FLORA MALESIANA UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE BOTANIC GARDENS OF INDONESIA, BOGOR, AND THE RIJKSHERBARIUM, LEYDEN TCIBRARY JAN 11 1968 ™ EV J Y © BOTANICAL Co Arh ie LN July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 669 2, ANDRESIA SLEUM., nom. nov. — Wirtgenia ANDRES, Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. 56 (1914) 58, 59, 61, 68, f. 1 H, in text; Domin, Sitz. Ber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. M.-N. KI. (1915) 104, non Scu.-Bre. 1842. — Cheilotheca (non HooK. f.) PRAIN in K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 81; RipL. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 222, f. 93. — Fig. 54. Echlorophyllose, ephemerous, leafless, white or coloured herbs; stem stoutish, erect, simple or 2-3-forked, densely set with large, imbricate scales; roots fleshy. Flower regular, solitary, terminal. Sepaloid scales 5, free, erect, oblong-lanceolate, like the uppermost stem scales. Petals 3, free, erect, imbricate, linear-oblong, blunt and somewhat cucullate at the apex. Stamens 6, included; filaments linear, flattened ; anthers linear, basifix, subextrorse, hippocrepiform, cells 2, smooth, confluent at apex, dehiscing by marginal pores which gradually extend into slits. Disk hypogy- nous, low. Ovary fusiform, 1-celled, gradually narrowed into the cylindric style; stigma subcapitate or subglobose, obscurely 4- or 6-lobed; placentas 6, parietal, only slightly prominent, with rather numerous ovules. Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, baccate, crowned by the + persistent + truncate style, not yet known in perfectly ripe state. Distr. Monotypic and endemic in Malesia (Malay Peninsula). Ecol. In dense woods, reported to be a root-parasite, but surely a mycotrophous saprophyte, as true parasites are not known within the Ericales. Tay Y] a 1. Andresia malayana (ScorT. in Hook. f.) SLEUM., nov. comb. — Wirtgenia malayana (ScortT. in Hook Ff.) ANDRES, Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. 56 (1914) 58, 59, 61, 68, f. 1 H, in text. — Cheilotheca malayana Scort. in Hook. f. Ic. Pl. (1887) t. 1564; PRAIN, J. As. Soc. Beng. 73, ii (1904) 205; in K. & G. ibid. 74, ii (1905) 81; ANDREs, Deutsch. Bot. Monatsschr. 22, 4 (1911) 53; Ripi. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 222, f. 93. — Fig. 54. Stem 15-22 cm. Scales ovate-oblong, obtuse, upwards gradually increasing in size, lurid-purple (SCORTECHINI), dilutely purple (RIDLEY) or waxy white (KUNSTLER), glabrous, 0.6-1.8 by 0.3-0.7 cm. Flower c. 2.5 cm, hidden within the upper- most scales and bright yellow (KUNSTLER), or with the tips of the petals exserted and white (SCORTECHINI, RIDLEY). Sepaloid scales 5, re- sembling the uppermost scales, but rather larger and all close together, oblong-lanceolate, subacute or obtuse, glabrous, c. 1.5—-1.8 by 0.5 cm. Petals larger and more concave than the sepals, rounded- cucullate at the apex, glabrous outside, rather densely to sparingly short-hairy inside in the upper 74, c. 2-2.5 by 0.6 cm. Outer filaments somewhat shorter than the inner ones, laxly hairy all the length (ScorTECHINI), or inside near the base only (KUNSTLER), c. 1.5 by 0.1 cm; anthers c. 2 mm (SCORTECHINI) or c. 4 mm s ig. 54. Andresia malayana (Scort. in Hook. /.) Sieum. a. Habit, x %, b. sepal, x 114, c. petal, x 1%, d. two stamens, * 2, e. flower, the perianth .Temoved, x 1'A, f. ovary and disk, x 1, g. transverse section of ovary, x 2 (after Hook. Ic. t. 1564). 670 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° (KUNSTLER). Disk sinuate. Ovary narrow-fusiform, c. 2 mm Q, faintly 6-grooved, pistil c. 1.7 cm; stigma obscurely 4-lobed (SCORTECHINI) or 6-lobed (KUNSTLER). Immature berry white, c. 1.8 cm @. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Perak (Larut), discovered both by ScorTECHINI and KUNSTLER between 1882 and 1886, later also found by RiIpLeyY, whose material was not preserved. Ecol. Humiculous, in dense jungle (KUNSTLER: ‘underneath the rock’, c. 1065 m), in dense bamboo (RIDLEY in litt.: c. 1000-1500 m). Note. According to the field notes recorded by the collectors, the specimens of SCORTECHINI and KUNSTLER differ in the characters mentioned in the description above. Their essential characters agree, however, and the plants seem to be con- specific. The species has not been refound recently, and new complete material, conserved in alcohol, is urgently needed, to enlarge our knowledge of the plant. Andresia shares the peculiarities of the petals, anthers, stigma and placentation with Mono- tropastrum ANDRES (from the Himalayas to China and S. Kuriles, Japan, Korea, Formosa and N. Sumatra), Monotropanthum ANDREs (India, China, Korea, Formosa) and Pityopus SMALL (N. Ame- rica), but is certainly not congeneric with Cheilo- theca Hook. f. (Khasia) as assumed by Hooker f., PRAIN and Rip.ey. In Cheilotheca there are only 3-4 sepaloid scales, the petals are flat, the stigma has the form of a pileus or reversed cup, the anthers have parallel cells, with contractions or swellings at intervals, each cell opening by an irregular, longitudinal slit; the placentas are laterally expanded and bear few ovules only. 3. MONOTROPASTRUM Anpbres, Notizbl. Berl.Dahl. 12 (1935) 696, f. 8; in Hand.—_Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7 (1936) 766, f. 23; Bot. Jahrb. 76 (1953) 103; HARA, J. Jap. Bot. 36 (1961) 78, f. 2; ibid. 40 (1965) 100. — Fig. 55. Echlorophyllose, small, ephemerous, saprophytic, leafless herbs, white or with bluish tinge; stem stoutish, erect, simple, laxly to subdensely set with large or rather small, -- imbricate or rather distant spiral scales; roots fleshy. Flower regular, solitary, terminal. Sepaloid scales inserted immediately below the petals, 0-2. Petals 3-4(—5), free, erect, imbricate, forming a kind of campanulate corolla. Stamens 6-8(-10), equal or alternately a little longer; filaments linear, flattened, or thick-filiform; anthers subreniform, almost basifix, cells parallel to each other, dehiscent by transverse slits. Ovary ovoid to pear-shaped, gradually narrowed to a short (or rarely to a longer) style; stigma thick, cushion-like, somewhat deepened in its centre, very shortly 4- or 5-lobed; placentas 6-13, parietal, slightly prominent, with many ovules. Fruit fleshy, baccate, remaining reflexed as is the flower. Seeds ~, oval to roundish without appendages; testa + reticulate. Distr. 1 variable sp. in the Himalayas (Punjab to Bhutan), S. Tibet, Assam, Manipur, N. Burma, Indochina (Laos to S. Annam), China (Yunnan to Hunan and Hupeh), S. Ussuri, S. Saghalin, S. Kuriles, Japan, Korea, Formosa, in Malesia once found in N. Sumatra. Ecol. In dense mountain forest. Notes. Monotropastrum has the general habit of Monotropa (M. uniflora L.), with which it shares the asepalous flower and the type of the anthers. Monotropa, however, has a distinct shallow circular de- pression at the summit of the ovary, which is filled by the base of the short, stout, slightly obconical style (which thus — in contrast with Monotropastrum — is set off markedly from the proper ovary), an axile placenta (at least so below), and a loculicidal capsule which becomes erect and is filled with small elongate and tailed seeds. 1. Monotropastrum humile (D. Don) Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 36 (1961) 78, f. 2; ibid. 40 (1965) 100, with further syn. and lit. — Monotropa humilis D. Don, Prod. Fl. Nepal. (1825) 151. — Fig. 55. Stem c. 9 cm. Lower scales dense, imbricate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, 8 by 3-4 mm, middle and upper ones gradually more spaced, partly or not imbricate, lanceolate, subacuminate, 12-15 by 4 mm, of a greyish bluish tinge when fresh, turning black when dry, especially the lower part inside covered with rather long, cobweb-like, brown or rufous hairs, which are also found on the stem, -- glabrous elsewhere. Flower reflexed. Petals broad oblong, apex + truncate, saccate at the base inside, either irregularly clothed with longish, brown, woolly hairs on both faces, or July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 671 partly glabrescent, c. 13 by 5-6 mm. Stamens 8; filaments thick-filiform, with sparse hairs or + glabrous. Disk lobes apparently 8, short-cylin- drical, alternating with the stamens. Ovary c. 9 mm long, 2.5 mm @ in the lower 14, gradually attenuate to a very broad and short style c. /; as long as the ovary. Distr. East Asia, in Malesia: N. Sumatra (Tapanuli), once found in forest near Lae Pondom, E. of Sidikalang, at c. 1500 m, by H. SURBECK. Fl. Apr. Note. Though the Sumatran material is scanty and no fruit was collected, I refer this to M. humile seen the enormous variability of this species in- dicated by HARA. Fig. 55. Monotropastrum humile (D. DON) HARA. a. Habit, x 1, b. stamens, x 3, c. ovary, X 3 (SURBECK S.n.). 4.PYROLA Tourn. ex Linng, Gen. Pl. ed. 5 (1754) 188; Sp. Pl. (1753) 396. — Fig. 56. Perennial glabrous herbs or small half-shrubs, with rhizomes, short leafy stems. Leaves spiral, persistent, entire or denticulate, long-petioled. Flowers in terminal, simple, bracteate racemes, nodding, white (Mal.), actinomorphic or slightly zy- gomorphic. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, persistent. Petals 5, concave, sessile, + ar- ranged in form of a bell or somewhat spreading, caducous. Stamens 10; filaments subulate; anthers incompletely 4-celled, dehiscing by terminal pores. Ovary 5- celled; ovules ~; style columnar, thickened upwards, straight (Mal.); stigma truncate or with a shortly 5-lobed stigma. Capsule depressed-subglobose, some- what pentagonal, 5-celled, loculicidally 5-valved from the base, crowned by a persistent style. Seeds minute; testa lax, produced on both ends. , Distr. About 35 spp. mostly in cold and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, also present in the temperate zone of tropical America (S. to Mexico) and Asia (Himalaya to Korea and Japan), in Malesia 1 sp. in N. Sumatra. 1. Pyrola sumatrana ANpres, Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 14 (1936) 5, f. 1. — P. japonica (non KLeNZe ex ALereLD) Steen. ibid. Il, 13 (1934) 206. — Fig. 56. Plant 12-35 cm, with stoutish, creeping stem, normal leaves in a lax to subdense rosette, other upper and reduced ones numerous, scale-like, subulate, remote, entire, somewhat keeled, 10-15 by 1-1.5 mm. Leaves remote, elliptic or ovate- elliptic, apex broad-attenuate to nearly rounded, obtuse, but with a marked terminal glandular tooth, base short-cuneate into the petiole, sub- coriaceous, firm, glabrous, dark green and slightly suffused with red above, reddish to purple-brown 672 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° \ | \ i 7 SIS Fig. 56. Pyrola sumatrana ANDRES. a. Habit, x 14, b. flower bud, x 114, c. flower, x 144, d. end of style with stigma, 5 (VAN STEENIS 6492). July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 673 beneath, a little shining above, paler beneath, margin somewhat thickened, minutely remotely denticulate by the protruding veins, sometimes nearly entire, (4-)5—7 by 2—3.5 cm, midrib stoutish, somewhat raised beneath, nerves (3—)4—-5 pairs, curved-anastomosing, veins very lax, rather little conspicuous; petiole 4-6.5 cm. Scape 17-25 cm, terete, purplish, with several narrow foliar scales below. Raceme lax, 3—6-flowered. Flowers shortly and broadly campanulate, up to 2.5 cm @. Pedicels slender, 0.8—1.2 cm; bract subamplectent, linear, + as long as the pedicel. Ca/yx light green, lobes subovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, subacute, c. 5-6 by 2 mm. Petals white, elliptic to broad- elliptic or subobovate-elliptic, 9-11 by c. 6 mm. Stamens 10; filaments flat, linear, 5-6 mm; \ SSS y; tty hs : OY anthers narrow-oblong, 3 by 1.2 mm, the apex of each cell narrowed into a short recurved tube, which bears a fine pore. Ovary depressed-globose, slightly 5-grooved longitudinally; style light green, columnar, rather slender, c. 6 mm, broadened towards the patelliform apex; stigma immersed, with 5 large and broad tooth-like lobes. Distr. Malesia: N. Sumatra, Atjeh, Gajo Lands (Mts Bur ni Geredong, 4°80’N, 96°80’E, and Losir). Ecol. In ridge scrub, forming mats, 2650-2800 m. Fi. Sept., Jan. Note. Nearest to P. japonica KLENZE ex ALEFELD from Japan (with a ssp. coreana ANDRES in Korea), which differs by cream and distinctly smaller flowers, anther-cells but 2mm long. Fig. 57. Lyonia ovalifolia (WALL.) Drupe. a. Habit, x %, b. flower, x 3, c. ovary and style, x 3, d. ovary, X 7, e. longitudinal section of ovary, x 7, /. cross section of ovary, * 7, g. stamen, * 7 (KEP 71940 Wyatt-SmITH). FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 4: LY ONEA Nutt. Gen. N. Am. Pl. 1 (1818) 266, nom. cons. — Pieris (non D. Don, 1834, s. str.) CLARKE in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. 3 (1882) 460; K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 72; RiDL. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 215. — Xolisma Rar. Am. Monthly Mag. 4 (1819) 193, nom. rejic. — Fig. 57-59. Evergreen or deciduous shrubs or rarely small trees. Leaves spirally arranged, short-petioled, entire (Mal.). Flowers 5-merous; racemes axillary or at the end of short lateral branches (Mal.). Calyx deeply (rarely 4-8-)lobed, lobes valvate. Corolla urceolate (Mal.), with short recurved lobes. Stamens 10 (rarely 8-16), Fig. 58. Lyonia ovalifolia (WALL.) DRUDE. Flowering branch from tree on top of Robinson Falls, 1450 m, Cameron Highlands, Malaya (SLEUMER 4662) (SLEUMER, 1963). July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 675 included; filaments flat, dilated near the base, with a pair of appendages near the apex (Mal.); anthers ovoid, obtuse, dorsifix, awnless, opening by apical pores. Ovary 4-6-celled, globose or depressed; style columnar; stigma truncate. Disk (5—)8-12-lobed. Capsule loculicidal, dry, sutures thickened and appearing before the dehiscence as 5 rounded longitudinal ribs. Seeds ~, small, linear-oblong, falcate, not winged, albuminous; testa loose. Distr. About 40 spp., chiefly in the eastern and southeastern States of North America and the West Indies, c. 7 spp. described from E. and SE. Asia, of which one extends to Malesia (Malay Peninsula only). Ecol. In Malesia in montane forest. 1. Lyonia ovalifolia (WALL.) DRuUDE in E. & P. Pfl. Fam. 4, 1 (1889) 44. — Andromeda ovalifolia WALL. As. Res. As. Soc. Beng. 13 (1820) 391, fig.; Cat. (1829) n. 763. — Pieris ovalifolia (WALL.) D. Don, Edinb. Phil. J. 17 (1834) 159; CLARKE in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. 3 (1882) 460; K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 73; Rip. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 38 (1908) 313, reimpr. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 2 (1908) 120; ibid. 6 (1915) 49, 157; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 215; HENpDeErRs. J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. 5 (1927) 256; Dop, in Fl. Gén. I.-C. 3 (1930) 725; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 206; KANIJILAL, DAs, c.s. Fl. Assam 3 (1939) 150. — Xolisma ovalifolia (WALL.) ReHbD. J. Arn. Arb. 5 (1924) 52; KANEH. Formos. Tr. (1936) 556, f. 517; FLeTcH. in Fl. Siam. En. 2 (1938) 315. — Fig. 57-59. Small, often crooked tree 4—6(—8) m high, trunk up to 10 cm @o, or bushy spreading shrub, oc- casionally epiphytic, with blackish brown or grey, deeply longitudinally fissured fibrous bark. Young branches terete, at first whitish puberulous, after- wards becoming glabrous and blackish. Leaves (in Mal.) evergreen, ovate, rather variable and some- times ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong (Mal.), apex short-acuminate, + acute, base broad-attenuate or mostly rounded, sometimes subcordate, thinly coriaceous, firm, dark glossy green and glabrous above except the midrib, rusty-pubescent at least initially beneath at the midrib and nerves, gla- brescent, edge very slightly recurved, (5S—)6—10(—15) by (3—)4-5.5(-7) cm, midrib flat above, prominent beneath, nerves (8—)10—-15 pairs, spreading, -+- parallel, slightly curved upwards near the edge, sharply prominent beneath, veins + transverse, reticulation dense, minutely or hardly prominent on both faces; petiole puberulous, 3—10(—12) mm. Racemes by suppression or early fall of the leaves sometimes forming a terminal false panicle, (5S—)6—15(-20) cm long, + pubescent. Flowers close together, secund, drooping. Bract linear or lanceolate, acute, caducous, 2.5-4 mm. Bractcoles small, linear-oblong. Pedicels slender, pubescent, 2-3 mm. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate or ovate, - acute, + pubescent, c. 2 mm. Corolla early caducous, narrowly elongate-ovoid to urceolate-cylindric, white to very pale cream, pubescent outside, puberulous within, 13 by 5mm in fresh, (S—)7—9 mm in dry specimens. Stamens half as long as the corolla; filaments white, woolly at the broad base, with 2 divaricate setaceous appendices near the apex; anthers ovoid, 1—1.5 mm. Disk lobes thick, deltoid, obtuse, alternating with the 5 faint ribs of the ovary. Ovary subglo- bose, pubescent; style cylindric, + as long as the corolla. Capsule globose, 4-5 mm g, glabrous, supported by the persistent calyx. Distr. Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhotan, Sikkim, Assam, Burma, Indochina, N. Siam, S. and SE. China, Formosa and Japan (var.), in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kedah: Kedah Peak; Perak: Mt Kerbau, Cameron Highlands; Pahang: Mt Tahan). Fig. 59. Fig. 59. Distribution of Lyonia ovalifolia (WALL.) Drupe in SE. Asia and Malesia. Ecol. In flattish or hilly mountain localities (,,padangs”), often from 915 m up, from other places recorded from 1220-2135 m.Fil. March—Aug., fr. May-Sept. Leafless for a short time in March in the Cameron Highlands. 6. PERNETTYOPSIS K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 79; Ripi. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 221. — Fig. 60. Small, rigid, epiphytic or terrestrial shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged, shortly petioled, coriaceous, minutely subserrate-crenulate, persistent. Flowers axillary, FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 676 solitary or in twos, rarely 3 or 4 in a fascicle. Pedicels stout, with several basal small bracts. Bracteoles 2 (rarely 3), rather large, inserted immediately below the calyx, forming a kind of involucral cup. Calyx as long as or mostly a little longer than the corolla, very deeply 5-partite, persistent, unchanged in fruit, lobes + spreading. Corolla short-urceolate to ovoid-subglobular, throat slightly constricted and with 5 short reflexed lobes. Stamens 10, equal, included; filaments linear, slightly attached to the bottom of the corolla, or inserted outside the disk lobes; anthers rather short, exappendiculate, apically prolonged into 2 porously de- hiscing tubules. Disk lobes 10, scale-like and attached to the ovary. Ovary free, subglobose, 5-celled; style columnar; stigma simple; placentas on the inner angle of the loculi, many-ovuled. Berry globose, 5-celled, with a thin wall and but scanty pulp. Seeds ~», minute, compressed, angled, filling the cells nearly completely; testa crustaceous. Distr. Monotypic in Malesia (Malay Peninsula). (RIDL.) RIDL. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923)222; HENDERS. 1. Pernettyopsis malayana K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 13 (1927) 5. — Fig. 60. 74, ii (1905) 79; RipL., J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 4 (1909) 44; ibid. 5 (1914) 39; ibid. 6 (1915) 49; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 221. — P. subglabra K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 80; RrpL. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 221. — Diplycosia breviflora Riv. Epiphytic or terrestrial shrub, 25-60 cm, not rarely trailing over moss cushions. Branches terete, blackish, younger parts brown, glabrous, bark very thin, branchlets sparsely to subdensely clothed with flat, manifestly appressed bristles (1-2 mm). Leaves 2-4, + close to the end of the shoots, elliptic to obovate-elliptic, more rarely obovate or subrotund, apex very broadly attenuate to rounded, obtuse, the terminal gland thick, + sharply prominent, base broadly narrowed into the petiole, dark green and + shining above, paler (sometimes more reddish brown) and rather dull beneath, glabrous above, laxly short-setulose beneath, the bristles longer persistent on the mid- rib and in the lower half of the blade, otherwise early caducous, their bases leaving brownish blackish subglandular pits, margin + flat, the crenulations ending in short, -- caducous, ap- pressed bristles, (2—)3—5 by (1.8—)2—-4 cm, midrib and nerves mostly -- deeply depressed above, less so beneath, nerves (2—)3—4 pairs, the lowest 1-2 pair(s) from the base of the lamina, curving up- wards and inwards and inarching, reticulation lax, slightly impressed above, almost obscure beneath; petiole thick, with appressed bristles, 2-5 by 1-1.5 mm. Flowers both in foliate and defoliate axils. Pedicels at anthesis 4-10 by 1-1.5 mm, ac- crescent, densely rusty-tomentose and recurved when young, erect and less woolly with age, the basal bracts ovate, c. 1.5 mm. Bracteoles red, thick, broad-ovate, obtuse, rusty-tomentose out- side, glabrous inside, 2(—3) mm. Calyx green or red, lobes subovate-lanceolate and somewhat spreading subacute, 5-8(-12) mm long, 2-4 mm wide at the base, with a dense rusty + easily detersile woolly tomentum outside initially, early glabrescent from the base upwards, at anthesis mostly only the tips short-tomentose, similarly inside, where the lower half is glabrous from the beginning. Corolla rather thin, glabrous, reported J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 6 (1915) 158. — P. breviflora r Y, TC. Fig. 60. Pernettyopsis malayana K. & G. a. Habit, x %, b. flower, x 3, c. ovary and disk, x 3, d. stamen, front, x 6, d’. anther dorsally, x 6 (For. Dep. F. M. S. 25943). to be green, white with purplish marks, pink, or mostly red when fresh, 4-7 mm, lobes | mm; filaments rather flattened and wavy, glabrous, July 1967] 3-4 mm; cells subovate-oblong, cordate at the base, granular, c. 2 mm, the apex prolonged into 2 white rather slender tubules (1 mm) with oblique apical pores. Ovary laxly caducously tomentose initially or glabrous; style slightly grooved, 3-4 mm; stigma obtuse. Berry subglobular, c. 5 mm, said to be pale blue or violet when ripe. Seeds red, c. 0.7 mm. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kedah/Perak border: Mt Bintang; Perak: Mts Kerbau, Bubu, ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 677 Mt Meng- Mts Benom and Tahan; Selangor: kuang Lebak). Ecol. In submossy light forest or summit scrub, 1525-2135 m. Fl. Jan.—Sept. Note. As the woolly indumentum of the calyx lobes is apparently detersile and early gone and the length of the pedicels varies, the recognition of several spp. based chiefly on these characters has been abandoned in favour of accepting only one species. and Batu Puteh; Pahang: Cameron Highlands, 7. GAULTHERIA KALM ex LINNE, Gen. Pl. ed. 5 (1754) 187; Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 395; SLEUM. Rein- wardtia 4 (1957) 163-188; Blumea 11 (1961) 1; ibid. 12 (1963) 114; ibid. 12 (1964) 342. — Fig. 61-68. Evergreen shrubs or half-shrubs, mostly terrestrial, rarely epiphytic, erect or rarely procumbent, prostrate or creeping. Leaves spirally arranged or very rarely opposite, mostly serrate. Racemes simple or compound, i.e. forming panicles, whether or not leafy, perulate (i.e. with basal bracts) or practically eperulate, axillary or terminal, sometimes reduced to few-flowered fascicles or a solitary flower. Flowers rather small. Pedicel sustained by a large basal bract and 2(-3) higher inserted, mostly small bracteoles. Calyx 5-partite to various degree, lobes ++ imbricate, persistent, becoming enlarged and swollen (and succulent) in fruit, finally rarely white or pinkish, mostly dark purple or almost blackish. Corolla campanulate or urceolate, shortly 5-lobed, lobes spreading or recurved, + im- bricate. Stamens 10 (in a few extra-Mal. spp. 8), included, attached around the disk to the base of the corolla; filaments mostly dilated at or above the base; anthers dorsifix, introrse, each cell produced at the apex into a very short and often broad tubule which opens by an apical + oblique pore or slit, and whose back wall most- ly is bidentate or biaristate apically. Disk + 10-lobed, glabrous. Ovary superior or semi-inferior, 5-ribbed, 5-celled, with thick, bilobed axile, ~-ovuled placentas; style simple, columnar; stigma small, -_ obtuse. Capsule thin- to thick-walled, 5-celled, -- globose, dry, mostly rather completely included by the enlarged and + succulent calyx, loculicidally dehiscent from the apex into 5 valves. Seeds ~, minute, subglobose, angled; testa reticulate; albumen carnose; embryo cylindric. Distr. About 150 spp., of which 5 are found in North America, c. 32 in eastern Asia including also Japan, c. 10 in Australia including also Tasmania and New Zealand, c. 85 in Central and South America, in Malesia 24 spp.. Fig. 61. Ecol. The genus is nearly exclusively terrestrial, much in contrast to the predominantly epiphytic genus Diplycosia. Most spp. occur as a substage in mountain forests, or in open country scrub, especially on mountain tops. Dispersal. The fruits are devoured by smaller animals as birds (DocTERS VAN LEEUWEN, Res); rodents (CLemens in sched.) and hens (VAN DER PUL, personal information), and dispersal is probable this way. Uses. Many species contain in all their parts a volatile oil of peculiar odour, the so-called ,,winter- green-oil” (methyl-salicylate), which is greatly in repute against rheumatism. The smell becomes _ apparent or stronger after crushing the leaves or flowers. From the Malesian species G. punctata is used in the first place, known as ,,gondopuro” or ,,gandapura” to the Javanese. Less used are G. leucocarpa or G. nummularioides; from several other species in Malesia a strong smell has been stated by the col- lectors, but no use has been reported. The leaves are chewed occasionally together with ,,sirih”’, or used as a medicinal tea. The fruits are edible, but apparently not eaten by man. 678 _ FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° Fig. 61. Distribution of the species of Gaultheria in Malesia. The number above the hyphen indicates the number of endemic species, that below the hyphen the number of non-endemic species in each island or district. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Bracteoles at flowering time at a marked distance from the calyx, or, in case of very short and con- densed inflorescences or solitary subsessile flowers, bracteoles anyway not strictly opposite. 2. Inflorescences in terminal and/or axillary, simple or compound racemes, i.e. each flower in the axil of a small, subpersistent bract. 3. Racemes generally rather short and few-flowered. Leaves 0.8—2.5 (very rarely in part in the same specimen up to 4) by 0.3-1.6 cm. 4. Leaves obovate-oblong or oblanceolate, sometimes elliptic-oblong, (0.8—)1—2 (very rarely up to 4) by 0.3-0.7 (very rarely up to 1.2) cm. Branchlets minutely pubescent . . . . . 1. G. borneensis 4. Leaves ovate, (1—-)1.2-1.8(—2.5) by 0.7-1.4(-1.6) cm. Branchlets finely pubescent and setulose, or setulose only. 5. Rachis and pedicels finely pubescent only. (Corolla nial 5-lobed. Filaments villous their entire length.) . ‘ : é os. os 2s, Ge aGehensis 5. Rachis setulose only, not pubescent. Pedicels glabrous. 6. Corolla shortly 5-lobed, densely short-hairy inside. Filaments laxly a hairy in their middle, glabrous at base and apex . . . . . 3. G. solitaria 6. Corolla deeply 5-cleft, completely glabrous inside. Filaments papillose . fe 4. G. dialypetala 3. Racemes + elongate, generally many-flowered. Leaves at least 3 by 2 cm, mostly much larger. 7. Branchlets with scattered sessile glands, otherwise glabrous. Pedicels short-hairy, not glandular- hairy, mostly glabrescent upwards or almost glabrous immediately below the calyx. 5. G. acroleia 7. Branchlets (and inflorescences) finely pubescent and subdensely to more laxly set with slender, + spreading glandular bristles. Pedicels hairy, with a ring of dense, patent, glandular setulose hairs immediately below the calyx... . . . . 6. G. barbulata 2. Flowers in axillary fascicles, or solitary in the axil of a a she normal leaf (in the latter case sometimes forming a leafy terminal raceme, when present in the axils of all upper decrescent leaves). 8. Flowers in few-flowered fascicles. 9. Branchlets glabrous or practically so. Reticulation not impressed on the leaf-surface. 10. Leaves ovate, rounded at the base, 5.5-9.5(-10.5) by 3.5-5.5(-6) cm. . . . 7. G. kemiriensis 10. Leaves elliptic to broadly ovate-lanceolate, acute at the base, 3.54.5 by. 1.8-2.5 cm. 8. G. losirensis 9. Branchlets rather densely clothed with si sete bristles. Reticulation + distinctly impressed on the leaf-surface . . . old Boe ee Ceetkde sie ox he 8. Flowers solitary or in a terminal leafy raceme. 11. Stem weak, creeping. Each leaf tooth ending in a fine longish + persistent bristle. 10. G. nummularioides 11. Stem stiff. Each leaf tooth thickly and obtusely gland-tipped. . . . . . . . 11. G. mundula 1. Bracteoles at flowering time strictly opposite and inserted on the pedicel immediately below the calyx (may be very shortly distant from the calyx in fruiting stage). 12. Flowers in racemes or panicles. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 679 13. Flowers in terminal panicles, or flowers both in terminal panicles and solitary axillary (only upper) racemes, i.e. the upper 3-4 racemes forming a panicle in which here or there an occasional + reduced leaf may be found. 14. Branchlets permanently glandular-setulose or setulose. 15. Panicles + coarctate, rather short. 16. Rachis (and pedicels) in part hirtellous and glandular-setulose . . . 16. Rachis and pedicels exclusively ‘phe : 12. G. celebica Sie. ecestek wads. 5 " . 13. G. berberidifolia faweanicies slender, = elongate . , . . 0.55 <).. 0 . 14. G. gracilescens 14. Branchlets finely pubescent or glabrous. 17. Branchlets + sharply trigonous or winged by the decurrent petioles. Panicles exclusively BEERIPAAL ch nce Ghieels YT cureil ia, adactet Sareea aes ae « Bees . 15. G. punctata 17. Branchlets terete or nearly so, petioles not properly decurrent. Both terminal panicles and solitary (upper) racemes present in the same specimen. 18. Leaves cordate at base oe) he wie ital © ee wee we & en ee 16. G. arfakana 18. Leaves broadly cuneate to rounded at base. 19. Leaves elliptic to suborbicular, or broadly obovate-, rarely oblong-elliptic, obtusely attenuate to rounded at apex, laxly to rather densely blackish punctulate beneath . 17. G. malayana 19. Leaves oblong-ovate, gradually acuminate at apex, not punctulate underneath. 18. G. intermedia 13. Flowers exclusively in solitary racemes in the axils of normal leaves, the uppermost raceme often seemingly terminal. 20. Leaves pubescent beneath. Corolla pubescent. 21. Leaves (laxly) longish glandular-pubescent, especially beneath and along the margin, teeth minute, ending in a longish, glandular, bristle-like hair. .......... 19. G. hirta 21. Leaves glabrous above, rather densely, shortly, non-glandular-hairy beneath, teeth + coarse, ending in a very short thick glandular point... ....... 22. G. leucocarpa var. hirta 20. Leaves and corolla glabrous. 22. Leaves short-acuminate at the apex. 23. Leaves ovate-oblong or -lanceolate, cuneate at base, very laxly or not punctate beneath. Corolla subcampanulate, 3.5-4 by 3(-4) mm eT ee ee a er eee 20. G. viridiflora 23. Leaves ovate to ovate-elliptic, rarely elliptic-oblong, broadly attenuate to rounded or even subcordate at base, generally manifestly laxly punctate beneath. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, B= 1eOV CxtdnINMin= piety Ad teen Ge ie > 21. G. pullei 22. Leaves + subcaudate- or elongate-acuminate at the apex (++ ovate, base rounded to cordate, rarely broad-attenuate)........ ria ee eee 22. G. leucocarpa 12. Flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves. 24. Flowers successive, i.e. in the axils of all upper (manifestly decrescent) leaves, thus in a leafy raceme. Branchlets somewhat winged at the tips, glabrous or minutely pubescent. 23. G. novaguineensis 24. Flowers remote, i.e. in the axils of some and not successive upper (slightly or not decrescent) leaves. Branchlets terete, setulose. ... . 1. Gaultheria borneensis STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 190, t. 15, f. C 4-6; RENDLE, J. Bot. 34 (1896) 355; Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 3 (1908) Bot. 378; Hayata, Mat. Fl. Formosa (1911),169; Gisss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 42 (1914) 101; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 465; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246; KANEH. Formos. Tr. (1936) 533, f. 492, incl. G. itoana Hayata, Fl. Mont. Formosa (1908) 150, t. 25; Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 141, in text; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 167; Blumea 12 (1963) 114. — G. benguetensis Core. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 58, pl. 1, f. 4 & 5; Sreen. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205. — Fig. 62a. Shrub, sometimes in form of + dense cushions, 15~—50(—60, very rarely up to 120) cm; branches prostrate or erect, generally slender, virgate, youngest parts reddish brown, subterete, minutely greyish pubescent, older parts greyish corticate. Leaves with a distinct ,,wintergreen-oil”’ fragrance, obovate-oblong or oblanceolate, sometimes ellip- tic-oblong, apex subobtuse, base cuneate, sub- coriaceous, rather dull, glabrous, though laxly punctate beneath, regularly glandular-crenate, 24. G. pernettyoides (0.8—)1—2(-4) by 0.3-0.6(—1.2) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves in 3-4 ascendent pairs somewhat sunken above, slightly raised beneath, reticulation lax and not much conspicuous; petiole 0.5—1.5(-2) mm. Raceme in specimens from Luzon and the summit area of Mt Kinabalu from the uppermost axil (pseudoterminal) and 2—4-flowered, in specimens from lower places on Mt Kinabalu also with racemes from each of the upper 2—3(—5) axils and thus forming a panicle. Rachis (1—)1.5-2.5(-4) cm, finely pubescent, with several small basal bracts. Pedicels 3—5 mm, with some stalked glands in the upper part, otherwise finely pubescent or glabrous. Bract ovate-elliptic, small. Bracteoles broad-lanceolate, inserted at some distance from the calyx, whether or not ciliolate and glandular- fimbriate, suffused with red. Calyx obconical, glabrous, greenish or pink, 2.5 mm, lobes ovate- triangular, obtuse, whether or not ciliolate, c. 1.5 mm. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, c. 5 by 3.5 mm, glabrous, fragrant, white or cream with purple limb, or pink. Filaments papillose, 2 mm; anthers FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° Fig. 62. Habit of Gaultheria spp., all nat. size. — a. G. borneensis Starr. — b. G. mundula F. vy. M., b’. ditto, detail, X °/,. — c. G. dialypetala SLeuM. — d. G. nummularioides D. Don. — e. G. pernettyoides SLeuM. — f. G. novaguineensis J. J. S. — g. G. atjehensis J. J. S. — h. G. solitaria SLEUM. (a CLEMENS 51405, b—b’ BRASS 4745, c BUNNEMEIJER 978, d SCHIFFNER 2355, e VAN STEENIS 8648, f BRASS & MEIER Drees 10114, g FREY-WYSSLING 27, h BREMEKAMP S.7.). c. 15. mm, the cells divergently biaristate (0.8 mm). Disk dark green, rather obscure. Ovary pubescent; style pale green, glabrous, 3 mm. Fruit 5—9(—10) by 6-9 mm, white or pink, rarely purple, berry- like, the fleshy sepals including a small, thin- coriaceous, white or brownish capsule. Seeds brownish, 0.7 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu) and Philippines (Luzon, in a very limited region in the central part of the Mountain Prov.). Ecol. On Mt Kinabalu a low shrub in subsum- mit low forest, becoming dwarfish in crevices and among wind swept granite rocks on the summit plateau, from 3350-4000 m, a more stiff and erect shrub (up to 1.2 m) with larger leaves (1.5-4 by 0.7-1.2 cm) and richer inflorescences (from more numerous upper axils) and purple fruits on exposed crest among bracken and grasses of the east slope at 2440-2750 m; in Luzon a prostrate, not rarely cushion-like low shrublet in + open places along pine-forest edges, or on bogs, not rarely on artificial talud along road, 1800-2900 m. FI. fr. Jan.—Dec. Note. Certainly very near to G. itoana HAYATA from Formosa (Mt Arisan), which, however, differs by a shorter, distinctly globose-suburceolate corolla. 2. Gaultheria atjehensis J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 35 (1934) 293; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; Airy SHAw, Kew Bull. 1940 (1941) 313; ibid. (1948) 158, f. 3; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 167. — Fig. 62g. Small shrub with apparently + prostrate stems. Branchlets minutely pubescent and rather long and finely setose, or setose only. Leaves ovate, apex broad-attenuate and provided with a rather thick, somewhat protracted terminal gland, base + rounded, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, glabrous above, subdensely caducously setulose or finally punctate beneath, densely serrate, the teeth setose- ciliate, hardly 0.5 mm and 1-1.5 mm spaced, 1.3-2.4 by 0.7—-1.6 cm, midrib impressed above, rather strongly prominent beneath, nerves c. 3 pairs, curved-ascendent, lower ones + from or from above the base, slightly impressed above, raised beneath, reticulation rather lax, somewhat impressed above, slightly prominent beneath; petiole setulose, 1-3 mm. Racemes from the upper 2-4 axils, 4-6-flowered. Rachis 1.5—2 cm, rather densely short-pubescent, with several small basal perulae. Pedicels subdensely short-pubescent, 6-10 mm. Bract ovate, obtuse, ciliolate. Bracte- oles lanceolate, inserted in the lower third of the pedicel. Calyx glabrous outside, puberulous inside, c. 5 mm, deeply 5-lobed, lcbes acute, ciliate. Corolla conical-urceolate, white, glabrous outside, pubescent inside, c. 6 mm, lobes 1 mm. Filaments subferrugineous-villous their entire length; anther- cells ovate-oblong, c. 1.3 mm, each very short tubule with 2 divergent and + reflexed horns. Ovary subferrugineous-hirsute; style hairy at the base only, c. 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: N. Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Bur ni Telong, Mt Kemiri, Mt Losir). Ecol. In ridge forest, ridge scrub or table land, July 1967] near edge of crater among rocks, 2500-3500 m. Fl. Febr., March, June. Note. G. atjehensis is remarkably near to G. notabilis ANTHONY (figured in Kew Bull. 1948, 160, f. 2) from Yunnan, which differs by larger leaves, a more campanulate corolla, and glabrous corolla and filaments. 3. Gaultheria solitaria SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 167. — Fig. 62h. Shrublet. Branchlets slender (2 mm), apparently prostrate, terete, laxly caducously setulose or punc- tate by the persistent bases of the bristles, further- more short-pubescent towards the tips. Leaves ovate, apex short-acuminate, the terminal gland thick and prominent, base rounded, + coria- ceous, rather shining on both faces, glabrous above, sparsely very shortly setulose or punctate beneath, + regularly serrate, teeth glandular, 0.3-0.5 mm, 1-2 mm spaced, not ciliate, 1.8—2.5 by 1.2-1.5 cm, midrib sunken above, raised beneath, nerves 3 pairs, high-ascending from the base and the lower third of the midrib, very slightly or not impressed above, prominent beneath, veins + transverse, impressed above, reticulation rather distinct underneath; petiole stoutish, setulose, c. 2 mm. Racemes solitary, in the rather poor type specimen (where the top is destroyed) coming from the upper 2 axils, 2-3 cm, 6—8-flowered, with several small perulae. Rachis stoutish, laxly setulose only. Pedicels glabrous, 3-5 mm, the lowest coming from the axil of a rather small foliaceous bract, (3-6 by 2-3 mm), the upper ones from the axils of less distinctly foliaceous, decrescent ones. Bracteoles inserted above the base or nearly in the middle of the pedi- cels, subopposite, ovate-oblong, one higher ad- ditional bracteole inserted at a short distance from the calyx. Calyx 3 mm, lobes ovate-acuminate, c. 2 mm, glabrous outside, puberulous inside, ciliolate. Corolla urceolate, c. 5.5 mm, glabrous outside, manifestly puberulous inside at least in the lower half, lobes 1-1.5 mm. Filaments laxly + patently hairy in the middle third; anther-cells not well developed. Ovary glabrous or very sparsely hairy; style glabrous, 2.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: E. Java (Mt Ardjuno: Kembar summit), once collected by BREMEKAMP. Ecol. In “Vaccinietum”’, at 2900 m. Fi. July. Note. Similar in habit as G. atjehensis and certainly allied to it. 4. Gaultheria dialypetala SLeum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 168. — Fig. 62c. Prostrate shrublet, much branched below, 30—40 cm, branches from a thick tuber-like base. Branch- lets slender (1-2 mm), subterete, rather densely foliate, rather densely covered with rufous, +- spreading, bristle-like, eglandular hairs (c. 1.5 mm). Leaves ovate, apex short-acuminate, the terminal gland thickish and prominent, base rounded or very broadly attenuate, coriaceous, +- shining on both faces, glabrous above, laxly, very shortly and caducously setulose or punctate be- neath, + regularly serrate, teeth caducously se- ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 681 tulose-ciliate, 1-2 mm spaced, hardly 0.5 mm high, margin slightly revolute, (1—)1.2—1.8(—2) by 0.8-1.3 cm, midrib slightly sunken above, distinctly prom- inent beneath, nerves 3(—4) pairs, high curved- ascending, -++ raised above, more distinctly so beneath, reticulation rather lax, somewhat prom- inent especially beneath; petiole laxly setulose, thickish, 1-2 mm. Racemes from the upper 3-5 axils, lower ones 3-—S-flowered, upper ones 2- flowered or reduced to a single flower. Rachis 0.5-1 cm, glabrous, with 2-3 small perulae. Pedicels glabrous, 1—2(-3) mm. Bract oblong, ciliolate, c. 2 mm. Bracteoles ovate, alternate, inserted on the pedicel at a short, but marked distance from the calyx. Calyx 4 mm, lobes ovate- acuminate, acutish, ciliolate, glabrous outside, puberulous along the mediane inside, c. 2.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, white, somewhat 5-angular, glabrous in- and outside, 4 mm, at full anthesis 5-partite to 34. Stamens not well developed; filaments (possibly not normal) narrow-subulate, papillose; anther-cells not seen. Ovary rather densely yellowish hairy; style clothed with some spreading hairs, 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central West Sumatra (Mt Talakmau = Mt Ophir), once found on summit, said to be common on the boulder plain at 2900 m. Fl. June. Note. The anomalities noticed in the de- scription of the corolla and stamens may be due to insects. 5. Gaultheria acroleia SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 169; Blumea 11 (1961) 1. — Fig. 63c. Shrub. Branchlets flattened or subangular at the tips, subterete below, with sparse sessile glands (i.e. the persistent bases of caducous bristles), otherwise glabrous. Leaves subovate-elliptic or -oblong, apex gradually rather shortly acuminate, the terminal gland thick, base broad-cuneate or sometimes nearly rounded, subcoriaceous to co- riaceous, rather stiff, regularly serrulate, teeth c. 1 mm high and 1.5—2(—3) mm spaced, caducously setular-ciliate, rather blunt, glabrous above, laxly to subdensely glandular-punctate beneath, (3—)4— 7(-8) by (2—)2.2-3(—3.5) cm, midrib, nerves and veins -+ distinctly impressed above, midrib very prominent beneath, nerves 5(—6) pairs, curved and high ascending, anastomosing near the edge, prom- inent beneath, veins -+- transverse, slightly raised beneath, veinlets subobscure; petiole grooved above, glabrous, 7-9 mm. Racemes solitary from the upper axils, (3—)3.5—5 cm, + obliquely spread- ing, rather many-flowered, provided at the base with 2 ovate or ovate-oblong, acutish, sub- coriaceous rather early caducous perulae. Rachis rather stiff, c. 1.5 mm @ at base, very densely and exclusively clad with fine, crisped whitish yellow- ish, minutely gland-tipped hairs. Pedicels rather slender, pubescent below, quite glabrous below the calyx, 6-8 mm at anthesis, elongate in fruit. Bract ovate-oblong, pubescent, 2—3 by 1.5-2 mm. Bracteoles inserted at 14 to % on the pedicel, subopposite, pubescent, c. 2 by | mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, lobes ovate, subacute, glabrous dorsally, FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° me pall Fig. 63. Leaf surfaces of Gaultheria spp., all x 24. — mi G. abbreviata J. J. S., undersurface, a’. ditto, upper surface. — b. G. kemiriensis SLEUM., undersurface. — c. G. acroleia SLEUM., undersurface. — d. G. malayana Airy SHAW, undersurface, d’. ditto, upper surface. — e. G. losirensis SLEUM., undersurface (a BUNNEMEIJER 963, a’ LEEFMANS 46, b VAN STEENIS 9654, c VAN STEENIS 9644, d-d’ HANCOCK s.n., e VAN STEENIS 8568). slightly pubescent internally, ciliate. Corolla Shrub. Branchlets rather flattened at the tips, urceolate, white or pink, glabrous outside, laxly pubescent inside, c. 5 by 2.5 mm, only slightly contracted at the limb, very shortly 5-lobed. Stamens half as long as the corolla; filaments pa- pillose, moreover Jaxly hairy below; anther-cells ovate-oblong, the very short tubules biaristate (0.7 mm). Ovary densely pubescent; style pu- bescent below only, 2.5 mm. Fruit c. 6 mm @, blackish at full maturity. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Kemiri, Mt Losir and Putjuk Angasan). Ecol. Apparently not rare in the subalpine zone of the Losir massif, in ridge forest or ridge scrub, 2250-3500 m. Fl. fr. Jan.—March. 6. Gaultheria barbulata SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 170. rather densely clothed with very short, whitish hairs and longish, subpatent, glandular bristle-like hairs, dark brown red when dry. Leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, apex shortly rather abruptly acu- minate, subacute, the terminal gland small, base contracted into the petiole, subtruncate-rounded or -subcordate, firmly subcoriaceous, very shortly pubescent along the midrib and nerves on both sides, otherwise glabrous above, but initially rather densely clad with short bristle-like hairs all over beneath especially on the midrib and nerves, finally punctate beneath, regularly serru- late, the teeth caducously glandular-ciliate, 0.5 mm high and c. 1 mm spaced, (3-)3.5-6 by (2-) 2.5-3.5 cm, midrib rather deeply sunken above, robust and prominent beneath, nerves 4-5, long curved-ascendent pairs, slightly immersed above July 1967] as are the veins, + raised beneath, veins con- spicuous beneath, veinlets less so; petiole setulose, 3-6 mm. Racemes solitary, axillary, rather slender, 4-8(-10) cm, many-flowered. Rachis densely clad with very short whitish or yellowish + spreading hairs and laxly glandular-setulose (1-1.5 mm), perulae few, early caducous, inflorescence prac- tically eperulate at full anthesis. Pedicels rather slender, 6-8 mm, densely very shortly pubescent and laxly glandular-setulose, with a ring of very dense glandular hairs below the calyx. Bract ovate-lanceolate, acute, pubescent, 2-2.5 mm. Bracteoles inserted at or slightly above the middle of the pedicels, distinctly alternate, at least 1 mm remote from the calyx. Calyx 2 mm, lobes ovate, subappressed-pubescent on both sides. Corolla urceolate-cylindric, glabrous outside, patently hairy inside, c. 6 by 3.5 mm, very shortly 5-lobed. Filaments very l\axly hairy below, papillate else- where, 2.5 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, curved, c. 1 mm, tubules very short, each ending with a pair of longish (1 mm) horns. Ovary densely clad with whitish erect hairs; style rather densely pubescent, but glabrous on the very top, c. 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Losir, Putjuk Angasan) in ridge forest at 2500 m, one collection. Fi. Jan. 7. Gaultheria kemiriensis SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 171; Blumea 11 (1961) 1. — Fig. 63b. Shrub. Branchlets slender, subangular, glabrous. Leaves ovate, apex short-acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland thick, but not much protruding, base + rounded, coriaceous, glabrous above, rather densely punctulate beneath otherwise gla- brous, appressed-serrulate, the teeth thickish glandular, barely 0.2-0.4 mm high, 1.5-3 mm distant from each other, each ending in a fine caducous bristle, 5.5—9.5(—10.5) by 3.5—5.5(—6) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, thick-prominent beneath, nerves 2(—3) pairs, lowest pair from the base, upper ones from the midrib, all high curved- ascending, anastomosing near the top, slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, veins transverse, prominent beneath only, reticulation fine, lax and not very conspicuous; petiole 4-5 mm. Fascicles axillary, 3—7-flowered, many-bracteate at the base. Pedicels rather slender, 3-4 mm at anthesis, up to 7 mm in fruit, somewhat above the base with 2 ovate-acuminate bracteoles. Calyx 5-partite halfway, 2.5-3 mm, glabrous, lobes acute. Corolla shortly urceolate, green, glabrous, c. 4 by 3 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Stamens not well de- veloped in the specimens at hand; filaments papillose; anther-cells reduced in size, each bia- ristate. Ovary densely yellowish hairy; style gla- brous, 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Losir, Mt Kemiri; Pang-Mog). Ecol. In scrub forest or summit scrub, 2200- .3314 m. Fl. March. Vern. Kétimiel. 8. Gaultheria losirensis Steum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 171. — Fig. 63e. Shrub. Branchlets subangular, glabrous, dark ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 683 red brown when dry. Leaves elliptic or broadly ovate-lanceolate, apex acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland thick and blunt, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous above, laxly to subdensely blackish punctulate beneath, rather sharply serrulate, the teeth ending in caducous bristles, c. 0.5 mm high, 2-3 mm distant from each other, 3.5—4.5 by 1.8-2.5 cm, midrib im- pressed above, prominent beneath, nerves in 2 pairs, the outer pair from the base of the lamina and excurrent near the edge, the inner and upper one properly from the midrib, curved-ascendent to the top, all nerves slightly sunken above, raised beneath, veins + transverse, forming with the vein- lets a lax net, which is rather inconspicuous on both faces; petiole robust, 3-4 by c. 1.5 mm. Fascicles axillary, 6—8-flowered, with numerous basal ovate-acuminate ciliolate bracts and brac- teoles. Pedicels stoutish, glabrous, 6-8 mm. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, glabrous, c. 2.5 mm, lobes acute, ciliolate towards the apex. Corolla and stamens not seen. Ovaryrather densely yellowish-pubescent; style glabrous, c. 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: central summit of Mt Losir), 3300-3460 m, one collection. Fi. Febr. 9. Gaultheria abbreviata J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 35 (1934) 292; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 204; Airy SHAw, Kew Bull. 1940 (1941) 311; ibid. (1948) 158, f. 1; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 172; Blumea 11 (1961) 1. — Fig. 63a-a’. Shrub, 1-3 m. Branchlets terete, rather densely clothed with long (c. 2 mm) + spreading bristles. Leaves ovate, apex short-acuminate, the terminal gland thickish, but not protracted, base rounded to subcordate, coriaceous, glabrous above, the undersurface initially rather densely set with numerous short -+ caducous bristles, finally punctate by the persistent bases of these bristles, regularly serrulate, teeth thick-glandular, ca- ducously setose-ciliate, 0.3-1 mm high, 1.5-3 mm spaced, 3.49.2 by 2.2—5.8 cm, 5-plinerved, main nerves oriented from and from somewhat above the base of the lamina, curved-ascending to the top, all + deeply impressed above as is the mid- rib, or prominent beneath, numerous other nerves or veins --+ transverse, forming a very lax net together with the veins or veinlets, all these slightly impressed above or raised beneath, or sometimes rather obscure; petiole stout, setose, 2-5 mm. Fascicles in many upper axils, each 7—12- flowered, provided with numerous ovate-acumi- nate ciliolate bracts and bracteoles at and near the base. Pedicels glabrous, rather slender, 3-6 mm. Calyx glabrous, 3-4 mm, deeply 5-partite, lobes acute. Corolla broadly subglobose-urceolate, gla- brous, sordid-whitish or greenish with red, 4—5 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Stamens nearly 3 mm; fila- ments ciliolate; anther-cells oblong, each cell with 2 subulate divergent horns distally. Ovary pu- bescent; style glabrous, 2.5 mm. Fruit c. 5-6 mm @, blackish red when ripe, fruit-pedicel 6-8 mm. Distr. Malesia: North and Central Sumatra (Eastcoast Res.: Mt Pinto; Tapanuli: S. of Sidi 684 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° Kalang; Westcoast Res.: Mt Talakmau = Mt Ophir and Mt Singalang). Ecol. In subalpine forest or summit scrub, on lava boulders or stony ground, 1800-2800 m. Fl. fr. Jan.—July. 10. Gaultheria nummularioides D. Don, Prod. FI. Nepal. (1825) 150; WALL. Cat. (1829) n. 1524; G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 (1834) 839; Roy eg, IIl. (1835) 260, t. 63, f. 2 a-e; CLARKE in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. 3 (1882) 457; HALL. f. Med. Rijksherb. n. 12 (1912) 28; Koorp. Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 10; Koorp.-ScHumM. Syst. Verz. 1 (1912) fam. 233, p. 108; J. J. S. in K. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 114; Rpt. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 8 (1917) 57; Koorp. Fl. Tjib. 3 (1918) fam. 233, p. 6; DOCTERS VAN LEEUWEN, Trop. Natuur 13 (1924) 99, fig.; Sp. Moore, J. Bot. 63 (1925) Suppl. 57; Hocnr. Candollea 2 (1925) 496; HEYNE, Nutt. Pl. (1927) 1218; DocTERS VAN LEEUWEN, Pangrango (1933) 202, f. 45; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; J. J. S. in Merr. Contr. Arn. Arb. 8 (1934) 127; KANSJILAL, Das, c.s. Fl. Assam 3 (1939) 148; Atrry SHAW, Kew Bull. 1940 (1941) 314; AmsH. in Back. Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7 (1948) fam. 162, p. 5; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 172; Blumea 11 (1961) 2. — G. repens BL. Bijdr. (1826) 857, non RAFIN. 1828; G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 (1834) 839; DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 593; Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 160; ZoLL. Nat. Geneesk. Arch. N.I. 2 (1845) 9; Mig. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1863) 41; BL. Fl. Jay. Pl. inéd. (1863-83) t. 15. — Pernettya repens (BL.) ZOLL. & Mor. Syst. Verz. (1846) 42; Zo... Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1054. — G. trichophylla (non RoYLeE in DC.) HAssk. Retzia ed. 1 (1855) 108; Nat. Tijd. N.I. 10 (1856) 108; Retzia ed. nov. 1 (1858) 148; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1056; Koorp. Nat. Tijd. N. I. 60 (1901) 265, — Brossaea nummularioides (D. Don) O. KTzE, Rev. Gen. P. 2 (1891) 388, incl. a normalis et B glauca O. KtTze. — Fig. 62d. Shrublet, prostrate or creeping, forming mats, 5—10(—20) cm long. Branchlets elongate, ramose, rooting at the nodes, terete, densely + longish brownish setulose, reddish when fresh. Leaves alternate (subdistichous), ovate, sometimes oblong, ovate or nearly rounded, apex obtusely acuminate, base rounded or subcordate, + coriaceous, dark green above, much paler beneath, glabrous above, + laxly setulose beneath, serrulate, each tooth ending in a longish fine subpersistent bristle, sometimes subentire, margin slightly recurved, (4—) 6-13 by (3—)5-9 mm, midrib a little impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 2(-4) pairs from and somewhat from above the base, inarched and high ascendent towards the edge, subin- conspicuous above, raised beneath, transverse veins visible beneath only; petiole setulose, 1-2.5 mm. Flowers solitary in most, but not all upper axils. Pedicels 1-2 mm, provided with 6-7 small triangular-ovate acute ciliolate bracts and brac- teoles at and somewhat above the base. Calyx c. 3 mm, deeply 5-partite, whitish green to reddish, lobes + triangular, acute. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, white or pink, 5-7 by 2.5-S mm, widest in the lower third, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments linear, slightly hairy, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, the very short tubules shortly biaristate. Ovary glabrous; style c. 2.5 mm. Fruit blue-blackish or blackish purplish when ripe, succulent, 8-9 mm g, + completely including the depressed-globose cap- sule, which is c. 5 mm g. Seeds subglobose, api- culate, very small. Distr.Himalayas to SE. Tibet and W. Szechuan, Assam and Upper Burma, in Malesia: Sumatra, Java and Bali. Ecol. Inthe upper mountain zone, terrestrial on open sunny, rocky places and volcanic debris, on steep crater slopes, not rarely covering the rocks, rarely in ravines within the upper limit of the forest or in ericoid shrub vegetation, occasionally epiphytically there in the moss at the base of the trees, 1300—3500 m, mostly above 2000 m. Rather frequent in Java. Said to be a pioneer plant, holding the loose soil together. Fi. fr. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Girinting kawak, S, grinting dieng, J, krakap gunung, M (Korinchi). Uses. The fruits are sweet, but somewhat acid to the taste, and edible. The aromatic leaves contain wintergreen-oil and are occasionally used internally as a medicine. Pollination. After DocTERS VAN LEEUWEN “the stigma projects slightly beyond the anthers. The latter are still white in the old buds, but the pores are already open while the stigma is still dry. In that stage the flowers are therefore male. As soon as the flowers open, the anthers shrivel, and the stigma becomes receptive. After one day the corolla falls off, and the anthers slip across the stigma. In consequence of the position of the flowers, especially when they are hidden in the moss, visiting by insects is rendered very difficult; no visitor on the flowers has been noticed. Fruits, however, are regularly set by means of autogamy”’. Dispersal. The fruits are probably eaten by birds and rodents. 11. Gaultheria mundula F. v. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. n. s. 1, 2 (1889) 21; DieLs, Bot. Jahrb. 62 (1929) 487; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg Ill, 13 (1934) 205; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 214; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 173; HooGL. Blumea Suppl. 4 (1958) 232; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 2; ibid. 12 (1963) 115; ibid. 12 (1964) 342. — Diplycosia mundula (F. v. M.) SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 162; LANE-PooLe, For. Res. Papua (1925) 130; Wuite & FRANCIS, Proc. R. Soc. Queensl. 39 (1928) 68. — Fig. 62 b-b’, 64. KEY TO THE VARIETIES 1. Leaves lanceolate- to elliptic-ovate, cuneate to rounded at the base. Fruit calyx + red- purplish at maturity . . . . 1. var. mundula 1. Leaves ovate, + distinctly cordate at the base. Fruit calyx white at maturity. 2. Leaves not or very slightly setose at the midrib beneath sonly 5.5: 22. Sie 2. var. tanythrix 2. Leaves laxly setose all over the undersurface. 3. var. setifolia July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 685 var. mundula. — Fig. 64. Compact, stiff, sometimes rather flat-topped shrub, (0.1—)0.3—0.6(-1.2) m, usually terrestrial, rarely epiphytic. Branchlets terete, rather densely clothed with scattered + appressed setular brown- ish hairs, moreover minutely pubescent at the youngest red parts. Leaves dense, lanceolate- to elliptic-ovate, apex short-acuminate, bluntish, base broad-attenuate to rounded, rarely part of the leaves in the same specimen subcordate, firmly subcoriaceous, glabrous, glossy on both faces, regularly crenulate-serrulate, each tooth obtusely glandular, ending in an early caducous bristle- like hair, 0.8—2 by 0.5—1.3 cm, midrib subimpressed above, raised beneath, nerves 2-3 pairs, long ascending, often reddish, anastomosing with the rather dense reticulation, which is conspicuously raised beneath; petiole red, c. 1 mm. Flowers sol- itary in the axils of all or nearly all upper de- crescent leaves, thus in a leafy raceme. Pedicels stoutish, red, glabrous or finely pubescent, mostly with some stalked glands, 2-3 mm, with several + blunt bracts and bracteoles inserted at or slightly above the base. Calyx c. 2.5 mm, deeply 5- cleft, glabrous, lobes triangular, subacute, red when fresh. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, c. 4.5 by 2-3 mm, somewhat fleshy, white or pink when fresh, glabrous at both sides, shortly 5-lobed. Stamens \—\/4 as long as the corolla; filaments papillate; anthers ovate, 0.6mm, obliquely truncate, muticous, or each cell ending with 2 very short horns. Ovary glabrous; style 1.5-2 mm. Fruit 6-8(-9) mm g, the calyx lobes first white, later pink to red-purple, or reddish from the beginning. Distr. Malesia: East New Guinea (Saruwaged Mts, Kubor Ra., Hagen Ra., Bismarck Mts, Mt Michael, Mt Piora, Wharton Ra., Owen Stanley Ra. and Maneau Ra.). Ecol. In upper montane or subalpine forest borders, or in alpine open grassland, on exposed ridges or near summits, on stony or peaty soil, mostly scattered, rarely growing socially, locally common, 2000—3600(—c.4050) m. Fi. fr. Jan.—Dec. ba’ abel de Fig. 64. Gaultheria mundula F. v. M. var. mundula. Mt Wilhelm, 3500 m, E. New Guinea (SLeumer, 1961). 686 Vern. Mukefifa, Dunantina, hineh ku hais, Asaro: Kefamo, muasopu, Chimbu: Masul, kiberu, Hagen: Togoba, nehmengeh, Mairi: Mondo, wa- mengare, wamangali, Enga: Poio, wambwampso, Mendi. var. tanythrix (SLEUM.) SLeUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 2. — G. tanythrix SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 214; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 173. Shrub, 0.3—0.5 m, stiff, much branched; branch- lets terete, red, densely clothed with + spreading rufous bristle-like hairs. Leaves dense, ovate, apex subobtuse, base + distinctly cordate, in other respects like var. mundula, but with scattered bristles underneath on the midrib and on the petiole. Fruit subglobose, apparently permanently white, c. 5 mm 9g, fruit-pedicel 1-2 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Orange Mts: Mt Wilhelmina, twice found at 3750-3800 m; Eastern Highlands: Mt Kerigomna and Mt Wil- helm at 3000 and 3700 m), in edges of subalpine forest and on open rocky mountain slope. Fi. March-Sept. var. setifolia (SLEUM.) SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 2. — G. tanythrix SLEUM. var. setifolia SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 215; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 173. Erect shrub, 1-2 m, densely clothed with rufous, -- spreading bristles. Leaves similar to those of var. tanythrix, but laxly setulose all over beneath. Pedicels laxly setulose, 1.5 mm, provided with several minute bracts and bracteoles at the base. Calyx 3.5 mm, deeply 5-partite, glabrous, lobes including 74 of the corolla. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Oranje Mts: Lake Habbema; Star Mts: Sirius plateau) twice collected, 3000-3225 m, in alpine grassland shrubberies and in forest marginal communities. Fl. Apr., Aug. 12. Gaultheria celebica J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 1 (1920) 404, t. 52; Steen. ibid. UI, 13 (1934) 205; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 173. var. celebica. Shrub. Branchlets terete, finely pubescent and long setose-hirsute. Leaves ovate, apex acuminate, subacute, glandular-apiculate, base cordate, sub- sessile, coriaceous, shining and glabrous above, dull and + densely setulose or punctate all over beneath, regularly serrulate, teeth strigose-setulose initially, (3.5—)4-6.5(—7.6) by 2-3.7(-4) cm, mid- rib flat above, strongly prominent beneath, nerves c. 3 pairs from and somewhat from above the base, high curved-ascending to nearly the top, prominent beneath, other nerves or veins from the midrib and + transverse, forming a lax reti- culation with the veins and veinlets, all these equally subimpressed above, less distinct beneath; petiole 1-2 mm. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate, 6-10 cm, formed by 2-7 racemes, each raceme in the axil of a leaf which is very reduced in size, spreading, rather laxly many-flowered, 3-5 cm. Rachis subangular, 1-1.3 mm @, pubescent and laxly setulose. Pedicels stoutish, densely pubescent FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° and more laxly glandular-setulose, 4-5 mm. Bract broadly ovate-triangular, acuminate, ci- liolate, -+- setulose. Bracteoles opposite, semi- orbiculate-triangular, concave, ciliolate, inserted immediately below the calyx. Calyx deeply 5- partite, glabrous, c. 4 mm, lobes ovate, acute, ciliolate. Corolla said to be red when fresh, sub- globose-urceolate, glabrous, 6-7 by c. 5S mm. Stamens c. 3 as long as the corolla; filaments papillose; anthers ovate, each cell obliquely trun- cate and shortly biaristate apically. Ovary yellow- ish villous; style glabrous, c. 4 mm. Fruit c. 6 mm @; colour unknown. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Quarles Mts: top of Mt Sinadji), one collection. Fi. Nov. var. petiolata J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 30 (1932) 171; Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 204; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 174. Shrub 1—3 m; indumentum as in var. celebica. Leaves distinctly petioled (5-10 mm), -+- rounded at the base. Corolla white or pink. Fruit blackish blue. Distr. Malesia: Central and SW. Celebes (Quarles and Latimodjong Mts; Peak of Bonthain). Ecol. In low forest or ridge forest, in open grass-fern and shrub vegetation, locally common, 1000-3000 m. F/. May-July. 13. Gaultheria berberidifolia SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 115. — Fig. 65. Shrub with pendent or almost prostrate, 0.5—0.8 m long, densely leaved branches, which are few- branched distally and clothed with numerous longish spreading, gland-bearing bristles except the tips and the floral region, where a tomentum of short fine crisped hairs is found exclusively. Leaves ovate, apex + acuminate, base cordate, subsessile, coriaceous, dull, mature ones dark green, young ones glaucescent, very shortly hairy at the petiole and midrib, otherwise glabrous above, laxly set with glandular bristles or finally blackish red points below, (2-)2.5-3.5 by (1.5-) 2-3 cm, narrowly serrate, each tooth ending in a rather persistent long glandular bristle, midrib and nerves slightly or not raised above, more so beneath, reticulation dense, conspicuous on both faces; petiole c. 1 mm. Panicles terminal, erect, + condensed, many-flowered, formed by the racemes from the axils of several uppermost, very reduced leaves, and additional racemes from the axils of 1-3 successive lower, almost normal leaves. Rachises (2-5 cm) and pedicels (2-3 mm) covered with a fine greyish pubescence; no_ bristles. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx, ovate-acute, ciliate, 2 mm. Calyx glabrous, lobes narrow-ovate, ciliate distally, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate, white, glabrous, c. 4.5 by 2 mm, lobes 1 mm. Filaments papillose, 1.5 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, 1 mm, each cell biaristate. Ovary densely hairy; style glabrous, 2.5 mm. Fruit c. 4 mm 9g, blackish bluish at full maturity. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Arfak Mts: Mt Sensenemés and Mt Gwamongga). Ecol. Collected in summit areas in open, heath- like ridge vegetation, 2500-2600 m. Fi. fr. Jan. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 687 Fig. 65. Gaultheria berberidifolia SLeumM. Mt Gwamongga, 2500 m, Arfak Mts, NW. New Guinea Note. Recently introduced into several botanic gardens. 14. Gaultheria gracilescens SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 174. Shrub. Branchlets rather densely very shortly pubescent and patent-setulose, terete, brown-red when dry. Leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, apex shortly subacutely acuminate, the terminal gland small, base subcordate, subcoriaceous, glabrous above, the puberulous midrib excepted, rather densely short-setulose, finally punctate beneath, regularly serrulate, the teeth close, c. 0.5 mm, each ending in a fine caducous bristle, (2—)2.5—-4.5 (—5) by (1.5—)1.8—2.5(—2.8) cm, midrib and nerves very slightly impressed above or rather obscure, distinct beneath, midrib thick-prominent beneath, (SLEUMER, 1962). nerves 2-3 pairs, high curved-ascending and anastomosing, the lowest |—2 pairs from, the upper ones from above the base of the lamina, other nerves or veins -- transverse from the midrib, forming with the veinlets a lax reticulation which is a little raised beneath; petiole pubescent, laxly setulose, rather flattened, 1.5-2 by 1-1.5 mm. Panicles terminal, formed by racemes which come from the axils of the upper, rather abruptly decrescent leaves, sometimes with additional ra- cemes from the axils from lower and normal leaves, all racemes -- spreading, rather dense-flowered, slender, (4—-)5-12 cm. Rachis 0.5-0.7 mm @, densely shortly yellowish pubescent and laxly setulose especially in its lower part. Pedicels ex- clusively densely yellowish pubescent, c. 3 mm. Bract ovate, subacuminate, pubescent, 2-3 mm. 688 Bracteoles subovate-semiorbiculate, pubescent, c. 1.5 mm, inserted immediately below the calyx. Calyx rather deeply 5-partite, 2.5 mm, short- pubescent dorsally, lobes ovate-acute, densely ciliate. Corolla subcylindric-urceolate, 4.5—5 by c. 2.5 mm, somewhat contracted at the mouth, glabrous. Stamens c. 2.5 mm; filaments papillose; anthers ovate-oblong, the very short tubules biaristate (c. 0.7 mm). Ovary whitish yellowish hirsute; style glabrous, 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Wissel Lakes region), twice found, 1750 m. Fi. Jan., May-June. 15. Gaultheria punctata BL. Bijdr. (1826) 856, non Hook. & ARN. 1834; G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 (1834) 840; DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 593; Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 160; ZoLL. Nat. Geneesk. Arch. N. I. 2 (1845) 9; Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1055; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1863) 41; BL. Fl. Jav. Pl. inéd. (1863-83) t. 13; BoeRL. in Veth, Midden Sumatra (1884) 22; GreEsH. Schets. (1894) 33, fig.; Koorp. Teys- mannia 10 (1899) 454; Sp. Moore, J. Bot. 63 (1925) Suppl. 57; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 175, non Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 46, ii (1877) 215 & For. Fl. Burma 2 (1877) 92. — G. fragran- tissima (non WALL.) Mor. Syst. Verz. (1846) 42; Koorp.-ScHum. Syst. Verz. 1 (1912) fam. 233, p. 107; Koorp. Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 10; RIDL. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 8 (1917) 57; Koorp. FI. Tjib. 3 (1918) fam. 233, p. 5; FREY-WySSLING, Trop. Natuur 22 (1933) 7, f. 10; DE Voocp, ibid. 23 (1934) 82, 83, f. 1 (phot.); STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; Merr. Not. Nat. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 47 (1940) 2. — G. fragrantissima var. punctata (BL.)J.J.S.inK. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 121; Hocur. Candollea 2 (1925) 495; Heyne, Nutt. Pl. (1927) 1217; DocTERs VAN LEEUWEN, Pangrango (1933) 198, f. 42; J. J. S. in Merr. Contr. Arn. Arb. 8 (1934) 127; AmsuH. in Back. Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7 (1948) fam. 162, p. 5. — Brossaea fragrantissima (non WALL.) O. Krze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 388. — Fig. 66. Treelet or mostly large shrub, (0.25—)1—2(—5) m, erect or + decumbent-scandent. Branchlets stout, glabrous or very laxly glandular-punctate, gen- erally + sharply triquetrous, i.e. winged by the decurrent petioles, less so in specimens which have apparently grown in shady situations. Leaves + erect, elliptic-oblong, sometimes more elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic, apex gradually acuminate, obtuse by a callous terminal gland, base cuneate, often + decurrent into the petiole, sub- coriaceous to coriaceous, dark green and glossy above, greenish whitish and + dull beneath, aromatic, glabrous above, + minutely rather densely glandular-punctate beneath, regularly and coarsely glandular-serrate, the teeth rather blunt, c. 1 mm high and 2—3(-4) mm spaced, (2—)4.5-8.5 (—10) by 0.8-3(—-4) cm, midrib rather flat or some- what sunken above, reddish and prominent beneath, nerves (3—)4—6(—7) pairs, high ascendent and joined near the edge, slightly impressed above in fresh, + raised in dry specimens, more distinct- FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° ly prominent beneath, veins + transverse, visible on both faces, reticulation rather obscure; pe- tiole flattened, grooved above, red, 1.5-8 mm. Panicles composed of numerous + erect simple racemes from the axils of several decrescent upper leaves, (S—)7—10(-12.5) cm long, 3—7 cm wide at the base. Rachis greenish when fresh, manifestly trigonous, glabrous or nearly so, laxly glandular-punctate. Pedicels white or pink, very laxly minutely pubescent as is the ovate-acuminate subtending bract, secund, (2—)4~-7(-9) mm. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx, opposite, ovate-acute, pubescent inside, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, glabrous or nearly so, 3-3.5 mm, tube white, lobes ovate-acute, reddish, pubescent inside, ciliate. Corolla subovate- urceolate, somewhat 5-angular, with 5 recurved broadly triangular lobes, white, or whitish pinkish, or tipped pale carmine, 5—7 by 4-5 mm, glabrous. Stamens c. 3 mm; filaments white at the base, purplish at the top, papillose, ciliolate, c. 2 mm; anther-cells orange, ovate-oblong, the tubules very short, rather long biaristate. Ovary light green, densely coarse-pubescent; style glabrous except the very base, c. 2.5mm. Fruit8-10mm @, dull red to dark red or blackish purplish. Seeds obliquely obovoid-triangular, c. 0.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra, Java (especially W. Java), Lesser Sunda Is. (Bali). Ecol. Inthe upper part of the mountains, rarely in forests, mostly in open country, in mountain shrub, on rocky or stony ground or volcanic soil, on stony mud-flow, not rarely in the neighbour- hood of active craters and exposed to volcanic gasses. Locally common. In Sumatra from 1000-— 3700 m, in Java from 1400-3100 m. Fi. Jan.—Dec. Pollination. DocTERSs VAN LEEUWEN men- tioned that the anthers are already open as soon as the flowers begin to expand, and the pollen may easily drop on the stigma, which as a matter of fact is very soon covered with it. In fact all flowers produce fruits. Practically no pollinators have been observed. Vern. Gandarasa, tjantigi, t. sénugit, t. wangi, S, gandapura, gondapura, gondopuro, g. maiso, purwu (purwa) djambu, J, sarik méndjari, s. mudjari (Korintji), talimu jari (Merapi, West- coast), sirih gunung (Padang Highlands), M. Uses. Both leaves and flowers have a charac- teristic odour, especially when crushed; they contain c. 1 % of a volatile substance, “winter- green-oil’’, which mainly consists of methyl- salicylate, bound as a glucoside, a strong anti- septic. The oil is distilled in Java from the wilted leaves, and is used both internally and exter- nally for treatment of rheumatism, as hair oil and to perfume sarongs. The leaves are sometimes chewed together with ‘“‘sirih”. The fruits are sweet, with a bitter aftertaste, edible, but apparent- ly eaten by animals (birds, rodents, hens) only. Note. G. punctata has been regarded previously as belonging to G. fragrantissima WALL. or being a mere variety of it. G. fragrantissima, however, has exclusively short, + recurved racemes in the axil of a few spaced upper leaves, a densely hairy July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 689 MELA LE La Fig. 66. Gaultheria punctata BL. a. Twig with inflorescence, x 24, b. flower bud, x 4, c. flower, x 4, d. ovary and style, 5, e. stamen, front view, x 9, f. thecae, front view, x x 15, h. ditto from the side, x pl. inéd. t. 13, / Frey-WyssLinG 28). rachis, much smaller flowers and is restricted to the East Himalayas and Khasia Hills. 16. Gaultheria arfakana Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 215; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 176; Blumea 12 (1963) 115. — G. leucocarpa BL. var. papuana Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 213. Slender shrub, (0.5—)1—2(-3) m. Branchlets 15, g. ditto from the back, 15, i. infructescence, «x 2%, j. seeds, x 10 (a-i after BLuMe, FI. Javae, terete below, somewhat obtusely angular towards the tips, glabrous but with some scattered sessile glands. Leaves ovate, apex gradually acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland distinct, base mani- festly cordate, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, dark green above, pale beneath, glabrous and a little shining on both faces, scantily punctate beneath, obtusely serrate, the teeth 0.5—0.75 mm high, 2-4 690 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° mm spaced, ending in very early caducous short bristles, (4-)5—8 by 2.5—4.5(—5.5) cm, midrib and nerves yellowish in fresh specimens, midrib prom- inent beneath only, nerves c. 5 pairs, the lower 2 from the base, all curved-ascending and an- astomosing, somewhat raised on both faces, re- ticulation coarse, slightly prominent on both sides; petiole 3-5 mm. Racemes from the upper 3—4 axils of very reduced leaves, forming a terminal, few- to many-branched panicle 6—-12(—-15) cm long, other shorter racemes in the axils of subsequent lower normal 2-3 leaves also present, practically eperulate at anthesis; rachises slender, rather densely clothed with short greyish, + crisped hairs, (3-)5-10 cm, few- to many-flowered. Pedicels rather slender, 4-6 mm. Bract ovate- subulate, 3 mm. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx at anthesis, a little distant from the calyx in fruit, ovate-acuminate, ciliate, 1.5 mm. Calyx greenish, deeply 5-partite, lobes deltoid, subacute, ciliate, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate-cy- lindric, 5.5 by 2.5 mm, pure white, or more rarely cream with pink spots, glabrous, shortly (1 mm) 5-lobed. Filaments papillose, c. 2 mm; anther-cells ovate-elliptic, nearly 2 mm including the tubules, the latter short, each ending in 2 hornlets or bristles (1 mm). Ovary densely pubescent; style glabrous, c. 3 mm. Fruit pubescent on top, 5-6 mm 9, finally purplish blackish. Distr. Malesia: NW. New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula: Nettoti and Arfak Mts). Ecol. In open ridge scrub, on landslide with fern regrowth, edge of (mossy) forest, steep rocky slope, at 1900-2000 m. Fi. fr. July, Oct.—Jan. Note. The whole plant has a fine smell of wintergreen-oil. 17. Gaultheria malayana Airy SHAw, Kew Bull. 1940 (1941) 304; HENDERsS. Mal. Nat. J. 6 (1950) 263, f. 246, A, B; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 176. — G. fragrantissima (non WALL.) K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 69; RipL. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 6 (1915) 49; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 212; HENDERS. J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. 5 (1927) 256. — Fig. 63d-d’. Shrub or treelet. Branchlets terete or slightly obtusangular, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves aromatic, elliptic, broad elliptic-obovate or sub- orbicular-obovate, rarely oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse, the terminal gland rather obscure, forming a short apiculus with a + apical teeth, base broadly attenuate to rounded, thick-coriaceous, rigid, dull, dark green above, whitish green beneath with reddish midrib, glabrous above, laxly to subdensely blackish punctulate beneath, somewhat irregularly and + obtusely serrate- crenate, the teeth c. 0.5 mm high, 1—3 mm spaced, 3.5-6.5 by 1.5-4.7 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, much raised beneath, nerves 5(—7) pairs, rather steeply curved-ascending, the lowest 1-2 pairs from or a little from above the base, all slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, as is the distinct but rather lax reticulation; petiole subterete, slightly grooved above, glabrous, 5—10 mm. Racemes from the uppermost axils forming a terminal nearly aphyllous panicle, those from the lower axils of normal leaves solitary, the single racemes 10-16-flowered, mostly suberect, 2.5—5.5 (—7) cm, with several small + caducous perulae, pinkish red at rachis, pedicels and calyces. Rachis slender, minutely pubescent. Pedicels slender, 4—5 mm, puberulous. Bract ovate, ciliolate. Brac- teoles inserted immediately below the calyx, broadly ovate, ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, glabrous outside, short-pubescent inside, lobes ovate, acute, ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla ovoid- urceolate, c. 4 by 3 mm, white or pink, glabrous, shortly 5-lobed. Stamens 10; filaments densely papillose, long-ciliate; anther-cells oblong-ovate, 1 mm; tubules nearly 1 mm, biaristate. Ovary pubescent; style puberulous at the base, glabrescent towards the apex, c. 2 mm. Fruit 4-5 mm @, purple-blackish, fruit-pedicel 6-7 mm. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Perak, Main Range between Mt Kerbau and Mt Batu Putih; not rare in the Cameron Highlands). Ecol. On forest edges or ridges of summits, on peaty soils locally abundant, 1370-2030 m. FI. Nov.—June. Note. The leaves have a strong smell of winter- green-oil when crushed. 18. Gaultheria intermedia J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 30 (1916) 1, f. 1 & pl.; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; SLEuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 176. Shrub. Branchlets subterete, glabrous. Leaves oblong-ovate, apex gradually acuminate, obtusely glandular-apiculate, base rounded, very shortly contracted into the petiole, subcoriaceous, gla- brous, somewhat shining above, dull beneath, densely crenate-serrate, 5-9.7 by (1.7—)2-3.7 cm, midrib slightly sunken above, prominent beneath, nerves 3—4 pairs curved-ascendent, anastomosing, higher inserted ones shorter and more straight to the edge, all slightly but distinctly raised on both faces, reticulation rather dense and prominent; petiole glabrous, 3-8 mm. Panicles terminal, laxly divaricate, eperulate at anthesis, consisting of simple or rarely racemosely arranged racemes, some of these in the axils of the upper + normal leaves, most of them from upper practically aphyllous axils, 4-10 cm, c. 20-flowered. Rachis slender, subangular, densely short-pubescent. Pedicels 4-6 mm, short-pubescent. Bract ovate- triangular, ciliate, puberulous. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx, broad-ovate, ciliate, puberulous inside, 2 mm. Calyx c. 2.5 mm, deeply 5-laciniate, lobes acute, ciliolate, puberu- lous inside. Corolla urceolate, somewhat 5- angular, glabrous, c. 5 by 2.5 mm, probably white. Stamens c. 2.5 mm; filaments papillose; anther- cells oblong; tubules short, manifestly biaristate. Ovary sericeous; style glabrous, c. 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Java (Merapi) or Sumatra (Lower Tapanuli), once found by JUNGHUHN; his specimens are not adequately labelled. Note. J. J. SmitH discussed the possibility that G. intermedia might be a hybrid between G. punctata and G. leucocarpa, having the terminal July 1967] panicles of the first, the epunctate leaves of the latter. As G. intermedia has not been recollected, and actual hybrids between the above-mentioned supposed parents (which in many places occur together in Java and Sumatra) have not yet been observed, the true nature of G. intermedia remains uncertain. 19. Gaultheria hirta Rip. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 6 (1915) 49; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 213; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; SLEum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 176. Scandent shrub. Branchlets slender, flexuous, densely covered with fine, spreading, whitish hairs and larger, red, bristle-like, gland-clubbed hairs. Leaves ovate, apex subcaudate-acuminate, the terminal gland small, base rounded to sub- cordate, subcoriaceous, initially laxly clothed with short eglandular and longer (1-2 mm), slender, gland-tipped, reddish hairs above, more densely so beneath, glabrescent with age, but remaining pu- bescent on midrib and nerves beneath, obsoletely serrate, the teeth indicated by long (c. 2 mm), slender, bristle-like and gland-tipped hairs which are persistent for a rather long time, 5—7(—11) by (1.5—)2-5(-7) cm, midrib and nerves slightly prominent above, more distinctly so beneath, nerves 4(—5) pairs, ascending, anastomosing, the lowest 1-2 pair(s) from the base of the lamina, veins + transverse, slightly raised on both faces, forming a lax reticulation with the veinlets; petiole 3—5(-7) mm, glandular-setulose. Racemes axillary, practically eperulate at anthesis, lax- flowered, the supporting leaves sometimes early caducous so that a very lax terminal panicle is formed. Rachis slender, 2.5—5.6(-8) cm, as the pedicels with similar indument as the branchlets. Pedicels stoutish, (4-)6—-8 mm. Bract ovate-acute, 1.5 mm. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx, ovate-apiculate, hairy, 1.5 mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, densely non-glandular hairy outside especially at the tips as are the bracteoles, lobes ovate, c. 2 mm. Corolla subcylindric-urceolate, 5-6 by 3.5 mm, shortly 5-lobed, said to be light red, subdensely eglandular-pubescent outside espe- cially in the upper half, glabrous inside. Filaments glabrous, papillose, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong- ovate, granular, each biaristate apically. Ovary densely hairy; style glabrous, 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Perak: top of Mt Kerbau), twice found, 1370-1525 m. FI. March, May. Note. G. hirta approaches G. crenulata KURZ (Yunnan) by the same type of the gland-tipped pubescence both on the leaves and the inflores- cence; in G. crenulata, however, the pedicels and calyces are glabrous, and the leaves are distinctly crenulate. 20. Gaultheria viridiflora SLeEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 176; Blumea 11 (1961) 3. Shrub, c. 1 m. Branchlets subterete, glabrous, dark brown red when dry. Leaves ovate-oblong or -lanceolate, apex gradually acuminate, the terminal gland rather small, base cuneate, sub- ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 691 coriaceous, olivaceous or brown above when dry, paler beneath, dull, glabrous, very laxly or not punctate beneath, + regularly serrate, the teeth glandular, obtuse, c. 1 mm high and 2-3 mm spaced, 4—5.5(-6) by (1.7—)2-3 cm, midrib flat or slightly sunken above, reddish when dry, promi- nent beneath, nerves c. 4 pairs high curved- ascending and anastomosing, rather inconspicuous above, raised beneath, veins and veinlets forming a rather dense reticulation which is distinctly prominent beneath only; petiole thick, glabrous, 2-3(-4) by 1 mm. Racemes simple, mostly axillary, sometimes the uppermost pseudoterminal, slender, -+ erect, 8-12-flowered, practically eperulate at anthesis. Rachis c. 0.5 mm 9, rather densely clothed with short spreading hairs as are the pedicels, these 3-5 mm long. Bract lanceolate, ciliate, 2-3 mm. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx, ovate, ciliate, 2 mm. Calyx reddish, 2.5 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate ciliolate. Corolla subcampanulate, green-white with reddish base, 3.5—-4 by 3(-4) mm, 5-partite nearly halfway, glabrous. Filaments papillose, 1 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, c. 1.5 mm, the very short tubules biaristate. Ovary yellowish hairy; style glabrous, 2 mm. Fruit apparently blackish purple when ripe, c. 6mm @. Distr. Malesia: SW. Central Celebes (Latimod- jong Mts). Ecol. In open arid country, on sandy ridges, locally not rare, 2700-3300 m. Fi. June. 21. Gaultheria pullei J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. 7. 25 (1915) 7; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 513; ibid. (1918) t. 207; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg ll, 13 (1934) 205; SteuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 214; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 177; Blumea 11 (1961) 2; ibid. 12 (1963) 116; ibid. 12 (1964) 342. — G. calyculata WeRNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 93; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg Hl, 13 (1934) 205.— G. fragrantissima var. papuana J.i/S. Nova Guinea 12 (1914) 143; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205. var. pullei. Aromatic shrub, 0.3-0.5(-1.5) m. Branches spreading or scandent. Branchlets reddish, mostly obtusely trigonous, glabrous or minutely patent- pubescent at the tips, terete and completely gla- brous below. Leaves ovate to oblong- or elliptic- ovate, apex shortly acuminate, the terminal gland thick, base mostly rounded, rarely subcordate or broadly cuneate, subcoriaceous, serrate, the teeth ending in ++ caducous bristles, glabrous above, laxly glandular-punctate beneath, + dull, (1.7—)2.5 ~5(-7) by (1.2-)1.5-2.5(-3.5) cm, midrib and nerves slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 3—4 pairs curved upwards, high ascendent and anastomosing, reticulation lax, rather obscure above, raised beneath; petiole reddish, thick, 2-5(-7) mm, glabrescent. Racemes in the axils both of the upper and lower leaves, the leaves not or slightly decrescent in size towards the tips of the branchlets, the uppermost leaf sometimes ex- cepted, never forming a distinct terminal panicle, 692 FLORA MALESIANA _[ser. I, vol. 6° (1.5—)3—7 cm; flowers rather numerous and + laxly set on the shortly pubescent rachis, with 2-3 small basal bracts. Pedicels rather stoutish, 4—6 mm, pubescent. Bract ovate, glabrous, ciliate, c. 2 mm. Bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx, glabrous, ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx 2.5-3 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, ciliate. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, white, or rarely pale pink, gla- brous at both sides, 5-7 by c. 3 mm. Filaments papillose; anthers subovate-oblong, tubules rather conspicuous, manifestly biaristate. Ovary densely pubescent; style glabrous, 4 mm. Fruit blackish blue or purple, (6—)8(-10) mm @. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Main Range from Mt Carstensz through the Western and Eastern Highlands to the Wharton Ra., also on Mt Saruwaged, and on Mt Manamau, Milne Bay Distr.). Ecol. In forest edge shrubberies or (open) moss forest, also in open subalpine or alpine country among grasses and ferns, on open ground of old mine workings or cleared summits, on wet peaty or clayey soil, locally common, 2060—3450 m. Fil. fr. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Porowata, Mendi. var. leiotheca (SLEUM.) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 177. — G. leiotheca SLEUmM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 213. Shrub 1-1.5 m. Ovary glabrous or nearly so. Distr. Malesia: E. New Guinea (Morobe Distr.: Rawlinson Ra.; Central Distr.: Mt Ga- neve), open hill side, 2135-3655 m. 22. Gaultheria leucocarpa BL. Bijdr. (1826) 856; G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 (1834) 840; DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 593; Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 160; ZOLL. Nat. Geneesk. Arch. N. I. 2 (1845) 9; Mor. Syst. Verz. (1846) 42; ZoLu. Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1056; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1863) 41; BL. Fl. Jav. Pl. inéd. (1863-83) t. 14; Koorp. Nat. Tijd. N. I. 60 (1901) 264; ibid. 63 (1904) 41; K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 70; RipL. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 4 (1909) 44; Koorp. Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 9; Koorp.-Scuum. Syst. Verz. 1 (1912) fam. 233, p. 107; Back. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg II, 12 (1913) 16; J. J. S. in K. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 117, incl. f. glabra, nom. nud.; Koorp. Fl. Tjib. 3 (1918) fam. 233, p. 6; RipL. J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 87 (1923) 75; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 212; Sp. Moore, J. Bot. 63 (1925) Suppl. 57; Hocnr. Candollea 2 (1925) 494; Heyne, Nutt. Pl. (1927) 1218; HENpeRs. J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. 5 (1927) 256; STEEN. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 11 (1932) 317, f. 25 (veg.); Docrers vAN LEEUWEN, Pangrango (1933) 200, f. 43, t. 26; J. J. S. in Merr. Contr. Arn. Arb. 8 (1934) 127; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; Amsu. in Back. Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7 (1948) fam. 162, p. 5; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 17 (1948) 388; HENDERs. Mal. Nat. J. 6 (1950) 264, f. 246 C (leaf); SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 178; Blumea 11 (1961) 1. — Brossaea leucocarpa (BL.) O. KTze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 388. — Fig. 67, 68. KEY TO INFRASPECIFIC TAXA 1. Leaves pubescent beneath. Corolla pubescent. 2. var. hirta 1. Leaves and corolla glabrous. 2. Ovary densely pubescent or hirsute. 1. var. leucocarpa 3. Inflorescence glabrous or practically so. 4. Fruit white or rose tinged at maturity. a. f. leucocarpa 4. Fruit deep-red or purple to blackish at maturity ....... b. f. cumingiana 3. Inflorescence densely short-pubescent. 5. Fruit white or rose tinged at maturity. c. f. scandens 5. Fruit blackish purple at maturity. d. f. melanocarpa 2. Ovary glabrous or practically so. 3. var. psilocarpa 1. var. leucocarpa. a. f. leucocarpa. — Fig. 68. Slender shrub, 0.25—2(—3) m, climbing or some- times somewhat decumbent; branches flexuous, often pendulous. Branchlets reddish or purplish, tips subobtusangular, elsewhere terete, glabrous in adult specimens, sometimes sparsely pubescent and setulose in juvenile plants. Leaves aromatic, ovate to lanceolate-ovate, apex + long-acuminate to subcaudate, the terminal gland small, base mostly subcordate, rarely rounded or very broadly attenuate, firmly subcoriaceous, dull, dark green above, paler beneath when fresh, -- brown when dry, a little shining above, normally glabrous and epunctate, occasionally provided with short scattered bristles underneath in juvenile specimens, regularly obtusely crenate-serrate, teeth glandular, orange coloured in the living plant, fine or rather coarse, mostly dense, 3.5-14 by (1.5—)2-6.5 cm, upper leaves generally smaller, midrib slightly sunken above, prominent beneath, nerves 3-4 pairs much curved and ascendent, anastomosing, the lowest from or a little from above the base, flat or slightly impressed above, raised beneath, reticulation mostly rather dense, subinconspicuous above, distinct beneath; petiole purplish, grooved, glabrous, 3—9 mm. Racemes simple, rarely branch- ed, axillary, the uppermost raceme seemingly terminal, practically eperulate at flowering time, lax, many-flowered, completely glabrous, up to 10 cm. Rachis mostly rather slender, flexuous, zig-zag, red when fresh. Pedicels recurved, rather stoutish, glabrous, 3-10 mm. Bract ovate-lan- ceolate, ciliate. Bracteoles ovate-triangular, in- serted immediately below the calyx, ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx c. 2.5 mm, deeply 5-partite, gla- brous at both sides, or puberulous inside only, lobes pale green or red, ovate, ciliate. Corolla campanulate, glabrous, white or yellowish white to greenish white, sometimes pinkish at margin, + fragrant, 3.5—4 by 3-4(—-5) mm, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments curved, much dilated in the middle, papillose; anthers ovate-oblong; tubules short, recurved, biaristate. Ovary densely pubescent; 693 ERICACEAE (Sleumer) July 1967] Fig. 67. Gaultheria leucocarpa BL. Branch with flowers and fruits, x 24 (after BLume, FI. Javae, pl. inéd. t. 14) 694 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° style glabrous, 2.5 mm. Fruit white or rose tinged, (6-)9-11 by 6-9 mm, villous on top. Seeds brown, triangular-obovoid, 0.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (apparently rare), Java. Ecol. Both in mountain forest and open, + sunny, exposed places among montane brushwood or scrub, 1300-3300 m, rather common, often on the margin of craters, steep slopes, on stony ground, rocks, volcanic or occasionally peaty and generally poor soil, mostly terrestrial, occasionally epiphytic. Fl. Jan.—Dec. Pollination. According to DOCTERS VAN LEEUWEN the anthers open by two extrorse pores; the pollen is sticky. The stigma projects for about 1.5 mm above the anthers. Some flowers are protandrous with the stamens ripening on the first day, and the stigma attaining maturity on the next day. On the same plant, however, homoga- mous flowers can be found. The flowers remain unchanged for up to 5 days. They are but seldom visited by insects, especially Bombus rufipes. The pollen may easily drop on the stigmas because the latter protrude beyond the anthers, and because the flowers are pendulous. When the corolla falls off, the anthers shove therefore along the stigma. In young flowers, opened but one day, the stigma is already thickly covered with germinating pollen. All flowers set fruit. Selfpollination seems to be the rule. Flowering alternates more or less with fruiting, that is while a plant is abundantly fruiting, it generally bears but few flowers. Dispersal. The fruits are eaten by birds. Vern. Kéring, tjantigi bodas, t. wangi, S, gondopuro, kapirosok, purworoko, purwosada, sanglir, tandjang, témigi, t. kasar, J; M: sae sae, Toba, sae sae angur, Tapanuli, sal-sal, Eastcoast, sirih gunung, Padang Highlands, kalintjajak, Karo Highland. Uses. G. leucocarpa and its varieties or forms are used in the same manner as G. punctata, although the plant yields much less wintergreen- oil. Notes. G. leucocarpa in a broad sense is a species widely distributed beyond Malesia into East Asia. In this immense area, several varieties or forms can be distinguished, based on certain characters of the indument and the colour of the fruit; each of these varieties or forms, as far as can be seen from the material at hand, has its peculiar geographical range. Thus f. leucocarpa, with glabrous inflorescences and leaves, white or rose tinged fruits and a pubescent ovary, seems to be restricted to Sumatra and Java, at least is not known with certainty from other parts of Malesia. It is remarkable that in Java f. leucocarpa and f. scandens seem to exclude each other in most places. However, to verify this, the present her- barium material, which too often bears neither ripe fruits nor complete collector’s notes, is insuf- ficient; in future collectors of Gaultheria should al- ways note the fruit colour. b. f. cumingiana (VIDAL) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 179; Blumea 11 (1961) 1. — G. cumingiana VIDAL, Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 184; Rev. Pl. Vasc. Filip. (1886) 170; HAyATA, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 20 (1906) 72; Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 292 p.p.; ibid. 3 (1908) Bot. 378; HAyYATA, Fl. Mont. Formosa (1908) 150; Icon. 2 (1912) 118, t. 13; KANEH. Formos. Tr. (1917) 315; ibid. rev. ed. (1936) 533, f. 493; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246 p.p.; Lingn. Agr. Rev. 4 (1927) 132; CopeEL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 61, t. 1, f. 2. — G. laxi- flora Diets, Bot. Jahrb. 29 (1900) 515. — G. yunnanensis (FRANCH.) ReEHD. J. Arn. Arb. 15 (1934) 282, et syn. alt. — G. crenulata (non KURZ) J. J. S. in Merr. Contr. Arn. Arb. 8 (1934) 127; STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1934) 205; FLETCH. in Fl. Siam. En. 2 (1938) 315. Inflorescence glabrous. Ovary densely pubescent. Fruit dark red to purplish blackish. Distr. Upper Burma, SW. and S. China, Siam, Indochina, Formosa, in Malesia: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, E. Java, Philippines (Luzon). c. f. scandens Hocur. Candollea 2 (1925) 494; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 180; Blumea 11 (1961) 2. — ? G. bandongensis ZOLL. Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138, nom. nud.; ZoLL. ex Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1056, descr. — ? G. leucocarpa var. seminuda J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 Fig. 68. Gaultheria leucocarpa BL. f. leucocarpa. Twig with fully mature white fruits, Mt Pangrango (DOCTERS VAN LEEUWEN, 1924). July 1967] (1935) 455. — G. leucocarpa f. pubescens J. J. S. in K. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 119, nom. nud. — ? Brossaea bandongensis (ZOLL. ex MiqQ.) O. KTZE, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 388. Inflorescence densely rather yellowish short- pubescent. Ovary densely pubescent. Fruit white or with pink hue. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (apparently rare), Java (apparently the most common form there). Vern. Litjajo, litjaujo, Karo, tjojo, Keling. d. f. melanocarpa J. J. S. ex Amsu. in Back. Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7 (1948) fam. 162, p. 5; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 182. — G. leucocarpa var. melanocarpa J. J. S. ex STEEN. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 17 (1948) 388; Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 11 (1932) 317 (‘melanocephala’). — ? G. bandon- gensis ZOLL. Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138, nom. nud.; ZOLL. ex Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1056, descr. — ? Brossaea bandongensis (ZOLL. ex MiqQ.) O. KTZE, Rev. Gen. PI. 2 (1891) 388. Inflorescence rather densely yellowish short- pubescent. Ovary densely pubescent. Fruit dark red to purplish blackish. Distr. Malesia: Mal. E. Java. Ecol. Mentioned by DE Voocp (Trop. Natuur 23, 1934, 82) from the stony mud-flow (/ahar) of Beriti volcano in S. Sumatra, i.e. from an extremely dry, treeless locality on acid soil. 2. var. hirta VAL. ex J.J.S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 454; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 179. Branchlets + patently and rather densely glandular-setose and finely pubescent. Leaves clothed with soft non-glandular hairs all over the undersurface. Inflorescence densely finely patent- pubescent; occasionally some scattered longish gland-tipped bristle-like hairs are also present. Corolla \axly non-glandular pubescent. Distr. Malesia: North Sumatra (Tapanuli: Toba Batak near Kuta Lekole), once found. Peninsula, Sumatra, 3. var. psilocarpa (CopeL. f.) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 183. — G. psilocarpa Cope. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 62, t. 1, f. 3. — G. cumingiana (non VIDAL) Merk. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 292 p.p.; Em. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1091; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246 p.p. Inflorescence glabrous. Ovary practically gla- brous. Fruit dark red to purplish blackish. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Mindanao, Negros; once found in S. Luzon). Vern. Logauwoy, Bag. 23. Gaultheria novaguineensis J. J. S. Med. Rijks- herb. n. 25 (1915) 5; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 512; ibid. (1918) t. 206; Sreen. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg Ill, 13 (1934) 205; Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 213; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 183; Blumea 11 (1961) 2. — Fig. 62f. var. novaguineensis. Stiff, glaucous shrub, 0.8—1 m. Branchlets mani- festly trigonous in the youngest parts by the decurrent petioles, terete below, glabrous or mi- ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 695 nutely pubescent. Leaves ovate or ovate-elliptic, apex attenuate, tip obtuse by a callous gland, base obtuse, broadly attenuate to rounded, co- riaceous, rather rigid, shining above, + dull beneath, glabrous, not punctate beneath, crenate- serrate, teeth glandular, somewhat curved, margin revolute, 1.1—1.5(—2.1) by 0.5-0.9(-1.3) cm, mid- rib and nerves slightly impressed above, promi- nent beneath, nerves 2—3(—4) pairs, high curved- ascending and joined near the edge, reticulation + obscure on both faces; petiole red, blackish when dry, glabrous, thick, 1-3 mm. Flowers solitary in the axils of all upper leaves, thus forming a leafy terminal raceme, leaves decrescent towards the top of the branchlets. Pedicels red- dish, stoutish, finely pubescent or glabrous, re- curved, 3—-4(-6) mm. Bract absent. Bracteoles 2, apical, ovate, acute, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Calyx 3-3.5 mm, deeply 5-partite, lobes triangular-ovate, ciliate. Corolla urceolate, white or light cream, 5—6 by c. 3 mn, shortly 5-lobed, glabrous. Sta- mens c. 3.2 mm; filaments papillose, c. 2 mm; anther-cells oblong-ovate, granular; tubules short- ly biaristate. Ovary glabrous at least on the apex; style 3.5 mm. Fruit blue-blackish, 6-7 mm g, pedicel 3-6 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Oranje and Star Mts). Ecol. On shrubby banks of stream, or on swampy localities, apparently rare, 3000-4000 m. Fl. Febr., July, Sept. var. pascua SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 183; Blumea 11 (1961) 2. Ovary subdensely short-pubescent. Rachis and pedicels rather densely short-pubescent. Fruit- pedicel (7—)8-10 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Mt Carstensz), twice collected in meadow-like vege- tation at 3700-4000 m. Fr. Nov.—Dec. 24. Gaultheria pernettyoides SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 184; Blumea 11 (1961) 3. — Fig. 62e. Shrub, probably prostrate. Branchlets slender (1 mm), terete, densely subappressed-setulose. Leaves lanceolate, rarely subelliptic-lanceolate, slightly minor towards the tips of the branchlets and subsessile there, apex attenuate, subacute, base attenuate, subcoriaceous, dark brown above when dry, paler beneath, regularly serrulate, teeth caducously ciliate, 0.2-0.3 mm high, c. 1 mm spaced, 0.8-1.3 cm by (2-)3.5 mm, puberulous above on the lower part of the midrib, with solitary scattered short bristles beneath, midrib very slight- ly sunken above, + prominent beneath, nerves 2 pairs, high-ascending, very slightly impressed above, + raised beneath, reticulation -+- obscure; petiole glabrous, c. | mm. Flowers solitary, remote i.e. not in successive axils. Pedicels recurved, gla- brous, stoutish, c. 2mm. Bract absent. Bracteoles 2, opposite, immediately below the calyx, ovate- acuminate, c. 2 mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, deeply 5- partite, glabrous outside, lobes ovate, abruptly acuminate, puberulous inside, ciliate at the tip. Ovary puberulous; style glabrous, 2 mm. Fruit 696 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° calyx moderately accrescent, subcarnose at the Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: base, chartaceous at the tip, including the glabrous summit of Mt Losir), in mountain heath at capsule. 2950-3500 m, two collections. F/. Febr. 8. DIPLYCOSIA BL. Bijdr. (1826) 857; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 119-161; Blumea 11 (1961) 4; ibid. 12 (1963) 116; ibid. 12 (1964) 342. — Gaultheria sect. Amphicalyx ENDL. Gen. (1839) 756. — Fig. 69-80. Shrubs, not rarely epiphytic, often with thick roots and/or swollen base. Leaves spiral, persistent, entire or ciliate-serrate or -crenate; axillary buds sometimes re- duced to stipule-like perulae. Flowers axillary or from defoliate axils, solitary or in fascicles, small. Pedicels bracteolate at the base, with 2 apical persistent bracteoles + connate into a calyculus. Calyx deeply 5(rarely 4)-toothed or -lobed, free or half-inferior, persistent, becoming -+ fleshy and accrescent in later stages, mostly completely including the capsule at maturity, rarely incompletely so. Corolla campanulate to urceolate, rarely cylindric or subglobose, not rarely rather fleshy, with 5 (rarely 4) slightly imbricate, erect or recurved lobes, early caducous. Stamens 10 (rarely 8), mostly as long as the corolla or slightly exserted, rarely shorter than the corolla, inserted at the base of the corolla. Anthers introrse, dorsifix, anther-cells oblong to ovate, with 2 deep longitudinal grooves, irregularly 4-lobed at the base, mostly very granular, produced at the apex into 2 short (and rather broad) or mostly elongate (and slender) straight tubules, dehiscing by + oblique short or prolonged slits; neither apical nor dorsal appendages. Filaments mostly linear, flat, sometimes disk-like dilated above the base and S-curved. Disk cupular, 10(—8)-lobed, pressed against the ovary. Ovary superior or half-inferior, 5(—4)-celled, with numerous ovules on the thick placentas. Style filiform; stigma simple. Capsule thin-walled, opening late, regularly or somewhat irregularly, com- pletely filled with the seeds, included to various degree by the accrescent + suc- culent calyx. Seeds minute, cuneate irregularly; testa laxly reticulate; albumen fleshy; embryo axile, cylindric. Distr. In all 97 spp., of which 1 endemic in S. Annam, 3 (1 endemic) in Peninsular Siam, the rest in Malesia. All species of the genus described from the East Himalaya and Upper Burma have now been transferred to the genus Gaultheria. Fig. 69. Fig. 69. Distribution of Diplycosia. The number above the hyphen indicates the number of endemic species, that below the hyphen the number of non-endemic species in each island or district. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 697 Almost half of all Malesian species occur in Borneo, and many of these are only known from Mt Ki- nabalu. In New Guinea, the Vogelkop Peninsula seems to be richer in Dip/ycosia than the rest of the island. Many species occupy a very restricted area or have only been collected once. Ecol. Most species are found in the montane forest, especially in the mossy forest and in summit scrub. A few live in open rocky places above the timber line, and attain 3960 m close to the summit of Mt Kinabalu, and 3650 m in New Guinea (Hagen Mts). Uses. No use is known, though several species have a peculiar smell and apparently contain winter- green-oil similar as Gaultheria. Note. In the key to the species, which is in many respects artificial, various indument types and their occurrence on certain organs are used in the first place. It is therefore necessary to investigate the material thoroughly as to the different types of hairs, bristles or glands, and to use a lens to make sure, that no fine puberulence is overlooked, especially on the branchlets. The occurrence of a certain indument type or the combination of such types is apparently constant enough to characterize a species or variety to a high degree. Complete lack of indument, however, is much less significant, and for that reason all species of which a gradual decay of the indument has been observed in later stages, figure in the key under different positions. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Branchlets (young shoots) laxly to very densely setose or setulose, otherwise whether or not patent- puberulous. 2. Branchlets (young shoots) exclusively setose or setulose. (Sometimes greyish or blackish fungi may wrongly suggest the presence of a fine patent pubescence!) 3. Calyx dorsally densely and + longish setose or setulose. 4. Pedicels, if any, stoutish. Bristles on the calyx all or for their greater number + appressed or obliquely suberect, 2.5-5 mm. 5. Leaves underneath with + coarse, patent bristles. 6. Nerves 1-3 pairs, slightly distinct or -- inconspicuous. 7. Corolla + shortly setulose-hairy in its upper part. 8. Leaves subcaudate-acuminate CORRES Eh shining above, strongly revolute at the margin), 3-S(-7) cm long... . a MORE Oe Een 8 oy LI ret 8. Leaves short-acuminate, 1- 5" cm long. 9. Leaves coriaceous, slightly revolute at the margin, shining ante (1—)1.5—2(—3) by 0.7-1.2 cm. Ovary laxly hairy . . . . . 2. D. chrysothrix 9. Leaves subcoriaceous, quite flat, dull above, 2- 3 by 1. 2- r 9 cm. ‘Ovary glabrous. 3. D. carrii 7. Corolla entirely glabrous. 10. Leaves 0.6-1(-1.5) by 0.3-0.6 cm .........44+4+4+24+4-+--. 4 D. abscondita 10. Leaves surpassing 2 by 1.5 cm. 11. Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, apex acuminate, 2-4.5 by 1.5—2.6 cm; petiole 1-2 by 1-1.5 att eae . . 5. D. barbigera . Leaves broad- elliptic, ‘sometimes subrotundate, apex broadly obtusely attenuate to almost rounded, 46.5 by 2.5—5 cm; petiole (4-)S—7 by 2-3 mm. .... .. . 6. D. schramii 6. Nerves (5—)6—7 pairs, + distinct. 12. Pedicels 3—5(-7) mm. Calyx lobes 15-2 mm......... . .7. D. saurauioides 12. Pedicels (8—)10—-13 mm. Calyx lobes c.3.5mm........... . 8. D. clementium 5. Leaves underneath with fine and manifestly appressed bristles cere ‘ . . 9. D. aurea 4. Pedicels slender. Bristles on the calyx spreading in all directions, (1—)1. 5-2. 5 mm. 13. Bristles manifestly gland-tipped. Pedicels exclusively setose, 5-8 mm. . . . 10. D. lilianae 13. Bristles eglandular. Pedicels besides the bristles rather densely covered with fine whitish hairs, 10-25 mm... a ere e TO DY? Toher 3. Calyx dorsally rather laxly ‘and ‘shortly (0. 5-1 mm), generally crisped- or manifestly appressed- setulose, or puberulous, or muriculate, or glabrous. 14. Style + densely shortly patent-pubescent .......+-+e-- > de D. RDEre 14. Style completely glabrous. 15. Corolla + densely pubescent, at least in the upper half. (Ovary densely hairy.) 16. Branchlets densely setose. Corolla longish crisped-hairy in the upper half. 13. D. pubivertex 16. Branchlets very laxly setulose (finally glabrous). Corolla nearly entirely covered with straight, mcreoumessed Hire oo sce) 6 vs flee eee ee . .. . 14, D. atjehensis 15. Corolla glabrous or practically so (some glandular hairs occasionally present in 26. D. tetramera). (Ovary pubescent or glabrous.) 17. Flowers | or 2 per axil (occasionally also 3 in other axils of the same specimen). 18. Leaves over 11 cm long. Pedicels (2-)2.5-3.5 cm ....... . . 15. D. penduliflora 18. Leaves not longer than 11 cm. Pedicels rarely up to 2 cm. 19, Leaves + lanceolate, up to 7 mm wide. 698 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 20. Leaves very densely arranged, partly covering each other, on very densely setose branchlets. Ovary hirsute... ena !! 16;/D4elinies 20. Leaves subdensely to laxly arranged, not partly covering each other, on laxly to subdensely setose branchlets. Ovary glabrous. 21. Pedicels at anthesis 3—7 mm. 22. Pedicels slender, laxly setulose at anthesis. Corolla red .... . . 17. D. filipes 22. Pedicels rather stoutish, subdensely setulose at anthesis. Corolla white, with pink tinge. 32. D. morobeensis var. morobeensis 21. Pedicels at anthesis 1-2 mm (stoutish, muriculate and finely hairy. Corolla pale green). 34. D. pendens 19. Leaves, if lanceolate, wider than 7 mm, or leaves of other shape. 23. Pedicels laxly or mostly rather densely longish (1.5-2 mm) and + patently setulose, longer than 3 mm. (Ovary glabrous.) 24. Calyx dorsally glabrous or practically so. 25. Corolla une comeaneeee eee 5 mm. Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, (2—)2.5—5 by 0.8-1.7(-2) cm. . . . . 18. D. rufescens 25. Corolla subcampanulate, 4” mm. "Leaves elliptic to ovate, 0. 9- ie aC 1.9) by 0.5—1 cm. 19. D. triangulanthera 24. Calyx dorsally -+ laxly clad with -+- appressed and + crisped, stoutish, bristle-like or glandular hairs. 26. Leaves ovate or elliptic, + abruptly acuminate at apex, the terminal gland small. Saye ake cia paraiplenrn. lenniinice- po) Moonccintleilon ign ily agai eae Die @orollar lS UMC may. wee ee ta ee fe ee cee bere f . . « 2EDo hursnta 26. Leaves elliptic or subobovate- elliptic, broadly attenuate or a rounded at apex, the terminal gland thick and protruding beyond the leaf margin. 28. Pedicels with fine, gland-tipped bristle-like hairs. (Corolla (5—)6 by 2.5 mm.). 22. D. rosea 28. Pedicels with + coarse, eglandular bristles or bristly hairs. 29 Corolla, 7-9 by 3:5 mm. Pedicels 1-2-2) cm 5 < =. - us «. -) > close Ene nIne 29. Corolla 5(—6) by 2.5—3 mm. Pedicels 6-7 mm. . : 24. D. kosteri 23. Pedicels laxly to subdensely short- and crisped-, or, if the bristles. are longer, appressed- setulose, or muriculate, or pubescent, or glabrous, or pedicels up to 3 mm long. (Ovary pubescent or glabrous.) 30. Ovary sparsely to densely pubescent. 31. Leaves up to 3.5 cm long, but for the greater part shorter than 2.8 cm in the same specimen. 32. Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate . . . . . 25. D. pseudorufescens var. pseudorufescens 32. Leaves lanceolate or (broadly) elliptic to elliptic-oblong or subovate-elliptic, rarely subovate-elliptic. Sams tVlew sO. Mant a(StAMIEDS 8.) 0. seus acces so, Ses woh se es 26. D. tetramera 33. Style up to 3 mm. (Stamens 8 or 10.) 34. Bristles on the branchlets -+ spreading, very dense. 25. D. pseudorufescens var. elliptifolia 34. Bristles on the branchlets + appressed, lax to subdense. SSMS CAIMETIS VON te veut oe aa csthe MRL tm oh cloud Beat ioe slag Saad bule es spale . .. . 27. D. parvifolia 35. Stamens 10. 36. Leaves, == elliptic, 0/9—2(—2.5)iccm, wide. <4 shvsuss hens eubens= 28. D. soror 36. Leaves + lanceolate, 0.5-0.8(-1) cm wide ..... . . . . 34. D. pendens 31. Leaves at least in part in the same specimen longer than 2.8 cm. 37. Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, + persistently rufous-setulose beneath. 29. D. glauciflora 37. Leaves (broadly) elliptic or elliptic-oblong or obovate, caducously setulose, respectively punctate underneath or entirely glabrous in later stages. BS. corolla mOVOId Oo) oticscsk AS). seep aeewian aoort . . 30. D. ledermannii so. ncorolacampanulate yes «. =. uc), ows ec e'| © Meas ade Oe 31. D. brachyantha 30. Ovary entirely glabrous. 39. Flowers 4-merous. Stamens 8. AO Corolayicrs 2.5: MAM.» Style - 27MM wits bach keth Glesincnks, ote oman 27. D. parvifolia 40) Corolla 6—7 mm: Style5—6 mmen-see = 2; 7. fee oe ... . 26. D. tetramera 39. Flowers 5-merous. Stamens 10. 41. Leaves small, (0.8—)1.3-2.2 by 0.4—0.8, very rarely in part up to 1 cm. 42. Calyx lobes with a distinct paler, almost translucent margin, which is densely ciliate over the whole length. Corolla at least 4 mm. Pedicels 3-6 mm. 43 sC@orolacd mm StVless 251M. ostovela « corombsarthy stom iol hated ones ote 32. D. morobeensis As COLOlan(—)o—l Omi: Style. 5—6 JTS. «icons Bcukcrio iii saaceesl as 33. D. rupicola July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 699 42. Calyx lobes showing no paler margin, the latter ciliate distally only. Corolla 3 mm. Pedicels 1-2 mm at anthesis. (Leaves + lanceolate.) ...... 34. D. pendens 41. Leaves larger for the greater part in the same specimen, the smallest ones at least 1.3 by 0.9 cm. 44. Corolla 8-9 mm. AV MECAVES .TIPINeTVed Ese s si i Ue Smee Sse ter orcs . . . 35. D. schultzei 45. Leaves sub-5- or 7- plinerved from and from above the base. 46. Leaves obovate to obovate-elliptic, loosing the marginal bristles completely towards MALUELEY «chs cco cae eer ak blared erste aS, Webel itor . . 36. D. stellaris 46. Leaves suborbicular to elliptic, the marginal bristles + persistent into maturity. AT... Pedicels. S—10(12)mniy at anthesis: ...5 <6 os. esp eh ci . 37. D. undata 47. .eedicels... (3—=)4—Si mmeiat \ABthesiSe wese of specs «et age Book 38. D. varians 44. Corolla up to 6 mm. 48. Corolla 5-6 mm. Pedicels (5—)7-12 mm. Style 45 mm... . . 89. D. edulis 48. Corolla up to 4 mm. Pedicels 2-4(—-7) mm. Style up to 3.5 mm. 49. Corolla subglobular, 2mm. << = s+ « (<2 agpatieupae «wees 39. D. subglobularis 49. Corolla urceolate or subcampanulate, 3-4 mm. 50. Leaves entire or practically so. Young shoots densely and + patently setose. 51. Petiole 3 mm. Pedicels setose and pubescent. ....... 40. D. apoensis 51. Petiole (4-)5—6 mm. Pedicels glabrous . . . . . 41. D. muscicola 50. Leaves crenulate, especially in the upper half. "Young shoots subdensely or laxly and more appressedly setose. 52. Pedicels with sparse, rather appressed bristle-like hairs, 6-7 mm. 42. D. amboinensis 52. Pedicels sparsely muriculate or glandular-hairy, glabrescent, up to 4 mm. 28. D. soror 17. Flowers 3—6(-9) in all or at least in the lower axils, the uppermost axil(s) sometimes bearing only 2, or very rarely but | flower in the same specimen. eaves mnarrow-lanceolate, .3—6. MM WIdE s 6 oe, ©): Hey loy lee eae 43. D. kalmiifolia 53. Leaves various in shape, wider than 7 mm. 54. Corolla (9-)10-11 mm. Leaves with + persistent longish marginal bristles. 44. D. kinabaluensis 54. Corolla up to 8 mm. Leaves with + early caducous marginal bristles. 55. Calyx lobes c. 4 mm. Ovary laxly to densely pubescent. Be OAR OATIDAIN AA oi. ve ei se eo de) os eo ae, 31. D. brachyantha iG, Corolla subcylindric-urceolate=. ... ave. ¢ gudiceote hoa eens 45. D. sumatrensis 55. Calyx lobes 1.5—2(—3) mm. Ovary completely glabrous. 57. Perulae very numerous, ovate-acuminate to lanceolate, 2-4 mm. Bracteoles (2—)2.5—3 mm. 58. Pedicels densely crisped-rusty-pubescent ........... 46. D. crassiramea 58. Pedicels densely patently glandular-setulose . . . 81. D. pittosporifolia var. punctiloba 57. Perulae mostly few, rarely rather numerous, + ovate, obtuse, up to 1.5 mm. Bracteoles 1-1.5 mm. 59. Leaves 3—5S-plinerved from and from above the base (lower half of the midrib), upper lateral nerves, if any, much less distinct. 60. Anthers linear-oblong, tubules as or nearly as long as the anther-cells. Corolla short- cylindric. to .subcampanulate.,.. .. i) vests ie Ee ee 47. D. trinervia 60. Anthers oblong to ovate-oblong, tubules much shorter than the anther-cells. 61. Leaves rigidly coriaceous, + concave when dry ......... 48. D. lamii 61. Leaves subcoriaceous to coriaceous, + flat when dry. 62,. Leaves, (10-12-17 . by: 3.5-5.5 ic» siiusns ite) co eek ole at 49. D. orophila 62. Leaves smaller, (2—)3-6 (rarely partly in the same specimen up to 10) cm long. 50. D. luzonica 59. Leaves penninerved or practically so, i.e. basal and upper nerves equally distinct, the latter also from the upper half of the midrib. 63. Calyx tube markedly funnel-shaped attenuate (2 mm), almost stipitate in later stages (3 mm). (Pedicels laxly subpatently hairy. Bristles, if any, glandular at the tip of the branchlets) ....\6. ssie.0ex on eSenen iaeder wa dliegeers 51. D. caryophylloides 63. Calyx tube gradually attenuate or shortly (up to 1 mm) contracted at the base. 64. Pedicels stoutish, 3-8 mm, their hairs or bristles -+- appressed and non-glandular. 65. Pedicels + densely rusty-setulose and furfuraceous as are the tips of the branchlets. 52. D. scabrida 65. Pedicels densely rusty-tomentose. Tips of the branchlets very laxly setose (finally giabrous)..c.:0. .» thaw shloe) + elelatie seis ant d-0. 1 glowth 53. D. capitata 64. Pedicels slender, 1-1.3 cm, their hairs glandular and horizontally spreading. 54. D. fimbriata 700 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 2. Branchlets (young shoots) both very laxly to densely setose or setulose and patent-puberulous, or distinctly patent-puberulous only. 66. Stipule-like axillary perulae + persistent, well recognizable at least at the uppermost leaves, subulate, as long as or slightly longer than the petiole. (Anthers sagittate.) 67. Margin of the calyx lobes set with longish (c. 1.5 mm) and coarse, non-glandular bristles. 55. D. sagittanthera 67. Margin of the calyx lobes ciliolate, or very shortly glandular-muriculate or -fimbriate. 68. Leaves (ovate) subcaudate-acuminate and + acutish at the apex. . . . . 56. D. acuminata 68. Leaves (ovate to elliptic or subrotundate) short-attenuate and obtuse to rounded at the apex. 69. Corolla 6—6.5 by c. 4mm. Leaves ovate to subrotundate, all slightly though distinctly cordate at base... . .. . . 57. D. erenulata 69. Corolla 4-5 by 2, 5a me mm. Leaves ‘ovate to ‘elliptic, broadly cuneate to rounded (rarely in part also subcordate) at the base... . . . . 58. D. elliptica 66. Stipule-like axillary perulae absent (or not well ‘recognizable, “being too small or very early ca- ducous). 70. Anthers manifestly sagittate. 71. Ovary glabrous. 72. Leaves elliptic-oblong or elliptic. 4-7 mm wide. . ..... . .. .. . 59. D. microphylla 72. Leaves lanceolate or elliptic-oblong, c.2 mm wide. ...... . . 60. D. kostermansii 71. Ovary subdensely hairy. (Leaves ovate-elliptic or elliptic.). . . .. . . . 61. D. consobrina 70. Anthers hardly or not sagittate. 73. Margin of the calyx lobes set with coarse, longish (0.6—0.8 mm), non-glandular bristles, or bristle-like glandular hairs. 74. Leaves manifestly crenate, apex almost tridentate, 0.7-1.4 by (0.4-)0.5—0.7 cm. Corolla red. 62. D. cinnabarina 74. Leaves subentire, apex acuminate- sie ee 1.5—2.5(-3) ae) 0.8-1. res 8) cm. Corolla light preenie : . . . 63. D. setiloba 73. Margin of the calyx lobes ciliotates or “glandular: fimbriate: 75. Leaves linear, i.e. equally wide (up to 2.5 mm) over their entire length, proper apex and base excepted. 76. Leaves (1—-)1.5-—2 cm by 0.5-0.8 mm. Ovary glabrous. ..... . . .64. D. piceifolia 76. Leaves (3—)4.5—5.5(-8) by 1.5—2(—3) mm. 77. Calyx lobes fimbriate by fine hairs in the upper part. Ovary laxly pubescent . 65. D. pinifolia 77. Calyx lobes laxly fimbriate by rather coarse glandular hairs in the upper part. Ovary quite glabrous’ . = ; 2% % & & & ORE OSS665) ODS Alayanduliiolia 75. Leaves not linear, and wider ‘than 3 mm. 78. Leaves narrow-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic-oblong, or elliptic, 4-6(—7) mm wide. 19.beaves a(2=)2.3=3-5) om longer" eh ee Se ae A 67D Stenoniyiia: 79. Leaves (0.8—)1.2—1.4(—1.7) cm long. 80. Leaves narrowly elliptic-oblong ...... . . . 68. D. myrtillus 80. Leaves elliptic RIE? A. TRG Ey, 25, D. pseudorufescens var. elliptifolia 78. Leaves of various shape, wider than a mm. 81. Branchlets besides the spreading puberulence manifestly setose. Leaves + persistently setose beneath, at least laxly so in the lower half and/or along the midrib. $2/Leaveshup-stoule/icmtlongy; #8 2 30.) Sued! Ayo en", 252 Ds pseudenitescens 82. Leaves at least 3 cm long. 83. Bristles on the branchlets short (1-2 mm), subdense. Leaf base -+ attenuate or cuneate. 84. Pedicels glabrous. Corolla red .. . PEO. PS Pe CoD nels 84. Pedicels glandular-setulose. Corolla greenish . helt . . 70. D. lancifolia 83. Bristles on the branchlets longish (2-3 mm), dense. Tent base rounded or mostly so. (Pedicels -+- densely crisped-setulose. Corolla light yellow or greenish.) . . .71. D. pilosa 81. Branchlets besides the spreading puberulence very laxly or mostly not setose or setulose. Leaves early glabrescent, whether or not punctate beneath. 85. Leaves + abruptly caudate or subcaudate-acuminate at apex. 86. Leaves lanceolate-ovate, up to 2.1 cm wide. Flowers mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicelsen'2) mm) % 2): .... . 72. D. caudatifolia 86. Leaves ovate-elliptic, all or at ‘east partly 2, are cm n wide i in the same specimen. Flowers generally 3—4(-6) per fascicle. Pedicels (3-)4-6 mm. . . . . . 73. D. memecyloides 85. Leaves gradually and + broadly attenuate-acuminate, or obtuse to rounded at apex. 87. Corolla c. 1 cm, campanulate. (Pedicels very slender, 1.2-2.6 cm.) . . . 74. D. gracilipes 87. Corolla up to 7 mm, (broadly) tubular, urceolate, subglobose-urceolate or subcampanulate. 88. Corolla 6.5—7 mm. (Ovary glabrous.) 89. Pedicels 1.5-3 mm, rather stoutish. Corolla white .... .. . 75. D. celebensis 89. Pedicels 6—-8(—10) mm, slender. Corolla blood red. . ... . . . 76. D. haemantha 88. Corolla 3—3.5 mm. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 701 90. Ovary hairy. Leaves subdensely punctate beneath. ....... 77. D. minutiflora 90. Ovary glabrous. Leaves very laxly or not punctate. . ... . . . 78. D. kemulensis 1. Branchlets (young shoots) completely glabrous, i.e. bearing no trace of hairs or bristles besides maybe some glandular points. 91. Leaves (mostly obtuse at the apex) markedly apiculate by a thick gland, which protrudes beyond the leaf margin. 92. Leaves linear, i.e. equally wide over their entire length, (3—)5-—7.5 cm by (1.5—)1.8-3 mm. 79. D. rosmarinifolia 92. Leaves not linear, all or at least most of them wider than 4 mm in the same specimen. SPMD WET Ww RCLTATTICTOUS ©! s005 1's) PAS Otay ae eee ie ire 16 78. D. kemulensis 93. Flowers pentamerous. 94)'Corolla’ -- densely appressedly hairy outside 32.0.5. 2 6 2 ee 14. D. atjehensis 94. Corolla glabrous outside or practically so. 95. Ovary laxly to densely hairy. Seecorola: (- tubular)):O=)10-1iby Simm os eee ae Sete & 80. D. apiculifera 96. Corolla up to 7 mm long. 97. Corolla (widely) campanulate. Calyxlobes4mm.......... 31. D. brachyantha SienCoroliaovoid, 7mm: Galyxlobes.e: 2, minlw. o<5 edo alien rel Aapactiee 2a 30. D. ledermannii 95. Ovary entirely glabrous. 98. Pedicels laxly to subdensely longish (1-1.3 mm) and + patently glandular-setulose. 81. D. pittosporifolia var. pittosporifolia 98. Pedicels very shortly (whether or not glandular-)subsetulose or muriculate and/or short- pubescent, or glabrous. 99. Corolla longer than 9 mm. 100. Corolla (9—)10-11 mm. Pedicels glabrous. $i: Leaves: (6->)7=12:.by i G=)4=6: cm). cade dieses eos 44. D. kinabaluensis ROUakeaves): 3=4 by ie5=20em osdtis .. carci DiS Gan Shes ieee 82. D. retusa 100. Corolla 13-15 mm long. Pedicels densely hirtellous. ...... 83. D. sanguinolenta 99. Corolla up to 8 mm long. 102. Leaves elongate-spathulate (apex rounded-obtuse and + retuse) . . 84. D. sphenophylla 102. Leaf-shape otherwise. 103. Pedicels -+- densely clad with short, rufescent, eglandular, subappressed or spreading, permanent hairs, besides maybe some muriculate hairs. 704-3 Petiole..3=5 DinlivahAec ama. wg eraddmescieg: Angela 85. D. rubidiflora 104. Petiole 10-13 mm. 1OS:eeaves: »3=4-penninerved ads. iii eyes, Qihnooeee her 46. D. crassiramea 105>-eaves'-5C9)-plinerved) sax fi. . \sweekits Ode Baeble 86. D. urceolata 103. Pedicels + laxly clad with fine hairs and/or bristle-like, rather thickish glandular or mu- riculate hairs, mostly -+- glabrescent during anthesis. 106. Pedicels (1—)2—3 mm at anthesis, up to 4 mm in fruit. 107. Leaves (3.5—)4—6(—7) by (0.8—)1-—2(-—3) cm. 108. Plowers:solitary, rarely intwos ©.) uit) SI ee 87. D. lysolepis 108; Flowers 3-4... per. fascicles) . A4-+ 60.08 aa eee 88. D. commutata 107. Leaves (1.5—)2—2.8(-4.5) by (0.9—)1—1.6(—2.8) cm. (Flowers solitary, rarely in twos.) 28. D. soror var. nuda 106. Pedicels 4-8 mm at anthesis, up to 15 mm in fruit. 109. Leaves broadly subrotundate- or obovate-elliptic to obovate. 110. Pedicels laxly and persistently set with rather coarse glandular or muriculate hairs. 89. D. edulis 110. Pedicels laxly and exclusively set with short hairs initially, early glabrescent. 90. D. lorentzii 109. Leaves ovate to elliptic, sometimes lanceolate- to oblong-elliptic. 111. Leaves markedly crenulate. An alpine form of .......... 89. D. edulis 111. Leaves glandular punctate beneath only, subcrenulate to entire. 112. ‘Corolla subglobose-urceolate. . sissies) AG MON ees 50. D. luzonica 112. Corolla narrowly (or subtubular-)campanulate . 96. D. heterophylla var. latifolia 91. Leaves (mostly acuminate or acute at the apex) not or not manifestly apiculate, the apical gland being smal! and within the margin of the lamina, or if, more conspicuous, found on the (obtuse) apex underneath. bis. Fedicel: very slender, (2-)2.5-3,5.cm ised ¢ crm: ila GM atead Ue 15. D. penduliflora 113. Pedicel rather slender or mostly + stoutish, generally up to 1, rarely up to 2 cm long. 114. Leaves manifestly penninerved; nerves 8-10, strongly inarching, the lowest pair short and givaieht tothe marginidis.« tarenwes «other cit }ecbly fl: sitet 91. D. punctulata 114. Leaves pli- or pli- and penninerved, the lowest pair of nerves always curved and + high as- cending, the upper nerves not or not manifestly inarching. 702 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 65 115. Leaves long-attenuate to -+- caudate-acuminate at apex. 116. Leaves + shortly attenuate, or rounded to subcordate at base. 117. Leaves 1 to 4(—5) times longer than wide, imine pr or ovate. 118. Calyx lobes rufous-tomentulose dorsally . ae 118. Calyx lobes very laxly muriculate or glabrous dorsally . 117. Leaves (6—)8- 10 times longer than wide, ensiform .......... 93. long attenuate-acuminate at base . 116. Leaves + .49. D. orophila . 92. D. cinnamomifolia D. ensifolia . 94. D. salicifolia 115. Leaves + + shortly attenuate or acuminate at apex, mostly broadly attenuate, rarely subrotundate at base. 119. Leaves lanceolate to sGobaninegbaiaibicsee de (very coriaceous), trinerved from the very base . . 95. D. viridiflora 119. Leaves subovate- oblong, or oblong, or elliptic (sometimes almost ovate or obovate), 3—5- plinerved from and from above the base, moreover with + pinnate upper nerves. 120. Pedicels and bracteoles (dorsally) rusty-tomentose . 53. D. capitata 120. Pedicels + laxly hirtellous, moreover whether or not laxly set with short, thickish glandular hairs. Bracteoles + glabrous dorsally . 1. Diplycosia rufa STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 191, t. 14, f. D 8-9; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 465 p.p.; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 129; Blumea 12 (1963) 116. Shrub, epiphytic or terrestrial and rambling amongst dense shrubs, with pendent branches, up to 2.5 m. Branchlets densely patently and longish (2-3 mm) brown-setulose in the younger, greyish and glabrescent in the older parts. Leaves ovate, apex caudate-acuminate, acute, the apical gland small, base rounded to subcordate, co- riaceous, dark green and glossy above, glabrous (except the midrib) and shining above, densely brownish patent-setulose (1-2 mm, especially on the midrib and nerves) and rather dull beneath, margin entire, + revolute, (3—)3.5-5(—7) by 1.6—2.8(-3) cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 2-3 pairs from and from above the base of the lamina, curved-ascending, very slightly impressed above, the basal pair + raised beneath; petiole stout, 1-2 mm, densely setulose. Flowers axillary, solitary or in few-flowered fascicles, all over longish rusty- to rufous-setulose except the inside of the bracteoles, the inner basal part of the calyx lobes and the corolla at the commissures and its very base. Pedicels stoutish, 4-6 by 1-1.5 mm, basal bracts small. Bracteoles broad-ovate, 2-2.5 mm. Calyx 6-7(-8) mm, deeply 5-lobed, lobes ovate-lanceolate, 5—6(—7) by 1.5-2 mm (at the base). Corolla + open campanulate, angular, pink red to purple, hairy outside, rather fleshy, 7-8 mm, 5-lobed in the upper ?/;. Filaments slender, glabrous, c. 2.5 mm; anther-cells ovate, granular, 2 mm; tubules straight, nearly 2 mm. Ovary hirtellous; style 4 mm. Fruit pale violet when ripe. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In low mossy forest or ridge forest, 2130-3050 m. Fi. fr. May—Nov. Vern. Akar. 2. Diplycosia chrysothrix STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 191, t. 14, f. E 10-14; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 463; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 129; Blumea 12 (1963) 116. Low, epiphytic shrub, (0.3-)1-2 m. Branches pendent, slender, greyish, laxly setose. Branchlets very slender, densely clothed with long (2-3 mm) . 96. D. heterophylla + appressed golden-brown or rusty bristles. Leaves + ovate or oblong-ovate, rather densely arranged, apex short-acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland small, slightly protracted, base rounded or sometimes broadly attenuate, + co- riaceous, rather stiff and concave when dry, dark green and shining above, juvenile ones laxly se- tulose above, becoming soon glabrous, but re- maining somewhat rough to the touch, under- surface persistently laxly to subdensely covered with long (1-2 mm) + obliquely patent brown bristles, more densely so along the revolute margin and the petiole, (1—)1.5—2.5(-3) by (0.6—)0.8-1.5 cm, midrib impressed above, slightly prominent beneath, nerves 1-2 pairs, high-ascending, very slightly impressed above, or indistinct on both faces; petiole 1-2.5 mm. Flowers solitary in the upper axils, sometimes also in twos, densely longish rufous-setulose on the pedicels, the bracteoles and the back of the calyx. Pedicels stoutish, (2—)3—5(-6) mm, basal bracts minute and glabrous. Bracteoles ovate, glabrous inside, 2mm. Calyx 5—6(-7) mm, 5-lobed to nearly its base, lobes ovate-acuminate, minutely adpressed- hairy or nearly glabrous inside. Corolla cupular- campanulate, white to pale violet, also cream- green, 0.8 by 1-1.2 cm in fresh, 5-8 mm in dry specimens, lobes 5 broad-ovate c. 3 mm, outside laxly to subdensely hairy in the upper half espe- cially at the lobes, glabrous along the commissures and the lower half as well as inside. Filaments subulate, glabrous, 2.5-3 mm; anther-cells ovate- oblong to ovate, slightly granular, 1 mm; tubules slender, 1-1.5 mm. Ovary laxly yellowish hairy; style green, 4-5 mm. Fruit said to be blue-black. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In mossy forest or crest jungle, 1525-3100 m, locally plentiful. Fi. March-Nov. 3. Diplycosia carrii SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 129; Blumea 12 (1964) 342. Epiphytic shrub, slender, with pendent branches, 30-50 cm. Branchlets very slender, very densely clothed with rather fine rufous-brown patent bristles (3-4 mm) only. Leaves ovate, apex short acuminate, + obtuse, the apical gland small and not very prominent, base + rounded, subcoria- ceous, glabrescent above the midrib and base of July 1967] the blade excepted, densely and apparently + persistently patent-setulose (2-3 mm) beneath and along the margin, entire, remaining flat when dry, not revolute, 2-3 by (1.2—)1.3-1.9 cm, midrib slightly grooved above, prominent beneath, nerves 2-3 distant pairs, curved-ascending, very slightly impressed above or mostly as + obscure as beneath; petiole slender, 2-3 mm, densely setulose. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels rather slender, 4-5 mm at flowering time, finally up to 7 mm, densely patently rufous-setulose, basal bract mi- nute. Bracteoles ovate, setulose dorsally, 1 mm. Calyx 3 mm, densely and very patently rufous- setulose (c. 4mm), lobes ovate, subacute, c. 2 mm. Corolla white, shortly and broadly subcylindric- campanulate or depressedly urceolate, 5 by 6(-8) mm, rather densely clothed in the upper 24 with appressed rufous bristle-like hairs, which are crisped at the tips, glabrous towards the base, lobes deltoid, obtuse, erect, with two purple spots when fresh, c. 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat broadened above the base, c. 2 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, minutely echinulate, 1.3 mm; tu- bules rather narrow, c. 0.7 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu, eastern slope), twice found. Ecol. Swampy forest, 1465-1500 m. Fi. April, July. 4. Diplycosia abscondita SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 4; ibid. 12 (1963) 116; ibid. 12 (1964) 342. Terrestrial shrublet, semidecumbent or erect up to 45 cm. Branchlets + curved-ascending, brown red when fresh, densely set with subappressed, red brown or finally greyish, c. 2 mm long bristles. Leaves condensed at the upper part of the branch- lets, subimbricate at the tips, elliptic-oblong, apex subacuminate, subacute, with a thickish terminal gland, base broadly attenuate, sub- coriaceous, somewhat shining above, + dull beneath, glabrous above, subdensely set underneath and along the margin with redbrown bristles, 1-2(-2.5) mm long and with a thickened base, tardily glabrescent, 6-10(-13) by 3-S(-6) mm, edge subserrate-crenulate (the teeth ending in a bristle), midrib a little impressed or inconspicuous above, slightly raised beneath, nerves and veins obscure; petiole setulose, 1-1.5 mm. Flowers solitary in distant upper axils. Pedicels stoutish, bent downwards, 3-4 mm at anthesis, setulose, with 2 or 3 ovate glabrous basal bracteoles (1-1.5 mm), and 2 bracteoles below the calyx. Calyx campanulate, c. 5 mm long in all, 5- partite to almost the base, subdensely rufous- setulose dorsally, lobes elongate-subovate, sub- acute. Corolla subcampanulate-cylindric, white, membranous, quite glabrous, 7-8 by 3-4 mm, lobes subacute, c. 2.5 mm, finally reflexed distally. Filaments filiform, glabrous, white, 4.5 mm; cells 1.7 mm, brownish, ovate-oblong, echinulate; tubules as long as, but much narrower than the anther-cells, filiform-cylindric, very shortly biaris- tate at the apex. Ovary laxly hairy, pale green when fresh; style white, glabrous, slender, 7 mm. ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 703 Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. On bare rock on ridge, 2440-3200 m, apparently rare. Fl. July, Oct. 5. Diplycosia barbigera SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 149; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 130. Climbing shrub, 3-4 m. Branchlets densely cov- ered with dark rufous -++ appressed bristles (c. 3 mm) at the tips, less densely so or scabrous by the remaining bases of the bristles in the older parts, dark brown when dry. Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, gradually acuminate towards the apex, acute, the apical gland small, base rounded or nearly so, coriaceous, stiff, shining especially above, mature ones entirely glabrescent above, laxly to subdensely set with curved, + patent, dark rufous bristle-like hairs, or ultimately their bases below, more densely so at the somewhat revolute margin, (2—)2.5-4(-4.5) by 1.5—2.3(-2.6) cm, midrib impressed above, slightly prominent beneath, nerves 1—2 pairs from or somewhat above the base of the lamina, curved and high-ascending, very slightly impressed above, obsolete beneath; petiole stout, 1-2 mm. Flowers 1-2 in each of the upper axils, densely covered with long (3-4 mm) rather fine rufous bristles on the pedicels, and the external sides of both the bracteoles and the calyx lobes. Pedicels stoutish, c. 3(-4) mm, basal bracts subulate, minute. Bracteoles ovate, 1.2 mm. Calyx campanulate, lobes narrow-ovate, acuminate, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate, white or cream when fresh, rather thin, glabrous, 5 mm, lobes 2 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells 1.4 mm; tubules narrow, 1.2 mm. Ovary densely whitish hairy; style 4 mm. Fruit pale bluish. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Mt Lumut, Mt Dulit), thrice found. Ecol. In open moss forest on exposed peak, 950-1300 m. Fi. Sept. 6. Diplycosia schramii SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 116. Epiphytic, few-stemmed shrub. Branches pend- ent, 1-2 m, few-branched distally. Branchlets 4-5 mm 9, young shoots very densely, older parts densely covered both with shorter, slender and + crisped, and with longer and more robust, erect, 2-4 mm long, rusty, subappressed bristles. Leaves laxly arranged, broadly elliptic to almost rounded, apex shortly attenuate to subrotundate-obtuse, the terminal gland thick and protruding, base broadly attenuate into the petiole, more rarely almost rounded, coriaceous, dark green above, paler beneath, initially rather densely set on both faces with soft rusty subappressed bristles, gla- brescent with age above only, entire, edge slightly revolute, (4—)4.5-6.5 by (2.5—)3-4.5(-5) cm, midrib and nerves narrowly impressed above, obtusely prominent beneath, nerves 2(—3) pairs high curved-ascending, the lowest pair coming from the base of the lamina, the other(s) from the midrib c. 1 cm above the base, shorter and less conspicuous than the basal pair; petiole (4-)5-8 by 2-3 mm. Flowers solitary, rarely in twos, very 704 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 65 rarely in threes in the upper axils, all over covered with the indumentum found on the branchlets and leaves, except the glabrous corolla. Pedicels stout, 5 mm at anthesis, up to | cm in fruit. Bracteoles ovate, c. 2 mm. Calyx cup-shaped, tube very short, lobes ovate-deltoid, c. 2.5 mm. Corolla urceolate- campanulate, thin, white, c.4 mm. Ovary glabrous; style thickish, glabrous, 2.5 mm. Fruit first white- greenish, turning light bluish-purplish with ma- turity, 5-6 mm @. Distr. Malesia: NW. New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula: from the crest of Mt Nettoti). Ecol. In dense mossy forest, 1850-1950 m, apparently rare. Fl. fr. Nov.—Dec. 7. Diplycosia saurauioides J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg Ill, 13 (1935) 456; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 130. Epiphytic shrub. Branchlets longish and coarsely setose in the older, very densely lanate-setose in the younger parts, the bristles rufous, -+ crisped and + patent. Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, apex mostly shortly abrupt-acuminate, the terminal gland distinct, base + rounded, subcoriaceous, firm, entire, juvenile ones densely rusty lanate- setose on both faces, mature ones glabrescent above except the midrib, but rather densely persistently and coarsely setose underneath, the bristles + erecto-patent, with thickened bases, rather short all over the proper undersurface, longer and more patent at the midrib beneath, 7.5-14 by 4.5-7.8 cm, midrib impressed above, strongly prominent beneath, nerves 5-6 pairs (with some more shorter and less distinct ones between them) curved-ascending, obscurely anas- tomosing, slightly impressed above, raised beneath, reticulation faint above, obsolete beneath; petiole stout, densely long-setose, 4-11 mm. Fascicles axillary, 4-5-flowered, patent- and crisped-setose in all parts, the corolla excepted. Pedicels rather slender, (3—)4-5(—7) mm. Bracteoles nearly re- niform, covering each other at the base, glabrous inside, 1.5-2 mm. Calyx + patent, 3 mm, lobes triangular, + acute, inflexed, 1.5-2 mm. Corolla campanulate, suffused reddish violet, c. 6.5 mm, glabrous, lobes recurved, 2 mm. Filaments narrow, wavy, glabrous, 3 mm; anther-cells ob- long, granular, c. 1.5 mm; tubules straight, 1 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central East Borneo (summit of Mt Kemul), once found. Ecol. Primary forest at 1850 m. Fi. Oct. 8. Diplycosia clementium SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 151; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 130; Blumea 12 (1963) 116. — Fig. 70. Epiphytic, climbing or decumbent shrub, c. 2 m. Branchlets greyish corticate, glabrescent, young shoots very densely clad with rufous, patent, bristle-like hairs (2-3 mm). Leaves ovate to sub- oblong-ovate, apex gradually acuminate, sub- acute, slightly curved, the terminal gland small, base rounded to subcordate, or sometimes nearly truncate, firmly subcoriaceous, the very young ones longish rufous- or golden-brown-hairy on both faces, glabrescent and becoming scabrous with age, finally glabrous above, rather densely + patently long-setulose beneath, especially on the midrib and along the margin, entire or sub- denticulate by the persistent bases of the marginal bristles, 5—9(-10) by (2.3—)3-4.5(—5.5) cm, mid- rib and nerves impressed above, the first markedly, the latter less distinctly prominent beneath, nerves 6-7 pairs curved-ascending and inarching in some distance from the edge; petiole patent- rufous-setose, stoutish, 4-6 mm. Flowers axil- lary, 2-4 per fascicle, or rarely solitary. Pedicels slender, densely covered with (2—)3-4(-5) mm long bristle-like rufous hairs as are the bracteoles and the calyx outside, (8—-)10-13 mm, basal bracts small, scariose. Bracteoles ovate, 1 mm. Calyx campanulate, 3.5-4 mm, lobes triangular, subacute, c. 2 mm. Corolla narrow-campanulate, cream, pale green or mostly slate blue to brownish purple, lobes pink to purplish, inner base greenish, somewhat fleshy, very densely covered outside with longish ferrugineous and + crisped, not setose hairs, glabrous inside, 6-7 mm, lobes acutish, 2.5 mm. Filaments subulate, glabrous, 3.5 mm; anther-cells very granular, 2.8 mm; tubules rigid, 1.2 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 5 mm. Fruit greenish purplish, c. 3.5 mm @. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In low jungle and jungle ridge, occa- sionally also in moss forest, 1370-2900 m, once reported from 3650 m, not rare. Fi. Jan.—Dec. 9. Diplycosia aurea SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 148; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 131. — D. rufa (non STAPF) Merr. En. Born. (1921) 465 p.p. Epiphytic shrub or small recumbent tree. Branchlets densely clothed with fine, golden, manifestly appressed subsetulose hairs in the young parts, glabrescent and greyish in the older ones. Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, apex grad- ually or rather abruptly acuminate, acute, not rarely somewhat curved, the terminal gland small, base rounded to subcordate, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, very young ones subdensely covered with long appressed dilutely golden setose hairs on both faces, mature ones entirely glabrescent and shining above, but -++ permanently hairy beneath, especially along the margin, the hairs finally caducous, the undersurface becoming punctate then, margin ciliate-serrulate, 5—8(—11) by 2.5-3.5(-4.5) cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 3-4 pairs, curved- ascending and anastomosing, slightly impressed above, obsolete beneath; petiole densely rufous- setulose, 2—3(-4) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or mostly 2 or 3 in a fascicle, very densely hirsute by long, rufous-golden, bristle-like, + appressed hairs in all parts, the corolla excepted. Pedicels stout, 7-8(—10) by 1-1.5 mm, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, c. 4 mm, glabrous inside. Calyx c. 6 mm, 5-lobed to nearly the base, lobes glabrous at the base only, -+ including the corolla. Corolla urceolate, fleshy, glabrous, greenish or brownish creamy, 6—7 mm, lobes short- reflexed, purplish. Filaments glabrous, linear, July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 705 Fig. 70. Diplycosia clementium Steum. a. Habit, x 7/4, b. flower bud, x 3, c. flower, = 3, d. stamen, . front view, x 6, e. ovary and style, x 3, f. bristle, x 14 (a—f CLemens 33132). 706 FLORA MALESIANA ser. I, vol. 6° 3.5 mm; anther-cells granular, 2 mm; tubules narrow, slender, 1.6 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In dense jungle ridge, 1220-1525 m, locally frequent. F/. Jan.—April. 10. Diplycosia lilianae J. J. S. in Gibbs, Arfak (1917) 170; SLteuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 211; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 131; Blumea 12 (1963) 117. Erect shrub, 0.5—1 m, few-stemmed. Branchlets in the younger parts exclusively and rather densely covered with + patent, gland-tipped bristles. Leaves elliptic, sometimes more obovate, apex broadly attenuate, obtuse or rounded, the terminal gland thick, manifestly protruding, base broad- cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, margin sub- crenulate and slightly revolute, glabrous and shining above, dull and laxly set with + caducous bristles beneath as are the margin and the petiole, (1.5—)2—3.5(-4.3) by (0.9—)1.2—2.5(—3.5) cm, mid- rib and 1-2 lateral nerves markedly impressed above, slightly so beneath, the inferior pair of nerves curved-ascending from near the base of the lamina, the other upper pair from above the base and mostly rather indistinct; petiole thickish, grooved above, rather flattened, 3-5 mm. Flowers axillary, 2-3(-4) per fascicle. Pedicels recurved, rather slender, reddish brownish, densely clad with patent, longish (2 mm), gland-tipped bristles, 5-8 mm, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles ovate- semiorbicular, ciliate, setose dorsally, c. 1 mm. Calyx c. 5 mm, densely patently glandular-setose, reddish, 5-lobed halfway, lobes ovate-acuminate, subacute, ciliate at the paler, almost whitish margin. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, bright brick red to rather dark crimson red, (5—)6 mm, gla- brous, lobes white, 1 mm. Filaments linear, slightly dilated below, papillose, c. 3.5 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, granular, 1.5 mm in- cluding the short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 3 mm. Fruit pale violet at full maturity, c. 5mm 9g. Distr. Malesia: NW. New Guinea (Arfak Mts: Koébré ridge between Anggi Lakes and Mt Mesenuk on Lake Anggi Gita). Ecol. Undergrowth in moss or ridge forest or forest edge, (1900—)2150—2300 m, not rare locally. Fl. fr. Dec.—Jan. 11. Diplycosia loheri Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 27 (1925) 44; En. Philip. 4 (1925) 253; Copel. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 67, t. 1, f. 6, 7; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 131. Shrub, apparently scandent. Branches glabrous, dark when dry. Branchlets setulose with spreading brown hairs (0.5-3 mm) in the youngest parts. Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, subinequilateral, apex gradually + shortly acuminate, the terminal gland slightly or not prominent, base broad- attenuate to rounded, subcoriaceous with scattered rufous bristle-like hairs (1-2 mm) on both faces and along the margin, later + glabrescent above, the hairs in part caducous beneath, leaving dark glandular points, 2.5-4 by 1.5-2.5 cm, midrib impressed above, somewhat raised beneath, nerves obscure, frequently only a subbasal curved- ascendent pair visible, never more than 2 pairs present, these evanescent, reticulations obsolete; petiole setulose (hairs up to 5 mm), 2-3 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs, rarely in threes. Pedicels slender, conspicuously bristly, moreover densely pubescent with minute simple white hairs, 1-2.5 cm. Bracteoles not mentioned in the original description, nor figured. Calyx 3 mm, densely clad with patent-setose hairs (1-2.5 mm), lobes triangular, acute, hardly 1 mm, glabrous except for the finely white-ciliate margins. Corolla subturbinate, glabrous, 5.5 mm, lobes recurved, broadly ovate, obtuse, 1.5 mm. Fila- ments linear, glabrous, 1.5—2 mm; anthers c. 1.4 mm including the short, rather broad tubules. Ovary glabrous; style c. 2 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, Nueva Vizcaya Prov.: Caraballo Mts), once found. 12. Diplycosia aperta J. J. S. Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 208; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 131. — D. pokapindjangensis J. J. S. Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 204. — D. undata (non J. J.S.) H. J. LAM, Blumea 5 (1945) 574. Shrub, epiphytic, sometimes scandent, 1 m, with long branches or stolones, which bear rather short branchlets, these terete, brownish, rather densely and + patently covered with longish (2-3 mm) rufous bristle-like hairs. Leaves elliptic, rarely oblong-elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apex shortly gradually acuminate, subacute or obtuse, manifestly apiculate by the thick terminal gland, base broad-attenuate, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, minutely remotely denticulate, the teeth ciliate by longish, rather early caducous bristles, or sub- entire, glabrous, though subdensely blackish punc- tulate on both faces especially beneath, (1.2—) 2-3(-4) by (0.7—)1.3—2(—2.5) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves in 2 pairs, one of them coming from base of the lamina, the other from the lower third of the midrib, all curved-ascending to the apex of the lamina, slightly impressed above, obscure be- neath; petiole laxly set with short bristles, 2-4 mm. Flowers 1 or 2, rarely 3 in each of the upper axils. Pedicels slender, 0.8—1.1 cm, laxly set with subappressed, longish, fine caducous bristles, or finally with their gland-like bases, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, muriculate- ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, contracted at the base, glabrous or with some fine glandular warts dorsally, lobes ovate, rather obtuse, ciliate and glandular-muriculate, 2 mm. Corolla elongate- urceolate, 8-9 mm long, c. 2.5 mm g, red or rose, glabrous, lobes pale, 1.5 mm. Filaments slender, slightly dilated towards the base, glabrous, wavy, 4—5 mm; anthers including the very short tubules c. 2.8 mm. Ovary glabrous or with some scattered hairs; style c. 4 mm, completely or at least in its upper 24 shortly patent-pubescent. Fruit said to be blue. Distr. Malesia: SW. Central Celebes (Lati modjong Ra.: Mt Pokapindjang and its spurs Mt Mambuliling, N of Mamasa). July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 707 Ecol. In ridge forest and subalpine thickets, 2400-3000 m, locally not rare. F/. June, Aug., Nov. 13. Diplycosia pubivertex SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 131. Shrub. Branches terete, straight, c. 3 mm @, densely rufous-strigose. Branchlets very densely subappressedly rufous-setose (2-3 mm). Leaves oblong-elliptic, or sometimes obovate-elliptic, apex shortly, also rather abruptly acuminate, subacute to rather obtuse, the terminal gland thick and pro- truding, base attenuate into the petiole, coriaceous, firm, juvenile ones appressed-rufous-setulose on both faces, mature ones + glabrous above, the whole undersurface and the margin with rufous bristle-like hairs, which are longer on the mid- rib and towards the base of the lamina, obscurely crenulate or nearly entire, somewhat concave in dry state, margin slightly revolute, 2—3(-3.5) by 0.9-1.5 cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 2 pairs from and from above the base of the lamina, curved and high-ascendent, very slightly immersed above, + obscure beneath; petiole stoutish, setulose, 3-4 by 1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels stout, densely clad with rufescent crisped, sometimes minutely gland- tipped hairs, 4-5 by nearly 1 mm, basal bracts numerous, small. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, subacute, nearly glabrous dorsally, margin very shortly muriculate-fimbriate, 2 mm. Calyx cam- panulate, 8-9 mm, dorsally and especially at the lobes subdensely clad with rufescent rather crisped setulose hairs, lobes narrow-triangular, subacute, upright, 5-6 mm. Corolla subcylindric, 8-9 by c. 2.5 mm, shortly 5-lobed, rather densely clothed outside in the upper half with longish rufescent + crisped hairs, glabrous below as well as inside. Filaments linear, dilated towards the base, glabrous, c. 4.5 mm; anthers subovate-oblong, 3 mm in- cluding the tubules (1 mm). Ovary densely yellow- ish pubescent; style 7 mm. Distr. Malesia: N. Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Losir), two collections. Ecol. In mountain scrub and burned vege- tation on ridge, 2950-3500 m. Fi. Febr. 14. Diplycosia atiehensis SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 132. Shrub. Branchlets obtusangular, covered with greyish cork, tips brownish with some scattered short caducous bristles, or their bases, or glabrous. Leaves elliptic to obovate, sometimes oblong or broad-elliptic to nearly rounded, apex broad- attenuate, obtuse or rounded, also emarginate, apiculate by a thick dark protruding gland, base broadly cuneate into the petiole, or rarely nearly rounded, stiff-coriaceous, shining and glabrous above, dull and laxly blackish punctate beneath, margin revolute and with very minute impressed crenulations, (2.5—-)4-5 by 1.5-2.5(—3) cm, mid- rib impressed above, thick and prominent beneath, nerves 2-3 pairs, rather inconspicuous on both faces; petiole stout, rugulose, glabrous or some- times with some short bristles on the uppermost leaves, 4-6 by 1.5-2 mm. Flowers 1-2, rarely 3 per axil. Pedicels clothed with short rufescent rough hairs with some short thick glandular hairs between, glabrescent in later stages, 4-6 by c. 1 mm, basal bracts ovate, acute, few in number. Bracteoles ovate, apiculate, rough-haired dorsally, ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx 5 mm, contracted at the very base, 5-lobed to nearly the base, lobes nar- row-ovate, acuminate, laxly appressed-hairy dors- ally, especially towards the tips, margin muriculate and ciliate, c. 4 mm. Corolla urceolate, c. 6 mm, glabrous on the very base, otherwise densely coy- ered with yellowish appressed hairs, lobes re- flexed, c. 1 mm. Filaments linear, dilated towards the base, papillose, 2.8 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, echinulate, 2.5 mm including the rather short tubules. Ovary rather densely yellowish hirsute; style as long as the corolla. Fruit blackish, c. 5 mm g, calyx lobes somewhat spreading in their upper half; capsule hirsute on top. Distr. Malesia: N. Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Losir and Putjuk Angasan). Ecol. In ridge forest or scrub, 2500-3500 m. Fl. Jan.—Febr. 15. Diplycosia penduliflora STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 193, t. 14, f. C 7; MERR. En. Born. (1921) 465; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 133; Blumea 12 (1963) 117. — Fig. 78c. Shrub, c. 1 m, lax, decumbent, terrestrial or epiphyte, sometimes climbing. Branches terete, greyish corticate. Branchlets subangular, brownish, with some scattered long and + appressed bristles in the youngest parts, which bear not yet fully developed leaves, otherwise glabrous. Leaves ellip- tic or ovate-elliptic, sometimes + ovate or oblong, apex rather shortly and + abruptly caudate- acuminate, acute, the terminal gland small, not protruding, base rounded or broad-cuneate, oc- casionally slightly cordate, coriaceous at full maturity, very young ones with scattered very short glandular appressed hairs underneath, ma- ture ones glabrous on both faces, but with rather indistinct blackish points underneath, entire, (11—) 12-18 by (4—)5-9(-12) cm, midrib + distinctly impressed above, thickly raised beneath, nerves 4-5 pairs, remote, curved-ascendent and inarching with several less distinct or shorter and more straight ones between them, slightly immersed above, prominent beneath, veins mostly rather inconspicuous; petiole thick, canaliculate above, thick, 4-5 by 1.5-2 mm. Flowers mostly solitary, sometimes in twos, from the axils of the inferior defoliate part of the branchlets. Pedicels filiform, at anthesis (2—)2.5—3.5 cm, laxly set with longish appressed early caducous bristle-like hairs. Bracte- oles narrow-ovate, subacute, glabrous, ciliolate, 1—1.5 mm. Calyx pear- or funnel-shaped, rugulose, 3-4 mm, only slightly accrescent in fruit, glabrous, lobes patent, ovate, acute, glandular-ciliate,1—1.5 mm. Corolla pale green, short-urceolate, rounded at the base, the mouth broadly open, 4 mm, gla- brous, shortly 5-lobed, lobes rather straight, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 1.5 mm; anther- cells ovate-oblong, granular, 1.3 mm; tubules 0.7 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 2-2.5 mm. Fruit 708 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° blue or purplish, finally blackish. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In wet (Tristania-)forest, 1070-1525 m. Fl. Jan., Aug. 16. Diplycosia ciliolata Hook. f. Ic. Pl. (1852) t. 894; Srapr, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 192; Grpss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 42 (1914) 101; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 463; Cox, Am. Midl. Nat. 40 (1948) 499 (anat.); SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 133; Blumea 12 (1963) 117. — Gaultheria ciliolata (HooK. f.) F. v. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. n.s. 1, 2 (1889) 21, in text. — Fig. 77f. Treelet or shrub, 1—2(—3, sometimes up to 4) m. Branches erect and + spreading, terete, glabrous, blackish when dry. Branchlets densely subappressed rufous-setose in the young parts, greyish so in the older ones. Leaves very dense, + patent, narrow- elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland small, but well visible, base attenuate, subcoriaceous, reddish when very young, margin subcartilaginous, crenate-serru- late, the teeth minute and + long, but caducously ciliate, glabrous above, laxly caducously setulose or punctate beneath, 8-14 by (1.8-)3-4.5 mm, midrib impressed above, poorly visible beneath, nerves inconspicuous; petiole c. 1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels rather stoutish, short- hairy, 2-3 mm, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles ovate, acuminate, glabrous dorsally, ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx 3 mm, deeply 5-lobed, green with purple tinge, glabrous, lobes narrow-ovate, acuminate, shortly glandular-fimbriate, 2.5 mm. Corolla urceolate-cylindric, white or pink, sometimes cream -green, glabrous, 5-6 by 2.5(-3.5) mm, lobes suberect, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 3.5 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, very granular, including tubules 2.5 mm. Ovary yellowish hirsute; style 4.5 mm. Fruit blackish blue, some- what shining, c. 4 mm g@. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu and Mt Trus Madi). Ecol. In mossy forest, dwarf forest, on ex- posed ridge crest, rather common in open places on the granite core of Mt Kinabalu, 1830-3500 (-3650) m. Fl. fr. Jan.—Oct. 17. Diplycosia filipes SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 133. — Fig. 77j. Epiphytic shrublet. Branchlets subterete, slen- der, greyish corticate in the older parts, rather densely and longish (1.5-2 mm) clothed with appressed rufescent fine bristles in the younger ones. Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, apex gradually short-acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland small and only slightly protruding, base attenuate into the petiole, acute, subcoriace- ous, glabrous above, sparsely blackish punctate beneath, regularly minutely crenulate-denticulate, the teeth in the young leaves passing into a rather long, early caducous bristle-like hair, 12-20 by 4-6 mm, midrib impressed above, slightly prom- inent beneath, nerves obscure; petiole setulose, c. 1.5 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels slender, laxly and shortly -+- appressed-setulose initially, finally glabrous, bracts minute. Bracteoles small, ovate-obtuse, glabrous. Calyx 2.5-3 mm, glabrous, 5-lobed halfway, lobes ovate, acutish, glandular-fimbriate. Corolla not seen in a fully developed state, appar- ently urceolate and, to conclude from the length of the style, c. 4 mm long, glabrous, said to be red. Stamens not yet known in a fully developed state. Ovary glabrous; style 3.5 mm. Immature fruit contracted at the base, c. 3 mm g@. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (between Kam- buno and Tomadu), one collection. Ecol. In rather light forest, near rockery, 2550-2800 m. Fi. July. (5—)6-7 mm, basal 18. Diplycosia rufescens SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 163, f. 7 A-G; SLEum. ibid. 72 (1942) 211; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 134. Erect shrub, c. 1 m, epiphytic. Branches and branchlets terete, the latter densely subappressed- rufous-setose (c. 1.5 mm), laxly leaved. Leaves rather narrowly oblong-elliptic, apex gradually acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland small, only slightly protracted, base ++ broadly attenuate, firmly subcoriaceous, glabrous above at maturity, laxly to subdensely covered with stiff rather coarse and + appressed rufous bristles (2-3 mm) beneath, which partly go, partly persist for a long time especially on the midrib, finally only brownish punctate underneath, entire or in- distinctly denticulate, (2—)2.5—4(—5) by (0.8—)1—1.7 (-2) cm, midrib impressed above, slightly raised beneath, nerves 2(—3) pairs high curved-ascending, indistinctly anastomosing, mostly hardly visible above, rather obscurely raised beneath; petiole stoutish, setulose, 2-3 mm. Flowers solitary or in twos in the upper axils. Pedicels recurved, densely and + patently (subglandular-)setulose, (5—)6-8 mm at anthesis, up to 10 mm in later stages, basal bracts scariose, minute. Bracteoles ovate, glabrous, ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, ciliolate, c. 2 mm. Corolla subglobose- urceolate, glabrous, whitish or rose when fresh, c. 5 mm @g, very shortly 5-lobed. Filaments fili- form, glabrous, 2.5 mm; anther-cells oblong-ovate, very granular, c. 2 mm including. the very short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 3.5 mm. Fruit red, c. 7 mm @. Distr. Malesia: NE. New Guinea (Sepik region). Ecol. In dense mountain forest, 850-1500 m. Fl. fr. July-Oct. 19. Diplycosia triangulanthera J. J. S. Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 207; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 134. Shrub, whether or not epiphytic, 0.5 m. Branch- es elongate, divergent, slender. Branchlets dense- ly and rather patently rufous-setulose (c. 1.5 mm) in the young, gradually glabrescent in the older parts. Leaves elliptic to ovate, apex broad- acuminate, the terminal gland rather thick and protruding, base broadly attenuate to rounded, young ones laxly clothed with longish + patent setulose hairs on both faces and the margin, glabrescent with age, the marginal bristles + July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 709 permanent, the undersurface finally dotted with blackish points, margin superficially denticulate, (0.9—)1.2-1.7(-1.9) by (0.5-)0.6-1 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, other nervation obscure; petiole setulose, 1-2 mm. Flowers 1—2(-3) in the upper axils. Pedicels slender, shortly patent-se- tulose, (6—)8-10 mm, basal bracts several, very small. Bracteoles broad-ovate, subglandular- ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, contracted at the base, glabrous, lobes broad-ovate, 1.4 mm, margin very shortly glandular-muriculate and ciliolate. Corolla broadly campanulate-urceolate, slightly constricted at the mouth, glabrous, white, c. 4 mm long and wide, lobes short, recurved. Filaments linear, inflexed, glabrous, 1.5 mm; anthers triangular-ovate, granular, c. 1 mm in- cluding the very short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 2 mm. Fruit blackish blue, c. 5 mm 9g. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Todjambu near Palopo; Puna near Poso). Ecol. In open primary rain-forest, on quartzite, peaty soil, 1000-1800 m. Fi. fr. June. 20. Diplycosia kjellbergii J. J. S. Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 206; SLteuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 122, in clavi; Blumea 11 (1961) 6. Epiphytic, scandent shrub. Branches slender, laxly setulose or glabrescent. Branchlets densely, their angular tips even more densely and + patently setulose (1.5—2 mm). Leaves elliptic, apex shortly or subabruptly acuminate, the apical gland rather small, base cuneate, subcoriaceous to char- taceous, very laxly setulose on both faces when young, glabrescent with age above, minutely denticulate, each tooth passing into a long + persistent bristle, (1.4—-)2-3.2 by (0.8—)1.2-1.7 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, prominent be- neath, nerves 2 pairs, one pair low, the other higher from the midrib, + faintly visible beneath as are the mayor veins; petiole setulose, 1.5—2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels slender, sub- densely and + patently longish setulose, (3—)4 (-5) mm. Bracteoles ovate-suborbicular, very laxly setulose dorsally, ciliate, c. 1.2 mm. Calyx 4mm, all over subdensely and + patently covered with longish (2 mm), + crisped, rufescent hairs, lobes ovate-triangular, subacute, 2.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, glabrous or with some solitary scattered hairs at the lobes, red, 6.5 by 2.5 mm, lobes 1 mm. Filaments \inear, very slightly dilated towards the base, glabrous, 3 mm; anthers 1.8 mm including the very short and broad tubules. Ovary glabrous; style nearly 3 mm. Fruit dark blue, laxly set with rufescent setose hairs, c. 5 mm @. Distr. Malesia: SE. Celebes (Porema S of Malili), 1500 m. One collection. Fl. fr. Oct. 21. Diplycosia hirsuta Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 154; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 135. Shrub, terrestrial or epiphytic. Branchlets grey- ish and laxly patently setose in the older, reddish brown and very densely setose (2-3 mm) in the recent parts. Leaves ovate, shortly, sometimes + abruptly acuminate, acute, the terminal gland small, base rounded to slightly cordate, sub- coriaceous, entire, soft-setulose along the midrib and nerves above, densely and patently so (0.5- 1.5 mm) all over the undersurface especially on the midrib, longish setulose-ciliate along the margin, 3.5—6 by (2—)2.5—3.5 cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 2 pairs from and somewhat from above the base of the lamina, curved-ascending, other nerves from the midrib in 1-2 less distinct pairs, all slightly impressed above, + raised beneath, reticulation only visible on the upperside of old leaves; petiole stout, densely setose, 2—3(-4) by 1.5 mm. Flowers axillary, sol- itary or in twos. Pedicels very slender, nearly filiform, rather laxly set with patent bristle-like hairs, 0.8—1.3 cm, accrescent in fruit up to 2 cm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, glabrous, ciliate, c. 1 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, with some bDristle-like hairs dorsally and at the lobes, glabrous otherwise, lobes ovate, obtuse, shortly glandular-fimbriate, 1.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, glabrous, deeply red, 1-1.1 cm long, 4-5 mm go (c. 6 mm at base), shortly 5-lobed. Filaments linear, glabrous, 4—5 mm; anthers inflexed at base, oblong, echinulate, 2.5 mm including the rather short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 6-7 mm. Fruit black when dry, bluish when fresh, glabrous, 6-7 mm 9. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Mt Ponda and the Kambuno massif). Ecol. Margin of a quartzite peaty plateau, 1500-1700 m. Fi. Aug.-Sept. 22. Diplycosia rosea SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 135; Blumea 12 (1963) 117. — Fig. 71. Epiphytic or mostly terrestrial, few-stemmed shrub, 0.5-1(—2) m. Branchlets elongate, terete, rather densely and + patently greyish setose in the older parts, very densely clothed with patent, rufous bristles on young shoots. Leaves elliptic, broadly attenuate to -+- rounded at the apex, the terminal gland thick and prominent, base rounded or rarely cuneate, coriaceous and stiff at maturity, somewhat convex, dark olive green above, lighter green below, young ones clad with scattered brow- nish bristle-like appressed hairs (1.5—2 mm), when full-grown blackish punctulate above, more per- sistently and + patently rufous-setulose beneath, minutely crenulate or obscurely denticulate, setose- ciliate, (1.5—)2—3(—5) by 1.2-1.6(—2) cm, midrib im- pressed above, indistinct beneath, nerves 1—2 pairs from and from above the base and curved upwards to the apex of the lamina, very slightly impressed above, other nerves in 2-3 pairs higher from the midrib, less visible or nearly obscure; petiole setose, (2-)3—4 by | mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or in twos, rarely in threes. Pedicels slender, nodding, +- densely clad with subpatent + crisped and minutely gland-tipped setose hairs, 6—-10(—12) mm. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, glabrous dorsally, glandular-muriculate and ciliolate at the margin, 1 mm. Calyx pinkish red, 3 mm, covered +: densely, especially towards the darker base, with short, stoutish and + crisped glandular hairs except the lobes, the latter ovate obtuse, glandular- muriculate and ciliolate along the margin, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate-cylindric, rather fleshy, glabrous, FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° UT ga VGA Fie 7h Diplycosia rosea SLEUM. Mt Nettoti, 1900 m, NW. New Guinea (VAN ROYEN & SLEU- MER 7438 (SLEUMER, 1961). deep pink, tips whitish, (5—)6 by 2.5 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat dilated towards the base, gla- brous, 4 mm; anthers oblong, 2 mm including the rather short and broad tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 3 mm. Fruit dark purple, c. 5 mm @. Distr. Malesia: NW. New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula: Nettoti Ra.). Ecol. Mossy Nothofagus-, Xanthomyrtus-, and Podocarpus-forest and in more open heath vege- tation, common, 1750-2100 m. Fi. fr. Oct.—Dec. 23. Diplycosia setosa J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg II, 8 (1912) 51; Nova Guinea 12 (1914) 145, t. 37 B; ibid. 18 (1936) 99; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 211; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 135; Blumea 12> 963) 117: Shrub up to 1 m, terrestrial or mostly epiphytic, creeping or climbing on tree trunks. Branchlets lobes narrow-triangular, acute, erecto-patent, ciliolate, 2.5-3 mm. Corolla urceolate, 6 mm long, stout, terete, tips exclusively and densely sub- appressed-setose. Leaves elliptic to subovate- elliptic, apex obtuse or broadly attenuate, the terminal gland callous and protruding, base cu- neate, coriaceous, dark green above, greyish or light green below, when young appressedly rufous- setose on both faces, mature ones glabrous and rather shining above, dull beneath, + densely set with short (0.5-1 mm) subappressed bristles, these rather early caducous except the bases which remain as blackish, glandular points, mar- gin subrevolute, entire or almost so, 3—5(-6.5) by (1.3—)2.5—3.5(—4.5) cm, midrib markedly impress- ed above, raised beneath, nerves 2—3 pairs, 1 or 2 of them + basal, the other from the midrib, all curved and high-ascending, slightly impressed above, somewhat raised beneath, or + obscure; petiole grooved above, rufous-setose initially, gla- brescent, (3-)4-8 by 1.5—2(-3) mm. Flowers 1-2 per axil. Pedicels rather stoutish, especially in later stages, densely subappressed- or crisped- setulose (1.5—2 mm), 1.2-1.8(—2) cm. Bracteoles ovate-subacuminate, dorsally shortly subappressed or + crisped-setulose, c. 2 mm. Calyx c. 4.5mm, glabrous at the very base, otherwise + densely and shortly setulose (at least in the upper part of the lobes), lobes spreading, triangular, sub- acute, c. 3 mm. Corolla urceolate, pale to dark pink, lobes paier to almost white, fleshy, glabrous, 7-9 by 3.5mm, lobes obtuse, + spreading, 1.3 mm. Filaments linear, wavy, glabrous, 3 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, papillose, 2 mm including the very short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 5-6 mm. Fruit greenish-purplish, c. 6 mm g. Distr. Malesia: N. New Guinea (Cycloop Mts). Ecol. In ridge forest, 1400-1880 m. Fi. fr. June—Sept. 24. Diplycosia kosteri SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 117. Scandent, epiphytic, divaricately branched shrub. Branchlets rather slender, tips densely set with forward-directed, rufescent or paler bristles (2 mm), early glabrescent and covered with fissured cork below, laxly leaved. Leaves ellip- tic, rarely subobovate-elliptic, apex broadly attenu- ate to rounded, apiculate by a thick, protruding gland, base broadly cuneate, rarely almost round- ed, coriaceous, glabrous and shining above, densely set with short suberect setular hairs with dark thickened base beneath, edge somewhat revolute and densely crenulate, (2.5—)2.8-4.5 (-5.5) by (1.5—)2-3(-3.2) cm, 5-plinerved, midrib and nerves narrowly impressed above, obtusely raised beneath, nerves not rarely almost obscure; petiole 3-5(-6) by 1.5(-2) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or in twos. Pedicels rather slender, densely clad with strigose or setular, crisp or subpatent, eglandular hairs (c. 1.5 mm), 6-7 mm. Bracteoles ovate, c. 1 mm, margin fimbriate by a few short glandular and numerous finer eglandular hairs. Calyx cup-shaped, much contracted at the base and glabrous there, otherwise provided with ap- pressed setular hairs up to the lobes, tube 2 mm, July 1967] 2 mm @ at the attenuate base, 3 mm @ at the limb, thin, glabrous, red to pink, sometimes yellowish, lobes reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments filiform, glabrous, 3.5 mm; anthers narrow-oblong, 1.8 mm in- cluding the tubules. Ovary glabrous; style slender, glabrous, 4 mm. Submature fruit reddish. Distr. Malesia: W. New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts, Wandammen Peninsula). Ecol. In primary forest, 800-1800 m. Fi. fr. March. 25. Diplycosia pseudorufescens SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 157; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 135. var. pseudorufescens. Treelet or shrub, up to 6 m. Branches and branchlets divergent, the latter subangular and very densely patently rufous-setulose (1.5—2 mm) and laxly finely patent-puberulous, terete, greyish and less densely setulose and practically not puberulous in the older parts. Leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, apex broadly short-acuminate, the terminal gland conspicuous and somewhat prom- inent, base rounded to broad-attenuate, sub- coriaceous or stiff-chartaceous, young ones + densely rufous-setulose on both sides, mature ones glabrous and somewhat shining above, + per- sistently setulose on the undersurface and the margin, finally dark brown-punctate there, entire or minutely denticulate, margin slightly revolute, (10—)12-17 by 8-12(-14) mm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, other nerves + obscure; petiole setulose, 1-2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels stoutish, very laxly setulose or short-hairy, 2-3 mm, basal bracts several, minute. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate-acuminate, ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla short tubular-subcampanulate, c. 4.5 mm, glabrous, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments subulate, slightly di- lated at the base, glabrous, 2.2 mm; anther-cells 1.5 mm; tubules nearly 1 mm. Ovary rather densely greyish pubescent; style 3 mm. Fruit said to be green. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu, Mt Tambuyokon). Ecol. On steep rocky ridge, 2300-2895 m, twice found. Fi. June. var. elliptifolia SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 136; Blumea 12 (1963) 118. — D. consobrina (non Becc.) Ripv. J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 39 (1903) 15. — D. microphylla (non Becc.) Henvers. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 13 (1927) 5. Differs by + elliptic leaves, which are sub- densely and + patently crisped-subsetulose as are the pedicels, (8—)10-17 by 6-12 mm. Fruit said to be pinkish or light blue. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Perak: Mt Kerbau; Pahang: Kluang Terbang, a subsidiary . peak of Mt Benom) and North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In low jungle in the Malay Peninsula, at 1370-1525 m, on Mt Kinabalu apparently rare, (1650—)2745-3050 m. Fl. fr. March—Aug. ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 711 26. Diplycosia tetramera SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 136. Small shrub. Branches erect, terete; bark striate by long blackish fissures. Branchlets rather densely leaved, densely clothed with appressed or some- what spreading rufous bristles (1.5-3 mm). Leaves + broad-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, some- times narrower and oblong, apex short-acuminate, subacute or obtuse, apiculate by a small, slightly protruding gland, coriaceous, + stiff, -- convex when dry, revolute at the margin, shining above, dull beneath, the youngest laxly rufous-setulose on both faces, mature ones early glabrous above, but for a longer time patent-setulose beneath, finally blackish punctate there, rather regularly minutely crenulate, ciliate (1.5 mm) _ initially, (0.7—-)1-1.6(—2) by (0.5—)1.2(-1.4) cm, midrib + distinctly impressed above, slightly or not raised beneath, nerves obscure; petiole stoutish, setulose, 2(—3) by 1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels stoutish, rather densely set with fine bristles or scabrid short crisped hairs, 3-4(-6.5) mm at anthesis, somewhat accrescent in fruit. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, glabrous dorsally, glandular-fimbriate (0.3-0.5 mm) along the mar- gin, ciliolate at the apex, 1.5 mm. Ca/yx 4-5 mm, glabrous or with some thickish crisped hairs at the lobes, the latter ovate, subacute, + spreading at anthesis, 2-3 mm, laxly and longish caducously glandular-fimbriate, short-pubescent at the very apex. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, 6-7 by c. 2 mm, contracted both at the base and the mouth, glabrous, or initially with some scattered, ap- pressed, glandular hairs in its upper part, white, lobes 4 or 5, c. 1.5 mm. Stamens 8; filaments linear, somewhat dilated towards the base, gla- brous, c. 4 mm; anthers oblong-ovate, granular, c. 2.5 mm including the tubules. Ovary glabrous or sometimes very slightly hairy on the top; style 5-6 mm. Fruit purplish to blackish, c. 5 mm 9. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Lembuh, Mt Losir, Mt Kemiri, Putjuk An- gasan). Ecol. In moss forest, ericoid scrub or ridge forest, open spots, 1850-3000 m. Fl. fr. Jan.— March. 27. Diplycosia parvifolia Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 5 (1910) Bot. 211; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247; Copet. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 81; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 137. Small erect epiphytic shrub, up to 1 m, diffusely branched. Branches slender, brown, glabrous, slightly striate, terete. Branchlets laxly subap- pressedly and rather longish rufous-setose. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-oblong, apex acuminate, sub- acute, the terminal gland thickish, somewhat protruding, base acutely attenuate, subcoriaceous, shining and glabrous above, dull and laxly blackish punctulate beneath, entire or nearly so, setose-ciliate when very young, but in later stages the margin somewhat cartilaginous and set with remote, dark, sessile, subimpressed glands, giving the impression of being crenulate, 1.6-2(-2.5) by 0.7-1 cm, midrib impressed above, scarcely 712 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° visible beneath, nerves -++ obsolete; petiole + setulose, glabrescent, c. 2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels rather densely appressedly ru- fous-setulose, with some fine short hairs between the bristles, 3-4 mm in anthesis, accrescent up to 7 mm, basal bract minute. Bracteoles broad-ovate, glabrous dorsally, fimbriate, 1.2 mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, glabrous, deeply 5-lobed, lobes ovate, obtuse, shortly glandular-fringed at the margin, the very apex with a tuft of fine hairs. Corolla ovate- urceolate, glabrous, nearly full-developed c. 2.5 mm. Stamens 8; filaments flat-linear, glabrous; anthers ovate-oblong, tubules narrow, very short. Ovary glabrous or with a few hairs; style 2 mm in very young fruit. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Negros: Canlaon Volcano; reported also from Luzon: Ifugao, Mt Polis, material not seen), one collection. Ecol. In mossy forest, c. 1500 m. 28. Diplycosia soror Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 210; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 137; Blumea 12 (1963) 118. var. soror. Epiphytic or terrestrial, erect shrub, 0.3—1(—1.5) m, one- or few-stemmed. Branchlets slender, sub- angular, densely to more laxly and + appressedly setulose (bristles fine, subglandular, rusty, c. 3 mm), subdensely leaved; young shoots red-brown or reddish. Leaves elliptic to subobovate-elliptic, rarely subovate-elliptic, apex shortly acuminate to broadly attenuate, rarely subobtuse or rounded, generally apiculate by a blackish, protruding gland, base + broadly attenuate or cuneate, never rounded, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, dark green above, paler beneath, glabrous above, laxly to subdensely clothed with short, subappressed, fine, brownish, -+- caducous bristles and blackish punctate in later stages beneath, margin slightly or hardly revolute, minutely crenulate in the upper part of the lamina, the teeth ending in slender bristles which persist for a long time, 1.5-2.8 by (0.9-)1.2-2 cm, 3-nerved or rarely obscurely 5-nerved from above the base of the blade, midrib impressed above, obtusely prominent beneath, nerves curved-ascendent towards the apex of the lamina, very slightly impressed above, hardly visible beneath; petiole blackish in dry specimens, + densely setulose, 2-3 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, sometimes in pairs. Pedicels rather slender, set with short, stalked glands or muriculate hairs, no bristles or fine hairs, 2-3 mm at anthesis, up to 4 mm and glabrescent in fruit; basal bracts very small. Bracteoles broad-ovate, glabrous dorsally, ciliolate and laxly shortly glandular-fimbriate. Calyx 1.5-2 mm, glabrous, 5-lobed to almost 24, green, lobes ovate, subacute, often with purplish tinge, densely set with whitish hairs along, and with club-shaped, rather caducous glands or glandular hairs in the lower part of the margin. Corolla shortly urceolate, green, 3.5 mm, glabrous, lobes 1 mm, often purplish suffused espe- cially in bud. Filaments subfiliform, glabrous, 1.2 mm; anthers oblong-ovate, granular, 0.7 mm including the tubules (0.5 mm). Ovary glabrous or with some sparse hairs around the style, the latter slender, glabrous, (2—)2.5 mm. Fruit finally bluish purple to blackish, pruinose, (4-)5 mm g. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula: Arfak and Nettoti Mts). Ecol. Epiphyte in riverine and mossy (No- thofagus-) forest, terrestrial in more open, de- vastated crest-forest, heath-like vegetation or summit scrub, (1550—)1650-2650 m, scattered, though rather common locally. Fl. fr. Nov.—Jan. Note. A specimen similar in habit, but with shorter bristles (1.5 mm) on the branchlets, slightly smaller leaves (such as found in D. amboinensis), ovary hairy, style 2.5 mm, corolla and stamens not known, once collected in the N. Moluccas: Morotai, Mt Pare, c. 1000 m. var. nuda SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 118. Young shoots glabrous or practically so, maybe with sparse darker glandular points. Leaves glabrous, generally as in var. soror, sometimes in part a little larger (up to 4.5 by 2.8 cm). Flowers known in bud stage only, apparently not dif- ferent from those found in var. soror. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Vogelkop Pen- insula: Tohkiri and Tamrau Mts), 2 collections. Ecol. Epiphyte in Castanopsis-Nothofagus forest, 1400 m. Fi. Oct.—Nov. 29. Diplycosia glauciflora SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 137; Blumea 11 (1961) 7. Shrub, 1.5—3 m. Branches terete, setose. Branch- lets densely and exclusively clothed with spread- ing, dark, rufous-blackish bristles (1.5—-2 mm), leaved towards the tips. Leaves ovate or elliptic- ovate (inferior ones sometimes elliptic), upper- most ones mostly gradually subcaudate-acuminate, lower ones short-acuminate at apex, the terminal gland slightly thickened, base rounded or rarely broadly cuneate, subcoriaceous, young ones ap- parently reddish, densely setulose on both faces initially, glabrous and shining above at maturity, rather densely and more persistently and patently rufous-setulose (0.7-1.5 mm) beneath, finally blackish punctulate there, margin slightly revo- lute, minutely crenulate, the teeth caducously setulose-ciliate, 2.5-4(-5.5) by (1.2—)1.4-2(-2.5) cm, midrib impressed above, raised beneath, one pair of basal nerves curved-ascending along the margin to the top of the lamina, slightly im- pressed above or as obscure as beneath, other higher pinnate nerves rather inconspicuous; pe- tiole densely patent-setose, 2.5-4 by 1-1.5 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or rarely in twos. Pedi- cels rather slender, + densely crisped-rufous- pilose, 2-3 mm at anthesis, up to 5 mm in fruit. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, glabrous dorsally, 1.2 mm. Calyx campanulate, glabrous or set with sparse thickish hairs, c. 3 mm, 5-lobed to nearly its base, lobes ovate, acute, shortly glandular-fim- briate as are the bracteoles. Corolla subcylindric- campanulate, greenish, somewhat glaucous, beconi- ing blackish when dry, glabrous, c. 4 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments S-curved, linear, gla- July 1967] brous, c. 2 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, granular, 2 mm including the slender short tubules. Ovary with rather sparse yellowish hairs on top; style 3-3.5 mm. Fruit bluish, finally blackish, c. 4mm 9, glabrous on top of the capsule. Distr. Malesia: N. Sumatra (Atjeh; Tapanuli; Eastcoast Res.). Ecol. In ericoid ridge scrub, 1800-3000 m. Fi, fr. Jan.,; Febr. Vern. Daun bibis, M. 30. Diplycosia ledermannii SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 165; SLEum. ibid. 72 (1942) 211; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 138. Epiphytic shrub, 1-1.5 m, ramose. Branches and branchlets erect, terete, sparsely subappressed- ly setose initially, glabrescent, the bark then fis- sured. Leaves elliptic or subobovate, apex obtuse, the terminal gland manifest and protruding beyond the lamina, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous above, punctate beneath, margin somewhat recurved, entire, 3.5—5.5(-6.5) by (2-)2.5-3.5 cm, 3-plinerved nearly from the base, midrib and nerves impressed above, rather obscure beneath as are some nerves higher from the midrib, the latter high ascending to the top of the lamina; petiole glabrous, 3-S(-6) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or rarely in pairs. Pedicels slender, whether or not laxly appressedly short-setulose, moreover with a fine rufous pu- bescence, 8—13(—20) mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, ciliolate, 0.7 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, glabrous or minutely verruculose, lobes ovoid, obtuse, ci- liolate, c. 2 mm. Corolla ovoid, whitish pink, glabrous, c. 7 mm, lobes short. Filaments filiform, glabrous; anthers oblong-lanceolate, cordate at the base, papillose, 2 mm. Ovary laxly to subdense- ly clad with brownish hairs on the top; style gla- brous, rather thick, 4 mm. Fruit black, c. 7 mm g. Distr. Malesia: NE. New Guinea (Sepik re- gion: Hunstein Mts). Ecol. In mountain forest, 1050-1400 m. FI. Febr., March, July, Aug. 31. Diplycosia brachyantha SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 138. var. brachyantha. Shrub. Branchlets obtusangular, 4-7 mm ag, greyish brownish, tips very sparsely setose, or glabrous. Leaves elliptic or broad-elliptic, rarely oblong-elliptic, apex short-attenuate, obtuse to rounded, the terminal gland thick and protruding, base cuneate into the petiole to nearly rounded, thick-coriaceous, glabrous and shining above, dull and laxly blackish punctulate beneath, entire, margin revolute, (4.5—)5-7.5(-10) by (2.5-)3-6 (-6.5) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, thick-prominent beneath, nerves 1-2 pairs from or from a little above the base, high curved-as- cendent, faintly impressed above, rather distinctly - raised beneath, at least in the lower 24 of the lamina, other much shorter nerves + straight in 2-5 pairs but slightly conspicuous; petiole thick, rugose, glabrous, 6-9 by 1.5-3 mm, some- what winged in its upper third by the decurrent ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 713 lamina. Flowers axillary, 3—S per fascicle, rarely also in twos or solitary in other axils of the same specimen, becoming black when dry. Pedicels stout (nearly 1 mm 9), + densely clad with short, subappressed, brownish, coarse hairs as well glandular-muriculate or -verruculose, gla- brescent in fruit, 5-7 mm at anthesis, basal bracts few, ovate-acuminate, rough-hairy, 1-2 mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, apiculate, glabrous inside, hairy outside, ciliate, 2 mm. Calyx 6 mm, 5- lobed to nearly the base, lobes ovate-acuminate, subacute, laxly appressed-hairy dorsally especially on the lobes, or glabrous, ciliate, c. 4 mm long, 3 mm wide at base, spreading after anthesis. Corolla campanulate, broad-open, green, 6-7 mm long, 5-6 mm @g at the limb, glabrous or with some solitary hairs outside, lobes erect, c. 3 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat dilated above the base, wavy, papillose, 3.5 mm; anther-cells ovate- oblong, echinulate, c. 2.3 mm; tubules narrow, c. 1.22 mm. Ovary densely yellowish brownish hirsute; style glabrous, 3-4 mm. Fruit blackish when ripe, c. 1.3 cm g; fruit-pedicel c. 1 cm. Distr. Malesia: N. Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Lembuh, Putjuk Angasan). Ecol. In mossy forest on ridge or ericoid ridge scrub, 1800-2500 m, apparently not rare. Fi. Jan., Febr. var. parvula SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 139. Differing by smaller, obovate leaves, 2-3.5 by 1-2 cm, white and slightly smaller flowers (co- rolla 5-6 by 3 mm). Distr. Found together with var. brachyantha. 32. Diplycosia morobeensis SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 210; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 140; Blumea 11 (1961) 7; ibid. 12 (1963) 119. var. morobeensis. Low erect shrub, 0.3—1.8(—3) m, often epiphytic. Branchlets rather densely foliate, appressed-se- tulose and reddish brown in the young, glabrescent and early covered with greyish cork in the older parts. Leaves oblong- to subovate-lanceolate, apex acuminate, the terminal gland small but distinct, base cuneate, subcoriaceous, greenish olivaceous when dry, rather dull on both faces, glabrous above, laxly set with -- appressed setulose, finally caducous hairs, becoming punctate at least, mi- nutely denticulate or subentire, (1—)1.5—1.8(—2) by (0.4—)0.5—0.8(—1) cm, midrib +- impressed above, slightly raised beneath, nerves subobscure; petiole setulose, 1-2 mm. Flowers 1 or 2 per axil. Pedicels rather stoutish, subdensely shortly subappressed- setose-hairy at anthesis and 3-6 mm long, gla- brescent and up to 10 mm in later stages. Brac- teoles broad-ovate, ciliate, glabrous dorsally, 1 mm. Calyx 1.5-2 mm, lobes deltoid, blunt, with an almost translucent margin, glabrous, densely ciliate the entire length. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, rather fleshy, glabrous, white with flesh tinge, 4 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments filiform, gla- brous, 2-2.5 mm; anther-cells subovate, | mm; tubules broad, 0.3 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 714 FLORA MALESIANA (ser. I; ‘volyi6® slender, 3.5 mm. Fruit subglobose, blackish pur- plish, c. 3 mm @. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Wau-Edie Creek area; Star Mts; Eastern Highlands; Mt Saruwaged area). Ecol. In lower montane rain-forest, mossy bush, or marsh meadow, 1525-3000 m. Fl. Jan.— Dec. Vern. Denugubo, Chimbu: Masul, Wahgi: Minj, nehra, Mairi: Watabung. jinne, var. ovatifolia SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 140. Differing by the ovate or elliptic-ovate leaves and shorter pedicels, which are 2-3 mm long at anthesis. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Eastern High- lands; Mt Yule; Mt Victoria). Ecol. In forest, 2135-2540 m. Fi. Jan., Nov. 33. Diplycosia rupicola SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 140; Blumea 11 (1961) 7; ibid. 12 (1963) 119; ibid. 12 (1964) 343. — D. morobeensis (non SLeuM. 1957) Steum. var. ovatifolia SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 7. — Fig. 77h. Small, sometimes climbing shrub, up to 10-60 (-200) cm, sometimes -+ prostrate; also epiphytic. Branchlets fuscous and rather densely clothed with longish (2-3 mm), + spreading or subappressed rufous bristles, subangular, rather densely leaved. Leaves ovate to ovate-elliptic, apex short-acumi- nate, obtuse, the terminal gland rather thick, base rounded or more rarely broad-attenuate, co- riaceous, rigid, glabrous above, laxly caducously setulose or punctulate beneath, margin slightly revolute and regularly minutely crenulate, the teeth ciliate initially, 0.8-1.1(-1.3) by (0.4-) 0.5-0.7 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, faintly visible beneath, nerves obscure; petiole stoutish, 1-1.5 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels stoutish, (1—)2—-3 mm at anthesis, up to 4 mm in fruit in open, more slender and 5-7 mm at anthesis, up to 8 mm in fruit in shady situations, sparsely glandular-punctate, nodding. Bracteoles broad-ovate, obtuse, glabrous dorsally, ciliolate and glandular-muriculate, 1.5 mm. Calyx 3(-4) mm, red, glabrous or very laxly muriculate, lobes ovate, obtuse, the margin paler and almost trans- lucent, ciliate and glandular-muriculate or -fim- briate, reflexed after anthesis, 1.8(-2.2) mm. Corolla urceolate-cylindric, glabrous, scarlet or pink, or orange-red, with greenish white lobes, honey-scented, (7—)8-10 by 3-4 mm, lobes pale green, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 4—5 mm; anthers oblong, echinulate, 2.5 mm including the rather broad and short tubules. Ovary gla- brous; style 5-6 mm. Fruit c. 5 mm @g, purplish blue, contracted at the base; calyx not much ac- crescent, the upper part of the capsule remaining uncovered. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Star Mts; Western, Eastern and Southern Highlands). Ecol. In low mossy forest, among rocks on mountain sides, or in semi-swampy alpine thickets or grassland, 2500-3650 m. Fl. Febr.—Sept. Vern. Agu-agu, ombe, Mendi. 34. Diplycosia pendens SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 119. Epiphytic shrub, few-stemmed, hanging from tree trunks 2—3 m above the ground, 0.5—1 m. Branchlets slender, recent shoots densely, older ones densely to more laxly and exclusively set with rufescent, setular, + appressed, eglandular hairs, glabrescent with age, becoming striate and blackish, 2-3 mm g. Leaves lax, lanceolate, more rarely subovate- or subelliptic-lanceolate, apex shortly attenuate or subacuminate, the apical gland small and hardly protruding, base attenuate or cuneate to the petiole, subcoriaceous, dirty olivaceous, glabrous above at full maturity, laxly and finely setular below and along the edge, or finally punctulate below, minutely crenulate or subentire, (1—)1.3—2(—2.2) by 0.5—0.8(—1) cm, mid- rib very narrow and impressed above, slightly prominent beneath, nerves 1(—2) pairs, high curved-ascendent, rather obscure generally; pe- tiole slender, c. 1 mm. Flowers solitary, or rarely in twos in the upper axils. Pedicels stoutish, sub- densely or more laxly muriculate and finely hairy, 1-2 mm. Bracteoles ovate, acute, 1 mm, ciliolate. Calyx cup-shaped, green, glabrous, 2 mm in all, 5-lobed to 24, lobes deltoid, subacute, ciliolate and often laxly glandular-fimbriate below. Co- rolla urceolate, tube light green, purplish towards the lobes, glabrous, 3 mm. Filaments linear, gla- brous, 1.3 mm; anthers oblong, base obtuse, 1 mm. Ovary with a few hairs on top, glabrous otherwise; style slender, c.1.8 mm. Fruit pale bluish, pruinose, c. 3 mm @. Distr. Malesia: W. New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula). Ecol. In mossy (Nothofagus-)forest, also in riverine forest, 1400-1900 m, locally not rare. Fl. fr. Nov.—Dec. 35. Diplycosia schultzei SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 163; SLEum. ibid. 72 (1942) 211; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 139. Erect shrub. Branches and branchlets terete, sparsely setose, finally glabrous. Leaves lax, ellip- tic, apex short-acuminate, though obtuse by a pronounced terminal gland, base: cuneate-atten- uate, coriaceous, very young ones rather densely setulose on both faces, mature ones set with some scattered bristles or finally quite glabrous above, and with longer persistent longish and appressed rufous bristle-like hairs beneath, subentire, 2.5— 4.5(-7) by (1.5—)2.5-3.5 cm, impressedly 3- nerved above; petiole 3-6 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels slender, sparsely appressed-setose, (1.2—) 1.5—2 cm. Bracteoles ovate, ciliate at apex, other- wise dorsally clad with scabrid, rufous, bristle- like hairs as is the calyx. Calyx 3mm, lobes oblong, obtuse, ciliolate. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, gla- brous, 9 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments filiform, glabrous; anthers ovate-oblong, papillose, 2.8 mm. Ovary glabrous; style glabrous, a little longer than the anthers. Distr. Malesia: NE. New Guinea (Sepik re- gion: c. 65 km S of the mouth of the Tami R.), 1600 m. One collection. Fi. July. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 715 Note. No material seen recently (holotype destroyed). 36. Diplycosia stellaris SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 6. Low shrub, c. 0.3 m. Branchlets laxly sub- patently rufous-setulose in the juvenile, still less so in the older, already greyish corticate parts, sub- densely or more laxly foliate. Leaves obovate or obovate-, more rarely subrotundate-elliptic, apex rounded or faintly emarginate, the terminal gland thick and protruding beyond the leaf mar- gin, base broadly cuneate into the petiole, cori- aceous, with sparse setular hairs on the midrib beneath and along the edge in immature, glabrous except very short muriculate glandular hairs on the undersurface in fully mature leaves, (1.5—)2-3 by (1-)1.5-2.5 cm, regularly subserrate-crenulate (the teeth 1-2 mm spaced), + revolute especially towards the base of the lamina, midrib and nerves distinctly impressed above, subinconspicuous be- neath, basal nerves 1, suprabasal ones 1 or 2 pairs, curved-ascending and anastomosing, other shorter nerves or veins from higher parts of the midrib faintly sunken above, or obscure; petiole grooved above, 4-6 by 1-1.5 mm, not rarely a little winged in the upper part by the shortly de- current lamina. Flowers in 2—3-flowered fascicles, or more rarely solitary in the upper axils, nodding. Pedicels rather slender, laxly or very laxly sub- appressedly setular-hairy, or muriculate, 1-1.5 (-1.8) cm at anthesis. Calyx funnel-shaped below, 5 mm long in all, the 2 basal bracteoles ovate, ciliolate, 1-1.2 mm, tube reddish, minutely ru- gulose and muriculate, lobes ovate-triangular, subacute, ciliolate and glandular-fimbriate, c. 2 mm. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, thin, pink, whitish at the lobes inside, glabrous, c. 9 by 4mm at full anthesis, lobes obtuse, suberect, 1 mm. Filaments narrow-linear, glabrous, a little wavy, c. 4 mm; anthers oblong, 3 mm long including the lobes; cells granular; tubules narrowed towards the apex c. 1.2 mm. Ovary glabrous; style slenderly columnar, glabrous, 5.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Star Mts: Mt Antares), once found; rather rare in alpine shrub vegetation at 3300 m. Fi. July. 37. Diplycosia undata J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 30 (1932) 171; SteuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 139, non H. J. LAm, 1945. Small, very branched shrub. Branchlets longish (2-3 mm) + patently rufous-setose in the younger, + obtusely angled parts. Leaves suborbicular to broad-elliptic, apex subacuminate or mostly + obtuse, the terminal gland thick and protruding, base broadly attenuate to rounded, or cuneate in the elliptic ones, firmly subcoriaceous, revolute at the finely crenulate margin, each tooth ending ina fine, longish, rather persistent bristle, rather shin- ing above, glabrous above, -+ laxly punctate beneath by the remaining bases of early caducous bristle-like hairs, 1.3-3.3 by (1—)1.2-2.9 cm, midrib impressed above, raised beneath, nerves 2-3 pairs coming from and from somewhat above the base of the lamina, curved-ascendent and anastomosing, slightly impressed above, visibly raised beneath, other nerves from the upper 24 of the midrib rather inconspicuous; petiole stout, setose, 1.5-3 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels rather slender, laxly appressed-setulose, or muriculate, 8—10(-12) mm. Bracteoles suborbicular-ovate, ob- tuse, glabrous dorsally, shortly glandular-fimbriate or -muriculate, c. 1.8 mm. Ca/yx 3-4 mm, glabrous, rugulose-muriculate externally, lobes ovate, acute, 2.5 mm, glandular-fimbriate. Corolla urceolate, slightly contracted apically, red, somewhat fleshy, glabrous, c. 9 by 3.5 mm, lobes obtuse, 1 mm. Filaments S-curved, linear, slightly dilated towards the base, glabrous, c. 4 mm; anthers oblong, granular, c. 2 mm including the short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: SW. Celebes (Peak of Bon- thain). Ecol. In brushwood, 2700-2890 m. Fi. June. 38. Diplycosia varians SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1964) 342. Epiphytic or subscandent small shrub, 0.2-0.4 m. Tips of branchlets subdensely and exclusively set with setular subappressed hairs. Leaves lax, variable in shape and size, elliptic or oblong- elliptic, more rarely broad-elliptic, apex shortly attenuate-acuminate, rarely apiculate, the terminal gland a little prominent, base attenuate or rarely -+- rounded, coriaceous, glabrous above, lower surface laxly subsetular-muriculate or finally punctate, margin crenulate, the crenations ending with a long rather persistent bristle, (2.2—)2.5— 3.5(-4) by (1-)1.3-1.8(-2) cm, midrib distinctly impressed above, obtusely prominent beneath, nerves 2 pairs, the lower pair a little from above the leaf-base, the upper one from + the middle of the midrib, both slightly immersed above, less distinct beneath; petiole 2-3 mm. Flowers solitary in the leaf-axils, nodding, 4-5-merous. Pedicels laxly muriculate, 2-3(-4) mm at anthesis, accres- cent sometimes to 6 mm in fruit. Calyx tube cupular, attenuate at base, pinkish, 4—6(—7) mm in fresh specimens, lobes ovate-acuminate, glandular- ciliate; 2-3 mm. Corolla urceolate, rather fleshy, glabrous, pinkish, 8-9 by 6 mm in dry, 10-11 by 8 mm in fresh specimens, lobes whitish, 1.5 mm. Stamens 8 or 10; filaments linear, wavy, glabrous, 5 mm; cells 2.8 mm; style glabrous, 5(-6) mm. Ovary glabrous. Mature fruit pear-shaped, purple, 6-8 by c. 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Western High- lands: Nona-Minj Divide). Ecol. In subalpine Xanthomyrtus-Papuacedrus- Quintinia shrubbery, 3250 m. Fi. fr. July. 39. Diplycosia subglobularis SLeuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 5. Epiphytic shrub, c. 1 mm. Branchlets divaricate, rather robust, 1.5-3 mm 9, very densely set with rufous setular hairs at the youngest, gradually less densely so in the older parts, densely foliate. Leaves elliptic, shortly attenuate or more rarely subrotundate at the apex, which bears a thick, ¢. 1 mm protruding gland, base broadly attenuate, 716 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° coriaceous, dull, glabrous above, sparsely to very sparsely rufous-setulose, more densely appressedly glandular-muriculate beneath, youngest ones subcrenulate and caducously setular-ciliate, older ones subentire at full age, (1.5—)1.8-2.5 by (1-) 1.2—1.5(—1.7) cm, the edge slightly revolute, midrib and nerves much impressed above, subinconspi- cuous beneath, the basal or slightly suprabasal nerves 1, upper nerves (from the lower third to half of the midrib) 1 (rarely 2) pairs, all high curved- ascending and anastomosing; petiole setular initi- ally, 2-3 by c. 1 mm. Flowers solitary in numerous upper axils. Pedicels stoutish, laxly muriculate, at anthesis 1-2, in fruit up to 3 mm, with 2 ovate ciliate opposite bracteoles (1 mm) below the calyx. Calyx campanulate, glabrous, tube 0.5—0.7 mm, lobes subovate-deltoid, bluntish, (1—-)1.5 mm, glandular-fimbriate. Corolla subglobular, much contracted or almost apiculate distally, early caducous, c. 2 by 2.5 mm, quite glabrous, pale pink, + fleshy, lobes erect, hardly 0.5 mm. Filaments subulate, glabrous, 0.8-1 mm; anther- cells ovate-oblong, echinulate, 0.5 mm; tubules contracted, c.0.3mm. Ovary glabrous; styleslender, glabrous, at anthesis 1—1.5, in fruit 1.5-2 mm. Immature fruit c. 2.5 mm, light blue. Distr. Malesia: Central New Guinea (Star Mts), on peaty soil at 1500 m. One collection. Fi. July. 40. Diplycosia apoensis ELM. Leafli. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1101; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246; GopeE-. f-, Philips. (Se5747(1932)) 79; t;| 4; £212: SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 139. Epiphyte or sprawling over moss-covered ground; stem c. 50 cm, branched, bark brown- greyish. Branchlets covered with greyish stout bristly hairs, younger parts only with + spreading reddish brown bristles (2-3 mm). Leaves dense, elliptic, apex broadly acuminate, mostly rather obtuse, though apiculate by a thick protruding gland, base cuneate or rounded, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, shining green on the upper side, much paler and dull underneath when fresh, brownish when dry, laxly set on both faces with + spreading, strigose, rufous hairs, glabrescent above with age, finally punctate beneath, margin slightly revolute, subentire, with bristle-like hairs (1.5 mm) along the margin, 2-3(-3.5) by 1.3-1.7(-2) cm, midrib a little impressed above, manifestly raised beneath, nerves 1-2 pairs, curved-ascending to the apex of the blade, the lower pair from or nearly from the base of the lamina, all nerves slightly impressed above, somewhat prominent beneath; petiole stout, setulose, c. 3 mm. Flowers axillary, mostly solitary or in twos, rarely also in threes in other axils of the same specimen. Pedicels setose, more- over scurfy or clothed with crisp brown hairs, 2-3(-5) mm. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, glandular- fimbriate, 1.5 mm. Calyx 5 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, acute, glandular-fimbriate. Corolla sub- campanulate, glabrous, 4 mm, lobes short, reflexed. Filaments linear, wider below the middle, glabrous, c. 2.5 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, 2 mm including the short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 3.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Mindanao, Davao: Mt Calelan; Bukidnon: Mt Lipa), twice found. Ecol. In mossy elfinwood, on exposed peaks and ridges, c. 2500 m. Fi. Sept. 41. Diplycosa muscicola SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 118. Weak epiphytic shrublet, trailing over moss cushions. Branches and branchlets 1-2 mm g, young parts densely set with soft setular, initially glanduliferous, + spreading, (2-) 3-4 mm long rusty hairs, older parts gradually glabrescent and greyish, laxly foliate. Leaves elliptic or subovate- elliptic, apex shortly acuminate, the apical gland ra- ther small, base + broadly attenuate, subcoriace- ous, dark green and shining above, paler beneath when fresh, olivaceous above, brown below when dry, first covered on both sides and along the edge with long, + appressed, bristle-like hairs, glabres- cent above only with age, margin hardly revolute, entire or practically so, (2.5—)3-4 by (1.2—)1.5-2.3 cm, rather indistinctly impressedly trinerved above only; petiole (4~-)5—6 mm. Flowers solitary, rarely in twos in the upper axils. Pedicels very slender, (2—)3-4(—5) mm, glabrous. Bracteoles ovate, 1 mm, cristate-fimbriate by glandular hairs. Calyx funnel- shaped, green, 3 mm long in all, 5-lobed halfway, glabrous, tube much attenuate towards the base, lobes ovate-acuminate, glandular-fimbriate, more- over ciliolate or barbulate distally. Corolla urceo- late, light green when fresh, thin, glabrous, 44.5 mm. Filaments linear, wavy, glabrous, 3 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, base obtuse, 1.5 mm includ- ing the tubules. Ovary glabrous; style purplish, 3-3.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: W. New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula: near waterdivide in the eastern part of the Tamrau Mts), once collected. Ecol. In dense, + stunted mossy Nothofagus-, Myrtaceae-, and Rapanea-forest, 1900-1950 m. FI. Nov. 42. Diplycosia amboinensis Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 210; SLeUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 157. — Fig. 77b. Small epiphytic, subdensely foliate shrub. Branchlets subdensely clothed with dark brownish rufous, appressed, non-glandular bristle-like hairs (c. 1.5 mm), no other fine pubescence present. Leaves elliptic to broadly subobovate-elliptic, apex broad-attenuate to nearly rounded, obtuse, the terminal gland thick and manifestly prominent, base broad-attenuate (not rounded), coriaceous, glabrous and shining above, paler and dull beneath, laxly set with short (0.7 mm), subappressed, setu- lose hairs underneath and caducously so along the margin, which is finely but distinctly crenulate and subrevolute, 1.4-2(-2.4) by 0.9-1.3(-1.7) cm, midrib strongly impressed above, or robust and prominent beneath, 1 pair of nerves from or somewhat from above the base of the lamina, high curved-ascending, anastomosing at the top, very slightly impressed above, or raised beneath, some- times rather inconspicuous; petiole appressed- setulose, c.2 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels slender, 6-7 mm, with sparse, rather appressed bristle-like July 1967] hairs. Bracteoles ovate, ciliate, c. 1.2 mm. Calyx glabrous, tube 1 mm, lobes ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla only known in bud stage, glabrous. Ovary glabrous. Distr. Malesia: Moluccas (Ambon: summit of Mt Sal(a)hutu), c. 1000 m, once found. Fi. Dec. 43. Diplycosia kalmiifolia SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 154; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 141; Blumea 11 (1961) 8. Straggling shrub, sometimes epiphytic. Branch- lets laxly longish rufescent-setulose in the older, more densely so inthe younger parts. Leaves narrow lanceolate, apex acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland small, base gradually attenuate, subcoria- ceous, glabrous above, laxly clothed with sub- appressed, strigose, rufous hairs or bristles, which are caducous except near the base of the lamina, remotely denticulate to subentire, (3.5—)4—5.5 by 0.3-0.6 cm, midrib impressed above the entire length, prominent beneath, nerves obsolete; petiole hirsute, c. 2 mm. Flowers 3-5 per fascicle in the upper axils. Pedicels rather stoutish, densely shortly rufous-pubescent and -setulose, 6-8 mm in fruit. Bracteoles broad-ovate, glabrous dorsally, ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx fleshy in fruit, lobes deltoid ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 717 subacuminate, ciliate. Fruit subglobose, glabrous, c. 4 mm @g, blue when ripe; style slender, 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Ulu Koyan on Mt Dulit in heath forest at c. 1000 m, said to be common and characteristic there; Hose Mts: Mt Lumut; Merurong Plateau: Bintulu, on open padang at 930 m). Fr. July, Oct. 44. Diplycosia kinabaluensis STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 193, t. 14, f. B 4-6; Gisss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 42 (1914) 102; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 141; Blumea 12 (1963) 120. — D. memecyloides (non STAPF) MerrR. En. Born. (1921) 464 p.p. — Fig. 72, 78e. Low shrub, 10-30 cm high, recumbent or creep- ing. Branches thick, terete, the greyish cork fissured lengthwise, scars of fallen leaves large (3-5 mm @). Branchlets brownish, sparsely setose or glabrous, but the young shoots always with scattered, -+_ spreading, 2-4 mm long, bristles. Leaves obovate, sometimes elliptic or obovate- oblong, aggregated towards the ends of the branch- lets, apex broad-attenuate to rounded, the termin- al gland thick and protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, rigidly coriaceous, glabrous above, € gos * ee Fig. 72. Diplycosia cf. kinabaluensis Starr, among mosses on temporarily inundated rocks in the Mesilau East R., 1950 m, Mt Kinabalu, North Borneo, showing swollen hypocotylar base and thickened roots (SLEUMER 4737) (SLEUMER, 1963). 718 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° laxly to subdensely patently and caducously setose or finally blackish punctate beneath, mostly crenulate in the upper half, the teeth ending in semipersistent, rather long bristle-like hairs, or completely entire, normal ones (6—)7—12 by (3-) 4-6 cm, sometimes with other minor ones on the same specimen, margin slightly recurved, midrib mostly strongly impressed above, very prominent beneath, 5(—7)-plinerved, these main nerves curved-ascending and anastomosing, impressed above, prominent beneath, other higher nerves (2-5) from the midrib, less distinct, slightly im- pressed above ,-+ obscure beneath, veins + trans- verse, veinlets coarsely reticulate, both somewhat impressed above, but + inconspicuous beneath; petiole glabrous, deep red-purple as is the lower third of the midrib, 4-8 by 2-3 mm, + flattened, + winged in the upper part by the decurrent leaf blade. Flowers generally 3-4 per axil, sometimes only 2 or solitary in the one or other axil of the same specimen, both from the upper foliate axils or defoliate ones near to the ground. Pedicels stoutish, glabrous, 6—-8(-10) mm, basal bracts rather large. Bracteoles rounded-ovate, obtuse, glabrous, ciliolate, 2-3 mm. Calyx greenish, c. 4 mm, glabrous, 5-lobed to nearly its base, lobes subacute. Corolla campanulate, pinkish to greenish, or greenish shaded with red, rarely ivory white, with strong scent, 9-11 mm long, base c. 5 mmg, glabrous, lobes subacute, erect, 3-4 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, papillose in their upper part, c. 5.5 mm; anthers oblong, echinulate, the base in- flexed, 5 mm including the rather short tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 8 mm. Fruit light blue to blackish, c. 6 mm g, the capsule entirely included by the somewhat fleshy calyx lobes. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. Abundant wherever the vegetation opens out, both on the olivine-serpentine ridge, the dwarf sub-summit forest and in the cracks of the granite core to the summit, where it forms one of the chief components of the vegetation, on wet places, chiefly between 2440-3960 m, occasionally with creeks down to 1830 m. Fi. Dec.-July. 45. Diplycosia sumatrensis MERR. Pap. Mich. Ac. Sc. 19 (March 1934) 181; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 141. — D. patenticalyx J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 35 (July 1934) 295. — Fig. 73. Shrub, c. 1.5 m. Branches pallid-corticate. Branchlets angular, tips densely, older parts + laxly clothed with rufous, -+- spreading, 2-3 mm long bristles. Leaves elliptic, sometimes more ovate, apex shortly and rather broadly acuminate, the terminal gland thick, obtuse, sharply protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, the very young ones laxly rufous-setulose on both faces, mature ones glabrous and shining above, dull and laxly set with subappressed bristle-like hairs beneath, glabrescent, finally blackish punctulate, margin somewhat revolute and crenulate towards the apex of the lamina, the teeth ending in early caducous bristles, (2.2—-)3—5(—7) by (1.3—)1.8-3(—4) cm, 3-plinerved, midrib impressed above, raised beneath, 1-2 basal nerves high-ascending, parallel Fig. 73. Diplycosia sumatrensis MeErr. Mt Sin- galang, Sumatra, c. 2800 m (MEIJER, 1957). with the margin to the top of the lamina, slightly impressed above, mostly hardly visible beneath, other (3—)4—6 less visible nerves from the midrib, anastomosing with the marginal nerve, mostly very slightly impressed above, or rather inconspicuous as is the lax reticulation above; petiole grooved, thick, glabrescent, 3-6 mm. Flowers 3-6 per fas- cicle, sometimes only 2 or 1 in one or the other axil of the same specimen. Pedicels stoutish, rather densely clad with appressed, glandular, crisped, bristle-like hairs, (5—)8—11 mm. Bracteoles broad- ovate, subacute, keeled, very laxly muriculate dorsally, shortly glandular-fimbriate, c. 2 mm. Calyx constricted at the basal part, nearly stipitate, c. 5 mm, very laxly glandular-crisped-setulose, lobes narrow-ovate, acute, 4 mm. Corolla sub- cylindric-urceolate, (6-)7 mm, glabrous, white, scented, lobes reflexed, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, wavy, c. 3.5 mm; anthers oblong, cordate at the base, 3 mm including the slender tubules. Ovary laxly hairy on the top; style glabrous, c. 5.5 mm. Fruit violet or mostly blue, c. 5 mmg@. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Tapanuli: Luburadja; Westcoast: Mt Singalang, Mt Malintang). Ecol. In Vaccinium-forest and subalpine low vegetation or thickets, 1700-2870 m, also on lava July 1967] soil, apparently common on Mt Singalang. Fi. fr. Jan., April-Aug. Note. Dry material with fine, cumarine-like smell. 46. Diplycosia crassiramea SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 141. Shrub. Branchlets terete in the older, greyish corticate and defoliate (6-8 mm g@) parts which bear big rounded scars, angular in the younger, more slender (3—5 mm g) ones which are exclu- sively clad with scattered bristles (2-3 mm). Leaves oblong to obovate, sometimes obovate- elliptic, apex short-acuminate to broad-attenuate or rounded, the terminal gland very thick and protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, rigidly coriaceous, margin + revolute, minutely crenulate or entire, glabrous above, rather densely blackish punctate beneath (bristles very early caducous, not to be seen in rather young leaves), (7—)8-13 by (3.5—)4-7.5 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, very thick and prominent beneath, main nerves in 3-4 distinct pairs, curved-ascending and + ana- stomosing, slightly impressed above, raised beneath, other higher and shorter nerves or veins + less distinct or obscure; petiole grooved above, winged in its upper part by the decurrent lamina, c. 1 by 0.3 cm. Flowers both from the foliate and defoliate axils, 4-8 per fascicle. Pedicels stout, densely ferrugineous-crisped-pubescent (not properly setu- lose), 7-10(—12) mm, basal bracts numerous, ovate to lanceolate, acute, ferrugineous-crisped-pubes- cent, 2-4 mm. Bracteoles ovate, subacute, very shortly glandular-fimbriate and ciliolate, extern- ally ferrugineous-pubescent, (2—)2.5-3 mm. Calyx contracted at the base, glabrous or very shortly ru- fous-hairy at the lobes, 44.5 mm, lobes deltoid, subacute, reflexed at anthesis, shortly glandular- fimbriate, 2 mm. Corolla subcampanulate, slightly constricted both at the base and the limb, 6 by 4-5 mm, glabrous, green, lobes erect, c. 2 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat dilated above the base, papillose, 3-3.5 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, incurved at the base, echinulate, c. 2.5 mm; tubules rather narrow, 1.3 mm. Ovary glabrous; style c. 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: SW. Central Celebes (Latimod- jong Ra.: Rantemario-Pokapindjang massif). Ecol. On open slopes, 2400-3000 m. Fi. June. 47. Diplycosia trinervia ELM. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1102; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247; CopreL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 68; SLEeUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 142. — D. luzonica [non (Gray) Merr.] Evo. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1105. var. trinervia. Epiphytic shrub, youngest parts of the branch- lets + densely and + patently setose, somewhat . angular, older ones early entirely glabrous. Leaves elliptic to oblong-elliptic or oblanceolate, apex subacuminate, the terminal gland rather large and protruding, base cuneate, subcoriaceous, margin subrevolute, entire, mature ones glabrous above, ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 719 rather laxly punctate beneath, young ones laxly setose-ciliate, (3—)3.5-7 by 1.5—2(-2.5) cm, tri- plinerved, midrib slightly impressed above, raised beneath, nerves in 1—2 pairs from and/or somewhat from above the base of the lamina, high curved- ascending to and anastomosing at the top of the blade, somewhat impressed above or prominent beneath; petiole 3-7 mm. Flowers mostly 3 or 4 per axil, sometimes 2 or | in other axils of the same specimen. Pedicels nodding, slender, laxly sub- appressed-setulose, or nearly glabrous, 1-2 cm. Bracteoles ovate, acute, glabrous, glandular-ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx c. 4mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, acute, glandular-ciliate, c. 2.5 mm. Corolla narrowly cam- panulate, greenish, glabrous, 5—-6(—7) by 2.5 mm, lobes obtuse, 1.2 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, S-curved, c. 3 mm; anthers linear-oblong, echinu- late, c. 3 mm, the narrow tubules (1.2—1.5 mm) included. Ovary glabrous; style 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Mindanao: Mt Calelan). Ecol. In mossy elfinwood, at c. 2500 m. Fi. Sept. var. urdanetensis (ELM.) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 143. — D. urdanetensis ELM. Leaf]. Philip. Bot. 7 (1915) 2628; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247. Differs by the branchlets which are sparsely and -+ appressedly setose from the beginning, and the muriculate, finally glabrescent pedicels. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Mindanao: mossy forest on Mt Urdaneta), at c. 2000 m. One collec- tion. Fi. Sept. Vern. Minamol, Mbo. 48. Diplycosia lamii J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 99, t. 21; SLtEUuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 211; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 143. Shrub, 1.5 m, whether or not scandent. Branches elongate, stout. Branchlets short, terete, densely and exclusively + patently rufous-setose. Leaves elliptic to subobovate-elliptic, rarely obovate, apex broad-attenuate, obtuse, the terminal gland thick and protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, stiff- coriaceous, shining and + dark green above, light green and + dull beneath, very young ones long- setose on both faces, mature ones laxly punctate above, laxly shortly blackish setulose or finally punctulate all over the undersurface, margin somewhat recurved, the teeth passing into early caducous fine bristles, 1.8—2.7(—3.5) by 1-1.7 cm, midrib strongly impressed above, rather obscure beneath, nerves 1-2 pairs from the base of the lamina or the lower third of the midrib, high curved- ascending, slightly impressed above, obscure be- neath, other nerves faintly visible; petiole setose initially, glabrescent, 3-4.5 by 1.2 mm. Fascicles mostly 4—6-, in the upper axils sometimes only 3-2-flowered. Pedicels stoutish, recurved, sparsely to subdensely short-crisped-setulose, glabrescent except the bases of the bristles, (S-)6-8 mm. Bracteoles suborbicular-ovate, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Calyx dark red, rugulose, glabrous, 2.5 mm, lobes ovate, subacute, c. 2 mm. Corolla pale green, limb reddish, urceolate, somewhat fleshy, glabrous, c. 5.5 mm, lobes 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 720 c. 3 mm; anthers oblong, base subcordate, c. 1.8 mm, the very short and broad tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style c. 4 mm. Fruit dark red. Distr. Malesia: NW. New Guinea (Mt Door- man). Ecol. On open slopes with rocks and sheltered ravine, 3200—3280 m. Fi. Oct. 49. Diplycosia orophila SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 155; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 143. Shrub, 1-2 m. Branchlets terete, brown, laxly patent-setose to almost glabrous with age. Leaves oblong or mostly oblong-ovate, rather long gradu- ally acuminate towards the apex, acute, base somewhat inequilateral, + broad-attenuate to nearly rounded, coriaceous, glabrous above, laxly minutely punctulate beneath, minutely denticulate to subentire, (10—)12—17 by 3.5—5.5 em, triplinerved, midrib and nerves slightly impressed above, raised beneath, other nerves or transverse veins higher from the midrib 8-9, very slightly impressed above, + obsolete beneath; petiole thick, glabrous or sometimes laxly setose initially, c. 8 mm. Flowers 3(-5) per fascicle, mostly in the defoliate axils. Pedicels very shortly rufous-tomentose, 3-4 mm, basal bracts few, scariose, tomentose. Bracteoles ovate, rufous-tomentose externally, ciliate, 1.5 mm. Calyx whitish, 3 mm, lobes very shortly rufous- tomentulose outside, glabrous inside, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate, pale pink, rather fleshy, glabrous, 4.5 mm, lobes very short. Filaments linear, gla- brous, 2 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, 1.5 mm, the very short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Dulit), 2 collections. Ecol. Shady or open moss forest, 1230-1300 m. FI. Sept. N. Borneo (Sarawak: Mt 50. Diplycosia luzonica (A. GRAY) MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 293; ibid. 3 (1908) Bot. 378; ibid. 5 (1910) Bot. 371; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247; CopeL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 71, t. 2, f. 3-6, t. 4, f. 1; Cox, Am. Midl. Nat. 40 (1948) 499 (anat.); SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 143; Blumea 12 (1963) 120. — Gaultheria luzonica A. GRaAy, Proc. Am. Ac. Arts Sc. 5 (1861) 324. — D. scandens MeERR. Philip. J. Sc. 1 (1906) Suppl. 219; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247. — D. fasciculiflora MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 10 (1915) Bot. 52; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246. KEY TO THE VARIETIES 1. New shoots + densely setose initially (though glabrescent with age). Pedicels at anthesis rather densely appressed- or crisped-setulose and finely short-pubescent, the bristles + cadu- cous in fruiting stage. Leaves setose on both faces initially. 2. Calyx glabrous . 1. var. luzonica 2. Calyx manifestly greyish puberulous 2. var. pubens 1. New shoots (very) laxly setulose initially (early entirely glabrescent). Pedicels not or very laxly setulose, -+- densely short-pubescent, finally FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° glabrescent. Leaves glandular-punctulate be- neath when young. 3. Leaves elliptic, broadly acuminate at apex 3. var. calelanensis 3. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, + long-acuminate atapex: 2. ois 2. 6s 4, are 1. var. luzonica. Tree, shrub or subshrub, terrestrial or epiphytic, whether or not scandent, 1—6(-10) m. Branches greyish corticate, striate. Branchlets densely + spreading rufous-setose (2-3 mm) at tips and younger parts, glabrescent with age. Leaves aro- matic, ovate to elliptic, rarely elliptic-obovate, apex mostly gradually short-acuminate, rarely obtuse, the terminal gland rather small, but protruding, thus the obtuse leaves apiculate, base + broadly attenuate into the petiole to nearly rounded, sub- coriaceous, firm, very young ones rather densely and + appressedly rufous-setose on both faces, mature ones glabrous above, laxly and often + persistently rufous-setose (1-1.5 mm) beneath, sometimes glabrescent, the punctiform bases of the bristles excepted, sometimes finally quite glabrous, margin mostly slightly recurved, serrulate in the upper part, the teeth ending with longish caducous bristles, (2—)3—5(-6, sometimes up to 10) by (1-) 1.5-3(-6) cm, midrib impressed above, raised beneath, nerves in the smaller leaves 1-2 pairs, one of these + basal, in the larger leaves 3-4(—5) and + pinnately arranged, all curved-ascending and slightly impressed above, faintly raised or incon- spicuous beneath; petiole setose initially, (2—)3—5 (-7) mm. Flowers 3-8,sometimes only 2 per axil in the same specimen. Pedicels stoutish, at anthesis shortly appressed- or crisped-setulose and puberu- lous, 4-8 mm, glabrescent with age and finally ac- crescent to 15 mm. Bracteoles ovate, rather glabrous dorsally, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Calyx c. 3.5 mm, glabrous, lobes ciliate, 2-3 mm. Corolla sub- globose-urceolate, glabrous, 3-4 by c. 2.5 mm, white or rose, lobes ovate, 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2-3 mm; anthers oblong, c. 2 mm, the short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 2-3 mm. Fruit first pale blue, finally purplish or black- ish blue, c. 7 mmg. Seeds flattened, subtriangular, c. 1 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, Biliran I., Catanduanes, Negros, Mindanao). Ecol. Both in mossy oak-forest or forest edge, and on dry exposed grassland-slope, 1100-2700 m. FI. fr. Jan.-Dec. Vern. Atepen, ginula, \g., Sagumati, Bag. 2. var. pubens SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 143. Differing by a dense greyish puberulence on the bracteoles and calyx. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, Benguet Prov., Mt Pulog-Pulogloco). 3. var. calelanensis (ELM.) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 144; Blumea 12 (1963) 120. — D. calelanen- sis ELM. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1103; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246; Cope . f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 74, t. 5, f. 1. — D. glabra MerR. Philip. J. July 1967] Sc. 14 (1919) 442; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246. — D. opaca C. B. RoBInson, Philip. J. Sc. 6 (1911) Bot. 355: MerR. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247; Coper. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 77, t. 5, f. 2. Differs by laxly setulose, early glabrescent branch- lets, and not or very laxly setulose (though puber- ulous), finally glabrescent pedicels. Leaves elliptic, broadly acuminate at apex, glandular-punctate when young, i.e. bristles very early caducous. Probably not more than a glabrescent variety of D. luzonica. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, Palawan, Mindanao). Ecol. In forest, especially in mossy elfinwood on exposed peaks and ridges, 900-2500 m. Vern. Limatmat, Bag., dugni-is, manitil, Ig. 4. var. merrittii (MERR.) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 144. — D. merrittii MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 293; ibid. 3 (1908) Bot. 378; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 247. Similar to the preceeding in scarcity of bristles on branchlets, leaves and pedicels, but differing by elliptic-lanceolate, + long-acuminate leaves. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Mindoro, Minda- nao; reported from Palawan). 51. Diplycosia caryophylloides J. J. S. Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 209, 214; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 144. var. caryophylloides. Epiphytic shrub, c. 1 m. Branchlets terete. Branchlets subangulate, early covered with whitish or greyish cork, only tips and very young shoots laxly to rather densely clad with + patent, gland- tipped bristles (1-1.5 mm) or their relics. Leaves inserted on a thick cushion, elliptic to broadly oblong-elliptic, apex broadly attenuate, + obtuse, the terminal gland thickish and prominent, base broad-cuneate to rounded, coriaceous, glabrous above, setulose initially, glabrescent and finally rather sparsely punctate beneath, margin revolute, entire, the marginal bristles early caducous, 4.5—7 by 2.5-3.6 cm, midrib sharply impressed above, very prominent beneath, nerves in (3—)4—5 pairs curved- ascendent and anastomosing, + distinctly impres- sed above, mostly rather prominent beneath, reticulation obscure; petiole thick, grooved, glan- dular-setulose initially, glabrescent, 2.5—5 by 1-1.5 mm. Flowers (3—)4—6 per fascicle, both in the foliate and defoliate axils. Pedicels stoutish, laxly covered with rufous fine + spreading hairs, 3-5 mm, basal bracts rather numerous, small. Bracte- oles short-ovate-triangular, rather obtuse, patent- puberulous dorsally, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Calyx obconical, manifestly funnel-shaped attenuate towards the base, tube at anthesis c. 2, in fruit c. 3 mm, glabrous, lobes triangular, subacute, shortly glandular-fimbriate, c. 1.7 mm. Corolla campanu- late, glabrous, greenish whitish, 5-6 mm, lobes abruptly attenuate towards the tips, c. 2 mm. Filaments linear, papillose, c. 2.8 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, inflexed at base, echinulate, 1.5 mm; tubules very narrow, 1.5mm. Ovary glabrous; style ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 721 5—6 mm. Fruit pear-shaped, blue, c. 8 mm long, c. 4 mm og in its upper part. Distr. Malesia: SE. Celebes (Mengkoka Mts). Ecol. In rain-forest, 1400-1500 m, apparently rare. F/. March, Oct. var. longipes SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 144. Differing by smaller leaves (3—5 by 1.5-2.5 cm) and generally longer petioles (4-7) mm. Distr. Malesia: SE. Celebes (mountains N of Kendari), one collection. F/. Oct. 52. Diplycosia scabrida Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 211; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 465; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 144; Blumea 11 (1961) 7. Epiphytic shrub. Branches greyish corticate, angular when dry. Branchlets densely ferrugineous setose and setulose at the subterete tips (the short- er bristles becoming furfuraceous), early glabres- cent. Leaves elliptic or obovate-elliptic, sometimes suborbicular-elliptic, apex short-acuminate or mostly obtuse to rounded, the terminal gland rather small and slightly protruding, base attenuate into the petiole, coriaceous, very young ones covered with a dense dark rusty tomentum which consists of short bristles and shorter bristle-like hairs, the latter becoming furfuraceous, glabrescent with age, but remaining scabrid to the touch for a long time, finally glabrous, subentire, mostly + distinctly revolute (at least in dry state), (4-)6-10 by (2-) 2.5-7.5 cm, midrib mostly impressed above, always strongly raised beneath, nerves in 3—4(—5) pairs curved-ascending and + distinctly anastomosing, with some other shorter less distinct ones from the upper third of the midrib, all mostly slightly im- mersed above, only the lower ones somewhat raised beneath, no proper reticulation visible, although both faces are somewhat rugose in the dry state; petiole rugose, glabrescent, 5S—8(—12) by c. 2 mm. Flowers 3-5 per fascicle. Pedicels stout, densely rusty setulose and -furfuraceous, 3-5 mm at anthesis, basal bracts very small. Bracteoles ovate, apiculate, rather glabrous dorsally, long-ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx very shortly contracted at the base, 2.5-3 mm, subdensely very shortly crisped-hairy in its upper half, lobes ovate, subacute, ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla subcylindric-campanulate, green with red tinge, glabrous, 3.5-4 mm, lobes obtuse, reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells ovate, granular, c. 1 mm; tubules rather broad, c. 0.5 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 2.5 mm. Fruit red, 3-4 mm 9g. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Central and SE. Borneo). Ecol. In mossy and Agathis forest, on acid sandy loam soil or sandstone, 20-1000 m. Fi. Oct.; fr. July. 53. Diplycosia capitata SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 149; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 145. Shrub. Branchlets angular, greyish, with short solitary bristles or finally glabrous. Leaves oblong to subovate-oblong, apex acuminate, the terminal gland rather thick, but not distinctly protruding beyond the leaf-margin, base broad-attenuate to nearly rounded, subcoriaceous, laxly to rather oe FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° densely clad with short (1 mm) bristles and bristle- like rufous hairs all over the undersurface, entire, margin caducously ciliate (1 mm), (4.5—)6-9(-12) by 2.5-3.5(—5.5) cm, midrib impressed above, dinstinctly raised beneath, nerves 4—5 pairs, the lowest pair nearly from the base, the upper 2-3 pairs curved, the uppermost pair more straight, all anastomosing and very slightly impressed above, rather indistinct beneath; petiole laxly setulose initi- ally, glabrescent, 5—7 by 1.5-2 mm. Flowers 8-9 per fascicle. Pedicels stoutish, densely rusty-tomentose by rather short crisped hairs, 5-8 mm at anthesis, up to 10 mm in fruit, basal bracts small, subulate, tomentose. Bracteoles broad-ovate, obtuse, densely rusty-tomentose externally, glabrous inside, c. 2 mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, glabrous, lobes broad-ovate, obtuse, tomentulose at the margin, 2 mm. Corolla short-campanulate, green, glabrous, 6 by 4-5 mm, lobes triangular, obtuse, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, 1.5 mm; tubules slender, 0.7 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 4.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Mt Ponda on the waterdivide N of Paloppo), at 1620 m. One collection. Fi. Sept. 54. Diplycosia fimbriata SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 120. Shrub, 3-4.5 m. Branchlets rather thick, vari- ously obtusangular, older parts covered with greyish cork which bears the point-like relics of the fallen bristles, younger ones laxly set with spread- ing glandular-capitate bristly hairs. Leaves elliptic, apex rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate by a protruding gland, base broadly and shortly con- tracted in or decurrent on the petiole, coriaceous, glossy and punctulate above, dull and subdensely caducously glandular-setulose or punctate beneath, 4-5 by 2.5-4 cm, caducously setular and subcrenu- late at the slightly revolute margin, midrib immers- ed above, obtusely prominent beneath, nerves 4(—5) pairs, curved-ascendent, and almost parallel, a little impressed above, the lower ones only + prominent beneath, reticulation obscure; petiole slender, flattened, 1-1.5 cm by 1.5—2 mm, grooved above, laxly patently glandular-setulose. Fascicles 3-5 (-6)-flowered; perulae ovate-acuminate, c. 2 mm. Pedicels slender, 1—-1.3 cm, subdensely patent- ly glandular -setulose. Bracteoles small, dorsally set with thick subsessile glands. Calyx tube cupular, 2.5 mm in all, contracted at the very base only, shining, corrugate in dry specimens, glabrous, lobes deltoid, c. 2 mm, fimbriate along the whole margin by thick (sub)sessile glands. Corolla narrowly campanulate, thin, pinkish white, gla- brous, c. 8mm long in all, 2.5 mm g at base, 5-6 mm g at limb, lobes triangular, 2mm. Stamens 10, equal, connivent, 8 mm; filaments linear, glabrous; anthers elongate-ovate, tubules narrowed distally. Disk lobes thick, 0.5 mm. Ovary glabrous; style glabrous, rather slender. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: summit area of Mt Mulu), one collection. Ecol. Montane forest on exposed ridge, 1980- 2380 m. Fi. June. 55. Diplycosia sagittanthera J. J. S. Bot. Jahrb. 68 (1937) 205; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 145. Epiphytic shrub. Branches slender, terete, rather short (30-40 cm), patent-rufous-setulose in the younger parts, most of the bristles + distinctly gland-tipped, furthermore clothed with a fine patent pubescence. Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, apex gradually acuminate, the terminal gland small, not or only a little prominent, base broad- attenuate to rounded, coriaceous, stiff, somewhat convex when dry, olivaceous, glabrous and some- what shining above, all over the undersurface and along the margin with scattered, + caducous, blackish, bristle-like hairs, finally blackish punc- tate, minutely denticulate, 1.7—3 by 0.9-1.2(—1.5) cm, midrib strongly impressed above, slightly raised beneath, 1 pair of nerves from near base of the lamina ascending to the top, slightly impressed above, subinconspicuous beneath, some higher inserted nerves faintly visible; petiole stout, grooved, setulose, 1.5—2.5 mm. Stipule-like axil- lary perulae subulate, as long as the petioles, persistent at least in the upper axils. Flowers soli- tary in the upper axils. Pedicels stoutish, sub- glabrous, 1-2 mm. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, cilio- late and with a few long bristles along the margin, 1 mm. Calyx cupular, c. 2.5 mm, glabrous dor- sally, lobes + spreading, 1.5 mm, the very apex ciliolate, otherwise with numerous, coarse, longish (c. 1.5 mm), marginal bristles. Corolla cylindric or narrow-campanulate, white, glabrous, 5 mm, lobes 2 mm. Filaments S-curved, linear, but manifestly dilated above the base, 1.8 mm; anthers sagittate, as long as the filaments, the anther-cells echinu- late; tubules narrow and + divergent, 0.8 mm. Ovary glabrous; style c. 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Mt Wawu Meusa, N of Lake Matana), in rain-forest at 800 m, said to be rare. Once collected. Fi. Sept. 56. Diplycosia acuminata Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 212; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 463; SLEUM. Rein- wardtia 4 (1957) 145; Blumea 12 (1963) 120. — Fig. 77c. Small shrub, terrestrial or epiphytic. Branches terete, glabrous, divergent. Branchlets slender, both laxly to densely subpatently rufous-setulose and densely patent-puberulous. Leaves ovate, apex subcaudate-acuminate, subacute, the terminal gland small, base broad-attenuate to rounded, coriaceous, rather stiff, flat, glabrous above, with scattered, subappressed, blackish short (1 mm) bristles, or finally punctulate by their remaining bases, indistinctly crenulate especially in the upper half of the lamina, the teeth extending into cadu- cous, very slender bristles (1-1.5 mm) which are persistent for a long time, (1.5—)2—3(-4) by (1-) 1.2-1.8(-2.2) cm, midrib impressed above in its entire length, slightly raised beneath, nerves 3-4 pairs, the lower 1-2 pairs from or from above the base of the lamina, ascendent and slightly impress- ed above, other 2-3 higher pairs from the midrib and less distinct, these very slightly impressed above or altogether inconspicuous on both sides; petiole setulose, 1.5-2 mm. Stipule-like axillary perulae July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 723 subulate, as long as the petiole, ciliate, + persist- ent. Flowers solitary axillary, subsessile. Pedicels glabrous, at anthesis hardly 1 mm, up to 2.5 mm in fruit. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, glabrous, cilio- late, 1 mm. Calyx 2.5 mm, contracted at the base, glabrous, lobes ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, c. 1.8 mm. Corolla campanulate, tender, white, glabrous, 5(-6) mm, lobes obtuse, 1 mm. Filaments linear, dilated above the base, S-curved, 2.5 mm; anthers sagittate, echinulate, 2.5 mm including the slender tubules. Ovary glabrous; style 3.5—-4 mm. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Central and Eastern Borneo). Ecol. In mossy forest, on Mt Beratus also on sandstone, 700-1300 m. F/. June, July, Nov. 57. Diplycosia crenulata SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 153; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 145. Epiphytic shrub. Branchlets terete, very slender, subdensely covered with fine, rufous, bristle-like hairs (1-1.5 mm) and very densely with spreading, short, brownish, fine hairs. Leaves broad-ovate to suborbicular-ovate, apex + rounded, the terminal gland + indistinct, base slightly though manifestly cordate, subcoriaceous, laxly clad with caducous short bristle-like hairs on both faces when young, + glabrous with age above, + persistently black- ish brownish punctate beneath, margin finely cre- nulate, the teeth with rather longish caducous bristles, (4—)5-8(-10) by (4-)7(-8) mm, midrib slightly impressed above, obscure beneath, one pair of nerves high curved-ascendent, very slightly impressed above or hardly visible above only; petiole setulose, 1-1.5 mm. Stipule-like axillary perulae fuscous, subulate, + persistent, c. 1.5 mm. Flowers axillary solitary. Pedicels rather stoutish, nearly glabrous, 2(—3) mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, obtuse, glabrous, ciliolate, 1 mm. Ca/yx contracted at the base, 2.5 mm, glabrous, lobes broad-ovate, rather obtuse, ciliolate, c. 1.7 mm. Corolla sub- campanulate, rather firm, c. 6 by 4 mm, glabrous, flesh-coloured (or white?), lobes nearly 2 mm. Filaments linear, a little dilated above the base, glabrous, S-curved, 2.5 mm; anthers sagittate, 3 mm in all; anther-cells very granular; tubules slender, 1.3 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In ridge forest, 1220-1680 m. Fi. Jan., April, Oct. 58. Diplycosia elliptica RipL. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 145; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 213; SLEuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 145; Blumea 11 (1961) 7; ibid. 12 (1963) 121. — D. cordifolia Ripu. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 145; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 214. — D. microphylla (non Becc.) CLARKE in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. 3 (1882) 458; Rip. J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 23 (1891) 146; J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 145; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 213; Burk. & Henpers. Gard. Bull. S. S. 3 (1925) 390; Fietcuer, Fl. Siam. En. 2 (1938) 315; Henpers. Mal. Nat. J. 6 (1950) 264. — Vaccinium micro- phyllum (non Bu.) K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 62; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464; Burk. & Hott. Gard. Bull. S. S. 3 (1923) 57. — D. kingii MERR. Pap. Mich. Ac. Sc. 19 (1933) 182; Contr. Arn. Arb. 8 (1934) 128; Not. Nat. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 47 (1940) 2. — Fig. 77g. Epiphytic or terrestrial shrub or shrublet, up to 1 m, sometimes creeping or scrambling, with much branched, tough, wiry glabrous branches. Branch- lets slender, tips subangular, laxly or rarely more densely clothed with + appressed longish (1-2 mm) bristles as well as + densely greyish to reddish patent-puberulous, or sometimes puberulous only, subdensely foliate. Leaves ovate to elliptic, vari- able in form, apex broad-attenuate, blunt, not rarely rounded, the terminal gland minute, base mostly rounded or nearly so, rarely (and only partly in the same specimen) cordate, coriaceous, rather stiff, old ones said to be scarlet, young ones purple underneath, glabrous, undersurface laxly set with very short blackish bristles, these caducous except their bases, entire or mostly faintly crenate in the upper half, teeth passing into fine + cadu- cous bristles, flat, margin not revolute, (7—)10—-17 (-30) by (4-)6—-10)(-18) mm, triplinerved, midrib and nerves slightly sunken on both faces, some- times + obscure; petiole rather slender, finally glabrous, 1-2 mm. Stipule-like axillary perulae subulate, 1-2 mm, easily recognizable on the young sterile branches, + caducous with age. Flowers solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicels + glabrescent, 1(—2) mm, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles ovate, ciliolate, c. 0.6 mm. Calyx initially funnel-shaped, contracted in the lower part, glabrous, 2 mm, lobes subtriangular, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla short-cylindric or subcampanulate, glabrous, white to greenish or pale yellow, 4-5 by 2.5-3 mm, lobes erect, 1-1.5 mm. Filaments rather filiform upwards, gradually expanded towards the base, somewhat S-curved, glabrous, c. 2.5 mm; anthers sagittate, very echinulate; anther-cells c. 1.5 mm; tubules slender, 1 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 3.5 mm. Fruit depressedly globular, the lower half only surrounded by the bluish, not much swollen calyx, pale to almost white when ripe, c. 3 by 4 mm. Distr. S. Siam, in Malesia: Malay Peninsula, N. Sumatra (Gajo Lands, Eastcoast), Borneo. Ecol. In evergreen mountain forest, moss forest, also in rather open places on crests or summits, within ericoid ridge scrub, in the Malay Peninsula between 915-1825 m, in Sumatra 950-2500 m, locally apparently rather common.Fi. Jan.-Dec. 59. Diplycosia microphylla Becc. Malesia | (1878) 212; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464; SLeuM. Rein- wardtia 4 (1957) 146; Blumea 11 (1961) 7. — Fig. 77i, i’-i’’. Shrublet, epiphytic, up to 40 cm with swollen base. Branches divaricate. Branchlets slender, tips rather densely covered with dark rufous +- appress- ed fine bristles (1-2 mm) and a dense to rather lax indument of fine very short spreading hairs, + densely foliate. Leaves elliptic-oblong or elliptic, sometimes (in the same specimen) in part ovate- elliptic, apex short-attenuate, obtuse to rounded, the terminal gland small, only slightly prominent, base mostly short-attenuate, rarely rounded, coriaceous, stiff, flat, glabrous above, obscurely ERICACEAE (Sleumer) Dec. 1966] 724 punctate or finally completely glabrous beneath, crenulate, the teeth ending in very fine + caducous bristles, margin not revolute, (7—)10-18 by (4—)5-—7 mm, triplinerved, midrib and nerves slightly im- pressed on both faces, the latter not rarely rather inconspicuous at all; petiole setulose, glabrescent, 1-1.5 mm. Flowers mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicels rather glabrous, 1.5—2 mm. Bracteoles minute, ovate, 0.5 mm. Calyx glabrous, 1.5 mm, lobes deltoid, obtuse, ciliolate, 1 mm. Corolla narrow-campanulate, white, glabrous, c. 5.5 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments filiform, glabrous, S- curved, c. 2.5 mm; anthers sagittate, echinulate, 2.6 mm in all; tubules slender, c. 1.5 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 4-5 mm. Young fruit covered by the apparently slightly accrescent calyx in the lower part only. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Mt Mattang, Mt Poi; SE. Borneo: W. Kutei, Mt Palimasan). Ecol. In Agathis-forest, 600-1370 m, apparently common on Mt Mattang, said to be frequent on rocks of Mt Poi. Fi. Oct.-Dec. 60. Diplycosia kostermansii SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 5. Shrublet, hardly 10 cm high, with a few pros- trate, slender, rooting stems or twigs 3—8 cm, den- sely set with subappressed redbrown setular hairs and a very short spreading pubescence, subdensely foliate. Leaves elliptic-oblong or lanceolate, short- ly attenuate at both ends, subcoriaceous, with a few crenulations, each crenation ending in a long redbrown setular and subappressed, finally cadu- cous hair, such as are found here and there on both faces of the lamina, otherwise glabrous, 6-8 by c. 2 mm, midrib slightly sunken above, hardly visible beneath, nerves not visible; petiole slender, c. 1 mm. Stipule-like perulae subulate, early caducous. Flowers solitary in a few distant axils. Pedicels glabrous, 1 mm, with 2 distal setaceous-ciliate bracteoles. Calyx broadly campanulate, 2 mm, 5- lobed halfway, lobes triangular, obtuse, long sub- setose-ciliate, glabrous otherwise. Corolla urceo- late, S-angular, rather thin, almost 7 by c. 3.5 mm, white, purplish at angles, glabrous, lobes deltoid, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, dilated at the base, glabrous, 4.5—5 mm, a little wavy; anthers sagittate, 2 mm, cells rather narrow, echinulate; tubules as long as but narrower than the cells. Ovary gla- brous; style columnar, glabrous, 4.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Mt Palimasan in W. Kutei), in mossy forest on white acid sands at 800 m. One collection. Fi. Sept. 61. Diplycosia consobrina Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 211; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464; SLEUM. Rein- wardtia 4 (1957) 146. Epiphytic shrublet, up to 30 cm. Branchlets terete, slender, dark rufous-subappressed-setulose (1.5—2 mm) and densely patently greyish puber- ulent. Leaves ovate-elliptic or elliptic, sometimes ovate or broadly elliptic-ovate, apex short-acumi- nate, the very apex rather obtuse, the terminal gland small, not or slightly protracted, base mostly broad-attenuate, rarely rounded, sub- coriaceous, stiff, flat, glabrous above, shortly and laxly setulose beneath initially, or dark brown- punctate in later stages, minutely crenulate, each tooth ending in a fine + caducous bristle, margin not revolute, (13—)15—20 by (6—)7-13 mm, tripli- or irregularly faintly 5-nerved from and from somewhat above the base, midrib and nerves sunken above and beneath, the latter sometimes less distinct or hardly visible; petiole slender, setulose, 1-2 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels nearly glabrous, 1-2 mm, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, ciliate, 0.7 mm. Calyx glabrous, 2 mm, lobes deltoid-ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, 1 mm. Corolla campanulate, glabrous, c. 4.5 mm, lobes reflexed, c. 1.3 mm. Filaments linear, broadened disk-like above the base, glabrous, S-curved, 2 mm; anthers sagittate, anther-cells ovate, very granular, 1 mm; tubules narrow, pipe-like, 1 mm. Ovary subdensely pubescent; style 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Mt Mat- tang), twice found there at 500 m. 62. Diplycosia cinnabarina SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 146. — Fig. 77k. Shrub, epiphytic, creeping. Branchlets rooting, red-brown and setose in the older parts, rather densely subpatently setulose (1.5-2 mm) and + densely (rarely laxly) patently fuscous-puberulous. Leaves elliptic, sometimes subovate-elliptic or oblong-elliptic, broad-attenuate at both ends, the apical gland small though distinct, on each side accompanied by a protracted tooth, thus the apex becoming + tridentate, rigid, coriaceous, glabrous above, set with scattered blackish, short + cadu- cous bristle-like hairs beneath, finally blackish punc- tulate, manifestly crenate, the teeth obtuse, passing into + persistent bristles (1 mm), 0.7—1.4 by 0.4— 0.7 cm, triplinerved, midrib distinctly sunken above, a little raised or sunken beneath, nerves impressed above, mostly obsolete, sometimes very slightly impressed beneath; petiole setulose, 1.5—-2 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels slender, glabrous, (6—)7— 10 mm. Bracteoles ovate, subacute, + refiexed, rather long (0.6 mm) setulose. Calyx 2.5 mm, glabrous dorsally, lobes ovate-deltoid, 1.5 mm, margin with coarse longish (0.6—0.8 mm) bristles. Corolla urceolate, glabrous, bright red, 8.5—9.5 by c. 3.5 mm, lobes obtuse 1.5 mm. Filaments filiform, somewhat dilated above the base, S-curved, gla- brous, 4.5 mm; anthers oblong, apiculate-recurved at the base, very granular, 3.5 mm, the rather broad tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 7 mm. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Gajo Lands: Mt Losir and vicinity). Ecol. In mossy forest and mountain heath, 2100-2500 m. Fi. Jan.-Febr. 63. Diplycosia setiloba SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) i ile Epiphytic shrublet or shrub, few-stemmed. Branches suberect or decumbent, rarely pendent, (0.3—)0.5—0.8(-1.5) m, roots thick and fleshy. Branchlets slender, densely set with longish (2-5 mm) rusty and + spreading, bristly, and with finer, very short, spreading hairs, the latter disappearing July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 123 Fig. 74. Diplycosia pinifolia Starr. a. Habit, x %/, b. flower bud, x 3, c. flower at the beginning of anthesis, x 3, d. flower at full anthesis, x 3, e. ovary and style, x 6, f. submature fruit, x 3, g. stamens in front and side view, * 10, h. seed, x 13 (a-h CLEMENS 33044). 726 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 65 in the older parts of the branchlets. Leaves laxly arranged, elliptic or more rarely subovate-elliptic, apex shortly subacuminate, the apical gland small, base broadly attenuate to almost rounded, sub- coriaceous, clad with rufous bristles on both faces and along the edge when young, tardily glabrescent on surfaces, 1.5—2.5(—3) by 0.8—1.5(—1.8) cm, entire or distally subcrenulate, triplinerved, midrib and nerves slightly impressed above, otherwise hardly conspicuous; petiole c. 2 mm. Flowers solitary, ra- rely in twos in the upper axils. Pedicels with a few bristles and shorter, muriculate and crisp hairs, 0.5—1.5 mm, hardly accrescent in fruit. Bracteoles ovate, 1 mm, edge laxly setular and/or densely fimbriate by very short hairs. Calyx green, flatly campanulate, base abruptly attenuate, 5-lobed halfway, glabrous except some muriculate hairs dorsally, lobes 1.3 mm, the edge with a comb- like indumentum of glandular bristles (0.5—0.8 mm) especially below, ciliolate upwards. Corolla urceolate-campanulate, light green or greenish creamy, thin, glabrous, 4-5 by 3-4 mm, lobes reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, wavy, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, base slightly retuse or subsagittate, 1.8 mm. Ovary with a few longish hairs around the style, otherwise glabrous; style slender, glabrous, 3 mm. Fruit finally purplish or bluish, c. 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Peninsula). Ecol. In mossy Nothofagus-Podocarpus-Rapanea crest forest, 1400-2050 m. Fi. fr. Nov.-Jan. New Guinea (Vogelkop 64. Diplycosia piceifolia SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 147. Epiphytic shrublet, 10-20 cm. Branches terete c. 3-5 mm g, tips again and again branched. Branch- lets short, congested, aggregated in form of a cushion, verruculose in the young parts and very shortly patently brownish puberulous. Leaves very dense, acicular, apex subacute, base short-attenu- ate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, (1—)1.5-2 cm by 0.5—0.8 mm, midrib impressed above, nerves ob- scure; petiole 0.5—1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, minute. Pedicels subglabrous, 1.5—2.5 mm, slender. Bracteoles minute, ciliolate. Calyx 1.3 mm, gla- brous, lobes ovate, obtuse, ciliolate. Corolla broad-cylindric, c. 2.5 mm, 5-lobed nearly halfway. Filaments sublinear, glabrous, 1 mm; anther-cells very granular, oblong, inflexed at the base, 0.8 mm; tubules narrow, 1.2 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 1.5 mm. Fruit c. 1.59. Distr. Malesia: Central Borneo (Mueller Mts: Amai Ambit). One collection. Fl. fr. April. 65. Diplycosia pinifolia StapF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 192, t. 14, f. A 1-3; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 465; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 147; Blumea 12 (1963) 121; ibid. 12 (1964) 343. — Fig. 74-76. Epiphytic or rarely terrestrial shrub, 0.6-1(-1.5) m, often with thick roots or subglobular-swollen base. Branches terete, striate, dark. Branchlets slender, brownish, exclusively densely patently Fig. 75. Diplycosia pinifolia STAPF. Young epi- phytic plant with swollen subglobular base, Mt Kinabalu, 1300 m, North Borneo (SLEUMER 4688) (SLEUMER, 1963). papillose-puberulous. Leaves dense, linear, apex obtuse, the terminal gland minute, base atte- nuate into the very short (1 mm) petiole, sub- coriaceous, brownish and shining above when dry, slightly paler beneath, entire, (3—)4.5—5.5(—6) cm by 1.5—2(—2.5) mm, midrib slightly impressed the entire length, somewhat prominent beneath, other nerves not visible. Flowers axillary, solitary or rarely in twos. Pedicels slender, glabrous or with some scattered stalked glands, 4-6 mm, basal bracts few, ovate-acute, nearly 1 mm. Bracteoles rounded to broad-ovate, ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx green, 3-4 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate-triangular, subacute, glandular-fimbriate below, densely fim- briate by fine hairs towards the apex, 2-3 mm. Corolla narrow-urceolate, 5-6 by 3-4 mm, gla- brous, white or greenish, or cream with green tinge, lobes triangular-acuminate, subacute, finally reflexed, 2 mm. Filaments linear, a little dilated above the base, glabrous, 3 mm; anther-cells oblong, very granular, 1.5 mm; tubules narrow, 1.5mm. Ovary laxly clothed with longish brownish hairs; style c. 4 mm. Fruit c. 6 mm g, blackish purple; fruit pedicel 8-10 mm. Seeds irregularly triangular, flat, nearly 1 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In mossy forest, on open grassy slope on July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 727 landslide, even with mosses on stones in rivers, locally frequent but seldom seen in flower, 1065- 2285 m. Fi. fr. Febr.-Aug. 66. Diplycosia lavandulifolia SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 121. Terrestrial, sometimes scandent, apparently small shrub. Branchlets with spreading fine hairs, lax longish bristles and scattered gland-thickened hairs in the recent parts or young shoots, older parts covered with a thin, flaky, early caducous bark, which still shows the bases of the glandular hairs and/or bristles as dark points, old parts striate-corticate and quite glabrous. Leaves linear, rather laxly arranged and + spreading horizon- tally, sometimes more reflexed, subcoriaceous, shortly or gradually subacutely attenuate or acu- minate, the apical gland minute, base shortly attenuate to the petiole, with a few long bristles along the margin when very young, glabrous at maturity, laxly brownish punctulate below, entire, + flat, 4-7(-8) cm by 1.5-2.5(-3) mm, midrib much impressed above, rather obscure beneath, no nerves or veins; petiole 1.5—2 mm. Flowers axillary, “~ solitary or in twos. Bracteoles glandular-fimbrio- late. Calyx glabrous, 3 mm long, tube rather shortly and abruptly narrowed at the base, lobes ovate- triangular, blunt, c. 1.2 mm, subdensely with thickish subsessile glands (no hairs) along the whole margin. Corolla urn-shaped, widely opened, thin, glabrous, c. 4 by 2.5 mm, lobes c. 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells ovate-acuminate, base obtuse, c. 1.8 mm. Ovary glabrous; style slender, glabrous, c. 2.5 mm. Imma- ture fruit creamy white. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Baram and Limbang Distr.). Ecol. In padang or peat swamp forest, also in kérangas (peaty Shorea albida ‘kerapah’) forest undergrowth, 60-801 m, locally abundant. Fi. April, July-Aug. 67. Diplycosia stenophylla SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 147. — Fig. 77e. Erect shrub, c. 30 cm. Branches terete, becoming blackish when dry, striate. Branchlets puberu- lous, here and there set with a solitary appressed bristle. Leaves narrow-lanceolate, apex Fig. 76. Diplycosia pinifolia Starr. Terrestrial shrub, 14 m, on landslide opposite Mesilau East R. Cave, Mt Kinabalu, 1950 m, North Borneo (SLeUMER 4734) (SLEUMER, 1963). 728 FLORA MALESIANA (ser. I, volsi6* short-acuminate, the terminal gland small though somewhat prominent, base attenuate into the pe- tiole, subcoriaceous, glabrous except some scatter- ed blackish points underneath, entire or remotely ciliate-denticulate, (2—)2.3-3.5 cm by 4-6 mm, midrib impressed above, a little raised beneath, nerves obscure; petiole stoutish, 1-2 mm, inserted on a thick leaf-cushion. Flowers axillary, solitary or rarely in twos. Pedicels pubescent, c. 1.5 mm, basal bracts 2 or 3, minute. Bracteoles broad- ovate, glabrous, ciliate. Calyx 2 mm, contracted at the base, glabrous, lobes ovate, obtuse, fimbriate- ciliolate, 1 mm. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, red, 2.5-3 by c. 1.5 mm, glabrous, very shortly 4- (or 5-)lobed. Stamens 8 (rarely 10); filaments linear, inflexed, glabrous, c. 1.5 mm; anthers ovate, saccate at the base, c. 1.5 mm, the short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style filiform, 2.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Lake Poso), twice found. Ecol. On quartzite peaty plateau, 1700-2000 m. FI. Oct., Nov. 68. Diplycosia myrtillus STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 192; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 148. Shrub. Branchlets slender, subterete, striate, glabrous. Branchlets subquadrangular, laxly to subdensely covered with -- appressed, fine, rufes- cent bristles and densely papillose-puberulent. Leaves narrowly elliptic-oblong, subcoriaceous, apex short-acuminate, acute or subobtuse, the terminal gland small, slightly prominent, base cuneate, glabrous and shining above, dull and laxly blackish glandular-punctulate beneath, entire or indistinctly crenulate, the teeth passing into fine, rather early caducous bristles (1 mm), margin slightly revolute, (10—)12-14(-16) by (4—)5-6(-7) mm, midrib impressed above, a little raised beneath in its lower part, nerves obscure; petiole rather slender, rugulose, 1-2 mm. Flowers axillary, mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicels laxly setulose, 3-4 mm, basal bracts c. 3, minute. Bracteoles ovate, glabrous, glandular-ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx c.3mm, glabrous, 5-lobed to the middle, lobes ovate, acute, glandular-ciliolate. Corolla campanulate, base slightly contracted, glabrous, 6 mm, 5-lobed to nearly halfway. Filaments from the dilated base abruptly linear towards the apex, gla- brous,c. 2.5 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, granular, 1.5 mm, the rather short tubules included. Ovary densely yellowish hairy; style 4-5 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu), twice found at 1525-2650 m. Fi. June. 69. Diplycosia rubella SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 148; Blumea 11 (1961) 8. Terrestrial or epiphytic shrub. Branchlets (very) slender, terete, greyish brownish corticate, laxly setulose, toward the subangular tips more densely patently or subappressedly rufous-setulose (bristles 1-1.5 mm, gland-tipped initially) and densely patent-puberulent. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, sub- falcate-caudate-acuminate towards the apex, acute, the terminal gland small, base broadly cuneate into the petiole, firmly subcoriaceous, glabrous and somewhat shining above, dull and + laxly clad with subappressed bristles especially along the midrib, margin subrevolute, subentire, the teeth indicated by bristles which persist for a long time, 4-6 by 1-1.6 cm, triplinerved, midrib distinctly impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves very slightly sunken above only; petiole grooved, short setose, 2-3 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary orintwos. Pedicels stoutish, with several small basal bracts, glabrous 5-8 mm at anthesis, (9—)10-12 mm in fruit. Bracteoles cup-like, ovate-acuminate, sub- acute, glabrous dorsally, puberulous at the apex, very shortly subglandular-ciliolate or -fimbriate, 1.5 mm. Calyx campanulate, 2.5 mm, 5-lobed to nearly 24, lobes ovate-subacuminate, glabrous dorsally, glandular-fimbriate. Corolla broadly ur- ceolate, but slightly contracted at the mouth, red, glabrous, c. 6 mm long in all, c. 3 mmg@ in the lower third, lobes reflexed, c. 1.5 mm. Filaments broadly linear below, becoming almost filiform and dis- tinctly S-curved upwards, c. 2 mm; anthers 2.5 mm long in all, cells ovate-oblong, base obtuse, recurv- ed, passing into the narrow tubules which are as long as the cells. Ovary with some hairs on the top, glabrous otherwise; style glabrous, 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central W. Sumatra (NW. slope of Mt Talamau (= Mt Ophir) and Mt Sago near Pajakumbuh), in mossy forest, 1700-1950 m. Fl. May, Dec. 70. Diplycosia lancifolia Ripi. J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 39 (1903) 15; Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 214; SLeum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 149. var. lancifolia. Shrub. Branches divaricate, subterete, dark brown-violaceous-corticate. Branchlets greyish, tips brownish when dry, subdensely clad with rufous patent slender bristles (2 mm) and a fine spreading puberulence. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, apex gradually acuminate, the very apex + obtuse by the terminal, rather thick and slightly protrud- ing gland, base broad-attenuate, coriaceous, mature ones shining and glabrous above, laxly setulose at the midrib and/or the lower part of the lamina, furthermore blackish punctulate beneath, margin entire or nearly so, with scattered, longish, cadu- cous fine bristles, 3-5(—6.5) by 0.8—-1.2(-1.7) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath mostly in the lower half only, nerves 1-2 pairs from or from somewhat above the base of the lamina, high curved-ascendent to the top, very slightly impressed above or rather inconspicuous, obscure beneath; petiole setulose, 2-3 mm. Flowers axillary, mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicels slender, nodding, at anthesis S—7(-9) mm, up to 10 mm in later stages, subdensely + patently glandular-setulose. Bracteoles ovate, acute, keeled, slightly hairy in the upper half, glabrous elsewhere, glandular-fimbriate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx 3 mm, attenuate at the base, all over densely shortly red- hairy, lobes 4-5, ovate, acute, glandular-fimbriate, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate, glabrous, pale greenish, c. 5 by 2.5 mm, shortly 4- or 5-lobed. Stamens 10, July 1967] rarely 8; filaments linear, a little dilated above the base, glabrous, c. 2 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, granular, 1 mm; tubules slender, 1 mm. Ovary slightly hairy; style 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (W. Pahang: Kluang Kerbang, a subsidiary peak of Mt Benom), once found. var. calyescens SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 149. Leaves more ovate-lanceolate, (3.5—)4.5-6.5 by (0.9-)1.1-1.7 cm, equally setulose beneath. Calyx slightly muriculate dorsally, otherwise glabrous. Distr. Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Pahang: Mt Tahan, W of Teku Valley), once found in forest near stream, 1370 m. Fi. Sept. 71. Diplycosia pilosa BL. Bijdr. (1826) 858; DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 591; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1055; NIEDENZU, Bot. Jahrb. 11 (1889) 171, t. IV, f. 1 (anat. fol.); Koorp.-ScHuM. Syst. Verz. 1 (1912) fam. 233, p. 107; Koorp. Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 8; BAcK. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg II, 12 (1913) 15; J.J. S.in K. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 127; Amsu. in Back. Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7 (1948) fam. 162, p. 6; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 149. — Gaultheria pilosa (BL.) ZOLL. Nat. Geneesk. Arch. N. 1. 2 (1845) 9; ENDL. ex Mor. Syst. Verz. (1846) 42; ZOLL. Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138; Mia. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1863) 40. — Amphicalyx pilosa BL. Fl. Jav. Pl. inéd. (1863-83) t. 9. Epiphytic shrub, 1-2 m. Branches elongate, hanging, ramose, rather slender. Branchlets slender, terete, densely covered at the tips with fine, yellow, short hairs and much longer (2-3 mm), coarse, + spreading, rusty, minutely gland-tipped bristles, which become dark-fuscous at their bases. Leaves ovate or long-ovate, apex + caudate-acuminate, acute, the terminal gland small, base rounded or mostly so, very shortly contracted into the petiole, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, deep green and shin- ing above, paler and dull beneath, very young ones laxly to subdensely covered with long, appressed, rufous bristles on both faces, mature ones glabrous above, -+- persistently setose beneath especially on the midrib and in the lower part of the lamina, finally + glabrescent or minutely blackish punctu- late all over the undersurface, margin somewhat re- volute in dry specimens, minutely crenulate and + persistently setulose-ciliate, 3.5-6.5 by 1-2.4(-4) cm, triplinerved, midrib strongly impressed the entire length above, manifestly raised beneath, nerves running near the leaf-margin to the top, slightly sunken above, obscure beneath, other nerves or transverse veins higher from the midrib (4-6 pairs) minutely impressed above, or + in- conspicuous on both faces; petiole stoutish, terete, grooved, setulose, 3—5 mm. Flowers axillary, most- ly solitary, sometimes in twos, occasionally also in threes in other axils of the same specimen. Pedicel rather slender, nodding, +- densely covered with + appressed, crisped, setose, and rufous hairs initially, finally glabrescent, 3—5(-7) mm, basal bracts small. Bracteoles ovate-obtuse, gla- brous dorsally, ciliolate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx glabrous, yellow-brown, c. 4.5 mm, lobes ovate-acuminate, ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 729 subacute, glandular-ciliate, 2.5-3 mm. Corolla broadly cylindric or subcampanulate, contracted at the base, glabrous, greenish, 7-8 by 3-4 mm, lobes recurved, c. 2 mm. Filaments linear, some- what dilated above the base, glabrous, S-curved, c. 3 mm; anther-cells oblong-ovate, granular, c. 1.7 mm; tubules slender, c. 1.7 mm. Ovary gla- brous, or rarely with some scattered hairs on the top; style 6 mm. Fruit + obovoid, up to 11 by 9 mm, first green, then grey-bluish to lead-coloured, finally blue-blackish, the proper capsule green. Distr. Malesia: W. Java (from Banten to the Preanger Mts). Ecol. In rain-forest and mossy forest, locally common, 1200-2200 m. Fi. Sept.-Dec. Vern. Kilai gédai bulu, S. 72. Diplycosia caudatifolia SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 150; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 149. — D. heterophylla (non BL.) STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 192; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464. Small epiphytic shrub, 1.2—1.5(—-2) m. Branches -+ pendent, subterete, glabrous. Branchlets very slender, angular, brownish when dry, densely covered with a fine, spreading puberulence, more- over whether or not provided with scattered short bristles at the tips. Leaves lanceolate-ovate, apex caudate-acuminate, often somewhat falcate, acute, the terminal gland very small, base broadly attenuate to rounded, firmly chartaceous to sub- coriaceous, margin slightly revolute, entire or nearly so, sometimes with a few + persistent marginal bristles, (2.5—)3—5(-6) by (1—)1.2-1.7 (-2.1) cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves 1-2 pairs from and somewhat from above the base of the lamina, i.e. 3—5-plinerv- ed to the top, nerves slightly sunken above or raised beneath, often -+- inconspicuous as are other higher nerves or veins, raising straight from the upper half of the midrib; petiole glabrous, grooved, 2-3 mm. Flowers axillary, mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicel slender, rufescent-papillose or nearly glabrous, c. 2 mm at anthesis. Bracteoles ovate, glandular-ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx attenuate at the base, c. 3.5 mm, glabrous or very slightly puberulous, lobes ovate, glandular-ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla urceolate, cream to whitish, sometimes purpurascent especially at the limb, 4 by 2.5 mm, lobes short, 0.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2.5 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, granular, 1.5—2 mm including the very short tubules. Ovary gla- brous; style 2 mm. Fruit reported both as cream or white and dark purple, c. 4 mm 9, fruit-pedicel c. 4mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In low mossy jungle, 2100-3050 m. Fi. April-June. 73. Diplycosia memecyloides Starr, Trans. Linn. Soc. I, Bot. 4 (1894) 194; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464 p.p.; Heine in Fedde, Rep. 54 (1951) 245; SLteum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 149; Blumea 12 (1963) 122. Shrub, 1-3 m, rarely treelet up to 5 m, generally a large epiphyte. Branches greyish brownish 730 FLORA MALESIANA corticate, striate. Branchlets terete, pale brown, with shedding thin bark in the older parts, angular and papillose-puberulous in the young shoots. Leaves ovate-elliptic, apex rather abruptly or shortly acutely subcaudate-acuminate, not rarely somewhat falcate, the terminal gland small, base attenuate into the petiole or sometimes nearly rounded, rather fleshy-subcoriaceous to coria- ceous, glabrous and + shining above, rather dull and laxly mostly -+- obscurely punctulate beneath, finally completely glabrous, margin sometimes slightly revolute, entire, (4-)5-8 by (1.5—)2.5—4 cm, 5—7-plinerved from and somewhat from above the base, midrib impressed above, manifestly prominent beneath, 2-3 outer pairs of nerves curved-ascending to the top of the lamina, slightly impressed above, -++ raised beneath, other nerves less distinct, shorter and pinnate from the upper part of the midrib; petiole stoutish, grooved, 4-6(-8) mm. Flowers axillary, mostly 3—4(—6) per fascicle, occasionally only 2 or 1 in other axils of the same specimen. Pedicels stoutish, rather densely clothed with fine, yellowish hairs and some short thicker, + crisped, brownish ones, at anthesis (3-)4-6 mm, glabrescent and a little accrescent in fruit, basal bracts few, small. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, keeled, short-hairy along the midrib or glabrescent, ciliate and shortly glandular-fimbriate, 1.5—2 mm. Calyx c. 4mm, glabrous, rugulose, lobes ovate, glandular-ciliolate and -fimbriate, c. 2.5 mm. Corolla campanulate, green to whitish green or cream, glabrous, 6 mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, reflex- ed, 1.5-2 mm. Filaments linear, slightly dilated towards the base, glabrous, curved in the upper half, 3 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, granular, 1.5 mm; tubules slender, 1.5 mm. Ovary mostly laxly hairy on top, sometimes glabrous; style 4-5 mm. Fruit 4-5 mm @, blue-blackish. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In mossy (Tristania-) forest, 915-2900 m. Fi. fr. Febr.-Aug. 74. Diplycosia gracilipes J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 1 (1920) 407, t. 54; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 150. Shrub. Branchlets often elongate, the young red- brown shoots angular, papillose-puberulous, occasionally with some short gland-tipped bristle- like hairs. Leaves subspathulate-obovate, apex rounded, sometimes slightly retuse, the terminal gland thick, protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, sparsely minutely blackish punctulate on both faces especially beneath, obscurely crenulate towards the apex, or nearly entire, flat, 1.4-3 by 0.6-1.5 cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, obscurely impressedly triplinerved, nerves sometimes hardly visible above, mostly slightly raised beneath; petiole grooved, muriculate, 2-4 mm. Flowers mostly solitary, sometimes in twos, rarely in threes. Pedicels sub- filiform, minutely laxly clavate-muriculate, 1.2-2.6 cm. Bracteoles broadly triangular to semi-orbicular, obtuse, puberulous and _ glandular-muriculate dorsally, ciliolate, c. 1 mm. Calyx c. 3 mm, puberulous, lobes triangular, subacute, margin (ser. I, vol. 65 glandular-muriculate and ciliolate, 1.8 mm. Corolla campanulate, white, glabrous, c. 1 cm, lobes obtuse, c. 3 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat dilated at the base, papillose, 3 mm; anther-cells oblong, inflexed at the base, 2 mm; tubules rather broad, nearly 1 mm. Ovary glabrous; style c. 7 mm. Distr. Malesia: SW. Central Celebes (Mt Sinadji, N of Makale and Rantepao). Fil. Nov. 75. Diplycosia celebensis J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 1 (1920) 406, t. 53; Bot Jahrb. 68 (1937) 205; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 150. Shrub or treelet, up to 3 m. Branches virgate. Branchlets trigonous, greyish corticate, younger parts brownish reddish, tips densely patently papillose-puberulous, sometimes with some + scattered bristle-like short hairs, which are slightly clavate or gland-tipped, no true bristles present. Leaves various in shape (also in the same specimen), lanceolate-elliptic or obovate-elliptic to obovate, apex broad-acuminate to rounded, the terminal gland thickish, distinctly prominent, base + cuneate, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, glabrous and mostly a little shining above, laxly blackish punctulate and + dull beneath, very slightly revolute at the somewhat cartilaginous margin, minutely glandular-crenulate, with some marginal + caducous bristles, practically entire, (1.5—)2—5.3 by 0.7—2.5 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, + flat beneath, nerves 2-3 pairs ascendent, very slightly sunken above, + raised beneath; petiole grooved, glabrescent, 2-4(-6) mm. Flowers 2-3 (—5) per fascicle, occasionally also solitary in the same specimen. Pedicels rather stoutish, laxly puberulous and with some short crisped glandular hairs, 1.5—3 mm at anthesis, glabrescent and up to 6 mm in fruit. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, muriculate- fimbriate and ciliolate, c. 1 mm. Calyx contracted at the base, c. 2.5 mm, glabrous or nearly so, lobes ovate, subacute, glandular-muriculate or fimbri- ate, 1.5 mm. Corolla subcampanulate or broad- tubular, white, glabrous, 6-7 mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, reflexed, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, slightly curved, papillose, 3.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, granular, 1.5 mm; tubules rather narrow, 1.5 mm. Ovary glabrous; style c. 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: SW. Central Celebes (Latimod- jong Ra.: Mt Sinadji; Mt Batuding; Mt Tinabang; Mt Pokapindjang). Ecol. In low bush on ridge, 2400-3000 m. Fi. June, Nov. Note. The leaves are said to smell strongly of anise after bruising. 76. Diplycosia haemantha SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 150. Small shrub, whether or not epiphytic. Branches greyish corticate. Branchlets slender, red-brown, laxly clothed with + appressed slender bristles and more densely with fine, spreading short hairs. Leaves elliptic or obovate-elliptic, sometimes obov- ate or oblong-elliptic, apex broad-acuminate to rounded, the terminal gland rather thick and promi- nent, base cuneate into the petiole, subcoria- ceous to coriaceous, firm, margin paler and cartila- EE July 1967] ginous, crenulate in the upper part of the lamina, the teeth initially ciliate, or subentire, or entire, glabrous above, laxly blackish punctulate beneath by the remaining bases of early caducous bristles, 1.42.5 (—3.5) by (0.8—)1—1.5 cm, midrib impressed above, nearly flat beneath, nerves obscure; petiole thickish, rugulose, laxly setulose, 2(-3) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, or rarely in twos, occa- sionally also in threes. Pedicels slender, nodding, subglabrous, 6—-8(-10) mm. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, + connate, ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx c.3 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, obtuse, very shortly glan- dular-muriculate or -fimbriate, c. 2 mm. Corolla urceolate, glabrous, blood red, 6.5 mm, shortly 5-lobed. Filaments linear, glabrous, 4 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, echinulate, 1.8 mm, the broad and short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 3 mm. Fruit blackish, c. 4 mmg. Distr. Malesia: Celebes (E. Peninsula: N. spur of Mt Lumut; SE. Peninsula: Mt Watuwila). Ecol. In rain-forest, c. 1500 m. F/. March, Sept. 77. Diplycosia minutiflora SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 151. Shrub, 2 m. Branches subangular, much bran- ched distally. Branchlets erect, angular, stiff, greyish corticate in the older, brown-red and den- sely papillose-puberulous in the younger parts. Leaves obovate-elliptic or obovate, apex veryshort- ly and broadly attenuate to rounded, the terminal gland thick and prominent, base broad-cuneate into the petiole, subcoriaceous, glabrous and shining above, dull and rather densely minutely blackish punctate beneath, margin slightly revolute and minutely impressed-crenulate, seem- ingly entire, 1.5-3 by 0.9-1.7 cm, midrib slightly immersed above, prominent beneath only in its lower half, nerves in 2-3 pairs, the suprabasal pair high curved-ascendent to the top, the upper ones shorter and less curved, all faintly impressed above, + inconspicuous beneath. Petiole stoutish, 2-3 mm. Flowers 3-6 per fascicle. Pedicels rather slender, + densely shortly crisped-yellowish hairy, 3-5 mm. Bracteoles ovate, subacute, hairy in the middle externally, ciliolate, 0.8 mm. Calyx con- tracted at the base, glabrous, 2 mm, lobes ovate, subacute, glandular-fimbriate, 1 mm. Corolla tubular, white, glabrous, 3.5 by c. 1.8 mm, lobes erect, 0.6 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 1.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1 mm, gradually passing into the tubules; tubules narrow, 1 mm. Ovary rather densely yellowish hairy; style 2—2.5 mm. Fruit red. Distr. Malesia: N. Central Celebes (near Poso), 1800 m, in open forest, on flat, peaty-swampy quartzite ground, scattered, but rather common there. One collection. F/. June. 78. Diplycosia kemulensis J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg Ill, 13 (1935) 459; SLteum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 151. Epiphytic shrub. Branches stoutish, terete. Branchlets rather short, angular, reddish when dry, covered with a fine papillose puberulence in the youngest parts, otherwhere glabrescent. Leaves ERICACEAE (Sleumer) wt oblong-cuneate or obovate, apex broadly obtusely attenuate or mostly rounded, sometimes retuse, the terminal gland rather thick and + protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, stiff-coriaceous, glabrous above, laxly minutely punctate beneath, margin distinctly cartilaginous, ++ revolute, entire or obsoletely crenulate especially towards the apex of the lamina, (1.8—)2.5-4.5 by (0.7—)1—2.5(-2.8) cm, -+ triplinerved, midrib narrowly sunken above, shallowly and more broadly so beneath, nerves faintly impressed above; petiole grooved, glabrous, reddish when dry, 2-3 mm. Flowers 2 or 3, rarely up to 5 per fascicle, occasionally solitary. Pedicels rather slender, puberulous, c. 4 mm. Bracteoles ovate, subacuminate, + puberulous dorsally, muriculate-ciliate, 1 mm. Ca/yx turbinate-contract- ed at the base, glabrous, c. 2 mm, 4-lobed halfway, lobes triangular, obtuse, muriculate- or clavate- ciliate. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, glabrous, light rose to nearly white, 3 by 2.5 mm, the 4 short lobes recurved. Stamens 8; filaments S-curved, linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, echinulate, c. 1.5 mm, the broad and short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style c. 1 mm. Fruit depressed-globose, c. 3.5 mm4@, first whitish, finally light blue. Distr. Malesia: Central East Borneo (top of Mt Kemul), once found.. Ecol. In primary forest, 1850 m. Fi. Oct. 79. Diplycosia rosmarinifolia SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 156; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 151. — Fig. 77d. Shrub, 3-5 m. Branches terete; bark dark, peel- ing off. Branchlets verruculose by the thickened, cushion-like leaf-scars, tips brown when dry, completely glabrous. Leaves linear, elongate, apex obtuse, with a distinct blackish and protruding terminal gland, base attenuate into the petiole, co- riaceous, glabrous, entire, shining above, (3—)5—7.5 cm by 1.5—3 mm, midrib impressed above the entire length, nerves indistinct; petiole rugose, 1-2 mm, nearly as thick as the lamina. Flowers 3—5S(—6) per fascicle. Pedicels only seen in the immature fruit, then 4-6(—7) mm, laxly shortly patent-hairy, basal bracts 2 or 3, minute, scarious. Bracteoles broad- ovate, ciliolate, 1 mm. Ca/yx 3 mm in immature fruit, minutely verruculose dorsally, lobes ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, c. 1.5 mm. Developed ovary glabrous; style 2 mm. Immature fruit green or with purplish tinge, c. 3.5 mm go. Mature fruit said to be finally dark blue. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu), once found. Ecol. On rock crest or ridge, c. 1980 m. Fr. July. 80. Diplycosia apiculifera J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 35 (1934) 296; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 151. Shrub or small tree. Branchlets angular, brown- ish when young, glabrous. Leaves obovate, apex obtuse or mostly rounded, the terminal gland thick and protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, rather shining above, + dull beneath, glabrous, but laxly minutely punctate beneath, impressed-punctulate in the + revolute margin, practically entire, 2.5-6 by (1.1-)2-3 cm, midrib FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 65 R56 G d Fig. 77. Leaves or shoots of Diplycosia spp., all nat. size. — a. D. sphenophylla SLEUM., two leaves. — b. D. amboinensis Becc., three leaves. — c. D. acuminata BECC., two leaves. — d. D. rosmarinifolia SLEUM., two leaves. — e. D. stenophylla SLEUM., two leaves. — f. D. ciliolata Hoox. f. — g. D. elliptica RIDL. — A. D. rupicola SLeuM. — i. D. microphylla BEcc., i’—i’’. two different leaves. — j. D. filipes SLEUM. —k. D. cinnabarina SLEUM., two leaves (a CLEMENS 40007, b Beccart herb. nr. 5766, c BECCARI P. B. 3941, d CLEMENS 34205, e Steup 10, f CLEMENS 32376, g BANGHAM 976, h NGF 5188 WoOMERSLEY, i’—i’” BECCARI P. B. 2931, j EyMA 1409, k VAN STEENIS 8428). impressed above, strongly raised beneath, 3—5- plinerved, nerves slightly impressed above, + in- conspicuous beneath; petiole semiterete, grooved, stout, glabrous, 3-4(-5) mm. Flowers 1 or 2 per axil. Pedicels rather stoutish, sparsely muriculate, (7—)9-13 mm, basal bracts few, small. Bracteoles Ovate-acuminate, glabrous, muriculate-ciliate, c. 2mm. Calyx rather abruptly attenuate at the base, c. 6mm, lobes erect, subovate, acuminate, muricu- late-verruculose dorsally, with an apical tuft of very short hairs, c. 4 mm. Corolla + tubular, somewhat contracted at the base and slightly widened towards the mouth, glabrous, rose or white, 9-11 by c. 5 mm (in the middle), lobes recurved, c. 2 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, c. 8 mm; anther-cells oblong, c. 2 mm; tubules narrow, 1.8 mm. Ovary sparsely brownish hairy; style 9 mm. Fruit said to be dull purplish blue. Distr. Malesia: Central W. Sumatra (once on Mt Singalang; otherwise from Mt Kerintji and Mt Talakmau = Mt Ophir). Ecol. In forest, ‘résam’ (= Gleichenia) zone, occasionally epiphytic, 2000-2950 m. Fi. April- June, fr. Aug. 81. Diplycosia pittosporifolia J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 460; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 152. var. pittosporifolia. Shrub. Branchlets obtusangular, dilutely brown corticate, bark shedding early in thin brown flakes, younger parts laxly set with small, darker, wart-like lenticels but no hairs or bristles, young shoots not seen. Leaves elliptic, apex broad- attenuate, subacuminate to obtuse, the terminal gland thick, protruding, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, shining above, dull beneath, mature ones glabrous, but sparsely blackish punc- tate beneath, very young ones laxly short-setose beneath, minutely impressed-crenulate along the entire, + revolute margin, (5.5—)8-11 by (2—)3-5 cm, midrib slightly grooved above, strongly raised beneath, nerves in 4-6 pairs rather steeply ascend- ing, curved and anastomosing, somewhat promi- nen in both faces, reticulation rather coarse, slightly raised on both faces especially above; petiole stout, rugose, grooved above, glabrous, 1-2.2 cm. Flowers (2—)3-4 per fascicle. Pedicels stout, laxly to subdensely longish (1-1.3 mm) + patently glandular-setulose, 8-11 mm, basal bracts numerous, ovate-acuminate, c. 2 mm. Bracteoles orbicular-ovate, glabrous dorsally, glandular-ciliate, 2-2.5 mm. Calyx c. 4 mm, gla- brous, lobes ovate-triangular, obtuse, glandular- ciliate, 3 mm. Corolla narrow-campanulate, gla- brous, greenish or greenish white, with brownish July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 733 spots on both surfaces, rather fleshy, c. 8 mm, lobes ovate-triangular, obtuse, c. 2.5 mm. Fila- ments linear, slightly wavy, glabrous, c. 3 mm; anther-cells oblong, base cordate, echinulate, c. 2 mm; tubules straight, rather abruptly attenuate, 1 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 4.5 mm. Fruit purplish to blackish. Distr. Malesia: Central East Borneo (top of Mt Kemul), once found. Ecol. In primary forest on steep slope and humus, 1800 m. Fi. Oct. var. punctiloba SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 152; Blumea 11 (1961) 8. Differs by densely setose branchlets, nerves which are slightly impressed above, and pedicels more densely patent-glandular-setulose, 1.2—1.5 cm. Corolla greenish white or pink tinged, dotted dark red inside except near margin. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In low jungle, also epiphytic, 2100-2745 m. apparently rare. F/. March, June. 82. Diplycosia retusa SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 156; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 152. Shrub, apparently epiphytic. Branchlets slender, laxly foliate, glabrous. Leaves obovate, apex rounded, the terminal gland thick and + promi- nent, base cuneate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, entire or with some minute impressed glandular crena- tions on the subcartilaginous margin, 3-4 by 1.5—2 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, some- what raised beneath, nerves in 1-2 pairs ascendent from and from above the base of the lamina, high- curved, anastomosing, rather obscure or very little sunken above, faintly raised beneath; petiole 4-5 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels very slender, glabrous, 1.5 cm. Bracteoles ovate, glabrous, 1 mm. Calyx glabrous, 5-lobed to nearly the base, lobes deltoid, acutish, 2.5 mm, glandular-ciliate. Corolla elongate-campanulate, 10 mm, apparently white, glabrous, lobes 3 mm. Filaments wavy, linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells 1.5 mm; tubules 1 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central Celebes (Topapu Mts), once found, 1300-1700 m. Fi. Sept. 83. Diplycosia sanguinolenta SLeEum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 157; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 152. Epiphytic shrub, 1-2 m. Branches 6-8 mm g, nodose. Branchlets stoutish, obtusangular, reddish brownish, glabrous, rather shining. Leaves elliptic, apex broadly acuminate to rounded, obtuse, some- times emarginate, the terminal gland thick, pro- truding as a distinct apiculus, base broad-attenu- ate into the petiole, very coriaceous and rigid, gla- brous above, laxly punctate beneath, entire, margin + revolute especially towards the base of the lami- na, 9-14(—17) by 5—8(—9.5) cm, midrib + distinctly grooved above, robust and prominent beneath, nerves one pair from the base, another from the lower third of the midrib, all steeply curved- ascending to the top, impressed above, very promi- nent beneath, 2-3 pairs of other nerves or transverse veins from the upper half of the midrib mostly faintly visible, or entirely obscure; petiole 1.2-1.5 by 0.3-0.4 cm. Flowers 3-5 per axil. Pedicels stoutish, shortly subpatently and densely brownish hirtellous, 5—7(-9) mm, basal bracts narrow-ovate, pubescent, up to 2 mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, keeled, obtuse, pubescent dorsally, glandular-ciliate, 2 by 2-2.5 mm. Calyx 5 mm, rugulose, glabrous or with some scattered very short glandular hairs, 5-lobed halfway, lobes ovate, subacute, glandular-ciliate. Corolla nearly tubular, or narrow-campanulate, somewhat dilated towards the limb, bright red to blood red, fleshy, glabrous, 13-15 by c. 4.5 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat dilate at the base, S-curved in the upper part, 8 mm; anther-cells oblong, base curved, granular, c. 4 mm; tubules c. 2 mm. Ovary glabrous; style ex- serted, 12 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In steep forest or jungle ridge, 1525-1830 m. Fi. March-June. 84. Diplycosia sphenophylla SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 158; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 152; Blumea 12 (1964) 343. — Fig. 77a. Shrub, 0.6—-2.5 m, rarely a treelet, sometimes epiphytic. Branches dark, provided with the rem- nants of the thick leaf-cushions. Branchlets brownish and entirely glabrous. Leaves elongate- spathulate, widest in the upper third, apex rounded- obtuse or mostly slightly retuse, with a markedly protracted dark and thick terminal gland, base gradually attenuate into a thick, rugulose, 2-3 mm long petiole, coriaceous, stiff, margin subcartilagi- nous and revolute, (1.8—)4-6.5 by (0.3—)0.8-1.2 (-1.6) cm, midrib grooved above over the entire length, broadened and rather flat beneath, one pair of basal nerves running along the edge, very slightly impressed above, obsolete beneath, other upper nerves 1-2 on each side, faintly impressed or mostly inconspicuous. Flowers axillary, (2—)3 (—5) per fascicle. Pedicels rather slender, laxly to subdensely very shortly and patently hairy, 5-6 mm, basal bracts minute. Bracteoles broad-ovate, all over very shortly hairy, ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx c. 4 mm, glabrous, minutely verruculose, lobes ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla subglobose- urceolate, 4 by 3 mm, rather fleshy, pink, glabrous, very shortly 5-lobed. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2 mm; anther-cells 1 mm; tubules 0.6 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 1.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In mossy ridge forest, -+- open places, 1220-2230 m. Fi. April-Aug. 85. Diplycosia rubidiflora J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 30 (1932) 172; SLeuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 154. Epiphytic or terrestrial shrub. Branchlets robust, angular, older parts greyish corticate, younger ones brownish, glabrous. Leaves broadly elliptic to obovate-elliptic, or suborbicular, sometimes obov- vate, apex broad-attenuate, obtuse to rounded, rarely subemarginate, the terminal gland thick and prominent, base shortly cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous, but laxly punctulate beneath, shining above, rather dull beneath, entire, margin 734 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° revolute, 5-7(-8) by (3—)3.5-5(—5.8) cm, midrib grooved above, manifestly prominent beneath, nerves 3—4(—5) pairs, slightly curved towards the edge, -- anastomosing, mostly somewhat impress- ed above, raised beneath, reticulation rather in- conspicuous above; petiole canaliculate, rugulose, 3-5 by 2 mm. Flowers 3-8(—15) per fascicle. Pedicels stoutish, rusty -tomentulose, 5—8 mm, basal bracts numerous, ovate acute, pubescent, c. 1.5 mm. Bracteoles suborbicular-ovate, obtuse, rusty- pubescent dorsally, 1.5 by 2mm. Calyx 3.5-4 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate-acuminate, subacute, ciliate and glandular-muriculate, c. 2 mm. Corolla campanulate, light brown to fallow red, glabrous, 7-8 mm, lobes c. 2 mm. Filaments linear, somewhat dilated in the middle only, papillose in the upper half, c. 3 mm; anthers oblong, echinulate, 2.8 mm, the very short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 6 mm. Distr. Malesia: SW. Celebes (Peak of Bonthain). Ecol. In forest or scrub forest, 1900-2600 m. Fl. June, July. 86. Diplycosia urceolata Starr, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 194; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 465; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 153; Blumea 12 (1963) 122. — D. coriifolia SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 152; — Fig. 78d. Epiphytic or terrestrial subscandent shrub, 1—5 m. Branchlets thick, nodose, subterete, with large scars of the fallen leaves, tips obtusangular, reddish brown, completely glabrous. Leaves elliptic or mostly oblong-obovate to elliptic-obovate, apex subacuminate to rounded, sometimes emarginate, apiculate by a thickish gland, base cuneate into the petiole, stiff-coriaceous, thick, dark glossy green and glabrous above, rather dull and minutely blackish punctate beneath, margin slightly recurv- ed and impressed-crenulate, each crenulation provided with a short, + early caducous bristle- like hair, (5—)6-10(-11) by (2.5—)3.5—5(—7.5) cm, 5(—7)-plinerved, midrib and nerves sunken above, markedly raised beneath, the lowest 1-2 pairs of nerves from, the following upper 1-2 pairs a little from above the base of the lamina, all high curved- ascending and anastomosing at the top, other higher nerves or transversal veins from the upper half of the midrib, rather obscure; petiole glabrous, 1-1.3 cm by 2-3 mm. Flowers (3—)5-7 per axil. Pedicels rather stoutish, densely shortly -+- patently tufescent-hairy, with a few glandular muriculate hairs between, 4-6 mm at anthesis, up to 1 cm in fruit, basal bracts ovate-acuminate, hairy, 1-1.5 mm. Bracteoles semi-orbicular-ovate, obtuse, densely short-hairy dorsally, ciliate, c. 1.5 by 2mm. Calyx greenish, c. 2.5 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, obtuse, short-fimbriate and ciliate, c. 1.5 mm, -4 spreading. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, limb and base contracted, the middle ventricose, fleshy, of a translucent white to pinkish, sometimes purplish, glabrous, (4-)5—6.5(-8) mm high and g, lobes spreading, 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, in- flexed below the anthers, c. 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, very granular, c. 2.8 mm, the very short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 3-4 mm. Fruit light purple when ripe, c. 3 mm g. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In mossy forest and on open exposed crest, even creeping on rocks, 2135-3350 m. Fi. fr. March-Aug. 87. Diplycosia lysolepis SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 209; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 152. Epiphytic shrub. Branchlets angular, older parts decorticating in thin longish flakes, very young ones red-brown, glabrous, Leaves elliptic to obo- vate-elliptic, apex very broadly attenuate to nearly rounded, the terminal gland thick and prominent, base cuneate into the petiole, rigidly chartaceous to coriaceous, glabrous and somewhat shining above, rather dull and minutely laxly punctulate beneath, entire, 4-5.5 by (2—)2.2—3 cm, 5-plinerved, midrib impressed above, a little raised beneath, nerves mostly somewhat sunken above, not or only very slightly raised beneath; petiole thick, 3-4 mm. Flowers mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicels only seen after anthesis, very shortly and laxly subglandular-hairy, glabrescent, 2-3(-4) mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, glabrous, glandular- ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx glabrous, deeply 5-lobed, lobes deltoid, ciliate. Ovary glabrous. Fruit finally purplish blackish. Distr. Malesia: E. New Guinea (Morobe Distr.: Sattelberg vicinity; Central Distr.: N of Port Moresby). Ecol. In forest, 1150-1980 m. Fi. Sept., Dec. 88. Diplycosia commutata SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 153. — D. urceolata (non STAPF) SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 153, in text. Low terrestrial or epiphytic shrub, rarely treelet. Branchlets subterete, older parts greyish corticate, tips reddish brown when dry, completely glabrous. Leaves oblong to obovate-oblong, apex obtuse or rarely shortly broad-attenuate or slightly emarginate, the terminal gland thick and promi- nent, base rather shortly cuneate into the petiole, + coriaceous, rigid, dark glossy green and glabrous above, dull and laxly blackish punctulate all over the undersurface, entire, margin somewhat carti- laginous and pale, indistinctly impressed-cre- nulate, the crenulations provided with early caducous bristles in the very young leaf, slightly or not revolute, (3.5-)4-6(-7) by (0.8—)1-1.8 (-2.5) cm, 3-5-plinerved, midrib distinctly impressed above, or prominent beneath, the lowest pairs of plinerves somewhat from above the base of the lamina, high curved-ascending to the top, other nerves pinnately from the midrib and + curved, all -- manifestly impressed above, but sometimes only faintly so, nearly inconspicuous beneath; pe- tiole glabrous, 2-4 by 0.6-1 mm. Flowers solitary or in twos in the upper axils, 3(-4) per fascicle in the lower ones. Pedicels laxly clad with short, glandular hairs or fine bristles, otherwise very short pubescent, orrather glabrous,at anthesis 2-3 mm, alittle accres- cent in fruit, basal bracts few, minute. Bracteoles ovate, obtuse, glabrous, subglandular-ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx 2 mm, deeply 5-lobed, lobes ovate, obtuse, shortly subglandular-fimbriate. Corolla subglo- July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 735 jillian phe h YD); 5 \e GC 756 Fig. 78. Leaf types of Diplycosia spp., all x 4. — a. D. ensifolia Merr. — b. D. cinnamomifolia Stapr. — c. D. penduliflora Starr. — d. D. urceolata Starr. — e. D. kinabaluensis STAPF. (a CLEMENS 32239, b CLEMENS 33131a, c CLEMENS s.n., d CLEMENS 33189, e CLEMENS 33765). bose-urceolate, rather fleshy, 3-4.5 by 2.5 mm, white (pinkish in bud), lobes 0.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, slightly inflexed below, c. 3 mm; anthers oblong, +. granular, c. 1.8 mm, the short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 2.5 mm. Fruit subglobose, purplish, c. 3 mm @ when nearly ripe. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In rain-forest, 1300-1525 m. Fl. Jan.-Dec. 89. Diplycosia edulis SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 163, f. 7 H—-M; Sveum. ibid. 72 (1942) 209; Rein- wardtia 4 (1957) 152; Blumea 12 (1963) 122. Epiphytic or terrestrial shrub, up to 1.5 m. Branchlets subangular, greyish corticate below, tips reddish to brown red, completely glabrous. Leaves generally obovate-elliptic to obovate, apex broadly attenuate to rounded, in alpine forms more elliptic, the terminal gland thick and promi- nee FLORA MALESIANA [ser. 1) volngé® nent, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, some- what shining above, +- dull beneath, glabrous, or sometimes laxly punctate beneath, margin slightly to distinctly recurved, the glandular-impressed crenations minute, more visible in alpine forms, generally (2.5—)3—5(—7) by 1.5—2.5(—4) cm, alpine forms smaller, 2—3(—4.5) by 1-2 cm, midrib and 1-2 pairs of nerves slightly impressed above, -+ raised beneath, nerves from and from above the base of the lamina, curved-ascendent to the top; petiole thick, 3-5 mm. Flowers solitary, or mostly 2 or 3 per fascicle. Pedicel rather slender, laxly and -+ coarsely muriculate, (5—)7—-12 mm. Bracte- oles broad-ovate, glabrous, ciliolate, 1 mm. Calyx turbinate, purplish, glabrous, 3 mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Corolla cylindric, white or greenish or pink with whitish lobes, glabrous, 5-6 by c. 3 mm, lobes erect or somewhat spreading, 1 mm. Filaments filiform, glabrous, 3 mm; anther- cells ovate-oblong, echinulate, 2 mm; tubules broad, 0.5 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 4-5 mm. Fruit subglobose, reddish or finally purplish blackish, fleshy, S—7(-12) mm @. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Bismarck Mts; Mt Wilhelmina; Vogelkop Peninsula). Ecol. Epiphytic in forest, or terrestrial in more open mossy forest or in thickets, on peat ridges, (1550—)1900-3225 m, gregarious locally. Fi. Aug.-Jan. Note. Dry material often with fine aromatic smell. 90. Diplycosia lorentzii Koorp. Nova Guinea 8 (1912), S81,.t..54,4. 3 a-e; J. J. S: ibid. 12 (1917) 514; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 209; Reinward- tia 4 (1957) 153; Blumea 11 (1961) 7. — Dimor- phanthera obovata J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 8, quoad folia; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 514; ibid. (1918) t. 208, quoad folia, nom. illeg. (Code § 70). Shrub, 1-3 m. Branchlets early corticate, bark peeling off, glabrous or with very short glandular hairs or stalked glands. Leaves subrotundate- elliptic or + broadly obovate, apex rounded to slightly retuse, apiculate by a thick protruding gland, base nearly rounded to rather abruptly attenuate into the petiole, dark green, dull on both faces, coriaceous, glabrous except some scattered glandular points underneath, margin strongly revolute in dry specimens, 3-5 by 1.5—3(-4) cm, 3—5-plinerved, midrib and nerves impressed above, slightly or not raised beneath; petiole rather thick, 0.5—1 cm. Flowers mostly 3-4 per fascicle, occasion- ally only 2 or 1 in other axils of the same specimen. Pedicels slender, laxly and shortly hairy initially, early glabrescent, 0.7-1.3 cm. Bracteoles ovate, acute, ciliate, 1 mm. Ca/yx turbinate, glabrous, 2.5 mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, slightly contracted at the limb, c. 6 mm, white, glabrous, lobes refiexed, 1 mm. Filaments filiform, glabrous, 3 mm; anthers oblong, echinulate, 0.9 mm; tubules rather slender, 0.9 mm. Ovary glabrous; style 5 mm. Fruit first red, finally nearly blackish, c. 5 mmg. Distr. Malesia: S. New Guinea (Hellwig and Perameles Mts). Ecol. In rain-forest, 1350-1520 m. F/. Nov.-Dec. 91. Diplycosia punctulata STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 193; Merr. En Born. (1921) 465; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 154; Blumea 12 (1963) 122. Shrub or small tree, occasionally epiphytic, up to 6m; stem up to 12 cmg. Branches in open stand spread up to 4.5 m. Branchlets thick, provided with the thick cushions of the fallen leaves, young parts covered with light brown cork, tips obtusangular, glabrous, blackish punctulate. Leaves elliptic, or sometimes oblong-elliptic, apex gradually acumi- nate, subacute to obtuse, the terminal gland thickish, found on the underside of the blade within the margin, base attenuate into the petiole, coriaceous, dark green and but a little glossy above, dull below, subdensely blackish punctulate on both faces, more manifestly or exclusively so underneath, otherwise glabrous, entire, margin rather distinctly revolute, 6-10(-12) by (2—)2.5—5 (-7) cm, midrib impressed above, strongly raised beneath, nerves pinnate, 8-10 pairs, the inferior 1-3 pairs slightly curved especially in the broader leaves, other pairs rather straight and + parallel, manifestly inarching, ++ distinctly impressed above, sharply prominent beneath, veins rather obscure; petiole violet, semiterete, grooved, 6—8(—-12) by 1.5—2 mm. Flowers 4-6 per fascicle, both in the foliate and/or defoliate axils. Pedicels rather stout, laxly to subdensely clad with short substellate, fine yellowish, and some thickish glandular hairs, 4-5 mm, basal bracts ovate-acuminate, 1-1.5 mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, apiculate, hirtellous dor- sally, ciliolate and glandular-ciliate, 1.5 mm. Calyx 4 mm, glabrous or laxly muriculate, lobes ovate, thick-glandular-ciliate and ciliolate, 2.5 mm. Corolla campanulate, greenish to white or cream, glabrous, 5 by 4 mm, lobes reflexed, 2.5 mm. Filaments linear, slightly dilated towards the base, papillose, nearly 3 mm; anther-cells ovate-oblong, echinulate, 2.5 mm, the short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style c. 5 mm, slightly exserted as are the stamens. Fruit cream-green initially, finally purplish blue, 3-4 mmg. ~ Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Crocker Ra.; Mt Kinabalu; Mt Tambuyokon). Ecol. In mossy forest, (1220—)1680-2750 m. Fl. March-Oct. 92. Diplycosia cinnamomifolia STAPF, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4 (1894) 195; Gipps, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 42 (1914) 102; Merr. En. Born. (1921) 464; Cox, Am. Midl. Nat. 40 (1948) 499 (anat.); SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 154; Blumea 12 (1963) 122. — Fig. 78b. Shrub, sometimes climber, whether or not epi- phytic, 0.6-1.5 (—5)m. Branchlets subterete, grey- ish to dark brown-corticate, tips somewhat flattened or angular, brownish, completely gla- brous. Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, apex -+ sub- caudate-acuminate, acute, the terminal gland small, base rounded to subcordate, stiff, leathery and July 1967] fleshy, dark green, glabrous and somewhat above, less shining or dull and subdensely to laxly blackish punctate beneath, entire, margin narrowly cartilaginous, flat, (7—)8-18(-20) by (3.5-)4~7 (-10.5) cm, 5-plinerved from or from a little above the base, midrib impressed above, strongly raised beneath, principal nerves curved-ascendent to the top, the outer pair less visible than the inner one, which is more impressed above and raised beneath, other nerves or transverse veins several from the upper part of the midrib, + transverse to the principal nerves, mostly rather faint; petiole thick, grooved, (6—)8-12 by 1.5-3 mm. Flowers (3—)4-6 per fascicle, mostly in the defoliate axils. Pedicels rather slender, subdensely clothed with short, fine, yellowish hairs, and laxly so with thick, rather short glandular ones, (4-)5—7 mm, basal bracts small. Bracteoles broad-ovate, subacute, dorsally short-hairy, glandular-fimbriate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx c.3 mm, greenish, glabrous or very laxly muriculate dorsally, lobes ovate, subacute, glandular-fimbriate, 1.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, 5 mm, white to pink, waxy, glabrous, lobes reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 2.5 mm; anthers ovate-oblong, granular, c. 1.8 mm, the very short and broad tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 4 mm. Fruit finally purple-black, c. 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In mossy low forest, also on open ser- pentine ridge, locally not rare, 2440—-3440(—3600) m. Fl. Jan.-Dec. 93. Diplycosia ensifolia Merr. J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 76 (1917) 107; En. Born. (1921) 465; SLeum. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 154. — Fig. 78a. Shrub, epiphytic, 60 cm. Branchlets drooping, slender, terete, smooth, early covered with cork which peels off, tips dark brown-purplish when dry, completely glabrous. Leaves elongate-lance- olate, ensiform, slightly inequilateral, apex long- acuminate to caudate, sometimes falcate, the terminal gland small but dinstinct, base short- attenuate to nearly rounded, rather stiff, coriaceous, glabrous, the undersurface punctate by scattered blackish glands, 13—20(—24) by 1.1—1.8(—3.2) cm, widest below the middle, midrib impressed above the entire length, prominent beneath, 1 pair of nerves on each side from somewhat above the base of the lamina, high ascending along the edge nearly to the top, slightly impressed above, sometimes hardly visible, other nerves obsolete; petiole stout, blackish when dry, rugulose, 3-7 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary or in twos, sometimes also 3 or 4 in other axils of the same specimen. Pedicels slender, laxly papillose-puberulous, 4-5 mm, basal bracts minute, scariose. Bracteoles broad- ovate to reniform, ciliolate, 1-1.5 mm. Calyx 3.5 mm, glabrous, lobes ovate, erect, obtuse, glandular- ciliolate, 2 mm. Corolla ventricose-urceolate, contracted towards the base, glabrous, white, tinged with dull lavender or purple, or cream-green, 5 by c. 2 mm, lobes short. Filaments glabrous, linear, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong-ovate, 1.5 mm, the short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 2.5 mm. Fruit blackish when ripe, 4-5 mmo. ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 737 Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol. In forest, 1370-2440 m. Fi. Dec.-March, fr. June-Aug. 94. Diplycosia salicifolia SLEuM. Blumea 12 (1963) 122: Scrambling shrub. Branchlets subterete, striate longitudinally, glabrous. Leaves lanceolate, long to caudately attenuate towards the apex, acute, base cuneate to the petiole, subcoriaceous, laxly punctulate beneath, glabrous otherwise, slightly revolute at the margin which is remotely and finely subserrate-crenulate, 7-12 by 1.2—2 cm, midrib impressed over the entire length above, bluntly prominent beneath, one pair of nerves a little from above the base and high curved-ascendent along the edge, slightly impressed above at least in the lower 24, not much prominent beneath, other nerves or veins -++ obscure; petiole grooved above, 0.6—1 cm by c. 1.5 mm. Fascicles (2—)3—6-flowered. Pedicels rather slender, very shortly hairy besides a few thicker longer subglandular hairs found below the calyx, 7-10 mm. Bracteoles carinate, shortly hairy dorsally. Calyx tube obconical, 2 mm, the lower half hidden by the bracteoles, lobes triangular, blunt, 2 mm, shortly subglandular- fimbriate. Corolla campanulate, broadly opened, thin, greenish white, c. 7 mm long, 5-6 mmg@g at the limb, lobes reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments linear, gla- brous, c. 3 mm; anthers elongate-ovate, much attenuate-acuminate distally, base subcordate, 2.5 mm. Ovary glabrous or with a few hairs around the style, the latter glabrous, slender, 5.5 mm, exserted for c. 2 mm at anthesis. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: summit area of Mt Mulu), once found. Ecol. In montane forest on exposed ridge, at 2010 m, said to occur up to 2200 m, rather rare. Fl. July. 95. Diplycosia viridiflora SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1940) 159; Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 154. var. viridiflora. Shrub, whether or not epiphytic, or small tree, occasionally up to 10 m. Branchlets dark, 5-6 mm @, terete, striate in the older, obtusangular in the younger parts, the thin bark shedding off in flakes, tips completely glabrous. Leaves lanceolate to subovate-oblong-lanceolate, gradually acuminate towards the subacute apex, the terminal gland rather small and not prominent, base broad- attenuate into the petiole, very coriaceous and stiff, glabrous and glossy above, dull and rather laxly blackish punctulate beneath, entire, margin cartilaginous, -+- strongly revolute in dry speci- mens especially in the lower half of the blade, 9-14(-17) by 2.5-4 cm. midrib deeply grooved above, very robust and prominent beneath, tri- plinerved, nerves running along the edge from base to top, slightly impressed above, not visible beneath, other nerves or veins numerous and + straight from the midrib to the marginal nerve, inarching with it, parallel, faintly impressed on both faces, or mostly hardly visible; petiole rugose, 1-1.5 cm by 2-3 mm. Flowers 4-8 per fascicle, 738 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° rarely 3 or 2 on the same specimen, in whether or not defoliate axils. Pedicels rather slender, densely clothed with short, yellowish fine hairs and with short thickened glandular hairs laxly between them, 4-6 mm at anthesis, up to 8 mm in fruit, basal bracts several, subulate, c. 1 mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, acuminate, markedly apiculate by the protruding keel, pubescent dorsally, glandular- ciliate, c. 2 mm. Calyx 5 mm, generally glabrous, occasionally with some very short hairs at the tips of the lobes outside, lobes ovate-acuminate, acute, glandular-ciliate, c. 4 mm. Corolla urceolate, rather fleshy, green, or greenish white outside, purplish inside, glabrous, 6-7 by 3 mm, lobes reflexed, narrow, c. 2 mm. Filaments linear, slightly wavy, glabrous, 3 mm; anther-cells ovate- oblong, granular, 2 mm; tubules very slender, 2 mm. Ovary glabrous; style c. 5 mm. Fruit deep purplish, not seen in mature state. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu). Ecol.In mossy forest or scrub-forest, 1220-1675 m. Fl. March-April. var. megalantha SLEuM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 155. Differs by solitary larger flowers. Calyx 7-8 mm. Corolla 11 mm; style 10 mm. Pedicels 1.5—2 cm. Distr. Malesia: North Borneo (Mt Kinabalu), once found. F/. Aug. 96. Diplycosia heterophylla BL. Bijdr. (1826) 858, incl. var.; DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 591; Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1055; Koorp. Nat. Tijd. N.I. 62 (1902) 255; Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 8; HALL. f. Med. Rijksherb. n. 12 (1912) 28; Koorp.-ScuHum. Syst. Verz. 1 (1912) fam. 233, p. 107; J: J. S. in K. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 131, incl. var. obovata J. J. S. l.c. 135; Koorp. Fl. Tjib. 3 (1918) fam. 233, p. 4; Hocur. Candollea 2 (1925) 494; Sp. Moore, J. Bot. 63 (1925) Suppl. 57; MALME in Fedde, Rep. 34 (1934) 284; Amsu. in Back. Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7 (1948) fam. 162, p. 6, excl. syn. D. latifolia BL.; SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 155. — Gaul- theria heterophylla (BL.) ENDL. ex HAssk. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 160; ZoL_Lt. & Mor. Nat. Ge- neesk. Arch. N.I. 2 (1845) 9; ZoLL. Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138; Mia. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1863) 40. — Amphicalyx heterophyllus (Bu.) Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 160, in syn.; BL. ex Hassk. Pl. Jay. Rar. (1848) 470. — Gaultheria latifolia ENDL. ex ZOLL. Syst. Verz. 2 (1854) 138. — D. latifolia (non Bu.) HALL. f. Med. Rijksherb. n. 12 (1912) 28. — D. bartlettii MERR. Pap. Mich. Ac. Sc. 19 (1933) 182. — Fig. 79-80. var. heterophylla. Shrub or treelet up to 7 m, mostly epiphytic, rarely terrestrial. Branchlets greyish corticate, obtusangular, the young red shoots sometimes with some very short glandular hairs, practically glabrous, mostly a little shining. Leaves hetero- morphous, not rarely variously shaped in the same specimen, oblong to oblong-elliptic, sometimes nearly ovate or obovate, apex mostly rather short- attenuate, acute or somewhat obtuse, very rarely rounded, the terminal gland small, not protruding, base acute or obtuse, glossy dark green above, dilutely green and less shining beneath, subcoria- ceous to rather coriaceous, very young ones sparse- ly set with short stoutish hairs, mature ones glabrous above, + laxly punctulate beneath by the persist- ent hair-bases, entire, margin flat or slightly revolute, especially towards the base of dry leaves, 3—7(—10) by (1—)1.5—3.5 cm, midrib said to be pale and shining as glass in fresh leaves, impressed above, obtusely raised beneath, nerves in 3-6 pairs (1-2 basal pairs + high-ascending), curved and anastomosing, faintly impressed above, slightly raised beneath, not rarely almost invisible; petiole said to be often red when fresh, grooved above, 3-7 by 1-1.5 mm. Flowers 4-8(—15) per fascicle, from foliate or .defoliate axils. Pedicels rather slender, laxly to (rarely) subdensely clothed with short, fine, -- spreading yellowish hairs as well as with some scattered thicker glandular hairs, rarely at anthesis clothed with the latter only, glabrescent, though the bases of the glandular hairs are + persistent, (4-)S-7 mm, basal bracts broad- triangular, obtuse, fimbriate. Bracteoles suborbi- cular-ovate, obtuse, keeled, with some very short hairs on the keel, glabrous elsewhere, glandular- fimbriate, c. 1.5 mm. Calyx contracted at the base, often purplish suffused, glabrous, 2.5-3 mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, often thinner at the margin and + reflexed at anthesis, densely glandular-fimbriate, 1.5-2 mm. Corolla narrow-campanulate, contract- ed at the very base, sordid or pinkish white to greenish or greenish pinkish, or green with purplish brownish lobes, glabrous, 4~-5(—6) by (2—)2.5-3.5 mm, lobes recurved, 1.5 mm. Filaments linear, curved, glabrous, 2.5—3 mm; anther-cells ovate- oblong, very granular, 2—2.5 mm, the rather short tubules included. Ovary glabrous; style 4-5 mm. Fruit 4-5 mmg, first greenish white, then dull lead- coloured, finally purplish blue or blackish and shining. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Is. (Bali, Lombok), ? Borneo. Ecol. In mountain forest, locally common, (800—)1000-—2400(—2700) m. Fi. fr. Jan.-Dec. Vern. Areuj hideung, areuj tjantigi, tjantigi bulu, S, or mostly simply tjantigi, S, a common Sunda- nese name for Ericaceae. var. latifolia (BL.) SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 156; Blumea 12 (1963) 123. — D. latifolia BL. Bijdr. (1826) 858; DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 591; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1055; Boeri. Handl. 2, 1 (1891) 270; Koorp. Nat. Tijd. N.I. 62 (1902) 255; K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 71; Koorb. Exk. Fl. Java 3 (1912) 8; J.J. S.in K. & V. Bijdr. 13 (1914) 130; Rip. J. Fed. Mal. St. Mus. 8 (1917) 57; MERR. En. Born. (1921) 464; Rip. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 214; BurK. & Hoxtr. Gard. Bull. S. S. 3 (1923) 57; HeENpeRs. J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. 5 (1927) 256; FLETCHER, Fl. Siam. En. 2 (1938) 315; HENDERS. Mal. Nat. 6, 1 (1950) 264, f. 247. — Gaultheria latifolia (BL.) ENDL. ex Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. (1844) 160; ZoLt. & Mor. Nat. Ge- neesk. Arch. N.I. 2 (1845) 9; Mig. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1863) 41. — Amphicalyx latifolius July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 739 Fig. 79. Diplycosia heterophylla BL. var. latifolia (BL.) SLeuM. a. Habit, * 4, b. flower, x 314, c. flower after anthesis, x 314, d. stamens in front and back view, x 5, e. immature fruit, x 314, f. + schematized longitudinal section of young fruit, * 5, g. seeds, x 714 (a-d after an unpublished coloured plate of Biume, Fl. Javae, in the Rijksherbarium at Leyden, e-g Forses 2049, from Sumatra). 740 - _ FLORA MALESIANA [ser. jf vol. 6° Bi. ex Hassk. Pl. Jav. Rar. (1848) 469. — D. macrophylla Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 212; MErRR. En. Born. (1921) 464. — D. urceolata (non STAPF) RIDL. var., J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. n. 39 (1903) 15. — D. heterophylla (non BL. s. str.) K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 71; RipL. Fl. Mal. Pen. 2 (1923) 214. — D. baclayensis ELM. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1100; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 246; CopEL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 78. — D. endertii J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 458. — D. kerintjensis J. J. S. l.c. 456, incl. var. elliptica J. J. S. Lc. 457. — Fig. 79-80. Differs by larger, ovate- to oblong-elliptic leaves, 8-14(-16, rarely up to 20) by (3-)3.5-8(-10, rarely up to 12) cm, which are often dark brown when dry, more coriaceous, variable also in shape. Distr. S. Siam, in Malesia: Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Banka, Java, Borneo, Philippines (Mindanao). Ecol. Reported from the Malay Peninsula to occur both epiphytic in dense jungle and terrestrial in open, swampy or peaty places, also as a woody climber on quartzite ridge, common locally in the Cameron Highlands. In Sumatra, Java, Banka, Borneo and the Philippines a treelet or shrub up to 6 m, or mostly an epiphyte in montane forest, especially in mossy forest, in Sumatra also terres- trial in ridge-forest and in ericoid ridge scrub. Rarely found between 700-1000 m (Java and Borneo), 1000-2500 m, sometimes, as in Sumatra, reaching 3315 m. Fi. Jan.-Dec. Vern. Sigbut-ta-kayo, Bag. Note. I have united under var. latifolia several forms treated by other authors as species, which, at least with the material at hand, cannot be distinguished properly. Fig. 80. Diplycosia heterophylla Bu. var. latifolia (BL.) SLEUM. Summit of Mt Jasar, Cameron Highlands, 1700 m, Malaya (SLEUMER 4672) (SLEUMER, 1963). 9. COSTERA J. J. S. Ic. Bog. 4 (1910) 77, t. 324; Cope. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 102, in text; AIRY SHAW, Kew Bull. (1935) 152; J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 419; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1941) 397; Blumea 11 (1961) 3. — Jaera CopEL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 82; Airy SHAW, Kew Bull. (1935) 152. — Cymothoe Airy SHAW, lic. 150. — Fig. 81-83. Small shrubs, climbing or mostly epiphytic, sometimes with thickened roots. Leaves spiral, entire, with a pair of glands on the margin near to the petiole, or on the foot of the constricted (or decurrent) proper base of the blade, or on the petiole itself, 5—7-plinerved, coriaceous, glabrous, bearing no trace of glands or July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 741 glandular hairs on the undersurface but often with scattered prominent epidermal warts or elevated points on both faces. Inflorescences axillary or not rarely slightly extra- (supra-)axillary. Flowers small, solitary or in few-flowered fascicles. Pedicels continuous with the calyx, bracteolate at the base. Calyx tube connate with the ovary, + cup-shaped; calyx limb + deeply 4-5-partite. Corolla cylindric, urceolate or subcampanulate, shortly 5-lobed to deeply 5-partite. Stamens 5, 8 or 10, equal or almost so; filaments linear, much shorter than the anthers; cells elongate, dorsi- fix, ecalcarate, each extending upwards into an erect, free, elongate tubule, which opens by an introrse pore or slit. Disk annular. Ovary inferior, 4—5-celled; loculi many-ovuled; style filiform; stigma truncate. Fruit baccate, crowned by the disk and the persistent calyx lobes, subglobose, 4-5-celled, with 1-15 seeds per loculus. Seeds minute; testa reticulate. Distr. In all 9 spp., allin Malesia: Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines (Luzon, Negros, Panay, Mindanao), the northern Moluccas (Morotai and Talaud Is.). Fig. 81. Ecol. Mostly epiphytic, more rarely terrestrial, in primary forest and mossy forest, from sealevel up to 1800 m. Note. Thegenusis very closeto Vaccinium and kept here apart from it merely on account of the charac- teristic shape and nervation of the leaves, absence of glandular hairs on undersurface (which are significant for most or perhaps all species of Vaccinium), in combination with the fasciculate inflorescences and the pedicel which is continuous with the calyx (articulate with the calyx, as it seems, in all species of Vaccinium as far as Malesia is concerned). KEY TO THE SPECIES re 2a? Sate shee: TC ACRE. Yee ee es, ee lee es eR 1. C. loheri 1. Leaves (2.5—)4.5—12(-15) cm long. 2. Leaves with a pair of glands strictly inserted on the margin at the base of the lamina, the latter not contracted nor decurrent on the petiole. 3. Corolla c. 3 mm, shortly 5-lobed. (Leaves elliptic, apex obtuse or rounded, base attenuate.) 2. C. lucida 3. Corolla 5-7 mm, deeply 4-lobed. 4. Corolla lobed to c. 1. Leaves suborbicular or rarely broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, apex generally rounded, base auriculate-cordate, orrarelyrounded. ........... 3. C. cyclophylla 4. Corolla lobed in full anthesis + halfway. Leaves elliptic to subobovate-elliptic, rounded at the apex, broadly attenuate towards the base, subtruncate-ottuse at the very base 4. C. tetramera 2. Leaves with a pair of glands inserted at the very base of the abruptly contracted or decurrent basal part of the lamina, or not rarely even lower, i.e. on the petiole itself. 5. Leaves with a pair of glands inserted at the abruptly contracted or decurrent very basal part of the lamina. arrreseeramerous. Corolla 2.5 mimi . .. «2 va) s- 2 Se a ee 5. C. sumatrana Sees pentamecrovs: Corolla\6mmis: 2) fs 5 i et ey en Se ee Bef 6. C. borneensis 5. Leaves with a pair of glands found at or slightly above the middle of the petiole. 7. Corolla 2.5 mm. 8. Stamens 10. Leaves ovate or oblong-, rarely lanceolate-ovate, apex rather markedly acuminate 7. C. lanaensis 8. Stamens 5. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, apex generally rounded- oT ee RCC Ta MOL ee tt a er eet TE ct a le 8. C. endertii er Geren 2.5 di 6 aria w-atceiar alae eae. «LSA ASI ee 9. C. ovalifolia 1. Costera loheri (Merr.) Airy SHAW & J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 421; Steum. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. — Vaccinium loheri Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 7 (1912) Bot. 323; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 250. — Jaera loheri (Merr.) Cope. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 85, t. 7, f. 1-5. Fig. 83e. Small epiphytic glabrous shrub. Branches terete, the greyish cork fissured longitudinally. Branchlets reddish brown, angular, wrinkled, minutely puberulous under a lens, densely foliate. Leaves elliptic to slightly obovate-elliptic, apex rounded, base broadly attenuate or subcuneate, a little de- current on the petiole with the contracted very base of the blade, the pair of glands found there or at the apex of the petiole, coriaceous, shining, edge hardly recurved, 1.4—2.2 by 0.6—1.1 cm, distinctly 3- or faintly 5-plinerved, the pair of main nerves curved- ascending and anastomosing with the midrib a little below the very apex, + raised on both faces especially underneath, veins numerous, + trans- FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° L = Bt : a wre See J Fig. 81. Distribution of Costera. The number above the hyphen indicates the number of endemic species, that below the hyphen the number of non- endemic species in each island or district. verse from the midrib, often hardly visible, reti- culation rather obscure; petiole + flattened, 1-2 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels rather slender, glabrous, 2-6 mm, with several minute ovate bracteoles. Calyx tube cup-shaped or short- cylindric, base rounded, c. 1 mm, limb erect and deeply 5-partite, lobes deltoid, 0.5 mm. Corolla known in bud only, white. Stamens apparently 10; filaments linear, laxly hairy, 0.7 mm; cells oblong, 0.5 mm; tubules c. 14 as narrow as are the cells, obliquely cut distally, 0.6 mm. Style c. 2 mm (or perhaps longer?). Fruit shining, c. 3 mm@. Seeds pitted, c. 1.2 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon: Montal- ban; Panay: Ilo-Ilo). Ecol. In mossy forest, probably above 1000 m. Note. The leaves of C. /oheri are similar to those of Vaccinium microphyllum BL. 2. Costera lucida (MERR.) Airy SHAW & J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 421. — Diply- cosia lucida MeERR. Philip. J. Sc. 11 (1916) Bot. 28. — Vaccinium costeroides MeERR. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 248. — JIaera lucida (MERR.) COPEL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 85, t. 6, f. 7-9. Scandent or epiphytic shrub, entirely glabrous. Branchlets slender, terete, smooth, laxly foliate. Leaves elliptic, apex rounded or obtuse, base attenuate, with a pair of strictly basal marginal glands, coriaceous, shining, edge revolute, 5-7 by 2.5—3.5 cm, nerves 1-2 basal or slightly supra-basal, and 1-2 upper pairs, all curved-ascending and anastomosing, rather prominent; reticulation lax; petiole 5-7 by 1 mm. Flowers in pairs. Pedicels slender, c. 1.5 cm, with 2 minute bracteoles. Calyx tube cylindrical, base obtuse, c. 1.5 mm, limb broadly 5-dentate, c. 0.5 mm. Corolla cylindric, c. 3 mm, lobes broadly ovate, 0.5 mm. Stamens 10; filaments linear, laxly patently hairy, 1.7 mm; cells broad-oblong, c. 0.6 mm; tubules narrow- cylindric, 0.4 mm, obliquely cut apically, the pore small. Style with a club-shaped apex, c. 2.5 mm. Fruit c. 5 mm, black when dry, the calyx lobes broad, short, apiculate. Seeds c. 25 per fruit, brownish, pitted, c. 1.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon: Prov. Sorsogon, summit of Mt Kilibong), once found in mossy forest at c. 1000 m. FI. fr. Aug. Vern. Duséng-sikdt. 3. Costera cyclophylla (Airy SHAW) J. J. S. & Airy SHAW in Airy Shaw, Hook. Ic. (Dec. 1935) t. 3281; J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (Dec. 1935) 424; SLeum. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. — Cymo- thoe cyclophylla Airy SHAW, Kew Bull. (May 1935) 151. — Fig. 82. Straggling shrub or woody climber, whether or not epiphytic, 2-3 m, irregularly branched, gla- brous in all outer parts. Branchlets terete, firm, up to 4 mm g, red brown when dry, laxly foliate. Leaves suborbicular or sometimes broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, apex generally rounded or some- what truncate-retuse, rarely broadly obtusely subacuminate, base rounded to cordate and often auriculate or even amplexicaul, the auriculae large, + rounded and overlapping, with a pair of strictly basal marginal not much conspicuous glands, sessile or shortly (up to 7 mm) petioled, coriaceous, often with verruculose prominent points on each face, 5-12 by 4-6 cm, nerves 4-6 pairs, all from the very base, high curved-ascending and regularly anastomosing, prominent on bothsides as is the midrib, connected by conspicuously raised, + transversal veins which form a rather lax network with the less prominent veinlets. Flowers 1—2(-5). Pedicels very slender, 1-2.7 cm, with 2 minute bracteoles. Calyx cup-shaped, c. 1.5 mm, limb suberect, 1-1.5 mm, halfway 5-lobed, lobes broadly triangular, acutish. Corolla narrow- campanulate, thin, pink or mauvish pink, or a very light violet at the top and nearly red at the base, 6-7 mm, 4lobed, lobes deltoid-ovate, rather bluntish, erect, 2-3 mm. Stamens 8; fila- ments ascendently short-hairy, c. 2 mm; cells narrow-oblong, papillose, 1.5 mm; tubules erect, gradually attenuate upwards, c. 2 mm, the slits 0.5 mm. Disk inconspicuous. Style 5—6 mm, gla- brous. Fruit baccate, 4-5 mm g, obsoletely 4- locular. Seeds obtusely angular, 1-1.5 mm; testa foveolate-reticulate. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak: Mt Dulit; Merurong Plateau; Brunei: Mt Pagon; Central East Borneo: Mt Kemul). Ecol. In primary heath forest or mossy forest, in shady places and on open ridge, 900-1800 m. 4. Costera tetramera SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 4. — Fig. 83a-d. Climbing shrub, apparently small, the slender, terete branchlets 1.5-3 mm g, glabrous, laxly foliate. Leaves broad-elliptic to subobovate- elliptic, rounded, or rarely slightly retuse at the apex, broadly attenuate towards the base, the very base subtruncate-obtuse, bearing a pair of rather thickish, not much prominent marginal glands, coriaceous, laxly set with epidermal tubercles beneath, revolute particularly towards the base in dry specimens, (4.5—)6.5-9.5 by 3-5 cm, 5-7- plinerved from and a little from above the base, midrib broadened for the lowest c. 5 mm, abruptly narrowed upwards, prominent on both sides as are the nerves, the inner pair of nerves high as- cending and anastomosing a little below the top of the lamina, veins lax, irregularly transverse, rather numerous, somewhat prominent above, less July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 743 (ease ay 2 ae ~ Fig. 82. Costera cyclophylla (Airy SHAW) Airy SHaw & J. J. S. a. Habit, 14, b. flower, X 2, c. ovary and style, x 2, d. corolla and stamens, x 2, e. stamen, x 6 (a~e ENDERT 4258). 744 FLORA MALESIANA [ser I, “voluge Fig. 83. Costera tetramera SLEUM. a. Habit, x 1A, b. flower, < 214, c. stamen, front and back view, x 5, d. ovary and style, x 214. — C. loheri (MerR.) Airy SHAW & J. J.S., e. leaf, x 4/, (a-d KOSTERMANS 12945, e VIDAL 3146). distinct beneath; petiole transversely rugose, 2-4 by 1.5—2 mm. Flowers from the upper axils, solitary or more rarely in twos, glabrous in all outer parts. Pedicels slender, 0.9-1.5 cm, with 2 or 3 bracteoles (1 mm). Calyx tube subcylindric-obconical, 1 mm; limb campanulate, 1.5 mm, 4-lobed halfway, lobes depressed-ovate, apiculate. Corolla narrow-cam- panulate, thin, pink, 5 mm long, 4-partite + half- way in full anthesis. Stamens 8; filaments laxly ciliate, hardly 2 mm; cells narrow-oblong, 1.5 mm; tubules slender, slightly divergent, 1.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style glabrous, 4.5 mm. Immature fruit with 4 inflexed calyx lobes; fruit-pedicel 1.5 cm. Distr. Malesia: Borneo (W. Kutei: Mt Pali- masan near Tabang on Belajan R.), in mossy forest on acid, waterlogged sandy soil, 800 m. Two collections. F/. Sept. 5. Costera sumatrana J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 421; SLeumM. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. Terrestrial or epiphytic, glabrous shrub. Branch- lets angular at the tips, terete below, slender, laxly foliate, internodes unequal and sometimes not longer than 3 mm. Leaves ovate or elliptic- ovate, gradually obtusely attenuate or subacumi- nate towards the apex, base broadly attenuate to rounded in general, the very base suddenly contract- ed (2-4 mm) and bearing a thick prominent gland on each side or at the top of the petiole, stiffly fleshy when fresh, coriaceous when dry, minutely and rather laxly verruculose on both faces, (4.5—) 5-8 .5(—10) by(2.5—)3—4.5(—7) cm, midrib prominent on both sides, nerves in 2 basal and high curved- ascending, and 2—3 upper shorter pairs, all anasto- mosing and slightly raised on both faces, reticula- tion lax, not much conspicuous, sometimes ob- scure beneath; petiole subterete, 2.5—S(—6) by c. 1 mm. Fascicles 2—4-flowered. Pedicels rather slender, (3—)5—6 mm, with several minute bracte- oles. Calyx tube short-cylindric, base obtuse, 1 mm, limb 4-partite, lobes ovate-triangular, 0.6 mm. Corolla subcylindric-campanulate, thin, red (possibly also white), glabrous, 2.5 mm long, 1.5— 1.8 mm @g, lobes broad-triangular, obtuse, erect, 0.5-0.6 mm. Stamens 8; filaments linear, laxly hairy in front and at the margin, glabrous dorsally, nearly 1 mm; cells ovate-oblong, granular, 0.4 mm; tubules much narrower than the cells, 0.6 mm, with a large introrse pore. Disk glabrous. Style c. 2 mm, glabrous. Submature fruit 3-4 in @, crowned by the glabrous disk and 4 suberect calyx lobes (1 mm), pale green or white. Seeds numerous, subtrigonous, 1 mm, testa reticulate. Distr. Malesia: Sumatra (Westcoast Res., Bencoolen). Ecol. Once found on stony mud-flow of the Beriti volcano (S. Sumatra), said to be common there at c. 1000 m. 6. Costera borneensis J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 423, f. 1; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. Epiphytic or terrestriai! creeping shrub, small, the slender not branched stems coming from a woody stock, glabrous in all outer parts, laxly foliate. Leaves elliptic to ovate-elliptic, apex obtuse or rounded, never retuse, base very broadly attenuate or mostly + rounded in general, the very base suddenly contracted for 2 mm and bearing there or almost at the apex of the petiole a con- spicuous somewhat prominent gland on each side, light green and rather thickly coriaceous when fresh, thinly so when dry, flat, 6-7.8 by 3-4 cm, 5-7-plinerved from and a little from above the base, sometimes with 1 or 2 similarly curved- ascending nerves inserted higher on the midrib, all anastomosing and slightly prominent on both faces, veins -- transverse, forming with the veinlets a rather dense, not much raised reticulation; petiole rugulose, 4-5 by 1 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels slender, 0.8—1 cm, the 2 bracteoles ovate-acuminate, c. 1 mm. Calyx tube narrowly cup-shaped, c. 1.5 mm, limb suberect, broadly acutely 5—dented, 0.7 mm. Corolla subcampanulate, 5-partite to almost the base, thin, c. 6 mm, lobes erecto-patent, ovate- oblong, subacute, nerved. Stamens 10; filaments ciliolate, 2.5 mm; cells elongate-oblong, minutely granular or papillose, 3 mm; tubules elongate- cylindric, minutely verruculose below, c. 2 mm. Style glabrous, 5 mm. Fruit purplish pink, c. 4 July 1967] mm 9, with 5 one-seeded cells. Seeds oblong, ex- cavate-punctate, 2.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: W. Borneo (Karimata Is.: P. Madjang (Maja) and another not precisely given locality). Vern. Pélumpur badi, P. Maja. 7. Costera lanaensis (MERR.) AIRY SHAW & J. J.S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 421; SLEuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. — Vaccinium lanaense MERR. Philip. J. Sc. 3 (1908) Bot. 161, 372; En. Philip. 3 (1923) 250 .— Vaccinium medinilloides ELm. Leafi. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1097. — Jaera lanaensis (MERR.) CopeL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 47 (1932) 83, t. 6, f. 1-6; H. J. LAM & HOLtTu. Blumea 5 (1942) 222. Mostly epiphytic shrub, or small tree up to 1.5 m, stems often several in a clump up to 2 cmg, with smooth grey bark. Branchlets slender to rather robust, glabrous throughout, or not rarely with a fine patent puberulence on the youngest parts, laxly foliate. Leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, rarely lanceolate-ovate, apex rather markedly acuminate, base rounded to broadly cuneately attenuate, + fleshy when fresh, coriaceous and brittle when dry, laxly set with small prominent warts on both faces, edge slightly revolute, (5-) 10-15 by (2—)2.5-4.5(-6) cm, 5—7- plinerved from and from somewhat (up to 5 mm) above the base, with another similarly curved-ascending pair leaving the midrib at 1-2 cm distance from the base, all nerves extending to almost the top of the lamina and anastomosing there, prominent on both faces especially beneath, veins + transverse, numerous, forming a rather lax and slightly raised network with the less distinct veinlets; petiole rugulose, 3-6(-7) by 1.5—2 mm, with a pair of large lateral glands a little above the middle. Fascicles 2—S- flowered, glabrous. Pedicels slender, 3-4(-5) mm, each with a pair of small bracteoles. Calyx tube cylindric, shining, base obtuse, 2 mm, limb sub- erect, 5-partite to almost the base, lobes ovate- acuminate, c. 1 mm. Corolla broad- or subcampa- nulate-urceolate, white, c. 2.5 mm, lobes broadly ovate, c. 1 mm. Stamens 10; filaments laxly hairy, c. 0.8 mm; cells oblong, 0.7 mm; tubules gradual- ly narrowed upwards, 0.5 mm, with oblique, rather narrow slits. Style glabrous, 1.5—2 mm. Fruit 4—5 mm @, crowned by the calyx lobes and a small, annular disk. Seeds obscurely trigonous, dark brown, 1.5 mm, minutely pitted. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Mindanao, Negros, Panay), Moluccas (Morotai: Mt Pare; Talaud Is.: Karakelong, Mt Duata). Ecol. In forest, 700-1300 m. Vern. Lumus, Bag. 8. Costera endertii J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg M1, 13 (1935) 420; Steum. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. Epiphytic shrub, low, with several generally not branched slender stems from a woody clump. Upper parts of the stems or branchlets often - crooked, with short internodes, laxly to subdensely foliate, glabrous except the finely puberulent tips. Leaves \anceolate to elliptic-lanceolate or narrow- elliptic, apex gradually narrowed, mostly obtuse ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 745 or rounded, base obtuse, coriaceous, glabrous, edge slightly thickened, (2.5—)4—6(—7) by (0.5—)1-1.5 (-2) cm, 5-plinerved, nerves erect-ascending to nearly the top of the lamina and anastomosing there, slightly raised on both sides, transversal veins and reticulation faint; petiole 2-4 by 1-1.5 mm, with a conspicuous gland on each side at or alittle above the middle. Flowers 1—2(-4), glabrous, the filaments excepted. Pedicels rather robust, thickened upwards, 4-5 mm in anthesis, with a few minute bracteoles. Calyx tube cup-shaped, base subtruncate, 1-1.5 mm, limb deeply 5-lobed, lobes erect, triangular, acute, 0.7 mm. Corolla cylindric, white or pink, c. 2.5 mm, 5-partite half- way, lobes blunt. Stamens 5; filaments patently hirtellous distally, 1.5 mm; cells elongate, 0.8 mm; tubules erect, 0.7 mm. Disk small. Style 1.5—2 mm. Fruit white, c. 4mm g, constricted below the sub- erect or incurved calyx lobes; fruit-pedicel 0.6—0.8 cm. Distr. Malesia: Central Borneo (W. Kutei: Mt Kemul; Mt Palimasan near Tabang on Belajan R.). Ecol. In forest, also in Agathis-forest on water- logged, sandy and acid soil, 300-1200 m. 9. Costera ovalifolia J. J. S. Ic. Bog. 4 (1910) 77, t. 324; Merr. En Born. (1921) 465; Airy SHAW, Kew Bull. (1935) 155; J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg III, 13 (1935) 420; SLeuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 3. — C. elegans J. J. S. ex DUNSELMAN, Trop. Natuur 28 (1939) 81, in text, nom. nud. Epiphytic low shrub with thick roots, glabrous in all outer parts. Branchlets dark red, rather slender, often crooked and the nodes approximate up to 1 cm, subdensely leaved. Leaves erect, elliptic, apex rounded or slightly retuse, base very broadly attenuate to rounded, coriaceous though easily breakable in fresh state, pale green and glossy above, paler and dull beneath, edge somewhat thickened, (2.6—)4~7 by 2.5—4.5(-5.5) cm, 5- (sub 7-) plinerved from and a little from above the base, nerves curved-ascending, anastomosing near the top of the lamina, with sometimes one additional upper pair of nerves from the lower half of the midrib, all slightly raised on both faces as is the midrib, veins + transverse, forming a rather lax network with the even less visible veinlets; petiole (2-)3-6(—7) by 1.5-2 mm, bearing a conspicuous little flattish or excavate gland on each side at about the middle. Fascicles (2—)4-flowered, arising from a kind of low cushion (1 mm), which consists of numerous minute ovate-acuminate imbricate perulae. Pedicel rather slender, red, 9—12 mm, with a pair of bracteoles. Calyx tube cup-shaped, 1.5 mm, limb low, 5-lobed, lobes erect, triangular, acute, gland-apiculate, 0.5 mm. Corolla sub- campanulate, 5-partite to almost 74, thin, white, c. 3.5 mm, lobes erect, narrow oblong-triangular, + recurved. Stamens 5, alternating with the corolla lobes; filaments very laxly hairy upwards, c. 0.7 mm; cells oblong, 1.5 mm; tubules erect, gradually tapering to the apex, set with subclavate papillae below, 1.5 mm, dehiscent with a minute pore. Disk small. Style c. 3.5 mm. Fruit c. 4 mm @, crowned by the + inflexed calyx lobes, apparently 746 4—5-celled, white or pale green, possibly red at full maturity, on pedicel up to 2.3 cm. Seeds few, oblongoid, 1.5—2 mm; testa reticulate. Distr. Malesia: Borneo, Karimata I. (type), apparently also in Sarawak, Brunei, and West and East Borneo. Ecol. In forest or forest edges, from low altitude FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° Vern. Tjapien djantén, Karimata. Note. The one specimen from Sarawak with flowers has the vegetative characters of C. ovali- folia, but 5—6 mm long corollas and 10 stamens, the other specimens from Borneo are in fruit or sterile. The Bornean material may be kept speci- fically apart when more material is at hand. up to c. 1500 m. 10. VACCINIUM LINNE, Gen. Pl. ed. 5 (1754) 166; Sp. Pl. (1753) 349; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1941) 413; Blumea 11 (1961) 10-112; ibid. 12 (1963) 123; ibid. 12 (1964) 343. — Fig. 84-115. Shrubs or small, rarely medium-sized trees, terrestrial or epiphytic; stems of epiphytic ones not rarely with a (hypocotylar) basal swelling, and roots sometimes considerably enlarged. Leaves spirally arranged (Mal.), coriaceous to subcoria- ceous, rarely thin, evergreen (Mal.), usually with a distinct, + basal, marginal gland on each side, entire or crenulate, whether or not clad with simple, gland- capitellate or glandular-muriculate hairs, rarely with stalked or subsessile glands, sessile or mostly petioled. Racemes axillary, sometimes reduced to a solitary flower, caducously perulate, or more rarely eperulate. Pedicels subtended by a (sometimes very early) caducous or + persistent (foliaceous) bract and provided with 2, sometimes very early caducous bracteoles. Calyx tube cup-shaped, turbin- ate or rarely almost patellar, limb (4-)5-partite to various degree. Corolla tubular, urceolate or subglobose, the (4-)5 lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens 8 or 10 (rarely 12), inserted at the outer margin of the disk or near the base of the corolla tube; anthers dorsifix, whether or not 2-spurred dorsally, ending with tubules of various length, the pore strictly terminal and round, or introrse as an elliptical opening or narrow slit. Disk annular. Ovary inferior, (4-)5 (or falsely 8-10)-celled, placentas bifid, with ~ (rarely few) ovules. Style + as long as the corolla; stigma obtuse. Fruit a juicy and soft, or a more dry and rather hard berry with few to numerous seeds, crowned by the disk and the persistent calyx lobes. Seeds small, ellipsoid, irregularly compressed, albuminous; testa firm, smooth. Distr. Approximately 450 spp., of which 6 in Europe (4 spp. circumboreal, 1 sp. in Madeira, 1 sp. in the nearby Orient), c. 65 spp. in temperate North America (4 of which circumboreal), c. 30 spp. in tropical America, c. 5 spp. in SE. Africa and Madagascar, c. 76 spp. in tropical S. and SE. Asia (1 of which also in Japan), c. 22 spp. in Japan (5 of which also in temperate and subtropical E. Asia, 3 circumboreal), 11 spp. in the Pacific area (1 of which also in East Malesia), in Malesia c. 240 spp., more than half of which are limited to New Guinea. Ecol. Both epiphytic and terrestrial in primary and secondary montane rain-forest, terrestrial at the rim of craters, in alpine scrub vegetation and grasslands, reported from elevations up to 4400 m in New Guinea, rarely found in coastal vegetation at sea-level, generally on acid, sandy or peaty soil, occasion- ally reported from limestone. Species which are epiphytic at lower elevation, apparently may become terrestrial at higher altitudes. Some species (V. lanrifolium, V. myrtoides, V. lucidum, V. varingiaefolium in W. Malesia) may form pure stands or even vegetation-belts in the upper montane zone or in summit vegetation. The roots, especially in epiphytic specimens, are often swollen, possibly due to a mycorrhizal hyper- trophy; a comparable structure is found in tropical American species of the genus, in the Northamerican vine-like V. crassifolium ANpR. (SE. Virginia to S. Carolina), and in the related genera Costera, Agapetes, and Dimorphanthera. Galls. The flowers of certain species in Java are liable to attacks by the caterpillar of a Microlepi- dopteron (DOCTERS VAN LEEUWEN, Zoocecidia, 1926, 440, f. 830; Pangrango, 1933, 212); in that case the corolla does not open and changes into a bulging or fusiform gall. Quite the same has been found in the herbarium specimens of certain Sumatran and Bornean species. Another anomaly, probably due to a July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 747 fungus, are witchesbroom-like inflorescences with tubular corollas and the stamens much reduced in size (observed in V. bracteatum, V. megalophyes, V. dubiosum a.o.). In the Cameron Highlands I found normal urceolate pinkish and possibly galled, cylindrical and greenish corollas in the same inflorescence of V. bancanum var. tenuinervium; in these anomalous flowers the anthers were reduced to half their normal size. Vaccinium can also be attacked by a fungus disease (Exobasidium) which results in a de- formation of the young shoots and of the fruits into galls (RAcIBORSKI, Bull. Intern. Ac. Cracovie, Cl. Math. & Nat. 3, 1909, 367). Uses. The fruits of some species are said to be juicy and palatable, of other to be rather hard and/or insipid. No regular use by men is known of the Malesian species as this is the case with several holarctic ones, V. littoreum and V. myrtoides excepted; animals, however, such as fruit-eating birds and rats are known to feed partially from Vaccinium fruits all over Malesia, and this may add to the dispersal. The wood is very hard and from several species it is used for utensils. KEY TO THE SECTIONS 1. Corolla (campanulate, thick-fleshy, deeply 5-partite) seemingly consisting of 2 layers, the outer one thick, split at the lobes to nearly the base of the corolla, the inner one thinner, less deeply split, forming a kind of decurrent membranous marginal zone towards the sinuses. (Tubules opening by introrse REISS. ILS: )) SPDs PO en ajc ce ea) ono) al eye ele, Tent ieuts Vengsd fools 1. sect. Pachyanthum 1. Corolla (of various form, thin to fleshy, 5-partite to various degree) consisting of one homogenous layer, showing no membranous wing at the sinuses. 2. Tubules opening by elongate introrse slits, which attain 14 to 4 of the length of the tubules. 3. Corolla campanulate, 5-partite + halfway. Anthers with long dorsal spurs (I—-1.5) mm, the tubules amie as long asthe cells: Sp.6 . 6 502 2 6 ew we wt nl wl 2. sect. Galeopetalum 3. Corolla urceolate to subglobular, shortly 5-lobed. Anthers with short or rather inconspicuous dorsal spurs, the tubules + as long as the cells. Spp. 7-29 .......-. 3. sect. Rigiolepis 2. Tubules opening by proportionally short introrse slits or (sometimes terminal) pores. 4. Flowers solitary. Peduncle, if any, very short +). Spp. 30-73. . ....... 4. sect. Oarianthe 4. Flowers in distinct few- to many-flowered racemes, which may be reduced partially to a 2-, or even 1-flowered inflorescence (which then bears a distinct peduncle) *). 5. Calyx lobes elongate-subulate, 2-4 times as long as the calyx tube. Spp. 74-86 5. sect. Neojunghuhnia 5. Calyx lobes usually as long as or shorter than the calyx tube (if subulate, never exceeding the OT tea AS see el is oF eres Car er Ee ay earerny ey SMaOe fc ech 6. sect. Bracteata 1. Section Pachyanthum Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1941) 417; ibid. 72 (1942) 217; Blumea 11 (1961) 11. — Fig. 84-86. Corolla campanulate, thick-fleshy, deeply 5-partite, seemingly consisting of two layers, the outer one thick, split at the lobes to nearly the base of the corolla, the inner one thinner, less deeply split, forming a kind of decurrent membranous marginal zone towards the sinuses. Tubules opening by introrse rather long slits. Berry apparently strictly 5-locular. Distr. Malesia: 5 spp. confined to the eastern part of New Guinea. Fig. 84. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Calyx relatively large at anthesis, (S~)6-7 mm long (including the lobes, which are 1.5-2.5 mm); calyx tube subcampanulate to broadly cylindrical. 2. Leaves very coriaceous and stiff, minutely but well visibly denticulate or crenulate, ovate or ovate- oblong, rarely oblong or suborbicular, 2—4(—4.5) by (1.3—)1.5-2(-2.5)cm. . . . . 1. V. macbainii 2. Leaves coriaceous, but less stiff, entire or practically so, obovate to broad-elliptic or + rounded, (5.5—)7-10(-15) by (3.5-)4—5.5(-8.5, sometimes -11) cm... . 1.1. see ees 2. V. ingens 1. Calyx relatively small at anthesis, (2—)3—4(—5) mm long (including the lobes which are 0.5—-1(-1.5) mm); calyx tube generally semiglobose to subsemiglobose-cylindrical, or sometimes subcylindrical, 2-3 mm @ at anthesis. 3, Leaves ovate, acuminate, 7~12(-14) by 3.5-5.5(—7.5) cm. Pedicels without a collarette of glands at Se VOLY CNN kee i oe child nde. 9K 8 oe Pee A 90.9 Iie enaonemenen «eu? 3. V. fissiflorum 3. Leaves of other shape, mostly smaller. Pedicels with a collarette of numerous, + spreading glands or glandular hairs at the very apex. 1) The peduncle can always be discriminated from the pedicel by the articulation. 748 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 4. Collarette consisting of thick and + flattish, subulate glands which rarely occur also on the calyx and the pedicels . . . 4. V. keysseri 4. Collarette consisting of sl slender (not flattened), less thickish ‘glandular hairs, which not rarely occur also on the calyx and the pedicels . Fig. 84. Distribution of Vaccinium sect. Galeope- talum ( ) in Malesia and of sect. Pachyan- thum (—-—-—). The number above the hyphen indicates the number of endemic species, that below the hyphen the number of non-endemic species in each island or district. 1. Vaccinium macbainii F. v. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. n.s. 1, 2 (1889) 17; WriGHT, Kew Bull. (1899) 103; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 220; Blumea 11 (1961) 11. Rather large, often stunted tree with short, crooked trunk, or compact, erect, branched bush, 2-8(-12) m. Branchlets robust, a little angular. Leaves densely arranged, ovate or ovate-oblong, or rarely (but sometimes partly in the same speci- men) oblong or almost orbicular, apex very broad- ly attenuate, obtuse or rounded, base rounded to subcordate, very coriaceous, stiff and + lustrous on both faces, flat, the slightly cartilaginous mar- gin faintly and rather distantly crenulate or denti- culate by short and early caducous bristle-like glands or their impressed marks, glabrous, except very short scattered glandular bristles or their point-like rests beneath, 2-4(—4.5) by (1.3—)1.5—2 (—2.5) cm, 5-plinerved from the base and with several higher, more sharply ascending nerves, all slightly impressed above, bluntly raised beneath, reticulation very lax and but little conspicuous; petiole (4-)5—7 by 1.5-2 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, mostly many-, rarely few-flowered, mostly glabrous in all parts, but occasionally with some very short glandular bristles or hairs on the pedicels, + blackish in dry specimens; rachis 0.5—3(-4) cm. Pedicels stoutish, with 2 subulate bracteoles in the lower third, thickened distally, + recurved downwards, (1—)1.5—2 cm. Calyx tube subcampanulate, c. 5 by 4 mm, broadly attenuate below, subcylindrical upwards, smooth, limb -- spreading, c. 2 mm high, its lobes or teeth sub- acute, c. 1.5 mm. Corolla campanulate, 5-lobed + halfway, fleshy, pink or reddish pink, or pinkish white with darker tips, paler inside, (7—)8(—9) mm. Stamens nearly as long as the corolla; filaments broadly linear, 2.5-3.5 mm, glabrous below, densely to laxly set with long substrigose hair in the upper . 5. V. amplifolium part or along the margin of the connective, much less so or almost glabrous dorsally; cells including tubules 4-5 mm, base much attenuate; tubules 2-2.5 mm, pores 1-1.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style stoutish, green, 10-12 mm. Fruit subglobose, c. 5 mm g, purple and fleshy. Distr. Malesia: SE. New Guinea (Main Range between Mt Albert Edward and Mt Scratchley- Mt Knutsford). Ecol. In high mountain forest patches near the timberline, locally common, 3050-3960 m. FI. May-July. 2. Vaccinium ingens SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 220; Blumea 11 (1961) 11; ibid 12 (1963) 123. — Fig. 85. Large stiff, sparsely branched, erect, scandent or epiphytic shrub, up to 2 m. Branchlets robust, subterete, glabrous, laxly foliate. Leaves obovate to broad-elliptic or nearly orbicular, apex and base very broadly attenuate or + rounded, coriaceous, slightly convex above, glabrous, but laxly glandu- lar-punctulate beneath, (very) sparsely so above, entire, or faintly denticulate, margin somewhat revolute in dry specimens, (5.5—)7—10(—15) by (3.5-)4-5.5(-8.5, sometimes -11) cm, midrib broadened towards the base, nerves 2-3 pairs from and from above the base, with several less distinct higher ones from the upper half of the midrib, all like the midrib impressed above and prominent beneath to various degree, reticulation rather lax and mostly subinconspicuous; petiole (0.7-)1-1.5 cm by c. 2 mm. Racemes 12-15- flowered, glabrous in all parts, becoming blackish in dry specimens; rachis rather robust, (1.5—)2.5— 3.5 cm. Pedicels stoutish, 7-8 mm, bibracteolate somewhat above the base. Calyx subcampanulate to broadly cylindric, base obtuse or almost trun- cate, dark green, tube 4-5 by (3—)4(-S) mm, limb suberect, 2-2.5 mm, 5-lobed to nearly the base. Corolla campanulate, fleshy, pale green or green, sometimes pinkish, (6-)7 mm, 5-lobed halfway. Stamens nearly as long as the corolla; filaments linear, glabrous, or ciliate only in the uppermost part or on the connective, 2.5—3 by c. 1 mm; cells elliptic, c. 1.5 mm; tubules as wide as the cells, 1.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style c. 8 mm. Immature fruit bluish green, subglobose, 6-7 mm @, crowned by the accrescent subinflexed lobes of the calyx limb (3 mm). Distr. Malesia: SE. New Guinea (Morobe and Central Distr.). Ecol. In ridge forest, or occasionally on open landslips on clayey soil, locally common, 1890— 2440 m. Fl. May-Dec., fr. May-Sept. 3. Vaccinium fissiflorum SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 219; Blumea 11 (1961) 11; ibid. 12 (1963) 12 3¢ High climbing liana, with pendent branches. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) _ 749 Fig. 85. Vaccinium ingens SLeuM. Edie Creek, 1900 m, E. New Guinea (NGF 13942 WomerSLEY & SLEUMER) (SLEUMER, 1961). Branchlets angular, quite glabrous, laxly foliate. Leaves ovate, apex gradually acuminate, sub- obtuse at the very tip, base very broadly attenuate or mostly rounded, sometimes slightly cordate, coriaceous, glabrous, laxly punctate beneath only, 7—-12(-14) by 3.5—5.5(-7.5) cm, margin remotely minutely dented or crenulate by impressed, very short and thickish glandular hairs, the two basal crenulations or glands on each side of the petiole more distinct than the upper ones, midrib strong, prominent at the base above and all over beneath, |- impressed distally above, the two pairs of basal and 2(—3) higher nerves curved-ascending to the top of the lamina, slightly impressed above, raised beneath, reticulation lax and visibly out- standing beneath only; petiole +- flattened, (0.8—) 1-1.5 cm by 2—3 mm. Racemes or fascicles laxly (4-)10—15(—20)-flowered, with a slender rachis rarely up to 2 cm, both from foliate and defoliate axils, sometimes from older parts of the stem, 750 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° ®s9 Fig. 86. Vaccinium keysseri SCHLTR ex DiELs. a. Habit. x 24, b. flower, x 2, c. stamens, back and front view, < 314, d. submature fruit, x 314 (a-d HooGLAND & PULLEN 5566). glabrous and pink or rose red to purplish in all parts, still reddish in dry specimens. Pedicels slender, 1.5—2.5(—3.5) cm, minutely bibracteolate at or sometimes above the base. Calyx (2-)3 mm long in all, tube semiglobose or subcylindrical, base rounded, 2—2.5 mm g, limb very low and a little contracted, the teeth minute. Corolla sub- campanulate when fully open, c. 7 mm long, then 5-lobed + halfway, somewhat fleshy. Stamens 7 mm, red; filaments broadly linear, 1.5—2 mm, very laxly ciliate distally, glabrous dorsally; cells oblong, 3 mm, base of each cell extended into an acute appendage (1 mm); tubules slightly divergent, slender, 4 mm. Disk glabrous. Style 10-11 mm. Fruit subglobose, apex truncate, first rather dry, becoming more fleshy and blackish at maturity, 3-4 mm g. Distr. Malesia: E. and NE. New Guinea (Eastern and Western Highlands, Mt Saruwaged area). Ecol. Locally common climber in tall mountain (Nothofagus-) forest, sometimes near river, 1700— 2500 m. FI. fr. May-Dec. Vern. Porrh, Hagen: Wankl. 4. Vaccinium keysseri SCHLTR ex DIELS, Bot. Jahrb. 62 (1929) 488; SLeum. ibid. 72 (1942) 219; Blumea 11 (1961) 12; ibid. 12 (1963) 123. — Fig. 86. var. keysseri. Erect, stiff shrub or straggling tree, up to 6 m; bole up to 1.5 by 0.12 m; outer bark c. 4 mm, pale brown, flaky, inner bark straw; wood pale brown. Branchlets robust, up to 1 cm g, sub- terete, glabrous, rather densely foliate, early corti- cate. Leaves oblong- to elliptic-obovate, rarely more elliptic-oblong or elliptic, apex obtuse or mostly + rounded, base broadly cuneate or some- times rounded, coriaceous, a little convex in dry specimens, glabrous, but laxly punctate beneath only, shining above, mostly crenulate or denticu- late by + early caducous, thick glands or glandular bristles which are a little impressed at the some- times revolute edge, more rarely entire, (3—)5-8 (-11) by (1.6—-)2.5—3.5(—5.5, rarely in part up to 8) cm, midrib strong, sunken above, much prominent beneath, nerves 2 -+- basal pairs and c. 2 upper ones higher from the midrib, all curved-ascending and rather distinctly anastomosing, moreover 2-3 less distinct and much shorter nerves spreading from the upper half of the midrib, all + slightly im- pressed above, raised beneath, veins forming a very lax network which is a little prominent — July 1967] beneath; petiole rugose, 6-10 by c. 2 mm. Racemes from numerous upper axils, rather dense, 10—-15- flowered, glabrous in general and pink when fresh, brownish red to blackish in dry specimens in all parts; rachis rather robust, (1.5—)2-3(4.5) cm. Pedicels rather stoutish, recurved, (1—)1.5—2 cm at anthesis, possibly accrescent up to 3 cm, laxly set with subsessile glands over the whole length, moreover with a collarette of numerous thick and flattened, subsubulate and patent or reflexed glands (which occasionally are found also on the pedicel and/or on the calyx tube) immediately below the calyx, bibracteolate (2-3 mm) at or somewhat above the base. Ca/yx subcylindric in anthesis, c. 4 by 3 mm in all, base blunt, limb suberect or a little spreading, 1-1.5 mm, acutely 5-lobed to the base. Corolla campanulate, (6—)7 (-8) mm long when fully developed, fleshy, pink, 5-split halfway. Stamens +. as long as the corolla, yellow-brown; filaments linear, c. 3 mm, long hairy in the upper part and the connective both margin- ally and dorsally; cells narrow, acutely attenuate at the base, c. 3 mm; tubules 3 mm. Disk glabrous. Style 8-10(-11) mm. Fruit subglobose, c. 6 mm @ when nearly ripe, crowned by the not accrescent calyx lobes, becoming blackish at full maturity. Distr. Malesia: NE. New Guinea (Southern, Eastern and Western Highlands; Mt Saruwaged area). Ecol. Mostly terrestrial, rarely epiphytic, locally common in montane Podocarpus forest, in edges of subalpine (mossy) forest, summit growth, (2300—)3000—3600(—3800?) m. F/. March-Sept. Vern. Koil gagump, kwaldaggan, Wahgi: Minj, deggenba, Chimbu: Masul, kuldeguk, Hagen: Towopa, poro, Hagen, rambau, Enga, walyari, Mendi. var. acutatum SLeuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 12. Differs by narrower, + oblong leaves, which are shortly subacutely acuminate at the apex and bear glandular points on both faces, 4~7 by 1.8-3 cm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Eastern High- lands: Mt Wilhelm), 3500 m, among specimens of the type variety. 5. Vaccinium amplifolium F. v. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. n.s. 1, 2 (1889) 18; SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 219; Blumea 11 (1961) 12. See for further synonyms under the varieties. KEY TO THE VARIETIES 1. Leaves large, (5—)6-9.5 by 3~—5.5 cm (obovate or obovate-elliptic) . . 2. var. giganteum 1. Leaves smaller, of various form. 2. Leaves subovate-elliptic, broad-elliptic or suborbicular or, if elliptic-oblong, surpassing 4cm in length . . 1. var. amplifolium 2. Leaves obovate-elliptic, oblong-obovate or oblong. 3. Leaves obovate-elliptic or oblong-obovate. 3. var. stabilipes 3. Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong and rather ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 751 small, (1.5—3(-4) by (0.8—)1-1.5 cm). 4. var. oblongum 1. var. amplifolium. Terrestrial as a weak, spreading tree or bush up to 6(—-10) m, or a climber up to 8 m, with a stout stem and bushy crown, not rarely epiphytic as a shrub (1-2 m) with stout roots descending to the ground along the supporting tree trunk. Branchlets rather robust, subangular, glabrous or finely pubescent at the tips, laxly to subdensely leaved. Leaves subovate-elliptic, broad-elliptic or sub- orbicular, sometimes elliptic-oblong, apex very broadly and obtusely attenuate to rounded, base broadly narrowed into the petiole, with a basal marginal gland on each side, coriaceous, flat or somewhat convex above and darkeningin dry speci- mens, a little shining on both faces, entire or min- utely glandular-denticulate, edge subrevolute, (3—) 3.5-6.5 by (2-)2.54(-5) cm, glabrous besides sparse glandular points or hairs beneath, some- times with short apparently early caducous eglandular hairs beneath, with 5(—7) nerves curved- ascending from and from above the base and sever- al shorter, more spreading ones from the upper part of the midrib, midrib and nerves slightly impressed above, not much raised beneath, outer nerves sometimes less conspicuous, reticulation lax and faint, or obscure in general; petiole 4-7(-8) by 1.5(-2) mm. Racemes from the upper 2-4(-6) axils, generally shining red all over when fresh, becoming blackish during the drying process, abbreviated, laxly 5—8(—12)-flowered; rachis rather slender, 1-2 cm, glabrous or laxly short-pubescent and/or with short club-shaped glandular hairs or glands as may be found on pedicels and calyces. Pedicels rather slender, (1—)1.5—2 cm, bibracteo- late at or mostly somewhat above the base, more- over with a distal collarette of numerous spread- ing, blackish, subfiliform glands or gland-hairs immediately below the calyx. Calyx tube sub- semiglobular to nearly cylindric, often somewhat constricted at the base of the limb, c. 2.5 by 2-2.5 mm, limb + spreading, 1-1.5 mm, deeply 5-lobed or -dented. Corolla campanulate, fleshy or a little waxy, pale to dark pink, or more rarely greenish white, deeply 5-lobed, 5-6(-7) mm long in all. Stamens as long or slightly longer than the corolla; filaments linear, c. 3 mm, glabrous below, sub- densely set with longish substrigose hairs in the uppermost part and at the connective dorsally and especially at the margin; cells oblong, base obtuse, sometimes with some hairs there, 2—2.5 mm; tubules 2-2.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style stoutish, 6-7 mm at the start of the anthesis, accrescent and much exerted in later stages. Fruit subovate-globular, c. 5 by 4 mm, crowned by the inflexed, hardly accrescent calyx lobes. Distr. Malesia: SE. New Guinea (Main Range of the Central and Milne Bay Distr.). Ecol. In mossy forest, climbing in subcanopy layer, or in ridge crest vegetation, or even as an isolated compact shrub in alpine grassland, locally common, 2050-3050(-3960?) m. Fi. Jan.-Dec. 752 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° / — \ s) os {i 1a WOR dua Ghai. 48. V. oranjense var. oranjense 41. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, edge flat or but slightly revolute, veins and veinlets generally visibly raised beneath. 768 FLORA MALESIANA [ser.) 1} voli 42. Pedicels slender. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, apex much contracted, 4—5(-6) by 3-4 mm below, or 1.5—2 mm distally; filaments glabrous or practically so. 59. V. microphyllum 42. Pedicels rather stoutish. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, 6—-8(—9) by 5 (sometimes —7) mm; filaments (very) laxly hairy below. . . 45. V. cyclopense f. glabrum 18. Leaves widest above the middle, i.e. properly obovate or at least oblong-obovate. 43. Leaves with (1—)2-3(—-4) + deeply sunken marginal glands on each side, and thus seemingly remotely crenulate, the glands distributed over ++ whole length of the margin (if one gland only, then found - cm. Calyx ra disk glabrous. Pedicels glabrous or laxly hairy . . - in the middle of the margin, not near the petiole), (0.4~-)0.6-1.2 by 0.2-0.4(—0.5) . 60. V. globosum 43. Leaves with 1(—2) pairs of -- basal, much less or not impressed marginal glands (which occur generally within the section, but are sometimes minute and hardly visible), found near to or in a (rather) short distance from the petiole (never in the middle or upper half of the margin). 44. Calyx + densely short-hairy or subhirsute spb 45. Disk glabrous. Pedicels hairy . . . 66. V. lorentzii f. puberulum 45. Disk hairy, Pedicels glabrous or practically : so. 46. Leaves 0.8-1.5(—-1.8) by (0.2—)0.3-0.5(-0.6) cm 61. V. leptospermoides f. leptospermoides 46. Leaves 1-2 by 0.7-1(-1.3)cm .... 44. Calyx (and disk) glabrous. 6 eo 6 . 62. V. vonroemeri 47. Pedicels hairy. (Filaments barbate or nearly villous in the middle. Corolla glabrous inside, c. 4 by 3 mm) Cee ACen ce ee at Sr eee se we . 63. V. barbatum ce ce oe eee) 47. Pedicels glabrous (or very laxly glandular-muriculate. Corolla pubescent inside). 48. Filaments quite glabrous. (Peduncle plus pedicel8-10mm). ... . 64. V. inconspicuum 48. Filaments laxly to densely hairy. 49. Leaves 0.8-1.5(—1.8) by (0.2—)0.3-0.5(—0.6) cm. 50. Branchlets puberulous. Pedicels slender, 6-8 mm . 50. Branchlets quite glabrous. Pedicels rather stoutish, 3.5-5 mm . . 61. V. leptospermoides f. glabrum . 65. V. sanguineum 49. Leaves (1.2—)1.4-3(-3.8) by 0.7—1.3(-1.6) cm. 51. Peduncle plus pedicel 3-4(-5) mm. Flowers 6—7-merous. Style bottle-shaped. 51. Peduncle plus pedicel (1-)2 mm. Flowers 5-merous. Style columnar . 66. V. lorentzii f. lorentzii . 67. V. pullei 1. Leaves distinctly and regularly (equidistantly) crenate or subserrate-crenulate over the whole margin or at least in its upper half. 52. Flowers subsessile. Peduncle plus pedicel up to 2(—2.5) mm, + stoutish (not or hardly elongate in fruit). 53. Corolla subcylindric-urceolate, (6—)7(—8) by 2.5—3(—4) mm. (Leaves narrowly obovate or elliptic-, or more rarely oblong-obovate, apex obtuse to rounded, base + cuneate.). . 53. Corolla broad-urceolate, (4-)5 by 3(-3.5)mm . . . ‘ . 68. V. whitfordii . 69. V. amblyandrum 52. Peduncle plus pedicel (3—)4—6 mm, rather stoutish or mostly slender. 54. Style laxly hairy in the lower part. Filaments c. 4.5 mm. Leaves oblong-elliptic, (0.9—-)1—1.5 by by 0.5-0.7 cm. . 70. V. evanidinervium 54. Style quite glabrous. Filaments up to 34 mm. Leaves 0. “1 by 0. 2-0. 4 cm. 55. Leaves elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apex -+_ obtuse, 4-6(—7) by 2.5—-4 mm, nerves practically obsolete. 71. V. coelorum 55. Leaves + lanceolate, apex subacute, 5—7(—10) by 2—3(—3.5) mm, nerves generally raised beneath. 56. Pedicel 3-4 mm. Corolla white or pink . . 56. Pedicel 5-6 mm. Corolla red . . . 30. Vaccinium villosiflorum J.J.S. in Gibbs, Arfak (1917) 171; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; KANEH. & Hatus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56 (1942) 482; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 26; ibid. 12 (1963) 125. — V. pilosiflorum J. J. S. in Gibbs, Arfak (1917) 172; Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 110; KANEH. & Hatus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56 (1942) 482; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 26. Shrub, generally terrestrial, rather many- stemmed and dense, on wind-swept summits even compact, with numerous + erect branches, or few-stemmed with overhanging elongate branches, sometimes epiphytic with long pendent branches, (0.3—)0.5-1.5 (as epiphyte up to 3) m. Branches much ramified distally. Branchlets subvillous in the younger, glabrescent in the older parts. Leaves rather densely arranged, elliptic or mostly ovate- . 72. V. prostratum . 73. V. wollastonii 2 i 8 cme elliptic with a short blunt acumen in the terrestrial forms, elliptic-ovate to ovate, rarely elongate-ovate and often with more elongate, sometimes even subcaudate acumen in the epiphytic state, base -+ rounded, the pair of marginal glands in a short distance from the petiole, distinct, dark, slightly impressed, green to glaucous-green above, paler beneath, flush pink, coriaceous and + convex above in the terrestrial, subcoriaceous and flattish in the epiphytic form, subdensely to laxly hairy on both faces initially, glabrescent to various degree with age, tardily so at the base and on the petiole, furthermore laxly set with short brownish glandular hairs beneath, entire, edge + revolute, 1-—2.5(-4) by 0.6-1.5(—2) cm, midrib slightly raised above, prominent beneath, nerves 1-2(—3) pairs, curved-ascending, slightly prominent on both faces July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 769 as are the upper shorter nerves or veins, reticula- tion lax, rather coarse, sometimes subobscure especially beneath; petiole 1.5-3 by 1 mm, on a rather thick leaf-cushion. Flowers axillary, general- ly solitary or rarely in twos, very rarely forming a short terminal 3-4-flowered raceme when the upper flowerbearing leaves are much reduced. Peduncle generally very short or none. Pedicels villous, slender, 1—-2(—3) mm, with several imbri- cate, oblong, brownish, ciliate, otherwise glabrous perulae, 1—2(-3) mm. Calyx green, villous, tube broadly subobconical, 1.5—2 mm, limb spreading, 1 mm, cut into 5 triangular lobes to almost the base. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, fleshy, carmine to pink, deeper coloured at the lobes, villous all over outside, laxly hairy especially in the upper part inside, (6—)7-9 by 3-4 mm, lobes ovate, finally recurved, 1—1.5 mm. Filaments dilated and laxly to subdensely hairy above the base, gradually narrower and glabrescent upwards, 3-4 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1.5-1.7 mm; tubules almost as wide as the cells, 0.7-0.8 mm, subobliquely cut distally. Disk laxly to densely set with longish erect hairs, rarely glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, 5—5.5 mm. Fruit a subglobose, apically truncate, soft, pale violet berry, c.6 mm @. Seeds brownish, densely finely striate, 1 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Arfak Mts). Ecol. Terrestrial with erect or overhanging branches and elliptic to ovate-elliptic, + coria- ceous leaves in edge of forest and in summit scrub, + open places, epiphytic with longer, pendent branches, softer, more ovate and subcaudate leaves in mossy forest, 1200-2600 m, locally plentiful. Fl. fr. Jan.—Dec. 31. Vaccinium densifolium J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 9; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 525; ibid. (1918) t. 214; Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 28. Low, erect, much branched shrub, up to 1.2 m. Branchlets abbreviate, densely short-hairy or almost hirsutulous at the young and densely foliate, glabrescent and dark-corticate at the older, + defoliate parts. Leaves subpatent, ovate to ovate-elliptic, gradually attenuate towards the blunt apex, base subtruncate-rounded, the two marginal basal glands thick, blackish and at some distance from the petiole, coriaceous and firm, + convex above in dry specimens, entire, some- what recurved at the edge, glabrous above, laxly set with dark, appressed, glandular hairs or bristles beneath initially, finally laxly punctate, 4-7(-9) by 3-S(-7) mm, midrib and often 2-3 pairs of curved-ascending nerves faintly sunken above, rather or quite obsolete beneath; petiole 1-2 mm, pubescent. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding. Peduncle 0. Pedicel rather robust, laxly to subdensely short-pubescent, moreover at the base laxly, towards the apex more densely set with short, thickish, glandular hairs, 3-4 mm at anthesis, basal bracts several, glabrous, 1-2 mm. Calyx subcampanulate, glabrous, or mostly slightly hairy at the very base, rugulose, a little shining, tube S5-angular, 2 mm, limb spreading, lobes triangular, subacute, ciliolate, c. 1 mm. Corolla subovoid-urceolate, slightly 5-angular initially, contracted distally, glabrous outside, laxly long-hairy in the upper 34 inside, fleshy, red, 6-7 by 2.5-3 mm, lobes a little recurved, obtuse, pale yellow or white, 1 mm. Filaments linear- subulate, -+- wavy, glabrous, c. 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, base incurved and very shortly 4-lobed, echinulate, 1.5 mm; tubules cylindric, erect, a little divergent, slightly widened and recurved at the opening, obliquely truncate, 1.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style glabrous, 4.5 mm. Berry said to be blue. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Oranje and Hubrecht Mts, Mt Wilhelmina). Ecol. Locally abundant in marginal shrubberies of subalpine forest, 3100-3800 m. Fi. Febr., Aug.—Sept. 32. Vaccinium sparsicapillum SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 28. Small shrub. Branchlets dense, tips angular, patent-puberulous and laxly minutely verrucose, older parts glabrescent. Leaves dense, elliptic, apex obtusely attenuate or rounded, base narrowed into the petiole, the 2 basal marginal glands a little impressed and distant from the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous above, laxly set with ap- pressed glandular hairs beneath, entire, flat, margin slightly or not revolute, 5-8 by 3-4 mm, midrib + impressed above, hardly prominent beneath, nerves in 2-3 pairs, obsolete above, minutely raised or sometimes scarcely visible beneath; petiole rather slender, early glabrescent, (1-)2 mm. Flowers solitary, remote in the upper axils. Pedicels rather slender, glabrous or muricu- late especially below the calyx, (2—)3—4 mm, base hidden by several ovate-oblong, concave bracts, 1.5 mm. Calyx glabrous, tube obconical, 2 mm, limb spreading, 1.3 mm high, deeply partite into 5 broad-triangular, subacute, not ciliate lobes. Corolla urceolate, rather fleshy, probably red, glabrous outside, laxly long-hairy in the upper 24 inside, 4 by c. 2.5 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous, 1.3 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, c. 1.3 mm; tubules much narrower than the cells, erect, 0.8 mm, the pore oblique, rather small, not dilated distally. Disk glabrous. Style subclavate, glabrous, 2.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Wissel Lakes region), once found, 1800-2900 m. Fi. Aug. 33. Vaccinium finisterrae SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 169, f. 9; SLeuM. ibid. 72 (1942) 226; Blumea 11 (1961) 26; ibid. 12 (1963) 125. — V. sessiliflorum Scuitr, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 170. — V. parvulifolium (non F. v. M.) Diets, ibid. 62 (1929) 488. — V. haemanthum Sveum. ibid. 72 (1942) 226. Low epiphytic (0.4 m) or erect terrestrial, 0.6—1.5(—2.5) m, much branched shrub. Branchlets slender, tips subterete and +- densely clad with short spreading hairs and some sparse club-shaped glandular hairs, early glabrescent, older parts greyish corticate. Leaves rather dense, elliptic to 770 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° ovate- or oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, base + broadly attenuate to rounded, with a pair of minute marginal glands in a rather long distance from the petiole, subcoriaceous and quite glabrous with age besides some glandular hairs or points on the undersurface, entire, edge subrevolute, 0.8—1.5(—2) by 0.5—0.8(-1) cm, nerves and reticula- tion slightly raised on both sides, or not rarely + obsolete; petiole 0.5—1(—2) mm, pubescent initially. Flowers solitary and remote in the upper axils, sessile or almost so. Peduncle 0. Pedicel stoutish, glabrous, up to 1.5mm, + hidden by several ovate, obtuse, ciliate bracts. Calyx glabrous, tube obconical-campanulate, 2—2.5 mm, lobes broadly ovate-subacuminate, ciliate, c. 1 mm. Corolla broadly ovoid-urceolate, contracted apically, rather fleshy, pale pink to blood-red, (4-)5—6(—7) by (2.5-)3-4 mm, glabrous outside, hairy within the upper third inside, lobes 1-1.5 mm. Filaments narrow-linear, laxly hairy in the lower part to almost glabrous, 2-3 mm; anther-cells oblong, c. 1 mm, with 2 very short or obscure dorsal spurs; tubules nearly as wide as cells, hardly 0.5 mm, + obliquely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style rather thick, glabrous or laxly subpatently hairy, 3—4(—5) mm. Fruit subglobose, truncate at the apex and crowned by the + inflexed short calyx lobes, 3-4 mm g. Distr. Malesia: East New Guinea (Star Mts: Mt Sirius; Hunstein, Finisterre and Saruwaged- Rawlinson Mts, Mt Amungwiwa S. of Wau, Wharton Ra., Southern Highlands Distr. and Mt Victoria region). Ecol. Mostly epiphytic in moss forest or alpine scrub, or terrestrial on forest borders, in Mis- canthus grass swamp or in open hill side, (1050-) 2000—3500(—3600?) m. Fi. fr. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Ant, walakamp, Mendi. 34. Vaccinium haematochroum SLEUM. Blumea 12 (1963) 126. Semiprostrate or decumbent, few-branched shrublet, up to 35 cm. Branchlets slender, densely leaved youngest parts and petioles set with a few long white hairs, older ones quite glabrous. Leaves elliptic, apex and base broadly attenuate to almost rounded, the basal pair of marginal glands small and impressed above the base, 5-7 by 3—4 mm, glabrous except scattered minute glandu- lar hairs beneath, entire, nerves and one pair of basal and one pair of upper curved-ascending nerves rather obscure above, slightly prominent beneath; petiole 1-1.5 mm. Flowers solitary. Peduncle 0. Pedicel nodding, slender, glabrous or with a few glandular subpatent hairs distally, 2-3 mm. Calyx glabrous, tube subcylindric, base truncate, 0.6 mm, lobes deltoid, 0.8 mm, the apical gland small. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, much attenuate upwards, glabrous outside, laxly hairy in the upper half inside, blood red, fleshy, c. 5 by 2.5-3 mm below, lobes hardly 1 mm. Filaments linear, laxly subpatently longish white-hairy in the lower third, 2.5 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, echinulate, c. 1.4 mm including the equally wide, very short tubules. Disk thick, glabrous. Style slenderly columnar, glabrous, 3.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Wissel Lakes), once found. Ecol. In apparently secondary forest on stony sand derived from white sandstone, at 1820 m, locally common. Fl. May. Vern. Ukwa-piepa, Kapauku. 35. Vaccinium brachycladum SLeEuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 26. Terrestrial shrub, 1-1.5 m, densely branched distally. Branches 4-5 mm g. Branchlets brown, angular, 1-1.5 mm g, subdensely shortly patent- hairy. Leaves dense, obovate or elliptic-obovate, apex almost rounded and not rarely a little retuse, + broadly cuneate into the petiole, the 2 basal marginal glands small, found in 1-2 mm distance from the petiole, coriaceous, laxly appressedly glandular-muriculate beneath, glabrous otherwise, entire, submarginate, 1-1.5 by 0.6—0.9(-1) cm, edge flat, midrib slightly impressed above, or prominent beneath, nerves in 2-3 basal and suprabasal pairs, obscure above, not much con- spicuous beneath, no reticulation; petiole thickish, pubescent initially, c. 2 mm. Flowers solitary in the upper axils, sessile, nodding, surrounded at the base by several narrow-deltoid, glabrous, ciliate bracts, c. 2 mm. Calyx glabrous, tube campanulate, c. 2 mm, lobes triangular, bluntish, ciliate especially distally, 1.5 mm. Corolla sub- cylindric-urceolate, c. 7 mm long, 3 mm @ at the base, 2 mm @ at the opening, red, fleshy, glabrous outside, laxly hairy at the mouth inside, lobes erecto-patent, 1.3 mm. Filaments linear, laxly hairy below, glabrous upwards, wavy, 1.2—-1.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, 1 mm; tubules nearly as wide as the cells, 0.5 mm, obliquely cut distally. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, c. 7 mm. Distr. Malesia: Central New Guinea (Star Mts: on Mt Antares), 3000 m. Fi. July. 36. Vaccinium hatamense Becc. Malesia 1 (1878) 210; SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 226; Blumea 11 (1961) 27; ibid. 12 (1963) 125. Epiphytic or terrestrial, often trailing shrublet, 30-50 cm. Branchlets angular at the slightly puberulous or almost glabrous tips. Leaves narrow-obovate, apex rounded or not rarely sub- emarginate, base + long cuneate and somewhat decurrent into the petiole, with a minute depressed marginal gland on each side a little above the very base, coriaceous, glabrous, entire, marginate, edge faintly recurved, 1-1.5(—1.7) by 0.4-0.5(-0.7) cm, midrib and nerves obsolete above, hardly visible beneath; petiole c. 1 mm. Flowers sparse, solitary in the upper axils, quite glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle 0. Pedicel 1-1.5 mm, with several scarious, ovate, subacuminate basal bracts, 0.8 mm. Calyx tube obconical, 1.5 mm, lobes triangu- lar, subacute, not ciliate, 1.5 mm. Corolla ventri- cose, much attenuate distally, c. 4 by 3.5 mm, sparsely glandular outside, hairy in the upper third inside, pinkish red, lobes whitish. Stamens 8; filaments filiform, rather villous, 2 mm; cells oblong, not spurred, c. 1 mm; tubules nearly as July 1967] wide as the cells, 0.5 mm, opening by wide sub- oblique slits. Disk glabrous. Style glabrous, equal- ling the corolla. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea, known from the Vogelkop Peninsula (Arfak Mts, Nettoti Ra.) and the Wissel Lakes region; sterile specimens with similar leaves found in the Gauttier and Cycloop Mts. Ecol. In heath or summit vegetation. also epiphytic in moss forest, locally common, 1525- 2150 m. Fi. Jan.—Dec. 37. Vaccinium parvulifolium F. vy. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. 1, 2 (1889) 20; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 235; Blumea 11 (1961) 27. Epiphytic, small, dense shrub. Branchlets in the youngest parts subangular, puberulous and minutely verruculose. Leaves dense, obovate, sometimes suborbicular-obovate, apex rounded or faintly emarginate, base + cuneate, the 2 basal marginal glands distant from the petiole, coria- ceous, pale, + shiny, convex above in dry speci- mens, glabrous, entire, margin slightly cartilagi- nous, but little or not revolute, (0.4-)0.5—0.7(—0.8) by 0.3—-0.5 cm, midrib rather obscurely sunken above, or raised beneath, nerves subinconspicuous; petiole puberulous, slender, c. 2 mm. Flowers solitary, axillary, nodding. Peduncle 0. Pedicels c. 2 mm in anthesis, sometimes up to 3 mm in fruit, rather stoutish, glabrous, basal bracts several, minute. Calyx subcampanulate, quite glabrous, shining, rugulose in dry specimens, tube 2.5 mm, lobes suberect, deltoid, subacute, slightly inflexed, not ciliate, c. 1 mm. Corolla urceolate, rather thin, cream, c. 4 by 2.5 mm, very laxly muriculate outside, laxly hairy inside, lobes suberect, c. 1 mm. Filaments linear, glabrous or but very sparsely hairy, 1.5 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, c. 0.7 mm, slightly granular, distinctly 2-spurred dorsally (0.2-0.3 mm); tubules slightly curved, narrower than the cells, + transversely cut apically, 0.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, 3 mm. Fruit ovoid-subglobose, apex truncate, seen up to 3 mm @g, said to be yellowish. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea, only known from the Owen Stanley Ra. (Mt Musgrave, Mt Tafa). Ecol. Epiphyte in ridge forest trees, 2135-2440 m. Fl. May-Sept. 38. Vaccinium scyphocalyx SLeuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 27. Epiphytic shrublet. Branches much divided distally, terete, laxly pubescent, glabrescent, 2-3 mm g. Branchlets subangular, patently hairy, slender. Leaves subdense, obovate, similar to those of V. convexifolium, apex rounded-obtuse, cuneate towards the base, the pair of basal marginal glands minute, blackish, slightly impressed and in 1-2 mm distance from the petiole, subcoriaceous, brown when dry, a little convex above in dry specimens, glabrous at full age, sparsely glandular-punctate _ beneath, sometimes with a tuft of hairs at the very apex in young leaves, entire, edge revolute, 0.7-1 by 0.4-0.6(-0.7) cm, minutely corrugate above when dry, smooth beneath, midrib and two pairs of nerves not much conspicuous above, hardly or ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 771 not visible beneath, no reticulation; petiole slender, pubescent, c. 1 m. Flowers solitary and sessile in the upper axils, remote, with several minute basal bracts. Calyx tube campanulate, glabrous, 1.2 mm, lobes triangular, subacute, smooth, ciliate, 0.8 mm. Corolla urceolate, pink, rather thin, laxly muricu- late outside, hairy inside, c. 4 by 2 mm, lobes suberect, 0.7 mm, paler in colour than the coroila tube. Filaments subulate-linear, subdensely hairy below, narrower and glabrous upwards, 1.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, granular, 0.7 mm, shortly 2-spurred dorsally; tubules erect, c. half as wide as the cells, 0.5 mm, almost transversely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, c. 3 mm, densely subappressedly pubescent in the lower 24. Berry subglobose, c. 5 mm @ and violaceous-blackish at maturity. Distr. Malesia: Central New Guinea (Star Mts), 1500 m, once found. 39. Vaccinium versteegii KooRD. Nova Guinea 8 (1909) 190; J. J. S. ibid. 12 (1917) 520; ibid. (1918) t. 210; SLeumM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 227; KANEH. & Hatus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56 (1942) 482; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 28; ibid. 12 (1963) 125. Epiphytic or terrestrial and semiscandent, much branched shrub, 0.5—2(—3) m. Branchlets slender, clothed with short, + spreading hairs in the younger subangular, glabrescent and dark- corticate in the older terete parts. Leaves subdense, elliptic or oblong-obovate to obovate, apex + rounded, base cuneate to various degree, with a minute impressed marginal gland in some distance from the petiole on each side, rather fleshy when fresh, coriaceous and not rarely rugose above in dry specimens, glabrous besides some hairs at the base of the midrib beneath, often glabrous all over epunctate, entire, margin manifestly revolute, (0.7—)1-2.3 by (0.6-)0.8-1.1 cm, midrib slightly sunken above, prominent beneath, nerves in c. 3 erecto-patent pairs, anastomosing, often + obsolete, reticulation rather inconspicuous; petiole pubescent, c. 2 mm. Flowers solitary, axillary, subsessile. Peduncle 0. Pedicel hardly 1 mm, + included by several minute ovate subacuminate, obtuse, glabrous, thin bracts. Calyx subdensely short-hairy, tube obconical, somewhat 5-angular, c. 1.5 mm, limb expanded, 1 mm, very shortly 5-lobed or -denticulate. Corolla depressedly ovoid- urceolate, much contracted distally, + laxly short-glandular-hairy or muriculate all over or only in the upper half outside, fleshy, dark to brownish red, c. 3.5 by 3 mm, lobes recurved, c. 1 mm. Filaments subulate, wavy, densely pubescent or almost villous, 1-1.5 mm; anther-cells oblong- ovate, 0.8 mm; tubules broad, 0.5 mm. Disk glabrous. Style stout, glabrous, c. 2.8 mm. Fruit subsemiglobose, apex much truncate, pubescent, purplish blackish, 5-7 mm @ at full maturity. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Tohkiri and Tamrau Mts, southern part of the Oranje Mts, the Sibil valley, and from the Palmer R. in the Western Distr.). Ecol. In forest, often as an epiphyte in canopy trees, 80-1520 m. Fl. Jan.—Dec. 772 FLORA MALESIANA fser. TT, voligt Note. Specimens with similar, but larger and thinner, conspicuously reticulate leaves have been found at the Rouffaer R. and near Dalman (Geelvink Bay), at 175-500 m. 40. Vaccinium myrsinoides SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 173; SLEuM. ibid. 72 (1942) 227; Blumea 11 (1961) 28. — V. collivagum SLeEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 227. Epiphytic or terrestrial, much branched shrub, up to 1.2 m. Branchlets rather stout, densely leaved, tips angular and laxly hairy or subvillous, older parts subterete, early covered with an ashy cork. Leaves obovate to elliptic-obovate, apex shortly obtusely attenuate to rounded, base cuneate into the petiole, the 2 small basal marginal glands markedly distant from the petiole, coriace- ous or nearly so, entire, the very edge slightly revolute (the whole lamina not rarely a little convex above in dry specimens), first puberulous at the midrib and petiole, quite glabrous with age, with scattered, dark, very short, appressed glandular hairs or points beneath, 0.8-1.3 by (0.3-)0.4-0.7 cm, midrib and 1(-2) pairs of ascending nerves faintly raised on both faces, not rarely + inconspicuous, no reticulation; petiole 1-2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, sessile or almost so, basal bracts rather numerous, ovate, subacute, stiffly membranous, glabrous, ciliolate, 1-2.5 mm, covering the lower part of the calyx. Calyx cam- panulate, all over laxly short-hairy, tube 2 mm, lobes erecto-patent, ovate-deltoid, subacute, cilio- late, with blackish points dorsally, c. 1 mm. Corolla narrow-ovoid-urceolate, contracted at both ends, fleshy, dark red or crimson, sparsely set with very short glandular hairs, but no proper pubescence outside, or nearly glabrous, c. 5—6 by c. 2.5 mm, lobes paler, recurved, 1.5 mm. Stamens 10 or 8; filaments subulate, very laxly hairy, c. 1.3 mm; cells ovate-oblong, c. 1 mm, no spurs; tubules as long and wide as the cells, obliquely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous or papillose, c. 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Schrader Mts, Upper Minj R. valley in the Western Highlands, and Mt Victoria). Ecol. In mountain thickets or open hill side, 2070-3410 m. 41. Vaccinium convexifolium J. J. S. Med. Rijks- herb. m. 25 (1915) 10; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 527; ibid. (1918) t. 216; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 28. Much branched shrub, 2-5 m. Branchlets slender, densely patently hairy or almost tomen- tose in the new shoots, gradually glabrescent with age, older parts grey-corticate. Leaves subdense, obovate, apex obtuse or rounded, rarely slightly emarginate, base cuneate, the 2 basal marginal glands in some distance from the petiole, coriace- ous, glabrous besides the shortly barbate extreme apex, -- convex above in dry specimens, entire, edge slightly revolute, 0.7—-1 by 0.5-0.7 cm, midrib impressed above, a little raised beneath, nerves and veins -+ obsolete above, faintly prominent beneath; petiole pubescent, 1.5-2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, subsessile. Peduncle 0. Pedicels up to 1.5 mm, + included by several concave, oblong-ovate, glabrous bracts, 1.5 mm. Calyx turbinate, -- densely short-pubescent, tube 1—1.5 mm, lobes triangular, acute, c. 0.8 mm. Corolla narrowly ovoid-conical, shortly subtubular-con- tracted at the base, gradually narrowed distally, fleshy, red, laxly glandular-muriculate, but not properly hairy outside, 7-8(-9) by (2.5-)3(-3.5) mm, lobes ovate-orbicular, paler, suberect, c. 0.8 mm. Filaments linear, laxly hairy at the base, glabrous above, c. 1 mm; anther-cells broad- oblong, c. 1 mm; tubules as wide as the cells, very short, obliquely cut distally. Disk glabrous. Style somewhat thickened in the middle, papillose, c. 7 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Hellwig Mts), in ridge forest at 2600 m. Once found. 42. Vaccinium taxifolium SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 29. Small epiphytic shrub, laxly thin-branched. Branchlets slender, densely shortly subhispidulous- pubescent in the youngest, glabrescent in the older parts. Leaves subdense, narrow-oblong, apex obtuse or rounded, base subtruncate-obtuse, the basal marginal glands rather inconspicuous, found almost on the petiole, subcoriaceous, rather firm, glabrous except the very base and the petiole which are subhispidulous-pubescent, laxly glan- dular-punctate beneath, entire, marginate, edge not rarely a little revolute, 0.9-1.8 by 0.2-0.4 cm, midrib and nerves rather inconspicuous above, slightly raised beneath, nerves in 3—4 pairs coming in an acute angle from the midrib, high-ascendent and subparallel to the margin, reticulation fine and visible beneath only; petiole 1-1.5(—2) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding. Pedicels rather slender, glabrous, (5—)6—9(—10) mm, base involu- crate by several minute bracts, 0.5-1 mm. Calyx mostly all over + densely shortly hispidulous- pubescent or almost villous, rarely glabrescent at the lobes, tube turbinate, 1-1.5 mm, limb spread- ing, 5-partite to nearly the base, lobes deltoid, subacute, 1-1.3 mm. Corolla urceolate, thin, fiery red, glabrous outside, laxly long-hairy in the upper part inside, 6-8 by 3-5 mm, lobes obtuse, sub- erect, 1 mm. Filaments filiform, a little dilated at the base, laxly pubescent in the lower 14, 3—3.5 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, echinulate, 0.8—0.9 mm; tubules nearly as wide and long as the cells, apex obliquely truncate. Disk laxly long-hairy. Style thickish, glabrous, 4-5 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Wissel Lakes region), at 1800-2900 m. Twice found. Fl. Aug., Oct. 43. Vaccinium wondiwoiense J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 114, t. 29, f. 1; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 29. Small, apparently epiphytic shrub. Branchlets very slender, shortly patently pubescent. Leaves lax, oblong-elliptic, apex and base equally gradual- ly attenuate and + obtuse, the basal marginal July 1967] glands hardly visible, subcoriaceous, glabrous, entire, edge subrevolute, 2.5—3 by 0.8—1 cm, 3(—5)- plinerved, other pinnate nerves in 3-4 pairs higher from the midrib, irregular, anastomosing, midrib and nerves slightly prominent on both faces, reticulation dense, equally raised and well visible; petiole slender, 1-1.5 mm, pubescent. Flowers axillary, solitary. Peduncle extremely short or none, with several vaginular small bracts. Pedicel slender, glabrous below, gradually dense patently hairy upwards, c. 4 mm. Calyx all over densely shortly hispid-hairy, tube obconical, slightly 5- angular, 2 mm, lobes broad-triangular, 0.5 mm. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, glabrous, membranous, red, c. 5(-6) by c. 3 mm. Filaments subulate, laxly hairy in the lower half, glabrous and more filiform above, 3.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1 mm; tubules + as wide and long as the cells, obliquely cut apically. Disk sparsely long-hairy. Style glabrous, 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts on Wandammen Peninsula, Geelvink Bay), at 1800 m. One collection. 44. Vaccinium schultzei SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 173; SLeum. ibid. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 29. Erect, branched, apparently small shrub. Branchlets erecto-patent, subvillous initially, tardily glabrescent. Leaves lax, elliptic or ovate- lanceolate, bluntly acuminate, coriaceous, glabr- ous, slightly recurved at the edge, 2.5-4.3 by 1-1.8 cm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding. Peduncle apparently 0. Pedicel slender, glabrous, 8-10 mm, with a few small basal bracts. Calyx patelliform, puberulous, c. 3.7 mm long in all, lobes triangular, subacute, ciliate. Corolla sub- globose-urceolate, glabrous and rugulose outside, sparsely hairy inside, apparently light pink, 7 by c. 5 mm, lobes broadly ovate, subacute, erecto- patent. Filaments subulate, hairy, shortly longer than the anthers, the latter oblong; tubules with oblique oblong pores. Disk glabrous. Style cylindric, glabrous, 6 mm. Distr. Malesia: NE. New Guinea (Sepik R., bivouac 48 at c. 4°45’-141°10’), once found. Note. Translated from the original Latin de- scription, as the type material is lost and the species not yet recollected. 45. Vaccinium cyclopense J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1914) 156, t. 44; ibid. 18 (1936) 112, p.p.; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 29; ibid. 12 (1963) 125. — V. cyclopense J. J. S. var. arfakense J. J. S. in Gibbs, Arfak (1917) 171. — V. rariflorum Scuitr, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 171. — V. ledermannii Scuvtr, |. c. 172. f. cyclopense. Terrestrial or epiphytic, laxly branched, + “trailing or pendent shrub, up to 0.6 m high. Branchlets up to 1 m long, slender, rooting, tips or new shoots subangular, densely short-pubescent, older parts more terete and glabrescent, laxly to ERICACEAE (Sleumer) Fs subdensely leaved. Leaves dark green above, much paler beneath, varying in shape and size, ovate to ovate-elliptic, sometimes elliptic, rarely lanceolate- elliptic, apex blunt to rounded, base + rounded or subcordate, the basal pair of marginal glands found near the petiole and often hardly noticeable, subcoriaceous, rather firm, ciliate when young, quite glabrous with age, laxly gland-hairy or punctate beneath, entire, the very margin + distinctly recurved, the proper lamina flat or but slightly convex above in dry specimens, (0.7—)1- 1.7(-3) by (0.4-)0.5—0.9(-1.4) cm, triplinerved, midrib and one basal pair of curved-ascending nerves more conspicuous than the other higher and shorter lateral, equally anastomosing ones, reticulation rather lax, nerves and veins very slightly sunken or a little raised above, prominent beneath; petiole pubescent, 1-2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, very rarely in twos, nodding, or rarely also from defoliate axils. Peduncle, if any, very short, rarely up to 2 mm. Pedicel rather stoutish, thickened upwards, laxly hairy distally, glabrous below, (4-)5—8 mm, with several oblong- spathulate glabrous basal bracts, 1 mm. Calyx green or pinkish, all over + densely subhispid- hairy, tube turbinate and 5-angular, 2 mm, limb expanded, 2 mm, its deltoid subobtuse lobes ciliate, 1.3 mm. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, + fleshy, generally light to deep pink or light carmine and lobes whitish or greenish, rarely white or greenish white and lobes white or green, 6-8(—9) by 5(-7) mm, glabrous or very sparsely glandular- muriculate outside, mostly long-hairy inside, lobes spreading, 1 mm. Filaments subulate, c. 3 mm, (very) laxly pubescent at and somewhat above the base; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1 mm; tubules as long and wide as the cells, obliquely cut apically. Disk laxly long-hairy. Style red, columnar to club-shaped, glabrous or sometimes with a few hairs at the base, c. 5 mm. Fruit a soft, purplish or pale violet, or sometimes whitish berry, sub- globose, apex truncate, c. 5 mm @ when fresh. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (from the Vogel- kop Peninsula to the Cycloop, Torricelli and Finisterre Mts, Mt Saruwaged area, in the Main Range from the Star Mts to Mt Victoria), ap- parently widespread, though local. Ecol. In mossy mountain (Nothofagus) forest, 800-2900(—3300?) m. Fi. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Midjimserei, mungat, Hattam, foyo, Wapi. Note. Flowers not rarely galled, altered into whitish or greenish or reddish hairy globules. f. glabrum SLeuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 30; ibid. 12 (1963) 125. Calyx glabrous dorsally, lobes long ciliate or fimbriate. Pedicels glabrous, (4-)5-6 mm. Corolla pale to deep pink, lobes cream or green. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Vogelkop Penin- sula: Tamrau, Nettoti and Arfak Mts; central part: Sibil Valley). Ecol. In dense mossy forest, sometimes together with f. cyclopense, 1260-2100 m. Fl. Jan.-Dec. 774 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6% 46. Vaccinium culminicolum WERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 91; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 229; Blumea 11 (1961) 30. Low shrublet, apparently epiphytic. Branchlets very slender, youngest parts -+- densely hispidu- lous-hairy. Leaves lax, ovate to elliptic-ovate, apex -+- rounded or at least obtuse, if narrowed, base rounded or mostly slightly cordate, the basal pair of marginal glands invisible, coriaceous, rather firm, glabrous except some long hispid hairs which may be found at the margin and the base initially, laxly glandular-punctate beneath, (0.8—)0.9-1.2 (-1.3) by (0.5—)0.6—-0.8 cm, entire, marginate, i.e. the edge a little thickened, quite flat, midrib faintly impressed above, hardly raised beneath, nerves obscure; petiole 1 mm, _hispid-hairy. Flowers solitary, axillary. Pedicels 2-3 mm, sub- densely white-hispid-hairy as is the whole calyx to a lesser degree, basal bracts minute. Calyx tube campanulate, base rounded, c. 2 mm, limb spread- ing, lobes deltoid, subobtuse, 1.5 mm. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, thin, colour not known, glabrous outside, hairy in the upper part inside, c. 8 by 6 mm, lobes suberect, c. 2 mm. Filaments filiform, laxly hairy but immediately above the base, glabrous otherwise, 4 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, c. 1 mm; tubules as wide as the cells, 0.7 mm, obliquely cut apically. Disk laxly hairy. Style columnar, papillose, 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (ascent from Utakwa R. to Mt Carstensz), 3200-3800 m, once found. 47. Vaccinium piceifolium WeERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 92; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231; Blumea 11 (1961) 31. — V. crassi- florum (non J. J. S. 1912 & 1914) J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 526; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231, p.p. — V. sp. KoorpD. Nova Guinea 8 (1912) 884. Small shrub, up to 0.5 m. Branchlets rather stiff, young parts angular, very laxly hairy or glabrous. Leaves dense, with thick, decurrent leaf-cushions, narrow-oblong, apex short-attenuate, obtuse, often with a minute gland, base subcuneate into the petiole, the basal pair of marginal glands hardly visible, coriaceous, glabrous, -- shining, very laxly glandular-muriculate or practically glabrous beneath, flat, 0.7-1(-1.2) by 0.2-0.3 cm, entire, midrib faintly impressed above, prominent beneath as are the 1-2 pairs of basal or a little suprabasal, steeply high-ascending nerves, these not rarely rather obscure above, no reticulation; petiole 0.5-1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, quite glabrous in all outer parts. Pedicels 5-7 mm at anthesis, rather stoutish, with a few shortly stalked glands at the articulation with the calyx, basal bracteoles ovate-oblong, c. 1 mm. Calyx tube turbinate, slightly 5-angled, 2 mm, limb much spreading, lobes triangular, 1.5 mm. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, glabrous outside, very laxly hairy inside, c. 6 by 4 mm, fleshy, red, lobes 1 mm. Filaments linear, laxly hairy in the lower part, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1.3 mm; tubules cylindric. erect, narrowed upwards, 0.7 mm, obliquely cut distally. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, 3—4 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Main Range from Mt Carstensz to Hellwig Mts and Mt Goliath). Ecol. In ridge forest or in summit vegetation, 2000-2600 m. F/. Nov.—Dec. 48. Vaccinium pugionifolium SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 230; Blumea 11 (1961) 31. Suberect shrub, 20-30 cm. Branchlets pubescent at the tips, glabrescent below. Leaves dense and almost distichous, narrow-lanceolate, apex gradu- ally acuminate, subacute, base cuneate, subcoria- ceous, glabrous, 0.6-1.1 by c. 0.2 cm, midrib slightly sunken above, nerves inconspicuous on both faces; petiole hardly 1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle 0. Pedicel rather slender, 5—6(—-7) mm, with a few acicular basal bracts. Calyx turbinate, contracted at the base, c. 3 mm including the lobes, the latter broadly triangular, subacute, 1.5 mm. Corolla ventricose-urceolate, + fleshy, glabrous outside, laxly hairy inside, 6 by 4 mm, contracted immediately below the lobes, intensely rose coloured. Filaments subulate, slightly dilated and laxly hairy at the base, glabrous upwards, c. 2.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, 1 mm; tubules very short, nearly as wide as the cells, obliquely cut apically, the back wall thus ending in a short acumen. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, a little thickened towards the apex, glabrous. Distr. Malesia: East New Guinea (Sambanga, Mt Saruwaged area), at 2000 m, once found. Note. Copied from the original description, as the type material is lost. 49. Vaccinium bodenii WERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 91; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231; Blumea 11 (1961) 31. Small shrub. Branchlets rather slender, but firm, the youngest parts angular, sparsely pubescent. Leaves subdensely arranged, ovate-elliptic to elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, base very broadly attenuate to almost rounded, the pair of basal marginal glands minute, impressed, distant from the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous, laxly glandular- punctate beneath, entire, marginate, flat, 0.6—0.8 (-1) by (0.3—)0.4-0.5 cm, midrib faintly sunken above, distinctly raised beneath, nerves in 1-2 basal and suprabasal, curved-ascending pairs, slightly prominent beneath, other 1-2 pairs of higher and shorter nerves mostly less visible; petiole puberulous, 1 mm. Flowers solitary in the upper axils, nodding, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle very short (1 mm) or none, hidden in the membranous, rather numerous bracts which are oblong-ovate, ciliolate, up to 2.5 mm. Pedicel stoutish, (1-)2-3 mm. Calyx tube obconical, c. 2 mm, limb much expanded, deeply lobed, lobes ovate-deltoid, subacute, veined, c. 1.5 mm. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, laxly muriculate in the lower part or all over glabrous outside, densely hairy in the upper part inside, c. 5 by 3-4 mm, lobes suberect, blunt, 1 mm. Filaments linear, July 1967] densely pubescent, almost 3 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, echinulate, 1.2 mm; tubules cy- lindric, slightly curved, narrowed upwards, 1.2 mm. Disk set with erect whitish hairs at the inner margin. Style columnar, laxly hairy, 3.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (ascent from Utakwa R. to Mt Carstensz), 3350-3800 m, once found. 50. Vaccinium absconditum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 113, t. 28, f. 2; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 228; Blumea 11 (1961) 31. Small shrub, with elongate slender, rooting, c. 50 cm long branches. Branchlets laxly short-hairy. Leaves lax, ovate-elliptic or elliptic, rarely oblong- elliptic, apex + gradually acuminate, subacute, base broadly attenuate or obtuse, more rarely nearly rounded, no basal marginal glands visible, coriaceous, hairy at the very base and on the petiole, laxly set with brownish, appressed, very short setular gland-hairs beneath, entire, margin recurved, 4-6.3 by 1.5—2.5 cm, triplinerved, midrib and nerves slightly sunken or + obscure above, but little raised beneath, other 1-2 pairs rather indistinct; petiole 3-4 by c. 0.5 mm. Flowers solitary from defoliate axils, nodding. Peduncle glabrous, 2(—3.5) mm, with several minute basal glabrous bracts. Pedicel rather slender, glabrous or practically so, c. 9 mm, with 1-2 minute basal bracteoles. Calyx glabrous or sparsely hairy, tube campanulate-turbinate, 5-angular, 3(-4) mm, lobes broad-triangular, subacute, ciliate, c. 1.3 mm. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, much con- tracted distally, shortly 6-lobed, sparsely muri- culate, not properly hairy outside, laxly long-hairy inside, fleshy, bright or pale red, c. 9 by 6-7 mm, lobes obtuse, 1 mm. Stamens 12, c. 7.5 mm; filaments linear, patently long-hairy at the base, glabrous otherwise, c. 5 mm; anthers bifid in the upper */;; cells oblong, minutely echinulate, 1.5 mm; tubules nearly as long and wide as the cells, opening by oblique terminal pores. Disk hairy. Style columnar, glabrous, c. 6.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (West Nassau Mts), on moss in moss forest, 2500-2600 m, twice found. 51. Vaccinium ceramense SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 31. — V. microphyllum (non BL.) J. J. S. in Fedde, Rep. 30 (1932) 177. Apparently terrestrial shrublet, with slender, elongate branches, again branched distally. Branchlets very slender, patently puberulous. Leaves \ax, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, apex rounded or mostly a little emarginate, base broadly attenu- ate into the petiole, the pair of marginal glands very small and found at the very base of thelamina, subcoriaceous, glabrous, sparsely glandular-punc- tate beneath, entire, margin slightly revolute espe- cially towards the base, 0.7—-1 by 0.4(-0.5) cm, midrib and 2 pairs of nerves sometimes a little “raised beneath, often all obscure; petiole slender, pubescent, c. 1.5 mm. Flowers solitary, sparse, in one or the other axil. Pedicels rather robust, with a few glandular, but no eglandular hairs in the ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 775 upper part, c. 5 mm, the base surrounded by several minute bracts. Ca/yx broadly campanulate, glabrous, tube turbinate, hardly 1 mm, limb spreading, 5-partite to nearly the base, lobes deltoid, acute, 1.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, rather fleshy, red, laxly glandular-muriculate, not proper- ly hairy outside, laxly pubescent inside, c. 5 by 2.5mm, lobes 1 mm. Filaments subulate, subvillous at and a little above the base, glabrous for the rest, 2.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 0.9 mm; tubules nearly as long and wide as the cells. Disk subdensely set with longish erect hairs. Style glabrous, 3.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: Moluccas (Central Ceram: Mt Murkele). Ecol. In primeval forest on limestone, locally abundant, at 1900-2500 m. One collection. Fi. July. 52. Vaccinium whiteanum SLEUM. Notizbl. Berl.- Dahl. 12 (1935) 486; Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 234; Blumea 11 (1961) 32; ibid. 12 (1963) 126. Epiphytic or scandent shrublet. Branchlets slender, angular at the shortly patent-pubescent tips, older parts glabrous. Leaves subdense, elliptic, apex rounded, base broadly cuneate to nearly rounded, the basal marginal glands very small and near the petiole, practically absent, subcoriaceous, bright pink when young, glabrous except some hairs at the base beneath, which disappear with age, laxly glandular-muriculate beneath, entire, 1.1-1.5(—1.8) by 0.4-0.6(—0.8) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves in c. 3 pairs, slightly raised on both faces, reticulation rather inconspicuous or none; petiole 0.5-1 mm. Flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves, each with 2-3 basal subulate bracteoles (c. 2 mm). Pedicel slender, glabrous, c. 1 cm at anthesis. Calyx glabrous, tube turbinate, 1.5 mm, limb expanded, lobes deltoid, ciliate at the apex only in early stages, 1.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, 6-7 by 3-4 mm, bright red, glabrous outside, pubescent inside, lobes 1 mm. Filaments linear, broadened at the base, pubescent below, gradually narrowed and glabrous upwards, 2 mm; anther-cells oblong, subgranular, 1 mm; tubules as long as and slightly narrower than the cells, 0.9 mm. Disk slightly to subdensely set with erect hairs. Style columnar, glabrous, 5 mm. Distr. Melanesia: Solomon Is., in rain-forest, on Bougainville at 1500 m, locally common. Fi. Aug. 53. Vaccinium igneum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 112, t. 28, f. 1; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231; Blumea 11 (1961) 32. Epiphytic shrub, c. 0.8 m, with numerous divergent branches. Branchlets terete, puberulous in the younger, glabrescent in the older parts. Leaves subdensely arranged, elliptic or oblong- elliptic, apex + obtuse or very slightly emarginate, not rarely with an apical tuft of short hairs initially, base broadly attenuate to obtuse, the 2 basal marginal glands minute, impressed in some dis- tance from the petiole, -+- coriaceous, glabrous, entire, edge mostly a little revolute, 0.8-1.5 by 0.4-0.7 cm, midrib faintly sunken above, obtusely 776 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° raised beneath, nerves in 2-3 pairs, -+- spreading, minutely though visibly prominent beneath only, reticulation none; petiole puberulous, 1—-1.5 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle hardly perceptible, occasion- ally up to 1.5 mm, surrounded by several minute scarious bracts (0.5—1 mm). Pedicel slender, 6-8 mm. Calyx tube short-conical, 1 mm, limb much expanded, almost disk-like, obscurely lobed, ciliolate, c. 4mm @. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, much contracted at the opening, fleshy, fiery red, glabrous outside, sparsely patently long-haired inside, 7-8 mm long, c. 7 mm @ below, lobes recurved, 1 mm. Filaments linear, dilated at the base, laxly patently long-hairy over their whole length, c. 3 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, c. 0.9 mm; tubules more or less as long and nearly as wide as the cells, obliquely cut distally. Disk densely clothed with erect hairs. Style lageniform, glabrous, c. 4.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Doorman- top), in mossy forest, 1420-2480 m. Fi. Oct. 54. Vaccinium sororium J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 10; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 526; ibid. (1918) t. 215; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 232; Blumea 11 (1961) 32. — V. cryptodon SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 236. Low, ascending shrub, 10—40 cm, laxly branched from the base. Branchlets angular and puberulous at the tips, densely leaved, glabrescent below. Leaves elliptic to narrow- or oblong-elliptic, apex shortly apiculate-acuminate, subacute, rarely more bluntish, base broadly attenuate, the 2 (or some- times 4) basal marginal glands minute, blackish, much distant from the petiole, coriaceous, rather stiff, ciliate when very young or immature, quite glabrous with age, margin distinctly cartilagineous, entire or with 3—4(—5) minute prominent teeth-like glands on both sides, but not properly crenate, very slightly or not revolute, 0.7—1.3(-1.4) by (0.3-)0.4-0.6(-0.7) cm, midrib a little sunken above, slightly raised beneath, nerves 2-3 + steeply ascending pairs, faintly impressed or obsolete above, minutely prominent beneath, or + obscure on both faces; petiole puberulous initially, 2-3 mm. Flowers solitary in the upper axils, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle generally very short (rarely up to 3 mm), with several basal, appressed, ovate to oblong-ovate, ciliolate bracts (c. 2 mm). Pedicel rather stoutish, 1.5-2.5 mm. Calyx tube cup-shaped, obtuse at the base, glaucous-purple when fresh, 2(—2.5) mm, limb + spreading, lobes subovate-deltoid, ciliolate, 1.2—-1.5 mm. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, much con- tracted at the lobes, base rounded, glabrous out- side, laxly hairy in the upper third inside, fleshy, light red, darker at the base, or pink, 6-7 by 5 mm, lobes ciliolate, c. 1.5 mm. Filaments dilated above the base, linear towards the apex, papillose or mostly laxly long-hairy below, 2.5-2.7 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, echinulate, 1.5(-2) mm; tubules nearly as long as, but a little narrower than the cells, + transversely cut distally, pore un- dulate. Disk glabrous. Style thick-columnar to elongate-conical, with scattered long hairs in the lower %/;, 5.5-7 mm. Fruit soft and black, sub- globose, c. 3 mm @ in dry specimens. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Wissel Lakes region and the Oranje Mts: Lake Habbema area, Wichmann Mts). Ecol. In wet, peaty opening of forest, open shores of lake, or in long grass in open marsh, also on sandy or clayey soil, locally plentiful, 1800-3225 m. Fl. Aug.—Nov., Febr.—March. 55. Vaccinium decumbens J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 110, t. 26, f. 2; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231; Blumea 11 (1961) 32. — V. chionostomum SLEum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231. Small shrub, sometimes with decumbent stem, 20-90 cm. Branchlets slender, subangular, tips puberulous and minutely verrucose. Leaves dense, ovate, ovate-elliptic or elliptic, sometimes oblong- ovate or -elliptic, apex gradually obtusely attenuate to almost rounded, base broadly attenuate to rounded, the pair of basal marginal glands minute, impressed at some distance from the petiole, stiff coriaceous, slightly convex above in dry specimens, glabrous, very laxly glandular-punctate beneath, whether or not provided with 1 or 2 shallow crenations on each side, i.e. entire or practically so, marginate, edge very slightly revolute or flat, 4-6(—7) by 3-4 mm, midrib a little sunken above, or prominent beneath, nerves + obsolete; petiole early glabrescent, 1.5-2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle very short or none in general, sometimes up to 2 mm. Pedicel rather slender, 6-9 mm, with 2 subulate bracteoles (2 mm), or with several basal and slightly suprabasal lanceo- late bracts, if a peduncle is not present. Calyx tube almost cupular, 1.5—2 mm, limb spreading, lobes triangular, bluntish at least at the tip, ciliate, 2 mm. Corolla broad-urceolate, rather fleshy, fiery red, 6-8(-10)? by 4-6(-8?) mm, glabrous outside, laxly hairy in the upper part inside, lobes paler in colour, + recurved, 1.5—2(—2.5?) mm. Filaments linear, dilated at the base, long and ++ patently hairy in the lower half, glabrous above, 2.5-3.5(-5?) mm; anther-cells. oblong, very granular, 1.2-1.6 mm; tubules nearly as wide as the cells, 0.5—0.7 mm, obliquely cut apically. Disk giabrous. Style thick-columnar, glabrous, 4.5—5.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Doorman- top and Oranje Mts: Lake Habbema, Mt Wilhel- mina area). Ecol. On Doormantop on steep open slopes at 3200 m, in the Oranje Mts in mossy glades between tree thickets on peat ridges, locally abundant, 3225-3400 m. Note. There are slight differences in the form of the leaves between V. decumbens and V. chionostomum, the former having ovate-elliptic or mostly elliptic, the latter more ovate to oblong- or elliptic-ovate leaves. Differences in the flowering parts, however, are very slight, and it seems reasonable, to unite these species at least pre- liminarily. July 1967] 56. Vaccinium crassiflorum J. J. S. Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg II, 8 (1912) 52; Nova Guinea 12 (1914) 157, t. 45 A; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 231, p.p.; Blumea 11 (1961) 32, non J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 526. — V. ciliatipetalum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 108, t. 25, f. 2; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 232. Small shrub, stem mostly creeping or prostrate for the greater part, covered with a grey bark. Branches erect. Branchlets densely leaved, often reddish, youngest parts subangular and + densely short-hairy, older ones more terete and early glabrescent. Leaves ovate-elliptic, apex shortly attenuate or acuminate, the very tip subacute or more bluntish, base broadly attenuate to almost rounded, the pair (or sometimes two pairs) of basal marginal glands impressed at a marked distance from the petiole, thick-coriaceous, stiff, not rarely a little convex above in dry specimens, base and petiole laxly pubescent initially, blade quite glabrous with age, very laxly blackish gland- pointed beneath, entire, edge thickened, faintly or not revolute, 0.7-0.8 by (0.3—-)0.4-0.5 cm, midrib grooved above at least in its lower part, obtusely prominent beneath, nerves in c. 2 curved- ascending pairs, very slightly or not sunken above, somewhat raised beneath, not rarely + incon- spicuous on both faces; petiole (1—)1.5—2(-2.5) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous except the calyx and the corolla which are laxly muriculate. Peduncle 0-1 mm, surrounded by several oblong ciliolate bracts (1-2 mm). Pedicel rather stoutish, (5—)6-9 mm. Calyx cup-shaped, tube 2 mm, limb erect, 2 mm, lobed nearly to the base, lobes deltoid, rather obtuse, ciliolate except the base. Corolla broad-urceolate, much con- tracted apically, fleshy, red or pink except the cream or whitish lobes, laxly muriculate outside, laxly long-hairy all over inside, 6-8 by 4-5 mm in dry, c. 1.2 by 1 cm in fresh specimens, lobes erect, ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Filaments subulate-linear, + densely patent-hairy in the lower half, glabrous for the rest, 44.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, c. 1.5 mm; tubules a little narrower than the cells, c. 0.8 mm, obliquely cut terminally. Disk glabrous. Style thick-cylindric, glabrous, nearly as long as the corolla. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Doormantop and Oranje Mts including Mt Goliath). Ecol. In open, sometimes marshy flat places or slopes with rocks, or on bogs or wet flats in alpine grassland, locally abundant, 2500-3800 m. FI. Aug.—Oct. 57. Vaccinium oreomyrtus SLeUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 233; Blumea 11 (1961) 32. — V. luridum Sievum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 233. Straggling, small, epiphytic shrub, loosely branched, up to | m. Branchlets rather densely puberulous and glandular-muriculate at the tips, finely verruculose or tubercled by the remnants of the glands at the older, glabrescent parts, sub- densely leaved. Leaves subovate- or elliptic-oblong, apex broadly subacuminately attenuate to obtuse or almost rounded, base broadly attenuate to ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 777 rounded, the pair of basal marginal glands near to the petiole, + coriaceous, ciliate especially at the apex when very young or immature, quite glabrous (epilose) at maturity, undersurface laxly set with appressed short glandular hairs or points, entire, edge narrowly cartilagineous, flat or slightly revolute, (0.6-)0.7-1.2 by (0.3—)0.4—0.5 cm, midrib and c. 2 pairs of + steeply ascendent nerves faintly impressed above, or raised beneath, not rarely + inconspicuous on both faces; petiole rather slender, puberulous initially, c. 2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, practically glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle 0-1 mm. Pedicel rather slender, 6-8 mm, basal bracts subovate-oblong, ciliate, 1-2 mm. Calyx tube subobconical, slightly 5-angular, 1.5-2 mm, limb spreading, lobes broadly subovate-triangular, obtuse, ciliolate, 1.5—2(-2.5) mm. Corolla urceolate, narrowed apically, fleshy, red, 7-8 by 4-5 mm, glabrous outside, laxly hairy in the upper part inside, lobes + refiexed, not ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Filaments subulate to subfiliform, except the dilated base, (very) laxly long-hairy in the lower half, 2.5-3 mm; anther-cells oblong, granular, 1-1.5 mm; tubules as wide as the cells, very obliquely cut distally, 1 mm. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, c. 5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Idenburg R. and Lake Habbema vicinity). Ecol. In mossy forest, Febr., Oct. 1800-3000 m. Fi. 58. Vaccinium oranjense J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 9; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 524; ibid. (1918) t. 213; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 234; Blumea 11 (1961) 32. — V. buxoides J.J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 111, t. 27, f. 1; SteuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 234. — V. disterigmoides SLEUM. ke?232: See further synonym under the variety. var. oranjense. Small epiphytic shrub, up to 0.3(-2?) m, sometimes terrestrial, creeping and ascending to 10 cm. Branchlets slender, sometimes rooting, loosely short-hairy to subvillous (hairs + spreading, c. 0.5 mm), subdensely leaved. Leaves elliptic, sometimes subovate-elliptic, apex + rounded or slightly emarginate, base very broadly attenuate to rounded, the pair of basal marginal glands hardly visible, coriaceous and + stiff, glabrous with age, laxly glandular-muriculate beneath, entire, the + thickened edge distinctly revolute, (0.8—)1—1.7(-2.2) by (0.5—)0.6—-1(-1.2) cm, midrib and c. 2 pairs of basal or somewhat suprabasal high curved-ascending nerves minutely impressed above, sometimes obtusely raised beneath, or not rarely rather indistinct on both faces, veins and veinlets obsolete; petiole 1.5-2.5 (-3) mm, pubescent initially. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle c. 1 (occasionally up to 3) mm, with several ovate-triangular basal bracts, c. 1.5 mm. Pedicel stoutish, muriculate at apex, 6-8(-9) mm. Calyx tube subcampanulate, 2-3 mm, limb ex- 778 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° panded, c. 2 mm, obtusely or subacutely 5-lobed to nearly its base, lobes deltoid, ciliate at least at apex. Corolla ventricose-urceolate, base rounded, fleshy, red to light rose, occasionally greenish, glabrous outside, sparsely hairy in the upper half inside, (6—)7—9(-10) mm long, 5-6 mm @ below, 3-4 mm @ at the opening in dry, c. 1.1 by 0.8 mm in fresh specimens, lobes 5 (or 6) ovate, pale, not ciliate, c. 1.5 mm. Stamens 10(—12); filaments subsubulate-linear, laxly long-hairy in the lower half, 3-4(—5) mm; cells oblong, echinulate, 1.6—-2 mm; tubules slightly narrower than the cells, 0.6-0.8 mm, -+ transversely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, 4-6(—-7) mm. Fruit subglobose, apex truncate, c. 4 mm @ when dry, soft and blue when fresh. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Doormantop and Oranje Mts). Ecol. Epiphytic in subalpine forest, also terrestrial in thin open forest, or sometimes massed on open ground with rocks, locally abundant, 3000-3600 m. var. marginellum (SLEUM.) SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 33. — V. marginellum SLEuUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 229. Differs from var. oranjense by the laxly or mostly subdensely hispid-hairy calyx and the rather densely long-hairy disk. Leaves 1—1.5(—2) by 0.6-0.8(—1) cm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Doorman- top and Oranje Mts), together with var. oranjense, at 3250-3800 m. 59. Vaccinium microphyllum REINW. ex BL. Bijdr. (1826) 851; G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 (1834) 857; DUNAL in DC. Prod. 7 (1839) 576; Mia. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2 (1859) 1063; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.- Bat. 1 (1863) 38; ibid. (1864) 221; F.-VILL. Nov. App. (1880) 121; Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 1 (1906) Suppl. 221; ibid. 3 (1908) Bot. 371; Exim. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 3 (1911) 1092; Koorp.-ScHum. Syst. Verz. 3 (1914) 100; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 250; Cope. f. Philip. J. Sc. 42 (1930) 600, t. 7, f. 3-7; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 33, non K. & G. J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii (1905) 62; MeRR. En. Born. (1921) 464; Burk. & Hott. Gard. Bull. S. S. 3 (1923) 57 (= Diplycosia elliptica RiDL.). — Gaultheria blumei F. v. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. n. s. 1, 2 (1889) 21, in text, sub G. mundula, nom. superfl. pro V. microphyllum Bu., cf. SLEUM. Reinwardtia 4 (1957) 184. — V. mindorense RENDLE, J. Bot. 34 (1896) 355; Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 293. Dwarfed, generally epiphytic, rather rigid shrub, often with elongate, slender branches, up to 50 cm. Branchlets subterete, puberulous, subdensely or mostly rather laxly leaved. Leaves elliptic, + obtuse-rounded at both ends, apex not rarely a little emarginate, the 2 basal marginal glands minute, found in a marked distance from the petiole, subcoriaceous, or sometimes almost chartaceous, glabrous except some hairs at the very base and on the petiole, laxly glandular pointed on the undersurface, entire, edge slightly revolute or flat, hardly marginate, (0.6—)0.7—-1.5 (-2) by (0.4-)0.6—0.8(—0.9, rarely up to 1.2) cm, midrib and 2 pairs of basal or a little suprabasal nerves high curved-ascending, faintly impressed above or raised beneath, other higher nerves 1—2 pairs, anastomosing with the basal ones, and often less visible, veins generally forming a faint reticulation on both faces especially beneath, but sometimes (Philippines) rather inconspicuous; petiole 1-2 mm. Flowers in few of the upper axils, solitary, subpendulous, glabrous (epilose) in all parts. Peduncle 0-1 mm, surrounded by minute bracts, 1-1.5 mm. Pedicel slender, 5-7 mm, with some stalked glands distally. Calyx tube obconical, very laxly muriculate, c. 2 mm, limb suberect, lobes deltoid, subacute, keeled, 1—1.5(—-2) mm. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, contracted distally or subapiculate, rather thin, red, greenish yellow, cream or white, 4-5(-6) mm long, 3-4 mm @ below, 1.5-2 mm g distally, glabrous or very laxly muriculate outside, sparsely hairy in the upper part inside, lobes suberect, 1 mm. Filaments linear, base dilated, glabrous or practically so, c. 2.5 mm; anther-cells broadly oblong, echinulate, 0.8—-1 mm; tubules as wide as, but a little shorter than the cells, very obliquely cut apically, the back wall in form of a tooth. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, -+ equalling the corolla in length. Berry ovoid- or obconical-subglobose, apex truncate, crowned by the calyx lobes, 3-4 mm g in dry specimens, said to be purple to steel-blue when Tipe, covered with a thin skin, very juicy when fresh, with a fine sweet flavour, insipid. Seeds oval, laterally flattened, yellow, c. 1 mm. Distr. New Hebrides (Espiritu Santo), in Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, Mindoro, Negros, Panay, Mindanao), Moluccas (Ternate, Tidore, Halmahera). Ecol. On mossy exposed ridges and also epiphytic in moss-forest, locally common, 1400— 3200 m. Vern. Philippines: likoplikop, C. Bis., manalali, Bag.; délima, Halmahera; délima gumi, Ternate. Notes. MERRILL said that in the Philippines the terrestrial form at higher altitudes and exposed situations has smaller and more densely crowded leaves (the whole plant more congested) than the epiphytic form. The specimen from Espiritu Santo has a distinct tuft of hairs at the apex of the calyx lobes (as is often found in V. oranjense and other spp.), whilst the material from the Philippines and the Moluccas has quite glabrous calyces. V. microphyllum is not yet known to occur in New Guinea. Its nearest allies are V. oranjense (New Guinea) and V. whiteanum (Bougainville), the first discernable from V. microphyllum by the obscure venation of the leaves, larger corollas and laxly hairy filaments, the latter by a hairy disk and some minor differ- ences. 60. Vaccinium globosum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1914) 155, t. 43; KANEH. & Hatus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56 (1942) 481; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 235; Blumea 11 (1961) 33; ibid. 12 (1963) 126. — July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 9 V. globosum J.J. 8S. var. latifolium J. J. S. in Gibbs, Arfak (1917) 171. Erect, much branched, compact, terrestrial shrub, up to 3 m. Branchlets angular and crisped- puberulous in the new shoots, subterete and glabrescent, finally covered with dark cork in the older parts, very densely leaved. Leaves dark green above, paler beneath, (narrow-)obovate, apex rounded or mostly slightly retuse, base cuneate into the petiole, with no proper basal, but (1—)2-3 (—4) deeply impressed distant dark glands on each side along the entire margin, which thus becomes a more or less remotely crenate appearance, but is not properly crenate (if one gland, then this found + in the middle on each side), glabrous except the very base and the petiole which bear some short pubescence, laxly set with very short caducous glandular hairs or points beneath, margin a little thickened, paler than the lamina and revolute, (0.4-)0.6—-1.2 by 0.2—0.4(-0.5) cm, midrib faintly sunken or mostly obsolete above, slightly raised beneath as are the 2-3 pairs of tather inconspicuous, sharply ascending and anastomosing nerves, no reticulation; flush greenish or reddish; petiole slender, (1—)1.5—2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all parts outside. Peduncle mostly 0, rarely up to 3 mm, surrounded by several minute, mostly early caducous bracts. Pedicel rather slender, mostly glabrous, sometimes very laxly or even more rarely subdensely puberulous, 6-8 mm. Calyx tube cup- shaped, 1.5—-2 mm, limb suberect, c. 1.5 mm, lobes deltoid, bluntish, not rarely with an apical tuft of short hairs (otherwise quite glabrous as is the tube). Corolla subglobular-urceolate, much con- tracted apically, c. 4 by 3.5 mm, waxy, of an almost transparent white, glabrous at both sides, lobes subacute, 1 mm. Filaments subulate-linear, laxly long-hairy to the lower 34, c. 1 mm; anther-cells oblong, distinctly echinulate, c. 0.6 mm; tubules much narrower and a little longer than the cells, subcylindric, + transversely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style cylindric, glabrous, c. 3 mm. Berry subglobose, c. 3 mm g in dry specimens, purplish black when ripe. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Arfak Mts, Wandammen Peninsula: Wondiwoi Mts, and Wissel Lakes region). Ecol. In low (moss) forest edge, in heath vegetation or summit scrub, locally common, 1800-2500 m. Fi. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Kieta, Kapauku. Note. A specimen with similar leaves, but shorter pedicels (flowers absent) was found on Mt Antares (Star Mts), at 3000 m. 61. Vaccinium leptospermoides J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1914) 154, t. 42; KANeH. & Hatus, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56 (1942) 481; SLeUuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 234; Blumea 11 (1961) 34; ibid. 12 (1963) 126. — V. urnigerum SLeum. Blumea 11 (1961) 30. — Fig. 91-92, f. leptospermoides. — Fig. 91-92. Much branched shrub, generally low and with 2 Fig. 91. Vaccinium leptospermoides J. J. S. f. leptospermoides. a. Habit, x 24, b flower, x 314, c. stamens, front and back view, x 614, d. ovary, hairy disk and style, x 314, e. leaf, x 1 (ae VAN ROYEN 3860). trailing branches, rarely erect, 0.2-1(-2) m. Branchlets slender, tips puberulous to shortly hispid-hairy and glandular-verruculose, -_ densely leaved. Leaves broadly to narrowly obovate, sometimes obovate-elliptic or even in part elliptic, apex rounded-obtuse, base cuneate, with 1(—2) pairs of minute basal marginal glands near to or not much remote from the petiole, coriaceous, somewhat convex aboye in dry specimens, glabrous except the short pubescence at the base and the petiole, laxly dark brownish punctate beneath, entire, edge marginate, slightly or not recurved, (0.5—)0.8-1.4(-1.8) by (0.2—)0.3-0.5 (-0.6) cm, midrib faintly impressed above or raised beneath, nerves in 2-3 steeply ascending pairs, hardly or not prominent beneath, or mostly -+- obsolete on both faces, no reticulation; petiole slender, 1-1.5 mm. Flowers axillary, generally solitary, sometimes also in twos on the same specimen. Peduncle very short, almost imperceptible, with several ovate-oblong to lanceolate, ciliolate, basal bracts (1-2 mm). Pedicels slender, glabrous, 6-8(—10) mm. Calyx green or with reddish tinge, all over densely shortly hispid-hairy, tube broadly conical or turbinate, 2 mm, lobes spreading, deltoid, sub- acute, 1.5-2 mm. Corolla broadly or depressedly urceolate, much contracted apically, waxy or fleshy, deep pink to rose-red, glabrous outside, 780 FLORA MALESIANA [ser: | 1) volige laxly hairy inside, 5-6(-7) by 4-5 mm, suberect, 1.3(-2) mm. Filaments subulate-linear, laxly long- hairy in the basal part only, 2.5-3 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, c. 1 mm; tubules nearly as long and wide as the cells, very obliquely cut apically. Disk + densely hairy or shortly hirsute, especially at the inner margin, sometimes more laxly so, or rarely even glabrous. Style thick- cylindric, glabrous, 3.5—4 (in fresh specimens up to 5 by 1 mm) mm. Fruit globular, red, 5-6 mm 9. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Arfak Mts, Tamrau and Nettoti Ra.). Ecol. In low moss forest edge or in open summit heath vegetation on sandy or swampy soil, 1800-2450 m. Fl. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Derau, Kebar. f. glabrum J. J. S. in Gibbs, Arfak (1917) 171; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 34; ibid. 12 (1963) 126. Differs from f. leptospermoides by the calyx which is glabrous dorsally; lobes ciliate. Disk glabrous. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea, together with the typical form, 1900-2430 m. 62. Vaccinium vonroemeri KoorD. Nova Guinea 8 (1912) 883; J. J. S. ibid. 12 (1914) 154, nota sub V. leptospermoides; ibid. 12 (1917) 523; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 236; Blumea 11 (1961) 34. Epiphytic or terrestrial shrub, 0.5—1 m. Branch- lets slender, young parts subdensely clad with short + crisp or nearly woollen hairs, older ones gla- brescent, rather densely leaved. Leaves obovate, apex rounded or minutely emarginate, base broadly cuneate into the petiole, the basal pair of marginal glands minute or hardly visible, distant from the petiole, + coriaceous, laxly pubescent all over initially, glabrescent, practically glabrous with full age except the very base and the petiole, laxly dark impressed-pointed beneath, entire, the very edge + distinctly revolute, 1-2 by 0.7—1(-1.3) cm, midrib and 1 or 2 pairs of basal, high curved- ascending nerves faintly impressed or sometimes obsolete above, very slightly raised beneath, other Fig. 92. Vaccinium leptospermoides J. J. S. f. leptospermoides. Mt Nettoti, 1850 m, NW. New Guinea (VAN ROYEN & SLEUMER 7441) (SLEUMER, 1961). July 1967] upper nerves shorter, forming a lax network with the veins, sometimes visible beneath only; petiole rather slender, c. 2 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Peduncle c. 1 mm, surrounded by several oblong bracts (1-2 mm). Pedicels slender, 5-8(-10) mm, glabrous except some hairs in the uppermost part. Calyx all over laxly hirsutulous, tube narrow- obconical, base nearly funnelshape-contracted, 1.5-2 mm, lobes + spreading, triangular, sub- acute, 1.5 mm. Corolla urceolate, laxly muriculate outside, pubescent inside, 6-7 by 2.5-3 mm, red or pink at the tube, green at the lobes, the latter suberect or reflexed, obtuse, 1 mm. Filaments linear, slightly dilated at the base, laxly long-hairy, 3—3.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1.5—1.8 mm; tubules as wide and nearly as long as the cells, obliquely cut distally, the back wall ending in a kind of tooth. Disk laxly long-hairy. Style slenderly columnar, glabrous, 4.5 mm. Berry said to be blackish bluish. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Oranje Mts: Mt Hellwig, Erica top, Mt Dromedaris). Ecol. In shrub vegetation on summits, 1250- 1900 m. FI. Dec. 63. Vaccinium barbatum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 109, t. 26, f. 1; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 235; Blumea 11 (1961) 34. Much branched shrub. Branchlets rather stiff and short, densely short-pubescent and set with minute warts. Leaves dense, obovate, apex obtuse or mostly rounded, base cuneate, the 2 basal marginal glands manifestly impressed in a large distance from the petiole, coriaceous, immature ones puberulous at the base and ciliolate at the apex, mature ones quite glabrous, entire, margin paler than the rest of the lamina, flat or but very slightly revolute, 0.4-0.7 by 0.3-0.4 cm, midrib and c. 2 pairs of curved nerves and some veins a little sunken above in fully mature leaves, + obsolete beneath; petiole pubescent, 1(—2) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, 4-5-merous. Peduncle c. 1 mm, with several basal vaginate minute bracts. Pedicels rather slender, short-hairy, laxly muriculate distally, 4-6 mm, minutely bibracteolate at the base. Calyx turbinate, glabrous, tube 1.5 mm, lobes ovate-triangular, obtuse, ciliolate, 1-1.5 mm. Corolla subovoid- urceolate, glabrous at both sides, membranous, c. 4 by 3 mm, rose, lobes recurved, obtuse, 0.5 mm. Stamens 8 or 10; filaments linear, base dilated and glabrous, barbate or villous in the middle, again glabrous upwards, 1 mm; cells broad-oblong, echinulate, curved inwards, 0.5 mm; tubules + divergent, cylindrical, recurved, more slender than the cells, 0.6 mm, transversely cut apically, the edge of the round pore slightly dilated. Disk glabrous. Style thickish, glabrous, 3 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Nassau Mts), in moss forest, 2600 m. Fi. Oct. 64. Vaccinium inconspicuum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 18 (1936) 109, t. 26, f. 1; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 235; Blumea 11 (1961) 34. Much branched, slender shrub, 2~3 m. Branch- ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 781 lets angular and puberulous in the young shoots, otherwise early glabrescent, becoming quite glabrous with age, laxly to subdensely leaved. Leaves obovate to elliptic-obovate, apex rounded or mostly markedly emarginate, base broadly cuneate, the basal pair of marginal glands minute, slightly impressed in a large distance from the petiole, coriaceous, not rarely rather stiff, ciliate at the apex initially, quite glabrous when full grown, entire, marginate, edge mostly + distinctly recurved, rarely flattish, 0.9-2.2(-3) by 0.7-1.2 cm, midrib + sunken above, prominent beneath, nerves in 1—2 steeply curved-ascending basal and 2-3 shorter and upper pairs, anastomosing, slightly raised beneath, less so above, veins laxly reticulated; petiole rugulose, glabrous, 2(—-3) mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, epilose in all outer parts. Peduncle c. 1 mm, basal bracts minute. Pedicels rather slender, glabrous or muriculate, 8—9(—10) mm, base minutely bibracteolate. Calyx sub- campanulate, laxly muriculate, tube obtuse at the base, 2 mm, lobes triangular-acuminate, apex + ciliolate, c. 2 mm. Corolla depressed-urceolate, apex contracted, glabrous outside, very shortly hairy in the upper half inside, thick-membranous, red, 6 by c. 4 mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, purple, 1 mm. Filaments linear, base dilated, quite glabrous, nearly 2 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, echinulate, 1.5-2 mm; tubules nearly as wide as the cells below, narrowed upwards, 1 mm, trans- versely cut apically or with a more introrse roundish pore. Disk glabrous. Style cylindric, glabrous, 4 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Nassau Mts (West), and the Idenburg R. near Bernhard camp). Ecol. In mossy forest and in low scrub on exposed summits, locally common, 2100-2500 m. FI. Febr., Oct. 65. Vaccinium sanguineum SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 172; SLeum. ibid. 72 (1942) 235, as syn. of V. globosum; Blumea 11 (1961) 34. Epiphytic, erect, much branched shrub, 0.4-0.6 m. Branchlets angular, quite glabrous, densely leaved. Leaves oblanceolate-spathulate or narrow- obovate, apex obtuse, base cuneate into the petiole, the pair of basal marginal glands small, impressed in a short distance from the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous, edge recurved, 0.9-1.4 by 0.4-0.6 cm, midrib and 1-2 steeply ascending pairs of nerves faintly impressed above or raised beneath, nerves not rarely + obscure; petiole c. 1.5 mm, ona thick, decurrent leaf-cushion. Flowers axillary, solitary, remote, nodding, glabrous in all outer parts. Pe- duncle 0. Pedicel rather stoutish, reddish, 3.5—5 mm at anthesis, with several basal ovate-oblong bracts, 2 mm. Calyx tube short-obconical, 1.5 mm, limb erecto-patent, lobes triangular, subacuminate, ciliolate at apex, 2 mm. Corolla broadly ovoid- urceolate, rather fleshy, blood red, with white lobes, c. 5 by 3.5-4 mm, glabrous outside, laxly hairy inside, lobes suberect, ovate-triangular, subacute, 1 mm. Filaments linear, laxly hairy below, 1.8-2 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1.3-1.5 mm; tubules suddenly narrowed, 0.4 mm 782 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. L voloig® long, obliquely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style cylindric, glabrous, 3.5 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Sepik Distr.: Schrader Mts, and from Star Mts: Mt Antares). Ecol. In moss forest, 2070-2360 m. Fi. May, July. Note. The above description of V. sanguineum, of which the type material is lost, is based on the original diagnosis and the material recently col- lected on Mt Antares, which in no single character contradicts the original description. 66. Vaccinium lorentzii Koorp. Nova Guinea 8 (91278832 0. Ja-S. wid. 12, (S14) isi tor. Le (1917) 521; ibid. (1918) t. 211; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 235; Blumea 11 (1961) 34. f. lorentzii. Shrub, often epiphytic, 1-3 m. Branchlets rather robust, angular, even the youngest immature shoots quite glabrous. Leaves rather lax, obovate, more rarely oblong-obovate, apex rounded or obtuse, sometimes minutely notched, base cuneate into the petiole, the basal pair of marginal glands minute, much distant from the petiole, coriaceous, minutely ciliate or barbate at the apex initially, very laxly gland-pointed beneath, quite glabrous on both faces with age, entire, edge mostly rather strongly revolute, 1.2—3(—3.8) by 0.8-1.3(—1.6) cm, midrib and 2 pairs of basal, high curved-ascending and anastomosing nerves faintly sunken or not rarely subinconspicuous aboye, slightly raised beneath, veins laxly reticulate and mostly visibly prominent beneath; petiole glabrous, 2-3 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, 6-7-merous, glabrous (epilose) in all external parts. Peduncle 1—2(—3) mm, rounded by several basal, ovate-acuminate bracts, 1-2 mm. Pedicel rather stoutish, mostly bent downwards. laxly minutely glandular- muriculate, (2-)3-4(-5) mm. Calyx minutely glandular-muriculate, tube broadly turbinate, 2 mm, lobes spreading, triangular, subacute, ciliolate especially at apex, c. 2 mm. Corolla broadly ovoid-urceolate, contracted distally, laxly glandular-muriculate outside, patently hairy inside, fleshy, (dark) red, (7—)8-9 by 5(-6) mm, lobes ovate, obtuse, 1-1.5 mm. Stamens 12-14; fila- ments linear, subdensely to laxly long-hairy, c. 3 mm; cells broad-oblong, echinulate, c. 1.8 mm; tubules nearly as wide as the cells, 1.2 mm, oblique- ly cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style thick-colum- nar, bottle-shaped, i.e. much swollen below, glabrous, c. 4mm. Immature fruit almost globose, apex truncate, c. 3 mm g. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Oranje Mts and vicinity: Hellwig and Johannes Keyts Mts, Mt Goliath). Ecol. In moss forest, swampy shrub vegetation, open places with moss covered rocks, locally common, 1350—2500(—3000) m. f. puberulum J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 522; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 236; Blumea 11 (1961) 35. Differs from the typical form by + densely puberulous pedicels and calyces. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea, together with the typical form in the Hellwig Mts. 67. Vaccinium pullei J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 9; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 522; ibid. (1918) t. 212; ibid. 18 (1936) 108; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 235; Blumea 11 (1961) 35; ibid. 12 (1963) 127. — V. hatamense (non Becc.) Koorp. Nova Guinea 8 (1912) 883. Much branched, apparently exclusively terrestrial shrub, (0.5—)1—2(-—3) m. Branchlets clad with a rather lax, fine puberulence, mixed with sparse muriculate glands in the new reddish shoots or younger parts, early glabrescent below, subdensely to more laxly foliate. Leaves much resembling those of V. lorentzii in shape, size and nervation, i.e. obovate, or more rarely oblong-oboyate, apex rounded, often slightly emarginate, base cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous, laxly shortly glandular-muriculate or punctate beneath, entire, the very edge slightly recurved in dry specimens, 1.4-3 by 0.7-1.4 cm, 5(-7)-plinerved from and from above the base, midrib and nerves faintly sunken or almost obscure above, prominent beneath, the laxly reticulate veins but slightly so or subinconspicuous; petiole rugulose, glabrous, 2-3(-4) mm. Flowers axillary, often subsessile, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle 0-1 mm, surrounded by several ovate-subacuminate bracts, 1-2 mm. Pedicel stoutish, curved, sparsely ap- pressed-muriculate, (1-)2 mm. Calyx subcampa- nulate, base obtuse to rounded, minutely muri- culate, tube 2 mm, lobes + spreading, triangular, ciliate at apex only, c. 1.5 mm. Corolla depressedly subglobose-urceolate, much constricted apically, glabrous outside, laxly hairy inside, thick-fleshy, (dark) red to pinkish or almost white, c. 5 by 4-5 mm, lobes recurved, c. 1.2 mm. Filaments linear, laxly longish patent-hairy except the uppermost part, c. 1.8 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, c. 1.2 mm; tubules nearly as wide as the cells, 0.7 mm, obliquely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, 3.5 mm. Fruit blue-blackish when ripe. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Oranje Mts, Mt Hellwig, Nassau Mts, around the Wissel Lakes, and Arfak Mts). Ecol. In moss forest, swampy Dacrydium forest or shrub vegetation, 1700-2500 m, on peaty soil. FI. Dec., May. Vern. Kieta, piepa, Kapauku, tembies, Hattam. Note. Specimens similar in leaves, but sterile or bearing no corollas, seen from the Weyland Mts, Mt Carstensz and Cycloop Mts. 68. Vaccinium whitfordii Merr. Philip. J. Sc. 2 (1907) Bot. 295; ibid. 3 (1908) Bot. 372; BRown, Min. Prod. Philip. For. 2 (1921) 362; Merr. En. Philip. 3 (1923) 252; CopeL. f. Philip. J. Sc. 42 (1930) 594, t. 6, f. 6-8; SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 35. — Gaultheria sp., VIDAL, Rev. Pl. Vasc. Filip. (1886) 170. Terrestrial or sometimes epiphytic, erect shrub July 1967] or small tree, 0.7—-3(—5) m. Branchlets slender, younger parts angular and puberulous, early glabrescent. Leaves dense, narrowly obovate or elliptic-, or more rarely oblong-obovate, apex obtuse to rounded, base + cuneate into the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous, laxly set beneath with minute glandular dark points, rather regularly and distantly crenulate especially in the upper part by 3-4 deeply impressed glands on each side, (0.9-) 1.2-1.5(-1.8) by 0.4-0.6(—0.8) cm, midrib slightly sunken above, somewhat prominent beneath, one basal and 1-2 suprabasal pairs of steep and high- ascending nerves sometimes faintly impressed above, or raised on both faces, but often + obsolete, veins still less distinct, visible beneath only; petiole + flattened, 1-2 mm, puberulous initially. Flowers axillary, solitary, subsessile. Peduncle hardly 1 mm, clasped by several minute ovate bracts. Pedicel stoutish, sparsely to more densely puberulent, 1-2 mm. Calyx glabrous, tube broadly obconical, base + truncate, 1.5—2(—2.5) mm, lobes deltoid, obtuse by a thick dark gland, suberect, 1-1.5 mm, ciliolate. Corolla narrow- or subcylindric-urceolate, membranous, red, glabrous at both sides, 6-7(-8) mm long, 2.5(—3, rarely —4) mm g below, c. 2 mm @g at the upper third, lobes ovate, much refiexed, 1 mm. Filaments subulate, dilated below, glabrous at the very base, sub- densely and ratherlongish white-hairy otherwise, al- ternately 3 and 4 mm; anther-cells obovoid-oblong, 1.5 mm, slightly granular; tubules almost as wide as the cells, 1.3 mm, very obliquely cut apically, the pore widely flaring. Disk glabrous. Style slenderly cylindric, glabrous, 6—7(—8) mm, distinct- ly exserted when the corolla lobes are reflexed in full anthesis. Berry subglobose-ovoid, glabrous, c. 5 mm 9g, purple or blackish at maturity. Seeds red brown, fusiform, 1 mm. Distr. Malesia: Philippines (Luzon, particularly in the Mountain Prov.; Mindoro, Leyte, Negros). Ecol. In forests, open heaths and thickets, 1000-2500 m. FI. fr. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Fafalong, Bon., gutmu, If., Ig., katmo, lusong, \g., parukapol, Neg. Uses. The berries are small, black, juicy, subacid, sweet, and of good quality; collected locally for food, not cultivated. 69. Vaccinium amblyandrum F. v. M. Trans. R. Soc. Vict. 1, 2 (1889) 19 (sphalm. ‘ambyandrum’); Sieum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 237; Blumea 11 (1961) 35; ibid. 12 (1963) 127; ibid. 12 (1964) 343. — Fig. 93. KEY TO THE VARIETIES 1. Leaves oblong-elliptic, more rarely oblong or elliptic (apex + obtuse to subacute), 0.4-0.7 (-0.9) by c. 0.3 cm. . 1. var. amblyandrum 1. Leaves larger, elliptic, elliptic-oblong or more rarely lanceolate-elliptic, 0.8—-1(-1.4) by (0.4—-) 0.5-0.6 cm. 2. Leaves subacute or obtuse at apex 2. var. maiusculum 2. Leaves acute, or mostly rather pungent at SEs? Fd. eee™, . .3. var. pungens ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 783 yar. amblyandrum. Dwarf or low shrub, erect or often decumbent, prostrate or creeping, 25-35(—60) cm, produced from a large rootstock. Branches numerous, stiff, often + spreading, sometimes short and dense together. Branchlets subdensely set with short, whitish, crisped or -++ spreading hairs in the youngest angular, glabrescent in the older sub- terete parts. Leaves rather densely arranged, reddish when young, dark green with age, oblong- elliptic, more rarely oblong or elliptic, apex and base broadly attenuate, subobtuse to subacute, coriaceous, + shining, ciliate in the lower part initially, quite glabrous at full age, very laxly glandular-pointed beneath, 0.4-0.7(-0.9) by c. 0.3 cm, margin cartilaginous, slightly or not recurved, -+ distinctly crenulate to subserrate- crenulate, rarely less distinctly so and seemingly entire, with a small tooth-like gland within each depression, midrib mostly faintly impressed above, slightly raised beneath, nerves 1-2 basal and suprabasal, high curved-ascending pairs, obsolete above, minutely prominent beneath as are the laxly reticulate veins; petiole pubescent, c. 1 mm. Flowers solitary in the upper axils. Peduncle 0. Pedicel glabrous or rarely hairy, 1(—2) mm, con- cealed by the rather large, ovate, imbricate, ciliate bracts (1.5-2 mm), which sometimes even cover the base of the calyx. Calyx glabrous, tube tubular-campanulate below, constricted below the limb, c. 2 mm at anthesis, afterwards soon swollen and subglobose, limb spreading, lobed to 7/4, lobes broad ovate-triangular, obtuse by a small terminal gland, ciliate, 1 mm. Corolla broad-urceolate, sometimes more open, sometimes much constricted at the opening, rather thin, white or pink, glabrous outside, laxly hairy in the upper part inside, 4(—5) by 3(—3.5) mm in dry, up to 7 by 6 mm in fresh specimens, lobes slightly spreading, 1 mm. Filaments alternately 1.8 and 2 mm, subulate- linear, papillose, epilose; anther-cells broad-oblong or ovate-ellipsoid, c. 1 mm, base of each cell apiculate-appendiculate, no dorsal spurs; tubules as wide as the cells, 0.3 mm, transversely cut, resulting in a wide round pore. Disk glabrous. Style slenderly columnar, papillose, epilose, as long as the corolla. Berry fleshy, purple or black, 0.7—1 cm @ when fresh, palatable. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Main Range from the Star Mts (Mt Antares) through the Western, Eastern and Southern Highlands to Owen Stanley and Maneau Ra.). Ecol. In forest glades, Sphagnum formation or other wet places in grassland, on old landslides or open hillside on cleared summits, creeping over rocks, along creeks or forest borders, often massed, 2440-3680(—4265) m. Fil. Jan.—Dec. Vern. Tadampso, Mendi. var. maiusculum SLteuMm. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 237; Blumea 11 (1961) 36; ibid. 12 (1964) 343. Leaves larger, elliptic-oblong, subacute or obtuse at the apex, 0.8-1(-1.4) by (0.4-)0.5-0.6 cm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Mt Saruwaged 784 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° region, Western Highlands (Kubor Ra.) and the SE. part of the Main Range: Mt Dayman, Mt Simpson). Ecol. In grass- and peaty moorland, on exposed ridges, 2000-3820 m, locally plentiful. var. pungens SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 36; ibid. 12 (1963) 127. — Fig. 93. Erect stiff shrub, 0.3-0.7 m, smaller on dry places. Leaves elliptic or more rarely lanceolate- elliptic, the apex distinctly acuminate, acute, or not rarely even + pungent, 0.8-1.4 by 0.40.6 cm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Southern, Western and Eastern Highlands: Mt Giluwe, Hagen Ra., Wahgi Divide area, Mt Wilhelm). Ecol. In shrubbery mountain side or (sub) Fig. 93. Vaccinium amblyandrum F. v. M. var. pungens SLEUM. Mt Wilhelm, 3600 m, New Guinea (SLEUMER 4161) (SLEUMER, 1961). alpine grassland or sedge-bog, or Miscanthus regrowth, also creeping over rock faces, locally common, sometimes together with var. ambly- andrum but quite distinct in habit, (2040-)2400- 3615 m. Vern. Rohn, Enga, kusuwamp, Mendi. 70. Vaccinium evanidinervium SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 36. Terrestrial shrub, 1-1.5 m. Branches erect, rather robust, much branched apically. Branchlets reddish, subangular and subdensely short-pu- bescent at the tips, subterete and glabrescent below. Leaves dense, oblong-elliptic, apex shortly sub- acuminate-attenuate, the very tip subacute or bluntish, base + broadly attenuate, the pair of basal marginal glands minute and in a rather wide distance from the petiole, coriaceous, glabrous, rather lustrous beneath, crenulate along the whole margin or certainly so in the upper part, or entire in the lower part of the lamina, crenations initially set with a small, rather early caducous gland, (0.9—-)1-1.5 by 0.5-0.7 cm, midrib slightly im- pressed above, not much prominent beneath, nerves in c. 3 curved-ascending and anastomosing pairs hardly visible above, raised with the lax reticulation on the undersurface of young, gradually evanescent beneath in fully mature leaves; petiole slender, c. 2 mm. Flowers solitary in a few of the upper axils. Peduncle c. 1 mm, + included by several small, ciliolate bracts. Pedicel rather stoutish, 3-5 mm, laxly set with fine glandular hairs or muriculate. Calyx green, glabrous, shining, tube rugulose, subcampanulate- obconical, 2—2.5 mm long, c. 2 mm @ below the limb, the latter much spreading, c. 1.5 mm high and 4-5 mm g, shortly 5-lobed or -dented, lobes broadly deltoid, subacute, ciliate, 0.5 mm. Corolla subcylindric-urceolate, fleshy, bright red, glabrous at both sides, 9(-10) by 5(—6) mm, lobes erect, subacute, 1.5 mm. Filaments filiform, slightly dilated at the base, bearing a few long hairs in the lower part, glabrous otherwise, c. 4.5 mm; anther- cells oblong, 1.2 mm; tubules narrower than the cells, a little curved upwards and flaring at the oblique opening, 0.8 mm. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, Jaxly subappressedly long-hairy in the lower third, c. 7 by 1 mm. Fruit globose, blue- blackish, 5—6 mm @g. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Mt Kinkain in the Central Kubor Ra., Western Highlands), in alpine thickets at 3560-3600 m. Fi. fr. July. 71. Vaccinium coelorum WERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 91; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 237; Blumea 11 (1961) 36. — V. arenarium SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 232. Prostrate shrublet. Branchlets rather stoutish, tips angular, puberulous, very densely leaved. Leaves from a thick leaf-cushion, subsessile, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apex obtuse or obtusely subacuminate, base very broadly attenuate or obtuse, coriaceous, stiff, glabrous, regularly + shallowly crenulate at least in the upper half of July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 785 the distinctly marginate (thickened), not revolute edge, laxly glandular-punctate beneath, 0.40.6 (0.7) by 0.25-0.4 cm, midrib and nerves faintly impressed above, or often inconspicuous on both faces; petiole hardly 1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all external parts. Peduncle 1-2 mm, with several oblong basal minute bracts. Pedicel rather stoutish, 3—5(—6) mm. Calyx broadly turbinate, verruculose and shining in dry specimens, tube almost funnel-shaped, 1.5 mm, limb much expanded, deeply 5-lobed, lobes deltoid, subacute, laxly ciliolate, 1.5 mm. Corolla depressed-urceolate, the mouth contracted, gla- brous outside, densely hairy inside, fleshy, red, 5—6(-7) by 5 mm. Filaments subulate or almost filiform, laxly to subdensely hairy, 2.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, 1.7 mm; tubules 0.3 mm, obliquely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style thick- columnar, glabrous, 3.5—4 mm. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Mt Carstensz and the N. slope of Mt Wilhelmina). Ecol. In alpine grassland and edges of subalpine forest, locally abundant on weathered sandstone, 3200-4000 m. Fi. Sept. 72. Vaccinium prostratum SLEuUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 230; Blumea 11 (1961) 37; ibid. 12 (1963) rere Prostrate subshrub, 30-60 cm. Branchlets spreading, somewhat flexuous, densely leaved, tips erect, youngest parts very shortly grey- pubescent. Leaves lanceolate to subelliptic-lan- ceolate, apex gradually acuminate, subacute, base attenuate, subcoriaceous, though rather firm, dark green above, paler below, glabrous, seemingly entire, in fact with several shallow crenulations on each side in the upper part of the lamina, 0.7—1 by c. 0.3 cm, a little shining, midrib impressed above, no nerves or veins; petiole c. 1 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, glabrous in all outer parts. Peduncle 0. Pedicel rather slender, 3—4 mm, with several basal and slightly suprabasal, narrow- subulate bracts. Calyx turbinate or subcampanu- late, contracted at the base, light green, tube 2 mm, lobes broadly triangular, subacute, 1 mm. Corolla urceolate, fleshy, white or pink, glabrous outside, hairy inside, 6 mm, very shortly 5-lobed. Fila- ments filiform, base very slightly dilated and sparsely patently hairy, otherwise glabrous, 2.5-3 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, papillose- granular, 1 mm; tubules very short, slightly narrower than the cells, obliquely cut distally. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, almost as long as the corolla. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Mt Saruwaged area), in open heath vegetation or alpine meadow on rather dry calcareous soil, 3000-3655 m. FI. Febr., Oct. 73. Vaccinium wollastonii WERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 93; SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 237; Blumea 11 (1961) 37. Shrublet. Branchlets slender, finely short- pubescent, subterete, subdensely leaved. Leaves lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, -+ acutely acuminate towards the apex, base + broadly attenuate, coriaceous, regularly subserrate-crenu- late at least in the distal half, margin hardly or not thickened nor revolute, 0.5—0.7 by 0.2—0.3(—0.35) cm, midrib + obsolete above, distinctly raised beneath as are the 2(—3) pairs of basal and supra- basal nerves beneath; petiole 0.5 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary, nodding, glabrous in all external parts. Peduncle slender, 2(—3) mm, with several minute basal bracts. Pedicel slender, 5-6 mm, with 2-3 basal bracteoles, 1 mm. Calyx tube obconical-subcampanulate, 1.5 mm, limb + spreading, lobed to almost its base, 1 mm, lobes ovate-triangular, acute. Corolla ovoid-urceolate, contracted at the opening, glabrous outside, laxly hairy inside, red, 5-6 by 3-4 mm. Filaments linear, laxly hairy at the base, 2—2.5 mm; anther-cells oblong, echinulate, 1 mm; tubules cylindric, as wide as the cells, 0.5 mm, obliquely cut distally. Disk glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, c. 5mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Mt Carstensz and Mt Wilhelmina area). Ecol. Epiphytic in subalpine forest, or terres- trial amongst grass in moist places, 2530-3800 (—4400) m. Fil. Sept.-Dec. 5. Section Neojunghuhnia (Koorp.) Steum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1941) 419; ibid. 72 (1942) 217, 238; Blumea 11 (1961) 37. — Neojunghuhnia Koorp. Nova Guinea 8 (1909) 183, t. 48. — Disiphon Scuutr, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 166, f. 8. — Fig. 88, 94. Racemes + lax, sometimes reduced to few-flowered fascicles or very rarely to a solitary flower; pedicels slender, elongate. Bracteoles inserted at the base of the pedicels, minute and very early caducous, practically absent. Ca/yx lobes (laciniae) long-subulate, (much) longer than the calyx tube. Distr. Malesia: 13 spp., in New Guinea. Fig. 88. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Tubules narrow-cylindrical, parallel to, but well separated from each other, laxly set with stalked glands, transversely cut at the very apex, the pore round. Corolla at least partly pubescent. 2. Corolla ellipsoid-urceolate or ventricose, gradually attenuate at both ends, widest in the middle, white, all over laxly hairy. (Leaves (3—)4—6 by (1.5—)2~3 cm.). . . 74. V. schlechterianum 786 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 2. Corolla elongate-urceolate, very shortly attenuate at the base, long so towards the mouth, widest below the middle, but partially hairy. 3. Corolla (red) laxly hairy along 5 vertical stripes. (Leaves ovate, (2.5—)3—4 by 1-1.8 cm.). 75. V. kostermansii 3. Corolla laxly hairy at the apex, glabrous for the rest. 4. Corolla white. Leaves ovate, 3—5.5 by (1.5—)1.8-3.5 cm, base rounded to subcordate 76. V. insigne 4. Corolla (pale) pink with reddish lobes. Leaves paren rapes -ovate, 2.5—4 by 1-1.5 cm, base broadly cuneate . 77. VY. malacothrix 1. Tubules broad-cylindrical, parallel and close to each other, never set with stalked glands, obliquely cut at the apex, the pore -+ elliptic, the back of each tubule + prolonged into a kind of tooth, which may be minutely bidented again. Corolla glabrous or practically so. 5. Calyx lobes (laciniae) 44-14 as long as the total corolla at full anthesis. 6. Calyx lobes narrow-deltoid to broad-subulate, + gradually attenuate or acuminate distally. (Anther-cells distinctly acute.) . 6. Calyx lobes subulate, i.e. narrowed ++ needle-like distal part. 7. Calyx and pedicels glabrous. Anther-cells bluntish . 78. V. oreites abruptly upwards from a - rather broad base into a long 79. V. timonioides 7. Calyx and pedicels laxly to jane a eae aad hairy, finally + gl glabrescent. Anther- cells distinctly acute . 5. Calyx lobes (laciniae) at least half as long as the total corolla at full anthesis. 8. Leaves very densely imbricate, enclosing the branchlets . . 80. VY. longisepalum . 81. V. imbricans 8. Leaves more laxly to subdensely arranged, leaving the branchlets visible at least for their greater part. 9. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, (3.5—)4—5 by 1-1.6 cm, base broadly attenuate. 9. Leaves (broadly or narrowly) ovate, base rounded to subcordate. 10. Leaves (5—)6-8 by 3-4 cm. . ; 10. Leaves smaller, up to 5 by 2.3 cm. 82. V. hispidulissimum . 83. V. cardiophorum 11. Calyx lobes dorsally glabrous, ciliate, 4-5 mm. Branchlets and pedicels with both eglandular and gland-tipped hairs. (Leaves laxly soft-hispidulous at the midrib and edge underneath, otherwise set with sparse, shorter, dark, syPaDEE ESE glandular hairs on the intervenium. Style glabrous.) . . 84. V. spaniotrichum 11. Calyx lobes densely softly hispidulous, dorsally so at least i in ‘the lower half, 6-7 mm. Branchlets and pedicels exclusively with eglandular hairs. 12. Leaves densely softly hispidulous all over the undersurface, the hairs with a manifestly thickened base which persists when the proper hair is gone as a sort of minute wart, no proper glandular hairs present. Style glabrous . 85. V. subulisepalum 12. Leaves softly hispidulous exclusively along the midrib underneath, ‘the base of the hairs not thickened, otherwise laxly clad with short, BEDE ae: dark cae hairs. ee hairy to nearly the top . . 74. Vaccinium schlechterianum SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1941) 425; ibid. 72 (1942) 240; Blumea 11 (1961) 38. — Disiphon papuanum SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 166, f. 8. Epiphytic shrub, c. 1 m. Branchlets slender, subterete, younger parts densely clothed with + patent, soft, longish hairs, older ones glabrescent, subdensely leaved. Leaves ovate, apex subcaudate- acuminate, base rounded to subcordate, sub- coriaceous, glabrescent above, sparsely hispidulous beneath, entire, (3-)4-5(-6) by (1.5—)2-2.3(-3) cm, midrib rather strong below, much narrowed upwards, one pair of basal nerves anastomosing with 3 higher inserted pinnate pairs; petiole c. 3 by 1 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, laxly 2-3(—5)-flowered, + patently hispidulous-villous in all parts; rachis slender, 1-1.5 cm. Pedicels slender, 1.3—2 cm, the basal bracteoles very early caducous. Calyx tube short-obconical or campan- ulate, 2 mm, limb 5-partite to the base into lanceolate-subulate 6 mm long acute laciniae. Corolla ellipsoid-urceolate or ventricose, rather densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, mem- 86. V. eymae branous, translucent-whitish, c. 1.4 cm long in all, c. 0.7 mm wide in the middle, 5-lobed at the con- tracted mouth, lobes obtuse, 1 mm, spreading or reflexed. Filaments filiform, patently long-hairy; anther-cells oblong, rather smooth, 1 mm; tubules subcylindrical, forming a wide angle with the cells, sparsely set with substipitate glands, the pore truncate, marginate, strictly apical. Disk hairy. Style said to be 1.2 cm long in the original diag- nosis, only 0.75 cm in the added figure, hairy to nearly the top. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Abrupt Mt = ‘Etappenberg’, Sepik Distr., April R. region), at 850 m. Once found. Fi. Oct. 75. Vaccinium kostermansii SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 38; ibid. 12 (1963) 127. Much branched, epiphytic or terrestrial shrub, (0.5—)1-4(-6) m, with pendent twigs. Branchlets laxly leaved, terete, slender and flexible, tips patently hispidulous hairy (1-2 mm), older parts glabrescent and early corticate. Leaves broadly to more narrowly ovate, apex rather abruptly July 1967] caudate-acuminate, acute, ending with a minute gland, base broadly attenuate or mostly rounded to slightly cordate, subcoriaceous, hairy on both faces when young, + glabrescent above and laxly hairy on the undersurface, more densely so on the midrib and the edge beneath, the hairs long, hispidulous and erect, hardly thickened at the base, mixed with more sparse and shorter subappressed glandular hairs beneath, entire, + revolute especial- ly towards the base, olivaceous and dull above, brownish and a little shining beneath when dry, (2.5—)3-4(-5.5) by 1-1.8(-2.2) cm, midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, lateral basal nerves in 1-2 pairs, high ascending, other upper and pinnate, irregular and curved nerves c. 4 pairs, all nerves curved-anastomosing, not or hardly prominent above, slightly so beneath, reticulation dense, fine, well visible beneath only; flush reddish or pink; petiole pubescent, 1-2 mm. Racemes axillary, much reduced, (2—)3-8- flowered, densely clothed with hispidulous patent hairs (0.5—1 mm) and more laxly with other shorter subappressed, brownish glandular hairs or stalked glands on rachis, pedicels and calyces; rachis 0.5—1 cm. Pedicels greenish, slender, 1—-1.5 cm. Calyx greenish pinkish, tube obtusely obconical or subcampanulate-subglobose in the anthesis, 2—2.5 mm long, c. 3 mm @g, laciniae gradually subulate- attenuate, erecto-patent, 5(-6) by almost 1 mm at the base, hairy on both sides. Corolla elongate- urceolate, 10(-11) mm long in all, widest in the lower third (4-5 mm 9g), constricted towards the opening to 1.5—2 mm g, rather fleshy, red to deep pink, laxly long-hairy and glandular along 5 vertical lines or angles, which alternate with the calyx lobes, glabrous otherwise outside, lobes obtuse, refiexed, c. 1 mm. Filaments linear- subulate, glabrous at the very base, villous other- wise, 4 mm; anther-cells oblong, base obtuse, 0.7 mm; tubules cylindric, set with several stalked glands, 0.5-0.6 mm, the pore round, strictly terminal. Disk hispidulous-hairy. Style subdensely subappressedly long-hairy below, glabrous and papillose for c. 2 mm below the stigma, c. 9 mm, a little exserted at the end of the anthesis. Distr. Malesia: NNW. New Guinea (Tohkiri and Arfak Mts). Ecol. In swampy forest, or generally under- shrub in light + mossy Nothofagus forest, 1250- 2100 m, locally common. Fi. Oct.—Jan. 76. Vaccinium insigne (Koorp.) J. J. S. Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 533, in text; SLeuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 240; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. — Neo- junghuhnia insignis Koorp. Nova Guinea 8 (1909) 184, t. 48. Epiphytic shrub. Branchlets very slender, densely clad with spreading hirsute longish (1-2 mm) non-glandular hairs in young, glabrescent in older parts, densely but not properly imbricately ' leaved. Leaves ovate, very similar in form and size to those of V. subulisepalum, apex subcaudate- acuminate, acute, base rounded to subcordate, with a dark basal gland on each side near the petiole, subcoriaceous, glabrescent above except ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 787 the impressed midrib, ++ densely set with longish suberect basally not thickened hairs beneath especially on the prominent midrib and on the edge, less so on the intervenium, the latter bearing no fine puberulence (as is found in V. subulisepa- lum), but laxly clad with numerous fine, short, subappressed glandular hairs (which are absent in V. subulisepalum), rather glossy on both surfaces, entire, margin + strongly revolute especially in the lower half of the lamina (the leaf thus seeming- ly subrhomboid in dry specimens), 3-5.5 by (1.5—)1.8-3.5 cm, sub-3—5-plinerved, with 3-4 pairs of upper pinnate nerves, all faintly prominent on both sides and anastomosing, reticulation dense and fine, conspicuous beneath, less dense (veins only) above; petiole hispid, 1-2 mm. Racemes axillary, 4-8-flowered, up to 10 mm long in the immature state known up to date; outer perulae ovate or suborbicular, glabrous, 1-2 mm, inner ones ovate-acuminate, set with long hairs and very short stalked glands on the dorsal, somewhat keeled midrib and on the edge, up to 4 by 1.5 mm. Pedicels (only 3 mm long in the very young material at hand) and calyx densely villous- hirsutulous, moreover set with some stalked glands. Calyx lobes or laciniae seen up to 3 mm long in bud, hairy outside and in the upper part inside, no apical gland found (which is present in V. subulisepalum). Corolla glabrous except some hairs at the apex, apparently elongate-urceolate, said to be white. Filaments linear, glabrous below, hairy upwards; anther-cells oblong, narrowed into a cylindric tube, which bears some stalked glands, the pore strictly apical, rightly cut. Style glabrous except some weak hairs below, papillose below the stigma. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (crest of Mt Resi, Oranje Mts), c. 500 m in primeval forest, once found. Fi. Sept. Note. Description enlarged on base of a more developed flower in the Leyden isotype than Koorpers has investigated in the Bogor holotype. The anthers are of the type found in V. schlechteri- anum. 77. Vaccinium malacothrix SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 241; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Climbing shrub, c. 15 m, with slender, densely leaved branches, pendent from lower limbs of support tree. Branchlets and petioles densely set with spreading, rather soft hispid hairs (1-2 mm). Leaves subimbricate, i.e. partly covering each other, narrowly elliptic-ovate, apex subabruptly caudate-acuminate, acute, base broadly cuneate, said to be reddish when very young, mature ones pale olivaceous in dry specimens, chartaceous initially, covered on both sides with longish fine hispidulous, but soft and +- erect hairs, glabrescent above with age, the midrib excepted, more persistently hairy all over beneath especially at midrib and edge, the undersurface moreover laxly set with short glandular + appressed hairs, entire, margin revolute, 2.5-4 by 1-1.5 cm, midrib and one pair of basal, high ascending nerves slightly sunken above, a little raised beneath, other higher 788 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 65 nerves and veins -++ obsolete, hardly visible beneath; petiole 2-3 by 1 mm. Flowers solitary or rarely in twos in the upper axils, perulae minute (2-3 mm), glabrous dorsally, ciliate. Pedicels very slender, densely patently hairy (c. 2 mm) as is the calyx, 1-1.5 cm. Calyx tube subcampanulate, 2-2.5 mm, the erecto-patent laciniae subulate or elongate-deltoid, c. 7 by 1 mm at base, hairy on both faces and moreover set with sparse stalked glands particularly at the margin. Corolla elongate- urceolate, (pale) pink with reddish lobes, glabrous besides some long hairs at and a little below the lobes, 1.2 cm long in all, c. 3 mm @g in the lower third. Stamens c. 7 mm; filaments linear-subulate, villous except the very base and top; anther-cells subovate-oblong, granular, 1 mm; tubules a little divergent, cylindric, slightly dilated distally, 1.3 mm, sparsely set with stalked glands, the pore transversely cut, orbicular, the margin wavy. Disk glabrous except the laxly hairy inner margin. Style columnar, subappressedly long-hairy in the lower 34, papillose for the rest. Fruit globose, c. 5 mm @, densely patently hairy, crowned by the calyx lobes. Distr. Malesia: E. New Guinea (near Mafulu, Central Distr.), mountain crest forest, c. 1700 m, one collection. 78. Vaccinium oreites SLEUM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 239; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Large shrub or small tree, 1.5—4 m. Branches stiff, down-turned. Branchlets densely covered with a + soft tomentum of horizontally spreading short brownish hairs in the youngest, early glabrescent in the older parts, densely subimbri- cately leaved. Leaves ovate, ovate-oblong or shortly ovate-lanceolate, apex subcaudate-acumi- nate, bluntish by a small terminal gland, base broadly attenuate to rounded, subcoriaceous, hairy on both faces initially, + glabrescent with age, but still laxly set with fine glandular bristle- like dark hairs beneath, entire, marginate, edge revolute, or the whole lamina ++ convex above in fresh specimens, 2.5-3.3 by (0.8-)1-1.4 cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, nerves in 4—5 pairs, rather faintly raised beneath as is the very fine, almost obsolete reticulation; petiole hairy initially, c. 2 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, laxly 6~8-flowered; rachis slender, 1-1.5 cm, covered by a rather dense pubescence of fine, + patent hairs, and more laxly by thicker and shorter, dark, glandular hairs as is equally found on the pedicels and calyx. Pedicels rather slender, 0.8-1 cm, bracteoles basal, minute and early gone. Calyx subglobose as far as adnate to the ovary, 2-2.5 mm across, limb formed by narrow-deltoid or broadly subulate, + gradually attenuate or acuminate laciniae which are hairy in the upper part inside, (2—)2.5-3(-3.5) mm. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, contracted at the opening, fleshy, glaucous pink to rose red, or red, glabrous, 8-9 mm long in all, c. 3 mm @ in the lower third, lobes rounded, refiexed, 1 mm. Filaments 2.5 mm, dilated and long-haired in the lower third, glabrous and almost filiform distally; anther-cells oblong, 1.5 mm; tubules nearly as wide as the cells, 1 mm, the back wall of each tubule extending into a short tooth. Disk con- spicuous, glabrous. Style columnar, glabrous, as long as the corolla. Fruit globose, c. 5 mm g, bluish blackish at full maturity. Distr. Malesia: West New Guinea (Oranje Mts, Lake Habbema-Mt Wilhelmina area). Ecol. In subalpine mossy forest or low thickets of higher ridges, also common on shores of lake, 3225-3400 m. Fi. fr. Aug.—Sept. 79. Vaccinium timonioides WERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 93; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 239; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Slender shrub. Branchlets very slender, youngest parts densely patently hairy (1 mm), oldest ones glabrescent, minutely verruculose. Leaves lax, lanceolate-ovate, rather gradually subcaudate- acuminate upwards, the very apex bluntish, base -+- rounded, the basal pair of marginal glands hardly visible, firmly chartaceous, glabrous except very short appressed glandular hairs scattered over the whole undersurface, entire, revolute in the lower third (and thus becoming ovate- rhomboid) in dry specimens, (2—)2.5—3(-3.5) by 0.8—1.2(—1.3) cm, midrib faintly impressed above, raised beneath, nerves and veins + inconspicuous; petiole 1-2 mm. Racemes very lax, 3—5-flowered, glabrous in all outer parts; rachis slender, 0.5—1 cm. Pedicels slender, 1—-1.3 cm, thickened distally. Calyx tube subglobose, shining, 1.5 mm g, lobes or laciniae + abruptly subulate from an ovate, membranous, wing-like base, keeled, 1.5—2 mm, ciliate below. Corolla narrow-urceolate, thin, glabrous at both sides, 6-7 mm long, 2—2.5 mm @ below, c. 1 mm @ distally, lobes ovate, reflexed, 0.5 mm. Filaments subulate, villous below only, 2.5 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, 0.7 mm; tubules as wide as the cells, c. 0.3 mm, obliquely cut apically. Disk glabrous. Style slender, glabrous, 6 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (ascent from Utakwa R. to Mt Carstensz), 1900 m, once found. 80. Vaccinium longisepalum J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 14; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 535; ibid. (1918) t. 223; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 239; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Epiphytic, much branched shrub, 1-2 m. Branchlets slender, youngest parts patently hirsutulous, older ones early glabrescent. Leaves rather lax, elliptic-ovate, apex gradually long- acuminate, base broadly attenuate, obtuse to nearly rounded, entire, edge + revolute especially towards the base, with a blackish gland on each side of the apex of the petiole, thin-coriaceous, + convex and corrugate above in dry specimens, laxly hispid-hirsutulous on both faces, moreover set with sparse and short, weak, glandular, bristle-like hairs beneath, glabrescent and + glossy above with age, 1.8-3.1 by 0.6-1.2 cm, midrib sharply sunken above, prominent beneath, nerves in 4—6 pairs, curved-ascending and anasto- mosing, mostly rather inconspicuous, reticulation July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) very fine, + obsolete, or visible beneath only; petiole slender, 1-2 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, abbreviate and + sessile, laxly 3—6-flowered; rachis slender, hirsute, 0.6-1.2 cm. Pedicels slender, laxly patently hirsutulous initially, 6-8 mm. Calyx deeply 5-partite, tube subglobose, 2 mm g, laxly hirsutulous initially, laciniae elongate, erecto-patent, + abruptly long subulate- acuminate, irregularly serrulate and ciliolate, 2.5 (3) by hardly 1 mm at the base. Corolla elongate, tubular-urceolate, contracted in the upper third, glabrous outside, dark vine red, 8(-9) mm by c. 3 mm @ at the base, lobes patent or reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments + sigmoid or wavy, rather abruptly dilated above the base and patently villous there, glabrous at the very base and in the upper subulate part, c. 3 mm; anther-cells oblong, c. 0.9 mm; tubules broad, c. 0.6 mm, the back wall of each tubule extended into a long subulate tooth (0.5 mm). Disk laxly hirsutulous. Style glabrous, 8 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (crest of the Treub Mts), at c. 2400 m. Once found. Fi. Febr. 81. Vaccinium imbricans J. J. S. Med. Rijksherb. n. 25 (1915) 13; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 534; ibid. (1918) t. 222; SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 240; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Epiphytic shrub, c. 2 m. Branchlets elongate, pendulous, sparsely ramose, youngest parts covered with a soft tomentum of dense, patent, longish (c. 2 mm) and yellowish hairs. Leaves imbricately arranged, cordate, apex rather abrupt- ly and shortly subcaudate-acuminate, acute, basal lobes rounded (each lobe with 1 or 2 blackish glands near the petiole), reddish when young, subcoriaceous, glabrous above, the undersurface set both with sparse, longish hairs especially at midrib, nerves and edge, and + densely with numerous short, + appressed, glandular, bristle- like hairs, entire, edge subrevolute in dry speci- mens, 5—7(—8.2) by 2.5—4.2 cm, midrib and nerves but little prominent on both sides, the latter in 2-3 basal, much curved and high-ascending, and 2-4 higher, pinnate and more straight pairs, all + anastomosing along the edge, reticulation fine and dense, well visible beneath only; petiole hirsutulous-villous, 2-3 by 1-1.5 mm. Racemes abbreviate, subsessile, (1—)2—5S-flowered, axillary, + densely covered in all parts with shorter sub- patent and longer + villous yellowish hairs, the corolla excepted; rachis c. 3 mm. Pedicels rather slender, c. 1.5 cm. Calyx 5-partite to nearly the very short, cup-shaped basal part or tube, laciniae elongate, erecto-patent, subulate, acute, c. 9 by c. 2 mm at the base. Corolla urceolate-cylindrical, gradually contracted towards the opening, red, very laxly hairy in its uppermost part outside, glabrous otherwise, c. 1.4 cm long in all, c. 4.5 mm @ at the lower, c. 2 mm @ in the upper part, lobes + spreading or reflexed, obtuse, c. 1 mm. Fila- ments dilated and hairy in the lower, linear- narrowed and glabrous in the upper part, c. 3 mm; anther-cells oblong, papillose, c. 1.3 mm; tubules broad-cylindric, erect, 1.2 mm, the back wall of each tubule prolonged into 2 very short 789 teeth. Disk villous. Style slightly pubescent, c. 1.4 cm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Perameles Mts, S of the Oranje Mts), once found at 1100 m in forest. Fi]. Dec. 82. Vaccinium hispidulissimum WeERNH. Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 9 (1916) 92; SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 241; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Shrub. Branchlets slender, densely covered with patent hispidulous, initially gland-tipped hairs (c. 1.5 mm). Leaves lax, ovate-lanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate (1.5—-2 cm), acumen subacute, not rarely a little curved, base broadly attenuate, firmly chartaceous in dry specimens, glabrescent with age above, persistently and subdensely long- hispid-hairy all over beneath, especially on the midrib, entire, edge + revolute in dry specimens, (3.5-)4-5 by (1-)1.2-1.6 cm, midrib slightly impressed above, rather sharply prominent beneath, nerves in 1—2 basal and suprabasal, high curved-ascending pairs, + obscure above, more visibly raised beneath as are other shorter nerves from the upper part of the midrib, reticulation rather dense, mostly finely raised beneath on the younger leaves; petiole slender, hispid-hairy, c. 3 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, lax, sub- corymbose, densely patently hispid-hairy in all parts except the corolla, c. 5-flowered; rachis slender, 1-1.5 cm. Pedicels slender, 0.8—1.2 cm, bracteoles not seen. Calyx tube campanulate, 2 mm, laciniae subulate, (5S—)6—7 by c. 1 mm at the base, apex obtuse by a minute gland. Corolla elongate-urceolate, gradually narrowed distally, apparently red, c. 10 by 2.5 mm, glabrous at both sides, lobes obtuse, much reflexed, 1 mm. Fila- ments subulate-linear, densely hairy to almost the top, 3.5-4 mm; anther-cells oblong, 0.8 mm; tubules as wide as the cells, 0.7 mm, obliquely cut apically, the back wall of each tubule ending in one or two irregular erect teeth, which may bear a very minute apical gland. Disk glabrous. Style slender, glabrous, 9 mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (ascent from Utakwa R. to Mt Carstensz), once found, 1675 m. 83. Vaccinium cardiophorum SLeEum. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 240; Blumea 11 (1961) 39. Low, straggling, epiphytic shrub, 1-1.5 m. Branchlets slender, terete, youngest parts sub- densely clad with soft, + spreading, whitish hairs (1-1.5 mm), older ones glabrescent and greyish corticate. Leaves lax, ovate, apex caudate-acu- minate (2-3 cm), acute, base slightly cordate, firmly subcoriaceous, glabrescent above with age, the midrib and sometimes also the nerves excepted, laxly clothed with suberect, soft hairs (c. 1 mm) all over beneath, more densely so on the midrib, furthermore with sparse, short, + appressed, glandular hairs beneath, entire, edge somewhat revolute, or the entire lamina convex above in dry specimens, (5—)6-8 by 3-4 cm, midrib faintly sunken above, prominent beneath, nerves 2-3 basal, much curved-ascending, and 4-5 upper, more straight pairs, all anastomosing, very slightly 790 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I; voli impressed above, a little raised beneath, reticula- tion fine and dense, mostly subinconspicuous above, well visible beneath; petiole (3—)4—5 by 1 mm, pubescent. Racemes axillary, laxly 8-—10- flowered, subsessile, known only in not yet fully developed state, covered in all parts by rather soft hispidulous and -+ spreading hairs (0.5 mm); perulae small, 3-4 mm, + glabrous; rachis (1-)1.5-2 cm, rather slender. Pedicels slender, 0.8—1 cm. Calyx tube subcampanulate, c. 2.5 mm, lobes subulate, hairy also inside, no glandular hairs. Corolla seen in bud only, apex laxly hairy, colour not known. Stamens seen in young stage, apparently of the type found in V. oreites and V. imbricans; tubules -- obliquely cut apically, bearing no stalked glands; filaments apparently quite glabrous. Fruit obconical, pubescent, 5 mm long, 4-5 mm @ at the limb; disk thick, prominent beyond the calyx tube, densely hairy; calyx lobes or laciniae long-subulate, 8 mm; fruit-pedicel slender, 1.2—1.8 cm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Lake Habbema- Bele R. area), in forest, 2350-2950 m, twice found. 84. Vaccinium spaniotrichum SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 39; ibid. 12 (1963) 127. Shrub. Branchlets very slender, much branched, youngest parts clad with a dense tomentum of spreading, eglandular (0.5-1 mm) and minutely subclavate-glandular hairs, early glabrescent below, blackish in dry specimens. Leaves lax, ovate to sublanceolate-ovate, apex shorter or longer caudate-acuminate, acute, base rounded to sub- cordate, subcoriaceous, rather glossy on both faces, quite glabrous above, laxly set with long hispidulous hairs at the midrib and sometimes at the margin but not on the intervenium beneath, moreover with sparse, short, subappressed and + caducous glandular hairs all over the undersurface, entire, margin shortly revolute, 2.5-3.5 by 1-1.5 cm, midrib grooved above for its total length, prominent beneath, nerves in form of a basal high curved-ascending pair, and other 3-4 pairs which come pinnately from the upper part of the midrib and are less distinct, all anastomosing, obscure above, minutely raised beneath, reticulation found only beneath and rather inconspicuous; petiole hirsutulous for some time, 1-2 by 0.5 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, short, laxly (3—)4—6- flowered, clothed with spreading, eglandular and subcapitate-glandular hairs on rachis and pedicels, whilst the calyces exclusively bear dense subvillous hairs; rachis very slender, 0.5-1 cm. Pedicels very slender, 0.7-1(-1.2) cm. Calyx tube semiglobose or campanulate, 2 mm long and g, laciniae broadly subulate, erecto-patent, 4-5 mm by 1-1.5 mm at the base, glabrous dorsally, laxly hairy at the margin, which bears some stalked glands in its upper part. Corolla elongate-urceolate, rather fleshy, glabrous, 8(—9) mm by 2.5-3 mm @ below, 1.5 mm distally, red, lobes obtuse, reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments subulate, glabrous at the base, villous otherwise, 2.5-3 mm; anther-cells broad-oblong, 0.5 mm, smooth, base obtuse; tubules almost as wide as the cells, hardly 0.5 mm, obliquely cut apically, the posticous wall of each tubule extend- ing into one, or sometimes into two teeth. Disk rather villous. Style minutely papillose, not hairy, c. 7mm. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Wissel Lakes region). Ecol. In secondary forest on peaty soil, 1630— 2300 m, two collections. Fil. Jan., May. Vern. Pamokieta, Kapauku. 85. Vaccinium subulisepalum J. J. S. Med. Rijks- herb. n. 25 (1915) 13; Nova Guinea 12 (1917) 532; ibid. (1918) t. 221; SLEuM. Bot. Jahrb. 72 (1942) 240; Blumea 11 (1961) 40. Epiphytic shrub, with pendulous branches, c. 3 m. Branchlets- slender, much branched again, patently villous-hirsutulous in the younger, glabrescent or corticate in the older parts. Leaves rather dense, ovate, apex + abruptly and rather long (1-1.5 cm) caudate-acuminate, acute, base rounded, subcoriaceous, of a firm texture, with a basal marginal impressed gland on each side near the petiole, laxly and shortly hispid-hairy, though early glabrescent above, more densely and longer hispid-hairy beneath, especially on the midrib, moreover subdensely clad with erect, fine, soft hairs, each of which comes from a gland-like, thickened foot (which persists when the proper hair is gone, and then looks like a minute gland), no proper glandular hairs present, 2.7—4.1 by (1.2—)1.5—2.3 cm, margin much revolute especially in the lower part of the lamina, which thus becomes + rhombic at least in dry specimens, midrib narrowly sunken above for the whole length, prominent beneath, nerves 5-6 rather obscure pairs, reticulation none; petiole hirsutulous- villous, 2-3(—4) by c. 1 mm. Racemes from the upper axils, laxly 3—5-flowered, shortly peduncled, covered with dense patent yellowish hairs (i mm) in all parts except the corolla; rachis 0.7-1.5 cm, slender. Pedicels slender, 8—10(—12) mm. Calyx tube subglobose, c. 2.5 mm g, laciniae subulate, erecto-patent, 6-7 by 1-1.5 mm at the base, hairy on both sides, each with a sessile, glabrous, terminal gland. Corolla tubular-conical or -urceolate, elongate, contracted distally, glabrous, apparently red, c. 1 cm long in all, 4 mm @ in the lower, c. 2 mm g in the upper part, lobes reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments wavy, linear and glabrous at the base, villous above, again glabrous and filiform for one mm from the top; anther-cells oblong, 1 mm; tubules 1 mm, very obliquely cut distally, the back wall of each tubule thus protracted into an elongate tooth, which again is shortly bifid. Disk hirsutulous. Style glabrous, c. 12 mm. Immature fruit subglobose, 4-5 mm g, mature one said to be blackish. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Hellwig Mts), 1900 m, once found. FI. fr. Dec. 86. Vaccinium eymae SLEUM. Blumea 11 (1961) 40. — Fig. 94. Epiphytic shrublet? Branchlets very slender, 1-1.5 mm @g, tips densely and subpatently long- haired. Leaves lax, lanceolate-ovate, apex caudate- July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 791 ones on the intervenium beneath, entire, edge + revolute in dry specimens, 3-5 by 1-1.6 cm, midrib slightly sunken above, a little prominent beneath, nerves 2 basal and slightly suprabasal, and 3-5 upper irregular, shorter pairs, all high- ascending, anastomosing before the edge, faintly impressed above, slightly raised beneath, reticula- tion rather obscure above, dense and slightly prominent beneath; petiole pubescent initially, or early glabrescent, 2-3 by 2 mm. Racemes axillary, subsessile, laxly 5—8-flowered, sometimes reduced to 3-4-flowered fascicles, clothed in all parts besides the corolla with dense, soft, spreading hairs (0.5 mm); rachis slender, up to 1 cm; perulae several, minute, glabrous. Pedicels slender, 0.8-1.3 cm. Calyx tube obconical or subcampa- nulate, 2.5-—3 mm, laciniae subulate, clothed with long hairs at the base and the middle outside, ditto with shorter hairs towards the apex outside and all over inside, 6-7 by c. 1 mm wide at the base, acute. Corolla elongate-urceolate, somewhat fleshy, colour not known, 11-12 mm long in all, c.3 mm @ below, hardly 2 mm g distally, glabrous, lobes obtuse, reflexed, 1 mm. Filaments subulate, 3 mm, glabrous at the base, villous per c. 1.5 mm above, again glabrous towards the apex; cells oblong, base obtuse, 1.3 mm; tubules almost as Fig. 94. Vaccinium eymae SLEUM. a. Habit, x 74, b. flower, x 114, c. disk and style, x 4, d. stamen, x 4 (a-d EyMaA 5194). acuminate, acute, base rounded, with 2 minute marginal basal glands, subcoriaceous, glabrous above with full age, with long hispidulous hairs in the lower part of the midrib and moreover with sparse, shorter, subappressed brownish glandular wide as the cells, 0.9 mm, obliquely cut distally, the back wall of each tubule protracted in one tooth (or sometimes in two short teeth). Disk prominent, pubescent. Style puberulous at the apex, otherwise appressed-hairy. Distr. Malesia: New Guinea (Wissel Lakes area), 1750 m, once found. Fl. Sept. 6. Section Bracteata NAKAI, Trees Shrubs Japan ed. 2 (1927) 241; SLeum. Bot. Jahrb. 71 (1941) 420, 467; ibid. 72 (1942) 265; Blumea 11 (1961) 41. — Vaccinium sect. Nesococcus Cope. f. Philip. J. Sc. 42 (1930) 549; SLeuM. Blumea 11 (1961) 57. — Vaccinium sect. Euepigynium SCHLTR, Bot. Jahrb. 55 (1918) 174, p.p., nom. subnud.; SLEUM. ibid. 71 (1941) 420; ibid. 72 (1942) 241, non Vaccinium sect. Epigynium (Kv.) Hook. f. (1876) p.p. — Fig. 95-115. Racemes few- to many-flowered, very rarely in part in the same specimen reduced to a solitary flower; each flower whether or not subtended by a bract, the latter whether or not foliaceous or persistent; each pedicel whether or not provided with 2 + caducous bracteoles. Anthers whether or not 2-spurred dorsally; tubules opening by introrse ++ oblique or terminal pores. Distr. About 163 spp., 10 of which are found in SE. Asia (S. India to Assam, Burma, S. China, Hainan, Indochina, Formosa, Riu-Kiu and Bonin Is., 1 sp. (V. bracteatum TuuNns.) distributed from Upper Burma, Indochina, S. China, Formosa, Korea to Siam, Japan and W. Malesia, | sp. (V. macgilli- vrayi Seem.) in New Caledonia and the New Hebrides, the rest confined to Malesia. Fig. 95. KEY TO THE SPECIES 1. Subtending bract of each flower conspicuous, + foliaceous, persisting at least for some time during the anthesis, mostly so to the fruiting stage. 2. Leaves manifestly cren(ul)ate or cren(ul)ate-serrate all along the margin. 3. Leaves acuminate at apex. 4. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous at maturity, crenulate-serrate, the apex ending with a sharp point. Tubules + twice as long as the anther-cells.. ..... 5.5. . . 87. V. bracteatum 4. Leaves coriaceous at maturity, remotely impressedly crenulate, the very apex bluntish. Tubules 4- an.Jong em the anther-cellecini a perwrd aire fre ode te eh ete dU telioda? covets ts bling 3. Leaves (crenate or crenulate) obtusely attenuate to rounded at apex. 792 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° Fig. 95. Distribution of Vaccinium sect. Bracteata in Malesia. The number above the hyphen indicates the number of endemic species, that below the hyphen the number of non-endemic species in each island or district. 5. Calyx lobes with a distinct callose, apical gland (marginal glands not present). 6. Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong, sometimes lanceolate or subobovate-oblong, crenulate by a few remote depressed glands .. . : . . . 89. V. timorense 6. Leaves oblong- to elliptic- obovate, “rather deeply and much more densely ‘subserrate- crenate. 90. V. centrocelebicum 5. Calyx lobes not callose-thickened at apex, whether or not provided with a row of rather numerous marginal, sessile glands. 7. Calyx lobes provided with a row of rather numerous sessile, marginal glands. 155. V. coriaceum 7. Calyx lobes without any apical or marginal glands... . . . . 91. V. gitingense 2. Leaves entire or practically so (faint crenulations or subimpressed marginal glands, if any, generally restricted to the lower half of the lamina). 8. Leaves initially hairy all over the upper- and/or undersurface, tardily glabrescent. 9. Corolla laxly to densely pubescent. 10. Corolla c. 1.5.cm. Stamens atleast 1 Gmina) c.e e , + Go. dk wese. dee bw bale 10. Corolla up to 1.1 cm. Stamens up to 5.5 mm. ite YCorolla*(ampullaceous) WE veme yr. a SE a een Vs ae 11. Corolla up to 7.5 mm. 12. Corolla subcylindric, 7-7.5 mm. Anthers provided with 2 dorsal spurs. Style hairy 94. V. glabrescens 12. Corolla 4-5 mm. Anthers not spurred. Style glabrous. 13. Leaves deeply cordate at the base. Corolla broadly or almost subglobular-urceolate. 95. V. auriculifolium 13. Leaves + rounded to subcordate at the base. Corolla narrowly campanulate to cylindric- urceolate. 14. Leaves elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded... . .. . . . 96. V. trichocarpum 14. Leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, shortly obtusely acuminate. 163. V. molle var. mollissimum 9. Corolla glabrous. 15. Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, base slightly cordate... . . . 97. VY. wisselianum 15. Leaves elliptic to oblong, sometimes subovate- or subobovate- -oblong, base subtruncate- rounded or broadly attenuate .. . . . . . . 110. V. korinchense var. korinchense 8. Leaves glabrous or practically so from the beginning (some puberulence may be found underneath at the base). July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 793 16. Calyx lobes (all or in part) provided with a distinct thickened or callose apical gland (marginal glands not present). 17. Calyx lobes distinct, 1-1.5 mm. 18. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, apex much contracted, densely hairy outside. 98. V. thibaudifolium 18. Corolla (sub)cylindric-urceolate, subdensely glandular-muriculate or glabrous outside. 19. Corolla subdensely glandular-muriculate outside at least initially . 220. V. acrobracteatum 19. Corolla glabrous outside. 20. Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong, sometimes lanceolate or subobovate-oblong. Style laxly hairy in the lower third, glabrous for the rest,c.6mm......... 89. V. timorense 20. Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, or broad-elliptic. Style quite glabrous, c. 3 mm. 111. V. myrtoides 17. Calyx limb very low, wavy, not properly lobed (the lobe merely indicated by a gland). Peres mre RP wk sk ES 2? ofa ken . 197. V. fraternum 21. Calyx glandular-muriculate and short-pubescent.. ......... 172. V. amphoterum 16. Calyx lobes not callose-thickened at the apex, whether or not provided with a row of sessile marginal glands. 22. Calyx lobes provided with a row of sessile yellowish marginal glands . . 156. V. stapfianum 22. Calyx lobes without any glands at all. 23. Tubules longer than the cells, or, if as long as, then much narrower than the cells. 24. Corolla at least 9 mm, generally much longer. 25. Corolla exclusively and properly hairy . .0.4i sic swe ss se ee 92. V. indutum 25. Corolla laxly to subdensely glandular-muriculate, furthermore whether or not finely short- pubescent. 26. Leaves subcoriaceous, flexible. Style laxly hairy in the lower half . 99. V. epiphyticum 26. Leaves coriaceous, firm. Style quite glabrous. ......... 100. V. barandanum 24. Corolla 5—-6(-7) mm. 21. Tubules + double as long as the cells . 66) és sues bebie 4) aoe dane 87. V. bracteatum eieViubules + as long as the cells,s.. .(...s.& cue Bobabouds Bad. 88. V. kjellbergii 23. Tubules shorter than the cells, or, if as long, then -- as wide as the cells. 28. Anthers with 2 distinct (shorter or longer) dorsal spurs. 29. Leaves 0.8-1.5 by 0.4-1 cm. 30. Leaves with the pair of marginal glands near to the petiole. One or two racemes from the ultimate ‘axil, seemingly terminal . . <« < uGiemun scedales “ileus 101. V. scortechinii 30. Leaves with the pair of marginal glands in the lower third of the lamina, i.e. in a marked distance from the petiole. Racemes in the upper 3 or 4 axils . 109. V. miquelii var. miquelii 29. Leaves much larger. 31. Leaves + broadly attenuate or subacuminate at the apex. Corolla at least 7 mm. 115. VY. varingiaefolium var. calcaratum 31. Leaves distinctly acuminate to subcaudate at the apex. Corolla up to 6 mm. 32. Corolla (densely hairy outside) subglobose-urceolate, apex much contracted, 3.5—4 mm. 98. V. thibaudifolium 32. Corolla tubular- to broad-urceolate, 4-6 mm. 33. Corolla puberulous outside, 2.5-3 mm @. Tubules obliquely cut distally, the pore oval. 102. V. agusanense 33. Corolla glabrous outside. Tubules transversely cut apically, the pore round. 34. ' Corolla’ 5-6 by 4-45 00 cl. aha, Hien Ge ae eG ee 103. V. philippinense a4,’ Corolla -4 by 2-2.5 mm. .° «2°57. Sem ee Golder 6 ee 104. VY. dubiosum 28. Anthers with no trace of dorsal spurs. 35. Posticous wall of each tubule ending in 2 distinct teeth. 36. Leaves 8-11 by 2.5-4 cm. Corolla8-10mm......... 105. V. grandibracteatum 36. Leaves up to 7 by 3 cm. of. Leaves (1=)1;2-1.7 by 0:5-0:8 ent . < sad ecalale-eud & Bae ait 106. V. dominans 37. Leaves larger. 38. Leaves 4.5-5.5 by 2-3 cm. Corolla glabrous. Calyx lobes with an apical tuft of hairs. 107. V. montis-ericae 38. Leaves (2.4-)4—6(—7) by (1—)2-2.5(—3) cm. Corolla subdensely set with muriculate glands and sometimes furthermore sparsely with a fine puberulence (sometimes rather early glabrescent). Calyx lobes not barbateatapex. ........ 220. V. acrobracteatum 35. Posticous wall of each tubule ending in one +- broad tooth or obtuse. 39. Leaves (5—)6-14 by (3-)3.5—5(—7) cm. 40. Leaves elliptic or oblong-elliptic, sometimes subovate, base -+- broadly attenuate. 108. V. platyphyllum 40. Leaves ovate, base deeply cordate and auriculate. ....... 204. V. hooglandii 39. Leaves much smaller in general. 794 ee FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, voline® Flowers sessile or very shortly pedicelled (up to 2 mm in anthesis, slightly longer in fruit). ra Calyx lobes obtuse. Corolla urceolate ... . . . . . 109. V. miquelii 42. Calyx lobes acute or subacute. Corolla ampullaceous < or narrow-urceolate. 110. V. korinchense 41. Flowers pedicelled (at least for 3 mm in anthesis). 43. Corolla 4(—4.5) mm (shortly cylindric-urceolate). Style c. 3 mm. 111. V. myrtoides 43. Corolla at least 7 mm. Style at least 6 mm. 44. Corolla elongate-urceolate or ampullaceous, gradually or mostly rather abruptly narrowed in the upper half, membranous. Branchlets rather slender. 45. Leaves (4-)4.5—-7(—10) by (1.8—)2—3 cm (subovate or lanceolate, sometimes elliptic or oblong-elliptic, shortly subcaudate-acuminate). 46. Style Sgt hee a eee es Peri ldle Grn 46. Style + densely patently hairy. SUA A A ee SO 2S AV ean tata 45. Leaves up to 2.5 by 1.2 cm. 47. Leaves ovate, coriaceous, 0.6—-1(-1.2) by (0.4-)0.5-0.8 cm . 113. V. paludicolum 47. Leaves oblong-elliptic to obovate, thin-coriaceous, (1—)1.5-2.5 by 0.6-1.2 cm. 114. V. lucidum 44. Corolla urceolate-cylindric, gradually or oe narrowed towards the apex, fleshy. Branchlets stoutish . . . ... . . 115. V. varingiaefolium 1. Subtending bract of each flower small and. early caducous in general, rarely persistent up to the beginning of the anthesis. 48. Corolla partite to c. 4 or more into 5(—7) erect or slightly reflexed lobes. 49. Corolla lobes rather broad, ovate to deltoid. 50. Anthers provided with two distinct dorsal spurs (1 mm)... . . . . 116. V. latissimum 50. Anthers with minute or no dorsal spurs. 51. Filaments and style glabrous. 52.) Racemes contracted: rachis) up "to > mms: =)... (2. ee) ee Veeco acon 52. Racemes not contracted; rachis at least 1.5 cm. 8) Weaves s—o aby 3—4.5 cm. Rachise4—6C7)»cme 9s 2. = Beets & Sehisrave warburgii 53. Leaves’ 11=l6rby*(425—)5—655 cm. (Rachis) 125—2em' "2.9 e 2 . . 119. V. aucupis 51. Filaments and style hairy . . . FSCO ID POLI NES ee, 120. V. minuticalcaratum 49. Corolla lobes narrow to almost subulate. S47 Corollarsubdenselyhairysoutside’-7 29s See 2 ee eS eV qmaneficnn 54. Corolla practically glabrous outside. 55. Leaves obovate to elliptic-obovate, apex obtuse to rounded. . . . . . 122. V. brachygyne 55. Leaves other than obovate, apex + acuminate. 56. Leaves subovate-oblong to lanceolate, apex subcaudate-acuminate . . 123. V. paradisearum 56. Leaves elliptic to oblong-elliptic, apex shortly acuminate. 57. Corolla glabrous inside. Tubules less than half as long as the cells. 124. V. megalophyes 57. Corolla densely short-hairy inside. Tubules as long as the cells . . 125. V. stenolobum 48. Corolla shortly (up to 14, or mostly less deeply) 5(—7, rarely 8)-lobed, lobes (+ broad and obtuse) generally conspicuously reflexed in anthesis. 58. Anthers (cells and/or tubules) provided with a few + spreading gland-tipped hairs, or with shortly stalked glands, or with a few sessile, point-like, generally dark coloured glands. 59. Corolla (broad-urceolate or ++ campanulate) distinctly constricted in the middle or lower third. Tubules elongate, as long as or mostly longer than the cells, pipe-like, gradually slightly dilated upwards or flaring distally; cells with elongate dorsal spurs. 60. Leaves cuneate to rounded at base. 61. Leaves elliptic, 7-15.5 by (2.6-)3-6 cm, shortly + gradually attenuate or subacuminate towards the bluntish apex .. . . . . 126. V. daphniphyllum 61. Leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, caudate- acuminate and acutish at the apex, 5-8 by (1.5—)1.8-3 cm . ye Pies. oe J 74. 101275 Verconyallacnticnias 60. Leaves cordate and ms auriculate at base. 62. Inflorescence quite glabrous. (Leaves 7-12 by 3.5-5.5 cm.) . . . . 128. V. appendiculatum 62. Inflorescence short-pubescent, the corolla excepted. GaeLeaves' 2:8-3.5(-—4.3) by 2-2.8 cm ............ «» . 203. V. smplesteame 63. Leaves 6-8 by 3.5-4.5cm . . . . . 129. V. otophyllum 59. Corolla not constricted in the lower half. Tubules, if elongate, not flaring distally; dorsal spurs of cells, if any, relatively short. 64. Leaves + distinctly cordate. 65. Inflorescences densely short-pubescent, the 5-6 mm wide corolla excepted. 130. V. cordifolium 65. Inflorescences glabrous. Corolla 3-4 mm wide. . . . . . 131. V. cercidifolium 64. Leaves occasionally or in part in the same specimen subcordate, generally cuneate to rounded a the base. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 795 66. Style glabrous or practically so. 67. Calyx lobes (all, or rarely at least for their greater number) provided with a generally distinct (mostly thick) apical gland, and/or with a row of smaller, sessile or subsessile (sometimes rather early caducous) marginal glands. 68. Calyx 4-6 mm long in all, 5-6 mm @ at the limb at anthesis. Mature fruit 1-1.3 cm o. 132. V. korthalsii 68. Calyx up to 3.5 mm long in all and up to 4 mm g at the limb at anthesis. Mature fruit as far as known up to 6 mm o. ae Peticels, ef 2 cm atcanthesigti 211) 0 RR at cay . . 133. V. tentaculatum 69. Pedicels up to 1.5 cm at anthesis. 70. Calyx tube densely glandular-muriculate ...... .. . . . 134. V. muriculatum 70. Calyx tube pubescent or glabrous, sometimes also very sparsely glandular-muriculate. 71. Tubules transversely cut apically, their back wall not extended into one or two teeth, the pore round. i2.-Leaves? crenulate,)\0/6—2'ibyi 09-08 tcmiy.) ie, Fee 1 . . 155. V. coriaceum W2L eaves ‘entire: 3:5-—5.5 | by: 1.5—2 ‘cm... w+.» 2 > + ae ch ces, Sl Lee 135. V. elegans 71. Tubules (very) obliquely cut distally, their back wall -- extended into one or two teeth, the pore elliptic to subovate. 73. Back wall of each tubule extended distally into an erect beak which is as long as or mostly longer than the proper tube of the tubule. 74. Calyx limb very low, wavy, lobes irregular, hardly properly indicated as such, i.e. merely represented as apical glands. ......... . . . 136. V. goodenoughii 74. Calyx limb at least 0.5 mm high, lobes regular, markedly distinct as such. 75. Calyx lobes broadly ovate-deltoid, apex roundish-obtuse. 137. V. hellwigianum 75. Calyx lobes + deltoid, apex subacute. 76. Calyx lobes c. 0.5 mm. Leaves elliptic or subovate-elliptic, apex shortly, subacutely or obtusely acuminate, 4.5-6 by 2.3-3 cm....... 138. V. psammogenes 76. Calyx lobes c. 1 mm. Leaves lanceolate or rarely elliptic-lanceolate, apex caudate- acnininates5—/ byvl:4—2cme. @ te ees, ee ee 139. V. longiporum 73. Back wall of each tubule extended distally into a short, sometimes bifid, erect or not rarely horizontally directed or even reflexed tooth. 77. Marginal glands of the leaves restricted to 1 or 2 basal (or a little suprabasal) pair(s). Lo. Leaves 2=3iby l=Ijeem(s 2508 5 5 eee 140. V. acutissimum yar. acutissimum 78. Leaves (4-)5-9(-10) by (1.5—)2-3(-4) cm. 79. Leaves 5-7(-9)-plinerved. Corolla elongate, narrowly urceolate. 141. V. carneolum var. carneolum 79. Leaves sub-5-plinerved. Corolla subventricose-urceolate. 141. V. carneolum yar. nesophilum 77. Leaves provided with several remote, distinctly or more obscurely impressed glands or glandular points along the whole margin or at least its lower half. 142. V. albicans 67. Calyx lobes showing no such glands. 60: Corolla’ at least 9 meaty 46.) «2 a fouqnayligkwew daa 143. V. viridiflorum 80. Corolla up to 7 mm. w1)' Corolla c.:7 mun‘liong 464i been at jo aio dio¢ Feline 139. V. longiporum $1. Corolia 3.5—4. mm long...) o-.)« s ea: Ane mogeeig dataions 144. V. aitapense 66. Style hairy at least in the lower third. 82. Axillary buds generally very conspicuous. 83. Axillary buds almost globular, 2-3 mm 9, the perulae broadly ovate and obtuse, or sub- orbicular. 84) Rachis. and pedicels® glabrous &. J)urwe .aoyle pons ek 145. V. simulans 84. Rachis and pedicels generally subdensely, rarely laxly short-pubescent, or subtomentose. 85. Inflorescence 3-3.5 cm. Corolla 4(-5) mm. ........... 146. V. mjoebergii 85. Inflorescence 4-6(-9) cm. Corolla 8-9 mm. ......... 147. V. pachydermum 83. Axillary buds + ovoid-oblongoid, at least 2 mm long, the perulae stipule-like, ovate- lanceolate or subsubulate, + acute. 86. Corolla 9~12 mm. 87. Leaves 2-4 by -1.3-2:5-3) om... . . hn yl, 148. V. elliptifolium Si; Leaves 4.5-9:5 by '2:544.3ients, > oii, CNA. Hartiied ont . . . . 149. V. endertii 86. Corolla 6-8 mm. 88. Petiole much flattened, 1-4 by 2-4 mm. ........... 150. V. camiguinense 88. Petiole less or hardly flattened, more slender, 1-6 by 1-1.5 mm. 89. Leaves at apex broadly attenuate and obtuse, or rounded . . . 151. V. clementis 89. Leaves at apex more narrowly subacuminate-attenuate, the very tip obtuse. 152. V. palawanense 82. Axillary buds, if any, very small. 796 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6° 90. Calyx lobes provided with a conspicuous, thick, apical gland, but with no row of smaller marginal sessile glands. 9 iuGorolla.(9—)10—12,imm) jay eedes wept. See ee Ont gel Oo nV COMMCernny 91. Corolla up to 8 mm. 92. Leaves ovate-acuminate, coriaceous, 2.3-3 by 1-1.7 cm. 140. V. acutissimum var. pilosistylum 92. Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong, sometimes lanceolate- or subovate-oblong, apex obtuse to rounded, subcoriaceous, 2-4 by (0.5—)0.8-1(-1.5) cm ... . 89. V. timorense 90. Calyx lobes whether or not provided with a small or inconspicuous apical gland and/or a row of small, sessile marginal glands, or without any such glands at all. 93. Leaves (oblong-obovate, 1.8—-3 by 0.6-1.1 cm) retuse for c. 1 mm. 154. V. besagiense 93. Leaves faintly or generally not retuse. 94. Leaves (0.6—)0.7-1.5(-2) by (0.3-)0.4-0.7(-0.8) cm. 95. Leaves distinctly crenulate along the whole margin... . . . 155. V. coriaceum 95. Leaves entire, or with 1 or 2 pairs of marginal fue at intervals in the lower half of themlaminagyeee o- a yehone sere 56.4 V Stapnannm 94. Leaves in part in the s: same specimen at least 2. 5 by 1 cm. 96. Gorollay 9=1 Omi eves ues) ls) cee cee ~ splaiivenlepe.s ae. aitathie dyna Sa Venonizentale 96. Corolla (5—)6-7(-8) mm. 97. Leaves narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, oblong or elliptic (4-8 cm long then), rarely ovate-ellipticng sivied.salcece: é90<.):, 4 . . 158. V. bancanum 97. Leaves elliptic- or oblong- obovate, or obovate, rarely eliptic (and 2-4 cm long then). 98. Leaves 2—4 by 0.8-2 cm. Corolla 3-4 mmg.. . - . «+ 152. V. clementis 98. Leaves 3.5-6 by (1.5—)2-4.5 cm. Corolla 2—2.5 mm 2 . . . . 159. V. stenanthum 58. Anthers (cells and tubules) bearing no such glands or gland-tipped hairs. 99. Rachis provided with gland-tipped, horizontally spreading, almost bristle-like hairs (which are mostly found also on the branchlets, but rarely on the pedicels). 100. Leaves elliptic or oblong-elliptic, apex shortly obtusely acuminate. Racemes 7—9(—10) cm. 160. V. luzoniense 100. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, apex shortly (sub)caudate-acuminate. Racemes (2—)3—5 cm. 161. V. tenuipes 99. Rachis (and branchlets) never bearing such hairs (though they may be laxly set with short, muriculate or club-shaped glands). 101. Corolla exclusively laxly glandular-muriculate outside. 102. Leavesi0:s—1e3) bys0:4—057 (Cmaaces .etiaao.) « avcdip Os) i~2). sgrcme ts 223. V. tomicipes 102. Leaves exceeding 3.5 by 1 cm. 103. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, apex long subcaudate-acuminate. 162. V. filipes 103. Leaves obovate to obovate-subspathulate, sometimes suborbicular- or oblong- or elliptic- obovate sapexe- TOWNGE! Wig i-ik. Sa-me4 shies) kil ee . . 220. V. acrobracteatum 101. Corolla hairy, or hairy and glandular-muriculate, or glabrous outside. 104. Corolla at least initially + densely short-hairy and may be glandular-muriculate outside. 105. Corolla distinctly widened towards the mouth, i.e. campanulate or subcylindric-campanulate. 163. V. molle 105. Corolla equally wide at both ends or narrowed towards the mouth, i.e. urceolate to tubular. 106. Style completely glabrous. 107. Anthers (cells plus tubules) 1-1.5mm. ..... . . 237. V. striicaule var. publiflorum 107. Anthers (cells plus tubules) 2.2-3 mm. 108. Leaves 1.8—2.5(—3.5) by 1.1-1. 5(-2) em: £0 -skicala sendu-al . 164. V. summifaucis 108. Leaves larger, at least in part in the same specimen. 109. Leaves elliptic to oblong, generally 5-8 by 2-3.5cm..... 165. V. costerifolium 109. Leaves obovate or oblong-obovate, 6-8.5 by 2.5-5cm..... 166. V. adenotrichum 106. Style hairy at least in the basal part. MOR eavest 3—5(—6.5)' by, 2—3:3..cmignee 0.8. ate) tee tees dares sone 167. V. rigidifolium MMOspedves:2:5—3: Siby l-le8iG2)icm sheel.d6 Sie indadieye o.- 8b 168. V. brachytrichum 104. Corolla glabrous outside or practically so (some hairs may occur on the corolla in early stage, or at the lobes). 111. Filaments completely glabrous. 112. Leaves 9-13 by 5-10 cm. Anthers with 2 dorsal spurs. . . . . . 116. V. latissimum 112. Leaves up to 9 by 5 cm. Anthers not dorsally spurred. 113. Leaves (3—-)4-6 by 2-3(-3.5) cm. Corolla 5 by 2.55 mm..... 169. V. cuneifolium 113. Leaves 6-9 by (2.5—)3-5 cm. Corolla 7 by 2.5mm....... 170. V. ambivalens 111. Filaments hairy at least at the base. 114. Calyx lobes bearing a distinct, generally thick apical gland (which sometimes may be covered by hairs) and/or a row of several minor (-+ sessile) marginal glands. 115. Calyx lobes bearing a + thick apical gland, but no row of minor marginal glands. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 797 116. Leaves remotely (sub)crenulate, i.e. with several conspicuous glands along the whole margin or at least in the lower 24 of the margin on each side. Li7sStyle: pubescent «... =u ate cena s Ban Pn Gas ais 89. VY. timorense 117. Style glabrous. 118. Anthers provided with 2 very distinct dorsal spurs ...... . 171. V. vidalii 118. Anthers provided with very short, subinconspicuous dorsal spurs or knobs, or gener- ally without any trace of them. 2-2:5(2.8)) Crisiwider: 1S taewto were: tor RO RID. OE 172. V. amphoterum 120. Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate-elliptic, apex shortly and broadly attenuate or sub- acuminate, generally obtuse, rarely subacute, (0.8—)1-1.6 cm wide. 173. V. banksii 119. Calyx tube glabrous. 121. Disk glabrous. 122. Corolla (8-)9-10(-11) by 3-4 mm ...... 142. V. albicans var. albicans 122. Corolla 5 by 2.5 mm. 123. Petiole 4-5(—6) mm. Racemes generally many-flowered. . . 174. V.crenatifolium 123. Petiole 1-2 mm. Racemes 3—S-flowered. . ......-. 175. V. apophysatum 121. Disk sparsely or mostly + densely short-hairy. 124. Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic, sometimes obovate, apex + obtuse. 176. V. woodianum 124. Leaves narrow-elliptic, elliptic-oblong or narrowly elliptic-obovate, apex = acuminate me iS) 2 TUES See eee Ree) ees 177. V. cumingianum 116. Leaves practically entire, i.e. set with 1 or 2 (rarely 3) basal or suprabasal marginal + impressed glands on each side, which are restricted to the lower third, or very rarely to the lower half of the lamina. 125. Style pubescent at least in the lower part. 126. Leaves 2-4 by (0.5-)0.8-1C-1.5) cm .......+-+-+-+---s 89. V. timorense 126. Leaves larger. 127. Corolla tubular, elongate-conical or suburceolate, 1.1-2 cm. 128. Leaves ovate, apex caudate-acuminate, 6.5-10 by 1.8-3.7cm. . . 178. V. gracile 128. Leaves elliptic, (3—)4-7 by (1.3-)2-3 cm. .......-.-- 179. V. tubiflorum 127. Corolla campanulate, 7-8(-9)mm........... 120. V. minuticalcaratum 125. Style quite glabrous. 129. Calyx tube winged, the 5 wings or ribs extending into the calyx lobes. 180. V. debilescens 129. Calyx tube obscurely or mostly not winged or angled. 130. Anthers distinctly 2-spurred dorsally, the spurs almost as long as the tubules. 181. V. minusculum 130 Anther spurs, if any, mostly rudimentary, or certainly much shorter than the tubules. 131. Tubules slender, (much) narrower than, and as long as or longer than the cells. 132. Leaves + obovate, with thickish glandular or almost resinous points underneath. 133. Pedicels rather slender, (3—)4-6 mm. Apical gland of the calyx lobes (if any) mi- Mute, sungioblar.. 0 (Re ae 182. V. viscifolium var. viscifolium 133. Pedicels robust, 1.5-2(-3) mm. Apical gland of the calyx lobes thick, broadly subglobular or mostly somewhat broadened marginally to each side. 183. V. loranthifolium 132. Leaves of other shape, i.e. not decidedly obovate, underneath with caducous glandular-muriculate hairs or their bases, or with minute glandular points, or quite glabrous. 134. Rachis, pedicels and calyx tube short-pubescent . . . . 231. V. pseudocaudatum 134. Rachis, pedicels and calyx tube quite glabrous. 135. Corolla subdensely short-hairy in the lower half inside. (Leaves (5—)6-10 by (1.5—)2-3G4:8):‘emaed oe. GOR PP RSs 232. V. benguetense 135. Corolla quite glabrous inside. 136. Leaves 7-15 by (1-)1.2—3 cm... «1s we te ee te 184. V. scandens 136. Leaves up to 7 by 3.5 cm. 137. Reticulation of the leaves rather conspicuous. Apical gland of the calyx lobes thick, well perceptible. Stamens remaining included at full anthesis. 185. V. littoreum 137. Reticulation of the leaves rather faint or obscure. Apical gland of the calyx lobes (if any) minute. Stamens a little exserted at full anthesis. 233. V.caudatum 131. Tubules -- as wide and rarely as long as, generally (much) shorter than the cells, or if slender, distinctly shorter than the cells. 138. Pedicels very slender to almost filiform, (1—)1.4—1.6 cm. 798 FLORA MALESIANA [ser. I, vol. 6 139. Rachis -- densely, base of the pedicels laxly neers aire 1.5-2.5 by 0.5-0.9 cms) ir : ssi) 186. Vi. arto 139. Rachis and pedicels completely glabrous :. eared Ge 31 HBTS Viedhabener 138. Pedicels slender to robust, and shorter in general (rarely up to 2 cm). 140. Petiole robust (1.5-2 mm @Q), at least 1 (and up to 2) cm. 4 Corollac0:931 Cl:2) tem. IeOse Vie. eels eels. iee ee ek Oat Vv pel olin 141. Corolla 0.6 cm . . . . . . 189. V. retivenium 140. Petiole shorter, rarely robust, ‘mostly n more ‘slender. 142. Corolla abruptly saccate-widened at the base. . . . . 190. V. angulatum 142. Corolla not or hardly widened at the base. 143. Leaves small, up to 4 by 2.2 cm. 144. Leaves lanceolate to narrow-oblong or -elliptic, (0.5-)0.7-1.5 cm wide. 177. V. cumingianum 144. Leaves of other form, or at least in part in the same specimen wider than Ih5) rok 145. Leaves manifestly, i.e. densely and prominently reticulate on both faces, or at least beneath. 146. Leaves subcaudate-acuminate. . .... .. . . 172. V. amphoterum 146. Leaves obtuse at apex. . . . . . 195. V. dictyoneuron 145. Leaves less distinctly, i.e. widely and much less prominently reticulate, or not reticulate at all. 147. Calyx tube pubescent and glandular-muriculate . . 200. V. roseiflorum 147. Calyx tube exclusively hairy, or with sparse muriculate glands, or glabrous. 148. Calyx tube pubescent .. . sans, ev S925 Veterientin 148. Calyx tube sparsely muriculate c or ‘glabrous. 149. Corolla (5-)6 by c. 2mm........ ... 191. V. angiense 149. Corolla (7-)8(-9) by 3-4 mm. 150MRetroley2—summe tPA Lee eA -as . . 192. V. cruentum 150. Petiole 4-6(-10) mm . .. . st sotee P2270 Ve gijellerupii 143. Leaves generally larger, at least for the greater part in the same specimen. 151. Calyx tube pubescent and glandular-muriculate . . . 172. V. amphoterum 151. Calyx tube exclusively pubescent, or exclusively and very laxly glandular- muriculate, or glabrous. 152. Leaves + shortly and broadly, in general + obtusely attenuate or acu- minate at the apex. 153. Corolla subventricose-cylindric or barrel-shaped, 10-11 by c. 5 mm. 193. V. alvarezii 153. Corolla urceolate-cylindric, 4-10 by 2-4 mm. 15451Corolla4@s)imm. >. . =. = = - AG, octet Is 194. V. cavendishioides 154. Corolla 7-10 mm. 155. Anthers spurred dorsally. . . . 228. V. laurifolium var. glanduligerum 155. Anthers without dorsal spurs. 156. Leaves + densely and prominently reticulate on both faces or at least on the undersurface. 195. V. dictyoneuron var. dictyoneuron 156. Leaves may be finely reticulate above, never so beneath. 227. V. gjellerupii 152. Leaves + caudate-acuminate and + acute at the apex. IS 7CorollaASs)pmmMas (ss pent Aacifa So. Seve 194. V. cavendishioides 157. Corolla 6-8 mm. 158. Corolla cylindric below, subabruptly contracted and much narrower inwthe,upperythind oe fh. patentee colon tae 196. V. irigaense 158. Corolla urceolate or cylindric- urceolate, gradually narrowed upwards. 159.) Corollas thin, sercenishiiwhile seas. mines )«ne 197. V. fraternum 159. Corolla fleshy, deep pink to purple. 237. V. striicaule var. adenodes 115. Calyx lobes besides a small or rather inconspicuous (or no) apical gland bearing a row of minor, sessile or subsessile, yellowish marginal glands. 160. Anther-cells free but for the very base. Leaves (6—)8—-13(—14) by (3—)4—7.5(-8.5) cm 198. V. claoxylon 160. Anthers bipartite halfway or less. 1elseLeavesl6—-9 (Ell) sby»2=3:.5 (G4) hem verry! ed) Solis leated 4041. 199. V. halconense 161. Leaves 0.7—5(—6.5) cm long. 162. Pedicels very slender, 1-1.5 cm. (Leaves (2.5—)3-4.5 by 1-1.5 cm.). 187. VY. habbemae var. pluriglandulosum 162. Pedicels slender or more robust, up to 0.7 cm. July 1967] ERICACEAE (Sleumer) 799 163. Calyx tube and lobes densely puberulous and laxly glandular-muriculate. (Leaves 2A AR BY 1S-2.2. em) se PLES D Maas evze 3), 200. V. roseiflorum 163. Calyx tube and lobes exclusively pubescent. 164. Leaves (0.7-)0.8-1 by 0.25-0.3 cm ........ - . . 201. V. leptocladum 164. Leaves much larger. 165. Leaves 2.2-3(-3.5) by 05=0.8Citamrt. © 14 ala. 202. V. phillyreoides 165. Leaves 3-5(-6.5) by 2-3.3c0m........0.... 167. V. rigidifolium 114. Calyx lobes mostly without any apical or marginal glands, rarely bearing a minute and inconspicuous apical gland. 166. Leaves deeply cordate. 167. Anther-cells dorsally set with 2 elongate spurs; tubules slenderly elongate-cylindric, Rompe: than thevéells 11. /ao4 a: 2g ft BS) 9% Winn foun 203. V. amplexicaule 167. Anther-cells not spurred dorsally; tubules shorter than the cells. 168. Corolla subglobose-urceolate, c. 5 mm longe?3.