THE LuESTHER i . MERTZ LIBRARY THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN /l^^mm'X- THE N 3RK du i SARDiN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN— No. 203 THE FLORA OF THE AMERICAN "VIRGIN ISLANDS N. L. BRITTON NEW YORK 1918 Reprinted change of paging, from Brooklyn Botanic Garden Memoirs 1: 19-118. July 6, 1918 3^ ^ 77 5-£V? [Reprinted from Brooklyn Botanic Garden Memoirs, Vol. I, 1918,] THE FLORA OF THE AMERICAN VIRGIN ISLANDS N. L. BRITTON New York Botanical Garden The islands St. Thomas, St. Jan and St. Croix recently purchased by the United States from the kingdom of Denmark, are situated to the east and southeast of the island of Porto Rico. My interest in their flora was first aroused by the proximity of the Virgin Islands archi- pelago to Porto Rico, both the Porto Rican islands Culebra and Vieques being parts of the archipelago. I therefore took occasion in 1913, accompanied by Dr. J. N. Rose and with the help of Mrs. Britton, Miss Delia W. Marble, and Dr. J. A. Shafer, to explore St. Thomas and St. Jan quite thoroughly, and Dr. Rose made collections on St. Croix, while we were engaged in studying the cacti of the West Indies.1 In 1901, I had made a brief visit to St. Croix, with Mr. John F. Cowell.2 The islands are all hilly, there being very little level land on either St. Thomas or St. Jan, but more on St. Croix. The rocks are mostly of plutonic origin, but there is some limestone on St. Croix and locally other stratified rocks occur. The highest elevation is about 500 meters (1,550 feet), on The Crown of St. Thomas. There is but little natural forest remaining on any of the islands, and what there is is confined to the hilltops in a few places. Re- forestation is the crying need of the new possession, and it will be highly discreditable to the United States if this subject is not im- mediately taken in hand. Most of the higher parts of all three islands are not available for any but forest products and the supply of wood for fuel needs to be increased and the rainfall conserved by a forest cover, for most of the rain now runs off immediately. This destruc- tion of the forest has doubtless eliminated a good many species from the original flora of the islands. The principal literature of the botany of the islands is as follows :3 H. West. "Bidrag til Beskrivelse over Ste Croix, med en kort udsigt over St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown og Crabeneiland." Kiobenhavn. Pp. 363. 1793. [German edition pp. 274, Copenhagen 1794.] West enumerates and partly describes 542 species, of which 1 1 1 were culti- 1 Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 14: 99-109. 2 Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 166. 3 See also citations in the chapters on Hepaticae, Fungi and Algae. 19 20 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS vated, mainly of St. Croix, a few from St. Thomas and St. Jan. Some of the descriptions are by Vahl. A number of the plants listed have not been observed on St. Croix by subsequent collectors and some of them are obscure. The author was rector of a school at Christiansted. The book is very rare. I am indebted to The New York Public Library for a photostat copy. Andre Pierre Ledru. "Voyage aux iles de Teneriffe, La Trinite, Saint-Thomas, Sainte Croix et Porto Ricco, execute par ordre du gouvernement frangais, depuis le 30 septembre 1796 jusqu' au 7 juin 1798, sous la direction du capitaine Baudin, pour faire des recherches et des collections relatives a l'histoire natur- elle; contenant des observations sur le climat, le sol, la population, l'agricul- ture, les productions de ces iles, le caractere, les moeurs et le commerce de le.urs habitants." Ouvrage accompagne de notes et d'additions par M. Sonnini. Avec une tres belle carte gravee par J. B. Tardieu d'apres Lopez. Paris. 2 vol. 1810. Ledru was the botanist and Anselme Riedle the gardener of an expedition sent out by the Paris Museum of Natural History 1796-1798. Unfortunately, many of the specimens attributed to St. Thomas were in all probability col- lected on Porto Rico. Many living plants were brought back to the Jardin des Plantes. The botanical parts of the report are general and not extensive. D. F. L. de Schlechtendal. "Florula insulae Sti. Thomae Indiae occidentalis." Linnaea, 3: 251-276; 4: 78-93; 5: 177-200, 682-688; 6: 722-772. 1828-1831. About 400 species are enumerated. The plants were collected by C. A. Ehrenberg, a merchant, in the years 1827 and 1828. The records are anno- tated and there are some descriptions. Henry Krebs. "Catalogue of plants found on the island of St. Thomas, W. I." 1852. [In John P. Knox: A historical account of St. Thomas, W. I., with its rise and progress in commerce, missions and churches, climate and its adaptation to invalids, geological structure, natural history and botany. New York.] Over 1,200 plants are enumerated alphabetically, including many in culti- vation and some algae. Many of the records can not now be substantiated. ■Krebs had previously published an account of the geographic distribution of the Flora of St. Thomas. J. P. Knox. " Catalogue des plantes qui naissent spontanement dans l'isle de Saint- Thomas." 1857. [Memorie della r. Acad, di Torino, II, 16: lxxvi- lxxxix.] This is essentially the same document as the preceding. H. F. A. Eggers. "St. Croix's Flora." Vidensk. Meddel. Kj0benhavn. Pp. 33- 158. 1876. Baron Eggers was a Danish official on St. Croix from 1869 to 1874, and made extensive botanical collections. He records 738 species, with anno- tations. H. F. A. Eggers. "Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands, West Indies." Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 13. Pp. 133. 1879. Baron Eggers was in command of Danish troops on St. Thomas during most of the period between 1874 and 1887, and visited St. Jan. In this cat- alogue he enumerates 881 indigenous or naturalized species, with annotations, and also records many of the plants in cultivation. H. F. A. Eggers. "Supplement til St. Croix's og Jomfru0ernes Flora." Vidensk. Meddel. Kj0benhavn, pp. 11-21. 1889. This work contains additional records to those previously published by the author. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 21 Otto Kuntze. "Urn die Erde." Pp.514. Leipzig. 1881. Dr. Kuntze visited St. Thomas in 1874, at the beginning of his extensive travels. Otto Kuntze. "Revisio Generum Plantarum" 1:2: pp. 1009. Leipzig. 1891. The author records specimens collected by him on St. Thomas in 1874. F. Borgesen and Ove Paulsen. "Om Vegetationen paa de Dansk-Vestindiske 0er." Botan. Tidsskr. Kj0benhavn, 22: 1-114, f.1-43. 1898. [Reprint pp. 114.] Mr. Borgesen visited the islands in 1892, and again in 1895-6, on his second trip accompanied by Mr. Paulsen. They made extensive collections, and listed six Spermatophytes as additions to the known flora. The document is mostly ecologic, and especially detailed as to the composition of the coastal vegetation. It was translated into French by Mile. S. Eriksson and pub- lished in 1900 (Rev. Gen. de Bot. 12: 99-107; 138-153; 224-245; 289-297; 344-354; 434-446; 489-510). [Reprint pp. 108.] C. F. Millspaugh. "Plantae Utowanae." Field Col. Mus. Bot. 2: 1-110; 113-135. pi. 25. 1900. During the cruise of the yacht Utowana, December, 1898, to March, 1899, Dr. Millspaugh, botanist of the expedition, visited St. Thomas on January 17 and 18, 1899, and collected about 200 species, which are enumerated. C. F. Millspaugh. "Flora of the Island of St. Croix." Field Col. Mus. Bot. 1: 441-546. Map. 1902. Annotated list of 1,029 species, based especially upon the large collections made in 1895, l896 and 1897 by A. E. Ricksecker and Mrs. J. J. Ricksecker, with records taken from Baron Eggers Flora. Mr. Ricksecker published a list of the species collected by him, pp. 4, not dated [1896]. Dr. Millspaugh has a chapter upon the botanical history of St. Croix. F. Borgesen. "Notes on the Shore Vegetation of the Danish West Indian Islands." Bot. Tidsskr. 29: 201-259. f.1-140; pi. 3-6. 1909. ' Mr. Borgesen made a third trip to the islands during the winter of 1905- 1906, especially for algological studies. The paper is ecological, and supple- mentary to his earlier publications. E. G. Britton. "Mosses of the Danish West Indies and Virgin Islands." Bull. Torr. Club 42: 1-8. 19 15. Mrs. Britton lists, with annotations, 28 species of Mosses, including 3 de- scribed as new; four of the plants enumerated were found only on Tortola. H. G. Brock, P. S. Smith, W. A. Tucker. "The Danish West Indies, their Resources and Commercial Importance." 1917. The United States Department of Commerce has recently published as Special Agents Series 129 (pp. 68, figs. 1-8), a valuable document in which the vegetable products of commercial value are discussed. There are a very large number of records of plants from the islands in taxonomic monographs and lists of species by many authors. As a literary curiosity record may be made of a manuscript list of the plants of St. Thomas, undated, arranged upon the Linnaean system of classification, preserved in the library of the New York Botanical Garden, presented some years ago by the late Dr. T. F. Allen. General comments upon the vegetation are to be found in several books of travel. The earlier collections of botanical specimens are practically all to be found only in the herbaria of the Old World. Perhaps the oldest 22 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS are those of Von Rohr and of Ryan, made about 1780, and preserved for the most part in the herbarium of the Botanical Museum at Copen- hagen, where the most complete and extensive collections from these islands are to be found. Prior to 1800 collections were made by L. C. M. Richard, Isert, West, Pflug, Ledru and Riedle. During the nineteenth century the principal collectors were Benzon, Bertero, Ravn, Hornbeck, Ehren- berg, Breutel, Krebs, Oersted, Holton, Eggers, Krause, Warming, Borgesen, Paulsen, A. E. Ricksecker, Mrs. J. J. Ricksecker, Otto Kuntze and Millspaugh. Since 1900 collections have been made by N. L. Britton, Mrs. Britton, J. F. Cowell, Miss Marble, J. A. Shafer and J. N. Rose. A collection made by Kirkman Finley in Trinidad was erroneously labeled as from St. Thomas, and many errors have been made in citing these specimens. A few plants collected by Kuntze in Porto Rico have been erroneously recorded as from St. Thomas, and many col- lected by Riedle on Porto Rico have been similarly erroneously re- corded. Conversely, some plants collected by Purdie on St. Thomas have been cited as Jamaican. For the purposes of the following list of plants I have examined the literature and have studied the following series of specimens: 1. Duplicates of plants collected by Benzon, Hornbeck, Eggers and Paulsen, received by the New York Botanical Garden in exchange with the Copenhagen Botanical Museum. 2. The collection made by I. F. Holton on St. Thomas, preserved in the herbarium of Columbia University. 3. Dr. Otto Kuntze's St. Thomas plants, which came to the New York Botanical Garden as a part of his herbarium, presented by Mr. Andrew Carnegie. 4. The St. Croix collections made by Mr. Ricksecker and a portion of that made by Mrs. Ricksecker in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden and parts of the complete sets preserved in the herbarium of The Field Museum of Natural History. 5. Part of the St. Thomas collection made by Dr. Millspaugh. 6. The St. Croix collection made by Mr. Cowell and myself in 1900. 7. The collections made by »Dr. Rose, assisted by Mr. Fitch and Mr. Russell on St. Croix in 1913. 8. The collection made on St. Thomas by Mrs. Britton and Miss Marble in 1913. 9. The collection made by Dr. Shafer and myself on St. Thomas, St. Jan and small adjacent islands in 1913. Mrs. Britton has contributed the catalogue of the mosses, Dr. Evans that of the hepatics, and Professor Riddle that of the lichens. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 23 Our knowledge of the fungi of the islands is but fragmentary and it is therefore deemed wise not to attempt an enumeration of them at this time; a mycological survey would doubtless reveal the presence of several hundred species. Dr. Howe has contributed a note on the algological collections and researches of Mr. Borgesen. St. Thomas and St. Jan are two of the Virgin Islands, discovered by Columbus in 1493, and were so called to commemorate the young women who are fabled as having accompanied St. Ursula. The Virgin Island group is usually regarded as composed of the following islands, proceeding from the west eastward, (1) Culebra, or Snake Island (Porto Rican) ; (2) St. Thomas, or San Thome, and (3) St. John or San Jan; (4) Tortola, (5) Virgin Gorda, and (6) Ana- gada (British). Throughout this archipelago there are many islets and keys, and the marine views from the hills are among the most charming in America. If to the above mentioned larger islands we add (7) Jost Van Dyck, the next largest, a British island near Tortola, we have seven major Virgin Islands, eight if we include Vieques. Tortola (British) is separated from St. Jan by little over a mile of water. The purchase from the Danish government thus brings our frontier close to that of the British Empire at another point. Vieques, or Crab Island (Porto Rican), lies south of the axis of the archipelago, and is perhaps not properly a member of the Virgin Island group, although it is sometimes so considered. These islands were originally inhabited by Arawak and Carib Indians. St. Thomas was colonized by the Dutch in 1657, passed to the British about 1667, and to the Danes in 1671, who have since held it, except for short occupations by the British. St. Jan was colonized by the Danes in 1684, and their occupancy has since been continuous. St. Croix, or Santa Cruz, was also discovered by Columbus in 1493 or early in 1494, colonized by both Dutch and English in 1625, passed soon to the Spanish, and next to the French in 165 1. The Danish ownership dates from 1733. It is isolated in the sea, and not properly of the Virgin Island group; in clear weather, it can be seen from the hills of Porto Rico and from those of St. Thomas and St. Jan. All three islands are oblong in shape, with the longer axes nearly east and west, the coast lines irregular. The hills of St. Thomas rise to about 1,500 feet; those of St. Jan are somewhat lower (about 1,260 feet), while the highest point on St. Croix (Mt. Eagle) is 1,164 feet. St. Croix is about 21 miles long, 6 miles wide, and has an area of about 84 square miles, being thus about one seventh larger than Staten Island, New York (72! square miles). St. Thomas is 13 miles long, 4 miles wide, with an area, including its islets, of some 32 square miles; St. Jan is 9 miles long, about 5 miles wide, with an area, in- 24 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS eluding its islets, of about 21 square miles. The total area of the three islands, including their contiguous islets, is thus about 138 square miles, or not quite twice that of Staten Island. The areas here used for St. Thomas and St. Jan are approximate, because the total area of the contiguous islets is not definitely recorded. The harbor of Charlotte Amalia, coveted by commercial and naval interests, is the most striking coastal feature of the islands, indenting the southern coast of St. Thomas. It is something less than a mile in diameter, a little longer than wide, and is nearly enclosed by the hills, its mouth being approximately 900 feet wide. It is as safe an anchorage as any tropical harbor can be, and affords anchorage for as many vessels as would be at all likely to need it at any one time, in water which is up to 37 feet deep. It is not as spacious as Guantanamo Bay on the southeast coast of Cuba, but as a naval base, with the hills fortified, would immediately command the Virgin Passage. Magen's Bay on the north side of St. Thomas, where a long penin- sula juts out into the sea, and Coral Bay at the east and Cruz Bay at the west end of St. Jan, are also valuable harbors, and there are several other small harbors or coves. The so-called harbors at Christiansted and Frederiksted, St. Croix, are open roadsteads. These islands, like Culebra, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda, are partly plutonic in origin, being partly composed of rocks which have solidified from a molten state. There is no present evidence of volcanic activity, as there is in the Leeward and the Windward Islands farther south, and there are no volcanic peaks. Conglomerate and other stratified rocks, supposed to be Cretaceous, also occur. They are evidently ancient, and show evidences of an enormous amount of erosion since their upheaval; they have not been geologically surveyed. The soil, except that of some sand beaches and mangrove swamps and salt marshes, has directly resulted from the decay and erosion of the rocks; it is of good agricultural quality and locally deep, but on the steep slopes and hillsides it is meager, having been much washed away since the cutting away of the forests. There are not many sand beaches on St. Thomas or St. Jan, but there is a consider- able area of beach on St. Croix. In sheltered coves and reaches with shallow water, the mangrove is forming land, as everywhere in similar situations on tropical coasts. Along large portions of the coast lines, the rocks come directly to the sea, forming fine cliffs and headlands, often rising from deep water, and much of the coastal scenery" is highly picturesque. I have included records of the plants commonly cultivated either for their products or for ornament and interest, but have made no attempt to include the rarer or unusual garden plants. If the records BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 25 by Krebs and Knox are correct, there was a greater variety of plants in gardens at the middle of the last century than at present. In citing synonyms for the names of plants, I have given the original in cases where the species was first named in a genus other than the one in which it is now included, and I also have indicated the names used by previous authors dealing with plants of the islands, in so far as I have been able to refer them, but no attempt has been made to give complete synonymy. I gratefully acknowledge aid from Mr. A. S. Hitchcock in the determination of some grasses and from Miss Margaret Slosson and Mr. W. R. Maxon for information regarding some ferns. SPERMATOPHYTA TYPHACEAE Typha angustifolia L. [T. domingensis Pers.; T. angustifolia domingensis Griseb.] Along rivulets and lagoons, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. PANDANACEAE Pandanus utilis Bory. [P. odoratissimus of Eggers.] Planted for ornament. ZANNICHELLIACEAE Ruppia maritima L. [R. rostellata of Eggers.] Shallow, brackish water, St. Thomas; Buck Island; St. Jan; St. Croix. CYMODOCEACEAE Cymodocea manatorum Aschers. Shallow, salt water, St. Croix; St. Thomas; St. Jan. Halodule Wrightii Aschers. Shallow, salt water, St. Thomas; St. Croix. ALISMACEAE Echinodorus cordifolius (L.) Griseb. [Alisma cordifolia L.; A. rostratiim Nutt.; Echinodorus rostratus Engelm.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. ELODEACEAE Halophila Baillonis Aschers. In salt water, St. Thomas. Halophila Aschersonii Ostenfeld. In salt water, St. Croix. HYDROCHARITACEAE Thalassia testudinum Konig. In salt water, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 26 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS POACEAE Saccharum officinarum L. Subspontaneous after cultivation, St. Croix, where it is extensively cultivated for sugar; grown in small patches on St. Thomas and St. Jan. Andropogon glomeratus (Walt.) B. S. P. Doubtfully recorded from St. Thomas by Hackel. Andropogon bicornis L. [Anatherum bicorne Beauv.] On the high hills of St. Thomas and St. Jan. Andropogon leucostachyus H.B.K. St. Thomas. Andropogon juncifolius Desv. St. Croix. Andropogon ceriferus Hack. St. Thomas. Andropogon panormitanus Pari. [A. saccharoides of Eggers; A. Wrightii of Millspaugh.] St. Croix. Andropogon Schoenanthus L. Cultivated for perfume. Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv. Krumbay, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Holcus Sorghum L. [H. saccharatus L.; Sorghum vulgare Pers.; Andropogon Sorghum Brot.] Subspontaneous after cultivation, St. Croix; St. Thomas. Anthephora hermaphrodita (L.) Kuntze. [Tripsacum herma- phroditumL.; A nthephora elegans Schreb.; A. villosa Spreng.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Nazia aliena (Spreng.) Scribn. [Lappago aliena Spreng.; Nazia. racemosa aliena Scribn. & Smith; confused by authors with Nazia racemosa (L.) Kuntze = Tragus racemosus (L.) Haller.] Sandy fields, thickets and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Valota insularis (L.) Chase. [Andropogon insularis L.; Pani- cum leucophaeum H.B.K. ; P. insulare Meyer ; Tricholaena insularis Griseb.; Syntherisma insularis Millsp.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Valota Eggersii (Hack.) Hitchc. & Chase. [Panicum Eggersii Hack.] St. Thomas. Endemic. Syntherisma digitata (Sw.) Hitchc. [Milium digitatum Sw.; Digitaria setigera Roth; D. horizontalis Willd.; Syntherisma setigera Nash; P. sanguinale vulgare of Kuntze in part.] Fields, hills and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Syntherisma sanguinalis (L.) Dulac. [Panicum sanguinale L. ; Digitaria marginata Link.] Fields, hills and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Syntherisma Ischaemum (Schreb.) Nash. [Panicum Ischaemum Schreb.] St. Croix (according to Hitchcock & Chase). BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 27 The grass recorded by Eggers as Digitaria filiformis from Cowell Hill, St. Thomas, has not been further identified. Eriochloa punctata (L.) Desv. [Milium punctatum L. ; Helopus punctatus Nees.] Moist grounds, St. Croix; St. Thomas. Anastrophus compressus (Sw.) Schlecht. [Milium compressum Sw. ; Paspalum platycaulon Poir ; P. compressum Rasp.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Paspalum glabrum Poir. [P. Helleri Nash ; Panicum plantagineum of Millspaugh; ? P. Richardi Steud.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Paspalum plicatulum Michx. [P. undulatum Poir.; P. caespi- tosum of Eggers, at least in part.] Hillside, Buck Island, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Paspalum paniculatum L. [P. hemisphaericum Poir.] St. Thomas (according to Schlechtendal). Paspalum fimbriatum H.B.K. Waste grounds and roadsides, St. Croix. Paspalum orbiculatum Poir. [P. pusillum Vent.] St. Thomas (Fluegge; according to Grisebach). Paspalum conjugatum Berg. Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Paspalum notatum Fluegge. St. Thomas is the type locality of the species, but the plant has not been found there by recent collectors. Paspalum virgatum L. St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West). Paspalum secans Hitchc. & Chase. Sandy soil, St. Croix. Paspalum distichum L. Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Paspalum vaginatum Sw. [P. distichum vaginatum Sw.] Wet grounds, St. Croix. Paspalum spathaceum Desv., recorded as from St. Thomas by Schlechtendal, is a species not understood by modern botanists. Paspalum molle Poir., described as from St. Thomas, is a species not understood by modern botanists. Panicum geminatum Forsk. [P. paspaloides of Eggers and of Millspaugh; P. brizoides Lam., not L. ; Paspalum appressum Lam.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Panicum barbinode Trin. [P. molle of Eggers.] Moist grounds, St. Croix. Panicum reptans L. [P. grossarium L.; P. prostratum Lam.; P. prostratum pilosum Eggers; P. caespitosum Sw.] Hillside thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Panicum fasciculatum Sw. [P. fuscum Sw.; P. fasciculatum fuscum Griseb.; P. fasciculatum flavescens of Kuntze.] Banks, hill- sides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 28 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Panicum miliaceum L. Waste grounds, St. Croix. Panicum adspersum Trin. Hillside thicket, Bethania, St. Jan. Panicum cayennense Lam. St. Thomas (recorded with doubt by Schlechtendal). Panicum diffusum Sw. Rocky hillsides, St. Thomas; recorded from all three islands by Eggers and from St. Croix by Grisebach. Panicum maximum Jacq. [P. jumentorum Pers.; P. polygamum Sw.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Panicum laxum Sw. Hillsides, St. Thomas. Panicum trichoides Sw. Barracks, St. Thomas (recorded by Eggers as P. brevifolium L.). Panicum glutinosum Sw. St. Croix (according to West). Lasiacis divaricata (L.) Hitchc. [Panicum divarication L.; P. divaricatum glabrum Kuntze.] Thickets and hillsides; St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lasiacis Harrisii Nash. St. Jan. Lasiacis sorghoidea (Desvaux) Hitchc. & Chase. [Panicum sorghoideum Desvaux; P. latifolium of Millspaugh.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Lasiacis ligulata Hitchc. & Chase. [Panicum divaricatum puberulum Griseb.] Shaded bank, St. Peter, St. Thomas. Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link. [Panicum colonum L.] Grassy places, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Oplismenus hirtellus (L.) Beauv. [Panicum hirtellum L.; P. setarium Lam.; 0. setarius R. & S.; Orthopogon setarius Spreng.] Woodlandsr St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chaetochloa geniculata (Lam.) Millsp. & Chase. [Panicum geniculatum Lam. ; P. imberbe Poir. ; Setaria glauca imberbis Griseb. ; S. glauca of Eggers; Chaetochloa glauca of Millspaugh.] Woodlands, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Chaetochloa setosa (Sw.) Scribn. [Panicum setosum Sw.; Setaria setosa Beauv. ; Panicum caudatum Lam. ; Setaria setosa caudata Griseb.; Setaria macrostachya of Schlechtendal.] Hillsides, St. Thom- as; St. Croix; St. Jan. Chaetochloa rariflora (Mikan) Hitchc. & Chase. [Setaria rari- flora Mikan.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cenchrus echinatus L. [C. viridis of Millspaugh; C. echinatus brevisetus Scribn.; C. echinatus tribidoides of Kuntze.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cenchrus carolinianus Walt. St. Thomas (according to Hitch- cock & Chase). Cenchrus viridis Spreng. Dry soil, St. Thomas. Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze. [Ischaemiim secun- BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 29 datum Walt.; 5. glabrum Trin.; 5. americanum Schrank.] Moist grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Olyra latifolia L. Woodlands, St. Thomas; Cinnamon Bay, St. Jan (according to Eggers.) Pharus glaber H.B.K. Woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Oryza sativa L. St. Thomas (according to Pilger). Aristida adscensionis L. [A ristida bromoides H.B.K. ; A. stricta Gris'eb., not Michx.; A. americana Pilger, not L.] Thickets and hill- sides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Aristida cognata Trin. & Rupr. [A. Swartziana Steud.] Hill- sides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth. [Agrostis virginica L.] Saline soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sporobolus Berteroaxus (Trin.) Hitchc. & Chase. [Vilja Berteroana Trin.; Sporobolus angustus Buckley.] Wet grounds, St. Jan; St. Croix. Sporobolus argutus (Nees) Kunth. [S. domingensis of Mill- spaugh; ? 6". littoralis of Eggers.] Saline soil, St. Croix. Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br. [Agrostis indica L.; Vilja tenacissima Kunth.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sporobolus muralis (Raddi) Hitchc. & Chase. [Agrosticula muralis Raddi; S. minutiflorus of Millspaugh.] Waste grounds and roadsides, St. Croix. Capriola Dactylon (L.) Kuntze. [Panicum Dactylon L.; Cyno- don Dactylon Pers.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chloris radiata (L.) S\v. [Agrostis radiata L.] Dry soil, St. Thomas ; St. Jan (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Chloris paraguaiensis Steud. [C. barbata S\v.; C. ciliata of Eggers.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chloris Sagraeana A. Rich. [C. eleusinoides Griseb.] St. Croix. Chloris ciliata Sw. Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Bouteloua Americana (L.) Scribn. [Aristida americana L.; Heterostega juncifolia Desv.; B. litigiosa Lag.] Hillsides and banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Gymnopogon foliosus (Willd.) Nees. [Chloris foliosa Willd.] St. Thomas. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. [Cynosunts indicus L.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dactyloctexiim aegyptium (L.) Richt. [Cynosurus aegyptius L.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Leptochloa filiformis (Lam.) Beauv. [Festuca filiformis Lam.; 30 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS L. mucronata (Michx.) Kunth; L. mucronata multi-flora Eggers.] St. Croix, along ditches (according to Eggers). Leptochloa virgata (L.) Beauv. [Cynosurus virgatus L. ; ? L. virgata gracilis Eggers; Chloris poaeformis H.B.K.] Moist or wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Diplachne FASCfCULARis (Lam.) Beauv. [Festuca fascicularis Lam.; Leptochloa fascicularis A. Gray.] In a ditch, St. John's Estate, St. Croix. Pappophorum alopecuroideum Vahl. [P. laguroideum Schrad.] Rocky hillsides, St. Thomas; Buck Island, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv. [Poa pilosa L.; E. poaoides of Grisebach.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Eragrostis tephrosanthus Schultes. Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Eragrostis ciliaris (L.) Link. [Poa ciliaris L.; E. ciliaris laxa Kuntze.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight & Arn. [Eragrostis plumosa Link.] Cultivated grounds, St. Jan. Eragrostis Barrelieri Dav. [E. minor of Millspaugh; E. poaoides of Eggers.] Dry soil, St. Thomas (according to Eggers); St. Croix. Eragrostis Elliottii S. Wats. Dry soil, St. Thomas. Uniola virgata (Poir.) Griseb. [Poa virgata Poir; U. racemi- flora Trim] Bolongo, St. Thomas; Little St. James Island, St. Jan. Arthrostylidium capillifolium Griseb. Flag Hill, St. Thomas; Battery, St. Jan. Bambos vulgaris Schrad. Naturalized in wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Coix Lacryma-Jobi L. Cultivated for ornament. Zea mays L. Cultivated for food. CYPERACEAE Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. [K. monocephala Thunb. of Schlechtendal and of Eggers.] Moist, grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Kyllinga odorata Vahl. [K. triceps of Eggers; K. odo rata minor Boeckl.] Moist, shaded banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Kyllinga pumila Michx. Moist grassy places, St. Thomas, collected by Riedle (according to Clarke). Kyllinga pungens Link. Midland, St. Croix. Cyperus odoratus L. [C. polystachyus R. Br. ; Pycraeus odoratus Urban.] Crown, St. Thomas, at about 500 m. altitude (according to BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 31 Eggers). Not found by us on St. Thomas, but collected on Tortola at about the same elevation. Cyperus laevigatus L. [C. laevigatus albidus Eggers; C. mucro- natus Rottb. ; Juncellus laevigatus Clarke.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. Wet or moist grounds, St. Thomas. Cyperus ochraceus Vahl. Moist grounds, St. Croix. Cyperus elegans L. [C. viscosus S\v.] Wet saline grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb. Pastures and hillsides, Signal Hill and Crown, St. Thomas. Cyperus compressus L. Moist ground, Haven Sight, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Not found by us on St. Thomas, but collected on Virgin Gorda, Vieques and Culebra. Cyperus distans L. f. [Cyperus Eggersii of Millspaugh.] Pas- tures and ditches, Signal Hill and St. Peter, St. Thomas; Mt. Eagle, St. Croix. Cyperus esculentus L. [C. esculentus macrostachyus Boeckl.] St. Thomas (according to Clarke). Cyperus articulatus L. Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cyperus rotundus L. [C. Hydra Michx.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cyperus cayennensis (Lam.) Britton. [Kyllinga cayennensis Lam.; Mariscus flavus Vahl; Cyperus flavus Nees; Cyperus flavo- mariscus Griseb.; Mariscus cayennensis Urban.] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cyperus granularis (Desf.) Britton. [Mariscus gracilis Vahl; Kyllinga filiformis capillaris Griseb.; C. capillaris of Millspaugh.] Sandy soil, near the coast, St. Croix. Cyperus tenuis Sw. St. Croix (according to Clarke). Cyperus ligularis L. [Mariscus rufus H.B.K.; M. ligularis Urban.] Moist, especially saline soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cyperus confertus Sw. [Mariscus confertus Sw.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Grisebach). Cyperus purpurascens Vahl. Coastal rocks, Water Island, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cyperus brunneus Sw. [C. brizaeus Vahl; C. Ottonis Boeckl.; C. discolor Boeckl.; Mariscus brunneus Clarke.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cyperus ferax L. C. Rich. [C. pennatus of Eggers; C.flexuosus Vahl ; C. odoratus of Eggers ; Torulinium ferax Urban ; C. Michauxi- anus of Millspaugh.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. 32 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Cyperus Vahlii (Nees) Steud. Moist soil on hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Cyperus filiformis Sw. [Tondiniiim filiforme Clarke; C. uni- folius Boeckl.] Moist soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cyperus ferrugineus Poir. [Pycraeus ferrugineus Clarke] re- corded from St. Thomas by Clarke on the evidence of a specimen in the herbarium of the British Museum, is probably an error in locality. Cyperus strigosus L. Recorded by Schlechtendal as found in a garded on St. Thomas, is probably an error in name. Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) R. & S. [Scirpus interstinctus Vahl.] Marshes, St. Thomas; St, Croix. Eleocharis mutata (Vahl) R. & S. [Scirpus mutatus Vahl; E. cellulosa of Millspaugh.] Wet grounds, St. Croix; St. Jan (according to Eggers). Eleocharis flaccida (Spreng.) Urban. [Scirpus flaccidus Spreng. E. ochreata Nees.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas. Eleocharis capitata (L.) R. Br. [Scirpus capitatus L.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eleocharis retroflexa (Poir.) Urban. [Scirpus retroflexus Poir.; Eleocharis Chaetaria R. & S.] Moist grounds, St. Thomas. Eleocharis minima Kunth. Krumbay, St. Thomas (according to Clarke). Eleocharis nodulosa (Roth) Schultes. [Scirpus nodulosus Roth.] Adventure, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Scirpus subdistchus Boeckl., described as from St. Thomas, has not been identified by subsequent botanists. Scirpus articulatus (Kunth) Griseb. is recorded as from St. Croix by Kunth, presumably erroneously, it being an Old World species. Fimbristylis diphylla (Retz.) Vahl. [Scirpus diphyllus Retz.; ? S. dichotomus of Schlechtendal; Scirpus brizoides Muhl.; Fim- bristylis polymorphs Boeckl.] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Fimbristylis ferruginea (L.) Vahl. [Scirpus ferrugineus L.] Moist, saline soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Fimbristylis spadicea (L.) Vahl. [Scirpus spadiceus L.] Moist soil near the coast, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Abildgaardia monostachya (L.) Vahl. [Cyperus monostachyus L.; Fimbristylis monostachya Hassk.] Moist, shaded bank, Rosen- berg, St. Jan. Dichromena ciliata Vahl. [Rynchospora pura Griseb.] Pas- tures and hillsides,. Signal Hill and Crown, St. Thomas; Bordeaux, St. Jan. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 33 Dichromena radicaxs Schl. & Cham. Shaded banks, St. Thomas. Rynchospora Berterii (Spreng.) Clarke. [Hypolytrum Berterii Spreng.; Rynchospora pusilla (Sw.) Griseb., not R. pusilla Chapm.] Pastures, Signal Hill, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Rynchospora podosperma C. Wright. St. Thomas; a specimen in the Arnott Herbarium (according to Clarke). Scleria distans Poir. St. Thomas (according to Clarke). Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw: [Scirpus lithospermus L. ; Scleria filiformis Sw.] Rocky thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Scleria pterota Presl. [Scleria pratensis Nees; S. communis of Millspaugh.] Moist woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Scleria scindexs Nees. Forests, Signal Hill, St. Thomas. ARECACEAE Coccothrinax argentea (Lodd.) Sarg. [C. sancti-thomae Bec- cari; C. Eggersiana Beccari; C. Eggersiana sanctae-crucis Beccari; Thrinax argentea Lodd.; ? T. parviflora of Eggers.] Hillsides, Water Island and Flag Hill, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. [Cocos acnleata Jacq.] Hillside, St. Peter, St. Thomas. Roystoxea regia (H.B.K.) O. F. Cook. [? Areca oleracea of West; Oreodoxa regia H.B.K. ; ? 0. oleracea of Kuntze.] Wooded ravine, Tutu, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Planted for ornament. Cocos nucifera L. Spontaneous after planting, especially in coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sabal . Planted, Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas. Borassus flabellifer L. Recorded by West as found on St. Croix. An East Indian palm. ARACEAE Axthurium acaule (Jacq.) Schott. [Pothos acaidis Jacq.; Anthurium Huegelii of Eggers.] On rocks and trees in shaded situa- tions, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Axthurium graxdifolium (Jacq.) Kunth. [Pothos grandifolia Jacq.; A. macrophyllum of Eggers.] On rocks in woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Axthurium cordatum (Willd.) D. Don. [Pothos cordata Willd.; ? P. macrophyllum of West.] On rocks in forests, St. Jan; St. Croix. Axthurium Selloum C. Koch. On trees and rocks in forests, St. Jan. Philodexdrox Krebsii Schott. [P. hederaceum of Eggers.] On trees in forests, Crown, St. Thomas. 4 34 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Philodendron oxycardium Schott. On trees in forests, St. Thomas. Philodendron giganteum Schott. On rocks in dense forests, Signal Hill and Crown, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Dieffenbachia Seguine (Jacq.) Schott. [Arum Seguine Jacq.] Caret Bay, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Caladium bicolor (Ait.) Vent. [Arum bicolor Ait.; ? C. smarag- dinum of Eggers.] St. Thomas (according to Urban). Cultivated on St. Croix. Xanthosoma atrovirens C. Koch. Cultivated and naturalized, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott. [Arum sagittifolium L.; Arum maculatum of Millspaugh.] Naturalized after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cultivated for its roots. Xanthosoma ? hastatum Eggers, recorded by Eggers as spon- taneous after cultivation on all three islands, has not been identified. Arum hastatum Vahl, cited by Eggers as a synonym, is, an unpublished name, printed in West's Flora of St. Croix. Pistia stratiotes L. [P. occidentalis Blume.] Naturalized in gardens, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). LEMNACEAE Lemna perpusilla Torr. [L. minor Eggers; L. paucicostata Hegelm.] In still fresh water, St. Croix; St. Jan (according to Eggers). BROMELIACEAE Bromelia Pinguin L. Hillsides and thickets; used for hedges, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan.' Wittmackia lingulata (L.) Mez. [Bromelia lingulata L.; Chevalliera lingulata Griseb.] On trees and rocks on hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Pitcairnia latifolia Sol. St. Croix (according to Mez). Pitcairnia angustifolia (Sw.) Redoute. [Hepetis angustifolia Sw.] On rocks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Catopsis nutans (Sw.) Griseb. On trees in forests, high hills of St. Thomas and St. Jan. Tillandsia utriculata L. On trees and rocks, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Tillandsia fasciculata L. On trees in woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Tillandsia recurvata L. On trees, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTOX: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 35 Eggers records, in his supplementary list, another, undetermined Tillandsia from Adrian, St. Jan. Dendropogon usneoides (L.) Raf. [Tillandsia usneoides L.] On trees and shrubs, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ananas Ananas (L.) Cook & Collins. [Bromelia Ananas L.; Ananas sativus Lindl.] Cultivated for its fruit. COMMELINACEAE Commelina longicaulis Jacq. [C. cayennensis L. C. Rich.; C. communis of West; C. nudiflora Clarke, not L.] Moist shaded situa- tions, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Commelina elegans H.B.K. [C. virginica of Millspaugh and of Kuntze.] Moist grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Callisia repens L. Shaded situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Callisia monandra (Sw.) Schult. [Tradescantia monandra Sw.; Callisia umbellidata Lam.] Among shaded rocks, Signal Hill, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Rhoeo discolor (L'Her.) Hance. [Tradescantia discolor L'Her.] Waste rocky places, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Zebrina pendula Schnitzl. Lawns and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Naturalized. PONTEDERIACEAE Piaropus crassipes (Mart.) Raf. [Pontederia crassipes Mart.; Eichhornia crassipes Solms; E. azurea of Millspaugh.] In water, St. Croix. LILIACEAE Aloe vera L. [Aloe vulgaris Lam.; A. perfoliata of West.] On limestone and in fields, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Naturalized. Cordyline guineensis (Jacq.) Britton. [Aletris guineensis Jacq.; Sanseviera guineensis Willd.l Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Naturalized. Yucca aloifolia L. [Y. Draconis L.] Planted for ornament. Yucca gloriosa L., is recorded by Eggers as naturalized in gardens and near dwellings on St. Thomas and St. Croix. Planted for orna- ment. Allium porrum L. Cultivated for food. Allium Cepa L. Cultivated for food. Allium fistulosum L. Cultivated for food. Allium sativum L. Cultivated for food. 36 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS CONVALLARIACEAE Asparagus officinalis L. Planted for food. SMILACEAE Smilax ilicifolia Kunth. [S. havenensis of Eggers.] Hillside thickets, St. Jan (?); St. Croix. Smilax coriacea Spreng. [S. subarmata O. E. Schulz; S. popul- nea of Eggers.] Hillside thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Smilax rotundifolia L., cited by O. E. Schulz as from St. Croix, is an error in record or determination. Smilax domingensis Willd., cited by A. de Candolle from St. Thomas, is an error in locality. AMARYLLIDACEAE Atamasco tubispatha (L'Her.) Maza. [Amaryllis tubispatha L'Her.; Zephyranthes tubispatha Herb.] In fields and near dwellings, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan (according to Eggers). Atamasco rosea (Lindl.) Greene. {Zephyranthes rosea Lindl.; ? Amaryllis Atamasco of West.] Cultivated for ornament. Crinum erubescens Ait. Along rivulets, St. Croix (according to Eggers) ; cultivated for ornament. Crinum giganteum Andr. Cultivated for ornament. Crinum longifolium Herb. Cultivated for ornament, St. Croix, and seemingly an escape (according to Millspaugh). Hymenocallis declinata (Jacq.) Roem. [Hymenocallis expansa Herb.; Pancratium caribaeum of Eggers; P. declinatum Jacq.; ? P. patens of Schlechtendal ; H. caribaea of Millspaugh.] Rocky coasts and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Hymenocallis caribaea (L.) Herb. [Pancratium caribaeum L.] Planted for ornament. Hippeastrum puniceum (Lam.) Urban. [Amaryllis puniceus Lam.; A. equestris Ait.; Hippeastrum equestre Herb.] Rocky shores and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Agave sisalana Perrine. Persistent after cultivation, St. Croix. Cultivated for fiber. Agave missionum Trelease. [Agave americana of Eggers in part; A. sobolifera and A. Morrisii of Eggers.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan'. Known otherwise on the other Virgin Islands and on Porto Rico. Agave Eggersiana Trelease. [A.' americana of West and of Eggers, in part, and of Millspaugh.] St. Croix. Endemic, but not definitely known in the wild state. Planted for ornament. Furcraea tuberosa Ait. f. [F. cubensis of Eggers and of Mills- BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 37 paugh; F. hexapetala of Urban, in part.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Hypoxis decumbens L. Grassy banks, St. Jan. Amaryllis Belladonna L. Planted for ornament. Polianthes tuberosa L. Planted for ornament. DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea pilosiuscula Bert. Forests, high hills of St. Thomas; St. Jan. Dioscorea alata L. Persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Dioscorea sativa L. [D. altissima of Eggers, at least in part.] Persistent after cultivation, all islands (according to Eggers). Culti- • vated for its roots. Rajania cord ata L. [R. pleironeura Griseb.; R. hastata of Eggers.] Forests, hills of St. Thomas. IRIDACEAE Galatea bulbosa (Mill.) Britton. [Sisyrinchium bulbosum Mill.; 5. palmijolium Cav.; Cipura plicata Griseb.; Eleutherine plicata Herb.] Valleys, St. Croix. Grown in flower gardens. MUSACEAE Musa paradisiaca L. Cultivated for its fruit. Musa sapientum L. Cultivated for its fruit. ZINGIBERACEAE Alpinia occidentalis Sw. [Amomum sylvestre of West; Reneal- mia occidentalis Sweet; R. sylvestris of Eggers.] Forests and shaded situations, Golden Rock, St. Croix; Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Zingiber Zingiber (L.) Karst. [Amomum Zingiber L.; Zingiber officinale Rose] Spontaneous after cultivation. St. Thomas; St. Croix. Curcuma longa L. Cultivated for tumeric. Languas speciosa (Wendl.) Small. [Zerumbet speciosum Wendl.; Alpinia nutans Rose] Planted for ornament. CANNACEAE Canna indica L. Moist waste places, St. Thomas; St. Croix (ac- cording to Eggers). The plant may have been mistaken for C. coccinea Ait. 38 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Canna Lamberti Lindl. Naturalized in gardens, all islands (ac- cording to Eggers) ; escaped in places, St. Croix (according to Mills- paugh). Canna edulis Ker. Cultivated for its tubers. Canna lutea Mill. Cultivated and escaped in gardens at Bassin, St. Croix (according to Millspaugh). MARANTACEAE Maranta arundinacea L. [Maranta indica Tuss. of Mills- paugh.] Escaped or spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. ORCHIDACEAE Habenaria monorrhiza (Sw.) Rchb. f . [Orchis monorrhiza Sw. ; Habenaria maculosa of Eggers.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Cogniaux.) Habenaria alata Hook. Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Vanilla Eggersii Rolfe. [V. aphylla Eggers, not Blume.] Thickets, St. Thomas. Beadlea elata (Sw.) Small. [Satyrium datum Sw.; Spiranthes elata L. C. Rich.] In leaf mould and on wet shaded banks on high hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ibidium tortile (Sw.) House. [Satyrium tortile Sw.; Spiranthes tortilis L. C. Rich.] Grassy hillsides, St. Thomas. Stenorrhynchus lanceolatus (Aubl.) Griseb. In clayey soil among rocks, Signal Hill, St. Thomas (according to Eggers.) Cranichis muscosa Sw. Woods between Crown and Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Prescottia oligantha (Sw.) Lindl. [Cranichis oligantha Sw. ; Prescottia myosurus Rchb. f.] Grassy fields and banks, hills of St. Thomas; shaded bank, Bordeaux, St. Jan. Prescottia stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl. [Cranichis stychyodes Sw.] Wooded hills, Bordeaux, St. Jan. Ponthieva glandulosa (Sims) R. Br. [Neottia glandulosa Sims.] Wet shaded banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Liparis elata Lindl. Among rocks on high hills, St. Thomas. Liparis Eggersii Rchb. f. Bonne Resolution, St. Thomas. Perhaps not distinct from the preceding species. Polystachya minuta (Aubl.) Britton. [Epidendrum minutum Aubl.; Polystachya luteola Hook.; Cranichis luteola Sw.] On rocks, walls and trees, Signal Hill and St. Peter, St. Thomas. Epidendrum papilionaceum Vahl. [E. bifidum Sw. ; E. papili- onaceum grandiflorum Cogn.] On small trees and shrubs, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTOX: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 39 Epidendrum ciliare L. On shaded rocks and trees, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Epidendrum cochleatum L. On trees, Mt. Eagle and Jacob's Peak, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Epidendrum patens Sw. On rocks, Signal Hill, St. Thomas (ac- co ding to Eggers) . Epidendrum carinatum Vahl, of St. Croix, is a species unknown to modern botanists. Tetramicra elegans (Hamilt.) Cogn. [Cyrtopodium elegans Hamilt.; Epidendrum subaequale Eggers.] Rocky hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Brassavola cucullata (L.) R. Br. [Epidendrum cucullatum L.] On rocks, St. Thomas. Ionopsis utricularioides (Sw.) Lindl. [Epidendrum utriculari- oides Sw.] St. Thomas (according to Cogniaux). Oncidium Leiboldi Rchb. f. Flag Hill, St. Thomas (according to Cogniaux). Oncidium variegatum Sw. On shrubs and trees, rarely on rocks, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Oncidium intermedium Bertero. [0. Lemonianum Lindl.] For- ests and thickets, rare, Picaria Peninsula and Fortuna, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). CASUARINACEAE Casuarina equisetifolia L. Planted; occasionally spontaneous on St. Thomas. PIPERACEAE Piper Amalago L. [P. medium Jacq. ; P. Sieberi C. DC] Wood- lands and forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Piper dilatatum L. C. Rich. [Piper Bredermyeri of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Shaded valleys, St. Croix. Piper blattarum Spreng. Forests, Crown and Signal Hill, St. Thomas (according to Eggers); known otherwise only from Porto Rico. Piper reticulatum L. St. Croix (according to West). Piper auritum Kunth, is recorded by C. de Candolle, with doubt, as collected on St. Thomas by Friedericksthal ; the record is probably erroneous. Piper tenuiflorum Vahl, St. Croix (according to West). A species not understood by modern botanists. Piper incurvum Sieb., is recorded from St. Croix; the record is questioned by C. de Candolle. 40 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Piper retrofractum Vahl. Cultivated on St. Thomas. Potomorphe peltata (L.) Miq. [Piper peltatum L.; P. umbel- latum L.] Forests, shaded banks and along rivulets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A. Dietr. [Piper glabellum Sw.] On trees and rocks in forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Peperomia alata C. DC. [P. cubana of de Candolle, in part.] On trees, St. Croix. Peperomia pellucida (L.) H.B.K. [Piper pellucidum L.] On walls and in wet shade, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix; in forests, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Peperomia scandens R. & P. is recorded by C. de Candolle as found by Friederichsthal on St. Thomas (Prodr. 161: 434, 1869); but in his description of West Indian Piperaceae (Urban Symb. Ant. 3: 229. 1902), St. Thomas is not cited. The earlier record is, pre- sumably, erroneous. Peperomia guadalupensis C. DC. [Piper acuminatum of West; P. acuminata of Eggers, in part.] St. Croix, according to de Candolle, collected by West; on rocks in forests, all islands (according to Eggers). Peperomia Hamiltoniana Miquel. [P. Hamiltoniana emarginula C. DC; P. acuminata of Millspaugh.] Shaded rocks, St. Croix. Peperomia magnoliaefolia (Jacq.) A. Dietr. [Piper magnoliae- jolium Jacq.; ? Piper obtusifolium of West; Peperomia obtusifolia and. P. obtusifolia clusiaefolia of Eggers.] In woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Peperomia humilis (Vahl) A. Dietr. [Piper humile Vahl; Peper- omia LangsdorffiiMlq. ; P. poly stachya of Millspaugh.] Shaded rocks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A. Dietr. [Piper myrtifolium Vahl.] St. Croix, collected only by Pflug. Endemic. Peperomia polystachya (Ait.) Miq. [Piper polystachyon Ait.] St. Croix (according to Hooker) ; among rocks in forests, all islands (according to Eggers). Perhaps not distinct from P. humilis. Peperomia Rupertiana C. DC.(?) Wet, shaded bank, Rosen- berg, St. Jan. Determined from a barren specimen, and identification therefore doubtful. SALICACEAE Salix chilensis Molina. [S. Humboldtiana Willd.] In water, near Grove Place, St. Croix. ULMACEAE Celtis trinervia Lam. Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. BRITTOX: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 41 Momisia IGUANAEA (Jacq.) Rose & Standley. [Rhamnus iguanaea Jacq.; Celtis aculeata Sw.; Celtis aculeata serrata Eggers.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Trema micranthum (L.) Blume. [Rhamnus micranthus L.; Celtis micrantha Sw.; Sponia micrantha Dene.] Woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. MORACEAE Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaud. [Morus tinctoria L.; Mac- lura tinctoria D. Don.] Woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Jan (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Artocarpus incisa L. f. Hillsides and valleys, naturalized and planted, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ficus Urbaniana Warburg. [Ficus crassinervia of Eggers in part, and of Millspaugh.] Woods, St. Croix. Sometimes planted. Ficus crassinervia Desf. [Ficus trigonata of Eggers.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Ficus laevigata Vahl. [Ficus lentiginosa Vahl; Ficus populnea Willd.; F. thomae Miq.; F. sancti-crucis Miq.; F. pedunculata Vahl.] Forests, woodlands and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ficus Carica L. Planted for its fruit. Ficus elastica Roxb. Planted for shade and ornament. Cecropia peltata L. Forests and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. URTICACEAE Urera elata (Sw.) Griseb. [Urtica elata Sw.] Spring Garden, St. Croix, collected by W7est; Eggers records West's specimen as preserved in the Copenhagen herbarium. Urera baccifera (L.) Gaud. [Urtica baccifera L.] is cited by Eggers as recorded from St. Thomas by Weddell in de Candolle's Prodromus 161 : 93, but an examination of pages 93 and 94 of that work does not verify the citation, and the plant is otherwise unknown from these islands. Urtica eloxgata Vahl (St. Croix, West) is a species unknown to modern botanists. Fleurya aestuans (L.) Gaud. [Urtica aestuans L.] On rocks, walls and in forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. [Parietaria microphylla L.; Adicea microphylla Kuntze; P. microphylla trianthemoides and succu- lenta of Eggers; Adicea microphylla trianthemoides and succulenta of Millspaugh.] Rocky situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pilea tenerrima Miquel. Shaded banks, St. Jan. 42 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Pilea Richardi Urban. St. Thomas, collected by L. C. Richard, the specimen preserved in the Copenhagen herbarium (according to Urban). Endemic. Pilea inaequalis (Juss.) Wedd. [Urtica inaequalis Juss.; Adicea inaequalis Kuntze.] On rocks in forests, Signal Hill and Crown, St. Thomas. Pilea sanctae-crucis Liebm. [Adicea sanctae-crucis Kuntze; Pilea semidentata of Eggers; Pilea grandis of Eggers.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pilea nummulariaefolia (Sw.) Wedd. [Urtica nummulariae- folia Sw.; Adicea nummulariaefolia Kuntze.] Shaded situations, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Pilea grandifolia (L.) Blume. [Pilea grandis Wedd.] Re- corded by de Candolle (Prodr. 161: 143) as from Jamaica and St. Thomas, is confined to Jamaica, where there is a parish of St. Thomas. Rousselia humilis (Sw.) Urban. [Urtica humilis Sw.; U. lappu- lacea Sw.; Rousselia lappulacea Gaud.] Shaded situations, St. Thomas. OLACACEAE Schoepfia Schreberi Gmelin. [Codonium arborescens Vahl; 5. arborescens R. & S.] Woodlands, St. Thomas; St. Croix. LORANTHACEAE Dendropemon caribaeus Krug & Urban. [Loranthus emar- ginatus of Eggers; Phthirusa caribaea Engler.] On trees, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Phoradendron chrysocarpum Krug & Urban. [Phoradendron flavens of Eggers; P. martinicense of Millspaugh.] On trees, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Phoradendron trinervium (Lam.) Griseb. is recorded by Trelease as represented in the Ventenat Herbarium by a specimen from St. Thomas; it is otherwise unknown from the islands. Phoradendron racemosum (Aubl.) Krug & Urban. [P. penni- nervium O. Kuntze] is recorded by O. Kuntze as from St. Thomas, apparently erroneously; the specimen was probably from Porto Rico. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia odoratissima L. Hillside thickets, St. Jan. Aristolochia trilobata L. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West). Aristolochia anguicida L. Thickets, St. Croix. Aristolochia ringens Vahl. Cultivated on St. Croix (according to West). BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 43 POLYGONACEAE Coccolobis Krugii Lindau. Rocky Hills, Little St. James Island, St. Jan. Coccolobis pyrifolia Desf. [C. Kunthiana Meissn.; C. pyrifolia Jacquini of Eggers.] St. Thomas (according to Lindau). Coccolobis obtusifolia Jacq. [C. microstachys Willd. ; C. microstachya ovalifolia Meissn.; C. punctata microstachya of Eggers; C. punctata parvifolia of Millspaugh.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. . Coccolobis Klotzschiana Meissn. St. Thomas and St. Croix (according to Lindau). Endemic. Perhaps not distinct from the preceding species. Coccolobis diversifolia Jacq. [C. barbadensis Jacq.; C. punc- tata of Eggers; C. coronata of Millspaugh.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Coccolobis laurifolia Jacq. [C. leoganensis of Eggers.] Thick- ets, St. Croix. Coccolobis rugosa Desf. St. Thomas (according to de Candolle, a specimen being preserved in the Delessert Herbarium) ; not known to be on St. Thomas at the present time but may have been there before the forests were cut away; known otherwise only from Porto Rico. Coccolobis Uvifera (L.) Jacq. [Polygonum Uvifera L.; C. leoganensis Jacq.; Uvifera leoganensis Kuntze.] Coastal thickets and locally on hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Coccolobis venosa L. [C. excoriata L.; C. nivea Jacq.] Woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Antigonum cinerascens M. & G. [A. cordatum of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Roadsides, St. Thomas; cultivated for ornament, St. Thomas and St. Croix. Fagopyrum Fagopyrum (L.) Karst. [Polygonum Fagopyrum L.] Planted for food. Rumex vesicarius L. Recorded by Eggers as cultivated. MuHLENBEckiA platyclada (F. Muell.) Lindau. Planted for interest. CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium murale L. Walls and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Chenopodium ambrosioides L. [? C. cuneifolium Vahl.] Walls and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Atriplex pentandra (Jacq.) Standley. [Axyris pentandra Jacq.; Atriplex cristata H. & B.; Obione cristata Moq.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 44 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Salicornia perennis Mill. [S. ambigua Michx.] Salt marshes, St. Croix. Beta vulgaris L. Cultivated for food. AMARANTHACEAE Celosia nitida Vahl. [? C. paniculata of Schlechtendal.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Celosia argentea L. [C. margaritacea L.] Waste and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Celosia cristata L. Planted for ornament. Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) H.B.K. [Achyranthes altissima Jacq.; Kokera paniculata Kuntze.] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Amaranthus dubius Mart. [A. tristis Willd., not L.; A. panicu- latus of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Amaranthus spinosus L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Amaranthus crassipes Schl. [Scleropus amarantoides Schrad.] Dry soil, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Amaranthus caudatus L. St. Croix (according to West). Amaranthus polygon oides L. [Amblyogyne polygonoides Raf.] Sandy soil, roadsides and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Amaranthus gracilis Desf. [Chenopodium caudatum Jacq.; ? Amaranthus oleraceus of West; Euxolus caudatus Moq.; E. oleraceus of Eggers.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Amaranthus gangeticus L. [A. incomptus Willd. ; A. tricolor L.] Planted for ornament. Centrostachys indica (L.) Staridley. [Achyranthes aspera indica L.; Achyranthes aspera obtusifolia Griseb.; A. aspera simplex Millsp.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Centrostachys aspera (L.) Standley. [Achyranthes aspera L.; A. argentea Lam.] is recorded from the islands by Eggers, but I have seen no specimens nor find any other record; the plant occurs, how- ever, on Tortola. Achyranthes polygonoides (L.) Lam. [Gomphrena polygonoides L.; Alternanthera polygonoides R. Br.; Alternanthera paronychioides St. Hil.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas. Achyranthes repens L. [Alternanthera Achyrantha R. Br.; A. paronychioides of Millspaugh.] Rocky waste places, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Achyranthes ficoidea (L.) Standley. [Gomphrena ficoidea L.; BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 45 Illecebrum ficoideum L.; Alternanthera ficoidea R. Br.] Moist places and on shores, St. Thomas. Achyranthes portoricensis (Kuntze) Standley. [Alternanthera portoricensis Kuntze.] Rocky hills, Little St. James Island, St. Jan. Gomphrena globosa L. Subspontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Iresine angustifolia Euphr. [/. elatior L. C. Rich.] Thickets, and banks, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Philoxerus vermiculatus (L.) R. Br. [Illecebrum vermiculatum L.; Lithophila vermiculata Uline; Iresine vermicularis Miq.] Saline soil along the coasts, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Lithophila muscoides Sw. Rocks on the shore, Judith's Fancy, St. Croix. NYCTAGINACEAE Mirabilis jalapa L. [M. dichotoma L.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Boerhaavea erecta L. Waste and cultivated ground, St. Croix. Boerhaavea coccinea Mill. [B. paniculata L. C. Rich.; B. diffusa Sw.; B. decumbens Vahl; B. hirsuta Willd.; B. diffusa panicu- lata Kuntze; B. repens of Millspaugh.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Commicarpus scandens (L.) Standley. [Boerhaavea scandens L.] Rocky hillsides, St. Thomas. Pisonia aculeata L. Hillsides, woods and thickets, St. Thomas ; St. Croix. Pisonia subcordata Sw. [P. nigricans of West.] Thickets and woods, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Torrubia fragrans (Dum.-Cours.) Standley. [Pisonia fragrans Dum.-Cours. ; Pisonia inermis of Eggers, of Kuntze and of Millspaugh ; ? P. coccinea of West.] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Cultivated for ornament. Eggersia buxifolia Hook. f. [Neea buxifolia Heimerl.] Dry hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan. BATIDACEAE Batis maritima L. Shores of salt water lagoons, St. Thomas; St. Croix. PHYTOLACCACEAE Rivina humilis L. [R. laevis L.; Tithonia humilis Kuntze.] Dry, shaded situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H. Walt. [Rivina octandra L.; Villamilla octandra Hook, f.; Rivina scandens Mill.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 46 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Petiveria alliacea L. Dry, shaded situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Microtea debilis Sw. Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. AIZOACEAE Mollugo verticillata L. Dry soil, Buck Island, St. Thomas; Mollugo nudicaulis L. Rocky soil and banks, St. Thomas. St. Croix. Sesuvium portulacastrum L. [Halimus portulacastrum Kuntze.] Saline soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Trianthema portulacastrum L. [T. monogynum L.] Waste and rocky places. St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cypselea humifusa Turp. Around a small fresh-water lagoon, Water Island, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). PORTULACACEAE Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd. [Portulaca- triangularis Jacq,] Rocky soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. [Portulaca paniculata Jacq.; P. patens Jacq.; Talinum patens Willd.] Rocky soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Portulaca oleracea L. [P. oleracea macrantha and (?) micrantha Eggers.] Sunny situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Portulaca pilosa L. Cultivated and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Portulaca halimoides L. Sunny situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Portulaca quadrifida L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Portulaca brasiliensis West, of St. Croix, is not described. The plant was probably one of the preceding species. BASELLACEAE Boussingaultia leptostachys Moq. [B. baselloides of Eggers.] Naturalized in gardens and cultivated, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Basella rubra L. Cultivated on St. Croix. ALSINACEAE Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. [Holosteum cordatum L.; D. cordata diandra~Eggers.] Shaded moist places, St. Thomas; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 47 NYMPHAEACEAE Castalia ampla (DC.) Salisb. [Nymphaea ampla DC; N. ampla parvifolia Eggers.] In rivulets and ponds, St. Croix. MENISPERMACEAE Cissampelos Pariera L. [C. microcarpa DC] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Hyperbaena laurifolia (Poir.) Urban. [Cissampelos laurifolius Poir.; Cocculus laurifolius of Eggers.] Woodlands, St. Thomas. Hyperbaena domingensis (DC.) Benth. [Cocculus domingensis DC] Forest, near St. Peter, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). The species is not accredited to St. Thomas by Urban (Symb. Ant. i : 306). Eggers's record probably refers to H. laurifolia. ANNONACEAE Oxandra laurifolia (Sw.) A. Rich. [Uvaria laurifolia Sw.; U. excelsa Vahl.] St. Croix (according to West). Guatteria caribaea Urban. [G. Ouregou Griseb., not Dunal.] St. Thomas (according to Grisebach). Annona muricata L. Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Annona palustris L. [A. glabra L.; A. laurifolia Dunal.] Borders of marshes and coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Annona squamosa L. [Annona cinerea Dunal.] Woods, hill- sides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Annona reticulata L. Woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Annona Montana Macf. Fredericksted, St. Croix. • LAURACEAE Hufelandia pendula (Sw.) Nees. [Laurus pendula Sw.; H. thomae Nees.] St. Thomas (DC Prodr. 151: 65); recorded from St. Thomas as collected by Riedle (Mez, Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5: 21). Acrodiclidium salicifolium (Sw.) Griseb. Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Persea Persea (L.) Cockerell. [Laurus Persea L.; Persea americana Mill.; P. gratissima Gaertn. f.] Spontaneous after plant- ing, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Phoebe cubensis Nees. [P. antillana cubensis Meissn.; P. elongata of Eggers.] St. Croix (West, according to DC. Prodr. 151: 31, and also recorded by Mez). 48 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Ocotea leucoxylon (Sw.) Mez. [Laurus leucoxylon Sw. ; Ore- odaphne leucoxylon Nees.] Forest, Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Ocotea floribunda (Sw.) Mez. [Laurus floribunda Sw.] Wood- ed hillside, Bordeaux, St. Jan. Nectandra antillana Meissn. Forests, St. Thomas. Nectandra membranacea (Sw.) Griseb. [Laurus membranacea Sw.] Dense forests, Signal Hill, St. Thomas; Will's Bay, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Nectandra coriacea (Sw.) Griseb. [Laurus coriacea Sw.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Laurus indica West, of St. Croix, is unknown to modern botanists. Laurus longifolia Vahl, collected on St. Croix by West, is not further determined. Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume is recorded by Eggers as natur- alized in a few places in shaded valleys on St. Croix. CASSYTHACEAE Cassytha Americana Nees. Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. PAPAVERACEAE Argemone mexicana L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. CAPPARIDACEAE Cleome spinosa Jacq. [C. pungens Willd.] Waste and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cleome gynandra L. [C. pentaphylla L.; Gynandropsis penta- phylla DC] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cleome viscosa L. [Polanisea icosandra of Millspaugh.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Capparis cynophallophora L. [C. jamaicensis Jacq. ; C. toru- losa of West; C. jamaicensis marginata and siliquosa Eggers; ? C. linearis of West.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Capparis indica (L.) Fawc. & Rend. [Breynia indica L.; Cap- paris Breynia Jacq.; C. amygdalina Lam.; C. Grisebachii of Mills- paugh.] Thickets, woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Capparis baducca L. [Capparis frondosa Jacq.] Forests and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan (according to Eggers). Capparis flexuosa L. [Capparis cynophallophora of Eggers and BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 49 v of Millspaugh; C. saligna of West; C. cynophallophora saligna Eggers.] Woods, thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Capparis coccolobifolia Mart. [C. cynophallophora latifolia Griseb.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Capparis portoricensis Urban. Hillside thicket between Be- thania and Rosenberg, St. Jan. Capparis verrucosa Jacq. St. Thomas (according to Grisebach) ; Virgin Islands (according to Eggers). Morisonia Americana L. Wooded hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). BRASSICACEAE Lepidium virginicum L. [L. apetalum of Millspaugh.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lepidium sativum L. Cultivated for condiment. Cakile lanceolata (Willd.) O. E. Schulz. [C. aequalis L'Her.] Coastal sands and rocks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sinapis ARVENSis L. Naturalized near Anguilla, St. Croix (ac- cording to Eggers). Brassica integrifolia (West) O. E. Schulz. [Sinapis integrifolia West; S. brassicata Griseb., not L.; S.jtmcea of Millspaugh.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Brassica oleracea L. Cultivated for food. Brassica campestris L. [B. Rapa L.] Cultivated for food. Sisymbrium nasturtium L. [Nasturtium officinale R. Br.] In rivulets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Raphanus Raphanistrum L. Recorded by West. Raphanus sativus L. Cultivated for food. Koniga maritima (L.) R. Br. [Clypeola maritima L.] Culti- vated for ornament. MORINGACEAE Moringa Moringa (L.) Millsp. [Guilandina Moringa L.; Hyper- anther a Moringa Vahl; Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn.] Roadsides and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. CRASSULACEAE Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Kurz. [Cotyledon pinnata Lam.; B. calycinum Salisb.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. ROSACEAE A number of different kinds of roses are grown for ornament. 5 50 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDExN MEMOIRS AMYGDALACEAE Chrysobalanus Icaco L. Woods, hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. MIMOSACEAE Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. [Mimosa laurina Sw.; M. laurifolia of West.] Woodlands and forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pithecolobium Unguis-cati (L.) Mart. [Mimosa unguis-cati L. ; Inga Unguis-cati Willd.; P. Unguis-cati forfex Griseb.] Thickets, hillsides and pastures, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Enterolobium Saman (Jacq.) Prain. [Mimosa Saman Jacq.; Calliandra Saman Griseb.; Pithecolobium Saman Benth.] Roadsides and near settlements, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Albizzia Lebbeck (L.) Benth. [Mimosa Lebbeck L.; M. speciosa Jacq.; Acacia Lebbeck Willd.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Anneslia portoricensis (Jacq.) Britton. [Mimosa portoricensis Jacq.; Calliandra portoricensis Benth.] Forests, King's Hill, St. Jan. Anneslia haematostoma (Bert.) Britton. [Acacia haematomma Bert.; Calliandra haemotomma Benth.] Flag Hill, St. Thomas. Anneslia purpurea (L.) Britton. [Calliandra purpurea Benth.; Mimosa purpurea L.; Inga purpurea Willd.] Cultivated on St. Croix (according to West). Acacia nudiflora Willd. Hillsides and woods, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Acacia riparia H.B.K. [A. sarmentosa Griseb., not Desv.; Mimosa paniculata of West ; A . Westiana DC] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West). Acacia Catechu Willd. [Mimosa catechu L. f.] Naturalized in shaded valleys, St. Croix. Acacia macracantha H. & B. [Mimosa lutea Houst.; Acacia lutea Hitchc, not Leavenw.; A. macracantha glabrens Eggers.] Hill- sides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd. [Mimosa tortuosa L.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Acacia arabica Willd., is planted for ornament, and is recorded by Eggers as naturalized near dwellings on St. Thomas and St. Croix. Vachellia Farnesiana (L.) W. & A. [Mimosa Farnesiana L.; Acacia Farnesiana Willd.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Leucaena glauca (L.) Benth. [Mimosa glauca L.; Acacia frondosa Willd.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 51 Mimosa pudica L. Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Mimosa Ceratonia L. [? M. sensitiva of West.] Hills and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; ? St. Croix (according to West). Mimosa pigra L. [M. asperata L.] St. Thomas (according to Grisebach), who indicates that he saw a specimen from that island, but the plant has not been found there by recent collectors. Acuan virgatum (L.) Medic. [Mimosa virgata L.; Desmanthus virgatus W7illd.; D. strictus Bertol.; D. virgatus strictus Griseb.; A. virgatus albiflorus Kuntze.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Acuan depressum (H. & B.) Kuntze. [Desmanthus depressus H. & B.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Neptunia pubescens Benth. Buck Island, St. Thomas (accord- ing to Eggers). Adenanthera pavonina L. Naturalized, St. Thomas; St. Jan and St. Croix (according to Eggers) ; not seen by us on any of the islands, except as a planted tree. CAESALPINACEAE Hymenaea Courbaril L. Woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Tamarixdus indica L. In various situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Planted for its fruit and for shade. Bauhinia tomentosa L. Spontaneous after cultivation, waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Bauhinia monandra Kurz. [B. Kappleri Sagot; B. Krugii Urban.] Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Bauhinia Ungula Jacq., recorded by Grisebach as found on St. Thomas, is probably an error in record or determination. Cassia Fistula L. Naturalized in shaded valleys, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Planted for shade and for its fruit. Cassia grandis L. Naturalized on St. Thomas and St. Croix. Cassia quinquangulata L. C. Rich. [C. bacillaris of Eggers, of Kuntze and of Millspaugh.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas. Cassia bicapsularis L. Waste grounds and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cassia siamea Lam. [C.florida Vahl.] Naturalized near towns, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Planted for shade and ornament. Cassia occidentalis L. [C. planisiliqua L.] Waste and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cassia Tora L. [C. obtusifolia L.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. 52 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Cassia polyphylla Jacq. [C. biflora angiistisiliqua of Eggers.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cassia obovata Collad. Naturalized on St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Cassia hirsuta L. Sugar Estate, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Cassia alata L. Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cassia augustifolia Vahl. Planted on St. Croix (according to West).- Cassia triflora Vahl, collected on St. Croix by Rohr, is "a doubt- ful species" according to Eggers; it is not the same as Cassia triflora Jacquin, a prior name. Cassia grandis L. [C. mollis Vahl.] Planted for shade. Chamaecrista grammica (Spreng.) Pollard. [Cassia grammica Spreng.] Rocky soil, Little St. James Island, St. Jan. Chamaecrista Swartzii (Wickstr.) Britton. [Cassia Swartzii Wickstr.; C. glandidosa of West; Cassia glandidosa stricta and ramosa of Eggers; Chamaecrista glandidosa and C. glandidosa ramosa of Mills- paugh; Chamaecrista complexa Pollard; Cassia Chamaecrista pubi- caidis Kuntze.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chamaecrista Chamaecrista (L.) Britton. [Cassia Chamae- crista L. ; Cassia nictitans of Eggers and of Millspaugh ; C. diffusa DC.] Dry, grassy situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Parkinsonia aculeata L. Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Haematoxylon campechianum L. [Sabinea florida of Mills- paugh.] Coastal thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Delonix regia (Bojer) Raf. [Poinciana regia Bojer.] Spon- taneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Guilandina Crista (L.) Small. [Caesalpinia Crista L.; Guilan- dina Bonducella L.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Guilandina divergens (Urban) Britton. [Caesalpina divergens Urban; Guilandina Bonduc of Schlechtendal and of Eggers.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Guilandina melanosperma Eggers. [Caesalpinia melanosperma Urban.] Coastal thickets, St. Croix. Caesalpinia coriaria Willd. [Poinciana coriaria Jacq.; Lebidibia coriaria Schl.] Hillsides, St. Thomas. Planted on St. Croix. Caesalpinia Gilliesii Wall. [Poinciana Gilliesii Hook.] Plant- ed for ornament. Caesalpinia punctata Willd. Planted on St. Thomas. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 53 Caesalpinia Sappan L. Recorded by Krebs as planted on St. Thomas. Caesalpinia elata Sw. Attributed by Eggers to St. Croix, pre- sumably erroneously. Poinciana pulcherrima L. [Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sw.] Spon- taneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. KRAMERIACEAE Krameria Lxina L. [K. Ishami Millsp.] Dry rocky soil, Bovoni and Water Island, St. Thomas. FABACEAE Myrospermum frutescens Jacq. Naturalized near dwellings, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Sophora tomentosa L. Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Crotalaria retusa L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Crotalaria juncea L. Field at Bassin, St. Croix; recorded by West as cultivated prior to 1793. Crotalaria verrucosa L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Crotalaria incana L. Waste" and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Crotalaria lotifolia L. Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Crotalaria laburnifolia L. Cultivated on St. Croix (according to West). Ixdigofera suffruticosa L. [/. A nil L.] Thickets and hill- sides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ixdigofera guatemalensis Moc. & Sesse. St. Thomas. Ixdigofera tinctoria L. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers, who notes its former cultivation). Medicago sativa L. Planted on St. Croix. Parosela domixgexsis (DC.) Millsp. [Dalea domingensis DC; D. phymatodes of Eggers.] Dry soil, St. Jan, collected only by Eggers. Cracca cinerea (L.) Morong. [Galega cinerea L.; G. littoralis L.; Tephrosia cinerea Pers.; Cracca villosa cinerea Kuntze; Tephrosia cinerea littoralis of Eggers.] Dry sandy soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cracca purpurea L. [Galega purpurea L.] Cultivated on St. Croix (according to West). Sabixea Florida (Vahl) DC. [Robinia florida Vahl.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. 54 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Benthamantha caribaea (Jacq.) Kuntze. [Galega caribaea Jacq.; Cracca caribaea Ben th ; Brittonamra caribaea Kuntze.] Thick- ets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Coursetia arborea Griseb., recorded by Grisebach from St. Jean, is erroneously quoted by Eggers as from St. Jan. There is a place called St. Jea.n in French Guiana. Sesban sericea (Willd.) DC. [Coronilla sericea Willd.] Thick- ets, Flag Hill, St. Thomas. Sesban Sesban (L.) Britton. [Aeschynomene Sesban L.] Planted on St. Croix. Agati grandiflora (L.) Desv. [Aeschynomene grandiflora L. ; Sesbania grandiflora Pers.] Roadsides and near dwellings, naturalized St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pictetia aculeata (Vahl) Urban. [Robinia aculeata Vahl; R. squamata Vahl; Aeschynomene aristata Jacq.; Pictetia' squamata DC; P. aristata DC] Woods, hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Aeschynomene Americana L. [Ae. americana depila Millsp.] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Stylosanthes hamata (L.) Taubert. [Hedysarum hamatum L.; Stylosanthes procumbens Sw.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Stylosanthes viscosa Sw., recorded by West from St. Croix.. Eggers thought perhaps a mistake for the preceding species, which is probable. Arachis hypogaea L. Subspontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Hardly persistent. Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. [Hedysarum diphyllum L.; Z. reticu- lata Smith.] Pastures, high hills of St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to de Candolle). Codariocalyx gyrans (L. f.) Hassk. [Hedysarum gyrans L. f.; Desmodium gyrans DC] Planted for interest. Meibomia triflora (L.) Kuntze. [Hedysarum trijlorum L.; Desmodium trijlorum DC; Meibomia triflora pilosa Kuntze.] Fields and moist grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Meibomia supina (Sw.) Britton. [Hedysarum supinum Sw.; H. incanum Sw.; Desmodium supinum DC; D. incanum DC] Fields, hillsides, woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Meibomia axillaris (Sw.) Kuntze. [Hedysarum axillare Sw.; Desmodium axillare DC] Shaded banks and ravines, St. Croix. Meibomia mollis (Vahl) Kuntze. [Hedysarum molle Vahl; Desmodium molle DC] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Meibomia spiralis (Sw.) Kuntze. [Hedysarum spirale Sw.; Des- BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 55 modium spirale DC] Hillsides and banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Meibomia tortuosa (Sw.) Kuntze. [Hedysarum tortuosum Sw.; Desmodium tortuosum DC] Banks, hillsides arid thickets, St. Thomas ; St. Croix. Meibomia scorpiurus (Sw.) Kuntze. [Hedysarum scorpiurus Sw.; Desmodium scorpiurus Desv.] Grassy places, St. Thomas (ac- cording to Grisebach) ; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Lourea vespertilionis (L.) Desv. [Hedysarum vespertilionis L.] Naturalized in gardens, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Planted for ornament. Alysicarpus nummularifolius (L.) DC. [Hedysarum nummu- larifolium L. ; H. vaginale L.; Alysicarpus vaginalis DC] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ecastophyllum Ecastophyllum (L.) Britton. [Hedysarum Ecasto- phyllum L.; Pterocarpus Ecastophyllum of West; Ecastophyllum Broivnei Pers.; Dalbergia Ecastophyllum Taubert.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Drepanocarpus lunatus (L. f.) Meyer. [Pterocarpus lunatus L. f.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to West and to Eggers). Ichthyomethia Piscipula (L.) Hitchc. [Erythrina Piscipula L.; Piscidia Erythrina L.; P. Piscipula Sargent.] Thickets and wood- lands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Andira jamaicensis (W. Wright) Urban. [Geoff raea jamaicensis (inermis) W. Wright; G. inermis Sw.; Andira inermis H.B.K. ; Vouacapoua americana of Millspaugh.] Woods and along rivulets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Abrus Abrus (L.) W. F. Wight. [Glycine Abrus L.; Abrus praecatorius L.] Thickets and hedges, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Clitoria ternatea L. [Ternatea vulgaris H.B.K.] Thickets and hedges, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bradburya virgixiaxa (L.) Kuntze. [Clitoria virginiana L.; Centrosema virginianum Benth. ; C. virginianum angustifolium Griseb.] Banks, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bradburya Plumieri (Turp.) Kuntze. [Clitoria Plumieri Turp. ; Centrosema Plumieri Benth.] Sugar Estate, St. Thomas. Teramnus labialis Spreng. [T. uncinatus albiflorus Eggers.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Erythrina corallodexdrox L. Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Planted for shade and ornament. Erythrixa horrida Eggers. Hillside, Flag Hill, St. Thomas. Recorded from all three islands by Eggers. 56 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. [DolicJws pruriens L.] Shaded valleys and rocky banks, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Galactia dubia DC. [G. tenuiflora of Eggers, partly; G. regularis of Millspaugh; G. dubia Ehrenbergii Urban; G. filiformis minor + villosa f. albida Kuntze.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urban. [Glycine striata Jacq.; G. striata tomentosa Urban; G. filiformis of Eggers; G. tenuiflora of Millspaugh.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Galactia Eggersii Urban. [G. tenuiflora of Eggers; G. pendula of Knox.] Hillside, Flag Hill, St. Thomas; Bordeaux, St. Jan. Endemic. Canavali rusiosperma Urban. [C. parviflora of Eggers.] For- est, Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Canavali ensiformis (L.) DC. [Dolichos ensiformis L.; C. gladiata ensiformis of Eggers.] Naturalized in provision grounds, Signal Hill, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Cultivated for its seeds. Canavali lineata (Thunb.) DC. [Dolichos lineatus Thunb.; D. rotundifolius Vahl; Dolichos obtusifolius Lam.; Canavalia obtusi- folia DC] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cajan Cajan (L.) Millsp. [Cytisus Cajan L.; Cafanus flavus DC; Cajanus indicus Spreng.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dolicholus reticulatus (Sw.) Millsp. [Glycine reticulata Sw.; Rhynchosia reticulata DC; R. reticulata latifolia Kuntze.] Roadsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dolicholus phaseoloides (Sw.) Kuntze. [Glycine phaseoloides Sw.; Rhynchosia phaseoloides DC] Forest, Signal Hill, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Dolicholus minimus (L.) Medic. [Dolichos minimus L.; Rhyn- chosia minima DC; R. punctata DC; R. minima lutea Eggers; D. minimus luteus Millsp.] Banks, hillsides and thickets and in culti- vated ground, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Phaseolus lunatus L. Thickets, spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Phaseolus vulgaris L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Phaseolus lathyroides L. [P. semierectus L.] Banks, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Phaseolus alatus L., recorded from St. Croix by West, is not further determined. Vigna repens (L.) Kuntze. [Dolichos repens L.; ? D. luteus of BRITTOX: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 57 West; Dolichos luteolus Jacq.; Vigna luteola Benth.; Bradburya pubescens of Millspaugh, St. Thomas.] Moist thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Vigna uxguiculata (L.) Walp. [Dolichos unguiculatus L.; D. Catjang L.; Vigna Catjang Walp.] Edge of a cornfield near Doily Hill, St. Croix; St. Thomas (according to Schlechtendal). Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban. [Dolichos erosus L.; Pachyr- rhizus angulatus L. C. Rich.] Hillside thickets, St. Thomas. Dolichos Lablab L. [Lablab vulgaris Savi; Dolichos benghalensis Jacq.; Dolichos Lablab abliflorus (DC.) Millsp.] Thickets and spon- taneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dolichos sphaerospermus (L.) DC. [Phaseolus sphaerospermus L.] Cultivated for its seeds. Dolichos sesquipedalis L. Cultivated for its seeds. Brownea coccinea Jacq. Planted on St. Croix (according to West) . Pisum sativum L. Cultivated for its seeds. OXALIDACEAE Ionoxalis intermedia (A. Rich.) Small. [Oxalis intermedia A. Rich.; 0. latifolia of Millspaugh.] Cultivated grounds, St. Croix. Ionoxalis Martiana (Zucc.) Small. [Oxalis Martiana Zucc] Shaded banks, St. Thomas; cultivated grounds, St. Croix. Xanthoxalis corniculata (L.) Small. [Oxalis corniculata L.; 0. corniculata microphylla of Eggers.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. GERANIACEAE Pelargoniums are cultivated for ornament. BALSAM I NACEAE Impatiens Balsamina L.' [Balsamina hortensis Desp.] Grown in flower gardens. ERYTHROXYLACEAE Erythroxylon brevipes DC. [E. ovatum of Eggers, of Mill- spaugh, and of Kuntze ; E. areolatum of West.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Erythroxylon areolatum L. is doubtfully attributed to St. Thomas by O. E. Schulz. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Guaiacum officinale L. Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; formerly on St. Croix and St. Jan. Nearly exterminated. Planted on St. Thomas. 58 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Tribulus cistoides L. [T. terr ester cistoides Oliver.] Dry soil, St. Croix. Kallstroemia maxima (L.) T. & G. [Tribulus maximus L.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. RUTACEAE Zanthoxylum punctatum Vahl. [Fagara trifoliata Sw.; Tobinia punctata Griseb.] Thickets and banks, St. Croix. Zanthoxylum thomasianum Krug & Urban. [? Tobinia spinosa of Eggers.] Forest, Flag Hill, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Endemic. Zanthoxylum spinifex (Jacq.) DC. [Fagara spinifex Jacq.; F. tragodes of West; Zanthoxylum microphyllum Desv.] Thickets, St. Croix. Zanthoxylum monophyllum (Lam.) P. Wilson. [Fagara mono- phylla Lam.; Zanthoxylum simplicifolium Vahl; Z. Ochroxylum DC] Hillsides, woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Zanthoxylum martinicense (Lam.) DC. [Fagara martinicensis Lam.; Zanthoxylum Clava-Herctdis of Eggers.] Woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Zanthoxylum flavum Vahl. [Fagara flava Krug & Urban.] Bordeaux Hills, St. Jan, nearly extinct (according to Eggers). Not found by us on St. Jan in 1913. Pilocarpus racemosus Vahl. Forest, King's Hill, St. Jan. Amyris elemifera L. [A . maritima Jacq. ; A . sylvatica of Eggers.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Chalcas exotica (L.) Millsp. [Murraya exotica L.] Spon- taneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Triphasia trifolia (Burm. f.) P. Wilson. [Limonia trifolia Burm. f.; T. trifoliata (L.) DC] Spontaneous after cultivation, naturalized in thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Citrus Medica L. Recorded by Eggers as naturalized in gardens. Citrus lima Lunan. [C. medica Limonum of Eggers; C. Limetta Wight.] Woodlands and thickets, naturalized, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Citrus Aurantium L. Occasionally spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Citrus vulgaris Risso. [C. Bigaradia Loisel.; C. Aurantium bigaradia Griseb.] Occasionally spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Citrus decumana L. Planted for its fruit. Citrus buxifolia Poir. Planted for its fruit (according to Eggers). BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 59 Clausena Wampi Blanco. [Cookia punctata Sonn.] Planted for shade. SURIANACEAE Suriana maritima L. Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. SIMAROUBACEAE Quassia amara L. Naturalized in and about gardens, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Planted for shade. Castelaria Nicholsoni (Hook.) Small. [Castela Nicholsoni Hook.; C. erecta of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Thickets, St. Croix. Aeschrion antillana (Eggers) Small. [Rims antillana Eggers; Quassia excelsa of West ; Picrasma antillana Urban ; Picraena excelsa of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BURSERACEAE Elaphrium Simaruba (L.) Rose. [Pislacia Simaruba L. ; Bursera gummifera L.; Bursera Simaruba Sargent.] Woods and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Tetragastris balsamifera (Sw.) Kuntze. [Hedwigia balsamifera Sw.; ? Idea altissima of West.] St. Croix (according to West). MELIACEAE Swietenia Mahagoni Jacq. Hillsides and valleys, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Often planted; perhaps not native. Melia Azedarach L. Roadsides; occasional in woods, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Trichilia hirta L. [T. spondioides Jacq.] Woods, thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Trichilia Wawrana antillana C. DC, described as from St. Croix from a specimen in the Copenhagen herbarium, is otherwise unknown. Guarea trichilioides L., was recorded by West from St. Croix, but the record was questioned by Eggers. It is abundant in Porto Rico. MALPIGHIACEAE Hiraea faginea (Sw.) Ndz. [H. faginea glandulifera Ndz.], recorded by Niedenzu from St. Thomas, is probably an error in locality. Banisteria purpurea L. [Heteropteris purpurea H.B.K.; H. parvifolia DC] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 60 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Banisteria laurifolia L. [Heteropteris laurifolia A. Juss.; B. laurifolia antillana Ndz., B. lancifolia of West.] St. Croix (according to Niedenzu). Stigmaphyllon lingulatum (Poir.) Small. [Triopteris lingulata Poir.; Banisteria periplocifolia Desf. ; Stigmaphyllon periplocifolium A. Juss..; S. Sagraeanum of Millspaugh.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Stigmaphyllon cordifolium Ndz. St. Thomas (according to Niedenzu). Stigmaphyllon ciliatum (Lam.) A. Juss., recorded by Niedenzu from St. Thomas, as collected by Finlay, was really from Trinidad. Stigmaphyllon tomentosum (Desf.) Ndz. [Banisteria tomentosa Desf.] Royiers, St. Jan (according to Niedenzu). Spachea littoralis A. Juss., recorded by A. Jussieu as collected by Finlay on St. Thomas, was from Trinidad. Thryallis glauca (Cav.) Kuntze. [Galphimia glauca Cav. ; G. gracilis Bartl.] Roadsides and about dwellings, naturalized, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Tetrapteris inaequalis Cav. St. Croix (according to Niedenzu). Malpighia fucata Ker. [M. fucata elliptica Ndz.] St. Croix (according to Eggers). Malpighia glabra L. [M. glabra antillana Urban & Ndz.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers and to Nieden- zu). Malpighia punicifolia L. [M. punicifolia vulgaris and lancifolia Ndz.; M. glabra of Millspaugh.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Malpighia linearis Jacq. [M. angustifolia L.; M. angustifolia oblongata Ndz.; ? M . urens lanceolata Eggers.] Hillside thickets, Water Island, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Malpighia biflora Poir. [M. oxycocca Grisebachiana Ndz.] St. Croix (according to Niedenzu). Malpighia pallens Small. [M. urens of Millspaugh? and of Eggers.] Thickets along sandy beaches, St. Croix. Endemic. Malpighia infestissima (A. Juss.) Rich. [M. urens of West; M. urens infestissima A. Juss. ; M . Cnide of Eggers.] Hillside thickets, Water Island, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Also on Vieques and Culebra. Endemic. St. Thomas is the type locality. • Bunchosia glandulosa (Cav.) DC. [Malpighia glandulosa Cav.; M. Swartziana of Eggers.] Thickets, St. Thomas^ St. Jan; St. Croix. Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC. [B. coriacea of Millspaugh.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Byrsonima cuneata (Turcz.) P. Wilson. [B. lucida DC] St. Thomas (according to de Candolle, and cited also by Niedenzu). BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 61 Byrsonima martinicensis Krug & Urban. St. Croix (according to Small). POLYGALACEAE Polygala angustifolia H.B.K. Thickets, southern side of St. Thomas. Securidaca Brownei Griseb. [S. scandens West.] Naturalized around Christiansted, St. Croix, and on St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Securidaca erecta L. Dry soil, St. Croix; St. Thomas (accord- ing to de Candolle). EUPHORBIACEAE Savia sessiliflora (Sw.) Willd. [Croton sessiliflorum Sw.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Asterandra grandifolia (L.) Britton. [Phyllanthus grandifolius L.] St. Thomas (according to Urban). Phyllanthus Niruri L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Phyllanthus acuminatus Vahl is accredited to St. Thomas by Mueller (DC. Prodr. 152: 381) who records a specimen in the Candol- lean herbarium, but the shrub is not known to inhabit St. Thomas now. Cicca disticha L. [Phyllanthus distichus Muell. Arg.] Spon- taneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Margaritaria nobilis L. f. [Phyllanthus nobilis Muell. Arg. ; Cicca antillana A. Juss.; P. nobilis antillanus Muell. Arg.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Securinega Acidothamnus (Griseb.) MucM. Arg. [? Adelia Acidoton of West; Flueggea Acidothamnus Griseb.] Thickets, St. Thomas; Little St. James Island, St. Jan; eastern St. Croix (according to Eggers). Drypetes glauca Vahl. St. Croix (according to Eggers). Croton astroites Dryand. [C. phlomoides Pers.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Croton betulinus Vahl. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Croton flavens L. [C. balsamifer Jacq.; C. flavens rigid us Muell. Arg.; Oxydestes flavens Kuntze.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Croton discolor Willd. Rocky thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Croton lobatus L. [Oxydectes lobata Kuntze.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Croton humilis L. Hillside thickets, St. Thomas. Croton glandulosus L. St. Croix (according to Urban). 62 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Croton ovalifolius Vahl. [Oxydectes ovalifolia Kuntze.] Hill- sides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Croton hastatus West, of St. Croix (hyponym) is not identified. An arboreus Croton, not found in flower, occurred on Flag Hill, St. Thomas, according to Eggers. Ditaxis fasciculata Vahl. [Argyrothamnia fasciculata Muell. Arg.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Argythamnia candicans Sw. Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ricinella Ricinella (L.) Britton. [Adelia Ricinella L.; R. pedunculosa Muell. Arg.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Acalypha portoricensis Muell. Arg. Rocky slopes, St. Croix. Acalypha chamaedrifolia (Lam.) Muell. Arg. [Croton chamae- drifolius Lam.; Acalypha reptans Sw.; A. corchorifolia Willd.; A. chamaedrifolia genuina and brevipes of Eggers.] Rocky soil, St. Thom- as; St. Croix. Acalypha polystachya Jacq. St. Thomas (according to Eggers). The record is probably an error in determination. Tragia volubilis L. Thickets, banks and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dalechampia scandens L. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ricinus communis L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix. Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. [Jatropha molnccana L.] Roadsides and near dwellings, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Jatropha Curcas L. Hillsides and near dwellings, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Jatropha gossypifolia L. [Adenoropium gossypifolium Pohl; /. gossypifolia staphisagriaefolia and elegans of Eggers.] In dry soil, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Jatropha multifida L. Roadsides and planted in gardens, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Jatropha panduraefolia Andr. Planted for ornament. Manihot Manihot (L.) Cockerell. [Jatropha Manihot L.] Spon- taneous or persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sapium Laurocerasus Desf. [Excoecaria Laurocerasus Muell. Arg.; ? E. Laurocerasus laurifolia of Eggers.] A high tree in forests, Cinnamon Bay, St. Jan, not seen flowering (according to Eggers). Otherwise known only from Porto Rico. Hippomane Mancinella L. Coastal woods, St. Thomas; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 63 Gymnanthes lucida S\v. [Sebastiana lucida Muell. Arg.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Hura crepitans L. Woods, roadsides and near dwellings, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chamaesyce Vahlii (Willd.) P. Wilson. [Euphorbia Vahlii Willd.] Rocky hills, Little St. James Island, St. Jan. Chamaesyce buxifolia (Lam.) Small. [Euphorbia buxifolia Lam.; E. glabrata Sw.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chamaesyce articulata (Aubl.) Britton. [Euphorbia articulata Aubl.; E. linearis Retz.; E. linearis heterophylla Kuntze.] Coastal rocks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Retzius and reported by Eggers). Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. [Euphorbia hirta L.; E. piluli- fera L.; E. pilulifera procumbens Boiss.] Roadsides, banks and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chamaesyce hypericifolia (L.) Millsp. [Euphorbia hypericifolia L.; E. hypericifolia hyssopifolia of Eggers.] Fields, banks and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chamaesyce serpens (H.B.K.) Small. [Euphorbia serpens H.B.K.] Dry soil, St. Thomas. Chamaesyce prostrata (Ait.) Small. [Euphorbia prostrata Ait.; ? E. Chamaesyce of West.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chamaesyce brasiliensis (Lam.) Small. [Euphorbia brasiliensis Lam.] Grassy places near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, determined by Millspaugh. Euphorbia thymifolia Burm. is recorded by Eggers from all the islands, but has not been found on any of them by other collectors, and his determination of the species is therefore doubted. Aklema petiolaris (Sims.) Millsp. [Euphorbia petiolaris Sims.; ? E. cotinifolia of West and of Schlechtendal.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; doubtfully recorded from St. Croix. Poinsettia heterophylla (L.) Kl. & Garcke. [Euphorbia hetero- phylla L.; E. heterophylla linifolia Kuntze.] Dry rocky situations, St. Thomas. Poinsettia cyathophora (Murr.) S. Brown. [Euphorbia cy- athophora Murr.; E. heterophylla cyathophora Griseb.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Poinsettia Oerstediana Kl. & Garcke. [Euphorbia geniculata of Eggers; Euphorbia Oerstediana Boiss.] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Poinsettia pulcherrima (Willd.) Graham. [Euphorbia pidcher- rima Willd.] Planted for ornament. 64 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Euphorbia neriifolia L. Planted for ornament. Euphorbia splendens Bojer. Planted for ornament. Euphorbia antiquorum L. Cultivated (according to Eggers). Pedilanthus tithymaloides (L.) Poit. [Euphorbia tithymaloides L.] Persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas. Grown in flower gardens. Pedilanthus padifolius (L.) Poit. [Euphorbia tithymaloides padifolia L.] Thickets in dry stony ground, St. Croix. Pedilanthus angustifolius Poit. Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Codiaeum variegatum Blume. Planted for ornament. BUXACEAE Tricera Vahlii (Baill.) Britton. [Buxus Vahlii Baill.; Tricera laevigata sanctae-crucis Eggers.] On limestone, Stony Ground, St. Croix. Known otherwise only on Porto Rico. Mangifera indica L. Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Anacardium occidentale L. Woods, hillsides and along roads, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Spondias purpurea L. Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Spondias Mombin L. [Spondias lutea L.] Woods, hills and road- sides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Spondias dulcis Forst. f. Cultivated on St. Croix. Comocladia Dodonaea (L.) Urban. [Ilex Dodonaea L.; Como- cladia 'ilicifolia Sw.] Rocky coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. CELASTRACEAE Maytenus elliptica (Lam.) Krug & Urban. [Senacia elliptica Lam.; Rhamnus laevigatas Vahl; Ceanothus laevigatus DC] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Maytenus cymosa Krug & Urban. [M. elaeodendroides of Eggers.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Known otherwise only from Vieques. Endemic. Rhacoma Crossopetalon L. [My ginda pollens Sw.; M. latifolia Vahl, not Sw.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Myginda latifolia (Sw.) Urban. [My ginda latifolia Sw.] Thickets, St. Thomas. Schaefferia frutesens Jacq. [S. completa Sw.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Elaeodendron xylocarpum (Vahl) Urban. [Cassine xylocarpa BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 65 Vent.; Celastrus polygamus Vahl; Rha m nus poly gamus West.] Coast- al thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. HIPPOCRATEACEAE Hippocratea volubilis L. is doubtfully accredited to St. Thomas by Urban (Symb. Ant. 4: 367). SAPINDACEAE Serjania polyphylla (L.) Schum. [Paullinia polyphylla L.; S. lucida Schum.; Paullinia curassavica of West.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Paullinia pinnata L. St. Thomas (according to Radlkofer). Dr. Millspaugh records Paullinia frutescens glabrescens (L.) Radlk. from Midland, St. Croix, as perhaps cultivated. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. Banks and thickets, spon- taneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cardiospermum microcarpum H.B.K. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cardiospermum corindum L. Hillsides, St. Croix. Cardiospermum bipinnatum West, is not known to modern botanists. Allophylus occidentalis (Sw.) Radlk. [Schmeidelia occidentalis Sw.] Forests, St. Croix. Sapindus Saponaria L. [S. inaequalis DC] Forests, St. Thom- as; St. Jan; St. Croix. Melicocca bijuga L. Hillsides, woods and along roads, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Planted and naturalized. Cupania triquetra A. Rich. [C. fulva of Eggers.] Woods and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Blighia sapida Koen. Planted for its fruit. DODONAEACEAE Dodonaea viscosa L. Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. RHAMNACEAE Krugiodendron ferreum (Vahl) Urban. [Rhamnus ferreus Vahl; Ceanothus ferreus DC; Condalia ferrea Griseb.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Reynosia uncinata Urban. [R. mucronata of Eggers.] Coastal thickets near Tague Bay, St. Croix. Reynosia Guama Urban. [R. latifolia of Eggers.] Hillside thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Endemic. 6 66 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Sarcomphalus reticulatus (Vahl) Urban. [Paliurus reticulatus Vahl; Zizyphus reticulatus Vahl.] Thickets, Fair Plain, St. Croix. Colubrina Colubrina (Jacq.) Millsp. [Rhamnus Colubrina Jacq.; Colubrina ferruginosa Brongn.] Coastal thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Colubrina reclinata (L'Her.) Brongn. [Rhamnus reclinatus L'Her.; R. ellipticus Sw.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Gouania lupuloides (L.) Urban. [Banisteria lupuloides L.; Gouania domingensis L.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Zizyphus Jujuba (L.) Lam. [Rhamnus Jujuba L.] Planted for its fruit. Rhamnus glabratus West. A species not understood by modern botanists. VITACEAE Vitis tiliifolia H. & B. [V. caribaea DC] Forests, St. Thomas. Vitis VINIFERA L. Planted for its fruit. Cissus sicyoides L. Woods, walls and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cissus trifoliata L. [C. acida L.] Dry thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cissus caustica Tuss. [C. trifoliata of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] On trees and rocks, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cissus obovata Vahl. St. Croix. Known otherwise from St. Martin and eastern Porto Rico. TILIACEAE Corchorus acutangulus L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Corchorus siliquosus L. Thickets, fields, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Corchorus hirtus L. Gardens and roadsides, St. Thomas and St. Croix (according to Eggers). Corchorus hirsutus L. Coastal thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Triumfetta excisa Urban. Bassin yard, St. Croix. Known otherwise only from Porto Rico. Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Thickets, St. Croix. Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. [T. althaeoides Lam.; T. semi- triloba havanensis Millsp.] Woods, banks and thickets, St. Thomas: St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 67 Triumfetta lappula L. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sloanea dentata L. Planted on St. Croix (according to West). MALVACEAE Abutilon umbellatum (L.) Sweet. [Sida umbellata L.] Rocky thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet. [Sida kirta Lam.; Abutilon indicum hirtum Griseb.; A. graveolens of Millspaugh.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet. [Sida indica L.; A. subpapy- raceum Hochreutiner.] Sandy waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Abutilon lignosum A. Rich. St. Thomas and St. Croix (accord- ing to Eggers). Gayoides crispum (L.) Small. [Sida crispa L.; Abutilon crispum Medic] Sandy soil, St. Thomas. Wissadula amplissima (L.) R. E. Fries. [Sida amplissima L.; ? Abutilon periplocifolium albicans of Eggers; Sida hernandioides L'Her.; W. hernandioides Garcke.] Banks and thickets, St. Jan; St. Croix. Wissadula periplocifolia (L.) Griseb. [Sida periplocifolia L.; Abutilon periplocifolium Don.] Fields and hillsides, St. Croix. Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke. [Malva coro- mandeliana L.; M. americana L.; M. tricuspidata Ait.; Malvastrum tricuspidatum A. Gray.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Malvastrum spicatum (L.) A. Gray. [Malva spicata L.] Hill- sides, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida ciliaris L. Dry, grassy and rocky situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida erecta Macf. Dry soil, St. Croix. Sida spinosa L. [S. angustifolia Lam.; (?) S. spinosa polycarpa Eggers; S. retusa of Millspaugh.] Banks, fields and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida glomerata Cav. Banks and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Sida carpinifolia L. f. [S. carpinifolia acuta Millsp.; 5. carpini- folia antillana Millsp.; (?) S. carpinifolia brevicuspidata Eggers.] Banks, fields, woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida rhombifolia L. [S. rhombifolia retusa of Eggers.] Banks, fields, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida procumbens Sw. [S. pilosa Cav.; S. supina Sw.] Road- sides, St. Croix. Sida cordifolia L. [S. althaeifolia Sw. ; 6". cordifolia althaeifolia 68 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS of Millspaugh.] Banks, fields and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida humilis Cav. [Sida supina of Millspaugh, St. Thomas; Sida supina glabra of Millspaugh and of Eggers.] Banks, fields, and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida glabra Mill. [S. ulmifolia Cav.; 5. arguta Sw.] Banks, fields and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Sida glutinosa Commers. [S. nervosa DC; (?) S. nervosa viscosa Eggers.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sida acuminata DC. [S. acuminata macro phylla Schl. and micropliylla Schl.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Sida Eggersii E. G. Baker. St. Thomas, apparently (Eggers, Suppl. 14). Otherwise known only from Tortola and Culebra. Endemic. Sida jamaicensis L. [S. tristis Schl.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bastardia viscosa (L.) H.B.K. [Sida viscosa L.] Dry fields, hills and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Malachra capitata L. [M. palmata Moench.] Dry soil, St. Croix. Malachra alceifolia Jacq. [M. rotundifolia Schrank.] Thick- ets, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Malchra fasciata Jacq. [M. radiata Griseb., not L.; (?) M. urens of Eggers.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas. Urena lobata L. [U. americana L. f.; U. reticulata Cav.; U. lobata americana Guerke.] Fields, woods, hillsides and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Urena sinuata L. St. Thomas (according to Guerke). Pavonia spinifex (L.) Cav. [Hibiscus spinifex L.] Thickets, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Malache scabra B. Vogel. [Pavonia spicata Cav.; Althaea racemosa Sw.; P. racemosa Sw.] Mangrove swamps, St. Croix (ac- cording to Eggers). Pariti tiliaceum (L.) A. Juss. [Hibiscus tiliaceus L.] Coastal woods, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West). Hibiscus brasiliensis L. [H. phoeniceus Jacq.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Hibiscus clypeatus L. St. Croix (according to WTest). Hibiscus vitifolius L. Thickets and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas. Planted for ornament. BRITTOX: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 69 Hibiscus mutabilis L. Planted for ornament. Ciexfuegosia heterophylla (Vent) Garcke. [Fugosia hetero- phylla; Kosteletzkya pentasperma of Eggers.] Moist soil, St. Thomas. Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. [Hibiscus esculentus L.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Thespesia populxea (L.) Soland. ' [Hibiscus populneus L.] Coastal woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Com- monly planted. Gossypium barbadense L. Thickets and hillsides, spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Gossypium vitifolium Lam. is recorded by Schlechtendal as naturalized in St. Thomas; Eggers suggests it may formerly have been cultivated there. Althaea rosea Cav. Planted for ornament. BOMBACACEAE Ceiba pextaxdra (L.) Gaertn. [Bombax pentandrum L.; B. heptaphyllum of West; Eriodendron anjractuosum DC] Hills, forests and roadsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Adansonia digitata L. Naturalized in wooded valleys, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Planted for shade on St. Thomas and St. Croix. Quararibaea turbinata (Sw.) Poir. [Myrodia turbinate/, Sw.] Woods, St. Jan; Spring Garden, St. Croix (according to West). Pachira alba Walp. Planted, St. Thomas. Pachira aquatica Aubl. [Carolinea princeps L. f.] Planted, St. Croix. STERCULIACEAE Melochia nodiflora Sw. [Riedleia nodiflora DC] Hillsides, banks and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Moluchia pyramidata (L.) Britton. [Melochia pyramidata L.] Grassy places, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas (according to West) ; St. Croix. Moluchia tomentosa (L.) Britton. [Melochia tomentosa L.] Hill- sides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Waltheria americaxa L. [W. itidica L.] Fields, banks and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ayenia pusilla L. Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Theobroma Cacao L. Naturalized in shaded valleys, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Planted for its seeds. Guazuma Guazuma (L.) Cockerell. [Theobroma Guazuma L.; 70 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.; G. tomentosa H.B.K.] Fields, woods and roadsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Helicteres jamaicensis Jacq. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. DILLENIACEAE Davilla rugosa Poir. is recorded by Grisebach from the island St. Thomas, and also from St. Thomas-in-the-Vale, Jamaica. It oc- curs in the Jamaica parish, but is not known on our island. OCHNACEAE Ouratea littoralis Urban. [Gomphia nitida of Eggers.] Coast- al thickets, St. Thomas. Known otherwise only from Porto Rico. TERNSTROEMIACEAE Taonabo peduncularis (DC.) Britton. [Ternstroemia peduncularis DC; T. elliptica of West and of Eggers.] Forests, Bordeaux Hill, St. Jan; Maroon Hill, St. Croix. CLUSIACEAE Mammea Americana L. Forests, hills and roadsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Much planted. Calophyllum Calaba Jacq. Forests, roadsides and valleys, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Clusia rosea Jacq. [? C. alba of West.] Hillsides and forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West and to Eggers). TAMARICACEAE Tamarix indica Willd. Planted for ornament. BIXACEAE Bixa Orellana L. Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Grown for the dye stuff annate CANELLACEAE Canella Winterana (L.) Gaertn. [Laurus Winterana L.; Canella alba Murr.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). YIOLACEAE • Calceolaria linearifolia (Vahl) Britton. [Viola linearifoJia Vahl; Hybanthus linearijolius Urban; Ionidium strictum Vent.] Rocky thickets, Water Island, St. Thomas; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 71 FLACOURTIACEAE Prockia Crucis L. [Trilix cruris Griseb.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Myroxylon buxifolium (A. Gray) Krug & Urban. [Xylosma buxifolium A. Gray; D ry petes laevigata oi Eggers.] Cinnamon Gut, St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Urban). Myroxylon nitidum (Hell.) Kuntze [Xylosma nitidum A. Gray], is recorded by Eggers as naturalized on St. Thomas. It is endemic in Jamaica. Samyda spinulosa Vent. [S. glabrata Grisebach and of Eggers, not S\v.] Thickets, Crown, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Otherwise known only from Porto Rico. Samyda dodecaxdra Jacq. [S. serrulata L.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Casearia guianensis (Aubl.) Urban. [Iroucana guianensis Aubl.; Casearia ramifiora Vahl; C. hirta of Millspaugh; C. nitida of Kuntze.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Casearia decandra Jacq. [C. parvifolia Willd.; Samyda de- candra Jacq.; C. parvifolia microcarpa Eggers.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Casearia arborea (L. C. Rich) Urban. [Samyda arborea L. C. Rich ; C. stipularis Vent.] St. Thomas, collected by O. Kuntze, whose specimen is so labelled by him; Urban (Symb. Ant. 7: 75) indicates, however, that it may have come from Porto Rico. Casearia sylvestris Sw. [Samyda parviflora L. not Loefl.] Woods, hills and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. TURNERACEAE Turnera diffusa Willd. [7". microphylla Desv. ; T. parviflora of Eggers.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Turnera ulmifolia L. [7". ulmifolia acuta Urban; T. angusti- folia Mill.] Hillsides and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Piriqueta viscosa Griseb. Hillside thickets, St. Thomas. PASSIFLORACEAE Passiflora pallida L. [P. suberosa L.; P. hirsuta L.; P. minima L.; P . parviflora Sw . ; P. peltata Cav.] Hillsides, banks and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Passiflora foetida L. Banks, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Passiflora multiflora L. Thickets, St. Thomas (according to Masters); St. Jan. 72 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Passiflora rubra L. Woods and thickets, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Passiflora laurifolia L. Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St Jan; St. Croix. Perhaps not indigenous; much planted. Passiflora incarnata L., recorded from St. Croix by West, must be an error in determination. Passiflora quadrangularis L. Planted for its fruit. Passiflora maliformis L. Planted for its fruit. CARICACEAE Carica Papaya L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Much planted. BEGONIACEAE Several kinds of Begonias are grown as garden flowers. . Begonia humilis Ait., attributed to St. Thomas by A, de Candolle as collected by Finlay, was really from Trinidad. CACTACEAE Hylocereus trigonus (Haw.) Safford. [Cerens trigonus Haw., C. triangularis of West and of Eggers.] On trees and rocks in forests and valleys, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton & Rose. [Cereus undatus Haw.; Cereus triangularis of authors.] Persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Selenicereus grandiflorus (L.) Britton & Rose. [Cereus grandiflorus L.] Persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Selenicereus pteranthus (Link & Otto) Britton & Rose. [Cereus nycticalis Link.] Recorded by Millspaugh as naturalized on stone walls of a neglected garden at Bassin, St. Croix. Cephalocereus Royeni (L.) Britton & Rose. [Caches Royeni L.; C. peruvianus of West ; Cereus floccosus Otto ; Pilocereus Fouchianus Weber; Cereus armatus Otto.] Dry rocky hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cephalocereus nobilis (Haw.) Britton & Rose. [Cereus nobilis Haw.; Cereus strictus DC] Persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas. Acanthocereus pentagonus (L.) Britton & Rose. [Cactus pentagonus L.] Persistent after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cactus intortus Mill. [C. Melocactus of West; Melocactus communis of Eggers; M. atrosanguineus Link & Otto.] Coastal hills and cliffs, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Coryphantha xivosA (Link) Britton. [Mamillaria nivosa Link.] BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 73 Rocky slopes and cliffs, Buck Island and Flat Cays, St. Thomas; St. Jan and Little St. James Island, St. Jan. Opuntia rubescens Salm-Dyck. [0. catacantha Link & Otto; 0. spinosissima and tuberculata of Eggers.] Coastal hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. The spineless or nearly spineless race is com- monly planted for interest, and occurs wild on Little St. James Island, St. Jan, and on Culebra. Opuntia repens Bello. [Cactus curassavicus of West; 0. curas- savica of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Dry fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Opuntia antillana Britton & Rose, spec. nov. Plant depressed, ascending or nearly prostrate, often forming clumps i m. broad, seldom more than 4 dm. high. Joints obovate or oblong-obovate, 2 dm. long or less, green, glabrous, readily detached; leaves conic-subulate, 2-3 mm. long; areoles large, 2-3 cm. apart, brown-woolly; spines mostly 3-6 at each areole, subulate, rather stout, terete, 1-6 cm. long, yellow fading gray or nearly white; glochids many, yellow; flowers about 7 cm. broad; petals obtuse, bright yellew or fading reddish; fruit red-purple, about 4 cm. long. Rocky and sandy soil, St. Thomas, St. Croix, also on Tortola, Porto Rico, Hispaniola, and St. Kitts. Type specimen collected on St. Kitts (Rose, Fitch & Russell 3230). Opuntia Dillenii (Ker.) Haw. [Cactus Dillenii Ker.; Cactus Opuntia of West; 0. Tuna of Eggers and of Millspaugh; 0. horrida Salm-Dyck.] Banks, fields and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. A hybrid with 0. rubescens was observed on Buck Island, St. Thomas. Opuntia triacantha (Willd.) DC. [Caches triacanthus Willd.] Coastal rocks, Buck Island, St. Thomas. Nopalea cochenillifera (L.) Salm-Dyck. [Cactus cochenillifer L.; Opuntia coccinellifera Mill.] Persistent or spontaneous after cultivation ; recorded by Eggers as occurring on limestone, St. Thomas ; St. Croix. Pereskia Pereskia (L.) Karst. [Cactus Pereskia L. ; P. aculeata Mill.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Pereskia grandifolia Haw. [P. Bleo of Eggers and of Mills- paugh.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cereus Northumberlandia Lambert. [C. lepidotus Salm- Dyck.] Planted, St. Croix. Cereus hexagonus (L.) Mill. [C. peruvianus (L.) Mill.] Planted (according to Eggers). Other species of Cacti are occasionally cultivated for interest. 74 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS THYMELAEACEAE Daphnopsis caribaea Griseb. [Nectandra antillana of Mills- paugh.] Forests and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. LYTHRACEAE Ammannia coccinea Rottb. Moist ground, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ammannia latifolia L. [A. sanguinolenta Sw.] Moist ground, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Ginoria Rohrii (Vahl) Koehne. [Antherylium Rohrii Vahl.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lawsonia inermis L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix, Lagerstroemia indica L. Commonly planted for ornament. PUNICACEAE Punica Granatum L. [P. nana L.] Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Grown for its fruit. RHIZOPHORACEAE Rhizophora Mangle L. Mangrove swamps, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Not very common. COMBRETACEAE Terminally Catappa L. [Buceras Catappa Hitchc] Hillsides, valleys, and commonly planted, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Conocarpus erecta L. [C. erecta procumbens Jacq.] Coastal rocks and mangrove swamps, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bucida Buceras L. [Buceras Buceras Millsp.; Myrobalanus Buceras Kuntze.] Moist soil, mostly near the coasts, but occasional on hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn. [Conocarpus racemosa L.] Coastal swamps, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Quisqualis indica L. is commonly cultivated as an ornamental vine. MYRTACEAE Psidium Guajava L. Thickets, hillsides, and commonly planted for its fruit, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Psidium amplexicaule Pers. [P. cordatum Sims.] Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; planted on St. Croix. Occurs also on Tortola. Apparently endemic in the Virgin Islands, although recorded from Nevis. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 75 Psidium aromaticum Knox, recorded from St. Thomas, is not identified. Amomis caryophyllata (Jacq.) Krug & Urban. [Myrtus caryo- phyllata Jacq.; Myrtus acris Sw. ; M. Pimento, Ortega; ? Pimento vulgaris of Eggers; Pimento acris Kostel.; A. caryophyllata grisea Krug & Urban.] Hills and woods, St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Myrcia paniculata (Jacq.) Krug & Urban. [Eugenia paniculata Jacq.; E. acetosans Poir.; E. marginata Pers.; Myrtus coriacea Vahl; Myrcia coriacea DC; M. coriacea Imrayana Griseb.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Myrcia splendens (Sw.) DC, doubtfully accredited to St. Thomas by Urban, as collected by Riedle, probably was from Porto Rico, where it is abundant. Calyptranthes thomasiana Berg. Signal Hill, St. Thomas; Bordeaux, St. Jan. Endemic. Calyptranthes pallens (Poir.) Griseb. [C. Chytraculia ovalis Berg.; C. Chytraculia zuzygium Berg.; Chytraculia pallens Millsp.; C. Chytraculia of West.] Forests, rare, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Eugenia ligustrina (Sw.) Willd. [Myrtus ligustrina Sw.; M. cerasina Vahl.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eugenia lancea Poir. [E. ludibunda Bert.; E. virgultosa of Eggers and of Millspaugh; E. glabrata of Eggers; Myrcia thomasiana DC] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Eugenia monticola (Sw.) DC. [Myrtus monticola Sw.; Eugenia Poiretii Berg, not DC; E. foetida West; E. flavovirens Berg.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eugenia buxifolia (Sw.) Willd. [Myrtus buxifolia Sw.; E. foetida Poir.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Eugenia axillaris (Sw.) Willd. [Myrtus axillaris Sw.] Thick- ets, St. Croix. Eugenia rhombea (Berg) Krug & Urban. [E. foetida rhombea Berg.; E. Poiretii of Millspaugh; ? E. pallens of Eggers.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas (according to Berg) ; St. Croix. Eugenia procera (Sw.) Poir. [Myrtus procera Sw.; M. cerasina Vahl of Eggers.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eugenia pseudopsidium Jacq. [E. portoricensis DC; E. thomasi- ana Berg.] Forests and wooded valleys, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eugenia cordata (Sw.) DC [Myrtus cordata Sw. ; M. ramiflorus Vahl; E. sessiliflora DC, not Vahl; E. lateriflora of Eggers.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 76 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Eugenia sessiliflora Vahl. Hillsides, St. Thomas (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Endemic. Eugenia floribunda West. Woods, hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eugenia uniflora L. Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Grown for its fruit. Eugenia micrantha Vahl, not DC, recorded from St. Croix by West, is not further determined (hyponym). Eugenia emarginata Vahl, not DC, recorded from St. Croix by Vahl, is not further determined (hyponym). Eugenia pedunculata Raeusch. of St. Croix, is unknown to modern botanists. Anamomis fragrans (Sw.) Griseb. [Myrtus fragrans Sw. ; Eugenia punctata Vahl; Anamomis punctata Griseb.] St. Croix; forests, St. Jan (according to Eggers). Jambos Jambos (L.) Millsp. [Eugenia Jambos L.; Jambos vul- garis DC] Woods and valleys, naturalized, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Jambos malaccensis (L.) DC. [Eugenia malaccensis L.], planted for its fruit, was naturalized in shaded valleys, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Myrtus communis L. Planted for ornament. 0 LECYTHIDACEAE Couroupita guianensis Aubl. Planted for ornament and in- terest. MELASTOMACEAE Tetrazygia angustifolia (Sw.) DC. [Melastoma angustifolia Sw.; Miconia angustifolia Griseb.] Hillside thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Cogniaux). Tetrazygia elaeagnoides (Sw.) DC. [Melastoma elaeagnoides Sw.] Forests and hillside thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Miconia macrophylla (D. Don) Triana. [Chilonia macrophylla D. Don; Diplochita serrulata DC] Wooded valleys, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers and to Cogniaux). Miconia impetiolaris (Sw.) D. Don. [Melastoma impetiolaris Sw.] Forests, St. Croix (West); St. Thomas (according to Grise- bach). Miconia laevigata (L.) DC. [Melastoma laevigata L.; M. prasina of Millspaugh, St. Thomas.] Woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC, recorded by Naudin as collected on BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 77 St. Thomas by Riedle, was probably from Porto Rico. It occurs on Tortola. Miconia stenostachya (Schr.) DC. [Miconia argyrophylla Benth., not DC], recorded by Naudin and others as collected by Finlay on St. Thomas, was really from Trtnidad. Miconia thomasiana DC. was not from St. Thomas, but from Porto Rico. Miconia acinodendrum (L.) Triana. [Melastoma acinodendrum L.; Tshudya berbiceana Griseb.], recorded by Naudin and others as collected on St. Thomas by Finlay, was really from Trinidad; St. Croix (according to West). Mecranium amygdalinum (Desr.) C. Wright [Cremanium amygdalinum Griseb.], attributed to St. Thomas by Naudin, was from Hispaniola, collected by Poiteau. Clidemia spicata DC, is recorded by Cogniaux as collected on St. Thomas by Finlay, but the specimen was from Trinidad. Eggers erroneously records it from all three islands. Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don, attributed to St. Thomas by Naudin as collected by Riedle, was probably from Porto Rico. Clidemia rubra Mart, accredited to St. Thomas by Naudin and others as collected by Finlay, was really from Trinidad. Mouriria domingensis (Tuss.) Spach. [Petaloma domingensis Tuss.; P. Mouriri of West.] Borders of a stream, Spring Garden, St. Croix. Nepsera aquatica (Aubl.) Naud., recorded by Cogniaux as col- lected by Riedle on St. Thomas, was probably from Porto Rico. ONAGRACEAE Jussiaea suffruticosa L. [/. angustifolia Lam.; /. octovalvis Sw. ; /. suffruticosa ligustrifolia of Eggers.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Jussiaea erecta L. St. Croix (according to West). ARALIACEAE Dendropanax arborea (L.) Dene. & PI. [Sciadophyllum capi- tatum of Eggers; Aralia arborea L.; Gilibertia arborea E. March.] Forests, hills of St. Thomas. Didymopanax micans (Willd.) Krug & Urban. [Aralia micans Willd.; Panax speciosum of Eggers.] Forest, King's Hill and Bor- deaux, St. Jan. APIACEAE Eryngium foetidum L. Moist grounds, Caret Bay, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). 78 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Celeri graveolens (L.) Britton. [Apium graveolens L.; Peuce- danum graveolens Benth.] Persistent after cultivation, St. Croix. Grown for celery. Anethum graveolens L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Pimpinella Anisum L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Croix. Grown for anise. Apium Petroselinum L. [Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.] Cultivated for food. Daucus Carota L. Cultivated for food. Foeniculum Foeniculum (L.) Karst. [F. vulgare Gaertn.] Cul- tivated for drug purposes. Cerefolium Cerefolium (L.) Britton. [Anthriscus Cerefolium L.] Cultivated for flavoring. ERICACEAE Xolisma rubiginosa (Pers.) Small. [Andromeda rubiginosa Pers.; Lyonia jamaicensis of Eggers.] Bolongo, St. Thomas.. Known other- wise only from Hispaniola. THEOPHRASTACEAE Jacquinia Berterii Spreng. [/. Berterii retusa Urban.] Thick- ets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Mez). Jacquinia Barbasco (Loefl.) Mez. [Chrysophyllum Barbasco Loefl.; J. armillaris J acq.; J. armillaris arborea of Eggers.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. MYRSINACEAE Icacorea guadalupensis (Duch.) Britton. [Ardisia guadalu- pensis Duch.; A. coriacea of West and of Eggers.] Forests and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Stylogyne lateriflora (Sw.) Mez. [Ardisia lateriflora Sw.; A. caribaea Miquel.] St. Thomas (according to Eggers). PLUMBAGINACEAE Plumbago scandens L. [P. scandens densiflora Kuntze.] Banks, woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Plumbago capensis Thunb. Grown in gardens. Plumbago zeylanica L. St. Croix (according to West). SAPOTACEAE Sapota Achras Mill. [Achras Sapota L.] Forests, and com- monly planted, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 79 Lucuma multiflora A. DC. [Achras multiflora Vahl, according to Eggers.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. [S. mastichodendron Jacq.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dipholis salicifolia (L.) A. DC. [Achras salicifolia L.; Bumelia salicifolia Sw .] Forests and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bumelia obovata (Lam.) A. DC. [Sideroxylon obovatum Lam.; B. cuneata Sw.] Coastal hillsides, shores and borders of marshes, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chrysophyllum Cainito L. St. Thomas; St. Croix, occasionally planted, perhaps spontaneous. Chrysophyllum Eggersii Pierre. ' [C. micro phyllum of Eggers; ? C. oliviforme monopyrenum of Eggers.] Woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Endemic. Chrysophyllum pauciflorum Lam. [C. glabrum of Eggers and of Millspaugh; C. pauciflorum nervosum Pierre.] Forests and hill- sides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Otherwise known only from Porto Rico. Chrysophyllum bicolor Pierre. St. Thomas (according to Pierre and Urban) ; known otherwise only from Porto Rico. Mimusops nitida (Sesse & Moq.) Urban. [Sapota Sideroxylon of Eggers.] Forests, St. Jan. Determined from foliage only; its flowers and fruit have not been collected by botanists, and the identi- fication is, therefore, uncertain. Mimusops Elengi L. Planted, St. Thomas. SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos martixicexsis' Jacq. Forest, Signal Hill, St. Thomas. OLEACEAE Forestiera segregata (Jacq.) Krug & Urban. [Myrica segregata Jacq.; Forestiera porulosa Poir; F. porulosa Jacquinii Eggers.] Thickets, St. Croix. Forestiera Eggersiaxa Krug & Urban. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Known otherwise only on Culebra, Vieques and Virgin Gorda, thus endemic in the Virgin Islands. Forestiera rhamnifolia Griseb. [Drypetes laevigata of Mills- paugh.] Bluffs of Salt River, St. Croix. Mayepaea caribaea (Jacq.) Kuntze. [Chionanthus caribaea Jacq.; C. compacta Sw.; Linociera compacta R. Br.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Jasminum Sambac (L.) Soland. [Nyctanthes Sambac L.; /. quinqueflorum Heyne.] Spontaneous after planting, St. Croix. 80 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Jasminum pubescens (Retz) Willd. [Nyctanthes pubescens Retz.] Spontaneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Jasminum grandiflorum L. [/. officinale of Millspaugh.] Spon- taneous after planting, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Jasminum officinale L. Planted for ornament. Jasminum humile L. [J. revolutum Sims.] Planted for orna- ment. Olea europaea L. Planted on St. Thomas. LOGANIACEAE Spigelia Anthelmia L. Moist or exsiccated situations, St. Thomas; St. Croix. APOCYNACEAE Allamanda cathartica L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas. Plumiera alba L. Coastal rocks and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Plumiera rubra L. [P. obtusifolia of Millspaugh.] Planted for ornament. Plumiera obtusa L. St. Croix (according to West) ; naturalized in gardens (according to Eggers). Catharanthus roseus (L.) D. Don. [Vinca rosea L.; Lochnera rosea Rchb.] Waste grounds, spontaneous after cultivation, and much planted for ornament, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Tabernaemontana capensis L. Planted for ornament. A species of Tabernaemontana was found in thickets at French- man's Bay, St. Thomas, according to Eggers, who, doubtfully, records it as T. citrijolia. Rauwolfia tetraphylla L. [R. nitida Jacq.] Woods, hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Rauwolfia Lamarckii A. DC. Hillsides and thickets, St. Thom- as; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cerbera Thevetia L. [Thevetia Thevetia Millsp.; T. neriifolia Juss.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Echites agglutinata Jacq. [E. circinalis Sw.] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix at Cane Bay (according to Eggers). Urechites lutea (L.) Britton. [Vinca lutea L.; Echites snb- erecta Jacq.; E. barbata Desv.; E. neriandra Griseb.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Nerium Oleander L. Persistent after cultivation; planted for ornament; St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 81 ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias curassavica L. [A. nivea curassavica Kuntze.] Fields, hillsides and banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Asclepias nivea L. Collected on St. Thomas by Krebs. Asclepias fruticosa L. Cultivated on St. Croix (according to West). Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. f. [Asclepias procera Ait.] Fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Naturalized. Metastelma parviflorum R. Br. [M. Schlechtendalii of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Metastelma albiflorum Griseb. St. Thomas (according to Schlechter). Metastelma decipiens Schlechter. St. Thomas (according to Schlechter). Metastelma Grisebachianum Schlechter. St. Thomas. Other- wise known only from Porto Rico. Metastelma Decaisneanum Schlechter. Hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. The above-listed species of Metastelma much resemble each other. It is possible that Schlechter has recognized too many species in the area. Oxypetalum cordifolium (Vent) Schlechter. [Gothofreda cordi- folia Vent.; 0. riparium H.B.K.] St. Thomas (according to Schlech- ter). Philibertella clausa (Jacq.) Vail. [Asclepias viminalis Sw.; Sarcostemma Brownei Meyer], recorded as from St. Thomas by West and by Eggers, has not been observed there by recent collectors. Fischeria crispiflora (Sw.) Schltr. [Cynanchiim crispifloriim Sw.; F. scandens DC] Forests, Spring-gut, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Known otherwise only from Cuba and Jamaica; the determination is doubtful. Ibatia maritima (Jacq.) Dene. [Asclepias maritima Jacq.; Ibatia muricata Griseb.] Rocky hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Hoya carnosa (L. f.) R. Br. Cultivated for ornament. Stephanotis floribunda A. Brongn. Cultivated for ornament. CUSCUTACEAE Cuscuta Americana L. On trees and shrubs, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. CONVOLVULACEAE Evolvulus nummularius L. Dry, shaded situations, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix. 7 82 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Evolvulus glaber Spreng. [E. mucronatus Sw.] Moist, grassy situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Evolvulus linifolius L. St. Thomas and St. Croix (according to Schlechtendal) ; moist localities, all islands (according to Eggers). Not found by us, and not known on Porto Rico. Jacquemontia nodiflora (Desr.) G. Don. [Convolvulus nodi- florus Desr.; C. albiflorus West (hyponym).] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Jacquemontia jamaicensis (Jacq.) Hall. f. [Convolvulus jamai- censis. Jacq.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G. Don. [Convolvulus pen- tanthus Jacq.; C. violaceus Vahl; J. violacea Choisy.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Convolvulus matutinus West and C. venenatus West, described from St. Croix, are not further identified. Thyella tamnifolia (L.) Raf. [Ipomoea tamnifolia L.; Jacque- montia tamnifolia Griseb.] Banks, hills and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan (according to Eggers); St. Croix. Exogonium solanif olium (L.) Britton. [Ipomoea solanifolia L.; I. filiformis Jacq.; Convolvulus filiformis Desr.; Exogonium filif or me Choisy; Ipomoea eustachiana of Millspaugh.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Exogonium repandum (Jacq.) Choisy. [Ipomoea repanda Jacq.] Woods and forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Exogonium arenarium Choisy. [Ipomoea arenaria Steud.; /. Steudelii Millsp.; /. Eggersiana Peter; E. Eggersii House.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea dissecta (Jacq.) Pers. [Convolvidus dissectus Jacq.; Merremia dissecta Hall. f. ; Operculina dissecta House; Ipomoea sinuata Ort.] Thickets, fences and woods, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea aegyptia L. [Convolvidus pentaphyllus L.; Ipomoea pentaphylla Jacq.; Merremia aegyptia Urban.] Fields, fences and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea quinquefolia L. [Merremia quinquefolia Hall, f.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Ipomoea polyanthes R. & S. [Convolvidus umbellatus L.; Ipomoea umbellata Meyer, not L. ; Merremia umbellata Hall, f . ; Ipomoea mollicoma Miq.; Convolvulus sagittifer H.B.K.] Fields, banks and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea Nil (L.) Roth. [Convolvulus Nil L.; Pharbitis Nil Choisy; /. hederacea barbata of Kuntze; ? Convolvidus hederaceus of Schlechtendal.] Banks, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 83 Ipomoea cathartica Poir. [Convolvulus acuminatus Vahl; Ipo- moea acuminata R. & S., not R. & P.; Pharbitis cathartica Choisy; P. acuminata Choisy.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) R. & S. [Convolvulus asarifolius Desr.] Danish Islands (according, to Grisebach). Ipomoea Pes-caprae (L.) Roth. [Convolvulus Pes-caprae L. ; C. brasiliensis L.; C. maritimus Lam.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea stolonifera (Cyr.) Poir. [Convolvulus littoralis L.; C. arenarius Vahl ; Ipomoea littoralis Boiss. ; Convolvulus stoloniferus Cyr.; Ipomoea acetosaefolia R. & S.] Coastal sands, St. Croix (ac- cording to West). Ipomoea heptaphylla (Rottl. & Willd.) Voigt. [Convolvulus heptaphyllus Rottl. & Willd.; Ipomoea pulchella Griseb., not Roth.] St. Thomas (according to Urban). Ipomoea carnea Jacq. St. Croix (according to West). Ipomoea triloba L. [Convolvulus Sloanei Spreng.; i". parviflora Vahl; I. triloba eustachiana of Eggers; /. triloba quinqueloba Kuntze.] Fields, banks and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea tiliacea (Willd.) Choisy. [Convolvulus tiliaceus Willd.; C. fastigiatus Roxb.; I . fasti giata Sweet; /. Batatus fastigiata Kuntze.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea Batatas (L.) Lam. [Convolvulus Batatas L.; Ipomoea pandurata cuspidata Kuntze.] Persistent after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Much planted for food. Ipomoea tricolor Cav. [I. violacea Grisebach, and of Eggers and Millspaugh.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Lam. [Convolvulus purpureas L.] St. Croix (according to West). Planted for ornament. Ipomoea Learii Paxton. Planted for ornament. Ipomoea Pes-tigridis L. [Convolvulus Pes-tigridis L.] St. Thom- as (according to Schlechtendal). Ipomoea Horsfalliae W. Hook. Planted for ornament. Ipomoea quinquepartita (Vahl) R. & S. [Convolvidus quinque- partitus Vahl ; C. ovalifolius West, not Vahl,] of St. Croix, is not further identified. Ipomoea leucantha Jacq., a South American species, is recorded by Eggers from St. Thomas and St. Croix. Operculina triquetra (Vahl) Hallier f. [Convolvidus triqueter Vahl; Ipomoea triquetra R. & S.] St. Thomas; St. Croix. Operculina tuberosa (L.) Meissn. [Ipomoea tuberosa L.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers). 84 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Calonyction aculeatum (L.) House. [Convolvulus aculeatus L.; Ipomoea Bona-nox L.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas. Planted for ornament. Calonyction tuba (Schlecht.) Colla. [Convolvulus tuba Schlecht. ; Ipomoea tuba G. Don.] Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Quamoclit Quamoclit (L.) Britton. [Ipomoea Quamoclit L.; Quamoclit vulgaris Choisy.] Banks, thickets and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Quamoclit coccinea (L.) Moench. [Ipomoea coccinea L.; /. hederaefolia L.; i". sanguinea Vahl.] Banks, thickets and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Rivea tiliifolia (Desr.) Choisy. . [Convolvulus tiliifolius Desr. ; Argyreia tiliifolia Wright; Convolvulus melanostictus Schl.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. POLEMONIACEAE Phlox Drummondii Hook. Grown in flower gardens. HYDROPHYLLACEAE Marilaunidium jamaicense (L.) Kuntze. [Nama jamaicensis L. ; Hydrolea jamaicensis Vahl.] Dry, rocky situations, St. Thomas; St. Croix. CORDIACEAE Cerdana alliodora R. & P. [Cordia Gerascanthus Jacq., not L.; C. Gerascanthus subcanescens of Eggers.] Woods and forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Sebesten Sebestena (L.) Britton. [Cordia Sebestena L.; C. Rickseckeri Millsp.] Coastal thickets, hillsides, and planted for orna- ment, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sebesten brachycalyx (Urban) Britton. [Cordia Sebestena br achy calyx Urban.] Rocky hillside, Buck Island, St. Thomas. Known otherwise only from Porto Rico. Cordia alba (Jacq.) R. & S. [Varronia alba Jacq.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Sometimes planted. Cordia collococca L. [C. micrantha Sw.] Woods, forests and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cordia nitida Vahl. [? C. laevigata of Schlechtendal.] Forests and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cordia sulcata DC. [C. macrophylla R. & S.] Forests and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West). Varbonia corymbosa (L.) Desv. [Lantana corymbosa L.; Cordia BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 85 ulmifolia Juss.; C. uhnifolia and varieties of Eggers.] Thickets, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Varroxia angustifolia West. [Cordia angustifolia R. & S.; C. cylindrostachya and varieties of Eggers; C. cylindrostachya of Millspaugh.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix (type locality). Cordia martixicexsis R. & S. is accredited to St. Croix by Grisebach (Fl. 481); the record probably refers to V. angustifolia. Varroxia globosa Jacq. [Cordia globosa H.B.K.] Thickets, St. Thomas and St. Croix (according to West, Schlechtendal and Eggers). Bourreria succulexta Jacq. [Ehretia Bourreria L.] Forests, hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Rochefortia acaxthophora (DC.) Griseb. [Ehretia acantho- plwra DC; (?) Ehretia spinosa Jacq.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to West and to Eggers). BORAGINACEAE Tourxefortia filiflora Griseb. [T. foetidissima DC. and of Eggers, not L.] St. Jan (according to Eggers); St. Croix (according to West). Tourxefortia hirsutissima L. Thickets, banks and hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Tourxefortia bicolor Sw. [T. laevigata Lam.] Among rocks, Crown, St. Thomas. Tourxefortia laurifolia Vent., attributed to St. Thomas by Ventenat and by de Candolle, is known to us only from Porto Rico. Tourxefortia volubilis L. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Tourxefortia microphylla Bert. [T. volubilis microphylla DC; T. volubilis microcarpa of Millspaugh.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Mallotoxia gxaphalodes (L.) Britton. [Heliotropium gnapha- lodes L. ; Tournefortia gnaphalodes R. Br.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix. Heliotropium curassavicum L. Saline soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Heliotropium parviflorum L. Banks, hillsides, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Heliotropium ixdicum L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Heliotropium terxatum Vahl. [Heliotropium fruticosum L., 86 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS in part, and of Eggers and Millspaugh.] Rocky thickets and hillsides, 'St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Heliotropium peruvianum L. Cultivated in flower gardens. VERBENACEAE Lantana Camara L. [L. scabrida Ait.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lantana aculeata L. [L. polyacantha Schauer.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Lantana involucrata L. [L. odorata L.; Camara involncrata Kuntze.] Thickets and hillsides. St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lantana reticulata Pers. Stony ground, King's Hill, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Lippia reptans H.B.K. [Lippia nodiflora of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Wet ground, St. Croix. Lippia triphylla (L'Her.) Kuntze. [Aloysia citriodora Ort.] Cultivated in gardens. Bouchea prismatica (L.) Kuntze. [Verbena prismatica L.; B. Ehrenbergii Cham.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Valerianodes jamaicensis (L.) Medic. [Verbena jamaicensis L.; Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Vahl; Valerianodes jamaicensis indicus Kuntze.] Fields, hills, banks and in cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Valerianodes strigosa (Vahl) Kuntze. [Stachytarpheta strigosa Vahl.'] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Priva lappulacea (L.) Pers. [Verbena lappulacea L.; V. mexi- cana of West; P. echinata Juss.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Citharexylum fruticosu.m L. [C. cinereum L.; C. villosum Jacq.] Woods, hills and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Citharexylum spinosum L. [C. quadrangulare Jacq.] Forests and slopes, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Planted for shade. Duranta erecta L. [D . Plumieri J acq.; D. Ellisia J acq.; ? D. repens L.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sometimes planted for ornament. Callicarpa reticulata S\v., accredited to St. Croix by West, is a little-known species of Jamaica; what plant West had in mind is not further recorded. Aegiphila martinicensis Jacq. Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix, common (according to Eggers). Petitia domingensis Jacq. In forests, St. Croix, not common (according to Eggers). BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 87 Vitex dicaricata Sw. Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers), and recorded from St. Croix by Swartz. Vitex Agnus-castus L. Planted for ornament. Volkameria aculeata L. [Clerodendron aculeatum Schlecht.; C. aculeatum grandifolium and parvifolium Kuntze; ? C. longicollis of Borgesen and Paulsen.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Clerodendrox fragraxs Vent. [C. fragrans pleniflora Schauer.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas. Siphoxaxthus ixdicus L. [Clerodendron Siphonanthus R. Br.] Woods near Grove Place and at Crequis, St. Croix. Apparently naturalized. Planted for ornament. Avicennia xitida Jacq. [A. tomentosa Jacq.; A. officinalis nitida Kuntze.] Coastal swamps and lagoons, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Petraea volubilis Jacq. Planted for ornament. Holmskoldia saxguixea Retz. Planted for ornament. Verbexa ichamaedrifolia Juss. Planted for ornament. LAMIACEAE Leoxotis xepetifolia (L.) R. Br. [Phlomis nepetifolia L. J Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Leoxurus sibiricus L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Moluccella laevis L. St. Croix (according to West). Leucas martixicexsis (Jacq.) R. Br. [Clinopodium martinicense Jacq.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Croix. Salvia thomasiaxa Urban. [S. tenella of Schlechtendal and of Eggers.] St. Thomas. Endemic. Known only from a specimen collected long ago by Ehrenberg. Salvia occidextalis Sw. [S. occidentalis bicolor Kuntze.] Banks, fields and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Salvia serotixa L. [S. dominica Sw.; S. micrantha Vahl.] Banks, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Salvia coccixea B. Juss. [S. coccinea ciliata Griseb.; 61. coccinea pseudococcinea Kuntze.] Hillsides, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Mextha aquatica L. Naturalized along rivulets, Caledonia, St. Croix, not seen flowering (according to Eggers). Perhaps, if the flowers were known, referable to some other species. Hyptis capitata Jacq. [Mesosphaerum capitatum Kuntze.] Moist grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Hyptis suaveolexs (L.) Poir. [Ballota suaveolens L.; Meso- sphaerum suaveolens Kuntze.] Thickets, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 88 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poir. [Nepeta pectinata L. ; Mesosphaerum pectinatum Kuntze.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Hyptis verticillata Jacq. [Mesosphaerum verticillatum Kuntze.] St. Thomas (according to Bentham and to Grisebach). Coleus amboinicus Lour. Banks and hillsides, naturalized, St. Thomas ; St. Jan (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Ocimum MiCPvANTHUM Willd. Banks, fields and hillsides; St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ocimum Basilicum L. Grown as a garden herb. Rosmarinus officinalis L. Grown as a garden herb. Thymus vulgaris L. Grown as a garden herb. Origanum Majorana L. Grown as a garden herb. SOLANACEAE Physalis angulata L. [P. ramosissima Mill.; P. Linkiana Griseb., not Nees.] Fields, banks, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Physalis pubescens L. [P. angulata dubia Kuntze.] Dry soil, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Physalis turbinata Medic. Dry soil, St. Jan; St. Croix. Physalis Eggersii O. E. Schulz. Water Island, St. Thomas. Endemic. A species known only from the type specimen. We searched Water Island for it in 191 3, but could find nothing answering the description. Physalis peruviana L., recorded by Eggers as found in fields at Rapoon, St. Thomas, prior to 1879, was, apparently, erroneously determined (see Schulz in Urban, Symb. Ant. 6: 149). Capsicum frutescens L. Roadsides and woods, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Capsicum baccatum L. [Capsicum annuum baccatum Kuntze.] Thickets, banks and woods, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (accord- ing to Eggers). Capsicum annuum L. Cultivated for food. Capsicum dulce Dunal. Cultivated for food. Solanum lanceifolium Jacq. King's Hill, St. Jan. Solanum jamaicense Mill. St. Thomas, collected by Richard (according to Poiret). Solanum nigrum L. [S. americanum Mill.; S. nigrum nodi- florum A. Gray; 5. nodiflorum Dunal, not Jacq.] Thickets, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Solanum Seaforthianum Andr. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Planted for ornament. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 89 Solanum verbascifolium L. Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Solanum conocarpum L. C. Rich. Coral Bay, St. Jan. En- demic. Solanum mucronatum O. E. Schulz. St. Thomas; St. Jan; otherwise known only from Porto Rico. Solanum mammosum L. Waste grounds, St. Croix. Solanum persicifolium Dunal. [S. persicifolium Belloi O. E. Schulz; 5. persicifolium parvifolium (Vahl) O. E. Schulz.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Solanum racemosum L. [S. ignaeum L. ; S. bahamense of Eggers.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Solanum torvum Sw. Hillsides, woods and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Solanum polygamum Vahl. [S. inclusum and S. inclusum albi- florum of Eggers; 5. polygamum thomae Kuntze; 5. hirtum of Borgesen & Paulsen.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. Naturalized by mules from Montevideo at Frederiksted, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Solanum tuberosum L. Cultivated for food. Solanum Melongena L. [S. insanum L.] Cultivated for food. Solanum macrocarpum L. Cultivated on St. Croix (according to Schulz). Solanum pseudocapsicum L. Cultivated for its fruit. Lycopersicum Lycopersicum (L.) Karst. [Solanum Lycopersi- cum L.; Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.; L. cerasiforme Dunal.] Spontaneous after cultivation for food, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Datura Stramonium L. [Datura Tatula L.] Waste and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Datura Metel L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Datura fastuosa L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Datura suaveolens H.& B. Cultivated for ornament. Cestrum nocturnum L. Forests, Rogiers and Joshee Gut, St. Jan (according to Eggers). Planted on St. Croix. Cestrum laurifolium L'Her. [C. diurnum of West and of Eggers; C. laurifolium neglectum Kuntze.] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cestrum alternifolium (Jacq.) O. E. Schulz. [Ixora alternifolia Jacq.; Cestrum vespertinum L.] St. Thomas (according to O. E. Schulz). Nicotiana Tabacum L. Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 90 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Brunfelsia Americana L. [B. americana pubescens Griseb.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sometimes planted for ornament. Petunias are planted in gardens. SCROPHULARIACEAE Mecardonia procumbens (Mill.) Small. [Erinus procumbens Mill.; Herpestis chamaedryoides H.B.K.; Lindernia dianthera Sw. ; Monniera dianthera Millsp.] Wet grounds, St. Croix. Herpestis stricta Schrad., accredited to St. Thomas by Bentham, according to Eggers, is probably an error in record. Bramia Monniera (L.) Drake. [Gratiola Monniera L.; Herpestis Monniera H.B.K. ; Monniera Monniera Britton ; M. calycina Kuntze.] Wet sandy or muddy situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Capraria biflora L. [C. biflora pilosa of Eggers.] Fields, banks, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Vandellia diffusa L. St. Croix (according to Eggers). Scoparia dulcis L. [Capraria dalcis Kuntze.] Wet or moist situations and in cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Russellia equisetiformis Schl. & Cham. [R. juncea Zucc] Cultivated for ornament. Maurandya Barclayana Lindl. Cultivated for ornament. BIGNONIACEAE Macrodiscus lactiflorus (Vahl) Bureau. * [Bignonia lactifiora Vahl;- Distictis lactifiora DC] Thickets and roadsides, St. Croix. Cultivated on St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers. [Bignonia aequinoctialis L. ; B. spectabilis Vahl.] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Batocydia Unguis (L.) Mart. [Bignonia Unguis L.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Macrocatalfa longissima (Jacq.) Britton. St. Thomas (accord- ing to Grisebach). The record is probably erroneous. Tabebuia heterophylla (DC.) Britton. [Raputia (?) hetero- phylla DC; Tecoma Berterii of Eggers, not DC; Tecoma triphylla of Kuntze; Tecoma Leucoxylon Mart.; Tecoma pentaphylla Leucoxylon Kuntze.] Dry thickets, especially near the coasts, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Tabebuia pallida Miers. [Bignonia pentaphylla L.; Tecoma pentaphylla Juss., not Tabebuia pentaphylla Hemsl.; T. Leucoxylon of Eggers.] Forests and hills and much planted for shade, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 91 Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. [Bignonia stans L.; Stenolobium stans Seem.; Gelseminum stans Kuntze.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thom- as; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sometimes planted for ornament. Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach. [Bignonia capensis Thunb. ; Tecoma capensis Lindl.] Roadsides, St. Thomas. Planted for orna- ment, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Enallagma latifolia (Mill.) Small. [Crescentia latifolia Mill.; Crescentia cucurbitina L.; C. cucurbitina heterophylla Kuntze; E. cucurbitina Baill.] Forests near rivulets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Crescentia Cujete L. Forests, hillsides and much planted for its fruit, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Crescentia linearifolia Miers. Collected by Oersted on St. Thomas (according to Miers); coastal hill, Lamosure, St. Jan. PEDALIACEAE Sesamum orientale L. [S. indicum L.] Spontaneous after culti- vation, St. Thomas. Cultivated for its seeds. MARTYNIACEAE Martynia annua L. [M. diandra Glox.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. ACANTHACEAE Thunbergia fragrans Roxb. [T. volubilis Pers.] Hedges and thickets and along ditches, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Thunbergia alata Bojer. Banks and waste grounds, St. Thomas . St. Jan; St. Croix. Planted for ornament. Blechum Brownei Juss. [B. Brownei subcordatum and (?) laxnm Kuntze.] Fields, banks, woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ruellia tuberosa L. [R. clandestina L.] Grassy situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ruellia coccinea (L.) Vahl. [Barleria coccinea L.; Stemona- canthus coccineus Griseb.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ruellia strepens L., recorded by de Candolle as found on St. Croix by Isert, must be an error in locality; the specimen is preserved in the Willdenow herbarium. Gerardia tuberosa L. [Stenandrium tuberosum Urban; 5. rupestre Nees.] Rocky woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Anthacanthus spinosus (Jacq.) Nees. [Justicia spinosa Jacq.; A. micro phyllus and A. jamaicensis of Eggers; Jasminum coeruleum 92 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Kuntze.] Woods, hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Anthacanthus acicularis (Sw.) Nees, attributed by West and by Lindau to St. Croix, is known to me only from Jamaica. [Justicia acicularis Sw.] Odontonema nitidum (Jacq.) Kuntze. [Justicia nitida Jacq.; Thyrsacanthus nitidus Nees.] St. Thomas and St. Croix, at least formerly. Drejerella mirabiloides (Lam.) Lindau. [Justicia mirabiloides Lam.; Beleperone nemorosa of Eggers.] Shaded situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Diapedium assurgens (L.) Kuntze. [Justicia assurgens L.; Dicliptera assurgens Juss.] Banks, thickets and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Justicia peri ploci folia Jacq. [J. reflexiflora Vahl and var. glandidosa Eggers; Ecbolium reflexiflorum Kuntze.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Justicia pectoralis Jacq. [Dianthera pectoralis Gmelin.] Waste and cultivated moist grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Justicia sessilis Jacq. [J. pauciflora Vahl; Dianthera sessilis Gmelin; Siphonoglossa sessilis Oerst.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Justicia carthaginensis Jacq. Woodlands, hillsides and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Justicia secunda Vahl. Thickets, St. Croix (according to Lindau). Barleria lupulina Lindl. Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Barleria hirsuta Jacq., recorded from St. Thomas by West, is a species unknown to modern botanists except from description and the published illustrations of Jacquin (Obs. 2: pi. 32; Icon. Pict. pi. 172); it has been referred to Duggena spicata of the Rubiaceae, but the description of its flowers does not apply to that plant. Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees. Cultivated for orna- ment. Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff. [G. hortense Nees.] Culti- vated for ornament. Pseuderanthemum bicolor (Schrank) Radlk. [Justicia bicolor Sims.] Cultivated for ornament. Eranthemum nervosum R. Br. Cultivated for ornament. Pachystachys coccinea Nees. Cultivated for ornament. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 93 MYOPORACEAE Bontia daphnoides L. Coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix at Turner's Hole (according to Eggers). PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago major L. [P. major tropica Griseb.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. RUBIACEAE Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Waste places, Government House yard, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Oldenlandia callitrichoides Griseb. Gregarious among stones, Government House, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Rondeletia pilosa Sw. [R. triflora Vahl.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; near Cave Bay, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) R. & S. [Cinchona caribaea Jacq.] Thickets and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Duggena spicata (Lam.) Standley. [Lygistum spicatum Lam.; Gonzalia spicata DC. ; Gonzalagunia spicata Maza.] Grassy situations on high hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Randia Formosa (Jacq.) K. Schum. [Mussaenda formosa Jacq.; Gardenia armata Sw. ; Randia Mussaenda DC] Roadsides, St. Croix. Planted for ornament. Randia aculeata L. [R. latifolia Lam.; Gardenia Randia Sw.; R. acideata mitis of Eggers.] Thickets, woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Genipa Americana L. Forests on the higher hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Hamelia patens Jacq. Valleys and hillsides, St. Croix; St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Hamelia axillaris Sw. [H. lutea Rohr.] Forests and wet thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Catesbaea melanocarpa Krug & Urban. [C. parviflora of Eggers, not Sw.] Thickets, Fair Plain, St. Croix (according to Eggers). Guettarda scabra (L.) Lam. [Matthiola scabra L.; G. rugosa Sw.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Guettarda parviflora Vahl. [G. parvifolia Sw.] Thickets, woods and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Guettarda elliptica Sw. Hillside near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas. Stenostomum lucidum (Sw.) Gaertn. f. [Laugeria lucida Sw.; Antirrhoea lucida Hook.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. 94 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Erithalis fruticosa L. [-E. odorifera Jacq.] Thickets along the coast, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. [Lonicera alba L.; C. racemosa L.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chione venosa (Sw.) Urban. [Jacquinia venosa Sw.; Chione glabra DC] In forests, rare, not seen flowering, Fair Plain, St. Croix and Soldier Bay, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Found on Tortola, according to A. Richard. Scolosanthus versicolor Vahl. Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Known otherwise only from Porto Rico and Vieques. CoffEa arabica L. [C. liberica of Millspaugh.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cultivated for coffee. Ixora ferrea (Jacq.) Benth. [Sideroxyloides ferreum Jacq.] Forests and rocky hill-tops; St. Thomas; St. Jan. Ixora stricta Roxb. Planted for ornament. Ixora Bandhuca Roxb. Planted for ornament. Psychotria pinnularis Sesse & Moc. [P. horizontalis Griseb. and of Eggers and of Millspaugh, not Sw.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Psychotria undata Jacq. [P. glabrata of Eggers.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Psychotria Brownei Spreng. [C. asiatica of West; C. tenuifolia of Millspaugh.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Psychotria tenuifolia Sw. Thickets, Crown, St. Thomas (ac- cording to Eggers and cited also by Urban) ; St. Croix (according to West). . Psychotria pubescens Sw. St. Thomas (according to Urban). Palicourea domingensis (Jacq.) DC. [Psychotria domingensis Jacq.; P. Pavetta Sw.; Palicourea Pavetta DC; P. Pavetta rosea Eggers.] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Geophila herbacea (Jacq.) K. Schum. [Psychotria herbacea Jacq.; G. reniformis C & S.] In dense woods, Signal Hill and St. Peter, St. Thomas (according to Eggers) ; wooded hill, Bordeaux, St. Jan. Faramea occidentalis (L.) A. Rich. [Ixora occidentalis L.; Faramea odoratissima DC] Forests and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix, at least formerly. Morinda citrifolia L. Roadsides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Ernodea littoralis Sw. Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Diodia rigida C & S. Dry soil, St. Thomas. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 95 Diodia maritima Thonn. [D. radicans of Borgesen and Paulsen.] Coastal sands, Water Island, St. Thomas. Diodia sarmentosa Sw. St. Thomas (according to Schlechten- dal). Borreria laevis (Lam.) Griseb. [Spermacoce laevis Lam.; Borreria vaginata Cham. & Schl.] Dry soil, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Borreria ocimoides (Burm. f.) DC. [Spermacoce ocimoides Burm. f.; Borreria parviflora Meyer.] Banks, fields, waste and culti- vated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Borreria verticillata (L.) Meyer. [Spermacoce verticillata L.; B. stricta DC, not Meyer.] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Spermacoce tenuior L. [S. tenuior angustifolia Eggers.] Banks, fields, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. [G. florida L.] Planted for orna- ment. Portlandia GRANDIFLORA L. Planted for ornament. Vangueria edulis Vahl. [Varanga edulis Vahl] Cultivated on St. Croix (according to West). CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica Thunb. Planted for ornament. Lonicera Caprifolium L. Cultivated (according to Eggers). Sambucus nigra L. Cultivated (according to Eggers). CUCURBITACEAE Melothria guadalupensis (Spreng) Cogn. [Bryonia guadalu- pensis Cogn.; M. pervaga Griseb.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Melothria fluminensis Gardn. [M. pendula Meyer.] St. Croix (according to West and to Cogniaux). Corallocarpus emetocatharticus (Gros.) Cogn. [Doyerea em- etocathartica Grosourdy; Anguria glomerata Eggers; Corallocarpus glomeratus Cogn.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Anguria Plumieriana Schl. [A. trilobata West and of Eggers.] St. Croix. Momordica Charantia L. Hedges, fences and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Momordica Balsamina L. Cultivated for its fruit, St. Croix. Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roemer. [Momordica cylindrica L.; ? M. operculata of West.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. C roix. 96 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb., accredited to St. Thomas by Cogniaux as collected by Finlay, was really from Trinidad. Cucumis Anguria L. Fields and banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cucumis sativus L. Cultivated for its fruit. Cucumis Melo L. Cultivated for its fruit. Cucurbita Lagenaria L. [Lagenaria vulgaris Ser.; L. vulgaris viscosa Eggers; L. Lagenaria Cockerell.] Waste grounds, spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cultivated for its fruit. Cucurbita ficifolia Bouche is recorded by Millspaugh as escaped from cultivation on St. Croix. Pepo moschata (Duch.) Britton. [Cucurbita moschata Duch.; C. Pepo of Eggers.] Spontaneous after cultivation, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cayaponia Americana (Lam.) Cogn. [Bryonia americana Lam.; B. ficifolia Vahl; Trianosperma graciliflora Griseb.; T. ficifolia of Eggers; Cayaponia graciliflorum Griseb.] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. Cultivated for its fruit. Citrullus Citrullus (L.) Karst. [C. vulgaris Schrad.] Culti- vated for its fruit. Coccinia cordifolia (L.) Cogn. [Cephalandra indica Naud.] Cultivated; recorded by Eggers as naturalized in shaded valleys, St. Croix. LOBELIACEAE Isotoma longiflora (L.) Presl. [Lobelia longiflora L.] Moist banks, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). GOODENIACEAE Scaevola Plumierii (L.) Vahl. [Lobelia Plumierii L.] Coastal sands, St. Thomas; St. Croix. CICHORIACEAE Sonchus oleraceus L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lactuca intybacea Jacq. [Brachyramphus intybaceus DC] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Lactuca sativa L. Cultivated for salad. AMBROSIACEAE Xanthium longirostre Wallr. [X. orientate of Schlechtendal : X. macrocarpum of Eggers; X. strumarium of Millspaugh; X. echi- BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 97 natum of Urban.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; all islands (according to Eggers). Ambrosia cumanensis H.B.K. [A. artemisiaefolia trinitensis Griseb.] Waste places, St. Croix (according to Eggers). CARDUACEAE Struchium sparganophorum (L.) Kuntze. [Ethulia spargano- phora L.; Sparganophorus Vaillantii Crantz.] Moist grounds, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Vernonia sericea L. C. Rich. [Lepidoploa phyllostachya Cass.; Vernonia arborescens Swartziana, Lessingiana and divaricata of Eggers; V. arborescens of Schlechtendal and of Millspaugh; V. phyllostachya Gleason; Cacalia arborescens Lessingiana Kuntze.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Vernonia albicaulis Pers. [V. longifolia Pers.; V. Vahliana Less.; V. thomae Benth.; V. punctata of Eggers and of Millspaugh; Cacalia thomae Kuntze; ? Conyza fruticosa of West.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. [Conyza cinerea L.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Piptocoma rufescens Cass. Thickets, Water Island, St. Thomas ; St. Jan. Elephantopus mollis H.B.K. [E. tomentosus of Millspaugh.] Banks, fields and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pseudelephantopus spicatus (Juss.) Rohr. [Elephantopus spi- catns Juss.; Distreptus spicatus Rohr.] Banks, fields, hillsides and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Ageratum conyzoides L. [Carelia conyzoides robusta Kuntze.] Banks, fields and roadsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eupatorium macrophyllum L. [Hebeclinium macrophyllum DC] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to West and to Eggers). Eupatorium odoratum L. [E. conyzoides Vahl.] Banks, hill- sides and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eupatorium cuneifolium Willd., cited by Eggers from DeCandolle (Prodr. 5: 177) as from St. Thomas, was not from our island St. Thomas. Eupatorium atriplicifolium Lam. [E. repandum Willd.; Erig- eron atriplicifolium of Millspaugh.] Hillsides and coastal thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Eupatorium sinuatum Lam. [E. canescens Vahl.] Rocky thick- ets, St. Thomas (according to DeCandolle); rocky hillsides, St. Jan; St. Croix. 98 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl. [E. A yapana Vent.] Cultivated on St. Croix. Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam.) Small. [E. foeniculaceum Willd.] Cultivated on St. Croix (according to Millspaugh). Mikania cordifolia (L. f.) Willd. [Cacalia cordifolia L. f.; ? Eupatorium denticulatum of Schlechtendal ; Mikania gonoclada DC; Willughbaea cordifolia Kuntze; W. gonoclada Millsp.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Erigeron cuneifolius DC. Grassy places and banks on the higher hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Erigeron spathulatus Vahl. Grassy situations, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Leptilon pusillum (Nutt.) Britton. [Erigeron pusillum Nutt.; Erigeron canadense of Schlechtendal and of Eggers ; Leptilon canadense of Millspaugh.] Grassy places, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Leptilon linifolium (Willd.) Small. [Erigeron linifolium Willd.; Conyza ambigua DC] Waste grounds, St. Thomas. Pluchea purpurascens (Sw.) DC. [Conyza purpurascens Sw.; P. camphorata of Millspaugh.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. [Conyza odorata L.; C. carolinensis Jacq.; P. odorata normalis Kuntze.] Thickets and hillsides and in cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Baccharis dioica Vahl. [B. Valilii DC] Coastal rocks, St. Croix. Egletes prostrata (Sw.) Kuntze. [Matricaria prostrata Sw.; Pyreihrum simplici folium Willd.; E. domingensis Cass.] Sandy shores, St. Thomas. Pterocaulon virgatum (L.) DC [Gnaphalium virgatum L. ; Conyza virgata L.; Pluchea virgata Schl.] Hillsides and banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Nocca mollis (Cav.) Jacq. [Lagascea mollis Jacq.] Waste grounds, St. Thomas. Melampodium divaricatum (L. C. Rich.) DC. [Dysodium divar- icatum L. C Rich.; M. paludosum H.B.K.] Ditches, St. Croix. Parthenium Hysterophorus L. Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Crassina multiflora (L.) Kuntze. [Zinnia midtiflora L.] Roadsides and banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Crassina elegans (Jacq.) Kuntze. Grown in flower gardens. Verbesina alba L. [Eclipta alba Hassk. ; E. punctata L.; E. erecta L.] Wet grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Acanthospermum hispidum DC. [A. liumile of Eggers.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 99 Borrichia arborescens (L.) DC. [Buplithalmum arborescens L.; B. argentea DC] Coastal rocks and sands, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc. [Silphium trilobatum L.; W. carnosa L. C. Rich.] Moist grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Wedelia calycixa L. C. Rich. [Buplithalmum helianthoides of West.] Thickets, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Wedelia parviflora L. C. Rich. [W. buphthalmoides of Eggers and of Millspaugh; W. affinis DC; W. acapulcensis of Schlechtendal ; W. brachycarpa of Millspaugh, St. Thomas; Sereneum frutescens of Kuntze.] Dry hills and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Wedelia cruciana L. C. Rich. [W. buphthalmoides of Mill- spaugh.] Dry rocky soil, St. Croix. Endemic. Eleutheraxthera ruderalis (Sw.) Sch. Bip. [Melampodium ruderale Sw.; Ogiera ruderalis Griseb.; Wedelia discoidea Less.] Banks, fields and waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Melaxthera canescens (Kuntze) O. E. Schulz. [Amellus asper canescens Kuntze; M. Linnaei of Schlechtendal; M. deltoidea of Eggers.] Hillsides and thickets, St. Thomas. Tepiox alatum (L.) Britton. [Verbesina alata L.] Waste and cultivated ground, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Sclerocarpus africanus Jacq. WTaste grounds, St. Thomas. Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. [Verbesina nodi flora L.; Ucacou nodiflorum Hitchc] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bidexs pilosa L. [Coreopsis leucantha L.; B. leucantha Willd.; B. pilosa dubia O. E. Schulz; ? B. pilosa subbiternata Kuntze.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Bidexs cyxapiifolia H.B.K. [B . bipinnata of West, of Eggers and of Millspaugh.] Waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Cosmos caudatus H.B.K. [Bidens Berteriana Spreng.] Grassy fields, banks, and in waste grounds, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Porophyllum Porophyllum (L.) Kuntze. [Cacalia Porophyllum L.; Porophyllum ellipticum Cass.] WTaste grounds, St. Thomas. Pectis humifusa Sw. [P. serpyllifolia Pers.j Stony banks, fields, and hillsides, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pectis lixifolia L. [Pectis punctata Jacq.; Pectidium punctatum Less.] Rocky hillsides, banks and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pectis febrifuga H. van Hall. [P. Swartziana of Borgesen and Paulsen.] Grassy places, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Neurolaexa lobata (L.) R. Br. [Conyza lobata L.] Woodlands, St. Thomas. 100 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Erechthites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. [Senecio hieracifolius L.; E. praealta Raf.; E. hieracifolia cacalioides of Eggers and of Kuntze.] Banks, fields, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. [Cacalia sonchifolia L.; E. sonchi- folia sagittata of Kuntze.] Banks, fields, waste and cultivated grounds, St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. Jan. Emilia sagittata (Vahl) DC. Grown in flower gardens. Chaptalia nutans (L.) Polak. [Tussilago nutans L. ; Leria nutans DC] Woods and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Chrysoganum dichotomum Vahl, of St. Croix, is unknown to me; it is certainly not a Chrysoganum. Helianthus annuus L. Grown in gardens. Chrysanthemum indicum L. [Pyrethrum indicum Cass.] Grown in gardens. Aster chinensis L. Grown in gardens. Tagetes patula L. Grown in gardens. Tithonia tagetiflora Desf. [T. speciosa Hook.l Grown in gardens. Georgina variabilis Willd. Grown in gardens (according to Eggers). Tarchonanthus camphoratus L. Cultivated on St. Croix (ac- cording to Eggers). PINACEAE Thuja orientalis L. Planted for ornament. Juniperus bermudiana L. Planted on St. Croix (according to West). CYCADACEAE Cycas revoluta Thunb. Planted for ornament. PTERIDOPHYTA CYATHEACEAE Cyathea arborea (L.) J. E. Smith. [Polypodium arboreum L.; ? C. Serra of Kuhn.] Forests, high hills, St. Thomas. POLYPODIACEAE Dryopteris patens (Sw.) Kuntze. [Polypodium patens Sw.; Aspidium patens Sw.] Forests, high hills of St. Thomas; St. Croix. Dryopteris oligophylla Maxon. [Polypodium invisum Sw.] St. Thomas (according to Christensen). Dryopteris incisa (Sw.) Kuntze. [Polypodium incisum Sw.] St. Croix (West, according to Eggers). BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 101 Dryopteris Sprengelii (Kaulf.) Kuntze. [Dryoteris Balbisii Urban; Poly podium Balbisii Spreng.] St. Thomas (according to Kuhn). Dryopteris serra (S\v.) Kuntze. [Poly podium serra Sw.; Tectaria incisa Cav.; Dryopteris serra incisa Kuhn.] St. Thomas (according to Kuhn). Dryopteris mollis (J acq.) Hieron. [Aspidium molle Sw.] Forests, Signal Hill, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Millspaugh). Dryopteris tetragoxa (Sw.) Urban. [Poly podium tetragonum Sw.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Dryopteris Poiteana (Bory) Urban. ] Poly podium crenatumSw. , not Forst; Lastrea Poiteana Bory.] St. Thomas and St. Croix (ac- cording to Eggers) ; St. Croix (according to West). Cyclopeltis semicordata (Sw.) J. Smith. [Poly podium semi- cordatum Sw.; Aspidium semicordatum Sw.] Shaded localities, Virgin Islands (according to Eggers). , Gymnopteris nic otiani folia (Sw.) Presl. [Acrostichum nicoti- anum Sw.], attributed by Swartz to St. Thomas, was probably from Porto Rico. Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott. [Poly podium exaltatum L.] Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Cultivated on St. Croix (according to Millspaugh). Nephrolepis rivularis (Vahl) Mett. [Poly podium rivulare Vahl.] St. Thomas (according to Kuhn). Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott. [Aspidium biserratum Sw. ; Aspidium acutum Schk.; Nephrolepis acuta Presl.; Aspidium punctu- latum Sw.] Forests, St. Thomas (according to Eggers) ; St. Croix. Odoxtosoria aculeata (L.) J. Smith. [Adiantum aculeatum L. ; Davallia acideata J. E. Smith.] Pastures on high hills, St. Thomas. Odoxtosoria clavata (L.) J. Smith, is doubtfully attributed to St. Thomas by Fee. Asplexium serratum L. Forests, Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Asplexium pumilum Sw. Forests and wet banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Asplexium abscissum Willd. [A. firmum Kunze.] St. Thomas (according to Grisebach). Blechxum occidextale L. Banks, fields and forests, St. Thomas ; St. Jan; St. Croix. Pityogramma sulphurea (Sw.) Maxon. [Gymnogramme sulphur ea Desv.]. Cultivated in gardens. Pityogramma calomelaxa (L.) Link. [Acrostichum calomelanos L.; Gymnogramme calomelanos Kaulf.; G. calomelanos pumila Eggers.] Banks, hills, walls and thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. 102 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Hemionitis palmata L. Forests, wet banks and rocky thickets, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Doryopteris pedata (L.) Fee. [Pteris pedata L.] Forests and shaded banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Cheilanthes microphylla Sw. [Adiantum microphyllum Sw.] Rocky slopes, St. Thomas; St. Croix (according to West and to Eggers) . Adiantum villosum L. Forests, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Adiantum latifolium Lam. [A. denticulatum Sw.; A. inter- medium.oi Eggers; A. obliquum intermedium of Millspaugh.] Shaded banks, hills of St. Thomas. Adiantum cristatum L. [? A. microphyllum of Eggers.] Hill- sides, St. Thomas. Adiantum tenerum Sw. Shaded banks and ravines on high hills, St. Thomas; St. Jan (according to Eggers); St. Croix. Adiantum fragile Sw. Thickets and walls, St. Thomas; St. Jan ; St. Croix. Adiantum farleyense Moore. Cultivated on St. Croix (.4. foliosum of Millspaugh). Pycnodoria longifolia (L.) Britton. [Pteris longifolia L.] Along rivulets in forests, St. Croix; in a water spout, St. Thomas. Pteris biaurita L. St. Thomas (according to Kuhn). Antrophyum lineatum (Sw.) Kaulf. [Hemionitis lineata Sw.] Forest, St. Peter, St. Thomas (according to Eggers). Paltonium lanceolatum (L.) Presl. [Pteris lanceolata L.; Taenitis lanceolata R. Br.; Heteropteris lanceolata Fee.] On rocks and trees in forests, St. Thomas; all islands (according to Eggers). Polypodium polypodioides (L.) Hitchc. [Acrostichum poly- podioides L.; P. incanum Sw.] On trees, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix (according to Eggers). Phlebodium aureum (L.) J. Sm. [Polypodium aureum L.] On trees and rocks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Phlebodium areolatum (H. & B.). J. Sm. [Polypodium areolatum H. & B.] On trees, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Lepicystis piloselloides (L.) Diels. [Polypodium piloselloides L.] In forests among rocks, Signal Hill, St. Thomas. Phymatodes exiguum (Hew.) Underw. [Polypodium exiguum Hew.; P. serpens Sw., not Forst.; P. Swartzii Baker.] On trees, Bordeaux, St. Jan; St. Croix. Campyloneurum Phyllitidis (L.) Presl. [Polypodium Phyllitidis L.; P. Phyllitidis rep'ens of Eggers.] On rocks and trees in forests, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Campyloneurum latum Moore. Shaded rocks, Bethania, St. Jan. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 103 Acrostichum aureum L. [Chrysodium vulgare Fee.] Borders of marshes, St. Thomas; St. Croix. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Ophioglossum reticulatum L. Grassy places among rocks, Crown, St. Thomas; shaded bank, Bordeaux, St. Jan. LYCOPODIACEAE * Lycopodium cernuum L. Among rocks in higher hills, St. Thomas. PSILOTACEAE Psilotum nudum (L.) Griseb. [Lycopodium nudum L.; P. tri- quetrum Sw.] Shaded places among rocks, Signal Hill, St. Thomas; Bordeaux, St. Jan; Crequis, St. Croix. BRYOPHYTA MUSCI4 Dicranella longirostris (Schwaegr.) Mitten. [Trematodon longirostris Schwaegr.] St. Jan. Leucoloma serrulatum Bridel. [L. Riedlei Besch.] On trees in wet woods, St. Thomas. Octoblepharum albidum (L.) Hedw. [Bryum albidum L.] On roots of Anthurium, near Caret Bay, St. Thomas; St. Croix. Fissidens kegelianus C. Muell. [F. palmatus — of various authors, not Swartz.] On banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Fissidens elegans Bridel. On rocks and earth, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Syrrhopodon flavescens C. Muell. On rotten wood, St. Jan. Calymperes Richardi C. Muell. [C. Breutelii Besch.; C. hexa- gonum Besch.] On rocks and banks, St. Thomas. Hymenostomum Breutelii (C. Muell.) Broth. [Weisia Breutelii C. Muell.; Gymnostomum Breutelii Br. & Sch.] On banks, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Hyophila Tortula (Schwaegr.) Hampe. [Gymnostomum Tortula Schwaegr.] St. Croix. Barbula agraria (Sw.) Hedw. [Bryum agrarium Sw.] On rocks, walls and earth, St. Thomas; St. Jan; St. Croix. Barbula Cruegeri Lond. [Hyophila uliginosa E. G. Britton.] Bethania, St. Jan. Phascum sessile E. G. Britton. On the ground, Cowell Point and Water Island, St. Thomas. 4 Contributed by Elizabeth G. Britton. 104 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Bryum Cruegeri Hampe. Bed of stream, Tutu, St. Thomas. Sterile. Philonotis sphaerocarpa (Sw.) Bridel. [Mnium sphaericarpum Sw.] Moist banks, high hills of St. Thomas. Philonotis tenella (C. Muell.) Jaeger. [Bartramia tenella C. Muell.] Wet banks, St. Jan. Pireella cymbifolia (Sull.) Cardot. [Pilotrichum cymbifolium Sull.] On trees near Bethania, St. Jan. Neckera disticha (Sw.) Hedw. [Fontinalis disticha Sw.] On trees, rarely on rocks, St. Peter, St. Thomas. Neckera jamaicensis (Gmel.) E. G. Britton. [Hypnum jamai- cense Gmel.] On trees, Bethania, St. Jan. Callicostella Belangeriana (Besch.) Jaeger. [Hookeria Bel- angeriana Besch.] On stones, Bordeaux, St. Jan. Stereophyllum leucostegum (Bridel) Mitten. [Leskea leuco- stega Bridel.] On wet or shaded rocks, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Mitten othamnium diminutivum (Hampe) E. G. Britton. [Hyp- num diminutivum Hampe.] On old wood, Bordeaux, St. Jan. Taxithelium planum (Bridel) Mitten. [Hypnum planum Bridel.] Wet rocks, logs and tree-roots, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Sematophyllum admistum (Sull.) Mitten. [Hypnum admistum Sull.] Shaded banks, stones and dead wood, St. Thomas; St. Jan. Haplocladium microphyllum (Sw.) Broth. [Hypnum micro- phyllum Sw.] Shaded bank between Pearl and Bonne Resolution,' St. Thomas. Thuidium cymbifolium (Dz. & Mk.) Br. Jav. Shaded banks, St. Thomas. Dendropogon rufescens Schimp., a Mexican species, has been credited to St. Thomas in Paris, Index, and accepted by Brotherus, but we have seen no specimens. HEPATICAE OF ST. CROIX, ST. JAN, ST. THOMAS AND TORTOLA5 In the Synopsis Hepaticarum of Gottsche, Lindenberg and Nees von Esenbeck, published in 1844-47, three species of Hepaticae are listed from St. Croix, one from St. Jan, and one from St. Thomas. Another species, although listed from St. Kitts, was based in all prob- ability on material from St. Jan. A seventh species has been listed from St. Jan by Stephani. These seven species, which are the only ones so far reported from the islands under discussion, deserve a few words of comment. 5 Contributed by Alexander W. Evans, Yale University. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 105 The first species, Radida pollens (Sw.) Dumort., is said to have been found "in St. Cruris insula," the record being based on a speci- men in the Weber herbarium. This specimen was originally referred to Jungermannia complanata L. (Radula complanata Dumort.) by Weber,6 but the later determination is probably correct. The second species, Lejeunea Montagnei Gottsche, was based on material from the Mascarene Islands and is now regarded as a species of Euosmolejeunea. A specimen from St. Croix is listed in the Synopsis but is very problematical and would probably now be referred to some other species. Since the specimen in question has not been available for study, and since no later references to it are to be found in the literature, its status must be left in doubt. The third species, Lejeunea bethanica Gottsche, is based on material collected by Breutel and is said to have come from "prope Bethaniam in Insula St. Christopheri." Many years later Stephani,7 on the basis of a specimen in the Lindenberg herbarium at Vienna, quoted the species from St. Jan, referring it to the subgenus Cheilo-Lejeunea. Still later he apparently changed his ideas regarding the habitat of the plant, citing it from St. Kitts and redescribing it under the name Cheilolejeunea bethanica Steph.8 In studying the Lejeuneae in the Lindenberg herbarium, the writer found two specimens labeled Lejeunea bethanica, both of which were collected by Breutel at Be- thania, St. Jan. One of these is very fragmentary but is apparently referable to Rectolej eunea phyllobola (Nees & Mont.) Evans; the other, which is the specimen studied by Stephani, is (in the writer's opinion) referable to Lejeunea rather than to Cheilolejeunea. The species was originally described from a specimen in the Gottsche herbarium at Berlin, not available at the present time, and there is therefore a possibility that the actual type may have come from St. Kitts. The evidence, however, is against this view, and it seems permissible to assume that the specimen in the Lindenberg herbarium is identical with the type and that it formed a part of the same collection. Un- fortunately L. bethanica has not again been collected on either St. Jan or St. Kitts. The fourth species, Lejeunea epiphyta Gottsche, was described as "parasitans in Lej. bethanica in Insula St. Johannis prope Bethaniam (Breutel, Hb. G.)." This statement affords further proof that L. bethanica came from St. Jan. According to Stephani9 the specimen of L. epiphyta in the Lindenberg herbarium should be referred to 6 Prodr. Hist. Muse. Hepat. 59. 1815. 7 Hedwigia 29: 86. 1890. 8Sp. Hepat. 5: 652. 1914. 9 Hedwigia 29: 90. 1890. 106 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Lejeunea myriocarpa Nees & Mont., now Cololejeunea myriocarpa Evans. The fifth species, Anthoceros Breutelii Gottsche, was said to have been collected near Friedensthal, St. Croix. This species, in 1858, was transferred by its author10 to the genus No to thy las, where it is still retained. The following year Milde11 showed that the type material of the species did not come from St. Croix but from the Corallberg, St. Jan. There is likewise a specimen from St. Jan in the Mitten herbarium, which is presumably a part of the original collection. The sixth species, Lejeunea linguaefolia Tayl., was found "in Insula St. Thomas (Richard in Hb. Hk. a. 1814)." A specimen of this species in the Lindenberg herbarium is referred by Stephani12 to Brachiolejeunea corticalis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn., and the writer would make the same disposition of a specimen in the Mitten her- barium.13 Recently, however, Stephani has apparently thrown doubt on the propriety of this reduction. In the fifth volume of his Species Hepaticarum (1912), on page 35, he includes L. linguaefolia among the species of Ptychocoleus, citing it as Pt. linguaefolius Steph., and adds that he has been unable to see the plant and that his diagnosis is simply a translation of the original description. On page 127, never- theless, he again quotes L. linguaefolia among the synonyms of B. corticalis. Since Stephani's original reduction was based on the study, of an actual specimen, the writer would regard Pt. linguaefolius as nothing more than an unnecessary synonym. The seventh and last species, Riccia Brejitelii Hampe, is described as new by Stephani in the first volume of his Species Hepaticarum (1898), on page 17, the habitat being given as " Insulae S'Kitts et S. Juan." Dr. Howe informs the writer that there is some question about the identity of the St. Kitts and St. Jan plants and it is there- fore omitted from the following list, pending investigation of authentic material. In February, 1913, a botanical exploration of the islands was carried on under the auspices of the New York Botanical Garden, the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the United States National Museum.14 The Hepaticae collected by the various members of this expedition form the basis for the present report. The specimens from St. Thomas, unless otherwise noted, were collected by Mrs. Elizabeth G. Britton and Miss Delia W. Marble, those from St. Jan 10 Bot. Zeit. 16 (Anhang): 21. 1858. 11 Bot. Zeit. 17: 50. 1859. 12 Hedwigia 29: 22. 1890. 13 See Bull. Torrey Club 35: 164. 1908. 14 See Britton, N. L., Jour. N. V. Bot. Gard. 14: 99. 1913. BRITTOX: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 107 and Tortola by N. L. Britton and J. A. Shafer, and those from St. Croix by J. N. Rose. The report records also two specimens collected by C. H. Ostenfeld in 1914, one on St. Thomas and one on St. Jan. 1. Riccia Brittoxii M. A. Howe.15 St. Thomas: on the ground, Water Island, N. L. Britton, E. G. Britton & J. A. Shafer 148 (a much larger plant than the original). 2. Plagiochila ludovictaxa Sulliv. St. Jan: on wet rocks, Bethania, 360. St. Thomas: on rocks, St. Peter, 1453. 3. Radula pallens (Sw.) Dumort. St. Croix: without definite locality, collector unknown, cited in the Synopsis Hepaticarum. 4. Cololejeuxea myriocarpa (Nees & Mont.) Evans. Lejeunea epiphyta Gottsche. St. Croix: without definite locality. St. Jax: near Bethania, /. C. Breutel. St. Thomas: on rotten wood, near Magin's Bay, 1317. Tortola: on a rock, Road Town to High Bush, 325 m. alt., 786 (a trace only). 5. Lejeuxea bethanica Gottsche. Cheilolejeunea bethanica Steph. St. Jax: near Bethania, /. C. Breutel. 6. Lejeunea glaucescens Gottsche. St. Thomas: on tree roots, Bonne Resolution, 441. 7. Lejeuxea mixutiloba Evans. St. Thomas: St. Peter, 123 1, 1234, 1233; on stones, Crown, 1363 (type). 8. Lejeuxea pililoba Spruce. St. Croix: on bark of a tree, without definite locality. St. Jan: at base of a tree, Rosenberg, 300 m. alt., 306; on a shaded rock, Bordeaux, 350 m. alt., 371. St. Thomas: on ridge north of Charlotte Amalia, 406; Crown, 1363 (a trace only); on rotten wood, St. Peter, 145 1- 9. Microlejeunea laetevirens (Nees & Mont.) Evans. St. Thomas: on Anthurium roots, Pearl to Bonne Resolution, 1340; on fern roots, St. Peter, 1233; on mountain behind Charlotte Amalia, C. H. Ostenfeld 77. Tortola: on a rock, Roadtown to High Bush, 325 m. alt., 786 (in part). 10. Rectolejeunea phyllobola (Nees & Mont.) Evans. St. Jax: near Bethania, J. C. Breutel (specimen in the Lindenberg 15 Determined by Marshall A. Howe. 108 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS herbarium, labeled L. bethanica) ; on Clusia roots, Bethania, 355. St. Thomas: on roots of royal palm, Tutu, 423. Tortola: on a rock, Roadtown to High Bush, 325 m. alt., 786 (in part); shaded rocks, High Bush, 375 m. alt., 815. 11. Euosmolejeunea clausa (Nees & Mont.) Evans. St. Thomas: shaded bank, Pearl to Bonne Resolution, 1339; on the ground, St. Peter, 1455. 12. Euosmolejeunea duriuscula (Nees) Evans. St. Jan: shaded rocks, Bordeaux, 330 m. alt., 570. St. Thomas: on rocks, St. Peter, 1452; on rocks, Crown, 1454. 13. Euosmolejeunea trifaria (Nees) Schiffn. St. Thomas: on rocks, St. Peter, 1252; on a rotten log, Crown, 450 m. alt., 1367. 14. Taxilejeunea obtusangula (Spruce) Evans. St. Jan: on a stone, Bordeaux, 400 m. alt., 582. 15. Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wils. & Hook.) Schiffn. St. Jan: on a tree, Bethania to Rosenberg, 243; on a wet rock, Bethania 356, 362; on loose blocks, Little Cruz Bay, C. H. Ostenfeld 391. St. Thomas: on a rock, St. Peter, 1256; on rocks in ravine below Tutu, 1290. 16. Brachiolejeunea corticalis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. Lejeunea linguaefolia Tayl. Ptychocoleus linguaefolius Steph. St. Thomas: without definite locality, L. C. Richard. 17. Frullania brasiliensis Raddi. St. Jan: on wet rocks. Bethania, 363 (mostly, specimens with- out perianths and therefore somewhat doubtful). 18. Frullania Kunzei Lehm. & Lindenb. St. Jan: on wet rocks, Bethania, 363 (a trace only); on rocks, Bordeaux, 300 m. alt., 550. 19. Frullania squarrosa (R. Bl. & N.) Dumort. St. Thomas: on rocks, ridge north of Charlotte Amalia, 407; on rocks, Bonne Resolution, 440; on rocks, Magin's Bay to Mafolie, 13 13; on rocks, Pearl to Bonne Resolution, 1338; on a stone wall, Crown, 450 m. alt., 1364. 20. Notothylas Breutelii Gottsche. Anthoceros Breutelii Gottsche. St. Jan: Corallberg, /. C. Breutel (type); without definite locality or collector's name (specimen in Mitten herbarium) ; Bordeaux, 528. St. Thomas: on damp earth, Nisky, N. L. Britton, E. G. Britton & BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 109 D. W. Marble 76; hills north of Charlotte Amalia, 40Q; on the ground, Magin's Bay to Mafolie, 1312. 2 1 . Anthoceros punctatus L. St. Thomas: in a mud hole, Crown, 450 m. alt., 1363. REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF ST. THOMAS AND ST. JAN16 The following report is based primarily upon a study of 90 numbers of lichens from St. Thomas and St. Jan Islands; from St. Thomas, 82 numbers collected by Dr. N. L. Britton, Mrs. E. G. Britton, and Miss Delia W. Marble, unless otherwise stated; from St. John, 8 numbers collected by Dr. N. L. Britton and Dr. J. A. Shafer. To these have been added a few species recorded by Nylander in Flora (63: 127. 1880) and two endemic species described by Mueller- Argau. Altogether, we have represented 30 genera with 69 species and varieties, of which three species and one variety are here de- scribed as new. The discussion of the characteristics of the lichen- flora will be confined to that of St. Thomas. There is no peculiar element in the lichen-flora of St. Thomas comparable with the gelatinous rock-lichens of Mona Island (see Annals Missouri Bot. Gard. 2: 35. 1915), or with the crustose and gelatinous rock-lichens of Bermuda (see Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 43: 146-155. 1916). Such rock-lichens as occur on St. Thomas belong to widely distributed groups even where the actual species are more restricted in distribution. In fact the greater part of the lichen- flora is made up of species more or less common throughout the West Indies or even in the tropics of both hemispheres. It is probably safe to say that there are not more than half a dozen endemic species in St. Thomas. Of the three new species described in this paper, two occur elsewhere in the West Indies. The flora is comparatively rich in the variety of crustose bark-lichens, especially in the genera An- thracothecium with 5 species, Arthonia with 8 species, and Opegrapha with 5 species. It is rather surprising that only one Graphis and no Trypethelium should have been collected. On the whole the lichen- flora is rather commonplace. In the following list, stations outside of the Virgin Islands are noted for species, the range of which is limited or not well known. LICHENS OF ST. THOMAS 1. Dermatocarpox hepaticum (Ach.) Th. Fr. On soil, without definite locality, 151. 16 Contributed by Lincoln W. Riddle, Wellesley College. 110 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS 2. Leptoraphis epidermidis (Ach.) Th. Fr. On bark, Bordeaux, 1381. 3. Porina DEsQUAMESCENS Fee. Without data, 1288a. 4. Porina nucula Ach. On Erythrina, St. Peter, 1444b, 1445. 5. Pyrenula leucoplaca (Wallr.) Koerb. On bark, Smith's Bay, 1276a. 6. Anthracothecium Bretjtelii Muell. Arg. Flora 68: 339. 1885. On bark, without definite locality, collected by Breutel. En- demic. 7. Anthracothecium canellae-albae (Fee) Muell. Arg. On Cephalocereus, Smith's Bay, 1274a; on twigs of Guettarda, Crown, 450 m. altit., 1357. South America. 8. Anthracothecium libricolum (Fee) Muell. Arg. On Melicocca, Tutu, 468a; on same, Smith's Bay, 1276, 1282; on Erythrina, St. Peter, 1444. 9. Anthracothecium ochraceoflavum (Nyl.) Muell. Arg. On bark of coconut palm, near Charlotte Amalia, 489; on Trichilia, Tutu, 467. 10. Anthracothecium pyrenuloides (Mont.) Muell. Arg. On bark, without definite locality, collected by Dr. Forel. Recorded by Nylander in Flora 63: 127. 1880. 11. Melanotheca foveolata Muell. Arg. On bark, near Tutu, 1287. Cuba. 12. Parathelium indutum Nyl. On Cephalocereus, Smith's Bay, 1274; on bark, Bordeaux, 1382 in part. Porto Rico, Colombia. 13. Parmentaria astroidea Fee. On bark, Bordeaux, 1382 in part. 14. Arthonia anegadensis Riddle Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 579. 1916. On Bontia, Smith's Bay, 1286. Anegada. 15. Arthonia conferta (Fee) Nyl. On Plumeria, Tutu, 1484. 16. Arthonia gregaria (Weig.) Koerb. On bark, Bordeaux, 1380. 17. Arthonia ochraceella Nyl. On bark of old fallen branch, Crown, 450 m. altit., 1362. Cuba. 18. Arthonia rubella (Fee) Nyl. On Melicocca, Tutu, 468b. 19. Arthonia subrubella Nyl. Collected by Dr. Forel. Recorded by Nylander in Flora 63: 127. 1880. 20. Arthonia.17 On Guilandina, Smith's Bay, 1281 p.p. 21. Arthonia. On Plumeria, Tutu, 463. 22. Arthothelium macrothecum (Fee) Mass. On mango, St. Peter, 1247. 23. Opegrapha acicularis Riddle sp. nov. Thallus epiphloeodes crustaceus effusus determinatus nigrolimitatus, albidus 17 There are included in this paper three species of Arthonia the determination of which it has not been possible to complete in the time at my disposal. L. W. R. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 111 vel albo-cinerascens, tenuis laevis subcontinuus. Apothecia sessilia nuda ad 0.8 mm. lata, primum orbicularia suburceolata, margine crenato, dein orbicularia oblonga vel subdifformia, disco late aperto piano rugoso atrofusco, margine laciniato partim stellato-radiato nitido nigro; epithecio fusco; hymenio incolore, 120-130 n altit.; hypothecio incolore; amphithecio sub lamina deficiente, cetero crasso nigro. Paraphyses firmae crassae ramosae haud connexae. Asci cylindrices, 8-spori. Sporae incolores aciculares rectae vel subflexuosae vel rarius contortae, 20-24- loculares, cellulis cylindricis, 60-100 x 2-3 ju. Fig. 1. Opegrapha acicularis Riddle. Vertical section of apothecium (stippling indicates dark coloration); paraphysis; ascus with two of the eight spores. On bark of Erythroxylon, Punta Aguila, Porto Rico, collected by N. L. Britton, J. F. Cowell, and Stewardson Brown, Feb. 27, 1915, no. 4682 (type!). Also, on Guilandina, Smith's Bay, St. Thomas, 1276a, 1279; and on Coccolobis, Great Harbor Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas, N. L. Britton and C. F. Millspaugh, no. 2545. This is a striking and distinct species belonging to the section Pleurothecium of the genus Opegrapha. Externally it is easily recog- nizable by the marked tendency for the laciniate margin of the apo- thecia to spread out in a stellate manner. The spores resemble those of Lecanactis myriadea (Fee) Zahlbr. and of Opegrapha pleistophrag- moides Nyl. But both of the species named have the black amphi- thecium complete at the base, and the spores are almost twice as thick. 24. Opegrapha agelaea Fee. On Crescentia, Tutu, 462. Cuba, Colombia. 25. Opegrapha atra Pers. On Guilandina, Smith's Bay, 1278a; on Melicocca, Smith's Bay, 1285. 112 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS 26. Opegrapha Bonplandi Fee. On Melicocca, Magen's Bay, 1310; on bark, Mariendahl Road, 1476. 27. Opegrapha vulgata Ach. On Melicocca, Tutu, 468. 28. Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. On bark, Smith's Bay, 1277. 29. Phaeographis inusta (Ach.) Muell. Arg. On Acacia, near Charlotte Amalia, 486; on Guilandina, Smith's Bay, 1278; without locality, 464. 30. Chiodecton (Sect. Enterographa) sp. On Erythrina, St. Peter, H45a. 31. Gyrostomum scyphuliferum (Ach.) Fr. On Plameria, Tutu, 465; on Acacia, near Charlotte Amalia, 487, 494. 32. Bilimbia cuprea Massal. in Lotos (1856) 77. Lecidea cupreorosella Nyl. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb. 5: 122. _ 1857. Biatora cupreorosella Tuck. Syn. N. A. Lich. 2: 34. 1888. On old brick, St. Peter, 1442. Eastern United States, Europe. 33. Bacidia albescens (Arn.) Zwackn. On Erythrina, St. Peter, 1445b. 34. Cladonia pityrea f. squamulifera Wainio. On rocks, slope of Crown, 1440. 35. Leptogium chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl. On bark, Cowell Point, 103, 172; on Pisonia roots, Water Island, 153. 36. Leptogium tremelloides (L. f.) S. F. Gray. On tree-trunk, Crown, 1 36 1. 37. Leptogium tremelloides var. caesium (Ach.) Hue. On rock near Bonne Resolution, 447. 38. Lecanora cinereocarnea (Eschw.) Wainio. Without data, 23a; on Guilandina, Smith's Bay, 128 1. 39. Lecanora granifera Ach. On bark, Mariendahl Road, 1476a. 40. Lecania euthallina Riddle sp. nov. Thallus crustaceus uniformis effusus crassus rimoso-areolatus, areolis 0.2-0.4 mm. latis leviter convexis contiguis, cinereus vel sat pallide fuscescens; hypothallo nullo. Gonidia cystococcoidea. Apothecia 0.6 mm. (0.4-1.0 mm.) lata, numerosa partim caespitosa superficialia sat elevata regularia, disco concavo castaneo vel fusco-nigricante nudo, margine proprio tenue disco concolore, margine thallino integro vel demum crenulato crasso prominente thallo concolore; epithecio fulvo; hymenio et hypothecio incolore. Asci 8-spori. Sporae incolores oblongae bilocu- lares haud placodiomorphae, 10-12 x 4-5 jx. On rock, Tutu, St. Thomas, collected by Dr. N. L. Britton, Mrs. E. G. Britton, and Miss Delia W. Marble, Feb. 8-9, 1913, no. 469 (type!). Lecania euthallina differs from L. erysibe (Ach.) Th. Fr. in the much better developed thallus (whence the specific name), it being compact, BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 113 thicker, and more continuous. Furthermore, the apothecia are more concave, with the persistent thalline margin more conspicuous. 41. Parmelia cetrata f. subisidiosa Muell. Arg. On tree-trunk, Crown, 1441 in part. North Carolina, Florida, Cuba, Jamaica. 42. Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh.) Ach. On rocks, Crown, 450 m. altit., 1358. 43. Parmelia latissima var. cristifera (Taylor) Hue. On tree- trunk, St. Peter, 1249; on twig, Crown, 1441 in part. 44. Parmelia perlata (L.) Ach. On rocks, near Bonne Resolution, 446; on Spondias, Mandal, 131 1. 45. Ramalina complanata (Sw.) Ach. Without data, 1356a. 46. Ramalina gracilis (Pers.) Nyl. On twigs of Guettarda, Crown, 450 m. altit., 1356. 47. Blastema nigrocincta Riddle sp. nov. Thallus crustaceus arete adnatus sat crassus, ambitu subradiato-laciniatus effiguratusque, centro timoso-aieolatus, areolis 0.4-0.8 mm. latis leviter convexa primum contiguis demum hypothallo nigro dispersis, cinereo-albescens dein fumosus aut partim luridus. Apothecia 0.3-0.5 mm. lata, superficialia dispersa vel partim caespitosa nuda, disco piano vel leviter convexa ferrugineo-aurantiaco, margine proprio sat tenue persistente nigro nitido, margine thallino nullo; excipulo externe coeruleo-nigrd interne incolore; epithecio ferrugineo; hymenio incolore; hypothecio pallide fuscescente. Asci 8-spori. Sporae incolores ellipsoideae biloculares placodio- morphae, loculis poro tenue con'fluentibus, 12-14 x 5~6 m- On rock, Tutu, St. Thomas, collected by Mrs. E. G. Britton and Miss Delia W. Marble, Feb. 8-9, 1913, no. 469a (type!). Also, on limestone, Montalva, Porto Rico, N. L. Britton, J. F. Cowell, and Stewardson Brown, March 2-4, 1915, no. 4810. This species is distinct in the contrasting coloration of the black margin and the orange disk of the apothecia, a character which will serve to distinguish it on the one hand from species with similar thalline characters, such as BL Forstroemiana (Fr.) Muell. Arg.; and on the other hand from Bl. ferruginea (Huds.) Koerb., where the disk and margin are concolorous, and from Blastenia peragrata (Fee) Muell. Arg., where the margin is black, but the disk is aeruginous- brown. 48. Caloplaca diplacia (Ach.) Riddle comb. nov. Lecanora Ach. Synop. Lich. 154. 1814. On rock, near Charlotte Amalia, 493, 495, 14^5 m Part- Also recorded by Nylander in Flora 63: 127. 1880. Apparently confined to the West Indies. 49. • Caloplaca murorum (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. On rock, near Charlotte Amalia, 1485 in part. 9 114 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS 50. Caloplaca subsequestra (Nyl.) Riddle comb. nov. Lecanora Nyl. Flora 63: 127. 1880. On rocks, without definite locality, collected by Dr. Forel. En- demic. 51. Buellia discolor (Hepp) Koerb. On rock, Tutu, 469b; with- out definite locality, collected by Dr. Forel, according to Nylander (1. c). Europe. 52. Buellia parasema var. aeruginescens (Nyl.) Muell. Arg. On coconut near Charlotte Amalia, 489a. 53. Buellia prospersa (Nyl.) Riddle comb. nov. Lecidia Nyl. Flora 63 : 127. 1880. On rocks, without definite locality, collected by Dr. Forel. En- demic. 54. Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl. On bark, near Bonne Resolution, 445; on Melicocca, Tutu, 466. 55. Pyxine cocoes var. endoxantha Muell. Arg. On Guilandina, Smith's Bay, 1280; on bark, Mariendahl Road, 1475. 56. Pyxine Meissneri Tuck. On coconut palm, without definite locality, collected by Dr. J. N. Rose, 3198. 57. Physcia alba (Fee) Muell. Arg. On Erythrina, St. Peter, 1443. 58. Physcia caesia (Hoffm.) Nyl. On rocks, without definite local- ity, collected by Dr. Forel. Recorded by Nyl. Flora 63: 127. 1880. 59. Physcia crispa (Pers.) Nyl. On Elaphrium, near Charlotte Amalia, 491; on roots, same locality, 492, 496; on Melicocca, Tutu, 461. 60. Physcia erosula Nyl. Flora 63: 127. 1880. Based on material growing on rocks, St. Thomas, without definite locality, col- lected by Dr. Forel. Doubtfully distinct from the widely distributed Physcia tribacia (Ach.) Tuck. 61. Physcia picta (Sw.) Nyl. On rock, St. Peter, 1260; on coconut palm, collected by Dr. J. N. Rose, 3197. 62. Physcia speciosa (Wulf.) Nyl. On rocks, near Charlotte Amalia, 405; on bark, St. Peter, 1248, 1250. LICHENS OF ST. JAN 1. Pyrenula mamillana (Ach.) Trev. On bark of Icacorea, Bor- deaux, 597. 2. Melanotheca Achaki w \ Fee. On Inga, Bordeaux, 598. Cuba, Venezuela. 3. Mycoporellum ellipticum Muell. Arg. Flora 72: 508. 1889. On bark, without definite locality, collected by Levicr, no. 113. Endemic. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 115 4. Arthonia. On bark, Bordeaux, 577. 5. Arthothelium macrothecum (Fee) Mass. On Icacorea, Bor- deaux, 540. 6. Graphina nitidescens (Nyl.) Riddle comb. nov. Fissurina Nyl. Lich. Japon. 108. 1890. On Nectandra, Bordeaux, 581. Florida, Cuba, Porto Rico. 7. Opegrapha vulgata Ach. On Maytenus, Little St. James Island, N. L. Britton & J. N. Rose, 1405. 8. Leptogium marginellum var. isidiosellum Riddle var. nov. Thallus isidiis tenuibus dense tectus; ceterus ut in forma typica apothecia nulla. On wet rock, road to Rosenberg, N. L. Britton & J. A. Shafer, Feb. 5-7, 1913, no. 276 (type!). The fringed apothecia being such a characteristic feature of Leptogium marginellum, it is only after some hesitation that this material has been placed here. The texture and the wrinkling of the thallus is in exact agreement, however, with typical specimens. And the relation of this variety to the species is strictly comparable with the conditions in L. trcmelloides, abundantly fruiting in the tropics, and its variety caesium, with isidia but very rarely fruiting; and with L. phyllocarpum and its variety isidiosellum. 9. Parmelia tinctorum Despr. On tree-trunk, Bordeaux, 567. The following lichens are recorded in " Le Vegetation des Antilles Danoises" by F. BoYgesen & Ove Paulsen in Revue Generate de Botanique 12: 507, 508. 1900. Sticta Weigelii (Ach.) Wainio. St. Croix; St. Thomas. Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. St. Croix. Lecidea buelliana Muell. Arg. St. Croix. Pertusaria Wulfenii (DC.) Fr. St. Croix. Parmelia perlata (L.) Ach. St. Thomas; St. Jan. Parmelia tinctorum Despr. [P. coralloides Mey. et Flot.] St. Croix. Physcia integrata Nyl. St. Jan. Rinodina sp. St. Croix. Verrucaria sp. St. Croix. Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach. St. Croix. Schizoxylon sp. St. Thomas. Fungi During our exploration of St. Thomas and St. Jan in 1913, about 25 species of fungi were obtained, and Dr. Rose collected four others on St. Croix; manuscript record has been made of these. Twenty species collected by Mr. Ricksecker on St. Croix are 116 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS listed by Dr. Millspaugh in his "Flora of the Island of St. Croix," as determined by J. B. Ellis and F. D. Kelsey.18 Thirty-one species brought by various collectors to Copenhagen, determined by E. Rostrop, are recorded by BjzSrgesen and Paulsen in their "Vegetation des Antilles Danoises." Seven species, collected on St. Thomas during the voyage of the "Challenger," are listed by M. J. Berkeley in Journal of the Linnean Society 14: 352. These records duplicate each other considerably, indicating a known fungus flora of somewhat over fifty species only. Inasmuch as there must be several hundred species on the islands, a list of fungi is deferred for further mycological field work. Algae19 "The Marine Algae of the Danish West Indies" is the title of a work, now appearing in parts, in which Dr. F. BpTgesen, of Copen- hagen, is carefully describing and adequately illustrating the seaweeds of these islands. His adoption of the English language in this work makes it immediately serviceable to American students. Volume 1, including the Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) and Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae), was published in 1913 and 1914, and, at the date of writing, the first 240 pages of Volume 2, dealing with the Rhodophyceae (Red Algae) have appeared. Other papers of importance, dealing with the algae of the Danish West Indies, are the following: Borgesen, F. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Marine Alga Vegetation on the Coasts of the Danish West Indian Islands. Bot. Tidssk. 23: 49-57. Figs. 1-4. 1900. ■ Et Bidrag til Kundskaben oni Algevegetationen ved Kysterne af Dansk Vestindien. Bot. Tidssk. 23: 58-60. 1900. [An abstract, in Danish, of the foregoing article.] Contributions a la connaissance du genre Siphonocladus Schmitz. Overs. K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1905:259-291. Figs. 1-13. 1905. An Ecological and Systematic Account of the Caulerpas of the Danish West Indies. K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII. 4: 337-392. Figs. 1-3 1. 1907. The Dasycladaceae of the Danish West Indies. Bot. Tidsskr. 28: 271-283. Figs. 1-9. 22 My 1908. The Species of Avrainvillea Hitherto Found on the Shores of the Danish West Indies. Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. K0benhavn 1908: 27-44. pi- 33- Je 1908. Some New or Little-known West Indian Florideae. Bot. Tidssk. 30: 1-19. pis. 1, 2, Figs. 1— 1 1. 23 O 1909; II. Bot. Tidssk. 30: 177-207. Figs. 1-20. 9 D 1910. Some Chlorophyceae from the Danish West Indies. Bot. Tidssk. 31: 127- 152. Figs. 1-13. 191 1 ; II. Bot. Tidssk. 32: 241-273. Figs. 1- 17. 1912. 18 The new species were described in Bull. Torr. Club 24: 207-209. 1897. 19 Contributed by Dr. Marshall A. Howe. BRITTON: FLORA OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 117 The Algal Vegetation of the Lagoons in the Danish West Indies. Biol. Arbejd. tilegn. Eug. Warming. 41-45. Figs. 1-9. 191 1. Two Crustaceous Brown Algae from the Danish West Indies. Nuova Notar- isia23: 123-129. Figs. 1-3. 1912. The Species of Sargassum Found along the Coasts of the Danish West Indies, with Remarks upon the Floating Forms of the Sargasso Sea. 1-20. Figs. 1-8. 1914. [No. 32 of a Mindeskrift for Japetus Steenstrup.] Cleve, Peter Theodor. Diatoms from the West Indian Archipelago. [Virgin Islands and St. Bartholomew.] Bih. Svens. Vet. Akad. Hand!. 58: 1-22 pi. 1-5. 1878. Annot. list. Dickie, George. Marine Algae Collected at St. Thomas during the Expedition of H. M. S. "Challenger." Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14: 312-313. 17 O 1874. List. Millspaugh, C. F. Flora of the Island cf St. Croix. 'Field Col. Mus. Bot. 1: 441- 546. 1902. On pp. 467, 468 is a list of 17 species of marine algae, deter- mined by Professor W. G. Furlow. Vahl, M. Endeel Kryptogamiske Planter fra St. Croix. Skrivt. Naturh. Selsk. 52: 29-47. 1802. ENDEMIC SPECIES The approximate number of species native to the islands as re- corded, excluding fungi and algae, is 1,052, as follows: Spermatophyta 890 Pteridophyta 41 Bryophyta 46 Lichenes 75 1,052 The numbers of Spermatophyta and Pteridophyta are not likely to be increased by further exploration, but there are probably some more Bryophyta and many more lichens to be obtained. As we know the flora at the present time, the following 27 species are endemic, at least to the Virgin Island group as a whole. Valota Eggersii (Hack.) Hitchc. & Chase Agave Eggersiana Trelease Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A. Dietr. Pilea Richardi Urban Coccolobis Klotzchiana Meissn. Zanthoxylum thomasianum Krug & Urban Galactia Eggersii Urban Malpighia pollens Small Malpighia infestissima (Juss.) Rich. Maytenus cymosa Krug & Urban Reynosia Guama Urban Sida Eggersii E. G. Baker Psidinm amplexicaule Pers. Calyptranthes thomasiana Berg. 118 BROOKLYN BOTANIC GARDEN MEMOIRS Eugenia sessiliflora Vahl Chrysophyllum Eggersii Pierre Forestiera Eggersiana Krug & Urban Salvia thomasiana Urban Phy salts Eggersii O. E. Schulz Solanum conocarpum L. C. Rich. Wedelia cruciana L. C. Rich. Phascum sessile E. G. Britton Anthracothecium Breutelii Muell. Arg. Lecania euthallina Riddle Caloplaca subsequestra (Nyl.) Riddle Buellia prospersa (Nyl.) Riddle Mycoporellum ellipticum Muell. Arg. The endemic elements are, then, only about 2.6 percent, of the native flora. A few other species are almost endemic, being otherwise known only on Porto Rico or on some other neighboring island. There are a few endemic species known on Tortola, and one on Anagada, but if the native species of these two islands, additional to those of St. Thomas, St. Jan and St. Croix, were taken into account, the percentage of endemism would not be increased. Porto Rico, with a very much greater area and much higher moun- tains, has about 13 percent of its species of Spermatophyta and Pteri- dophyta endemic. PUBLICATIONS OF The New York Botanical Garden Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, monthly, illustrated, con- taining notes, news, and non-technical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, 10 cents a copy ; {i.oo a year. [Not offered in ex- change.] Now in its nineteenth volume. Mycologia, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi; including lichens; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in- terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. $3.00 a year; single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its tenth volume. Addisonia, quarterly, devoted exclusively to colored plates accompanied by popular descriptions of flowering plants; ten plates in each number, forty in each volume. Subscription price, #10.00 a year. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its third volume. Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden, containing the annual reports of the Director-in-Chief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, #3.00 per volume. Now in its ninth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North America, including Greenland, the West Indies, and Central America. Planned to be com- pleted in 34 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Each volume to consist of four or more parte. Subscription price, #1.50 per part; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for #2.00 each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part I, 1910. Nectriaceae — Fimetariaceae. Vol. 7, part I, 1906; part 2, 1907 ; part 3, 191 2. Ustilaginaceae — Aecidiaceae 'pars). (Part 1 no longer sold separately.) Vol. 9 (now complete), parts I and 2, 1907; part 3, 1910; part 4, 1915; parts 5, 6, and 7, 1916. Polyporaceae — Agaricaceae (pars). (Parts 1 and 2 no longer sold separately. ) Vol. 10, part I, 1914; parts 2 and 3, 1917. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts I and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Ophioglossaceae — Cyatheaceae (pars). Vol. 17, part I, 1909; part 2, I9i2;part3, 1915. Typhaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 21, part I, 1916; part 2, 1917; part 3, 1918. Chenopodiaceae — Allionaceae. Vol. 22, parts I and 2, 1905; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part 5, 1913. Podostemona- ceae — Rosaceae (pars). ~Vol. 25, part 1, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 191 1. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part 1, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol. 34, part I, 1914; part 2, 1915; part 3, 19 16. Carduaceae — Anthemideae^ Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. Price to members of the Garden, $1.00 per volume. To others, $2.00. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg. ix +492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development, by D. T. MacDougal. xvi -+- 320 pp., with 176 figures. 1903. Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by A. Hollick and E. C. Jeffrey, viii -)- 138 pp., with 29 plates. 1909. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager. viii -|- 278 pp., with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Vol. V. Flora of the Vicinity of New York: A Contribution to Plant Geography by Norman Taylor, vi 4- 683 pp., with 9 plates. 1915. Vol. VI. Papers presented at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the New York Botanical Garden, viii 4- 592 pp., with 43 plates and many text figures. 1916. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden. A series of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals Dther than the above. Price, 25 cents each. $5.00 per volume. In the ninth volume. New York Botanical Garden bronx park, new york city New York Botanical Garden Library II III) 3 5185 00252 1506 MACKENZIE 58^1 5s h r WITHDRAWN FROM HSjW LIBRARY LIBRARY OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF N. I NEW YORK I 1 28V &X M~ J> ^