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J. MAXWELL & SON, 95, 97, AND 99 HIGH STREET. 1896,



In writing a book of this kind, it is quite impossible to avoid all occasion of censure. There is not a single part of the scheme which I have followed that could not be severely criticised, either in one way or in another. I have followed, in the general arrangement of the families and in the case of the more critical genera, the classical work of Bent- ham and Hooker, but I have attempted to quote all the species men- tioned in the Ninth Edition of the London Catalogue. I am quite aware that, in classing many of the "species" of this work as subspecies, I am probably exposing myself to a great deal of perhaps avoidable blame, but my reason for this course is perfectly conclusive to my own mind.

No one can doubt that the idea of a " species " depends entirely on the personal experience of the botanist. None who have worked on English Botany have had such a wide experience of plants of all nations as the authors of the Genera Plantarum, and I prefer to take their view as being in the main more serviceable and orderly than that of those whose experience, though profound, is confined chiefly to European plants.

The Record List has involved a vast amount of labour. All the MSS. of Watson's Topographical Botany in the Natural History Museum have been consulted, and the records are quoted under the names there mentioned. I have to thank Mr Carruthers for his kind permission in this respect. In the case of Dr Davidson's records, I have been put in a difficult position. His plants are now in California, and I cannot obtain any information as to who named them. With this exception it may, I think, be considered certain that the records are entirely correct, for I have taken the best advice as to all critical species, and spared no trouble in verification from all sources.


A great difficulty has been to know how to deal with those forms which have been in some manner introduced. I have been severely criticised on this point already. Firsts if I had taken only absolutely native or indigenous plants, I should have departed from the course pursued by every other author of a local Flora, and been very severely blamed for carelessness in not doing the work thoroughly. Secondly^ as I have admitted every species now found established in a wild condition, however introduced, I shall be of course exposed to those who say that only well established plants should be admitted in a local Flora. The criterion I have taken is the establishment in a healthy condition of self-sown plants. None other is really of value, and certain interest- ing problems could not have been studied, if these doubtful forms had not been included. The climate of the county is so genial, that these introduced plants are exceedingly abundant, and exceedingly difficult to tell from plants undoubtedly native to Scotland. I do not know of any other method of treating this question, which does not either on the one side or on the other involve serious error.

In citing localities I have tried to pass, in the case of Maritime Plants^ from the Mull of Galloway, along the coast of Glencaple, and thence to the English Border. The three great valleys are then taken in order, and the reader is supposed to pass up the Western and down the Eastern bank. Further subdivision than that here given did not seem to me of any practical use. The Cargen, Cairn, etc., are in- dubitably part of Nithsdale, just as the JV, and Kirtle are quite characteristically Annandale.

Of course no work of this nature can ever be complete. The London Catalogue shows a considerable growth in two years, and is still growing. I have chosen to produce this work as it stands, partly because the information is quite correct and will undoubtedly be of assistance, and partly because six years of African travel has greatly told on pedestrian efficiency, and I know that it could not be appreciably improved by my own exertions.

The amount of assistance received from my local friends will be visible to all those who read the Flora. I must thank all heartily for their kind and valuable help. Perhaps one of the pleasantest remem-


brances at the close of such a work is^that of the many happy days spent in congenial companionship with fellow-students in botany. Mr M'Andrew, Mr Johnstone, the Misses Hannay, and Mr Bell are best de- scribed as part authors of the work; but I have had the greatest delight in finding that the older Botanists of Dumfriesshire were far more thorough and correct than is perhaps agreeable to some of those amongst us now. It is a pleasure to rescue their names from oblivion, and to put their notes in a form accessible to all. The Kev. E. F. and W. R. Linton have helped me very greatly with the critical Hawkweeds, and other forms. Mr Brunetti kindly named all the Diptera (I had asked Mr Verrall, who was, however, unable to spare the time), and Mr R. Service the Hymen- optera and Coleoptera. The plants collected by most of those named below are now in the Herbarium of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Dumfries, and open to inspection. I have also to thank Mr A. Bennett for much kind assistance.

The introductions by Mr Robert Seivice on the Hymenoptera, and the Geology by Messrs Peach and Home, speak for themselves. I am very conscious myself of the value which they give to the follow- ing pages ; and my thanks are also due to Mr Andson for the data, gathered by many years' careful observation, which we have brought together as an account of the Meteorology. The map has been specially obtained at great trouble, and it is to be hoped that it will be found satisfactory.

With this Herbarium and this Flora, I think there is scarcely any county in Britain so easily studied as mine, and it is with the most perfect confidence that I look to future Dumfriesians to carry out and prove some of the problems suggested herein.


November 2^th^ iSg^.


Preface ...

List of Abbreviations, Authorities, and Assistants

Topography, by G. F. Scott-Elliot

Habitat ...

Flowering Period

Insect Visitors ,, ... .

Hymenoptera of Mid-Solway, by R. Service Meteorology, by Rev. W. Andson and G. F. Scott-Elliot .

Geology, by B. N. Peach and T. Home


Index to Genera of Plants ...

Index to Host Plants of the Insects Mentioned

Page. iii.





The County consists roughly of the major part of the three great river valleys Nithsdale, Annandale, and Eskdale ; a certain amount of the first is included in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and another portion of the upper part of Nithsdale belongs to Lanarkshire. A glance at the map will show that the lower portion of Eskdale belongs to Cumberland, and most of the Liddel is outside Dumfriesshire. Hence the County will be seen to be an extremely unnatural one, and for convenience sake I have attempted to include in the Flora the whole drainage area of the Nith and Annan, and only followed its regular boundary in the Southern and Eastern parts, as those parts of the Esk and Liddel drainage areas which are beyond Dumfriesshire would be most conveniently studied from Carlisle as a base.

The seaside part of Dumfriesshire is almost entirely composed of estuarine mud, on which grows an abundance of Armeria, Triglochin, and Pkntago maritima. This is occasionally broken by sand and shingle or by a low cliff where the tide has reached, as e.g.^ near Annan, a considerable hillock of boulder clay. Rocks are only represented by the concrete at Torduff and the sandstone quays at Annan and Glen- caple. Hence it is surprising to find that most of the ordinary maritime plants have been discovered, though they occur usually in a very scattered and local manner.

It is not unusual in works of this kind to produce a full description of the general features of the County under review, giving the river names, general appearance, and other knowledge usually sought for in guide books. Most of this information is placed under the heads following, and much will be best found by a careful study of the map. The valley of the Nith is interesting in every sense. If we include the Cargen as a part of its drainage area, then the western watershed will be found a remarkable natural boundary, not only of plants, but of ethnological and geological value. Civilisation and human imigrants have followed the line of the Glasgow and South-Western Railway from the earliest prehistoric times. This is due probably to the depth and great inland extent of the valley. The 200 feet contour is not reached before Drumlanrig, and a careful perusal of the Geology will show that the depression occurred in the early Silurian age. All the valleys are of extraordinary beauty, but this is only understood by those who have the patience to go off the high roads and explore. In Nithsdale, the Glen, Blackwood Linn, the Scaur, and Craighope Linn may be recom-


mended as the l^st examples of lower wood glens, but almost every burn has a beauty of its own from one end of the dale to the other. The western watershed begins with CrifTel, over 1800 feet high, but its continuation is insignificant until the sources of Scaur, Kello, and Euchan. Queensberry (2285 feet) is the most conspicuous point of the eastern watershed. Annandale and the Caledonian line is a natural road of the same kind. Moffat is perhaps the best botanical centre in the County, as from it all the characteristic habitats of the district can be easily reached.

These include the Beld Craig Linn and Garpol, both typical wood- glens, and the beautiful corries of Black's Hope and Grey Mare's Tail, above which are the highest elevations in the county.

Eskdale, between Langholm and Canobie Bridge, is the most beauti- ful wooded valley that the writer has seen in any part of the world. Higher up in the Eskdalemuirs, the scenery is desolate and wild in the extreme. Meikledale is an interesting corrie, not unlike those on Moffat water, but such ravines are rare in this valley.

Originally the County probably consisted of deciduous forest, broken along the river sides by stretches of marshy soil or peat moss. I believe this forest probably continued from nearly sea level to about 800 feet, from which level to that of the present peat haggs there may have been, either after a belt of conifers or throughout, rough grass and heather. The succession found in most parts of the world of deciduous forest, conifers, and heather or moss may be traced there- fore without much difficulty. Arable land now replaces the deciduous forest, which still persists along the rivers and burns up to 2200 feet.

The hill farms and permanent pasture represent probably what was once rough grass and heather, but man has not yet been able to bring the peat-haggs into cultivation. These are laid down in a capping of peat some ten to twelve feet thick, though varying enormously in depth over all the higher hills in Dumfriesshire. Peat-mosses are found at all elevations, from the Solway to that of Loch Skene and higher, but I can find nowhere a satisfactory explanation of this formation.

I must refer the reader to the map for the source and tributaries of the three great rivers, Nith, Annan, and Esk, as the impression of these three large valleys is by far the most valuable for all practical purposes.


It was chiefly on account of the great importance, to my mind, of a study of the suitability of plants to their habitat, climate, environment, milieu or monde ambiant (for all these terms really express the same thing), that I undertook this Flora. I soon found that in this country it was not possible to obtain a very clear idea of those tendencies to


variation which are produced by climate, mainly because the climate itself does not vary in a sufficiently marked manner, even in such a diversified area as one finds in Dumfriesshire. My original scheme has been therefore modified more than once, and in its final form consists in pointing out the following factors for every species soil, exposure to wind, and exposure to sun. Insect visitors, really an essential part of the environment, are treated of by themselves.

These three leading factors of the habitat are found inextricably mixed in practice. The most usual combinations in Dumfriesshire are the following :

1. The Seashore (sand, shingle, estuarine mud flats, and rarely cliffs

of boulder clay ; or, in Galloway, of rock).

2. Holms (flat river-alluvium) roadsides and arable fields on boul-

der clay.

3. Ordinary Arable Land extending from sea level to about 800, or

rarely 900 feet.

4. Permanent Pasture or sheep farms, chiefly on silurian rock or

drift, and extending from about 800 feet to the lower level of the peat-haggs.

5. Woods and Linns ^ from about sea level to nearly 800 feet.

6. Corries and Glens, or mountain ravines, from 800 to 2200 feet.

7. Peat Mosses and Ifaggs, at almost all elevations from nearly the

sea level at Lochar Moss, and forming a thick capping over all the highest hills of the district.

8. Grains and Scaurs of bare whinstone rock or mudstones ; occa-

sionally screes and accumulations of broken boulders and stones.

9. Railway Stations and Tracks, as well as waste ground generally.

10. Lochs and Rivers.

A large proportion of the Flora is rigorously confined to one or other of these divisions. Unfortunately the meteorological and geolo- gical factors are so insufficiently known that one cannot in any manner obtain data of the degree of moisture of the soil or atmosphere, the wind exposure, the amount of sunlight received, the porosity and fertility of the soil, or even its geological character in any one of them. Without distinct data on these points it is useless to attempt to draw up statistics of the general characters of leaf, branching, or inflorescence found in these particular habitats which would be, if possible, of enormous importance.

As regards plants, the diff"erent eff'ect of light, heat, and wind ex- posure can scarcely be distinguished in the field, because, e.g., shelter from wind brings in its consequence rank vegetation, whether as a wood or as in a corn field, and rank vegetation means a certain amount of shade and a moist atmosphere. Shade in the same way involves wind- shelter and a lower temperature. It is for this reason that exposure is the most convenient term available.


The effect of exposure is most marked in the divisions one and eight. Some characteristic desert adaptations, such as the rosette type of plant, dense twiggy, cushion-Hke shrublets (which are really, I think, to be considered as a bunch of rosettes supported on small branches), fleshy leaves, and a coat of woolly hairs, are found both on the seashore and on exposed rock ledges, as e.g.y Raven craigs in Black's Hope.

Spines and thorns, on the other hand, as well as the nameless type represented by the seaside Euphorbias and Chenopodiaceae, do not, to my knowledge, occur on the high exposed mountain ledges.

This is probably because the last two are special adaptations against or effects of strong sunlight, which may injure the tissues or chlorophyll, while the others are protections against transpiration generally, whether due to the wind or sun.

The actual humidity of the atmosphere in the immediate neighbour- hood of the sea must, unless I am greatly mistaken, be at some period of the 24 hours far below that of the low-lying country and hills, and it is not till the exposed rock summits of about 1500 to 2200 feet are reached that there is the same amount of transpiration.

The same condition of exposure, though it is not quite so clearly marked, is obvious on (division nine) railway lines and all waste ground which is kept clear of plants. It is obvious that in such places the con- ditions of temperature and radiation of heat are extreme, and possibly this explains the presence of such plants as Linaria minor, Tragopogon, and Hieracium aurantiacum, which become yearly more abundant along the different systems.

The opposite extreme, that is of shade and shelter, is most marked in number five, but in parts of number six there is considerably more moisture even than in the lower woods, and I am rather doubtful whether the separation is entirely justifiable.

Probably the typical peat plants are more thoroughly represented in Dumfriesshire than in any other county. Whether their characteristics are due to the spongy water-holding nature of peat, to its antiseptic property, or to the large amount of decaying organic substance, is quite unknown to me. The Droseras, Utricularias, and Pinguicula seem to depend on the latter quality, and possibly the antiseptic property is responsible for the limited flora, but it is not safe to say more on the subject.

The effects of a clay and a sandy soil are quite distinct in their extreme forms, but as one finds them under ordinary circumstances it becomes excessively difficult to trace the effect on vegetation in any one field; one may discover typical sand-loving plants in the stony places of an alluvial holm and along the roadsides, where dust and road sweepings are perpetually heaped against the bank, one may find all the clay-loving plants in a sandy district.

The only habitat which appears to me to be explained by soil is that of Helianthemum vulgare. Its curiously isolated position may con-


ceivably be due to the drift, after passing Lanarkshire, having left along the lelt bank of the Annan Valley and the Beeftub considerable quantities of limestone fragments ; but I am not sure if this explanation is correct. (See Geology). The present condition of the study of botanical environment is so chaotic and speculative that it is not advisable to point out more than these obvious factors.


My data for this are chiefly due to the excellent observations made for me by Messrs Johnstone, G. Bell, and J. Shaw. These are only intended to be approximate, and in cases where the two former have observed the same plant there is sometimes a difference of six weeks, which is quite what one would expect. I did not realise at first the importance of this question, both as proving that a definite " thermal constant " is required before any given flower appears, and also in practically isolating two varieties of the same species which grow under different conditions of exposure. Observations are much required on all these points, and both the hour of the day at which flowers open and close, as well as the commencement and end of the flowering season, must sometimes contribute to complete isolation of incipient varieties and subspecies.


The catching of insect visitors has probably occupied more than nine-tenths of the time which I have spent on the work. I soon found that no human being could expect to go through the whole Flora, species by species, as it would scarcely be possible to do six species thoroughly in one season, while the number here alluded to is nearly 900. I have therefore attempted to give an idea of the more common visitors of about 270 species. Miss Hannay, Mr Armstrong, and Miss Ethel Taylor have given me most valuable assistance, and a very important paper by Mr J. C. Willis''^ has greatly pleased me, because my own observations are very markedly supported by his, which were taken independently at Auchencairn.

The result is to leave me more impressed by the importance of this study, for it is obvious that for the distribution of many plants, certain insect visitors are absolutely essential. They are also to my mind important agents in the isolation of varieties, for though the same plant may grow inside a wood and in the neighbouring field, it is quite certain that the same insects will not visit its flowers in each case, and hence these plants are absolutely isolated.

* Annals of Botany, vol. ix., June, 1894i.


I have much doubt as to wind-fertilised flowers. I have seen insects on Grasses, Sedges, Plantago, Thalictrum, and of course on Willows. It is obvious that if two flowers of Thalictrum are separated by five feet, the chance is one to thirty that a pollen grain should go within a foot of the right direction, and the wind and gravitation pro- bably diminish the probability to an indefinitely small extent. If an insect is, for any reason, on one, the chances are ten to one that it will go to the next visible flower.

I should, if I had drawn this introduction out at the beginning of my work, have added tables showing the proportions of Hymenoptera, Diptera, etc., but now this does not seem to be advisable. No one would have supposed that a plant which is visited by one butterfly, four species of humble bee, and two Syrphids was anything but a red or purple Corolliflor, whereas these were all caught on the common bramble, Rubus fruticosus* I am, however {vide Labiatae and Caryo- phylleae), firmly convinced that the shape of every flower as well as the modes of dehiscence, general arrangement, and so on, are entirely suited to the average insect visitor of the particular species. In most cases the corolla is nearly an exact mould of the shape and motions of the head and proboscis of the average visitor ; it is very rarely the shape of its head at rest. In fact, granted growth of the corolla and the obvious modifications due to mechanical strains and stresses, most flowers seem to have suited themselves exactly to these shapes and motions, like a fox- glove to a humble bee or an old glove to its wearer's thumb.

Much as I should like to uphold Professor Henslow's theories as to the exact effect of probing in stimulating the flow of honey and hairs, the subject does not seem to me proved, and scarcely to be proved, without exceedingly delicate and difficult experiments.

It is not too much to say that the knowledge of British Hymenoptera, and particularly Diptera, is disgracefully behind that of British Botany. I have been most l^ortunate, however, in obtaining the invaluable assist- ance of Mr Robert Service for the former and of Mr E. Brunetti for the latter. These gentlemen have named all the insects cited under my name, that of Misses Hannay, Miss Taylor, or Mr R. Armstrong, and I have to sincerely thank them for this.



Amongst all the vast multitudes of the Insect tribes, I think it will be generally conceded that in variety of habits, in the high intelligence displayed in their social intercourse, and in beauty of form and colour- ing, the Aculeate Hymenoptera stand unrivalled. Unfortunately, with

* This flowers when there are practically no competitors,


but few exceptions, this district is not at all rich in species, and still less in the numbers in which the species that do occur are represented. Of course, owing to the very insufficient way in which the very few collectors who have studied these insects have of necessity examined the district at large, it is certain that many species have escaped obser- vation ; but enough is known to prove that we are comparatively poor in the classes under notice. This is doubtless caused by the general absence of suitable sandy soil. The district of whose Aculeates we propose to give an account may be stated broadly as the country that lies betwixt Annandale on the east and the valley of the Dee on the west. It is thus the mid portion of the faunal territory, known to all Scottish Naturalists as " Solway," being one of the zoological divisions into which the late Dr Buchanan White so admirably mapped out Scotland for faunistic purposes. In the meantime, owing to the almost complete absence of materials, there is no use in extending our present remarks outside the limits of Mid-Solway. The nomenclature employed is that of Mr Edward Saunders Catalogue of British Hymenoptera (Aculeata), 1883.

The Ants stand par excellence^ not only at the head of the Aculeates, but, in the stage of evolution to which they have attained in respect to their well-ordered communities, and in the high degree of intelligence reached by the individual, they are unquestionably in advance of all other insects whatsoever.

Formica cunicularia is the first species on our list, and is fairly common. It varies much in size, as do so many other species of ants, and some of the " races," as they are termed, have received names, having been considered at one time to be distinct species. Lasius niger is the small ant so abundant everywhere, and sometimes so troublesome to gardeners when it takes up its abode in glass-houses. Tapinoma erratica is in general appearance similar to the last named, but is much darker, and it has also some structural peculiarities. It is a very scarce species here. Myrmica is a genus of small ants that is represented here, as elsewhere in Britain, by a single extremely variable species. No less than five very distinct " races " are recognised by Mr Edward Saunders, the great authority on the Aculeates. Of these I have very commonly taken indeed they are the commonest of all our ants Ruginodis, Scabrinodis, and Lsevinodis. Sulcinodis and Lobicornus have not been detected as yet. Leptothorax acervorum is a small species sometimes found in little communities under bark or rotten stumps in the Mabie woods. I have not found it elsewhere. The last ant amongst our local species is a very interesting one, inasmuch as it has only been known to exist here within the last ten years or so. It is the Monomorium Pharaonis rather a startlingly long name for such a minute creature. It is confined to places where it finds sufficient heat, such as bake-houses, hot-houses, and dwelling-houses kept at a sufficiently high temperature, Lately I was called in to see this ant


at home in a house which it had over-run from cellar to attic. Its myriads were past comprehension, and in some places it distinctly coloured the white wall with its hosts.

The Fossorial portion of the Aculeates next claims our attention. Tiphia minuta, a very small dark species, has been taken several times on the flowers of goutweed (^gopodium podagraria). Tiphia femorata, the other member of the genus, has been taken near Moffat frequenting the flowers of various Umbellifers. Amongst the Pompilidae we have a few local species, these being Pompilus plumbeus, of which an occasional specimen is to be seen on Umbelliferous flowers ; P. viaticus, a few in August near Mabie, and P. fuscus, also captured at Mabie. Two other species of Pompilidae were originally described by the late Frederick Smith from specimens captured here. One of these is P. acuminatus, found in Kirkpatrick-Juxta many years ago by the late Rev. W. Little ; the other is P. approximatus, and was found at Eccles by Dr Sharp during his residence there. Neither species has been met with since by any other collector. Passing over a large number of Aculeates that are not found in these counties, we next come to the genus Pemphredon. All of the three British species, viz., lugubris, unicolor, and lethifer are found, the last named being quite common. It can be most easily collected by looking for broken bramble stems, in which the exposed end has been burrowed in, or perforated. These are almost certain to contain larvae of this species, and if the bramble stems are cut off" and kept, the perfect insects will duly make their appearance at the end of June or early in July. Mimesa bicolor is found not infrequently. Mimesa Dahlbomi was taken by Mr Scott-Elliot at the Mill Loch, Lochmaben, in June on flowers of Cicuta virosa. One or two specimens only of Harpactus tumidus have been taken. Nysson dimidiatus, though the rarest of the genus, is the only one I have taken. I found a solitary individual on Ragwort. The others ought to be found here, but so far have not been recorded.

A very pretty species is Gorytes mystaceus, and it is common in most seasons. It provisions its nest with the green larvae of the Cuc- koo spit, or " Gowkspittle " (Anthrophora spumaria), so abundant on herbage throughout the summer months. Mellinus arvensis is another very common insect. It burrows regularly in the sides of potato furrows in dry sandy districts, and is, like the previous species, a carnivorous in- sect. M. sabulosus has only been taken on one occasion. Only a few re- presentatives of the great genus Crabro are to be met with, but where they do occur they are tolerably plentiful. C. palmipes is a minute species that may be collected in quantity, skipping about on the leaves of brambles, or on similar surfaces in the tangled growths about sunny lanes and hedgerows. They may often be seen preying upon the tiniest Diptera. C. varius has been taken, but is scarce. It occurs about flowers on rail- way banks. A few specimens of C. elongatulus were found on one occasion on the moss road near Mabie. C. dimidiatus has only occurred


in single specimens as yet, C. cribrarius is a most handsome species ; it is very common on composite and umbelliferous flowers. A few indi- viduals of C. peltarius have been got in the Mabie plantations some years ago, and the same may be said of C. vagus, although it is perhaps rather oftener met with. C. chrysostoma, a species with a splendidly golden coloured fringe of hairs on the upper lip, is frequent, and seems to be attached to rotten willow trunks. Oxybelus uniglumis used to be taken near Moffat by the late Rev. W. Little.

Next in order are the Wasps, Social and Solitary. The Social Wasps are very fully represented indeed. Vespa vulgaris, V. rufa, V. germanica are all equally common, and of general distribution, appearing in some seasons in enormous swarms, and at such periods doing considerable damage to ripe fruit. The good they always do in destroying vast quantities of noxious flies and larvae, as well as in acting as general scavengers, is apt to be over-looked. There can be no question that the good qualities of Wasps far out-balance any evil they do, but this is very often lost sight of. V. norvegica is also an abundant species. Its small hanging nests are often hung on low bushes and similar situ- ations, and are a subject of dread to those ignorant of wasp habits. V. sylvestris is rather a rare species, while V. arborea does not seem to be found here at all. It might be as well to correct the rather common error that V. crabro, the Hornet, is found in this region. It has never been seen here, nor is it ever likely to be, as it is strictly a southern species.

Of the solitary species v/e have Odynerus spinipes, O. parietum, O. trimarginatus, O. parietinus, and O. gracihs. The last named seems to be plentiful near Rockcliffe in Colvend, but none of the others are really common except O. parietinus. This species concludes our meagre list of Solitary Wasps.

The Bees proper come next in order for consideration, and although neither in species nor in the number of individuals with which they are represented are these at all abundant, still they yield to no ether division of the insecta in the interest attached to their varied and sometimes very curious life histories. Of the genus Colletes, we have C. fodiens and C. succincta. The former is usually taken on ragwort bloom, and the latter has been caught in Lochar Moss on the flowers of the heather. Of Prosopis, which comprises no less than nine British species, I have never taken or seen a single individual ; but Mr Scott-Elliot has had the good fortune to capture a male and female of Prosopis hyalinata on flowers. Sphecodes is a very pretty genus of small red and black bees found burrowing in garden walks. S. gibbus is fairly common ; a few specimens of S. pilifrons have been taken at intervals; while S.ephippium and S. subquadratus are seldom met with.

The great genus Halictus is very well represented throughout this

.district, and the active little bees that belong to it are very numerous

and conspicuous on many kinds of flowers. On the flowers of the


dandelion, very early in spring, the females of H. rubicundus are pretty sure to be seen. The males, as is the case with this sex throughout the genus, do not put in an appearance till mid-summer, and on fine autumnal days they are very abundant on ragwort and other late flowering plants. H. leucozonius has been taken near Moffat, and so also has H. quadrinotata, both by the late Rev. W. Little. H. laevigatus is a very scarce member of the genus ; it has been taken at several places in Troqueer. H. cylindrirus and H. albipes are very closely related ; both species are very abundant, and their colonies may be seen on almost every dry pathway. H. subfasciatus seems rather scarce ; it has been taken on ragwort. H. villosulus is very commonly found on dandelion and hawkweed flowers. H. nitidiusculus is a common species, generally found at the flowers of weeds in waste places in company with H. Smeath- manellus. H. minutus, H. leucopus, and H. morio are very small species foundin some abundance andofgeneral distribution. Andrenais thelargest genus of British bees, numbering, according to the catalogue of Mr E. Saunders, no less than forty-eight native species. Many of them are as "like as two peas," and it is in such cases almost hopeless for the novice to attempt to name his captures. By and bye, however, he will begin to see and appreciate their differences, and when the collector once learns to discriminate between the more closely allied species he will find their study a very fascinating pursuit. Andrena albicans is common everywhere, frequenting dandelion and chickweed flowers. The males have a special preference for the flowers of Mahonia aquifolium in shrubberies. A. trimmerana is an interesting species that builds its nests in old walls, especially where the lime is crumbling out from betwixt the stones. In such places it is not infrequent in May. A. Clarkella is a particularly pretty species found early in April as a rule, but occasionally even in March. I have taken it in several localities, making its burrows on sandy pathways. A. nigroaenea has been cap- tured only once, when I took a specimen at Mabie on willow catkins in April. Both forms of A. gwynana occur very freely, the var. bicolor be- ing very partial to flowers of the harebell. I have taken one or two specimens of A. lapponica. This species was first captured in Britain, at Kirkpatrick-Juxta, by the late Rev. W. Little. A. varians seems to be rather scarce. A. fucata is common in Lochar Moss, and some other locahties. Only a few individuals of A. nigriceps have been captured at some localities on the Galloway side of the Nith. A. denticulata, though apparently a rare species in Britain, is very common here. One speci- men of A. tridentata has been taken. At certain spots there are immense colonies of A. albicrus. I know no other of the wild bees that is found in our district in such multitudes. One such place is on the Moss, just behind Douievale House. A. coitana is a small species that is found everywhere. A. minutula is another species equally common, its var. parvula being found in about equal numbers. A. nana is another of the small species that may be captured in some seasons in great abun-» dance, A. afzeliella occurs freely near Craigs, and the last on our list of


local species, A. Wilkella, is rare, only one or two specimens having been taken on dandelions near Dalscairth.

The next division that comes in for enumeration is that of the Cuc- koo Bees, forming the genus Nomada. Superficially they resemble slender wasps, being mostly more or less banded with black and yellow. Their economy is most interesting. Stated generally, these bees attach themselves to certain other species of wild bees, depositing their eggs in their cells, and leaving the eggs and young larvae to the care of other species, so that their life history is not unlike that of the cuckoo amongst birds. Hence their name of Cuckoo Bees. Nomada solida- ginis, N. alternata and N. obtusifrons are each very commonly found. N. lateralis, N. fabriciana, and N. flavoguttata are frequent, though not numerous. A few specimens of N. ruficornis and N. furva have been caught, while of N. roberjeottiana only one specimen has been taken.

The genus Caelioxys comes next on our local list, and of its repre- sentatives we have C. vectis, C. rufescens, and C. elongata, all occurring with tolerable frequency.

The fine genus Megachile is well represented here in numbers of individuals, if not in species. M. Willughbiella is very common every- where ; this is the bee which is seen so frequently making its burrows in rotten trees and stumps. M. centuncularis is the familiar " leaf-cutter " bee ; it makes its burrows in wood or in old walls, but occasionally in the ground ; it lines its cells in the most artistic way with litde round pieces neatly clipped out of the leaves of bushes, those of the rose by preference.

Anthidium manicatum is to me personally the most interesting of insects, for it was probably the first that attracted my attention. Its strange mode of courtship, much akin to what is related of the love- making (?) of the Australian aborigine, I used often to watch when I was a very small boy indeed. But at that time I had no idea when I saw the headlong rush of the male, and saw him clutch his partner in such a vicious looking embrace and observed him bear her aloft into the air, that his intention was anything else than to devour her forth- with. A favourite occupation of this species is that of scraping the tomentum off such plants as supply this material, making it up into little bundles, and then carrying it off for lining its nests with. The species is common in most situations suitable for it. I have nowhere seen it in such abundance as upon the bramble flowers in the loaning that leads up from Rockcliffe past the avenue to Baron's Craig.

It is somewhat remarkable that the genus Osmia should be un- represented in the district, at anyrate so far as my experience goes. There are certainly specimens of Osmia fulviventris in the collection of the Rev. W. Little, now in my possession, but they have no data attached, and so it is uncertain whether they are of local origin or not.

Of the Anthophorae I have only taken Anthophora retusa, of which I took specimens on one occasion near Threave Castle.


There is no more conspicuous tribe of insects at all times, from the opening of- the leaves in spring until the chill airs of October have turned the foliage to the brillance of autumn hues, than the Humble Bees. With the flowering of the willow catkins in March, and often much earlier, the large fine coloured females of Bombus terrestris are out in force from their hibernating quarters. Their noisy hum, as they buzz through amongst the willow branches to sip the fragrant greenish-coloured nectar from the catkins, is the most welcome music to the naturahst's ear. This species is usually considerably in advance of the others, but if the weather continues mild, B. hortorum, so readily distinguished by the length of its face, soon follows. And then one species after another puts in an appearance as the spring advances, till when we have seen the beauti- ful B. distinguendus drinking at the bottom of the rhododendron chalices, we may conclude that all our old friends amongst the Humble Bees are once more in full flight. As yet there is, however, of the different sexual forms none, except the old females to be found. These, fertilised in autumn, have been hibernating all through the cold season, till a suitable temperature and other conditions call them forth in spring. Then they flit about looking for a suitable site for a domicile, and pre- pare for setting up house. Their nidus may be in an old mouse hole, in a dyke, or in a bank or slope, or under a stump, or it may even be on quite open level ground if a suitable aperture into and underneath the surface soil can be discovered. That is in the case of the ground builders. Other species build on the surface amongst the herbage, and make a very neat and snug domed dwelling of felted grass and vegetable fibres, very often adopting to this purpose the nest of the Short-tailed Field Vole. Many times I have seen nests of B. muscorum built inside those of birds. The nests of the common wren, yellow hammer, tit- lark, robin and willow wax bier, I have found filled up with a nest of the last named species of Bombus, and more than once I have seen where the mtruder had built her own nest over the eggs of the right- ful owner. In such cases the birds had in all probability deserted their nests before the bees took possession, for one can hardly think the birds would give way to such a tiny burglar, and one, moreover, that would furnish such a nice little eatable morsel. Nests being fairly into shape, cell-building and egg laying proceed in due course, then the young grubs hatch and go through their interesting series of transfor- mations, and by the middle of May, the workers of an early species, like B. pratorum, may be noted enjoying their first flight. Within a fortnight or three weeks later, workers of all the species found here may be observed, with perhaps the exception of B. distinguendus, which is a somewhat late species. Males are not developed till far on in the summer, indeed autumn has fairly arrived before there is any great show of the male Humble Bees. This sex is in all the species, as it is in so many other families of insects, very much smaller than the female sex, and is even smaller, as a rule, than the workers or neute/s (which are


really abortive females). To compensate for their lesser bulk, most of the species have males of more diversified and fully brighter colours than those which adorn the females. Thus the males of Bombus terrestris, pratorum, soroensis, Derhamellus, and lapidarius, are much prettier than their respective partners. All the species already mentioned are plentiful and generally distributed, with the exception of B.distinguendus, a species that is by no means a common one, although it is almost always present wherever rhododendrons are in bloom. Then we have, in addition to the foregoing Bombi, B. cognatus, a very beautiful species, of which I have seen only a very few examples. B. latreillellus is another species of great rarity hereabouts; while B. schrimshiranus, though scarce, may be found by diligent search. There is thus a total of eleven species that occur in this district out of the entire number of sixteen that are known as British species. Doubtless one or two more species may yet be added to our local list by an assiduous collector.

Nearly allied to the Humble Bees, and so similar in general aspect to them that most folks never regard them as anything else, are those curious parasites known to systematists by the generic name of Psithyrus (Apathus). They have quite a strange history. They make no nests for themselves, each of the five British species all of which are found in this district being attached to certain species of Humble Bees. In appearance they are exactly similar to Bombi, one main distinction being that they are destitute of the corbicula, or pollen basket along the outer portion of the hind tibiae, which when filled is so conspicuous in the females and workers of the Humble Bees ; and not making any nests for themselves and also leaving their young, like the cuckoos, to be brought up by others, no workers are therefore required, so the sexes consist of males and females only. They are much later in making their appearance in spring than their hosts, for a wise provision of Nature keeps them slumbering in their hybernacula until the nests of the Humble Bees are fairly set going for the season. Then the females of Psithyrus come forth and search for the nests of the particular species of Bombus to which they are assigned. Having found what is required they have no difficulty in entering, for they are so similar to the rightful inmates of the unsuspecting household that they enter it as freely as if it was all their own. Once in, eggs are laid in the cells pre- pared for those of the Bombi, and the latter, never guessing at the presence of foster children, bring up the young larvae with all the care lavished on their own brood. Towards the latter end of the summer, the old females of Psithyrus give place to a new brood that consists of both females and males. They occur in great abundance on all the wild flowers during the autumn months, the females that have been paired at once proceeding into winter quarters, while the males die off gradually till they finally disappear with the setting in of cold weather. As to their relative abundance and distribution : Psithyrus rupestris, which is said to be solely attached to Bombus lapidarius, seems to be



very scarce throughout this district. P. vestaHs, which lives with B. terrestris, is very common on thistles and other flowers in autumn. P. barbutellus is rather a rare species, so far as my experience goes ; it frequents the nests of B. pratorum, B. schrimshiranus, and B. Der- hamellus, according to some authorities. P. Campestris is common and is found wherever its host, B. hortorum, dwells. P. quadricolor lives with B. pratorum and B. schrimshiranus, and is fairly common in some locaUties.

Such is our review of the genera and species of Aculeate Hymenop- tera that have been taken by a very few collectors and observers in the district betwixt Annan and the Dee. Many more species remain to reward the labours of those who diligently search out the haunts of the wild bee. A rich field, almost untrodden, lies ready for exploration by any student who cares to take up one of the most fascinating branches of entomological study.


By the Rev. Wm. ANDSON and G. F. SCOTT-ELLIOT.

The Meteorology of Dumfriesshire, as a whole, cannot be easily described, for there are no records from, e.^.^ the Moffat Hills or the Merrick, and without these, it is scarcely possible to understand the bearings of the peculiarities shown in the county.

The following tables show the results which are at present available. The death of Mr Dudgeon of Cargen has been a severe loss to meteo- rology, as well as to many other sciences, and the first table which gives the mean of no less than thirty years' observations (1860-1890) taken by him, is one of extreme value.



90 Feet;


Average mean Temp.



























Inches of Rainfall



3 13










43-82 in.

Hours of Sunshine













1773 hrs.

As a result of five years' observation obtained at


Drumlanrig (Elevation, 191 Feet).


Average mean Temp.

Inches of Eainfall


34-8 3-84


36-2 1-18








48-4 212


54-9 1-06








56-7 3-20



51-1 3-50

451 412

41-1 5-16

35-1 4-54

44-7 36-44 in.

The observations at Dumfries are obtained from nine years' observa- tion, and the instruments have been carefully examined by Dr Buchan and pronounced satisfactory.

Dumfries (Elevation, 60 feet).





Apl. May.









Average mean Temp....



45-8 52-2









Inches of Rainfall
















(Sat. =100)...














From other stations there are no observations which can give thoroughly trustworthy averages extending over a large number of years. The following table is, however, of interest as showing the comparative differences at different elevations :




H fii O

«<: o

3 o

1-1 o
























































a 4i


















1 %








3 -g






r Quarter, y, and Aug.
















1— 1










1 A








1 §


















1 1










00 OS

^^ X-

bo Q.

1 1








rl ^








CO .










1 -:

si ^











I \













b d

1 -.






5 8











4) :







0 :






c .








































03 C--










The heavy rainfall at Glenlee is probably due to its situation on the eastern side of a hilly region where many of the summits are over 2000 feet in altitude.

The westerly and south-westerly winds laden with moisture from the Atlantic meet these hills, and are forced up into a higher stratum of the atmosphere, where they expand under the lower pressure there existing. Consequently the aqueous vapour is condensed, and heavy rain falls on the hills, and particularly their eastern slopes. There was a good example of this on a smaller scale in 1888 at Drumpark, where 47*20 inches fell, as compared with only 37 inches at Dumfries.

It is also commonly observed that across the watershed of the Nith valley, for example at Colvend, there is frequently no rain, while there is continuous wet weather about Dumfries.

The direction of the wind seems to be chiefly westerly. Thus the mean of nine years gives as below :

W. 62



N.E. 39


S. 32

S.W. Days, 89

The following table is also interesting :-

S.E. 26

N. 23

Calm or Variable. 17

N D .




N.E. 42







Calm or Var.

Mean pressure on Square Foot.








Lbs. 2-00












Dramlanrig ...






















Glenlee...' ...






















Cyclones passing over the county almost invariably pass from S.W. or S.S.W., to N.W. and N. The wind veers from the former to the latter direction as the depression passes. It is possible this may account for the curious difference betwixt the wind observations, Dumfries having 71 south-westerly wind days, Drumlanrig 57, and Wanlockhead only 8.

No reports of wind at Wanlockhead for months of April, July, Aujfust, and September.


All inhabitants of the district are, of course, aware that the climate is peculiarly mild and genial. Unfortunately sunshine-recorders are neither common nor in every way satisfactory, but the results given in a paper by Mr H. N. Dickson in the Scottish Geographical Magazine^ August, 1893, are well worth considering as exemplifying the mildness of our climate. This paper contains a map in which curves represent the amount of sunshine (by the Campbell Stokes burning recorder) received at various points in the British Islands. The three counties receive between 1300 and 1400 hours of sunshine out of 4400 hours "possible sunshine." In this respect they are only approached in Scotland by Banff, Elgin, and Aberdeen. If we follow the lines representing the same amount of sunshine through England, the result is astonishing. Salisbury Plain, the Weald of Sussex, and Greenwich are practically in the same position as Dumfriesshire, while no part of the east coast between Montrose and Skegness in Lincolnshire is so fortunate in sunshine as the Burrow head. Nottingham has less than, e.g., Drumlanrig and Dumfriesshire generally, and this also seems to be the case with the whole of York- shire, Durham, and Northumberland. In fact, so far as sunshine goes, Wigtownshire particularly should have as genial a climate as such health resorts as Aberystwith and the Malvern Hills.

This probably explains why an enormous number of escapes, such as Datura Stramonium, Gagea lutea, and Tragopogon porrifolius are found in the Flora. I should not wonder if observation were to show that in the neighbourhood of Whitcoombe and Loch Skene, a small tract of country exists in which not more than 1200 hours' sun- shine is received annually, and if this is found to be the case, then the three counties contain every variation found in Scotland.

On the whole, the Solway, resulting from a great depression which separates the granites and whinstones of Dalbeattie and Kirkcudbright from those of Scafell and Cumberland, acts in a double manner. The clouds keep to the course of the mountains from the Cumberland Hills round by Whitecoombeand the Lead Hills, to Carsphairn and the Merrick, and hence give us more than our correct allowance of sunshine ; and this explains also the abundance of westerly winds and the resulting humidity.

On the other hand, the Gulf Stream probably assists in the pro- duction of the complex currents round the Mull of Galloway. Some of these currents, to judge by the Flora and garden experiments, must bring a very warm climate with them round the shore of Galloway. Obser- vations at Kingholm and Dumfries on the temperature of the river, as contrasted with similar observations at the Island of Little Ross, show ,in fact that in autumn and winter the temperature of the Solway is considerably higher than that of the rivers which flow into it. The



seasonal variation of the rivers and estuary is perhaps best shown by the following table :


Spring Months.

Summer Months.

Autumn Months.

Winter Months.

47-8 50-9


60-2 611 57-5

47-1 49-8 531

38-9 40-2 43-5


Estuary (Little Ross)...

The width of the estuary being about two miles at Little Ross, it is probable that these means may be considered applicable to the Solway Firth rather than the estuary.

At Little Ross the water temperature was higher than that of the air in seven months out of twelve, and the difference ranged to from 2*2° to 2 '9°. The mean monthly temperature of the rivers, on the other hand, was never higher than that of the air, though there were occasional days in which the water was warmer.






52-8 54-5

48-5 50-5

4-3 4

The difference between the Nith and Dee observations are probably due to two circumstances. First, those of the Nith were taken in the year 1889, ^^^ those of the Dee in 1890; and secondly, the hour of observation was as a rule later, and nearer the maximum heat of the day on the Dee than in the case of the Nith. The observations of the temperature of the Dee were taken at Langland by the Rev. W. T. Gordon, minister of the parish ; and those of the estuary or Solway at the island of Little Ross, by Wm. Macdonald, the lighthouse keeper there, and in both cases with great regularity.


By B. N. peach, F.R.S., F.G.S., and T. IIORNE, F.R.S.E., F.G.S.

With the exception of certain limited areas in Nithsdale, Annandale, and along the fertile region bordering the Solway, the County of Dum- fries is composed of Silurian strata, forming part of the ancient Silurian


table-land that stretches from St. Abb's Head to Portpatrick. There is little variation in the lithological characters of the rocks, as they consist mainly of massive grits, greywackes, flags and shales singularly destitute of fossils. Fortunately, however, there are certain bands of black shales richly charged with graptolites, by means of which Professor Lapworth demonstrated the true order of succession of the beds. The strata have been thrown into innumerable folds, frequently inverted, whereby certain zones, not exceeding several hundred feet in thickness, have been made to cover areas several miles in width. Further, the members of the black shale series, which are typically developed in the Moffat region, undergo iipportant modifications when followed north-westwards to Wanlockhead. The higher fossiliferous zones gradually disappear, and they are represented by coarser sediments. For these reasons the stratigraphical relations of the strata are extremely complicated, but with the aid of the graptolites it is possible to determine the age of the various rock groups, and to correlate them with the subdivisions of the Silurian system in other regions.

The lowest zones of the Moffat black shale series are accompanied by cherts containing Radiolaria which were detected in the course of the geological survey of the Abington area. The latter form an im- portant horizon from their great horizontal extension and their constant association with volcanic rocks. From these cherts Dr Hinde has described twenty-three new species of Radiolaria belonging to twelve genera, of which half are new. He concludes that these Silurian cherts from the south of Scotland are due to the accumulation of the tests of Radiolaria, forming a pure Radiolarian rock resembling the Teritary beds of Barbados and the Nicobar Islands, which, according to Haeckel, correspond to the Radiolarian ooze of existing seas. There can be no doubt, therefore, that these cherts are true deep-sea deposits, which must have accumulated beyond the limit of sedimentation. The horizon of this important zone is accurately defined in the Ballantrae area, Ayr- shire, where the cherts are underlain by a band of black shales contain- ing Avenig graptohtes. Throughout the southern uplands they are always overlain by the Glenkiln black shales yielding graptolites of Upper Llandeilo age. Hence they belong partly to Avenig and partly to Llandeilo time.

The following table gives in descending order the subdivisions of the black shale series, which have been established by Professor Lapworth in the typical Moffat region :

f Upper Birkhill fZone of Rastrites maximus, Carr. I or A Zone of Monograptus spinigerus, Nich.

Grey Shale Group. [Zone of Cephalograptus cometa, Gein.

Llandovery... -{

Lower Birkhill fZone of Monograptus gregarius, Lapw. or < Zone of Diplograptus vesiculosus, Nich.

Black Shale Group. (^Zone of Diplograptus acuminatus, Nich.



( Upper Hartfell fZone of Dicellograptus anceps, Nich.


Barren Mudstones. Zone of Barren Mudstones.



I Lower Hartfell

I or

L Black Shale.

Glenkiln Black Shales.


( Zone of Pleurograptus linearis, Carr. -| Zone of Dicranograptus Clingani, Carr. [ Zone of Climacograptus Wilsoni, Lapw.

{Comograptus gracilis, Hall. Thamnograptus typus, Hall. Didymograptus superstes, Lapw.

(Radiolarian cherts, mudstones, and volcanic tuffs.

The typical sections, where the various divisions of the black shale series are displayed, occur within the limits of the county, at the locali- ties from which they take their name. The members of the lowest division, corresponding to the Upper Llandeilo rocks of Wales, are met with in the Glenkiln burn, near Raehills, to the south-west of Moffat ; those of the middle division, representing the Caradoc rocks, occur on Hartfell at the spa, north-west of Moffat; while the members of the Upper division of Llandovery age, are seen to advantage in the famous section in Dobb's Linn, near Birkhill, at the head of Moffatdale.

The representatives of the black shale series, in the Moffat region, are exposed along axial folds in the midst of younger strata. They are arranged in parallel bands running in a north-east and south west direc- tion, which can be readily distinguished from the surrounding grey- wackes and shales by their colour and composition. Where the folds are normal, the lowest beds occur in the centre, and the higher zones follow in regular order on either side. Frequently the arches are in- verted, and both limbs dip in one direction, while the beds are traversed by normal and reversed faults. In order to study the succession of the strata with advantage, the observer must visit the typical sections of the Moffat region, where the various lithological and palaeontological zones are admirably displayed.

One of the remarkable features of these Silurian rocks, ranging from the horizon of the Radiolarian cherts to the top of the Birkhill shales, is the variation in the character of the deposits when followed across the strike of the beds, that is from south-east to north-west. This vari- ation, together with the complicated system of folding, has led to much of the difficulty in interpreting the succession. Excluding the Radio- larian cherts, which are evidently true oceanic deposits, the strata in the Moffat region consist of black and grey shales, clays and mudstones in- dicating deposition in comparatively deep water. The whole series does not exceed three hundred feet in thickness, and yet on palaeonto- logical grounds it is evident that the beds represent the Llandeilo, Cara- doc, and part of the Llandovery formations of Wales, which in the latter


territory are measured by thousands of feet. When, however, we examine the successive reappearances of the black shale series between Moffat and the Dalveen Pass, the Birkhill shales gradually disappear, bemg represented by thin dark blue shales with a few characteristic Birkhill graptolites. Passing still further to the north-west, beyond the limits of the Llandovery area, the Barren Mudstones are represented by grey sandy shales with lenticular bands and nodules of limestone. Grey- wackes, grits and conglomerates, yielding Caradoc fossils, appear ; and, in the northern part of the county, overlie the Glenkiln-Hartfell black shales. Proceeding still further to the north-west, towards the county boundary, west of Sanquhar, the higher zones of the Hartfell black shales disappear, and the lower zones of this division occur as dark seams in grey sandy shale. Taking these facts into consideration, it is evident that the old land surface from which the sediment was derived lay to the north-west. This conclusion receives support from the occurrence of pebbles of crystalline schists from the Highlands, in some of the Caradoc and Llandovery conglomerates, along the northern por- tion of the Silurian tableland.

The volcanic rocks underlying the Radiolarian cherts consist mainly of contemporaneous lavas and agglomerates, with occasional masses of intrusive dolerite and gabbro. They come to the surface along sharp anticlines in the northern part of the county ; the extent of the ex- posures depending on the breadth of the anticline and the depth to which they have been cut by denudation. They are visible near Wanlockhead, in the tributaries of the Euchan water, and on Bail Hill, north of Sanquhar. The volcanic rocks underlying the cherts are not met with in the Moffat area, because the various folds have not been denuded deep enough to expose this horizon. Volcanic tuffs are, however, associated with the cherts and barren mudstones at certain localities.

The various bands of black shales in the Moffat area are succeeded by greywackes, grits, conglomerates, and shales of Llandovery age (Queensberry grits and Hawick rocks), occupying a broad belt of territory. A line drawn from the Dalveen Pass south-westwards by Moniaive to the county boundary near CasUefearn marks the northern limit of this formation. To the north of this line they are underlain by the Caradoc and Llandeilo rocks, while towards the south of Eskdale- muir they pass conformably upwards into the Wenlock beds. In the Moffat region there is no difficulty in drawing the base line of the Llandovery formation, as it is everywhere indicated by the Diplograptus acuminatus zone of the Lower Birkhill shales. The northern boundary line from Dalveen Pass to Moniaive is rather uncertain, owing to the disappearance of most of the well defined Birkhill zones. Though Llandovery rocks occupy a wide area, it is evident that their thickness is not excessive, because the same beds are constantly repeated by folding. In the central area, the dominant types, consisting of massive


grits, occasionally conglomeratic, and shales are extremly barren. Only a few forms have been obtained from some of the shales, including Mono- graptus exiguus, Dexolites gracilis, and Crossopodia Scotica. The Hawick type of the Llandovery rocks consists of grey sandy shales, flags and greywackes, associated with pale-coloured clayey shales, and red shales. The shales have yielded Protovirgularia Harknessi.

The foregoing strata are succeeded southwards by the representatives of the Wenlock formation. A line drawn from the head of Ewes Water in Eskdale, south-westwards by IvOckerbie to Mouswald, marks the boun- dary between the Llandovery and Wenlock rocks. Consisting of brown crusted greywackes, flags and shales, resembling to some extent the Hawick series, they are readily distinguished by certain bands of dark shales yielding graptolites characteristic of the Wenlock beds of other countries, as, for example, Cyrtograptus Murchisoni, Monograptus vomerinus, Monograptus colonus, Monograptus priodon, etc. Occasion- ally thick zones of olive-coloured shales are met with, resembling the typical Wenlock shales of Wales. Along the fertile tract stretching from Langholm to Ruthwell, these Upper Silurian strata are covered unconformably by the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous rocks.

At the northern boundary of the county in the the basin of the Span- go Water, the Silurian rocks are invaded by a mass of granite, probably of the same age as the granite masses of Galloway, which are later than the Upper Silurian time, and older than the Upper Old Red Sandstone. Excellent examples of the contact metamorphism produced by this igneous intrusion are to be found in the zone of altered Silurian rocks surrounding the granite. Most of the dykes of felsite, diorite, and other igneous rocks traversing the Silurian area are probably of the same age.

Towards the close of the Silurian period the marine deposits, which had accumulated during that long interval of time, were elevated so as to form a prominent barrier of land. In the hollows worn out of this ancient table-land the strata belonging to the Old Red Sandstone, Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic periods, were deposited. These newer formations have, however, been so much denuded that only isolated fragments remain of what were once more extensive deposits.

The representatives of the Old Red Sandstone belong to the lower and upper divisions of that system. Along the County boundary in Upper Nithsdale the members of the lower division occupy a limited area, stretching north-eastwards from the northern margin of the San- quhar coal field. They consist of sandstones and conglomerates, prominently developed on the slopes of Corsoncone beyond the County boundary, where they are associated with contemporaneous volcanic rocks. They form part of the great belt of lower old red strata, stretching from the Braid Hills, near Edinburgh, into Ayrshire. The upper Old Red Sandstone, on the other hand, forms a narrow fringe underlying the carboniferous rocks from the County boundary


east of the Ewes Water, south-westwards by Langhohii to Birrenswark. At the base they consist of conglomeratic sandstones, the included pebbles having«been derived from the erosion of the Silurian flagstones and shales ; these are overlaid by friable red sandstones and marls.

The Old Red Sandstone strata, within the limits of the County, have not proved fossiliferous, but elsewhere in Scotland they have yielded land plants and ganoid fishes. From the lithological characters of the strata and the nature of the organic remains, it was long ago suggested by Fleming, Godwin-Austin, and Ramsay that they had been deposited in lakes or inland seas an opinion which has been generally adopted by geologists.

Towards the close of the upper Old Red Sandstone period there was a remarkable outburst of volcanic activity on the south slopes of the Silurian table-land, giving rise to an interesting series of igneous rocks that always intervene between the red sandstones and carbonifer- ous strata. They consist mainly of slaggy and amygdaloidal andesites, which were spread over the sea-floor as regular lava flows. They can be traced more or less continuously from the Tarras Water by Langholm to Birrenswark Hill. This picturesque hill is formed of an isolated mass of lava, surrounded by a narrow fringe of upper Old Red Sand- stone. Some of the volcanic orifices from which these igneous materials were discharged are still to be found on the watershed between Tarras Water and Liddlesdale, and another of considerable size on the east bank of the Ewes Water, about a mile north of Langholm.

The representatives of the carboniferous system by far the most important from an economic point of view occur in three separate areas: (i) m the district extending from Langholm to Ruthwell ; (2) at Closeburn, near Thornhill ; (3) in the neighbourhood of Sanquhar. The first of these is the most extensive, measuring about twenty-two miles in length and varying in breadth from two to seven miles. The following zones, given in descending order, were estabfished in the course of the geological survey of the district : (8) Reddened shales with plants belonging to the true coal measures ; (7) Canobie coals and associated strata ; (6) marine limestone series of the Esk, Penton, Ecclefechan, and Kelhead ; (5) volcanic zone of fine tuff and andesite, including about 50 feet of fine shales ; (4) Woodcock air sandstones ; (3) Tarras Waterfoot cementstone series ; (2) white sandstones under- lain by (i) the andesite lavas of Birrenswark and Ward Law.

In the course of the geological survey an important discovery of a large number of new organisms was made in the beds of zone 5 and partly in zone 3. The most celebrated locality occurs on the banks of the River Esk, north of Canobie, in a particular band of shale associated with volcanic tuff in zone 5. The fossils are in a splendid state of preservation ; in some instances they have been so protected by their matrix of fine clay as to retain structures which have never


before been recognised in a fossil state. Upwards of twenty new species of ganoid fishes were obtained from these beds, and out of the sixteen genera to which these species belong five are new to science. Few of the species are common to the carboniferous rocks of the Lothians, which has an important bearing on the physical history of that period. Along with the fishes were found about an equal number of Crustacea new to science, comprising about twenty species of the higher Crustacea, together with Eurypterids and Limaloids. No less interest- ing is the discovery of several new species of scorpions, the occurrence of which in carboniferous rocks has been extremely rare. The speci- mens recently obtained are admirably preserved, and from a minute examination of them it is evident that they closely resemble their living representatives. Every structure of the recent form has been recognised in the fossil scorpions from this horizon, including the hairs and hooks on the feet. The sting alone has not been certainly observed, but that it existed may be inferred from the presence of the poison gland which has been detected in the fossil state. The remains of several new plants were also found in the fine shales from the river Esk.

The organic remains found in the different subdivisions of the carboniferous rocks bordering the Solway are of great value in correlat- ing them with their representatives in the midland valley of Scotland. The cementstone bands of Tarras Water and Ecclefechan are largely composed of microzoa, chiefly Entomostraca ; others are almost entirely made up of minute gasteropods.

Between the foregoing horizon and the true marine limestone series of Penton, the river Esk and Kelhead, there is an intervening group of thin limestones, which, from the presence of Lamellibranchs and gastero- pods, indicate shore conditions during their deposition. The Lamelli- branchs are represented by Myalina Crassa, M. lamellosa, Modiola modioloformis, M. Macadami, Aviculopecten dissimilis ; the gastero- pods by Natichopsis plicistria, Bellerophon Urei, Murchisonia Verneuil- liana; and the brachiopods by Camerophoria Crumena, Athyris ambigua, Productus semireticulatus, etc.

The marine limestone series of Penton, the river Esk, etc., from the abundance of corals, point to deposition in clear water. Amongst the corals obtained from these beds may be mentioned Lonsdalea flori- formis, Lithodendron junceum, L. irregulare, Lithostrotion Portlocki, L. basaltiforme, Laplorentis cylindrinca, Chaetetes tumidus. The brachio- pods are represented by Productus semireticulatus, Athyris ambigua, and Rhynconella pleurodon ; the Lamellibranchs by Edmundia sulcata, etc. From the foregoing assemblage of organic remains, it is highly probable that some of these marine limestones may be the equivalents of the marine zones of the carboniferous limestone series of the mid- land valley.

The recent researches of Mr Kidston have led him to the conclusion


that the plants met with in the Millstone Grit, and the overlying true coal measures, are specifically distinct from those which preceded them in the carboniferous limestone and cementstone series. If this generalisation should prove to be correct, then it is clear that the verti- cal distribution of the fossil plants in the carboniferous system may be of the greatest service in determining the horizon of the beds. Amongst the plants obtained from the beds at the foot of Byre Burn, Archerbeck, the Rowan Burn, and the Canobie coal field, and determined by Mr Kidston, the following may be mentioned : Sphenopteris L. and H., Sph. obtusiloba Brongt., Staphylopteris sp., Neuropteris flexuosa Brongt., Alethopteris lonchitica Schl , Pecopteris nervosa Brongt., Lepido- phyllum lanceolatum. According to Mr Kidston, some of these forms are never found below the horizon of the true coal measures, and it is highly probable, therefore, that the Canobie coal field may represent the true coal measures of the central valley of Scotland. The reddened shales occurring to the south of the Canobie coal field yield Neurop- teris flexuosa Brongt., a form confined to the true coal measures.

Within the Silurian area, carboniferous rocks are met with in the Thornhill and Sanquhar basins, filling hollows worn out of the old Silurian tableland. At Closeburn and Barjarg there are beds of marine limestone associated with sandstones and shales. Still further north, at the south-eastern limit of the Sanquhar coal field, there are small out- liers of the carboniferous limestone series, consisting of sandstones, shales, and thin fossiliferous limestones. The latter rapidly thin out, and the true coal measures rest directly on the Old Silurian platform. From these data it would appear that in Upper Nithsdale the Silurian barrier did not sink beneath the sea level till the latter part of the Car- boniferous period. The Sanquhar coal field is about nine miles in length, and from two to four miles in breadth. It contains several valuable coal seams, and from the general character of the strata it is probable that they are the southern prolongations of the Ayrshire coal measures.

Along the south-west part of the Sanquhar field, the strata are traversed by three narrow dolerite dykes, which send out intrusive sheets along the coal seams. The igneous rock is much decomposed, having the same character as the white trap so common in the Ayrshire coal fields. The coals are so altered by it as to be unworkable ; indeed in some places they have been converted into columnar anthracite.

The strata next in order are of Permian age, which are invariably separated from all older rocks by a marked unconformability. They occur in four separate areas (i) at Moffat; (2) at Lochmaben and Corncockle Moor ; (3) the Dumfries basin ; (4) the Thornhill basin. The beds consist of red sandstones and breccias, the latter being mainly derived from the denudation of the Silurian platform. Professor Harkness, however, long ago noted the occurrence of fragments of


carboniferous limestone in these breccias in the basin of the Annan, south of Lochmaben. Recently, when cutting the road to the hydro- pathic establishment at Moffat, nodules of impure limestone were found in the breccia. From these nodules the following fossils were obtained : Natichopsis plicistria, Camerophoria crumena and Bellerophon, belong- ing to the cementstone series. It is clear, therefore, that patches of carboniferous strata must have existed in these valleys during the deposition of these breccias. In the red sandstones of Corncockle Moor and to the south of Dumfries, reptilian footprints have been detected. The breccias have probably accumulated in narrow fjords, and the red sandstones may have been deposited in enclosed basins. The strata are singularly destitute of organic remains, and though at present they are provisionally regarded as Permian, it is not improbable that they may be of younger date. An interesting feature connected with the Thornhill basin is the occurrence of contemporaneous volcanic rocks at the base of the Permian beds. They form a prominent belt, usually rising to the surface as a distinct ridge, between and underlying carboni- ferous strata and the over-lying Permian rocks. They consist of slaggy diabase lavas and tuffs, which are occasionally interstratified with the sandstones.

Beyond the limits of the Thornhill basin there is further evidence of the extension of these volcanic rocks at Lockerben, about ten miles to the east of Thornhill. Here there is a small isolated area of carboni- ferous and Permian strata. In the course of the Garroch Water, red and liver-coloured sandstones,'probably of carboniferous age, are over- lain by red ashy breccia, composed of Silurian fragments and bJocks of amygdaloidal lava, followed by slaggy diabase lava. In the Sanquhar basin also there are several " necks " or volcanic rents filled with agglo- merate, which in all likelihood mark the site from which lavas of Permian age were discharged. There is also a small out-lier of diabase lava, resting on the coal fields north of the town, which is regarded as of Permian age. Further evidence might be adduced of the original extension of Permian or Triassic rocks over areas from which they have been removed by denudation. Some of the carboniferous strata in the Sanquhar coal fields have been stained red by the infiltration of iron oxide, and the same feature is observable in the Silurian rocks round the margin of the Thornhill basin. The shales over-lying the Canobie coals have been so much reddened as to resemble externally Permian or Triassic rocks. In these cases the older rocks were formerly buried underneath red sandstones, from which the percolating water derived the iron oxide.

Between Canobie and Annan there is a strip of red sandstones and marls, which have been correlated with the Triassic sandstones on the south side of the Solway Firth. In the latter region, to the west of Car- lisle, they are succeded by Liassic strata.

Several prominent basalt dykes traverse the Silurian and Permian


rocks in a north-westerly direction, which may probably belong to the remarkable outburst of volcanic activity during the Tertiary period in the Western Isles. One example is worthy of notice, as it has been traced from Leadhills south-eastwards by Moffat, and acrosj Eskdale- muir by Langholm to the English border. In texture it varies from a dolerite to tachylite, which is the glassy form of basalt. Another is traceable for a short distance through the Permian sandstones, about a mile to the north of Caerlaverock Castle.

Throughout the County there are abundant proofs of the intense glaciation which this region experienced during the glacial period, in common with the rest of Scotland. By means of the striae on the rocks and the transport of stones in the boulder clay, we can follow the path of the ice-sheet during the extreme glaciation. The general trend in Nithsdale and Annandale is towards the south-east, but on approaching the shores of the Solway the ice seems to have been deflected eastwards, across the belt of low ground towards Langholm and Carlisle, and thence across Northumberland and down the valley of the Tyne. This singular deflection was evidently due to the opposing mass of ice radi- ating from the northern part of the Lake District. This easterly move- ment is placed beyond doubt by the occurrence of boulders of Criffel granite in the boulder clay near Langholm and eastwards towards the valley of the Tyne. The wide-spread covering of boulder clay which is now found in the upland valleys, and on the low grounds, is the relic of this ancient glaciation. But in the valleys draining the larger masses of high ground, there are numerous moraines deposited by local glaciers, of which some of the finest examples are to be found round Loch Skene, at the head of Moffatdale. Moraine mounds, however, occur, far removed from any great mass of high ground, suggesting the probability that local or district ice sheets may have operated in producing them. Dur- ing the disappearance of the ice sheet and valley glaciers, those fluvio- glacial gravels may have been formed which stretch along the basin of the Annan as far as Moffat and along the valley of the Nith. The high level terraces of the river valleys may have been laid down during the stage of the loo feet sea beach, the remains of which are now to be found bordering the Solway. Even then arctic conditions seem to have pre- vailed in the South of Scotland. In the alluvia of old lakes occupying hollows in the boulder clay near Edinburgh, the remains of arctic plants have recently been found. Among them are dwarf birch (Betula nana), willows (Salix polaris, S. herbacea, S. Reticulata), Dryas octopetala, etc.. together with a phyllo])od Apus glacialis, now found only in fresh water lakes in Greenland and Spitzbergen. It is highly probable that some of these relics of an Arctic Flora and fauna may yet be found in the old lake deposits within the County. The latter stages in the geological his- tory of the County are indicated by the growth of extensive peat mosses, by the fifty feet and twenty-five feet sea beaches fringing the Solway, and by the successive terraces of alluvium which tell us of the erosion of the land by existing streams.



ab Abundant.

Ad. and S. D. J Miss E. G. Adams and Miss S. B. Johnstone. Herbarium of

Oowhill seen.

Ak Miss Aitken. Specimens seen.

Arm... G. Armitstead, Esq.

R. A R. Armstrong, Thornhill. Notes and Insects.

Am .Dr Walker Arnott. Visited Wigtownshire, 1848.

C. C. B C. C. Bailey. Records in Wigtownshire, 1883.

Dr Bl Dr Balfour. Transactions, Philos. Soc. of Glasgow, 1841-4.

Visited Wigtownshire in 1843 ? Also, Moffat.

Bea T. Beattie, Esq., Langholm.

D. Bl D. Bell, Esq. Trans. Bot. Soc, Edin. Vol. i.

G. Bl George Bell, Esq., Lockerbie.

R. Bl R. Bell, Esq., Castle O'er.

T. Bl Rev. T. Bell. In M'Andrew's List.

A. Bn A. Bennett, Esq., F.L.S. Notes in Scottish Naturalist.

W. Bn Rev. W. Bennet, Moffat.

Bk Miss Black, Lochmaben. Specimens seen.

W. Br W. Brand. Trans. Bot. Soc, Edin. Vol. i.

J. A. Br J. A. Brown, Edinburgh Herbarium, about 1838.

Brem Rev. W. Bremner, Kirkmichael Manse.

T. Br T. Brown, Esq.. Auchenessnane, Penpont. In Dumfries Her- barium and M'Andrew's List.

E. Br. E. Brunetti, Esq., London. Authority for Diptera.

B. W. J. Buchanan White, M. A. Journal of Botany, vol. ix.

Dr Br- Rev. Dr. Burgess. Lightfoot (1789).

c. p Collecting pollen (of insects).

Carr Mrs Carr, Maryport.

W. Ca Dr Carruthers, F.R.S. Notes on Moffat Flora, 1882, and

Moffat Fern Album, 1863. (Mrs Carruthers).

S. W. Ca Dr Carruthers. Notes on Moffat Flora, 188- ?

C. Y Mrs Carthew-Yorstoun, Irvine House. Herbarium seen.

F.R. C... F. R. Coles, Esq. In M'Andrew's List.


E. M. C Mi83 Copland, Newabbey. Specimens seen.

J. Cr J. Corrie, Esq., Moniaive. Notes and Specimens seen.

C. C Dr Craig Christie. Edinburgh Herbarium.

Cro A. Croall, Esq. In Watson's MSS.

J. Cru J. Cruickshank, Esq. Bot. Soc, Edin., Report, 1837. In

Edinburgh Herbarium and Watson's MSS.

J. G. C... Sir J. G. Cullum. In Watson's MSS.

N. A. D N. A. Dalzell, Esq. In Watson's MSS.

Dr Dv , Ur Davidson. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Dumfries. (Naming

of Specimens unknown). Brown's History of Sanquhar ^ 1891.

J. H. D J. H. Dixon, Esq., Dabton. Notes.

R. Do R. Doughty, Esq., Canobie. Notes.

G. C. Dr G. C. Druce, Esq. Bot. Record Club, 1883.

Dfs Dumfriesshire.

e Efficient (of insect visitors).

Exc Field Club Excursions. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Dumfries.

Fq Rev. J. Farquharson. Scottish Naturalist, vol. ii., p. 80.

J. Fn J. Fingland. Esq., Thornhill. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. of


J. Fr Rev. J. Fraser, Colvend. Stafc. Acct. of Kirkcudbright?

Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Dumfries. In M'Andrew's list.

Dr Gl Dr Gilchrist. In M 'Andrew's list.

G. C Mrs Gilchrist-Clark. List of Ross Plants, 1867.

G. F J. Gillon-Fergusson, Esq., Isle.

G. Go G. Gordon. In Watson's MSS.

br Gr Dr Graham. Excursion Wigtownshire, 1835, and Trans.

Bot. Soc. Edin. Report, 1836.

P. Gr P. Gray, Esq. Catalogue in Watson's MSS. Phytologist, vol.

i., p. 257, 416; vol. iii., p. 348. New Stat. Acct., Dumfries, 1876.

Grev Greville Herbarium at Edinburgh.

F.W.G Dr F. W. Grierson. Herbarium now at Dumfries, and seen.

A. B. H Allan B. Hall, Esq. Thirsk.

M.J.H Miss Hamilton, Dumfries. Specimens seen.

Hn Misses Hannay . Specimens seen.

Harv Miss Harvey. In Watson's MSS.

Hg W. S. Hogg, Esq. In M'Andrew's list.

Hook Hooker and Arnott. British and Student's Flora.

F.A.H Miss Hope. Gardens and Woodlands, 1881.

G. Ho George Horn. In Watson's MSS.

Ht Mr Hutton. In Watson's MSS.

Irv General Irving. Herbarium, seen by J. M'Andrew.

Jack Mr Jackson. Withering's Flora, 1796.


Jard Sir W. Jardine. Hooker's Flora.

J.T.J J. T. Johnstone, Esq., Moflfat. Trans. Bot. Soc, Edin.,

1889, 1890, 1891, 1892; Nat. Hist. Soc, Dumfries; Guide to Moffat ; Herbarium, etc.

Kcd Kirkcudbright.

Kd W. Keddie. Moffat: its Walks and Wells, 1854.

Lg Lightfoot. Flora Scotica, 1777 and 1789.

Lind Mr Lindsay. In Watson's MSS.

E.F.L Rev. E. F. Linton. Authority for Hieracia.

W.R.L Rev. W. R. Linton. Journal of Botany, 1890 and 1893.

Lt Rev. Dr VV. Little.

G. N. LI G. N. Lloyd. Watson's New Botanical Guide, 1837.

J. M*A J. M 'Andrew, Esq., New-Galloway. Many papers Nat. Hist.

Soc, Dumfries, and specimens in Herbarium. List Kirk- cudbright plants, 1882. List Wigtownshire plants, 1893, etc

G. M'C Rev. G. M'Conachic Li M' Andrew's list.

M*K J. M'Kay. In Hooker's Flora Scotica.

M'N Dr G. M'Nab. Notes in Watson's MSS.

R. H. M R. H. Masterman, Esq. Notes.

J. Mt J. Matthewson, Esq., Dalbeattie. In M'Andrew's List.

Mau Mr Maughan. Flora Scotica.

M.-W Miss Max well- Witham. Notes.

A. M Alexander Menzies, Esq., Dabton. Notes.

C. E. M Miss Milligan. Specimens and Notes.

W. M. H. M Rev. W. M. H. Milner, Lockerbie Notes.

Oliver Professor Oliver, F.R.S.

Pag Rev. J. Pagan. In M'Andrew's List.

Pat Mr Patrick. Flora Scotica.

PI Rev. P. Lyon Playf air, Glencairn. Notes.

r Rare.

reg Regular.

S. 0. R S. 0. Ridley, Esq. Herbarium of British Museum.

R. R R. Rimmer, Esq., F.L.S., Dalawoodie.

Ro Miss Robb. Notes.

J. Ru J. Rutherford, Esq., Jardinton. Notes.

s Sucking (of insect visitors).

J. Sd J. Sadler. Moffat Register, 1858. Rambles among Wild

Flowers, 1857. S.-E G. F. Scott-Elliot, Esq.

R. Se R. Service, Esq. Authority for names of Hymenoptera and

some Diptera.

J. Sh J. Shaw, Esq., Tynron, In M'Andrew'a List, Notes an4



W. Sh W. SheflBeld. Flora Scotica, 1189.

Sb Sihhald's Scotia J llvstrata, 1684.

DrSn Rev. Dr Singer. Authority Stat. Acct. of Dumfries, 1843?

Agricultural History of Dumfriesshire.

L. Sm Miss Lorraine Smith. Notes.

W. St W. Stevens. Phytologist. Vol. iii., p. 390.

St Mrs Stewart, Shambellie. Notes.

J. T. S J. T. Syme. In Watson's MSS.

E. Ty Miss Ethel Taylor, Kirkandrews. Notes, Specimens, and In-


Th Mrs Thomson. Notes and Specimens.

V. c Very Common.

V. r Very Rare.

Dr Wl Rev. Dr Walker.

Wall Professor Wallace, Edinburgh. In M'Andrew's List.

H. 0. W Watson's MSS. for Topographical Botany, etc., in the Natural

History Museum, consulted by me.

F. M. W F. M. Webb. Edinburgh Herbarium, 1877.

A. We Miss A. and Captain Wedderburn. Herbarium at Dumfries


Wei.. Mrs Welsh, Moffat. Notes.

Wgt Wigtownshire.

J. Wn. and R. Bl...Miss J. Wilson and Mr R. Bell. List of Plants.

J. C. W J. C. Willis, F. L. S. Annals of Botany, vol. ix. , Insect Visitors.

J. Wl J. Wilson, Esq. Notes.

Win Mr Winch. Flora Scotica.


Thalictrum alpinum. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—\N. Sheffield, 1789. Kcd.-G. N. Lloyd, 1837.

Localities : Annandale Hartfell, W. Sh. ; Saddleback, W. St.; Black's Hope, Whitecoombe (1750-2000 feet), J. H. BL, J. T. S.

Ap}iears May 28 to June 22, J. T. J. On slate or whin rocks; in

sun, but wind-sheltered.

Thalictrum minus. Linn.

Records : b. Montanum, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. c, Flexuosum, Dfs.—\)x J. H. Balfour, 1856. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt—0. C. Druce, 1883. Localities : Nithsdale Scaur, R.A. ; Drumlanrig, var. c, J. Fn., R. A., Dr Dv. Annandale Black's Hope (800-1750 feet), J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, vars. b. and c, Dr BL, P. Gr., Hg., J. T. J., S.E.

Appears May 28 to August, J. T. J. Moist ground near streams on whinstone soils or mud ; in sun, or half-shaded and wind-sheltered in narrow ravines.

Visitor : Hydrotea dentipes c. /., S. E.

Thalictrum flavum. Linn.

Records : Kcd. J. Matthewson, 1882. Wgt. Rev. J. Fraser, 1843.

Localities: Along the shore Garliestown, J. Mt.; Newton-Stewarf, J. Fr. ; Kenmure Holms, J. M'A. ; Auchencairn Bay, J. Mt.

Anemone nemorosa. Linn. (Wood Anemone).

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1837. Kcd. P. Gray, 1843. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1000 feet.


Appears April i, G. Bl. ; April 5 to 27, J. T. J. Usually moist leaf mould, holms, clayey soils ; usually shaded or half-shaded and wind- sheltered, though on ground bare of other plants.

Visitors : Roctotrypes, Melanostoma mellinum, gracilis, Empis sp. Anthomyidae; S. E.

Ranunculus hederaceus. Linn.

Records : 23. Lenormandi, D/s. W. Stevens, 1849. A?^. J. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883. 24. Hederaceus, D/s.—F. M. Webbe, 1835 (?) Xcd.— J. M'Andrevv, 1882. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883. /^ Omiophyllus, D/s. J. Corrie, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Carlaverock, W. St. ; Glencaple, P. Or. ; Cargen, Hn. ; Glencairn, PI. ; Moniaive, 300 feet (24, var. <^.), J. Cr. ; Holywood, Isle, S. E. ; Thornhill, W. St., R. A. ; Durrisdeer, J. Wl. Annandak Lochmaben, F. M. W. ; Corehead, J. T. J. ; Andrew's Well, W. Ca. Eskdah—QA^nzMix, E. Ty. : Wauchope, S. E.

Appears end of January, J. T. J. ; April 9, G. Bl. On wet mud of alluvium or peat springs, etc.

Ranunculus aquatilis. linn. (Water Crowfoot).

Records :

Subspecies'^ R. Petiveri Koch.

21. b. Confusus, D/s. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Subspecies R. Peltatus. Schrank.

18. (of 8th Ed.) Elongatus, i^j-.— Miss Hannay, 1891. 20. b. Truncatus, Dfs.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. Kcd.— Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

20. c. Floribundus, D/s. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. F. R.

Coles, 1882. IVgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1883.

21. d. Penicillatus, D/s. Miss Hannay, 1891. Kcd. F. R.

Coles, 1883 IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Fissifolius, Dfs.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883.

Subspecies Diversifolius. Schrank.

18. b. Godronii, Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883.

Arranged after W. P. Hiern's Monograph. The numbers are those of the London Catalogue, Ninth Edition, except R. elongatus, which is No. 18 of Ei^'hth Edition.


Subspecies Capillaceus Thuill.

17. Trichophyllus, Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. F. R.

Coles, 1883.

18. a. Drouettii, Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. ^^^d- F. R. Coles,

1883. 16. Pseudo-fluitans, Dfs.-~Y. Gray, 1850.

Salsuginosus, Dfs. Miss M. J. Hamilton, 1891.

Subspecies Fluitans. Z.

16. Fluitans, Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858.

Localities : Nithsdale Kingholm Merse, 19, b.^ M. J. H. ; Nith, at Dumfries, 21 (?), J. Fn. ; 20, b. c. d., Dr Sn., P. Gr., Hn., S. E. ; Maxwelltown Loch, 20, ^., F. W. G.; Moniaive, 14, J. Cr. Annandale Lochmaben, 20, P. Gr., W. P. H. ; Moffat, 20, b, S. E. ; 13, J. Sd. ^i-M?/^— Castle O'er, J. WL, and R. Bl.

Appears May 3 to end of season, J. T. J. Of these forms, 20 (vars. b. and r.) are common in mud of shallow streams, 1-6 inches deep ; 20 (var. d.) in eddies or nearly quiet backwaters of rivers, 9-18 inches deep; 16 in deep water and strong currents. Elevation 600 feet, as at Capplegill, J. T. J.

Visitors : Parhydra aquila, Notiphila riparia, Hydrotea dentipes, and small Diptera ab., S. E.

Ranunculus lingfua. Linn. (Great Spearwort).

Records:/^. Dr Balfour, 1839. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843. Wgt. ?

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey, Dr Gl. ; Mabie Moss, P. Gr , G. C. ; Lochar Moss, P. Gr., Hg., G. C. Annandale Lochmaben, Exc. (?)

Ranunculus flammula. Linn.

(Small Spearwort, Steep. Fide J. Shaw).

Records : 27. Flammula, Dfs. G. N. Lloyd, 1837 ; Kcd. P. Gray, 1843; Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883. Var. ^., pseudo-reptans, Dfs. W. S. Hogg, 1882. 28. Reptans, Dfs.—V. Gray, 1850 ?

Localities : Very common in all the valleys and ponds to at least 700 feet ; var. b. from Garrick, Thornhill, J. Fn., Dr Dv. ; Lochmaben, P. Gr., W. S. Hg., S. E. (28 is also given by P. Gray from Lochmaben, but is probably this variety).

Appears May and June, J, T. J. Moist marshy soil, or in water (to six inches deep) on peat mosses, as well as other mud ; usually in sun, but in part wind-sheltered.


Visitors : Platychirius clypeatus, Hyelemyia strigosa, Anthomyia radicum, Sulciventris, Hydrotea dentipes, Hyetodesia sp., Chortophila sp., etc., S. E.

Ranunculus ficaria. Linn. (Pilewort).

Records : D/s. and Xc^.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. I?. Incumbens, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Very common to lower level of peat mosses ; var. b., Dumfries, P. Gr.

Appears March 22, J. T. J., G. Bl. On moist or fairly dry leaf mould, holms, road sides, boulder clay, whinstone soils, etc.; usually half-shaded in woods (appearing before the leaves), and prefers bare soil in slightly wind-sheltered places.

Visitors : Apis, Platychirius albimanus, Melanostoma mellinum, Empis punctata, bilineata, Hyetodesia basalis, Chilosia sp., Anthomyia sp., Meligethes brassicae, Mantua napi, S. E.

Ranunculus sceleratus. Linn.

Records : Dfs.— ]. Cruikshank, 1839. Kcd. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1867. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Along the shoj-e Port Yerrick, Creetown, Dowalton, J. M'A. ; Ross, G. C. ; Mullock Bay, G. M'C. ; Southerness, Arn. ; Kingholm Merse, J. Cru., P. Gr., Hn. ; Caerlaverock, Dr Gl. ; Lochar Mouth, Priestside, S. E. ; Powfoot, J. Fn.

In shallow water or moist estuarine or alluvial mud.

Visitors : Small Anthomyidae, Empidae, Dolichopodidae, S. E.

Ranunculus auricomus. Linn. (Goldielocks).

Records: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1843. Wgt.— ]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale—(^\^n, F. W. G. ; Th., Gullyhill, R. H. M ; Lincluden, S.E. ; Glencairn, Pi. J. Cr. ; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J. ; San- quhar, Dr Dv. An7itmdale Milk, S. E. ; Dryfe, G. Bl. ; Evan Water, J. T. J.; Beld Craig, J. Sd. Eskdale Byreburn, Tarras ; Esk to Lang- holm, S. E., to some 400 feet.

Appears April 19, G. Bl., and beginning of May, J. T. J. Moist leaf mould, alluvium, roadsides, whinstone soils chiefly by rivers ; half or fully shaded and usually wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Scatophaga stercoraria, Anthomia sulciventris Apion pavidum, S. E,


Ranunculus acris. Linn. (Buttercup).

Records: D/s. and JiTc^.—V. Gray, 1850. «^^-/.— G. C. Druce, 1883.

/?. Tomiophyllus (?).

c. Vulgatus, D/s. Miss Hannay, 1893.

d. Boraeanus, D/s. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to lower level of peat mosses.

Appears May 7, J. T. J. Dry (rarely moist) holms, roadsides, boulder clay, shingles, sandy soils, &c. ; in sun and exposed to wind, though part sheltered by long grass.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Kmetes sidaris, Rhamphomyia alboseg- mentata, Lonchoptera lutea, Hydrotea dentipes, Hyetodesia incana, Anthomyia, Meligethes ^neus, S.E. (on R. acris and R. repens).

Ranunculus repens. Linn.

Records: J?/s. and Kcd. P. Grav, 1850. Wgf. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common along shore and in all valleys to lower level of peat haggs.

Appears April 27, G. Bl. ; May 7, J. T. J. Very dry or dry sand- stone soils, gravel, shingles, gardens ; in sun and expo^d or wind- sheltered (prefers short turf or bare ground).

Visitor Syrphus balteatus, S. E.

Raununculus bulbosus. Linn.

Records: jD/s.—T. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Common to 600 feet ; Glencairn, J. Cr. ; Trigony, R. A.; Spango (800 feet), Dr Dv. Annandak To 400 feet, J. T. J. Eskdale—To 700 feet, R. Bl.

Appears May 2, G. Bl. ; May 27, J. T. J. Dry sandstone or gravel, roadsides, whinstone ; exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus lucorum, Allantus Nothi, Hyetodesia sp., Anthomyidae ab. S. E.

Ranunculus hipsutus. Curt.

Records : D/s. J. Fingland, 1883. Kcd. Dr Gilchrist, i860. lVgt.—\)r Macnab (?), 1836. Var. b. Parvulus, D/s.~G. ¥. Scott- Elliot, 1891.


Localities : Nithsdak Kirkconnel, Dr Gl. Antiaiidale Ruth- well, J. Fn. ; Auchencas, Moffat, var. b.^ S. E. Eskdale Kirkburn, Bentpath, S. E.

Ranunculus arvensis. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. J. Sadler, 1857. Kcd. Gen. Irving, 1882. Locality : Moffat, J. Sd.

Caltha palustris. Linn. (Marsh Marigold).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray. 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

b. Guerangerii, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882.

c. Minor, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Localities : Very common to 2000 feet.

Appears April 5, G. Bl. ; April 9, J. T. J. In water or moist, muddy, or marshy ground.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus lucorum, Brachycentrum sabulosum, Brachycoma sp., Cheilosia, Anthomyia sp., Micropteryx calthella, S.E.

Tpollius Europaeus. Linn. (Luckangowns, Butterblobs,

Globe Flowers, Ballflowers.)

Record^ : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. Dr Macnab, 1835.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochanhead, Hg., M. W., Th. ; Glen, P. Gr., Th. ; Cluden 1 ridge, Hg. ; Speddoch, G. C. ; Routen Brig, P. Gr., S. E. ; Glencairn, PI. ; Scaur, Exc. ; Thornhill, R. A. ; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Lag, G. F.; Nith and Euchan, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dak Halldykes, Quhitewollen, G. Bl. ; Kirkpatrick-Juxta, F. A. H. ; Middlegill, Stidrig, Archbank, W. Br. ; Beattock, Grey Mare's Tail, Black's Hope, Loch Skene, J. T. J. Eskdale Lyneholme, R. Bl.

Visitors :'''^Al]antus nothi, Eristalis asnea, Platychirius albimana, Rhingia rostrata, Anthomyia, Apion pavidum, S. E.

Appears May 18 to July 4, J. T. J.

Aquilegria vulgraris. Linn. (Columbine).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. A?^. and Wgt. Arnott, 1844.

Localities: Along the short Glasserton, Balmae, Arn. ; Bock- cliffe, Th. . iV///z^^^z/^— Glencaple, C. E. M. ; Tinwald, J. Sn. ; Routen Brig, E. M. C. ; Jarbruck (400 feet), J. Cr. ; Scaur, Hn. ; Thornhill, R. A. ; Knockenjig (400 feet), Dr Dv. Amiandale Garpol, Dr Sn., Kd., J. T. J. j Auchencat (950 feet), J. T. J.


Helleborus viridis. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. R. Bell, 1892. IVgi. Dr Macnab, 1836. Locality : Billholm, R. Bl.

Aconitum napellus. Linn.

Record : D/s. and Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Cluden Mills, Hn. ; Nithbank, Thornhill, R. A.

Visitor : Bombus sp., R. A.

Berberis vulg^aris. Linn. (Barberry).

Record : (Planted) Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—{^).

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkconnel, M. W. ; Dockfoot, M. J. H. ; Lincluden, P. Gr. ; Jarbruck, J. Cr. Annandale Moifat, J. T. J. Esk- dak common, S.E.

Visitors : Bombus lucorum, pratorum, Andrena albicans, Syrphus Ribesii, Platychirius peltatus, S. E.

Nymphea alba, Linn. (White Water Lily).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale— \.oz\\ Kindar, M. W., E. M. C.; Maxwell- town Loch, P. Gr. ; Loch Urr (700 feet), J. Cr. ; Blackwood, Friars' Carse, S. E. ; Slroanshalloch (1250 feet), J. Cr. ; Auchenknight, R. A. Aiinandale Broomhill, Lochmaben, P. Gr., S. E. Eskdale Penton, C. Y.

In ponds 2 to 10 feet deep.

Visitors : Bombus (lucorum X) ab.. Apis ab., Scatophaga litorea, Anthomyidje. S. E.

Nuphar luteum. Linn. (Yellow Water Lily).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

b. Litermedium ( Ledebour)^ Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Loch Kindar, M. W. ; Loch Urr (700 feet), Trostan Lane, J. Cr. ; Stroanshalloch (1250 feet), also var. b., Dr Dv., J. Cr. ^;z;zrt;/^^jt/d'-'Halleaths, Shillahill,"G. Bl. ; Castle Loch, Loch- maben, Dr Sn. ; Craiglands, J. T. J.

Ponds (var. b. with peaty bottom).


Platystemon Calif ornicum. Be nth.

Record : (Escape) Zyjr. J. Corrie, 1887. Locality : Moniaive, J. Cr.

Papavep rhoeas. Linn.

Records : (Escape) D/s. J. Wilson, 1883. Xcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Annandale Hoddam Castle, J. Wl. ; Beattock, J. T. J.

On waste ground.

Papavep dubium. Linn. (Poppy).

Records : a. Lamothei, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Cx. & S.W. Railway line, Cummertrees, Ak. ; Dumfries, S. E.; Maxwelltown Station, Th. ; Mildamhead, P. Gr. ; Brown- hall, M. J. H.; Closeburn, Auldgirth, R. A.; Sanquhar, Kirkconnel, Dr. Dv. Annandale Annan Station, C. E. M. ; Beattock, Adam's Holm, J. T. J. Eskdale ;— (Riddings, S.E.)

Dry cinders or waste ground free of other plants and fully, exposed.

Visitors : Platychirius albimana, Sepsis cynipsea, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia sulciventris, Meligethes aeneus, S. E.

Papaver arg'emone. Linn. (Long-headed Poppy).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Miss E. D. Adams, Miss S. D. Johnstone, 1890. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Holywood Station, Ad. and S. D. J.

Meconopsis Cambrica. ]/ig. (Welsh Poppy).

Records: (Escape) Zy^r.— Dr Balfour, 1838. Xc^.—Dr Gilchrist ? 1867. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, M. J. H. ; Nith above Friars' Carse, S. E. Annandale Wamphray Bridge, S. E. ; above Moffat, S. W. Ca. ; Adam's Holm, J. T. J.

Appears May 14, J. T. J. Garden Weed, moss-covered sandstones, shingles.

Chelidonium majus. Linn. (Great Celandine).

Records: (Escape) Dfs.—k. Sibbald, 1838. Kcd.—\N. Brand, 1838. Wgt.—C. C. Bailey, 1883.


Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey, W. Br., M. W. ; Clarencefield, Hg.; Cluden Craigs and Bridge, P. Gr.; Cowhill, Ad., S. D. J.; Keir, A. Sb. ; Stepends Kirk, Waterside, R. A. Annandale Dornock, J. M'A.; Halleaths, Castle Loch, Lochmaben, J. M'A., J. T. J.

On dry waste ground, exposed to wind, or half-sheltered by hedges.

Glaucium luteum. Soop.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. Dr M'Nab, 1836.

Localities: Along the shore Mull, G. M'N. ; Drummore, Arn.; Port William, J. M'A.; Creetown to Gatehouse, Dr Bl., J. M'A., Hn., S. E.; Ross, G. C. ; Mullock Bay, J. M'A., F. R. C.; Balcary, G. M'C.; Saltflats, J. Fr.; Port o' Warren, P. Gr.; Rascarrel, J. C. W., J. Fr.; Southerness, J. M'A.; Arbigland, J. M'A., Th.; Carsethorn, C. E. M., Th. ; Newbie, Dr Br., J. Fr., S. E.

On shingle, sand, or shell bank, stony boulder clay, just above high- water mark, and fully exposed.

Visitors : Platychirius peltatus, Anthomyia radicum, Hydrotea den- tipes, Meligethes seneus, S. E.

Fumaria officinalis. Linn. (Fumitory). Records :

Subspecies Capreolata. Lititi.

69. Pallidiflora, Z^/Jr.— (Herbarium). ^/._G. C. Druce,


70. Boraei, Z>/jr.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. Ar^. and Wgt.—

G. C. Druce, 1883.

71. Confusa, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd. J.

M'Andrew, 1882.

Subspecies Officinalis. Linn.

73. Densiflcra, Dfs.—]. T. Johnstone, 1890. Wgt.—G. C.

Druce, 1883.

74. Officinalis, Dfs.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. IVgt.—G. C.

Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirckonnel, M. W. ; Glencaple, 71, M. J. H. ; Dumfries, P. Gr., 71 ; F. W. G., C. E. M., Th. ; Cluden Mills, 71, S. E. ; Glencairn, 71, J. Cr. ; Holywood, 74, S. E. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, C. E. M. ; Ecclefechan, 70, S. E. ; Lochmaben, P. Gr. ; Beattock, 71, S. E. ; Hydropathic, Edgemoor Selcoth (to 500 feet), J. T. J.


Dry, corn, or turnip fields ; cinders of railways, light, sandy soils, waste ground ; usually exposed to sun and wind, and on bare ground. Visitor : Pieris brassicae, S. E.

Copydalis claviculata. D. G.

Records : Dfs.—Q. Gordon, 1837. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale The Brow, G. Go., P. Gr., J. Fn. ; Kirk- connel Moss, G. C. ; Waterloo Hill, R. H. M. ; Glen, P. Gr. ; Jarbruck, Craigdarroch (450 feet), J. Cr. ; Cleuch House Linn, Dr Dv. ; King's Quarry, Newton Quarry, Auldgirth Hill, R. A. ; Tynron, J. Sh. ; Drum- lanrig, J. Cru. Annandale Craiglands, Gallowhill (800 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Langholm, C. Y.

Appears June 10, J. T. J. Moist or nearly dry humus of woods; usually half-shaded and wind-sheltered, climbing over dead branches or brambles, or on cottage roofs.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus muscorum, S. E., J. C. W. ; Derhamellus, S. E.; Terrestris, J. C. W.; Apathus quadricolor, Andrena Trimmeriana, Anthomyia, S. E.

Copydalis lutea. D. C.

Record : (Escape) I?/s. J. T. Johnstone, Miss Ethel Taylor, 1891. Localities : Nithsdale Scaur Brig, R. A. Annandale Bearholm, J. T. J. Eskdale— OXd. Wall, Todhillwood, E. Ty. Appears May 17, J. T. J. Visitor : Bombus hortorum S. E.

Corydalis solida. Hook.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Ethel Taylor, 1891. Localities : Nithsdale Newlands, R. A. Eskdale Woodhouse- lees, E. Ty.

Cheiranthus cheiri. Linn. (Wallflower).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Harvey, 1850. Kcd. Robert Burns. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Dundrennan, Lincluden, Caerlaverock.

Barbarea vulg-aris. /?. Br. (Winter Cress, Yellow Rocket).

Records : 84. Vulgaris, D/s.—V^x Singer, 1843. Kcd. V. Gray, 1838. IVgt.—Cj. C. Druce, 1883.

87. Intermedia, -Dfs.— 7 Kcd. Miss Hannay, 1891.

88. Praecox, Kcd.—T>r F. W. Grierson, 1882.

Flora of DUMFRiEssttiRfi. ii

Localities : Nithsdale Whinnyhill, 84, F. W. G. ; Cargen, 84 ; Newton, 87, Hn., S. E.; Glen, 84, S. E., P. Gr.; Tinwald, Dr Sn.; Glencairn, J. Cr., PI.; Cample, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annaiidale— Annan, M. J. H.; Wamphray to JVLoffat, J. T. J., S. E.; Lochmaben, J. Wl.

Appears April 28 to June, J. T. J. Along rivers and streams, on holms, roadsides, whinstone soils ; in sun or half-shaded and wind- sheltered.

Visitors : Apis, Halictus mori, Andrena coitana, Platychirius albi- mana, Syritta pipiens, Sipliona cristata, Anthomyia radicum, Micropteryx calthella, S. E.

Nasturtium officinale. /?. Br. (Watercress).

Records : Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all valleys, reaching 2000 feet ; Loch Skene.

Appears May 20, J. T. J. - Usually in slow streams under a foot deep, or moist ground ; in sun or half-shaded and usually wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Volucella bombylans, Eristalis arbustorum, sepulchralis Helophilus pendulus, Syritta pipiens, Platychirius clypeatus peltatus, Pyrophona rosarum, Scatophaga stercoraria, Empis livida, Pipizella sp., Anthomyia sp., Chrysogaster, Pollenia rudis, Lucilia Caesar, Dolichopus, Hyelemyia strigosa, Caricea tigrina, Telephorus rusticus, bicolor, Thyo- mis morcida, Byturus rosae, S. E.

Nasturtium sylvestre. /?. Br.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Localities : Carlingwark, J. M'A.; along J¥. below Kirkmichael House, Dr Br.

Nasturtium palustre. D. G. ^^^^--^ /^it^crC

Records: DJs. G.N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—]. Cruickshank, 1839. Wgt—(^. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kingholm Quay, P. Gr., S. E.; Lochar Moss, G. N. LI.; Cargenbanks, Hn.; Glencairn, PI.; several places by Nith, Dumfries, Hn.; S. E.; Carnsalloch, C. E. M.; Broomrigg, Hn.; Friars' Carse, Dr Dv., J. Fn., S. E.; Newlands, R. A. Amiandak Lochmaben, Exc; Broom, St. Mungo, G. Bl.

Along rivers or lakes on alluvial stony mud, shingles, or in dock walls.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, Hyelemyia strigosa, Meligethes seneus, S. E.


Nasturtium amphibium. R. Br.

Record : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789.

Locality : In the burn that runs into the Lochar opposite the Manse of Mouswald.

Arabis hirsuta. /?. Br. {A. Sagittata. D. C.) (Rock Cress).

Records: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1857. Kcd.-^xi^ Wgt.—Y. R. Coles, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalveen Pass (900-1200 feet), J. Fn., S. E.; Kello (600 feet), Dr Dv. Annandale Carterton, Lamonbie Mill, G. BL; Beeftub, J. Sd.; Newton Burn (800 feet), J. T. J., S. E. ; Spoonburn (900 feet), S. E.; Black's Hope (2200 feet), J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail (900-1500 feet), J. Sd., J. T. J.; Craigmichen (800 feet), J. T. J.; also Moffat sandbeds (300 feet), J. T. J.

Appears May 14, J. T. J. Usually moist whinstone or sandstone rocks, in shade or half-shaded and well wind-sheltered by narrowness of ravines ; sometimes exposed on shingles and sandbeds.

Visitors : Platychirius albimana, Syritta pipiens, Empis bilineata, Scatophaga sp., Anthomyia sp., S. E.

Arabis thaliana. Linn. (Thale Cress).

Records: Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J. ; Portrack, S. E.; Auldgirth Linn, Exc; Tynron, J. Sh.; Cample, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale— '^\\\^\6\i:\\\ S. E.; Lochmaben, J. VVl; Moffat (to 1000 feet), J. T. J.

Appears March 23, J. T. J.; March 26, G. Bl. Dry cinders or sandy soil, old walls, roadsides, etc. ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitor : Platychirius clypeatus, S. E.

Cardamine amara. Linn. (Bitter Cress).

Records:/^. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843? ^^- Dr Macnab, 1839.

Localities : Nithsdale Common by Cluden and Cairn to Moniaive, Hn., P. Gr., S. E., f- Cr.; Glencaple to Troqueer and Dumfries, Hn., C. E. M.; Milnhead, J. Cru.; Auldgirth, S. E., R. A.; Tibbers Castle, J. Wl.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, S. E.; Jardine Hall, Th.; Tundergarth, G. Bl; Milke and M, Dr Br., S. E.; Beld Craig, Hg.;


Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Glenzier, E. Ty.j Esk, Tarras, Ewes (to 400 feet), S. E.

Appears April 27, J. T. J.; April 30, G. Bl. In wet mud by streams, holms, shingles, etc. ; in sunny or shady, but not windy places.

Visitors : Dacnusa sp., Chilosia peltata, Rhingia rostrata, Scaena Ribesii, Anthomyidae ab., Micropteryx calthella, Mantua napi, Antho- lobium triviale, Phyllobius calcaratus, S. E.

Cardamine pratensis. Linn.

(Cuckoo Flower, Ladies' Smock, Karson, fide J. Shaw).

Records : Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1857. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1839. Wgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

LocALiLiES : Very common in all the valleys to about 900 feet.

Appears April 15, J. T. J.; April 14, G. Bl. Flowers April 13, R. A.

Usually moist holms, roadsides, boulder clay, whinstone soils, carboni- ferous and other sandstones ; in sun, half-shaded or quite shaded, and windy or sheltered places.

Visitors : Chilosia peltata, Bibio sp., Helophilus pendulus, Scsena ribesii, Anthomyidae, Mantua napi, Zostenophorus taeniatus, S. E.

Capdamine impatiens. Linn.

Record : Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1857.

Localities : Nithsdale Churchyard, Irongray, Hn. Annandale Middlegill; roadside, Kirkpatrick-Juxta, J. 1\ J.; Garpol, Beld Craig, J. Sd.

Appears June 13, J. T. J.

Cardamine hirsuta. Linn.

Records : 98. Hirsuta, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1843. 99. Flexuosa, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. Dr Grierson, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : 98 very common in all the valleys ; appears March 23, J. T. J. 99 appears May 4, J. T. J. iV/M^^rt-/^— Whinnyhill, F. W. G.; Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Auldgirth, S. E. ; Euchan, Dr Dv. Antiandale Auchenbraith Linn, M water, Milke, Wellburn, Brackenside, etc., com- mon at Moffat, S. E., J. T. J. Eskdale Todhillwood, E. Ty.; common Esk to Langholm, S. E. ; and Castle O'er, J. Wn., R. Bl,


98 on dry sandy and gravelly soils, roadsides, shingles, garden refuse, old walls, whinstone ; in sun or half-shaded and usually windy places ; prefers bare ground.

99 on moist leaf mould, whinstone or alluvial ground, usually mud ; in shade or half-shaded and always wind-sheltered, often in long grass.

Visitors: Melanostoma sp., .A.nthomyia radicum, sulciventris, Apion germari, S. E.

Sisymbrium officinale. Soop. (Hedge Mustard).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkconnel, M. W. ; Cargen, IJumfries, P. Gr., Hn., S. E.; Glencairn, PI.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Afinandale Very rare east end of Castle Loch, Brocklerigg, G. Bl.; Wamphray, J. M'A., J. T. J.; waste ground, Moffat, J. T. ]. Eskdale near Liddel, S. E.; Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Appears July 2, J. T. J. On pretty dry roadsides, railways, river banks ; in sun and part wind-sheltered by hedges, etc.

Visitors : Syritta pipiens, Anthomyia radicum, S. E.

Alliaria officinalis. Andrz.

(Jack by the Hedge, Sauce alone).

Records: Dfs. P. Gray, 1843. Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Whinnyhill, Exc. ; Troqueer, Hn., S. E. ; Grovehill, Virgin Hall, J. Fn., R. A.; Glencairn, PI. Annandale rare Lockerbie, G. Bl.

Visitors : Syrphus umbellatarum, Platychirius albimana, Empis livida, Hyelemyia strigosa, Anthomyia radicum, Haltica oleracea, 8. E.

Erysimum cheiranthoides. Linn. Record : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1891. Locality : Kirkconnel Station, Dr. Dv.

Brassica monensis. Huds. (Isle of Man Cabbage).

Record : Dfs.—K^v. T. Bell, 1882. Kcd.—]. Eraser, 1843. Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Along the shore rare Powfoot, J. Fn., S. E.; Annan shore, T. BL, S. E.


On shingles and sand against small banks, fully exposed. (Railway as casual, Dr Dv.)

Visitors : Halictus mori, Formica cunicularis, Syritta pipiens, An- thomyia radicum, Chortophila sp., Haltica oleracea, Meligethes aeneus, S. E.

Brassica tenuifolia. Boiss.

Record : (Escape) D/s. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. Locality : Glentarras, S. E.

Brassica campestris. Linn.

Records : (All Escapes) D/s. P. Gray, 1839. Kcd.—]. M 'Andrew, 1882. Subspecies 132. Napus, Kcd. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891., £>fs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

133. Rutabagga, Kcd. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891.

134. Rapa— «. Sativa, Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

c. Briggsii, Dfs. Miss M. J. Hamilton 1891.

Localities : Nithsdak Lochar, P. Gr.; Cargen Glen, Th., C. E. M.; Newton, 132 and 133, S. E.; Glencairn, PL; Sanquhar Castle, Dr Dv. Amiandale Annan, 133, S. E. Eskdale Bentpath, S. E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn., R. Bl.

Usually in arable fields, roadsides, etc.

Brassica sinapis. \/is. (Charlock).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 800 feet.

Dry sandy or gravelly soils, whinstones, boulder clay, holms, granite ; in sun or half-shaded, and usually sheltered by corn, etc.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, EristaUs tenax, pertinax, tumidata, Syrphus bifasciatus, Empis punctata, Syritta pipiens, Chlorosia formosa, Platychiiius albimana, Anthomyia radicum, Mantua napi, Dicrorair.pha, S. E.

Brassica alba. Boiss.

Records: (Escape) Kcd.—?. Gray, 1843. JV^^.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Lochrutton, P. Gr,


Brassica nigra. Koch.

Record: (Escape) lys. Dr Burgess, 1789, Locality : Duncow, Dr Br.

Cochlearia officinalis. Linn. (Scurvy Grass).

Records :

Subspecies 112. Officinalis, D/s. P. Gray, 1843. J^cd. Dr Macnab, 1835. JVg/. G. C. Druce, 1883. d. Montana, Dfs.—Q. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. 115. Danica, Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1882. 117. Anglica, Dfs. Miss Ethel Taylor, 1891. Kcd.—\yi Macnab, 1835. Wgt—]. M'Andrew, 1893.

LocALiTii':s : Nithsdak Kirkconnel, M. W.; Glencaple, and along Nith to Dumfries, 112 and T17, Hn., S. E.; Martown, Dibbin Hill (1600 feet), J. Cr.; Shinnelhead, Lamgarroch (1000- 17 00 feet), J. Sh.; Glen- maddie, Euchan, Dr Dv.; Cample Cleugh, J. En. Annandale common by shore, S. E. ; Balgray, G. Bl. ; M water head, J. En. ; Queensberry, Penbreck, S. E.; Wamphray to Beeftub, by Annan, S. E.; Hartfell, ab., S. E.J Black's Hope, Corriefron, Grey Mare's Tail, Whitecoombe, ab., to 2500 feet, J. Sd., Hg., S. E., J. T. J. Eskdale Kirkandrews, 117, E. Ty.; common by Esk to Langholm, S. E.; Langholm Hill, Archie Hill, Ewes, S. E.

Appears April 9, G. Bl.; May 5, J. T. J. Always moist places, in mud, etc., and fully exposed.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, Meligethes aeneus, S. E.

Camelina saliva. Grantz. (Gold of Pleasure).

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Herbarium Greville, 1830. Localities : Jardine Hall, Grev.; Tinwald, Dr Sn.

Hesperis matronalis. Linn. (Dame's Violet).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. J. Corrie, 1891. Kcd. or lVgt.?—T>r Balfour, 1836.

Localities : By Cairn (300 feet), J. Cr.; Scroggs, G. Bl,


Draba verna. Linn. (ErophUa vulgaris. D. C.)

(Whitlow Grass).

Records : Dfs. and Kal. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Newton, P. Gr., S.-E.; Mile House, Lin- cluden, Hn. ; Peelton, Woodlea, Blackstone (300-340 feet), J. Cr. ; Tynron, J. Sh.; Cample Brig, R. A.; Glenmaddie (1350 feet), Dr Dv.; Durrisdeer, Exc.; Sanquhar Castle, Dr Dv. Annatidale Lochmaben, Capelgillfoot, J. T. J.; Beeftub, Kd.; Hydropathic, Moffat, S.-E. Esk- (hile Glenzier burn, E. Ty., S.-E.; Tarras foot, Meggatdale (500 feet), S.-E.

Appears March 20. I have also seen it flowering in December, J. T. J. Dry turf-covered dykes, stony roads ; usually in sun, and in part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Anthomyia pluvialis, Dolichopodae, Latridius porcatus, E. Ty., S.-E.

Subularia aquatica. Linn. (Awlwort).

Records : Dfs. Greville Herbarium, 1830. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1882.

Localities : Threave Castle, on Dee, F. R. C; Loch Skene, Grev. Herb., J. T. J.

Appears August 7, J. T. J. On bare mud or shallow water amongst Equisetum stems.

Visitor : A small fly, Limosina sp.? s.

Thlaspi arvense. Linn. (Penny Wort).

Records: (Escape) Z)/?. Dr Davidson, 189 1. Kcd. Arnott, 1844. IVgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Chapelhill Carco, Dr Dv.

Teesdalia nudicaulis. /?. Br.

Records : Dfs.—]. Wilson, 1882. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Dr Macnab, 1837.

Localities : Nithsdale Ferney Cleugh, Locharbriggs, J. Wl.; Evan Water, Beattock, J. T. J., S.-E.

Appears May 6, J. T. J. Visitors : Small Diptera, S.-E.



Hutchinsia petraea. R. Br.

Record : Dfs. Rev. Dr Little, 1850? Locality : Kirkpatrick-Juxta. ?

Iberis amara. Linn. (Candytuft).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. G. Bell, 1893. Kcd. Misses Hannay and R. H. Masterman, 1891.

Localities : Shillahill, G. Bl.; Kirkconnell Lodge, Hn., R. H. M.

Capsella bursapastOPis. R. Br. (Shepherd's Purse).

Records : Dfs. P. Gray, 1838. Kcd. and Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys but not on peat.

Appears March 30, J. T. J.; April 7, G. Bl. Usually dry roadsides, holms, gardens, sandy soil, etc.; not on peat, rarely in shade or wind ; prefers bare ground.

Visitors : Apis, Andrena bicolor, Syritta pipiens, Syrphus corollae, ribesii, Siphona geniculata, Opomyza germinationis, Anthomyia radi- cum, Hydrotea dentipes, S.-E.

Lepidium ruderale. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Lepidium campestre. R. Br.

Records : Dfs.— Dr Balfour, 1843. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1843. JVgt.— Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : By River Nith, Dr Bl; Dumfries, P. Gr. /

Lepidium smithii. Hooh.

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd.--V. Gray, 1841. Wgt. Dr Macnab, 1835.

Localities : Nithsdale—YSxVcoxmitW, M. W.; Cargen, Hn.; Dum- fries, P. Gr., Hn., S.E.; Glencairn, PI., J. Cr. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Adam's Holm, Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale—?.^xQ, Kirk- andrews, E. Ty.; Gretna Green, S.-E.

Appears April 28, J. T. J.

Visitors : Apis ab. and sufif., Melanostoma, Anthomyidae, Chorto- phila sp., S.-E.


Senebiera coronopus. Poir.

Records: Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Along the shore Portpatrick, Drummore, Port Logan, J. M'A.j Deemouth, F. R. C.

In crannies of stones in harbours ; on mud flats.

Isatis tinctoria. Linn. (Woad). Record : (Escape) Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1835. Locality : Drummore.

Cakile mapitima. Scop. (Sea Rocket). "

Records : Dfs. Dr Davidson or J. Fingland, 1886. Kcd. and Wgt, J. Fraser, 1843.

Localities : Along the shore rare Portpatrick, Am., J. M'A; Port- william, G. C, S. E.; Creetown, S. E.; Borgue shore, J. M'A.; Souther- ness, J. Fn.; Powfoot to Newbie, Dr Dv., J. Fn.

Coarse gravel or stony shingles ; exposed.

Visitors : Anthomyia ab.; Meligethes aeneus, S. E.

Crambe maritima. Linn. (Seakale). Records: Kcd.— Ox. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.— A. Sibbald, 1823.

Localities: Along the shore— MuW, Sb.; West Tarbert, Dr. Bl., Am., Dr M'N.; Garliestown, Hn.; Creetown, Borgue, J. M'A. ; Ross, G. N. LI., G. C, J. M'A.; Balmae, G. N. LL; Balcarry, Auchencairn; G. M'C, J. M'A.

In shingle or rocks.

Visitors : Lucilia Caesar, cornicina, Meligethes aeneus, S.-E.

Raphanus raphanistrum. Linn. (Radish).

Records :

Subspecies 162. Raphanistrum, Z>/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1838 and 1847. Wgt.-Dr Balfour, 1835. 163. Maritimus, Kcd. P. Gray, 1847. Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1835.

Localities : Along the shore 163 Mull, Dr Bl., Dr M'N., J. M'K.; Portpatrick, J. M'A.; Drummore, Am.; Portwilliam, S.-E.; Port o' Warren, J. Fr., P. Gr., Fq., S.-E. Nithsdale—162 Harleybank Ford, P. Gr.; Newton, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, S.-E. ^^/^c?^/^— Burnfoot, S.-E.


On shingles of shore or on rocks and in waste ground or arable land ; inland.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus sp., Anthomyidse, Meligethes oeneus, S.-E.

Reseda luteola. Linn. (Dyer's Weed, Mignonette).

Records: D/s. By the Nith ab., Dr Burgess, 1789. X^cil. and Wg^.—]. M 'Andrew, 1082.

Also found at Ecclefechan. (Exc. 82).

Helianthemum vulg-are. Gaert (Rockrose).

Records: D/s. J. Wilson, 1882. XaL Rev. J. Eraser, 1863. W^/.— Arnott, 1848,

Localities : Common along the Kirkcudbright coast, Glenlair, Wd. Herb.; Rascarrel, J. C. W. M//^^//^/^— Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Little- knowe, Glen, Th., C. E. M.; Grove Hills, S.-E.; Craigneston (500 feet), Barndennoch (650 feet), J. Cr.; Dalveen, Exc; Scaur, Tynron Doon, R. A.; Spango Bridge, Dr Dv. Annandak Wellburn, Carr ; Beeftub, Spout Craig, Corehead, burn between Crofthead and Selcoth, J. T. J. (A peculiar and anomalous distribution, possibly due to presence of lime- stone fragments.)

Appears June 14, J. T. J. On granite, whinstone, or boulder clay soils with a dry sunny southern exposure ; in windy or part sheltered places.

Visitors : Melanostoma mellina, Cynomyia mortuorum, Platychirius clypeatus, Lucilia Caesar, Rhamphomyia, Dolichopods, Chortophila, and rive unnamed species, S.-E.

Viola palustris. Linn. (Marsh Violet).

Records : Dfs. J. Cruikshank, 1836. Kcd. P. Gray, 1844. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Lincluden, P. Gr. ; Newton, Locharmoss, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Twomerkland (a white variety), J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dv. Annandale Elsieshiels, S.-E.; Millhill, Eskrigg, G. Bl.; Echo Tower, Drumcrieff, Moffat, J. T. J. EskdaIe~^o\-^2,y Moss, E. Ty.

Appears April 19, G. BL; May 4 to 12, J. T. J. Wet or moist places ; peaty, alluvial, or humoid loam ; exposed to sun ; partly sheltered by grass or ditch sides, etc.

Visitor : Siphona geniculata, S.-E.

Viola cornuta. Linn. Record: (Escape) Dfs. Railway Station, Miss Hannay, 1892.


Viola Odorata. Linn. (Garden Violet).

Records: I?/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850; lVj(^. J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities: Nithsdale Netherwood, Nunbank, Glencaple Road, Gillfoot, R. A., C. E. M.; New Quay, P. Gr.; Lincluden, Nunholm, Hn.; Clarencefield, Th.

An escape establishing itself in moist, shady and sheltered places on leaf mould.

Viola hirta. Linn.

Record: Kcd. Arnott, 1848.

Locality: Confirmed on Criffel, A. B. Hall, 1891.

Viola canina. Linn. (Dog Violet).

Records : Sylvatica, Fr.

Var. a., Dfs.--]. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd, —P. Gray,

1850. Wg/.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. ^., Flavicornis, Smith ; D/s. Miss Milligan, 1892 ; Canina, Xcd.—F. R. Coles, 1885.

Localities : Nit/isda/e Common near Dumfries, P. Gr., F. W. G.; Park Road, var. d., C. E. M.; Troqueer, Hn.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; San- quhar, Dv. Annandale Water of J¥.^ var. b., S.-E.; common to 300 feet Milke, Kirtle, G. Bl.; to 1300 feet Beef-tub, and 2300 feet MidUw- burn and Whitecoombe, var. a. and b.^ J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Very common to 500 feet, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl., and R. Bl.

Prefers dry rather than moist leaf mould, roadsides, and other soils ; sunny slopes ; usually in part wind-sheltered. Becomes white in shady moist places.

Appears April 5, G. Bl.; April 14 to 28, J. T. J. Var. b. prefers ground free of other plants, short grass, steep banks, etc.

Visitor : Bombus muscorum, lucorum Hn. ; Platychirius clypeatus, Empis bilineata, S.-E.

Viola tricolor. Linn. (Pansy).

Records: 181. Eutricolor, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

182. Arvensis, Dfs.—Vix F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.

G. C. Druce, 1883.

183. Curtisii, Dfs.-O. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892.

184. Lutea, var. a., Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.

P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. ^., Amoena, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1854. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1882.


Localities : Nithsdale Very common near Dumfries (i8i, 182, 184), P. Gr., C. E. M., F. W. G.; Racks, 182, S.-E.; Cowhill, 184, Ad. and S. D. J.; (reaching 1200 feet) Moniaive, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, 181, 182, Dr Dv.; Wanlockhead, 184, W. St., Dr GL, F. W. G. Annandale Very common Newbie, S.-E.; M Water, 183, S.-E.; Dryfe, Milke, G-. Bl.; Beattock, 183, J. T. J.; Auchencas, 182, Penbreck, 184, S.-E.; Garpel, Beef-tub, and Grey Mare's Tail, 184 (to 2400 feet). Black's Hope, var. b.^ J. Sd., J. T. J.; Loch Skene, (2000 feet), S.-E. Eskdale Common Canobie, E. Ty.; Wauchope, 184, var. b.^ S.-E.; Castle O'er, 181, 184, J. Wl., and R. Bl.

Appears April 5 till September, J. T. J. The preferences of these forms seem to be: 181 for pretty dry leaf mould, roadsides, etc., partly shaded and wind-sheltered, and usually below 500 feet ; 182 distinctly dry ground on railway cinders, waste roadsides with full exposure and below 500 feet ; 183 slightly moist sandy soil, bare of other plants, and fully exposed; 184 rather dry slopes on boulder clay or whinstone in full sun exposure, and only partly wind-sheltered by shortish grass, commonest above 500 feet; 184 var. b- similar to last, but the least sheltered and sunniest spots, specially at highest altitudes.

Polygala vulgfaris. Linn. (Milkwort).

Records: 185. Euvulgaris, /yir. P.Gray, 1863. Kcd. and Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882 and 1892.

186. Oxyptera, Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1890 (not typical,

but not vulgaris, A. Bennet). Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

187. Serpyllacea, Dfs.—V. Gray, 1845. Kcd.—¥. R.

Coles, 1883. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce.

Localities: Nithsdale Common Kirkconnel, M. W.; Carnsalloch, Hn.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Queensberry, 187, P. Gr. ; Hindhill, S. W. Ca. ; Hartfell, J. T. J. ; Whitecoombe, 187, S.-E. Eskdale Solway Moss and very common, E. Ty., S.-E.; Blochwell, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.

Appears April 27, G. Bl.; May 15 to June 7, J. T. J. Prefers dry but often marshy ground, chiefly on whinstone, boulder clay or peat ; in sun, rarely shaded ; usually windy places, or partly sheltered by short grass or broken ground. 1^7 on specially dry, sunny, windy, and bare places.

Dianthus armeria. Linn. (Deptford Pink).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Auldgirth, Messrs Fingland and Davidson, 1882. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1893.


Silene inflata. Sm. (Bladder Campion).

Records: 201. Cucubalus, D/s. and J^c^. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt —]. M'Andrevv, 1882. var. ^., puberula, £>/s. J. Sadler, 1857. Xcd. J. M'Andrevv, 1882. 202. Maritima, jD/s. P. Gray, 1844. Kcd. and Wgt J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : 202, common on shore, Carlaverock, Powfoot, M. J. H.; Seafield to Redkirk, Old Gretna, etc., S.-E.; also, inland at Shillahill, G. Bl.; Grey Mare's Tail, Whitecoombe, P. Gr., J. T. J., S.-E. NiVis- dale 201, not common ; Kirkconnel, M. VV. ; Glencaple, C. E. M. ; Terregles, P. Gr., F. W. G.; Nunwood, var. b,, S.-E.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; ab. on G. & S.-W. Ry., S.-E.; Thornhill, Cample, var. ^., R. A.; EUiock Brig, Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, Lochmaben, Exc; Balstack of Milke, Lockerbie, and var. b.^ G. BL; common on Caledonian Railway, Wamphray, Beattock, Hunterheck, Craigmichen, var. b., J. T. J. Eskdale —V>\Qk.^\x&&^ E. Ty ; Burnfoot, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.

202 on shingle, rocks, or sand, often dead seaweed drift line ; fully exposed to wind and sun. 201, on moist roadsides, sandy alluvium, cindery embankments ; almost always wind-sheltered in full sun ex- posure.

Visitors : 201, Platychirius manicatus, ab., Cordylura, sp. ab., Anthomyids, five or six unnamed kinds; 202, Eristalis pertinax, Empis vitripennis, Cordylura, ab., Chortophila, ab., seven unnamed kinds.

Silene noctiflora. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Dfs. Miss Hannay, 1893. Locality : Cluden Mills.

Lychnis vespertina. Sib. (White or Evening Campion).

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd, J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkconnel, M. VV. ; Cargen, Hn. ; Max- welltown, Dalawoodie, Hn., F. W. G.; Tinwald Road, S.-E.; Nithside, M. J. H.; Newton, S.-E., C. E. M.; Dunscore Road, Th.; Woodlea (400 feet), Penpont, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh. ; Holywood, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Auldgirth Saw Mill, Exc; Thornhill, R. A., Dr Dv. Annandale Priestside, Browhouses, below cliff at Torduff, S.-E.; by Railway, Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale—0\d Gretna, S.-E.

Appears June 11 to 14, J. T. J. Usually moist or dry places; road-


sides, cornfields, on boulder clay, etc. ; in full sun or half in shade ; partly wind-sheltered by hedges, cliffs, etc.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, Platychirius inanicatus, peltatus, Empis livida, Chordelura, sp., Anthomyidse, Tipulae, Moths, S.-E.

Lychnis diurna. Sibth. (Red or Day Campion).

Records: D/s. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkconnel, M. W. ; Mavisgrove, J. Cru.; Cluden and Routen Brig, C. E. M., Dr Dv., Glencairn, J. Cr.; Nith and Sanquhar, Hn., Dr Dv. Annandale To Whitstonehill of Milke, Dryfe, very common, Kirtle, G. Bl. ; Grey Mare's Tail (1750 feet), Black's Hope, J. T. J. Eskdale Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; common Lang- holm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.

Appears April 28, G. BL; May 4 to 23, J. T. J. Damp or dry places; leaf mould, holms, roadsides, occasionally whiustone or other rocks; usually half-shaded, more white in deep shade, or deeper colour in sun ; almost always wind-sheltered.

Visitors: Bombus lucorum, muscorum, S.-E.; terrestris, J. C. W.; Platychirius albimanus, J. C. W.; manicatus, S.-E.

Lychnis floscucuUi. Linn. (Ragged Robin).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd,—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Common in all the valleys as far as Sanquhar, Dr Dv., and Glencairn, J. Cr.; seven miles up the Dryfe, G. Bl.; Beef-tub, Grey Mare's Tail, S.-E.; and Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.

A white variety has been found at Palnackie, J. T. J.; Wamphray, G. Bl., and in the Wauchope, S.-E.

Appears June ir, J. T. J. Usually damp or wet ground; most abundant on boulder clay or whinstone detritus ; always in sun and partly wind-sheltered by rush or grass, otherwise exposed.

Visitors : Bombus lucorum, ab., muscorum, Rhingia rostrata, Hydrotea, sp., Platychirius, sp., Homalomyia, S.-E.

Lychnis g-ithagfO. Lam. (Corncockle).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. Tynron, J. Shaw, 1882. Kcd. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, at the Ross (1867 ?). Wgt— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Also found at Annan, Fn.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; San- quhar Station, Dv.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Gilnockie, S.-E.

An escape introduced with seed corn.


Lychnis viscaria. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Kcd. and Dfs. Rev. J. Singer, 1843.

Localities : Port o' Warren, Lot's Wife, P. Gr., Fq., J. M'A., (Moffat Hills, J. Sn.?).

Sagina nodosa. Fenzl.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Glencaple, F. W. G, J. Fn., J. Wl. ; Kenneth Bank, C. E. M.; Jardine Hall, Th.; Dalveen, Dv., J. Wl.; Torduff Point, S.-E.; Lochmaben, Exc; Carterton, G. BL; Craigmichen Scaur, J. T. J.

Appears July 25, 26, J. T. J. Rather wet ground; stony or sandy soil or concrete ; exposed.

Sagina subulata.* Presl.

Records : Dfs.—]. T. Johnstone, 1890. Wgt.—C C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities : Sandhills, Torrs, Warren, C.C.B., on the Beef-tub Road, between iioo and 1300 feet, J. T. J., S.-E ; Castlehill, Glencairn, J. Cr.

Appears August 4, stony roads, J. T. J.; also on damp roadsides where it has a different growth, J. T. J.

Sagina ppocumbens. Linn. (Pearlwort).

Records: 239. Maritima, var, a.^ DJs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Kcd.—]. M 'Andrew, 1883. /f^/.^Arnott,

1843- Var. c, Densa, Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890. 240. Apetala, Kcd. and Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1883 and

1890. 242. Bfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C.

Druce, 1883.

Localities : 239, a. Annan mouth, S.-E. ; Kirkcolm, Arn. ; 239, common West Tarbert, J. M'A. ; 240, South Dromore, J. M'A. ; 242, very common in all the valleys, particukrly below 700 or 800 feet.

Appears May 14, J. T. J. 242 dry or very dry places on walls, hard roads, cinders of railways, waste ground, shingle ; shade or in sun ; usually bare ground and exposed to wind ; 240 apparently prefers turf and shelter of herbage, etc.; 239, var. ^., only seen once in wall crevices ; 239, var. <:., apparently bare, much exposed places.

Visitors : Ants ah.

* I cannot help considering tliis the riifht name for Mr Johnstone's plant, after careful com- parison with the specimens in the British Museum. Kev. E. F. Linton supposes it to be Sagina procumbeus, var. spiuosa.


Arenaria verna. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Drumlanrig, J. Cruickshank, 1836; Kcd. J. A. Brown, 1836.

Locality : Craig near Piper's Cove, Torrheugh Cliffs, Colvend ; has been confirmed by Rev. J. Fraser, Dr Grierson, and Mr M 'Andrew.

ArenaPia peploides. Linn. (Sea Purslane).

Records : Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. Rev. J. Fraser, t866. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common on shore Rerwick, J. Fr. ; Colvend, Hn., C. E. M., Th.; Caerlaverock, J. Cru.; common on shore, Seafield, S.-E. ; Powfoot, M. J. H.; Gretna, S.-E., etc. Usually in sand or gravelly shingle and fully exposed.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicans ab., Sapromyza rorida ab., S.-E.

Arenaria serpyllifolia. Linn. (Sandwort).

Records: D/s. J. Cruickshank, 1831. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883, var r., leptoclados. Dfs. Messrs Johnstone and M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Racks Station and G. & S.W. line occa- sionally, S.-E.; Dalbeattie Road, Hn.; Newton, Th., C. E. M., S.-E.; Auldgirth Station, Exc. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Newbie, Powfoot, M. J. H. ; HoUis Linn Brig, Beattock. J. T. J. Eskdale— Kirkandrews, E. Ty. ; N.B. Railway line, Liddel Brig to Langholm, ab. Glentarras Distillery, S.-E. ; var. r.. New Edinburgh Road, Moffat, J. T. J., J. M'A.

Appears June 5. Cinders and stones of railways, sandstone or whinstone walls, gravel, hard macadam, short turf; always dry or very dry spots ; fully exposed.

Visitors : Thrips, Syritta pipiens, and two unnamed kinds, S.-E.

Arenaria trinervis. Linn. (Sandwort).

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1885.

Localities: Nithsdale Cargenbrig, C.E.M. ; Brownhall, J. Cru.; Craigs, M.J.H. ; White Bridge, Hn. ; Cluden Mill, Th., S.-E.; Black- wood Linn, Exc. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Anna?ida/e Dryfe Road, Lockerbie, J.T.J ; Tundergarth, S.-E. ; Lamonbie, G. Bl. ; Craiglands, Beattock, Drumcrief, Old Edinburgh Road, Old Well Road, J. T. J. Eskdale Two miles from Langholm, near Irvine, S.-E.


Appears April 27, G. Bl., May 22, J.TJ. Damp or wet places on humus, roadside mud, sandy or rocky soil, shaded or half-shaded, sheltered.

Visitors : Sphegina clunipes ab., Platychirius scutatus, Empis ignota, Ichneumon, sp., Meseoleius, sp., S.-E.

Cerastium VUlgatum. Linn. (Mouse-ear Chickweed).

Records : 221. Tetrandum, Kcd. and IVgt. J. M'Andrew, 1892 and 1890.

223. Semidecandrum, Zy!f. Dr Davidson, 1886? Kcd.

P. Gray, 1850. WgL—]. M'Andrew, 1883.

224. Glomeratum, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVg^.

G. C. Druce, 1883.

225. Triviale, var. a., Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

Wgt.~Q. C. Druce, 1883, Var. <:., pentandrum, Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883. Var. rf., alpestre, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892.

Localities: 221 only from Dromore, J. M'A., Southerness, Exc. ; 223, Port Logan (capsules very long, gland hairs very few, A. Bennett), J. M'A. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. ? (not seen). Nithsdale 224 and 225 very common to Moniaive (J. Cr.) and Sanquhar (Dr Dv.) Annandale 224 and 225 very common to 2000 feet. Black's Hope, J.T.J. 225, Whitecoombe, Auchencat Burn, Craigboar, S.-E. Eskdale 224 and 225 very common to Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl., and Pikethow 1500 ft., S.-E.

Appears May 4 to 25, J. T. J. 224 on dry railway lines, hard road- sides, waste ground, always exposed. 225 pretty dry or damp places, roadsides, turf on walls, railways, waste ground, shingles, and all soils except peat ; sometimes half-sheltered by grasses and half-shaded. 225 dry whinstone rocks above 1400 feet (cf. C. alpinum).

Visitors : Andrena albicans, R. Se. ; Syrphus arcuatus, Syrphus sp., Platychirius manicatus, Hydrella griseola, and three other species, S.-E.

Cerastium arvense. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1844. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkconnel, M. W. ; Racks, Hn., S.E. ; Portland Place, P. Gr. ; Castle-Douglas Road, Maxvvelltown, Newton, S.-E. ; New Bridge, P. Gr. ; Portrack (?) S.-E. Annandale Annan, Hn,

Dry, gravelly soil mixed with cinders, turf on walls, leaf mould ; exposed or rarely shaded ; windy spots.


Visitors : Opomyza germinationis, Meromyza sp., and three other kinds (caught rather late in season), S.-E.

Cepastium alpinum. Linn.

Record : a. lanatum, Dfs. Rev. J. Singer, 1843.

Localities : Annandale. 1450 to 2200 feet on Black's Hope and Whitecooinbe, J. T. J., S.-E.

Appears June 22 to July i, J. T. J. On dry bare whinstone rocks, fully exposed.

Visitor : Chortophila, several kinds, ab., S.-E.

Stellapia nemopum. Linn. (Stitchwort).

Records: Zy<r.— Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Gilliehill, R. H. M.; Castle-Douglas Road, C E. M.; Lincluden Abbey, Cluden Brig and Mills, P. (Jr., Hn., S.-E.; Dalawoodie, Hn.; Woodlands, Irongray, S.-E.; Bennan, Tynron, J. Sh., T. Br., J. Cr.; Enoch Castle, J. Wl.; Brewery, Nithbank, R. A. ; Auld- girth, Drumlanrig, Dr Dv. Annandale Kirtle, Carr., Springkell, Hoddam Castle, Broomholm, Glen N. Wood, Br.; Milke, Thundergarth, Whitestonehill, G. Bl. ; Marchbankwood to Craiglands, Garpel and Beld Craig, Sd.; Barnhill, Wellburn, J. T. J. Eskdale Glenzier, E. Ty.; Prior's Linn, Penton, Byreburn, Tarras, very abundant from Canobie to Langholm, Bexburn, S.-E. (500 feet).

Appears April 23, G. Bl. May 2 to 29, J. T. T. Damp or wet, rarely dry leaf mould, roadside or other soils mixed with leaf mould ; usually in shade and always wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Melanostoma sp., Empis 2 or 3 sp., Dolichopids, Chlorops sp., Anthomyidse, Tipulae, very ab. (about 20 unnamed species). Meligethes seneus very ab., S.-E.

Stellapia media. VilL (Chickweed).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. -P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. neglecta, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys reaching Moniaive, J. Cr., and Sanquhar, Dv., to a height of 1400 feet ; Annan and Moffat, J.T.J., and 1500 feet; Esk, S.-E.

Appears March 23, J. T. J. Damp or wet springheads, more rarely dry places ; waste ground, roadsides, shingles of rivers and shore and


Other soils (except peat) ; usually exposed to sun, sometimes in shade ; often wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Chalcid, 3 sp., Proctotypes, Phora, Dolichopids, 2 sp., Chlorops (numerous small flies), Meligethes aeneus, ab., S.-E.

Stellaria ulig-inosa. Murr.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Arbigland, Th.; Maxwelltown Station, Tin- wald, Hn.; Tynron, Sh.; Auldgirth Brig, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dv., common upper part of valley. Annandale I'routbeck of Milke, Gillenbie Mains of Corrie, G. Bl.; common Putts and Annan shingles, Moffat, Beeftub (1000 feet), J. T. J.; Hartfell Burns (2000 feet), I.och Skene, and very ab. springs, etc., J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Canobie, Tarras, Langholm, ab. (1400 feet), Whitehope, S.-E.

Appears April 27, G. Bl; May 4, J. T. J. Wet places, mud of spring heads, ditches ; on roadsides, whinstone, boulder clay, etc., usually sunny places ; partly wind-sheltered by other plants or ditch sides.

Visitors : Chlorops, Anthomyi ds, Tipulae, Dolichopids (many un-

named), S.-E.

Stellaria g-raminea. Linn.

Rfxords : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Kirkconnel, all roads about Dumfries, Moniaive, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dv. Annandale Very common Gretna Green, Annan, S.-E.; Dryfe, Milke, G. BL; Beld Craig, Sd.; common Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Common Glenzier, Canobie, E. Ty.; common Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl., R. Bl. (500 feet).

Appears May i, G. Bl.; June 7 to 28, J. T. J. Dry or damp places; roadsides and all other soils ; sunny, occasionally shaded ; always wind- sheltered, in long grass or by hedges, etc.

Visitors : Empis livida, Syritta pipens, Platychirius peltatus, Dolichopids (4 unnamed).

Stellaria g-lauca. \Miih.

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. P. Gray, 1844. Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale— y[.2i\\y^\\.o\sx\ Loch, P. Gr.; Tinwald, J. Sn.


(and J. Cm?). Annandale Lochmaben, F. M. W., Dv.; Dumcrieff, Moffat, S. W. Ca.

Wet, half peaty ditches ; exposed to wind and sun.

Stellaria holostea. Linn.

Records: Dfs, and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Qi. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common roads about Dumfries, M. J. H., C. E. M., Th., Hn.; Dunscore, P. Gr. ; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Sanquhar, Dv. Annandale Annan, Water of ^, ab., S.-E.; Lockerbie House to Troutbeck of Milke, G. Bl.; Beld Craig, J. Sd.; common Moffat, Correifron, etc., J. T. J. Eskdale Very ab. Woods lee, E. Ty.; Tarras, S.-E. (to 1500 feet).

Appears April 5 to May 15, J. T. J. Rather dry roadside banks, on old turf of walls, cinders of railways, shingles, gravelly soil, more rarely holms and leaf mould ; usually in sun, sometimes shaded ; often quite unsheltered by other plants, and rarely in long grass.

Visitors : Empis pennata, Siphona cristata, Platychirius manicatus, and two or three other flies. Meligethes seneus, Telephorus bicolor, S.-E.

Buda rubra. Dum. (Sandspurrey).

Records: 260. Rubra, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1857. Kcd. P. Gray, 1844. J^A— Arnott, 1848.

261. Marina ^., Genuina, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892.

Kcd.—K^v. J. Eraser, 1866. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883. c. Neglecta, Wgt.—Qi. Horn,


262. Marginatum, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Kcd.

—Rev. J. Eraser, 1866. [^/.— G. C. Druce, 1 883.

263. Rupestre, Kcd. Dr Craig Christie, 1868. Wgt.

G. Horn, 1873.

Localities: Seacoast pretty common. 261 «. from Annan shore, Rerrick, Orchardton, and Port Mary. 261 ^. from Port Logan, G. Horn and J. M 'Andrew. 262 from Kirtle, S.-E.; Rerrick, J. Fr. ; Portwilliam and Glasserton, Hn. 263 from Port Logan, J. M'A.; Portpatrick, R. R. Mull of Galloway, G. Ho.; Kirkandrew, C.C. Inland less common 260 road from Brow to Stank, Bankhead, S.-E. ; Glencaple, Hn. Laught, R.A.; Bruce's Castle, Lochmaben, F. M. W.; Junction, Selkirk and Craigbeck Road, Broomhill, New Edinburgh Road, J. T. J. Beattock, S.-E.

Appears May 5, J. T. J. Wet places, rarely fairly dry stones ; bare


estuarine mud of seashore with Armeria, stony shingles of seashore, sandy places or rock crevices (263), hard roadsides (260).

Visitors : Apis very ab., Nemotelus notatris, Lucilia csesar, Scatophaga litorea, stercoraria, Nemopoda stercoraria, Chlorops, and three other kinds of flies, S.-E.

Spergrula arvensis. Linn. (Corn Spurrey)

Records : Bfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—¥. R. Coles, 1872 (both varieties, a. sativa, and b. vulgaris).

Localities : Common in arable land in all valleys to Moniaive (J. Cr.) and Sanquhar (Dv.) ; at least 700 feet Moflat (S.-E.), Castle O'er, Eskdale (J. Wl. and R. Bl.).

Appears May 24 to June 2, J. T. J. Fairly dry or moist places ; waste ground in fields, rocks by shore, boulder clay, sandy or even half peaty soil ; almost always exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Syritta pipiens, Platychirius manicatus, scutatus, albimanus, rhingia rostrata, Empis vitripennis, Anthomyia radicum, Scatophaga stercoraria, Chortophila, etc., S.-E.

Montia fontana. Linn. (Blinks).

Records : a. minor, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. b. rivularis, Dfs.—]. Saddler, 1857. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen, F. W. G.; Glencaple, C. E. M.; Broomrigg, Dr Dv.; Barndennoch, Tynron, J. Sh.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Jardine Hall, Th.; Dryfe Cemetery, G. Bl; Andrew's Well, var. b., S. W. Ca. ; Grey Mare's Tail, Sd. ; common Hartfell and Loch Skene (reaching 2300 feet), S.-E. Eskdale common at Langholm, etc., S.E.

Appears April 27, G. BL; May 17, J. T. J. Var. «., on wet or often dry mud ; /a, in the water or much protected by other plants ; both at origin of springs, shingles of rivers, on peaty or other mud ; always in sun, and usually preferring mud bare of other plants.

Visitors : Chlorops sp., Anthomyia,? S.-E.

Hypericum androsaemum. Linn. (Tutsan).

Records: Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Professor Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Kirkcolm, J. H. Bl.; Cruggleton, Garliestown, Cuicton Lake, Hn.; Flarick Glen, Ravenshall, J. M'A.

Grassy cliffs or roadside bank facing sea ; sheltered from wind.


Hypericum perforatum. Linn. (St. John's Wort).

Records: Var. «;., Dfs. Dr Little, 1834. Kcd. Miss Harvey, 1830? Wgt.—]. M'.\ndrew, 1882. Var, ^., angustitolium, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Var. c, lineolatum, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities: Nithsdale Kirkconnel, M.W.; Glencaple road, M.J. H.; Troqueer, C. E. M.; Nith, by Dumfries, Hn.; Portrack, S.-E.; Cluden, Th., Hn.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dv. Aiuiandale Johnstone, Dr Lt.; Seafield, Kirtle mouth, S.-E.; Ecclefechan, Exc. ; Lochmaben, S.-E. ; Boreland, Whitstonehill, and very common Milke, Dryfe, G Bl. Var. b., Wamphray, Barnhill road, var. <:., Hydropathic, J. T. J.; Beld Crag, J. Sd. Eskdale Common, E. Ty.; Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E.

Appears from July 3 to August 15, J. T. J. Dry or moist banks on railway cuttings, leaf mould, sandy gravel, or sandstone ; usually sunny or rarely shaded places, partly wind-sheltered by other plants, hedges, etc.

Visitors: Apis, Bombus lucorum, pratorum, Derhamellus, S.-E.; ab. muscorum, J. C. W.; Platychirius albimanus, peltatus, J. C. W.; Empis livida, ab.; Rhingia rostrata, Syrphus balteatus (and J. C. W.), topiarius, Eristalis pertinax, Syritta pipiens (and J.C. W.), S -E.; Hydrotea sp., Cheilosia sp., Anthomyia radicum, Chortophila, Chlorops, and eight other forms, J. C. W., see p. 246.

Hypericum quadrang-ulum. Linn.

Records : Var. a., dubium, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt—]. H. Balfour, 1845. Var. b., Maculatum, Dfs. Miss Ethel Taylor, 1892. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : TV/V/^i-^^/^ —Troqueer road, Th., C. E. M.; Auldgirth Station, Exc; Shaw wood, R. A. An?ia?idale From Scroggs upwards on Milke, G. Bl; Johnstone Parish, J.T.J. Eskdak—Bet^&en Liddell Brig and Canobie Station, var. a., S.-E.; Canobie, var. b., E. Ty.; Castle O'er, J. Wl., R. Bl. (to 800 feet).

Damp embankments on boulder-clay, roadsides ; shaded or open to sun ; more exposed to wind than perforatum ?

Visitors : Apis, Bombus lucorum, muscorum, pratorum, Leptis tringaria. Sepsis cynipsea, Anthomyia radicum, Chortophila, etc., S.-E.

Hypericum quadratum. Stokes.

Records: Dfs.—DY F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. IVgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1885.

Localities: Nithsdale Glencaple, C. E. M.; Clnrenccfield, F. W.


G. ; Townhead, R. A. ; Sanquhar, Dv. Annandak Milke Water, Catch Hall Loaning, G. Bl.; Archbank Bridge, Alton, Craigieburn, Breconside Moor (up to 600 or 700 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Woods- lee Orchard, Liddel Bridge, Burnfoot, S.-E.

Appears July 5, J. T. J. Wet or pretty dry slopes; roadsides, rail- way banks, shaded or partly shaded ; wind-sheltered in long grass, etc. Visitor : Andrena albicans, Hn.

Hypericum humifusum. Linn.

Records : Z?/jr. Rev. Dr Little, 1834. Kcd. P. Gray, 1848. W<;^/.— Stranraer (J. A. Brown?), 1836, Edin. Herb.

Localities : Nithsdale Kenneth Bank, Glencaple, C. E. M.; Kirk- connel, M. W.; Cargenhillside, Hn.; Dalskairth Hills, P. Gr. ; Barn- dennoch (600 feet), J. Cr.; Auldgirth Station, Exc; G. & S.-W. railway, Gateside, Euchan Cottage, Dr Dv. Annandak Kirtle mouth, S.-E.; Limestone Rigg, Shillahill, Scroggs, Middlebie, G. Bl., Halleaths, S.-E.; Lochmaben, Hn.; Raehills, Exc; Beld Craig, Sd.; common Moffat, ]. T. J. Eskdak—QAQ,w7:\^x Mill, E. Ty.; Langholm, C. Y.; Wauchope 2 miles from Langholm (to 700 feet), S.-E.

Appears from June 23, J. T. J. Dry bare places on roadsides, sand- stone, rather peaty loam ; usually in sun and partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Anthomyidae (four visitors), S.-E.

Hypericum pulchrum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Rev. Dr Little, 1834. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt-Q.. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdak Common Kenneth Bank, C. E. M. ; Car- gen, F. W. G.; Lochabbey Wood, C. E. M.; Nunholm, Hn.; Cluden, Th.; common Moniaive, J. Cr.; common Sanquhar, Dv. Annandak Annan, Springkeld, S.-E.; Ecclefechan, Raehills, Exc; Dryfesdale, G. Bl.; Garpel, S.-E.; Beeftub, Sd.; Breconside (reaching 2000 feet), Loch Skene, S.-E. Eskdak~-Q.o\\\\\\ox\ Kirkandrews, E. Ty. ; Langholm Hill, C. Y.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.; Stennies and Meggat (to 2200 feet), S.-E.

Appears June 30 to July 6, J. T. J. Dry or moist whinstone rocks, roadsides, more rarely on humus or boulder clay ; in sun or part or wholly shaded ; usually at least partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Apis, Sericomyia borealis, Siphona cristata, Drymeia hamata, Hyetodesia basalis, Dolichopidae, Chortophila (4 unnamed), S.-E.



Hypericum hirsutum. Linn.

Records : D/s. Dr Davidson, 1882. Xcd. P. Gray, 1844.

Localities : iV/Mi-^*?/^— Castle-Douglas Road and Glen, J. Wl., Th., C. E. M. ; Redpaths, Waterside, R. A.; Bankhead, Newark, Ardoch, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. A?inandale Scroggs, G. Bl. ; Wamphray Glen, Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale—Ud.d.€i Bridge, Bilholm, S.-E.

Appears August 12. Moist or dry sloping banks and meadows; carboniferous sandstone, boulder clay, leaf mould, whinstone soils ; usually in shade, and always in well sheltered spots.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, lucorum, Syrphus balteatus, Empis vitripennis, Scatophaga inquinita, stercoraria, Chortophila, S.-E.

Hypericum elodes. Linn.

Records: Kcd.—KoN. J. Eraser, 1843. ^^S^- Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities: Portpatrick, Arn.; Port Logan, J. H. Bl.; Ditch, New- ton-Stewart to Glenluce, Mau. ; Loch Cree, G. M'N. ; New-Galloway, J. M'A.; Minnigaff, Sn.; Auchencairn Bay, J. C. W.; Barscraigh, J. Fr.; Barnhourie, R. R., P. Gr.; Kirkbean, Sn.

Wet peaty soil in ditches ; fully exposed.

Visitor : Hydrotea dentipes, Hn.

Linum perenne. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1843.

Localities : Kirkcudbright, J. Fr.; Brighouse Bay, F. R. C.; Ross, Rockville, G. C; Sanquhar (?), Dv.

On hillsides near high water mark.

Linum angustifolium. Huds.

Records: (Escape) Kcd. Colvend, Miss C. E. Milligan, 1892.

Linum usitatissimum. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. and Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1892.

Localities: Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Milton's Mill, W. Br.; Drum- mond's Yard, Moffat, 1891 and 1892, J. T. J. (Escape).

FLORA OF dumfrip:sshire. 35

Linum cathapticum. Linn. (Purging Flax).

Records: Bfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.~CT. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : M/z^i-^^/^ Very common near Dumfries and Cluden, Th., C. E. M,, F. W. G.; Moniaive, common, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, com- mon, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Dryfe, Milke, Corrie, G. Bl.; Caledonian Line, common, S.-E. ; Beeftub (to 2300 feet), Sd.; Loch Skene, S.-E. Eskdale—QowiVaon Glenzier, E. Ty. ; common Esk, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er (to 1400 feet,) J. Wl. and R. Bl.; Ewes Water, S.-E.

Appears June 12, 25, J. T. J. Dry or moist places on gravelly or stony soil, sandstone soil, railway cinders, common old moraines. Almost always in full sun ; in short turf or bare spots exposed to wind, though in valleys.

Visitors : Platychirius manicatus, Empis vitripennis, Chlorops, sp., and two doubtful forms, S.-E.

Radiola millegrana. Sm. (Allseed).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J M'Andrew, 1882. W^^A— Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Port Logan, Portpatrick, Arn.; Loch Ken, C. E. M., J. M'A., Ravenston, New-Galloway, J. M'A., F. R. C; Auchencairn, J. C. W.; Lochmaben, Little Dormont, on north side of road from Brow to Stank, Ruthwell, Br.

Sandy paths on moor, Br.; damp gravelly roadsides, J. M'A.; shingle of banks, C. E. M.

Lavatera arbor ea. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Malva moschata. Linn. (Musk Mallow).

Records : Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1844. Wgt.— G. Graham, 1836.

Localities : Along the shore Portwilliam, J. M'A.; Senwick Bay, J. Sh.; Balmae, G. N. LI.; Colvend, Th.; Tongland, F. R. C; Mullock Bay, Almorness, J. M'A. Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Lochar- briggs, Hn.; Craigencoon, Tynron, J. Sh.; (Sanquhar, Dv. ?) ; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J. Annandale Douglas Bridge, Lockerbie, G. Bl.; Torduff shore, S.-E. ; Milke, above Scroggs, G. Bl. ; Raehills, Exc; Gardenholm, Moffat, J. T. J. ^j->^^^/^— -Langholm, C. Y.


Shingles of shore, roadsides, river banks, full exposure or partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus pratorum, Derhamellus (all Miss Hannay).

Malva rotundifolia. Linn.

Records: (Escape) D/s. Mrs Carthew-Yorstoun (1880?) W^l. J. M 'Andrew, 1892.

Localities : Cairnryan, J. M'A.; Thornhill, R.A.; roadside, Canobie Manse, Langholm, C. Y.; Gilnockie siding, S.-E.

Malva sylvestris. Linn.

Records : Z)/s. Miss Adams and Miss Johnstone, 1889. Xcd. P. Gray, 1865. JVgf.—]. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Carsethorn, F. W. G., Hn. : Glencaple Road, M. J. H. ; Glen, P. Gr. ; Whitebridge and Cluden, Hn., S.E., Th.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Holywood Kirk, S.-E.; Doocot House, R.A. Annandaie Browhouses, S.-E.; Povvfoot, M. J. H.; Annan wall, Hn.; Jardine Hall, Th.; Lochmaben, M. J. H.; Beattock, J. T. J. Eskdale Cummertrees, Gretna, S.-E. ; Henry's Town, E. Ty.

Dry, stony, or gravelly waste soil ; in sun or shade ; usually partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus derhamellus, Hn., lucorum, S.-E.; Platychirius manicatus, Syritla pipiens, Hn.

Malva bopealis. \Nalim.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Mrs Thomson, 1893. Locality : Cluden Mill.

Althea officinalis. Linn. (Marsh Mallow).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1889. Kcd. I)r Burgess, 1789.

Localities : Moffat, J. T. J. (escape) ; Arbigland (in cultivation now), Dr Br., M. W.

Tilia Europea. Linn. (Lime Tree).

Records : Dfs., Kcd. ^ JVgf. J. M'Andrew, 1882, commonly planted at Drumlanrig (250 to 600 feet), J. H. D,; Langholm (500 to 600 feet), R. Do.; Moffat, common, J. T. J.

Dry (J. H. D.) or damp (R. Do.) places on holms or good loam ; requires plenty of light and air, but shelter from strong winds.


Geranium sang-uineum. Linn. (Bloody Crane's Bill).

Records : Kcd. P. Gray, 1841. IV^t. Edin. Herb., 1843.

Localities : Very common along the shore from the Mull to Southerness and Carsethorn, Hn., F. W. G. ; Glen, abundant, S.-E.

Full sun and wind exposure on grassy cliffs or broken undercliffs. Sheltered or shaded inland.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus muscorum, Hn.; Halictus albipes, - Pro- sopis hyalinata, Licus ferrugineus, Rhingia rostrata, Drymeia hamata, Hydrotea, Anthomyia radicum, Chortophila, S.-E.

Geranium pheum. Linn. (Dusky Crane's Bill).

Records : Bfs. Castlemilk, J, H. Balfour, 1839. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. lVgt.—^\x H. Maxwell, 1889.

Localities : Near Moniaive, J. Cr. ; Kirkburn, Lockerbie, Robert- hill, G. Bl. ; Dumcrieff, S. W. Ca,; Kirkandrews, E. Ty. ; Bilholm, J. Wl. and R. Bl.

Geranium sylvatieum. Linn. (Wood Crane's Bill).

Records: D/s. Drumlanrig, W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale By Nith and Cluden, P. Gr. ; Langlands, Hn.; Cluden, M. J. H.; common Moniaive (300 to 600 ft.), J. Cr.; Tyn- ron, J. Sh.; Penpont, P. Gr.; Thornhill, T. Br.; Carron Glen (a pale pink variety), W. St., Th., C. E. M.; Glenquhargen, Exc. ; Sanquhar, Dv. Annandale Jardinehall, Th.; Springkeld, S.-E. ; common to Whitestonehill of Milke, Boreland of Dryfe, G. Bl.; very common Din- woodie to Wamphray, Caledonian Railway, S.-E.; Garpol, Beld Craig, J. Sd.; reaching waterfall at head Black's Hope, and nearly 2000 feet, Loch Skene, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Abundant Woodslee, Canobie, E. Ty.; extraordinarily abundant from Canobie to Langholm, Byreburn, Tarras, Wauchope, Meggat, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.; Mosspaul, Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E.

Appears May 25 to June 12, J. T. J. Usually moist leaf-mould, carboniferous sandstone or whinstone soils, preferring a slope ; almost always shaded or part shaded and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Apis abundant, Bombus pratorum abundant, muscorum, Halictus cylindricus, Nomanda lateralis, Empis tessellata, pennata, vitripennis, sp.; Platychirius peltatus, manicatus, five Anthomyids, etc., S.-E.


Geranium pratense. Linn. (Field Crane's Bill).

Records: D/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Carnsalloch, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Cluden, F, W. G., Th., C. E. M. ; Glencairn, J. Cr. ; Thornhill, San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Scroggs, Boreland, Sibbaldbie, Cowburn of Corrie, G. Bl.; Lochanburn, Kd.; common Moffat, J.T.J. Eskdale Canobie, E. Ty.; Liddel Bridge, Burnfoot, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl.; Meggat (to 500 feet), S.-E.

Appears from July 8 to 29, J. T. J. Moist or dry holms, or sandy alluvial, leaf mould ; usually full sun ; sheltered from high winds.

Visitors : Hive bee (stealing honey from back), Bombus pratorum, muscorum, Andrena albicans, Platychirius manicatus, Anthomyia radicum, and three other kinds, S.-E.

Geranium robertianum. Linn. (Robert).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Ws,t.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all valleys, but not, as a rule, beyond the limit of wooded glens, that is, about 700 or 800 feet.

A}ipears May 18 to June 11, J. T.J. Moist or dry leaf mould of woods, roadsides, old mossy walls, usually shade or half-shade ; w^nd- sheltered by woods or banks, prefers ground bare of other plants.

Visitors : Pieris napi, J. C. W. ; Bombus muscorum, pratorum, Empis pennata very abundant, tessellata, Anthomyids, Meligethes aeneus, S.-E.

Geranium lucidum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850 and 1844. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Oaigs, P. Gr.; Glen, Th., C. E. M.; Pen- pont, J. Sh.; Blackwood, Exc; Clauchrics, Craighope Linn, Cample, J. Fn., I)v.; Glenquhargen, Exc; Black Linn, R.A. Annandale Craigieburn, Beeftub (1400 feet), J. T. J.

Appears May 18, J. T. J. Moist atmosphere on whinstone, or porphyrite R. A.; rocks or walls ; in full shade and shelter.

Visitors : (Archbank Garden) Syrphus cinctellus abundant, Platychirius manicatus abundant, Melanostoma mellina, three other Syrphids, S.-E.


Geranium pyrenaicum. Linn.

Records : Dfs. (Sown?) J. Shaw, at Tynron, 1882.

Geranium molle. Linn. (Dootae).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, but not often beyond the limit of roads and arable land ; Capelgill (600 feet), J. T. J.

Appears May i, G. Bl. May 5 to June, J. T. J. Dry roadsides, waste ground, field corners ; usually in sun ; exposed to wind in short turf or sheltered by hedges and banks.

Visitors : Andrena parvula, Platychirius albimanus, Hydrellia, and other Anthomyids, S.-E.

Geranium dissectum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.--?. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nifhsdale— Common, roads about Dumfries, Hn., C. E. M., Th.; Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Sanquhar, Dv. Annandale Common, Annan, S.-E.; common, Lockerbie, G. BL; common, Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale^Covcvmon^ Scotch Dyke, Canobie, E. Ty.; Langholm and Tarras, S.-E. (not so frequent as molle, and apparently rarer above 500 feet).

Appears May 21 to June 21, J. T. J. Dry or rather wet roadsides, field margins, gravelly and cindery soils ; usually in sun or half shaded, almost always sheltered by grass or herbage.

Visitors : Platychirius manicatus and two doubtful Anthomyids, S.-E.

Geranium eolumbinum. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Kcd.—yix?, Gilchrist-Clark (1867?). Locality : Ross, G. C; Southerness, C. E. M.

Erodium eicutiarum. Viner.

Records : Var. r?., Vulgatum, Dfs. J. Fingland, 1887. Kcd. P. Gray, 1848. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1887. Var. b., Chaerophyllum, Bfs.— G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892.

Localities : Along the shore Monreith, Lrighouse, J. M'A.; Sandy- hills Bay, P. Gr.; Douglas Hall, J. M'A., Th.; Southerness, M. J. H.;


Carsethorn, Th., C. E. M.; Arbigland, Th.; Powfoot, M. J. H., S.-E.; Annan Waterfoot, J. Fn. /;z/^;z^— Railway between Langholm and Gilnockie, S.-E.

Dry shingles or turf; full su;i and wind exposure.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, Hydrellia griseola, Chortophila, S.-E.

Erodium moschatum. L'her. Record : J^cd. Field Club Excursion, 1893. Locality : Southerness ?

Erodium maritimum. Uher. Record : JV^f. Herbarium Greville, at Edinburgh, 1836.

Localities: Glenluce, Portwilliam, J. H. Bl., T. B. Bl., J. M'A.; Monreith Bay, J. M'A.; Garliestown, Hn.

Dry, sunny shore, in grass.

Oxalis acetosella. Linn. (Wood Anemone).

Records: D/s. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all valleys reaching Moniaive, J. Cr., and Sanquhar, Dv.; to 2500 feet. Loch Skene; and 1700 feet, Eweslees- knowe, J. Rae.

Appears April i, G. Bl.; 13 to 28, J. T. J. Wet or rarely dry humus of woods or roadsides ; in full shade and wind-sheltered almost always.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, abundant, S.-E.

Oxalis copniculata. Linn.

Records : (Escape) D/s. Established many years, Ivy House, Garden, Moffat, on gravel walks, J. T. Johnstone, 1892. Wgt. Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Impatiens noli-me-tang-ere. (Balsam).

Records: (Escape) D/s. Canobie, J. Fingland, 1885. Kcd. J. Matthewson, Dalbeattie, 1882.

Localities : Canobie, J. Fn.; Dalbeattie, J. Mt.; Almorness, Th.

Impatiens parviflora. D. C.

Record : (Escape) Kcd. Fully established Auchencairn Bay, G. F. Scott-ElHot, 189 1.


Acer campestre. Linn. (Maple).

Records : B/s. and JCcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. PFg^.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: (Planted 250 to 340 feet) Drumlanrig, J. H. D. ; Elliock, Dv.; bowling green, Moffat, etc., J. T. J.; Scroggs, G. Bl.; Langholm woods, not common, R. Do.

In old woods, on free deep loam ; sheltered rather than exposed, J. H. Dx.

Acer platanoides. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Xcd. F. R. Coles, 1883 (in Herb., Dumfries).

Acer pseudo-platanus. Linn. (Sycamore).

Records: J^s. J. T. Johnstone, 1889. A?^.— j. M'Andrew, 1882. WgL--G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : (Planted 200 to 800 feet) Drumlanrig, J. H. Dx.; Elliock, Dv.; common, Lockerbie, G. Bl; common, Moffat, J. T. J.; common, Canobie, E. Ty.; common, Langholm, R. Do.

Prefers dry, strong loam free from stagnant water, but in all soils ; prefers sheltered though growing in exposed, places, J. H. Dx., R. Do.

Ilex aquifolium. Linn. (Holly).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : (Planted frequently from 150 to 800 feet) Drumlanrig, J. H. Dx.; Langholm, common, R. Do., etc.

Prefers dry light loam and shelter, J. H. Dx.

Euonymus Europaeus. Linn. (Spindle Tree).

Records: (Planted) Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Dfs.—]. H. Dixon, 1892.

Localities: Senwick, J. M'A.; Kirkconnel, M. W.; Broomfields, Glencairn, J. Cr.; Drumlanrig, J. H., Dx.; Gilnockie, E. Ty.

Rhamnus catharticus. Linn. (Hag or Hackberry).

Records : (Planted) Dfs. Rev. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Dalbeattie, J. Mt., J. M'A.; Keir, Tinwald, J. Sn.; Langholm, R. Do.

Grows freely in moist ground, R. Do.


Rhamnus frang-ula. Linn. (Buckthorn).

Records: (Planted) D/s. Tinwald, Keir, Dr Burgess, 1789; com- mon, Langholm, R. Doughty. Xcd. Dee at Slogarie, J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Ulex Europaeus. Linn. (Whin, Gorse, Furze).

Records: D/s. and Xcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVg^. G. C. Drnce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1000 feet. Flowers more or less all the year, but chief bloom from March 17 to April 10. Dry broken banks on alluvium, sandy soil, whinstone and trap rocks, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitors : Apis, Hn.; Bombus lucorum, May 3, S.-E.; Platychirius clypeatus, Ascia podagrica, Rhyphus fenestralis, S.-E.

Ulex nanus. Forst

Records: 337. Gallii, D/s.— Rev. T. Bell, 1882. J^c^.—F. R. Coles, 1884. IVgt.—R. M. Stark, 1885. 338. Nanus, jD/s.—]. F. Fingland (?). Kcd.—O. N. Lloyd, 1 83 1.

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey, Dumfries, J. M'A. Afinandak Eskrig Moor, G. Bl.; Dornock, T. Bl; Commonside, Crook's Pool, Moffat, J. T. J.

Appears September i to October 29, J. T. J. On dry, sandy holms, shmgles, etc.; fully exposed (337 apparently by sea).

Genista tinctOPia. Linn. (Greenweed, Dyer's Weed).

Records: D/s. Mr Patrick, 1789. Kcd. G. Graham, 1836. Wgt. —Dr Balfour, 1836.

Localities: Nithsdale Loch Kindar, G. C; Dalskairth, P. Gr.; Glen, C. E. M., Hn.; Grove Hills, Th. and S.-E.; Scaur, Hn.; Trigony, R. A. Annandale Blacket House, Middlebie, Pat.; Scroggs roadside, Tundergarth, G. Bl.; Beld Craig, Kd.; Evan Water, W. Bn.; Peter's Moss, Old Carlisle Road, Langside, Craigsland Burn, Craigbeck, Beattock Hill (up to 400 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Glenzier, Kirk- andrews, E. Ty.; railway Langholm to Canobie, S.-E.

Appears July 4 to 8, J. T. J. On dry sloping banks in short grass over whinstone, boulder clay, granite, roadsides, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, lucorum ; June 5, S.-E. .


Genista angelica. Linn. (Petty Whin).

Records : Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1857. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1846. IVgt.—C. C. Bailey (?) 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Old Quay, J. M'A. ; Terregles, P. Gr. ; Trigony, R. A.; Wanlockhead, Dr Dv. Annandale Dornock, T. Bl.; Cemetery Wood, Eskiig Wood, Lamb Fair Hill, G. Bl.; Wamphray, Pag.; Garpol, J. Sd.; Beattock Hill, J. Sd., J. T. J. Eskdale Lang- holm, C. Y.

Appears April 27, G. Bl. In shade on pretty dry peaty alluvial.

Cytisus scoparius. Unh.

Record: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883 ; var. b.^ prostrata, no record.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to 900 feet.

Appears April 25, G. BL; May 4, 14, J. T. J. Prefers pretty dry slopes on sandy or gravelly soil, cinders, whinstone, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, lucorum ; May 5, S.-E."*^

Ononis arvensis. Linn. (Restharrow).

Records: 340. Repens, Dfs. Rev. W. Little, 1834. Kcd. J.

M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

a. Inermis, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1891.

341. Spinosa, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.

J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew,


Localities: Nithsdale Kingholm, Caerlaverock, C. E. M., F.W. G. S.-E., Hn.; Carnsalloch, Hn.; Lincluden, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S.D.J. Auldgirth Bridge, F. W. G., S.-E.; Ardoch, Sanquhar (340 a), Dr Dv. Aftnandale Very common by shore from Annan to Nethertown and Old Gretna, F. W. G., S.-E.; Johnstone, W. St.; Adam's Holm, Three Water Foot, J. T. J. Eskdale Liddel below railway, Canobie Bridge, S.-E.

Appears July 28, J. T. J. On dry sandy or gravelly soils, alluvium of a sandy character, shingles of rivers and shore ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Apis, J. C. W.; Bombus lucorum, ab. and suff., (Seaford), June 19, S.-E.

* Cytisus laburnum. Visitors: Apis, Hn.; Bombus lucorus, Syrphus Ribesii, S. bifas- ciatus, Hydiotea dentipes ; May 13, S.-E.


Ononis reclinata. Linn,

Record : Wgt. Dr Graham, 1836.

Locality : Mull and Galloway, G. Gr., Arn. Supposed to be ex- tinct, J. M'A.

Medicag-o lupulina. Linn. (Nonsuch).

Records : Dfs. J. T. Johnstone and T. M'Andrew, 1891. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Common along the Shore from Creetown to Orchard- ton, J. M'A.; Southerness to Kirkbean, Exc. Niihsdale Racks, S.-E.; Friars' Carse, Auldgirth, R. A. Annandale Very abundant railway, Sol way Bridge, S.-E.; Lockerbie, S.-E.; Beattock Station, J. M'A.

Appears July 11, J. T. J. On shingle and sand by sea, dry railway banks on cinders inland ; usually exposed to wind and sun, or part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Polyommatus icarus (suck.), very abundant ; Caenonympha pamphilus (suck.), very abundant ; Platychirius clypeatus, Hyetodcsia jucana, S.-E.

Medicagro denticulata. WHld.

Record: (Garden escape) Dfs.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, J. M'A. Annandale —yio^^t, in garden, J. T. J. Eskdale Gilnockie, S~E.

Medicago maculata. Willd.

Records: Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. /^i,'^/. (Garliestown) J. M'Andrew, 1889.

Locality : Eskdale On cinders of railway between Glentarras and Gilnockie, S.-E.

Medicago sativa. Linn.

Record : Wgt. Edinburgh Herbarium (confirmed), Miss Hannay, 1893.

Melilotus arvensis. \l\IHld.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Kcd. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Locality : Cinders near Glentarras, S.-E.; casual plant in garden, Moffat, J. T. J.; Dumfries, Hn.

Appears August 27.



Trigronella ornithopodioides. D. C.

Reported: Dfs. P. Gray, 1876.

Locality : Downs below Caerlaverock Castle ? .

Trifolium arvense. Linn. (Hare's Foot Clover).

Records : Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd 1841-4. Wgt J. M'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Holywood Station, S.-E. Annandale Barnhill sandpit, J. M'A.

Appears August 5. On dry, sandy, gravelly mounds fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus lucorum, abundant and suff., July 7 ; Platychirius clypeatus, Hydrotea dentipes, June 30. R. Se., S -E,

Trifolium pratense. Unn. (Red Clover).

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q^. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Very common to level of arable land (90 feet).

Appears May 26 to June 16, J. T. J. Grows on all soils, but best in somewhat sheltered strong soil amongst long grass, etc.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, lucorum, S.-E.; muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; lapidarius, Hn.

Trifolium medium. Linn. (Zigzag Clover).

Records : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common to Holywood, S.-E. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv, A7inandale Kirtle Bridge, Annan, S.E.; Glenkill Burn, Dr Br.; Wamphray-Dinwiddie, S.-E.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Canobie-Langholm, Lynholm, S.-E.

On dry, cindery soil of railways, hay fields, etc., exposed.

Visitors : Apis, S.-E.; Bombus lucorum, pratorum, July 7, S.-E.

Trifolium hybridum. Linn. (Alsike Clover).

Record: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. and Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities: An escape as at Cowhill, Ad. and S. I). J.; Wamphray, Gilnockie, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Roadsides in neighbourhood of Moffat ; abundant, J. T. J.


Trifolium repens. Linn.

Records: B/s. l)r Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to at least 1400 feet.

Appears May 29 to June 18, J. T. J. On dry roadsides, whinstone soils, shingles, etc.; in bare spots or short grass (of. Pratense), exposed to sun.

Visitors : Apis ab. and suff., S.-E.; Eristalis pertinax, Hn.

Trifolium ochpoleucum.

Record : (Escape) Dfs,—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Locality : Eskdale Burnfoot, S.-E.

Trifolium procumbens. linn. (Hop Clover).

Records: Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt, G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : iV//'/%.f^rz/<? Along shore, M. J. H.; Maxwelltown Station, C. E. M.; Holywood, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. ^;?«^«^^/^— Kirtlebridge, abundant, S.-E.; Lockerbie, G. Bl; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Kirk- andrews, E. Ty.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 5, J. T. J. On dry sandy soils, cinders of railways, limestones, roadsides in sun, but partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Platychirius clypeatus, Melanostoma mellina, June 7, S.-E.; Syrphus corollas, July 7, S.-E.

Trifolium minus. Sm. (Small Clover).

Records : Dfs.—\)x Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to about 1000 feet.

Appears May 17 to 31, J. T. J. On dry, sandy soils, roadsides, holms, sningles of sea and rivers ; in sun and wind or sheltfred by long grass, etc.

Trifolium striatum.

Record: Wgt.r—]. M'Andrew, 1890. . ,


Lotus copniculatus. Linn. Records :

Subspecies— 379. a., Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt. C. C. Bailey, 1883. b.^ Crassifolius, Kcd. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1867. Wgt.—Z. C. Bailey, 1883.

381. Uliginosus, Dfs.—\N. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.~ P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale ^379, very common from seashore to San- quhar, etc. 381, very common Whinnyhill, Exc; Cargen Glen, F. W. G.; Dalskairth, P. Gr.; Cumnock- -Sanquhar, W. St., Dr Dv. Annan- dale Very common Seafield S.-E.; Moffat (to 2300 feet), S.-E.; Loch Skene, S.-E., J. T. J. 380, common Lockerbie, S.-E. Eskdak Canobie, S.-E.; LanghoUn. 380, Glentarras, S.-E.

Appears 379, April 25, G. BL; May 14-27, J. T. J. 380, middle of June, S.-E. 379 b., shingles and short turf by the sea. 379 a., on dry, stony soils, railways, whinstone rocks and soils, shingles of sea and rivers, usually in sun and exposed to wind in short turf or somewhat sheltered by hedges, banks, etc. 380, on moist or wet roadsides, holm- lands, gravelly soil, etc., often part shaded and usually wind-sheltered by long grass and position.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, S.-E., J. C. W.; lucorum, Apis, S.-E., 1892 ; also on 380, Bombus lucorum, Andrena bicolor, Syrphus corollae, Telephorus fulvus, Hn.

Anthyllis vulneraria. Linn.

(Kidney Vetch ; Ladies' Fingers).

Records: Zyj-.— Miss F. A. Hope, i88t. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : TWV/zi-^^/^— Racks Station, Grove Hills, Cluden Mills, C. E. M., S.-E., Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Glen, Hn.; Isle, Auld- girth bridge, .S.E.; Thornhill, R. A.; shooting range, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Shillahill bridge, G. Bl.; Shieldhill, S.-E.; Caledonian Railway from Lockerbie, Beattock summit very abundant, G. Bl, S.-E.; Annan Wamphray, J. Wg., and very common to Moffat, F. A. H., J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdak— VoxdiV& Point, S.-E. ; Langholm, C. Y. ; second milestone, Wauchope, Burnfoot, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears May 26 to June 12, J. T. J. On dry, sandy, or stony ground, holmlands, river shingles, trap rocks, exposed to wind and sun.

Visitor : Bombus muscorum, Hn,


Astragfalus hypogrlottis. Linn.

Record : Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. JVgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Along the shore Mullpoint, Burrowhead, J. M'A.; Brighouse Bay, F. R. C; Ross, G. C.

On dry hillsides.

Astrag*alus gflycyphyllos. Linn. (Milk vetch).

Records: Dfs. (?), Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities: Along the shore Portwilliam, G. C., J.M'A.; Blackneuk, Millstone Quarry, Colvend, P. Gr., J. Fr., C. E. M.; Orroland, Bar- cheskie, G. M'C.; Port o' Warren, S.-E.; Southwick, St.

On shingle or granite rock by shore.

Oxytropis uralensis. D. 0.

Record: [f^^^'-/.— Arnott, 1848.

Locality : Mull of Galloway, Arn.; West Tarbet, J. M'A.

Ornithopus perpusillus. Linn. (Bird's Foot).

Records : Z)/jr. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. 1841-4. Wgt. Dr Balfour, (1836?).

Localities : Nithsdale Southerness, Kenneth Bank, C. E. M. ; Racks Station, S.-E.; Locharbriggs, F. VV. G.; Dalawoodie, J- Fn., S.-E.; Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J.; Cample Bridge, Kirkland, Rosehill, R. A. Annandale Margin loch, Halleaths, G. Bl. ; Beattock- Moffat road, J. T. J.; Lochhouse Tower, J. T. J. Eskdale?

Appears June 19 to July i. On dry sandy or gravelly soil bare of other plants, half-shaded by beech trees or in sun exposed to wind.

Visitor : Platychirius albimanus, July 7, S.-E.

Coronilla varia. Linn.^

Record: (Escape) Dfs. Mrs Thompson, 1893.

Locality : On damp soil in shade, Fourmerkland, Jardine Hall, Th.

Vicia hirsuta. Koch. (Tares).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Along the Nith, S.-E.; Cargen, F. W. G.,


Hn.; Cluden Mills, Hn.; Maxwelltown Station, C. E. M.; Holywood Station, Hn., S.-E.; Sanquhar Castle, Mennoch, Dr Dv. Annandale Seafield, S.-E.; Kirtle mouth, on shore, S.-E.; along Caledonian line and Moffat (common), J. T. J. and S.-E.

Appears May 17 to June 21, J. T. J. On dry sand, gravel, shingles of rivers and shore, cinders of railways, boulder clay (usually bare of other plants) ; exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Scatophaga stercoraria, Hn.; Doli(5hopodidae, abundant, S.-E.

Vicia tetrasperma. Moench.^

Record: 394. Gemella (seeds, 4), Kcd. G. Macnab, 1837.

395. Gracilis (seeds, 5-6), Kcd. (see J. M'Andrew, page 18), 1841-4.

Locality : Torrs Point, Kirkcudbright. 394, G. M'N., J. M'A.; Southerness, 395 (authority?)

Vicia cracca. Linn.

Record: B/s.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt ~G. C. Druce, 1883.

LcoALiTiES : Nithsdale Very common on hedges about Dumfries, Holywood Station, F. W. G., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common on whole Caledonian line and Moffat, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Along Esk and Liddel, Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er (to 900 feet), J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 21 to July 3. On dry, sandy gravel, cinders, whin- stone rocks, over hedges (requires bare ground or space free of other plants) ; in sun and usually windy places.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; lucorum. Apis, S.-E., Hn.; Platychirius clypeatus, Hn.; Empis livida, Hn.

Vicia sylvatica. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Saddler, 1857. Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Wgt.—Q,. Macnab, 1836.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen Glen, F. W. G.; Crawick Woods, Knockenhair, Kello, Dr Dv. Annandale Above and below Scroggs, Dryfe Bridge, G. BL; Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sd., J. T. J.; Saddleyoke (1700 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Byreburn, and between Canobie Bridge and Langholm, S.-E.; Becksburn, S.-E.; seashore, Portwilliam, G. C. Dr., Hn., S.-E.; Drumore, J. M'A.

* p. Gray " within three miles of Dumfries, both sides " is probably a mistake.



Appears June "22 to August 6, J. T. J. On pretty moist humus mixed with sandstone or whinstone, either shaded and sheltered inland, or fully exposed on seashore.*

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn.; hortorum, S.-E.

Vicia orobus. D. C.

Records: Bfs. Mr Winch, 1789. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—C. C. Bailey, 1873.

Localities : Nithsdale Glenquhargen, Hn.; Euchan and Kello- woods, Sanquhar, Wi., Dr Dv., R. A. Anna?idale Kirtle woods. Cam; Beeftub, Corehead (800 feet), J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sd.; along river Ken and river Dee, J. M'A.

Appears June 2.1, J. T J. On alluvial near rivers; half shaded and exposed to wind.

Visitors : Probably B. Muscorum, but not actually seen sucking, S.-E.

Vicia sepium. Linn.

Records: D/s. and KaL—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common near Dumfries, P. Gr. ; common Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Annan, S.-E. ; common Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common Liddel, Esk, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 19, G. Bl.; May 17 to 28, J. T. J. Usually moist roadsides, humus, turf of old walls, holmlands, cinders, boulder clay; usually half-shaded or exposed or full shade ; slightly wind-sheltered by long grass or position.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn., S.-E. ; Lucorum, S.-E. ; Hortorum, Hn.

Vicia sativa. Linn. (Vetch).

Records : 403. Sativa, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt G. C. Druce, 1883. 404. Angustifolia, DJs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—O. C. Druce, 1883.

a. Segetalis, Dfs. Miss Hannay, 1893.

b. Bobartii, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. F.

R. Coles, 1883.

* A rather stunted form found on shingle at Portwilliam, Wigtownshire, is var. condensata,

G. 0, Druce.


Localities : Very common in all the valleys to at least 900 feet.

Appears April 27, G. Bl.; May 17 to June 21, J. T. J. On pretty dry roadsides, waste ground, sandy soils, cinders, etc.; exposed to sun, but usually in part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, hortorum, S.-E.

Vicia lutea. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. Miss Hannay, 1893. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1890. Wgt J. M 'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Cluden Mills, Hn.; New England Bay, North of Drummore, Wigtown, J. M'A.; Rerrick Shore, J. M'A.

Vicia lathypoides. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1882. Wgt. (South of Drummore), J. M 'Andrew, 1891.

Vicia bithynica. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Z>/f. Miss Hannay, 1893. Locality : Cluden Mills, Hn.

Lathyrus aphaca. Linn. (Yellow Vetchling).

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Milligan, 1892.

Locality : On exposed shingles below Cluden Mills, Hn., C. E. M.

Lathypus pratensis. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common near Dumfries, S.-E., C. E. M.; very common Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, very common, S.-E.; Lockerbie common, S.-E.; Moffat common, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common Woodslee and Canobie, E. Ty., S.-E ; Lang- holm, S.-E.; Castle O'er (to 600 feet), J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 22, J. T. J. On dry or moist roadside banks, cinders of railways, gravel, sandy holms, whinstone rocks, boulder clay, in sun ; usually sheltered by long grass, hedges, etc.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus lucorum, muscorum (S.-E., 1892), lapi- darius, June 8, 1893, S.-E.; AUantus nothi, Hn,


Lathyrus sylvestris. Linn. (Everlasting Pea;.

Records : (Escape) D/s. Miss Hannay, 1893. Xcd, Flora Scotica, 1789. IVg^. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities:. Along the shore Creetown, Gatehouse, J. M'A., Hn.; Barcheskie, Burnfoot, Orroland, J. H., Bl., J. M'A. Nithsdale—'^\\\ng\Q below Cluden Mills, Hn.

Lathy PUS macrorrhizus. Wimm.

Records : D/s.—F. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Newton, Nith above Dumfries, S.-E.; Glen, Hn.; Routen Brig, Hn., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dale Milke, S.-E.; Beld Craig, Wellburn, Black's Hope, Whitecoombe (to 2300 feet), Midlavv Burn, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Canobie, Lang- holm, Blackknowe Burn, Stennies, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 15, G. Bl.; May 4 to 18, J. T. J. On dry, moist or wet whinstone, humus, roadsides, sandy soils, usually in shade and shelter, at low altitudes and partly sheltered in valleys at high altitudes or fully exposed.

Visitors: Bombus lucorum, S.-E.; muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; May 13.

Lathyrus palustris. Linn. " Galloway." Hooker in British Flora.

Lathyrus maritimus. Bigei.

Record : Kcd. J. Wilson ?

Prunus communis. Huds. (Sloe).

Records: 419. Spinosa, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. P. Gray, 1848. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

420. Insititia, I?/s. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J.

M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt.—Dr Balfour, 1836.

421. Domestica (Escape), Z>/j-. J. T. Johnstone, 1890.

Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Localities: 419, common in all the valleys. Nithsdale Tinwald, 420, W. Sn.; Fourmerkland, Steilston, Holywood, Dr Br.; Jarbruck, Tynron, 420, J. Sh.; Sandrum Cample, 420, R. A. Aiinandale Lockerbie, 420, G. Bl.; Gardenholm, Moffat, 421, J. T. J.

Appears April 6, J. Sh.; to May 12, J. T. J. On dryish or moist (W. Do.) ground, boulder clay, whinstone fragments, etc.; fully exposed, A. M., S.-E. (often planted) ; 420 and 421 seem to be always planted or escapes in woods, by roads, etc.; usually in moist soil and half-sheltered.


Prunus cerasus. Linn. (Cherry Gean).

Records (Escape) 422, Avium, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt.~0.4Z. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in woods in lower parts of all the valleys.

Appears April 18. On dry sandstone soil, sandy gravel, humus, etc.; usually in sun and part wind-sheltered, W. Do., S.-E., A. M.

Visitors : Apis, Apathus vestalis, S.-E.

Prunus padus. Linn. (Bird Cherry).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. R Gray, 1850. IVgt. —Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale ^Cargen Bridge, Th., R. H. M.; Scaur, Hn.; Manse-wood, Nith Bank, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale To Boreland, Dryfe, to Whitstone Hill, Corrie, G. Bl. ; Lochwood, Middlegill, W. Bn.; Moffat, J. T. J.; Corehead, S.-E. Eskdale~?&\^\.ox\ Linn, Broomholm, Dr Br., S.-E.; Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 23, G. Bl.; May 4, J. T. J. Apparently always planted ; prefers wet or dry sunny loam and sheltered spots, W. Do., A. M.

Spipea salicifolia. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Mr Keddie, 1854. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Old Cottage Glen, C. E. M., Th.; Jarbruck, J. Cr.; Elliock, Dr Dv.; Rashbriggs, R. A. Annajidale Kirkpatrick- Juxta, Kd.; Johnstone, roadside near Skemrigg, J. Wi., J. T. J.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdalemuir Near Church, S.-E.

Appears June 24 to August 20, J. T. J. An escape ; usually in hedges, etc.

Spirea ulmaria. Linn. (Queen of the Meadow).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen, Th.; Ruthwell, Dr Gl.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. An?iandale Very common, reaching 1000 feet at the Beeftub and 1700 feet Correifron, S.-E. ^^/i'^^/^— Very common to Castle O'er, S.-E., J.Wn., and R. Bl.

Appears July 9. On wet or moist holms, boulder clay, whinstone soils, etc.; in sun or half-shaded, in part wind-sheltered.

54 Flora of dumFr1esshir£.

Visitors: Apis, abundant and sufficient; Bombus lucorum, abund- ant and sufficient, S.-E., E. Ty., Hn.; Allantus nothi, E. Ty.; Eristalis aeneus, Tenax, Horticola, J. C. W.; Notiphila cinerea, Morellia hortorum, Platychirius sp., Dolichopus sp., E. Ty.; •Melanostoma mellina, Hn.; Meligethes aeneus, viridescens, J. C. W.

Spirea filipendula. Linn. (Dropwort). Record: I?/s. Rev. W. Bennet, 1893. Locality : Kirkpatrick-Juxta, W. Bn. (requires confirmation)

Geum urbanum. Linn. (Avens).

Records: D/s. and Xcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgl. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to 600 feet.

Appears May 18 to June 14, J. T. J. On dry or moist roadsides, old sod walls, humus; in shade or more rarely sun; usually wind-sheltered by hedges, etc.

Visitors: Siphona geniculata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E., May 21, Hydrotea dentipes, Hyelemyia strigosa, June 5, S.-E.

Geum Pivale. Linn. (Water Avens).

Records: D/s. and Z'c^.— P. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Very common by Cluden, Hn.; Glen, C. E. M.; Nithside, Hn., C. E. M., S.-E., R. H. M.; Scaur, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Annan, Milke, Kirtle (reaching 2200 feet). Black's Hope, S.-E. Eskdale Very common Tarras, Esk to Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 5 to May 14, J. T. J. On wet or rarely dry humus, holms, roadsides, boulder clay, shingles, etc.; usually shaded or half- shaded and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn., S.-E. ; hortorum, Hn., S.-E.; Rhingia rostrata, abundant reg., S.-E.; May 16 and 22.

Geum intermedium. Eiwh.

Records: Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1890. IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Woodlands, S.-E. ; Glen, C. E. M., Th. ; Caitloch (429 feet), Dalmakerran (450 feet), J. Cr.; Nithbank Wood, R. A.; Ryehill, EUiock, Burnsands, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan road.


Th.; Annan to Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Railway near Sandbed Mill, G. Bl.; Dykefarm, New Mills, J. T. J.; Spoonburn, E. F. L. Eskdale Wau- chope, S.-E.

Appears April 27, G. Bl., to June 7 (where urbanum and rivalegrow together, usually in moist shade).

Rubus idaBus. Linn.

(Raspberry, Hindberry, fide J. Shaw).

Records: Dfs. Miss Harvey, 18 ? Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

b. Eeesii, Dfs. A. Craig Christie, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Craighope Linn, Harv.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Beld Craig (var. b.^ C.C.), J. T. J. Eskdale Very common Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears May 30 to June 16, J. T. J. On moist or pretty dry humus, whinstone soils, roadside banks, boulder clay, etc.; usually shaded or half-shaded and in part wind-sheltered.

Visitors; Apis, abundant; Bombus muscorum, abundant and suff., pratorum, Hn., S.-E.; Apathus vestalis, S.-E.; Syrphus cinctellus, Ribesii, S.-E. (In cultivation, chiefly B. lucorum, S.-E.)

Rubus fruticosus. linn.

Subspecies suberectus :

429. Fissus, Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

430. Suberectus, Bfs.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—V.

Gray, 1848. IVgt—G. C. Druce, 1883. 432. Plicatus, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. ^gl. J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Subspecies rhamnifolius :

441. Imbricatus (No. 428 of 8th edition, London

Catalogue ?) Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890.

442. Carpinifolius, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1858. 444. Lindleianus, Dfs.-—Yj. F. Linton, 1890.

447. Rhamnifolius, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1893. Kcd.—¥. R. Coles, 1883. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Subspecies subsilvaticus :

449. Pulcherrimus, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1893.

Subspecies silvaticus :

463. Macrophyllus, Dfs. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

56 flora of dumfriesshire.

Subspecies vestitus :

468. Sprengclii, Kcd. and Wgt—Q. C. Bailey, 1889 and 1890.

Subspecies radula :

483. Radula, Kcd. and Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Subspecies koehlerianus :

506. Koehleri, Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1887. Kcd.—]. M'Andrevv, 1887. Wgt.— Q.. C Druce, 1883. Var. b.^ Pallidus, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1890.

Subspecies, bellardianus :

517. Hirtus, Kcd. J. M'Andrevv, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale I^ochar Moss, 430, G. N. LI.; Newton, 506, b.y S.-E.; Dumfries, 463, G. N. LI; Auldgirth, 430, Exc; Cravvick, 506, 441, Dr Dv.; Sanquhar, 432, 442, Dr Dv. Annaudale Apple- garth, 463, G. N. LI.; Lochmaben, 432, 449, S.-E.; Moffat, 506 /a, E. F. L.; Craigbeck Bridge, 444, E. F. L.; Beattock Garpol, 442, J. Sd.; Craigieburn, 442, J. T. J.

Appears June 16 to 25, J. T. J.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus muscorum, Hn , S.-E.; terrestris, S.-E.; pratorum, Hn. ; hortorum, J. C. W. ; Darhamcillus, Hn.; Eristalis per- tinax, Hn.; Sericomyia borealis, S.-E.; Pieris napi, S.-E., J. C. W.; Platychirius albiiiianus, Syrphus balteatus, topiarius, Anthomyia radi- cum, J. C. W.

Rubus caesius. Linn. (Dewberry). Subspecies :

524. Balfourianus, Kcd. Field Club, 1893.

523. Corylifolius, Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

525. C?esius, Kcd.-?. Gray, 1868. Wgt.—O. C. Druce,


Localities : Alotig the shore Ross, G. C.; Port Ling, J. Fr.; P. Gr., J. M'A.; Arbigland, 524, Exc.

Rubus saxatilis. Linn.

Records: Dfs. J. Sadler, 1858. Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Wgt.—Qs. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, P. Gr.; Minnygrile (600 feet), Glencrosh (700 feet), J. Cr.; Nithlinns, Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Merkland Glen, Exc. Annandale Beld Craig, S.-E.; Garpol, J.


Sd.; Grey xMare's Tail, J. Sd.; to looo feet, J. T. J. Eskdale—y^Tm- chope, S.-E.

Appears May 17 to June 23. On wet or dry whinstone mixed with humus ; in shade and wind-sheltered or exposed.

Rubus chamsemorus. Linn. (Cloudberry).

Record: Dfs. Rev. W. Singer, 1843.

Localities: Almost invariably found about 1450 feet, ^.^., Queens- berry, J. Sn.; Wanlockhead, Garland, Dr Dv.; Dalveen Pass Head, Th.; Bellybucht, R. A.; Hartfell, Black's Hope, J. T. J., S.-E.; Dobb's Linn, J. T. J.; Loch Skene, J. Sd.; Loch Craig, J. T. J.; Loch Fell, Archie Hill, Moodlaw Loch, Pikethow, Causey Grain (1600 feet). White Hope, S.-E.

Appears May 18 to June 17. On fairly dry peat; fully exposed (1400-2400 feet).

Visitors : Empis, spp. (apparently new to Britain), very abundant ; Anthomyia radicum, abundant ; Siphona eristalis, Hydrotea dentipes, S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, May 17.

Fragaria vesca. Linn. (Strawberry).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1800 feet.

Appears April 4, G. Bl.; TVLay 4 to 15, J. T. J. On dry, mossy walls, whinstone rocks, cinders of railways, humus, roadsides, etc. ; usually half-shaded and partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Ascia podagrica, Anthomyia sulciventris, abundant, radicum, S.-E.

Potentilla fragariastrum. Ehrh. (Barren Strawberry).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—C C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Dumfries, P. Gr., Hn. ; White Bridge, C. E. M.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill, R. A.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annatidale Common Dryfe, Douglas Hill, Milke, G. Bl; Lockerbie, ^, S.-E.; Moffat (elevation up to 2000 feet), Correi- fron, etc., J. T. J. Eskdale Ewes water, Th.; Esk, Tarras, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears March 23 to 31. On dry stony banks, sandstones, whin- stones, old walls, sandy holms ; usually half-shaded and slightly wind- sheltered.


Potentilla reptans. Linn.

Records: D/s.— Dr Davidson, 1886. A'<r^. G. Gordon, 1836. IVg/.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common by shore from Southerness to Kirkbean, G. Go., Exc, C. E. M.; Cowhill,.Ad. and S. D. J.; Trigony, R, A.; Sanquhar Castle, Dr Dv., R.A. Afinandaie Ruthwell, Dr Gl.; Dumfries road bridge, Moffat, J. T. J.; Scroggs Mill, Dryfeholm, G. Bl. Eskdale Liddel Railway Bridge, S.-E.

Appears July 5 to 13, J. T. J. On dry stony soil, shingles of shore and rivers, railway banks (Hn.), sandy hillocks, etc., bare of other plants ; exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Dolichopodidae, Syrphus ribesii, Hydrotea dentipes, Ascia podagrica, S.-E.; June 19.

Potentilla tormentilla. SMh. (Tormentii).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

538. Silvestris, Neck. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883. 339. Procumbens, Sibth. Dfs. Scottish Naturalist^

Vol. II. Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. lVgt.~

G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale 538, very common from the lower limit of permanent pastures to the highest summits; 539, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale—^2>^j very common ; 539, new Edinburgh road. Garden- holm wood, J. T. J. ; Hartfell, S.-E. Eskdale 538, common ; 539, Liddel, near railway, Langholm Hill, S.-E.

538 appears April 24, G. Bl.; May 15-23, J. T. J.; 539, July 27, J. T. J. 538, on dry peat, whinstone soils, cinders, alluvium, boulder clay; exposed to wind and sun, or sometimes in shade. 559, chiefly by roadsides ; part sheltered and in shade.

Visitors : Bombus lucorum, Prosopis hyalinata, Homalomyia, Drymeia hamata, Anthomyia radicum, Helophilus frutetorum, S.-E.; Leucogonia lucorum, Hn.; Sphaerophoria scripta, Syritta pipiens, J.C.W.

Potentilla maculata. Power.

Record: Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890.

Localities : Annandale Black's Hope, Whitecoombe, Midlaw Burn (about 1500-1750 feet), Hartfell, Lochanburnside, J. T. J.

Appears June 22 to July 19, J. T. J. On dry steep whinstone rocks ; soon shaded and partly wind-sheltered by position.

Visitors : Empis sp. (very rare), Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Flora of DUMFkiESSHiRE. 59

Potentilla anserina. Linn. (Silverweed).

Records : D/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1700 feet.

Appears May 18 to June 4, J. T. J. On moist places bare of other plants, roadsides, mud flats by sea, shingles of shore and rivers, gardens, etc.; exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Platychirius albimanus, Hyetodesia incana, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, abundant; Melanostoma sp., S.-E. ; May 19.

Potentilla eomarum. Nestl.

Records: Bfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt—]. H. Balfour, 1837.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Lochar Moss, G. C.; Tro- queer, Dr GL; Cowhill, Ad. and S. U. J.; PMars' Carse, S.-E.; Dabton^ R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Moffat, J. T. J. Esk- dale The Flow, Canobie, S.-E. (usually under 500 feet).

Appears June 25 to July 4, J. T. J. On damp peat mosses exposed to sun, and half-sheltered by reeds or exposed to wind.

Visitors: Apis, abundant and suff. ; Bombus muscorum, lucorum, Hyetodesia incana, S.-E., June 7.

Potentilla suberecta. Zimm.*

Record : Xcd. 1887.

Sibbaldia proeumbens. Linn.

Records : (Escape) jD/s. Dr Burgess, 1789. J^cd. Mrs Gilchirst Clark, 1867.

Localities : The Ross, G. C; Broomholm, Langholm, Dr Br.*

Alchemilla vulg-aris. Linn.

Records: D/s. J. Cruickshank, 1836. J^cd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. I). Glabra, Bfs. ^" Closeburn," 1865, Herb., Dumfries.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, and reaching 2600 ft

* Requires confirmation.

66 Flora op Dumfriesshire^.

Appears April i6, G. BL; May 4 to 12, J. T. J. On wet, moist, more rarely dry (and then clayey soil) roadsides, old walls, whinstone rocks by waterfalls, shingles, humus; usually wind-sheltered and exposed to sun or half-shaded.

Visitors : Andrena albicans, Scatophaga stercoraria, lutaria, Anthomyia radicum, Chortophila sp., Empis trigramma, Empis sp., Athalia spinarum, Dolerus sp., Hyetodesia incana, Escophanes occu- pator, Telephorus discoideus,' S.-E.

Alchemilla alpina. Linn.

Record : D/s. Rev. W. Singer, 1843. ''"

Alchemilla arvensis. Scop. (Parsley Piert).

Records : I)/s. and Xcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVg^. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kenneth Bank, Glencaple, C. E. M.; White Bridge, Jardington, Routen Brig, S.-E.; Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Browhouses, S.-E.; Tundergarth Linn sides, G. Bl.; Lockerbie railway and roadsides, S.-E., Cj. BL; Halleaths, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Langholm Hill, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 22, J. T. J. On dry bare stony ground, roadsides, boulder clay, seashore, cinders, sandy gravel ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Sang-uisopba officinalis. Linn. (Burnet).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. Mr Maughan, 1796. Wgt—^. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities: Nithsdale Kirkconnel, Mau.; Mabie, P. Gr.; Kelton, P. Gr.; Carnsalloch, Hn.; Tynron, J. Sh. Annandale Jardine Hall, Th.; Brow Well, Dr Gl.; Seafield railway, S.-E.; Jardine Hall, Th. Muirhead Bridge, Lochmaben, Corriemains, and from half-a-mile below Scroggs to Whitstanehill, Dryfe, G. Bl.; Barnhill sandpit, J. T. J.; Roundstonefoot (600 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Glenzier, E. Ty.; Liddel Bridge, on railway, Meggat Water, abundant, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.; Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E.

On moist or fairly dry holms, railway banks, roadsides, in full ex- posure.

Visitors : Cynomyia mortuorum, abundant ; Lucilia Cesar, abun- dant ; Onesia sepulchralis, Hyetodesia incana, Scatophaga stercoraria, S.-E.; June 19.

* Requires confirmation.


Poterium sanguisorba. Linn. (Salad Burnet). Records: V/s.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Caerlaverock, F. W. G.; Ruthwell, Dr Gl.; Castle Loch, Sanquhar, G. N. LI. Annandak —^row Well, Comlongon, Lin.; Dornock, Applegarth, T. Bl.; Caledonian railway near Lockerbie, G. Bl. ^.f/^^d!/^— Glenzier, E. Ty.; railway near Cogriebridge, J. T. J.

On dry cindery railway banks ; in full exposure, S.-E.; sandy ground, G. N. LI.

Visitors : Very rare. AUantus, nothi, c. p. ; Platychirius, sp. ; Siphona cristata, S.-E.

Agrimonia eupatoria. Linn.

Records: Bfs. and Kcd. V. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: 7V^//^^^^/^— Glen, F. W. G., Hn., C. E. M.; Woodlea (400 feet), roadside, Glencairn (350 feet), J. Cr.; Doocot, Carron, Mor- ton, R, A. ; Braeheads, Elliock Woods, Dr Dv. Afinandale Milke Water, Millbank of Dryfe, G. Bl ; Garpol, Beldcraig, Moffat Water, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Very common along Liddel and Esk, Adam's Holm, Canobie, Penton, Wauchope, Bexburn, Glencorfe, Meggat Water, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 7 to 26, J. T. J. On moist (often steep) banks, usually boulder clay, alluvium, humus, whinstone soils ; in shade or half-shaded and sheltered from wind in long grass or valleys.

Ag*rimonia odorata. ^lill.

Records: (Escape) Kcd. Professor Oliver, 1887. Wgt. J. M' Andrew, 1893.

Rosa spinosissima. Linn.

Records: 556. Pimpinellifolia, Dfs. Dr Burgqss, 1789, Kcd. P. Gray, 1848. Wgt.—Q. C. Bailey, 1883.

557. Involuta, Dfs J. Corrie, 1893.

b. Sabini, Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

558. Hibernica, Dfs.—¥.. F. Linton, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Common along shore from Southerness to Kirkbean, St., Exc; Cluden Mills, Ad. and S. D. J.; Jarbruck (374 feet), 557, J. Cr.; Elliock Bridge, Euchan, Kello, Dr Dv., R. A. Annan- dale Cummertrees Burn, Dr Br.; Saddleback Craigs, Correifron (1250 feet), 556, Beeftub, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, 558, E. F. L., J. T. J.

Flowers June to July. On shingle or short sandy turf by the sea, on


bare rocks or whinstones inland ; in full exposure to sun and wind ; 558, wind-sheltered and in humid atmosphere.

Visitors : See R. canma.

Rosa villosa. Linn.

Records: 559. Mollis, JJfs. J. Fingland, 1888. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.-~G. C. Druce, 1883.

b. Coerulea, Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1888. Kcd. and

Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

c. Pseudo-rubiginosa, Dfs. J. Fingland, 1888. 560. Tomentosa, Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Wgt.—Qx. C.

Druce, 1883.

b. Subglobosa, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

d. Scabriuscula, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Common about Dumfries, Friars' Carse, S.-E.; Thornhill, 559, 560, d.^ J. Fn.; Nithside, Thornhill, 560, 559, b. and <:., J. Fn.; Sanquhar, 559, 560, Dr Dv.; Rigg, 560 /a, Dr Dv.; Mennock, 560, d.^ Dr Dv, Annandale Garpol and Beld Craig, 560, J. Sd.; common by Annan at Moffat, 559, 560, J. T. J. Adam's Holm, 560, b., S.-E. Eskdale Gretna, 559, S.-E.; common about Kirk- andrews, S.-E.

On roadsides, by rivers, etc., usually holmlands and moderately sunny and windy places.

Rosa pubiginosa. Linn.

Records: 561. Rubiginosa, Dfs. and A?^. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. 562. Micrantha.

c. Hystrix, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886 *

Localities : Nithsdale -Southerness to Kirkbean, Exc; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Closeburn Woods, J. Fn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. A?inandale Railway near Dryfe Bridge, G. Bl.

Rosa canina. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

565. Canina, «:., lutetiana, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883; var. andegavensis, Z^/y. J. Fingland?

* No locality given and no specimen extant, so far as I know, Scottish. Naturalist, Vol. 3.


e, Dumalis, Dfs. Dr Davidson. Kcd. and W^t. G.

C. Druce, 1883. Var. Verticillantha, Dfs.—Y)x Davidson. / Biserrata, Dfs. J. Fingland, 1890. /. Urbica, Dfs.—Di Davidson. Wgt.—O. C. Druce,

1883. k. Arvatica, Dfs. Dr Davidson. j. Dumetorum, Dfs. Dr Davidson. Kcd. and Wgl.

G. C. Druce, 1883. /. Pruinosa, Dfs.—\)x Davidson. 711. Incana, Dfs. Dr Davidson. n. Tomentella, Dfs. Dr Davidson. o. Borreri, Dfs. Dr Davidson. 566. Glauca, Dfs. Dr Davidson.

b. Subcristata, Dfs.—Vix Davidson. Wgt. J. M'Andrew. e. Coriifolia, Dfs. Dr Davidson. g. Watsoni, Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1888.

Also, varieties Gollina, Koscinciana and decipiens, Dfs. Dr Davidson.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, Hn., S.-E.; Keir, J. Fn.; Trigony, J. Fn.; Thornhill, J. Fn.; Holrahill, J. Fn.; Carcoside and Holmwoods, Dr Dv.; Elliock Bridge, Dr Dv.; Sanquhar town, Dr Dv.; Crawick, Dr Dv.; Men nock, Dr Dv^.; above Burnfoot, Dr Dv.; Grange, Dr Dv.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Dryfe, S.-E.; Adamsholm, J. T. J., S.-E.; Frenchland Burn, J. T. J. Eskdale —Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 8 to 21. I cannot give the exact habitats of the varieties.

Visitors : Apis, abundant, S.-E.; Bombus pratorum, S.-E.; lucorum, muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; Allantus nothi, Andrena coitana, E. Ty.; Chrysid sp., E. Ty.; Melanostoma mellina, Hn., E. Ty.; Sericomyia Lapponum, E. Ty.; Syrphus balteatus, E. Ty.; Platychirius albimana, peltatus, sp., S.-E., E. Ty.; Eristalis pertinax, S.-E.; Hyetodesia sp., E. Ty.

Rosa arvensis. Huds.

Record : (Escape) Dfs.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1893. Locality : Birnswark to Ecclefechan, S.-E.

Rosa dicksoni. Lindl.

Record: (Escape) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Locality ; Roadside New Mills, J. T. J. Since rooted out.


Pyrus malus. Linn. (Crabtree).

Records: D/s. and Xcd.—F. Gray, 1850. IVgt—G. C. Druce, 1883. b. Mitis, IVgL—G. C Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to about 600 feet ; on wet or dry rich loams exposed to sun and wind, W. Do., A. M.

Pyrus aucuparia. Gaert. (Rowan).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—l\ Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Very common in all the valleys, reaching 2200 feet, Whitecoombe.

Appears May 24 to June 12. Along dry, rocky edges of wooded linns, chiefly on whinstone, fully exposed to wind and sun, (W. Do., A. M., S. E.).

Visitors : Bombus liicorum, abundant and suff.; Empis bilineata, abundant ; tessellata, abundant, sp. ; Eristalis pertinax, Calliphora ery- thocephala, abundant; Siphona cristata, Anthomyia radirum, Dolichopus febrilis, Meligethes seneus, Epursea sestiva, S.-E.; May 18.

Aremonia agrimonioides.

Record: (Escape) Dfs. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1890. Locality : Irongray, G. C, S.-E.

Has been established under a hedge, near a small stream, for 31 years.

Crataeg-us oxyacantha. Linn. (Hawthorn).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 800 feet.

Flowers May 22 to June 12, J. T. J. Always planted, chiefly on boulder clay, sandy gravel, etc., A. M., S.-E.

Visitors : Apis, abundant ; Bombus sp., Dolichopus febrilis, Hye- todesia incana, S.-E.; May 23.

Epilobium ang*ustifolium. Linn. (French Willow).

Records: Dfs.—Dv Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgf. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Sithsdak Rare Lochar Moss, S.-E.; Nithside, Burn- bridge, R. A.; Euchan, Gareland Cleugh, Dr Dv. Annandale Eagles-


field, S.-E.; Murrayfield, Wamphray, G. Bl.; Beeftub, Rowan-tree Grain, J. T. J.; Dumcrief, Dr Br.; Middlegill, Craigieburn, Win.; Black's Hope, Correifron, J. T. J.; Whitecoombe, J. H. Bl.; Birk Hill (to 1750 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Irvine, Langholm, C. Y., E. Ty.

Appears August 4, J. T. J. On whinstone rocks, humus, roadsides, peaty ditches ; usually fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Apis, abundant and suff.; Bombus lucorum, abundant and suff.; pratorum, abundant and suff.; Vespa sylvestris, abundant and suif.; Cyrtonema stabularis, S.-E.; July 4.

Epilobium hirsutum. Linn. (Codlins and Cream).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P.Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Cargen, M. J. H., Hn.; burn, Mouswald Manse, Dr Br., S.-E.; Troqueer, Hn.; Glen Mill, Hn., S.-E.; Nithside, Th.; Kirkbog, Kirkland, R. A. Anna7idale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Milke Water, G. Bl. Eskdale Scotch marsh, Canonbie, E. Ty.; Gilnockie, S.-E.

On wet holmlands, boulder clay, granite soils, etc.; sheltered from wind, but in sun.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn.; Halictus albipes, Hn.

Epilobium parviflorum. Schreb.

Records: D/s.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1890. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Annandale Lochmaben, Exc. Eskdale Kirkburn, Meggat, Stennies, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn., and R. Bl.

Epilobium montanum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. Var. minus, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Round Dumfries common, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. A?i?iandale Springkeld, S.-E.; Beld Craig, S.-E.; Meikleholm- side, S. W. Ca.; common on all Moffat Hills to 2000 feet, J. T. J,, S.-E.; Black's Hope and Grey Mare's Tail (minus), E. F. L. Eskdale Pen- ton Linn, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 8 to 21, J. T. J. On dry or rarely wet whinstone rocks, old walls, humus, boulder clay, etc.; in shade or sun, usually in part wind-sheltered,



Visitors : Syritta pipiens, Platychirius clypeatus, Siphona cristata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Epilobium roseum. Schreb.

Records: Bfs. Miss J. Wilson and Mr R. Bell, 1892. Kcd. Dumfries Herbarium, 1865.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, Dumfries Herbarium. Annan- dale— Ox^y Mare's Tail, S.-E. Eskdale—Qd.'SsW^ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Epilobium tetrag-onum. linn.

Records: 652. Adnatum ? Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J.

M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1890.

653. Obscurum, Dfs. Dr F. VV. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.

F. R. Coles, 1883. Wgt—Q,. C. Bailey,


Localities: Nithsdale Locharbriggs, Cluden Bridge, S.-E.; Max- welltown Loch, Hn., S.-E.; Auldgirth, F. W. G.; Craighope Linn, Hn. Annandale Kirkpatrick-Juxta, F. A. H.; Holmshaws, Beattock, French- land Burn (elevation 1750 feet), J. T. J.; Craigboar, S.-E. ; Moffat Water, 653, E. F. L. Eskdale—0\^ Gretna, 653, S.-E.

Appears July 8, J. T. J. On wet or rarely dry whinstone rocks, sandstone walls or granite roadsides (653) ; in sun but partly wind- sheltered.

Visitors: Platychirius albimana, S.-E.; clypeatus, Hn. ; Hedreri- gaster urticae, Pieris napi, Hn.

Epilobium palustre. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—V>x Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt. -^G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale New Loch, R. A. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Turnmoor Wood, G. Bl.; Lochmaben, Exc; Beld Craig, Moffat, J. T. J., S.-E.; Beld Craig, S.-E. ^j^^«/^— Gilnockie, Canobie Road, Langholm to Bentpath, S.-E.; Merrylaw Bog, J. Rae.

In wet marshy grass (half peat) by roadsides, on boulder clay, whin- stone soils ; usually exposed to sun, but partly wind-sheltered.

Epilobium alsinefolium. Vill.

Records: Dfs. Flora Scotica, 1789.

Localities ; Annandale Hartfell, Flora Scotica ; Black's Hope,


E. R L.; Correifron (2000 feet), J. T. J., S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sd. Eskdale—MQxryXsiVf Bog, Ewesleesdowns, J. Rae.

Appears July 6, J. T. J. In wet mud of springs, drains, etc. ; fully exposed or half-sheltered.

Epilobium alpinum. Linn.

Record : />/>.- -Rev. W. Singer, 1843.

Localities : Annandale Dryfe water, near head, W. Sn.; White- coombe, J. H. Bl. and J. Sd.*

Epilobium parvifolium x obscurum.

Record : Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1882. Locality : Moffat, damp roadsides, E. F. L.

(Enothera biennis. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Nitlisdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Nith Mills, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Circaea lutetiana. Linn, (Enchanter's Nightshade).

Records: Dfs.—O. Gordon, 1836. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1846. Wgt J. M'Andrew, 1893. b. intermedia, Dfs. Herbarium, 1865.

Localities : Nithsdale—GX^n, F. W. G., P. Gr.; Nithside, Hn.; Caitloch (400 feet), J. Cr.; Irongray, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Craighope Linn, Hn., R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Scroggs, G. BL; Boreland, J. Wg.; Hartfell, var b. Herb., Garpol, Beld Craig, etc., S. W. Ca., J. T. J. Eskdale—^Qniovi Linn, Langholm, C. Y.; common by Esk to Lineholm, S.-E.; CasUe O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 27, J. T. J. On damp or rarely dry leaf-mould; in shade and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Platychirius albimana, S.-E.

Cipcsea alpina. Linn.

Record: Dfs. Rev. W. Singer, 1843.

Localities : Beld Craig, Moffat, W. Sn., W. Ca.; Garpol, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sd.

On moist, steep and stony banks ; half-shaded.

* Requires confiimation.


Lythrum salicaria. Linn. (Loosestrife).

Records: Bfs.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1846. Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1836.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, G. C; Cargen, Cluden, Hn., C. E. M.; by Nith, Dumfries, Tinwald, Hn.; Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr., Hn., S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Friars' Carse Loch, F. W. G., S.-E.; Auldgirth, Kirkland, R. A. Annandale Lochmaben, S.-E.

In marshy peat bogs ; usually in water ; in sun and only sheltered by reeds, etc.

Visitors : Vanessa Urticse, abundant ; Bombus pratorum, S.-E.; hortorum, Hn.; Apis, Hn., S.-E.; Platychirius peltatus, S.-E. June 26.

. Peplis portula. Linn. (Water Purslane).

Records: Dfs.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Brownhall, Th. Atinan- dale Mill Loch, Lochmaben, G. Bl.; S.-E.

On moist mud of loch margins ; fully exposed.

Cotyledon umbilicus. Linn. (Navelwort).

Records: (Escape) A?^. Trans. Phil. Soc, Glasgow, 1844. ^Vgt. Balfour, 1836.

Sedum rhodiola. D. 0. (Roseroot).

Records : Dfs. Rev. W. Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—KxnQ\X., 1848.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, Locharbriggs, Hn. Annandale Craigboar, Penbreck, S.-E.; Auchencat burn-head, Hartfell Craigs, Black's Hope, Correifron, Coombe Craigs, Whitecoombe, above Loch Skene, Grey Mare's Tail (about 2200 feet), Kd., Bl, J. T. J., S.-E.

Appears May 18 to June 22. Usually bare, often dry whinstone rocks; fully exposed.

Visitors : Cynomyia mortuorum, Empis sp. (very rare), S.-E.

Sedum telephium. Linn. (Orpine, Livelong).

Records: Dfs.—C. Gordon, 1836. Kcd.—]. T. Syme, 1842. Wgt., G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Along the shore— C. Go. Nithsdale— Kith, at Dum- fries, Hn., C. E. M.j from Lincluden to Cowhill, by White Bridge,


S.-E., Ad., and S. D. J.; Nunwood and Terregles roads, S.-E.; Scaur, Hn., J. Sh.; Redpaths, R. A.; Sanquhar railway, Dr Dv. Amiandale Railway, Lockerbie to Nethercleugh, G. Bl.; roadsides, Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Railway, Langholm, S.-E.

Appears July, S.-E. On damp roadsides ; half-shaded and part sheltered from wind.

Sedum ang-licum. Huds.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. Herb., Greville, 1836.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalscone, Shambellie hills, Portland Place, Lincluden Abbey, P. Gr. Annandale Annan, Powfoot, S.-E.; Cummer- trees, Ak.; Kerr sandbeds, J. T. J. Eskdale Glentarras, S.-E.

Appears June 22, J. T. J. On shingles of rivers and shore, old walls, rocks, roadsides, etc. ; fully exposed.

Visitors : Nemotela notatris, Oxycera sp., Anthomyia, abundant, S.-E.

Sedum villosum. Linn.

Records: Z>/5-.— Mr Keddie, 1854. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Nithsdale Barndennoch (630 feet), Moniaive, J. Cr.; Scaur, J. Sh.; Cogshead, Nethercog, Glenglass, Dr Dv.; Thornhill to Elvanfoot, J. T. J. Annandale Burns wark, Lambfairhill, G. Bl.; Hutton of Dryfe, J. Wg.; Queensberry, S.-E.; Chapelhill, Edinburgh Road, J. T. J.; Auchencat burn, Kd., S.-E.; Hartfell, Black's Hope, Capelgill roadside, J. T. J., S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, Dobbs Linn, J. Sd.; Craigmichen, J. T. J. Eskdale Wauchope water head, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. BL; Archie Hill, White Hope Edge, Meikledale, S.-E.

Appears June 12 to 22, J. T. J. On wet roadsides, shingles, in shallow rivulets (from 600 to 2000 feet) ; fully exposed.

Sedum acre. linn. (Stonecrop).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.~Y. Gray, 1850 and 1848. Wgt.—O, C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Powfoot to Newbie, Torduff Point, S.-E. Nithsdale Nith side below Dumfries, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill, R. A. Annandale Waterbeck, S. E.; Kerr sand- bed, J. T. J. Eskdale Glentarras, S.-E.

Appears June 22. On shingles, concrete by shore, old walls, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, Hn.


Sedum rupestre. Huds.

Record: «^/.—Dr Balfour, 1836. Locality : Lochnaw, Bl."'*"

Sempepvivum tectorum. Linn. (Fooze),

Records : (Escape) £>fs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. ^/.— Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : House roofs, Moffat, J. T. J.

Ribes grossularia. Linn. (Gooseberry).

Records : (Escape) Bfs. P. Gray, 1846. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : A common escape in woods, Dumfries, P.Gr., R. H. M.; Kirkmichael, S. E.; Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Moffat, J. T. J.

Ribes rubrum. Linn. (Red Currant).

Record: (Escape) Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1846.

Localities : Not common. Nithsdale Gillie Hill, Harley Bank Bridge, R. H. M.; Cluden Craigs, Routen Brig, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Along Esk below Langholm, S.-E.

Ribes nigrum. Linn. (Black Currant).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—Q.. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Locharbriggs, Amisfield, Dr Br.; Ellisland, P. Gr.

Ribes alpinum. Linn.

Record: (Escape) ^<rd?. Charles Scott, 1887. Locality : Terregles woods, Charles Scott.

Saxifrag-a oppositifolia. Linn, Record: Dfs. Rev. W. Singer, 1843.

Locality : Grey Mare's Tail, W. Sn., W. St., J. Kd., J. Sd., J. T. J., S.-E.; elevation 1000 feet, J. T. J.

Appears April 18 to May 10, J. T. J. On whinstone rocks, well sheltered from wind.

* Requires confirmation.


Saxifragra aizoides. Linn.

Record : Dfs. Rev. W. Singer, 1843. Locality: Moffat Hills, W. Sn. and W. Bn.?*

Saxifragfa hypnoides. Linn. (Ladies' Cushion).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd.^fide J. M'Andrew, 1882. Var. sponhemica, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Merkland, Exc; Moniaive (reported), J. Cr.; Glenquhargen, J. Wl; Wanlockhead, J. Sh.; Cample Cleugh, R. A.; Dalveen, J. Sh., S.-E. ; Enterkin, Gareland, Dr Dv. Anjiandale Queensberry, Penbreck, Dr Br., S.-E.; Kinnelhead, S.-E.; Beeftub, J. T. J.; Auchencat Burn, Hartfell Craigs, S.-E.; Wellburn, Beerholm, J. T. J.; Black's Hope, Correifron, W. Ca., J. T. J.; Spoonburn, White- coombe, Midlaw Burn (to 2300 feet). Loch Skene, Craigmichen, J. T. J., S.-E. ^j-/l'^^/^— Meikledale, S.-E.

Appears May 17 to June 21, J. T. J. On wet mossy rocks or turfs, by mountain streams ; in humid atmosphere and wind- sheltered. ,

Visitors : Homalomyia, Empis bilineata, Scatophaga stercoraria, Rhamphomyia, sp., S.-E.

Saxifrag-a granulata. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. J. Gorrie, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Lincluden, C. E. M., F. W. G.; common along Nith and Cluden to Routen Brig, P. Gr., Hn., S.-E.; Moniaive (300 feet), J. Cr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Auldgirth, Exc; Tynron, J. Sh. Annandale Common Milke, to three miles up Dryfe, G. Bl. Eskdale Byreburn, Gilnockie, S.-E. ; Irvine, C. Y. ; occasionally by Esk to half-a-mile above Langholm, S.-E.

Appears April 23, G. Bl.; May i, S.-E. On moist leaf-mould mixed with alluvium or sand ; in shade and well sheltered.

Saxifrag"a nivalis. Linn.

Record: Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1889. Locality : Black's Hope (about 2000 feet), J. T. J. Appears June 22, J. T. J. On wet moss; in shade and shelter of overhanging whinstone rock.

* Doubtful, and requires confirmation.


Saxifrag-a stellaris. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Martovvn Hill (1650 feet), J- Cr.; Euchan source, Dr Dv. Annandale Queensberry burns, common, Dr Br.; Beeftub, T- T. J.; Hartfell burns, J. T. J., S.-E.; Wellburn and sandbeds, Moffat, j. T. J.; Black's Hope, J. T. J.; Correifron, W. Ca., J. T. J.; Loch Skene, Whitecoombe, Dobb's Linn, J. Sd., J. T. J.

Appears May 18 to June 22, J. T. J. In mud of springs, mossy rocks by small burns ; usually exposed (to 1800 feet).

Visitors : Empis bilineata, Platychirius clypeatus, albimana, Ascia podagrica, Siphona geniculata, Anthomyia radicum, Hydrotea dentipes, S.-E.

Chrysosplenium oppositifolium. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common by Nith and Cluden, S.-E.^ Carruchan, Hn.; Glen, Colonel's Wood, C. E. M.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Kirtle, Milke, very common, Moffat Hills (2000 feet), J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Common Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; Penton and Esk very common, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears March 17 to 28, J. T. J. On wet mud, usually bare of other plants, rocks, walls, springheads, etc.; usually shade and shelter at low altitudes ; fully exposed on hills.

Visitors : Siphona cristata, geniculata, Microgaster sp., Scatophaga stercoraria, Telephorus bicolor, S.-E.

Chrysosplenium alternifolium. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen, Grove, F. W. G.; Dalawoodie, R. R.; Isle, S. E.; Scaur, T. A. Br.; Grange, Burnsands, Laggrie, Dr Dv. Annandale Neeze Linn, Kirkmichael Kirk, Dr Br.; Tundergarth, Bal- gray, Annie's Bridge, G. Bl.; New Mills, Oakrigg, Adam's Holm, J. 7\ J. Eskdale Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Appears March 17 to 28, G. BL, J. T. J. In similar spots to pre- ceding, but limited to shady and sheltered linns below 600 feet.

Parnassia palustris. Linn. (Grass of Parnassus).

Records: Dfs. S. W. Carruthers, before 1891. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.


Localities: Nithsdale Maxwelltovvn Loch, P. Gr., Hn.; Auldgirth Hill, S.-E.; Drumcork, R. A.; Crawick Kello, Dr Dv. Annandale Limestone Rig, G. BL; Hindhill, S. W. Ca.; Beeftub, J. T. J. Eskdale Stennies, Meggat, etc., S.-E.

Appears August 4, J. T. J. On wet peaty hills or whinstone soils; fully exposed.

Drosera rotundifolia. Linn. (Sundew).

Records : Dfs. Rev. W. Little, 1834. Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1836. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common, Newabbey, J. Cru.; Lochar Moss, etc., Hn., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Moffat (1000 feet), J. T. J.; Eskdale Archie Hill, Tarras, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

On wet Sphagnum in peat mosses ; fully exposed.

Visitor : Anthomyids, S.-E.

Drosera long"ifolia. Linn.

Records : Dfs. andX^^.— G. N. Lloyd, 1837. WgL—]. M'Andrew, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, G. N. LI., S.-E.; Kirkconnel Moss, G. N. LI., C. E. M.; roadside, Moniaive (770 feet), J. Cr. Annan- dale— Roundstonefoot Hill, Moffat (1000 feet), J. T. J.

Drosera angelica. Huds.

Records: Dfs. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1844. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, G. N. LI, F. W. G.; Kirk- connel Moss, P. Gr., S.-E.; Tynron, J. Sh. Annandale Dornock, T. Bl.; Jardine Hall, G. N. LI.

Myriophyllum spicatum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd,—V. Gray, 1850. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in mud of rather sluggish streams in all the valleys.


Myriophyllum verticillatum. Linn.

Record: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858.* Locality : Loch Skene, J. Sd.

Myriophyllum altepnifolium. D. C.

Records : JD/s.—Dv F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale—^iih^ Dumfries, F. W. G. Eskdale Can- obie, S.-E.

Hippupis vulg-aris. Linn. (Mare's Tail).

Records : Dfs. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—K^v. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, P. Gr.; Mouswald, Tinwald, J. Sn.; Clarencefield, F. VV. G.; Fingland Lane (common 1000 feet), J. Cr.; Closeburn, J. Fn. Annandak Kirtlebridge Old Quarry, S.-E.; Earshaig (700 feet), J. T. J.; Eskdalemuir, J. VVn. and R. Bl.

In mud of shallow slowly running streams; sheltered from wind, not specially shaded ; probably wind fertilised,

Hydrocotyle vulg-aris. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys, Lochar Moss, P. Gr.; Drumcork, R. A.; Townmoor, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Moffat Well, J. T. J. Eskdak, S.-E.

Appears August 10, J. T. J. Common in marshes (not a sphagnum plant) ; on both peaty and clayey ground below 800 feet.

Sanicula Europsea. Linn.

Records : Z)/>.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen, Hn., C. E. M.; Kirkconnel woods, G. C; Grove, S.-E.; most linns, Glencairn, J. Cr.; Penpont, Dfs. Herb.; Crawick, Elliock, Dr Dv. An?iandale Garpol, Beld Craig, J. T. J.; Corehead, Craigmichen (to 1200 feet), S.-E. Eskdale Canobie to Langholm, abundant, Penton, Bexburn, S.-E.

* Requires confirmation. »


Appears June 7 to 16. On wet or moist leaf-mould, or leaf-mould mixed with sand or whinstone detritus ; in open, shady, or wind-sheltered glens ; especially common below 900 feet.

Visitors : Vespa rufa, Syrphus cinctellus, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Eryng-ium maritimum. Linn.

Records: jD/s. J. Singer, 1843. ■^^^' G. Gordon, 1837. JVgf. Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Cowans, Arn.; Portwilliam, Hn;; Monreith, J. M'A.; Brighouse, Rosshill, G. N. LI. and J. M'A., R W. G.; Kirkcudbright, Exc; Millstone Quarry, Col vend, J. Fr.; Newbie, J. Sn. and J. Fn.; Southerness, J. M'A.

Along the shore, in sand or shingle ; fully exposed.

Astrantia major. Linn.

Record : (Escape) D/s.—G. Bell, 1893. Locality : Poolhouses, Lockerbie, G. Bl.

Cicuta virosa. Linn.

Records : D/s.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Carlingwark, J. M'A. Ntthsdale—luoch2ir Moss, G. C; Dalswinton, G. C; Friars' Carse, S.-E. Annandaie M. Water, Castle and Kirk Lochs, Lochmaben, G. N. LI. and Exc; ditches and ponds, Lochmaben to Lockerbie, G. Bl.

Grows in shallow stagnant water, usually on mud.

Visitors: Vespa sylvestris, abundant and sufficient; Bombus lucorum, abundant; Mimesa Dahlbomi, Panipla vulgaris, Lucilia Caesar, abundant; Onesia sepulchralis, Borborus sp., Chortophila sp., Hyetodesia incana, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Apium graveolens. Linn. (Celery).

Records : (Escape) Kcd. Lot's Wife, Colvend, Rev. J. Eraser, 1882. ^/^/.— Mull of Galloway, Balfour (1848 ?).

Apium nodiflorum. Reich, (Water Parsnip).

Records : 625. Var. «., Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. and Wgt. G. Graham, 1836. Var b., lys.—Rev. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837.


Localities : Galloway Very common, G. Gr., Bl., Arn. A?inan- dale Loch Skene and Midlaw Burn (1700 to 2000 feet), Earshaig (var. l?.), Sn.*

Apium inundatum. Reich. (Water Parsnip).

Records: Bfs. J. Singer, 1843. ^^^- P- Gray, 1850. Wgt. Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Dunsky Castle, Arn.; Glenkiir, Wed. Herb.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Maxwelltown Loch, F. W. G., R. H. M.; Lochmaben, J. Sn.; Kirkland, R. A.

Aegopodium podagraria. Linn. (Bishop's Weed).

Records: Bfs. and Kcd.~V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all valleys to Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Moffat, J. T. J.; Langholm, S.-E.; and Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Fairly dry ground, chiefly as a weed in gardens, on waste soil, road- sides, leaf-mould, even cinders and granite ; usually wind-sheltered and half-shaded.

Visitors : Tipbia minuta, R. Se.; Odynerus spinipes. Ichneumon, sp., Tryphon vulgaris, Siphona geniculata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

CaPUm Verticillatum. Kocll. (Water Parsnip).

Records: Zyj.— Dr Burgess, 1789. Wgt. 2ind Kcd.—G. Graham, 1836.

Localities : Very common Wigtown and Kirkcudbright. Nithsdale Ruthwell, Dr Gl; Mabie Moss, P. Gr.; Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr., F. ^N. G., R. H. M.; Glencairn common, J. Cr.; Penpont, Thornhill, Dalveen Pass, W. St.; Drumcork, R. A.; Conrig Bogue, Dr Dv. An?ian- ^^/<?— Stank Farm, Ruthwell, Dr Br.

Wet, marshy pastures on sandy gravel (?on peat); exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Tryphon vulgaris, Pollenia rudis, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, Siphona cristata, Hyetodesia, sp., Ichneumon, sp., Dolichopodidae, S.-E.

Carum carui. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Kcd.~]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—^ix H, Maxwell, 1895.

* This locality is queried by Mr J. T. Johnstone.


Slum angustifolium. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. Arnott, 1844. IVgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : L ridge on high road between Duncow and Kirkmahoe, Dr Br.j Lochmaben, J. Sn.

Pimpinella saxifraga. Linn.

Records: JD/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. c, Dfs. Miss Taylor, 1892.

Localities: Common in all valleys, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Black's Hope (2000 feet), J. T. J.; Glencorfe, Blochburn, S.-E.; Glenzier, var. c, E. Ty.; Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers July 15, J. T. J. On dry or rarely wet whinstone rocks, walls ; usually wind-sheltered by sides of ravine or by other plants, and usually partly shaded.

Visitors : Pieris napi, J. C. W.; Allantus nothi, abundant, S.-E., July 18 j Chrysogaster splendida, Syrphus ribesii, Orthoneura nobilis, Eristalis tenax, seneus, horticola, Sphserophoria scripta, Syritta pipiens, and 18 other species, J. C. W., I.e., p. 246.

(Enanthe Fistulosa. Linn. (Water Dropwort).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837.

Localities : Rosshill, G. N. LI. Nithsdale Between Blackshaw (Caerlaverock) and the side of Lochar water, Dr Br.; Kingholm Merse, J. Sn. Annandale Lochmaben, Th.?

Marshy places, estuarine mud, partly sheltered from wind by other plants, in sun.

(Enanthe pimpinelloides. Linn.

Records : 705. Pimpinelloides, Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd. G. Graham, 1836. Wgt—]. H. Balfour, 1836. 707. Lachenalii, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.— Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Portlogan, Cowans, Arn.; Mull of Galloway, G. M'N. and J. M'K.; Rosshill, Balmae, G. Gr.; Lot's Wife, Glen Luffin, J. Fr.; Glencaple, 705, Hn.; 707, F. W. G., R. H. M.; five miles below Dumfries to confluence with Solway, W. St.

Estuarine mud of salt marshes ; exposed to sun.


(Enanthe crocata. Linn. (Dead Man's Creesh, J. Shaw).

Records : Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1890.

Localities: Nithsdale Nithside, Hn.; Annan, Dumfries road, S.-E.; Cluden, R. H. M.; Cargen burns, S.-E.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Holy- wood, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill, R. A. Atinatidale Powfoot, S-E.; Kirtle Mouth, S.-E.; Scrogg's Bridge, Tundergarth, Lockerbie, G. Bl.; M Water, abundant, S.-E.; very common small rivulets and waters at Moffat, J. T. J. ^^^^^^— Irvine, C. Y.; Wauchope, S.-E.

Appears June 6 to 20. In mud, alluvium, boulder clay or sandstone soils ; usually in shallow streams and ponds six to twelve inches deep ; exposed to sun and partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, Hn.; Vespa rufa, Andrena coitana, S.-E.; Rhingia rostrata, Hn.; Eristalis pertinax, abundant and sufficient; arbustorum, abundant and sufficient ; tenax, abundant ; Lucilia Caesar, abundant; vSyritta pipiens, Chrysogaster ceraetorum, Anthomyia radicum, Chortophila sp., S.-E.

/Ethusa cynapium. Linn.

Records: (Escape?) Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1891. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Three miles from Dumfries, P. Gr.; Glen, S.-E.; Dalgarnock Kirk, R. A.; Nith Mills, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. A?inan- dale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Lockerbie roadside, Smithy-Wamphray, Manse road, Kirkpatrick-Juxta, J. T. J.

Appears July 27. Moist or fairly dry places, cultivated ground, roadsides ; usually wind-sheltered by long grass or hedges ; in sun.

Ligrusticum scoticum. Linn. Records : Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. «^/.— Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Port Float, Am.; Falboque Bay, Borgue, Newabbey, J. M'A. and F. R. C.

Meum athamanticum. Jacq. (Bald Money).

Records: Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt— Sir H. Maxwell, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen both sides, head of Glen, Th. ; Routen Brig, P. Gr.; Stroquhan, G. C; Glenquhargen Craig, J. Sh.; Trostan, Knocksting, J. Cr. ; Carron, Gateslack, R. A. ; Euchan,


Crawick, Kello, Dr Dv. A?inandale Whitecoombe, J. T. J. Eskdale Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers June 20. Extends to about 1700 feet. Usually moist whinstone soils, alluvium, roadsides, or gravelly boulder clay; exposed to wind and sun.

Coriandrum sativum. Linn. (Coriander).

Record: (Escape) ^^^. F. R. Coles, 1884. Locality : Roadside, Underwood, Tongland, F. R. C.

Crithmum maritimum. Linn.


Records: Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. [^/.— Sibbald, 1674.

Localities : Along the shore Portpatrick, Mull of Galloway, Dr Br. ; Burrowhead, J. M'A. ; St. Ninians, Hn.; Kirkandrews, T. Bl. ; Ross, Dr Br., G. N. LI, G. C; Torrs Point, J. T. S.; Balmae, G. N. LI.; Balcary, G. N. LI.; Castle Hill, Fq., C. E. M.; Port o' Warren, F. W. G., S.-E.; Douglas Hall, P. Gr.; Kirkbean, Arn.

Flowers July. On granite and whinstone rocks facing the sea ; fully exposed.

Ang-elica sylvestris. Linn.

Records: B/s.—], T. Johnstone, 1889. J^cd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dock wall, Dumfries, Hn.; Wood at King- holm, S.-E.; Craighope Linn, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Ajuiandale Murray field, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Wauchope, Blockburn, S.-E.; Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers August 7. On rather moist leaf-mould, alluvium, and whinstone soils ; in shade and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Polyommatus phloeas, Vespa sylvestris, Bombus terrestris, Halictus rubicundus, Prosopis brevicornis, Chilosia oestracea, Platy- chirius peltatus, Syrphus topiarus, Eristalis pertinax, horticola, and ten others, J. C. W., 1. c, p. 245.

Peueedanum ostruthium. Koch. (Masterwort).

Records: (Escape) Zyi:. W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

* " Itgfroweth upon the rocljs towards the sea in Galloway." Scotia Jllustrata,


Localities : Nithsdale C'arronbridge, W. St. ; Tynron, J. Sh. ; Glenquhargen, Hn. Annandale Adam's Holm, Meikleholmside, J. T. J.

In flower, June 29.

Heracleum spondylium. Linn. (Cow Parsnip or Hogweed).

Records: Zyj>.—Dr Davidson, 1882. A?^.— P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1300 feet.

Plowers June 26 to July. By roadsides, railway embankments, on cinders, granite, clay, etc.; usually slightly wind-sheltered and half- shaded.

Visitors : Apis, Bombus lucorum, S.-E.; Vespa, abundant, R. A.; Chrysogaster nigrinus, Scatophaga stercoraria, Lucilia Caesar, Ortalis omissa, Anthomyia pluviahs, S.-E.; Syrphus corollae, nemorum, ribesii, Hn.

Heracleum g-iganteum.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1893. Locality : Moffat.

Scandix pecten-veneris. linn. (Venus' Comb, Shepherd's Needle).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Auldgirth Station, Mrs Thomson, 1893. In flower June 20. Casual plant in garden, Moffat, J. T. J.

Myrrhis odorata. Soop. (Cicely).

Records : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd.d.r\dL Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882 and 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, C. E. M.; Kingholm, Glen, Grove, Irongray, C. E. M., S.-E.; Tynron, Moniaive, common, J. Cr.; Holywood, Dr Br.; Auldgirth, S.-E. Annandale Tundergarth, Locker- bie House, G. BL; above Moflat, J. T. J. Eskdale—'^.-'E.

Flowers May 6 to May 18, J. T. J. Usually dry or rather moist roadsides, alluvium or whinstone soils up to 600 feet ; as a rule wind- sheltered and half-shaded. It also occurs around some of the old towers, where it is probably a remnant of cultivation.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Empis opaca, trigramma, Hyelemyia strigosa, Psila fumitara, Siphona cristata, geniculata, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E,


Conopodium denudatum. Koch. (Earthnut).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys up to Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Moffat, J. T. J.; White Hope, S.-E.; and Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers May 9 to June 4. On dry or moist soil, most common on boulder clay, humus or alluvium, but found on all soils j usually half- shaded and in part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Hn., S.-E.; Syrphus cinctellus, Syritta pipiens, Platychirius manicatus, Scatophaga lutaria, Siphona geniculata, Meligethes viridescens, Orchisa minor, S.-E.

Chaepophyllum sativum. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Zyj Miss Taylor, 1892. Locality : Glenzier, Canobie, E. Ty.

Chserophyllum temulum. Linn. (Chervil).

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1829. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—-y M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Brownhall, J. Cru.; very common near Dumfries, S.-E.; Auldgirth, S.-E. (nOt given for Sanquhar by Dr Dv.). Annandale Annan and Caledonian Railway, very common, S.-E.; Correifron, Coates Hill, J. T. J. Eskdale Canobie, very common,


On pretty dry roadsides, cinders of railways, sandy gravel, etc. ; in full exposure to wind and sun.

Visitors : Siphona cristata, geniculata, Hyetodesia incana, Sepsis cynipsea, Eristalis arbustorum, S.-E.

Chaepophyllum sylvestre. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Dumfries, J. M'A., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Dryfe, G. Bl.; Black's Hope, Correi- fron, J. T. J. Eskdale Penton Linn, Woodslee, etc., S.-E.

Appears April 15, G. Bl.; May 4 to June 4, J. T. J. On dry or moist leaf-mould, roadsides, railways ; usually half-shaded and part wind-sheltered.



Chserophyllum anthpiscus. Lam.

Records: J^cd.—^. Gray, 1850.* JVgf,—]. M'Andrew, 1893. .

Caucalis nodosa. Sm.

Record: (Escape) Wgt.—'j. M'Andrew, 1888. Locality : Portwilliam, J. M'A.

Caucalis anthriscus. Huds. (Hedge Parsley).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—^QV. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities: Nithsdale Caerlaverock, Hn.; near Dumfries, M. J. H., P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annanda k-^^lokdit^ J. T. J. Eskdale Langholm, S.-E.

Flowers July 7. On cindery waste ground, roadsides partly sheltered and shaded by hedges, etc.

Visitors : Satyrus janira, Simaethis fabriciana, Halictus, Platychirius albimanus, Anthomyia radicum, Hyelemyia strigosa, and nine others, J. C. W.

Daucus caPPOta. Linn. (Carrot). Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Common along the shore. Portpatrick, R. A.; Duns- key, Arn.; Portwilliam, St. Ninian'5, Hn.; Ross, G. C; Annan, Kirtle- mouth, S.-E., also G. & S.W. Railway ; Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J.; Rashbriggs road, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

On shingle by the shore, waste cindery ground inland; fully ex- posed.

Conium maculatum. Linn. (Hemlock).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kingholm, S.-E.; Milldamhead, F. W. G.; "Mouswald, Hn., S.-E.; Cummertrees, S.-E.; Auldgirth Station, J- Fn.; Morton Mains, R. A.; Sanquhar Castle, Dr Dv. Annandale Scroggs Mill, abundant, G. Bl.; Beattock, Cornal Tower, J. T. J.

Flowers July 26. On waste ground, cinders or alluvium; usually wind-sheltered but sunny places. (Very likely an escape).


* Probably confusion of names.


Visitors : Bombus lucorum, Hn.; Vespa, abundant and sufficient, Allantus nothi, Syritta pipiens, Hyelemyia strigosa, Telephorus fulvus, S.-E.

Hedera helix. Linn.

Records: £>fs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—]. M*Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Very common on trees and ruins in all the valleys to about II 00 feet altitude.

Cornus sanguinea. Linn. (Dogwood).

Record : (Planted) Dfs. e.g., Blackwood Pond, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J.

Symphoricarpos racemosus. D. C.

Record: (Escape) D/s. G. Bell, 1893.

Localities : Thornhill, R. A.; Milke near Scroggs, G. Bl,

Adoxa moschatellina. Linn.

Records: I?/s. and J^cd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgf. J. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdak Lincluden, C. E. M., and common Cluden, S.-E.; Grove, Hn.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J.; Crawick Woods, Dr Dv. A7inandale Annan, Th. ; Auchenbraith, S.-E.; Milke, G. BL; Moffat (common from 300 to 2300 feet). Black's Hope, J. T. J. Eskdale Common by Esk to Langholm, Ewes Water, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers March 17 to April 24. Usually moist leaf-mould, roadsides, or rarely sandy soil, bare of other plants, and sheltered by hedges or craigs ; in full shade or half-shaded.

Sambucus nigra. Linn. (Elder).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Commonly planted, Portrack, Ak.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Moffat, J. T. J.; Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Deep rich soil in shade, A. M.


Sambucus ebulus. Linn. (Dwarf Elder, Bour Tree).

Records: D/s. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, Caerlaverock Road, Dr Br.; Netherwood and Observatory, P. Gr.; Belzees, Tinwald, Dr Br.; Holywood, J. Sn.; Carronbridge, R. A.; Saw Mill, Elliock, Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, G. N. LI.; Turnmoor Mill, Dryfe, J. Sn.

Prefers moist soils, W. Do.

Visitors : Bombus lucorum, Halictus cylindricus, R. A.; PoUenia rudis, Hyetodesia incana, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.; Pieris brassicae, rapi, Vanessa Urticae, atalanta, Satyrus janira, Charaeas graminis, Xylophasia polyodon, R. A.

Viburnum opulus. Linn. (Guelder Rose).

Records : Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1882. Kcd. P. Gray, 1844. Wgt. —J. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Mavis Grove, Glen, P. Gr.; Carnsalloch, Castle Douglas road, Hn. ; Routen Brig, S.-E. ; Drumlanrig, Scaur, R. A.; South Mains, Holm Walk, Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; very common and established, Dryfe and Milke, G. Bl; Raehills, Lochwood, Middlegill, Frenchland, and Wellburn, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common all along Esk, Byreburn, E. Ty., S.-E.; Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Visitors : Platychirius albimana, Eristalis pertinax, S.-E.

Lonicera periclymenum. Linn. (Honeysuckle).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Nithside, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Dunscore, F. W. G.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Liddel Bridge, Wauchope, Bexburn, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers May (1893); July 11 (1891). Usually on leaf-mould in shade and shelter.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, s., S.-E., J. C. W.; lapidarius, s., Hn.; pratorum, c.p., Hn.

Galium cruciata. Scop. (Bedstraw). Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale S.-E.; Mavis Grove, Dr Gl.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh. Annandale From Annan to Moffat very com-


mon, J. T. J.; Dryfe, Milke, G. Bl., S.-E. Eskdale Very common everywhere, Wauchope, Langholm (to looo feet), S.-E.; Eskdalemuir, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers April 17, G. Bl.j May 5 to 15, J. T. J. Prefers water- holding soils, alluvials, boulder clay, roadside, humus, occasionally sand or shingle of shores and rivers, carboniferous sandstones, old walls ; ex- posed to wind and sun or shaded.

Visitors : Platychirius clypeatus, albimana, Syrphus ribesii, cinc- tellus, Eristalis pertinax, Syritta pipiens, Helophilus frutetorum, Hye- todesia incana, Dolichopidae, S.-E.

Galium verum. Linn. (Bedstraw).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Troqueer, C. E. M.; Dumfries, F. W. G.; Auldgirth, etc., S.-E.; Braehead, Kirkconnel, Dr Dv. Annan- dale Very common by shore at Newbie, Annan, Kirtlemouth, S.-E.; Beattock, Wamphray, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J. ^^^^^^— Glenzier, E. Ty.; Glencorf Burn, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers June 12 to 27. Dry rather than moist alluvium, shingles of shore and rivers, roadsides, somewhat sandy holms, granite ; exposed or half-shaded and usually wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Syrphus ribesii, abundant and sufficient ; Syritta pipiens, abundant and sufficient ; Hyelemyia sp., S.-E.; Siphona cristata, Hydro- tea dentipes, Musca corvina, Hn.

Galium palustre. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

b. Elongatum, Dfs. Dr Grierson, 1882.

c, Witheringii, Dfs. and Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen, C. E. M.; Grove Hills, S.-E.; Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J.; Roniston, S.-E.; Closeburn, Dr Gl.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan town, Kirtle, S.-E.; Lochmaben, P. Gr. (var. c.\ J. M'A.; Scroggs, S.-E.; Evan Water, and to a mile above Moffat on Annan, S.-E. Eskdale Sark, Blockwell, Glencorfe, Bexburn (to 1400 feet), Archie Hill, S.-E.

Flowers June 13 to 16, J. T. J. Marshy places, on sandstone, alluvium, boulder clay, etc.; usually partly wind-sheltered by long herb- age ; in sun.


Visitors : Syrphus ribesii, Platychirius peltatus, Siphona cristata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Galium uliginosum. Linn.

Records: jD/s. J. M'Andrew, 1882. J^cd. J. Singer, 1843. Wgf. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale By Nith, Th. Annandale Lochmaben, J. M'A.; Beld Craig Burn, S.-K; Moffat, J. T. J.

Flowers August 10. Wet places (in rocks ?) ; shaded and sheltered.

Galium saxatile. Linn.

Records: 751. Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. 752. Sylvestre, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1857. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : 751 very common in all valleys to Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Hartfell and Coombe Craig (to 2500 feet), J. T. J.; White Hope and Causeway Grain (to 1600 feet), S.-E. 752, Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sd., E. F. L.

Flowers June i to 10 ; 752, July. Dry places on roadsides, peat of higher hills, till, shingles, etc.; usually fully exposed to wind and sun ; rarely shaded by pine or other trees. 752 in a very wind-sheltered spot and more humid atmosphere.

Visitors : Syrphus ribesii, Hn.; cinctellus, abundant, S.-E.; Platy- chirius albimana, abundant, S.-E.

Galium moUugo. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson (1883 ?). Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843. 749. Erectum, Dfs. G. Bell, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Virgin Hall, R. A. ; Euchan Road, Barr Cottages, Dr Dv. A?mandale Annan Road, 749, Th. ; Caledonian Railway, Lockerbie to Nethercleugh, 749, G. Bl. Eskdale Old Gretna, S.-E.; roadside near Langholm, S.-E.

Pretty dry, cindery banks or roadsides ; wind-sheltered, but in full sunlight.

Visitors : Perineima nassata, Syritta pipiens, abundant, Chlorosia formosa, Hyetodesia incan, Empis, sp., Spilogaster, sp., S.-E.


Galium bopeale. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Martington Ford, near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Blackwood, Dr Br.; Waterside, R. A.; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. Annandale Black's Hope, Correifron, Grey Mare's Tail (reaching 2400 feet), Coombe Craigs, J. T. J.

Flowers from July 13 to 27. Usually on dry whinstone rocks in full exposure.

Galium aparine. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce 1883.

I^ocALiTiES : Very common in all the valleys reaching Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Moffat, J. T. J.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers from July 3 to 27. Usually rather moist ground by road- sides, shingles and sand of rivers and shore ; partly shaded and wind-, sheltered.

Visitors : Vespa sylvestris (perhaps accidental), Anthomyia radicum, abundant, Ichneumon, sp., S.-E.

Galium tricorne. Witin.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Sanquhar, Dr Davidson.

Asperula odorata. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Kirkbean, Colonel's Wood, Hn.; Chainston, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Blackwood Linn, Exc; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Annan, Hn.; very common & Water, Kirkmichael, S.-E.; Milke and Dryfe, common, S.-E.; Well- burn, Craigieburn, J. T. J. Eskdale—Yexy common Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; Canobie, Tarras, Bexburn, and Langholm woods, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 23, G. Bl.; flowers from May 4 to 27, J. T. J. Usually on wet humus (often bare of other plants) of woods and linns ; in complete shade and shelter.


Aspepula taurina. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Z>/s. Putts, Egypt Bridge, May 3, J. T. Johnstone, 1890.

Shepardia arvensis. Linn.

Records: D/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Newton, S.-E.; Auld- girth, Exc; Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Common by shore, S.-E.; Annan, Hn.; Cummertrees, Ak.; Moffat, common, Archbank, J. T. ].

Appears April 28, G. Bl; May 15 to June 5, J. T. J. Pretty dry places, on sandy gravelly soil, cinders of stations, light holmland ; in full exposure.

Valeriana dioica. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Rare Mouswald, Tinwald, J. Sn. Annan- dale Not common Carterton, G. Bl.; Peter's Moss, Wamphray, J. T. J.; Kirkpatrick-Juxta, F. A. H.; Evan Water and Garpol, J. T. J. and J. Sd.; Beld Craig, Brackenside Burn, (^ornal Tower, J. T. J., S.-E.; Capplegill, J. T. J.; Selcoth (800 feet), Crofthead, S.-E.; Carterton Corrie, G. Bl. Eskdale Common second railway bridge from Langholm, Blackknowe Burn, Stennies Water, Meikledale, S.-E.

Appears May i, G. Bl.; June 5, J. T. J. On wet slopes, till, or rocky whinstone soils ; partly wind-sheltered by long grass ; in full sun.

Valeriana officinalis. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen, common, C. E. M.; Dumfries, P. Or., Hn.; Glen, M. J. H.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common about Annan and Kirtle mouth by shore, S.-E.; Springkeld, S.-E.; Milke, G. Bl.;' Wamphray to Beattock, by Annan, S.-E.; Moffat, common (to 1000 feet), Beeftub, J. T. J. Eskdale Sark, Liddel bridge, Bentpath road, one mile above Langholm, Bex- burn, S.-E.

Flowers June 28 to July 5, J. T. J. Usually on wet leaf-mould, boulder clay or holms, shingles of shore and rivers ; in shade and usually part wind-sheltered in long grass.


Visitors: Apis, abundant; Bombus lucorum, Vespa, sp., S.-E.j Eristalis tenax, Hn.; pertinax, arbustorum, Syrphus ribesii, S.-E.

Valeriana pyrenaica. Linn.

Records: D/s.—W. Stevens, 1848. A:^^.— P. Gray, 1848. IVgf. —Sir H. Maxwell, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Jardington, Routen Brig, and other places along Cluden, P. Gr., Hn., S.-E.; Drumlanrig, W. St. Annan- dale Granton, Greenhill Cottages, J. T. J. Eskdale Kirkandrews Wood, E. Ty.; Irvine, and two places between Canobie and Langholm, right bank of Esk, S.-E. and C. Y.

On wet humus or sandstone, in full shade and shelter.

Visitors : Siphona geniculata, very abundant, S.-E.

Valerianella olitoria. Moench.

Records: JD/s.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. —J. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Alo7ig_ the shore Southerness to Arbigland, Th., Exc; Annan to Kirtle mouth, S.-E. Nithsdale Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J.

On sand or shingles, partly shaded by other plants or fully exposed.

Valerianella dentata. Poll.

Records: Dfs.—]. Singer, 1843. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Var. b. Wgt.—G. Macnab, 1837.

Localities : Dee, F. R. C; Tinwald, J. Sn.

Dipsacus sylvestris. Linn.

Records: (Escape) D/s. Dr Davidson, 1882. Xcd. (Arnott?), 1844. IVgt. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities : Garliestown, Hn. Annandale Milton Woods, J. T. J.

Scabiosa suceisa. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Blackwood, Dum- fries, P. Gr.; Cample, Thornhill, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Evan Water, Beeftub, to 1200 feet, Crofthead and Craig- michen Scaurs, S.-E. Eskdale Gilnockie, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.


Flowers June 19 to Jyly 7, J. T. J. In wet or boggy pastures, on whinstone soils or boulder clay ; exfK)sed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Vanessa atalanta, Polyommatus phloeas, Pieris napi (also J. C. W.), Brassicae, Charaeas graminis, Hydraecia nictitans, R. A.; Bombus muscorum, Hn., R. A., J. C. W.; lucorum, R. A.; pratorum, R. A., J. C. W.; terrestris, J. C. W.; Apathus campestris, R. A., J. C. W.; Allantus nothi, Vespa vulgaris, R. A.; Halictus rubicundus, cylindricus, J. C. W.; Eristalis tenax, J. C W., R. A.; intricarius, J. C. W.; arbus- torum, R. A.; Criorhina oxyacantha, Morellia hortorum, Siphona gen- iculata, S.-E. ; Melanostoma scalare, Syrphus balteatus, Helophilus pendulus, J. C. W.; Hyetodesia incana, Chortophila, Homalomyia, Hn.

Scabiosa columbaria. Linn. Record: ^.— S. W. Carruthers, 1885.

Localities: Nithsdale Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J. Annandale— S. W. Ca. Eskdale Near the border, Canobie, E. Ty.

Scabiosa arvensis. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843. ^^^gt- G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : iV/V/^^^^/e?— Kirkbean, Dr Dv.; Portland Place Nursery, Glen, Hn.; Dalskairth, Terregles, Hn., P. Gr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Drumbuie, Dr Dv. Annandale Netherplace, Linghill, Norwood, and Douglas Hall Bridge (Caledonian railway), G. Bl. Eskdale— C2Xio\A^, E. Ty.; Railway Bridge, Liddel, S.-E.

Pretty dry places on alluvium, cindery railway banks, roadsides ; in sun, but wind-sheltered by slopes of river banks, cuttings or hedges.

Eupatorium cannabinum. Linn.

Records : Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848. Wgt— G. C Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore The Ross, G. C; Port o' Warren, St., S.-E.; Port Ling, Heugh o' Laggan, P. Gr.; Kirkbean, Dr Gl.; Dock Wall, Dumfries, Hn., C. E. M.

On granite soil at base of cliffs ; often partly wind-sheltered.

Aster tripolium. Linn.

Records Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Port Logan, Port Gill, Arn.; Port- William, Hn.; Southerness, G. C; New Quay to Caerlaverock, P. Gr., F. W. G., Hn., C. E. M., S.-E.


Marshy estuarine mud ; exposed to sun and wind.

Visitors : Polyommatus phloeas, J. C. W.; Bombus lucorum, Hn.; lapidarius, pratoriim, muscorum, terrestris, Eristalis pertinax, arbustorum, aeneus, tenax, horticola, Lucilia cornicina, Calliphora sepulchralia, J. C. VV.; Sarcophaga carnaria, Hn.; Syrphus corollse, Siphona geniculata, Pollenia rudis, Anthomyia radicum, Notiphila cinerea, S.-E.; Meligethes aeneus, J. C. W. (and 5 anthomyids, I.e., p. 239).

Solidag-o virg-aurea. Linn. (Golden Rod).

Records: D/s. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850 and 1848. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, T883.

Localities: Nithsdale Cluden Mills, Hn., C. E. M., S.-E.; by Nith, F. W. G., Hn., C. E. M.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. A?inaiidah Very common Garpol, S.-E.; Beeftub, S.-E.; Wellburn, J. T. J.; Saddleyoke, W. Ca.; Loch Skene (to 2000 feet), S.-E.; Craig- michen, S.-E. Eskdale Gilnockie Bridge and Langholm road, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 13 to 27, J. T. J. On dry rocks, whinstone, granite, sandstone or boulder clay ; exposed to sun or shaded and always partly wind-sheltered in glens or linns.

Visitors : Apis, Hn., S.-E.; Apathus quadricolor, Hn.; Onesia sepulchralis, Morellia hortorum, abundant and sufficient; Siphona geniculata, Hydrotea dentipes, Hyetodesia incana, S.-E.

Bellis perennis. Linn, (Daisy).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, reaching 1400 feet at White Hope Edge.

Flowers often on January i. Most common on fairly dry* sandy alluvium or gravel, but on all soils except peat ; usually fully exposed in short turf to wind and sun.

Visitors : Eristalis pertinax, Siphona geniculata, abundant ; Antho- myia radicum, S.-E.

Filag-o g-ermanica. Linn.

Records: Z>/jr.—Dr Gilchrist, 1867. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Tinvvald, Dr Gl. Annandale Between Powfoot and Newbie, J. Fn.; Cummertrees, Ak.; Raehills, Exc* On dry banks.

* All these require confirmation.


Filagfo minima. Fr.

Records: Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—C. C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Locharbriggs, F. W. G.; Holywood Station, S.-E.; Nith Bridge, Thornhill, J. Cr., R. A.; Tynron, J. Sh. Annan- dale Povvfoot to Newbie, J. Fn.; Holms, Evan Water, J. T. J. Eskdale Tarras Roads, S.-E.

Appears about July 7, J. T. J. On dry sand, gravel or stony road- sides, often shingles of rivers ; in full exposure to sun and wind.

Gnaphalium silvaticum. Linn. (Cudweed).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Ruth well, Dr Gl.; Galla Hill, Terregles, F. W. G.; Holywood, Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Casde-Douglas road, C. E. M.; Laught Wood, R. H. M.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Lockerbie, G. Bl.; Tundergarth, S.-E.; Gardenholm, Granton, fields, Archbank, J. T. J. Eskdale— C2ir\oh\Q, E. Ty.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 14 to August 12. In pastures or cornfields ; usually on boulder clay exposed to sun ; partly wind-sheltered by herbage.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, abundant, S.-E.

Gnaphalium ulig-inosum. Linn.

Records: JD/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Ruth well, Dr Gl.; Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill, R. A.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Poldean to Ncwbigg- ing, J. T. J.; and damp roadsides Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Kirk- andrews, E. Ty.

Appears about July 7. On damp roadsides, part wind-sheltered.

Antennaria dioica. /?. Br.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.~V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Lochanhead, F. W. G. ; Grove, S.-E.; Merkland, Thornhill, R. R.; Closeburn, Dr Gl.; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Eskrig, G Bl. ; Kinnelhead, S.-E.; Black's Hope and Whitecoombe (to 2500 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.


Appears May 15 to 17, J. T. J. Common in dry pastures over 500 feet, usually shallow soil in short grass over whinstone rocks and fully exposed ; rarely well sheltered.

Inula crithmoides. Linn.

Records: Xcd. Dr Burgess, 1789. [%/.— Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Mull, Arn , J. M'A.; Creetown, Exc.; Arbigland, Dr Br.

Pulicaria dysenterica. Gcertn.

Records: (Escape) JVgt Mr Maughan. Flora Scotica^ 1789. Localities : Mull, Mr Maughan ; Monreith Bay, J. M 'Andrew.

Bidens cernua. Linn.

Records : (Escape) DJs. J Singer, 1843. ^^^- G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities: Nithsdale Common Loch, Dabton Loch, R. A.; Annandale Lochar, G. C. ; Dornock, T. Bl. ; Lochmaben, J. Sn.; Jardine Hall, S. W. Ca.

Bidens tripartita. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd. and Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Lochar Moss, P. Gr.; Southend, Castle Loch, Loch- maben, G. N. LI., J. Sn., and Exc.

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgi.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, reaching 2000 feet at Correifron.

Appears May 31 to June 5, J. T. J. Perhaps commonest on sandy or light fairly dry soil in full exposure (not peat).

Visitors : Calliphora erythrocephala, Cynomyia mortuorum, Hye- todesia basalis, Lucilia Caesar, abundant, S.-E. Also three unnamed species,


Chrysanthemum segretum. Linn.

Records: I?/s. and Xcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgf. Dr Macnab, 1836.

Localities : NHhsdale Common Ruthwell, Dr Gl.; Dumfries, F. W. G.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common near sea, Annan, S.-E. Eskdale Gretna Green, S.-E.

On corn fields, dry sandy or gravelly soil, shingles of shore, cinders of railways, boulder clay, waste ground ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Eristalis arbustorum, abundant, Lucilia Caesar, Platychirius clypeatus, Hyetodesia basalis, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Chrysanthemum parthenium. Pers.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Near Kirkandrews, Miss E. Taylor, 1891. Kcd,—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

In corn fields.

Matricaria inodora. Linn.

Records: 823. Inodora, Z>/s-. P. Gray, 1850. i^^^. Dr Greville ? ^Vgi'—]' H. Balfour (1836?) b. Salina, Dfs.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891.

824. Maritima, A?^. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1890. Wgt G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : NHhsdale Holy wood. Ad. and S. D. J.; Auldgirth, Exc; Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Anfiandale Common on shore Annan to Powfoot, Torduif, var Ik, S.-E.; Moffat, common, J. T. J.

Appears May 27 to June 28, J. T. J. On shingle stones or bare places by shore, inland, chiefly on cinders and waste ground, railways ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Polyommatus phloias, Choreutis myllerana, Simaethis fabriciana, Halictus cylindricus, rubicundus, Sphecodes affinis, Prosopis brevicornis, Odynerus pictus, J. C. W.; Allantus nothi, Hn.; Syritta pipiens, Sphoerophoria, menthrastii, Eristalis nemorum, S.-E. ; tenax, pertinax, J. C. W.; Ascia podagrica, J. C. W.; Syrphus ribesii, Musca corvina, Hydrotea dentipes, Ichneumon, sp., S.-E.; Lucilia Caesar, Siphona cristata, Hn.; Anthomyia radicum, J. C. W. (and twelve other kinds). I.e., p. 237.


Matricaria chamomilla. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Sanquhar, Dr Davidson, 1882 (?)

Anthemis cotula. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Bankhead Coal-pit on railway, Dr Davidson, 1886.

Anthemis arvensis. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Kcd. Balmae, J. Fraser, 1841-4.

Anthemis nobilis. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Kcd. Rev. J. Fraser, 1843.

Localities : Meiklewood, Tongland, F. R. C; Kirkcudbright, J.Fr.

Anthemis tinetoria. Linn. Record: (Escape)/^. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Achillea ptarmica. Linn.

Records : Bfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—d. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Ruthwell, F. W. G.; dockwall, Dumfries, S.-E.; Nithside, Hn., C. E. M.; Cargenwater, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, common, S.-E.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common Langholm, G Y.; Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 30, J. T. J. On rather wet or dry alluvium, boulder clay, granite, roadsides, shingles ; usually in sun and windy places.

Visitors : Eristalis arbustorum, Hydrotea dentipes, Hn.

Achillea millefolium. Linn. (Yarrow).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. Var. villosa, Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Common but sparse to Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale— (Zomx^oxi Liddel, Tarras and Esk to Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl., S.E.


Appears May 30 to June 18, J. T. J. Most common moist alluvium, roadsides, railways, shingles ; in full sun and partly wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Pieris rapse, napi, Polyommatus phloeas, Hydrgecia nictitans, Simaethis fabriciana, Choreutis myllerana, J. C. W.; Allantus nothi, Hn., S.-E. ; Melanostoma mellina, Morellia hortorum, Hn.; Pollenia, S.-E.; Syrphus balteatus, J. C. W.; ribesii, S.-E.; Eristalis tenax, pertinax, J. C. W.; Helophilus pendulus, Hn.; Haematophora pluviahs, Hn.; Siphona eristata, Hyelemyia strigosa, Hydrotea dentipes, Tenthredo ater, Sarcophago, S.-E.; Syritta pipiens, Oliviera lateralis, J. C. W. Also 12 Anthomyids, Coleoptera, etc., i.e., p. 238.

Tanacetum vulgare. Linn. (Tansy).

Records : Bfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Old Barr, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat (garden escape), J. T. J. Eskdale—Q,2i^\\^ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Probably an escape established in shady sheltered places.

Artemisia maritima. Linn.

Records: Kcd. and [f/^/.—Dr Graham, 1836.

Localities : Along the shore Port Yerrick, J. M'A. ; Borgue, F. R. C.; St. Mary's Isle, G. Gr., G. N. LI; Cruggleton Castle, East Burrow Head, G. Gr.

Artemisia vulg-aris. Linn,

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Southwick, Mrs St.; New Quay, P. Gr., Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. A?inandale Annan water side, Well Road, Archbank, J. T. J. Eskdak—Csi^WQ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Flowers September 6. Along sheltered roadsides ; exposed to sun.

Tussilagfo farfara. Linn, (Colt's Foot).

Records: Bfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, Hn., P. Gr.; Tynron, J. Sh. Annandale Common by M, S.-E.; Milke (to 300 feet), S.-E.; Beattock Hill summit, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Tarras, Gilnockie to Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. W^n. and R. Bl.


Appears March 5 to 23, S.-E. On dry, sandy alluvium, sandstones, granite and railway cinders; fully exposed to sun but often wind- sheltered.

Tussilag-o petasites. Linn.

Records : D/s. and Xcd.—F. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr., Hn.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, Th. ; DumcriefT, J. T. J.; Milke, S.-E. jE'j-/^^^/^— Canobie, Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears March 29. Up to 300 feet on mossy whinstone rocks, stony alluvium, less common on sandy soil; usually wind-sheltered.

Tussilago petasites x farfara.

Record : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789.

Locality : Eskbank, on borders of Annandale, near Netherby, DrBr.

Senecio vulgaris. Linn, (Groundsel).

Records : Dfs, and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common everywhere.

Blooms all the year, J. T. J. Usually in gardens, cultivated fields, roadsides, and waste ground.

Visitor : Siphona cristata.

Senecio viseosus. Linn.

Records: Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. G. Gordon, 1836.

Localities : Nithsdale Auldgirth, Exc. Annandale Middlegill, Slaughter-house to Railway Bridge, Moffat, Beattock Station, J. T. J., S.-E.

Appears July. Cinders of railways, waste ground ; in full exposure.

Senecio silvaticus. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Qx. C Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Southwick, Mrs Stew.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Island, Cluden Mill, Ak.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan to



Powfoot shore, S.-E.; Wellburn, Blacklaw Burn, Old Carlisle Road, J- T. J.

Appears June 28, J. T. J. On shingles, bare red trap; usually half- sheltered.

Visitor : Siphona geniculata, S.-E.

Senecio aquaticus. Huds.

Records: Bfs and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G, C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cluden Mills, Cargen, Glen, S.-E.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Torduff, Kirtle, S.-E.; common Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale—Zomviion Esk, Glenzier, E. Ty., S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 22, J. T. J. On wet alluvial patches by rivers.

Visitors : Syrphus ribesii, Hyetodesia hasalis, incana, Hydrotea dentipes, Anthomyia radicum, Siphona geniculata, S.-E.

Senecio Jacobea. linn. (Ragwort).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt, G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. Flosculosus, Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

Appears June 17, J. T. J. On old shingles by sea, holmlands, railway cinders ; in full exposure to wind and sun.

Visitors: Bombus, sp., S.-E.; Halictus rubicundus, subfasciatus, R. Se.; Andrena denticulata, Apathus quadricolor, Eristalis arbustorum, Helophilus frutetorum, Syritta pipiens, Morellia hortorum, Hydrotea dentipes, Nysson dimidiatus, Telephorus fulvus, S.-E.

Senecio sarracenicus. Linn.

Records: Dfs. J. Wightman, 1893. Kcd. Mr Maughan, 1789. ^/.— Sir H. Maxwell, 1889.

Localities : Hedges near Longtown, Cumberland, Mr Jackson, 1796. Annandale Cocklet's Dryfe, J. A. Wg. (Castle-Douglas, New- Galloway, Mg.; Borgue, Kirkmabreck, J. Fr. All Kirkcudbright).

Doronicum pardalianches. Linn. (Leopard's Bane). Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1796. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1844. Localities : Nithsdale Dalswinton woods, Exc; Drumlanrig, W,


St.; Shaw's Bridge, Thornhill, R. A. Anna nda/e —Spnngkeld, abundant, S.-E.; Hoddam Castle, Dr Br.; New Mills, Greenhill Cottages, left bank Birnock, J. T. J. Eskdale Irvine, C. Y.

Appears May 2 to June 2, J. T. J. On beech humus ; in full shade and shelter.

Arctium lappa. UnY\. (Burdock).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883. 851. Majus, Kcd.~]. M'Andrew, 1888.

853. Minus, nfs.—T>x F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd. and

IVgt.—C. C. Newbould, 1883.

854. Intermedium, Dfs. J. Fingland, 1887. Wgt.

G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Ruthwell, 853, F. W. G.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Caerlaverock, 854, M. J. H.; Glen, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Elliock Saw Mill, 853, Dr Dv.; Glencairn, J. Cr. Annandale Kirtle- bridge, J. T. J.; Beattock to Wamphray, by Annan, S.-E.; Craigieburn (500 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; Glentarras, Gil- nockie bridge, above Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 27, J. T. J. Usually on dry, sandy or clayey alluvium, roadsides, boulder clay, granite ; in sun, but usually part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; lucorum, abundant ; lapidarius, Derhamellus, Anthidium manicatum, S.E.

Serratula tinctoria. Linn. (Sawwort). Records : Dfs.—V>. Bell, 1837. Kcd.— Ox. N. Lloyd, 1837.

Localities : Along the shore Nunnery to Senwick, Borgue, Mgh.; along Dee from Kirkcudbright to Kingour, Loch Ken, Mgh., G. N. LL, Fq., J. M'A.; Portling, Douglas Hall, J. M'A. Eskdale— T>. Bell.

Saussurea alpina. D. G.

Record: D/s. Dr Walker, 1 762-1 783.

Localities : Annandale Very common Black's Hope, W. St., J. T. J.; Whitecoombe on both sides, Midlaw and above Loch Skene, Dr Wl., J. T. J., S.-E. (from 1750 to 2000 feet).

Appears July 1 to 19, J. T. J. On pretty moist broken whinstone soil ; part shaded and wind-sheltered by narrowness of ravines, S.-E.; or on dry exposed rocks as left side Black's Hope, J. T. J.

Carduus marianus. Linn. (Milk Thistle). Record : (Escape) Wgt Creetown, J. M'Andrew, 1882.


Carduus acanthoides. Linn.

Records: (Escape) D/s. Excursion Natural History Society, 1882. Xcd.—G. C. Druce, 1883. IVgf.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Wigtown Along the shore, Port Yerrick, J. M'A. Kirkmdbright Ross, G. C.

Carduus pycnocephalus. Jaoq.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Annan to Kirtlemouth, G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1 89 1. Kcd.—]. M' Andrew, 1885. Wgt.—Qj. C. Druce, 1883.

Carduus laneeolatus. Linn. (Spear Thistle).

Records: Dfs.—], H. Balfour (1836?). Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to 900 feet.

Appears about July 10. On rather dry roadsides, holms, corn fields; in sun, but usually part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, Hn., S.-E.; lucorum, abundant, S.-E.; Megachile willughbiella, Platychirius clypeatus, abundant; Syrphus ribesii, Eristalis intricarius, Empis livida, Sericomyia borealis, Hye- todesia basalis, Vanessa Urticse, S.-E.

Carduus palustris. Linn. (Marsh Thistle).

Records : D/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to at least 800 feet.

Appears June 13 to 26, J. T. J. On wet rather than dry holms, boulder clay, roadsides, shingles of sea shore, cinders, etc.; in sun and wind.

Visitors : Vespa, sp.; Bombus pratorum, reg. and sufificient, S.-E.; hortorum, Hn.; Platychirius, sp.; Empis livida, S.-E.

Carduus arvensis. Curt (Creeping Thistle).

Records : D/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to 1800 feet, Correifron.

On pretty dry or wet sandy and gravelly fields, boulder clay, alluvium, whinstone soils, etc.; in full sun and wind exposure.

Visitors: Bombus pratorum, Allantus nothi, S.-E.; Halictus cylin- dricus, Morellia hortorum, Hn.; Onesia sepulchraiis, Platychirius cly- peatus, Hydrotea dentipes, Siphona geniculata, Anthomyia radicum, Ablyteles cerinthius, S.-E. *


Carduus heterophyllus. Linn. (Melancholy Thistle).

Records: JDfs. A. Sibbald, 1820. Kcd. Rev. J. Fraser, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Glenquhargen, J. Sh., Hn., S.-E.-j Euchan, Glen, Crawick, Nith, Sanquhar, Dr Dv., R. A. ; Thornhill, R. A. Anna?idale Balgray, Dryfe, G. Bl.; Jardine Hall, Th.; Lochmaben, C. E. M.; Evan Water, Beerholm, Nethermurthat, Crofthead, Annan, J. T. J. Eskdale Junction Glencorfe and Wauchope, Bilholm, Lyn- holm, Sb., S.-E.; Glenshanna, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.; Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E. Elevation up to 1000 feet.

Appears June 22 to July 4, J. T. J. On moist holmland (close to streams) or humus ; usually part shaded and half wind-sheltered by banks, etc.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, abundant and sufficient ; lucorum, abundant and sufficient ; Rhingia rostrata, abundant, S.-E.

Onopordon acanthium. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Miss J. Wilson and Mr R. Bell (Castle O'er, 1892)?

Carlina vulgraris. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd. and Wgt.—Q,. N. Lloyd, 1837.

Localities : Along the shore Portpatrick, J. H. Bl.; Port Logan, G. N. LI, Arn.; Mullfarm, G. N. LI.; St. Ninians, Whithorn, Hn., St.; Balcary, G. N. LI.; Port o' Warren, Port Ling, St.; Auchencairn, J. C. W. Inlafid Clarencefield, W. Hg. ; Waulkmill Farm, J. M'A. ; Euchan Glen, J. Sh., Dr Dv.

Dry, grassy slopes.

Centaurea nigra. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to 600 feet.

On moist or dry roadsides, old wall tops, boulder clay, holms, cinders, granite, etc.; in sun but usually wind-sheltered by banks or hedges.

Visitors: Apis, J. C. W.; Bombus lapidarius, Hn., S.-E.; muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; hortorum, S.-E.; terrestris, Scrhimshiranus, pratorum, J. C. W. ; Apathus quadricolor, Hn. ; Anthidium manicatum, J. C. W. ; Satyrus janira, Hn., J. C. W. ; Rhingia rostrata, abundant, Syrphus


balteatus, S.-E., J. C. W.; Eristalis aeneus, tenax, pertinax, J. C. W.; Sarcophaga, sp., Morellia hortorum, Pollenia rudis, S.-E.; Argynnis aglaia, Pieris napi, rapae, Polyommatus phloeas, Vanessa Urticse, and eight others, J. C. W.

Centaurea cyanus. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. R. Armstrong, 1888. Kcd. J. M'Andrevv, 1882. Z^'^^.— Rev. J. Gorrie, 1893.

Locality: Dumfries Station, Th.; Auldgirth, Rashbriggs, R. A.

Tragropogron pratensis. (Goat's Beard). Records : £>fs. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Mersehead, Kirkbean, J. Fr.; Mouswald, Tinwald, J. Sn. Annandale Broomhouses, to one mile from Nether- cleugh, Caledonian Railway, and Lockerbie, to one mile towards Loch- maben, G. Bl; Kirtlebridge, Caledonian Railway, S.-E.

On dry slopes (chiefly cinders and stones) ; in sun, wind-sheltered by hay and banks.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Leontodon hispidus. Linn, (Hawkbit). Records : Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. J. M 'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common about Dumfries on Nith and Cluden, S.-E. ; very common Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common on shore, Annan, S.-E.; common Moffat, J. T. J.; and Grey Mare's Tail, S.-E. Eskdale Tarras, Mosspaul, and to 1400 feet Causey Grain, S.E.

Appears June 4 to 20, J. T. J. On dry, rarely wet holmlands, estuarine flats, boulder clay, whinstone soils ; usually in short turf exposed to sun and partly wind-sheltered by growing in valleys or ravines.

Visitors : Apis mellifica, Bombus, sp., Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Leontodon autumnalis. Linn.

Records : Z>A.— (Teste, A. Bennett). Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883, b. pratensis, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; source of Euchan, Glenglass (var. ^.), Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Coates Hill, Moffat, S.-E.; Annan, Beattock, J. T. J.; Evan, S.-E.; Correifron (2000 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Along Esk to above Lang- holm, S.-E.


Appears August ii, J. T. J. On dry or moist holmlands, roadsides, boulder clay, whinstone soils, river shingles, etc.; in full sun and not very windy places.

Visitors : Lycaena icarus, Simaethis Fabriciana, Crambus, Bombus terrestris, muscorum, Halictus rubicundus,Platychirius manicatus,Syrphus ribesii, Sphserophoria scripta, Brachyopa, bicolor, Sericomyia borealis, Eristalis seneus, tenax, pertinax, Sciara, Trichopthicus cunctans, Antho- myia radicum, Hydrellia griseola, Sitones puncticollis, Calocoris fulvomaculatus, bipunctans, Miris laevigatus, Acocephalus, J. C. W.

Leontodon hirtus. Linn.

Records : D/s. and Xcd. Rev. J. Fraser (before 1882). Wgf. J. M'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : A/ong the shore Portpatrick, J. M'A.; Glenstocking, Rockliffe, Glenluffin, J. Fr., Fq.; Merse, J. Fr.

Hypochseris radicata. Linn. (Cat's Ear).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray 1850. Wgt—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys up to 1200 feet.

Appears June 14 to 27. On dry or moist holms, estuarine alluvials, roadsides, shingles of rivers, granite, etc.; in sun and part wind-sheltered by long grass.

Visitors : Anthomyia radicum, Hydrotea dentipes, S.-E.

Sonchus arvensis. Linn. (Sow-Thistle).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annaiidale Cummertrees, Ak.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Little Tarras, Gilnockie, Burnfoot, S.-E. (not above 800 feet).

Appears August 25, J. T. J. On rather moist boulder clay, holm- lands (corn fields, turnips, etc.), shingles ; in sun but part wind-sheltered by corn or long grass, waste ground, J. T. J.

Visitors : Morellia hortorum, Hydrotea dentipes, Dolichopods, S.-E.

Sonchus oleraceus. Linn.

Records: 1009. Oleraceus, Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.


loio. Asper, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Not common Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dale Common on shore, Annan to Kirtle mouth, Hoddam, S.-E.; Murrayfield, G. Bl.; Poldean, Hydropathic, Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale— Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 3, J. T. J. On fairly dry roadsides, waste ground, boulder clay, shingles of shore and rivers, cinders, old walls, etc.; usually partly shaded and sheltered by dykes, hedges, etc.

Visitors : Syrphus ribesii, Morellia hortorum, Platychirius cly- peatus, Siphona geniculata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Taraxieum dens-leonis. D. G. (Dandelion).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

c. Palustre, Dfs.—Dx Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to 2000 feet.

Appears March 26 to April 24, J. T. J. Var. a. on pretty dry road- sides, holms, sandy soil, whinstone rocks, old walls, etc.; in sun or half- shaded, exposed to wind or part sheltered. Var. ^., wet hill pastures, Dr Dv.

Visitors : Empis opaca, Hyetodesia jucana, Siphona cristata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.; HaHctus rubicundus, villosulus, Andrena albicans, Wilkella, R. Se.

Crepis virens. Linn.

Records: DJs.—Vix Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to about 800 feet.

Appears June 7 to 17, J. T. J. On moist or dry railway banks, roadsides, whinstone soils, holms, shingles of shore, etc.; in sun but wind-sheltered by long grass or banks.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Andrena bicolor, coitana, furcata, Platy- chirius manicatus, Morellia hortorum, Anthomyia pluvialis, radicum, Horaalomyia, Onesia sepulchraHs, Pollenia, sp,, Hydrotea dentipes, S.-E.; Telephorus fulvus, Hn.

Crepis biennis. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Z>/j. J. Shaw, 1892.

Locality : Oatfield, Holmhill, Tynron, J. Sh. "*


Crepis hieracioides. Jacq,

Records : Bfs. Rev. E. F. Linton, 1889. Kcd.—¥. R. Coles, 1883.

Localities : Aniiandak Correifron, Grey Mare's Tail, Craigmichen Scaur (to 1000 feet), E. F. L. and J. T. J.

Appears July 28 to August 25, J. T. J. On moist whinstone rocks, half shaded and well sheltered from wind in narrow corries.

Crepis paludosa. Moenoh.

Records: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. WgL G. C. Druce, 1883

Localities: Nithsdale Very common to Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Tynron, J. Sh. Annandale Common Wamphray, S.-E.; very common in linns (Beld Craig) and corries (Grey Mare's Tail). Eskdale Com- mon Black Knowe Burn, Blochburn, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl. (to at least 1800 feet).

Appears May 28, S.-E.; to June 19, J. T. J. On wet holms, shingles, boulder clay, whinstone rocks in shade or half shaded ; sheltered from wind by long grass or in narrow valleys.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, Platychirius clypeatus, Chrysogaster metallina, sp., Helophilus frutetorum, Eristalis nemorum, Pollenia rudis, S.-E.

Cichorium intybus. Linn. (Chicory).

Record : (Escape) Dfs. T. Brown or J. Wilson, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Locharbriggs, J. WL; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Lochside, Newton, S.-E.

In gravelly, dry fields, S.-E.

Hieracium. (Group Pilosella).

Records : 892. Pilosella, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt G. C. Druce, 1883. 893. Aurantiacum (escai)e) Dfs. J. Wightman, 1892.

Localities : 892 very common in all the valleys to 1600 feet. Appears May 31, J. T. J. 893, Annandale Railway, Lockerbie, J. Wg., G. Bl., S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J.; Tundergarth, G. BI.

892 on hard, dry, stony ground, cinders of railways (also 893), whinstone and trap rocks covered by shallow soil, light soils exposed to sun and wind in short turf.


Hieracium. (Group Alpina Genuina).

Record : 896. holosericum, Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1885. Locality : Milyea (2000 feet), J. M'A.

Hieracium. (Group Alpina Nigrescentia).

Records: 903. Nigrescens, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. 912. Centripetale, Dfs. E. F. Ijnton, 1893.

Localities : Annandale Black's Hope, 903, J. T. J.; Correifron, 903, 912, J. T. J., E. F. L.; Midlaw Burn, Selcoth, 912, E. F. L.; Lochanburn, 912, J. T. J.

Appears July to August, J. T. J.

Hieracium. (Group Cerinthoidea).

Records: 917. Callistophyllum, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893. 920. Iricum, Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. 923. Langwellense, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Elliock Bridge, 920, Dr Dv. Annafidale Black's Hope, 920, 923, J. T. J., E. F. L.; Correifron, Grey Mare's Tail, 920, Dr Br., J. Sd., J. T. J.; Selcoth, 923, E. F. L.; Midlaw Burn, 917, E. F. L.

Appears July to August. Somewhat sheltered and in moist atmos- phere on whinstone rocks.

Hieracium. (Group Oreadea).

Records: 929. Schmidtii, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1893.

935. Rubicundum, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1890.

938. Argenteum, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889.

939. Nitidum, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1892.

940. Sommerfeltii, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893.

942. Onosmoides.

b. Buglossoides, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893.

943. Saxifragum, Dfs. Mr Backhouse, 1850.*

Localities : Annandale Moffat, 929, 935, J. T. J., E. F. L.; Crofthead, 938, J. T. J.; Beeftub, 938, J. T. J.; Black's Hope, 938, 943, 940, 942, J. T. J., E. F. L.; Correifron, 938, 943, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, 938, 942, E. F. L.; 943, Bk.; Selcoth, 942, E. F. L.; Andrew's Whinnie, 939, J. T. J.

Appears July to August. On dry rarely wet whinstone rock, 938 ; mudstones, 939 ; usually exposed, sometimes wind-sheltered.

* According to Mr Linton, Backhouse's form is the preceding plant onosmoides, &. buglossoides.


Hieracium. (Group Vulgata).

Records : 945. Stenolepis.

b. anguinum, Dfs. W, R. Linton, 1893.

952. Murorum, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850.

k. ciliatum, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1893. w. sarcophyllurn, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893.

953. Euprepes, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893. 958. Caesium.

c. pallidum, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1858.

964. Duriceps micracladium, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1893. 967. Vulgatum, Dfs. W. Carruthers, 1864. Kcd. P.

Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. 969. Stenophyes, Dfs. W. R. Linton, 1893. 971. Angustatum, I)fs. E. F. Linton, 1893. 974. Diaphanoides, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892.

977. Gothicum, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

978. Sparsifolium, Dfs. ^J. T. Johnstone, 1890.

679. Rigidum g. tridentatum, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1885.

Localities : Nithsdale Newton, Dalveen Pass, S.-E.; Thornhill, 958, S.-E.; Carron Glen, Sanquhar, 958, J. Sd., S -E., Dr Dv.; Euchan, 979 g., Dr Dv. Annandale Beeftub, 978, J. T. J.; Lockerbie, 958, 974, S.-E.; Beld Craig, 958, S.-E.; Croft Head, 958, 964, Wellburn, 958, J. T. J.; Black's Hope, 969, W. R. L.; Selcoth, 964, J. T. J.; Lochan- burn, 964, J. T. J.; Duff of Kinnel, 978, J. T. J. ; Moffat, 952, k. w.] 945, J. T. J.; Craigmichen Scaur, 978, J. T. J. Eskdale 14 miles north of Langholm, 971, S.-E.; Gilnockie, 958 ^., S.-E.; Harperwhat, Billholm, 967, S.-E.

Appears, 952 and 967. May 30, S.-E.; remainder July to August, J. T. J. The commonest forms on sandstones are 967, 974, and 958 c.\ on trap-rocks, 967 and 974; on boulder clay, 958 c; on whinstones, 967, 971, and 978 ; most are exposed or half-shaded (967).

Visitors : (Dryfe and Lochanburn, May). Empis billineata, Eristalis pertinax, Syrphus albostriatus, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

HiePacium. (Group Prenanthoides).

Record: 987. Prenanthoides, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889.

Localities: Nithsdale Carserig, Elliock Sawmills, Dr Dv. Atinan- dale—Gxey Mare's Tail, E. F. L. ; Correifron, J. T. J. Eskdale— Canobie, S.-E.

On moist rocks, half-shaded and wind-sheltered in long grass.


Hieracium. (Group Foliosa).

Records: 989. Strictum'^ Z>/f. E. T. Linton, 1891.

990. Corymbosum, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.

J. M'Andrew, 1885.

991. Auratum, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

992. Crocatum, Dfs, W. Carruthers, 1864. Kcd.

Fide]. M'Andrew, 1844.

Localities : Nithsdale Southerness, 992, J. M'A. ; Ryehill of Nith, 992, Dr Dv.; Sanquhar, 991, Dr Dv. Annandale Garpol, 992, W. Ca., J. T. J.; Rowantree Grain, 989, J. T. J.; Frenchland burn, 989, 992, 991, J. T. J.; Comal Tower burn, 989, 992 ; Gallows Hill, 989, J. T. J.; Black's Hope, Spoonburn, 989, 992, J. T. J. Eskdale Burnfoot, 992, S.-E.

Appears August i. Usually" in shaded and moist places en sand- stones, boulder clay, etc.

Hieracium. (Group Sabauda).

Records: 994. Boreale, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. T. Syme, 1836. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Holywood, S.-E, ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Eskdale Canobie, Langhohn, S.-E.

On sandstones, granite, leaf mould ; in shade and wind-sheltered.

Hieracium. (Group Umbellata).

Records : Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—T>r: Arnott, 1844. IVgt.— J. M'Andrew, 1891. .

Localities : Nithsdale Southerness, J. M'A.; Knockenjig Ford, Dr Dv.; Tynron, J. Sh. ^;^//^;^^rt!/^— Alton, J. T. J. Eskdale— Gi\- nockie, S.-E.

•Appears July to August. On sandstone walls, part shaded and sheltered.

Lapsana communis. Linn. (Nipplewort).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Caerlaverock, F. W. G.; very common by Nith and Cluden, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Solway Bridge,

* This appears to be now considered a variety of Crocatum.


S.-E.; Tundergarth, G. Bl.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale—\.2i\\g\\o\m, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June ii to 14. On dry humus, roadsides, waste ground, boulder clay, whinstone soils, gravelly soils ; in shade or half shaded ; usually wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Andrena albicans, Syrphus ribesii, Siphona geniculata, Hyelemyia strigosa, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Lobelia dortmanna. Linn.

Records : jD/s. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd. G. Gordon, 1837. IVgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Loch Kindar, G. Go., P. Gray, E. M. C.; Lotus Loch, Hn., P. Gr.; Keir ; Loch Urr (700 feet), Morton Loch, J. Sh. Annandale Lochmaben, J. Sn., G. N. LI.

In pretty deep quiet lakes with a muddy bottom.

Jasione montana. linn. (Sheep's Bit).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850 and 1848. Wgt.—]. H. Balfour (1836?).

Localities : Nithsdale Very common near Dumfries, S.-E.; Cluden Mill, Hn.; Glen, F. W. G.; Holywood, Portrack, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill sandstone quarries, Hn., R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Seashore at Annan, Torduff, S.-E.; Dryfesdale Ceme- tery, Bishop's Cleugh, Lockerbie, G. BL; Garpol, J. Bl.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Appears June 22 to 28, J. T. J. On dry, sandy, or stony banks and fields, old walls ; in shade or exposed to sun ; usually in short grass and exposed to wind.

Visitors : Pieris napi, J. C. W.; Bombus lucorum, Hn.; Halictusj sp., S.-E.; Platychirius clypeatus, peltatus, albimana, Siphona geniculata, Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Campanula trachelium. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Hannay, 1893. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883.

Localities : Tongland, F. R. C; Holywood, Hn., S.-E.

Campanula latifolia. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd. P. Gray, 1844. Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1893.


Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, Exc; Newabbey, Hn.; Tinwald, J. Sn.; Jardington, Martington, F. W. G.; Dock wall, Hn.; Lincluden, Grove, P. Gr., M. J. H.; above Routen Brig on Cairn, S.-E.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh., R. A.; Clauchries, R. A.; Euchan, Newark, Polskeoch, Crawick, Dr Dv. Atinandale Annan, J. Sn., J. T. J.; Tundergarth Linns, Lamonbie Mill, G. Bl.; Wamphray, J. T. J. Esk- dale Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; very abundant, Bilholm to Bentpath, S.-E.

Appears August 12, J. T. J. On rather moist humus or alluvium ; in shade or half-shaded and well sheltered from wind.

Visitor : Bombus pratorum (on newly opened flowers), S.-E.

Campanula rapunculoides. Linn. Records : (Escape) Dfs.—O. Bell, 1893. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883.

Localities : Tongland, F. R. C; Castle Loch near Lockerbie road, G. Bl.; Dalton, J. Wg.

Campanula rotundifolia. Linn. (Bluebell).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. IVg^.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common to Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Amtandale Very common (to 2000 feet). Loch Skene, S.-E. Eskdale Common Wauchope, road to Bentpath, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. VVn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 20 to July "5. On pretty dry whinstone soils, roadsides, boulder clay, etc.; usually half-shaded and part wind-sheltered or quite exposed.

Visitors : Vanessa Urticae, J. C. W.; Bombus terrestris, J. C. W.; lucorum, S.-E.; Andrena gwynana, R. Se.; Siphona cristata, Hyelemyia strigosa, Dolichopids, S.-E. ; Anthomyia radicum, S.-E., J. C. W.; Meligethes, J. C. W.

Campanula persicifolia. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Z>/s-. J. Singer, 1843. (Johnstone parish).

Vaceinium myrtillus. Linn. (Blaeberry).

Records: Dfs.—\N. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1848 Wgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Dalskairth, Terregles, P. Gr. ; Craighope Linn, Scaur Water, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Gallows Hill, Moffat, Kd.; Hartfell and Whitecoombe (to 2400 feet),


S.-E. Eskdale Common to Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl., and Moss- paul, S.-E,

Appears May 12 to 17, J. T. J. On wet mossy rocks or humus of woods and linns ; in shade and shelter or fully exposed on peat and whinstone rocks, both at low and high altitudes.

Visitors : Bombus terrestris, muscorum, abundant and sufficient, S.-E.

Vaccinium uliginosum. linn.

Record: Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities : Annandale (1800 to 2000 feet), Whitecoombe, J. T. J. Eskdale Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl. (specimen not seen).

On soil near damp whinstone rocks. Have never seen it in flower or fruit, only in foliage, J. T. J.

Vaccinium vitis idaea. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M 'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Trostan Hill (1250 feet), J. Cr.; Sanquhar district, Dr Dv. Annandale Raehills, J. Sn.; Queensberry, R. A.; Hartfell, Black's Hope and Whitecoombe (not uncommon from 800 to 2400 feet), S. W. Ca., J. T. J., S.-E.

Appears June 17 to 22, J. T. J. On dry exposed whinstone rocks, covered with short turf.

Visitors : Rhamphomyia, sp.; Empis, sp., S.-E.

Vaccinium oxycoccos. linn.

Records: !)/>.— Rev. J. Little, 1834. ^r^.— P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Glensone, J. Wl.; Kirkconnel, E. M. C; Lochar Moss, F. W. G.j Harv., Lotus, Hn.; Terregles, P. Gr.; Irongray, C. E. M.; common Glencairn, J. Cr.; Drumcork, Scaur, R. A.; Townmoor, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Templand, S.-E.; Breygill- head, etc., Moffat, S. W. Ca. and J. T. J.; Beeftub, Kd. Eskdale— The Flow, S.-E.; Langholm, C Y. Elevation 250 to 900 feet.

Appears May to June. On sphagnum becoming peat ; fully ex- posed.

Visitors : Siphona cristata, geniculata, S.-E,


Arctostaphylos ulva-ursi. Spreng, (Bearberry). Records: Zffs. J. Singer, 1843. ^'^^.— Rev. J. Phaser, 1843.

Locality: Annandale Whitecoombe (2400 feet), J. T. J.; Correi- fron (2200 feet), J. T. J,

In fruit May 28, 1893, J. T. J.; in good flower June 3, 1894. On dry whinstone rocks ; fully exposed. Grows in matted masses where found.

Andromeda polifolia. Linn.

Records: Dfs.--Tix Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—V, Gray, 1848. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Solway Moss, Dr Br.; Lochar Moss, Dr Gl; Kirkconnel Moss, T. Bl., E. M. C.; Maxwelltown Loch, Terregles, R Gr.; Black Loch, Dr Dv. ^««««^^/d— Shillahill Bog, W. M. H. M.; Dalfibble, Stanemoor, Dr Br.; Spedlings, J. Wg.; Templand Moss, W. M. H. M.; Johnstone, J. Sn. Eskdale—T. B. "Ql^fide S. W. Ca.

Appears May. On wet sphagnum peat ; fully exposed.

Erica vulgaris. Linn. (Ling).

Records: D/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. b. Incana, Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Very common in all the valleys at all altitudes. Usually moist ground, peat, whinstone soils, etc.; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Polyommatus phloeas, Peronea aspersana, J. C. W.; Apis, abundant, S.-E., J. C. W.; Bombus muscorum, pratorum, Scrimschiranus, terrestris, Platychirius albimanus, manicatus, Sericomyia borealis, J. C. W., and four Anthomyids, etc.

Erica cinerea. Linn. (Heather).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

Appears June 20 to 29, J. T. J. On moist or dry peat ; fully exposed.

Visitors: Apis, S.-E., J. C. W.; Bombus lucorum, S.-E.; terrestris lapidarius, muscorum, pratorum, latreillelus, J. C. W.; Colletes suc- cincta, R. Se.; Apathus campestris, Platychirius albimanus, J. C. W.; Eristalis pertinax, S.-E,


Erica tetralix. Linn. (Cross-leaved Heather).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

Appears June 15 to 29, J. T. J. On moist or dry peat; fully exposed.

Visitors : Apis, J. C. W.; Bombus lucorum, S.-E.; muscorum, hortorum, J. C. W.; Micropalpus vulpnus, S.-E,; Platychirius peltatus, Hn.

Pypola rotundifolia. Linn.

Record: Kcd. P. Gray, 1850?

PyPOla media. Sw. (Wintergreen).

Records: D/s. Rev. W. Little, 1834. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, P. Gr. ; Lochanhead, J. Fr. ; Cargen Glen, C. E. M.; Merkland, Exc; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dale— l^ochm^ihen, C. E. M.; Garpol, Lochanburn, Cornal Tower burn, Wellburn, Selcoth, J. T. J.; Whitecoombe, J. T. J. and S.-E. (2400 feet, growing along with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). Eskdale Stuart's Wood (under 900 feet), E. Ty.

Appears June 21 to July 12. On pretty dry humus; in shade and shelter.

Pyrola minor. Sw.

Records: Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : iVzV/^^^^/^— Solway Moss, S.-E.; Glen, S.-E., F. W. G.; Holywood, S.-E.; Druidhall Mill, Penpont, J. Sh. and T. Br.; Thornhill, Redpaths, Drum, Templand, Trigony, Morton, R. A.; Mennock, Glen- dyne, Craigdarroch, Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, Bk., S.-E.; wood near Dryfesdale Cemetery, Torwood, G. BL; Brackenside, S.-E.; Beld Craig, Garpol, J. Sd., J. T. J.; Crofthead, Cornal Tower, Wellburn, Selcoth, J. T. J. Eskdale Solway Moss (under 900 feet), E. Ty.

Appears June 21 to July 12, J. T. J. In dry or wet humus or whin- stone, often peaty (often rather bare) ; in full shade and shelter.

Visitors : Bombus, sp.; Chortophila, sp.; LithocoUetis, sp.; Adrastus limbatus, S.-E.



Pyrola secunda. Linn.

Records : Bfs. J Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M* Andrew, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Long Wood, Exc. Annaftdale Garpol, Beld Craig, J. Sd., J. Bl.; Black's Hope, and five of the corries of Moffat Water (iioo to 1200 feet), Johnstone, Duff Kinnel, J. T. J.

Appears July 13. On dry whinstone rocks with very little soil ; in sun but partly wind-sheltered in narrow corries under the influence of the humid atmosphere from the burns.

Primula veris. Linn.

Records : 1061. Acaulis (primrose), D/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

1062. Veris (cowslip), Dfs. J. Shaw, 1882. Kcd^ J.

Cruickshank, 1836. ^^/.— Rev. W. W. New- bonld, 1883.

1063. Elatior (escape ?) (oxlip), JD/s. Miss Adams and

Miss S. D. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. Rev. J. Fraser, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale 1061 common to the limit of peat haggs ; •1062, Arbigland, C. E. M.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; 1063, Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; 1062, Dabton, Kirkbog, R. A. Annan- dale 1061 common to 1000 feet ; 1062, Balgray, Milke, G. Bl.; Mill Meadows, J. T. J. Eskdale 1061 very common.

Appears March 11, G. Bl.; March 31 to April 15, J. T. J. 1061 on dry or moist humus, whinstone, boulder clay, more rarely light soils, sandstones and alluvium ; in half-shaded, fully shaded or exposed, sheltered or windy places. 1062 and 1063 are probably escapes estab- lished in good soil, well-shaded and sheltered.

Visitors : (Primrose) Bombus hortorum, reg. and sufficient, S.-E.

Lysimachia vulg-aris. Linn, (Loosestrife).

Records: Dfs.—]. Little, 1834. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1848. Wgt— J. M 'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Clarencefield, Th.; Cargen water, S.-E.; Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr., J. H. Bl.; Friars' Carse, DrGl.; ditch, Gate- side, Saw Mill, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Castle Loch, Loch- maben, Mg., J. Sn., Th.; Murrayfield, G. Bl; Johnstone, J. Lt., J. Sn. Eskdale Irvine, C. Y. ,

In shallow water on mud sheltered from wind.


Lysimachia nummularia. Linn, (Moneywort).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. See J. M'Andrew. Wgt. J. M'Andrew.

Localities : Nithsdale Broomlands, Dr Gl.; Cludenbank, Th., Hn., C. E. M.; Dabton, Kirkbog, R. A. Annandale Cleugh, called Neese Linn, about half a mile from Kirkmichael Church, Dr Br.; Garpol, Beld Craig, J. Bl.; Eskrig, near Dumfries Road, G. Bl.

Lysimachia ciliata. linn.

Records : (Escape) Dfs, R. Armstrong, 1888. Kcd. R. H. Masterman, 1891.

Localities : Waterside farm wood, Kirkconnel Lodge, R. H. M.; near Dumfries, Hn.; Waterside, Morton, R. A.

Lysimachia nemorum. Linn, (Wood Pimpernel).

Records : Dfs.—Dx Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Glencaple, Hn.; common by Cluden and Nith, S.-E.; Scaur Water, Exc; Craighope Linn, Hn.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common Dryfe, G. Bl.; common Moffat, J. T. J.; Queensberry and Correifron (to 1700 feet), S.-E. Eskdale Very common below Langholm, S.-E., Hn.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl; to 1500 feet. White Hope, S.-E.

Appears May 18 to June 7, J. T. J. On damp humus, clay, road- sides, shingle, whinstone rocks ; usually in shade and wind-sheltered (in drains in the hills).

Visitors : Borborus equinus, May 26; Dolichopods S.-E.

Trientalis Europea. Linn,

Record : Dfs. A. Hutton.

Localities : Eskdale (Requires confirmation) A. Ht. Nithsdale Holywood, W. Bn.?

Glaux maritima. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Very common from half a mile below Kingholm Mill to the border, Hn., C. E. M., J. WL, S.-E.; Arbigland, Th.


Appears June, J.-E. Chiefly on barer parts of estuarine mud flats fully exposed, also on shingle and rarely on sand.

Anagrallis arvensis. Linn.

(Poor Man's Weatherglass, Pimpernel).

Records: 1075. Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. 1076. Coerulea, Kcd. Sir Mark Stewart, 1843. ^^^S^- —G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : Along the shore Portwilliam, Rosshill, Hn. ; South- wick (also 1076), P. Gr., J. H. Bl.; Priestside, S.-E.; common Annan to Gretna, S.-E. Nithsdale—V>Vim'ii\ts, F. W. G. ; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Capenoch, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Scroggs, G. Bl.; gardens (not in fields), J. T. J. Eskdale Bilholm, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Dry shingles of shore, boulder clay, garden soil, roadsides, holm- lands j in sun and wind.

Anag-allis tenella. Linn.

Records : Kcd.—V. Gray, 1848. ^/.— Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Portpatrick, J. H. Bl.; Moat, Dunsky, Arn., P. Gr.; Rosshill, G. C.; Garliestown, Hn.; Innerwell, Hn.; Laggan Hill, Hn.; Colvend, Port Ling, P. Gr., Fq., C. E. M.; Port o' Warren, St., S.-E.; Sol way coast near mouth of Nith, W. St.; Kirkconnel, M. W.

Appears June, S.-E. In marshy estuarine or inland bogs ; in sun, but often part wind-sheltered.

Centunculus minimus, linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836? Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883. Locality : Near Dumfries, J. Cr.*

Samolus valerandi. Linn,

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P.Gray, 1848. Wgt. Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore ('ommon Portpatrick, R. R.; Killi- ness, Am.; Whithorn, Portwilliam, Garliestown, Hn.; Ross, G. N. LI., G. C; Port o' Warren, S.-E.; Carbelly, Newabbey, Dr Gl.; Glencaple

* Both much require confirniatioi;.


Quay, p. Gr., F. W. G., Hn., C. E. M., Th.; Brow, S.-E.; Priestside, Ruthwell, Dr Br., S.-E.

Appears July, S.-E. On wet, peaty, or muddy ground by the sea ; usually in sun and wind.

Pinquicula vulg-aris. Linn. (Butterwort).

Records : I^/s. and J^cd.—F. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Glen, Holywood, Hn.j Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Auldgirth, S.-E.; Glenquhargen, Exc; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Hartfell and hills, Moffat Water, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale—Y2.xx2.'s> Water, Glencorfe, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl. (ascends to 2000 feet).

Appears May 24 to June 22, J. T. J. On wet moss, moss-covered stones or bare soil (peat, whinstone, boulder clay, trap) ; in sun and scarcely wind-sheltered.

Pinquicula lusitanica. Linn.

Records : Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843. Wgt. Dr Arnott, 1843. Localities : Loch Dee, Drumbuie, Barrhead, Balmaclellan, J. M'A.

Utricularia vulgaris. Linn. (Bladderwort).

Records: 1208. Vulgaris, Dfs. P. Gray, 1846. Kcd. P.Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890. 1209, Neglecta, Dfs. J. Corrie, 1891. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1885.

Localities: Barscraigh, Nunton, 1209, F. R. C, S.-E.; Lochar Moss, P. Gr.; Blackstone (850 feet), 1093, J. Cr.

In water of shallow ditches and ponds, in peat bogs, on mud of rich organic character.

Utricularia minor. Linn.

Records: Dfs. N. A. Dalzell, 1836. Kcd. Dr Burgess, 1789. Wgt.—^\^ H. Maxwell, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale— A^ochdiX Moss, near Racks, F. W. G.; East side Black Loch, about a mile S.W. from Kirkconnel, Dr Br.; Black- stone (857 feet), J. Cr. Annandale Applegarth, J. Sn. Eskdale Solway Moss, N. A. D.


Utricularia intermedia. Hayne.

Records : Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1887. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883. Locality : Nithsdale Loch Urr (700 feet), Girharrow, J. Cr.

Utricularia bremii. Heer. Record: j^/.— J. M 'Andrew, 1890 ? (doubtful).

Vinca minor. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882

Localities : Nithsdale Upper Newton, S.-E.; Castle-Douglas Road, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Dalswinton Woods, Exc. Annandaie —Old Well Road, J. T. J. ^jM?/^— Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Appears March 20 to May i. Escape fully naturalised; in sheltered half-shaded places on good soil.

Vinca major. Linn. Record : (Escape) Kcd. Mrs Thompson, 1893. Locality : Roadside, Colvend.

Fraxinus excelsior. Linn. (Ash). Records: Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Dumfries, S.-E.; Thornhill, R.A.; Ashcleugh, Dr Dv. Annandaie Craigieburn, J. T. J.; Beld Craig, F. W. G.

Prefers rich deep soil and exposure, A. M.

Ligfustrum vulg-are. Linn. (Privet).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. W^t. J. M'Andrew, 1883.

Localities : Common hedge plant everywhere.

Prefers shade and shelter, A. M.

Erythraea centaurium. Linn. (Centaury).

Records: 1086. Centaurium, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. JVgt.—Dr Arnott, 1848. ^. Capitata Koch, Kcd. Mrs Stewart, 1893. W^^t. J. M 'Andrew, 1890.


1088. Littoralis, Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.

Dumfries Herbarium, 1866. Wgt, J. H. Balfour, 1836.

1089. Pulchella, Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836.

Localities: Along the shore Portpatrick, 1086, 1088, Arn., J, H. Bl.; Kirkmaiden, 1086, b.,]. M'A.; Rerrick, Rosshill, G.N. LI.; South- wick, 1086 b.^ St.; Douglas Hall, Hn.; mouth of Nith on each side, 1086, 1088, 1089, J. Cru., W. St., P. Gr.; Kingholm Mill, S.-E.; Glen- caple, Hn.; 1089, C. E. M.; Caerlaverock, and common Annan to Kirtle mouth, S.-E.; Torduff, S.-E.

Appears on shingle, estuarine alluvium, boulder clay, etc.; in sun, usually against cliffs.

Visitors : Eristalis intricarius, Empis Hvida, Siphona geniculata, Hyelemyia, sp., S.-E.

Gentiana campestris. Linn. (Gentian).

Records: Dfs. S. W. Carruthers, 1890. Kcd. P. Gray, 1848. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Laught Wood, R. H. M.; Dalskairth Hill, P. Gr., R. H. M.; Glen, HiUhead, R. H. M.; Mabie, F. W. G.; Moniaive, J. Cr. (500 to 550 feet) ; Blacknest, Kirkbride, Newton, R. A.; Euchan, Barrmoor, Dr Dv. Annandale Valencines near Garpol, Alton, J. T. J.; Greygill Head, S. W. Ca.; Correifron, footpath to Craig- michen Scaurs, six to eight miles along Selkirk road, Birkhill, J. T. J. (from 500 to 850 feet).

Appears July 27 to September 6, J. T. J. On pastures of whinstone soil ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Menyanthes trifoliata. Linn. (Buckbean).

Records; Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Krd. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Wgf.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, Hn.; Somervile House, J. Cru.; Newton and by Cluden, S.-E.; Maryfield, Th., S.-E.; Merk- land, Exc; Girharrow (850 feet). Loch Urr (700 feet), J. Cr.; Dabton, Morton, R. A.; Black Loch, Dr Dv. Afinandak Common Archbank Moor, Parks, Meikleholmside Hill, Lochhouse, Chapel, Earshaig Lakes, etc., J. T. J. Eskdale—C^?,i\Q O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears May 24 to 26, J. T. J. Amongst rushes in alluvial or peaty marshes in full exposure.

Visitors : Apis abundant and sufficient ; also Bombus spp., S.-E.


Polemonium coepuleum. Linn,

Records: D/s. R. H. Masterman, 1891. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey Road, Calton's Loaning, P. Gr. ; Caerlaverock, R. H. M. ; Friars' Carse Loch, S.-E.

An escape establishing itself in marshy fields by hedges, etc.

Convolvulus apvensis. linn.

Records: (Escape)Zyi-.--Dr Davidson, 1886. ^^^.— J. M' Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Rockcliffe, Th. ; Locharbriggs, Hn. ; Sanquhar ? Dr Dv.

Convolvulus tricolor.

Record: (Escape) Dfs. Miss Hannay, 1892. Locality : Dumfries Station, Hn.

Convolvulus sepium. Linn.

Records: ^<r.— Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848. Wgt —J. M'Andrew, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Conheath, G. Go., P. Gr.; Southerness, Exc; Cluden Mill, C. E. M.; Moniaive by river, J. Cr.; Thornhill, Hn.; Cample, Rashbriggs, R. A. Aftnandale Hedge on side of burn below Stank House, Dr Dv.; Broom farm, G. Bl.

An outcast or escape along the shore, or by hedges, etc.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, Apathus quadricolor, Empis livida, Hn.

Convolvulus soldanella. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. [-f^/.— Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Monreith, J. M'A.; Killiness, Cowans, Arn.; Southerness, J. Fr.; Cummertrees, Gretna Green, S.-E.

On sandy shores in full exposure.

Cuscuta epilinum. Weiiie. Record : (Escape) Dfs. On flax near Dumfries, G. N. Lloyd, 1837.


Cuscuta epithymum. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Xcd. Dr Burgess, 1789. Locality : Castle-Douglas, Dr Br.

Mertensia maritima. Don. (Smooth Gromwell).

Records : ^^^.— Rev. G. M'Conachie, 1882. JVgf.—]. H. Balfour, 1836.

Localities : A/ong the shore West Tarbet, J. H. BL; Whiteport Bay, Rerrick, G. M'C.; Kirkmaiden, J. M'A.

Pulmonaria officinalis. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. G. Bell, 1892.

Localities : Catch Hall Loaning, Lockerbie, G. Bl.; Bilholm, Langholm, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 4, G. Bl.

Lithospermum arvense. Linn. (Gromwell).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. J. M' Andrew, 1882. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843.

Locality : Near Dumfries in cultivated fields, J. M'A.

Lithospermum officinale. Linn. (Gromwell).

Records: (Escape) Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1848. Wgt.—]. H. Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Alo?ig the shore Dundrennan Abbey, Fq., J. Fr.; Luce Abbey, J. H. Bl.; Southwick, P. Gr.; Tongland Bridge, F. R. C.

Myosotis palustris. With. (Forget-Me-Not).

Records: 1115. Palustris, Z>/j-. and ^^^. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. b. strigulosa, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

1 1 14. Coespitosa, Dfs.—\N. Stevens, 1848. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

1 1 16. Repens, Dfs.—W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—F. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.


Localities : Nithsdale 1115, common Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr.; Cargen, Hn.; Glencaple, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Crawick, Connelbush, 1114, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Atinandale 1115, common in lower part Annan, S.-E. (also 11 14, Hn.); Lockerbie, G. Bl.; Wamphray Water, 1114, J. T. J.; Craigmichen Scaurs, 11 14, J. T. J.; Selcoth, 1 1 14, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, 1114 and 11 16, W. St., E. F. L., J. T. J. (to 2000 feet at Loch Skene, J. T. J.). Eskdale—Vt.n\.Qr\, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears, 1114, July 26 to August 26, J. T. J.; 1115, xMay 26, J. T. J.

1 115 in ditches, usually in shallow water ; usually sheltered. 1114 and

1 1 16 in springs in mud in the hills, damp roadsides ; both exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Platychirius clypeatus, albimana, Hn.; Helophilus frute- torum, Hydrotea dentipes, Chortophila, sp., S.-E.

Myosotis sylvatica. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen, Hn., P. Gr. ; Cowhill, Ad. and S 1). J.; Cluden Woods, S.-E. ; Blackwood Linn, Exc. Annandale Dryfe, G. Bl. Eskdale Pretty common by Esk, Gilnockie, S.-E.

Gathered June 28, S.-E. On moist humus ; in shade and shelter.

Visitors : Platychirius clypeatus, Hn.

Myosotis arvensis. Roth.

Records: Dfs.~V. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

^ b. Umbrosa, D/s.—X^x Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

LocAi-iTiES : Nithsdale Very common Glencaple, Hn.; Glen, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. U. J.; Sanquhar (also var. ^.), Dr Dv. Annatidale Springkeld, S.-E.; Milke, G. Bl.; Auchencas (var. ^.), S.-E.; Craigie- burn, S.-E., etc.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Gilnockie, Glencorfe, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears May 4 to 7, J. T. J. On dry or damp roadsides, manure heaps ; var. ^., humus, waste ground, gardens, etc.; usually in shade and well wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Anthomyidse, many, S.-E. '


Myosotis eoUina. Hoffm.

Records: Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd. Rev. J. Fraser, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkniahoe, F. AV. G.

Myosotis versicolop. Pers.

Records: DJs. and Kcd, P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. C. C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities : Common in all the valleys to about 800 feet.

Appears May 7 to 15, J. T. J. On dry gravelly or sandy fields, cinders of railways, whinstone soils (arable) ; in full exposure to sun and wind.

Visitors : Sepsis cynipsea, Anthomyidae and Dolichopodidae, abundant, S.-E.

Lycopsis apvensis. Linn. (Bugloss).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Gilchrist, 1862. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities: Along the shore Arbigland, Exc; Clarencefield, Old Quay, Dr Gl.; Colvend, P. Gr.; Cummertrees, Ak. (I do not know Dr Davidson's locality).

Anchusa sempervirens. Linn. (Alkanet).

Records: Dfs. Rev. W. Bennet, 1890. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, Th., Hn.; Rosehall, Calton's Loaning, P. Gr.; roadside, Amisfield, J. Wg.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. |.; Sanquhar Castle, Dr Dv. Annandcile Hutton Manse, J. Wg.; Kirk- patrick-Juxta Manse, W. Bn., J. T. J.; Dumcrieff, Heatheryhaugh, W. Bn.

Roadsides in sun ; but partly wind-sheltered by hedges, etc.

Symphytum officinale. Linn. (Comfrey).

Records: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1846. Wgt.— Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

b. Patens, Dfs.—Vii F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common by Nith and Cluden, near Dum-


fries, Hn., S.-E.; Jardington, var. ^., F. W. G.; Irongray roadside (b.)^ R. H. M.; Routen Brig, S.-E.; Maxwelton House, Th.; Moniaive by river, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Templand Bridge, R. A.; Braeheads, Manse- pool, Kirkconnell, Dr Dv. Annandale Common lower part Annan, Th., S.-E.; Lochmaben, Exc; Garpol, Beld Craig, J. Sd.; Moffat, common, J. T. J., S. W. Ca.; Beeftub Road, S.-E. Eskdale Ewes Water, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn., and R. Bl.

Appears May 7 to June 4, J. T. J. In moist or wet holmlands of river banks ; half-shaded or in sun, and usually sheltered by banks or long grass.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, lucorum, pratorum, Hn., S.-E.

Symphytum asperrimum. Bab,

Records: (Escape) Dfs.—\)i Davidson, 1886. JVg^.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Auchengruith, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Symphytum tuberosum. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Z>/s. Dr Davidson, 1886. A'cd. J. M'Andrevv, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Templand Bridge, R. A.; North Kirkconnel Station, Dr Dv. Annandale Dumcrieff, J. T. J.

Echium vulgrare. Linn. (Viper's Bugloss).

Records: (Escape) Zyjr. J. Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Solway Moss, Herb.; Tinwald, J. Sn.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Auldgirth? J. Fn. Annandale— yio^ai, W. Ca.

Boragro officinalis. Linn. (Borage).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. Mrs Carthew-Yorstoun, 1886. Kcd, J. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgl.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Annandale Kerr, Crockspool, J. T. J. Eskdale Irvine, C. Y.

Hyoscyamus nig-er. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Wgt. Rev. J. Gorrie, 1891. Locality : Garlicstown Bay, Hn. Visitor : Bombus muscorum, Hn.


Solanum Dulcamara. Linn. (Bittersweet).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgf. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen Pow, Hn., C. E. M., J. M'A.; Castle-Douglas Road, C. E. M., Th.; Kingholm, P. Gr.; Glencaple, Hn.; Nith Bridge, Hn.; Lincluden Abbey, P. Gr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Dunscore, F. W. G.; Backwater Marsh, 330 feet, J. Cr.; Rash- briggs Round Plantation, R. A. Annandale Beside burn below Stank House, Dr Br.; Powfoot to Newbie, S.-E., Shillahill, G. Bl.; Holm and Beerholm, Annan Water, Middlegill, J. T. J.; Beattock, S.-E.

On broken pretty dry alluvial banks, boulder clay, shingle ; in sun and partly wind-sheltered.

Solanum nigrum, linn. (Nightshade). Record: Wgt. G. Graham, 1836.

Localities : Alo7ig the shore Portwilliam to Glenluce, J. H. Bl.; Sandhead, Portwilliam, G. Gr.

Atropa belladona. Linn. (Deadly Nightshade). Record : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789.

Localities : Among ruins of Abbey of Holy wood, Dr Br.; Loch- maben Castle, J. Sn.

Datura stramonium. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893. Kcd. J. C. Wilhs, 1894.

Localities : Garliestown, Hn.; Auchencairn, J. C. W.

Orobanehe major. Linn, (Broomrape).

Records : Dfs. Sir W. Jardine, 1837. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846.

Localities : Nithsdale Locharbriggs, J. Wl.; Kirkconnel Avenue, Harper; Harleybank, Ciuden Craigs, P. Gr.; White Bridge, Ru.; Dala- woodie, R. R.; Ciuden Mills, Hn.; Auldgirth, F. W. G.; Blackwood, Harv.; Thorn hill, J. M'A. Annandale Jardine Hall, Sir W. J.

On roots of broom ; full shade and shelter.

Orobanehe rubra. Linn.

Records: Kcd. and Wgt. Rev. J. Eraser, 1843.


Lathpaea squamapia. Linn. (Tooth wort). Records: D/s.—T. Brown, 1882. Xcd.—F. Gray, 1846.

Localities : Nithsdale Terregles, Dr Gl; Grove, P. Gr.; Scaur- water, T. Br. Annandale Craigieburn Wood, J. T. J.

Appears April, 1894. On hazel or elm roots, in humus ; well- shaded and sheltered.

Vepbascum thapsus. Linn. (Mullein).

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. Fraser, 1843. Wgt.—Q^. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Garliestown, Hn.; Rough Island, Th.; Ross Hill, G. C; Orchardton, J. M'A. /;?/rt//^— Maxwelltown Station, Hn., C. E. M.; Caerlaverock, J. Wl.; Dumfries, J. Sn.; Cow- hill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Amiandaie Jardine Hall, J. Wg. ^j/^^fl/<?— Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Antipphinum majus. Linn. Record: (Escape) IVgt, Mr Farquharson, 1873. Locality : Dundrennan Churchyard.

Linapia vulg-apis. Mill.

Records: Dfs.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1846. IVgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Cargen, Hn.; Glencaple, Hn., M. J. H.; Glen, F. W. G.; Tinwald, Locharbriggs, Hn.; Cluden Bridge, S.-E.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Redpaths, Nithbank, R. A.; G. & S.-W. Railway, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common by shore, Whinnyrigg to Browhouses, Caledonian Railway, Lockerbie, Lochmaben, Hn., S.-E. Eskdale Gretna Green, S.-E.; Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; Railway at Canobie, S.-E.

Appears June, S.-E. On dry cindery railway banks, boulder clay of cliffs, roadside banks, shingle, etc.; in full sun and wind exposure.

Visitors: Apis (stealing); Bombus hortorum, reg. and sufficient, lucorum (efficient?), S.-E.

Linapia minop. Desf.

Records: Dfs.—Dx F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883.


Localities : Annaiidale Common along the Caledonian Railway Line, Lockerbie, Lochmaben to Wamphray, Beattock, Moffat, F. W. G., S.-E. Eskdale Gretna Green, S.-E.

Confined to dry cindery soil of railway tracks.

Linaria cymbalaria. Mill.

Record: (Escape) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Old wall near Castledykes, M. J. H., Troqueer Churchyard, C. E. M. and on walls. Annandale Sandbed, xMoffat, J. T. J.

Linaria purpurea. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Wgt.— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Scrophularia nodosa, linn. (Figwort).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.~V. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common by Cargen, Cluden, Cairn and Nith, S.-E., C. E. M.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Kirtle mouth, Annan, Milke, Wamphray to Moffat, common, S.-E., J. T. J. Eskdale GvQtn^. Green, Glenzier, Sark, Liddel, Esk to Bentpath, and Castle O'er, S.-E., J. Wn., and R. Bl.

Appears June 11 to 14, J. T. J. On wet, damp, or fairly dry river banks, usually alluvial, boulder clay, or humus, also shingles and gravelly soil ; usually half-shaded or fully shaded, or in sun partly wind-sheltered by banks.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn., S.-E.; hortorum, S.-E.; Vespa sylvestris, abundant ; Allahtus Scrophularise, S.-E.

Scrophularia aquatica. Linn.

Records : Dfs.—]. Singer, 1843 (?) Kcd.—]. Eraser, 1882. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890. a. Balbisii, Kcd.—X)x F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1890.

Locality : Annan, J. Sn. (Lot's Wife, var ^., F. W. G.).


Scrophularia vernalis. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Zyr. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837-

Locality : Hoddaai Castle, Dr Br.

Mimulus luteus. Linn. (Monkey Flower).

Records: (Escape) 2^5. VV. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Dockwall, P. Gr., Hn., F. W. G.; Moat House, Exc; Cluden Mills, S.-E.; Ewanston (370 feet), Caitloch (429 feet), J. Sh., J. Cr.; Covvhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Friars' Carse to Auldgirth, S.-E.; Dunscore Road, Auldgirth, Th.; Thornhill, Cample, R. A.; Craig- hope Linn, Scaur, Hn.; Drumlanrig, W. St.; Cumnock, J. Fn. Atinan- da/e—Scroggs Mill, Abigailburn, G. Bl.; East Kirkpatrick-Juxta Kirk, F. A. H.; Adam's Holm Kerr, J. T. J.; Frenchland Burn, W. Bn. Eskdale Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E.

Moist shingles, trap, holmland by rivers and burns, roadsides ; half- shaded and well-sheltered.

Digfitalis purpurea. Linn. (Foxglove, Bloody Fingers, J. Shaw).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all valleys by rivers, linns, etc., to HOC feet.

Appears from June 7 to 20, J. T. J. On pretty dry slopes, on sandy soil, sandstones, holms, shingles, boulder clay (rarer on whin- stone) ; half-shaded or exposed ; usually wind-sheltered.

Visitors: Bombus hortorum, reg. and sufficient, S.-E., J. C. W.; muscorum, terrestris, J. C. W.

Veronica serpyllifolia. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Bailey, 1883.

b. humifusa, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale— ]2ixdi\r\g\.on^ Midnunnery, S.-E., Kirkmahoe, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandah Ecclefechan, Milke, Craigboar, S.-E.; Wellroad Moffat, Whitecoombe (2000 feet), var. b., J. T. J.


Eskdale Penton, Canobie, Gilnockie, Langholm, White Hope (1400 feet), S.-E.

Appears April 15 to May 20, J. T. J. On dry, rarely moist sods on old walls, sandy soil, holms, roadsides ; usually fully exposed in short turf.

Visitor : Anthomyia radicum, S.-E.

Veronica officinalis. Linn,

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Qj. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : NUhsdale Cargen, F. W. G ; Glen Hills, above Grove, Maxwelltown Station, Cluden Valley, Th., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Tundergarth, Kirkmichael, Beeftub, S.-E. ; Moffat, Black's Hope, J. T. J. Eskdale Burnghaell's Head, common by Esk to Langholm, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.; White Hope, Causey Grain (1400 feet), S.-E.

Appears June 7 to 25, J. T. J. On dry, rarely moist whinstone rocks, old walls, shingles, roadsides, boulder clay, cinders of railways, etc.; in sun or shaded (often under beech), usually quite exposed in short turf or bare places.

Visitor : Bombus lucorum, S.-E.

Veronica anagrallis. Linn.

Records: Dfs, and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, P. Gr. ; Cargen and Tribu- taries, F. W. G., M. J. H., Hn., S.-E.; Maxwelltown Loch, F. W. G. Annandale Kirtlebridge Quarry, S.-E.; Kerr, along ditches from Putts to Hydropathic, Moffat ; Annan Water, J. T. J.

Appears June 22 to July 5, J. T. J. Usually in sluggish steams from six inches to a foot deep, part sheltered in ditches, etc.

Veronica beccabunga. Linn. (Brooklime).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—-G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to at least 1000 feet."

Appears June 1 to 14, J. T. J. In wet ditches, by roadsides, shingles, etc.; usually in sun and part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Platychirius clypeatus, very abundant, peltatus, albimana, Rhingia rostrata, Empis bihneata, Siphona geniculata, Hydrotea dentipes, Hyetodesia incana, S.-E.



Veronica scutellata. Linn.

Records : Z>/^. Professor Balfour, 1863. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt—A. Bennet, 1882.

Localities : M'f/isda/e —Merse, J. M*A., S.-E.; New Loch, R. A.; Ulzieside Fold, Grange mill dam, Dr Dv. A?inandale Carterton, Carrick, G. Bl.; Castle Loch and Halleaths, G. Bl., S.-K; Beld Craig, J. H. Bl.; Beattock hill and meadows, ^. T. J.; Adam's Holm, Minny- gap, J. T. J.; Wellburn, Carr, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail (to 900 feet), J. T. J.

Appears May 26 to June 21, J. T. J. In marshy ground, ditches, etc.; usually part shaded and sheltered by long grass, etc.

Veronica montana. Linn. Records: Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846.

Localities : Nithsdale Mavisgrove, P. Gr.; Colonel's Wood, Hn.; along Cargen and Glen, Hn., S.-E.; Irongray Manse Linn, P. Gr.; Tinwald, Dr Sn.; along Nith, Lincluden, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Auldgirth Linn, Exc. Annandale Dalebank Wood, Annan, Dr Sn.; Dryfe, Tundergarth, G. Bl.; Garpol, Beld Craig, J. T. J. Eskdale— Scotch Dyke, Penton, Tarras, Byreburn, Esk below and above Lang- holm, S.-E.

Appears April 24, G. Bl.; June 5 to 16, J. T. J. On wet humus, usually over whinstone or alluvium ; in shade or half-shaded and wind- sheltered.

Visitors : Platychirius albimana, Syrphus ribesii, Borborus equinus, Hyelemia strigosa, Anthomyia radicum, Hyetodesia, sp., reg. and abundant ; Chortophila, sp., S.-E.

Veronica chamaedrys. Linn. (Bird's Eye Speedwell).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. Pilosa, Bfs.—G F. Scott-Elliot, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Common to Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Beeftub (1300 feet), S.-E. Eskdale Very common to Castle O'er, J. Wn., R. Bl; White Hope, Causey Grain Head (1500 feet), S.-E.

Appears April 30 to May 5. On moist or dry roadsides, holms, shingles, humus, whinstone soils, clay, cinders of railways ; usually in sun and part wind sheltered by long grass.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, Hn.; Ascia podagrica, Anthomyia sulciventris, radicum, Chortophila, sp , S.-E.


Veronica hederaBfolia. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. WgL—]. M 'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : iV^V/^^^a/^— Ruth well, M. J. H.; Newabbey Road, Hn.; Broomlands, C. E. M.; Auldgirth Station, Exc; Nith Mills, Dr Dv. Annandale Ruthwell shore, M. J. H.; Douglas Bridge, Locker- bie, G. Bl

Appears April 19, G. Bl. On dry roadsides, garden or bare waste ground, cinders of railways ; half-shaded or in sun and usually wind- sheltered.

Visitor : Orchisa minor, S.-E.

Veronica agrestis. Linn.

Records: 1167. Polita, Dfs.—Y. Gray, 1876. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883. 1 168. Agrestis, Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dale Cummertrees, Ak.; M Water, Th.; Vicarland, Annan Water, J. T. J.; Crooks, 1167, J. T. J. Eskdale—Q,2cc\o\^\Q, S.-E.

Appears February 25 to September, J. T. J. Common weed in gardens, waste ground, cinders, sandy holms ; usually exposed.

Veronica buxbaumii. Ten.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. P. Gray, 1846. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1885. Wgt.—Q. C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Rosehall, Dumfries, P. Gr. Eskdale Woodslee, S.-E.

Veronica arvensis. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Arbigland Beach, Th.; near Dumfries, common, P. Gr.; along G. and S.-W. Railway, S.-E.; Holywood, Hn., Dr Dv. Annandale Kirtlebridge, along Caledonian Railway and Dumfries Branch, common, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Canobie, Gilnockie, Langholm Hill, Bexburn, Meggat, Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E.

Appears April 22, G. Bl.; May 8 to June 3, J. T. J. On dry cinders of railways, sandy soil, waste ground, turf on old walls, shingles, stony till ; usually exposed, on ground bare of other plants.


Baptsia viscosa. Linn.

Records: J^cd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgf. Dr Graham, 1836. Localities : Dumfries, P. Gr.; Glasserton, Portwilliam, Dr Gr.

Bartsia odontites. Huds.

Records: B/s. and J^cd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, F. W. G.; Holy wood, Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, Loch- maben, Lockerbie, G. BL, S.-E.; common Moffat, J. T. J.; Capelgill (600 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Glenzier, E. Ty.; Canobie, common, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 31 to September 6, J. T. J. On bare, dry roadsides ; fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, abundant and sufficient, S.-E.

Euphrasia officinalis. Linn. (Eyebright).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883. b. gracilis, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Jardington, Dalawoodie, S.-E.; Cowhill,' Ad. and S. D. J.; Closeburn, Dr Gl.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Beatiock Hill, var b.^ J. T. J. (reaching 2300 feet) ; Loch Skene, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common Wauchope, White Hope (1400 feet), S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 4 to 27, J. T. J. On dry or damp slopes of boulder clay, sand of seashore, holms, whinstone soils, roadsides, granite, peat ; usually exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Bombus lucorum, S.-E.; hortorum, Hn.; Allantus nothi, Andrena coitana, Hn.; Helophilus pendulus, Melanostoma mellina, Hn.; Platychirius manicatus, clypeatus, Sericomyia borealis, S.-E.

Rhinanthus cristag-alli. Linn. (Yellow Rattle).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, reaching 2300 feet. Loch Skene.

Appears June i to 20, J. T. J. On dry or rarely marshy sandy


holms, whinstone rocks, granite, along the shore ; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Bombus lapidarius, Hn.; lucorum, abundant and suffi- cient ; pratorum, abundant and sufficient, S.-E.

Pedicularis palustris. Linn. (Lousewort).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Newton, S.-E.; Holywood, Ad. and S. D. J.; Dunscore, Dr Gl.; San- quhar, Dr Dv., etc. Annandale Lochmaben, S.-E., Hn.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale—'Y\i^ Flow, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl. Elevation up to 1200 feet.

Appears May 24 to June 25, J. T. J. In wet peaty marshes ; fully exposed.

Visitor : Bombus lucorum, S.-E.

Pedicularis silvatica. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. JVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey, Grove, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annafidale Lochmaben, S.-E.; Moffat (to 1300 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale—C:i?>WQ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears May 2, G. Bl.; May 24 to June 11, J. T. J. On moist peat marshes, sandy holms, whinstone soils, etc.; exposed to wind and sun.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, reg. and sufficient ; lucorum, reg. and sufficient, S.-E.

Melampypum arvense. Linn.

Record: /^/.— "Var hians," G. C. Druce, 1883.

Melampyrum pratense. Linn, (Cow Wheat).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. d. montanum, Dfs. Dr Balfour, 1856.

Localities : Nithsdale Glencaple, C. E. M.; Cargen, Glen, Hn., F. W. G.; Woodlands, Routen Brig, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Craighope Linn, Hn., R. A.; Carron, R. A.; Euchan Glen, Dr Dv.


Annandale Kirtlebridge, S.-E.; Gimmonbie, G. Bl.; Black's Hope, Correifron, var. d.^ J. T. J.; Andrewswhinnie, var d.^ J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, vars. a, and d., Dr Bl, J. T. J. Eskdale—ToxdxSi shore, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl. Elevation 300 to 2000 feet, J. T. J.

Appears June 14 to 22, J. T. J. On dry, shallow soil over whin- stone rocks ; usually in shade and wind-sheltered (var d. exposed).

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, abundant and sufficient ; Bombus pratorum, abundant and sufficient ; Bombus terrestris (biting holes), S.-E.

Melampyrum silvaticum. linn.

Record : Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Locality : Queen Mary's Cave, G. N. LI.

Lycopus Eupopaeus. Linn. (Gipsy Wort).

Records : Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt.—Y)x Graham, 1836.

Localities: Nithsdale Tinwald, Dr Sn.; Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr. Annandale Castle and Halleaths Lochs, Lochmaben, G. Bl., S.-E.

Mentha sylvestris. Linn.

Records: 12 19. Alopecuroides, Wgt. G. V,. Druce, 1883.

1220. Longifolia, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1858. Kcd. Mrs Stewart, 1893.

Localities : A'/V/^i'^^/i?— Newabbey, St. Annandale Beld Craig, J. Sd., J. T. J. ^^/^^^/^— Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

On wet paths, St.

Mentha viridis. Linn. (Spear Mint).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Locality : Riddings by waterside, J. T. J.

Mentha piperita. Huds.

)e) Z>/i-.— J.' Fingland, 18^

Locality : Ditch glebe, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Records: (Escape) Z>/$-. J.* Fingland, 1887. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

FLokA 6^ DUMt'RiESSrtiRfi. 135;

Mentha aquatica. Linn.

Records: 1224. Hirsuta, J^s. P. Gray, 1876. Xcd. F. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt.-~G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries Dock Wall, 1224, P. Gr., Hn., Sanquhar (?), Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, Exc; Adamsholm, J. T. J. ^^^^^/^— Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Appears August 7, J. T. J. In wet, marshy clay.

Visitors : Pieris napi, Vanessa urticae, Polyommatus phloeas, J. C. W.; Bombus muscorum, Hn., J. C. W.; Apathus quadricolor, Hn.; campestris, J. C. W.; Halictus rubicundus, J. C. W.; Eristalis tenax, Hn., J. C. W.; aeneus, horticola, J. C. W.; Volucella pellucens, and seven Anthomyids and Coleoptera, J. C. W.

Mentha sativa. Linn.

Records : 1225. Sativa, Dfs.—T. B. Bell, 1882. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.* a. rivalis, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. 1226 Rubra, Kcd. P. Grayj 1850. 1229. Gentilis, Z>/j. Dr Walker, 1789.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, 1225 a., Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, Exc; Adamsholm, J. T. J.; Moffat Water, below Correifron, 1229, Dr Wl. Eskdale T. B. Bl.

Appears August 7.

Mentha arvensis. Linn,

Records : Dfs, Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

b. nummularia, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities: Nithsdale Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Maxwelltown, Hn. Dumfries, S.-E., Sanquhar, ^., Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, S.-E. Archbank fields, J. T. J. Eskdale Canobie, E. Ty.; Gilnockie, S.-E. Langholm, C. Y.

Appears August 11, J. T. J. On dry corn fields, specially on boulder clay ; in part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Scatophaga stercoraria, Siphona cristata, Hydrotea den- tipes, Lophius albomarginatus, Telephorus fulvus, Hn.

* These are all doubtful as records of the sub-species.


Mentha puleg*ium. Linn. (Pennyroyal). Record: (Escape) Z>/ir. Dr Singer, 1843. Locality : Holywood, Dr Sn.

Thymus serpyllum. Fr, (Thyme).

Records: 1234. Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. 1235. Chamaedrys, Wgf. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Nith, Hn.; Cluden Mills, Routen Brig, S.-E.; Glenquhargen, Hn. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, M, S.-E.; Evan Water, S.-E.; Kerr, J. T. J.; Beeftub, Black's Hope, and Loch Skene (to 2400 feet), J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Lang- holm, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 14 to 22, J. T. J. On dry, often bare whinstone rocks, old walls, shingles, trap, boulder clay ; often half-shaded and sheltered or quite exposed.

Visitors : Apis, abundant and sufficient ; Bombus lucorum, Apathus quadricolor, Calliphora erythrocephala, Micropalpus vulpuiia, (Cynomyia mortuorum ?), S.-E.

Origranum vulgfare. Linn, (Marjoram).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. ^^^- P- Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Doocot Knowe, R. A. Anna?tdak Westerhall, Dr Sn.; about a mile along Milke below and above Scroggs, G. Bl.

Calamintha acinos. Clairu. (Basil Thyme).

Records : (Escape) Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Troqueer, J. Fr.; first mile along Castle- Douglas Road, Glen, P. Gr.; Cargen Bridge, F. W. G.

Calamintha clinopodium. Benth. (Basil).

Records : Dfs.—]. Wilson, 1882 (?). Kcd.—]. Fraser, 1843. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1^90.

Localities : Nithsdale Scaur, Keir Bridge, R. A. Annandale Annan to Gretna shore, S.-E.; Milke above Scroggs, G. BL; Dryfe,


G. Bl.; Wamphray, Craigbeck Bridge, Grey Mare's Tail, Craigmichen Scaurs (500 to 2000 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale Liddel Railway Bridge, S.-K; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears August 12 to September 7, J. T. J. On pretty dry slopes of cinders, sandy gravel, stony till, on alluvium ; in sun or shade and part wind- sheltered.

Visitor : Bombus muscorum, S.-E.

Nepeta g-leehoma. Benth. (Ground Ivy).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray 1850. IVgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale -Caerlaverock, S.-E.; common Nith, Hn., C. E. M.; Grove, Friars' Carse, S.-E.; Tynron (400 feet), J. Sh.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annanda/eShieldhiW, Milke, S.-E.; Heathery Haugh, J. T. J. ^j->^^^/^— Gilnockie, S.-E.

Appears April 30, J. Sh.; to May 24, J. T. J. On pretty dry banks by roads, whinstone, sandstones, dykes, humus, etc.; half or quite shaded and wind-sheltered.

Visitor : Bombus muscorum, abundant and sufficient, S.-E.

Prunella vulg-aris. Linn. (Self-heal).

Records: B/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wg^. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cluden Bridge, and very common Dum- fries, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan, Kirtlebridge, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common everywhere to Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 20 to 25, J. T. J. On dry or moist shingles, holms, boulder clay, whinstone soils, granite, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, abundant and sufficient, S.-E., J. C. W.; terrestris, J. C. W.

Scutellapia g-alericulata. Linn. (Scull-cap).

Records : Dfs,—]. Sadler, 1858. Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgf. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Southerness, Exc; Brow (Lochar), S.-E.; Lincluden below Abbey, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Loch Urr (700 feet), J. Cr.; Friars' Carse Loch, S.-E., DrGl.; Laught Road, New


Loch, R. A. Annandale Lochmaben (Castle and Halleaths Lochs), J. T. J., Th., S.-K, G. Bl.; Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sd.

On sandy often shelly or gravelly loch margins ; half-shaded and in part wind-sheltered by gras§, etc.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, muscorum, S.-E.

Scutellaria minor. Linn.

Records : Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.-^Dr Balfour (1836?).

Localities: Portwilliam, Dr BL; Trostrie Loch, T. Bl; Conaughty field, Diindrennan, G. N. LI.; Auchencairn, J. C. W.; Aird's Point, Murbroy, Laggan Hill, J. Fr., F. W. G., Th., Hn.

Marrubium vulg-are. Linn. (Horehound).

Becords: (Escape) Z>/^. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. Natural History Society ?

Locality : Holywood, Dr Sn.

Stachys betonica. Bentli. (Betony).

Records: Dfs. lL)x Singer, 1843. J^^^^- Mr Maughan, 1789. Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey, E. M. C.; Caerlaverock, J. Fn.; Glen, Hn.; Holywood, Dr Sn.; Auldgirth, F. W. G., J. Fn.; Scaur, Th.; common Euchan and Euchanmouth to Elliock Bridge, J. Sh., Dr Dv. Annanda/e—GimmenbiQ, G. Bl.; Selkirk Road, Moffat, J. T. J.; Beld Craig, Garpol, Grey Mare's Tail, J. Sn. Eskdale Kirkandrews, E. Ty. (under 600 feet).

Appears June 30, G. Bl; August to September, J. T. J. On pretty dry roadsides or humus ; half-shaded and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, abundant and sufficient, Hn., S.-E.; muscorum, pratorum, Hn.

Stachys silvatica. Linn. (Woundwort).

Records : Z^f.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, reaching 1400 feet Whitehope.

Appears June 24 to 29, J. T. J. On moist leaf-mould, clayey holms, roadsides ; in shade and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, lucorum, pratorum, S.-E.; Platy- chirius clypeatus, Hn.


Staehys palustris. Linn.

Records: Palustris, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt Dr Balfour, 1836. Palustris x sylvatica, Z^. J. T, Johnstone, 1889. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.—T>i Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Nithsdale Kingholm Mill, S.-E.; Cargen, M. J. H.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Brow-well, F. W. G.; Annan, Halleaths, S.-E.; Lochmaben, Th. ; Craigbeck (x sylvatica), J. T. J.; Hydropathic grounds, J. T. J. Eskdale Glenzier, E. Ty.; Castle O'er, J. Wl. and R. Bl

Appears June 22 to 24, J. T. J. In moist holms, by roadsides, cinders of railways ; usually in sun and part wind-sheltered by long grass.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, abundant and sufficient, Hn., S.-E., J. C. W.; hortorum, Hn., J. C. W.; lucorum, S.-E.; Anthidium mani- catum, J. C. W.; Platychirius peltatus, S.-E.; manicatus, albimanus, Melanostoma scalare, Rhingia rostrata, Anthomyia radicum, J. C. W.

Staehys arvensis. Linn.

Records: Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1882. Wgt—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Galeopsis tetrahit. Linn.

Records: 1260. (Versicolor) Z>/>. Sir J. G. Cullum, 1789. Kcd.

—P. Gray, 1850.

1 261. Tetrahit, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—].

M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

b. bifida, Dfs.—]. T. Johnstone, 1890. Wgt.—

G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Glencaple, Hn.; common Dumfries, 1260,

1 26 1, F. W. G., S.-E., Hn., C. E. M., Th.; Old Barr, Greenhead, Wan-

lockhead, 1260, Dr DV. Annandale Priestside Flow, Kirtle, abundant,

S.-E.; Beld Craig, 1260, J. Sd.; Craigbeck, 1261 b., ]. T. J.; Moffat,

very common, J. T, J. Eskdale Gretna Green, 1260, Sir J. G. C.j

Esk valley, common, S.-E.; Castle O'er J. Wn. and R. Bl. (to 800 feet).

Appears June 30 to July 8, J. T. J. In moist or dry corn fields, on boulder clay, holms, sandstones ; usually in sun and wind-sheltered by grass or other plants.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, Hn., S.-E., J. C. W.; lucorum, Hn., S.-E.; hortorum, Hn.; terrestris, J. C. W.; Syrphus balteatus, Hn.; Platychirius peltatus, Hn.


Lamium amplexicaule. Linn.

Records: 1263. Amplexicaule, Bfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

1264. Intermedium, Z>/5-. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd. Field Club Excursion, 1893. IVgt. Dr Graham, 1836.

Localities : iV///^^^«/(?— Southerness, also 1264, Exc; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Brownhall, J. Cru.; Fourmerkland, Th.; Auldgirth Station, 1264, Exc; Tynron, J. Sh.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Afinandale Annan Station, S.-E., C. E. M. ^^^^a/^— VVoodslee Orchard, S.-K; Irving House, C. Y.

On dry cinders or sandy waste ground ; fully exposed or part wind- sheltered by long grass.

Lamium purpureum. Linn,

Records: 1266. Purpureum, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: iV/V/^j-^/^/^— Carsethorn, E. M. C.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Glencaple, F. W. G.; Newton, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Along the shore, common, S.-E.; Scroggs, G. Bl.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. ^i-^^^/^— Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears Jan. 3, G. Bl.; March 23 to May 28, J. T. J. On dry or moist garden soil, waste ground free of other plants, cinders of stations, boulder clay, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitor : Bombus muscorum, reg. and sufficient, S.-E.

Lamium album. Linn.

Records: Dfs. an^ Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt.— KQw. J. Gorrie, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey, Lincluden, Cargen, Hn.; Dum- fries, F. W. G.; Nun wood corner of Terregles Park, S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Thornhill, R. A.; Carco, Dr Dv. Annandale Lockerbie, Hn.; seven miles north of Annan, S.-E.; Chapel Farm (700 feet), J. T. J. Eskdale—^^k, Meggat, S.-E.

Appears May 21 to June 30, J. T. J. In wet or moist ditches by roadsides ; half-sheltered by long grass or hedges.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, terrestris hortorum, Hn.; Syrphid, S.-E.


Lamium maeulatum. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Kcd. J. M'Andrevv, 1882. Locality : Grove Road, Hn.

Lamium graleobdolon. Grantz.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Ethel Taylor, 1892. Locality : Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Teucpium scorodonia. Linn. (Wood Sage).

Records : Bfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Ntthsdak—Yevy common Cluden Mills, S.-E.; San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Common Powfoot shore, S.-E.; Catch Hall Loaning, G. Bl.; Moffat, very common, J. T. J. Eskdale Com- mon Langholm, Meikledale, Mosspaul, S.-E. (to 1500 feet).

Appears June 25 to July 3. On dry whinstone rocks, granite, shingles of shore ; usually half-shaded and in part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Apis, S.-E.; Apathus campestris, J. C. W.; Bombus muscorum, abundant reg., Hn., J. C. W., S.-E.; hortorum, J. C. W., Hn.; pratorum, abundant and sufficient, S.-E.; terrestris, J. C. W.; Syrphus, sp., S.-E.

Ajuga reptans. Linn. (Bugle).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common by Nith and Cluden, S.-E.; Carron Glen, C. E. M.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Afmandale Moffat, very common (to 2000 feet), Correifron, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common by Esk, Tarras, etc. (to 1400 feet), Archie Hill, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 23, J. Bl.; May 15 to 20, J. T. J. On moist humus, holmlands, loadsides, etc.; in shade or half-shaded and usually wind- sheltered.

Visitors : Bombus muscorum, abundant and sufficient ; Rhingia rostrata, Platychirius albimana, S.-E.

Ajug-a pyramidalis. Linn.

Record : Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1888.

Locality : A7inandale—^\2iQ}^?> Hope, J. T. J.

Appears May 23, J. T. J. On pretty dry grass ledges amongst whinstone rocks, about 1250 feet.


Statice limonium. Linn. (Sea Lavender).

Records: 1054. Limonium, AV^. and JVgf. Mr Maughan, 1789.

1055. Rariflora, Xcd. ^^Dr Arnott, 1848. Wof.—Dr

Graham, 1836.

1056. Auriculaefolia, IV^f. Dr Balfour, 1843.

a. occidentalis, IVgt J. M 'Andrew, 1890 d. intermedia, JVgf. J. M 'Andrew, 1890.

Localities: Along the shore Mull, 1055, Dr Gr.; 1056, J. M'A. West Tarbet, 1056 «., J. M'A.; Orchardton Bay to Garliestown, 1054 1055, Dr Bl, J. M'A., Hn.;**Burran Point, P. Gr.; Borgue, Ross, J M'A.; St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbright, Mau., G. N. LI., J. M'A.; Auch encairn Bay, J. M'A., C. E. M.; Rockcliffe, 1055, Bab.

On muddy ground along the shore, Fq.

Visitors : Bombus hortorum, Melegethes, sp., J. C. W.

Armepia vulgaris. Willd. (Thrift).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Very common from Newabbey to Kingholm and thence left bank to Cumberland border, Hn., S.-E.; Loch Skene, J. Sd.

On estuarine mud below level, highest tides ; fully exposed.

Visitors : Bombus pratorum, Syrphus corollae, Hn.; Anthomyia radicum, Dolichopods, Hilara maura, S.-E.

Plantagro majop. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. fVgt.—C. C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 600 feet.

On bare ground by roadsides, shingles at rivers and shore ; in full exposure.

Plantagfo media. Linn.

Records: B/s.—F. Gray, 1850. J^cd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. Annandale Torduff Point, S.-E.; Westburn above Clarefoot, J. T. J.

Appears July 25. On stones, concrete, sandy ground, river shingles ; fully exposed. ^


Plantagro lanceolata. Linn. (Plantain).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1400 feet, White- hope, S.-E.

Appears April 14, G. Bl. In short turf, bare rocks, river shingles, etc., on all soils except peat, and usually exposed ; rarely in shade and wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Polyommatus icarus (Bombus, sp.; Apis, c. p., also rarely Platychirius, sp., c. p.), S.-E.

Plantag-o maritima. Linn.

Records : Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Very common from Kingholm Merse to Cumberland border, F. W. G., S.-E., Hn., E. Ty.

On wet estuarine mud ; fully exposed.

Plantagfo coronopus. Linn. (Buck's Horn).

Records : Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Three miles from Dumfries, P. Gr.; Annan mouth and occasionally to Gretna Bridge, S.-E.

Bare places on estuarine mud, sandstone quays, shingles ; fully exposed.

Littopella lacustris. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—Dx Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Cluden above Lincluden Abbey, P. Gr.;

Morton Mains Loch, R. A. Annandale Castle, Kirk, Mill and

Halleaths Lochs, Lochmaben, Dr Br., S.-E.; Loch Skene, Dr Bl., J. T. J.

On wet mud, margins of lochs ; often over-flowed or exposed.

Scleranthus annuus. Linn. (Knowel).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1796. Kcd, P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C Druce, 1883.


Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, F. W. G.; Maxwelltown, Hn.; Racks, Holywood, S.-E.; Kirkmahoe, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv, Annan- dale—^^ Annan, Moffat, J. T. J. ^^/^^^/^— Canobie, E. Ty., S.-E.; Langholm, S.-E.; Broomholm (S. Polycarpos), Dr Br.

Appears May i8, J. T. J. On dry sandy waste ground bare of other plants.

Salicornia herbacea. Linn. (Glasswort).

Records : Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. Mr Farquharson, 1873. Wgt.—Qx. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Common Southerness, J. M*A.; Corbelly, Newabbey, Dr Gl.; Glencaple, Hn.; Annan mouth, Dr Sn.

On wet estuarine mud ; usually part sheltered from wind.

Suseda maritima. Dumort.

Records : ^<r^.— Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1867. IVgl. J. M 'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Along the i-/^^/-^— Wigtown, J. M'A.; Port Yerrick, Eggerness, Hn.; Southwick, St.; Auchencairn, J. C. W.; Brighouse, H. R. C; Ross, G. C; Colvend Scaur, Th., Fq.; Southerness, Th.

On mud of salt marshes, Th.

Salsola kali. Linn. (Saltwort).

Records: Dfs. J. Fingland, 1891. ^<r^.— Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1867. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Lag Point, Monreith, J. M'A.; Ross, G. C; Arbigland to Southerness, C. E. M.; Glencaj)le, Hn.; Powfoot to Newbie, J. Fn.

Sandy shores.

Chenopodium vulvaria. Linn.

Record: (Escape) i^<:^. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1867. Locality : Ross.

Chenopodium album. Linn.

Records: Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. Mrs Gilchrist-Clark, 1867. Wgt.—(:,. C. Druce, 1883. a. Candicans, Dfs. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.


b. Viride, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. J.M'Andrew,


c. Paganum, Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdak Dumfries, P. Gr., and var. ^., F. W. G.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; common Sanquhar, var. b.^ Dr Dv. Annan- dale Waste ground and fields, J. T. J.; var. ^., waste ground, J. T. J.

Chenopodium urbicum. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Dfs.—Q. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Locality : Wellburn, Moffat, S.-E.

Chenopodium bonus henricus. Linn.

(Good King Henry).

Records: Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Qs. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdak Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Locharbriggs, Hn.; Auldgirth Station, S.-E.; Druidhall, Penpont, J. Sh.; Templand, Duris- deer, R. A.; Craighope Linn, Hn. Annandak Queensberry Foot, Dr Gl.; Wellburn, Comal Tower Burn, Craigbeck, Craigieburn, J. T. J. Eskdak Irvine, Langholm, Burnfoot, S.-E.

Appears May 28 to July 5, J. T. J. On waste ground, railway cinders, gardens, river shingles ; fully exposed.

Beta maritima. Linn.

Records : Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. JVgt.—Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : A/ong the shore Cowans, Port Logan, Arn.; Wigtown, J. M'A.; Creetown, J. M'A.

Atriplex portulacoides. Linn.

Records: Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Mull, Dr Bl., Dr Gr.; Garliestown, Hn.

Atriplex patula. Linn. (Orache).

Records: 1307. Littoralis.

b. serrata(?), Kcd. and Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1888. 1308. Patula, Dfs.—]. Fingland (1886?). Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882



b. erecta, n/s.—\N. Stevens, 1848. Wgt.—Dx

Balfour, 1843.

c. angustifolia, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.

and W}rt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

1309. Hastata, JDfs.—\N. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.— Ox. C.

Druce, 1883.

1 3 10. Deltoidea, Kcd. and Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

131 1. Babingtonii, Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.

G. C. Druce, 1883. Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, in fields, common, S.-E.; Thorn- hill and Drumlanrig, 1308 b. and 1309, W. St.; Sanquhar, 1308^., Dr Dv. Annandale Annan to Kirtle mouth, S.-E.; Powfoot to Newbie, J. Fn.' Eskdale—Qxxevcidi shore, S.-E.; Burnfoot, S.-E.

Sandy places on shore, fields on light sandy soil, S.-E. (1308 ^., dunghills, W. St.).

Atriplex rosea. Linn.

Records : Kcd. and Wgt. Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Along the shore Drummore, Cowans, Arn.; Port- william, Hn.; Whitethorn, Southerness, Dr Bl.; Glencaple, Hn.

Muddy shingles.

Rumex aquaticus. Linn.

Records : Zyjr.—W. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Beattock, Kd.; Beld Craig, J. Sd., J. T. J.

Rumex crispus. Linn.

Records: B/s. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Common Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J.

Dry ditches, pretty common to 600 feet.

Rumex obtusifolius. Linn.

Records : Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality: Very common in all the valleys.

Along roadsides, boulder clay, holms, etc.; fully exposed.


Rumex hydrolapathum. Huds.

Record: (Escape) ^r^. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Locality : Lovers' Walk, Carlingwark.

Rumex conglomeratus. Murr.

Records: Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883.* Wgt—G. C. Dmce, 1883* Locality : None given.

Rumex sanguineus. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—Dr Gilchrist, 1882. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt.—Dr Balfour, 1843.

b. viridis, Dfs. Ur Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M 'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys. Along the shore, on shingles of rivers, roadsides, sandy holms, etc.; fully exposed to wind and sun.

Rumex alpinus. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Z>/^. W.Stevens, 1848.

Locality : Eccles, Penpont and Closeburn Mills, W. St.

Rumex friesii. Bab.

Record: (Escape) ^jt.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Locality : Bilholm, S.-E.

Rumex acetosa. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1500 feet. Causeway Grain,

Appears May 3, J. T. J. On dry or moist holms by rivers, sandy soil, shingles, old walls ; usually in sun or half-shaded, and in part wind- sheltered by long grass, etc.

* Require confirmation.


Rumex acetosella. Linn.

Records: Bfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 2300 feet, Loch Skene.

Appears May 4, J. T. J. On dry whinstone rocks, trap rocks, shingles of rivers, gravelly till, sandy holms, etc.; usually exposed or in part wind-sheltered.

Oxypia renifopmis. Hook.

Record* : Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843.

Localities : Aiinandale Hartfell Craigs, Black's Hope, Correifron, J. T. J., S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, Dr Sn., Kd., Dr Bl., J. Sd., T. Bl., W. S. H., S. W. Ca.

Appears May 24 to June 22, J. T. J. On dry whinstone rocks in moist atmosphere, from 1700 to 2300 feet ; usually in narrow, and there- fore wind-sheltered gullies.

Polygronum aviculape. Linn. (Knotgrass).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. W^t.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 800 feet.

Appears June 30 to July 9. In cultivated fields, by roadsides, cinders of railway stations ; fully exposed.

Polygonum mapitimum. Linn.

Records: Var. Roberti, Dfs.—Q. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Dr Graham, 1836.

Localities : Along the shore Portpatrick, S.-E.; Kirkmaiden, Dr BL; Drummore, Cowans, Am.; Portwilliam, Hn.; Rerrick, G. M'C.; the Brow to Kirtle mouth, Annan, S.-E.

On sand or shingles by sea, waste ground and roadsides ; fully exposed.

* This is one of the most flagrant examples known to me of " record-making." A record was pubhshed as new in 1888, althoiifjh it has been, at least, seven times published before, and speci- mens existed in London, Edinburgh, and Dumfries.


Polyg'onum convolvulus. Linn.

Records: jD/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Maxwelltown, S-E.; Castle- Douglas Road, C. E. M.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Common by shore, S.-E.; Lochmaben, G. BL; common Moffat, J. T. J. Eskdale Esk, S.-E.

On sand or shingles of shore and rivers, cinders of railways, arable fields, etc.; usually in part sheltered by herbage or fully exposed.

Polygronum viviparum. Linn.

Record : Dfs.—\)x Singer, 1843.

Localities : Annandale West side of Hartfell, Black's Hope, Saddleyoke ravine, Correifron, Birkie Cleugh, Whitecoombe, J. T. J.; Midlaw Burn and above Loch Skene, S.-E. (1800 to 2200 feet).

Appears July 19, J. T. J. On moist grass ledges amongst whin- stones or mudstones ; fully exposed or slightly wind-sheltered.

Polygronum bistorta. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850 and 1846. Wgi. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Cargen Water, Hn.; Woodlands, R. H. M.; Cresswell, Dr GL; Guilyhill, R. H. M.; Covvhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Auldgirth, Hn.; Caitloch (exterminated), J. Cr.; Grovehill, Waterside, Holmhill, R. A. Annandale Douglas Hall Bridge, Lockerbie, G. Bl.; Craiglands, Old Well Road, Kerr, Dyke, J. T. J.

Appears May 28 to June 2, J. T. J. On moist or nearly dry road- sides, railway banks ; usually exposed or shaded.

Visitors : Allantus nothi, abundant ; Perineima nassata, Volucella bombylans, Empis tessellata, abundant, S.-E.

Polygronum amphibium. Linn,

Records: Dfs. Miss F. A. Hope, 1881. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883. b. terrestre, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr.; Ruthwell, Lin- cluden, F. W. G.; Loch Urr (700 feet), J. Cr.; Thornhill, var. ^., R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Priestside, S.-E.; Roberthill, Dryfe


(also var. b.\ Caledonian Railway (var. b.), G. Bl.j Kirkpatrick-Juxta, F. A. H.; Beattock (var b.\ J. T. J. Eskdale—QXenzxex, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

In water of lochs or sluggish streams with roots in mud. Var. b. on waste dry ground, corn fields, etc.

Visitors : Syrphus, sp.; Dolichopodidae, Tetanocera, sp., E. Ty.

Polygonum lapathifolium. Linn.

Records: Z)/>.—Dr Davidson, 1886. ^^^.—R Gray, 1850. IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. incana, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1889.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to about 900 feet (var. Beattock, J. T. J.).

Appears July 30, J. T. J. On dry soil of cultivated fields, cinders of railways, etc.; fully exposed.

Polygfonum persicaria. Linn.

Records: B/s. and Kcd,—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Dxmcq, 1883. Nodosum, var. glandulosum (?), J. T. J.

Locality : Very common in all the valleys to 900 feet.

Appears July 30. On dry soil, cultivated fields ; fully exposed.

Visitors : Hyetodesia incana, Siphona cristata, Hn.

Polygonum lapathifolium x persicaria. Record : Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Polygonum hydropiper. Linn. (Waterpepper).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalscone, F. W. G.; Lincluden Holms, Cluden Mill, Hn., S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; New Loch, Rash- briggs, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, S.-E.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Esk, Liddel, S.-E.

Appears July 30, J. T. J. On wet places of holms or lake margins ; usually fully exposed.


Polyg^onum minus. Huds.

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. -P. Gray, 1850. Locality : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, J. Cru., P. Gr.

Daphne mezereum. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Wgt. Sir H. Maxwell, 1889.

Hippophae rhamnoides. Linn, (Buckthorn).

Records : (Escape) Dfs.—\)x Davidson, 1886. Wgt—C. C. Bailey, 1883.

Locality : Morison House, Moffat, J. T. J. (planted).

Euphorbia helioscopia. Linn. (Sunspurge).

Records: D/s. and X^^.— P. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, F. W. G., P. Gr., Th., Hn.; Holy wood, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common by shore, Annan to Kirtle, S.-E.; Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Lochmaben, C. E. M.; Skellshead, Saughtrees, and on cultivated fields, Moffat, J. T. J. Esk- dale Meggat, S.-E.

Appears July 4, J. T. J. On dry, sandy, or clayey fields, shingles of shore, etc.; usually in sun, but in part wind-sheltered.

Euphorbia peplus. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—Dx F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Thornhill, R. A.; Sanquhar Station, Dr Dv. Annandale Garden, Moffat, J. T. J.; Lockerbie, G. Bl. Eskdale Langholm, C. Y.

Appears July 2. (Probably an escape established, but in Kirdcud- bright "very common," J. M'A).

Euphorbia exig-ua. Linn.

Records: Z?/s-. --Mrs Thomson, 1893. ^^^- J- M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Along the shore Isle of Fame, J. M'A.; Ross, G. C;


Kirkcudbright, Mullock Bay, Rerrick, J. M'A. Nithsdale Auldgirth Station, Th. Annandak Annan, Th.

On cinders of railway inland, probably through trucks.

Euphorbia segretalis. linn.

Records: Wgt. James Smith {fide G. Don), 1802. Kcd. T. Bell, 1882.

Locality: St. Ninian's Cave, Hn.; Kirkandrews, T. Bl.

Euphorbia paralias. Linn.

Record: «^^/.— J. M' Andrew, 1886. Locality : Portpatrick, J. M'A.

Euphorbia amygdaloides. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Adams and Miss S. D. Johnstone, 1890.

Locality : Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.

. Euphorbia portlandica. Linn.

Record : Wgt. J. xM 'Andrew, 1890. Locality ?

Mercurialis perennis. Linn. (Dogs' Mercury).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common in deciduous woods to San- quhar, Hn., S.-E., Dr Dv. Anna?idale Very common Milke, Annan, etc., S.-E., J. T. J. Eskdale Very common by Esk, Tarras, Bexburn, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears March 20, J. Sh., to April 3, J. T. J. On moist or dry leaf-mould in shade and shelter.

Visitor : Apis c.p., S.-E.

Empetrum nigfrum. Linn. (Crowberry). : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt~],

Localities : Nithsdale Girharrow, J. Cr.; Lowthers, Dr Dv.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1886.


Annandak Hindhill, S. W., Ca.; Black's Hope, Whitecoombe, Craig- michen, etc.; common from 450 feet at Archbank to 2690 feet at White- coombe, J. T. J. Eskdale—iZ^'i\\^ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.; Eweslees- downs, J. Rae.

Appears May 18, J. T. J. On dry whinstone rock; fully exposed, and in peat moss.

Callitpiche aquatica. Sm.

Records: 636. Verna, Z)/?. P. Gray, 1850? Kcd. J. M' Andrew, 1882. Wgt.~Q. C. Bailey, 1883.

637. Stagnalis, Dfs. J. Sadler, 1858. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—V>x Balfour, 1843.

639. Hamulata, Dfs.—Vix Davidson, 1886. Wgt.—(^. C. Druce, 1883. b. pedunculata, Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848.

641. Autumnalis, Dfs. Dr Gilchrist, 1882. Kcd. Dr F. W. Grierson, 1882. Wgt.—Q,. C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, 636, P. Gr.; Old Quay, Dumfries, 641, Dr Gl.; common Broomrigg, 637, Hn., S.-E.; Closeburn, Town- foot, Thornhill, 641, J. Fn.; common Sanquhar, 637, Dr Dv.; Auchen- gruith, Sanquhar Reservoir, 639, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, 637, J. Sd.; margin Loch Skene, 639, var. /^., W. St. Eskdale Hardgrave, L. Smith ; common by Esk, S.-E.

In mud of springs and shallow rills by roads, etc.

Urtica urens. Linn.

Records : (Probably Escape) Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, Exc. ; Nunfield, F. W. G. ; Lochar Moss (firs near Racks), S.-E.; Holmhill, J. Sh.; farmyards, San- quhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, S.-E.; Nethermill, J. T. J. Eskdale i mile north of Bentpath on Meggat, S.-E.

On rubbish or manure heaps, roadsides ; fully exposed or shaded.

Urtica dioica. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.^V. Gray, 1850. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.


Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 1400 feet, S.-E.

On pretty dry roadsides, humus, holms, etc. (not on peat) ; in shade and shelter or quite exposed.

Parietaria officinalis. Linn. (Pellitory).

Records: Kcd. and Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Locality: Colvend (one spot), J. M*A., Dr Dv., Th., Hn. In crannies of granite rocks on shore ; sheltered.

Humulus lupulus. Linn. (Hop).

Records: (Escape) Bfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Thornhill, A. M. ; Dumfries, P. Gr. Annandale Lockerbie, G. Bl. Eskdale Castle O'er, J. \Vn. and R. Bl.

Ulmus montana. Sm. (Wych Elm).

Record: (Planted) Dfs.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 18^5. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Prefers dry sandy loam and sunny places, W. Do., A.M. Ulmus campestris. 8m. (Elm).

Records: (Planted) a. suberosa, Dfs.—V>x Davidson, 1886. Kcd. —J. M'Andrevv, 1882. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Dry sandy loam, A. M.

Mypica g-ale. Linn. (Bog Myrtle).

Record: D/s.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1846. Wgt. C. C. Bailey, 1883.

Localities: A^/Z/^^^^/d— Criffel, S.-E.; Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Ter- regles, Maxwelltovvn Loch, P. Gr. ; Drumclyer, S.-E. Annandale Lockerbie, S.-E.; Rigghead, etc., J. T. J. Eskdale~-C?.'sX\^ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears April 17, G. Bl.; May 23, J. T. J. In peat bogs ; fully exposed.


Alnus glutinosa. Linn. (Alder).

Records: Z?/Jr.— P. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgi. -G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common by rivers in all valleys to 700 feet.

Prefers moist holms ; fully exposed, A. M., W. Do., S.-E.

Betula alba. Linn. (Birch).

Records : 1385. Verrucosa, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1858. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. 1386. Pubescens, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1885. Wgt.--G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very commonly planted in all valleys to 900 feet.

Open sandy ground. A, M.; moist sunny places, W. Do.

Corylus avellana. Linn. (Hazel).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in woods, chiefly shaded and sheltered ; on leaf mould to 800 feet, S.-E.

Prefers dry deep soil ; shaded and sheltered places, W. Do., A. M.

Carpinus betulus. Linn. (Hornbeam).

Record: (Planted) Dfs. Dr Balfour, 1843. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Fagrus sylvatica. Linn. (Beech).

Record: (Planted) Dfs. and Kcd.— V.^rny, 1850. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Prefers dry sunny places, W. Do.; specially calcareous, A. M.

Castanea sativa. y^f/7/. (Chestnut).

Records : (Planted) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Kcd. and Wgt —J. M'Andrevv, 1882.

Prefers dry sheltered places, W. Do.


Quercus robur. Linn.

Records : (Planted) a. pedunculata, Dfs. and Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. c. sessiliflora, Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. lVgt.~G. C. Druce, 1883.

Prefers dry sunny places, W. Do.; deep rich soil and shelter, A. M.

Salix pentandra. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—T>x Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1848. Wgi. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Castlefairn, J. Cr.; Leadhills, Dr Br.; EUiock Wood, Burnfoot, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Roadsides, Moffat, Dr Br.; fifth milestone old Dumfries Road, J. T. J.; banks Caledonian Railway at Greskine, J. T. J.; Houslack, Annan Water, J. T. J.

Salix fragilis. Linn. (Crack Willow).

Records: Dfs.—Dx: Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

b. decipiens, Dfs.—]. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Elliock Woods, Dr Dv. Annandale Barnhill Bridge, Granton Roadside, Upper Murthat, between railway and road, J. T. J.

Salilx alba. Linn.

Records: Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt.—Dr Arnott, 1848.

c. vitellina, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Localities : Nithsdale Holm woods, Dr Dv. Annandale— Yi^d^xo-

pathic grounds, Moffat, var. c, J. T. J.; Birnock, Auchencastle, J. T. J.

Salix amyg-dalina. Linn (= triandra).

Record : Dfs. Dr Walker, 1762.

b. Hoffmaniana, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities : Amiandale Stitherick Wood, Annan, Dr Wl.; Annan at Putts (with var. b.\ ]. T. J. Eskdale—^\2.QV Esk, Dr Wl.

Appears May 26, J. T. J.

Salix purpurea. Linn.

Records : Purpurea, Dfs.—Vix Walker, 1796. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. ?F^/.— Rev. J. Gorrie, 1893. X Viminalis, Dfs. Dr Walker, 1796.


Localities : Nithsdale Elliock, DrWl.; Nithside, Dr Dv. Annan- dale— MaWq, S.-E.; Craigieburn x Dr Wl.; Adam's Holm, Putts, J. T.J. Eskdale—^Qi\iQxhy, Dr Wl.

Appears April 25, J. T. J.

Salix viminalis. linn.

Records: Viminalis, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,, C. Druce, 1883. a. stipularis, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. X caprea, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Kcd. Fidel.

M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. V. ferruginea, Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Evan- water holms X caprea, J. T. J. ; Annan water, Oakrigside, var. a. J. T. J.; Barnhill Bridge, J. T. J. ^:r^^^^— Bilholm, S.-E.

Salix caprea. Linn.

Records: 1401. Caprea, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Dr Arnott, 1848. 1399. Cinerea, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. JVgl.—G. C. Druce, 1883. ^. aquatica, IVgl. Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities: Nithsdale Sanquhar, by Nith, common, 1401, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat water, 1401, J. T. J.; Annan, 1399, J. T. J. Esk- dale Mosspaul, 1401, S.-E.; Glcntarras, 1399, ^-'E.

Appears March 22, J. T. J.

Salix aupita. linn.

Records: Dfs.—Y. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Nith, common, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Auchencat Burn, J. T. J.; Annan water, J. T. J. Eskdale Ewesleesdowns, J. Rae; Tarras, S.-E.

Visitors : Bombus, spp., Empis bilineata, very abundant, S.-E.

Salix phylicifolia. linn.

Records: Nigricans, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. Radicans (?) Dfs. Mr Maughan, 1789.


Davalliana (?) Dfs.—Dx Davidson, 1886. Tenuior (?) D/s.—Dt Davidson, 1886. Tetrapla (?) D/s.—Tir Davidson, 1886. Cotonifolia (?) Kcd. Mr Maughan, 1789.

Localities: Ntthsdale Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Glenglass, Dr Dv.; Euchan, Nith, Dr Dv.; Euchan Head, Dr Dv. Annandale Auchen- cat Burn, Beerholm, J. T. J.; Black's Hope, J. T. J.

Appears May 17, J. T. J.

Salix repens. Lim.

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. Mr Maughan, 1789. Wgt.-'O. C. Druce, 1883. Fusca (?) IVgf.—Dr Arnott, 1848. Argentea (?) Kcd. Dr Walker, 1762.

Localities : Nithsdale Moniaive, J. Cr.; Tynron, J. Sh.; San- quhar, Dr Dv.

Salix Lapponum. Linn.

Records: 1407. Lapponum, Z>/^. Dr Walker, 1762.

a. arenaria, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. 1404. Arbuscula, Dfs. Mr Maughan, 1789.

Localities : Nithsdale Thornhill to Sanquhar, 1404, Mau. Annandale Hartfell Foot, 1404, Mau.; 1407, north side of mountain to south of Loch Skene, Whitecoombe, Dr Wl., Dr Bl., J. Sd., J. T. J.; Spoonburn, E. F. L.

Appears May 16. On dry rocks of whinstone (2000 to 2400 feet), J. T. J., S.-E.

Salix myrsinites. Linn. Record: Dfs. Dr Walker, 1796.

Localities : Nithsdale Euchan, Dr Wl. Annandale 600 feet above S. Lapponum, Whitecoombe, Dr Wl., Dr Bl., J. Sd.

Salix herbacea. Linn,

Record : Dfs. W. Stevens, 1 848.

Localities : Annandale Black's Hope, J. T. J.; Whitecoombe, W. St., Dr Bl., J. T. J.; Loch Skene, Correifron, J. T. J.

Appears June 22, J. T. J. '


Salix ambigua. Ehr. (aurita x repens).

Record: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : {Nithsdale Sanquhar, Dr Dv?) Annandale Putts, Moffat, J. T. J.

Salix cinerea x nigricans.

Record: Dfs, Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Gude- shaw, J. L. J.

Salix aurita x phylicifolia.

Record: Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Locality : Amiandale Moffat, J. T. J.

The following names are given by Dr Walker about 1761, and appear to be Dumfriesshire willows, which probably exist, but I cannot place them under other names :

Salix analifolia. Mountain gullies; Annan and Nith (1200 to 1500 feet).

Salix evonise. Dumfries to Moffat Road below Evan Bridge. Salix linearis.— Caerlaverock.

Populus alba. Linn.

Records: (Planted) Z>/jr. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. ]. M'Andrew, 1882. ?f^^/.— Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, J- T. J.

Prefers moist alluvium, A. M.

Populus tremula. linn.

Records: (Planted) Z>/j-. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Populus nigra. Linn.

Records : (Planted) /?>.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—] M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Prefers moist sunny places, W. Do.


Pinus sylvestris. Linn.

Records : (Planted) /yj-.—Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Prefers dry, gravelly, moorish soil, A. M.

Juniperus communis. Linn,

Records: Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale xMabie Hills, R. Se.; Kello, Euchan, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat Hills, Raking Gill, J. T. J., common, Dr Sn., W. Bn. Eskdale—Zd^^W^ O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Dry rocks ; fully exposed.

Taxus baccata. Linn. (Yew).

Records : (Planted) Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1 886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. VVgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Prefers shady half-sheltered places, W. Do., A. M.

Typha latifolia. Linn. (Bulrush).

Records : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1777. Kcd. J. Fraser, 1843. Wgt. —J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Black Loch at top of Tinwald Parish, Dr Br.; Blackwood Loch, S.-E.; Maxwelltown, Glencairn, J. Cr.; Closeburn Loch, Dr Br. Annandale Kirk Loch, Lochmaben, G. N. LI., S.-E., Hn.

Typha angfustifolia. Linn,

Records : Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. ^^^- ?• Gray, 1848. Locality : Annandale Lochmaben, Dr Sn., J. Cru., F. VV. G.

Sparg-anium ramosum. Huds. (Burr Reed).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Clarencefield, F. W. G.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr., Hn.; Cowhill Ad. and S. D. J.; Kingholm Merse, Hn.; Caitloch, J. Cr.; Thornhill, Cample, R. A.; Kelloside, Dr


Dv. Amiandale Lochmaben, Exc. ; Evan Water, S.-E.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Turner's Linn, Half-Morton, L. Sm.; Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; Glen Tarras, S.-E.

In ditches, ponds, etc.; sheltered from wind by other plants.

Sparganium simplex. Huds.

Records: 1560. Simplex, Dfs. J. Gray, 1850. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt.—Vix Balfour, 1843. 1561. Affine, Dfs. and Kcd.~G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgi. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdah Lochar Moss, 1561, G. N. LI., Dr Gl.; Maxwelltown Loch, 1560, P. Gr., Hn. ; Dawson's field, R. H. M.; Fingland Lane (1000 feet), 1561, J. Cr.; Nith above Saw Mill, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Earshaig Lakes, J. T. J.

Sparganium minimum. Fir.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1777. Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Holywood, Dr Br. ; Fingland Lane, Moniaive, J. Cr. Annandak Castle Loch, Lochmaben, Myreside, Dr Br.; Earshaig, J. T. J.

Arum maculatum. Linn, (Cuckoo Pint).

Records: (Escape) Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd. Mrs Gilchrist Clark, 1867. ?F^/.— Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities: Nithsdale Jarbruck (374 feet), J. Cr.; Drumlanrig Woods, W. St.; Tibber's Castle, R. A.

Aeorus calamus. Linn. (Sweet Mace). Record: (Introduced) ^r^. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Locality : Balmse, J. M'A.

Lemna minor. Linn. (Duckweed).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q^. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys in stagnant ponds, ditches, etc.



Zostera mapina. Linn. (Grass wrack).

Records: Kcd.—i^. N. Lloyd, 1837. IVgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Kirkcudbright Bay, G. N. LI., P. Gr.; Dee and Urr mouth, J. M'A.; Auchencraig, J. C. W., between Arbig- land and Southerness, J. Fr.

Zostera nana. Roth, Record: Kcd. Professor Oliver, 1887.

Ruppia maritima. Linn.

Records : 1608. Spiralis (fide J. M 'Andrew), Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. IVgt. Greville, Herbarium, 1836.

Localities : Alofig the shore Lochryan, Stranraer, Grev.; Kirkcud- bright, G. N. LI.; Lot's Wife, Sandyhills, Douglas Hall, Gillfoot, P. Gr., J. M'A.

Potamogeton natans. Linn.^

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.~G. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Very common in all the valleys.

Appears June 14, In ditches, low streams, often on wet mud.

Potamogeton polygonifolius. Pourr.

Records: Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Annandale Lochmaben, G. Bl, S.-E.; common at Moffat, J. T. J.

Much deeper water Xban preceding, usually stagnant ponds.

Potamogeton plantagineus. Du Croy,

Record : Dfs. F. Buchanan White {Scottish Naturalist, vol. 2, New Series).

* In this genus I have simply followed the London Catalogue, as the intefjracion of the sub-species has never to my knowledge been carefully done.


Potamogeton rufescens. Schrad.

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd. J. Fingland, 1890. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, J. (tu.; Fingland Lane, J. Fn. (Has been confirmed for three counties by Mr Bennet).

Potamogeton lanceolatus. Sm.

Records: Dfs.—SN. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; foot of Morton hills, Locherben, Auchenbainzie Loch, W. St."^

Potamogeton heterophyllus. Schreb.

Records : D/s. Dr Davidson, 1886. Xcd. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochrutton, F. W. G.; Maxwelltown Loch, J. Cru., P. Gr.; Guffockland Dam, Dr Dv. (Confirmed for three counties by Mr Bennet).

Potamogeton lueens. Unn.

Record : ^, acuminatus, Kcd, F. R. Coles, 1883. Locality : Tarff, F. R. C*

Potamogeton ziziL Both.

Records: Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.*

Potamogeton prselongus. \l\lulf.

Records: Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1883. Wgt.—Qx. C. Druce, 1883. Locality : Tarff, F. R. C. (Confirmed by Mr Bennet).

Potamogeton perfoliatus. Unn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Lincluden, Hn., S.-E.

* Require confirmation.


Potamogeton crispus. /?.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Near Dumfries, P. Gr. (confirmed for first two counties by Mr Bennet) ; Crindau, Dumfries, S.-E. Annandale Castle Loch, Lochmaben, F. W. G.; Annan, G. Bl.

Potamogeton densus. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Locality : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.*

Potamogeton obtusifolius. A^ert and Koch. Records: D/s.—W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Loch by side of Edinburgh Road, about five miles from Dumfries, W. St.; common Loch, Thornhill, R. A.

Potamogeton compressus. Sm. Record: Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. ; also Carlingwark Loch, F. R. C. (Confirmed by Mr Bennet.)

Potamogeton pusillus. Linn.

Records: Dfs, and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Maxwelltown Loch, F. W. G.; Knockenhair, Auchengruith, Guffockland, Dr Dv. (Confirmed for Wigtown by Mr Bennet.)

Potamogeton pectinatus. Linn.

Record: JF^/.— J. M 'Andrew, 1893. Locality : Ravenstone Loch.

Alisma PlantagO. Linn. (Water Plantain).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Qi. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, Hn., S.-E. ; Nith,

* Requires confirmation. '


Dumfries, Hn.j Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Kirkmahoe, S.-E. Annan- dale Annan, S.-E.; Redpath Mill, S.-E.; Lochmaben, abundant, S.-E.

In ditches usually in water, but half wind-sheltered by reeds, ditch sides, etc.

Visitors : Andrena albicans, S.-E. ; Helophilus pendulus ; Syrphus franiditarse, Hn ; luniger, Platychirius clypeatus, peltatus, albimana, Syritta pipiens, S.-E. ; Eristalis nemorum, Hyetodesia incana, Hn. ; Onesia sepulchrahs, Siphona cristata, Anthomyia radicum, Hyelemyia strigosa, Vanessa Urticae, S.-E.

Alisma ranunculoides. Linn.

Records : Dfs. Mr Maughan, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Nithsdale Caerlaverock, Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr. Annandak Castle Loch, Lochmaben, Mau.*

Butomus umbellatus. Linn. (Flowering Rush).

Record : Kcd. In Dumfries Herbarium, 1865. Locality : Kirkbean.

Triglochin palustre. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.— Ox. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, F. W. G.; Townfoot Moor and Loch, R. H. M.; Holywood, Broomrigg, S.-E.; Glencairn, common, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. A?inandale Common Dryfe, S.-E.; Moffat and (to 1200 feet) Correifron, common, J. T. J., S.-E. jEskdale —1 Addd, Langholm, Bentpath, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

In wet, peaty mosses, ditches, etc.; usually in long grass.

Triglochin maritimum. Linn.

Records: jD/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore From a mile below Kingholm to Gretna. Very common in estuarine, wet mud ; exposed, F. W. G., S.-E.

* All require confirmation.


Malaxis paludosa. Sn.

Records : Z>/s. J. Corrie, 1887. Xcd. J. M* Andrew, 1882. ^/.— Mr Winch, 1789.

Localities : JVUksda/e—Girhsirrow Hill, J. Cr.; reported Keir, F. W. G.

Epipactis latifolia. Auct

RECORtrs: Z>fs. Dr Singer, 1843. J^cd. P. Gray, 1850.

Localities : NHhsdale Arbigland, Kirkbean, Fq.; Tinwald, DrSn.; Mavisgrove, P. Gr.; Kirkmahoe, Dr Gl; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Crawick Woods, Knockenhair Rifle Range, Dr Dv. Eskdale Kirk- andrews, E. Ty.

Listera ovata. Br. (Tway Blade).

Records: Dfs. F. A. Hope, 1881. Kcd. J. PVaser, 1843. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdak Arbigland, J. Fr.; Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Glen, Th.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Isle, S.-E.; Scaur, J. Sh.; Glen- cairn, abundant, J. Cr.; Longmire, Waterside, R. A.; Auchengruith, Euchan, Dr Dv. Annandale Springkeld, S.-E.; Jardine Hall, Th.; Lochmaben, S.-E.; railway, Lockerbie, Murray field, G. Bl.; Kirkpatrick- Juxta, F. A. H.; Crooks, Commonside, Kerr, Breckonside, March Cottage, J. T. J.; Beld Craig, W. Ca., J. T. J. ^j-/^^^/^— Woodslee, Penton, Glentarras, S.-E.; Irvine, C. Y.; Langholm, Meggat, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 20, J. T. J. On moist humus, holmlands ; usually half-shaded and wind-sheltered by long grass or woods.

Listera cordata. /?. Br.

Records : Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M' Andrew, 1891.

Localities: NHhsdale 1700 feet, Criffel, A. B. H.; Carr, Clonrae Hill, J. Wl.; Scaur Water, J. Sh. Annandale~Qd.x^o\ J. Sd.; Well- burn, J. T. J., J. M'A.

Grows amongst heather roots, and is thus partly wind-sheltered, on whinstone soil.


Neottia nidus avis. Rich. (Bird's Nest). Records: D/s.—G. Bell, 1893. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848.

LccALiTiES : Nithsdale West side vale of Dumfries, Hillhead, P. Gr.;* Capenoch Bridge, R A. Annandale Three miles from Locker- bie, G. Bl., S.-E.

On a pretty dry bank on hazel roots ; well sheltered from wind.

Orchis mascula. Linn. (Early Purple).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. /^/.— Rev. G. Wilson, 1893.

Localities: Nithsdale Common Cargen, Cluden, Nith, Th., S.-E.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Tunder- garth, G. BL; Evan, S.-E.; New Mills, Wellburn, Grey Mare's Tail, J. T. J. Eskdale Chapelknowe Moss, E. Ty.; Burnfoot (to 1200 feet), S.-E.

Appears April 23, G. Bl. On dry holms, whinstone soils, etc.; half- shaded and usually wind-sheltered.

Orchis maculata. linn.

Records: 1352. Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgi.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Queensberry, Correifron, etc., J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Very common to Moodlaw Loch, Langholm, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 4 to 7, J. T. J. On marshy ground often peaty ; and fully exposed to wind and sun or half-sheltered.

Orchis latifolia. Linn. (Bull's Dairy, J. Shaw).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 700 feet.

Appears June 7 to 12, J. T. J. On wet marshy holms, boulder clay, whinstone soils ; usually in part wind-sheltered by rushes, etc. Visitors : Empis vitripennis, Eristalis pertinax, S.-E.

* I think this has been supposed to be in Dumfriesshire. Mr Wilson finds no specimen from Dumfries in the Edinburgh Herbarium.


Orchis pyramidalis. Linn.

Records: D/s. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. X^r^. Edinburgh Herbarium, see J. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt Dr Graham, 1836.

Localities : Eskdale Merrylaw, Whitehope, S.-E.

Orchis conopsea. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—\Y. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1846. Wgt Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, P. Gr.; Scaur, Glen, J. Sh., Hn., R. A.; Templand, R. A.; Euchan, Dr Dv. Annandale Beld Craig, Kd., J. T. J.; New Edinburgh Road, Wellburn, Riddingsfield, Peter's Moss, Langside, J. T. J. Eskdale Ewesleesdowns, Stennies, S.-E.

Appears June 16 to 29, J. T. J. On moist whinstone soils ; slightly wind-sheltered by rushes, etc. ^

Visitors : Argynnis Aglaia, S.-E.; Syrphus ribesii, Hn.

Orchis incarnata. Linn.

Records : Dfs. E. F. Linton and J. T. Johnstone, 1894. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Amiandak Correifron, E. F. L., J. T. J.

July 7, 1894.

Habenaria bifolia. /?. Br, (Butterfly).

Records : 1468. Bifolia, Dfs. W. Keddie, 1854. Kcd. P. Gray, 1848. ^/.— Rev. J. Gorrie, 1891. 1469. Chlcroleuca, Dfs.—\N. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1846. W^/.—Dr Graham, 1835.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Hillhead, 1468, P. Gr., C. E. M.; Glen, Terregles, Maxwelltown, 1469, Th., P. Gr.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Drumlanrig, 1469, W. St.; Sanquhar (also 1469), Dr Dv.; Templand, R. A.; Scaur, Hn. Annandale Murrayfield, Gorrie, G. BL; Beld Craig, J. Kd.; fourth milestone Dum- fries Road, Swinefoot, 1468, J. T. J.; Gardenholm, Breckonside, Peter's Moss, 1469, J. T. J. Eskdcile Kirkandrews, E. Ty.; Glentarras, S.-E.

Appears June 12 to July 7, J. T. J. On moist holms, leaf-mould, whinstone soils, etc.; usually m part wind-sheltered.

Visitors : Large brown and sulphur moths, R. A.

t-LORA Ot" DtJMFRtESSrilRE. 169

Habenaria albida. /?. Br.

Records: I?/s.—W. Stevens, 1848. Xcd.—V. Gray, 1848. JVgf. Rev. J. Gorrie, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale West side vale of Dumfries, P. Gr.; Merk- land, Exc; Penpont, W. St.; Tynron, J. Wl.; Euchan Waterfall, Dr Dv. Anna?tdale Queensberry, W. St.; Beld Craig, Kd.; Wellburn, J. T. J.; Garpol, J. T. J.

Appears June 28, J. T. J. On dry moors and whinstone soils ; fully exposed.

Habenaria vipidis. R. Br. (Frog).

Records : Z>/j-.— S. W. Carrutliers, 1888. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1846. Wgt—Qx. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, P. Gr.; Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Scaur, R. A. Annandale Eric- stane, Mrs We.; Commonside, Selcoth, at foot of Linn, J. T. J.; Grey- gillhead, S. W. Ca. Eskdale Irvine House, E. Ty.

Appears July 7 to 26, J. T. J. On dry hill pastures, chiefly on whin- stone soils ; fully exposed, or part wind-sheltered by grass, etc.

Iris pseudacorus. Linn, (Yellow Flag).

Records : Dfs, P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Arbigland, Southerness, G. E. M.; Caer- laverock, S.-E.; very common Cargen, etc., near Dumfries, P. Gr., Hn., S.-E.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Crawick, Spango, Laggries, Dr Dv. An?ia7i- dale Craigies Corrie, G. Bl.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Tarras, Wauchope, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears July 9, J. T. J. On wet, marshy places, in mud ; exposed to sun and wind, or in shade.

Iris foetidissima. Linn.

Records : (Introduced) Kcd. " Natural History Society Trans." Wgt.—^\x H. Maxwell, 1889.

Locality : Rascarrel, Rerrick, Exc.

Crocus nudiflorus. Sm.

Record : (Escape) Dfs. Miss Ethel Taylor, 1890. Locality : Eskdale Stuart's Wood, Canobie, E. Ty.


Galanthus nivalis. Linn.

Record : (Escape) Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883. Locality : Spout Glen.

Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Linn.

Records: (Escape) Dfs.—T>r Davidson, 1886. Wgt.—^\x H. Maxwell, 1889.

Locality : Nithsdale Sawmills, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Paris quadrifolia. Linn. (Herb Paris).

Records : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Druidhall Mill, Penpont, J. Sh., R. A.; Kettleton, R. A.; Tinwald, Dr Sn.; Kirkconnel Lea, Miss Ro,; Enter- kinfoot, Dr Gr. Annandale Tundergarth Linn, very abundant, G. Bl. Eskdale Bilholm and Lyneholm, Ramage, R. Bl., S.-E.

In shade and shelter of linns, on humus.

Polygonatum multiflorum. /?//. (Solomon's Seal). Record : (Escape) Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789.

Localities : Nithsdale Tibbers Castle Woods, Dr Br., R. A. Annandale Kirkmichael, R. H. M.

Convallaria majalis. Linn. (Lilly of the Valley). Record : (Escape) Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1848. Locality : Woods near Urr between Colvend and Dalbeattie, J. Fr.

Asparagus officinalis. Linn, (Asparagus). Record : (Escape) Kcd. Field Club Excursion No. 3, 1893. Locality : Seashore, Arbigland, apparently quite established.

RUSCUS aculeatus. Linn. (Butcher's Broom).

Record : (Escape) Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1890. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Cowhill, S.-E. Annandale Hydropathic, J- T. J.


Gagea Lutea. Ker.

Record: (Introduced) ^<r^. J. Cruickshank, 1836.

Locality : Nithsdale The Grove, J. Cru., P.. Gr., Dr Gl, R. R., Th.

In a hazel copse.

Ornithogallum umbellatum. Linn.

Records : (Escape) Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1890. Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893.

Localities: Nithsdale Nethermills, Kirkbean, Hn.; Isle orchard, S.-E. Annandale Hedges near Annan, Hn., S.-E. Eskdale Bil- holm, J. Wn. and R. Bl.; Woodslee, S.-E. (quite established and appear- ing annually).

Scilla vepna. Huds.

Records: Kcd.—]. T. Syme, 1836. Wgt—Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities: Along the shore Portpatrick, Arn.; Cruggleton, Hn.; Borness, T. Bl.; Falboque Bay, Borgue, J. M'A.; Brighouse, F. R. C.; Ross, J. T. S., G. C.

Scilla nutans. Sm. (Wild Hyacinth).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850 and 1848. Wgt.—Q, C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Very common in all the valleys, and reaching 11 00 feet, Beeftub.

Appears May 4 to 26, J. T. J. Moist or dry leaf mould of shady woods ; wind-sheltered.

Visitors : S)'rphus cinctellus, Rhingia rostrata, Platychirius albimana, Siphona geniculata, S.-E.

Allium scorodoprasum. Linn.

Records: Kcd. Dr Macnab, 1837. Wgt. Miss Hannay, 1893. Localities : St. Mary's Isle, J. Fr.; Kirkcudbright, Dr M'N.

Allium oleraceum. Linn.

Record: Dfs. J. Shaw, 1882 (sown?).

Localities : Nithsdale By Nith, Dumfries, Hn.; Airdwood, Tynron, J. Sh.; Roadside, Kirkland, S.-E.; Closeburn, Mr Watson. Annandale Dinwoodie Lodge, by roadside, J. Wi.

1^2 Flora of DUMFRtES^HIRfi.

Allium vineale. Linn. (Crow Garlic).

Records: Dfs,—]. Fingland (1887?). Kcd. Y. Gray, 1848. Wgt.—]. M 'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Alo7ig the j/^<?r^— Cruggleton Castle to Port Allan, J. M'A.; Ross, G. C; Port o' Warren, Glenstocking, Lincluden Abbey, P. Gr., F. W. G.; Torduff Point, J. Fn.

On rocks or river banks.

Allium carinatum. Linn.

Record: (Escape) Kcd.—Y. R. Coles, 1884. Locality : Lake shore. Isle, J. M*A.

Allium ursinum. Linn.

(Garlic, Ramsons, Ramps, J. Sh.)

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys as high as the level of deciduous woods.

Appears April 29, G. Bl.: May 5 to 27, J. T. J. On wet or dry bare humus of woods ; shaded and sheltered.

Visitors : Apis, very abundant ; Anthomyidae, Dolichopodidae, S.-E. Narthecium ossifragum. Huds. (Bog Asphodel).

Records : Z?/jr.— Dr Little, 1834. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale -Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Dumfries, common, P. Gr.; Lochar Moss, Hn.; Cowhill, Ad. and S. D. J.; Closeburn, Dr Gl; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Johnstone, Dr Lt.; Wellburn Carr., Breconside, Beld Craig, etc., J. T. J. Eskdale Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

Appears June 25 to July 8, J. T. J. In wet marshes or peat mosses; quite exposed.

Visitors : Apis, abundant, S.-E.; Bombus lucorum, abundant, Hn., S.-E.; hortorum, Hn.

Tofieldia palustris. Huds. Record : Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Locality : Moffat, Dr Sn.*

* Requires confirmation.


Juncus communis. Mey. (Bush).

Records : 1535. Effusus, Dfs. Dr Davidson, i886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—G. C Druce, 1883. 1536. Conglcmeratus, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgi.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Very common Dumfries, 1536, P. Gr.; Thornhill, 1535, R. A.; Lochanhead, 1536, F. W. G.; Sanquhar, 1535, Dr Dv. Annandale Hartfell, 1535, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common,


Visitor : Vespa, sp.; regularly sucking, Hn.

Juncus g-laucus. Ehrh.

Records: Dfs.—G. Gordon, 1836. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Near Dumfries, G. Go., P. Gr.; Solway shore {sic\ J. Fn.

Juncus balticus. \NiUd.

Record : Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1843. . Locality : Gillfoot, J. Fr.^

Juncus tenuis. Willd. Record : Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1886. Locality : Roadside, New-Galloway, J. M'A. (Sept. 7).

Juncus articulatus. Linn, (Spret, J. Shaw).

Records: 1539. Supinus, Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. Fluitans ? Dfs.—Y)x Davidson, 1886. Wgt—

J. M'Andrew. Var. Uliginosus? DJs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. F. R. Coles, 1883.

1542. Lamprocarpus, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850.

Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. b. nigritellus, Wgt.—Q,. C. Bailey, 1883.

1543. Acutiflorus, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.

J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

* Requires confirmation.


Localities: Nithsdale Loch Kindar, 1539, R. H. M.; Aucheness- nane, T. Br.; Lochanhead, 1543, F. W. G.; Auchengruith Mill Dam, 1539, DrDv.; Thornhill, 1543, R. A.; Sanquhar, 1539, 1543, Dr Dv, Annandale Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Well Hill, 1539, T- T. J.; Moffat, 1543, J. T. J. Eskdale—^^gg^t, 1539, S.-E.; Meikledale, White- hope (to 1400 feet), 1539, S.-E.; Liddel, 1542, S.-E.

Marshy spots on hills.

Juncus obtusiflorus. Ehrh. Records: Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt—T>r Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Along the j/^^r^— Glenluce, Dr Bl. ; Creetown to Carsluith (Trans. 1841-4), Ross, Balmae, G. N. LI.; Colvend, J. M'A.; Glencaple, F. W. G.

Juncus compressus. Jacq.

Records: Gerardi, Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1886. Kcd.—]. M 'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.— T)T Balfour, 1843.

Localities: Along the shore Glenluce, Dr Bl.; common in Kirk- cudbright, J. M'A.; Glencaple, F. W. G ; Annan Waterfoot, J. Fn., Hn.j Annan to Gretna, occasionally, Sark mouth, Kirtle mouth, S.-E.

On wet estuarine mud along the shore ; abundant.

Juncus Squaprosus. Linn. (Stoolbent, J. Shaw).

Records: Dfs.—Y. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv- Annandale Grey Mare's Tail, common Moffat, E. F. L., J. T. J. Eskdale Whitehope, Causey Grain (to 1500 feet), S.-E.

On wet places, on peat and whinstone soils, chiefly above 1000 feet.

Juncus bufonius. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—Dx Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—(^. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Brow to Stank, Dr Br., S.-E.; Glencaple, F. W. G.; Dumfries, common, P. Gr., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dale— Glenkillburn, Dr Br.; Evan, S.-E.; Moffat, very common, J. T. J. Eskdale— Very common, S.-E.; Castle O'er, J. Wn. and R. Bl.

On bare, wet, often peaty, mud by roadsides, margins of lochs, etc., to 1700 feet.


Juncus maritimus. Lam.

Records : Z)/j".—G. Gordon, 1835. Kcd.—O. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgf.—Dr Graham, 1835.

Localities : Along the shore Glenluce, West Tarbet, Dr Bl., Dr Gr.; South wick, J. Fr.; Kirkcudbright Bay, G. N. LI; Urr mouth, J. Fr., P. Gr.; Glencaple, Hn., R. H. M., R. A.; Caerlaverock, G. Go., W. St., R. A.

In salt estuarine marshes.

Visitor : Vespa vulgaris, Hn.

Juncus trifidus. Linn.

Record : Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858.

Locality : Annandale Whitecoombe, J. Sd."^

Juncus castaneus. Sm.

Record : Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843.

Locality : Annandale Moffat Hills, Dr Sn."^

Juncus bigrlumis. Linn.

Record: Triglumis, Zyj. Dr Singer, 1843. Locality : Annandale Moffat Hills, Dr Sn."^

Luzula pilosa. Willd.

Records : 1550. Vernalis, Dfs. and Kcd. P.Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Ruthwell, Dr Gl.; Routen Brig, Scaur, S.-E.; Blackwood Linn, Exc; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dak— T\in<lQrg2LX\.\ G. BL; Beld Craig, J. T. J.; Lochanburn, S.-E. Eskdale Byreburn, Tarras, Esk to Langholm, Glencorfe, Ewes, S.-E.

Appears April 30, J T. J. On wet or rather dry humus, chiefly over whinstone ; quite shaded and sheltered.

Luzula sylvatica. Bichen.

Records : D/s. and J^cd. P. Gray, 1850 JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

* Require confirmation.


Localities : Very common in all the valleys in linns at low alti- tudes, e.g.y Scaur, S.-E.; Beld Craig, J. T. J.; Penton, S.-E.; or on rocks at 2000 feet, Black's Hope, S.-E.; 1500 feet Archie Hill, S.-E.

On moist leaf-mould ; in shade or shelter or quite exposed (above 1000 feet), on whinstone rocks.

Luzula campestris. Br,

Records : Aggregate, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgf. G. C. Druce, 1883. Subspecies 1554. Campestris, IVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

1555. Erecta, £>fs.—G. F. Scott - Elliot, 1892. WgL—G. C Druce, 1883. b. congesta, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys (var. b. Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Hartfell, Correifron, J. T. J.), to 2000 feet Moffat, and 1600 feet Pikethow, S.-E.

On peat moors, gravelly sand, boulder clay, whinstone soils, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitors : Strenia clathrata, abundant ; Volucella bombylans, S.-E.

Luzula albida.

Record: (Escape) Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Riddings, R. A. Anna?idale Hillside, Lockerbie, G. Bl.; Garpol, J. T. J.

On dry humus under beech trees.

Schoenus nigricans. Linn.

Records: D/s.—G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1891. Kcd.—]. T. Syme, (1835?) Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Along the shore Port William, S.-E. ; Garliestown, Hn.; Ross, J. T. G.; Kippford, P. Gr.; common, J. M'A.; Torduff, S.-E.

In marshes by the sea.

Cladium mariscus. Br.

Records : Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Mr M'Kie, before 1835-

Localities : Ravenston Loch, Whithorn, Dr M'N.; Boreland, F. R. C; Barnhourie Loch, J. Fr., Fq.; Twynholm, J. M'A. ; Trostrie, T. Bl


Rhynchospora alba. Vahl.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—G. N. Lloyd, 1831. Wgt—]. T. Syme, 1836.

Localities : Nithsdale Loch Kindar, E. M. C; Kirkconnel Moss, G. N. LI, Dr Gl. Eskdale—T. B. Bl.

Rhynchospora fusca. Roem and Schlecht

Record : Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Locality : Auchencairn Moor, J. M'A.

Blysmus compressus. Panz.

Records: Dfs.—Vir F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.—G. Gordon, 1835.

Localities : Annandale Glencaple, F. W. G.; Torduff Point, J. Fn., S.-E. ^i-^^«/^— Bentpath, Bilholm, S.-E.

On wet boulder clay or whinstone soils ; exposed.

Blysmus pufus. Link.

Records: Dfs.—V>x F. W. Grierson, 1882. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848. Wgt—]. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Along the shore Portwilliam, J. M'A.; Castle Hill to Glenluffin, P. Gr.; Glencaple, F. W. G., R. H. M., S.-E.; Sark to Kirtle mouth, S.-E.

On estuarine mud.

Scirpus acicularis. Linn.

Records : Dfs. G. N. Lloyd, 1831. Kcd. (Reported) J. Fraser, 1843. Wgt.-O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Annandale Castle Loch, Lochmaben, G. N. Ll."^

Scirpus palustris. Linn,

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Nith backwater, Martindale Bridge, Broom- rigg, S.-E. ; Auchenessnane, T. Br. ; Nithside, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale shore, Annan, S.-E.; Castle Loch, Lochmaben, F. W. G., S.-E.

On wet mud of lochs or river sides.

* All require confirmation.



Scippus multicaulis. Sm.

Records : J?fs. P. Gray, 1850. Xcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale near Dumfries, P. Gr. Annandale Moffat, J. T. J.

Damp stony places on hills, J. T. J.

Scippus pauciflopus. Ughtf.

Records: JD/s.—V. Gray, 1846. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgf. Dr Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Criffel, A. B. Hall ; Lochar Moss, Maxwell- town Loch, P. Gr.

Scippus CSBSpitOSUS. Linn. (Deer's Hair).

Records : Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850* Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common on all the moors to the highest summits.

On wet peat ; fully exposed.

Scippus fluitans. Br.

Records: Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890. Locality : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. (common J. M'A.)

Scippus setaceus. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—Dx Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale— Uof^SiX., J. T. J.; Beld Craig, F. W. G. Eskdale Wauchope, S.-E.

On damp, muddy roadsides, Dr Dv., J. T. J,

Scippus pipapius. Spreng. Record: Wgt. Dr Graham, 1835.

Localities : East Tarbet, Glenluce, Mull, Dr Bl; roadside, Drum- more, Dr Gr.; Port Logan, Portpatrick, Arn.


Scirpus lacustris. Linn.

Records: 1533. Lacustris, Z)/J. and Xcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgf. —J. M'Andrew, 1887? 1534. Tabernaemontani, Kcd. (reported), J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Arbigland, 1534, J. M'A.; Dumfries, P. Gr. Annandale Lochmaben, S.-E.

In lochs, part sheltered by reeds, etc.

Scirpus maritimus. Linn.

Records : Dfs. G. Gordon, 1837. Kcd. Mr Farquharson, 1873. Wgt.—V>x Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Cowans, Portlogan, Arn,; Creetown, north of Tarff, F. R. C.; Colvend, Fq.; Lochar, G. Go.; Kingholm, S.-E.; Solway Bridge to Torduff, Annan town to mouth, occasionally to and along Kirtle, S.-E. Eskdale Moodlaw Loch, S.-E.

In estuarine mud ; fully exposed.

Scirpus sylvaticus. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Broomrigg, S.-E.; Sanquhar, by Nith, Dr Dv.; Thornhill, R. A. Annandale Cumburn, opposite Lochrighead, Kiricmichael, Dr Br.; three miles below Beattock, Nether Murthat, S.-E., J. T. J. Eskdale Kirkandrews, E. Ty.

Eriophorum vaginatum. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 2000 feet. On wet peat moors and haggs.

Eriophorum polystachyum. Linn. (Draw Moss).

Records : 1644, Angustifolium, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. —J. M'Andrew, 1882. IVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. d. elatius, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890. 1645. Latifolium, Kcd. A. Croall, 1840. JVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.


Localities : Nithsdale Very common, Dumfries, S.-E.; Locban- head, F. W. G.; Maxvvelltown Loch, 1645, A. Cro., P. Gr., J. Cru.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Knockenstob, Glenmaddie, 1644, b.^ Dr Dv.

On marshy, often peatty, soils.

Carex dioica. linn.

Records: Dfs.—Vix Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1846. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, Irongray, P. Gr.; Gir- harrow, Glencairn, J. Cr.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Cample Cleugh, R. A.; Braeheads, Sanquhar, Dr Dv, Annandale Frenchland Burn, J. T. J.

Wet places.

Carex pulicaris. Linn. (Flea Carex).

Records: Z>/jr.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Glencairn, J. Cr. Annandale Moffat, F. W. G., J. T. J. Eskdale—yi^gg^X Mosspaul, Meikledale, S.-E.

In wet places on peat, mud of small rills, etc.

Carex rupestris. /4//. Record: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Locality : Annandale Moffat, J. Sd.^

Carex pauciflora. Lightf.

Records: Dfs.—^. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Locality : Nithsdale Dalveen Pass Lowthers, Drumlanrig, W. St. Wet places on hills.

Carex leporina. Linn. (=C. ovalis).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Glencairn, common, J. Cr.; Thornhill, Dr GL; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. Annandale Gal- lows Hill, Frenchland Burn, J. T. J. ^^/^^«/^— Meikledale, Meggat, Bentpath, S.-E.

* Requires confirmation.


Carex elong-ata. Linn.

Records: D/s.—T. Brown, 1893. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1887. Localities : Kenmure Holms, J. M'A. Auchenessnane, Penpont, T. Br.

Carex stellulata. Good.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, Lochar Moss, F.W.G., J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Reaching 2400 feet. Loch Skene, S.-E. Eskdale—\jM\<^o\vci, etc., to 1500 feet, S.-E.

On wet peat or mud on the moors.

Carex canescens. linn. (=C. Curta.)

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Broomrigg, S.-E.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Glen- cairn, J. Cr.; New Loch, R. A.; Barr Bank, Farthing, MoUock, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. An?iandale Lochmaben, S.-E.; Annan Water, Nethermill, J. T. J. Eskdale Blackburn, Moodlaw Loch, Causey Grain, 1400 feet, S.-E.

In marshy grass by burns.

Carex remota. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1836. Kcd. Dr Balfour, 1843. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1892.

Localities : Nithsdale Brownhall, J. Cru.; Dalmakerran (450 feet), J. Cr.; Nithbank, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Selkirk Road, J. T. J.; Beld Craig, S.-E. Eskdale Woodslee, Penton, Glentarras, Burnfoot, Langholm, S.-E.

Appears July 6. On damp leaf-mould or holmlands ; in shade and shelter.

Carex axillaris. Good.

Records : Dfs.—G. Bell, 1893. Kcd.—T. Bell, 1882. Localities : Trostrie Loch, T. BL; Tundergarth, G. Bl.*

* Require confirmation.


Carex paniculata. Linn.

Records : 1662. Teretiuscula, Dfs. J. Shaw, 1882. Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. IVgt—]. M'Andrew, 1889. 1664. Paniculata, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown, R. H. M.; Tynron, 1662, J. Sh.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Thornhill, 1662, J. Wall.; Kirkbog, Morton Mains, Blackhill, R. A.; East of Morton, Carron, 1664, J. Wall.

Carex vulpina. Linn.

Records : Dfs. J. Shaw, 1882. Kcd. Dumfries Herbarium, 1862. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality: Eskdale Twiglees, Eskdalemuir, J. Sn.

Carex muricata. Linn.

Records: Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Caerlaverock, J. Cru.; Lincluden, P. Gr.; roadside, Dunscore, Moniaive, J. Cr.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Trigony, R. A. Annandale Selkirk Road at Craigieburn, E. F. L., J. T. J.

Chiefly by shore.

Carex arenaria. Linn.

Records : 1660. Disticha, Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1888. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1889. 1661. Arenaria, Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.;Townheadfarm, R. H. M.; Powfoot to Newbie, 1661, S.-E."^

Carex saxatilis. Linn. (=C. puUa). Record: Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1891 ?

Carex csespitosa. Linn.

Records: 1684. Rigida., Dfs. W.Stevens, 1848. 1685. Aquatilis.

^. Watsoni, Z>/j-.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—

J. M'Andrew, 1882. e. minor, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890.

* Requires confirmation.


1687. Goodenowii, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrevv, 1882. Wgt.—Qf. C Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdak Lochar Moss, 1687, F. W. G.; Friars* Carse, S.-E.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, 1658, b.^ and 1687, Dr Dv.; Kirkbog, 1685, b. and ^., Thornhill, R. A. Annandale Moffat Hills, 1684, Dr Bl.; Loch Skene, Correifron, 1685, e., J. T. J. Eskdale Archie Hill, Moodlaw Loch, White Hope (1500 feet), S.-E.

1684 chiefly on rocks; 1685 and 1687 in marshes or mud of small rills.

Carex acuta. Linn.

Records: Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. M^g^.—Rev. J. Gorrie, 1893. Localities : Loch Ken, etc., J. M'A.

Carex atrata. Linn.

Record: B/s.—W. Stevens, 1848.

Localities: A n nan da k—HiW near Hartfell, W. St.; Loch Skene and Midlaw Burn, E. F. L., J. T. J.; Beld Craig, Kd.

On rock ledges ; fully exposed.

Carex prsecox. Jacq.

Records: jD/s. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdak Very common, Dumfries, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Afinandale Whitecoombe, to the top, S.-E. ; Moffat, very common, J. T. J. Eskdale Very common by Esk and Tarras, S.-E.

In dry or rarely wet places, usually in short turf, on boulder clay, whinstone soils, sandy soils, etc.; fully exposed.

Carex flava. Linn.

Records: Flava, Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883. b. minor, Dfs.—T>r Davidson, 1886. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Oederi, Dfs.—]. Fingland, 1887. Kcd.—F. Gray, 1846. ^^^•— J- M'Andrew, 1889. Localities: Nithsdak Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr, F. W. G.; Townfoot, R. H. M.; Auldgirth, J. Fn.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan to Kirtle, S.-E.; Loch Skene


(2200 feet), S.-E.; Correifron, E. F. L.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Esk- dale Pikethow and Mosspaul (to 1400 feet), S.-E.

On wet mud of rills, ditches, and common amongst the hills. (Common in a dried up pond, J. Fn.)

Carex distans. Linn.

Records: 17 10. Laevigata, Dfs. Mr Winch, 1837. Kcd. J. M 'Andrew, 1887. Wgt—]. M 'Andrew, 1892.

171 1. Binervis, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. P.

Gray, 1850. Wgt.—\)x Balfour, 1843.

17 1 2. Distans, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J.

M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Dx Balfour, (1845 ?). 1714. Fulva, Dfs. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. Cruick- shank, 1839. Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1887. /;. Hornschuchiana, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Arbigland, G.Go.; Glencaple, 17 12, F.W.G.^ Maxwelltown Loch, 17 14, J. Cru., P. Gr.; Longwood, 17 14, R. H. M.^ Auchenessnane, 1714, T. Br.; Newark Wood and Matthew's Folly, 17 16' Dr Dv.; Cample Gilchristland, 1710, R. A.; Thornhill, 171 1, 1714, R. A.^ Sanquhar, 17 11, 17 14, and 17 14, b.-, Dr Dv. Annandale Craigboan 1 7 II, S. E.; Garpol, Beattock, 17 10, J. Sd.; Comal Tower wood, 17 14' F. W. G.; Beld Craig, 17 10, 17x4, Kd.; Moffat, 17 10, Win.; Breconside' 1 7 10, S.-E.; Black's Hope, 17 11, J. T. J.; Correifron, 17 11, J. T. J.' 1714, (1714, c. ?), S.-E.; Loch Skene, 1711, E. F. L., to 2200 feet. Esk' dale Wisp, Causeway Grain, 17 11, S.-E.; Langholm, 17 10, S.-E.

Of these 1 7 11 grows on wet rock ledges, 1 7 1 2 rather dry places by the shore, 1714 on pretty dry whinstone rocks, S.-E.; 1714, <^., moist clayey banks, Dr Dv.

Carex pilulifera. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.--?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Irongray, P. Gr.; Dal what, J. Cr.; Auch- enessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Craigboar, S.-E.; Whitecoombe, Dr Bl.; Moffat, common, J. T. J.

Dry rock ledges.

Carex filiformis. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1846. Wgt. Rev. J. Gorrie, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, J. Cru., P. Gr.; Gir- harrow, Moniaive, J. Cr.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr. Dv.


Carex hipta. Linn.

Records: Z>A.—Dr Davidson, 1886. X^^.— P. Gray, 1850. Wg/. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Cam- ple, Templand Bridge, R. A.; Sawmills, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale —Moffat, J. T. J. ^>f>^^^/^— Glentarras, S.-E.

On moist loam.

Carex pallescens. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—^N. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.~]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Qx. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Moniaive, J. Cr. ; Gilchristland, R. A.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Beeftub road, S.-E.; Cornal Tower, F. W. G.; Beattock, Kd.: Beld Craig, S.-E.; Sel- kirk road, Beeftub, J. T. J. Eskdale Byreburn, Causeway Grain (i|oo feet), S.-E.

Wet places amongst rocks ; half-shaded.

Carex extensa. Good.

Records: JDfs.—\N. Stevens, 1848. X^^.— J. T. Syme (1836?). ^/.—Dr Graham, 1835.

Localities: Along the shore Common; Arbigland, W. Stables; Glencaple, R. A.; Sark to Annan {b. pumila?), S.-E. {Ifiland Duris- deer, Edinburgh road. Grey Mare's Tail, W. St. ?)

In estuarine mud, shingles, etc.

Carex punctata. Good. Records : Kcd.—]. Eraser, 1882. IVgt.—J. M'Andrew, 1887. Locality : On moist rock ledges at foot of bank, Colvend, Fq.

Carex panicea. Linn.

Records: 1701. Panicea, JD/s. and JCcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgt. G. C Druce, 1883. 1702. Vaginata, D/s. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Glencairn, J. Cr. Amiandale Riddings, J. T. J.; Cornal Tower, F. W.. G.; Loch Skene, 1702, J. T. J.; Beld Craig, 1701, S.-E.

In long grass by springs (1701), S.-E.


Capex capillaris. Linn.

Record: Bfs. W. Stevens, 1848.

Localities: Annandale Hartfell, W. St.; Loch Skene, J. Fr., E. F. L; Midlawburn, E. F. L., J. T. J.

In wet mud of springs.

Carex limosa. Linn.

Records : 1689. Magellanica, Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848.

1690. Limosa, Dfs. J. Corrie, 1892. Kcd. P. Gray, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Terregles, 1690, J. Cm.; Maxwelltown Loch, 1690, P. Gr.; Girharrow, 1689, J. Cr.; Stroanshalloch, 1690, J. Cr.; Morton Castle, 1689, W. St.

Carex glauca. Scop.

Records: Dfs. Ur Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—Q. C. Druce, 1883. c. stictocarpa, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Holywood, S.-E.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Townhead farm, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annan- dale Annan to Kirtle, Lochmaben, S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, E. F. L.; Black's Hope (var. ^.), J. T. J.; Whitecoombe, S.-E. Eskdale Meikle- dale, Tarras, S.-E.

In wet peat or mud, by streams, loch margins, etc.; usually in long grass.

Carex sylvatica. Huds.

Records: Dfs.—W. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1892.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, Dr Bl.; Jarbruck (370 feet), J. Cr.; Caitloch, Tynron (450 feet), J. Cr.; Drumlanrig, R. A.; Euchan, Dr Dv. Annandale Beld Craig, Kd., J. Sd., S.-E.; Garpol, J. Sd. Eskdale Penton, Tarras, S.-E.

On wet humus ; in shade and shelter.

Carex pendula. Linn.

Records: Z>/^.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.* Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1892.

Localities : Nithsdale Carron, Nithbank, Drumlanrig Bridge, Craighope Linn, R. A., Dr Dv. Eskdale Byreburn, Gilnockie, S.-E.

* Specimens illustrating Tongfland Flora in Dumfries Herbarium, marked C. pendula, are, according to Mr Bennet, c. aquatilis, var. virescens.


Carex ampullacea. Good.

Records: Dfs.—Tix Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—], M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Broomrigg, S.-E.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Kirk- bog, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben, F. W. G.; Wellhill, J. T. J.; Queensberry, Loch Skene, S.-E. ^j>^^^/^— Moodlavv, Kirkburn, Causeway Grain, S.-E.

In ditches and pools, in water.

Carex vesicaria. Linn.

Records : Dfs—]. Fingland, 1888? Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown, R. H. M.; Broomrigg, S.-E.; Dalgoner Cairn, J. Cr.; Auchenknight Loch, R. A. Annandale Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Causeway Grain, S.-E.

Carex paludosa. Good.

Records: 1720. Acutiformis, Z>/ir. J. Wallace, 1882. Kcd. Rev. J. Eraser, 1882. Wgt—]. M'Andrew, 1887. 1 72 1. Riparia, Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Caerlaverock, R. A., J. Fr.; Moniaive, J. Cr.; Logie Kirk, 1721, J. Cru. Annandale Moffat, 1720, J. T. J. Eskdale Twiglees, Eskdalemuir, J. Wall.; Wauchope, S.-E.

Carex stricta. Good.

Record : Kcd. P. Gray, 1850 ?

Carex fulva x flava.

Record: Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889. Locality : Annandale Correifron, E. F. L.

Milium efFusum. linn. (Millet).

Records: Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. ^<^^' P- Gray, 1846.

Localities : Nithsdale— QX^di^n Craigs, Mavisgrove, P. Gr.; San- quhar, Dr Dv.; Tinwald, Dr Sn. Annandale Garpol, Moffat, J. Sd.; Eskdale Penton Linn, S.-E.

In moist leaf mould of shady linns ; wind-sheltered.


Anthoxanthum odoratum. Linn. (Vernal).

Records: Z>/jr.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. WgL— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 2400 feet.

On pretty dry boulder clay, peat mixed with mould, roadsides, etc.; fully exposed.

Visitor : Hyelemyia strigosa, abundant, S.-E.

Anthoxanthum puellii. Lecoq.

Record: Kcd. J. M^Andrew, 1887. Locality: Burnfoot.

Phalaris canariensis. Linn. (Canary).

Records: (Escape) Dfs.-T)i Singer, 1843. ^<:^. and Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882 and 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Tinwald, Dr Sn.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Temp- land Bridge, R. A ; Crawick wood, Dr Dv. Annandale Waste ground, J. T. J.

Digraphis apundinacea. Trin. (Reed Canary).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, Cluden Mills, common by Nith to Sanquhar, S.-E., Dr Dv. Annandale Annan mouth, Spring- keld, Lochmaben, Milke, Evan, Beld Craig, S.-E. Eskdale Woodslee, Penton, Liddel, Irvine, Wauchope, S.-E.

In water, river backwaters, and along holms, banks of rivers, more rarely in stagnant ponds ; usually wind-sheltered.

Phleum pratense. Linn. (Timothy).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q^. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common, Dumfries, P. G., F. W. G., S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Meggat, S.-E.

Prefers moist holms, boulder clay, etc.


Phleum arenarium. Linn. (Sea Cat's Tail). Records : U^/s. Dr Davidson, 1890. X{:d. J. M 'Andrew, 1882. Localities : Nithsdale Braeheads, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Alopecurus g-eniculatus. Linn,

Records: Dfs. P.Gray, 1850. Kcd. J. Fraser, 1843. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Southerness, J. Fr.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Kirtle naouth to Annan, S.-E.; Moffat, J. T. J.

Wet places, estuarine mud, ditches, by roads, etc.

Alopecupus agrestis. Linn. (Foxtail).

Record: Dfs. J. Fingland, 1887. Locality : Annan Water Foot, J. Fn.

Alopecurus pratensis. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Very common in all the valleys.

Pretty dry holmlands, well manured arable ground, etc.

Ag-rostis alba. Linn. (Marsh Bent).

Records : 1756. Palustris, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt— C. C. Bailey, 1883. 1757. Vulgaris, Z)/^. and Z?^.— P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. pumila, Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1890. Wgt.

G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. sylvatica, Dfs. T. Brown, 1893.

Locality : Common in all the valleys.

1757, roadsides, J. M'A.; 1756, wet ditches, marshes, on boulder clay and whinstone soils, J. M'A., Dr Dv., S.-E.; 1756, var. pumila, Coireifron, J. T. J.


AgFOstis eanina. Linn. (Brown Bent).

Records: Z)/^.—Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgi. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities: Nithsdale Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Correifron, E. F. L.

On peat moors, cinders of railway stations.

Psamma arenaria. Beauv. (Maram).

Records: Z>/"j.—Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1846. WgU Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore— YS}^m^s% Arn.; Port-William, J. M*A.; Almorness Point, J. M'A.; Carsethorn, P. Gr.; Newby, Dr Br., S.-E.; Powfoot, J. Fr., S.-E.

CalamagTostis lanceolata. Roth.

Record: Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1883. Locality : Kenmure holms, J. M'A.

Aira caespitosa. Linn,

Record: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gray ; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Closeburn, Dr Gl.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Springkeld, Kirtle- bridge, Ecclefechan, Evan water, S.-E. Eskdale Meggat, Tarras, Gil- nockie, Burnfoot, Eskdalemuir Kirk, S.-E.

On moist humus, boulder clay, holms, roadsides, peat, etc.; usually in shade and wind-sheltered.

Aira flexuosa. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1846 and 1850. Wgt.—Qs. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Glen, Dr. Gl. ; Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Closeburn, Dr Gl.; Dumfries, common, P. Gr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Templand, Crofthead, S.-E. Eskdale Common by Esk, Meggat, S.-E.

On dry peat moors, boulder clay, mud-stones.


Aira praecox. Linn. (Early Hair).

Records: Z)/>.— Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Common, Dalawoodie, Exc, J. Fn.; San- quhar, Dr. Dv. Eskdale Penton Linn, S.-E.

Dry sloping banks in short turf, often under beeches.

Aira caryophyllea. Linn. (Silvery Hair).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localitif:s : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Routen Brig, Racks, S.-E.; Holywood, Hn.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, J. M*A.; Eskdale Langholm railway, S.-E.

On cinders of railways.

Avena fatua. Linn. (Wild Oat). Records: Dfs.—]. Shaw, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. Locality : Nithsdale Tynron, J. Sh.

Avena strigosa. Sohreb.

Records: Dfs.—SY. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. IVgL- G. C. Druce, 1883.

Locality : Near Dumfries, W. St., P. Gr.

Avena pratensis. Linn. (Perennial Oat).

Records: 1780. Pubescens, Dfs. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt J. M'Andrew, 1893. 1 781. Pratensis, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. b. alpina, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1890.

Localities: Nithsdale Terregles by Nith, 1781, P. Gray; Craigs,

1780, P. Gr. ; Auchenessnane, 1780, T. Br.; Nith holms, Sanquhar,

1 781, Dr Dv. Annafidale Caledonian Railway, Lockerbie, 1780, S.-E.; Craigbeck, 1781, J. T. J.; Craigboar, Penbreck, 1781, J. T. J.; Hart- fell, Black's Hope, Correifron, Grey Mare's Tail, Whitecoombe (all 1781 b.\ E. F. L., J. T. J. ^i-.^^^/^— Whitehope, S.-E.

1780, on dry, exposed, cindery railway embankments ; 1781, holms by rivers ; var. ^., on wet rock ledges, half-shaded and sheltered.


Avena flavescens. Beauu. (Yellow Oat).

Records : D/s. Dr Davidson, 1886. Xcd. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

T.ocALiTiES : Nithsdale Roadside, (.'rawick Bridge, Bankhead, Dr Dv.

Arrhenathrum avenaceum. Beauv. (False Oat).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce> 1883. h. nodosum, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. and Wgt.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Ruthwell, Dr Gl. ; Dumfries, P. Gray, Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar (also var. <^.), Dr Dv. Annandale Ecclefechan, Garpol, S.-E. Eskdale Penton, Burnfoot, Whitehope, Mosspaul, S.-E.

On pretty dry roadsides, railways, humus, boulder day, usually half- shaded.

HolCUS lanatus. Linn, (Soft Grass).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. JVgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

On pretty dry holms, boulder clay, whinstone soils, granite, etc.; fully exposed.

Holcus mollis. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

On moist humus, shingles, boulder clay, \vhinst0n3 soils ; usually half-shaded, S.-E.

Lepturus filiformis. Trin.

Records: <^. incurvatus, Dfs. J. Cruickshank, 1839. Kcd. Dr Lightfoot, 1789.

Localities : A/ong the shore Southerness, J. Fr.; Arbigland, Lg.; Caerlaverock, W. St., P. Gr., J. Cru.; Powfoot to Newbie, J. Fr., S.-E.

In wet estuarine marshes.


Nardus stricta. Linn, (Matgrass).

Records : D/s. and JCcd. P. Gray, 1850. JVgf. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common all over peat moors (to 2000 feet).

On dry peat, boulder clay, stony ground ; exposed.

Elymus arenarius. Linn. (Lyme).

Record : Z>/s. Dr Singer, 1843. Locality : Annandale Newbie, Dr Sn.*

AgTopyrum repens. Beauu, (Couch Arrow).

Records : 1851. Repens, JDfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt

G. C. Druce, 1883. 1853 Acutum, Kcd. and Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883. 1854. Junceum, D/s. J. Fingland, 1887. Kcd. J.

M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt— Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Nithsdak Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr ; Kingholm, S.-E., R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Pow- foot, S.-E. Eskdale Railway, Liddel Bridge, S.-E.

Rather wet meadows, railway embankments, 1851 ; sandy sea shores, 1854.

Agropyrum caninum. Beauu.

Records : Dfs, Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdak Holy wood Station, S.-E,; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandak Mouth of Kirtle, Annan Station, Garpol, Beld Craig, S.-E. ^^^^«/^— Penton, S.-E.

On wet humus, boulder clay, or dry cinders of railways.

Lolium perenne. Linn. (Rye Grass).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. e., Italicum, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 900 feet. (Var. e.^ Sanquhar, Dr Dv.)

* Requires confirmation.



Lolium temulentum. Linn. (Darnel).

Record: Dfs. Dr Balfour, 1843.

d. arvense, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities: Nithsdale Dumfries, Dr Bl.; Kirkconnel, by Nith, Dr Dv.

Brachypodium sylvaticum. /?. and S. (False Brome).

Records: D/s. and Ji^cd.—F. Gray, 1850. IVgt—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Craigs, by Nith, P. Gray ; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Auchenessnane, T. Br. An?iandale Moifat, E. F. L. Eskdale Byreburn, Liddel, Burnfoot, S.-E.

On humus or boulder clay ; half-shaded.

Bromus erectus. Huds. Records: Dfs. Dr Balfour, 1843. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846.

Localities : Nithsdale Newabbey Churchyard, P. Gray ; Dum- fries, Dr Bl. Annandale Lockerbie, S.-E.

Bromus asper. Linn.

Record: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr. ; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Crofthead, Auchenbraith Linn, Kirkmichael, S.-E.; Lamonby Mill, G. Bl. Eskdale Very common Penton, Langholm Lodge, Tarras, S.-E.

In wet humus of woods ; shaded or half-shaded.

Bromus sterilis. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Old Brick-field, Dumfries, S.-E.; Auld- girth Station, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale ? Eskdale Gretna Green Station, Langholm, Bentpath, S.-E.

On dry cinders of railways, old brick-fields, etc.


Bromus arvensis. Linn.

Records : 1840. Secalinus, D/s. and Xcd. P. Gray, 1850. Van velutinus, Wgf. Dr Graham, 1836.

1 84 1. Racemosus, D/s. Dr Davidson, 1886. J^cd.

J. M'Andrew, 1882. ^F^/.— G. C. Druce, 1883.

1842. Commutatus, Z?/S-. J.T.Johnstone, 1893, Xcd.

—P. Gray, 1846. Wgt G. C. Druce, 1883.

1843. MolHs, D/s. and Xcd.—F. Gray, 1850. Wgf.—

G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Near Dumfries, 1840 and 1841, P. Gray; banks of Nith and Terregles, 1842, P. Gr.; Auldgirth Station, S.-E.; Auchenessnane, 1841, T. Br.; Sanquhar, 1841 and 1843, I^r I^v. Annandale Newbie, 1843, S.-E.; Ecclefechan, S.-E.; Moffat, 1843, J. M'A., 1840, J. T. J.

Bromus g-iganteus. Linn.

Records : D/s.—T. Brown, 1883. Kcd.—G. Gordon, 1836. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale— IslilkQ, Dryfe, G. Bl.; Moffat, J. M'A.

Festuca OVina. Linn. (Sheep's Fescue).

Records : 1826. Ovina, Bfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883. b. capillata, Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. 1827. Rubra, Z>/^. P. Gray, 1850. Kcd. Dr Burgess, 1789. Wgt.— G. C. Druce, 1883. b. arenaria, Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : iV///^^^^/.?— Arbigland, 1827, Dr Br.; Dumfries, 1827, P. Gr.; Friars' Carse, 1827, S.-E.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common 1826, J. T. J.; Moffat, 1827, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, Dr Bl. Eskdale Whitehope Edge, Causeway Grain (to 1500 feet), Gilnockie, Meikledale, 1827, S.-E.

In rather wet places on peat, whinstone soils, etc., very common 1826; dry whinstone rocks, rather sandy soil, carboniferous sandstone, 1827.

Festuca elatiop. Linn,

Records: 1831. Elatior, Z/^;^, Z^Jr. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. W^t.—G. C. Druce, 1883.


b. pseudololiacea, Dfs. G. F. Scott-Elliot, 1892.

c. loliacea, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1890.

d. pratensis, Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.

G. C. Druce, 1883. 1832. Arundinacea, Dfs. T. Brown, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, var. d., P. Gr.; Kingholm, S.-E.; Auchenessnane, 1832, T. Br.; Sanquhar, var. c.^ Dr Dv. An?iandale Mofifat, 1831, J. M'A.; 1832, S-E.; Annan, Kirde, 1831, var. b., and 1832, S.-E.; Gasworks, Moffat, 1831, var. ^., J. M'A. Eskdale Kirk- burn, Bentpath, 1832, S.-E.; Byreburn, 1832, S.-E.

Moist holms, roadsides, etc.; e tuarine mud, 1832.

Festuca gigantea. Mill.

Records: Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Tinwald, Dr Sn.; Tynron, J. Sh.; Thorn- hill, J. M'A.

Festuca sylvatica. Mill.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. T. Brown, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, Tynron, T. Br. Eskdale Byre-

burn, S.-E.

Festuca myurus. Linn,

Records: 1824. Myurus, Z?/f. Dr Singer, 1843. Kcd. T.Brown, 1882? 1825. Sciuroides, Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Tinwald, 1824, Dr Sn.; Dumfries, 1825, P. Gr.; Auchenessnane, 1825, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Moffat, 1824, J. T. J. and J. M'A.

Dactylis glomerata. Linn. (Cocksfoot).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 900 feet.

On moist or dry holms, roadsides, humus, etc.; often in complete shade and shelter.


Cynosurus cristatus. Linn. (Dogs' Tail).

Records : D/s. and Ki:d. P. Gray, 1850. JV^f. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys to 2000 feet.

On roadsides, peat, etc.; almost every soil, and fully exposed.

Briza media. Linn. (Quaking Grass).

Records: Z>/$-. and Kcd.—F. Gray, 1850. JVg^.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : NUhsdale. Lochanhead, F. W. G.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Morton Mains, Townhead, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Evan, S.-E.; Beeftub, Kd.; Moffat, common, J. T. J. Eskdale Tarras, Bilholm, Mosspaul, Whitehope, 1400 feet, S.-E.

On moist whinstone soils, boulder clay, etc. ; fully exposed.

Poa plicata. Fr.

Record : Dfs. Dumfries Herbarium, 1863. Locality : Ruthwell.

Poa aquatiea. Linn.

Record: Dfs. P. Gray, 1846. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale. Caerlaverock, P. Gr., R. H. M. Annan- dale Kirtle Bridge, Beld Craig, Garpol, S.-E. Eskdale Tarras water, Bexburn Linn, near Burnfoot, S.-E.

In wet mud by ponds and burns.

Poa fluitans. SQop.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities: Nithsdale Ruthwell, Dr Gl.; Routen Brig, S.-E.; Dumfries, P. Gr.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; Grey Mare's Tail, R. A. Annandale Kirtle, S.-E.; Ecclefechan, S.-E.; common, Moffat, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale Penton, along Esk at Burn- foot, Wauchope, etc., S.-E.

In water of ditches ; usually in long grass.


Poa maritima. Huds.

Record: JD/s.—?. Gray, 1846. Kcd. and Wgt.—G. C Druce, 1883.

Locality : Along the shore Caerlaverock, P. Gr.

Poa loliacea. Huds. Records : Kcd. J. M' Andrew, 1882. Wgt—T)i Graham, 1836.

Localities : East of Drummore, Dr Gr.; South Creetown, J. M 'Andrew.

Poa annua, linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

By roadsides, waste ground, etc. (not on peat).

Poa distans. Linn. Record : Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1883.

Poa sudetica. Hcenlie. Record : JDfs. T. Brown, 1893. Locality : Auchenessnane.

Poa pratensis. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883. d. subcaerulea, jD/s.—G. F. Scott-EUiot, 1893. Wgt.— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, var. d. Langholm, S.-E.

On pretty dry holms, sandy stony soils, roadsides, etc.; fully exposed in short tuff.

Poa balfourii. Bab.

Record: D/s. Rev. E. F. Linton, 1889. Locality : Midlaw Burn.


Poa trivialis. Linn.

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

On moist or dry holms, etc.; fully exposed.

Poa nemoralis. Linn.

Records : JDfs. T. Brown, 1882.

c. glaucantha, Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Wood near Drumlanrig, T. Br.; rocks by Nith, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.; rocks on Kellowater, var c.y Dr Dv. Annan- dale— M^o^z.^, J. T. J.

In shade.

Catabrosa aquatica. Beauu.

Records : Djs. Dr Singer, 1843. Wgt. Dr Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Along the shore Portlogan to Port Gill, Arn.; Merse, J. M'A.; Tinwald, Dr Sn.

Molinia caerulea. Mcench.

Records: Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common, Lochar Moss, F. W. G.; Auchenessnane, T. Br.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Very common Moffat Hills, J. T. J., S.-E. Eskdale— Common Whitehope (to 1500 feet), and by Esk, S.-E.

Usually marshes, on peat or boulder clay, very common.

Melica nutans. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1858. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Scaur, J. Sh., T. Br.; Nith Linns, R. A.; Crawick, Euchan, Kello, Dr Dv. Annandale Beld Craig, Garpol, J. Sd.; Wellburn, Craiks Wood, J. T. J.

In glens at a higher altitude than the following.


Melica uniflopa. Lfnn,

Records: D/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850 and 1846. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, Hn.; Mavisgrove, (jlen, Craigs, P. Gr., S.-K; Routen Brig, S.-E.; Scaur, Exc, T. Br.; Nithbank, R. A.; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. Annandale Tundergarth, S.-E. ; Garpol, Beld Craig, S.-E.; Craiks Wood, Wellburn, J. T. J. Eskdaie—V Qnion, Langholm, Tarras, Bexburn, S.-E.

On moist leaf mould ; in shady and sheltered linns.

Triodia decumbens. Beauv.

Records: £>fs.—T)x Davidson, 1886. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1846. Wgf. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Maxwelltown Loch, P. Gr.; Hellcleugh, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Anna?idale Torduff Point, S.-E.

Dry whinstone pastures, boulder clay.

KoBleria cristata. Pers.

Records: D/s. Dr Davidson, 1890. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Y)x Graham, 1835.

Locality : Nithsdale Spango, Dr Dv.

Dry pastures, Dr Dv.

Arundo phpagrnites. Linn. (Reed).

Records: D/s. Dr Singer, 1843. ^^^' P- Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Scaur, J. Wl. Afman- dale Lochmaben Lochs, Dr Sn., F. W. G., S.-E.

Isoetes lacustris. Linn. (Quill wort).

Records: Dfs. W. Keddie,*- 1854. Kcd. J. Eraser, 1864. JVgt.—C. C. Bailey, 1883.

Locality : Annandale Loch Skene, W. Kd.

Pilularia globifera. Linn. Records : Kcd. J. Cruickshank, 1843? Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883. Locality: Lincluden House Pond, Dumfries, J. Cru., P. Gray.

* Requires conQnuation.


Lycopodium clavatum. Linn.

Records : D/s. and Kcd.—'P. Gray, 1850. IVgf. Rev. G Wilson, 1891.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, Lochar Moss, P. Gray ; Loch Urr, Girharrow, J. Cr.; Craigdarroch, Glenmaddie, Pamphalinn, Dr Dv. AnnandaleSN q\\ Burn, Beld Craig Burn, J. T. J.; Breckonside, W. Ca.; Loch Skene, S.-E. Eskdale Langholm Hill, Bea.

Lycopodium annotinum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Barn Hills, Morton, J. Cr. Annandale Moffat, Dr Sn.

Lycopodium alpinum. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—]. Sadler, 1862. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth House (to north), R Gr.; Eastern Slope of Lochanhead Hills, P. Gr.; near marsh, on Lowthers, Dr Dv.; Townhead, R. A. Annandale~lidiXtM\ Hindhill, W. Ca.; Garpol, J. Sd.; Black's Hope, Whitecoomb, S.-E.

Lycopodium selago. Linn.

Records: JDfs W. Carruthers, 1882. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. J. M 'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth Hills, P. Gr.; Caitloch, J. Cr.; Uplands, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Auchencat Burns, S.-E.; Hartfell and Craigs, W. Ca., S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, J. T. J.; Croft- head, S.-E.

On dry places on hills, mudstones, etc.

Lycopodium selaginoides. Linn.

Records : Dfs. W. Carruthers, 1882. Kcd.—?, Gray, 1846. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalskairth, Criffel, P. Gr.; general. Glen- cairn, J. Cr.; Cample, R. A.; common Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Beld Craig Burn, Correifron, S.-E.; Well Hill Marshes, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, W. Ca. Eskdale— Z2.^\\q O'er, S.-E.


Equisetum maximum. Lam.

Records : Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1888. Wgt.—T>v Arnott, 1848.

Localities : Dunskey Glen, J. M'A.; south of Portwilliam, Monreith, G. C. Dr.; Stoneykirk, Arn.

Equisetum pratense. Linn.

Record : Dfs. Dr Davidson, 1886.

Locality : Nithsdale Holmwood, Nith above Sawmill, Sanquhar, Dr Dv.

Equisetum arvense. Linn.

Records: Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—Q,. C. Druce, 1883. Var. b. Alpestre? Dfs. J. T. Johnstone, 1893.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, reaching 2000 feet. Black's Hope (var. alpestre), J. T. J.

On dry sandy soils, cinders of railways ; a common garden weed.

Equisetum sylvaticum. Linn.

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.~?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Redpaths, R. A.; com- mon Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Catch Hall Loaning, Dryfe, Caledonian Railway, G. Bl.; Kirkpatrick-Juxta, F. A. H.; New Edin- burgh Road, J. T. J.

Rather wet places ; often in shade.

Equisetum limosum. Sm,

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. ^. fluviatile, Dfs. Dr Singer, 1843.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Maxwelltown Loch, R. H. M.; Newlands, R. A.; common Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Lochmaben (also var. b.\ Dr Sn., S.-E.; Kirkpatrick-Juxta, F. A. H.; Reddings, J. T. J.


Equisetum palustre. Linn.

Records : D/s. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt—G. C. Druce, 1883. b. polystachyum, Dfs. R. Armstrong, 1893.

Localities : Nithsdale Dumfries, P. Gr.; Netliercog, Kirkconnel Reservoir, Dr Dv. Annandale Dryfe, G. Bl. Eskdale Wauchope, S.-E.

Equisetum hyemale. Linn.

Records : Dfs.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Kcd.—Y. Gray, 1848. Localities : Nithsdale— '^qsmx, Exc; Thornhill, J. M'A. Annan- dale— "Bd^gxdcy, Dryfe, G. BL, S.-E.

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense. Sm.

Record : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789.

Localities: Nithsdale— TyxumX^inng, J. T. S.; Auchenessnane, T. Br. Annandale Rocks on south side of Water of J^ a little below Hollas, foot of sandy holm on Glenkillburn, Kirkmichael, Dr Br. "^

Hymenophyllum unilaterale. Borii.

Records: Dfs.—V^. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities : Nithsdale Dalveen Pass, Scaur, W. St., T. Br.; Glen- jaun (1000 feet), Glencrosh (700 feet), Benbuie (700 feet), J. Cr.; Kello and Mennock sources, Dr Dv. Annandale Garpol, Dr Bl.; Wellburn, Kd.; Cornal Tower Burn, Midlaw Burn, J. T. J.; Grey Mare's Tail, Dr Dv. Eskdale 1800 feet at Midlaw Burn, J. T. J.; Tarras, Arkleton, Bea.

On moist sandstone, or whinstone rocks, quite shaded, W. St., Bea.

Pteris aquilina. Linn. (Bracken).

Records : Dfs.—V. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. —G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common all over the hills.

On boulder clay, whinstone soils, sandy poor soil (not on peat or rich alluvium).

* I suspect this to be H. unilaterale, but as I have never found Dr Burgess wrong, I leave

the record.


Cryptogramme crispa. R. Br. (Parsley).

(Allosorus Crispus).

Records: Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd.—M.x Maughan, 1789. f^/.— Rev. J. Gorrie, 1889.

Localities: Nithsdale Newabbey, Mau.; Craigs, P. Gr.; Auldgirth, Th.; Auchenstrowan (1000 feet), Caitloch (1000 feet), Castlehill (700 feet), J. Cr. ; Morton Range, W. St., R. A. Annandale Very common M Water (at 500 feet), Bremner, Queensberry, S.-E.; Beeftub, Kd., S.-E.; Hartfell, S.-E.; Black's Hope, Correifron, Grey Mare's Tail, Earshaig Burn, J. T. J., S.-E.; Beld Craig Burn, Kd., J. Sd. Eskdale— Langholm Hill, Bea.

On whinstone fragments at foot of cliffs, old walls ; fully exposed.

Lomaria spicant. Dew. (Hard Fem).

(Blechnum Boreale).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd. P. Gray, 1850. Wgt. G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys.

On moist or pretty dry leaf mould, in shady sheltered woods, Bea., S.-E.

Asplenium adiantum nigrum, linn. (Black Maidenhair).

Records : Dfs.—W. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—?. Gray, 1848. Wgt— G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Auldgirth Bridge, S.-E.; Minnygrile (650 feet), Crechan (500 feet), J. Cr.; Black Linn, Morton, R. A.; Sanquhar Castle, Ryehill Railway Wall, Dr Dv. Annandale Tundergarth, G. Bl.; Wamphray Glen, Duff, Kinnel, J. T. J.; Garpol, W. Ca.; Beeftub, S.-E.; Beld Craig, Kd., W. Ca.; Cornal Tower Burn, W. Ca. Eskdale Tarras Hill, Bea.

On dry whinstone rocks, old walls.

Asplenium marinum. Linn.

Records : Z)/f.— (Nith estuary, P. Gray, 1848.) Kcd. G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.—Dv Balfour, 1843.

Localities : Along the shore Common.


Asplenium viride. Huds. (Green Maidenhair).

Records: D/s.—W. Stevens, 1848. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882.

Localities: Nithsdale Euchan Glen, J. Sh., Dr Dv.; Townhead Hill, James Smith, R. A. Annandale Hartfell Craigs, J. T. J., S.-E.; Grey Mare's Tail, W. St., W. Ca.; Beld Craig, Kd., J. Sd., W. Ca. Eskdale Tarras Water, Ewes Hills, Bea.

On moist whinstone or mudstone ; partly shaded and wind-sheltered.

Asplenium trichomanes. Urn. (Maidenhair).

Records : Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—Q^. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen Bridge, S.-E.; Dumfries, common, P. Gr.; Glencairn, common, J. Cr,; Cleugh, R. A.; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv. Annandale —Very common Beld Craig, Kd., W. Ca., J. T. J.; Loch Skene (2000 feet), S.-E. Eskdale Common Langholm Bridge, S.-E., Bea.

On dry rarely wet whinstone rocks, old walls, bridges, &c.

Asplenium rutamuraria. linn, (Wall Rue).

Records: Dfs.—?. Gray, 1850. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. —]. M'Andrew, 1889.

Localities : Nithsdale Routen Brig, S.-E. ; Craigdarroch, Jar- bruck, J. Cr.; Auldgirth Bridge, R. A., S.-E.; Morton, Wallace Hall, R. A.; Euchan Bridge, Sanquhar Castle, Dr Dv. Annandale Annan Bridge at Moifat, W. Ca.; Beeftub, J. T. J.; Milke Bridge, S.-E.; Beld Craig, Kd.; Auchencas, W. Ca. Eskdale Langholm Bridge, Bentpath Bridge, S.-E.

On dry rocks, bridges, walls of whinstone or limestone.

Athyrium filix foemina. Roth. (Lady Fern).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. Fieldiae-cristatum, Mr Harper, 1892.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys (var., Kirkconnel, Harper).

In moist leaf mould of shady woods.


Ceterach ofiicinarum. Willd. (Scaly Fern).

Records : D/s.—W. Stevens, 1848. Xcd.—F. Gray, 1848. IVgf.— J. M 'Andrew, about 1876.

Localities : Nithsdale Walls, Drumlanrig, W. St. Annandale Manse garden, Kirkpatrick-Juxta, Mr Brodie ; old tower Oryfe water, F. W. G.

Scolopendrium vulg-are. Symons. (Hart's tongue).

Records: D/s. and Xcd.—F. Gray, 1850. IV^i. J. M'Andrew, 1887.

Localities : Nithsdale Cluden Craigs, Glen, P. Gr.; two stations, Glencairn, J. Cr.; Black Linn, R. A.; Euchan, Dr Dv. Annandale Scotbrig, Kirtle, Gimmonbie, G. Bl.; Arch bank, Beld Craig, Wamphray, W. Ca. Eskdale Middlebie burn, Westerkirk, Bea.

Woodsia ilvensis. /?. Br.

Records: Dfs. W. Stevens, 1848.

Localities : Annandale Beeftub (D. Oliver) ; Black's Hope (P. N. Frazer), J. T. J.; Correifron, P. N. Frazer, W. Ca.; Whitecoombe, Loch Skene, W. St., W. Ca.*

In rocky ravines ; completely shaded.

Crystopteris fragilis. Bernh. (Bladder Fern).

Records: D/s.—W. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—O. N. Lloyd, 1837. Wgt.—^. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkconnel House, G. N. LI., R. R.; Cluden Craigs, P. Gr.; Glenjaun (1400 feet), J. Cr.; Cample Cleugh, Carron Glen, Enoch Bridge, R. A.; Kello, Orchard Burn, Dr Dv. Annandale Duff, Kinnel, J. T. J.; Tundergarth Linn, G. Bl.; Garpol, Kd.; Hartfell, W. Ca., S.-E.; Moffat Well, Loch Skene, W. Ca., S.-E.; Eskdale Tarras, Esk, Bea.

Moist rocks, tops of walls ; in shade or exposed, usually wind- sheltered.

Polystichum lonchitis. Roth. (Holly). Record: Dfs. Simon Halliday, 1872. Locality : Annandale Black's Hope, J. T. J.



Polystichum lobatum. Presl.

Records: a. Genuinum, Z)/>. Mr Yalden, 1789. Kcd. 2ind. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1882 and 1890. b. Aculeatum, Z>/i-. Dr Burgess, 1789. Kcd. P.Gray, 1850. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities: Nithsdale Glencairn (b.)^ abundant, J. Cr.; Blackwood Linn, Exc; Drumlanrig (b.)^ Dr Br.; Carronbridge, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale~^2.e^\\\^ (a.), Dr Sn.; Moffat Well (a.), Yalden, W. Ca.; Hartfell, Comal Tower Burn, Garpol, Brackenside Burn, W. Ca.; Grey Mare's Tail (a.), J. Sd.; Beld Craig (a.), Dr Sn., (bJ ), Kd., W. Ca. Eskdale Wauchope (b.)^ Bea.; Bentpath, S.-E.; Ewes water (a.)^ Bea.

On rocks, usually whinstone ; in shade and shelter.

Lastrea oreopteris. Presl. (Mountain Shield).

Records: Dfs. W. Carruthers, 1863. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt. Confirmed by J. M'Andrew, in 1892.

Localities : Nithsdale Glencairn, abundant, J. Cr. ; Sanquhar, common, Dr Dv, Annandale Common on hills, Garpol, Beld Craig, W. Ca. Eskdale Deanbanks, Bea.

Sloping banks in shade, Bea.

Lastrea filix-mas. Presl. (Male Fern).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—?. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883. Var. e., abbreviata, Dfs. E. F. Linton, 1889.

Localities : Very common in all the valleys, to 2200 feet Loch Skene ; var. ^., Grey Mare's Tail, E. F. Linton.

On boulder clay, whinstones, etc.

Lastrea spinulosa. Presl.

Records: D/s. J. M'Andrew, 1893. Kcd. J. M'Andrew, 1887. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Comlongan, J. M'A.; Manse Wood, R. A. Annandale— ^2i}\o'^ Hill, Gardenholm Wood, etc., J. T. J.

Lastrea dilatata. Presl. (Broad Buckler).

Records : Dfs.—\N. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—]. M'Andrew, 1882. Wgt.—G. C. Druce, 1883.


Localities : Nithsdale Glencairn, P. Gr.; Craighope Linn, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandaie Gallows Hill, Anchencas, W. Ca.; Beld Craig, Kd., W. Ca. Eskdale Common in woods, Bea.

Moist shady woods.

Polypodium vulgrare. Linn. (Polypody).

Records: Dfs. and Kcd.—V. Gray, 1850. Wgt.—O. C. Druce, 1883.

Localities : Nithsdale Very common Glencairn, J. Cr.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandaie Very common Garpol, W. Ca.; Hartfell, S.-E. Eskdale Very common Dean banks, Wauchope, Bea.

Moist or dry whinstone rocks, old walls, old trees ; chiefly in shade. Pheg-optepis dryopteris. Fee. (Oak Fern).

Records : Dfs. Dr Burgess, 1777. Kcd.~V. Gray, 1846. Wgt J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Cluden, Dalskairth, P Gr.; Blackwood, abundant, S.-E.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Craighope Linn, Hn., R. A. Annan- dale Gimmenbie, G. Bl; Raehills, F. A. H.; Gardenholm Linn, Well- burn, Black's Hope, Correifron, etc., J. T. J.; Beld Craig, Kd., W. Ca., etc. Eskdale Dean Banks, Dr Br., Bea.; Broomholm, Dr Br.

Common on moist leaf-mould ; in shade and shelter.

Phegopteris polypodioides. Fee. (Beech Fern).

Records : Z);^. Dr Burgess, 1777. Kcd. P. Gray, 1846. Wgt. J. M'Andrew, 1890.

Localities: Nithsdale Mabie, Dalskairth, P. Gr.; Glencairn, J. Cr.; Carron Bridge, Blackwood, M'Glashan ; Craighope Linn, White Quarry Scaur, R. A.; Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandaie Queensberry, S.-E.; Gimmenbie, G. Bl.; Kirkpatrick-Juxta, Raehills, F. A. H.; Garpol, Comal Tower Burn, Loch Skene (to 2200 feet), W. Ca., S.-E. Eskdale Penton, Dr Br., S.-E.; Broomholm, Dr Br.; Langholm, Dr Br., Bea.

On moist leaf-mould ; in shade and shelter.

Osmunda regalis. Linn. (Royal Fern).

Records : Dfs.—G. N. Lloyd, 1837. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1848. Wgt. Dr Arnott, 1843.

Locality : Nithsdale Lochar Moss, G. N. LI.


Ophiog-lossum vulgatum. Linn. (Adder's Tongue).

Records: D/s.—W. Keddie, 1854. Kcd.—V. Gray, 1848. Wgt.— Rev. J. Gorrie, 1890.

Localities : Nithsdale Kirkbean, P. Gr.; Twomerkland (400 feet), Caitloch (600 feet), Dalmakerran (750 feet), J. Cr.; New Loch, R. A.; shooting range, Sanquhar, Dr Dv. Annandale Whitestane hill, Tun- dergarth Linn, Poolhouses, Whiteknowe, G. Bl.; old camp, Kirkmichael, Bremner; Shicldhill, S.-E.; Beld Craig, Kd.; Beattock hill, W. Ca. Esk- dale Langholm hills, Bea.

In pastures on whinstone soil.

Botpychium lunaria. Sw. (Moonwort).

Records: Z)/y.—Dr Balfour, 1856. X^^.— P. Gray, 1846. Wgt-— J. M'Andrew, 1886.

Localities : Nithsdale Glen, Barrhill (300-800 feet), P. Gr.; Glen- cairn, common, J. Cr.; Thornhill, common, and Moss, R. A.; Ulzieside, Sanquhar, Dr I) v. Annandale Milke, G. Bl.; Hunterheck hill, W. Ca.; Black's Hope, Midlaw burn, Dumcrief, Annan water, J. T. J.; Beat- tock hill, Carr.; Dobb's Linn to Grey Mare's Tale, Dr BL, W. Ca. Eskdale Langholm hill, Bea.

On wet or dry pastures on whinstone soils, mudstones or boulder clay.

Received too late for insertion in the Flora :

Elatine hexandra. D. G.

Record: D/s Lockerbie, G. Bell, 1896.


Ablyteles cerinthius, Carduus heterophyllus. Adrastus limbatus, Pyrola minor.

^gynnis aglaia, Orchis conopsea.

Allantus nothi, Ranunculus acris, Trollius, Lathyrua pratensis, Spiraea ulmaria, Poterium sanguisorba, Carum verticillatum, Pim- piuella saxifraga, Myrrhis Odorata, Couopodium denudatum, Conium maculatum, Scabiosasuccisa, Chrysanthemum segetum, Matricaria inodora, Achillea millefolium, Carduus arveusis, Crepis virens, paludosa, Euphrasia officinalis, Polygonum Bifetorta.

Allantus scrophularise, Scrophularia offici.ialis.

Andrena albicans, Berberis, Hypericum quadratum, Geranium pratense, Alchemilla vulgaris, Lapsana communis, Alisma plantago, Cerastium triviale, Taraxicum.

Andrena bicolor, Capsella bursapastoris, Lotus comiculatus, Crepis virens

Andrena coitana, Barbarea vulgaris, Rosa canina, (Euanthe crocata, Crepis virens, Euphrasia officinalis.

Andrena denticulata, Seuecio jacobaea.

Andrena furcata, Crepis virens.

Andrena Gwyuana, Campanula rotundifolia.

Andrena parvula. Geranium molle.

Andrena Trimmeriana, Corydalis claviculata.

Andrena Wilkella, Taraxacum.

Anthidium manicatum, Arctium lappa.

Antholobium triviale, Cardamine amara.

Anthomyia pluvialis, Draba verna, Fragaria vesca, Heracleum spondylium, Crepis virens.

Anthomyia radicum, Ranunculus lingua, Glaucium luteum, Barbarea vul- garis, Nasturtium paluatre, Cardamine hirsuta, Sisymbrium alliaria, Brassica monensis, Sinapis, Cochlearia, Capsella, Arenaria peploides, Spergula, Hypericum perforatum, quad- rangulum, Geranium sanguineum, pratense, Erodium cicuti- arum, Oxalis acetosella, Geum urbanum, Rubus Chamaemorus, Fragaria, Potentilla tormentilla, maculata, anserina, Alche- milla vulgaris, Pyrus Aucuparia, Epilobium montanum, Sanicula, Cicuta, ^gopodium, Carum verticillatum, (Enanthe crocata, Myrrhis, Sambucus Ebulus, Galium palustre, Aparine, Aster Tripolium, Bellis, Gnaphalium silvaticum, Chrysanthe- mum segetum, Senecio aquaticus, Carduus heterophyllus, Tragopogon pratensis, Leontodon hirtus, Hypochagris, Taraxi- cum, Crepis virens, Hieracium murorum, Lapsana, Jasione, Campanula rotundifolia, Veronica serpyllifolia, montana, Chamsedrys, Armeria, Alisma plantago.

Anthomyia sulciventris. Ranunculus lingua, sceleratus, Papaver dubium, Veronica chameedrys, Cardamine hirsuta.

Apathus campestris, Scabiosa succisa.

Apathus quadricolor Corydalis claviculata, Solidago virgaurea, Senecio jacobea, Ceutaurea nigra, Convolvulus sepium, Mentha aqua- tica, Thymus serpyllum.

Apathus vestalis, Prunus cerasus, Rubus Idseus.

Apion germari, Cardamine hirsuta.

Apion pavidum. Ranunculus sceleratus, Trollius Europseus.


Apis mellifica, Caltha palustris, Nymphea, Corydalis claviculata, Barbarea vulgaris, Capsella, Lepidium Smithii, Raphanus, Spergularia, Hypericum perforatum, pulchrum, Malva moschata, Geranium sanguineum, sylvaticum, pratense, Ulex Europseus, Cytisus Laburnum, Trifolium medium, repens, Lotus corniculatus, Lathyrus pratensis, Prunus cerasus, Spiraea ulmaria, Rubus idseus, Potentilla comarum, Rosacanina, Crataegus oxyacantha, Epilobium angustifolium, Lythrum Salicaria, Saxifraga stell- aris, Heracleum spondylium, Valeriana officinalis, Solidago, Leontodon hirtus, Erica vulgaris, cinerea, Menyantnes trifoli- atus, Anehusa arvensis, Linaria vulgaris, Thymus serpyllum, Plantago lanceolata, Mercurialis, Allium ursinum, Narthecium ossifragum.

Ascia podagrica, Ulex Europajus, Fragaria vesca, Potentilla reptans, Saxi- fraga stellaris, Veronica chamsedrys.

Athalia spinarum, Alchemilla vulgaris.

Bombus Derhamellus, Corydalis claviculata, Hypericum quadrangulum, Malva moschata, sylvestris, Rubus fruticosus.

Bombus hortorum, Corydalis lutea, Trifolium pratense, Vicia sylvatica, sepium, sativum, Geum rivale, Lythrum salicaria, -i^nanthe crocata, Lonicera caprifolium, Carduus lanceolatus, palustris, Centaurea nigra, Primula vulgaris, Convolvulus sepium, Vaccinium myrtillus, Linaria vulgaris, Melampyrum pratense, Scrophularia officinalis, Digitalis, Euphrasia, Scutellaria galericulata, Stachys, Lamium album, Betonica, Palustris, Galeopsis tetrahit, Teucrium scorodonia, Narthecium ossi- fragum.

Bombus lapidarius, Trifolium pratense, Lathyrus pratensis, Lonicera capri- folium, Arctium lappa. Centaurea nigra, Rhinanthuscristagalli.

Bombus lucorum, Caltha, Berberis, Nymphea? Lychnis diurna, Floscu- culli, Hypericum perforatum, quadrangulum, hirsutum, Viola canina, Malva sylvestris, Ulex Europaeus, Genista tinctoria, Cytisus Scoparius, Laburnum, Ononis arvensis, Trifolium arvense, pratense, medium, Lotus corniculatus, Vicia cracca, . sepium, Lathyrus pratensis, macrorrhizus. Spiraea ulmaria, Rubus idaeus, Potentilla Tormentilla, comarum, Rosa canina, Pyrus aucuparia, Epilobium angustifolium, Heracleum spondy- lium, Conium maculatum, Sambucus Ebulus, Valeriana offici- nalis, Scabiosa succisa. Aster Trifolium, Arctium Lappa, Carduus lanceolatus, heterophyllus, Jasione montana, Campa- nula rotundifolia, Erica cinerea, tetralix, Symphytum officinale, Linaria vulgaris, Veronica officinalis, Euphrasia, Rhinanthus cristagalli, Pedicularis palustris, silvatica. Thymus serpyllum, Stachys palustris, silvatica, Galeopsis tetrahit, Narthecium ossifragum.

Bombus muscorum, Corydalis claviculata, Viola canina, Lychnis floc- cucuUi, Hypericum quadrangulum. Geranium sanguineum, sylvaticum, pratense, Robertianum, Genista tinctoria, Cystisus scoparius, Trifolium pratense, Lotus corniculatus, Anthyllis, Vicia cracca, sylvaticum, sepium, sativum, Lathyrus pratensis, macron-hizus, Geum rivale, Rubus idaeus, fruticosus, Poten- tilla comarum, Rosacanina, Epilobium angustifolium, Scabiosa succisa, Arctium Lappa, Carduus heterophyllus, Centaurea nigra, Vaccinium myrtillus, Symphytum officinale, Hyoscya- mus niger. Anehusa, Scrophularia officinalis, Melampyrum pratense, Mentha aquatica, Calamintha clinopodium, Ajuga reptans, Nepeta Glechoma, Prunella vulgaris, Lamium album, Scutellaria galericulata, Stachys Betonica, sylvatica, palustris, Galeopsis tetrahit, Lanium purpureum, Teucrium scorodonia.


Bombus pratorum, Berberis, Brassica Sinapis, Lychnis vespertina, Hypericum perforatum, quadrangulum, hirsutum, Malva moschata, Geranium sylvaticum, pratense, Robertianum, Tri- foliuni medium, Enbus IdsBus, fruticosus, Eosa Canina, Epilobium angustifolium, Lythruni Salicaria, Sedum acre, Lonicera Caprifolium, Scabiosa succiaa, Carduus palustris arvensis. Campanula latifolia, Symphytum officinale, Veronica Chamsedrys, Bartsia, Odontites, Rhinanthus, Cristagalli, Pedicularis sylvaticus, Melampyrum pratense, Stachys Be- tonica, Sylvatica, Teucrium Scorodonia, Armeria.

Bombus terrestris, Lamium album.

Borborua equinus, Lysimachia nemorum, Veronica montana.

Brachycentrum sabulosum, Caltha palustris.

Byturus Rosae, Nasturtium officinale.

Csenonympha pamphylius, Medicago lupulina.

Calliphora erythrocephala, Pyrus Aucuparia, Chrysanthemum leucanthe- mum, Thymus serpyllum.

Caricea tigrina. Nasturtium officinale.

Charseas graminis, Sambucus ebulus, Scabiosa succisa.

Chilosia peltata, Cardamine amara, pratensis.

Chlorosia formosa, Brassica Sinapis, Galium MoUugo.

Chrysogaster cemetorum, (Enanthe crocata.

Chrysogaster metallina, Crepis paludosa.

Chrysogaster nigrinus, Heracleum spondylium.

CoUetes fodica, Senecio Jacobea.

Colletes succincta. Erica cinerea.

Criorhina oxyacantha, Scabiosa succisa.

Cynomyia mortuorum, Helianthemum vulgare, Sanguisorba officinalis, Sedum Rhodiola, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Thymus Serpyllum.

Cyrtonema stabularis, Epilobium angustifolium.

Dolichopus febrilis, Pyrus aucuparia, Crata;gus oxyacanthae.

Drymeia hamata, Hypericum pulehrum, Geranium sanguineum, Potentilla Tormentilla.

Empis bilineata. Ranunculus Ficaria, Arabis hirsuta, Viola canina, Pyrus aucuparia, Saxifraga hypnoides, stellaris, Hieracium murorum, Veronica Beccabunga.

Empis ignota, Arenaria trinervis.

P]mpis lividia. Nasturtium officinale, Alliaria officinalis, Lychnis vespertina, Stellaria graminea, Hj'pericum perforatum, Vicia cracca, Carduus lanceolatus, palustris, Erythraa Centaurium, Con- volvulus sepium.

Empis opaca, Myrrhis odorata, Taraxicum dens-leonis.

Empis pennata, Stellaria holostea, Geranium sylvaticum, Robertianum.

Empis punctata. Ranunculus Ficaria, Brassica Sinapis.

Empis tessellata. Geranium sylvaticum, Robertianum, Pyrus Aucuparia, Polygonum Bistorta.

Empis trigramma, Alchemilla vulgaris, Myrrhis odorata.

Empis vitripennis, Silene inflata, Spergula, Hypericum hirsutum, Linum catharticum. Geranium sylvaticum, Orchis latifolia.

Epursea sestiva, Pyius aucuparia.

Eristalis arbustorum, Nasturtium officinale, QEnanthe crocata,Cha^rophyllnm temulum, Valeriana officinalis, Scabiosa succisa, Aster Tripo- lium, Chrysanthemum segetum, Achillea ptarmica, Senecio Jacobea.

Eristalis asnea, Trollius Europa^us.

Eristalis intricarius, Carduus lanceolata, Erythraea Centaurium.

Eristalis nemorum, Matricaria inodora, Crepis j^aludosa, Alisma plantago.


Eristalis pertinax, Brassica Sinapis, Silene inflata, Trifolium repens, Rubus fruticosus, Eosa canina, QEnanthe crocata, Viburnum opulus, Galium cruciatum, Valeriana officinalis, Aster, Tripolium, Bellis, Hieracium murorum, Erica cinera. Orchis latifolia.

Eristalis sepulchralis, Nasturtium officinale.

Eristalis tenax, Brassica Sinapis, CEnanthe crocata, Valeriana officinalis, Scabiosa, Mentha aquatica.

Eristalis tumidata, Brassica Sinapis.

Escophanes occupator, Alchemilla vulgaris.

Foi'mica cunicularis, Brassica monensis.

Hsematophora pluvialis, Achillea millefolium.

Halictus albipes. Geranium sanguineum, Epilobium hirsutum.

Halictus cylindricus, Geranium sylvaticum, Sambucus Ebulus, Carduus arvensis.

Halictus mori, Barbarea vulgaris, Brassica monensis, Veronica Beccabunga, Polygonum Persicaria.

Halictus rubicundus, Senecio Jacobea, Taraxicum.

Halictus subfasciatus, vSenecio Jacobea.

Halictus villosulus, Taraxicum.

Haltica oleracea, Alliaria officinalis, Brassica monensis.

Hedrerigaster Urticse, Epilobium montanum.

Helophilus frutetorum, Potentiila Tormentilla, Galium cruciatum, Senecio Jacobea, Crepis paludosa, Myosotis palustris.

Helophilus pendulus, Nasturtium officinale, Cardamine pratensis, Achillea millefolium, Euphrasia officinalis, Alisma plantago.

Hilara maura, Armeria vulgaris.

Hydrellia griseola. Cerastium vulgatum, Erodium Cicutarium.

Hydrcecia nictitans, Scabiosa succisa.

Hydrotea dentipes, Thalictrum minus, Ranunculus aquatilis, lingua, acris, Papaver dubium, Glaucium luteum, Capsella bursapastoris, Hypericum elodes, Cytisus Laburnum, Trifolium arvense, Geum urbanum, Rubus Chamsemorus, Potentiila reptans, maculata, anserina, Saxifraga stellaris, Sanicula Europea, Carum verticillatum, Myrrhis odorata, Galium verum, Solidago virgaurea. Chrysanthemum segetum, Matricaria inodora, Achillea ptarmica, millefolium, Senecio aquaticus, Jacobea, Carduus arvensis, Hypochceris radicata, Sonchus arvensis, Crepis virens, Myosotis palustris, Veronica Becca- bunga, Mentha arvensis.

Hyelemyia strigosa. Ranunculus lingua, Nasturtium officinale, palustris, Alliaria officinalis, Geum urbanum, Myrrhis odorata, Conium maculatum, Achillea millefolium, Lapsana communis. Cam- panula rotundifolia, Veronica montana, Alisma plantago, Anthoxanthum odoaratum.

Hyetodesia basalis. Ranunculus ficaria, Hypericum pulchrum. Chrysanthe- mum leucanthum, segetum, Senecio aquaticus, Carduus lance- olatus.

Hyetodesia incana, Ranunculus acris, Medicago lupulina, Potentiila comarum, anserina, Alchemilla vulgaris, Sanguisorba officin- alis, Crataegus oxyacantha, Cicuta virosa, Choerophyllum temulum, Sambucus ebulus, Galium cruciatum, Mollugo, Scabiosa succisa, Solidago virgaurea, Senecio aquaticus, Alisma plantago.

Hyetodesia jucana, Taraxicum densleonis.

Kmetes sidaris, Ranunculus acris.

Latridium porcatus, Draba verna.

Leptis tringaria, Hypericum quadrangulum.

Leucogonia lucorum, Potentiila tormentilla.


Licus ferrugineus, Geranium sanguineum. Lonchoptera lutea, Eanunculus acris. Lophius albomarginatus, Mentha arvensua.

Lucilia Caesar, Nasturtium officinale, Crambe, Helianthemum vulgare,

Spergularia rubra, Sanguisorba officinalis, Cicuta virosa,

CEnanthe crocata, Heracleum spondylium, Chrysanthemum

leucanthum, segetum, Matricaria inodora.

Lncilia comicina, Crambe maritima.

Mantua napi, Ranunculus ficaria, Cardamine amara, pratensis, Brassica

Sinapis. Megachile Willughbiella, Carduus lanceolatug. Melano&toma gracilis, Anemone nemorosa.

Melanostoma mellina. Anemone nemorosa, Ranunculus ficaria, Helianthe- mum vulgare. Geranium lucidum, Trifoliam procumbens, Spiraea ulmaria, Rosa canina, Achillea millefolium, Euphrasia officinalis. Meligethes aeneus. Ranunculus acris, Papaver dubium, Glaucium luteum, Nasturtium palustre, Brassica monensis, Cochlearia officinalis, Cakile maritima, Crambe maritima, Raphanus raphanistrum, Stellaria media, nemorum, holoatea. Geranium Robertianum, Pyrus acuparia. Meligethes brassicae, Ranunculus ficaria. Melegethes viridescens, Conopodium denudatum. Micropalpus vulpinus, Erica tetralix, Thymus serphyllum. Micropteryx calthella, Caltha palustris, Barbarea vulgaris, Cardamine

amara. Mimesa Dahlbomi, Cicuta virosa.

Morellia hortorum, Spiraea ulmaria, Scabiosa succisa, Solidago virgaurea, Achillea millefolium, Senecio Jacobea, Carduus arvensis, Centaurea nigra, Crepis virens, Sonchus arvensis, oleraceus. Musca corvina, Galium verum, Matricaria inodora. Nemapoda stercoraria, Spergularia rubra. Nemoteles notatris, Spergularia rubra, Sedum anglicum. Nomada lateralis, Geranium sylvaticum. Notiphila cinera. Spiraea ulmaria. Aster Tripolium. Notiphila riparia. Ranunculus aquatilis. Nysson dimidiatus, Senecio Jacobaea. Odynerus spinipes, ^gopodium podagraria.

Onesia sepulchralis, Sanguisorba officinalis, Cicuta virosa, Solidago vir- gaurea, Carduus arvensis, Crepis virens, Alisma plantago. Opomyza germination is, Capsella bursapastoris, Cerastium vulgatum. Orchisa minor, Conopodium denudatum, Veronica hederifolia. Ortalls emissa, Heracleum spondylium. Panipla vulgaris, Cicuta virosa. Parhydra aquila. Ranunculus aquatilis. Perineima uassata, Galium MoUugo, Polygonum Bistorta. Phyllobium calcaratum, Cardamine amara.

Pieris brassica, Fumaria officinalis, Scabiosa succisa, Sambucus ebulus. Pieris napi, Rubrus fruticosus, Epilobium tetragonum, Scabiosa succisa. Pieris rapi, Scabiosa succisa.

Platychirius albimana. Ranunculus ficaria, Trollius Europaeus, Papaver dubium, Barbarea vulgaris, Arabis hirsuta, AUiaria officinalis, Brassica Sinapis, Spergula arvensis, Geranium molle, Oruith- opus perpusillus, Potentilla anserma, Rosa canina, Epilobium tetragonum, Circaea lutetiana, Saxifraga stellaris, Viburnum opulus, Galium cruciatum, Saxatile, Jasione montana, Myo- sotis palustris, Veronica, Beccabunga, montana, Ajuga reptans, Alisma Plantago, Scilla nutans


Platychirius clypeatus, Ranunculus lingua, Nasturtium officinalis, Arabis Thaliana, Helianthemum vulgare, Viola canina, Ulex Europseus, Medicago lupulina, Trifolium arvense, procumbens, Vicia cracca, Epilobium montanum, tetragonum, Saxifraga stellaris, Galium cruciatum, Chrysanthemum segetum, Carduus lance- olatus, arvensis, Sonchu3 oleraceus, Crepis paludosa, Jasione montana, Myosotis palustris, Sylvatica, Veronica Beccabunga, Euphrasia officinalis, Alisma Plantago.

Platychirius manicatus, Lychnis diurna, Vespertina, Silene inflata, Ceras- tium vulgatum, Stellaria holostea, Spergula arvensis, Linum catharticum, Malva sylvestris, Geranium sylvaticum, pratense, lucidum, dissectum, Conopodium denudatum, Crepis virens, Euphrasia officinalis.

Platychirius peltatus, Berberis, Glaucium luteum, Nasturtium officinale. Lychnis vespertina, Stellaria graminea, Geranium sylvaticum, Rosa canina, Lythrum Salicaria, Galium palustre, Jasione montana, Erica tetralix, Veronica Beccabunga, Stachys palus- tris, Galeopsis tetrahit, Alisma Plantago.

Platychirius scutatus, Arenaria trinervis, Spergula arvensis.

Pollenia rudis, Nasturtium officinale, Carum verticillatum, Sambucus Ebulus, Aster Tripolium, Centaurea nigra, Crepis paludosa.

Polyommatus icarus, Medicago lupulina, Plantago lanceolata.

Polyommatus phlseas, Scabiosa succisa.

Prosopis hyalinata, Geranium sanguineum, Potentilla Tormentilla.

Psila fumitara, Myrrhis odorata.

Pyrophona rosarum. Nasturtium officinale.

Rhamphomyia albosegmentata, Ranunculus acris.

Rhingia rostrata, TroUius Europseus, Cardamine amara, Lychnis floscuculii, Spergula arvensis, Hypericum perforatum. Geranium sangu- ineum, Geumrivale, (Enanthe crocata, Carduus heterophyllus, Centaurea nigra, Veronica Beccabunga, Ajuga reptans, Scilla nutans.

Rhyphus fenestralis, Ulex Europeus.

Sarcophaga carnaria, Aster Tripolium.

8atyrus janira, Sambucus ebulus, Centaurea nigra.

Scatophaga inquinita, Hypericum hirsutum.

Scatophaga litorea, Nymphea, Spergularia rubra, Alchemilla vulgaris.

Scatophaga lutaria, Conopodinm denudatum.

Scatophaga stercoraria, Nasturtium officinale, Ranunculus sceleratus, Spergularia rubra, Spergula arvensis, Hypericum hirsutum, Vicia hirsuta, Alchemilla vulgaris, Sanguisorba officinalis, Heracleum spondylium, Saxifraga hypnoides, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, Mentha arvensis.

Scaena ribesii, Cardamine amara, pratensis.

Sepsis cynipsea, Papaver dubium, Hypericum quadrangulum, Chcerophyllum temulum, Myosotis versicolor.

Sericomyia borealis, Hypericum pulchrum, Rubus fruticosus, Carduus lanceolatus, Euphrasia officinalis.

Sericomyia lapponum, Rosa canina.

Siphona cristata, Barbarea vulgaris, Stellaria graminea, Hypericum pulch- rum, Rubus chamsemorus, Poterium sanguisorba, Pyrus Aucuparia, Epilobium montanum, Chrysosplenium oppositi- folium, Carnm verticillatum, Myrrhis odorata, Choerophyllura temulum Galium verum, palustre, Matricaria inodora, Achillea millefolium, Senecio vulgaris, Taraxicum densleonsis. Cam- panula rotundifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Mentha arvensis, Polygonum Persicaria, Alisma Plantago.


Sipliona geuiculata, Capsella bursapastoris, Viola palustris, Geum urbanum- Saxifraga stellaris, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, ^Egopo- dium podagraria, Myrrhis odoiata, Conopodium denudatum, Choerophyllum temulura, Valeriana pyrenaica, Scabiosasuccisa,. Aster Tripolium, Solidago virgaurea, Bellis, Senecio aylvati- cus, aquaticus, Carduus arvensis, Sonchus oleraceus, Lapsana communis, Jasioue montana, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Erythrea Centaurium. Veronica Beccabunga, Scilla nutans.

Sphserophoria Menthrastii. Matricaria inodora.

Sphegina clunipes, Arenaria trinervis.

Strenia clathrata, Luzula campestris.

Syritta pipiens, Barbarea vulgaris, Nasturtium officinalis, Arabis hirsuta, Sisymbrium officinalis, Brassica monensis, Sinapis, Capsella^ bursapastoris, Arenaria serpyllifolia, Stellaria graminea, Spergula arvensis, Malva sylvestris, Epilobium montanum, CEnanthe crocata. Conopodium denudatum, Conium macu- latum, Galium cruciatum, verum, MoUugo, Matricaria inodora, Senecio vulgaris, Alisma plantago.

Syrphus albostriatus, Hieracium murorum.

Syrphus arcuatus, Cerastium vulgatum, Hypericum hirsutum,

Syrphus balteatus, Ranunculus repens, Hypericum perforatum, Rosa canina. Centaurea nigra, Galeopsis tetrahit.

Syrphus bifasciatus, Brassica Sinapis, Cytisus Laburnum.

Syrphus cinctellus, Geranium lucidum, Rubus Idseus, Sanicula Europea, Conopodium denudatum, Galium cruciatum, saxatile, Scilla nutans.

Syrphus corollae, Capsella bursapastoris, Trifolium procumbens, Lotu» corniculatus, Heracleum spondylium. Aster Tripolium.

Syrphus franiditarse, Alisma plantago.

Syrphus luniger, Alisma plantago.

Syrphus nemorum, Heracleum spondylium.

Syrphus ribesii, Berberis, Capsella bursapastoris, Fotentilla reptans, Cytisus Laburnum, Rubus ideeus, Heracleum Spondylium, Galium cruciatum, verum, palustre, saxatile, Valeriana officinalis. Matricaria inodora, Achillea millefolium, Senecio aquaticus,. Carduus lanceolatus, Sonchus oleraceus, Lapsana communis, Veronica mcntana, Orchis conopsea.

Syrphus umbellatarum, AUiaria officinalis.

Telephorus bicolor. Nasturtium officinale.

Telephorus discoideus, Alchemilla vulgaris.

Telephorus fulvus. Lotus corniculatus, Conium maculatum, Senecio Jacobea,. Crepis virens, Mentha arvensis.

Telephorus rusticus, Nasturtium officinale.

Tenthredo ater, Achillea millefolium.

Thyomis morcida. Nasturtium officinale.

Tipbia minuta, ^gopodium podagraria.

Tryphon vulgaris, ^gopodium podagraria, Carum verticillatum.

Vanessa Atalanta, Sambucus ebulus, Scabiosa succisa, Carduus lanceolatus,, Alisma plantago.

Vanessa Urticae, Lythrum Salicaria, Sambucus ebulus.

Vespa rufa, Sanicula Europea, ffiuanthe crocata.

Vespa sylvestris, Epilobium angustifolium, Cicuta virosa, Galium aparine, Scrophularia nodosa.

Vespa vulgaris, Scabiosa succisa, Juncus maritimus.

Volucella bombylans, Nasturtium officinale, Polygonum Bistorta, Luzula campestris.

Xylophasia polyodon, Sambucus ebulus.

Zostenophorus tseniatus, Cardamine pratensis.










.. 81






.. 170








. i6i






. 83




.. 83


. 76



Coronilla ...

.. 48


. 78



Corydalis ...



. 61



Corylus ...

•• 155








. 189



Crambe ...



. 190



Crataegus ...

.. 64


. 141

Brachypodium ...



.. 104








. 164




.. 169





Cryptogramme .



. 171



Cuscuta ...



. 155

Butomus ...





. 189




.. 286


. 36





Anagallis ..

. 116



Dactylis ...

.. 196


. 123



Daphne ...

.. 151












.. 82





Dianthus ...






Digitalis ...

.. 128

Anthemis ...





.. 188

Anthoxanthum ..

. 188



Dipsacus ...


Anthyllis ..





.. 98


. 126











Aquilegia ...



Echium ...






Elymus . . .

•• 193



Catabrosa ...




Arctostaphylos ..






Aremonia ...

. 64



Epipactis ...


Arenaria ...






Armeria ...

. 142





Arrhenatherum .




Erio )horum



. 96

Chaerophyllum ..


Erodium ..



. 161



Erophila ...


Arundo ...







. 170





Asperula ...

. 87

Chrysanthemum ..



.. 118


. 204

Chrysosplenium ,.















.. 151

Astrantia ...






Athyrium ...

. 205


. 176


•• ^55

Atriplex ...




Festuca ...

.. 195













. 56

Littorella ...

■• 143

Parietaria . .



. 118

Lobelia ...







•■ 193

Parnassia ...




Lomaria ...

.. 204





Lonicera ...

.. 84


.. 68




Petasites ...










Lychnis ...


Phalaris ...

.. 188






.. 208

Geranium ...


Lycopsis ...

.. 123

Phleum ...

.. 188



Lycopus ...

•• 134

Pilularia . . .










Lythrum ...



.. 117



Malaxis ...

.. 166


.. 160





Plantago ...





.. 138



Helianthemum . .




Poa ... .












Polygala ...


Hesperis ..



.. 133


.. 170









Melilotus ..



.. 208




•• 134


.. 206




.. 119

Populus ...

•• 159

Humulus ...



.. 152







"* 56




.. 78

Poterium ...


Hymenophyllum . .



.. 187

Primula ...

.. 114



Mimulus ...

.. 128

Prunella ...

.. 137



Molinia ...

.. 199







Psamma ...

.. 190



Myosotis ...



.. 203




.. 154

Pulicaria ...











.. 80


.. 113



Narcissus ...

.. 170


.. 64




■• 193

Quercus ...

.. 156





Radiola ...










Neottia ...

.. 167






.. 137

Reseda ...




Nuphar . .


Rhamnus ...


Lamium ...


Nymphea ...



.. 132



GEnanthe ...






















Lavatera ...



. 209


.. 162




. 167


.. 170




. 136


.. 177

Lepidium ...









. 48

Salicornia ...

.. 144






. 156



Osmunda ...

. 208













Samolus ...

. 116




. 48



Lithospermum . . .


Papaver ...


Sanicula ...










. 103


r^ //

Saxifraga ...



. 161

Trifolium ...


Scabiosa ...

.. 89

Spergula ...



... 165

Scandix ...






Schoenus ...

.. 176



Triodia ...



.. 171

Stachys ...

. 138

Trollius ...



.. 177

Statice ...

. 142

Tussilago ...

... 96



Stellaria ..



... 160

Scolopendrium .

.. 206







Subularia ...





.. 137

Symphoricarpos .

. 83


... 153

Sedum ...



. 123


... 117




. 96







Valeriana ...


Senecio ...



. 160


... 89

Serratula ...

Teesdalia ...



... 126

Sherardia ..


Teucrium ...


Veronica ...

... 128

Sibbaldia ...








Thlaspi ...






Thymus ...



... 118







Solanum ...


Tofieldia ...


Woodsia . . .

... 206

Solidago , . .





... 162










liot, G.F.S.

Flora of Dtunfries shire

Call Number:


