5 0 4J O ^H / FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY, OHIO, A. P. MORGAN. r U H I, I S H E I> BY T H E Xj I TE I^.A. I^ "Y" TJIsriOIT, P A V TO \ , OHIO PREFACE. This Flora of the Miami Valley, I have prepared for the Botanical Section of the Literary Union, at the suggestion of Hon. A. D. Wilt, President of the Society. It embodies the results of rambles after plants, during many summers, in various parts of the valley of the Miami. Never having in view presenting my researches in systematic shape or putting them in permanent form, 1 did not aim, at any time, to make thorough and exhaustive work. My studies of plants have been pursued as a delightful recreation — as a relax- ation from toil and business. No one, then, more than myself, can be aware of the deficiencies of the catalogue of jjlants here presented. Several of the Natural Orders are little worked uj). This is plain in reference to Orasses and Sedges; it is also true in reference to the aipiatic |)kints of most of the orders. It is ho|)ed that students of Botany in every part c<|f the region will feel stimulated to look for jjlants ^ot found in the catalogue, in order to make uj) these '^Beficiencies in a future edition. (;-^ I am indebted to Mrs. K. j. Si'K.nck, of Spring- field, ()., for a list of the Ferns, Mosses, Hepaticai, <:jand Lichens which she has collected in that locality. PREFACE. I have made use, also, of a catalogue of the trees growing in Woodland Cemetery, prepared many years ago by Mr. John W. Van Cleve. Besides its general scientific value, such a cata- logue of the plants of the Miami Valley will, of course, be exceedingly useful and convenient to all resident botanists who make exchanges and accumu- late herbaria. It is thought, also, that it may prove of service to pupils in the High Schools and other institutions of learning while pursuing the usual course of instruction in Botany. It is my desire, at an early day, to issue a revised edition of this Flora, which shall be complete and exhaustive. In it, also, I propose to indicate the locality of species which are rare and not common to the whole region. That this may be done in the best manner possible, all lovers and students of Botany living in every part of the Miami Valley, are requested to furnish me with lists of additional species, and with such other information as may be available for this purpose. A. P. Morgan. Dayton, Ohio, April lo, 1878. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY, OHIO. SERIES /. ph.4i:nogamous or flowering plants. CLASS I. DICOTYLEDONOUS or EXOGENOUS PLANTS Sub-class /.— ANGIOSPERNL-E. Dmsiox /.— POLYPETALOUS. RANUNCULACEiE — 'I'he Buttercup Family. cli:matis, l. C. Viorna, L. Leather-flower. C. Virginiana, L. Virgin's Bower. .\nkmom:, I.. A. Virginiana, L. Virginian Anemone. A. Pennsylvanica, L. I'enns\ Kanian Anemone. 6 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. HEPATICA, Dill. H. acutiloba, DC. Acute-lobed Hepatica. THALICTRUM. Tourn. T. anemonoides, Michx. Rue Anemone. T. dioicum, L. Early Meadow Rue. T. Cornuti, L. Tall Meadow Rue. RANUNCULUS, L. R. divaricatus, Schrank. White Water Buttercup. R. aquatilis, L. var. trichophyllus, Chaix. Common White Water Buttercup. R. multifidus, Pursh. Yellow Water Buttercup. R. abortivus, L. Small-flowered Buttercup. var. micranthus, Gray. Hairy Small-flowered But- tercup. R. sceleratus, L. Cursed Buttercup. R. recurvatus, Poir. Hooked Buttercup. R. repens, L. Creeping Buttercup. CALTHA, L. C. palustris, L. Marsh Marigold. AQUILEGIA, Tourn. A. Canadensis, L. Wild Columbine. DELPHINIUM, Tourn. D. tricorne, Michx. Dwarf Larkspur. D. consolida, L. Field Larkspur. HYDRASTIS, L. H. Canadensis, L. Yellow Puccoon. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. act.+:a, l. A. spicata, L. var. rubra, Michx. Red Baneberry. A. alba, Bigel. White Baneberry. CIMICIFUGA, L. C. racemosa, Ell. Black Snakeroot. MAGNOLIACEiE— The Magnolia Family. LIRIODENDRON, L. L. Tulipifera, L. Tulij) Tree. ANONACEi^— 'Hie Custard Apple Family ASIMINA, Adans. A. triloba, Dunal. Papaw. MENISPERMACE/E — The Moonseed Family MFAISI'KRMUM, L. M. Canadense, L. Canadian Moonseed. BERBERIDACEi^— The Barberry Family HKRHKRIS, 1,. B. vulgaris, 1.. Common Barberry. CAl'LOPHVLLUM, Mkhx. C. thalictroides, .Michx. Blue Cohosh. 8 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. JEFFERSONIA, Barton. J. diphylla, Pers. Twin-leaf. PODOPHYLLUM, L. P. peltatum, L. May Apple. NYMPHi^ACEiE — The Water Lily Family NUPHAR. Smith. N. advena, Ait. Yellow Pond Lily. PAPAVERACEiE — The Poppy Family. PAPAVER, L. P. somniferum, L. Common Poppy. ARGEMONE, L. A. Mexicana, L. Mexican Poppy. CHELIDONIUM, L. C. majus, L. Celandine. SANCxUINARIA, Dill. S. Canadensis, L. Bloodroot. FUMARIACEiE— The Fumitory Family. ADLUMIA, Raf. A. cirrhosa, Raf. Climbing Fumitory. DICENTRA, BoRK. D. cucullaria, DC. Dutchman's Breeches. D. Canadensis, DC. Squirrel Corn. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. CORYDALIS. Vent. C. flavula, Raf. Yellow Corydalis. FU MARIA. L. F. officinalis, L. Common Fumitory. CRUCIFER^— The Mustard Family. NASTURTIUM. R. Br. N officinale, R. Br. Water Cress. N. sessiliflorum, Xutt. N. palustre, DC. Marsh Cress. N. Armoracia, Fries. Horse Radish. DENTARIA. L. D. laciniata, Muhl. Pepper-root. CAR DAM IN E. L. C. rhomboidea, \)C. Spring Cress. var. purpurea, Torr. Purple Spring Cress. C. hirsuta, L. Small Bitter Cress, var. sylvatica, (iray. Wood Cress. ARABIS. L. A. dentata, Torr. & Cray. Rock Cress. A. hirsuta, Sco]j. Common Rock Cress. A. laevigata, DC. Smooth Rock Cress. A. Canadensis, P. Sickle-pod. A. hesperidoides. Gray. False Roc ket. p>arhari:a. r. hr. 1^. vulgaris, R. Hr. Yellow Rocket. 10 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. SISYMBRIUM. L. S. officinale, Scop. Hedge Mustard. L. canescens, Nutt. Tansy Mustard. BRASSICA. TouRN. B. nigra, Gray. Black Mustard. CAMELINA. Crantz. C. sativa, Crantz. False Flax. CAPSELLA. Vent. C. Bursa-pastoris. Moench. LEPIDIUM. L. L. Virginicum, L. Wild Peppergrass. RAPHANUS. L. R. Raphanistrum, L. Wild Radish. R. sativus, L. Garden Radish. CAPPARIDACE^.— The Caper Family. PO LAN I SI A. Raf. P. graveolens, Raf. Ill-scented Polanisia. VIOLACEiE.— The Violet Family SOLEA, GiNG, DC. S. concolor, Ging. Green Violet. VIOLA. L. V. cucullata. Ait. Common Blue Violet, var. palmata; Gray. Hand-Leaf Volet. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. H V. sagittata, Ait. Arrow-leaf violet. V. rostrata, Pursh. Long-spurred violet. V. striata, Ait. Pale Violet. V. Canadensis, L. Canada Violet. V. pubescens, Ait. Yellow Violet. var. eriocarpa, Nutt. Large Yellow Violet. V. tricolor, L. var. arvensis, Gray, Field Violet. HYPERICACE^— The St. Johns-wort Family. HVPERICUiM. L. H. prolificum, L. Shrubby St. Johns-wort. H. perforatum, L. Common St. Johns-wort. H. corymbosum, Muhl. CARYOPHYLLACE^ —The Pink Family. SAPONARIA. L. S. officinalis, L. Bouncing Bet. SILENE. L. S. stellata, Ait. Starry Campion. S. inflata, Smith. Bladder Campion. S. Virginica, L. Fire Pink. S. antirrhina, L. Catchlly, lACHNIS. ToTRN. L. Githago, I,:im. Wheat Cockle. ARENARIA. L. A, serpyllifolia, L. Sandwort. 12 PLOIiA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. STELLARIA. L. S. media, Smith. Common Chickvveed. S. pubera, Michx. Great Chickweed. CERASTIUM. L. C. vulgatum, L. Mouse-ear Chickweed. C. viscosum, L. Clammy Chickweed. C. nutans, Raf. Nodding Chickweed. C. oblongifolium, Torr. Long-Leaf Chickweed. MOLLUGO. L. M. verticillata, L. Carpet Chickweed. PORTULACACE^ — The Purslane Family. PORTULACA, TouRN. P. oleracea, L. Common Purslane. CLAYTONIA. L. C. Virginica, L. Spring Beauty. MALVACE^— The Mallow Family. MALVA. L. M. rotundifolia, L. Common Mallow. NAP.^A. Clayt. N. dioica, L. Glade Mallow. SIDA. L. S. spinosa, L. Spinous Sida. ABUTILON. TouRN. A. Avicennse, Ggertn. Velvet Leaf. Flora of the mi ami Vallfa*. 13 HIBISCUS. L. H. militaris, Cav. Rose Mallow. H. Trionum, L. Bladder Ketmia. TILIACE^— The Linden Family. TILIA. L. T. Americana, L. Basswood. LINACEiE— The Flax Family. LINUM. L. L. usitatissimum, L. Common Flax. GERANIACE^— The Geranium Family. GERANIUM, L. G. maculatum, F. Wild Geranium. KRODIUM. L'Her. E. cicutarium, L'Her. Storksbill. IMPATIKNS. L. I. pallida, Nutt. Pale Touch-me-not. 1. fulva, Nutt. Orange Touch-me-not OXALIS. L. O. violacea, F. Wood Sorrel. O. stricta, F. Field Sorrel. 14 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. RUTACE^— The Rue Family. ZANTHOXYLUM. Golden. Z. Americanum, Mil. Prickly Ash. PTELEA. L.~ P. trifoliata, L. Hop-lree. ANACARDIACE^— The Sumac Family. RHUS. L. R. typhina, L. Staghorn Sumac. R. glabra, L. Smooth Sumac. R. venenata, DC. Poison Sumac. R. Toxicodendron, L. Poison Ivy. R. aromatica, i\it. Fragrant Sumac. VITACEi^E— The Vine Family. VITIS, TouRN. V. Labrusca, L. Northern Fox Grape. V. aestivalis, Michx. Summer Grape. V. cordifolia, Michx. Frost Grape. AMPELOPSIS, Michx. A. quinquefolia, Michx. American Ivy. RHAMNACE^— The Buckthorn Family. FRANGULA, Tourn. F. Caroliniana, Gray. Alder Buckthorn. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 15 CEANOTHUS, L. C. Americanus, L. New Jersey Tea. CELASTRACE^— The Staff-tree Family. CELASTRUS, L. C. scandens, L. Climbing Bittersweet. EUONYMUS, TouRN. E. atropurpureus, Jacq. Waahoo. SAPINDACE^— The Maple Family. STAPH Y LEA, L. S. trifolia, L. Bladder-nut. -ESCULUS, L. JE. Hippocastanum, L. Horse Chestnut. A^.. glabra, Willd. Ohio Buckeye. ACER, ToiRN. A. sacchariimm, Wang. Sugar Majjle. A. dasycarpum, Ehrhart. Silver Maple. A. rubrum, L. Red Maple. N EG UN DO, Mn-.NCH. N. aceroides, M(en(:h. Ash-leaved Maple. POLYGALACE^— The Polygala Family. I'OlA'iiALA, TouRN. P. Senega, L. Seneca Snake-root. 16 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. LEGUMINOS^— The Legume Family. TRIFOLIUM, L, T. pratense, L. Red Clover. T. stoloniferum, Muhl. Running Clover. T. repens, L. White Clover. MELILOTUS, TouRN. M. alba, Lam. White Sweet Clover. MEDICAGO, L. M. lupuUna, L. Black Medick. ROBINIA, L. R. Pseudacacia, L. Common Locust. R. viscosa, Vent. Clammy Locust. R. hispida, L. Bristly Locust. WISTARIA, NiTT. W. frutescens, DC. Wistaria. DESMODIUM, DC. D. nudiflorum, DC. Tick Trefoil. D. acuminatum, DC. D. canescens, DC. D. cuspidatum, Torr. & Gray. D. rigidum, DC. LESPEDEZA, Mich. L. capitata, Michx. Bush Clover. VICIA, ToURN. V. Cracca, L. Vetch. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 17 AI\IPHICARP.¥.A, Ell. A. monoica, Nutt. Hog Pea-nut. CERCIS, L. C. Canadensis, L. Red-bud. CASSIA, L. C. Marilandica, L. Wild Senna. C. Chamsecrista, L. Partridge Pea. GV.MNOCLADUS, Lam. G. Canadensis, Lam. Coffee Tree. GLEDITSCHIA, L. G. triacanthos, L. Honey Locust. ROSACEA— The Rose Family. PR UN US, TouRN. P. Americana, Mar. Wild Plum. P. serotina, l^lir. ^Vild Black Cherry. SPIR/EA, L. S. lobata, Murr. Queen of the Prairie. POTERIUM, L. V. Canadense. Canadian Burnet. AGRTMONIA, Toirn. \. Eupatoria, L. Common Agrimony. .\. parviflora, .\it. wSmall-flowered Agrimony. GEU.M, L. G. album, (imelin. White Geum. 18 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. G. Virginianum, L. Virginian Geum. G. strictum, Ait. Yellow Avens. G. vernum, Torr. & Gray. Spring Geum. POTENTILLA, L. P. Norvegica, L. Hairy Potentilla. P. Canadensis, L. var. simplex, Torr. & Gray. Cinquefoil. P. fruticosa, L. Shrubby Cinquefoil. FRAGARIA, Tourn. F. Virginiana, Ehrh. var. Illinoensis, Gray. Wild Strawberry. RUBUS, Tourn. R. villosus. Ait. High Blackberry. ROSA, Tourn. R. setigera, Michx. Climbing Rose. R. Carolina, L. Swamp Rose. R. lucida, Ehrh. Dwarf Wild Rose. CRATAEGUS, L. C. coccinea, L. Scarlet-fruited Thorn. C. tomentosa, L. Pear Thorn, var. pyrifolia. Gray. Pear-leaved Thorn, var. mollis, Gray. Downy-leaved Thorn. PYRUS, L. P. coronaria, L. Wild Crab Apple. AMELANCHIER, Medic. A. Canadensis, Torr. & Gray. Service Berry. t"LORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 19 SAXIFRAGACE/E— The Saxifrage Family. RIBES, L. R. Cynosbati, L. Wild Gooseberry. R. floridum, L. Wild Black Currant. HYDRANGEA, Gronov. H. arborescens, L. Wild Hydrangea. PARXASSIA, TouRN. P. Caroliniana, Michx. Grass of Parnassus. SAXIFRAGA, L. S. Virginiensis, Michx. Early Saxifrage. S. Pennsylvanica, L. Swamp Saxifrage. HEUCHERA, L. H. Americana, L. Alum-root. MITELLA, ToURN. M. diphylla, L. Bishop's Cap. CRASSULACE^— rhe Sedum Family. PENTHORUM, Gronov. P. sedoides, F. Ditch Stone-crop. SEUUM, To urn. S. acre, F. Mossy Sedum. S. pulchellum, Michx. Purjjle Sedum. S. ternatum, Mi( h\. White Sedum. S. Telephium, F. Fiver forever. 20 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. ONAGRACEiE— The Evening Primrose Family. CIRC.EA, TouRN. C. Lutetiana, L. Enchanter's Nightshade. GAURA, L. G. biennis, L. Downy Gaura. GENOTHERA, L. CE. biennis, L. Evening Primrose. CE. fruticosa, L. Sun-drops. LUDWIGIA, L. L. palustris. Ell. Water Purslane. LYTHRACEi©— The Lythrum Family. LYTHRUM, L. L. alatum, Pursh. Winged Lythrum. PASSIFLORACE^— The Passion-flower Family PASSIFLORA, L. P. lutea, L. Yellow Passion Flower. CUCURBITACE^— The Gourd Family. SICYOS, L. S. angulatus, L. Star Cucumber. ECHINOCYSTIS; Torr. & Gray. E. lobata, Torr. & Gray. Wild Balsam Apple. Flora of the miami valley. 21 UMBELLIFER^— The Umbel Family. SANICULA, TouRN. S. Canadensis, L. Canadian Sanicle. S. Marilandica, L. Maryland Sanicle. PASTINACA, TouRN. P. sativa, L. Wild Parsnip. THASPIUM, NuTT. T. barbinode, Nutt. Meadow Parsnip. CICUTA, L. C. maculata, L. Water Hemlock. CRYPTOT.ENIA, DC. C. Canadensis, DC. Honewort. CH.EROPHVLLUM, L. C. procumbens. Lam. Wild Chervil. OSMORRIIIZA, Raf. O. longistylis, DC. Smooth Sweet Cicely. O. brevistylis, DC. Hairy Sweet Cicely. CONIUM, L. C. niaculatum, L. Poison Hemlock. ERIGENIA, Nutt. E. bulbosa, Nutt. Harbinger of Spring. ARALIACE^— The (iinseng Family. ARAIJA, Toi RN. A. racemosa, F. Spikenard. A. quinquefolia, (rr.iv. (rinseng. ^2 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. CORNACEiE— The Dogwood Family. CORNUS, TouRN. C. florida, L. Flowering Dogwood. C. stolonifera, Michx. Red Osier Dogwood. C. paniculata, L'Her. Bush Dogwood. NVSSA, L. N. multiflora, Wang. Black Gum Tree. Division //.— MONOPETALOUS. CAPRIFOLIACE^— The Honeysuckle Family LONICERA, L. L. sempervirens, Ait. Trumpet Honeysuckle. TRIOSTEUM, L. T. perfoliatum, L. Fever-wort. SAMBUCUS, TouRN. S. Canadensis, L. Black Elder. VIBURNUM, L. V. Lentago, L. Sweet Viburnum. V. prunifolium, L. Black Haw. V. pubescens, Pursh. Downy Viburnum, RUBIACE^— The Madder Family. GALIUM, L. G. Aparine, L. Cleavers. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 23 G. concinnum, Torr. 81 Gray. G. triflorum, Michx. Sweet scented Galium. G. circsezans, Michx. Wild Liquorice. CEPHALANTHUS, L. C. occidentalis, L. Button-bush. MITCHELLA, L. M. repens, L. Partridge Berry. HOUSTONIA, L. H. purpurea, L. Purple Houstonia. VALERIANACE^— The Valerian Family. VALERIANA, Tourn. V. pauciflora, INLchx. Wild Valerian. FEDIA, G.^iRTN. F. Fagopyrum, Torr. & Gray. Lamb Lettuce. DIPSACEiE— The Teasel Family. DirSAClTS, ToiRN. I), sylvestris, Mill. Wild Teasel. COMPOSITE— The Composite Family \i:rxoma, ScHKEii. V. fasciculata, Mi(h\. Ironweed. i:i.i;i'n.\NT()rrs, l. E. Carolinianus, Willd. l^lephant's-foot. 24 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. EUPATORIUM, TouRN. E. purpureum, L. Joe Pye Weed. E. perfoliatum, L. Thoroughwort. E. ageratoides, L. White Snake-root. CONOCLINIUM, DC. > C. ccelestinum, DC. Mist-flower. ASTER, L. Aster. A. azureus, Lindl. A. cordifolius, L. A. Tradescanti, L. A. miser, L. A. puniceus, L. ERIGERON, L. E. Canadense, L. Horse-weed. E. bellidifolium, Muhl. Robin's Plantain. E. Philadelphicum, L. Common Fleabane. E. annuum, Pers. White-weed. SOLIDAGO, L. Golden-rod. S. latifolia, L. S. csesia, L. S. Ohioensis, Rid. S. Riddellii, Frank. S. patula, Muhl. S. Canadensis, L. S. gigantea, Ait. INULA, L. I. Helenium, L. Elecampane. POLYMNIA, L. P. Canadensis, L. Leaf Cup. SILPHIUM, L. S. terebinthinaceum, L. Prairie Dock. S. trifoliatum, L. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 25 AMBROSIA, TouRN. A. trifida, L. Great Rag-weed. A. artemisiaefolia, L. Rag-weed. XANTHIUM, TouRN. X. strumarium, L. Cocklebur. ECLIPTA, L. E. procumbens, Michx. HELIOPSIS, Pers. H. Isevis, Pers. Oy-eye. ECHINACEA, Mcench. E. purpurea, Moench. Purple Cone-flower. RUDBECKIA, L. R. laciniata, L. R. triloba, L. R. hirta, L. Cone-flower. LEPACHYS, Raf. L. pinnata, Torr. & Gray. HELIANTHUS, L. PI. annuus, L. Garden Sun-flower. H. microcephalus, Torr. & Gray. H. giganteus, L. H. strumosus, L. II. hirsutus, Raf. H. decapetalus, L. H. doronicoides. Earn. ACriXOMERIS, XuTT. A. squarrosa, Null. A. helianthoides, Nutt. 26 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. COREOPSIS, L. C. aristosa, Michx. BIDENS, L. B. frondosa, L. Spanish Needles. B. chrysanthemoides, Michx. B. bipinnata, L. HELENIUM, L. H. autumnale, L. Sneeze-weed. MARUTA, Cass. M. Cotula, DC. Dog Fennel. ACHILLEA, L. A. Millefolium, L. Yarrow. LEUCANTHEMUM, Tourn. L. vulgare, Lam. Ox-eye Daisy. TANACETUM, L. T. vulgare, L. Tansy. ANTENNARIA, G.«rtn. A. plantaginifolia. Hook. Everlasting. ERECHTHITES, Raf. E. hieracifolia, Raf. Fireweed. CACALIA, L. C. atriplicifolia, L. Indian Plantain. C. tuberosa, Nutt. SENECIO, L. S. aureus, L. Golden Senecio. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 27 CENTAUREA, L. C. Cyanus, L. Bluebottle. CIRSIUM, TouRN. C. lanceolatum, Scop. Common Thistle. C. discolor, Spreng. C. altissimum, Spreng. C. muticum, Michx. Swamp Thistle. ONOPORDON, Vaill. O. acanthium, L. Scotch Thistle. LAPPA, TouRN. L. officinalis, All. Burdock. HIERACIUM, TouRN. ~ H. venosum, L. Rattlesnake Weed. NABALUS, Cass. N. albus, Hook. N. racemosus, Hook. TARAXACUM, Haller. T. Dens-leonis, Desf. Dandelion. LACTUCA, TouRN. L. Canadensis, L. Wild Lettuce. MULGEDIUM, Cass. M. acuminatum, DC. Blue Lettuce. M. Floridanum, DC. M. leucophaeum, DC. SONCHUS, L. S. oleraceus, L. Cominon Sow Thistle. S. asper, Vill. Spiny-leaved Sow Thistle. 28 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. LOBELIACEiE— The Lobelia. Family. LOBELIA, L. L. cardinalis, L. Cardinal Flower. L. syphilitica, L. Great Lobelia. L. inflata, L. Indian lobacco. CAMPANULACE^— The Campanula Family CAMPANULA, Tourn. C. aparinoides, Pursh. Marsh Bellflower. C. Americana, L. Tall Bellflower. SPECULARIA, Heister. S. perfoliata, A_ DC. Veniis's Looking-glass. ERICACE^— The Heath Family. MONOTROPA, L. M. uniflora, L. Indian Pipe. EBENACEiE— The Ebony Family. DIOSPYROS, L. D. Virginiana, L. Persimmon. PLANTAGINACEi^ — The Plantain Family. PLANTAGO, L. P. major, L. Common Plantain. P. lanceolata, L. English Plantain. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 29 RRIMULACE^— The Primrose Family. DODECATHEON, L. D. Meadia, L. Shooting Star. LVSIMACHIA, TouRN. L. ciliata, L. Loosestrife. L. longifolia, Pursh. SAMOLUS, L. .S. Valerandi, L. var. Americanus, Gray. Water Pimpernel. BIGNONIACEiE— The Bignonia Family TECOMA, Juss. T. radicans, Juss. Trumpet Creeper. CATALPA, Scop. C. bignonioides, Walt. Catalpa Tree. MARTVXIA, L. M. proboscidea, Glox. Devil's Claws. OROBANCHACEiE— 'I'he Beech-drops Family EITPHEGUS, NUTT. E. Virginiana, Bart. Bcech-dro]is. CONOPHOLIS, Wall. C. Americana, Wall. Cancer-root. 30 FLORA OF TJIE MIAMI VALLEY. SCROPHULARIACEiE— The Figwort Family. VERBASCUM, L. V. Thapsus, L. , Common Mullein. V. Blattaria, L. Moth Mullein. LINARIA, TouRN. L. vulgaris, Mill. Butter-and-eggs. SCROPHULARIA, Tourn. S. nodosa, L. Figwort. COLLINSIA, NuTT. C. verna, Nutt. Blue-eyed Mary. CHELONE, Tourn. C. glabra, L. Turtle-head. PENTSTEMON, Mitchell. P. pubescens, Sol. Hairy Pentstemon. P. Digitalis, Nutt. Smooth Pentstemon. MIMULUS, L. M. ringens, L. Monkey-flower. M. alatus, Ait. CONOBEA, Aublet, C. multifida, Benth. ILYSANTHES, Raf. I. gratioloides, Benth. False Pimpernel. VERONICA, L. V. Virginica, L. Culver's-root. V. Anagallis, L. Water Speedwell. . FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 31 V. officinalis, L. Common Speedwell. V. serpyllifolia, L. Thyme-leaved Speedwell. V. peregrina, L. Purslane Speedwell. V. arvensis, L. Corn Speedwell. SEYMERIA, Pl'rsh. S. macrophylla, Nutt. Mullein Foxglove. GERARDIA, L. G. purpurea, L. Purple Gerardia. G. tenuifolia, Vahl. Slender Gerardia. PEDICULARIS, TouRN. P. lanceolata, Michx. Lousewort. ACANTHACE^— The Acanthus Family. DIANTMERA, Gronov. D. Americana, L. Water Willow. RUELLIA, L. R. ciliosa, Pursh. R. strepens, L. VERBENACE^— rhe Verbena Family. VERBENA, L. V. hastata, T>. Blue Vervain. V. urticifolia, L. White Vervain. V. stricta, \'cnt. Hoary \'ervain. V. bracteosa, Mi( hx. V. Aubletia, L. 32 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEYI LIPPIA, L. L. lanceolata, Michx, Fog-fruit. PHRYMA, L. P. Leptostachya, L. Lopseed. LABIATE— The Mint Family. TEUCRIUM, L. T. Canadense, L. American Germander. ISANTHUS, Michx. I. cseruleus, Michx. False Pennyroyal. MENTHA, L. M. viridis, L. Spearmint. M. piperita, I.. Peppermint. M. Canadensis, L. Wild Mint. LYCOPUS, L. L. Europseus, L. Water Hoarhound. PYCNANTHEMUM, Michx. P. muticum, Pers. Mountain ^Nlint. P. lanceolatum, Pursh. MELISSA, L. M. officinalis, L. Common Balm. HEDEOMA, Pers. H. pulegioides, Pers. Pennyroyal. MONARDA, L. M. didyma, L. Oswego Tea, FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 33 M. fistulosa, L. Wild Bergamot. M. Bradburiana, Beck. LOPIIANTHUS, Benth. L. scrophulariaefolius, Benth. Giant Hyssop. NEPETA, L. N. Cataria, L. Catnip. N. Glechoma, Benth. Ground Ivy. SYNANDRA, Nutt. S. grandiflora, Nutt. PHYSOSTEGIA, Benth. P. Virginiana, Benth. Dragon-head. BRUNELLA, Tourn. B. vulgaris, L. Common Self-heal. SCUTELLARIA, L. Skull Cap. S. versicolor, Xutt. S. canescens, Nutt. S. parvula, Michx. S. lateriflora, L. MARRUBIUM, L. M. vulgare, L. Common Hoar-hound. CIAJ.EOPSIS, L. G. Tetrahit, L. Hemp Nettle. STAC 1 1 YS, L. S. palustris, L. Hedge Nettle. LEON UR US, L. L. Cardiaca. L. Motherwort. 34 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. LAMIUM, L. L. amplexicaule, L. Dead Nettle. BORRAGINACE^— The Borage Family. ECHIUM, TouRN. E. vulgare, L. Blue-weed. OxNOSMODIUM, MiCHX. O. Carolinianum, DC. False Gromwell. LITHOSPERMUM, Tourn. L. arvense, L. Field Gromwell. L. latifolium, Michx. Wild Gromwell. MERTENSIA, Roth. . M. Virginica, DC. Lungwort. MYOSOTIS, L. M. arvensis, Hoffm. Forget-me-not. ECHINOSPERMUM, Swartz. E. Lappula, Lehm. Stick-seed. CYNOGLOSSUM, Tourx. C. officinale, L. Hound's Tongue. C. Virginicum, L. Wild Comfrey. C. Morisoni, DC. Beggar's Lice. HYDROPHYLLACE^— The Water-leaf Family HYDROPHYLLUM, L. H. macrophyllum, Nutt. Large-leaved H. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY, 35 H. Virginicum, L. Virginian Hydrophyllum. H. appendiculatum, Michx. PHACELIA, Juss. P. Purshii, Buckley. Miami Mist. POLEMONIACEiE— The Phlox Family. POLEMONIUM, TouRN. P. reptans, L. Jacob's Ladder. PHLOX, L. P. paniculata, L. Bunch Phlox. P. maculata, L. Spotted-stem Phlox. P. glaberrima, L. Smooth Phlox. P. divaricata, L. Sweet William. P. subulata, L. Moss Pink. CONVOLVULACE^— The Morning-glory l^^amily. QUAMOCLIT, TouRN, Q. vulgaris, Choisy. Cypress Vine. IPONKKA.. L. I. purpurea, Lam. Purple Morning-glory. I. Nil, Roth. Blue Morning-glory. CAIAS'IKCIA, K. ]U<. C. sepium, R. iir. Hedge Bindweed. 36 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. SOLANACEiE— The Potato Family. SOLANUM, TouRN. S. Dulcamara, L. BittersAveet. S. nigrum, L. Nightshade. S. Carolinense, L. Horse Nettle. PHYSALIS, L. P. viscosa, L. Viscid Ground Cherry. P. Pennsylvanica, L. Smooth Ground Cherry, NICANDRA, Adans. N. physaloides, Gsertn. Apple of Peru. LYCIUM, L. L. vulgare, Dunal. Matrimony Vine. HYOSCYAMUS, Tourn. H. niger, L. Black Henbane. DATURA, L. D. Stramonium, L. Green-stem Jimson. D. Ta.tula, L. Purple-stem Jimson. GENTIANACE^— The Gentian Family SABBATIA, Adans. S. angularis, Pursh. American Centaury. FRASERA, Walt. F. Carolinensis, Walt. American Columbo. GENTIANA, L. G, crinita, Froel. Fringed Gentian. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 37 LOGANIACEiE— The Logania Family. SPIGELIA, L. S. Marilandica, L. Pink-root. APOCYNACE^— The Dogbane Family. APOCYNUM, TouRN. A. androsaemifolium, L. Dogbane. A. cannabinum, L. Indian Hemp. ASCLEPIADACE^— The Milk-weed Family. ASCLEPIAS, L. A. Cornuti, Decaisne. Common Milk-weed. A. phytolaccoides, Pursh. Poke Milk-weed. A. purpurascens, L. Purple Milk-weed. A. quadrifolia, Jacq. Four-leaved Milk-weed. A. incarnata, L. Swamp Milk-weed. A. tuberosa, L. Pleurisy-root. ENSLENIA, NuTT. E. albida, Nutt. GONOLOBUS, MiCHX. G. laevis, Michx. OLEACEiE— The Olive Family. LIGUSTRUM, ToURN. L. vulgare, L. Privet. 38 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. CHIONANTHUS, L. C. Virginica, L. Fringe-tree. FRAXINUS, TouRN. F. Americana, L. White Ash. F. viridis, Michx. Green Ash. F. sambucifolia, Lam. Black Ash. F. quadrangulata, Michx. Blue Ash. Division ///.— APETALOUS. ARISTOLOCHIACE^— The Wild Ginger Family. ASARUM, TouRN. A. Canadense, L. Wild Gingei-. PHYTOLACCACEiE— The Pokeweed Family. PHYTOLACCA, Tourn. P. decandra, L. Pokeweed. CHENOPODIACE^— The Pigweed Family. CHENOPODIUM, L. C. album, F. Common Pigweed. C. hybridum, L. Maple-leaved Pigweed. C. Botrys, L. Jerusalem Oak. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 39 AMARANTACE^— The Amaranth Family. AMARANTUS, Tourn. A. retroflexus, L. Green x\maranth. A. albus, L. White Amaranth. A. spinosus, L. Thorny Amaranth. POLYGONACEiE— The. Polygonum Family. POLYGONUM, L- P. incarnatum, Ell. P. Persicaria, L. Lady's Thumb. P. Hydropiper, L. Smartweed. P. Virginianum, L. P. aviculare, L. Knotgrass, var. erectum, Roth. Erect Knotgrass. P. dumetorum, L. Climbing Buckwheat. FAGOPVRUM, Tourn. F. esculentum, M(jench. Buckwheat. RUMKX, L. R. crispus, L. Curled Dock. R. obtusifolius, L. Bitter Dock. R. Acetosella, L. Sheep Sorrel. LAURACE^— The Laurel Family. SASSAFRAS, Neks. S. officinale, Nees. Sassafras. UNDER A, TuLNiiERcj. L. Benzoin, Meisner. Spice-bush. 40 tJ"L6RA OF TkE Miami valley. TKYMELEACE^— The Mezereum Family. DIRCA L. D. palustris, L. Leatherwood. LORANTHACE^— The Mistletoe Family. PHORADENDRON, Nutt. P. flavescens, Nutt. AmeRcan Mistletoe. SAURURACEiE— The Lizard's Tail Family. SAURURUS, L. S. cernuus, L. Lizard's Tail. EUPHORBIACE^— The Euphorbia Family EUPHORBIA, L. E. humistrata, Eng. E. hypericifolia, L. E. obtusata, Pursh. E. commutata, Eng. ACALYPHA, L. A. Virginica, L. Three-seeded Mercury. URTICACEiE— The Nettle Family. ULMUS, L. U. fulva, Mich. Slippery Elm. U. Americana, L. American Elm. CELTIS, TouRN. C. occidentalis, L. Hackberry. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 41 MORUS, TOURN. M. rubra, L. Mulberry. URTICA, TouRN. U. gracilis, Ait. Tall Nettle. LA PORTE A, Gaudichaud. L. Canadensis, Ciaiidichaud. Wood Nettle. PILEA, LiNDL. P. pumila, Gray. Oearweed. PARIETARIA, Tourn. P. Pennsylvanica, Muhl. Pellitory. CANNABIS, Tourn. C. sativa, L. Hemp. PLATANACE^— The Sycamore Family. PLATANUS, L. P. occidentalis, T. American Sycamore. JUGLANDACEiE— I'he Walnut Family. JUG LANS, L. J. cinerea, L. Putternut. J. nigra, L. Plack \\'alnut. CARVA, NiTT. C. alba, Nutt. Shell-bark Hickory. C. sulcata, Nutt. C. tomentosa, Nutt. C. amara, Nutt. liitter-nut Hickory. 42 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. CUPULIFER^— The Oak Family QERCUS, L. Q. alba, L. White Oak. Q. macrocarpa, Michx. Bur Oak. Q. Prinus, L. Chestnut Oak. Q. imbricaria, Michx. Laurel Oak. Q. coccinea, Wang. Scarlet Oak. Q. rubra, L. Red Oak. FAGUS, TouRN. F. ferruginea, Ait. American Beech. CORYLUS, TouRN. C. Americana, Walt. Hazel Nut. OSTRYA, Mich. O. Virginica, A\'illd. Iron-wood. CARPINUS, L. C. Americana, Michx. Water Beech. SALICACEiE— The ^^'illow Family. SALIX, TouRN. S. discolor, Muhl. Glaucous Willow. S. alba, L. White Willow. S. Babylonica, Tourn. Weeping Willow. POPULUS, ToiRN. P. monilifera, Ait. Cotton-wood. P. balsamifera, L. var. candicans, Gray. Balm of Gilead, PLORA OP THE MIAMI VALLEY. 43 P. dilatata, Ait. Lombardy Poplar. P. alba, L. Silver Poplar. SrB-cLAss //. — ( ; YMNOSPERM.^. CONIFERJE— The Pine Famib Tin; J A, ToiRN. T. occidentalis, L. Arbor \'itai. J UN I PER US, L. J. Virginiana, L. Red Cedar. CLASS II. MONOCOIA'LKDONOUS or ENDOGENOUS PLANTS. ARACE^— The Arum I'amily. AkIS.llMA, Mariius. A. triphyllum, Torr. Indian 'I'lirnip. A. Dracontium, Schoii. Dragon-root. S\'MI"I.()(AI \ yf i