wmm^^^^tm^rmmt^mmmmi^ TliE CONSTITUTION AND B^-LAWS 'f ^^\\\ ^rkr Scientific |fj.'iociation THE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE /printed Irij ^xC^tx of tbe ^^siaciatiou. ANN ARBOR: COURIER STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 1876. 1^4 As 5 rfiCnstitntion ami l!Bg-||iiiV§. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. This Association shall be called the Ann Arbor Scientific Association. ART. II. MEMBERSHIP. All persons interested in any of the sciences, pure or ap- plied, shall be deemed eligible to membership. ART. III. OFFICERS. The ofificers of this Association shall be a President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Board of Censors. ART. IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The duties of the officers of this Association shall be as laid down in the By-laws. ART. V. ADOPTION OF BY-LAWS. This Association shall have full power to adopt such By- laws as from time to time may be deemed necessary, by a major- ity vote of the members of the association. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. Section i. This Association shall meet on the evening of the first Saturday of each month. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President cr> at his discretion, or on the written request of three members, — ^ due notice to be given as the President may direct. 7s2 CM ^ Constitution and Q^y=Laws. Sec. 3. Quorum. Three members sliall constitute a (]uo- rum for business at any regular meeting. ART. II. MEMBERSHIP. Section i. AppHcation for membership sliall l)e made in writing, accompanied by a recommendation of at least one , member of the Association, stating his or her residence and pro- fession or occupation. Such application sliall be referred to the Board of Censors, who shall, as soon as practicable, re])ort thereon, either for or against the applicant. Sec. 2. If the Board of Censors report favorably on any applicant, a two-thirds vote of all the members present at any regular meeting shall be necessary to election. Sec. 3. If the Board of Censors report unfavorably, a two-thirds vote of all the members shall be necessary to elec- tion. ART. III. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section i. Duties of Pi-esident. The President shall pre- side at the meetings of the Association, when present, and shall perform such other duties as usually devolve on the presiding officer in deliberative assemblies. Sec. 2. Duties of Vice-President. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside, and perform such duties as pertain to the office of President. Sec. 3. In the absence of both President and Vice-Presi- dent, the Association shall elect a President//-^ tempore.. Sec. 4. Duties of Secretary. Clause i. The Secretary shall keep, in a book provided for the purpose, the Constitu- tion, By-laws, Rules and Regulations of this Association, ar- ranged for easy reference. Clause 2. He shall also keep, in a book provided for the purpose, a correct record of the business transactions of this Association, and as full an abstract as possible of all papers, re- ports or discussions on scientific subjects. Clause 3. He shall conduct the correspondence of the As- sociation, and shall keep a file of all addresses, essays and other l)apers not otherwise provided for. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. ^ Sec. 5. Duties of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and safely keep all money due the Association. He shall take possession of and hold all personal property belonging to this Association which is not otherwise provided for He shall keep a correct account of the same in a book provided for the pur- pose. He shall pay out money only on the order of the Secre- tary countersigned by the President. At the expiration of his term of office he shall make a full and correct report to the Association of the transactions of his office, and sliall deliver up to his successor all property and papers of the Association in his hands. If required, he shall give bonds for the faithful performance of his duty, in such sum and with such security as the Associa- tion shall deem proper. Sec. 6. Duties of the Board of Censors. The Board of Censors shall examine all applications for admission, and report on the same to the Association. It shall also be their duty to recommend to the President for appointment some member or members of the Association to read a paper on a volunteer subject or make a report on some selected subject, — one such paper, at least, to be read at each regular meeting. Provided, however, that nothing contained in this article shall be so construed as to prevent such paper or re- port being presented orally, and a synopsis of it presented in writing. The appointments shall be announced by the President two meetings in advance. ART. IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. , Section i. The officers of this Association shall.be elected annually by ballot, and, except the Board of Censors, shall serve one year, or until their successors shall be elected. Sec. 2. There shall be elected annually one member of the Board of Censors to serve three years, or until his or her suc- cessor is elected. In addition there shall be elected at a meeting in April, 1875, ^"^ member of said Board to serve two years, and one for the term of one year. 6 ConstitiAtion and ^y=Laws. ART. V. FEES AND DUES. The admission fee to this Association shall be t7uo dollars, and the annual dues one dollar, payable annually in advance. ART. VI. PENALTIES. Any member in arrears more than one year for dues is thereby suspended without action on the part of the Association. If in arrears for more than three years, his name shall be stricken from the roll of membership. ART. VII. DISCUSSIONS, ETC. Section i. Each member is requested to report to the Association at any meeting any fact or discovery of interest in the science in which he is most interested ; and to present for the examination of the Association any specimen, instrument or other object of special interest in such science. Sec. 2. All papers presented to the Association shall be its property, to dispose of as it deems proper. ART. VIII. AMENDMENTS. Any proposed amendment to these By-Laws shall be offered in writing one month previous to action being taken thereon. Two-thirds of the members present at such regular meeting shall constitute a majority to decide on such amendment. Any one or more of these By-Laws may be temporarily sus- pended by a majority of the members present. AMENDMENTS. ART. IX. HONORARY AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Section i. Any person prominent in science may be elected an Honorary Member by a unanimous vote at any regu- lar meeting. Any person in the active pursuit of science may be elected a Corresponding Member by a two-thirds vote of all members present at any regular meeting. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. Resident members on removal from Ann Arbor or vicinity become Corresponding Members without action of the Associa- tion. Sec. 2. No dues or other fees are required from Honorary or Corresponding Members. Any communication from Corresponding Members will be referred to the Board of Censors, who shall report on it favora- bly before it is presented to the Association. ART. X. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Calling to Order. Reading Minutes of last Meeting. Applications for Membership received and referred. Unfinished Business. New Business. Reports of Officers and Committees. Balloting for Membership. Papers and Discussions. Reports and Display of Specimens and Apparatus. Adjournment. Y^ ^VITH THE DATE OF THEIR ELECTION. Miss E. C. Alluieudinger May 1, 1875. President J. B, Angell, LL. D May 1, 1875. Charles E. Beecber June 5, 1875. Prof. W. W. Beman June 5, 1875. Henry D. Bennett March 4, 187(i. W. R. Birdsall Nov. 6, 1875. Rev. C. H. Brighani June 5, 1875. Rev. F. T. Brown, D. D Nov. 6, 1875. Miss Lucy A. Chittenden Nov. 6, 1875. Prof. J. A. Church May 1, 1875. Prof. H.N. Chute April 17, 1875. Miss Mary H. Clark* April 17, 1875. Rev. Benj. F. Cocker, D. D., LL. D April 17, 1875. R. W. Corwin April 17, 1875. Miss Kate Crane, Ph. C April 17, 1875. Mrs. Sallie A. Crane Nov. 6, 1875. Prof. J. B. Davis, C. E April 17, 1875. Miss Mary C. Douglas ^--June 5, 1875. Prof. Silas H. Douglas, M. D May 1, 1875. Samuel T. Douglas, Ph. C May 1, 1875. Prof. E. S. Dunster, M. D Nov. 6, 1875. Miss A. E. P. Eastman . May 1, 1875. Ottmar Eberbach, April 17, 1875. Mrs. B. C. Farrand Oct. 2, 1875. Prof. C. L. Ford, M. D Oct. 2, 1875. Mrs. M. E. Foster June 5, 1875. C. George, M. D May 1, 1875. Prof. C. E. Greene, C. E May 1, 1875. G. G. Groff- April 17, 1875. Israel Hall Aug. 7, 1875. Chas. N. B. Hall Oct. 2, 1875. • Deceased. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. a y George Haller May 1, 1875. W. D. Harriiiian May 1, 187o. Prof. M. W. Harrington April 10, 187"). D. C. Hauxhurst, D. D. S Nov. 6, 1875. W. J. Hcrdman, M. D Nov. 6, 1875. W. H. Jackson, D. D. S April 10, 1875. O. C. Johnson April 10, 1875. C. J. Kintner May 1, 1875. Prof. J. AV. Langley Oct. 2, 1875. L. S. Lerch ---May 1, 1875. Miss E. C. Merriam June 5, 1875. Prof. John W. Morgan, M. D - Nov. 6, 1875. Prof. B. E. Nichols Nov. 6, 1875. Prof. W. S. Perry Nov. 6, 1875. Prof. W. H. Pettee Oct. 2, 1875. Prof. A. B. Prescott, M. D April 10, 1875. Miss Louisa M. Reed June 5, 1875. Henry W. Rogers Aug. 7, 1875. Chas. Rominger, M. D Nov. (5, 1875. Prof. P. B. Rose, M. D April 10, 1875. Miss C. A. Sager June 5, 1875. J.Austin Scott April 1, 1875. Ezra C. Seaman June 5, 1875. Wm. H. Smith Feb. 5, 1876. Volney M. Spalding Nov. 6, 1875. Prof. J. B. Steere, Ph. D Feb. 5, 1876. J. Taft, D. D. S Oct. 2, 1875. Prof. A. Ten Brook June 5, 1875. Charles Tripp Jan. 8, 1876. V. C. Vaughan April 10, 1875. Miss Kate Watson Aug. 7,1875. A. B. Wood Jan. 8, 1876. P. D. Woodruff- Mav 1, 1875. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Prof. G. B. Merriman J-Albion, Mich, G. W. Stone Albion, Mich. iPi^oGEiBiDinsros ^rietitifi.^ ^H^0ctafi0t|* Saturday Evening, March 20, 1875. Four persons met informally in Prof. Harrington's room, at the University, for the purpose of consultation with regard to the practicability of forming a scientific association or society. After freely exchanging views with each other in regard to the desirability of such a society and the possibility of a failure, it was moved and carried that a committee of three, consisting of Prof. M. W. Harrington, Drs. W. H. Jackson and P. B. Rose, be appointed to confer with such persons as it might be thought were interested in such a society, and to report at a fu- ture meeting; also to report a plan of organization of such society if deemed practicable. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the committee. Saturday Evening, April 10, 187o. A meeting was called by order of the committee appointed at the meeting of March 20th. Present, seven persons. The meeting was called to order by Prof. Harrington, chair- man of the committee. The committee reported as follows: That, from consulta- tion with a number of persons, it was thought not only practica- ble but desirable that a Scientific Society should be formed in Ann Arbor Scientific Association. n Ann Arbor. The committee also reported a plan of organiza- tion, by submitting a draft of a Constitution and By-Laws. The report of the committee was accepted, and on motion the Constitution and By-Laws were taken up article by article and adopted, as follows: (See Constitution and By-Laws.) Owing to the small number present, it was thought best to adjourn for one week, before completing the organization and the election of officers. It was therefore moved and supported that when the Association adjourns, it be for one week ; and that a committee of two be ai>pointed by the chair, on the nomina- tion of officers. The motions were carried. The chair then appointed P. B. Rose and W. H. Jackson such committee, after which the meeting adjourned to meet in one week. .Saturday Evening, April 17, 1875. The meeting was called to order, eleven persons present. The business in order was the report of the Conmiittee on Nominations. The chairman, P. B. Rose, reported as follows: President — Dr. B. F. C'ofker. Vice-Preiiident—\)r. A. B. Prescott. fiect-etary — Prof. Merriinau. Treaaurer — Dr. Jacksc »n . Board of C'?n^ors — Three years, Prof. M. W. Harrington; for two years, Miss Mary H. Clark; for one year. Prof. H. N. Cluite. On motion the report was accepted and the committee dis- charged. The Association then proceeded with the election of offi- cers by ballot, with the following result, Prof. Merriman having resigned the nonunation of Secretary : PreHidnnt— Dr. B. F. Cocker. Vice-President — Dr. A. B. Prescott. Secretary — Dr. P. B. Rose. Trensurer~Dv. W. H. Jackson. Board of Censors— IXwea years, Prof. Harrington ; two years, Miss Clark ; one year. Prof. Chute. 12 (Proceedings of the The President elect was then conducted to the chair, and addressed the Association with a few well-timed remarks, as follows : That he appreciated the honor of election. Though de- voted especially to metaphysical studies, he was in fullest sympa- thy with inductive science. The distinct observation and clear statement of a new fact in nature was a contribution to the understanding of the universe. Scientific truth is preeminently vitalizing to the mind. The best intellectual culture is scientific culture. He hoped they would not be content with mere organi- zation. We are associated for work, for research. Let each feel the responsibility for success. Let each do his or her part, and let us not leave to this or the other person what we ought to do ourselves. Every member must be an active member. The failure of a Scientific Association in this university town, would be a disgrace, and he should be sorry to be known as a member of the failing concern. No further business appearing, the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. May 1st, 1875. The Association met and was called to order at 7^4 p. .m., Dr. Cocker, President, in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. The following applications for membership were received and referred to the Board of Censors : President J. B. Angell, Prof. C. E. Greene, Prof. S. H. Douglas, Miss Kate Crane, Miss E. C. Allmendinger, Dr. A, Sager, Prof. J. A. Church, Miss A. E. P. Eastman, Geo. Haller, L. S. Lerch, W. D. Harriman, P. D. Woodruff, C. J. Kintner, S. T. Douglas, and Dr. C. George. The Board of Censors having reported favorabl}- on the above applications for membership, they were duly balloted for and declared unanimously elected. J.nn Arbor Scientific Association. ^j The Secretary presented a bill for books and circulars for his office amounting to $9.05, which was referred to the Board of Censors. Prof. Harrington was here introduced, and read a paper on the "Elevation of the Earth's Crust in Arctic Regions." (See Appendix A.) A discussion of the facts presented and the results following them was participated in by the President, Dr. Cocker, and by Profs. Church, Davis, Greene, and Chute. The Association then adjourned to the lecture-room of the Medical building, where Prof. Douglas exhibited the working of a new Magneto-Electric machine, known as the " Ladd Ma- chine," the only one of the size in this country. After the conclusion of the experiment, the Association ad- journed. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. June oth, 187-5. The Association met and was called to order at 754 p. m.. Dr. Cocker, President, in the chair. The following applications for membership were received : Profs. W. W. Beman and C. N. Jones, Miss L. M. Reed, Miss E. C. Merriam, Miss C. A. Sager, Dr. H. S. Cheever, Rev. C. H. Brigham, Profs. M. C. Tyler and A. Ten Brook, E. C. Sea- man, Oscar Tucker, Miss Mary E. Douglas, Bryant Walker, Charles E. Beecher, Mrs. Mary E.Foster, and William H.Dopp. The same were referred to the Board of Censors, who re- ported favorably, and on ballot they were declared legally elected. The Board of Censors reported favorably on the bill of P. B. Rose, referred to them at the last meeting, and recommended its allowance and payment. 14 Proceedings of the Tlie report was accepted, and on motion a warrant was or- dered drawn on the Treasurer for the amount of $9.05. On motion a warrant Avas ordered drawn on the Treasurer for $2.50 for the bill of Fiske & Douglas. It was then moved and supported that hereafter and until further notice, the time of meeting of the Association be changed to 8 P. M. Carried. Prof. Harrington, in behalf of Bryant Walker and Charles E. Beecher, presented a paper comprising a list of the land and fresh-water shells found within a circuit of four miles about Ann Arbor, and collected by them. (See Appendix B. ) On motion, Messrs. Walker and Beecher were made a com- mittee to make any additions and changes in the list which future observations should make necessary. On motion. Miss Mary H. Clark and Miss E. C. Allmen- dinger were made a committee to make out a list of plants found growing within a radius of four miles of Ann Arbor. Mr. R. W. Corwin was appointed a committee to make a list of all vertebrates, except fishes, found within the same radius. Dr. W. H. Jackson was now introduced, and read a very interesting paper on "Hypertrophic Cement," illustrated by microscopic specimens and diagrams. He spoke first of the causes of hypertrophy in general, and then of hypertrophic ce- ment under two heads : First. The primary causes, — such as inflammation of the periosteum, death of the pulp, abnormal secretions of the mouth producing irritation of the gums or of the sentient terminal nerves in the dentine, irritation of the periosteum-dentine from undue i)ressure. Second. He spoke of its histological structure and form as cap-shaped, laminated, modulated and penetrating. There is no time of life between the formation of the tem- porary teeth and that of old age that is exempt from this hyper- Ann Arbor Scientific Association. ^ 75 trophy. He referred to the fact that most histologists figure the cement as containing bone-corpuscles : and then stated that, from frequent and repeated observation ot various specimens, he had concluded that true cement is nearly, if not entirely, desti- tute of what are called bone-corpuscles, and that the so-called bone-corpuscles found in cement are but the corpuscles which were developed when the cement-organ was in a state favorable to hypertrophy. In hypertrophic cement, it is true, these corpuscles are very numerous, having broad, flattened bases, resting upon the exter- nal surfaces of the lamina, with canaliculi extending towards the periphery of the tooth. They vary much in size, and sometimes several are joined together. He considered them simply masses of periosteal tissue which have become enveloped within the rapidly growing cement. There are occasional specimens when the hypertrophy is ho- mogeneous. The corpuscles in such cases somewhat resemble bone- corpuscles. In these cases there are also present distinct tubuli, running parallel to each other with undulating or tortuous courses, somewhat resembling the dental tubules, but larger. These are not found in true cement. Again, that which is called the ce- ment or bone-corpuscle is not necessary to the physiological structure of true cement, and, when found, is the result of a pathological condition of the part at the time of its formation ; and, therefore, the presence of hypertrophic cement shows a pathological condition of the part, although the disturbance may not have been material. A discussion of the facts set forth was engaged in by Profs. Prescott, Harrington, and Dr. Jackson. Prof. Harrington re- marked that the shape of the corpuscles as described by Dr. Jackson was much like many seen in the bones of the ox and horse. He also said that many authors state that the bone-cor- puscle is a hollow, hard structure which will be left behind after Proceedings of the t3- the bone has been dissolved away, and asked the essayist if he had observed such a fact in the cement. Dr. Jackson replied that he had never tried the experiment. By a vote of the Association, Mr. L. V. Fletcher was re- quested to read a paper on Indian Mounds of Genesee county, Michigan. (See Appendix C. ) A discussion of the paper here followed. On motion, Mr. Fletcher was requested to furnish the Asso- ciation with a copy of his paper. (Many of the specimens described by Mr. Fletcher are deposited in the Museum of the University.) Prof. Merriman called the attention of the Association to the report of the committee appointed by the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg to examine the merits of a new method of pro- curing the electric light. The committee, through its chairman, Mr. Wilde, reported so favorably that the Academy had awarded a medal to the inventor. The novel feature of the method con- sists in hermetically inclosing a slender rod of carbon in a glass cylinder from which oxygen is excluded, thus rendering combus- tion impossible. The carbon is thus made part of the electric circuit, and by its resistance becomes intensely incandescent, giving out a regular, uniform light without waste of carbon. The flicker and irregularity of the light, as commonly produced be- tween two carbon points in air, which constitute a great objection to its use, are thus obviated. Prof. Merriman was announced to read a paper on " Par- helia " at the August meeting. On motion, the .Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. July 3d, 1875. The Association was called to order at 8 p. m., Dr. A. B. Prescott, Vice-President, in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. The death of Miss Mary H, Clark, a member of the Board of Censors of this Association, was announced by the chair with appropriate remarks. On motion of Prof. Harrington a committee of three were appointed by the chair to draft appropriate resolutions. Profs. Harrington, Merriman, and Rose were appointed such committee, who reported the following, which were adopted : IN MEMORIAM. At a meeting of the Ann Arbor Scientific Association, lield Saturday evening, July 3d, the following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, By the interposition of Providence, one of our number has been removed by death from among us. Miss Mary H. Clark ; therefore Resolved, That in her decease we have lost a valued mem.ber, one who took much interest in the founding of this Association, and who, by her scientific acquirements, her advice, and her hearty support, has contributed to its success. Resolved, That we recognize in her removal a great loss to society, of which she was an esteemed member; to science, in which slie always pre- served a lively and intense interest; to the poor, who had learned to love her for her unremitting efforts in their behalf; and to the cause of education, in the pursuit of which she has spent forty years of unremitted labor. Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to her family and friends. M. W. HARRINGTON, G. B. MERRIMAN, P. B. ROSE. On motion, the Secretary was instructed to have a sufficient number of copies printed, and to present the same to the friends of the deceased. 2 28 (Proceedings of the On motion, Prof. Harrington was appointed a committee of one to procure the blanks required by the Association. I'he death of Miss Clark having caused a vacancy in the Board of Censors, on motion the Association proceeded to an election to fill such vacancy, which resulted in the election of Miss C. A. Sager for the unexpired balance of the two years. The Secretary presented the bill of R. A. Beal for printing, amounting to $1.50, and also one from J. Moore for envelopes, amounting to $1.00. The bills were referred to the Board of Censors, who reported favorably on them, and recommended their allowance and payment. The report was received, and on motion adopted, and a warrant ordered drawn for the amounts. The order of papers and discussions having been reached, Prof. Prescott read a paper on " The Aromatic Group of Organic Compounds; Their Significance in the Chemistry of Plants." (See Appendix D.) A discussion of the facts presented by the paper followed. Dr. Prescott reported to the Association the results of the analysis of four samples of Ann Arbor milk, as follows : Milkman. Specific grav. Total solids. Solids not fat. Fat. 1. Van Giessen 1.0259 1.0300 1.0280 1.0290 13.24 10.000 13.71 10.327 ll.,S9 10.120 13.41 10.109 3.24 3.;w 3. Green _ 1.77 3.30 Signed, N. G. O. COAD. May, 1875. This table shows that while each contained the proper amount of solids not fat, sample No. 3 was deficient in fat or cream, leaving us to conclude that it was largely made up of skimmed milk. On motion, the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. ig August 7th, 1875, The Association met at the usual time and place, Dr. Pres- cott, Vice-President, in the chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and ap- proved. The names of the following persons were received for mem- bership and referred to the Board of Censors : Israel Hall, Henrj' W. Rogers, Miss Kate Hale, Mrs. E. D. Kinne, Miss Kate Watson. Prof. Merriman was here introduced, and read a paper on '•'■ Halos and Parhelia,'''' of which the abstract follows : The most usual forms presented by these phenomena are the following : 1. A colored circle or halo around the sun at a distance from it of 22°, and 2° to 3° in width, quite similar to a rainbow with the order of the colors reversed. 2. A second and similar circle about the first, at a distance of 46° from the sun. 3. An incomplete circle or inverted arc, also colored, tan- gent to the second halo at its highest point. 4. Two arcs tangent to the lower half of the second halo, and equally distant from its lowest point. 5. Short inverted arcs at the top and bottom of the inner halo. 6. A white band of light passing through the sun, parallel to the horizon, and not unfrequently extending quite around it. 7. Luminous spots, called parhelia., or, more commonly, "mock suns," where the horizontal band crosses the first halo, and sometimes, also, at other points on this band. The same phenomena, but less brilliant, appear also about the moon. 20 Proceedings of the The conditions necessary for these phenomena are : ist, the presence of minute uniform crystals of frozen vapor in the higher strata of the air, forming a light cirrus cloud over the sun ) and 2d, comparative stillness of the atmosphere, that the positions of the crystals in falling may remain nearly uni- form. The most simple form of ice crystals is that of a hexag- onal prism terminated by plane faces perpendicular to the sides. Suppose an immense number of such crystals, in every possible position, to be slowly falling in the air. Many of them will be in or near the position of minimum deviation relatively to the direction of the sun, and, unlike the others, will conspire to re- fract the sunlight in the same direction ; as a prism, when near the position of minimum deviation, can be rotated through a considerable angle without sensibly affecting the direction of the refracted ray. It is the combined action of the crystals in this position which produces the visible result. All those prisms, symmetrically situated with respect to the line through the eye and sun, and at a proper angular distance from it, will conspire to send the light to the eye, and the appearance produced is symmetrical with respect to that line, namely, colored circles with the sun as the center, the red (refracted least) marking the inner border, and the other colors following in the order of the spectrum. As the crystals within the circle can transmit to the eye no light at all, while those without and not in the position of least deviation may transmit some, the inner border is sharp and distinct, but the outer border fades into a feeble white. The inclination of the lateral faces of a hexagonal prism is 60° and 120°; that of the ends with the sides is 90°. Taking the refractive index of ice as 1.3 1, it is easily shown that the mean deviation of light by passing through the angle of 60° is about 22°, and by passing through the angle of 90° is 46°, thus explaining the formation of the primary and secondary halos which are found to be respectively at those distances from the sun. The angle of 120° is too great for light to be transmitted. The two halos described depend for their formation on the ice crystals having their axes at all angles. But as from Ann Arbor Scientific Association. 21 their sliape there would likely be an excess of crystals having their axes vertical or horizontal, distinct phenomena depending on these positions appear. If the sun is not too far above the horizon, the vertical prisms will throw an excess of light to the right and left, giving rise to lateral mock, suns ; the horizontal prisms will, in like manner, produce a mock sun above, and, if the sun's altitude is sufficient, also one below the real sun. These primary parhelia, when brilliant, may be the origin of secondary ones formed in the same manner. Another effect of those crystals whose axes are vertical, pro- duced by the light refracted through the terminal edges of 90°, is the inverted arc which touches the second halo at its upper point, and having its center at the zenith. The brightness which this arc frequently exhibits, and the order of its colors — violet within and red without, the red still being nearest the sun — give it a very close resemblance to an inverted rainbow high up in the sky. As this circumzenithal arc and the parhelia on the right and left of the sun are both due to the same position of the pris- matic crystals, whenever one is visible the others generally are also, and this often in the absence of both the primary and sec- ondary halos. If the crystals assume a horizontal position, the same angles (90°) in like manner produce the two tangent arcs on the lower part of the secondary halo. The preceding are all phenomena of refraction. But the light is also reflected from the surfaces of the prisms, as from a mirror. The vertical surfaces thus give rise to the white hori- zontal band passing through the sun, and, if many surfaces are oscillating about a horizontal position, they will occasion a like vertical band through the sun, just as the image of the sun or moon reflected from water not perfectly at rest is lengthened out into a vertical column of light. Halos must be distinguished from coronse, which are much smaller, appearing in fact quite close to the sun or moon, and having their colors in reverse order — the violet next the sun. The coronae are due to the diffraction and interference of light 22 Proceedings of the caused by the small globules of water in the air. As the diminu- tion in size of the coronae indicates an increase in size of the watery spheres which cause them, this may be regarded as a token of approaching rain, which falls when the particles are no longer able on account of their size to float in the air. Halos are a less certain indication of a storm, though if their bright- ness is considerably obscured, they are not unfrequently followed by rain or snow. The foregoing explanation of the cause of halos receives confirmation from the polariscope, which shows the light to be partially polarized in a plane tangent to the circle. SYNOPSIS. Positions of the Prismatic Crystals. I. Prisms with axes at all angles. II. Prisms with axes vertical. III. Prisms with axes horizontal. I. 1. Primary halo by angles of 60°. 2. Secondary halo by angles of 90°. II. 1. Lateral parhelia (both primary and secondary) by angles of 60°. 2. Circumzenithal arc by angles of 90°. III. 1. Tangent arcs and parhelia at upper and lower points of first halo, by angles of 60°. 2. Tangent arcs on the right and left of the lower half of second halo, by angles of 90°. II., III. Horizontal white band by reflection from vertical surfaces. Vertical white band by reflection from horizonal surfaces. The paper was illustrated by black board drawings and pre- parations on glass. It was followed by a discussion engaged in by E. C. Seaman, Dr. Sager and Prof. Ten Brook. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. 25 Mr. J. D. Williams, of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society, was introduced, and exhibited a supposed Indian relic in the form of a pipe-head with Egyptian peculiarities in features and arrangement of the hair. It was found about ten years ago on the surface of the ground at Boyden's Plains, eight miles from the city of Ann Arbor. Dr. A. Sager gave the results of some " Observations of the Development of some Dipterous Larvce,^^ as drawn from his note- book. On August 19, he found a group of some 15 or 20 jelly- like ovoid bodies as large as a pea, attached to each other by a common cord, on a small aquatic plant, which, when micro- scopically examined, were found to be composed of microscopic ova, invested with a glairy mucus, each mass containing from 2,000 to 3,000 eggs, curiously arranged in rows, the ova of each row being differently disposed. The enclosed embryos were distinctly visible through the transparent membranes. The em- bryos were so far developed as to exhibit the abdominal segments distinctly. Nearly in the center of the body was seen a dark, anteriorly bifurcate mass, which was composed of minute spheri- cal granules or probably cells, but not very distinct. There were twelve segments apparently, of the body, and the extrem- ity terminated with a pair of pincers. October 14th. — The viscera were now fully developed, the chain of nerve-ganglia, chiefly in pairs, the alimentary 'canal, the dorsal vessel and the respiratory tubes distinctly visible. The action of the dorsal vessel was beautifully exhibited. The structure exhibited this peculiarity, that instead of the usual form of valves, there were distinctly seen at short intervals, on the surface, opposite to each other, two or four small tubercles that completely closed the canal when in action, for an instant. The intestines were furnished with four long coveca, tv/o ascending and two descending. The air vessels terminated in bifurcating processes on the last segment of the abdomen. Prof. Harrington reported that Miss C. A. Sager and him- self had examined some twenty samples of tea obtained fron"" 24 (Proceedings of the dealers in Ann Arbor, and found them free from adulterations with other leaves. On motion, the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. October 2, 1875. The Association was called to order at 7^ p. m., Dr. A. B. Prescott, Vice-President, in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. The following proposals for membership were receiv'ed in due form and referred to the Board of Censors : Profs. C. L. Ford, W. H. Pettee and J. W. Langley, of Ann Arbor ; Prof. J. Taft, of Cincinnati ; C. N. B. Hall, and Mrs, B. C. Farrand. The Board reported favorably on the above, and each being duly balloted for, they were declared elected. Prof. Harrington, from the committee on blanks, appointed at the August meeting, reported the work completed, and the necessary blanks obtained, with the exception of the warrant- book. The report was accepted, and the committee was authorized to [procure the warrant-book. The bill of R. A. Beal for printing blanks, $6.00, was re- ceived and referred to the Board of Censors. Prof. Greene was here introduced, and read a paper on ^'' The Removal of Obstructions under Water,' ^ of which the fol- lowing is an abstract : The improvement of navigable waters, as a public benefit, is undertaken by the United States, and is carried on under the Corps of Engineers. The expenses, compared with that of the removal of similar materials on land, is very great in many cases, as the work is often done at a disadvantage. Soft materials may be removed by dredging. In very shoal water, dredging may be done by hand, by means of a pole and Ann Arbor Scientific Association. 2j scoop. More commonly, in the depths of water to be found or made in channels for vessels, machines are employed. These may be classified as the scoop or dipper-dredge, the endless chain and bucket dredge, and the clam-shell dredge. A descrip- tion of these forms, illustrated by drawings, was given. The last named is very effective. It will, for instance, remove the slabs and edgings which accumulate in rivers below saw-mills. The material dredged is emptied into scows, and towed to deep water or a suitable dumping ground. The Engineer Corps designed a boat for use on the bars at the mouth of the Mississippi, which stirred up the mud by pro- pellers. A ten-feet channel has been deepened to fifteen feet. The improvement was not permanent. Col. Eads is now trying the method of jetties or piers. Boulders in shallow water may be removed by scows after a hole is drilled and an iron bar inserted and wedged. The scows are first lowered by letting in water, and then raised by bailing. In tidal waters a simple raft of logs may be employed, which lifts as the tide rises. Blasting away ledges may be done in shallow water by drilling from a moored boat, and inserting a tin lube containing the charge, which may be fired by a water-proof fuse or by a battery. The space to be worked upon may be laid bare by a cofferdam. A steam drill is sometimes employed in ten or twelve feet of water, by placing the drill on the top of a strongly braced tripod to keep the steam cylinder from being chilled by contact with the water, and using a sufficiently long drill rod. Generally, in water of ten feet and over, the aid of divers is called in. The dress of the diver, with his means of protection against cold, and the manner of supplying him with air, were then de- scribed in detail. The different sorts of blasts were described as surface, face and hole blasts. Gunpowder, dualin and other ex- ploders were described, and an account given of the work on Blossom Rock in San Francisco Harbor, and on Hell Gate, New York. ■26 (Proceedings of the The paper was quite fully discussed by different members of the Association. Prof. Ten Brook asked with regard to the use of a submarine boat or torpedo. Prof. Greene replied that the torpedo was quite successful, as it could be directed from the sur- face. Prof. Ten Book then related some experience he had had with a Mr. Bauer, of Germany, who had invented a submarine frigate, and was anxious to introduce it into this country during the late war. Prof. Harrington gave the results of some investigations which he had recently made on some proprietary foods for babies, which are kept for sale by druggists. The first examined was "Baby's Cereal Food.'' He described it as a fine brownish powder, with a sweet, scorched taste. It was composed mostly of wheat-starch, altered by a wet heat. A little gluten and frag- ments of the envelopes of the wheat grain are present. The starch is scorched, and a little sugar is afterwards added. 2d. "Jiidges Prepared Food." It is a brownish, sweet powder, and is composed of well-bolted wheat-flour, scorched and a little sugar added. 3d. "Sea- Moss Farine." A violet-brown powder with a sea-water taste. It is composed of a small proportion of wheat- starch and of ground Irish moss {Chondrus crtspus), with a few fragments of tissue not recognized, but supposed to be impurities in the Irish moss. The Professor stated that he could not recommend any one of them as a food for babies, for at best they contain but little else than starch and sugar. Dr. Jackson exhibited a specimen of rush in which the pods of the flower were changed to leaves. Prof. Harrington exhibited two specimens of the Venus Fly-Trap in a living condition, obtained from Wilmington, North Carolina. On motion, it was ordered that the Secretary be instructed to have printed the Constitution, By-Laws and list of members of the Association. No further business appearing, the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. 27 October 30, 1875. A special meeting of the Association was held at 7^4 o'clock, according to previous notice, and was called to order by the President, Dr. Cocker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Bills of R. A. Beal, for printing, amounting to $3.75, were received and referred to the Board of Censors. Prof. Harrington offered the following amendments to the By-laws, which were required to lie over one month, under the rule. (For these amendments, see By-Laws.) It was moved and supported that a committee )f three, con- sisting of the Board of Censors, be appointed to provide for a course of popular lectures before the Association, with full power to act in the selection of speakers and subjects. Carried. Dr. Cocker read a paper on the " Nature of Life," written by Dr. Lionel S. Beale, F. R. S., of London. (See Appenciix E.) The paper was very interesting. In the discussion which followed, Prof. A. B. Prescott said that he had difficulty in obtaining a clear and consistent concep- tion of the position of Dr. Beale, and of some other biologists, upon one point discussed in the very able paper of this evening. This point was as to the kind of force which produces and preserves the matter of living tissues, simply as matter, irrespective of structure or of life. Thus, in a piece of living nerve tissue. there are certain kinds of matter, made up of the elements car- bon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Certainly these elements are united by some sort of force or action ; and this is a trans- forming force or action (/. e., it fills the chief definition of chemism) ; otherwise the matter would be only a mixture of dust and gases. The composition of these elements, to form certain kinds of matter is one thing ; the organization of this matter 28 (Proceedings of the into certain outlines of structure is another thing ; the vitaliza- tion of the matter would seem to be yet another thing. Mr. Prescott was predisposed, by all that he knew in science, to be- lieve tiiat chemical force is wholly distinct in operation from the force that produces organization, and from the force that effects vitalization. When chemical force has constructed the mole- cule, it has done. From its very nature, it can do no more. There is a current way of almost ascribing crystallization to chemical force ; but of course no structure larger than the mole- cule can be due to chemical force. Now, it seemed almost self- evident, that the formation of all molecules is due to one sort of immediate cause, as much in tissues as in rocks, and as truly in the gelatinous substance of bone as in the calcium phosphate of bone. It appears to be the essential po.sition of Dr. Beale, that chemical force cannot produce organization or vital action. Now, this strong position is not at all supported, but is weak- ened and controverted, by the doctrine that vital force forms molecules by uniting atoms. To suppose that vital or organiz- ing force can hold together the elements in the substance albu- men is but one degree less absurd than to suppose that chemical force can construct cells from albumen molecules. There is a gulf fixed between the formation of matter^ homogeneous as it is under the most powerful microscope, and the organization of matter into cells ; and this gulf can no more be crossed from the side of vitality than from the side of chcmism. The main posi- tion of Dr. Beale, that chemical force does not effect organiza- tion or vital action, would not be affected in the least should it occur, in ten years or in fifty years, that albumen should be syn- thesized in the laboratory. Mr. Prescott thought that organic chemists would not agree with Mr. Bloxam, as quoted, that no permanent constituent of tissue has been chemically synthesized. Perhaps it would be difficult to decide or to agree as to what are permanent or essen- tial constituents of tissue ; but perhaps it would be agreed that fats are such. Caproin and caprin are tolerably complex fats, and they have been synthesized. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. 2g Farther discussion by Mr. E. C. Seaman, Dr. Cocker and others, took place. Mr. Prescott said he wished to add, in explanation of what he had already said, that he concedes that the organizing and vital forces in living bodies may and probably do mdiice and modify chemical actions in these bodies ; just as chemical action is affected by physical forces : iron and sulphur not uniting until a certain temperature is reached. But the union is chemical, in nature and in proportions, and, as we do not say that ferrous sul- phide is a calorific compound, we should not say that albumen is a vital compound. Miss Allmendinger exhibited an Indian pipe-bowl, very highly polished. It was plowed up on the farm of Mr. David Allmendinger, a few miles west of Ann Arbor. The Board reported favorably on the bills of R. A. Beal, amounting to $10.25, ^'^^ recommended their allowance and payment. On motion, the report was adopted, and a warrant ordered drawn for the amount. It was moved by Dr. Brigham, that the next regular meeting be held at 7 o'clock, on account of another lecture on the same evening. Carried. On motion, the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. November 6, 1875. The seventh regular meeting of the Association was held. Dr. Cocker in the chair. The minutes of the special meeting were read and ap- proved. Applications for membership, properly recom.mended, were received from V. M. Spalding, W. R. Birdsall and D. C. Haux- hurst. They were referred to the Board of Censors, who re- ported favorably on them and the following additional names : j^o (Proceedings of the J. C. Watson, E. Olney, I. N. Elvvood, W. J. Herdman, F. T. Brown, A. B. Palmer, B. E. Nichols, A. V. E. Young, Mrs. Sallie Crane, S. W. Smith, W. S. Perry, Miss L. A. Chittenden, C. Rominger, Miss O. W. Bates, S. A. Jones, E. S. Dunster, J. C. Morgan, D. M. Finley, F. A. Cady and F. H. Kimball. On motion, Section 2 of Article 2 of the By-Laws was sus- pended for the evening, and the above candidates were elected vii'a voce. Mr. Randall, photographer, of Detroit, presented the pho- tographs of the following distinguished scientists and members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science : Prof. J. E. Hilgard, Washington, D. C. ; Dr. J. L. Le Conte, Philadelphia; C. V. Riley, St. Louis, Mo. ; and Prof. Edward S Morse, Salem, Mass. On motion, a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Randall for these photographs, and the Secretary was instructed to have them suitably framed. On motion, the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. December 4, 1875. The Association met at the usual time and place. In the absence of the Secretary, C. E. Greene was elected Secretary pro tempore. On motion, Mr. E. C. Seaman obtained permission to read some remarks on the paper offered by Dr. Cocker on " Life" at the last meeting. (See Appendix F.) Miss C. E. AUmendinger, from the Committee on the "Flora of Ann Arbor," made a final report, which was ac- cepted. (See Appendix G.) Mr. S. T. Douglas then read a paper on the "Colored Snow Fall of February, 1875." (See Appendix H.) This was discussed by Prof. Langley, who thought that the dust might have been derived from Mt. Hecla of Iceland. Prof. Ann Arbor Scientific Association. ^i Harrington thought, from microscopical examination, that it might be the dust from the streets of Chicago or some other large city. Prof. Douglas expressed himself as convinced that the threads in the dust were Pele's hair. Dr. Jackson and others also partook in the discussion. Prof. Harrington spoke of the tenacity of life in some land- snails, sent home from the Amazon by Prof. Steere. It is five years since they came here, yet last summer some of them awoke and moved about the case in which they were placed. No further business appearing, the Association adjourned. C. E. GREENE, Secretary pro tern. January 1, 1876. The Association met at 7^ o'clock p. m., and, in the ab- sence of both President and Vice-President, Prof. O. C. Johnson was elected President pro tempore. The roll was called, and a quorum found present. Prof. Harrington reported that Prof. Sill, of Detroit, would probably lecture before the Association in two weeks. The Secretary reported the photographs framed, and pre- sented the bill for the same, amounting to $7.25, which, on motion, was allowed, and a warrant ordered drawn for the amount. The following bills were presented, and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts : C. G. Clark, for envelopes and stamps, $io.o8; Prof. Harrington, for money paid janitors, etc., $5.75 ; H. C. Wilmot, posting bills, 38 cents. The amendments to the By-Laws, offered at the regular meeting in November, 1875, were taken up article by article and adopted. (See Amendments, after Constitution and By-Laws.) On motion, the Association adjourned, to meet Saturday evening, January 8, at seven o'clock. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. ^2 (Proceedings of the January 8, 1876. The Association met pursuant to previous adjournment, and was called to order by the President, Dr, Cocker. The minutes of the meeting of January ist were read and approved. Propositions for membership of A. P. Wood and Chas. Tripp were received and referred to the Board of Censors. Prof. Pettee was here introduced, and read a paper on "Barometric Measurements of Altitudes." The object of this paper was to discuss questions relating to the degree of accuracy attainable in measuring the height of mountains by means of the mercurial barometer ; and to exhibit certain interesting results obtained by Mr. Pettee when engaged as assistant upon the State Geological Survey of California, under the direction of Prof. J, D. Whitney. The detailed account of the experiments instituted in Cali- fornia, and of the manner of carrying on the work, may be found in the publications of that survey. For a period of three years, barometric and thermometric observations were taken three times a day at three different sta- tions, the altitudes of which above the sea-level were known from the spirit-level surveys of the Central Pacific Railroad. These observations were taken as the data from which to calcu- late in the usual way the differences of altitude between the re- spective stations. When the calculated differences of altitude were compared with the known differences, certain remarkable discrepancies became evident. The calculated differences were always higher in summer than in winter, higher at noon that at morning or night, and in some cases higher, in others lower, than the true differences. The practical benefits to be derived from such an investigation is the guide it affords to the explorer in selecting the time of day or the season of the year in which Ann Arbor Scientific Associ.ztion. ^j? to make his observations for altitude, and in estimating the cor- rection to be applied to calculating differences of altitude, if the observations have been made under unfavorable circumstances. A discussion was engaged in by Drs. Brigham, Douglas and Morgan. The Board of Censors reported favorably on Messrs. Tripp and Wood, and they were duly balloted for and elected. Dr Herdman read a paper which called attention to some recent contributions to the knowledge of the state of Iceland, during the last vear. (See Appendix J.) On motion, the ^Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. February 5, 1876. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, Dr. C. H. Brigham was called to the chair. The Secretary also being absent, W. J. Herdman was ap- pointed Secretary /rc" tempore. Dr. J. B. Steere, R. A. Beal and Wm. H. Smith were pro- posed for membership, and, on motion, the Secretary was in- structed to cast the vote for their election. A lecture was then delivered by Dr. Steere on the pottery, architecture, etc., ancient and modern, of the Amazon, and Peru. (See Appendix K.) A plaster cast of a relic taken from an ancient mound near Rockford, Illinois, was presented to the Association by Mr, F. H. Kimball. The thanks of the Association were tendered to Mr. Kim- ball, for the gift, and to Dr. Steere, for his interesting and in- structive address. A few remarks succeeded, on the viability of seeds, during which a statement was made by Prof. Harrington, in answer to an inquiry, that the British Agricultural Commission rarely suc- 3 j4 (Proceedings of the ceeded, after thousands of experiments, in prolonging the vital- ity of seeds beyond fifteen years. On motion, the Association adjourned until the next regular meeting. W. J. HERDMAN, Secretary pro tern. March 4, 1870. The Association met in the Medical Lecture-Room, and was called to order by the President, Dr. Cocker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Propositions for membership from H. D. B^^nnett and J. McDonald were received, and referred to the Board of Censors. The Board reported favorably, and, on motion, the Secre- tary was authorized to cast the ballot for the Association, which was done in favor of their election. Prof. Harrington, of the Board of Censors, gave notice of the following lectures and papers to be presented to the Associa- tion : Public lecture for the middle of iSIarch, Prof. Langley, on the "Physical Theory of Hearing." At the regular meeting in April, a paper by Mr. A. Macy, of Detroit, on " Iceland." A paper, at the regular meeting in May, by Prof. J. B. Davis ; subject not yet known. Paper, for the regular meeting in June, by Dr. C. George, on the " The Connection between Organic Germs and Disease." Dr. Dunster was here introduced, and delivered a very in- teresting lecture on the " History of the Theory of Spontaneous Generation." (See Appendix L. ) A discussion of the subject was participated in by Mr. Sea- man, Prof. Langley and Dr. Dunster, after which the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretary. ^nn Arbor Scientific Association. 55 April 1st, 1876. In the absence of tlie President, the Vice-President, Dr. Prescott, called the Association to order at 7^ o'clock. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and ap- proved. The following propositions for membership were received and referred to the Board of Censors, who reported favorably on the same : J. Austin Scott, Miss Eliza Ladd, Miss Annie Ladd. They were duly balloted for and declared elected, V. C. Vaughan and V. M. Spalding acting as tellers. Prof. G. B. Merriman and G. W. Stone, ot Albion, Mich., were proposed as Corresponding Members, and, on motion, were declared elected. This being the annual meeting, and therefore the night for the election of officers, on motion, the chair appointed Profs. Chute, Harrington and Greene to nominate officers for the en- suing year. They reported the following nominations : President — Dr. A. B. Prescott. Vice-President — Prof. C. E. Greene. Secretary—W. D. Harriman. Treasurer — C. Tripp. Member of Board of Censors fur Three Years—Frof. H. N. Chute. The Association then proceeded to the election, V. M. Spalding and V. C. Vaughan again acting as tellers. Mr. Tripp, the nominee for Treasurer, having declined, Dr. Jackson was nominated in his place. The result of the election was as fol- lows : President — Dr. A. B. Prescott. Vice-President — Prof. C. E. Greene. Secretary — W. D. Harriman. Treasurei — C. Tripp. Member of Board of Censors— Prof. II. N. Chute. Prof. Harrington, of the Board of Censors, spoke of the desirability of having the proceedings of the Association during ^6 Ann Arbor Scientific Association. the past year, as well as the papers read before it, and its Con- stitution and By-Laws, printed. After some discussion of the subject, Prof. Ten Brook moved that the whole matter be referred to a committee of three, to be appointed by the chair. An amendment was then proposed that the whole matter be referred to the Board of Censors, with power to proceed with the publication if thought desirable. Tliis was accepted by the mover of the original motion, and, on being put to vote, the motion thus amended was carried. Bills for printing and bill-posting were presented and re- ferred to the Board of Censors, who reported as follows : R. A. Beal, printing W 00 H. C. Wilmot, bill-posting ^ . 75 M. W. Harrington, janitor fees, and Mr, Macy's traveling expenses 8 75 Mr. A. Macy, of Detroit, was here introduced, and read an interesting paper on "Iceland," giving a history of the country and its inhabitants. Mr. V. M. Spalding gave the results of some of his investi- gations in the Embryology of the Chicken. He also related his observations on the "Migrations of Chlorophyll-grains." (See Appendix M.) Both papers were illustrated by blackboard sketches. On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Macy for his very pleasing and interesting lecture. The motion was adopted by a rising vote. No further business appearing, on motion the Association adjourned. P. B. ROSE, Secretaty. Note.— The following public and advertised lectures were given to the Association and the public at other than the regular meetings: Prof. J. Watson, on the ''Transit of Venus." Prof. C. L. Ford, on the '■'■Anterior Extremity, Human unci Omipaj'ative." Prof. .1. W. Laugley, on the "Physical Theory of Hearing." APPENDIX. CONTAINING IN FULL MANY OF THE PAPERS AND LECTURES BEFORE THE ANN ARBOR SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. A^. THE ELEVATION OF ARCTIC REGIONS. During my year's stay in tlie Territory of Alaska, I picked up some evidence of the gradual elevation of the land going on at this time. I will first give that seen by myself, and then refer to the proofs of upheaval, of which I was told while there, or which I have found already recorded. Amaknak Island is about two miles long by one broad, and lies in Captain's Harbor, a deep indentation in the northern end of Unalaska, one of the largest of the Aleutian Islands. Amak- nak is composed of three or four distinct masses of hills or ridges connected by stretches of lowlands which are nearly level, and not more than 30 feet above the level of high water. The south- ernmost of these level stretches shows a distinct and fine series of elevated beaches. They are six in number, and from east to west each one is rather higher than the one next to it. The east- ernmost one is quite short, extending from a point of rocks on the northern wall. It reaches out to the quiet water on the eastern side of the neck. It is about 10 feet higher than the next, a much greater difference than between any other two successive beaches. When this beach was formed, the hill-masses between which it lies were distinct islands. It was not until the fourth beach was formed that the strait was entirely closed. The east side of the lowland just described borders a land- locked passage of water. It shelves gradually down to the water's edge. There is never more surf on its beach than there would be on that of an inland lake half a mile across. On the opposite side, however, a heavy surf comes in, and a section of the beaches 40 Appendix. would look something like a series of steps. The highest beach is about 1 2 feet above high water mark. Between the two we have three distinct beaches. Of these the last is undoubtedly recent, the result of an unusually heavy storm. The next is com- paratively recent, for it is not yet covered with grass and other vegetation, except Mertensia., Hoiikciiya, and a few similar beach plants, which also cover a part of one below. Thus we have nine successive beaches, gradually rising from the west to the east. At least one other similar set of beaches is found on the island. These are in a curve of high lands, partially protected from the action of the surf. The beaches are much more nu- merous, and rather more irregular than in the preceding case. Evidence to the same effect is found in a water-worn aich- way of rocks near the southern end of Amaknak. It is about lo feet wide and 15 feet high, and passes through a wall of rock 50 feet high. It shows every evidence in its smoothed sides and graveled floor of being made by the action of waves, but its floor now stands 10 feet above high water mark, and is fairly out of reach of the highest surf. Recent sea-urchins, shells, etc., are often found on the rocky hills 50 to 500 feet above the water level, but they have, in most cases, been undoubtedly brought there by birds. The writer has often seen ravens carrying them to such places. They raise the shells and similar objects 40 or 50 feet above the surface, and then drop them on rocks to break them open. The presence of such objects, except in strata, could hardly be taken as evidence if the elevation of the land. Captain Hennig, one of the agents of the Alaska Commer- cial Company, who has lived in the Territory some years, in- formed the writer of the following facts: A harbor on Atka Island, one of the Middle Aleutians, in which not many years ago there was plenty of water, is now so completely shoaled that boats cannot enter. An island just south of the point of Alaska, formerly separated from the peninsula, is now connected with it by a neck of land four feet above high water. The writer has appendix. ■ 41 heard in general terms, and from several sonrces, tliat many of the passes between the Aleutian Islands, formerly safe, have now shoaled so much as to have become dangerous. Dall, in his Re- sources of Alaska, states that Isanotski, marked as a navigable though dangerous pass between Unimak Island and Aliaska Pe- ninsula by French surveyors, is now a cul-de-sac. Dall also gives the following facts : On St. Michael's Island, in Norton Sound, and on tlie neck between Norton and Kotzebue Sounds, lie great winrows of drift wood, similar to those thrown up to-day, but far beyond the reach of the water at its present level. On St. Michael's Island also are some basaltic rocks, full of amygdaloid cavities. The upper portion of the rocks is fuljy 15 feet above the level of high water, and some grass grows on it. Yet in its cavities, in situ, can be found fragments of species of barnacle, which must have lived there when the rock was cov- ered daily by the tide. Areas of local upheaval and depression occur in Soutliern Alaska quite frequently, but they, of course, have but little bear- ing on the general question, A few years before our residence there, a part of the site of the village of llliuliuk, on Unalaska Island, was lowered until covered by water, and a part of the bay's bottom was brought to the surface. This occurred during a severe earthquake. Dall quotes Captain Riedell to the effect that a part of the south harbor of Unga Island, one of the Sliu- magin group, shoaled from 4 fathoms to 4 feet during an earth- quake shock in May, 1868. It is well known tiiat Bogosloff Island, to the west of Unalaska, appeared above the surface with much fire, smoke, tremblings of the earth and other disturbances between May i and May 14, 1796. At this time, stones were thrown to Umnak, a distance of about twenty-five miles. Eight years after, when the island was visited, the sea was still liot around it. Dall records the sinking of a low point in Chalmer's Bay, Prince William's Sound. The stumps of the trees formerly covering the point are now beneath the level of the lowest tides. This is an isolated fact, and the phenomenon seems entirely local. The northern shore of Alaska has the characteristics of a land just rising from the sea. It is generally level and slopes ^2 Appendix. gradually toward the ocean. The latter is so shoal as to be dan- gerous for vessels for a long distance off the coast. From the coast inwards the land abounds in lagoons, inlets, lakes, all shallow. The evidence of this character is supported by the statement of Howorth (Nature, V., 163) tliat parts of the coast described by Beechey as cliffs, are now separated from the water by low flats. As to other circumpolar lands, Reclus states that the southern end of Greenland is sinking, and then quotes Hayes to the effect that the northern end is rising along with Grinnell's Land. Hayes noticed sea beaches on these coasts that had been raised to the height of 100 feet. He also noticed that the rocky headland cliffs were polished by ice up to this height. Going westward, Dall states that the eastern coast of Siberia is rising. Howorth quotes Wrangel and others to show that the northern coast of Siberia is rising. Drift wood is found 12 feet above the level of the sea, and large birch logs aie scattered over some of the northern plains 3^ north of any known Siberian forest. The coasts are low and flat, and a line of high ground, parallel with the sea coast, and representing a former beach, lies a few versts inland. Whales have deserted that part of the Arctic waters since the i8th century, probably owing to their shoaling. The Tundra or great Siberian plain is coated with fine sand like that on the coast now. Where Sanypcheff found com- paratively deep water in 1787, are now found shoals and banks. As to the Scandinavian Peninsula, the evidence is voluminous and positive. Not only, as Sir Charles Lyell has said, are Swe- den and Norway rising, but tlie northern end is rising more rapidly than the southern. The evidence is given at consider- able length in Lyell's " Principles of Geology." Spitzbergen is also being elevated. Reclus gives the evi- dence that the islands of this group generally exhibit a series of beaches up to a height of 147 feet, with bones of whales and recent shells. Alaska comes in, then, with her share of evide'-ice tor the theory, broached by Howorth, that the Arctic lands are rising. Appendix. 4^ Another correspondent of Nature (V., 235), Mr. J. J. Murphy, suggests that the Antarctic lands are also rising. Still another correspondent, Geo. Hamilton, tries to show that the earth being an ellipsoid, a uniform shrinkage would result in a change of form and an apparent elevation in the circumpolar regions. B. LIST OF LAND AND FRESH-WATER SHELLS FOUND WITHIN A CIRCUIT OF FOUR MILES ABOUT ANN ARBOR, MICH. Class, Gasteropoda. — Order, Prosobranchiata. Family, Melaniidce. Goniobasis Milesii Lea, (Huron River). Goniobasis Levesens Mke., (Huron River). Family, Valvatidoe. Valvata tricarinata, Say, (Huron River.) Family, Viviparida. Melantho Integra, Say, (Still water, Huron River). Family, RissoidcB. Amnicola porata. Say, (Huron River). Amnicola lustrica. Say, (Huron River). Pomatiopsis Cincinnatensis, Anth., (River banks). Order, Pulmonata. — Family, Helicidoi., Macrocyclis concava, Say, (School Girl's Glen). Limax campestris, Binney, (Common under dead wood). Helix albolabris, Say, (common). Helix alolabris var. dentata, (occasional.) Helix alternata. Say, (common). ^^ J^ppendix. Helix elevata, Say, (Dead specimens in recent deposits). Helix exoleta, Binn., (Cascade Glenj. Helix fallax, Say, (common). Helix hirsuta, Say, (common). Helix labyrinthica, Say, (common). Helix lineata, Say, (not abundant). Helix mopodon. Rack., (common). Helix monodon, var. Leaii, (common). Helix monodon, var. Fraterna, (common). Helix multilineata, Say, (common). Helix multilineata, var. albina, (uncommon). Helix palliata, Say, (uncommon). Helix perspectiva. Say, (south and west, uncommon). Helix profunda. Say, (Cascade Glen). Helix pulchella, Muil., (common). Helix, solitaria. Say, (Dead). Live specimens found up the River by Dr. A. B. Lyons, Detroit. Helix striatella, Anth., (common). Helix thyroides Say, (common). Helix tridentata. Say, (common). Cionella subcylindrica, Leach, (common). Pupa armifera, Say, (common). Pupa contracta, Say, (common). Pupa pentodon, Say, (South). Pupa fallax, Say, river banks, (rare). Vertigo milium, Gld., (common). Vertigo ovata, Say, (common). Succinea avara, Say, (common). Succinea obliqua. Say, (uncommon). Succinea ovalis, Gld. not Say, (uncommon). Succinea Peoriensis, Wolf, (common). Family, Arionidir. Zonites arborea. Say, (common). Zonites fuiiginosa, Griff., (Cascade Glen). Zonites indentata. Say, (common). Zonites nitida. Mull., (common). Appendix. ^t3 Zonites viridula, Mke., (common). Zonites ligera, Say, (common). Zonites minuscula, Binney, (South). Zonites fulra, Drap., (common). Tebennophorus Carolinensis, Bosc, (not abundant). Family, Auriculidm, Carychium exiguum, Say, (common). F AM I i.Y , LiinnceidL^. Limna^a columella, Say, (rare). Limucea humilis. Say, (common). Limn^astagnalis, Linn., (rare), lakes west and Huron River. Limn^ea palustris, Mull., (Swamp north-east). Limneea desidiosa, Say, (common). Physa gyrina, Say, (^common). Physa gyrina, var. hildrethiana, (common ). Physa Sayii, Tappan, (small lakes west). Physa heterostropha. Say, (common). Bulinus hyphnorum, Linn., (North-east, common early in June). Planorbis campanulatus, Say, (rare). Planorbis trivolvis, Say, (common). Planorbis bicarinatus. Say, (common). Planorbis exacutus. Say, (common). Planorbis albus. Mull., (rare). Planorbis parvus. Say, (common). Planorbis deflectus, Say, (not abundant). Segmentina armigera. Say, (common). Ancylus tardus, Say, (common). Ancylus parallelus, Hald.,(?) (uncommon). Class, C%6?/z^/«/m7.— (Section, Asiphonida.) Family, Unionidce. Unio multiradiatus, Lea, (common). Unio gibbosus, Barnes, (common). Unio luteolus, Lam., (rare). Unio verrucosus, Barnes, (common). ^6 Appendix. Unio pressus, Lea, (rare). Unio novi-eboraci, Lea, (abundant). Margaritana marginata, Say, (abundant). Margaritana deltoidea. Lea, (not abundant). Anodonta edentula, Say, (common). (Section, Siphonida.) — Family, Corbiculadce. Sphceriura sulcatum. Lam., (common). Sphasrium occidentale, Prime, (Northeast swamp, common). Sphasrium partumeium. Say, (Huron River). Spliaerium striatinum. Lam., (Huron River, common). Sphferium secure, Prime, (Northeast swamp, on the River). Pisidium virginicum, Bourg., (River, common). Pisidium variabile, Prime, (Huron River). Pisidium compressum. Prime, (Huron River). Pisidium abditum, Hald., (Huron River). SUMMARY. Classes 2 Orders ... 2 Families 10 Genera 26 Species 85 Gasteropoda 67 Chonchifera 18 BRYANT WALKER, CHAS. E. BEECHER. Univeksitv of Michigan, Ann Arbok, June 3, 187.5. Appc:idix. 4J c. INDIAN MOUNDS IN GENESEE COUNTY. The mound which is the subject of this paper, is in the town of Argentine, on tlie farm of L. C. Fletcher. It is a low mound twenty feet across, on the edge of a hill which overlooks a. marsh. The descent to the marsh is gradual. The soil of the ridge is a coarse gravel resting on a substratum of clay and gravel, much harder than the superstratum. The bottom of the mound rests on this stratum of clay and gravel, three feet below the surrounding level. The earth was piled above this level to form the mound, which had worn down to about three when discovered. An oak tree, about one foot in diameter, had been growing on the center of the mound, but is now entirely gone. The mound was first opened in the center, when an entire cranium was found with its under jaw. This skull had double teeth in full set, and when closed on the under jaw left a space as if worn out by a pipe-stem. These bones were very much decayed, easily broken, and were the color of the soil. Subsequently an examination of the mound was made, which resulted in the discovery of the remaining bones of the skeleton, a small urn, splinters of bone, some pieces of flint, in- cluding one perfect arrow-head, and three more craniums. The urn, flints, etc., were found under the first opening, evidently belonging to the first skull dug up. There seemed to have been but one entire body deposited, as the bones to the last three craniums were missing. 48 Appendix. The urn is small, has a round bottom, will hold perhaps onedialf pint. The pieces of bone were small, well preserved, (}uite smooth and tough ; none of them were over five inches in length. Of the three craniums, one was entire; of another, only the frontal bone remained ; the third had the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. The right squamous suture of the last was crushed in. Within the skull was found a thin, sharp stone, about two inches long and one and a quarter inches wide. This evidently had entered edge uppermost, and narrow end first. These three skulls, like the first, had their faces to the east, were one behind the other, and about two feet apart. Some of these articles are in the Museum of the University of Michigan, One mile and a half south from this barrow, on the west shore of a lake, and the south bank of a river that makes out of the lake, are three mounds, all larger than the one first men- tioned, and, perhaps, four or five rods apart. I have the word of two men who dug at different times, that these mounds con- tained pottery, flint implements, and one skeleton of immense size, such that the lower jaw fitted over the face of the man who dug it up. Southwest of these is another, the largest of all. Report says this mound contained skeletons in a lying posture, and three rows deep, one layer above another. Another class of remains found here is circular pits, form- erly from three to four feet deep, and four feet in diameter. They were used for fire, as they are filled with charcoal, burnt sand, and a few traces of burnt bone. LORENZO V. FLETCHER. June 1st, 1875. Appendix. D. THE AROMATIC GROUP IN THE CHEMISTRY OF PLANTS. BY ALBERT B. PRESCOTT, PROFfJS.SOH OF ORGAXrc CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. [Read befori; the Ana Arbor ScieatiSc Association, July 3, 1875.] The term Aromatic Group was first given to the benzoic series of compounds, as chassified around the common nucleus benzoyl, by Leibig and Wohler in 1833. Benzoyl, C7H5O, was the first compound radical recognized in complex vegetable products, and its discovery at once opened new ways of investigation in the field of organic chemistry. From time to time other chemi- cal nuclei have been defined, in the construction of other groups of carbon compounds, until, now, it may be said, there are as many series of these bodies as most persons care to num- ber among their scientific acquaintances. But there has been no greater activity or keener enthusiasm or richer reward, in all the labors of the forty years of organic chemistry, than in the work devoted to the aromatic group. The place which this group liolds in organic chemistry is similar, in certain respects, to the position which organic chemistry itself occupies in general chemical science. Among the valuable results of the labor devoted to this group we must accept, first, a clearer insight into the constitu- tion of molecules, throwing better light upon the chemistry of all bodies. That phase of " the new chemistry" which finds expression in graphic forrnulse — the theorizing as to the relations of atoms to each other within the molecule, with whatever of 4 jo Appendix. well-grounded philosophy or of fallacious hypothesis appertains — has, in no small share, been due to work which has been skep- tically designated as that of " those German chemists running crazy with what they call their aromatic group." It is not to be supposed that the expenditure of this labor, or of any pioneer labor in science, has been without waste. But the evidence of its substantial success is before the chemical world in the long list of well-defined aromatic bodies now as truly under the con- trol of the chemist, in analysis and in synthesis, as are the metal- lic salts. And this evidence is hot addressed to the chemical world alone. The world of factories and ships, the world seek- ing a sign as to the truth and use of all and any science, has re- ceived from the chemistry of the aromatic group a good number of palpable demonstrations of the power of chemical knowledge. There have been produced, under chemical direction, from the waste of coal-gas manufacture alone, aromatic substances as fol- lows : since 1856, anilin dyes, now sold at ten millions of dol- lars yearly, to color stuffs in the tints of the rainbow for every household; since 1870, madder dye, amounting in 1873, to 1,000 tons, valued at over four millions of dollars ; and, this year, the acid of wintergreen oil, promising to be the most useful of the antiseptics, being applicable to foods and drinks, — beside a considerable number of other products, in themselves of no slight importance in commerce and the arts. Assuredly, the aro- matic bodies have been found valuable material both in physical science and in industrial economy. As regards their significance in biological science, the ques- tion will arise : how far may an insight into the constitution of molecules formed in plants help the chemist toward an under- standing of the /^r;«^//z'by- ^fO , acids " " (as salicylic acid \ H j ( ^|0H HbyN|| Hi "JO V V amines " " fas anilin). rby^ I H ' ) O, quinones " " (as anthraquinone). The aromatic hydrocarbons have been looked upon as bodies of too simple chemical construction to exist in plants, and this is certainly true of the lighter portion of them. The first three members of the benzene series are not found in the vegetable kingdom, and the fourth, cumene, or trimethylben- zene, has been reported found only in Roman cummin oil. But the fifth member of the series, cymene, or tetramethylbenzene — a body having the molecular weight 134 and hence in vapor 67 times heavier than its bulk of hydrogen — a liquid closely ap- proaching both in composition and in properties to turpentine Appendix. 5^ oil — is, in its various isomers, distributed among plants to an ex- tent not fully understood. It has generally been put down as more especially an educt of three plants, cuminium cyminium (cummin) and cicuta virosa (water hemlock), of the umbellif- erae, and thymus vulgaris-, of the mint family ; also sometimes of a fourth, ammi copticum. But a large number of the volatile oils of plants contain hydrocarbons of the composition CioHj^, more and more of which are found by chemical treatment to yield aromatic products and almost certainly to be built upon the benzene nucleus and to fulfil the character of "cymenes." Eucalyptus globulus, the Australian fever tree, which has re- ceived much attention of late years, contains a cymene as well as a terpene. Now there appears to be only a short step in composition between cymene, C10H14, and oil of turpentine, CjgH,B, which is found in the coniferous trees, but this short step suffices to throw oil of turpentine out of the homologous series of aromatic hydrocarbons. Now isomeric with turpentine oil proper are " the terpenes" generally, including the essential oils of apricot, bergamot, birch, camomile, caraway, cloves, cubeb, elemi, hop, juniper, lavender, lemon, orange, parsely, pepper, savin, spike, tolu, thyme, and an indefinite number not named or not brought to notice. In fact, a large proportion, probably a majority, of essential oils contain terpenes, generally with other essential oil constituents. To present some approximate indication of the extent of distribution of the volatile oils altogether, a count has been made of the number of plants reported to contain volatile oils in the tabular summary of plant constituents given as the Second Part of Wittstein's Chemischen Analyse von Pflanzen und Ptlanzentheilen (1867). This summary includes 576 plants in 114 natural orders. Among these, essential oils are reported in 156 or 27 per cent, of the plants, and in 45 or 39 per cent, of the families.* (2) C. R. A. Wright, Jour. Chem. Soc, 1873, 686. (S) Of the natural orders, the Labiatse had the largest number of plants containing volatile oils fl8p. c. of all); the Umbelliferaj the next largest num- ber; the Bynantheriffi next, and the Myristiceae next (6 p. c. of all). j6 J.ppend\x. Oil of turpentine and its numerous isomers have mostly been placed, unclassified, among " the vegetable substances little known," but there is a beginning that promises to draw them into the aromatic group and assign them graphical formulae of the the hexagonal type. In 1872, A. Oppenheim reported to the German Chemical Society an investigation at the Berlin Laboratory* on the production of a cymene from oil of turpen- tine by abstraction of hydrogen (cymene dibromide being heated with anilin). As a result of his research the investigator gives this graphical formula for turpentine oil : Here one of the carbon /QH.) atoms of the ring has been loosened I and displaced by the triad CH, giving the adjacent carbon atom only one line of connection in the ring and two out- side bonds, so that four carbon atoms carry five of hydrogen. The remain- ing two points of the hexagon have taken methyl (CH3) instead of hydro- gen and one of these methyl molecules has methyl again substituted for two of its hydrogen atoms. Later, Oppen- heim reports the formation of cymene from the terpene of cum- min oil 5 and offers other confirmations. Kekule has since traced relations between cymene and camphor (the immediate oxidate of a terpene), CioHmO, from which he presents a graphical formula. Kekule confirms the relationship between cymene and the terpenes, using iodine instead of bromine, and accepts Oppenheim's conclusions.^ Graebe has dissented from the view that turpentine oil is of the aromatic type, although he finds a relation between the ter- pene in wormseed oil and cymene. ''^ The conclusions of Oppen- heim are mostly confirmed and extended by the labors of C. R. A. (4) Berichte der cleufschen chemischen Oesellsehaft, V., 94. (5) Berichte d. d. chem. Gesell., v, 628 ; vi., 015. (6) Bericht. d. deut. chem. Gesell., vi., 437: Jour. OiaM:'' but it seemed too large to be condensed into the space allotted in the printed proceedings of the Association, and that part relating to the remains of ancient races found upon the Amazon has been omitted. Appendix. i^j but a few painted earthen pots ; though they may have equalled in civilization those who have left much more magnificent proofs of their existence. While at Chachapoyas, I made a trip with Mr. Arthur Wur- therman, (then in the service of the Peruvian government as provincial engineer,) to visit the ancient ruins of Quillip. We crossed the little river Utcubamba, and rode up the valley on the opposite side. For some distance the water had been carried out over the narrow valley, which was cultivated in corn and sugar-cane; but as we ascended, the valley became narrower and cultivation ceased, while the mountains on each side rose higher and wilder. We now began to see for the first time signs of ancient inhabitants. On the almost inaccessible cliffs, hundreds of feet above us, were tiers of circular and half circular stone walls, apparently from ten to twenty feet in diameter, and four or five feet in height ; probably the foundation walls of houses, the roofs and superstructures of which had been made of grass and wood. The first impression one gets, is of the warlike nature of the people who inhabited the country in those days, and the continual state of fear in wliich they lived. Their fields were in the little valley below, and they must have spent hours every day in climbing to these aeries in the rocks. Peru is now one of the most unsettled and revolutionary states of the earth, but its towns and villages are now built in the plains, without walls to defend them. The immense population that must have existed here was shown by the frequent tombs. These were built in the shelter of the cliffs, or in little depressions in their sides, where stones and mud had been carried to build up little niches, into which the bodies of the dead had been crowded. Nearly all -of these had been broken open in the search after valuables, and scattered bones and bits of the cotton wrappings of the dead were all that remained. The caves, that were frequent in the limestone rocks, were also filled with human bones. In a perpendicular cliff on the other side of the river in one place we could see a number of holes like the mouths of mines, 1^6 Appendix. and we were told that these also were tombs. The impression is forced upon one, as he finds such immense quantities of human remains, as well as signs of cultivation, in places where water must have been carefully brought for many miles for irrigation, that the human race must have at one time filled up and overrun the territory of Peru, especially the country near the coast, as it does now in China, making it necessary to use every, possible means for the support of life. The country became higher and rougher as we proceeded, until we turned off up a little branch of the river, running down between immense wall-like cliffs of limestone, that seem to have been rent apart to give it a passage. The strata in these walls of rock were most curiously distorted. The great bends exteniling for miles, the same layers of rock at the higher parts being several hundred feet higher than in the lower. We had great difficulty in scaling the steep sides of these mountains, but finally found ourselves in the higher, cooler regions above, where the surface of the country, though still rough and steep, was much moister than the valleys below. I had wondered, when below, why any people had built such a great fortress as Qiiillip was said to be, in these almost inaccessible mountains, that appear from below to be nothing but barren rock; but I found there were great extents of country up here,- covered with a rich dark soil, which was in some places cultivated in wheat and barley, the rougher places growing up to thorny bushes that no where reached the stature of trees, Indians were plowing as we passed, with cattle yoked by the horns to rude wooden plows with one handle. It was only after repeated scratchings with these rude implements that the surface of the fields took on anything -like a cultivated look. These mountains, wherever of any value, are owned in large estates by the descendants of the Spanish conquerors, who keep a lot of Indians at work cultivating the lands and tending cattle, while the proprietors live in Chachapoyas, or, if able, in Lima. The second day of our journey we reached the estate upon which the fortress is situated, though it was at a distance of Appendix. i^j several miles of rough mountain roads from the house where we stopped. This, a rough stone building covered with grass, was the place where the ])roprietor stopped when visiting his estate, and was occupied by the overseer, who seemed to be a poor relation of the proprietor. After a night's rest, broken somewhat by the attacks of garapatos (a peculiar species of ticks, the bite of which produces inflamed and painful wounds), we set out under the guidance of the overseer and several Indians, who followed on foot, to visit the fortress. We had to cross the ravine by the most dangerous roads, where the most cautious of us dismounted and climbed on foot. We passed a low, dirty village of stones and mud, covered with grass, where the Indians of the estate lived, and after an hour's riding through thick bushes, came out in sight of the fortress, a long, low wall sur- rounding the crown or ridge of the mountain. As we rode near it we estimated it at half a mile in length and perhaps a quarter of a mile in width, with walls from thirty to sixty feet in height. On the side on which we approached there was a peculiar gate- way in the wall. This was some six or eight feet in width at the bottom, but gradually growing narrower, until at a height of twenty feet the walls nearly touched, and had probably originally done so, forming a pointed arch, if it could be called sucli. The wall was of regular layers of limestone slabs, laid up without mortar. The stones were from one to two feet in thickness and two to four feel in length. They had all been carefully worked, but apparently bruised into shape with some dull, blunt instru- ment, rather than cut, the corners being all somewhat rounded, though the joints were close. As we entered the gateway we found ourselves in a walled passage, open above. We gradually ascended, the passage growing wider and then suddenly narrower until, at the top, but one person could pass through at a time. Passing out here, we found ourselves on a plateau, stone and earth having been carried up and filled in, until the whole interior of the fortress was built up to the height of the walls. Another gateway and passage led up from the opposite side of the fortress, and opened above within a few feet of where the one we had ascended came out, making it possible for a few armed men. O' Appendix. standing here, to defend the whole fortress, for these seem to have been the only ways of approach. There were great quantities of thorny bushes growing over the top, but among these were many ruins of little round houses, with their walls of mud and broken stone laid up to a height of four or five feet, where there was generally an attempt at orna- mentation, the lop stones being arranged in patterns and figures. What the roofs of these dwellings had been we could only conjecture from the grass roofs of the inhabited villages around. Turning toward the west end of the fortress, we found a curious round tower, made of the same hewed stone as the principal walls, but larger at the top than at the foundation. It was thirty feet in diameter, and about twenty feet high. The walls of the gateway, where remaining in place, were perpendicular, and at the Ixise there was a rude human face carved in a stone of the wall, on each side of the entrance, (the only signs of sculpture we saw.) In digging about the base of this tower we found quantities of broken human bones and bits of painted pottery, and a foot and a half below, a pavement of stone slabs. Along the edge of the fortress on this side were other walls, apparently of large buildings, and in these were many openings, into which human remains had been crowded, the bodies having been doubled up so that the knees touched the breast ; and in this wav five or six bodies had been crowded into a space where one person would have been troubled to sit comfortably. The cotton wrappings of the dead, and in some cases the hair and shrunken flesh, still remained. Turning toward the east, and passing the place where the two entrances opened upon the top of the fortress, we came to the foot of a second great wall, like the first, from thirty to sixty feet in height, and made like the first of large cut stone laid up in regular layers. It covered about a third part of the space of the main fortress, and had been filled in in the same way, level to its top, with earth, forming a second fortress mounted on top of the first. As we scrambled along the foot of this wall, we found it had been used as a place of interment, and apparently by a later race than the original builders, the large stones of the wall having been pried out of place, and the bodies of the dead Appendix. i^g put into cavities behind, the original stones being in some places put back, in others smaller stones and mudbeing used. One of the Peruvians with us ventured the opinion that it was done by the original builders, to frighten their enemies when they should try to tear down the walls, and should find them filled with human bodies. This second fortress probably had much such an entrance as the first, but the wall had fallen where it had stood ; and we climbed up over the fallen stones, to the top. Here we found again numbers of foundations of round houses, and low walls filled with niches containing human remains. There was no wall here on the north side, for some distance, there being a perpendicular cliff that defended this side. We followed along this until we came to the north wall, which was broken down where we reached it, and descending here we followed around to the gateway again, where we had left our horses. Mr. Wurcherman estimated that it must have taken twenty thousand men at least twenty years to build this fortress ; but with the rude means they must have had for cutting stone and transporting earth, it probably took much longer. The next morning we visited another side of the same mountain, where there were other walls and ruins. After an hour's ride we found ourselves at the foot of the mountain. For three or four hundred feet it rose as steep as is possible to climb, but having a few rocks and bushes to which we could cling ; and then there was a perpendicular cliff of several hundred feet, and on projecting ledges of this were two walls of cut stone, — one quadrangular, and the other crescent-shaped. They were eight or ten feet in height, and had openings at regular intervals, that looked very much like loop-holes. After a hard scramble we reached the base of the cliff, and found ourselves some sixty or eighty feet below the walls, and no apparent way of reaching them. We followed the base of the cliff for quite a distance, finding caves filled with human remains ; and finally, by climbing a small tree that grew against the side of the cliff, reached a narrow ledge that led up toward the walls. This was so narrow that in some places we had to creep around projecting points of the rock, but we finally reached the foot of the lower and quadrangular wall. It was made of cut limestone slabs, like 140 Appendix. those of the great fortress of Quillip, but smaller, and laid up in mud. A ledge of the cliff, not more than four feet in width, had been used as a foundation for this, the wall being built on the outside of this, and leaving barely room behind for a person to pass between the wall and the cliff. It had been built up in this way some eight or ten feet, to where it reached the level of another ledge which gave room for a superstructure, which was probably of wood or grass. The narrow foundation wall was supported by small pieces of wood, which were built into it, and ran back into the rock behind, where holes had been made for them. These pieces of wood were still sound, though they must have been there for several centuries, or at least from before the Spanish conquest. The appearance of loop-holes was made by stones being drawn back from the general face of the wall, there being in reality no openings through it. The crescent- shaped wall was on a ledge still above ; and some fifteen or twenty feet over it, and sticking out horizontally from the cliff, was a bar, that has a great celebrity in the country about, as it is supposed to be of gold, and enchanted, etc. As near as I could make it out, it was nothing more than a wooden bar, that had been used to support the building that must have originally stood upon the wall, it having been so well secured in the cliff that when the building fell it had remained as a continual wonder for the simple Indians of the country. These ancient ruins along the Utcubamba and at Qiiillip are east of the Amazon, and are separated from the ruins about Cajamarca and the coast, by the central range of the Andes and by the river itself, which is swift and dangerous, and now only crossed by means of large rafts. Whether they are to be classed as the work of the Quichuas or other coast or Andean peoples, or have been made by nations coming from the East, who changed their mode of life when they reached these high, cool, rocky regions, is a question that is still to be decided. I have seen no account of Quillip being inhabited at the time of the Spanish conquest, and it was probably a ruin then. The trip to Cajamarca, from Chachapoyas, led up the Utcubamba, but the valley was most of the time too rough and Appendix. 141 narrow for cultivation. As we reached the foot of the pass of Calle Calle, we found ruins of large buildings, built roughly of boulders. They were probably intended to guard the pass. Cajamarca was one of the principal cities of the Incas, and the place where Atahuallpa, the last of the line, was put to death by Pizarro ; but there are but few remains of its ancient inhabit- ants. I was shown an ancient building which was said to be the identical room in which Atahuallpa was confined, and which he offered to fill with gold vessels as his ransom. The building is perhaps twenty-five feet long by sixteen wide, and the old wall is about ten feet high ; but it has been built up with adobes and covered with tiles, and serves for a modern residence. The walls were not p:iade perpendicular, l^ut were drawn in a little on every side, giving it the appearance of a truncated pyramid. The stones of which it is constructed are not squared, but have an irregular number of sides, giving the walls a curious appearance. They were laid up without mortar, but the joints are very close, and it has been supposed that they were rubbed together until they were fitted. There are many articles of pottery and human remains dug up about Cajamarca, but the valley is so moist that such things are not so well preserved as in the coast country. The greatest amount of ancient ruins found in Peru is in the rainless district between the last range of the Andes and the coast. This is made up of the ancient bed of the sea, as about Trujillo, and of the valleys of streams that come down from the mountains behind, and varies in width from one or two to thirty miles. It is now most of it desert, the sand blowing over much of it in whirling heaps. But there is every reason for believing that it was anciently all under cultivation, and most thickly inhabited. Excavations in the sand at almost any point uncover great numbers of human bodies, preserved by the dryness of the climate, like Egyptian mummies, with pots full of beans and corn and peanuts, and other articles of food. Besides these buried remains there are immense numbers of ruins of adobe or sun-dried bricks, these in some cases extending for miles. They have stood here for centuries, with no rain to wash them down, 142 Appendix. rounded a little by the winds and moving sand, but under the circumstances almost as imperishable as granite. In some cases these seem to have been walls for defense, in others they are great pyramids, while in others they are remains of temples and dwellings. Little or no stone ruins are found in this coast country, though there is plenty of granite near, and the reason seems to be that these sun-dried bricks were found to serve as good a purpose, while they were so much easier made. The ease with which these buildings were made, and also the ease with which they could be destroyed by an attacking force, led to their being made very thick and massive; and there are great mounds of them ia the valley between Callao and Lima, that are generally supposed by travelers to be natural hills, and artillery is said to have been posted upon some of them in certain of the revolutions the country has passed through. There seems to be but little doubt that this whole district was once under cultivation, as bits of pottery and signs of occu- pation are found all over it, while the steep valleys of the streams farther back in the mountains have been terraced up with great labor, to save a kw acres of ground for cultivation ; but under the present system nine-tenths or more of the level lands along the coast are desert. Even much of the great level valley about Lima is waste, and this is said to be from lack of water. Whether this lack of water arises from a real change in the rain-fall in the mountains behind, and a lessening of the rivers in this way, or whether the trouble is in the present careless method of distribu- tion of the water, is a matter of doubt, though there is some reason for thinking that at some time there was a much greater amount of rain in the mountains, and that the rainy belt approached much nearer the coast. In many places there are torrent beds in the mountains, where no water now flows at any season. Much of the water is certainly now wasted, from the irregular way in which the farms are laid out and the carelessness shown in the use of the water. The Incas or Quichuas are generally credited with all of these ruins along the coast ; but it seems probable that several powerful races have occupied the coast country in different places appendix. 14J and at different times, and that the Incas were inhabitants of the cooler plateaus of the interior. Their principal cities of Quito, Cajamarca, and Cuzco, were all on these plateaus, and the remainder of the race are now found inhabiting the cold moun- tain valleys, or upon the estates of the interior, employed as peons or serfs. The whole Spanish account of the conquest, and of the people and their customs, numbers, cities, etc., seems a bundle of lies, conflicting among themselves, and not at all corresponding with the real facts, where they can now be inves- tigated. This leaves the question of the origin and distribution of races in South America open to the theories and speculations of every one; and the graves and ruins give, and will continue to give for a long time to come, vast quantities of material to found theories upon. The graves that I examined seem capable of being divided into two classes; but whether the difference was caused by differ- ence of race or difference of locality and surroundings, is doubtful. The general style of burial on the plains was in vaults beneath the surface. In finding them, one generally digs through two or three feet of sand, sometimes finding bodies lying prone in this, wrapped in cotton cloth; and then coarse mats of rushes or bamboo are reached, supported upon poles, that lie across the vault below. In one end of this vault the bodies are found, appearing to be bundles of cloth, standing on end, and these bundles are often enveloped in baskets or sacks of coarsely plaited rushes. Upon unwrapping these bundles the bodies are found to have been doubled up so that the knees nearly touch the breast. In the graves at Pachacamac, south of Lima, there were found sticking in the top of these bundles figures to imitate the human head, the face being carved rudely in wood, with shell eyes, and a shock of fibre of some kind being used for hair. At the feet of these bundles were generally found a number of pots, often six or eight, or more, covered with dishes made from gourds or squashes, and filled with peanuts, beans, Indian corn, roots of cassava, and in one case, of the skeletons of a small animal, probably a guinea pig. Cotton is al?o often found. The pots found, filled with food, have been used in many cases. 1/14 Appendix. and are blackened with fire. There are also found plates of gourd, and rudes ones of pottery. The finer kinds of pottery are much rarer, and the only specimens I succeeded in finding were wrapped up with the body. This fine black pottery — for it is nearly all of this color — seems to have been in nearly all cases used for water jugs or bottles, to be carried about at the girdle ; and I have seen one of these that represented a human figure with one of these miniature jugs hanging from the belt. For this purpose they are all provided with handles, or double necks, for being carried. There is a wonderful variety of them, a collection of hundreds of them having hardly two alike, while they are made to represent all kinds of animals, fish, turtles, seals, .serpents, birds, monkeys, men, fruits, roots, etc., etc. In spite of this variety, there are several general forms that are often repeated. One of them is a bottle with a double throat, that unites above to form the mouth. Another is the double jug united by one or two hollow tubes ; these are often in the form of birds or animals, and often have whistles arranged in the interior so that in drinking from them they whistle. Another form is pointed at the bottom, so that it will not stand upright unless stuck into the sand — imitating in this some of the ancient pottery of the East. Little earthen images five or six inches in height are often found. These are all alike in form, and in having a peculiar head-dress, and ears enlarged, as they are now found among some of the wild tribes of the interior of Peru. These can have served no other purpose than that of idols. The pots, besides being made, many of them, in the shape of men and beasts, are nearly all ornamented with painted or raised figures. Some of them are covered with little figures in relief, of fish and birds, the same figures being repeated many times. The strange, chair-shaped marking still used by the natives of the Amazon, and found on Chinese and Egyptian potterv, is also frequent. This black pottery is quite porous, and is often used by modern Peruvians for keeping water cool. Some of these pots, at least, seem to have been made in halves, and then stuck together. Appendix. 14^ The art of working it has been completely lost ; and though imitations are made at the present time, and colored black, they are very easily known from the ancient ones. The style of burial and of pottery described is found along the coast at or near Lima, at Pachacamac, and north at Trujillo and Pacasmayo. In the mountains behind, where the country was much rougher and stone abounded, I found no pottery buried with the dead, though this may be by no means general. Many of the dead are buried in little niches built up in the rocks, of stone and mud. Wherever there is a projecting rock, it is taken advantage of, and hollows are dug out beneath it, where the dead are stowed away. Up the Rimac River, above Lima, at Chosica, and still further up, where the river valley narrows to a mile or so in width, the mountain sides behind have been terraced up for hundreds of feet with strong stone walls five and six feet in height, while there are remains of ditches along the mountain side, where the water has been brought from long distances above, to irrigate these terraces. Besides the remains of burial places in the rocks, in this locality, the ancient inhabitants seem to have buried in and beneath their own houses. The village of Chosica was built on a steep mountain side that was thickly covered with boulders, some of them of great size. Among these they built a town that must have been much like a great ants' nest. The houses were very small, many of the rooms being six or seven feet long by four or five wide — little cells, burrowed out from the rocks, or built up out of them. They seem to have passed about the town along the walls of the houses, which were probably, from the remains, covered with corn stalks. They burrowed out vaults beneath these houses, for the dead, and in some cases filled them into the lower rooms. These lower vaults were usually walled with boulders, and were covered with flat stones, that were bound together and supported by other stones piled upon them on the outside, while a large central flat stone seems to have covered the main hole left for entrance. There were also, in most or all cases, little holes a foot or more square, that opened from the side into other vaults near. In these tombs the dead were found bundled up, as in the others, and, standing up in one end, often to the number of 2^6 Appendix. fifteen or twenty. The bodies had been doubled up, as on tlie plains, and wrapped in many folds of cotton, some of this striped and colored. It seemed that they had been in the habit of opening these tombs and re-wrapping the bodies of their friends in new cloths, while the faces had often been painted red, as if the living had tried to make them look better. They were buried, men, women, and children, indiscriminately, each with their peculiar arms or implements. The women usually had boxes with balls of yarn, and needles of the spines of agave, or of bronze, with bits of half-woven or netted cloth ; while the men had slings for slinging stones, about their necks or in their hands, while we found one or two with dents in their skulls, evidently made by stones slung, that caused their death. The men also generally wore about the loins a leather dress, with a pocket, in which was usually found a little gourd of quicklime, for using with the coca, while a cotton bag at the side contained a supply of coca leaves. The little boys had small slings about their necks, while the girls had miniature needles and work-baskets. One little child, buried in its mother's arms, was wrapped entirely in cotton, and there were many other proofs of the care with which the dead were treated in those days. The most of these vaults, as well as those in the plains below, have been broken into by the Spanish and present Peruvians, in the search after valuables. They call this old people " infieles " — heathen — and do not consider their graves worthy of respect, though they are descended from them in part ; and they heap out these remains by the hundreds, and allow them to whiten in the sun and wind. There is a place near Lima where one passes for half a mile through arms and legs and trunks, and grinning heads covered with hair, that have been heaped out in this way ; one of the most horrid sights one can imagine. Many of the heads of these people have been pressed out of shape, ordinarily, as it seems, by pressing upon the forehead and the base of the skull behind, giving the head a wedge shape. In many cases the brain was crowded out over one or the other ear, giving the skull a curious Appendix. i^y lop-sided appearance. This custom does not seem to have been universal, as normal skulls were found in the same villages and in the same graves, with the ones that had been pressed out of shape. While making a journey over the Andes along the route of the Lima and Oroga Railroad, I saw a method of cultivation of the soil that is probably the one anciently used by the Incas, before the introduction of horses and cattle by the Spanish. They then possessed no beast of burden but the llama, and this animal is too small and weak to have been used in the cultivation of the ground. VVhen we had reached a point where the valley of the Rimac River is too narrow and too cold to be any longer an object of desire for the Spaniards and their descendants, we found several Indian villages, the inhabitants living from their flocks of sheep and llamas, and from little patches of potatoes and quinoa. The hill-sides were terraced up, as below, probably the work of centuries past ; and one of these terraces, too narrow to plough, two Indians were cultivating with implements that looked like plow handles, being curved above, to take hold of, and shod at the lower end with iron, and with a support for the foot, tied on with thongs. They raised these narrow, spade-like implements at the same moment, and stepping each a step to the right with military precision, they set the spades to the ground and threw their weight upon them, driving them in six or eight inches, and then at the same moment pried back upon them, loosening quite a sod ; and then they stepped again to the right, loosening at each time about as much e.arth as one would with an ordinary spade. An Indian woman followed, on her knees, and turned the sods bottom side up with her hands; and I concluded that I was looking upon the identical method of cultivation of the ancient Peruvians. 248 Appendix. L. THE HISTORY OF THE DOCTRINE OF SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. BY EDWARD S. DUNSTER, M. D. In connection with the very able paper of Dr. Lionel Beale, on the nature of life, read at our last meeting, it has occurred to me that a historical sketch of the rise, progress, and present status of the theory of spontaneous generation might be of value. We cannot approach the study of the wonderful mystery we call life without coming, at the very outset, face to face, with the problem of its spontaneous origin ; and we must examine and either set aside or accept it, before we can make headway with the higher questions involved in such study. It is instructive, also, for us as students of science to occasionally survey the past, and observe the slow approaches by which our present knowledge has been attained. It gives us an insight into the character of our work, and compels a higher appreciation of its positiveness, when we see that it has been gathered literally by centuries of patient and cautious investigation, in the process of which error after error has been eliminated ; and thus, steadily though very slowly, there is a nearer approach to ultimate truth. Such a retrospect may well serve to restrain the impatience of those who are disposed to scoff at science by reason of its changing phases, for it is the distinguishing characteristic of true science that she does not let a belief or theory encumber her progress when fuller investigation has shown that such belief or theory is no longer tenable, but she sweeps it away as remorselessly as the whirl- wind crushes down the forest in its advancing track, and rejoices Appendix. I4g that " the grave of each superstition which it lays is the womb of a better birth." * I do not purpose, however, to enter into a discussion of the arguments for or against the doctrine of spontaneous generation. Such a task v/ould require a series of lectures, instead of the limited time allotted to me this evening, and it is doubtful, too, if the resulting gain would be at all commensurate with the labor, for it is a question which in the nature of things cannot be argued on the grounds of authority or of probability, but must rest on experimental evidence alone. In the interpretation of this evi- dence, however, we may with propriety accept the opinions of those who by long training in scientific research are best quali- fied to estimate such evidence at its real value. The history of the doctrine of spontaneous generation may be conveniently divided into three epochs. The ist covers the period from Aristotle, 325 B. C, to Redi, A. D. 1668. During this epoch spontaneous generation was believed by all natural- ists to be the common mode of the production of a very large class of animals. The 2d epoch extends from the time of Redi to the experiments of Schwann and Schultze, in 1836-7. This epoch presents two phases, one relating to the generation of animals visible to the naked eye, the other relating to the gener- ation of infusorial animalcules invisible to the unaided eye. As regards the first, spontaneous generation during this epoch " was narrowed down to a rare and exceptional mode of the reproduc- tion of a few only of the most obscure species, and finally shown to be untenable even for them."f The generation of a large share of the entozoa was also explained during this period, and they were removed from the class formerly believed to be pro- duced by spontaneous generation. As regards the other phase of this epoch, that relating to the infusoria, it may be said that *MAiTDSi,EY: Body and Mind; London, 1870; p. 111. + J. C. Dalton, M. D. : Spontaneous Generation, New York MedicalJournal , February, 1872. I am Indebted to this admirable paper of Prof. Dalton's for much of the material here made use of, and I desire now to express mj- acknowledgments for such use in the instances where I have not given the reference and page. ijo Appendix. the mode of their generation was quite fully explained, at least for all but the very lowest species, and that generally scientific men held that the question was put to rest by the decisive experi- ments of Schultze and Schwann, just alluded to. The 3d epoch dates from the year 1858, when the question was reopened in Paris for special reasons connected with the study and theory of evolution. In this, the present epoch, the whole battle ground is within the domain of infusorial life, and although, by the majority of scientists, the victory thus far is conceded to the advocates of biogenesis, or life from preexisting life, a few still courageously contend for the opposing theory — abiogenesis — life without preexisting life, or life from inorganic matter alone. \st Epoch. During this period a belief in the spontaneous generation of many animals was universal. Even Aristotle, who may be considered to represent the highest type of the scientific culture of the day, divided animals, with reference to their mode of production, into two classes. The one was derived by suc- cession from preexisting parents, life being transmitted either by the production of living young resembling the parents, or through the hatching of eggs, or, as in many 'insects, by grubs or larvae. In the other class no such connection could be traced, and hence they were considered to originate spontaneously from "the for- tuitous concourse" of inorganic materials, from the slime or ooze at the bottom of the sea, or from the decomposing remains of other animals. Thus the shell-fish, such as clams and oysters ; the sea-nettles and sponges ; the maggots that invariably swarm after a time in dead meat ; very many of the smaller insects that appear so suddenly ; grubs, moths, eels and many other small fishes, are enumerated as originating in this way. The idea of decomposition and recomposition of organic atoms was a favor- ite one, not only during antiquity, but down through the middle ages. It finds its best expression, perhaps, in Aristotle's well known formula, Corriiptio unii/s est generatio a/terms. These crude beliefs were not confined to the Greek scientists alone, but continued even down to the middle of the seventeenth century, at which late day Kircher, the learned Jesuit, declared that to Appendix. 131 produce a crop of serpents it is only necessary to pulverize one and sow the powder as seed in the earth. He further averred that fragments of plants falling into water became transformed into animals, and he actually figured such animals in his book.* Van Helmont, too, we find describing a mode for the artificial propagation of mice, frogs, and eels. With our present knowledge of the mode of reproduction in animals, we may perhaps smile at these crude and incorrect notions, but we must remember that they were the best conclu- sions then attainable, and they were the result of a truly scientific but imperfect study of natural phenomena. Dr. Dalton well says: " Aristotle represented in natural science, as in so many other departments, the entire scope and successful activity of the Grecian intellect. He occupied the position which was after- ward held by the Buffons, Linnaeus, and the Cuviers of more modern periods ; and it is certain that the opinions which he expressed must have seemed reasonable from his point of view." It is not out of place to mention here some of the causes of er- ror which are now apparent. The young of many of the lower vari- eties of animals are so wholly unlike the parent, that it was impossible to trace any similarity or relation between them, until after patient observation the intermediate stages in their develop- ment were learned. A familiar illustration of this is the larval form of the common butterflies and moths, and the varied appear- ances seen in alternate generation in insects. In their successive developmental stages the animals will often inhabit different localities, and in some instances even different elements. The secretive habits of many of the oviparous and viviparous animals precluded for a long time knowledge of their mode of reproduc- tion. Some, as for instance fishes, will migrate long distances, deposit their eggs quickly, and as suddenly disappear. After a time the ova are hatched by the favoring influences of light and heat, no parent animals being present in the vicinity. In others the young on being hatched quickly betake themselves to a diff'er- ent locality. Again, ova not infrequently lie dormant, as it were. Edinburgh Review, Vol. 89, p. 167. 1^2 Appendix. for a season, or even for a period of years, and when finally de- veloped the parent animals have long since disappeared from the face of the earth, and hence an easy belief in a new or spon- taneous generation.* Gradually, however, after years and even centuries of patient investigation, all these and the kindred diffi- . culties have been removed and the errors have been explained, so that even during this first epoch some of the supposed cases of spontaneous generation were removed from this category, and explained in accordance with the increased light thus gained. This brief survey of the first epoch in the history of spontaneous generation must suffice. Indeed, thus much of reference to it is only pardonable, for the purpose of contrasting the opinions then prevailing among scientific men, with the more positive knowledge which now obtains. 2d Epoch. The first solid and experimental advance toward the positive knowledge of to-day, and the first distinct repudia- tion of the doctrine of spontaneous generation, was made in 1668, by Francesco Redi, the Italian naturalist.f " He did not trouble himself," says Huxley,** "with speculative considera- tions, but attacked experimentally what had been considered to be particular cases of spontaneous generation." He directed his attention first to studying the origin of maggots in putrefying meat. He observed that before the appearance of such maggots flies were invariably to be seen hovering about and alighting * " A remarkable instance of this is the case of the American seventeen- year locust (Cicada septendecim), where a period of seventeen years elapses between the hatching of the larva and the appearance of the perfect insect; the larva all this time remaining buried in the ground, while the life ol the insect in its perfect state does not last over six weeks. A brood of these locusts appeared in the city of New York and its immediate vicinity in 1843, and again in 1860. If they return with their accustomed regularity, their next appearance will be in 1877."— Dalton : Joe. cit. t Francesco: An Italian physician, 162()-1697, distinguished alike for his attainments in literature and in natural history. His writings have been collected and published in a single volume. Opuscoli di Storia Naturale. Florence, 1858. ** President's Address to British Association, at Liverpool, Sept., 1870. This address has been published in many journals, and also in separate form. yatiirc, Sept. 15, 1870, p. 400, Appendix. ' ijj upon the meat, and he suspected that they were the progenitors of the maggots. In midsummer he took a number of wide-mouthed jars, and placed in them bits of flesh. Some of the jars were left open — some were covered with paper carefully secured around the neck. Maggots soon appeared in the open jars, but none were seen in the closed jars, even after weeks had elapsed, while the flesh continued to putrefy just as in the other set. Then using fine gauze as a covering for the jars, the result was the same. His mode of argument, therefore, was, that the cause of the formation of the maggots must be something that is kept away from the meat by the gauze. This something must be solid par- ticles too big to go through the gauze, for air and fluids will readily pass through. Nor can there be any doubt as to what this something is, " for the blow-flies attracted by the odor of the meat, swarm around the vessel, and urged by a powerful, but in this case a misleading instinct, lay eggs out of which maggots are immediately hatched upon the gauze." * These experiments were repeated with a great variety of substances, and with various modifications, but the results were uniformly the same, and so far as they went they carried convic- tion ; but it must be remembered that they disproved spontane- ous generation only for the special cases under consideration. The presumption, however, that all instances of the supposed origin of life from dead or inorganic matter might be in a simi- lar manner explained, by the introduction in some way of living germs, rapidly gained ground, and was enunciated by Redi him- self as at least probable. He even suggested that in this way we might explain the generation of the entozoa, or internal parasites of animal bodies, Redi was tbllowed by Swammerdam** and Vallisnieri,*** who repeated his experiments, and the combined * Huxley : ibidem. ** Johannes: a Dutch physician and entomologist, 1637-1681. He was one of the earliest to make dissections of the human body. He published a num- ber of entomological works. His " History ol Insects " was claimed by Boerhaave, his editor, to be incomparably superior to anything that had pre- ceded it. An English translation was published in 1758. *** Antonio: an Italian physician and naturalist, 1661-1730. He studied medicine under Malpighi, and was subsequently Professor in the University 1j4 Appendix. result of their writings was to entirely subvert the belief in the spontaneous generation of insects and all animals of a higher organization. Since their day no one of any scientific preten- sions has ventured to propound this theory for any species of aniaial life with a high grade of organization.* The discovery of the mammalian egg which dates from 1673, by De Graaf, of Delft, in Holland, and the full history of its mode of development which was closed by Von Baer, in 1827, threw a flood of light upon the general question of generation, and stripped it of the mystery which hitherto had been care- lessly supposed to surround it in the highest orders of animals, especially in man himself. Its bearing, too, upon our subject is obvious. In this way " spontaneous generation lost its rank as a great natural division of the reproductive function ; and came to be regarded as an exceptional phenomenon, confined to a very few species whose existence could not be accounted for in the ordinary way. Its territory was narrowed exactly in proportion as the knowledge of natural history advanced ; and it became reduced almost exclusively to the class of animals known as entozoa or internal parasites.'"''* These are organisms, some of them microscopic in size, that live within and prey upon the bodies of other animals. They are found in special habitats or organs, and each species of ani- mal has its own particular parasite. Thus, confining our illus- trations to a few only of those met with in the human body, we may notice the different varieties of solid and hollow worms {sterelmintha and ccelehniniha) that infest different portions of the alimentary canal ; the trichina spiralis that dwells in muscle; at Padua, and was especially celebraied for his rcheavches into the various systems of generation. His works were published in three volumes folio, at Venice, 1733. * Mr. Crosse's electrical spiders {Sequel to Vestiges of Creation), a kind of " microscopic porcupine," which he asserts were developed in a .solution of silicate of potash, through which the consLant galvanic current was continu- ously passed for two years, are unworthy tlie dignity of a serious refutation. A writer in the Edinburgh Magazine, April, 1867, humorously depicts this, and very appropriately too, as a most singular case of delusion. ** Dalton: loco citato, p. 121 Appendix. i^i^ the strongylus gigas that makes its abode only in the hilum of the kidney; then there are others peculiar to the brain, the liver, cellular tissue, etc. These creatures long puzzled and completely defied the naturalists in their efforts to explain the mode of their origin, and it is a curious study now to look at the shifting opin- ions which from time to time have been entertained regarding them. To illustrate : Linnaeus, the celebrated naturalist, thought that the internal parasites were terrestrial or aquatic animals that had been swallowed with the food or drink. Bremser and Rudolphi, after twelve years of research, disproved this by showing that there was nothing in common in organization between such parasites and any known species. Boerhaave suggested that there was some metamorphosis or monstrous growth that occurred in them in their new and unaccustomed habitats. This was a leaning toward the truth, for we do find remarkable changes in successive stages of development, but the error was in the starting point. Without dwelling further upon their opinions or without an attempt to detail the progress of the study, it is sufficient for my purpose to say that at last all these parasites were found to come from eggs, and in turn to produce young by sexual generation.* Years upon years of the closest investigation were necessary to complete this study, and the nature of the difficulties to be con- tended with were such that it seemed almost impossible to over- come them. This is well illustrated by the cysticerci, the inter- mediate stage or larval forms in the development of the tape- worms. They live in a closed cyst in the solid tissues, and they are absolutely sexless and unprovided with generative apparatus. To connect them, then, with the mature parasite, which lives in the alimentary canal alone, was a difficult task. The painstaking *As late as 18.58, Pouch et, the uncompromising advocate of the theory of spontaneous generation, questioned the trutli of tliese discoveries in the generation of parasites. Says the writer in the Edinburgh Review (loc. cit.), " lilte a true Frenchman of the feebler sort he says, " (ant pis pour les fails .'" and rejects the facts which reject his hypothesis. He doubts the truth of these discoveries, " the monopoly of which." he naively says, " has by a sing- ular anomaly belonged to foreigners." This reminds one of the pious patri- otism of Lamartine, who said that when God has a noble idea to vouchsafe to mankind He always puts it first into the brain of a Frenchman. 1^6 Appendix. labors of the helminthologists finally determined the mode of their origin, and completed the record of their natural history, by showing that, for the full round of their development two anifnals are necessary. The second of these usually stands to the first in the relation of prey or food. The mature parasite lays eggs in the alimentary canal of the first animal. These ova are swept out with the alvine discharges, and through the medium of surface water or herbage, some of them find their way into the alimentary canal of the second animal. Here the ova find conditions favorable to the first stage of their develop- ment, and they are now provided with a boring apparatus by which they make their way through the walls of the canal, and travel long distances, finally to ensconce themselves in the solid tissues where they become encysted. The second animal being killed, its flesh is eaten by the first. The cyst wall is digested, and the cysticercus, thus freed from its environment, now finds the appropriate nidus for the final stage in its development. Thus each taenia has its own cysticercus whose distinctive characteristics can be recognized under the microscope, and furthermore the taenia, peculiar to one species of animals, is never found infesting any other species.* One can never sufficiently admire the splendid patience of such men as Diezing, Kuchenmeister, Haubner, Von Siebold, Leuckart, Van Beneden and others, who almost literally devoted their lives to these studies. The details of their experiments, both on man and on the lower animals, and their cautious, long- continued, and at times unpromising researches, form one of the most entertaining as well as instructive chapters in the whole re- cord of natural history study. f These labors, it is true, were * Van Beneden's little book, Animal Parasites and 3fessmates, puhMshed since tliis lecture was given, fui-nishes for the English reader an excellent ac- count of the development and migrations of these entozoa. New York : D. Appleton «fe Co., 1876. t An amusing illustration of the precision of the results obtained by these investigators is found in the well-known narrative of Van Beneden* in his monograph upon Intestinal Worms. For the purpose of illustrating the * Van Bexeden : Mhnoire sur les Vers Intestinaux, Paris, 1858, p. loo, and Animal Parasites and Messmates, pp. 71 and 222. Appendix. i^j not completed during the epoch under consideration, but during it, the presumption was clearly established that on fuller investi- gation a solution would be found of all cases that had hitherto baffled detection. The latest of these investigations worthy of note are those of Leuckart (1856-7) and Virchow (1858) upon the trichina spiralis ; and they have confirmed in a very positive manner the opinion just stated, for it is a reasonable and almost universally admitted canon in scientific study that it is more probable that a law which is known to be without exception in phenomena, which we can clearly trace, extends to similar phe- nomena not yet fully explained, rather than that a new law should now come into play. This, of course, does not exclude the possibility of a new law, and the true scientist will cheerfully accept such a law, whenever by observation, comparison and ex- periment its correctness is established. 2d Epoch {continued). The other phase of the epoch under consideration relates solely to the origin of infusorial life. The microscope had been of great service in enabling scientists to account for the mode of generation in known animals, but with all this extension of knowledge it had also brought into view a new outlying territory which swarmed with animal life in num- bers and kind before unsuspected. These are the infusoria— first discovered by Leeuwenhoek in 1675 and called by him anima- uiigration of parasites— a subject just then being establislied — he took with him from Louvaln to Paris four pups which he liad reared. Two of them he liad fed upon the cysticercus cellulosus of the rabbit, the larval form of the tcenia serrata of the dog. These pups he presented to a commission of scientists (Valenciennes, Milne Edwards, Quatrefages and Jules Holme) saying : In two of these dogs you will find not a single specimen of tcenia serrata, in the other two you will find many; and furthermore, in this one you will find specimens in four different stages of development, while in that one you will find them only in three stages, and the number of speci- mens in this dog is much greater than in that one. The pups were then liilled and his statements were proved to be absolutely correct. In one dog, how- ever, some tceniae cucumerinae were found, and Van Beneden frankly owned he could not tell where they came from. Since then it has been discovered that they originate from an acarus, the trichodectcs, which lives in the hair of (logs and which is infested by the scolex of this variety of tape- worm. The dog licking its hair swallows the acarus and thus infects itself very much in the manner in which a horse Is infected with bots, by licking up the eggs of the oestrus or gad fly. i_^8 Appendix. cules. In 1764 Wiesberg gave them the name which they now bear ; this designation was made from the fact that they are al- ways found in stagnant water and in infusions of both animal and vegetable materials after short standing. Subsequently they were studied by many observers, but it is to Ehrenberg* and Dujar- din** that we are indebted for the most systematic description of them, and their great works figure hundreds of varieties. The almost illimitable numbers, the great diversity of form and of organization, as well as the combined bulk of these microscopic beings are almost beyond conception. We now know that there are geological deposits of great size in different portions of the earth's crust that consist almost exclusively of the calcareous and silicious shells of these minute beings. Indeed Ehrenberg himself regarded them " as forming by far the greatest number and perhaps also the largest mass of living animal organisms on the surface of the globe"f The rapidity of their development is something wonderful, and being also infinitesimal in size their mode of procreation was beyond the reach of the microscopes of the day, and it is no surprise to learn that the old doctrine of spon- taneous generation was again invoked to account for their origin. This was done in 1748 by Needhamfff and Buffon, who " led by certain theoretical considerations doubted the applicability of Redi's hypothesis to the infusorial animalcules, and Needham endeavored to bring the question to an experimental test."ff Taking the juices of meats which had been extracted at a high temperature he enclosed them in glass vials, also previously heat- ed, corked them tightly and set them aside to cool. After a few * Die Infusionsthlerchen, als vollkommene Organisnien. Leipzig, 1858. ** Histoire NatureUe den Zoophytes Infusoircs. Paris,, 1841. t Dalton : loc. eit. p. 127. •jt HuxLKY : loc cit. ttt John Tuberville: an English naturalist, 1713-1784. He was edu- cated in the Roman Catholic faitliand became a priest in that church, his life being niostly spent on the Continent. He was Director of the Academy of Maria Tlieresa, at Brussels. He devoted himself to scientific investigations in connection with his work in teaching, and published many papers. His principle work was a Treatise on Generation, published in French, the year previous to his death. Appendix. i^q days he invariably found in the vials infusoria present in great and constantly increasing numbers. His argument then was that if they were produced from germs, the germs must exist either in the substance which had been boiled, the water in which it was boiled, or in the air enclosed in the vial. Now boiling destroys the vitality of all germs, hence no infusoria should be developed in his infusions. But they were invariably present in his vials and accordingly he assumed that they were generated by a reor- ganization of the dead animal matter. But as Huxley says, most eloquently, "the great tragedy of science — the slaying of a beau- tiful hypothesis by an ugly fact — which is so constantly being enacted under the eyes of philosophers, was played almost imme- diately for the benefit of Buffon and Needham." The Abbe Spallanzini* thought that Needham's experiments had not been conducted with sufficient care and precision, as no account had been taken of the absolute temperature to which the flasks and infusions had been subjected, nor had the mouths of the flasks been absolutely closed from contact with the external air. He therefore took glass flasks partly filled with organic in- fusions, and after closing them by hermetically sealing up the necks, exposed them to the temperature of boiling waterf for an * Lazzako : an Italian physician, born in the duchy of Modena, 1729, died at Pavia, 1799. He was educated at Bologna, where he subsequently became a Professor, and still later he was appointed to the Chair of Natural History in the University at Pavia. He was one of the most eminent men of his day, an honorajy member of nearly all the learned societies of Europe, and uni- versally held in the highest esteem. His scientific studies were principally in physiology, especially of the lower animals; andby these studies which have been incorporated into the text-books, his name is more familiar to the medical student of to-day than that of many other recent observers. He refused offers of Professorships in a number of the prominent institutions of the time, among them the JarcUn des I'lantes in Paris. t "Various expedients for ridding the flasks of any existing infusoria or germs have been adopted by different experimenters. Those usually em- ployed are 1. Catetna^i'oM— causing air to pass through red-hot tubes. 2. i^t?