broadest below mid point, glabrous and shiny above, sometimes slightly bullate, the lower surface with stomatal crypts filled with pubescence, with 2 glandular areas at junction of midrib and petiole below, shortly and broadly acuminate at apex, the tip 3—17 mm long, rounded or subcordate at base; midrib plane or impressed for upper portion above, prominent and appressed pilose beneath when young; primary veins 13—20 pairs, slightly im- pressed above, prominent beneath, slightly curved at margins only; secondary venation flattened or rounded, parallel; petioles thick, 3-10 mm long, grey-pilose pubescent, rugose, with 2 small glands on mid point of upper side. /nflorescences of narrow terminal panicles to 13 cm long, the rachis and branches tomentose; bracts and bracteoles lanceo- late, to 2 mm long, early caducous. Receptacle cam- panulate, slightly gibbous, 5 mm long, densely vil- lous-tomentose on exterior; pedicels c. 1 mm long; calyx lobes elongate triangular, 2—2.5 mm long. Petals spathulate. Stamens 6—8. Ovary densely vil- lous. Style equalling stamens; stigma capitate. Fruit irregularly ellipsoid, 5 cm long, to 4 cm diam., tapered towards base almost into a stipe; epicarp densely lenticellate; mesocarp thin fleshy; endocarp thick, woody, marbled, lanate within. Distr. Malesia: S. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, E. Kalimantan). Fig. 14. Ecol. Heath and swamp forests, lowland forest; 0—1400 m altitude. 12. Parinari sumatrana (JACK) BENTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 335; BLume, Mus. Bot.Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 97; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 353; ibid. (1858) 1084; Suppl. Sumatra (1860) 115; ibid. (1861) 306; C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 644; Flora 41 (1858) 255; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 309; Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1879) 336; K. & V. Bijdr. 5 (1900) 340, p.p. excl. P. costatum auct. non BiuME; M_err. J. Arn. Arb. 33 (1952) 239; BACKER & Baku.f. Fl. Java 1 (1964) 522, p.p. excl. P. costatum; KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 176. — Petrocarya sumatrana Jack, Mal. Misc. 2 (7) (1822) 67 [repr. Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4 (1843) 165]. — Lepido- carpa ovalis (KORTH.) BLUME ex Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 353. — Ferolia sumatrana (Jack) O. KTzeE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. — Parinarium auct. non BiLuME: BACKER, Schoolfl. Java 1 (1911) 445, p.p. — Fig. 15. Trees to 30 m tall, without buttresses or small ones to 50 cm; the young branches densely tomentellous, glabrescent, lenticellate. Stipules oblong, to oblong- ovate, 5~12 mm long by 3—5 mm wide at base, mem- braneous, early caducous, pilose on exterior. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, elliptic to oblong ellip- tic, 7—14(—21) by 3—7.5 cm, obtuse to shortly broad acuminate at apex, the tip up to 3 mm long, rounded to subcordate at base; glabrous and shiny above, with deep-set stomatal crypts beneath obscured by dense caducous lanate pubescence when young; midrib plane to slightly impressed above, pilose towards base, prominent beneath; primary veins 662 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Fig. 15. Parinari sumatrana (JACK) BENTH. A. Habit; B. leaf undersurface with pubescence removed in small area to show stomatal cavities; C. flower; D. flower section; E. petal; F. ovary and style; G. ovary section; H. young fruit (KOSTERMANS 21859). 1989] 9—14 pairs, arcuate, prominulous above, prominent beneath; petioles 4—8 mm long, with 2 conspicuous glands near middle, lightly canaliculate, glabrescent. Inflorescence of short axillary panicles 2—6 cm long, the rachis and branches brown tomentose; bracts and bracteoles membraneous, tomentellous on exterior, puberulous within, caducous. Receptacle conical- campanulate, 3 mm long, densely pilose on exterior, almost sessile. Petals spathulate, bluish. Calyx lobes elongate-triangular, 2 mm long, acute, pilose on both surfaces. Fertile stamens 8, unequal. Ovary densely pilose. Sty/e glabrous, equalling stamens, the stigma truncate. Fruit ellipsoid, 4 by 2.5 cm, epicarp densely lenticellate; mesocarp 3—4 mm thick; en- docarp marbled in cross section, hard, 5 mm thick, densely lanate within. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra, W. Java. Fig. 14. Vern. Java: kanjere badak. Note. This species is distinct from others by the predominantly axillary inflorescences. The material described as Lepidocarpa ovalis has much larger, more pointed leaves than most of the collections, but KOSTERMANS is correct in placing that name in synonymy under P. sumatrana. 13. Parinari costata (KORTH.) BLUME, Mélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 354; ibid. (1858) 1084; Suppl. Sumatra (1860) 115; C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 644; Flora 41 (1858) 255; Hook. f/f. FI. Brit. India 2 (1878) 309; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 277; RrpLey, Agr. Bull. Str. & Fed. Mal. St. 1 (1902) 145; Branpis, Indian Trees (1906) 278; Burk. J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. n. 73 (1916) 200; Merr. J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. n. 76 (1917) 81; Enum. Born. Pl. (1921) 290; Rip.ey, FI. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 666; Merr. Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 236; Burk. Dict. (1935) 1667; HEYNE, Nutt. Pl. Ned. Ind. ed. 3 (1950) 697; KosTERM. Rein- wardtia 7 (1965) 179, f. 17a, b; PRANCE & WHITM. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 333. For further synonyms, see under the subspecies. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES 1. Inflorescence and flowers densely ferrugineous villous pubescent. Often at high altitudes b. ssp. rubiginosa 1. Inflorescence and flowers sparsely to densely grey or brown appressed pubescent. Lowlands. 2. Primary leaf veins 16—26 pairs; mature leaves 9—15.7 cm long, oblong (index 2.3—3.65). Fruit exocarp usually densely verrucose c. ssp. polyneura 2. Primary leaf veins 10-16 pairs; mature leaves 5—10.5 cm long, elliptic (index 1.7—2.7), rarely oblong. Fruit exocarp usually sparsely verrucose a. ssp. costata CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 663 a. ssp. costata. — Lepidocarpa costata KorTu. Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3 (1855) 387; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 354, in syn., sphalm. Lepidocarya costata. — Ferolia costata (KORTH.) O. KTZE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. Tree to 60 m tall, trunk buttressed up to 2 m, the young branches densely appressed tomentellous, glabrescent, with small conspicuous lenticels. Stip- ules lanceolate, membranaceous, 3—7 mm long, pilose on exterior, early caducous. Leaves coriaceous or rigidly chartaceous, elliptic, subovate-elliptic to oblong (leaf index 1.7—2.7), S—10.5 by 1.8—4 cm, glabrous above when mature but with sparse lanate covering when very young, with stomatal cavities filled with grey lanate pubescence beneath, acumi- nate at apex, the tip 3—5 mm long, round to sub- cuneate at base; midrib prominulous above, tomen- tellous towards base, prominent beneath; primary veins 10—16 pairs, arcuate, prominulous above, prominent beneath; secondary veins rounded or only slightly flattened; petioles 5-9 mm long, slender, tomentellous when young, soon glabrous, usually eglandular or with 2 inconspicuous median glands. Inflorescences of predominantly axillary or terminal few-flowered lax panicles to 8 cm long, the rachis and branches appressed grey to brown appressed tomen- tellous; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, c. 2 mm long, caducous. Receptacle campanulate, slightly gibbous, grey-brown pubescent on exterior, 3—3.5 mm long; pedicels 0.5—1 mm long; calyx lobes ovate, acute, 1.5—2 mm long, grey tomentellous on exte- rior. Petals white, spathulate, 1.5—2 mm long, cadu- cous, glabrous. Stamens 7—8, with small tooth-like staminodes opposite, slightly unequal; style gla- brous; stigma capitate. Fruit ellipsoid, to 3.5 by 4.5 cm; epicarp usually sparsely verrucose; mesocarp 2 mm, fleshy; endocarp hard, marbled, 3—5 mm thick, fibrous, densely lanate within. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines (Mindanao, Culion, Samar). Fig. 16. Ecol. Lowland forest, hillsides, ridges; altitude up to 300 m. Vern. Malay Peninsula: kemalau, mambatu, merbatu; Borneo: augok, Piak, bugan, Iban. b. ssp. rubiginosa (RIDLEY) PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 368. — Parinarium helferi Hook. /. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 311, excl. syn. Parinarium sumatra- num sensu KuRZ; BRANDIS, Indian Trees (1906) 278; KosTeERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 175. — Parinari rubiginosa Rip.ey, J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. nm. 75 (1917) 29; Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 668; Foxw. Mal. For. Rec. 3 (1927) 175; Burk. Dict. (1935) 1667; Koster. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 168, f. 10; PRANCE & Wurm. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 336. — Parinarium costatum BuiumMe var. rubiginosum Ripiey, J. Fed. 664 10° 100° FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 eo? *29 Fig. 16. Distribution of Parinari costata (KOSTERM.) BLUME (diamonds), P. costcta ssp. rubiginosa (RIDLEY) PRANCE (triangles), and ssp. polyneura (MiQ.) PRANCE (inverted triangles). Mal. St. Mus. 6 (1915) 143. — Parinari bicolor MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 309; Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 235; KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 172, fle: Leaves 4—11.5 by 1.6—4.3 cm, oblong elliptic to oblong lanceolate; primary veins 11—19 pairs; pet- ioles 4—8 mm long, thickly tomentose. Inflorescence dense to lax, ferrugineous villous pubescent. Fruit exocarp sparingly lenticellate. Distr. Burma; Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Bor- neo (Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan), Philippines (Mindanao, Bucas Grande I.). Fig. 16. Ecol. In lower montane forests of Malay Penin- sula and Borneo (750—1500 m) and lowland forests of the Philippines. Vern. Merbatu, Malay (= Malesian standard timber name for various genera); Borneo: mengku- dur, Balikpapan. c. ssp. polyneura (M1Q.) PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 368. — Parinariuin polyneurum Mia. FI. Ind. Bat., Suppl. Sumatra (1860) 115; ibid. (1861) 306; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 309; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 60 (1897) 278; K. & V. Bijdr. 3 (1901) 340; KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 167, f. 9a, b; PRANCE & WHITM. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 336. — Ferolia polyneura (Miq.) O. KrzeE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. Leaves 9—15.7 by 3.7—6.3 cm, oblong (index 2.3 —3.65); primary veins 16—26 pairs; petioles 3—7 mm long, thick, tomentose. Inflorescence lax, inflores- cence and flowers with grey appressed tomentellous pubescence. Fruit exocarp usually densely verrucose. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kelantan, Perak, Pahang, Malacca), Singapore, Sumatra, Bor- neo. Fig. 16. Ecol. Lowland forest and occasionally in hills and seasonal swamps. 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 665 Excluded species 7520] ex Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 311; KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 178, f. 16. = Parinari wallichiana R.Br. [in Wall., Cat. (1832) Dipterocarpus cornutus DYER (Dipterocarpaceae). 6. ATUNA RaFIN. Sylva Tellur. (1838) 153; KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1969) 421; PRANCE & Wurm. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 323; Smiru, Fl. Vit. Nova 3 (1985) 47. — Atunus RuUMPH. Herb. Amb. 1 (1741) 171, t. 66; LAmMxK, Encycl. Méth. 1 (1783) 329, non Atunus RUMPH. (1743); PANIGRAHI & PUROHIT, Taxon 32 (1983) 122. — Cyclandrophora Hassk. Flora 25, Beibl. 1 (1842) 47; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 17 (1948) 461; KosTeRM. Candollea 20 (1965) 118. — Moquilea sect. Cyclandrophora (Hassk.) ENDL. Gen. Pl. Suppl. 3 (1843) 103. — Parinarium subg. Cyclandrophora (Hassk.) BLUME, Meélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; repr. Flora N.R. 16 (1858) 255. — Parinarium subg. Macrocarya Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 354. — Parinarium sect. Cyclandrophora (Hassk.) C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. (1857) 644. — Entosiphon BEepp. Madr. J. Lit. Sci. ser. 3, 1 (1864) 44. — Parinarium subg. III Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 308, p.p. — Petrocarya auct. non SCHREB.: JACK, Mal. Misc. 2 (7) (1822) 68 [repr. Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. | (1836) 220; Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4 (1843) 164]. — Parinari auct. non AUBL. (Parinarium auct. non Juss.): BENTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 333, p.p.; BiumeE, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 94; BENTH. in Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1 (1865) 607; BoERL. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1 (1890) 431, 424; FockeE in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 3 (1891) 60; Koorp. Exk. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 338; RIDLEY, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 666. — Fig. 19. Small to large trees, ultimate shoots with complicated system of divaricate branching. Stipules large, prominently keeled, lateral, persistent or subpersis- tent. Leaves almost glabrous on both surfaces, often with minute papillae on venation giving beaded appearance, without stomatal crypts, with a pair of glands on midrib at or near base of lower surface. Petioles eglandular. Jn- florescence a raceme, or sparsely branched, contracted panicle. Bracts and bracteoles persistent, eglandular, not enclosing groups of flower buds. Flowers hermaphrodite. Receptacle obconical to cylindrical, as long as or exceeding calyx lobes, hollow, hairy inside throughout, throat blocked by retrorse hairs. Calyx lobes 5, broadly ovate to lanceolate, tomentellous on both surfaces. Petals 5, glabrous, exceeding calyx lobes. Stamens 10—20, posterior, inserted unilaterally on margin of disk; filaments free, exserted; staminodes forming a barely visible denticulate margin to throat. Ovary inserted at mouth of recep- tacle tube, pilose on exterior; carpel bilocular with 1 ovule in each loculus. Fruit large; epicarp glabrous, densely verrucose-crustaceous; mesocarp transversely fibrous; endocarp hard, thick, shortly and sparsely hairy inside, breaking up ir- regularly at germination. Cotyledons large and strongly ruminate. Germination cryptocotylar, eophylls alternate. 666 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Distr. About 11 species in Southern India, Thailand, E. to Fiji and Samoa in the Pacific; in Malesia 5 species in the Malay Peninsula throughout Indonesia, and New Guinea. Vern. Merbatu, Malay = Malesian standard timber name for various genera. KEY TO THE SPECIES (including species of India and the Pacific) 1. Leaf apex rounded; primary veins 6—8 pairs. Fiji Lente sky tenets A. elliptica (KOSTERM.) KOSTERM. 1. Leaf apex acuminate or acute; primary veins usually more than 10 pairs. India, Malesia, or Pacific: Fiji, only A. racemosa. 2. Receptacle tube cylindrical and narrow. 3. Leaves broadly elliptic, 8—10 cm broad; rounded at base; apex shortly acuminate, the acumen 2—3 mm OG Se Fe DA AEN oe RSG E he Be Bel POEMS: De Sa ctrn s tide 27 Dee ee Le 1. A. latifrons 3. Leaves oblong, 2.5—6 cm broad; subcuneate to rounded at base; apex with long thin acumen 4—22 mm long. 4. Receptacle 8—13 mm long. Leaf apex long acuminate; base rounded.............. 2. A. nannodes 4. Receptacle 5S—7 mm long. Leaf apex short acuminate, the acumen 3—10 mm long; base cuneate 2. Receptacle tube funnel-shaped to campanulate. 3. A. penangiana 5. Leaves broadly ovate, thickly coriaceous, cordate at base, 4.5—12 cm long........... 4. A. cordata 5. Leaves usually elliptic, chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, usually rounded at base (if cordate then ex- ceeding 10 cm in length). 6. Fertile stamens 12—14. Inflorescence sericeous or sparsely pilose. [ndia. 7. Inflorescence sparsely pilose. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, with 8—10 pairs of primary veins. India A. indica (BEDD.) KOSTERM. 7. Inflorescence densely sericeous. Leaves lanceolate, with 12—16 pairs of primary veins. Jndia A. travancorica (BEDD.) KOSTERM. 6. Fertile stamens 15—20. Inflorescence tomentellous. Not in Jndia.................. 5. A. racemosa 1. Atuna latifrons (KOSTERM.) PRANCE & WHITE, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 320 (1987) 132. — Parinarium latifolium HEND. Gard. Bull. Str. Settl. 7 (1933) 102, nom. illeg., non latifolium ExELL. — Parinari latifrons KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 54. — Cyclandrophora latifolia (HEND.) PRANCE in Kosterm., Candollea 20 (1965) 121. — Atuna latifolia (HEND.) KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1969) 421. Small tree to 5 m tall, the young branches densely lanate-tomentellous becoming glabrous, obscurely lenticellate. Stipules lanceolate, to 11 mm long, acute, keeled, sparsely appressed pubescent. Leaves chartaceous, broadly elliptic, 11-13 by 8—10 cm, glabrous and shiny above, slightly bullate, glabrous beneath except for sparsely pilose venation, apex very shortly abrupt acuminate, the acumen 2—3 mm long, rounded at base with base contracted into petiole; midrib prominent on both surfaces, slightly pilose towards base above, pilose beneath; primary veins 12—14 pairs, prominulous inset in a groove’ above, prominent and pilose beneath, venation prominulous; petioles thick, 5-7 mm long, terete, densely brown lanate when young. /nflorescences of axillary little-branched panicles or spikes, to 5 cm long, densely brown sericeous; bracts and bracteoles to 15 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, densely seri- ceous on exterior, appressed puberulous within. Re- ceptacle tube narrowly cylindrical, 7-11 mm long, sericeous on exterior, sessile; calyx lobes lanceolate to oblong-ovate, 5-10 mm long, unequal, densely sericeous on exterior, tomentellous within. Petals obovate narrowed to base, 10—11 mm long. Stamens c. 20, inserted on faucal annulus 2 mm high with tooth-like staminodes opposite, the filaments 10—12 mm long. Ovary densely strigose. Style slender, gla- brous; stigma truncate. Fruit unknown. Distr. Known only from Malay Peninsula on Kedah-Perak border. Fig. 17. Fig. 17. Distribution of Atuna latifrons (KOSTERM.) PRANCE & WuiTtE (star) and A. cordata COCKBURN ex PRANCE (triangles). 1989] 2. Atuna nannodes (KOSTERM.) KOSTERM. Rein- wardtia 7 (1969) 422; PRANCE & WHIT. Tree FI. Malaya 2 (1973) 325. — Parinari nannodes KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 50, f. 4. — Cyclandrophora nannodes (KOSTERM.) KOSTERM. & PRANCE, Can- dollea 20 (1965) 122. Trees to 20 m, usually smaller, unbuttressed; the young branches sparsely appressed hirsutulous- strigose, soon glabrous, obscurely lenticellate. Stip- ules narrowly lanceolate, acute, 6—12 mm long, strigose to glabrous, subpersistent. Leaves thinly co- riaceous, oblong-lanceolate, 6.7—19 by 2.5—5.5 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, sometimes slightly bullate above, long slender acuminate at apex, the acumen 7-22 mm long, rounded at base; midrib promin- ulous above, prominent beneath; primary veins 10—12 pairs, arcuate, prominulous on both surfaces Or sometimes prominent beneath; petioles 2—4 mm long, glabrescent, eglandular, the lower part swollen, usually curved. /nflorescences axillary racemes 3—7 cm long, the rachis densely sericeous-tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, 3—7(—13) mm long, persistent, sericeous. Receptacle cylindrical, 8—13 mm long, densely sericeous on exterior, sessile; calyx lobes to 6 mm long, unequal, acute, sericeous on ex- terior. Petals white, spathulate to ovate, 8-12 mm long, narrowed to base. Stamens 18—20, black to purple, the filaments 10—15 mm long, slightly unilat- eral with tooth-like staminodes opposite. Style to 15 mm long, glabrous; stigma capitate. Ovary pilose. Fruit ellipsoid, 3—4 by 1.5 cm, slightly tapered to base, crustaceous verrucose on exterior; mesocarp 2—2.5 mm, fibrous, hard, endocarp thin. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Trengganu and Pahang southward), Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak). Fig. 18. Ecol. Well drained forests to 500 m altitude. Vern. Merbatu, Malay. Fig. 18. Distribution of Atuna nannodes (KOSTERM.) Kosterm. (triangles), A. penangiana (KOSTERM.) Kosterm. (dots). CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 667 3. Atuna penangiana (KOSTERM.) KOsTERM. Rein- wardtia 7 (1969) 422; PRANCE & WuitTM. Tree FI. Malaya 2 (1973) 326. — Cyclandrophora penangiana KOsTERM. & PRANCE, Candollea 20 (1965) 124. — Parinari asperula auct. non Miq.: KinG, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 281, p.p. Trees to 20 m tall, unbuttressed, the young branch- lets glabrescent, obscurely lenticellate. Stipules lan- ceolate, acute, to 7 mm long, glabrous, stiff, subper- sistent. Leaves thinly subcoriaceous, oblong to oblong lanceolate, 3.7—13 by 2—5.5 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, acuminate at apex, the acumen 3—10 mm, cuneate at base; midrib flattened prominulous above, prominent beneath; primary veins 10—13 pairs, arcuate, prominulous on both surfaces; pet- ioles 3—5 mm long, eglandular, glabrescent, smooth, not swollen or curved. Jnflorescences axillary ra- cemes 3—7 cm long, the rachis densely appressed pilose; bracts and bracteoles sericeous to 10 mm long, persistent. Receptacle cylindrical, 5-7 mm long, sericeous pubescent on exterior; calyx lobes acute, 4—5 mm long, slightly unequal. Stamens c. 20, the filaments to 8 mm long with tooth-like stami- nodes opposite. Sty/e to 10 mm long, stigma capitate. Ovary pilose. Fruit (immature) ellipsoid, epicarp crustaceous, verrucose. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Penang, Perak, Johore, Kelantan and Trengganu). Fig. 18. Ecol. Well drained forests to 500 m altitude. Vern. Membatu, Malay. Note. The two species Atuna nannodes and A. penangiana are hard to separate. The larger flowers of A. nannodes seem consistent and the species gen- erally has leaves with a much longer apex. These may be one variable species. 4. Atuna cordata COCKBURN ex PRANCE, Brittonia 39 (1987) 364. — Atuna cordata CocKBURN, Trees of Sabah 2 (1980) 82, nom. inval. Tree to 40 m tall, the trunk often with thick but- tresses; young branches glabrescent, inconspicuously lenticellate. Stipules to 1.7 cm long, very early cadu- cous. Leaves coriaceous, broadly ovate, 4.5—12 cm long, 3—9.5 cm wide, abruptly acuminate at apex, the acumen 1—3 mm long, cordate at base, glabrous and shiny above, glabrous beneath; midrib promin- ulous above, prominent beneath; primary veins 9—12 pairs, lightly prominulous above, prominulous and glabrous beneath; petioles 1—3 mm long, short and thick, glabrous. I/nflorescences of terminal and subterminal racemes 4—8 cm long, borne in single or more often in paired branches, densely tomentellous on exterior, puberulous within; bracts and bracteoles ovate, tomentellous, early caducous. Receptacle 5—7 mm long, conical to campanulate, tomentellous on exterior, sessile; calyx lobes slightly unequal, tomen- tellous on both surfaces. Petals c. 7 mm long, FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 668 . ) Fig. 19. Atuna racemosa RaFIN. ssp. excelsa (JACK) PRANCE. A. Habit; B. leaf undersurface; C. flower bud D. flower section; E. ovary section; F. base of stamens; G. petal; H. fruit(A—G Wuirmore 3542, H AGAMA 4222). 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 669 ybovate, glabrous. Stamens c. 10, inserted on one ide of ring, the filaments 10-12 mm long. Ovary lensely pilose. Style slender, hirsutulous on lower yortion. Fruit 6 cm long, 5 cm wide, ovoid; epicarp ‘rustaceous verrucose, mesocarp 5 mm thick, fi- yrous, hard, endocarp thin. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sabah). Fig. 17. Ecol. Hill forests on ultrabasic rock. ;. Atuna racemosa RaFin. Sylva Tellur. (1838) 153; MeERR. Index Rafin. (1949) 136; KosTERM. Reinward- ia 7 (1969) 422. — Fig. 19. For further synonyms, see under the subspecies. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES . Leaves 10—25(—35) cm long, usually elliptic, oblong or lanceolate but sometimes ovate, char- taceous or thickly coriaceous, the apex long finely acuminate, 6—25 mm long; petioles thick. Flowers 10—17 mm long. Medium to large trees often with MMAR Pe. Sie cies 8S a. ssp. racemosa . Leaves 4.5—12 cm long, usually ovate or oblong- Ovate, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, the apex bluntly acuminate, 3—10 mm long; petioles thin. Flowers 8—11 mm long. Large trees with cylin- CHE MONS BAP Bek ois Bese < o0% b. ssp. excelsa . ssp. racemosa. — Atunus alba RumpH. Herb. Amb. 1 (1741) 171, t. 66, non Atunus litorea RUMPH. derb. Amb. 3 (1743) 96, t. 63. — Cyclandrophora slaberrima Hassk. Flora 25 (2), Beibl. 1 (1842) 47; bid. 27 (1844) 583; Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 269. — Parinari glaberrimum (Hassk.) Hassk. Tijd. Nat. Ses. Phys. 10 (1843) 147; C.MUELL. in Walp., Rep. } (1845/46) 647; in Walp., Ann. 4(1857) 645; BLUME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 98; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. |, 1 (1855) 355; K. & V. Bijdr. (1900) 338, incl. var. anceolatum (TEuUsM. & Brinn.) K. & V., p.p. quoad pec. Java; Burk. Dict. (1935) 1696; BACKER & BAKH.f. Fl. Java 1 (1964) 522. — Parinarium sca- yrum Hassk. Tijd. Nat. Ges. Phys. 10 (1843) 147, 10men; Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 269, nomen; Flora 27 1844) 585; C.MUELL. in Walp., Rep. 5 (1845/46) 947; in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 645; BLume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 95, p.p.; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 1855) 354, t. 5; K. & V. Bijdr. 5 (1900) 337, p.p.; BACKER, Schoolfl. Java (1911) 445; Rip.ey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 669. — Parinarium lanceolatum TEusM. & Binn. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1854) 253, 255, nomen. — Parinarium amboinense TeusM. & BINN. /.c. 254, nomen. — Parinarium margarata A.GRaAyY, Bot. Wilkes U.S. Expl. Exped. 1 (1854) 489, t. 55; ©.MueLL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 646. — Parina- rium laurinum A.GRAY, Bot. Wilkes U.S. Expl. Ex- ped. 1 (1854) 490, t. 55; C.Muett. in Walp., Ann. 4 1857) 646; Mere. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 210; KANEHIRA, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 45 (1931) 282. — Petro- carya glaberrima (Hassk.) Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1879) 336. — Ferolia glaberrima (HassxK.) O. Ktze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. — Ferolia scabra (Hassk.) O. Krze, /.c. 216. — Petrocarya scabra (Hassk.) Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1897) 336. — Parinarium elatum KiNG, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 280; Rm.ey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 669. — Parina- rium hahlii Wars. Tropenpfl. 6 (1902) 370. — Pari- narium mindanaense PERK. Fragm. Fl. Philip. (1904) 119. — Parinarium curranii MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 4 (1909) Bot. 264. — Parinarium warburgii PERK. ex MERR. J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. n. 76 (1917) 82. — Cyclandrophora elata (KING) KosTERM. Candollea 20 (1965) 122. — Cyclandrophora scabra (HAssK.) KosterM. /.c. 126. — Cyclandrophora laurina (Gray) KosTeRM. /.c. 135. — A. elata (KING) KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1969) 421; PRANCE & Wuit. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 324. — Atuna scabra (HAssK.) KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1969) 422. Trees to 45 m tall, usually smaller, the bole often fluted, young branches glabrous or appressed strig- ose. Stipules lanceolate, stiff, to 20 mm long, acute, glabrous to strigose, subpersistent. Leaves usually chartaceous, more rarely stiffly coriaceous, broadly ovate, elliptic, oblong or even lanceolate, 10—25 (—35) by 3.5—11 cm, acuminate at apex, the acumen 6—25 mm long, rounded to subcordate at base, glabrous on both surfaces when mature, sometimes sparsely strigose beneath on lower portion when young; midrib prominent on both surfaces; primary veins 10—13 pairs, prominulous above, prominent beneath, straight or arcuate; the venation conspicu- ously papillose and often giving leaf a scabrous ap- pearance; petioles thick, 3—7 mm long, glabrous or pilose glabrescent. Jnflorescences of axillary racemes or little branched with up to 3 racemose branches on short main peduncle, 5-15 cm long, the rachis tomentellous to sericeous; bracts and bracteoles ovate, acute, to 8 mm long, caducous. Receptacle turbinate-campanulate, 5-10 mm long, tomentose to sericeous on exterior; pedicels 0.5—1 mm long, calyx lobes 4—7 mm long, ovate to ovate-oblong, densely tomentellous on both surfaces. Petals ovate- oblong, to 10 mm long, blue or white. Stamens 15-20, pale blue, to 15 mm long with tooth-like staminodes opposite. Ovary densely villous. Style equalling filaments, stigma small. Fruit ellipsoid to subglobose, to 7.5 cm diam.; epicarp crustaceous verrucose; mesocarp to 11 mm thick, endocarp thin, 1—3 mm, densely pilose within. Distr. A wide range from Thailand to the Pacific: Admiralty, Caroline, and Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa; in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Perak), Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei), Sulawesi, Philippines, Ambon, Ternate, Ceram, New Guinea, New Britain. Fig. 20. 670 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 10 | 6 J@) ® sR 2 NS id SL A Fie Mad “ Ae BS 0 aa *& a § ? 0 ; f Sip See oy me F os D> 1 ¥ S) : ia ©. oe . fet Sree > ae wa — . e 8 a al ae EOP ss pe Sel : ae pane a sedi ia $e ‘ Hs a : e Giro \ Ms % bat Fig. 20. Distribution of Atuna racemosa RAFIN. ssp. racemosa (dots) and ssp. excelsa (JACK) PRANC (triangles). Atuna racemosa ssp. racemosa also occurs in Tonga, Fiji, and Samoa outside the area shown } the map. Ecol. Usually occurring in well-drained lowland or hill forest, up to 600 m altitude, but also found on riverbanks, freshwater or brackish swamps and even in mangrove. Uses. The fruit (cotyledon) is grated and made into a putty for caulking canoes, widely used in Pacific islands. An oil is extracted from the seeds used variously in different areas, e.g. to scent coconut oil and for hairdressing. The leaves are used to thatch the outside walls of houses in Fiji. The wood is used locally for posts and poles, but is not of good quality. Vern. Jangong, membatu, Malay; kisokka, Jav.; Borneo: belibu, senumpol, Iban, kukut, Sarawak, merampangi, tatambu, Sabah, torog, Orang Sungei, K’tangan; Sulawesi: Jomo, Makassar; Philippines: aluma, Ceb., botabon, butabul, getabon, Tagb., botga, Bik., pantog-usa, Kuy., pinae, tabontaba, takoutaban, Bis., tabong, Bag., tabon-tabon, C. Bis., Bik., Mbo., samake, Bug.; New Guinea: asikua, asista, Saki, bata-bata, koewao, Kwerba, dela, Mooi, kan, Oriomo, low tukwa, lowtukwa, Manikiong, mangosowai, Japen; New Britain: /atita, tita; New Georgia: jij, tavai, tita, Uso; Caroline Is.: agaratim, ais, eis, eritem, grihing, Palau, adidi, Yap, Solomon Is.: do-omu, oso, saia, tij, Kwara’ae; Fiji: makita; Tonga: hea, seea; Samoa: ifi-ifi. Note. KosTERMANS included Cyclandrophoi glaberrima as a synonym of Atuna excelsa rath than where it is placed here. There seems little doul based on the original description and herbariu: material at Leiden bearing HASsKARL’s writing th: C. glaberrima is equal to Atuna racemosa ssp. rac mosa as defined here. The original description of ¢ glaberrima indicates leaves that are far too large fc ssp. excelsa. Atuna excelsa was distinguished t KOSTERMANS by its coriaceous leaves and short pe ioles. However, many sheets which he determined ; A. racemosa have equally short petioles and there much variation in leaf texture. Therefore it is n possible to maintain A. elata. Similarly the distin tion of A. scabra was the scabrous texture of tt leaves and their more lanceolate shape. Many colle tions of A. racemosa are equally scabrous (e.g. LA 52392 from New Guinea) and there is so much vari tion in leaf shape that it would be quite impossible 1 separate A. scabra on that feature. This was alreac placed under Parinari glaberrimum by BACKER an BAKHUIZEN VAN DEN BRINK (I/.c. 1964). b. ssp. excelsa (JACK) PRANCE, stat. nov. — Petroc rya excelsa JACK, Mal. Misc. 2 (7) (1822) 68 [rep Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. 1 (1836) 220; Calc. J. Na Hist. 4 (1843) 164]; WaLp. Rep. 2 (1843) 7. — Parin« 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 671 rium jackianum BENTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 335; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 356; C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 644; Hook. /. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 312. — Parinarium asperulum Mia. FI. Ind. Bat., Suppl. Sumatra (1860) 115, nomen; ibid. (1861) 307, descr.; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 310; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 281; K. & V. Bijdr. (1900) 337, p.p.; Riptey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 670. — Ferolia asperula (MiQ.) O. KtzeE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 (1891) 216. — Ferolia jackiana (BENTH.) O. KTZE, I.c. — Parinarium spicatum KiNG, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 279; Riptey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 669. — Parinarium maingayi Kinc, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 280; Riptey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 669. — Parinarium villamilii MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 308; Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 236. — Cyclandrophora villamilii (MERR.) PRANCE ex KosTERM. Candollea 20 (1965) 126. — Cyclan- drophora excelsa (JACK) KosTERM. /.c. 128. — Cyclandrophora asperula (Mi1Q.) PRANCE ex Kos- TERM. /.c. 130. — Atuna villamilii (MERR.) KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1969) 422. — Atuna excelsa (JACK) KosTerM. /.c. 422; PRANCE & WuiT. Tree FI. Malaya 2 (1973) 324. — Fig. 19. Tree to 45 m tall, the trunk buttressed up to 2 m, not fluted, the young branches sparsely strigose, glabrescent, obscurely lenticellate. Stipules lanceo- late, 8—15 mm long, acute, sparsely strigose, subper- sistent. Leaves rigidly chartaceous to coriaceous, ovate to oblong-ovate or less frequently oblong, 4.5—12 by 2—5 cm, acuminate at apex, the acumen 3—10 mm long, subcordate, rounded or subcuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib prominent on both surfaces; primary veins 9—13 pairs, arcuate, prominulous above, prominent beneath, the vena- tion papillose giving a beaded appearance; petioles slender, 3—6 mm long, puberulous, glabrescent or glabrous. Inflorescences of axillary racemes to 7.5 cm long, or little branched with 2 or more racemose branches on short main peduncle, the rachis and branches densely short sericeous; bracts and brac- teoles oblong, c. 3 mm long, persistent. Receptacle turbinate-campanulate, 4—7 long, sericeous on ex- terior; calyx lobes ovate, equal, to 4 mm, sericeous on exterior, tomentellous within. Petals white to bluish white, oblong, to 5 mm long, caducous. Sta- mens 13-18, to 8 mm long with tooth-like stamin- odes opposite. Ovary pilose. Style glabrous, equal- ling filaments, glabrous above, stigma small. Fruit subglobose to slightly pyriform, 5—7 cm diam. or 5—7 by 3.5—4.5 cm; epicarp crustaceous, verrucose; mesocarp fibrous, 5—8 mm thick, endocarp thin, densely pilose within. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kedah and Trengganu southward), Sumatra, Java, Borneo, N. Sulawesi. Fig. 20. Ecol. Lowland forests on well drained soils ex- tending to 750 m altitude on ridges and hillsides. Vern. Malay Peninsula: kKemalau ulat, merbatu; Sumatra: kemiling utan, klappa soepai, pelec kamb- ing, salak; Borneo: membatu, Sabah, mahadiu, Ban- djar, temalang. Notes. KOosTERMANS is probably correct in inter- preting Petrocarya excelsa Jack as the species described here. The original description is quite detailed and fits this taxon better than any other Atuna. KOSTERMANS treated these two subspecies as separate species. They were differentiated by small characteristics of leaf shape, the acumen and the base. While there do seem to be two elements involv- ed in this complex, there is a complete graduation of any single character such as leaf length, apex length, petiole thickness, leaf shape or flower size. Ssp. ex- celsa is much commoner in Sundaland and ssp. racemosa in the Sahul shelf and Pacific islands, but the two subspecies have considerable geographical overlap with ssp. racemosa occurring sporadically on the Malay Peninsula. Since all characters merge and are only weakly correlated, these two species are reduced to subspecies, a rank more in accord with their variational and geographical patterns. 7. MARANTHES BiumE, Bijdr. (1825) 89; Kostrerm. Candollea 20 (1965) 196; PRANCE, Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 40 (1966) 183; Brittonia 20 (1968) 203; Fl. Neotrop. 9 (1972) 201; PRANCE & WuirTo. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 329; Wuire, Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 46 (1976) 294; Distr. Pl. Afr. 10 (1976) 313; Fl. Zamb. 4 (1978) 41; Letouzey & Wuire, Fl. Cameroun 20, Fl. Gab. 24 (1978) 29. — Exitelia BLUME, Fl. Jav. 1, Praef. (1828) vii, nom. illeg. — Grymania Pres, Epim. Bot. (1851) 193, p.p. quoad G. salicifolia tantum. — Parinari sect. Sarcostegia BENTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 335, excl. P. jackiana (Petrocarya excelsa). — Parinari subg. Sarcostegia (BENTH.) Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 355, excl. P. jackiana; 672 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 10° Fig. 21. Maranthes corymbosa BiuME. A. Habit; B. leaf base and glands; C. flower and bud; D. flower se tion; E. petal; F. anthers; G. ovary section; H. fruit (A—G Suuit 19, H SINcLAIR 10687). 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 673 HauMaN, Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 21 (1951) 185. — Parinari subg. Exitelia BLUME, Mélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; Hassx. Flora 16 (1858) 255. — Parinari sect. Exitelia (BLUME) C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 645. — Fig. 21. Medium-sized to large trees. Stipules deltate, intrapetiolar, stiff, caducous. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces when mature (or lanate in African species), with dense caducous cobweb-like indumentum when young, without stomatal crypts; with paired glands at junction of lamina and petiole. Petioles eglandular. Inflorescence a many-flowered corymbose panicle. Bracts and bracteoles eglan- dular, caducous, not enclosing flower buds in small groups. Flowers herma- phrodite. Receptacle obconical, narrowed into pedicel, solid, almost completely filled with nectariferous tissue, short tomentose to glabrous on exterior, gla- brous within, calyx lobes suborbicular, deeply concave, unequal. Petals 5, not clawed. Stamens 25—40, inserted on margin of disk, unilateral with tooth-like staminodes opposite to almost in a complete circle; filaments far exserted beyond calyx lobes, in a tangled mass. Ovary inserted laterally at mouth of receptacle; carpel bilocular with 1 ovule in each loculus. Style pubescent at base only, curved upwards, exserted. Fruit a large fleshy drupe; epicarp smooth, glabrous, not lenticellate; mesocarp fleshy; endocarp very hard, fibrous with a rough exterior, densely tomentose within, with 2 lateral plates which break away on germination. Germination phanerocotylar. Cotyledons fleshy, pale green; cataphylls absent; first 2 eophylls opposite, the others alternate or opposite. Distr. In tropical Africa 10 species, one native to Central America and one widespread species in Malesia, NE. Australia and W. Pacific. 1. Maranthes corymbosa BLiumeE, Bijdr. (1825) 89; KostermM. Candollea 20 (1965) 107; PRANCE & Wurm. Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 330, excl. syn. Couepia panamensis. — Exitelia corymbosa (BLUME) BiumE, Fl. Java 1, Praef. (1828) vii. — Maranthes multiflora KortH. Verh. Nat. Ges. Ned. Overz. Bezitt., Bot. (1839/42) 259; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3 (1855) 281; Tevsm. & Brinn. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1866) 253. — Exitelia multiflora (KORTH.) WALP. Rep. 5 (1845/46) 115; Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1879) 336, sub Exiteles. — Parinarium griffithianum BenTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 334; Fl. Austr. 2 (1864) 426; Warp. Ann. 2 (1851/52) 463; BLUME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 98; Mélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 356; ibid. (1858) 1084; Hook. /. FI. Brit. India 2 (1878) 310; Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1879) 336; VIDAL, Sinopsis Atlas (1883) 25; MamnGcay, Kew Bull. (1890) 122; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 283; BaILey, Queensl. Fl. 2 (1900) 524; K. & V. Bijdr. 5 (1900) 334; K.Scn. & Laut. Fl. Deut. Schutzgeb. Stidsee (1901) 341; Perk. Fragm. FI. Philip. (1904) 118; BRaNnpis, Indian Trees (1906) 278; Foxw. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 386; Backer, Schoolfl. Java (1911) 446; Riper, Fl. Mal. Pen. | (1922) 670; Disp. (1930) 400; Cras, Fl. Siam. Enum. 1 (1931) 563. — Grymania salicifolia Prest, Epim. Bot. (1849) 193; WaALp. Ann. 3 (1853) 854. — Parinarium griffithianum BenTH. in Hook., Niger Fl. (1849) 334; Fl. Austr. 2 (1864) 426; Wap. Ann. 2 (1851/52) 463; BLUME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 98; Mélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 356; ibid. (1858) 1084; Hook. /. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1878) 310; Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1879) 336; VIDAL, Sinopsis Atlas (1883) 25; MamnGay, Kew Bull. (1890) 122; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 283; BAILEY, Queensl. Fl. 2 (1900) 524; K. & V. Bijdr. 5 (1900) 334; K.Scu. & Laut. Fl. Deut. Schutzgeb. Stidsee (1901) 341; Perk. Fragm. FI. Philip. (1904) 118; BRANDIs, Indian Trees (1906) 278; Foxw. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 386; BAckeEr, Schoolfl. Java (1911) 446; Ripey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 670; Disp. (1930) 400; Cras, Fl. Siam. Enum. | (1931) 563. — Parinarium maranthes BLuME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 99; Mélang. Bot. 2 (1855) 10. — Parinarium corym- bosum (BLuMeE) Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 356; ibid. (1858) 1084; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3 (1867) 237; Wap. Ann. 4 (1857) 645; Vipat, Cat. PI. Len. Silv. Cult. Manila (1880) 29; Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 309; Spec. Blanc. (1918) 162; 674 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Enum. Born. (1921) 290; Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 235; Cramp, Fl. Siam. Enum. 1 (1931) 563; Burk. Dict. (1935) 1695; CoRNER, Wayside Trees (1940) 527; BACKER & Baku. /. Fl. Java 1 (1964) 522. — Parinarium multiflorum (KortTH.) Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 356; ibid. (1858) 1084; Suppl. Sumatra (1860) 115; ibid. (1861) 307; C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 646. — Parinarium salicifolium (PRESL) Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 357; C.MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 4 (1857) 646. — Maranthes speciosa KortTH. ex Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1855) 357. — Chrysobalanus ciliatus KortH. ex Mia. /.c. 357. — Petrocarya griffithiana (BENTH.) Miers, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17 (1879) 336. — Parinarium racemosum ViwAL, Cat. Pl. Len. Silv. Cult. Manila (1880) 29. — Ferolia griffithiana (BENTH.) O. KTzE, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 (1891) 216. — Ferolia corymbosa (BLUME) O. KTZE, l.c. 216. — Ferolia salicifolia (PRESL) O. KTzE, lI.c. 216. — Parinarium nitidum auct. non BENTH.: Koorp. Meded. Lands Planten Tuin Btzg 19 (1898) 448. — Polyalthia pulchrinervia BorR.. Cat. PI. Hort. Bog. (1899) 20; Icon. Bog. 1 (1899) 106. — Parinarium palauense KANEHIRA, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 45 (1931) 282; Fl. Micrones. (1933) 129; J. Dept. Agr. Kyushu Imp. Univ. Fukuoka 4 (1934) 325. — Fig. 21. Small to large tree up to 40 m, sometimes flower- ing when only a few metres high, trunk not but- AN Fig. 22. Distribution of Maranthes corymbosa BLUME. tressed or slightly enlarged at base. Stipules intrapet- iolar, lanceolate, acute, 5-10 mm long, sparsely pilose on exterior, glabrous within, early deciduous. Leaves coriaceous, usually oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, 6.5-—14 by 2.5—8 cm, acuminate at apex, the acumen 8—20(—30) mm long, cuneate at base, glabrous when mature but often sparsely cadu- cous arachnoid-lanate when young, usually with 2 conspicuous prominent glands at junction of petiole and decurrent lower surface; primary veins 7—10 pairs, arcuate, prominulous on both surfaces; midrib plane above, prominulous beneath; petioles 4-9 mm long, glabrous when mature, flattened above. Jn- florescences of flattened many-flowered corymbose panicles, rachis and branches sparsely pilose, glabrescent. Bracts and bracteoles ovate to lanceo- late, sparsely pubescent, caducous. Receptacle tur- binate, tapering into pedicels 2—4 mm long, grey tomentose to glabrous on exterior, glabrous within, calyx lobes fleshy, ovate to elliptic, obtuse, 2.5—4 mm long, unequal. Petals white tinged pink, gla- brous, 3—6 mm long, caducous. Stamens 25-35 in- serted in several rows on one side of throat, with tooth-like staminodes opposite. Ovary bilocular, densely lanate and villous. Style glabrous except at base; stigma truncate. Fruit ellipsoid, 3—4 mm long, 1.5—2 cm broad, tapered towards base; epicarp thin, glabrous on exterior when mature, sometimes lanate 1989] when young; endocarp hard, 5 mm thick, rough on exterior; densely lanate within; bilocular usually with seed in one locule only. Cotyledons plane-convex. Distr. S. Thailand extending east to Solomon and Caroline Islands and Australia (Queensland, Northern Territory); in Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi, Philippines, Moluccas, New Guinea, New Britain and Admiralty Islands. Fig. 22. Ecol. Common in coastal areas on rocky and sandy hills and extremely inland up to 600 m altitude. Also in gallery forest and in Australia on sand dunes behind mangrove swamp. In Kalimantan the fruit is eaten by many bird species, including hornbills and fruit pigeons, which probably disperse the seed. The seed is also scatter-hoarded by the squirrel Sun- dasciurus hippurus. African species of Maranthes are bat-pollinated. Uses. Wood used for house-building and for posts. Fruit edible. Vern. Thailand: chi-kat-pen, chi-ot-pen, Korat; Malay Peninsula: chana, lejin, merbatu, m. layang, mujagon, sau hutan, sunko rimau; Sumatra: damor lilis, kajie batu, kaju batu, Banka, kalek kureseng, k. parada; Java: gesing, kituwat, solo, sulo, triwulan, wuloh, Jav., taritik, t. monjet, Sund.; Borneo: bang- CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 675 kawang, bonsissian, Malay; bansisian, Sabah, Tengara; nyalin laat, Sarawak; buenza, kajebabu, kajoe kambang, kambang, potang, Kalimantan; Sulawesi: kolaka; Tidore: latan, Aru Is.; Philip- pines: almag, delebaybai, kaphangan, kolaka, kola- sa, kulingan, malapiga, malapuyan, sampinit, tak- dangan, Tag., aningat, binggas, caratacat, kagemkena, karatakat, \\k., arangan, Tagb., daka- yau, Pang., bakoyan, tapas, P.Bis., bongog, dau, mata-mata, sarangun, S.-L.Bis., dumaga, Kuy., ka- gangan, kalakangon, ogat, Bag., kamuli tingan, Pamp., /ank angan, Lan., langog, Buk., /umaluas, sigaadan, Mag., maluktik, Sul., salipungan, salutui, Neg., bareraga, barit, Bik., C.Bis., /aiusin, Bik., S.C.Bis., liusin, Sbl., Tag., Bik., sabongkaag, II\k., Ting., tadiang manok, Ting., Tag.; New Guinea: badigal, Wagu, djuramun, Kemtuk, jambuan, Kaigorin, kKaupen, Jal, kKawol, kowot, Muyu, kwanu, Maprik, /akan, luikoko, Bush Mekeo, marigag, Sinai, mehlue, Bembi, morolee, mun, Dagu, naas, ningua, njali, Nemo, njiwa, niwa, Sidei, paguh, Timbunke, phu, Wasuk, watu, Karopa; Solomon Is.: asikisiki, giza, mon warlu, morigag, now-wa-ru, santalan; Bougainville: mon-warku, Kugumaru, marigai, Siwai, Bouin; Palau Is.: apgau. 8. KOSTERMANTHUS PRANCE [Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 327, unpublished], Brittonia 31 (1979) 91; PRANCE & WHITE, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 320 (1988) 149, f. 40, 41. — Parinari auct. non AUBL.: quoad P. heteropetala SCORTECH. ex KING et P. myriandra MERR., tantum. — Acioa auct. non AUBL.: KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 9. — Fig. 23. Large trees, ultimate shoots not divaricate. Stipules to 7 mm long, foliaceous, persistent, lanceolate to ovate. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces with minute papillae on veins giving a beaded appearance. Petioles eglandular. /nflorescence an unbranched or little-branched terminal or axillary raceme with shortly stalked congested cymules proximally and singly inserted flowers distally. Bracts and bracteoles small, suborbicular, persistent, eglandular, not enclosing groups of flower buds. Flowers hermaphrodite, strongly zygomorphic. Recep- tacle broadly obconic-campanulate, shorter than calyx lobes, asymmetric, hollow, hairy on both surfaces, but throat not blocked by retrorse hairs; calyx lobes 5, markedly unequal, suborbicular to lingulate, strongly imbricate. Petals 5, unequal in size and shape, the 2 posterior larger than the others, markedly ungulate and enclosing stamens in bud. Stamens 8—30, inserted unilaterally on margin of disk; filaments united for half to three quarters of length into a strap; staminodes 5—8, inserted opposite stamens. Ovary inserted laterally at mouth of receptacle; unilocular with 2 ovules. Fruit large, hard; epicarp glabrous, 676 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 T ) CAR We N teropetalus (SCORTECH. ex KiNG) PRANCE. A. Habit; B. flower section; C & D Fig. 23. Kostermanthus he uit; G. ovary section (A—E, G Ocata KEP 105153, F MEWER SAN 34279). petals; E. stamen; F. fr 1989] CHRYSOBALANACEAE (Prance) 677 crustaceous-verrucose; endocarp hard, thick, glabrous within, breaking ir- regularly on germination. Cotyledons slightly ruminate. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Philippines (Mindanao); 2 species. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Leaves coriaceous; petioles 6—12 mm long; calyx tube 2—3 mm long, broadly campanulate 1. K. heteropetalus 1. Leaves chartaceous; petioles 2-3 mm long; calyx tube 5 mm long, slender........... 2. K. malayanus 1. Kostermanthus heteropetalus (SCORTECH. ex KiNG) PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 91; PRANcE & WuirteE, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 320 (1988) 152 — Parinarium heteropetalum ScoRTECH. ex KING, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 283; RipLey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 670; NAYARANASWAMI, J. As. Soc. Beng. n.s. 27 (1931) 368. — Parinarium kunstleri KiNG, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (1897) 282; RmpLey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 670. — Parinarium myriandrum MERR. Univ. Cal. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 93. — Acioa hetero- petala (SCORTECH, ex KING) KosTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 11. — Fig. 23. Tree to 35 m tall, older trees buttressed to 1 m up trunk; young branches glabrous, lenticellate. Stip- ules 6—7 mm long, partly intrapetiolar, carinate, ovate, foliaceous, acute to acuminate, persistent to subpersistent. Leaves coriaceous, usually elliptic- subovate to rarely lanceolate, 5—20 by 2.5—6 cm, bluntly acuminate at apex, cuneate to rounded at base, glabrous on both surfaces, minutely papillose on venation of both surfaces giving a bead-like ap- pearance; midrib prominulous above, prominent beneath; primary veins 6—10 pairs, arcuate, slender, prominent beneath; petioles 6—12 mm long, some- times lightly alate from decurrent leaf margins, slightly flattened above, eglandular. /nflorescences little-branched, to 10 cm long, the rachis and branch- es lightly tomentellous; bracts and bracteoles ovate, acute, to 3 mm long, caducous. Receptacle broadly campanulate, 2—3 mm long, tomentose on both sur- faces; calyx lobes fleshy, unequal, acute, to 7 mm long, pilose on both surfaces, reflexed in open flow- ers. Petals white tinged pink, fleshy, ellliptic, con- cave, largest up to 15 mm long, tomentellous on ex- terior, enveloping staminal ligule, the others much smaller to 6 mm long. Stamens 25—30 united into a unilateral ligule for 2/3 length, to 12 mm long, glabrous; anthers pubescent. Ovary densely pilose. Style densely appressed pilose, stigma truncate. Fruit ovoid, unilocular 4 by 3 cm; epicarp glabrous, crus- taceous; endocarp hard, thick. Cotyledons slightly ruminate, 1.5 by 3 cm. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Philippines (Mindanao). Fig. 24. Ecol. From sea level up to 500 m altitude. pares ae ee sie | \ § ~ i L 2 ne _e . ~ \ =f [ = ‘ i, ee eRe \ one . ) t a os “ (— S oc NM aa * — é » Yetar 7 wt ae = XY aig . ri < : : CJ op aoe eet geal Sosa SD ed . 00 ° 120 Fig. 24. Distribution of Kostermanthus heterope- talus (SCORTECH. ex KING) PRANCE (dots) and K. malayanus (KOSTERM.) PRANCE (star). 2. Kostermanthus malayanus (KOSTERM.) PRANCE, Brittonia 31 (1979) 94; Prance & Wuirte, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 320 (1988) 152. — Acioa ma- layana KosTEeRM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 13. Small tree to 10 m; young branches glabrous, len- ticellate. Stipules lanceolate, acute, glabrous, sub- persistent, c. 5 mm long. Leaves chartaceous, ellip- tic, 14—20 by 6.5—8.5 cm, acuminate at apex, the acumen 4—10 mm long, cuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib slightly prominulous to plane above, prominent beneath, with a pair of round glands at base; primary veins 10—13 pairs, pro- minulous above, prominent beneath; petioles 2—3 mm long, glabrous, slightly alate with decurrent leaf margins. /nflorescence of subterminal racemes or lit- tle branched, the rachis brown pilose pubescent; bracts and bracteoles ovate, acute, to 3 mm long, caducous. Receptacle slender cylindrical, 5 mm long, sessile tomentose on exterior, densely tomentose within; calyx lobes ovate, acute, 4—5 mm long, densely tomentose on exterior, glabrous within ex- cept at apex. Petals spathulate, 6 mm long, clawed. Stamens 8—10, united into a unilateral ligule for half of length. Ovary densely pilose. Style pilose for most of length. Fruit unknown. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Penang). Known only from the type collection. 678 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 eS Insufficiently known Acioa percoriacea KOSTERM. Reinwardtia 7 (1965) 14. This species was described from a single sterile collection from the Malay Peninsula, and distinguished from Kostermanthus heteropetalus PRANCE by its pubescent branches and caducous pubescent leaf undersurfaces. It is impossible to evaluate until further material is collected, but almost certainly belongs within K. heteropetalus. SABIACEAE (C.F. van Beusekom & Th.P.M. van de Water, Leiden)’ Trees, scandent shrubs or woody climbers. Leaves alternate or spirally ar- ranged, penninerved, simple or imparipinnate, the leaflets in the latter case op- posite on often somewhat swollen nodes of the rachis; exstipulate. Flowers small, bisexual, rarely polygamo-dioecious, in terminal or axillary racemose panicles, or cymose: paniculately arranged cymes, or these reduced to solitary axillary flowers. Sepals (3—)5, imbricate, free or + connate at the base, equal or unequal. Petals (4—)5, mostly opposite the sepals (rarely alternate: Ophiocaryon spp., South America). Stamens (including staminodes) 5, opposite the petals, all polliniferous (Sabia) or only 2 inner ones opposite the reduced petals polliniferous and the other 3 staminodial. Disk small, annular, surround- ing the base of the ovary. Ovary of 2(—3) carpels united to form a compound superior ovary, carpels very rarely free in the apical part, in that case tapering to 3 short styles with a capitate stigma; otherwise normally a short, cylindric or conical style; cells 2(—3), each with 1 or 2 pendulous or horizontal, axile hemi- tropous, unitegmic, crassinucellar ovules. Fruit either 1-celled or 2-coccous, drupaceous or dry, indehiscent; endocarp often wrinkled. Endosperm scanty or wanting. Embryo with a curved radicle and 2 folded or coiled cotyledons. Distribution. Three genera: Sabia Indo-Malesian, from the S. Deccan and Kashmir to S. Japan, throughout Malesia as far as the Solomons; Meliosma with a similar range but also occur- ring in tropical America; Ophiocaryon in the Neotropics. The family is absent in Australia and Africa. Fossils of both Malesian genera are found onwards of the Oligocene and Eocene in Asia and Europe. See under the genera. Ecology. Tropical forests, mostly below 2000 m altitude. Taxonomy & Delimitation. There is no concensus of opinion on the affinity, hence the systematic position of Sabiaceae. Some even doubt whether Sabia and Meliosma are correctly placed in one family. After the description of Sabia by COLEBROOKE (1818), BLUME (1851) accommodated it in a new monogeneric family, Sabiaceae, suggesting its affinity with Menispermaceae. Shortly afterwards Miers (see LINDLEY, 1853), while working on Menispermaceae, placed Sabia between that family and Lardizabalaceae. HooKER f. & THOMSON (1855) considered the genus intermediate between Menispermaceae and Schisandraceae. The scandent habit and the resemblance of the drupelets of Sabia with those of Menispermaceae undoubtedly were a major argument for supposed affinity. Subsequently BENTHAM & Hooker (1862) extended the then monogeneric family Sabiaceae to include Meliosmaceae ENpDL., adding the genera Meliosma BLuME and Ophiocaryon SCHOMB.; both are trees, the first Asian-American, the latter tropical American. They removed the family in its new concept from the Menispermaceous affinity and accommodated Sabiaceae near Sapin- daceae and Anacardiaceae. This position has been stable for a century and was adhered to by many leading botanists: WARBURG (1895), VON WETTSTEIN (1911), HUTCHINSON (1926, 1973), MeELcuior (1964), TAKHTAJAN (1969), DAHLGREN (1975, 1983), and THORNE (1976, 1983). Some of these authors showed some doubt about the position and some made suggestions, e.g. WAR- BURG (/.c. 370), who believed one could possibly derive the flower of Meliosma from the Meni- (1) Accommodated from the monographs of both authors in Blumea volumes 19 and 26, and provided with an introduction. (679) 680 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 spermaceous scheme and mentioned that RADLKOFER was not in favour of an affinity with Sapin- daceae or Anacardiaceae. In recent years there is a tendency to return to BLUME’s opinion towards affinity with Menisper- maceae. Pollen morphology (ERDTMAN, 1952) and embryology (MAURITZON, 1936) have been in- terpreted in favour of a relationship with Menispermaceae. Airy SHAW (1973) remarked that the opposition of calyx, corolla and stamens is a most unusual feature, but can probably be derived from the Menispermaceous type of flower. In his recent classification CRONQUIST (1981) tentative- ly placed Sabiaceae near Menispermaceae in the Ranunculales. Also FORMAN, in his treatment of the Menispermaceae (Fl. Males. I, 107, 1986, 157—253), shares this opinion. Another matter is whether Sabia and Meliosma/Ophiocaryon should be accommodated in one family; hitherto they are represented by two tribes in Sabiaceae (WARBURG, 1890), differing in habit (climbers versus trees), the leaves, and in the androecium. Moreover, CRONQUIST (1981) mentioned in his discussion that, according to WOLFE, the leaf venation of Sabia is highly com- patible with a position near Menispermaceae, but that of Meliosma more similar with some members of the Rosidae. There may be more arguments to accommodate Meliosma in a separate family Meliosmaceae ENDL., apart from Sabiaceae sensu stricto. This opinion was held by Ary SHAW (1973). References: Airy SHAW in Willis, Dict. ed. 8 (1973) 1017; BENTHAM & Hooker, Genera Plan- tarum | (1862) 413; BLume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) 369; CrongquisT, An integrated system of classification of flowering plants (1981) 140; DAHLGREN, Bot. Notis. 128 (1975) 126; Nordic J. Bot. 3 (1983) 144; ErptMan, Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy (1952) 380; Hooker /. & THomsoNn, Flora Indica 1 (1855) 208; HuTcHINsoN, Families of flowering plants 1 (1926) 254; ed. 3 (1973) 449; LinpLey, Vegetable kingdom ed. 3 (1853) 467; MauriTzon, Acta Hort. Goth. 11 (1936) 18; MeLcutor, Engler’s Syllabus 2 (1964) 285; TAKHTAJAN, Flowering plants: origin and dispersal (1969) 226; THORNE, Evol. Biol. 9 (1976) 61; Nordic J. Bot. 3 (1983) 106; Wars. inE. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 5 (1895) 367; WETTSTEIN, Handb. Syst. Bot. ed. 2 (1911) 633. Vegetative Anatomy. — Leaf anatomy. Hairs unicellular in Sabia; uniseriate nonglandular and capitate glandular in Meliosma. Stomata confined to the lower leaf surface, anomocytic or paracytic. Mesophyll dorsiventral, with arm palisade cells in Meliosma. Veins embedded in mesophyll and sheathed by sclerenchyma. Petiole in distal end with a closed vascular cylinder. Crystalliferous cells containing clusters common near the veins. Young stems. Cork superficial. Cortex with stone cells in some species of Meliosma. Pericyclic sclerenchyma forming a composite, closed ring in Sabia, and composed of isolated fibre groups in Meliosma. Phloem with broad lignified rays in Sabia, and with non-lignified, dilatating (tri- angular) rays in Meliosma. Vessels with mixed simple and scalariform perforations in first formed xylem. Cluster crystals common in cortex, phloem, and pith. Secretory cells with unidentified con- tents noted in parenchyma of several Meliosma species. Wood anatomy. Vessels exclusively solitary in Sabia, solitary and in radial multiples or small clusters in Meliosma; vessel perforations typically simple in Sabia; mixed simple and scalariform or exclusively scalariform to reticulate in Meliosma. Intervessel pits alternate. Vessel—ray and vessel—parenchyma pits simple, and often large. Fibres, usually thin-walled, with minutely bordered to simple pits, and mainly confined to the radial walls in Meliosma (libriform fibres); with distinctly bordered pits common in both the radial and tangential walls in Sabia; occasionally septate. Parenchyma scanty paratracheal to vasicentric with occasional lateral extensions in Meliosma, very sparse to almost absent in Sabia, usually in 8-celled strands. Rays sometimes of two different sizes, the broad ones 4—8(—15) cells wide in Meliosma, up to 20 cells wide in Sabia, usually over 2 mm high, heterogeneous (Kribs type II), often with sheath cells. Taxonomic note based on vegetative anatomy. The above description is mainly based on early studies of a very limited number of species, so that the information is far too limited to serve in the discussion of infrageneric classification and delimitation. The two genera are anatomically quite distinct in their leaf and wood anatomy. Partly this is related to general anatomical dif- 1989] SABIACEAE (van Beusekom & van de Water) 681 ferences between climbers (Sabia) and erect shrubs or trees (Meliosma). Thus, the anatomical evidence can be interpreted both in favour of the separation of Meliosma and Sabia into two families, or alternatively to retain their tribal position in the same family. Anatomically Sabia is quite distinct from the Menispermaceae to which it has been compared (see above, under tax- onomy); affinity of Meliosma and Sabia with families of the Sapindales, especially Anacardiaceae seem to find more support in vegetative anatomy. References: CARLQUIST, Aliso 11 (1985) 139—157; DEscu, Manual of Malayan Timbers 2 (1954) 522—523; METCALFE & CHALK, Anatomy of the Dicotyledons 1 (1950) 448—452; MoLLt & JANSSONIUS, Mikrographie des Holzes 2 (1922) 424—437; SoLEREDER, Systematische Anatomie der Dicotyledonen (1899) 276—278; & Erganzungsband (1908) 108—109. — P. BAas. Palynology. Pollen grains in Sabiaceae are prolate spheroidal to prolate. Size ranges from 20 to 33 um. The apertural system is always tricolporate. Ectoapertures are long colpi, endoaper- tures are lalongate pori or short colpi. The shape of the endoapertures is oblong to elliptic, sometimes approximately rectangular or meridionally constricted. Exine stratification is easily to observe in the light microscope. Each layer is about uniformly thick throughout. The tectum is equally thick or up to twice as thick as the nexine. It is mostly more than twice as thick as the columellate layer. Total exine thickness is 1—2.5 um. The ornamentation is usually finely to coarsely reticulate; sometimes it is finely or indistinctly perforate. Meliosma and Sabia show only little infrageneric variation. Moreover, the ranges in both genera are rather similar. Only minor differences exist: Sabia mostly has a thinner exine with a finer reticulate ornamentation than Meliosma. Pollen morphology does not support accom- modating the genera in separate families (MONDAL & MiTRA, 1982). As taxonomists, pollen morphologists are ambiguous with respect to the position of the Sabiaceae. ERDTMAN (1952) reported pollen similar to that of Sabiaceae to occur in several other families. However, he actually mentioned only the Menispermaceae. Pollen of Anacardiaceae and Sapindaceae was considered less similar or different. According to MONDAL & MITRA (i.c.) Sabiaceae pollen differs from that of Aceraceae, Hippocastanaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Melian- thaceae, Menispermaceae, Sapindaceae, and Schizandraceae. On the basis of grain shape and size, P/E ratio, exine structure and aperture characters they suggested to classify the Sabiaceae nearest to the Anacardiaceae. It must be stressed, however, that it is extremely difficult to infer relationships from resemblances between rather simple pollen types. Obviously unrelated taxa may show very similar pollen, whereas closely related taxa sometimes have completely different pollen. References: ERDTMAN, Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy, Angiosperms (1952) 390; MonpaL & Mitra, Geophytology 12 (1982) 166—180. — R.W.J.M. VAN DER Ham. Phytochemistry. The only observations worth to be reported here are the presence of pen- tacyclic triterpenoids of the oleanene series and the absence of starch in seeds. The 3-acetates of oleanolic acid and oleanolic aldehyde were isolated from bark of Meliosma simplicifolia. Seeds of Meliosma myriantha Stes. & Zucc. (continental SE. Asia) were reported to give positive reac- tions for alkaloids and to contain 8% of protein and 10% of fatty oil but no starch. References: Desai c.s., Indian J. Chem. 15B (1977) 291; HEGNAUER, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen 6 (1973) 240. — R. HEGNAUER. Note. Though the genera are extremely clearly defined, specific delimitation has in both genera been difficult, as it seems that racial segregation is common in both. VAN DE WATER has in Sabia employed a finer specific distinction than VAN BEUSEKOM did in Meliosma. KEY TO THE GENERA 1. Climbers or scandent shrubs. Flowers with 5 equal, fertile stamens, in usually rather few-flowered thyrses or cymes, sometimes reduced to a single axillary flower. Leaves simple, entire or subentire, alternate 1. Sabia 682 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 1. Trees. Flowers in usually large, racemose, terminal or axillary panicles. Fertile stamens only 2, the other 3 abortive and reduced to scales or nectary-like bodies. Leaves uneven pinnate, leaflets opposite on + nod- ed rachis, rarely simple, entire or toothed, spirally arranged ..........---00+++eeee sees 2. Meliosma 1. SABIA COLEBROOKE, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 12 (1818) 355, t. 14; WALL. in Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2 (1824) 308; BLume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) 368; Wars. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 5 (1895) 367, f. 183A, 184A—H; CuEn, Sargentia 3 (1943) 1; VAN DE WaTER, Blumea 26 (1980) 1. — Meniscosta BLUME, Bijdr. (1825) 28; Dietr. Syn. Pl. 2 (1840) 923 (‘Menicosta’). — Fig. 2-4. Evergreen or deciduous, woody climbers or more or less scandent shrubs (rarely recorded as small trees). Twigs terete, striate (see note), with + promi- nent leaf cushions, unarmed, mainly in deciduous species with some cataphylls at their base, spirally arranged. Buds either + globular and obtuse to rounded, or ovoid and acute; scales glabrous to pubescent, ciliolate or not, persistent at the base of the twigs. Leaves simple, ovate or elliptic to lanceolate, 2—25 by 1—10 cm, herbaceous to coriaceous, petioled, entire or very rarely subentire; nerves 3—12 pairs, ascending to patent, curved to straight. Flowers bisexual, 5- merous, actinomorphic, up to c. 15 mm diam., green to white, yellow, or pur- ple, axillary, either solitary, or arranged in a few- to many-flowered cyme, ap- pearing before or with the new leaves. Cymes axillary, either solitary, or, when the subtending leaves are shed or are bract-like, arranged in racemose to thyr- soid or sometimes corymbose inflorescence, pedicel + thickened upwards in fruit; bracts ovate to lanceolate, up to 6 mm, bracteoles as bracts but usually smaller, or sepal-like, or minute and then often situated near calyx. Sepals 5(—7, see bracteoles), equal to very unequal mutually, mostly + confluent at the base, variable in size and shape but often suborbicular or broad-ovate to ovate, persis- tent. Petals 5, rarely 6 or 7, episepalous, imbricate, suborbicular to lanceolate, glabrous, sometimes (sub)ciliolate, persistent or not; nerves + parallel, branch- ing or not, sometimes conspicuous when dark-coloured. Stamens 5, epipeta- lous, + equal, persistent or not; filaments more or less flattened, adherent to the base of the subtending petals; anthers globular to ellipsoid, introrse, upright or inflexed. Disk in most species + crown-shaped, sometimes short-cylindrical (S. sumatrana), truncated conical, or + cushion-shaped; lobes and ribs, if pres- ent, alternating with the stamens. Pistil: style conical to cylindrical, rarely ab- sent, persistent. Ovary superior, 2-celled, (sub)globose to subreniform, usually laterally somewhat compressed, very rarely subapocarpous. Ovules 2 per cell, more or less superimposed, attached to the septum, hemi-anatropous. ‘Drupe- lets’ 1-seeded or very rarely with 2 seeds, (sub)globose, obovoid, oblong- obovoid (or pyriform), or subreniform, laterally + compressed, green or white to red or deep blue when fresh; mesocarp rather thin, pulpy, sometimes with many dark ‘granules’, endocarp crustaceous, very often with + prominent ribs 1989] 683 8 See | t Fig. 1. The Southeast Asian and Malesian distribution area of Sabia COLEBROOKE. The numbers refer to the number of species in that area. forming a fine to coarse reticulate pattern, margin sometimes distinctly keeled. Seed conform to the drupelet; testa usually conspicuously dark-dotted, inside often lined with a very thin layer of endosperm. Embryo with two flat, smooth, somewhat undulated, or sometimes strongly folded cotyledons and a cylindrical rootlet curving to the hilum. Distr. Indo-Malesia, along the Himalayas (1 species disjunct, also in the S. Deccan) through Burma and China to S. Japan; throughout Malesia (not yet known from the Lesser Sunda Islands), as far as New Guinea, the Louisiades and Solomon Islands. In all 19 species, of which 7 in Malesia. Fig. 1. Ecol. Inconspicuous climbers (rarely reported as small trees), except two continental Asian species all evergreen, found in forests and thickets, from the lowland up to c. 1000—1200 m altitude, S. javanica up to 1500 m and S. pauciflora to 2000 m; S. racemosa ssp. kinabaluensis is mainly montane, at 800—1500 m. Flowering occurs mostly throughout the year. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Flowers solitary, sometimes 2 or 3 together, or arranged in a thyrsus; ovary glabrous; style in flower 3—6 mm long, conspicuous in fruit and about half as long as the adjacent side(s) of the drupelet(s) 7. S. sumatrana 1. Flowers in cymes, these solitary, axillary, up to 30(—40)-flowered; ovary densely pubescent; style in flower map—2.9 mm long: drupelets tiot known’) 95. SS AeA Aaa 1. S. erratica 1. Flowers in few- to many-flowered cymes; cymes either solitary, axillary, or arranged in an up to 15 cm long racemose to thyrsoid inflorescence, (1—)2—25-flowered; ovary glabrous; style in flower up to 1.5(—1.75) mm long, inconspicuous in fruit and much shorter than the adjacent side(s) of the drupelet(s). 2. Leaves oblong to lanceolate, 3~12(—15) by 1—5 cm, beneath usually distinctly paler than above; nerves (S—)6—9(—10) pairs, patent, straight; cymes solitary, axillary, (4—)7—25-flowered; style either absent or obscurely or normally developed, (0.75—) 1—1.5(—1.75) mm long ...............45. 4. S. parviflora 2. Leaves elliptic-oblong to sublanceolate, 5—25 by 2—10 cm, beneath usually somewhat paler than above but not conspicuously so; nerves 4—8(—9) pairs, + patent, straight to curved; cymes often arranged in an up to 15 cm long racemose to thyrsoid inflorescence, (1—)2—10(—12)-flowered, sometimes solitary, ax- illary, up to 4(—6)-flowered; style normal-developed, 0.2—1 mm long. 3. Cymes up to 2 cm, 1—4(—6)-flowered; petals suborbicular to elliptic, 1.75—2.5 by 1.25—2 mm, obtuse 684 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 to rounded: stamens nearly as long as petals; drupelets globular to obovoid, very compressed, 11—14 by 10—13 mm; reticulate pattern usually faint or absent ................eeeeeeeeeees 3. S. limoniacea . Cymes up to | cm, 1—4(—7)-flowered; petals either oblong-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, acuminate or not, or elliptic-oblong to oblong, obtuse, 3.5—6.5 by (1.25—)1.5—2.5 mm; stamens distinctly shorter than petals; drupelets obovoid, + compressed, c. 10—12 by (7—)8—10 mm; reticulate pattern rather faint butlusually visible, often limited to! theimareiy yuri airtel cit) rola her take ttenes 6. S. racemosa . Cymes up to 2(—3.5) cm, (1—)2—10(—12)-flowered; petals oblong, 2.5—4(—4.5) by c. 1—1.5 mm, obtuse; stamens distinctly shorter than petals; drupelets obovoid or + globular, + compressed, 7.5—11 by 8—10(—11) mm; reticulate pattern usually clearly visible, sometimes obscure, limited to the margin or not. 4. Leaves oblong to sublanceolate, 5—14(—18) by 2—6(—8) cm; nerves (5S—)6—8(—9) pairs; cymes either ar- ranged in a racemose to thyrsoid inflorescence, or solitary, axillary, 1—4-flowered; style 0.6—1 mm; drupelets + globular, sometimes somewhat obovoid, compressed, 7.5—11 by 8—10(—11) mm 5. S. pauciflora 4. Leaves elliptic-oblong to oblong, sometimes sublanceolate, 6—19 by 2—8(—10) cm; nerves 4—7(—8) pairs; cymes usually arranged in a thyrsoid inflorescence, sometimes subtended by small leaves, 3—10(—12)-flowered; style 0.2—0.5 mm; drupelets obovoid, sometimes globular, somewhat com- pressed, 9—1]-by c. 9-10 mm...-......-:... 1. Sabia erratica VAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) Sibi: Evergreen, woody. Twigs glabrous to somewhat pubescent; flowering twigs up to 2.5 mm diam., + lax-pubescent. Buds ovoid, acute; scales + pubes- cent, ciliolate. Leaves oblong, 5—8 by 2.5—3 cm, in- dex 2—2.7, pergamentaceous, above glabrous or still sparsely pubescent especially at the base and on midrib, beneath laxly pubescent especially on midrib and nerves; base acute, apex acute or short-acumi- nate; nerves 6—7 pairs, patent, + straight to some- what curved; petiole up to 1.5 cm, glabrous to pubes- cent. Cymes solitary, axillary up to 4.5 cm, up to 40-flowered, + lax-pubescent; pedicels up to 4 mm; bracteoles oblong to oblong-ovate, up to 0.8 mm, pubescent, ciliolate. Sepals ovate to somewhat ellip- tic, 0.8—1 by 0.5—0.75 mm, obtuse to acute, + pubescent, ciliolate. Petals oblong or oblong-ovate to sublanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 3.75—4 by 1—1.5 mm, acute to narrow-obtuse, subciliolate, nerves up to 6, dark-coloured. Stamens 2.3—3 mm; filament flattened, 1.8—2.6 by 0.25—0.4 mm; anther ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, c. 0.4—0.6 mm, upright. Disk crown-shaped; lobes very short or ab- sent; ribs + prominent. Pistil 2.75-—3 mm; style narrowly-conical to cylindrical, 2.25—2.5 mm, with some hairs at the base; ovary somewhat globular to subreniform, 0.5—0.6 by 0.6—0.8 mm, densely pubescent. Drupelets not available. Distr. Malesia: Singapore (Bt. Timah Res.), only known from the type, collected in 1940. Notes. In habit somewhat resembling S. par- viflora but readily distinguished by floral characters. On the label noted as a ‘tree, 100 ft’, but this is suspected to be a wrong annotation or field observa- tion or a wrong label. Wayans ts asin ors fo f0) sie teau's »: gusitets, a6: ar etar ss ORT 2. S. javanica 2. Sabia javanica (BLUME) BACKER ex CHEN, Sargen- tia 3 (1943) 59; BACKER & BakH./f. Fl. Java 2 (1965) 144; vAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 39. — Meniscosta javanica BLUME, Bijdr. (1825) 29. — Meniscosta scandens BLUME ex SPRENG. Syst. Veg. 4, 2 (1827) 114, nom. illeg.; DmeTR. Syn. Pl. 2 (1840) 923. — Sabia meniscosta BLUME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.- Bat. 1 (1851) 369, f. 44, nom. illeg., incl. var. firma BLUME, var. latifolia BLUME et var. glabriuscula BiuME; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 618 (‘menicos- ta’); Fl. Arch. Ind. (1870) 71; ibid. (1871) pl. 31, incl. var. elliptica Mi1q.; Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1876) 3 (‘menescorta’); BACKER, Schoolfl. Java (1911) 273; Koorp. Exk. Fl. Java 2 (1912) 544. — Sabia elliptica (Miq.) Mia. Sum. (1861) 203, 521. — Sabia javanica (BLUME) CHEN var. glabriuscula (BLUME) CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 61. Evergreen woody climber or scandent shrub, up to 10 m. Twigs glabrous; flowering twigs up to 5 mm diam., glabrous or + pubescent. Buds ovoid, up to 2 mm, acute; scales glabrous or with few hairs, + ciliolate. Leaves elliptic-oblong to sublanceolate, 6—19 by 2—8(—10) cm, index 2—3(—4), pergamen- taceous to pergamentaceous-coriaceous, above and beneath glabrous or with some hairs on midrib; base acute to rounded, apex acute, acuminate; nerves 4—7(—8) pairs, patent, curved to straight; petiole up to 2.5 cm, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, + (fine-) wrinkled. Cymes arranged in an axillary, up to 12 cm long, glabrous to pubescent, thryrsoid inflorescence, subtended by bracts or sometimes by small leaves and then inflorescence up to 17 cm long; cymes up to 3 cm, forming a lax to dense cluster of 3—10(—12) flowers, subglabrous to pubescent. Bracts ovate to sublanceolate, up to 5 mm, subglabrous to more or less pubescent, + ciliolate; bracteoles as bracts but 1989] smaller, or bracteoles minute or sepal-like and then situated near calyx; pedicel up to 4 mm. Flowers green to yellow or white. Sepals sometimes 6 (see bracteoles), + ovate or broad-ovate, 0.75—1(—1.25) by 0.5—0.8(—1) mm, acute to obtuse, + pubescent, ciliolate. Petals oblong, 2.5—3.5(—4) by 1—1.5 mm, obtuse, nerves up to 5, often dark-coloured and then conspicuous. Stamens (1—)1.25—1.5 mm; filament + flattened, (0.75—)1—1.25 mm long, 0.25—0.5 mm wide; anther globular to ellipsoid, 0.2—0.3 mm, in- flexed. Disk crown-shaped; ribs sometimes faint or absent. Pistil 0.8—1.2 mm; style + conical, 0.2—0.5 -mm, much shorter than the adjacent side(s) of the _drupelet(s); ovary globular to subreniform, 0.5—0.6 by 0.5—0.7 mm, glabrous. Drupelets obovoid or sometimes globular, + compressed, 9—11 by 9-10 mm, without persistent petals and stamens at the base; reticulate pattern often coarse and limited to the margin. Embryo with somewhat undulated or faintly folded cotyledons. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (East Coast Res., In- dragiri, Lampongs), W. Java. In all c. 30 collections. Ecol. Forests, at (20—)200—1500 m. Fi. fr. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Java: areuj bebentjojan, a. kahawatang, a. katjapi, S. Notes. Sabia javanica strongly resembles S. pauciflora from the Philippines, the Moluccas, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. It can be distinguished from that species by its often more- flowered cymes, its shorter style, and some other slight differences. Since both species are geographi- cally separated, it was also possible to combine them into one species and give them the rank of subspecies. Although the differences are rather small, I believe that S. javanica and S. pauciflora represent two dif- ferent, well-delimited, but very closely related spe- cies. Moreover, a reduction of both species to a single one would increase the variability of several taxo- nomic important characters, in consequence of which the delimitation with some other related Species, like S. parviflora and S. racemosa, and possibly also S. limoniacea, would become less distinct. Finally, this might result into a far-going lumping and a reduction of all these species to, say, subspecies. Contrary to the situation in the extra- Malesian species S. campanulata WALL., however, in this case I believe that the differences between these taxa have reached a higher level already, resulting in the distinction of mutually closely related but + well-delimited species, each with its own specific combination of characters. In vegetative characters and in drupelets S. anica resembles S. racemosa from Borneo. It can, however, easily be distinguished from that species by its more-flowered inflorescences and its floral characters, especially its petals. SABIACEAE (van Beusekom & van de Water) 685 3. Sabia limoniacea WALL. [Cat. (1829) nm. 1000, nom. nud.] ex Hook.f. & Th. Fl. Ind. 1 (1855) 210; Wa p. Ann. 4 (1857) 139; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. (1861) 70; Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1876) 3; Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 45, ii (1876) 204, excl. syn. Sabia sp. GriFFITH (= S. parviflora ssp. parviflora); For. FI. Burma 1 (1877) 300 (‘limonacea’); ForBEs & HeEmsLEY, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23 (1886) 144; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 454; Prain, Beng. PI. 1 (1903) 246; BRANDIs, Indian Trees (1906) 194; DUNN & TUTCHER, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 10 (1912) 68; RIDLEY, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 513; MERR. Lingnan Sc. J. 5 (1927) 19; KANNILAL c.s. Fl. Assam 1, 2 (1936) 326; CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 56, f. 7; Biswas, Pl. Darj. Sikkim Himal. 1 (1966) 261; vAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 44, f. 6b, 8. — Androglossum reticulatum CHAMP. ex BENTH. Hook. J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4 (1852) 42; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. (1861) 70; CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 58, non S. reticulata ELMER (1909). — Sabia celastrinea MUELL. in Walp., Ann. 6 (1865) 1269. — Sabia malabarica BEpp. Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. 1 (1874) 39, t. 177; Hook.f. Fl. Brit. In- dia 2 (1876) 2; BRANDis, Indian Trees (1906) 194; GAMBLE, Fl. Pres. Madras 1 (1918) 254; CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 48. — Fig. 2, 3. Evergreen woody climber, up to 10 m. Twigs glabrous or sometimes sparsely pubescent; flowering twigs up to 5 mm diam., glabrous to lax-pubescent. Buds broad-ovoid to ovoid, up to 2.5 mm, acute; scales (sub)glabrous, often ciliolate. Leaves oblong- ovate to lanceolate, 4—18 by 1.5—6.5(—8) cm, index 2—4(—4.5), + pergamentaceous-coriaceous, above and beneath glabrous or with some hairs especially on midrib; base acute to rounded, apex acute, sometimes obtuse, acuminate or not; nerves 5—9 pairs, + patent, sometimes somewhat ascending, curved to straight; petiole up to 2.5 cm, glabrous to lax-pubescent. Cymes either solitary, axillary, subtended by small and often herbaceous leaves, or when either the leaves are fallen or the cymes are subtended by bracts arranged in an up to 15 cm long, glabrous to + lax-pubescent or tomentellous, race- mose to thyrsoid inflorescence, cymes up to 2 cm, 1—4(—6)-flowered; pedicels up to 7 mm; bracts oblong, up to 4mm, glabrous to pubescent, ciliolate; bracteoles ovate to oblong, up to 1.75 mm, glabrous to pubescent, ciliolate, often situated near calyx. Flowers green to yellow or white. Sepals sometimes 6 or 7 (see bracteoles), broad-ovate to elliptic, 0.7—1.2(—1.5) by 0.6—1 mm, acute to rounded, gla- brous to + pubescent, ciliolate. Pefa/s suborbicular to elliptic or + obovate, 1.75—2.5 by 1.25—2 mm, obtuse to rounded, sometimes broad-acute, nerves 5, usually obscure. Stamens 1.5—2 mm; filament somewhat flattened, 1.25—1.75 by 0.3—0.4 mm; an- ther ellipsoid, 0.25—0.35 mm, inflexed. Disk crown- shaped, thin; ribs often faint or absent. Pistil 686 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 @revel b 1977 Fig. 2. Sabia limoniacea Hook.f. & THoms. a. Habit, x 2/3; b. ditto, with axillary cymes, x 2/3; c. open flower, x4; d. petal and the opposed stamen, x 8; e. disk and pistil, x 8 (a & c-e C.W. WANG 79409; b WALLICH 1000). Fig. 3. Sabia limoniacea Hook.f. & THOS. a. fruit; a'. embryo, both x1.5 (@ PomaNeE 24769; a’ PoILANE 18918). 0.7—1.2 mm; style conical to cylindrical, 0.2—0.6 mm, much shorter than the adjacent side(s) of the drupelet(s); ovary globular to subreniform, 0.5—0.6 by 0.5—0.8 mm, glabrous. Drupelets globular to _obovoid, strongly compressed, 11—14 by 10-13 mm, red to blue or black when fresh, without persistent petals and stamens at the base; reticulate pattern usually faint or absent, sometimes more prominent at the margin. Embryo with somewhat undulated cotyledons. Distr. Continental SE. Asia (throughout India, Burma, Bangladesh, Thailand and Indochina to China); in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (incl. also P. Penang), Central Sumatra and Borneo (Sarawak), in all 7 collections. Ecol. Thickets and forest, 300—1200 m altitude. Fl. Sept.—Jan., fr. Dec.—April. 4. Sabia parviflora WALL. in Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2 (1824) 310; G.Don, Gen. Hist. 2 (1832) 69; Wap. Rep. 1 (1842) 557; Hook.f. & Th. Fl. Ind. 1 (1855) 210; Wa tp. Ann. 4 (1857) 139; Hoox./. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1876) 2; Stapr, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 4, 2 (1894) 142; BrRanpis, Indian Trees (1906) 194; LEcomTE, FI. Gén. 1.-C. 2 (1908) 2, incl. var. harmandiana Lr- ComTE, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 54 (1907) 674; KANJILAL c.s. Fl. Assam 1, 2 (1936) 325; Cuun, Sunyatsenia 4 (1940) 242; Merr. Brittonia 4 (1941) 112; CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 64; GAGNEP. & VIDAL, Fl. Camb. Laos, Vietnam 1 (1960) 16; Biswas, Pl. Darj. Sikkim Himal. | (1966) 261; SeEN Gupta, Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 22, ii (1968) 196; Hara, Fl. E. Himal. 2 (1971) 74; Sen Gupta, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 20, 2 (1973) 65; Hara & Wituiams, Enum. FI. Pl. Nepal 2 (1970) 100; VAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 48, f. 3c, 9. — Sabia harmandiana Pierre, FI. For. Coch. 5 (1897) pl. 360B; Crain, Fl. Siam. Enum. | (1926) 340. — Sabia philippinensis Rois. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 35 (1908) 70; Merr. Enum. Philip. 2 (1923) 516; Cuen, Sargentia 3 (1943) 67. For a complete synonymy, see VAN DE WATER (1980). Evergreen climber or scandent shrub, up to 6 m. Twigs glabrous to laxly pubescent; flowering twigs SABIACEAE (van Beusekom & van de Water) 687 up to 4 mm diam., glabrous to pubescent. Buds broad-ovoid to ovoid, up to 2 mm, acute; scales glabrous to short-pubescent, ciliolate. Leaves oblong to (sub)lanceolate, 3—12(—15) by 1—5 cm, index 2—4 (—4.5), + pergamentaceous, above glabrous to subglabrous or sometimes sparsely pubescent espe- cially when young, beneath glabrous to lax-pubes- cent especially on midrib; base acute to rounded, at- tenuate or not; apex acute, acuminate; nerves (S—) 6—9(—10) pairs, patent, straight or sometimes + curved; petiole up to 1.5 cm, glabrous to mainly above lax-pubescent. Cymes solitary, axillary, 1.5—8 (—10) cm long, 4—25-flowered, sometimes widely spreading, lax, and with up to 35 or more flowers, glabrous to sparsely pubescent; pedicels up to 1 cm; bracts ovate to lanceolate, up to 2 mm or, when sub- tending a cyme up to 6 mm, subglabrous to pubes- cent, ciliolate; bracteoles as bracts. Flowers green to yellow or white. Sepals broad-ovate to ovate, 0.7—1.5 by 0.5S—1 mm, acute to rounded, glabrous to pubescent, ciliolate. Petals elliptic-oblong to lanceo- late or sometimes oblong-ovate, 2—4(—4.5) by 0.7—1.3 mm, acute to obtuse; nerves up to 7, dark- coloured or sometimes obscure. Stamens 1.2—2.25 (—2.5) mm; filament flattened, 0.9—2(—2.25) by 0.25—0.5 mm; anther ellipsoid to ovoid, 0.25—0.4 mm, often + inflexed. Disk crown-shaped, usually thin; lobes often distinct, relatively long and narrow, sometimes short or margin of disk irregular; ribs often faint or absent. Pistil 1—2(—2.5) mm; style either absent or obscure, or conical, (0.75—)1—1.5 (—1.75) mm, much shorter than the adjacent side(s) of the drupelet(s); ovary globular to subreniform, 0.4—0.7 by 0.5—0.75 mm, glabrous. Drupelets glob- ular to somewhat obovoid, + compressed, 7—9 by 6—8 mm, green to red or blue when fresh, without persistent petals and stamens at the base; reticulate pattern rather fine, but often inconspicuous or ob- scure. Embryo with faintly wrinkled cotyledons. Distr. Widely ranging in SE. Asia from Nepal to China; in Malesia: N. Borneo (Sabah) and the Philip- pines (Luzon). KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES 1. Style normally developed, distinctly conical, (0.75—)1—1.5(—1.75) mm long a. ssp. parviflora 1. Style usually absent or obscure, the upper part of the pistil carpel-like, sometimes normally devel- oped and then up to 0.75 mm b. ssp. philippinensis a. ssp. parviflora — Sabia parviflora WALL. — Sabia harmandiana PieRRE. Leaves oblong, sometimes oblong-ovate to (sub) lanceolate, 3~12(—15) by 1—5 cm. Cymes 2—8(—10) 688 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 cm long, 7—25-flowered, sometimes widely spread- ing, lax, and with up to more than 35 flowers. Petals oblong to lanceolate, sometimes oblong-ovate, 2.25—4(—4.5) by 0.7—1.25 mm. Style distinctly con- ical, (0.75—)1—1.5(—1.75) mm long. Distr. SE. Asia; in Malesia: Borneo (Sabah), 9 collections. Ecol. Roadsides, in thickets, and in forests, mainly 600—2000 m altitude. Fi. fr. probably throughout the year. b. ssp. philippinensis (ROBINS.) VAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 50. — Sabia philippinensis RoBIns. — Fig. 4. Leaves oblong or oblong-ovate to lanceolate, 3-11 by 1—3.5 cm. Cymes 1.5—4.5 cm, 4—20-flow- ered. Petals elliptic-oblong to sublanceolate, 2—3.5 by 1—1.25 mm. Style absent or obscure and often carpel-like, sometimes normal-developed and then up to 0.75 mm. Fruits not seen. Fig. 4. Sabia parviflora ssp. philippinensis (ROBIN- SON) VAN DE WaTER. a. & b. disk and pistil showing the absence of a style; c. a feebly developed one; all x 12 (@ Ramos 26973; b Jacoss 7402; c MERRILL 7708). Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon: Benguet Prov.), 11 collections. Ecol. Forests, 71000-2100 m. FI. Febr.—April. Vern. Baybayok, kopdas, uakal, udok, lg. Notes. Ssp. philippinensis can be distinguished rather easily from ssp. parviflora by the absence of a normally developed style. In all the specimens I have seen (except one) the upper parts of the two carpels of each flower are not connate with each other and differentiated into a style as usual, but re- main free and carpel-like, although the tip of each carpel is sometimes slightly stigmatic. Moreover, the margins of the upper part of a carpel are not fused, so that the upper half of each carpel remains open. Although this phenomenon is unique within the genus, I have reduced S. philippinensis to a subspe- cies of S. parviflora because it agrees very well with that species in all other main characters. Like in all Sabia species the leaves are dark above, paler beneath, but in the present one the contrast is mainly especially conspicuous. In ssp. philippinensis the pale margins and undersides of the leaves provide a useful character to distinguish vegetative specimens from those of S. pauciflora, another Philippine species 5. Sabia pauciflora BLUME, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) 370; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 619; FI. Arch. Ind. (1870) 72; ibid. (1871) pl. 32; CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 61; VAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 51. — Sabia papuana Wars. in K.Sch. & Laut., Fl. Deut. Schutzgeb. Stidsee (1900) 425. — Sabia reticulata E.mer, Leafl. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 579; MerRR. Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2 (1923) 516; CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 62. Evergreen woody climber or scandent shrub, up to 20 m. Twigs glabrous; flowering twigs up to 5 mm diam., glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Buds ovoid, up to 2.5 mm, acute; scales glabrous to pubescent, (sub)ciliolate. Leaves oblong to sublanceolate, 5—14 (—18) by 2—6(—8) cm, index (2—)2.5—3.5(—4), above and beneath glabrous or with very few hairs on midrib, pergamentaceous; base acute to rounded, apex acute, acuminate; nerves (S—)6—8(—9) pairs, patent, straight to curved; petiole up to 2 cm, gla- brous to sparsely pubescent. Cymes either arranged in an axillary, up to 12 cm long, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, racemose to thyrsoid inflorescence, sub- tended by bracts, or solitary, axillary, often subtend- ed by small leaves, up to 3.5 cm, 1—4-flowered, gla- brous to sparsely pubescent; bracts oblong to lanceolate, up to 3.5 mm, subglabrous to somewhat pubescent, (sub)ciliolate; bracteoles as bracts but smaller, or minute, or sepal-like and then often situated near calyx; pedicels up to c. 1 cm. Flowers green to yellow or white. Sepals sometimes 6 (see bracteoles), ovate to broad-ovate, 0.75—1.25 by 0.7—1 mm, acute to obtuse, glabrous to somewhat pubescent, (sub)ciliolate. Petals oblong, sometimes somewhat oblong-ovate, 2.5—4(—4.5) by (0.75—) 1—1.3(—1.5) mm, (narrow-)obtuse, sometimes sub- ciliolate, nerves up to 5, sometimes dark-coloured and then conspicuous. Stamens (1—)1.25—1.75(—2) mm; filament flattened, (0.75—)1—1.5(—1.75) by 0.25—0.5 mm; anther globular to ellipsoid, 0.2—0.3 mm, inflexed. Disk crown-shaped; lobes often short or irregular; ribs sometimes faint or absent. Pistil 1.3—1.7 mm; style conical, 0.6—1 mm, much shorter than the adjacent side(s) of the drupelet(s); ovary globular to subreniform, 0.5—0.7 by 0.5—0.8 mm, glabrous. Drupelets + globular, sometimes some- what obovoid, compressed, 7.5—11 by 8—10(—11) mm, white to red or dark-blue when fresh, without persistent petals and stamens, reticulate pattern fine to rather coarse, sometimes indistinct, limited to the margin or not. Embryo with somewhat undulated or faintly folded cotyledons. 1989] SABIACEAE (van Beusekom & van de Water) Distr. Malesia: Moluccas (Buru, Halmaheira, Batjan), Philippines (Luzon, Negros, Mindanao), New Guinea; Solomon Islands. Ecol. Forests, from sea-level up to 2300 m. Fi. fr. throughout the year. Uses. Fresh leaves eaten against wound fever in New Guinea. Vern. Philippines: bungoi, dadabu, Bag.; New Guinea: hambui, Poio, Enga lang., kubiakan, Hagen-Chimbu, Yoowi dial., mongolya ka, North- ern Prov., pehkuma, Mumuni, Orokaiva lang, pipi, E. Highlands, pukhabu, S. Highlands. Note. This species is closely related to S. javanica from Java and Sumatra, but can be distinguished from that species by its always few-flowered cymes, its longer style, and its often + globular drupelets (S. javanica often obovoid). 6. Sabia racemosa CHEN, Sargentia 3 (1943) 36, f. 2; VAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 54. Evergreen woody climber or scandent shrub, up to 6 m. Twigs glabrous; flowering twigs up to 4 mm diam., glabrous or somewhat short-pubescent. Buds ovoid, up to 1.5 mm acute; scales (sub)ciliolate or not. Leaves oblong or somewhat oblong-ovate, 6—25 by 2—10 cm, index 2—3(—3.5), pergamentaceous, glabrous or with some hairs on midrib, rarely beneath all over sparsely short-pubescent; base acute to rounded, apex acute, acuminate; nerves 4—8 (or 9) pairs, + patent, curved to straight; petiole up to 2.5 cm, glabrous or with some very short hairs. Cymes arranged in an axillary, up to 8 cm long, glabrous to puberulous or short-tomentellous, racemose to thyr- soid inflorescence, subtended by bracts but often bracts fallen or sometimes leaf-like, cymes up to 1 cm, 1—4(—7)-flowered, glabrous to somewhat puber- ulous or short-tomentellous; bracts ovate to oblong, up to 3 mm, glabrous to somewhat pubescent, (sub)ciliolate; bracteoles as bracts but usually smal- ler, or minute and then often situated near calyx; pedicels up to 4 mm. Flowers (pale-)green to yellow. Sepals + ovate to broad-ovate, 0.6—1.3 by 0.5—1 mm, acute to obtuse, glabrous to somewhat pubes- cent, (sub)ciliolate. Petals elliptic-oblong to ovate- lanceolate, 3.5—6.5 by (1.25—)1.5—2.5 mm, acute to obtuse, or + acuminate, or gradually narrowed, nerves up to 7, thin but distinct. Stamens 1.2—2.2 mm; filament flattened, 1—2 by 0.2—0.5 mm; anther globular to ellipsoid, 0.2—0.3 mm, inflexed. Disk crown-shaped; lobes sometimes very short or in- distinct; ribs sometimes faint or absent. Pistil/ 1—1.5 mm; style + conical, 0.5—0.9 mm, much shorter than the adjacent side(s) of the drupelet(s); ovary globular to subreniform, 0.5—0.6 by 0.5—0.7 mm, glabrous. Drupelets obovoid, + compressed, 10-12 by (7—)8—10 mm, white to pink or red when fresh, without persistent petals and stamens at the base; 689 reticulate pattern faint to rather coarse, often limited to the margin. Embryo with somewhat to very wrinkled or folded cotyledons. Distr. Malesia: Borneo. Note. In vegetative characters and somewhat in the fruit this species resembles S. javanica. It differs, however, from that species in its inflorescence (few- flowered cymes) and in its floral characters, especial- ly the petals. Since the fruiting collections of ssp. racemosa bear only immature or damaged fruit, the description of the drupelets has mainly been based on the fruit of ssp. kinabaluensis. The two subspecies can easily be distinguished from each other by the difference in the shape of their petals. Since they can be distinguished from each other only when flowers are available, the iden- tification of most of the vegetative and fruiting specimens has mainly been based on the locality from where they have been collected. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES 1. Petals oblong-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, somewhat acuminate or tapering to the apex a. ssp. racemosa 1. Petals elliptic-oblong to oblong, acute to obtuse b. ssp. kinabaluensis a. ssp. racemosa — Sabia racemosa CHEN. Sepals 0.6—1.1 by 0.5—1 mm. Petals oblong-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, (3.5—)4.5—6.5 by (1.25—)1.5— 2.5 mm, acute, somewhat acuminate or tapering to the apex. Pistil 1—1.2 mm; style 0.5—0.7 mm long. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Kalimantan), 7 collec- tions. Ecol. Low altitudes, up to 100 m. Fil. fr. throughout the year. b. ssp. kinabaluensis VAN DE WATER, Blumea 26 (1980) 55. Sepals 0.9-1.3 by 0.6—-1 mm. Petals elliptic- oblong to oblong, 3.5—5 by 1.5—2.5 mm, acute to obtuse. Pistil 1.2—1.5 mm high; style 0.6—0.9 mm long. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sabah: Mt Kinabalu), 15 collections. Ecol. Forests, mainly at 800—1500 m altitude. F/. Jr. throughout the year. 7. Sabia sumatrana BLume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. | (1851) 370; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 619; FI. Arch. Ind. (1870) 72; ibid. (1871) pl. 33; Kina, J. As. Soc. Beng. 65, ii (1896) 454; Rrotey, Fl. Mal. Pen. 1 (1922) 513; Cuen, Sargentia 3 (1943) 39; VAN DE Water, Blumea 26 (1980) 56. Evergreen woody climber, up to c. 3.5 m. Twigs 690 glabrous; flowering twigs up to 4 mm diam., glabrous. Leaves elliptic to oblong, sometimes (sub) lanceolate, (S—)7—15(—18) by (1.5—)2.5—7(—10) cm, index 2—3(—4), pergamentaceous, above and be- neath glabrous; base acute, apex acuminate to sub- cuspidate; nerves 5—7 pairs, patent, curved to straight; petiole up to 2 cm, glabrous. Flowers yel- lowish-green to white, either solitary, sometimes 2 or 3 together, axillary, or arranged in a thyrsoid, ax- illary, up to 6.5 cm long, glabrous inflorescence; pedicels up to 2.5 cm, glabrous, with few small budscales at the base when flowers solitary; bracts + oblong-ovate, up to 1.5 mm long, glabrous, ciliolate; bracteoles as bracts. Sepals broad-ovate to ovate, 1.25—1.75(—2) by (0.75—)1—1.75 mm, acute to ob- tuse, glabrous, (sub)ciliolate or not. Petals oblong or ovate-lanceolate, c. 6—10 by 1.5—2.5 mm, sometimes the upper part somewhat channeled, tapering to the apex, acute to narrow-obtuse, nerves obscure. Stamens 3.5—7.5 mm; filament + flattened, 3—7 by 0.4—0.75 mm; anther ellipsoid, 0.5—0.7 mm, upright. Disk short-cylindrical, small, the upper part not enclosing the base of the ovary and without lobes; ribs + prominent. Pisti/ 3.5—c. 7 mm; style narrow-conical, 3—6 mm, + half as long as the adja- cent side(s) of the drupelet(s); ovary somewhat FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 globular to subreniform, 0.5—0.8 by 0.7—1 mm, glabrous. Drupelets obovoid, somewhat compress- ed, 11—13 by 8—9 mm, white to blue when fresh, without persistent petals and stamens, reticulate pat- tern absent, often more or less rugged on the outside. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (W. Coast Res., Palem- bang), 7 collections. Ecol. Forests, 60—1000 m altitude. F/. May— Aug., fr. July—Sept., Febr. Note. Only a few collections are available. For that reason no buds and embryos could be described, whereas the description of the flowers has partly been based on rather young ones. Excluded Sabia densiflora Mig. Sum. (1861) 203, 520 = Meliosma angulata BLUME: K. & V. Bijdr. 9 (1903) 131 = Meliosma simplicifolia (ROxB.) WALP. ssp. simplicifolia: VAN BEUSEKOM, Blumea 19 (1971) 476; Fl. Males. 10* (1989) 698 (this issue). Sabia floribunda Mia. Sum. (1861) 203, 521 = Meliosma angulata BLUME: K. & V. Bijdr. 9 (1903) 131 = Meliosma simplicifolia (ROxB.) WALP. ssp. simplicifolia : l.c. 2. MELIOSMA BLuME, Cat. (1823) 32; Rumphia 3 (1849) 196; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, 2 (1859) 612; BENTH. & Hook.f. Gen. Pl. 1 (1862) 414; Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 2 (1876) 3; BokErRL. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1 (1890) 290; Wars. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 5 (1895) 371; VAN BEUSEKOM, Blumea 19 (1971) 355. — Millingtonia Roxs. [Hort. Beng. (1814) 3, nomen] Pl. Corom. 3 (1820) 50, t. 254, non Linn,f. (1781), nec DONN (1807). — Kingsboroughia LiEBM. Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjobenhavn 2 (1850) 67; Wap. Ann. 2 (1852) 834. — Fig. 5—8, 10, 12. For a complete synonymy, see VAN BEUSEKOM (1971). Evergreen or sometimes deciduous shrubs or trees, up to 42 m, 1 m diam., sometimes buttressed. Twigs more or less lenticellate, often with conspicuous leaf-scars. Buds densely pubescent. Leaves simple or imparipinnate with (sub)opposite leaflets, ending in 3 or 1 leaflet(s), in the latter case its petiolule articulated with the rachis; leaves or leaflets entire or dentate, with or without hairy domatia beneath; rachis and petioles, usually also petiolules, with a usual- ly shallow and narrow, more or less conspicuous longitudinal groove above, usually with swollen base, articulately attached. Inflorescence terminal, some- times axillary, a pyramidal panicle, poor to usually profuse, up to 4 times ramified, with alternate, articulately attached, often lenticellate axes. Bracts small, those of lower order usually soon caducous; cataphylls often present. Bracteoles absent, but sometimes one (or two) bracteole-like sepals present, 691 Fig. 5. Flower of Meliosma. A. Semi-diagrammatical sketch of flower (subg. Meliosma) with opened outer petals, but stamens still in bud position. B. Semi-diagrammatical length section of bud (subg. Meliosma). C. Diagram (subg. Kingsboroughia and subg. Meliosma). Names of the flower parts: a. sepals; b. outer petals; c. inner petals; d. fertile stamens; e. staminodes; f. disk; g. style. lowered on the pedicel. Flowers numerous, sessile or short-pedicelled, small, bisexual. Sepals 5, by reduction sometimes 4, rarely 3, sometimes by addition of empty bracts seemingly more, up toc. 13, and together forming a kind of in- volucre, usually unequal and then mostly 3 about equal. Petals 5, episepalous, 3 outer ones more or less unequal, alternisepalous, mostly suborbicular and con- vex, rarely the largest one much wider than long and more or less reniform, the smaller ones irregularly shaped; 2 inner ones equal, much smaller, reduced, op- posite the fertile stamens and more or less adherent to the base of the filaments, entire to bifid. Disk generally present, sometimes very reduced or absent, often irregularly shaped, as a rule with 5 more or less developed teeth, 4 of which paired, 1 unpaired, each pair opposite a fertile stamen. Stamens 5, epipetalous, 2 fertile, filament short, strap-shaped, flat, incurved at the top, abruptly ter- minating in a wide, varyingly shaped cup which bears two globose to elliptic transversely dehiscent anther-cells which are ripe in bud, springing back elasti- cally when the flower opens; 3 staminodial, opposite the larger petals and more or less adherent to the base of these, deformed, broad, irregularly shaped, with 1 or 2 holes near the top in which fit the anther-cells of the fertile stamens, often coherent and forming a cup over the pistil. Ovary globose to ovoid or conical, 2-, very rarely 3-locular, apically contracted in a rather short, simple or 2- partible, cylindric or subulate to conical, rarely minute style, with simple or somewhat bifid, minute stigma. Ovules 2 (or 1) in each cell, more or less superimposed, attached to the partition, hemi-anatropous. Fruit a drupe, subglobose to pyriform, small, glabrous, with one stone; rarely two ovules in- stead of one per ovary develop, resulting in a didymous fruit; mesocarp pulpy, mostly thin; endocarp globose, pyriform, or semiglobose, I-celled, stony to crustaceous, splitting in two valves, inside with a basilar rounded projection over which the seed is curved. Vascular bundle connecting pedicel and seed either running outside the endocarp wall (free in the pulpy mesocarp or in a groove on the ventral endocarp wall), or through a canal inside the endocarp 692 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 iif N\\\\ fff} \ | IW MA ) ~ SSS ———— C1 (eee TA. My (oS NY Fi \\ YY SN } i F fr a ae oe 1989] Index to scientific plant names HT Palmeria F.v.M. 255, 257-263, 267 acuminata Kaneh. & Hatus. 270, 271 angica Kaneh. & Hatus. 267, 271 arfakiana Becc. 262, 267, 270 brassii Philipson 269, 271, 272 clemensae Philipson 268*, 269, 273 dallmannensis Kaneh. & Hatus. 272 fengeriana Perkins 269, 271 gracilis Perkins 267, 269, 272 habbemensis A.C. Smith 272 hooglandii Philipson 267, 269 hypargyrea Perkins 269, 272 hypochrysea Perkins 275 incana A.C. Smith 269, 272 montana A.C. Smith 269, 272, 275 myriantha Perkins 270, 271 myrtifolia Perkins 270 paniculata Ridl. 269 parvifolia Kaneh. & Hatus. 270, 271 puberula A.C. Smith 270 pulchra Perkins 270, 271 pulleana Perkins 272 scandens 272 schoddei Philipson 269, 275 warburgii Perkins 270, 271 womersleyi Philipson 269, 273, 274* Pandaceae 29 Papaveraceae 5: 114-117 Papuacedrus Li 443 arfakensis (Gibbs) Li 446 papuana (F.v.M.) Li 444 torricellensis (Schltr) Li 445 Papuzilla Ridl. 541, 547 laeteviridis P. Royen 548 minutiflora Ridl. 548 minutiflora auct. 549 Parabaena Miers 158, 161, 162, 167, 168, 170, 171, 201 amplifolia Diels 193 cincinnans (K. Sch.) Diels 203 denudata Diels 189*, 202, 203 echinocarpa Diels 189*, 201, 202, 204 var. pubescens Yamamoto 204 na) elmeri Diels 189*, 202 var. philippinensis (Merr.) Yamamoto 203 hirsuta (Becc.) Diels 193 hirsuta (non Becc.) Diels 202 megalocarpa Merr. 158, 186*, 189*, 202 myriaditha 203 myriantha K. Sch. 203 philippinensis Merr. 203 Sagittata Miers 189*, 201, 202 scytophylla Diels 197 tuberculata Becc. 189*, 202, 203 Paracryphiaceae 145 Parakibara Philipson 255, 262, 263, 284 map, 286 clavigera Philipson 286, 287* Paramanglietia Hu & Cheng 589 aromatica (Dandy) Hu & Cheng 589 Paramichelia H.H. Hu 56S, 567, 593, 599 baillonii (Pierre) Hu 599 scortechinii (King) Dandy 601 Pararistolochia 53, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64 Parasitaxus 343, 351, 354 Parastemon A.DC. 635-638, 640, 642, 648 grandifructus Prance 649, 650 map spicatus Ridl. 649 urophyllus (Wall. ex A.DC.) A.DC. 637, 648*, 649, 650 map versteeghii Merr. & Perry 637, 649, 650 map Parinari Aubl. 635, 636, 639- 642, 654 sect. Exitelia (Bl.) C. Muell. 673 sect. Neocarya DC. 641 sect. Petrocarya 641 sect. Sarcostegia Benth. 671 subg. Euparinari 654 subg. Exitelia B\. 673 subg. Sarcostegia (Benth.) Miq. 671 anamensis 656 argenteo-sericea Kosterm. 655, 656 map ashtonii Kosterm, 660 asperula auct. 667 (Parinari) bicolor Merr. 664 campestris 641 canarioides Kosterm. 636, 655, 656 map coriacea Benth. 641 costata (Korth.) Bl. 636, 656, 663 ssp. costata 663, 664 map ssp. polyneura (Miq.) Prance 655, 663, 664 map ssp. rubiginosa (Ridl.) Prance 663, 664 map curatellifolia 641 elmeri Merr. 655, 657 map excelsa Sabine 639, 641 gigantea Kosterm. 636, 655, 660 map glaberrima Hassk. 641 glaberrimum (Hassk.) Hassk. 669 var. lanceolatum (T. & B.) K. & V. 669 griffithiana 641 heteropetala Scort. ex King 675 insularum 639, 656 jackiana Benth. 641, 671 latifrons Kosterm. 666 macrophylla Sabine 641 metallica Kosterm. 656, 660 map montana 641 myriandra Merr. 675 nannodes Kosterm. 667 nonda F.v.M. ex Benth. 636, 655, 658 map nonda auct. 658 oblongifolia Hk. f. 636, 655, 659, 660 map papuana C.T.White 655, 658 ssp. papuana 658, 659 map ssp. salomonense (C.T.White) Prance 658, 659 map ssp. whitei Prance 658, 659 map parva Kosterm. 636, 655, 657 map polyandra 641 prancei Kosterm. 656, 660, 661 map rigida Kosterm, 656, 660, 661 map rubiginosa Ridl. 663 salomonense C.T, White 659 738 (Parinar1) scabra Hassk. 641 senegalensis DC. 641 sumatrana (Jack) Benth. 641, 656, 661 map, 662* wallichiana R. Br. 665 Parinari auct. 665, 675 Parinarium Juss. 654 sect. Cyclandrophora (Hassk.) C. Muell. 665 sect. Neocarya DC. 654 sect. Petrocarya DC. 654 subg. //] Hk. f. 665 subg. Cyclandrophora (Hassk.) Bl. 665 subg. Macrocarya Miq. 665 subg. Petrocarya (DC.) Miq. 654 amboinense T. & B. 669 asperulum Miq. 671 borneense Merr. 659 corymbosum (Bl.) Miq. 673 costatum Bl. var. rubiginosum Ridl. 663 curranii Merr. 669 elatum King 669 excelsum 654 fragile T. & B. 646 griffithianum Benth. 673 hahlii Warb. 669 helferi Hk.f. 663 heteropetalum Scort. ex King 677 jackianum Benth. 670 kunstleri King 677 lanceolatum T. & B. 669 latifolium Hend. 666 laurinum A. Gray 669 maingayi King 671 maranthes Bl. 673 margarata A.Gray 669 mindanaense Perk. 669 multiflorum (Korth.) Miq. 674 myriandrum Merr. 677 nitidum Hk.f. 646 nitidum auct. 674 palauense Kaneh. 674 philippinense Elmer 646 polyneurum Miq. 664 racemosum Vidal 674 salicifolium (Presl) Miq. 674 scabrum Hassk. 669 spicatum King 671 villamilii Merr. 671 warburgii Perk. 669 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 Parinarium auct. 661, 665 Passiflora aurantia Forst. f. 717 Passifloraceae 7: 405-434, 829; 10: 166, 717 Pedaliaceae 4: 216-221; 5: Sie oe Pelae Adanson 493 Pentaphragmataceae 4: 517— 528 Pentaphylacaceae 5: 121- 124, 566 Pentitdis Zipp. ex Bl. 46 Peponaster major Rumph. 94 Pericampylus Miers 160, 169, L702, 227 glaucus (Lamk) Merr. 165, — 228*, 229, 236 incanus (Colebr.) Hk. f. & Th. 229 lanuginosus (B1.) Miq. 229 membranaceus Miers 229 Periomphale Baill. 335 papuana Steen. 336 Peripetasma polyanthum Ridl. 253 Perrottetia alpestris (B1.) Loes. ssp. philippinensis (Vidal) Ding Hou 716 Petalinia Becc. 12 bancana Becc. 14 Petrocarya Schreb. 641, 654 excelsa Jack 641, 670, 671 glaberrima (Hassk.) Miers 669 scabra (Hassk.) Miers 669 sumatrana Jack 661 Petrocarya auct. 665 Petrosavia 109, 112 Petrosaviaceae 109 Peumus 259, 260-262 boldus 260 Phanerodiscus 4 Phelima Nor. 605 Pherosphaera 343 Pherosphaeraceae 354 Philbornea Hall. f. 607-609, 614 magnifolia (Stapf) Hall. f. 614*, 615 map palawanica Hall. f. 615 Philydraceae 4: 5-7; 7: 829 Phlebocalymna 145 lobospora F.v.M. 149 Phyllocladaceae 354 Phyllocladus L.C. Rich. ex Mirbel 337-343, 347, 354, 355, 357 map (Phyllocladus) hypophyllus Hk.f. 342, 357%, 358* papers 360* var. protracta Warb. 359 major Pilger 359 protractus (Warb.) Pilger 359 Phyllocosmus Klotzsch 621 Phytocrene 91, 166 loheri Merr. 219 malacothrix Sleumer 227 Phytolaccaceae 4: 228-2372; 5:, 557, Picea 338 Pierotia Bl. 622 lucida Bl. 625 reticulata Bl. 626 Pimela angustifolia Bl. 715 Pinaceae 343, 347, 447-453 Pinus L. 337-340, 342, 347, 447 subg. Diploxylon 449 dammara Lamb. 433, 434 finlaysoniana Bl. 451 insularis Endl. 452 kasya Parl. 452 kesiya Royle ex Gordon 341, 346, 451, 452 map khasia Engelmann 452 khasya Hk.f. 452 var. insularis (Endl.) Gaussen 452 khasyana Griff. 452 latteri Mason 451, 452 merkusiana Cooling & Gaussen 451 merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese 340, 341, 346, 448*, 449*, 450*, 451 map var. tonkinensis Chev. 451, 452 sumatrana Jungh. 451 sylvestris auct. 451 taeda auct. 452 timorensis 452 Piperaceae 127 Piperales 127, 567 Piptocalyx Oliv. ex Bth. 255, 261, 326; 327330 macrurus Gilg & Schltr 330, 332 moorei Oliv. 330 Pittosporaceae 5: 345-362; 6: 960; 7: 829; 9: 568; 10: 719 Pittosporum moluccanum (Lamk) Mig. 717 Platea 145 Plumbaginaceae 4: 107-112 1989] Index to scientific plant names dies, Podocarpaceae 338, 342, 343, 347, 351-419, 420 Podocarpus |’ Hérit. ex Persoon 997 34099492 347535 1— 355, 395, 397 map sect. Acuminatus de Laub. 397, 398, 404 sect. Dacrycarpus Endl. 374 sect. Dacrydioideae Bennett 374 sect. Dacrydium Bertrand 374 sect. Dammaroides Bennett 390 sect. Foliolatus de Laub. 397, 398, 399 sect. Globulus de Laub. 397, 398, 405 sect. Gracilis de Laub. 398, 409 sect. Longifoliolatus de Laub. 398, 407 sect. Macrostachyus de Laub. 398, 412 sect. Nageia Endl. 390 sect. Polypodiopsis Bertrand 394 sect. Polystachyus de Laub. 398, 399, 416 sect. Prumnopitys (Philippi) Bertrand 384 sect. Rumphius de Laub. 398, 399, 406, 414 sect. Stachycarpus Endl. 384 sect. Sundacarpus Buchholz & Gray 385 sect. Taxoideae Bennett 384 subg. Foliolatus de Laub. 397 subg. Stachycarpus (Endl.) Engl. 384 affinis 410 agathifolia Bl. 391 amara Bl. 385 archboldii N.E. Gray 399, 402, 403 map var. crassiramosus N.E. Gray 409 archboldii (non N.E. Gray) Gaussen 412 atjehensis (Wasscher) de Laub. 408 map, 409 beccarii Parl. 393 blumei Endl. 391 borneensis de Laub. 398, 400, 403 map bracteatus BI. 341, 408, 409 map var. brevipes Bl. 408 (Podocarpus) brassii Pilger 412, 413 map var. brassii 413 var. humilis de Laub. 339, 413, 414 brevifolius (Stapf) Foxw. 402, 412, 413 map, 414 brevifolius (non Stapf) Foxw. 411 celebica (non Hemsl.) Warb. 410 celebicus Hemsl. 349 cinctus Pilger 383 compacta Wasscher 383, 445* confertus de Laub. 340, 341, 407, 408, 409 map costalis Pres] 412, 413 map, 414 costalis (non Presl) Foxw. 410 crassigemmis de Laub. 353, 402, 412, 413 map cumingii Parl. 381 cupressina sensu Lane-Poole 379 cupressina R.Br. ex Mirbel 377 cupressina Ridl. 379 var. curvula Miq. 380 dacrydiifolia Wasscher 383 decipiens Gray 400 deflexus Ridl. 340, 341, 400, 403 map discolor B1. 400 dulcamara Seem. 387 elata R.Br. 453 eurhyncha Miq. 385, 387 falciformis Parl. 372 filicifolius Gray 395 gibbsii N.E. Gray 398, 407, 408 map glaucus Foxw. 409, 410, 411 map globulus de Laub. 406 map idenburgensis N.E. Gray 405 imbricatus Bl. 376 var. cumingti (Parl.) Pilger 381 var. curvula (Miq.) Wasscher 380 var. kinabaluensis Wasscher 381 imbricatus sensu Foxw. 379 imbricatus (non Bl.) Gibbs 379, 381 insularis de Laub. 399, 402, 404 map (Podocarpus) javanica sensu Merr. 379 Javanicus (Burm. f.) Merr. 453 Javanicus (non Burm. f.) Merr. 377 Junghuhniana Miq. 400 kawaii Hayata 379 koordersii Pilger ex K. & V. 415 latifolia f. ternatensis de Boer 393 latifolius (non Thunb.) BI. 391 laubenfelsii Tiong 399, 415, 416 map ledermannii Pilger 405 map leptophylla Wasscher 371 leptostachya B1. 400 levis de Laub. 398, 400, 403, 404 map lophatus de Laub. 410, 411 map lucienti 406 macrocarpus de Laub. 399, 417, 418 map maximus (de Laub.) Gaussen 394 micropedunculatus de Laub. 339, 341, 405 map nakaii 406 neglecta Bl. 400 neriifolius D.Don 399, 400 map var. atjehensis Wasscher 409 var. bracteatus (Bl.) Wasscher 408 var. brevifolius Stapf 414 var. brevipes (Bl.) Pilger 408 var. polyantha Wasscher 400 var. ridleyi Wasscher 419 var. teysmannii (Miq.) Wasscher 406 var. timorensis Wasscher 401 neriifolius D.Don in Lamb. 417 neriifolius (non D.Don) Steen. 408 novaecaledoniae 403 palembanica Miq. 453 papuanus Ridl. 379 papuanus (non Ridl.) Pilger 383 papuanus (non Rid.) Steup. 380 740 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 (Podocarpus) (Polygala) (Polygala) ; ' pedunculata Bailey 387 arillata Buch.-Ham. 461, linarifolia (non Willd.) philippinensis Foxw. 415 467*, 469 Adema 481 pilgeri Foxw. 402, 410, 411 arvensis Willd. 477, 478 linearifolia 481 map pilgeri (non Foxw.) v. Royen 401 polyantha (Wasscher) Gaussen 400 polystachyus R.Br. ex Endl. 339-341, 417*, 418 map var. rigidus Wasscher 403 polystachyus (non R.Br.) Li & Keng 414 pseudobracteatus de Laub. 342, 409 map ridleyi (Wasscher) N.E. Gray 340, 341, 398, 417, 418 map, 419 ridleyi auct. 405 rotundus de Laub. 410, 411 ma rubens de Laub. 399, 401*, 402 map rumphii Bl. 403, 415, 416 map schlechteri Pilger 410 solomoniensis 403 spathoides de Laub. 398, 400, 404 map steupii Wasscher 380, 381 map teysmannii Miq. 406 map thevetiifolia Bl. 417 vitiensis Seem. 394 wallichianus Presl 391 wangii Chang 410 Podocarpus Labill. 356 Podostemaceae 4: 65-68; 6: 963; 10: 717 Polemoniaceae 4: 195-196 Polyalthia pulchrinervia Boerl. 674 Polycarpicae 165, 261 Polygala L. 455-457, 459 sect. Chamaebuxus DC. 455, 460, 461, 465, 467 sect. Melchiora (Steen.) Meijden 461, 465 sect. Orthopolygala Chodat 469 sect. Polygala 460, 461, 469 sect. Pseudosemeiocardium Adema 460, 461, 462 sect. Semeiocardium [non (Zoll.) Hassk.] Chodat 462 acicularis Oliv. 465 var. squarrosa Benth. 476 arvensis (non Willd.) Adema 477 arvensis (non Willd.) Benth. 482 brachistachyos 476 brachystachya BI. 477, 480 brachystachya DC. 476, 477 buchanani Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don 474 buxiformis Hassk. 477 cardiocarpa Kurz 461, 463, 464* cardiocarpa (non Kurz) Ridl. 463 chamaebuxus 460 chinensis (non L.) Benn. 477 chinensis L. 458, 462, 477, 478*, 479 var. brachystachya (Bl.) Benn. 481 var. linearifolia (non Willd.) Chodat 481 var. triflora (L.) Benn. 482 ciliata L. 487 densiflora Bl. 478 discolor Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don 474 elongata Willd. 477, 480 elongata (non Willd.) Benn. 482 eriocephala Benth. 476 eumekes Hassk. 481 exsquarrosa Adema 460, 402, 476* fernandesiana Paiva 475 furcata Royle 463, 465, 488 glaucocarpa Ridl. 468 glaucoides L. 462, 477, 479, 480, 481* var. triflora (L.) Trimen 482 glomerata Lour. 478, 479 hondoénsis Nakai 472 humilis Span. 481 isocarpa Chodat 463 japonica Houtt. 462, 472* javana DC. 460, 461, 470*, 471* karensium Kurz 469 khasyana Hassk. 472 leptalea DC. 474 linarifolia Willd. 477, 481 longifolia Poir. 460, 462, 474* lutea 460 luzoniensis Merr. 472 macrostachya Hassk. 481 malesiana Adema 461, 463, 464* mariesii Hemsl. 465 monspeliaca (non L.) Blco 482 monticola HBK 460 monticola (non HBK) Ridl. 467 oligophylla DC. 474 oreotrephes Burtt 461, 467* paenea 457 palustris Lace 463 paniculata L. 458, 460, 461, 475* papuana (Steen.) Meijden 461, 465, 466* persicariaefolia DC. 460, 462, 473* polifolia Presl 462, 476, 477* polyfolia 476 polygama 458 prostrata Willd. 482 pulchra Hassk. 468 pyramidalis Lév. 474 rhinanthoides Benth. 460, 461, 480* riukiuensis Ohwi 474 rufa Span. 474 septemnervia Merr. 474 sibirica L. 473 sibirica (non L.) Hassk. 472 simadae Masam. 477 simassan Miq. 468 sumatrana Miq. 461, 467*, 468 tatarinowli Regel 461, 462, 464*, 488 telephoides Willd. 477, 478 telephoides (non Willd.) W. & A. 476 tinctoria (non Vahl) Hassk. 471 tonkinensis Chodat 469 toxoptera Turcz. 478 tranquebarica Mart. 478 trichocolpa Chodat 469 triflora L. 462, 479, 481, 482* 1989] Index to scientific plant names 741 (Polygala) Prunus 640 Radix puluronica Rumph. trinervata Ham. ex Wall. 487 Pseudaleia imbricata (Roxb.) 97 triphylla Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don var. glaucescens (non Wall.) Benn. 463 triphylla (non Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Royle 462, 539 Hassk. ex Valeton 9 ongistylis Hassk. ex Valeton 9 Pteleocarpa Oliv. 29 Pterocarya griffithiana (Benth.) Miers 674 Ranunculales 163, 680 Raphanus L. 541, 543, 545, 546 caudatus L. 546 raphanistrum L. 547 sativus L. 541, 546 umbonata Craib 463 Pteroneurum DC. 550 Reinwardtia 609 undulata Roxb. 487 decurrens Bl. 554 Restionaceae 5: 416-420, variabilis (non HBK) Hassk. Javanicum BI. 551 569 475 Ptychopetalum 2—4 Rhamnales 151 vauthieri Chodat 460 Punicaceae 4: 226-227 Rhipogonum album R.Br. 253 venenosa Juss. ex Poir. 461, Pycnarrhena Miers ex Hk.f. Rhizophoraceae 5: 429-493; 467*, 468 & Th. 157, 160-162, 6: 965; 8: 550; 9: 568; ssp. pulchra (Hassk.) 167-171, 172, 173, 178, 10: 253, 717 Steen. 468 305 Rhopalopilia 31-33 ssp. venenosa Steen. 469 australiana F.v.M. 175 pallens Pierre 33 var. eramosa O.K. 468 balabacensis Yamamoto Rorippa Scop. 541, 543, 545, var. robusta Craib 468 175 555 veronicaefolia 472 batanensis Yamamoto 175 backeri (Schulz) Jonsell 541, veronicea F.v.M. 472 borneensis Diels 175 555, 556 virgata 458 calocarpa (Kurz) Diels 174 benghalensis (DC.) Hara 555, vulgaris L. 460 castanopsidifolia Yamamoto 560 vulgaris (non L.) Thunb. 472 177 dubia (Pers.) Hara 559 wallichiana Wight 474 celebica (Boerl.) Diels 175 heterophylla (B1.) Williams warburgti Chodat ex Warb. elliptica Diels 175 555, 559 477 fasciculata (Miers) Diels hybosperma (Schulz) wattersii Hance 465 174 Jonsell 55, 559 wightiana W. & A. 460, 462, grandis K.Sch. & Laut. 175 indica (L.) Hiern 479* insignis (Hatus.) Forman var. apetala (Lour.) Hochr. Polygalaceae 455-539, 639 1732174 559 tribe Moutabeae 455, 458 longifolia (Decne ex Miq.) islandica (Oed.) Borb. 557 tribe Polygaleae 458 Becc. 173, 174 micrantha (Roth) Jonsell 555, tribe Xanthophylleae 458 lucida (T. & B.) Miq. 173, 560 Polygalales 457, 458 174, 178 nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Polyosma 145 Pontederiaceae 4: 255-261; 5: 557; 6: 964 Porotheca K.Sch. 187 petiolata K.Sch. 187 Portulacaceae 7: 121-123 manillensis Vidal 173, 175 membranifolia Merr. 175 merrillii Diels 175 montana Back. 174, 178 nogovuineensis Miq. 173, 175 Hayek 555, 556* officinalis (R.Br.) P. Royen 556 palustris (L.) Becc. 555, 557 peekelii (Schulz) P. Royen 3555557,,558* Primulaceae 6: 173-192, ozantha Diels 173, 176*, schlechteri (Schulz) P. Royen 964 177, 179 559 Proteaceae 5: 147-206, 566; papuana Kaneh. & Hatus. Rosaceae 638, 639 6: 965; 7: 830; 9: 568; 177 subfam. Chrysobalanoideae 10: 151 pleniflora 173 639 Proteales 151 sayeri Diels 175 subfam. Neuradoideae 639 Proteanae 151 tumefacta Miers 159, 173, subfam. Prunoideae 640 Protium 123 175, 176* Rosales 639 Protoatherospermoxylon 256 Pyrolaceae 335 Roucheria 608 Prumnopitys Philippi 343, 347, | Pyrrhosa horsfieldii (B\.) Hassk. contestiana Pierre 619 352, 353, 355, 384, 385 605 griffithiana Planch. 617 map Pyrularia 33 Rutaceae 165 sect. Sundacarpus (Buchholz Ryparosa kunstleri King 539 & Gray) de Laub. 385 amara (B1.) de Laub. 385, Quercus gilva Bl. 701 386", 387 map, 388", var. procera BI. 701 Sabah Manglietia Dandy ex 389* jama-buwa Sieb. 699 Meijer 591 742 Sabia Colebrooke 163, 166, 679-681, 682, 683 map campanulata Wall. 685 celastrinea Muell. 685 densiflora Mig. 690, 698 elliptica (Miq.) Mig. 684 erratica v.d.Water 683, 684 floribunda Miq. 690, 698, 701 harmandiana Pierre 687 japonica 163 javanica (BI.) Backer ex Chen 684, 685 var. glabriuscula (B1.) Chen 684 limonacea 685 limoniacea Wall. ex Hk.f. & Th. 684, 685, 686*, 687* malabarica Bedd. 685 menescorta 684 menicosta 684 meniscosta Bl. 684 var. elliptica Miq. 684 var. firma Bl. 684 var. glabriuscula Bl. 684 var. latifolia Bl. 684 papuana Warb. 688 parviflora Wall. 683, 687 ssp. parviflora 685, 687 ssp. philippinensis (Robins.) v.d. Water 687, 688* var. harmandiana Lecomte 687 pauciflora Bl. 683, 684, 688 philippinensis Robins. 687, 688 racemosa Chen 684, 689 ssp. kinabaluensis v.d.Water 683, 689 ssp. racemosa 689 reticulata Elmer 688 sumatrana Bl. 682, 683, 689 Sabiaceae 163, 166, 679-715 Salacia bartlettii Ridl. 25 Salicaceae 5: 107-110 Salmonea 486 Salomonia Lour. 455—457, 459, 486 sect. Epirixanthes (B1.) Benn. 488 angulata Griff. 488 aphylla Griff. 490 arnottiana Mig. 488 canarana Miq. 488 cantoniensis Lour. 487 cantoniensis auct. 488 cavalereriei Lév. 488 ciliata (L.) DC. 487 FLORA MALESIANA (ser. I, vol. 104 (Salomonia) cordata Wight 487 cylindrica (Bl.) Kurz 491 edentula DC. 487 elongata (BI.) Kurz ex Koord. 490 horneri Hassk. 488 longiciliata Kurz 488 martinii Lév. 488 oblongifolia DC. 487 obovata Wight 487 parasitica Griff. 490 petiolata D.Don 487 ramosissima Turcz. 488 rigida Hassk. 488 seguinti Lév. 488 sessiliflora 487 sessilifolia D.Don 487 setoso-ciliata Hassk. 488 stricta Sieb. & Zucc. 488 subrotunda Hassk. 487 trinervata Steud. 487 uncinata Hassk. 488 Salomonia auct. 488 Salvadoraceae 4: 224-225 Sampacca O.K. 598 domestica IV alba Rumph. 605 longifolia O.K. 605 montana O.K. 603 montana Rumph. 582 sylvestris Rumph. 596 velutina O.K. 603 Santalaceae 2, 3, 33-35, 52 Santalales 5, 34 Sapindaceae 639, 679, 680, 681 Sapindales 163, 458, 639, 681 Sapindus microcarpus W. & A. Sapotaceae 453, 593 Sarcandra Gardner 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 134, 144 glabra (Thunb.) Nakai 124, 127, 128,334: 135*, 136 ssp. brachystachys (BI.) Verdcourt 136 var. brachystachys 136 var. melanocarpa (Ridl.) Verdcourt 136 hainanensis (Pei) Swamy & Bailey 136 glabra auctt. mult. 136 Sarcodiscus Griff. 287 chloranthiformis Griff. 298 Sarcopetalum F.v.M. 157-161, 167, 169, 172, 224 harveyanum F.v.M. 159, 224, 228* Sarcosperma 29 Sarcosperma(ta)ceae 4: 32- 34; 6: 967; 10: 29 Sarcostegia Benth. 641 Saruma 53, 57, 59, 61-64 henryi 62 Saururaceae 4: 47-48 Saxegothaea 343, 351, 352 Saxegothaeaceae 354 Saxifragaceae 145 Scaphocalyx parviflora Ridl. 716 spathacea Ridl. 716 Schisandraceae 163, 679 . Schoepfia Schreb. 1-6, 27 fragrans Wall. 2, 27, 28* Schoepfiopsis Miers 27 fragrans (Wall. in Roxb.) Miers 27 Sciadocarpus Hassk. 287 brongniartit Hassk. 298 Sciadopitys 354 Sciaphila BI. 110, 111 map, 112,728 sect. Hermaphroditantha subsect. Polyandra 112 sect. Hexanthera 113 sect. Oliganthera subsect. Bilobatae 113 subsect. Quadrilobatae LPs subsect. Trilobatae 113 affinis Becc. 113 andajensis Becc. 117 arfakiana Becc. 109, 112, 113, 115*, O97 asterias Ridl. 116 atroviolacea Schltr 118 australasica Hemsl. 117 brachystyla Schltr 116 buruensis 112 clemensae Hemsl. 117 conferta J.J. Smith 115 consimilis Bl. 113, 120 corallophyton K.Sch. & Schltr 113, 119 var. gracilis Giesen 119 corniculata Becc. 112, 115, 116; 157 corniculata (non Becc.) Went 1h crinita Becc. 117 decipiens Backer 113 densiflora Schltr 112, 113, 118, 119* dolichostyla Schltr 119 erubescens (Champ.) Miers 114 macra K.Sch. & Schltr 116 macra Schltr 120 maculata Miers 112, 113 major Becc. 116 micranthera Giesen 112, 121 mindanaensis Giesen 120 minuta Schltr 113 monticola K.Sch. & Schltr 116 multiflora Giesen 112, 113, 120 nana BI. 113, 116, 117 neo-caledonica Schltr 115 nutans Giesen 118 oligochaete Schltr 115 papillosa Becc. 121 papuana Becc. 116 pilulifera Schltr 116 pumila Giesen 114 purpurea 109 quadribullifera J.J.Sm. 112, 114 reflexa Schlu 118 secundiflora Thw. ex Bth. $12"115*; 116. 120 stemmermannii Fosb. & Sachet 120 subhermaphrodita J.J.Sm. 114 sumatrana Becc. 116 tenella BI. 112, 113, 115* var. robusta Giesen 114 var. voigtii Giesen 114 torricellensis K.Sch. & Schlur 114 trichopoda Schl 118 tuberculata Giesen 112, 118 valida Giesen 118 versteegiana Went 116 vitiensis A.C. Smith 118 wariana (Schltr) Meerendonk 112, 117 werneri Schlur 116 winkleri Schlur 112, 113, 120 Scleropyrum 33 aurantiacum (Laut.& K.Sch.) Pilger 52 Scyphostegiaceae 5: 297— 299; 6: 967; 7: 830; 10: 326 Securidaca L. 455-459, 483 atro-violacea Elmer 483, 484 bracteata Benn. 484 var. papuana F.v.M. 485 complicata auct. 484 corymbosa Turcz. 484 cumingii Hassk. 484 ecristata Kassau 483, 485* var. nitida Kassau 485 inappendiculata Hassk. 483 ssp. corymbosa (Turcz.) Meijden 484 ssp. inappendiculata 484 paniculata Roxb. 484 philippinensis Chodat 483, 484 scandens Ham. ex Benth. 484 tavoyana Wall. ex Benn. 484 volubilis auct. 484 yaoshannensis Hao 484 Selwynia F.v.M. 218 laurina F.v.M. 219 Semeiocardium Zoll. 539 hamiltonii Hassk. 463 Semeiocardium (non Zoll.) Hassk. 459, 462 Shepherdia Nutt. 151 Simaroubaceae 6: 193-226, 968; 10: 621, 622, 718 Sinapis 541 alba L. 545 juncea L. 546 imoriana DC. 546 Siparuna 259 gilgiana 261 guyanensis 261 Siparunaceae 261 Siphonodon celastrineus Griff. 539 Sisymbrium 541, 543 amphibium L. var. palustre L. 557 micranthum Roth 560 nasturtium-aquaticum L. 555 Skaphium Miq. 493 anceatum Migq. 527 1989] Index to scientific plant names 743 (Sciaphila) (Scleropyrum) Sonneratiaceae 4: 280-289, flexuosa Giesen 118 pentandrum (Dennst.) 51345: 55776973 gatiensis Schltr 115 Mabberley 52 Sparganiaceae 4: 233-234; hermaphrodita Schltr 113 wallichianum (W. & A.) Arn. 10: 718 hydrophila Schltr 120 52 Sparganium fallax Graebn. 718 inaequalis Schltr 118 Scorodocarpus Becc. 1-6, 14 simplex Huds. inornata Petch 116 map, 15 f. simplex 718 longipes Schltr 118 borneensis (Baill.) Becc. 5, subglobosum Morong 718 maboroensis Schltr 116 £5.16" Spermabolus T. & B. 605 macra K.Sch. & Laut. 120 Scyphostegia Stapf 326 fruticosa T. & B. 605 Sphaerocarya leprosa Dalz. 22 Sphenocleaceae 4: 27-28 Sphenostemon Baill. 145, 146, 3267595 sect. Apetalae (Steen.) Steen. 147 sect. Sphenostemon 147 ser. Apetalae Steen. 147 ser. Sphenostemon 146, 147 arfakensis (Gibbs) Steen. & Erdtman 147, 149 lobosporus (F.v.M.) L.S. Smith 147, 149 oppositifolius Hiirl. 146 pachycladus 146 papuanus (Laut.) Steen. & Erdtman 147, 148*, 149 pauciflorum (A.C. Smith) Steen. & Erdtman 147, 148 Sphenostemonaceae 145-149, $20,390 Stachycarpus (Endl.) Tiegh. 352, 384 sect. Sundacarpus (Buchholz & Gray) Gaussen 385 amara Gaussen 387 Stackhousiaceae 4: 35-36 Staphyleaceae 6: 49-59 Steganthera Perkins 255-263, 288, 306, 321 alpina Perkins 319 atepala Perkins 319 australiana C.T.White 309, 318 brassii (A.C. Smith) Kanch. & Hatus. 315 buergersiana Perkins 316 chimbuensis Philipson 309, 318 crispula Perkins 316 cyclopensis Philipson 308, 310 dentata (Val.) Kaneh. & Hatus. 308, 310 elliptica A.C. Smith 278 fasciculata Philipson 307*, 308, 309 fengeriana Perkins 315 744 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 (Steganthera) (Stephania) (Stephania) forbesii Perkins 316 borneensis Yamamoto montana Diels 159, 243— hentyi Philipson 308, 309 249 2AS 250208 hirsuta (Warb.) Perkins 262, capitata (BI.) Spreng. 159, neoguineensis Kundu & Guha 300, 308, 309, 314*, 160, 161, 165, 167, 236, 253 315, 318 hospitans (Becc.) Kaneh. & Hatus. 257, 258, 308- 3105311,5313*,/319 ilicifolia A.C. Smith 256, 296, 309, 317*, 318 insculpta Perkins 308, 309, 319 insignis Perkins 312 ledermannii (Perkins) Kaneh. & Hatus. 257, 308, 319 moszkowskii (Perkins) Kaneh. & Hatus. 257, 308, 309, 311 myrtifolia (A.C. Smith) Philipson 309, 313 oblongiflora Perkins 315, 316 oblongifolia 315 odontophylla Perkins 319 oligantha (Perkins) Kaneh. & Hatus. 308, 309, 315 oligocarpella Kaneh. & Hatus. 291 parvifolia (Perkins) Kaneh. & Hatus. 309, 315 psychotrioides Perkins 319 pycnoneura Perkins 319 riparia Kaneh. & Hatus. 316 royenii Philipson 257, 308, 309, 310 salomonensis (Hems!.) Philipson 308, 309, 311, S12% schlechteri Perkins 278 schumanniana Perkins 315 suberoso-alata Kosterm. 311 symplocoides Perkins 319 thyrsiflora Perkins 315, 316 torricellensis Perkins 316 villosa Kaneh. & Hatus. 284 warburgii Perkins 315 243-245, 252*, 253 catosepala Diels 249, 250 catosepala (non Diels) Merr. 251 cauliflora Becc. 249, 250 cincinnans K. Sch. 203 concinna Miers 247 corymbosa (BI.) Walp. 243-— 245, 249, 250 corymbosa (non BI.) Turcz. 251 dictyoneura Diels 160, 167, 243, 244, 253 ; discolor (B1.) Spreng. 245 var. hernandiifolia (Willd.) Boerl. 245 exigua Miers 247 florulenta Becc. 251 formanii Kundu & Guha 250, 251 forsteri (DC.) A. Gray 247 glaucescens (Decne) Walp. 245 grandiflora Forman 244, 248 hallieri Diels 247 hernandiifolia (Willd.) Walp. 245, 247 var. discolor (B1.) Miq. 245 var. genuina (Bl.) Miq. 245 var. glabra (B1.) Miq. 245 hernandiifolia [non (Willd.) Walp.] Koord. 249 hernandiifolia [non (Willd.) Walp.] Ridl. 248 hernandiifolia [non (Willd.) Walp.] Vidal 251 japonica (Thunb.) Miers 159, 165, 243-245, 245, 246*, 247 var. discolor (B1.) Forman 247, 248 obvia Miers 252 prapatensis Yamamoto 248 psilophylla (Presl) Forman 243-245, 251 ramosii Diels 249 ramuliflora Miers 249 reticulata Forman 244, 245, 249 rotunda (non Lour.) Miq. 248 rotundifolia 248 salomonum Diels 244, 245, 250 tomentosa (B1.) Spreng. 229 truncata Yamamoto 252 venenosa 248 venosa (BI.) Spreng. 243- 245, 248 zippeliana Miq. 243-245, 251 Strakaea Pres 65 melastomaefolia Pres] 78 Strombosia Bl. 1—6, 19 ceylanica Gardn. 20*, 21, 22, 23 map var. lucida (T. & B. ex Valet.) Hochr. 22 var. membranacea (Bl.) Hochr. 22 var. sessilis Hochr. 22 dubia Vidal 22 elmeri Salvosa 22 javanica Bl. 5, 20*, 21 map var. sumatrana Val. 21 javanica auct. 22 latifolia Stapf 22, 23 lucida T. & B. 22 maingayi (Mast.) Whitm. 22 membranacea (Bl.) Valet. 22 minor Elmer ex Merr. 22 multiflora King 22 philippinensis (Baill.) Rolfe Stellatopollisbarghoornii 256 2 Stemonurus frutescens Bl. 25 membranaceus Bl, 22 Stephania Lour. 157, 160-162, var. japonica 247 var. timoriensis (DC.) Forman 247 Japonica {non (Thunb.) philippinensis (non (Baill.) Rolfe] Lam & Holthuis 29 rapaneoides S. Moore 22 165, 167, 169, 171, 243 sect. Eustephania Diels 243, 244 sect. Thamnothyrsa Diels 243, 244 acuminatissima (BI.) Spreng. 252 Miers] Miers 251 longifolia Becc. 252 menadonensis Diels ex Koord.-Schum. 249 merrillii Diels 249, 250 moluccana Forman 244, 245, 250 rotundifolia King 22 Strombosiopsis 3, 4 Stropha Noronha 129 Stylidiaceae 4: 529-532; 5: 564; 6: 976 Styracaceae 4: 49-56; 6: 976; 9: 568 1989] Index to scientific plant names 745 Symplocaceae 8: 205-274; 9: 569; 10: 718 Symplocos Jacq. subg. Hopea Clarke 718 ambangensis Noot. 719 cochinchinensis 719 ssp. laurina 719 costatifructa Noot. 719 herzogii 718 iliaspaiensis Noot. 719 laeteviridis 719 maliliensis 719 ophirensis ssp. Cumingiana 719 rayae Noot. 718, 719 riangensis Noot. 718, 719 verticillifolia 718 Synandrium exsertum 243 inclusum 243 Taccaceae 7: 806-819 Talauma Juss. 563, 568 sect. Aromadendron Miq. 569, 576 angatensis (Blco) Vidal 585 athliantha Dandy 583 beccarii Ridl. 586 betongensis Craib 585 bintuluensis Agostini 577 borneensis Merr. 583 candollei auct. 585 candollii Bl. 569, 581, 582 var. latifolia Bl. 582 elegans (B1.) Miq. 577 var. glauca (Korth.) Parment. 577 elegans auct. 583 elmeri Merr. ex Soderberg 587 forbesii King 582 gigantifolia Miq. 586 gigantifolia auct. 585 gitingensis Elmer 583 var. glabra Dandy 583 var. rotundata Dandy 583 glaucum (Korth.) Miq. 577 gracilior Dandy 583 grandiflora Merr. 585 inflata Parment. 582 intonsa Dandy 588 javanica Parment. 583 kunstleri King 582 kuteinensis Agostini 586 lanigera Hk.f. & Th. 588 lanigera auct. 586 levissima Dandy 585 liliifera (L.) O.K. 582 (Talauma) longifolia (Bl1.) Ridl. 582 luzoniensis Warb. ex Perkins 585 macrophylla Bl. 583 magna Agostini 586 me galophylla Merr. 586 miqueliana Dandy 582 mutabilis Bl. 582 var. acuminata Bl. 582 var. acwminatissima T. & B. 583 var. brevifolia T. & B. 583 var. latifolia T. & B. 583 var. leiocarpa T. & B. 583 var. longifolia Bl. 582 var. sciagraphia 582 var. splendens Bl. 582 mutabilis auct. 585 oblanceolata Ridl. 585, 586 oblongata Merr. 585 obovata Korth. 585 obovata auct. 586 oreadum Diels 583 ovalis Miq. 596 papuana Schltr 596 peninsularis Dandy 583 persuaveolens Dandy 587 plumierii (Schwartz) A. DC. 568 pubescens Merr. 596 pumila Bl. 582 pumila auct. 583 rabiana Craib var. villosa (Miq.) Parment. 588 reticulata Merr. 583 rubra Miq. 582 rumphii BI. 582 sarawakensis Agostini 588 sclerophylla Dandy 585 sebassa Miq. ex Dandy 582 singapurensis Ridl. 586 soembensis Dandy 583 sumatrana Agostini 583 undulatifolia Agostini 583 villariana Rolfe 583, 585 villarii 583 villosa Miq. 588 f. celebica Miq. 603 vrieseana Miq. 569, 596 Tambourissa 257, 258 ficus (Tul.) A.DC. 326 Taxaceae 343, 346, 347-351, 354 Taxales 347 Taxodiaceae 338, 343, 354 Taxus L. 337, 342, 347, 348 map baccata (non L.) Mast. 349 SSp. Cuspidata var. chinensis Pilger 349 ssp. wallichiana (non Zucc.) Pilger 349 var. sinensis Henry 349 celebica (Wall.) Li 350 chinensis (Pilger) Rehd. 350 cuspidata (non Sieb.& Zucc.) Kaneh. 350 cuspidata var. chinensis (Pil- ger) Rehd. & Wilson 350 mairei (Lemée & Lév.) Hu & Liu 350 speciosa Florin 350 sumatrana (Miq.) de Laub. 349, 350*, 351 map wallichiana (non Zucc.) Foxw. 349 wallichiana var. chinensis (Pilger) Florin 350 yunnanensis Cheng 350 Temstroemiaceae 327 Tetanosia Rich. ex M. Roemer 46 olacioides (W. & A.) M. Roemer 47 Tetrastylidium 3, 4 Tetrasynandra 284 map Thalamia Spr. 356 Thalictrum 165 Theaceae 145 Theales 145 Thlaspi 541, 543 Thottea Rottb. 53—55, 57-59, 61-64, 65 beccarii Ding Hou 67, 74 borneensis Val. 65, 66, 73 celebica Ding Hou 67, 78, 80* corymbosa (Griff.) Ding Hou 36",3:7 poe benGii 18, 82* curvisemen Ding Hou 61, 66, 73 dependens (Planch.) Klotzsch 56°, 5/, a; Gia S dinghoui 62 grandiflora Rottb. 59, 62, 66, 68*, 69 hirsuta Ridl, 81 macrantha (Boerl.) Ding Hou 60*, 62, 65, 67, 81 macrophylla Becc. 59, 66, 71 muluensis Ding Hou 56*, 57, 67, 76*, 78 746 (Thottea) parviflora Ridl. 59, 62, 66, 67, 80* paucifida Ding Hou 59, 62, BT, fe. oy oe penitilobata Ding Hou 57, Gi, fr ss philippinensis Quis. 67, 75, 82* reniloba Ding Hou 60*, 67, 77 rhizantha Becc. 67, 75 robusta Steen. 66, 70*, 71 siliquosa (Lamk) Ding Hou 81 sp. Ding Hou 83 straatmanii Ding Hou 66, 69 sumatrana (Merr.) Ding Hou 67, 80*, 81 tomentosa (BI.) Ding Hou 5457, 39,02, 09; 19 tricornis Maingay 62, 67, 74, 80* triserialis Ding Hou 55, 59, 66, 69 Thuja 444 javanica Burm.f. 453 papuana (F.v.M.) Voss 444 Thujoideae 444 Thuya javanica 453 Thymelaeaceae 4: 349-365; 6: 1-48, 976; 7: 830; 10: 151 Thymelaeales 151 Tiliacora Colebr. 157, 160-168, 170, 172, 185 triandra (Colebr.) Diels 162, 166, 185, 187, 208* Tinomiscium Miers 157—162, 166-170, 204 arfakianum (Becc.) Diels 197 ° elasticum Becc. 205 javanicum Miers 205 molle Diels 205 petiolare Hk.f. & Th. 159, 205, 206* philippinense Diels 205 phytocrenoides Kurz ex Te po, aD pyrrhobotryum Migq. 205 Tinospora Miers 19, 158-171, 188 andamanica Diels 199 angusta 190 arfakiana Becc. 190, 191, 197 baenzigeri Forman 159, 160, 190; 191, 195, 196", 197 FLORA MALESIANA (Tinospora) celebica Diels 190, 193, 194 cordifolia 190, 197 coriacea (B1.) Beumée ex Heyne 199 crispa (L.) Hk.f. & Th. 160, 165, 166, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196*, 197, 200 crispa {non (L.) Hk.f. & Th.] Diels 199 curtisii Ridl. 253 dentata 190 dissitiflora (Laut. & K.Sch.) Diels 159, 190, 191, 192*. 197 glabra (Burm. f.) Merr. 159, 165, 186*, 191, 192*, 194, 195, 199, 200 glandulosa Merr. 190, 194 hastata Elmer 193 havilandii Diels 193, 210 hirsuta (Becc.) Forman 190, 193 homosepala Diels 190, 200 macrocarpa Diels 191, 192*, 198, 199 megalobotrys Laut. & K.Sch. 187 merrilliana Diels 159, 190, 11 191 minutiflora K. Sch. & Laut. 227 negrotica Diels 193 var. monticola Yamamoto 193 peekelii Dicls 197 polygonoides Diels 200 pseudo-crispa Bocrl. 199 reticulata 199 rumphii Boerl. 194, 195, 200 sagittata 190 sinensis (Lour.) Merr. 190, 200 smilacina Benth. 191, 196* subcordata (Miq.) Diels 159, 191, 192*, 200 sumatrana (Scheff.) Becc. 190, 191, 198, 199 var. hanadae Yamamoto 198 teijsmannii Boerl. 191, 192*, 199 tinosporoides (F.v.M.) Forman 190, 192* trilobata Diels 159, 190, P91, 202 tuberculata (Lamk) Beumée ex Heyne 194 (ser. I, vol. 104 (Tinospora) uliginosa Miers 199 uliginosa (non Miers) Hk. f. & Th. 198 Trapaceae 4: 43-44; 6: 982 Tremandraceae 458 Tricercandra A. Gray 128 Trichocarya Miq. 645, 648 splendens 645 Triclisia 165 Trigoniaceae 4: 58-60; 10: 458 Trimenia Seemann 145, 255, 261, 326, 327, 329 map arfakensis Gibbs 330, 331 bougainvilleensis (Roden- burg) A.C. Smith 332 grandifolia Warb. 333 macrura (Gilg & Schltr) Philipson 329 map, 330, 351532 moorei (Oliv. in Bth.) Philipson 328, 329 map, 330 myricoides Gilg & Schltr 330, 331 neocaledonica 328, 329 map, 330 papuana Ridl. 328*, 329 map, 330, 331* weinmanniifolia Seem. 328, 329 map, 330-332 ssp. bougainvilleensis Rodenb. 328, 330, 332 Trimeniaceae 145, 255, 261, 327-333 Trimeria grandifolia (Hochst.) Warb. 333 Trimeriza Lindl. 65 Tristichocalyx F.v.M. 217 Triuridaceae 109-121, 110 map, 720 Triuridales 109 — Triuris 110, 112 Trochiscus Gilli 555 macrocarpus Gilli 559 Tropacolaceae 639 Tsjeru-caniram Rheede 49 Tsjerucaniram 49 Tsjerucanirum 49 Tsoongiodendron 563, 564, 567, 593 Tsuga 338, 343 mairei Lemée & Lév. 350 Tuba baccifera Rumph. 213 flava Rumph. 210 Turneraceae 4: 235-238 Typhaceae 4: 242-244; 6: 982 1989] 42 map Index to scientific plant names 747 Ulmaceae 8: 31-76, 551; (Xanthophyllum) (Xanthophyllum) 9: 569; 10: 29 subg. Coriaceum Meijden contractum Meijden 499, Umbelliferae 4: 113-140, 494, 528 532 595; 5: 555; 6: 983; subg. Exsertum Meijden 494, cordatum Korth. ex Miq. 515 7: 830; 9: 569 533 f. aequale Chodat 515 Urobotrya Stapf 31-35, 41 subg. Triadelphum Meijden curtisii King 514 sect. Lepionuroides Hiepko 494, 530 densiflorum Chodat 521, 522 subg. Xanthophyllum 494, discolor Chodat 495, 520 500 ssp. discolor 520 sect. Urobotrya 42 floresensis Hiepko 42 map, 43, 48 latisquama (Gagn.) Hiepko 32, 43, 42 map longipes (Gagn.) Hiepko 42 map parviflora Hiepko 41*, 42 map, 43 siamensis Hiepko 34, 42 map, 43, 46 Uvaria-leaved Magnolia Meijer 574 Vaccinium angulatum J.J. Sm. 716 commutatum Mabberley & Sleumer 716 Valerianaceae 4: 253-254 Vallisneria 112 Vanhallia Schult. 65 omentosaJ.A. & J.H. Schultes 79 Vidara littorea Rumph. 11 Viola rheophila Okamoto 720 Violaceae 7: 179-212, 831; 10: 720 Violaria Post & O.K. 568, 569 Viscaceae 353 Vochysiaceae 458 Weinmannia 123 Wellingtonia arnottiana Meisn. 709 Wilkiea F.v.M. 255-257, 262, 263, 282, 288 foremanii Philipson 282, 283* huegeliana 288 macrophylla 288 Wittsteinia F.v.M. 335 papuana (Steen.) Steen. 336* Worcesterianthus Merr. 29 Xanthophyllum Roxb. 455-459, 493 subg. Brunophyllum Meijden 494, 535 sect. Eystathes (Lour.) Meijden 500, 507 subsect. Eystathes 507, 526 subsect. Jakkia (Bl.) Meijden 507, 508 sect. Xanthophyllum 500 acuminatissimum Mig. 515 adenopodum Mia. 501 adenotus Mig. 497, 498, 511, 515 var. adenotus 516 var. lineare Meijden 516 affine Korth. ex Miq. 498, 500, 501, 503 B excelsa K. & V. 500 a genuina K. & V. 503 var. adenopodum (Miq.) K. & V. 501 affine (non Mig.) K.Sch. & Hollr. 537 affine (non Miq.) Koord. 512 affine (non Miq.) Ridl. 528 amoenum Chodat 499, 533 amoenum (non Chodat) Keith 535 ancolanum Mig. 498, 511 f. angustifolia Mig. 511 angustigemma Meijden 496, 519 arsatii C.E.C. Fischer 516 beccarianum Chodat 495, 522 borneense Migq. 495, 508 bracteatum Chodat 518*, 496, 519 brevipes Meijden 495, 535, 536* brigittae Mcijden 496, 498, Sit, 512* bullatum King 498, 501 celebicum Meijden 499, 532 ceraccifolium Meijden 497, $17 chartaceum Meijden 499, 535, 539 citrifolium Chodat 530 clovis (Steen. ex Mcijden) Meijden 496, 517 cockburnii Meijden 494, 502 ssp. macranthum Meijden 520 ecarinatum Chodat 499, 539 ellipticum Korth. ex Miq. 499, 530, 531* erythrostachyum Gagnep. 497, 511, 523 eurhynchum Miq. 497, 524, 525 ssp. eurhynchum 525 ssp. maingayi (Hk. f. ex A.W. Benn.) Meijden 525 excelsum BI. 503 var. affine (Miq.) Boerl. 503 excelsum (BI.) Mig. 500 ferrugineum Meijden 498, 503 flavescens (non Roxb.) F.-Vill. 514 flavescens Roxb. 498, 500, 504, 528 var. virens (Roxb.) A.W. Benn. 528 flavovirens Elmer 520 flavum Ridl. 505, 507 floriferum Elmer 501 forbesii Baker 523 glabrescens Ridl. 508 glandulosum Merr. 501 glaucescens Miq. 539 glaucum Wall. ex Hassk. 527 gracile Chodat 513 griffithii Hk.f.ex A.W. Benn. 496, 513, 514 ssp. angustifolium (Ng) Meijden 513 ssp. erectum Meijden 513, 514 var. angustifolium Ng 513 var. curtisii (King) Ng 513, 515 var. montanum Ng 513, 514 griffithii (non A.W. Benn.) Rolfe 514 hebecarpum Chodat 539. heterophyllum Meijden 496, $19 748 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 104 (Xanthophyllum) (Xanthophyllum) (Xanthophyllum) heteropleurum Chodat 505, 507 hildebrandii Meijden 498, 532 hookerianum King 514 hosei Ridl. 498, 502 hypoleucum Merr. 520 impressum Meijden 496, 513 incertum (BI.) Meijden 496, 515 insigne A.W. Benn. 536 kalimantanum Meijden 539 kingii Chodat 530 korthalsianum Mig. 496, 520 kunstleri King 514 laeve Meijden 499, 524 lanceatum (Miq.) J.J. Sm. 494, 496, 527 lanceolatum 527 lateriflorum Miq. 497, 527 loheri Merr. 501 longifolium (B1.) Dietr. 514 macranthum Chodat ex Elmer 520 macrophyllum Baker 498, 507 maingayi Hk.f. ex A.W. Benn. 524, 525 malayanum Meijden 495, 526 microcarpum Chodat 527 molle Ridl. 522 montanum Meijden 499, 532 monticolum Meijden 496, 514 multiramosum Elmer 501 neglectum Meijden 497, 498, 509 ngii Meijden 496, 526 nigricans Meijden 495, 508 novoguineense Meijden 496, 526 obscurum A.W. Benn. 499, 536 ovatifolium Chodat 498, 508 palawanense Elmer 497, 516 palembanicum Miq. 511 palembanicum (non Miq.) Keith 509 palembanicum (non Miq.) King 524. 525 pallidum Ridl. 501 paniculatum Mig. 514 papuanum Whitm. ex Meijden 457, 499, 537, 538* parvifolium Meijden 496, 510 parvum Chodat 513 pauciflorum Meijden 496, 509 pedicellatum Meijden 495, 522 penibukanense Heine 495, 521 petiolatum Meijden 496, 517 philippinense Chodat 498, 510 pseudoadenotus Meijden 495, 521 pseudostipulaceum Merr. 513 pseudostipulaceum (non Merr.) Meijer 519 puberulum Ridl. 525 pubescens Meijden 495, 504 pulchrum King 495, 521, Le ssp. pulchrum 521 ssp. stapfii (Chodat) Meijden 522 purpureum Ridl. 495, 522 ramiflorum Meijden 494, 495, 529*, 530 reflexum Meijden 496, 519 resupinatum Meijden 498, 504 reticulatum Chodat 495, 522 retinerve Meijden 497, 524 robustum Chodat 515 var. elmeri Chodat 515 rufum Benn. 494, 505, 506* sarawakense Chodat 503 sarawakensis 503 schizocarpon Chodat 495, 504 scortechinii King 536 spec. 504 spec. Anderson 530 spec. E Ng 539 stapferi 521 Sstapfii Chodat 521, 522 stipitatum A.W. Benn. 497, 499, 535 var. borneense Chodat 535 var. glabrum Meijden 535 var. nitidum Chodat 533 var. pachyphyllum Chodat 533 var. stipitatum 535 subcoriaceum (Chodat) Meijden 498, 509 suberosum C.T.White 499, 533, 334* subglobosum Elmer 539 var. longifolium Elmer 539 sulfureum 502 sulphureum King 494, 502 sumatranum Miq. 511 tardicrescens Meijden 498, 510 tenue Chodat 498, 508 tenuipetalum Meijden 498, 512 trichocladum Chodat 495, 522 velutinum Chodat 495, 505 venosum King 497, 525 verrucosum Chodat 524, S45: virens Roxb. 497, 528 virescens 528 vitellinum (BI.) Dietr. 497, 498, 514 var. clovis Steen. ex Meijden 517 wrayi King 497, 525 Ximenia L. 1-6, 10 americana lL. 2; 5.9m var. americana 11, 12* borneensis Baill. 15 loranthifolia Span. 11 olacioides W. & A. 47 Xylosma leprusipes Clos 715 Xyridaceae 4: 366-376, 598; 5: 557; 9: 571 Zanonia indica L. 253 Zizyphus littorea Teysm. ex Hassk. 11 Zonalapollenites 338 Zygophyllaceae 4: 64 LH ill TN 5 00275 Hh Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume | . Cyclopaedia of collectors & collections. 1950. pp. clii + 639 (microfiche edition) . General chapters and revisions. 1948-1954. pp. ccix + 631 (microfiche edition) . Bibliography, specific delimitation & revisions. 1955-1958. pp. ccexlii + 596 . Systematic revisions. 1960—1972. pp. 20+ 1023 (microfiche edition) . Cyclopaedia of Collectors, Suppl. 2. Systematic revisions. 1974-1978. pp. 19+577 . Systematic revisions. 1979-1983. pp. 48 + 600 1 4 5 6 Volume 7. 8 9 0. Systematic revisions. 1984—1989. pp. 44+ 748 FLORA MALESIANA : under the Auspices of the Centre for Research ; and Development in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia, ; and the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Holland, executed by Foundation Flora Malesiana Scientific Communications concerning the Flora Malesiana should be addressed to the General Editor, Dr. W.J.J.O. de Wilde c/o Rijksherbarium, P.O. Box 9514 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands Series I— Spermatophyta (Flowering Plants) ee eo Systematic revisions. 1971-1976. pp. 18 + 876 Series Il — Pteridophyta (Ferns & Fern Allies) Volume 1. Taxonomical Revision. 1959-1982. pp. (20) + xxiv + 600 Subscription orders and requests for All requests for further information concerning 3 specimen copies should be sent to: the Flora Malesiana should be sent to: ‘oa Kluwer Academic Publishers Group Kluwer Academic Publishers : Distribution Centre P30) Boxel7 P.O. Box 322 3300 AA Dordrecht 3300 AH Dordrecht : The Netherlands The Netherlands KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT/BOSTON/LONDON Printed in the Netherlands ISBN 0-7 142