j . .. ..._.. . , . ... ,t ... ■ ;- v. :'.' ■ .': ..- ■.•:•:.• ■ ■ > SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE 'med States National Herbarium Volume 19 FLORA OF NEW MEXICO By E. O. WOOTON and PAUL C. STANDLET WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 FLORA OF NEW MEXICO ADVERTISEMENT. The United States National Herbarium, which was founded by the Smithsonian Institution, was transferred in the year 1868 to the Department of Agriculture, and continued to be maintained by that Department until July 1, 1896, when it was returned to the official custody of the Smithsonian Institution. The Department of Agri- culture, however, continued to publish the series of botanical reports entitled "Contributions from the United States National Herbarium," which it had begun in the year 1890, until, on July 1, 1902, the National Museum, in pursuance of an act of Congress, assumed re- sponsibility for the publication. The first seven volumes of the series were published by the Department of Agriculture. Richard Rathbun, Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, in charge of the United States National Museum. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE United States National Herbarium Volume 19 FLORA OF NEW MEXICO By E. O. WOOTON and PAUL C. STANDLEY UBftAVY hew *ov« BOTANIC AW WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 ,&&/? BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Issued June 24, 1915. PREFACE. The present volume of the Contributions is devoted to a flora of New Mexico, by Mr. E. O. Wooton, of the United States Department of Agriculture, and Mr. Paul C. Standley, assistant curator, United States National Herbarium. Mr. Wooton was connected with the New Mexico College of Agriculture for twenty years, during which time he made extensive botanical collections in nearly all the counties of the State. Mr. Standley spent three years in botanical work at the same institution and has since revisited the State for the purpose of further studying its flora. This volume, therefore, is based very largely upon the collections made by the two authors, although all other available collections from New Mexico have been studied. Only the flowering plants and vascular cryptogams of New Mexico are contained in the present work. Keys are given for the determina- tion of the species as well as of the larger' groups, so that the volume may be used as a field manual. At the same time the citations will enable those who have access to libraries to consult readily the original descriptions of the species. The number of species treated is approximately 3,000. Notwith- standing the large amount of field work already accomplished, many remote districts in New Mexico are still imperfectly known botanically, so that eventually this number will doubtless be increased by several hundred species. The treatise in its present form, however, will be found to contain most of the plants growing spontaneously in those parts of the State thus far settled or frequently visited. This is the fourth volume of the Contributions to be devoted to a State flora, the others being the Botany of Western Texas (volume 2), the Plant Life of Alabama (volume C), and the Flora of Washington (volume 11). Frederick V. Coville, Curator of the United States National Herbarium. 5 CCOTTEKTS. Introduction 9 Systematic treatment of the vascular plants 12 Synopsis of the larger groups, with keys 12 Annotated catalogue 18 Summary of larger groups, with numbers of genera and species 754 Geographic index 755 List of new genera, species, and hybrids, and new names 772 Index 775 7 FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. | IBS ' f ' By E. O. Wooton and Paul C. Standley. INTRODUCTION. This flora of New Mexico is a list of all the species of phanerogams and vascular cryptogams at present known to occur within the State, with keys to the families, genera, and species. Although we have examined all the herbarium material easily accessible and have . endeavored to verify all published data, we know that the list is far from complete. Even in the most carefully explored areas of the eastern United States, species winch have been overlooked are still coming to light and more careful study of more copious material is increasing the number of recognized species. Much more are addi- tional species to be looked for within the 122,000 square miles embraced in the area of New Mexico, many large portions of which have never been visited by any botanist* while even the most familiar regions have not been thoroughly examined. Thus it is certain that as collectors extend then- fields of exploration our present list of 2,975 species wall be increased to far above 3,000. It is along the borders of the State that the greater number of additions will be found, espe- M cially in the southeastern and southwestern corners and in the high mountains along the Colorado line, but isolated mountain ranges in 5 the interior probably hide endemic species still unknown. Various short accounts of New Mexico and Arizona plants were published by the earlier botanists of the United States.1 These, ^however, are too incomplete and disconnected to be of much use for •^identification purposes. Two or three more general works are avail- . ^-able for use in New Mexico, but none is complete for any part of the CsjState. The Botany of Western Texas, by Dr. J. M. Coulter,2 contains descriptions of a majority of the plants of southeastern New Mexico, but the volume is not provided with keys to the species and the nomen- 1 See, Paul C. Standley. A bibliography of New Mexican botany. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 229 246. L910. "Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 2. 1891-94. 10 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. clature is now antiquated. Dr. P. A. Rydberg's Flora of Colorado1 is very satisfactory for use in the extreme northern part of the State. Even here, however, many plants will be found which have not been reported from Colorado and hence are not contained in that work, many of our Southwestern species seeming to reach the northern limit of their range just below the Colorado line. The new edition of Coulter's Rocky Mountain Flora, as revised by Prof. Aven Nelson, can be used in a limited way in northern New Mexico, but it will be found to describe only a fraction of our plants. The material upon which this flora is based is chiefly that in the United States National Herbarium, in the herbarium of the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Mesilla Park, and in the private herbarium of E. O. Wooton, lately acquired by the National Herbarium. In the National Herbarium are found sets of nearly all the larger New Mexican collections, both early and recent, such as those of Fendler, Bigelow, Wright, the first Mexican Boundary Survey, Heller, Wooton, Earle, Metcalfe, and Standley. These include duplicate types of most species that have been described from the State. Of particular value are the large collections made by Dr. E. A. Mearns in connection with the Mexican Boundary Survey of 1892 and 1893, and by members of the Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture in connection with their studies of the-fauna of. New Mexico. There are also several smaller collections in the same herbarium of which no duplicates exist. The herbarium of the Agricultural College contains probably the largest assemblage of New Mexican plants that has hitherto been gathered. Here are found not only sets of the more recent generally distributed collections, but several thousand plants collected by the present writers of which few duplicates were obtained. Local col- lectors in different parts of the State have forwarded collections from time to time, some of which are of great interest. The Wooton herbarium contains duplicates of many of Mr. Wooton's collections deposited in the herbarium of the Agricultural College, besides many specimens not to be found elsewhere. It also includes sets of the plants collected by Dr. C. L. Herrick and Miss A. I. Mulford. The New Mexican ranges given for the listed species are based upon the specimens in these herbaria. We have also examined New Mexi- can material of certain groups in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, besides collections lent by Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, now of Boulder, Colorado, and Miss Charlotte C. Ellis, formerly of Placitas, New Mexico. The work of preparing the manuscript of the flora was carried on chiefly at the National Herbarium during the years 1910, 1911, and 1 Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100. 1906. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 11 1912, although some prehminary work had been done previously at the New Mexico Agricultural College. Descriptions of most of the new species discovered in the course of the work have been published in a recent part of the Contributions from the United States National Herbarium.1 Accounts of the Cactaceae and of the grasses and grass- like plants have appeared as bulletins of the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.2 It is our intention to publish in the near future, in the Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, an account of the phyto- geography of the State. This will include a discussion of the life zones and of the factors which influence them. There will also be a history of botanical exploration in New Mexico, and a discussion of other matters of botanical interest. Under each species in the present volume we have cited the place of publication, to facilitate reference to the original description. No attempt has been made to give complete synonymy, the intention being rather to enter only names having some more or less direct bear- ing upon New Mexican botany. In citing data regarding habitat and zonal distribution, only conditions inside the State have been con- sidered. In other States some of the plants often occur in habitats different from those we have indicated, although in all probability zonal distribution is practically constant for the same plant in what- ever region it may grow.3 The generic diagnoses have been drawn with only the New Mexican species in mind. In the preparation of the flora we have received the assistance of many persons, of whose aid we wish to express our appreciation. We are especially indebted to the following for help in various ways: Dr. E. L. Greene, Dr. N. L. Britton, Dr. P. A. Kydberg, Dr. B. L. Robinson, Prof. M. L. Fernald, Dr. J. H. Barnhart, Dr. Ezra Brainerd, Mr. George V. Nash, Dr. J. K. Small, Mr. K. K. Mackenzie, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, Mr. Vernon Bailey, Mr. E. A. Goldman, and Mr. C. R. Ball, as well as several of our botanical associates in Washington. Many residents of New Mexico have assisted by collecting specimens and furnishing data concerning the distribution and uses of plants. Our sincerest thanks are extended to numerous citizens of the State who have always afforded all the assistance in their power to collecting expeditions, which would have been impossible or unfruitful without their labors so freely expended La our behalf. 1 Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 109-196. 1913. 2 ( Sacti in New Mexico. By E. O. Wooton. Bull. 78. 1911. The grasses and grass- like plants of New Mexico. By E. 0. Wooton and Paul C. Standley. Bull. 81. L912. 3 For an account of life zones ill New Mexico sec, Bailey, Vernon. Life zones and crop zones of New Mexico. North American Fauna (U. S. Dent. Agr. Bur. Biol. Surv.) 35. L913. 12 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS. SYNOPSIS OF THE LARGER GROUPS, WITH KEYS. Subkingdom PTERIDOPHYTA. Plants without flowers or .seeds, producing spores, each of which, on germination, develops into a flat or irregular prothallium. The prothallia bear the reproductive organs (antheridia and archegonia). As a result of the fertilization of an egg in the archegonium by a sperm produced in the antheridia a fern or an allied plant -is developed. KEY TO THE ORDERS. Leaves broad, entire or dissected; ferns or fernlike plants. Spores of 1 kind, borne in sporangia; plants not aquatic... 1. FILICALES (p. 18). Spores of 2 kinds, borne in sporocarps; aquatics 2. SALVTNIALES (p. 27). Leaves narrow, scalelike or awllike; mosslike or rushlike plants. Sporangia in a terminal cone; stems hollow 3. EQUISETALES (p. 28;. Sporangia in the axils of small or leaflike bracts; stems solid. 4. LYCOPODIALES (p. 29). Subkingdom SPERMATOPHYTA. Plants with flowers which produce seeds. Microspores (pollen grains) borne in the microsporangia (anther sacs) develop each into a tubular prothallium; a macrospore (embryo sac) develops a minute prothallium and, together with the macrosporangium (ovule) in which it is contained, ripens into a seed. KEY TO THE CLASSES. Ovules and seeds borne on the face of a bract or scale; stigmas wanting. 1. GYMNOSPERMAE (p. 30). Ovules and seeds borne in a closed cavity; stigmas present. 2. ANGIO SPERM AE (p. 39). Class 1. GYMNOSPERMAE. KEY TO THE ORDERS. Staminate and pistillate flowers both in aments; perianth none; trees or shrubs with needle-like or scalelike leaves 5. PINALES (p. 30). Staminate flowers in aments; pistillate flowers single or in pairs; perianth present; shrubs with jointed stems, the leaves reduced to sheathing scales. 6. GNETALES (p. 38). Class 2. ANGIOSPERMAE. KEY TO THE SUBCLASSES. Cotyledon 1; stems endogenous; leaves parallel- veined. 1. MONOCOTYLEDONES (p. 39). Cotyledons normally 2; stems exogenous; leaves not parallel- veined, or rarely appar- ently so 2. DICOTYLEDONES (p. 154). WOOTO^T AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 13 Subclass 1. MONOCOTYLEDONES. KEY TO THE ORDERS. Perianth when present rudimentary or degenerate, often composed of bristles or mere scales, not corolla-like, sometimes wanting. Flowers in the axils of dry or chaffy, usually imbricated, bracts (scales or glumes). 10. POALES (p. 42). Flowers not in the axils of dry or chaffy bracts. Perianth of bristles or chaffy scales 7. PANDANALES (p. 39). Perianth fleshy or herbaceous, or wanting. Fruit baccate; endosperm present; plants 1 cm. broad or less, consisting merely of a flat thallus with 1 or more roots, floating. 11. ARALES (p. 124). Fruit drupaceous; endosperm wanting; aquatics with well-developed stems 8. NAIADALES (p. 39). Perianth of 2 distinct series, the inner usually corolla-like. Gyno?cium of distinct carpels 1 9. ALISMALES (p. 41). Gynoecium of united carpels. Endosperm mealy 12. XYRIDALES (p. 125). Endosperm fleshy, horny, or cartilaginous. Ovary and fruit superior 13. LILIALES (p. 127). Ovary and fruit wholly or half inferior. Endosperm present; flowers regular. 14. AMARYLLIDALES (p. 145). Endosperm wanting; flowers irregular. .15. ORCHIDALES (p. 148). Subclass 2. DICOTYLEDONES. KEY TO THE ORDERS. Corolla wanting. Calyx wanting. Herbs. Flowers monoecious or dioecious 30. EUPHORBIALES (p. 392). Flowers mainly perfect. Flowers spicate; styles wanting 16. PIPERALES (p. 154). Flowers axillary; styles present. (Callitrichaceae) 30. EUPHORBIALES (p. 392). Trees or shrubs. Fruit many-seeded; seeds each with a tuft of hairs. 17. SALICALES (p. 154). Fruit 1-seeded; seeds without tufts of hairs 42. OLEALES (p. 495). < !alyx present, at least in the staminate or in the perfect flowers. Flowers, at least the staminate, in aments or ament-like spikes; fruit a nut or achene; trees or shrubs. Leaves simple; ovule pendulous and anatropous.19. FAGALES (p. 163). Leaves pinnate; ovule erect and orthotropous. 13. JTJGLANDALES (p. 161). Flowers, at least the staminate, not in aments; fruit various; herbs, trees, or sh rubs. Ovary inferior. Flowers, at least the staminate, in involucrate heads. (Ambrosiaceae) 60. ASTERALES (p. 618). 14 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. % Flowers not in involucrate heads. Fruit either a berry or a drupe or nutlike. Stamens as many as the perianth segments and alternate with them or else fewer. (Tetragoniaceae) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Stamens as many as the perianth segments and opposite them or else twice as many. (Families of) 37. MYRTALES (p. 459). Fruit a capsule. Sepals as many as the cells of the ovary or half as many. 37. MYRTALES (p. 459). Sepals (4 or 5) at least twice as many as the cells of the ovary (Saxifragaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Ovary superior. Gynoecium of 1 carpel or several distinct carpels; stigma and styles of each solitary. Carpels several. Stamens inserted below the ovary. (Families of) 25. RAN ALES (p. 243). Stamens inserted on the edge of a cup-shaped hypanthium. (Families of) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Carpels solitary. Style lateral and oblique. (Phytolaccaceae) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Style axile, erect. Ovary neither inclosed nor seated in a hypanthium or a calyx tube. Flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; aquatics. (Ceratophyllaceae) 25. RANALES (p. 243). Flowers not solitary in the axils of the leaves; terres- trial plants. (Urticaceae) 20. URTICALES (p. 174). Ovary inclosed in or seated in a hypanthium or a calyx tube. Stamens borne under the gyncecium. (Allioniaceae) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Stamens borne on the hypanthium or adnate to the calyx tube 36. THYMELAEALES (p. 458). Gynoecium of 2 or several united carpels; stigmas or styles 2 to several. Ovary, by abortion, 1-celled and 1-ovuled. Leaves with sheathing stipules. 23. POLYGONALES (p. 181). Leaves exstipulate, or the stipules, if present, not sheathing. Trees or shrubs (Ulmaceae) 20. URTICALES (p. 174). Herbs or vines. Stipules herbaceous; inflorescence spicate or racemose; leaf blades palmately veined. (Cannabinaceae) 20. URTICALES (p. 174). Stipules scarious or hyaline or none; inflorescence cymose; leaf blades pinnately veined. (Families of) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Ovary several-celled, or with several placentae, several-ovuled. Stamens perigynous or epigynous, inserted on the margin of a hypanthium or a disk. Fruit a samara.. .(Aceraceae) 31. SAPINDALES (p. 405). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 15 Fruit not a samara. Fruit drupelike or berry-like; trees or shrubs. 32. RHAMNALES (p. 412). Fruit a capsule ; herbs. 22. ARISTOLOCHIALES (p. 181). Stamens hypogynous, inserted under the gyncecium in the perfect flowers, not on a disk in the pistillate flowers. Flowers monoecious or dioecious. (Euphorbiaceae) 30. EUPHORBIALES (p. 392). Flowers perfect. Stamens tetradynamous. (Brassicaceae) 26. PAPAVERALES (p. 260). Stamens not tetradynamous. 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Corolla present. Petals more or less united. Ovary inferior. Stamens with their filaments free from the corolla. Stamens 10; anther sacs opening by terminal pores or chinks. (Yaceiniaceae) 39. ERICALES (p. 486). Stamens 5 or fewer: anther sacs opening by longitudinal slits. 48. CAMPANULALES (p. 612). Stamens adnate to the corolla. Ovary with 1 fertile cavity. Flower- in involucrate heads 50. ASTERALES (p. 618). Flowers not in involucrate heads 49. VALERIANALES (p. 617). Ovary with 2 to many fertile cavities. Plants tendril-bearing. (Cucurbitaceae) 48. CAMPANULALES (p. 612). Plants not tendril-bearing. Ovules mostly on basal placenta1; plants parasitic 21. SANTALALES (p. 177). Ovules not on basal placentae; plants not parasitic. 47. RTTBIALES (p. 603). Ovary superior. Stamens free from the corolla. Gyncecium of a single carpel (Families of) 27. ROSALES (p. 201). Gyncecium of several united carpels. Filaments distinct (Families of) 39. ERICALES (p. 486). Filaments united. Stamens diadelphous (Fumariaceae) 26. PAPAVERALES (p. 260). Stamens monadelphoua. Anther ^aos opening by slits. (Oxalidaceae) 28. GERANIALES i .p. 379). Anther sacs opening by pores. Calyx and corolla very irregular 29. POLYGALALES (p. 390). Calyx and corolla regular.. .(Families of) 39. ERICALES (p. 486). Stamens partially adnate to the corolla. Stamens as many :i- tin- lodes of the corolla and opposite them, or twice as rrrany or more. < )v:uy L-celled. Placenta central or basal 40. primtjlales (p. 490). Placenta parietal (Fouquieriaceae) W. hypericales p 127). 16 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Ovary several-celled. Upper portion of ovaries distinct. (Crassulaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Upper portion of ovaries united 41. EBENALES (p. 495). Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them or fewer. Corolla scarious, veinless; fruit a pyxis.. 46. PLANTAGINALES (p. 602). Corolla not scarious, veiny; fruit not a pyxis. Carpels distinct, except sometimes at the apex. Style terminal 44. ASCLEPIADALES (p. 503). Style basal (Dichondraceae) 45. POLEMONIALES (p. 513). Carpels united. Ovary 1-celled, with central placentae. . .43. GENTIAN ALES (p. 497). Ovary 2 or 3-celled or falsely 4-celled, or if 1-celled with parietal placenta; 45. POLEMONIALES (p. 513). Petals distinct, at least at the base. Carpels solitary, or several and distinct, or united only at the base. Stamens on the margin of a hypanthium (this very small in some Saxifragaceae). 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Stamens at the base of the receptacle, hypogynous. Flowers in monoecious heads (Platanaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Flowers not in monoecious heads. Plants with firm stems and leaves, not succulent. .25. RAN ALES (p. 243). Plants with succulent stems and leaves. (Crassulaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Carpels several and united. Ovary inferior. Stamens numerous. Hypanthium produced beyond the ovary. (Families of) 37. MYRTALES (p. 459). Hypanthium not produced beyond the ovary. Ovary partly inferior (Hydrangeaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Ovary wholly inferior 35. OPUNTIALES (p. 431). Stamens not more than twice as many as the petals. Styles wanting. (Stigmas sessile; aquatics.) (Gunneraceae) 37. MYRTALES (p. 459). Styles present. Styles distinct. Ovules solitary in each cell; fruit a drupe or of 2 to 5 more or less united achenes 38. UMBELLALES (p. 474). Ovules several in each cell; fruit a capsule or a fleshy, many-seeded, berry. Fruit, if dehiscent, valvate. .(Families of) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Fruit circumscissile. (Portulacaceae) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Styles united or single. Plants with tendrils; fruit a pepo. (Cucurbitaceae) 48. CAMPANULALES (p. 612). Plants without tendrils; fruit not a pepo. Ovary exceeding the hypanthium, the top free. (Hydrangeaceae) 27. ROSALES (p 291). Ovary inclosed in or surpassed by the hypanthium or adnate to it. Ovules solitary in each cell 38. UMBELLALES (p. 474). Ovules several in each cell. Ovary with parietal placentae. (Loasaceae) 35. OPUNTIALES (p. 431). Ovary with central or basal placenta;. (Families of) 37. MYRTALES (p. 459). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 17 Ovary superior. Stamens inserted on the margin of a disk or hypanthium (perigynous or hypo- gynous). Stamens as many as the petals and opposite them. Styles and upper part of the ovaries distinct; ovules and seeds many. (Saxifragaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Styles united; ovules and seeds solitary or 2 . .32. RHAMNALES (p. 412). Stamens as many as the petals and alternate with them or more. Styles distinct (Saxifragaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Styles united. Hypanthium cup-shaped or campanulate; disk obsolete or incon- spicuous 37. MYRTALES (p. 459). Hypanthium flat or obsolete; disk fleshy. Plants with secreting glands in the bark. (Rutaceae) 28. GERANIALES (p. 379). Plants without secreting glands in the bark. 31. SAPINDALES (p. 405). Stamens inserted at the base of the ovary or receptacle. Stamens numerous. Sepals valvate; filaments united 33. MALVALES (p. 416). Sepals imbricated; filaments various 28. PAP AVER ALES (p. 260). Stamens few, not over twice as many as the petals. Stamens as many as the petals and opposite them. Anther sacs opening by hinged valves. (Berberidaceae) 25. RANALES (p. 243). Anther sacs opening by slits. Flowers monoecious 30. ETJPHORBIALES (p. 392). Flowers perfect. Ovules and seeds several or many; embryo coiled. (Portulacaceae) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Ovules and seeds solitary; embryo straight. (Plumbaginaceae) 40. PRIMULALES (p. 490). Stamens as many as the petals and alternate with them or more, some- times twice as many. Stamens 6; petals 4; sepals 2 or 4. (Families of) 26. PAPAVERALES (p. 260). Stamens, petals, and sepals of the same number, or stamens more than the sepals or petals, then usually twice as many. Ovary 1-celled. Ovules and seeds on basal or central placenta?. (Families of) 24. CHENOPODIALES (p. 198). Ovules and seeds on parietal placenta;. Stamens with united filaments (no staminodia). 33. MALVALES (p. 416). Stamens with distinct filaments. Staminodia present. (Pamassiaceae) 27. ROSALES (p. 291). Staminodia wanting. (Families of) 34. HYPERICALES (p. 427). Ovary several-celled. Stamens adnate to the gyncecium. | A 3cleE»aaceae) 44. ASCLEPIADALES (p. 503). Stamens not adnate I" the gyncecium. Filaments wholly or partly united. Anthers opening by long slil (Families of) 28. GERANIALES (p. 379). 52576°— 15 2 18 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Anthers opening by pores 29. POLYGALALES (p. 390). Filaments distinct. Anthers opening by pores. (Families of) 39. ERICALES (p. 486). Anthers opening by slits. Stigmas and styles distinct and cleft, or foliaceous, or united by pairs 30. EUPHORBIALES (p. 392). Stigmas or styles all distinct or all united, neither cleft nor foliaceous. Stamens 2 42. OLEALES (p. 495). Stamens more than 2. Ovules 2 or more in each carpel. 34. HYPERICALES (p. 427). Ovules solitary in each carpel. (Families of) 28. GERANIALES (p. 379). ANNOTATED CATALOGUE. Subkingdom PTERIDOPHYTA. Order 1. FILICALES. 1. POLYPODIACEAE. Fern Family. The only family of the order in New Mexico. Notwithstanding the dryness of the climate, New Mexico has a considerable number of true ferns. With one exception they grow in the mountains. Most of the species occur in crevices or under overhanging rocks in the drier and warmer mountain ranges. A few of the more delicate ones live only in moist, cool forests in rich soil. A few others occur on high mountain peaks. KEY TO THE GENERA. Mature sori round or little elongated, appearing as sepa- rate small dots on the back of the frond. Fronds once pinnate or pinnatifid, having few large pinnae. Sori furnished with an indusium ; leaf margins spinulose 10. Phanerophlebia (p. 26). Sori naked; leaf margins not spinulose 13. Polypoditjm (p. 27). Fronds mostly twice pinnate or pinnatifid, having many small pinnules 1 cm. long or less. Indusium superior, cordate or reniform, fixed at the sinus 9. Dryopteris (p. 25). Indusium inferior or lateral. Indusium inferior, breaking at maturity into stellate lobes 12. Woodsia (p. 26). Indusium lateral, thrown back at maturity as a delicate hood 11. Filix (p. 26). Mature sori elongated, oblong to linear, mostly con- fluent. Sori naked. Sori scattered on the back of the frond, follow- ing the course of the veins, branching 1. Bommeria (p. 19). Sori marginal, near the ends of the veins, some- times covered at first by the reflexed edges of the pinnae 2. Notholaena (p. 19), WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 19 Sori with indusia. Sori dorsal, not marginal. Sori straight; fronds once pinnate; stipes dark-colored 7. Asplenium (p. 24). Sori more or less curved; fronds twice pinnate; stipes stramineous 8. Athyrium (p. 25). Sori marginal, covered by reflexed edges of the pinnae. Reflexed margin discontinuous, appearing as separate large indusia 3. Adiantum (p. 21). Reflexed margin continuous around each pinna. An inner indusium present, making the covering of the sori double; fronds large, 40 to 100 cm. long 4. Pteridium (p. 21). Inner indusium wanting, the covering of the sori single ; fronds in ours never over 30 cm. long. Pinnules minute, beadlike, hairy (except in C. wrighlii, which resembles the next genus), not coriaceous 5. Cheilanthes (p. 21). Pinnules larger, 3 mm. long or more, glabrous (except in P. aspera), coriaceous 6. Pellaea (p. 23). 1. BOMMERIA Fourn. Rootstocks creeping; fronds 5-angled , pinnate, hispid above, tomentose beneath; 6ori oblong or linear, following the course of the veinlets, exindusiate. 1. Bommeriahispida (Mett.) Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 633. 1902. Gymnogramme hispida Mett.; Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 72. 1869. Gymnopteris hispida Underw. Native Ferns ed. 6. 84. 1900. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Texas to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Bear Mountains; Organ Mountains; 5 miles east of San Lorenzo; Mimbres River; Silver City; Florida Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. NOTHOLAENA R. Br. Cloak fern. Sori marginal, at first round or oblong, soon confluent into a narrow naked band; veins free; fronds various. Our species are of somewhat varied aspect, three of them (Eunotholaena) of distinct form, one resembling a Bommeria, and two others such that they might pass for Pel- laeas. Some of them are very common in the dry rocky foothills, while two of the species are rare in our range. key to the species. Fronds covered more or less abundantly with scales or hairs, not farinose, once pinnate. Fronds densely woolly beneath, the wool at first white, becoming ferruginous 1 . N. bonariensis. Fronds scaly on both sides, the scales at first white, changing to darker. 20 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Plants small, 10 to 15 cm. high; pinnae rotund, entire or 2 or 3-toothed 2a. N. sinuata inte- gerrima. Plants larger, 20 to 30 cm. high; pinnae oblong, sinuate, several-toothed 2. N. sinuata. Fronds farinose beneath, neither hairy nor scaly. Lower surface of fronds bright yellow; fronds pentagonal in outline, barely bipinnate 3. N. hookeri. Lower surface of fronds white; fronds deltoid -ovate in out- line, tripinnate or quadripinnate. Rachises nearly straight; pinnules opposite, mostly sim- ple, the terminal ones rarely lobed 4. N. dealbata. Rachises and all their branches flexuous; pinnules alter- nate, the ultimate ones frequently 3-lobed 5. N.fendleri. 1. Notholaena bonariensis (Willd.) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. 6. 1905. Acrostichum bonariense Willd. Sp. PL 5: 114. 1810. Cincinalis ferruginea Desv. Ges. Naturf. Freund. Berlin Mag. 5: 311. 1811. Notholaena ferruginea Hook. Journ. de Bot. 1: 92. 1813. Type locality: "Bonaria" (Argentina). Range : Arizona and western Texas to Central and South America. New Mexico: Organ and Dona Ana mountains. Dry hills, among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Notholaena sinuata (Swartz) Kaulf. Enum. Fil. 135. 1824. Acrostichum sinuatum Swartz, Syn. Fil. 14. 1806. Type locality: Peru. Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Black Range; San Luis, Big Hatchet, Carrizalillo, and Bear moun- tains; Animas Valley; Tortugas Mountain; Florida, Organ, and Guadalupe moun- tains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Reported from Las Lagunitas near Las Vegas by T. S. Brandegee. 2a. Notholaena sinuata integerrima Hook. Sp. Fil. 5: 108. 1864. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; Big Hatchet Mountains; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; White Mountains; Queen; Lakewood. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Notholaena hookeri D. C. Eaton in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 308. pi. 30. 1879. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro Mountain; Burro Mountains; Kingston; San Luis Moun- tains; Tres Hermanas; Florida Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Also reported from Las Lagunitas, near Las Vegas, by T. S. Brandegee. 4. Notholaena dealbata (Pursh) Kunze, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 6: 82. 1848. Cheilanthes dealbata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 671. 1814. Notholaena nivea dealbata Davenp. Cat. Davenp. Herb. Suppl. 44. 1883. Type locality: ' 'On rocks on the banks of the Missouri. " Range: Nebraska and Missouri to New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Big Hatchet Mountains; Lookout Mines; Tor- tugas Mountain; V Pasture. On limestone cliffs, dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 21 Reported from the following localities: Las Lagunitas near Las Vegas, T. S. Bran- degee; San Domingo, Bigelow; Sandia Mountains, Ferris. 5. Notholaena fendleri Kunze, Farrnkr. 2: 87. pi. 136. 1851. Type locality: "In New Mexico. " Type collected by Fendler. Range : Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona, and in northern Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Dona; Socorro; Cross L Ranch. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type is Fendler 's 1017a, collected in 1847 near Santa Fe. Although named from New Mexico, the species is very rare in the State, ranging mainly farther north. 3. ADIANTUM L. Maiden-hair fern. Sori marginal, short, covered by a flaplike reflexed portion of the edge of the pin- nule, on the free but approximate tips of forking veins; fronds bipinnate; stipes slen- der, black, wiry; pinnules mostly obovate-cuneate, with a few incised teeth. 1. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Sp. PI. 1096. 1753. Venus-hair fern. Adiantum modesturn Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 46. 1901. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa australi." Range: Virginia and Florida, westward across the continent except in the extreme northwest. New Mexico: Eight miles northwest of Reserve; East Fork of the Gila; San Andreas Mountains; Kingston; South Spring River. Damp cliffs, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of Adiantum modesturn is Earle's 261 from South Spring River. If dif- fers slightly from our other specimens in having broader, more rounded segments. When one examines a large series of specimens of A . capillus-veneris it is seen that it is a variable species and that A. modesturn is hardly more than a local variation. 4. PTERIDITJM Scop. Bracken. This is a coarse fern of almost world-wide distribution that occurs in the mountains of this State in parklike openings and beside small streams where the soil is rich and water plentiful. It is ordinarily not over 60 cm. high, but sometimes readies a height of 2 meters. We have only one representative of the genus, the western or pubescent form. 1. Pteridium. aquilinum pubescens Underw. Native Ferns ed. 6. 91. 1900. Type locality: "Utah, California, and northward." Range: Western North America from New Mexico to British Columbia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Open slopes, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 5. CHEILANTHES Swartz. Lip fern. Sori terminal or nearly so on all the veins, at first very small and rounded, later confluent; imlusium consisting of the reflexed margins of the pinnules, in ours (except one species) continuous all around the pinnule. With the exception of C. v/rightii our species belong to that division of the genua having very minute, beadlike segments with the whole margin reflexed. Tiny grow in crevicea of rocks and on ledges oi cliffs in the mountains, generally between eleva- tions of L,450 and 2,100 meters. 22 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pinnules smooth; indusia not continuous 1. C. wrightii. Pinnules more or less pubescent or scaly ; indusia continuous about the pinnules. Fronds tomentose, not scaly. Stipes densely tufted, at first woolly, becoming glabrate; fronds small, 10 cm. long or less 2. C.feei. Stipes tufted, not so numerous, covered with brown to- mentum and a few narrow scales; fronds larger, 20 to 40 cm. long 3. C. eatoni. Fronds scaly beneath. Fronds not at all tomentose, glabrous and bright green or with a few scales above 4. C.fendleri. Fronds both tomentose and scaly beneath. Stipes tufted from a short thick rootstock; fronds to- mentose to glabrate above, densely matted- woolly and scaly beneath 5. C. myriophylla. Stipes scattered on a long slender rootstock; fronds white-tomentose above, very chaffy beneath, with cinnamon-brown scales 6. C. lindheimeri. 1. Cheilanthes wrightii Hook. Sp. Fil. 2: 87. pi. 110. A. 1858. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Telegraph Mountains; Bear Mountains; Condes Camp. Upper So- noran Zone. 2. Cheilanthes feei Moore, Ind. Fil. 38. 1857. Myriopteris gracilis Fee, Gen. Fil. 150. 1850-2. Cheilanthes gracilis Mett. Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt 3: 80. 1859-61, not Kaulf. 1824. Cheilanthes lanuginosa Nutt.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2: 99. 1858, as synonym. Type locality: "Habitat ad rupes circa Hillsboro, in America Septentr." Range: Illinois and Minnesota to British Columbia, south to Arizona, Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: On cliffs, throughout the State, at lower altitudes. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is probably the commonest fern in the State, occurring most frequently in crevices in the perpendicular faces of limestone cliffs, especially under projecting ledges. Its stipes are always short, and the fronds mostly lie flat against the rocks. It is not restricted to limestone, but is found much less frequently on other rocks. 3. Cheilanthes eatoni Baker in Hook. & Baker, Syn. Fil. 140. 1868. Cheilanthes tomentosa eatoni Davenp. Cat. Davenp. Herb. Suppl. 49. 1883. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; San Mateo Peak; Sandia Mountains; Socorro; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Burro Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Dona Ana and Organ mountains; White and Capitan mountains; Tucumcari Mountain; Queen. In the drier mountains and foothills, Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Cheilanthes fendleri Hook. Sp. Fil. 2: 103. pi. 107. B. 1858. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 1015). Range: Western Texas to Colorado, westward to California. New Mexico: Common in all the mountain ranges. Among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 23 5. Cheilanthes myriophylla Desv. Ges. Naturf. Freund. Berlin Mag. 5: 328. 1811. Cheilanthes villosa Davenp. Cat. Davenp. Herb. Suppl. 45. 1883. Type locality: South America. Range: Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Big Hatchet Mountains; North Percha Creek; Bishops Cap-, Han- over Mountain; Sacramento Mountains. Upper Son oran Zone. 6. Cheilanthes lindheimeri Hook. Sp. Fil. 2: 101. pi. 107. A. 1858. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Telegraph Mountains; Tres Hermanas; Florida Mountains; Dona Ana and Organ mountains. Among rocks on the lower slopes of the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. PELLAEA Link. Cliff brake. Sori intramarginal, terminal on the veins as dots, or decurrent, at length confluent, forming a marginal band; indusium formed by the reflexed margin of the pinnules, commonly broad and membranous. Our species all belong to the division having coriaceous bluish green pinnules with inconspicuous veins, most of them having dark brown or glossy black stipes. They occur in crevices and under rocks in the drier mountains at altitudes below 2,000 meters. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Indusium narrow, concealed by the maturing sporangia; stipes pinkish-stramineous; rootstocks slender, widely creeping. . 1. P. intermedia. Indusium broad, conspicuous; stipes dark brown to black; root- stocks short and thick, 2 to 3 cm. long. Fronds and stipes rough-hairy throughout 2. P. scabra. Fronds and stipes glabrous. Pinnules obtuse or barely acute. Fronds pinnate above, bipinnate below; pinnules lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 5 to 20 mm. long 3. P. atropurpurea. Fronds quadri pinnate below, simpler above; pin- nules oval to cordate-ovate, 5 mm. long or less, very numerous 4. P. pulcfiella. Pinnules distinctly, although shortly, mucronate. Fronds narrowly oblong, bipinnate; pinnae tri- foliolate 5. P. terni/olia. Fronds broadly lanceolate to deltoid, bipinnate; pinnules numerous on each rachilla, the termi- nal one usually largest 6. P. mucronata. 1. Pellaea intermedia Melt.; Kuhn, Linnaea 36: 84. 1869. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Black Range; Burro Mountains; Florida Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Organ and San Andreas mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Pellaea scabra ('. Chr. Ind. Fil. 172. L905. Cheilanthes aspera Eook. Sp. Fil. 2: 111. />/. 10S. A. 1858, not Kaulf. 1881. Pellaea aspera Baker in Hook. & linker, Syn. Fil. 148. 1868. Tvi'K i.ucauty: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona Xiw Mexico: Collected by the Mexican Boundary Survey (no. 1581) near the Copper Mines. Dry hills. 24 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link, Fil. Hort. Berol. 59. 1841. Pteris atropurpurea L. Sp. PI. 1076. 1753. Type locality: " Habitat in Virginia. " Range: Ontario and British Columbia to Georgia, Texas, Arizona, and California. New Mexico: Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Florida Mountains; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; highest point of the Llano Estacado; Queen. Thickets in the lower parts of the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Pellaea pulcheUa (Mart. & Gal.) Fee, Gen. Fil. 129. 1850-52. Allosorus pulchellus Mart. & Gal. Nouv. Mem. Acad. Sci. Brux. 15: 47. pi. 10. f. 1. 1842. Type locality: "Dans la Cordillere au sud de Sola," Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southeastern New Mexico, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico : Queen ( Wooton) . Crevices of limestone rocks, dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Pellaea ternifolia (Cav.) Link, Fil. Hort. Berol. 59. 1841. Pteris ternifolia Cav. Descr. PI. 266. 1802. Type locality: Andes of Peru. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Organ Mountain (Wooton). Upper Sonoran Zone. This species is rare in New Mexico. We are doubtful of the determination of the Organ Mountain plant, since it is the only specimen collected at this station, although ferns have been collected there frequently and search has been made for the species. Our specimen is possibly a form of P. mucronata. Doctor Underwood has reported a specimen from Socorro, collected in 1895 by Plank, and Mr. M. E. Jones reports having obtained it at Silver City in 1903. The species is not uncommon in Chihuahua. 6. Pellaea mucronata D. C. Eaton in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 233. 1859. Allosorus mucronatus D. C. Eaton, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 22: 138. 1856. Pellaea wrightiana Hook. Sp. Fil. 2: 142. pi. 115. B. 1858. Type locality: "Clefts of rocks in the hills near the bay of San Francisco, California." Range: Kansas and Texas to Arizona and California and southward. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Socorro; Burro Mountains; Santa Rita; Florida Mountains; Dona Ana and Organ mountains. In the drier mountains and foothills, Upper Sonoran Zone. This has usually been referred to as P. wrightiana. Wright's 2130 from Santa Rita is the type of P. wrightiana. It is one of the commonest species of the southern part of the State. 7. ASPLENIUM L. Spleenwort. Sori oblong or linear, oblique, separate; indusia straight or very rarely curved, opening toward the midrib when single, toward each other when paired; veins all free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pinnae 2 to 5, linear-cuneate; rachis green :. 1. A.septentrionale. Pinnae numerous, 10 to 30 pairs, oblong to oval; rachis brown or black. Plants tall, 10 to 25 cm. high; stipes black; pinnse oblong.. 2. A.resiliens. Plants smaller, 15 cm. high or less; stipes purplish brown; pinnee oval 3. A . trichomanes. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 25 1. Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. 2: 12. 1795. Acrostichum septentrionale L. Sp. PI. 1068. 1753. Belvisia septentrionalis Mirb. Hist. Nat. PL 4: 65. 1803. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae fissuris rupium." Range: Black Hills of South Dakota to New Mexico and Arizona; also in Europe. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; highest point of the Llano Estacado; Cross L Ranch; Santa Rita; Ben Moore. Upper Sonoran Zone. This grows in the crevices of rocks or beneath overhanging ledges. It is small and almost grasslike, so that it is easily overlooked. 2. Asplenium resiliens Kunze, Linnaea 18: 331. 1844. Asplenium parvulum Mart. & Gal. Nouv. Mem. Acad. Sci. Brux. 15: 60. pi. 15. f. 3. 1842, not Hook. 1840. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Virginia and Florida to Kansas, Texas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Santa Rita; Florida Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Asplenium trichomanes L. Sp. PL 1080. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae fissuris rupium." Range: British America to Alabama, Texas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Las Vegas Moun tains; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; Organ Mountains. Damp slopes, Upper Sonoran to Transition Zone. 8. ATHYRIUM Roth. Rootstocks stout; fronds large, oblong-ovate, twice pinnate; sori usually curved, oblong; indusium straight or curved, opening along the side nearest the midrib. 1. Athyrium filix-foemina (L.) Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. 3: 65. 1800. Lady fern. Poly podium filix-foemina L. Sp. PL 1090. 1753. Asplenium filix-foemina Bernh. Neu. Journ. Bot. Schrad. I2: 26. 1806. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae frigidioris subhumidis." Range: Throughout most of temperate North America; in New Mexico only in the mountains. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Winsor Creek; Brazos Canyon. Transition Zone. The lady fern is not common anywhere in the State, but has been found by a few collectors in cool, shaded canyons beside running streams. 9. DRYOPTERIS Adans. Rootstocks stout and thick; fronds broadly oblong-lanceolate, bipinnatifid or bipinnate, 20 to 60 cm. long; sori dorsal, rounded, the indusium orbicular-reniform. 1. Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, Gen. Fil. 1834. Mali: fern. I '< >l i/podium filix-mas L. Sp. PL 1090. 1753. Aspidium filix-mas Swartz, Journ. But. Schrad. 18002: 38. 1801. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae syrvis." Range: British America to Michigan, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Rito de las Frijoles; Las Vegas Mountains; Organ Mountains; Ruidoso Creek. Transition Zone. The specimens here listed are doubtfully referred to this species, but they repre- sent one of the forms which pass under the name. Further study may resull in a change of name for the southwestern form. It is nowhere common in our range, but always seems well adjusted to its habital wherever it OCCUTS. 26 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 10. PHANEROPHLEBIA Presl. Rootstcok Bhort and creeping; fronds pinnate, the pinnae 10 to 16, usually auriculate at the base, sen-ate or incised; sori round, borne on the back of forking veins; indusium peltate, opening all around the margin. 1. Phanerophlebia auriculata Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 212. pi. 359. f 3, 4. 1899. Aspidium juglandifolium of authors, in part, not Kunze. Type locality: "Cool damp cliffs, Mapula Mountains, Chihuahua." Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Transition Zone. 11. FILIX Adans. Fronds oblong-lanceolate, 10 to 30 cm. long, 2 to 3-pinnatifid, thin, bright green; sori roundish, each borne on the back of a vein; indusium membranous, hoodlike, attached by a broad base on its inner side. 1. Filix fragilis (L.) Underw. Native Ferns ed. 6. 119. 1900. Brittle fern. Poly podium fragile L. Sp. PI. 1091. 1753. Cystopteris fragilis Bernh. Journ. Bot. Schrad. 1: 26. 1806. Type locality: "Habitat in collibus Europae frigidioris." Range: Throughout temperate North America, and in temperate regions around the world. New Mexico: Common in all the mountains from the Black Range and White Mountains northward. Transition Zone. 12. WOODSIA R. Br. Sori orbicular, borne on the back of simply forked, free veins; indusium inferior, thin, in ours conspicuous, breaking at the top and splitting into several laciniate lobes. Ferns with much the aspect of the fragile fern, but the fronds stiffer and the divi- sions shorter, the indusial characters, also, different. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Fronds lanceolate; pinnae short, triangular- lanceolate, not glan- dular 1. W. mexicana. Fronds broader than lanceolate; pinnae longer, the subdivisions broader, glandular-hairy 2. W. pluminerae. 1. Woodsia mexicana Fee, Mem. Foug. 7: 66. 1854. Type locality: "Habitat in Republica Mexicana, prope San Angel." Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Winsors Ranch; Rio Pueblo; Sierra Grande; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gilmores Ranch. Transition Zone. 2. Woodsia plummerae Lemmon, Bot. Gaz. 7: 6. 1882. Woodsia obtusa glandulosa D. C. Eaton & Faxon, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 50. 1882. Type locality: "On the north side of a high peak of the Chirricahua Mountains," Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Burro Mountains (Rusby). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 27 13. POLYPODIXJM L. Polypody. Rootstocks elongated; fronds 5 to 20 cm. long, once pinnatifid into linear-oblong, obtuse or acute segments; sori rounded, exindusiate, borne at the ends of the veina midway between the margin and midrib. 1. Polypodium hesperium Maxon, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 13: 200. 1900. Type locality: Coyote Canyon, Lake Chelan, Washington. Range: British Columbia to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains (Miss C. C. Ellis). Damp woods. Miss Ellis reports that this is found in crevices and under rocks near Balsam, in Lagunita, and on ridges between the latter place and Las Huertas Canyon. The species should occur in some of the ranges in the western part of the State. Order 2. SALVINIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Creeping plants with 4-parted petioled leaves of medium size 2. MARSILEACEAE (p. 27). Minute floating plants with closely imbricated, lobed fronds 3. SALVINIACEAE (p. 27). 2. MARSILEACEAE. 1. MARSILEA L. Herbaceous perennials growing in muddy places, with slender creeping stems and 4-foliolate long-petioled leaves; sporocarps borne at the base, in ours almost sessile, hard, reniform, 2-valved, several-celled, containing both kinds of spores. A single species so far obtained in New Mexico, but others will probably be found growing about pools in the mountains. A specimen in the U. S. National Herbarium obtained by one of the collectors of the Mexican Boundary Survey is determined as M. uncinata A. Br. The label shows nothing as to place or time of collection. The published report states that Doctor Bigelow obtained this species in New Mexico, without further locality. The specimen referred to is very small but is probably correctly determined. 1. Marsilea vestita Hook. & Grev. Icon. Fil. 2: pi. 159. 1831. Type locality: "Ad flumenColumbiam, ora occidentali AmericaeSeptentrionalis." Range: Arkansas and Texas to California, north to Washington and British Columbia. New Mexico: Queen (Wooton). In mud. The single station at which this plant was found was near the top of the Upper Sonoran Zone, but the same species was collected by Wright near San Elizario, Texas, which is Lower Sonoran, while the range given by most authors suggests the Transition. 3. SALVINIACEAE. 1. AZOLLA Lain. Small floating plants with a more or less elongated and sometimes branching axis bearing leaves; Bporocarpa soft, thin-walled, two or more on a stalk, l-celled; m< Bporangia containing 1 megaspore, the microeporangia bearing numerous microspores. 1. Azolla caroliniana Willd. Sp. PI. 5: 541. 1810. Type locality: "Habitat in aqnis Carolinae Rangk: New York to Florida, west to California and < Oregon New Mexico: Animas Creek i \£etoalft 1110). Floating in still water. 28 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Order 3. EQUISETALES. 4. EQTJISETACEAE. Horsetail Family. 1. EQUISETUM L. Horsetail. Plant body rushlike, with jointed, mostly hollow stems; leaves reduced to a whorl of scales forming'a sheath at the nodes; sporangia forming a terminal cone composed of peltate scales bearing several sporangia; spores all alike, supplied with coiled elaters attached at the middle and coiled spirally about the spore; prothallia terrestrial, green, usually dioecious. The family includes the plants which go under the name of "scouring rushes" or "horsetails," which, while very numerous in past ages of the world, are now reduced to a single genus. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual; plant of two forms, one spore-bearing the other vege- tative; vegetative form much branched, with slender 4-angled branches; spore-bearing form not branched, brown 1. E. arvense. Perennial, not dimorphous, if branched at all the branches similar to the main stems. Stems nearly smooth, the tubercles inconspicuous; sheaths spreading upward; teeth deciduous, leaving a ring of triangular black tips 2. E. laevigatum. Stems rough, the tubercles conspicuous; sheaths usually little or not at all spreading upward; teeth mostly adherent to the bases. Stems generally less than 70 cm. high, frequently branched from the base 3. E. hiemale. Stems generally taller, 1 meter high or more, very hard and rough, usually little or not at all branched 4. E. robustum. 1. Equisetum arvense L. Sp. PL 1061. 1753. Type locality: " Habitat in Europse agris, pratis." Range: British America to Virginia, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Taos; Rio Pueblo; Mogollon Mountains. Mountains, in the Transi- tion Zone. This is the common horsetail of the mountains, growing in A'ery wet soil beside running water. It is usually associated with grasses, rushes, and sedges which cover the swampy meadows at elevations of 1,800 meters and more. Such meadows or marshy places usually go under the name of "eienaga" (frequently corrupted to "siniky"') or the diminutive " cienaguilla. " The horsetail may be readily recognized in the vegetative state by its cluster of 4-angled jointed stems about 2 mm. in diameter, of a bright green color, that bear no proper leaves. The spore-bearing stalks are brown, 6 to 8 mm. in diameter, 10 to 20 cm. high, and bear their cones singly at the top. They appear early in the spring, shed their spores, and soon die. 2. Equisetum laevigatum A. Br. Amer. Journ. Sci. 46: 87. 1844. Smooth scouring rush. Type locality: "On poor clayey soil, with Andropogon and other coarse grasses, at the banks of the river below St. Louis." Range: New Jersey and Louisiana to British Columbia, California, and Texas. New Mexico: Shiprock; Chama; Taos; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Ramah; Albuquerque; Mogollon Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Ruidoso Creek. In wet ground, in the Transition Zone, or lower, along streams. This is the chief scouring rush of the mountains, its smooth, hollow, jointed stems being common along most of the mountain streams and in the cienagas. There is but WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 29 one kind of stem produced; branching above the base is rare except when the plant is injured. Sometimes, though not frequently, it is somewhat branched from the base. The rather delicate texture and the somewhat spreading, smooth-topped, long sheaths tipped by a row of triangular black dots are characteristic. 3. Equisetum hiemale L. Sp. PI. 1062. 1753. Scouring rush. Type locality: "Habitat in Europse sylvis, asperis, uliginosis." Range: North America north of Mexico. New Mexico: Reserve; Gilmores Ranch; near Las Vegas, on the Gallinas River; Rio Grande near Mesilla. This is a common rush along the streams and ditches. The form here referred to is that spoken of as E. hiemale intermedium by Mr. A. A. Eaton. 4. Equisetum. robustum A. Br. Amer. Journ. Sci. 46: 88. 1844. Type locality: "Islands of the Mississippi River in Louisiana." Range: New Jersey and Louisiana, westward across the continent. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Mesilla; Mogollon Mountains. Wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The large scouring rush occurs not uncommonly along the rivers and irrigating ditches at the lower levels of the State. It may not be sufficiently distinct from E. hiemale. Order 4. LYCOPODIALES. 5. SELAGINELLACEAE. Selaginella Family. Mosslike terrestrial plants, usually only a few centimeters high; stems slender, branching, erect or trailing; leaves small and scalelike, arranged in 4 to many rows; sporangia 1-celled, globose, of two kinds, viz. , megasporangia bearing 4 megaspores and microsporangia bearing many microspores, borne at the bases of the sporophylls, these differing little from foliage leaves. 1. SELAGINELLA Beauv. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants erect, tufted, with roots only on the lower part; leaves with long terminal bristles and numerous marginal hairs on each side; plants grayish green 1. S. rupincola. Plantd more or less prostrate, forming mats, mostly rooting along the stems; leaves various; plants grayish or bright green. Stems very short, 6 cm. long or less; strobiles erect, 4-angled, usually longer than the vegetative branches 2. S. densa. Stems longer, 10 cm. or more; strobiles various. Megaspores irregularly wrinkled; strobiles erect; lea and short stems frequently much. crowded 3. S. v/rightii. Megaspores not wrinkled; strobiles hardly distinguish- able from the vegetative parts. Stems very slender, wiry, terete; leaves small, ap- ] >r< iseed 4. S. hi in ica . Stems weaker; leaves lux, dark green 5. S. underwoodii. Selagiru lla I * pidophylla, the "resurrection plant," should be found in the Guadalupe Mountains near the southern boundary, or in the limestone mountains of the Bouth- v.i i corner. There is a single specimen of a species closely allied to S. arenicola Onderw. in ill" National Herbarium, the label of which states thai it was collected al Lae \ \>\ Plank. There is some uncertainty as i" whether the specimen is correctly labeled; for this reason it is nol listed here. Collectors should look I Q that region and farther east and south. 30 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Selaginella rupincola Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 129. 1898. Type locality: "On perpendicular rocks, Organ Mountains." New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 124). Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains. On rocks and ledges, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Selaginella densa Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 7. 1900. Type locality: "Little Rocky Mountains," Montana. / Range: Montana and western Nebraska to New Mexico. New Mexico: "Winsors Ranch; Hillsboro Peak. In the Transition Zone or higher. 3. Selaginella wrightii Hieron. Hedwigia 39: 298. 1900. Type locality: Western Texas. Type, Wright's no. 828. Range: Western Texas and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Lakewood; Las Vegas. 4. Selaginella mutica D. C. Eaton; Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 128. 1898. Type locality: "New Mexico." Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; Canada Alamosa; Organ Mountains. Damp cliffs in the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Selaginella underwoodii Hieron. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. I4: 715. 1901. Selaginella rupestris fendleri Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 127. 1898. Selaginella fendleri Hieron. Hedwigia 39: 303. 1900, not Baker, 1883. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 1024). Range: Colorado, New Mexico, and southward. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Folsom; Ramah; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Bear Mountain; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. On rocky walls and ledges in the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran, Transition, and Canadian zones. Subkingclom SPERMATOPHYTA. Seed-bearing plants. Class 1. GYMNOSPERMAE. Order 5. FINALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Leaves needle-like; carpellary scales with bracts, never peltate; ovules inverted ; cones dry 6. PINACEAE (p. 30). Leaves scalelike or awllike; carpellary scales without bracts, fleshy or peltate; ovules erect; cones berrylike 7. JTINIPERACEAE (p. 35). 6. PINACEAE. Pine Family. Large evergreen trees with needle-shaped leaves; infertile flowers in short catkins; fertile flowers in scaly aments, becoming cones, with 2 or more ovules at the base of each scale; fertile scales numerous, spirally imbricated. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves fascicled, inclosed by sheaths at the base, at least when young; cones maturing the second year 1. Pintjs (p. 31). Leaves solitary, not sheathed; cones maturing the first year, WOOTOJST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 31 Branches rough with the persistent leaf bases; leaves quadrangular, falling off when dried; cone scales thin and persistent; cones pendulous... 2. Picea (p. 33). Branches smooth; leaves flat, persistent in dried speci- mens; cone scales and cones various. Cones erect, the scales deciduous; bracts of the cones not exserted; leaves sessile, leaving circular scars 3. Abies (p. 34). Cones pendulous, the scales persistent; bracts of the cone scales conspicuously exserted, 3-parted; leaves petioled, leaving oval scars 4. Pseudotsuga (p. 35). 1. PINUS L. Pine. Large or small trees with needle-shaped leaves in fascicles of 2 or more, surrounded by a persistent or deciduous sheath at the base. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves in fascicles of 2, short and curved, 3 to 4 cm. long; cones small, 4 to 5 cm. long; seeds not winged 1. P. edulis. Leaves in fascicles of 3 to 5; leaves, cones, and scales various. Leaves in fascicles of 3 (rarely 4). Leaves 4 cm. long or less 2. P. cembroides. Leaves 6 cm. long or more. Sheaths persistent and conspicuous; leaves 10 to 25 cm. long; cones 7 to 15 cm. long 3. P. brachyptera. Sheaths deciduous; leaves 6 to 9 cm. long; cones 3 to 5 cm. long 4. P. chihuahuana. Leaves in fascicles of 5. Cones 10 to 18 cm. long, the scales with unarmed append- ages; seeds with only rudimentary wings; leaves slender, 4 to 8 cm. long. Leaves entire 5. P. flexilis. Leaves serrulate / 6. P. strobiformis. Cones 5 to 7 cm. long, the scales with armed appendages; seeds with conspicuous wings; leaves various. Leaves short and stout, 2 to 4 cm. long, curved, crowded; cone scales with long weak spines; cones 6 to 7 cm. long 7. P. aristata. Leaves longer, 6 to 10 cm., straight, not crowded; cone scales with short and rigid spines; cones 5 to 6 cm. long 8. P. arizoniea. 1. Pinus edulis Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 88. 1848. Pin-yon. Cwryopitys edulis Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 29. 1903. Pinus cembroides edulis Voss, Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 16: 95. 1907. Type locality: "Not rare from the Cimarron to Santa Fe, and probably throughout New Mexico." Type collected by Wislizenus in 1847. Range: Colorado and Utah to western Texas and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Common on low hills and high plains everywhere west of the Pecos, ami in the mountains of the northeastern corner of the State. Upper Bonoran Zone. A small, rather scraggy tree, 10 to 12 meters high or less, with rough, dark-colored hark, dark green leaves, and small, ovoid roues with the scales widely spreading when mature. The tree occurs in the drier foothills, aBSQC^ted with junipers and 32 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. several evergreen oaks, at elevations of 1,500 to 2,150 meters, almost throughout the State. The wood is soft and decays rapidly, so that it is poor for firewood or fence posts and is but little used. Large quantities of the seeds are gathered every year to be eaten. They are very palatable, having a sweet flavor, especially after having been roasted. The tree is one of the most characteristic plants of the Upper Sonoran Zone, not occurring outside that division. 2. Pinus cembroides Zucc. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Munchen 1: 392. 1832. Type locality: " Crescit in montibus altioribus imperii mcxicana V. C. ad ecclesiam S. Crucis prope Sultepec." Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and south- ward. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains {Goldman 1408). Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Pinus brachyptera Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 89. 1848. Yellow pine. Pinus engelmanniTorr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 141. 1856. Pinus ponderosa scopulorum Engelm. in S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 126. 1880. Pinus scopulorum Lemmon, Gard. & For. 1897: 183. 1897. Type locality: "Mountains of New Mexico." Type collected by Wislizenus in 1847. Range: Throughout the Rocky Mountains, from the northern boundary of the United States to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Common in all the mountain ranges of the State, which reach an altitude of 2,100 meters or more. Transition Zone. This is the most common tree of New Mexico and Arizona, and constitutes per- haps two-thirds of the timber of the former State. It is certainly first in importance from the standpoint of quantity and quality of lumber. It occurs only in the moun- tains at elevations of from 1,800 to 2,850 meters, being associated witn the pinyon in the lower edge of this belt, and with Pinus flexilis and Pseudotsuga near its upper limit, rarely forming pure forests. The older trees are frequently over 35 meters high and the trunks from 80 to 100 cm. in diameter. The bark loses its outer layers and becomes cut into irregular quadrangular segments, which are smooth and of light reddish or yellowish brown color. Younger trees, with trunks 45 cm. or less in diame- ter, have darker colored bark and are generally known to the lumbermen as a dif- ferent tree — their "jack pine." Lumber made from the larger trees is usually spoken of as "Arizona" pine in distinction from "Texas" pine, and is regarded as the most valuable soft wood of the region. The inner bark of this and other conifers was chewed or eaten by Lie Indians in earlier times when other food was wanting. To-day some of the tribes remove the bark from the trunks to secure an exudation of resin which they use in coating their wicker water bottles. Upon the Mescalero Apache Reservation one sees many trees killed by this girdling. 4. Pinus chihuahuana Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 103. 1848. Pinus leiophylla chihuahuana Shaw, Publ. Arn. Arb. 1: 14. 1909. Type locality: Mountains of Chihuahua. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Animas and San Luis mountains. Transition Zone. 5. Pinus flexilis James in Long, Exped. 2: 34. 1823. White pine. Apinus flexilis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 598. 1905. Type locality: "Arid plains subjacent to the Rocky Mountains, and * * * * up their sides to the region of perpetual frost." Range: Northern Mexico to southern Alberta. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 33 New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains. High mountains, chiefly in the Canadian Zone. A medium-sized tree, 15 to 25 meters high, found only in the higher parts of the mountains, usually associated with the firs and spruces, at elevations of from 2 400 to 3,000 meters. It is not very abundant, although it is valued next to the yellow pine for its timber. The cone is large and pendent. The seeds are large for the genus and can be eaten like those of the pinyon, but they have thicker and harder shells. 6. Pinus strobiformis Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 102. 1848. Mexican white pine. Pinus ayacahuite brachyptera Shaw, Publ. Arn. Arb. 1: 11. 1909, not P. brachyptera Engelm. 1848. Type locality: Cosihuiriachi, Chihuahua. Range: Northern Mexico to southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Franeys Peak; San Luis Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. A tree very similar to the preceding, nowhere abundant. It occurs within our area only in the southwestern corner of the State. Reports of its occurrence elsewhere in New Mexico doubtless refer to Pinus jlexilis. 7. Pinus aristata Engelm. Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 34: 331. 1862. Foxtail pine. Type locality: "Pikes Peak and high mountains of the Snowy Range," Colorado. Range: Higher mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico to Nevada and California. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Grass Mountain; Costilla Pass; Baldy. Canadian and Hudsonian zones. A dark green, scrubby tree, 10 to 12 meters high or less, with short leaves curved toward the ends of the branches. It occurs only in the higher mountains at alti- tudes of 3,000 meters or more, and nowhere in abundance. On the higher peaks at or above timber line the plants are low and stunted, often spreading over the ground, forming what the Germans call "Krumholz." This is the result of the high velocity of the wind at these altitudes. 8. Pinus arizonica Engelm. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 6: 261. 1878. Arizona yellow pine. Pinus ponderosa arizonica Shaw, Publ. Arn. Arb. 1: 24. 1909. Type locality: "On the Santa Rita Mountains," Arizona. Range: Mountains of northern Mexico and southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Summit of Animas Peak (Goldman 1360). Transition Zone. 2. PICEA Link. Spkuck. Conical decs w ill: short still' sharp-pointed solitary leaves standing out in all direc- tions from the steins; cones pendulous, their scales rather thin, persistent, the bracts shorter than the scales. KEY TO Tin; SPECIES. Young brandies and leaf bases pubescent; cones short, 3 to 5 cm. long; leaves dull green, not glaucous 1. J', engt Imanni. Young branches and leaf bases glabrous; cones longer, 5 t" 9 cm. long; leaves on the older parts usually dark green, the young ones glaucous ami light-colored 2. J', purryana. 52576°— IB :t 34 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Picea engelmanni Parry; Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 212. 1863. Engelmann spruce. Abies engelmanni Parry, loc. cit. Type locality: "Higher parts of the Rocky Mountains, from New Mexico to the headwaters of the Columbia and Missouri rivers. Range: British Columbia to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Bonito. Higher moun- tains, Canadian and Hudsonian zones. A conical tree 20 to 25 meters high or less, with smooth, thin, flaky bark, dark green foliage, and pendulous cones borne mostly on the uppermost branches. It occurs only in the higher mountains at 2,700 to 3,300 meters where there is permanent moisture, frequently forming dense pure forests. It is also found on the faces of cliffs and on the tops of mountains up to timber line, where it is generally straggling and dwarfed . When growing alone it is usually perfectly conical, bearing nearly horizontal branches almost to the ground. The cones are small and purplish until maturity, when they become dry and brown. 2. Picea parryana Parry, Gard. Chron. 11: 334. 1879. Colorado blue spruce. Abies parryana Engelm.; Parry, loc. cit. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Higher mountains of New Mexico and Arizona, northward to Wyoming. New Mexico: Chama; Winsors Ranch; Sandia Mountains; James Canyon; White Mountain Peak. Canadian and Hudsonian zones. Very similar to the preceding, but the young leaves covered with a bloom which gives rise to the name of "blue spruce," and the bark thick and deeply furrowed- The range is similar to that of the Engelmann spruce, although usually at slightly lower levels, and the value of the timber is about the same. The lumber is in both cases rather poor, being weak and spongy, and full of knots. It is used to some extent for making boxes. The Colorado blue spruce is a much better tree for decorative purposes because of its color and also because it is a more rapid grower. It does well at Santa Fe and could, no doubt, be used in other places of similar ele- vation if properly cared for. 3. ABIES Link. Fir. Large trees with spreading or ascending branches; leaves flat, blunt, short, so arranged as to make the branches appear flat; cones erect, cylindrical, borne near the top of the tree, their scales thin and deciduous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bark thin, smooth , corky ^. A. arizonica. Bark thick, rough, not corky. Resin ducts of the leaves within the soft tissue, remote from the epidermis 2. A. lasiocarpa. Resin ducts near the epidermis, on the lower side of the leaf 3. A. concolor. 1. Abies arizonica Merriam, Proc Biol. Soc. Washington 10: 116. 1896. CORK-BARK FIR. Type locality: "West slope of San Francisco Mountain, Arizona.'' Range: Higher mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Twining; Sandia Mountains; Baldy; Baldy Peak, Mogollon Mountains. Hudsonian Zone. A small conical tree growing in cooler situations in dense mixed forests, usually associated with spruce and aspen. It is easily recognized by its thin, smooth, white, corky bark, which persists after the tree has decayed. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 35 2. Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. N. Amer. Sylv. 3: 138. 1849. Pinus lasiocarpa Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 163. 1842. Type locality: " Interior of N. W. America." Range: British America to Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Brazos Canyon; Pecos Baldy. Mountains, in the Canadian Zone. 3. Abies concolor Lindl. Journ. Hort. Soc. Lond. 5: 210. 1850. Balsam fir. Pinus concolor Engelm.; Gord. & Glend. Pinet. 155. 1858. Type locality: "Mountains of New Mexico." Range: Oregon and California to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Winsors Ranch; Trinchera Pass; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains. Moun- tains, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 4. PSEITDOTSXJGA Carr. Douglas spruce. Large tree; leaves solitary, short-petiolate, flat, obtuse: cones ovate-oblong, pendu- lous, the bracts 3-parted, longer than the scales. 1. Pseudotsuga mucronata (Raf.) Sudw. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 266. 1895. Abies mucronata Raf. Atl. Journ. 120. 1832. Abies douglasii Lindl. Penn. Cycl. 1: 32. 1833. Pseudotsuga douglasii Carr. Trait. Conif. ed. 2. 256. 1867. Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 8: 74. 1889. Type locality: Mouth of Columbia River, Oregon. Range: Alaska to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains from the Las Vegas, Sacramento, and Organ ranges westward. Mountains, chiefly in the Canadian Zone. This is the largest tree of the New Mexican mountains, in favorable situations over 60 meters high, with a trunk 2 meters or more in diameter. The bark is rough and dark-colored; the short (25 mm. or less) and obtuse leaves are arranged like those of the balsam fir. It may be most easily recognized by the cones, which are rela- tively small, composed of persistent thin scales, with the 3-parted bracts protrud- ing a centimeter or more from beneath each scale. The tree occurs in mixed forests with yellow pine and the true spruces, at elevations ranging from 2,250 to 3,150 meters, sometimes reaching timber line. In the northern part of the State it often forms extensive pure stands in which there is little or no other vegetation. The lumber is of good quality. In cultivation the Douglas spruce makes an excellent decorative tree. 7. JUNIPERACEAE. Juniper Family. Low trees or shrubs with much imbricated, short, scalelike or awllike leaves, cones composed of fleshy or peltate scales, without bracts; fruit berry-like, dehiscent or indehiscent. KI.Y TO THE GEN ERA. Cones dry, woody, dehiscent 1. Cupressus (p. 3 Cones fleshy, indehiscent 2. Juniperus (p. 36). l. CUPRESSUS L. Cypress. Small tree with short imbricated leaves; cones dry, woody, dehiscent, 6 to 8 nun. in diameter, composed of 6 to 8 peltate scales; seeds small, narrowly win 1. Cupressus arizonica Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 64. 1882. Arizona « mu Oupretnu benthami arizonica Masters, Journ. Linn. Soc. Hot. 31: '■'■'■ 36 CONTRIBUTIONS EROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type locality: "On the mountains back of Clifton, in the extreme eastern part of Arizona." Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and northern Mexico, coming into the southwestern corner of New Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 437, 560, 2244). 2. JUNIPERUS L. Juniper. Cedar. Large or small shrubs with awl-shaped or scalelike leaves; cones indehiscent, fleshy or fibrous; seeds 1 to 4, ovoid. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves on mature branches not scalelike, 6 to 12 mm. long, smooth and shining above, glaucous beneath; a low shrub less that a meter high, often spreading 1 . /. sibirica. Leaves on mature branches scalelike, less than 5 mm. long, of the same color on both surfaces; large shrubs or small trees several meters high, never spreading. Seeds 3 or 4; branchlets smooth; leaves with a conspicuous resinous exudate; bark of the trunk broken into irregu- lar quadrangular plates 2. J. pachyphloca. Seeds 1 or 2; branchlets mostly scaly; leaves not with a resinous exudate; bark shreddy or stringy. Fruit large, about 15 mm. in diameter 3. /. megalocarpa. Fruit small, 10 mm. in diameter or less. Branchlets slender, drooping; fruit 2-seeded; leaves 3-ranked 4. /. scopulorum. Branchlets rigid, erect; fruit mostly 1-seeded ; leaves 2-ranked. Fruit large, 7 to 10 mm. long, oblong, brown and fibrous at maturity; leaves short and obtuse 5. /. utahensis. Fruit small, 5 to 7 mm. long, little if at all longer than thick, bluish, fleshy; leaves acute, long 6. J. monospcrma. 1. Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. Anleit. Holz. no. 272. 1787. Juniper. Juniperus communis sibirica Rydb. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 533. 1896. Type locality: Siberia. Range: New Mexico to Alaska and Labrador. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Taos Mountains; San- dia Mountains. Deep woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 2. Juniperus pachyphloea Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 142. 1857. Alligator juniper. Type locality: Zuni Mountains, New Mexico. Range: Arizona and western Texas to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Common from the Zuni Mountains, Black Range, Capitan Moun- tains, and Guadalupe Mountains southward and westward across the State. Low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A round-topped tree 10 meters high or less, with a short, thick trunk, covered with thick, checkered bark which gives it its name of "alligator-bark juniper." On the cliffs at higher elevations it often attains a great age, developing a short and very thick trunk. The fruit is rather large for the genus, 8 to 10 mm. in diameter, ripen- ing the second year. This is the common juniper in the southern part of the State in the foothills. The wood is used for fuel and to 6ome extent for fence posts, although that of other species is preferred. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 37 3. Juniperus megalocarpa Sudworth, For. & Irr. 13: 307. 1907. Sabina megalocarpa Cockerell, Muhlenbergia 3: 143. 1908. Type locality: "Midway between Alma and Frisco, about 3 miles above the 'Widow Kelley's' ranch on the San Francisco River," New Mexico. Range: Known only from type locality. A tree 9 to 15 meters high, the trunk 60 to 120 cm. in diameter; leaves in 3's, yellowish green. This tree seems to have been first discovered in this same locality by Mr. Vernon Bailey of the Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture, who made some excellent photographs of it which we have seen. 4. Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. Gard. & For. 10: 420. 1897. Rocky Mountain juniper. Sabina scopulorum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 598. 1905. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: British Columbia and Alberta to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Coolidge; Rivera; Santa Fe; Pecos; Cebolla; Las Vegas; Stinking Lake; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone, often extending into the lower part of the Transition. A beautiful though small tree, with dark green foliage and slender branches droop- ing at the ends. The fruit is small, blue, and succulent. The Rocky Mountain juniper occurs only in the higher mountains, associated sometimes with the common cedar (Juniperus monosperma), more often with pines. When growing alone it takes on a fine conical form with branches quite to the ground, rendering it an ideal tree for lawns. 5. Juniperus utahensis (Engelm.) Lemmon, Calif. Board For. Rep. 3: 183. 1890. Utah juniper. Juniperus californica utahensis Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 588. 1877. Sabina utahensis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 598. 1905. Type locality: "Southern parts of Utah and into Arizona and Nevada." Range: Wyoming to New Mexico, west to southeastern California. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Aztec; Carrizo Mountains; Frisco; Dona Ana Mountains. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A stiff, upright, much branched tree, coming into New Mexico from the northwest. It differs from the next chiefly in the larger size and different color of its fruit. It is probably much more common than the citations would indicate. 6. Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.) Sarg. Silv. N. Amer. 10: 89. 1889. One-seeded juniper. Juniperus occidentalis monosperma Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 590. 1877. Sabina monosperma Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 598. 1905. Type locality: "From Pikes Peak region of Colorado through west Texas and New Mexico to Arizona and California." Range: Colorado to Nevada, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Common on foothills and high plains throughout the State. Upper Sonoran Zone. This is the common juniper of the State. It is a low, much branched, frequently very scraggy tree, 4 to 8 meters high. Under favorable conditions it assumes an almost perfectly conical shape. The bark is gray and shreddy or stringy, the Leaves of a rather yellowish green, and the fruit small and succulent. The wood does aol decay readily ami is much used for fence posts. It will no doubl prove of value as a decorative tree for lawns at elevations of from 1,800 to 2,250 meters, We arc unable to separate from this Juni/urus jilnclioti Sudworth.1 Some of the material from the eastern side of the State should belong to Hut Bpecies. Bo far as 1 For. & irr. 13: 307. 1907. The type came from Paloduro Canyon in the Pan- handle of Texas. 38 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. we have been able to judge from the description and from the type material, the only difference suggested between the two is that the stump3 left after J. pinchoti has been cut produce sprouts while those of J. monosperma do not, scarcely a sub- stantial specific difference. As a matter of fact the stumps left after trees of the com- mon cedar have been cut down often send up sprouts, just as they are said to do in this lately published species. What is probably a form of J. monosperma, or possibly a distinct species, was described by Lemmon l as Juniperus occidentalis gymnocarpa. It is said to have the solitary seed partly exposed at the apex, hence the name. Mr. Lemmon states that this form is "abundant on the Sandia Mountains, near Albuquerque," New Mexico. No specimens have been seen by the writers. The same form has been collected near Fort Huachuca, Arizona, by Gen. T. E. Wilcox. Order 6. GNETALES. 7a. EPHEDRACEAE. Joint-fir Family. 1. EPHEDRA L. Shrubs 2 meters high or less, with slender terete striate stems; leaves reduced to small scarious bracts disposed in whorls at the nodes; flowers dioecious; fruit consisting of 1 or more seeds inclosed in few or many, chaffy, brownish or greenish scales. Our species occur hi the drier and lower parts of the State, on the sandy mesas, along arroyos, and on the rocky low slopes of the mountains, associated with mesquite, creosote bush, cactus, desert willow, and the like. A tea made by boiling the branches in water is used by the Mexicans and Indians as a remedy for venereal diseases and kidney affections. A chemical analysis shows a relatively high percentage of tannin in the stems. The shrubs are variously known as ' 'popotillo, ' ' ' 'caiiatillo, ' ' ' 'Mormon tea," and "Brigham Young weed," as also by several other names. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaf scales in 2's; cone scales few. Scales of the fruit acutish; fruit sharply angled; branches very numerous, erect, bright green 1. E. viridis. Scales rounded-obtuse; fruit scarcely angled; branches few, somewhat spreading, yellowish 2. E. antisyphilitica. Leaf scales in 3's; cone scales numerous. Leaf scales 5 mm. long or less, merely acute, not acerose; fruit scabrous, less than 10 mm. long 3. E. torreyana. Leaf scales 8 to 10 mm. long, acerose; fruit smooth, 10 to 13 mm. long 4. E. Iri/urca. 1. Ephedra viridis Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 220. 1893. Type locality: Near Crystal Spring, Coso Mountains, Inyo County, California. Range: Southeastern California to Utah and western New Mexico. New Mexico: Western San Juan County; common. Mesas and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Ephedra antisyphilitica Meyer, Monogr. Ephedra 101. 184G. Type locality: "Hab. in Mexici provincia orientali Coahuila, prope Laredo ad Rio del Norte." Range: Colorado and Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Bishops Cap; Tortugas Mountain. Mesas and dry lulls, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 1 Handbook of West-American cone-bearers 80. 1895. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 39 3. Ephedra torreyana S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 14: 299. 1899. Type locality: "New Mexico to S. "Utah." Range: Colorado to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Nara Visa; Organ Mountains; San Andreas Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; White Sands; Roswell. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Ephedra trifurca Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 152. 1848. Type locality: "From the region between the Del Norte and the Gila, and the hills bordering the latter river to the desert west of the Colorado." Range: Colorado and Utah to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Gila; San Antonio; Carrizalillo Mountains; Dem- ing; Las Cruces; Organ Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Class 2. ANGIOSPERMAE. Subclass 1. MONOCOTYLEDONES. Order 7. PANDANALES. 8. TYPHACEAE. Cattail Family. 1. TYPHA L. Cattail. Tall marsh plant with creeping rootstocks and glabrous erect terete stems; leaves narrow, flat, striate; flowers monoecious, densely crowded in terminal spikes, the pistillate flowers below and the staminate above; ovary 1, stipitate, 1 or 2-celled. 1. Typha latifolia L. Sp. PI. 971. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in paludibus Europae." Range: Throughout most of North America; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Farmington; Shiprock; Pecos; Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; along the Rio Grande from Albuquerque to El Paso. In swamps and marshes, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The Mexicans use the stems for a thatch upon which to lay mud roofs. Order 8. NAIAD ALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Gynoacium of distinct carpels; stigmas disklike or cuplike 9. POTAMOGETONACEAE (p. 39). Gynoocium of united carpels; stigmas slender. . 10. NAIADACEAE (p. 41). 9. POTAMOGETONACEAE. Pondweed Family. Aquatic herbs with jointed leafly stems; leaves sheathing at the base or stipulate; flowers perfect or unisexual, the perianth of 4 or 6 distinct valvate segments, or tubular, or none; stamens 1, 2, 4, or 6; ovaries l to 6, distinct, L-celled, usually L-ovuled; fruit indehiscent. KKY TO THE GENERA. Flowers perfect, spicate; si aniens i I. Potamooi i"\ (p Flowers monoecious, axillary ; stamen I 2. Zanichkllla (p. 40). 40 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. POTAMOGETON L. Pondweed. Leaves all or only partly submerged, alternate, the blades broad or narrow; stipules more or less united and sheathing; flowers spicate; sepals and stamens 4; ovaries 4. It is probable that we have more species in the State than are listed here. The material is difficult of collection and is usually neglected by collectors. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves of two kinds, floating and submerged. Submerged leaves with blades; floating leaves elliptic 1. P.amerieanus. Submerged leaves without blades; floating leaves oval 2. P. natans. Leaves all submerged, narrow, sessile. Stipules free; spike continuous; fruits few 3. P.foliosus. Stipules adnate to the petioles; spikes interrupted; fruits numerous 4. P. interior. 1. Potamogeton americanus Schlecht. & Cham. Linntea 2: 220. pi. 6. J. 26. 1827. Potamogeton lonchites Tuck. Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 6: 226. 1848. Type locality: North America. Range: In ponds and slow streams throughout North America except in the extreme northern part. New Mexico: Collected by Fendler (no. 837), probably about Santa Fe. 2. Potamogeton natans L. Sp. PI. 126. 1753. Type locality: European. Range : In still water throughout most of North America except the extreme north; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains (Standley 7557). 3. Potamogeton foliosus Raf. Med. Repos. N. Y. n. ser. 5: 354. 1808. Potamogeton gramineum L. err. det. Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 102. 1803. Potamogeton pauciflorus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 121. 1814. Type locality: "Hab. in rivis affluente mari inundatis Carolinae inferioris." Range: In streams and ponds nearly throughout North America. New Mexico: Tularosa Creek near Aragon; Canada Creek at Ojo Caliente; Berendo Creek. 4. Potamogeton interior Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 13. 1906. Potamogeton marinus occidentalis Robbins; S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 339. 1871. Potamogeton filiformis occidentalis A. Benn. Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 9: 102. 1905. Type locality: Colorado. Range : Ontario and Northwest Territory to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Carlsbad; Roswell. The following species are represented by specimens the localities for which are uncertain but are probably in New Mexico or adjacent Texas: Potamogeton pectinatus L. Wright 1894. Potamogeton pusillus L. Wright 1896. 2. ZANICHELLIA L. Horned pondweed. Leaves linear, mostly opposite, with sheathing stipules; flowers monoecious, sessile, axillary, the staminate ones consisting of a single stamen ; ovaries 2 to 5, forming oblique oblong indehiscent nutlets in fruit. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 41 1. Zanichellia palustris L. Sp. PI. 969. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae, Virginiae fossis, fluviis." Range: In streams and ponds throughout North America except the extreme north; also in Eurasia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Manguitas Spring; Salt Lake; Cienaga Ranch; Fort Tularosa; Roswell. 10. NAIADACEAE. Naias Family. 1. NAIAS L. Naias. Slender branched aquatic, entirely submerged, with fibrous roots, numerous oppo- site or fasciculate leaves, and monoecious or dioecious, sessile or pedicellate, axillary, inconspicuous flowers; mature carpel solitary, sessile, ellipsoid, with a crustaceous pericarp. 1. Naias guadalupensis (Spreng.) Morong, Mem. Torrey Club 32: GO. 1893. Caulinia guadalupensis Spreng. Syst. Veg. 1: 20. 1825. Type locality: "Insula Guadalupa." Range: Floating in water, Nebraska and Oregon to Florida and Tropical America. New Mexico: Lake La Jara (Standley 8274). Order 9. ALIS MALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Petals and sepals similar; anthers long and narrow; carpels coherent 11. JUNCAGINACEAE (p. 41). Petals and sepals unlike, the former white; anthers short and thick; carpels not coherent 12. ALISMACEAE (p. 42). 11. JUNCAGINACEAE. Arrow grass Family. 1. TRIGLOCHIN L. Arrow grass. Perennial herbs with fleshy grasslike leaves clustered at the base of the scapelike stem; flowers small, spicate, with 3 ovate sepals and 3 similar petals; stamens 3 or 6; ovaries 3 or G, united, the capsule splitting at maturity into 3 or G carpels. KEY TO THE SPECIES. CarpelsG; plants tall, GO to 80 cm. high, stout 1. T.maritimum. Carpels 3; plants low, 35 cm. high or less, slender 2. T.palustre. 1. Triglochin maritimum L. Sp. PL 339. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae maritimis." Range: Throughout the United States and in Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Fitzgerald Cienaga; Mescalero Agency; Tularosa. Marshes, in the Transition Zone. 2. Triglochin palustre L. Sp. PI. 338. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae inundatis uligino i " Rangb: Widely distributed in North America; also in South America, Europe, and A-i;l. \'i:w Mexico: Grass Mountain; Rio Pueblo; Silver Spring Canyon. Wei ground, in the Trarj ii ion and < Sanadian zones. 42 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 12. AIISMACEAE. Water-plantain Family. Marsh herbs with fibrous roots, scapose stems, spongy petioles, and oval or sagittate leaf blades; leaves all radical; flowers perfect, monoecious, or dioecious; perianth of 3 herbaceous persistent sepals and as many white deciduous petals; stamens 6 or more; ovaries numerous, becoming 1-seeded achenes. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaf blades ovate or oblong; all flowers perfect; carpels not winged; inflorescence paniculate 1. Alisma (p. 42). Leaf blades sagittate; all or part of the flowers unisexual; carpels winged; inflorescence raceme-like. Lower flowers of the inflorescence pistillate ; pedicels slender; leaves longer than broad 2. Sagittaria (p. 42). Lower flowers of the inflorescence perfect; pedicels stout; leaves broader than long 3. Lophotocarpus (p. 42). 1. ALISMA L. Water-plantain. Perennial with long-petioled leaves, ovate or oblong, acute blades, and 1 or 2 scapes terminating in a loose pyramidal panicle; flowers small; carpels numerous, in a simple circle on a flattened receptacle. 1. Alisma plantago-aquatica L. Sp. PI. 342. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae aquosis & ad ripas fluviorum, lacuum." Range: Nearly throughout North America; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Near Horace ( Wooton). Wet ground. 2. SAGITTARIA L. Arrow head. Stoloniferous perennial herbs with long-petioled sheathing leaves with sagittate blades; stems simple, bearing a few whorls of flowers, the staminate flowers above, the pistillate below; ovaries many, on a globular receptacle, becoming flat membranous winged achenes. 1. Sagittaria arifolia Nutt.; J. G. Smith, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 6: 32. 1895. Type locality: Oregon. Range: British America southward through the western United States. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; Taos; Santa Fe; Belen; Reserve. Wet ground chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. LOPHOTOCARPUS Durand. A perennial herb similar to the preceding, but the lower flowers of the inflorescence perfect instead of pistillate; leaves broadly sagittate. 1. Lophotocarpus calycinus(Engelm.) J. G. Smith, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 25. 1894. Sagittaria calycina Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 212. 1859. Sagittaria calycina maxima Engelm. loc. cit. Sagittaria calycina media Engelm. loc. cit. Type locality: "On the Red River, Louisiana." Range: South Dakota and Delaware to Alabama and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla (Wooton 74). Wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Order 10. POALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Leaves 2-ranked; margins of sheaths not united; stems mostly hollow 13. POACEAE (p. 43). Leaves 3-ranked; margins of sheathe united; stems solid. 14. CYPERACEAE (p. 110). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 43 13. POACEAE. Grass Family.1 Fibrous-rooted annual or perennial herbs, often with rootstocks, with jointed, usually hollow, cylindrical stems and 2-ranked leaves, their blades parallel-veined, mostly long and narrow, their bases forming an open or rarely a closed sheath around the stem; inflorescence an open or spikelike panicle, a raceme, or a spike; flowers usually perfect, small, without a distinct perianth, arranged in spikelets, these con- sisting of an articulate axis (rachilla) and 3 to many 2-ranked bracts, the lower 2 (glumes) being empty, the succeeding 1 or more (lemmas) each containing in its axil a single flower subtended by a palea; stamens usually 3; pistil 1, with a 1-celled, 1-ovuled ovary, 2 styles, and plumose stigmas; fruit a caryopsis with a starchy endo- sperm and a small embryo. KEY TO THE TRIBES. Spikelets dorsally compressed, falling from the pedicels entire, 1-flowered, or some- times with a rudimentary flower below the perfect one. Lemma and palea hyaline, much more delicate in texture than the glumes. Spikelets unisexual, the pistillate borne in the lower, the staminate in the upper part of the same spike I. MAYDEAE. Spikelets in pairs, one sessile, the other pedicellate, the former perfect, the latter perfect or with a staminate flower, often reduced to 1 or 2 scales n. ANDROPOGONEAE. Lemmas, at least those of the perfect flowers, similar in texture to the glumes or thicker and firmer, never hyaline. Lemma and palea membranous; spikelets in groups of 3, these falling together from the continuous axis m. ZOYSDSAE. Lemma and palea chartaceous to coriaceous, different in color and texture from the glumes; spikelets various IV. PANICEAE. Spikelets laterally compressed, at least at maturity, the glumes usually persistent on the pedicel or rachis after the fall of the florets, 1 to many-flowered, the rudi- mentary flower, if any, usually uppermost. Spikelets in 2 rows, sessile or nearly so. Spikelets on one side of the continuous axis, forming one-sided spikes, these digitate or paniculate VTn. CHLORIDEAE. Spikelets alternate on opposite sides of a channeled, sometimes articulate, axis; spikes solitary X. HORDEAE. Spikelets borne in an open or spikelike panicle or raceme, usually upon distinct pedicels. Spikelets with 1 perfect flower. No rudimentary or staminate floret below the perfect one. V. PHALARIDEAE. A pair of rudimentary or staminate florets below the perfect one. VI. AGROSTIDEAE. Spikelets 2 to many-flowered. Lemmas usually shorter than the glumes; awn dorsal or Erom between the teeth of the bidentate apex, usually bent VII. AVENEAE. Lemmas usually longer than the glumes; awn terminal (rarely dona! in Bromus) and straight, or none IX. FESTUCEAE. 1 Fox a more extended account of N. 77). Glumes awnless; panicles open 34. < iw\ (p Spikelets articulated above the glumes, these persistent after the fall of the florete. 46 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Lemmas pilose on the nerves 31. Blepharoneuron (p. 74). Lemmas not pilose on the nerves. Lemmas 1-nerved; pericarp sep- arating from the seed 32. Sporobolus (p. 75). Lemmas 3 to 5-nerved; peri- carp adherent to the seed. Rachilla prolonged behind the palea; lemma with a short awn on the back 36. Calamagrostis (p. 79). Rachilla not prolonged be- hind the palea; lem- mas awn less. Glumes longer than the floret 37. Oalamovilfa (p. 80). Glumes shorter than the floret 35. Agrostis (p. 78). Tribe VII. AVENEAE. Awns attached between the teeth of the lemma, flat- tened 38. Danthonia (p. 80). Awn a dorsal, not flattened. Grain adherent to the palea; spikelets mostly more than 10 mm. long 39. Avena (p. 81). Grain free; spikelets less than 10 mm. long. Lemmas erose or shortly 2-lobed at the apex; panicles open 40. Deschampsia (p. 81). Lemmas deeply 2-toothed at the apex, the teeth awn -pointed; panicles dense and congested 41. Trisetum (p. 82). Tribe Vm. CHLORIDE AE. Spikelets unisexual, dissimilar; flowers monoecious or dioecious 42. Bulbilis (p. 82). Spikelets all alike. Spikelets with 2 to 4 perfect flowers. Spikelets small, numerous, approximate; glumes thin 43. Leptochloa (p. 83). Spikelets large, few, distant; glumes firm and thick 44. Acamptoclados (p. 84). Spikelets with 1, rarely 2, perfect flowers. [Rachilla jointed below the boat-shaped in- flated glumes, the whole spikelet fall- ing at maturity 45. Beckmannia (p. 84). Rachilla jointed above the glumes, these per- sistent, not boat-shaped. No sterile lemmas present above the perfect floret. Plants with long stolons; spikelets numerous, crowded; spikes 2 to 6, digitate 46. Capriola (p. 84). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 47 Plants without stolons; spikelets few, scattered; spikes scattered along the central axis 47. Schedonardus (p. 85). One to several sterile lemmas above the perfect florets. Spikes scattered along the central axis 48. Bouteloua (p. 85). Spikes digitate, or crowded near the end of the stem. Lemmas with a single awn or awnless 49. Chloris (p. 87). Lemmas 3-awned 50. Trichxoris (p. 88). Tribe IX. FESTUCEAE. Lemmas with numerous (9 or more) awnlike divisions or awned lobes 51. Pappophorum (p. 88). Lemmas with few lobes or entire. Lemmas, at least those of the pistillate spikelets, 3-lobed and 3-awned 52. Scxeropogon (p. 89). Lemmas entire or at most 2-lobed. Hairs on the rachilla or lemma very long, ex- ceeding the lemma in length. Rachilla hairy; lemma naked 53. Phragmites (p. 89). Rachilla naked; lemma hairy 54. Arundo (p. 89). Hairs, if any, on the rachilla and lemma shorter than the latter. Stigmas barbellate, on long styles; spike- lets in 3's in the axils of the spin- escent leaves; plants spreading, woolly when young 55. Munroa (p. 90). Stigmas plumose, sessile or on short styles; spikelets and plants various. Lemmas 1 to 3-nerved. Lateral nerves of the lemmas hairy. Lemmas deeply 2-lobed. . . .56. Dasyochloa (p. 90). Lemmas entire or b ut slightly 2-lobed. Inflorescence a short crowded raceme; leaf blades with cartilaginous mar- gins; plants low and tufted 57. EriONEUBOM (p. 90u Inflorescence a rather large panicle; leaf blades without cartilaginous mar- gins; plants tall. 68. Tridbns (p. 91). Lateral nerves of the lemmas glabrous. Second glume very unlike the first, broadened upward 59, SfBBNOFHOI i-^ (p. 92). 48 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Second glume similar to the first, not broadened upward. Panicles narrow, dense and spikelike, the branches erect 60. Koeleria (p. 92). Panicles open, the branches spread- ing 61. Eragrostis (p. 93). Lemmas 5 to many-nerved. Spikelets with 2 or more of the up- per glumes empty, broad and infolding each other 62. Melica (p. 95). Spikelets with the upper glumes flower-bearing or narrow and • abortive. Stigmas plainly arising from be- low the apex of the ovary. . .63. Bromus (p. 95). Stigmas placed at or near the apex of the ovary. Spikelets in 1-sided fascicles arranged in a glomerate or interrupted panicle 64. Dactylis (p. 97). Spikelets in panicles of ra- cemes. Glumes more or less laterally compressed and keeled. Flowers dioecious ; lemmas coriaceous 65. Distichlis (p. 98). Flowers monoecious, most of the flowers perfect; lemmas thin, scari- ous-margined 66. Poa (p. 98). Glumes rounded on the back, at least below the mid- dle. Lemmas acute, pointed or awned at the apex. . .67. Festuca (p. 101). Lemmas obtuse or acutish, usually toothed. Lemmas distinctly 5 to 7-nerved; styles present 68. Panicularia (p. 103). Lemmas obscurely 5- nerved; styles none 69. Puccinellia (p. 104). Tribe X. HORDEAE. Spikelets usually single at the nodes of the rachis. Glumes with their sides turned toward the rachis.. 70. Agropyron (p. 104). Glumes with their backs turned toward the rachis. 71. Lolium (p. 106). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 49 Spikelets 2 to 6 at each joint of the rachia or if solitary the glumes arranged obliquely to the rachis. Spikelets 1-flowered or with a rudimentary second flower 72. Hordeum (p. 106). Spikelets 2 to many- flowered. Rachis of the spikes jointed, readily breaking into joints 73. Sitanion (p. 107). Rachis of the spikes continuous, not breaking into joints 74. Elymus (p. 108). 1. TKIPSACITCVI L. Tall stout perennial with creeping rootstocks, broad flat leaves, and terminal digitate inflorescence, the spikes separating into joints at maturity; spikelets unisexual, the staminate in pairs at the joints of the rachis above, the pistillate solitary, embedded in each joint of the rachis below in the same inflorescence; glumes of the staminate spikelet subcoriaceous, those of the pistillate spikelet finally cartilaginous, the lemmas and paleas hyaline. 1. Tripsacum lanceolatum Rupr.; Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 68. 1886. Type locality: Aguas Calientes, Mexico. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon (E. C. Mcrton 2035). 2. TRACHYPOGON Nees. Rather tall perennials with narrow leaves and usually solitary, long-exserted racemes; spikelets 1-flowered, in pairs at the nodes of the imperfectly jointed rachia, one nearly sessile, awnless, sterile, the other pedicellate, fertile, long-awned; glumes rigid, the outer large and inclosing the other; lemmas produced into long twisted geniculate awns. 1. Trachypogon montufari (H. B. K.) Nees, Agrost. Bras. 312. 1820. Andropogon montafari IT. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 184. 1816. Type locality: "In aridis, apricis rcgni Quitensis prope Conocoto, Pintae et Mi- lam Chilloensem Montufari." Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Near "White Water (Mearns 353). Dry hills. 3. ELYONUPvTJS Humb. & Bonpl. Low or tall annuals or perennials with rather rigid leaves and solitary terminal racemes; spikelets L-flowered, awnless; first glume rigid or eous, 2-toothed at the apex, the margins inflexed, more or less ciliate, with balsam-bearing lines between tin" lateral keels, the second a little shorter than the first, acute; lemma delicate and hyaline; palea minute or none; stamens 3; styles distinct. 1. Elyonurus barbiculmis Hack. Ld DC. Monogr. Phan. 6:330. 1889. Tvi'i; locality: Western Texas. Range: Southern Ne'vi Mexico and Ajizona to western Texas and adjacenl Mexico. New Mexico: Dog Spring (Mearna 2376). Dry hills. 4. SCHIZ ACH YRIUM Nei ORASS. Tall perennials, tufted or Erom rootstocks, with Mat or Involute leaves, and spikelike solitary raceme-; terminating the stem or its branches; Bpikelets in pair- ;ii each node of the jointed and often hairy rachis. one sessile and fertile, the other pedicellate and sterile; glumes indurated 9ometim< pubescent; lemma entire or 2-toothed at the apex, bearing a straij hi . conl rted, or spiral awn; palea small, hyaline; sta ru I to 3; st_\ les distini I r,LT,70o— 15 4 50 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Hairs of the pedicels very few and short or none 1. S. cirratum. Hairs of the pedicels long and silky, abundant. Peduncles long and slender, much exserted 2. S. neomexicanum. Peduncles short, stout, little if at all exserted 3. S. scoparium. 1. Schizachyrium cirratum (Hack.) Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: 30. 1912. Andropogon cirratus Hack. Flora 1885: 119. 1885. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Star Peak; near Silver City; Mangas Springs; Dog Spring. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Schizachyrium neomexicanum Nash; Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81:29. 1912. Andropogon neomexicanus Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 83. 1898. Type locality: White Sands, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Crawfords Ranch; Organ Mountains; mountains west of Grants Station; White Sands; Buchanan. Plains and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 59. 1903. Andropogon scoparius Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 57. 1803. Type locality: "Habitat in aridis syl varum Carolinae." Range: British America to Texas, Florida, and Mexico. New Mexico: Coolidge; San Lorenzo; Pecos; Clayton; Trout Spring; Taos; Raton Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains; Pecos Valley. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. AMPHILOPHIS Nash. Tufted perennials with mostly flat leaves and showy, often silvery, white panicles, the axis short, making the panicle appear fanlike, or elongated; racemes usually numerous, the internodes with thickened margins, the median portion thin and translucent; pedicels ciliate with usually long hairs; first glume 2-keeled, the second 1-keeled; lemma hyaline, very narrow, stipelike, gradually merging into an awn; stamens 3; styles distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Hairs on the rachis and pedicels shorter than the spikelets 1. A. wrightii. Hairs on the rachis and pedicels longer than the spikelets. Awns 10 mm. long or less; panicles usually small 2. A. saccharoides. Awns mere than 10 mm. long; panicles large 3. A. barbinodis. 1. Amphilophis wrightii (Hack.) Nash in Britton, Man. 71. 1901. Andropogon wrightii Hack. Flora 1885: 139. 1885. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Wright (no. 2104). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro (Metcalfe 1371). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Amphilophis saccharoides (Swartz) Nash; Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81:30. 1912. Andropogon saccharoides Swartz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 26. 1788. Type locality: Jamaica. Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico and the West Indies. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 51 New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Belen; Eagle Creek; Guadalupe Mountains; Lake- wood; Carlsbad. Mesas and valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Amphilophis barbinodis (Lag.) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 65. 1903. Andropogon barbinodis Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 3. 1816. Type locality: "H [abitat] in N [ova] H [ispania]." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas Canyon; Black Range; Silver City; Burro Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; NaraVisa; Buchanan; Knowles; Carlsbad. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. ANDROPOGON L. Tall sage grass. Tall perennials, tufted or from elongated rootstocks, with flat or involute leaves and with spikelike racemes disposed in pairs or sometimes in 3's or more, terminating the stem or its branches; spikelets sometimes with a ring of short hairs at the base, in pairs at each node of the jointed and often hairy rachis, one sessile and fertile, the other pedicellate and sterile; glumes indurated, often pubescent; lemma entire or 2-toothed at the apex, awned or sometimes awnless; palea small, hyaline; stamens 1 to 3; styles distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Second lemma of the sessile spikelet awnless, or with a short straight awn 1. A. hallii. Second lemma of the sessile spikelet with a long geniculate awn, more or less twisted at the base. Glumes of the sessile spikelet hispidulous all over; hairs of the rachis intcrnodes 2 mm. long or less 2. A. furcatus. Glumes of the sessile spikelet glabrous or nearly so except on the nerves;, hairs of the rachis internodes 3 to 4 mm. long 3. A. chrysocomus. 1. Andropogon hallii Hack. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Math. Naturw. (Wien) 89: 127. 1884. Type locality: Colorado. Range: Montana and Nebraska to Kansas and Mexico. Xi.sv Mexico: Near Portales; Buchanan; northeast of Clay ton ; mountains west of Las Vegas; Nara Visa; Arroyo Ranch. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Andropogon furcatus Muhl.; Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 919. 1806. Andropogon provincialis furcatus Hack, in DC. Monogr. Plum. 5: 1 12. 1889. Type locality: ''Habitat in America boreali." Range: British America to Florida and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Andropogon chrysocomus Nash in Britton, Man. 70. 1901. Type locality: Stevens County, Kansas.1 Range: Kansas and Texas to New Mexico. Ni:w Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Plainaand dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. HOLCUS L. Tall perennial with numerous long rootstocks, broad flat loaves, and large terminal panicles; spikelets in pairs or 8's at the enr ^lahroua; glumes indurated; lemma hyaline, awned or awnless; stamens 3; styles distinct. 1 N. Amer. Fl. 17: 120. 1912. 52 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Holcus halepensis L. Sp. PI. 1047. 1753. Johnson grass. Andropogon halepensis Brot. Fl. Lusit 1: 89. 1804. Sorghum halepense Pers. Syn. PL 1: 101. 1805. Type locality: "Habitat in Syria, Mauritania." Range: Native of the Old World, widely introduced into North America, frequent as a weed in cultivated fields. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Mangas Springs; Hillsboro; Gila; Deming; Mesilla Valley; Pecos Valley. This is common in several parts of New Mexico, especially in the irrigated river valleys. So far it has not been introduced into the valley of the San Juan, but it is well established in those of the Rio Grande and Pecos. In some parts of the State it has been cultivated for hay. Unfortunately it is a very troublesome weed, and in the Rio Grande Valley has become a dangerous pest in alfalfa fields, taking possession of them and crowding out the less aggressive alfalfa. 8. SORGHASTRTJM Nash. Indian grass. Stout perennials with racemes arranged in open panicles; spikelets sessile at each joint of the slender rachis of the peduncled racemes, these reduced to 2 or 3 joints; sterile spikelets reduced to hairy pedicels; glumes indurated; sterile lemma hyaline, the fertile lemma reduced to hyaline appendages to the stout awn; palea obsolete. 1. Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 66. 1903. Andropogon nutans L. Sp. PI. 1045. 1753. Andropogon avenaceus Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 58. 1803. Sorghum nutans A. Gray, Man. 617. 1848. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Jamaica." Range: British America to Arizona and Florida. New Mexico: Tesuque; Las Vegas; Clayton; East View; Kingston; RioMimbres. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. HETEROPOGON Pers. Coarse perennial with narrow leaves, compressed sheaths, and terminal solitary dense racemes; spikelets 1-flowered, in pairs at the rachis nodes, one sessile and fertile, the other pedicellate and staminate or sterile; glumes firm, convolute, awnless; lemma small, hyaline, awned; palea small and hyaline, or wanting; stamens 3; styles distinct. 1. Heteropogon contortus (L.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 836. 1817. Andropogon contortus L. Sp. PI. 1045. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in India." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Tropical America; in tropical lands nearly around the world. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 10. NAZIA Adans. Diffusely branched annual with flat leaves and terminal spikelike inflorescence; spikelets in groups of 3 to several at each joint of the main axis, the uppermost in each fascicle sterile, 1-flowered; first glume minute or wanting; second glume rigid, exceeding the lemma, its back covered with hooked spines; lemma and palea hya- line; stamens 3; styles short and distinct; grain oblong, free. 1. Nazia aliena (Spreng.) Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 17: 28. 1899. Lappago aliena Spreng. Neu. Entd. 3: 15. 1822. Tragus alienus Schult. Mant. 2: 205. 1824. Type locality: "Hab. in Brasilia." WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 53 Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico, and throughout tropical America. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Mangas Springs; Lake Valley; Socorro; Dem- ing; Burro Mountains; Organ Mountains; Carrizozo. Dry sandy soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 11. HILARIA H. B. K. Cespitose or decumbent perennials, often stoloniferous, with flat or involute leaves and terminal solitary spikes; spikelets sessile, in groups of 3 at each joint of the flexu- ous continuous rachis, the groups falling off entire, the 2 outer or anterior spikelets staminate and 2 or 3-flowered, the posterior or inner one pistillate or hermaphrodite and 1-flowered; glumes firm, unequal, many-nerved, more or less connate below, entire at the apex or divided, usually unequally 2-lobed with 1 to several inter- mediate awns or awnlike divisions; lemmas narrow; stamens 3; styles united below; grain ovoid or oblong, free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Base of glumes with black or purplish glands ] . H. cenchroides. Glumes not glandular. Glumes cuneate, awnless, the nerves divergent 2. H.mutica. Glumes linear or oblong, awned, the nerves approximate 3. H. jamesii. 1. Hilaria cenchroides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 117. pi. 37. 1816. Texas curly mesquite grass. Type locality: "Crescit in planitie montana regni Mexicani, inter Zelaya et Guanaxuato, locis subfrigidis, alt. 980 hexap." Range: Western Texas and southwestern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Cook Spring. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Hilaria mutica (Buckl.) Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 19: 62. 1881. TOBOSA GRASS. Pleuraphis mutica Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 95. 1863. Type locality: "Northern Texas." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Common on the plains and low hills from the Black Range and White Mountains southward; also collected by Bigelow at Laguna Colorado. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Tobosa grass is one of the most important range grasses on the plains and mesas of BOUtherrj New Mexico, being usually associated with black grama. Stock do not eal it after it has dried, because of its bard and somewhat woody stems, Inn they thrive upon it in late summer after the rains. 1 1 grows most frequently in Hats thai are sometimes Hooded, being able to resist flooding for considerable periods. It is also very r< ant to trampling. 3. Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 19: 62. 1881. ( i \l I KTA QBASS. Pleuraphis jamesii Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1: I IS. pi. It). L824. Tvi'K locality: "On the high plains of the Trap Formation at the Bources of the Canadian Liver." Colorado or New Mexico. Type collected byJai K'.'.i - Wyoming and Nevada to Texa , New Mexico: Ahundanl on the plains from the Mogollon Mountains, Bngle, and the White Mountains northward and eastward. Plains, in the I pper Sonoran Zone. Galleta grass occupies (lie same position in northern New Mexico as tobosa In the southern part. It is by far the mosl abundant and characteristic plant on the piains in the northwestern corner of the State, often forming practically pure stand 54 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. many miles. It is probably the second most valuable range grass of New Mexico, being an excellent forage plant, very persistent, and not easily killed by overstocking. 12. VALOTA Adans. Tufted perennials with flat leaves and narrow or contracted, densely hairy pani- cles; Bpikelets numerous, articulated below the glumes, 1-flowered; glumes mem- branous, densely silky-pilose or long-ciliate on the margins, often acuminate, some- times with a short bristle at the apex; lemma chartaceous, glabrous and shining, finally indurated; stamens 3; styles distinct. 1. Valota saccharata (Buckl.) Chase, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 19: 188. 1906. Panieum lachnanthum Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 73: 21. 1856, not Hochst. 1855. Panieum saccharatum Buckl. Prel. Rep. Geol. Agr. Surv. Tex. App. 2. 1866. Trichachne saccharatum Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 83. 1903. Type locality: "Middle Texas." Range: Colorado and Texas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Dog Spring; Dona Ana and Organ Mountains; Causey. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 13. SYNTHERISMA Walt. Annuals with branched culms, thin flat leaves, and subdigitate inflorescence; opikelets 1-flowered, lanceolate-elliptic, sessile or short-pediceled, solitary or in 2's and 3's in 2 rows on one side of a continuous, narrow or winged rachis, forming slender racemes, these aggregated toward the top of the culm; glumes 1 to 3-nerved, the first sometimes obsolete; sterile lemma 5-nerved, the fertile indurated, papillose-striate, with a hyaline margin. 1. Syntherisma sanguinale (L.) Dulac, Fl. Haut. Pyr. 77. 1867. Crabgrass. Panieum sanguinale L. Sp. PI. 57. 1753. Digitaria sanguinalis Scop. Fl. Cam. ed. 2. 1: 52. 1772. Type locality: "Habitat in America, Europa australi." Range: Cultivated and waste grounds in nearly all parts of the United States, introduced from Europe. New Mexico: Galisteo; Animas Creek; Deming; Mesilla Valley; Guadalupe Mountains. 14. LEPTOLOMA Chase. Tufted perennials with flat leaves and diffuse terminal panicles, these breaking away at maturity and becoming "tumbleweeds;" spikelets 1-flowered, fusiform, solitary on long capillary pedicels; first glume obsolete or minute, the second 3-nerved, nearly as long as the 5 to 7-nerved sterile lemma; fertile lemma indurated, papillose, with a hyaline margin, this not inrolled; grain free. 1. Leptoloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 19: 92. 1906. Fall witch grass. Panieum cognatum Schult. Mant. 2: 235. 1824. Panieum autumnale Bosc; Spreng. Syst. Veg. 1 : 320. 1825. Type locality: "In Carolina." Range: New Hampshire and Florida to Minnesota, New Mexico, and Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Knowles; Buchanan; Tortugas Mountain; Roswell. Dry soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 15. ERIOCHLOA H. B. K. Annuals or perennials with usually flat leaves and terminal panicles composed of numerous somewhat one-sided racemes; spikelets 1-flowered, hermaphrodite; rachilla jointed below the glumes and expanded into a distinct ringlike callus; glumes 2, the WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 55 first reduced to a ring at the articulation, the second equaling the lemma, membrana- ceous, more or less acuminate; lemma slightly indurated, mucronate or shortly awn- pointed; palea shorter than the lemma; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain included within the hardened lemma, free. 1. Eriochloa polystachya H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 95. pi. SI. 1816. Type locality: Near Guayaquil, Ecuador. Range: Florida and Arizona to Mexico and Tropical America. New Mexico: Belen; Mesilla Valley; Pena Blanca; White Mountains. Moist ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 16. PASPALTJM L. Perennials, often stoloniferous, with flat leaves; spikelets 1-flowered, plano-convex, nearly sessile in 2 or 4 rows along one side of a continuous, narrow or dilated rachis, forming simple racemes, these either solitary or 2 or more, digitate or paniculate; rachilla jointed below the glumes; glumes awnless, obtuse, membranaceous, the first usually wanting (often present in P. distichum, shorter than the second); grain oblong, inclosed within the indurated lemma and palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems creeping, rooting at the nodes; inflorescence of 2 terminal spikes 1. P. distichum. Stems not creeping, mostly erect, not rooting at the nodes; panicle of more than 2 scattered spikes. Spikelets on short pedicels; plants almost glabrous, the slender hairs mostly confined to the leaf margins 2. P. ciliatifolium. Spikelets sessile or nearly so; plants more or less villous with stiff hairs all over the leaves 3. P. bushii. 1. Paspalum distichum L. Amoen. Acad. 5: 391. 1759. Joint grass. Type locality: Jamaica. Range: California and North Carolina to Florida; also in South America, East Indies, and Australia. New Mexico: Socorro; Kingston; Mangas Springs; Rincon; Cienaga Ranch; Apache Teju; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains. River valleys, especially in day soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A common weed in irrigated fields, difficult to exterminate because of its long, creeping stems. 2. Paspalum ciliatifolium Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 44. 1803. Paspalum setaceum ciliatifolium Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 17. 1892. Type locality: " Habitat in Carolina." Range: New Mexico and Texas to New Jersey and Florida; also in Mexico and South America. Xkw Mexico: Arroyo Ranch, near Roswell (GfriffUhs 5734). l>ry Boil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Paspalum bushii Nash in Britton, Man. 71. L901. Type locality: Missouri. Range: Missouri to Kansas and eastern New Mexico. Nkw Mexico: Northeast of Clayton; Bands south of Melrose; Nara Visa. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 56 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 17. PANICUM L. Panic grass. Annuals or perennials; spikelets 1-flowered, or rarely with a staminate flower below the terminal perfect one, paniculate; glumes very unequal, the first often minute, the second subequal to the sterile lemma; fertile lemma and palea chartaceous- indurated, the nerves obsolete, the margins of the lemma inrolled; grain free within the rigid lemma and palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikelets arranged in pairs in 1-sided racemes; plants spread- ing by long stolons 1. P. obtusum. Spikelets panicled; plants without stolons. Leaf blades of two sorts, those of the stems broad and short. Spikelets less than 3 mm. long; leaf blades thin; sheaths glabrous or sparsely hispid 2. P. helleri. Spikelets more than 3 mm. long; leaf blades firm; at least some of the sheaths hispid 3. P. scribnerianum. Leaf blades all alike. Annuals. Inflorescence of several more or less secund, spike- like racemes. Spikelets strongly reticulate- veined, glab- rous 4. P.fasciculatum reti- culatum. Spikelets not reticulate-veined, pubescent and copiously papillose-hirsute 5. P. arizonicum. Inflorescence a more or less diffuse panicle. First glume very short, not over one-fourth the length of the second ; sheaths glab- rous 6. P. dichotomiflorum. First glume longer, half as long as the second or more; sheaths pubescent. Panicles somewhat drooping 7. P. miliaceum. Panicles erect. Panicles large, more than half the length of the entire plant 8. P .barbipulvinatum. Panicles small, not over one-third the length of the plants. First glume more than three- fourths the length of the second; spikelets 4 mm. long 9. P. pampinosum. First glume half to two-thirds the length of the second; spikelets not over 3.3 mm. long 10. P. hirlicaule. Perennials. Stems neither bulbous nor rhizomatous. Sterile palea enlarged and indurated at ma- turity; glumes acute 11. P. Mans. Sterile palea not enlarged; glumes acumi- nate 12. P. hallii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 57 Stems bulbous at the base or rhizomatous. Glumes acuminate. Spikelets 3 to 5 mm. long; first glume acuminate to cuspidate 13. P. virgatum. Spikelets 6 to 8 mm. long; first glume acute 14. P. havardii. Glumes obtuse or merely acute, never acu- minate. Culms from a rootstock, not bulbous 15. P. plenum. Culms from enlarged bulbous bases. Leaf blades over 5 mm. wide; culms usually over 1 meter high 16. P. bulbosum. Leaf blades less than 5 mm. wide; cnlrns usually less than 1 me- ter high IGa. P. bulbosum scia- philum. 1. Panicum obtusum H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 98. 1816. Vine mesquite grass. Brachiaria obtusa Nash in Britton, Man. 77. 1901. Type locality: "Crescit in planitie montana regni Mexicani prope (iuanaxuato et Burras, in humidis, alt. 1,0S0 hexap." Range: Colorado and Missouri to Texas, Arizona, and Mexico. New Mexico: Common from Gallup, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, and Clayton south- ward across the State. Plains and river valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Panicum helleri Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 572. 1899. Panicum pernervosum Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 576. 1899. Type locality: Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas. Range: Missouri and Louisiana to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Sierra Grande. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Panicum scribnerianum Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 421. 1895. Tyi>e locality: Pennsylvania. Range: Washington and Maine to California, New Mexico, Texas, and Maryland. New Mexico: Las Vegas (Cockerell). Dry fields, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Panicum fasciculatum reticulatum (Torr.) Boal, G ra ssd V. Amcr. 2: 117. 1896. Panicum reticulatum Tarr. in Marry, Expl. Red Riv. 299. 1852. Type locality: "Main fork of Red River," Tex Range: Texas and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro (Plank 38). Diy fields-. 5. Panicum arizonicum Scribn. A Merr. U. S. Dcpt. Agr. Div. Agrost. Circ. 32: 2. 1901. Type locality: On mesas near Gamp Lowell, Santa Cruz Valley, Arizona. Range: New Mexico and southern California to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon ('rook; Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; Billsboro; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Dry hills and sandy mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Panicum dichotonuflorum Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1:48. L803. Type locality: "Hub. in octidentalibusmontium Alleghania." Range: Maine and Nebraska to Florida and Texas, and in California; also In Mexico, the Wesl [ndies, and South America. New Mexioo: Last ruces (Plant 29). Lower and Upper Sonoran a a. 58 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 7. Panicum miliaceum L. Sp. PI. 58. 1753. Hog millet. Milium panicum Mill. Gard. Diet. no. 1. 1759. Milium esculentum Moench, Meth. PI. 203. 1794. Type locality: "Habitat in India." Range: Native of the Old World, introduced rather sparingly in the United States; often cultivated. New Mexico: Flora Vista; Gilmores Ranch. 8. Panicum barbipulvinatum Nash, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 21. 1900. Type locality: "Yellowstone Park; Lower Geyser Basin." Range: British Columbia and Wisconsin to California and Texas. New Mexico: Common throughout the State except along the Pecos Valley and eastward. Sandy fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Panicum pampinosum Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 15: 66. 1910. Type locality: "On range reserve, altitude 2,600 feet, Wilmot, Arizona." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Grant County. Dry hills, in tbe Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Panicum hirticaule Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 308. 1830. Type locality: Acapulco, Mexico. Range: New Mexico and southern California to Mexico. New Mexico: Southwest corner of the State, north to Mangas Springs, east to the Organ Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 11. Panicum hians Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 118. 1816. Type locality: South Carolina or Georgia. Range: South Carolina and Florida to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Cruces (Plank 6). Damp ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 12. Panicum hallii Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 11: 64. 1884. Type locality: Dry hills, Austin, Texas. Range: Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Mangas Springs; Deming; Las Cruces; Organ Moun- tains; Buchanan; Roswell; Carlsbad; Queen. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 13. Panicum virgatum L. Sp. PI. 59. 1753. Switch grass. Panicum giganteum Scheele, Linnsea 22: 340. 1849. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: Wyoming and Maine to Florida and Arizona, south into Mexico and the West Indies. New Mexico: Farmington; Pecos; Tesuque; Grant County; Organ Mountains; Ruidoso Creek; Roswell. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 14. Panicum havardii Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 14: 95. 1887. Type locality: Guadalupe Mountains, Texas. Range: Western Texas to New Mexico and Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Roswell. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. Panicum plenum Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 15: 80. 1910. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 739). Range: Texas to southern Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 59 16. Panicum bulbosum H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 99. 1815. Panicum maximum bulbosum Vasey in Wheeler, Rep. XJ. S. Surv. 100th Merid. G: 295. 1878. Type locality: "Creseit in Novae Hispaniae scopulosis et frigidis juxta Santa Rosa, Los Joares et Guanaxuato, inter 1,070 et 1,360 hexap." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Carpenter Creek; Animas Valley; Burro Mountains; Copper Mines; Organ Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Ruidoso Creek. Canyons and open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16a. Panicum bulbosum sciaphilum (Rupr.) Hitchc. & Chase, Confer. TJ. S. Nat. Herb. 15: 83. 1910. Panicum sciaphilum Rupr.; Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 19. 1881. Panicum bulbosum minor Vasey, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. Bull. 8: 38. 1889. Type locality: Sierra de Yavesia, Mexico. Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Las Vegas; Organ Mountains; Gray. Canyons and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 18. ECHINOCHLOA Beauv. Coarse annuals with compressed sheaths, long flat leaves, and terminal panicles of stout racemes; spikelets 1-flowered, with sometimes a staminate flower below the perfect terminal one, nearly sessile in one-sided racemes; glumes unequal, spiny- hispid, mucronate; sterile lemma similar, awned from the apex, inclosing a hyaline palea; fertile lemma and palea chartaceous, acuminate; margins of the glume inrolled except at the summit. key to the species. Spikes simple 1 . E. colon wm . Spikes compound. Awns about 25 mm. long 2. E. crus-galli. Awns 2 mm. long or less 3. E. zelayensia. 1. Ecbinochloa colonum (L.) Link, Hort. Berol. 2: 209. 1833. Jungle rice. Panicum colonum L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 870. L759. Type locality: Jamaica. Range: Wet ground and cultivated fields, Kansas and Virginia, southward through- out tropical America. New Mexico: Deming; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Gavilan Canyon. Wet ground and cultivated fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The subspecies zonalis is a form with transverse purplish hands upon the leaves. It is common with the typical form, and is especially abundant anions those plants that have grown in dry soil. Both are frequent as weeds in cultivated ground. 2. Ecbinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 53. 1812. Barnv \i;i> GRASS. Panicum crusgalli L. Sp. PL 56. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae el Virginiae cultis." Range: In waste ground in the warmer parts of North America, and nearly around the world. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Mangas Springs. 3. Ecbinochloa zelayensis (If. B. K.) Schult Mant. 2: 269. L824. Oplismcnus zelayentu II. B. K. Nov. (Jen. A: Sp. 1: L08. Mii. Tvi'E locality: NearZelaya, Quere'taro, Mexico. Ranob: Southwestern United States to South America. New Mexico: Common in waste and cultivated land throughout the State. 60 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 19. CHAETOCHLOA Scribn. Annuals or perennials with flat leaves and bristly spikelike panicles; spikelets^ hermaphrodite, 1-flowered, or sometimes with a staminate flower below the hermaphro- dite terminal one, surrounded by few or many persistent awnlike branches springing from the pedicels below the articulation of the spikelets; glumes awnless; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain included within the hardened lemma and palea, free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Panicles dense and thick. Spikelets arranged singly in racemes; 5 to 16 bristles at the base of each spikelet 1 . C. glauca. Spikelets clustered but not in racemes; 1 to 3 bristles at base of each spikelet 2. C. viridis. Panicles slender, interrupted. Leaf blades more than 5 mm. wide; spikes with distinct, some- what spreading branches below 3. C. grisebachii ampla. Leaf blades less than 5 mm. wiilo; spikes not branched below, merely interrupted 4. C. composita. 1. Chaetochloa glauca (L.) Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost, Bull. 4: 39. 1897. Pigeon grass. Panicum glaucum L. Sp. PI. 56. 1753. Setaria glauca Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 51. 1812. Type locality: "Habitat in India." Range: A native of the Old World, widely introduced into North America, in New Mexico still rare. New Mexico: Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. 2. Chaetochloa viridis (L.) Scribn. U. S. Dept, Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 39. 1897. Green foxtail. Panicum viride L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 83. 1762. Setaria viridis Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 51. 1812. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa australi." Range: Native of Europe, widely introduced into North America; in New Mexico a common weed in cultivated fields. New Mexico: Common in waste and cultivated ground in nearly every part of the State. 3. Chaetochloa grisebachii ampla Scribn. it Merr. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 21: 36. 1900. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey. R,ange: New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Spi'ings; Hillsboro; Rio Frisco; Burro Mountains; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Damp canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Chaetochloa composita (H. B. K.) Scribn. U. S. Dept, Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 39. 1897. Setaria composita H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 111. 1816. Type locality: "Crescit regione calidissima prope Cumana et Bordones, in Nova Andalusia: item in ripa fluminis Magdalenae prope Guarumo et in sylvis Orinocen- sibus juxta Esmeralda." Range: Colorado and Arizona to Texas and Mexico; also in South America. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Albuquerque; Chiz; Animas Creek; Mangas Springs; Lake Valley; Aden; Rincon; Burro Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Guadalupe Mountains; Pecos Valley. River valleys and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 61 20. CENCHRUS L. Sand bur. Annuals or perennials with spreading or erect culms and few or many more or less crowded "burs" in terminal spikes; spikelets 1-flowered, hermaphrodite, 1 to 4 together with an ovoid or globular involucre of rigid, more or less connate bristles forming spiny burs or false capsules, these sessile or nearly so in simple terminal spikes or racemes, falling with the spikelets; glumes awnless; grain free within the slightly hardened lemma and palea. 1. Cenchrus carolinianus Walt. Fl. Carol. 79. 1788. Type locality: Carolina. Range: Maine and Minnesota to Florida and New Mexico, and southward. New Mexico: Waste and cultivated ground at lower elevations throughout the State; common. In sandy soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Sand burs are the most pernicious weeds of the State. They are often abundant in cultivated ground, where, unless steps are taken to exterminate them, they spread rapidly. In alfalfa fields they often become so numerous as to render the hay value- less. The spines of the burs are extremely sharp and will pierce the uppers of shoes. After they have entered one's flesh they usually break off when an attempt is made to extract them. 21. PHALARIS L. Canary grass. Annuals or perennials with flat leaves and densely flowered spikelike or capitate inflorescence; spikelets 1-flowered, strongly flattened laterally; rachilla jointed al the glumes; glumes awnless, equal, boat-shaped, usually winged on the keel; lemmas hard and shining in fruit, closely investing the grain and palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Glumes not winged; inflorescence a narrow panicle 1. P. arundinacea. Glumes w inged; inflorescence spikelike 2. P. caroliniana. 1. Phalaris arundinacea L. Sp. PI. 55. 1753. Reed Canary grass. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae subhumidis ad ripas lacuum." Range: British America to Nevada, New Mexico, and New Jersey; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Ghama {Standlcy G806). Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 2. Phalaris caroliniana Walt. Fl. Carol. 74. 1788. Southern Canaby <;kass. Type locality: South Carolina. K\ qe: California and South Carolina to New Mexico and Florida. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Agricultural College. Moist ground. 22. SAVASTANA Sehrank. mi. perennials with Hat Leaves and usually rather small pyramidal terminal panicles; spikelets 3-flowered, the terminal floret hermaphrodite, the others stami] rachilla jointed above the glumes; glumes nearly equal, about lie' length of the spikelet, acute, smooth; lemmas about equaling the glumes, awnli eor Bhort-aw I; ens in the male florets 3, in the hermaphrodite floret 2; styles distinct, rather long; grain free. 1. Savastana odorata (L.) Scribn. Mem. Torrey Club 6: 34. L894. Vanillj Holcus odaratut L. Bp. PI. mis. i. ■rh/nr borealis Roem. A Bchult. Syet Veg. 2: 513. L817. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae frigidiorispascuishumentibus.'1 Range: Bi Ltish Am< ' Ln, and Ni 62 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Trout Spring; Pecos Baldy. Meadows, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 23. LYCURUS II. B. K. Cespitose erect perennial with narrow or convolute leaves and densely flowered cylindrical spikelike terminal panicles; spikelets 1-flowered, usually in pairs; glumes nerved, the nerves often produced into awns; lemma 3-nerved, awned, broader and longer than the glumes; palea 2-nerved, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles short, distinct; grain included within the glumes, free. 1. Lycurus phleoides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 141. pi. 45. 1816. Texas timothy. Type locality: "Crescit in temperatis Mexici, inter Guanazuato et Temescatio et in radicibus aridissimi montis La Buffa, alt. 1030 hexap." Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Abundant from the Mogollon Mountains and Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains southward and eastward across the State. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Texas timothy is abundant on the dry hills of the southern part of the State. It is less common in the north. It grows in bunches and is a rather important range grass in some sections. 24. ARISTIDA L. Needle grass. Tufted annuals or perennials with narrow leaves; spikelets 1-flowered, on long or short slender pedicels, in more or less expanded terminal panicles; rachilla articulated above the glumes and produced into a hard obconical hairy callus below the lemma but not extending beyond it; glumes more or less unequal, acute or bristle-pointed, slightly keeled; lemma somewhat firmer in texture, closely rolled around the floret and the usually short palea, terminating in a usually trifid awn; grain slender, tightly inclosed in the hardened lemma but free from it. key to the species. Annual 1. A. bromoides. Perennials. Plants widely divaricate-branched, the branches of the panicle rigid and straight. Awns 3, all of about the same length 2. A. divaricata. Awns apparently 1, the lateral ones short or obsolete 3. A. schiediana. Plants with erect or at most rather weakly spreading stems. Glumes nearly equal. Plants stout and strict, 30 cm. high or more; pedicels short, straight; glumes conspicuously awned 4. A.arizonica. Plants slender, 20 cm. high or less, rather spreading; pedicels slender, sinuous; glumes acuminate, not awned 5. A. havardii. Glumes very unequal, the first usually about half as long as the second. Mature lemma not tapering upward, the neck of about the same diameter as the base; second glume considerably longer than the lemma, the latter smooth; awns 6 to 8 cm. long 6. A. longiseta. Mature lemmas tapering upward into a slender neck; second glume barely surpassing the lemma, usually shorter, the lemmas usually 6cabrous; awns usually much less than 6 cm. long. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 63 Spikelete small, 10 mm. long or less, the awns never more than twice as long as the lemma. Panicle strict, congested, never spreading... 7. A. vaseyi. Panicle spreading, at least in age. Panicles always spreading, the pedicels very weak and sinuous; awns merely spreading 8. A. micrantha. Panicles at first congested, finally spread- ing, the pedicels rigid, straight, ascending; awns Btrongly diver- gent 9. A. pansa. Spikelets large, 15 mm. long or more, the awns usually more than twice as long as the lemma. Panicles simple or nearly so. Panicles strict, the spikelets numerous and congested, relatively small; pedicels short 7. A. vaseyi. Panicles lax, the spikelets few, scattered, about 15 mm. long; pedicels elon- gated 10. A.fendleriana. Panicles compound. Culms stout; panicles rigidly erect; pedi- cels straight 11. A. wrightii. Culms weaker and more slender; panicles laxly spreading; pedicels very slender, often curved 12. A. purpurea. 1. Aristida bromoides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 122. 1816. Six-weeks needle grass. Type locality: "In montibus regni Quitensis, juxta Tambo de Guamote et Llanos de Tiocaxas, alt. 1,600 hexap." Range: Texas and Arizona to Mexico; also in South America. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Cross L Ranch; Cerrillos; Chama River; Algodones; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Deming; Dona Ana and Organ mountains; White Sands; White Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; Knowles; Roswell. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpl.; Willd. Enuni. PI. 99. 1809. Aristida humboldtiana Trin. & Rupr. Mem. Acad. St. P6tereb. VI. Sci. Nat. 51: 118. 1842. Type locality: "Habitat in Mexico." Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Texline; Gallinas Mountains; Black Range; Deming*, Dona Ana and Organ mountains; Eagle Creek; Lake Arthur. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Aristida schiediana Trin. & Rupr. Mem. Acad. St. IVtersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 5': 120. 1842. Aristida divergens Vaeey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 48. 1892. Type locality: "Mexico: prope Jalapam." Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro; Beat Mountain; Copper Mines; i ir^iii Mountains; plains south of Roswell. Upper Sonoran Zone. 64 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Aristida arizonica Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 13: 27. 1886. Type locality: "Arizona." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to western Texas. New Mexico: Clayton; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; near Jewett Gap; Grant County; Buchanan; Leachs; Knowles; White Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Aristida havardii Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 13: 27. 1886. Type locality: "Western Texas." Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas Mountains; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; Grant; Bonito Crossing; Gilmores Ranch; Gray; Carlsbad; Arroyo Ranch. Hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Aristida longiseta Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1: 420. 1854. Wiregrass. Type locality: New Mexico, probably near or at Santa Fe. Type collected by Fendler (no. 978). New Mexico: Common throughout the State. 7. Aristida vaseyi Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: 55. 1912; Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 113. 1913. Aristida reverchoni augusta Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 46. 1892. Type locality: Comanche Peak, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro; mountains west of San Antonio; Mangas Springs; Tortugas Mountain; Pena Blanca; Alamogordo. Plains and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 8. Aristida micrantha (Vasey) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 117. 1903. Aristida purpurea micrantha Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 47. 1892. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carlsbad (Smith). Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Aristida pansa Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 112. 1913. Type locality: Tortugas Mountain near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, October 6, 1904. Range: Southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 10. Aristida fendleriana Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1: 420. 1855. Aristida longiseta fendleriana Merr. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Circ. 24: 5. 1901. Type locality: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 973). Range: Colorado and Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Santa Fe; northeast of Clayton; 25 miles south of Gallup; Rito Quemado; 35 miles south of Tor- rance; near Suwanee; Copper Mines; Mimbres and Cooks Spring. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Aristida wrightii Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast, U. S. 116. 1903. Type locality: Dallas, Texas. Range: Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Atarque de Garcia; Doming; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Moun- tains; Buchanan; Redlands. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 12. Aristida purpurea Nutt, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 145. 1837. Purple needle grass. Type locality: "On grassy plains of the Red River, in arid situations." Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 65 New Mexico: Twenty-five miles south of Gallup; Clayton; Cross L Ranch; Albu- querque; Suwanee; Socorro; Texline; Mogollon Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Buchanan; Knowles; Arroyo Ranch; east of Carlsbad; Mesilla. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The subspecies laxiflora is a form with very slender curved pedicels and is probably the same as A. subuniflora Nash,1 the type of which we have not seen. It occurs wherever the type grows, and may be recognized by the fewer spikelets on very slender curved pedicels and the usually longer awns. 25. STIPA L. Porcupine grass. Tufted perennials with mostly narrow or involute leaves, and terminal, usually open panicles; spikelets 1-flowered; rachilla articulated above the glumes and pro- duced below the lemma into a strong bearded obconical sharp-pointed callus; glumes thin, membranaceous, subequal, acute or bristle-pointed; lemma narrow, sub- coriaceous, closely investing the floret, terminating in a twisted and geniculate simple awn articulated with the apex; grain terete, closely enveloped by the indurated lemma. key to the species. Glumes 2 cm. long or more. Awns plumose 1. 5. neomexicana . Awns not plumose. Base of panicle usually included in the sheaths; lemmas 8 to 12 mm. long 2. S. comata. Base of panicle exserted; lemmas more than 12 mm. long. Lemmas 12 to 15 mm. long 3. S. tweedyi. Lemmas 20 to 25 mm. long 4. S. spartea. Glumes 15 mm. long or less. Panicles loose and open. Lemmas 4 mm. long or less. Awns 60 to 80 mm. long, curled above the joint; lem- mas about 3 mm. long 5. S. tenuissima. Awns 15 mm. long or less, not curled; lemmas about 4 mm. long 6. S. fimbriata. Lemmas 6 to 9 mm. long. Glumes broad; awns about 25 mm. long 7. S. pringhi. Glumes narrow; awns 40 to 50 mm. long 8. 5. eminens. Panicles narrow, dense, spikelike. Glumes scarious, prominently nerved. Awns long-hairy below 9. S. speciosa. Awns not long-hairy. Lemmas 5 mm. long or less, long-hairy near the apex 10. S. lettenih Lemmas more than 5 mm. long, equally hairy throughout 11 8 vii idula. Glumes firm, thick, not prominently nerved. Lemmas 4 to 5 mm. long 12. S. minor. Lemmas 8 to 10 mm. long. Panicles slender; stems l<>v. and Blender; I' ■ narrow L3. 8. scribneri. Panicles stout and dense; stems tall and stout; leaves broad II s' < 1 Xash in Small. I'l. Southeast. U. B. im. 1908. The type was collected in New Mexico in 1881, by G. II. Vasey. ,76°— 15 5 66 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Stipa neomexicana (Thurb.) Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 17: 132. 1899. New Mexican porcupine grass. Stipa pennata neomexicana Thurb.; Vasey, U. S. Dent. Agr. Div. Bot. Bull. 122: no. 81. 1891. Type locality: New Mexico. Range: Colorado and Texas to California. New Mexico: North of Ramah; mountains north of Santa Rita; Albuquerque; 10 miles north of Santa Fe; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Silver City; Rio Mimbres; east of Alamogordo; Arroyo Ranch. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Stipa comata Trin. & Rupr. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 51: 75. 1842. Type locality: "Carlton House Fort ad fl. Saskatchawan." Range: Alaska and Alberta to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; San Lorenzo; Chama; Horse Spring; Agua Azul; Santa Fe; Torrance; Clayton; Pecos; Raton Mountains; Nara Visa; Jewett Gap; Little Creek. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Both this and the preceding are valuable range- grasses, especially because they grow in the spring when other forage is scarce. Neither, however, reproduces well, but either is soon killed by overstocking and replaced by the needle grasses. 3. Stipa tweedyi Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11: 47. 189S. Stipa comata intermedia Scribn. Bot. Gaz. 11: 171. 1886. not 5. intermedia Trin. 1842. Type locality: Junction Butte, Yellowstone Park. Range: Washington and Alberta to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains (Standley 7676). Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Stipa spartea Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Math. Phys. Nat, 1: 82. 1830. Type locality: North America. Range: British America to Illinois and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standley 6223). Plains and piairies, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Stipa tenuissima Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 21: 36. 1836. Type locality: Chile. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Socorro (Plank 44). 6. Stipa fimbriata H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 126. 1816. Pinyon grass. Oryzopsis fimbriata Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot. 3: 538. 1885. Type locality: "Crescit in alta planitie Mexicana inter Burras et Guanaxuato; item in scopulosis prope Mina de Villapando, inter 1050 et 1330 hexap." Range: Arizona to western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Bear Mountains, Burro Mountains, Organ Mountains, and Guada- lupe Mountains and southward across the State. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. Stipa pringlei Scribn. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 54. 1892. Type locality: Mexico or Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila (Metcalfe 557). 8. Stipa eminens Cav. Icon. PI. 5: 42. pi. 467./. 1. 1799. Type locality: Near Chalma, Mexico. Range: New Mexico to southern Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Mangas Springs; Big Hatchet Mountains; Organ and Dona Ana mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 67 9. Stipa speciosa Trin. & Rupr. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 5X:45. L842. Type locality: Chile. Range: California to New Mexico and Mexico; also in South America. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7515.) Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Stipa lettermanii Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club lb: 53. 1886. Stipa viridula lettermanii Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 50. 1892. Type locality: Idaho. Range: Idaho and Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe. Hills and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Stipa viridula Trin. & Rupr. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 21: :;!>. 1836. Type locality: North America. Range: British America to Kansas, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Trout Spring; Taos; Santa Fe Canyon; mountains near Las Vegas; Raton Mountains; Cross L Ranch; El Rito Creek. Transition Zone. 12. Stipa minor (Vasey) Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11: 46. 1898. Stipa viridula minor Vasey, Contr. .U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 50. 1892. Type locality: Kelso Mountain, Colorado. Range: Montana to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Winsors Ranch; mouth of Indian Creek. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 13. Stipa scribneri Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 11: 125. 1884. Type locality: Dry hillsides at Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by George Vasey in 1884. II lnge: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pecos; Bear Mountain; near Ruidoso. Mountains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 14. Stipa vaseyi Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11: 16. 1898. Sleei v i,i; \ss. Stipa viridula robusta Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 50. 1892, nott Imt regions of the State, bul !><• id- in Hi- one range i it reputed to have narcotic properties \\ here it i eaten by nsly and pidly, especially when other plants nrr killed b; Icing, 68 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 26. MUHLENBERGIA Schreb. Perennials or rarely annuals, with small spikelets; culms simple or much branched; leaves long or short, flat or involute; panicles narrow and spikelike or open and widely spreading; spikelets 1-flowered; rachilla jointed above the glumes, forming a very short and usually hairy callus below the lemma but not extending beyond it; glumes membranaceous or hyaline, 1 to 3-nerved or nerveless, usually unequal and shorter than the lemma, acute or mucronate; lemma narrow, smooth, or more or less pilose below, 3 or 5-nerved, awned from the acute apex or from between the teeth of the- bidentate apex; awn straight or flexuous; palea thin, 2-nerved; stamens 3; grain closely enveloped by the lemma. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants tall, 1 meter high or more, stout; panicle 25 to 35 cm. long. 1. M. emersleyi. Plants lower, less than 1 meter high, mostly less than 60 cm., more slender; panicles shorter, less than 25 cm. long. Panicles open and spreading. Plants diffusely branched throughout, weakly ascend- ing or decumbent . 2 M. porteri. Plants erect, branched only at the base. Secondary branches of the panicle clustered ; leaves stiff and spiny-pointed 3. M. pungens. Secondary branches of the panicle single; leaves neither stiff nor spiny-pointed. Basal leaves 5 cm. long or less, strongly re- curved 4. M. gracillima. Basal leaves more than 5 cm. long, not recurved. Awns short, 4 mm. long; leaf blades 5 to 10 cm . long ; panicles green 5 . if. arenicola. Awns long, 10 to 15 mm.; leaf blades about 20 cm. long; panicles dark purple 6. M. rigida. Panicles narrow and spikelike. Annual, 5 to 15 cm. high 7. If. schaffneri. Perennials, mostly more than 15 cm. high. Glumes subulate; plants with leafy branches and long scaly rhizomes. Glumes about as long as the lemma, not awned . 8. M. mexicana. Glumes longer than the lemma, awned. Lemmas only slightly villous 9. M. racemosa. Lemmas covered with long white hairs 10. M. comata. Glumes lanceolate to ovate; plants various. Lemmas awnless or with very short awns. Glumes under half as long as the lemmas. . 11. M. squamosa. Glumes more than half as long as the lemmas. Glumes acute, not awned. Panicles on long peduncles 15. M. thurberi. Panicles partly included in the sheaths 16. M. repens. Glumes awned. Lemmas hairy below 12. M. lemrnoni. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 69 Lemmas scabrous or glabrous. Panicles dense, obtuse, 5 to 10 mm. wide 13. M. wrightii. Panicles rather lax, tapering at the apex, less than 5 mm. wide 14. M. cuspidata. Lemmas with conspicuous long awns. Leaf sheaths very broad at the base and papery, loose, not closely investing the stems. Second glume 3-toothed; lemma pubescent at the top 17. M. trifida. Both glumes acute or acuminate ; lem- mas pubescent only below 18. M. viresczns. Leaf sheaths not broad and papery, closely investing the stems. Spikelets on long slender pedicels. Second glume entire at the apex. 19. M. affinis. Second glume sharply 3 to 5- toothed 20. M. subalpina. Spikelets on short stout pedicels, or sessile. Awns about 5 mm. long; stems stout; internodes long 21. M. acuminata. Awns about 20 mm. long; stems slender, wiry; internodes short 22. M. monticola. 1. Muhlenbergia emersleyi Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 66. 1892. Muhlenbergia vaseyana Scribn. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 10: 52. 1S99. Type locality: "Rocky Canon, Arizona." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Silver City; Mogollun Mountains; Santa Rita; Animas Valley; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn.; Beal, Grasses N. Amer. 2: 259. 1898. Mesquite grass. Type locality: Texas. Range: Colorado and western Texas to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Albuquerque; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Moun- tain; Mcsilla Vallej ; Dona Ana Mountains; Jarilla: Arroyo Ranch. Hills and in. in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Mesquite grass receives its name from the fact dial, in the southern pari of the Siatc, where ii is ■■. cry common, ii is nearly always found growing in the shade of mesquite bushes, it slender, lax stems often clambering over them. Cattle arc verj fond of it ami will force their way into the mesquite t" reach the grass. 3. Muhlenbergia pungens Think Proc. Acad. 1'hila. 1863: 78 L864 Pi i.fl i: II UK I Type i "< ujtt: Colorado. I: ge: Utah and Nebraska to Arizona and T< Ni.u Mi hco Carrizo Mountain.-: Xuni Reservation; Chains River; Los I'll, on the San Juan; White Sands. Sandhills ami on plaint in the Lowei and Upper ran zones. 70 CONTKIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBABIUM. 4. Muhlenbergia gracillima Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 155. 1S56. Ring grass. Type locality: "Llano Estacaclo, and near the Antelope lulls of the Canadian River," Texas or New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Colorado and Kansas to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; El Rito Draw; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Pecos; Roy; Clayton; Socorro; Santa Fe; Llano Estacado; Mangas Springs; Buchanan; Deniing; Dona Ana; Guadalupe Mountains; Fort Stanton; Gray. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is very common on the plains of the northern part of the State. Its habit of growth is peculiar: the plants are low and form dense circular mats; after a time the center of the mat dies and a sort of " fairy ring" is left. 5. Mulilenbergia arenicola Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 91. 1863. Type locality: "Arid places in Western Texas." Range: Western TexaB and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Deming; Redlands; Hope; Lake Arthur; Rio San Jose; near Suwanee; Gila Hot Springs; Arroyo Ranch; Jornada del Muerto. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Muhlenbergia rigida (H. B. K.) Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1: 63. 1829. PodosaemwnrigidumJI. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 129. 1816. Type locality: Near Guanajuato, Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Five miles east of San Lorenzo on Mimbres River ( Metcalfe 1447). 7. Muhlenbergia schaffneri Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 85. 1881. Type locality: "Prope Tacubaya," Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Trujillo Creek; Mogollon Creek; Organ Mountains. Dry slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Gram. Unifl. 189. 1824. Agrostis mexicana L. Mant. PI. 1: 31. 1767. Type locality: "Habitat in America calidiore." Range: British America to Tennessee and New Mexico; also in Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Winsors Ranch. Damp ground, in the Transition Zone. 9. Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) B. S. P. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 67. 1888. Agrostis racemosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 53. 1803. Polypogon glomcratus Willd. Enum. PI. S7. 1809. Muhlenbergia glomcrata Trin. Gram. Unifl. 191. 1824. Type locality: "Habitat in ripis sabulosis inundatis fluminis Mississippi." Range: British America to New Mexico, Missouri, and New Jersey. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Dulee; Las Vegas; Pecos; Raton Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs; Animas Creek; Mesilla Valley; Little Creek; Gilmores Ranch. Damp woods, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. 10. Muhlenbergia comata (Thurb.) Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 19: 83. 1881. Vaseya comala Thurb. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 79. 1863. Type locality: " Plains of Nebraska." Range: California to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch (Standley 4359). Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 71 11. Muhlenbergia squarrosa (Trin.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 531. 1909. Vilfa squarrosa Trin. Mom. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 31: 100. 1840. Type locality: North America. Range: British America to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Tumtrha Mountains; Chama; Ensenada; Sandia Mountains; Rio Pueblo; Pecos; Grants Station. Transition Zone. 12. Muhlenbergia lemmoni Scribn. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 56. 1890. Type locality: Ballinger, Runnels County, Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains (Wootori). Hillsides. 13. Muhlenbergia wrightii Vasey; Coulter, Man. Rocky Mount. 409. 1885. Type locality: "New Mexico." Range: Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Johnsons Mesa; Trout Springs; El Rito Creek; Las Vegas; near Datil; near La Jara; Kingston; Winter Folly. Damp mountain slopes, in the Transition Zone. 14. Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torr.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 599. L905. Vilfa cuspidata Torr.; Hook. Fl. Bor. Arner. 2: 238. 1839. Type localitv: " l'.anks of the Saskatchawan, near the Rocky Mountains."' Range: British America to New Mexico and Missouri. New Mexico: Pecos; Cross L Ranch; Kingston. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. Muhlenbergia thurberi (Scribn.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 601. 1905. Sporobolus thurberi Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11: 48. 1898. Type locality: Plaza Larga, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Plaza Larga; Carrizo Mountains; Eagle Creek. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Muhlenbergia repens (Presl) Hitchc. in Jepson, Fl. Calif. 1: 111. 1912. Aiake.io grass. S2>orobolus repens Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 241. 1830. Vilfa UtUisTotr. V. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 5: :',(;:,. 1857. Sporobolus uiilis Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Hull. 17: 171. 1899. Muhlenbergia utUis Rydb.; Wbot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: 71. 1912. Type i ocaltty: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern California. o: Kingston; Mangas Springs; Salinas; Tularosa; Fori Bayard; Thorn- ton; Raton Mountains; Deming; Mesilla Valley. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Aparejo grass receives its name from its w^c by the Mexicans in packing their "aparejos" or pads which ace a substitute for pack saddles. It is a rather aj gre siva weed in the lower Rio < rrande Valley, crowding out grasses and other plants. 17. Muhlenbergia txifida II., ok. Report. Nov. Sp. Fedde 8: 518. 1910. 'I' i pe i '" u 1 1 1 : Michoacan, Mexico. Range: Western Texas and Colorado to California and Mexico. '■ too Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Johnsons Mesa; Raton Moun- . Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Grants Station; MogoUon Mountains; Black Burro Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Op d hills and in canyons, in the Upper Sonoran and Tranaiti 72 CONTRIBUTIONS PEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 18. Muhlenbergia virescens (H. B. K.) Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1: 64. 1829. Podosaemum virescens H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 132. 1816. Type locality: "Crescit locis asperis, exeelsis regni Mexicani prope Santa Rosa de la Sierra et Puerto de Varientos, alt. 1350 hexap." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Northwestern New Mexico (Palmer); Ben More (Bigelow). Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. 19. Muhlenbergia affinis Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. 62: 301. 1845. Muhlenbergia metcalfi, Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 12. 1912. Type locality: "Toluco," Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Santa Rita Mountain; Fort Bayard; Filmore Canyon; Mangas Springs; near Silver City. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of M. metcalfi (metcalfei?) is Metcalfe's 1485, from Santa Rita Mountain. 20. Muhlenbergia subalpina Vasey, Descr. Cat. Grasses U. S. 40. 1885. Muhlenbergia gracilis breviaristata Vasey in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 284. 1874. Type locality: Twin Lakes, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Northern New Mexico (George Vasey). Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 21. Muhlenbergia acuminata Vasey, Bot. Gaz. 11: 337. 1886. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Wright (no. 1993). Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico : Kingston; Mangas Springs; Filmore Canyon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 22. Muhlenbergia monticola Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 91. 1863. Muhlenbergia neomexicana Vasey, Bot. Gaz. 11: 337. 1886. Muhlenbergia pringlei Scribn. Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 25. 1894. Type locality: "Northwestern Texas." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Albuquerque; Watrous; Grant; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Reserve; Dog Spring; Socorro; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; White Mountains. Dry slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of M. neomexicana was collected in New Mexico. 27. ORYZOPSIS Michx. Slender perennials with flat or involute leaves and loosely flowered, spreading or narrow panicles; spikelets 1-flowered, hermaphrodite; rachilla jointed above the glumes and not produced behind the palea, usually extended below the lemma into a short obtuse callus; glumes nearly equal, obtuse or acuminate; lemma a little shorter than the glumes, rather broad, cartilaginous, terminated by a slender deciduous awn; grain free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lemmas covered with long silky hairs, these much exceeding them in length 1 . 0 . hymenioides. Lemmas glabrous or short-pubescent. Leaves slender, involute; spikelets small, 2.5 to 4 mm. long. . 2. 0. micrantha. Leaves broad and flat; spikelets large, 6 to 8 mm. long 3. 0. asperifotia. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 73 1. Oryzopsis hymenioides (Roem. & Schult.) Ricker, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 109. 1906. Sand bunchgrass. Stipa hymenioides Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 339. 1817. Eriocoma cuspidata Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 40. 1818. Oryzopsis cuspidata Benth.; Vasey, U. S. Dept. Agr. Spec. Rep. 63: 23. 1883. Type locality: "Ad litora fluvii Missouri." Range: Washington and Alberta to Nebraska and Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo and Tunitcha mountains; Farmington; Tierra Amarilla- Santa Fe; Canjilon; Ramah; Zuni; Pecos; Torrance; Albuquerque; Reserve; Mesilla; White Sands. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The seeds of this grass were formerly gathered and used for food by the Zuni. The ground seeds were eaten alone, or mixed with corn meal and made into dumplings. 2. Oryzopsis micrantha (Trin. & Rupr.) Thurb. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 78. 1863. Urachne micrayitha Trin. & Rupr. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sri. Nat. 5': 16. 1842. Type locality: North America. Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to Nebraska, Arizona, and Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande; Tierra Amarilla; Manguitas Spring; Canjilon; Coolidge; Glorieta; Raton Mountains; Santa Fe; Pecos. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 51. 1803. Mountain rice. Urachne asperifolia Trin. Gram. Unifl. 1: 174. 1824. Type locality: "Hab. a sinu Hudsonis ad Quebec, per tractus montium." Range: British America to New Mexico and Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Winsor Creek (Standley 4206). Deep woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 28. PHLEUM L. Timothy. Perennials with simple erect culms, flat leaves, and dense, terminal, cylindrical or oblong, spikelike panicles; spikelets 1-flowered; rachilla jointed above the glumes, not prolonged beyond the floret; glumes 2, compressed-carinate, equal, usually filiate on the keels, abruptly mucronate or shortly awn-pointed; lemma shorter than the glumes, thin, truncate, awnless, rather loosely inclosing the grain; stamens 3; styles distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikes elongate-cylindrie; awns less than half as long as the glumes. . . 1. /'. pratense. Spikes short, (i void or oblong; awns about half as long as the glumes.. 2. /'. alpinum. 1. Phleum pratense L. Sp. PI. 59. 1753. Timothy. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae versuria " llaliii.it in Alpibus." Range: Alaska and Britiah America to California, Arizona, and Now Bampahire; al " in Europe and Smith Amerira New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; < hama; Santa Fe and las Vegas mountains. Meadows, Canadian t" Arctic-Alpine Zone. 29. ALOPECURUS L. Mabbb TOXTAE Vnnuale or perennials with erecl or ascending culms flat leav( . and densel) flowered cylindrical spikelike terminal panicl< . pikelet i flowered, strongly Bat- tened; rachilla jointed below the glum< b; glumes equal, awnle - more or leas i Lliate, 74 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. especially along the keel, usually connate at the base; lemma obtuse, hyaline, usually awned on the back, the margins connate near the base, forming a short tube; palea none; stamens 3; styles usually distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikelets about 3 mm. long; lemma shorter than the glumes 1. A. aristulatus. Spikelets 6 to 7 mm. long; lemma longer than the glumes 2. A. agrestis. 1. Alopecurus aristulatus Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1:43. 1803. Alopecurus geniculatus aristulatus Torr. Fl. North & Mid. U. S. 1: 97. 1824. Type locality: "Hab. in paludosis Canadae." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Florida. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Chama; Ramah; Gallo Spring; Taos; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Rio Mimbres; White and Sacramento mountains. Wet soil, often about the edge of water, in the Transi- tion Zone. 2. Alopecurus agrestis L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 89. 1762. Slender foxtail. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa australi." Range: Native of Europe and Asia; introduced in many places in the United States. New Mexico: Agricultural College (Cockerel!). 30. EPICAMPES Presl. Tall perennials with very long spikelike many-flowered panicles; spikelets small, 1-flowered; glumes membranaceous, slightly unequal, convex on the back, carinate, often finely 3-nerved; lemmas 3-nerved, obtuse or emarginate, a little shorter than or about equaling the glumes, tipped with a slender, usually short awn; stamens 3; styles short, distinct; grain included within the lemmas, free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Inflorescence spikelike 1. E. rigens. Inflorescence paniculate 2. E. stricta. 1. Epicampes rigens Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 19: 88. 1881. Type locality: California. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Berendo Creek; Mogollon Creek; Mangas Springs; Deming. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Epicampes stricta Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 235. pi. 39. 1830. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Crawfords Ranch; Silver City; near White Water; Socorro; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 31. BLEPHARONEURON Nash. Tufted perennial with flat leaves and loosely flowered open panicles; spikelets 1-flowered; glumes 1-nerved, glabrous, the second about as long as the lemma, this 3-nerved, the nerves densely pilose for nearly their whole length, the midnerve often excurrent at the apex; palea as long as the lemma, 2-nerved, densely pilose between the nerves; stamens 3; styles 2, distinct. 1. Blepharoneuron tricholepis (Torr.) Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 88. 1898. Vilfa tricholepis Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 155. 1856. Sporobolus tricholepis Coulter, Man. Rocky Mount. 411. 1SS5. Type locality: Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 75 New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Coolidge; Horsethief Canyon; Albuquerque; Johnsons Mesa; Rio Pueblo; Trout Spring; Raton Mountains; Chama; Sandia Moun- tains; Fort Bayard; Mangas Springs; Socorro. Open slopes, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 32. SPOROBOLTJS R. Br. Dropseed. Annuals or perennials with small spikelets; spikelets 1-flowered, pedicellate, in narrow or broad panicles; glumes rounded or slightly keeled, awnless, obscurely nerved or nerveless, usually unequal; lemma equaling or exceeding the glumes, not awned; palea as long as the lemma or longer; stamens 3; styles short, distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Panicles narrow, spikelike. Plants tall, robust, 1 meter high, erect \. s. giganteus. Plants low, slender, CO cm. high or less, spreading or ascend- ing 2. S. strict us. Panicles branched and spreading. . Annual, 20 cm. high or less 3. S. confusus. Perennials, usually more than 20 cm. high. Plants with long scaly rootstocks; glumes about equal. Panicles 8 cm. long or less; stems rigid although slen- der 4. S. auriculatus. Panicles 13 to 20 cm. long; stems weak, often elon- gated 5. S. asperifolius. Plants witlmut long scaly rootstocks; glumes very unequal. Sheaths naked or sparingly filiate in the throat. Plants 30 cm. high or less; spikelets long-pedi- cellate; sheaths villous 6. S. texcinus. Plauts more than 50 cm. high; spikelets short- pedicellate; sheaths not villous. Plants less than 90 cm. high; panicles open, with comparatively few spikelets; glumes nerved 7. S. airoides. Plants 100 to ISO cm. high; panicles rather narrow, with very numerous spikelel glumes not nerved s. .S'. v/rightii. Sheaths with a conspicuous tuft of hairs in the throat. Sheaths pubescent; leaf blades divergent; pani- cles 8 cm. long or less; plants not nil .re than 30 cm. high, slender it. S. )i; styles short, distinct ; stigmas plumose; grain tree. KEY TO THK 8PBCT] S Glumes notched at the apex; awns very long, concealing the spikelets 1. /'. monapeKentis. Glumes attenuate at the apex; awns short, ool concealing the spikelets 2. P. littoroH$. 1. Polypogon monspeliensis ( \..) Desf. Fl. Allan). 1:67. 1800. Alopecwnu monapelienais l< Sp. PI. til. l'» ■'.. Tvi'i: locaj my: " Habitat Monspelii." 78 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: British America to Mexico; also in Europe. New Mexico: Shiprock; Farmington; Sandia Mountains; Albuquerque; Socorro; Kingston; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; Fort Bayard; Alamogordo. In wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Polypogon littoralis (With.) J. E. Smith, Comp. Fl. Brit. ed. 2. 13. 1816. Agrostis littoralis With. Bot. Arr. Veg. Brit. ed. 3. 2: 129. 1796. Type locality: "Wells, on the Norfolk coast," England. Range: British America to California and New Mexico and the Gulf Coast; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Berendo Creek; Albuquerque; Alamogordo; Carrizo Mountains. Wet ground. 34. CINNA L. Wood reed grass. Tall perennials with numerous flat leaves and with many-flowered nodding panicles; spikelets 1-flowered ; rachilla jointed below the glumes as well as above them, produced below the floret into a short smooth stipe and usually extending behind the palea as a slender naked bristle; lemmas similar to the glumes, 3-nerved, obtuse, usually with a very short sub terminal awn; palea apparently 1-nerved, keeled; stamen 1; styles short, distinct; grain free. 1. Cinna latifolia (Trevir.) Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. 4: 435. 1853. Agrostis latifolia Trevir.; Gopp. Beschr. Bot. Gart. Breslau 82. 1830. Cinna pendula Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Sci. Nat. 41: 280. 1841. Type locality: Not ascertained. Range: Alaska and British America to Oregon, New Mexico, and North Carolina. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains (Woolon). Transition Zone. 35. AGROSTIS L. Annuals or usually perennials with small spikelets in open paiucles; spikelets 1-flowered; rachilla jointed above the glumes, not produced beyond the floret; glumes equal or nearly so, acute, longer than the floret; lemma rather broad, less firm than the glumes, usually obtuse, awnless or with a slender dorsal awn; palea hyaline, much shorter than the lemma or wanting; stamens 3; grain inclosed in the lemma but free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Panicles dense or very narrow. Culms decumbent at the base, with long creeping stolons rooting at the nodes; panicles short and thick 1. A. stolonifera. Culms erect, without stolons; panicles long and narrow 2. A. exarata. Panicles loose and spreading. Branches of the panicle 7 to 10 cm. long 3. A. hiemalis. Branches of the panicle 4 to 6 cm. long. Palea minute and inconspicuous 4. A. idahoensis. Palea half as long as the lemma. Lemma usually not awned; branches of the panicle ascending 5. A. alba. Lemma with an awn of about the same length ; branches of the panicle spreading or reflexed 6. A. rosei. 1. Agrostis stolonifera L. Sp. PI. 62. 1753. Water bentgrass. Agrostis verticillata Vill. Prosp. PI. Dauph. 16. 1779. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa." Range: California and Texas to Mexico; also in South America, Europe, and Asia. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Sandia Mountains; Santa Fe; Las WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 79 Vegas Hot Springs; Burro Mountains; Socorro; Fort Bayard; Berendo Creek; Rincon; Cloverdale; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Malones Ranch; Roswell. Wet ground and borders of streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Agrostis exarata Trin. Gram. Unifl. 207. 1824. Type locality: "Unalaschka." Range: Alaska and British America to Mexico; also in Siberia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Rarnah; Winsor Creek; Pecos; Rio Pueblo; Las Vegas; Cross L Ranch; Fort Bayard; Rio Mimbres; Chiz; Lower Plaza; Deming; Santa Fe; Burro Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gilmores Ranch. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 3. Agrostis hiemalis (Walt.) B. S. P. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 68. 1888. Hair grass. Cornucopitn hiemalis Walt. Fl. Carol. 73. 1788. Agrostis scabra Willd. Sp. PL 1:370. 1799. Type locality: Carolina. Range: Throughout most of North America. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Grants Station; Inscription Rock; Mogollon Mountains; Mimbres River; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows and woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 4. Agrostis idahoensis Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 42. 1897. Agrostis tenuis Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 10: 21. 1883, not Sibth. 17'.) I. Type locality: Forest, Nez Perces County, Idaho. Range: Washington ami Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: EI Rito Creek ( Wooton 2989). Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 5. Agrostis alba L. Sp. PL 63. 1753. Redtop. Type locality: ''Habitat in Europae nemoribus." Range: British America, southward t < > Mexico. New Mexico: El Rito Creek; Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Zuni Reservation; Indian Greek; Farmington; Cedar Hill; Fort Bayard; Animas Creek; White Mountains. Wet meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Agrostis rosei Scribn. & Merr. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 24: 21. 1901. Type locality: Sierra Madre, Zacatecas, Mexico. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to central Mexico. New .Mexico: Cloverdale (Mearns 462). 36. CALAMAGROSTIS Adans. Reed bentgrj Tall perennials with small spikeletc in many-flowered terminal panicles; spikelets L-flowered; rachilla produced above the floret into a short, usually hairy pedicel or bristle; glumes marly equal, awnless, usually exceeding the lemma; lemma snr- rounded al the base by numerous hairs, these sometimes equaling or exceeding it in Length, awned on the hack usually from below the middle; palea more than half the length of the lemma, faintly 2-nerved; stamens '■">; styles distinct ; grain inclo * I by the lemma ami pah a and mere or less adherent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Panicles "pen, tin- lower branches spreading or drooping; spikeleta greenish I. C§ canatb Panicles den e, the branches erect or ascending; Bpikelets strongly tinged with purple - C. l<: South Dakota and Mexico. New Mexico: Sail Lake; Socorro; Mesilla Valley; Roswell; Carlsbad. Sandy Gelds, in the I. ewer Sonoran Zone. The type of Uralepis composita was collected in New Mexico by Woodhoui 4. Leptochloa dubia dl. B. K.i Nees, Syll. PL Ratisb. I: i. 1824. Strangle. Chloris dubia II. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 169. L815. Diplachm dubia Scribn. Lull. Torrey Club 10:30. ' 84 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type locality: "Crescit in apricis subhumidis prope rupem porphyreticam el Penon, in convalle Mexicana, alt. 1168 hexap." Kange: Arizona and western Texas to Florida and Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; near White Water; Dog Spring; near Silver City; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Carlsbad. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 44. ACAMPTOCLADOS Nash. Tufted perennial with stiff stems, involute leaves, and a panicle of scattered, dis- tant, widely spreading, rigid branches; spikelets scattered, singly disposed in 2 rows, sessile, 4 to 6-flowered; glumes subequal, acuminate, the first 1-nerved, the second usually 3-nerved; lemmas 3-nerved, acute, indurated in fruit; palea compressed, the 2 nerves ciliolate, gibbous at the base; stamens 3; styles distinct. 1. Acamptoclados sessilispicus (Buckl.) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 140. 1903. Erayroslis sessilispica Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 97. 1863. Diplachne rigida Vasey, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. Bull. 12: pi. 41. 1891. Type locality: Near Austin, Texas. Range: Kansas and Texas to eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sands south of Melrose; Nara Visa. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 45. BECKMANNIA Host. Slough grass. Tall erect plant with flat leaves and terminal elongated inflorescence; spikelets 1 or 2-flowered, compressed, imbricated in 2 rows along one side of the rachis of the short spikes; glumes narrow, boat-shaped, obtuse or abruptly pointed, nearly equal; lemmas narrow, acute or mucronate; palea hyaline, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles short, distinct; grain oblong, inclosed within the rigid fruiting lemma and palea, free. 1. Beckmanrda erucaeformis (L.) Host, Icon. Gram. Austr. 3: 5. 1805. Phalaris erucaeformis L. Sp. PI. 55. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Siberia, Russia, Europa austral i." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Iowa; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Farmington; Chama; Grants Station; Zuni. In marshes and along streams, in the Transition Zone. 46. CAPRIOLA Adans. Low creeping perennial with short flat leaves and slender spikes digitate at the apex of the erect branches; spikelets 1-flowered, awnless, sessile in 2 rows along one side of a slender continuous axis, forming unilateral spikes; glumes narrow, keeled, usually acute; lemma broader, usually slight!)' longer than the glumes, obtuse, pilose on the keel and margins; palea about the length of the lemma, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain free. 1. Capriola dactylon (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 764. 1891. Bermuda grass. Panicum dactylon L. Sp. PI. 58. 1753. Cynodon daclylon Pers. Syn. PI. 1: 85. 1805. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa australi." Range: Native of the Old World, widely introduced in southern North America, often cultivated as a lawn grass. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Bermuda grass is often employed in New Mexico for lawns. It is especially valu- able for this purpose in the southern part of the State, since it is resistant to heat and drought. Sometimes it becomes a troublesome weed in cultivated fields. WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 85 47. SCHEDONARDTJS Steud. Texan crabgrass. Low, diffusely branched perennial with short narrow leaves and slender paniculate spikes; spikeleta 1-flowered, hermaphrodite, sessile, scattered along one side of the slender rachis of the widely spreading spikes; rachilla jointed above the glumes, these narrow, slightly unequal, membranaceous; lemmas longer than the glumes, mem- branaceous, becoming somewhat rigid, acuminate or minutely mucronate; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain inclosed within the rigid lemmas and palea but free. 1. Schedonardus paniculatus (Nutt.) Trel. Rep. Ark. Geol. Surv. 18884: 236. 1891. Leptwus paniculatus Xutt. Gen. PL 1: 81. 1818. Schedonardus lexamis Steud. Syn. PL Glum. 1: 146. 1855. Type locality: "On dry saline plains, near Fort Mandan, on the Missouri." Range: Manitoba and Saskatchewan to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: From the Mogollon and White Mountains northward and eastward throughout the State. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 48. BOTJTELOUA Lag. Grama grass. Low annuals or perennials, with narrow, flat or convolute leaves and few or manv unilateral spikelets nearly sessile along a common rachis; spikelets 1 or 2-flowered, numerous, crowded and closely sessile in 2 rows along one side of a continuous flattened rachis, this usually projecting beyond the spikelets; rachilla articulated above the glumes, the continuation beyond the hermaphrodite floret usually bearing a few rudimentary glumes and 3 awns; glumes unequal, the lower smaller, keeled; lemma broader, 3-nerved, 3 to 5-toothed or cleft; palea 2-nerved and 2-toothed; grain free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikes numerous, 5 to 60; spikelets few, usually less than 12. Spikes 30 to 60, each with 4 to 10 spikelets 1 . B . curtipi ndula. Spikes 5 to 11, each with 3 to 6 spikelets 2. B. radicosa. Spikes few, 1 to 6; spikelets numerous, 25 or more. Annuals. Spikes solitary; plants low, tufted 3. B. procumbens. Spikes more than one ; plants various. Spikelets closely appressed to the rachis, forming a cylindrical spike 4. B. aristidoides. Spikelets crowded on one side of the rachis, making it one-sided. Plants 30 cm. high or more, the stems erect 5. B. parryi. Plants 10 to 15 cm. high, the stems spreading. . (i. B. barbata. Perennials. Spikes loose, more or less cylindric; lower part of stems densely woolly 7. B. eriopoda. Spikes with more numerous crowded spikelets, one- sided; stems not woolly. Glumes smooth or slightb roughened 8. B.breviuta. Glumes stiff-hairy. Spikes 3 to 5, short and broad; rachis extended much beyond the spike !'. B. hirnUa. Spikes I to 3, mostly 2, lon^ and narrow; rachis 1 1 ut Blightly extended L0 B grm Hit. 1. Bouteloua cui'tipendula (Miclix. i Turr in I mory, Mil. Reconn L54 I Taj i ei: wi a. Chloria eurtipenduh Biichx. Fl. Bor. Ajner. 1: 59 L803. leloua racemoaa Lag. Vax. Cienc. S4: in. L806. 86 CONTKIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Atheropogon curtipendulus Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 138. 1881. Type locality: "Hab. in aridis regionis Illinoeusis ad Wabast et in rupibus ad prairie du rocker." Range: British America to New Jersey, California, and Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. An important range grass in some parts of the State. 2. Bouteloua radicosa (Fourn.) Griffiths, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 14: 411. 1912. Dinebra bromoides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1:172. pi. 51. 1816, not Bouteloua bromoides Lag. 1816. Atheropogon radicosus Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 140. 1881. Type locality: Mexico. Range: California and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Creek. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Bouteloua procumbens (Durand) Griffiths, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 14: 3C4. 1912. Six-weeks grama. Chloris procumbens Durand, Chlor. Sp. 1808. Bouteloua prostrata Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 5. 1816. Bouteloua pusilla Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 11: 6. 1884. Type locality: Not ascertained. Range: Colorado and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Tierra Amarilla; Chama; Santa Fe; El Rito Creek; Ensenada; Las Vegas; Grants; Pecos; Roy; Kingston; West Fork of the Gila; White Mountains. Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of B. pusilla was collected at Kingman by G. R. Vasey, in 1881. 4. Bouteloua aristidoides (H. B. K.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 537. 1864. Six-weeks grama. Dinebra aristidoides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 171. 1816. Triatkera aristidoides Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 137. 1903. Type locality: "Crescit in asperis frigidis convallis Tolucensis, alt. 1320 hexap." Range: California and western Texas to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Deming; Socorro; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Las Cruces. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Bouteloua parryi (Fourn.) Griffiths, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 14: 381. 1912. Sandhill grama. Chondrosium parryi Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 150. 1881. Bouteloua polystachya vestita S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 177. 1883. Bouteloua vestita Scribn. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: 531. 1894. Type locality: Near San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Jarilla Junction. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Bouteloua barbata Lag. Var. Ciena 24: 141. 1805. Six-weeks grama. Chondrosium polystachyum Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 56. 1844. Bouteloua polystachya Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 52: 366. 1857. Type locality: Described from cultivated plants. Range: Calif ornia and Utah to Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; San Juan Valley; Chama River; Albuquerque; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Santa Rita; Deming; Black Range; Dog Spring; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; White Sands; Pecos Valley. Sandy fields and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTOJST AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 87 7. Bouteloua eriopoda Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 155. 1856. Black grama. Chondrosium eriopodum Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 154. 1848. Type locality: Along the Rio Grande, New Mexico. Type collected by Emory. Range : Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State except in the extreme northeast. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is one of the most valuable range grasses in the southern part of New Mexico. 8. Bouteloua breviseta Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 58. 1890. Type locality: Screw Bean, Presidio County, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands; Lakewood; Carlsbad. Dry plains, in the Lower Sono- ran Zone. 9. Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. Var. Cienc. 24: 141. 1805. Hairy grama. Chondrosium hirtum H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 176. pi. 59. 1816. Chondrosium foeneum Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 154. pi. 12. 1848. Type locality: Described from cultivated plants. Range: Colorado and Nebraska to Mexico and Florida. New Mexico: Pecos; Clayton; Nara Visa; Silver City; Socorro; Torrance; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; Leachs; Buchanan. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of Chondrosium foeneum was collected by Emory along the Rio Grande 10. Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag.; Steud. Norn. Bot. ed. 2. 1: 219. 1840. Blue grama. Chondrosium gracile H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 176. pi. 58. 1816. Aiheropogon oligostachyum Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 178. 1818. Bouteloua oliyostachy a Torr.; A.Gray, Man. ed. 2. 553. 1853. Type locality: "Crescit in crepidinibus et devexis montis porphyritici La Buffa de Guanaxuato Mexicanorum, alt. 1270 hexap." Range: British America to California, Missouri, and Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State except at lower levels. Meadows and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. Blue grama is undoubtedly the most valuable forage plant of New Mexico. It occurs generally on the higher plains and lower mountains at altitudes of from 1,800 to 2,400 meters, often forming nearly pure stands. When not molested it become knee-high, and a huge field in such a condition is a beautiful Bight because <. PI. 81. L758. GlANT Bl i D Type locality: "Habital in EUspanis Galloprovincda Range Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico probablj aatui ni be Old World. 90 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Wet ground. This grass, the largest of all those found in New Mexico, is frequent along ditches in the Rio Grande Valley, where it has probably been introduced. 55. MUNROA Torr. Low, diffusely much branched annual with short sharp-pointed leaves clustered at the ends of the branches; spikelets 2 to 4-flowered, 3 to 5 together and nearly sessile in the axis of the floral leaves; rachilla jointed above the glumes; glumes lanceolate, acute, hyajine, 1-nerved; lemmas longer, 3-nerved, entire, retuse, or 3-cleft, the midnerve or all the nerves excurrent as short mucronate points; palea hyaline, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles distinct, elongated; grain inclosed within the lemma, free. 1. Munroa squarrosa (Nutt.) Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 158. 1856. Crypsis squarrosa Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 49. 1818. Type locality: "On arid plains near the 'Grand Detour' of the Missouri, almost exclusively covering thousands of acres." Range : Alberta and South Dakota to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 56. DASYOCHLOA Willd. Low, densely tufted, often creeping perennial, with very narrow, somewhat rigid leaves and crowded spikelets in clusters of 3 to 6, equaled or exceeded by the upper leaves; spikelets several-flowered, sessile; glumes unequal, keeled; lemmas thin, densely hairy below, deeply bilobate, awned from between the rounded lobes; sta- mens 3. 1. Dasyochloa pulchella (H. B. K.) Willd.; Steud. Norn. Bot. ed. 2. 1: 484. 1840. Triodia pulchella H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 155. pi. 47. 1816. Type locality: "In subfrigidis, siccis, apricis regni Mexicani inter Guanaxuato, Mina de Belgrado et Cubilente, alt. 1050 hexap." Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock; Carrizo Mountains; Albuquerque; Mangas Springs; Socorro; Tortugas Mountain; Mesilla Valley; Orogrande; Roswell. Sandy mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 57. ERIONEURON Nash. Tufted perennials with thick linear leaves having white margins, and dense, con- tracted, almost capitate panicles; spikelets several to many-flowered; glumes narrow, acuminate; lemmas broad, 3-nerved, pubescent on the nerves below and sometimes on the body of the lemma at the base, the apex acuminate, entire or slightly 2-toothed, the awn terminal or arising between the minute teeth ; stamens 3 ; style short, distinct. 1. Erioneurori pilosum (Buckl.) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 144. 1903. Uralepis pilosa Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 94. 1863. Sieglingia pilosa Nash in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 3: 504. 1898. Type locality: "Middle Texas." Range: Kansas and Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Farmington; Pecos; Knowles; Torrance; Buchanan; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Cross L Ranch; Mangas Springs; Dayton; Gray; Guadalupe Mountains; Roswell. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 91 58. TRIDENS Roem. & Schult. Perennials with flat or involute leaves and open or contracted, sometimes spike- like inflorescence; spikeleta 3 to many-flowered, the flowers perfect or the upper staminate; glumes keeled, obtuse to acuminate, usually shorter than the lemma; lemmas 3-nerved, the midnerve or all the nerves excurrent, pilose, the apex entire or shortly 2-toothed ; palea compressed, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles short, distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lemmas not pilose on the back; glumes considerably surpassing the lower florets; spikelets subcompressed, oblong, in a rather dense spikelike panicle 1. T. albescm^. Lemmas pilose on the back, at least at the base; glumes barely as long as the lowest florets, or shorter; spikelets various. Spikelets terete; sterile lemma not ciliate, neither lobed nor awned 2. T. muticus. Spikelets compressed; sterile lemma ciliate, deeply bilobate, with an intermediate awn. Lemmas only slightly cleft at the apex, the lobes narrow, acute; spikelets 10 mm. long 3. T. avenaa Lemmas cleft half their length, the lobes obtuse; spike- lets 6 to 8 mm. long 4. T. nealleyi. 1. Tridens albescens (Vasey) Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: 129. 1912. Triodia albescens Vasey, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 122: 33. 1891. Sieglingia albescens Kuntze; L. H. Dewey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: 538. 1894. Rhombolytrum albescens Nash in Britton, Man. 129. 1901. Type locality: "Texas and New Mexico." Range: Kansas to Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Carlsbad; Roswell. Dry plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Tridens muticus (Torr.) Nash in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 143. 1903. Tricuspis mutica Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 156. 1856. Triodia mutica Benth.; S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 180. 1883. Type locality: Laguna Colorado, New Mexico. Ranch: Western Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro; Laguna Colorado; Cross L Ranch; Tortugae Mountain; Roswell. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Tridens avenaceus (H. B. K.) Hitchc. Contr. U. S. Nat. Ilerl.. 17: ::".:. I'M ::. Triodia avenacea II. B. K. Nov. den. tt Sp. 1: L56. t>l. 48. 1S10. Triodia grandiflora Vasey, Contr. I". S. .Nat. Herb. 1:59. 1890. Sieglingia avenacea grandiflora L. H. Dewey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Serb. 2: 538. L894. Tridens .grandiflorus Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: L29. I'M-'. Type locality: "Inconvalle Mexicana inter montem Chapultepec el Penol de lo Banes." Ranoi Western Texas to Arizona and Bouthward. Xi.w Mexico: Kingston {Metcalfi L334). 4. Tridens nealleyi (Vasey) Woot. & Standi. X. Mex \ gr Exp Sta Bull. 81: 129. 1912. Triodia nealleyi Vasey, Bull. Torrey < lul> 15: 19. ii Sieglingia nealleyi I. II. Dewey, Contr. I , B. Nat. Serb '.i- 538 L894 T . ' . locality: West* ra '!'• ■ 92 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain (Wooton 2018). Dry fields, in the Lower Sono- ran zone. 59. SPHENOPHOLIS Scribn. Rather slender tufted perennials with flat leaves and narrow terminal many-flowered panicles; spikelets 2 or 3-flowered; rachilla jointed above the glumes and between the florets and produced above the upper floret into a slender naked bristle; glumes slightly shorter than the florets, the first very narrow or linear and 1-nerved, the second broadly obovate, 3-nerved, with rather broad scarious margins; lemmas obtuse; usually awnless; palea narrow, 2-nerved; styles distinct, short; grain narrow, free. key to the species. Second glume not much, if at all, wider than the lemmas, obtuse or acute 1. S. pallens. Second glume much wider than the lemmas, rounded or truncate and somewhat cucullate at the apex. Intermediate nerves of the second glume faint; leaves narrow; panicle very narrow, dense and spikelike 2. S. obtusata. Intermediate nerves of the second glume almost as prominent as the principal ones; leaves wide; panicle longer and broader, loose 3. S. robusta. 1. Sphenopholis pallens (Spreng.) Scribn. Rhodora 8: 145. 1906. Aim -pallens Spreng. Mant. Fl. Hal. 36. 1807. Koeleria pennsylvanica DC. Cat. Hort. Monsp. 117. 1813. Eatonia pennsylvanica A. Gray, Man. ed. 2. 558. 1856. Type locality: Not stated. Range: British America to New Mexico, Texas, and Georgia. New Mexico: Mouth of Mora River; Albuquerque; Santa Fe Canyon 9 miles east of Santa Fe. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 2. Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn. Rhodora 8: 144. 1906. Aim obtusata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 62. 1803. Eatonia obtusata A. Gray, Man. ed. 2. 558. 1856. Type locality: "Habitat in aridis a Carolina ad Floridam." Range: British America to Oregon, Arizona, and Florida. New Mexico: Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Albuquerque; Zuni; Socorro; Kingston; Organ Mountains. In. wet ground, especially along ditch banks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Sphenopholis robusta (Vasey) Heller, Muhlenbergia 6: 12. 1910. Eatonia obtusata robusta Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 190. 1895. Eatonia robusta Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 602. 1905. Type locality: Mullen, Nebraska. Range: Washington and Nebraska to Arizona. New Mexico: Rio Mimbres; Mesilla. Damp meadows, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 60. KOELERIA Pers. June grass. Cespitose perennials with usually flat narrow leaves and densely flowered spikelike panicles; spikelets 2 to 4-flowered, compressed; rachilla jointed above the glumes, these unequal, keeled, somewhat shorter than the lemmas; lemmas membranaceous, faintly 3 to 5-nerved, obtuse, acute, or mucronate-pointed ; palea hyaline, acute, 2-nerved, about as long as the lemma; stamens 3; styles very short. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 93 1. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Syn. PI. 1: 97. 1805. Aim cristata L. Sp. PI. 63. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Angliae, Helve tiae siccioribus." Range: British America to Arizona, Kansas, and Pennsylvania; also in Europe. New Mexico: Common in all the mountain ranges. Open slopes and in woods, in the Transition Zone. 61. ERAGROSTIS Beauv. Annuals or perennials with simple or branched culms; spikelets 2 to many-flowci ed, the uppermost floret imperfect; racbilla jointed but sometimes not disarticulating until alter the fall of the lemmas; glumes more or less unequal, usually shorter than the lemma; Lemmas glabrous, obtuse or acute, awnless, 3-nerved, the lateral nerves often faint; paleas shorter than the lemmas, often persistent, 2-nerved. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals. Spikelets broad, more than 2 mm. wide 1. E. megastachya. Spikelets narrow, 1.5 mm. wide or less. Plants low, spreading, 30 cm. high or less; leaves nar- row; spikelets many-flowered; plants of cultivated fields and river valleys. , 2. E. pilosa. Plants tall, 30 to 100 cm.; leaves broad; spikelets few- flowered; plants usually found in the mountains. Panicles spreading, often nearly 30 cm. long; spikelets 5 to 8 mm. long 4. /.'. rru rirana. Panicles contracted, 10 cm. long or less; spikelets 3 to 6 mm. long 3. E. limbata. Perennials. Plants with rigid scaly rootstocks; leaves pungent-pointed 5. E. obtusiflora. Plants tufted, without rootstocks; leaves not pungent-pointed. Spikelets crowded, on very short branches 6. E. secundifom. Spikelets irowded, on long slender branches. Panicles narrow and elongated, the branches long and flexuous, erect or nearly so; lateral nerves of the lemmas evident 7 . E. trichodes. Panicles rather open, the branches spreading or ascending, rather rigid; lateral nerves of the lemmas evident or obscure. Lateral nerves of the lemmas faint; plant of the mountains 8. E.lugens. Lateral nerves of the Lemmas very prominent; on the plains of the eastern part el' the State 9. A', pectin 1. Eragrostia megastachya (Koel.) Link, Hort. Berol. 1: L87. I Bron Brixa eragrostia L. S|>. PI. 70. 1753, not-Poa cragivslis L. op. eit. 68 ( -Eragro eragrostia). Poa megastachya Keel. Descr. Gram. L81. L802. Eragrostia major Host, Icon. Gram. Austr. 4: 14. pi. : I 09. Eragrostis poaeoides megastachya A. Cray, Man. ed. 5. 631. I Tt ii. loi mi n : European. Hanoi : Nearly throughout the United States; naturalized from Europe. Ni-.w Mexico: Cedar Hill; Santa Fe; Pec is Hot Springs; Mao ■ rendo Creek; We t Fork of the Gila Orj an Mount il, M< . ill. i \ allej ; Carl bad; Ti uco. W u te ground. 94 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 162. 1812. Poa pilosa L. Sp. PI. 68. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Italia." Range: Nearly throughout the United States; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; near White Water; Mogollon Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Roswell; Gil- mores Ranch; Tularosa; Texline. Waste places and in meadows, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Eragrostis lhnbata Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 116. 1886. Eragrostis neomexicana Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: 542. 1894. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to California, and southward. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Eragrostis mexicana (Lag.) Link, Hort. Berol. 1: 190. 1827. Poa mexicana Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 3. 1816. Type locality: "Hab. in Imperio Mexicana." Range: Western Texas to southern California and southward. New Mexico: Gallinas Mountains; Raton; Las Vegas; Torrance; Albuquerque; Derning; Dog Spring; Mogollon Mountains; Animas Creek; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Leachs; Queen; Roswell; White Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Eragrostis obtusiflora (Fourn.) Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 8: 10. 1897. Mexican saltgrass. Brizopyrum obtusiflorum Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 120. 1881. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Las Playas (Wootori). Alkaline flats, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Eragrostis secundiflora Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 276. 1830. Poa interrupta Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 146. 1837, not Lam. 1791. Poa oxylepis Torr. in Marcy, Expl. Red Riv. 301. pi. 19. 1854. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Texas and New Mexico to southern Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Melrose; Dora; Clayton; Arroyo Ranch; Texline. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Eragrostis trichodes (Nutt.) Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 465. 1895. Poa trichodes Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 146. 1837. Type locality: "In bushy prairies and open alluvial lands, Arkansas." Range: Nebraska and Ohio to New Mexico and Tennessee. New Mexico: Gray; Queen. Dry soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Eragrostis lugens Nees, Agrost. Bras. 2: 505. 1829. Type locality: "Habitat ad Monte- Video et in confinibus Paraguayanis. " Range: Texas and Arizona to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Kingston; Mangas Springs; near White Water; San Luis Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; Organ Mountains; Round Mountain. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Steud. Syn. PL Glum. 1: 272. 1855. Poa pectinacea Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 69. 1803. Type locality: "Hab. in arvis Illinoensibus." Range: Illinois and Massachusetts to New Mexico, Texas, and Florida. New Mexico: Near Causey ( Woolon). Plains and dry fields, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 95 62. MELICA L. Melic grass. Perennials with usually soft flat leaves and with rather large 6pikelets in lax or dense, usually narrow panicles, or sometimes in simple racemes; spikelets 2 to several- flowered, terete or slightly flattened; rachilla jointed above the glumes and between the fertile florets, usually bearing 2 or 3 empty glumes at the apex; glumes unequal, membranaceous, awnless, 3 to 5-nerved; lemmas larger, rounded on the back, 7 to 13-nerved, scarious- margined, awnless or short-awned; palea broad, 2-keelecl; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain free. 1. Melica porteri Scribn. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1885: 44. pi. l.f. 17, 18. 1885. Mclica mutira parviflora Porter in Port. & Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 149. 1874. Melica parviflora Scribn. Mem. Torrey Club 5: 50. 1894. Type locality: Glen Eyrie, Colorado. Range: Colorado and Kansas to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe; Sandia Mountains; Las Vegas; Winsors Ranch; Mogollon Mountains; Silver City; Organ Mountains; "White and Sacramento moun- tains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 63. BROMUS L. Brome grass. Annuals or perennials with flat leaves and rather large, erect or pendulous spikelets; spikelets few to many-flowered, slightly or strongly flattened laterally, paniculate or rarely racemose; rachilla jointed above the glumes and between the florets; glumes unequal, acute or the second short-awned, 1 to 5-nerved, shorter than the lemmas- lemmas keeled or rounded on the back, 5 to 9-nerved, usually 2-toothed at the apex and awned from the back just below the point or from between the teeth, or some- times awnless; palea a little shorter than the lemma, 2-kceled; stamens usually 3; stigmas sessile, plumose; grain sulcate, adherent to the palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lemmas compressed-car inate at the base. Lemmas appressed-villous. Sheaths more or less villous la. B. marginatns latior. Sheaths glabrous or nearly so ]b. B. marginatns scminnrlns. Lemmas smooth or scabrous. Leaves and sheaths conspicuously pubescent 2. B. unioloidt ». Leaves glabrous, the sheaths sometimes slightly pu- bescent. Awns inconspicuous; leaves narrow 3. B. polyanthus. A \\ ns conspicuous; leaves wide . . . . 3a /.' polyanthus paniculatuB. I i nomas uol compressed-carinate but rounded, at least at the base. Lemmas glabrous or scabrous. Sheaths pubescent. Panicles dense, contracted; plants low, 10 cm. high or less I. /.'. hordeacetu glabracens. Panicles loose, more or less spreading; plants more than 50 cm. huh 5 /■' acemotus. 96 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Sheaths glabrous. Spikelcts laterally compressed, ovate-lanceolate... 6. B. secalinus. Spikelets terete, narrowly oblong 7. B. inermis. Lemmas more or less pubescent. Pubescence unevenly distributed on the margins and dorsal surface of the lemmas 8. B. richardsoni. Pubescence about equally distributed on margins and dorsal surface of the lemmas. Sheaths densely villous 9. B. lanatipes. Sheaths glabrous or nearly so. Glumes pubescent; tall coarse plant 10. B. portcri. Glumes glabrous; weak leafy plant . . .11. B.frondosus. la. Bromus marginatus latior Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23: 55. 1900. Type locality: Walla Walla, Washington. Range: Washington and Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: North of Ramah; Santa Fe; East Fork of the Gila; Mangas Springs. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. lb. Bromus marginatum seminudus Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23: 55. 1900. Type locality: On open mountain side 5 miles above Wallowa Lake, Oregon. Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Sandia Mountains; Water Canyon; James Canyon; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 2. Bromus unioloides (Willd.) H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 151. 1816. Festuca unioloides Willd. Hort. Berol. 1: 3. pi. 3. 1816. Type locality: "Habitat in Carolina." Range: South Carolina and Florida to Texas, also in Mexico and South America; introduced in other parts of the United States. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Agricultural College. 3. Bromus polyanthus Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23: 56./. 34- 1900. Bromus multifiorus Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 13: 46. 1898, not Weig. 1772. Type locality: Battle Lake, Sierra Madre Mountains, Wyoming. Range: Oregon and Montana to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Harveys Upper Ranch; Santa Fe; Johnsons Mesa; Rio Pueblo; Barranca; Chaina; Tunitcha Mountains; Las Vegas; Silver City; Patterson; James Canyon; Organ Mountains. Shaded canyons, in the Transition Zone. 3a. Bromus polyanthus paniculatus Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23:56./. 35. 1900. Type locality: West Mancos Canyon, Colorado. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; Glorieta; Baldy; Inscription Rock; Chiz; Mogollon Moun- tains; Gilmores Ranch; James Canyon; Gray. Damp woods and thickets, in the Transition Zone. 4. Bromus hordeaceus glabrescens (Coss.) Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23: 20. 1900. Bromus mollis glabrescens Coss. Fl. Env. Paris 654. 1845. Type locality: Paris, France. Range: Native of Europe, widely introduced in the United States. New Mexico: Willow Creek (]Yooton). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 97 5. Bromus racemosus L. Sp. PL ed. 2. 114. 1762. Type locality: "Habitat in Anglia." Range: Native of Europe, adventive in many places in the United States. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley. 6. Bromus secalinus L. Sp. PL 76. 1753. Cheat. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae agris secalinis arenosis." Range: Native of Europe, a common weed in many parts of North America, espe- cially in grain fields. New Mexico: Mangas Springs. 7. Bromus inermis Leyss. Fl. Hal. 16. 1761. Hungarian brome grass. Type locality: "Habitat in pratis succulentis fertilissirnis im Furstengarten in den Pulvericeiden frequens." Range: Native of Europe, locally established in the United States. New Mexico: •Farmington; Mesilla Aralley. 8. Bromus richardsoni Link, Hort. Berol. 2: 281. 1833. Bromus ciliatus scariosus Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 13: 46. 1898. Type locality: Described from plants grown from seed sent from western North America. Range: British America to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Rio Pueblo; Trout Spring; Beulah; Tunitcha Mountains; Hillsboro Peak; Organ Mountains; Cloudcroft; "White Mountains. Thick- ets in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 9. Bromus lanatipes (Shear) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 52. 1906. Bromus porteri lanatipes Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23: 37. 1900. Type locality: Idaho Springs, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to California. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Glorieta; Johnsons Mesa; Santa Fe; Water Canyon; East Fork of the Gila; Organ Mountains; Gray; White Mountains. Damp thickets, in the Transition Zone. 10. Bromus porteri (Coulter) Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 512. 1895. Bromus kalmii porteri Coulter, Man. Rocky Mount. 425. 1885. Type locality: Twin Lakes, Colorado. Range: Montana and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Chama; Albuquerque; Glorieta; Raton Mountains; Pescado Spring; Ramah; Johnsons Mesa; Mogollon ('reek; Fort Bayard; Organ -Mountains; Tularosa Creek; Gilmores Ranch. Damp thickets, in the Transition Zone. 11. Bromus frondosus (Shear) Woot. £ Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: 1 14. L912. Bromus porteri frondosus Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 23: 37./ L900. 'l.ii. locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by J. G. Smith. I; w.k: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Baton; Ponchuelo Creek; Santa Fe Canyon; Mang lion Creek; Organ Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Damp canyons, in the Dpper Sonoran and Transition z< 64. DACTYLIS L. OaCHARD OB Perennial with Bat Leaves and narrow glomerate panicles; spikeleta :* t" 5-flowered, nearly sessile in >\f\i«' fascicles; rachilla jointed above the glumes and between the florets; glumes unequal, I to 3-nerved, sharpl] keeled, acute; lemmas 6 nerved, shortly awn-pointed d and keeled, abate on the keel; palea a little :.-.-,76°— 15 7 98 CONTRIBUTION'S FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. shorter than the lemma, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain narrow, oblong, free. 1. Dactylis glomerata L. Sp. PI. 71. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae cultis ruderatis." Range: Widely distributed in North America, introduced from Europe and often cultivated. New Mexico: Shiprock; Cedar Hill; Chama; Winsors Ranch; Mesilla Valley. 65. DISTICHLIS Raf. Saltgrass. Rigid erect stoloniferous perennial with dense panicles of rather few compressed spikelets; spikelets 8 to 16-flowered, dioecious; glumes carinate, acute, shorter than the lemmas; lemmas broader, 3 to many-nerved, acute, rigid; palea 2-keeled, equal- ing or shorter than the lemmas; stamens in the staminate flower 3; styles thickened at the base, rather long, distinct; grain closely enveloped in the thickened and cori- aceous base of the palea. 1. Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 415. 1887. Uniola spicata L. Sp. PL 71. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Americae borealis maritimis." Range: Throughout the United States and in Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Dulce; El Rito; Algodones; Las Palomas; Nambe Val- ley; near Cliff; Rincon; White Sands; Mesilla Valley. Saline soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 66. POA L. Bluegrass. Annuals or perennials with usually flat leaves and with a paniculate inflorescence; spikelets 2 to 6-flowered, the uppermost floret rudimentary; rachilla jointed above the glumes, these herbaceous, lanceolate or ovate, 1 to 3-nerved, keeled, persistent; lemmas herbaceous or membranaceous, lanceolate or ovate, acute or obtuse, awnless, 5-nerved, carinate, falling with the 2-keeled palea and a joint of the rachilla, the dorsal or marginal nerves usually soft-hairy and often with a tuft of cobwebby hairs at the base; stamens 3; styles distinct. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals. Plants low, 10 to 20 cm. high; branches of the panicle spreading • 1. P. annua. Plants taller, 15 to 50 cm. high; branches of the panicle erect 2. P. bigelovii. Perennials. Cobweb at the base of the flowers wanting; spikelets acute at the base; lemmas 5 mm. long or more. Spikelets only slightly compressed; lemmas rounded at the apex. Lemmas merely slightly scabrous; plants bright green 11. P. laevigata. Lemmas strigose below, scabrous above; plants yellowish green 12. P. lucida. Spikelets strongly compressed; lemmas acute. Ligules long, 5 to 7 mm., acute or acuminate. .13. P. longiligula. Ligules short, less than 5 mm. long, rounded or truncate at the apex. Panicles very narrow and contracted, long- peduncled 14. P. longipedunculata. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 99 Panicles open, broad, on long or short pe- duncles. Panicles very short, 5 cm. or less; plants less than 30 cm. high; leaves smooth beneath, scabrous above 15. P. brevipaniculata Panicles longer, 8 to 15 cm. ; plants 30 to 60 cm. high; leaves variously pubescent. Glumes nearly equal, 3-nerved; leaves smooth beneath, sca- brous above 16. P. arida. Glumes unequal, the first 1-nerved, the second 3-nerved; leaves scabrous beneath, hispid- puberulent above 17. P.fendUriana. Cobweb present at the base of the flowers, though some- times scanty; lemmas acute (except in P. com- pressa) and usually strongly keeled; plants with horizontal rootstocks; spikelets and lemmas various. Intermediate nerves of the lemmas faint or obsolete. Stems compressed ; panicles narrow, open 8. P. Stems not compressed; panicles various. Branches of the panicles reflexed 9. Branches of the panicles not reflexed 10. Intermediate nerves of the lemmas conspicuous. Panicles with numerous many-flowered spikelets, the branches in fruit ascending (the lower ones in 3's and 4's); lemmas acutish Panicles usually with few-flowered spikelets, the branches reflexed or spreading in fruit; lemmas very acute. Spikelets few, usually purplish; branches of the panicle few, solitary or in pairs. Intermediate nerves of the lemmas long-hairy -I. P. arctica. Intermediate nerves of the lemmas gla- brous, the hairs on the principal nerves copious and spreading.. . 5. P.rqflexa. Spikelets numerous, green; branches of the panicle numerous, the lower ones often in 3's and 4's. Lemmas only slightly pubescent on the keel below 6. P. occidentalis. Lemmas copiously white-pubescent on the back below, villous on the marginal nerves and keel 7 compressa. P. aperta. P. interior. 3. P. pratensis. 1. Poa annua L. Type locality: /'. tniri/i. low BP] \ Sp. PI. 68. 1753. " Habitat in Kuropa ad \ Range: Nearly throughout the United States; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Santa be; I'oneluielo (reek. Moist soil, in the I pper Bononui and Transition zones. 100 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Poa bigelovii Vasey & Scribn. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 270. 1893. Type locality: "New Mexico", probably near Santa Fe. Type collected by Fendler (no. 931). Range: Colorado and Texas to California. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Watrous; Santa Fe; Glorieta; Taos; Organ Moun- tains; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Poa pratensis L. Sp. PI. 67. 1753. Kentucky bluegrass. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae pratis fertilissimis." Range: Nearly throughout North America; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chania; Santa Fe Canyon; Truchas Peak; Rio Pueblo; Reserve; Cloudcroft; Raton; Albuquerque; White Mountains. Meadows and woods, in the Transition Zone. 4. Poa arctica R. Br. Suppl. App. Parry's Voy. 288. 1824. Type locality: Melville Island. Range: New Mexico and Colorado to Washington, Alaska, and Labrador. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4835). Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 5. Poa reflexa Vasey & Scribn. Contr. IT. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 276. 1893. Poa leptocoma reflexa Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 15. 1912. Type locality: Kelso Mountain, near Torrey Peak, Colorado. Range: Oregon and Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: A single collection seen (Fendler 920), probably from near Santa Fe. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. 6. Poa occidentalis Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 274. 1893. Poa platyphylla Nash & Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 44. 1906. Type locality: Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Baldy; Winsors Ranch; Sandia Mountains; Las Vegas; Santa Fe Canyon; \Yhite and Sacramento mountains. Damp meadows and thickets, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 7. Poa tracyi Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 276. 1893. Type locality: On mountain sides at Raton, New Mexico. Type collected by Tracy in 1887. Range: Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Raton. Hillsides, in the Transition Zone. 8. Poa compressa L. Sp. PI. 69. 1753. English bluegrass. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae et Americae septentrionalis siccis, muris, tectis." Range: Native of Europe and Asia, widely naturalized in the United States. New Mexico: Harveys Upper Ranch; Raton. 9. Poa aperta Scribn. & Merr. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. (ire 35: 4. 1901. Type locality: Telluride, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Top of Sandia Mountains (Wooton). 10. Poa interior Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 604. 1905. Type locality: Headwaters of Clear Creek and Crazy Woman River, Wyoming. Range: Western British America to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Jemez Mountains; top of Sandia Mountains. Damp meadows, in the Canadian Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 101 11. Poa laevigata Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 5: 31. 1897. Poa laevis Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 273. 1893, not Borb. 1877. Type locality: Montana. Range: Washington and Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Bell; Fitzgerald Cienaga. Meadows. 12. Poa lucida Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 274. 1893. Type locality: Mountain sides near Georgetown, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to New Mexico. New Mexico: Fitzgerald Cienaga (Wooton). 13. Poa longiligula Scribn. & Williams, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. < ire 9: 3. 1899. Type locality: Silver Reef, Utah. Range: Oregon and South Dakota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Baker 87, 204). Low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 14. Poa longipedunculata Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11:54. pi. 11. 1898. Type locality: Summit of Sheep Mountain, Laramie, Albany County, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Barranca; Santa Fe Canyon. Hillsides, in tbe Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 15. Poa brevipaniculata Scribn. & Williams, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. (in-. 9: 2. 1899. Type locality: Table Peak, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas Hot Springs; Gallinas River. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Poa arida Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 270. 1893. Poa fendleriana arida Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 14. 1912. Type locality: Socorro, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey in 1881. Range: Utah and Kansas to New Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Roswell. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey, Illustr. N. Amer. Grasses 2: 74. 1893. Mutton grass. Eragrostis fendleriana Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1: 278. 1855. Uralepis poaeoi>l. 667. 1890. /'iiiticularia americana MarM. Met. .Minn. Val. 81. 1892. Type locality: Northeastern United Slates. Ranob: British America to Nevada, New Mexico, ami T see. New Mexico: Pecos; Taos; Las Vegas; AJbuquerque; Middle Pork oi the Gila. Wet, ground, in the Transition /one. 104 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 69. PUCCINELLIA Pari. Meadow grass. Cespitose perennial with flat leaves and narrow terminal panicles; spikelets as in Panicularia but with usually smaller lemmas, the nerves less distinct or obscure. 1. Puccinellia airoides (Nutt.) Wats. & Coult. in A. Gray, Man. ed. 6. 668. 1890. Poa airoides Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 68. 1818. Panicularia distans airoides Scribn. Mem. Torrey Club 5: 54. 1894. Type locaMty: "In depressed situations around the Mandan village, on the Missouri." Range: British America to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock; Farmington; Arroyo Pecos near Las Vegas. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 70. AGROPYRON Gaertn. Wheat grass. Tall perennials with erect simple culms and often bearded terminal spikes; spike- lets 3 to many-flowered, closely sessile and single at each notch of the axis; rachilla articulated above the glumes under each lemma; glumes 2, narrower and usually shorter than the lemmas, acute or awned; lemmas rounded on the back or slightly keeled above, 5 to 7-nerved, acute or awned from the apex, rarely obtuse; palea 2- keeled, bristly-ciliate on the keels; grain pubescent at the apex, usually adherent to the palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Rachis of the spike breaking up at maturity, the joints falling with the spikelets 1. A. scribneri. Rachis of the spike continuous, not breaking up at maturity. Awns of the lemmas conspicuous. Awns erect. Awns short, not exceeding the body of the lemma; spikes usually tinged with purple 2. A. violaceum. Awns long, usually exceeding the body of the lemma; spikes not purplish tinged. Stems stout; spikes 7 to 10 mm. wide, usually unilateral ; spikelets (excluding the awns) 12 to 15 mm. long 3. A. richardsoni. Stems slender; spikes about 5 mm. wide, seldom unilateral; spikelets (excluding the awns) about 10 mm. long 4. A. caninum. Awns divergent. Spikelets subterete, more or less crowded 5. A. bakeri. Spikelets flattened, distant. Leaves scabrous above 6. A. arizonicum. Leaves glabrous 7. A. spicatum. Awns of the lemmas not conspicuous. Plants bright green, not glaucous. Plants cespitose; spikelets small, few-flowered 8. A. tenerum. Plants stoloniferous; spikelets large, many-flowered. 9. A. pseudorepens. Plants conspicuously glaucous. Sheaths pubescent 10. A. palmeri. Sheaths glabrous. Lemmas scabrous or glabrous 11. A. smithii. Lemmas pubescent 12. A. molle. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 105 1. Agropyron scribneri Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 10: 128. 1893. Elyrnus scribneri Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 20. 1912. Type locality: Montana. Range: Montana to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Top of Las Vegas Range {Cockerell). Meadows in the mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Agropyron violaceum (Homem.) Lange, Consp. Fl. Groenland. 3: 155. 1880. Triticum violaceum Homem. Fl. Dan. pi. 2044. 1832. Type locality: Southern Greenland. Range: British America to Pennsylvania and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Sandia Mountains; White Mountain Peak. 3. Agropyron richardsoni (Trin.) Schrad.; Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 29. 1897. Triticum richardsoni Trin. Linnaea 12: 467. 1838. Type locality: "America borealis arctica?." Range : British Columbia and New England to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Beattys Cabin (Standley 4856). Meadows, in the Canadian Zone. 4. Agropyron caninum (L.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 756. 1817. Triticum, caninum L. Sp. PL 86. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae sepibus." Range: Idaho and Nova Scotia to New Mexico and North Carolina; also in Europe. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4831). Meadows, in the Hudsonian Zone. 5. Agropyron bakeri E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 38: 378. 1904. Type locality: Near Pagosa Peak, southern Colorado. Range: Mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Sandia Mountains; White Mountain Peak. Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 6. Agropyron arizonicum Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 27. 1897. Type locality: Rincon Mountains, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Laguna; Jemez Mountains; Bear Mountain; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Alamogordo. Transition Zone. 7. Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 33. 1897. Festuca spicata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 83. 1814. Agropyron divcrgens Nees in Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1: 347. 1854. Type locality: "Camp Chopunnisli," opposite Kamiah, Idaho. Range: Washington and Montana to Colorado and Now Mexico. New .Mexico: Lear Mountain; Socorro. Dpper Sonoran and Transition zones. 8. Agropyron tenerum Vasey, Bot. Gaz. 10: 258. 1885. Slendek w hi a r gram Type locality: Fort Garland. Colorado. Ran<;e: British America to .W\\ Mexico and New Hampshire. New Mexico: Duke; Raton; Las Vegas; Torrance; Johnsons Mesa; Glorieta; I hama; Cubero; Albuquerque; North Percha ('reck; Mangas Springs; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. This is a rather valuable range grass in the mountains and is often cul for hay. 9. Agropyron pseudorepens Scribn. & Smith, U. B. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 34. L897. Agropyron tcncrinn jisrmlorrprns Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 19. 1912. 106 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type locality: Texas. Range: British Columbia and Montana to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Tuniteha Mountains; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Pecos; San- dia Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton Mountains; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; Socorro; Mogollon Creek; Roy; White and Sacramento mountains. Moist hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 10. Agropyron palmeri (Scribn. & Smith) Rydb.; Woot. & Standi. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 81: 153. 1912. Agropyron spicatum palmeri Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 33. 1897. Agropyron smithii palmeri Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 18. 1912. Type locality: Arizona. Range : Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheelers Ranch; Coolidge; Santa Fe; Agua Azul. 11. Agropyron smithii Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 64. 1900. Colorado bluestem. Agropyron glaucum ocddentale Scribn. Trans. Kans. Acad. 9: 119. 1885. Agropyron ocddentale Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Circ. 27: 9. 1900. Type locality: Kansas. Range: Washington and Wisconsin to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Chama; Shiprock; Dulce; Carrizo Mountains; Sierra Grande; Tunit- eha Mountains; Pecos; Cowles; Taos; Johnsons Mesa; Raton; Coolidge; Puertecito; Gallo Spring; Mangas Springs; Reserve; Socorro; Nogal; White Mountains. Plains and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. Colorado bluestem is a valuable range grass, occurring in great abundance on the foothills and the higher plains. 12. Agropyron molle (Scribn. & Smith) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 65. 1900. Agropyron spicatum molle Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 33. 1897. Agropyron smithii molle Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 18. 1912. Type locality: "Saskatchewan to Colorado and New Mexico, and westward to Idaho and Washington." Range: Washington and Saskatchewan to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Chama; Farmington. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 71. LOLIUM L. Rye grass. Annuals or perennials with simple erect culms, flat leaves, and simple terminal spikes; spikelets several-flowered, solitary, sessile in alternate notches of the con- tinuous rachis, one edge of each spikelet placed against the rachis; rachilla jointed between the florets; glumes 1 (2 in the terminal spikelet), shorter than or exceeding the florets; lemmas rounded on the back, 5 to 7-nerved, obtuse, acute, or awned; palea 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles very short, distinct; grain smooth, adherent to the palea. 1. Lolium perenne L. Sp. PI. 83. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa ad agrorum versuras solo fertili." Range: Native of Europe, introduced in many parts of North America. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe; Agricultural College. 72. HORDEUM L. Annuals or perennials with terminal cylindrical spikes of awned spikelets; spike- lets 1-flowered, 2 or 3 together at each joint of the rachis, sessile or on very short pedicels; rachilla articulated above the glumes and continued behind the palea of WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 107 the central spikelet into a naked bristle; glumes 2, narrowly lanceolate, subulate, or setaceous, rigid, persistent; lemmas lanceolate, rounded on the back, obscurely 5-nerved above, usually awned; palea shorter than the lemma, 2-keeled; stamens 3; styles very short, distinct; grain sulcate, adherent to the palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants glaucous throughout 1. 77. murinum. Plants not glaucous. Glumes 3 to 6 cm. long 2. 77. jubatum. Glumes 1 to 2 cm. long. Awns spreading; spikes yellowish 3. 77. caespitosum. Awns erect; spikes reddish or brownish green 4. 77. nodosum. 1. Hordeum murinum L. Sp. PI. 85. 1753. Wall barley. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae locis ruderatis." Range: Native of Europe, widely naturalized in the United States. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley. 2. Hordeum jubatum L. Sp. PL 85. 1753. Squirrel-tail grass. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: Alaska and British America to California, New Mexico, and Missouri. New Mexico: Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Raton; Sierra Grande; Magdalena Mountains; Pecos; Torrance; Rio Pueblo; Menu; Pescado Spring; Santa Fe; Kingston; White Mountains. Plains and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. Often a troublesome weed in cultivated ground. 3. Hordeum caespitosum Scribn. in Pammel, Proc. Davenport Acad. 7: 245. 1899. Type locality: Edgemont, South Dakota. Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington (Standley 6904). Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Hordeum nodosum L. Sp. PL ed. 2. 126. 1762. Meadow barley. Type locality: "Habitat in Italia, Anglia." Range: Temperate North America, Asia, and Europe. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Ramah; Grants Station; El Rito Creek; Rio Pueblo. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 73. SITANION Rat. Cespitose perennials with mostly tlat haves and terminal bearded Bpike ; spike- lets usually 2, sometimes 3 or I, at each j^int of the rachis, 2 I" Beveral-flowered; glumes many-parted from near the base or merely bit id, or subulate and entire, awned; lemmas terminating in a single long awn, or trifid and :; awned; palea as long as the lemma, entire, bidentate, or 2-awned. KKY TO THE SPECIES. Glumes bifid from about the middle, the lobes abruptly divergent. Sheaths long-villous ' ■ s- >""!l''- Sheaths not villous. Glumes 3 to 4 cm. long 2. 8. cat spiloaum. Glumes 2 to 3 cm. Ion- 3. 8. rigidum. Glumes entire, subulate-setaceous. Culm leaves long and flexuous '• 8.Umgifolium. Culm leaves short, rigid, spreading. Lemmas It) mm. long, glaucous '• N '• ■'• ' ifolium. Lemmas 7 mm. long, soft-pubescenl ,;- 8. pwnflorum. 108 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Sitanion molle J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18: 17. 1899. Type locality: East side Buffalo Pass, Larimer County, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Craters; north of Ramah; Box S Spring; Chama. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Sitanion caespitosum J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18: 16. 1899. Type locality: Near Cliff, New Mexico. Type collected hy J. G. Smith in 1897. Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Cliff ; Mangas Canyon. 3. Sitanion rigidum J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18: 13. 1899. Type locality: Cascade Mountains, Washington. Range: Washington and California to Wyoming and New Mexico. New Mexico: Summit of Organ Peak (Standley). 4. Sitanion longifolium J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18: 18. 1899. Type locality: Near Silverton, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Kansas to Texas and Nevada. New Mexico: Abundant from the Mogollon Mountains and Organ Mountains north- ward to Las Vegas and westward across the" State. Plains and rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Sitanion brevifolium J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18: 17. 1899. Elymus brevifolius Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 14: 20. 1912. Type locality: Tucson, Arizona. Range: Washington to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Sandia Mountains; Tierra Amarilla; Santa Fe Canyon; Duran; Chama; Grants; Gallo Spring; Mangas Springs; Middle Fork of the Gila; Organ Mountains; Gilmores Ranch. Plains and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Tran- sition zones. 6. Sitanion pubifloruna J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18: 19. 1899. Type locality: Tucson, Arizona. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Sierra Grande; Raton; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Santa Fe; San Augustine Plains; Animas Creek; Reserve; Roswell. Upper Sonoran Zone. 74. ELYMUS L. Wild rye. Tall erect perennials with flat leaves and closely flowered terminal spikes; spikelets 2 to 6-flowered, the uppermost imperfect, sessile, mostly in pairs, at the alternate notches of the continuous or jointed rachis, forming terminal spikes; rachilla jointed above the glumes and between the florets; glumes 2, nearly equal, rigid, narrow, 1 or 3-nerved, acute or awn-pointed, persistent; lemmas shorter than the glumes, rounded on the back, obscurely 5-nerved, obtuse, acute, or awned from the apex; palea a little shorter than the lemma, 2-keeled ; stamens 3 ; styles short; grain adherent to the lemmas and paleas. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lemmas not awned or with very short awns. Glumes aristiform or narrowly subulate; spikelets usually 2 at each joint 1. E. triticoides. Glumes lanceolate-subulate; spikelets usually single 2. E. simplex. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 109 Lemmas long-awned. Spikes narrow; spikelets erect. Leaves 7 to 15 mm. wide, spreading; glumes lanceolate, acuminate to short-awned 3. E. glaucus. Leaves less than 5 mm. wide, mostly erect; glumes narrowly linear-lanceolate, long-awned 4. E. macounii. Spikes broad; spikelets spreading. Lemmas glabrous 7. E. brachystachys. Lemmas pubescent. Lemmas hirsute or villous 5. E. canadensis. Lemmas strigose-hispidulous or scabrous 6. E. robustus. 1. Elymus triticoides Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 99. 1863. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains." Range: Washington and California to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: White Mountain Peak; Mesilla Valley. Lower Sonoran to the Tran- sition Zone. 2. Elymus simplex Scribn. & Williams, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11: 57. 1898. Type locality: On banks of Green River, Wyoming. Range: Oregon and Wyoming to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7466). Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Elymus glaucus Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 99. 1863. Elymus americanus Vasey & Scribn.; Macoun, Cat. Can. PI. 2: 245. 1888. Elymus sibiricus americanus Wats. & Coult. in A. Gray, Man. ed. 6. 673. 1890. Type locality: "Columbia River." Range: Alaska and California to Texas and the Great Lakes. New Mexico: Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Winsors Ranch; Johnsons Mesa. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 4. Elymus macounii Vasey, Bull. Torrey Club 13: 119. 1886. Type locality: "Great Plains of British America." Range: Manitoba and Saskatchewan to Nebraska and New Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque (Tracy). Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Elymus canadensis L. Sp. PI. 83. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: British America to New Mexico and Texa<. New Mexico: Farmington; Raton Mountains; Pecos; Santa Fe; Las Vegas Pescado Spring; Kingston; Sabinal; Mesilla Valley; White Mountains. Damp ground, Loves Sonoran to Transition Zone. 6. Elymus robustus Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Kept. Alt. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 37. 1897. Type locality: Illinois. Range: Montana and Illinois to New Mexico. New .Mexico: Mangas Springs. 7. Elymus brachystachys Scribn. & Ball, U. S. Kepi. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 24: 47./. tl. 1901. TYPE locality: Oklahoma. Range: South Dakota and Michigan to Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range. Moist ground. 110 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 14. CYPEKACEAE. Sedge Family. Grasslike or rushlike herbs; stems usually solid; roots fibrous; leaves narrow, with closed sheaths, the whole leaf sometimes reduced to a sheath; flowers perfect or unisexual, arranged in spikelets, one in the axil of each scale, the spikelets solitary or clustered, 1 to many-flowered; perianth of bristles or wanting; stamens 1 to 3; styles 2 or 3; fruit a lenticular or trigonous achene. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers all unisexual, usually in separate spikes. Achenes inclosed in a perigynium; glumes 1-flowered . 8. Carex (p. 116). Achenes not inclosed in a perigynium; glumes 2-flowered 9. Kobresia (p. 124). Flowers all, or at least part of them, perfect; spikelets similar. Scales of the spikelets 2-ranked; spikelets more or less flattened 1. Cyperus (p. 110). Scales of the spikelets imbricated spirally in several ranks; spikelets not flattened. Perianth bristles much elongated, woolly 7. Eriophorum (p. 116). Perianth bristles short or wanting. Spikelets 1 to 4-flowered; plants large, about 1 meter high, leafy 2. Clabium (p. 112). Spikelets several to many-flowered; plants mostly low. Base of the style persistent, enlarged. Leaves reduced to sheaths; spikelets solitary 3. Eleocharis (p. 112). Leaves not reduced ; spikelets several, mostly paniculate 4. Stenophyllus (p. 114). Base of the style deciduous, enlarged or narrow. Perianth consisting of bristles 5. Scirpus (p. 114). Perianth of a single hyaline scale 6. Hemicarpha (p. 116). 1. CYPERUS L. Tufted or simple-stemmed annuals or perennials, 50 cm. high or less, with basal leaves and triangular stems, the flowers in headlike clusters or unequally branched Umbels subtended by leaflike bracts; spikelets flattened or cylindric; glumes decid- uous, or if persistent the spikelets falling entire, 2-ranked; flowers perfect; perianth none; stamens 1 to 3; achene without a tubercle. key to the species. Annual; plants small, 5 to 15 cm. high ; tips of the bracts subulate, conspicuously reflexed; inflorescence capitate 1. C. inflexus. Perennials (rarely annual); plants taller, more than 15 cm. high; tips of the bracts mostly erect, rarely spreading; inflores- cence various. Spikelets ovate to ovate-oblong (4 to 5 mm. long, crowded at the ends of the rather long, subequal rays of the umbel) . 2. C cyrtolepis. Spikelets linear to narrowly oblong. Spikelets narrowly oblong; scales of the flowers not over- lapping, especially in fruit (very strongly nerved). Inflorescence crowded, subcapitate 3. C.fendlerianus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. Ill Inflorescence a compound umbel with unequal rays. Glumes as broad as long, 2 mm. long or less, mu- cronulate, usually green 4. C. rusbyi. Glumes twice as long as broad, 3 mm. long, acuminate into a spreading awn, yellowish brown 5. C. schweinitzii. Spikelets linear; scales of the flowers overlapping from one-half to two-thirds their length. Spikelets deciduous as a whole when mature. Spikelets with few, usually 2 or 3, flowers 6. C. uniflorus. Spikelets with 6 to 9 flowers 7. C. speciosus. Scales of the spikelets falling from the rachilla. Eachilla narrowly winged, the wings adnate; plants stout, stoloniferous; spikelets loose- ly clustered 8. C. esculentus. Wings of the rachilla not adnate, forming scales anterior to the flower; plants and spikelets various. Spikelets densely crowded ; flowers numerous, about 20 to the spikelet; scales of the flower not bordered with red; plants stout 9. C. erythrorhizos. Spikelets fewer, loosely clustered; flowers 12 to the spikelet or less; scales red- margined ; plants slender 10. C. sphacelatus. 1. Cyperus inflLexus Muhl. Descr. Gram. 16. 1817. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: British America south to Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Shiprock; West Fork of the Gila; Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Moist ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Cyperus cyrtolepis Torr. & Hook. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 3: 436. 1836. Type locality: "Texas." Range: Oklahoma to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: A single specimen, without locality, seen. 3. Cyperus fendlerianus Boeckel. Linnaea 35: 520. 1868. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, Ne^i Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 865). Range: Arizona and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Wagon Mound; Magdalena; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Sao Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Cyperus rusbyi Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 11: 29. 1884. Tyi-e locality: Near Silver City, New Mexico. Type collected by Busby in L880. Range: Mountains of New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Silver City; Animas Valley; San Luis Moun- tains; Organ Mountains; Arroyo Ranch; Gray; Elida; Queen. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Cyperus schweinitzii Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 3: 27*;. I - Type LOCALITY: Dry sand on the shore of Lake Ontario, near Greece, Monroe County, New York. 112 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: British America to New Mexico and Kansas. Nrcw Mexico: Clayton; Elida; Arroyo Ranch; Nara Visa. Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Cyperus uniflorus Torr. & Hook. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 3: 431. 1836. Type locality: Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; sands south of Melrose. Dry soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Cyperus speciosus Vahl, Enum. PL 2: 364. 1806. Cyperus michauxianus Schult. Mant. 2: 123. 1824. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range : Throughout most of the United States. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Roswell. Wet ground. 7a. Cyperus speciosus squarrosus Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 13: 214. 1886. Type locality: "New Mexico." This differs from the species in having the scales spreading to recurved, and red- dish. Reported from New Mexico by Dr. N. L. Britton. Based on Fendler's 870, which probably came from near Santa Fe. 8. Cyperus esculentus L. Sp. PL 45. 1753. Nut grass. Cyperus phymatodes Muhl. Descr. Gram. 23. 1817. Type locality: "Habitat Monspelii, inque Italia, Oriente." Range: British America and southward throughout the United States and tropical America; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Hillsboro; San Luis Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Belen; White Mountains; Gray; Roswell. Wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl. Descr. Gram. 20. 1817. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range : Throughout most of the United States. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 10. Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb. Descr. PL 26. 1786. Type locality: Surinam. Range: In the southern and southwestern United States and in tropical America. New Mexico: Organ Mountains (Wooton 620). Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. CLADIUM R. Br. Saw grass. Coarse leafy perennial with cylindric stems about a meter high; spikelets small, in large, much branched, terminal panicles; glumes overlapping, the lower empty, the middle with unisexual flowers, the uppermost with perfect flowers; perianth none; Btamens 2 or 3; styles not persistent; achenes ovoid to globose, smooth or longitudinally ridged. 1. Cladium jamaicense Crantz, Inst. Herb. 1: 362. 1766. Cladium effusum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 3: 374. 1836. Type locality: Jamaica. Range: Virginia and Florida to Texas and New Mexico; also in the West Indies. New Mexico: Roswell. In shallow water. 3. ELEOCHARIS R. Br. Spike rush. Annual or perennial scapose herbs, 15 to 30 cm. high or more, the leaves reduced to basal sheaths, the solitary terminal spikes without subtending bracts; stems cylindric, WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 113 flattened, or angular, erect; spikelets small; perianth of 1 to 12 bristles; stamens 2 or 3; base of style swollen, persistent as a tubercle on the lenticular or 3-angled achene. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Style branches 2. Annuals; bristles shorter than the achenes; spikes oblong- cylindric; tubercle broad and low 1. E. engelmanni. Perennial by rootstocks; bristles longer than achenes; spikes and tubercles various. Plants stout; tubercles conic-triangular 2. E. palustris. Plants slender; tubercles almost cylindrical 3. E. glaucescens. Styles branches 3. Plants very small, 3 to 10 cm. high; fruit ob ovoid-oblong, with numerous longitudinal ridges and finer transverse ones. 6. E. acicularis. Plants larger, 20 cm. high or more; fruit various. Tubercles constricted at the base, clearly distinct from the achene; plants slender, with slender root- stocks 4. E. montana. Tubercles apparently confluent with the achene, cylin- dric; plants stouter, not stoloniferous 5. E. rostellata. 1. Eleocharis engelmanni Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 2: 79. 1855. Type locality: St. Louis, Missouri. Range: New England to California. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila (Metcalfe 589). In wet soil. 2. Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 151. 1817. Scirpus palustris L. Sp. PI. 47. 1753. Type locality: European. Range: Throughout North America except in the extreme northern part. New Mexico: Chama; Farmington; Jewett; Mule Creek; Mesilla Valley. In wet soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Eleocharis glaucescens (Willd.) Schult. Mant. 2: 89. 1824. Scirpus glaucescens Willd. Enum. PI. 7G. 1809. Eleocharis palustris glaucescens A. Gray, Man. 558. 1848. Type locality: "Habitat in America boreali." Range: Throughout North America except in the extreme north. New Mexico: Santa Fe Creek; Pecos; Las Vegas. Wet soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Eleocharis montana (II. P. K.) Roem. & Schult. SyBt. Veg. 2: I.",:;. IS17. Scirpus montanusll. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 226. 1816. Type locality: "In monte Quindiu," Colombia. Range: Colorado to California, southward to South America. New Mexico: Zuni Reservation; Las Vegas; Bear Canyon; Rio Pueblo; Wheelers Ranch; Berendo Creek; Rincon; Apache Teju; Mesilla Valley; Silver Spring Canyon; Mangas Springs. Wet soil, in tin- Lower ami Upper S iran and the Transition zones. 5. Eleocharis rostellata Torr. I'l. X. V. 2: :: 17. L843. • Srir/m.s rosU llatlU Torr. Ann. Lye. X. Y. 3: 318. 1836. 'I' i n: i OC \i.itv: Perm Van, W\s York. Range: Throug] i North America except in the extreme northern part. New Mexico: Gran I County; plains north of tin- White Sands. In wet soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone, .70°— 15 8 114 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 154. 1817. Scirpus acicularis L. Sp. PI. 48. 1753. Type locality: European. Range: Throughout North America except in the extreme northern part; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Cloverdale. Wet soil. Eleocharis capitata R. Br. and E. atropurpurea (Retz.) Kunth may come into New- Mexico, as they occur very close to our borders. 4. STENOPHYLLUS Raf. Small grasslike annuals, 15 cm. high or mostly less, with basal leaves and umbel- late or capitate flower clusters of small spikelets subtended by 1 to several bracts; flowers perfect; glumes overlapping; perianth none; stamens 2 or 3; style swollen at the base and persistent; achenes 3-angled or lenticular. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Achenes longitudinally ribbed and transversely roughened; plants 10 to 15 cm. high; spikelets solitary or umbellate on the same plant 1. S. capillaris. Achenes rugose; plants 8 cm. high or less; spikelets solitary at the summit of the culm and also at the bases of the leaves 2. S.funckii. 1. Stenophyllus capillaris (L.) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 21: 30. 1894. Scirpus capillaris L. Sp. PI. 49. 1753. Fimbristylis capillaris A. Gray, Man. 530. 1848. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Aethiopia, Zeylona." Range: Throughout North America except in the extreme northern part; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains; Organ Moun- tains. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Stenophyllus funckii (Steud.) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 21: 30. 1894. Isolepis funckii Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 2: 91. 1855. Scirpus heterocarpus S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 171. 1883. Type locality: Venezuela. Range: Arizona and New Mexico, southward through tropical America to Bolivia. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila (Metcalfe 661). Wet ground. 5. SCIRPUS L. Bulrush. Annuals or perennials, sometimes small and grasslike, sometimes tall (1 meter or more), with reduced basal leaves or sheaths; spikelets cylindric or somewhat flat- tened, spirally imbricated, in terminal clusters, single, capitate, or umbellate, sub- tended by 1 to several bracts; flowers perfect; perianth of 1 to 6 bristles (rarely none); stamens 2 or 3; style not swollen at the base; achenes triangular or lenticular. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Involucral bracts 1 or 2 or none. Spikelets solitary, terminal; involucral bracts none 1. S. pauciflorus. Spikelets several, seemingly lateral; involucral bracts 1 or 2. Culms terete; involucral bracts 2 5. S. occidentalis. Culms triangular; involucral bract 1, seeming to be a pro- longation of the culm. Involucral bract short, 3 cm. long or less, barely ex- ceeding the spikelets, these generally 4 to 6, crowded; leaves about one-fifth the length of the culm 2. S.olneyi. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 115 Involucral bract 4 to 10 cm. long, much exceeding the spikelets, these few, frequently only 1; leaves half as long as the culm or more 3. S. americanm. Involucral bracts of several flat leaves much exceeding the com- pound umbellate inflorescence. Culms triangular; spikelets large, 10 to 20 mm. long, Light yel- lowish brown; inflorescence a simple umbel or in young plants capitate 4. S. brittonianus. Cuhns terete; spikelets small, 2 to 7 mm. long, greenish; inflo- rescence a once or twice compound umbellate cluster with numerous unequal rays. Style branches 2; achenes rounded on the back; inflores- cence twice compound; spikelets not capitate 6. S.microcarpus. Style branches 3; achenes angled on the back; inflores- cence generally once compound; spikelets densely capitate at the ends of the rays 7. S. atrovirens. 1. Scirpus pauciflorus Lightf. Fl. Scot. 1078. 1777. Eleocharis pauciflorus Link, Hort. Berol. 1: 284. 1827. Type locality: Highlands of Scotland. Range: British America to New York, New Mexico, and California; also in Europe. New Mexico: A single specimen without locality seen. It is probable that the plant is not uncommon in the mountains of New Mexico but has been overlooked by collectors. 2. Scirpus olneyi A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist, 5: 238. 1845. Type locality: In a salt marsh on the Seekonk River, Rhode Island. Range: Across the United States. New Mexico: Salt Lake; Santa Rita; Dog Spring; Round Mountain. Wet alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Scirpus americanus Pers. Syn. PI. 1: 68. 1805. Scirpus pungens Vahl, Enum. PI. 2: 255. 1808. Type locality: "Hab. in Carolina inferiore." Ranoe: Throughout North America; also in South America. New Mexico: Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Taos; San Juan; Wheelers Ranch; Berendo Creek; Rincon; Mesilla Valley. In swamps, in the Lower and Upper Sonarao Zones. 4. Scirpus brittonianus Pi] >er, Oontr. I'. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 157. L906. Scirpus cumpestris Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 1: 2l>7. 1896, not Roth, 1800. Scirpus robustus campestris Fernald, Ethodora 2: 241. 1000. Type locality: "On wet prairies and plains, Manitoba and Minnesota to Nebraska, Kan.-as, and Mexico, west to Nevada." Range: As under type locality. Nbw Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Sail Lake; Mesilla Valley; near Carrizozo; Roswell. Wet ground, in the bower and Upper Sonoran zon 5. Scirpus occidentals | s . Wats.) Chase, Ethodora 6: 68. L904. Sorpui laautru occidentals 8. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 218. 1880. Type locality: San DiegO County, California. Ranoe: British Columbia and California to New Bngiand. Niw Mi.xico: Shiprock; Farmington; Gallo Spring; U prin Berendo Creek; Mesilla Valley; Rosweil; Carrizozo. Wei ground, in the Lower and I pper Sonoran /.ones. 116 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. Scirpus microcarpus Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 195. 1828. Scirpus lenticularis Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 3: 328. 1836. Scirpus sylvaticus digynus Boeckel. Linnaea 36: 727. 1870. Type locality: Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island. Range: British America and New England to California, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; West Fork of the Gila; Mimbres River. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 7. Scirpus atrovirens Muhl. Descr. Gram. 43. 1817. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: Northeastern Atlantic States west to Alberta, south in the Rocky Moun- tains to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos (Standley 5104). Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. HEMICARPHA Nees. Low tufted grasslike annual, 10 cm. high or less, with erect or spreading, slender leaves and small, terminal, headlike or solitary spikelets with 1 to 3 leaflike bracts surrounding and much exceeding them; glumes spirally imbricated, deciduous; perianth wanting; stamen 1; achene obovoid-oblong, little compressed, brown. 1. Hemicarpha micrantha (Vahl) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 21: 34. 1894. Scirpus micranihus Vahl, Enum. PI. 2: 254. 1806. Hemicarpha subsquarrosa Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 21: 61. 1842. Type locality: Given doubtfully as South America. Range: Nearly throughout North America and in South America. New Mexico: Albuquerque (Bigelow). Wet ground. 7. ERIOPHORTJM L. Cotton grass. Perennial from a rootstock, the culms erect; spikelets in a terminal umbel sub- tended by an involucre of one or more leaves; flowers perfect; perianth of numerous white bristles, these soft and cotton-like, much exserted ; style 3-cleft; achenes obovoid, 3-angled, light brown. 1. Eriophorum angustifolium Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. 1: 24. 1788. Type locality: Germany. Range: Alaska and Newfoundland to Maine, Illinois, and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Costilla Valley (Wooton). Bogs. 8. CAREX L. Sedge. Perennial grasslike plants with 3-ranked leaves and mostly 3-angled culms; flowers unisexual, monoecious or dioecious; perianth wanting; stamens 3; pistillate flowers a single pistil with 2 or 3 stigmas, in a saclike perigynium, this completely inclosing the achene; achenes 3-angled or lenticular. A very large genus of which the following listed species probably represent only a part of those indigenous to New Mexico. Collectors rarely take the trouble to examine the plants unless their attention is particularly called to them. There are no doubt several species common in the high mountains of the northern part of the State which have not been collected. The writers are under special obligations to Mr. K. K. Mackenzie for assistance in the preparation of an account of this genus. Mr. Mackenzie identified most of our material and prepared the key to the species. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 117 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Achenes lenticular; stigmas 2; terminal spike partly pistillate or if staminate the lateral spikes short or heads dioecious. (Vignea.) Spikes mostly staminate at the base. Perigynia not wing-margined. (Stellulatae.) Perigynia with very short beaks, widely spreading at maturity 13. Perigynia with long beaks, appressed 14. Perigynia wing-margined. (Ovales.) Beak of the perigynium flattened and margined to the tip. Scales strongly tinged with reddish brown 21. Scales little if at all tinged with reddish brown. Perigynia thin, lanceolate (at least two and one-half times as long as wide) 10. Perigynia thick, ovate 20. Beak of the perigynium slender, nearly terete and scarcely margined at the apex. Several of the bracts conspicuously exceeding the head 18. Bracts inconspicuous. Perigynia 2.5 to 3.5 mm. long; culms smooth beneath the head L5. Perigynia 4.5 to 6 mm. long; culms rough be- neath the head. Perigynia about 4.5 mm. long, ovate 16. Perigynia 4.5 to 6 mm. long, lanceolate. .17. Spikes staminate at apex or some spikes wholly staminate. Perigynia little compressed, whitish-puncticulate. (Tenellae.) 12. Perigynia strongly compressed, not whitish-puncticulate. Culms one to few together, the rootstocks long and creeping. Perigynia wing-margined, the beak bidentate. (Arenariae.) 5. Perigynia not wing-margined, the beak obliquely cut, or bidentate in age. (Divisae.) ( lulms Bmootb above; rootstocks slender Culms rough beneath the head; rootstocks stout. Perigynia chestnut, scarcely sharp-edged, the beak about one-fifth the length of the body at maturity Perigynia brownish <>r blackish, sharp- edged, tapering into a beak aboul half the Length of the body. Spikes witli one to several perigynia, tlic beads appearing a m Btraw-colored scales; Btaminate flowers conspicuous; perigyn- ium hotly at maturity aboul 2 mm. wide 2 C. interior. C. bolanderi. ( '. wootoni. C. scopuria. C'.festucacea. C. tenuirostris. ( '. subfusca. C. f estiva. C. ebenea. i '. dUperma. i '. siccata. 1 . c. douglasii. mulata. ( '. luttbroaa. 118 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Spikes with about 10 perigyuia, con- cealed by inconspicuous scales, these tinged with green or brown; staminate flowers in- conspicuous; perigynium body at maturity less than 1.5 mm. long 3. C. camporum. Culms cespitose, the rootstocks at most short-creeping. Spikes numerous, in a more or less compound head. (Multiflorae.) 11. C.agrostoides. Spikes less than 10, in a simple head. Perigynia strongly nerved, the beak exceed- ing the body. (Stenorhynchae.) . ..10. C. stipata. Perigynia weakly nerved, the beak not ex- ceeding the body. (Muhlenber- GIANAE.) Scales conspicuously tinged with reddish brown 6. C. occidentals . Scales at most faintly tinged with reddish brown. Perigynia obliquely cut or shallowly bid entate, weakly serrulate 9. C.rmbyi. Perigynia deeply bidentate, strongly serrulate. Spikes with few perigynia; sheaths tight, inconspicuously septate- nodulose 7. C. neomexicana. Spikes with several to many perigy- nia; sheaths soon loose, easily breaking, conspicuously septate- * nodulose 8. C. gravida. Achenes triangular or lenticular; if lenticular the lower lateral spikes elongated and terminal spikes staminate. (Eucarex.) Spike solitary. Perigynia coriaceous, glabrous; rootstocks long-creeping. (Nitidae.) 22. C. obtusata. Perigynia not coriaceous, puberulent; culms densely cespitose. (Filifoliae .) 23. C. filifolia. Spikes more than one. Perigynia puberulent, triangular or suborbicular in cross section, long-stipitate, 2-ribbed. (Montanae.) Basal spikes absent 24. C. heliophila. Basal spikes numerous. Perigynium body suborbicular; staminate spike 2.5 mm. wide; bract shorter than the culm; blades 1.5 to 2.5 mm. wide 25. C. geophila. Perigynium body oval; staminate spike 1.5 mm. wide; bract normally exceeding the culm; blades 0.75 to 1.5 mm. wide 26. ft pityophila. Perigynia differing from the above section in one or more particulars. Pistillate spikes drooping on slender penduncles; perigynia strongly beaked, not bidentate. (Capillares.) 27. C. capillaris. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 119 Pistillate spikes erect or, if drooping, the perigynia differing from above. Achenes normally lenticular and the stigmas 2. Perigynia golden yellow at maturity; spikes few-flowered; plants low, slender. (Bi- colores.) 28. C. aurea. Perigynia not golden yellow at maturity; spikes many-flowered; plants tall or stout. (Rigidae.) Perigynium beak strongly bidentate; peri- gynia ribbed 33. C. nebrasken- sis. Perigynium beak, if present, not bidentate; perigynia various. Lowest bract not exceeding the inflores- cence 29. ft scopulorum Lowest bract exceeding the inflores- cence. Perigynia pale green, finely many- nerved 30. C. kelloggii. Perigynia greenish sjtraw-colored, few- nerved or nerveless. Leaf blades flat and canaliculate, the edges serrulate above only; peri- gynia at most obscurely nerved. .31. C. variabilis. Leaf blades, at least the lower, pli- cate, the margins revolute, the edges serrulate throughout; peri- gynia few-nerved 32. ('. emoryi. Achenes triangular; stigmas 3. Perigynia beakless or very shortly beaked. Terminal 2 or 3 spikes staminate. (Tka- CHYCHLAENAE.) 37. ft ultra. Terminal spikes pistillate above, stami- nate below. (Atijatae.) Perigynia 2.5 mm. long or less, little compressed, the margins not ap- pearing winglike 34. ( '. halleri. Perigynia more than 2.5 mm. long, strongly compressed, the margins winglike. Spikes all closely sessile, contiguous, forming a dense lobed head :'.">. ft nova. Lateral spikes ped uncled, distant, usually nodding 36. ft Perigynia Btrongly beaked, the beak deeply bidentate Perigynia or sheaths pubescent. (Hib- TA B . ) Perigynia pubescent, the teeth Bhorl ; sheaths glabrous 38. ft lanuginosa. Perigynia glabrous, the teeth lm Bheaths pube cenl 89 ft atkerod 120 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Perigynia and sheaths not pubescent. Perigynia closely ribbed; pistillate spikes nodding. (Pseudo- cypereae.) 40. C. hystricina. Perigynia coarsely ribbed; pistillate spikeserect. (Physocarpae.).41. C. rostrata. 1. Carex douglasii Boott in Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 213. 1840. Carexfendleriana Boeckel. Linnaea 39: 135. 1875. Type locality: Northwest coast of North America. Range: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe; Ponchuelo Creek; Nambe Valley. Open meadows, in the Transition Zone. 2. Carex latebrosa Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 603. 1908. Carex gayana hyalina Bailey, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 135. 1886. Type locality: Sonora, Mexico. Range: Nevada, New Mexico, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Cienaga Ranch; Berendo Creek. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Carex camporum Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 244. 1910. Type locality: "Columbia River." Range: British Columbia to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standlcy 6753). 4. Carex simulata Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 604. 1908. Type locality: Chug Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. Range: Washington to Montana, Colorado, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Cienaga Ranch (Wooton). Mr. Mackenzie also refers here Fendler's 881, collected somewhere about Santa Fe. 5. Carex siccata Dewey, Amer. Journ. Sci. 10: 278. 1826. Type locality: Westfield, Massachusetts. Range: British America to California, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy;Winsor Creek. Arc tic- Alpine Zone. 6. Carex occidentalis Bailey, Mem. Torrey Club 1: 5. 1889. Carex muricata americana Bailey, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 140. 1886. Type locality: Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. Range: Montana to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Winsors Ranch; Magdalena Mountains; Mangas Springs; Manguitas Spring; Eagle Peak; Sierra Grande; Tierra Amarilla. Damp ground, chiefly in the Transition Zone. 7. Carex neomexicana Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 153. 1907. Type locality: Santa Rita del Cobre on the Rio Mimbres, New Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Santa Rita. 8. Carex gravida Bailey, Mem. Torrey Club 1: 5. 1889. Type locality: "Northern Illinois * * * to northwestern Iowa." Range: Ohio and Illinois to South Dakota, Oklahoma, and northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standlcy 6069). Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Carex rusbyi Mackenz. Smiths. Misc. Coll. 65 7: 2. 1915. Type locality: Yavapai county, Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains (Wooton). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 121 10. Carex stipata Muhl.; Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 233. 1805. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: British America, south through the United States. New Mexico: Middle Fork of the Gila (Wooton). 11. Carex agrostoides Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 607. 1908. Type locality: Luna, northwest of the Mogollon Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 28, 1900. Range: Mountains of western New Mexico and of Arizona. New Mexico: Luna; Guadalupe Canyon; Mangas Springs. Transition Zone. 12. Carex disperma Dewey, Amer. Journ. Sci. 8: 266. 1824. Type locality: Massachusetts. Range: British America to Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Transition Zone. 13. Carex interior Bailey, Bull. Torrey Club 20: 426. 1893. Type locality: "Bogs and swamps in the interior country from Maine to Minnesota and Kansas." Range: Maine to Minnesota, Florida, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch (Standley 4254). Transition Zone 14. Carex bolanderi Olney, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 393. 1868. Carex deiueyana bolanderi Boott in S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 236. 1880. Type locality: "California, Yosemite Valley, and Mariposa Bigtree grove." Range: British Columbia to California, east to Idaho and western New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek (Metcalfe 286). Damp ground. 15. Carex subfusca Boott in S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 234. 1880. Carex macloviana subfusca Kiikenth. in Engl. Pflanzenreich 38: 197. 1909. Type locality: "Lake Tahoe (Kellogg), and near Virginia City, Nevada, Bloomer." Range: Washington to California, east to western New Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountains (Rusby 423). Wet ground. 16. Carex festiva Dewey, Amer. Journ. Sci. 29: 246. pi. w.f. 71. 1836. Type locality: "At Lear Lake and on the Rocky Mountains." Range: British America to Mexico. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Mogollon ''reek; Ruidoso; Truchafl Peak; Chama; Tierra Amarilla. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 17. Carex ebenea Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 266. 1901. Type locality: Pikes Peak, Colorado. Ranoe: British Columbia and Alberta to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: TruchasPeak; Pecos Baldy. Meadows, in the Antic Alpine Zone. 18. Carex tenuirostris Olney, Amer. Nat. 8: 214. 1871. Type locality: Western Wyoming. Range: Rocky Mountains, south to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains (Standley Tiii'iit. 19. Carex scoparia Schkuhr; Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 230. 1805. Tvi'K locality: "Habital in America boreali." Ranch: British America to Washington, New Mexico, and Florida. New Mexico: West. Pork of the Gila | Metcalfe ■".77.) Transition Zone. 20. Carex festucacea brevior (Dewey) Fernald, Proc. Amer. Acad. 37: 177. pi. S.f. 49-61. 1902. Carex straminea brevior Dewey, Amer. Journ. Sci. 11: L68. 1826. Type logautt: "In Missouri." 122 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: British Columbia to New England, south to Arkansas and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Sierra Grande. Transition Zone. 21. Carex wootoni Mackenz. Smiths. Misc. Coll. 65": 1. 1915. Type locality: San Francisco Mountains, New Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Chama; Sawyers Peak; Winter Folly. 22. Carex obtusata Liljebl. Bih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 14: 69. pi. 4- 1793. Type locality: "Habitat Oelandiae, prope Kjoping, in locis apricis, arenosis, rarius." Range: British America to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsor Creek (Standley). Transition Zone. 23. Carex filifolia Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 204. 1818. Type locality: ' 'Dry plains and gravelly hills of the Missouri." Range: British America to Nebraska, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Las Vegas. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 24. Carex heliophila Mackenz. Torreya 13: 15. 1913. Type locality: Open prairie, near Lee's Summit, Jackson County, Missouri. Range: New Mexico and Wyoming to Iowa and Illinois. New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Nutritas Creek; Glorieta; Raton. Open plains and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 25. Carex geophila Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 546. 1913. Type locality: Tierra Amarilla, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Type collected by W. W. Eggleston (no. 6584). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; Chama; Mogollon Mountains. 26. Carex pityophila Mackenz. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 545. 1913. Type locality: Southeast of Tierra Amarilla, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Type collected by W. W. Eggleston (no. 6605). Range: Northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Tierra Amarilla. Upper Sonoran Zone. 27. Carex capillaris elongata Olney; Fernald, Proc Amer. Acad. 37: 509. 1902. Type locality: Twin Lakes, Colorado. Range: British America to New Mexico and New York. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Grass Mountain. Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 28. Carex aurea Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 205. 1818. Type locality: On the shores of Lake Michigan. Range: British America to Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Wyoming. New Mexico: Chama: Grass Mountain; Winsors Ranch. Meadows, in the Transi- tion and Canadian zones. 29. Carex scopulorum Holm, Amer. Journ. Sci. 14: 421./. 1-6. 1902. Type locality: Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado. Range: Wet ground, Washington and Montana to Colorado. So far not collected in New Mexico, but doubtless to be found on the high moun- tains in the northern part of the State. 30. Carex kelloggii Boottin S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 240. 1880. Type locality: In the Sierra Nevada at Alta, California. Range: Alaska to California, east to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6844). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 123 31. Carex variabilis Bailey, Mem. Torrey Club 1: 18. 1889. Type locality: Colorado. Range: Montana and Idaho to New Mexico. New Mexico: Ponchuelo Creek; Spirit Lake; Pecos Baldy; Truchaa Peak. Tran- sition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 32. Carex emoryi Dewey; Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 230. 1859. Type locality: "On the upper Rio Grande." Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley (Metcalfe). Along ditches, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 33. Carex nebraskensis Dewey, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 18: 102. 1854. Carex nebraskensis praevia Bailey, Bot. Gaz. 21:3. 1896. Carex jamesii Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 3: 398. 1836, not Schwein. 1824. Type locality: Nebraska. Range: Washington and Nebraska to New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos. 34. Carex halleri Gunn. Fl. Norveg. no. 849. 1766-72. Type locality: Mountains of Norway. Range: British America to Oregon, Minnesota, and New Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Ponchuelo Creek (Standley 4183). Damp meadows, Canadian to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 35. Carex nova Bailey, Lond. Journ. Bot. 26: 322. 1888. Type locality: "Mountains of Wyoming and Colorado and southward." Range: Wyoming and New Mexico to California. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Truchas Peak; Spirit Lake. Meadows and damp woods, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 36. Carex bella Bailey, Bot, Gaz. 17: 152. 1892. Type locality: "Mountains, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona.- Range: Wyoming to Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. New Mexico: Near the head of the Nambe (Standley 4431). ( ianadian Zone. 37. Carex ultra Bailey, Proc Amer. Acad. 22: 83. 1886. Carex spissa ultra Kukenth. in Engl. Pflanzenreich 38: 422. L909. Type locality: Southern Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Head of Guadalupe Canyon mar Cloverdale | Mearns 3' 38. Carex lanuginosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 175. 1803. Carex fil i/or mis lati/olia Boeckel. Linnaea 41: -309. L876. Carex lasiocarpa lanuginosa Kukenth. in Engl. Pflanzenreich 38: 748. L909. Type locality: "Ad lacus Mistassins," Canada. Range: British America to Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and California. Xkw Mkxico: Chama; I'onchuelo Creek; Winsors Ranch; I. as Vegas; Jewett; M dalena Mountains; (Irani County; Gilmores Ranch. Wei ground, in the Transition Zone. 39. Carex atherodes Spreng. Nysl. Veg. 3: 828. 1826. Type locality: Arctic America. Ranch;: British America to New York, Nebraska, and New Mexico. New Mkxico: Near Kurt Defiance {I'alnur). 124 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 40. Carex hystricina Muhl.; Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 282. 1805. Type locality: "Habitat in humidis Pennsylvaniae." Range: British America to Georgia, Nebraska, and New Mexico. New Mexico: North Percha Creek (Metcalfe 1122). 41. Carex rostrata Stokes in With. Bot. Arr. Veg. Brit. ed. 2. 2: 1059. 1787. Type locality: "Bogs of Isla, and on Bentelkerny and Breadalbane," England. Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and New York; also in Europe. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Silver Spring Canyon; Chama. Bogs, Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 9. KOBRESIA Willd. Slender tufted perennial with erect culms and solitary spikes; spikelets 1 or 2-fiowered, spicate; perigynium none; stigmas 3; achenes obtusely 3-angled, sessile. 1. Kobresia beUardi (All.) Degland in Loisel. Fl. Gall. 2: 626. 1807. Carex bellardi All. Fl. Pedem. 2: 264. pi. 92. f. 2. 1785. Kobresia scirpina Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 205. 1805. Elyna spicata Schrad. FL Germ. 1: 155. 1806. Elyna bellardi Koch, Linnaea 21: 616. 1848. Type locality: European. Range: Arctic America, south in the Rocky Mountains to northern New Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Costilla Valley (Woot on). Wet ground. Order 11. ARALES. 15. LEMNACEAE. Duckweed Family. Small unattached aquatics, the plant body a thallus, rooting from beneath. key to the genera. Roots several from a prominently nerved thallus 1. Spirodela (p. 124). Root solitary from a faintly nerved thallus 2. Lemna (p. 142). 1. SPIRODELA Schleid. Thallus disk-shaped, 7 to 12-nerved, 2 to 10 mm. long, bearing a single cluster of 4 to 16 elongated roots; spathe saclike; ovary 2-ovuled; fruit unknown. 1. Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. Linnaea 13: 392. 1839. Lemna polyrhiza L. Sp. PL 970. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae paludibus fossis." Range: In still water throughout most of North America and in the Old World. Reported by Mr. J. R. Watson from "ponds about the fair grounds, Albuquerque." 1 2. LEMNA L. Duckweed. Thallus disk-shaped, usually provided with a central nerve, with or without lateral ones, each with a single root; ovary with 1 to 6 ovules; fruit ovoid, more or less ribbed. key to the species. Fronds long-stipitate, narrowly oblong, 6 to 10 mm. long, mostly sub- merged, often forming large masses 1. L. trisulca. Fronds not stipitate, broadly elliptic to obovate, 3 mm. long or less, floating. Fronds obovate, 3 mm. long; fruit more or less lenticular 2. L. minor. Fronds elliptic or oblong, 2 mm. long or less; fruit elongated 3. L. minima. 1 Bull. Univ. N. Mex. 49: 94. 1908. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 125 1. Lemna trisulca L. Sp. PL 970. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europe sub aquis pigris puris." Range: Throughout North America, Asia, and Europe. New Mexico: Mountains west of San Antonio; Mimbres. Floating in water. 2. Lemna minor L. Sp. PI. 970. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae aquis quietis." Range: Nearly cosmopolitan. New Mexico: Santo Domingo; Sycamore Creek; mountains northeast of Santa Rita; Mule Creek; Nutritas Creek. Floating in water. 3. Lemna minima Phil. Linnaea 33: 239. 1864, name only ; Hegelm. Lenin. 138. 1868. Type locality: Chile. Range: Southwestern United States to South America. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila {Metcalfe 407). Floating in water. Order 12. XYRIDALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Calyx and corolla free, of very different members; stamens free 16. COMMELINACEAE (p. 125). Calyx and corolla partly united, of similar mem- bers; stamens partly adnate to the perianth. 17. PONTEDERIACEAE (p. 126). 16. COMMELINACEAE. Spiderwort Family. Herbs with simple or branched stems and fibrous or fleshy roots; leaves sheathing at the base, the uppermost often dissimilar and forming a spathe about the flowers; flowers blue or purple; sepals 3, persistent; petals 3; stamens 6, hypogynous; capsule 2or3-celled. key to the genera. Perfect stamens 3 or 2; bracts spatheltke; petals dissimi- lar; filaments naked 1. Commelina (p. 125). Perfect stamens 6 or 5; bracts like the foliage leaves; petals similar; filaments hairy 2. Tuadescantia (p. 126). 1. COMMELINA L. Dayflower. Perennial herbs with tuberous roots in clusters, sheathing petioles, and linear, more or less succulent leaves; flowers blue, open for only a few hours in the morning. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Floral bracts abruptly long-acuminate, 3 to (! cm. long, glabrous or puberulent; stems frequently simple, never much branched; petals all blue 1. C dianthjfolia. Floral bracts short, 2 cm. long or less, usually with long divergent hairs on the sides; stems much branched; one petal white 2. C. crispa. 1. Commelina dianthifolia Delile in Red. [iliac. 7: />l. 390. L801. Commelina linearis Benth. I'l. Hartw. 27. 1839. Commelina linearis longispatha Torr. U. 8. A: Mex. Bound. Bot. 224. I Tyim; locality: Described from cultivated plants. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. Nkw Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains from the I . I mntainn to the Capitan Mountains and westward aCTOSB lie- Male I l|"'" slopes, in the Tran- sit inn Zone. The type of C. linearis longispatha came from the < opper Mines. 126 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Commelina crispa Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 451. 1898. Commelina virginica of many authors, not L. Type locality: At the base of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 545). Range : Colorado and Missouri to New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Dog Spring; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Jarilla Junction; Knowles; Nara Visa; Carrizozo; Orogrande. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. TRADE SCANTIA L. Spiderwort. Perennial herbs with simple or branched erect stems, narrow elongated leaves, and showy flowers in terminal umbel-like cymes subtended by leaflike bracts; sepals 3, distinct, herbaceous; petals 3, sessile, blue. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants small, 25 cm. high or less; sheaths strongly pubescent, especially along the margins; roots tuberous, the tubers attached along a creeping rootstock ' 1. T. pinetorum. Plants larger, 30 to 60 cm. high; sheaths glabrous; roots somewhat fleshy, fascicled. Plants sparingly branched, green; sepals and pedicels densely glandular-pubescent 2. T. occidentals. Plants much branched, glaucous; sepals and pedicels sparingly glandular 3. T. scopulorum. 1. Tradescantia pinetorum Greene, Erythea 1: 247. 1893. Tradescantia tuberosa Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 185. 1881, not Roxb. 1798. Type locality: Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; San Luis Mountains; Tularosa Creek. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Tradescantia occidentalis Britton, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 87. 1900. Tradescantia virginica occidentalis Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 1: 377. 1896. Type locality: "Wisconsin to Missouri, Texas, and New Mexico." R a \ge: As ab ove . New Mexico: Hills near Clayton {Bartlett 235, 252). Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Tradescantia scopulorum Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 5: 205. 1899. Type locality: Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Range: Western Nebraska and Montana to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Gallup; Zuni Reservation; Organ Mountains; East Canyon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. PONTEDERIACEAE. Pickerel-weed Family. 1. HETEEANTHEEA Willd. Mud plantain. Succulent herb with branched stems, numerous oval or ovate long-petioled leaves, and small white or blue flowers in 1-flowered spathes; lobes of the perianth linear; stamens 3, equal; fruit an ovoid many-seeded capsule. 1. Heteranthera limosa (.Swartz) Willd. Ges. Naturf. Freund. Berlin Mag. 3: 439. 1801. Pontederia limosa Swartz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 57. 1788. Type locality: "Jam. Hispaniola." Range: Virginia to New Mexico, southward through Tropical America. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Middle Fork of the Gila. In mud or shallow water. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 127 Order 13. LILIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Styles wanting 18. CALOCHORTACEAE (p. 127). Styles present. Styles distinct 19. MELANTHACEAE (p. 128). Styles united. Capsules septic idal; petals and sepals very unlike. 18. CALOCHORTACEAE (p. 127). Capsules loculicidal; sepals and petals nearly alike. Sepals and petals chaffy 20. JTJNCACEAE (p. 130). Sepals and petals not chaffy. Shrubby plants with caudices, or trees. 21. DRACAENACEAE (p. 135). Herbs with bulbs, corms, or rootstocks. Plants with elongated horizontal rootstocks. 22. CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 138). Plants with bulbs or corms or short erect rootstocks. Flowers in umbels, at first included in and later subtended by a scarious involucre 23. ALLIACEAE (p. 140). Flowers solitary or racemose (in Leucocrinum by the shortening of the axis apparently umbellate), without involucres. Plants from bulbs or corms 24. LILIACEAE (p. 143). Plants from elongated tuberous roots. 25. ASPHODELACEAE (p. 144). 18. CALOCHORTACEAE. Mariposa lily Family. 1. CALOCHORTUS Pursh. Mariposa lily. Low bulbous plants with narrow grasslike leaves; flowers large, showy, pale yellow, lilac, or bright yellow, borne on slender glabrous scapes. Several species are not rare in cultivation. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers bright yellow; plants low, 8 to 20 cm.; gland at the base of the petals longer than broad; anthers obtuse 1. C. aureus. Flowers pale yellow to lilac; plants taller, 20 to 40 cm.; glands and anthers various. Anthers obtuse; glands orbicular or nearly so; petals 35 mm. long or less • 2. C. iiultiillii. Anthers very acute; glands much broader than long; petals 35 to 40 mm. long 3. C. gunmaonU. 1. Calochortus aureus S. Wats. Amer. Nat. 7: 303. 1873. Type locality: " On sand-cliffs, Southern Utah." Range: Southern I tali to Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; Gallup; Farmington. * open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. One of the low< -t Bpecies of the genus, seldom exceeding a height of 20 cm.; Li slender, very long for the size of the plant, of ten recurved; probably the handsomest of our Bpecies. 128 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Calochortus nuttallii Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 2: 124. 1855. Type locality: "Summit of Noble's Pass, Sierra Nevada." Range: Montana to New Mexico, west to California. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Silver City; Tunitcha Mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. A taller plant than the preceding and with less handsome but more numerous lilac flowers. 3. Calochortus gunnisonii S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 346. 1871. Calochortus gunnisonii perpulcher Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 29: 281. 1900. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Montana and Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Chusca Mountains; Ramah; Mogollon Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. Similar to the last in general appearance but with different anthers and glands. The plants from the Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains have larger and yellower flowers than those from other parts of New Mexico. To this form Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell gave the subspecific name perpulcher. His type was collected at Harveys Ranch. 19. MELANTHACEAE. Bunch-flower Family. Perennial caulescent or scapose herbs, with elongated or bulblike rootstocks; leaves alternate, often all basal; flowers polygamous or dioecious, regular, in terminal spikes, racemes, or panicles, or solitary; perianth usually inconspicuous; sepals and petals distinct or nearly so; filaments often adnate to the base of the sepals and petals; ovary superior or slightly inferior; styles distinct. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stems tall, 1 meter high or more, from rootstocks; leaves large, oval 1. Veratrtjm (p. 128). Stems low, less than 50 cm. high, from elongated bulbs; leaves linear. Perianth segments without glands, narrowly linear, 2 to 3 mm. long, greenish 2. Schoenocaulon (p. 129). Perianth segments gland-bearing, not linear, 5 mm. long or more, white. Ovary partly inferior; glands obcordate; flow- ers 1 cm. long or more, not crowded 3. Anticlea (p. 129). Ovary superior; glands obovate or semiorbicu- lar; flowers less than 1 cm. long, crowded 4. Toxicoscoroion (p. 130). 1. VERATRTJM L. Skunk cabbage. Tall coarse perennial herb, 1.5 meters high or less, from thick rootstocks; leaves broad, sessile, strongly veined; flowers rather large, in a broad terminal panicle; perianth of 6 similar distinct elliptic-oblong segments; capsules 3-beaked, the per- sistent styles divergent. 1. Veratrum speciosuxn Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 531. 1900. Type locality: Bridger Mountains, Montana. Range: Montana and Washington to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Winsor Creek; Pecos Baldy; Willow Creek; White Mountain Peak. Wet meadows in the mountains, Transition to Hudsonian Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 129 A common and very characteristic plant of the mountains of the northern part of the State, often thickly covering large areas of open marshy land. It is some- times eaten by sheep, with fatal results. The common name given in the books is "false hellebore," but in New Mexico it is always known as "skunk cabbage," although it is very unlike the plant which bears that name in tne eastern United States. 2. SCHOENOCAULON A. Gray. Low plant with a slender scape from a black fibrous-coated elongated bulb; leaves all radical, pale green, long, grasslike; flowers perfect, pale green, almost sessile in a spikelike raceme; capsules about 12 mm. long, with 4 to 6-seeded cells. 1. Schoenocaulon drummondii A. Gray; Hook. & Am. Bot. Beechey Voy. 388. 1841. Schoenocaulon texanum Scheele, Linnaea 25: 262. 1852. Type locality: Southwestern Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Ten miles west of Roswell (Wooton). Dry hills and plains. 3. ANTICLEA Kunth. Glabrous herbs from tunicated bulbs, the stems scapose, or bearing a few leaves; flowers of medium size, ochroleucous, greenish; perianth segments similar, each bear- ing an obcordate gland near the base; inflorescence open, loose, few-flowered. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Inflorescence paniculate, widely branched, glaucous; pedicels slen- der, divergent, 2 or more times the length of the subtending bracts; petals about 5 mm. long 1. A. porri/olia. Inflorescence racemose, sometimes with a few short branches below, green; pedicels stout, erect or ascending, of about the same length as the subtending bracts; petals 5 to 8 mm. long. Perianth segments 7 to 8 mm. long," 7 to 13-nerved 2. A . elegans. Perianth segments 5 to G mm. long, 3 to 7-nerved 3. A. coloradensis. 1. Anticlea porrifolia (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 273. 1903. Zygadenus porrifolius Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 123. 1881. Type locality: "Mogollon Mountains, near the summits," New Mexico. Type collected by Greene in 1881. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Lookout Mines. Mountains, in the Canadian Zone. 2. Anticlea elegans (Pursh) Rydb. Bull. Toney Club 30: U7:i. 1903. Zygadenus elegans Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 241. 1814. Zygadenus dilatatus Greene, PI. Baker. 1: 51. 1901. Type locality: "On the waters of the Cokahlaiahkil rivrr. near the Rocky mountains." Range: Alaska and Saskatchewan to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa IV and Las Vegas mountains; Baldy; White Moun- tains. Damp woods, in the ' anadian and Budsonian .- 3. Anticlea coloradensis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 273 L90 I Zygadenus eoloradenria Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 534. HKX). Tytk locality: Idaho Springs, Colorado. Range: Utah and Colorado to northwestern Ne* M< uco. N>;w Mexico; Tunitcha Mountains (Standby 7654). Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 76°— 15 9 130 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. TOXICOSCORDION Rydb. Death cam ass. Plants much as in the preceding genus, but the flowers smaller and much more numerous, the perianth segments with obovate or semiorbicular glands, and the ovary wholly superior instead of partly inferior. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants stout; leaves 10 to 15 mm. wide; inflorescence paniculate, widely branching 1. T. panieulatum . Plants slender; leaves about 5 mm. wide (strongly falcate); in- florescence racemose, little or not at all branched 2. T.fahatum. 1. Toxicoscordion panieulatum (S. Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 272. 1903. Zygadenus paniculatus S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 343. 1871. Type locality: "Oregon and Washington Territory." Range: Montana and Washington to California and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Matthews). Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Toxicoscordion falcatum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 272. 1903. Zygadenus falcatus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 536. 1900. Type locality: Fort Collins, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Baker 260). Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 20. JUNCACEAE. Rush Family. Grasslike plants, annuals or perennials, tufted or from rootstocks, with terete solid stems; leaves various, the sheaths open or closed, the margins sometimes produced into auriculate ligule-like organs, the blades flat or terete or wanting; inflorescence of terminal heads, spikes, or panicles, usually bracted; flowers regular, mostly com- plete, 3-merous; sepals and petals 3 each, more or less glumelike; stamens 3 or 6; ovary superior, 1 or 3-celled, forming a 1-celled or 3-celled capsule with 3 to many seeds. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaf sheaths open; capsules 1 or 3-celled; seeds many 1. Juncus (p. 130). Leaf sheaths closed; capsules 1-celled; seeds 3 2. Juncoides (p. 134). 1. JUNCUS L. Rush. Chiefly perennial herbs of wet soil, with pithy or hollow, usually simple stems; leaf sheaths open; flowers cymose or glomerate, small, greenish or brownish; capsule 3-celled or rarely 1-celled, the seeds numerous, often appendaged. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lower bract of the inflorescence terete, erect, appearing as an elongation of the stem; inflorescence apparently lateral. Flowers few, 1 to 5, one of them subsessile, the others pedi- celed 1. J. drummondii. Flowers several, in a more or less compound panicle. Plants slender; bracts extending considerably beyond the inflorescence; basal sheaths without blades. . . 2. «/. balticus. Plants stout; bracts short, extending little if at all beyond the inflorescence; uppermost basal sheath bearing a scapiform blade 3. /. mexicanus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 131 Lower bracts not appearing as a continuation of the stems, or if so channeled on the upper surface; inflorescence ter- minal. Leaves septate, sometimes equitant, the septa sometimes poorly developed and hard to see in dried material. Leaves terete, not equitant. Capsules narrowly lanceolate; inflorescence with short branches; flowers echinate-sp reading, or the lowest of the head re flexed. Heads 7 to 8 mm. in diameter; leaf blades erect; petals usually longer than the sepals 4. /. nodosus. Heads more than 10 mm. in diameter; leaf blades usually spreading; petals shorter than the sepals 5. /. torreyi. Capsules oblong; inflorescence with elongated branches (in J", mertensianus a single head); flowers erect or ascending. Heads several; leaves terete; seeds not caudate.. 6. /. badius. Heads solitary or rarely 2 or 3; leaves somewhat flattened; seeds mostly caudate 7. J. mertensianus. Leaves equitant, laterally flattened, with one edge toward the stem. Flower clusters numerous, small, 5 to 12-flowered, generally light-colored 8. J. brunnesenw. Flower clusters few, larger, 15 to 25-flowered, usually dark-colored. Perianth segments green-margined; ligules usually not auricled 9. /. parous. Perianth segments fuscous or dark brown; ligules produced into small auricles 10. J. saximontanus. Leaves neither septate nor equitant. Leaves hollow; flowers few, in small head.. Stems leafy only at base; perianth about 4 mm. long; lower bracts of inflorescence mem- branous II. ./. triglumis. Stems leafy throughout; perianth segments 5 to 6 mni. long; lower bracts foliaceous L2. ./. castaneus. Leaves not hollow; flowers numerous. Flowers no< bracteolate, in true heads en bran< I el" the infiori -< on. . ; leav< broad and grass- like L3. J. kmgistylis. Flowers bracteolate, inserted singly on the branches tif the inflorescence; leaves narrowly linear, flat, or subterete and channeled. Annual; stems branched 14. J. bu/onius. Perennials; stems simple. Auricles cartilaginous, yellowish brown; bracts usually elongated, much <\ ding the inflorescence 15. J.dudl Auricles Bcarious or membranaceous; bracts usually much shorter, hardly • ceeding the inflorescence. 132 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Auricles conspicuously produced be- yond the point of insertion. Stems stout; leaves short and broad; perianth 4 mm. long, scarious at base; cymes open 16. /. brachyphyllus. Stems slender; leaves long and nar- row; perianth 3.5 to 4 mm. long, scarious to the apex; cymes dense 17 . /. con/usus. Auricles scarcely produced beyond the point of insertion. Perianth segments about equaling the capsule, 3 to 4 mm. long 18. J. interior. Perianth segments mostly exceed- ing the capsule, 4 to 5 mm. long 19. J. arizonicus. 1. Juncus drummondii E. Mey. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. 4: 235. 1853. Juncus arcticus Willd. err. det. Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 189. 1838. Type locality: "At a great elevation on the Rocky Mountains." Range: British America to California and northern New Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Spirit Lake; Truchas Peak. Bogs, in the Hudsonian and Arctic- Alpine zones. 2. Juncus balticus Willd. Ges. Naturf. Freund. Berlin Mag. 3: 298. 1809. Type locality: "An den sandigen Meeresufern bei Warnemunde," Germany. Range: Alaska and British America to California, New Mexico, and New York; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Dulce; Chama; Farmington; Taos; Baldy; Winsors Ranch; Jewett; Gallo Spring; Lone Mountain; Berendo Creek; Mesilla Valley; Silver Spring Canyon. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Juncus mexicanus Willd.; Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 7: 178. 1829. Juncus balticus mexicanus Parish, Muhlenbergia 6: 119. 1910. Type locality: "In Mexico." Range: Texas and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Cloverdale; White Sands; Carrizozo; Malones Ranch. Wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. Juncus nodosus L. Sp. PL ed. 2. 466. 1762. Type locality: "Habitat in America septentrionali." Range: British America to Nevada and Virginia. New Mexico: Farmington; near Peco6; Castle Rock. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Juncus torreyi Coville, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 303. 1895. Juncus nodosus megacephalus Torr. Fl. N. Y. 2: 326. 1843. Juncus megacephalus Wood, Bot. & Flor. ed. 2. 724. 1861, not Curtis, 1835. Type locality: "On the shores of Lake Ontario." Range: British Columbia and New York to California and Texas. New Mexico: Shiprock; Farmington; Dulce; Las Vegas; Zuni Reservation; Albu- querque; Pecos; Berendo Creek; Silver City; Mesilla Valley; Carrizozo; Mescalero Agency. Wet ground, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 133 6. Juncus badius Suksd. Deutsch. Bot. Monatschr. 19: 92. 1901. Juncus truncatus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 399. 1904. Type locality: "Im Falkenthal ira westl. Teil von Klickitat County," Wash- ington. Range: Washington and Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains {Standley 7565). Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 7. Juncus mertensianus Bong. Mern. Acad. St. P4tersb. VI. Math. Phys. Nat. 2: 167. 1832. Type locality: Sitka, Alaska. Range: Alaska to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Spirit Lake (Standley 4397). Bogs, in the Hudsonian Zone. 8. Juncus brunnescens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 400. 1904. Juncus xiphioides montanus Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 481. 1868, in part. Type locality: Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Range: Nevada and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; mountains west of Grants Station; Pecos; Bear Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Rio Mimbres; Cloverdale; Guadalupe Canyon; Ruidoso Creek. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. 9. Juncus parous Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 401. 1904. Type locality: Fort Garland, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; mountains west of Grants Station; Rio Pueblo; Middle Fork of the Gila; Silver Spring Canyon; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; (arrizozo. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. 10. Juncus saximontanus A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 401. 1902. Juncus xiphioides montanus Engelm. Trana. Acad. St. Louis 2: 481. 1868, in part. Type locality: Colorado. Range: British America to New Mexico. New Mexico: Middle Fork of the Gila; Chama; White Mountain Peak. Wet mead- ows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 11. Juncus triglumis L. Sp. PI. 328. L753. Type locality: "Habitat frequens in Alpibus Lapponicis, Tauro Rastadiensi." Range: British America to New Mexico and New York; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Stayidley 4764). Wet meadows, in the Budsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 12. Juncus castaneus J. E. Smith, I'l. Brit. 1: 383. 1800. TvrE locality: "In paludosis alpinis Scotiae, solo micaceo. On Ben Lawer." Range: British America to Colorado ami New Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 1771, 4770). Meadows, in the Antic Alpine Zone. 13. Juncus longistyUs Torr. U. s. & Hex. Bound. Bot. 223 1858 Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected bj Bigekm K.w.i : B] itisfa A merica to < laliforniu and .New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; ( bama; v. Ranch; Santa Fe; Rio Pueblo; Jewetl Spring; Copper Mine-. White Mountain-' Wei ground, in the Transition and I 'anadian zones. 14. Juncus bufonius L. Sp. i'l 328 I Tyi'e locality: European. Range: Nearly < a anopolil in 134 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Chama; north of Ramah; Santa Fe Creek. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 15. Juncus dudleyi Wiegand, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 524. 1900. Type locality: Truxton, New York. Range: Washington and Maine to Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Pecos; Ramah; Jewett Spring; Bear Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 16. Juncus brachyphyllus Wiegand, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 519. 1900. Type locality: "Upper Platte," Colorado. This was originally cited as "Arkan- sas," which is altogether wrong. Range: Mountains, Idaho to Colorado and New Mexico. We have seen no material of this, but it is probable that one of the cotypes, although cited as coming from "Arkansas," really came from within our limits.1 17. Juncus confusus Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 10: 127. 1896. Type locality: In an irrigated meadow, North Park, Colorado. Range: Montana and Wyoming to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains (Standley 7547). Wet ground, in the Tran- sition Zone. 18. Juncus interior Wiegand, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 516. 1900. Type locality: Richmond, Illinois. Range: Wyoming and Illinois to New Mexico and Missouri. New Mexico: Johnsons Mesa; Mogollon Creek; McKinneys Park; Kingston; Gil- mores Ranch. Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 19. Juncus arizonicus Wiegand, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 517. 1900. Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Thurber. Range: Colorado and Arizona to Texas. New Mexico: Chama; Sierra Grande; Taos; Bear Mountains; Lorenzo Spring; Organ Mountains; San Luis Mountains; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. JUNCOIDES Adans. Wood rush. Slender perennial grasslike herbs, often hairy, with flat leaves, the leaf sheaths closed; flowers small, spicate, glomerate, or umbellate; capsule 1-celled, 3-seeded. key to the species. Flowers on slender pedicels in corymbiform panicles 1. J. parviflorum. Flowers in crowded spikelike clusters. Spikelets peduncled, forming a corymb 2. J. intermedium . Spikelets subsessile, forming a compound spike 3. /. spicatu in . 1. Juncoides parviflorum (Ehrh.) Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 209. 1893. Juncus parviflorus Ehrh. Beitr. Naturk. 6: 139. 1791. Luzula parviflora Desv. Journ. Bot. Schrad. 1: 144. 1808. Type locality: European. Range: Alaska and British America to California, New Mexico, and New York. New Mexico: Ponchuelo Creek; Pecos Baldy. Meadows, Transition to Arctic- Alpine Zone. 2. Juncoides intermedium (Thuill.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 610. 1905. Juncus intermedius Thuill. Fl. Env. Paris ed. 2. 178. 1799. Juncus muUifiorus Ehrh.; Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. ed. 2. 1: 169. 1800, Dot Retz. 1795. 1 See, Bartlett, H. H. Rhodora 11: 156. 1909. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 135 Type locality: Near Paris, France. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: "Winsors Ranch (Slandley 4167). Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. 3. Juncoides spicatum (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 725. 1891. Juncus spicatus L. Sp. PI. 330. 1753. Luzula spicata DC. & Lam. Fl. Franc. 3: 161. 1805. Type locality: "Habitat in Lapponiae Alpibus." Range: Temperate North America; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Truchas Peak; Baldy. Meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 21. DRACAENACEAE. Yucca Family. Shrubby plants or trees with woody caudices copiously furnished with narrow rigid leaves; flowers in racemes or panicles terminating scapes or scapelike stems; perianth greenish or white, the sepals and petals similar; gyncecium of :; united carpels; ovary superior, 1 to 3-celled; styles united, sometimes very short or obsolete during anthesis; ovules 2 to several or many in each cell; fruit a loculicidal capsule, or berry-like and indehiscent. KEY to the genera. Flowers perfect 1. Yucca (p. 135). Flowers dioecious or polygamo-dioecious. Flowers polygamo-dioecious, in open panicles; ovary 3-celled; stamens included 2. Nolixa (p. 137). , Flowers dioecious, in dense panicles; ovary 1-celled; stamens exserted 3. Dasylirion (p. 138). 1. YUCCA L. Yucca. Thick-stemmed (in several species the stems short and mostly subterranean) peren- nials with narrow, mostly rigid, sharp-pointed leaves and large panicles or racemes of white campanulate flowers; fruit a 3-celled capsule, this dry or sometimes baccate and flei by. KEY TO THE SPECIES. L( aves l<> mm. wide <>r less. Stems conspicuous in old plants, reaching a height of 3 to 4 meters, nuked below, clothed with a tuft of leaves above; inflorescence a much branched panicle 1. Y.elata. Stems short, mostlj subterranean, covered with leaves to the base; inflorescence racemose, sometimes with a few branches. Flowers large, 6 cm. long or more; style oblong, white. . 2. Y. baileyi. Blowers small, I em. long or less; style swollen at the 1ki.sc, greenish. Leaves narrow, 6 nun. wide or Less, very thick, ely filif erous 3. Y.glauca. l,i aves broader, S to lit nun. wide, thin, al.undanth filiferous I. F". neomexieana. Leaves broader, L5 to -'(> nun. wide Fruit dehiscent; plants acaulescent i I karrimaniae. Fruit indehiscent; plants caulescent ora< lulescent. Stem; short, 20 cm. high or less, leaf] to the bfi perianth segments nanow h lanceolate, 5 to 8 cm. fruit large, 12 to 15 cm long, very pulpy . . 0 > I 136 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stems taller, 1.5 to 5 meters high ; perianth segments elliptic, 2 to 4 cm. long; fruit smaller, 10 cm. long or less, only slightly pulpy. Leaves rigid, rough, yellowish green; filaments coarse and grayish 7. Y. macrocarpa. Leaves fbxible, smooth, bluish green, glaucous; filaments, when present, fine, usually brownish 8. Y. schottii. 1. Yucca elata Engelm. Bot. Gaz. 7: 17. 1882. Palmilla. Yucca angustifolia radiosa Engelm. in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 496. 1871. Yucca angustifolia elata Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 50. 1873. Yucca radiosa Trel. Rep". Mo. Bot. Gard. 3: 163. 1892. Type locality: "Extending from West Texas to Utah, Arizona and Northern Mexico." Range: Southern Arizona to western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Bayard; Mimbres River; Dog Spring; Cambray; Hachita; Deming; mesa west of Organ Mountains; "White Sands; Alamogordo; Mescalero Agency; Mesquite Lake. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This is the common narrow-leaved Yucca of southern New Mexico, known as "pal- milla, "or " soapw'eed." The roots, termed "amole, " are often used as a substitute for soap. The plant has considerable decorative value, but because of its large roots is difficult to transplant. It is one of the most abundant and characteristic plants of the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Yucca baileyi Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 114. 1913. Type locality: Dry slope in pine woods in the Tunitcha Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 7638). Range: Northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Chusca Mountains. Dry hills and low mountains, in the Transition Zone, extending down into the Upper Sonoran. 3. Yucca glauca Nutt. Fraser's Cat. no. 89. 1813. Soapweed. Yucca angustifolia Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 227. 1814. Type locality: "Collected 1,600 miles up the Missouri, about lat. 49°." Range: South Dakota and Wyoming to Missouri and New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Farmington; Sierra Grande; Rosa; Albuquerque; Fairview; San Augustine Plains; Horse Camp; Pecos. Plains and low hills, chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is the common Yucca of the northern and eastern parts of New Mexico, where it is often very abundant. The leaves have been used in the manufacture of stable brooms. The fruits of this, as well as of some of the other dry-fruited species, were cooked and eaten by some of the Indians. 4. Yucca neomexicana Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 115. 1913. Type locality: On a volcanic hill about half a mile north of Des Moines, Union County, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 6208). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Yucca harrimaniae Trel. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 13: 59. pi. 28, 29, 83. f. 10. 1902. Type locality: Helper, Utah. Range: Southern Utah and Colorado to northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7314). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 137 6. Yucca baccata Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 221. 1859. Datil. Type locality: High table lands between the Rio Grande and the Gila, New Mexico. Range: New Mexico to Colorado and Nevada. New Mexico: Farmington; Raton; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Hur- rah Creek; Santa Fe Canyon; Crawfords Ranch; Socorro; Fairview; Rincon; Carriza- lillo Mountains; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains; Burro Mountains; Bear Moun- tains. Dry hills and high plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The species is the low, stiff-leaved Yucca of the rocky ridges and mesas at the bases of the mountains. It is the largest flowered of our species. The fruit, too ia characteristic, somewhat resembling the eastern pawpaw in general appearance. The Indians of New Mexico slice the ripe fruit and dry it in the sun for use in winter. When fresh, it has a peculiar sweet taste and is quite palatable. 7. Yucca macrocarpa (Torr.) Engelm. Bot. Gaz. 6: 224. 1881. Palma. Yucca baccata macrocarpa Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 221. 1859. Type locality: On the plains of western Texas near the Limpio. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Silver City; Fort Bayard; Las Cruces; Tortugas Mountain. Mesas and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This the common broad-leaved Yucca or "dagger" of the mesas of the southern part of the State. It is used not a little for decorative purposes in this region and ia very effective. It is easily transplanted and under cultivation becomes 5 to G meters high. The leaves are used extensively by the various Indians, notably the \] aches, in their basketry. By using different parts of the leaves, different colors are secured for forming designs, the outer part of the leaf being greenish yellow and the inner white. 8. Yucca schottii Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 46. 1873. Type locality: Upper Santa Cruz River in southern Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Indian Canyon, Animas Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Lower Sonoran Zone. A little-known arborescent species with smooth, glaucous leaves and pubescent inflorescence. It is known with us only in the extreme southwesl corner of the State. 2. NOLINA Michx. Beargrakn. Coarse-leaved perennials, the leaves linear, serrulate; inflorescence of a stout, nearly naked stem, paniculately branched above; flowers polygamo-dicecious, small, with whitish oblong-lanceolate .segment.-; stamens Included ; trail Lndehiscent, thin-walled, willi subglobose seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves 6 mm. wide or less, the edges smoot h 1 . X. grti ru i. Leaves 6 to 12 mm. wide, scabrous on the edges 2. A", tnicrocarpa. 1. Nolina greenei S. Wats ; Trel. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 50: 418. lull Tvi'K locality: Between the Purgatory and Apeshipa rivers, north of Trinidad, Colorado. Range: Southeastern Colorado to X<\\ Mexico. New Mexico: San Miguel County; White Mountains Dry hills, in the LTpper Sonoran Zone. 138 CONTBIBUTIONS FBOM THE NATIONAL HEBBABIUM. 2. Nolina microcarpa S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 14: 247. 1879. Type locality: "S. Arizona (Rock Canon; Rothrock, n. 278)." Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mimbres River; Big Hatchet Mountains; Silver City; San Luis Mountains; Dog Mountains; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Creek; Lake Valley; Mag- dalena Mountains. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A specimen collected by Bailey at San Rafael probably belongs here, although the margins of the leaves have much fewer teeth. The leaves of this plant were used by the Indians in former times in weaving bas- kets and mats. They also furnish a fairly good quality of fiber, which may some day be utilized in making cordage. 3. DASYLIRION Zucc. Sotol. Dioecious perennials with thick short stems, numerous strap-shaped spiny-margined leaves, and very numerous small white flowers borne in tall narrow panicles. The bases of the leaves form a round head about the thick stems, when the ends have been cut or burned off, and these are used for feeding stock. These heads are roasted by the native people and used for food and for the manufacture of a drink called "sotol" which contains from 40 to 50 per cent of alcohol. It has been found practi- cable to manufacture commercial alcohol from the plant. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Prickles of the leaves mostly recurved; leaves green 1. D. leiophyllum. Prickles of the leaves directed forward; leaves somewhat glaucous.. 2. D. wheeled. 1. Dasylirion leiophyllum Engelm.; Trel. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 50: 433. 1911. Type locality: Presidio, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Central; Florida Mountains; Big Hatchet Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Dasylirion wheeleri S. Wats, in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 272. 1879. Type locality: Southern Arizona. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: San Mateo Mountains; Kingston; Mangas Springs; Big Hatchet Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Rincon; mesa near Las Cruces; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 22. CONVALLAKIACEAE. Lily- of- the- valley Family. Perennial herbs arising from rootstocks, never with bulbs or conns; leaves alternate (in ours cauline), sometimes reduced to scales; flowers perfect, in terminal racemes or panicles or axillary in small clusters; perianth segments distinct or more or less united at the base; pistil 3-parted; fruit a fleshy berry. key to the genera. Leaves reduced to scales; branches numerous, filiform 1. Asparagus (p. 139). Leaves not reduced; stems sparingly branched or simple, not filiform. Perianth segments united into a tube 2. Salomonia (p. 139). Perianth segments distinct. Flowers in terminal racemes or panicles 3. Vagnera (p. 139). Flowers terminal or opposite the leaves, solitary or in few-flowered clusters. Flowers in terminal, few-flowered clusters 5. Disporum (p. 140). Flowers solitary opposite the leaves 4. Streptopus (p. 139). WOOTON AND STANDLEV FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 139 1. ASPARAGUS L. Asparagus. Tall perennial with much branched stems from thick matted rootstocks; branchlets capillary, often referred to as leaves, the true leaves reduced to small scales; flowers small, greenish yellow, axillary, on jointed pedicels. 1. Asparagus officinalis L. Sp. PL 313. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae arenosis." New Mexico: Farmington; Santa Fe; Mesilla Valley. The cultivated asparagus thrives in New Mexico and is a not uncommon escape in the valleys. 2. SALOMONIA Heist. Solomon's seal. Perennial herbs with simple erect stems from creeping rootstocks; leaves sessile or clasping; flowers axillary, nodding, greenish, on jointed pedicels; ovary 3-celled with 2 to C ovules in each cell; berry black or blue. 1. Salomonia cobrensis Woot. & Standi. Contr. IT. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 113. 1913. Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Copper Mines; near Kingston. 3. VA6NERA Adans. False Solomon's seal. Low plants with running rootstocks, leafy stems, alternate, sessile, lanceolate or elliptic leaves, small, inconspicuous, paniculate or racemose flowers, and reddish fruit. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers paniculate; leaves elliptic to oval 1. V. amplexkaulis. Flowers in a simple raceme; leaves lanceolate 2. V. stellata. 1. Vagnera amplexicaulis (Nutt.) Greene, Bot. San Bran. Bay 316. 1894. Smilacina amplexicaulis Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 58. 1834. Sniilacina racemosa amplexicaulis S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 345. L871. Type locality: '"In the valleys of the Rocky Mountains about the sources of the Columbia River." RANGE: British Columbia and Montana to California and New Mexico. Xi.w Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountain-'; Sandia Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zon< We have specimens from the Mogollon Mountains in which the leaves are abund- antly variegated with white. 2. Vagnera stellata (L.) Morong, Mem. Torrey Club G: 111 1894. Convallaria stellata L. Sp. PI. 310. 1753. Smilacina stellata Deaf. Ann. Mus. Paris 0:52. 1807. TYPE LOCALITY: Canada. Range: British America to Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and California. New Me.xko: Santa Fe and I. as Vegas mountains; Magdalena Mountain ; Chama; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White Mountains; Sierra Grande Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. Some of our specimens ma} represent Vagnera liliacea Greene, but we are unable to ito i he two ■ jx'cies by any constanl chanu ter 4. STREPTOPUS Michx. TwiSTKD-STALB Perennial from a creeping rootstock, with branched tern md small axillary flo* • hi h segment acute; fruit a red glol man} eeded berry. 140 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DO. & Lam. Fl. Franc. 3: 174. 1805. Uvularia amplexifolia L. Sp. PI. 304. 1753. Type locality: " In Bohemiae, Saxoniae, Delphinatus ruontibus." Range: British America to Arizona and Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Winsor Creek {Standley 4200). Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. 5. DISPORUM Salisb. Low herb with creeping rootstocks, erect branched stems, and sessile ovate thin leaves; flowers small, solitary on slender terminal peduncles; perianth narrowly cam- panulate; fruit a 3 to 6-seeded red berry. 1. Disporum trachycarpum (S. Wats.) Benth. & Hook. Gen. PL 3: 832. 1883. Prosartes trachycarpa S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 344. 1871. Type locality: Colorado. Range: British America to South Dakota and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 23. ALIIACEAE. Onion Family. Perennial scapose herbs with scaly or reticulate-coated bulbs; leaves few, narrow, basal; flowers in terminal umbels, at first inclosed in and finally subtended by a scarious involucre; perianth segments all alike, petaloid, mostly conspicuous, per- sistent, becoming scarious in fruit; stamens 6; fruit a dry 3-celled capsule. KEY TO THE GENERA. Perianth segments nearly free (in ours pinkish, fading lighter); capsule deeply lobed, sometimes crested; plants strong-scented 1 . Allium (p. 140). Perianth segments united for one-third their length or more; capsule not lobed nor crested; plants not strong-scented . Perianth campanulate or funnelform, about 1 cm. long, bluish purple 2. Dipterostemon (p. 143). Perianth salverform, 3 cm. long, the limb white with pronounced greenish midribs 3. Milla (p. 143). 1. ALLIUM L. Onion. Strong-scented herbs with narrow leaves and 1 to several scapes from a coated bulb; flowers in umbels, sometimes replaced by bulblets; perianth of 6 petaloid, nearly free segments; fruit a deeply lobed 3-celled capsule. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Outer bulb coats strongly reticulated, the veins separating into a mat of fibers. Scapes bulblet-bearing 7. A. sabulicola. Scapes not bulblet-bearing. Capsules crested. Plants tall, 25 to 40 cm.; perianth segments 5 mm. long, bright rose pink; pedicels slender 8. A. geyeri. Plants lower, 10 to 15 cm., stouter; perianth seg- ments 7 or 8 mm. long, pale pink with prominent midveins; pedicels stout 9. A. deserticola. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 141 Capsules not crested. Plants slender; pedicels 10 to 12 mm. long; perianth segments 4 to 5 mm. long, pale 10. A. helhri. Plants stout; pedicels 13 to 16 mm. long; perianth segments 6 to 7 mm. long, bright pink 11. A. nuttallii. Outer bulb coats scaly, not reticulate, the veins never separating into fibers. Bulbs without rootstocks; umbels erect; perianth segments acute or acuminate; stamens not exserted. Capsule and ovary not crested 4. A. scaposum. Capsule and ovary crested . Perianth segments oblong-lanceolate; plants low, 10 to 12 cm. ; bulb coats dark chestnut brown. 5. A. bigelovn. Perianth segments ovate-lanceolate; plants taller, 18 to 30 cm. ; bulb coats lighter colored 6. A. palmeri. Bulbs arising from rootstock. Umbels erect; perianth segments acute; stamens not exserted; rootstocks long and slender; bulbs usually solitary 3. A. rhizomatum. Umbels cernuous; perianth segments obtuse; stamens exserted; rootstocks short and thick; bulbs usually clustered. Leaves not carinate, 3 to 6 mm. wide in dried specimens; flowers numerous 1. A. recurvatum. Leaves carinate, 2 mm. wide or less; flowers few 2. A. neomexicanum. 1. Allium recurvatum Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Card. 1: 94. 1900. Type locality: Indian Creek, Montana. Range: South Dakota and British Columbia to New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Kingston; White and Sacramento mountains. Open meadows, in the Transition and Canadian zone* . 2. Allium neomexicanum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 541. 1899. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, October 14, 1891. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. Xkw Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Abiquiu Peak; Laguna Blanca; mountains west of Grant; West Fork of the Gila; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; Laa Huertas Canyon. Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. 3. Allium" rhizomatum Wont. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 111. L913 Type locality: Gila Hot Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by ^Yooton, August 20, 1900. Range: Known only from the type locality', in the Transition Zone. 4. Allium scaposum Benth. PI. Hartw. 26. 1840. Tyi'k locality: "SniiH rivuloe, Aguas Calientes," Mexico. Range: Western Texa£ t<> southern Arizona and southward. Xkw Mexico: Sixteen Spring Canyon | Wooton). Transition Zone. Doctor Watson included this species with those having reticulate hull, coate, hut all the specimens we have een (ten or a dozen sheets), including some to which he refers, have scaly bulh coats, the inner ones very thin and white or hyaline, th iter some- what thicker, yet light-colored. IN- LUu tration in the Botany of King's Survt plate 38, was do doubl made with a compound micr pe, since t!"- markings are not visible under a hand Lens. The illustration oi the flower is ex< ellent. 142 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. Allium bigelovii S. Wilts, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 487. pi. 38. f. 8, 9. 1871. Type locality: Cooks Spring, New Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. We have seen no further specimens of this from New Mexico. 6. Allium palmeri S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 487. pi. 87. J. 10, 11. 1871. Type locality: Northwestern New Mexico. Type collected by Palmer. Range: Southern Utah to northern New Mexico and Arizona. N ew Mexico: Known only from the northwest corner of the State. Upper Sonoran Zone- -A 7. Allium sabulicola Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 539. 1900. Allium arenicola Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 506. 1900, not Small, 1900. Type locality: In sandy soil on the bank of the Chama River at Chama, New Mexico. Type collected by Osterhout. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Spirit Lake; West Fork of the Gila; Fitegerald Cienaga. Wet places in the mountains, from the Transition to the Hudsonian Zone. Our plants all agree in having several whitish ovoid bulblets, ovate acuminate sepals, and reticulated bulbs, but they are in every case much larger plants than the original description indicates. They are certainly not A. rubrum Osterhout and we do not believe that Nelson 1 is right in reducing them to A. nuttallii. 8. Allium geyeri S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 14: 227. 1879. Allium reticulation var. /? S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 486. 1871. Allium dictyotum Greene, PL Baker. 1: 52. 1901. Type locality: Stony banks of the Kooskooskie River, Idaho. Range: New Mexico to British Columbia. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Tierra Amarilla; Sandia Mountains; mountains west of Grants Station; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. 9. Allium deserticola (Jones) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 114. 1913. Allium ntiailatum deserticola Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 10: 30. 1902. Type locality: "On the adobe plains of eastern Utah, south of the Uintas and western Colorado and southward to Texas." Range: As above; probably also in northern Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. This is the largest flowered wild onion we have in the State. The perianth segments are pale pinkish to white, with a darker midrib, fading to a dry papery envelope in fruit. The plant occurs with us in the foothills of the more arid mountains. 10. Allium heUeri Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 264. 1903. Type locality: Southern Texas. Range: Nebraska and Colorado to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Winsors Ranch; Bear Mountain; mountains east of Gila River; Copper Mines; Burro Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Transition Zone. 11. Allium nuttallii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 14: 227. 1879. Allium mutabile var. /? S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 487. 1871. Type locality: " Kansas, Texas and New Mexico." Range: Kansas and Colorado to Texas and Arizona. 1 In Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 114. 1909. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 143 New Mexico: Glorieta; West Fork of the Gila; near Fort Defiance; Nara Visa. Low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. DIPTEROSTEMON Rydb. Flowers few, umbellate on unequal rays, bluish purple, broadly funnelform, with a short tiibe; stamens 6, the inner wing-appendaged. 1. Dipterostemon paucifiorus (Torr.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 111. 1912. Brodiaea capitata pautiflora Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 218. 1859. Dicheloslanma pauciflorum Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 179. 1910. Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Santa Rita. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. MILL A Car. Flowers white, the perianth segments with greenish midribs, salverform with a narrowly turbinate tube, usually 2 to each scape; stamens nearly sessile, the anthers fixed by the base; capsules oblong-obovate, sessile. 1. Milla biflora Cav. Icon. PI. 2: 76. pi. 196. 1794. Type locality: " Habitat in Imperio Mexicano. " Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Animas Valley (Mearns 2513). Low hills. Both this and the preceding plant are well worthy of cultivation and would probably thrive in southern New Mexico. 24. LILIACEAE. Lily Family. Perennial, mainly caulescent herbs, with bulbs or conns; leaves alternate or whoi Led, sometimes basal or apparently basal; flowers solitary or in terminal racemes, corymbs, or panicles; perianth conspicuous and showy; sepals and petals similar, sometimes partly united; gyncecium of 3 united carpels; ovary superior, 3-celled; styles united; fruit a loculicidal capsule, globular or elongated. key to the gknera. Perianth segments united into along tube; flowers white. . 1. Leucockinum (p, I Perianth segments distinct <>r nearly so; flowers white or colored. Bulbs tunicated; flowerswhite 4. Lloydia (p. 144). Bull's scalj ; flowers no1 w hite. Flowers large, 6 or 7 cm. long; perianth clawed 2. I.nn m (p 14 Flowers small, 2 cm. long <>r less; perianth seg- ments nut clawed :'.. I''ui in i \iii \ (p II! 1. LETJCOCRINUM Null. Winn: MOUNTAIN nn Plants acaulescent, with numerous Leaves from a ahorl tstock and a i Luster of fleshy roots; flowers few to many Erom the crown, \\ bite, 3 to 5 cm. Long. 1. Leucocrinum montanum Null.; A. Gray, Ann. Lye. N. Y. 4: Mi) L84 Type locality: 'In planitiebus altis fluminis Platte." I' • ■ . i • { Oregon and South Dakota i" Nevada and northern N. m klexii o. New Mexico: Dulce; Raton. Open slopes. 144 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. LILItJM L. Lily. Stems tall, with all but the uppermost leaves scattered; leaves linear-lanceolate; perianth campanulate, showy, reddish orange spotted with purple inside; capsules subcylindric, attenuate at the base. Our species is one of our handsomest native plants. It occurs only occasionally in moist places in the higher mountains. It is well worthy of cultivation and would doubtless do well in gardens at elevations of 2,000 meters or more. 1. Lilium umbeUatum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 229. 1814. Lilium montanum A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 6. 1899. Lilium philadelphicum montanum Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 92. 1911. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Ohio to Alberta, south to Arkansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Fresnal. Open woods, in the Transition Zone. We are unable to separate Lilium montanum from this, since the characters of the narrowness of the leaves and the number of flowers do not hold for New Mexican material. 3. FRITILLARIA L. Fritillaria. Slender plant 20 to 40 cm. high, with leafy stems, each bearing 1 to 6 flowers; bulbs of numerous thick scales; perianth campanulate, of 6 equal, dull purple segments; styles united to the middle. 1. Fritillaria atropurpurea Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 54. 1834. Type locality: "On the borders of the Flat-Head river." Range: Oregon and North Dakota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Matthews). 4. LLOYDIA Salisb. Low plants, 5 to 15 cm. high, with leafy 1-flowered stems; bulbs upon an oblique rhizome, covered by the persistent bases of the leaves; perianth segments spreading, white with purple veins. 1. Lloydia serotina (L.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 2. 527. 1830. Anthericum serotinum L. Sp. PL ed. 2. 444. 1762. Lloydia alpina Salisb. Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. 1: 328. 1812. Type locality: "In alpibus Angliae, Helvetiae, Taureri rastadiensis, Wallaesiae." Range: Arctic regions southward to Washington and New Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Hermits Peak; Pecos Baldy; top of Las Vegas Range. Meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 25. ASPHODELACEAE. Asphodel Family. 1. ANTHERICUM L. A low plant with naked stems (sometimes with 1 or 2 small leaves) from a thick cylindric fleshy-fibrous root; leaves linear, grasslike; flowers yellow, on jointed pedicels; capsules oblong, with several flattened seeds in each cell. 1. Anthericum torreyi Baker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 15: 318. 1876. Echeandia ternijlora angustifolia Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 219. 1859. Hesperanthes torreyi S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 14: 241. 1879. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 145 Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: San Ignacio; Hop Canyon; Las Vegas Mountains; Mogollon Moun- tains; Burro Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. Order 14. AMARYLLIDALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Stamens 6; leaves not 2-ranked 26. AMARYLLIDACEAE (p. 145). Stamens 3; leaves 2-ranked 27. IRIDACEAE (p. 117). 26. AMARYLLIDACEAE. Amaryllis Family. Perennials with bulbs or corms or sometimes with fibrous mots; leaves basal; flowers regular or irregular, solitary or corymbose; andrcecium of 6 stamens inserted on an epigynous disk or at the throat of the tube opposite the sepals and petals ; ova ry i 1 1 I'erior, 3-celled; styles united; fruit a 3-celled capsule or berry. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves spiny-toothed and spine-tipped; plants with elon- gated caudices 1. Agave (p. 145). Leaves not spiny-toothed; plants with bulbs 2. Atamosco (p. 1 17). 1. AGAVE L. Century plant. Long-lived perennials with a cluster of numerous thick fleshy basal leaves and a tall flower stalk, this either nearly spicate or paniculate and -with numerous thick divergent branches; perianth persistent, tubular-funnellonn, parted unto numerous narrow, nearly equal divisions; anthers linear, versatile; fruit an oblong coriaceous 3-celled capsule containing numerous flat black seeds. Agon urn, i inula is an introduced species very common in cultivation in the southern part of the State. It is the common ''maguey'' of the Mexicans, who use the sap taken from the developing flower stalk for making "pulque." "mescal," and "tequila." It is not cultivated Ear north to 15, 20 t<> :!<> cm. Long, yellowish green; panicle with very shorl branches, spikelike in appear- ance 2. .1 . A chuguilla. Leaves more numerous, 30 or more, 20 to LOO cm. long, deep green or bluish green, glaucous; panii lee with spread- ing Longer branches. Stamen- inserted near the middle of the corolla tube; Leaves deep green, 6 to L2 cm. wide, generally 10 to iiit cm. Long, sometimes much Longi r. .T«J°— 15 10 146 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stamens inserted at the base of the corolla segments; leaves bluish green, glaucous, closely imbricated, broader, 8 to 14 cm. wide, usually 20 to 45 cm. long. Leaves broad, 10 to 14 cm. wide, 30 cm. long or more; panicles large and widely spreading; flowers 8 to 9 cm. long 4. A. parryi. Leaves of same relative proportions but smaller, 15 to 20 cm. long and 5 to 8 cm. broad; panicles with few branches; flowers mostly about 6 cm. long 5. A. neomexicana. 1. Agave schottii Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 305. 1875. Agave geminiflora sonorae Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 214. 1859. Type locality: Sierra del Pajarito, southern Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon (Mearns 575). 2. Agave lechuguilla Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 213. 1859. Lechuguilla. Type locality: "Mountains near El Paso, and along the Rio Grande downward." Range: Low hills and dry plains, western Mexico and southern New Mexico and southward, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Miss Mulford reported this from the Organ Mountains as having been collected May 18, 1851. Neither of the writers has seen the plant in this range, but it may occur at the southern end, where little collecting has been done. A single plant from the north end of the Franklin Mountains, just on the boundary between New Mexico and Texas, is growing in the garden at the Agricultural College. It is said to occur along the southern border farther east as well. The species is of economic importance as a fiber plant in northern Mexico, where it is used extensively in making cordage. The short caudex is used as a substitute for soap, one form of the "amole" found on the market. 3. Agave palmeri Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 319. 1875. Type locality: Mountains of southern Arizona. Range: Southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Florida Mountains; Cloverdale; San Luis Mountains; Animas Moun- tains; La Luz Canyon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Miss Mulford reports finding a plant of this species a few miles from Fort Bayard, and that must be about its northern limit. 4. Agave parryi Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 311. 1875. Agave americana latifolia Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 213. 1859. Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Fierro; Big Hatchet Mountains; Lake Valley; Burro Mountains; Florida Mountains; Bear Mountains; 5 miles north of Reserve; Mogollon Creek. Low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is the common " mescal " of western New Mexico. It has considerable decora- tive value and, while never as large as A. americana, reaches sufficient size to warrant its use in large urns and in other positions in formal gardening. This, like the other larger plants of the genus, was used by the Indians in making mescal. The thick leaves were cooked in large pits made in the ground and lined witli stones, which were first fired, then filled with the plant. It is from their preparation of this article of food that the Mescalero Apaches receive their name. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 147 5. Agave neomexicana Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 115. pi. 48. 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 541). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Organ and San Andreas mountains. 2. ATAMOSCO Adans. Atamasco MLY. Low plant with large tunicated bulbs, slender grasslike leaves, and rather large (3 or 4 cm. in diameter) yellow flowers borne singly upon a stout fle.-hy scape; capsules large and deeply 3-lobed. 1. Atamosco longifolia (Hemsl.) Cockerell, C'anad. Ent. 1901: 283. 1901. Zephyranthes longifolia Hemsl. Diag. PI. Mex. 55. 1880. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1904 >. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa near Las Cruces; Lordsburg; Animas Valley. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 27. IRIDACEAE. Iris Family. Perennial, mostly caulescent herbs with bulblike or elongated rootstocks; leaves equitant, 2-ranked; flowers regular or irregular, solitary or in clusters from spathelike bracts; perianth usually showy ; sepals and petals often very unlike, distinct, or united below; stamens 3, adnate to the perianth opposite the sepals; gyncecium of 3 united carpels; ovary inferior; styles distinct; fruit a loculicidally 3-valved capsule. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers yellow 1. Oreolirion (p. 147). Flowers blue or white. Stylos alternate with the Btamens; leaves narrow, le than 5 mm. wide 2. Sisyrinchhth (p. 147). Styles opposite or arching over the Btamens; leaves broad, 10 mm. wide or more 3. [ris (p. 148). 1. OREOLIRION Bicknell. An erect perennial. 25 to 50 cm. high, with flat, grasslike, conspicuously nerved leaves roots clu tered, somewhat fleshy; flowers large, 30 nun. in diameter, yellow; capsules oblong, L2 to 1 1 mm. high. In genera] appearance this plant le much like the specie of Sisyrinchium, bul the yellow flowers enable one to distinguish it readily. 1. Oreolirion arizonicurn ( Rothr. i Bicknell. Sisyriruhiwrn arizonicum Rothr. Bot. Gaz. 2: L25. L877. Type locality: Willow Spring, Arizona. Ilw.i:: Southern Arizona ami New Mexico. Xku Mexico: Mogollon .Mountain-; Black Range. 2. SISYRINCHIUM L. Bli I M v lass. slender perennial grasslike plants with numerous ereel leaves, winged stems, and small blue flowers, occurring in the higher mountains in moist meadows and along streams. 148 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Outer bracts of the inflorescence about twice as long as the inner 1. 8. campestre. Outer bracts of about the same length as the inner. Perianth 7 to 10 mm. lo*g; plants somewhat glaucous, the stems clustered; bracts broad, 10 to 20 mm. long; stems flexuous, often ascending 2. S. demissum. Perianth 10 to 14 mm. long; plants more slender, bright green, the stems mostly solitary, erect, straight; bracts 16 to 32 mm. long . 3. S. Occident ale. 1. Sisyrinchium campestre Bicknell, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 341. 1899. Type locality: "Wisconsin to North Dakota, south to Louisiana, Oklahoma and the mountains of New Mexico." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande; Sacra- mento Mountains. Transition Zone. 2. Sisyrinchium demissum Greene, Pittonia 2: 69. 1890. Type locality: "In moist meadows at the base of Bill Williams Mountain Arizona, and also near Flagstaff." Range: Arizona to western Kansas. New Mexico: Las Vegas; mountains west of Grants Station; Zuni; Barranca; Mogo- llon Mountains; Black Range; Chavez; Socorro; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 3. Sisyrinchium occidentale Bicknell, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 447. 1899. Type locality: "Idaho and Nevada to Colorado and North Dakota." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: Near Pecos; Iron Creek, Mogollon Mountains; north of El Vado. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. IRIS L. Blue flag. Plants 30 to 70 cm. high, with long, flat, somewhat glaucous leaves arising from a thickened rootstock; flowers large, very showy, sweet-scented, pale blue. 1. Iris missouriensis Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 58. 1834. Type locality: "Towards the sources of the Missouri." Range: British America south to California, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Sierra Grande; Manguitas Spring; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, in the Transition and Canadian zones. Order 15. ORCHID ALES. 28. ORCHIDACEAE. Orchis Family. Herbaceous plants, perennial by bulbs or thickened roots, sometimes parasitic; leaves entire, from mere sheathing bracts to broadly ovate; flowers sometimes con- spicuous, in ours usually small, of bizarre forms especially adapted to insect pollina- tion; corolla of two similar lateral petals and a third (the lip or labellum) very different one, this frequently spurred or saccate; stamens gynandrous, with usually only one anther; pollen in small coherent masses (pollinia); ovary inferior; fruit a capsule. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 149 KEY TO THE GENERA. Anthers 2; lip a large inflated sack. .7? 1. Cypripedium (p. 149). Anthers only one; lip various in different genera. Flowers solitary, scapose 2. Cytherea (p. 150). Flowers several, racemose or spicate. Plants without green leaves; stems glandular- pubescent 3. COHALLORHIZA (p. 150). Plants with green leaves; stems not glandular (except in Peramium), usually glabrous. Leaves rosu late; stems very short 4. Peramium (p. L50). Leaves not rosulate, scattered along the stems; stems 10 cm. long or more. Leaves 1 or 2. Leaves 1, elliptic to oval; racemes many-flowered; flowers ma- roon or green 5. ACHROAN'THKS (]>. 151). Leaves 2, opposite, renifoim; ra- cemes laxly few-flowered ; flowers greenish 6. Ophrys(j>. 152). Leaves several. Inflorescence loosely racemose; flowers few, large, 25 to 35 mm. long; capsules reflexed. 7. Epipactis (p. 152). Inflorescence spicate, strict; flowers numerous, small, 10 to 18 mm. long; capsules erect. Spikes twisted; spur wanting.. 10. Ibidium (p. 154). Spikes not twisted; spur present. Lip bifid; bracts of in- florescence very conspicuous 8. Coeloglossum (p L52). Lip entire; bracts of in- florescence usually not very conspicu- ous 9. Limnorchis (p L52 fioi Broad-leaved plants arising from thickened fascii led roots; flowers usually solitary, i. n long peduncles, showy, brighl yellow, with purple spots on the saccate lower petal. 1. Cypripedium vegamim Cockerel] A: Barker, Proc, Biol. Soc. Washington 14: 178. 1901. Type locality: Sapello Canyon, Las Vegas Range, New Mexico. Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico ami southern Colorado Nbw Mexico: Santa Pe and Las Vegas mountain ; Mogollon Mountains; < Jloudcroft. Damp woods, in the Canadian and Budsonian zon< Tin' dried specimens from New Mexico agree with Colorado material collected l>y Baker and by Coulter and referred to C. pubescent WilM , bul these are slightly differenl from ( '. pubucena materia] from 1 1 » * - Eastern States. It is likely that the plant of iln- Rocky Mountains is c. veganum. Thf spe< Lmen in the National Museum deposited by Profe sor «'<" kerell di with his description in two particulars: neither \> ave nor temi a bul i»'tli 1. CYPRIPEDIUM L. I.ai.v's-suppf.r. = L' ^^J^ 150 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. are sparsely and coarsely pubescent though not glandular; and the leaves are entirely too broad to be called less than elliptic-lanceolate. The specimen shows only three upper leaves. Specimens collected both by Standley and by Snow show the lower leaves as elliptic The writers have heard fairly reliable reports of the occurrence of another species of Cypripedium in the mountains east of Santa Fe. The plant has been observed in Santa Fe Canyon and in the mountains east of the Pecos. It is said to have a white lip splotched with purple. We have been unable to procure material of it, and it is possible that the plant belongs to some other genus. 2. CYTHEEEA Salisb. Calypso. A low herb, 10 to 15 cm. high, with a single showy rose-colored nodding flower at the end of a slender bracted stem; bracts narrowly oblong, clasping, acuminate; single radical leaf broadly elliptic, with numerous veins. 1. Cytherea bulbosa (L.) House, Bull. Torrey Club 32: 382. 1905. Cypripedium bulbosum L. Sp. PI. 951. 1753. Calypso borealis Salisb. Parad. Lond. pi. 89. 1806. Cytherea borealis Salisb. Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. 1: 301. 1812. Calypso bulbosa Oakes, Cat. Yt. PI. 28. 1842. Type locality: "In Lapponia, Russia, Sibiria." Range: Alaska and British America, south to Maine, Michigan, and New Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Hermits Peak; Winsor Creek; Sandia Mountains. Deep woods. 3. CORALLORHIZA R. Br. Coral root. Stems stout, simple, erect, from a cluster of coral-like rootstoeks (whence the generic name); leaves represented only by membranous sheaths; whole plant without green coloring matter; flowers purplish, the white lip usually spotted with purple. Our species are found only in moist, shaded, usually cool woods, where they are very striking because of the absence of green coloring. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spur present at the summit of the ovary; lip 3-lobed 1. C. multifiora. Spur absent; lip entire 2. C. vreelandii. 1. Corallorhiza multifiora Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 3: 138. pi. 7. 1823. Corallorhiza grabhami Cockerell, Torreya 3: 140. 1903. - C. >v>axui*tfr-> Type locality: "From New England to Carolina." Range: Alaska and British America to Florida and California. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Harveys Upper Ranch; Tuniteha Mountains; Chania; East Canyon. In woods, in the Canadian Zone. 2. Corallorhiza vreelandii Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 271. 1901. Type locality: Veta Mountains, Colorado. _ Qfl strr/td&J Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Horsethief Canyon ; Sandia Mountains. Reported from the vicinity of Pecos by Professor Cockerell, the specimens identi- fied by Rydberg. Metcalfe's 1513 from the Black Range seems to represent another and possibly undescribed species. Our material is entirely insufficient for diagnosis. 4. PERAMIUM Salisb. Rattlesnake plantain. Low plants, 10 to 25 cm. high, with basal rosettes of somewhat fleshy, often varie- gated, ovate or oblong-ovate leaves; flowers on a stout scape, this glandular-viscid, twisted; flowers whitish, small; roots somewhat fleshy. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 151 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lip of the corolla evidently saccate, the margins recurved; plants low, 10 to 14 cm. high; leaves 20 to 25 mm. long 1. P. ophioides. Lip scarcely saccate, the margins incurved; plants taller, 15 to 30 cm. high; leaves 40 to 60 mm. long 2. P. decipiens. 1. Peramium ophioides (Fernald) Rydb. in Britton, Man. 302. 1901. Goodyera ophioides Fernald, Rhodora 1: 6. 1899. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: British America to New Mexico, South Dakota, and North Carolina. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Upper Pecos. Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. 2. Peramium decipiens (Hook.) Piper, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 208. 1906. Spiranthes decipiens Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 203. 1839. Goodyera menziesii Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. 492. 1840. Peramium menziesii Morong, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 124. 1894. Type locality: Lake Huron. Range: British America to New York, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Harveys Upper Ranch; Sandia Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains. Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. The two species grow together, and one is likely to be overlooked because of its similarity in general appearance to the other. 5. ACHROANTHES Raf. Adder's mouth. Low herbs from solid bulbs, with 1 or 2 leaves and 1 to several scales at the base of the stem; flowers small, green or purplish, in a terminal raceme or spike; sepals spreading, separate; petals filiform or linear, spreading; lip cordate or auriculate a1 the base. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers greenish, in a very dense spike; divisions of the perianth oblong or oblong-lanceolate to ovate 1 . A. montana. Flowers purplish, in a loosely flowered spike; divisions of the peri- anth linear or linear-lanceolate 2. A. porphyrea. 1. Achroanthes montana (Rothr.) Greene, Pittonia 2: 183. 1891. = A^A'J S*1^ Micro8tylis montana Rothr. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 261. 1878. Type locality: Mount Graham, Arizona, at an elevation of 2,800 motors. Range: In the mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas Planting Station (Burthtt 324). Deep woods, in the Cana- dian Zone. This is a considerable extension of range for the species. Heretofore it has 1 D known in the I'nited States only from Arizona. Specimens in the National Eerbarium are from .Mount Graham and the RincoD and Euachuca Mountain.- of thai 81 2. Achroanthes porphyrea (Ridley) Woot. & Standi. < onir. 1 8. Nat. Serb. 16: i Hi. 1913. = Ma.6uci's dsmmbtm^ Miarostylia purpurea 8. Wats. Proc. Amer \- ad 18: L95. 1883, not Lindl. isi" Microttylia porphyrea Ridley, Jburn. Linn. So,-. B 0 i*S8. Aehroantha purpurea Greene, Pittonia 2: 184. L891 Tyfk locality: In Tanners Canyon, Euachuca Mountains, southern Irisona Rangb: Mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mi:\io>: I Loudcrofl I Wooton). 152 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. OPHRYS L. Twayblade. Stems slender and delicate, 10 to 20 cm. high, from fibrous creeping roots; flowers small, greenish, in few-flowered racemes; leaves 2, opposite, reniform, thin, near the top of the stem. ~ l^t'S&re-^ c^rdcctf^-' 1. Ophrys nephrophylla Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 610. 1905. Listera nephrophylla Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 108. 1900. Type locality: Spanish Basin, Montana. Range: Alaska and Oregon to Montana and New Mexico. New Mexico: Horsethief Canyon; Upper Pecos. Damp woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 7. EPIPACTIS R. Br. Helleborine. ' A rather tall coarse-leaved plant from a creeping rootstock; inflorescence racemose; flowers few, pediceled, conspicuously bracteate; capsule reflexed at maturity. 1. Epipactis gigantea Dough; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 202. pi. 202. 1839. Type locality: "N. W. America. On the subalpine regions of the Blue and Rocky mountains." Range: Washington and California to Texas. New Mexico: Mimbres; Grand Canyon of the Gila; Mangas Springs. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 8. COELOGLOSSTJM Hartman. Bracted orchis. Stems erect, rather stout, succulent, from a bifid fusiform tuber; leaves oblong- elliptic to lanceolate, the lower obtuse, the upper acute; inflorescence a few-flowered spike with conspicuous lanceolate spreading bracts.-/^£^r/0<;2VV'. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek (Metcalfe 282). 3. Limnorchis viridiflora (Cham.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 616. 1901. ITul/iiiiiriii borealis viridiflora Cham. Linnaea 3: 28. 616. 1828. _ J fa^p&fboftx*—* Type locality: ** Unalascha. " Range: Alaska, southward to the mountains of Colorado and .Ww Mexico, east- ward to Nebraska and South Dakota. New MEXicb: Santa IV and Las Vegas mountains. Canadian Zone. 4. Limnorchis sparsiflora (S. Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 631. 1901. Habenaria sparsiflora S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 276. 1877. Type locality: "Common in the Sierra Nevada and mountains of Northern California." Range: Oregon and California to the mountains oi western New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains (Rushy 399, in pari Mr. Ann- refers to this species a specimen from "spring at Twin Sisters near Silver City." This may be the L. ens\folia Rydb., reported from Now Mexico. 6. Limnorchis purpurascens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 269 L901 Type locality: [ron Mountain, < lolorado. Ramos: Mountains of Colorado and Ne* Mexico. New Mi \i< <>: Santa IV and la \ . a- mountains. 154 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. -a {4. faipcriu?'*!?^ 6. Limnorchis bo'realis (Cham.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 621. 1901. Habenaria boreal is Cham. Linnaea 3: 28. 1828. Type locality: " Unalaschka. " Range: Alaska to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6643). Bogs, iu the Transition and Canadian zones. 10. IBIDIUM Salisb. Stems erect, from tuberous roots, bearing few leaves near the base; flowers small, white, spurless, spicate, the spikes twisted; sepals and petals all more or less connivent' into a hood. ._ S&r&+>&>e'> -rorncwzA££tamr acute, entire leaves, these green above, glaucous beneath, on slender petioles. In New Mexico known only from the tops of the highest peaks in the northern part of the State. 2. Salix bebbiana Sarg. Gard. & For. 8: 463. 1895. Salix perrostrata Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 163. 1901. Type locality: British America. Range: From New Mexico northward and eastward. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton; Catskill; El Rito Creek; Chama; Zuni Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Along streams in the mountains at middle elevations, in the Transition Zone. 3. Salix scouleriana Barratt; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 145. 1839. Salix flavescens Nutt. N. Amer. Sylv. 1: 65. 1842. Salix nuttaUii Sarg. Gard. & For. 8: 463. 1895. Type locality: "North West America, on the Columbia. Dr. Scouler. Fort Vancouver. Tolmie." Range: New Mexico to Alberta and westward. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sierra Grande; Beulah; Zuni Mountains; Eao-le Peak; Black Range; Magdalena Mountains; Cloudcroft. Along mountain streams, in the Transition and Canadian zones. Similar to the next in appearance, but the leaves of a different shape and the charac- ters of the inflorescence conspicuously different. It comes into our range from the west, while S. bebbiana comes into New Mexico from the east. 4. Salix chlorophylla Anderss. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockholm 6: 138. 1867. Type locality: Western Canada. Range: New Mexico, Utah, and California and northward. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; top of Las Vegas Range; Taos Mountains. In the higher mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. A low branching shrub, only a few, often not more than two decimeters high; leaves thin elliptic-ovate, 2 to 3 cm. long, usually entire and acute, paler and slightly glaucous beneath. 5. Salix petrophila Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 268. 1899. Salix arctica petraea Anderss. in DC. Prodr. 16: 287. 1864. Type locality: "In summis Rocky Mountains." Range: New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and northward. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Taos Mountains. Among rocks on alpine summits, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. A low, creeping plant, 10 cm. high or less, with glabrous, yellowish or brown stems and elliptic, green leaves 3 cm. long or less, found only on very high peaks in the northern part of the State. 6. Salix glaucops Anderss. in DC. Prodr. 16: 281. 1868. Salix seemanii Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 164. 1901. Salix wyomingensis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 271. 1901. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 159 Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range: New Mexico to Canada, and westward. New Mexico: Taos Mountains; Upper Pecos River. Boggy places in the high mountains, in the Hudsonian Zone. A low shrub, 40 to 150 cm. high, known in New Mexico only from the tops of high mountains in the northern part on the State. 7. Salix monticola Bebb in Coulter, Man. Rocky Mount. 336. 1885. Salix padophylla Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 499. 1901. Type locality: Golden, Colorado. Range: New Mexico to Alberta. New Mexico : Santa Fe and La* Vegas mountains. At high levels in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. A shrub 3 to 6 meters high, with reddish brown, glabrous stems and elliptic-oblong to broadly oblanceolate leaves 5 to 7 cm. long. It comes into our region from the north and is now known only from the mountains between Santa Fe and L'as Vegas. 8. Salix cordata watsoni Bebb in S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 86. 1880. Salix flava Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 273. 1901. Salix watsoni Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 157. 1906. Type locality: Near Carson City, Nevada. Range: Rocky Mountains, westward to the Pacific coast. New Mexico: Pecos; Atarque de Garcia; White Mountains. Along streams, in the Transition Zone. 9. Salix irrorata Anderss. 6fv. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh. 15: 117. 1858. ' Type locality: "Hab. in Mexico nova." Type collected by Fendler, probably about.Santa Fe (no. 812). Range: Western Texas to southwestern Arizona, northward to Colorado. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; ZunijSandia Mountains' San Mateo Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Fort Bayard; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Transition Zone. This is one of two very common shrubby willows found beside mountain streams at middle elevations almost throughout the State. Rarely it takes the form of a low tree, but it is usually a shrub 3 to 4 meters high or less. • The catkins appear before tin- leaves, from rather large buds borne on glaucous stem-, and are closely foil, .wed h\ hort, narrowly elliptic-oblong leaves, 2 or :; cm. long. The summer foliage con- of numerous, thin, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, abruptly acute, entire or serrate leaves 15 cm. long or less, dark green above and very glaucous beneath The Btems may retain their glaucous coat, hut are usually brown. 10. Salix fiuviatilis Xutt. X . Amer. Sylv. 1: 73. 1842 Salix interior Lou lec, Bull. Torrey club 27: 273. 1900. Salix linearifolia Rydb. in Britton, Man. 316.1901. Type i ocaxity: "The immediate border of the Oregon a little below its confluence with the Wahlamet." Range: [daho to New Mexico, eastward across the continent; not common in the Rocky Mountain region, Xi.w Mexico: Fort Bayard (Blumer 124). Upper Sonoran Zone Very rare in our range, mosl of the specimens thai bave been referred here belong- ing, probably, to 8, i vigua. 11. Salix exigua Xutt. X. Aiiht. Sylv. 1 : 75. L842. IDBAB WILLOW. Salix stenophylla Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 271. 1901. Tvri him m : "Territory of < Oregon Range: Rocky Mountain Region and westward, 160 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Farmington; Tierra Amarilla; Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe; Pecos; Magdalena; Gila; Kingston; near Carlisle; White Mountains; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley. Common along streams, from the Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. Salix thurbcri Rowlee is a form with longer leaves that are noticeably dentate. In our opinion it is not essentially different from S. exigua as defined above. This is the common shrubby willow which grows in sandy soil, on ditch banks, and to some extent beside streams, in the mountains at the lower levels throughout the State. It is exceedingly variable in the size of the leaves and the degree of pub-, escence of the whole plant. The leaves are always narrowly linear and acute. The Indians and Mexicans use the stripped branches in basketry. 12. Salix taxifolia H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 22. 1817. Type locality: " Colitur in hortis Mexicani, Queretari, Zelayae, alt. 900-1200 hex." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Deer Creek (Goldman 1441). Closely related to S. exigua, but with shorter leaves and very pubescent capsules. It is known to us only from a single specimen from the extreme southwestern corner of the State. 13. Salix fendleriana Anderss. Ofv. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh. 15: 115. 1858. Type locality: "Hab. in Mexico nova." Type collected by Fendler, probably about Santa Fe (no. 816). Range: Northern New Mexico, northward and westward to the Pacific Coast. New Mexico: Nutritas Creek below Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6634, 6637). Transition Zone. The species seems to be much more abundant farther north. 14. Salix lasiandra Benth. PI. Hartw. 335. 1849. Western black willow. Type locality: "Ad flumen Sacramento," California. Range: Western and northern New Mexico to California, and northward. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe Canyon; north of Ramah; Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. This is one of the two shrubby willows found along the borders of mountain streams at middle elevations. The stems are brown and shining; the leaves are somewhat coriaceous, resembling a cottonwood leaf, almost perfectly lanceolate, acuminate, finely serrate, shining dark green above and pale or somewhat glaucous beneath, 8 to 12 cm. long. It is sometimes associated with S. irrorata, but our material shows it only from the western and northern parts of the State. 15. Salix wrightii Anderss. Ofv. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh. 15: 115. 1858. Type locality: "Hab. in Nova Mexico." The type is Wright's 1877 and did not come from New Mexico but from the banks of the Rio Grande, in Texas or Chihua- hua, or from Lake Santa Maria, Chihuahua. Range: From New Mexico southward into western Texas and Chihuahua, west- ward to Arizona and Sonora. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Albuquerque; Socorro; Kingston; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The species is the common narrow-leaved willow tree of New Mexico. It occurs mostly along water courses (or near acequias or flooded bottoms) at the lower levels. The mature leaves are light green, of about the same color on both surfaces, narrowly Uinceolate, with numerous small teeth. Small, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, acute leaves appear with the flowers. The trunk is sometimes 20 cm. in diameter and is covered with rough gray bark. The branches are slender, greenish yellow, and not reflexed, even on old trees. WOOTON AND STANDLEV FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 161 16. Salix nigra Marsh. Arb. Amer. 139. 1785. Black willow. Type locality: North America. Range: California to Colorado and New Mexico, and eastward. New Mexico: Gila; Dog Spring; Emory Spring; Grant County; White Sands. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. It is very probable that further study of what is here considered S. nigra in New Mexico will show that it belongs to S. wrightii, which is the common plant of the type. The leaves of our specimens are firmer than those of the eastern form and usually broader. 17. Salix bonplandiana H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 24. pi. 101, 102. 1817. Type locality: "In Regno Mexieano, locis opacatis prope Moran, Cabrera, Omitlan et Pachuca, alt. 1270-1350 hexap." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 2189, 2434). 18. Salix argophylla Nutt. N. Amer. Sylv. 1: 71. 1842. Type locality: "On the Boise River, toward its junction with the Shoahonee," Idaho. Range: Washington and Oregon to Idaho and New Mexico. New Mexico:- Chama; Shiprock; Reserve. Along streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. With us a shrub 2 to 3 meters high. 19. Salix amygdaloides Anderss. Proc. Amer. Acad. 4: 53. 1858. Type locality: Fort Pierre, South Dakota. Range: British Columbia and Quebec, southward to New York, Texas, and Oregon. New Mexico: Shiprock; Farmington. Along streams, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This becomes a tree 10 meters high. 20. Salix subcaerulea Piper, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 400. 1900. Salix covillci Eastwood, Zoe 5: 80. 1900. Salix pachnophora Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 402. 1904. Type locality: Powder River Mountains, in wet meadows near the head of Eagle Creek, Oregon. Range: Oregon and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Along Willow Creek. Rio Arriba County (Standley tiroi'i. Along streams and in wet meadows, in the Transit ion and < 'anadian zone A tree 5 meters high or Order 18. JUG LANDAI.KS. 31. JUGLANDACEAE. Walnut Family. A small family of Large or small trees and large shrubs, of considerable economic importance on accounl of the value of their wood for various purposes and b< i of their edible seeds generally called "nuts"; leaves pinnately compound, the leaflets ly large; flowers monoecious, the sterile flowers in catkins, the fertile solitary or few together In short Bpikes. The family contains the well known black walnul and the English walnut of com- merce, the hickory nut. and the pecan. Only a single genUB OCCUR native in our range, bu1 the pecan is cultivated in a few localiti 52576° — 15- — it 162 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. JTTGLANS L. Walnut. Strong-scented trees or shrubs; buds few-scaled or naked; flowers in simple pendu- lous catkins from the branches of the previous year; calyx 3 to 6-cleft; stamens 12 to 40, with short filaments; styles 2, short; fruit drupaceous, the exocarp fibrous-fleshy, indehiscent, the endocarp and irregularly roughened "nut" with an edible embryo. There are at least two species of Juglans in New Mexico and possibly a third. The two do not occur together so far as any records show or as we know. The small bushy species occurs only in the southeastern part of the State in the Lower Sonoran Zone, while the tree grows in the mountains, mostly in the Transition or just at the top of the' Upper Sonoran Zone. Mr. 0. B. Metcalfe once collected some nuts from a tree in the mountains of the western part of the State which were much larger than those of either of the species mentioned here. These were not accompanied by any other material, so that we are unable to characterize the species. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Large shrub 4 to 6 meters high, branching from the ground, rarely if ever with a noticeable trunk 1. J. rupestris. Tree 8 meters high or more, with a trunk often 3 meters high and 30 to 50 cm. in diameter 2. J. major. 1. Juglans rupestris Engelm. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 171. /. 15. 1854. Type locality: "New Mexico." Range: Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains; east slope of the Sacramento Mountains; Pecos Valley. Along streams, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This walnut is a large branching shrub, in New Mexico usually less than 5 meters high, with several stems from one root, branched down to the ground. It is not uncom- mon along the Pecos and its tributaries in the southeastern part of the State and may go some distance back up the tributaries toward the mountains. It is common on the Pecos and the Devils River in western Texas, where it reaches a larger size but still retains the shrubby habit. Its leaflets (6 to 12 pairs) are lanceolate, acuminate, sub- falcate, with oblique bases, entire or with relatively few teeth which are rendered more inconspicuous because the margin is revolute. It has been confused with the other New Mexican species by many writers and collectors, although Doctor Torrey had a good conception of the two when he described them. He evidently believed them to be distinct and assigned one of them (/. major) to subspecific rank, as he says, "for the present," probably because of the statements of some of the collectors who had not seen both. The species is easily recognized by its smaller size, shrubby habit, smaller and more numerous leaflets, and very small, thick-walled nut only 10 to 15 mm. in diameter. 2. Juglans major (Torr.) Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 50. 1900. Juglans rupestris viajor Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 171. pi. 16. 1854. Type locality: "Western New Mexico." This is certainly Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Magadalena Mountains; Burro Mountains; Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard ; Black Range; Dog Spring; Animas Mountains; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. In his original description of this species Doctor Torrey says that "Dr. Woodhouse found the plant in western New Mexico and Dr. Bigelow collected it at the Copper Mines." "Western New Mexico" at that time included Arizona. The plant com- mon in the region of the Copper Mines is a good-sized tree, not infrequently with a trunk 3 to 4 meters to the first branch and 40 to 50 centimeters in diameter, with a WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 163 large rounded top 12 to 15 meters high. Its leaflets are broadly lanceolate, 6 to 9 cm. long, not revolute-margined but serrate. The nut is 20 to 25 mm. in diameter. This species has been confused with a Californian one (/. californwa S. Wats.) from which it is said, by those who know both, to be distinct. The Californian plant is found in the Sacramento Valley. Our native walnuts, this species in particular, are often known by the native name of "nogal." Order 19. FAGALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Staminate and pistillate flowers in aments; fruit never with a bur or cup 32. BETULACEAE (p. 163). Staminate flowers in aments. the pistillate often soli- tary; fruit with a bur or cup 33. FAGACEAE (p. 164). 32. BETULACEAE. Birch Family. Monoecious or rarely dioecious trees or slirubs with alternate simple leaves and deciduous stipules; sterile flowers in catkins; fertile flowers clustered, spicate, or in scaly catkins; fruit a 1-celled and 1-seeded nut with or without a foliaceous involucre. KEY TO THE GENERA. Ovary inclosed in a bladdery bag 1. Ostrya (p. 163 1. Ovary not inclosed in a bladdery bag. Stamens 2; bracts of the mature pistillate aments membra- nous, usually 3-lobed, deciduous with the nut 2. Betula (p. 163). Stamens usually 4; bracts of the mature pistillate amenta thickened and woody, erose or toothed, persistent 3. Axnus (p. 164 1. 1. OSTRYA Scop. Hop hornbeam. A small tree; sterile flowers consisting of several stamens in the axil of each bract; fertile flowers a pair to each deciduous bract, inclosed in a bractlet, this in fruit becoming a bladdery bag, the involucres forming a kind of strobile resembling t hat of the hop. 1. Ostrya baileyi Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 8: 293. L905. Type locality: Guadalupe Mountains, Texas. Range: Known only from the type locality. The type was collected only two miles from the Now Mexico lino, and the Bp< with but little doubt, occurs at the north end of the range in New Mexico, 2. BETULA L. Birch. Small tree or large shrub with slender stems; Bterile flowers 3 to each shield-shaped scale of the calkin; fertile flowers 2 or 3 to each 3-lobed bract, the bracts thin, decidu- ous; fertile catkins ovoid tocylindric. 1. Betula fontinalis Sarg. Bot. Gaz. 31: 239. 1901. Betula micropkylla fontinalis Janes, Contr. West. Bot. 12:77. 1908. Type locality: "On the Sweetwater, one of the branches of the Pis Hanoi:: British America to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; Tunitcha Mountains; Paquate. Along streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition Bones. 164 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. ALNUS Hill. Alder. Shrubs or small trees with thin toothed leaves; sterile catkins with 4 or 5 bract- lets and 3 flowers upon each scale; fertile catkins ovoid or ellipsoid, the scales each subtending 2 flowers and a group of 4 small scales, the latter becoming woody in fruit, wedge-obovate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves rounded to truncate at the base, somewhat lobed, ovate to broadly oblong; stamens 4 1. A. tenuifolia. Leaves usually cuneate or at least narrowed at the base, seldom lobed, the younger ones lanceolate, the older elliptic or ob- long; stamens 1 to 3, usually 2 2. A.oblongifolia. 1. Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. N. Amer. Sylv. 1: 32. 1842. Type locality: "On the borders of small streams within the Range of the Rocky Mountains, and afterwards in the valleys of the Blue Mountains of Oregon." Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Along streams, in the Transition Zone. . The powdered bark of the alder, together with ashes of Juniperus monosperma and a decoction of Cercocarpus montanus, were used by the Navahos in preparing a red dye for wool. 2. Alnus oblongifolia Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 204. 1859. Alnus acuminata H. B. K. err. det. many authors. Type locality: Banks of the Mimbres and near Santa Barbara, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1864). Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range. Along streams, in the Transition Zone. 33. FAGACEAE. Beech Family. 1. QUERCUS L. Oak. Low shrubs or large trees with rough bark on the older stems and hard tough wood ; leaves chlorophyll green and deciduous, or bluish or grayish green and persistent almost or quite until the appearance of the leaves of the following season, of various shapes, size, and texture, generally short-pet ioled, mostly more or less stellate- pubescent at some time; flowers monoecious, the staminate usually in slender pendu- lous aments, the pistillate solitary or in few-flowered spikelike aments, appearing with the leaves; fruit (acorn) a nut varying in shape and size with the species, the cup being also of varying size and shape. The treatment here given follows that of Doctor Rydberg,1 and much of the work was done in consultation with him, while examining a rather extended series of New Mexican specimens. The species listed cover the material at New York and Wash- ington and that in the herbarium of the New Mexico Agricultural College. With the use of this material is combined the field experience of Doctor Rydberg and the authors, extending over a number of years of careful study of the genus. The attitude here assumed is that forms represented by numerous individuals that are easily distinguishable in the field and herbarium are worthy of separate names. Whether one calls them species or subspecies matters little; we prefer the former and the forms are so treated here. 1 The Oaks of the Continental Divide. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 187. 1901. WOOTOX AND STAXDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 165 There are several well-marked groups of closely-related species, the mosl conspicuous of which is that clustered about Q. gambelii, including Q. utaJu n '/mollis, Q. gunnisonii, Q. vreelandii, Q. novomexicana, and Q. leptophylla, all of which have green deciduous leaves of much the same texture and outline with varying degrees of pubescence. Another group is that consisting of shrubs of small or large size (never forming trees) of the higher mountains, having more or less persistent blue green leaves — Q. undulata, Q. fendleri, Q. rydbergiana. Yet another well-marked group contains the low trees of the southern part of the State, occurring among the rocks and canyons of the drier and botter mountains. These are Q. grisea, Q. arizonica, and Q. reticulata, the last being a large tree in the mountains of New Mexico. A single chestnut oak, known from two stations, is Q. muhlenbergii, a most unexpected find. The affiliations of the other species are not so easily seen, each species standing more or less by itself in New Mexico. Acorns of the different oaks were formerly used by the Indians as food. They were boiled or roasted or sometimes dried and ground into flour. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Acorns sericeous-tomentose inside, maturing the second year 1. Q. hypoUuca. Acorns not sericeous-tomentose inside, maturing the first year. Leaves bluish, grayish, or yellowish green (never bright chlorophyll green), more or less coriaceous, mostly persisting until the appearance of new leaves, hence the plant leafy all the time. Leaves not persisting; medium-sized shrub 2. Q. fendleri. Old leaves persisting till after the appearance of the young ones; shrubs or trees. Mature plants shrubs, never trees. Plant about 1 meter high, with very small acorns and leaves 4 . Q. rydbi rgiana. Plants more than a meter high, the leaves and acorns large. Leaves fulvous beneath; cup turbinate (». Q. turbinella. Leaves not fulvous beneath; cup hemis- pheric. Leaves only moderately coriaceous, neither spinulose-toothed nor crisped :?. Q. undulata. Leaves strongly coriaceous, much crisped and spinulose-toothed... 5. Q. pungem. Mature plants Tncs (shrubby forms immature, usually not fruiting). Scales of the cup thin, only alightly corky- thickened on the back; mature leavi yellowish green. Leaves of the same color en both surfaces. . 7. (j. emoryx. I., ives fulvous beneath, especially when young 8. (J. nilruiii. Scales of the cup corky-thickened on the Lack; leaves fulvous beneath, glabrate above. Acorn large; mature leaves all more or I conspicuously toothed (resembling those of Q.fendUri) 0 Q ■ fuaa. 166 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Acorns of medium size; only the younger leaves conspicuously toothed. Leaves large, obovate, strongly reticu- late; teeth small and numerous 13. Q. reticulata. Leaves of medium size, oblong, only slightly reticulate, entire or with few coarse teeth. Leaves and twigs of the year glabrous in age; leaves rarely with any teeth 10. Q. oblongifolia. Leaves permanently and densely stellate-pubescent beneath, as also the twigs of the year; leaves various. Cup shallow; acorn acute 12. Q. arizonica. Cup deep, covering one-third the acorn; acorntruncateorobtuse.il. Q. grisea. Leaves chlorophyll green, not coriaceous, deciduous in the fall, hence the plants leafless in the winter. Leaves coarsely serrate-toothed with numerous teeth from base to apex, not truly lobed 14. Q. muhlenbergii. Leaves more or less sinuate ly lobed. Low shrubs, never forming trees; leaves small, 7 cm. long or less. Lobes few and shallow, appearing as a few large teeth; some of the leaves obovate in outline 15. Q. media. Lobes deep and more numerous; leaves oblong in outline. Acorns very large, 25 mm. long; a plant of the southeastern sandhills 16. Q. havardii. Acorns small, 10 mm. long or less, racemose; plant of the mountains of the northern part of the State 17. Q. venustula. Taller shrubs or trees with large, deeply lobed leaves mostly 10 cm. long or more. Mature leaves soft-pubescent and almost velvety beneath. Scales of the cup thin, little thickened on the back; leaves distinctly obovate in outline 18. Q. submollis. Scales of the cup thickened on the back; leaves mostly oblong, only slightly broadened upward 19. Q. utahensis. Mature leaves not velvety beneath, usually glabrate, sometimes slightly pubescent, especially on the veins. Cup saucer-shaped, covering less than one- fourth of the acorn 20. Q. vreelandii. Cup hemispheric, covering one-third to half the acorn. Acorns ovoid, acute; cup covering about half the acorn 24. Q. gambelii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 167 Acorns barrel-shaped, obtuse; cup various. Mature leaves thin, large, obovate, cuneate, dark green above ; acom very short, frequently more than half in the cup 21. Q. leptophylla. Mature leaves firm, deeply lobed; acorns longer, about one-third in the cup. Leaves oblong, lobed half way to the midrib, dull-colored; lobes usually simple 22. Q. gunnisonii. Leaves obovate, lobed more than half way to the midrib, dark green above; lobes frequently again lobed 23. Q. novomexicana. 1. Quercus hypoleuca Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 384. 1876. White-leap oak. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Common from the Black Range and the Mogollon Mountains south to the Mexican border. Low dry mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. One of the two easily recognizable species of the State, occurring only in the moun- tains of the southwestern part. It becomes a tree 10 meters high or occasionally higher, but is frequently found as a small bush forming clumps. The leaves are characterLst Lc, being very thick and leathery, oblong-lanceolate, entire or with a few coarse teeth near the apex, yellowish green and glabrous above, densely white-woolly beneath. The tree is well worth cultivation for decorative purposes. 2. Quercus fendleri Liebm. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1854: 170. 1854. Fendler oak. Quercus undulata A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 162: 23. 1864, in part. Quercus undulata peduneulata A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 162: 23. 1864. Quercus undulata Sarg. Silv. N. Amer. 8: 75. 1895, in part. Type locality: New Mexico, probably near Santa Fe. Type collected by Fendler (no. 805). Range: Southern Colorado, northern New Mexico, and Arizona, and in the Pan- handle region of Texas. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton; El Rito Creek; Ramah; Sandia Mountains; East View; Gallinas Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Buchanan; Duran. Drier mountains, in the Transition Zone. This is very near Quercus undulata, with which it is usually geographically asso- ciated, being separated from that species merely by size of the parts and t he persistence of the leaves. It is practically impossible to distinguish ordinary herbarium speci- mens showing leaves and fruit. Doctor Rydberg's key puts them in two different subsections on the ground of persistence of leaves, thus throwing Q. undulata next Q. pungens, which has a very different zonal distribution in New Mexico. 3. Quercus undulata Ton . Ann. Lye. X. Y. 2: 248. 1S28. Quercus undulata jamerii Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 382. ls;t;. Typk locality: "Sources of the Canadian and the Rock] Mountains," Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Northern New Mexico and Arizona and southern Colorado, and western Texas. New Mexico: 61orieta;25 miles south of Gallup; Pajarito Park; East View; Gallinas Mountains; Buchanan; Duran; Guadalupe Mountain-; Sierra Grande; Organ Moun- tains. l»rier mountains, in the Transition Zone, extending down into the Upper Sonoran. 168 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. What is here accepted as Quercus undulata is a low, straggling shrub 1 to 3 meters high, with small oblong leaves 3 to 5 cm. long, their margins sinuate-dentate, the teeth few and distinctly cuspidate but not spinulose. The leaves are firm but not coriaceous, and Doctor Rydberg believes them to be blue green, although from the type specimen and the description it is impossible to determine this. However, this is the common type of plant having the other characteristics ascribed to the species that is to be found in eastern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico, the region from which the type came. The plant here accepted is one of the two common shrubs having blue green leaves in the mountains of the northern part of the State. It also occurs as a low shrub high up on the peaks of the dry, rocky mountains of the southern part, a thousand feet or more above the common live oaks of that region. The acorns are rather small, 10 to 15 mm. long, in a thickened, hemispherical cup. 4. Quercus rydbergiana Cockerell, Torreya 3: 7. 1903. Quercus undulata rydbergiana Cockerell, Torreya 3: 86. 1903. Type locality: Las Vegas Hot Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell. Range: Mountains of the north central part of New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas Mountains; Cebolla Springs. Transition Zone. A small bush, 1 meter high or less, with small (2 to 4 cm. long), oblong, bluish green leaves with a few coarse sinuate lobelike teeth. The acorns are very small, less than 1 cm. long, in a shallow cup whose scales are very small, numerous, and somewhat thickened on the back. This certainly is a relative of what 4s here regarded as Q. undulata, and Professor Cockerell may be right in reducing it to a subspecies of that, but it is more easily separable from Q. undulata than is Q. fendleri and is more distinct than the various species or subspecies, as one chooses to consider them, that are grouped around Q. gambelii. There is little doubt that the various Rocky Mountain species hybridize readily, as seems to be the case with the eastern members of the genus. 5. Quercus pungens Liebm. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1854: 171. 1854. Quercus undulata tvrightii Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 382. 1876, in part. Quercus undulata pungens Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 392. 1876. Type locality: "Texas & Nov. Mexico. — California." Range: Western Texas, New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs; Silver City; Black Range; Big Hatchet Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio; Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains; Queen; Socorro Mountain. Dry, rocky mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A scrubby bush, 2 to 3 meters high, with small, coriaceous, spiny-toothed leaves on rather slender branches. Doctor Rydberg may be right in his belief that it is most closely related to Q. undulata, but it seems to be allied with Q . toumeyi and Q. turbinella. It is possible that the specimens referred in this treatment to Q. turbinella more properly belong to this species. 6. Quercus turbinella Greene, W. Amer. Oaks 1: 37. 1889. Type locality: Mountains of Lower California. Range: Lower California to southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Socorro; Magdalena Mountains; Cook Spring. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A shrub (or low tree ?) with small (1 to 3 cm. long), oblong, elliptic, or oval leaves, bluish green above, fulvous beneath, sinuate-dentate wth spiny teeth. The acorn is elongated, acute, with a turbinate cup whose scales are only slightly thickened. It is possible, not to say probable, that further study in the field will show that true Q. turbinella, which was named from the Calif omian peninsula, does not come into New Mexico at all. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 169 7. Quercus emoryi Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 152. 1848. Black oak. Quercus hastata Liebm. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1854: 171. 1854. Type locality: "Common on the elevated country between the Del Norte and the Gila," New Mexico. The type specimen is from Pigeon Creek (Las Palomas), and was collected by Emory. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, extreme western Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Bear Mountains; Animas Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Fort Bayard. Upper Sonoran Zone, occasionally extending down into the Lower Sonoran. This is the common black oak of the southwestern part of the State and is easily recognizable. It deserves its name, since the bark is black and thick. The leaves are pale yellowish green, of about the same color on both surfaces, more or less yellow- ish brown pubescent on the main nerves, oblong, flat, not crispate, coarsely sinuate- dentate with spinulose teeth. The acorns are small and acute, with a shallow cup •having pale yellowish brown scales not thickened on the back. They are produced early in the season and are much appreciated by the animals of the region. The species shows a tendency to hybridize. Quercus emoryi X pungens. A specimen from the Rio Frisco, near Alma, collected in 1906 by Vernon Bailey (no. 1058), has the acorn cup of Q. pungens, the acorn elongated and acute as in Q. emoryi, while the leaves are intermediate between those of the two species. 8. Quercus wilcoxii Rydb. Bull. X. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 227. 1901. Type locality: Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Animas Peak; Bear Mountain; Billiards Peak. Upper Sonoran Zone. Mature plants of this species are medium-sized trees, though the young plants often are low and shrubby and form a moderately thick growth on the mountain sides. It is probable that some of the material here referred to Q. pungens is from young plants of Q. wilcoxii. The latter species reaches only the extreme southwestern border of the State. Mature leaves on fruiting trees are mostly elliptic and abruptly acute, very coriaceous, and with involute margins. Leaves on sterile shoots are crisped and have several coarse, triangular, strongly spiny teeth. All the leaves are distinctly yellow to tawny beneath when young, but the pubescence disappears, leaving them whit iah or pule. The leaves are a yellowish or grayish green when growing. The species includes the material from southeastern Arizona and the adjacent country which has passed as Q. chrysolepis. It is readily recognized by the acorns, the Californian species having an acorn easily three times as large as that of Q. wilcoxii, with a very much thickened cup. 9. Quercus confusaWoot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: llii. L913. Typk locality: On Ruidoso Creek, 5 miles east of Ruidoso Post Office, New Mexico. Type collected hy Wooton, August 5, 1901. Rangk: White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A moderately large tree, 5 to 7 meters high, With oblong, ginuate-dentate leaves almost velvety beneath with yellowish stellate hairs; acorns l'o to 23 nun. long, barrel- ihaped, obtuse, aboul .'{ timee ae long as the cup. This species is most nearly related to Q.fendleri, bom which it differs En 1>« d tree, having still Larger leaves (persistent?) of the same general type, and in havings larger acorn. Ti occurs at a lower level than is common larQ.fmdUri, being a1 home in the Upper Son. nan instead Of the Transition Zone, although thfl latter sometimes comes into the Upper Sonoran. 170 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 10. Quercus oblongifolia Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuiii & Colo. 173. 1853. Type locality: "Western New Mexico." Arizona was a part of New Mexico at this time and, as the expedition started from what is now extreme western New Mexico, this locality must have been in western Arizona. Range: Western and southern Arizona, southeastern California, southwestern New Mexico, and adjacent Sonora. New Mexico: Dog Spring; Guadalupe Canyon. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This species has frequently been confused with Q. undulata, Q. grisea, and Q. ari-' zonica. The characters used in the key will separate these species at once. This is not at all closely related to the first-named species, but very near the other two. When mature it is a low, spreading tree of the live-oak type with oblong leaves which are wholly glabrous, as are the young twigs. 11. Quercus grisea Liebm. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1854: 171. 1854. Quercus undulata grisea Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 393. 1877. Type locality: "Texas. Nov. Mexico pr. el Paso." The type is Wright's 665 from western Texas. Range: Western Texas, New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Santa Clara Canyon; Magdalena Mountains; Bear Mountain; Florida Mountains; near Hermosa; Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; White Mountains; Llano Estacado; San Luis Mountains; Kingston; Burro Mountains. Drier, rocky foothills of the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. New Mexico seems to be the region in which Q. grisea and Q. arizonica meet, the former coming in from Texas and the latter from Arizona. They are closely related species, possibly too closely for convenient separation, but there are slight differences in the general form of the trees, hard to describe but moderately easy to see, and the acorns are noticeably different. Generally speaking, Q. grisea is a low scrubby tree (young ones which do not yet bear forming much of the scrub oak of the lower slopes of the mountains in the southern part of the State), small groups of which growing in open canyons or on slopes fre- quently give the impression of an old apple orchard. Q. arizonica is usually a larger tree, though never with a very tall trunk. It is commonly much branched from near the base and wide spreading. Quercus grisea is variously confused by different authors with Q. undulata, a low shrub of the mountains of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, and with Q. oblongi/olia, a tree from farther west. Quercus grisea X emoryi. A large, round-topped tree with dark gray trunk and limbs, and slender young twigs with dense, yellowish, stellate pubescence; young leaves yellowish green, becoming gray-green and glabrous above; most of the leaves oblong, entire, some with a few coarse, spinulose teeth, their texture subcoriaceous, thinner than in either of the species; young fruit with the cup of Q. grisea. Collected on the Rio Frisco near Lone Pine, in 1904, by E. 0. Wooton (no. 3115). This may prove to be a new species, rather than a hybrid. 12. Quercus arizonica Sarg. Gard. & For. 8: 92. 1895. Arizona oak. Type locality: Southern Arizona. Range : Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Clara Canyon; Mogollon Mountains; Bear Mountain; Black Range; Burro Mountains; Big Hatchet Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Lordsburg; Animas Mountains; Organ Mountains; Oscuro Mountains; Capitan Mountains; White Mountains. Lower parts of drier mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This and Q. grisea are the common live oak trees of the drier and lower mountains of the southern part of the State. They are commonly found among the rocks and WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 171 open canyons of the mountains, associated with junipers and pinyon. The leaves are exceedingly variable in form, from oblong-elliptic, flat, and entire to sinuate- dentate with the large teeth more or less spine-tipped and decidedly crisped. The texture is always subcoriaceous, and the living leaves are bluish green (never chlo- rophyll green) above and glabra te, not shining, duller and stellate-pubescent beneath, with prominent veins. The leaf approximates typical Q. pungens on the one side and Q. reticulata on the other. The leaves of Q. arizonica and Q. grisea are hardly distinguishable, although those of the latter are usually smaller and less sinuate- dentate. The acorns are noticeably different: In Q. arizonica the cup is shallow and covers only the lower fifth of the rather slender acute acorn, while the acorn of Q. grisea is barrel-shaped, shorter, and almost truncate, the cup covering fully one- third of the acorn, and the scales being much more noticeably corky-thickened. Quercus arizonica X grisea. At Van Pattens Camp in the Organ Mountains there is a single tree, growing with others of Q. grisea and Q. arizonica, which it is impossible to distinguish from the latter by vegetative characters, but the acorn of which is very peculiar. It is of the general barrel shape of Q. grisea and truncate, but is as long as the largest Q. arizonica and the cup is deeper than in either of the species and twice as much thickened. It was impossible to find more than the one tree with this kind of fruit in the region, although the two species are common there. 13. Quercus reticulata Humb. & Bonpl. PI. Aequin. 2: 40. 1809. Type locality: "Habitat in montibus aridis Novae Hispaniae [Mexico], inter Guanajuato et Santa Rosa." Range : Mountains of extreme southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Florida Mountains; Animas Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Mogo- llon Mountains. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This species is a large tree in Mexico, but in our range is a straggling bush only a few meters high. It is somewhat closely related to Q. arizonica, but typical leaves are considerably larger, obovate, merely repand-dentate with rather small teeth, and strongly reticulate. They are dull green above and paler beneath, and the veins below are covered with yellowish brown pubescence. 14. Quercus muhlenbergii Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 391. 1877. Chestnut oak. Quercus prinus acuminata Michx. Hist. Chenes Amcr. no. 5. pi. S. 1801. Quercus acuminata Sarg. Gard. & For. 8: 93. 1895. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: Vermont to Minnesota, Florida, and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: East base of Capitan Mountains (Bai/. utaheruw, but is to be distinguished from that species by the absence of a velvety pubescence on the back of the mature leaves. 23. Quercus novomexicana ( A . DC.) Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot Gard 3: L901. Quercus douglasii novomexicarui A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 16*: 24 1864. Quercus nil, sec* Rydb. Bull. X. Y. Hot. ; I'atnah; Iv.isl View; liogollon Mountain-; Black R .m lfounl White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. A shrub in the mountains of the ooTtheni pari of the State, bul frequently I oming a good -sized tree to the southern pan. The mature Leave* are about th< moog 174 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. the deciduous-leaved species, being frequently more than 10 cm. long and half as broad. They are of a rich dark green and glabrous on the upper surface and much paler beneath. In outline the leaves are broadly elliptic-obovate, deeply pinnate- lobed, the rounded, open sinuses reaching three-fourths the way to the midrib. The lobes are broadly oblong to triangular, rounded toward the acute or obtuse apex, and many of them bilobate. The acorns are large, with hemispheric cups having mod- erately thickened scales. A queer form which seems to be most nearly related to this species is shown in Standley's 4755 from "Winsors Ranch, where it is common on rich hillsides. The leaves are divided to within 2 or 3 mm. of the midrib, the segments reduced in num- ber and size; in a few cases the leaf is reduced to a long-ob lanceolate form less than 1 cm. wide at the obtuse tip, without lobes of any kind. 24. Quercus gambelii Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 179. 1848. Gambel oak. Quercus douglasii gambelii A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 162: 23. 1864, in part. Quercus undulata gambelii Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 3: 382. 1876. Type locality: Banks of the Rio Grande, New Mexico, west of Santa Fe. Type collected by Gambel. Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Canjilon; Santa Fe and Las Vegas moun- tains; Johnsons Mesa; Sandia Mountains; Zuni Mountains; East View. At middle elevations, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The original description of this species applies to a shrubby, deciduous, green- leaved oak with an acute acorn, from the region of Santa Fe. Such an oak is to be found in that region, although it is by no means the common form. Most of the de- ciduous, green-leaved oaks of New Mexico and Colorado have obtuse or truncate acorns, and are to be found listed here under other names. If one were to consider all the white oaks of the State as belonging to a single species, it should be called Q. gambelii; but there are numerous easily recognizable variants of that type and our judgment as to their proper recognition is expressed in this treatment. Order 20. TTRTICALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Fruit a samara or drupe, sometimes nutlike 34. ULMACEAE (p. 174). Fruit an achene. Flowers on the outside or inside of a recepta- cle; fruits forming syncarps; sepals ac- crescent, enveloping the achenes 35. MORACEAE (p. 175). Flowers not on a receptacle ; fruits not forming syncarps; sepals neither thick and juicy nor enveloping the achenes. Style or stigma 1; ovule erect; filaments inflexed in the bud 36. URTICACEAE (p. 176). Styles or stigmas 2; ovule pendulous; fila- ments erect in bud 37. CANNABINACEAE (p. 177). 34. ULMACEAE. Elm Family. 1. CELTIS L. Hackberry. A small tree or large shrub; leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, abruptly acuminate, reticulate, cordate and very unequal at the base; flowers greenish, axillary, the fertile solitary or in pairs, appearing with leaves; calyx 5 or 6-parted, persistent; Btamens 5 or 6; ovary 1-celled, with a single ovule. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 175 1. Celtis reticulata Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 247. 1824. Type locality: "Base of the Rocky Mountains," Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Arizona and Texas and southward. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Santa Rita; Burro Mountains; Black Range; Florida Mountains; Guadalupe Canyon; Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; White Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The berries of this tree are edible and were often eaten by the Indians. 35. MORACEAE. Mulberry Family. 1. MORTJS L. Mulberry. Ours a small scraggy tree with alternate ovate small (3 to 6 cm. long) serrate leaves, these usually 3 to 5-lobed, acute; flowers dioecious, small and inconspicuous, green; fruit technically a "multiple fruit," consisting of a cylindrical or oblong cluster of separate 1-seeded berries, the whole appearing to be a single fruit. Morus alba L. is extensively cultivated in New Mexico as a shade tree and for its fruit. The trees are of two kinds, staminate and pistillate, the former being much more desirable as shade trees. This species occasionally occurs as an escape. 1. Morus microphylla Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 8. 1863. Morus vernonii Greene, Leaflets 2: 115. 1910. Morus vitifolia Greene, op. cit. 116. Morus goldmanii Greene, op. cit. 117. Morus betulifolia Greene, op. cit. 117. Morus canina Greene, op. cit. 118. Morus albida Greene, op. cit. 118. Morus crataegifolia Greene, op. cit. 119. Morus radulina Greene, op. cit. 119. Morus confinis Greene, op. cit. 119. Type locality: "Western Texas." Range: Texas to Arizona, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; Black Range; Dog Spring; Little Florida Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; Organ Mountains; Ruidoso; Queen. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. We are unable to distinguish from typical Morus microphylla the numerous plants to which Doctor Greene's names were given. There is some slight variation in the outline of the leaves, but. ;is shown by the extraordinary variation in those of indi- viduals of Moms rubra, the species of this genus can not be separated by leaf form alone. This inconstancy is strongly realized when mature leaves and those from young sprouts of the same tree are compared. There seems to be no variation in pubescence. The type of Moms vernonii came from the Chisos Mountains of western Texas; thai of M. vitifolia from the Dona Ana Mountains | Wboton <(• Standley in 1906); thai of .1/. goldmanii from the Little Florida Mountains (Goldman in L908); thai of U. betuli- folia from the Organ Mountains (Standley in L906); thai of M. canina from Dog Spring i Mums in 1892); that of .1/. albida from Berendo (misspelled Berend in Doctor Greene's citation of the locality) Creek (Metcalfe in L904);thatof ' foKa from the Blue River, southeastern Arizona; that of M, radulina from Beaver Creek and that of .1/. rmijiiiis from Santa Rita Mountains, southern Arizona. The species is a stunted, irregular tree 5 meters high or less, with small leaves. The red fruit is palatable when ripe, having a pleasanl acid flavor. The trees occur chiefly in arroyos of the foothills and on the drier slopes of the mountain- 176 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 36. TJRTICACEAE. Nettle Family. Usually coarse, monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous herbs, often armed with stinging hairs; leaves simple, opposite or alternate; flowers inconspicuous, greenish, in axillary simple or compound cymes. KEY TO THE GENERA. Plants armed with stinging hairs; leaves opposite; inflores- cence not involucrate 1. TIrtica (p. 176). Plants without stinging hairs; leaves opposite or alternate; inflorescence various. Flower clusters not involucrate; leaves opposite 2. Boehmeria (p. 176). Flower clusters surrounded by an involucre; leaves alternate 3. Parietaria (p. 177). 1. TJRTTCA L. Nettle. Coarse annual or perennial herbs armed with stinging hairs; leaves opposite, toothed; flowers in axillary cymes, these often panicled; achenes flattened. Our species are inconspicuous plants found chiefly in moist, shaded places in the mountains. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Teeth of the leaves ovate, strongly directed forward; stems armed with rather few stinging hairs, otherwise glabrous; leaves lanceolate 1. U. gracilis. Teeth of the leaves broadly triangular, salient, not strongly directed forward; stems armed with numerous stinging hairs, strigose; leaves commonly ovate 2. U. gracilenta. 1. Urtica gracilis Ait. Hort. Kew. 3: 341. 1789. Type locality: "Native of Hudson's Bay." Range: British America to Arizona, Texas, and Louisiana. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Clayton; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Damp woods and canyons, in the Transition Zone. 2. TJrtica gracilenta Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 122. 1881. Type locality: Mimbres Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Damp thickets, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. BOEHMERIA Jacq. False nettle. A coarse stout unarmed perennial herb, 30 to 80 cm. high, with opposite, petioled, pubescent, coarsely serrate, lanceolate leaves; flowers in axillary spikes; stems finely pubescent. 1. Boehmeria scabra (Porter) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 358. 1903. Boehmeria ajlindrica scabra Porter, Bull. Torrey Club 16: 21. 1889. Type locality: "Crawford and Lancaster counties," Pennsylvania. Range: New York to Michigan, Florida, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell (Earle 265). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 177 3. PARIETARIA L. Pellitory. Low annuals with alternate thin petioled entire leaves; inflorescence axillary, surrounded by an involucre of 2 to 6 more or less united bracts; achenes nearly terete. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Involucre 2 to 3 times as long as the flowers; stems simple or sparingly branched ] . P. pennsylvanica. Involucre about equaling the flowers or very slightly surpassing them; stems much branched at the base, stouter 2. P. obtusa. 1. Parietaria pennsylvanica Muhl.; Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 955. 1806. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: British America to Florida and Mexico. New Mexico: North Percha Creek; Sierra Grande. Damp ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Parietaria obtusa Rydb. in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 359. 1903. Type locality: Southern Utah. Range: Colorado and Utah to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Gila Hot Springs; mountains west of San Antonio; < >rgan Mountains. Damp ground, chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 37. CANNABINACEAE. Hemp Family. 1. HUMTJLTJS L. Hop. A climbing perennial herb ; flowers dioecious, the staminate in loose axillary panicles, the pistillate in short axillary spikes; bracts foliaceous, imbricated; leaves palmately 3 to 5-lobed; fruiting calyx and other parts of the plant covered with yellow resinous dots. 1. Humulus lupulus neomexicanus Nels. & Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 16: 45. 1903. Type locality: Beulah, New Mexico. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains westof Grant; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; ^Tiite Mountains. Thickets, in the Transition Zone. Order 21. SANTALALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Leaves opposite; fruit a berry ; tree parasites 38. LORANTHACEAE i p. 177K Leaves alternate; fruit a drupe or nut; rootparasites.39. SANTALACEAE i j>. L81). 38. LORANTHACEAE. Mistletoe Family. Evergreen plants parasitic on shrubs and trees, yellowish or brownish green; branches dichotomous, the joints swollen; Leaves opposite, thick, entire, often reduced to con- nate scales; Sowers small and inconspicuous, greenish, dioecious; Bepals 2 to ■"■: stamens of the same number and inserted on the Bepals; ovary inferior, l-ceiled; fruit a berry with a viscid endocarp. ki.v TO Tin-: QENBBA. Berry compressed, fleshy, opaque; anthers L-celled; leaves all reduced to connat I. Raxouxofskta (p 17 Berry globose, pulpy, Bemitransparenf ; anthers 2-celled; [eaves usually large and foliaceous 2. Phobadi htdbom (p. i r.L'.-.7G°— 15 12 178 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. RAZOUMOFSKYA Hoffm. Small stout branched plants, with little or no greenish tinge, brownish or yellowish, parasitic on the Pinaceae; branches 4-angled, glabrous; leaves scalelike; fruit a com- pressed berry containing a single seed, maturing the second year. In general appearance the plants resemble Phoradendron juniperinum, but they are usually much smaller. They are of little value for decorations because of their lack of foliaceous leaves, but the berries of some species are handsome. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems stout, 2 to 5 mm. in diameter; plants large, 6 to 20 cm. high. On Pinus brachyptera 1. R. cryptopoda. Stems slender, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter; plants usually much smaller, 6 cm. high or less. Plants greenish brown; accessory branches of fruiting speci- mens mostly leaf-bearing. On Pinus edulis 2. R. divaricata. Plants greenish yellow; accessory branches of fruiting speci- mens flower-bearing. Fruit nearly truncate at the apex, obovoid, not manifestly stipitate. On Pinus jlexilis 3. R. cyanocarpa. Fruit rounded or acutish at the apex, ellipsoid, evidently stipitate. Plants very slender, small, 3 cm. high or less. On Pseudotsuga 4. R. douglasii. Plants stouter, larger, 4 to 6 cm. high. On Picea en- gelmanni 5. R. microcarpa. 1. Razoumofskya cryptopoda (Engelm.) Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 192. 1893. Arceuthobium robustum Engehn. Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 59. 1849, nomen nudum. Arceuthobium cryptopodum Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 214. 1850. Razoumofskya robusta Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 2: 587. 1891. Type locality: "Santa Fe, only on Pinus brachyptera." Type, Fendler's no. 283. Range : Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Common on the yellow pine (Pinus brachyptera), wherever this is found. 2. Razoumofskya divaricata (Engelm.) Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 192. 1893. Arceuthobium divaricatum Engelm. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 254. 1878. Type locality: "On Nut-pines (P. edulis and monophylla) from southern Colorado through New Mexico to Arizona." Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Santa Fe; Mogollon Creek; Tele- graph Mountains; Fort Bayard; Burro Mountains. On Pinus edulis. 3. Razoumofskya cyanocarpa A. Nels.; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 101. 1906. Arceuthobium cyanocarpum A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 146. 1909. Type locality: "Parasitic on Pinus Jlexilis, from Wyo. to Colo." Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro Peak; East Canyon. On Pinus Jlexilis. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 179 4. Razoumofskya douglasii (Engelm.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 2: 587. 1891. Arceuthobium douglasii Engelm. in Wheeler, Rep. TJ. S. Surv. 100th Merid 6* "53 1878. Type locality: "On Pseudotsuga douglasii from New Mexico (on Santa Fe River, Rothrock, No. 69, 1874) to Utah, Parry, Siler, and Northern Arizona, Camp Apache G. K. Gilbert (109), 1873." Range: Idaho to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe Canyon; Tunitcha Mountains. On Pseudotsuga mucronata. 5. Razoumofskya microcarpa (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi. Arceuthobium douglasii microcarpum Engelm. in Wheeler, Rep. TJ. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 253. 1878. Type locality: "Parasitic on Picea Engelmanni, found by Mr. Gilbert in 1873 (100 and 102) in the Sierra Blanca, Arizona." Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila {Metcalfe 493). On Picea. The specific name is misleading, for the fruit seems to be no smaller than in related Bpecies. 2. PHORADENDRON Nutt. Mistletoe. Plants parasitic on the branches of trees and shrubs; stems brittle, woody, jointed, much branched; leaves entire, thick and firm (or reduced to scales), persistent; flowers small and inconspicuous, monoecious, in jointed axillary spikes; calyx usually 3-parted; fruit a semi transparent berry crowned with the persistent sepals. The various species of Phoradendron found in New Mexico are among our com- monest and most conspicuous plants, being found upon one or more kinds of trees in almost every locality. They are true parasites, growing from seeds deposited, usually by birds, on the branches of trees. The mistletoe does great injury to trees, espe- cially the valley cottonwood, where planted for shade. Some species have been observed on cultivated fruit trees. The plants when covered in the winter with their handsome white berries are extensively used as Christmas greens. In some parts of the State large quantities of mistletoe are gathered and sold each year, the larger amount being shipped east. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves reduced to scalelike ovate bracts 2 mm. long or less. (On Juniperus.) 1. P. juniperintan. Leaves foliaceous, 6 to 60 mm. long. Leaves elliptic, 6 to 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide or less; spikes of the inflorescence very short, few-flowered. (On Juniperus.) 2. /'. bollcanum. Leaves broader and larger, more than 12 mm. long, 10 nun. wide or more; spike long and many-flowered. Leaves abruptly contracted into a short stout petiole, usually orbicular or orbicular-oblong, densely pubescent. (On oaks and other hard-wood trees.) :?. P. orbiadatwn. Leaves attenuate to the longer petiole, obovate or oblan- ceolate, ool densely pubescent, usually glabrous Leaf blades conspicuously yellowish green, oblong orobovate. (Usually on Populiuvritlizeni.). t. /'. trutcrophyllitm. Leaf blades only slightly yellowish, oblanceolate. . •"•. /'../' 180 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Phoradendron juniperinum Engelm. Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 58. 1849. Juniper mistletoe. Type locality: "Parasitic on the two kinds of shrub cedar (Juniperus) which grow on the hills and elevated plains about Santa Fe, and on no other tree." Type collected by Fendler (no. 281). Range: Oregon and California to Colorado and Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Coolidge; Santa Fe; Canjilon; Magdalena; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; Fort Bayard; "White Mountains; Queen; Albuquerque; mountains west of San Antonio; Cedar Ilill; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Tierra Amarilla. On species of Juniperus. The berries are handsome, but the plant is not suitable for decorative purposes because of the lack of leaves. 2. Phoradendron bolleanum (Seem.) Eichl. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 52: 134. 1868. Viscum bolleanum Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald 295. pi. 63. 1856. Phoradendron pauciflorum Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 134. 1856. Type locality: " Sierra Madre, " Mexico. Range: California to southern New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizalillo Mountains; San Luis Mountains; near Dog Spring. On species of Juniperus. 3. Phoradendron orbiculatum Engelm. Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 59. 1849. Phoradendron flavescens orbiculatum Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 212. 1850. Type locality: "On different species of Quercus; on Q. nigra, sterile hills of Arkansas (Engelm.); on several oaks, San Felipe, Texas (Lindheimer) ." Range: New Jersey to Missouri, Texas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Fort Bayard; Berendo Creek; Dona Ana and Organ mountains; San Luis Mountains; Dog Spring; Magdalena; Guadalupe Mountains. Usually on oaks. This species, so far as we have seen it, is found upon nothing but oaks. It differs from the following species chiefly in the different form of its leaves, brighter green color, smaller size, and more abundant pubescence. It occurs, as do its hosts, only in the mountains and foothills, never coming down into the valleys. Two of our specimens, one from the Organ Mountains and one from Berendo Creek, have nar- rower, lanceolate or elliptic, acutish leaves. Possibly they represent a different species. 4. Phoradendron macrophyllum (Engelm.) Cockerell, Amer. Nat. 34: 293. 1900. Phoradendron flavescens macrophyllum Engelm. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 252. 1878. Type locality: "They grow on soft woods (Ash, AVillow, Poplar, Sycamore, and Sapindus) on the Gila and Benita Rivers, and extend into Southern California." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and California. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Silver City; Rincon; Mesilla Valley. On various ti'ees and shrubs. The species is very abundant in the southern and southwestern parts of the State, especially in the Rio Grande Valley, growing chiefly on the valley cottonwood (Popu- lus wislizeni), although it has been found on the tornillo and on cultivated plums. So heavily loaded are the cottonwood trees at times that they appear to have as dense foliage in winter as in summer. Of course the trees soon succumb to such exhaustive attacks by the pest. The Spanish name is "muerdago." This is the species preferred for commercial purposes. It is superior to P. orbicu- latum because of its larger size, more abundant, larger berries, and generally hand- somer appearance. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 181 5. Phoradendroa flavescens (Pursh) Nutt.; A. Gray, Man. cd. 2. 383. 1856. Viscum jlavescens Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 114. 1814. Type locality: Not stated. Range: New Jersey to Missouri, south to Florida and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley, on cultivated ash trees (Stayidley 6377). 39. SANTALACEAE. Sandalwood Family. 1. COMANDRA Nutt. Bastard toadflax. A low glaucous herbaceous perennial; leaves alternate, sessile, lanceolate to linear, entire; flowers greenish white, in terminal and axillary clusters; perianth campanu- late, the limb 3 to 5-lobed, persistent; fruit spherical, 1-seeded. 1. Comandra pallida A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 14: 636. 1857. Comandra pallida angustifolia Torr. TJ. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 185. 1859. Type locality: "Prope Clearwater," Idaho. Range: British America to California and Texas. New Mexico: Barranca; Magdalena Mountains; Burro Mountains; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; San Augustine Plains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Raton; Nara Visa. Parasitic on the roots of various plants, Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. Order 22. ARISTOLOCHIALES. 40. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE. Birthwort Family. 1. AFvISTOLOCHIA L. A prostrate perennial with slender tomentulose stems; leaves alternate, narrowly hastate, long-attenuate, with mostly divergent auricles; flowers solitary, axillary, email; calyx tube broadly arcuate; stamens 5, the sessile anthers adnate to the short 5-lobed style; pod 5-celled. Some species of the genus have large and showy flowers and are cultivated as deco- rative plants. Our species is a small and inconspicuous herb of the southwestern deserts. 1. Aristolochia watsoni Woot. & Standi. Contr. U.S.Nat. Herb. 16: 117. 1913. Aristolochia brevipes acuminata S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 148. 1883, not A, acuminata Lam. 1783. Type locality: Mexico or Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico ami southern Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon (Mearns 697). Dry hills. Order 23. POLYGONALE8. 41. POLYGONACEAE. Buckwheat Family. Herbaceous or suffruticose annuals r verticillate leaves, the stipules forming a sheath or wanting; infloree< cymose, capitate, racemose, Bpicate, or panicled; flowers small, mostly pei perianth of 2 to (J segments, the inner ones sometimes petaJoid; stamenB 2 to 9; | solitary; fruit a lenticular or angled aclunc 182 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers subtended by an involucre; stamens 9; sheaths wanting 1. Eriogonum (p. 182). Flowers not involucrate; stamens 4 to 8; sheaths present. Stigmas tufted. Sepals 4; stigmas 2; achenes lenticular, winged; leaves orbicular-reniform 2. Oxyria (p. 190). Sepals 6; stigmas 3; achenes 3-angled, not winged; leaves not orbicular-reniform, elongated or hastate 3. Rumex (p. 191). Stigmas capitate. Leaf blades jointed at the base; filaments, at least the inner, dilated. Herbs; flowers fascicled; sepals not winged... 5. Polygonum (p. 193). Shrub; flowers solitary; inner sepals winged.. 4. Gonopyrum (p. 193). Leaf blades not jointed at the base; sheaths not 2-lobed; filaments slender. Sheaths cylindric, truncate 6. Persicaria (p. 195). Sheaths oblique, more or less open on the side facing the leaf. Sepals, at least the outer ones, keeled or winged ; stems twining 8. Bilderdykia (p. 197) . Sepals neither keeled nor winged ; stems erect. Perennials with fleshy rootstocks, mostly basal leaves, and simple stems 7. Bistorta (p. 197). Annual with fibrous roots, cauline leaves, and branched stems.. 9. Fagopyrum (p. 197). 1. ERIOGONUM Michx. Low annuals or perennials, herbaceous, or somewhat woody at the base; leaves entire, basal or scattered along the stem; inflorescence various; flowers involucrate; involucre 4 to 8-toothed or lobed, mostly many-flowered; calyx with 6 divisions (valves), colored, corolla-like; stamens 9; achenes triangular, sometimes winged. The genus is one of the largest in our State. Representatives are found almost everywhere, especially at lower elevations. Strangely enough, although among our commonest plants, no common name seems to have been given them, probably because the plants are usually small and inconspicuous. Some species, however, are rather handsome. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Fruit winged, at least above; large coarse perennials. Wings extending the entire length of the fruit; perianth glabrous. Involucres strigose 1. E. alatum. Involucres glabrous 2. E. triste. Fruit winged only above the middle; perianth pubescent. Leaves loosely and coarsely tomentose beneath, com- monly acutish; involucres 3 to 5 mm. long 3. E. hieracifolium. Leaves very densely and finely tomentose beneath, rounded -obtuse; involucres 2 to 3 mm. long 4. E. pannosum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 183 Fruit merely angled, never winged; perennials or annuals. Annuals. Involucres pubescent. Basal leaves linear or linear-oblanceolate; involucres on glabrous peduncles 15 to 50 mm. long 5. E. pharnaceoides. Basal leaves broadly oblong, ovate, or orbicular; peduncles less than 15 mm. long, more or less pubescent. Valves cordate at the base, orbicular or nearly so; plants not densely white- tomentose. Perianth yellow, tinged with red ; stems 10 to 20 cm. high, much branched at the base; lobes of the involucre triangu- lar to lanceolate, acute 6. E. abertianum. Perianth white, tinged with pink; stems tall, 30 to 50 cm . , sparingly branched, usually simple at the base; lobes of the involucre oblong or spatulate, mostly obtuse 7. E. pinetorum. Valves tapering to the base, spatulate or obovate; plants densely white- tomentose. Stems simple below, ending in a flat- topped cyme; perianths 3 mm. long.. 8 E. uiiiiuum. Stems much branched throughout, the inflorescence of many slender secund racemes; perianth 1.5 mm. long or less. Plants erect, 30 to 50 cm. high; flowers bright rose pink 9. E. polycladom . Plants widely and densely diffuse, about 10 cm. high; flowers paler and smaller 10. E. densum. Involucres glabrous. Bracts of the inflorescence leaflike. Stems and leaves glabrous; leaves tapering to the flat margined petioles; peduncles filiform 11. E. adUuginoaum. Steins and leaves more or less pubescent; leaves abruptly contracted into the terete petioles; peduncles stout 12. E. divarioatum. Bracts of the inflorescence sealelike. Peduncles abruptly reflexed in age; leaves extending up the stems 5 to 10 cm.; flowers white LS. /•.'. a rnuum. Peduncles erect or ascending, never reflexed; leaves basal; flowers white or colored. Perianth yellow; pedicels filiform. Leaves not tomentose if- /•-' trichopodum. I, oaves tomentose beneath 16. E. wethenllii, Perianth while or pinik; pedicels Aliform or stout. Pedicels Aliform; plants tall, erect, 20 to 60 cm. high 16 I rms. Pedicels stout; plants low, spreading, Li i than L6 cm. high 17. /■-'. mtundifnlium. 184 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Perennials. Perianth narrowed into a long stipelike base, pubescent. Perianth whitish; styles hairy at least to the middle 18. E. jamesii. Perianth bright yellow; styles hairy only at the base 19. E. bakeri. Perianth not narrowed into a stipelike base, pubescent or glabrous. Ovaries and fruit pubescent. Stems leafy; perianth 6 mm. long 20. E. longifolium. Stems not leafy, scapelike; perianth 3 mm. long or less. Inflorescence an open cyme 10 to 15 cm. high; • involucres 2 mm. high 21. E. leucophyllum. Inflorescence a congested cyme less than 3 cm. high; involucres 3 to 5 mm. high 22. E. lachnogynum. Ovaries and fruit glabrous or nearly so. Involucres in a headlike cluster 23. E. ovalifolium. Involucres in open cymes. Cymes one-sided and spikelike. Leaves basal, abruptly narrowed at the base or subcordate; perianth 5 mm. long 24. E. racemosum. Leaves scattered along the woody branches, tapering at the base; perianth 3 mm. long 25. E. wrightii. Cymes dichotomous or trichotomous. Perianth deep dark red; stems and involucres glabrous; plants tall and stout 26. E. atrorubens. Perianth white, pink, or yellow, never dark red; stems and involucres glabrous or pubescent; plants various. Perianth densely sericeous. Leaves elliptic, acute, tomentose 27. E. havardii. .Leaves orbicular, obtuse, not tomentose 28. E. infiatum. Perianth glabrous. Perianth bright yellow; leaves glabrous (all basal, orbicular or broadly ovate) 29. E. gypsophilum. Perianth white or pink; leaves tomentose, at least beneath. Leaves all basal, orbicular or obovate, the stems densely cespitose; leaves per- manently and densely white-tomentose on the upper surface 30. E. tenellum. At least the lower part of the stem leafy; stems usually not densely cespitose; leaves glabrate on the upper surface. Flowering branches leafy for only a few centimeters at the base, the pedun- cles relatively long. Stems and involucres tomentulose throughout; lobes of the involucre acute; leaves narrowly oblong, flat 31. E. ainsliei. Branches of the inflorescence and in- volucres glabrous; lobes of the involucre broadly obtuse; leaves various. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 185 Involucres in* the forks of the in- florescence sessile. (Leaves revolute) 32. E. nndicaule. • Involucres in the forks of the branches distinctly peduncled, at least the lower ones. Leaves linear, revolute 33. E. tristichum. Leaves linear-oblong, flat 34. E. lonchophyl- lum. Flowering branches leafy up to the in- florescence, the peduncles relatively short. Leaf blades broad, 1 cm. wide or more, oblong to oval, obtuse. Involucres 4 to 5 mm. long 35. E. fendlerianum. Involucres 2 to 2.5 mm. long. Branches of the inflorescence strongly divaricate 36. E. divt rgt ns. Branches of the inflorescence as- cending 37. E. corymbosum. Leaf blades narrow, 5 mm. wide or less, linear or spatulate, acute. Leaf blades oblanceolate, flat; in- florescence densely branched, 20 cm. high or less, tomentu- lose 38. E. effusum. Leaf blades linear, revolute; inflores- cence sparingly branched, 5 cm. high or less, glabrous or tomen- tulose. Inflorescence glabrous; leaves 16 to 35 mm. long 39. E. leptophyllum. Inflorescence tomentulose; leaves 15 mm. long or less 40. E. simpsonii. 1. Eriogonum alatum Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zufii & Colo. 16S. pi. 8. Type locality: On the Zuni River, New Mexico. Range: Nebraska and Wyoming to Texan and Arizona. New Mexico: Common from the Black Range to the White Mountains and north- ward to the Colorado line. Dry slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Eriogonum triste.S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 347. 1875. Type locality: Kane County, southern Utah. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Fannington (Standby 7123); Upper Canadi Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Eriogonum hieracifolium Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14:6. Lfi Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Southern New Mexicoand western Texas. New Mexico: Mountains southeast of Patterson; Eorse Spring; Gila Bol Spri White Mountains; Fori Stanton; Queen. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone 4. Eriogonum pannosum Woot. & Standi. Oontr. U. S Nat. Herb 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountain Type collected by Q R Vi August, 1881. 186 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Organ Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. v'b. Eriogonum pharnaceoid.es Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zufii & Colo. 167. pi. 11. 1854. Type locality: Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Fort Tularosa; Fort Bayard; Mogollon Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. / 6. Eriogonum abertianum Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 151. 1848. Eriogonum cyclosepalum Greene, Muhlenbergia 6: 1. 1910. Type locality: "On the upper waters of the Arkansas." Range: New Mexico and western Texas to Arizona and Chihuahua. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Big Hatchet Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Lake Arthur; Dona Ana Mountains; San Marcial; Lake Valley; Socorro; mesa west of the Organ Mountains. Dry sandy mesas and hillsides, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Apparently the plant has not been collected recently anywhere near the type locality. It is altogether possible that there is an error in the citation of the locality of Abert's specimen. Torrey further says that the species is "Very common in the region between the Del Norte and the Gila." The plant is one of the first to bloom in the spring in southern New Mexico. The type locality of E. cyclosepalum is New Mexican. 7. Eriogonum pinetorum Greene, Muhlenbergia 6: 3. 1909. Eriogonum abertianum neomexicanum Gandog. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 42: 185. 1906. Type locality: Black Range, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1327). Range : Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Fort Bayard; Kingston; Lordsburg; Dog Spring; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains. Dry mesas and hillsides, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of E. abertianum neomexicanum is Wooton's no. 427 from the Organ Moun- tains. *■' 8. Eriogonum annuum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 164. 1837. Type locality: "On the banks of the Great Salt River of Arkansas, and near the confluence of the Kiawesha and Red Rivers." Range: Montana and South Dakota to Texas and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Inscription Rock; Clayton; Buchanan; Fort Cummings; Mesilla Valley; plains west of Roswell; Causey; Nara Visa. Dry plains and hillsides, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Eriogonum polycladon Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 16. 1856. Eriogonum polycladon crispum Gandog. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 42: 196. 1906. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Fort Tularosa; Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; Gila Hot Springs; Organ Mountains; Dog Spring. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of E. polycladon crispum is Wooton's 460 from the Organ Mountains. 10. Eriogonum densum Greene, Pittonia 3: 17. 1896. Type locality: Mountains of New Mexico, near Santa Rita del Cobre. Type collected by Greene, September 21, 1880. Range: Moun tains of southwestern New Mexico.' ^% New Mexico: Near Santa Rita; Bear Mountain. In the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 187 11. Eriogonum salsuginosum (Nutt.) Hook. Journ. Bot. Kew Misc. 5: 264. 1853. Stenogonum salsuginosum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 170. 1848. Type locality: "Bare saline hills of the Colorado of the West, in the Rocky Moun- tains." Range: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. <- C New Mexico: Aztec; Carrizo Mountains; Farmington. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Eriogonum divaricatum Hook. Journ. Bot. Kew Misc. 5: 265. 1853. Type locality: "On saline clayey soils, within the high calcareous hills of the Upper Colorado." Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; near Zuni. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Eriogonum cernuum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 162. 1848. Type locality: "On the plains of the Oregon and in the Rocky Mountains." Range: Montana and Idaho to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Farmington; Salt Lake Crater; Tierra Blanca; Zuni; Pajarito Park; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Stinking Lake. Dry slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 14. Eriogonum trichopodum Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 151. 1848. Type locality: "Eastern slope of the Cordilleras of California." Range: Southern California to western Texas, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of the Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The species was published originally under the name of trichopes, but this was later corrected to the name used here. This is one of the commonest plants in the lower Rio Grande Valley and on the bordering mesas. The rosette of basal leaves frequently drys up and breaks away while the plant is still in flower. 15. Eriogonum wetherillii Eastw. Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 6: 319. 1896. Type locality: At the base of sandstone cliffs along the San Juan River, Utah. Range: Southern Utah to northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near the Carrizo Mountains (Stand ley 7474). Dry, rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Eriogonum subreniforme S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 260. L877. Type locality: "Arizona, S. Utah." Range: Arizona and Utah to western New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni (Wooton). Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. Eriogonum rotundifolium Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 21. 1856. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Dog Spring; Mesilla Valley] m< ol Organ Mountains; plains south of the White Sands; Lake Valley; east of Hachita. Dry mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 18. Eriogonum jamesii Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 7. 1856. I.'ri'nf/nituiii jllilli sii iiinmi ritiiniiiil < i;ill New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Common throughout the State in the mountains and on high plains. Open slopes, chiefly in the Transition Zone. The type of E. jamesii neomexieanum is Wooton'a 385 from the White Mountains. 188 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 19. Eriogonum bakeri Greene, PL Baker. 3: 15. 1901. Eriogonum jamesii fiavescens S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 255. 1877. Eriogonum vegetius A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 239. 1904. Type locality: Black Canyon, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. Our New Mexican specimens are rather larger and more robust than the typical form and their flowers seem to be of a brighter yellow. Within our limits the species is known only from the White and Sacramento mountains, which are far removed from the usual range in Colorado and northern Arizona. 20. Eriogonum longifolium Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 164. 1837. Eriogonum texanum Scheele, Linnaea 22: 150. 1849. Type locality: "On the ledges of the Cadron rocks, and in denudated prairies from Arkansas to Red River." Range: Southern Missouri to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Leachs (Wooton). Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 21. Eriogonum leucophyllum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 118. 1913. Type locality: Lakewood, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 6, 1909. Range: Known only from type locality. 22. Eriogonum lachnogynum Torr. in DC. Prodr. 14: 8. 1856. Type locality: New Mexico. Range: Utah and Arizona to New Mexico and Kansas. New Mexico: Banks of the Cimarron; Llano Estacado; Buchanan; Perico. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type was collected by Fendler (no. 765) in 1847, either about Santa Fe or farther east. 23. Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 50. 1834. Type locality: "Sources of the Missouri." Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Aztec; Farmington. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 24. Eriogonum racemosum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 161. 1848. Eriogonum orthocladon Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 167. pi. 9. 1854. Type locality: " Colorado of the West. " Ranqe: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Chama; north of Ramah; Inscription Rock; Santa Fe; Sandia Mountains; Glorieta; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of E orthocladon was collected in the Zuni Mountains. 25. Eriogonum wrightii Torr. in DC. Prodr. 14: 15. 1856. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: On the San Juan; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Animas Valley; White Mountains; Organ Mountains; Sandia Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 26. Eriogonum atrorubens Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 108. 1848. Type locality: Cosihuiriachi, Chihuahua. Range: Chihuahua and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 568, 2123, 2463). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 189 27. Eriogonum havardii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 194. 1883. Type locality: Chenate Mountains, western Texas. Kange: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Plains 35 miles south of Torrance; west of Roswell; Queen; near Elk. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 28. Eriogonum inflatum Torr. in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 317. 1*15. Type locality: "On barren hills in the lower part of North California." Range: Colorado and northwestern New Mexico to southern California. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7346, 7486). Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The branches are commonly swollen and inflated at the nodes, but not invariably so. 29. Eriogonum gypsophilum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 118. pi. 49. 1913. Type locality: On a hill southwest of Lakewood, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 6, 1909. Range: Known only from type locality. The plants grow in nearly pure gypsum. 30. Eriogonum ten'ellum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 241. 1827. Type locality: "Near the Rocky Mountains," Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Colorado and Utah to western Texas. New Mexico: Clayton; Buchanan; 10 miles west of Roswell; Knowles. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 31. Eriogonum ainsliei Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 117. 1913. Type locality: Cimarron, New Mexico. Type collected by C. N. Ainslie, Sep- tember 10, 1909. Range: Northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cimarron; Raton Mountains; Colfax. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 32. Eriogonum nudicaule (Torr.) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 54. 1906. Eriogonum effusum nudicaule Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: L32. I Type locality: Pine and cedar woods, near Galisteo, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Bigelow. Range: Northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Galisteo; Placitas. 33. Eriogonum tristichum Small, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 55. 1906. Type locality: Rosa, New Mexico. Range: Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Rosa; Cedar Hill; Dulce; Chupadero. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. In the original publication of the species the State is given incorrectly as < lolorado. 34. Eriogonum lonchophyllum Torr. & Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: L73. L870. Type locality: On the Rio Blanco, New Mexico. Type collected by Newberry, Range: Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Rio Blanco; near Tierra Amanita. Rydberg in the Flora of Colorado « describee the plant, in the kej , as having the involucres in the forks of the branches sessile; in our specimen of the tj pe collection they arc conspicuously peduncled. To this plant th<> native people give the of "cola do ratlin." 1 Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 103. L! 190 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 35. Eriogonum fendlerianum (Benth.) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 55. 1906. Eriogonum microthecum fendlerianum Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 18. 1856. Type locality: New Mexico. The type is Fendler's 767, collected probably somewhere about Santa Fe. 36. Eriogonum divergent Small, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 55. 1906. Eriogonum corymbosum divaricatum Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 21: 129. 1855, not E. divaricatum Hook. 1853. Type locality: "Near springs on Green River." Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa La Vaca; Bad Lands. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 37. Eriogonum corymbosum Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 17. 1856. Type locality: "Prope Grand-River," Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. $ > New Mexico: On the San Juan River; Cerrillos; Logan; Farmington. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 38. Eriogonum effusum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 164. 1848. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range: Montana and Nebraska to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Belen; Farmington. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 39. Eriogonum leptophyllum (Torr.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 118. 1913. Eriogonum effusum leptophyllum Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 168. 1854. Type locality: Rio Zuni, New Mexico.-^Y)uuA,' Range: Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Grants; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 40. Eriogonum simpsonii Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 18. 1856. Type locality: "In Sierra de Tunecha (Novi-Mexici)." Range: Colorado to northern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Gallup; Fort Wingate; Atarque de Garcia; east of Ramah; near Mcintosh; Pajarito Park; Carrizo Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The "Sierra de Tunecha" is doubtless the Tunitcha Mountains. 2. OXYRIA Hill. Mountain sorrel. A low alpine perennial with round-reniform, long-petioled , chiefly basal leaves; flowers small, greenish, in panicled racemes on a slender scape; sepals 4, unchanged in fruit, usually reddish; stamens 6; achene thin, lenticular, surrounded by a broad veined wing. 1. Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill, Hort. Kew. 158. 1768. Rumex digynus L. Sp. PI. 337. 1753. Type locality: "In Alpibus Lapponicis, Helveticis, Wallicis." Range: Alaska and Greenland, south to New England, New Mexico, and Cali- fornia; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Brazos Canyon; Upper Pecos River; Wheeler Peak. Wet meadows, Canadian to Arctic-Alpine Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 191 3. EUMEX L. Dock. Coarse perennial herbs with leafy stems (usually most of the leaves basal) ; stipules united to form more or less hyaline sheaths (ocreae) ; flowers numerous, small, greenish, perfect, polygamous, or dioecious, in simple or compound racemes or paniculate; inner sepals (valves) becoming enlarged in fruit, persistent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants low, 10 to 30 cm. high, slender, dioecious; leaves hastate 1. R. acelosella. Plants taller, 30 to 60 cm. high, stout, polygamous or monoe- cious; leaves never hastate. Inner sepals (valves) much enlarged in fruit, 10 to 15 mm. long and broad, mostly reddish 2. R. hymenosepalus. Valves of medium size, less than 10 mm. long, greenish or brown. Valves without callosities on the back. Leaves large, 50 cm. long or less, ovate or oblong- ovate, cordate 3. R. occidental™. Leaves small, 10 cm. long or less, narrowly elliptic- lanceolate, attenuate at the base 7. R. ellipticus. One or more of the valves bearing callosities on the back. Valves entire or nearly so. Leaves crispate. 5. R. crispus. Leaves flat. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate or broader; valves ovate, usually only one bearing a callosity 6. R. altissimns. Leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate; valves triangular-ovate, usually all three bearing callosities 8. R. mexicanus. Valves distinctly dentate. Teeth of the valves broadly triangular, the teeth 2 or 3 times as long as broad 4. R. britannica. Teeth of wings long and narrow, as long as broad or much longer. Perennial; leaves large, 30 cm. long or more, oblong to ovate, cordate 9. R. obtustfoluu. Annual; leaves much smaller, 10 to 15 cm. long, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, truncate or rounded at the base . . . 10. R penicarioides. Rumex berlandieri should come into New Mexico; we have seen specimens from VA Paso, Texas. 1. Rumex acetosella L. Sp. PI. 338. 1753. Bhebp BORBBL. Type locality: "Habitat in Europse pascuis & arvis arenosis." Range: A native of Europe, introduced into many parts of tin- United States as a field weed. New Mexico: Harveys Upper Ranch; Gallinas Planting Stat i< mi; Bandia Mountains. 2. Rumex hymenosepalus Torr. U. 8. A: ilex. Bound. Hot. 17. 1856 I Type locality: "Sandy noils from Kl Paso to the Canyons ,»!* t lie Rio Grande." Range: Western Texas to New Mexii o ami Ariaona, and northern M- 192 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Aztec; Farmington; Mangas Springs; Las Cruces; Gray; mountains west of San Antonio; Ilillsboro. Sandy soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonora zones. Cafiaigre is common on the sandy mesas of the southern part of the State, where it is a rather conspicuous plant in the latter part of the winter and in early spring, being about the only green thing to be seen. It commences to grow in January or February, and is ready to bloom by March. It withstands the cold night temperatures well. The tuberous roots, resembling dahlia tubers or, somewhat less, sweet potatoes, contain a relatively high percentage of tannin. An industry was once established in a small way at Deming dependent upon the extraction of tannin from these roots for the preparation of a tanning fluid. The product proved very satisfactory and a European market was found which would take the output, but the supply of tubers was insufficient and people could not be induced to grow them. The plants grow very slowly. The tubers have long been used by the native people for the tanning of skins; they were also used by the Navahos in dying wool yellow. 3. Rumex occidentalis S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 253. 1876. Type locality: "From Alaska to northern California, eastward to Saskatchewan and Labrador, and southward in the mountains to Colorado and New Mexico." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Middle Fork of the Gila; James Canyon; White Moun- tains; Costilla Valley; Brazos Canyon. Wet ground, especially along streams, in the Canadian and Transition zones. A thick-stemmed, large-leaved dock, not uncommon along streams in the moun- tains. It is usually 60 to 90 cm. high, with a large compound panicle, and the fruits are often reddish when ripe. 4. Rumex britarmica L. Sp. PI. 334. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: Northeastern United States and Canada, extending into Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Fort Bayard (Blumer 115). Wet ground. 5. Runiex crispus L. Sp. PI. 335. 1753. Yellow dock. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae suculentis." Range: An introduced weed, common throughout the United States, in cultivated fields and waste ground. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State. The plant is often a troublesome weed in alfalfa fields and along ditch banks. The leaves are sometimes gathered and cooked as "greens." 6. Rumex altissimus Wood, Class-book 477. 1855. Pale dock. Type locality: "Marshy prairies and borders of streams, Indiana." Range: Massachusetts to Colorado, Maryland, Texas, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs. Damp ground. 7. Rumex ellipticus Greene, Pittonia 4: 234. 1900. Type locality: In fields and along river banks at Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 272). Range: Known only from the Pecos Valley of New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell; near Lake Arthur. Lower Sonoran Zone. The species is doubtfully distinct from R. altissimus. 8. Rumex mexicanus Meisn. in DC. Prodr. 14: 45. 1856. Type locality: "In Mexico circa Leon." Range: Throughout the Rocky Mountains and across the continent northward, extending south into Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 193 New Mexico: Common except along the eastern side of the State. In cultivated fields and along ditches, from the Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. Along ditches and streams and in fields wherever crops arc cultivated in the State this is the common dock. It is very resistant to alkali and often occurs in alkali spots. It has been confused with the seacoast plant R. salicifolius Weinm.,1 a species of restricted distribution on the Californian coast. 9. Rumex obtusifolius L. Sp. IT. 335. 1753. Bitter dock. Type locality: "Habitat in Germania, Helvetia, Gallia, Anglia." Range: A native of Europe, introduced into many parts of America. New.Mexico: Kingston (Metcalfe 1099). A large, thick-stemmed dock, 60 to 90 cm. high, resembling A', orci/lentalis in general appearance, but with broader leaves. It is readily distinguished from thai spei Lea by the structure of the fruiting calyx. In this the valves have :> to 5 thin, spinelike teeth on each side and smooth callosities, while in A. occidentalis the callosities are absent and the margin of the valves is entire or remotely denticulate. 10. Rumex persicarioides L. Sp. PI. 335. 1753. Golden dock. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: Throughout temperate North America. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; mountains southeast of Patterson; Cliff; I>ulce Shiprock; Farmington. Along streams and ditches, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. GONOPYRUM Finch. & Mey. Low shrub, 1 meter high or less, with stout erect stems; leaves linear, glaucous, fleshy, jointed to the ocrete; flowers perfect, solitary, on jointed pedicels; sepals 5, white, the 3 inner developing wings at maturity, the 2 outer reflexed; achene elliptic, oblong, brown, pointed at both ends. 1. Gonopyrum americanum I-'isch. &. Mey. Mem. Acad. Si. P^tersb. VI. Sri. Nat, 41: 141. 1845. Poli/gonclla ericoides Engelm. & Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 231. L845. Type locality: Texas. Range: Georgia to Arkansas, eastern Texas, and centra] New Mexico. New Mexico: Tijeras Canyon (C. R. Ellis). Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is a most remarkable extension of range for a plant nol known heretofore from any station west of eastern Texas. It occurs, however, even in tin' southeast, only locally. Our specimens seem to agree very well with i astern material, but tin rath or I h sepals with \ <>r pink margins; stamens 8 or fewer, a1 least the inner with dilated filaments; acb 3-angled, surrounded by the persistenl calyx. 1 See, Femald, M.L. The representatives of J • item Amei Rhodora 10: 71. 52676° — 16 13 194 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Inflorescence aggregated at the ends of the branches; plants small, less than 10 cm. high 1. P. watsoni. Inflorescence of small scattered axillary clusters; stems 20 cm. long or more. Stems prostrate (except where the plants are much crowded, there weakly ascending) . Leaves thin, not prominently veined, bright green; ocrese not conspicuous 2. P. aviculare. Leaves thick, with rather prominent veins, pale or glaucous; ocrese conspicuous 3. P. buxiformc. Stems erect. Achenes not deflexed. Upper leaves little reduced; plants bright green 4. P. erectum. Upper leaves much reduced, bractlike; plants bright or yellowish green. Upper leaves or bracts not subulate, mostly elliptic or lanceolate; achenes dull.... 5. P. ramosissiviwn-. Upper leaves reduced to subulate bracts; achenes black and shining 6. P. sawatchense. Achenes deflexed. Upper bracts much reduced, subulate; lower leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate or linear. . 7. P. douglasii. Upper bracts broader, oblong to lanceolate; lower leaves broader, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate.. 8. P. montanum. 1. Polygonum watsoni Small, Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 1: 138. pi. 56. 1895. Type locality: "Washington to Montana; south to California and Colorado." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 2. Polygonum aviculare L. Sp. PI. 362. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae cultis ruderatis." Range: Common throughout North America except in the extreme north; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Dulce; White Mountains; Roswell. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A common dooryard weed at middle levels in the mountains. The plant is rather variable in general aspect, being influenced by the conditions under which the individuals have grown. 3. Polygonum buxiforme Small, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 56. 1906. Polygonum littorale Link, err. det. Small, Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 1: 102. 1895. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Throughout North America except in the extreme north. New Mexico: Farmington; Tunitcha Mountains; Las Vegas; Bernalillo; Maxwell City; Santa Fe; Kingston; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; Sacramento and White mountains. Damp ground, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. This species seems too near the preceding, and it may be that Doctor Robinson's treatment of it as a subspecies is correct. Usually this plant is less green, a little stouter, and the ocreae are more conspicuous, but the differences are more of degree than kind. 4. Polygonum erectum L. Sp. PI. 363. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Philadelphia." Range: Throughout the United States as far west as the Rockies. New Mexico: Chama; Sierra Grande. Waste ground. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 195 5. Polygonum raraosissimum Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 237. 1803. Type locality: "Hab. in regione Illinoensi." Range: British America to California, eastward to the Atlantic Coast. New Mexico: Farmington; Dulce; Ojo Caliente; Santa Fe; Pecos; Frisco; Mangae Springs; Mesilla Valley; Tularosa Creek. Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. A common weed of roadsides and waste ground, often occurring in cultivated fields. 6. Polygonum sawatchense Small, Bull. Torrey Club 20: 213. 1893. Type locality: Sawatch Range, Colorado. Range: Washington and North Dakota to New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Stinking Lake; Siena Grande; Crass Mountain; Gilmores Ranch. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 7. Polygonum douglasii Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 125. 1885. Type locality: "From the Saskatchewan to British Columbia, and southward everywhere in tbe mountains to the borders of Mexico." Range : As under type local ity . New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Ramah; Cross L Ranch; Luna; Burro Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Mimbres River; White Mountains. Transition Zone. This is the western equivalent of Polygonum tenue of the Eastern States and is separated from that species by two characters which are not readily apparent. The ripe fruit is deflexed, but much of the ordinary herbarium material fails to sbow the character because the plants are too young. The other character is generally more certainly present though harder to make out. P. tenue has three parallel veins in the leaf, while P. douglasii has only a midvein. Our plant occurs in forests at middle altitudes in the mountains. It is closely related to the next species as well. 8. Polygonum montanum (Small) Greene, PL Baker. 3: 13. 1901. Polygonum tenue latifolium Engelm. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 75. 1864. Polygonum douglasii lutifolium Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 125. 1885. Polygonum douglasii montanum Small, Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 1: J 18. L895. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to California and northward in the higher mountains. New Mexico: Upper Pecos River; Beattys Cabin. Canadian Zone 6. PERSICARIA Adans. Smartweed. Annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, the blades entire; ocrese cylindric, membranous, naked or fringed with bristles; flowers in terminal or axillary spikelike racemes; calyx white, 'greenish, or rose-colored, persistent in fruit; sepals mostly 5; stamens 4 to 8, the filaments not dilated; achenes lenticular or trigonous, usually black. KEY TO TIIK Sl'KI II Racemes terminal only, usually solitary. Leaves elliptic, obtuse or acute; spikes L2 to 24 mm long; pedicels glabrous 1 P. amphibia. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, acuminate; spikes :;<> mm. long or more; pedicels hispid, often glandular 2. /'. muhlmbergU. Racemes axillary as well as terminal, numerous. Sheathe without marginal bristles. Styles included ■ P. lapathjfolia. Styles conspicuously ezserted 4. P. UmgiHffla. 196 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Sheaths with marginal bristles. Racemes oblong or cylindric, densely flowered; perianth not punctate, usually pink or rose-colored 5. P. persicarin. Racemes slender, loosely flowered; perianth white or green, copiously punctate 6. P. punctata. Doctor Small reports Persicaria pcrsicarioidcs (L.) Small from New Mexico. The species is much like P. persicaria, but is slightly larger throughout and perennial, while the latter is annual. 1. Persicaria amphibia (L.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 2: 268. 1821. Polygonum amphibium L. Sp. PI. 361. 1753. Polygonum coccineum Muhl. Oat. PI. 40. 1813. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and New Jersey; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce Lake. Floating in water, in the Tran- sition Zone. 2. Persicaria rnuhlenbergii (Meisn.) Small; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 111. 1906. Polygonum amphibium rnuhlenbergii Meisn. in DC. Prodr. 14: 116. 1856. Polygonum rnuhlenbergii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 14: 245. 1879. Persicaria rothrockii Greene, Leaflets 1: 45. 1904. Type locality: North America. Range: Throughout North America from the Arctic regions to central Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 2: 270. 1821. Polygonum lapathifolium L. Sp. PI. 360. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Gallia." Range: Throughout most of North America and in Europe; with us possibly introduced, but now widely distributed. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Low, wet ground in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. One of the commonest weeds in cultivated fields. It is most abundant in the Rio Grande Valley, especially where the ditch WTater overflows. 4. Persicaria longistyla Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 377. 1903. Polygonum longistylum Small, Bull. Torrey Club 21: 169. 1894. Type locality: New Mexico. Range: Missouri and Louisiana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pitt Lake; north of Melrose. Wet ground. The type is Fendler's 749, collected probably somewhere about Santa Fe. 5. Persicaria persicaria (L.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 378. 1903. Polygonum persicaria L. Sp. PI. 361. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae cultis." Range: British America to California and Florida, south into Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Farmington; Santa Fe; Indian Creek; Pajarito Park; Gallinas Can- yon; Gila Hot Springs; Pecos; Sandia Mountains. Waste and wet ground. 6. Persicaria punctata (Ell.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 379. 1903. Polygonum punctatum Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 445. 1817. Type locality: South Carolina and Georgia. Range: British America to California, southward into South America and the West Indies. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Mimbres River; Cloverdale. Wet ground. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 197 7. BISTORTA L. Bistort. Herbaceous, perennial, alpine or subalpiue plants, glabrous, brigbt green; stems simple; leaves radical and cauline, oblong to linear; sheaths never ciliate; inflo- rescence sometimes showy, of a single terminal spicate raceme; stamens 8 or 9, exserted; styles usually 3-parted, exserted. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Racemes not viviparous (i. e. not bulblet-bearing), oblong, 10 to 20 mm. thick 1. B. bistortoides. Racemes viviparous below, linear, 5 to 8 mm. thick 2. B. vivipara. 1. Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 57. 1906. Polygonum bistortoides Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 271. 1814. Type locality: "In low grounds on the banks of the Missouri, called Quamash- flats." Range: Arctic America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Canadian to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Bistorta vivipara (L.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PL 2: 268. 1821. Alpine bistort. Polygonum viviparum L. Sp. PL 360. 1753. Type locality: " Habitat in Europae subalpinis pascuis duris." Range: British America to New Mexico and New England; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Rio Pueblo; Bald v. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 8. BILDERDYKIA Dum. Black bindweed. A twining annual with ovate, hastate, acute to acuminate leaves, the upper ones narrower; stems rough-angled; inflorescence axillary, slender, interrupted, of com- pound racemes bearing reduced leaves. 1. Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.) Dum. Fl. Belg. 18. 1827, Polygonum coarolrulus L. Sp. PL 364. 1 , >.; Tiaiaria convolvulus Webb & Moq. in Webb & Berth. Hist. Nat. Canar. n : 2 I 1836-50. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae agris." Range: Nearly throughout North America, except in the extreme aorth. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Farmington; Winsors Ranch; I' Mogollon Mountains; Kingston; Mr-ill. i Valley; While Mountains; Maw,. II I Sandia Mountains. Waste ground ami fields, chiefly in the Transition Zone 9. FAGOPYRUM Gaertn. Bvckwbi u Annual with hastate leaves scattered along the stems; ocreae ruga* Lou flow< terminal or axillary racemes; calyx not keeled. 1. Fagopyrum fagopyrum (L.) Karst. Deutach, II 522 L880-83. Polygonum fagopyrum L. Sp. PL 364. 1753. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, ftfeth. PI. 290. L7JM Type locality: "Habital in Asia." \'iw Mexico: Balaam Park, Sandia Mountains (Ellis ! Common in cultivation ami frequently escaped in North America. 198 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Order 24. CHENOPODIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Fruit a capsule, dehiscent by apical or longitudi- nal valves. Ovary several-celled ; corolla wanting 47. AIZOACEAE (p. 228). Ovary 1-celled; corolla usually present. Sepals 2 48. PORTULACACEAE (p. 229). Sepals 4 or 5. Sepals distinct; petals not clawed; ovary sessile 49. ALSINACEAE (p. 234) . Sepals united ; petals clawed; ovary more or less distinctly stipitate...50. SILENACEAE (p. 240). Fruita utiicle, achene, or anthocarp, indehiscent, circumscissile, or bursting irregularly. Fruit an anthocarp, the achene surrounded by the tube of the corolla-like calyx . . .45. ALLIONIACEAE (p. 216). Fruit not an anthocarp. Fruit an achene or berry 46. PHYTOLACCACEAE (p. 228). Fruit a utricle. Stipules present, scarious 44. CORRIGIOLACEAE (p. 216). Stipules wanting. Bracts scarious 43. AMARANTHACEAE (p. 209). Bracts not scarious 42. CHENOPODIACEAE (p. 198). 42. CHENOPODIACEAE. Goosefoot Family. Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs; leaves usually simple, alternate, sometimes much reduced; flowers perfect or unisexual, small, apetalous, the sepals sometimes wanting, replaced in the pistillate flower by a pair of scales, these becoming variously modified in fruit; sepals 5 or fewer, the stamens as many and opposite them; pistil 1, with a single ovule; fruit an achene or utricle. The family is a very important one in the arid regions, where representatives are numerous both as to species and individuals. They seem to be particularly adapted to bright sunlight and dry soil, and are tolerant of alkali. Several of the species are important forage plants, a few are eaten by man, and several are troublesome weeds. KEY TO THE GENERA. Embryo spirally coiled; leaves fleshy (except in no. 2), linear or awl-shaped. Shrubs, 1 to 3 meters high, with monoecious flowers; staminate flowers spicate, without a perianth; pistillate flowers solitary, axillary; fruiting calyx winged 1. Sarcobatus (p. 199). Herbs, at most suffrutescent, the stems 150 cm. high or less; flowers perfect; fruiting calyx winged or naked. Fruiting calyx winged; leaves spiny; plants be- coming tumbleweeds 2. Salsola (p. 199). Fruiting calyx not winged; leaves fleshy; not tumbleweeds 3. Dondia (p. 200). Embryo annular; leaves mostly flat and broad (linear in no. 7, scalelike in no. 4). Stems and branches jointed (younger parts terete and and very succulent); leaves scalelike 4. Allenrolfea (p. 201). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 199 Stems not jointed; leaves never scalelike, mostly broad and flat. Flowers monoecious or dioecious. Pericarp and plant densely hairy 5. Eurotia (p. 201). Pericarp not hairy; plant more or less scurfy. . fi'. Atriplex (p. 201). Flowers perfect. Fruit dorsally flattened (narrowly winged), ex- serted from the calyx 7. Corispermum (p. 205). Fruit not dorsally flattened, inclosed in the calyx. Fruiting calyx transversely winged. Flowers paniculate; leaves broad, flat, toothed 8. Cycloloma (p. 206V Flowers axillary; leaves terete 12. Kochia (p. 209). Fruiting calyx not winged. Sepals and stamens each 1 9. Monolepis (p. 200 i . Sepals 3 to 5; stamens 1 to 5. Fruiting calyx fleshy, reddish; plants glabrous 10. Blitum (p. 206). Fruiting calyx herbaceous, green- ish; plants mostly mealy or scurfy 11. Chenopodium (p. 206). 1. SARCOBATTJS Nees. Greasewood. A divaricately branched shrub with linear fleshy leaves; staminate flowers naked, in aments; pistillate flowers with a saccate calyx adherent at the 2-lipped apex to the base of the stigmas; calyx laterally margined with an erect 2-lobed border, this finally becoming a broad membranous wing. 1. Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 149. 1848. Batis t vermiculatus Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 128. 1838. Fremontia vermicular is Tore, in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 95. pi. S. 1845. Type locality: "Common on the barren grounds of the Columbia, and particu- larly near salt marshes." Range: Washington to Montana, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; San Juan Valley; Gallup; Zuni; Puertecito; Patterson. Alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This shrub grows to be 2 to 3 meters high, though the commoner form is lower, probably as a result of browsing. The leaves are bright green, terete, and succulent; the young branches are pale yellowish white and rigidly divaricate, the shorter branch- Lets thornlike. Also known as "chico" or "ehico bush." 2. SALSOLA L. Annual herb, densely branched, with rigid awl-shaped Leaves; flowers perfect, with l' bractlete; calyx 5-parted, the segments Anally horizontally winged on the Lack; Btamens usually 5; styles 2; Mowers sessile, axillary. 1. Salsola pestifer A. Wis. in Coulter, New Man. Kooky Mount. 169. L909 lti BSIAN THIBTJ l . Sahola tragus of American authors, not L. Type locality: Xot stated. Range: Widely introduced as a w 1 in North America; a native of the Old \\ orld. \'i w Mexico: Common al Lower altitudes throughout 1 1 1 • - State. One of the commonest introduced weed- mi waste lands, along roadsides, and to some extent in fields on the open range. In Borne places Ll covers cultivated fields 200 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HEEBAEIUM. so closely as to appear like a sown crop. It was first noticed about fifteen years ago at Lamy by Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, and was called to the attention of one of us at that time. It is now to be found in practically every locality in the State except in the higher mountains. The common name is misleading, since the plant resembles a thistle in no way except in being spiny. The plants when dry break off at the ground and are blown about by the wind as tumbleweeds.1 3. DONDIA Adana. Quelite salado. Succulent, more or less clammy herbs or suffrutescent plants with inconspicuous flowers and fruits; loaves terete, alternate; flowers sessile in the axils of leaflike bracts; calyx 5-parted, inclosing the fruit; stamens 5; seed vertical or horizontal. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals; one or 2 of the sepals keeled; leaves broadest at the base. Plant depressed, spreading 1. D. depressa. Plant erect 2. D. erecta. Perennials; none of the sepals keeled ; leaves narrowed at the base. Stems and leaves pubescent; leaves broad, short, stout; plants usually woody at the base 3. D. suffrutescens. Stems and leaves glabrous; leaves narrow, long, slender; plants not woody at the base 4. D. moquini. 1. Dondia depressa (Pursh) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 1: 585. 189G. Sal sola depressa Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 197. 1814. Suaeda depressa S. Wats, in King, Geol. ExpL 40th Par. 5: 294. 1871. Type locality: "On the volcanic plains of the Missouri." Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to Missouri and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington (Standley 6896). Alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Dondia erecta (S. Wats.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 364. 1902. Suaeda depressa erecta S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 90. 1874. Suaeda ercrin A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 169. 1909. Type locality: Kern County, southern California. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Shiprock; Albuquerque; south of Roswell. Alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Dondia suffrutescens (S. Wats.) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 3. 1898. Suaeda suffrutescens S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 88. 1874. Type locality: "From Western Texas to Southern California and Northern Mex- ico, in saline plains." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: White Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Tularosa; White Sands. Lower and Upper Sonoran Zones. This is frequently called "yerba de burro" by the Mexican laborers in the southern part of the State, but this probably results from a confusion of the plant with the true burro weed (Allenrolfea occidental is), which is much less coinnion in the region. 4. Dondia moquini (Torr.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 363. 1902. Chenopodina moquiniTorr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 73: 18. 1856. Suaeda torreyana S. Wats, Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 88. 1874. 1 See also, Wooton, E. O. The Russian Thistle. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 15. 1895. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 201 Suaeda moquini A. Nels. iu Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 170. 1909. Type locality: Mountain on the west shore of the Salt Lake, Utah. Range: Wyoming and Colorado to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Llano Estacado; Farmington; Alamogordo; White Sands; south of Roswell; Las Mitas. Alkaline soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran Zones. 4. ALLENROLFEA Kuntze. Burko weed. Succulent erect much-branched perennial, somewhat woody at the base; leavi a scalelike, broadly triangular; flowers in dense spikes, in threes in the axils of the spirally ranked bracts. 1. Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Wats.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 546. 1891. Halostachys occidentalis S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 293. 1871. Spirostachys occidentalis S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 125. 1874. Type locality: "About Great Salt Lake and in alkaline valleys westward to I sinks of the Carson and Humboldt Rivers." Range: Utah and Nevada to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Socorro; Mesilla Valley; White Sands; above Tularosa; Roswell. Alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A very peculiar, almost leafless, shrubby halophyte. The young branches are terete, of a pronounced green (though sometimes glaucous), and very succulent, li grows to a height of about 150 cm. and is usually conspicuous for color alone among the gray or brown plants with which it is commonly associated. It is sparingly eaten by burros, hence the common name. 5. EUROTIA Adans. Winter fat. A low, stellately tomentose shrub; leaves alternate, entire, linear to narrowly linear- lanceolate; flowers small, clustered, axillary and subspicate; calyx 4-parted ; stamens i 1. Eurotia lanata (Pursh) Moq. Chenop. 81. 1840. Diotis lanata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 602. 1814. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri, in open prairies." Range: New Mexico and Arizona, northward to Oregon and Manitoba. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State. Dry hills and plains, in tin- Upper Sonoran Zone. The plant is highly prized by stockmen, particularly those who raise sheep, l.ecauso it furnishes a good feed when other kinds are scarce — hence the common name. 6. ATRIPLEX L. Salt bush. Monoecious or dioecious, mealy or scurfy annuals or perennials; ataminate 0 bractleas, variously clustered; pistillate flowers subtended by 2 persistent bi these becoming variously enlarged, thickened, and coalescenl in Emit; leaves flat, alternate or opposite. The genus contains several species which are of value as forago plants, most of them being eaten more or less. One (-4. expansa) is a common tumblewee I in th< i tiltivated lands in certain parts of the State. The plants occur mostly in open flats, prefei rather compact soils, and all of them will tolerate considerable alkali in the KEY TO Till' SFKI n Annuals Leaves narrow, oblong to oblanceolate; plant- niostlv i ■ ro« t the branches aol u idely spreading. Plants low, io cm. high or less; fruiting bracts con pletely united, orbicular, flattened, the margins with numerous teeth; leaves small, 2cm. Ion less 1 - 1 • < l"jans. 202 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Plants tall, 70 to 100 cm. high; fruiting bracts united only at the base, triangular-ovate, few-toothed; leaves larger, 3 to 5 cm. long 2. A. wrightii. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or triangular-ovate to subhastate; branches mostly spreading. Bracts united only at the base 3. A. hastata. Bracts united to about the middle. Inflorescence tomentose as well as scurfy 4. A. powellii. Inflorescence merely scurfy. Leaves subcordate; scales loose and mealy 5. A. saccaria. Leaves rounded or acute at the base; scales appressed, somewhat silvery. Leaves coarsely repand-toothed nearly throughout 6. A. rosea. Leaves toothed only near the base or entire (subhastate). Leaves all except the lowest sessile 7. A . expansa. Leaves all or nearly all conspicuously petioled . Bracts naked or with a few short broad tubercles; some of the leaves truncate at the base. 8. A. argentea. Bracts covered with long narrow tubercles; all leaves nar- rowed at the base 9. A . caput-medusae. Perennials. Stems prostrate, slender; flowers monoecious 10. A. semibaccata. Stems erect, mostly stout; flowers mostly dioecious. Fruiting bracts united, completely surrounding the seed, 10 mm. in diameter or more. Bracts winged on the back and margin, forming a 4- winged pericarp, the margins shallowly if at all toothed 11. A. canescens. Bracts becoming thick and spongy, with numerous rigid teeth 12. A. acanthocarpa. Fruiting bracts united only at the base, 5 to 8 mm. in diameter. Stems woody, widely branched, spinescent; leaves crowded . Bracts rounded, entire; pistillate flowers stipi- tate ; leaves rounded 13 . A . confertifolia. Bracts acutish, dentate; pistillate flowers sessile; leaves mostly elliptic 14. A . collina. Stems mostly herbaceous, woody only at the base, not spinescent; leaves not crowded. Fruiting bracts not crested (thjck, not nerved); leaves 2 to 3 cm. long 15. A . sabulosa. Fruiting bracts crested on the back; leaves small, 1 cm. long or less. Bracts only slightly tuberculate; upper leaves very small; plants slender. ..16. A. greggii. Bracts densely covered with long narrow appendages; all leaves large; plants stout 17. A. cuneata. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 203 1. Atriplex elegans (Moq.) D. Dietr. Syn. PI. 5: 537. 1852. Obione elegans Moq. in DC. Prodr. 132: 113. 1849. Type locality: "In regni Mexicani Sonore alta." Range: Western Texas to California, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Cienaga Ranch; near Duncan. Dry fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A common dooryard and wayside weed in the southern part of the .State, readily recognized by the characteristic lenticular, many- toothed, small bruiting bracts, which are home in great abundance. 2. Atriplex wrightii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 113. 1874. Type locality: "New Mexico and Arizona." Range: Southern New Mexico, Arizona, California, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mule Creek; Gila; Mangas Springs. Sonoran zones. A tall coarse annual weed of the southwestern part of the State, common in the Gila bottoms. The terminal ixanioulate spikes of staminate flowers, somewhat scan I y fruit, and leaves glabra te above serve to separate it from our other allied New Mexican species. 3. Atriplex hastata L. Sp. PI. 1053. 1753. Atriplex carnosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 361. 1902. Type locality: European. Range: Montana and Nebraska to Kansas and New Mexico and along the Atlantic coast; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Farmington; Dloomfield; Dulce; Rio San Jose. Alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Atriplex powellii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 114. 1874. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Utah and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: South of Gallup; Zuni; Aztec; Dulce. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A common plant of the open alkaline flats of the northwestern part of the State. The stems are rather slender and the inflorescence consists of crowded axillary glomerules subtended by reduced leaves at the ends of the stems. The leaves are from ovate to narrowly lanceolate, acute or short-acuminate, ,L,rlal>rate above, white- scurfy beneath, decurreut into a petiole almost as long as the blade, cut in-, with conspicuous veins. 6. Atriplex saccaria S. Wats. Proc. Amor. Acid. 9: 112. 1874. Atriplex cornutu Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. 11.5: 718. L895. Atriplex argent ea cornuta Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 11: 21. 1903. TYPE locality: Desert plains of southern Wyoming or northern Utah. Range: Wyoming, Colorado and Utah to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 735!)). Dry hdls, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Atriplex rosea L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 1493. 17(13. Atriplex epatio8a A. Nels. Bot. da/. 34: 360. L902. Type locality: European. Range: Utah and Wyoming t<> New Mexico and Kansas. New Mexico: Chama; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Agricultural Colli Dry hills and in river valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran EOE 7. Atriplex expansa S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad 9: lie lv Type i ooaltty: " Prom New Mexico and Southern < blorado to Southern ( laliforaia," Range: As under type locality. 204 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Alamillo; Albuquerque. Lower Sonoran Zone. A common tumbleweed in the southern part of the State. Without the fruit, which appears rather late in the season, it may be confused with certain species of Chenopodium. Herbarium specimens are easily confused with A. argentea, but that is a smaller, whiter plant, with prevailingly petioled leaves. 8. Atriplex argentea Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 198. 1818. Type locality: "On sterile and saline places near the Missouri." Range: British Columbia and North Dakota to New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Rio San Jose. Plains and valleys, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Atriplex caput-medusae Eastw. Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 6: 316. 1896. Type locality: Not stated, but probably in southeastern Utah along the San Juan River. Range: Southern Utah and Colorado to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: San Juan Valley. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Atriplex semibaecata R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 406. 1810. Atriplex flagellaris Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 119. 1913. Type locality: Tasmania. Range: Australia and Tasmania; adventive from New Mexico to southern California. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Alamorgordo. Dry fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 11. Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 197. 1818. Shad scale. Calligonum canescens Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 370. 1814. Obione canescens angustifolia Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 121. 1859. Atriplex canescens angustifolia S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 120. 1874. Atriplex angustior Cockerell, Proc. Davenport Acad. 9: 7. 1902. Type locality: "In the plains of the Missouri, near the Big-bend." Range: North Dakota to Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State. Dry plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is one of the commonest shrubs over the plains, in arroyos, and in the lower valleys of the Sonoran zones throughout the State. It is variously called "chamiso," "chamis," and "sagebrush," the last name being used mostly by newcomers who think that name applies to any grayish shrub. There are two forms common in the southern part of the State. One of them is a plant about 100 to 150 cm. high with short obovate or elliptic leaves, flowering generally in June and fruiting in late August and September. The other is a taller plant, frequently 2 meters high or more, with narrowly oblong-oblanceolate leaves, flowering and fruiting a month to 6 weeks earlier. The latter is the form described as A. angustior by Professor Cockerell. This seems also to be the form to which Dr. Rydberg applies the name tetraptera.1 The same writer maintains Atriplex occidentalis as a distinct species, but the characters depended upon to separate it seem not to hold in New Mexican material. The plant is of considerable value as a forage plant wherever it grows, being browsed extensively by cattle, sheep, and goats, particularly in winter and early spring when other forage is scarce. It tolerates large quantities of alkali, but also grows in soils where there is little or none, hence it is not always an indicator of alkali. 12. Atriplex acanthocarpa (Torr.) S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 117. 1874. Obione acanthocarpa Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 183. 1859. Type locality: Plains between the Burro Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. 1 Bull. Torrey Club 39: 311. 1912. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 205 Range: Arizona to western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico : Providencia Lake ( Wooton). Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A low shrub, 30 to 70 cm. high, with a peculiar burlike fruit and white-scurfy leaves and stems. It occurs in the alkaline flats of the extreme southern part of the State. 13. Atriplex confertifolia (Torr.) S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 119. 1874. Obione confertifolia Torr. in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 318. 1845. Obione spinosa Moq. in DC. Prodr. 132: 108. 1849. Atriplex spinosa D. Dietr. Syn. PI. 5: 536. 1S52. Type locality: Borders of the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Range: Idaho and Wyoming to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Western McKinley and San Juan counties. Dry plains and lower hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low shrub, seldom more than 50 cm. high, forming dense clumps. Many of the branches end in spinose points. The leaves and steins are dull whitish-scurfy. The leaf blades are broadly ovate to almost rotund and are thickly crowded on the branch) 14. Atriplex collina Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 119. 1913. Type locality: Dry hills near the north end of the Carrizo Mountains, northea I corner of Arizona. Type collected by Standley (no. 7481). Range: Northwestern New Mexico, northeastern Arizona, and western Colorado. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. Atriplex sabulosa Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 11: 21. 1903. Type locality: Winslow, Arizona. Range: Southwestern Colorado to northern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Farmingtou; Tiznitziu; Gallup; near Horace; Carrizo Mountain ; east of Deming. Dry plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low suffrutescent plant with generally numerous stems 30 to 50 cm. high. 'II" leaves are broadly obovate or oval, entire, short-petioled, 3 to 5 cm. Long or Less, and are, like the stems, thickly whitish-scurfy. The plant is browsed more or less by cattle, sheep, and goats. It is very common in alkaline spots in the northwestern part of the State. 16. Atriplex greggii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 118. 1874. Type locality: ( lerros BraA^os, Mexico. Ranch: Western Texas and southern New Mexico arid southward. New Mexico: Burro Mountains (Mexican Boundary Survey L215a). 17. Artiplex cuneata A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 357. 1902. Type locality: Emery, Utah. Range: Utah and Colorado to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sbiprock; Farmington. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low slirnl) about 50 cm. high. 7. CORISPERMUM L. Bug » l D. Widely spreading tumbleweeds with linear spinescenl tipped leaves, inconspicu- ous axillary Mowers, ami peculiar lenticular "buglike" fruit. ki:v to tiik siii n - Spikes slender and lax; Lower bracts narrower than the frail L. C. nitidutn. Spikes stout, thick, dense; all the bracts much wider than the fruit. 2. C. marginaU. 1. Corispermum nitidum Kit.; Schult. Oesterr. II. ed. 2. 1: 7. L814. Coris/H mum hy88opifolium microcarpum s. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 0: 123. iv i. Tvi-i: i OOA1 in : limitary. Hanoi : Illinois to North Dakota, Now Mexico, and T< X i w M Willard; Meailla Valle; i Mountains, Dry Gelds, in i he Lower ami Upper Sonoran zones. 206 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Corispermum marginale Rydb. Bull. Torre)' Club 30: 247. 1903. Type locality: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Type collected by C. L. Herrick in 1894. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Thornton; Grants; Albuquerque. 8. CYCLOLOMA Moq. Erect annual with alternate, thin, oblanceolate or oblong, saliently toothed leaves; flowers very small, solitary, axillary, in open panicles; calyx 5-cleft, the lobes cari- nate, becoming closely appressed and developing a broad transverse membranous wing; pericarp pubescent; seed lenticular. 1. Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) Coulter, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 143. 1894. Salsola airiplicifolia Spreng. Mant. Fl. Hal. 1: 35. 1811. Salsola platyphylla Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 174. 1803. Type locality: North America. Range: Ontario to Montana, Arkansas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Nara Visa; Arch; Elida; Shiprock; Roswell. Sandy soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. MONOLEPIS Schrad. A low spreading annual with petioled, lanceolate, hastately lobed leaves; flowers in axillary clusters; calyx of a single persistent fleshy unappendaged sepal; peri- carp persistent upon the flattened seed. 1. Monolepis nuttalliana (Roem. & Schult.) Engelm. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. Ber. 12: 206. 1861. Blitum chenopodioid.es Nutt. Gen. PL 1: 4. 1818, not Lam. 1783. Blitum nutlallianum Schult. Mant. 1: 65. 1822. Monolepis chenopodioidcs Moq. in DC. Prodr. 13^: 85. 1849. Type locality: "On arid soils near the banks of the Missouri." Range : Washington and Minnesota to California and Texas. New Mexico: El Rito Creek; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Tierra Amarilla. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 10. BLITUM L. Blite. A glabrous light green annual; leaves alternate, hastate, petioled; flowers small, crowded in axillary capitate clusters; calyx fleshy in fruit, becoming bright red at maturity. 1. Blitum capitatum L. Sp. PL 4. 1753. Chenopodium capitatum S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 48. 1880. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa: praesertim in comit. Tyrolensi." Range : British America to New Jersey, New Mexico, and California; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 11. CHENOPODIUM L. Goosefoot. Lamb's quarters. Annual herbs with alternate, often fleshy, petioled leaves; flowers small, green, sessile, in axillary, terminal, or panicled spikes; lobes of the perianth usually keeled or crested; stamens 5; pericarp membranous, closely investing the lenticular seed. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 207 Seeds of the different species of Chenopodium were formerly collected by the Indians, ground or parched, and used in making cakes or porridge. ( '. botrys. C. cornutum. :'>. < '. hybridum. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves glandular, sweet-scented, pinnately lobed; enibryo not forming a complete ring. Lobes of the leaves rounded or broadly oblong, more or less toothed 1. Lobes of the leaves lanceolate, entire 2. Leaves never glandular or sweet-scented, sinuately lobed to en- tire; embryo forming a complete ring. Leaves large, 7 to 20 cm. long, with large divergent acute lobes; seeds 2 mm. in diameter; leaves bright green. Leaves smaller, less than 7 cm. long, with small, obtuse or acute, never divergent lobes, or entire; seeds 1.5 mm. or less in diameter; leaves pale or bright green. Calyx lobes not carinate; inflorescence mostly axillary, shorter than the leaves; stems usually prostrate; leaves elliptic-lanceolate, coarsely toothed, con- spicuously whitish beneath 4 . C. glaucum Calyx lobes carinate; at least the upper panicles exceed- ing the leaves; stems never prostrate; leaves va- rious. Plants with a very strong unpleasant odor when crushed; leaves triangular -hastate, like the stems densely mealy 5 Plants with no strong nor disagreeable odor, odor- less or nearly so; leaves various. Leaves entire, linear to oblong. Leaves linear to narrowly oblong, acute 6 Leaves oblong or broadly so, obtuse 7 Leaves more or less toothed, hastate, ovate or triangular-ovate. Plants densely mealy, appearing whitish. Plants tall and stout, little branched below, erect; leaves conspicu- ously sinuate-toothed Plants low, 30 cm. high or less, densely and diffusely branched, the branches spreading; Leaves small, out ire except for the has- tate lobes at the base Plants only very slightly mealy, bright green. Plants Btoul < '. watsoni. ( '. leptophyllum. ( '. oblongifolium. 8. C. album. . '.). < '. ineanw ereel ; leaves thick, con- [ picuously sinuate-toothed 1". C. paganum. Plants lower, Weak, often Somewhat decumbent; leaves thin, entire except for tho pair of ha > lobes at the base 11. < '.fremontii. 208 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Chenopodium botrys L. Sp. PL 219. 1753. Jerusalem oak. Type locality: "Habitat in Euro pae australis arenosis." Range: A native of the Old World, introduced in many parts of North America. New Mexico: Upper Rio Tesuque; Cedar Hill. 2. Chenopodium cornutum (Torr.) Benth. & Hook. Gen. PI. 3: 51. 1880. Teloxys cornuta Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 129. 1856. Type locality: Rocky places, Hurrah Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Gallinas Mountains; Taos; Chloride; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Capitan mountains. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Chenopodium hybridum L. Sp. PL 219. 1753. Maple-leaved goosefoot. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae cultis." Range: British America southward; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Sandia Mountains. Damp woods. 4. Chenopodium glaucum L. Sp. PL 220. 1753. Oak-leaved goosefoot. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae fimeta." Range: Widely introduced into North America as a weed, in many places appa- rently native. New Mexico: Farmington; Shiprock; Ojo Caliente; mountains southeast of Patter- son; Mesilla Valley. Alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Chenopodium watsoni A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 362. 1902. Chenopodium olidum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 95. 1874, not Curtis, 1787. Type locality: "Colorado to Salt Lake Valley and southward into New Mexico and Arizona." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: Mule Creek; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; Dulce. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt.; S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 94. 1874. Chenopodium album leptophyllum Moq. in DC. Prodr. 132: 71. 1849. Type locality: "In Nova California (Nuttall); Laplatte, Gordon." Range: Washington and Saskatchewan to Missouri and Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo and Tunitcha mountains; San Juan Valley; Zuni; Des Moines; Pecos; Patterson; Mangas Springs; near White Water; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 7. Chenopodium oblongifolium (S. Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 137. 1906. Chenopodium leptophyllum oblongifolium S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 95. 1874. Type locality: "From Colorado to New Mexico." Range: North Dakota and Wyoming to Missouri and Arizona. New Mexico: Wingfields Ranch; Mesilla Valley; No Agua. Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. This is too closely related to C. leptophyllum, differing chiefly in the broader, oblong, obtuse leaves. It is perhaps as distinct as most of the related species of Chenopodium. 8. Chenopodium album L. Sp. PL 219. 1753. Lamb's quarters. Type locality: "Habitat in agris Europae." Range: Widely introduced as a weed in North America. New Mexico: Cultivated and waste ground throughout the State. The young plants are gathered and cooked as greens. Among the native people they are known by the name of "quelite." WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 209 9. Chenopodium incanum (S. Wats.) Heller, PL World 1: 23. 1897. Chenopodium fremontii incanum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 94. 1874. Type locality: "Colorado and New Mexico." Range: Colorado to New Mexico, Arizona, and western Texas. New Mexico: Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; Santa Fe; Mule Creek; Silver City Draw; Mesilla Valley; AYhite Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Llpper Sonoran zones. 10. Chenopodium paganum Reichenb. Fl. Germ. 579. 1830. Chenopodium viride of many authors, not L. 1753. Type locality: Germany. Range : Native of Europe, widely introduced into North America. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Harveys Upper Ranch; White and Sacramento mountains. 11. Chenopodium fremontii S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 287. 1871. Type locality: "Collected by Fremont on the North Platte." Range : Montana and South Dakota to Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Glo- rieta; Santa Fe; West Fork of the Gila; Mineral Creek; Organ Mountains; Agricultural College; White and Sacramento mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 12. KOCHIA Roth. Low perennial, 20 cm. high or less, from a woody base; stems numerous, simple, erect; leaves terete, fleshy; flowers solitary or clustered in the axils; perianth tomen- tose, persistent, the lobes transversely winged; stamens 5, usually exserted; ovary tomentose; seed horizontal. 1. Kochia americana S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 93. 1874. Type locality: "Foothills and valleys from northern Nevada to southern Wyo- ming and southward to Arizona and south Colorado." Range: Wyoming and Colorado to California and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7468). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Kochia scoparia Schrad., an annual species, has been cultivated at Albuquerque, and probably will be found escaped. 43. AMARANTHACEAE. Amaranth Family. Herbaceous-stemmed, erect, diffuse, or prostrate annuals or perennials with alternate or opposite exstipulate leaves, and with apetalous flowers in crowded, axillary or terminal, bracted heads or simple or paniculately branched Bpikes; aepals scarioue or herbaceous; stamens 5 or fewer (staminodia pie en1 in some , mostly hypogynous; pistil simple, the ovary mostly 1-seeded; fruit a utricle <>r pyxidiuni. KKV to Tin: GENERA. Anthers 4-celled; leaves alternate; plants mo glabrous, never conspicuously white-hairy. Perianth present in .ill flowers; bracts not much enlarged ami oot cordate in fruit l . ajcaranthtjs (p Perianth wanting in pistillate flowers; floral bi much enlarged and broadly cordate in fruit. 2 V.< < ■. ho< 76°— 15 14 210 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Anthers 2-celled; leaves opposite (mainly basal in Gossypianthus) ; at least the younger parts of the plant white-hairy. Pubescence of stellate hairs 3. Cladothrix (p. 213). Pubescence not stellate. Stems erect; fruiting calyx with spiny crests. . . 4. Froelichia (p. 214). Stems decumbent or prostrate (except in one species of Gomphrena); fruiting calyx not with spiny crests. Stamens perigynous 8. Brayulinka i >. 216). Stamens hypogynous. Stems erect or decumbent; heads of flowers pedunculate or terminal, large, 2 to 3 cm. in diameter 5. Gomphrena (p. 214). Stems prostrate; flower clusters sessile, axillary, small, 1 cm. in diame ter or less. Staminodia wanting; cauline leaves elliptic-lanceolate, 15 mm. long or less, appear- ing as bracts subtending the flower clusters 6. Gossypianthus (p. 215). Staminodia present (shorter than the filaments) ; cauline leaves obovate-spatulate, petiolate, 15 to 30 mm. long, not bractiform 7. Alternanthera (p. 215). 1. AMARANTHUS L. Amaranth. Pigweed. Rather coarse annuals; flowers monoecious or dioecious, with 5 or fewer hyaline or greenish scalelike sepals, subtended by spine-tipped greenish or reddish bracts, borne in axillary clusters or in terminal paniculately branched spikes; petals wanting; stamens 5 or fewer; pistil solitary, with 2 or 3 styles; fruit a single-seeded indehiscent or circumscissile pyxis. The leaves and seeds of the amaranths were formerly used for food by the Indians. key to the species. Flowers dioecious (in long terminal paniculate spikes). Bracts of the pistillate flowers much longer than the flowers, aristate-pungent 1. A. palmeri. Bracts of the pistillate flowers of the same length as the flowers, not pungent 2. A. torreyi. Flowers monoecious, in short, clustered, terminal or axillary spikes. Sepals usually fewer than 5; plants low, usually spreading or ascending; inflorescence mostly of axillary clusters. Sepals 4 or 5; plants prostrate; seeds about 1.6 mm. in diameter 11. A. bliloides. Sepals 3; plants erect or spreading; seeds 0.8 mm. in diameter. Plants glabrous or glabrate; leaves plane 12. A. graeeizans. Plants viscid-pubescent; leaves crispate 13. A. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 211 Sepals 5; plants tall, stout, erect; inflorescence mostly of dense terminal spikes. Sepals contracted near the base ;5. A. pringlei. Sepals not contracted at the base. Stamens uniformly 3. Seed obovate 4. A. obovatus. Seed orbicular. Sepals obtuse, purplish, firm; spikes leafy, interrupted 5. A. wrightii. Sepals acute, whitish, scarious; spikes naked, dense ti. A. powellii. Stamens 5, or rarely fewer. Plants densely viscid; bracts about 3 times as long as the sepals 7. A. hrtirleosus. Plants not viscid; bracts twice as long as the sepals or shorter. Sepals obtuse; spikes stout, erect 8. A. retroflexus. Sepals acute; spikes slender, drooping. Inflorescence green ft. A.hybridus. Inflorescence red 10. .1. paniculatus. 1. Amaranthus palmer! S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 274. 1877. Type locality: Larkins Station, San Diego County, California. Range: Western Texas to the Pacific coast, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Common from the Mogollon Mountains and Socorro to the White Mountains and Pecos Valley and southward across the State. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A tall, coarse native weed, usually 50 to 100 cm. high, occasionally reaching 250 cm., common in fields, on ditch banks, and along roadsides. The staminate plants are usually rather slender, and the terminal spike is frequently weak and drooping, times considerably elongated. The pistillate plants are usually branched near the base and sometimes spread considerably, while the spikes are very dense and elongated, ultimately becoming very spiny from the fruiting bracts. In some localities the plain is considered valuable as stock feed and has been cut and cured for hay when at the right stage "!' growth. It is said to cause bloating in cattle when eaten in too great abundance while the plants are young and succulent. 2. Amaranthus torreyi (A. Gray) Benth.; S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 42. 1880. Amblogyne inn,'!' A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 5: 107. 1861. Type locality: Western Texas. RANGE: Nebraska to Nevada, BOUthward into New Mexico, western Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Arroyo Ranch {Griffiths 5702), Upper Sonoran Zone. The species is probably more or less common along the eastern tier <>l counties of the state, lull we know of only the single collection cited above. 3. Amaranthus pringlei S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. SI: 476. I Type locality: < >n rocky hills near I Ihihuahua, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to Nevada, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Berendo Creek; Mineral Greek; Organ Mountains; Dog Spring. I pper Sonoran Zone. Tins is much rarer than the other species of the genus, occurring mostly in the lulls and lower mountains and not appearing as a treed. 4. Amaranthus obovatus s. Wats. Proc Imer. lead 19: Type locality: Copper Mines, Ne* Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. in pat I i. 212 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern California. New Mexico: Santa Rita. Easily recognized by the obovate seed. 5. Amaranthus wrightii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 275. 1877. Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1748, in part) . Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Mineral Creek. 6. Amaranthus powellii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 347. 1875. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Western Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Winsors Ranch; Rio Alamosa; Chama; Pecos; Mule Creek; Trujillo Creek; Fort Bayard; Organ Mountains; San Luis Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A common weed in waste and cultivated ground. 7. Amaranthus bracteosus Uline & Bray, Bot. Gaz. 19: 314. 1894. Amaranthus viscidulus Greene, Pittonia 3: 344. 1898. Type locality: "New Mexico," probably about Santa Fe. Type collected by Fendler(no. 735). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; White Mountains; Silver City Draw. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of J., viscidulus was collected in the White Mountains by Wooton (no. 300) . 8. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Sp. PI. 991. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Pennsylvania." Range: Widely scattered in fields and waste land in North America. New Mexico: Waste and cultivated ground nearly throughout the State. 9. Amaranthus hybridus L. Sp. PI. 990. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: Waste ground nearly throughout North America except in the extreme north. New Mexico: San Juan Valley. 10. Amaranthus paniculatus L. Sp. PL ed. 2. 1406. 1763. Amaranthus hybridus paniculatus Uline & Bray, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 145. 1894. Type locality: "Habitat in America." Range: Temperate and tropical North America. New Mexico: Shiprock; Zuni; Mesilla Valley. Chiefly a weed in cultivated or waste ground. This is easily distinguished from all our other species by the reddish color of the leaves and inflorescence. With us it seems to have escaped from cultivation and it is becoming naturalized in various places. 11. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 273. 1877. Type locality: "Frequent in the valleys and plains of the interior, from Mexico to N. Nevada and Iowa, and becoming introduced in some of the Northern States eastward . ' ' Range: New York to Montana, Louisiana, and California, introduced eastward. New Mexico: Common in dry fields and waste ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A low spreading weed, forming thick circular mats on waste ground, also occurring in gardens and fields. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 213 12. Amaranthus graecizans L. Sp. PI. 990. 1753. Tumbleweeo. Ainaranthus albus L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 2: 1268. 1759. . Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: A common weed in temperate and subtropical North America. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. A widely spreading tumbleweed, common in the drier and warmer cultivated parts of the State. Young plants are leafy and rather succulent, but in age the stems be- come rigid, yellowish, and covered with the very numerous spiny fruiting bracts and later, scalelike leaves which are also spiny-tipped. The dead plants form part of the pile of tumbleweeds commonly seen along the fences, where they are associated with the Russian thistle and bugseed. 13. Amaranthus pub escens (Uline & Bray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: :: I I. 1912. Amaranthus graecizans pubescens Uline & Bray, Bot. Gaz. 19: 317. 1894. Type locality: Silver City, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene in 1880 (no. 185). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: South of Santa Fe; Mule Creek; Cliff; Fort Bayard; chalk hills near Parkers Well. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This seems to be one of the most distinct forms of the genus and should certainly receive specific rank. It differs decidedly from A. graecizans in its lower habit, its pubescence, and the crisped leaves. 2. ACANTHOCHITON Torr. An erect branching annual, with glabrous, green and white stiiped stems and alter- nate lanceolate aristate-tipped leaves; flowers dioecious or sometimes monoecious, the staminate with 5 sepals but bractless, the pistillate without sepals, subtended by a cordate clasping scale, this accrescent and spiny in fruit . 1. Acanthochiton wrightii Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 170. 1853. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Shiprock; Chama River; San Marcial; Deining; .Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Jarilla Junction; Sabinal. Sandhills, in the Lower and Opper Sonoran zones. The plant might easily be taken for an Amaranthus when in flower, bul the fruiting plant is very strongly marked and easily recognized by the enlarged bracts. Ii Is a common garden and roadside weed on sandy soils in the southern pari of the State. 3. CLADOTHRLX \iitt. Diffusely spreading or ascending herbaceous annuals or perennials denselj covered with while stellate pubescence; leaves petiolate, ovate toobovate; flo¥ era very small, yellow, in small axillary cluster KKV I 0 111 I I'M IKS. Perennial; stems erecl or ascending; leav< truncate or rounded al the base I . < '. miffru ' A ti nil |>|-oslrale; leaves attenuate al thoha-e 2, C. UttlUgi l. Cladothiix suffruticona (Torr.) Benth. a Hook.; S. Wat*. Bot. Calil 2: 13. 1880. Altenumthera t tuffruticota Torr. U. S 4 Mes Bound Bo1 L81 L868 r , i i loi \in. Mount tin aear Frontei i and between the Pecoa ind tl ■ I Lmpio, wee !'■ 214 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Bishops Cap. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Cladothrix lanuginosa Nutt.; Moq. in DC. Prodr. 132: 360. 1849. Achyranthes lanuginosa Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Son. n. ser. 5: 166. 1837. Type locality: "On the sand beaches of Great Salt Paver, Arkansas." Range: Kansas and Texas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State. Dry plains and fields, chiefly in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. FROELICHIA Moench. Erect branching white-woolly plants, 30 to 100 cm. high, with opposite obovate, oblanceolate, or lanceolate leaves; flowers in terminal spikes; bracts of the inflorescence yellowish or blackish, glabrous; fruiting calyx variously winged and toothed, covered with long cottony hairs. key to the species. Calyx tube with a lateral crest of distinct spines at maturity, the faces tuberculate; plants low, slender, 20 to 50 cm. high 1. F. gracilis. Calyx tube with lateral crests of toothed wings at maturity, the faces each with a spine at the base; plants taller, stout, 60 to 120 cm. high 2. F. campestris. 1. Froelichia gracilis Moq. in DC. Prodr. 132: 420. 1849. Type locality: "In Texas." Range: Nebraska to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Bear Mountain; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Organ Moun- tains; Nara Visa; Hanover Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Froelichia campestris Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 397. 1903. Type locality: Oklahoma. Range: Minnesota to Colorado, Arizona, and Texas. New Mexico: Hurrah Creek, Hillsboro; Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. GOMPHRENA L. Globe amaranth. Erect or prostrate, annual or perennial herbs, hirsute or villous; leaves sessile or short-petioled, entire; flowers in large, often petioled heads, with white or pinkish bracts; flowers perfect, the calyx 5-parted or 5-cleft, often villous below. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual; heads subtended by leaves; plants tall, 20 to 50 cm 1. G. nitida. Perennials; heads not subtended by leaves; plants low, cespitose, less than 10 cm. high. Plants densely pubescent, gray or whitish; peduncles short, scarcely if at all exceeding the nearly sessile cauline leaves 2. G. caespitosa. Plants sparingly pubescent, green; peduncles long, much ex- ceeding the petiolate cauline leaves 3. G. viridis. The common globe amaranth or bachelor's button (Gomphrena globosa L.) is often planted for ornament in the State. It is a larger plant than any of our native species and has larger heads of crimson to white flowers. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 215 Torrey reported ' Gomphrena tuberifera Torr. from New Mexico, but this is probably incorrect, since the species ranges much farther south in Texas. 1. Gomphrena nitida Rothr. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 233. 1879. Type locality: Chiricahua Mountains, southern Arizona. Range: Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gila Hot Springs. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A strict annual with erect opposite branches, mostly sessile leaves, and flowers in a terminal head subtended by a pair of bractiform leaves. The scales are frequently tinged with red, adding to the similarity to the cultivated bachelor's button. 2. Gomphrena caespitosa Torr. IT. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 181. 1859. Type locality: "Gravelly plains near the Organ Mountains, New Mexico; also at the Copper Mines and near Mimbres." Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Kingston; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Water Canyon. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This little plant usually first appears as a rosette of oblanceolate to obovate, white- hairy leaves, with ovoid heads of small yellow flowers subtended by silvery white bracts. Later the slender and decumbent stems with smaller opposite leaves appear, and the plant spreads to 10 to 20 cm. in diameter. In the type locality it is rarely larger than this, probably because it is eaten by stock. 3. Gomphrena viridis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 120. 1913. Type locality: Hanover Mountain, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by J. M. Holzinger. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Hanover Mountain; San Luis Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. GOSSYPIANTHTJS Hook. Perennial herb with procumbent woolly stems; radical leaves elongate-spatulate. subcoriaceous; cauline leaves ovate, sessile, silky-woolly; flowers perfect, with 2 or 3 deciduous bracts; calyx of 5 strongly pilose sepals; stamens 3. 1. Gossypianthus lanuginosus (Poir.) Moq. in DC. Prodr. 13': 337. 1849. Paronychia lanuginosa Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 4: 303. 1816. Type locality: San Domingo. RANGE: Oklahoma and New Mexico to tropical America. New Mexico: Cabra Springs; between Anton Chico and Las Vegas. 7. ALTERN ANTHER A Forsk. Heil) witli p rostrate stems; leaves oval or obovate, narrowed into a petiole; flowers in dense heads; bracts conspicuous, white; sepals 5; stamens 5. 1. Alternantherarepens(L.) Kuni/e, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 540 1891. Achyranthe8 repens L. Bp. PI. 205. I Type loi llttt: " Habitat in Turcomannia." Range: South. Carolina to California and South America, in waste ground; in the Old World. New Mexico: Florida Mountains I Jones). 1 U. 8. A Mex. Bound Bot. 181. LJ 216 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 8. BRAYTJLINEA Small. A prostrate lanate leafy herb from a perennial root, forming thick mats; leaves opposite, ovate, entire; flowers minute, perfect, axillary; calyx campanulate, with a 5-lobed limb; stamens 5; fruit an indehiscent utricle. 1. Brayulinea densa (Humb. & Bonpl.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 394. 1903. Illecebrum densum Humb. & Bonpl.; Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 5: 517. 1819. Guilleminea densa Moq. in DC. Prodr. 132: 338. 1849. Type locality: "In America Merid." Range: Texas and New Mexico to tropical America. New Mexico: Water Canyon; Mangas Springs; San Luis Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; Queen; Kingston; Santa Rita. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 44. CORRIGIOLACEAE. Whitlow-wort Family. 1. PARONYCHIA Adans. Whitlow-wort. Low herbaceous perennials, lignescent at the base; leaves often acerose, with con- spicuous scarious stipules; flowers solitary or clustered, mostly apetalous; sepals and stamens 5, the former aristate; fruit a utricle. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers solitary; elliptic leaves scarcely exceeding the bracts; plants densely pulvinate 1. P. pulvinata. Flowers clustered; linear leaves much longer than the bracts; plants not pulvinate, 10 cm. high or more 2. P. jamesii. 1. Paronychia pulvinata A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 58. 1864. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Wheeler Peak. Open slopes, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Paronychia jamesii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 170. 1838. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. * Range: Nebraska and Colorado to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Organ Mountains; west of Roswell; Knowles; Berendo Creek; south of Torrance; Buchanan; Nara Visa. Dry soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 45. ALLIOMACEAE. Four-o'clock Family. Annual or perennial herbs with usually dichotomous stems, the joints often swol- len; leaves opposite or alternate, usually entire, exstipulate, petiolate or sessile, the opposite ones often very unequal; flowers regular, perfect or sometimes unisexual, mostly subtended by bracts forming a calyx-like involucre; perianth of only a calyx, this usually colored and corolla-like; stamens 1 to many; anthers 2-celled, opening by longitudinal fissures; ovary 1-celled, superior but surrounded by the calyx tube, sessile or short-stalked; stigma usually capitate; ovule solitary, erect; fruit an antho- carp, indehiscent, either fleshy, leathery, or hard, either angled, ribbed, grooved, or winged. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 217 KEY TO THE GENERA. Involucre gamophyllous, calyx-like. Involucre 3-parted; fruit lenticular, with lateral wings usually armed with teeth 1. Wedeliella (p. 218). Involucre 5-parted; fruit oblong, turbinate, or al- most spherical, never with toothed wings. Fruit with 5 prominent ribs; involucre en- larged and membranous in fruit, with 1 to 3 flowers; perianth usually cam- panulate 2. Allionia (p. 219). Fruit smooth or slightly 5-angled; involucre not membranous, usually not enlarged in fruit. Involucre 1-flowered, campanulate; tube of the perianth long and slender 3. Mirabius (p. 221). Involucres with 3 or several flowers; peri- anth various. Involucre rotate, 3-flowered; perianth small, short-funnelform, almost campanulate 4. Allio.viella (p. 222). Involucre campanulate or tubular, with usually more than 3 flow- ers; perianth large, funnelform, with a long and conspicuous tube 5. Quamoclidion (p. 222). Involucre polyphyllous, consisting of 1 to many small bracts, these often deciduous. Stigmas linear; inner cotyledon abortive. Wings completely encircling the fruit, hyaline, membranous; flowers mostly tetramer- ous 6. Tripterocalyx (p Wings not completely encircling the fruit, thick and coriaceous or wanting; flowers pen- tamerous 7. Abronia (p. 223). Stigmas spherical or hemispherical; cotyledons more or less unlike but neither abortive Flowers in heads, these surrounded by a regu- lar many-bracted involucre; stamens long-exserted; fruit turbinate, 10-ribbed. 8. Nyctaoima (p. 224). Flowers not in heads, each flower with an in- volucre of ] to 3 bracts; fruit various. Fruit conspicuously winged 9. Seltnocabpus (p Frail not winged. Fruit asymmetrical, gibbous; inflores- cence racemose 10. Ctphombris (p ' Fruit symmetrical, never gibbous; in- florescence various Perianth LO cm, long, \\ ith a I ami very slender tube; flowers axillary 11. A.clei8anthbs Perianth smaller, 2 cm long or the tube much shorter and le • >n pi wantin 218 CONTKIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Fruit 10-ribbed; leaves thick and leathery, mostly basal; perianth funnel- form 12. Antjlocauus (p. 226). Fruit with 5 or fewer angles; leaves thin, scattered along the stems; peri- anth campanulate 13. Boerhaavia (p. 226). 1. WEDELEELLA Cockerell. Annual or perennial herbs with prostrate stems; leaves opposite, petiolate; invo- lucre of 3 oval sepal-like bracts united at the very base, solitary on axillary pedun- cles; perianths purplish red, rarely white, oblique, 3 in each involucre; fruit leath- ery, winged on each side, smooth on the inner side, with 2 parallel rows of stipitate glands on the outer side, these often concealed by the incurved, entire or toothed wings. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual; stems only slightly pubescent, or glabrous; wings of the fruit not incurved, with numerous slender teeth; leaves ob- long, glaucous beneath, obtuse, somewhat crispate ] . W. glabra. Perennials; stems strongly viscid; wings of the fruit incurved; leaves usually ovate, mostly acutish, not glaucous beneath, plane. Wings of the fruit toothed 2. W. incarnata. Wings of the fruit entire 2a. W. incarnata anodonta. 1. Wedeliella glabra (Choisy) Cockerell, Torreya 9: 167. 1909. Allionia incarnata glabra Choisy in DC. Prodr. 132: 435. 1849. Wedelia glabra Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 332. 1909. Type locality: "Circa Mexicum." Range: Arizona to western Texas, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Zuni; Pecos; Santa Fe; Albu- querque; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; Gray; south of Roswell. Sandy plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Wedeliella incarnata (L.) Cockerell, Torreya 9: 167. 1909. Allionia incarnata L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 2: 890. 1759. Wedelia incarnata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 533. 1891. Type locality: "Juxta Cumana urbem, in silvis arenosis," Venezuela. Range: Colorado to Arizona, western Texas, and Mexico; also in the West Indies and South America. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Rincon; Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; Mesilla Valley; Alamogordo; Lake Arthur; south of Roswell. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A plant from Highrolls is an albino form. Analogous forms are known in other Allioniaceae. 2a. Wedeliella incarnata anodonta (Standley) Cockerell, Torreya 9: 167. 1909. Wedelia incarnata anodonta Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 333. 1909. Type locality: Plains of western New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 355). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Shiprock; Albuquerque; Valverde. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 219 2. ALLIONIA L. Perennial herbs, glabrous or pubescent; leaves opposite, often thick and fleshy, green or glaucous, petiolate or sessile; involucre gamophyllous, 5-lobed, enlarged in fruit; flowers 1 to 5 in each involucre; perianth white to crimson, short-funnelform or campanulate, oblique; stamens 2 to 5; fruit clavate, 5-angled or 5-ribbed. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Fruit deeply 5-lobed; flowers deep red, often cleistogamous; peri- anth deeply lobed or somewhat bilabiate. Plants tall, sparingly branched; involucres 3-fruited; flowers seldom cleistogamous; leaves linear 1. A. coccinea. Plants low, diffusely branched; involucres 1-fruited; flowers usually cleistogamous; leaves filiform 2. ^4. linearifolia filifolia. Fruit 5-angled, not lobed; flowers whitish to purplish red, never deep red; perianth shallowly lobed, never bilabiate. Leaves narrowly oblong to ovate. Stems hirsute throughout 3. A. hirsute. Stems not hirsute. All leaves sessile or nearly so 4. A . lanceolate. All leaves except the uppermost petiolate. Leaves and stems pubescent throughout 5. ^4 . annate. Leaves glabrous; stems pubescent only above 6. A. melanotri- cha. Leaves linear or nearly so. Plants glabrous throughout or with a few appressed hairs on the involucres and pedicels; fruit glabrous. Peduncles and involucres glabrous 7. A. glabra. Peduncles and involucres sparingly hairy 7a. A. glabra n ce~ dens. Plants copiously pubescent, at least on the branches of the inflorescence; fruit pubescent. Inflorescence axillary or of few-flowered clusters at the ends of the branches. Lobes of the involucre obtuse; plants slender, erect, little branched 8. .1. pinetorum. Lobes of the involucre acute; plants stout, spread- ing, much branched 9. A. bodiiti. Inflorescence paniculate or corymbose, welldevelo] led. Steins hirsute throughout 10. A. subkispida. Stems glabrous below. Shins very stout, simple or sparingly branched, erect; leaves very glaucous and fleshy, sessile 11. . I . linearis. Stems much branched, slender, aol BtdfBy erect; leaves not glaucous or lnit slight- ly so. Leaves sessile, thick, pale green; stems low, spreading or ascending, dif- fusely branched; branches of the inflorescence densely viscid-hairy; perianth pinkish 12. .1. dijfiua. Leave distinctly petioled, brighl green, thin; branches of inflorescence merely viscid-puberulent; peri anth brighl purplish red 13. .1 divaricate. 220 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Allionia coccinea (Torr.) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 339. 1909. Oxybaphus coccineus Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 169. 1859. Mirabilis coccinea Benth. & Hook. Gen. PI. 3: 3. 1880. Type locality: "Hillsides, copper mines, and on the Mimbres," New Mexico., Type collected by Wright (no. 1723). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Sonora. New Mexico: Kingston; Mogollon Creek; Silver City; Burro Mountains; Eagle Peak; Hanover Mountain. Dry hills and rocky canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Allionia linearifolia filifolia Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 120. 1913. Allionia gracillima filifolia Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 340. 1909. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 17, 1902. Range: Known only from type locality. 3. Allionia hirsuta Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 728. 1814. Calymenia pilosa Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 26. 1818. Oxybaphus hirsutus Sweet, Hort. Brit. 1: 334. 1825. Type locality: "In upper Louisiana." Range: Wyoming and Minnesota to New Mexico and Oklahoma. New Mexico: Raton Mountains; Colfax. Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Allionia lanceolata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 691. 1902. Type locality: Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Missouri to New Mexico and Oklahoma. New Mexico: Johnsons Mesa (Wooton). Transition Zone. 5. Allionia comata Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 407. 1903. Oxybaphus nyctagineus pilosus A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 174. 1859, not Allionia pilosa Nutt. 1818. Type locality: Probably New Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Silver City; Magdalena; near the Mimbres; East Canyon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Allionia melanotricha Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 351. 1909. Oxybaphus melanotrichus Weatherby, Proc. Amer. Acad. 45: 425. 1910. Type locality: Barfoot Park, Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Rio Pueblo; Sandia Mountains; Chama; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 7. Allionia glabra (S. Wats.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 533. 1891. Oxybaphus glaber S. Wats. Amer. Nat, 7: 301. 1873. Type locality: Kanab, Utah. Range: Southern Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Nara Visa. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7a. Allionia glabra recedens (Weatherby) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 406. 1911. Oxybaphus glaber recedens Weatherby, Proc. Amer. Acad. 45: 425. 1910. Type locality: Chihuahua, between Casas Grandes and Sabinal. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Brockmans Ranch; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 221 8. Allionia pinetorum Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 344. 1909. Type locality: Gilmores Ranch, on Eagle Creek, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton and Standley (no. 3896). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Transition Zone. 9. Allionia bodini (Holzinger) Morong, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 354. 1894. Oxybaphus bodini Holzinger, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 287. 1893. Type locality: Pueblo, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Sierra Grande; Organ Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Allionia subhispida (Heimerl) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 120. 1913. Miratrilis linearis subhispida Heimerl, Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 5: 186. 1901. Allionia linearis subhispida Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 342. 1909. Type locality: Capitan Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Earl' (no. 383). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: South of San Rafael; Atarque de Garcia; Magdalena; Capitan Mountains; Gray. Low hills, Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Allionia line aris Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 728. 1814. Calymenia angustifolia Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 26. 1818. Oxybaphus angustifolius Sweet, Hort. Brit. 1: 334. 1826. Allionia montanensis Osterhout, Muhlenbergia 1: 39. 1906. Type locality: "In Upper Louisiana." Range: Wyoming and Illinois to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Sierra Grande; Raton; Farmington; Pecos; Zuni Reserva- tion; Mangas Springs; Rio Frisco; Socorro; Gila Hot Springs; Colfax; Taos; Organ Mountains; Dog Spring; Capitan Mountains; White Mountains. Dry plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Allionia diffusa Heller, Minn. Bot, Stud. 2: 33. 1898. Type locality: Dry gravelly hills, 10 miles west of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Tj pe collected by Heller (no. 3740). Range: Wyoming to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Stinking Lake; west of Santa IV; Johnsons M. • i. Albuquerque; Sierra Grande; Roy; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Eagle Creek; near Carrizo. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 13. Allionia divaricata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 681. 1902. Type locality: Durango, Colorado. Range; Utah and Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Pecos; Santa Fe Canyon; Chusca Mountains; Sandia Mountains, Chama; West Fork of the Gila. Meadows in the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. MLRABILIS L. Four-o'clock. Perennial dichotomous-branching herb with opposite, entire, deltoid, Besaile oz petiolat •. thin leaves; flowers solitary in a calyx lik<- involucre; perianth white, with a \ ery long Blender tube and bread limb; stamens ;.. unequal; l'ruii leathery, •'• angled. 1. Mirabilis wrightiana A.Gray; Britt. & lvarn. Trans N Y lead 1 ! 1894. Tyit. lo< ujty: Not stati d. Range: Rocky canyons, western Texas to southern An ona and southward. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountain and Black Eta th to the Mexican border. Upper Sonoran and Transition 222 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TFIE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. ALLIONIELLA Rydb. Low, much branched herb with weak, prostrate or ascending, viscid branches; leaves opposite, petiolate; involucres loosely paniculate, rotate and enlarged at maturity, 5-lobed; perianths 3 in each involucre, short-funnelform ; stamens 3; fruit ellipsoid, smooth or obscurely tuberculate, glabrous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems pubescent throughout 1 . A. oxybaphoides. Stems glabrate below, slightly puberulent above la. A. oxybaphoides . glabrata. 1. Allioniella oxybaphoides (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 687. 1902. Quamoclidion oxybaphoides A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 15: 320. 1853. Mirabilis oxybaphoides A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 173. 1859. Type locality: East of El Paso, Texas. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Near Pecos; Sierra Grande; Raton; Fort Wingate; Santa Fe Creek; Bear Mountain; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Gray. Dry hills, Upper Sonoran Zone. la. Allioniella oxybaphoides glabrata (Heimerl) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 357. 1909. Mirabilis oxybaphoides glabrata Heimerl, Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 5: 180. 1901. Type locality: Capitan Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 399). Range: With the type. New Mexico: Capitan Mountains; Gallinas Mountains. 5. QUAMOCLIDION Choisy. Low, diffusely branched, perennial herb with glabrous petiolate ovate leaves; involucre gamophyllous, calyx-like; flowers large, purplish red, several in each involucre; perianth with a thick, rather long tube and a wide spreading limb; stamens 5, exserted; fruit oblong, smooth, glabrous. 1. Quamoclidion multiflorum Torr.; A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 15: 321. 1853. Oxybaphus multijlorus Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 237. 1828. Mirabilis multiflora A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 173. 1859. Type locality: "About the forks of the Platte," Colorado. Range: Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Common throughout the State except in the extreme southwest and southeast. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. TRIPTEROCALYX Hook. Much branched annuals with fleshy lanceolate unequal petiolate leaves; involucral bracts 4 to 6, surrounding a head of numerous flowers; perianth showy, with a long slender tube and rather broad limb, white to bright pink or greenish white; fruitahard spindle-shaped body, completely surrounded by 2 to 4 broad thin reticulate-veined wings. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers 2 cm. long or less, greenish; peduncles shorter than the leaves 1 . T. micranthus. Flowers more than 2 cm. long, pink or white; peduncles longer than the leaves. Perianth pink; fruit 20 to 28 mm. long; plants stout, with erect 6tems; bracts narrowly ovate 2. T. cyclopterus. Perianth white; fruit less than 20 mm. long; plants more slender, usually spreading; bracts narrowly lanceolate.. 3. T. wooloni. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 223 1. Tripterocalyx micranthus (Torr.) Hook. Journ. Bot. Kew Misc. 6: 261. L853. Abronia micranlha Torr. in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 96. 1845. Type locality: "Near the mouth of Sweet Water river." Range: Montana and Nebraska to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; opposite San Juan. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Tripterocalyx cyclopterus (A. Gray) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 329. 1909. Abronia cycloptera A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 15: 319. 1853. Abronia carnea Greene, Pittonia 3: 343. 1898. Type locality: On the Rio Grande, New Mexico. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Near Albuquerque; Pecos River; Chavez; Rincon; Denting; Mesilla Valley. Sandy fields and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The type of A. carnea was collected near Las Cruces {Wooton 59). 3. Tripterocalyx wootoni Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 329. 1909. Type locality: Near Ojo Caliente, Zuni Reservation, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton, July 20, 1906. Range: Northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Western parts of Valencia, McKinley, and San Juan counties. Dry plains and foothills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. ABRONIA Juss. Sand verbena. Annual or perennial herbs with erect or prostrate, glabrous or pubescent stems; leaves opposite, petiolate; flowers in a head surrounded by numerous or few distinct thin bracts; perianth white or red, with an elongated tube and a rather narrow 5-lobed limb; stamens 3 to 5, included; fruit leathery, with 3 to 5 wings or sometimes merely lobed and not winged. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants nearly acaulescent, with a short thick, caudex; leaves nar- rowly oblong or linear; perennial 1. A. bigclovii. Plants with long stems with conspicuous internodes; leaves broader; perennials or annuals. Perennials; bracts ovate or oblong; stems erect or spreading, never prostrate; perianth white. Fruit biturbinate, tapering at both ends l'. .1 fragra Fruit turbinate, not tapering abo\e. Stems densely viscid-hirsute; bracts 10 to 15 mm. long 3. . 1 ../- ndleri. Stems only puberulent or almost glabrous; bra mm. long or less 4. . I . ramoaa. Annuals; brads lanceolate; steins prostrate: perianth purplish red. Leaves mostly ovate, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base; seeds lanceolate, 2 to 2.5 nun. long 5. I . torreyi. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, narrowed at th< i'ds ovate, 1.5 mm. long <<■ .1 . tmguttifoUa. 1. Abronia bigelovii Beimerl, Smiths. Misc. Coll 53: 197. L908 Ttpb i<" ojty: Near Galisteo, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. R \'..,i Known only from type locality, m the I pi"'r BonoraD Zone. 224 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Abronia fragrans Nutt.; Hook. Journ. Bot. Kew Misc. 5: 261. 1853. Type locality: "On loamy, sandy, firm banks, within the high drift-sand hills of the Lower Platte." Range: Nebraska and Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; Farmington; Cimarron; Lamy; Willard; Stanley; Clayton; Nara Visa; Roswell. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Abronia fendleri Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 324. pi. 43. 1909. Type locality: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 739). Range : New Mexico and northern Chihuahua. New Mexico: Farmington; Santa Fe; Coolidge; Chama River; Lamy; Socorro; Jornada del Muerto; Tortugas Mountain. Dry plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The specimens from the southern Rio Grande Valley differ from the typical form in having a much denser, yellowish pubescence. They are erect, and stouter than the plant about Santa Fe, which is much branched and spreading. 4. Abronia ramosa Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 321. pi. 39. 1909. Type locality: Holbrook, Arizona. Range: Northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Shiprock. Sandy plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Abronia torreyi Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 319. pi. 38. 1909. Type locality: Mesilla, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Type collected by Woo ton (no. 11). Range: Southern New Mexico to Arizona and Chihuahua. New Mexico: Emory's 55th Monument; Mesilla Valley. Sandy fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Abronia angustifolia Greene, Pittonia 3: 344. 1898. Abronia turbinata stenophylla Heimerl, Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 5: 190. 1901. Type locality: White Sands, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 157). Range: Known only from the type locality. Lower Sonoran Zone. The type collection of A. turbinata stenophylla is the same as that of A. angustifolia. 8. NYCTAGINIA Chotsy. Low perennial herb with a thick fleshy root; leaves opposite, the blades deltoid or triangular-hastate, petiolate, the margins entire or toothed; flowers capitate, numerous, surrounded by an involucre of thin narrow bracts; perianth long-funnelform, deep red; fruit leathery, turbinate, 10-costate. 1. Nyctaginia cockerellae A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 16: 29. 1903. Type locality: Near Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by Mrs. T. D. A. Cockerell. Range : Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Lower Pecos Valley. Lower Sonoran Zone. 9. SELINOCARPUS A. Gray. Low branched perennial herbs; leaves opposite, sessile or petiolate, thick, often fleshy; flowers solitary in the axils or clustered at the ends of the branches; bracts small, inconspicuous; perianth funnelform, variously cplored, with a short or long tube and a narrow or broad limb; stamens 2 to 5, exserted; fruit with 3 to 5 prominent, wings. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 225 KEY TO THE SPECIES. t ... IhS'i**, ' Perianth 10 mm. long or less, with scarcely any 'tube; leaves broadly ovate 1. S. chenopodioides. Flowers 15 mm. long or more, with a conspicuous tube; leaves ovate or lanceolate. Leaves lanceolate, thick and fleshy 2. S. lanceolatus. Leaves ovate, not fleshy 3. S. diffusus. 1. Selinocarpus chenopodioides A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 15: 262. 1853. Type locality: "Valleys from Providence Creek to the Rio Grande," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Socorro; Albuquerque; above Rincon; Lordsburg; Mesilla Valley; mesa west of Organ Mountains; plains south of the White Sands; Alamogordo. Dry mesas and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Selinocarpus lanceolatus Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 304. 1898. Type locality: South of the White Sands, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 389). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: El Rito; near Suwanee; White Sands. Strongly alkaline soil, plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Selinocarpus diffusus A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 15: 262. 1853. Type locality: "Rocky hills and valleys from the Pecos to the Limpio," Texas. Range : Western Texas to New Mexico. New Mexico: Acoma; Socorro; south of Carrizozo; Delaware Creek; Turneys Ranch, Dona Ana County. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 10. CYPHOMERIS Standley. Slender erect perennial herb, woody at the base; leaves thick and fleshy, glaucous, ovate or triangular, entire, petiolate; flowers in bracted racemes; perianth red, funnel- form, with a short narrow tube expanding gradually into a broad limb; fruit gibbous, glaucous, 10-ribbed. 1. Cyphomeris gypsophiloides (Mart. & Gal.) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 428. 1911. Lindenia gypsophiloides Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Sci. Brux. 101: 358. 1843. Boerhaavia gibbosa Pavon; Choisy in DC. Prodr. 132: 457. 1849. Boerhaaiia gypsophiloides Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: 354. 1894. Type locality: "Dans les plaines a mimosees et a cact^es de Tehuacan de las Gra- nadas, a environ 5,000 pieds," Mexico. Range: New Mexico and western Texas t.» Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; La Luz Canyon; Carlsbad. Rocky canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. ACLEISANTHES A. (inn. Low perennial from a woody base; Leaves opposite, thick anil fleshy, petiolate, long-attenuate at the apex; flowers axillary or terminal, mostly solitary; involucre of 2 or 3 small bracts; perianth while, with a very long slender tube and a broad limb; stamens 2 to 5, unequal, often exserted; irui t narrowly ellipsoid, 5-angled <>r 5-ribbed. 1. Acleisanth.es longiilora A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II 15: _' Gila; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley. Plains and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 228 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 10. Boerhaavia erecta thornberi (Jones) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 381. 1909. Boerhaavia thornberi Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 12: 72. 1908. Type locality: Tucson, Arizona. Range: Arizona and New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Guadalupe Canyon. Low hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. From B. erecta, which ought to be found in New Mexico, this differs slightly in its more strict habit and not dotted leaves. The leaves of B. erecta are conspicuously dotted beneath. 46. PHyTOLACCACEAE. Pokeweed Family. 1. RIVINA L. A low erect branching herb with ovate leaves; flowers small, white or rose-colored, in axillary and terminal racemes; calyx 4-parted; stamens 4 to 8; fruit a reddish berry containing a solitary seed. 1. Rivina portulaccoides Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 167. 1837. Type locality: "On the alluvial lands of the Verdigris river, near its confluence with the Arkansas." Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Texas and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon (Mearns 683). 47. AIZOACEAE. Carpetweed Family. Fleshy or succulent herbs with usually opposite leaves and no stipules; ovary and capsule 2 to several-celled; stamens and petals sometimes numerous; petals wanting in our genera. KEY TO THE GENERA. Sepals distinct; leaves scarcely fleshy; stamens 3 to 5; cap- sules 3-celled, many-seeded 1. Mollugo (p. 228). Sepals united below; leaves fleshy; stamens 5 to 60; cap- sules 1 to 5-celled. Capsules 3 to 5-celled, many-seeded; leaves linear to oblong-lanceolate; stamens 5 to 60 2. Sestjvium (p. 229). Capsules 1-celled, with few seeds; leaves round-obo- vate; stamens 6 to 10 3. Trianthema (p. 229). 1. MOLLUGO L. Carpetweed. Slender annuals with erect or prostrate much branched stems; leaves linear or nar- rowly oblanceolate, thin; sepals 5, white inside; stamens 5 and alternate with the sepals or 3 and alternate with the 3 cells of the ovary; stigmas 3. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Cauline leaves linear, glaucous; plants small, less than 10 cm. in diameter, erect 1. M. cerviana. Cauline leaves narrowly oblanceolate, bright green; plants larger, 20 to 70 cm. in diameter, prostrate 2. M. verticillata. 1. Mollugo cerviana (L.) Seringe in DC. Prodr. 1: 392. 1824. Pharnaceum cervianum L. Sp. PI. 272. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat Rostockii, in Russia, Hispania." Range: Texas to California and Mexico; also in the tropics of the Old and New World. New Mexico: Mesa west of the Organ Mountains; Filmore Canyon ; Chama River. Dry sandy plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTOX AND STAXDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 229 2. Mollugo verticillata L. Sp. PI. 89. 1753. Carpetweed. Type locality: "Habitat in Africa, Virginia." Range: Throughout most, of North America; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Tierra Blanca; Mangas Springs; San Luis Mountains; Organ Moun- tains. Waste and cultivated ground. 2. SESXTVIUM L. Sea purslane. Fleshy herb with prostrate stems; leaves linear to oblong-lanceolate, fleshy, glau- cous; calyx 5-parted, purplish inside; stamens 5 to 60; styles 3 to 5. 1. Sesuvium sessile Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 39. 1807. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Kansas and California, southward to tropical America. New Mexico: Rio Grande Valley, from Socorro southward. In alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. TRIANTHEMA L. Annual with ascending stems; leaves round-obovate, somewhat fleshy, bright green; calyx 5-parted, colored within; stamens 6 to 10; style 1. 1. Trianthema portulacastrum L. Sp. PL 223. 1753. Trianlhema monogyna L. Mant. PL 1: 69. 1767. Type locality: "Habitat in Jamaica, Curassao." Range: Florida to Texas and Lower California, and southward; also in the West Indies. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Alamogordo. In sandy soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. An inconspicuous herb, found on dry sandy plains and sometimes in cultivated fields in the extreme southern part of the State. Often after the summer rains the plants come up so thickly as completely to cover the ground. 48. PORTULACACEAE. Purslane Family. Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at the base; leaves fleshy; flowers reg- ular, asymmetrical, the sepals fewer than the petals; stamens opposite the petals when of the same number, often indefinite; sepals 2; petals 5 or sometimes none; stamens usually 5 to 20; styles 2 to 8; pod ] -celled. KEY TO THE GENERA. Ovary partly inferior; capsule circumscissile 1. Portulaca (p. 230). Ovary superior, capsules various. Plants woody at the base or throughout; capsules with a 6-valved endocarp 2. Talinopsis (p. 230). Plants herbaceous, rarely woody near the base; cap- sules without endocarp. Sepals deciduous 3. Talinum (p. 231). Sepals persistent. Capsule circumscissile near the base 6. Oreobroma (p Capsule opening by 3 valves at tbc apex. Leaves mostly basal; roots flesby; plants not stoloniferoufl 4. Clattonia (p 2 Leaves scattered along the stems; roots .slender, not fleshy; plants stolonif- erous 5. Cm mm ai i 230 ' CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. PORTULACA L. Purslane. Fleshy annuals or perennials with terete or flattened leaves; calyx 2-cleft, the tube cohering with the ovary; petals 5, rarely 6, fugacious; stamens 7 to 20; style 3 to 8- parted; pod 1-celled, many-seeded, the upper part separating as a lid. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves terete, hairy in the axils. Petals carmine to purple, 2 to 4 mm. long; seeds blackish... 1. P. pilosa. Petals yellow or copper-colored; seeds black or red. Petals 6 to 10 mm. long; seeds blackish 2. P. suffrutcscens. Petals about 2 mm. long; seeds red 3. P. parvula. Leaves flat, not hairy in the axils. Petals acute; capsule with a crownlike border near the mouth. 4. P. lanceolata. Petals notched; capsule without a crownlike border. Sepals acute; styles 5 to 7; seeds granulate 5. P. oleracea. Sepals obtuse; styles 3 or 4; seeds sharply tuberculate. . 6. P. retusa. 1. Portulaca pilosa L. Sp. PI. 445. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in America meridionali." Range: Florida to Missouri and California and southward. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain. Sandy soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Portulaca suffrutescens Engelm. Bot. Gaz. 6: 236. 1881. Type locality: Western New Mexico at the Copper Mines. Type collected by Wright (no. 874). Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Telegraph Mountains; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Tor- tugas Mountain; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Portulaca parvula A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 274. 1887. Type locality: "On the plains of W. Texas and New Mexico, and in Mexico." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley (Wooton). Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. Portulaca lanceolata Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 154. 1850. Type locality: "Granite region of the Liano, in Western Texas." Range: Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Berendo Creek; north of Deming. Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Portulaca oleracea L. Sp. PI. 445. 1753. Common purslane. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa australi, India, Insula Ascensionis, America." Range: Common in cultivated ground throughout most of North America, extend- ing into South America; in the Old World. New Mexico: Cultivated and waste ground throughout the State. 6. Portulaca retusa Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 154. 1850. Type locality: "Granite region of the Liano in western Texas." Range: Arkansas to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Rio Alamosa; Gilmores Ranch; Tortugas Mountain. Sandy soil, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. 2. TALINOPSIS A. Gray. A low shrub, 60 cm. high or less, with slender branches; leaves linear, nearly terete; flowers few, purple, in a terminal cyme; fruit about 24 mm. long, covered by the persistent calyx. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 231 1. Talinopsis frutescens A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 15. pi. 8. 1852. Type locality: Mountain valleys, seventeen miles east of the Rio Grande, Texas. Range: Western Texas and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain. Dry rocky hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. TALINUM Adans. Low glabrous perennials; leaves fleshy, terete to broad and flat, basal or cauline; stamens 5 to 30; style 3-lobed; capsules subglobose or oblong, with numerous shining seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers axillary. Leaves flat, not crowded; seeds conspicuously costate. Petals yellow; leaves linear; stems suffrutescent at the base, stiff, almost erect; capsule globose, 4 to 5 mm. in diameter 2. T. angustissimum. Petals orange to orange scarlet; leaves widest at or near the middle; stems fleshy, ascending or spread- ing; capsules ovoid, 5 to 7 mm. long 3. T. aurantiacum. Leaves terete or slightly flattened, crowded; seeds smooth. Petals about 10 mm. long; leaves short, 12 mm. long or less, comparatively broad; sepals obtuse or nearly so; p«dicels stout, much shorter than the Bepals Petals about 15 mm. long; leaves longer, 12 to 20 mm., slender; sepals acute; pedicels slender, equaling or longer than the sepals ' 5. Flowers in terminal cymes, these sometimes panicled. Leaves flat, obovate; flowers in panicled cymes 1. Leaves terete; flowers in terminal cymes. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves or at most not exceeding them; plants low, 5 to 8 cm. high; flowers yellow 6. Inflorescence much exceeding the leaves; plants larger, 8 to 30 cm. high; flowers pink to purplish red. Sepals orbicular; capsules globose or nearly so; pedicels slender, usually twice as long as the capsules or more; stamens 10 7. Sepals acute or acuminate, ovate to lanceolate; capsules oblong; pedicels stout, lit tic if at all exceeding the capsules; stamens 5. Inflorescence congested, most of the (lowers nearly sessile; sepals purplish; leaves stout, not noticeably narrowed at the base Inflorescence loose, all the flowers con- spicuously pediceled; Bepale green; leaves slender, much narrowed at the base !'. '/'■ /"""' -ijlurum. Talinum calycintum Bngelm. should be found in the northeastern part of tie it i8 possible thai its type locality is inside <,ur borders, in habil i' resembles T. parvi/lorum, but it has much larger flowerfl and .".n or more stamens. 4. T. brevifolium. T. pulchellum. T. paniculatum. T. humile. T. longipes. 8, /'. rmi/irtijloruiii . 232 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. Fruet. & Sem. 2: 219. 1791. Portulaca paniculate Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 22. 1762. Talinum patens Willd. Sp. PI. 2: 863. 1799. Type locality: West Indies. Range: Texas and Arizona to tropical America, and in the West Indies. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon; near White Water. 2. Talinum angustissimum (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 120. 1913. Talinum auranliacum angustissimum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 14. 1852. Type locality: Bottoms of Live Oak Creek, and on the San Felipe, Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Fort Cummings; Florida Mountains; Dog Spring; Tortugas Moun- tain; Organ Mountains; south of Roswell; Dexter. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This plant has long been confused with T. aurantiacum, a larger, stouter, more succulent plant with larger, differently colored flowers. It is difficult to distinguish the two in herbarium specimens, but no one can confuse them in the field. This species has also been confused with T. lineare H. B. K., a different plant found only in central and southern Mexico. 3. Talinum aurantiacum Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 153. 1850. Type locality: "On the Sabinas, and more abundantly on the Liano, rare about New Braunfels, Texas." Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Fort Cummings; Mogollon Mountains; Hillsboro; Florida Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Carrizozo; Queen. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Talinum brevifolium Torr. in Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 156. 1854. Talinum brachypodum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 355. 1885. Type locality: On the Little Colorado, Arizona. Range: Northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; north of Ramah. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of T. brachypodum was collected near Laguna by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lemmon. 5. Talinum pulchellum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 121. 1913. Type locality: Near Queen, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 2, 1909. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Queen; near Pecos; Van Pattens. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Talinum humile Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 183. 1881. Type locality: On a rocky table-land near the southern base of the Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene, August 11, 1880. Range: Known only from the type locality. . 7. Talinum longipes Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 120. 1913. Type locality: Tortugas Mountain, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 27, 1894. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 233 8. Talinum confertiflorum Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 121. 1881. Type locality: Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Hanover Hills; Organ Mountains. 9. Talinum parviflorum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 197. 1838. Type locality: "On rocks, Arkansas." Range: Minnesota to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Pecos; Hop Canyon; Tortugas Mountain; Nara Visa; near Dora. Open lii lis, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. CLAYTON! A L. Spring beauty. Succulent perennial herbs with fleshy roots and narrow basal or cauline leaves; flowers white to pink, in naked, loose, terminal, simple or paniculate racemes; sepals 2, persistent; style 3-cleft; capsules 3-valved, with 6 or fewer seeds. key to the species. Plants with rounded conns; basal leaves 1 or 2, not spatulate 1. C. lanceolata. Plants with fleshy taproots; basal leaves numerous, spatulate 2. C.vWjarrhiza. 1. Claytonia lanceolata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 175. 1814. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains." Range: British Columbia and Wyoming to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pass southeast of Tierra Amarilla; Willow Creek. Moist ground, in the Transition Zone. 2. Claytonia megarrhiza (A. Gray) Parry; S. Wats. Bibl. Ind. 118. 1878. Claytonia arctica megarrhiza A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 406. 1862. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Washington and Alberta to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Top of Truchas Peak; Wheeler Peak. Arctic-Alpine Zone. 5. CRUNOCALLIS Rydb. Slender stoloniferous perennial, the stems rooting at the nodes; leaves oblong or oblanceolate, fleshy; petals white, 3 or 4 times as long as the sepals; stamens 3 to 5; ovary 3-ovuled. 1. Crunocallis chamissonis (Ledeb.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 139. 1906. Claytonia chamissonis Ledeb . ; Spreng. Syst. v*eg. 1: 790. 1826. Montic i -Jui in i.Hsonis Greene, Fl. Franc. 180. 1891. Type locality: Unalaska. Range: Alaska, British Columbia, and Minnesota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Ponchuelo Creek; Chama. Wei ground, in the Transition Zone. 6. OREOBROMA Unwell. Low perennial with fleshy thick mots and numerous narrow basal leaves; stems mostly 1-flowered, bearing a pair of reduced bractlike leaves; sepals '-'. entire, ovate, Obtuse; petals largo, pink or reddish; capsule drcumscissile near the hasc. 1. Oreobroma nevadensis < S Wat Howell, Erythea 1:33. 1 Calandriniu jirrmlrnsUS. Wats. Proc. amer. A « .«• 1 8:623 ! Lewisia nevadensis Robinson in A. Gray, Byn. Fl. I1: 2 Type locality: "Subalpine region of Wahaatch and Bast Humboldt Mountains." Nevada. 234 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Washington and Oregon to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Vicinity of Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6478, 6543). Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. 49. ALSINACEAE. Chickweed Family. Low slender annuals or perennials, with opposite simple leaves and small white flowers; inflorescence cymose or the flowers solitary and axillary; sepals 4 or mostly 5, distinct, or slightly united at the base; petals not clawed, entire, emarginate, or deeply cleft and parted, often wanting; fruit a capsule, dehiscing by longitudinal valves. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stipules present though sometimes fugacious. Styles simple below 1. Drymaria (p. 234). Styles branched to the base 2. Tissa (p. 235). Stipules wanting. Petals 2-cleft or 2-parted . Capsules short-ovate or oblong; styles usually 3. . . 3. Alsine (p. 235). Capsules long-cylindric, often curved; styles usu- ally 5 4. Cerasttum (p. 236). Petals entire or emarginate. Styles as many as the sepals and alternate with them 5. S agin a (p. 238). Styles fewer than the sepals, or when of the same number opposite them. Seeds with a basal membrane (strophiole) at the hilum 6. Moehringia (p. 238). Seeds not strophiolate. Capsules with twice as many valves as styles 7. Arenaria (p. 238). Capsules with the same number of valves as styles 8. Alsinopsis (p. 240). 1. DRYMARIA Willd. Low slender erect or prostrate annuals or perennials with inconspicuous flowers; leaves with stipules, these sometimes fugacious; sepals and petals 5, divided; stamens usually 5; capsule 3-valved. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Cauline leaves broadly ovate. Plants erect, glandular, bright green; leaves abruptly acu- minate 1. D.fendkri. Plants prostrate, glabrous and glaucous; leaves obtuse 2. D. pachyphylla. Cauline leaves linear. Cauline leaves pseudoverticillate 3. D. sperguloides. Cauline leaves opposite. Plants tall, 10 to 15 cm., erect; sepals acute; pedicels usu- ally several times as long as the calyx 4. D. tenella. Plants low, 4 cm. or less, depressed; sepals obtuse; pedi- cels as long as the calyx or shorter 5. D. depressa. 1. Drymaria fendleri S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 328. 1882. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 60). Range: New Mexico and Arizona, southward into Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 235 New Mexico: La Cuesta; Kingston; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Gray. Moist canyons, Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Drymaria pachyphylla Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 121. 1913. Type locality: Dry plains south of the White Sands, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 405). Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: South of the White Sands; Parkers Well. Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Drymaria sperguloides A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 11. 1849. Type locality: "Valley of Santa Fe Creek in the mountains, in a plain grazed by cattle and horses," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 55). Range: New Mexico and Arizona to western Texas. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; Sandia Mountains; Animas Valley; San Luis Mountains; White Mountains. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Drymaria tenella A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 12. 1849. Type locality: "Shady places, in woodland in the mountain region, 8 miles west of Las Vegas," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 56). Range: New Mexico, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Mogollon Mountains; Sawyers Peak. Transition Zone. 5. Drymaria depressa Greene, Leaflets 1: 153. 1905. Type locality: Sawyers Peak, Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1430). Range: Known only from the type locality. 2. TISSA Adans. Sand spurry. Branched annual with fleshy linear scarious-stipulate leaves; styles and capsule valves each 3. 1. Tissa rubra (L.) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 16: 127. 1899. Arenaria rubra L. Sp. PI. 423. 1753. Type locality: European. Range: Adventive from Eurasia in many parts of the United States. New Mexico: Albuquerque (Herrick). 3. ALSINE L. Star wort. Slender low annuals or perennials; flowers solitary or cymose; sepals 4 or 5; petals white, 4 or 5, deeply cleft, sometimes wanting; stamens 8 or 10 or fewer; styles :?, rarely 4 or 5; capsule ovoid, 1-celled, opening by twice as many valves as there are styles. key to the- species. Leaves ovate, conspicuously petioled. Leaves cordate or subcordate, all long-petioled I.J. aupidata. Leaves rounded or narrowed at the base, the uppermost Bessile. . 2. A. media. Leaves Linear to narrowly lanceolate, sessile. Plants more or Less viscid :; -1 jamenana. Plants not at all viscid, I'll 'I- minute i>r nunc; branches of the inflorescence re- flexed ' -'• '""'"'■'' Potal-' equaling or exceeding the sepals; branches of the inflorescence ascending. Leaves broadest al>ow the ini< 1< I <• -T narrowed it tin- base 5. J. Innijifolia. 236 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Leaves broadest near the base. Leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, light green; flowers numerous 6. A. longipes. Leaves lanceolate, usually bluish green; flowers few, often solitary 7. A. laeta. 1. Alsine cuspidata (Willd.) Woot. & Standi. Stellaria cuspidata Willd.; Schlecht. Ges. Naturf. Freund. Berlin Mag. 7: 196. 1816. Type locality: Near Quito, Peru. Range: New Mexico and Texas to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Moist canyons, in the Transition Zone. 2. Alsine media L. Sp. PI. 272. 1753. Chickweed. Type locality: " Habitat in Europae cultis." Range: A native of Europe, widely introduced into North America. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Vermejo Park; Sandia Mountains. Frequently a weed in gardens. 3. Alsine jamesiana (Torr.) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 4. 1900. Stellaria jamesiana Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 169. 1827. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains," Colorado. Range: Wyoming and California to New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains;. Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp thickets, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 4. Alsine baicalensis Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 70. 1893. Stellaria umbellata Turcz. Fl. Baical. 1: 236. 1842-5, not Alsine umbellata Lam. 1778. Type locality: "In alpe Nuchu-Daban," Baical Mountains, Siberia. Range: Oregon and Montana to California and New Mexico; also in Asia. New Mexico: Above Winsors Ranch; Spirit Lake. Wet ground, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 5. Alsine longifolia (Muhl.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 150. 1894. Stellaria longifolia Muhl.; Willd. Enum. PI. 479. 1809. Type locality: "Habitat in Pennsylvania." Range: British America to Maryland and New Mexico. New Mexico: Above Winsors Ranch; Harveys Upper Ranch. Damp thickets, in the Canadian Zone. 6. Alsine longipes (Goldie) Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 70. 1893. Stellaria longipes Goldie, Edinburgh Phil. Journ. 6: 327. 1822. Type locality: "Woods near Lake Ontario." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and New England. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6757). Damp ground, in the Transition Zone. 7. Alsine laeta (Richards.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 144. 1900. Stellaria laeta Richards. Bot. App. Frankl. Journ. 738. 1823. Type locality: Not stated. Range: British America to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Blanca ( Turner 52). Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 4. CERASTIUM L. Mouse-ear chickweed. Low annuals or perennials with narrow leaves; flowers cymose, sometimes solitary; sepals usually 5; petals of the same number, 2-cleft, often wauting; stamens 10 or fewer; styles usually 5, opposite the sepals; fruit 1-celled, elongated, often curved, opening at the summit by twice as many teeth as there are styles. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 237 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennials; petals about twice as long as the sepals. Lower leaves oblong or oblanceolate, obtuse 1. C. beeringianum. Lower leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, acute. Leaves all linear or linear-lanceolate 2. C. scopulorum. Leaves of the inflorescence ovate 3. C. oreophilum. Annuals; petals only slightly or not at all exceeding the sepals. Lower leaves sericeous 4. C. sericeum. None of the leaves sericeous. Pedicels in fruit 1 to 3 times as long as the calyx, usually straigh t or nearly so 5. C. brachypodum. Pedicels in fruit 5 times as long as the calyx or more, strongly curved 6. C. longipedunculatum. 1. Cerastium beeringianum Schlecht. & Cham. Linnaea 1: 62. 1826. Type locality: "Ad sinus Eschscholzii etbonae spei." Range: British America to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Pecos River (Bartlett 178). Damp woods. 2. Cerastium scopulorum Greene, Pittonia 4: 298. 1901. Type locality: La Plata Mountains, Colorado. lA/T^ Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Winsors Ranch; Magdalena Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 3. Cerastium oreophilum Greene, Pittonia 4: 297. 1901. Type locality: Foothills of the Rocky Mountains near Fort Colbins, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to California. New Mexico: Northwestern corner of the State (Palmer). 4: Cerastium sericeum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 354. 1885. Type locality: Huachuca Mountains, Arizona. JLa*^*-^ Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. ' New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila ( Wooton). A most striking species, at once distinguished from all our others by the dense sericeous pubescence of the lower leaves. 5. Cerastium brachypodum (Engelm.) Robinson in Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 150. 1894. Cerastium nutans brachypodum Engelm.; A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 94. 1867. Type locality: Illinois. Range: South Dakota and Montana to Texas and Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; Ilillsboro; White Mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 6. Cerastium longipedunculatum Mulil. Cat. PI. 46. 1813. Cerastium nutans Raf. Proc. Somiolog. 36. 1814. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: British America to North Carolina and Arizona. New Mi. \icn: Mogollon Mountains; I'.urro Mountains; Sawyers Peak; Organ Mountain.-; White Mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 238 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. SAGINA L. Pearlwort. Low herbs, 4 cm. high or less; leaves awl-shaped; flowers small, terminating the stems or branches; sepals 4 or 5; petals 4 or 5, not divided, often wanting; capsule 4 or 5-valved. 1. Sagina saginoides (L.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 151. 1894. Spergula saginoides L. Sp. PI. 441. 1753. Sagina linnaei Presl, Rel. Haenk. 2: 14. 1835. Alsinella saginoides Greene, Fl. Franc. 125. 1891. Type locality: "Habitat in Gallia, Sibiria." Range: Greenland and Alaska to New Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Chama. Damp meadows, in the Transition Zone. 6. MOEHRINGIA L. Weak stoloniferous perennials with few axillary or terminal, small, white flowers; ovary at first 3-celled; seeds few, smooth, appendaged at the hilum; leaves lanceolate to oval. key to the sppxjies. Petals longer than the obtuse sepals; leaves elliptic-oblong to oval, mostly obtuse; stems terete 1. M. lateriflora. Petals shorter than the acute or acuminate sepals; leaves lanceo- late, acute; stems angled 2. M. macrophylla. 1. Moehringia lateriflora (L.) Fenzl, Versuch Alsin. 18. 1833. Arenaria lateriflora L. Sp. PI. 423. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Sibiria." Range: British America to New Jersey, Utah, and New Mexico; also in Asia. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Tierra Amarilla. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 2. Moehringia macrophylla (Hook.) Torr. in Wilkes, U. S. Expl. Exped. 15: 246. 1874. Arenaria macrophylla Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 102. 1830. Type locality: "North- West America, in shady woods." Range: British America to Vermont, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Santa Fe Canyon (Heller 3690). Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 7. ARENARIA L. Sandwort. Slender annuals or perennials with more or less diffusely branched stems; leaves flat to subulate; flowers in open or capitate cymes or solitary in the axils; sepals 5, often ribbed; petals 5, white, entire or rarely notched; stamens normally 10; styles 3; capsule globose to oblong, opening by twice as many valves as there are styles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves narrowly linear, more or less rigid or pungent. Plants glabrous; cymes open, many-flowered 1 . A. eastwoodiae. Plants glandular, at least on the pedicels; cymes various. Calyx and pedicels densely glandular; lower leaves 50 to 100 mm. long, erect or ascending 2. A. fendleri. Clayx glabrous, the pedicels only slightly glandular; lower leaves 15 mm. long or less, mostly divergent. 3. A. aculeata. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 239 Leaves neither narrowly linear nor pungent. Pedicels divergent; sepals about 3.5 mm. long. Plants low and spreading, the stems less than 10 cm. long; leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, less than 1 cm. long 4. A. polycaulos. Plants tall, the stems 20 to 30 cm. long; leaves oblong or Linear-oblong, over 1 cm. long 5. A. con/usa. Pedicels ascending; sepals about 5 mm. long. Pedicels several times as long as the calyx; stems about 15 cm. long, much branched; leaves glabrous 6. A. mearnsii. Pedicels about equaling the calyx; stems low, usually less than 10 cm. long, depressed; leaves cinereous- puberulent 7. A. saxosa. 1. Arenaria eastwoodiae Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 406. 1904. Type locality: Grand Junction, Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado to northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Cedar Hill. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Arenaria fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 13. 1849. Type locality: Prairies 5 miles west of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 57). Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas Mountains; Raton; Sierra Grande; Jemez Mountains; Johnsons Mesa; Mogollon Mountains; Hillsboro Peak; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 3. Arenaria aculeata S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 40. 1871. Arenaria congesta aculeata Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 626. 1895. Type locality: Fremonts Pass, East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada. Range: Oregon to Nevada, Utah, and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Western San Juan County. Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Arenaria polycaulos Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 406. 1904. Type locality: Silverton, Colorado. /U^4^/^~J Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Harveys Upper Ranch (Standley 4724). Mountains, in the Canadian Zone. 5. Arenaria confusa Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 275. 1901. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains. Damp woods, in the Tran- sition and Canadian zones. 6. Arenaria mearnsii Wool. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 121. L91S. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mcarns (no. 2216). Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains. 7. Arenaria saxosa A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 18. 1853. Tyi-k locality: Stony hills at the Copper Mines, New Mexico Type collected by Wright (no. 865). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountain-: Santa Rita, 240 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 8. ALSINOPSIS Small. Densely tufted perennials, mostly less than 5 cm. high; leaves narrow, usually subulate; flowers solitary in the axils or in terminal cymes; sepals 5; petals 5, entire or emarginate; stamens usually 10; styles normally 3; capsules slightly longer than broad, opening by as many valves as there are styles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Sepals obtuse * 1. A. obtusiloba. Sepals acute 2. A. propinqua. 1. Alsinopsis obtusiloba Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 140. 1906. Arenaria obtusa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 170. 1827, not All. 1785. Type locality: "On the higher parts of the Rocky Mountains." Range: British America to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountain Peak. Mead- ows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Alsinopsis propinqua (Richards.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 140. 1906. Arenaria propinqua Richards. Bot. App. Frankl. Journ. 17. 1823. Arenaria verna aequicaulis A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 352. 1899. Arenaria aequicaulis A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 185. 1909. Type locality: Barren grounds from Point Lake to the Arctic Sea. Range: British America to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Top of Las Vegas Range above Sapello Creek (Cockerell). High mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 50. SILENACEAE. Pink Family. Herbaceous annuals or perennials with opposite, exstipulate, mostly sessile leaves; flowers in cymes, sometimes thyrsiform; calyx tubular with a short limb; petals clawed; fruit a capsule, dehiscent by longitudinal valves. KEY TO THE GENERA. Calyx strongly 5-angled or 5 ribbed, or both. Calyx cylindric, not angled; perennials 1. Saponaria (p. 240). Calyx ovoid, angled; annuals 2. Vaccaria (p. 241). Calyx ribs usually 10, at least twice as many as the teeth. Styles 5, alternate with the foliaceous calyx teeth. . 5. Agrostemma (p. 242). Styles 3 to 5, opposite the short, not foliaceous, ctllyx teeth. Styles mostly 3; capsules usually septate at the base 3. Silene (p. 241). Styles 5; capsule i-celled to the base 4. Wahlbergella (p. 242). 1. SAPONARIA. L. Perennial herb with stout, mostly simple, very leafy stems and large corymbose pink flowers; calyx 5-toothed, obscurely nerved; petals 5, long-clawed; ovary 1-celled or partially 2 to 4-celled; styles 2; capsule dehiscent by 4 short apical teeth. 1. Saponaiia officinalis L. Sp. PI. 408. 1753. Bouncing Bet. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa media." Range: A native of Europe, often established as a roadside weed in North America. New Mexico: Farmington (Standley 6873). Well established along ditch banks in this locality. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 241 2. VACCARIA Medic. Cowherb. A glabrous annual; flowers in corymb ed cymes; calyx ovoid, 5-angled; stamens 10; styles 2; petals pale red; leaves ovate-lanceolate, glabrous. 1. Vaccaria vaccaria (L.) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. El. 2: 18. 1897. Saponaria vaccaria L. Sp. PI. 409. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat inter segetes Galliae, Germaniae." New Mexico: Ensenada; Pecos; Beulah; Cleveland. 3. SILENE L. Catchfly. Annual or perennial herbs; flowers solitary or in cymes; calyx 5-toothed, 10 to many- nerved; stamens 10; styles 3, rarely 4; capsule 1-celled, opening by 3 or 6 teeth; petals usually with a scale at the base of the blade. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals. Stems not villous; calyx 4 to 6 mm. long; corolla pink 1.5. antirrhina. Stems densely villous; calyx 8 to 10 mm. long; corolla white. . . 7. S. noctifiora. Perennials. Plants nearly acaulescent, densely matted, less than 5 cm. high. . 2. S. acaulis. Plants caulescent, not matted, 20 cm. high or more. Petals bright scarlet 3. S. laciniata. Petals white or purplish. Inflorescence axillary; plants very slender 6. S. menziesii. Inflorescence thyrsoid-paniculate or spicate; plants stout. Leaves densely viscid, not reduced above; flowers almost sessile 4. S. urightii. Leaves not viscid or but slightly so, much reduced above; flowers conspicuously pediceled 5. S. pringlei. 1. Silene antirrhina L. Sp. PI. 419. 1753. Sleepy catchfly. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Carolina." Range: Throughout temperate North America. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Sandia Mountains; Hillsboro; Farmington; Sierra Grande; mountains west of San Antonio; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; White Mountains. Dry fields, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Silene acaulis L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. G03. 1762. Moss CAMPION. Type locality: "Habitat in alpfbus Lapponicis, Austriacis, Helveticis, Pyrenat Range: Arctic America to New Hampshire and Arizona; also in the old World. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Wheeler Peak. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 3. Silene laciniata Cav. Icon. PL 6: 44. /)/. 564. 1301. Silene greggii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 17. 1S53. Melandrijum ladniatum greggii Rohrb. Monogr. Silen. ~.\-. 1868. Melandryum greggii Rohrb. Linnaea 36: 256. 1869. Type locality: "Habitat in Pachuca, Real del monte el Acapulco," Mexico. Ranch: California to western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; mountains wesl of Grant; Bop Canyon; V Uon Mountains; Billsboro Peak; Florida Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains. Damp n in the Transition and Canadian zones. .M'.-,7G°— 15 16 242 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. This species is one of the handsomest plants of our mountains, showy "because of its bright scarlet flowers. Most of our specimens might be placed under greggii, but there seems to be no reason for maintaining this as a subspecies. It differs from the typical form only in its wider leaves and there seems to be no constancy in this character. 4. Silene wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 17. 1853. Melandryum wrightii Rohrb. Linnaea 36: 253. 1869. Type locality: Crevices of rocks, mountain sides near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 862). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek; Santa Rita. One of the rarest species of the genus, for apparently it has been collected but twice. 5. Silene pringlei S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 269. 1888. Silene concolor Greene, Leaflets 1: 153. 1905. Type locality: Cool slopes at the base of the cliffs in the Sierra Madre, Chihua- hua. Range : New Mexico and Arizona, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Higher mountains throughout the State. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. There seems to he no essential difference between this and Silene scoulcri, a species of the northwest. Probably S. pringlei should be treated as a synonym of that species. The type of Silene concolor is from Iron Creek (Metcalfe 1482). 6. Silene menziesii Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 90. pi. 30. 1830. Type locality: "North-West coast of America." Range: British America to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Chama (Standley 6765). Moist woods, in the Canadian Zone. 7. Silene noctiflora L. Sp. PI. 419. 1753. Night-flowering catchfly. Type locality: "Habitat in Suecia, Germania." Range: Native of Europe, widely naturalized in North America. New Mexico: Balsam Park, Sandia Mountains (Ellis 364). 4. WAHLBERGELLA Fries. Herbaceous perennials; styles 5, rarely 4, the capsule opening by as many or twice as many teeth ; petals in ours wanting or inconspicuous. 1. Wahlbergella drummondii (Hook.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 318. 1912. Silene drummondii Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 89. 1830. Lychnis drummondii S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 37. 1872. Type locality: "Plains of the Saskatchewan." Range: British America to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Ponchuelo Creek; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Damp meadows, in the Transition Zone. 5. AGROSTEMMA L. Pubescent biennial with linear-lanceolate leaves; flowers large, showy, reddish purple; calyx lobes linear, foliaceous; stamens 10; styles 5, alternate with the calyx lobes. 1. Agrostemma githago L. Sp. PI. 435. 1753. Corn cockle. Lychnis githago Scop. Fl. Cam. ed. 2. 1: 310. 1772. Type locality: "Habitat inter Europae segetes." Range: Native of Europe and Asia, widely introduced into grain fields and waste ground in North America. New Mexico: Balsam Park, Sandia Mountains (Ellis 382). WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 243 Order 25. RANALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Stamens 6; anther sacs opening by hinged valves 53. BERBERIDACEAE (p. 258). Stamens numerous; anther sacs opening by slits. Flowers monoecious, minute, sessile; an- thers with hornlike appendages; plants submerged 51. CERATOPHYLLACEAE (p. 243). Flowers usually perfect; anthers not with hornlike appendages; mostly land plants, rarely aquatics 52. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 243). 51. CERATOPHYLLACEAE. Hornwort Family. 1. CERATOPHYLLTJM L. Hornwort. A submerged aquatic; leaves whorled, finely dissected; flowers minute, axillary, sessile, monoecious, without floral envelopes but surrounded by an 8 to 12-cleft invo- lucre; fertile flowers consisting of a simple 1-celled ovary, the sterile with 10 to 20 6tamens, the anthers large, sessile; fruit a smooth achene, with a long persistent beak. 1. Ceratophyllum. demersum L. Sp. PI. 992. 1753. Type locality: " Habitat in Europae fossis majoribus sub aqua." Range: Throughout temperate North America, and in Europe. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; San Augustine Ranch. In slow-flowing streams. 52. RANUNCULACEAE. Crowfoot Family. Herbs or sometimes woody plants, with colorless, often bitter juice and polypetalous or apetalous flowers, the calyx often corolla-like; stamens numerous; pistils many or few, rarely single, distinct; flowers regular or irregular; sepals 3 to 15; fruit of dry pods or of achenes or berries. KEY TO THE GENERA. Carpels with several ovules; fruit a follicle or berry. Flowers irregular. Po-torior sepal spurred 1. Delphinium (p. 244). Posterior sepal hooded, helmet-shaped or boat- ehaped 2. Aconitcm (p. 247). Flowers regular. Petals conspicuous, produced into a spur at the base; Leaves ternately compound; flowers ehowy 3. Ao.uii.eoia (p. 248). Petals inconspicuous or none, not spurred; leaves simple or ternate; flowers showy or small. Fruit «if follicles; leaves simple; flowers solitary 4. Cajltha (p 249). Fruit a berry; leaves ternately compound; flowers racemose •'-■ Aotaka(p ( Sarpels 1-ovuled; fruit an achone. Petals N ikiIIv presenl . Sepals spurred; annuals; Leaves all ba al; re- ceptacle i" trail elongate-cj lindric.. .. 8. Mtosobus (p. 24 244 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Sepals not spurred; perennials or biennials; leaves not all basal ; receptacle merely conic or sliort-cylindric. Achenes transversely wrinkled; petals wbite; plants floating; leaves dis- sected into capillary segments 7. Batrachium (p. 250). Achenes not transversely wrinkled ; petals yellow, at least outside; plants not floating; leaves not dissected into capillary segments. Achenes not ribbed 8. Ranunculus (p. 251). Achenes longitudinally ribbed 9. Halerpestes (p. 253). Petals wanting, but the sepals often petal-like. Sepals imbricated in the bud ; leaves alternate or only those subtending the inflores- cence opposite. Flowers numerous, not subtended by op- posite or verticillate bracts. Seed pendulous; leaves compound ..10. Thalictrum (p. 254). Seed erect; leaves simple 16. Trautvetteria (p. 258). Flowers solitary or few, subtended by opposite or verticillate bracts. Styles short, not elongated in fruit. .11. Anemone (p. 255). Styles much elongated in fruit (plu- mose) 12. Pulsatilla (p. 255). Sepals valvate in the bud; leaves all opposite. Flowers cymose-paniculate, dioecious or polygamo-dicecious. (Stamens and sepals spreading) 13. Clematis (p. 256). Flowers solitary, perfect. Stamens erect; sepals thick, more or less convergent; staminodia wanting 14. Viorna (p. 256). Stamens spreading; sepals thin, spreading; staminodia often present 15. Atragene (p. 258). 1. DELPHINIUM L. Larkspur. Perennial herbs with leafy stems; sepals 5, irregular, petal-like, the upper one pro- longed into a spur; petals 4, irregular, the upper continued as a short spur, enveloped in the spur of the calyx; pistils 1 to 5, forming many-seeded pods in fruit; flowers in terminal racemes. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants low, 50 cm. high or mostly less. Leaves not crowded at the base of the stem, the cauline like the basal ones; flowers dark blue. Plants viscid; lower pedicels not elongated 2. D. alpestre. Plants not viscid; lower pedicels elongated 1. D. nelsonii. Leaves forming a cluster about the base of the stem, the cauline ones few or none; flowers blue to whitish. Flowers whitish or very pale blue 3. D. camjwrum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 245 Flowers blue. Leaves with numerous narrow segments; inflores- cence short; flowers small, crowded 4. D. confertiflorum. Leaves with few broad segments; inflorescence scapose; flowers large and scattered 5. D. scaposum. Plants tall, 1 meter high or more, with leafy stems. Segments of the leaves more or less oblong to linear, abruptly acute, only the basal segments cuneate; pubescence of short, curled, closely appressed hairs, rarely if ever glandular. Bracts of the inflorescence expanded and at least the lowest resembling foliar leaves 6. D. amplibractealum. Bracts of the inflorescence narrowly linear. Plants robust, 2 meters high or more 9. D. robustum. Plants of medium height, about 1 meter tall. Ultimate segments of the leaves oblong 7. D. seopulorum. Ultimate segments of the leaves narrowly linear 8. D. tenuisectum. Segments of the leaves narrowly diamond-shaped in out- line, with acute or acuminate apex and cuneate base; pubescence of spreading hairs, more or less glandular, at least in the inflorescence (except in no. 10). Flowers dull brownish or greenish purple. Leaf segments 10 to 20 mm. broad 12. D. sapellonis. Leaf segments narrow, 7 mm. wide or less 11. D. sierrae-blancae. Flowers deep blue. Sepals acuminate 13. D. cockerellii. Sepals not acuminate, at least a part of them obtuse. Leaf segments broad; leaves yellowish green. 14. D. macrophyllum. Leaf segments very narrow; leaves dark green above 10. D. novonwxicanum. 1. Delphinium nelsonii Greene, Pittonia 3: 92. 1896. Type locality: Wyoming. Range: Washington and Nebraska to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Stinking Lake. Open slopes, in the Transi- tion Zone. 2. Delphinium alpestre Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 146. 1902. Type locality: Mountains northwest of Como, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Timber line above Baldy; Wheeler Peak. Meadows, in the Arctic* Alpine Zone. 3. Delphinium camporum Greene, Erythea 2: 183. 1894. Delphinium wootoni Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 583. 1899. Tyi'k locality: "A plant of dry Bandy plains along the eastern base of the whole Rocky Mountain range, apparently from British America to Mexico." RANGE: Colorado to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Mangas Springs; Hats near Nutt; Organ .Mountains Jor- nada ded Muerto. Dry plains and hills, in the I rpper Bonoran Zone The type of D. wootoni was collected in the Organ .Mountains. 246 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Delphinium confertiflorum Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 33. 1910. Type locality: Mountains 15 miles southeast of Patterson, New Mexico, near Culbertsons Ranch. Type collected by Wooton, August 16, 1900. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Transition Zone. 5. Delphinium scaposum Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 156. 1881. Type locality: Hill country between the Gila and San Francisco rivers, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Coolidge; Chusca Mountains; Defiance; between the Gila and Frisco rivers. Transition Zone. J 6. Delphinum amplibracteatum Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 35. 1910. Type locality: N Bar Ranch, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Transition Zone. 7. Delphinium scopulorum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 9. 1853. Delphinium calophyllum Greene; Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 36. 1910, as synonym. Type locality: Mountain ravines near the Mimbres, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wright (no. 842). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Wheelers Ranch; Agua Fria Spring; Kingston; Fort Bayard; Han- over Mountain. Transition Zone. 8. Delphinium tenuisectum Greene, Erythea 2: 184. 1894. Type locality: "Chihuahua, cool banks of ravines, plains at the base of the Sierra Madre." Range: New Mexico, southward into Mexico, possibly also in Arizona. New Mexico: Mountains west of Grant; Santa Rita; Mogollon Mountains. Transi- tion Zone. 9. Delphinium robustum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 276. 1901. Type locality: Wahatoya Creek, below the Spanish Peaks, Colorado. Range: Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Johnsons Mesa; Chusca Valley; Sierra Grande; Raton. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 10. Delphinium novomexicanum Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 37. 1910. Type locality: Near Cloudcroft, Otero County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 31, 1899. Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition [ Zone. 11. Delphinium sierrae-blancae Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 38. 1910. Type locality: White Mountain Peak, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 1, 1901. Range: White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Hudsonian Zone. 12. Delphinium sapellonis Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 34: 453. 1902. Type locality: Sapello Canyon, near Beulah, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell. Range: Northern and central New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains. Along streams, in the Transition and Canadian zones. WOOTOX AND STAKDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 247 13. Delphinium cockerellii A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 51. 1906. Type location: Baldy Mountains, Elizabethtown, New Mexico. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Elizabethtown; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Hudsonian Zone. 14. Delphinium macrophyllum Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 40. 1910. Type locality: Hillsboro Peak, Black Range, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1311). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; San Mateo Mountains. Hud- sonian Zone. 2. ACONITUM L. Monkshood. Tall perennials with palmately cleft or dissected leaves and showy paniculate or racemose flowers; sepals 5, irregular, the upper one helmet-shaped, hooded, larger than the others; upper petals 2, small, spur-shaped, long-clawed, concealed under the helmet; other petals 6 or less, very small or wanting; pistils 3 to 5; pods several- seeded. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Front line of the hood strongly concave; beak long, porrect, almost horizontal 1. A. porrectum. Front line of the hood almost straight; beak directed downward. Fl< >wer ochroleucous 4. A. lutescem. Flowers blue. Leaf segments all acute, narrow, much dissected; pedi- cels much shorter than the flowers 2. A. mogolloniium . Leaf segments mostly obtuse, abruptly acuminate, very broad, little dissected; pedicels about equaling the flowers 3. A. arizonicum . 1. Aconitum porrectum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 150. 1902. Aconitum roberlianum Greene, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 6. 1909. Type locality: Coffee Pot Spring, Colorado. Range: Damp woods, Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and has Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; White Mountain Peak; Costilla Valley. Transition to Hudsonian Zone. The type of Aconitum robertianum was collected on Pecos Baldy (Bailey 5 • 2. Aconitum mogollonicum Greene, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 5. 1909. Type locality: West Fork of the Gila, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 518). Ranoe: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Hillsboro Peak. 3. Aconitum arizonicum Greene, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 5. 1909. Type locality: Santa Rita .Mountains, BOUthern Arizona. Ranoe: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains near Holts Ranch (Wooton). 4. Aconitum lutescens A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 51. L906. Ttpb '"' ' 1 1 1 v : Cummins, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexioo: Tunitcha Mountains; Beulah. Damp woods, in tin1 Transition Zone. 248 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. AQUILEGIA L. Columbine. Perennial herbs with twice or thrice ternately compound leaves with lobed leaflets; flowers large and showy; sepals 5, regular, colored like the petals; petals 5, similar, each with a short spreading lip produced backward into a long hollow spur; pistils 5, with slender styles; pods erect, many-seeded, with long filiform tips. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers nodding, red, with more or less yellow; spurs 2 cm. long or less. Sepals greenish; spursslender,2to3timesaslongasthesepals.. 1. A. elegantula. Sepals red; spurs thick, only slightly if at all longer than the sepals, never twice as long 2. A.formosa. Flowers erect, yellow or blue; spurs 3 to 7 cm. long. Flowers yellow; spurs 5 to 7 cm. long 3. A. chrysaniha. Flowers blue or bluish; spurs 3 to 4 cm. long 4. A. caerulea. 1. Aquilegia elegantula Greene, Pittonia 4: 14. 1899. Red columbine. Type locality: " Southern Colorado, in Slide Rock Canon, and on the flanks of Mt. Hesperus in spruce woods." Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. This and the following resemble the eastern Aquilegia canadensis. They occur only in the higher mountains, in damp woods, usually on the faces of cliffs. Both species are very handsome and might well be cultivated in gardens in the higher parts of the Stafe. 2. Aquilegia formosa Fisch.; DC. Prodr. 1: 50. 1824. Red columbine. Type locality: Kamchatka. Range: Alaska to California, Utah, and New Mexico; also in Siberia. New Mexico: Mountains west of Grant; Sandia Mountains; Kingston; Bear Mountain; Luna. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 3. Aquilegia chrysantha A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 621. 1873. Yellow columbine. Aquilegia leptocera flava A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 9. 1853. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1306). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; Fresnal. Shaded canyons, in the Transition Zone. Although the plant is properly of the Transition Zone, it extends much farther down in moist, shaded places in the canyons. With its large, golden yellow flowers it is one of the most beautiful of our Southwestern plants. In the Organ Mountains it is abundant in several places, sometimes growing on the shaded faces of cliffs and sometimes about the edges of small pools. 4. Aquilegia caerulea James in Long, Exped. 2: 15. 1825. Rocky Mountain columbine. Type locality: On the divide between the Platte and the Arkansas, Colorado. Range: Montana to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains. WToods and open meadows, Transition to Hudsonian Zone. This is the State flower of Colorado and no other State has one so beautiful. Few indeed are the flowers of the Rockies that can compare with this in beauty. The WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 249 great blossoms, sometimes six inches in diameter, look like bits of fallen sky, and when the plants cover acres of meadow, as they sometimes do, no words can be found to do them justice. On the Upper Pecos the Rocky Mountain columbine is very abundant, especially in the parks near timber line. At Harveys Ranch in the Las Vegas Mountains they were seen in great quantity in a grain field. Forms with light- colored, almost white, flowers are not uncommon. 4. CALTHA L. Glabrous perennial with oblong or oblong-ovate obtuse bright green leaves; sepala 5 to 9, petal-like, white inside, bluish without; pistils 5 to 10, with scarcely any styles; pods compressed, spreading. 1. Caltha leptosepala DC. Reg. Veg. Syst. 1: 310. 1818. Elk.si.ip. Caltha leptosepala rotundifolia Iluth, Helios 9: 6S. 1891. Caltha rotundifolia Greene, Pittonia 4: 80. 1899. Caltha chionophila Greene, loc. cit. Type locality: Prince William Sound, Alaska. Range: British America, along the Rockies to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Wet meadows, in the Hud- eonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. The plant is very common on the higher peaks of the northern part of the State, growing in marshes about the small mountain lakes and in wet ground around snow- banks. The flowers are very handsome, the sepals being almost white inside and bluish outside, in color suggesting some of the water lilies. 5. ACTAEA L. Cohosh. Perennial, with broad, twice or thrice ternately compound leaves, the leaflets cleft and toothed; flowers in a short terminal raceme rising above the leaves; sepals 4 or 5, caducous; petals 4 to 10, small, spatulate, clawed, whitish; stamens numerous, with slender, whitish or greenish filaments; pistil single, with a sessile depressed 2-lobed stigma. 1. Actaea viridifiora Greene, Pittonia 2: 108. 1890. Type locality: "In open rocky places among t ho pine and spruce woods of Mt. San Francisco, Arizona." Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Pulce; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Eillsboro Peak; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition to Hudsonian Zone. It is possible that more than one species of the genus occurs in the State, but we are unable (■> find any means of separating them, at leasl in herbarium material. In a given locality forms with red ami white hemes occur, often growing together. The plants are found on moist slopes, usually in thick shade. When in fruit they are rather showy. G. MYOSXJRUS 1,. Mousetail. Small annuals with linear entire basal Leaves and simple l-f]u\vered s. ape 5, spurred or appendaged at the base; petals •">, small, narrow, sometimes wanting, clawed ; staim-n- .", to 20j achene \ eiy nuniermi j, spicate mi a liliform re.epta< le. 250 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Mature carpels with a whitish, cellular or cartilaginous, cupulate border around the laterally compressed keel. Scapes elongated, CO to 120 mm. long; heads of achenes 30 to 40 mm. long; beaks not exceeding the diameter of the back of the achene 1 . M. cupulatus. Scapes short, less than 5 mm. long; heads 13 mm. long or less; beaks much exceeding the diameter of the back of the achenes 2. M. egglestonii. Carpels not with a cupulate border. Achenes flat on the back, tipped with a very short appressed beak, or this wanting 3. 31. minimus. Achenes strongly carinate, tipped with a long subulate ascend- ing beak 4. M. aristatus. 1. Myosurus cupulatus S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 362. 1882. Type locality: "Arizona, hills between the Gila and San Francisco rivers." Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Bsar Mountain; Hillsboro. Wet soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Myosurus egglestonii Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 123. 1913. Type locality: On a mesa on the road between Tierra Amarilla and Park View, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Type collected by W. W. Eggleston (no. 6472). Range: Known only from type locality. 3. Myosurus minimus L. Sp. PI. 284. 1753. Type locality: "Habitatin Europae collibus apricis aridis." Range: British America to California and Florida; also in Europe and Africa. New Mexico: Mimbres Valley; near Tierra Amarilla. Moist soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Myosurus aristatus Benth. Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 458. 1847. Type locality: "Moist places in the Cordillera of Chili at Los Patos, Province of Coquimbo, elev. 11,200 feet above the level of the sea." Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico; also in South America. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains. In mud, in the Transition Zone. 7. BATRACHIUM S. F. Gray. Water crowfoot. Aquatic or subaquatic perennials with dissected submersed leaves having many filiform segments, and occasionally with a few dilated emersed ones; peduncles solitary, opposite the leaves; petals white; achenes not margined, rugose. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers small, the petals less than 5 mm. long, oblong-obovate; stamens 5 to 12 1. B. drouetii. Flowers larger, the petals 5 to 7 mm. long, broadly obovate; sta- mens numerous. Segments of the leaves rather short, 10 to 15 mm. long, scarcely collapsing when withdrawn from the water. . 2. B. triehophyllum. Segments of the leaves longer, 15 to 30 mm. long, flaccid, collapsing when withdrawn from the water 3. B. Jlaccidum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 251 1. Batrachium drouetii (F. Schultz) Nyman, Bot. Not. 98. 1852. Ranunculus drouetii F. Schultz, Arch. PI. France et Allem. 10. 1842. Type locality: European. Range: Alaska to Vermont, Rhode Island, and Lower California, in the Rocky Mountains south to New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Taos; Negrito Creek; Middle Fork of the Gila. In streams and ponds, in the Transition Zone. 2. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch, Prodr. Fl. Bat. 5. 1850. Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix: Vill. Prosp. PI. Dauph. 1: 335. 1786. Ranunculus aquatilis trichophyllus A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 40. 1867. Batrachium aquatile trichophyllum Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 122. 1911. Type locality: European. Range: British America to North Carolina, California, and Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Vermejo Park. In water, in the Transition Zone. 3. Batrachium flaccidum (Pers.) Rupr. Fl. Cauc. 15. 1869. Ranunculus jlaccidus Pers. Ann. Bot. Usteri 14: 39. 1795. Ranunculus trichophyllus Jlaccidus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: 21. 1895. Type locality: Not stated. Rangh-. British America to North Carolina and Lower California. New Mexico: Canada Creek; Pecos River; Mimbres River; Dulce. In streams and ponds. 8. RANUNCULUS L. Buttercup. Annual or perennial herbs with alternate cauline leaves and numerous basal oik-?; flowers solitary or corymbose, yellow or white; sepals usually 5; petals commonly conspicuous; achenes capitate, numerous, usually smooth. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Sepals black-hairy 1. R. macauleyi. Sepals not black-hairy. Basal leaves entire. Plants with long stolons rooting at the nodes; petals less than 5 mm. long 10. R. reptans. Plants notstoloniferous; petals more than 5 mm. long, often 10 mm. or more 11. R. ellipticus. Basal loaves not entire. None of the leaves cleft; plants very succulent, stolon- ifcrous 2. R. hydroeharoides. At least part of the leaves cleft; plants less succulent, seldom stoloniferous. Stems floating or submerged 3. R. purshii. Stems neither floating nor submerged. Achenes Kkibrous. Petals short, 3 to 4 mm. long, about equal- ing tin' Bepals; cauline leaves long- petioled •>. R.eremog< Petals longer, 8 to 10 mm., much I"ii than the sepals; cauline lean nearly Bessile. Petals oblong. 8 to H> nun. long; basal Leaves parted almost t" the baeo 5. R. nudtttut. 252 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Petals broadly obovate, not more than 8 mm. long; basal leaves not deft, oblong to deltoid-ovate.. 6. R. subsagittatus. Achenes pubescent. Part of the basal leaves undivided; stems and leaves with only a few soft and inconspicuous hairs. Petals 5 to 6 mm. long; head of achenes oblong 7. R. inamoenus. Petals 3 to 5 mm. long; head of achenes cylindric 12. R. micropetalus. All of the leaves cleft; stems and leaves densely hirsute. Head of carpels oblong; petals not longer than the sepals; plants mostly erect 8. R. pennsylvanicus. Head of carpels globose; petals longer than the sepals; plants low and spreading 9. R. macounii. 1. Ranunculus macauleyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 15: 45. 1880. Type locality: Rocky Mountains in San Juan County, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos P>aldy; Truchas Peak. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. A most handsome species with large bright yellow flowers set off by rich brown sepals. The plants grow up to the very edge of the snow banks. 2. Ranunculus hydrocharoides A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 306. 1861. Type locality: Wet marshes, Mabibi, Sonora. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona. New Mexico: Cloverdale; Middle Fork of the Gila. In swamps. 3. Ranunculus purshii Richards. Bot. App. Frankl. Journ. 741. 1823. Type locality: "Wooded country from latitude 54° to 64° north." Range: Alaska to Nova Scotia, Oregon, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Fort Defiance (Palmer). 4. Ranunculus eremogenes Greene, Erythea 4: 121. 1896. Ranunculus sceleratus eremogenes Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 124. 1911. Type locality: "Of wet springy places and margins of pools in the West American desert regions, from along the eastern base of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, through the Great Basin, and to southeastern Oregon and northeastern British America." Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallo Spring; San Juan; Mangas Springs; Wheelers Ranch; Farm- ington. In marshes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Ranunculus nudatus Greene, Leaflets 1: 211. 1906. Type locality: Burro Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 198). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Santa Rita. In wet soil. 6. Ranunculus subsagittatus (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 59. 1890. Ranunculus arizonicus subsagittatus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 21: 370. 1886. Type locality: "North Arizona in De la Vergne Park of the San Francisco Moun- tains, in wet ground." Range: Arizona and New Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 253 New Mexico: Chusca Mountains; Willow Creek; Middle Fork of the Gila. Wet soil, in the Transition Zone. Although originally described as a subspecies of R. arizonicus, this may be dis- tinguished at once by its broadly obovate petals and less dissected leaves. 7. Ranunculus inamoenus Greene, Pittonia 3: 91. 1896. Type locality: "Common in the whole Rocky Mountain region, at middle ele- vations." Range : Montana to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Ensenada; Rio Pue- blo; Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. 8. Ranunculus pennsylvanicus L. f. Suppl. PI. 272. 1781. Type locality: "Habitat in Pennsylvania." Range : Nova Scotia to Washington, Georgia, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Middle Fork of the Gila. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 9. Ranunculus macounii Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 12: 3. 1892. Type locality: "Banks of rivers from Canada to near the mouth of the Mac- kenzie River lat. 65°; and from the shores of Hudson's Bay to the Pacific." Range: British America to Iowa and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; San Juan Valley; Rio Pueblo; Chama; Win- sors Ranch; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, in the Upper Sono- ran and Transition zones. 10. Ranunculus reptans L. Sp. PI. 549. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Suecia, Russia, ad ripas lacuum." Range: British America to New Jersey and New Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains (Standley 7606). In mud, in the Transition Zone. 11. Ranunculus ellipticus Greene, Pittonia 2: 110. 1890. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: British Columbia and Montana to California ami northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Vicinity of Chama and Tierra Amarilla. Wet ground, in the Tran- sition Zone. 12. Ranunculus micropetalus (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 158. 1902. Ranunculus affinis micropetalus Greene, Pittonia 2: 110. 1890. Type locality: San Francisco Mountain, Arizona. Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6620). Damp meadows, in the Transition Zone. 9. HALERPESTES Greene. A low slender glabrous plant with long runners; scapes with I to 7 flowers; leaves clustered, rounded-ovate or reniform, crenate; petals 5 to 8, yellow; carpels thin- walled, striate, in a eylindrie head. 1. Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Greene, Pittonia 4: 20S. L900. Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 392. 1M 1 Oxygrajmia cymbalaria Prant] in Engl. A: Prantl, Pflanzenfam. 3-': 63. \^'>\ Type locality: Saline marshes near Onondaga, New York. Range: Alaska to California, New Mexico, and Arizona, and eastward; also in South America and \ N i w Mexico: Common except along the eastern side of the State Wei ground, in the Snnoran and Transition /"in-. 254 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 10. THALICTRUM L. Meadow rue. Low or tall perennial herbs with alternate, twice or thrice ternately compound leaves, the petioles dilated at the base; inflorescence corymbose or paniculate, often polygamous or dioecious; sepals 4 or 5, petal-like, greenish, inconspicuous; petals none; achenes 4 to 15, grooved or ribbed or inflated. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers perfect; plants small, 20 cm. high or less 1. T. cheilanthoides. Flowers dioecious or polygamous; plants large, 30 to 100 cm. high. Flowers polygamous; achenes not flattened, thick-walled; ribs thick, separated by acute grooves; cauline leaves sessile 2. T. dasycarpum. Flowers dioecious; achenes flattened, thin-walled; ribs thin, separated by wide rounded grooves; cauline leaves petiolate. Leaflets very large, 20 to 40 mm. long; achenes symmet- rical or nearly so 3. T. occidentale. Leaflets seldom more than 15 mm. long, usually less; achenes asymmetrical. Leaflets large ; achenes almost twice as long as broad ; pedicels and fruit glandular 4. T. fendleri. Leaflets small; achenes but little longer than broad; pedicels and fruit usually glabrous 5. T. wrightii. 1. Thalictrum cheilanthoides Greene, Leaflets 2: 89. 1910. Type locality: Pecos Baldy, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 4324). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. This is possibly not distinct from T. alpinum L. 2. Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch. & Lall. in Fisch. & Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 8: 72. 1841. Type locality: "Hab. in America boreali, ubi sub expeditione Frankliniana semina collecta sunt." Range: British America to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Griffin). Wet ground. 3. Thalictrum occidentale A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 372. 1872. Type locality: Vancouver Island. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Four miles south of Tijeras (Ilerrick). Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 4. Thalictrum fendleri Engehn. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 5. 1849. Type locality: Damp, shady places in the mountains around Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 13). Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Raton; Johnsons Mesa; Sierra Grande; Upper Pecos; Mogollon Mountains. Meadows and thickets in the mountains, Transition and Canadian zones. 5. Thalictrum wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 7. 1853. Thalictrum fendleri wrightii Trel. in A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: 16. 1895. Type locality: Mountain ravine at Santa Cruz, Sonora, Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: North of Ramah; Pinos Altos Mountains; Luna; Wheelers Ranch; Hanover Mountain; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 255 11. ANEMONE L. Anemone. Perennial herbs with mostly radical compound leaves; cauline leaves 2 or 3 together, forming an involucre remote from the flower; peduncles 1-flowered, solitary or umbel- late; sepals few or many, petal-like; petals none; achenes pointed, flattened; styles short, not plumose; staminodia wanting; ovule pendulous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Achenes glabrate in age 1. A. canadensis. Achenes densely villous. Plants low, 20 cm. high or less; sepals 8 or more, colored 4. A. sphenophylla. Plants tall, 40 to 120 cm. high; sepals 5 or 6, white. Head of carpels globose or nearly so; leaf segments linear; styles filiform, usually deciduous; in- volucral leaves short-petioled 2. A. globosa. Head of carpels cylindric; leaf segments cuneate or lanceolate; styles subulate, persistent; involucrs.1 leaves long-petioled 3. A. cylindrica. 1. Anemone canadensis L. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 3: App. 231. 1768. Type locality: "Habitat in Pennsylvania." Range: British America to Maryland and New Mexico. New Mexico: Beulah; Gilmores Ranch. Woods, in the Transition Zone. 2. Anemone globosa Nutt. ; Pritz. Linnaea 15: 673. 1841. Type locality: "In planitie fluminis Platte, et in vallibus montium rupestrium in lat. 42°." Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Woods, in the Transition Zone. 3. Anemone cylindrica A. Gray, Ann. Lye N. Y. 3: 221. 1836. Type locality: Dry pine barrens, near Oneida Lake, New York. Range: British America to New Jersey and Arizona. New Mexico: Dulce; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Johnsons Mesa; Raton; Sierra Grande; White Mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 4. Anemone sphenophylla Poepp. Fragm. Syn. Chile 27. 1833. Type locality: "In Chile boreal, collibus graminos. ad Concon." - rf.rzde'o Range: Texas to California and southward. New Mexico: Bishops Cap; Hillsboro; Florida Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 12. PULSATILLA Adans. Pasque flower. A low perennial, silky-villoua throughout; flowers large mid showy, purplish blue to white, usually with abortive stamens answering to petals; carpels numerous, capitate, with long styles, these in fruit becoming long feathery tails. 1. Pulsatilla birsutissima (Pursh) Britton, Ann. N. Y. Acad. 6: 217. 1891. Clematis hirsutissima Pursh, Fl. Amir. Sept. 385. 1814. Anemone nutlalliana DC . \U-j:. Veg. Syst. 1: lit:'.. 1818. Tyi-e locality: "On the plains of Columbia river." Range: Briti.-li America to Washington, New Mexico, and [llin New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Sandia Mountains; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 256 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 13. CLEMATIS L. Virgin's bower. Perennial, more or less woody vines; flowers small, numerous, paniculate, dioecious or the pistillate with a few sterile stamens; sepals petal-like, white, thin, spreading; petals wanting. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Tails of the carpels 7 to 10 cm. long; panicle with few (usually less than 10) flowers; leaflets small, 30 mm. long or less 1. C. drummondii. Tails of the carpels 4 cm. long or less; panicle many-flowered; leaflets 35 to 70 mm. long. Leaflets loosely pubescent on both surfaces, acute, never long- attenuate, the lobes coarsely crenate with obtuse teeth; achenes attenuate to the tails 2. C. neomexicana. Leaflets usually entirely glabrous, mostly long-attenuate, the lobes incised with acute teeth or entire; achenes abrupt- ly contracted into the tails 3. C. ligusticifolia. 1. Clematis drummondii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 9. 1838. Type locality: Texas. Range: Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Otis. Dry hills and canyons, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The native name is "barba de chivo." 2. Clematis neomexicana Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 122. 1913. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 2136). Range : Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry canyons in the moun- tains, Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 9. 1838. Type locality: "Plains of the Rocky Mountains." Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Common, except on the plains of the eastern part of the State. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Clematis orientalis L. (Clematis crux-flava Cockerell J) is sometimes cultivated in New Mexico, and is reported to have escaped near Las Vegas. The nature of the plant is such, however, that it is not likely to become a permanent part of our flora. 14. VIOBNA Reichenb. Leather flower. Herbaceous or woody perennials with erect or climbing stems; leaves pinnate; flow- ers large, solitary on long peduncles, usually nodding; sepals thick, erect, mostly dull purple; petals none; anthers linear. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems herbaceous, erect; plants mostly 1-flowered. Sepals conspicuously dilated at the apex; plants permanently vil- lous 1- V. eriophora. Sepals not dilated; plants glabrate in age. Plants stout; leaf segments large, 20 to 40 mm. long 2. V. scottii. Plants slender; leaf segments small, 5 to 15 mm. long 3. V. bakeri. 1 Science n. ser. 10: 898. 1899. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 257 Stems woody, at least at the base, climbing or reclining; flowers sev- eral or numerous. Leaflets strongly reticulate-veined 4. V. filifera. Leaflets not reticulate- veined. Division of the leaves linear 5. V. arizonica. Divisions of the leaves lanceolate or broader. Divisions of the leaves acute, lanceolate; tails of the achenes plumose 6. V. bigelovii. Divisions of the leaves obtuse, ovate or oblong; tails of the achenes glabrate, or pubescent near the base. . 7. V. palmeri. 1. Vioma eriophora Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 141. 1906. Clematis eriophora Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 154. 1902. Type locality: Vicinity of Horsetooth, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Utah to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nutritas Creek below Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6492). Hills, in the Transition Zone. 2. Viorna scottii (Porter) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 141. 1906. Clematis scottii Porter in Port. & Coult. Syn. El, Colo. 1. 1874. Clematis douglasii scottii Coulter, Man. Rocky Mount. 3. 1885. Type locality: Soda Springs, 35 miles west of Canyon City, Colorado. Range: South Dakota and Wyoming to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Raton; Las Vegas. Open hills, in the Transition Zone. 3. Viorna bakeri (Greene) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 141. 1906. Clematis bakeri Greene, Pittonia 4: 147. 1900. Type locality: On hillsides among scrub oaks, at Los Pinos, southern Colorado. Range: Mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. N bw Mexico: Fort Wingate (R. V. Shufeldt). Upper Sonoran am 1 Tra nsition zones. 4. Vioma filifera (Benth.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 123. 1913. Clematis filifera Benth. PI. Hartw. 285. 1848. Type locality: "Prope Leon," Mexico. Range: New Mexico, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Ruidoso Creek; Roswell; Guadalupe Mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Viorna arizonica Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 40. 1904. Clematis arizonica Holler, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 547. 1899. Type locality: Rocky slopes of Walnul Canyon, near Flagstaff , Arizona. Range: Northern Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Ramah (Wooton). 6. Viorna bigelovii (Torr.) Heller, Muhlenbergia 8:96. L910. Clematis bigelovii Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 61. 1856. Type locality: Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow in October, 1853. Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains; White Mountains. Transi- tion Zone. 7. Viorna palmeri i I to e Woot. & Standi. Contr. V . S. Nat. Serb. 16: 123. L913. Clematis pahneri R i ontr. [J. 8. Nat. I I«rl». 1: 118. 1891. 7 Type locality: Fori Apache, Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mimbres River I \fetca 52678 l". —17 258 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 15. ATRAGENE L. Virgin's bower. Vines, woody at least below, with compound leaves; peduncles bearing single, rather large flowers; sepals thin, widely spreading; some of the outer filaments enlarged and petaloid. 1. Atragene pseudoalpina (Kuntze) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 157. 1902. Clematis pseudoatragene pseudoalpina Kuntze, Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 26: 160. 1884. Clematis occidentalis albiflora Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 29: 281. 1900. Type locality: Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; Tierra Amarilla; Raton; Zuni Moun- tains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 16. TRAUTVETTERIA Fisch. & Mey. Perennial herb with alternate, 2 or 3-ternately compound leaves; flowers in corymbs or panicles, often polygamous or dioecious; sepals 4 or 5, petal-like, whitish, soon deciduous; petals wanting; achenes numerous, in a head, compressed; ovule ascending. 1. Trautvetteria grandis Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 37. 1839. Trautvetteria media Greene, Leaflets 2: 192. 1912. Type locality: "Shady woods of the Oregon." Range: British Columbia to Idaho, California, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. A rather showy plant with its panicles of white flowers and its large leaves, growing in bogs and along the edges of streams. The type of T. media is Metcalfe's 517 from the West Fork of the Gila. It differs in no perceptible way from typical grandis. 53. BERBERIDACEAE. Barberry Family. Shrubs (one species low) with alternate, exstipulate, simple or compound, more or less spiny-toothed leaves; flowers yellow, in racemes, the pedicels mostly opposite; perianth segments distinct, free; anthers opening by uplifted valves; pistil simple; fruit a berry. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stems spiny; leaA^es simple 1. Berberis (p. 258). Stems not spiny; leaves compound 2. Odostemon (p. 259). 1. BERBERIS L. Barberry. A low shrub, 40 to 80 cm. high, with simple, elliptic to oblanceolate, fascicled leaves with weakly spiny-toothed margins; stems spiny; flowers crowded in short reflexed racemes; fruit a scarlet ellipsoidal berry about the size of a currant. 1. Berberis fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 5. 1849. Type locality: "Santa Fe Creek, at the foot of steep and rocky banks, near the water," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 15). Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Tierra Amarilla; Brazos; Sandia Mountains; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Open hillsides, in the Transition Zone. A not uncommon shrub of open slopes in the mountains of the northern part of the State. It would be well worth cultivation as a hedge plant. WOOTON AND STANDLEY- — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 259 2. ODOSTEMON Raf. Shrubs with compound leaves, the stems without spines; leaflets mostly coriaceous, persistent, sinuate-dentate with few or many spiny teeth; flowers in rather loose racemes, the parts, except the pistil, in 6's; fruit a few-seeded berry. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Low shrub, 10 to 30 cm. high, with but few leaves; leaflets with numerous small teeth 1. 0. repens. Tall shrubs, often 150 cm. high or more, with numerous leaves; leaflets with few coarse teeth. Leaves trifoliolate; fruit red 2. 0. trifoliolatus. Leaves with 5 to 7 leaflets; fruit variously colored. Leaflets usually 7, oblong-ovate, bright green, mostly more than 3 cm. long 5. 0. u ilea Leaflets 5, lanceolate, glaucous, 3 cm. long or mostly less. Fruit juicy, not inflated at maturity, blood red; terminal leaflet long-attenuate, comparatively narrow 3. 0. haemato- carpus. Fruit dry and inflated at maturity, dark blue ;• terminal leaflet acute, broad 4.0. fremontii. 1. Odostemon repens (Lindl.) Cockered, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 125. 1911. Oregon grape. Berberis repens Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 14: pi. 1176. 1828. Berberis nana Greene, Pittonia 3: 98. 1896. Type locality: "A native of the north-western part of North America." Range: British Columbia and Wyoming to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha and Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Chama; Ramah; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Zuni Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Black Range; Luna; Sacramento Mountains. Shaded hillsides, in the Transition and ( lanadian zones. A decoction of the leaves and branches of this plant was used by the Navahos in treating rheumatism. 2. Odostemon tzifoliolatus (Moric.) Heller, Muhlenbergia 7: 139. 1912. Berberis trifoliolata Moric. PI. Amer. Rar. 113. pi. 69. 1841. Type locality: "Hab. in Republica Mexicana, inter Laredo ei Bijar.''1 This is now Texas. The type was collected by Berlandier. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Near Hermanas; I arrizalillo Mountains. Dry bills, in the Lower Bonoran Zone. 3. Odostemon haematocarpus (Wool on i Holler, Muhlenbergia 7: L39. L912. Berberis haematocarpa Wooton, Bull. Torrey club 25: 304. 1898. Type locality: Mescalero Agency in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton | no. 3 Range: Now Mexico and southern Arizona. X i:w M exico: Manzano and Sandia Mountains; Gallinas Mountains; Bla< Carlisle; Carrizalillo Mountah i and San Andreas mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is a fairly common shrub on the lower dopes of the mountains in the southern part of the State. The berries are brigb.1 l>l I red, pleasantly acid to the taste, and jellies. The shnii« is evergreen and is well worth cultivation for decorum e purposes. 260 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Odostemon fremontii (Torr.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 141. 1906. Berberis fremontii Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 30. 1859. Type locality: On the tributaries of the Rio Yirgeu, southern Utah. Range: Colorado and Utah to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas (B. E. Fernow). Upper Sonoran Zone. Judging from the leaflets alone this specimen belongs here. It is an incomplete one and it is impossible to be certain as to its identity. The locality from which it comes is within what may be expected to be the range of 0. fremontii rather than O.haematocarpus. The species should be looked for along the western border of the State north of the middle, since it occurs in the mountains of adjacent Arizona. 5. Odostemon wilcoxii (Kearney) Heller, Muhlenbergia 7: 139. 1912. Berberis wilcoxii Kearney, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 29. 1894. Type locality: Fort Huachuea, Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. Although we have seen no New Mexican specimens of this it is said by Dr. E. A. Mearns 1 to grow in the San Luis Mountains. Order 26. PAPAVERALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Sepals 2 or 3; endosperm present. Flowers regular; stamens numerous 54. PAPAVERACEAE (p. 260). Flowers irregular; stamens 6 (diadelphous) 55. FUMARIACEAE (p. 262). Sepals 4, rarely more; endosperm wanting. Capsules 2-celled; stamens 6, tetrad ynamous, rarely 2 or 4 56. BRASSICACEAE (p. 263). Capsules 1-celled; stamens various. Leaves compound; flowers showy; cap- sules with 2 parietal placentae 57. CAPPARIDACEAE (p. 289). Leaves simple; flowers inconspicuous; capsules with 3 to 6 parietal placentae 57a. RESEDACEAE (p. 291). 54. PAPAVERACEAE. Poppy Family. Herbaceous annuals or perennials, with watery or thickened colored Bap; leaves exstipulate, variously pinnatifid or dissected; flowers perfect, regular or irregular; sepals fugacious; petals 4, early deciduous; stamens distinct, hypogynous, with slender filaments; fruit a 1-celled capsule. key to the genera. Coarse spiny plants; leaves once or twice pinnatifid; flowers large, white 1. Argemone (p. 261). Slender glabrous plants; leaves usually more dissected; flowers yellow (except in Papaver somnifcrmu , there usually red). Fruit a long slender striate pod splitting length- wise 2. Eschscholzia (p. 262). Fruit a globose capsule opening by pores at the top 3. Papaver (p. 262). ^ull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 56: 91. 1907. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 261 1. ARGEMONE L. Prickly poppy. Coarse herbaceous biennials or perennials, 40 to 90 cm. high, frequently much branched, spiny throughout, with alternate, pinnatind or bipinnatifid, more or less glaucous leaves; sap thickened; flowers large, 10 cm. in diameter or less; petals thin and delicate, falling readily, white; stamens numerous, forming a conspicuous yellow center; fruit a 4-valved capsule with numerous seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems spiny and hispid 1. A. Mspida. Stems spiny but not hispid . Spines of the capsule herbaceous near the base and furnished with small spines or hairs 2. A. squarrosa. Spines of the capsule not herbaceous below, simple. Valves of the capsule sparsely spiny; horns of the sepals pyramidal or terete, smooth on the outer surface 3. A. intermedia. Valves of the capsule densely armed; horns of the sepals dilated, spiny on the outer surface 4. A. platyceras. 1. Argemone hispida A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 5. 1849. Enomegra hispida A. Nels. Key PI. Rocky Mount. 27. 1902. Type locality: Low, sandy places around Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 16). Range: Wyoming to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Raton; Sierra Grande. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is the common species farther north, coming into our range from that direction. 2. Argemone squarrosa Greene, Pittonia 4: 68. 1901. Type locality: Near Gray, Lincoln County, New Mexico. Type collected by Miss Josephine Skehan (no. 79). Range: Central New Mexico. New Mexico: Gray; Fort Stanton. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Argemone intermedia Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 2. 585. 1830. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Nebraska and Kansas to Texas and Arizona, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; near Glorieta; headwaters of the Pecos. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Argemone platyceras Link & Otto, Icon. PI. Rar. 1: 85. 1828. Argemone pleiaamtha (Iroene, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 6: 161. 1908. Argemone platyceras pleiacantlm Fedde in Engl. Pflanzenreich 40: 285. 1909. Type locality: "In Mexico, in Confre de Perote prope Eacienda de la Laguna." Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to Arizona and Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Chiz; Silver City; Mangas Springs; Kingston; north base of Animas Peak; Cloverdale; Rio Presnal; La Luz Canyon. On dry plains and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and sometimes the Transition zone. This is the common Bpecies al middle levels throughout the State, occurring in wide arroyos, on Hats along the foothills, and in open parks in the mountains. Within its aliitndinal range il is frequently a conspicuous range weed, indicating an advanced e of deterioration resulting from overstocking. It produces an abundant which is eaten freely by doves. 1 1 usually goes under the name of " thistle " in New Mexico. The ty] f .!. pleiacantha was collected near Kingston by Ifetcali 262 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. ESCHSCHOLZIA (ham. California poppy. Smooth, slender, more or less glaucous annuals with finely dissected leaves and colorless sap; flowers bright yellow to orange, 5 cm. or less in diameter; sepals coherent at the tip, caducous; stamens numerous; pod elongate-linear, 10-nerved. 1. Eschscholzia parvula (A. Gray) Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 26: 279. 1898. Eschscholzia douglasii parvula A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 10. 1853. Eschscholzia scapifera Fedde, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 4: 153. 1904. Type locality: "Among rocks, on mountains near El Paso." Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Florida Mountains; Carrizalillo Mountains; near White Water; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A beautiful little short-lived annual, appearing "among rocks along the mountain foothills. It is well worth cultivation in gardens throughout the State, where it would doubtless grow readily. 3. PAP AVER L. Poppy. Annual or perennial herbs with a white juice; leaves various, pubescent or glabrous, glaucous or bright green; petals mostly 4; sepals 2; stigmas united in a flat crown rest- ing upon the summit of the ovary; fruit ovoid to globose, opening by pores under the edge of the stigmas. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Low perennial, 15 cm. or less, hairy, not glaucous; leaves pinnately cleft; petals yellow 1. P. coloradense. Tall annual, 50 to 80 cm., glaucous, not hairy; leaves not pinnately cleft; petals white to red, never yellow 2. P. somniferum . 1. Papaver coloradense Fedde, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 256. 1909. Papaver nudicaule coloradense Fedde, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 256. 1909. Type locality: Grays Peak, Colorado. Range: High peaks of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains {Bailey 853). Arc tic -Alpine Zone. A rare plant of high peaks in the northern part of the State, coming into our range from Colorado. It may be recognized by its small, bright yellow flowers, borne singly on hairy, scapelike peduncles. 2. Papaver somniferum L. Sp. PL 508. 1753. Common poppy. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae australioris ruderatis." New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. The opium poppy has escaped from cultivation at several places in the Mesilla Valley and persists from year to year. 55. FUMARIACEAE. Fumitory Family. 1. CAPNOIDES Adams. Short-lived perennial or biennial herbs with watery juice, compound, usually finely dissected leaves, and racemose yellow or pink flowers; sepals 2, small; corolla irregular, one of the outer pair of petals spurred at the base; stamens 6, in 2 groups opposite the outer petals; capsule 2-valved, linear-oblong; seeds lenticular, shining, black. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 263 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla purplish pink ; plants tall, about 1 meter high 4. C. brandegei. Corolla bright yellow; plants low, usually less than 30 cm. high. Pods not torulose, slightly curve'd ; pedicels erect or ascend- ing; racemes many-flowered, dense; spur about equal- ing the body of the flower; stems stout, mostly erect. . 1. C. montanum. Pods torulose, incurved -ascending; pedicels reflexed; ra cemes few-flowered , lax ; spur about half as long as the body; stems slender, weakly ascending or prostrate. Bracts narrowly lanceolate to oblong, 8 mm. long or usually less; petioles without pinnae near the base 2. C. aureum. Bracts rather broadly oblanceolate, 12 to 25 mm. long; a pair of pinnae present almost at the base of the petiole 3. C. euchlamydeum. 1. Capnoides montanum (Engelm.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 166. 1894. Corydalis montana Engelm.; A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 6. 1849. Corydalis aurea occidentalis Engelm.; A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 62. 1867. Type locality: Rocks, Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fend- ler (no. 17). Range: South Dakota to Utah, Arizona, and Texas, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe Creek; Burro Mountains; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; near Gray; mountains west of San Antonio. Open slopes, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Capnoides aureum (Willd.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 14. 1891. Corydalis aurea Willd. Enum. PL 740. 1809. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: British America to Pennsylvania, Texas, and California. New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Zuni; Magdalena Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Damp thickets, in the Transition Zone. 3. Capnoides euchlamydeum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 122. 1913. Type locality: Cloudcroft, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 8, 1899. Range: Damp woods in the Sacramento and White mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 4. Capnoides brandegei (S. Wats.) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 4. 1898. Corydalis brandegei S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 4:10. 1880. Type locality: "Mountains of southern Colorado and in the Wahsatch." Range: Utah and Colorado to corthern New Mexico. New Mexico; Chama (Standley 6706). Damp canyons, in the Canadian Zone. 56. BRASSICACEAE. Mustard Family. II. annuals, biennials, or perennials, sometimes with woody base, with ery, acrid or pungent Bap; leaves alternate; Sowers in mostly terminal racemes, rally small; Bepals I. deciduous; petal-i i. rarely wanting; stamens 6, tetrady- oamous, rarely 2 or 4; ovary 2-celled by a thin partition, rarely I celled; h ailique or silicle. (The fruit J for the determination of 264 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA.. Pods iadehiscent, 1-celled, with perforated wing- margin 1- Thysanocarpus (p. 266). Pods dehiscent (except in Dithyraea and Raphanus), 2-celled, not wing- margined. Pods stipitate, terete. (Anthers sometimes curved or twisted.) Pods long-stipitate; stipes slender 2. Stanleya (p. 266). Pods short-stipitate; stipes stout. Sepals spreading in an thesis, soon decidu- ous 3. Stanleyella (p. 267). Sepals erect or ascending in anthesis. (Stigma entire or indistinctly lobed , the lobes expanded over the valves. ) Stigma conical; outer sepals gibbous at the base 4. Hesperidanthus (p. 267). Stigma truncate; sepals scarcely gib- bous at the base. Septum of pod with a strong midrib 5. Pleurophragma (p. 267). Septum of the pod without mid- rib 6. Thelypodium (p. 268). Pods not stipitate, of various shapes. Anthers sagittate at the base, spirally curved. Pods terete; flowers small, more or less irregular; calyx not urceolate 7. Heterothrix (p. 268). Pods flattened parallel to the partition; flowers large, regular; calyx urceo- late 8. Euklisia (p. 268). Anthers neither sagittate nor spirally curved. Pods more or less flattened contrary to the narrow septum. Pods didymous; plants densely stel- late-pubescent. Seeds solitary in each cell, the halves of the pod falling with the contained seeds; pods strongly flattened 9. Dithyraea (p. 269). Seeds 1 or 2 in each cell, not retained by the valve; pods inflated 10. Physaria (p. 270). Pods not didymous ; plants not densely stellate (except in Nerisy- renia). Pods oblong-linear, little com- pressed ; plants strongly stellate-pubescent 11. Neristrenia (p. 270). Pods orbicular, oval, or cuneate, strongly flattened; plants not stellate-pubescent. Cells 1-seeded ; pods broadest at the base. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 265 Pods ovate-cordate, acute at the apex, neither winged norretuse 12. Cakdahia (p. 271 l. Pods orbicular or ovate, retuse or notched at the apex, usually winged 13. Lepidium (p. 271). Cells 2-seeded; pods broadest at the summit, more or less truncate. Pods more or less winged; plants glabrous; coty- ledons accumbont 14. Thlaspi (p. 272). Pods wingless; plants with branched hairs; coty- ledons incumbent 15. Bursa (p. 273). Pods of various shapes, never compressed nor flattened contrary to the septum. Pods flattened parallel to the septum. Valves of the pods elastically dehis- cent; seeds in one row 17. Cardamine (p. 276). Valves of the pods not elastically dehis- cent; seeds in one or two rows. Pods short-oblong (in some species almost oval), frequently spi- rally twisted 18. Draba (p. 276). Pods elongate-linear, never twisted. 19. Arabis (p. 279). Pods notflattened nor compressed in any din ction (sometimes slightly com- pressed at the apex in Lesquerella). Pods short, globose, ovoid, or ahort- cylindric. Valves of the pod nerved; cotyle- dons incumbent 30. ('ami usa ^p. 288). Valves not nerved; cotyledons accumbenl Pubescence conspicuously stel- Late; seeds Battened L6. Lesquebej la (p. 274). Pubescence nol st< Hate; eedi terete 24. Radicula (p. 2 Pods longer, ter< te or quadrangular. Pods conspicuously beaked. Pods terete, moniliform (inde- hiacent) 20. Raphani B(p. 280 Pods quadrangular. Beak of the pod flat, swordlike.. 21. Ei - 1 1 Beak of the pod elongated, conic or (-angled 22. Ba » bica i p ii. .t beaked, or al mosl only t ipped bj i be |» tHurto Ql tj 1<- or si i 266 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Pods quadrangular by the thick- ening of the midribs of the valves. Plants glabrous; cauline leaves clasping 29. Conringia (p. 288). Plants pubescent; cauline leaves not clasping 23. Cheirinia (p. 281). Pods terete or nearly so, the midrib wanting or but little thick- ened. Petals conspicuously lobed 28. Dryopetalon (p. 288). Petals not lobed. Leaves, at least some of them, twice pinnately dis- sected 27. Sophia (p. 286). Leaves not twice pinnate. Seeds in two rows 24. Radicula (p. 283). Seeds in one row. Glabrous perennial with creeping rootstock. . .25. Schoenocrambe (p. 285). Plants pubescent with simple or branched hairs (one species glabrous annual), without rootstocks. . .26. Sisymbrium (p. 285). Selenia dissecta Torr. probably grows in the southeast corner of the State. The type locality is in western Texas very near the New Mexican boundary. 1. THYSANOCARPUS Hook. Slender annual with flattened disk-shaped wing-margined 1-celled pods, the wing perforated or toothed like a cogwheel. 1. Thysano carpus amplectens Greene, Pittonia 3: 87. 1896. Type locality: Southwestern New Mexico. Type collected by Greene, April 16, 1880. Range: Known only from the type locality. 2. STANLEY A Nutt. Stout perennial herbs with entire or pinnatifid leaves; flowers rather large, in elon- gated racemes, crowded in bud; calyx narrow, spreading; petals long-clawed, yellow; anthers linear or curved, the filaments elongated; silique subterete, elongated, long- stipitate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Blades of the petals linear-oblong to elliptic; flowers bright yellow. . 1. S. arcuata. Blades of the petals rounded-oval; flowers ochroleucous 2. S. albescens. 1. Stanleya arcuata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 232. 1902. Type locality: Unionville Valley, Nevada. Range: Wyoming and California to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Western San Juan County. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 267 2. Stanleya albescens: Jones, Zoe 2: 17. 1891. Type locality: "On the Moencoppa," Arizona. Range: Western Colorado and northwestern New Mexico to Arizona. New Mexico: Northwestern corner of the State (Palmer). Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. STANLEYELLA Rydb. A tall branched biennial; leaves thin, the lower lyrately pinnatifid, the upper entire; sepals thin, petaloid, white, oblong or linear, spreading or reflexed in anthesis; petals white, with spatulate blades tapering into short claws; pods slender, terete, with short stipes and styles; stigmas truncate or nearly so. 1. Stanleyella wrightii (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 435. 1907. Thelypodium wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 7. 1852. Type locality: Pass of the Limpio, western Texas. Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Dulce; Hurrah Creek; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Gray; Raton. Hillsides, in the Transition Zone. 4. HESPERIDANTHUS (Robinson) Rydb. Erect slender glabrous perennial herb with glaucous foliage, the stems corymbosely branched above; basal leaves obovate, toothed, the cauline ones linear, entire; sepals firm, erect, the outer strongly saccate at the base, purple; petals purple, with obovate blades; stigma conic or ovate, neither truncate nor bilobate; pods terete, linear, short- stipitate. 1. Hesperidanthus linearifolius (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 434. 1907. Streptanthus linearifolius A. Gray, Mem. Amer. -Acad. n. ser. 4: 7. 1849. Thelypodium linearifolium S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 25. 1871. Type locality: Mountainous regions from Santa Fe to Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 24). Range: Colorado to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Gallup; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande; Gallinas Mountains; Raton; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Tortuga i Mountain; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Canyons and thickets, in the Transition Zone. 5. PLEUROPHRAGMA Rydb. Glabrous biennials with paniculate inflorescence; leaves thick, entire, the basal oblanceolate, the cauline linear-lanceolate, sessile ending, thin, somewhat petaloid; petals white, on slender claws; pods slender, terete, toruloee, tapering to a short stipe below and to a slender style above; stigma entire; septum with a strong rib. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stipes about 1 mm. long; inilorescence short 1. /'. mtegrtfolium. Stipes 2 to 3 mm. long; inflorescence elongated 2. P. graeil 1. Pleurophragma integrifolium (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 433. 1907. Paehypodmm integi ntt.;Torr. A Gray, Fl. X. Amer. 1:96 I Thelypodium irUegrifolium Endl.; Walp. Report. Bot. 1: L72. 1842. Tvik locality: "Elevated plains of the Rocky Mountains, toward the Oregon, as farasWallahwallah." Rangi : Nebraska and Washington to California and NewMexi Niw Mi vie..: Farmington (Wootom 2783, Standley 7168). Damp ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 268 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Pleuropliragma gracilipes (Robinson) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 433. 1907. Thelypodium integrifolium gracilipes Robinson in A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: 176. 1895. Type locality: Southwestern Colorado. Range : Southwestern Colorado to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Cedar Hill. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. THELYPODIUM Endl. Slender glabrous biennial about 40 cm. high, with triangular-lanceolate auriculate-' clasping leaves and elongated racemes; petals white, purplish-tinged, 5 mm. long or less; pods slender, 4 to 6 cm. long, somewhat divergent, arcuate; septum without a midrib; style truncate. 1. Thelypodium vernale Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 128. 1913. Type locality: Low mountains west of San Antonio, Socorro County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 3847). Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. HETEPvOTHRIX Rydb. Slender biennials, pubescent below with stellate or branched hairs; basal leaves oblanceolate, toothed; cauline leaves lance-linear or linear, entire; racemes elongated, slender; calyx somewhat oblique, the lower sepals longer than the upper, all ascend- ing; petals spatulate, indistinctly clawed; pods slender, terete, sessile; stigma min- ute, entire or slightly lobed. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Sepals 3 mm. long or less, mostly green ; siliques 20 to 35 mm. long, erect or ascending 1. B. micraniha. Sepals 4 to 5 mm. long, purple; siliques 50 to 70 mm. long, widely spreading 2. H. longifolia. 1. Heterothrix micrantha (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 435. 1907. Streptanthus micranthus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 7. 1849. Thelypodium micranihum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 321. 1882. Type locality: Margins of Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 23). Range: Colorado to Arizona and western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Organ Mountains. Damp slopes, in the Transition Zone. 2. Heterothrix longifolia (Benth.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 435. 1907. Streptanihus longifolius Benth. PI. Hartw. 10. 1839. Thelypodium longifolium S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 25. 1871. Type locality: Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; La Jara; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento moun- tains; Capitan Mountains. Transition Zone. 8. EUKLISIA (Nutt.) Rydb. Annual or biennial herbs with glabrous glaucous leaves, the basal more or less toothed, the canline linear to cordate-clasping; flowers rather large, 1 cm. long or less, in elongated terminal racemes; calyx urceolate; petals long-clawed, the blades undulate-crisped; anthers sagittate; siliques 5 to 7 cm. long or less, flattened parallel to the partition; seeds winged. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 269 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Cauline leaves lance-linear, narrowed at the base; sepals about 4 mm. long 1. E. longirostris. Cauline leaves oblong to cordate, clasping; calyx 8 mm. long or more. Basal leaves toothed, the cauline obtuse; sepals purplish 2. E. crassifoliu. Basal leaves pinnatifid, the cauline acute; sepals yellow 3. E. valida. 1 Euklisia longirostris (S. Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 142. 1906. Arabis longirostris S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 17. pi. 2. 1871. Streptanthits longirostris S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 25: 127. 1890. Type locality: "Growing in alkaline soil at the Steamboat Springs near Washoe City, about Humboldt Lake, Nevada, and on Stansbury Island in Salt Lake." Range: Washington to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Albuquerque. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Euklisia crassifolia (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 142. 1906. Streptanthus crassifolius Greene, Pittonia 3: 227. 1897. Type locality: "Frequent in the mountain districts of eastern California south- ward, and in adjacent Nevada and Arizona." Range: California and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Aztec. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Euklisia valida (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 125. 1913. Disaccanthus validus Greene, Leaflets 1: 225. 1906. Disaccanthus mogollonicus Greene, loc. cit. Disaccanthus luteus Greene, loc. cit. Type locality: El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains west of San Antonio; Silver City; Upper Corner Monu- ment; Tres Hermanas; Tortugas Mountain; Bishops Cap; Kingston. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. In the type of Disaccanthus luteus the flowers are of a deeper yellow than in the plant of the Rio Grande region. Following his description of D. mogollonicus Doctor Greene says: "All white-flowered material from New Mexico from Las CruceB to the upper Gila belongs here." Asa matter of fact none of these plants have white flowers, but both the calyx and corolla are a pale, clear yellow. The type of Disaccanthus mogollonicus was collected in the Mogollon Mountains (Greene in 1881); that of D. luteus came from Kingston {Metcalfe 1593). 9. DITHYRAEA Haw. Spectacle-pod. Erect branching canescenl animals with entire or pinnatifid 1< ■axe-: flowers rath< t large, white, 6 to 8 mm. long, in elongated terminal racemes; sUicles laterallj flattened, each cell nearly orbicular, containing a single seed, indehiscenl bu1 separating at maturity from the persisteul septum. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pods stellate-pubescent, aol strongly veined; cauline Leaves with sinuate teeth, at leasl Dear the base L. /'■ Pods glabrous, conspicuously reticulate-veined; caulirn entire 2. />. grif 1. Dithyraea wislizeni Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. U /:. Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 48. LJ Type locality: Sandy soil near Valverde and Fraj Cristobal, New Mexico. Type collected l>v Y\ islizenus in 1846. 270 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Colorado and Utah to Texas and northern Mexico. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; Zuni; Mimbres; Sabinal; Florida Mountains; Noria; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Jarilla Mountains; Melrose; 35 miles west of Roswell. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is one of the first plants to bloom in the spring, continuing in flower until summer. It is abundant in many parts of the State, especially on sandhills and gravelly mesas. 2. Dithyraea griffithsii Woot. & Standi. Contr.U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 124. 1913. - Type locality: Arroyo Ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by David Griffiths (no. 5687). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Arroyo Ranch; Zuni. Plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 10. PHYSARIA A. Gray. Double bladder-pod. A low stellate-pubescent silvery-canescent cespitose perennial with obovate- spatulate leaves; racemes few-flowered; petals linear, yellow; siliques membranous, the two cells inflated-globose and joined by the narrow septum. 1. Physaria newberryi A. Gray in Ives, Rep. Colo. Riv. 6. 1861. Type locality: Near Tegua, Arizona (one of the Moqui villages). Range : Nevada and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Western San Juan and McKinley counties. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. NERISYRENIA Greene. Canescent herbaceous perennials 20 to 40 cm. high, branching from the base, densely covered with soft stellate hairs; racemes somewhat elongated; flowers white, purplish-tinged, about 1 cm. long; siliques 1 to 2 cm. long, oblong, compressed con- trary to the septum, appearing somewhat quadrangular, tipped by the persistent style. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves linear, entire 1 ■ AT. linearifolia. Leaves obovate or oblanceolate, toothed or pinnatifid 2. N. camporum. 1. Nerisyrenia linearifolia (S. Wats.) Greene, Pittonia 4: 225. 1900. Greggia linearifolia S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 191. 1883. Parrasia linearifolia Greene, Erythea 3: 75. 1895. Type locality: Presidio on the Rio Grande, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands; plains 35 miles south of Torrance; Lakewood; Los Mitos. In gypsum soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Nerisyrenia camporum (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 4: 225. 1900. Greggia camporum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 8. pi. 1. 1852. Parrasia camporum Greene, Erythea 3: 75. 1895. Type locality: "High prairies and calcareous hills, at the head of the San Felipe," Texas. Range: Western Texas to New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Corner Monument; Tortugas Mountain; plains south of White Sands; Tres Hermanas; White Mountains; Jarilla Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 271 12. CARD ARIA Desv. Hoary cress. 1. Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. Journ. de Bot. 3: 163. 1813. Lepidium draba L. Sp. PI. 645. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Germania, praesertim Austria, Gallia, Italia." New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. An introduced weed having the appearance of a Lepidium, but the pods ovate- cordate, acute at the apex. It probably occurs elsewhere in the State, since the seeds are often distributed with those of garden or field crops or with grass seeds. It has been well established in the Mesilla Valley in alfalfa fields for several years. 13. LEPIDITJM L. Peppergrass. Herbaceous annuals or short-lived perennials with pinnatifid or simple leaves; flowers of medium or small size (in one of our species apetalous), with white petals, in crowded racemes, these elongating in fruit; stamens often fewer than 6; siliques orbicular or oblong, strongly flattened contrary to the septum, dehiscent, sometimes wing-margined; seeds flattened, solitary in each valve. key to the species. Style conspicuous, equaling or exceeding the wing margins of the fruit. Stems pubescent throughout; all the cauline leaves pinnatifid. 1. L. thurberi. Stems glabrous, at least below; upper cauline leaves entire. Branches of the inflorescence pubescent; lower cauline leaves pinnatifid, the upper linear-oblong 2. L. eastwoodiae . Branches of the inflorescence glabrous; all the cauline leaves entire, linear 3. L. alyssoides. Style obsolete, at least much shorter than the wing margins of the fruit. Petals wanting 4. L. apetalum. Petals present. Stems and leaves glabrous except sometimes below. (Plants bright green.) 5. L. medium. Stems and leaves pubescent. Fruit glabrous; stems puberulcnt. erecl 6. L. hirsutum. Fruit pubescent; stems villous, spreading 7. L. lasiocarpum. 1. Lepidium thurberi Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 259. 1898. Type locality: Lav:), New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. G Range: Southwestern New Mexico to Arizona. New Mexico: Lava; Cienaga Ranch; Silver city; Dog Spring; near White Water; Hatchet Ranch; Reserve. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Lepidium eastwoodiae Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 258. 1898. Type locality: Mescalero Agency, While Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wn'iion. Range: New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Farmington; Chama; Cerrillos; Sandia Mountains; Gallinas Moun- tains; Galisteo; ( trgan Mountains; Sacramento and White mountains. Mountain.-, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A common plant, in the mountains of the central and southern parts of the State. It is a Bhort-lived perennial corymboselj branched above, with numerous racem< bright white flowers. The foliage is Range: Colorado to Arizona and Ne\? Mexico. New Mexico: Hermits Peak; Stinking Lake. Mountains, in the. Transition Zone. 15. BURSA Weber. Shepherd's pi rsi . Branched annual with a rosette of narrow pinnatind leaves; flowers amaU, white; silique obcordate-trianj ular, flattened contrary to the partition. 1. Bursa bursa-pastoris (I.. I Web Prim. I'l. II<>1.-. 11. 1780. Thlaspi buraa-pastoris L. Sp. PI. 647. L753. Captella bursa-pastoris Medic. Pflanzengat. 1: 85. L792. Type lo< ujty: "Habital in Europae cultis ruden Ni'.u Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Kingston; Las Huertas Canyon; Gallinas Canyon; Pecos: Mesilla Valley; Gilmares Ranch; Chama. A very common weed in the Eastern States, introduced from Europe. ' rather rare in Nero Mexico, but occurs occasionally in irrigated fields and in Doubtless it will become more common. The pi am may be recognized by the trian- gular-cuneate edlicle winch gh the popular as well as 1 1 1 • - Latin name 52576* L5 -18 274 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 16. LESQUERELLA S. Wats. Bladder-pod. Low herbaceous annuals or perennials, stellate or lepidote-hoary; leaves entire or repand-toothed; flowers mostly yellow, purplish white in one species; pods globose to ovoid, inflated, with nerveless valves; seeds several, in two rows in each cell; septa and styles persistent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers purplish white 1. L. purpurea. Flowers yellow. Plants tall, 30 cm. or usually more, erect; pedicels reflexed from the base ; annual 2 . L. aurea. Plants lower, usually less than 20 cm., ascending, erect, or pros- trate; pedicels erect, or reflexed from about the middle, never from the base; perennials or rarely annuals. Capsules lepidote-stellate. Pods compressed at the top. Plants densely cespitose, 6 cm. high or less; cauline leaves crowded 6. L. intermedia. Plants not densely cespitose, 15 cm. high; cau- line leaves remote 7. L. valida. Pods not compressed at the summit. Capsules pointed at the apex, 7 to 8 mm. long; cauline leaves narrowly oblanceolate, acutish 3. L. montana. Capsules rounded at the apex, 4.5 mm. long or less; cauline leaves various. Capsules 3 mm. long; cauline leaves broadly oblanceolate 4. L. lata. Capsules 4.5 mm. long; cauline leaves linear- oblong or linear-oblanceolate 5. L. rectipes. Capsules glabrous. Plants annual; pedicels reflexed above the middle in age 8. L. gordoni. Plants perennial (sometimes blossoming the first year) ; pedicels erect, stout. Flowers not exceeding the leaves; pedicels arising from a common point, or axillary. (Plants densely cespitose, 4 to 6 cm. high; basal leaves linear-oblanceolate) 9. L. praecox. Flowers much exceeding the leaves, in more or less elongated racemes. Plants low, 5 cm. high or less; basal leaves ovate to orbicular, as broad as long 10. L. ovalifolia. Plants taller, usually more than 10 cm. ; basal leaves broadly oblanceolate or narrower, always much longer than broad. Plants white with very dense lepidote pubescence; leaves linear or linear- oblanceolate, thick 11. L./endleri. Plants greener, the pubescence much less dense; leaves oblanceolate or spatu- late, thin 12. L. pinetorum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 275 1. Lesquerella purpurea (A. Gray) S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 253. 1888. Vesicaria purpurea A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 14. 1853. Type locality: "Stony hills near El Paso." Type collected by Wright (no. 1320). Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Big Hatchet Mountains; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. One of the rather few early spring flowers occurring in the mountains of the southern part of the State. 2. Lesquerella aurea Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 260. 1898. Type locality: South P"ork of Tularosa Creek, 3 miles east of the Mescalero Agency, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 245). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Luna; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. The largest of our species. Its flowers are a deep yellow, abundantly borne on erect or ascending stems, followed by the globose fruit on strongly recurved pedicels. 3. Lesquerella montana (A. Gray) S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 251. 1888. Vesicaria montana A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 58. 1863. Type locality: "From the Middle Mountains," Colorado. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos River; Sierra Grande; Raton. Hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Lesquerella lata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 126. 1913. Type locality: Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico. Type collected by Fred G. Plummer in 1903. Range: White Mountains of New Mexico. 5. Lesquerella rectipes Woot. & Standi. Coutr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 127. 1913. . Type locality: Northwestern New Mexico. Type collected by C. C. Marsh (no. 81). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: South of Atarque de Garcia; banks of the Rio Grande, 19 miles west i f Santa Fe; near East View; Tunitcha Mountains. Dry plains and Mils, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Lesquerella intermedia (S. Wats.) Heller, PL World 1: 22. 1897. Lesquerella alpina intermedia S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 251. 1S88. Type r.<>< \un : Bills West of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendlei (no. 38). Range: Northern Now Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: SantaFe; Wheelers Ranch. Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Lesquerella valida Greene, Pittonia 4: t58. 1899. Type locaijty: Cray, New Mexico. Type collected by Miss Josephine 61 (no. 89). Range: Known only from the type Locality. 8. Lesquerella gordoni (A. Gray) S. Wats. Proc. Amor. Acad. 23: 253. 1888. Veaicaria L Gray, Boat. Journ. Nut. Hist. 6: in. L860. Type locality: On the Canadian, in the Union Mountains, Ne* M< rado. Range: Wei tern Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Meedlla Valley; Gray; Kingston. Drj fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone A comi i spring annual In the southern pari of the Btate, where ll occurs i n;ii. .1 with Sophias and other spring crucifers. 276 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 9. Lesquerella praecox Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 126. 1913. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Central New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas Mountains; Cabra Springs. Open bills, in the Upper S< mo- ran Zone. . From L. fendleri, its nearest relative, this plant is at once distinguished by its lower, densely cespitose habit and its few pedicels which are surpassed by the leaves. The general appearance of the two is very different. 10. Lesquerella ovalifolia Rydb. in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 2: 137./. 1749. 1897. Type locality: Kimball County, Nebraska. Range: Nebraska to New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Sandia Mountains; San Mateo Mountains. Plains and open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Lesquerella fendleri (A. Gray) S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 254. 1888. Vesicaria fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 9. 1849. Vesicaria stenophylla A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 149. 1850. Lesquerella stenophylla Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 155. 1906. Type locality: On the smaller hills around Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Fendler (no. 40). Range: Colorado and Arizona to western Texas. New Mexico: Farmington; Nara Visa; Socorro Mountain; Santa Fe; Carrizalillo Mountains; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains; Roswell; Lake Arthur; Round Mountain; Queen; mountains west of San Antonio. Dry rocky hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is the common perennial silvery-white Lesquerella found in the drier soil of the foothills of the mountains and the higher rocky mesas. It usually blooms early in the spring, but if the season is especially dry it flowers after the rain3 begin. 12. Lesquerella pinetorum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 126. 1913. Type locality: On a dry hillside under pine trees at Gilmores Ranch on Eagle Creek, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley (no. 3460). Range: White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 17. CARDAMINE L. A herbaceous glabrous perennial 30 to 60 cm. high; leaves simple, broadly ovate- cordate,' sparingly repand-dentate; flowers white, 5 to 8 mm. long; siliques rather stout, ascending, on long pedicels; valves nerveless; seeds in one row. 1. Cardamine cordifolia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 8. 1849. Type locality: Margin of Santa Fe Creek, in the mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 28). Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountains. Along streams and in marshes, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 18. DRABA Dill. Whitlow grass. Low annuals, biennials, or perennials, with alternate entire or toothed leaves and yellow or white flowers in crowded racemes; sepals short, broad, obtuse; petals obovate or spatulate, entire or somewhat notched; styles short or obsolete; pubes- cence simple or branched; siliques flattened parallel to the septum, flat or twisted; seeds not winged. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXTf'O. 277 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Winter annuals; styles obsolete. Petals yellow; leaves extending well up on the stem 1. D. montana. Petals white or wanting; leaves clustered at the base of the stem. Petals wanting or very small 2. D. micrantha. Petals conspicuous. Leaves all entire; pedicels clustered at the end of the stem :{. D. coloradensis. Leaves toothed; fruit in an elongated raceme 4. J), cuneifolia. Perennials, or occasionally biennials, sometimes flowering the first year; style conspicuous, 1 mm. long or more. Basal leaves long'-ciliate, the hairs simple or nearly so. Stems pubescent; cauline leaves pubescent on both surfaces 5. />. streptocarpa. Stems glabrous; cauline leaves glabrous on the faces, usually filiate 6. I), tonsa. Basal leaves not long-ciliate; hairs branched. Petals white '. 7. D. cana. Petals bright yellow. Stems equally leafy throughout, the cauline leaves larger than the basal ones. (Plants large, usually 20 cm. high or more). Stems solitary, simple below 9. D. helleriana. Stems clustered, usually branched below 10. D. -patens. Stems with reduced leaves or almost naked; basal leaves much larger and more conspicuous than the cauline ones. Basal leaves oblanceolate or obovate, 15 to 25 mm. wide, toothed; stems almost naked. .11. />. mogollonica. Basal leaves oblanceolate or narrower, less than 5 mm. wide, entire; stems with more numerous leaves. Roots slender; stems finely stellate-pubes- cent 8. D. neomexicana. Roots thick and woody; stems long-pubes- cent or glabrous. Leaves glabrous or nearly so, acute or acutish; stems glabrous, slender. 13. h. gilgiana. Leaves all pubescent and ciliate, obtuse; stems pubescent, stout 12. />. /<- trophila 1. Draba montana S. Wats. Proc. Ain.-r. Acad. 14: 289. I^7!>. Type locality: South Park, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo (Wooton), Mountains, in the Canadian Zone 2. Draba micrantha Nutt.jTorr. A: Gray, PI. X. Amer. 1: L09. I Draba caroliniana micrantha A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 72. I Type locality: Open plains and rocky places about St. Louts, Missouri, and in Arkae Range: Washington and Illinois to Nero Mexico and T< New Mexico: Nutritaa ('reek below Tierra A.marilla (Egglaton 6495 Open slopes, in i lie Upper Sonoran and lower parts of the Tranc ition /.■■no 278 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Draba coloradensis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 555. 1904. Type locality: Fort Collins, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas River below Las Vegas; La Cueva;.near Tierra Amarilla. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A species much resembling the next, but usually a smaller plant with larger flowers. 4. Draba cuneifolia Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 108. 1838. Type locality: Grassy places around St. Louis, Missouri. Range: Illinois to Alabama, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Magdalena Mountains; Mangas Springs; mountains west of San Antonio; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Open hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Not uncommon in the drier mountains of the southern part of the State, appearing early in the spring if there has been rain or snow. If the moisture is scanty, it com- mences to bloom as soon as the first two leaves are formed, and the plants will be only 5 or 6 cm. high. With abundant water and good soil in the crevices of a rock, it sometimes is 15 to 20 cm. high and much branched at the base. 5. Draba streptocarpa A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 242. 1862. Type locality: Rocky cliffs bordering the upper Clear Creek, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas Range ; Johnsons Mesa; Siena Grande. High mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. A high-mountain species with pale yellowish flowers and pubescent leaves, stems, and inflorescence, the sepals sparingly ciliate and the pods scabrous. 6. Draba tonsa Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 125. 1913. Type locality: Hermits Peak in the Las Vegas Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Snow. Range: Las Vegas Mountains, New Mexico. 7. Draba cana Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 241. 1902. Type locality: Morley, Alberta. Range : British America to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Pecos Baldy. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 8. Draba neomexicana Greene, Pittonia 4: 18. 1899. Draba aurea stylosa A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 242. 1862, in part. Type locality: Mountains back of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 43). Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Jemez Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Chiefly in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 9. Draba helleriana Greene, Pittonia 4: 17. 1899. Draba aurea stylosa A. Gray, Amer. Joura. Sci. II. 33: 243. 1862, in part. Draba stylosa Heller, PL World 1: 23. 1897, not Turcz. 1854. Draba pinetorum Greene, Pittonia 4: 18. 1899. Type locality: Canyon 4 miles east of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Helk-r (no. 3669). Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Rio Pueblo; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range. Transition Zone. The type of D. pinetorum came from the Pino* Alios Mountains (Greene in LI WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 279 10. Draba patens Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 624. 1899. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 275). Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 11. Draba mogollonica Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 157. 1881. Type locality: Northward slopes of the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene, April 18, 1880. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Mangas Springs; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. The plant is a perennial but blooms the first year. The pods are typically glabrous, but sometimes they are pubescent. 12. Draba petropliila Greene, Pittonia 4: 17. 1899. Type locality: Ledges of the Santa Rita Mountains, southern Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 2206). 13. Draba gilgiana Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 124. 1913. Type locality: Organ Peak in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton & Standley, September 23, 1906. Range : Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Transition Zone. 19. ARABIS L. Rock cress. Annuals or perennials, glabrous or pubescent, with entire or toothed leaves more or less rosulate at the base, the cauline leaves usually smaller, sessile, sometimes clasping; flowers white, rose-colored, or purple; siliques long-linear, flattened par- allel to the septum, the valves one-nerved; seeds winged or marginless. key to the species. Pods ev. ct. Seeds broadly winged ; none of the leaves coarsely hirsute, the basal ones sometimes with a few hairs; plants glau- cous 1 . A . oxyphylh. Seeds not winged; at least the lower leaves coarsely hirsute; plants bright green 2. A. orata. Pods reflexed or spreading. ea hispid on the margins, the faces usually stellate- pubescent :',. A. ft ndleri. Leaves not hispid on the margins, bu1 the face- stellate- pubescent. Puds pubescent; flowers 12 or L3 mm. lung 4. A.formosa. Pods glabrous; flowers 6 nun. long <>r lei Sepals Btellate-pubescent. Leaves finely and densely stellate-pubescent... 5. A. tremopkila. I.ea\ ee coarsely and loosely stellate-pubescent.. 8 I eonsanguinea. Sepals glabrous. Pods 45 to 60 mm. long, I nun. wide, green, curved upward 6 I angulata. Pods 35 mm. long, l .5 mm. w ide, purple, straight or curved downward 7. .1. porphyria. 280 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Arabis oxyphyUa Greene, Pittonia 4: 196. 1900. Type locality: Empire, Colorado. Ranc.e: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; Chama; Baldy; Grass Mountain. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 2. Arabis ovata (Pursh) Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 5: 557. 1817. Turritis ovata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 438. 1814. Type locality: "On rocks, Pennsylvania to Virginia." Range: British America to Georgia and California. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton ; Sandia Mountains; Grosstedt Place ; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 3. Arabis fendleri (S. Wats.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 156. 1897. Arabis holboelliij 'endleri S. Wats, in A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: 164. 1895.. Arabis gracilenta Greene, Pittonia 4: 194. 1900. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler, probably near Santa Fe (no. 27). Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Winsors Ranch; Chama; Tunitcha Mountains. Open slopes. The type of A. gracilenta was collected near Santa Fe by Heller. 4. Arabis formosa Greene, Pittonia 4: 198. 1900. Type locality: Hills about Aztec, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. 345). Range: Known only ffom type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Arabis eremophila Greene, Pittonia 4: 194. 1900. Type locality: Peach Springs, northern Arizona. Range: Northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Baker 343). Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Arabis angulata Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 123. 1913. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 12). Range: Known only from type locality. 7. Arabis porphyrea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 123. 1913. Type locality: Dry hills near the Cueva on the west side of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley, April 25, 1907. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Magdalena Mountains; Continental Divide west of Patterson; South Percha Creek; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in- the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Arabis consanguinea Greene, Pittonia 4: 190. 1900. Type locality: Los Pinos, southern Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; near Tierra Amarilla. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 20. RAPHANUS L. Radish. Tall annual, often with a thickened root, the leaves pinnatifid; flowers pale purple, pod thick, oblong, tapering upward, indehiscent. 1. Raphanus sativus L. Sp. PI. 669. 1753. Type locality: Not stated. New Mexico: James Canyon (TFooton). The cornuion cultivated radish is not rare as an escape in some of the Eastern States, and is well established in California. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 281 21. ERUCA Mill. Branched annual with pinnately lohed or pinnatifid leaves and yellowish flowers; siliques linear-oblong, long-beaked, the valves 3-nerved, concave; seeds in 2 rows in in each cell. 1. Eruca eruca (L.) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. ed. 2. 2: 1!>2. L913. Brassica eruca L. Sp. PI. 667. 1753. Eruca sativa Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. no. 1. 1768. Type locality: "Habitat in Helvetia." Range: Native of Europe, introduced into many parts of North America. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. 22. BRASSICA L. Mustard. Coarse annuals, 60 to 100 cm. high or larger, with simple or pinnately lobed leaves 10 to 15 cm. long; flowers yellow, in terminal elongated racemes; siliques elongated, 4-angled, beaked ; seeds in one row in the cell. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants glabrous; pedicels 10 to 20 cm. long 1 . B. juncea. Plants hispid ; pedicels about 5 mm. long 2. B. arvensis. 1. Brassica juncea (L.)Coss. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 6: 60!). 1859. Indian mustard. Sinapis juncea L. Sp. PI. 668. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Asia." New Mexico: Fresnal; Gilmores Ranch; Las Cruces; Ponchuelo Creek; Santa IV; Espanola; Las Vegas; Shiprock; Agricultural College. Not uncommon in cultivated fields; widely introduced into North America from Europe. 2. Brassica arvensis (L.) B. S. P. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 5. 1888. Charlock. Sinapis arvensis L. Sp. PL 668. 1753. Brassica sinapislnun Boiss. Voy. Bot. Esp. 2: 39. 1839-45. Type locality: "Habitat in agris Europae." New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Introduced into grain fields, gardens, and waste ground in many parts of the United States. 23. CHEIRINIA Link. Western wallflower. Coarse biennials or perennials with harsh pubescence of branched appressed hairs; Leaves alternate, entire or toothed, simple; flowers large for the family . 6 to 20 mm. long, in long terminal racemes; sepals oblong, one pair Baccate; petals long clawed, yellow, brownish, or maroon; siliques Bubterete it more or less strongly 4-angled. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers small, less than I cm. long. Plants tall and slender: basal Leaves fugacious; plant <>!' the high mountains :t. C. inamtpicua. Plants low and Btout, with persistent basal 1< the gravelly mesas of the southern part of the State 2. C. detertorum. Flowers Large, more than I cm. long. Petals orange, reddish brown, or purplish maroon 6. C. wheelen. Petals Light golden yellow. Basal leaves, at Least, Bilvery white; cauline leav< very I. MloV I. 282 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Basal leaves, as well as the whole plant, grayish. (Plants taller). Pods widely spreading; plants very stout 7. C. aspera. Pods erect or ascending; plants slender. Claws of the petals one-half longer than the sepals. 5. C. elata. Claws of the petals little or not at all longer than the sepals 4. C. asperrima. 1. Cheirinia bakeri (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 324. 1912. Cheiranthus aridus Greene, Pittonia 4: 198. 1900, not A. Nels. 1899. Cheiranthus bakeri Greene, Pittonia 4: 235. 1900. Erysimum bakeri Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 141. 1906. Type locality: Dry hills among nut pines and cedars at Aztec. New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. 350). Range: Southwestern Colorado to western New Mexico and adjacent Utah and Arizona. New Mexico: Aztec; Carrizo Mountains; Florida Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low (20 to 40 cm.) plant with sinuate-dentate leaves, occuring in the northwestern part of the State. The type of Cheiranthus aridus was collected at Aztec by Baker. 2. Cheirinia desertorum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 125. 1913. Type locality: Near Hachita, New Mexico. Type collected by Woo ton, June 16, 1906. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Cheirinia inconspicua (S. Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 323. 1912. Erysimum parviflorum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 95. 1838, not Pers. 1807. Erysimuvi asperum inconspicuum S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 24. 1871. Type locality: Diamond Valley, Nevada. Range: New Mexico and Kansas and northward. New Mexico: Dulce; White Mountains; Cloudcroft. Upper Sonoran and Transi- tion zones. 4. Cheirinia asperrima (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 324. 1912. Cheiranthus asperrimus Greene, Pittonia 3: 133. 1896. Erysimum asperrimum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 141. 1906. Type locality: None given, but plains of Wyoming indicated. Range: South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Raton; Farmington; Ramah; Nara Visa; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains. Hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. This and the next are the common plants of the middle elevations in the mountains of the State. It is the plant which has ordinarily passed as Erysimum asperum, but it is much slenderer than that species, the leaves are mostly entire, and the pods are usually less stout and are erect or ascending, never strongly divaricate. 5. Cheirinia elata (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 323. 1912. Erysimum elatum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 95. 1838. Cheiranthus elatus Greene, Pittonia 3: 135. 1896. Type locality: "Grassy situations by the banks of the Wahlamet." Range: North Dakota, Montana, and Washington, southward to the the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico, westward to California. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; Jarilla Mountains; White Mountains. On hills, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 283 The species strongly resembles the preceding, but may easily be recognized by the elongated claws of the petals. It sometimes branches somewhat profusely at the top, usually having but a single stem from a root. 6. Cheirinia wheeleri (Rothr.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 324. 1912. Erysimum wheeleri Rothr. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 64. 1879. Erysimum asperum alpeslre Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 18: 168. 1891. Cheiranthus wheeleri Greene, Pittonia 3: 135. 1896. Erysimum alpeslre Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 277. 1901. Type locality: Camp Grant, Arizona. Range: In the higher mountains of Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Sierra Grande; Mogollon Mountains; Hanover Mountains; Sandia Mountains; 'White and Sacramento mountains. Upper Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. This is the slender species of our mountains in the coniferous timber. At the higher elevations the petals are nearly always reddish brown or maroon, drying purplish; lower down they are yellow or orange. The plant is 70 cm. high or less, with some- times 2 or 3 erect stems from a root. The siliques are the longest borne by any of our species, frequently ]2 to 13 cm. long, slender, nearly terete, somewhat divaricate, but at first erect. 7. Cheirinia aspera (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 39: 323. 1912. Cheiranthus asper Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 69. 1818. Erysimum asperum DC. Reg. Veg. Syst. 2: 505. 1821. Type locality: "On the plains of the Miasouri, commencing near the confluence of White River." Range : Saskatchewan to Arkansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Castle Rock; Vermejo Park. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 24. RADICULA Hill. Glabrous or hispid annual or perennial herbs with yellow or white flowers; sepals flat, nearly equal at the base; petals short-clawed ; siliques visually subterete, not com- pressed, short; style short and thick; valves one-nerved; seeds in two rows, not flat- tened . KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals white; aquatic plant, immersed and rooting; leaves pinnate. 1. R. nastwrtivm- aquaticum. Petals yellow; terrestrial or marsh plants; leaves pinnatiiid. Perennials with root stocks; leaf segments acute or acutish, the terminal one lanceolate. Segments of the leaves toothed; style 0.5 mm. long 2. /.'. sylvestris. Segments of the leaves entire; style 1.5 mm. long. Pods papillose '■'•■ A', calycina. Pods not papillose 4. /■'. tiniiata. Annuals or biennials; leal* segments obtuse, 1ho terminal broadly oblong to o\ ate spherical (Plants low, diffuse, glabrous) 5. /.' Pods oblong or elongated, never spherical. Stems more or less hirsute <; B. I rpida Stems glabrous. Stems erect, sparingly branched; pods «-\ lindric, 8 toll) mm long 7. R. t Stem- spreading or ascending, much branched; pods ahorl oblong or ovoid, 3mm long or less 8 /•' •'I'tuia. 284 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Radicula nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Britten & Rendle, Journ. Bot. Brit. & For. 14: 99. 1907. Water cress. Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticum L. Sp. PI. 657. 1753. Nasturtium officinale R. Br. in Ait. f. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 4: 110. 1812. Roripa nasturtium Rusby, Mem. Torrey Club 3: 5. 1893. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa & America septentrionali ad fontes." Range: Throughout most of temperate North America; also in Europe. New Mexico: Farmington; Pecos; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Mogollon Mountains; Berendo Creek; Gilmores Ranch; Roswell. In streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Radicula sylvestris (L.) Druce, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 1906: 219. 1906. Yellow cress. Sisymbrium sylvestre L. Sp. PI. 657. 1753. Nasturtium sylvestre R. Br. in Ait. f. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 4: 110. 1812. Type locality: " Habitat in Helvetiae, Germaniae, Galliae ruderatis." Range : A native of Europe, introduced into many parts of North America. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains. 3. Radicula calycina (Engelm.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 113. 1905. Nasturtium calycinum Engelm. in Warren, Prel. Rep. Nebr. Dak. 156. 1855-7. Roripa calycina Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 175. 1900. Type locality: "Sandy bottoms of Yellowstone River; Fort Sarpy to Fort Union." Range: Washington and Oregon to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock; Zuni; Cross L Ranch; Moriarity; Socorro; Mesilla; Patter- son; Ruidoso Creek. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Radicula sinuata (Nutt.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 113. 1905. Nasturtium sinuatum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 73. 1838. Roripa sinuata Hitchc Spr. Fl. Manhattan 18. 1894. Type locality: "Banks of the Oregon and its tributaries." Range: British America to Arkansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Coolidge; along the Rio Grande west of Santa Fe; Glorieta; N Bar Ranch; Chama; Sierra Grande. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Radicula sphaerocarpa (A. Gray) Greene, Leaflets 1: 113. 1905. Nasturtium sphaerocarpam A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 6. 1849. Roripa sphaerocarpa Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 170. 1894. Type locality: Low places along Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 21). Range: Illinois to Wyoming, California, and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 6. Radicula hispida (Desv.) Heller, Muhlenbergia 7: 123. 1912. Brachylobus hispidus Desv. Journ. de Bot. 3: 183. 1814. Nasturtium hispidum DC. Reg. Veg. Syst. 2: 201. 1821. Roripa hispida Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 169. 1894. Type locality: "Habitat in Pennsylvania." Range: British America to Arizona and Florida. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pecos; Wheelers Ranch; Mimbres River; Mangas Springs. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Radicula terrestris (R. Br.) Woot. & Standi. Sisymbrium amphibia m palustre L. Sp. PI. 657. 1753. Nasturtium terrestre R. Br. in Ait, f. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 4: 110. 1812. Nasturtium palustre DC. Reg. Veg. Syst. 2: 191. 1821. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 285 Roripa palustris Besser, Enum. PI. 27. 1821. Type locality: European. Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and North Carolina; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Alamo Viejo {Meatus 12). 8. Badicula obtusa (Nutt.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 113. 1905. Nasturtium obtusum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 74. 1838. Type locality: "Banks of the Mississippi." Range: British Columbia to California, Michigan, and Texas. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; Inscription Rock; Ramah; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Mesilla Valley. Wet ground. 25. SCHOENOCRAMBE Greene. Perennial glabrous green herb with long horizontal rootstocks; stems simple or branched, slender; cauline leaves linear, mostly entire; flowers rather large, yellow; siliques 3 to 6 cm. long, slender, terete, suberect, on short spreading pedicels. 1. Schoenocrambe linifolia (Nutt.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 127. 1896. Nasturtium linifolium Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 12. 1834. Erysimum linifolium Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 622. 1895. Type locality: "Head of Salmon River, in dry soils," Montana. Range: Montana to British Columbia, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Mattheivs). 26. SISYMBRIUM L. An anomalous remnant which needs further study and generic segregation. The species here assembled show little relationship to each other. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pubescence of branched hairs 1. S. diffusum. Pubescence of unbranched hairs, or none. Plants pubescent; flowers bright yellow; pedicels erect 3. S. officinale Iciocarpum. Plants glabrous; flowers white or ochroleucous; pedicels spread- ing or ascending. Plants glaucous; leaves entire 2. A', vaseyi. Plants green ; leaves pinnatifid 1 . 8. altissim um. 1. Sisymbrium diffusum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 8. L852. Type locality: "Pass <>f the Limpia, in crevices of rocks on the mountains," Texas. Type collected by Wright (no. 10). Range: Western Texas to California, Boutb into Mexico. \ i w Mkxico: Hop Canyon; Manias Springs; Mogollon Mountain.-; Black Range; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry bills and canyons, in the Upper Sen. Tan Zone. 2. Sisymbrium vaseyi S. Wats, in A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: L38. 1895. Thdypodium vaseyi Coulter, <'onir. I". S. Nat. Serb. 1:30. 1890, in pan. Type locality: Mountains weal of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected l>y (i. II. Vas.-y in I SSI. Range: Mountains of New Mexico. \"kw Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains: Sandia Mountains; Graham; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition /.""<■ A handsome plant of the open parks al higher elevations in ili«- mountains. Its masses of white Bowers make it very attractive, especially when, as often happ i is combined \\iili brighter colored flov 286 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Sisymbrium officinale leiocarpum DO. Prodr. 1: 191. 1824. Hedge mustard. Type locality: "In Carolina merid. et Teneriffa." New Mexico: Gilinores Ranch (Wooton & Standlcy 3642). A common introduced weed in many parts of North America, still rare in New Mexico. 4. Sisymbrium altissimum L. Sp. PI. 659. 1753. Type locality: ''Habitat in Italia, Gallia, Siberia." New Mexico: San Juan Valley. A native of Europe, widely introduced into the United States, a noxious weed in the Northwest. 27. SOPHIA Adans. Tansy mustard. Annuals, more or less stellate-pubescent; leaves once, twice, or thrice pinnately parted into mostly small segments; flowers small, in terminal racemes; petals usually yellow, white in one species; racemes elongated in fruit; siliques from one-half to one and one-half times the length of the pedicels; seeds in apparently one row in some species, really from alternate funiculi from two lateral placentae in each cell, mostly in two evident rows. key to the species. Petals white; leaves nearly all thrice pinnately parted 1. *S. ochroleuca. Petals yellow; leaves mostly once or twice pinnately parted. Plants appearing glabrous, really sparingly stellate-pubescent, green. Pedicels erect, like the pods, seemingly appressed to the rachis 2. S. procera. Pedicels divergent; pods erect or curved. Inflorescence glandular-pubescent; pods longer than the pedicels 3. S. incisa. Inflorescence merely sparingly stellate-pubescent, not glandular ; pods shorter than the pedicels. . 4. S.serrata. Plants canescent, thickly and persistently stellate-pubescent, grayish green. Plants tall, 80 to 120 cm.; segments of the leaves large, some of them obtuse; sepals yellow. Inflorescence glandular-pubescent, not canescent. . . 5. S. adenophora. Inflorescence canescent with stellate hairs, like the rest of the plant 6. S. obtusa. Plants lower, 30 to 60 cm. high; leaf segments mostly very small; sepals purplish. Plants slender, sparingly branched; inflorescence glabrous 7. 5. glabra. Plants stout, much branched ; inflorescence glandular or stellate-pubescent. Plants divergently much branched from the base; inflorescence strongly glandular, not stel- late-pubescent; petals equaling the sepals. 8. S. halictorum. Plants with more erect stems; inflorescence stel- late-pubescent, sometimes sparingly glan- dular; petals longer than the sepals 9. S. andrenarum. 1. Sophia ochroleuca Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 455. 1898. Type locality: Mesilla Park, New Mexico. Type collected by J. D. Tinsley. Range: Southern New Mexico, probably also in adjacent Arizona and Mexico. WOOTON AND STANLDEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO.- 287 New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Grant County; Gray. Dry fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This is a common spring weed in the cultivated fields of the valleys of southern New Mexico. It is easily recognized by its finely dissected leaves and dull white flowers. 2. Sophia procera Greene, Pittonia 4: 199. 1900. Type locality: ' ' Common in the open pine woods of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, at 8,000 or 9,000 feet altitude." Range: Mountains of New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah, and northward. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains. Transition Zone. A tall, green plant, 150 cm. high or more, with leaves not very finely dissected, resembling S. incisa, but with siliques and pedicels erect, thus bringing the pods close to the rachis. It comes into our range from the north and west, where it is apparently common. 3. Sophia incisa (Engelm.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 95. 1896. Sisymbrium incisum Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 8. 1849. Type locality: "Banks of streams in New Mexico; Santa Fe Creek and Mora River." Type collected by Fendler (nos. 29, 30, 31). Range : Mountains of New Mexico, northward to Wyoming. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. This and the next are the common species found on the timber-covered mountains, growing along streams, in the open parks, and in similar locations in the Transition Zone. 4. Sophia serrata Greene, Leaflets 1:96. 1904. Type locality: Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1069). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico : El Rito Creek; Stinking Lake; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas moun- tains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Carrizo Mountains; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 5. Sophia adenophora Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat Herb. 16: 127. 1913. Type locality: Head and Wilson Ranch south of Mule Creek, northwestern Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 13, 1900. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; San Augustine Plains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Sophia obtusa Greene, Leaflets 1: 96. 1904. Type locality: Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1074). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Gallup; Santa Fe; Silver City; Mogollon Mountains; Beat Mountain; Mimbres River; 8 miles west of Durfeys Well; Magdalena; Pea ado Spring ii tower levels, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A tall canescent herb about 1 meter high, not uncommon in arroyofl or along i reeks in the western part of tli<- State. 7. Sophia glabra Woot. ct Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Berb. 16: 127. I'M:: Tvn; locality: Organ Mountains, Ww Mexico. Type collected by Wootoi Btandley, March 21, L907, I; wci I >i -in Mountains <>f New Mexico, in the Upper Sc.noran Zone. 288 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 8. Sophia halictorum Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 460. 1898. Type locality: Mesilla Park, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell. Range: New Mexico and northward. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Sierra Grande; Aztec; Las Vegas; Zuni; mountains west of San Antonio; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley. Sandy valleys and dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A low spreading canescent plant with purplish stems, inconspicuous flowers), finely divided leaves, even the uppermost pinnatifid, and copiously glandular-pubescent inflorescence. 9. Sophia andrenarum Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 28: 48. 1901. Type locality: Mesilla Park, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Colorado and Utah. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Gray. Dry fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9a. Sophia andrenarum osmiarum Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 28: 48. 1901. Type locality: Mesilla Park, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell. Range: With the species. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Magdalena; mountains west of San Antonio; Mesilla Valley; Alamo Viejo. This is similar to the species, but the inflorescence is not glandular and is pubescent throughout with branched hairs. 28. DRYOPETALON A. Gray. Annual, 30 to 60 cm. high, with runcinate clustered radical leaves, few and smaller cauline ones, and corymbosely branching stems hispid below, ending in crowded racemes of bright white flowers; petals 6 mm. long, the limb pinnately 5 to 7-lobed; siliques terete, long and slender, crowded. 1. Dryopetalon runcinatum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 12. pi. 11. 1853. Type locality: Mountains, near Lake Santa Maria, Chihuahua. Type collected by Wright (no. 1314). Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The species is known to us in New Mexico only from the Organ Mountains, where it is a common spring plant growing among the rocks. It should occur in the moun- tains of the southwestern corner of the State, and probably does, but no collector has been there at the proper time of the year to find it. 29. CONRINGIA Link. Hare's-ear mustard. Tall glabrous annual with broad sessile entire clasping cauline leaves; flowers pale yellow; pods long, spreading, linear, 4-angled; seeds oblong, in 1 row in each cell. 1. Conringia orientalis (L.) Dum. Fl. Belg. 123. 1827. Brassica orientalis L. Sp. PL 666. 1753. Conringia perfoliata Link, Enum. PL 2: 172. 1822. Type locality: "Habitat in Oriente." New Mexico: Des Moines (Standley 6215). A native of Europe, introduced into the United States. It seems to be well estab- lished in this one locality in New Mexico. 30. CAMELINA Crantz. False flax. Erect pubescent annual with entire or slightly toothed leaves, the cauline ones with clasping auriculate bases; flowers small, yellow, racemose; fruit obovoid, slightly flattened; seeds several or numerous in each cell, marginless. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 289 1. Camelina microcarpa Andrzej.; DC. Syet. Veg. 2: 517. L821. Type locality: European. Range: Native of Europe, introduced in waste ground in many parts of the United States. New Mexico: Pecos National Forest (Louis Rudolph). 57. CAPPARIDACEAE. Caper Family. Annuals, 1 meter high or less, with watery juice usually of an unpleasant odor; leaves palmately trifoliolate; flowers rather large, in terminal crowded racemes; sepals 4; petals 4, entire or emarginate; stamens 6 or more, not tetradynamous, mostly long-exserted; fruit 1-celled, 2-valved, of various forms, sometimes long- stipitate, the valves separating from the filiform placentae. KKV TO THE GENERA. Pods large, 3 to 7 cm. long, terete. Stamens 12 to 24; petals dull white; plants mostly clammy; pods sessile or short-stipitate I. Polanisia (p. 289). Stamens 6; petals "purplish or yellow; plants glabrous; pods long-stipitate 2. Perptoma (p. 290). Pods short, 1 cm. long or less, irregular (on long slender stipes; flowers yellow). Valves of the pods cymbiform or elongate-conic; pods several-seeded :;. ClEOMELLA (p. : Valves of the pods ellipsoid, indurate, reticulate; pod 2-seeded 1. Wisuzenu (p. 290 . 1. POLANISIA Raf. Clammy wj i d. Coarse branching clammy viscid-pubescent herbs, 40 to 70 cm. high, with trifolio- late leaves and terminal crowded racemes of dull whitish flowers; stamens long- exserted, purplish; lea (lets elliptic-obovate, entire, obtuse; inflorescence with crowded unifoliolate leaflike bracts; fruit 10 cm. long or less, terete, with numerous large seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals L2 nun. long or less, often purplish; filaments no1 exc 1- ing 20 mm.; seeds rough 1. P. trachyaperma. Petals more than 15 mm. long, sulphur-yellow; filaments 35 to mi nun. long; seeds smooth 2. /'. uniglanduloaa. 1. Polanisia trachysperma Terr. & Gray, Fl. X. Amer. 1: 669. L840 Type locai rnr: Texas. . Range: British America to Nevada, Texas, and Mi souri. New Mexico: Farmington; Santa IV; Zuni; Tucumcari; Sabinal; Albuquerque; Perico; Pajarito Park; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the I rpper Sonoran Zone. 2. Polanisia uniglanduiosa < < a \ . I11 Prodr. 1:242. 1824 u uniglanduloaa Cav. [con. PI. 4: 3. pi. 386. I TYPE LOCALITY: "Habitat in Xova-Hispania praesertim in Acapulco." Range: New Mexico and western Texas, southward into Mexico. Xiw Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; Man/:'- Bprings; Black •■: Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Three Rivers. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran eoni \. common plant of the drier mountain , the adhills of the south- ern part of the State li ie never very abundant in any one spot, but Lb rather widely distributed. >78 |., _io 290 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. PERITOMA DC. Coarse glabrous branching annuals, 1 meter high or less; leaves alternate, trifolio- late; leaflets lanceolate to elliptic, acute or obtuse, entire; petals yellow, rose purple, or rarely white; stamens 6, long-exserted ; pods stipitate, cylindric, 10 cm. long or less, with few or many large seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals rose purple, rarely white; capsules 5 to 10 cm. long; seeds numerous 1. /'. serrulatum. Petals yellow; capsules 2 cm. long or less; seeds 6 or fewer 2. P. breviflorum. 1. Peritoma serrulatum (Pursh) DC. Prodr. 1: 237. 1824. Rocky Mountain bee plant. Cleome serrulata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 441. 1814. Cleome integrifolia Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 122. 1838. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Saskatchewan and Idaho to Arizona and Missouri. New Mexico: North of Gallup; Chama; Zuni; Santa Clara Canyon; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Pecos; Folsom; Frisco; Gila; Mangas Springs; "White Mountains. Hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A common range weed, occupying considerable areas of land that has been over- stocked. The flowers supply large quantities of nectar, which fact gives the common name. Peritoma sonorae (A. Gray) Rydb. has been reported from New Mexico, but we have seen no specimens. It may be distinguished from P. serrulatum by its small pods, less than 15 mm. long, and by having its sepals distinct instead of united at the base. 2. Peritoma breviflorum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 128. 1913. Type locality: Dry, stony hills about Shiprock, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 7282). Range: Northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona, probably in adjacent Utah and Colorado. New Mexico: San Juan Valley. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. CLEOMELLA DC. Erect annual, 30 to 60 cm. high, with trifoliolate leaves; leaflets oblong or spatu- late-obovate; petals yellow; stamens 6, exserted; pods long-stipitate, several-seeded, the valves obliquely conic. 1. Cleomella longipes Torr. JournT Bot. Kew Misc. 2: 255. 1850. Type locality: "Valley near San Pablo, Chihuahua, and near San Francisco, San Luis Potosi, Mexico." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and Sonora." New Mexico: Dog Spring (Mearns 2379). A rather uncommon plant of the Southwest. The peculiar small, 2-valved pod with conical valves and the long stipes serve to distinguish the genus from our others. 4. WISLIZENIA Engelm. Erect, much branched annual; leaves trifoliolate, the leaflets oblong to obovate; petals small, yellow; stamens 6, exserted; pods long-stipitate, small, 2-seeded, the valves ellipsoid, indurate, reticulate. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 291 1. Wislizenia refracta Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 99. 1848. Type locality: "On the upper crossing of the Rio Grande, near El Paso," Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Dry fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Occurs rather abundantly in the Rio Grande Valley in the extreme southern part of the State. It is readily recognized by the veiy small, 2-seeded, 2-valved fruit, each valve of which is indurated and reticulated, and closely invests the seed. 57a. RESEDACEAE. Mignonette Family. 1. DIPETALIA Raf. Low branching herb, somewhat succulent, with numerous linear entire leaves; flowers small and inconspicuous, in terminal spikes; sepals 4; petals 2, entire or lobed; stamens 3 to 8; pod 4-beaked, about 3 mm. in diameter, opening at the summit. 1. Dipetalia subulata (Webb & Berth.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1: 39. 1891. Resedcll'i subulata Webb & Berth. Hist. Nat. Canar. 1: 107. 1836. Type locality: " Circa Portum Caprarum in insula Fuerteventura, et in Lancerotta circa oppidum Arecife." Range: Southern California to western Texas, southward into Mexico; also in Asia and Africa. New Mexico: Near La Luz; Range Reserve, Dona Ana County. Alkaline soil. Order 27. ROSALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Flowers irregular. Fruit indehiscent, armed with spines; leaf blades simple; stipules wanting 69. KRAMERIACEAE (p. 336). Fruit a legume or loment; leaf blades com- pound; stipules usually present. Upper petals inclosed by the lateral ones in the bud 68. CASSIACEAE (p. 332). Upper petal inclosing the lateral ones in the bud 70. FABACEAE (p. 336). Flowers regular or nearly so. Endosperm want ing or scant. Flowers monoecious, in dense clusters.. 63. PLATANACEAE (p. 304). Flowers perfect or if not perfect not in capitate clusters. Carpels several or numerous or if solitary becoming an achene. Carpels distinct, free? from the hypanthium; fruit of achenes, follicles, or drupelets 64. ROSACEAE (p. Carpels united, inclosed by and adnate to the hypan- thium; fruit a pome 65. MALACEAE (p. 321). Carpels solitary, not becoming achenes. I )\ary 2-ovuled; bruit a drupe; leaves simple 66. amygdalaceae (p. 324). Ovary several-ovuled; fruit a legume; leavee pinnate. .67. mimosaceae (p. 327). 292 CONTBIBCTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Endosperm present, usually copious and fleshy*; stipules usually wanting. Herbs. Carpels as many as the sepals; plants succulent 58. CRASSULACEAE (p. 292). Carpels fewer than the sepals; plants seldom or never suc- culent. Staminodia wanting; carpels 2 or rarely 3, distinct or only partly united 59. SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 294). Staminodia present; carpels 3 or 4, wholly united into a 1-celled gynoecium....60. PARNASSIACEAE (p. 298). Shrubs or trees. Leaves opposite; fruit a leathery capsule, more or less adnate to the hypanthium 61. HYDRANGEACEAE (p. 298). Leaves alternate; fruit various. Fruit of thin-walled follicles, free from the hypan- thium. (Stipules pres- ent. Opulaster) 64. ROSACEAE (p. 305). Fruit a berry; hypanthium adnate to and prolonged beyond the ovary 62. GROSSULARIACEAE (p. 301). 58. CRASSULACEAE. Orpine Family. Succulent herbaceous annuals or perennials, 30 cm. high or less, with flowers in cymes or I-sided racemes; flowers mostly perfect (except in one genus), symmetrical and regular; sepals and petals 5, the former somewhat united at the base; stamens 10. carpels 5; follicles 1-celled, dehiscent along the ventral suture. KEY TO THE GENERA. Inflorescence axillary 1. f lementsia (p. 292). Inflorescence terminal, cymose. Flowers yellow or purplish, never white, polygamous; plants usually 20 to 30 cm. high 2. Rhodiola (p. 293). Flowers white or tinged with pink, rarely yellow, per- fect; plants usually less than 10 cm. high 3. Sedum (p. 293). 1. CLEMENTSIA Rose. Perennial, 10 to 30 cm. high, glabrous, with usually numerous stems; leaves flat, entire or toothed; flowers in axillary racemes or cymes, the petals rose or white, twice as long as the calyx; follicles erect, with spreading tips. 1. Clementsia rhodantha (A. Gray) Rose, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3: 3. 1903. Sedum rhodanthum A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 405. 1862. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Montana to Arizona and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Bailey 014). Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 293 2. RHODIOLA L. Perennials with woody, somewhat branching, thickened rootstocks; leaves flat and comparatively thin; flowers dioecious or polygamous, 4 or 5-parted, in compact terminal cymes; carpels erect; styles very short or none. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals yellowish, obtuse 1 . 7?. neomexiama. Petals purplish, acuminate 2. R. polygama . 1. Rhodiola neomexicana Britton, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3: 38. 1903. Type locality: White Mountain Peak, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton. Range: White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Hudsohian Zone. 2. Rhodiola polygama (Rydb.) Britt. & Rose, Bull. N. Y. Bot. tiard. 3: 39. 1903. Sedum polygamum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 283. 1901. Type locality: West Spanish Peak, Colorado. . fjxi/^4c^xf"'y^ Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. ^ ^ t* New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Baldy; Jemez Mountains. Transitioii and Antic- Alpine zones. 3. SEDUM L. Stoneceop. Fleshy, mostly glabrous herbs, erect or decumbent, with alternate entire leaves and perfect flowers in terminal cymes; calyx 5-parted; petals 5, yellow, white, or pinkish ; stamens 10; carpels 5, distinct; fruit consisting of 5 follicle- . key to the species. Petals yellow 6. 8. stenopetalum Petals white or pink. Leaves terete or nearly so I . S. stelliforme. Leaves oblong, lanceolate, or spatulate, flattened. Leaves lanceolate to ovate or oblong, broadest at or near the base 2. S. cockerellii. Leaves-epatulate to obovate, narrowed at the base. Plants glabrous 3. S. ivrightii. Plants pubescent or puberulent-granular, at leaal above. Leaves turgid, the basal ones smooth 4. S. wootoni. Leaves flattaah, at least the basal ones papillose.. 5. S griffithsii. 1. Sedum stelliforme S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 36 i I— • Type locality: Huachuca Mountains, southern Arizona. Range: New MexL " and Arizona to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Hillsboro Peak; San Francisco Mountains; Mogollon Mountains 2. Sedum cockerellii Britt. ,n, Bull. N. Y Bot. Gard. 8:41. L903 Type locality: Tuerto Mountain, east < Ww Mt-xio. Type collei ted by Cockerell. Range: Known only from type locality. 3. Sedum wrightii \ Gray, PI Wrighl 1:76 i- Type locality : "Hills near the San Pedro River, In crevices ol rocks, and aummil of mountains near Id Paso," Texas. Rangi : We tern Texas and southern New Mexico to northern Mexico. \ i w Mexico: Black Range; Eagle Creek Whit Mount 294 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Sedum wootoni Britton, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3:44. 1903. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. - J acc+L?t*et/" New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Hillsboro Teak; Organ Mountains; "White Mountains. Rocky cliffs of the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 5. Sedum griffithsii Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 71. 1905. Type locality: Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Tularosa River, Socorro County; Burro Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Transition Zone 6. Sedum stenopetalum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 324. 1814. Sedum lanceolatum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 205. 1827. Sedum stenopetalum rubrolineatum Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 18: 1G9. 1891. Type locality: "On rocks on the banks of Clarck's river and Kooskoosky." Range: Alberta and Nebraska to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Pecos (Maltby & CoghiJl 183). 59. SAXIFRAGACEAE. Saxifrage Family. Perennial herbs with more or less scapelike flower-bearing stems; leaves mostly basal in a rosette about a shortened and thickened or slender and elongated axis; leaves simple, entire, toothed, or lobed, the cauline, when present, of slightly dif- ferent shape; flowers perfect, solitary or in simple or paniculately branched cymes; hypanthium usually well developed, of various shapes; flowers 5-parted, rarely 4-parted; stamens as many or twice as many as the sepals; gynoecium of 2 (rarely 3 or 4) carpels; ovary partially or wholly inferior; fruit of capsules or follicles. key to the genera. Placentae parietal, sometimes nearly basal. Flower stalk lateral from a stout scaly rootstock; gynoecium 2-carpellary 1 . Heuchera' (p. 294). Flower stalk axial from a slender bulbiferous root- stock; gynoecium 3-carpellary 5. Lithophracma (p. 297). Placentae axial. Hypanthium well developed, accrescent, at ma- turity longer than the sepals; leaves 5-lobed.. 2. Saxifraga (p. 296). Hypanthium only slightly developed, unchanged at maturity; leaves not lobed. Inflorescence scapiform, not leafy nor bracteate. 3. Micranthes (p. 296). Inflorescence leafy and bracteate 4. Leptasea (p. 297). 1. HEUCHERA L. Alum root. Cespitose perennials with mostly basal, broadly oval to rotund, cordate leaves arising from the thickened rhizomatous stems, these covered by the bases of the petioles; flowers in elongated, scapelike, narrow or spreading panicles, dull greenish white or rose-purplish; calyx tube turbinate or campanulate, the limb 5-parted; petals entire, small; stamens 5; styles 2; capsule 2-beaked, about half inclosed in the calvx tube. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 295 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stamens much, shorter than the sepals; flowers dull greenish white. Petioles not hirsute; hypanthium 2 to 3.5 mm. high 1. H. parvi/olia. Petioles hirsute; hypanthium 3 to 5 mm. high. Petals spatulate, almost clawless, not exceeding the sepals 2. H. novomexkana. Petals obovate-spatulate, distinctly clawed, exceeding the sepals 3. H. vootoni. Stamens longer than the sepals; flowers more or less rose-colored. Hypanthium deeply turbinate, fully twice as long as broad and nearly twice as long as the sepals 4. //. leptomeria. Hypanthium campanulate, turbinate only at the base, not more than half longer than broad and scarcely sur- passing the sepals. Hypanthium with the sepals 5 mm.Tlong; plants tall, 15 to 20 cm. high 5. H. versicolor. Hypanthium 4 mm. long or less; plants less than 15 cm. high. Hypanthium 4 mm. long; inflorescence secund, dense 6. H. pulchella. Hypanthium 3 mm. long; inflorescence not secund, loose 7. H. nana. 1. Heuchera parvifolia Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 581. 1840. Ihncherajlavescens Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 114. 1905. Type locality: "Blue Mountains of Oregon." Range : Oregon and Alberta to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Stinking Lake; Raton; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Ma^dalena Mountains; Organ Mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Cana- dian zones. This species and the next two usually occur in rich soil on fool shady hillsides under trees in the mountains of the State at middle or high elevations. They closely resem- ble each other in general appearance and are never very abundant or conspicuous. The type of H.Jlavescens was collected in Santa Fe Canyon (Ifrller 3693). 2. Heuchera novomexicana Wheelock, Bull. Torrey Club 17: 200. 1890. Type locality: Santa Rita, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. L098). Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Sawyers Peak; Rio Apache. Transition and Canadian zones. 3. Heuchera wootoni Rydb. N. Amer. PI. 22: 113. 1905. Type locality: Gilmoree Ranch, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 283). Range: Damp woods, White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 4. Heuchera leptomeria Greene, Leaflets 1: 112. 1905. Tyi'I'. locality: Organ Mountains, New .Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, Sep- tember 17, L893. Rangi Moi I slopes, Organ Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone This pretty plant, grows in crevices of rocks on bold rocky cliffs where there is water from a seep or spring. It.s rootstocks are thick and crowded, bearing numerous radiating Leaves and delicate, pale rose-colored flo* i 296 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. Heuchera versicolor Greene, Leaflets 1: 112. 1905. Type locality: Damp shady bluffs in the Black Range, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 1203). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro Peak; Copper Mines; Mogollon Road. Transition Zone. 6. Heuchera pulchella Woot. & Standi. Gontr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 130. 1913. Type locality: Crevices of rocks on the summit of the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 4, 1910. Range: Mountains of central New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; headwaters of the Pecos. 7. Heuchera nana (A. Gray) Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 111. 1905. Heuchera rubescens nana A. Gray, PI. Wright, 2: 64. 1853. Type locality: Santa Rita, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Frisco Canyon near Luna; Santa Rita. Mountains. 2. SA3flFRAGA L. A small herbaceous perennial less than 20 cm. high, the stems arising from a root- stock; leaves alternate, 5 to 7-lobed; inflorescence of a single terminal white flower and a cluster of bulblets; follicles mostly undeveloped. 1. Saxifraga cernua L. Sp. PI. 403. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Alpibus Lapponicis frequens." Range : Arctic regions south to Labrador, and in the Rocky Mountains to northern New Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Top of Truchas Peak (Bailey 649). Arctic-Alpine Zone. 3. MICRANTHES Haw. Perennial acaulescent herbs with very short caudices and solitary or numerous scapes; leaves basal, long-petiolate or decurrent into a short and broad petiole; flowers small, white, on crowded or paniculately branched cymes; hypanthium flat, shorter than the calyx; follicles more or less divergent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaf blades orbicular-reniform, on petioles several times as long; scapes 15 to 50 cm. high, widely branched above 1. M. arguta. Leaf blades lanceolate to ovate or oblong, on short petioles; scapes 25 cm. high or less, the inflorescence congested. Bracts, calyx, scape, and lower surface of the leaves dark pur- plish red; inflorescence open 2. M. eriophora. Whole plant green; inflorescence compact 3. M. rhomboidea. 1. Micranthes arguta (D. Don) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 147. 1905. Saxifraga arguta I>. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. 13: 356. 1822. Type locality: "Habitat ad oras occidentales Americae septentrionalis." Range: British Columbia and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Wet slopes and along streams, Transition to Hudsonian Zone. 2. Micranthes eriophora (S. Wats.) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 142. 1905. Saxifraga eriophora S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 372. 1882. Type locality: Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Peak (Wooton). Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 297 3. Micranthes rhomboidea (Greene) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 136. 1905. Saxifraga rhomboidea Greene, Pittonia 3: 343. 1898. Type locality: Colorado Rocky Mountains. Range: Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheeler Peak; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Moist ground, Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 4. LEPTASEA Haw. More or less matted herbaceous perennials, with well developed leafy caudices and leafy flower stalks a few centimeters high; leaves simple, alternate, thickish, often clustered at the base; flowers few or rather numerous; sepals 5; petals 5. usually clawed, white or yellow; stamens 10; ovary mostly superior; carpels united to above the middle; follicles erect with spreading tips. key to the species. Petals white, dotted with yellow and purple 1 . L. austromontana. Petals yellow. Leaf blades spine-tipped 2. L. fiagellaris. Leaf blades not spine-tipped 3. L. chrysantha. 1. Leptasea austromontana (Wiegand) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 153. 1905. Saxifraga austromontana Wiegand, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 389. 1900. Saxifraga cognata E. Nelson, Bot. Gaz. 30: 118. 1900. jVV^"*^^ Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: Alberta and British Columbia to Washington, Montana, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Hillsboro Peak; White Moun- tains. Damp cliffs, in the Transition and Hudsonian zones. 2. Leptasea fiagellaris (Willd.) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 154. 1905. Saxifraga fiagellaris Willd.; Sternb. Rev. Saxifr. 25. 1810. Type locality: Caucasus. Range: Arctic regions, south in the Rocky Mountains to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Wheeler Peak; Pecos Baldy. Arctic-Alpine Zone. 3. Leptasea chrysantha (A. Gray) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 152. 1905. Saxifraga chrysantha A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 83. 1877. Type locality: "High alpine region of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, especially abundant on Torrey 's and Gray's peaks." Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheeler Peak; Truchas Peak; Pecos Baldy; Bartlett Ranch; Mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 5. LITHOPHRAGMA \utt Slender perennial with low simple stems and bulblet-bearing rootstocks; leaves mostly basal, ternately divided, the divisions again subdivided; hypanthium cam-' panulate; petals white, clawed, digitately cleft, Longei than the sepals; stamens 10, included; gyncecium 1-celled, 3-valved. ' 1. Lithophragma australis Rydb. X. Amer. Fl. 22: 86 L90 • Type locality: Rocky hillsides, Cedar Creek. Arizona. i Ra\<:k: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sills near Tierra Amarilla {EggUaton 8442, 6679^ <»p,,n dopes, in the Tram ition Zone. 298 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 60. PARNASSIACEAE. Flower-of- Parnassus Family. 1. PARNASSIA L. Flower-of-Parnassus. Glabrous perennial herbs with short rootstocks and scapiform stems; leaves entire, mostly basal and petioled, the single cauline leaf sessile; flowers solitary, terminating the scape; sepals 5, green; petals 5, white, conspicuously veined; stamens 5, alternate with the petals and with the 5 clusters til' gland-bearing staminodia; capsule 1-celled, with 3 or 4 valves; seeds numerous, winged. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals fimbriate on the sides near the base 1. /'. fimbriata. Petals entire 2. /'. parviflora. 1. Pamassia fimbriata Konig, Ann. Bot. Kon. & Sims 1: 391. 1805. Type locality: "On the coast of northwest America." Range: Alaska and Alberta to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4768). Wet ground, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Pamassia parviflora DC. Prodr. 1: 320. 1824. Type locality: North America. Range: British America to South Dakota, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; headwaters of the Pecos; White Mountains. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 61. HYDRANGEACEAE. Hydrangea Family. Low or tall widely branching shrubs with opposite branches; leaves opposite, exstip- ulate, simple, more or less persistent, entire or toothed; flowers perfect, with mostly conspicuous white or yellowish petals, solitary or cymose; calyx of 4 or 5 sepals sur- mounting the hypanthium; stamens numerous, the filaments slender or sometimes stout, then appendaged; ovary partly inferior; fruit a woody capsule. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers in cymes, very numerous; sepals and petals 5; stamens 10. Plants large, often 2 meters high; leaves large, toothed 1. Edwinia (p. 298). Plants small, depressed; leaves small, entire 2. Fendlerella (p. 299). Flowers solitary or in 2 or 3-flowered clusters; sepals and petals 4 or 5, usually 4; stamens 8 or numerous (15 to 60). Filaments appendaged; flowers uniformly 4-parted; stamens 8 3. Fendlera (p. 299). Filaments not appendaged; flowers occasionally 5- parted; stamens 15 to 60 4. Philadelphia (p. 300). 1. EDWINIA Heller. A rather large shrub, often 2 meters high, with opposite branches and brownish, partly deciduous bark; leaves deciduous, thin, ovate, petiolate, serrate, 10 cm. long or less, bright green above, pale or whitish-toinentulose beneath; flowers in crowded cymes, white, 5-parted. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 299 1. Edwinia americana (Torr. & Gray) Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 477. 1897. Jamesia americana Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 593. 1840. Type locality: "Along the Platte or the Canadian River, near the Rocky Moun- tains." Range: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Jemez Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Manzano and Sandia mountains; Magdalena Mountains; San Mateo Mountains; Mogollon Moun- tains; White and Sacramento mountains. Mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. This shrub is common along the mountain streams, often with its roots in running water. It also occurs high up on the mountain peaks. While well worth cultivation, it is doubtful whether it would endure the conditions of the ordinary garden. 2. FENDLERELLA Heller. A low, much branched shrub 50 to 60 cm. high, with grayish young branches and small lanceolate leaves 1 cm. long or less; flowers small, about 5 mm. long, white, in cymose several-flowered clusters; hypanthium decidedly turbinate; capsule consid- erably exceeding the calyx. 1. Fendlerella cymosa Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 129. 1913. Type locality: Huachuca Mountains, southern Arizona. Range: Arizona and New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; San Andreas Mountains. Dry slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. FENDLERA Engelm. & Gray. Shrubs 2 meters high or less, much branched, with grayish bark, rather small leaves, and white or pink-tinged flowers borne in great profusion; leaves entire, mostly sessile; flowers 4-parted; filaments of the 8 stamens flattened and with 2 narrow appendages at the top extending beyond the anthers. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves narrow, linear-elliptic or narrowly linear-lanceolate, usually falcate, glabrous or nearly so 1 . F. falcata. Leaves broader, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, not falcate, copiously pubescent. Leaves more or less white-tomentose beneath 2. F. tomentella. Leaves green beneath, not tomentoso :;. F.rupicola. 1. Fendlera falcata Thornber, Contr. U. S. Nal Serb. 16: lL'lt. L913. Tvi'K locality : Tunitcha Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 7806). RANGE I lolorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New MEXICO: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill; Carrizo Mountains; Embudo; Cloudcroft. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Fendlera tomentella Thorn her, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 129. L918. Tyte locality: Canyon of the Blue River near Coopers Ranch, Graham County, Arizona. Ranoi Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona New Mbxico: Hurrah Creek; Mangas Springs. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone 300 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Fendlera rupicola A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 77. 1852. Type locality : ' ' On perpendicular rocks of t he < ruadalupej above New Braunfels," Texas. Range: Arizona to western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Magdalena Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Burro Mountains; Ani- mas Mountains; Big Hatchet Mountains; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gray. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A beautiful shrub, occurring in the drier mountains of the State, among rocks. It has never been cultivated, so far as we can learn, but it is certainly as handsome as the commonly grown species of Philadelphus. 4. PHILADELPHUS L. Mock orange. Freely branching shrubs 2.5 meters high or less, mostly with conspicuous white flowers; leaves small, 2 cm. long or less, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate; flowers on short pedicels, mostly solitary; sepals and petals 4, rarely 5; stamens numerous, 15 to 60; ovary about two-thirds inferior. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals acute, ochroleucous; stamens about 15 1 . P. mearnsii. Petals rounded at the apex, white; stamens 25 to 60. Hypanthium externally glabrous to strigose 2. P. m icrophyllug. Hypanthium densely pubescent, silvery white. Leaves hirsute beneath, the pubescence loose, the blades 20 to 35 mm. long 3. P. urgyrocalyx. Leaves silky-strigose beneath, the pubescence close and dense, the blades 10 to 15 mm. long 4. P. argenteus. 1. Philadelphus mearnsii W. H. Evans; Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 174. 1905. Type locality: Near the Upper Corner Monument, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 36). Range: Known only from the type locality. 2. Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 54. 1849. Type locality: Santa Fe Creek, on sunny and steep sides of the mountains, between rocks, 11 miles above Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 266). Range: Southern Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Santa Fe Mountains; Sandia Mountains; moun- tains west of Grants Station; Magdalena Mountains; Hillsboro Peak; San Mateo Moun- tains. Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. This species and the next two should do well in cultivation at levels of 1,500 meters or more, in open porous soils, if supplied with sufficient water. 3. Philadelphus argyrocalyx Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 452. 1898. Philadelphus ellipticus Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 174. 1905. Type locality: On Eagle Creek, in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 524). Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. There seems to be no essential difference between the types of P. argyrocalyx and P. ellipticus. The type of the latter bears on its label the legend "Mesilla Park." This certainly is wrong, for no Philadelphus is found nearer Mesilla Park than in the Organ Mountains 10 or 12 miles away. No such plant as is represented by the type of P. ellipticus has ever been found in the Organs by either of the writers. However, the type of Dr. Rydberg's species exactly matches a specimen collected by Wooton on Ruidoso ( 'reek in the White Mountains, June 30, 1895. Comparing the two specimens WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 301 in every respect, there is practically no doubt that the two are part of the same col- lection from near the type locality of P. argyrocalyx. Evidently some mistake was made in sending out the specimen which became the type of the new species, resulting in the mixing of labels. 4. Philadelphus argenteus Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 171. 1905. Type locality: Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Range: Southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Santa Rita; Animas Peak. 62. GROSSULAKIACEAE. Gooseberry Family. Erect or spreading shrubs, often with bristly or spiny stems; leaves alternate, simple, petiolate, broadly ovate to rotund, usually palmately veined, more or lesa lobed aud toothed; inflorescence terminal on short, lateral, sometimes leafless branches, racemose, or the raceme reduced to a single flower; flowers regular, perfect (rarely unisexual); hypanthium elongated, short, or obsolete; sepals, petals, and stamens 5, alternate; ovary 1-celled; fruit a berry. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stems without spines or bristles (except in R. montigenum ) ; pedicels jointed beneath the ovary; fruit breaking from the pedicel 1. Ribes (p. 301). Stems with nodal spines, with or without extranodal bristles; pedicels not jointed beneath the ovary; fruit not breaking from the pedicels 2. Grossularia (p. 303). 1. RIBES L. Currant. Unarmed shrubs (R. montigenum spiny and bristly) with palmately veined, mostly lobed leaves; flowers in several-flowered racemes; pedicels jointed beneath the ovary; ovary not spiny, sometimes glandular; hypanthium tubular to campanulate, sometimes obsolete; fruit breaking from the pedicel. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems armed with spines; leaves pubescent or glandular-hairy; berries bright red 1. R. montigenum . Stems unarmed; leaves pubescent or glabrous; berries red or black. Hypanthium obsolete, the sepals slightly united at the base... L'. R. coloraderue, Eypanthium evident (very short in R. wolfii). Anthers with a conspicuous cup-shaped apical gland. Hypanthium 3 or 4 times as long as broad; fruit red.. 3. R. inebrious. Eypanthium less than twice as long as broad; fruit black 4. R. mescalcrium. Anthers with at most a mere callus at the apex. Hypanthium smooth, 3 or more times as long as thick; leaves involute in vernation -r>. R. aureum. Hypanthium hairy, less than 3 times as long as broad ; leaves plicate in vernation. Leaves with amber-colored glands on both sur- faces; hypanthium and calyx together 10 mm. long 6. R. amaicanwn. Leaves without glands on the upper surface; hypanthium and calyx together 5 mm. Long or less 7. R, wolfii. 302 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Ribes montigenum McClatchie, Erythea 5: 38. 1897. Ribea nubigenum McClatchie, Erythea 2: 80. 1894, not Phil. 1857. Ribes lentum Coville & Rose, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 28. 1902. Type locality: "On summit of Mt. San Antonio, 10,000 ft. altitude, among dry exposed rocks," California. PiANGi;: British Columbia and Montana to California, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheeler Peak; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Jemez Moun- tains; Sandia Mountains; White Mountains. Exposed slopes and summits, chiefly in the Hudsonian Zone. The fruit is smooth in the New Mexico plant, and edil »lc 2. Ribes coloradense Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 14: 3. 1901. Ribes /(i.n'jloriun coloradense Jancz.; Vilm. & Bois, Frutic. Vilm. Cat. Prin. 137. 190-1. Type locality: Marshall Pass, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains. Hudsonian Zone. A decumbent or prostrate shrub occurring on the higher mountain peaks of the northern part of the State. Herbarium specimens resemble those of R. tvoljii, but may be distinguished from that species by the deeper lobing and sharper teeth of the leaves, and by the slightly smaller fruit which is not glaucous. Its habit would well distinguish the growing plant. 3. Ribes inebrians Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 18: pi. 1471. 1832. Ribes pumilum Nutt.; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 177. 1906. Type locality: Described from cultivated plants. Range: California, Idaho, and South Dakota to Nebraska, New Mexico, and Arizona. New Mexico: Zuni; Tunitcha Mountains; Baldy; Taos; Johnsons Mesa; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Dulce; Raton; Sierra Grande; San Mateo Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; San Francisco. Mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Woods and canyons, in the Transition Zone. The common currant in our mountains at middle elevations. It is easily recognized by the small, crowded, almost orbicular leaves, and glandular- viscidulous stems. The berries are small, about 5 or 6 mm. in diameter, glandular, dull scarlet or yel- lowish red, and insipid. 4. Ribes mescalerium Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 13: 196. 1900. Type locality: Fresnal, Otero County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 21, 1899. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Da til; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. A black currant occurring in the mountains of the south-central part of the Stale among pines. It is usually a larger bush than the preceding with larger leaves, not quite so glandular-hairy, and rarely viscidulous, while the fruit is much larger, frequently 1 cm. in diameter, black instead of red, and even more insipid. 5. Ribes aureum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 164. 1814. Golden currant. Tyte locality': "On the banks of the rivers Missouri and Columbia." Range: British America and South Dakota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: McCarthy Station; Trout Spring; Mangas Springs; Mimbres River; Nogal Canyon; Farmington. Transition Zone. This is a handsome plant because of the abundance of its perfumed yellow blossoms. It is recognized by its long, tubular, yellow flowers and the glabrous leaves of charac- teristic outline and dissection. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 303 6. Bibes americanum Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. no. 4. 1768. Ribes Jloridum L'Her. Stirp. Nov. 4. 1785. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: British America to Virginia, Nebraska, Colorado, and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Trout Spring, Gallinas Canyon (Cockerel!). Damp woods. 7. Ribes woliii Rothr. Amer. Nat. 8: 358. 1874. Ribes mogollonicum Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 121. 1881. Type locality: "Twin Lakes and Mosquito Pass, Colorado Territory.'' Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Wheeler Peak; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Jemez Moun- tains; Sanctis Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Moun- tains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Hudsonian zones. This is the more common black currant of the higher part sot' the mountains. It is a shrub, sometimes 3 meters high, with rather large, 5-lobed leases, the lobes broadly ovate, the sinuses not deeply cut, and the margin crenate-serrate, the teeth small; the fruit which is edible but insipid is about 1 cm. in diameter, generally with a bloom. The type of Ribes mogollonicum was collected in the Mogollon Mountains by E. L. Greene, in 1881. 2. GROSSULARIA Mill. Gooseberry. Spreading shrubs. with numerous stems armed at the nodes with simple or 3-forked spines; leaves broadly ovate to rotund, rather deeply 3 to 5-lobed, the lobes coarsely crenate; racemes few-flowered; pedicels not jointed beneath the ovary; ovary and fruit spiny, hairy, or smooth; hypanthium evident; fruit not separating from the pedicel. KEY to the species. Ovary densely bristly, the bristles developing into sharp stout spines in fruit 1. G. pinetorum. Ovary smooth, not spiny in fruit. Styles glabrous; leaves small, 20 mm. in diameter or less, on petioles as long or shorter, crowded; young stems densely spiny, the spines usually stout, often 1 cm. long, diver- gent and curved; flowers copiously ciliate and somewhat glandular outside 2. G. leptantha. Styles hairy near the base; leaves larger, mostly more than 20 mm. in diameter, on rather slender petioles linger than the blades, Dot so numerous as in the preceding; young Btems mostly smooth, the spines short, often deflexod, (i nun. long or less; Sowers almost glabrous outside 3. G. inermia. 1. Grossularia pinetorum (Greene) Coville A Britton, N. Amer. VI. 22: 'JI7. 1908. Ribes pinetorum Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 157. 1881. Type locality: "In woods of Pinus ponderota, in the higher elevations of the Pinoe Altos ami Mogollon Mountains," New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; San Male,, Peak; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Woods in the moun- tains, Trail it ion Zone. A 1 urge shrub, often 2 meters high or mure, common in the pine-covered areas of the mountains of the southern half of the State, It may be recognised b) the large and 304 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. very spiny fruits, 1 cm. or more in diameter, these at first red but purplish at maturity, borne singly. They have a pleasant acid flavor when ripe, but are hard to eat on account of the spines, and partly ripe berries are very astringent. The flowers are orange-colored. 2. Grossularia leptantha(A. Gray) Coville & Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 219. 1908. Ribes leptanthum A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 53. 1849. Ribes leptanthum vcganum Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 99. 1902. Type locality: "Rocky banks of the Rio del Norte, and ravines near Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 254). Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Taos; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton Mountains; Sierra Grande; El Rito; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Puertecito; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; Organ Mountains. Canyons and in woods, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A very spiny shrub, from 1 to 1.5 meters high, occurring in the mountains almost throughout the State, at middle elevations. It is distinguished by the very spiny young branches which are light brown, by the long, curved, nodular spines, and the small, crowded, more or less glandular leaves whose petioles are usually shorter than the blades. The fruit is edible. The type of Ribes leptanthum veganum was collected by Cockerell along the Gallinas River below Las Vegas. 3. Grossularia inermis (Rydb.) Coville & Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 224. 1908. Ribes inerme Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 202. 1900. Ribes purpusi Koehne; Blankinship, Mont. Agr. Coll. Sci. Stud. 1: 64. 1905. Type locality: Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park. Range: British Columbia and Montana to California, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Chama; -Mogollon Mountains. Woods, in the Transition Zone. This gooseberry occurs in the mountains of the northern part of the State. It may be recognized by its rather slender young branches with few, small nodular spines, and the slender-petioled leaves which are commonly very numerous. The berries are wine-colored, about 8 mm. in diameter, smooth, and of good flavor. 63. PLATANACEAE, Sycamore Family. 1. PLATANUS L. Sycamore. A large tree, 10 to 15 meters high, the bark deciduous in thin brittle plates, brown- ish, the young bark white or pale greenish; leaves large, 15 to 25 cm. in diameter, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes triangular-lanceolate, acuminate, densely tomentose, espe- cially when young; flowers monoecious, in racemes of 3 to 5 spherical heads along an elongated peduncle; fruiting heads 20 to 25 mm. in diameter, on pedicels half as lung; achenes glabrous, about 6 mm. long, exceeding the basal hairs. 1. Platanus wrightii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 349. 1875. Type locality: "In southeastern Arizona near the San Pedro." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Sonora. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Animas Peak; Guadalupe Canyon; Dog Spring. Upper Sonoran Zone. The sycamore is usually found along the streams and in the mouths of rocky canyons near the bases of the mountains. It would probably grow in cultivation, but, so far as known to us, it has not been tried in the State. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 305 64. EOSACEAE. Rose Family. Herbs, shrubs, or trees with alternate stipulate leaves (stipules often fugacious) and perfect flowers; hypanthium saucer-shaped, spherical, turbinate, or tubular, often margined by a disk bearing the stamens; sepals and petals normally 5, rarely of a different number, the petals wanting in one genus; stamens numerous, sometimes reduced to 5; carpels 1 to many, dry or fleshy, dehiscent in a few genera; fruit of achenes, follicles, or druplets (in some genera the receptacle accrescent). KEY TO THE GENERA. Hypanthium constricted at the throat, fleshy or prickly, wholly inclosing the achenes. Hypanthium in fruit becoming more or less fleshy, not supplied with hooked bristles; carpels numerous; shrubs 1. Rosa (p. 306). Hypanthium dry, the top surrounded by numerous hooked bristles; carpels few; herbs 2. Agrcmonia (p. 309). Hypanthium not constricted at the throat, neither fleshy nor prickly, at most loosely investing the fruits. Fruit consisting of 1 to 5 dehiscent follicles. Seeds winged; leaves persistent 21. Vauquelinia (p. 321). Seeds not winged; leaves deciduous. Follicles more or less united at the base; leaves broadly ovate, lobed, 2 to 4 cm. long 3. Opulasteu (p. 309). Follicles distinct (usually 5); leaves very small, spatulate, 1 cm. long or less. . 4. Petrophyton (p. 310). Fruit usually consisting of numerous indehiscent carpels, these becoming either achenes or drupelets. Carpels becoming more or less fleshy drupelets. Styles filiform; stigmas capitate; leaves compound; stems spiny 18. Hubus (p. 319). Styles club-shaped; stigmas 2-lobed; leaves simple; stems unarmed. Drupelets capped by hard hairy cush- ions; stems suffrutescent, dying back most of their length each winter; leaves large; fruit pleas- antly acid, pulpy 1 !). Pubacer (p. 320). Drupelets withoul cushions; stems nearly all woody; leaves small; • fruit usually dry 20. < Ireobatus (p. 320). Carpels becoming dry achenes. Styles articulated to the ovary, deciduous; herbs (excepl Dasiphora i. Styles terminal or nearly bo; ovules pendulous and anatropous 6. Potentilla (p. 310). Styles lateral or basal; ovules nol pen- dulous. Styles Dearly basal; ovules ascend ing or erect, orthotropous. . . 1 1 . Dbthocaixis (p. 316). 52576°— 15 — 20 306 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Styles lateral; ovules ascending, amphitropous. Achenes hairy; shrubs 10. Dasiphora (p. 316). Achenes glabrous; herbs. Achenes 10 to 15; stamens 5. (Leaves trifoliolate; pet- als yellow.) 9. Sibbaldia (p. 315). Achenes numerous; stamens about 20. Receptacles not enlarged in fruit; leaves pin- nate; petals yellow. . 7. Argentina (p. 314). Receptacles fleshy, much enlarged in fruit, red; leaves trifoliolate; pet- als white 8. Fragaria (p. 315). Styles not articulated to the ovary; shrubs, except Geum and Sieversia. Styles geniculate above, the upper por- tion deciduous, the basal portion forming a hook 13. Geum (p. 317). Styles not geniculate, wholly persist- ent. Herbs with woody rootstocks and pinnate leaves 12. Sieversia (p. 316). Shrubs with simple, at most only' deeply lobed, leaves. Hypanthium bearing bracts; achenes numerous 14. Fallugia (p. 317). Hypanthium bractless; achenes lto5. Hypanthium flat, saucer- shaped, or hemispheric; flowers in a large panicle; (carpels 5) 5. Seeicotheca (p. 310). Hypanthium funnelform or tubular; flowers, mostly solitary. Petals wanting; hypanthium long-tubular; < alyx de- ciduous from the hy- panthium 17. Cercocarpus (p. 318). Petals 5; hypanthium tin-- 0 binate; calyx persistent. Carpels about 5; achenes with long plumose tails 15. ( 'owANiA (p. 318). Carpels 1; achene not plu- mose-tailed 16. Purshia (p. 318). 1. ROSA L. Rose. More or less spiny shrubs, 2 meters high or less, with mostly slender branches and odd-pinnate, 3 to 7-foliolafe leaves; stipules conspicuous, adnate to the petioles; flowers solitary or in few-flowered corymbs terminating the brauches, large and showy, 3 to 6 cm. in diameter, pink or rose purple, fading lighter; hypanthiuni spherical or WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 307 ellipsoidal, not bracteolate; sepals 5, with more or less foliaceous tips; petals broadly obovate to rotund; stamens numerous like the pistils; fruit mostly globose, dry, or somewhat succulent by the softening of the hypanthium. KEY T.O THE SPECIES. Hypanthium and fruit densely spiny; sepals all or nearly all lobed. Young branches densely lepidote-stellate; leaves usually with 3 leaflets 1. R. stellata. Young branches with a dense covering of short, mostly gland- tipped spines, not lepidote-stellate; leaves mostly with 51eaflets 2. R. mirifica. Hypanthium not spiny; sepals not lobed. Infrastipular spines wanting. Flowers corymbose at the ends of tbe branches 3. R. suffidta. Flowers solitary at the ends of the branches 4. R. sayi. Infrastipular spines present. Sepals bristly glandular 5. R. adenosepala. Sepal3 not bristly. Petioles not glandular, the bracts often glandular- toothed. Spines few, stout, strongly curved; leaflets pale and shining, small, thick 10. R. neamexicana. Spines numerous, slender, straight or nearly so; leaflets bright green, not shining, large, thin. Leaflets short- villous beneath 11. R. pecoseiisi*. Leaflets not short- villous beneath 12. R. maximiliani. Petioles more or less glandular. Leaves finely pubescent beneath, often strongly glandular. Spines straight; leaflets oblong to oval 8. R.fendkri. Spines recurved; leaflets obovate 9. R. helleri. Leaves glabrous beneath. Spines numerous, slender, straight 6. R. hypolcuca. Spines few, stout, curved 7. R. melina. 1. Rosa stellata Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 152. 1898. Type locality: Near the Cueva in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton (no. 126). Range: Dry slopes, Organ and San Andreas Mountains, New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The stellate pubescence of the steins and the large rose purple flowers are very characteristic. This species is to be expected in some of the drier and hotter moun- tains of the southern pan of the state or in northern Chihuahua, hut as yel il lias not been found. It lends itself to cultivation tolerably well, though increased moisture ami a richer soil tend to make it grow slightly taller and cause the flowers to become paler. 2. Rosa mirifica Greene, Leaflets 2: C2. 1910. Type locality: Near the Mescalero Agency, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected b j Wooton (no. L93). Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the I pper Sonoran Zone. 308 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Dr. Greene was no doubt correct in his judgment that this should be separated from R. stellata, from which it is farther separated than are most of the nearly related species of the genus from each other. He has pointed out the differences very accu- rately in his description. 3. Rosa suffulta Greene, Pittonia 4: 12. 1899. Type locality: Near Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey, June, 1881. Range : Northern and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Ute Park; Raton Mountains; Sierra Grande; Santa Fe;' Perico Creek; White Mountains. Transition Zone. This is probably the same as R. pratincola Greene; the name suffulta, however, has priority. This is perhaps the stoutest of all the roses of the State, though it commonly does not grow very tall. The young stems are stout, greenish, strictly erect, very spiny, and very leafy. The leaves consist of 4 or 5 pairs of leaflets and a terminal one, all elliptic and sharply serrate; they are rather thick, dull green, and somewhat pubes- cent. The flowers are bright pink, about 5 or 6 cm. in diameter, and produced in crowded corymbs. 4. Rosa sayi Schwein. Narr. Exp. St. Peter's Riv. 2: 388. 1824. Type locality: Canada. Range: Quebec and Alberta to Michigan and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Johnsons Mesa (Wootori). 5. Rosa adenosepala Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 131. 1913. Type locality: Along the Pecos River 8 miles east of Glorieta, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3674). Range: Known only from type locality. Readily distinguished from our other species by the densely glandular-bristly calyx lobes. This is probably a plant of the Transition Zone. Although the region along the Pecos in this locality supports a characteristic Upper Sonoran vegetation, the low land bordering the river, as the result of the greater amount of moisture with which it is supplied, is covered with plants common in the Transition Zone. 6. Rosa hypoleuca Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 131. 1913. Type locality: Near Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 940). Range : New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Kingston; Winsor Creek. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. Related to Rosafendleri, but differing in having glabrous leaflets which are glaucous underneath . 7. Rosa melina Greene, Pittonia 4: 10. 1899. Type locality: Cerro Summit, above Cimarron, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe (Wooton). 8. Rosafendleri Cr6p. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 15: 91. 1876. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 210). Range: Montana and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa F^ and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Raton; Sierra Grande; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Copper Canyon; Fort Bayard; White Mountains. Transition Zone. Probably this is the most common rose of the State, occuring at middle elevations in the mountains. It is usually a slender branching bush about 1 meter high with WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 309 reddish stems and thin dark green leaves, and in these respects it resembles several of the nearly related species. The character of the spines and the pubescence are distinctive, however. 9. Rosa helleri Greene, Leaflets 2: 259. 1912. Type locality: Lake Waha, Nez Perces County, Idaho. Range: Idaho to New Mexico. New Mexico: Coolidge; Las Vegas; Magdalena Mountains. Transition Zone. The specimens are referred here doubtfully by Dr. R, yd berg. 10. Rosa neomexicana Cockerell, Ent. News 1901: 41. 1901. Type locality: Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla; near Mesilla Park; Sapello Creek; Cloudcroft. 11. Rosa maximiliani Nees in Wied-Neuw. Reis. Nord Amer. 2: 434. 1841. Type locality: On the plains along the Missouri River above Fort Pierve, South Dakota. Range: Washington and Saskatchewan to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Farmington; Winsors Ranch; Las Vegas; Pecos; Joseph; Raton Mountains; White Mountains; Indian Canyon; Animas Mountains; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 12* Rosa pecosensis Cockerell, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1904: 110. 1904. Type locality: Near Pecos, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell. Range: Known only from the vicinity of the type locality. Just what Rosa jpraetincta Cockerell 1 is, we are unable to determine. It also was described from the vicinity of Pecos. 2. AGRIMONIA L. Agrimony. Herbaceous perennial, 60 to 80 cm. high or less, with interruptedly pinnate 5 or 7- foliolate leaves, and small yellow flowers in elongated slender racemes; hypanlhium turbinate, bearing a ring of hooked prickles; petals small; stamens 5 to 12; carpels 1 to 3, becoming achenes and inclosed in the persistent hooked hypanthiurn. 1. Agrimonia striata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 287. 1803. Agrimonia brittoniana Bicknell, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 517. 1896. Agrimonia brittoniana occidentals Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 189. 1906. Type locality: "In Canada." Range: Quebec and New York to West. Virginia, and in (1m- Rocky Mountains. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Johnsons Mesa; Sandia Moun- tains; Chama; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Woods, in the Transition Zone. 3. OPXJLASTER Medic. Ninebakk. A low shrub, 1 meter high or less, with exfoliating bark and white flowers in terminal corymbs; leaves simple, rounded-ovate in outline, 3 to 5-lobed, glabrous or nearly so. doubly incised-serrate; flowers small; hypanthiurn about 3 nun. broad, Btellate- pubescent; petals orbicular, about 3 mm. long; follicles 2 or rarely 3, united to above tin- middle, densely stellate-pubescent, with spreading beaks. 1. Opulaster monogynus (Torr.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 2: !)l<). L891. Spiraea monogyna Torr. Ann. bye. X. Y. 2: I'M. lsi1?. Pkyaocarpua monogynus Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: lot. L891. Tyiu; locality: "On the Rocky Mountains," Colorado. Rangk: Wyoming and South Dakota to Now Mexico and T< 1 Proc. A. ad. Phila. 1904: IK). L904. 310 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Santa Pe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande; Sandia Moun- tains Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Sacramento Moun- tains. Transition Zone. A low shrub, not uncommon in the mountains at middle elevations. . It should be valuable in cultivation because of its clusters of small white flowers, profusely- produced. 4. PETROPHYTON (Nutt.) Rydb. A densely cespitose depressed undershrub with prostrate branches; leaves spatula te, 5 to 12 mm. long, 2 to 4 mm. wide, densely silky; peduncles 3 to 10 cm. high, with bractlike subulate leaves; inflorescence a dense spike of small whitish flowers; sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, 1.5 mm. long; petals spatulate, obtuse, of about the same length as the sepals; follicles 3 to 5, 2 mm. long. 1. Petrophyton caespitosum (Nutt.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 206. 1900. , Spiraea caespitosa Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 418. 1840. Eriogynia caespitosa S. Wats. Bot. Gaz. 15: 242. 1890. Type locality: "On high shelving rocks in the Rocky Mountains, toward the sources of the Platte." Range: California, Montana, and South Dakota to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Big Hatchet Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Rocky hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. • A rather rare plant, occurring on rocky cbiffs and exposed tops of the mountains, where it spreads flat over the rocks, the roots finding their way into the crevices. It is to be expected in the south end of the Organ Mountains, for it has been collected in the Franklin Range just across the line in Texas. 5. SERICOTHECA Raf. Shrub 2 or 3 meters high, with few main stems and numerous spreading branches bearing simple leaves and with terminal spreading panicles of small white flowers; leaves obovate-cuneate, decurrent, with a few rounded teeth, densely white-villous beneath; sepals 5, 1.5 mm. long, cream-colored like the hemispheric hypanthium; petals 5, elliptic or oval, about 2 mm. long; stamens about 20; pistils 5. 1. Sericotheca dumosa (Nutt.) Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 263. 1908. Spiraea dumosa Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 416. 1.840, as synonym; Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 217. 1847. Holodiscus dumosus Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 4. 1898. Holodiscus australis Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 194. 1898. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range : Mountains of Wyoming and Utah to New Mexico and Chihuahua. New Mexico: Baldy; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Big Hatchet Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A beautiful and graceful shrub, producing an abundance of flowers. It is well worth cultivation and woidd doubtless grow well at middle elevations in the State. The type of Holodiscus australis was collected in Santa Fe Canyon by Heller (no. 3840). 6. POTENTILLA L. Cinquefoil. Annual or perennial herbs, when perennial with elongated, scaly, more or less cespitose rootstocks; leaves pinnately or palmately compound; inflorescence usually cymose-paniculate; hypanthium concave, mostly hemispheric; bractlets, sepals, and petals 5; calyx persistent; stamens commonly 20; receptacle hemispheric or conic, bearing numerous (in P. lemmoni only 5 to 10) pistils; fruit of small achenes. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 311 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals or biennials with very leafy many-flowered cymes. Achenes with a corky gibbosity on the upper suture; leaves pinnate, with 4 or 5 pairs of leaflets 1. P. paradoxa. Achenes not gibbous; leaves pinnate or digitate. Lower leaves pinnate, with 2 approximate pairs of leaflets 2. P. rivalis. Leaves all digitate. Petals about half as long as the sepals; achenes smooth; hypanthium in fruit 5 mm. wide or less; stamens 10 3. P. millegrana. Petals equaling the sepals or nearly so; achenes rugulose; hypanthium about 7 mm. wide; stamens 15 to 20 4. P. monspeliensis. Perennials with few-flowered, not very leafy cymes. Flowers red. Leaves green above, white-tomentose beneath 5. P. atrorubens. Leaves glabrate or silky beneath, without tomentum 6. P. thitrberi. Flowers yellow. Leaves digitate. Plants glabrous throughout; 7. P. sierrae-blancae . Plants abundantly pubescent. Plants tall, more than 20 cm. high 11. P. filipes. Plants low, less than 20 cm., usually less than 10 cm. high. Leaves tomentose beneath 10. P. bicrenata. Leaves not tomentose beneath. Stems simple, erect; sepals and bract- lets not incurved 8. P. diver sifolia. Stems much branched, spreading; sepals and bractlets incurved. . . 9. P. subviscosa. Leaves odd-pinnate. Style not longer than the mature achene, thickened at the base; leaflets deeply lobed into narrow oblong teeth 12. P. strigosa. Style much longer thau the mature achene, filiform; leaflets not lobed, merely coarsely toothed or nearly entire. Leaves green on both sides, or merely strigose. Pedicels arcuate-spreading in fruit 19. P. plattensis. Pedicels erect. Stems stout, 00 to 70 cm. high; leaflets obovate-oblong, coarsely serrate. 13. P. ambigens. Stems 10 to -10 cm. high, slender; leaflets cuneate or linear-oblong, toothed only at the apex. Stems ascending or decumbent; Leaflets conduplicate; pistils numerous 14. P. crinita. Stems erect; Leaves Hat; pistils 5 to 12 15. P. lemmoni. Leaves tomentose beneath. Leaves almost equally white pubescent on both Burfa< ee L6. /'. kippiana. 312 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Leaves green and glabrous or merely silky above. Leaflets usually 9, ascending, the upper pair decurrent, not closely ap- proximate 17. P. propinqua. Leaflets 5 or 7, the lower spreading or reflexed, the upper pair not de- current, all closely approximate. 18. P. pulcherrima. Potentilla effttsa Dougl. and P. oblanceolata Rydb. have been reported as occurring in New Mexico by Dr. P. A. Rydberg, but we have seen no specimens of either of these from the State. 1. Potentilla paradoxa Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 437. 1840. Tridophyllum paradoxum Greene, Leaflets 1: 189. 1905. Type locality: "Banks of the great western rivers, the Ohio! Mississippi! Mis souri! &c. to Oregon." Range: Washington and Ontario to New York and New Mexico, south into Mexico; also in Asia. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Mesilla Valley. Wet ground. A common species in the sandy bed of the Rio Grande, often carried into cultivated fields by irrigating water. 2. PotentiUa rivalis Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 437. 1840. Tridophyllum rivale Greene, Leaflets 1: 189. 1905. Type locality: "In alluvial soil along the Lewis River." Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe Creek; above Mimbres. Wet ground. 3. Potentilla millegrana Engelm.; Lehm. Delect. Sem. Hort. Hamb. 1849: 11. 1849. Potentilla rivalis millegrana S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 553. 1873. Type locality: St. Louis, Missouri. Range: Washington and Manitoba to California, New Mexico, and Illinois. New Mexico: Gila; Sapello Creek; Grant County; Sandia Mountains; north of Ramah. 4. Potentilla monspeliensis L. Sp. PI. 499. 1753. Potentilla norvegica L. Sp. PI. 499. 1755. Tridophyllum monspeliense Greene, Leaflets 1: 189. 1905. Tridophyllum norvegicum Greene, loc. cit. Type locality: "Habitat Monspelii." Range: British America to Maryland, Kansas; Mexico, and California; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Chama; Pajarito Park; moun- tains near Grants; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Wet ground. 5. Potentilla atrorubens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 11. 1897. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona, New Mexico, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas Moun tains; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita. Transition Zone. 6. Potentilla thurberi A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 318. 1854. Type locality: Near Santa Rita del Cobre, New Mexico. Type collected by Thurber in August, 1851. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 313 Range: New Mexico to southern California and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Santa Rita; White Mountains. Damp meadows and along streams in the mountains, Transition Zone. 7. Potentilla sierrae-blancae Woot. & Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 57. 1898. Type locality: White Mountain Peak, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 469). Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 8- Potentilla diversifolia Lehm. Nov. Stirp. Pugill. 2: 9. 1830. Type locality: Summits of Rocky Mountains, British America. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheeler Peak; TruchasPeak; near the head of the Nambe. Mead- ows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 9. Potentilla subviscosa Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 97. 1881. Type locality: On a dry southward slope of the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; Mogollon Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 10. Potentilla bicrenata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 23: 431. 1896. Type locality: Agua Fria, New Mexico. Type collected by C. D. Walcott (no. 66). Range : New Mexico to Wyoming. New Mexico: Agua Fria; Stinking Lake; Sandia Mountains; Tierra Amarilla. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 11. Potentilla filipes Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 174. 1901. Type locality: Wahatoya Canyon, Spanish Peaks, Colorado. Range: Manitoba and Alberta to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chusca Mountains; Chama; Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, Transi- tion to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 12. Potentilla strigosa (Pursh) Pall.; Tratt. Rosac. Monogr. 4: 31. 1824. Potentilla pennsylvanica strigosa Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 356. 1814. Potentilla arachnoidea Dough; Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22 : 350. 1908. Type locality: "On the Missouri." Range: Hudson Bay to British Columbia, Kansas, and New Mexico; also in Asia. New Mexico: North of Ramah; Rio Pueblo; mountains near Grants; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande; Sandia Mountains; White Mountains. Mead- ows, in the Transition Zone. 13. Potentilla ambigens Greene, Erythea 1: 5. 1893. Type locality: Moist meadows along Bear Creek, above Morrison, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande; White and Sacra- mento mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 14. Potentilla crinita A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 41. 1849. Type locality: Along Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 199). Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Chama; Dulce; Santa Fe. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 15. Potentilla lemmoni (S. Wats.) Greene, Pittonia 1: L04. L885. /■■ ria lemmoni S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: :!(!•">. L88 • Type locality: On vertical rocks bordering <>ak Creek, near Flagstaff, Arizona. 314 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. We have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but Doctor Rydberg reports a specimen collected in the State by Lemmon, no locality given. 16. Potentilla hippiana Lehm. Nov. Stirp. Pugill. 2: 7. 1830. Potentilla leucophylla Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 197. 1827, not Pall. 1773. Potentilla pennsylvanica hippiana Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 438. 1840. Type locality: Sources of the Platte, Colorado. Range: British America to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Magda- lena Mountains; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 17. Potentilla propinqua Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 176. 1901. Potentilla diffusa A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 41. 1849, not P. diffusa Willd. 1809. Potentilla hippiana propinqua Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 3. 1897. Type locality: Along Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 198). Range: Alberta and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains near Grants Station; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Sandia Mountains; White Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 18. Potentilla pulcherrima Lehm. Nov. Stirp. Pugill. 2: 10. 1830. Type locality: Not stated. Range: British America to Utah and New Mexico. . New Mexico: Gilmores Ranch; Chama; Sierra Grande. Meadows, in the Transi- tion Zone. 19. Potentilla plattensis Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 439. 1840. Type locality: Plains of the Platte. Range: Saskatchewan to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Costilla Valley (Wooton). 7. ARGENTINA Lam. Prostrate herbaceous perennials with a rosette of interruptedly pinnate leaves, numerous slender runners bearing reduced leaves, and solitary axillary flowers ; basal leaves 8 to 30 cm. long, oblong in outHne; leaflets 1 to 2 cm. long, elliptic, incised- serrate; flowers 1 to 2 cm. in diameter; hypanthium almost flat; bractlets, sepals, and petals normally 5, often more; stamens 20 to 25; achenes corky, grooved. key to the species. Leaves silvery on both sides 1. A. argentea. Leaves green and glabrate above 2. A. anserina. 1. Argentina argentea Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 143. 1906. Argentina anserina concolor Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 160. 1898. Type locality: Not stated. Range: British America to Oregon, South Dakota, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallo Spring; Tunitcha Mountains. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Argentina anserina (L.) Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 159. 1898. Potentilla anserina L. Sp. PI. 495. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae pascuis; in argillosis argentea.J' Range: Through most of temperate North America, also in Europe and Asia. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 315 New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; Taos; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; San Do- mingo; Los Lunas; Socorro; Mogollon Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Sacramento Moun- tains. Chiefly in the Transition Zone, in wet ground, especially in sandy soil along streams. 8. FRAGARIA L. Strawberry. Small herbaceous perennials with short scaly rootstocks bearing rosettes of leaves and slender runners rooting to form new plants; leaves trif oliolate ; hypanthium almost flat; bractlets, sepals, and petals normally 5; petals white; stamens about 20, in 3 series; receptacle conic or rounded, bearing numerous pistils, becoming enlarged and juicy iu fruit. key to the species. Leaves densely silky beneath, even at maturity 1. F. mexicana. Leaves glabrate beneath at maturity. Pubescence of the scapes and petioles appressed; leaves thick, cuneate-oblong 2. F. ovalis. Pubescence of scapes and petioles spreading or reflexed; leaves thin, mostly obovate 3. F. bracteata. In the North American Flora several other species are reported from New Mexico: F. californica Schlecht. & Cham., F. americana (Porter) Britton, and F. glauca (S. Wats.) Rydb. The reports of F. americana and F. californica are based, partly at least, upon specimens of F. bracteata. We have seen no New Mexican specimens that could be referred to either of these species or to F. glauca. 1. Fragaria mexicana Schlecht. Linnaea 13: 265. 1839. Type locality: Near Jalapa, Mexico. Range: Central Mexico, Lower California, and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains. It is doubtful whether our specimens really belong to this species, but they certainly are more closely related to it than to any other. Our material is not in the best of condition, hence it is impossible to make a thorough comparison. 2. Fragaria ovalis (Lehm.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 143. 1906. Potentilla ovalis Lehm. Delect. Sem. Hort. Hamb. 1849: 9. 1849. Fragaria firma Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 184. 1898. Type locality: New Mexico, probably in the mountains east of Santa Fe. Type collected by Fendler (no. 206). Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Manzanares Valley; Winsors Ranch; Santa Fe Canyon; near the head of the Nambe. Shaded hillsides, in the Transition Zone. 3. Fragaria bracteata Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 194. 1896. Type locality: ''In a meadow along Santa Fe Creek, 9 miles east of Santa Fe," New Mexico. The labels of the type collection say "four miles" instead of '"nine." Type collected by Heller (no. 3615). Range: British Columbia and Montana to California ami New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Pajarito Park; Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe and I. as Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, in the Transition /one. A very common strawberry in the mountains. The fruit, although small, is of good flavor. 9. SIBBALDIA 1.. Dwarf tufted alpine perennial with thick trifoliolate stipulate leaves and small yel- low flowers on scapelike leafless peduncles; calys per i tent; sepals Longer than the petals; acholics 5 to l<>, on very shorl hairy sti] 316 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Sibbaldia procumbens L. Sp. PI. 284. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in alpibus Lapponiae, Helvetiae, Scothiae." Range: Arctic and alpine regions of North America, Asia, and Europe. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Meadows, in the Arctic- Al- pine Zone.. 10. DASIPHORA Raf. Shrubby cinquefoil. Low branching shrub with pinnately 3 to 7-foliolate silky leaves and scarious stipules; young branches silky- villous, the older steins brown, with shredded bark; flowers bright yellow, axillary and solitary or in small cymes; hypantluum saucer- shaped; bractlets, sepals, and petals 5; petals nearly orbicular; stamens about 25; achenes densely villous. 1. Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 188. 1898. Potentate jruticosa L. Sp. PI. 495. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Eboraco, Anglia, Oelandia australi, Sibiria." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and New Jersey; also in Eu- rope and Asia. New Mexico: Chama; Catskill; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Moun- tains. Damp meadows and along streams, Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. A densely branched shrub, often becoming a meter high or more. Above timber line it is very much stunted and gnarled. When covered with its numerous golden yellow flowers it is a handsome plant. 11. DRYMOCALLIS Fourn. Rather coarse herbaceous perennials with scaly rootstocks, pinnate leaves, and cymose inflorescence; hypanthium saucer-shaped; bractlets, sepals, and petals 5; petals but little exceeding the sepals, whitish or yellow; stamens 20 to 30; pistils very numerous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals white or cream-colored ; plants slender, low, 30 cm. high or less. . 1. D. convallaria. Petals bright yellow; plants stout, tall, frequently 60 cm. high 2. D. glandulosa. 1. Drymocallis convallaria Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 193. 1898. Potentilla convallaria Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 249. 1897. Type locality: Near Bozeman, Montana. Range: Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 2. Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. Mem. Bot. Columb. Coll. 2: 198. 1898. Potentate glandulosa Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 19: pi. 1583. 1833. Type locality: "California." Range: British Columbia to South Dakota, California, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Ensenada; Johnsons Mesa; Gallinas Canyon; Chama. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 12. SD3VERSIA R. Br. Low, more or less cespitose, herbaceous perennials with a cluster of twice pinnate leaves and a few scapelike stems 50 cm. high or less; flowers in cymose clusters; hypanthium turbinate, 5-bracted; sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, acute; petals 5, yellow or purplish; styles not jointed, plumose or appressed-pubescent, sometimes elongating in fruit; achenes pubescent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals purplish; styles in fruit much elongated, plumose 1. S. grisea. Petals yellow; styles slightly if at all elongated in fruit, appressed- pubescent 2. S. turbinata. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 317 1. Sieversia grisea (Greene) Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 409. 1913. Erythrocoma grisea Greene, Leaflets 1: 178. 1906. Type locality: San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. Range : Washington and Montana to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Tierra Amarilla. Transition Zone. 2. Sieversia turbinata (Rydb.) Greene, Pittonia 4: 50. 1899. Geum turbinatum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 91. 1897. Acomastylis turbinata Greene, Leaflets 1: 174. 1906. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico : Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountain Peak. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 13. GEUM L. Avens. Perennial herbs with large, mostly radical, lyrate or pinnate leaves; stipules adnate to the sheathing petioles; flowers 10 to 25 mm. in diameter, cymose, yellow or purplish tinged; calyx persistent, 5-bracted; petals 5; stamens numerous like the pistils; achenes small, compressed, hispidulous, tipped by the slender, jointed, hooked, more or less plumose, elongated styles. key to the species. Petals pink or purplish, clawed 1. G. rivale. Petals yellow, clawless. Upper internode of the style long-hairy, the lower not glandular; petals 5 to 7 mm. long 2. G. striclum. Upper internode of the style sparingly short-hairy, the lower glandular-puberulent; petals 4 to 5 mm. long 3. G. oregoncnse. 1. Geum rivale L. Sp. PL 501. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae pratis subhumidis." Range: British America to New Jersey and New Mexico; also in Europe. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Damp woods, in the Transi- tion Zone. 2. Geum strictum Ait. Hort. Kew. 2: 217. 1789. Type locality: "North America." Range: British America to Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Bin Pueblo; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp thickets, in the Transition Zone. 3. Geum oregonense Scheutz, Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 7: 26. 1869. Type locality: "Habit, in regioni Oregonensi." Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Damp ground, in the Transition Zone. 14. FALLTJGIA Kndl. Apache plume A much branched evergreen shrub I to 2 meters high, with Blender white branches and small, fascicled, cuneate-obovate, pinnately divided, bispidulous Leaves; divi- sions of the Leaves narrowly oblong, obtuse, re volute; flowers numerous, the inflores- cence somewhat corynihnsely branched and tlu' Moral leaves reduced to bracts; hy- panthium hemispheric, with several Linear-lanceolate bracts alternating with the ovate, abruptly Long-acuminate Bepals; petals •">, broadly obovate to rotund, white; st. linen., numerous; achenes numerous, obovoid-fusiform, long-tailed. 318 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Fallugia paradoxa (Don) Endl. Gen. PI. ll^Ki. L840. Sieversia paradoxa Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14: 57aradoxa acuminata Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 306. 1898. Fallugia micrantha Cockerell, Ent. News 1901: 41. 1901. Fallugia acuminata Cockerell, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1903: 590. 1903. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Colorado and Utah i<> Arizona, Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Espanola; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Santa Fe; Pajarito Park; Magda- lena Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; mountains west of San Antonio; Big Hatchet Mountains; Animas and San Luis mountains; Las Cruces; Orgau Moun- tains; White Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A common shrub in the drier mountains and arroyos, especially in the southern part of the State, where it is a valuable forage plant much browsed by cattle, sheep, and goats. It is well worth cultivation for decorative purposes since it grows rapidly and produces an abundance of white flowers as large as apple blossoms, while the clusters of plumose fruits, first greenish and later reddish tinged, which remain on the plant for some time, are almost as beautiful as the flowers. The type of F. paradoxa acuminata was collected on the mesa near Las Cruces and that of F. micrantha is from the same locality. The native name is "ponil." 15. COWANIA Don. Spreading shrub, 1 to 2 meters high, with small pinnate cuneate-obovate glandular crowded leaves and solitary flowers; leaves 10 to 15 mm. long, glabrate above, tomen- tose beneath, the oblong segments with revolute margins; hypanthium turbinate, tomentose and glandular-pubescent; sepals 5, broadly ovate, densely tomentose, glandular on the back; petals broadly obovate, pale yellow; achenes about 5, densely villous, plumose-tailed, the tail sometimes 3 to 5 cm. long. 1. Cowania stansburiana Torr. in Stansb. Expl. Great Salt Lake 386. pi. 3. 1853. Type locality: Stansb urys Island, Salt Lake, Utah. Range: Utah and Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Coolidge; Thoreau; Bear Mountain; Animas Creek; Aragon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. PURSHIA DC. A low, intricately branched shrub with small fascicled tomentose cuneate crenate leaves and solitary flowers terminating short branches; hypanthium turbinate; sepals ovate, obtuse; petals small, obovate, yellow; fruit fusiform, pubescent, long-tailed. 1. Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12: 158. 1817. Tigarea tridentata Pursh, Fl. Arner. Sept. 333. 1814. Kunzia tridentata Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2: 475. 1825. Type locality: "In the prairies of the Rocky Mountains, and on the Columbia River." Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: From Dulce westward to the Tunitcha and Carrizo mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. CERCOCARPUS H. B. K. Mountain mahogany. Shrubs 1 to 4 meters high with Btout^rather widely branched stems and hard brittle wood; leaves simple, fascicled, small; flowers solitary or fascicled with the leaves, inconspicuous; hypanthium tubular, 1 cm. long or less, persistent; sepals dull whitish, small; corolla wanting; stamens numerous, in 2 or 3 rows, deciduous with the calyx; WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 319 fruit a terete or fusiform, densely villous achene, terminating in a long, slender, variously bent and curved, plumose tail sometimes 5 cm. long. The species of this genus furnish not a little forage for cattle, sheep, and goats which browse upon them at all seasons of the year. On some of the rockier, drier mountains of the southern part of the State, they are important parts of the scrubby underbrush and furnish much of the firewood. The seasoned wood is very hard and brittle and has a specific gravity near 1. It is so hard that it is difficult to chop with an ax, but so brittle it may be broken easily. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves large, 3 or 4 cm. long, coarsely toothed. Pubescence of the petioles and flowers appressed, silky 1. C. argenteus. Pubescence of the petioles and flowers spreading, not silky. . 2. C. montanus. Leaves small, 2 cm. long or less, entire, or with a few inconspicu- ous and very small teeth near the apex. Pubescence of the petioles and flowers spreading, loose; up- per surface of the leaves mostly soft-pubescent 3. C. paucidentatus. Pubescence appressed, silky; upper surface of the leaves glabrous, or with a few silky, appressed hairs 4. C. brevifiorus. 1. Cercocarpus argenteus Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 422. 1913. Type locality: Rocky bluffs on Red River, Randall County, Texas. Range : Colorado to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton Mountains; Chama; Folsom; Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains. A decoction of the root of this shrub, along with juniper ashes and the powdered bark of the alder, was formerly used by the Navahos in dying wool red. 2. Cercocarpus montanus Raf. Atl. Joum. 146. 1832. Cercocarpusfothergilloid.es H. B. K. err. det. Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 198. 1828. Cercocarpus par vifolius Nutt.; Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey Voy. 337. 1840. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains." Range: Montana and South Dakota to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; Coolidge; Thoreau; Sandia Mountains; Cross L Ranch; Glorieta. Hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Cercocarpus paucidentatus (S. Wats.) Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 31. 1894. Cercocarpus parvifolius paucidentatus S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 353. 1882. Type locality: San Miguelito, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Ranoi:: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Common from the Mogollon Mountains to the Capitan Mountains and south to the Mexican border. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Cercocarpus brevifiorus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 54. 18 Type locality: "Sides of mountains near Frontera," Texas. Type collected by Wright (no. 1057). Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Lake Valley; Kingston; San Luis Mountains; San Andreas Moun- tains; Queen; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 18. RTJBTJS L. RaSPBKEBY. Prickly shrubs, I meter high or less, with :> to 7-foliolate leaves ami white flowers; stems of the lii erect, armed with bi iigh.1 pri< I \< ; leaves of the flowering branches with fewer leaflets; leaflet i rhombic-lanceolate, serrate or crenate, 320 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. the terminal sometimes lobed, green above, white- tomentose beneath; fruits red or black, juicy, with a pleasant taste and odor. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Fruit black; leaflets crenate; achenes keeled on the back; stems glaucous 1. R. bernardinus. Fruit red ; leaflets incised -serrate; stems not glaucous •. 2. R. arizonicus. 1. Rubus bernardinus (Greene) Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 444. 1913. Black raspberry. Melanobatus bernardinus Greene, Leaflets 1: 244. 1906. Type locality: Mill Creek Falls, San Bernardino Mountains, California. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern California. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains (Rusby 123). This specimen is referred here with some doubt by Doctor Rydberg. 2. Rubus arizonicus (Greene) Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 446. 1913. Red raspberry. Batidaea arizonica Greene, Leaflets 1: 243. 1906. Type locality: San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona, New Mexico, and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains from the Black Range and White Mountains northward. Transition Zone. The common wild raspberry of middle elevations in the mountains, growing in large rjatches on the hillsides among the pines. The fruit is abundantly produced and much appreciated by the people of the region, who gather the berries in quantity for table use. It is also one of the favorite foods of the bears. 19. RTJBACER Rydb. Thimble-berry. A low unarmed perennial, 30 to 60 cm. high, with mostly herbaceous stems arising from a woody base, bearing few large 3 to 5-lobed leaves; flowers white, 3 to 5 cm. broad; calyx densely tomentose; sepals long-acuminate; fruit large, red, pleasantly flavored. 1. Rubacer parviflorus (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 275. 1903. Rubus parviflorus Nutt. Gen. PL 1: 308. 1818. Rubus nulkanus Moc; DC. Prodr. 2: 566. 1825. Bossekia parviflora Greene, Leaflets 1: 211. 1906. Type locality: "Island of the Miehilimackinack, Lake Huron." Range: Alaska to California, New Mexico, and Lake Superior. New Mexico: Common in the higher mountains from the Mogollon and Sacramento mountains northward. Woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. A common and conspicuous plant in the higher mountains, rather handsome with its large white flowers. It often completely covers the ground in the deep woods. The fruits are of good quality, but so few are borne on a single plant that picking them is a tedious task. 20. OREOBATUS Rydb. Unarmed branching shrubs, 1 meter high or less, with 3 to 5-lobed stipulate leaves and brownish shredded bark; hypanthium flat, not bracteolate; sepals broadly ovate, with elongated tips, accrescent, loosely inclosing the fruit; flowers white, conspicuous; fruit fleshy or soon dry. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 321 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals 20 to 35 mm. long; leaves not lobed or with mostly 5 shallow lobes, the teeth very acute 1. 0. deliciosus. Petals less than 20 mm. long; leaves conspicuously 3-lobed, the teeth mostly obtuse. Leaves glabrous on the upper surface, small, usually 30 to 40 mm. long, not conspicuously reticula te- veined ; pubescence of the petioles short and close 2. 0. rubicundus. Leaves soft-pubescent on both surfaces, large, 40 to 65 mm. long, conspicuously re ticulate- veined ; pubescence of the petioles loose and spreading 3. O. neomexicanus. 1. Oreobatus deliciosus (Torr.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 275. 1903. Rubus deliciosus Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 196. 1828. Bossekia deliciosa A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 250. 1909. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains," Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Howell 208, Standley 6078). Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Oreobatus rubicundus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 130. 1913. Type locality: Van Pattens Camp in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley, June 16, 1906. Range: Canyons in the Organ Mountains of southern New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Oreobatus neomexicanus (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 275. 1903. Rubus neomexicanus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 55. 1853. Type locality: Mountain sides at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1061). Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Animas Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Canyons in the mountains, Upper Sonoran Zone. 21. VAtTQTJELINIA Correa. Large shrub or small tree with coriaceous persistent serrate leaves and corymbose flowers; stipules small, deciduous; hypanthium short- turbinate ; sepals 5, persistent; petals 5; stamens 15 to 25; capsule woody, of 5 folLicles coherent at the base; seeds 2 in each cell, winged. 1. Vauquelinia californica (Torr.) Sarg. Gard. & For. 2: 400. 1889. Spiraea californica Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 140. 1847. Vauquelinia corymbosa Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 64. 1859. Type locality: High mountains near the Gila, Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern California, south into Mexico. We have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but Dr. E. A. Mearns states lhat it is found rather sparsely in Guadalupe Canyon at the southwest corner of the State. 65. MALACEAE. Apple Family. Trees or shrubs with alternate simple or pinnately compound leaves having fugacious stipules; flowers regular, in racemes or cymes; hypanthium mostly spheroidal, adnate to the 1 to 5-eolled ovaries; petals and sepals 5; stamens usually many, distinct; fruit a pome with papery, bony, or leathery carpels. 52576°— 15 21 322 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA. Cavities of the ovary becoming twice as many as the styles by a partial or complete false partition; flowers racemose or corymbose. Styles 5; flowers racemose 1. Amelanchier (p. 322). Styles 2; flowers solitary, or sessile in 2 or 3-flowered corymbs 4. Peraphyllum (p. 324). Cavities of the ovary not divided, as many as the styles; flowers in corymbiform cymes. Leaves simple, lobed; ovules 1 in each carpel 2. Crataegus (p. 323). Leaves pinnate ; ovules 2 in each carpel 3. Sorbus(p. 324) . 1. AMELANCHIER L. Service berry. Shrubs or small trees, 1 to 2 meters high, with alternate, simple, mostly rather coarsely serrate, small leaves and white flowers in racemes terminating short branches of the year; stamens numerous, all borne on the hypanthium, the latter adnate to the inferior ovary; fruit berry-like. The fruits of the native service berries were a favorite food among the Indians in earlier days. They were eaten fresh or were dried and preserved for winter use. They are insipid in all the species. Those of the species which grow at lower levels are nearly dry and consequently useless for food. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves acutish, oblong-ovate 1. A. rubescens. Leaves obtuse to truncate, broader. Mature leaves finely pubescent, at least beneath. Leaves crenate, pubescent on both surfaces 2. A. crenata. Leaves sharply serrate, pubescent beneath 3. A. bakeri. Mature leaves glabrous or loosely villous, never finely pubes- cent. Whole plant perfectly glabrous 4. A. polycarpa. Bud scales, and usually the young leaves, villous. Mature leaves glabrous, conspicuously cordate, crenate to the base 5. A. goldmanii. Mature leaves with loose pubescence beneath and often above, not cordate or but slightly so, often cuneate, usually entire below the middle. Petals 10 to 15 mm. long 7. A. mormonica. Petals 8 mm. long or less. Leaves thin, bright green; calyx lobes shorter than the fruit, not foliaceous 6. A. oreophila. Leaves thick, coriaceous, pale green or glau- cescent; calyx lobes longer than the fruit, foliaceous 8. A. australis. 1. Amelanchier rubescens Greene, Pittonia 4: 128. 1900. Type locality: In arroyos and among the hills about Aztec, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (nos. 380, 381). Range: Southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Western San Juan County; Kingston. Dry hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 323 2. Amelanchier crenata Greene, Pittonia 4: 127. 1900. Type locality: On rock declivities near Aztec, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. 377). Range: Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Northern San Juan County. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Amelanchier bakeri Greene, Pittonia 4: 128. 1900. Type locality: Los Pinos, southern Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado and western New Mexico, probably in eastern Arizona. New Mexico: Magdalena Mountains; Silver City; Bear Mountain; Canjilon. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 4. Amelanchier polycarpa Greene, Pittonia 4: 127. 1900. Type locality: Piedra, southern Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; Chama; Stinking Lake. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 5. Amelanchier goldmanii Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 131. 1913. Type locality: Copper Canyon, Magdalena Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Goldman in 1909. Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Copper Canyon; Mogollon Mountains. 6. Amelanchier oreophila A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 40: 65. 1905. Type locality: Evanston, Wyoming. Range: Northern New Mexico to Colorado and Wyoming. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 7. Amelanchier mormonica C. Schneid. Handb. Laubh. 1: 740. 1906. Type locality: Mormon Lake, Arizona. Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Sandia Mountains; Chama; Tunitcha Mountains. Hillsides, in the Transition Zone. 8. Amelanchier australis Standley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 26: 116. 1913. Type locality: Ropes Spring, San Andreas Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton, September 23, 1912. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. CRATAEGUS L. Hawthorn. Shrubs or small trees with stout spiny stems, simple, alternate, toothed or lobed leaves, and white flowers in corymbs; hypanthium urceolate, adnate to the ovary; sepals 5, persistent; petals 5, spreading; stamens 5 to 10; fruit small, drupaceous, containing 2 to 5 bony 1-seeded carpels. key to the species. Spines short, 2 cm. long or less, not very numerous; leaves mostly elliptic, not noticeably lobed, the blades about twice as long as wide l . C. ri\ ularia. Spines longer, 4 cm. or more, commonly numerous; leaves broader, at least some of them more or less lobed . Leaves elliptic-ovate, rather coarsely serrate, some of them with a few larger lobelike teeth, the smaller teeth trlnnd- tipped ; Leaves cuneate at the base ytkropoda. Leaves broadly ovate, with 3 or 4 pairs of broad lobes, finely Berrate '>r doubly serrate with stmiu'lit teeth, nol gland- tipped; base of leaves truncate 3. C. wootoniana. 324 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Crataegus rivularis Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 464. 1840. Type locality: "Oregon, along rivulets in the Rocky Mountains." Range: Western Wyoming to Utah and Idaho, south to New Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Negrito Creek (Wooton). Stream banks, in the Transition Zone. 2. Crataegus erythropoda Ashe, N. C. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 175: 113. 1900. Manzana de puya larga. Crataegus cerronis A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 370. 1902. Type locality: Foothills of the Cache le Poudre Mountains, northern Colorado. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico : Sandia Mountains; Ponchuelo Creek; El Rito Creek; Chama. Stream banks and canyons, in the Transition Zone. 3. Crataegus wootoniana Eggleston, Torreya 7: 236. 1907. Type locality: Head of Little Creek, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 584). Range: Mountains of central and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. 3. SOBBUS L. Mountain ash. Shrub 1 to 3 meters liigh with pinnate leaves and white flowers in compound cymes; hypanthium urceolate or turbinate; leaflets 11 to 15, 3 to 4 cm. long, oblong- lanceolate, serrate, glabrous; sepals 5; petals 5, spreading, short-clawed; stamens 20; styles 3 to 5, distinct, woolly at the base; fruit a berry- like pome. 1. Sorbus scopulina Greene, Pittonia 4: 130. 1900. Type locality: Santa Fe Canyon, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3711). Range: British America to Washington, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; Manzano Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe Mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 4. PERAPHYLLTJM Nutt. Shrub 1 to 2 meters high, the small, narrowly oblanceolate, serrulate or entire, short-petiolate leaves fascicled at the ends of the branchlets; flowers solitary or in 2 or 3-flowered umbels, pale rose color; fruit globose, crowned with the persistent calyx lobes. 1. Peraphyllum ramosissimum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 474. 1838. Type locality: " Dry hillsides near the Blue Mountains of the Oregon." Range: Dry hillsides, Oregon and California to Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. We have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but it occurs abundantly along the railroad below Durango, Colorado, just above the New Mexico line. Dr. David Griffiths states that he has collected fruit of this plant near Farmington. The fruit is shaped like a small crab apple, and is yellow tinged with purple. The juice is very bitter. 66. AMYGDALACEAE. Almond Family. Trees or shrubs with alternate, petiolate, simple, mostly serrate leaves and fuga- cious stipules; bark, leaves, and seeds bitter with prussic acid; flowers perfect, soli- tary, fascicled, corymbose, or racemose; hypanthium mostly spheroidal, free from the simple solitary ovary; sepals and petals 5; stamens mostly numerous; fruit a drupe. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 325 KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers in long racemes, on short leafy branches of the year. . 1. Padus (p. 325). Flowers in corymbs or umbels, on short stems of the previous year, preceding the leaves. Stone of the fruit flattened, with more or less acute edges. . 2. Prunus (p. 327). Stone of the fruit spheroidal, little or not at all flattened.. 3. Cerasus (p. 327). 1. PADUS Borckh. Chokecherry. Large shrubs or small trees with smooth dark-colored bark; flowers numerous, in elongated racemes terminating short leafy branches of the year; hypanthium sphe- roidal, sometimes campanulate; sepals 5, short, persistent or deciduous with a part of the hypanthium; petals white, with the numerous stamens on the throat of the hypanthium; carpels solitary; ovary 1-celled, 2-ovuled; drupe small, usually 1 cm. in diameter or less, astringent, not glaucous. The fruits of these trees and shrubs were eaten by the Indians. They lack the astringent flavor of the eastern chokecherries. key to the species. Calyx persistent in fruit. Young branches densely tawny-pubescent; young fruit pu- bescent. . . : 1 . P. rufula. Young branches and fruit glabrous 2. P. virens. Calyx deciduous soon after anthesis. Plants glabrous throughout 3. P. melanocarpa. Plants pubescent on the peduncles, petioles, and lower surface of the leaves. Leaves not glaucous beneath at maturity, of about the same color on both surfaces 4. P. pumicea. Leaves pale beneath at maturity. Pedicels longer than the fruit, slender; seeds 8 to 10 mm. in diameter 5. P. mescaleria. Pedicels shorter than the fruit, stout; seeds 7 mm. in diameter or less. Pedicels glabrous; racemes slender; leaves ellip- tic, narrowed at the base; buds narrowly lanceolate in outline 6. P. calophylla. Pedicels pubescent; racemes stout; leaves ob- long to ovate or obovate, rounded to sub- cordate at the base; buds ovoid 7. P. valida. 1. Padus rufula Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 132. 1913. Type locality: On the West Fork of the Rio Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 6, 1900. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adja- cent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Black Range. 2. Padus virens Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 132. 1913. Type locality: Van Pattens Camp in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley, June 6, 1906. Bangs: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Bear Mountains; San Francisco Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; Kingston; White and Bacramento mountains. Canyons and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 326 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. In the Organ Mountains this species occurs in abundance in the opening of the can- yon in which Van Pattens Camp is located, growing along with Quercus grisea and Q. arizonica. Attempts have been made to use the trees as stocks for grafting various fruits, but they have been unsuccessful. The material from the western part of the State may represent a different species. This plant is usually much smaller, only a tall shrub, and its leaves are narrower, thicker, not so bright a green, and on shorter petioles. 3. Padus melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Shafer in Britt. & Shaf . N. Amer. Trees 504. 1908. Cerasus demissa melanocarpa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 25. 1902. Prunus melanocarpa Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 143. 190G. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range: British Columbia and Alberta to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Sierra Grande; Sandia Mountains; "White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, especially along streams, chiefly in the Tran- sition Zone. The species, if all our material represents a single one, shows considerable varia- tion, possibly because of altitude. At the lower levels in the northern part of the State it is a shrub 2 or 3 meters high with very large fruit. Higher up, at Winsors Ranch, it is a very low shrub, usually with only a single stem in a place, not more than 50 to 60 cm. high. Mature fruit could not be secured at the higher levels, so that it is impossible to tell whether there is any substantial difference between the two plants in that feature. 4. Padus pumicea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 133. 1913. Type locality: Craters, Valencia County, New Mexico. Type collected by Woo- ton, July 28, 190G. Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Craters; mountains soiith of Canjilon. From all our pubescent species this differs in having the leaves of about the same color on both surfaces. The fruits, too, are very few and the pedicels remarkably short. The branches are densely furnished with leaves, so that in general appearance this is unlike any of our other choke cherries. 5. Padus mescaleria Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 134. 1913. Type locality : On Tularosa Creek near the Mescalero Agency, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 6, 1901. Range: "White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. The most distinctive features of this are the long pedicels, glabrous racemes, large seeds, and rather narrow deep green leaves, strongly glaucous beneath. 6. Padus calophylla Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 134. 1913. Type locality: Five miles west of Chloride, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Goldman (no. 1768). Range: Mountains of northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: West of Chloride; Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe Canyon. Transi- tion Zone. 7. Padus valida Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 134. 1913. Type locality: Canyons near Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 1243). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Magdalena Mountains. Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 327 2. PRUNUS L. Plum. Low, treelike or spreading shrubs, 3 meters high or less, forming thickets; branches stout, rigid, somewhat spiny; bark grayish; leaves sharply serrate; flowers white, produced before the leaves; fruit ellipsoidal, red, the stone flattened, acute on both edges. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves pubescent beneath; petals 4 to 6 mm. long 1. P. xvatsoni. Leaves glabrous; petals 8 to 16 mm. long 2. P. americana . 1. Prunus watsoni Sarg. Gard. & For. 7: 134./. 25. 1894. Sand pltjm. Primus angustifolia ivatsoni Waugh, Rep. Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta. 12: 239. 1899. Type locality: Ellis, Kansas. Range: Nebraska to Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa {Fisher 205). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Prunus americana Marsh. Arb. Amer. 111. 1785. WlU) plum. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: Montana and New York to Florida and New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos; Pecos; Farmington; 'White Mountains. In some parts of the State this plum is almost certainly native; in other places it may have been introduced. At Taos the trees are abundant and the fruit is gathered by the Indians. At Farmington the small trees are very numerous along some of the irrigating ditches. Some similar species has escaped rather abundantly near Mesilla. 3. CERASUS L. Cherry. A small slender tree 3 to 4 meters high, with smooth purplish or reddish brown bark, slender virgate branches, and corymbose white flowers; leaves 3 to 5 cm. long, oblong- elliptic, slightly attenuate to the base, acute or abruptly short-acuminate, crenulate, on petioles 1 cm. long or less; corymbs about 4-flowered; hypanthium campanulate, glabrous; petals small, white; fruit ovoid, red; stone ovoid. 1. Cerasus crentdata Greene, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 18: 56. 1905. Type locality: West Fork of the Gila, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 587). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Hillsboro Peak. Transition Zone. The fruits when ripe are a bright cherry red, ellipsoidal, 1 cm. long or less, and de- cidedly acid as well as somewhat astringent. 67. MIMOSACEAE. Mimosa Family. Shrubs or suffrutescent perennials with usually spiny stems and bipinnate leaves with usually numerous small leaflets; flowers regular, small, in axillary pedunculate heads or spikes; calyx 4 or 5-parted (sometimes wanting in Acuan); corolla of 4 or 5 distinct or united petals; stamens 5 to 10 or numerous, distinct or united; fruit a more or less flattened, dehiscent or indehiscent legume. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stamens numerous, always more than 10, distinct or monadelphous. Corolla gamopetalons, tubular; stamens monadel- phous; low plants with unarmed stems 1. Calliandra (p. 328). Corolla polypctaloiis; stamens distincl ; plants more or less shrubby and spiny (except in A. cus- jndata) 2. Acacia (p. 328). 328 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stamens 5 or 10, distinct. Flowers 5-merous; anthers tipped with a gland; pods indehiscent; large shrubs. Pods spirally coiled; flowers yellow 3. Strombocarpa (p. 329). Pods elongated, not coiled; flowers greenish .. . 4. Prosopis (p. 330). Flowers 4 or 5-merous; anthers not gland-tipped; pods dehiscent; shrubs or herbs. Leaves sensitive; pods more or less 4-sided; plants decumbent 5. Morongia (p. 330). Leaves not sensitive or at most very tardily so; pods flat; plants erect or spreading, not decumbent. Plants without spines; stems mostly herba- ceous 6. Acuan (p. 330). Plants armed with numerous short re- curved triangular spines; shrubs with woody stems 7. Mimosa (p. 331). 1. CALLIANDRA Benth. Low herbaceous or woody perennials without spines, 30 cm. high or less; flowers in globose heads; corolla gamopetalous, elongate-tubular; stamens numerous, monadel- phous, long-exserted ; pods flattened, straight or slightly curved, the valves elastically revolute from apex to base. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems woody throughout 1. C. eriophylla. Stems herbaceous, sometimes woody at the base. Leaflets 2 or 3 mm. long, pilose; pinnae 4 or more pairs 2. C. humilis. Leaflets 5 to 10 mm. long, glabrous or nearly so; pinnae 1 or 2 pairs 3. C. reticulata. 1. Calliandra eriophylla Benth. Lond. Journ. Bot. 3: 105. 1844. Calliandra chamaedrys Engelni. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 39. 1849. Type locality: "Mexico; Chila in the district of Pueblo." Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Southern Grant County. 2. Calliandra humilis Benth. Lond. Joum. Bot. 5: 103. 1846. Calliandra f herbacea Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 39. 1849. Type locality: Zacatecas, Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Kingston; San Luis Mountains; Santa Rita; Sandia Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of C. herbacea was collected by Fendler between San Miguel and Las Vegas. 3. Calliandra reticulata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 53. 1853. Type locality: Stony hills at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1045). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Santa Rita. Dry hillsides. 2. ACACIA L. Acacia. Shrubs or low trees with armed or smooth stems and numerous very small leaflets; flowers small, regular, in spikes or heads on axillary peduncles; corolla valvate, of 4 or 5 similar petals; stamens numerous, distinct, exserted; pods flattened or terete, 2-valved, dehiscent. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 329 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers in elongated spikes; pods flat, 15 to 20 mm. wide, curved; spines short and hooked ]. A. greggii. Flowers in globose heads; pods terete, or if flat less than 10 mm. wide, straight; spines straight and slender or none. Spiny shrub 1 meter high or more; flowers bright yellow, sweet-scented; pods terete, constricted between the seeds 2. A . constricta. Unarmed shrubs less than 1 meter high; flowers whitish, odorless; pods flat and thin. Leaflets 8 to 13 pairs, obtuse; inflorescence nearly always axillary 3. A. cuspidata. Leaflets 18 pairs or more, acute; inflorescence becoming paniculate, sometimes axillary 4 . A . filicioides. 1. Acacia greggii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 65. 1852. Type locality: Western Texas. Range : Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Redrock; Lone Pine; Carlisle; west of Roswell. Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Acacia constricta Benth.; A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 66. 1852. Type locality: Prairies near the source of the San Felipe, western Texas. Range: Southwestern Texas to southern New Mexico and Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Redrock; Big Hatchet Mountains; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Carlsbad; La Luz Canyon; Lakewood. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2a. Acacia constricta paucispina Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 105. 1909. Type locality: On Animas Creek, in the Black Range, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 1123). New Mexico: Animas Creek; Organ Mountains; Carlisle; Burro Mountains; Hills- boro. Upper Sonoran Zone. This is a larger plant with fewer spines and larger, much less glandular, more pubes- cent leaves and young stems, occurring usually at slightly higher levels than the species. It is found in western Texas and southern Arizona as well. 3. Acacia cuspidata Schlecht. Linnaea 12: 573. 1838. Type locality: "Prope Mexico." Raxge: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Dog Spring; Hanover Mountain. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Acacia filicioides (Cav.) Trel. Rep. Ark. Geol. Surv. 4: 178. 1891. Mimosa filicioides Cav. Icon. PI. 1: 55. pi. 78. 1791. Type locality: "Habitat in Mexico." Range: Missouri and Kansas to Texas and Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; near White Water. Dry hills, in the bower Sonoran Zone. 3. STROMBOCARPA A. Gray. Schku in ax. Tornivlo. A tall, gracefully spreading shrub B meters high or less, branching from the I with dense dark-colored wood; leaves small, with 1 or 2 pairs of pinnse; Leant to 8 pairs, short-oblong; Btipular spines rigid, 2 cm. long or I<^s, whitish; (lowers yel- low, in crowded spikes; pod an indehiscent, spirally coiled legume. 330 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Strombocarpa pubescens (Benth.) A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 60. 1852. Prosopis pubescens Benth. Lond. Journ. Bot. 5: 82. 1846. Type locality: "California between San Miguel and Monterey." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and California. New Mexico: Socorro; Animas Creek; Mesilla Valley. River valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This is one of the common large shrubs of the river valleys of the southern part of the State, where it is everywhere known under its Spanish name of "tornillo." The larger stems or trunks serve very well for fence posts and the wood is also extensively used for fuel, being the best for this purpose found at the lower levels. The pods contain a large amount of sugar and are very sweet when chewed. 4. PROSOPIS L. Mesquite. A much branched shrub 3 meters high or less, seldom larger, with rigid tough stems bearing large stipular spines; leaves with 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae and numerous oblong entire leaflets; flowers small, greenish yellow, in axillary spikes; fruit an indehiscent, slightly compressed, straight or falcate legume. 1. Prosopis glandulosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 192. 1828. Type locality: "On the Canadian?," New Mexico. Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Oklahoma and Texas. New Mexico: Common from the Black Range to Socorro, and Tucumcari and southward across the State. Plains and river valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sono- ran zones. This is one of the best known plants of the arid southwest and in southern New Mexico is of great economic importance. The flowers furnish the best of nectar for honey making. The leaves and pods are eaten by all kinds of grazing animals. The pods, too, on account of their sugar content, are often eaten when ripe by the native people. The large roots and thickened bases of the stems furnish the best fuel of the region. The legumes and seeds were collected by the Indians, who ground them and formed the meal into a sort of bread . 5. MORONGIA Britton. Sensitive brier. Decumbent perennial with recurved prickles on leaves and stems; flowers pink, in a globose head; pod narrow, 4-sided, 4-valved, spiny. 1. Morongia occidentalis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16:135. 1913. Type locality: Sandy soil at Logan, New Mexico. Type collected by G. L. Fisher (no. 93). Range: Known only from type locality. 6. ACUAN Medic. Suffrutescent or herbaceous perennials with unarmed herbaceous stems and numer- ous small leaflets; flowers in axillary pedunculate heads, greenish white; calyx some- times pappiform or wanting; stamens 5 or 10, the anthers not gland-bearing; fruit a flattened dehiscent legume, straight or arcuate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stamens 5; plants tall, erect; pinnae 10 to 14 pairs; pods arcuate, in a crowded headlike cluster 1. A. illinoensis. Stamens 10; plants low, spreading; pinnae 3 to 6 pairs; pods straight, fewer, divaricate 2. A. jamesii. Acuan velutina was reported from Santa Rita in the Botany of the Mexican Bound- ary, but the specimens upon which the report is based seem to be A. jamesii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 331 1. Acuan illinoensis (Michx.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 158. 1891. Mimosa illinoensis Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 254. 1803. Acacia brachyloba Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 1071. 1806. Desmanthus brachylobus Benth. Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 358. 1842. Type locality: "Hab. in pratensibus regionis Illinoensis." Range: Minnesota to Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Socorro; Sabinal; Mesilla Valley; Roswell; Lakewood; Dayton; Perico. River valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Acuan jamesii (Torr. & Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 158. 1891. Desmanthus jamesii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 402. 1840. Type locality: "Sources of the Canadian River," Colorado or New Mexico. Type collected by James. Range: Oklahoma and Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Rio Zuni; Mogollon Mountains; Kingston; Silver City; Organ Pass; west of Roswell; Gray; Nara Visa, Redlands; Knowles; Buchanan. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. MIMOSA L. Cat-claw. Low shrubs, the stems armed with hooked spines; leaflets small; flowers in spikes or heads, small; sepals and petals 5; stamens 10, distinct; fruit a flattened pod, armed or unarmed, sometimes constricted between the seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers in spikes, pink 1. M. dysocarpa. Flowers in spherical heads, yellow or pink. Pinnae 4 to 7 pairs, pubescent. Young stems not flexuous, somewhat virgate; pods usually not constricted between the seeds, straight 2. M. lemmoni. Young stems flexuous ; pods more or less constricted between the seeds, conspicuously arcuate 3. M. biuncifera. Pinnae 1 to 3 pairs, glabrous. Pods more or less spiny 4. M. borealis. Pods not spiny 5. M. fragrans. 1. Mimosa dysocarpa Benth.; A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 62. 1852. Type locality: "Mountain valleys in the Pass of the Limpia, and beyond," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Bayard; Animas Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Little Burro Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. A rather uncommon species in the southwestern part of the State in the lower moun- tains. The spikes of pink flowers and the yellow young stems are characteristic. The young pods are densely velutinous. 2. Mimosa lemmoni A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 76. 1883. Type locality: Near Fort Iluaehuca, southern Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Mimosa biuncifera Benth. PI. ITartw. L2. L839. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: From the Black Range to the < hrgan and Guadalupe mountains and southward. I >rv plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoian Zone. A common shrnl> about 1 meter high, Occurring in tin- foothills and canyons of the drier and rockier mountains of the southern part of the State. Tim you in; stems are 332 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. browsed to a small extent by cattle, but their thorns are so sharp and strong that they are mostly avoided. 4. Mimosa borealis A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 39. 1849. Type locality: "Hillsides, Upper Spring, on the Cimarron." Type collected by Fendler (no. 181). Range : Northern and eastern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Upper Cimarron; Logan; Lincoln; Nara Visa. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Mimosa fragrana A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 182. 1850. Type locality: "Rocky soil, on the Pierdenales," western Texas. Range: Western Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains (Wooton). Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A not uncommon shrub, 1 to 1.5 meters high, in the mountains of the southeastern part of the State, where it is browsed by cattle, sheep, and goats. The trunk is stout, and the branches rigidly divaricate. The bark is gray and the leaves very small. In herbarium specimens it closely resembles the preceding species, but it is a much more rigid and grayer plant, and the pods are spiny on the margins. 68. CASSIACEAE. Senna Family. Herbaceous or shrubby annuals or perennials with pinnate or bipinnate, alternate, usually stipulate leaves; flowers perfect, slightly irregular; calyx of 5 more or less united sepals; petals 5, yellow, imbricated, the upper one innermost in bud; stamens 10 or fewer, distinct; pistil simple, the ovary 1-celled, becoming a legume in fruit; seeds usually several. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves bipinnate. Low herbaceous plants 30 cm. high or less 1. Hofpmanseggia (p. 332). Large shrub over 1 meter high 2. Poinciana (p. 334). Leaves once pinnate. Corolla almost regular; some of the stamens abor- tive; calyx lobes obtuse 3. Cassia (p. 334). Corolla irregular, the lower petals noticeably long- est; all 10 stamens functional; calyx lobes acuminate 4. Chamaecrista (p. 335). 1. HOFFMANSEGGIA Cav. Low herbaceous perennials from tuberous roots or a thickened woody base, the bipinnate leaves with very small leaflets; plants more or less glandular, especially on the flowers and fruit (one species without glands); flowers yellow or the stamens red, in naked racemes, terminal, or opposite the leaves; sepals and petals 5; stamens 10; pods flattened , with few or several seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Calyx not oblique at the base; sepals all alike; plants without sessile black glands. Plants Btipitate-glandular, the inflorescence densely so; pods straight or but slightly curved 1. H. densiflora. Plants not glandular; pods strongly falcate 2. H. drepanocarpa. Calyx oblique at the base; lower sepals broadest; plants covered with sessile black glands. Pods rhombic-ovate 3. H. brachycarpa. Pods sublunate 4. H. jamesii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 333 1. Hoffmanseggia densiflora Benth.; A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 55. 1852. Camote de rat6n. Hoffmanseggia stricta Benth.; A. Gray, op. cit. 56. 1852. Hoffmanseggia stricta demissa Benth.; A. Gray, loc. cit. Hoffmanseggia stricta rusbyi Fisher, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 144. 1892. Type locality: Valley of the Pecos, Texas. Type, Wright's no. 148. Range: Southwestern Texas, southern New Mexico and Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Tucumcari; Los Lunas; Socorro; Deming; Tularosa; Alamogordo; Hillsboro; Roswell; Carlsbad; Mangas Springs; Animas Valley; Hachita; Mesilla Val- ley; Nogal. Plains and river valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This species is common in hard alkaline soils in the lower valleys, especially in locations which are flooded occasionally. The small, ellipsoidal or spheroidal tuberous roots 2 to 4 cm. long, which give it its common name, are produced 15 to 30 cm. below the surface, on slender tough roots. They are rather sweet and of not unpleasant flavor, although tough. They are commonly eaten by the Indians. The various subspecies which have been proposed are probably forms caused by varying quantities of water received by the plants at different times of the year. They can all be found in a small patch of the species by careful search. Bentham himself observed that H. densiflora was perhaps too near H. de7nissa, and Doctor Gray in publishing it reduced H. demissa of Bentham's manuscript to H. stricta demissa. It is unfortunate that he should have published these two forms before the H. stricta, which is really the typical form of the plant, whose name is distinctive of its most characteristic difference from H.falcaria Cav. But according to the rules of priority the name densiflora must stand. The type of H. falcaria rusbyi was collected by Rusby at Mangas Springs. 2. Hoffmanseggia drepanocarpa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 58. 1852. Type locality: "New Mexico, or between Texas and El Paso." Range: New Mexico to southern California. New Mexico: Acoma; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; Lake Valley; Knowles. Dry hills, in the Upper and Lower Sonoran zones. 3. Hoffmanseggia brachycarpa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 55. 1852. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Wright in 1851. Range: Southern New Mexico, southwestern Texas, and probably adjacent Mexico. We have seen no specimens from New Mexico, but it is included here on the strength of the citation of the type, for which no number is given. Wright's later collections of the same species are from Texas east of the Pecos. It is possible that the original citation is incorrect, as Doctor Gray was indefinite in this citation, while he was usually very particular about this point. 4. Hoffmanseggia jamesii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 393. 1840. Pomaria glandulosa Cav. err. det. Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 193. 1828. Type locality: "Sources of the Canadian River," probably in New Mexico. Type collected by James. Range: Colorado to Texas, Arizona, and Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Zuni Reservation; Kennedy; Tijeras Canyon; Sahinal; mesa near Las Cruces; Gage; Clayton; Buchanan; Redlands. Sandy hills and plains, in i lu> Cpper and Lower Sonoran zones. This is the common black-glandular species, occurring mostly in sandy soil, the branching Leafy sterna arising from a thickened woody root often L0 to 20 cm. long and 3 cm. thick. The dull yellow flowers and sublimate pods are distinctive. 334 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. POINCIANA L. Bird-of-paradise flower. 1. Poinciana gilliesii Hook. Bot. Misc. Hook. 1: 129. pi. 34. 1830. Caesalpinia gilliesii Wall. Bot. Misc. Hook. 1: 129. 1830. Type locality: "Prope Rio Quarto et Rio Quinto, et apud La Punta de San Luis. Abundat circa Mendozarn, Americae Meridionalis." An ill-smelling, erect, sparingly branched shrub with green stems 2 to 3 meters high; leaves large, bipinnate, with very numerous small leaflets; inflorescence of terminal racemes of large yellow flowers with long-exserted, bright red stamens and pistil. It is one of the commonest ornamental plants in gardens, especially in the southern part of the State and is frequently escaped. 3. CASSIA L. Senna. Shrubs or herbaceous perennials with abruptly pinnate leaves and rather large yellow flowers; calyx lobes 5, obtuse; petals 5, nearly equal; slamens 10, the upper 3 abortive, the anthers opening by terminal pores; pods slightly compressed, elongated, several-seeded. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Shrub with leaflets 5 mm. long or less 1 . C. wislizeni. Herbs with leaflets 20 mm. long or more. Leaves 2-foliolate. Leaflets lanceolate, 30 to 50 mm. long, bright green 4. C. roemeriana. Leaflets oblong, 25 mm. long or less, grayish 5. C. bauhinioides. Leaves 6 to many-foliolate. Plants glabrous; leaflets lanceolate, acute 2. C, leptocarpa. Plants pubescent throughout; leaflets oblong, obtuse. Leaflets more than 3 pairs, oblong to ovate; pubes- cence coarse, spreading; pods 5 cm. long or more, obtuse 3 . C. lindheimeriana. Leaflets 2 or 3 pairs, mostly oblong-obovate ; pubes- cence fine and close; pods 3 cm. long or less, acute 0. C. covesii. 1. Cassia wislizeni A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 60. 1852. Type locality: "Carrizal and Ojo Caliente, south of El Paso," Chihuahua. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Southern Grant and Luna counties. Dry hillsides and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Cassia leptocarpa Benth. Linnaea 22: 528. 1849. Type locality: "Ad Zapativa legit Pohl et prope Rio Janeiro." Range: Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico and South America. Xew Mexico: Near White Water (Mearns 343). 3. Cassia lindheimeriana Scheele, Linnaea 21: 457. 1848. Type locality: New Braunfels, Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Dry rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Cassia roemeriana Scheele, Linnaea 21: 457. 1848. Type locality: "Auf felsigem Boden am obern Guadeloupe," western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. Xew Mexico: Hurrah Creek; Tierra Blanca; Ruidoso Creek; Roswell; Knowles; Queen ; Lincoln ; Causey. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 335 5. Cassia bauhinioid.es A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 180. 1850. Type locality: On the Rio Grande, Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Kingston; Mangas Springs; Dog Spring; mesa west of Organ Moun- tains; west of Roswell. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Cassia covesii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 399. 1868. Type locality: "Camp Grant, and south of Prescott, Arizona. n Range: Southwestern New Mexico to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Telegraph Mountains {Wooton). Dry soil. 4. CHAMAE CRISTA Moench. Partridge pea. Herbaceous annuals or perennials with abruptly pinnate leaves and bright yellow flowers in few-flowered extra-axillary clusters; rachis of the leaf bearing one or two glands near the base; calyx lobes 5, acuminate; petals 5, unequal, the lowest little or much the largest; stamens 10, all perfect, the anthers opening by terminal pores; pods narrowly oblong-linear, flattened, the valves elastic; seeds compressed, ovoid or quadrate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennial; peduncles 30 to 40 mm. long 1. C. wrightii. Annuals; peduncles 20 mm. long or less. Flowers small, the petals about 5 mm. long, one much longer than the other four 2. C. leptadenia. Flowers larger, the petals 12 mm. long or more, all of about the same size. Leaflets 16 to 28; pod not beaked or obscurely so 3. C.fasciculata. Leaflets 10 or 12 ; pod with a beak 2 or 3 mm. long 4. C. rostrata. 1. Chamaecrista wrightii (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Cassia wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 50. 1853. Type locality: "Hillsides, on the Sonoita, near Deserted Rancho, Sonora." Range: New Mexico, Arizona, and Sonora. New Mexico: On the Mimbres {Mexican Boundary Survey 297). 2. Chamaecrista leptadenia (Greenm.) Cockerell, Muhlenbergia 4: 68. 1908. Cassia leptadenia Greenm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 41: 238. 1905. Type locality: Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Chamaecrista fasciculata(Michx.) Greene; Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 587. 1903. Cassia fasciculata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 262. 1803. Type locality: "Hab. in Pennsylvania et Virginia." Range: Maine to South Dakota, Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains ( Wooton). Dry fields and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Chamaecrista rostrata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 135. 1913. Type locality: Sandy soil at Logan, New Mexico. Type collected by G. L. Fisher (no. 93). Range: Known only from type locality, on sandy plains of the Upper Sonoran Zone. 336 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 69. KEAMERIACEAE. Krameria Family. 1. KRAMERIA Loefl. Low herbaceous or woody perennials with prostrate or widely spreading stems and small silky-pubescent leaves; leaves alternate, exstipulate, entire; flowers perfect, crimson, irregular; calyx of 4 or 5 unequal petaloid sepals, deciduous; corolla of 4 or 5 petals shorter than the sepals, irregular, the posterior petal clawed, sometimes adnate, the anterior thick, sessile; stamens 3 or 4, the filaments united at the base; pistil simple; fruit an indehiscent spiny globose 1-seeded pod. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Herb with prostrate branches I . K. secundijlora. Shrub with diffuse branches 2. K. glandulosa. 1. Krameria secundiflora DC. Prodr. 1: 341. 1824. Krameria lanceolata Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 168. 1827. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Kansas and Florida to New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Tucumcari; Carrizozo; Perico Creek; Pajarito Val- ley; Roswell; San Andreas Mountains. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Krameria glandulosa Rose & Painter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 108. 1906. Krameria parvifolia Benth. err. det. various authors. Type locality: Near El Paso, Texas. Range: California and Utah to western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; Buchanan. Dry, sandy hills and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A very common and rather handsome plant on the dry mesas of southern New Mexico. It is a low, densely branched shrub 30 cm. high or less, blooming in early spring. 70. FABACEAE. Pea Family. Herbs or shrubs, sometimes trees, with simply compound or rarely simple, alternate, stipulate leaves; flowers papilionaceous; calyx of 5 more or less united sepals; petals 5 or fewer, irregular, the upper petal larger than the others and inclosing them in bud , the two lateral ones (wings) oblique, the lower two more or less coherent by their an- terior edges and forming the keel; stamens mostly 10, monadelphous, diadelphous, or distinct; fruit a legume, 1-celled (2-celled in some Astragali), containing 1 to many seeds. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stamens distinct. Leaves palmately trifoliolate; flowers yellow 1. Thermopsis (p. 338). Leaves odd-pinnate; flowers not yellow. Herbs; seeds not red 2. Sophora (p. 339). Shrub; seeds bright red 3. Broussonetia (p. 339). Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous. Anthers of 2 kinds; stamens monadelphous; leaves palmately compound. Stipules not decurrent; pods flattened 5. Lupinus (p. 340). Stipules, at least the upper ones, decurrent; pods inflated 4. Crotalaria (p. 339). Anthers all alike; stamens diadelphous (9 and 1), or sometimes only 5; leaves usually pinnately compound, rarely palmate. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOBA OF NEW MEXICO. 337 Leaves with an even number of leaflets, termi- nated by a tendril or a bristle-like appendage. Styles filiform, hairy all around and below the apex; stamen tube usually oblique at the summit 25. Vicia (p. 373). Styles flattened, hairy on the inner side; stamen tube truncateor nearly so 26. Lathyrus (p. 375). Leaves odd-pinnate, rarely palmate, without tendrils. Pod a loment, breaking transversely into 1 -seeded indehiscent segments. Pods 1 or 2-seeded, more or less spiny or toothed 22. Onobrychis (p. 371). Pods several seeded, not spiny or toothed. Leaves 3-foliolate 23. Meibomia (p. 371). Leaves with numerous leaflets 24. Hed-ysarum (p. 373). Pod not a loment, 2-valved or indehiscent, sometimes 2-celled by intrusion of the sutures. Stems slender, twining; plants herba- ceous, annuals or perennials; leaves 3-foliolate. Keel of the corolla not coiled nor incurved. Flowers yellow 27. Dolicholus (p. 376). Flowers purplish 29. Galactia (p. 376). Keel of the corolla coiled or in- curved. Keel of the corolla spirally twisted ; in florescen ce racemose 30. Phaseolus (p. 377). Keel merely incurved; inflo- rescence various. Annual; calyx 5-toothed; inflorescence capi- tate 31 . Strophostyles (p. 378). Perennials; calyx 4- toothed ; flowers soli- tary or in 2 'sin the axils 32. Oologania (p. 378). Stems not twining; herbs or shrubs; leaves 3 to many- folio late. Foliage gland ular-punctate(exceptin a few species of Parosela). Podscovered with hooked prickles. 21. Glycyrrhiza (p. 371). Pods not prickly. Leaves palmately 3 or 5-foliolato or pinnately 3-foliate 1 1 . Psoualka < p. 348). Leaves mostly pinnately 5 to many-folio late. Stamens only 5 10. Petalostemum (p. 355). 52576°— 15 22 338 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stamens 9 or 10. Corolla of 5 petals. Pods not falcate; petals very unequal; herbs or low shrubs 15. Parosela (p. 350). Pods falcate; petals nearly equal; tall shrub 12. Viborquia (p. 349). Corolla of less than 5 petals. Petals 1, the banner. . . 13. Amorpha (p. 349). Petals wanting 14. Parryella (p. 350). Foliage not glandular-punctate. Leaves 3-foliolate. Leaflets entire or merely undu- late. Shrub; flowers scarlet; stems spiny 28. Erythrina (p. 376). Herbs; flowers not scarlet; stems not spiny. Leaflets 4 or more 9. Anisolotus (p. 346). Leaflets 3 10. Acmispon (p. 348). Leaflets more or less toothed. Pods carved or coiled ; flowers racemose 6. Medicago (p. 343). Pods straight; flowers racemose or capitate. Leaves pinnate ; valves of the pod leathery; flowers in racemes 7. Melilotus (p. 343). Leaves digitate; pod valves thin; flowers in heads. . 8. Trifolium (p. 344). Leaves several to many-foliolate. Shrubs or small trees; stems spiny; flowers pink 18. Robinia (p. 356). Herbs, at most woody only at the base; stems sometimes spiny; variously colored. Stipules spiny ; leaflets want- ing or flowers early de- ciduous 17. Peteria (p. 356). Stipules not spiny; leaflets persistent. Keel prolonged into a beak 20. Oxytropis(p. 370). Keel not prolonged into a beak 19. Astragalus (p. 356). 1. THERMOPSIS R. Br. Coarse perennial herbs with palmately 3-foliolate leaves; flowers 1 cm. long or more bright yellow, racemose; pods flat, several-seeded; stems 30 to 50 cm. high, sparingly appressed -pubescent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pods erect, straight 1. T. pinetorum. Pods spreading, arcuate 2. T. divancarpa. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 339 1. Thermopsis pinetorum Greene, Pittonia 4: 138. 1900. Type locality: Below Marshall Pass, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Agua Fria; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Woods, in the Transition Zone. 2. Thermopsis divaricarpa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 25: 275. pi. lS.f. 3. 1898. Type locality: Pole Creek, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standley 6140). Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 2. SOPHORA L. Low pubescent perennial herbs with pinnate many-foliolate leaves and dense racemes of white or blue flowers; stamens 10, the filaments distinct or nearly so; pods thick, torulose, tardily dehiscent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaflets linear; flowers blue 1. S. stenophylla. Leaflets oblong or oblong-obovate; flowers white or nearly so 2. S. sericea. 1. Sophora stenophylla A. Gray in Ives, Rep. Colo. Riv. 4: 10. 1861. Type locality: "Oryabe," Arizona. Range: Southern Utah to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sia: San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Sophora sericea Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 280. 1818. Type locality: "On the elevated plains of the Missouri, near the confluence of White River." Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Espanola; Coolidge; Cross L Ranch; Las Vegas; Hebron; Zuni; Clayton; Raton; Nara Visa; San Marcial; Mangas Springs; Dog Spring; Mesilla Valley; Gray; Gavilan Canyon. Dry fields and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. BROTTSSONETIA Orteg. A shrub or small tree, the leaves with 7 to 13 leathery oblong leaflets; flowers in dense racemes; pods 5 to 10 cm. long, 3 or 4-seeded, the seeds scarlet. 1. Broussonetia secu.ndifl.ora Orteg. Hort. Matr. Dec. 61. pi. 7. 1798. Sophora secundijlora Lag.; DC. Cat. Hort. Monsp. 148. 1813. Type locality: "Habitat in Nova Ilispania." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico, south to Mexico. New Mexico: Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains ( Wooton). Dry hills. This beautiful evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves is well worth culti- vation. If once established it would probably endure the very trying conditions of low altitudes in the southern part of the State'. Itgrows naturally in crevices of lime- stone cliffs and probably would need an open soil containing considerable disinte- grated limestone. Its large scarlet beans arc said to be poisonous, which would be a drawback to its use as a decorative plant. 4. CROTALARIA L. Rattlebox. A diffuse annual, nearly glabrous, with trifoliolate petioled leaves and El w- flowered racemes of yellow flowers opposite the leaves; banner large, cordate; stamens monadelphous, the anthers of two kinds; pods short, oblong, inflated, puberulent 1. Crotalaria lupulina II. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 402. pi 590. L823. Type locality: "Creecitinmonteignivomo Jondlo, alt. 570 hexap.," Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona, south into Mexico, New Mexico: Southern Grant County. Lower and Upper Sonoran lones. 340 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. LUPINUS L. Lupine. Annual or perennial herbs, 10 to 100 cm. high, with palmate leaves and few or numerous rather large flowers in long or short terminal racemes; leaves alternate, the petioles dilated and somewhat clasping, bearing stipules on the expanded portion; calyx bilabiate, the upper lip more or less lobed, the lower entire or minutely toothed; corolla of various colors, the standard with recurved margins, more or less grooved in the median line; keel and wings various; stamens 10, monadelphous, the anthers alternately of two sizes; pistil simple, becoming a 2 to several-seeded flattened legume. A widely dispersed genus in the United States, although the species are much more numerous in the western part. Some of the species are of considerable economic importance because they are more or less poisonous to stock. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals, small, usually not more than 30 cm. high. Pods more than 2-seeded; cotyledons petiolate 1. L. micensis. Pods2-seeded; cotyledons sessile, clasping. Acaulescent plants, tufted; racemes pedunculate, head- like. Upper lobe of the calyx obsolete 2. L. brevicaulis. Upper lobe of the calyx evident, deeply 2-lobed... 3. L. dispersus. Stems evident, although sometimes short; racemes various. Racemes more or less elongated, several to many- flowered, shorter than the leaves; peduncles very short and stout; lower lobe of the calyx entire 4. L. pusillus. Racemes headlike, on peduncles equaling or ex- ceeding the petioles of the adjacent leaves, few-flowered; lower lobe of the calyx 2 or 3- toothed. Peduncles elongated, some of the flower clus- ters overtopping the leaves; branches ascending, not widely divaricate; plants conspicuously villous-hirsutulous 5. L. kingii. Penducles shorter, never much longer than the adjacent petioles, the flower clusters not overtopping the leaves; branches widely divaricate-spreading; pubescence softer, less copious. Upper surface of the leaves pubescent like the lower 6. L. argillaceus. Upper surface of leaves glabrous 7. L. sileri. Perennials. Leaves permanently silky on the upper surface. Calyx distinctly saccate at the base 8. L. aduncus. Calyx not saccate 9. L. palmeri. Leaves glabrous on the upper surface. Stems hirsute. Calyx strongly gibbous; leaflets acute or obtuse. Leaflets obtuse; banner with a dark spot; plants low 10. L. ammophilus. Leaflets mostly acute; banner not with a dark spot; plants tall 16. L. amplus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 341 Calyx scarcely at all gibbous; leaflets acute or acut- ish 11 . L. neomexicanus . Stems not hirsute. Flowers 8 to 9 mm. long; banner not with a dark spot 12. L. inyratus. Flowers 12 mm. long or more; banner with a dark spot (except in no. 13). Flowers bright blue; leaves bright green 13. L.laetus. Flowers pale bluish; leaves dull grayish or yel- lowish green. Leaflets sharply acute, 60 to 70 mm. long; flowers in an elongated raceme; pubescence loose 14. L. sierrae-blancae. Leaflets obtuse, 30 to 45 mm. long; raceme short, few-flowered; pubescence closely appressed 15. L. aquilinus. 1. Lupinus micensis Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 630. 1895. Type locality: Mica, Utah. Range: Nevada and Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Mangas Springs; Florida Mountains. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Lupinus brevicaulis S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 53. 1871. Type locality: "In the valleys and lower canons of Western Nevada to the East Humboldt Mountains." Range: Western New Mexico and Colorado to Nevada and California. New Mexico: West of Patterson; Silver City; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Lupinus dispersus Heller, Muhlenbergia 5: 141. 1909. Type locality: Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada. Range: Nevada to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Silver City; Organ Mountains. Dry hillsides, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Lupinus pusillus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 468. 1814. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range : From the Missouri to the Columbia, southward to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Coolidge; Mogollon Mountains; Chama; near Santa Rita. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Lupinus kingii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 534. 1873. Type locality: "Heber Valley in the Wasatch," Utah. Range: Mountains of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Coolidge; Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. 6. Lupinus argillaceus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 137. 1913. Type locality: Near Pecos, San Miguel County, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 4974). Range: Northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Pecos; El Rito. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Lupinus sileri S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 345. 1875. Type locality: "Southern Utah and on the Rio Grande in Southern Colorado." Type collected by A. L. Siler. Range: Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. New Mexico: RioZuni; Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 342 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. One of our New Mexican plants exactly matches Wolf's no. 195 from the Rio Grande at Loma, Colorado, and the two are certainly distinct from L. hingii. We have not seen Siler's plant, which would be the type, but on the assumption that there is no confusion in the specimens of Wolf's collection and that Doctor Watson was correct in referring these plants there, in our judgment this name should not be reduced to synonymy. 8. Lupinus aduncus Greene, Pittonia 4: 132. 1900. Lupimis decumbens argophyllus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 37. 1849. Lupinus helleri Greene, Pittonia 4: 134. 1900. Lupinus argophyllus Cockerell, Torreya 2: 42. 1902. Type locality: Dry ravines among the sandy hills at Aztec, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. 433). Range: Nebraska to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Santa Fe; Ramah; Glorieta; Tesuque; Pajarito Park; John- sons Mesa; Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Nara Visa. Hills and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The types of L. decumbens argophyllus and L. helleri came from near Santa Fe. 9. Lupinus palmeri S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 530. 1873. Type locality: San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Luna; Blue Creek Canyon. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. ^ The pubescence of fresh specimens is silvery white, but in the herbarium it soon becomes tawny. 10. Lupinus ammophilus Greene, Pittonia 4: 136. 1900. Type locality: Sandy bottoms of dry streams at Aztec, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Baker (no. 434). Range: Southern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Tierra Amarilla. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Lupinus neomexicanus Greene, Pittonia 4: 133. 1900. Type locality: About Silver City and in foothills of the Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Silver City; Santa Rita; Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. 12. Lupinus ingratus Greene, Pittonia 4: 133. 1900. Type locality: Low grassy lands at Chama, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker. . Range: Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Santa Fe Can- yon; Grosstedt Place. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 13. Lupinus laetus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 137. 1913. Type locality: Winter Folly, in the Sacramento Mountains north of Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 13, 1899. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Transition Zone. 14. Lupinus sierrae-blancae Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 138. 1913. Type locality: On the lower part of White Mountain Peak, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 6, 1895. Range: Meadows in the White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 343 15. Lupinus aquilinus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 138. 1913. Type locality: Gilmores Ranch on Eagle Creek in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley (no. 3613). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Raton; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Tran- sition Zone. 16. Lupinus amplus Greene, PL Baker. 3: 36. 1901. Type locality: Cerro Summit above Cimarron, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6827). Transition Zone. 6. MEDICAGO L. Annual or perennial herbs, not glandular-dotted, with pinnate 3-foliolate toothed leaves, and small flowers in spikelike racemes; pods spirally coiled, few-seeded. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers bluish purple; plants erect 1. M. sativa. Flowers yellow; plants prostrate 2. M. lupulina. 1. Medicago sativa L. Sp. PL 778. 1753. Alfalfa. Type locality: "Habitat in Hispaniae, Galliae apricis." New Mexico: Escaped in cultivated and waste ground in nearly all parts of the State. 2. Medicago lupulina L. Sp. PL 779. 1753. Black medic. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae pratis." New Mexico: Tesuque; Taos; Santa Fe; Pecos; Mangas Springs. An introduction from Europe, occasional along irrigating ditches and in wet fields. 7. MELILOTUS Juss. Sweet clover. Erect annual or perennial herbs, sometimes 1.5 meters high, with pinnately 3- foliolate toothed leaves, small yellow or white flowers in axillary pedunculate ra- cemes, and small ovoid 1 or 2-seeded coriaceous wrinkled pods. key to the species. Annual; corolla 2 to 2.5 mm. long, yellow 1. M. indica. Perennials; corolla 5 or 6 mm. long, yellow or white. Corolla yellow; standard and wing petals about equal 2. M. officinalis. Corolla white; standard longer than the wings 3. M. alba. 1. Melilotus indica (L.) All. Fl. Pedem. 1: 308. 1785. Trifolium melilotus indica L. Sp. PL 765. 1753. Melilotus parviflora Desf. Fl. Atlant. 2: 192. 1800. Type locality: "Habitat in India, Africa." New Mexico: Albuquerque; Santa Fe; Pecos; Kingston; Mesilla Valley. No weed is more common in alfalfa fields. Its seed is a common adulterant of alfalfa seed, and frequently the sweet clover seedlings are more numerous than the alfalfa plants. Because of their bitter taste, probably, the plants are invariably refused by cattle and horses. 2. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. in Lam. & DC. Fl. Franc. 2: 594. 1778. Yellow sweet clover. Trifolium melilotus officinalis L. Sp. PI. 765. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae campestribus." New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Farmingfnn; Cedar Hill. The plant is well established in orchards in the Mesilla Valley. 344 CONTBIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Melilotus alba Desr. in Lam. Encycl. 4: 63. 1797. Sweet clover. Type locality: Siberia. New Mexico: Frisco; Farmington; Pecos; Gila Hot Springs; Mesilla Valley; Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Las Vegas. A common and troublesome weed in many parts of the State, especially in alkaline soil. The plant is persistent and spreads rapidly. It is not infrequent in alfalfa fields. It is said to be an excellent bee plant, and for this reason has been introduced in several places, probably on the recommendation of not overscrupulous seedsmen. 8. TRIFOLIUM L. Clover. Low perennial herbs, often tufted or diffuse, with palmately 3-foliolate leaves (occasionally pinnately 3 to 5-foliolate); flowers usually in pedunculate heads, occa- sionally elongated-spiciiorm; calyx with slender subulate teeth; corolla attached to the stamen tube; pods small, membranous, indehiscent, often included in the per- sistent calyx. key to the species. Heads involucrate. Plants low, cespitose ; stems scapiform 1. T. parryi. Plants with elongated leafy stems. Corolla 12 to 15 mm. long; stems not much elongated, mostly erect ; peduncles glabrous 2. T. fendleri. Corolla 8 to 11 mm. long; stems much elongated, reclin- ing; peduncles glabrous or pubescent. Peduncles glabrous; involucre united well above the base, the divisions broad 3. T. lacerum. Peduncles pubescent below the involucre; invo- lucre cleft almost to the base, the divisions very narrow 4. T. longicaule. Heads not involucrate. Stems leafy; plants tall or the stems long. Calyx glabrous; flowers white or nearly so. Stems creeping, stoloniferous 6. T. repens. Stems erect, tufted 7. T. hybridum. Calyx pubescent; flowers mostly purplish. Heads sessile 8. T. pratense. Heads long-peduncled. Flowers purplish; stems permanently pubes- cent 9. T. neurophyllum . Flowers white; stems glabrous in age 12. T. rydbergii. Stems scapiform; plants low and cespitose. Calyx glabrous; heads 1 to 3-flowered 5. T. nanum. Calyx pubescent; heads several to many -flowered. Leaflets obovate, strongly veined, sharply dentate. . 10. T. subacaulescens. Leaflets oblong to lanceolate, entire, not strongly veined 11. T. stenolobum. 1. Trifolium parryi A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 409. 1862. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Utah to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Standley). Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Trifolium fendleri Greene, Pittonia 3: 221. 1897. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Rio Pueblo; Albuquerque; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Wet meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 345 3. Trifolium lacerum Greene, Erythea 2: 182. 1894. Type locality : ' ' Valley of the Sierra de Las Animas, ' ' New Mexico. This locality is not in "southern Colorado or northern New Mexico," as stated by Doctor Greene in the place of publication, but in the southwestern comer of New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 997). Range: Western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Coolidge; Ramah; Silver City; Mogollon Mountains; Animas Moun- tains; Pescado Spring. Wet ground. The species is remarkable because of the unusual prolongation of the lateral veins, especially in the uppermost leaves. 4. Trifolium longicaule Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 141. 1913. Type locality: Along Eagle Creek at Gilmores Ranch in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton and Standley in 1907. Range: Along small streams in the White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 5. Trifolium nanum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1: 35. pi. S.f. 4. 1824. Type locality: James Peak, Colorado. Range : Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Bailey 618). Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 6. Trifolium repens L. Sp. PL 767. 1753. White clover. Type locality: " Habitat in Europae pascuis. " New Mexico: Chama; Winsors Ranch; Santa Fe; Pecos; Farmington; Shiprock. 7. Trifolium hybridum L. Sp. PL 766. 1753. Alsike. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae cultis." New Mexico: Pecos (Standley 5012). Abundant in meadows and along irrigating ditches in this locality . 8. Trifolium pratense L. Sp. PL 768. 1753. Red clover. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae graminosis." New Mexico: Harveys Upper Ranch; Wingfields Ranch; Winsors Ranch; Mesilla Valley; Pecos; Raton; Farmington. Red clover has been noticed in only a few places in the State. Occasionally it appears in alfalfa, but it does not seem to survive long. It has been tried in culti- vation at various places, but can not compete with alfalfa on the market and has been cultivated but little. 9. Trifolium neurophyllum Greene, Leaflets 1: 154. 1905. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 532). Range: Known only from the type locality. 10. Trifolium subacaulescens A. Gray in Ives, Rep. Colo. Riv. 4: 10. 1860. Type locality: Pine forests of high table-lands near Fort Defiance, Arizona or New Mexico. Type collected by Palmer. Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains west of Grants Station; Stinking Lake; Tierra Amarilla. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 11. Trifolium stenolobum Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 499. L90] Type locality: La Plata Mountains, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. High meadows, Canadian to Arctic- Alpine Zone. 346 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 12.Trifolium rydbergii Greene, Pittonia 3: 222. 1897. Type locality: Wind River Mountains, Wyoming. Range: Idaho and Montana to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley G510, Eggleston 6647). Moist meadows, in the Transition Zone. 9. ANTSOLOTUS Bernh. Bird's-foot trefoil. Herbaceous annuals or perennials, 50 cm. high or less, generally with numerous rigid and ascendingor weak and decumbent or prostrate stems; leaves numerous, small, with black-glandular stipules, pinnate, sometimes appearing palmate by reduction of the rachis, 4 to 7-foliolate, the leaflets small, short-obovate to oblong-linear; flowers axillary and sessile or in few-flowered pedunculate clusters, yellow or reddish orange; calyx lobes mostly very narrow, about the length of the tube; legume straight, slightly or not at all flattened. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual; plants loosely villous throughout 1. A. trispermus. Perennials; plants more or less puberulent, one species with spreading hirsutulous pubescence. Leaves without appreciable rachis, the leaflets crowded on the end of a very short petiole (1 mm. long), or sessile and appearing as a fascicle of simple leaves; flowers pedunculate or sessile. Flowers almost all solitary and axillary, with no peduncle, or those of the upper part of the stem occasionally short-peduncled 2. A. wrightii. Flowers in 1 to 3-flowered clusters, the peduncles usually longer than the leaves 3. A. rigidus. Leaves with a rachis, although usually a short one, and an appreciable petiole; flowers pedunculate. Plants low, decumbent to prostrate; leaflets short and small, obtuse, 8 mm. long or less 4. A. neomexicanus. Plants taller; upper leaflets acute, 10 mm. long or more. Branches ascending, stout; leaflets all narrowly oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate 5. A. puberulus. Branches weak, decumbent, only the ends ascend- ing; leaflets various. Pubescence appressed ; basal leaflets short and rounded, elliptic-obovate 6. A. nummularius. Pubescence spreading; all leaflets elliptic- lanceolate, about 10 mm. long 7. A. mollis. 1. Anisolotus trispermus (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 135. 1913. Lotus trispermus Greene, Erythea 1: 258. 1893. Type locality: Hills bordering the Mohave Desert, California. Range: California to western New Mexico. New Mexico: Silver City; Mangas Springs. 2. Anisolotus wrightii (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 144. 1906. Hosackia icrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 42. 1853. Lotus wrightii Greene, Pittonia 2: 143. 1890. Type locality: Stony hills at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1000). Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona, south into Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 347 New Mexico: Chama; Fort Wingate; Ramah: Sandia Mountains; Datil; Mogollon Mountains; Fort Bayard; Burro Mountains. In the mountains at middle elevations, Transition Zone. 3. Anisolotus rigidus (Benth.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 144. 1906. Hosackia rigida Benth. PI. Hartw. 305. 1849. Lotus rigidus Greene, Pittonia 2: 142. 1890. Type locality: Monterey, California. Range: California and Utah to New Mexico. New Mexico: Hanover Mountain; Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; Gallinas Planting Station; Pino Canyon. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The specimens here listed are doubtfully referred to this apparently little known species, but they fit the original description more nearly than any other material we have seen. Most of the material passing under this name in herbaria belongs elsewhere. 4. Anisolotus neomexicanus (Greene) Heller, Muhlenbergia 8: 60. 1912. Lotus neomexicanus Greene, Pittonia 2: 141. 1890. Type locality: Near Silver City, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Florida Mountains; Tres Hermanas; Silver City. Dry hillsides and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Anisolotus puberulus (Benth.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 135. 1913. Hosackia puberula Benth. PI. Hartw. 305. 1849. Lotus -puberulus Greene, Pittonia 2: 142. 1890. Type locality: Near Zacatecas, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Capitan Mountains; White Mountains; Organ Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Fort Bayard. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transi- tion zones. This species is generally confused with A. urightii, which it resembles in habit; but its leaflets are arranged pinnately upon a short rachis and have a short petiole, and the flowers have long peduncles. 6. Anisolotus nummularius (Jones) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Kat. Herb. 16: 135. 1913. Hosackia rigida nummular} 'a Jones, Bull. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 633. 1895. Type locality: Rockville, Utah. Range: Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; South Percha Creek. Dry hills and plains, in the Uj>per Sonoran Zone. This species lias been confused with A. puberulus and A. mollis. The leaf charac- ters will separate it from the former and the pubescence distinguishes it at once from the latter. 7. Anisolotus mollis (Greene) Heller, Muhlenbergia 8: 60. 1912. Hosackia viollis Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 185. 1885. Lotus mollis Greene, Pittonia 2: 143. 1890. Type locality: Huachuca Mountains, Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangaa Springs; Juniper Spring; San Luis Pass. I>ry plains and hills. 348 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 10. ACMISPON Raf. Annual, similar to Aniso lotus; leaves 3-foliolate, rarely 1-foliolate; stipules reduced to mere traces of glands; pod straight, readily dehiscent. 1. Acmispon americanum (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 45. 1913. Lotus sericeus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 489. 1814, not DC. 1813. Trigonella ainericana Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 120. 1818. Type locality: " On the dry and open alluvial soils of the Missouri, from the river Platte to the Mountains." Range: Washington and Minnesota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mule Creek (Wooton). 11. PSORALEA L. Perennial, more or less gland-dotted herbs (glands inconspicuous in some species) , with palmately 3 to 5-foliolate leaves; flowers in capitate or racemose clusters; sta- mens diadelphous; pods small, 1-seeded, indehiscent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers more than 12 mm. long, in dense spikes; plants low, with short stems; roots long, tuberous. Stems hirsute 6. P. esculenta. Stems not hirsute, the pubescence sericeous or canescent. Leaflets linear to oblanceolate, acutish; spikes elongate. . . 1. P. hypogaea. Leaflets obovate, rounded; inflorescence subcapitate 2. P. megalantha. Flowers small, less than 8 mm. long, in racemes or interrupted spikes; plants tall and branching; roots not tuberous. Flowers in interrupted spikes; leaves silvery 3. P. argophylla. Flowers in racemes; leaves not silvery. Racemes short and dense; fruit globose; upper leaflets linear 4. P. micrantha. Racemes loose, elongate; fruit ovoid; upper leaflets ob- lanceolate or elliptic 5. P. tenuiflora. 1. Psoralea hypogaea Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 302. 1838. Type locality: "Plains of the Platte." Range: Nebraska to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Taos (Stevenson). 2. Psoralea megalantha Woot. & Standi. Contr. TJ. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 140. 1913. Type locality: Aztec, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. 440). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Psoralea argophylla Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 475. 1814. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Wisconsin and Saskatchewan to Missouri and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Raton Mountains. Open slopes. 4. Psoralea micrantha A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 77. 1856. Type locality: "Sand hills, near the last camp on the upper Canadian." Range: Oklahoma and western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: West of Santa Fe; Coolidge; Tesuque; San Augustine Plains; Zuni; Mogollon Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 349 5. Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 475. 1814. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range : Montana and South Dakota to Arizona and Arkansas. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Psoralea esculenta Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 475. 1814. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Manitoba and North Dakota to Texas. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standley 6156). 12. VIBOPvQUIA Orteg. Small tree or large shrub with glandular-punctate odd-pinnate leaves with 10 to 23 pairs of small leaflets, and small white flowers in terminal racemes; corolla only slightly irregular; stamens 10, diadelphous; fruit a falcate pod 10 to 16 mm. long. 1. Viborquia orthocarpa (A. Gray) Cockerell, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24: 97. 1908. Eysenhardtia amorphoides orthocarpa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 37. 1853. Eysenhardtia orthocarpa S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 339. 1882. Type locality: "Mountains at Guadalupe Pass, between San Bernardino, Sonora, and the copper mines." Range: Dry hills and plains, Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. We have seen no further specimens from New Mexico, but the type locality is on the line between New Mexico and Sonora, perhaps in New Mexico. 13. AMORPHA L. Shrubs or undershrubs with glandular-punctate odd-pinnate many-foliolate leaves; flowers in terminal, more or less elongated spikes; pods small, 1-seeded; calyx teeth 5, about equal; petal 1, the banner; stamens monadelphous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Tall shrub, 2 meters high or more; pods 2-seeded 1. A. californica. Undershrubs, more or less herbaceous, less than 1 meter high; pods 1-seeded. Plants green and glabrate 2. A. microphylla. Plants white-canescent 3. A. canescens. 1. Amorpha californica Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 306. 1838. False indigo. Type locality: Santa Barbara, California. Range: Southern California to New Mexico; also in Mexico. New Mexico: Chiz; Albuquerque; Gila; Animas Mountains; Socorro; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley. River valleys and along streams, Lower Sonera n to Transition Zone. 2. Amorpha microphylla Pursh, Fl. Amor. Sept. 466. 1814. Type locality: "On the bunks of the Missouri." Range: Manitoba to Iowa, Nebraska, and New Mexico. New Mexico: White Mountains; Upper Canadian. Transition Zone. 3. Amorpha canescens Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 467. 1814. SHOESTRINGS. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri and Mississippi." Range: Manitoba and Indiana* to Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. Ni.w Mexico: Ute Park; Siena Grande; Capital] Mountains; La \. •..-: Beulafa Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 350 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 14. PARRYELLA Torr. & Gray. Low much branched shrub with alternate glandular-dotted many-foliolate odd- pinnate leaves and terminal compound spikes of very small, dull yellowish-green flowers; calyx 5-toothed, with very short teeth; petals wanting; fruit a short, very glandular, 1-seeded pod. 1. Parry ella filifolia Torr. & Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 397. 1867. Type locality: Along the Rio Grande below Albuquerque, New Mexico. Type collected by Parry. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Zuni Reservation; RioPuerco; Black Rock; Belen; south of Fruit- land; Shiprock. Sand hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. PAROSELA Cav. Annuals or perennials with herbaceous or woody stems 60 cm. high or less; leaves mostly odd-pinnate, in one species palmately trifoliolate ; flowers small, in crowded terminal spikes, bracteate; leaflets usually small, 1 to 20 pairs, mostly glandular- punctate; petals 5, 4 attached to the column of the monadelphous stamens, the ban- ner free; stamens 9 or 10; pods 1 or 2-seeded, usually indehiscent, included in the persistent calyx. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Calyx deeply lobed, the lobes broadly lanceolate, foliaceous 1. P. calycosa. Calyx not deeply lobed, the teeth setaceous or subulate or short- triangular. Calyx glabrous, at least outside, short-pubescent on the mar- gins of the teeth or in the throat; calyx lobes short. . Annual; bracts inconspicuous 7. P. urceolata. Perennials; bracts conspicuous. Stems prostrate, herbaceous. 17 . P. glaberrima. Stems erect, more or less woody 2 . P. frutescens. Calyx variously pubescent, the lobes mostly setaceous or subulate. Plants glabrous, except the inflorescence; annuals or perennials. Stems woody; low shrub 3. P.formosa. Stems herbaceous, woody at the base in one or two species. Perennials, from a thick woody base. Bracts sericeous, sparingly glandular; leaf- lets numerous 11 . P. grayi. Bracts glandular, the margins hyaline; leaf- lets 5 or 6 pairs. Spikes lax; corolla yellow; stamens 9.. 4. P.enneandra. Spikes crowded; corolla purple; sta- mens 10 5. P. pogonanlhira. Annuals; stems slender, mostly erect. Leaflets very numerous; spikes elongated; plants generally more than 30 cm. high 6. P. dalea. Leaflets 5 or 6 pairs; spikes short, almost capitate; plants generally less than 30 cm. high. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 351 P. filiformis. P. brackystachys. P. polygonoides. P. lanata. P. terminalis. Bracts caducous; leaflets filiform; pe- duncles very slender; corolla pur- ple 10. Bracts persistent; leaflets oblong, pe-' duncles short and stout; corolla yellow or white. Corolla yellow; spikes globose 9. Corolla white; spikes cylindric 8. Plants more or less pubescent throughout; perennials. Spikes lax; plants prostrate, densely pubescent; flowers purple. Calyx tube villous, the lobes lanceolate 15. Calyx tube glabrous, the lobes short- triangular. 16. Spikes densely flowered, mostly erect; plants at least ascending; pubescence various; flowers variously colored. Flowers white, in strict terminal spikes; plants finely appressed-pubescent throughout. Leaflets very small, about 3 mm. long, 15 to 20 pairs 12. Leaflets larger, 5 to 7 mm. long, 10 to 12 pairs 13. Flowers blue, yellow, or purple; pubescence various. Spikes comparatively few-flowered, glo- bose; flowers blue; calyx lobes short; plants canescent 14. Spikes at least oblong, usually considerably elongated, 1 cm. thick or more; flow- ers yellow or purple ; calyx lobes seta- ceous; plants sericeous or villous. Leaves glandular-punctate; spikes very thick and much elongated. Stems sericeous, not glandular 18. P. aurea. Stems tuberculate, black-glandu- lar, minutely pubescent 19. P. lachnostachys. Leaves not glandular- punctate; spikes smaller. Leaves palmately trifoliolate 20. P. jamesii. Leaves pinnate. Spikes sessile; leaflets acute... 21. P. ivrightii. Spikes short, pedunculate; leaflets obtuse 22. P. naria. 1. Parosela calycosa (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 5. 1900. Dalea calycosa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 40. 1853. Type locality: "Hills near the Deserted Raneho, on the San Pedro, Sonora." Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Cactus Flat; Mangas Springs. Dry hillsides, in (lie Upper Sononn Zone. 2. Parosela frutescens (A. Gray) Vail, Contr. U. 8. Nat. Bert). 8: 903. L906 hiilcafratcscens A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 175. 1850. Type locality: "Rocky hills and high plains, along the margins <>t" thickets, on the Guadelupe, Sabinas, and Pedexnalea," Tcxaa. P. ordiae. P. albijlora. P. scoparia. 352 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Ranch: Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: White and Capitan mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. 3. Parosela formosa (Torr.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 16. 1897. Dalea/ormosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 177. 1828. Type locality: On the Platte, Colorado. Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Logan; west of Santa Fe; Bear Mountain; Florida Mountains; Hillsboro; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Cross L Ranch; Mangas Springs; Socorro Mountain; Jarilla Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Roswell. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Parosela enneandra (Nutt.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 196. 1894. Dalea enneandra Nutt. Fraser's Cat. no. 30. 1813. Dalea lariflora Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 741. 1814. Type locality: "Upper Louisiana." Range: Texas to Colorado and the Upper Missouri. New Mexico: Tucumcari; Nara Visa. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Parosela pogonanthera (A. Gray) Vail, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 34. 1894. Dalea pogonanthera A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 31. 1849. Type locality: Around Monterey, Mexico. Range: Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni; Hillsboro; Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains; near White Water; Mangas Springs. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sono- ran zones. 6. Parosela dalea (L.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 196. 1894. Psbralea dalea L. Sp. PI. 764. 1753. Dalea alopecuroides Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1336. 1803. Type locality: "Habitat in America." Range: Illinois to Minnesota and Nebraska, south to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Raton; Pecos; Sandia Mountains; Santa Fe; Albuquer- que; Socorro; White Mountains; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Mesilla Valley. Moist fields, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. A common weed in fields, beside ditches, and on cultivated lands, especially after grain has been harvested. 7. Parosela urceolata (Greene) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 194. 1910. Dalea urceolata Greene, Leaflets 1: 199. 1906. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 553). Range: Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 8. Parosela polygonoides (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 6. 1900. Dalea polygonoides A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 39. 1853. Type locality: "Pebbly bed of mountain torrents, near the copper mines, New Mexico." Type collected by Wright (no. 991). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Hillsboro; White Mountains; Santa Rita. Open hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 9. Parosela brachystachys (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 113. 1900. Dalea brachystachys A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 39. 1853. Type locality: "Valleys, in alluvial soil, between the San Pedro and the Sonoita, Sonora." Type collected by Wright (no. 990). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 353 Range: New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Cliff; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Las Vegas Hot Springs. Dry Mils, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Parosela filiformis (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 6. 1900. Dalea filiformis A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 39. 1853. Type locality: Hillsides near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 992). Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Mogollon Mountains. Exposed hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Parosela grayi Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 14. 1897. Dalea laevigata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 38. 1853, not Moc. & Sesse, 1832. Type locality: "On the Chiricahui Mountains, and on the Barbocomori, Sonora." Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs {Metcalfe 684). Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 12. Parosela ordiae (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 6. 1900. Dalea ordiae A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 200. 1882. Type locality: Plains near Bowie and Rucker Valley, southern Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Near Fort Bayard; Bear Mountain; Dog Spring. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 13. Parosela albiflora (A. Gray) Vail, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 34. 1894. Dalea albiflora A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 38. 1S53. Type locality: "Hill-sides on the San Pedro and Barbocomori, Sonora." Range: New Mexico, southern Arizona, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; Santa Rita; Kingston; headwaters of the Pecos. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 14. Parosela scoparia (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 7. 1900. Dalea scoparia A. Cray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 32. 1849. Dalea scoparia subrosea Cockerell, Science n. ser. 7: 625. 1898. Type locality: Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus. Range: ^'cstern Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Socorro; Sab inal; Jornada del Muerto; Doming; Mesilla Valley. Sand hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A much branched canescunt shrub 1 meter high, growing on sand dunes in the south- ern part of the State along the Rio Grande Valley. It could profitably be used a a sand binder in such localities. The type of Dalea scoparia subrosea was collected near Mesilla. 15. Parosela lanata (Spreng.) Britton, Mem. Torre) < iul> 5: 196. 1894. Dalea lanata Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3:327. L826. Dalea hnuKjinosa Xutt.; Torr. & Cray, I'd. X. Amer. 1:307. L838. Type locality: "Ad 11. Arkansa Amer. bor." Range: Kansas to Colorado, Texas, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Roswell; south of Melro e. J'rairms and plains, in tho Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 16. Parosela terrniiialis (Jones) Heller, Muhlenbergia 6: 96. 1910. Dalea terminalis Jones, Contr. West. Lot. 12:8. 1908. Type locality: Id Pa o, Texas. Range: Utah to northern .Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Cbamita; Socorro; Sabinal; Mesilla Valley. Mi and dry fields, in the bower and Upper Sonoran zones. :,l'.-,7G0— 15 1'-". 354 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 17. Parosela glaberrima (S. Wats.) Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 103. 1906. Dalea glabcrrima S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 470. 1887. Type locality: "On sand kills 30 or 40 miles south, of Paso del Norte," Chihuahua. Range: Southern New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Mesilla (Wooton 35). Sandy fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. In the original description Doctor Watson says the plant is erect and branching, a statement in which he is probably wrong. Dalea arenaria Jones,1 is doubtless very near this species, as the author suggests. Our plant has the prostrate, matlike habit of D. arenaria and grows on the sands, but is certainly perennial and the bracts are very different. 18. Parosela aurea (Nutt.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 196. 1894. Dalea aurea Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 101. 1818. Type locality: "On gravelly hills, near White River, Missouri." Range: From the Upper Missouri to the eastern borders of the R,ocky Mountains, south to western Texas. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Las Vegas; Nara Visa; Portales; Re'dlands. Open hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 19. Parosela lachnostachys (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 6. 1900. Dalea lachnostachys A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 46. 1852. Type locality: Hills about 80 miles west of the Pecos, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southwestern New Mexico to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Dog Spring (Mearns 2387). Lower Sonoran Zone. Characterized by the very densely flowered hispidulous thick spikes 5 to 8 cm. long and the peculiar glands. The stems are thickly beset with black tuberculate conical glands and the leaflets bear a sirigle row of glands near the margin, with occa- sionally a few scattered over the back. 20. Parosela jamesii (Torr.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 16. 1897. Psoralea jamesii Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 175. 1828. Dalea jamesii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 308. 1838. Type locality: "Sandy plains of the Canadian." (Oklahoma?). Range: Western Texas and New Mexico to Colorado. New Mexico: Pecos; Las Vegas; west of Santa Fe; Willard; Carrizozo; H'llsboro; Apache Teju; Silver City; Mangas Springs; Knowles; Queen; Torrance. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 21. Parosela wrightii (A. Gray) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 16. 1897. Dalea wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 49. 1852. Type locality: "Dry hills 80 miles west of the Pecos, and on the mountains near El Paso," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Tortugas Mountain; Bishops Cap. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 22. Parosela nana (Torr.) Heller, Bot. Expl. Texas 49. 1895. Dalea nana Torr.; A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 31. 1849. Type locality: "Sandy soil, Willow Bar, on the Cimarron," New Mexico? Range: Kansas to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Organ Mountains; south of Roswell. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Parosela neomexicana (A. Gray) Heller,2 notwithstanding its name, probably does not come into New Mexico, although it may occur in the extreme southwest corner along with other species of similar distribution. 1 Contr. West, Bot. 12: 8. 1908. 2 Dalea mollis neomexicana A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 47. 1852. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 355 16. PETALOSTEMUM Michx. Prairie clover. Herbaceous glandular-punctate annuals or perennials with odd-pinnate leaves, the flowers in dense pedunculate terminal spikes or heads; calyx with 5 connivenl teeth" petals with filiform claws, 4 of them nearly alike and aclnate by their claw:- to the stamen tube, the banner free; stamens 5, monadelphous; pods membranous in the persistent calyx, indehiscent, 1-seeded. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems prostrate; flowers purplish 1. p. prostratum. Stems erect; flowers variously colored. Calyx glabrous; corolla white 2. P. oligophyllum. Calyx pubescent; corolla variously colored. Annual 3. p. m7e: Perennials. Corolla white or yellow 4. P. compactum. Corolla purple. Bracts glabrous; leaflets mucronulate 5. P. purpureum. Bracts sericeous; leaflets obtuse 6. P. tenuifolium. 1. Petalostemum prostratum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 138. 1913. Type locality: Near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Type collected by Winnie Har- ward (no. 17). Range: Rio Grande Valley of central New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Albuquerque; near Belen. Lower Sonoran Zone. A remarkable species, distinguished from all our others by its prostrate habit. In general appearance it resembles some species of Parosela. 2. Petalostemum oligophyllum (Torr.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y.Bot. Gard. 1: 237. 1900. Petalostemum gracile oligophyllum Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 139. 1848. Type locality : ' ' Valley of the del Norte, ' ' New Mexico. Type collected by Emory in 1847. Range: British America to Iowa, Colorado, and Arizona. New Mexico: Throughout the State. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Petalostemum exile A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 41. 1853. Type locality: Hillsides, near Santa Cruz, Sonora. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains. 4. Petalostemum compactum (Spreng.) Swezey, Nebr. PI. Doaue Coll. 6. 1891. Dalca compactu Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3: 327, 1826. I 'i I "lostemum macroslaehyum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 17ii. 1828. Type locality: "Ail 11. Rio Roxo in ditione Arkansa Amer. bor." Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to Colorado anil New Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Rito de loa Frijoles; Dona Ana County. 5. Petalostemum purpureum (Vent.) Rydb. Mem. X. V. Bot. Gard. 1: 238. L900. Dalea purpurea Vent. PI. Jard. Cels. pi. 40. 1800. Petalostemum violaceum Michx. I'l. Bor. Amer. 2: 50. 1803. Type locality: " Illinois." Range: British America to Missouri ami New Mexico, New Mexico: Nara Visa. Pecoa. Open hillsides anil plains, in the Upper Bonorarj Zone. 356 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. Petalostemum tenuifolium A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11: 73. 1876. Type locality: "Arkansas, at the crossing of Red River." Rang e : Kansas and Arkansas to New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Raton Mountains; Causey; Algodoncs; Sandia Mountains; Buchanan; Sierra Grande. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 17. PETERIA A. Gray. Low herbaceous perennial with smooth glaucous junciform stems and pinnate many- foliolate leaves; stipules small, spiny; leaflets very small, acute, deciduous from the racbis; flowers rather large, pale greenish, tinged with pink, widely scattered on long peduncles; pods linear, pendulous, 5 cm. long or more. 1. Peteria scoparia A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 50. 1852. Type locality: Mountain valleys beyond the pass of the Limpio, Texas. Range: Western Texas and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Telegraph Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Coulter states 1 that the plant has a small edible tuberous rootstock and is known in western Texas as "camote de monte." 18. PvOBINIA L. Locust. Spiny shrubs or small trees with odd-pinnate leaves, rather large pink flowers in crowded axillary short-peduncled racemes, and flat pods 6 to 12 cm. long, with prom- inent sutures and numerous seeds; leaflets 1 to 2 cm. long, oblong-elliptic to oval. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Fruit and peduncles densely glandular-hispid 1 . R. neomexicana. Fruit glabrous; peduncles not hispid, merely glandular-pubescent or puberulent, the glands few and small 2. R. rusbyi. Robinia ■pseudacacia L., the black locust, a tree with white flowers, is often planted as a shade tree. It seems to do better than almost any other introduced shade tree in the drier portions of the State. 1. Robinia neomexicana A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 314. 1854. New Mexican locust. Type locality: Dry hills on the Mimbres, New Mexico. Type collected in May, 1851, by Thurber. Range: Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Raton; Sandia Mountains; Cross L Ranch; Magdalena Mountains, Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; Black Range; Fort Bayard; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. 2. Robinia rusbyi Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 140. 1913. Type locality: On the Mogollon road 15 miles east of Mogollon, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 8, 1900. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; Mescalero Reservation. Transition Zone. 19. ASTRAGALUS L. Herbaceous perennials, rarely annuals; leaves odd-pinnate; flowers racemose, sometimes pseudocapitate, whitish, yellow, or purple; stipules either free, adnate to the base of the petiole or connate opposite the petioles forming a partial sheath; calyx 1 Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: 81. 1891. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 357 campanulate or tubular, sometimes gibbous, the teeth mostly subulate or triangular; corolla longer than the calyx, the banner and wings usually exceeding the obtuse keel; banner usually with its side reflexed, occasionally spreading; stamens diadel- phous; fruit a few to many-seeded pod, variously inflated, curved, flattened, or grooved, with one or both sutures more or less inflexed, becoming in some cases com- pletely 2-celled. Mature pods are usually necessary for the determination of the species. In the consideration of this genus we have been unable to follow those who have separated it into several genera, because the lines of separation do not appear to us to be sufficiently distinct. Acting upon this judgment, we have considered all the species under one generic name. We fully appreciate the merits of Dr. P. A. Ryd- berg's treatment of the species here referred to Astragalus, in the Flora of Colorado,1 to which in our own work we are much indebted. While we believe thoroughly in the principle of the segregation of species into small genera wherever possible, the small groups must, in our judgment, possess resemblances in more than one set of characters and their members should be readily recognized as close relatives. The characters of the fruit are especially unsuited for the purpose of generic distinction in this family. As a means of making Doctor Rydberg's valuable work easily usable in connection with our key, we insert his generic names in the key. By strict rules of priority, if all the plants here referred to Astragalus are placed in one genus it should bear the name Phaca, that having precedence in Linnaeus's Spe- cies Plantarum over Astragalus. However, it seems to us that there are extreme cases where such a rule may be disregarded and we have preferred to leave the trans- ference of the species to Phaca to some other writer, if it should ever be considered necessary. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pods completely 2-celled. Pod fleshy. (Geoprumnon.) 2 1. A. crassicarpus . Pods not fleshy. Pods inflated-membranaceous. (Cystium) 2. A. diphysus. Pods not inflated. Pods linear-oblong, somewhat flattened laterally, membranous. (Ha- mosa.) Stems very short and stout; plants appressed-sericeous. 3. A. calycosus. Stems slender, elongated, spreading; plants villous, merely canes- cent, or sometimes glabrate 1. A. nuttallianus. Pods ovoid, never flattened laterally, sometimes compressed dorso-ven- trally, coriaceous. (Astragalus.) Mature pods glabrous. Flowers purple; stems' very short, almost wanting. 5. A. mollmimus. Flowers yellow or greenish; stems stout, 30 to 60 cm. high. Leaves glabrous above, merely strigose beneath; flowers greenish yellow 6. A. oreopkilus. Leaves densely villous, almost tomentose, on both surf flowers bright yellow 7. A. yaquianvs. lColo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 202-212. 1906. 2 This and tlir following names inserted in the key ore considered as representing separate genera by Doctor Rydberg, in the Flora of Colorado. By us they are regarded as sections. 358 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HEEBARIUM. Mature pods pubescent. Plants sparingly appressed-pubescent with short hairs; pods small, not inflated, sparingly villous 8. A. goniatus. Plants densely pubescent; pods much larger, more or less in- flated, densely hairy. Plants small; leaves appressed silky- villous throughout; pods inflated, sulcate along both sutures. 9. A. matthewsii. Plants large and coarse; leaves densely tomentulose; pods not so much inflated, usually not sulcate. Leaflets large, more than 15 mm. long, oval. 10. A. bigelovii. Leaflets small, mostly 10 mm. long or less, broadly obovate or suborbicular 12. A. thompsonae. Pods not completely 2-celled. Dorsal suture of pod more or less introverted in various ways (or often not so in A. missouriensis) . Lower (dorsal) suture strongly intruded, making the pod obcordate or inverted V-shaped in cross section; pods mostly membranous. (Tium.) Stipes very short (1 mm. long) or none. Flowers very small, barely 5 mm. long; pods sessile, only slightly longer than the flowers, puberulent 11. A. vaccarum. Flowers more than 5 mm. long; pods short-stipitate and much larger. Leaflets broadly obovate, mostly refuse or obcordate; pods not curved, the sulcus narrow 13. A. cobrensis. Leaflets oblong-lanceolate, acute; pods strongly curved; sulcus broad and shallow 14. A. humistratus. Stipes conspicuous, as long as the calyx or longer. Flowers purple, never yellow; plants slender, weak. 15. A. alpinus. Flowers yellowish; plants erect, though sometimes slender. Plants loosely villous 52. A. drummondii. Plants appressed-pubescent. Racemes elongated, lax 16. A. rusbyi. Racemes short, flowers numerous and more or less crowded. Flowers small, hardly 10 mm. long; plants slender. 17. A. altus. Flowers larger, 15 mm. long or more; plants stout. 18. A. scopulorum. Lower suture not intruded as in the previous section, but intruded either as an interior growth forming a partial partition or as the result of dorso- ventral flattening; pods various. Lower suture slightly intruded inside the pod, forming a partial septum; pods not flattened exteriorly. Plants low, pubescent; pods rather thin (on slender peduncles, scat- tered) stipitate. (Atelophragma.) 19. A. brandegei. Plants tall, stout, almost glabrous (malodorous); pods thick and fleshy, becoming woody, not stipitate. (Phacopsis.) Plants early glabrate, only the very young parts ever pubescent. 20. A. praelongus. Plants sparingly hispidulous-strigose on the stems and the lower surface of the leaves 21. A. pattersonii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 359 Lower suture intruded as the result of dorsoventral flattening; pods cori- aceous or woody. Corolla yellow; flowers small. (Cnemidophacos.) 22. A.flaviflarus. Corolla at least partly purple; flowers large. (Xylophacos.) Pods densely long-hairy; only the keel of the corolla purple. 23. A. newberryi. Pods short-hairy or glabrous; corolla entirely purple. Flowers small, about 8 mm. long (sub capitate). 24. A. accumbens. Flowers large, 15 mm. long or more. Pods short and nearly straight (dorsal suture not intro- verted; mature pod sometimes laterally flattened). 25. A. missouriensis. Pods longer, strongly curved upward. Pods obtuse at the base, the dorsal suture strongly in- troverted 26. A. shortianus. Pods acute at both ends, the dorsal suture usually not much indexed 27. A. amphioxys. Neither suture of the pod introverted (except sometimes in A. subcinereus and A. sonorae). Pods strongly bisulcate ventrally, parallel to the suture. Flowers purple or violet, at least on the keel; pods 10 to 20 mm. long. 28. A. bisulcatus. Flowers whitish; pods less than 10 mm. long 29. A. haydenianus. Pods not bisulcate. Leaflets spinose- tipped. (Kentrophyta.) 53. A. impensus. Leaflets not spinose-tipped. Pods membranous or chartaeeous, terete or flattened laterally, not inflated. Pods long-stipitate; stipe several times the length of the calyx. Flowers purple; leaflets linear, about 1 cm. long. 36. A. coltoni. Flowers white; leaflets 2 cm. long or more. 37. A. lonchocarpus. Pods sessile or short-stipitate; stipe seldom exceeding the calyx. Pods more or less flattened laterally. Pods sessile (linear-oblong, about 3 mm. long). 30. A. diversifolivx. Pods stipitate. Stipe as long as or longer than the calyx ; llowers whitish. 31. A. t( a, II us. Stipe very short, hardy 1 mm. long; flowers purple. 32. A. a iiujulunus. Pods subterete. Pods sessile 30. A. diventfolvus. Pods stipitate, the slipe sometimes very short. Stipe as long as the calyx; plants erect. 33. .!. proximua. Stipe very short, almost obsolete; plant- erect oi decum- bent. Plants erect; pods 5 nun. in diameter at the upper end, tapering to the small stipe, 2 cm. long or mure. 34. A.fendUri. 860 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Plants decumbent to prostrate; pods 3 mm. in diameter, oblong, about 1 cm. long 35. A. flexuosus. Pods membranous to woody, more or less inflated, not terete nor flattened laterally. Pods membranous, strongly inflated. Plants with only a few leaves; pods mottled. 38. A. ceramicus. Plants with many leaves. Pods small, about 1 cm. in diameter, spherical; plants about 40 cm. high 39. A. ihurbcri. Pods larger, more than 1 cm. in diameter, elliptic to lunate in vertical section; plants variable in size. Annual; flowers reddish purple, small 40. A. wootoni. Perennials; flowers various. Pods almost lunate in cross section, the upper suture nearly straight or slightly recurved. 41. A. allochrous. Pods elliptic, the upper suture curved about as much as the lower, slightly inflexed 42. A. subcinereus. Pods only slightly inflated, the walls thick, subcoriaceous to woody. Pods subcoriaceous to chartaceous. Plants acaulescent, small. Flowers capitate, on conspicuous peduncles; pods about 5 mm. long 43. A. gilensis. Flowers (few) racemose, on very short peduncles; pods 20 mm. long or more 44. A. elatiocarpus. Plants with stems over 10 cm. long. Plants prostrate, trailing. (Lower suture sometimes in- troverted.) Leaflets pubescent on both surfaces 45. A. sonorae. Leaflets glabrous on the upper surface. 54. A. hosackiae. Plants erect or spreading. Pod short-stipitate, ellipsoidal, the upper suture curved downward 46. A. greenei. Pods sessile, sublimate (acuminate), the upper suture straight or slightly recurved 47. A. gertrudis. Pods coriaceous to woody when mature, thick-walled or fleshy when young. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, acute, numerous; peduncles about 20 cm. long 48. A. neomcxicanus. Leaflets oblong to obovate, obtuse, few; peduncles shorter, less than 20 cm. long. Flowers small, 10 mm. long or less; pods of about the same length; stems usually short 49. A. tcphrodes. Flowers larger, 12 to 15 mm. long; pods 15 to 20 mm. long; Btems frequently 20 cm. long 50. A.remulcus. No. 51, Astragalus albulus, is omitted from the key, because without mature fruit it is impossible to place it in any of the sections, nil of which depend upon fruit charac- ters. The habit of the plant, the > ellow flowers, the rudimentary stipe, the thin pod, partially flattened when little more than an ovary, suggest that the plant may be related to A. scopulonuit. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 361 1. Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt. Fraser's Cat. no. 6. 1813. Geoprumnon crasswarpum Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 203. 190G. Type locality: "Above the River Platte." Range: Manitoba and Montana to Missouri, Texas, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Highest point of the Llano Estacado; near Horse Spring. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Astragalus diphysus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 34. 1849. Cystium diphysum Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 204. 1906. Type locality: Plains, around Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fend- ler (no. 146). Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Zuni; Salt Lake; Cerrillos; Lemitar. On the hills and higher plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Astragalus calycosus S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 66. 1871. Type locality: "In the West Humboldt, East Humboldt, and Clover mountains, Nevada." Range: Nevada and Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Baker 409). Mountains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The specimen cited was named by Doctor Greene on the sheet as a new species and does not exactly agree with the other material of A. calycosus, the calyx teeth and the pubescence being noticeably different. The material we have seen is without fruit and we prefer to wait for more complete specimens before accepting it as a new species. 4. Astragalus nuttallianus DC. Prodr. 2: 289. 1825. Hamosa nuttalllana Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 204. 1906. Type locality: "In planitiebus Amer. Bor. ad Red-river." Range : Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico to Arkansas and Texas. New Mexico: Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Lemitar; Florida Mountains; Deming; Mangas Springs; Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains; Star Peak; mountains west of San Antonio; Roswell. Upper Sonoran Zone. Our plant is much more pubescent than the eastern form, which is the ty})ical one, being always at least grayish from the abundant appressed pubescence. 5. Astragalus mollissimus Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 178. 1828. Loco weed. Astragalus simulans Cockerell, Torreya 2: 154. 1902. Type locality: On the Platte, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to New Mexico and western Nebraska. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Santa Rosa; Gray; Roswell; White Mountains; Siena Grande; Nara Visa. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. This is one of the commonest and best known loco weeds. As we have seen it. growing, it is nowhere very common in New Mexico and so does relatively little damage to stock interests. These remarks apply only to this species, not to all loco weeds. The type of A. simulans was collected near Las Vegas by Cockerell. 6. Astragalus oreophilus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 561. 1904. Type locality: Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos; Pecos; Santa Fe; Tierra Amarilla; Chama. Damp meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. Astragalus yaquianus S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 270. 1S88. Type locality: Moisl banks and gravelly bars of the upper Yaqui River at Guer- rero, Chihuahua. Ranch: Western Texas ami southern New Mexico to Mexico. 362 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: White Mountains. Pine woods, in the Transition Zone. Mr. M. E. Jones is of the opinion that this is the same species that Doctor Watson described as - 1 . giganteus from the Davis Mountains of western Texas. He is probably correct, but the materia] oi A. giganteus which we have seen is not of such a character as to make it possible to decide the question, and the original description is not com- plete. In case Mr. Jones is correct, the name of the species is A. giganteus S. Wats. with A. yaquianus S. Wats, and A. texanus Sheld.1 as synonyms. 8. Astragalus goniatus Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 330. 1838. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains, near the sources of the Platte," Colorado. Range: Saskatchewan and Washington to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Ensenada; Las Vegas; Sierra Grande; Chama; Tierra Amarilla. In meadows and river valleys, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 9. Astragalus matthewsii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 192. 1883. Type locality: Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Type collected by Matthews. Range: Northwestern New Mexico, southwestern Colorado, and probably adjacent Arizona and Utah. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; Aztec. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran .Zone. This is probably too close to A. thompsonae S. Wats., and field study will be neces- sary to determine the status of the two. 10. Astragalus bigelovii A. Gray, Pi. Wright. 2: 42. 1853. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1358). Range: Southern New Mexico, western Texas, and northern Chihuahua. New Mexico: Datil; Magdalena Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio; Lava; Kingston; Burro Mountains; Tres Hermanas; Organ Mountains; Dog Spring; Roswell. Low mountains and foothills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is one of the common loco weeds of the southern part of the State, occasionally causing considerable loss to stockmen. Astragalus mogollonicus Greene2 we have not seen, but Doctor Greene assures us that he is well acquainted with A. bigelovii, its nearest relative, and that the two are distinct. It should be found when the region from which it comes ("bleak grassy summits of the Mogollon Mountains") has been more thoroughly explored. Doctor Greene originally published the following comparison: "As compared with its nearest ally, A. bigelovii, the plant is a dwarf, being barely a span high. Its still smaller pods are much more densely woolly, and nearly straight at maturity, in which latter character, however, the species is at variance with the rest of the Mollissimi." 11. Astragalus vaccarum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 43. 1853. Type locality: Ojo de Vaca, west of the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type col- Lected by Wright (no. 1002). Range: Known only from the type locality. 12. Astragalus thompsonae S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 345. 1875. Astragalus bigelovii thompsonae Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 8: 23. 1898. Type locality: Southern Utah. Range: Utah to Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Baler 405). Dry bills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Astragalus cobrensis A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 43. L853. Type locality: Santa Rita, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Burro Mountains; Kingston. In the drier mountains, Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 'Minn. Bot. Stud. 0: 65. L894. 2 Bull. Torrey Club 8: 97.1881. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLOE A OF NEW MEXICO. 363 14. Astragalus humistratus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 43. 1853. Tiumhumistratum Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 205. 1906. Type locality: "Pebbly bed of a stream, and on hills under pine trees, near the Copper Mines," New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1003). Range: Mountains of Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Dulce; Pecos; Santa Rita; White Mountains; Black Range. Tran- sition Zone. This species is fairly common in the southern part of the State and in Arizona. It is associated with a nearly related species in New Mexico and with two close rela- tives in Arizona. As here treated, A. humistratus is the form having deeply sulcate, somewhat recurved pods, thinly villous to glabrate leaflets, and not very conspicu- ous stipules. Astragalus sonorae is the close relative common in southern New Mexico. It has herbage persistently white-silky throughout, with conspicuous white, connate stipules, and a somewhat shorter pod than A. humistratus, described as not sulcate, but not infrequently dorsally sulcate and recurved, though generally not so pro- nouncedly so as that of A. humistratus. On account of the pod characters originally given, these two species are usually widely separated in the lists of species, but they are very closely related. The other nearly related species is A. hosackiae Greene. 15. Astragalus alpinus L. Sp. PI. 760. 1753. Tium alpinum Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 205. 1906. Type locality: "Ilabitatin Alpibus Lapponicis, Helveticis." Range: British America to Vermont and northern New Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Rio Pueblo; Chama. Damp meadows and open woodlands, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 16. Astragalus rusbyi Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 8. 1884. Type locality: "On Mt. Humphreys, in the northern part of Arizona." Range: Mountains of western New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mountains west of Grant; Magdalena Mountains; Socorro; Craters; Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. 17. Astragalus altus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat, Herb. 16: 136. 1913. Type locality: Toboggan, in the Sacramento Mountains. Otero County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 31, 1899. Range: Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico. Similar to Astragalus rusbyi, but differing in its Bhorter and broader leaflets and crowded flowers on much shorter peduncles, and in the longer stipes and much less Lnflexed sutures of the pods. 18. Astragalus scopulorum Porter in Port. &, Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 24. 1874. Tium scopulorum Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 205. 1906. Type locality: South Park, Colorado. Ranoi:: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Glorieta; Placitas. Transition Zone. 19. Astragalus brandegei Porter in Port, it Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 21. 1S74. Atelophragma brandegei Rydb. Colo. .Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100:205. L906. Type locality: Banks of the Arkansas, near Canyon city. Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; near Cliff. Transition Zone. 20. Astragalus praelongus Sheld. .Minn. Bot. Stud. 9:23. L894. Astragalus procerus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 13:369. 1878, nol Boise, di Baussk. 1867. Astragalus ro&rochii Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: L' i. L8JM Astragalus pattersoni procerus Jones, Proc. Calif, Acad. II. 5:636. lv I 364 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. I'lmropsis praelongus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 20G. 190G. Type locality: "Near St. Thomas, S. E. Nevada, at the confluence of the Muddy River with tho Virgen." Range: Colorado and Utah to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; Carrizo Mountains; Acoma; hills near Santa Fe; Kiln Quemado; San Augustine Plains; Lemitar; Roswell. Upper Sonoran Zone. The three following specimens are doubtfully placed here; they are not sufficient ly distinct t<> bo separated by name. The pods are slightly smaller as are the leaves, the plants probably being starvelings: Albuquerque, June, 1881, Vasey; near Carri- zozo, July 22, 1901, Wooton; near Camp City, April, 1910, Wooton. This and the following species are coarse ill-snielling plants of the open plains and valleys at middle and lower elevations. The separation of the species rests more on geographical distribution than on characters, though the plant which lives in the drier and hotter area is glabrous. Mr. Jones may be right when he recognizes A. praelongus as merely a subspecies of A. pattersoni. The two are said to be poisonous, but we have never seen any evidence of their being eaten by stock. 21. Astragalus pattersoni A. Gray; T. S. Brandeg. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr. 2: 235. 1876. Phacopsis pattersoni Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 200. 1906. Type locality: Foothills of Gore Mountains, Colorado. Range: Utah and Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Shiprock. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 22. Astragalus flaviflorus (Kuntze) Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 158. 1895. Astragalus flat us Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 335. 1838, not Phaca flava Hook. & Am. 1833. Tragacantha Jlavifiora Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 941. 1891. Cnemidophacos flaviflorus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 297. 1906. Type locality: "Hills of the central chain of the Rocky Mountains, toward the Oregon." Range: Mountains of New Mexico, northward to Wyoming. New Mexico: Western San Juan and McKinley counties. Transition Zone. 23. Astragalus newberryi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 55. 1877. Xylophacos newberryi Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 207. 1906. Type locality: "On the frontiers of Utah and Arizona." Range: Southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico to Arizona and Utah. New Mexico: Aztec (Baker 420). Upper Sonoran Zone. 24. Astragalus accumbens Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 157. 1894. Astragalus procumbens S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 361. 1885, not Hook. & Ami. 1833. Type locality: Near Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Type collected by Matthews. R \ nge: Northwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Western McKLnley County. Upper Sonoran Zone. 25. Astragalus rnissouriensis Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 99. 1818. Xylophacos rnissouriensis Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 206. 1906. Type locality: "On the hills throughout Upper Louisiana." Range: From the Upper Missouri through the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Pecos; Carrizo Mountains; Aztec; Stanley; mountains west of San Ant »nio; It. don; Sierra Grande; Round Mountain above Tularosa. Open hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 365 26. Astragalus shortianus Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, PI. N. Amer. 1: 331. 1838. Astragalus ajaneus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 34. 1849. Astragalus shortianus cyaneus Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 8: 5. 1898. Xylophacos shortianus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 297. 1906. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains, toward the plains of the Oregon." Range : Northern New Mexico to Nebraska and Wyoming. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Shiprock; Albuquerque. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of A. cyaneus was collected near Santa Fe by Fendler (no. 148). 27. Astragalus amphioxys A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 13: 366. 1878. Xylophacos amphioxys Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 297. 1906. Type locality: "Southern Utah and New Mexico and Northern Arizona." Range: Colorado to Arizona and Texas. NewMexico: Albuquerque; Carrizo Mountains. Dry bills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 28. Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 12: 42. 1860. Phaca bisulcata Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 145. 1833. Diholcos bisulcatus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 297. 1906. Type locality: "Plains of the Saskatchewan." Range : Saskatchewan and Nebraska to New Mexico. New Mexico: Springer; Raton; Nutritas Creek. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 29. Astragalus haydenianus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 56. 1876. Diholcos haydenianus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 207. 1906. Type locality: Southwestern Colorado. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Nutria; Ramah; Dulce; Chama. Hillsides, in the Transition Zone. 30. Astragalus diversifolius A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 230. 1866. Homalobus orthocarpus Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 351. 1838, not Astra- galus orthocarpus Boiss. 1849. Astragalus junci/ormis A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 9. 1900. Homalobus junciformis Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 210. 1906. Tyte locality: "Sandy plains of the Colorado of the West, near the sources of the Platte." Range: Idaho to Utah and New Mexico. New M kxico: Gallup (Herrick 812). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Characterized by the peculiar rushlike, apparently leafless stems and Blender ght pods. 31. Astragalus tenellus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 173. 1814. Astragalus multiflorus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 226. 1864. Homalobus tenellus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exj>. Sta. Bull. 100: 209. 1906. i.'M '.in-,: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Mountains of New .Mexico, northward throughoul the Rocky Mountains. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Ponchuelo Creek. Transition Zone. 32. Astragalus wingatanus S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: L92. I Homalobus wingatanus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Hull. 100: 209. L906. locality: Fort Wingate, NewMexico. Type collected by Matthews. •n New Mexico and eastern Arizona. NewMi nco: Fort Wingate; Carrizo Mountains. Hillside.-, in the Transition Zone. 366 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 33. Astragalus proximus (Rydb.) Wool. & Standi. Homalobiu) proximus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 667. 1905. Type locality: Arbolea, Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec (Bain- 427). Dry bills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 34. Astragalus fendleri A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 44. 1853. Phaca f( ndleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 36. 1849. Homahbusfi ndleri Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 210. 1900. Type locality: Mountains between Santa Fe and Pecos, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 157). Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Raton. Sandy plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. There has been much uncertainty about this species, largely because Doctor Gray confused it originally with what he afterwards described as A. greenei. The true Astragalus fendleri is most closely related to A. fiexuosus and A. hallii. Its pods are larger at the distal end and taper at the base, being almost intermediate between the small terete pod of A. fiexuosus and the considerably larger terete pod of A. hallii, but not stipitate nor inflated as in A. greenei. The plant was originally described aa being "a foot high." 35. Astragalus fiexuosus Dougl.; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 141. 1833. Phaca flcxuosa Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 141. 1833. Eomalobus fiexuosus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 210. 190G. Type locality: "Abundant on elevated and dry fertile soils of the Red River and Assinaboin, lat. 50°." Range: Alberta and Saskatchewan to Kansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; El Rito; Glorieta; White Mountains; Capitan Moun- tains; Sacramento Mountains. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 36. Astragalus coltoni Jones, Zoe 2: 237. 1891. Type locality: Canyons of the Coal Range at Castle Gate, Utab. Range: Utah and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Matthews). Our specimens and the material collected later at the type locality by Mr. Jones have as many as 5 pairs of leaflets. 37. Astragalus lonchocarpus Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif . 4: 80. 1857. Phaca viacrocarpa DC. err. det. A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 36. 1849. Homalobus macrocarpus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 210. 1906. Type locality: Rocky declivities, near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 160). Range: Utah and Colorado to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; Santa Fe; Pecos; Llano Estacado; Chama. Open hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 38. Astragalus ceramicus Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 19. 1894. Phaca picta A. Gray, Mom. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 37. 1849. Astragalus pictus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 214. 1866, not Steud. 1840. Astragalus pictus foliosus A. Gray, loc. cit. Type locality: Loose, sandy soil on the banks of the Rio Grande del Norte, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 161). Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Aztec; hills west of Santa Fe. Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 367 The number of leaflets and the degree of prolongation of the rachis vary considerably, even on the same plant. It is doubtful if any of the New Mexican material belongs to the typical Phaca picta as originally described by Gray, and some of the specimens from the western part of the State approach Phaca longijolia (Pursh) Nutt. 39. Astragalus thurberi A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 312. 1854. Type locality: "Near Fronteras, &c, Sonora; on dry plains." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Below Silver City; Dog Spring. Upper Sonoran Zone. 40. Astragalus wootoni Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 138. 1894. Astragalus trijlorus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 45. 1853, at least in part, not Phaca tri- fiora DC. Astragalus plat/anus Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 8: 6. 1898. Type locality: Near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains west of San Antonio; Cactus Flat; Paraje; Mesilla Valley; Carrizalillo Mountains. Valleys and low flats, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The original description of this plant is incorrect in calling it a perennial, for it is an annual. It is similar in general appearance (in pressed specimens) to A. allochrous, which occurs in the same region, but the latter is a short-lived perennial and a larger plant with larger bluish purple flowers and somewhat larger pods. The flowers of A. wootoni are reddish purple and generally small. It is a member of the rather scanty spring flora of the region and is usually gone by the middle of the summer. It would seem to be closely related to A. geyeri, a plant with a more northerly dis- tribution and with paler flowers. 41. Astragalus allochrous A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 13: 366. 1878. Astragalus trijlorus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 45. 1853, in part. Type locality: Near Wickenburg, Arizona. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona, western Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Horse Spring; Zuni Reservation; Cactus Flat; Kingston; Mangas Springs; plains south of the White. Sands; foothills of Organ Mountains; Rio Gila near Redrock; east of Hachita; Albuquerque. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is evidently the plant Doctor Rydberg cites as Phaca candollcana H. B. K. in the Flora of Colorado,1 and that may be the proper name for the species. We are inclined to doubt such an extended range, however, and retain the later name for the plant of the United States. 42. Astragalus subcinereus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 13: 366. 1878. Type locality: Mokiak Pass, northwestern Arizona. Range: Arizona and Utah to western New .Mexico. New Mexico: Northwestern corner of the State, The fruit is strikingly like that figured for Phaca candolleana by the authors of that species. We are not acquainted with it in the field. 43. Astragalus gilensis Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 97. L881. Type locality: < >n a hid) summit at the month of the canyon of the Gila River, New Mexico. Type collected by < rreene. Ka.\<;i.: .Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Eillsboro. Transition Zone. Mr. Jom "- tatements3 that the pods are "thin-chart. ad "flattened laterally" do doI i gree with Doctor Greene's original description nor with the New Mexican specimi lColo. A-r. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100:211. L906. - Z 1:27. I- 368 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 44. Astragalus elatiocarpus Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 20. 1894. Astragalus lotifiorus brachypus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 209. 1866, not A. brachypus Sehrenk. 1841. Astragalus ammolotus Greene, Erythea 3: 76. 1895. Phaca elaliocarpa Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 211. 1906. Type locality: Silver Lake, Ottertail County, Minnesota. Range: Minnesota and Saskatchewan to Missouri and Texas, in the Rocky Moun- tains south to New Mexico. New Mexico: Near San Juan (Heller 3768). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 45. Astragalus sonorae A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 44. 1853. Type locality: Mountain valleys, between the San Pedro and the Sonoita, Sonora. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; west of Patterson; near Grant; Organ Mountains. Plains and low lulls, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This species is very near A. humistratus A. Gray, possibly too near to be kept dis- tinct. As originally described, the pods are not compressed and neither suture is introverted, but the plants not infrequently have pods almost identical with those of A. humistratus, while the other characters (pubescence, stipules, etc.) are those of A. sonorae. 46. Astragalus greenei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 105. 1880. Astragalus fcndleri A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 44. 1853, not Phaca fendleri A. Gray, 1849. Astragalus fallax S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 362. 1885, not Fisher, 1853. Astragalus famelicus Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 23. 1894. Astragalus gracilentus greenei Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 8: 14. 1898. Astragalus gracilentus fallax Jones, loc. cit. Type locality: Foothills of the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by E. L. Greene, April 20, 1880. Range: Mountains of western New Mexico, and in Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Mimbres; Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. The synonymy of this species is considerably involved. Doctor Gray named Phaca fendleri from material collected at Santa Fe by Fendler. The species, he thought, might be "too near P. flexuosa.,> Later he gave additional notes on the species, based upon Wright's specimens from near the Copper Mines, and transferred it to the genus Astragalus. Unfortunately the Wright plants were not the same species as those of Fendler. Years afterwards Doctor Gray received material from the region of Santa Rita through Doctor Greene, which he named Astragalus greenei, without recognizing it as the species Wright had collected. In 1885 Doctor Watson discovered the mistake made originally by Doctor Gray and named the Wright plant Astragalus fallax, apparently without discovering its identity with A. greenei. In 1894 Mr. E. P. Sheldon found an older Astragalus fallax and renamed the species A. famelicus. Mr. Jones has recognized the similarity of A. greenei and A. fallax and reduced them to subspecies of A. gracilentus A. Gray, a plant named from Santa Fe which is, in all probability, A. jlexuosus, although we have no means of being absolutely sure at this time. At any rate that plant is described as having sessile, oblong pods 5 mm. in diameter, while the plants from the Santa Rita region have short-stipitate pods about 10 mm. in diameter. Assuming that they are not the same as the Santa Fe plant, the Santa Rita plants will take the name Astragalus greenei. 47. Astragalus gertrudis Greene, Leaflets 2: 43. 1910. Type locality: Taos County, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3598). Range: Hills west and northwest of Santa Fe. New Mexico: Between Barranca and Embudo; hills west of Santa Fe. Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEi' FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 369 48. Astragalus neomexicanus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 136 1913. Type locality: James Canyon in the Sacramento Mountains near Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 23, 1899. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Transition Zone. 49. Astragalus tephrodes A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 45. 1853. Type locality: Plains at the base of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright. Range: Southern New Mexico and probably in northern Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Florida Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio- Organ Mountains; Tres Hermanas. Low mountains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones-. 50. Astragalus remulcus Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 658. 1895. Type locality: Banghartes Ranch, Arizona. Range: Mountains of central Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingman; Socorro; mesa south of Atarque de Garcia; Mimbres. Transition Zone. The species does not seem to be sufficiently distinct (judging merely from dried material and descriptions) from A. pephragmenus M. E. Jones, but we hesitate to change the name without a field knowledge of the two plants. In all the New Mex- ican material the pods are not glabrous but puberulent. 51. Astragalus albulus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 136. 1913. Type locality: In a canyon on the road to Zuni some distance south of Gallup, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 2649). • Range: Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Canyon south of Gallup; Shiprock. Diy hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 52. Astragalus drummondii Dougl.; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 153. pi. 57. 1833. Tium drummondii Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 659. 1906. Type locality: "Eagle and Red-Leer Hills of the Saskatchewan." Range: Saskatchewan and Alberta to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standley 6091). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 53. Astragalus impensus (Sheld.) Woot. & Standi. Astragalus kentrophyta elata S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 77. 1871. Astragalus riridis impensus Sheld. Minn. Bot. Stud. 9: 118. 1894. Astragalus kentrophyta impensus Jones, Contr. West. Lot. 10: 63. 1902. Kentrophyta impensa Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 665. 1906. TvrE locality: Holmes Creek Valley, Nevada. Range: Nevada to Colorado and northwest en i New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock (Standley 7850). Sandy plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 54. Astragalus hosackiae Cn cnc, Hull. ('alii'. Acad. 1: r>7. 1885. Tvi'i-; locality: Northern Arizona. Range: Arizona, and Ww Mexico. New Mexico: Hanover Mountain (Ifohingcr). Low hills, in die Upper Sonoran Zone. :.-j:.7i>°— 15 — 2 I 370 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 20. OXYTROPIS DC. Loco weed. Like Astragalus in most particulars, but distinguished by the short subulate pro- longation or beak of the keel. Several of the species are noxious loco weeds and do as much damage or more than the species of Astragalus that pass under the same name. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stipules free from the petiole ; pods pendulous 1 . 0. deflexa. Stipules adnate to the petiole; pods erect. Leaflets many, subverticillate; flowers purple 2. 0. richardsoni. Leaflets few, not verticillate; flowers purple to white. Flowers 1 to 3 ; plants 10 cm. high or less 3. 0. parryi. Flowers numerous; plants more than 10 cm. high. Flowers purple 4. 0. lambertii. Flowers white, the keel often spotted with purple. Plants tall, 30 cm. or more; inflorescence elon- gated 5. O. jrinetorum. Plants low, 15 cm. or less; inflorescence short and dense 6. 0. vegana. 1. Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) A. DC. Astrag. 96. 1802. Astragalus dejkxus Pall. Act. Acad. Petrop. 32: 268. pi. 15. 1779. Aragallus dcflcxus Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 4. 1898. Type locality: Southern Siberia. Range: British America to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Chama. Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. 2. Oxytropis richardsoni (Hook.) Woot. & Standi. Oxytropis splendens richardsoni Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 148. 1833. Aragallus richardsoni Greene, Pittonia 4: 69. 1899. Type locality: "From Cumberland-House on the Saskatchewan, north to Fort- Franklin and the Bear Lake, and west to the dry Prairies of the Rocky Mountains." Range: British America to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Costilla Valley. High moun- tain meadows, in the Canadian Zone. A very handsome plant, occurring in great abundance in parks in the Santa Fe and Las Vegas ranges. 3. Oxytropis parryi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 4. 1885. Aragallus parryi Greene, Pittouia 3: 212. 1897. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains of Northern New Mexico and Colorado, near the limit of trees." Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Bailey 616). High mountain meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 4. Oyxtropis lambertii Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept 740. 1814. Aragallus lambertii Greene, Pittonia 3: 212. 1897. Aragallus metcalfei Greene, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 18: 12. 1905. Type locality: "On the Missouri." Range: British America to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Mountains and high plains nearly throughout the State. Meadows, Upper Sonoran to Canadian Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 371 Probably the most abundant and widely scattered loco weed in the State. It closely resembles Astragalus mollissimus. The type of Aragallus metcal/ei was col- lected in the Black Range (Metcalfe in 1904). 5. Oxytropis pinetorum (Heller) Woot. & Standi. Aragallus pinetorum Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 548. 1899. Type locality: "On gravelly hills thinly clothed with pine trees, at a point 11 miles southeast of Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3751). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Between Santa Fe and Canyoncito; near Clark; Burro Mountains; Gray; White Mountains; Sierra Grande; Knowles; Redlands; Nara Visa; Pecos; Saw- yers Peak. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Oxytropis vegana (Cockerell) Woot. & Standi. Aragallus pinetorum veganus Cockerell, Torreya 2: 155. 1902. Aragallus veganus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 136. 1913. Type locality: Top of the Las Vegas Range, above Sapello Canyon, New Mexico. Type collected by Fabian Garcia, June 26, 1901. Range: Known only from the vicinity of the type locality. 21. GLYCYRRHIZA L. Wild licorice. Erect glandular-punctate herbaceous perennial with more or less resinous, odd- pinnate leaves and short axillary racemes of greenish white flowers; pods short, few- seeded, covered with short hooked prickles. 1. Glycyrrhiza lepidota Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 106. 1818. Type locality: St. Louis, Missouri. Range: British America to Arkansas, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Zuni; San Juan; McCarthy Station; Ojo Caliente; Mogollon Moun- tains; Mesilla Valley; Farmington ; Chama; Raton; Pecos; Albert. Wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A common weed in cultivated ground and along ditch banks. 22. ONOBRYCHIS L. Slender annual; leaves odd-pinnate, the leaflets cuneate-lanceolate, entire, gla- brous; flowers purplish red, in elongate spikes; calyx 5-toothed; stamens diadelphous; fruit a loment, 1 or 2-seedcd, the joints spiny-toothed, pubescent. 1. Onobrychis onobrychis (L.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 256. 1900. Sanfoin. Hcdysarum onobrychis L. Sp. PI. 751. 1753. Onobrychis sativa Lam. in Lam. & DC. Franc. 2: 652. 1778. Type locality: European. New Mexico: Mangas Springs (J. K. Metcalfe 5). Often cultivated and possibly escaped here. 23. MEIBOMIA Heist. Tick trefoil. Annual or perennial, erect or spreading herbs, usually slender, with pinnate 3- foliolate stipulate leaves and elongated, sparsely flowered, terminal racemes; Sowen small, pale pink <>r darker, subtended by bracts; calyx 6-toothed; Btamens diadel- phous; fruit a loment with flattened, return lately veined, orbicular to elliptic segments. The plants of this ^enus are mueh prized by sheepmen because of their I ling value. They occur mainly in the mountains in the timbered areas. 372 (ON I IJ1BUTI0NS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals. Pods twisted; all joints except the terminal one pubescent; ts broad 1. M.bigelovii. Pods straight; all joints glabrous or nearly so; leaflets narrow.. 2. M. neomezicana. Perennials. Loments glabrous 3. M. batocaulis. Lomentfl pubescent. Leaflets ovate to orbicular, obtuse 4. M. graJtami. Leaflets lanceolate to linear, acute or acutisb. Leaflets glabrous and shining above, lanceolate; stems glabrous 5. M. metcalfei. Leaflets densely pubescent above, linear to linear- oblong; stems pubescent 6. M. arizonica. 1. Meibomia bigelovii (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 197. 1891. Desmodium bigelovii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 47. 1853. Desmodium sjrirale bigelovii Robins. & Greenm. Proe. Amer. Acad. 29: 385. 1894. Type locality: Valley on the San Pedro, Sonora. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; Gila Hot Springs. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Meibomia neomexicana (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 198. 1891. Desmodium neomexicanum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 53. 1852. Desmodium exiguum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 40. 1853. Type locality: Mountain valley 30 miles east of El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Pinos Altos Mountains; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Meibomia batocaulis (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 197. 1891. Desmodium batocaulon A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 47. 1853. Type locality: Stony banks of small streams, on the San Pedro, Sonora. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 2138). 4. Meibomia grahami (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1: 198. 1891. Desmodium grahami A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 48. 1853. Type locality: On mountains, near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wright (no. 1015). Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; Mogollon Mountains; San Luis Moun- tains; Kingston; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Meibomia metcalfei Rose & Painter, Bot. Gaz. 40: 144. 1905. Type locality: Animas Creek in the Black Range, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1137). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Animas Creek; Pine Cienaga. 6. Meibomia arizonica (S. Wats.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 117. 1892. Desmodium arizonicum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 363. 1885. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Arizona and New Mexico (o Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Moun tains. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 373 24. HEDYSARUM L. Perennial herb with odd-pinnate leaves and terminal racemes of purple flowers; calyx 5-toothed, the teeth subulate; keel straight, unappendaged, longer than the wings; fruit a loment with 3 to 5 flat, conspicuously nerved, elliptic segments. 1. Hedysarum pabulare A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 185. 1902. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Canyoncito; near Fort Defiance; Raton. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 25. VICIA L. Wild vetch. Slender herbs climbing by tendrils borne at the ends of the pinnate leaves; stipules semisagittate; flowers in axillary racemes or few-flowered clusters; calyx 5-toothed, the upper divisions sometimes shorter; wings of the corolla adnate to the keel ; stamens mostly diadelphous; style filiform, hairy all around or only on the back at the apex; pods flat, 2 to several-seeded, 2-valved. The plants are never very abundant, but are found almost all over the State, com- monest at middle elevations in the mountains. They are all eaten by stock and con- sidered good feed. Vicia cracca, the common vetch, is not infrequently cultivated in various parts of the State as a fodder or soiling crop. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers sessile or nearly so 7. V. angnstifolia. Flowers long-pedicellate. Flowers 15 mm. long or more. Leaflets abuudantly pubescent 8. V. caespitosa. Leaflets glabrous, at least in age. Leaflets thin, not strongly veined, usually oval, often linear-oblong 1 . V. americana. Leaflets thick, strongly veined, linear or linear- oblong. Leaflets elongated-linear; plants low 9. V. sparsifolia. Leaflets, at least the upper ones, oblong to linear- oblong; plants tall, climbing 10. V. dte&itifolia . Flowers less than 9 mm. long. Flowers G to 20 in each raceme. Flowers pale purple, drying blue; racemes with usu- ally less than 10 flowers 2. V. pulchella. Flowers white; racemes 15 to 20-nowered 3. V. m Peduncles with 1 to 4 flowers. Peduncles 3 to 4-flowered; flowers bright blue 1. V. leavenvxrrtMi. Peduncles 1 or 2-flowered; flowers pale blue or whitish. Pods glabrous; calyx not pilose 5. V.exigua, Pods pubescent; calyx pilose (i. V. leucophaea. 1. Vicia americana Mul il.; Willd. Sp. PI. 3: L096. L801. Vicia truncate Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 270. L838. Vicia linearis Nutt. op. cit. 276. Tj ii i 'h ai.itv: " Pennsylvania." Range: British America to New York and New Jersey, wesl to Kansas, New Mexico and < 'a 1 ihirn i.i . X ku Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains of the State Thickets, in the Transition Zone. 374 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. This is the common hright blue flowered vetch of the timbered mountains every- where in the State. The leaf form varies greatly, the leaflets being from broadly elliptic to narrowly linear-oblong. The name V. linearis is often applied to the plants with very narrow leaflets, but the form does not appear to be constant, and all intermediates are found, even in the same locality. 2. Vicia pulchella H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 499. pi. 583. 1823. Type locality: "Crescit in declivitate occidentali montium Mexicanorum prope Mescala, alt. 265 hex." Range: New Mexico and western Texas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Wliite and Sacramento mountains. Thickets, in the Transition Zone. 3. Vicia melilotoides Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 141. 1913. Type locality: Winsors Ranch in the Pecos River National Forest, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 4364). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Coolidge; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Moist meadows and thickets, in the Transition Zone. This has long been confused with V. pulchella, which it closely resembles in general appearance. The flowers, however, are white instead of blue as in that species, and much more numerous, while the peduncles are shorter and the calyx less pubescent. Both species are found in the same region in the White Mountains, where they are at once distinguishable in the field. 4. Vicia leavenworthii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 271. 1838. Type locality: "Arkansas." Range: Arkansas and Oklahoma to Texas and New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. New Mexico: Gray (Slcehan 88). 5. Vicia exigua Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 272. 1838. Type locality: "Plains of the Oregon and Upper California." Range: Oregon and California to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Carrizalillo Mountains; Mangas Springs; Lemitar; Organ Mountains; Mesilla; Gray; Sierra Grande; Star Peak. Hills and canyons, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Vicia leucophaea Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 217. 1881. Type locality: "Along streams in the higher mountains of southwestern New Mexico." Type collected by Greene. Range: Western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Hanover Mountain. Transition Zone. 7. Vicia angustifolia Reich. Fl. Moen. Franc. 2: 44. 1778. Type locality: European. New Mexico: Chama {Standley 6696). Introduced from Europe, but the plants seemed to be at home in a wet meadow near Chama. 8. Vicia caespitosa A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 373. 1908. Type locality: Laramie Plains, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Clayton; Kingston. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Tran- sition zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 375 9. Vicia sparsifolia Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 270. 1838. Type locality: "Plains of the Oregon." Range: Alberta and Montana to California and Kansas. New Mexico: Raton {Standtey 6304). Open hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Vicia dissitifolia (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 144. 1906. Lathyrus dissitlfolius Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 277. 1838. Type locality: Plains of the Platte. Range: Nebraska to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; near Pecos. Mountains and hills, in the Transition Zone. 26. LATHYRUS L. Wild pea. Low, mostly slender and short-stemmed herbs with pinnate leaves terminating in tendrils, or the tendrils much reduced or wanting; stems erect or climbing; similar to Vicia, but flowers usually larger, banner more recurved, and the style flattened near the apex and hairy only along the inner side. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants erect; tendrils none or much reduced. Plants conspicuously pubescent 6. L. incanus. Plants glabrous. Flowers purple, 15 mm. long or more; leaflets thick 1. L. decaphyllus. Flowers ochroleucous, 10 mm. long or less; leaflets thin. Leaflets oval to oblong 2. L. leucanthus. Leaflets linear or nearly so 7. L. arizonicus. Plants climbing by well-developed tendrils. Leaflets linear or nearly so 3. L. graminifolius. Leaflets elliptic to oval. Plants pubescent throughout; leaflets 35 to 45 mm. long. 4. L. oreophilus. Plants glabrous or nearly so; leaflets 20 mm. long or less. 5. L. parvifolius. 1. Lathyrus decaphyllus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 471. 1814. Lathyrus polymorphus Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 96. 1818. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Idaho to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Raton; Pecos; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Sierra Grande; Chama River; Santa Fe; Chiz; Cliff; Gray; Zuni. Plains and open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The plant is a rather handsome one with much larger flowers than most of our species. In the northern part of the State it often becomes a weed in cultivated fields. 2. Lathyrus leucanthus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 37. 1901. Type locality: Ojo, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, in the Transit ion Zone. An inconspicuous little plant, 10 to 20 cm. high, with few thin leaves without tendrils and few-flowered racemes of small white flowers. 3. Lathyrus graminifolius (S. Wats.) White, Bull. Torrey Club 21: 454. 1894. Lathyrus paliutris gramin\foliui S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23:263. issv Type i ocalttt: " Frequent from New Mexico to Arizona ami northern Mexico." Range: California to New Mexico and Mexico. \i.w Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Magdalena M i tains; Raman; Hanover Mountain; Rio Apache; Uillsboro Peak; White Mountains Transition Zone. 37G CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Lathyrus oreophilus Woot. & Standi. Muhlenbergia 5: 87. 1909. Type locality: James Canyon, about 4 miles east of Cloudcroft, in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, June 26, 1899. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Transition Zone. 5. Lathyrus parvifolius S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 345. 1882. Type locality: In the San Miguelito Mountains, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Range: Mexico to Utah and Washington. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains. Thickets, in the Transition Zone. 6. Lathyrus incanus (Rydb. & Smyth) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 217. 190G. Lathyrus ornatus incanus Rydb. & Smyth, Rep. Univ. Nebr. Bot. Surv. 21:64. 1895. for* Type locality: Nebraska. Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa (Fisher 124, 125). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The flowers are usually purple, but occasionally cream-colored and purplish only on the standard. 7. Lathyrus arizonicus Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 8: 65. 1889. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Colorado to Arizona and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Eggleston 6660a). Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. 27. DOLICHOLUS Medic. Perennial twining herb with pinnately 3-foliolate leaves and short-peduncled few- flowered axillary racemes of small yellow flowers; pods oblong, flattened, pubescent. 1. Dolicholus texanus (Torr. & Gray) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 108. 1899. Rhynchosia texana Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 687. 1838. Type locality: Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Fort Bayard; Kingston; Organ Mountains; west of Roswell; Queen. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 28. ERYTHRINA L. Coral bean. A tall thick-stemmed shrub, with scattering hooked prickles on stems and leaves; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, with large fan-shaped leaflets; flowers in short terminal racemes, bright scarlet; calyx campanulate, truncate, white-tomentose; corolla about 4 cm. long, with an elongated banner; stamens 10, nionadelphous; legume linear, torulose, long-stipitate; seeds large, bright scarlet. 1. Erythrina flabelliformis Kearney, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 321. 1894. Type locality: Near Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains. 29. GALACTIA P. Br. Milk pea. Twining suberect plants with slender stems and pinnately 3-foliolate leaves; flow- ers purplish, in strict many-flowered racemes; calyx 4-toothed, the teeth nearly twice the length of the tube; pod linear-oblong, flat. 1. Galactia wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 44. 1852. Galactia tephrodes A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 34. 1853. Type locality: Hills near the Limpio, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOBA OF NEW MEXICO. 377 New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Condes Camp; Florida Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of G. tephrodes came from Condes Camp (Wright 95G). 30. PHASEOLXJS L. Bean. Prostrate or twining annual or perennial herbs with pinnately 3-foliolate leaves, the flowers in axillary, mostly long-peduncled racemes; calyx 5-toothed; standard recurved or spreading, the keel strongly incurved or coiled; pods 2-valved, straight or falcate, with usually many seeds. Some of the species are of considerable value as forage plants and one of them, introduced into cultivation, promises well for this-purpose. key to the species. Annuals. Leaflets triangular-lanceolate or ovate, not much longer than the peduncles 1. p. aeutifolius. Leaflets elongated din ear or linear-oblong, about twice as long as the peduncles 2. P. tenuifolius. Perennials. Plants erect, 15 cm. high or less; peduncles 1 or 2-flowered. . 3. P. parvulus. Plants twining, stems much more than 15 cm. long; pedun- cles several-flowered. Stems and leaves pilose 4. P. macropoides. Stems and leaves glabrous or puberulent, never pilose. Pods 12 mm. wide or more; bracts large, persistent; leaflets rhombic-ovate 5. P. metcaljei. Pods less than 9 mm. wide; bracts small, deciduous; leaflets linear to rhombic. Leaflets elongated-linear, entire; style slender, 2 mm. long 6. P. angustissimus. Leaflets broader than linear, lobed; style slen- der or stout. Leaflets deeply 3-lobed; pods densely pu- bescent, with a short stout style 7. P. grayanus. Leaflets with small lobes near the base; pods nearly glabrous, with a long slender style 8. P. dilatulns. 1. Phaseolus aeutifolius A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 43. 1852. Type locality: Mountain valley, thirty miles east of El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Salt Lake; Organ Mountains; Zuni. Dry hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. 2. Phaseolus tenuifolius (A. Gray) Woot. & Stan.il. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 140. 1913. Phaseolus aeutifolius tenuifolius A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 33. 1853. Type locality: .Mountain sides near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wright (no. 950). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Santa Rita. 3. Phaseolus parvulus Greene, Pot. Gaz. 6: 217. 1881. Tvi'K locality: "Abundant in deep wood* of Pinua ponderota, in the Pinoa \ Mountains," New Mexico. Type collected by B. I . Greene in L880 or L881. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona We have Been no specimens of this from .Nov. 378 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Phaseolus macropoides A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 33. 1853. Type locality: Stony hills at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 953). Range: Western Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; Dog Spring. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Phaseolus metcalfei Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 140. 1913. Metcalfe bean. Phaseolus retusus Benth. PL Hartw. 11. 1839, not Moench, 1794. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; West Fork of the Gila; Kingston; San Luis Moun- tains; near White Water; Crawfords Ranch. Transition Zone. Mr. J. K. Metcalfe introduced this plant into cultivation and demonstrated its use- fulness as a forage plant. It has a large thickened root and produces prostrate stems frequently 3 to 4 meters long. The crop which can be produced on an acre of ground is a large one. The pods and seeds are large, a fact which adds to the feeding value. The plant was called "Metcalfe bean" in honor of the introducer. 6. Phaseolus angustissimus A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 33. 1853. Type locality: Stony hillsides at the crossing of the Rio Grande above Dona Ana, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 951). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Craters; Grand Canyon of the Gila; Organ Mountains; Florida Moun- tains; Mangas Springs. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 7. Phaseolus grayanus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 139. 1913. Phaseolus wrightii A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 33. 1853, not op. cit. 1: 43. 1852. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 2124). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Fort Bayard; Mogollon Creek; Mangas Springs; Hanover Mountain. 8. Phaseolus dilatatus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 139. 1913. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico, probably also in adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains. 31. STPvOPHOSTYLES Ell. Wild bean. Annual with slender trailing or climbing stems; leaves 3-foliolate, with thickish, linear to lanceolate leaflets; flowers in axillary long-pedunculate racemes, purplish; pods linear, flattish, strigose, 2 to 3 cm. long. 1. Strophostyles paucifiora (Benth.) S. Wats, in A. Gray, Man. ed. 6. 145. 1890. Phaseolus pauciflorus Benth. Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien 1: 140. 1837. Type locality: Texas. Range: Minnesota and Indiana to Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Chavez; Queen; Organ Mountains. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 32. COLOGANIA Kunth. Perennial trailing or twining herbs with 3-foliolate leaves, prominent bracts, and axillary, 1 to 3-flowered clusters of reddish purple flowers; peduncles short or none; calyx tubular, 4-toothed; keel somewhat incurved, not coiled; style beardless; pods linear to oblong, flattened, straight or slightly curved. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 379 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaflets linear or linear-oblong, twice as long as the petioles or more. . 1. C. longifolia. Leaflets oblong-ovate, about equaling the petioles 2. C. pulchella. 1. Cologania longifolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 35. 1853. Type locality: Hills near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 961). Range: New Mexico, Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Hanover Mountain; Mogollon Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Cologania pulchella H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 413. 1823. Type locality: "Crescitin Regno Novae Hispaniae, prope Pazcuaro, alt. 1130 hex." Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Cliff; Hondo Hill; Cactus Flat; Queen; Organ Mountains. Dry hillsides. Order 28. GERANIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Plants with secreting glands in the leaves or bark. Filaments united into a cup or tube, wholly or in part 79. MELIACEAE (p. 390). Filaments distinct nearly or quite to the base. Leaf blades punctate with oil glands 77. RTTTACEAE (p. 388). Leaves not punctate 78. SIMARUBACEAE (p. 390). Plants destitute of secreting glands or cells. Sepals bearing 1 or 2 dorsal glands 76. MALPIGHIACEAE (p. 388). Sepals without dorsal glands. Styles united around a central column, breaking away from this at maturity 71. GERANIACEAE (p. 379). Styles distinct or permanently united. Styles distinct or partially united, the tips and the stigmas distinct. Leaves simple; stamens 5 72. LINACEAE (p. 381). Leaves compound; stamens 10 to 15 73. OXALIDACEAE (p. 383). Styles and stigmas permanently united. Filaments normally appendag- ed; seeds straight or nearly so 74. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE (p. 385). Filaments not appendaged; seeds strongly bent 75. KOEBERLINIACEAE (p. 387). 71. GERANIACEAE. Cranesbill Family. Annual or perennial herbs, often glandular-pubescent, with lobed or dissected leaves; flowers regular, complete, symmetrically pontamerous, in few-flowered axillary pedunculate clusters; sepals persistent; petals mostly conspicuous; stamens of the same number as or 2 or 3 times the number <>f the petals; pistil of 5 united carpels, the united styles forming a persistent column; fruit a capsule, each carpel breaking away from the column. 380 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA. Stamens 10; carpel tails naked on the inner side 1. Geranium (p. 380). Stamens 5; carpel tails hairy on the inner side 2. Erodium (p. 381). 1. GERANIUM L. Cranesbill. Herbaceous perennials or annuals, with often glandular branching stems 10 to 60 cm. long; leaves long-petioled, palmately lobed or dissected, pentagonal to rotund in outline; petals alternating with 5 glands; stamens mostly 10, of two lengths, alter- nating; capsule 5-lobed, with a long beak; carpels breaking from the column and curling upward, remaining attached at the tip for a time. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual 1- G. langloisii. Perennials. Flowers white or pale pinkish. Petals 10 mm. long or less; leaf segments obtuse; plants densely glandular 2. G. lentum. Petals 12 to 20 mm. long; leaf segments acute; plants glandular only on the pedicels 3 . G. richardsonii. Flowers purple or rose purple. Petals narrowly obovate or oblong, dark purple. Plants glandular throughout; tips of t^he sepals 0.5 to 1 mm. long 4. G.furcatum. Plants not glandular; tips of sepals 1.5 to 2 mm. long 5. G. atropurpureum. Petals obcordate or broadly obovate, light purple. Sepals glandular like the upper part of the stems; leaves somewhat canescent; plants stout 6. G. fremontii. Sepals not glandular, the plants glandular only on the pedicels, slender; leaves nearly glabrous 7. G. eremophilum. 1. Geranium, langloisii Greene, Pittonia 3: 171. 1897. Type locality: St. Martinsville, Louisiana. Range: Oklahoma and Louisiana to Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains (Wooton). Dry hillsides, in the upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Geranium lentum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 142. 1913. Type locality: West Fork of the Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 7, 1900. Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Craters, Valencia County. Transition Zone. 3. Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 4: 37. 1837. Geranium pentagynum Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 90. 1848. Geranium gracilentum Greene; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 218. 1906. Type locality: Valleys of the Rocky Mountains. Range: California and South Dakota to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains of the State. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. The type of Geranium pentagynum was collected by Wislizenus on Wolf Creek, in northern New Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 381 4. Geranium furcatum Hanks, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 16. 1907. Type locality: Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona. Range : Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Water Canyon; Hop Canyon; Cebolla; Tunitcha Mountains. Transi- tion Zone. 5. Geranium atropurpureum Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 28: 195. 1898. Geranium gracile Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 27. 1849, not Ledeb. 1837. Type locality: Along Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3723). Range: Colorado to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Higher mountains throughout the State. Moist slopes, Transition to the Hudsonian Zone. 6. Geranium fremontii Torr.; A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 26. 1849. Type locality: Bottom lands of the Mora River, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 90). Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Johnsons Mesa; Coolidge; Sierra Grande. 7. Geranium eremophilum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 142. 1913. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 2142). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. 2. ERODIUM L'Her. Very similar to Geranium in general appearance, but stamens only 5 and the carpel tails long-bearded and becoming spirally twisted; distal peduncles appearing terminal, but really axillary. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaf blades pinnately divided; petals small, 6 mm. long or less, pale purplish 1. E. cicutarium . Leaf blades merely lobed; petals large, 10 mm. long or more, purple. 2. E. tcxanum. 1. Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her.; Ait. Hort. Kew. 2: 414. 1789. Alfileria. Filaree. Geranium cicutarium L. Sp. PI. 680. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae sterilibus cultis." New Mexico: Introduced into nearly all parte of the State. An inconspicuous prostrate plant, widely introduced into North America. In cer- tain parte of the Southwest it ha? been found to be a valuable forage plant but it has never been utilized in New Mexico. Nowhere is it very abundant. 2. Erodium texanum A. Gray, Gen. Fl. Amer. 2: 130. pi. 151. 1849. Type locality: Texas. Range: Texas to California. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Trea Hennanas; near Roswell; Organ Moun- tains. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 72. LINACEAE. Flax Family. Annual or perennial berbs, with mostly low slender stems; leaves simple, alien scattered or crowded; stipules wanting or mere glands; flowers complete and regular, mostly axillary to bracts similar to the leaves but smaller; calj \ persistenl ; petals 382 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. early deciduous, yellow or blue; stamen? 5, united at the base and sometimes bearing 5 alternating staminodia; pistil of 5 united carpels, each more or less 2-celled by a partial or complete membranous partition; seeds oily. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers blue; stigmas introrse, more or less elongated; sepals glandless 1. Linum (p. 382.) Flowers yellow; stigmas capitate; sepals, at least the inner ones, glandular on the margins 2. Cathartolinum (p. 382). 1. LINUM L. Wild flax. Slender perennial with several erect stems from a ligneous root, glabrous throughout, glaucescent, branching above; leaves small, 2 cm. long or less, sessile, oblong-lanceo- late; flowers large, on slender pedicels, bright blue; sepals broadly ovate, acute or obtuse, some of them with narrow membranous margins; petals obovatc, early decid- uous; capsule spheroidal, with incomplete false septa; seeds flat. 1. Linum lewisii Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 210. 1814. Linum perenne lewisii Eat. & Wright, N. Amer. Bot. 302. 1840. Type locality: "In the valleys of the Rocky-mountains and on the banks of the Missouri." Range: Alaska and British America to California, Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Higher mountains throughout the State. Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. CATHARTOLINUM Reichenb. Yellow flax. Annual or short-lived perennial herbs, with slender angled stems and small sessile leaves; flowers yellow, with persistent sepals and caducous petals; sepals acute to aristate, with fine gland-tipped teeth along the margins of at least some of them; capsules ovoid to spherical, the partitions mostly complete. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Styles distinct; flowers in virgate racemes 1. C. neomexicanum. Styles more or less united; flowers corymbose. Stems puberulent. Plants stout, branched from the base; petals 10 mm. long or less 2. C. puberulum. Plants slender, simple below; petals 13 to 15 mm. long. 3. C. vestitum. Stems glabrous. Petals 6 to 9 mm. long 4. C. australe. Petals 13 to 22 mm. long. Sepals not long-aristate; leaves numerous and im- bricated on the lower part of the stem 5. C. vernale. Sepals long-aristate; leaves scattered along the stem. Plants slender, not leafy, the leaves narrow, mostly involute, thick 6. C. aristatum. Plants stout, densely leafy, the leaves broad and thin 7. C. berlandieri. 1. Cathartolinum neomexicanum (Greene) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 73. 1907. Linum neomexicanum Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 183. 1881. Type locality: "In woods of Pinus ponderosa on the Pinos Altos Mountains," New Mexico. Type collected in 1880 by E. L. Greene. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 383 Range: New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Hanover Mountain; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Transition Zone. 2. Cathartolinum puberulum (Engelm.) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 80. 1907 Linum rigidum puberulum Engelm. in A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 25. 1852. Linum puberulum Heller, PL World 1: 22. 1897. Type locality: "Santa Fe to the Cimarron River," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 85). Range : Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe; White Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Farmington- Santa Rita; Grass Mountain; Pecos; Pajarito Park; White and Sacramento mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Cathartolinum vestitum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 142. 1913. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe in 1901. Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Carrizalillo Mountains; Kingston; Middle Fork of the Gila; San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills. 4. Cathartolinum australe (Heller) Small, N. Amer. FL 25: 81. 1907. Linum australe Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 627. 1898. Type locality: "On an open slope in dry ground, at the head of the reservoir, 4 miles east of Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3724). Range: Colorado and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Raton; Roswell. Dry lulls, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Cathartolinum vernale (Wooton) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: SO. 1907. Linum vernale Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 452. 1898. Type locality: Tortugas Mountain, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 589). Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; La Luz Canyon. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Cathartolinum aristatum (Engelm.) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 83. 1907. Linum aristatum Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 101. 1848. Type locality: "In sandy soil near Carizal, south of El Paso," Chihuahua. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: West of Cambray; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Nara Visa. Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. Cathartolinum berlandieri (nook.) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 82. 1907. Linum berlandieri nook. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 63: pi. 3480. 1836. Linum rigidum berlandieri Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 204. 1838. Type locality: Near San Antonio, Texas. Range: Kansas and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains; Roswell. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 73. OXALIDACEAE. Wood-sorrel Family. Low perennial herbs from small bulblike or elongated rootstockfl, acaulescent or caulescent; leaves alternate or all basal, palmately 3 to Beveral-foliolate, the LeafletB mostly obcordate; flowers in scapose cymes or in few-flowered axillary clustera; calyx 384 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. of 5 herbaceous sepals; petals rose or yellow; stamens 10, the filaments united at the ii.i e; pistil of 5 united carpels; fruit a capsule, the seeds transversely wrinkled. KEY TO THE GENERA. Plants acaulescent, with tuberous roots; flowers rose to almost violet 1. Ionoxalis (p. 384). Plants caulescent, rhizomatous, sometimes with tubers; flowers yellow 2. Xanthoxalis (p. 385). 1. IONOXALIS Small. Violet wood-sorrel. Perennial acaulescent herbs with leaves and scapes rising from scaly bulbs; petioles elongated; leaf blades palmately3 to several-foliolate, the leaflets narrowly to broadly obcordate, with cuneate bases; flowers in bracted cymose clusters terminating long slender weak scapelike peduncles, usually not very numerous; sepals 5, each with apical tubercles; stamens 10, the filaments united at the base; capsules erect. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves with 4 to several leaflets. Leaflets as broad as long or broader; plants 8 cm. high or less 1. I. caerulea. Leaflets much longer than broad; plants more than 8 cm. high. . 2. i". grayi. Leaflets 3. Filaments appendaged on the back. Longer filaments pubescent, the shorter ones glabrous; leaflets shallowly notched 3. I. metcalfei. All filaments pubescent; leaflets deeply notched 4. I. amplifolia. Filaments not appendaged. Tubercles of the sepals distinct 5. /. monticola. Tubercles confluent at the tips 6. I. violacea. 1. Ionoxalis caerulea Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 33. 1907. Type locality: Lincoln County, New Mexico. Type collected by Miss Josephine Skehan (no. 112). Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Transition Zone. 2. Ionoxalis grayi Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 112. 1906. Oxalis decapetala H. B. K. err. det. A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 25. 1853. Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright in 1851. Range: New Mexico and northern Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; James Canyon. Damp woods and canyons, in the Transition Zone. 3. Ionoxalis metcalfei Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 39. 1907. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 299). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek; Burro Mountains. Transition Zone. 4. Ionoxalis amplifolia (Trel.) Rose, Contr. TJ. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 110. 1906. Oxalis latifolia 11. B. K. err. det. Trel. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 4: 91. pi. 11. f. 12. 188S. Oxalis divergens amplifolia Trel. in A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: 368. 1897. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 385 New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp slopes, in the Transition Zone. 5. Ionoxalis monticola Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 42. 1907. Type locality: Iron Creek, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1220). Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Iron Creek; Burro Mountains; Organ Mountains. Shaded slopes, in the Transition Zone. 6. Ionoxalis violacea (L.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 665. 1903. Oxalis violacea L. Sp. PI. 434. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Canada." Range: Maine and Florida to the Rocky Mountains. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. Our specimens are not typical /. violacea, but seem nearer to that species than to any other. 2. XANTHOXALIS Small. Yellow wood-sorrel. Low herbs with horizontal rootstocks sometimes bearing fusiform tubers; stems erect or decumbent, 10 to 30 cm. long, more or less pubescent or glabrate; leaflets obcor- date; flowers rather small, in axillary few-flowered cymes; petals yellow; capsules columnar. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Rootstocks arising from an elongated tuberous root; leaves pubescent on both surfaces 1. X. albicans. Rootstocks with fibrous roots, or plant with a slender taproot; leaves glabrous or nearly so 2. X. stricta. 1. Xanthoxalis albicans (H. B. K.) Small, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 54. 1907. Oxalis albicans H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 244. 1821. Oxalis wrightii A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 27. 1852. Xanthoxalis wrightii Abrams, Bull. Torrey Club 34: 264. 1907. Type locality: "Crescit prope Moran Mexicanorum et Llactacunga Quitensium, alt. 1340 et 1480 hex." Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Middle Fork of the Gila; Ash Canyon. 2. Xanthoxalis stricta (L.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 667. 1903. Oxalis stricta L. Sp. PI. 435. 1753. Oxalis corniculata stricta Sav. in Lajn. Encycl. 4: 683. 1797. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Ranqe: Nova Scotia and Wyoming to Florida and Mexico. New Mexico: Agua Fria; Las Vegas; Cloverdale; West Fork of the Gila; chama; Sierra Grande. Open slopes and fields, in the Upper Sonoran ami Transition zones. 74. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. Caltrop Family. Trailing herbs or spreading shrubs with compound, 2 to several-foliolate, abruptly pinnate leaves; leaflets small, entire, sometimes inequilateral; flowers perfect, yel- low or oram/e, mostlyrather small, regular or nearly so; calyx <>f •"> ^<'p.il<; petals "i" the 52576°— 15 25 386 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Bame number; stamens twice as many, in two whorls; pistil of 5 united carpels (some- times more or fewer); fruit a capsule of various forms, 3 to 12-celled, separating at ma- turity into nutlets containing the seeds. KEY TO THE GENERA. Spreading heavy-scented shrub with 2-foliolate ever- green resinous leaves 1. Covillea (p. 386). Trailing prostrate herbs with several pairs of leaflets, neither resinous nor evergreen. Fruit with several strong sharp spines 2. Tribulus (p. 386). Fruit merely tuberculate, not spiny 3. Kallstroemia (p. 386). 1. COVILLEA Vail. Creosote bush. Erect, spreading, strongly scented, evergreen, resinous shrub 2 meters high or less with 2-foliolate leaves and numerous rather small, bright yellow flowers; leaflets small, 5 to 10 mm. long, inequilateral; flowers solitary on short axillary peduncles; sepals unequal, caducous, yellow; petals obovate to spatulate, twisted bike the blades of a propeller; stamens inserted on the 10-lobed disk, the filaments winged below; fruit a densely hairy spheroidal capsule breaking into 5 indehiscent nutlets. 1. Covillea glutinosa (Engelm.) Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 25: 108. 1910. Larrea glutinosa Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 93. 1848. Type locality: "Olla and Fray Cristobal," New Mexico. Type collected by Wis- Uzenus in 1846. Range: Western Texas to southern California and southward. New Mexico: From the south side of the Black Range to Socorro and Tularosa, and southward. Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A characteristic shrub of the mesas in the southern part of the State, where the people most often call it " greasewood . " The native people call it "hediondilla." 2. TRIBULUS L. Burnut. Trailing annual with odd-pinnate leaves and small yellow flowers followed by a spiny fruit somewhat resembling a sandbur; leaflets about 5 mm. long, oblong, acute, 4 to 6 pairs; flowers solitary on axillary peduncles, pale or bright yellow; stamens 10, hypogynous, the filaments not winged; pistil of 5 carpels, surrounded by an urceolate disk; fruit 5-angled, separating at maturity into 5 bony, reticulately veined carpels, each bearing 1 to 3 stout spines and divided interiorly into 3 to 5 1-seeded cells. 1. Tribulus terrestris L. Sp. PL 387. 1753. Type locality: ''Habitat in Europa australi ad semitas." Range: A native of Europe, introduced into many parts of North America. New Mexico: Glorieta; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Deming; Nara Visa; Filmore Can- yon; LTillsboro. A pernicious weed, introduced into many parte of North America from Europe. The spines of the fruit are almost as sharp as tacks and will penetrate the soles of shoes. They are a constant danger to rubber tires, too, growing by roads as they do. 3. KALLSTBOEMIA Scop. Trailing annuals or perennials, closely resembling the last, but with usually larger flowers with orange or bright orange petals, and never spiny, merely tuberculate- roughened fruit; sepals 5 or 6, mostly persistent and accrescent in age; petals 4 to 6, caducous; stamens 10 or 12, the filaments not winged; carpels 8 to 12, consisting of usually 1-seeded, bony nutlets falbng from a persistent central column. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 387 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Petals 20 to 30 mm. long 1. K. grandiflora. Petals 12 mm. long or less. Beak not longer than the body of the fruit, usually shorter.. 2. K. brachystylis. Beak much longer than the body of the fruit. Leaves strongly hirsute and paler beneath; beak glabrous or nearly so 4. K. Mrsutissima. Leaves glabrous beneath or nearly so, of about the same color on both surfaces; beak finely puberulent. Plants prostrate; petals 5 to 7 mm. long, barely exceed- ing the sepals; carpels bluntly tuberculate 3. K. parviflora. Plants erect; petals 7 to 12 mm. long; carpels sharply tuberculate 5. K. laetevireiis. 1. Kallstroemia grandiflora Torr.; A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 28. 1852. Type locality: "Borders of the Gila," Arizona or New Mexico. Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carlisle; Mangas Springs; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains; Little Burro Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper and Lower Sonoran zones. 2. Kallstroemia brachystylis Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 206. 1897. Type locality: Mesa near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton. Range: Arizona to Western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Chama River; San Juan; Santa Fe; Mangas Springs; Albuquerque; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Pecos; Canada Valley. Dry plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Kallstroemia parviflora Norton, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 9: 153. pi. 46. 1898. Type locality: Agricultural College, Mississippi. Range: Mississippi to New Mexico and Arizona, and southward. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Socorro; Kingston; Organ Mountains; San Luis Moun- tains; Gray; Nara Visa; Raton; Rio Frisco; Tularosa; Dayton; Tucumcari. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Kallstroemia hirsutissima Vail in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 670. 1903. Type locality: Plains south of the White Sands, Now Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 564). Range: Kansas and Colorado to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Plains south of White Sands; Socorro; Albuquerque; Santa Fe; Redrock; south of Roswell; Lakewood. Dry plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. Kallstroemia laetevirens Thornber, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 143. 1913. Type locality: Hanover Mountain, New Mexico. Type collected by .1. M. Hol- zinger in 1911. Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farnungton; Hanover Mountain. Dry hills and plain-, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 75. KOEBERLINIACEAE. Junco Family. 1. KOEBERLINIA ZUCC. JUNOO. Much branched leafless Bhrub, I meter high or less, rarely 2 metere; stem- of hard wood, green, the oldest blackish, each branch ending in a sharp thorn; leaves reduced to small scale-; flowers Blend er-pediceled, in small lateral racemes on short pedui sepals 4, l mm. loti'_'; petals i. twice to :'- times as long, greenish white; statu. shorter than the petals, the fllami i ed in the middle; fruit a spherii al bkv k berry about 6 mm. in diameter. 388 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Koeberlinia spinosa Zucc. Abh. Akad. Wise. Mi'mchen 1: 358. 1832. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona, western Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Warm Spring; plains south of the White Sands; west of Dona Ana Mountains; Black Range; Hachita; Organ Mountains; north of Derning. Dry plains ami hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A very spiny, much branched shrub, usually branched from the base, but some- times with a definite trunk. It is sometimes called "crown of thorns." 76. MALPIGHIACEAE. Malpighia Family. 1. JANUSIA A. Juss. Low twining perennial with woody stems; leaves opposite, narrowly lanceolate, 1 to 3 cm. long, pubescent on both surfaces; sepals 5; petals 5, yellow, turning reddish brown; stamens 5; styles united; fruit a samara, 9 to 12 mm. long. 1. Janusia gracilis A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 37. 1852. Type locality: Mountains east of El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Parkers Well; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 77. RUTACEAE. Rue Family. Aromatic shrubs or low herbaceous perennials; leaves alternate, simple or com- pound, glandular- punctate; flowers perfect or by abortion polygamous, in cymes or short raceme-like clusters, not conspicuous; sepals 4 or 5, small; petals of the same number, dull-colored, small; stamens of the same or twice the same number, inserted on a hypogynous disk; pistil of 2 or 3 united carpels; fruit a capsule or samara. KEY TO THE GENERA. Low herbaceous plants; leaves small, simple 1. Rutosma (p. 388). Shrubs; leaves 3 to 10-foliolate, with large leaflets. Fruit a circular samara; leaves 3-foliolate 2. Ptelea (p. 388). Fruit a 2-celled pod without wings; leaves pal- mately 5 to 10-foliolate 3. Astrophyllum (p. 390). 1. RUTOSMA A. Gray. Perennial herb, 30 cm. high or less, with small linear sessile leaves and inconspic- uous flowers; fruit of 2 divergent carpels. 1. Rutosma purpurea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 143. 1913. Type locality: On an arid rocky slope at Bishops Cap at the south end of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, March 30, 1905. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: San Andreas Mountains; Organ Mountains; Carrizalillo Mountains; south of Hillsboro; Mangas Springs. Dry rocky hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. PTELEA L. Shrubby trefoil. Branching shrubs, 2 to 3 meters high, with smooth dark-colored bark on the old stems and greenish or yellow or reddish brown bark on the young stems, strongly scented; leaves 3-foliolate, the leaflets oblong-lanceolate or rhombic, the terminal one attenuate at the base, the lateral ones inequilateral, pellucid-punctate; flowers polygamous, greenish yellow, small, cymose; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 or 5, the last abortive in the pistillate flowers; ovary 2 or 3-celled; fruit a flattened, 2 or 3-seeded, disk-shaped, reticulate samara. WOOTOX AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 389 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Younger branches pale yellow or straw-colored; plants sweet- scented; leaves turning bright yellow in autumn 1. P. angustifolia. Younger branches reddish brown; plants ill-scented; leaves green when shed - 2. P. tomentosa. 1. Ptelea angustifolia Benth. PI. Hartw. 9. 1839. Ptelea verrucosa Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 69. 1906. Ptelea confinis Greene, op. cit. 72. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern California, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Bishops Cap; Dona Ana Mountains; Florida Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. For further synonymy of this species see the North American Flora.1 Ptelea angustifolia is there considered to be a synonym of P. baldwinii Torr. & Gray, but the southwestern plants' seem different from those of Florida, the type locality of P. baldwinii. The type of P. verrucosa was collected by the Mexican Boundary Survey, possibly in New Mexico. The type of P. conjinis was collected near El Paso, Texas, by G. R. Vasey. 2. Ptelea tomentosa Raf. Fl. Ludov. 108. 1817. Ptelea formosa Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 10: 59. 1906. Ptelea villosula Greene, op. cit. 60. Ptelea undulata Greene, op. cit. 62. Ptelea cognata Greene, loo. cit. Ptelea jucunda Greene, op. cit. 63. Ptelea parvula Greene, op. cit. 64. /'I< ka monlicola Greene, loc. cit. Ptelea similis Greene, op. cit. 65. Ptelea polyadcnia Greene, loc. cit. Ptelea subvestita Greene, op. cit. 67. Ptelea neomexicana Greene, op. cit. 68. Type locality: Louisiana. Range: Arizona and New Mexico, eastward to the Atlantic coast. New Mexico: Pajarito Park; Sand ia Mountains; Coolidge; Barranca; Black Range; Burro Mountains; west of Chloride; Big Hatchet Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. For further synonomy of the species see the North American Flora.2 A great many segregates of this group have been described recently, but there seems to be no means of separating the named forms definitely, at least without ampler material than is now available. The type of P. formosa came from the White Mountains of New Mexico ( Wootom 857); that of P. villosula from the Organ Mountains {Wooton L34); that of P. undulata from the Burro Mountains (Rusby 111); that of P. cognata from Fort Iluachuca, Arizona; the type of P. jucunda from the San Luis Mountains ( Mcarns 383); of P. parvula from the White Mountains (Wooton 658); of P. monticola from the Guadalupe Mountains of western Texas; of P. similis from near < lit'ton. Arizona, mar the New Mexico line; of P. polyadcnia from the Canadian River, possibly in New Mexico (Bigelow); of P. subvestita from about silver City and Fori Bayard (Greene)] of /'. i i from the Mack Range I Metcalfe 1479). 1 25:210. 1911. 225: 209. 1911. 390 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. ASTROPHYLLUM Torr. Low shrub with rather thick rough stems bearing opposite, palniately 5 to 10-foliolate leaves crowded near the ends; leaflets linear, thick, bright green, coarsely dentate, conspicuously glandular-punctate; flowers large, 10 to 20 mm. in diameter, solitary or in 2 to 4-flowered clusters, axillary, white; stamens 8 to 10; ovary 5-lobed, hairy, becoming a 2-celled capsule by the abortion of some of the cells. 1. Astrophylluin dumosum Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 2: 161. 1855. SORILLA. Type locality: On the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Pope. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mkxico: San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Probably the type came from the San Andreas Range rather than from the Organs, for the shrub has not been found in the latter range in recent years, although it occurs in the San Andreas just to the north. Pope's expedition crossed over the pass lying between the two ranges. 78. SIMARUBACEAE. Quassia Family. 1. AILANTHUS Desf. 1. Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paria 1786: 265. 1789. Tree-of-heaven. This has been somewhat extensively introduced into the southern part of the State, where it is of value as a shade tree. It frequently is 10 meters high or more. It has smooth bark and leaves resembling in shape those of the sumac or walnut, 30 to 60 cm. long. The small, dull white, polygamous, very malodorous flowers are borne in large terminal panicles; they are succeeded by the cluster of winged, 1-seeded, reddish samaras. It is a native of Eastern Asia. 79. MELIACEAE. China-berry Family. l. MELIA L. 1. Melia azederach L. Sp. PI. 384. 1753. China-berry. An introduced tree, often escaped in the southern part of the State, where it is one of the most common shade trees. It reaches a height of 8 to 10 meters and is widely branching and umbraculiform. The leaves are large, 30 to 90 cm. long, twice pinnate, with large, glossy, green leaflets. The abundant, pale lavender, sweet-scented flow- ers are complete, 5 or 6-merous, with 10 to 12 monadelphous stamens, the filaments being produced beyond the anthers. The "berries" are at first pulpy but at last a spherical, dry, several-seeded fruit 10 to 15 mm. in diameter. It is native in the warm parts of the Old World. Order 29. POLY GAL ALES. 80. POLYGALACEAE. Milkwort Family. Herbs or low shrubs with simple entire leaves and no stipules; flowers mostly small, papilionaceous in appearance; sepals 2; petals 3; stamens monadelphous or diadel- phous, with 1 -celled anthers opening by a terminal pore; pods flat, 1 or 2-celled. key to the genera. Pods 1 -celled 1. Monnina (p. 391). Pods 2-celled 2. Polygala (p. 391). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 391 1. MONNINA Ruiz & Pav. Slender annual 30 cm. high or less, with terminal racemes of small blue flowers; leaves linear-lanceolate, 2 to 5 cm. long, acute; flowers about 3 mm. long, on deflexed pedicels; stamens 6, in two groups; fruit a small, circular, winged, minutely reticulate pod, the sides carinately 1-nerved. 1. Monnina wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 31. 1853. Type locality: Crevices of rocks, mountain sides, near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 938). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek; Kingston; Mangas Springs. Transition Zone. 2. POLYGALA L. Milkwort. Low herbs or shrubs with solitary or racemose flowers and small simple leaves; sepals 5, the 2 lateral ones large and petaloid; petals 3, united to each other and to the stamen tube, the middle one (keel) often crested or appendaged; stamens 6 or 8; pods 2-celled, flattened contrary to the partition, sometimes winged. key to the species. Annual 9. P. viridescens. Perennials. Keel of the corolla with a fimbriate crest; flowers white. Fruit not winged 1. P. alba. Fruit winged. Mature capsule obscurely winged; inflorescence sparingly puberulent; leaves rigid, erect, linear 2. P. scoparia. Mature capsule with a broad half- wing; inflores- cence glabrous; leaves spreading, thin, broader 3. P. hemipterocarpa. Keel not crested, sometimes with a solitary beaklike process; flowers variously colored. Flowers solitary 4. P. maeradenia. Flowers racemose. Stems woody, with spinose tips 5. P. subspinosa. Stems herbaceous, not spinose-tipped. Keel furnished with a beaklike process; leaves glabrous, shining 6. P. parvifolia. Keel not beaked; leaves pubernlent, never shining. Faces of the fruit puberulent; leaves lance- olate, acute, thin 7. P. neomexicana. Faces of the fruit glabrous; leaves linear or oblong-linear, mostly obtuse, thick. 8. P. puberula. 1. Polygala alba Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 87. 1818. Type locality: "On the plains of the Missouri." Range: Washington and North Dakota to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Coolidge; Bear Mountain: Magdalena Mountains; White Mountains; Capitan Mountains: Torrance; Uedlands; Xara Visa; Organ Mountains: Clayton; San- dia Mountains; Queen; Snowies. Dry lulls, in the Opper Sonoran and Transition /.ones. 2. Polygala scoparia II. I'.. K Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 399. L821. Polygala scoparia in ul! icaulis A. Grjy, I'l. Wrkdit. 1:3S. 1S">2. Type locality: "Crescil prope Mexico, alt. L170hex." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Dog Spring I )f earns 41). 392 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Polygala hemipterocarpa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 31. 1853. Type locality: "Stony hills of the Sonoita, near Deserted Rancho, on the borders of Sonora." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. Xi:\v Mexico: Carrizalillo Mountains (Mearns 42). 4. Polygala macradenia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 39. 1852. Type locality: Kills at the head of the San Felipe, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mi; xk o: Upper Corner Monument; Guadalupe Mountains; San Andreas Moun- tains. 5. Polygala subspinosa S. Wats. Amer. Nat. 7: 299. 1873. Type locality: Silver City, Nevada. Range: Colorado and Nevada to Arizona and New Mexico. X i:\v M kxico: Aztec {Baker). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Polygala parvifolia (Wheelock) Woot. & Standi. Polygala lindheimeri parvifolia Wheelock, Mem. Torrey Club 2: 143. 1891. Type locality: Foothills of the Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Big Hatchet Mountains (Mearns 43). From P. lindheimeri this may at once be distinguished by the smaller size, puberu- lenl instead of pubescent stems, smaller leaves, and smaller glabrous fruit. 7. Polygala neomexicana Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 144. 1913. Type locality: Miller Hill, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe in 1897. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Grant and Sierra counties. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A species related to Polygala puberula, but differing in its taller, more slender stems, larger, broader, thinner, nearly glabrous leaves, larger flowers, and larger puberu- lent fruit. 8. Polygala puberula A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 40. 1852. Type locality: Valley of the Limpio, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Hillsboro; Queen; Mangas Springs; White and Sacramento mountains. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Polygala viridescens L. Sp. PI. 705. 1753. Polygala sanguinea L. loc. cit. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: Open slopes, New England to North Carolina, west to Minnesota and New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. We have seen no New Mexican specimens of this species, but Doctor Gray states1 that it was collected by Fendler on "low prairies, near Las Vegas" (no. 109). It is to be expected on the plains of northeastern New Mexico. Order 30. EUPHORBIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Styles and stigmas distinct or nearly so, cleft or foliaceous; ovary 3-celled; land plants. . . 81. EUPHORBIACEAE (p. 393). Stj lee united by pairs; ovary 4-celled; aquatic plants 82. CALLITRICHACEAE (p. 405). 1 Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 30. 1849. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 393 81. EUPHORBIACEAE. Spurge Family. Monoecious or dioecious herbs or shrubs with acrid or milky sap; leaves simple, sessile or petiolate, alternate or opposite; stipules present or wanting; inflorescence various, the flowers involucrate in one section, the involucre resembling a calyx and the true calyx much reduced; number of parts of the perianth varying in the staminate and pistillate flowers in the same species; corolla often wanting, especially in pistillate flowers; stamens few or numerous, variously united or distinct; ovary usually 3-celled, with 1 or 2 ovules in each cell; fruit mostly a 3-celled capsule, separating at maturity into three 2-valved carpels each containing 2 or mostly 1 large seed. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers involucrate; calyx represented by a minute scale at the base of a filament-like pedicel. Glands of the involucre without petaloid ap- pendages, naked, sometimes with crescent- shaped horns. Stems not terminated by an umbel; stipules glandlike; involucres cymose-clus- tered, each with a single gland or rarely with 4 glands and fimbriate lobes 1 . Poinsettia (p. 394). Stems terminating in an umbel; stipules none; involucres in open cymes, each with 4 glands and entire or toothed lobes 2. Tithymalus (p. 395). Glands of the involucres with petaloid append- ages, these sometimes much reduced. Leaves alternate or scattered, at least below the inflorescence. Perennials; stipules wanting; bracts not petaloid; leaves small, narrow 3. TrrnYMALOPSis (p. 396). Annuals or biennials; stipules narrow: bracts petaloid; leaves large and broad (those of the inflorescence variegated) I. Dichrophyllt/m p. 396 Leaves all opposite. Leaf blades not oblique at the base; ires mostly rather large 5. ZYGOPHYixronrM Leaf blades oblique al the base; 1 mostly small 6. Chamaesycj p Flowers not involucrate; calyx of Beveral sepals. Ovules and Beeds2 iii each cell. Annual; Btamens2; filaments distind 7. Rbvebchonia (p. 401). Perennial; stamens :;; filaments parti] united s. I'uvi i wun - p. M)l). Ovules ami seeds solitary in each cell. Petals present, al Least in the staminate Mowers. Flowers in terminal cymes; petals con- spicuous 9. Jatrophi p. I'M). 394 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Flowers in crowded spikelike clusters, terminal or axillary, the pistillate usually below; petals small and inconspicuous, often wanting in the pistillate flowers. Stamens 10, monadelphous 10. Ditaxis (p. 401). Stamens 6, the filaments distinct.. .11. Croton (p. 402). Petals wanting in all flowers. Stamens numerous, 8 to 20. Shrubs; stigmas 2-cleft 15. Bernardia (p. 405). Herbs; stigmas dissected 12. Acalypha (p. 403). Stamens few, 2 to 5. Plants slender, small, covered with stinging hairs; capsules pedi- celed 13. Tragia (p. 404). Plants stout, much larger, glabrous; capsules sessile 14. Stillingia (p. 404). 1. POINSETTIA Graham. Poinsettia. Annuals, 30 to 60 cm. high, the stems simple or branched from the base; upper leaves often colored, alternate below, opposite above; stipules glandlike; involucres in axillary or terminal cymes or solitary, the lobes fimbriate; glands fleshy, solitary or rarely 3 or 4, sessile or short-stalked, without appendages, the missing ones repre- sented by narrow lobes; capsules exserted; seeds narrowed above, tuberculate or roughened. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Glands of the involucre sessile or nearly so; leaves discolored at the base; plants glabrous 1. P. havanensis. Glands of the involucre stalked; bracts and leaves not dis- colored; plants more or less pubescent. Leaf blades linear to linear- lanceo late ; seeds not promi- nently tuberculate; glands of the involucre 3 or 4. . . 2. P. cuphosperma. Leaf blades ovate to ovate-lanceolate; seeds prominently tuberculate; glands of the involucre solitary 3. P. dentata. 1. Poinsettia havanensis (Willd.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 722. 1903. Euphorbia havanensis Willd.; Boiss. in DC. Prodr. 152: 73. 1862. Type locality: Cuba. Range : Southeastern United States to Arizona and in tropical America. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. 2. Poinsettia cuphosperma (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 721. 1903. Euphorbia dentata cuphosperma Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 190. 1859. Euphorbia cuphosperma Boiss. in DC. Prodr. 152: 73. 1862. Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1834). Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Texas. New Mexico: Upper Pecos River; Santa Rita; Organ Mountains; Roswell; White Mountains. Dry, open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Poinsettia dentata (Michx.) Klotzsch & Garcke, Monatsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1859: 253. 1859. Euphorbia dentata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 211. 1803. Type locality: "Hab. in Tennassee." WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 395 Range: South Dakota and Pennsylvania to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe Creek; Pecos; Organ Mountains; Gila Hot Springs; White Mountains; Hanover Mountain; Taos; Las Vegas; Sacramento Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. TITHYMALUS Klotzsch & Garcke. Annual or perennial herbs, light green, glabrous, with erect stems umbellately branching above; leaves alternate below, the upper opposite, crowded, sessile, exstipu- late, mostly entire; involucres sessile or pedunculate, in terminal cymes, the lobes often toothed; glands 4, transversely oblong, reniform, or crescent-shaped by the hornlike appendages, the missing one represented by a thin, often cilia te lobe; capsules ex- serted, smooth or tuberculate; seeds variously pitted, sometimes carunculate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Capsules tuberculate. Stems cymosely branched below the umbel; capsules short- warty 1. T. missouriensis. Stems racemosely branched; capsules long- warty. Leaves coarsely serrate; stems few 3. T. alius. Leaves obscurely serrulate; stems very numerous 2. T. mexicanus. Capsules smooth. Cauline leaves broadest above the middle 4. T. luridus. Cauline leaves broadest near the base. Seeds broadly truncate at the base; capsules 5 mm. long. 5. T. chamaesula. Seeds rounded at the base; capsules 3 to 4 mm. long 6. T. montanus. 1. Tithymalus missouriensis (Norton) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 721. 1903. Euphorbia arlcansana missouriensis Norton, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 11: 103. 1899. Type locality: "In the Missouri River Valley, usually in open prairie or waste places, from Missouri to South Dakota and west to Colorado and Idaho, and extending into eastern Washington." Range: As under type locality. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Farmington. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Tithymalus mexicanus (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 145. 1913. Euphorbia diclyosperma mexicana Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 191. 1859. Euphorbia mexicana Norton, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 11: 105. 1899. Type locality: "Valley of the Nagas, Bolson de Mapimi," Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and Mexico. Wo have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but Norton refers here one collected by Thurber at Mule Spring (no. 282). 3. Tithymalus altus (Norton) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. ncrb. 16: 145. L913. Euphorbia alia Norton, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 11: 108. 1899. Type locality: "In the mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico, and in Mexico." Range: Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Mountains west of San Antonio; Mogollon Mountains; White Moun- tains; Sacramento Mountains; Nutt. Transition Zone. 4. Tithymalus luridus (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: I IV 1913. Euphorbia lurida Bngelm. Proc. Amor. Acad. 5: 1 7:'.. 1861. Ttpb LOCALITY: Base of the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. 396 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Raman; San Lorenzo; Magdalena Mountains; Horse Camp; Tunitcha Mountains; Willow < reek, Rio Arriba County. Meadows. 5. Tithynialus chamaesula (Boiss.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 145. L913. Euphorbia chamaesula Boiss. Cent. Euphorb. 38. 1860. Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1820). Range: Arizona and New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains, and south to the Mexican boundary. Tran- sition Zone. 6. Tithymalus montanus (Engelm.) Small; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 224. 1906. Euphorbia montana Engelm. in Ton-. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 192. 1859. Euphorbia montana gracilior Engelm. loc. cit. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no'. 786). Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Farmington; Sandia Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. The type of E. montana gracilior was collected near Santa Fe (Fendler 786, in part). 3. TITHYMALOPSIS Klotzsch & Garcke. Slender glabrous perennial herb with erect stems and oblong-linear alternate leaves; involucres on pubescent pedicels 3 to 5 mm. long, clustered; glands sessile or stalked, with yellowish white appendages; capsule exserted; seeds narrowed upward, more or less punctate, without caruncles. 1. Tithymalopsis strictior (Holzinger) Woot. & Standi. Euphorbia strictior Holzinger, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 214. pi. 18. 1892. Type locality: Oldham County, Texas. Range: Texas to eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tucumcari Mountain; Nara Visa. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. DICHBOPHYLLUM Klotzsch & Garcke. Snow-on-the-mountain. Annual with erect stems umbellately branched above, 40 to 80 cm. high; leaves alter- nate or opposite, sessile, ovate, entire, acute, about 5 cm. long, those of the inflorescence broadly white-margined, attenuate below into a short petiole; flowers crowded at the summit of the stem; involucres campanidate, in rather dense cymes, the lobes fimbri- ate, the 5 glands peltate, somewhat concave, with pink and white petal-like append- ages; capsule exserted, pubescent; seeds narrowed upward, carunculate. 1. Dichrophyllum marginatum (Pursh) Klotzsch & Garcke, Monatsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1859: 249. 1859. Euphorbia marginata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 607. 1814. Tithymalus marginatum Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 165. 1911. Type locality: "On the Yellow-stone river." Range: Montana and Minnesota to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Frio Draw; Tucumcari; Red Lake east of Elida; Albert; Roswell. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A showy plant, not rare in cultivation. It is easily recognized by the white- margined floral leaves. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 397 5. ZYGOPHYLLIDIUM Small. Annuals with erect branching stems; leaves opposite, or rarely alternate below, not oblique at the base, entire; stipules glandlike, often obsolete; involucres delicate, short-pedunculate in the upper forks of the stems; glands 5, broader than long, sub- tended by petal-like appendages; capsules long-pediceled, 3-lobed; seeds terete, usually narrowed upward, more or less papillose, the caruncle sometimes wanting. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants glabrous; upper leaves ovate, long-petioled 1. Z. delicatulum. Plants more or less pubescent; upper leaves linear or oblong- linear. Glands bilobate; seeds not carunculate 2. Z. bilobatum. Glands entire; seeds carunculate 3. Z. cxstipulatum. 1. Zygophyllidium delicatulum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 145. 1913. Type locality: Mineral Creek, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1414). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; White Mountains. Transition Zone. A very different plant from any of the other species of the genus, differing most noticeably in the width and shape of the leaf blades and in the glabrous involucres. 2. Zygophyllidium bilobatum (Engelm.) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 199. 1910. Euphorbia bilobala Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 190. 1859. Type locality : Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains to the Organ Mountains and southward. Hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Zygophyllidium exstipulatum (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 146. 1913. Euphorbia exstipulata Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 189. 1859. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Stanley; Tortugas Mountain; Kingston; plains between Fort Win- gate and Belen; Carrizozo; Apache Teju. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. CHAMAESYCE S. F. Gray. Spurge. Annual or perennial herbs, mostly branching from the base; branches erect, ascend- ing, or prostrate; leaves opposite, the blades entire or toothed, more or Less oblique at the base; stipules delicate, entire or fimbriate; involucres axillary, solitary or in cymes; glands 4, sessile or stalked, naked or usually appendaged, one sinus glandless; capsules smooth, sometimes pubescent, the angles sharp or rounded; seeds smooth cr transversely wrinkled, with minute caruncles. The different species are known among the Mexicans as "golondrina." The plants are reputed, everywhere in the Southwest, to be a remedy for rattlesnake bites. KEY TO THE species. Leaf blades toothed, at leas! near the apex. Capsules pubescent. Glands of the involucre with conspicuous petal-like ap- pendages 1 ■ C. inilirisa. Glandc of the involucre with small and inconspicuous appendages 2. C. ttictotpora. 398 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Capsules glabrous. Plants more or less pilose on the stems and leaves. Stems erect; leaves 2 cm. long or more 3. C. nutans. Stems prostrate; leaves usually less than lcm. long. 4. C. serrula. Plants glabrous, or at least never pilose. Stems erect or strongly ascending; plants yellowish green 6. C. neomexicana. Stems prostrate; plants not yellowish. Seeds conspicuously wrinkled horizontally 17. C. glyptosperma. Seeds not wrinkled, pitted or smooth. Seeds pitted 18. C. rugulosa. Seeds smooth or nearly so 5. C. serpyllifolia. Leaf blades entire. Perennials. Leaves strongly pubescent 7. C. lata. Leaves glabrous. Stems prostrate; involucres corolla-like 8. C. albomarginala. Stems erect or ascending; involucres inconspicuous. Leaves scarcely if at all longer than broad, rounded-obtuse 9. C. fendleri. Leaves twice as long as broad, acute 10. C. chaetocalyx. Annuals. Stems prostrate; leaves usually very oblique at the base. Stipules ciliate 13. C. micromera. Stipules not cilitate. Leaves about as long as broad; stipules trian- gular-subulate 11. C. serpens. Leaves twice as long as broad; stipules filiform. 12. C. geyeri. Stems erect; leaves slightly if at all unequal at the base. Capsules less than 1.5 mm. broad; plants 15 cm. high or less; branches divaricate 14. C. revoluta. Capsules more than 1.5 mm. broad; plants 30 cm. high or more; branches ascending. Appendages of glands conspicuous, white 15. C. petaloidea. Appendages inconspicuous, greenish white, or obsolete 16. C. flagelliformis. 1. Chamaescyce indivisa (Engelm.) Millsp. Field Mus. Bot. 2: 387. 1914. Euphorbia dioica indivisa Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 187. 1859. Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1845). Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Organ Mountains. Dry plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Chamaesyce stictospora (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 714. 1903. Euphorbia stictospora Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 187. 1859. Type locality: "From Kansas (Fendler, 798) to Santa Fe (Fendler, 797) and Dona Ana (Wright, 59), New Mexico, and Corallitas, Chihuahua." Range: Kansas and Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; Fort Cummings; Kingston; Sandia Mountains; Mesilla Val- ley; Carrizozo; south of Roswell; Gray. Hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 399 3. Chamaesyce nutans (Lag.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 712. 1903. Euphorbia nutans Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 17. 1816. Euphorbia preslii Guss. Fl. Sic. Prodr. 539. 1827. Type locality: "Habitat in N. [ova] H. [ispania]." Range: Eastern North America, west to the Rocky Mountains, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Lower Plaza; Roswell. Damp fields and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Chamaesyce serrula (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 144. 1913. Euphorbia serrula Engelm. in Ton*. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 188. 1859. Type locality: "Western Texas and New Mexico." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Tesuque; mesa west of Organ Mountains; White Sands; south of Roswell; Carlsbad. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 712. 1903 Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 14. 1807. Type locality: "In Amer. [ica] calidiore." Range: Wisconsin to California, south to Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State except along the eastern border. Plains and low hills, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. 6. Chamaesyce neomexicana (Greene) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 199. 1910. Euphorbia neomexicana Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 55. 1886. Type locality: Plains of the upper Gila in western New Mexico. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Sycamore Creek; Organ Mountains; Gray; south of Ros- well. Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Chamaesyce lata (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 710. 1903. Euphorbia lata Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 188. 1859. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Kansas to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Roswell; Nara Visa; Carrizozo; south of the White Sands; Guadalupe Mountains; Buchanan; Redlands; Carlsbad. Plains, Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 8. Chamaesyce albomarginata (Torr. & Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 710. 1903. Euphorbia albomarginata Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 174. 1855. Type locality: "Head-waters of the Colorado." Range: California to Texas and southward. New Mexico: Fort Wingate; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Doming; Organ Mountains; mesa near Las Cruces; Tucumcari; Gray; south of Roswell; Tularosa; Carrizalillo Mountains; Zuni; Water Canyon. Dry plains and bills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Chamaesyce fendleri (Torr. & Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 710. 1903. Euphorbia fendleri Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 175. 1855. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 800). RANGE: Wyoming and Nebraska to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Nearly throughout the Stale. Dry hills and plains, in the Lowef and Upper Sonoran zones. 400 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 10. Chamaesyce chaetocalyx (Boiss.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 144. 1913. Euphorbia fendleri chaetocalyx Boiss. in DC. Prodr. 152: 39. 1862. Type locality: "In Novo-Mexico." Type collected by Wright (no. 1847). Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Canyoncito; Los Lunas; Albuquerque; San Augustine Plains; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; White Mountains; Queen. Dry mesas and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 11. Chamaesyce serpens (H. B. K.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 709. 1903. Euphorbia serpens H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 52. 1817. Type locality: "Crescit in umbrosis Cumanae prope Borcones et Punta Araya," Yenzuela. Range: Iowa to New Mexico, western Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: South of Roswell; Carlsbad; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Plains and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 12. Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 709. 1903. Euphorbia geyeri Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 260. 1845. Type locality: "Beardstown, Illinois, and Upper Missouri." Range: Minnesota and Illinois to Oklahoma and New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni; Estancia; Pecos. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Chamaesyce micromera (Boiss.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 144. 1913. Euphorbia micromera Boiss. in DC. Prodr. 152: 44. 1862. Type locality: Sonora. Range: New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 14. Chamaesyce revoluta (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 711. 1903. Euphorbia revoluta Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 186. 1859. Type locality: Gravelly hills near Rock Creek, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; Gray; Hillsboro; Mangas Springs. Mesas and dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 15. Chamaesyce petaloidea (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 711. 1903. Euphorbia petaloidea Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 185. 1859. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Wyoming and Idaho to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; lower Pecos Valley. Dry hills, in the Upper and Lower Sonoran zones. 16. Chamaesyce flagelliformis (Engelm.) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 223. 1906. Euphorbia petaloidea flagelliformis Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 185. 1859. Euphorbia flagelliformis Engelm. ; T. S. Brandeg. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr. 2: 243. 1876. Type locality: New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sabinal; Lava; Mesilla Valley; south of Melrose; Farmington. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 17. Chamaesyce glyptosperma (Engelm.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 712. 1903. Euphorbia glyptosperma Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 187. 1859. Type locality: On the Rio Grande, Texas. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 401 Range: British America to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock; Dulce; Tunitcha Mountains. Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 18. Chamaesyce rugulosa (Engehn.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 145. 1906. Euphorbia serpyllifolia rugulosa Engehn.; Millsp. Pittonia 2: 85. 1890. Type locality: San Bernardino, California. Range: California to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce (Standley 8135). Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. REVERCHONIA A. Gray. Slender, smooth, divaricately branched annual, 30 cm. high or less, with glaucous stems, narrow entire leaves, and small axillary clusters of dark purple flowers; stam- ina te flowers with 4 sepals and 2 short stamens; pistillate flowers with 5 sepals and a 6-lobed disk; ovary 3-celled; styles 3, distinct; fruit a dry capsule. 1. Reverchonia arenaria A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 107. 1881. Type locality: Sandhills of the Brazos, Baylor County, Texas. Range: Texas and southern New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Lava; sands northeast of Jornada Range, Dona Ana County; Roswell. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 8. PHYLLANTHUS L. Low herbaceous perennial from a woody base, 10 to 20 cm. high, with slender smooth stems, small leaves, and very small greenish flowers; leaves narrowly oblong- cuneate, with lanceolate stipules at the base of the short petiole; flowers in axillary few-flowered clusters, monoecious; staminate flowers about 0.5 mm. long, the pistillate about 3 times as large, on very slender pedicels; sepals 5 or 6, green, white-margined, persistent at the base of the 3-celled 6-valved 3-seeded capsule. 1. Phyllanthus polygonoides Nutt.; Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3: 23. 1826. Type locality: "Ditio Arcansa Amer. bor." Range: New Mexico to Texas and Oklahoma. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Queen; Hatchet Ranch. Dry, rocky hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. JATROPHA L. Herbaceous perennial from a thickened tuberous root; stems thick and succu' 30 to 50 cm. high, erect; leaves petiolate, palmately 3 to 5-lobed, 10 cm. in diameter or le3s, the lobes triangular-lanceolate, with rather numerous coarse aristate teeth; stipules, bracts, and sepals laciniately lobed into linear segments; flowers large, in a terminal cyme; sepals 5, united below; petals 5, bright pink, about 1 cm. Long; fila ments united below, unequal; fruit a 3-celled capsule, each 2-valved cell containing a single large carunculate seed. 1. Jatropha macrorhiza Benth. PI. Hartw. 8. 1839. Type locality: Mexico. Ranch: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Southern Granl and Luna counties. Sandy plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 10. DITAXIS Vahl. Monoecious herbaceous perennials \\ i 1 1 1 simple alternate Leaves and axillary • of flowers; staminate flower* with ■! or 5 sepals, the petals ol the same number and alternate with them; stamens once, twice, or thrice the number of the petals, with united filaments; petals of the pistillate flowers smaller or rudimentary; sty] 2-cleft; I'niii a ."■ s€k ded capsule; seed- glob 70° — 15 — 26 402 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants hirsute L D- neomexicana. Plants glabrous. Stems slender, much branched; leaves petiolate 2. D. laevis. Stems stout, simple; leaves sessile 3. D. cyanophylla. 1. Ditaxis neomexicana (Muell. Arg.) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 5. 1898. Argyrothamnia neomexicana Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 19. 1865. Type locality: "In Novo-Mexico." The types are Wright's 643 and 1797. The first of these is certainly Texan, but the second may have come from New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: South of Hillsboro (Metcalfe 1287). 2. Ditaxis laevis (Torr.) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 5. 1898. Aphora laevis Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 196. 1859. Argyrothamnia laevis Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 147. 1865. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexican. New Mexico: Roswell and vicinity. Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Ditaxis cyanophylla Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 106. 1909. Type locality: Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe, May 25, 1904. Range: Western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Kingston; south of Rito Quemado. 11. CROTON L. Herbaceous or woody annuals or perennials, more or less stellate-pubescent, with alternate simple entire leaves and inconspicuous monoecious or dioecious flowers, these in axillary or terminal, spicate or racemose clusters, sometimes crowded; stami- nate flowers uppermost; sepals 4 to 6, usually 5; petals mostly present but small, alternating with glands; stamens 5 or more; pistillate flowers usually loosely clustered; their sepals 5 to 10, the petals usually wanting; stigmas much divided; capsule 3-celled, splitting into 2-valved carpels each containing 1 seed. KEY TO THE SPECIES Annuals. Plants stellate-pubescent throughout, grayish 1. C. texensis. Plants glabrous, bright yellowish green 2. C. luteovirens. Perennials. Low shrub with cordate or subcordate leaves 3. C. fruticulosus. Herbs, sometimes suffrutescent near the base, the leaves never cordate, mostly oval or oblong, rounded at the base. Staminate flowers petaliferous. Leaves gray on both surfaces, the upper ones obtuse . 4. C. corymbulosus. Leaves green above, the upper ones acute 5. C. eremophilus. Staminate flowers apetalous. Plants loosely stellate-pubescent, not silvery 6. C. tenuis. Plants densely lepidote-stellate, silvery 7. C. neomexicanus. 1. Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 152: 692. 1866. Hendecandra texensis Klotzsch in Wiegmami, Archiv Naturg. 7: 252. 1841. Hendecandra mult [flora Torr. in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 96. 1845. Type locality: Texas. Range: Wyoming and Illinois to Arizona and Texas, south into Mexico. WOOTOiST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 403 New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pecos; Zuni Reservation; Sandia Mountains; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Gila; Nara Visa; Malaga; Tuciuncari; south of Melrose. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A common weed in many parts of the State, especially abundant in draws or flats on overstocked ranges. 2. Croton luteovirens Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 145. 1913. Type locality: On the Rio Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 15, 1902. Range: Known oidy from the type locality. The plant is very abundant in this region, growing with the related C. tezensis. Patches of the two are distinguishable at a distance because of their different color. 3. Croton fruticulosus Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 194. 1859. Type locality: "Mountain sides and rocky ravines, western Texas.-' Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Rocky hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low shrub, 1 meter high or less. 4. Croton corymbulosus Engelm. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 5: 242. 1878. Type locality: Camp Bowie, Arizona. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, and southward. New Mexico: Silver City Draw; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; near White Water; Tucumcari; Jarilla; between Fierro and Hanover; Pecoa Valley. Sandy mesas and barren rocky hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Croton eremophilus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 141. 1913. Type locality: Dog Spring in the Dog Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 2336). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Dog Spring; Parkers Well. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Croton tenuis S. Wats. Proc Amer. Acad. 14: 297. 1879. Croton californicus tenuis Ferguson, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 12: 64. 1901. Type locality: Southern California. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to California and adjacent Mexico New Mexico: Near White Water (Mearns 2269). 7. Croton neoniexicanus Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 141. 1865. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas, southern New Mexico, and adjacent Mexi' o. New Mexico: Grant County; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Moun- tains. Mesas and low, dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 12. ACALYPHA L. Three-seeded mercury. Annual or perennial herbs with simple petiolate leaves and monoecious Sowers in axillary or terminal spikes; leaves thin, punctate, serrate; staminate flowers with I Bepals and s to hi united stamens; pistillate flowers subtended by Eoliaceous l>racts, the sepals :'. \<> :>, the stigmas fringed; fruit a 3-celled 3-seeded capsule. KEY TO TKK SI! I II - Annual; stigmas greenish, inconspicuous; inflorescence mostly axillary II Pereni ial bigmas bright red, showy ; inflorescence terminal -'. A. Undheimt 404 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Acalypha neomexicana Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 19. 1865. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1817). Range: Western Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Kingston; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Queen; Carlsbad. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2 Acalypha lindheimeri Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 47. 1865. Type locality: Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Deer Creek; Mangas Springs; Kingston; San Luis Mountains; Animas Valley; west of Hope; Guadalupe Mountains. 13. TRAGIA L. Low herbaceous much-branched perennials with slender wiry stems armed with stinging hairs; leaves simple, alternate, small, coarsely toothed, short-petiolate; flowers small, in small clusters near the ends of the stems, monoecious, apetalous; stamens 3 or 5; sepals 3 to 5 in the staminate flowers, 5 in the pistillate flowers; fruit a 3-celled 3-seeded capsule. key to the species. Stems appressed-pubescent; staminate calyx with 3 sepals; sta- mens 3 1. T. nepetaefolia . Stems hirsute; staminate calyx with 4 or 5 sepals; stamens 4 or 5.. 2. T. ramosa. 1. Tragia nepetaefolia Cav. Icon. PL 6: 37. pi. 557./. 1. 1801. Type locality: "Habitat inter Ixmiquilpan et Cimapan," Mexico. Range: Kansas and Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; White Mountains; south of Roswell. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Tragia ramosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 245. 1828. Tragia stylaris Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 180. 1865. Type locality: "Sources of the Canadian ?," New Mexico ? Range: Colorado and Missouri to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Pecos; Raton; Sierra Grande; Albuquerque; Mangas Springs; White Water; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Socorro Mountain; Tularosa Creek; Queen; mountains west of San Antonio. Dry hills, among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 14. STILLINGIA L. Queen's delight. Monoecious herbaceous perennials 30 to 60 cm. high, with several stems umbellately branched above; leaves narrow, glabrous, shining, 3 to 8 cm. long, serrulate; spikes terminal, bracteate; staminate flowers with a 2 or 3-lobed calyx and 2 or 3 exserted stamens; capsule 2 or 3-celled, with a single large globose seed in each cell. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves linear or nearly so; capsules less than 10 mm. wide 1. S. linearifolia. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic; capsules more than 10 mm. wide 2. S. smallii. 1. Stillingia linearifolia (Torr.) Small, Fl. Southeast, U. S. 704. 1903. Sapiwn sylvaticum linearifoUum Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 201. 1859. Stillingia sylvatica linearifolia Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 152: 1158. 1866. Type locality: ' ' Ravines on the San Pedro River and on limestone rocks higher up on the Rio Grande," western Texas. Range: Texas and southeastern New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Sands south of Melrose (Wooton). Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 405 2. Stillingia smallii Woot. & Standi. » Stillingia sylvatica salicifolia Torr. ; Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 704. 1903. Stillingia salicifolia Small, loc. cit., not Baill. 1865. Type locality: "In sandy soil, Kansas to Arkansas and Texas." Range: Kansas and Arkansas to eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Roswell. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. BERNARD IA P. Br. Low, much branched shrub with alternate stipulate stellate-pubescent ovate-oblong repand-dentate short-petiolate leaves and small dioecious flowers in axillary racemes; staminate calyx 3-parted; stamens 3 to 20; ovary 3-celled, 3-ovuled; seeds not carun- culate. 1. Bernardia myricaefolia (Scheele) Benth. & Hook. Gen. PI. 3: 308. 1883. Tyria myricaefolia Scheele, Linnaea 25: 581. 1852. Type locality: New Braunfels, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Queen; San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 82. CALLITRICHACEAE. Water starwort Family. 1. CALLITRICHE L. Water starwort. Small aquatic herbs with opposite entire leaves and minute solitary polygamous flowers in the axils; flowers without calyx or corolla, the staminate ones with a single stamen subtended by 2 bracts, the pistillate ones bearing a single pistil with a 4-celled ovary; styles united in pairs; fruit in ours globose, sessile, 1.5 mm. in diameter. With us a single species with linear, sessile, submersed leaves and spatulate, rounded or refuse emersed ones. 1. Callitriche palustris L. Sp. PI. 969. 1753. Callitriche autumnalis L. Fl. Suec. ed. 2. 2. 1755. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae fossis paludibus." Range: British America to New Mexico; also in Europe. New Mexico: Horsethief Canyon; Taos; Costilla Valley; Brazos Canyon. In water. Order 81. SAPINDALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Fruit a double samara; stamens alternate with the sepals; leaves opposite 85. ACERACEAE (p HO Fruit not a double samara; stamens opposite the sfp.ils; leaves opposite i >r alternate. Planfs with resiniferous tis>m- ; leave com- pound 83. ANACARDIACEAE (p (06). Plants without resiniferous tissue; leaves com- pound or simple. Leaf blades simple 84. CELASTRACEAE (p K) Leaf blades pinnate 86. SAPINDACEAE (p 41 83. ANACARDIACEAE. Cashew Family. Shrubs, sometimes small, usually large with acrid, sometimes ; polygamous or dioecious flow pinnately :'. to man] foliolate, exstipulate; flowers small, usually incon picuous, in crowded clu ten, th< e imetii i 3 i" 7 ■ I'M . pel da of the ime oumbei as the • al 400 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. twice as many, inserted at the base of a disk; ovary superior, 1-celled, 1-ovuled, the styles often 3, ultimately becoming a small dry drupelike fruit. Our species have all been recognized as belonging to one genus, Rhus, but they are so different in general appearance that it seems best to follow Doctor Greene in separating them into several genera, though the characters upon which the separa- tion is based are mostly vegetative rather than floral. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers appearing before the leaves, in small crowded clusters. Leaves 1 or 3-foliolate; flowers yellow, tinged with red . 1. Schmaltzia (p. 406). Leaves 5 to 9-foliolate; flowers white 2. Rhoeidium (p. 408). Flowers appearing after the leaves, in their axils or in panicles terminating the stems. Leaves 3-foliolate, poisonous; generally under- ;1 nubs with slender stems 3. Toxicodendron (p. 408). Leaves pinnately several to many-foliolate, not poisonous; shrubby plants with thick stems, one species with hard wood 4. Rhus (p. 408). 1. SCHMAI/TZIA Deav. Lemita. Widely branching shrubs, 2 meters high or less; leaves unifoliolate or trifoliolate, the leaflets mostly cuneate-obovate, crenately and coarsely few-toothed, the terminal ones often 3-lobed ; flowers yellow or reddish yellow, in crowded clusters on very short peduncles on the branches of the previous season, appearing before the leaves; fruit orange scarlet, globose, 4 to 6 mm. in diameter. The roots of these plants are used by the Indians in forming patterns for their basketry. The bark is of a dark reddish brown color. The plants are also used in setting dyes. Mexicans sometimes use the stems in making baskets, mixing them with willow branches. The berries were used as food by some of the Indians. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves unifoliolate 1 • S. affin is. Leaves trifoliolate. Young twigs densely velvety-pubescent with long yellowish hairs 2. S. emoryi. Young twigs merely puberulent or soft-pubescent, the hairs not yellowish. Bracts of the aments tomentose all over. Fruit densely long-hirsute; leaflets small, thick, nearly glabrous, at least on the upper surface 0. S. quercifolia. Fruit sparingly short-hirsute; leaflets large, thin, pubes- cent on both surfaces 7. S. baker i. Bracts of the aments glabrous or glabrate, at least on the up- per half. Terminal leaflet abruptly contracted at the base, deeply 3-lobed 3. S. pulchella. Terminal leaflet, gradually cuneate at the base, shallowly lobed. Teeth of the leaves rounded; blades densely pu- beacenl ; all the leaflets toothed 4. 8. leiocarpa. Teetli of the leaves acutish; blades mostly glabrous on the upper surface; some of the leaflets entire 5. S. cognata. t WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 407 There is room for considerable doubt concerning the validity of the numerous seg- regates of this group recently proposed. The differences between the species are mostly variations in leaf outline. Upon a single shrub one finds great variation in this respect, so that it is questionable whether it is wise to maintain more than a single species of the group, S. trilobate. There is some variation in pubescence, but this is only in quantity. Doctor Greene speaks of certain glabrous plants, but we have been unable to find any that are truly glabrous. Field study is necessary to determine with any degree of precision the exact relationship between the numerous forms. 1. Schmaltzia affinis Greene, Leaflets 1: 135. 1905. Type locality: "Shrub of southern Utah deserts, collected at Kanab, Springdale, and Silver Reef." Range: Southern Utah to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7338). Dry hills among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is probably an extreme variant of S. trilobate, influenced largely by the very arid situations in which it grows. The leaves are commonly unifoliolate, but some- times they are cleft nearly to the base, and frequently the plants bear a few trifo- liolate leaves. 2. Schmaltzia emoryi Greene, Leaflets 1: 133. 1905. Rhus trilobate mollis A. Gray; Patterson, Check List 21. 1892. Rhus emoryi Wooton; Greene, op. cit. 134, as synonym. Type locality: "Hills and low mountains of eastern and southern New Mexico." Type collected by Wooton (no. 584). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Horse Camp; Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; Dog Spring; moun- tains west of San Antonio; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Park; White Sands; Roswell; Perico; Queen; south of Torrance. Dry hills and valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Schmaltzia pulchella Greene, Leaflets 1: 134. 1905. Type locality: "Toward the Rio Limpio, western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Queen (Wooton). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Schmaltzia leiocarpa Greene, Leaflets 1: 133. 1905. Tvi-e locality: Valley of the Rio Grande at Mesilla, Now Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 48). Range: Southern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Reserve; Black Range; San Luis Mountains; Mesilla; Dona Ana Mountains; above Tularosa; Cloudcroft; Lincoln National Forest. Mesas and river valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Schmaltzia cognata Greene, Leallets 1: 111. 1905. Type loi uuty: Durango, Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cedar Hill. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Schmaltzia quercifolia ( In, me, Leaflets I: 111. 1905 Type locality: Canyons in Seward Count] outhwi tern Kansas Ranqi Causae to northeastern New Mexico New Mexico Glorieta; Folaom; Nan Vi < Raton I o . hills and open plai in the I pp< r Sonoran Zone. 408 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 7. Schmaltzia bakeri Greene, Leaflets 1: 132. 1905. Type locality: Near Fort Collins, Colorado. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: West of Santa Fe; Tierra Amarilla; Sierra Grande; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Chama; Reserve; Fort Bayard; Silver City. Low bills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. RHOEIDIUM Greene. Stiff, woody, widely branching desert shrub, often 2 meters high and of equal diameter, with stems intricately interlaced, the short ones sometimes spinescent; leaves generally about 2 cm. long, with about 7 elliptic leaflets borne on a winged rachis; leaflets acute, mostly entire; flowers small, in crowded clusters on the naked branches of the previous season in the axils above the leaf scars; calyx lobes orbicu- lar, concave, entire; petals white, finely ciliate; fruit globose, about 6 mm. in diam- eter, hispidulous, viscid. This genus is very close to Schmaltzia, as here understood, the differences in the leaves and the color of the flowers being hardly sufficient for separation. The descrip- tion of the fruit of Rhoeidium given by Doctor Greene is not correct for the fruit of the species in New Mexico. It is always orange scarlet, nearly like that of Schmalt- zia. The plant is also strikingly like the species of that genus in general habit, instead of being very diverse, as has been suggested, and the two grow side by side. 1. Rhoeidium microphyllum (Engelm.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 143. 1905. Rhus microphylla Engelm. in A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 31. 1852. Type locality: "Margins of thickets, on the top of hills, in the large prairie be- tween New Braunfels and San Antonio," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Socorro; Berendo Creek; Hachita; Tortugas Mountain; Hopkins Mill; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. TOXICODENDRON Mill. Poison oak. Low shrubs, usually less than 1 meter high, with 3-foliolate poisonous leaves having large, broadly ovate to rhombic, acuminate, coarsely few-toothed or entire leaflets; flowers inconspicuous, greenish yellow, in small seVeral-flowered axillary panicles; fruit depressed-globose, glabrous, thin-walled, white and shining when mature. 1. Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small) Greene, Leaflets 1: 117. 1905. Rhus rydbergii Small in Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 268. 1900. Toxicodendron punctatum Greene, Leaflets 1: 125. 1905. Type locality: Not definitely stated, apparently Montana. Range: British Columbia and Montana to Nebraska and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Black Range; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Moun- tains; White Mountains. In woods, in the Transition Zone. In New Mexico the plant goes under the name of "poison oak," but in other parts of the United States the name given is more often "poison ivy," which would seem much more appropriate. The type of T. punctatum came from the Black Range ( Metcalfe 1088). 4. RHUS L. Sumac. Erect spreading shrubs 1 to 2 meters high or more, with pinnately 5 to many-foliolate leaves and axillary or terminal panicles of small, dull whitish or yellowish flowers; leaves persistent or deciduous, the leaflets large, 3 to 8 cm. long; flowers and fruit as described under the family. WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 409 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves evergreen, thick; flowers axillary in small clusters; wood of stems very hard 1. #. choriophylla. Leaves deciduous, thin; flowers in dense terminal panicles; wood of stems soft, with large pith. Rachis winged; leaflets densely pubescent beneath, of the same color on both surfaces 2. R. lanceolata. Rachis not winged; leaflets glabrous and paler beneath 3. R. cismontana. 1. Rhus choriophylla Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 146. 1913. Type locality: Guadalupe Canyon, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 699). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon; San Andreas Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Rhus lanceolata (A. Gray) Britton in Britt. & Shaf. N. Amer. Trees 606. 1908. Rhus copallina lanceolata A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 158. 1850. Schmaltzia lanceolata Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 728. 1903. Type locality: Rocky soil and high prairies, New Braunfels, Texas. Range: Central Texas to southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Queen; San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills and canyons. Our specimens are not altogether typical, the pubescence being more abundant and spreading than is usual, while the leaflets are smaller and the inflorescence shorter. 3. Rhus cismontana Greene, Proc. Washington Acad. Sci. 8: 189. 1906. Rhus sorbifolia Greene, op. cit. 195. 1906. Type locality: Thomas County, Nebraska. Range: Utah and North Dakota to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; mountains west of Las Vegas; Kingston; Mogo- llon Creek; Guadalupe Canyon; White Mountains. Along streams, in the Transition Zone. The type of Rhus sorbifolia was collected in the mountains near Las Vegas. 84. CELASTRACEAE. Staff-tree Family. Low shrubs, sometimes spiny; leaves simple, small, alternate or opposite; flowers normally cymose, small and inconspicuous, perfect; calyx and corolla 4 or 5-m< stamens 4 to 10, inserted on a disk lining the hypanthium; fruit a capsule, drupe, or berry, the seeds often arillate. key to the genera. Stamens 10: plants spiny; stems green 1. Fohski.lkniv >]>. 409). Stamens 4 or 5; plants not spiny; stems yellowish or brown. Flowers 4-merous; fruit a 2-valved capsule; leaves opposite, smooth 2. Pachisttma (p. 410 Flowers 5-merous; fruit indehiscent; leaves alternate, scurfy 3. MORTOl i\ p HO) 1. FORSELLESIA Greene A spiny green-.-iniimnl .-In ul. 3d in id < m. high or less, with small oboi Leaves I cm. long or i mailer, these a* arlj horl pe tided, i utire; flowi re small, pentamerou i, white. 410 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Forsellesia spinescens (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 1: 206. 1893. Glossopetalon spinescem A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 29. pi. 12. 1853. Type locality: "In a mountain ravine near Frontera," Texas. The type came from within a few miles of the southern boundary of New Mexico. It may even have come from the south end of the Organ Mountains. Range: "Washington and California to Colorado and western Texas. \ \.\v Mexico: Upper Corner Monument; San Andreas Mountains; Llano Estacado; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A rare shrub of dry rocky slopes, mostly on limestone soil. 2. PACHISTIMA Raf. Prostrate evergreen shrub with glabrous opposite short-petioled serrulate leaves; flowers solitary or in few-flowered axillary cymes; calyx 4-lobed, with a short tube; petals 4; ovary 2-celled; capsule small, 1 or 2-seeded. 1. Pachistima myrsinites (Pursh) Raf. Fl. Tellur. 42. 1838. Ilex ? myrsinites Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 119. 1814. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains and near the Pacific Ocean." Range: British Columbia and California to New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Bear Moun- tains; Cloudcroft; Mogollon Road; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Lookout Mines; Santa Fe Canyon. Woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 3. MORTONIA A. Gray. A low shrub; leaves elliptic, thick, entire, acute, contracted into a very short petiole, crowded, 1 cm. long or less; stems yellowish like the leaves; flowers in short terminal bracteate racemes; whole plant densely scurfy. 1. Mortonia scabrella A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 28. 1853. Type locality: "Mountain-sides, near the San Pedro, Sonora," and "Mountains near El Paso." Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Corner Monument (Mearns 64, 247). Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 85. ACEEACEAE. Maple Family. Small or large trees with smooth exfoliating bark; leaves opposite, simple and pal- mately lobed or pinnately compound; flowers polygamous or dioecious, in axillary racemes or corymbs; sepals 4 or 5; petals as many or mostly wanting; stamens as many an the sepals, rarely 8, inserted on a disk, or the disk wanting; pistil of 2 or more united carpels, becoming 2 laterally winged samaras. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves simple or palmately 3-foliolate; young branches red- dish or gray; flowers polygamous 1. Acer (p. 410). Leaves pinnately 3 or 5-foliolate; young branches green; flow- era dioecious 2. Negundo (p. 411). 1. ACER L. Maple. Trees with reddish, brownish, or grayish twigs, rather smooth bark, and palmately 5-lobed or 3-foliolate leaves; flowers polygamous, preceding the leaves, inconspicuous, on slender pendent pedicels; petals sometimes present: fruit as described for the family. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF XLW MEXICO. 411 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corymbs long-ped uncled; teeth of the leaves acute. Leaves, at least most of them, 3-parted 1 . A. neomexicanum. Leaves merely 3 or 5-lobed, never parted 2. A. glabrum. Corymbs nearly sessile; teeth of the leaves obtuse. Lobes of the leaves broadly oblong, with several teeth, broadest near the apex; wing of the fruit 30 mm. long or more 3. A. grandidentatum. Lobes of the leaves triangular-lanceolate, mostly entire, broadest at the base; wings 15 mm. long 4. A. brachypterum. 1. Acer neornexicanum Greene, Pittonia 5: 3. 1902. Type locality: Mountains near Las Vegas, New Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to southern Colorado. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Copper Can- yon; Mogollon Mountains; Lookout Mines; Cloudcroft; White Mountains. Damp woods and along streams, in the Transition and Canadian zones. This may be the same as A. tripartitum Nutt,, but it seems different. Acer mum, \ i- cii mi in and the following are slender shrubs, usually from 2 to 4 meters high. 2. Acer glabrum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 172. 1828. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains." Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; Sierra Grande. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. The specimens show noue of the divided leaves of A. neomexicanum. 3. Acer grandidentatum Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 247. 1838. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains, on Bear River of Timpanagos." Range: Montana to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Holts Ranch; Lookout Mines; Organ Mountains; White and Sacra- mento mountains. Woods, in the Transition Zone. A medium-sized tree with spreading branches. 4. Acer brachypterum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 1 16. 1913. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected bj E. A. Mearns (no. 535). Range: Southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains. A specie aear .1. grandidentatum, bu1 the Leaves more denselj pube cei i and with very differenl lobes and the wing of the fruil much shorter. NEGXJNDO Boehmer. Bos elder. Medium-sized tree with pinnate leaves; young twigs Bmooth and glaucous, green; It .it!, i :;, sometimes 5, mate, with a fe^ coan <■ teeth aear the apex, or i omet snini'u hat lobed. 1. Negundo interius (Britton) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 56. L91S. interior Britton in Britt. A: Shaf. N. Amer. Trees 6 L90S Rulac interior Nieuwland, Amer. Mid. Nat. ~: L39. L911. Type lo< Uirnr: < Ihaparral-coA ered hill- southeast of < hiray, < iolorado. Rj [i iii«i Arizona to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Mexico Pecos; Eurrah Creel I Chloride; Black Ran e; Cliff; Gila; Anima Peak; Organ Mountains; Trinchi ra Pa runitcha Mountains; White Moun- tain \ loni tn .ii.i , in the Transition Zone. 41'2 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 86. SAPINDACEAE. Soapberry Family. Shrubs or trees with alternate pinnate leaves; inflorescence lateral or terminal, mostly paniculate; flowers white or pink, polygamous, usually conspicuous; sepals 4 or 5; petals 4 or 5, regular or irregular; stamens 7 to 10, inserted on a disk; ovary 2 to 4-celled; fruit a capsule or berry-like. KEY TO THE GENERA. Trees with small white flowers; fruit berry-like, with a single seed 1. Sapindus (p. 412). Shrubs with large pink flowers; fruit a 3-celled capsule with 3 seeds 2. Ungnadia (p. 412) 1. SAPINDUS L. Soapberry. Tree 7 or 8 meters high or less, with rather smooth yellowish gray bark and thick foliage; leaves with 8 to 19 narrowly lanceolate leaflets 4 to 8 cm. long, somewhat falcate, acuminate, glabrous above, soft-pubescent beneath; flowers white, small, numerous, in terminal panicles; sepals and petals 4 or 5, the latter twice as long as the former and more or less lacerate; fruit consisting of a globose, yellow, fleshy to leathery pericarp about 1 cm. in diameter, containing a single globose seed, drying black. 1. Sapindus drummondii Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey Voy. 281. 1840. Type locality: Texas. Range: Kansas, Arkansas, and Louisiana to Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Fairview; Fort Bayard; Black Range; Carrizalillo Mountains; Dog Spring; east of Deming; Organ Mountains; Roswell; Albert. Canyons, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A single species occurring in the mountains and foothills of the southern part of the State, sometimes cultivated. Young plants are commonly bushy, with several stems from the root, and will be recognized only by the leaves, since they do not bloom. The Spanish name for this is "jaboncillo." 2. UNGNADIA Endl. New Mexican buckeye. Branched shrubs 2 meters high or less, with reddish twigs and large leaves with 3 to 9 leaflets; leaflets usually 7, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, irregularly serrate; flowers rather large, bright pink, numerous, appearing before the leaves, irregular, polyga- mous; sepals 5; petals 4 or 5; stamens 5 to 10, exserted; capsule long-stipitate, coriaceous to woody, 3 to 5 cm. in diameter, 3-celled; seeds globose, brown, smooth, shining, about 10 mm. in diameter. 1. Ungnadia speciosa Endl. Atact. Bot. pi. 36. 1833. Type locality: Not ascertained. Range: Central Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Order 32. RHAMNALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Sepals evident; petals involute; fruit capsular or drupaceous; shrubs or trees 87. RHAMNACEAE (p. 413). Sepals minute or obsolete; petals valvate; fruit a berry; vines with tendrils 88. VITACEAE (p. 415). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 413 87. RHAMNACEAE. Buckthorn Family. More or less spiny shrubs 2 meters high or less, with simple leaves and email stipules; flowers perfect or polygamo-dioecious, mostly small and inconspicuous; calyx of 4 or 5 valvate sepals, with a disk lining the hypanthium; petals 4 or 5 or wanting; stamens 4 or 5, opposite the petals on the throat of the hypanthium or on the disk; pistil of 2 or 3 united carpels; ovaries united with the disk and hypanthium to form the berry-like fruit. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fruit fleshy, black, with a 1 to 3-celled stone. Petals present; young stems glaucous 1. Zizyphus (p. 413). Petals wanting; young stems not glaucous 2. Condalia (p. 413). Fruit dry or somewhat berry-like, 2 or 3-seeded. Plants low; petals hooded or long-clawed; stigmas 3 3. Ceanothus (p. 413). Tall 6hrubs 1 meter high or more; petals not clawed nor hooded; stigmas 2 4. Rhamnus (p. 414). 1. ZIZYPHUS Juss. Lote bush. Rigid spiny shrub 1 to 2 meters high, with glaucous young branches and small glaucous leaves, these 15 mm. long or less, ovate to oblong-elliptic, acute or obtuse; flowers small, in axillary corymbs; sepals 5, triangular, keeled within; petals and stamens 5, opposite each other on the disk; ovary 2 or 3-celled; fruit a pulpy black berry, green within. 1. Zizyphus lycioides A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 168. 1850. Type locality: Between Matamoros and Mapimi, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Berendo Creek; west of Cambray; Florida Moun- tains; Hachita; Dog Spring; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry mesas and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. CONDALIA Cav. Very similar to the preceding, but the leaves apatulate and finely pubescent, and the petals wanting. 1. Condalia spathulata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 32. 1852. Type locality: "On the Rio Grande, Texas; and prairies on the San Felipe." Range: Western Texas and New Mexico to northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Easi of Hachita; Las Falomas Hot Springs; mesa near 1 as Crucea; 'alupe Mountains. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran '/.■ This and the last OCCUr together on the mesas of the southern part ol the State. This plant is nearly always leafy, the leaves being more or less persistent, while Zizyphus lycioides ia most frequently without Leaves. Much of the time ii ap] to be merel] a bush composed of spines. It may !><■ recognized bj its younger branches, which are always bluish green or glaucous, even after the leaves have fallen. The fruits of t his and the preceding are sometimes eaten, but theirBeedsare very large and the amount of pulp small. 3. CEANOTHUS L. BUCKTHORN. Low shrubs, more or lees spineecent, mostly less than I meter high; leavt nimple, alternate, with minute caducous stipules; flowers small, in crowded terminal m \ or cogymbs; sepals 5, white, petaloid; disk Ailing the hypanthium; petals •'». white, long-clawed, h led; stamen d; ovary immersed in the disk: frail at last dry, Srcelled, berrj like, 414 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaf blades thin, bright green, nearly or quite glabrous, 25 to 35 mm. long; inflorescence much exceeding the leaves 1. C. mogollonicus. Leaf blades thick, grayish green, densely pubescent, at least beneath, 20 mm. long or less; inflorescence visually not exceeding the leaves. Branches spinescent; leaves sericeous beneath, elliptic to lanceolate, acutish 2. C. fendleri. Branches not spinescent; leaves never sericeous, hirtellous- puberulent, mostly obovate, rounded or retuse at the apex 3. C. greggii. 1. Ceanothua mogollonicus Greene, Leaflets 1: 67. 1904. Type locality: Mogollon Creek in the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 239). Range: Known only from type locality. 2. Ceanothua fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 29. 1849. Type locality: Mountains east of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 105). Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Capitan Mountains; Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Sawyers Peak; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Open slopes and thickets, in the Transition Zone. 3. Ceanothua greggii A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 28. 1853. Type locality: Buena Vista, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; Organ Mountains; Queen; San Andreas Mountain?. 4. RHAMNUS L. Buckthorn. Unarmed shrubs over 1 meter high, with rather large alternate leaves; flowers perfect or polygamo-dicecious, in small axillary clusters; sepals 4 or 5; disks lining the hypan- thium; petals 4 or 5, sometimes wanting, clawless, on the margin of the hypanthium; stamens 4 or 5, inserted on the edge of the disk ; ovary 2 to 4-celled ; fruit a 2 to 4-seeded, rather dry berry. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers fascicled, 2 or 3 in each axil; leaves small, 35 mm. long or less, yellowish beneath; seeds 2. Mature leaA'es obtuse, finely pubescent on the upper surface. . 1. R.fasciculata. Mature leaves acutish, glabrous on the upper surface 4. R. smithii. Flowers in peduncled cymes, numerous; leaves usually more than 35 mm. long, not yellowish beneath; seeds 2 or 3. Seeds 2; leaves pale beneath with a dense tomentulose pubes- cence 2. R. ursina. Seeds 3; leaves green on both surfaces, sparingly pubescent beneath 3. R. betulaefolia. 1. Rharnnua faaciculata Greene, Leaflets 1: 63. 1904. Type locality: South Fork of Tularosa Creek, 3 miles east of the Mescalero Agency, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 203). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains; Guadalupe Mouutains. Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. This is doubtfully distinct from R. smithii. WOOTON ANI> STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 415 2. Rhamnus ursina Greene, Leaflets 1: 63. 1904. Type locality: Bear Mountain near Silver City, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 172). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sycamore Creek; Bear Mountain; Mangas Springs; Gila; Berendo Creek; San Andreas Mountains. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Rhamnus betulaefolia Greene, Pittonia 3: 16. 1896. Type locality: Banks of streams in the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby in 1881. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; San Francisco Mountains; Kingston; Animas Peak; Tularosa Creek. In the Transition Zone. 4. Rhamnus smithii Greene, Pittonia 3: 17. 1896. Type locality: Pagosa Springs, southwestern Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; between Tierra Amarilla and Park View. Open hillsides, in the Transition Zone. 88. VITACEAE. Grape Family. Woody vines, trailing or climbing by tendrils; leaves large, simple or compound, petiolate, the blades flat and mostly thin; inflorescence axillary, cymose or paniculate : flowers small and inconspicuous, greenish or yellowish, sometimes delicately perfumed, perfect, polygamous, or dioecious, regular; calyx and corolla 4 or 5-merous, a disk present or wanting; stamens of the same number as the petals and opposite them; pistil compound; fruit a berry. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves simple 1. Vitis (p. 415). Leaves compound. Leaves 5-foliolate, thin 2. Parthenocissus (p. 415). Leaves 3-foliolate, fleshy 3. Cissus (p. 416 >. 1. VITIS L. Grape. Trailing or climbing vines with shreddy bark and forking tendrils; leaves simple, more or less palmately lobed or angled, with small caducous stipules; flowers in axilla r\ panicles, dioecious, i«>Iyuauio-dicccious, or rarely perfect; calyx minute; corolla caducous, the petals coherent; stamens exserted, alternate with the lob< the disk; fruil ;i few-seeded globose berry; seeds hard and bony, pear-shaped, relatively large. 1. Vitis arizonica Engelm. Amer. Nat. 2: 321. 1868. Type locality: Arizona. Range: We tern Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: McCarthy sun inn; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Fori Bayard; Bear Mountain; Black Range; Organ Mountains; Roswell; < fray; Queen; < lloverdale; Animas Mountains; White Mountains, ins and thicket , in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The berries of this grape arc aol very pa lut a hie, bul they were n^~i\ for food bj the Indians. 2. PARTHENOCISSUS Planch. Yn;<.i\i.\ OBEEFBR. Trailing or climbing woody vines with forking tendrils and alternate, palmately 5-foliolate leaves; leaflets I bo 10 cm. long, coarsely toothed; flowers small, greenish, in axillary cj mes; calyx and corolla •"> merous, disk wanting; stamen* 5; fruil I depn globose berry, blackish, aol edible. 416 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) Hitchc. Spr. Fl. Manhattan 26. 1894. Ampelopsis quinqucfolia vitacea Knerr, Bot. Gaz. 18: 71. 1893. Psedera vitacea Greene, Leaflets 1: 220. 1906. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Wyoming and Michigan to Ohio and Arizona. New Mexico: Pecos; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Gila Hot Springs; Burro Mountains; Guadalupe Canyon; Gray; Organ Mountains; Cedar hill; Raton. Canyons, in the Transition Zone. 3. CISSTJS L. A succulent vine 1 to 10 meters long, with warty bark and forking tendrils; leaves 3-foliolate, fleshy, the leaflets 3 to 10 cm. long, coarsely toothed, the terminal one sometimes 3-lobed; flowers in trichotomous umbel-like cymes; berries obovoid to globose, 10 to 12 mm. long, blackish, on recurved pedicels. 1. Cissusincisa (Nutt.) Desmoul.; S. Wats. Bibl. Ind. 173. 1878. Vitis incisa Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 243. 1840. Type locality: "Arkansas." Range : Florida to Arkansas, Texas, and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon (Mearns 691). Order 33. MALVALES. 89. MALVACEAE. Mallow Family. Annual or perennial herbs (one species suffruticose) with simple, alternate, petiolate, variously lobed or dissected leaves, and rather large and conspicuous flowers; plants mostly pubescent, frequently with stellate hairs ; inflorescence axillary or by reduction of the uppermost leaves becoming racemose or paniculate; calyx of 5 sepals more or less united at the base, sometimes subtended by few to several bracts forming an involucre; petals 5, more or less united at the base and with the base of the tube of the numerous monadelphous stamens; pistil of 5 to many carpels with united styles and separate stigmas; fruit a 5 to many-celled capsule of dehiscent or indehiscent, 1 to several-seeded carpels. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fruit a loculicidal capsule; stamen column anther-bearing for a considerable part of its length. •Annuals; calyx inflated, conspicuously nerved 1. Trionum (p. 417). Perennials; calyx neither inflated nor conspicuously nerved 2. Hibiscus (p. 417). Fruit of several radially disposed carpels, these separating at maturity; stamen column anther-bearing mostly at the summit. Carpels indehiscent; ovules solitary; styles stigmatic on the inner side. Bractlets wanting; carpels 5 to 9 3. Sidalcea (p. 418). Bractlets 1 to 3; carpels more numerous. Carpels beaked; bractlets 1 to 3; flowers bright purplish red 4. Callirrhoe (p. 4 18) . Carpels not beaked; bractlets 3; flowers white to rose-colored 5. Malva (p. 419). Carpels dehiscent; ovules 1 to several in each cell; stigmas capitate. Seeds 2 or more in each carpel. Calyx without bracts; seeds several in each carpel. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 417 Carpels membranous, rounded at the apex 6. Gayoides (p. 419). Carpels leathery, usually acute or cus- pidate 7. Abutilon (p. 419). Calyx brae ted; seeds 1 to 3 in each carpel. Capsules hirsute as well as stellate- pubescent, 2 or 3-seeded, smooth on the sides at the base 8. Pitymosia (p. 420). , Capsules stellate-pubescent but not hir- sute, 2-seeded, more or less retic- ulate at the base '.). Sphaeralcea (p. 420). Seeds solitary in each carpel. Calyx bracteate. Flowers white; stems prostrate 10. Disella (p. 424). Flowers orange to pink; stems erect 11. Malvastrum (p. 425). Calyx not bracted. Perennials; carpels erect, with con- nivent or erect tips 12. Sida (p. 425). Annuals; carpels depressed, the tips spreading. Carpels 9 to 20, hirsute; flowers ax- illary.. 1.",. Anoda (p. 426). Carpels 5 to 9, not hirsute; inflori cenceracemoseorpaniculate.il. Sidanoda (p. 127;. 1. TRIONUM Medic Flower-of-an-hotjr. More or less hispid annual, branching from the base, with palmately3 to 5-lobed or parted leaves and dull white flowers with an inflated nerved calyx; capsules ovoid, about 15 mm. high, inclosed in the persistent calyx. 1. Trionum trionum (L.) Woot. & Standi. Hibiscus trionum L. Sp. PI. 697. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Italia, Africa." New Mexico: Ramah; north of Kennedy; Las Vegas; Raton, An introduced weed, occasionally found about gardens. 2. HIBISCUS L. Rose mallow. i Herbaceous perennials with large or small pubescent ovale leaves, and axillary pink or purplish flowers; calyx of 5 more or less united sepals, subtended by several bracts of about the same length. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants large. 1 meter high or more; flowers 6 to 8 cm. long 1. H. laaiocarjnu. Plants small, 40 cm. high or less; (lowers ."»i in. long or less 2. H. involucelh 1. Hibiscus lasiocarpus Cav. Monad. Diss. 159. pi. 70./. 1. I Type LOCAun : Not stated. Range: Low ground, New Mexico to Illinois, Georgia, and Louisiana. New Mexico: Etoswell (.EarZe 357). 2. Hibiscus involucellatus (A. Gray) Wool. & Standi. HUntctu denudotus involnceUotxu A. Gray, PI. Wright. L: 22. Lfi Type locality: "Sides of hills near El P Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, Bouth into Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Granl County, l ny hill-.-, in the Lower Sonoma Zone. 7r slender, densely pubescent, herbaceous perennials, with simple cordate Leaves and axillary flowers; calyx not bract Lla red or yellow; carpels 5 to 1", Leathery, beaked or rounded, dehiscent, 2 to several-s Led, 6 nun. high or more. KEY TO 'I B I- BFEGXBB. Carpels short-beaked oral Leasl acute; stems aleuder, prostrate or ascending L A. parvulum. Carpels rounded at the apex; stems stout and erect. Leaves not lobed, as broad as long; sepals 8 mm. long -• A. twafaemw. Leaves more or la i3-lobed, longer than broad; sepals not move than •"> mm. b -iilt '■'< 1 l,.r,nte. 420 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Abutilon parvulum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 21. 1852. Type locality: "Calcareous hills of the San Felipe and the San Pedro Rivers," Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Anton Chico; westof Roswell; Hondo Hill; Filmore Canyon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Abutilon malacum S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 21: 446. 1886. Type locality: Wilson County, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A coarse, yellow-flowered plant, 1 meter high or less, with large velvety leaver. In New Mexico it is known from but a single locality and is certainly rare, although it may be expected in the mountains of the southwestern corner. 3. Abutilon texense Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 231. 1838. Type locality: Texas. Range: Central Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Dog Spring. Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. PHYMOSIA Desv. Tall herbaceous perennials, appearing glabrous, but pubescent; leaves large, 3 to 7-cleft; flowers in interrupted spikes terminating the branches, large, rose or white, 3 to 5 cm. in diameter, carpels hispid or hirsute and with fine stellate pubescence, usually 3-seeded, not reticulated on the sides. 1. Phymosia grandiflora Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 60.1913. S phaeralceagvandifloraRy dh. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 565. 1904. Type locality: Mesa Verde, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains. 9. SPHAEFvALCEA St. Hil. Low or tall, coarse, perennial herbs with stellate pubescence; leaves petioled, various in outline, simple or dissected; flowers in small axillary clusters or by reduc- tion of the leaves forming narrow crowded panicles; pedicels usually short; calyx subtended by 2 or 3 bracts; fruit a capsule, consisting of numerous 2-ovuled, 1 or- 2-seeded, 3 -celled carpels. key to the species. Leaves digitately 5-parted. Flowers solitary, on long slender pedicels 1. S. tenuipes. Flowers fascicled, on short stout pedicels. . . .- 2. S. pedata. Leaves 3-parted or simple, never 5-parted. Fruit depressed-globose; upper ovule usually not maturing; mature carpels mostly reniform, completely deciduous from the axis. Leaves round-ovate, simple, or with 3 rounded lobes, ob- tuse '. . 3. S. viarginata. Leaves subhastate, lanceolate, or pinnatifid, acute. Flowers 15 to 20 mm. long; leaves subhastate, silvery- stellate 4. S. martii. Flowers 10 to 12 mm. long; leaves various. Pubescence very dense, fine, silvery, giving the plants a whitish appearance; leaves pinna- tifid 5. S. glabrescens. WOOTON AND STANDEEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 421 Pubescence loose and coarse, yellowish or at least not white; plants not whitish; leaves pinna- tifid or merely toothed or lobed. Leaves pinnatifid, the terminal portion con- spicuously lobed; pedicels long, slen- der 6. S. pumila. Leaves eubhastate, the terminal lobe not lobed; pedicels various. Pedicels very short and stout; pubescence coarse, tawny; leaves more or less lobed ; 7. 8. subhaatata. Pedicels long and slender; pubescence fine and close, grayish; leaves often lan- ceolate and not at all lobed 8. S. armaria. Fruit little or not at all depressed, the carpels with 2 or 3 ovules and 1 or 2 seeds, usually oblong, after separation from the axis cohering with each other by their sides and held by a short thread. ( ui pels smooth at the base or nearly so 9. S. leiocarpa. Carpels strongly reticulated at the base. Leaves narrowly oblong, or lanceolate and subhastate; plants tall and stout. Leaves narrowly oblong, not lobed 10. S. cuspidata. Leaves lanceolate, subhastate, with 2 low rounded lobes at the base, broader 11. S. lobata. Leaves round-ovate or rhombic-ovate in outline, often pinnatifid or variously lobed; plants mostly lower and more slender. Pubescence fine and very dense, almost velvety (yellowish); lobes of the leaves usually round-ovate; flowers usually very numerous and dense 12. 5. incana. Pubescence coarse and loose; lobes of the leaves usually narrower, mostly acutish; flowers few or numerous. Leaves divided into 3 almost equal rounded- oblong entire lobes, the lateral lobes di- vergent 13. >>'. tripartita. Leaves not equally 3-parted, the lobes toothed and the lateral ones dot divergent. Pubescence yellowish, the whole plant green, nol graj iflh II. S.fendUri. Pubescence white, giving the plants a i h appearance. Leaves broadlj i "rdate-ovate, mostl) Imple; petioles usually longer than the blad< a; pedicel* short and comparatively stoul L5 s' nbifiMa. Leaves deeply 3-lobed; petioles shorter than the blades; pedi celsverj long and slender 16 8. lata. 422 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Sphaeralcea tenuipes Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 148. 1913. Type locality: Tortugas Mountain southeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley, May 6, 1906. Range: Southwestern New Mexico, western Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; between El Paso and Monument 40; Bishops Cap. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Sphaeralcea pedata Torr. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 23. 1849. Malvastrum digitatum Greene, Leaflets 1: 154. 1905. Type locality: None given, but the type collected on Fremont's Third Expedition. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Cliiz; mountains southeast of Patterson; mountains west of San Antonio; Organ Mountains; Kingston; Tortugas Mountain; Puertecito; Reserve; Socorro Mountain; Berendo Creek. Dry, open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of Malvastrum digitatum was collected near Kingston (Metcalfe 941). 3. Sphaeralcea marginata York, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 145. 1906. Type locality: Grand Junction, Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Ojo Caliente; Tiznitzin; Zuni Reservation; Farmington; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains. Sandy plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Sphaeralcea martii Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 32: 60. 1901. Type locality: Picacho Mountain, Mesilla Valley, New Mexico. Range: Known only from the type locality, on dry, rocky hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Sphaeralcea glabrescens Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 107. 1909. Type locality: Providencia Lake, about 30 miles west of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 3, 1900. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Sphaeralcea pumila Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 110. 1909. Type locality: Diamond A Wells in the Silver City Draw, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 1, 1906. Range: Western New Mexico. New Mexico: Diamond A Wells; Bear Mountain; north of Ramah. Dry plains and low Mils, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 7. Sphaeralcea subhastata Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 2: 38. 1891. Splmeralcea simulans Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 109. 1909. Type locality: "In southwestern Texas and adjacent New Mexico and Mexico." Range: Western Texas and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Plains near Deming; Mangas Springs. Plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The type of S. simulans was collected on the plains near Deming (TFoo/o?iin 1906). 8. Sphaeralcea arenaria Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 147. 1913. Type locality: White Sands, Otero County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 165). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands; Albuquerque; Providencia Lake; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Suwanee; between Tularosa and Mescalero Agency; lake east of Dona Ana Mountains; Zuni Reservation; Mangas Springs. Sandy plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Sphaeralcea leiocarpa Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 107. 1909. Type locality: Mangas Springs, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 721). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 423 Range: Western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Fierro; Fort Bayard; Hatchet Ranch. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 10. Sphaeralcea cuspidata (A. Gray) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 2: 519. 1898. Sida stellata Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 171. 1828, not Cav. 1790. Sphaeralcea stellata Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 228. 1838. Sphaeralcea angustifolia cuspidata A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 293. 1887. Type locality: "Sources of the Arkansa." Range: Colorado and Kansas to Arizona, Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Clayton; Hopkins Mill; Silver City; Mangas Springs; Dog Spring; mesa west of Organ Mountains; White Sands; Alamogordo; Gray; White Mountains; Las Vegas; Roswell; Albert; Deming; Carlsbad. Plains and low hills, often in cultivated ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Sphaeralcea lobata Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 306. 1898. Nigger weed. Verba del negro. Sphaeralcea incana ? oblongifolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 21. 1853. Sphaeralcea lobata pcrpallida Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 87. 1900. Sphaeralcea fendleri lobata Cockerell, Entomologist 1900: 217. 1900. Type locality: Mesilla, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 2). Range: Western Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Ojo Caliente; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Silver City; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Hillsboro; White and Sacramento mountains. Open hills and in river valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A common weed in the lower Rio Grande Valley in irrigated fields. It does not commonly exhibit much variation, but occasionally aberrant forms occur. The usual color of the flowers is orange or orange scarlet, but sometimes they are pale, almost white. On most plants the leaves are oblong with an inconspicuous rounded lobe on each side at the base, but we have abnormal forms in which the lobes are more numerous. In one plant noticed, the lateral lobes were extremely narrow, reduced almost to the midveins, with an enlarged portion near the apex. The typical form becomes almost a meter high and is erect, strict, and sparingly branched below, differing from the related S. fendleri which is much smaller and more branched. 12. Sphaeralcea incana Torr. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 23. 1849. Type locality: "In New Mexico." Type collected by Ab n Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Laguna; Big Hatchet Mountains; San Luis Moun- tains; Organ Mountains; White Sands; west of Roswell; White Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Sphaeralcea tripartita Woot. & Standi. Hull. Torrey Club 36: 108. 1909. Type locality: Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type colle ted by Met- calfe 'in.. L103). wgk: Known only from type Locality. 14. Sphaeralcea fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 29. 1848 Type loi ojty: Fields and wet meadows, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler i no. 78). R.ANGE: New Mexico ami Arizona. „\i w Mexico: From tin- Las Vegas Mountain- to the White Mountain-' and ward across the state, in the mountains and foothills. » >i ■ Lo tin' l ppei Sonoran an. I Transition zones. 424 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 15. Sphaeralcea ribifolia Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 109. 1909. Type locality: Man in and Sloan Ranch, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 13, 1902. Range: Known only from the type locality. 16. Sphaeralcea laxa Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 108. 1909. Type locality: Frisco, Socorro County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 25, 1900. Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Frisco; Graham. Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. DISELLA Greene. Prostrate or ascending herbaceous perennials, stellate-scurfy or lepidote, with rather stout short stems and simple leaves oblique at the base; flowers solitary or few in the axils, usually pale yellowish within, pink-tinged without; calyx more or less 5-angled, with 2 or 3 deciduous bractlets. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants merely looBely stellate-pubescent; leaves rounded at the apex 1. I), hederacea. Plants densely lrpidote-pubescent; leaves acute. J, caves obliquely ovate or deltoid-lanceolate, seldom or never with lobes at the base 2. D. lepidota. Leaves linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblong, with conspicuous narrow lobes at the base 3. D. sagittaejolia. 1. Disella hederacea (Dougl.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 209. 190G. Meloncilla. Malva hederacea Dougl.; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amor. 1: 107. 1830. Sida hederacea Torr.; A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 23. 1849. Type locality: "Sides of streams, upon their low projecting banks, in the interior districts of the Columbia." Range: Western Texas to Washington and California. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Magdalena;Mesilla Valley. River valleys and plains, mostly in alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This and the next are common weeds, in irrigated lands of the Rio Grande Valley in particular, though not restricted to this region. They are usually abundant on rather compact and sometimes slightly alkaline soils which get occasional irrigation, where they carpet the ground with their spreading, decumbent stems. The peculiar oblique, truncate leaves are characteristic. 2. Disella lepidota (A. Gray) Greene, Leaflets 1: 209. 1906. Sida lepidota A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 18. 1852. Type locality: "New Mexico." Probably this should be western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Cactut Flat; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; White Sands; Deming; Roswell; Hanover Mountain. Dry fields, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Disella sagittaefolia (A. Gray) Greene, Leaflets 1: 209. 1906. Sida lepidota sagittaefolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 18. 1852. Type locality: Mountain valley, sixty miles west of the Pecos, Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Laguna Colorado; Socorro; near White Water; lake east of Dona Ana Mountains. Dry plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 425 11. MALVASTRUM A. Gray. Low perennial herbs with branched Btema, simple or lobed leaves, and small axillary clusters of flowers, these by the reduction of the leaves forming narrow panicles; calyx subtended by 2 or 3 small bracts; petals reddish; fruit a capsule consisting of numer- ous 1 or 2-ovuled, 1-seeded, 1-celled carpels. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants densely silvery-lepidote with peltate scales; divisions of the leaves linear, mostly entire 1. M. leptophylium. Plants loosely canescent with stellate hairs; divisions of the leavee broader than linear, usually lobed. Flowers 8 mm. long or less; leaves 12 mm. long or shorter, the divisions very narrow 2. M. mieranthum. Flowers more than 10 mm. long; leaves 20 mm. long or more, the divisions broader. Plants 30 to 40 cm. high, slender; racemes loose, elon- gated; terminal lobe of the leaves much longer than the others :i. Sf. datum. Plants 10 to 20 cm. high, stout; racemes crowded; ter- minal segments of the leaves only slightly longer than the others 1. M. cocciru am. 1. Malvastrum leptophyllum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 17. 1852. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Southern Utah and Colorado to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Cummings; Socorro Mountain; Magdalena Mountains; Farming- ton; Carrizozo; west of Roe well; Carrizo Mountains; San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Malvastrum mieranthum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 147. 1913. Type locality: Near Tiznitzin, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 2673). Range: Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Tiznitzin; mountains southeast of Patterson. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Malvastrum elatum (Baker) A. Nele. Bot. Gaz. 34: 25. 1902. Malvastrum coccineum elatum Baker, Journ. Bot. Brit. & For. 29: 171. 1891. Type locality: Bed of the Limpio River, western Texas. Type Wright's no. II. Range: Arizona and Colorado to western Texas. New Mexico: Ojo Caliente; Gallup; Zuni; Las Vegas; Pecos; Reserve; Water C in- yon; Carrizalillo Mountains) Mangas Springs; San Augustine Ranch; Horse Camp; While Mountains. Open slopes. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Malvastrum coccineum (Pursh) A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 21. 1849. Cristaria coccinea Pursh, PI. Amer. Sept. 453. 1814. Sida dissecta Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, PI. N. Amer. 1: 235. 1840. Malvastrum cockerellii A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 24. 1902. Type locality: "On tin- dry prairies and extensive plains of the Isjasouri." Range: Oregon and Saskatchewan to Arizona, Texas, and Iowa. New Mexico- Common throughout the State. Open hills and plains, in the Uppet Sonoran Zone. 12. SIDA L. Prostrate or ereel herbaceous perennials, srith simple, alternate, mostly nan m leave; and slender sinus; flowers Solitary or iii small axillary clusters, >>11m\v ..r oral calyx more or lees 6 angled, sometimes a< crescenl In Emit, n it bi numerous, L-celled, L-ovuled, indehiscent, or dehisi enl at the apex. 426 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Calyx strongly accrescent at maturity 1. 8. physocalyx. Calyx not accrescent. Plants erect, not hirsute 2. S. neomexicana. Plants prostrate, hirsute 3. 8. diffusa. 1. Sida physocalyx A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 163. 1850. Type locality: On the Liano, western Texas. Range: Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; south of Roswell; Lakewood; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Sida neomexicana A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 296. 1887. Type locality: Mountains at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Fort Bayard; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Sida diffusa H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 257. 1821. Type locality: "Crescit prope Zelaya Mexicanorum, alt. 950 hex." Range: Texas and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: North Percha Creek; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; between Santa Rita and Mimbres. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 13. ANODA Cav. Erect annuals 60 to 150 cm. high, with alternate, simple, hastate or deltoid-cordate leaves and solitary axillary flowers, or these becoming somewhat paniculate above by the reduction of the leaves; calyx lobes triangular, spreading, thin; capsules depressed and radiate, of 9 to 20 long-beaked carpels, the flat summit hirsute. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla lavender; sepals much exceeding the hispid carpels 1. A. lavaterioides. Corolla yellow; sepals slightly exceeding the stellate-hirsute carpels 2. A. wrightii. 1. Anoda lavaterioides Medic. Malvenfam. 19. 1787. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Kingston; Fort Bayard; San Luis Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Gray; Albuquerque; Belen; Bernalillo; Capitan; Dayton. Open hills, often in cultivated fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A common weed in the southern part of the State in fields and orchards, especially in summer after grain crops have been harvested. 2. Anoda wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 22. 1853. Type locality: Summit of mountains near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 894). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Santa Rita. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 427 14. SIDANODA (Robinson) Woot. & Standi. Sidanoda Woot. & Standi, gen. nov. Anoda section Sidanoda Robinson in A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I1: 320. 1897. Erect, much branched annuals, with short stellate pubescence; leaves various in outline, alternate, long-petiolate ; flowers small, long-pediceled, in open racemes or panicles; petals yellow or blue; carpels 5 to 9, depressed or ascending, dorsally umbonate or short-cuspidate, puberulent, never hirsute; seeds resupinate-pendulous. Type species: Anoda pentaschista A. Gray. 1. Sidanoda pentaschista (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Anoda pe7itaschista A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 22. 1853. Type locality: Valley between Ojo de Gavilan and Condes Camp, beyond the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 893). Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Between Ojo de Gavilan and Condes Camp; Mesilla Valley. Lower Sonoran Zone. Order 34. HYPERICALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Styles wanting. Herbs; placentae axial 90. ELATINACEAE (p. 427). Shrubs; placentae basal 91. TAMARICACEAE (p. 427). Styles present. Petals united to above the middle 92. FOUQTJIEBIACEAE (p. 428). Petals distinct, or merely coherent at the Styles united 95. VIOLACEAE (p. 428). Styles distinct. Sepals united into a tube; leaves not pellucid-dotted 93. FRANKENIACEAE (p. 428). Sepals distinct; leaves pellucid- dotted 94. HYPERICACEAE (p. 428). 90. ELATINACEAE. Waterwort Family. 1. ELATINE L. Waterwort. Small, fragile, often aquatic, glabrous herbs with opposite or whorled leaves; flowers minute, usually solitary in the axils; sepals 2; petals and Btamena 2 or 3; capsules subglobose, rarely 1 mm. in diameter; seeds small, striate. 1. Elatine americana (Pursh) Arnold, Edinburgh Journ. Sci. 1: 430. 1830. Peplis americana Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept.. 238. 1814. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Range: British America to Oregon, New Mexico, and Virginia. We have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but in the Botany of the Mexican Boundary it is reported from "bills near the Copper Klines," collected by Bigelow. 91. TAMARICACEAE. Tamarix Family. 1. TAMARIX I.. 1. Tamarix gallica L. Sp. PI. 270. 1753. BA1 r OSDAB. Type locality : " Habitat in Gallia, Hispania, Italia." A cultivated plant, u*<'<\ very effectively i'<>r bedges in many place . often • It may he recognized by ii-< babit, which BUgge ts the name of cedar (though Ll ii imt evergreen), and l>y it* large panicles <>i -mall pink Sowers borne profusely in 428 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. the spring or early Bummer. It grows rapidly from cuttings and withstands con- tinued drought very well, nor is it easily hurt by alkali in the soil, characteristics which make it especially valuable for cultivation in an arid climate. 92. FOTJQTJIEMACEAE. Ocotilio Family. 1. FOUQUIERIA H. B. K. Ocotillo. Spiny shrubs with several erect or ascending virgate stems 3 meters long or less, bearing leaves for but a short time in the summer, the spines formed by the indurated mid-ribs of the leaves of previous seasons; leaves oblanceolate-spatulate, entire; flowers perfect, in thyrsoid terminal panicles, bright scarlet, appearing usually before the leaves; sepals 5; corolla 5-merous, gamopetalous, broadly tubular, with a spread- ing limb; stamens 10, epipetalous; fruit an ovoid capsule with many seeds. 1. Fouquieria splendens Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 98. 1848. Type locality: Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenua in 1846. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; Upper Corner Monument; Big Hatchet Mountains; Hachita; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A form with white flowers was collected by Metcalfe near Kingston in 1904. 93. FRANKENIACEAE. Frankenia Family. 1. FRANKENIA L. Branching shrubs 1 meter high or less, with small crowded leaves on numerous fascicled short branches and small white flowers, these solitary, axillary, sessile; sepals 5, united into a persistent tube; petals 5, white, clawed; stamens 6; fruit a few-seeded capsule included in the calyx. 1. Frankenia jamesii Torr. in A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 622. 1873. Type locality: Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: White Sands; Alamogordo; Los Mitos; Organ Mountains. In alka- line soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 94. HYPERICACEAE. St. Johnswort Family. 1. HYPERICUM L. St. Johnswort. Herbs 30 to 60 cm. high, with yellow, loosely cymose flowers and opposite sessile leaves, these usually black-dotted along the margins; sepals 5; petals 5, bright yellow, with a few black glands; stamens numerous, united at the base into 3 or 5 clusters; styles 3, distinct; fruit a 3-lobed capsule with numerous seeds. 1. Hypericum formosum H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 196. pi. 460. 1821. Type locality: "Crescit prope Pazcuaro Mexicanorum, alt. 1130 hex." Range: Colorado and Utah to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Higher mountains throughout the State. Damp meadows, in the Transition Zone. 95. VIOLACEAE. Violet Family, Low herbs, often acaulescent, with simple alternate stipulate leaves and complete irregular flowers; sepals 5; petals 5, irregular, one of them often spurred; stamens 5, the anthers erect or connivent; pistil of 3 carpels, with a single style, becoming a 1 -celled capsule with several seeds. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 429 KEY TO THE GENERA. Sepals auriculate at the base; flowers mostly large and showy ; lower petal spurred 1. Viola (p. 429). Sepals not auriculate; flowers small, greenish; upper and lateral petals markedly unequal 2. Calceolaria (p. 431). 1. VIOLA L. Violet. Low perennial herbs, acaulescent or with short stems, with alternate stipulate leaves of various shapes; flowers solitary, scapose, on axillary peduncles, often of two kinds, the later ones cleistogamous; petals irregular, the lowermost spurred or saccate at the base; capsules elastically dehiscent. The writers wish to acknowledge their appreciation of the assistance of Dr. Ezra Brainerd in the preparation of the account of this genus. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants acaulescent. Leaf blades lobed. Lobes of leaves linear or nearly so, numerous, extending nearly to the base 1 . V. pedatifida. Lobes oblong, few, separate only about half way to the base 2 . V. wUmattae. Leaf blades not lobed. Flowers white 3 . V. pallens. Flowers blue. Leaves broadly ovate, obtuse; capsules 5 to 10 mm. long 4. V. nephrophylla. Leaves deltoid, acutish; capsules 10 to 15 mm. long. . 5. V. missouriensis. Plants caulescent. Flowers yellow or brownish 6. V. pinetorum. Flowers blue or white. Flowers blue. Leaves deeply cordate; stems much elongated, slender, not cespitose 7. I*. montanensis. Leaves rounded to acutish at the base; stems stout, thick, cespitose. Leaves glabrous or nearly so s. I '. adunea. heaves puberulent 9. V. pubenda. Flowers white or nearly so. Stipules fimbriate 10. V. reptans. Stipules entire. Leaves nearly glabrous beneath; petals aol n-t use 11. V. canadensis. Leaves muriculate-scabrous on both Burn* 1 .rials retuse 12. V. mvricuUtta, 1. Viola pedatifida Dun, Hist. Mchl. PI. 1:320. 1831. Type locality: North America. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Saskatchewan ami llliimiH. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; between Park View and Tierra Amarilla, Plains and low bills, in the Upper Sonoma Zone. 2. Viola wilmattae Pollard & Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 16: |& L902. Type locality: SapeQo Canyon, Beulah, New Mexico, Tyj llected bj Mm, \\. P i ; in L901. 430 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Benlah; Sierra Grande. This appears to be a hybrid between V. nephrophylla and V. pedatifida, and has recently been described as such by Dr. Ezra Brainerd. 1 3. Viola pallens (Banks) Brainerd, Rhodora 7: 247. 1905. Viola rotundifolia pallens Banks; DO. Prodr. 1: 295. 1824. Type locality: "In Labrador et Kamtschatka." Range: New Mexico to Tennessee, New England, and Labrador; also in Siberia. New Mexico: East Canyon (Holzinger). The plant appears to be of this species, although it is not in such a condition as to make certain determination possible. 4. Viola nephrophylla Greene, Pittonia 3: 144. 1896. Type locality: "In dry thickets of scrubby willows and Potentilla fruticosa, the valley of the Cimarron River, western Colorado." Range: Idaho and Wyoming to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Holts Ranch; Middle Fork of the Gila; Iron Creek. Moist shaded slopes, in the Transition Zone. 5. Viola missouriensis Greene, Pittonia 4: 141. 1900. Type locality: Leeds, Missouri. Range: Missouri to Oklahoma and northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas River near Las Vegas (Cockerell). 6. Viola pinetorum Greene, Pittonia 2: 14. 1889. Type locality: "Pine woods of the higher mountains south of Tehachapi, Kern Co., California." Range: California and Oregon to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch (Griffiths 4308). 7. Viola montanensis Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 263. 1900. Type locality: Jack Creek Canyon, Montana. Range: Montana to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6823). Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. 8. Viola adunca J. E. Smith, Rees's Cycl. 37: no. 63. 1817. Type locality: West coast of North America. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Pecos Baldy. Damp woods, Transition to Hud- sonian Zone. 9. Viola puberula (S. Wats.) Howell, Fl. Northw. Amer. 1: 72. 1897. Viola canina puberula S. Wats.; A. Gray, Man. ed. 6. 81. 1890. Viola retroscabra Greene, Pittonia 4: 290. 1901. Type locality: " Sandy or stony shores and islands of Lakes Huron and Superior." Range: Washington and California to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Nutritas Creek below Tierra Amarilla; top of Las Vegas Range. Transition Zone. 10. Viola reptans Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 27: 165. 1892. Viola pringlei Rose & House, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mub. 29: 444. 1905. Type locality: Hills of Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. Range: Mexico to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Dulce; San Luis Mountains; Animas Valley. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 1 Bull. Torrey Club 40: 259. 1913. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 431 This is a remarkable extension of range for the species, described from specimens from southwestern Mexico. The plants collected at Dulce were growing on a bank under pine trees. 11. Viola canadensis L. Sp. PI. 936. 1753. Viola neomexicana Greene, Pittonia 5: 28. 1902. Viola canadensis neovuxicana House; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 1900. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: British America southward to New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Santo Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Kelly; Holts Ranch; Iron Creek; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. 12. Viola muriculata Greene, Pittonia 5: 28. 1902. Type locality: "In subalpine woods of Mt. San Francisco, near Flagstaff, Ari- zona." Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek; Iron Creek; Magdalena Mountains. 2. CALCEOLARIA Loefl. Low perennial herb with branched stems about 10 cm. liigh, small simple narrow leaves, and very small pale flowers; sepals equal, not auricled; petals unequal, the two upper ones smallest, the lower largest, gibbous at the base; anthers conn i vent, the I i laments distinct, the two lower ones glandular at the base; capsules elastically 3- valved. 1. Calceolaria verticillata (Orteg.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 41. 1891. Viohi verticillata <>rteg. Hort. Matr. Dec. 4: 50. 1797. lonidivm lincarc Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 168. 1827. ,'liii'inlhus verticillattts A. Nelfl. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 323. 1909. Type locality: "Nova Hispania." Range : Colorado and Kansas to Texas, Arizona, and Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Roswell; Florida Mountain*; Queen. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Order 35. OPTJNTIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Sepals and petals very unlike, 4 or 5; leaves ample; plants not succulent, not armed with Bpinee 96. LOASACEAE (p. 131). Sepals ;m.l petals nearly alike, uumerous; leaves reduced to mere scales or wanting; plants succulent, armed with Bpines 97. CACTACEAE (p. (36). 96. LOASACEAE. Loasa Family. Herbaceous annual- or perennials with whitish Btems; leaves simple, entire to deeply pi mm I ilid, covered with coarse barbed or stinging hair-; hypanthiuin more "r less tubular; sepals 5, persistent; petals 5, often with 6 petal-like staminodia, white, yellow, or orange; stamens 6 to many, the filaments often petaloid; capsules l«caUed, with l i" 3 parietal placentas; seeds l to many. 432 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA. oa 5; plants covered with stinging hairs 1. Cevallia (p. 432). Stamens numerous; plants rough-hispid with barbed or hooked but never stinging hairs. Placenta; with horizontal lamellae between the seeds; seeds flat, winged 2. Nuttallia (p. 432). Flacenta; without lamellae; seeds not winged. Seeds prismatic, muricate; leaves sessile 3. Acrolasia (p. 435). Seeds pyriform or ellipsoid, striate with parallel curved lines; leaves petiolate (petioles some- times very short) 4. Mentzelia (p. 436). 1. CEVALLIA Las. Canescent branched perennial herbs armed with stinging hairs; leaves alternate, sessile, sinuate-pinnatifid; flowers in terminal heads; tube of the calyx short, with erect linear lobes; petals 5, plumose; stamens 5, erect, with very short filaments; fruit dry, indehiscent, 1-seeded. 1. Cevallia sinuata Lag. Var. Cienc. 21: 35. 1805. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Rincon; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Dog Spring; Lake Valley; Lordsburg; Hatchet Ranch. Dry mesas, especially along arroyos, in the Lower Sono- ran Zone. 2. NUTTALLIA Raf. Herbaceous short-lived perennials (sometimes annuals) with white stems, at first rough, becoming smooth and shining below, or the epidermis exfoliating; leaves simple, alternate, more or less densely rough-hirsute with stiff, barbed or hooked, white hairs; hypanthium mostly campanulate, becoming hemispheric to cylindric in fruit; sepals' 5, persistent; petals 5 or with 5 additional petal-like staminodia, of some shade of yel- low (often described as white); stamens numerous, the outer rows of filaments often petaloid; capsules 1 -celled with parietal placenta? lamellated between the flattened, winged, finely tuberculate 6eeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves pinna tely toothed or lobed. Lobes of the leaves linear, several times as long as broad, 1 to 2 mm. wide. Plants small, 30 to 50 cm. high; flowers pale yellow, small. 1. JV. gypsea. Plants taller, spreading, 60 to 80 cm. high; flowers deep golden yellow, larger 2. JV. laciniata. Lobes of the leaves oblong, hardly more than twice as long as broad, 2 to 3 mm. wide. Petals bright yellow; some of the leaves entire. Some of the leaves oblanceolate; plants stout; capsules nearly as broad as long 12. JV. integra. All leaves linear; plants slender; capsules twice as long as broad 13. JV. springeri. Petals whitish or pale yellow; leaves all lobed or toothed. Lobes of the leaves few, 1 to 3 on each side, often en- tirely wanting; plants cespitose 3. JV. perennis. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 433 Lobes of the leaves more numerous, -1 to many on each side, the leaves never entire; plants not cespi- tose. Plants stout, widely spreading; flowers of medium size for the genus, numerous 4 . JV. multijlora. Plants tall and slender, not spreading; flowers small for the genus, few 5. JV. procera. Leaves sinuate-dentate, not pinnatitid. Flowers very large, petals about 6 cm. long; filaments not di- lated 6. JV. decapetala. Flowers small, petals 2 to 3 cm. long; outer filaments usually dilated. Cauline leaves all sessile, not cuneate at the base. Petals 2 cm. long; flowers crowded at the top of the stem; leaves large, 5 to 10 cm. long, long-acumi- nate 7. JV. rusbyi. Petals about 3 cm. long; flowers mostly solitary; cauline leaves short and small, acute 8. JV. strictissima Cauline leaves, at least the lower ones, cuneate at the base or tapering into a petiole. Flowers bright yellow 9. JV. speciosa. Flowers pale yellow. Involucral bracts narrow, entire 10. JV. nuda. Involucral bracts laciniately lobed, one sepal oc- casionally so 11. JV. stricta. 1. Nuttallia gypsea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 149. 1913. Type locality: On pure gypsum, near Lakewood, New Mexico. Type collected by \Yooton, August 6, 1909. Range: Southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Lakewood; 35 miles south of Torrance; Roswell. Gypsum Bail. 2. Nuttallia laciniata (Rydb.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 1,50. 1913. Touterea laciniata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 565. 1904. Type locality: Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado, western New Mexico, and probably Utah and Ari- zona. New Mexico: Gallup; McCarthy Station; above Chamita; Zuni. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Nuttallia perennis (Wooton) Cockerell, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 32: 300. 1906. Mentzelia perennis Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 260. L898. llcsperaster perennis Cockerell, Torreya 1: L43. L901. Touterea perennis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 277. L903. Type locality: En gypseous soil at Round Mountain, half way between Tularoei and the Mescalero Agency, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. L84). Range: Known only from the type locality, in (he I pper Sonoran Zone, 4. Nuttallia multiflora | \ui 1. 1 Greer 1:210. L908. Bartonia mutyflora Nutt. Journ. lead. Phila. II. 1: Is" L848. Mi)it:iliii innliijliini A. Gray, Mem. Aj 849. Touterea multiflora Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 277. I Type locality: Sandy hills along the borders of tli<- Rio del Norte, Ban New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. 52576°— 15 28 434 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Colorado to western Texas and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State except in the higher moun- tains. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. So far as we are able to judge from field observations, the plants of the western and southwestern sections of the State agree very well with the plants about Santa Fe. The plant found in the south-central part of the State appears somewhat different when growing, but we are unable to find characters to separate the two. The Santa Fe plant has rather bright yellow flowers which open only just before sundown, and the plant is rather widely spreading and, when full grown, almost 1 meter high; while the plant of the Rio Grande Valley, at the south end of the State, is generally lower, about GO cm. high or less, its flowers pale yellow, fading almost white, and opening early in the afternoon, not infrequently by 2 or 3 o'clock. 5. Nuttallia procera Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 150. 1913. Type locality: White Sands, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Stand- ley, August 18, 1907. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands; above Tularosa. Gypseous soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. Nuttallia decapetala (Pursh) Greene, Leaflets 1: 210. 1906. Bartonia decapetala Pursh in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 18: pi. 1487. 1812. Bartonia ornata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 327. 1814. Mentzelia ornata Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 534. 1840. Touterea decapetala Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 276. 1903. Type locality: "Banks of the Missouri." Range: South Dakota and Alberta to Texas and Nevada. New Mexico: Colfax; Raton Mountains; Albert. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. Nuttallia rusbyi (Wooton) Cockerell, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 32: 300. 1906. Mentzelia rusbyi Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 261. 1898. Besperaster rusbyi Cockerell, Torreya 1: 143. 1901. Touterea rusbyi Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 276. 1903. Type locality: Bellmont, Arizona. Range: New Mexico to Wyoming and Montana. New Mexico: Farmington; Mora; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Gray; Dulce. Damp slopes in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 8. Nuttallia strictissima Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 150. 1913. Type locality: Arroyo Ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by David Griffiths (no. 5701). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Arroyo Ranch; twenty miles south of Roswell. Plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 9. Nuttallia speciosa (Osterhout) Greene, Leaflets 1: 210. 1906. Mentzelia aurea Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 28: 644. 1901, not Nutt. 1818. Mentzelia speciosa Osterhout, op. cit. 689. 1901. Touterea speciosa Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 30: 276. 1903. Type locality: Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Colfax {Wooton). Hills and dry valleys, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Nuttallia nuda (Pursh) Greene, Leaflets 1: 210. 1906. Mentzelia nuda Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 535. 1840. Hesperaster nuda Cockerell, Torreya 1: 143. 1901. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 435 Type locality: "On the bank of the Missouri." Range: Nebraska and Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Clayton (Howell 153). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The original description of this species might with perfect accuracy be applied to any one of a half dozen of the species now recognized in the genus, in all but one particular. The statement that the ovary is naked is to be taken in relation to the description of the species immediately preceding (N.decapetala), in which the ovary is hidden by conspicuous laciniate bracts. The plant here accepted as Nuttallia nuda is the only one we have seen "germine nudo," even by comparison, and it has one or two inconspicuous bracts at the bases of the capsules. Its leaves are oblong, sessile, attenuate at the base, and repand- dentate, as described by Pursh, but not "somewhat lanceolate, interruptedly pin- natifid " as described by Torrey and Gray. It is evidently a much rarer plant than Nuttallia stricta, which has passed as Nuttallia nuda in herbaria for a lon» time. 11. Nuttallia stricta (Osterhout) Greene, Leaflets 1: 210. 1906. Eesperaster stricta Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 29: 174. 1902. Touterea stricta Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 276. 1903. Type locality: New Windsor, Weld County, Colorado. Range: Western Colorado to northern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Clayton; Nara Visa; Cross L Ranch; Perico. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Nuttallia integra (Jones) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 61. 1913. Mentzelia multiflora integra Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 689. 1895. Touterea integra Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 235. 1906. Type locality: Rockville, Utah. Range: Southern Utah to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains. Dry hills and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Nuttallia springeri Standley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 26: 115. 1913. Type locality: Mesa above the Abbott Ranch, Rito de los Frijoles, northwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Frank Springer (no. 4). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. ACROLASIA Presl. Annuals with slender, branching, rather weak, white stems, long internodes, and narrowly lanceolate sessile cauline leaves, with a rosette of basal leaves, the whole plant hispidulous with barbed hairs; leaves entire, coarsely toothed, or pinnatifid; flowers small, axillary or congested at the ends of the branches; sepals 2 to 3 mm. long; petals 5, yellow, obovate, 3 to 4 mm. long; filaments not petaloid; capsules elongated, cylindric or clavate, over 1 cm. long, with filiform placentae, not lainellated between the seeds; seeds several, irregularly prismatic, finely tuberculate. KEY TO THE 8PECIE8. Cauline leaves pinnatifid 1 . A. albioauHi. Cauline leaves mostly entire, linear-lanceolate 2. A. parvijhmi. 1. Acrolasia albicaulis (Dougl.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 277. 1903. Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl.; Hook. PI, Bur. Amer. 1: 222. isXi. Type locality: "On the arid sandy plains of the river Columbia, under the shade of Purshia tridental"." Range: New Mexico to Montana and British Columbia. New Mexico: Aztec; Cliff; Oigan Mountains Cezriio Maintain-. Diy hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 436 CONTEIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Acrolasia parviflora Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 138. 1906. Mentzelia parviflora Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 199. 1898. Type locality: Eleven miles southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico, on the road leading to Canyoneito. Type collected by Heller (no. 3750). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Near Santa Fe; Organ Mountains; Cliff; Hillsboro; near Rio Apache; Wheelers Ranch; Sandia Mountains. Plains and foothills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The plants from the southwestern part of the State have the cauline leaves mostly linear-lanceolate and entire, with only occasionally a toothed one. The species is close to Acrolasia albicaulis. 4. MENTZELIA L. Herbaceous annuals or perennials with alternate, simple, coarsely toothed or lobed leaves having short petioles, and solitary sessile axillary orange-colored flowers; younger stems, leaves, and capsules covered with stiff barbed white hairs; flowers of medium size; petals and sepals 5; filaments not dilated; fruit clavate-cylindric, with a few ellipsoid or pyriform seeds, these finely striate in curved lines. key to the species Annual; leaves acute or acuminate; seeds several; capsules thin- walled 1. M. asperula. Perennial with tuberous root ; leaves acute or obtuse ; seeds solitary; capsules thick-walled and woody 2. M. monosperma. 1. Mentzelia asperula Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 148. 1913. Type locality: Trujillo Creek, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1364). Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Trujillo Creek; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Mentzelia monosperma Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 149. 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Woo ton, August 29, 1894. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; 35 miles west of Roswell. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 97. CACTACEAE. Cactus Family. Green fleshy-stemmed spiny perennials, mostly leafless xerophytes of peculiar aspect; stems globose, cylindric, or flattened, tuberculate or ridged, often jointed, the spines and spicules borne on restricted areas known as areoles; flowers mostly large and handsome; sepals numerous, in several series, gradually becoming petaloid; petals numerous, of delicate texture and handsome colors; stamens very numerous; ovary inferior, with a thick style and several stigmas; fruit a dry or pulpy berry with thin or thickened rind and numerous seeds in the single cell. KEY TO THE GENERA. Plants with small terete caducous leaves; stems jointed; spines often barbed, accompanied by glochids; tube of the flowers short 1. Opuntia (p. 437). Plants without leaves; stems not jointed; spines not barbed, without glochids; tube of flowers more or less elongated. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 437 Stems short, mostly ovoid, globose, or short-cylin- dric, tuberculate; ovary and fruit smooth, neither scaly nor spiny 2. Mamillaria (p. 447). Stems mostly short or long-cylindric, ovoid or occa- sionally globose, mostly larger than in the pre- ceding genus; tubercles confluent into longi- tudinal ridges; ovary and fruit not smooth. Ovary and fruit scaly, not spiny; flowers borne in the center of the stem at the apex 3. Echinocactus (p. 451). Ovary and fruit spiny; flowers borne laterally on the stem some distance from the apex. Flowers usually brightly colored, red, yel- low, or greenish, open during the day; stems thick and very spiny, with 6 or more ribs 4. Echinocereus (p. 454). Flowers white, open at night; stems slender, 4 or 5-ribbed; spines very short and inconspicuous 5. Peniocereus (p. 458). 1. OPTJNTIA Mill. Prickly pear. Perennials with jointed stems, bearing small, terete or conic, fleshy, caducous leaves; joints of the stems flattened ("prickly pears" or "nopales"), cylindric ("cho- llas" or "cane cactij" inpart), or clavate or tumid, smooth to strongly tuberculate; leaves usually 1 cm. long or less, to be seen only on the young joints or the young ovary; areoles with numerous retrorsely barbed glochids 3 to 15 mm. long and 1 to several slender or stout, long or short spines (in one section the spines covered by a papery sheath) ; flowers mostly large, with numerous sepals and petals, very numer- ous stamens, and a single thick style with several stigmas; fruit tuberculate or smooth, with several to many areoles, these bristle-bearing or sometimes spine- bearing, occasionally proliferous, dry or berry-like, with a thick rind (berry-like fruits known as "tunas"). KEY TO THE SPECIES. Joints clavate, tumid, or cylindric, not conspicuously flattened. Joints clavate or tumid, smooth or tuberculate; plants low, 30 cm. liigh or less, spreading; spines without sheaths. Joints tumid when fresh and growing, simulating some forms of the Platyopuntiae when dry, very small, 2 to 5 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. wide and nearly as thick; tubercles not conspicuous; spines of the fruit merely spreading. Joints elliptic-ovate, 3 to 5 cm. long and 2 to 3 cm. wide; bristles and spines very numerous, the latter white and small 3. 0. arenarin. Joints circular to short-obovate, 2 or 3 cm. long; bristles few. Spines white or whitish; joints short-obovate. . 1.0. brachyirlhrn. Spines yellow or brownish; joints nearly orbicu- lar 'J. O.fingUit. Joints clavate (in one species almost cylindric); tuber- cles conspicuous, especially in dried specimens; Hpines of the fniit in radiating clusters. 438 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Joints large, 10 cm. long or more, nearly cylindric, 3 to 4 cm. in diameter (strongly tuberculate) ; 6pines 3 to 5 cm. long, yellowish brown (flat- tened, stout) 4. O.stanlyi. Joints smaller, rarely over 5 cm. long, clavate; spines various but not yellowish. Spines 3 to 5 cm. long, straight, slender, terete, ashy gray; joints rather slender, about 15 mm. in diameter 5. 0. grahami. Spines shorter, 2 cm. long or less, one stout and flattened, white, strongly recurved 6. 0. clavata. Joints cylindric, more or less strongly tuberculate; spines inclosed in a chartaceous sheath; plants mostly taller, 60 cm. to 3 meters or more. Plants diffuse, about 60 cm. high, seldom more; stems 10 to 15 mm. in diameter; flowers yellow. Sheaths pale yellowish to white; plant of western New Mexico and Arizona 7. 0. whipplei. Sheaths yellowish brown; plant of eastern New Mexico and Texas 8. 0. davisii. Plants taller, branching from a simple or divided main stem, 1 to 3 meters high or more; flowers mostly purple, yellow in 0. leptocaulis. Stems slender, 1 cm. in diameter or less; plants" about 1 meter high when full grown; spines long and slender, 2 to 4 cm. long, 1 to 3 in each areole; flowers yellow or purple; fruit fleshy, smooth or tuberculate, scarlet or red- dish. Fruit small, about 1 cm. long, a scarlet berry, smooth; flowers small, yellow 9. 0. leptocaulis. Fruit larger, 2 cm. long, green, more or less tinged with red, somewhat tuberculate; flowers dull greenish purple 10. 0. kleiniae. Stems stout, 2 cm. in diameter or more; plants more or less arborescent when fully grown, 3 me- ters high or more; spines short, 1 to 2 cm. long, numerous in the areole; flowers bright purple; fruit dry, tuberculate, yellow when mature. Spines 2 cm. long, 4 to 10 in the areole; tuber- cles large and conspicuous; sheaths loose, shining and white at the base, brown- tipped, giving the stem a whitish tinge. .11. 0. arborescens. Spines mostly less than 1 cm. long, 12 to 20 in an areole; tubercles mostly not conspicu- ous; spines giving a decided pinkish tinge to the stems 12. O. spinosior. Joint9 flattened, becoming orbicular, obovate, or elliptic, several times as wide aa thick. Fmit dry, not succulent; spines light-colored, numerous (except in O. sphaerocarpa); joints email; plants pros- trate, spreading. Spines 35 to 100 mm. long, very numerous, 5 to 8 large ones in each areole 13. 0. hy&tridna. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 439 Spines 2 to 5 cm. long, less numerous, 1 to 5 large ones in each areole. Joints bright green, rather strongly tub^rculate, wrinkled; spines few, in the upper areoles, about 2 cm. long, slender, white; lower part of the joints almost naked; fruit spherical. . .14. 0. sphaerocarpa. Joints paler, mostly obscured by the spines, not noticeably tuberculate nor wrinkled when dry; spines mostly covering the joints, the largest 4 to 5 cm. long, stouter, yellowish or brown-tinged; fruit longer than broad. Lower spines hairlike, especially on the older joints 15. 0. trichophora. Lower spines not hairlike 16. 0. polyacantha. Fruit succulent, a thick, rather tough rind surrounding the pulpy interior, red or purple when ripe; joints mostly larger (small in two species); spines and habit various. Plants erect or suberect, often 1 meter high or more, the branches often decumbent at the base, but at least 3 or 4 joints high. Spines pale yellow, uniform in color throughout, 1 to 2 cm. long, 3 to 5 in each areole, appressed- reflexed; stems with a noticeable though short trunk 17. 0. chlorotica. Spines not as described above; trunklike stem always wanting (except in very young plants). Joints mostly reddish or purplish, or bluish green and glaucous, very thin, at least some of them armed with long, dark brown or black spines 4 to 8 cm. long 18. 0. macrocentra. Joints never reddish, mostly yellowish green, thick; spines brown, yellow, white, or variegated. Joints prevailingly obovate, of medium size, the younger 10 to 18 cm. long, the older some- times larger. Spines few, short, mostly white or yellow, some- what reflexed; seeds small, about 3 mm. in diameter. Spines white 19. 0. dulcis. Spines clear bright yellow 20. 0. lindheimeri. Spines more numerous, darker colored in the typical form, the young spines dark brown, 3 to 5 cm. long, porrect, spreading; seeds 5 mm. in diameter 21. 0. phaeacaniha. Joints prevailingly orbicular oi ovate, the younger inns sometimes very broadly obovate, large, 20 to 30 cm . long, or even larger. Joints distinctly narrowed at the apex, ovate or elliptic; spines large, divaricate, 3 to 5 cm. long, stout, yellow at the apex, reddish brown at the base 22. O. wootoni. Joints mostly orbicular, sometimes broadly obo- vate; spines various. Spines few, on Borne joints none, yellow or brownish al the base, l to 2 cm. long 23. 0. dilhi. 440 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Spines more numerous, 2 to 5 cm. long, diva- ricate, or the two lowest appressed, some- what flattened, whitish, or at least pale. Fruit oblong to clavate, large 24. 0. engelmanni. Fruit spheroidal, small 32. 0. cyclodes. Plants prostrate and mainly widely spreading, at most ascending, usually only the one or two terminal joints erect, mostly under 30 cm. high, sometimes forming irregular beds of an area of several square meters. Spines mostly white or pale, at most yellow or yellow- ish brown at base or tip; joints mostly small, 15 cm. long or less, of various shapes. Plants small, usually consisting of only a few joints, these 6 or 7 cm. long; spines slender, 3 to 5 cm. long; glochids yellow, very long on the edges of young joints; flowers red 31. 0. filipendula. Plants larger, often of numerous joints 8 to 15 cm. long; spines various; glochids usually not promi- nent, except on old joints, then very numerous; flowers yellow. Joints spiny only on the upper marginal areoles..25. 0. stenochila. Joints spiny almost throughout. Spines mostly 2 to 4 cm. long (plants resembling 0. polyacantha, but with pulpy fruit); some of the joints nearly orbicular, 8 to 10 cm. long;' seeds larger, about 6 mm. in di- ameter; roots fibrous 26. 0. ajmochila. Spines longer, 3 to 6 cm. long, slender; joints narrowly obovate, 10 to 15 cm. long or even larger; seeds smaller, 3.5 to 4 mm. in diame- ter; roots sometimes tuberous 27. 0. tenuispina. Spines darker, stouter, light brown or dark brown, sometimes lighter at the tip or with age; joints mostly about 15 cm. long, sometimes larger, obo- vate, often broadly so, or the older joints almost orbicular. Spines yellowish brown at the base, lighter toward the tip, the lateral spines usually lighter col- ored and more or less appressed 28 . 0 . toumeyi. ' Spines darker colored, mostly dark brown, widely spreading, 5 to 6 cm. long, or even more, rarely if ever appressed. Glochids on old joints very abundant and large, 10 to 12 mm. long; plant of the southern part of the State 29. O. chihuahuensix. Glochids less numerous and shorter; plant of the north-central part of the State 30. 0. camanchica. In the treatment here given there is some uncertainty about several of the species, the degree and character of the doubt being expressed in the notes following the separate species, which should be consulted. Just what Opuntia phaeacantha brunnea Engelm. is we are unable to determine. It is probably a form very similar to that here referred to 0. toumeyi Rose, but should be an erect, spreading plant, similar to the species. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 441 Further critical study of the genus will undoubtedly result in the recognition of many more species in this distribution area and in the better limitation of the species now recognized. A specimen from Gallup, collected October 20, 1896, by Ashmun we are unable to determine. Its spines suggest Opuntia cymochila, but the joints are orbicular or even broader than long. 1. Opuntia brachyarthra Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 302. 1856. Opuntia frag His brachyarthra Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 440. 1896. Type locality: Inscription Rock, near Zuni, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow in 1853. Range: Known only from the type locality. As described, this is a small tumid-jointed plant, possibly related to 0. arenaria or O.fragilis. It has not been collected in recent years: A specimen from Santa Fe, collected by Bigelow and referred to this species, may be Opuntia fragilis, as that species comes into the mountains a short distance north of Santa Fe. Possibly Doctor Coulter may have been right in considering Opuntia brachyarthra a subspecies of O.fragilis. Until further material of 0. brachyarthra from the type locality can be studied, it is probably better to retain it as a species. 2. Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) Haw. Syn. PI. Succ. Suppl. 82. 1819. Cactus fragilis Nutt. Gen. PI. 1:296. 1818. Type locality: "From the Mandans to the mountains, in sterile but moist situ- ations." Range: Wisconsin and British Columbia to Kansas and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: LakeLaJara; Tunitcha Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Opuntia arenaria Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 301. 1S56. Type locality: Sandy bottoms of the Rio Grande near El Paso, Texas or Chi- huahua. Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Mesquite Lake (Standley). Sandy soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Coulter refers Fendler's 7, 150, and 153 to this species and to New Mexico. Where they were obtained we have been unable to ascertain. Opuntia arenaria has such a limited distribution in the type locality and occurs in a habitat so different from the region about Santa Fe (where Fendler did most of his collecting) that we are inclined to doubt the accuracy of the reference. It is possible the plant may occur in the Rio Grande Valley west of Santa Fe, but even this is doubtful. The collection at Mesquite Lake is the only one made since the type was gathered. The plants are not at all abundant here. They grow on the dunes of pure sand about one of the lakes or oxbows formed in the old bed of the Rio Grande. 4. Opuntia stanlyi Engelm. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 157./. 9. 1848. Type locality: On the Del Norte and Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Emory. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Near Carlisle (Wooton). Lower Sonoran Zone. Opuntia stanlyi is a very distinct species with thick joints 10 to 12 cm. long and 3 to 4 cm. in diameter, with large tubercles and various spines. It forms beds often 2 or 3 meters across ami only 30 cm. high or less. 1 1 gro^ s on sandy mesas in the south- western part of the State, but is nunc c non in Arizona. < hir specimens are from very near the type locality. 5. Opuntia grahami Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3:304. L8S6. Tvi'K locality: s.mdy bottoms of the Bio Grande near El Pas r r Chi- huahua. 442 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Rio Grande Valley about El Paso and southward, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This is probably to be found in southern New Mexico, although we have seen no specimens. It is very common on the mesas about El Paso. 6. Opuntia clavata Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 95. 1848. Type locality: About Albuquerque, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; El Rito; Las Vegas; Carrizozo; Stanley; Tesuque; Socorro; Albuquerque; Laguna; Los Lunas; Cubero. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A common plant on the high mesas and plains of the central and northern parts of the State. It is rarely over 10 cm. high and forms irregular beds sometimes 1 or 2 meters across. 7. Opuntia whipplei Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 307. 1856. Opuntia whipplei laevior Engelm. & Bigel. loc. cit. Type locality : ' ' From Zuiii westward to Williams River, ' ' Arizona or New Mexico. Range: Western New Mexico to Arizona. New Mexico: Gallup; Aztec; Puertecito; south of Ojo Caliente; Farmington; Cedar Hill. Upper Sonoran Zone. This is a characteristic low, cylindric-stemmed plant, reaching a height of 60 cm. in western New Mexico in the region about Zuni. It often forms dense beds 1 meter or more in diameter. The New Mexican plant, so far as we know, is always of this form and size, and has yellow flowers. Farther west, in Arizona, it becomes much larger and often has purple flowers. The species is most like the next, Opuntia davisii, which is fairly common in the eastern part of the State, on plains south and east of Portales. Both are low and very spiny and have medium-sized yellow flowers and tuberculate fruit. Opuntia davisii is stouter, with shorter joints and more numerous spines. The two are most easily distinguished by the sheaths of the spines. Opuntia whipplei always looks whitish or very pale yellow, while Opuntia davisii is a golden brown, these colors being due to the sheaths. 8. Opuntia davisii Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 305. 1856. Type locality: On the Llano Estacado, near the upper Canadian River, New Mexico or Texas. Range: Eastern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Red Lake (Wooton). Sandy plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Opuntia leptocaulis DC. M6m. Mus. Hist. Nat. 17: 118. 1829. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to western Texas, Bouth into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa near Agricultural College; ten miles east of Hillsboro; Oro- grande; Guadalupe Mountains; Kingston; Upper Corner Monument; Tularosa; Socorro; Hachita. Lower Sonoran Zone. The slender-stemmed species of Opuntia of this type usually pass under the name of "tasajilla" among the Mexicans, although this species is also called "garrambullo," a name applied to almost any shrub with red berries. 10. Opuntia kleiniae DC. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 17: 118. 1829. Opuntia wrightii Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 308. 1856. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Low hills west of San Antonio; mesa near Agricultural College. Lower Sonoran Zone. The specimens here listed are referred to the above species tentatively and with considerable doubt. They agree in most of their characters with the description of Opuntia wrightii, but the flowers are a dull purple, more or less streaked with green. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 443 11. Opuntia arborescens Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 90. 1848. Cane cactus. Type locality: Northern New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Arizona and western Texas, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Near El Rito; Organ Mountains; Mangas Springs; Logan; San Rafael; Raton; Rincon; Cubero; Santa Fe; Socorro; Fairview; Queen; Sierra Grande. Plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is the common species found almost throughout the State on the mesas and in the foothills of the mountains. It often stands 3 meters high or more. The stems are used to some extent for the manufacture of canes, the reticulated woody part of the stem giving them a peculiar appearance. A number of names are applied to the plant besides the one given above. "Candelabrum cactus" is used, " tree cactus" is fairly common in southern New Mexico, and "velas de coyote" (coyote candles) is often used by the Mexicans. It is sometimes utilized as stock feed, though rarely. A low form, less than 2 meters high, occurs on the mesas of southern New Mexico near the Agricultural College, which may be different from the more common form, but it has not yet been separated. 12. Opuntia spinosior (Engelm. & Bigel.) Tourney, Bot. Gaz. 25: 119. 1898. Opuntia whipplei spinosior Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 307. 1856. Type locality: "South of the Gila," Arizona. Range: Western New Mexico to Arizona and Sonora. New Mexico: Hermanas; Silver City; Deming; Steins Pass; White Water. Upper Sonoran Zone. The species is easily confused with the preceding if one has only the descriptions to work with. Professor Toumey confused them in one of his earlier publications, but later corrected his mistake and pointed out very clearly the mistake made by Engel- mann and Bigelow in associating the plant with Opuntia whipplei. Opuntia spinosior deserves its name. It is more spiny than most of our Cylindro- puntiae; though its spines are short they are numerous and close together. The peculiar pinkish tinge given the stem by the color of the spines and sheaths is easily recognized when once seen and is very characteristic. This species is known in New Mexico only from the southwestern part of the State, where it is about the size of 0. arborescens. In Arizona it is frequently larger. 13. Opuntia hystricina Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 299. 1856. Type locality: "West of the Bio Grande, to the San Francisco Mountains," New Mexico and Arizona. Range: Western New Mexico to Arizona and California. New Mexico: Aztec (Baker 481). The specimens upon which the species was founded were collected "at the Colorado Chiquitoand on the San Francisco mountains," both of the localities being in Arizona. Doctor Coulter does not report any New Mexican material and we have seen only one doubtful specimen. It is reported here also on the authority of the first collector, Doctor Bigelow. The original description says nothing about the flower, but Doctor Coulter says it is yellow or purple, a statement we are much inclined to doubt. ( <>1- lectors should look for the species in the region between Albuquerque and Zuni, keeping in mind its strong resemblance to Opuntia polyaamtha, from which it differs in the longer and more numerous spines. 14. Opuntia sphaerocarpa Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 300. 1856. Typii locality: Mountains mar Albuquerque, Now Mexico. Type COlfa ted by Bigelow. Range: Known only from the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. The species suggests some forms of 0. polyaeantha, but seems abundantly distinct. 444 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 15. Opuntia trichophora (Engelm.) Britt. & RoBe, Smiths. Misc. Coll. 50: 535. 1908. Opuntia missouriensis trichophora Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 300. 1856. Type locality: Mountains near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Central New Mexico. New Mexico: Arroyo Hondo; Mesa Redonda twelve miles south of Tucumcari; 60uth edge of San Augustine Plains; sandhills near the Chincherita Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. The species is similar to Opuntia polyacanlha. The slender, hairlike lower spines give it its specific name and are the distinguishing character. The condition is more noticeable in dried than in growing specimens. 16. Opuntia polyacantha Haw. Syn. PI. Succ. Suppl. 82. 1819. Cactus ferox Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 296. 1818, not Willd. 1813. Opuntia missouriensis DC. Prodr. 3: 472. 1828. Type locality: "In arid situations on the plains of the Missouri." Range: From near the northern boundary of the United States to western Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Laguna; near Fort Defiance; near Albuquerque; 20 miles north of Gallup; south of Tierra Amarilla; west of Magdalena; west of Tiznitzin; Arroyo Hondo; Farmington; Raton. Plains and sometimes in the mountains, Upper Sonoran Zone. A variable and widely distributed species. The subspecies albispina Engelm. & Bigel., from the "sandy bottoms and dry beds of streamlets on the upper Canadian, 250 miles east of the Pecos" and "on the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque," is the form most common in New Mexico. It is scarcely to be distinguished from subspecies rufispina, collected in "rocky places on the Pecos," (probably in the region of Santa Rosa or Anton Chico), which is the type form. The color variations in the spines indicated by the names are hardly constant. 17. Opuntia chlorotica Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 291. 1856. Type locality: "Western Colorado country, between New Mexico and California from the San Francisco Mountains to Mojave Creek." Range: Southern New Mexico, Arizona, and California and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Hatchet Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; Steins Pass; Lake Valley; Red Rock. Lower Sonoran Zone. This is the one Opuntia we have so far failed to transplant successfully, and we have tried several times. It is very rare, occurring only in the southwestern part of the State. The appressed, short, clear yellow spines are very characteristic, as is the short trunk which is usually present. 18. Opuntia macrocentra Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 292. 1856. Type locality: Sandhills on the Rio Grande, near El Paso, Texas or Chihuahua. Range: Western Texas, southern New Mexico, Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa near Las Cruces; Garfield; Deming; Mangas Springs; Steins Pass; Lordsburg; White Water; Dog Spring. Sandy plains and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This is probably Opuntia violacea Engelm. of Emory's Reconnaissance, although the drawing does not closely resemble the plant nor is there any means of deter- mining what the artist had to make his picture from. The only reason for believing that this name might apply is that Opuntia macrocentra is the common red-jointed Platyopuntia with long spines in the region mentioned and is "suberect." It seems useless in most cases to try to attach the names proposed by Doctor Engel- mann in this report to any species, because he himself did not try to use them, although WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 445 he worked with the cacti of that region more than almost any other person until very recently, and knew American species better than anyone else of his day. Well grown plants of this are suberect, about 1 meter high or even more. Many times the plants are smaller and sometimes, though not usually, they are spreading It may be recognized readily by its thin, mostly circular, reddish joints and its long, nearly black spines. Occasional joints have no spines but abundant brown bristles. If grown where it gets plenty of water the joints grow much thicker, and lose their red color, becoming bluish green and glaucous. 19. Opuntia dulcis Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 291. 1856. Type locality: Near Presido del Norte, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Guadalupe Mountains; Mangas Springs. Lower Sonoran Zone. This is the plant referred to as Opuntia laevis ? in Griffiths and Hare's bulletins on cacti. The Mangas Springs specimens may be true 0. laevis. The plant is intro- duced in the Mesilla Valley and is widely cultivated for hedges. It is said to have come from Chihuahua. 20. Opuntia lindheimeri Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 207. 1845. Type locality: About New Braunfels, Texas. Range : Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains ( Wooton 5505). Dry hills. 21. Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 352. 1849. Type locality: "On rocky hills about Santa Fe, and on the Rio Grande," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Puertccito; Gallup; Flora Vista; Chamita; near Magda- lena; Rio Hondo; Gallinas Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This ie the common suberect plant of the mountains and plains of the northern part of the State. When well grown it is often a meter high and where it gets abun- dance of water its joints are rather bluish green and thick and have dark spines. Where it is drier, the joints are often yellowish green and the spines lighter in color. Young plants are much smaller than the key requires and seem to be procumbent. 22. Opuntia wootoni Griffiths, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 21: 171. 1910. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Range: Known so far only from the Organ Mountains and Tortugas Mountain, southern New Mexico, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is perhaps most closely related to Opuntia engelmanni, having its spines arranged much as in that species, but the joints are narrowed at the top, being ovate or oval, and the long stout spines are yellow at the tip and reddish or brownish at tli^ base. 23. Opuntia dillei Griffiths, Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 20: 83. 1909. Type locality: San Andreas Canyon of the Sacramento Mountains, Xew Mexico, about 5 miles south of Alamogordo. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone The large, y the shape of the plant, this appearing as a flat-topped disk of -piny tubercles at ma I only a few centimeters above the surface of the soil and often about flush with it. Often the plants occur La aey ices of the rocks and surrounded by grassee and otto c pi int in such a way as to be easily overlooked. They are difficult to dig up because they have large, thickened, turbinate, sometimes branching root,-. The I rather wide apart in well-grown plants and stand erect, with the Bhortstoul I Burmounting them. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, bul the frail brighl red. 'I he pine characters given in the key will separate the two Bpt 6. Mamillaria heyderi Miihlenpf. All-. Gartenz. 10: 20. L848. T\ pb i ■>' \i 1 1 v : Tea . We tern Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent M N ; i \>. M i sico: < >rgan Mountain ; Tortugas Mountain; l taok Peak; Hillaboro;8tienfl Pass; Mangas Spring I pper Sonoran Zone. 52576*— 15 29 450 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. All of the New Mexican material that we have seen is to be referred to Mamillaria heyderi rather than the subspecies hemisphaerica, if the character which gives rise to the name lb corn Ldered. The New Mexican plant is always flat-topped, with more or i i ii Innate thickened root. It is not infrequently even larger than described. 7. Mamillaria dasyacantha Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 268. 1856. Ti ii; locality: "El Paso and eastward," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Big Hatchet Mountains; Kingston; Lake Valley; Mogollon Creek. Dry mountains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 8. Mamillaria macromeris Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 97. 1848. Type locality: Sandy soil near Dona Ana, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus. Range: Southern New Mexico to western Texas and Chihuahua. New Mexico: Dona Ana; Parkers Well; plains south of White Sands; Tortugas Mountain. Mesas and sandy soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. One of the commonest Mamillarias of the southern part of the State, growing on sandy mesas, forming rounded clumps sometimes almost a meter in diameter. The indi- vidual plants are frequently 20 cm. long, fully half of the length being under ground. They are rather dark green; the tubercles are large, the groove never reaching the summit and sometimes wanting in young plants; the spines are long, the radials dull- colored and often bent, the centrals dark, almost black, slender but stiff. The flowers are a bright rose purple, sometimes lighter, often turning lavender; they are large, 5 cm. long or more and opening as wide, and usually are produced in profusion in the middle of the summer. The species is a very desirable one for cultivation 9. Mamillaria scheerii Miihlenpf. Allg. Gartenz. 15: 97. 1847. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico, trans-Pecos Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Lordsburg; mesa near Agricultural College. Gravelly mesas and in the mountains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Only 4 or 5 plants have been found around the Agricultural College. The flowers are 5 or 6 cm. long and of a peculiar bronze or brownish yellow, different from most of our other Cactaceae. The single plants sometimes reach a height of 15 cm. and almost as great a diameter, being the largest single Mamillaria plants found in New Mexico. The tubercles in such plants are 25 mm. long, and are distant, spreading, and conic; the central spines are stout, one of them more or less curved downward at the tip but not hooked. The fruit is green, pulpy, irregularly clavate or obovato, with numerous brownish red seeds. It is one of the most interesting of the New Mexican Mamillarias for pot culture. 10. Mamillaria tuberculosa Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 268. 1856. Mnmillaria strobiliformis Scheer in Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. 104. 1850, not Miihlenpf. 1848, nor Engelm. 1848. Type locality: "From the Pecos to Leon Springs, Eagle Springs, and El Paso, on the higher mountains," Texas. Range: Southern New Mexico, trans-Pecos Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Van Pattens; near Hillsboro. Low, dry moun- tains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones, mostly on limestone soil. This little plan), with its dense coat of white radial spines and dusky-tipped cen- trals, its proliferous habit, its tuberculate base, its small pink flowers, and its bright red, tart fruit, is one of the commonest species of the southern part of the State, where it is found growing in the crevices of limestone rocks. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 451 11. Mamillaria vivipara (Nutt.) Haw. Syn. PI. Succ. Suppl. 72. 1819. Cactus viviparus Nutt. Fraser's Cat. no. 22. 1813. Type locality: "Near the Mandan towns on the Missourie: lat. near 49°." Range: British America to Montana, Nebraska, Utah, and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chusca Mountains; Tierra Araarilla. Plains. It is difficult to separate this species from Mamillaria radiosa and its subspecies, but, generally speaking, the plants referred to M. vivipara have the more northerly range, are smaller and cespitose, and have fewer, shorter, and more slender spines, though the differences seem to be of degree rather than kind. Mamillaria vivipara is very rare in the State, only two collections of it being on record, but it is to be expected in the mountains or on the high plains in the northern part. Mamillaria radiosa and its subspecies neomexicana are common almost every- where above 1,500 meters throughout the State and it is altogether probable that the subspecies arizonica occurs along the southwestern border. 12. Mamillaria radiosa Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 196. 1850. Type locality: "Sterile, sandy soil on the Pierdenalcs," T< Range: Colorado and New Mexico to western Texas and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; head of the Rio Mimbres; Lake Valley; Nara Visa; Tierra Amarilla; Mogollon Creek; Sierra Grande; Farmington; Santa Fc; Raton. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 12a. Mamillaria radiosa neomexicana Engelm. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. Cact. 64. 1859. Mamillaria vivipara radiosa neomexicana Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 2(39. 1856. Mamillaria neomexicana A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 327. 1909. Type locality: "From western Texas to New Mexico." Range: New Mexico to western Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Stinking Lake; Tucumcari; Mule Creek; near Black Rock; foot of Eagle Peak; San Antonio; Burro Mountains; Gallup; Mangas Springs; Inscription Rock; Santa Fe; Magdalena Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Cooks Peak. Upper Sonoran Zone. This is with difficulty distinguishable from the species or from subspecies arizonica. Those forms with 20 to 30 radials 6 to 8 mm. long and 4 or 5 centrals of aboul the same length not pronouncedly purplish or reddish brown, on tubercles 8 to 12 mm. long, are referred to M. radiosa. Neomexicana has more numerous radials. 14 to 40, and centrals mostly 6 to 9 (3 to 12), slightly larger tubercles, and longer spines, the cen- trals purplish, especially with age. Arizonica is somewhat stouter, villi fewer but longer spines, radials 15 to 20, up to 20 mm. long, centrals 3 to 6, reddish i>r iwn a hove, and tubercles 12 to 25 nun. long; its flowers, also, are considerably larger. In the present state of our knowledge, it is most convenient to recognize these as forms of a single species, perhaps die commonest Mamillaria in the State. 3. ECHINOCACTUS I, ink & Otto. Globose or short-cylindxic plants, mostly solitary, with tubercles coalescing into vertical or spirally twisted ridges bearing clusters of mostly stout, mure or less flat- tened, cur\ed or sometimes booked spines; flower-bearing areolae above the young spine-bearing ones, the plants thus blooming in the center at the tup; ovary scaly or woolly, qoI spiny; Eruil dry or succulent, scaly or smooth. 452 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Some of the spines hooked. I .mi. 'I -pines 1, hooked, some of the laterals also hooked, slender, terete, about 10 cm. long; plants small, about 10 cm. high 1. E. uncinatus wrightii. Centrals 4, stout, flattened or quadrangular, 5 to 7.5 cm. long (rarely 10 cm.); plants often large, up to 90 cm. high and 30 cm. in diameter. Plants small, 10 cm. high or less, 8 cm. or less in di- ameter 2. E. glaucus. Plants large, 50 cm. high or over, more than 30 cm. in diameter 3. E. wislizeni. None of the spines hooked. Centrals 2 to 4, not stout; plants small, 10 cm. high or less. Spines flat, flexible, chartaceous; ridges broken into tubercles 4. E. papyracanthus. Spines terete, stiff though small; ridges continuous. . 5. E. intertcxt us. Centrals 1 or none, very stout and horny; plants larger, 10 to 25 cm. in diameter. Ribs few, 8 to 10, rounded; spines mostly terete; plants about 10 cm. in diameter, spheroidal... 6. E. horizonthalonius . Ribs more numerous, 13 to 21, more acute; spines compressed; plants 20 to 30 cm. in diameter, depressed 7. E. texensis. 1. Echinocactus uncinatus wrightii Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 277. 1856. Type locality: "Near El Paso and on the river below." Range: Southern New Mexico, trans-Pecos Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Pena Blanca; Bishops Cap. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A rare species, known in New Mexico only from the dry foothills in the southern part of the State. It is subcylindric to almost hemispheric, about 10 cm. high and nearly as great in diameter, not including the long, slender, hooked, yellow spines, which are sometimes twice as long as the body of the plant. The ribs are rather prominent, the radials about 8, slender, light-colored; the flowers are small for the genus, about 25 mm. long, of a dull brownish purple and glabrous. 2. Echinocactus glaucus Schum. Gesamtb. Kakt. 438. 1903. Type locality: Dry Creek, Mesa Grande, Colorado. Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains: Shiprock. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Echinocatus wislizeni Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 96. 1848. Yiznaga. Type locality: Near Dona Ana, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus in 1846. Range: Utah and Arizona to western Texas and neighboring Mexico. New Mexico: Pena Blanca; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Filmore Canyon; Little Florida Mountains. I. ower Sonoran Zone. The largest cylindric-stemmed cactus found in our range. It is sometimes 70 to 90 cm. high and mostly about 40 to 50 cm. in diameter. The spines are numerous; the Lowest radials are slender and whitish, the others stouter and rigid, and the 4 centa reddish, banded, the lowest ones sometimes 5 or 6 cm. long, flattened and bony, strongly hooked downward. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 453 The plants of this species are used considerably in southern New Mexico and about El Paso, Texas, as a decorative plant in dooryards, especially where water is scanty, and they lend themselves readily to such treatment. They bloom rather late in summer, the blossoms being followed by the scaly yellow fruit which often persists for several years. The pulpy interior tissue of these plants is used by Mexican candy makers, who cut it into irregular pieces and candy it by boiling in a saturated sugar solution, mak- ing what they call "cubiertas," or "dulce de viznaga," a most palatable sweetmeat. 4. Echinocactus papyracanthus Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 202. 1863. Mamillaria papyracantha Engelm. Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 49. 1849. Type locality: In a valley between the lower hills, near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Range: Known only from the type locality. The type was collected by Fendler in 1847 (no. 279). Coulter also reports a speci- men collected near Santa Fe in 1882 by Bandelier. 5. Echinocactus intertextus Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 277. 1856. Type locality: "From El Paso to the Limpio," Texas. Range: Southern New Mexico, trans-Pecos Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; Socorro; Organ Mountains; Rincon; Cooks Peak. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This species is a small plant, short-cylindric or globose, 10 cm. high or less and usually about 5 to 7 cm. in diameter, suggesting some of the species of Mamillaria more than Echinocactus. Its spines are white, reddish above, short, about 1 cm. long, numerous, and very closely set, densely covering the plant. The flowers are small, 15 to 20 mm. long, with numerous pale pink, acute petals, followed by a small dry fruit. The subspecies dasyacantha Engelm.1 has longer and more erect upper spines. It seems to be merely a growth form. We have seen a specimen of this collected at Rincon by Evans in 1891. 6. Echinocactus horizonthalonius Lem. Cact. Hort. Monv. 19. 1839. ljhinocactus horizonthalonius centrispinus Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 276. 1856. Type locality: Nut stated. Range: Southern New Mexico, trans-Pecos Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain; Guadalupe Mountains; Bishops Cap; Guadalupe Canyon. Limestone soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This plant is about spherical, 20 cm. or less in diameter, with 8 to 10 rounded ribs, suggesting a canteloupe in general form. The spines are few, 6 to 9 in cadi areole, stout, compressed, horny, reddish or ashy, recurved, forming a coarse network which sometimes persists and maintains the form of the plant even alter the Bofl parts have decayed; the single central is not hooked. The largo, bright pink flowers, imbedded in dense while wool at the base, open in bright sunshine and persist for two or three days, partly closing at night and opening again in the sunlight, like those of many other cacti. They generally darken as they The planl is hard to transplant, unless the soil in which it is placed contains considerable lime. The plants usually occur in crevices in limestone rocks. 7. Echinocactus texensis llopf. Allg. Gartenz. 10: 297. 1842. I»i:\ ii. 's lV.i i 9STJ Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Southeastern New Mexico and western Texas and northeastern Mexico. \ i u Mexico: Snowies (Wboton). Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. I lepressed hemispheric plants, about 30 cm, in diameter and le than half as high, frequently onlj a little above the level of the • round rather dark green, and w ith 20 ' I .lie. cit. 454 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. or more acute ridges. The spines are few, 6 to 9 in the areole, stout, straight or some- what curved, compressed, bony or horny, reddish, with a single recurved central, this not hooked. The flowers are moderately large, about 5 cm. long, bright pink, fading as they grow older, white-woolly outside. They are followed by a pulpy, bright red fruit which persists for some time, unless eaten by birds or small rodents. 4. ECHINOCEREUS Engelm. riant s globose to cylindric (ours all erect and stout), solitary, proliferous or cespi- to e, ribbed, 5 to GO cm. high, usually less than 30 cm.; areoles usually approximate, often with I he spines overlapping and almost concealing the stem; flowers borne close above old spine-bearing areolae, thus lateral on the stem; ovary spiny but the spines deciduous from the ripe fruit; fruit succulent, with thin rind, edible, with a pleasant flavor in most species; seeds small, numerous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers small, about 2 cm. long, green; spines reddish and white. Radial spines long, 5 to 10 mm. ; centrals 3- to 6, the lower one about 25 mm. long, somewhat reflexed; plants conic at the apex 1. Radials short, 2 to 6 mm. long, rigid, pectinate; centrals mostly wanting, occasionally a few about 25 mm. long; plants depressed at the apex 2. Flowers larger, 3 to 10 cm. long, not green; spines variously colored. Flowers bright yellow, large, about 10 cm. long, closing at night; spines short, pectinate, more or less tinged with pink Flowers never yellow; flowers and spines various. Flowers large, 7 to 10 cm. long, open only in daylight, purple or rose, never scarlet; petals mostly acute. Spines short, rigid, pectinate; centrals mostly want- ing; flowers purple to rose. Flowers purple; spines white; plants small, 5 to 8 cm. high 4 Flowers rose to red; spines variegated red and white; plants larger, 10 to 20 cm. high.. 5 Spines longer, not pectinate; centrals long and con- spicuous; flowers purple. Spines dark, comparatively few, the upper cen- trals connivent-curved ; stems only a few together or solitary 6 Spines pale yellow to straw-colored, very num- erous and long; young spines straight, dusky; plants usually forming large mounds, often a meter across or more. Flowers of medium size, 3 to 7 cm. long (rarely a little larger), open day and night, bright scarlet, orange scarlet, or cardinal, never purple; petals mostly obtuse. Spines very stout, strongly angled, relatively few in the areole. Spines 6 to 8, mostly 6, twisted and curved; radials 2 to 3 cm. long; centrals 4 cm. long or more 8. E. gonacanthus. E. chloranthus. E. vlrldijtorus. 3. E. dasyacanthus . E. pectinatus. E. riyidissimus. E. fendleri. 7. E. stramineus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF XEW MEXICO. 455 Spines 3 to 6, mostly 3, shorter and not so stout. 9. E. triglochidiatus. Spines more slender though rigid, mostly terete, more numerous in the areole (except in E. paucispinus). Centrals none or sometimes 1; radials 3 to 6; spines all terete or but slightly flattened, stout for the group 10. E. paucispinus. Centrals 1 to several, mostly 3 to 5 or 6; radials 8 to 16, mostly 10 to 13; spines often flat- tened or angled. Centrals mostly 6; flowers small, the petals acute 11. E. neomexicanus. Centrals 3 to 5, mostly 4; flowers larger; petals obtuse. Centrals stout, terete, usually gray or pinkish gray when young, dark in age, 15 to 20 mm. long.. 12. E. rosei. Centrals more slender, yellowish to gray or darker. Spines short, mostly yellowish; centrals 14 to 40 mm. long, mostly about 25 mm. ; plants rounded or somewhat de- pressed at the apex 13. E. coccineus. Spines much longer, mostly dark, the centrals 25 to 80 mm. long, commonly about '50 mm.; plants conic at the apex 14. E. conoideus. Echinocereus hexaedrus (Engelm.) Rumpl. from near Zuni, known only from the type locality, is probably only a form of E. gonacanthus, orginally from the same region, where it is fairly common. What the plant may be which Doctor Coulter refers to E. octacanthus \ Fendler's 272, in part, from Santa Fe) we are unable to say, but it is likely to be either a, form of E. paucispinus or an aberrant E. coccii Schumann is certainl) incorrect in reducing E. gonacanthus and /■.'. triglochidiatus to /■;. paucispinus; the two angular-spined species may be the same, although this is doubtful, hut /■.'. paucispinus is more closely related to the E, polyacanthus group, not- withstanding its few spines. 1. Echinocereus chloranthus (Engelm.) Rumpl. in Forst. Bandb. Cact. ed. 2. 814. 1886. Cereus chloranthus Engelm. Proc. A.mer. Acad. 3: 278. 1856. Type locautt: "Stony hills and mountain sides near El Paso." Range: Southern New Mexico, trans- Pecos Texas, ami adjacenl Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugae Mountain; Oi □ Mountains; San Mateo Peak; Queen; ('(inks Peak; Rincon; Lake Valley. Limestone hills, in the Lower Sonoran /. 2. Echinocereus viridifiorus Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex i 18 - i us viridifiorus Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: ■'><>. I Type looautt: Prairies on Wolf Creek, New Mexico. Type collected byWiali nil- in L8 16. Rangi : Southern Wyoming to New Mexico and we tarn T( \i;u Mexico: Pe< i [fax; weal of Santa Fe Organ Mountains; White Moun- tains; Sierra Grande; Nana Visa, l pper Sonoran Zone 456 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. The Organ Mountains plants are probably the subspecies cylindricus Engelm. and subspecies 'lubulosus Coulter, which are nothing but growth forms. The northern plants are usually much smaller. 3. Echinocereus dasyacanthus Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 100. 1848. Cereus dasyacanthus Engelm. Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 50. 1849. Type locality: "El Paso del Norte [now Ciudad Juarez]," Chihuahua. Range: Southern Arizona to trans-Pecos Texas and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Queen; mesa 10 miles west of Carlsbad. Lower and Upper Sono- ran zones. 4. Echinocereus pectinatus (Scheidw.) Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 110. 1848. Echinocactus pectinatus Scheidw. Bull. Acad. Sci. Brux. 5: 492. 1838. Cereus pectinatus Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 50. 1849. Type locality: "Habitat prope l'ila del Pennaso in locis temperatis." Range: Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Knowles (Wooton). Lower Sonoran Zone. Our plant is not typical and may be incorrectly determined. It is smaller than the common forms of this species, being only 5 or 6 cm. high; the areoles are not so numer- ous nor so closely approximated as is common in that species; the flower is larger, opens only in daylight, and is purple. Further study of the species will be necessary for more accurate determination. 5. Echinocereus rigidissimus (Engelm.) Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 293. 1909. Rainbow cactus. Cereus pectinatus rigidissimus Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 279. 1856. Type locality: "In the Sierras of Pimeria Alta in Sonora." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Deer Creek; Hatchet Ranch; near White Water; Dog Spring. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Echinocereus fendleri (Engelm.) Rumpl. in Forst. Handb. Cact. ed. 2. 801. 1886. Cereus fendleri Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 50. 1849. Cereus fendleri pauperculus Engelm. op. cit. 51. Type locality: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Utah and Colorado to western Texas and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Fort Defiance; San Mateo Peak; Apache Mountains; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Steins Pass; Hermosa; Hillsboro; Graham; Cooks Peak; Organ Mountains; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains. Plains and mesas, chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Echinocereus stramineus (Engelm.) Rumpl. in Forst. Handb. Cact. ed. 2. 797. 1886. Cereus stramineus Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 282. 1856. Type locality: "Mountain slopes, from El Paso to the Pecos and Gila Rivers," Texas and New Mexico. Range: Trans-Pecos Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain. Lower Sonoran Zone, usually on limestone soil. 8. Echinocereus gonacanthus (Engelm. & Bigel.) Lem. Cact. Hort. Monv. 57. 1868. Cereus gonacanthus Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 283. 1856. Type locality: Near Zuni, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Twenty-five miles north of Gallup; south of Zuni Reservation; White Sands. Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 457 9. Echinocereus trig-lochidiatus Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 93. 1848. Cereus triglochidialus Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. eer. 4: 50. 1849. Type locality: On Wolf Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus in 1846. Range: Trans-Pecos Texas to New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Santa Fe. Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Echinocereus paucispinus (Engelm.) Riimpl. in Forst. Handb. Cact. ed. 2. 794. 1886. Cereus paucispinus Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 285. 1856. Type locality: "Western Texas, from the San Pedro to the mouth of the Pecos." Range: Colorado and New Mexico to western Texas. New Mexico: Santa Fe; mountains near Albuquerque; Cedar Hill; Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington. Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Echinocereus neomexicanus Standley, Bull. Torrey Club 35: 87. 1908. Type locality: Mesa west of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 383). Range: Known only from the type locality. 12. Echinocereus rosei Woot. & Standi. Echinocereus polyacanthus Engelm. err. det. Standley, Bull. Torrey Club 35: 85 /. 1.1908. Type locality: Agricultural College, New Mexico. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, no. 535093, collected by Paul C. Standley in 1907 (no. 1235). Range: Southern New Mexico, western Texas, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Agricultural College; Big Hatchet Mountains; Socorro; San Mateo Peak. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This has always passed as E. polyacanthus, and specimens from the vicinity of El Pa o were referred here by Doctor Engelmann. That species, however, is amply separated by the presence of long, white wool in the areola? of the ovary and fruit . 13. Echinocereus coccineus Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 93. 1848. Cereus coccineus Engelm. in A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 50. 1849. Cereus phoeniceus Engelm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 284. 1856. Cereus aggregatus Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 306. 1896, possibly Mamillaria aggregata Engelm. 1848. Type locality: About Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus. Range: Colorado to western Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Burro Mountains; Upper Pecos; Anton Chico; Zuni Mountains; Burro Mountains; head of the Rio Mimbres; Raton; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains. Open rocky slopes, mountains, in the Dpper Sonoran and Transition zones. 14. Echinocereus conoideus (Engelm. & Bigel.) Riimpl. in Fdrst. Handb. Cact. ed. 2. 807. 1886. Cereus conoideus Engelm. A: Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 284. 1856. Type locality: Rocky places on the 0pp< r Pecos, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: New Mexico, Arizona, and western Texas. New Mexico: Anton Chico; Fort Wingate; between Barranca and Embudo; east ofHillsboro; LasCruces; Cubero; Lordsburg Dryhillsand aas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 458 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. PENIOCEREUS Britt. & Rose. 1. Peniocereus greggii (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 428. 1909. Cereus greggii Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 102. 1848. Type locality: "North and south of Chihuahua." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Chihuahua and Sonora. New Mexico: Tortugas Mountain (Mrs. E. 0. Wooton). Dry plains and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Reported as collected somewhere in New Mexico in 1891 by W. H. Evans. This species is apparently rare. The stems are slender, 20 to 40 cm. high or more. about 2 cm. in diameter, mostly 4-angled, with very small, stout spines 1 to 2 mm. long from swollen bases. The plant usually has one or two ascending stems from a large tuberous root. The flowers are about 15 cm. long, with a slender tube and white funnelform perianth; they open at dusk and remain open only during the night. Order 36. TRTMELAEALES. 98. ELAEAGNACEAE. Oleaster Family. Shrubs or trees with silvery lepidote or stellate pubescence; leaves opposite or alternate, the blades entire; flowers perfect, polygamous, or dioecious, usually clus- tered in the axils of the branches of the present or previous year; calyx of 4 or some- times 2 sepals surmounting the hypanthium; petals wanting; stamens 4 or 8 on the tube of the hypanthium; pistil simple, becoming a drupelike fruit. Elaeagnus angustifolia, the oleaster, is cultivated in a number of places in the State. It is especially attractive because of the sweet odor of its flowers. 1. LEPARGYREA Raf. Buffalo berry KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves ovate or oval, green above; stems not spiny; low shrub 1. L. canadensis. Leaves oblong, silvery on both surfaces; .stems spiny; tall treelike shrub 2. L. argentea. 1. Lepargyrea canadensis (L.) Greene, Pittonia 2: 122. 1890. Hippophae canadensis L. Sp. PI. 1024. 1753. Shepherdia canadensis Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 240. 1818. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: Alaska and Newfoundland to Oregon, New Mexico, and New York. New Mexico: Brazos Canyon; Santa Fe Mountains. Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. A low shrill* less than a meter high, growing in deep damp woods. 2. Lepargyrea argentea (Pursh) Greene, Pittonia 2: 122. 1890. Hippophae argentea Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 115. 1814. Shepherdia argentea Nutt. Con. PI. 2: 240. L818. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: British America to Kansas and Now Mexico. New Mexico: San Juan Valley. Along streams, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A tall shrub, usually about 3 meters high, with small, silvery leaves. The small, bright red berries are borne in groat profusion. They have a pleasant acid flavor, similar to that of red currants, and are gathered for making jellies. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 459 Order 37. MYRTALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Styles wanting; aquatics 101. GUNNERACEAE (p. 473). Styles present; land plants. Hypanthium merely inclosing the ovary 99. LYTHRACEAE (p. 459). Hypanthium adnate to the ovary 100. EPILOBIACEAE (p. 459). 99. LYTHRACEAE. Loosestrife Family. 1. LYTHRUM L. Loosestrife. Herbs with simple sessile entire leaves and slender angled stems; flowers perfect, dimorphous, mostly solitary in the axils; hypanthium short, tubular or narrowly funnelform, about 5 mm. long; petals 4 to 6, rose purple; stamens 8 to 12; ovary 2-celled, superior, becoming 1-celled by the breaking down of the septum; seeds several. 1. Lythrum linearifolium (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 828. 1903. Lythrum alatum linearifolium A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 188. 1850. Type locality: "Rocks in the Cibolo River," Texas. Range: Texas to Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Mogollon Mountains- Fresnal; Roswell. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 100. EPILOBIACEAE. Evening primrose Family. Annual or perennial herbs, rarely somewhat shrubby; leaves simple, alternate or opposite, exstipulate; flowers 2 or 4-merous, mostly conspicuous, small in two or three genera, axillary, spicate, or racemose, regular or slightly irregular; hypanthium mostly tubular and more or less elongated, sometimes spreading; sepals 2 or 4; petals of the same number; stamens as many as the sepals or twice as many; pistil usually of 4 carpels, with one style and 1 to 4 more or less united stigmas; fruit a 4-valved capsule, sometimes indehiscent and nutlike. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers 2-merous; fruit indehiscent, obovoid, bristly with black hairs 1. Circaea (p. 4G0L Flowers 4-merous; fruit various. Fruit Indehiscent, mil like 2. Gaura (p. 41 i I i. Fruil a dehiscent capsule. Seeds with a tuft of silky hairs. Flowers bright deep red 5. Zai schneria I p. 464). Flowers purple to white, never" bright red. Hypanthium no1 prolonged beyond the ovary; flowers about 2 cm. in diameter ■ '■. Chamaenebion (p. 163) Eypaulhimn prolonged beyond I In * OVaryj Mowers less than I cm. in diameter 1. Epilobium (p 163 Seeds withoul B fcufl of silky hairs. Hypanthium nol prolonged beyond the ovary; flowers minute 6 Gayophytum Hypanthium prolonged beyond the ovary; flowers much li Stigmas discoid or capitate 7. Sill \i l;. I I I. M \ p [I 460 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stigmas discoid; plants perennial, Wendy at the base. Hypanthium tube longer than the ovary; stigma en- tire 8. Gai.pinsia (p. 465). Hypanthium tube shorter than the ovary; stigma 4-lobed 9. Meriolix (p. 466). Stigmas divided into A linear lobes. Stamens equal; capsules without appendages. Petals white at first, some- times pink-tinged later; seeds in 1 row; buds drooping 10. Anogra (p. 467). Petals yellow; seeds in 2 or more rows; buds usually erect. Seeds prismatic-angled 11. Oenothera (p. 469). Seeds not angled 12. Raimannia (p. 470). Stamens unequal, the alternate ones longer ; capsules winged or angled . Ovules and seeds numerous, clustered on slender funi- culi; plants with branch- ing stems 13. Hartmannia (p. 470 L Ovules and seeds few, sessile in 1 or 2 rows; plants acaulescent, or caules- cent. Plants caulescent, with long wiry stems 16. Gaurella (p. 473). Plants acaulescent or nearly so, with thick stems. Capsules distinctly double-crested on the angles; petals white 14. Pachylophus (p. 471). Capsules winged or sharp- ly angled ; petals yel- low or white 1 5. La vauxia (p. 472). 1. CIRCAEA L. Enchanter's nightshade. Low weak glabrous herb with opposite petiolate loaves and small while reddish- tinged flowers in racemes; hypanthium slightly prolonged beyond the ovary; sepals, petals, and stamens 2; fruit 1 or 2-seeded, indehiscent. 1. Circaea alpina L. Sp. PI. 9. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat ad radices montium in frigidis Europae." Range: British America and Washington to New Mexico and Georgia. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila (Metcalfe 516). Damp woods, in the Canadian Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 461 2. GATTRA L. Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs with alternate, mostly narrow and small leaves, and small, red or pink flowers in terminal, sometimes elongated, racemes; hypanthiuin prolonged beyond the ovary; sepals and petals 4. the latter clawed and unequal; stamens usually 8, declined; ovary 4-celled; style declined; stigmas 4-lobed, surrounded by a cuplike border; fruit nutlike, ribbed or angled, indehiscent. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Anthers oval, attached near the middle 1. G. parvijlora. Anthers linear or narrowly oblong, attached near the base. Fruit glabrous. Branches of the inflorescence, bracts, and calyx glandu- lar 2. G. glandulosa. Plants not glandular. Leaves deeply lobed or sinuate-dentate. Buds glabrous; bracts broadly obovate, acumi- nate 3. G. brassirnrea. Buds strigillose; bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute 4. G. strigillosa. Leaves entire or merely shallowly repand-dentate. Buds strigillose; fruit not stipitate 5. G. gracilis. Buds glabrous; fruit short-stipitate 6. G. podoairpn. Fruit pubescent. I'n lit on long slender stipes. Branches of the inflorescence glabrous 7. G. villosa. Branches of the inflorescence cinereous 8. G. cincrca. Fruit not on long slender stipes, sessile or with a short thick angled stipe. Fruit not constricted below the middle, with spread- ing pubescence 9. G. ncomexicana. Fruit constricted below the middle, appressed- pubescent. Stems strigose to hirsute 10. G. coccinea. Stems glabrous. Bracts linear, acute, much exceeding the ovaries I I or. Amer. 1:208. 1830. Typb locality: "Sandy banks of Hie Wallahwallah River." Range: Washington and North Dakota to Louisiana and Mexico. \'k\v Mbxico: Throughout the State. Lower and Upper Sonoran /.one-. 2. Gaura glandulosa Woot . & Standi. Contr. !'. s Nat. Herb. 16: 153. I'M.', Tvim: locaj rn : Reserve, New Mexico. Type collected by Wool, in. July 9, 1908. Rangb: Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 3. Gaura brassicacea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 152. 1913, Ttpb locality: Socorro, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vaseyin iv^i n : Known only from type locality. 4. Gaura strigillosa Woot . A: Standi Contr. I '. 8. Nat Serb. l(>: 152 1913 Typb i'n win: Wingfields Ranch on Ruidoso Creek, White Mount Mexico. Type collected by Woo ton, July 8, I Ranob: Known only from type 1 cality, in the Transition Zone. 462 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. Gaura gracilis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 153. 1913. Type locality: Forest Nursery, Fort Bayard, New Mexico. Type collected by J. C. Blumer (no. 44). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Bayard; Hanover Mountain; Organ Mountains. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Gaura podocarpa Woot, & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 154. 1913. Type locality: Bear Mountains near Silver City, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 166). Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico : Bear Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Santa Rita; Organ Mountains. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This and the three preceding species have passed as Gaura suffulta Engelm., a plant originally described from Lindheimer's collections. All four of our plants have much narrower leaves, broader and much shorter bracts, smaller flowers, and larger fruit; while each, in addition, differs from that species in other particulars. 7. Gaura villosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 200. 1828. Type locality: "Sources of the Canadian," New Mexico. Type collected by James. Range: New Mexico to Kansas and Texas. New Mexico: Near Portales (Wooton). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Gaura cinerea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 152. 1913. Type locality: Twenty miles south of Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 533). Range: Known only from type locality. 9. Gaura neomexicana Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 307. 1898. Type locality: South Fork of Tularosa Creek 3 miles east of the Mescalero Agency, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 204). Range: Southern Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains; Chama. Moist meadows, in the Transition Zone. 10. Gaura coccinea Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 733. 1814. Type locality: "In Upper Louisiana." Range: Montana to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Gaura induta Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 153. 1913. Type locality : Dry, clay hills near Pecos, New Mexico. Type collected by Stand- ley (no. 4933). Range: Central New Mexico and Arizona to Utah, Wyoming, and South Dakota. New Mexico: Pecos; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Sandia Mountains; Tesuque; Patterson; Farmington; Cedar Hill; Dulce; Nutritas Creek; Raton; Ramah; Estancia; Hebron. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Gaura linearis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 154. 1913. Type locality: On gypsum soil near Lakewood, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 6, 1909. Range: Known only from type locality. WOOTOJST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 463 3. CHAMAENERION Adarts. Fireweed. Perennial herb with several stems, 80 cm. high or less; leaves mostly lanceolate, nearly entire, short-petioled; flowers in terminal racemes; hypanthium tube little or not at all prolonged; petals slightly irregular, rose purple; stamens in a single series. the filaments dilated below; stigma with 4 divergent lobes; capsules linear-fusiform, many-seeded, the seeds fusiform, comose. 1. Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. Fl. Cam. ed. 2. 1: 271. 1772. Epilobium angustifolium L. Sp. PI. 347. 1753. Type locality: ''Habitat in Europa boreali." Range: British America to North Carolina and California. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; 'White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods and open clearings, in the Transition and Canadian zones. A common and rather showy plant in the higher mountains. It receives its com- mon name from the fact that it is one of the first plants to spring up where forests have been swept by fire, persisting in the "burns" until they are reforested. Tnis habit of the plant results largely from the structure of its seeds, which are peculiarly adapted to dispersal by wind, being furnished with tufts of down. 4. EPILOBIUM L. Willow-herb. Herbs. 80 cm. high or less, with alternate or opposite, narrow leaves and small, axillary or racemose flowers; hypanthium tube produced beyond the ovary; sepals 4, deciduous; petals 4, obovate to obcordate; stamens 8; ovary 4-celled; fruit an elon- gated linear-oblong 4-sided 4-celled capsule; seeds small, comose. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual ; stigmas 4-clef t 1 . E. adenocladon. Perennials; stigmas entire or merely notched. Leaves linear, entire, cinereous 2. E. lineare. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, toothed, glabrous or nearly so. Stolon iferous, low, 10 to 30 cm. high, simple or spar- ingly branched 3. E. alpinum. Not stoloniferous, tall, 30 to 60 cm. high, much branched . Leaves narrowly lanceolate 4. E. fendleri. Leaves elliptic or ovate-lanceolate 5. E. nnum. 1. Epilobium adenocladon (Hausskn.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 1 Hi. 1906. Epilobium paniculatum adenocladon Hausskn. Monogr. Epilob. 247. L884. Type locality: Mountains of Colorado. Ram;':: Wyoming and South Dakota to Utah and New .Mexico. New Mexico: North of Chama ( Wooton 2736). Transition Zone. 2. Epilobium lineare Muhl. Cat. PI. 39. 1813. Epilobium paluttre lineare A. Cray. Man. ed. 2. 130. 1856. Type locality: New England. Range: British Columbia and {Jew Brunswick to Delaware, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. New Mexico: White M ountains ( Wooton 661). Transition Zone. 3. Epilobium alpinum L. Sp. PI. 348. L' Type locality: "Habitat in Alpib us Helveticis, Lapponii Range: Arctic regions to Oregon, New Mexico, and New Hampshire; also in Europe and Asia. 464 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Mogollon Creek; Eagle Peak. Transition to Arctic- All >im' Zone. Our plants are larger than typical alpinum and occur at rather low levels, but they seem to belong here rather than with any other species. 4. Epilobium fendleri Hausskn. Monogr. Epilob. 261. 1884. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 217, in part). Range: New Mexico. Wc have seen no collections besides the original one, but Doctor Trelease reports a few others. 5. Epilobium novomexicanum Hausskn. Monogr. Epilob. 2G0. 1884. Type locality: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 217, in part). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Santa Fe; Taos; Upper Pecos River; Trinchera Pass; Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Guadalupe Canyon; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chaina; Carrizo Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 5. ZATJSCHNERIA Presl. Ascending suffrutescent plant about 40 cm. high, with large bright red flowers some- what resembling those of the cultivated Fuchsias, but erect rather than pendent; hypanthium elongated, narrowly funnelform above the ovary; tube bearing 8 email scales within near the base; petals 4, obcordate; stamens 8, in two series, unequally inserted; capsules narrowly fusiform, many-seeded; seeds comose. 1. Zauschneria arizonica Davidson, Bull. South. Calif. Acad. 1: 4. 1902. Type locality: Chase Creek, Metcalf, Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountains; San Luis Mountains. 6. GAYOPHYTUM Juss. Slender annuals 30 to 40 cm. high, with linear entire leaves and with very small axillary flowers near the ends of the branches; hypanthiuni tube not prolonged beyond the ovary; capsules narrowly oblong, 5 to 8 mm. long; seeds not comose. key to the species. Capsules not exceeding the stipes, usually shorter; petals about 1 mm. long 1. G. ramosissimum. Capsules about twice as long as the stipes; petals 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long 2. G. intermedium. 1. Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 513. 1840. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains." Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: North of Ramah; Tierra Amarilla; Dulce. Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. 2. Gayophytum intermedium Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 569. 1904. Ty'pe locality: Ouray, Colorado. Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Open fields in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 465 7. SPH AERO STIGMA Fisch. & Mey. Small annual with the general appearance of Epilobium, but the seeds naked and the capsule sessile. 1. Sphaerostigma chamaenerioides (A. Gray) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 189. 1896. ' Oenothera chamaenerioides A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 58. 1853. Type locality: "Stony hills along the Rio Grande near El Paso." Range: Utah to Texas and southern California. New Mexico: Bishops Cap (Wooton). Lower Sonoran Zone. 8. GALPINSIA Britton. Low perennials, more or less woody at the base, usually cespitose, 30 cm. high or less, with mostly small crowded leaves and large showy yellow flowers; hypan- thium prolonged beyond the ovary, dilated upward; sepals green in bud, becoming yellowish and blotched with red in an thesis; petals broad, bright yellow, turning red on drying; stigma discoid, entire; capsules elongated, narrowed at the base, somewhat curved. key to the species. Free portion of the hypanthium 9 to 13 mm. long, the lower part very slender, plants low and spreading, densely glandular 1 . G. tubicula. Free portion of the hypanthium more than 30 mm. long, the lower part relatively stout; plants erect or spreading, with or without glandular pubescence. Capsules with spreading pubescence. Corolla 35 mm. long 2. G. lampsana. Corolla 12 to 18 mm. long 3. G. camporum. Capsules with appressed pubescence or merely glandular. Leaves densely grayish-strigose ; plants low and tufted. 4. G. lavandulacfolia. Leaves merely glandular-pubescent to glabrous; plants killer and usually not tufted. Free tips of the calyx lobes 3.5 to 4 mm. long; si cms wiry, erect 5. G. toumaji. Free tips of the calyx lobes 2.5 mm. long or less; stems stonier, lower, more or less spreading. Leaves glabrous or nearly so, linear-oblong; petals 25 to 30 mm. long G. G.fendleri. Leav ni or glandular, linear. or fili- form : petals less than 20 mm. long. Leaves puberulent, linear; petals 15 to 20 nun. long 7. G. hartwegi. Leaves densely glandular, nearly filiform; petals 12 to L5mm. long 8. O.JUtft 1. Galpinsia tubicula (A. Gray) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: L86. 1896. Oenothera tubicula A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 71. 1852. Type locality: Prairies beyond the Pecos, western Te: Ranch: Western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hondo Hill I Wooton). Dry lulls, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 52576 L5 80 466 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Galpinsia lampsana (Buckl.) Woot. & Standi. CoBtr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: L52. 1913. Oenothera lampsana Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1861: 454. 1861. Type locality: Prairies, Lampasas County, Texas. Range : Western Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cabra Springs; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Galpinsia camporum Woot. & Standi. Contr. IT. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 152. 1913. Type locality: Knowles, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 29, 1909. Range: Plains and low hills of eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Knowles, Nara Visa; Causey; Buchanan; Hondo Hill. Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Galpinsia lavandulaefolia (Torr. & Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 845. 1903. Oenothera lavandulaefolia Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 501. 1840. Oenothera hartwegi lavandulaefolia S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 590. 1873. Type locality: "Plains of the Platte." Range : Kansas and Wyoming to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Hell Canyon; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Galpinsia toumeyi Small, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 317. 1898. Type locality: Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila (Metcalfe 555). Transition Zone. 6. Galpinsia fendleri (A. Gray) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 8. 1900. Oenothera fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 45. 1849. Oenothera hartwegi fendleri A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 56. 1853. Type locality: "Sunny hillsides at Santa Fe, and on the Rio del Norte," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 230). Range: New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Banks of the Nutria; Gallinas Mountains; Pecos; Ramah; west of Santa Fe; Cactus Flat; Bear Mountains; Sacramento Mountains; Ojo Caliente. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Galpinsia hartwegi (Benth.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 236. 1894. Oenothera hartwegi Benth. PI. Hartw. 5. 1839. Salpingia hartwegi Raim. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. 37: 217. 1893. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Mexico to Colorado and Nebraska. New Mexico: Willard; White Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Galpinsia filifolia (Eastw.) Wooton; Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 8. 1900. Oenothera tubicula filifolia Eastw. Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 1: 72. 18C7. Type locality: White Sands, New Mexico. Type collected by T. D. A. Cockerell. Range: Southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: While Sands; twenty miles south of Roswell. Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 9. MERIOLLX Raf. Low perennial herb; flowers smaller than in the last genus, pale yellow; hypanthium tube expanded only immediately below the sepals; stigma discoid, 4-lobed; capsules sessile, not tapering at the base; seeds longitudinally grooved. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 467 1. Meriolix serrulata (Nutt.) Walp. Repert. Bot. 2: 79. 1843. Oenothera serrulata Nutt. Gen. PL 1: 246. 1818. Type locality: "From the river Platte to the mountains, on dry hills." Range: Manitoba and Minnesota to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Knowles; Lakewood; Redlands. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. ANOGRA Spach. Spreading biennials or perennials, 30 to 40 cm. high or less, somewhat woody at the base, with simple, more or less sinuate-toothed leaves and showy white flowers opeuing in the evening and at night, turning rose pink the second day; cortex often papery and exfoliating, the stems often white and shining; buds drooping; ovules numerous, in a single row in the cell; capsules sessile, sometimes enlarged at the base, often woody, 4-celled. the seeds terete. key to the species. Tips of the calyx segments not free in bud, the buds merely acute 1 . A. albicaulis. Tips of the calyx segments free, the buds abruptly acuminate. Throat of the calyx villous within 2. A. coronopifolia. Throat of the calyx not villous. Plants glabrous throughout 3. A. pallida. Plants not glabrous. Calyx appressed-pubescent, not at all hirsute. Plants grayish; leaves densely appressed- pubescent, slightly pinnatifid or entire. I. J. gypsophila. Plants green; leaves sparingly pubescent, deep- ly pinnatifid 5. A. runcinata. Calyx more or less villous or hirsute. Calyx merely villous, without appressed pubes- cence. All leaves petioled, nearly glabrous; cap- sules 20 to 25 mm. long; petals 18 to 20 mm. long 10. A. neomeruxma. Upper leaves clasping, abundantly pubes- cent; capsules 35 mm. long or more; petals about 15 mm. long 11. A. amplexicaulis. < alyx with appressed pubescence as well as spreading hairs. Whole plant densely villous or hirsute. Leaves nearly entire, sessile 8. .1 . engt Imanni. Leaves deeply pinnatifid, petioled.... 9. .1. leucotricha. Plants with only a few spreading hairs, mosl of the pubeseenee appressed. Leaves with only a few shallow teeth, not hirsute >>■ A.latifolia. l.. L818 Ti ri locality: 'In I Ipper Louisi i Range: Montana and North Dakota to Mexico and T< i 468 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: West of Santa Fe; Magdalena Mountains; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Las Vegas; Raton; Nara Visa; mountairs west of San Antonio; Atarquede Garcia; Tres Hermanas; Agricultural College. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Anogra coronopifolia (Torr. & Gray) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 174. 1896. Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 495. 1840. Type locality: "Forks of the Platte." Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Utah, New Mexico, and Kansas. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Johnsons Mesa; San Augustine Plains; Gray; Shiprock; Chama; Raton; Sierra Grande; Socorro Mountain; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Anogra pallida (Lindl.) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 175. 1896. Oenothera pallida Lindl. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 14: pi. 1142. 1828. Oenothera pinnatifida integrifolia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 44. 1849. Type locality: "In the Northwest of North America." Range: British Columbia to Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Shiprock; Mesilla Valley; Tunitcha Mountains; Aztec. Sandy fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Anogra gypsophila (Eastw.) Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. ed. 2. 8. 1900. Oenothera albicaulis gypsophila Eastw. Proc. Calif. Acad. III. 1: 73. 1897. Type locality: White Sands, New Mexico. Type collected by T. D. A. Cockerell. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Anogra runcinata (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 151. 1913. Oenothera albicaulis runcinata Engelm. Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 34: 334. 1862. Anogra pallida runcinata Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 175. 1896. Type locality: Near Sante Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 223). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pecos; Coolidge; mountains west of San Antonio; Zuni Reservation; Albuquerque; Gallup; Reserve; Chavez; Mesilla Valley. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Anogra latifolia Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 570. 1904. Oenothera pallida latifolia Rydb. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 159. 1895. Type locality: Mullen, Nebraska. Range: Nebraska and Kansas to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Salt Lake; Zuni Reservation. Dry hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. 7. Anogra ctenophylla Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 151. 1913. Type locality: Near Zuni, New Mexico. Type collected by Mrs. M. C. Steven- son (no. 99). Range: Western and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni; Crawfords Ranch; Reserve; Defiance; Burro Mountains; Ruidoso Creek. Hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 8. Anogra engelmanni (Small) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 151. 1913. Oenothera albicaulis trichocalyx Engelm. Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 34: 335. 1862, not O. trichocalyx Nutt. 1840. Anogra pallida engelmanni Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 176. 1896. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 469 Type locality: Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected by Wislizenus in 1846 (no. 473). Range: Plains of northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa; Las Vegas. Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Anogra leucotricha Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 151. 1913. Type locality: San Augustine Plains, New Mexico. Type collected by "Wooton (no. 2735). Range: Plains of central New Mexico. New Mexico: San Augustine Plains; Willard. Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Anogra neomexicana Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 176. 1896. Type locality: Sandy bed of a creek near theUopper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1068). Range: Western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Magdalena; Santa Rita; Hop Canyon; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Anogra amplexicaulis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U.S.Nat. Herb. 16: 150. 1913. Type locality: Sandbar along the Mirnbres River, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1054). Range: Known only from the type locality. 11. OENOTHERA L. Evening primrose. Biennial or perennial herbs, 50 to 200 cm. high or more, with erect or spreading branching stems, alternate, mostly sessile, sometimes short-petioled leaves, and large yellow flowers; leaves mostly undulate-toothed, sometimes entire; hypanthium tube prolonged above the ovary, in one species very long; petals broad; ovary 4-celled; seeds horizontal, prismatic, angled, in 2 or more rows in each cell. key to the species. Hypanthium tube 1 5 to 19 cm. long; stems spreading 1 . 0. macrosiphon. Bypanthium lube 5 cm. long or less; stems erect. Petals 12 to 14 mm. long; stems simple; pubescence spread- ing 2. 0. procera. Petals 30 mm. long or more; stems simple or branched; pubescence spreading or appressed. Pubescence cinereous or strigose, dense, grayish; plants 1 to 2 meters high, much branched 3. 0. irrigua. Pubescence mostly hirsute, loose, not grayish; plants usually less than 1 meter high, rarely branched 4. 0. Jiookeri. 1. Oenothera macrosiphon Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 155. 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New .Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 29, 1894. Range: -Canyons in the Organ Mountains, -\e\v Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A beautiful plant with larger flowers than any other species of the genua, li occurs in the Organs in deep rocky canyons, principally about il Iges of pools. It has bei n (ailed 0. jumesii, but that species has much smaller (lowers and abundant appressed pubescence. 2. Oenothera procera Woot. A Standi. Contr. U. S. Nal Herb 16:156. L913 Type locality: Along Winsor Creek in the Pecos National Forest, N>-u Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no \-\~> Range: New Mexico and Arizona to southern Colorado 470 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; James Canyon; Chama. Damp meadows and along streams, in the Transition Zone. A common plant in the mountains in the Transition Zone. It grows usually on moist open slopes, but sometimes along streams. Seldom or never does it exceed a meter in height, and the stems are almost invariably simple. The type collection was distributed as 0. slrigosa Rydb., but that is a plant with much larger flowers and different pubescence. 3. Oenothera irrigua Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 155. 1913. Type locality: Mesilla Valley, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton and Standley, June, 1906. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Farmington; Albuquerque; Shiprock. River valleys, usually in wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Oenothera hookeri Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 493. 1840. Oenothera biennis hirsutissima A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 43. 1849. Onagra hookeri Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 171. 1896. Type locality: "California." Range: Rocky mountains, west to the Pacific coast, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; Chama; Farmington; Santa Fe Canyon; Ramah; Belen; Kingston; Fort Bayard; Mesilla Valley; Roswell; Capitan Mountains; Wbite and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. 12. RAIMANNIA Rose. Diffusely branched biennial 20 to 30 cm. high, with alternate oblanceolate sinuate- toothed leaves, the lowest almost lyrate; flowers of medium size, yellow; seeds not prismatic-angled. 1. Raimannia raexicana (Spach) Woot. & Standi. Oenothera mexicana Spach, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 347. 1835. Oenothera sinuata hirsuta Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 494. 1840. Oenothera laciniata mexicana Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 173. 1896. Type locality: TexaB. Range: Nebraska to New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Mouth of Mora River; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Open slopes, in the Transition Zone. 13. HARTMANNIA Spach. Slender branching herbs 20 to 40 cm. high, with medium-sized rose purple or large white flowers and sinuate or almost lyrate leaves; resembling superficially species of Anogra, but with stamens of different lengths and the seeds clustered on slender funicles. key to the species. Petals less than 20 mm. long, rose purple or pink; body of the capsule shorter than the pedicel-like base 1. H. rosea. Petals more than 20 mm. long, white turning pink; capsule without a pedicel-like base 2. H. speciosa. 1. Hartmannia rosea (Ait.) Don in Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 3. 236. 1839. Oenothera rosea Ait. Hort. Kew. 2: 3. 1789. Type locality: Peru. Range: Texas to New Mexico and southward; also in South America. New Mexico: Clayton (Bartlett). Plains and prairies, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 471 2. Hartmannia speciosa (Nutt.) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 181. 1896. Oenothera speciosa Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 2: 119. 1821. Type locality: "On the plains of Red River." Range: Missouri and Kansas to New Mexico and Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston (Metcalfe 1017). 14. PACHYLOPHTJS Spach. Cespitose, almost acaulescent, herbaceous perennials with rosettes of narrowly oblanceolate, entire or pinnatifid, acute leaves, and large white flowers with long hypanthium tubes; capsules basal, woody, doubly crested on the angles. key to the species. Pubescence fine, short, appressed 1. p. austral is. Pubescence, coarse, long, spreading. Hypanthium, calyx, and fruit densely hirsute. Plants acaulescent; ridges of the fruit slightly tuberculate. 2. P. hirsutus. Planus caidescent; ridges of the fruit with lobed, some- what foliaceous crests 3. p. eximius. Hypanthium, calyx, and fruit with only a few scattered hairs or glabrous. Plants caulescent; capsules elongated conic-ovoid, with low ridges 4. P. caulescens. Plants acaulescent; capsules shortly conic-ovoid, with very thick ridges 5. P. macroglottis. 1. Pachylophus australis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 156. 1913. Type locality: On the South Fork of Tularosa Creek, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton, July 31, 1897. Range: Known only from type locality. 2. Pachylophus hirsutus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 571. 1904. Type locality: Georgetown, Colorado. Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Shiprock; west of Santa Fe; Santa Fe Canyon; Burro Mountains; White Mountains; Organ Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Mountains and in river valleys, Upper Sonoran and Transition zoi 3. Pachylophus eximius (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Serb. 16: 157. 1913. Oenothera eximia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 45. 18 19. Pachylophus exiguus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100:246. 1906. Type locality: Along Simla Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 228). Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Santa Fe Creek. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 4. Pachylophus caulescens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 81: 571. 1901 Type localitj : Pali ades, I lolorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Month of Holy Clio.^i Creek i Standley). Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 6. Pachylophus macroglottis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 259. 1903. Ti pe ux \i 1 1 1 Tributaries of Turkey Creek, < Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern Ne^ M< New Mexico Cedar Hill; Chama; Dulce; Tierra Imarilla. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition Eonee, 472 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 15. LAVAUXIA Spach. Low, acaulescent, annual or perennial herbs, with simple or lyrate leaves and large yellow or white flowers; hypanthium tube often much elongated; capsules stout, the angles variously appendaged or smooth; seeds few. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Tips of the calyx segments not free in bud; leaves copiously hir- Bute 1. L. primiveris. Tips of the calyx segments free in bud; leaves not hirsute, or if so only on the petioles. Leaves thick, grayish, densely cinereous, entire or but little lobed. Petals 4 cm. long or less; capsules ovoid or ellipsoid 2. L. brachycarpa. Petals 5 to 6 cm. long; capsules attenuate to the apex 3. L. ivrightii. Leaves thin, bright green, not cinereous, deeply pinnatifid or lyrate. Capsules with divaricate hooked beaks on the angles above the middle 4. L. hamata. Capsules with smooth angles. Petals 20 mm. long; leaves with very numerous crowded lobes 5. L. flava. Petals 35 to 40 mm. long; leaves with few distant lobes 6. L. taraxacoides. 1. Lavauxia primiveris (A. Gray) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 182. 1896. Oenothera primiveris A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 58. 1853. Type locality: "Dry hills near El Paso." Type collected by Wright (no. 1376). Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Rincon; Organ foothills; Mesilla Valley; Tres Hermanas. Low hills and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Lavauxia brachycarpa (A. Gray) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 235. 1894. Oenothera brachycarpa A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 70. 1852. Type locality: "Between western Texas and El Paso." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Big Hatchet Mountains; Kingston. 3. Lavauxia wrightii (A. Gray) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 183. 1896. Oenothera wrightii A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 57. 1853. Type locality: Stony hills near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1072). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; San Andreas Mountains. 4. Lavauxia hamata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 154. 1913. Type locality: Socorro, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey, May, 1881. Range: Known only from type locality. 5. Lavauxia flava A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 243. 1904. Type locality: Laramie, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Winsors Ranch; Pecos; Tunitcha Mountains; Raton; Chama; Farmington; Gallo Spring. Moist meadows, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 473 6. Lavauxia taraxacoid.es Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 155. 1913. Type locality: James Canyon, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton, July 6, 1899. Range: Meadows, "White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Tran- sition Zone. 16. GAURELLA Small. Low perennial canescent herb with slender wiry branched stems; leaves alternate, sessile, linear-lanceolate, entire or sparingly denticulate; flowers axillary, sessile; hypanthium tube slender, canescent, only slightly longer than the calyx lobes; petals white or pink, striped with red; capsule sessile, ovoid, sharply 4-angled, 8 to 10 mm. long. 1. Gaurella canescens (Torr.) A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 341. 1909. Oenothera canescens Torr. in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 315. 1845. Oenothera guttulata Geyer; Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 222. 1847. Gaurella guttulata Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 844. 1903. Type locality: "On the upper waters of the Platte." Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Nebraska. New Mexico: Sierra Grande {Howell 216). Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 101. GUNNERACEAE. Water milfoil Family. Aquatic perennial herbs with alternate or whorled leaves, these dissected when immersed ; flowers inconspicuous, sessile in the axils, perfect, monoecious, or dioecious- calyx entire or 4-lobed; corolla small or wanting, of 2 to 4 petals; stamens 1 to 8; ovary 1 to 1-celled, adnate to the calyx; fruit indehiscent, nutlike, of 2 to 4-seeded carpels. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves entire; stamen 1; ovary 1-celled 1. Hippuris (p. 473). At least some of the leaves dissected ; stamens 4 to 8; ovary 4-celled 2. Myriophyllum (p. 473). 1. HIPPURIS L. Marestail. Smooth erect herb with running rootstocks, growing in shallow water; leaves simple, entire, linear, in whorls of 8 to 12; flowers solitary, perfect; petals wanting; fruit 1- seeded, drupelike. 1. Hippuris vulgaris L. Sp. PI. 4. 1755. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae fontibus." Rangk: From the arctic regions to California and New Mexico; also in Europe ami Asia. New Mexico: Near Santa IV; I Mike Lake; near Aztec. In shallow water. 2. MYRIOPHYLLUM L. WATBB milfoil. Smooth leafy aquatic herb with leaves of two -(,rts, th<> immersed ones pinnatifid, in whorls of :; or 1; flowers monoecious, the upper ones usually Btaminate; petals 2 to 4, wanting in the pistillate flowers; stamens 8; ovary L-celled; stigmas recurved ami plumose. 1. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Sp. PI. 992. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae aquia quietia." Range: Canada to California and Florida. \kw Mkxici- LaJara (Standley 8273). In quiel water. 474 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Order 38. UMBELLALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Fruit dry, a cremocarp; gynoecium 2-carpellary; stig- mas terminal 104. APIACEAE (p. 475). Fruit drupaceous or baccate; gynoecium 1 to several- carpellary, if 2-carpellary the stigmas introrse. Ovule with a dorsal raphe; leaves mostly oppo- site, the blades entire or merely toothed. .102. CORNACEAE (p. 474). Ovule with a ventral raphe; leaves mostly alter- nate, the blades compound 103. HEDERACEAE (p. 475). 102. CORNACEAE. Dogwood Family. Trees or shrubs with simple, entire, mainly opposite, exstipulate leaves and perfect or unisexual flowers in spikes or cymes; calyx lobes minute; petals and stamens 4, epigynous; ovary inferior, becoming a 1 or 2-seeded drupe or berry, sometimes dry at maturity. KEY TO THE GENERA. Flowers perfect, cymose; leaves deciduous 1. Cornus (p. 474). Flowers dioecious, spicate; leaves evergreen 2. Garrya (p. 474). 1. CORNUS L. Cornel. Shrub 1 to 2 meters high with reddish branches; leaves elliptic-ovate, entire, short- petioled, thin, deciduous; flowers white, perfect, in flat-topped cymes, without involucres; fruit white. 1. Cornus instolonea A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 53: 224. 1912. Svida stolonifera riparia Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 573. 1904. Type locality: Crystal Creek, Colorado. Range: Alaska and Montana to Arizona and Nebraska. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Zuni; Sandia Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; "White and Sacramento mountains. Along streams and in wet ground, in the Transition Zone. The leaves of the shrub vary in outline from broadly ovate and abruptly short- acuminate to lanceolate and long-acuminate, and the base may be either broadly rounded or somewhat narrowed. 2. GARRYA Dougl. Evergreen shrubs from 50 cm. to over 3 meters high, with elliptic to ovate, entire, short-petioled, coriaceous leaves and dioecious flowers in loose drooping axillary spikes; petals wanting; calyx 4-merous in the staminate flowers, with 4 stamens, 2-lobed or obsolete in the pistillate flowers; ovary 1-celled, with 2 persistent styles; fruit a blue black berry 5 mm. in diameter or less, becoming dry. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Mature leaves glabrous; plants mostly 2 to 3 meters high 1. G. wrightii. Mature leaves densely pubescent; plants low, usually less than 1 meter high 2. G. goldmanii. 1. Garrya wrightii Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 136. 1856. Type locality: Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1789). Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon and Magdalena mountains, to the Organ and White moun- tains and southward. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 475 2. Garrya goldmanii Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 157. 1913. Type locality: Limestone ledges near Queen, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 31, 1909. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Big Hatchet Mountains; Queen; San Andreas Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 103. HEDERACEAE. Ivy Family. 1. ARALIA L. Perennial herbs having the habit of some of the Apiaceae, about 1 meter high, the leaves ternately or pinnately twice or thrice compound with large leaflets; flowers email, whitish, in large compound umbels, 5-merous, regular; fruit a berry. 1. Aralia bicrenata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 157. 1913. Type locality: Near Holts Ranch in the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 20, 1900. Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Sierra Grande; White Mountains; Brazos Canyon. Transition Zone. 104. APIACEAE. Parsley Family. Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs with mostly hollow stems; leaves usually alternate, often all basal, variously compound, rarely simple; petioles expanded or sheathing at the base; flowers small, in umbels (in one genus in heads); umbels simple or more frequently 1 to several times compound ; bracts forming involucres and involu- cels or sometimes wanting; calyx represented by 5 teeth or wanting; petals and stamens 5; ovary inferior, the two filiform styles often borne on a stylopodium; fruit sometimes flattened laterally or dorsally; carpels 2, ribbed or winged, the wings either thin or corky-thickened; oil tubes present in the carpel wall in most species. KEY TO TOE GENERA. Flowers in dense heads 2. Eryngium (p. 477). Flowers not in heads, evidently umbellate. Fruit conspicuously bristly. Bristles not hooked '■'>. Washtngtonia (p. 478). Bristles hooked or barbed at the tips. Whole fruit covered with hooked bristles. (See also Spermolepia echinatus.) I. Sanici la (p 177). Only the ribs of the fruit bristly, the bristles barbed 21. Daucus (p. 484). Fruit not bristly. Fruit strongly flattened dorsally, with lateral ribs, more or less prominently winged. Oil tubes solitary Ln the intervals be- tween the ribs. Stylopodium conical. Plants slender, glabrous 18. Oxtpous (p. 48 Plants stout pub< • enl 20. II i ba< unm (p 184 | Stylopodium Qal or wanting. Plants acaulesceni or aearrj 476 " CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stylopodium wanting; calyx teeth minute or obsolete; dorsal ribsfiliform 19. Cogswellia (p. 484). Stylopodium present; calyx teeth evi- dent; dorsal ribs sharp or winged. . .25. Cynomarathrum (p. 485). Plants caulescent, branching. Flowers white; dorsal ribs prominent 13. Angelica (p. 481). Flowers yellow; dorsal ribsfiliform 23. Pastinaca (p. 485). Oil tubes more than one in the inter- vals between the ribs. (See also Aulospermum.) Plants caulescent, branching. Leaves ternately or pinnately compound 13. Angelica (p. 481). Leaves several times com- pound 12. Conioselinum (p. 480). Plants acaulescent or nearly so. Lateral wings of the fruit thin 19. Cogswellia (p. 484). Lateral wings of the fruit thickened. Dorsal ribs very promi- nent or slightly • winged 17. Pseudocymopterus (p. 482). Dorsal ribs filiform 16. Cymopterus (p. 482). Fruit not strongly flattened dorsally, usually more or less laterally corn- Oil tubes more than one in the inter- vals between the ribs. Stylopodium conical. Fruit spherical, with globose carpels and very slen- der inconspicuous ribs. 9. Berula (p. 479). Fruit ovoid or oblong, with prominent equal ribs. .10. Ligusticum (p. 480). Stylopodium flat or wanting. Seed face sulcate or concave. .15. Aulospermum (p. 481). Seed face plane or but slight- ly concave. Leaves pinnate, with short crowded seg- ments; flowers pur- plish 14. Phellopterus (p. 481). Leaves ternate-pinnate, with distant seg- ments; flowers yel- low 26. Pteryxia (p. 485). WOOTOJST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 477 Oil tubes solitary in the intervals be- tween the ribs. Stylopodium flat or -wanting. Flowers white; an annual 4. Apium (p. 478). Flowers yellow; perennials. Ribsequal, broad, corky. 11. Oreoxis (p. 480). Ribs filiform 8. Aletes (p. 479). Stylopodium conical. Leaflets broad, large 6. Cicuta (p. 479). Leaflets (at least the upper) linear to filiform. Involucres wanting. Flowers white 22. Coriandrum (p. 484). Flowers yellow 24. Foeniculum (p. 485). Involucres present. Fruit smooth (ribs filiform) ; leaves with few leaflets. . . 7. Carum (p. 479). Fruit tuberculate or bristly; leaves finely dis- sected 5. Spermolepis (p. 478). 1. SANICULA L. Self-heal. Smooth perennial with almost naked or sparsely leafy stems and palmately cleft leaves with pinnatifid or incised lobes; involucres present; flowers greenish yellow, in irregularly compound few-rayed umbels; calyx teeth somewhat foliaceous, persistent; fruit subglobose, densely covered with hooked bristles. 1. Sanicula marilandica L. Sp. PI. 235. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Marilandia, Virginia." Range: New England and Nebraska to New Mexico and Alabama. New Mexico: Gallinas Planting Station (Bartlett); Brazos Canyon (Standhy A Bollman). Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 2. ERYNGIUM L. Coarse glabrous perennials 30 cm. high or more, with rigid, coriaceous, sometimes spinulose leaves, and small flowers in involucrat*' heads; sepals prominent, rigid, persistent; unit ovoid, laterally flattened, scaly <>r tuberculate; ribs obsohtr; stylo- podium wanting; oil tubes mostly 5; seed lace plane. ki.v TO Tin: BPECn a. Leaves pectinate-dentate <>r pinnatifid, the lobes spinose- tipped, not parallel-veined I. A', wrightn. longate-linear, mostly entire, parallel-veined 2. E. tparganophyllum. 1. Eryngium wrightii A. Cray, PI. Wright. 1: 78. L852. Typb locality: "Bed of the Limpia or Wild Rose Creek," Texas. Ranoi . v.. tern Texas to southern Arizona Xkw Mi inco: Animas Valley; aear White Water. 478 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Eryngium sparganophyllum Hemsl. in Hook. Icon. PL IV. 6: pi. 2508. 1897. Eryngium longifolium A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 65. 1853, not.Cav. 1793. Tyte locality: Las Playas Springs, near the Sierra de las Animas, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1103). Range: Known only from type locality. 3. WASHINGTONIA Raf. Sweet cicely. Plants glabrate or pubescent, from thick aromatic roots; leaves ternately decom- pound, the leaflets ovate to lanceolate, coarsely toothed or cleft; calyx teeth obsolete; . fruit linear-oblong or clavate, bristly on the ribs; carpels hardly flattened; oil tubes obsolete in mature fruit, often numerous in the young fruit. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Involucels of several bracts; fruit beaked 1. W. longistylis. Involucels wanting; fruit obtuse 2. W. obtusa. 1. Washingtonia longistylis (Torr.) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 2: 530. 1897. Myrrhis longistylis Torr. Fl. North. & Mid. U. S. 310. 1824. Osmorrhiza longistylis DC. Prodr. 4: 232. 1830. Type locality: Wet meadows near Albany, New York. Range : Nova Scotia and North Carolina to Montana and New Mexico. New Mexico: Johnsons Mesa (Wooton). Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 2. Washingtonia obtusa Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 64. 1900. Type locality: Ishowood Creek, northwestern Wyoming. Range : British Columbia and Wyoming to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Hillsboro Peak; Cloudcroft. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 4. APITJM L. Erect glabrous herb with pinnately or ternately divided leaves with thick, strongly scented petioles and umbels of white flowers opposite the leaves; calyx teeth obsolete; fruit laterally flattened, ovoid or broader than long, the ribs prominent, obtuse, corky; oil tubes solitary in the intervals. 1. Apium graveolens L. Sp. PL 264. 1753. Celery. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae humectis, praesertim maritimis." New Mexico: Kingston; above Tularosa. Escaped from cultivation. 5. SPERMOLEPIS Raf. Slender, smooth branched annuals with finely dissected leaves having filiform or linear segments, the small flowers in involucellate, very unequally few-rayed, pedun- culate umbels; calyx teeth obsolete; fruit ovoid, flattened laterally, bristly or tuber- culate; seed face plane. key to the species. Fruit tuberculate 1. S. divaricatus. Fruit with hooked bristles 2. S. echinatus. 1. Spermolepis divaricatus (Walt.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 244. 1894. Daucus divaricatus Walt. Fl. Carol. 114. 1788. Leptocaulis divaricatus DC. Mem. Ombel. 39. 1829. Type locality: North or South Carolina. Range: North Carolina and Florida to Kansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas (Dewey). Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 479 2. Sperrnolepis echinatus (Nutt.) Heller, Bot. Expl. Texas 3. 1895. Leptocaulis echinatus Nutt.; DC. Prodr. 4: 107. 1830. Type locality: Red River, Arkansas. Range : Alabama and southern California to Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizalillo Mountains; Florida Mountains; Tres Hermanas; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains. Mesas and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. CICTJTA L. Water hemlock. Large coarse glabrous perennial from a thickened root, with twice pinnately com- pound leaves having large, ovate to lanceolate, serrate leaflets, and with large umbels of white flowers; calyx teeth prominent; fruit oblong to orbicular, glabrous; carpels with strongly flattened corky ribs, the lateral ones largest; oil tubes large. 1. Cicuta occidentalis Greene, Pittonia 2: 7. 1889. Type locality: Trinidad, Colorado. Range: Idaho and South Dakota to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. In swamps and along streams and ditches, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. CARUM L. Smooth erect slender herb with tuberous or fusiform roots, pinnate leaves with few linear leaflets, involucels of several narrow bracts, and white flowers; calyx teeth prominent; fruit orbicular to oblong, glabrous; carpels with filiform inconspicuous ribs; oil tubes 2 to 6 on the commissural side, solitary in the intervals. 1. Carum gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 344. 1867. Atenia gairdneri Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey Voy. 349. 1840. Type locality: Near San Francisco or Monterey, California. Range: British Columbia and California to South Dakota and New Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila (Metcalfe 497). 8. ALETES Coult. & Rose. Acaulescent glabrous perennial with pinnate leaves, broad, sharply toothed, rather distant leaflets, and yellow flowers; calyx teeth prominent; fruit oblong, glabrous, the ribs prominent, equal; oil tubes large, solitary. 1. Aletes acaulis (Torr.) Coult. & Rose, Rev. Umbell. l-'fi. 1888. Deweya? acaulis Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4': !M. ix:,(j. Orcosciadium acaule A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 343. 18li7. Type locality: Crevices of rocks near Santa Antonita, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Bigelow in L853. Range: Mountains of New Mexico and ( Colorado. New Mexico: Socorro; Sandia Mountains. Transition Zone. 9. BERTJLA Hoffm. Smooth aquatic perennial, 20 to 40 cm. 1 1 i <_r 1 1 <>r more, with once pinnate leaves, variously cul Leaflets, conspicuous involucres, and medium-sized umbels of white flowers; calyx teeth minute; fruil rol und, emarginateal i he base; carpels uearlyglol with slender inconspicuous ribs and thick corky pericarp; oil tubes numerous, con- tiguous, closely surrounding the seed cavity; seeds terete. 1. Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville, Contr. U.8. Nat. Herb. 4: L15. L893. slum erectum Euds. Fl. Angl. L03. 1 7 ( '. ii . Sium angu8tifolium L. Sp. PI. ed. - L672. I 480 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type locality: Not stated. Range: British America to California and Mexico; also in Europe. New Mexico: Zuni; Farmington; Silver City; Mogollon Mountains; Fort Bayard; Dog Spring; White Mountains; Carrizozo; Roswell. Edge of streams, in the Tran- sition and Canadian zones. 10. LIGUSTICUM L. ' Glabrous perennial from a thickened cormlike base; stems a meter high or less, with large, decompound, dark green leaves and a large terminal umbel of white flowers; calyx teeth small or obsolete; fruit oblong-ovoid, 6 to 7 mm. long, with rather ' prominent winged ribs; oil tubes 4 to 6 in the intervals, 8 to 10 on the commissural side. 1. Ligusticum porteri Coult. & Rose, Rev. Umbell. 86. 1888. Chuchupate. Type locality: "Head waters of the Platte," Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Sierra Grande; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Hillsboro Peak; Sawyers Peak; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods, Transition to Hudsonian Zone. 11. OREOXIS Raf. Cespitose alpine perennials with pinnate basal leaves having narrow segments; umbels compact, more or less headlike; calyx teeth prominent; fruit globose, slightly flattened laterally; carpels with thick equal corky prominent ribs; oil tubes 1 to 3 in the narrow intervals. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bracts of involucels linear, entire 1. 0. humilis. Bracts of involucels cuneate, toothed 2. 0. bakeri. 1. Oreoxis humilis Raf. BulL Bot. Seringe 217. 1830. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains." Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Top of Las Vegas Range (CocJcerell). High mountain meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Oreoxis bakeri Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 144. 1900. Type locality: Mountains near Pagosa Peak, southern Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Standley 4318). Meadows in the mountains, Arctic- Alpine Zone. 12. CONIOSELINUM Hoffm. ( ilubrous perennial 60 to 90 cm. high, with often large leaves, these twice or thrice temate, then once or twice pinnate, or twice pinnate, or simply pinnately compound; leaflets laciniately pinnatifid; umbels with numerous rays, involucellate with linear elongated bractlets; calyx teeth obsolete; fruit oblong, glabrous, about 6 mm. long; oil tubes usually 1 in the dorsal interval and 2 in the lateral \ 2 to 4 in the commis- sural side; ribs prominent, the laterals winged. 1. Conioselinum scopulorum (A. Gray) Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 151. 1900. Ligusticum scopulorum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 347. 1868. Type locality: Santa Antonita, New Mexico. Range: Oregon to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Antonita; Chusca Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Copper Canyon. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 481 13. ANGELICA L. Stout glabrous perennial 60 to 90 cm. high, with simply pinnate leaves having 2 to 4 pairs of ovate to narrowly lanceolate, sharply serrate to entire leaflets; flowers white or purplish, in large spreading umbels; calyx teeth mostly obsolete; fruit oblong, glabrous, 4 to 6 mm. long, the dorsal and intermediate ribs prominent, thick, the lateral ones winged ; oil tubes solitary in the intervals. 1. Angelica pinnata S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 126. 1871. Type locality: Uinta Mountains, Utah. Range: Wyoming and Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Wet meadows and in bogs, in the Transition Zone. 14. PHELLOPTERUS Nutt. Acaulescent perennials with pale, once to thrice pinnate leaves having mostly short broad crowded leaflets and with purplish flowers; involucre hyaline, conspicu- ous; calyx teeth evident; fruit orbicular, with broad wings and an oblong body 10 to 15 mm. long; oil tubes 2 to 4 in the intervals, 4 to 8 on the commissural side. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bracts of involucels variously toothed at the apex 1. P. macrorhizus. Bracts of involucels entire. Involucre conspicuous; bracts and bractlets 1 to 3-nerved. . 2. P. utahensis. Involucre mostly a low hyaline sheath; bracts and bractlets many-nerved 3. P. multinervatus. 1. Phellopterus macrorhizus (Buckl.) Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 167. 1900. Cymopterus macrorhizus Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1861: 455. 1862. Type locality: Prairies north of Austin, Texas. Range: Texas to eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nara Visa (Fisher 109). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone, 2. Phellopterus utahensis (Jones) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 158. 1913. Cymopterus montanus purpurascens A. Gray in Ives, Rep. Colo. Riv. 15. 1860. Cymopterus utahensis Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 684. 1895. Phellopterus purpurascens Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 168. 1900. Type locality: Above Pagumpa, Arizona. Range: Idaho and Nevada to New Mexico. New Mexico: Barranca; Fort Wingate; Aztec; Sandia Mountains; Tierra Ama- nita. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone 3. Phellopterus multinervatus Coult. & Rose, Contr. I . S. Nat. Herb. 7: 169. 1900. Type locality: Peach Springs, northern Axil Range: Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. \t \v Mexico: MaDgas Springs; Carrizalill" Maintains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. AULOSPERMTJM Coult. & Rose. Purplish, nearly acaulescent, glabrous herb, with broadly triangular leaf blades, tu ice or thrice pinnately compound, and unequally 8 to 12-rayed umbels exceeding the Leaves; flowers yellowish purple; calyx teeth evident; fruit orbicular, glabrous, s to in nun. long; carpels with :i to :> broad wings scarcely thickened al the carpels somewhal flattened^ with broadly concave (aces; "il tubes I or 5 in the inter- vals, 8 on the commissural ode 76°— 15 31 482 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Aulospermum purpureum (S. Wats.) Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 178. 1900. Cymoptei-us purpureus S. Wats. Amer. Nat. 7: 300. 1873. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Palmer. Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Aztec; Fort Wingate; Stinking Lake. Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. CYMOPTERTJS Raf. Low (5 to 10 cm.) glabrous perennials from thick elongated roots; leaves usually exceeding the peduncles, twice or thrice pinnate, the leaflets oblong, incised; umbels with few unequal rays; flowers yellow; involucels conspicuous, exceeding the flow- ers; fruit oblong; carpels each with 3 or 4 wings, these thin at the margin and near the body; oil tubes several in the intervals, 4 to 8 on the commissural side. 1. Cymopterus fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 56. 1849. Type locality: Gravelly hills, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fend- ler (no. 274). Range : New Mexico to Colorado. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Sandia Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. PSEUDOCYMOPTERTJS Coult. & Rose. Caulescent or almost acaulescent perennials, 30 or 40 cm. high or less, from per- ennial roots, with bipinnate leaves, mostly no involucre, and yellow or purple flowers in usually small or medium-sized umbels; calyx teeth evident; fruit oblong, glabrous; carpels with very prominent and acute (sometimes narrowly winged) dorsal and intermediate ribs and broad thickish lateral wings; oil tubes 1 to 4 in the intervals, 2 to 8 on the commissural side. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers purple 1. P. purpureus. Flowers yellow. Ultimate divisions of the leaves short, ovate or lanceolate ; plants tall, stems usually solitary 2. P. montanus. Ultimate divisions of the leaves linear or nearly so; plants tall or low; stems solitary or cespitose. Divisions of the leaves 18 to 60 mm. long, few; leaves twice compound; flowers pale yellow 3. P. tenuifolius. Divisions of the leaves short, usually less than 15 mm. long, very numerous, crowded ; leaves mostly thrice com- pound; flowers bright yellow. Basal leaves long, 20 to 25 cm., very numerous; seg- ments usually sessile, with a pair of lobes at the base; umbels 15 mm. wide or less 4. P. filkinus. Basal leaves short, usually less than 15 cm. long, few; segments long-petioled ; umbels usually more than 20 mm. broad 5. P. multifidus. 1. Pseudocymopterus purpureus (Coult. & Rose) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 147. 1906. Pseudocymopterus montanus purpureus Coult. & Rose, Rev. Umbell. 75. 1888. Type locality: Fort Humphreys, Arizona. Range: Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Bullards Peak; Mogollon Peak; Organ Mountains. Meadows and on cliffs, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 483 This form seems to us distinct enough to rank as a species. It certainly is much more easily recognized than most of the species of the family. We have never seen it occurring with the other species nor have we ever seen intergradient forms. 2. Pseudocymopterus montanus (A. Gray) Coult. & Rose, Rev. Umbell. 74. 1888. Thaspiumf montanum A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 57. 1849. Type locality: Sunny declivities at the foot of mountains, along Santa Fe (reek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 276). R ynt.e: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexh o: Mountains west of Grants .Station; Santa Fe and Las Vegas moun- tains; Black Range; White Mountains. Meadows and damp woods, chiefly in the Transition Zone. 3. Pseudocymopterus tenuifolius (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 117. L906. Thaspium t montanum tenuifolium A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 65. 1853. Pseudocymoptei us montanus tenuifolius Coult. & Rose, Lew Umbell. 75. 1888. Type locality: "Hillsides of Coppermine Creek, New Mexico." Type collected by Wright (no. 1107). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains and Black Range to the Organ Mountains and southward. Canyons and faces of cliffs, in the Transition Zone. Apparently this is a very good species, distinguished from P. viontanus by its tinted habit, much elongated, very narrow leaf segments, and pale flowers. It is found in different situations, too, preferring crevices of cliffs in the deep canyons, always growing in shade. 4. Pseudocymopterus filicinus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 158. 1913. Type locality: Bear Mountain near Silver City, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 165). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. Ni:\\ Mexicoi Bear Mountain; Mangas Springs; Holts Ranch; Linos Altos. A very handsome plant, for the family, its leaves strongly suggesting some of the ferns. It is distinguished from our other sp© ies by the very numerous leaves of peculiar form and by the small umbels which usually but slightly exceed the lea\ es. 5. Pseudocymopterus multifidus Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Lull. 100: 257. l!)l)ti. '" . docymopteru8 montanus multifidus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 574. 1904. Type locality: Range between Sapello and Pecos rivers, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerel! in L900. i; \ igb: * lolorado and Ww Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha .Mountains; Chama; .feme/. Mountains; Santa Fe and Las \ egas mountains; Rio Pueblo; Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento moun- ; Organ Mountains. .Meadows in the mountains, Transition to the Arctic- Alpine Zone. This becomes much larger than is suggested in the original description or in ('on It it & Nelson's flora, being often 30 or it) cm. high. 18. OXYPOLIS Raf. Smooth erecl herb 30 to 'it) cm. high . from fascicled tubers; leaves simply pirn with •') to 9 leaflets; Sowers white; involucre and involucels wanting; calyx teeth evident; fruil ovoid, scarcely i nun. Long, with prominent dorsal and intermediate and narrower lateral wings; oil tube., solitary in the intervals, 2 to I 00 the commis- sural aide. 484 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Oxypolis fendleri (A. Gray) Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 478. 1897. Arclii morn fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 56. 1849. Tiedemannia fendleri Coult. & Rose, Rev. Umbell. 48. 1888. Type locality: Margins of Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler(no. 272). Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Rio Pueblo; West Fork of the Gila. Edges of streams and in bogs, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 19. COGSWELLIA Spreng. Acaulescent or short-caulescent perennial with thickened roots, bipinnate leaves with small, entire or toothed, oblong segments and unequally 5 to 8-rayed umbels of whitish or purplish flowers; calyx teeth obsolete; fruit almost orbicular, emar- ginate at the base, glabrous, the dorsal ribs filiform, the lateral winged, coherent till maturity; oil tubes solitary in the intervals (rarely 2 in the lateral intervals), 4 on the commissural side. 1. Cogswellia orientalis (Coult. & Rose) Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 12: 33. 1908. Lomatium orientate Coult. & Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 220. 1900. Type locality: Plains around Denver, Colorado. Range: Washington and North Dakota to Kansas and Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. 20. HERACLEUM L. Cow parsnip. Tall stout perennial 1 to 2 meters high, more or less pubescent or woolly, with large ternately compound leaves, deciduous involucres, involucels of many bractlets, and large umbels of white flowers having obcordate petals; calyx teeth small or obsolete; fruit broadly obovate, somewhat pubescent, 8 to 12 mm. long; dorsal and intermediate ribs filiform, the lateral ones broadly winged; oil tubes about half as long as the carpels, conspicuous, 2 to 4 on the commissural side; seed much flattened dorsally. 1. Heracleum lanatum Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 166. 1803. Type locality: "Canada." Range: Canada to North Carolina, New Mexico, and California. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Along streams and in bogs, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 21. DAUCUS L. Carrot. Bristly annuals or biennials with pinnately decompound leaves, foliaceous cleft involucral bracts, involucels of entire or toothed bractlets, and usually white flowers in concave umbels; calyx teeth obsolete; fruit oblong, flattened dorsally; carpels with 5 slender primary ribs and 4 secondary ones, each bearing a single row of prom- inent barbed prickles; stylopodium depressed or wanting. 1. Daucus pusillus Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 164. 1803. Type locality: "In eampestribus Carolinae." Range: North Carolina and Florida to California and British Columbia. ' New Mexico: Upper Corner Monument; Nutt Mountain. 22. CORIANDRUM L. Coriander. Slender glabrous annual with pinnately dissected leaves and compound umbels of white flowers; involucres none, the involucels few-parted; fruit nearly globose, the ribs filiform or acutish. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 485 1. Coriandrum sativum L. Sp. PI. 257. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Italiae agris." New Mexico: Zuni; Mesilla Valley. The common coriander of the gardens, whose fruit is extensively used in flavoring, occurs occasionally in waste ground, where it has escaped from cultivation. 23. PASTINACA L. Parsnip. Tall glabrous biennial with pinnately compound leaves and yellow flowers; calyx teeth obsolete; involucre and involucels none; fruit oval, flattened dorsally, the dorsal ribs filiform, the lateral ones expanded into broad wings; Btylopodium de- pressed. 1. Pastinaca sativa L. Sp. PI. 262. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae australioris ruderalis et pascuis." New Mexico: Farmington; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. The parsnip is a common weed in many parts of the United States, hut bo far it is not common in New Mexico and nowhere is it a troublesome weed. 24. FOENICULUM Adans. Fennel. A stout glabrous aromatic herb with large leaves dissected into numerous filiform segments, large umbels of yellow flowers, and oblong glabrous fruit, terete or nearly so, with prominent ribs and solitary oil tubes. 1. Foeniculum foeniculum (L.) Karst. Deutsch. Fl. 837. 1880. Anethum foeniculum L. Sp. PI. 263. 1753. Foeniculum vulgare Hill, Brit. Herb. 413. 1756. Type locality: "Habitat in Narbonae, Armoriae, Maderae rupibus cretaccis." New Mexico: Sabinal; above Rincon. Escaped from cultivation. 25. CYNOMARATHRUM Xutt. Acaulescent perennial witli long thick caudices and very thick long roots, the caudices thickly covered with the leaves and their persistent bases; calyx teeth <-\ i- dent; flowers yellow; fruit oblong, strongly flattened dorsally, with sharp or winged dorsal and intermediate ribs, and winged laterals; oil tubes most k several in the inter- vals, rarely obscure. 1. Cynomarathrum nuttallii (A. Gray) Coitlt. A I: • . < ontr. I. S. Nat. Herb. 7: 245. 1900. Seseli nuttallii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 287. 1870. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains." Rangi ; Wyoming and Nebraska to Utah and north western New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill (Standley 8025). Dry hill-, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Probably our material represents an undescribed form, for it doei not altogether agree with other material of this spa i> However, it is not complete enough for a thorough comparison. 26. PTERYXIA. Null. A plant , apparently of this genua, but the material to.. | r for satisfa tory deter- mination, was collected bj standi.", on sand tone hills il the north end of the < ri-'o Mountains, In I'M I (no 7352 1 1 La probablj an undescribed 486 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Order 39. ERIC ALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Gynoecium inferior; fruit baccate or drupaceous 108. VACCINIACEAE (p. 489). Gyncecium superior; fruit usually capsular. Herbaceous saprophytes without green leaves 105. MONOTROPACEAE (p. 486). Herbs or shrubs with green leaves. Corolla of essentially distinct petals; herbs 106. PYROLACEAE (p. 486). Corolla of more or less united petals; shrubs. .107. ERICACEAE (p. 488). 105. MONOTROPACEAE. Indian pipe Family. Fleshy herbs with pale reddish stems destitute of chlorophyll, parasitic or sapro- phytic, the leaves reduced to scales; flowers similar to those of the Pyrolaceae, in en- larged racemes. KEY TO THE GENERA. Petals united, persistent; plants glandular, dark purplish red when growing 1. Pterospora (p. 486). Petals distinct, deciduous; plants glabrous or slightly pubes- cent above, not glandular, bright red when growing. 2. Hypopitys (p. 486). 1. PTEROSPORA Nutt. Pinedrops. Stems tall, 30 to 50 cm. high, slightly woody on drying, solitary, from a thick base; calyx deeply 5-parted; corolla globular, urceolate; stamens 10; disk none; stigma 5- lobed; capsule depressed-globose, 5-lobed; seeds numerous, broadly winged at the apex. 1. Pterospora andromedea Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 269. ISIS. Type locality: "In Upper Canada near the Falls of Niagara." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Winsor Creek; Sandia Mountains; Gallinas Planting Station; Mogollon Creek; Sawyers Peak. Transition Zone. - fitQ,l0-6refX~> 2. HYPOPITYS Hill. Pinesap. Stems thick and fleshy, 20 cm. high or less, usually several in a cluster; sepals and petals 3 to 5, the latter saccate at the base; anthers reniform, the cells complete^ con- fluent into one, opening by very unequal valves; stigma glandular on Ihe margins. 1. Hypopitys latisquama Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 461. 1913. Type locality: Bridger Mountains, Montana. Range: British Columbia and Montana to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Middle Fork of the Gila; Black Range; White and Sacramento moun- tains. Damp woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 106. PYROLACEAE. Wintergreen Family. Low perennial herbs with simple petiolate leaves and perfect solitary, racemose, or corymbose flowers; calyx 4 or 5-merous; corolla of 5 distinct or slightly united petals; stamens twice as many as the petals; anthers opening introrsely by pores or short slits, inverted in anthesis; ovary superior; style often declined; fruit a capsule with numerous seeds. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 487 KEY TO THE GENERA. Sterns leafy; flowers corymbose 1 . Chimaphila (p. 487). Stems Bcapiform, naked; leaves basal; proper stems short; flowers not corymbose. Flowers racemose 2. Pyrola (p. 487). Flowers solitary 3. Moneses (p. 488). 1. CHIMAPHILA Pursh. Pipsisskwa. Low perennial herb with thick evergreen shining leaves rather crowded on the short suffrnticose stems; flowers purplish, fragrant, in a terminal corymb; stamens 10; filaments enlarged and hairy at the middle; style short, inversely conicab immersed in the depressed summit of the globular ovary; stigma broad, orbicular, 5-crenate. 1. Chimaphila umbeUata (L.) Nutt. Gen. PL 1: 274. 1818. Pyrola umbeUata L. Sp. PL 396. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae, Asiae et Americae septentrional is sylvis." RanCxE: British America to Georgia and Mexico; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico:. Elizabeth town; Harveys Upper Ranch; Gallinas Planting Station; Mogollon Mountains. Deep woods, in the Canadian and Iludsonian zones. 2. PYROLA L. Wintergreen. Small perennial evergreen herbs with basal leaves on a short scaly stem arising from a slender rhizome; flowers white, greenish, or purplish, in terminal racemes, nodding; stamens 10, the anthers emarginate or 2-beaked at the base; disk usually obsolete; ovary 5-valved from the base, the valves with cobwebby margins. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Style straight; stamens connivent 1. P. secunda. Style and stamens declined. Leaves mottled 2. P. picta. Leaves green, not mottled. Leaves reniform, cordate ; flowers pink :! . P. asari/olia. Leaves rounded or narrowed at the base; flowers greenish while. Leaf blades orbicular, coriaceous, usually shorter than the ] iet iules 4. P.
  • mm. Long, obtu rounded I . V. oreophUum. Fruit red; Leaves usually less than L5 mm. long, acute or acutish. ! I ooparium. 1. Vaccinium oreophilum Etydb. Bull. Torrey Olub 33: 1 Lfl Lft T\ PI LOCAL! iv : I'inta Mountain. I tab Range: British Columbia and Uberta to northern Not Mexico New Mi >imi Co.-iilla Pass i UmveU 202). 490 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Vaccinium scoparium Leiberg, Mazama 1: 196. 1897. Vaccinium erythrococcum Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 301. 1900. Tvno locality: "Alpine woods near the Height of Land and Columbia Portage." Range: British Columbia and Alberta to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Baldy; Harveys Upper Ranch. Deep woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. This is one of the few plants found in the dense spruce forests. The berries are of good flavor and are frequently gathered for food. Order 40. PRIMULALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Styles distinct; fruit an achene or utricle ; ovule 1. 109. PLTJMBAGINACEAE (p. 490). Styles united; fruit capsular or drupelike; ovules several 110. PRIMULACEAE (p. 490). 109. PLTJMBAGINACEAE. Plumbago Family. 1. LIMONITJM Adans. Acaulescent herbaceous perennial, 30 cm. high or less, with leathery entire basal leaves and a corymbosely branched inflorescence of small white flowers; leaves ob- lanceolate-spatulate; flowers sessile; calyx funnelform, the tube 10-ribbed, the limb scarious, plicate; petals 5, clawed, the claws united at the base; ovary 1-celled, 5-angled; styles 5, distinct; fruit a utricle, the seed filling the cavity. 1. Limonium limbatum Small, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 317. 1898. Statice limbata Schum. Bot. Jahrb. Engler 26: 390. 1900. Type locality: "In alkaline soil, Texas and New Mexico." Type, Wright's 1435. Range: Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tularosa; Belen; plains near the White Sands; Roswell. Alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 110. PRIMULACEAE. Primrose Family. Annual or perennial herbs, most of them low, some of them very small; leaves mostly simple, alternate, opposite, or whorled, basal or cauline, exstipulate; inflo- rescm.ce various; flowers perfect, usually regular; calyx of 4 to 9 partially united sepals, usually persistent; corolla gamopetalous, hypogynous (except in Samolus); stamens as many as the corolla lobes and opposite them, attached to the tube; ovary free (ex- cept in Samolus), l-celled, with a central placenta; fruit a capsule with 2 to 8 valves. KEY TO THE GENERA. Ovary inferior, attached to the base of the calyx and corolla tubes 1- Samolus (p. 491). Ovary superior, five from all other flower parts. Leafy-stemmed plants. Capsule opening lengthwise; flowers yellow — 2. Steironema (p. 491). Capsule circumscissile; flowers reddish 3. Anagallis (p. 492). Scapose or very short-stemmed plants, the leaves all basal. Corolla lobes reflexed; stamens exserted, con- nivent in a cone or somewhat monadel- phous 4. Dodecatheon (p. 492), WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 491 Corolla lobes erect or spreading; stamens in- cluded, distinct. Corolla tube equaling or exceeding tbe calyx, bright pink or rose purple to crimson; flowers showy 5. Primula (p. 492). Corolla tube shorter than the calyx, white or yellow; flowers very small. Perennials, the stems branched at the base; capsules few-seeded 7. Drosack (p. 494) Annuals, the stems simple; capsules many-seeded 6. Androsace (p. 493). 1. SAMOLUS L. Brookweed. Annual or perennial caulescent herbs with alternate entire fleshy leaves and small while flowers in racemes or panicles; sepals united at the base, persistent, adhereni i<> the ovary below; corolla perigynous, the tube very short; stamens 5, adnate to the corolla, sometimes alternating with 5 staminodia; ovary 1-celled; capsule 5-valved, hardly elongated; seeds numerous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Rac*emes sessile or nearly so, numerous, glabrous; calyx 2.5 mm. broad 1 . .9. floribundus. Racemes long-pedunculate, few, glandular; calyx 3.5 to 5 mm. broad 2. S. cuneatus. 1. Samolus floribundus II. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 181. 1817. Type loca] nv: "Crescit in maritimis Peruviae juxta portum Callao de Lima." Range: British America to California, Florida, Mexico, and South America. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon; Roswell. Wet ground 2. Samolus cuneatus Small, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 491. 1897. Type locality: "On limestone rocks or soil, Texas." Range: Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell; Carlsbad; Dona Ana Mountains. Wei ground, in the Upper Bonoran Zone. 2. STEIRONEMA Raf. Loosestihi i Leafy-stemmed perennial herbs with opposite petiolate simple entire leaves and axillarj yellow flowers on slender pedicels; flowers 5-merous; corolla rotate, 5-lobed, each lobe convolute or involute about its stamen; stamens ;>. alternating with5 stami- QOdia; capsules rounded, naked; .seeds it) to l-'l). KKV TO THE SPECIES. Leaf blades ovate, ciliate 1 . -s'. ciliatum. Leaf blades lanceolate, not ciliate 2. 8. validulum. 1. Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf. Ann. Gen. I'liys. 7: 192 I" 10 Lyrimachia ciliata L. Sp. PI. I 17. I i i '• T,i/ lo< \i 1 1 v. "Habitat in Virginia, Canada EIanoe: British America to Arizona, Alabama, and <;<■. New Mexico: Pecos; La Vega Beulah Gallinas Planting Station Wet ground, in the 'I i.in^it Lon Zone. 2. Steironema validulum Greene, Contr I S. Nat. Herb 18 I 1918 Type lo< ility: Uong » » d. i reek, near Fla ptafl iri I: \ ,,.i \ev. Mexii o and ixi ona, \ i ( m i i, ,, Mogollou Mountain \\ e( Bail. 492 CONTRIBUTIONS FKOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. ANAGALLIS L. Pimpernel. Slender branched leafy-stemmed annual with entire, mostly opposite leaves and small, axillary, scarlet to white flowers on slender peduncles 1 to 2 cm. long. 1. Anagallis arvensis L. Sp. PI. 148. 1753. Type locality: " Habitat in Europae arvis." New Mexico: Kingston {Metcalfe 1339). Widely introduced into North America from Europe. 4. DODECATHEON I,. Shooting star. Showy perennial herbs with short rootstocks, smooth entire leaves forming a rosette, and rose-colored, violet, or white flowers on an umbellate scape; calyx 5-merous, narrow, the lobes reflexed in flower, longer than the tube ; corolla tube short, the lobes reflexed ; stamens 5, exserted; anthers large, the filaments short or obsolete, stout, united at the base; ovary free; capsule partially 5-valved. key to the species. Anthers on conspicuous filaments; petals rose-colored J . D. radicatum. Anthers sessile; petals white 2. D. ellisiae. 1. Dodecatheon radicatum Greene, Erythea 3: 37. 1895. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 549) Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Kansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountains. In wet meadows, from the Transition to the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Dodecatheon ellisiae Standley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 26: 195. 1913. Type locality: Capulin Canyon, Sandia Mountains. New Mexico: Type collected by Miss Charlotte C. Ellis (no. 330). Range: Known only from type locality. 5. PRIMULA L. Primrose. Perennial scapose herbs; leaves radical, forming a thick tuft, mostly glabrous; flowers in umbels surmounting the usually stout scapes (these sometimes only 1 or 2-flowered); calyx oblong to campanulate, farinaceous, accrescent and persistently surrounding the fruit; corolla narrowly funnelform or salverform, the tube longer than the calyx, the limb of various shades of pink and rose purple or lilac purple; stamens 5, distinct, epipetalous; capsules 5-valved at the summit, many-seeded. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Scapes with 1 or 2 flowers; plants 5 cm. high or less 1. P. angusti/olia. Scapes with 3 to many flowers; plants 10 cm. high or more. Plants 25 to 40 cm. high, stout; leaves 3 to 5 cm. wide, usually entire 2. P. parri/i. Plants less than 25 cm. high, slender; leaves less than 2 cm. wide, evidently denticulate. Scapes about equaling the leaves; calyx 7 mm. high 3. P. ellisiae. Scapes twice as long as the leaves; calyx 4 to 5 mm. high. . 4. P.rusbyi. 1. Primula angustifolia Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1: 34. pi. 3. 1824. Primula angustifolia helenae Pollard & Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 179. 1902. Type locality: James Peak, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 493 New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. High mountain meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. The type of P. angustifolia helenae came from the Las Vegas Mountains. 2. Primula parryi A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 34: 257. 1862. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Colorado to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Bogs in the mountains, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. This is one of our most beautiful native plants, with its many-flowered clusters of large bright reddish purple flowers. It grows in wet soil near the snow banks and in bogs lower down. 3. Primula ellisiae Pollard & Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 178. 1902. Type locality: Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Miss Char- lotte C. Ellis (no. 3). Range: High mountain meadows in the Sandia and White mountains of New Mexico, in the Hudsonian Zone. 4. Primula rusbyi Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 122. 1881. Primula serra Small, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 319. 1898. Type locality: On rich moist slopes near the summits of the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 252). Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico : Black Range ; Mogollon Mountains. Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 6. ANDFvOSACE L. Small annuals with a rosette of basal leaves and scapose umbels of very small white flowers, sometimes tinged with pink; calyx 5-lobed, persistent; corolla short-sal verform or funnelform, the tube varying in length, the limb 5-lobed; stamens 5, distinct, included; capsule short, 5-valved, with many seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bracts of the involucre ovate or oblong. Calyx lobes triangular, acute 1 . A. occidental is. Calyx lobes broadly oblong to ovate, obtuse 2. A. platysepala. Bracts of the involucre lanceolate to subulate. Corolla longer than the calyx. Peduncles 10 to 20 cm. high, much longer than the as- cending or erect pedicels 3. A. pinetorum. Peduncles 3 cm. high or less, often equaled or exceeded by the spreading pedicels 4. A. subumbellata. Corolla shorter than the calyx. Plants abundantly glandular 5. A. glandulosa. Plants not glandular. Pedicels and calyx loins glabrous or nearly so 6. A. diffusa. Pedicel and calyx lobee puberulent. I ;il\ \ longei than the mature capsule, the lnl.es spreading, equaling the tube 7. A. wbtUtfera. < lalyx shorter than the mature capsule, the lobes erect, shorter than the tube 8. A, puberulenta. 1. Androsace occidentals Pureh, I'!. Amer. Sept. 187. L814. Type wkjaltty: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Montana and Manitoba to California, New Mexico, and Missouri. New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Organ Mountauu <>|>en slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 494 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Androsace platysepala Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 519. 1907. Type locality: Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Met- calfe (no. 1547). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Bear Mountain. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Androsace pinetorum Greene, Pittonia 4: 149. 1900. Androsace septentrionalis pinetorum Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenreich 22: 215. 1905. Type locality: "In pine woods of Graham's Park, Rio de los Pinos, at 7,800 feet,, southern Colorado." Range: British America to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Stinking Lake; Tierra Amarilla; Sandia Mountains; Dulce; Santa Fe ( 'anyon; Wheelers Ranch; South Percha Creek. Shaded slopes in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 4. Androsace subumbeUata (A. Nels.) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 319. 1898. Androsace septentrionalis subumbeUata A. Nels. Wyo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 28: 149. 1896. Type locality: On a grassy hillside near the summit of Union Peak, Wyoming. Range: Montana to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Wooded slopes and canyons, Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 5. Androsace glandulosa Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 519. 1907. Type locality: Middle Fork of the Rio Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 5, 1900. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Middle Fork of the Gila; East Canyon. 6. Androsace diffusa Small, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 318. 1898. Androsace septentrionalis diffusa Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenreich 22: 215. 1905. Type locality: "In rocky soil, western Arctic America to the Dakotas, New Mexico, and Arizona." Range: British America to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Albu- querque; Black Range; Sacramento Mountains. Shaded slopes and canyons, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 7. Androsace subulifera (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 148. 1906. Androsace septentrionalis subulifera A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 2 1: 60. 1878. Type locality: Mountains near Boulder, Colorado. Range: Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico : Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Shaded slopes, Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 8. Androsace puberulenta Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 260. 1903. Type locality: Southern Colorado, near Veta Pass. Range: Manitoba and Alberta to New Mexico. New Mexico: Grass Mountain; Chama; Tierra Amarilla; James Canyon. Open slopes, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 7. DROSACE A. Nels. Low herb very similar to the preceding genus, but perennial, with cespitose branched stems and few-seeded capsules; umbels subcapitate. 1. Drosace carinata (Torr.) A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 374. 1909. Androsace carinata Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1: 30. pi. S.f. 1. 1824. Androsace chamaejasme carinata Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenreich 22: 190. 1905. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA QF NEW MEXICO. 495 Type locality: James Peak, Colorado. Range: Alberta to New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Summits of mountain,0, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. Order 41. EBENALES. 111. SAPOTACEAE. Sapodilla Family. 1. BUMELIA Swartz. Buckthorn. Low tree with rigid spreading branches; leaves alternate, simple, entire; flowers in few-flowered axillary fascicles, perfect, 5-merous; calyx persistent; corolla white, deciduous, the lobes longer than the tube; stamens 5, epipetalous; staminodia 5, petaloid; ovary 5-celled; fruit drupelike. 1. Bumelia rigida (A. Gray) Small, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 444. 1900. Bumelia lanuginosa rigida A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 68. 1878. Type locality: "S. Texas to S. Arizona." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Dog Spring; Deer Creek. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Order 42. OLEALES. 112. OLE ACE AE. Olive Family. Trees, shrubs, or herbaceous perennials, with opposite (rarely alternate), simple or pinnate, exstipulate leaves and regular, 2 to 4-parted, perfect, polygamous, or dioe- cious flowers in panicles, corymbs, or fascicles; calyx usually small (sometimes want- ing), of 4 or more sepals; corolla of 2 to G distinct petals or gamopetalous; stamens 2 to 4, adnate to the base of the corolla; ovary superior, 2-celled; fruit a capsule, samara, berry, or drupe. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fruit fleshy, a small, bluish black drupe; flowers apetal- ous, polygamo-dioecious; good sized shrubs 1. Forestiera (p. 495). Fruit dry, a capsule or samara; flowers various; herbs, noes, or shrubs. Fruit a samara; flowers dioecious; trees with mostly pinnate leaves 2. Fraxinus (p. 496). Fruit a thin-walled capsule; flowers perfect; low, her- baceous or suffrutescenl plants with simple leaves and bright yellow flowers. Corolla rotate or campanulate; stamens exserted; filaments filiform 3. Menodora (p. 497). Corolla ealverform, with a long tube; stamens included, the anthers nearly sessile 4. Menodoropbis i]> 497). 1. FORESTIERA Poir. Ironwood. B ither ! - i -limbs with divaricately branching sinus bearing broad simple Leaves and inconspicuous polygamo-dioecious flowers in lateral clusters; flowers appearing before the leaves on stems of the previous year; calyx usually present but small; corolla mostly wanting; stamens 2 to i; fruil a blue black drupe. B I V I > I Ml I I .eaves glabrous • • f- >" "">" '" ">'"■ Leaves pubescent -■ l'- pubetema. 496 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Forestiera neomexicana A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 63. 1876. Adelia neomexicana Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 410. 1891. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: San Juan Valley; Carrizo Mountains; Pajarito Park; Craters; Puer- tecito; Mangas Springs; Sapello Creek; Rio Negrito. River valleys, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Forestiera pubescens Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 6: 177. 1837. Adelia pubescens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 410. 1891. Type locality: " In the prairies of Red River." Range: Oklahoma and Texas to eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Queen; Lincoln National Forest. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. FRAXINUS L. Ash. Large or small trees with opposite pinnate leaves and inconspicuous dioecious flowers in clusters or panicles; calyx with a short tube and 4 unequal lobes or want- ing; stamens 2 to 4, the filaments short or elongated ; ovary 2-celled, the styles united, the stigma 2-cleft; fruit a samara, with flat or terete body and a single wing partly surrounding it. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves usually simple 4. F. anomala. I.i;i\ es pinnate. Flowers with a 4-parted corolla; leaflets small, 35 mm. long or less. 1 . F. cuspidata. Flowers apetalous; leaflets more than 40 mm. long. Leaflets sessile or nearly so 2. F. velutina. I leaflets distinctly stalked 3. F. attenuata. 1. Fraxinus cuspidata Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 166. 1859. Flowering ash. Type locality: "Eagle Mountains and Great Canon of the Rio Grande," Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Grant; McCarthy Station; San Andreas Mountains; Big Hatchet Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Fraxinus velutina Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 149. 1848. Fraxinus pistaciaefolia Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 128. 1856. Type locality: "Between the waters of the Del Norte and the Gila," New Mexico. Type collected by Emory in 1847. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Florida Mountains; Animas Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Low mountains, Upper Sonoran and Transi- tion zones. 3. Fraxinus attenuata Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 12: 59. 1908. Fraxinus toumeyi Britt. & Shaf. N. Amer. Trees 803. 1908. Type locality: Valley of Palms, Lower California, and Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Range: New Mexico, Arizona, and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Black Range; Dog Mountains; San Luis Moun- tains; Organ Mountains; Las Palomas. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Fraxinus anomala Torr.; S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 283. 1871. Type locality: "In Labyrinth Canon on the Colorado River, Utah." Range: Utah and Nevada to Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7316). Dry rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTOF AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 497 3. MENODOBA Humb. & Bonpl. Low.herbs, suffrutescent at the base, with simple entire leaves and bright yellow flowers; calyx persistent, with a short tube and 5 to L5 narrow lobes; corolla rotate or short-campanulate, with 5 or 6 lobes; stamens 2 or 3, exserted, on slender filiform filaments; ovary 2-celled; stigma capitate; fruit didymous, circumscissile near the middle. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants glabrous throughout 1 . M. lacvis. Plants scabrous-puberulent, rough to the touch 2. .1/. scabra. 1. Menodora laevis Woot. & Standi. Contr.U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 158. 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey in 1881. Range: Low mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Duck Creek Flats; La Luz Canyon. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Menodora scabra A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 14: 43. 1852. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by WislizenuB in 1846. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Zuni Reservation; Socorro; Pinos Altos; Albuquerque; Silver City; Rincon; Tortugas Mountain ; Organ Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper and Lower Sonoran zones. 4. MENODOROPSIS Small. Low suffrutescent herb, about 30 cm. high, with tufted stems, simple, mostly oppoi ile leaves, and conspicuous bright yellow flowers with long-salverform corollas; calyx pediceled, ribbed, 10-lobed; stamens included, the anthers nearly sessile on the throat of the corolla; capsule didymous, circumscissile near the middle. 1. Menodoropsis longiflora (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 917. 1903. I/, nodora longiflora A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 14: 45. 1852. Type locality: Texas. R \.\c,e: Western Texas to southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Queen (Wooton). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Order 43. GENTIAN A TjKS. 113. GENTIANACEAE. Gentian Family. Smooth herbs with bitter colorless juice; leaves opposite, rarely alternate or ver- tiriii.it.'. r\ tipulate; flowers perfect, regular; calyx 4 to L2-lobed or toothed, often marcescent; corolla gamopetalous, t to L2-lobed or toothed; stamens as manj as the corolla lode-: and alternate with tliem, epipetalous; ovary superior, i celled, rarelj 2-celled, with parietal placentae or the whole wall o villiferous; capsule dehiscent through ill" placentae; seeds numerous. 1. 1 v TO 'in i; i. EN i i; \. Styles filiform, mostly deciduous; anthers recurved or iv. i ted at maturity. Corolla small, red, rose, or yellowish, the tube surpassing the calyx; anthers Bpirally twisted l. t'lMAi hi m (p • 52576* 16 32 498 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Corolla large, blue, purple, or white, the tube much shorter than the calyx; stamens re- curved 2. Eustoma (p. 499). Styles stout and short or none; stamens straight. Corolla with nectariferous glands, pits, or scales. Corolla campanulate; flowers yellow; low annual 3. Halenia (p. 499). Corolla rotate; flowers yellow or blue; per- ennials. Style manifest; leaves verticillate ; co- rolla with a crown at the base 4. Frasera (p. 499). Style wanting; leaves opposite, occa- sionally alternate; corolla without a crown 5. Swertia (p. 500). Corolla without nectariferous glands, pits, or scales. Calyx parted to near the base; corolla rotate or nearly so; stamens inserted on the base of the corolla 10. Pleurogyna (p. 503). Calyx merely lobed; corolla not rotate; stamens inserted in the corolla tube. Corolla without plaits or lobes at the sinuses; calyx without an inter- calycine membrane; sepals im- bricated. Flowers 4-merous, rather large, us- ually over 3 cm. long; corolla lobes fringed or toothed; in- ner sepals broader, mem- branous-margined 6. Anthopogon (p. 501). Flowers 5-merous (seldom 4-merous), small, less than 2 cm. long; outer sepals broader; corolla lobes never fringed, rarely toothed 7. Amarella (p. 501). Corolla plicate in the sinuses, the plaits more or less extended into mem- branous lobes or teeth; calyx with , an intercalycine membrane, its lobes valvate. Dwarf annuals or biennials; flowers solitary, terminal; anthers cor- date, versatile 8. Chondropttylla (p. 502). Perennials; flowers short-peduncu- late, at least some of them axillary; anthers linear or ob- long, extrorse 9. Dasystephana (p. 502). 1. CENTAURIUM Hill. Centaury. Low branched annuals with bright rose pink flowers; calyx 4 or 5-parted, with slender keeled divisions; corolla salverform, with 4 or 5 lobes; stamens 4 or 5, partly adnate to the corolla tube; anthers twisted at maturity; ovary 1-celled; stig- mas 2; capsule 2-valved, oblong. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 499 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants low, less than 15 cm. high; flowers small, the corolla lobes much shorter than the tube; anthers oblong 1. C. texense. Plants larger, usually more than 20 cm. high; flowers large, the corolla lobes only slightly shorter than the tube; anthers linear 2. C. calycosum. 1. Centaurium texense (Griseb.) Fernald, Rhodora 10: 54. 1908. Erythraea texensis Griseb. in DC. Prodr. 9: 58. 1845. Type locality: "In rep. Texas pr. S. Felipe." Range: Texas to southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands (Wooton & Standley). Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Centaurium calycosum (Buckl.) Fernald, Rhodora 10: 54. 1908. Erythraea calycosa Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila 1862: 7. 1863. Type locality: North of Fort Mason, Texas. Range: Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Gila Hot Springs; Mesilla Valley. Wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A plant with white flowers was collected at Mesquite Lake (Wooton & Standley 3933). 2. EUSTOMA Salisb. Glaucous perennial, often 60 cm. high, with opposite entire sessile clasping thick leaves and large bluish flowers; calyx 5-parted (rarely 6-parted), with narrow keeled lobes; corolla campanulate-funnelform, with deeply 5 or 6-lobed limb; anthers oblong, versatile, recurved in age; ovary 1-celled, the ovules numerous. 1. Eustoma russellianum (Hook.) Griseb. in DC. Prodr. 9: 51. 1845. Lisifinihiis (jhnicifolius Jacq. err. det. Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5-: 197. 1837. Lisianlhus russellianus Hook. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 65: /;/. S626. 1839. Type locality: "On the sandy banks of the Great Salt River of Arkansas." Range: Nebraska and Colorado to New Mexico and Louisiana; also in .Mexico. New Mexico: Sabinal; Shalam; White Sands; Tularosa Creek; Roswell. Alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A form with white flowers is common about the White Sands. 3. HALENIA Borkh. Low annual, 10 to 20 cm. high, with linear opposite leaves and loose cymes of small yellow 1 mi ions How. rs; sepals linear lanceolate; corolla 8 to 10 mm. long, the lobea ovate; spurs divaricate-ascending, shorter than the corolla. 1. Halenia rothrockii A . Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11:84. 1876. Type locality: Mount Graham, Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico to .Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains (Rushy 264). 4. FRASERA Wall. DbBb'b BARS.1 Biennial or perennial herbs with tall erect hollow stems ami entire, opposite Of a erticillate Leaves; flowers numerous, in paniculate or thyreoid cymes; calyx i lobed, the lobes narrow; corolla rotate, 'lull whitish or yellowish, with I lobes and I or - [ringed nectariferous glands; stamens (, adnate to the throat of the corolla; filaments distinct, o r united at the base, the anthers versatile; ovarj i celled, 2-valved; capeule ovoid, Leathery, often flattened; Beeds Battened, margined or winged. 1 A tram lation of the Navaho name. 500 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. [nflorescence loosely paniculate; leaves with cartilaginous white margins; petals L2 ram. long or less 1. F. particulate.. Inflorescence a dense leafy thyrse; leaves not margined; petals more than L2 nun. long. Leaves scabrous-puberulent, conspicuously veined 2. F. venosa. Leaves glabrous, not conspicuously veined. Sepals linear, much exceeding the petals 3. F. stenosepala. Sepals linear-lanceolate, scarcely equaling the petals 4. F. speciosa. 1. Frasera paniculata Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 126. 185ft. Type locality: Sand bluffs, Inscription Rock, New Mexico. Range: Arizona and New Mexico. We have seen no further specimens of this plant from New Mexico and only a few from Arizona; apparently it is very rare. The type was collected by Bigelow in 1853. 2. Frasera veno3a Greene, Pittonia 4: 185. 1900. Frasi ra speciosa scabra Jones, Zoe 4: 277. 1893. Frasera scabra Rydb. Bull. Torrey (dub 33: 149. 1906. Type locality: Hills near Santa Rita del Cobre, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene in 1880. Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sierra Grande; Kingston; West Fork of the Gila; Santa Rita; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. The Sierra Grande specimen has longer sepals than our others, and comes from well outside the usual range of the species. 3. Frasera stenosepala Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 149. 1906. Frasera speciosa stenosepala Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 632. 1904. Type locality: Foothills, Larimer County, Colorado. Range: "Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Wet meadows and along streams, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 4. Frasera speciosa Dough; Griseb. in Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 66. pi. 153. 1838. Type locality: "On the low hills near Spokan and Salmon Rivers and subalpine parts of the Blue Mountains, near the Kooskooka River." Range: Oregon and South Dakota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; White and Sacramento mountains. Wet ground in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 5. SWERTIA L. Simple-stemmed herbaceous' perennial 20 to 30 cm. high, with opposite or some- times alternate leaves, at least the lower tapering into petioles; flowers 5-merous or 1 -met oiis, dark blue; sepals subulate-lanceolate, about hah as long as the petals; corolla rotate, the lobes about 1 cm. long; glands orbicular, the appendages 10 or fewer; capsules ovoid, the seeds lenticular, winged. 1. Swertia palustris A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 227. 1901. Type locality: X ash s Fork, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Costilla Valley. Bogs in the high mountains, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 501 6. ANTHOPOGON Necker. Fringed gentian. Annual or biennial herbs with opposite entire sessile leaves and large, terminal, mostly 4-parted flowers; calyx relatively large, the lobes unequal, the inner broader than the outer, scarious or hyaline-margined; corolla blue, showy, the tube campanu- late-funnelform, the lobes large, rounded, fimbriate or lacerate, the sinuses n< it plaited; stamens usually accompanied by a row of glands at the base of the filaments; capsule stipitate, the seeds numerous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual; flowers long-pedunculate 1. A. elegans. Perennial; flowers short-pedunculate, nearly sessile 2. . 1 . barbt llatus. 1. Anthopogon elegans (A. Nels.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 148. 1906. Gentiana elegans A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 276. 1898. Type locality: Cummins, Wyoming. Range: British America to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Taos Mountains;. Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Meadows in the mountains, from the Transition to the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Anthopogon barbellatus (Engelm.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 148. 1906. Gentiana barbellata Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 26. 1863. Type locality: "On the alpine summit of Mount Flora, in the Snowy Range, Colo- rado." Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Costilla Pass; Brazos Canyon. Meadows in tin- mountains, Canadian to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 7. AMAEELLA Gilib. Gentian. Annuals, biennials, or perennials with opposite, entire, mainly sessile leaves and rather small flowers, solitary or in cymes; flowers 4 or 5-merous; calyx usually small, with imbricated equal or unequal lobes; corolla funnelform or salverform, the lobes entire or sparingly toothed, not plicate in the sinuses, often filamentous at the base; ovary 1-celled; capsule usually sessile, the seeds numerous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Calyx lobes very unequal, two of them large, foliaceous, ovate or oval, inueh broader than t ho rest and covering them 1. .1. heterosepala. Calyx lobes slightly unequal, all alike in general form, lanceolate 01 linear. Flowers yellowish, numerous, crowded, eihort-pediceled; leaves usually equaling or exceeding the internode , . 2. A. atrictiflora. Flowers bluish, few, distinctly pediceled; middle internodes elongated, usually longer than the leaves :'•. -I. acopuloruin. 1. Amarella heterosepala ( I'lirjeliu. i ( Heine, Leaflets 1: 53. 1904 Gentiana heteroaepala Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 215. 181 Gentiana diategia Greene, Pittonia 4: 182. 1900 Amareila distegia Greene, Leaflets L: 53. 1904. Type loi ujty: " Northern slope oi the Uintah Mountaii the Greal Sail bake, Utah." Range: Utah ami Colorado t.. New Mexico. New Mi Mice Tunitcha Mountains, Sandia Mountains; Hillsbon yon; < louderoi't. Mountains, in the Transit ion Zone This species has broader leave ind i- more lender than our others, vrhile the peduncles are much Idhger. 502 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Amarella strictiflora (Rydb.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 53. 1904. Gentiunu uvula stricta Hook. Fl. Bor. Ainer. 2: 63. 1838. Gentiana acuta slriclifiora Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 309. 1900. Amarella cobrensis Greene, Leaflets 1: 5(5. 1904. Type locality: "Canada to the Rocky Mountains and Slave Lake." Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Jemez Mountains; Santa Pe and Las Vegas mountains; Taos Moun- lains; Carrizo Mountains; Baldy; Santa Rita; Capitan Mountains; White Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition to the Arctic-Alpine Zone. The type of Amarella cobrensis was collected at Santa Rita (Greene in 1880). 3. Amarella scopulorum Greene, Leaflets 1: 55. 1904. Amarella revoluta Greene, loc. cit. Type locality: "Rocky Mountain region from Colorado to Montana." Range: Montana and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Jemez Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Mountain meadows, in the Transition Zone. The type of A. revoluta was collected in the White Mountains (Wooton 552). 8. CHONDROPHYLLA (Bunge) A. Nels. Small annual or biennial, less than 10 cm. high, with single or several stout stems; leaves numerous, small, opposite, with white scarious margins; flowers solitary, ter- minal; calyx narrow, 4 or 5-toothed; corolla salverform when expanded, plicate at the sinuses with broad emarginate lobes or plaits, without crown or glands; anthers cor- date, versatile. 1. Chondrophylla fremontii (Torr.) A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 245. 1904. Gentiana fremontii Torr. in Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 94. 1845. Type locality: "Wind River Mountains." Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Costilla Valley. Moist meadows, in the Transition Zone. 9. DASYSTEPHANA Adans. Closed gentian. Annuals, biennials, or usually perennials, with opposite entire leaves, sometimes scabrous-ciliolate or erose, and usually 5-parted flowers variously arranged; calyx per- sistent, the lobes minute or foliaceous, smooth and glabrous or scabrous-ciliolate; corolla salverform, funnelform, or clavate, without glands at the base of the tube or filaments at the base of the lobes, the lobes erect, converging, plaited in the sinuses; stamens with converging or cohering anthers; capsules stipitate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Floral leaves broadened, more or less scarious; flowers deep purple. 2. D. parryi. Floral leaves narrow, green; flowers not deep purple. Calyx glabrous; corolla white with purplish dots 1. D. romanzovii. Calyx scabrous; corolla not dotted, white or purplish. Corolla white, 3 cm. long or more 3. D. rusbyi. Corolla purple, 2 cm. long or less. Flowers in a short dense cluster; plants less than 15 cm. high 4. I). bigelovii. Flowers in an elongated raceme; plants more than 20 cm. high 5. D. interrupta. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 503 1. Dasystephana romanzovii (Ledeb.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 148. 1906. Gentiana romanzovii Ledeb.; Bunge, Nouv. Mem. Soc. Nat. Moscou 1: 215. pi. 11. f. 1. 1829. Gentiana frigida of authors, not Haenke, 1788. Type locality: Gulf of St. Lawrence, Siberia. Range: Alaska to Montana, Utah, and New Mexico; also in Siberia. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas Mountains. High mountain meadows, iu the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Dasystephana parryi (Engelm.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 149. 1906. Gentiana parryi Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 218. pi. 10. 1863. Type locality: '"Near the base of Alpine slopes on the Snowy Range, Colorado." Range: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Taos Mountains; Costilla Pass; Santa Fe and Laa Vegas mountains. Mountain meadows, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 3. Dasystephana rusbyi (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 159. 1913. Gentiana rusbyi Greene; A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 406. 1878. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby in 1881. Range: Known only from type locality. 4. Dasystephana bigelovii (.A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 149. 1906. Gentiana bigelovii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 87. 1883. Type locality: Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow in 1853. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Upper Pecos; Beulah; Lincoln National Forest; Castle Rock. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 5. Dasystephana interrupta (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 149. 1906. p< n slopes in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 3. Apocynum lividum Creeno, PI. Baker. 3: 17 1901. Apocynum cannabinitm lividum A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rock) Mount 386. 1909. Tvi'i: locality: "Common on railway embankments in Black Canon," Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. Nkw Mi hco: Sierra Grande (8tandley 6195). Transition Z Professor Nelson's n luction of this species to rank as a sub i 9 of A oatma- hlntiiii is peculiarly unfortunate, since the two plants are nol ■ Loeely related. 506 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Apocynum laurinum Greene, Pittonia 5: 64. 1902. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 113). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Ruidoso Creek. 5. Apocynum hypericifolium Ait. Hort. Kew. 1: 304. 1789. Type locality: North America. Range: British America to Ohio and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. River valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Apocynum viride Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 159. 1913. Type locality: Gilmores Ranch on Eagle Creek, White Mountains, Lincoln County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton and Standley (no. 3451). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Las Vegas; Pecos; Reserve; White and Sacramento mountains. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. Apocynum angustifolium Wooton, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 159. 1913. Type locality: Gila River bottom near Cliff, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 132). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cliff; Mimbres; Lower Plaza; Eagle Creek. Along streams, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A very distinct species because of its very narrow bright green leaves, nearly all of them acute at the base. ^ 115. ASCLEPIADACEAE. Milkweed Family. Herbaceous perennials, erect or twining, mostly with milky juice; leaves simple, alternate, opposite, or whorled, exstipulate, mostly entire; flowers perfect, regular, mostly umbellate; calyx hypogynous, the tube very short or none, imbricated in bud ; corolla 5-merous, campanulate, urceolate, rotate, or funnelform, the lobes com- monly reflexed; a 5-lobed crown (corona) borne between the corolla and stamens and adnate to one or both of them; stamens 5, adnate to the corolla usually near its base, monadelphous or distinct; anthers converging around the stigmas, ■ sometimes united to each other, the sacs tipped with an inflexed or erect scarious membrane or not appendaged at the top, sometimes appendaged at the base; pollen in waxy masses (pollinia) connected with the stigma in pairs; pistil of 2 carpels; styles 2, with a single peltate discoid stigma; fruit a pair of several to many-seeded follicles; seeds comose. KEY TO THE GENERA. Pollinia horizontal or nearly so; stigma sharply 5-angled, depressed ; twining vine 1. Vincetoxicum (p. 507). Pollinia pendulous; stigmas various; stems twining or straight. Crown double, the outer a shallow ring, the inner consisting of 5 fleshy hoodlike scales; twining vines 2. Philibertella (p. 507). Crown single; erect, ascending, or procumbent herbs. Corolla lobes erect-spreading during anthesis; hoods of the crown pendulous or saccate at the base, curved upward, obtuse, crested within, at least in the upper part. 3. Asclepiodora (p. 508). Corolla lobes reflexed during anthesis; hoods various. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 507 Hoods of the crown not corniculate, or very obscurely so. Leaves mostly scattered, not densely tomentose beneath ; flowers greenish; anther wings nar- rowed below 4. Acerates (p. 508). Leaves opposite, densely tomentose beneath; flowers dark purple; anther wings not narrowed be- low 7. Gomphocarpus (p. 513). Hoods of the crown aristate or cornieulate- appendaged within. Hoods short, not surpassing the stamens, or if long much broader below, never constricted at the base. . . 5. Asclepias (p. 509). Hoods long, erect, much surpassing the stamens, laminately expanded below, narrow at the summit, mostly bicorniculate 6. Podostemma (p. 512). 1. VINCETOXICTJM Walt. Angle-pod. Herbaceous twining pubescent perennial from a slender rootstock; leaves opposite, sagittate-cordate; flowers greenish, in small clusters; sepals lance-elliptic, green; corolla narrowly campanulate, the lobes as long as the tube, oblong, obtuse; crown nearly equaling the column, entire or barely undulate, inserted at the base of the short column and connected with it by 5 adnate crests, free at the 2-toothed or entire apex; pollinia obliquely inserted on broad winged caudicles; follicles ovoid, 3 cm. long or more, puberulent. 1. Vincetoxicum productum (Torr.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 431. 1899. Gonolobus productus Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 165. 1859. Type locality: "Banks of Rock Creek," "Valley of the Limpio, and along the Rio Grande," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Gray. Moist ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. PHILIBERTELLA Vail. Herbaceous twining perennials with opposite leaves and mostly fragrant flowers in axillary umbels; calyx small, 5-lobed, the lobes acute; corolla campanulate or rotate, a shallow entire or undulate ring forming an outer crown in its throat, the lobes 5, longer than the tube, the inner crown of -5 turgid, fleshy or hard scales or flattish appendages attached in a circle at the base of the sessile or slightly stalked column, forming a hollow, entire or undulate, spreading surface near the level of the conical stigmas; follicles naked, slender. key to the species. Column conspicuous; peduncles much shorter than the crispate leaves; stems cinereous 1. P. crispa. Column inconspicuous or none; peduncles equaling or surpassing the leaves, these aol crispate; stems glabrous or pubescent. Stems pubescent; flowers numerous in each umbel, white; Leaves cordate ovate to subsagittate 2. /'. cynanchoidea. Stems glabrous or nearly so; flowers few, reddish; leaves limar 8. P. heU rophyUa. 508 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Philibertella crispa (Benth.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 306. 1897. Sarcostemma crispum Benth. PI. Hartw. 291. 1841. Sarcostemma undulata Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 161. 1859. Philibertia undulata A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 95. 1876. Type locality: Aguas Calientes, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Lone Pine; Deming; Organ Mountains; Queen. Rocky hillsides and canyons, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Philibertella cynanchoides (Decaisne) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 307. 1897. Sarcostemma cynanchoides Decaisne in DC. Prodr. 8: 540. 1844. Philibertia cynanchoides A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 64. 1876. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Utah and Arizona to western Texas. New Mexico: Mountains west of San Antonio; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Tularosa; Roswell. Mesas and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Philibertella heterophyUa (Engelm.) Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 26: 279. 1890. Sarcostemma heterophyUa Engelm. in Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 5: 362. 1856. Philibertia linearis heterophyUa A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 88. 1878. Type locality: Near Fort Yuma, Arizona. Range: Southern California to western Texas and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; Organ Mountains; Knowles. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. ASCLEPIODORA A. Gray. Antelope horns.1 Erect or spreading perennial herb, sparingly pubescent , wit h several stout ascending stems from a woody root; leaves alternate, elongate-lanceolate, short -pel i< date ; fl< iwers rather large; calyx lobes narrowed, acute; corolla rotate, the lobes broadly ovate, green, spreading in anthesis; hoods inserted over the whorl of the short column, dark purple, obtuse, crested within; anther wings salient above the middle; follicles large, about 8 cm. long, erect, on recurved pedicels. 1. Asclepiodora decumbens (Nutt.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 66. 1876. Ananiherix decumbens Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 201. 1837. Acerates decumbens Decaisne in DC. Prodr. 8: 521. 1844. Type locality: "On dry hills near the confluence of Kiamesha and Red river." Range: Arkansas and Texas to Utah and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Sierra Grande; west of Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Magdalena Mountains; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Gray; Cloudcroft; White Mountains. Plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper So- noran zones. 4. ACERATES Ell. Erect perennial herbs 80 cm. high or less, with opposite or alternate leaves, the flow- ers in lateral axillary umbels on short peduncles; horns of the hoods wanting or very obscure; anther wings angled near the middle; otherwise like Asclepias. key to the species. Leaves linear. Hoods truncate at the apex, with an obscure horn within 3. A. rusbyi. I Ii )ods emarginate, crestless within 4. A. auriculata. Leaves not linear. Leaves oblong; anther wings gradually narrowed below 1. A. viridiflora. Leaves elongated-lanceolate; anther wings abruptly narrowed below 2. A. ivesii. 1 A translation of the very appropriate Navaho name, referring to the form of the pods. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 509 1. Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Eaton, Man. Bot. ed. 5. 90. 1829. Asclepias viridiflora Raf. Med. Repos. N. Y. 5: 360. 1808. Type locality: "In several parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania, mostly in fields."' Range: Saskatchewan and New England to Florida and Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standhy GOtJO). Plains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonora Zone. 2. Acerates ivesii (Britton) Woot. & Standi. Asclepias lanceolate Ives, Amer. Journ. Sci. 1: 252. 1819, not Walt. 1788. Acerates viridiflora ivesii Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 265. 1894. Type locality: "On the sandy plains easl oi Cedar Hill, in New Haven." Range: Nebraska and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe Canyon; Kingman. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Acerates rusbyi Yail, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 37. 1898. Type locality: Oak Creek, Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Near Tesuque; south of Roswell. Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Acerates auriculata Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 160. 1859. Asclepias auriculata Holzinger, Bot. Gaz. 17: 125. 1892. Type locality: Dry ravines near I ho Copper Mines and along the Mimbres, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Nebraska and Kansas to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Lower Plaza; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. ASCLEPIAS L. Milkweed. Perennial herbs of various habit, with opposite, alternate, or verticillate leaves, tin- flowers in pedunculate umbels, borne mostly near the top of the stem, pseudo- terminal; calyx small, green, often with minute glands at the base of the lobes; corolla rotate, deeply 5-parted, the lobes reflexed in anthesis; hoods of the crown of various shapes, nut narrowed below, bearing hornlike processes within the hood; anther wings broader below the middle; stigma 5-angled, flat-topped; follicles mostly smooth; seeds comose. key to the species. Leavee Linear or filiform. Eoods :'. times as long as the anthers, acute, recurved ; stems much branched, puberulont thioiighont; leaves nearly filiform 1. A. macrotis. Hoods slightly if at all longer than the anthers, toothed or obtuse, 'ic, i; stems simple or sparingly branched, glabrous or nearly so; leaves broader. Eoods 5 toothed 2. A. quinquedi ntata. Hoods entire. Leaves scattered, rigid; plants L0 to 20 cm. high. . . 3. I pumila. Leaves opposite or verticillate, weak; plants 10 to 60 cm. high or more 1. .1. galioides. Leaves lanceolate or broader. I eaves narrowly lanceolate to narrowly oblong, acute. Stems hirsute; corolla orange 5. A. tubi Steins not, hirsute; corolla never OM Pedicels erect in fruit; Mowers bright, purple; plants tall, erect, 60 to LOO cm. high, nearly simple (i. A. inearnata. 510 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Pedicels deflexed in fruit; flowers dull purplish or whitish; plants lower, 50 cm. high or less, spreading, much branched near the base. Hoods longer than the anthers; flowers green- ish white - 7. A. involucrata. Hoods shorter than the anthers; flowers pur- plish. Hoods about half as long as the anthers; umbels pedunculate 8. A. brachystephana. Hoods only slightly shorter than the an- thers; umbels subsessile 9. A. uncialis. Leaves broadly oblong to orbicular, mostly obtuse or retuse. Fruit echinate; leaves acute or acutish 10. A. speciosa. Fruit smooth; leaves obtuse or retuse. Stems very short, 5 cm. long or less; leaves as broad as long or broader 11. A. nummularia. Stems 20 cm. long or more; leaves usually much longer than broad. Leaves thin, glabrous, more or less glaucous, sessile or clasping 12. A. elata. Leaves veiy thick, more or less tomentose, at least when young, never glaucous, short-petiolate. Stems, pedicels, and young leaves densely tomentose 13. A. arenaria. Stems, pedicels, and leaves sparingly tomentose or glabrous 14. A. latifolia. 1. Asclepias macrotis Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 164. pi. 45. 1859. Type locality: "Rocky hills near El Paso, and on the mountains below San Elceario," Chihuahua. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Buchanan; Sandia Mountains. Dry, rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Asclepias quinquedentata A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 71. 1876. Asclepias quinquedentata neomexicana Greene, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 103. 1880. Type locality: San Pedro River, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Coolidge; Mogollon Creek; Gilmores Ranch. Transition Zone. 3. Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 3: 12. 1898. Asclepias verticillata pumila A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 71. 1876. Type locality: "The western dry plains from Nebraska to New Mexico." Range: South Dakota and Arkansas to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Cabra Springs; Nara Visa; Gavilan Creek; Leachs. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Asclepias galioides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 188. 1818. Type locality: "Crescit in temperatis Regni Novae Hispaniae, inter Valladolid do Mechoacan et locum Cuiseo." Range: Kansas and Colorado to Arizona, western Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Cnininon throughout the State. River valleys and wet grounds, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 511 A common weed in cultivated fields and along irrigating ditches. Our specimens may include A. vcrticillata, but we have been unable to separate them definitely. They also include specimens cited by various authors as A. subverticillata. In our opinion there is only one species of this type in New Mexico. 5. Asclepias tuberosa L. Sp. PI. 217. 1753. Butterfly weed. Type locality: "Habitat in America boreali." Range: British America to Florida, Texas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las A^egas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Kingston; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Capitan Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. The western form is variable and somewhat different from the typical eastern one. It has usually narrower, more crowded leaves and often paler flowers. In the higher mountains the flowers are darker and as brightly colored as in the eastern plants. 6. Asclepias incarnata L. Sp. PI. 215. 1753. Swamp milkweed. Asclepias incarnata longifolia A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 91. 1878. Type locality: 'Habitat in Canada, Virginia." Range: British America to New Mexico and Florida. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains; Roswell. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The subspecies proposed by Doctor Gray does not seem to deserve a name. Our plants have the leaves narrow, but not more so than some of the eastern ones. 7. Asclepias involucrata Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 163. 1859. Type locality: Sandy soil, on the Mimbres and near the Copper Mines, New Mex- ico. Type, Mexican Boundary Survey no. 1074. Range: Southern Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; Santa Fe Creek; Las Vegas; Mogollon Creek; San Augustine Plains; Santa Rita. Dry hills and plains, in the Dpper Sonoran Zone. 8. Asclepias brachystephana Engelm. in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 163. 1859. Type locality: "Sandy soils, valley of the upper Rio Grande, Chihuahua, and Sonora." Range: Wyoming to Arizona and Texas and southward. New Mexico: Socorro; Hillsboro; Organ Mountains; Chosa Spring; Roswell; Carls- bad Sandy plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 9. Asclepias uncialis Greene, Bot. Gaz. 5: 64. 1880. Type locality: Open hilltops in southwestern Now Mexico, about Silver City. Type collected by E. L. Greene. Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New M bxico: Silver City. 10. Asclepias speciosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 218. 1828. Ti pe i ocality: "On the Canadian?, " Colorado or New Mexico. Range: British. Columbia and Manitoba to California and Now Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Shiprock; Chama; Periio Creek; Pecos; Las Vegas; Joseph; Middle Fork of the Gila; White and Sacramento mountains. River valleys and wel ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Asclepias nummulaiia Torr. I . S. ry hills and ines;us, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 512 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 12. Asclepias elata Benth. PI. Hartw. 290. 1848. Type locality: Aguas Calientes, Mexico. I; \\<;i:: New Mexico and Arizona and southward. Nkw Mexico: Black Range; Van Pattens; Queen. Tliis may be the same as A. glaucescms H. B. K., as stated by Doctor Gray, but the two seem different. 13. Asclepias arenaria Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 162. 1859. Type locality: Sandy banks, Jornada del Muerto, and on the upper Ilio Gila, New Mexico. Range: New Mexicd'and Arizona. New Mexico: Between El Paso and Monument 53; White Sands; Roswell. Mesas and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 14. Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf. Atl. Journ. 146. 1833. Asclepias obtusifolia latifolia Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 217. 1828. Asclepias jamesii Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 162. 1859. Type locality: "On the Canadian?" New Mexico or Colorado. Range: Colorado to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; lower Gila above Dun- can; Fiillsboro; Burro Mountains; Emory Peak; Ruidoso Creek; Redlands. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. Asclepias scaposa Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 171. 1897. Type locality: Near Santa Rita, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright in 1851. This we have not seen. It was described without flowers, hence it is impossible to tell whether it is an Asclepias or a Podostemma. Its general appearance, as de- scribed, suggests the latter genus. 6. PODOSTEMMA Greene. Coarse perennial herbs, resembling Asclepias; flowers rather large, in short-pedun- culate umbels, the blooming ones well down the stem, thus appearing lateral; hoods large, erect, much longer than the anthers and surpassing the crown by half their length, narrow below (pseudostipitate), expanded above and mostly bicorniculate; anther wings broadest in the middle, notched. key to the species. Hoods 3.5 mm. long or less; leaves lanceolate 1. P. emoryi. Hoods 7 mm. long ; leaves oblong 2. P. lindheimeri. 1. Podostemma emoryi Greene, Pittonia 3: 237. 1897. Type locality: Texas or New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs. Lower Sonoran Zone. It is impossible to tell where the type was collected, for part of the type number came from Texas and part from New Mexico. 2. Podostemma lindheimeri (Engelm. & Gray) Greene, Pittonia 3: 236. 1897. Asclepias lindheimeri Engelm. & Gray, Boat. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 250. 1845. Asclepias turightii Greene; A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 102. 1880. Type locality: Near Industry, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Trujillo Creek; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Organ Mountains; south of Roswell. Mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 513 7. GOMPHOCARPTTS R. Br. Tomentose perennial, similar to Asclepias, but differing in the absence of horns or crests to the hoods. 1. Gomphocarpus hypoleucus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 222. 1882. Type locality: Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Turkey Creek, Mogollon Mountains (Metcalfe 566). Order 45. POLEMONIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Stamens 5. Gyncecium of 2 distinct carpels 116. DICHONDRACEAE (p. 514). Gyncecium of 2 or more partially or wholly united carpels. Fruit drupaceous or of 2 or 4 nutlets. Style or stigmas furnished with a glandular ring. 122. HELIOTROPACEAE (p. 537). Style or stigmas without a glandular ring. Fruit a group of 2 or 4 nutlets; style arising from between the lobes of the ovary 123. BORAGINACEAE (p. 538). Fruit drupaceous; style terminating the lobeless ovary. 121. EHRETIACEAE (p. 535). Fruit capsular or baccate, the ovary never 4-lobed. Styles or stigmas wholly united. Median axis of the gyncecium in the same axis as the stem; seeds mostly pitted; corolla regular. . .126. SOLANACEAE (p. 566). Median axis of the gyncecium not in the axis of the stem; seeds mostly tuberculate; corolla usually irregular. 127. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 575). Styles or stigmas distinct. Ovary 3-celled; stigmas 3. Calyx lobes imbricated; corolla mostly plaited in the bud. 118. CONVOLVULACEAE (p. 515). Calyx lobes valvate; corolla merely convolute in the bud. 119. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 519). Ovary 1 or 2-celled, rarely 4-celled; stigmas L\ Ovary 1-celled 120. HYDROPHYLLACEAE (p. 530). Ovary 2-celled or 4-celled. Corolla unappendaged within; plants with normal leaves. 118. CONVOLVULACEAE (p. 515). Corolla appendaged within; parasitic twining plants with scalelike leaves 117. CUSCUTACEAE (p. 514). Stamens 4 and didynamous, or 1 or 2. Carpels ripening into nutlets (grouped in 4 'b) or into achenes it drupes. Style apical on the entire ovary 124. VERBENACEAE (p. 548). Style rising bom between the 4 lobes of the ovary. 125. MENTHACEAE (p. 551). Carpels ripening into a capsule. Placenta' of the ovary axile. Ovary L-celled 129. PINGUICULACEAE (p. 599). Ovary 2-celled, rarely IS or 5-Celled. Corolla lobes imbricated; capsule- n,,i elastically dehiscent 127. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 575;. 52576°— 15 33 514 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Corolla lobes convolute; capsules elastically dehiscent. 128. ACANTHACEAE (p. 597). Placentae of the ovary parietal. Plants parabitic ; leaves scalelike, without green coloring matter. 130. OROBANCHACEAE (p. 599). Plants not parasitic; leaves green. Ovary and capsule 2-celled; shrubs; seeds winged. 131. BIGNONIACEAE (p. 600). Ovary and capsule 1-celled; herbs; seeds wingless. 132. MARTYNIACEAE (p. 601). 116. DICHONDKACEAE. Dichondra Family. 1. DICHONDRA Forst. Annual or perennial creeping herbs with small petiolate entire leaves having orbicu- lar or reniform blades, the inconspicuous solitary flowers on short peduncles; calyx of 5 distinct or nearly distinct sepals; corolla about 5 mm. in diameter, rotate or cam- panulate, 5-lobed; stamens 5, shorter than the corolla; pistil of 2 carpels; styles 2, distinct; capsules 2-celled, the carpels more or less united, indehiscent; seeds soli- tary, smooth. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves silvery, densely sericeous 1. D. argentea. Leaves green, sparingly villous 2. D. brachypoda. 1. Dichondra argentea Willd. Hort. Berol. pi. 81, 1816. Type locality: ' "Habitat in America meridionali." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Shaded slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transi- tion zones. 2. Dichondra brachypoda Woot. & Standi. Contr. IT. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 160. 1913. Type locality: Filmore Canyon in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton and Standley, September 23, 1906. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Organ Mountains; Queen. Canyons and in woods. 117. CTJSCUTACEAE. Dodder Family. 1. CUSCUTA L. Dodder. Herbaceous parasites with twining yellow or orange stems, the leaves reduced to minute scales; flowers perfect, waxy white, cymose; calyx of 5 or 4 imbricated lobes, accompanied by as many alternating, crenulate or appendaged scales, or these obso- lete; stamens 5 or 4, attached to the corolla in the throat or near the sinuses above the scales; ovary 2-celled; styles 2, mostly distinct; stigmas capitate or elongated; cap- sules subglobose, depressed or elongated, circumscis^-ile or indehiscent, 1 to 4-seeded. It is said that the Navahos used the parched seeds of dodder as food. key to the species. Calyx of 5 almost distinct overlapping sepals, subtended by bracts. 1. C. squamata. Calyx gamosepalous, bractless. Styles equal, with elongated stigmas 4. C. epithymum. Styles unequal, with capitate stigmas. Petals acute; styles longer than the capsule 2. C. umbellata. Petals obtuse; styles shorter than the capsule 3. C. curta. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 515 1. Cuscuta squamata Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis. 1: 510. 1859. Type locality: "El Paso." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; south of Roswell. Lower Sonoran Zone. Common on Helianthus ciliaris and other plants of the valleys. 2. Cuscuta umbellata H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 121. 1818. Type locality: "Crescit in Nova Hispania, inter QuereHaro et Salmanca, alt. 900 hex." Range: Colorado and Texas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pajarito Park; Clayton; Torrevios; Hillsboro; Tortugas Mountain; Chavez; Duck Creek Flats. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. On many small herbs, such as Trianthema portulacastrum, Kallstroemia brachystylis, Cladothrix lanuginosa, Chamaesyce spp., Eriogonum rotundifolium, Bahia dealbata, Wedeliella glabra, Boerhaavia torreyana, Cassia bauhinioides, Chamaesaracha conioides, and many others; also on cultivated beets. 3. Cuscuta curta Engelm.; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 273. 1906. Cuscuta gronovii curta Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 1: 508. 1859. Type locality: "Northwest America." Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock; P'armington ; Albuquerque; Santa Fe; Sandia Moun- tains; Nara Visa; Ojo Caliente; Chiz; Mogollon Mountains; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; La Luz; White Mountains. Chiefly in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. On various plants, such as Gaertneria acanthicarpa, Peritoma serrulatum, Salix, Salsola pestifer, Xanthium commune, Helianthus annuus, Rumex mexicanus, and Aster hesperius, and on cultivated plants such as beets and chile. 4. Cuscuta epithymum L. Sp. PI. 124. 1753. Clover doddee. Type locality: "Habitat in Plantis Europae parasitica." New Mexico: Cedar Hill (Standley 8058). On alfalfa; introduced from Europe. 118. C0NV0LVULACEAE. Morning-glory Family. Annual or perennial herbs, often twining; leaves alternate, exstipulate; flowers perfect and regular, axillary, solitary or cymose; calyx of 5 more or less united imbricated sepals, persistent; corolla hypogynous, convolute in bud, the limb often entire; stamens 5, alternate with the divisions of the corolla, often epipetalous; pistil of 2 more or less united carpels, the ovary 2 to 5-celled, on a fleshy disk; styles often united; fruit a capsule, 1 to 5-celled, the seeds large; endosperm mucilaginous. KEY TO THE GENERA. Styles distinct or at least partly so; decumbent or as- cending herbs, not twining or trailing. Styles partially united, entire; limb of corolla deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate-lanceolate. . . 1 . Cbessa (p. 516). Styles distinct, each 2-cleft; corolla limb not lobed . 2. Kvolvulus (p. 516). Styles united up to the stigma; climbing or trailing vines (except Ipomoea leptophylhi). Corolla narrowly funnelform, nearly salverform, bright scarlet; stamens and style exserted 3. Qtamoclit ip. 517). Corolla broadly funnelform, never scarlet; stamens and style included. Stigmas] to 3, ovoid or eubglobose ■>. [pomoea. (p. 617). Stigmas usually 2, filiform t<> oblong-cylindric. 5. Colvulvli.i s (p, 519). 516 CONTRIBUTIONS FKOM THE NATIONAL HEKBAKIUM. 1. CRESSA L. Low herbaceous perennial with slender ascending stems and very numerous small lanceolate entire sericeous leaves; flowers small, axillary, solitary, white; calyx oi 5 nearly equal distinct lobes; corolla persistent, the limb 5-lobed; stamens exserted; capsule little longer than broad, the seeds smooth and shining, often solitary. 1. Cressa truxillensis H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 119. 1818. Cressa cretica truxillensis Choisy in DC. Prodr. 9: 440. 1845. Type locality: "In arenosis salsis Oceani Pacifici, prope Truxillo Peruvianorum." Range: California and Utah to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. In heavy soil of river valleys, in the Lower Sono- ran Zone. 2. EVOLVULTJS L. Small prostrate or diffuse perennials with more or less densely pubescent stems and small simple entire leaves; flowers solitary in the axils; sepals nearly equal; corolla funnelform or nearly rotate, white or blue, the limb entire; ovary 2-celled, the capsules subglobose, 2 to 4-valved, the seeds 1 to 4. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers white; upper surface of leaves glabrous 1. E. wilcoxianus. Flowers blue; leaves pubescent on both surfaces. Pedicels 3 mm. long or less; flowers 10 to 12 mm. in diameter.. 2. E. pilosus. Pedicels 25 to 40 mm. long; flowers not more than 8 mm. in diameter 3. E. linifolius. Evolvulus arizonicus should be found in New Mexico about the southwestern corner. It is similar to E. linifolius but has flowers about 15 mm. broad. 1. Evolvulus wilcoxianus House, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 315. 1906. Type locality: Near Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Range: New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Water Canyon; San Luis Pass; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Evolvulus pilosus Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 174. 1818. Evolvulus argenteus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 187. 1814, not R. Br. 1810. Evolvulus nutallianus Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 6: 198. 1820. Evolvulus oreophilus Greene, Leaflets 1: 151. 1905. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: South Dakota and Colorado to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Raton; Nara Visa; Perico Creek; Albuquerque; Por- tales; Torrance; Socorro Mountain; Hillsboro; Organ Mountains; Leachs Ranch; Redlands. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of E. oreophilus was collected near Hillsboro (Metcalfe 1228). 3. Evolvulus linifolius L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 392. 1762. Type locality: Jamaica. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico and the West Indies. New Mexico: Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains. Our specimens are scarcely typical, having more abundant pubescence and larger flowers than the southern forms. They probably belong to an undescribed species, but it seems inadvisable to attempt to separate them until the difficult genus can be carefully revised. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 517 3. QUAMOCLIT Moench. Annual or perennial twining vines, glabrous throughout, with entire or lobed leaves and axillary few-flowered cymes of bright scarlet flowers on peduncles exceeding the leaves; sepals mostly equal; cor.olla about 25 mm. long, narrowly funnelform to salver- form, the limb short and spreading, not lobed, more or less pentagonal, expanding iu daylight; stamens exserted; ovary 2-celled or falsely 4-celled; capsules subglobose, 7 to 8 mm. in diameter; seeds 4. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves entire or nearly so 1 . Q. coccinea. Leaves deeply 3-lobed, the lateral lobes usually again lobed 2. Q. hederifolia. 1. Quamoclit coccinea (L.) Moench, Meth. PI. 453. 1794. Ipomoea coccinea L. Sp. PI. 160. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Domingo." Range: Tropical regions of America, frequently escaped in the United States. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pecos; Animas Creek; Fort Bayard. 2. Quamoclit hederifolia (L.) Choisy in DC. Prodr. 9: 336. 1845. Ipomoea hederifolia L. Syst. Veg. ed. 10. 2: 925. 1759. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Fort Bayard; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Gray; White Mountains. Moist ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. IPOMOEA L. Morning-glory. Annual or perennial herbs with twining or erect stems; leaves entire or lobed; flowers axillary, solitary or in few-flowered cymes; sepals membranous or rather fleshy, sometimes becoming leathery, closely imbricated, not elongated, persistent; corolla white, pink, blue, or purple, funnelform, the limb usually spreading and relatively ample, pentagonal or circular; stamens included; ovary 2 to 4-celled; capsules 2 to 4-valved ; seeds often pubescent. key to the species. Stems erect, stout, much branched, forming dense clumps; leaves linaar » 1. I. leptophylla. Stems twining or decumbent, slender; leaves not linear. Sepals with green foliaceous tips, acute or attenuate, hirsute. Leaves entire or nearly so 6. /. purpurea. Leaves 3-lobed or 3-parted. Tips of the sepals merely acute 7. /. hirsutula. Tips of the sepals with long attenuate tips. Corolla 3 cm. long or less; sepals scarcely dilated at the base, the tips spreading 8. J", desertarum. Corolla 8 cm. long; sepals much dilated at the base, the tips erect 9. /. lindluim, ■/•/. Sepals Hcarious, at least on the margins, not with foliaceous tips, rounded to acuminate at the apex, glabrous or nearly so. I .< :i ves cordate-ovate, not cleft 5. /. cardiopln/l/a. Leaves S to 7-cleft. Corolla more than 5 cm. long 2. /. tcnuiloba. Corolla less than 3 cm. long. Sepals muricate; perennial from a tuberous root. . 3. I.muricata. Sepals smooth; annual 4. /. coetellata. 518 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Ipomoea leptophylla Torr. Frem. Rep. Exped. Rocky Mount. 94. 1845. Convolvulus canadensis Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1862: 6. 1862. Type locality: "Forks of the Platte to Laramie river." Range: Montana and South Dakota to Texas and northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Sierra Grande; Cross L Ranch; Nara Visa; Clayton; south of Melrose. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Ipomoea tenuiloba Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 148. 1859. Type locality: "Hills and rocky places near Puerto de Paysano, western Texas." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains (Bailey 720). 3. Ipomoea muricata Cav. Icon. PI. 5: 52. pi. 478./. 2. 1794. Convolvulus capillaceus H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 97. 1819. Ipomoea capillacea Don, Hist. Dichl. PI. 4: 267. 1838. Ipomoea capillacea patens A. Gray, Syn. Fl. ed. 2. 21: 434. 1886. Ipomoea patens House, Ann. N. Y. Acad. 18: 237. 1908. Type locality: "Habitat in Huanajuato," Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Mogollon Mountains; Hanover Mountain; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. The form named patens certainly does not deserve nomenclatorial recognition. It is a mere seasonal variation and even at any time in a given spot one may collect both forms. The smaller, more erect plant later becomes spreading and has longer stems and leaf segments. 4. Ipomoea costellata Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 149. 1859. Type locality: "On the Rio Grande, from the mouth of Pecos to El Paso, and near the Copper Mines of New Mexico." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; Roswell; Queen. Open slopes, from the Lower Sonoran to the lower part of the Transition Zone. 5. Ipomoea cardiophylla A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 213. 1878. Type locality: "In the mountains near El Paso." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1: 466. 1791. Convolvulus purpureus L. Sp. PL ed. 2. 219. 1762. Pharbitis purpurea Voigt, Hort. Calcutt. 354. 1845. Type locality: "Habitat in America." Range: Throughout tropical America, frequently introduced elsewhere. New Mexico: Manzanares Valley; Hillsboro; Mesilla Valley; Gilmores Ranch. 7. Ipomoea hirsutula Jacq. Eclog. PL Rar. 1: 63. 1811. Ipomoea mexicana A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 218. 1878. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Pecos; Fort Bayard; Grand Canyon of the Gila; San Luis Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; White Sands; White Mountains; Gray; Roswell. Waste ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 8. Ipomoea desertorum House, Ann. N. Y. Acad. 18: 203. 1908. Type locality: Tucson, Arizona. Range : Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; Florida Mountains. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 519 9. Ipomoea lindheimeri A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 210. 1878. Pharbitis lindheimeri Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 964. 1903. Type locality: Western Texas. Range : Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains; west of Hope. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. CONVOLVULUS L. Bindweed. Annual or perennial twining herbs with petiolate, hastate or cordate leaves and solitary or clustered, axillary, white or pink flowers; calyx naked or subtended by bracts; sepals nearly equal or the outer one larger; corolla funnelform, the limb entire or somewhat 5-angled; stamens included; ovary 1 or 2-celled; capsules globose or nearly so, 2 to 4-valved; seeds glabrous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bracts large, near the calyx and inclosing it; flowers white 1. C. sepium. Bracts small, remote from the calyx; flowers pinkish. Plants nearly glabrous, sparingly pilose; leaf blades hastate, otherwise entire 2. C. arvensis. Plants canescent; blades linear or narrowly oblong, with deeply cleft basal lobes 3. C. incanus. 1. Convolvulus sepium L. Sp. PI. 153. 1753. Bindweed. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae sepibus." Range: British America to New Mexico and North Carolina; in New Mexico apparently introduced. New Mexico: Farmington; Abiquiu; Mesilla Valley. Not uncommon as a weed in cultivated fields. 2. Convolvulus arvensis L. Sp. PI. 153. 1753. Convolvulus ambigens House, Bull. Torrey Club 32: 139. 1905. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae agris." Range: Of wide occurrence in North America, in New Mexico introduced from the east or from Europe. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Raton; Santa Fe; Chama; Clovis; Kingston; Silver City; Rio Gila; Mesilla Valley. This is a very variable species, but it seems ill advised to attempt to separate any of the forms. In New Mexico it is common in some localities in cultivated fields, where it is evidently introduced, as it doubtless is everywhere in the Rocky Mountain region. The amount of variation among the different forms is very slight, and every possible intermediate can be found between them. Convolvulus ambigens seems to differ in no way from numerous European specimens of C. arvensis in the U. S. National Herbarium. 3. Convolvulus incanus Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 23. 1794. Typk locality: "America." Range: Colorado and Kansas to Texas and Mexico. New MEXICO: Albert; Tucumcari; Las Vegas; Clayton; Frisco; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Kingston; San Luis Mountains; ' Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gray; Roswell; Queen. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 119. POLEMONIACEAE. Phlox Family. Annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs, never twining, with opposite or alternate, simple or com] ion in I lo.i\ es, ami regular v i nen his i lowers; calyx gamosepalous, 5-lobed, persistent, imbricated; corolla convolute to the bud; stamens 5, equally or unequally 520 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. inserted, epipetalous; ovary 3-celled, with a thick axis; styles united; stigmas 3; fruit a 3-celled loculicidal capsule; seeds several or solitary in each cell, the coats sometimes mucilaginous. KEY TO THE GENERA. Calyx not ruptured by the capsule; leaves alternate; seeds with mucilage and spiracles (spirally twisted threads) when wetted. Calyx teeth spinulose-tipped; leaves pinna tifid with linear segments; flowers blue, in few- flowered woolly heads 1. Eriasteum (p. 520). Calyx teeth herbaceous, not spimi lose- tipped ; leaves and flowers various. Leaves simple, entire; flowers small, capitate- crowded; stamens straight 2. Collomia (p. 521). Leaves pinnatifid; flowers large, variously arranged; stamens declined 3. Polemonium (p. 521). Calyx at length ruptured by the maturing capsule; leaves alternate or opposite; seeds with or without mucilage and spiracles when wet. Calyx tube not at all or but slightly scarious, early splitting; leaves sessile, divided into several linear spinulose segments; seeds without mucilage and spiracles; plants strongly scented 4. Leptodactylon (p. 522). Calyx tube more or less scarious between the lobes, distended, then ruptured by the capsule; leaves sessile or petiolate; seeds with or without mucilage when wet. Corolla salverform, with a very narrow throat. Seeds mucilaginous when wetted; annual with alternate floral leaves 5. Microsteris (p. 523). Seeds not altered when wetted; per- ennials with all the leaves oppo- site 6. Phlox (p. 523). Corolla funnel form or tubular, with an open throat. Leaves alternate; inflorescence panicu- late, thyrsiform, or capitate 7. Gilia (p. 525). Leaves opposite, spinulose-tipped; in- florescence various. Flowers bluish, sessile; leaves with a few narrow unequal segments or simple 8. Linanthus (p. 529). Flowers bright yellow, long-pedicel- ed; leaves with several nearly equal segments appearing as a verticel of linear leaves 9. Dactylophyllum (p. 529). 1. ERIASTRUM Woot. & Standi. Low, wiry-stemmed, widely spreading annual, at first white-woolly throughout, the stems and lower leaves later glabrate; leaves alternate, sessile; flowers small, blue or white, in few-flowered glomerate heads surrounded by several crowded woolly WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 521 leaflike bracts; leaves with 3 narrowly linear spinulose lobes, the segments unequal; corolla salverform, the tube longer than the sepals; capsules not distending the calyx, several-seeded . 1. Eriastrum filifolium (Nutt.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 160. 1913. Gilia filifolia Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 156. 1848. Navarretia filifolia Brand in Engl. Pflanzenreich 27: 167. 1907. Type locality: Near Santa Barbara, California. Range: Washington and California to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Nutt Mountain; Crawfords Ranch; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains. Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. COLLOMIA Nutt. Erect annual with alternate entire leaves and small flowers crowded at the top of the stem; calyx scarious between the lobes, not distended by the capsule; corolla tubular- funnelform with open throat and short obtuse lobes; stamens unequal, unequally in- serted on the corolla tube; capsules narrowed at the base; seeds mucilaginous when wetted, emitting spiracles. 1. Collomia linearis Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 126. 1818. Gilia linearis A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 223. 1882. Type locality: " Near the banks of the Missouri about the confluence of Shian River, and in the vicinity of the Arikaree village." Range: British Columbia and North Dakota to California, New Mexico, and Ne- braska. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 3. POLEMONIUM L. Perennial herbs 1 meter high or less, with pinnate leaves and blue, purplish, white, or yellow flowers in panicles or glomerate terminal clusters; calyx rotate-campanulate to tubular, not scarious between the herbaceous lobes; corolla narrowly funnelform to campanulate or almost rotate; stamens equally inserted, the filaments more or less declined, pilose-appendaged at the base; capsules oblong to globose, not bursting from the persistent calyx; seeds black or brown, oblong, often angled or winged. key to the species. Corolla funnelform. Corolla purple, the tube thick 1. P. confertum. Corolla ochroleucous, the tube slender 2. P. mellitum. Corolla campanulate to nearly rotate. Corolla yellow 3. P. flavum. Corolla blue, rarely white, never yellow. Plants low, 10 to 20 cm.; flowers pale blue. Seeds not winged 4. P. scopulinum . Seeds narrowly winged 5. P. ptcrospcrmum. Plants tall, 40 to 100 cm. ; flowers deep blue. • Inflorescence narrow, thyrsiform; leaflets lanceo- late, attenuate, rather distant 6. P. jUinnum. Inflorescence broad and open; leaflets elliptic, less acute. Corolla about 20 mm. long; leaves and lower part of the stem glabrous 7. P. gramlt-. Corolla L0 to L2mm. Long; Leaves and stem vis- cid-pubescent S. P. molli . 522 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Polemonium confertum A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 73. 1864. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range : Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheelers Peak; Upper Pecos River. High mountain meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 2. Polemonium mellitum (A. Gray) A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 354. 1899. Polemonium confertum mellitum A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 73. 1864. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range : Wyoming and Nevada to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains. High mountains, in the Hudsonian Zone. 3. Polemonium flavum Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 217. 1881. Type locality: Cold northward slopes of the highest Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene in 1880. Range : Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Willow Creek; Eagle Peak; Hillsboro Peak; West Fork of the Gila; near East View. Transition Zone. 4. Polemonium scopulinum Greene; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 280. 1906. Type locality: Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Deep woods, Canadian to Arc- tic-Alpine Zone. 5. Polemonium pterospermum Nels. & Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 16: 45. 1903. Type locality: Cloudcroft, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Cockerell, September, 1900. Range : Known only from type locality, in the Canadian Zone. We have seen no specimens of this species. 6. Polemonium filicinum Greene, Pittonia 1: 124. 1887. Type locality: Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene in 1880. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Lookout Mines; White and Sacramento mountains. In the Transi- tion and Canadian zones. 7. Polemonium grande Greene, Leaflets 1: 153. 1905. Type locality: Near Pagosa Peak, southern Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sacramento Mountains. Damp woods and along streams, from the Transition to the Hudsonian Zone. 8. Polemonium molle Greene, Leaflets 1: 153. 1905. Type locality: Piedra, southern Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Sandia Mountains; Pecos Baldy. Mountains, in the Cana- dian Zone. 4. LEPTODACTYLON Hook. & Am. Erect, tufted, more or less woody plants, 50 cm. high or less, with opposite or alter- nate, palmately 3 to 7-parted leaves having linear spinulose segments, the white or yellowish flowers with tubular-funnelform corollas; calyx tube not at all or but slightly scarious between the lobes, at length ruptured by the swelling capsule; seeds not mucilaginous, without spiracles. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 523 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves alternate, rigid, spinescent 1. L. brevifolium. Leaves opposite, neither rigid nor spinescent 2. L. nuttallii. 1. Leptodactylon brevifolium Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 40: 474. 1913. Type locality: Juniper Range, Utah. Range: Washington and Nevada to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; near Ojo Caliente. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Leptodactylon nuttallii (A. Gray) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 279. 1906. Qilia nuttallii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 267. 1870. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Utah to the Sierra Nevada in California." Range: Washington and California to Wyoming and New Mexico. New Mexico: Ramah; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. Most of our specimens are considerably taller and more slender than the typical form, and are inclined to be woody throughout. 5. MICROSTERIS Greene. Slender annual with mostly alternate leaves and small, loosely cymose or scat- tered, purplish flowers; calyx at length ruptured by the capsule; corolla salvertorm, with a narrow throat; seeds mucilaginous when wetted, without spiracles. 1. Microsteris micrantha (Kellogg) Greene, Pittonia 3: 303. 1898. Collomia micrantha Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 3: 18. 1863. Type locality: "Vicinity of Silver City, Nevada Territory." Range: Nebraska and Wyoming to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Tierra Amarilla. Open slopes, in the Transi- tion Zone. 6. PHLOX L. Phlox. Perennial herbs, 30 or 40 cm. high or less, the base of the stem often woody, with opposite sessile leaves and cymose flowers with showy corollas; calyx narrow, scari- ous between t he lobes; corolla salverform, constricted in the throat; stamens une- qually inserted, included; capsules ovoid, ultimately rupturing the persistent calyx. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants densely cespitose, forming thick mats; leaves more or less fascicled. Leaves with many cobwebby hairs, not glandular-ciliate; plant of low dry hills 1. P. canesct us. Leaves glandular-ciliate, without cobwebby hairs; plant of al- pine meadows 2. P. caespitosn. Plants not cespitose, loose, erect; leaves not fascicled. Tube of the corolla fully twice as long as the calyx. Calyx 13 to II mm. long; leaves long, 20 to 40 mm., linear or nearly so 3. P. stansburt/i. Calyx leu than 10 mm. long; leaves short, 10 to 20 mm., linear-lanceolate 4. P. grayi. Tube of the corolla considerably less than twice as long as the calyx. 524 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Plants not glandular. Corolla lobes rounded -obovate, 12 mm. wide; leaves spreading 5. P. triovulata. Corolla lobes narrowly obovate, 5 mm. wide; leaves erect 6. P. longifolia. Plants glandular, at least on the inflorescence. Leaves ascending or erect, linear-lanceolate; stems densely glandular 7. P. nana. Leaves divaricate, linear; stems sparingly glandular. Corolla lobes orbicular-obovate, 10 to 15 mm. broad. 8. P. mesoleuca. Corolla lobes cuneate-oblanceolate, 5 mm. broad.. . 9. P. tenuis. 1 . Phlox canescens Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 122. pi. 6. 1855. Type locality: "On the Cedar Mountains, south of Great Salt Lake, Utah." Range: Washington and California to Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Aztec. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Phlox caespitosa Nutt. Journ Acad. Phila. 7: 41. 1834. Type locality: "Flat-Head River on the sides of dry hills." Range: Washington and Montana to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Truchas Peak. Mountain meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 3. Phlox stansburyi (Torr.) Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 478. 1897. Phlox speciosa stansburyi Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 145. 1859. Phlox longifolia stansburyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 255. 1870. Type locality: Gravelly hills near the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Barranca; mountains west of San Antonio; Organ Mountains. Dry foothills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. We have seen little material that agrees with the typical form. That from Utah, Nevada, and Arizona referred here certainly represents a different species. 4. Phlox grayi Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 161. 1913. Phlox longifolia stansburyi forma brevifolia A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 255. 1870, not P. brevifolia Baum. 1824. Phlox longifolia brevifolia A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 133. 1878. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: Utah and Nevada to Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: A single specimen seen, probably from the Navaho Reservation ( Marsh 4). Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Phlox triovulata Thurb.; Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 145. 1859. ? Phlox nana glabella A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 256. 1870. Type locality: Ravines, Mule Spring, New Mexico. Type collected by Thurber. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Berendo Creek; Hanover Mountain; Organ Mountains; Queen. Low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Phlox longifolia Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 41. 1834. Tvi-e locality: "Valleys of the Rocky Mountains generally." Range: Washington and Montana to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Nacimiento Mountain; Aztec; Charua; Tierra Amarilla. Open elopes and low liills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 525 7. Phlox nana Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 153. 1848. Phlox nana oculata Cockerell, Amer. Nat. 36: 813. 1902. Phlox nana lilaclna Cockerell, loc. cit. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains near Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Gallinas Canyon; Glorieta; Bernal; Gallinas Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Jicarilla Mountains. Hills and mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 8. Phlox mesoleuca Greene, Leaflets 1: 152. 1905. Type locality: Kingston, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1272). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; White and Sacramento mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 9. Phlox tenuis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 161. 1913. Type locality: Barranca, Taos County, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3589). Range: Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Barranca ( Heller 3589). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. GILIA Ruiz & Pa von. Annuals or perennials with alternate, mostly pinnately divided leaves, the flowers in thyrsiform, paniculate, or glomerate clusters; calyx tubular or campanulate, sca- rious between the lobes, burst by the enlarging capsule; corolla tubular-funnelform, with open throat and usually a short limb, red, white, pink, or blue; stamens inserted equally or unequally; seeds mucilaginous when wetted, producing spiracles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla scarlet, usually spotted with bright yellow. Lobes of the calyx about half as long as the tube; corolla yellowish red 1. G. nreeneann. Lobes of the calyx equaling the tube; corolla seldom yel- lowish. Stems glabrate in age; calyx lobes usually spreading, attenuate 2. G./ormosissima. Sterne permanently tomentulose; calyx lobes erect, acuminate 3. G. texana. < lorolla never red, sometimes pinkish. Flowers capita tely glomerate; annuals. Leaves pinnatifid; corolla bluish is. <; . pumila. Leaves entire; corolla white ' l!). G. gunnisonii. Flowers openly paniculate or thyrsiform-paniculate; animals or perennials. Lobes of the corolla twice as long as the tube or more; corolla bright blue; eauline leaves with rigid aceroae segments 20. G. acerosa. Lobes of the corolla not exceeding the tube; corolla of various colors; leaves various. Inflorescence thyrsifarm. Corolla lobes about equaling the tube, the tube notexserted from the calyx 5. (•'. hrnrlii/siphon. 526 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Corolla lobes much shorter than the tube, the latter much exserted. Tube of the corolla strongly bent down- ward; flowers white 6. G . campylantha. Tube of the corolla straight, erect; flowers white or blue. Flowers white; calyx lobes obtuse, one- third as long as the tube or less 4. G. Candida. Flowers blue; calyx lobes about equal- ing the tube, never obtuse. Tube of the corolla less than 15 mm. long 7 . G. multifiora. Tube of the corolla 25 mm. long or more. Corolla tube 25 to 30 mm. long; lobes long-caudate 8. G. pringlei. Corolla tube 30 to 35 mm. long; lobes obtuse or short- apiculate 9. G. thurberi. Inflorescence openly paniculate. Leaves entire or the lower ones toothed or lobed. Leaves all entire 10. G. formosa. At least part of the leaves toothed or lobed. Corolla less than 1 cm. long 11. G. leptomeria. Corolla more than 1 cm. long. Cauline leaves oblanceolate, often toothed; stems stout; cap- sules 5 mm. long 12. G. crandallii. Cauline leaves lance-linear, entire; stems slender; capsules 3.5 mm. long 13. G. haydeni. Leaves all except the uppermost pinnately divided. Corolla tube over 1 cm. long. Corolla tube 30 to 40 mm. long, the lobes obtuse 16. G. longifiora. Corolla tube 15 to 25 mm. long, the lobes acute 17. G. laxiflora. Corolla tube less than 1 cm. long. Stamens exserted; corolla salverform. ..14. G. viscida. Stamens included; corolla funnelform or nearly so 15. G. inconspicua. 1. Gilia greeneana Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 161. 1913. Callisteris collina Greene, Leaflets 1: 159. 1905, not Gilia collina Eastw. 1904. Batanthes collina Greene, op. cit. 224. 1906. Gilia attenuata collina Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 197. 1911. Type locality: Bluffs of Clear Creek on the plains not far from Denver, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Raton Mountains; Trinchera Pass; Santa Clara Canyon; Santa Fe; Winsors Ranch; Chama; Raton; Beulah; Glorieta; Sandia Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. We can not agree with Doctor Greene in separating the genus Batanthes from Gilia. At first glance these species seem to form a group distinct enough, but after one studiea WOOTON AND STANDLEY— FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 527 them carefully in their relation to other groups of the genus, it seems impossible to separate them on any logical ground. About the only distinction is the color of the flowers, scarcely a sufficient basis for generic segregation; and even this is not con- stant, for among the red-flowered plants white-flowered individuals are common. If the group is accorded generic rank, it should receive the name Ipomopsis, typified by Gilia coronopifolia. It is scarcely possible to conceive of that species and G. aggregata as belonging to different genera. This and the next species were segregated from G. aggregata. That species certainly does not occur in New Mexico, at least among the specimens we have examined. 2. Gilia formosissima (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 161. 1913. Callisteris formosissima Greene, Leaflets 1: 160. 1905. Batanthes formosissima Greene, op. cit. 224. 1906. Type locality: Black Range, southern New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Farm- ington; Dulce; West Fork of the Gila; Hillsboro Peak; Organ Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 3. Gilia texana (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Contr. IT. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 161. 1913. Callisteris texana Greene, Leaflets 1: 160. 1905. Batanthes texana Greene, op. cit. 224. 1906. Type locality: Guadalupe Mountains, western Texas. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains; Queen. Transition Zone. According to Mr. Hightower, the plant is known among the Mexican population as "Vara de San JoseV' 4. Gilia Candida Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 29. 1901. Type locality: Mesa near La Veta, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande. Transition and Canadian zones. 5. Gilia brachysiphon Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 160. 1913. Type locality: Van Pattens Camp in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 29, 1894. Range: Southern and western New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Carlisle; mountains southeast of Patterson; Organ Moun- tains. Open woods, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Gilia campylantha Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 160. 1913. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 2242). Range: Known only from the San Luis Mountains of New Mexico and Mexico. A remarkable species, distinguished from all the related ones by its small white flowers and the peculiarly formed corolla tube. Otherwise it suggests G. glomeri/lora Benth., but that has a very different calyx. 7. Gilia multiflora Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 154. 1848. ? Gilia macombii Torr.; A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 301. 1885. Type locality: "Sandy hills along the borders of the Rio del Norte," New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Gallup; Santa Fe; Canyon Largo; Ramah; Zuni; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; Bear Mountains. Tlains and dry lulls, in the I'pper Sonoran Zone. 528 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 8. Gilia pringlei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 21: 401. 1886. Collomia pringlei Peter in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. 143a: 48. 1891. Gilia macombii pringlei Brand in Engl. Pflanzenreich 27: 114. 1907. Type locality: Hillsides west of Chihuahua, Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains; Dog Spring. 9. Gilia thurberi Torr.; A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 261. 1870. Collomia thurberi A. Gray, loc. cit. Type locality: Near Santa Rita, New Mexico. Type collected by Thurber. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. We have seen no further specimens of this from New Mexico. 10. Gilia formosa Greene; Brand in Engl. Pflanzenreich 27: 119. 1907. Type locality: Aztec, New Mexico. Range: Known only from type locality in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Gilia leptomeria A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 278. 1870. Type locality: "Mountain valleys of Nevada and Utah." Range: Colorado and New Mexico to California. * New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Shiprock; Farmington. Dry hills and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Gilia crandallii Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 634. 1904. Gilia bakeri Greene; Brand in Engl. Pflanzenreich 27: 119. 1907, as synonym. Type locality: Durango, Colorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Nevada. New Mexico: San Juan Valley. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Gilia haydeni A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11: 85. 1876. Gilia subnuda haydeni Brand in Engl. Pflanzenreich 27: 119. 1907. Type locality: "Mesa San Juan, southern border of Colorado or adjacent part of Utah." Range: Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Twenty miles south of Fruitland ( Wooton 2853). Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 14. Gilia viscida Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 161. 1913. Gilia pinnatifida Nutt. ; A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 276. 1870, not Moc & Sesse, 1837. Type locality: "N. New Mexico and Colorado to Snake River." Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Sandia Mountains; Canyoncito. Mesas and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. Gilia inconspicua (Smith) Dougl.; Hook, in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 56: pi. 2883. 1829. Tpomopsis inconspicua J . E. Smith, Exot. Bot. 1: pi. 14. 1804. Type locality: North America. Range: British Columbia and California to Colorado and Texas. New Mexico: Aztec; west of Santa Fe; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Sandia Moun- tains; mountains west of San Antonio; Carrizalillo Mountains; Florida Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Gilia longiflora (Torr.) Don, Hist. Dichl. PI. 4: 245. 1838. Cantua longiflora Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 221. 1828. Collomia longiflora A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 261. 1870. Type locality: " On the Canadian," New Mexico or Colorado. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 529 Range: Colorado and Nebraska to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Dry mesas and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 17. Gilia laxiflora (Coulter) Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 51. 1897. Gilia macombii laxifiora Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 44. 1889. Type locality: Camp Charlotte, Ixion County, Texas. Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Mountainair; Stanley; Cabra Springs; Santa Fe; Nara Visa; Buchanan. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 18. Gilia pumila Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 156. 1848. Navarretia pumila Smyth, Check List PI. Kans. 18. 1892. Type locality: "Near the first range of the Rocky Mountains of the Platte," Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Kansas to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Glorieta; west of Santa Fe; San Andreas Mountains; San Marcial; White Sands; above Tularosa. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 19. Gilia gunnisonii Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 128. pi. 9. 1855. Type locality: "Sand-banks of Green River, Utah." Range: Utah to Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Shiprock. Dry hills and mesas, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 20. Gilia acerosa (A. Gray) Britten, Man. 761. 1901. Gilia rigidula acerosa A. Gray, Proc Amer. Acad. 8: 280. 1870. Type locality: " North New Mexico to Arizona." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Pojoaque; west of Santa Fe; Berendo Creek; Placitas; Torrance; Carrizalillo Mountains; Lakewood; south of Roswell; Dayton. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. LINANTHTJS Benth. Annual, 20 cm. high or less, divaricately branched, with slender stems, opposite, simple or 3-lobed leaves with linear spinulose segments, and solitary subsessile flowers between the equal branches; calyx tubular-funnelform, scarious between the equal linear spinulose lobes; corolla tubular-funnelform, blue, fading whitish, the tube not as long as the calyx; capsules oblong, bursting the persistent calyx. 1. Linanthus bigelovii (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 253. 1892. Gilia dichotoma parvijlora Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 147. 1859. Gilia bigelovii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 265. 1870. Type locality: Cooks Spring, New Mexieo. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Western Texas to southern California. New Mexico: Foothills of the Organ Mountains (Wootori). Dry hills. 9. DACTYLOPHYLLUM Spach. Low, divaricately branched annual, about 10 cm. high, with opposite, palmately divided leaves having linear spinulose segments, and with conspicuous yellow axillary flowers on long slender pedicels; calyx fuiinelform-campanulate, Bcarioufl between the lobes, liirtellous like the leaves; corolla flinnelform, 10 to L2 nun. long, with a broad spreading limb, bright yellow; stamens slightly ezaerted; capsules splitting the persistent calyx. :.L'.V7B°— 15 34 530 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Dactylophyllum aureum (Nutt..) Heller, Muhlenbergia 2: 231. 1906. Gilia aurea Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 155. pi. 22. 1848. Linanthus aureus Greene, Pittonia 2: 257. 1892. Type locality: Santa Barbara, California. Range: Southern California to western Texas. New Mexico: Mangas Springs {Metcalfe 54). 120. HYDROPHYLLACEAE. Waterleaf Family. Annual or perennial herbs 1 meter high or less, mostly small plants, with usually opposite, exstipulate, simple or compound leaves and perfect flowers solitary in the axils or in terminal helicoid cymes or 1-sided racemes; calyx of 5 more or less united sepals, the sinuses sometimes appendaged; corolla regular, 5-lobed, mostly funnel- form, often appendaged within at the base of the tube; stamens 5, the filaments adnate to the base of the corolla; ovary superior, 1-celled or rarely 2-celled; fruit a capsule with 1 or 2 incomplete cells; seeds usually few. KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaf blades entire; ovary more or less 2-celled; styles 2, distinct. Corolla urceolate; flowers cymose; leaves long- linear; plants fleshy 1. Andropus (p. 530). Corolla funnelform; flowers solitary; leaves linear- oblong or broader; plants not fleshy 2. Marilaunidium (p. 531). Leaf blades more or less toothed, lobed, or dissected; ovary 1-celled; style 2-cleft. Corolla lobes imbricated in the bud; placentae narrow 3. Phacelia (p. 532). Corolla lobes convolute in the bud; placentae dilated. Stamens included; calyx enlarged in fruit; leaves opposite 4. Nyctelea (p. 535). Stamens exserted; calyx not enlarged in fruit; leaves alternate 5. Hydrophyllum (p. 535). Doctor Gray in the Synoptical Flora1 states that Eriodictyon angustifolium Nutt. occurs in New Mexico, but we have seen no specimens nor does it seem probable that the plant comes within our borders. 1. ANDROPUS Brand. Fleshy cespitose herbaceous perennial, hispid throughout; leaves narrowly linear; flowers in terminal crowded cymes, not conspicuously helicoid; calyx of 5 linear sepals coalescent for a short distance at the base, not appendaged; corolla long- urceolate, not appendaged within, the limb with 5 short reflexed lobes; stamens 5, included, the filaments slightly expanded at the base; ovary 2-celled; styles 2, with capitate stigmas; seeds numerous, horizontal, angled. 1. Andropus carnosus (Wooton) Brand, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 10: 281. 1912. Conanthus t carnosus Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 262. 1898. Type locality: White Sands New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 164). Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: White Sands; Lakewood. Gypsum soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 1 21: 176. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 531 2. MARILAUNIDIXTRI Kuntze. Low annual or perennial herbs with pubescent, mostly diffusely branched stems, small simple entire alternate nearly sessile leaves, and solitary axillary flowers; corolla whitish to blue or purple, funnelform, the lobes broad, imbricated in bud; stamens mostly included; ovary 1-celled, sometimes imperfectly 2-celled; styles 2, distinct; capsules oblong to subglobose, 2-valved; seeds numerous, small, rugose. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennial, from a thick woody base 1. M. xylopodum. Annuals. Corolla not at all or but slightly exceeding the calyx 2. M. angustifolium. Corolla much exceeding the calyx. Corolla pale blue, 5 mm. long; plants slender, with few erect branches 3. if. tenue. Corolla deep purple, more than 7 mm. long; plants stout, with very numerous dense spreading branches. Leaves of the inflorescence obovate to broadly ob- long, flat, strongly hispid or hirsute; tube of corolla shorter than the calyx 4. M.foliosum. Leaves of the inflorescence linear to narrowly ob- long, revolute; tube of corolla exceeding the calyx 5. M. hispidum. 1. Marilaunidium xylopodum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 162. 1913. Type locality: Crevices of limestone rocks near Queen, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton, July 31, 1909. Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Queen (Wooton). Dry hills. 2. Marilaunidiurn angustifolium (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 2: 384. 1891. Nania dichotomum angustifolium A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 284. 1870. Conanthus angustifolius Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 479. 1897. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Fendler in 1847, near Santa Fe (no. 644). Range: Colorado to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Pecos; Santa Fe Canyon; Santa Rita; Mo. gollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Marilaunidium tenue Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 162. 1913. Type locality: Limestone hills 3 miles south of Hillsboro, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1291). Range: Known only from type locality. 4. Marilaunidium foliosum Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 162. 1912. Type locality: On saltgrass flats near Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 531). Range: Southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell; Lake Arthur; Fort Stanton. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. Marilaunidium hispidum (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 434. 1891. Nama hispida A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 5: 339. 1862. Commtkui hupuhu Seller, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 479. 1897. Type locality: Not definitely stated. 532 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Western Texas to southern California. New Mexico: Shiprock; Farmington; headwaters of the Pecos; Sandia Mountains; Stanley; west of Santa Fe; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Belen; Mesilla Valley; Florida Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. PHACELIA Tubs. Annual or perennial herbs, mostly pubescent or glandular, with alternate (sometimes opposite below) lobed or dissected or entire leaves and helicoid cymes of flowers; calyx slightly accrescent, not appendaged; corolla white, blue, or purple, mostly fun- nelform, the tube often appendaged within, the lobes imbricated, spreading; stamens included or exserted; ovary 1-celled, the style 2-cleft; capsules 1-celled or almost 2-celled by the dilation of the placentae, 2-Aralved, the seeds reticulate or roughened. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennials. Leaves simple and entire or some of the lower pinnate but with entire divisions 1. P. heterophylla. Leaves pinnately parted into linear or linear-oblong divisions. 2. P. sericea. Annuals or rarely biennials. Leaves entire 17. P. demissa. Leaves not entire. Corolla lobes dentate or erose. Stamens twice as long as the corolla; leaves with narrow segments 3. P. alba. Stamens only slightly exceeding the corolla; leaves with broad segments 4. P. neomexicana. Corolla lobes entire or sinuate-crenate. Leaves bipinnate 5. P. popei. Leaves not bipinnate. Leaves sinuate-crenate halfway to the midrib 7. P. corrugata. Leaves, at least part of them, pinnately divided to the midrib. Sepals much longer than the capsule; stems slen- der, weak, decumbent 6. P. rupestris. Sepals slightly if at all exceeding the capsule; stems stout; usually erect. Branches very numerous from the base, spread- ing. Corolla blue, 6 to 8 mm. long 8. P. similis. Corolla white, 3 to 4 mm. long 9. P. arizonica. Branches few, most of them from above the base, erect. Stamens included 10. P. caerulea. Stamens exserted. Flowers 10 mm. long or more 11. P. glandulosa. Flowers 8 mm. long or less. Stems and leaves merely glandular- viscid. Calyx densely hirsute; flowers 7 to 8 mm. long 12. P. crenulata. Calyx sparingly hirsute or merely viscid; flowers 5 mm. long or less. 13. P. intermedia. Stems densely villous or hirsute as well as glandular. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 533 Calyx lobes round ed-obovate; leaves with numerous lobed divisions... 14. P. depauperata. Calyx lobes oblanceolate or oblong, acutish; leaves with few nearly entire divisions. Flowers nearly sessile; leaves densely silky-strigose, almost all pinnatifid ; calyx sparingly hirsute 15. P. bombycina. Flowers on conspicuous slender pedicels; leaves sparingly stri- gose, only the lower ones pinna- tifid; calyx densely hirsute 16. P. tenuipes. Phacelia infundibuUformis Torr. was reported by Doctor Gray ' from New Mexico but we have seen no specimens. Probably the report was due to a wrong determina- tion. 1. Phacelia heterophylla Pursh, El. Amer. Sept. 140. 1814. Type locality: "On dry hills on the banks of the Kooskooskee, " Idaho. Ranged British Columbia and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Sierra Grande; Santa Fe and Laa Vegas mountains; Middle Fork of the Gila; White and Sacramento mountains. Mead- ows, normally in the Transition Zone. 2. Phacelia sericea (Graham) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 323. 1875. Eutoca sericea Graham; Hook. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 57: pi. 3003. 1830. Type locality: " Rocky Mountains, North America." Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Wheeler Peak (Bailey). Meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 3. Phacelia alba Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 30. 1901. Type locality: Sangre de Cristo Creek, Colorado. Range: Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Coolidge; Inscription Rock; Gallup; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Gila; Reserve; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 4. Phacelia neomexicana Thurb.; Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 143. 1859. Type locality: Pine woods near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Hillsboro Peak; Capitan Mountains. Transition Zone. 5. Phacelia popei Tdrr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 2: 172. pi. 10. 1855. Tyi'e locality: "On the Llano Estacado and Pecos," New Mexico or Texas. Type collected in 1854 by Pope. Range: Eastern New Mexico and adjacent Texas. New Mexico: Cabra Spring; near head of Little Creek; San Andreas Mountains. 6. Phacelia rupestris Greene, Leaflets 1: 152. 1905. Type locality: Foothills of the Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1012). Ran<;k: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Mogollon Mountains; Florida Mountains; Organ Moun- tains; Dona Ana Mountains; White Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 1 U.S. &Mex. Bound. Bot L44. 1859. 534 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 7. Phacelia corrugata A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 26. 1902. Type locality: Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado. Range: Southern Utah and Colorado to western Texas and Mexico. • New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Albuquerque; Pajarito Park; Espanola; San Augustine Plains; mountains west of San Antonio; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; White Sands; Blazers Mill; south of Torrance. Plains and sandhills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 8. Phacelia similis Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 111. 1909. Type locality: Plains near Nutt Station, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 1665). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 9. Phacelia arizonica A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 394. 1878. Type locality: Southern Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico : Near Cliff; Nutt Flats. Dry plains and foothills, in the Lower Sono- ran Zone. 10. Phacelia caerulea Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 122. 1881. Type locality: "Southern New Mexico and Arizona." Type collected by E. L. Greene. Range: Southern Arizona to western Texas and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Tres Hermanas; Hillsboro; Florida Mountains; Mesilla "Valley; Organ Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio. Dry plains and foothills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 11. Phacelia glandulosa Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 160. 1848. Type locality: "About Ham's Fork of the Colorado of the West, on dry, bare hills." Range: Montana to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Baldy (Wooton). Hudsonian Zone. 12. Phacelia crenulata Torr.; S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 251. 1871. Type locality: Trinity Mountains, Nevada. Range: Nevada and Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Berendo Creek; headwaters of the Pecos. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Phacelia intermedia Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 457. 1898. Type locality: Mesa near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, April 10, 1893. Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa near Agricultural College; Mesilla Valley; San Andreas Moun- tains. Sandy mesas and valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 14. Phacelia depauperata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 163. 1913. Type locality: Arroyo Ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by David Griffiths (no. 4249). Range: Known only from type locality. 15. Phacelia bombycina Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 163. 1913. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 276). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Bear Mountains. Dry hills. 16. Phacelia tenuipes Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 163. 1913. Type locality: Carrizalillo Spring, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 91). Range: Known only from type locality. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 535 17. Phacelia demissa A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 326. 1875. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Dr. E. Palmer in 1869, doubt- less near Fort Defiance. Range: Utah, Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. We have seen no further specimens of this from New Mexico. 4. NYCTELEA Scop. Small annual herbs with pinnate leaves and small blue or whitish flowers in terminal cymes; calyx lobes relatively large, obovate, accrescent, not appendaged; corolla convolute in bud, about equaling the calyx; stamens included; ovary 1-celied, with fleshy placenta?, styles 2-cleft. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Calyx in fruit less tban 4 mm. long, the lobes rounded-oblong 1. N. micrantha. Calyx in fruit 8 mm. long or more, the lobes narrowly triangular, acute 2. N. nyctelea. 1. Nyctelea micrantha (Torr.) Woot. & Standi. Phacelia micrantha Torr. IT. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 144. 1859. Macrocalyx micrantha Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 157. 1893. Type locality: Stony hills near El Paso. Range: California to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Nyctelea nyctelea (L.) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. ed. 2. 3: 67. 1913. Polcmonium nyctelea L. Sp. PI. 231. 1753. Ellisia nyctelea L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 1662. 1763. Macrocalyx nyctelea Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 434. 1891. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range : Montana and Saskatchewan to New Mexico and Virginia. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standley 6162). Damp ground, in the Transition Zone. 5. HYDROPHYLLUM L. Waterleap. Perennial herb, 30 cm. high or more, from a horizontal rootstock, with large radical leaves or alternate, pinnately parted, long-petioled cauline leaves and terminal long- peduncled cymes of pale bluish flowers; corolla with short funnelform tube and 5 rounded lobes; stamens with slender filaments, exserted; ovary 1-celled, pubescent; style 2-cleft; ovules 4, inclosed in the fleshy placenta; capsule 2-valved; seeds 1 to 4. 1. Hydrophyllum fendleri (A. Gray) Heller, PI. World 1: 23. 1897. Ilydrophylluiii ocn'dentale fendleri A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10:314. 1875. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Idaho and Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; West Fork of the Gila; James Canyon. Wet ground in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones, 121. EHRETIACEAE. Low spreading or prostrate herbs or undershrubs with branched Stems; leaves simple, alternate, entire; flowers solitary, axillary; calyx of •"> narrow sepals united at the base; corolla gamopetalous, narrowly funnelform to campanulate, not append- aged in the throat, the limb of 5 rounded lobes; stamens 5, epipetalous; anthers 2 -< tolled, opening by longitudinal pores; ovary 1-eelled, the fruit \ arious. 536 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA. Nutlet 1, the other cells abortive; inflorescence capitate; sepals linear-subulate 1. Pttxocalyx (p. 536). Nutlets 4; inflorescence axillary; sepals linear-lanceolate. Nutlets cohering by their inner faces so as to form a smooth depressed-globose fruit; stamens equal- ly inserted; plants woody almost throughout, canescent 2. Stegnocarpus (p. 536). Nutlets roughened, cohering by the inner angle to form a 4-parted fruit; stamens unequally in- serted; plants woody only at the base if at all, hispid 3. Eddya (p. 536). 1. PTILOCALYX Torr. Low, much branched shrub with small ovate leaves and white flowers in short- capitate clusters; calyx lobes filiform-subulate, densely hairy; corolla campanulate, the lobes rotund to obovate, crenulate; stamens included, equally inserted near the base of the corolla; ovary 4-lobed, 4-celled, with an obscure glandular ring at the base; styles 2-parted above; fruit 1-seeded by abortion. 1. Ptilocalyx greggii Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 2: 110. pi. 8. 1855. Coldenia greggii A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 182. 1878. Type locality: Near Buena Vista, Mexico. Range: "Western Texas and southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Bishops Cap (Wooton & Standley). Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. STEGNOCARPUS Torr. Prostrate perennial with slender, much branched, woody stems 10 cm. long or less; leaves appressed-canescent; flowers pale pink, axillary; calyx of 5 lanceolate sepals; corolla campanulate-funnelform, the lobes orbicular-obovate, crenulate; ovary ovoid, slightly 4-lobed; fruit of 4 smooth rounded triangular nutlets. 1. Stegnocarpus canescens (DC.) Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 2: 169. pi. 7. 1855. Coldenia canescens DC. Prodr. 9: 559. 1845. Type locality: " In Mexico inter Santander et Victoria." Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Berendo Creek; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; Lakewood. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. EDDYA Torr. Small, prostrate, densely hispid perennials with much branched slender stems about 10 cm. long, from thick woody roots; leaves small, crowded; flowers small, axillary, solitary; corolla salverform or funnelform, with a broad limb; ovary 4-lobed; nutlets 4, cohering by the inner angle, muricate-scabrous. key to the species. Plants merely hispid; leaves linear, revolute; corolla 5 mm. long. . 1. E. hispidissima. Plants white with villous or canescent pubescence; leaves spatu- late, flat; corolla 10 mm. long 2. E. gossypina. 1. Eddya hispidissima Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 2: 170. pi. 9. 1855. Coldenia hispidissima A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 5: 340. 1862. Type locality: "Common on the Rio Grande about El Paso." WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 537 Range: Western Texas to Arizona and Utah. New Mexico: El Rito; south of Torrance; White Sands; Suwanee; Lakewood; Guadalupe Mountains. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Eddya gossypina Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 164. 1913. Type locality: Tortugas Mountain, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, September 2, 1894. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 122. HELIOTROPACEAE. Heliotrope Family. Low annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, exstipulate, entire; flowers perfect, mostly in helicoid cymes; calyx of 5 partially united sepals; corolla gamopetalous, funnelform to salverform, 5-lobed; stamens 5, adnate to the corolla; ovary 2 to 4-celled; styles united; stigma annular, surmounted by a 2-lobed appendage; fruit drupaceous or separating into 2 or 4 nutlets. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fruit of 2 nutlets; flowers large, axillary to leaflike bracts, appearing as if truly axillary 1 . Euploca (p. 537). Fruit of 4 nutlets; flowers small, in terminal helicoid cymes 2. Heliotropium (p. 537). 1. ETJPLOCA Nutt. Spreading strigose annual with entire ovate-lanceolate thin leaves and conspicuous white flowers in the axils of leaflike bracts; calyx lobes narrow; corolla salverform, with a Limb 1 to 2 cm. wide, strongly plicate; stamens included, the anthers cohering by their minutely bearded tips; ovary 4-celled; fruit of 2 1-seeded nutlets. 1. Euploca convolvulacea Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 5: 181. 1837. Heliotropium convolvulaceum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 403. 1857. Euploca g rand ijlor a Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 147. 1848. Type locality: "On the sandy banks of the Arkansas." Range : Nebraska and Colorado to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Sabinal; Albuquerque; Nara Visa; Socorro; Melrose; mesa near Las Cruces; Roswell. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of Euploca grandijlora was collected on the Rio Grande below Santa Fe by Emory in 1847. 2. HELIOTROPIUM L. Annual or perennial herbs with alternate narrow leaves and small white flowers in terminal helicoid cymes; calyx lobes narrow; corolla narrowly funnelform, with a short 5-lobed limb; stamens included; ovary 4-celled or 2-celled; fruit of 4 1-seeded nutlets. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems prostrate; leaves fleshy, glabrous 1 . //. xerophUwrn. Stems erect or nearly so; leaves thin, hispid 2. //. greggii. 1. Heliotropium xerophilum < 'u< ikerell, Bot. Gaz. 33: 379. 1902. Heliotropium spathulatum Ryllon Mountains; Carrizalillo Mountains; Animas Valley; San Lids Mountains; Organ Mountains. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Oreocarya suffruticosa (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 1: 57. 1887. Myosotis suffruticosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 225. 1827. Eritrichium jamesii Torr. in Marcy, Expl. Red Riv. 262. 1854. Krynitzhia jamesii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 277. 1884. Type locality: "Barren desert along the Platte." Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Round Mountain; Carrizozo; Nara Visa; south of Melrose. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. CRYPT ANTHE Lehm. Low, branched, rough-hispid or canescent annuals or perennials with narrow leaves and small flowers in terminal spikes or racemes; calyx closely embracing the fruit and deciduous with it; corolla white, salverform or funnelform; nutlets 4 or by abor- tion fewer, smooth or tuberculate, attached laterally almost to the apex, the margins sometimes acute or even winged. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Nutlets wing-margined 1- C. pterocarya. Nutlets not winged. Nutlets smooth, shining; stems simple or branched at the base. Leaves narrowly linear; plants tall, usually 20 cm. or more, simple at the base 2. C. fendleri. Leaves mostly spatulate or oblanceolate; plants low, sel- dom more than 10 cm. high, branched from the base 3. C. pattersonii. Nutlets not smooth; stems branched from the base. Racemes permanently leafy-bracted throughout 4. C. ramosa. Racemes not bracted except sometimes at the base. Nutlets dissimilar; calyx 5 mm. long; lower leaves narrowly spatulate 5. C. crassisejmla. Nutlets alike; calyx smaller, less than 4 mm. long; all leaves linear. Calyx lobes linear-filiform; plants stout, strongly hispid, leafy 6. C. angustifolia. Calyx lobes ovate-lanceolate; plants very slender, slightly hispid, not very leafy. 7. C. pusilla. 1. Cryptanthe pterocarya (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 1: 120. 1887. Eritrichium pterocaryum Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 142. 1859. Krynitzhia pterocarya A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 276. 1885. Type locality: "Near El Paso." Range: Washington to California and western Texas. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Cryptanthe fendleri (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 1: 120. 1887. Krynitzhia fendleri A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 268. 1885. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Fendler in 1847, probably near Santa Fe. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 547 Range: Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Stinking Lake; C'hama; Santa Fe; Negrito Creek; Aragon. Open slopes in the mountains, chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Cryptanthe pattersonii (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 1: 120. 1887. Krynitzkia patlersonii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 268. 1885. Type locality: "At the base of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado." Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni; Chama. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Cryptanthe ramosa (Lehm.) Greene, Pittonia 1: 115. 1887. Lithospermum ramosum Lehm. PI. Asper. 328. 1818. Krynitzkia ramosa A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 274. 1885. Tyte locality: Mexico. Range: Southeastern New Mexico and western Texas to Mexico. New Mexico: Near Roswell (Wootori). Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Cryptanthe crassisepala (Torr. & Gray) Greene, Pittonia 1: 112. 1887. Eritrichium crassisepalum Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 171*. 1854. Krynitzkia crassisepala A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 268. 1885. Cryptanthe dicarpa A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 16: 30. 1903. Type locality: "On the Pecos, Llano Estacado, etc." Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to Arizona, western Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Albuquerque; Estancia; Santa Fe; Hillsboro; Cliff; Florida Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Queen. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Cryptanthe angustifolia (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 1: 112. 1887. Eritrichium angustifolium Torr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 5: 363. 1857. Krynitzkia angustifolia A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 272. 1885. Type locality: "On the Colorado and Lower Gila, westward to the mountains." Range: Southern California to western Texas. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Dry mesas and sandhills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. Cryptanthe pusilla (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 1: 115. 1887. Eritrichium pusillum Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 171. 1854. Krynitzkia pusilla A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 274. 1885. Type locality: "Rio Pecos to Llano Estacado," New Mexico or Texas. Range: Southern New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Hillsboro; mesa near Agricultural College. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 12. ALLOCARYA Greene. Slender hirsute annual, branched from the base, with nearly linear opposite leaves and very small flowers on thickened pedicels in slender raceme?: corolla salverform, white villi :i yellow throat; nutlets 1, mgulose or muriculate. 1. Allocarya scopulorum Green.', Pittonia 1:16.1887. Type locality: "Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana." Ranch: Washington and Montana to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama {Stcmdley 6800). Wei ground, in the Transition Zone. 13. ECHITJM L. Vni tt's Bl ci.oss. Bough-bristly biennial with linear-lam Uecauline [i av< and showy blue flowers in an open panicle; stamens mostly exserted, unequal; nutlets roughened or wrinkled, attached by a flat ba 548 CONTKIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HEKBAEIUM. 1. Ecliium vulgare L. Sp. PI. 139. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa ad vias & agros." New Mexico: Mesilla (Cockerell). A native of Europe, frequently established as a weed in the United States. 124. VERBENACEAE. Vervain Family. Herbs or shrubs with opposite exstipulate leaves (sometimes apparently fascicled); flowers in elongated or contracted bracted spikes, these somewhat elongated in fruit; calyx limb 2 to 5-lobed, sometimes unequally so; corolla mostly 2-lipped, tubular, 5-merous; stamens didynamous, epipetalous, alternate with the corolla lobes; style single, with 1 or 2 stigmas; ovary 2 to 4-celled; fruit dry, separating at maturity into 2 or 4 nutlets. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fruit of 4 nutlets 1. Verbena (p. 548). Fruit of 2 nutlets. Shrubs , aromatic 4, spikes elongated 2 . Lippia (p . 550) . Herbs, odorless; spikes contracted, headlike 3. Phyla (p. 550). 1. VERBENA L. Vervain. Annual or perennial herbs, erect or prostrate, with simple or pinnately lobed leaves and terminal bracted spikes of flowers; calyx 5-toothed, sometimes unequally so; corolla usually bluish or purple, with 5 unequal lobes; stamens 4, didynamous, the connective sometimes with a gland; ovary 4-celled, the stigma 2-lobed; fruit of 4 nutlets separating at maturity, without a stylopodium. key to the species. Anthers of the upper stamens glandular- appendaged; flowers in depressed spikes; corollas conspicuous. Calyx lobes shortly setaceous-tipped, nearly equal; bracts merely acute; plants erect; nutlets nearly smooth on the lower fourth ; flowers rose purple 1. V. wrightii. Calyx lobes with long setaceous tips, conspicuously unequal; bracts acute or long-acuminate; plants prostrate; nut- lets reticulate almost to the base; flowers rose or bluish purple. Segments of the leaves oblong-lanceolate, 3 to 4 mm. wide; flowers bluish purple; plants stout, occa- sionally with some suberect stems 2. V. ambrosiaefolia. Segments of the leaves narrowly oblong-linear, 1 to 2 mm. wide; flowers rose purple; plants lower and with slender steins 3. V. pubera. Anthers not glandular-appendaged; flowers in elongated spikes; • corollas usually small; leaves simple or once pinnate. Bracts longer than the fruiting calyx; stems prostrate or erect. Plants prostrate, only the ends of the stems ascending. 4. T". braeteosa. Plants erect, all the stems rigidly upright 5. V. imbricata. Bracts shorter than the fruiting calyx; stems erect. Leaves not lobed; spikes dense. Fruiting calyx almost glabrous; plants sparingly hispid 6. V. hastata. Fruiting calyx appressed-hirsutulous; plants hispid- villous throughout 7. V. macdougalii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 549 Leaves pinnatifid or pinnate; spikes slender, inter- rupted. Leaves, at least the basal ones, obovate-oblanceo- late, the segments 5 mm. broad or more 8. V. neomexicana. Leaves mostly linear-oblong, the lower ones with a few salient teeth 9. V. perennis. 1. Verbena wrightii A. Gray, Syn. PI. 21: 337. 1878. Type locality: "Near Frontera, on the borders of Texas, and adjacent New Mexico and Chihuahua." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: San Rafael; Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs; Datil; Magdalena Mountains; Socorro; Black Range; Burro Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Moun- tains; Mesilla Valley. Mountains and foothills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The plants here listed are the common erect plant of the region from which V. wrightii was described, but they do not agree with Doctor Gray's original descrip- tion in the characters "stems simple below" and "from an annual root." We know of no single-stemmed Verbena from the region, and V. ivrightii is probably a short- lived perennial, flowering the first year. Its erect habit and rose purple flowers are very distinctive. 2. Verbena ambrosiaefolia Rydb. in Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1011. 1903. Type locality: Rocky Ford, Colorado. Range : Arkansas and Texas to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Verbena pubera Greene, Pittonia 5: 136. 1903. > "O^ Type locality: Davis Mountains, western Texas. Range: Mountains of western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Horse Camp; Magdalena; Fairview; San Antonio; Carrizalillo Mountains; Clemow; Lordsburg. Upper Sonoran Zone 4. Verbena bracteosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 13. 1803. Verbena rudis Greene, Pittonia 4: 152. 1900. Verbena confinis Greene, loc. cit. Type locality: "Hab. in regione Illinoensi et in urbe Nash-ville." Range: Across the United States. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains and waste ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of V. confinis was collected in the Organ Mountains ( Wooton 409). 5. Verbena imbricata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 1G6. 1913. Type locality: Farmington, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. '2831). Range: Known only from type locality. 6. Verbena hastata L. Sp. PI. 20. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Canadae humidis." Range: British America to California and Florida. New Mexico: Mule Creek; near the Copper Mines. Wet ground, in the 1 pper Sonoran Zone. 7. Verbena macdougalii Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 588. 1899. Type locality: Moist soil in valley near Flagstaff, Arizona. Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. 550 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Dulce; Sierra Grande; Las Huertas Canyon; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; mountains west of Grant; Ramah; Agua Fria Spring; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. Plants of this species sometimes have rose-colored flowers and in a specimen from Fresnal the corolla is white. 8. Verbena neomexicana (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1010. 1903. Verbena officinalis Ursula Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 128. 1859. Verbena canescens neomexicana A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 337. 1878. Type locality: Santa Fata, New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and Chihuahua. New Mexico: Socorro Mountain; mountains west of San Antonio; Mogollon Moun- tains; Kingston; Gray; White Mountains. Low mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 9. Verbena perennis Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 363. 1898. Type locality: Crevices of rocks along the road about 2 miles west of the Mescalero Agency, in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton in 1897. Ranoe: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Mountains; Capitan Mountains; Queen; plains south of Tor- rance. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. LIPPIA L. Branched shrub, about 1 meter high, with slender stems, small, ovate, crenate- serrate, strongly scented leaves, and terminal spikes of small white flowers; bracts ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, about the length of the calyx; calyx about 2 mm. long, with 4 acute equal lobes, densely white-hirsute; corolla about twice the length of the calyx, glabrous within; nutlets thin-walled. 1. Lippia wrightii A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 16: 98. 1853. Type locality: Not stated; probably western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Alamosa; Magdalena Mountains; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Florida Mountains; Dona Ana and Organ mountains; Capitan Mountains; Burro Mountains; Orogrande; White Mountains. Rocky hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. PHYLA Lour. Prostrate herbs, green and glabrate or strigillose, with simple leaves, the small flowers in bracted heads or very short spikes; calyx 2-toothed; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip notched, the lower 3-lobed; stamens 4, didynamous; style short and slender, the stigma oblique; fruit of 2 nutlets inclosed in a persistent calyx. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves broadly lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute, decurrent into a short petiole, bright green, with about 15 serrate teeth. . 1. P. lanceolata. Leaves narrowly to broadly cuneate, sometimes oblanceolate, with no proper petiole, cinereous, with a few coarse teeth above the middle. Peduncles little or not at all exceeding the leaves 2. P. cuneifolia. Peduncles 2 to 5 times the length of the leaves 3. P. incisa. 1. Phyla lanceolata (Michx.) Greene, Pittonia 4: 47. 1899. Lippia lanceolata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 15. 1803. Type locality: "Hab. in Carolina, juxta amniculum." Range: Colorado southward and across the continent. New Mexico: Roswell (Earle 355). Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 551 2. Phyla cuneifolia (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 4: 47. 1899. Zapania cuneifolia Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 234. 1827. Lippia cuneifolia Steud. in Marcy, Expl. Red Riv. 293. 1854. Type locality: "On the Platte." Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Texas and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Zuni; Red Lake; Nara Visa; Sierra Grande. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Phyla incisa Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1012. 1903. Type locality: Near Corpus Christi, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern California. New Mexico: Socorro; Deming; Mesilla Valley; White Sands. Chiefly in adobe soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 125. MENTHACEAE. Mint Family. Aromatic herbs or shrubs with 4-sided stems and opposite leaves; leaves simple, entire or toothed; inflorescence of small cymose clusters in the axils of the normal or reduced leaves or in terminal spikes or heads; flowers perfect, irregular, rarely nearly regular; calyx free, persistent, tubular or campanulate, regular or irregular, 5-toothed; corolla usually bilabiate; stamens 4 or by abortion 2; anthers 2-celled; ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed, 4-celled; fruit of 4 small nutlets in the persistent calyx. key to the genera. Ovary of 4 united carpels, 4-lobed; style not basal; nut- lets attached to each other along the inner angle. Corolla very irregular, the upper lip much reduced. Flowers in a terminal spikelike inflorescence; leaves merely toothed, not pinnatifid 1. Teucrium (p. 553). Flowers solitary, axillary to leaflike bracts; leaves deeply pinnatifid 2. Melosmon (p. 553). Corolla nearly regular, the lobes almost alike. Flowers in small axillary cymose clusters 3. Tetraci.f.a (p. 553). Flowers in thyreoid panicles at the ends of the stems 4. Trichostema (p. 554). Ovary of 4 distinct or nearly distinct carpels; styles basal; nutlets attached at or near the base. Corolla nearly regular, 4 or 5-toothed. Anther-bearing stamens 4 5. Mentha (p. 554). Anther-bearing stamens 2 6. Lycopus (p. 555). Corolla conspicuously bilabiate. Calyx 2-lipped, the lips entire, the upper ones « crested; stamens 4 7. Scutellaria (p. 55 Calyx with more than 2 divisions, not crested; stamens 4, or by abortion 2. Stamens included in the corolla lube 8. Marrubium (p. 556). Stamens more or less exserted. Upper lip of the corolla Bat, not com Stamens straight, distant and diverg- ing; calyx almost regularly 5- toothed; anther-bearing sta- mens I; Bowers in terminal bracted heads 9. Madronblla (p 552 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stamens curved, often converging; calyx various; anther-bearing stamens 2 or 4; inflorescence various. Shrub; calyx regularly 5- toothed; anther-bearing stamens 2 10. Poliomintha (p. 556). Herbs, calyx 2-lipped; anther- bearing stamens 2 or 4. Flowers in terminal heads; leaves large; anther- bearing stamens 4... 11. Clinopoditjm (p. 556). Flowers in axillary clusters or in interrupted spikelike inflores- cences; leaves small; anther-bearing sta- mens 2 12. Hedeoma (p. 557). Upper Up of the corolla more or less con- cave. Anther-bearing stamens 2. Calyx equally 5-toothed; con- nective short, the anther sacs confluent; flowers in crowded, bracteate, ver- ticillate or terminal heads, the bracts often colored 13. Monarda (p. 559). Calyx 2-lipped, the upper lip obscurely 3-toothed or en- tire, the lower 2-toothed; connective long, with a perfect anther sac at one end and a rudimentary one at the other; flowers never in headlike clus- ters 14. Salvia (p. 560). Anther-bearing stamens 4. Upper stamens longer than the lower. Calyx distinctly 2-lipped; flowers very small, ob- scured by the numerous bracts 15. AIoldavica (p. 562 Calyx about equally 5- toothed; flowers usually larger and the bracts of the inflorescence not con- spicuous. Anther sacs parallel or nearly so; stamens di- vergent 16. Agastache (p. 562). Anther sacs divaricate; sta- mens approximate in pairs 17. Nepeta (p. 564). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 553 Upper stamens shorter tlian the lower. Calyx distinctly 2-lipped, closed in fruit 18. Prunella (p. 565). Calyx not 2-lipped, 5-toothed, open in fruit. Upper leaves clasping; nut- lets 3-sided, truncate above 19. Lamium (p. 565). Upper leaves not clasping; nutlets nearly terete, rounded above 20. Stachys (p. 565). 1. TEUCRIUM L. Germander. Erect branched perennial herb with villous-hirsute stems and ovate-oblong, sharply serrate, short-petioled leaves; flowers in long terminal panicles, on short pedicels; calyx campanulate, the lobes shorter than the tube; corolla pinkish purple, 8 to 12 mm. long, tomentulose, glandular, the upper lip short, the lower with 2 short lateral lobes and a central elongated one; stamens 4, exserted. 1. Teucrium occidentale A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 349. 1878. Type locality: Nebraska. Range: British America to California, easjt to the Atlantic Coast. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Farmington; Ojo Caliente; Inscription Rock; Frisco; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Moist ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. MELOSMON Raf. Low spreading perennial herb about 10 cm. high, with laciniately parted leaves and solitary white flowers crowded among leaflike bracts at the ends of the stems; calyx turbinate, strongly 10-ribbed, the lobes linear-subulate, several times longer than the tube; corolla 15 to 20 mm. long, the lower lip much surpassing the calyx; nutlets obscurely reticulate, granular. 1. Melosmon laciniatum (Torr.) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1019. 1903. Teucrium laciniatum Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 231. 1828. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains," Colorado. Range: Colorado to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Perico Creek; Las Vegas; Santa Fe; Sierra Grande; Nam Visa; White Mountains; Gallinas Mountains; Gray; Buchanan. Plains and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. TETRACLEA A. Gray. Perennial herbs with toothed leaves ami rather few flowers in bracted few-flowered axillary clusters on short peduncles and pedicels; calyx campanulate, the limb ."> parted, accrescent, persistent; the 5 lobes of Hie corolla entire, elliptic-obovate, cream-colored, tinged with red outside; stam< ed; Eruil of A pyriform nutlets, very strongly and coarsely reticulated and finely pubescent, the commisural scar somewhat rugose. KKV TO THE SPECIES. Leaves broadly ovate, at leasl the Lower ones entire I. T. coulteri. !■ i es narrowly oblong, conspicuously toothed - T. angtuttfolia. 554 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Tetraclea coulteri A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 16: 98. pi. 41. 1853. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; south of Hillsboro; near White Water; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; south of Roswell; Dayton. Rocky hills and canyons, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Tetraclea angustifolia Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 170. 1913. Type locality: Plains south of the White Sands, Otero County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 403). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. TRICHOSTEMA L. Blue curls. Low shrub, 30 to 60 cm. high, sparingly puberulent or glabrate; leaves small, ovate, petiolate, entire; flowers in small axillary cymes on the upper part of the stems, becom- ing thyrsoid-paniculate; calyx campanulate, with 5 equal acute lobes; corolla with a short tube not equaling the calyx, the lobes longer than the tube; stamens with long capillary curved filaments 2 cm. long or more, much surpassing the corolla; style still longer; fruit of 4 coarsely reticulate-roughened nutlets. 1. Trichostema arizonicum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 371. 1872. Type locality: Chiricahua Mountains, southern Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Berendo Creek; Guadalupe Canyon. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. MENTHA L. Mint. Aromatic perennial herbs with toothed leaves, the small flowers in clusters in the axils of the leaves or forming terminal spikes or verticillate axillary clusters; calyx 5-toothed, tubular or campanulate, 10-ribbed, the teeth equal or nearly so; corolla nearly regular, with short included tube and 5 lobes; stamens 4, erect, the anthers 2-celled, the cells parallel; nutlets smooth. key to the species. Whorls of flowers all axillary 1. M. penardi. Whorls of flowers in terminal spikes. Plants glabrous; leaves acute 2. M. spicata. Plants canescent or tomentose; leaves obtuse 3. M. rotundifolia. 1. Mentha penardi (Briq.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 150. 1906. Mentha arvensis penardi Briq. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: 215. 1895. Type locality: Boulder, Colorado. Range: British Columbia and Nebraska to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Ramah; mountains west of Grants; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Albuquerque; Mimbres; Mangas Springs; Middle Fork of the Gila; Mesilla Valley; White Mountains; Roswell. Wet ground, from the Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. 2. Mentha spicata L. Sp. PL 576. 1753. Spearmint. Mentha spicata viridis L. loc. cit. Mentha viridis L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 804. 1763. Type locality: European. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Mesilla Valley; Anton Chico. A native of Europe, frequently cultivated and often escaped. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 555 3. Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds. Fl. Angl. 221. 1762. Round-leaved mint. Mentha spicata rotundifolia L. Sp. PI. 576. 1753. Type locality: European. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley; Tularosa. Common along ditch banks, introduced from Europe. 6. LYCOPUS L. Bugleweed. Perennial herbs from slender branching rootstocks, with lanceolate or narrowly oblong, toothed leaves, the small flowers sessile in crowded clusters in the axils; calyx 2 to 3 mm. long, with equal triangular-subulate teeth; corolla little longer than the calyx, whitish; nutlets triangular, with a thickened border along the edges, shorter than the calyx. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves narrowly oblong, merely serrate, sessile 1. L. lucidus. Leaves lanceolate to ovate in outline, sinuate-pinnatifid, petiolate. 2. L. americanus. 1. Lycopus lucidus Turcz.; Benth. in DC. Prodr. 12: 178. 1848. Lycopus lucidus americanus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 286. 1870. Type locality: "In montibus Ircutiae." Range: British Columbia and Nebraska to California and New Mexico; also in Eurasia. New Mexico: Farmington (Standley 7019). Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Lycopus americanus Muhl.; Barton, Fl. Phila. Prodr. 15. 1815. Lycopus sinuatus Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 26. 1817. Type locality: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Range: Nearly across North America. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Pe'cos; Chavez; Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs. Wet ground and in meadows, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. SCUTELLARIAE. Skullcap. Annual or perennial herbs with small, entire or toothed, short-petiolcd leaves and solitary flowers axillary to foliar loaves or leafliko bracts; calyx campanulate, 2-lipped, the lips entire, the upper crested, persistent, slightly accrescent; corolla blue or violet, with a recurved tube dilated at the throat, the upper lip arched, llic lower with 2 small lateral lobes and a large middle one; stamens 4; nutlets papillose-tuberculate. key to the species. Annual; plants villous, somewhat glandular 1. S. drummondii. Perennials; plants cinereous-puberulent. . Woody at the base, not stoloniferous, 20 cm. high or loss 2. S. wrigh/ii. Not woody at the base, stoloniferous, 50 to 100 cm. high 3. S. gait riculata. 1. Scutellaria drummondii Benth. Labiat. Gen. Sp. III. 1834. Type locality: "Hab. in America boreali: ad Rio Brazos a provinciae Texas Mexicanorum." Bangs: Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sixteen Spring Canyon; Roswell. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonora a zones. 2. Scutellaria wrightii A . Cray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 370. 1872. j TYPE LOCALITY: Texas. , i Range: Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Black Range; Dog Mountains. Lower and l pper Sonoran zones. 556 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Scutellaria galericulata L. Sp. PI. 599. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae littoribus." Range: Alaska and British America to Arizona and North Carolina; also in Europe. New Mexico: Farmington (Standley 7153). Along streams and in swamps, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Common in this locality in the cattail swamps. 8. MARBUBIUM L. Horehound. Erect, branched, densely white-tomentose perennial herb, with rugose crenate short-petioled leaves and numerous small flowers in crowded axillary clusters; calyx tubular, 10-ribbed, the lobes 10, equal, rigid, uncinate; corolla pale purplish, the tube twice as long as the calyx; stamens 4, included; nutlets granular. 1. Marrubium vulgare L. Sp. PI. 583. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae borealioris ruderatis." Range: A native of Eurasia, introduced in waste places in most parts of North America. New Mexico: In nearly all the moister parts of the State; often abundant, espe- cially where sheep range. 9. MADRONELLA Greene. Perennial herb 30 to 40 cm. high, with many slender erect stems from a woody root; leaves small, about 2 cm. long, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, entire; flowers in a terminal bracted head; calyx tubular, 5-toothed, 10 to 13-nerved; corolla somewhat bilabiate, the upper lip 2-cleft, the lower 3-lobed into narrow similar lobes; stamens 4, sometimes unequal. 1. Madronella parvifolia (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 150. 1906. /Monardella parvifolia Greene, PI. Baker. 3: 22. 1901. Type locality: Canyon of the Gunnison near Cimarron, Colorado. \iV Range: Mountains of Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Mogollon; West Fork of the Gila. Transition Zone. 10. POLIOMINTHA A. Gray. Hoary-canescent shrub about 1 meter high, with entire, linear-oblong to lanceolate, nearly sessile leaves about 2 cm. long; flowers in small axillary clusters toward the ends of the branches; calyx broadly tubular, with 5 narrow equal teeth, densely villous with spreading white hairs ; corolla pale purplish , the tube surpassing the calyx ; fertile stamens 2. 1. Poliomintha incana (Torr.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 296. 1870. Eedeoma incana Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 130. 1859. Type locality: Sandy places near El Paso. Range : Western Texas to Utah and southern Arizona. New Mexico: White Sands. Sandy plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 11. CLINOPODIUM L. Wild basil. Slender perennial herb, 30 to 50 cm. high, with villous-hirsute stems, petiolate, thin, oval or ovate-lanceolate, obscurely toothed leaves, and terminal headlike clusters of Bmall flowers; calyx 13-ribbed, tubular, a little inflated below, the lobes linear, subulate, unequal; corolla longer than the calyx, 2-lipped, the upper lip notched, the lower 3-lobed; stamens 4; nutlets smooth. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 557 1. Clinopodium vulgare L. Sp. PL 587. 1753. Melissa clinopodium Benth. Labiat. Gen. Sp. 393. 1834. Calamintha clinopodium Benth. in DC. Prodr. 12: 233. 1848. Type locality: "Habitat in rupestribus Europae, Canadac." Range: British America to North Carolina and New Mexico; also in Europe. New Mexico: Gallinas Canyon; West Fork of the Gila; White and Sacramento mountains; Brazos Canyon. In woods, in the Transition Zone. 12. HEDEOMA Pers. Pennyroyal. Annual or perennial herbs, 40 cm. high or mostly less, with small entire or toothed leaves and small flowers in axillary clusters among the reduced upper leaves; calyx tubular, 2-lipped, the 3 upper teeth shorter than the 2 lower; corolla narrowly tubular to tubular- funnelform, purple or paler, 2-lipped, the upper lip entire or emarginate, the lower 3-lobed; stamens 2, sometimes with 2 sterile filaments; nutlets smooth. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Upper calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, noticeably broader than the lower ones; calyx sparingly hispidulous; flowers con- spicuous, with gaping corolla; leaves entire. Stems rather stout; leaves elliptic-oblong, obtuse, spreading, not conspicuously veined 1 . 11 . pdlcherrima. Stems slender, wiry; leaves narrowly lanceolate, erect or as- cending, very conspicuously veined 2. H. hyssopifolia. Upper calyx lobes shorter but scarcely narrower than the lower. subulate, villous-hirsute; flowers small, the corolla tube narrow; leaves entire or toothed. At least some of the leaves toothed. Leaves mostly entire, only a few with occasional incon- spicuous teeth; upper leaves lanceolate 3. H. oblongifolia. Leaves all conspicuously toothed, ovate. Corolla conspicuously long-tubular; leaves not pli- cate, their veins inconspicuous 4. //. pulchella. Corolla very short, scarcely exceeding the calyx; leaves plicate, with very conspicuous veins.. . 5. //. plicata. All the leaves entire. Leaves shorter than the subtended calyces 6. II. nana. Leaves longer than the subtended calyces. j Calyx 5 to 6 nun. long, the corolla but little longer, barely exserted 7. //. ciliata. ( alyx 7 to 8 mm. long, the corolla almost twice as long, much exserted 8. // lata. 1. Hedeoma pulcherrima Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Serb. 16: L68. L913. Ttpb locality: White Mountains, Lincoln County, New Mexico Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 2. Hedeoma hyssopifolia A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11: 96. L876. Ttpb i ocau i i : Mount ( rraham, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico ami adjacent Mexico Xi.'.v Mexico: Mogollorj Mountains; Pinos Altos Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 558 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 3. Hedeoma oblongifolia (A. Gray) Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 4. 1900. Hedeoma piperita oblongifolia A. Gray; Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 367. 1872. Hedeoma thymoidcs oblongifolia A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 362. 1878. Type locality: "New Mexico and Arizona." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Tularosa; Hanover Mountain; Middle Fork of the Gila; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Shalam Hills. Low mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. There is very little doubt that this is the plant Doctor Gray had before him, not- withstanding that the name applies much better to some of the other species. There is also little doubt that this is a plant which Doctor Torrey included in his H. dentata in the Botany of the Mexican Boundary Survey, a reference in which others have followed him, although the two plants are very unlike. The leaves of H. oblongifolia are not oblong; the lower cauline leaves are ovate to elliptic, acute and decurrent, entire, with occasionally a few inconspicuous teeth ; the upper ones are lanceolate and acute. Doctor Gray calls attention to these facts in the descriptions cited above. 4. Hedeoma pulcliella Greene, Leaflets 1: 213. 1906. Type locality: Limestone hills near Kingston, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1599). Range: Known only from type locality. 5. Hedeoma plicata Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 130. 1859. Type locality: Dry ravines near the Limpio Mountains, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Queen; White Mountains. Dry hills, in the Up- per Sonoran Zone. 6. Hedeoma nana (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 339. 1898. Hedeoma dentata nana Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 130. 1859. Type locality: "Rocky hills of the Rio Grande, near El Paso." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Organ Mountains; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Hedeoma ciliata Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 183. 1848. Hedeoma sancta Small, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 287. 1899. Type locality: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Gambol. Range: Colorado to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Gallinas Canyon; Sandia Mountains; Tesuque; Pecos; Magdalena Mountains. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. We have not seen types of either H. sancta Small or H. ciliata Nutt. and can not be sure that they are the same plant. What we take to be H. sancta seems to be the common plant of this genus in the region about Santa Fe, the type locality of the other species, and is reported by Doctor Rydberg from southern Colorado. Through the kindness of Dr. J. H. Barnhart we have learned that there is every reason to be- lieve that H. ciliata Nutt. was published a short time before H. ciliata Benth. Thus H. ciliata Nutt. would seem to be the proper name for the Santa Fe plant, with II. sancta as a synonym, providing Doctor Rydberg and we have been correct in referring this southern Colorado and northern New Mexico plant to the latter species. 8. Hedeoma lata Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1040. 1903. Type locality: "On rocky prairies, Texas and New Mexico." Range: Western Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Aztec; Ramah; Magdalena; Santa Rita; Mangas Springs; mountains west of San Antonio; White Mountains; Organ Mountains; Capitan Mountains; Torrance; south of Roswell. Diy plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 559 13. MONABDA L. Horsemint. Annual or usually perennial herbs, 30 to 60 cm. high, with petioled leaves, the flowers in crowded verticillate headlike clusters, these forming either terminal heads or a series of clusters in the axils of the upper leaves and surrounded by conspicuous, often colored bracts; calyx tubular, 15-ribbed, 5-toothed, the teeth about equal; corolla flesh-colored, rose, or purplish, 2-lipped, the upper lip arched, the lower 3- lobed; anther-bearing stamens 2, 2 rudimentary filaments present or wanting; nutlets smooth. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flower clusters terminal and solitary; flowers rose purple. Stems and petioles villous-hirsute, the former especially so below the nodes 1. M. comata. Stems and petioles finely strigose or puberulent. Plants pale green; leaves finely puberulent, velvety to the touch, especially beneath 2. M. menthaefolia. Plants bright green; leaves glabrous, in the dried speci- mens feeling papery to the touch 3. M. stricta. Flowers in several verticillate glomerules in the axils of the up- per leaves, mostly pale. Calyx lobes triangular, acute, about as long as the width of the tube (long-ciliate) ; bracts conspicuously velvety, whitish or rose purple above 4. M. lasiodonta. Calyx lobes narrowly subulate-aristate, several times longer than the width of the tube; bracts mostly greenish, not conspicuously velvety. Bracts lanceolate, tapering into the aristate apex, green; calyx teeth, petioles, and bases of leaves sparingly or not at all ciliate; plants stout 5. M.U nuiartstata. Bracts ovate to oblong, abruptly aristate, sometimes purplish; calyx teeth densely long villous hirsute, the petioles and bases of the leaves sparingly so; plants rather slender (i. .1/. pectinata. 1. Monarda comata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 502. 1901. Type locality: Wahatoya Creek, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas Planting Station; Sierra Grande. Open dopes, in the Tran- sition Zone. 2. Monarda menthaefolia Graham, Edinburgh Phil. Journ. 1829: 317. Isl'd. Type locality: "Between Norway House and Canada," British America. RANGE : Arizona and New Mexico and northward. New Mexico: Rito de Frijoles; I 'haina; Santa Fe Canyon; Middle Fork of the Gila. Mountain-, in the Transition Zone. The distinctions between this and the next are bo Blighl thai it is doubtful whether they should be kepi Beparate, bul the various Bpecies of this group are ;iil so closely related thai they arc separated with difficulty, and then only with large Berii specimen! 3. Monarda stricta Wooton, Bull. Torrey club 25: 263. 1^ 'I'.n ii. I'm Aim: < >n the divide !i miles northeasl of the Meecalero Agency, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, Rangi i lolorado and New Mi 560 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Hop Canyon; Mogollon Mountains; Copper Mines; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 4. Monarda lasiodonta (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1038. 1903. Monarda punctata lasiodonta A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 369. 1872, name only; Syn. Fl. 81: 375. 1878. Type locality: Texas. Range : Oklahoma and Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Mountains west of Grants; San Lorenzo; Inscription Rock; Nara Visa; Organ Mountains. Low hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is probably M. punctata humilis Torr. in Sitgreaves Report,1 from near Zuni, although Doctor Torrey does not mention the very characteristic pubescence of the calyx teeth, the distinguishing peculiarity of the species. 5. Monarda tenuiaristata (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1038. 1903. Monarda citriodora tenuiaristata A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 369. 1872, name only; Syn. Fl. a1: 375. 1878, as synonym. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Arkansas and Kansas to New Mexico. New Mexico: Middle Fork of the Gila; Santa Rita; Animas Valley; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Monarda pectinata Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 182. 1848. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Gallinas Planting Station; Pajarito Park; Barranca; Glo- rieta; Hermits Peak; Inscription Rock; Laguna Blanca; Luna; Water Canyon; Cactus Flat; Burro Mountains; Gila Hot Springs; Middle Fork of the Gila; Gray; Nara Visa. Dry plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 14. SALVIA L. Sage. Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs with petiolate glandular leaves, the flowers in terminal, paniculate or crowded , verticillate clusters; calyx tubular or campanulate, bilabiate, sometimes obscurely so, the upper lip entire or trifid, the lower bifid, the throat smooth; corolla usually brightly colored, blue or red, bilabiate, the upper lip erect, the lower 3-lobed; stamens 2; nutlets ovoid or 3-sided, smooth. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers red ; leaves pinnatifid ; stems white-villous 1. S. henryi. Flowers blue or white; leaves not pinnatifid ; stems variously pubes- cent or glabrous. Shrubs; leaves oblong to ovate. Leaves oblong to elliptic, acute or obtuse, entire or the uppermost obscurely dentate, nearly glabrous; calyx conspicuously veined 2. S. ramosissima. Leaves ovate or deltoid-ovate, acute, crenate, finely but densely canescent or finely puberulent; calyx not conspicuously veined . Calyx limb wine-colored; leaves at most puberulent.. 3. S. vinacea. Calyx limb green ; leaves densely white-canescent be- neath 4. S. pinguifolia. Herbs; leaves linear, lanceolate, or narrowly oblong. 1 Sitgreaves, Rep. Zuni & Colo. 166. 1854. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 561 Annuals, sparingly puberulent; calyx conspicuously lu- labiate and ribbed. Corolla pale blue, barely exceeding the calyx; leaves entire or with a few inconspicuous teeth ; stems and calyx green 5. S. lanceaefolia. Corolla dark blue, one and one-half times the length of the calyx; leaves conspicuously sinuate-den- tate; stems and calyx often deep purple G. S. subincisa. Perennials, the inflorescence canescent or tomentulose; calyx truncate, the lips very short. Calyx densely white or blue-tomentulose, 6 to 8 mm. long, the lobes hardly distinguishable 7. S. earlei. Calyx sparingly canescent, whitish or bluish, slightly more than 8 mm. long; lobes conspicuous 8. S. pitcheri. 1. Salvia henryi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 368. 1872. Type locality: New Mexico, on the Mimbres. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Bear Mountains; Socorro; San Andreas Mountains; Kingston; Upper Corner Monument; Soledad Canyon; Shalam Hills; Tortugas Mountain. Arid hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Salvia ramosissima Fernald, Proc. Amer. Acad. 35: 521. 1900. Type locality; "Canons of the Bio Grande," Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Salvia vinacea Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 170. 1913. Type locality: Florida Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Gold- man (no. 1501). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Florida Mountains; San Andreas Mountains. Canyons in the moun- tains, Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Salvia pinguifolia (Fernald) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 169. 1913. ? Salvia ballolaeflora pinguifolia Fernald, Proc. Amer. Acad. 35: 523. 1900. Type locality: Probably in New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1 . >24). Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Mangas Springs; Hatchet Ranch; Organ Moun- tains. Low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Salvia lanceaefolia Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 5: 49. 1817. ■: y'^yr Tvi'io locality: Described Erom cultivated plants thought to have conic from Peru. Range: Colorado and Kansas to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Waste ground and damp fields, in tlic Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A common but not troublesome weed in gardens and grain fields. 6. Salvia subincisa Benth. PI. I la it w. 20. 1839. Ti pb locaj in: Mexico. Range: v. • tern I iithem Arizona and southward. Nkw Mi nco: Pajarito Park; Gallinas Mountain.-; south of Santa Pb; La Vi Grant; lv. Mogollon Mounl dalena; San Luis Mountain.-; Mountains; White Mountains; Gray; Queen. Open slopes, in the l ppex Sonoran and Ti i mes. 52576 15 36 562 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 7. Salvia earlei Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 169. 1913. Type locality: Thirty-five miles west of Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 375). Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: West of Roswell; Roswell; Sixteen Spring Canyon. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Salvia pitcheri Torr.; Benth. Labiat. Gen. Sp. 251. 1833. Type locality: "Hab. in America septentrionali ad Red River." ./tiJfi4^ Range: Nebraska to New Mexico and Texas. ? « New Mexico: Canadian River (Bigelow). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The specimen probably came from some locality near Tucumcari. 15. MOLDAVICA Adans. Dragon-head. Coarse herb, 20 to 70 cm. high, with branched stems, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, coarsely serrate, petiolate leaves, and flowers in large crowded bracted headlike spikes terminating the branches; calyx tubular, 15-nerved, 5-lobed, the lobes foliaceous, the upper broadest; corolla small, blue, shorter than the calyx; nutlets ovoid, smooth. 1. Moldavica parviflora (Nutt.) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Ulustr. Fl. ed. 2. 3: 114. 1913. Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 35. 1818. Type locality: "Around Fort Mandan, on the Missouri." Range: British America to New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Chama; Sierra Grande; Raton; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Santa Antonita; Ramah; Mogollon Mountains; Bear Mountain; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 16. AGASTACHE Clayt. Giant hyssop. Aromatic perennial herbs, 40 to 80 cm. high, more or less puberulent throughout, with petiolate leaves, the flowers in terminal, dense or interrupted, spikelike panicles; calyx tubular, often colored, 15-nerved, 5-toothed, the teeth triangular to subulate, erect; corolla greenish to red purple, narrowly tubular- funnelform, more or less arched, from barely exceeding the calyx to 2 or 3 times as long, the limb bilabiate; stamens 4, nearly equal; nutlets small, brown, smooth, or granular at the apex. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Calyx 6 mm. long or less; flowers small and inconspicuous. Calyx purplish-tinged, 5 to 6 mm. long 1. A. verticillata. Calyx green or whitish, 3 to 4 mm. long. Panicles dense; corolla white, scarcely exceeding the calyx; calyx mostly green, the lobes acute 2. A. micrantha. Panicles interrupted, verticillate; corolla colored, twice as long as the calyx; calyx teeth subulate, white 3. A. wrightii. Calyx 8 mm. long or more; flowers large and mostly conspicuous. Corolla not over twice the length of the calyx; whole flower 20 mm. long or less. Calyx green, at most with whitish teeth; corolla pale, half as long again as the calyx 4. A. pallidijlora. Calyx colored, at least the teeth; corolla various. Corolla fully twice as long as the calyx, arched, pale; calyx teeth pinkish 5. A. greenei. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 563 Corolla less than twice as long as the calyx, nearly- straight, deep red purple; calyx purple through- out 6. A. neoniexicana. Corolla over twice as long as the calyx; whole flower more than 20 mm. long. Leaves large, 2 to 3 cm. broad and a third longer, all coarsely toothed; panicles dense; calyx lobes trian- gular-subulate 7. A. mearnsii. Leaves smaller, less than 2 cm. broad, some of them entire; panicles loose; calyx lobes merely triangular, acute. Leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, entire; plants cinereous 8. A. rupeslris. Leaves broader, some of them ovate, most of them crenate-dentate, at least on the sides, entire at the apex; plants not cinereous 9. A. cana. 1. Agastache verticillata Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 168. 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley, September 23, 1906. -Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Agastache micrantha (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 168. 1913. Cedronella micrantha A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 369. 1872. Tyi'e locality: "S. W. Texas near the borders of New Mexico." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Carpenter Creek; Middle Fork of the Gila; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Agastache wrightii (Greenman) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 168. 1913. Cedronella wrightii Greenman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 41: 244. 1905. Brittonastruvi wrightii Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 26. 1907. Tyi'e locality: Mountains near Santa Cruz, Sonora. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and northern Sonora. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; near Graham. Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Agastache pallidiflora (Heller) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 150. 1906. BrittQnastrum pallidiflorum Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 621. L899. Type locality: Canyon near the eastern base of Bill Williams .Mountain, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Chaina; La Jam; Middle Pork of the Gila; X Bar Ranch; Gilmores Ranch. Transition Zone. 5. Agastache greenei (I5riq.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: L67. 1913. Brittonastrum greenci Bri<|. Ann. Cons. .lard. Geneve 6: 1">7. L902. Type locality: chama. New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. Range: Northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chaina; near Defiance. Along cliffs in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. We do net agree \\ iih Doctor Rydberg in considering this a Bynonym of .1. juillidi- fiora. A rather extended series ,,i the latter plant, from different localities in Arizona ami western Not Mexico, showa thai it has a green calyx ami pale whitish ilowers, while -1. greenei lias the calyx teetli ami upper part oi the tube pink ur 564 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. purplish and the corolla of a deeper color. Besides these more conspicuous dif- ferences, the corollas in A. greenei are noticeably longer, more arched, and wider at t lie throat. These differences in color and size of corolla and calyx, and evident differences in the calyx teeth, seem to be the most important diagnostic characters in a group of closely related but distinct species, which, until recently, have been taken to belong to two or three very variable ones. A character which is indescribable with our present vocabulary is to be found in the peculiar odors of these plants, because of the volatile oils they contain. These differ very perceptibly in the different species, some of them being pronounced. 6. Agastache neomexicana (Briq.) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 211. 1910. Brittonastrum neomexicanum Briq. Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 6: 158. 1902. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 266). Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Sandia Mountains; Ramah; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains; Organ Mountains. Transition Zone. 7. Agastache mearnsii Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 167. 1913. Type locality: San Luis Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 2251). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains; Animas Valley; Burro Mountains; Pinos Altos Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Agastache rupestris (Greene) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 212. 1910. Cedronella cana lanceolata A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 462. 1878, in part. Cedronella rupestris Greene, Pittonia 1: 164. 1888. Brittonastrum lanceolatum Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 4. 1900. Brittonastrum rupestre Heller, loc. cit. Agastache lanceolata Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 212. 1910. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Range : Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountains. The type of Cedronella cana lanceolata was collected in New Mexico. 9. Agastache cana (Hook.) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat, Herb. 16: 166. 1913. Cedronella cana Hook, in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 77: pi. 4618. 1851. Cedronella cana lanceolata A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 462. 1878, in part. Type locality: Western Texas. Range : Mountains of western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Headwaters of the Pecos; Santa Rita; Hillsboro; Organ and Dona Ana mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. NEPETA L. Catnip. Perennial tomentulose-canescent herb with petiolate, ovate to oblong, subcordate, dentate leaves and pale whitish flowers in crowded verticil late clusters; calyx tubular, slightly oblique, 15-nerved, 5-toothed, obscurely if at all bilabiate; corolla tube enlarged above, the limb strongly bilabiate, the upper lip erect, entire or emarginate, the lower spreading, 3-lobed; nutlets ovoid, smooth. 1. Nepeta cataria L. Sp. PI. 570. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa." New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill. A native of Europe, frequent in cultivation and widely established as a weed. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 565 18. PRUNELLA L. Self-heal. Perennial herb with ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, obscurely toothed, petiolate leaves and stout crowded bracted terminal spikes of purple flowers; calyx reddish purple, 2-lipped, the tube 10-ribbed; corolla 2-lipped, the tube longer than the calyx, the upper lip arched, the lower 3-lobed; stamens 4, 2 of the filaments sterile; nutlets smooth. 1. Prunella vulgaris L. Sp. PI. 600. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae pascuis." Range: Throughout temperate North America, Asia, and Europe. New Mexico: Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; East Canyon; Paiidoso Creek; James Canyon. Transition Zone. Standley's 6787 from Chama is a form with white corollas. 19. LAMIT7M L. Henbit. Low annual with diffusely branched stems and incised or toothed leaves, the lower ones mostly petioled; flowers in axillary clusters; calyx campanulate or tubular- campanulate, the tube 5-nerved, the limb 5-toothed; corolla slender tubular-funnel- form, the tipper lip erect, concave, usually entire, the lower spreading, 3-lobed; stamens 4, all fertile; nutlets smooth or tuberculate. 1. Lamium amplexicaule L. Sp. PI. 579. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae cultis." Range: A native of the Old World, introduced in many parts of North America. New Mexico: Santa Fe (Cockerell). 20. STACHYS L. Hedge nettle. Perennial herbs, 10 to 60 cm. high, with freely branched stems and toothed leaves, the flowers in axillary clusters at the ends of the stems, the upper leaves gradually reduced and the flower clusters appearing as verticels, gradually approximated into an interrupted spike; calyx campanulate-tubular, 5 to 10-ribbed, the 5 lobes equal or nearly so; corolla pink, purple, or bright red, 2-lipped, the upper lip entire or notched, erect, the lower 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest and entire or 2-lobed; stamens I; nutlets smooth, obtuse. key to the species. Corolla much exsortod. bright red, about 25 mm. long; leaves long- petioled; plants puberulent, sparingly hirsute 1. S. coccinea. Corollas barely exceeding the calyx, purplish or pink, about 15 nun. long; leaves short-petioled or sessile; plants hirsute or woolly throughout, especially on the younger parts. .is woolly, especially on the inflorescence, low, 10 to 20 l. (84. 1798. S. \i:i i r in Di Type locality: Not known. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and south? Xi.w Mexico: Kingston; Mangas Springs; San Luis Mountain D Mountains; Organ Mountains, Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 566 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Stachys rothrockii A. Gray, Proc. Amor. Acad. 12: 82. 1876. T\rrE locality: Zuni, New Mexico. Type collected by Rothrock (no. 177). Range: Western New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Zuni; Ojo Caliente; mesa south of Atarque de Garcia. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Stachys scopuloruin Greene, Pittonia 3: 342. 1898. ^ ^oM1^^ Type locality: "Colorado Rocky Mountains." v j Range: Alberta and Minnesota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; mountains west of Grants; Middle Fork of the Gila; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp slopes and along streams, in the Transition Zone. 126. SOLANACEAE. Nightshade Family. Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs with alternate or opposite, exstipulate, simple or compound leaves; flowers perfect, mostly regular; inflorescence various; calyx commonly of 5 more or less united sepals; corolla gamopetalous, more or less 5-lobed, mostly plicate in bud; stamens 5, inserted on the tube and alternate with the lobes of the corolla; style and stigma single; ovary mostly 2-celled, many-ovuled, with a central placenta; fruit a berry or capsule. KEY TO THE GENERA. Fruit a capsule. Capsules spiny in fruit; seeds flattened 1. Datura (p. 5G7). Capsules not spiny; seeds not flattened. Flowers racemose; sepals united; stems erect; flowers white or yellow 2. Nicotiana (p. 567). Flowers solitary in the axils; sepals nearly distinct; stems spreading; flowers pur- plish red 3. Petunia (p. 568). Fruit a berry, sometimes dry at maturity. Shrubs; corolla lobes little if at all plicate, val- vate 4. Lycium (p. 568). Herbs; corolla plicate. Fruiting calyx bladdery-inflated, inclosing the fruit, more or less 5-angled. Corolla rotate, violet or purple 5. Quincula (p. 569). Corolla funnelform, open^ campanulate, or urceolate, yellowish or green- ish, sometimes merely tinged with violet. Corolla minutely toothed on the con- stricted orifice, urceolate 6. Margarantiiur (p. 569). Corolla not toothed, mostly open- campanula te or funnelform 7. Physalis (p. 570). Fruiting calyx not bladdery-inflated. Calyx not inclosing the berry 8. Solanum (p. 572). Calyx closely investing the berry. Stamens dissimilar, declined; prickly annuals 9. Androcera (p. 574). Stamens alike, not declined; low unarmed perennials 10. Chamaesaracha (p. 574). The tomato, Lycopersieuvi esculentum, frequently escapes from cultivation and persists for some time. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 567 1. DATURA L. Thorn-apple. Rank, ill-smelling, annual or perennial herbs with coarse stems, alternate simple leaves, and large axillary solitary flowers; calyx with a long angled tube, often cir- cumscissile near the base; corolla funnelform, white to violet, with a plaited 5-lobed limb, the lobes abruptly acuminate; ovary 2-celled or falsely 4-celled; capsules large, prickly, 4-valved or opening irregularly. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla 15 to 20 cm. long; capsules rather fleshy, bursting irregu- larly 1. D. meteloides. Corolla 10 cm. long or less; capsule dry, 4-valved. Leaves sinuate-pinnatifid ; spines of the capsule long and stout, few 2. D. quercifolia. Leaves sinuately angled or toothed; spines short, slender, numerous. Corolla white; lower spines of capsules shorter 3. D. stramonium. Corolla violet; spines of the capsules all alike 4. D. tatula. 1. Datura meteloides DC; Dunal in DC. Prodr. 131: 544. 1852. Type locality: "In calidis Novae LTispaniae regionibus." Range: Colorado and western Texas to California and southward. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; San Ildefonso; Zuni; Albuquerque; Lake Valley; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Rio Frisco; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Mesilla; south of Ros- well; White Mountains. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A very handsome plant, bearing numerous large, pure white, rather heavily scented flowers. It is abundant on sandy mesas, especially along arroyos. 2. Datura quercifolia H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 7. 1818. Type locality: "Crescit loeis temperatis Regni Mexicani prope Zelaya et Molino de Sarabia, alt. 930 hex." Range: Texas and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Glorieta; Fort Bayard; Mangas Springs; Mimbres; Mesilla Valley. Waste and cultivated ground. A not uncommon weed along ditch banks. 3. Datura stramonium L. Sp. PI. 179. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in America, nunc vulgaris per Europam." Range: Throughout eastern and southern North America; introduced in New Mexico. New Mexico: Fresnal (Wooton). Waste ground. 4. Datura tatula L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 25G. 1762. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Throughout the warmer parts of North America, widely introduced else- where. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill. Waste ground. Introduced into New Mexico from the Bast. 2. NICOTIANA L. TOBACCO. Clammy-pubescent or glabrous herbs or shrubs, with ample, alternate, entire or undulate leaves and terminal panicles of white or yellow flowers; calj \ campanulate to tubular, .", lobed; corolla hinnelform or Balverform, with an elongated tube; stamens included; capsule 2-celled, 2 to 4-valved from the apex; seeds small, very numerous. 568 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants glaucous, more than a meter high, woody below 1. N. glauca. Plants densely viscid, green, less than a meter high, herbaceous throughout. Leaves clasping at the base; flowers diurnal 2. N. trigonophylla. Leaves petiolate, not clasping; flowers nocturnal 3. N. attenuata. 1. Nicotiana glauca Graham, Edinburgh Phil. Journ. 1828: 174. 1828. Type locality: Cultivated from seeds received from Buenos Aires. Range: South America; abundantly introduced into southern North America' from Texas to southern California and Mexico. New Mexico: One mile south of Kingston (Metcalfe 1009). 2. Nicotiana trigonophylla Dunal in DC. Prodr. 131: 562. 1852. Type locality: Aguas Calientes, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern California and southward. New Mexico: Fairview; Carlisle; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Dog Mountains; mountains west of San Antonio; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Tularosa; Lincoln; Lakewood. Canyons, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Nicotiana attenuata Torr.; S. Wats, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 276. pi. 27./. 1. 1871. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: California to Utah and Texas. New Mexico: Aztec; Carrizo Mountains; Silver City; Mangas Springs; Berendo Creek. Sandy plains, Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. PETUNIA Juss. Diffuse prostrate annual with numerous small entire leaves and inconspicuous soli- tary axillary flowers; calyx of 5 narrow sepals united only at the base; corolla funnel- form, pale purplish red, about 5 mm. long; capsules ovoid, 3 to 4 mm. long, surpassed by the calyx lobes. 1. Petunia parviflora Juss. Ann. Mus. Paris 2: 216. pi. 47. 1803. Type locality: "De l'embouchure de la Plata." Range: Southern Florida to Texas and southern California; also in tropical America. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley. Waste ground and along stream beds, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. LYCIUM L. Tomatilla. Shrubs with divaricate branches, many of them ending in spines; leaves alternate or often fascicled, thickish, entire or undulate; flowers mostly in few-flowered axillaiy cymes; calyx of 5 sepals united at the base, persistent in fruit; corolla funnelform to almost salverform, greenish or purplish, 5-lobed; stamens mostly exserted; ovary 2- celled ; berries globose, fleshy, scarlet. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems slender, recurved or climbing; introduced plant 4. L. halimifolium. Stems stout; native plant. Flowers greenish, 20 mm. long; older branches dark reddish brown 1. L. pallidum. Flowers purplish, 12 mm. long or less; branches grayish. Corolla 8 to 12 mm. long; leaves large, numerous 2. L. torreyi. Corolla 5 mm. long, leaves small 3. L. parviflorum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 569 1. Lycium pallidum Miers, Illustr. S. Amer. PI. 2: 108. 1849-57. Type locality: "In Nova Mexico." Type collected by Fendler (no. 670), prob- ably near Santa Fe. Range: Utab and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Canizo Mountains; Cedar Hill; Barranca; Zuni Reservation; Thoreau; Tiznitzin; Fort Bayard; Mangaa Springs; Bear Mountain; Dog Spring; Organ Moun- tains; Nogal. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Lycium. torreyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 47. 1862. Type locality: "Texas, on the Rio Grande." Range: Western Texas to southern California. New Mexico: Black Range; Playas Valley; north of Deming; Las Palomas Hot Springs; Socorro; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains. Dry valleys and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The fruit of this and other species is eaten by the native people. The flavor is rather insipid . 3. Lycium parviflorum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 48. 1862. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Florida Mountains; White Sands; White Mountains; east of Deming. Dry plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. Lycium halimifolium Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. no. 6. 1768. Matrimony vine. Lycium barbarum vulgare Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2: 3. 1811. Lycium vulgare Dunal in DC. Prodr. 131: 509. 1852. Type locality: China. * A native of Europe and Asia, common in cultivation in the United States and frequently escaped. It is said to be established in the vicinity of Las Vegas. It is cultivated at Raton and in the Mesilla Valley. 5. QUINCULA Raf. Low diffuse scurfy perennial herb with sinuately toothed or lobed leaves and violet flowers in small axillary clusters; calyx campanulate, inflated at maturity, sharply 5-angled, reticulated; corolla rotate, pentagonal; seeds few, reniforra, somewhat I! .ih ued, thick-margined, rugose-tuberculafe. 1. Quincula lobata (Torr.) Raf. Atl. Journ. 145. 1832. Physalis lobata Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 226. 1827. Type locality: "On the Canadian ?" Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Kansas and New Mexico to California and Mexico New Mexico: Mora; Raton; Roswell; Ruidoso Creek; La Lande; Buchanan; Lincoln. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. MARGARANTHTJS Schlecht. Smooth annuals villi the appearance of Physalis, but with an urceolate corolla more or less constricted and minutely 5-toothed at the throat and with a rather dry fruit. KKY TO I II I Calyx half as long as the corolla, in fruit about 8 nun. in diameter.. I M. tolanaa us. Calyx fully two-thirds as long as the corolla, in fruit L2 to 15 mm. in diameter 2. M. purpura* 570 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Margaranthus solanaceus Schlecht. Ind. Sem. Hort. Hal. 1838; Linnaea 13: l.in. 99. 1839. Type locality: "Nascitur in t orris Moxicanis locis calidioribus." Described from plants grown from seeds sent by Ehrenbcrg. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Van Pattens; Mangas Springs. 2. Margaranthus purpurascens Rydb. Mem. Torrey Club 4: 317. 1S96. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 307). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Kingston. 7. PHYSALIS L. Ground-cherry. Annual or perennial herbs, 50 cm. high or less, glabrous or pubescent; leaves entire or toothed ; flowers axillary, usually solitary, nodding in anthesis; calyx much inflated, completely covering the fruit, usually 5-angled, the lobes connivent; corolla open caiupanulate-funnelform, yellowish, often with a darker center, with 5 short lobes; fruit a globose pulpy berry with numerous seeds. key to the species. Annuals. Plants pubescent nearly throughout. Plants stout, erect; leaves sinuate-crenate LP. neomexicana. Plants slender, diffuse; leaves nearly entire 2. P. pubescens. Plants glabrous, or with a few hairs on the young branches. Corolla narrowly campanula te, less than 3 mm. broad 3. P. lanceifnlin. Corolla rotate-campanulate, more than 10 mm. broad. Pedicels much longer than the fruiting calyx; corolla yellow 4. P. iirightii. Pedicels usually shorter than the fruiting calyx; corolla with a purplish blotch in the center 5. P. ixocarpa. Perennials. Leaves glabrous, the rest of the plant mostly so. Leaves broadly ovate, sinuate; calyx pyramidal, much inflated 6. P. macrophysa. Leaves lanceolate, entire or nearly so; calyx ovoid, little inflated 7. P. longifolia. Leaves, as well as the rest of the plant, pubescent. Pubescence at least in part stellate. Plants low, densely and conspicuously stellate- pubescent; leaves as broad as long, many of them orbicular, obtuse 10. P. cinerascens. Plants tall, finely and sparsely stellate-pubescent, the branching of the hairs noticeable only under a lens; leaves ovate, acute 11. P.fendleri. Pubescence not at all stellate. Pubescence fine and dense, appressed, often grayish.. 12. P. hederaefolia. Pubescence, at least in part, of long spreading hairs. Plants very viscid, densely pubescent, spread- ing; leaves broadly ovate, obtuse 13. P. comata. Plants with a few long hairs, scarcely viscid, erect; leaves lanceolate or nearly so, acute. Pubescence long and soft, spreading 8. P. lanceolata. Pubescence of fewer, short, scarcely spread- ing hairs 9. P. polyphylla. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 571 1. Physalis neomexicana Rydb. Mem. Torrey Club 4: 325. 1896. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 679), probably Dear Santa Fe. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Albert; Gallinas Mountains; Pecos; Santa Fe; Mogo- llon Mountains; Kingston; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; \Yhite Mountains; Gray. Fields in the mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. A common weed in cultivated and waste ground. The berries are very large and are sometimes gathered for making preserves. 2. Physalis pubescens L. Sp. PI. 183. 1753. Type locality: " Habitat in India utraque." Range: Pennsylvania and Florida to California and tropical America. New Mexico: Mangas Springs (Rusby 310). 3. Physalis lanceifolia Nees, Linnaea 6: 473. 1831. Type locality: Peru. Range: Western Texas to Arizona, south to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley (Wooton & Standley 3149). 4. Physalis wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 63. 1874. Chamaesaracha physaloidcs Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 122. 1882. Type locality: Prairies along the San Pedro River, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern California and Mexico. New Mexico: Two specimens from the southwestern part of the State seen, both without definite locality. 5. Physalis ixocarpa Brot.; Hornem. ITort. Ilafn. Suppl. 26. 1819. Physalis aequala Jacq. f.; Nees, Linnaea 6: 470. 1831. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Colorado and Texas to California and Mexico, and in tropical America; also introduced eastward. New Mexico: Ojo Caliente (Wooton 2697 . Rydbcrg ' reports Fendler's 680 as this species. 6. Physalis macrophysa Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 22: 308. 1895. Type locality: Not definitely stated. Range: New Mexico and Texas to Kansas and Arkansas. New Mexico: Filmore Canyon (Wooton I. 7. Physalis longifolia Nutt. Trans. Amor. Phil. Soc n. ser. 5: 193. 1837. Type locality: "On sandy banks of the Arkansas near Hello Point." Range: Wyoming and Arizona to Iowa and Arkansas, and in Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Aztec; Perico Creek; Chama; Pecos; Albuquerque; Garfield; Zuni; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Moist ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 8. Physalis lanceolata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 149, L803. Physalis pennsyhanica lanceolata A. Gray, .Man. ed. 5 T v i' B locality: "Habitat in Carolina." Range: Nortb and South Carolina to Wyoming and Arizona. New Mexico: Near Santa Fe; Weal Fork of the Gila. 9. Physalis polyphylla (ireene, Pittonia 4: 160. L900. Typi; mm Mil', Piedra, southern < kuorado. Range: Colorado and New Mexico. 1 Mem. Torrey Club I B96. 572 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Mouth of Indian Creek; Pecos; Nara Visa. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. Our specimens have broader leaves than the type and are larger and stouter, but the -eence, flowers, and fruit are the same. 10. Physalis cinerascens (Dufial) Hitchc. Spr. Fl. Manhattan 32. 1894. Physalis pennsylvanica cinerascens Dunal in DC. Prodr. 13': 435. 1852. Physalis mollis cinerascens A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 66. 1874. Type locality: Texas or Mexico. Range: Oklahoma and Texas to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Knowles; 20 miles south of Roswell. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Physalis fendleri A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 66. 1874. Type locality: "In the northern part of New Mexico." Type collected by Fendler. Range: Colorado to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Cedar Hill; Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Raton; Pecos; Zuni; Magdalena Mountains; Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; Dog Spring; Apache Spring. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Physalis hederaefolia A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 65. 1874. Physalis digitalifolia Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 288. 1895. Physalis palmeri A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 235. 1878. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Colorado and Texas to southern California and Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Big Hatchet Mountains; Organ Mountains; Tor- tugas Mountain; White Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 13. Physalis comata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 22: 306. 1895. Type locality: Nebraska. Range: Nebraska and Kansas to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Stanley; Las Vegas; Raton; Sierra Grande; Las duces; Gray. Hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. SOLANUM L. Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes prickly, with simple or pinnate leaves, the inflorescence of terminal or axillary cymes; calyx mostly rotate, 5-lobed; corolla white, purplish, or violet, rotate, the limb 5-angled or lobed, plicate; stamens adnate near the throat, the anthers narrowed upward, opening by terminal pores or slits; ovary smooth, 2-celled; berries subglobose in the persistent calyx^ pulpy or dry, with numerous flattened seeds. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennials. Plants stellate-pubescent, prickly; roots without tubers... 1. S. elaeagnifolium. Plants neither stellate nor prickly; roots with tubers. P'lowers white; leaflets mostly lanceolate 2. 5. jamesii. Flowers purplish; leaflets elliptic to ovate 3. S. fend It ri. Annuals. Leaves pinnatifid 4 . S. triflorum. Leaves sinuate-dentate or entire. Plants viscid -villous; fruit greenish or yellowish 7. S. villosuit). Plants not viscid -villous; fruit black. Leaves sparingly strigose beneath; corolla 3 to 4 mm. long; fruiting calyx spreading 5. $. intervus. Leaves densely strigose beneath; corolla 6 to 8 mm. long; fruiting calyx erect 6. S. douglasii. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 573 1. Solatium elaeagnifolium Cav. Icon. PI. 3: 22. pi. .',;.;. I7!J1. Trompillo. Solatium jlavidum Torr . Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 227. 1827. Type locality: "Habitat in America calidiore." Range: Kansas and Colorado to Arizona and Mexico; also in South America. New Mexico: Abundant except in the San Juan Valley and the higher mountains. Plains and valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A very abundant and troublesome weed in cultivated fields of the valleys. It is remarkable for the length of its roots. Ordinarily the flowers are violet, but they vary to blue and very frequently white. The berries are used by the native people as a substitute for rennet in curdling milk. 2. Solanum jamesii Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 227. 1827. Type locality: "The station was not recorded but is probably on the Arkansa.'' Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Santa Fe; Pecos; Pajarito Park; west of Grants Station; Zuni Reservation; Magdalena Mountains; Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Animas Creek; White Mountains; Alamogordo. Plains and low hills, Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. 3. Solanum fendleri A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 22: 285. 1S56. Wild potato. Solanum tuberosum boreale A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 227. 1878. Type locality: "In tr^e northern part of New Mexico." Type collected by Fend- lerinl847. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Gallinas Canyon; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; ^ bite and Sacramento mountains; Hanover Mountain. Damp shaded slopes, in the Tran- sition Zone. 4. Solanum triflorum Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 128. 1818. Type locality: "As a weed in and about the gardens of the Mandans and Minita- ries, and in no other situations. Near Fort Mandan." Ran<;e: British America to New Mexico. New Mexico: Common, except along the lower Pecos Valley. Plains, especially about prairie dog town-;, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. Solanum interius Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 641. 1905. Black nigh rsa ide. Type locality: Middle Loup River, near Mullen, Nebraska. Range: i and Colorado to Texas and California. New Mexico: Raton; Chiz; Santa Rita; Middle Fork of the Gila; ' liff; K ton; Mesilla Valley; Dog Spring; 0 - White M slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transil ion zone A common weed in cull Lvated an I iund, espe< tall; lies. 6. Solanum douglasii Dunal in DC. Prodr. 131: 48. Lfi Solanum nigrum douglasii A. Graj in Brewer & ' Calif. 1:538. 1S76. T, i E i ■•■< '\i.itv: " In Nova California."' Range: Southern California to we tern v. Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Santa Rita (Eohinger). 7. Solanum villosum Mill. (laid. Diet. ed. 8. no. 2. 1 Tv i'K locaij i ■) : Barbados. Range: British Columbia and Wyoming to Mexico and ! atro- duced in the eastern Dnil d New Mexico: 1 EotSprh dc Fitch \ . 574 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 9. ANDEOCEEA Nutt. Buffalo bur. Prickly herb 30 cm. high or less, with spreading branches; leaves once or twice pinnatifid, with broad undulate or sinuate lobes; calyx spreading, 5-lobed, closely investing the fruit; corolla rotate, 5-angled; stamens 5, anthers unequal, tapering upward, opening by terminal pores; berry dry, the seeds flattened. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Flowers yellow; pubescence stellate 1. A. rostrata. Flowers purple; pubescence mostly glandular 2. A. novomexicana. 1. Androcera rostrata (Dunal) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 150. 1906. Solatium rostratum Dunal, Sol. Syn. 234. pi. 24- 1813. Solarium heterandrum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 156. pi. 7. 1814. Androcera lobata Nutt. Gen. PI. 1: 129. 1818. Type locality: Described from cultivated plants. Range: Wyoming and North Dakota to Texas and Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Pecos; Rio Frisco; Kingston; Cliff; Cloverdale; Angus; Roswell; Albert; Elida; Nara Visa. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Androcera novomexicana (Bartlett) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 170. 1913. Solarium heterodoxum novomexicanum Bartlett, Proc. Amer. Acad. 44: 628. 1909. Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 673). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: San Juan; Las Vegas; Pecos; Santa Fe; Fort Bayard; Santa Rita, Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. CHAMAESAEACHA A. Gray. Low, perennial, diffusely spreading herbs with entire or pinnatifid leaves and flowers in axillary few-flowered clusters; calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, somewhat enlarged at maturity, closely investing the fruit, open at the mouth, neither ribbed nor angled; corolla rotate, ochroleucous, often purple-tinged; anthers oblong, open- ing by longitudinal slits; seeds reniform, flattened, rugose-favose or punctate; berry pulpy. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants villous, densely viscid 1. C. conioides. Plants sparingly stellate-pubescent, scarcely if at all viscid 2. C. coronopus. 1. Chamaesaracha conioides (Moric.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 287. 1895. Solarium conioides Moric; Dunal in DC. Prodr. 131: 64. 1852. Withania ? sordida Dunal, op. cit. 64. Chamaesaracha sordida A. Gray in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 540. 1876. Type locality: Between Laredo and San Antonio, Texas. Range: California and Kansas to Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Tucumcari; Hatchet Ranch; Kingston; Dog Spring; Organ Moun- tains; Tortugas Mountain; Gray; Knowles; Lincoln; Buchanan; mountains west of San Antonio; Lakewood. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Chamaesaracha coronopus (Dunal) A. Gray in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 540. 1876. Solanum coronopus Dunal in DC. Prodr. 131: 64. 1852.- Type locality: Between Laredo and San Antonio, Texas. Range: California, Utah, and Kansas to Mexico. New Mexico: Nearly throughout the State. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 575 127. SCROPHULARIACEAE. Figwort Family. Herbs or shrubs with usually terete stems and opposite, alternate, or whorled, exstip- ulate, simple, lobed, or parted leaves; flowers perfect, irregular; calyx of 4 or 5 more or less united sepals, persistent; corolla gamopetalous, commonly 2-lipped; stamens 4 or 5, usually of 2 kinds, more or less adnate to the corolla, alternate with its lobes; ovary 2-celled, superior, the styles united or nearly distinct; fruit a 2-celled 2-valved capsule, or rarely baccate; seeds usually numerous. KEY TO THE GENERA. Anther-bearing stamens 5 1. Verbascum (p. 577). Anther-bearing stamens 4 or 2. Low shrubs; leaves silvery-canescent; corolla fun- nelform 2. Leucopuyllum (p. 577). Herbs (a few suffrutescent at the base) ; leaves and corolla various. Corolla tube spurred or saccate on the lower side. Corolla tube spurred; flowers in terminal spikes, dark blue; steins erect 3. Linaria (p. 577). Corolla tube saccate at the base; flowers mostly solitary, axillary, light blue; stems twining. Capsules subglobose, opening by 2 or 3 pores; Beeds with irregular corky ridges 4. Antirrhinum (p. 578). Capsules ovoid, the base of the style becoming hardened and broad- ened, the lateral valves adhe- rent at the base; seeds winged. 5. Maurandia (p. 578). Corolla not spurred nor saccate at the base. Stamens 5, 4 anther-bearing, the fifth not antheriferous, often rudimentary. Staminodium merely a scale adnate to the upper side of the corolla tube. Perennials, 50 cm. high or more; seeds numerous; corolla no1 gibbous at the base 0. ScrOPHULARIA (p. 578). Annuals; 10 cm. high or less; seeds few or solitary; corol- la gibbous at the base 7. Collinsia (p. 579). Staminodium an elongated filament, usually longer than the anther- bearing ones. Corolla strongly bilabiate, more or less oblique 8. Pbntstbmon p 5 I Corolla nearly salverform, not strongly bilabiate, the lobes nearly alike 9. LBIOSTBMON (p. 5& Stamens t or 2. Upper lip or lobes of the corolla ei terna] in the bud. Corolla nearly regular; leaves in a basal rosette 13 Lmo blla (p '■• 576 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Corolla bilabiate; stems leafy. Anther-bearing stamens 2 10. Gratiola (p. 586). Anther-bearing stamens 4. Sepals united into an a n g 1 ed tube; leaves merely toothed, or entire. 11. Mimultjs (p. 586). Sepals distinct or nearly so; leaves pinnat- ifid 12. Conobea(p. 588). Lower lip or lobes of the corolla ex- ternal in the bud. Stamens 2. Corolla almost regularly 4- lobed ; leaves mostly cauline; inflorescence not scapelike 14. Veronica (p. 588). Corolla none, or 2-lipped; leaves basal ; inflores- cence scapebke 15. Besseya (p. 590). Stamens 4. Corolla slightly 2-lipped, yel- low; stamens not ascending under the upper lip 16. Dasystoma (p. 590). Corolla distinctly 2-lipped, of various colors; stamens as- cending under the upper lip. Anther sacs dissimilar, the inner one pendulous by its apex; leaves mostly alternate. Calyx 2-phyllous, or by ab- sence of the lower part 1-phyllous 17. Adenostegia (p. 590). Calyx gamosepalous, united into a tube below. Calyx deeply cleft before and behind, less deeply so (or not at all) on the sides; up- per lip of the corolla much longer than the 3-lobed lower one ; mostly perennials. . .18. Castilleja (p. 591). Calyx almost equally 4- cleft; upper lip of corolla slightly if at all longer than the 1 to 3-saccate lower one; annuals 19. Orthocarpus (p. 594). Anther sacs alike, parallel; leaves mostly opposite. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 577 Calyx 4-toothed, inflated and veiny in fruit; capsules orbicular 20. Rhlntanthus (p. 595). Calyx cleft below or both above and below, not inflated ; capsules ovoid or oblong, oblique. Galea prolonged into a fili- form recurved beak; throat with a tooth on each side 21. Elephantella (p. 595).. Galea not prolonged into a beak, or this not fili- form, straight; throat without teeth 22. Pedicularis (p. 595). 1. VERB AS CUM L. Mullein. Coarse, densely woolly, biennial herb 1 meter high or more, with large, thick, spatu- late or elliptic-spatulate, decurrent leaves on a thick stem, and a rosette of similar basal ones; flowers in a crowded thick terminal spike; sepals 5, partly united; corolla rotate, yellow; stamens 5, exserted; seeds rugose, wingless. 1. Verbascum thapsus L. Sp. PI. 177. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europse glareosis sterilibus." Range: A native of the Old World, widely introduced into North America, espe- cially in pastures and along roadsides. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Pecos; Mogollon; Ruidoso Creek. The specimens collected along Ruidoso Creek were found at an altitude of at least 2,700 meters. They had the appearance of being a native plant, but had been carried in by cattle. The plant is also well established at Mogollon as a roadside and garden weed. 2. LETJCOPHYLLTJM Humb. & Bonpl. Low spreading shrub with small silvery-canescent obovate-spatulate leaves and solitary axillary pink flowers; calyx lobes valvate, the outer ones linear; corolla fun- nelform-campanulate, with 5 rounded lobes; stamens 4, included; styles united; seeds numerous, strongly rugose. 1. Leucophyllum minus A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 115. 1859. Type locality: "Hills on and near the Pecos," western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains ( Wooton). Dry hills. 3. LINARIA I.. Slender glabrous annual, 30 cm. high ur less, with erect scapelike flowering stems and a cluster of weak leafy ones at the base; leaves entire, oblong to elliptic, acute, alternate or vcrticillatc; flower racemose, deep blue; sepals 5, partly united; corolla irregular, the tube spurred at the base; stamens 4, included; capsul< 3 au 1. Linaria canadensis (L.) DuM. do Cours. Bot. Cult. 2: 96. L802. I '. i i i i i > \ i > ii \ i Antirrhinum canadense I>. Sp. PL 618. L753. Typk locality: "Habital in Virginia, < anada." Range: British America to California and Florida Ni w Mi xico: Glorieta; Florida Mountains ; Eillsboro; mesa \\<-t of Organ Moun- tains. Sandy plain.-, in 1 1n- Upper Sonorau Zone. 52576°— 15 37 578 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. ANTIRRHINUM L. Slender vine with thin triangular-hastate glabrous leaves and light blue solitary axillary flowers; sepals partially united, narrowly lanceolate, persistent and slightly accrescent, not carinate at the base in fruit; corolla 2-lipped, the tube more or less saccate at the base, the limb short; stamens 4, included; capsule subglobose, 5 to 8 mm. in diameter, opening by chinks near the persistent base of the style; seeds numerous, corky-thickened on the angles. 1. Antirrhinum antirrhiniflorum (Willd.) Hitchc. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 4: 113. 1893. Maurandia antirrhiniftora Willd. Hort. Berol. pi. 83. 1816. Antirrhinum maurandioides A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 376. 1868. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Clemow; Lower Plaza; Silver City; Kingston; Grand Canyon of the Gila; Guadalupe Canyon; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and sandy fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. MAURANDIA Ortega. Very similar in most respects to the preceding, but a larger coarser plant, the leaves thicker, somewhat narrower; flowers larger, light blue, the corolla scarcely gibbous at the base; calyx lobes accrescent and persistent, strongly carinate outside at the base, closely investing the capsule; this ovoid, surmounted by the hardened and flattened base of the style, opening by 2 long slits at the top; seeds numerous, dark brown, winged . 1. Maurandia wislizeni A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 111. 1859. Type locality: Along the Rio Grande below Dona Ana, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wislizenus in 1846. • Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: San Marcial; Deming; Mesilla Valley. Sandy mesas and river valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. SCROPHULARIA L. Figwort. Large coarse branched leafy green perennial herbs, mostly over 1 meter high, with opposite or whorled leaves and terminal panicles; leaves mostly large, flat, variously toothed; calyx lobes 5, relatively broad; corolla dull reddish or greenish, the tube open-campanulate, 2-lipped, the lips short; anther-bearing stamens 4, the upper filament reduced to a scale; capsules ovoid, the seeds numerous, wingless, wrinkled. key to the species. Corolla 15 to 20 mm. long, reddish 1. S. coccinea. Corolla 12 mm. long or mostly less, dull greenish. Branches of the inflorescence ascending, forming a dense panicle; leaves finely and evenly toothed 2. S. montana. Branches of the inflorescence spreading, forming a loose few- branched panicle; leaves coarsely and unevenly laciniate- serrate. Plants glabrous throughout or nearly 6o; petioles long, usually half as long as the blades, these light green. . 3. S. laevis. Plants densely and finely puberulent on the stems, variously pubescent elsewhere; petioles less than one-third as long as the blades, these dull dark green 4. S. parvifiora. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 579 1. Scrophularia coccinea A. GrayinTorr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 111. 1859. Type locality-: "At the base of a rocky ledge near the summit of a mountain, Santa Rita del Cobre," New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1470). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Transition Zone. An extremely rare plant, apparently, collected only twice. 2. Scrophularia montana Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 308. 1898. Type locality: Eagle Creek near Gilmores Ranch in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton in 1897. Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White and Sacramento moun- tains; Brazos Canyon . Transition Zone. 3. Scrophularia laevis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 173. 1913. Type locality: Organ Peak, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley, September 23, 1906. Range: Moist canyons of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 4. Scrophularia parviflora Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 173. 1913. Type locality: In the Mogollon Mountains on the West Fork of the Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 345). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico, probably in adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Graham. Transition Zone. 7. COLLINSIA Nutt. Slender low annual with obtuse, entire, oblong or lanceolate, sessile, opposite leaves and solitary long-pediceled flowers in the axils of the leaves; corolla blue or blue and white, deeply 2-lipped, the tipper lip 2-cleft, the lower 3-lobed, the middle lobe a keel-shaped sac inclosing the 4 declined stamens and style; anther cells con- tinent; fifth stamen represented by a gland near the base of the*corolla; capsules ovoid or globose. 1. Collinsia teneUa (Pursh) Piper, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: I'tb'. 1906. Antirrhinum, tenellum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 421. 1814., Collinsia parviflora Dougl.; Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 13: pi. 10S2. 1827. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: British Columbia and Lake Superior to California and northern New Mexi' New Mexico: Hills southwest of Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6504). Open si >] in tlie Transition Zone. 8. PENTSTEMON Solaud. BeaBD-TONQUE. Perennial caulescent herbs with opposite, entire or toothed leaves, these some- times cla ping or perfoliate; flowers in terminal racemes or pan! le . calj \ lob< entire or toothed ; corolla usually Bhowy, mostly elongated tubular- funnelform, white to purpli li or scarlet, distinctly 2-lipped; anther-bearing Btamens 4, the liitli fila- nn hi sterile, more or loss: boarded or glabrous; capsules ovoid; seeds numerous, w ingless, angled or rounded. Ki:v TO THE sin ( II 9. Anthi Loe-ahaped or sagittate, opening only on the prox- imal part. Inflorescence glandular; terns glabrous; tube of corolla only -I i.'li i ly dilated I . P. bridg* Inile puberulenl ; t ube much di- lated 2. /'. tpinul 580 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Anthers variously shaped, dehiscent for nearly their whole length. Flowers scarlet or cardinal red. Plants strongly glaucous 3. P. superhus. Plants green, seldom or never glaucescent. Corolla contracted at the mouth, the lobes 3 mm. long or less. Sepals broadly ovate, obtuse; cauline leaves triangular-lanceolate, thick 4. P. crassulus. Sepals lance-ovate or narrower, acute; cauline leaves triangular-ovate, thin 5. P. cardinalis. Corolla not contracted at the mouth, the lobes much more than 3 mm. long. ( Jorolla inflated in the throat; leaves elongated - linear 6. P. lanceolatus. Corolla nearly tubular; leaves not elongated- linear. Leaves filiform, crowded 7. P. pinifolius. Leaves broad, lanceolate or wider, not crowded . Corolla obscurely bilabiate, the lobes scarcely spreading; pedicels short, stout 12. P.eatoni. Corolla strongly oilabiate, the lobes spreading; pedicels long, slender. Lower lip of corolla bearded within. 8. P. barbatus. Lower lip not bearded. Anthers glabrous 9. P. torreyi. » Anthers long-bearded 10. P. trichander. Flowers never scarlet nor cardinal red, crimson to blue or white. Upper leaves perfoliate 11. P. spedabilis. None of the leaves perfoliate. Anthers bearded with long villous hairs. Stems and leaves puberulcnt 15. P. comarrhenvs. Si ems and leaves glabrous. Calyx lobes acute or obtuse 13. P. strictus. Calyx lobes long-acuminate 14. P. strictiformis. Anthers not bearded, sometimes short-hirsute. Plants suffruticose at the base; leaves linear or nearly so. Calyx lobes scarious-margined , dentate or erose; floral leaves reduced ...16. P. linarioides. Calyx lobes scarcely scarious-margined, entire; floral leaves not reduced. Leaves green, glabrate 17. P. crandalhi. Leaves grayish, canescent-puberulent.18. P. teucrioides. Plants not suffruticose at the base; leaves va- rious. ( Jorolla tube almost cylindric or very slightly widened upward. Leaves more or less dentate 19. P. humilis. Leaves entire. Calyx lobes merely acute; inflorescence glandular, loose 21. P. oliganthus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 581 Calyx lobes attenuate or abruptly acu- minate; inflorescence glandular or glabrous, open or dense. Inflorescence glandular; flowers few, remote . . .20. P. gracilis. Inflorescence not glandular; flowers numerous, dense 22. P. rydbergii. Corolla decidedly funnelform, the throat much wider than the tube. Sterile stamen glabrous. Sepals long-attenuate, villous; most of the leaves denticulate 23. P. whippleanus. Sepals merely acute to truncate, not attenuate, nearly glabrous; leaves dentate or entire. Stems puberulent; sepals acute 24. /'. virgatus. Stems glabrous; sepals acute to trun- cate. Sepals obtuse or truncate 25. P. neomexicun us. Sepals attenuate or abruptly acu- minate. Anthers short-hirsute; pedicels pubescent; inflorescence very dense; upper leaves ovate or cordate 2G. P. brandegi i. Anthers glabrous; pedicels gla- brous; inflorescence open; upper leaves lanceolate 27. P. unilateralis. Sterile stamen bearded. Stems glandular, at least about the in- florescence; plants seldom glau- cous. Steins glabrous below 28. /'. stenosepalus. Stems pubescent throughout. Steins densely glandular through- out 30, /'. similis. Stems glandular only above. Stems pruindse-p u be r u 1 <• n t ; leaves"entire 29. /'. metcalft i. Stems hirsute; leaves evidently serrate.. 31. P. pulchellus. Stems glabrous throughout; plants glau- cous. Bracts of the inflorescence mostly longer than the flowers; basal leaves linear or nearly so 32. /'. caud Bracts shorter than the flower basal Leav< a spat ulate or obi in< • olate Bracts ovate to nearly orbicul a. . . .33. P. cyathophoru*. Bracts lanceolate or lineai I late. Calyx lobes lanceolate 34. P. at cund\flonu, Oalya lobes o1 tte S leri. 582 CONTBIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HEKBAEIUM. 1. Pentstemon bridgesii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 379. 1868. Type locality: California. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to California and Nevada. New Mexico: Trujilloa Ranch on the Rio Frisco (Wooton). Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Pentstemon spinulosus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 173. 1913. Type locality: Magdalena Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey, June, 1881. Range: Known only from the type locality. 3. Pentstemon superbus A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 17: 100. 1904. Pentstemon puniceus A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 113. 1859, not Lilja, 1843. Type locality: Guadalupe Canyon, Sonora. Range : Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs (Metcalfe 68). Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Pentstemon crassulus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 172. 1913. Type locality: Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico. Type collected by Fred G. Plunimer in 1903. Range: Known only from type locality. 5. Pentstemon cardinalis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 171. 1913. Type locality: White Mountain Peak just above the forks of Ruidoso Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 6, 1895. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Canadian Zone. 6. Pentstemon lanceolatus Benth. PI. Hartw. 22. 1839. Pentstemon paucijlorus Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 218. 1881. Type locality: Mexico. Range : Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Dog Spring (Mearns 102, 2353). The type of P. paucijlorus was collected along the Gila River by Greene, in 1880. 7. Pentstemon pinifolius Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 218. 1881. Type locality: "Summits of the San Francisco range, back of Clifton, in south- eastern Arizona." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Animas Mountains; Hillsboro Peak. Transition Zone. 8. Pentstemon barbatus (Cav.) Nutt. Gen. PL 2: 53. 1818. Chelone barbata Ca.v. Icon. PL 3: 22. pi. 242. 1794. Pentstemon coccineiis Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. North. Mex. 107. 1848. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountain; West Fork of the Gila; Reserve; Graham. Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. 9. Pentstemon torreyi Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 324. 1846. Pentstemon barbatus torreyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 59. 1862. Type locality: "Versus montes Scopulosos," Colorado. Range: Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Common in all the liigher mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition and Canadian zones. Standley's 6790 from Chama is a form with salmon-colored corollas. It is common in this locality. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 583 10. Pentstemon trichander (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 151. 1906. Pentstemon barbatus trichander A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11: 94. 1875. Type locality: Southwestern Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; near Fort Defiance; Coolidge. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. Standley's no. 7775 from the Tunitcha Mountains is a form with purplish red flowers. A considerable number of such plants were noticed in the Tunitcha Moun- tains, but the prevailing color is scarlet. 11. Pentstemon spectabilis Thurb.; Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 119. 1856. Type locality: Southern California. Range: Southern New Mexico to California. New Mexico: Organ Mountains. Rocky canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Pentstemon eatoni A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 395. 1873. Type locality: Provo Canyon, Wahsatch Mountains, Utah. Range: Utah and Nevada to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7315). Rocky canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Pentstemon strictus Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 324. 1846. Type locality: "In montibus Scopulosis ad fontes fl. Sweetwater." Range: Wyoming to New Mexico and Utah. New Mexico: Chusca Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains. Mountains, in the Transi- tion Zone. 14. Pentstemon strictiformis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 642. 1905. Type locality: Mancos, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New. Mexico: Ford of the Chama; Sandia Mountains; Fort Wingate. 15. Pentstemon comarrhenus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 81. 1887. Type locality: Utah. Range: Utah and Colorado to northern New Mexico. New M bxico: Dulce (Standley 8118). Open hills, in the Transition Zone. 16. Penstemon linarioides A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 112. 1859. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Ranck: Western Texas to Utah and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Raman; Carrizo Mountains; Mangas Springs; Luna; Crawforda Ranch; west of Silver City; San Luis Mountains; I. as Animas; Organ Mountains. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. Pentstemon crandallii A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 354. 1899. I', ntttt mon vylm A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 32. 1902. Type locality: Near Coino, Park County, Colorado. Range: < lolorado to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Stinking Lake; Tierra Amarilla. Low mountains, in the Transition Zone. 18. Pentstemon teucrioides Greene, PI. Bakor. 3: 2:!. 1901. Type w>< \li c . : Sapinero, Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. i >: Hills south of Tierra Amarilla (Eggluton 6549) Open hills, in the T, in Ltion Zone 584 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 19. Pentstemon humilis Nutt.; A. Gray, Proe. Amer. Acad. 6: 69. 1862. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains." Range: Montana and Alberta to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Hermits Peak; Cross L Ranch. Open meadows, in the Transition Zone. 20. Pentstemon gracilis Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 52. 1818. Pentstemon -pubescens gracilis A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 69. 1S62. Type locality: '' From the Arikarees to Fort Mandan, in depressed soils." Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Glorieta; Sandia Mountains; Santa Fe; Benlah. Open hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 21. Pentstemon oliganthus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 172. 1913. Type locality: Mountains west of Grants Station, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 1, 1892. Range: Known only from type locality. 22. Pentstemon rydbergii A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 281. 1898. Pentstemon erosus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 28. 1901. Type locality: Indian Creek Pass, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Moist meadows, in the Transition Zone. 23. Pentstemon wbippleanus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 73. 1862. Type locality: Arroyos in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Tjpe collected by Bigelow. Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Beulah; Jemez Mountains; White Mountain Peak. Transition Zone. 24. Pentstemon virgatus A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. But. 113. 1859. Type locality: Santa Rita del Cobre, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1476). Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Pajarito Park; Inscription Rock; Sandia Mountains; Glorieta; Ra- mah; mountains west of Grants; Fort Wingate; Mogollon Mountains; Burro Mountain.-; Santa Rita; Hanover Mountain. Transition Zone. This has generally been confounded with P. secundijiorus A. Gray, not Benth. (/'. unilateralis Rydb.), but it is a very different plant. 25. Pentstemon neomexicanus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 172. 1913. Type locality: In pine woods near Gilmores Ranch on Eagle Creek, White Moun- tains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley (no. 3507). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains. Transition Zone. ^ ^ 26. Pentstemon brandegei Porter, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 343. 1900. Pentstemon cyananihus brandegei Porter in Port. & Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 91. 1874. Type locality: Sierra Mojada, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is one of the most Bhowy and probably the handsomest of all our species. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 585 27. Pentstemon unilateralis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 150. 1906. Pentstemon secundiflorus Benth. err. det. A. Gray, Syn. PI. 21: 263. 1878. > Type locality: "Mountains of Colorado, common at 8 or 9,000 feet." \lMfT Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. -* New Mexico: Near Chama (Wooton 2796, Standley 6550). Mountain meadows, in the Transition Zone. / 28. Pentstemon stenosepalus (A. Gray) Howell, Fl. Northw. Amer. 514. 1903. Pentstemon glaucus stenosepalus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 70. 1862. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains. Mountain meadows, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 29. Pentstemon metcalfei Woot. & Standi. Torreya 9: 145. 1909. Pentstemon puberulus Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 112. 1909, not M. E. Jones, 1908. Type locality: On sandy slopes at the Lookout Mine, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1605). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Transition Zone. ..jy 30. Pentstemon similis A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 548. 1898. -. *b° Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 575). Range: Colorado to western Texas. New Mexico: Pecos; Clayton; Chusca Mountains; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; Mag- dalena Mountains; Santa Fe; mountains west of Patterson. Hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 31. Pentstemon pulchellus Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 14: pi. ll.JS. 1828. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Sun Luis Mountains (Mearns 2112, 2222). 32. Pentstemon caudatus Heller, Minn. Bot. Stud. 2: 34. 1898. /'. ntsU /mm angustijolius caudatus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 151. 1906. Type locality: Barranca, Taos County, New Mexico. Type collected l>y Heller (no. 3581). Ranch: Colorado and New Mexico. NEW MEXICO: Barranca; Aztec. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoma /'.one. 33. Pentstemon cyathophorus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 643. 1904. Tyi'e locality: Pearl, Colorado. Kami.: < olorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Arroyo Ranch; Hillsboro; Santa Fe. Dry hills, in the I'ppcr Sonoran Zone. 34. Pentstemon secundiflorus Lent h. in DC. Prodr. 10:325. I^lti. T, ri: locality: Rocky Mountains. Ran<.i : (Vyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill Farmington; Raton. Dry hills, in the I pper Sonoran /.olie. 35. Pentstemon fendleri A. Gray, I'.S. Rep. Expl, Mi-. 1'e n. 2: I6&.pl. I Typi looalttt: "<>n the Pecos and l Lano Estacado," New M. \i. .. Ranci : < olorado and New M. ■. Mi vie, Santa Fe; Water Canyon; Sierra Grandi rierra Imarilla; \,ira \ i .i mountains wesl ol San Lntonio; Carrizalillo Mounl [oun tains. Hills ai hi plains, in the • pper Sonoran and Transition 586 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 9. LEIOSTEMON Raf. Slender, much branched perennial herbs, about 80 cm. high or less, with narrow leaves and showy paniculate flowers; corolla hardly bilabiate, obliquely salverform, whiteor tinged with red outside; fifth stamen glabrous, occasionally with a rudimentary anther. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Tube of corolla 10 to 15 mm. long; throat little dilated 1. L. ambiguus. Tube of corolla 5 mm. long or less; throat much dilated 2. L. thurberi. 1. Leiostemon ambiguus (Torr.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 223. 1906. Pentstemon ambiguus Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 228. 1828. Leiostemon purpureus Raf. Atl. Journ. 145. 1833. Type locality: "Near the Rocky Mountains," Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Utah and Colorado to western Texas and southern California. New Mexico: Clayton; Nara Visa; Albuquerque; Aden; Hop Canyon; Jarilla; south of Melrose; Buchanan. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Leiostemon thurberi (Torr.) Greene, Leaflets 1: 223. 1906. Pentstemon thurberiTorr. U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 7: 15. 1857. Pentstemon ambiguus thurberi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 64. 1862. Type locality: Burro Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Antisell in August, 1854. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Magdalena Mountains; Albuquerque; near Juniper Spring; Carrizozo; Gage. Dry hills and plains, in the Ix>wer and Upper Sonoran zones. 10. GRATIOLA L. Hedge hyssop. Low annual, 30 cm. high or mostly less, with narrow sessile leaves and small axillary flowers on peduncles nearly equaling the leaves; calyx lobes nearly equal; corolla deeply bilabiate, the upper lip entire or 2-cleft, the lower 3-cleft; capsules 4-valved, manv-seeded. 1. Gratiola virginiana L. Sp. PI. 17. 1753. ^^ Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." * " Range: British America to California and Florida. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6659); Brazos Canyon (Standley & Bollman). Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 11. MIMULTJS L. Monkey flower. Annual or perennial herbs, usually growing in wet soil, 50 cm. high or less, with solitary, axillary, or by the reduction of the leaves racemose flowers; sepals united into a 5-angled tube with short oblique limb; corolla strongly 2dipped, yellow or purple, the upper lip spreading or reflexed, the lower erect; stamens 4; capsules loculieidally dehiscent, inclosed in the persistent papery calyx. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla purple or reddish. Corolla 8 mm. long or less; annual 1. M. rubellus. Corolla 35 mm. long or more; perennial 8. M. cardinalis. Corolla yellow. Corolla tube twice as long as the calyx 2. M. parvulus. Corolla tube little or not at all exceeding the calyx. Calyx teeth equal; leaves elliptic or narrowly oblong ',i. M. yratioloides. WOOTON AND STANDLET FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 587 Calyx teeth unequal; leaves broader, mostly orbicular- ovate. Plan ts pubescent 4 . M. puberulus. Plants glabrous or nearly so. Stems usually floating, rooting at the nodes; corolla about 8 mm. long 5. M. geyeri. Stems neither floating nor rooting at the nodes; corolla more than ]0 mm. long. Corolla 2 cm. long or less; slender annual; leaves usually as broad as long 6. M. cordalus. Corolla 2 to 3 cm. long; stout perennial; leaves longer than broad 7. M. langsdorfii. 1. Mimulus rubellus A. Gray, in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 116. 1859. Type locality: Wet ravines of the Organ Mountains and Copper Mines. New Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico to California. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Organ Mountains. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Mimulus parvulus Woot. & Standi. Contr, U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 171. 1913. Type locality: Rocky Canyon, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by J. M. Holzinger in 1911. Range: Known only from type locality. 3. Mimulus gratioloides Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 27. 1901. A^ Type locality: Butte, 5 miles southwest of La Veta, Colorado. ; j^ Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6473, 6479, 6505). Open bills, in l ho Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 4. Mimulus puberulus Greene, Leaflets 2: 4. 1909. - ^A*" Type locality: Pagosa Springe, Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Along streams in the mountains, Transition Zone. 5. Mimulus geyeri Torr. in Nicoll. Rep. Miss. 157. 1S43. Mimulus jamesiiToir. & Gray; Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 371. 1846. n^jM Tvi'i: locality: "Fresh water springs, Devil's Lake.'' Range: North Dakota and Michigan to Illinois and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Apache Spring; Mangas Springs; White Mountains. In water. 6. Mimulus cordatus Greene, 1 eaflets8:5. L909. Type locality: Bear Mountain, near Silver city. New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 28). Range: Mountain i of \< w Mexico. \ i .\ MEXICO: Sandia Mountain Raw Mmmtjiiiw; T)ng Spring; San T.iiia Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Along Btreams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. Probably this is .1/. ruuutua Greene, and qoI constantly differenl from \l langedorfii. 7. Mimulus langsdorfii Don; Sims in I urtis's Bot. Ma 36: pi 1501. L812. Mimulus guuatus In'. Cat. Bort. Monsp. L27. [813. Tl PB LOI mi..: I n.il.i 1 .i Rangi Ua I i md California to Colorado and New Mexico. 588 CONTBIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Mauguitas Spring; mountains soutlieast of Patterson; Fort Bayard; Lower Plaza; Hillsboro; Cloverdale; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Along streams, in the Transition Zone. 8. Mimulus cardinalis Dougl.; Benth. Scroph. Ind. 28. 1835. Type locality: California. Range: Wet ground, Oregon and California to Mexico and western New Mexico. New Mexico: Gila Canyon (P. F. Mohr). 12. CONOBEA Aublet. Low slender annual with pinnatifid leaves and small axillary flowers; calyx lobes unequal, longer than the tube; corolla 2-lipped; stamens 4, included, the anther sacs parallel, contiguous; styles united, incurved; capsules ovoid-conic, septicidally dehiscent, the valves entire or 2-eleft; seeds striate. 1. Conobea intermedia A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 117. 1859. Type locality: Dry hills around the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1485). % ^^ Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita. 13. LIMOSELLA L. Mudwokt. Small glabrous aquatic plants with fibrous roots, a cluster of entire fleshy leaves at the nodes of the stolons, and short scapelike naked pedicels from the axils, each bearing a small white flower; calyx campanulate; corolla rotate-campanulate. 5-lobedj nearly regular; stamens 4, the anther cells confluent. 1. Limosella aquatica L. Sp. PI. 631. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae septentrionalis inundatis." Range: British America to California and New Mexico; also in Europe, Asia, and South America. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; West Fork of the Gila; Bartlett Ranch. In mud and shallow water, in the Transition Zone. The plants from southern New Mexico have remarkably narrow leaves but not so narrow as in L. tenuifolia Hoffru. 14. VERONICA L. Speedwell. Low annual or perennial caulescent herbs with opposite or sometimes alternate, entire or toothed leaves and axillary racemose or spicate flowers; sepals 4, slightly united at the base; corolla whitish or blue, rotate, slightly irregular, the lower lobe usually narrowest; stamens 2, on either side of the upper corolla lobe: capsules flat- tened, notched or 2-lobed at the apex. key to the species. Flowers in axillary racemes. Leaves all short-petioled, the blades ovate to oblong 1. V. americana. Leaves mostly sessile, the blades of various shapes. Leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, conspicuously b< r- rate, 35 mm. long or more, not narrowed at the base; sepals not exceeding the, capsule 2. V. anagallis- aquatica. Leaves oval or obovate, entire or nearly so, less than 30 cm. long, narrowed at the base: sepals con- spicuously exceeding the capsule 3. V. niicromera. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 589 Flowers in terminal spikes or racemes or solitary in the axils of the leaves. Annuals; flowers solitary in the axils of the little reduced leaves. Pedicels shorter than the oblong to linear cauline leaves. .4. V. xalapensis. Pedicels longer than the ovate cauline leaves 5. V. tourvcfortii. Perennials; flowers in terminal spikes or racemes; leaves of the inflorescence much reduced. All leaves sessile, ovate to oblong; capsules merely emarginate 6. V. wormskjoldii. Lower leaves petioled, the blades rounded-oval to oblong; capsules obcordate 7. V. scrpyllifolia. 1. Veronica americana Sehwein.; Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10:468.1846. American isrooklime. Type locality: "In America boreali a Canada et Carolina usque ad num. Oregon et in ins. Sitcha." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tuniteha Mountains; Farmington; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Gallo Spring; West Fork of the Gila; Reserve; White and Sacramento mountains. Along streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transi- tion zom 2. Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. Sp. PI. 12. 1753. Water speedwell. Type locality: '"Habitat in Europa ad fossas." Range: British America to Arizona and North Carolina. New Mexico: Rio Mimbres (Thurber 217). Along streams. 3. Veronica micromera Wont, ct Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: L74. 1913. Type locality: Along ditches in the vicinity of Shiprock, on the Navajo Reserva- i i < > 1 1 , New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 7283). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Veronica xalapensis II. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 389. 1817. Purslane speedwell. Veronica peregrina of many authors, not L. 1753. Type locality: "Creecitiii Regno Mexicano prope Xalapa (alt. 630 hex.), in nemor- ibus Liquidambai is St\ racifluae." Range: British America to California and Mexico. Xew Mexico: Santa IV and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountain.-; Shiprock; Chama; Mogollon Mountains; Kingston; Organ Mountains; \\1iite and Sacramento mountains. Chiefly in the Transition^Zone. 5. Veronica tournefortii K. Gmel. Fl. Badens. 1: 30. 1805. Veronica buxbaumii Ten, I'l. Napol. 1: 7. pi. I. L811. Type locality: " Prope < iarlsruhe in agris am Eolzhof, ante aliquot annos ex horto Etta el nunc quasi spontanea," Germany. N i.w M bxico: Beulah 1 1 'och r, 11). A Dative of Europe, introduc< d in many places in the United Statos. 6. Veronica wormskjoldii Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 1: KM. L817. Alpine spbi d* i i l Type loc ojty: Greenland. Range: British America to Arizona and Now Hampshire. Xi w M exico: Santa Feand l .>- Vegas mountains. Wei ground, from the Canadian to the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 590 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 7. Veronica serpyllifolia L. Sp. PI. 12. 1753. Thyme-leaved speedwell. Veronica serpyllifolia neomexicana Cockerell, Amer. Nat. 40: 872. 1906. Type locality: ''Habitat in Europa & America septentrionali, ad vias, agros." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Georgia; also in Europe. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. The type of V. serpyllifolia neomexicana was collected on the top of the Las Vegas Range. 15. BESSEYA Rydb. Perennial herbs with simple scapose stems and toothed leaves, these mostly basal, the cauline ones reduced; flowers small, the inflorescence spicate; calyx 4-parted, with oblong divisions; corolla short-campanulate, 4-parted, somewhat irregular; stamens 2, exserted, the anther cells not confluent, mostly parallel; capsules com- pressed, obtuse or emarginate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Upper lip of corolla twice as long as the calyx; plants 10 to 15 cm. high 1. B. alpina. Upper lip of corolla only slightly exceeding the calyx; plants 15 to 30 cm. high 2. B. plantaginea. 1. Besseya alpina (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 280. 1903. Synthyris alpina A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 34: 251. 1862. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Wheeler Peak. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 2. Besseya plantaginea (Benth.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 280. 1903. Synthyris plantaginea Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 455. 1846. Type locality: "Ad origines flum. Platte." Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe' and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountain Peak. In woods, Transition to Hudsonian Zone. 16. DASYSTOMA Raf. False foxglove. Perennial herb, 30 to 60 cm. high, with slender erect stems, linear leaves, and long- pediceled flowers from the axils of the reduced upper leaves, the inflorescence becom- ing somewhat racemose; sepals 5, united below; corolla yellow, open-funnelform, slightly irregular, the lobes spreading; stamens 4, included, the filaments pubescent; capsules acute, beaked, loculicidal. 1. Dasystoma wrightii (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 171. 1913. Gerardia wrightii A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 118. 1859. Type locality: "Hill sides between Babocomori and Santa Cruz, Sonora." Range: Arizona and New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 2435). 17. ADENOSTEGIA Benth. C --^ Annual, 30 to 40 cm. high., freely branched, scabrous-puberulent, with crowded ter- minal spikes of dull yellow flowers, and with alternate pinnatifid leaves with linear segments; calyx spathelike, of 1 or 2 lobes, not colored; corolla tubular, the lips sub- equal; stamens 4, the anther cells dissimilar, ciliate or bearded; style hooked at the apex. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 591 1. Adenostegia wrightii (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 180. 1891. Cordylanthus wrightii A. Gray in Ton-. XJ. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 120. 1859. Type locality: " Prairies, from 6 to 30 miles east of El Paso, Western Texas." Range: Western, Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Gallup; Zuni Reservation; San Lorenzo; Ramah; Mogollon Mountains; Bear Mountain. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A decoction of this plant is used by the Navahos as a cure for syphilis. 18. CASTILLEJA Mutis. Painted cup. Annual or perennial herbs, 80 cm. high or mostly less, often parasitic on the roots of other plants; leaves alternate, simple or lobed; flowers in terminal spikes, sub- tended by conspicuous, often bright-colored bracts; calyx of almost wholly united sepals, the tube laterally compressed; corolla often highly colored, strongly 2-lipped, the upper lip arched, the lower very short; stamens 4, inclosed in the upper lip of the corolla, the anther sacs unequal, the outer attached at the middle, the inner pendu- lous by its apex; stigma entire or.2-lobed; capsules loculicidal; seeds reticulated. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals. Upper leaves and bracts linear; plants slender 1 . C. minor. Upper leaves and bracts lanceolate; plants stout 2. C. exilis. Perennials. Galea less than 3 times as long as the lip, rarely half as long as the corolla tube; bracts mostly yellow or brownish. Leaves pinnately divided, at least the upper ones; bracts reddish, entire or lobed. Plants lanuginous throughout; corolla scarcely surpassing the calyx 3. C. Jineata. Plants not lanuginous; corolla much exceeding the calyx 4. C. sessiliflora. L< aves entire; bracts entire or slightly lobed, tinged with yellow. Plants low, 5 to 15 cm. high; corolla less than 2 cm. long 5. C occidentals. Plants taller, 20 to 40 cm. high; corolla usually more than 2 cm. long. Plants darkening in drying or turning blight bluish green; leaves merely acute, lanceolate or elliptic 6. C. luteox art ns. Plants usually not darkening in drying; leaves long-attenuate or- acuminate, linear- lanreohite 7. C. sulphurta. Galea Bevera] tunes longer than the lip, usually at least two-thirds as long as the corolla tube; bracts scarlet, crimson, or rose. Calyx cleft mud deeper in front than behind Upper leaves lanceolate, 3-nerved, usually entire. 8. C wootoni All the leaves linear, L-nerved, pinnatifid 9. ( linariae/olia. Calyx about equally cleft before and behind. St in i \ Ulous canescen.1 or densely woolly. Planl ; densely \\ bite-woolly throughout; Leaves lanuginous on both surfaces. . . 10. (intuitu. Plants villous-canescent; leaves glabrous on • tiie upper surface 1 1 . C.inUgra. 592 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stems neither villous-canescent nor lanuginous. Leaves, at least the upper ones, pinnately cleft like the bracts. Galea much longer than the tube of the corolla 12. C. eremophila. Galea shorter than the tube of the corolla. Plants glabroua up to the inflores- cence; bracts rose-colored 13. C. haydeni. Plants hirsute or villous throughout; bracts scarlet to crimson 14. C. angustifolia. Leaves entire or the uppermost slightly 3- lobed. Leaves mostly linear, conspicuously pubescent 15. C. organorum. Leaves linear-lanceolate or broader, mi- nutely puberulent or glabrous. Bracts crimson or purplish. Bracts mostly entire, if lobed with an obtuse middle lobe; stems glabrous or nearly so 16. C. lauta. Bracts 3-cleft with lanceolate lobes; stems hirsute or vil- lous throughout 17. C. trinervis. Bracts scarlet or nearly so. Bracts usually entire, rarely with 2 linear lobes, obtuse; stems with spreading pubescence 18. C.austromontana. Bracts all lobed, the lobes often narrow, acute or obtuse; stems with spreading or appressed pubescence. Pubeecence spreading, rough; bracts much divided; plants branched above 19. C. inconstans. Pubescence weak or appressed, not spreading; bracts spar- ingly lobed; stems simple. . . 20. C. confum. 1. Castilleja minor A. Gray, in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 573. 1876. Castilleja affinis minor A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 119. 1859. Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Animas Creek; Santa Rita. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Castilleja exilis A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 17: 100. 1904. Castilleja stricta Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 354. 1900, not DC. 1846. Type locality: Ruby Valley, Nevada. Range: Washington and Montana to Nevada and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Farmington. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Castilleja lineata Greene, Pittonia 4: 151. 1900. Type locality: Moist slopes near Pagosa Springs, southern Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Dulce; Canjilon; Vermejo Park. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 593 4. Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 738. 1814. Type locality: "In Upper Louisiana." Range: Saskatchewan and Illinois to Missouri, Texas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; Cross L Ranch; mountains west of San Antonio; Carrizalillo Mountains; San Andreas Mountains. Dry plains and foothills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Castilleja occidentalis Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 230. 1827. Castilleja pallida occidentalis A. Gray in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 575. 1876. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountains," Colorado. Range: British America to northern KeAv Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Truchas Peak. Meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 6. Castilleja luteovirens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 26. 1901. Type locality: Sangre de Cristo Creek, Colorado. -M^ Range: Wyoming and Utah to northern New Mexico. "* ' ■-"" j New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Manzanares Valley; Ensenada. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 7. Castilleja sulphurea Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 359. 1900. .j. n Type locality: Electric Peak, Montana. _ M\' Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Catskill; Jemez Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Wet meadows, Transition to Arctic-Alpine Zone. 8. Castilleja wootoni Standley, Muhlenbergia 5: 84. 1909. Type locality: Gilmores Banch on Eagle Creek, "White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton & Standley (no. 3411;. Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition and Canadian zonea. 9. Castilleja linariaefolia Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 532. 1846. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range: Open woods, Wyoming to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Chama; Dulce; Rosa; Ramah; Winsor Creek; Aztec; Gallinaa Canyon; San Ignacio. Transition Zone. 10. Castilleja lanata A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 118. 1859. Type locality: "Along and near the Kiy Grande, fmm Kaide I'j - > i< .. in Id Paso," Te Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. Nku Mexico: Dog Mountains; Soledad Canyon. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Castilleja integra A. Gray in Torr.-U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. L19. 1 Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Common nearly throughout the State. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Castilleja eremophila Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 171. L913. Typb locality : Arid Bandy mesas about the north end of the ( arrizo Mountains, northeast corner of Arizona. Type collected by Standley (no. 7164). Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Castilleja haycleni (A. Cray) Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 17: 37. L898. Castilleja pallida haydeni A. Cray, Syn. Fl. 21: 297. L878. Ti n; locality: "Alpine regions of the Sierra Blanca, S. I olorado." 52576' LC 88 594 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Truchas Peak; Baldy. Meadows in the mountains, Arctic- Alpine Zone. 14. Castilleja angustifolia (Nutt.) Don, Hist, Dichl. PI. 4: 616. i837!^^ Euchroma angustifolia Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 46. 1834. ^#^r Type locality: "Native in dry prairies on the borders of the Little Godding River, near the source of the Columbia." Range: British Columbia to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; southeast of Tierra Amarilla. Open hills, in the Upper. Sonoran Zone. 15. Castilleja organorum Standley, Muhlenbergia 5: 86. 1909. Type locality: Rocky sides of the Organ Mountains not far from Van Pattens Camp, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley, June 6, 1906. Range: Organ Mountains of New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Castilleja lauta A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 269. 1900. . . Type locality: Dunraven Peak, Yellowstone Park. JflUtfff Range: Montana to northern New Mexico. &' r' New Mexico: Near Chama {Standley 6842). Marshes in the mountains, in the Canadian Zone. 17. Castilleja trinervis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 26. 1901. Type locality: Headquarters of Sangre de Cristo Creek, Colorado, rir Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. fl New Mexico: Near Chama (Standley 6841). Marshes in the mountains, in the Canadian Zone. 18. Castilleja austromontana Standi. & Blumer, Muhlenbergia 7: 44. 1911. Type locality: Pine woods at Mannings Camp, Puncon Mountains, Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; East Canyon. Transition Zone. 19. Castilleja inconstans Standley, Muhlenbergia 5: 83. 1909. Type locality: Winsors Ranch, on the headquarters of the Pecos River, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 4000). Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Transition and Canadian zones. What appears to be a hybrid between either this or C. confusa and one of the yel- low-bracted species was discovered by Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell at Harveys Ranch near Las Vegas and described as C. confusaXacuminata.1 This was later renamed C. X porterae.'2 A number of plants with orange instead of scarlet bracts have been noticed at the type locality of the species. 20. Castilleja confusa Greene, Pittonia 4: 1. 1899. Type locality: "Of the more southerly or southwesterly Colorado Rocky Moun- tains, and those of adjacent New Mexico." Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Jemez Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; San- dia Mountains; Baldy. From the Transition to the Hudsonian Zone. 19. ORTHOCARPUS Nutt. Erect annuals, 40 cm. high or less, with alternate simple or pinnatifid leaves, and yellow, purple, or white flowers in terminal crowded bracted spikes, the bracts often colored; calyx tubular or tubular-campanulate, 4-cleft, the lobes about equal; corolla 1 Bot. Gaz. 29: 280. 1900. 2 Cockerell, Nature 70: 319. 1904. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 595 very irregular, the tube slender, the limb 2-lipped, the upper lip little if at all longer than the 3-lobed lower one; stamens 4, ascending under the upper lip; anther sacs dis- similar, the outer fixed by the middle, the other pendulous by its upper end; style filiform, the stigma entire; capsules oblong, many-seeded. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla yellow; spikes densely flowered ] . 0. luteus. Corolla purple and white; spikes lax 2. 0. purpureo-alhus. 1. Orthocarpus luteus Nutt. Gen. PI. 2:*57. 1818. Type locality: "In humid situations on the plains of the Missouri, near Fort Man- dan." Range: Washington and Saskatchewan to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; mountains west of Grants Station; Chama; Taos; Johnsons M( sa; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogoll m Mountains. Plains and hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Orthocarpus purpureo-albus A. Gray in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 458. 1871. Type locality: "New Mexico." Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; mountains west of Grants; Coolidge; Ramali; Datil Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Silver City; Rito de los Frijoles. Dry plains and hills, in the Transition and Upper Sonoran zones. 20. RHINANTHUS L. Yellow rattlk. Erect annual about 30 cm. high, with simple opposite leaves and yellow axillary flower; i mwded in a bracted terminal spike; calyx ventricose-compressed, 4-toothed, inflated in fruit; corolla tube cylindric, the upper Up galeate, ovate, obtuse, com- pressed, entire at the apex, with a minute tooth on each side; lower lip shorter, with 3 spreading lobes; capsules orbicular, compressed, the seeds suborbicular, winged. 1. Rhinanthus crista-galli L. Sp. PL 603. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae pratis." Range: British America to New Mexico and New York; also in Europe and Asia. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Bartlett Ranch; Brazos Canyon. Woods, in the Tran- sition Zone. 21. ELEPHANTELLA Rydb. Little red EL] phant. Similar in general appearance to the next genu.-, bul distinguished by having the • alea prolonged into a filiform recurved beak, and by the presence of teeth on each aide of the throat of the corolla. 1. Elephantella groenlandica (Retz.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 363. 1900. Pedicularia groenkmdica Retz. Fl. Scand. Prodr. ed. 2. 145. L795. Type locality: Greenland. Range: Greenland and British America in California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountain . Bogs, Candiao to the Arctic- AJpine Zone. 22. PEDICULARIS I.. LOUSXWOBT. Perennial herbs, mostly low, sometimes as much as a meter high, with opposite of alternate leavi and terminal crowded spiki or racemes of rather < m picuousflowi leavee more or 1< di i cted; calyx ol 5 mo tly united » pals, s times cleft on the lower or upper side; corolla of various coloi , stronglj 2-lipped, the upper lip concave or conduplicate, laterally flattened, the bwer erect 01 Bpreading; stamens i. oi -' 596 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. lengths, ascending under the upper lip of the corolla, the anthers alike; capsules flat- tene I, oblique or curved, beaked, loculicidal; seeds numerous, reticulated, striate, pitted, or ribbed. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leave;; merely crenate, linear to linear-lanceolate. Galea with a long beak; lip 10 to 12 mm. long 1. P. racemosa. Galea not beaked; Up about 7 mm. long 2. P. angustissima. Leaves pinnatifid. Galea produced into a distinct beak. Plants 20 em. high or less; beak not incurved 3. P. parryi. Plants 50 cm. high or more; beak strongly incurved 4. P. mogollonica. Galea not produced into a beak, often with several small teeth at the apex. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves; plants glabrous 5. P. eentranthcm. Inflorescence much longer than the leaves; plants more or less pubescent. Leaves divided to the midrib or nearly so, the seg- ments acute; plants tall, mostly about a meter high 6. P. grayi. Leaves divided about halfway to the base, the seg- ments obtuse; plants lower, 35 cm. high or less. 7. P. fluviatilis. 1. Pedicularis racemosa Dough; Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 108. 1838. Type locality: "Abundant on the summit of the high mountains of the Grand Rapids of the Columbia." Range: British Columbia and California. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Damp woods, in the Canadian and Hudsouian zones. 2. Pedicularis angustissima Greene, Leaflets 1: 151. 1905. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 534). Range: Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico. 3. Pedicularis parryi A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 34: 250. 1862. Type locality: B,oeky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Baldy; Pecos Baldy. Meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 4. Pedicularis mogollonica Greene, Leaflets 1: 151. 1905. Type locality: .Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 496). Range: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. 5. Pedicularis centranthera A. Gray in Torr. IT. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 120. 1859. Type locality: Ben More, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelovv. Range: Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains. 6. Pedicularis grayi A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 17: 100. "1904. Pedicularis procera A. Gray, Amer. Journ. .Sci. II. 34: 251. 1862, not Adams, 1823. Type locality: Colorado Rocky Mountains. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Hillsboro Peak; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp woods and along streams, in the Transition and Canadian zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 597 7. Pedicularis fiuviatilis Heller, Minn. Bot. Stud. 2: 33. 1898. Type locality: Meadow 9 miles east of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3639). Range: Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sierra Grande. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. This is closely related to the eastern P. canadensis L., but appears to be fairly distinct. 128. ACANTHACEAE. Acanthus Family. Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, with alternate or opposite leaves; flowers perfect, irregular, sometimes solitary, often subtended by large bracts; calyx of 5 variously united or distinct sepals; corolla of 5 partially united petals, 2-lipped; stamens 2 and equal or 4 and didynamous; styles terminal, united; fruit a capsule, usually with 2 cavities, opening with an elastic longitudinal dehiscence. key to the genera. ( auline leaves reduced to imbricated scales 1. Ttjbifloka (p. 597). Cauline leaves not reduced to scales. Shrubs. Corolla purplish red; tall shrub 50 cm. high or mqre; corolla deeply bilabiate 2. A msacaxthus (p. 597). Corolla white; low shrub, 30 cm. high or less; corolla nearly regular t>. Ruellia (p. 598). Low herbs. Corolla convolute in bud; flowers covered by large bracts 3. Diapedium (p. 598). Corolla imbricated in bud ; flowers not covered by bracts. Stamens 4; plants hirsute 4. Caklowbightia (p. 598). Stamens 2; plants glabrous 5. Stenandrium (p. 598). 1. TUBIFLORA J. F. Gmel. Perennial caulescent herb with numerous large basal leaves, those of the stems reduced to imbricated scales; flower; in ch-n.-e :- [ » i 1 : * ■ ; eorolla \ I > . I . • 7. 1804. Type locality: Not known. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, southward through tropical America; also in Africa. i\i:w Mkxico: San Luis Mountain- | tfeams 639). Dry, rocky hills. 2. ANIS ACANTHUS Shrub with opposite entire leavt , flowers solitary, axillary; corolla purpli h red, with a Blender elongated tube; upper lip emir.- or 2-cleft, the lower 3 lobed; Btamene included; capsules contracted into a stipelike base eeds4 or fewer 1. Anisacanthus thurberi (Torr.) A. Cray, Syn. II. 21: 82* 18 D ■ era thurberi Torr. D\ S. A Hex. Bound. Bot. 124. L859. Type locality: "Along water-count . La talmas, Bonora." Type collected by Thurber. 598 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Lordsburg; Big Hatchet Mountains. Diy hills and mesas. 3. DIAPEDIUM Konig. Glabrous perennial herb with opposite petiolate lanceolate leaves and axillary few-flowered peduncles; flowers subtended by large cordate bracts; stamens 2, barely equaling the lips; ovules 2 in each cavity. 1. Diapedium torreyi (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. DicUptera torreyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 309. 1885. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon (Mearns 2037). 4. CARLOWRIGHTIA A. Gray. Slender branched glabrous perennial herb with opposite linear leaves; flowers axillary; corolla deeply 4-parted, with a short tube; stamens 2, nearly equaling the corolla lobes; capsules ovoid, acuminate, on slender stipes; seeds few. 1. Carlowrightia linearifolia (Torr.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 13: 364. 1877. Schaueria linearifolia Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 123. 1859. Type locality: "Rocks at the mouth of the Great canon of the Rio Grande, and on the Burro mountains," Texas and New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Twenty miles north of Rincon; Dog Spring; mesa west of the Rio Grande, near Mesilla; Organ Mountains. Dry, rocky hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. STENANDRITJM Nees. Perennial short-stemmed herb with hirsute foliage; leaves approximate, entire; flowers in terminal bracted spikes, rose purple; corolla with a slender tube and oblique 5-lobed limb; stamens 4, included; ovules 2 in each cavity. 1. Stenandrium barbatum Torr. & Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 22: 168. pi. 4. 1855. Type locality: "On the Pecos," Texas or New Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico, western Texas, and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains (Wooton). Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. RUELLIA L. Low shrub, 30 cm. high or less, with thick obovate petiolate ciliate leaves and few solitary axillary flowers; calyx lobes linear; corolla white, with a long tube and a nearly regular limb; stamens 4, included; ovules 3 to 10 in each cavity. 1. Ruellia parryi A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 326. 1878. Dipter acanthus suffruticosus Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 122. 1859, not Ruellia suffruticosa Roxb. 1814. Type locality: Presidio del Norte, Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains {Wooton). Dry hills. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 599 129. PINGUICULACEAE. Bladderwort Family. 1. TJTRICULARIA L. Bladderwort. Small slender aquatic herb with capillary-dissected leaves bearing small bladder- like appendages, and with short, 1 to few-flowered scapes; calyx 2-lipped, the lips entire or nearly so; corolla deeply bilabiate, yellow, the lower lip larger and 3-lobed, spurred at the base in front; ovary free; style very short or none; stigma 2-cleft. 1. Utricularia vulgaris L. Sp. PI. 18. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae fossis paludibus profundioribus." Range: Throughout most of North America and in Europe, Asia, and Africa. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains (Standley 7559). In quiet water. 130. OROBANCHACEAE. Broomrape Family. Perennial parasitic or saprophytic herbs, less than 40 cm. high; leaves reduced to scales, without chlorophyll; flowers perfect, rarely dioecious, sometimes cleistoga- mous; calyx of 4 or 5 more or less united sepals, persistent; corolla irregular, bilabiate, persistent; stamens 4, didynamous, mostly included; anthers 2-celled, rarely 1-celled; ovary 1 or 2-celled; style 1; stigma capitate or 2-lobed; fruit a 1 or 2-celled capsule; seeds many, minute. KEY TO THE GENERA. Calyx irregular, split on the lower side, the upper part with 3 or 4 toothlike lobes 1. Conopholis (p. 599). Calyx regular or nearly so, with 2 to 5 equal or unequal lobes. Calyx with a deep sinus above and below, the lateral lobes often 2-cleft 2. Myzorrhiza (p. 599). Calyx nearly equally 5-lobed 3. Thalesia (p. 600). 1. CONOPHOLIS Wallr. Low herb, about 20 cm. high, with very thick glabrous yellow stems, appressed or erect scalelike leaves, and perfect flowers in a dense scaly-bracted terminal spike; calyx accompanied by 2 bractlets, spathelike, split on the lower side; corolla with a curved tube and strongly 2-lipped limb, the upper lip arching, notched, the lower shorter and 3-lobed; ovary 1-celled, with 4 placentae. 1. Conopholis mexicana A. Gray; S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 131. 1883. Squaw koot. Type localtts : " In the Sierra Madre, south of Saltillo, and at Soledad, Coahuila, growing at tin- foot of oaks," Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Gallmas Planting Station; Sandia Mountain.-; Santa IV Canyon; Lalena Mountains; Kingston; Mogollon Creek; San Luis Mountains; Organ Moun- tain ; Gilmores Ranch. 2. MYZORRHIZA Phil. Broomrape. Herbs, 20 to 40 cm. high, more or less glandular-pubescent, purplish or brownish, with scalelike Leaves, the How era in a terminal spike or panicle; calyx nearly equally 5-lobed; corolla purplish, the tube slightly curved, the limb 2-lipped, tin- lips often n. a ly (Toot ; ovar] L-< elled, \ decoction of these planl i used by the Navahos in tie- treatment oi 600 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla 20 to 25 mm. long; anthers woolly 1. M. mullijlora. Corolla 15 to 18 mm. long; anthers glabrous (before dehiscence).. 2. M. ludoviciana. 1. Myzorrhiza multiflora (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 151. 1906. Orobanche mullijlora Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 179. 1848. Aphyllon multiflorum A. Gray in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 585. 1876. Type locality: Sandy ground along the borders of the Bio del Norte, New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. Range: Utah and Colorado to California and Texas. New Mexico: Upper Pecos; Zuni; Socorro; San Marciai; Mesilla Valley; Gihnores Ranch; East View; Organ Mountains. Parasitic on the roots of various plants. 2. Myzorrhiza ludoviciana (Nutt.) Rydb. in Small, Fl. Southeast. U.S. 1093. 1903. Orobanche ludoviciana Nutt. Gen. Bl. 2: 58. 1818. Aphyllon ludovicianum A. Gray in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 585. 1876. ? Orobanche xanthochroa Nels. & Cockerell, Bot. Gaz. 37: 278.1904. Type locality: "In sandy alluvial soils, around Fort Mandan," North Dakota. Range : Washington and Illinois to California and Texas. New Mexico: Zuni; Albuquerque; Carrizo Mountains; Cedar Hill; Organ Moun- tains; Dog Spring; Guadalupe Canyon; Cactus Flat. The type of Orobanche xanthochroa was collected near Pecos. 3. THALESIA Raf. Canceb root. Low herb, 10 cm. high or less, with pale yellowish or pinkish stems, solitary or few together, bearing a few terminal flowTers and scalelike leaves, the latter mostly at the base of the stem; flowers on slender pedicels; calyx lobes nearly equal, acute or acuminate; corolla sometimes more deeply colored than the rest of the plant, the tube curved, the limb slightly 2-lipped, the upper lip often 2-lobed, the lower spread- ing, with 3 more or less unequal lobes; stamens included; ovary 1-celled, with 4 placentae. 1. Thalesia fasciculata (Nutt.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 298. 1894. Orobanche j'asciculata Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 59. 1818. Aphyllon fasciculatum Torr. & Gray in A. Gray, Man. ed. 2. 281. 1856. Type locality: "In sandy alluvial soil about Fort Mandan," North Dakota. Range: British Columbia and California to Saskatchewan and Texas. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek; Barranca; Carrizo Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gilmores Ranch; Kingston; Winsors Ranch. Parasitic on the roots of various plants. 131. BIGNONIACEAE. Bignonia Family. Shrubs or low trees with simple or pinnate exstipulate leaves and large perfect flowers in terminal racemes; calyx hypogynous, of 2 more or less united sepals; corolla irregular, large, funnelform, 2-lipped, deciduous; stamens 5, 1 or 3 reduced to sterile filaments; ovary 1-celled with 2 parietal placentae or 2-celled by a false partition; style 1; stigmas 2; fruit a slender terete capsule, with numerous winged seeds. The two species of Catalpa, natives of the Central and Southern States, are sometimes cultivated as shade trees in New Mexico. key to the genera. Leaves simple; fiowera purplish 1. Chilopsis (p. 601). Leaves pinnate; flowers bright yellow 2. Stenolobium (p. 601). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 601 1. CHILOPSIS D. Don. Desert willow. Large shrub, sometimes treelike, 2 to 5 meters high; leaves narrowly lanceolate, light green; flowers in terminal racemes, showy, purplish; calyx splitting into 2 concave lobes; corolla about 25 mm. long, obscurely 2-lipped, the limb narrow; capsules tapering at both ends, terete, 10 cm. long or more; seeds small, numerous. 1. Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 2S3. 1827. Bignonia ? linearis Cav. Icon. PI. 3: 35. pi. 269. 1794. Chilopsis saligna Don, Edinburgh Phil. Journ. 9: 261. 1823. Type locality: Origin of type unknown. Range: "Western Texas to southern California and southward. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Clemow; Berendo Creek; Mangas Springs; Dog Spring; Apache Mountains; mesa near Las Cruces; west of Roswell; Organ Moun- tains. Low hills and sandy mesas, especially along arroyos, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A form of this is not infrequent in cultivation as an ornamental shrub. Some of the cultivated plants have white flowers. 2. STENOLOBIUM Don. Low shrub, about 1 meter high, with pinnate, incisely serrate, bright green leaves; flowers bright yellow, showy. 1. Stenolobiura incisum Rose & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 174. 1913. Type locality: Hills near Chihuahua, Mexico. Range: Southern New Mexico, southward into northern Mexico. New Mexico: Dona Ana Mountains (Wooton & Standley). Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 132. MARTYNIACEAE. Unicorn plant Family. 1. PROBOSCIDEA Moench. Unicorn plant. Coarse clammy herbs with thick stems, long-petioled, usually large, opposite or alternate leaves, and axillary few-flowered racemes of large yellowish purple flowers; calyx lobes 4 or 5, more or Less unequal; corolla campanulate to broadly funnelform, obscurely 2-lipped; stamens 2 or 4, their filaments filiform, the anthers divergent; ovary 1-celled, with 2 parietal placenta1; stylo 1, stigmas 2; fruit a beaked curved capsule, becoming hard and woody, the beak splitting and forming 2 large opposed hooklike appendages upon drying; seeds irregularly angled or flattened. The plants are often known as devil horns or devil claws, because of the form of the fruit. Some of the Arizona Indians use the black fiber of the pods informing the patterns of their basketry. key to the species. Leaves small, f> cm. wide or less, deeply lohed; plants low, 30 cm. high and (iii cm. wide or usually less 1. P. altheae/olia. Leaves large, aboul In cm. wide or more, ahallowly Lobed or entire; planl tnui li Larger. Blowers I cm. Long or more; leaves entire 2. /'. louiriana. Flowers 3 cm. Long or less; leaves shallowly lobed or angled.. :;. /'. parviflora, 1. Proboscidea altheaefolia (Benth.) Decaisne, Ann. Si i. Xal. \. Bot. X: 324. Martynia aUheaefolia Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph, 37. 1844 Tvi'i i'H mm',: Bay of Magdalena, Lower California 602 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Western Texas to Lower California. New Mexico: Las Cruces; Deming; Tortugas Mountain. Dry mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Proboscidea louisiana (Mill.) Woot. & Standi. Martynia louisiana Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. no. 3. 1768. Martynia proboscidea Glox. Obs. Bot. 14. 1785. Type locality: Vera Cruz, Mexico. Range: Iowa and Indiana to Mexico. New Mexico: South of Roswell; Lake Arthur; Albert; Buchanan. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Proboscidea parvirlora (Wooton) Woot. & Standi. Martynia parviftora Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 453. 1898. Type locality: San Augustine Ranch, at the base of the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 580). Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Cruces; San Augustine Ranch; Grain Brothers Ranch; Carlisle; Gila River; Engle; Socorro. Dry mesas and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. Order 46. PLANTAGINALES. 133. PLANTAGINACEAE. Plantain Family. 1. PLANT AGO L. Plantain. Annual or perennial acaulescent herbs, with usually numerous basal leaves; inflores- cence spicate, on scapes; flowers perfect, monoecious, or dioecious, sessile, bracteate; calyx of 4 persistent, often scarious-margined sepals; corolla hypogynous, scarious or membranous, nerveless, usually persistent, tubular-sal verform, with 4 erect or spread- ing lobes; stamens 4 or 2, adnate to the throat of the corolla; ovary superior, 1 or 2-ceiled or apparently 3 or 4-celled ; fruit a circumscissile capsule or pyxis ; seeds 1 to several in each cell. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves linear. Pubescence loose and spreading; bracts much longer than the flowers 1. P. purshii. Pubescence sericeous, appressed; bracts shorter than the flowers 2. P. argyrea. Leaves lanceolate to ovate. Spikes short, oblong; seeds concave on the faces 3. P. lanceoluta. Spikes elongated, cylindric; seeds not concave on the faces. Leaves ovate, abruptly contracted at the base; seeds more than 2 in each cell 4. P. major. Leaves lanceolate, gradually tapering to the petiole; seeds not more than 2 in each cell. Plants with copious brown wool at the base 5. P. eriopoda. Plants not woolly at the base 6. P. tweedy i. 1. Plantago purshii Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 3: 120. 1818. Plantago gnaphalioides Nutt. Gen. PL 1: 100. 1818. Plantago patagonica gnaphalioides A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 391. 1878. Type locality: "In dry situations on the banks of the Missouri." Range: British America to Arizona, Texas, and Missouri. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; Moun- tainair; Pajarito Park; Clayton; Laa Vegas; Springer; Santa Fe; Socorro Mountain; Cliff; Carrizalillo Mountains; Aden; Las Cruces; Organ Mountains. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 603 2. Plantago argyrea Morris, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 111. 1900. Type locality: Castle Creek, Arizona. Range: Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tuniteha Mountains; Middle Fork of the Gila; Eamah. Mountains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Plantago lanceolata L. Sp. PI. 113. 1753. English ribgrass. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae campis sterilibus." New Mexico: Farmington; Mesilla Valley; Lake Valley. A native of Europe, widely introduced into North America. It grows in New Mexico chiefly in alfalfa fields, where it spreads rapidly. 4. Plantago major L. Sp. PI. 112. 1753. Common plantain. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa ad vias." Range: Nearly cosmopolitan; a common weed throughout the United States. New Mexico: Nearly throughout the State. Our plants are very variable in their pubescence; in some it is appressed, in others spreading, and in some nearly wanting. 5. Plantago eriopoda Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 237. 1827. Plantago retrorsa Greene, PI. Baker. 3: 32. 1901. Type locality: ''Depressed and moist situations along the Platte." Range: British America to Nevada and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: North of Ramah (Wooton). Transition Zone. 6. Plantago tweedyi A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 21: 390. 1878. Type locality: "N. W. Wyoming, on grassy slopes of the East Fork of the Yellow- stone River." Range: Montana to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Standley 4329). Meadows in the mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. Order 47. RUBIALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Stamens twice as many as the corolla lobes; low herbs with ternately dissected leaves 136. ADOXACEAE (p. 612). Stamens as many as the corolla lobes; herbs or shrubs with simple or pinnate leaves. Leaves with stipules, these often leaflike, actuate to the stems between the leaf bases 134. RUBIACEAE (p. 603). Leaves without stipules, or, if present, these adnate to the petioles 135. CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. G08). 134. RUBIACEAE. Madder Family. Low herbs or sometimes shrubs, annuals or usually perennials, with opposite or whorled simple loaves, and mostly small flowers in axillary or terminal cymes or panii le ; flowers perfect or polygamous, regular or nearly so; hypanthium adnate to the ovary; sepals doeiduoiis or persistent; corolla inserted near the top of the livpan- thiiini, of '■'> to 0, rarely 111, more or less united petals; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them, adnate t,i the tube; ovary partly inferior, 2 to 5-celled, the styles united, the stigmas '2 to several; fruit a drupe, a capsule, OX ;i beny; seeds 1 to ■ era! ometime flattened on one side. 604 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE GENERA. Carpels 1-seeded. Stipules foliaceous, resembling the leaves, the leaves thus appearing whorled; stems 4-sided; corolla rotate 1. Galium (p. G04). Stipules mure or less connate-sheathing, lacerate, the leaves distinctly opposite; stems not con- spicuously 4-sided; corolla salverform 2. Crusea (p. COG). Carpels several 1<> many-seeded. Seeds winged; corolla long-tubular, bright red; leaves broadly lanceolate, 2 to 5 cm. long; ovules and seeds numerous 3. Bouvardia (p. GOG). Seeds not winged; corolla short, salverform, never bright red; leaves narrower, mostly less than 2 cm. long; ovules and seeds several. Top of the capsule extending beyond the hypan- thium 4. Houstonia (p. 607). Top of the capsule not exceeding the hypan- thium 5. Oldenlandja (p. G08). 1. GALIUM L. Bedstraw. Low annual or perennial herbs with 4-angled stems and small whorled leaves, the stipules often as large as the leaves; flowers small, perfect, white, yellowish, or purple, in axillary or terminal cymes or panicles; sepals often obsolete; corolla rotate, with 3 or usually 4 lobes; ovary 2-celled, with one ovule in each cell; styles 2; stigmas capitate; fruit of 2 nearly separate, 1-seeded carpels, either glabrous or hispid, dry or fleshy. key to the species. Fruit covered with long straight hairs. Corolla purplish, the lobes abruptly long-acuminate. Leaves linear or linear-oblong, nearly glabrous; stems puberulent 1. G. rothrochii. Leaves oblanceolate or elliptic, strongly pubescent; stems hirtellous 2. G. ivrightii. Corolla white or yellowish; petals obtuse or merely acute. Leaves ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, thick, fleshy 3. G. acutissimum. Leaves linear-oblong, thin 4. G. fendleri. Fruit glabrous or covered with hooked hairs. Fruit scaberulous to glabrous, never with hooked hairs. Leaves acute; bracts persistent at the base of the fruit. . 5. G. micro phyllum. Leaves obtuse; fruit not bracteate 6. G. brandegei. Fruit covered with hooked hairs. Stems stout, erect; leaves 3-nerved 7. G. boreale. Stems slender, weak, usually reclining; leaves mostly 1-nerved. Leaves not cuspidate-pointed; slender annual 8. G. proliferum. Leaves cuspidate-pointed; annuals or perennials. Pedicels scarcely exceeding the bracts; stout plants, usually annuals. Leaves linear or oblanceolate 9. G. aparine. Leaves elliptic 10. G. flavifloriim. Pedicels much exceeding the bracts; perennials. Leaves broadly elliptic; corolla yellowish; stems nearly smooth 11. G. trijlorum. Leaves narrowly oblong; corolla purplish; stems very rough 12. G. asperrimum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 605 1. Galium rothrockii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 203. 1882. Type locality: Southern Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico : Carrizo Mountains; Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Galium wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 80. 1852. Type locality: "Crevices of rocks, on mountains, in the Pass of the Limpia," Texas. Range : Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Hillsboro; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Moun- tain,-; Gilmores Ranch. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Galium acutissimum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 350. 1867. Type locality: "Between the Rio del Norte and New Mexico." Type collected by Newberry in 1859. Range: Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7353). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Galium fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 60. 1849. Type locality : Sunny side of the high mountains, valley of Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 288). Range: New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Mangas Springs; White Mountains; ( iapitan Mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition Zone. 5. Galium niicrophyllum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 80. 1852. Relbunium mit rophyllum Hemsl. Biol. * lentr. Amer. Bot. 2: 63. 1881. Ti pb LOCALITY: "Mountains at the Pass of the Limpia, in crevices of rocks, and in the valley of th" Limpia," Texas. Range: We tern Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Graham; Fort Bayard; Guadalupe Canyon; Organ Mountains; Capitan Mountains; White Mountains; Queen. Dry hills and rocky canyons, in the 1 Fpper Sonoran Zone, 6. Galium braudegei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 58. 1876. Type locality: " Valley of the Rio < rrande, New Mexico, on the J/>s Pin<>s trail." Type collected l>y T. S. lirandegee, September, 1875. Range: Wyoming to New Mexico and California. New Mexico: Pon< buelo Greek (Standley 4194). Transition Zone. 7. Galium, boreale L. Sp. PI. K>X. 1-7',. Northern bedstraw. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae borealis pratis." Range: British America to California,' Texas, and Pennsylvania; also in Europe and A la. I v, Mi uco: Tunitcha Mountains; I hania; Sierra Grande; Santa Fe and I \. . mountains; Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows and damp slopes, in the Transition Zone. 8. Galium proliferum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 67. 1853. Qalium i irgatum diffusum A. Gray, op. Mexico. New Mexico: Tucumcari; Lincoln; Queen; Jam.' Canyon. Upper Son. mm Zone. 5. Houstonia rubra < a v. [con. PL 5: 48. pi. ■)'.',. L799. Hedyotis rubra A. day, Mem. Amer. Acad. a. ser. 4: 61. 1849. Oldenlandia rubra A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: <;s. is.j:5. Type i <>t \i rn : "Habitat prope oppidum mexicanum [xmiquilpan." Range: New Mexico and Arizona (>» Mexico. New Mexico: Puertecito; Zuni; Albuquerque; Santa Fe; Port Wingate; Socorro Mountain; Apache Teju; Round Mountain; Kast View; Buchanan. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 608 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. Houstonia wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 202. 1882. Type locality: On the Liinpio, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Ramah; Coolidge; Kingston; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Moun- tains; Hanover Hills; Magdalena Moud tains; Pinos Altos. Transition Zone. 5. OLDENLANDXA L. Low erect annual with diffusely branched stems and narrow opposite leaves; flowers small, while, sessile in the forks of the branches and in the axils; calyx teeth triangular- . subulate, about the length of the hypanthium; corolla 3 to 4 mm. long, salverform, the tube slighlly surpassing the calyx lobes; capsules quadrangular-hemispheric, at first somewhat turbinate; seeds moderately angled. 1. Oldenlandia greenei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 77. 1883. Type locality: Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene in 1880 (no. 149). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. We have seen no further specimens of this from New Mexico. 135. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. Honeysuckle Family. Shrubs, trees, woody vines, or rarely low herbs, with opposite, exstipulate, often perfoliate leaves and perfect flowers variously arranged in axillary pairs or in axillary or terminal cymes; hypanthium adnate to the 2 to 5-celled ovary; calyx of 4 or 5 sepals; corolla rotate, tubular, or funnelform, sometimes bilabiate, the lobes 4 or 5, imbricated; stamens 4 or 5, sometimes partly adnate to the corolla, alternate with its lobes; ovary 2 to 5-celled, inferior; fruit a berry or drupe. KEY TO THE GENERA. Corolla rotate; styles deeply 3 to 5-cleft, short; inflores- cence compound-cymose; fruit drupaceous; erect shrubs; leaves pinnate 1. Sambucus (p. 609.) Corolla tubular, campanulate, funnelform, or salver- form, sometimes 2-lipped, never rotate; styles slender, not divided; inflorescence simple, few- flowered; fruit dry or berry-like; erect or pros- trate shrubs or undershrubs; leaves simple. Trailing evergreen plant; stamens 4, didynamous; flowers in pahs, pedicellate and on long pe- duncles 2. Linnaea (p. 610). Erect or vinelike shrubs with woody stems; sta- mens mostly 5; flowers variously disposed. Corolla regular, tubular-funnelform ; fruit 2- seeded 3. Symphoricarpos (p. 610). Corolla more or less bilabiate, broadly funnel- form, or nearly regular; fruit few to many-seeded. Upper leaves connate-perfoliate ; flowers mostly in terminal clusters, pseudo- verticillate or crowded; corolla not saccate at the base 4. Lonicera (p. 611). Upper leaves not connate ; flowers axillary in pairs, sessile on the end of the common peduncle, subtended by bracts; corolla conspicuously sac- cate at the base. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 609 Bracts and bractlets very small, in- conspicuous, green, not ac- crescent 5. Xylosteon (p. 611). Bracts foliaceous and bractlets ac- crescent, reddish brown 6. Distegia (p. 612). 1. SAMBTJCTJS L. Elderberry. Shrubs or trees with soft wood, large pith, and opposite, pinnately compound leaves with large leaflets, the small white or ochroleucous flowers in terminal compound cymes; hypanthium turbinate or ovoid; sepals 3 to 5, equal; corolla rotate, with 3 to 5 equal, imbricated, rarely valvate, lobes; stamens 5, adnate to the base of the corolla; anthers opening extrorsely by clefts; ovary 3 to 5-celled, becoming a 1-seeded drupe- like fruit. key to the species. Cymes not flat-topped, thyrsoid-paniculatc, the axis continuous. Fruit red; cymes, in flower, seldom more than 4 cm. broad.. . 1. S. mierobolrys. Fruit black; cymes larger, 6 cm. wide or more 2. S. melanocarpa. Cymes flat-topped, with several compound rays, the axis not con- tinuous. Leaflets less than 6 cm. long, ovate to oblong, abruptly short- acuminate; a good-sized tree 3. S. mexicana. Leaflets larger, 8 to 15 cm. long, lanceolate, long-attenuate; small trees or shrubs. Branches and leaflets pubescent; flowers less than 4 mm. broad; shrub with several nearly simple shoots from the root 4. S. vestita. Branches and leaves glabrous; flowers 5 or 6 mm. broad; small tree with well-defined trunk 5. S. ncomexicana. 1. Sambucus microbotrys Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 503. 1901. Type locality: Bottomless Pit and below Halfway House, Pikes Peak, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Eagle Peak; White Mountains. Mountains, Transition to Hudsonian Zone. 2. Sambucus melanocarpa A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 76. 1883. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Fendler, probably east of Santa Fe. Range: Oregon and Alberta to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Santa Fe Creek. Mountains, in the Transition and I lanadian zones. 3. Sambucus mexicana Presl in DC. Prodr. 4: 322. 1S30. 8ambucu8 canadensis mexicana Sarg. Silv. N. Amer. 5: 88. 1893. Type u>< .w.m : Mexi< o. Ham.! : New .Mexico to California and southward. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Silver City; Mesilla Valley. River valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This Lb often cultivated as a shade tree in southern New Mexico and where it receives plenty oi water sometimes reaches a Large size. The Leaves remain gp all winter and young on* a art continually unfolding, while the flowers open a] any month of 1 1 1 « - year. ,70"— 10 JJ 610 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Sambucus vestita Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 175. 1913. Type locality: Ice Canyon above Van Pattens Camp, Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley, June 11, 1906. Range : Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; San Mateo Peak; Black Range; Organ Moun- tains. Canyons and along streams, in the Transition Zone. The plant is common in the canyons of the southwestern mountains. It is related toS. neomexicana, but has smaller flowers and pubescent instead of glabrous branches. In habit the two are dissimilar, for S. neomexicana has usually a well-developed trunk with branches, while S. vestita consists of a clump of mostly simple shoots. 5. Sambucus neomexicana Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 309. 1898. Sambucus intermedia neomexicana Schwerin, Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 1909: 38. 1909. Sambucus glauca neomexicana A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 469. 1909. Type locality: Ruidoso Crossing in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 648). Range: White and Sacramento mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 2. LINNAEA Gron. Twin flower. Slender creeping perennial herb with small rounded opposite few-toothed short- petiolate leaves and long slender peduncles forking into 2 slender pedicels, each bearing a nodding flower; bracts at the base of the calyx very glandular; calyx lobes lanceolate; corolla about 1 cm. long, funnelform, about equally 5-lobed, pink; sta- mens 4, didynamous; ovary and small dry pod 3-celled, the latter 1-seeded. 1. Linnaea americana Forbes, Hort. Woburn. 135. 1833. Linnaea borealis longiflora Torr. in Wilkes, U. S. Expl. Exped. 15: 327. 1874. Linnaea longiflora Howell, Fl. Northw. Amer. 280. 1900. Type locality: "America." Range: British America to Oregon, New Mexico, and Maryland. New Mexico: Horsethief Canyon (Standley 4883). Damp mountain woods, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 3. SYMPHORICARPOS L. Snowberry. Branching shrubs 1.5 meters high or less, with opposite simple short-petiolate leaves and small flowers in few-flowered axillary clusters; hypanthium cup-shaped to eubglobose; sepals 4 or 5, unequal; corolla white or reddish-tinged, sometimes campanulate, mostly tubular-funnelform, the 4 or 5 lobes almost equal; stamens 4 or 5, adnate to the corolla; ovary 4-celled; berry fleshy, 2-seedecl, white. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Corolla 5 mm. long or less, open-campanulate 1. S. pauciflorus. Corolla 8 to 12 mm. long, salverform or narrowly funnelform. Corolla 6 to 8 mm. long; leaves thick, densely pubescent; seeds rounded at both ends 2. S. rotund i/olius. Corolla 8 to 12 mm. long; leaves thin, sparingly pubescent; seeds acute at one end 3. S. oreophilus. 1. Symphoricarpos pauciflorus (Robbins) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 305. 1894. Symphoricarpos racemosus pauciflorus Robbins; A. Gray, Man. ed. 5. 203. 1867. Type locality: "Rocky woods of L. Superior." Range : Mountains from British America to California, Colorado, and Pennsylvania, New Mexico: White Mountains. Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 611 2. Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 66. 1853. Type locality: Sides of mountains around the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1388). Range : Idaho and Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Santa Antonita; Mount Sedg- wick; Magdalena Mountains; Bear Mountains; Black Range; Animas Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 3. Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14: 12. 1875. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains, Colorado Territory and New Mexico to the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, California." Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Utah and Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Barranca; Zuni Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Mogollon Creek; Burro Mountains; Lookout Mines; Animas Peak; Organ Mountains. Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. 4. LONICERA L. Honeysuckle. Woody vines with trailing, rather stiff 6tems and shredded bark; leaves opposite, entire, short-petiolate or the upper connate-perfoliate; flowers mostly sessile and whorl ed at the ends of the stems; hypanthium subglobose or ovoid; sepals 5; corolla tubular-funnelform or broader, more or less 2-lipped; stamens 5, adnate to the corolla tube; ovary 2 or 3-celled, the ovules numerous; fruit a fleshy few-seeded berry. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Limb of corolla nearly regular; inflorescence pedunculate; leaves conspicuously ciliate 1. L. arizonica. Limb of corolla deeply bilabiate; inflorescence sessile; leaves not ciliate 2. L. dumosa. 1. Lonicera arizonica Rehder, Trees and Shrubs 1: 45. pi. 23. 1902. Type locality: No type is cited, but the first specimen listed is one collected in the Rincon Mountains of Arizona by Pringle. Range: Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Zuni Mountains; San Mateo Peak; Magdalena Mountains; Lookout Mines; San Luis Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 2. Lonicera dumosa A. Gray, PI. Wright, 2: 66. 1853. Type locality: "Banks of a torrent between Rock Creek and the Limpio," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; Kingston; Animas Mountains; Capitan Moun- tains; San Andreas Mountains; Organ Mountains; Craters; Gilmores Ranch; Queen. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 5. XYLOSTEON B. Juss. Fly honeysuckle. Erect branching shrub with opposite simple leaves, these entire, sessile or ehort- petiolate, not connate above; flowers sessile in pairs on the ends of solitary axillary peduncles, subtended by 2 minute bracts and bractlets; calyx minute or obsolete; corolla broadly funnelform, 1 cm. long or more, saccate at the base, the limb 5-lobed, the lobes nearly equal; ovary usually 2-celled, the red berries distinct or didymoue. 1. Xylosteon utahense (S. Wats.) Howell, Fl. Northw. Am. r. 282. 1900. Lonicera ulaheruis B. Wats, in King, Geol. Kxpl. -10th Par. 5: 133. 1871. Tyi'e locality: Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, Utah. Range: British Columbia and Montana to Utah and New Mexico. 612 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Mogollon Road (Wooton). Mountains, in the Transition Zone. Our specimens are very close to this species, but appear somewhat different. They probably represent an undescribed species, but our material is not sufficient for thor- ough study. 6. DISTEGIA Raf. Stout shrub similar to the last, but the flowers sometimes in 3's and not coherent, the bracts leaflike, and the bractlets strongly accrescent and purplish, surrounding the large black berries. 1. Distegia involucrata (Richards.) Raf. New Fl. N. Amer. 3: 21. 1836. Xylosteon involucratum Richards. Rot. App. Frankl. Journ. 733. 1823. Lonicera involucrata Banks; Richards, loc. cit. Type locality: "Wooded country from 54° to 64° north," British America. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Copper Canyon; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Damp deep woods, in the Transition Zone. 136. ADOXACEAE. Moschatel Family. 1. ADOXA L. Musk-root. Moschatel. Low glabrous herb with scaly or bulbiferous rootstocks, basal and opposite, ternately compound leaves, and small green flowers in terminal capitate clusters; hypanthium hemispheric, adnate to the ovary; sepals 2 or 3; corolla rotate, regular, 4 to 6-lobed; stamens twice as many as the corolla lobes, inserted in pairs on the tube; anthers peltate, 1-celled; ovary 3 to 5-celled; style 3 to 5-parted; fruit a small drupe with 3 to 5 nutlets. 1. Adoxa moschatellina L. Sp. PI. 367. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae nemoribus." Range: Arctic America to Wisconsin and northern New Mexico; also in Europe. New Mexico: Pecos Baldy (Standley 4330). Cold woods and high meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. Order 48. CAMPANULALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Endosperm wanting; flowers monoecious or dioe- cious; vines with tendrils 137. CTJCURBITACEAE (p. 612). Endosperm present; flowers perfect; plants not vines. Corolla regular 138. CAMPANULACEAE (p. 616). Corolla split on one side, more or less irreg- ular 139. LOBELIACEAE (p. 617). 137. CTJCURBITACEAE. Gourd Family. Annual or perennial herbaceous vines, mostly tendril-bearing, prostrate or climb- ing, eome of them from enlarged tuberous roots; leaves alternate, simple, palmately veined or lobed, without stipules; flowers monoecious or dioecious; calyx of 4 or 5 united sepals, adherent to the' ovary in the pistillate flower; petals as many as the sepals, united and adherent to them; stamens usually 3, 2 of them with 2-celled anthers, the third with a 1-celled anther; filaments distinct or variously united; staminodia sometimes present in pistillate flowers; ovary 1 to 3-celled, with one, several, or many ovules; fruit a berry, pepo, or thin-walled, more or less inflated, dry fruit, dehiscent or indehiscent; seeds usually rather large, flattened, numerous or Bometimes solitary. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 613 KEY TO THE GENERA. Ovary 2 or 3-celled; ovules solitary or few in the cell. Plants perennial; Trait ovoid or globose, with 1 to 4 seeds in each cell; seeds turgid, rounded at both ends, smooth 1. Marah (p. 613). Plants annual; fruit oblong, attenuate at each end; with 2 to 6 seeds in each cell; seeds small, flattened, rugose 2. Echinopepon (p. 613). Ovary 1-celled; ovules solitary or numerous. Ovules solitary, pendulous; fruit dry 3. Sictos (p. 614). Ovules numerous, borne on 3 to 5 placentse, mostly horizontal; fruit various. Anthers straight or merely curved; slender or coarse vines. Slender climbing vine; flowers dioecious; fruit a berry 4. Ibervillea (p. 614). Coarse prostrate vine; flowers monoecious; fruit a leathery pepo 5. Apodanthera (p. 615). Anthers much contorted; coarse prostrate vines. Anthers cohering in a head; plants ill- scented 6. Cucurbita (p. 615). Anthers distinct or but slightly cohering; plants not ill-scented. Tendrils branched ; leaves deeply lobed ; connective not produced beyond the anthers 7. Citrullus (p. 615). Tendrils not branched ; leaves not deep- ly lobed; connective produced beyond the anthers 8. Cucumis (p. 616). 1. MARAH Kellogg. Herbaceous vine climbing by tendrils, with thin lobed leaves and small monoecious flowers; staminale flowers in racemes or panicles; hypautliium broadly campanulate; sepals 5 or C; corolla white or greenish, rotate, 5 or 6-lobed; stamens 2 or 3, the fila- ments united, the anthers nearly horizontal; pistillate flowers usually solitary, some- times clustered In (lie axils, Iheir calyx and corolla similar to those of the Btaminate flowers; Btaminodia more or less prominent; ovary echinate, 1 to 4-celled; ovules 1 to 4 in each cell; fruit echinate, fibrous within. 1. Marah gilensis Greene, Leaflets 2: 36. 1910. Megarrhiza gilensis Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 97. 1881. Echinoajstis gilensis Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 189. 1885. Micrampelis gilensis Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 8: 67. 1889. Type locality: In deep sand on the banks of the upper G'la River and its tribu- taries, New Mexico. Type collected by E. L. Greene. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Burro Mountains (Rusby 141). 2. ECHINOPEPON Naud. Allium! herbs with cordate, entire or parted leaves; (lowers monoecious, the stami- nale in long racemes, with 6-lobed limbs; pistillate (lowers solitary; ovary OVoid, beaked, I j i - j » I < I or echinate, usually 3-celled. 614 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Racemes 10 to 20 cm. long; staminate flowers large, not punctate- glandular 1. E. confusus. Racemes shorter, mostly less than 10 cm. long; etaminate flowers smaller, conspicuously punctate-glandular 2. E. wrightii. 1. Echinopepon confusus Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 5: 115. 1897. Type locality: Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Copper Mines. 2. Echinopepon wrightii (A. Gray) S. Wats. Bull. Torrey Club 13: 158. 1887. Elaterium wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 61. 1853. Echinocystis wrightii Cogn. Mem. Acad. Sci. Belg. 28: 88. 1878. Type locality: Mountains near Guadalupe Pass, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1090). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Pass. 3. SICYOS L. One-seeded bur cucumber. Slender climbing vines with lobed leaves and branched tendrils; flowers monoecious, the staminate in racemes or corymbs, the hypanthium broadly campanulate or nearly flat, the corolla whitish or pale yellow, rotate, 5-lobed; stamens with their filaments united into a column, the anthers 2 to 5, distinct or united; pistillate flowers usually clustered at the end of a peduncle arising from the same node as the longer stami- nate peduncle; ovary 1-celled, bristly, glandular, or glabrous; ovule solitary, pendu- lous; fruit not inflated, thin-walled, indehiscent. key to the species. Fruit glabrous 1. S. glaber. Fruit hispid. Lobes of the leaves triangular, attenuate, the basal sinus usually broad and open 2. S. parvijlorus. Lobes of the leaves rounded, obtuse, the sinus usually closed. 3. S. ampelophyllus. 1. Sicyos glaber Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 310. 1898. Type locality: Organ Mountains, south of San Augustine Ranch, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 606). Range: Organ Mountains of New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Sicyos parviflorus Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 626. 1805. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Bayard; Teel; White Mountains; Gray. Canyons, in the Up- per Sonoran and Transition zones 3. Sicyos ampelophyUus Woot. & Standi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 111. 1909. Type locality: Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Met- calfe (no. 1195). Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Kingston; Fort Bayard; Burro Mountains; Sapello Creek; Gila; Santa Rita. 4. IBERVILLEA Greene. Climbing herbaceous vines from thickened roots; leaves deeply 3 to 5-lobed; flowers small, dioecious, the staminate ones in racemes, the pistillate ones solitary in the axils; hypanthium cylindric or cylindric-campanulate; corolla salverform, yellow; WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 615 stamens 3, the connective not produced beyond the anthers; ovary 1-celled, with 2 or 3 placentae, the stigma 3-lobed ; berry globose, red, the seeds somewhat swollen. 1. Ibervillea tenuisecta (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1136. 1903. Sicydium lindheimeri tenuisecta A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 75. 1852. Type locality: "Dry sandy soil, near the Rio Grande, Texas, and New Mexico." Range: Western Texas to New Mexico and Chihuahua. New Mexico: Dog Spring; above Rincon; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Sandy mesas and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. APODANTHERA Arn. Melon loco. Rough prostrate coarse vines having a very disagreeable odor, from thick perennial roots; leaves round-reniform, entire or lobed; flowers large, yellow, monoecious, the staminate racemose or corymbose from the lower axils, the pistillate solitary in the upper axils; calyx tube subcylindric; anthers distinct, sessile, dorsally fixed; ovary 1-celled, with 3 placentae; seeds horizontal, numerous; fruit 7 to 10 cm. in diameter, nearly spherical, ridged, with a tough or somewhat woody rind. 1. Apodanthera undulata A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 60. 1853. Type locality: "In valleys from Eagle Springs to the Limpio," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Near White Water; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Mangas Valley. Dry sandy mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 6. CUCURBITA L. Gourd. Coarse, rough, usually ill-scented, prostrate, tendril-bearing, herbaceous vines from thickened roots; leaves large, nearly entire or lobed; flowers large, showy, yellow, monoecious, solitary in the axils; hypanthium of staminate flowers campanulate or rarely tubular, that of the pistillate flowers subglobose; stamens 3, the filaments distinct, the anthers linear, coherent, contorted; staminodia in pistillate flowers 3; ovary 1-celled, with 3 to 5 placentae; fruit a pepo, usually large (in ours 8 cm. in diameter or less), woody. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves deltoid-ovate, entire or angled 1. C. foetidissima. Leaves 5-lobed to the base 2. C. digitata. 1. Cucurbita foetidissima II. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 123. 1817. Cucurbita perennis A. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 193. 1850. Type locality: "Prope Guanaxuato Mexicanorum, altit. 1080 hexap." Raxoe: Nebraska and Missouri to California and Texas and southward. New Mexico: Black Range; Socorro; Dog Spring; Albert; Nara Visa; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Eagle Creek. Plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Cucurbita digitata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 60. 1853. Type locality: Between the Copper Mines and Condes Camp, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1088). Range: Southwestern New Mexico ami adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Lordsburg; mesa Bouth of Gila; near White Water. Dry sandy plains, in ill'1 Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. CITRULLUS Forsk. 1. Citrullus citrullus(I..) Small, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 606. L898. Watibmklon. Cucurbita citrullus L. S|>. PI. L010. 17.".:'.. Citrullus vulgaris Bchrad.; Eckl. 1l. 1801. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Arizona and western New Mexico to central Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. Order 49. VALERIAN ALES. 140. VALERIANACEAE. Valerian Family. Perennial herbs, sometimes 1.5 meters tall, from thickened cormlike roots, with opposite leaves, and small flowers in terminal panicles; leaves more or loss pinnately divided, some of the basal ones entire; flowers perfect, monoecious, or dioecious, small; calyx of 3 to 5 sepals or pappus-like or obsolete; corolla tube narrowly funnel- form or Balverform ; stamens 1 to I, adnate to the corolla tube; ovary inferior, 3-celled, 2 of the cells abortive; fruit a 1-seeded nutlet crowned with the calyx or naked. With us a single genus \\\\\\ (lie characters of the family. 1. VALERIANA I,. Yaii.kian. KKV To TIIK SPECIES. Leaves thick, entireor with long Linear divisions; venation almost parallel; tall plant, aboul I meter high l. V. traehycarpa. Leaves thin, the cauline ones pinnate, the lobes not linear; vena- tion distinctly pinnate; plants lower, seldom more than :'>(> cm. I Basal lea ordate 2. V.ovata. patulate or lanceolate, tapering al the base '■'•■ V.acutUoba, 1. Valeriana traehycarpa Rydl i. l'.ull. Torrey Club 31: 645. 1904. Ti ii locality: tied Mountain, < (dorado. Rani ; Colorado and New Mexico. 618 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Sierra Grande; Santa Fe and Las "Vegas mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Hillsboro Peak; Luna; White and Sacra- mento mountains. Meadows and thickets in the mountains, Transition to Hud- sonian Zone. 2. Valeriana ovata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 645. 1904. Valeriana acutiloba ovata A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 476. 1909. Type locality: "Cameron's Cove," Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: San Mateo Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Holts Ranch; Kingston; Organ Peak; White Mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. 3. Valeriana acutiloba Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 24. 1901. Type locality: Near Gray-Back Mining Camp, Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Damp woods, in the Tran- sition and Canadian zones. Order 50. ASTERALES. KEY TO THE FAMILIES. Flowers all with tubular corollas or none, or only the imperfect ray flowers with ligulate corol- las. Stamens distinct; flowers unisexual 143. AMBROSIACEAE (p. 631). Stamens united by the anthers or if distinct the flowers perfect 144. ASTERACEAE (p. 637). Corollas of all or only of the perfect flowers bilabi- ate or ligulate. Corollas all ligulate ; herbage usually with milky juice; style branches filiform 141. CICHORIACEAE (p. 618). Corollas of all or only the perfect flowers bilabiate; herbage without milky juice; style branches short, not filiform 142. MUTISIACEAE (p. 630). 141. CICHORIACEAE. Chicory Family. Herbs, mostly with milky bitter juice; leaves alternate; heads homogamous and Ligulate, the flowers all perfect and with ligulate corollas; ligules 5-toothed at the apex; anthers auriculate at the base, not caudate; style branches filiform, minutely papillose, notappendaged. KEY TO THE GENERA. Pappus of plumose bristles, often paleaceous at the base. Achenes truncate at the apex, not beaked; flowers pink 1. Ptiloria (p. 620). Achenes beaked; flowers white to purple. Flowers white or pinkish; leaves runcinate; in- volucres with a few calyculate outer bracts 2. Nemoseris (p. 621). Flowers purple; leaves entire; involucres with- out outer calyculate bracts 3. Tragopogon (p. 621). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 619 Pappus not plumose. Pappus, at least in part, of scales, or these reduced and united into a crown. Involucre simple, that is, with no short calycu- late outer bracts; outer pappus of minute scales scarcely visible except under a strong lens; flowers yellow 4. Cynthia (p. 621). Involucre with few or many calyculate outer bracts; outer series of pappus conspicuous; flowers yellow or blue. Flowers blue; plants caulescent 5. Cichorium (p. 622). Flowers yellow; plants acaulescent 6. Uropapptjs (p. 622). Pappus of cajjillary bristles. Achenes flattened. Achenes narrowed at the top or beaked; pap- pus bristles falling separately; invo- lucres cylindric 7. Lactuca (p. 622). Achenes truncate ; pappus bristles not falling separately; involucres campanulate.. 8. Sonchus (p. 623). Achenes not flattened. Pappus bristles promptly deciduous, usually together 9. Malacothrix (p. 624). Pappus persistent or tardily deciduous. Achenes with distinct slender beaks. Plant caulescent; pappus tawny 10. Sitilias (p. 624). Plants scapose; pappus white or nearly so. Achenes 10-ribbed or nerved; not spinose-muricate; in- volucres more or less im- bricated 11. Agoseris (p. 624). Achenes 4 or 5-ribbed ; muricate- epinulose, at least near the apex; involucre of a single series of equal in- ner bracts with some ca- lyculate outer ones 12. Taraxacum (p. 626). Achenes not beaked. Flowers rose-colored, never yellow. Receptacle bearing capillary bristles 13. Calycoseris (p. 627). Receptacle naked. Pappus scabrous; heads 15 to 20-flowered; cau- line leaves not scale- like. One species of 14. 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1.\ < 1 1 \i (p. 627). Pappus not scabrous; he;ul-< 3 to 12-flowered; can- line leaves scalelike or none L5. Ltgodebkia (p. 628). 020 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Flowera yellow or white. Achenes tapering upward ; pap- pus white; bracts in fruit more or less thickened at the base or on the mid- rib 16. Crepis (p. 629). Achenes not tapering upward; pappus usually sordid or reddish, rarely white; bracts not thickened 14. Hieracium (p. 627). 1. PTILORIA Raf. Nearly or quite glabrous annuals or perennials with branched stems, a tuft of usu- ally pinnatifid basal and small, often scalelike cauline leaves; heads small, 3 to 20- flowered, paniculate or corymbose, with pink flowers; involucre cylindric, of several narrow appressed bracts and a few short calyculate outer ones; achenes 5-angled, often with intermediate ribs; pappus a single series of soft plumose bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals; pappus dilated at the base. Plants stout, simple at the base; stems very glaucous or nearly white Plants slender, much branched from the base; stems green . . . Perennials; pappus not dilated at the base. Heads large, 10 to 20-flowered, 11 to 12 mm. high Heads smaller, 5 to 8-flowered, 9 mm. high or less. Plants low, seldom more than 20 cm. high, diffusely and densely branched 4. Plants taller, usually more than 30 cm., sparingly and not diffusely branched. Pappus white, plumose to the base 5. P. ramosa. Pappus tawny, only scabrous at the base 6. P. paucijlora. 1. Ptiloria bigelovii (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 176. 1913. Hemiplilium bigelovii A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Pot. 105. 1859. Type locality: Frontera, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: Farmington; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Ptiloria exigua (Nutt.) Greene, Pittonia 2: 132. 1890. Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 428. 1841. Type locality: "On the Rocky Mountain plains, toward the Colorado." Range: California and Nevada to Wyoming and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Mesilla Valley. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Ptiloria thurberi (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 133. 1890. Stephanomeria thurberi A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 325. 1854. Type locality: Sierra de laa Animas, Sonora or New Mexico. Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Kingston. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 1. P. bigelovii. 2. P. exigua. 3. P. thurberi. 4. P. neomexicana WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 621 4. Ptiloria neomexicana Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 123. 1898. Type locality: Mesaa near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 482). Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Frisco; near White Water; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Gray; Parkers Well. Sandy mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 5. Ptiloria ramosa Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 453. 1900. Type locality: Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. Range: Montana and Nebraska to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Pecos; Siena Grande; Las Vegas Canyon; Sandia Mountains; Silver City; Capitan Mountains. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Ptiloria pauciflora (Torr.) Raf. Atl. Journ. 145. 1832. Prcnanthcs ? pauciflora Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 210. 1828. Type locality: "Near the Rocky Mountains." Range: Nevada and Arizona to Colorado and Texas. .\ i;\v Mexico: Cedar Hill; Chiz; Rosa; Kingston; Dog Spring; Dona Ana Mountains; Organ Mountains. Plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. NEMOSERIS Greene. Glabrous succulent winter annual with pinnatifid alternate leaves and large heads of white or pinkish flowers; involucre cylindric, of 7 to 15 narrow equal bracts and numerous short calyculate outer ones; achenes terete, fusiform, few-ribbed, attenuate to a slender beak; pappus of 10 to 15 slender long-plumose white bristles. 1. Nemoseris neomexicana (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 193. 1891. Eafinesquia neomexicana A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 103. 1853. Type locality: "Stony hills along the Rio Grande near El Paso," Texas or -Chi- huahua. Range: Western Texas to Utah and southern California. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Glorieta; Nutt Flats; mesa near Las Cruces; Organ Mountains. Dry mesas and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. TRAGOPOGON L. Salsify. Tall glabrous biennial or perennial with fleshy tap-root, alternate entire linear- lanceolate long-acuminate leaves, and large long-pedunculate heads of purplish flowers; involucre narrowly campanulate, the Eew bracts in a single series; achenes linear, terete, slender-beaked; pappus a single series of plumose bristles connate at the base. 1. Tragopogon porrifolius L. Sp. PI. 789. 1753. T\ PB i.< "Ai.i iv : Not staled. New Mexico: Pecos; Santa Fe; Etamah; Bfesilla. The plan i, is Erequentl cultivated in gardens and often < scapes. 4. CYNTHIA Don. Nearly glabrous branched perennial with a rosette of basal Leaves and a few < tie alternate cauline ones; beads medium-sized, the flowers orange-colored; involucre campanulate, of 9 to 15 lanceolate nerveless bracts; achenes cylindric. si riate; pappus of 10 to 15 minute linear si il< and as many or more inner bristles, the cuter scales visible only under a b1 rang lens. 1. Cynthia viridis Staat Hey, Ciilr. U. S. Nai. Serb. 18:357. L911. Typb locality: N ear CowL tonal Poresl Ban Miguel County, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley no. 1 118). 622 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Mountains of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. New Mexico: Cowles; Gallinas Planting Station; Las Vegas Hot Springs; West Fork of the Gila; Fresnal. Transition Zone. 5. CICHORITJM L. Chicory. Erect branching herbaceous perennial with basal and alternate cauline leaves and large heads of blue flowers in sessile clusters along the branches; involucre of 2 series of herbaceous bracts, the outer spreading, the inner erect; achenes 5-angled, truncate; pappus of 2 or 3 series of short blunt scales. 1. Cichorium intybus L. Sp. PI. 811. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europa ad margines agrorum viarumque." New Mexico: Near Albuquerque (Munson & Hopkins). A common weed in many parts of the United States but, eo far, rare in New Mexico. 6. UROPAPPUS Nutt. Acaulescent annual, with narrow, entire or laciniate-toothed leaves and medium- sized heads of yellow flowers; involucre of a series of narrow inner bracts and a few calyculate outer ones; achenes attenuate to a short beak; pappus white, of 5 scarious awn-tipped scales. 1. Uropappus pruinosus Greene, Leaflets 1: 213. 1906. Type locality: "Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Nutt Mountain; Organ Mountains. Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. LACTUCA L. Lettuce. Tall or low perennial or biennial herbs with milky juice, leafy stems, and paniculate inflorescence of small heads of blue or yellow flowers; involucre glabrous, cylindric, of few subequal bracts in a single series and numerous calyculate outer ones; achenes compressed, beaked; pappus of usually white, slender bristles falling separately. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Achenes not transversely rugulose. Flowers yellow; leaves spinulose 1. L. integrata. Flowers blue; leaves not spinulose 2. L. pulchella. Achenes transversely rugulose. Leaves spinulose on the margins and midribs 3. L. ludoviciana. Leaves never spinulose. Involucre about 10 mm. high; leaves mostly pinnatifid, with broad lobes 4. L. canadensis. Involucre 15 to 20 mm. high; leaves mostly entire, linear, or the lowest with narrow lobes 5. L. gramini/olia. 1. Lactuca integrata (Gren. & Godr.) A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 596. 1909. Prickly lettuce. Lactuca scariola integrata Gren. & Godr. Fl. France 2: 320. 1850. Type locality: France. New Mexico: Farmington; Shiprock; Mesilla Valley; Gilmores Ranch; Ruidoso. Introduced from the eastern States and originally from Europe, this has become a troublesome weed in some of the river valleys of New Mexico. 2. Lactuca pulchella (Pursh) DC. Prodr. 7: 134. 1838. Sonchus pulchellus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 502. 1814. Lactuca integrifolia Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 124. 1818. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 623 Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: British America to Michigan, Kansas, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; Pescado Spring; Johnsons Mesa; Pecos; Perico Creek; Santa Fe; Silver City; Mangas Springs; Mogollon Moun- tains; Mesilla Valley; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes and in waste ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Lactuca ludoviciana (Nutt.) DC. Prodr. 7: 141. 1838. Sonchus ludovicianus Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 25. 1818. Type locality: "In humid places, in the open plains, and Fort Mandan on the Missouri." Range: Montana and Minnesota to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Farmington ( Wooton 2592). River valleys, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Lactuca canadensis L. Sp. PI. 796. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: British America to New Mexico and Florida. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Gallinas Canyon; Sandia Mountains; Mimbres River; Ruidoso Creek. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Lactuca grarninifolia Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 85. 1803. Type locality: "In Carolina inferiore." Range: Colorado and Arizona to North Carolina and Florida. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Las Vegas; South Percha Creek; Middle Fork of the Gila; Parkers Well; Cloudcroft; Tularosa Creek; Ruidoso Creek. Open slopes and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 8. SONCHUS L. Sow thistle. Succulent annuals or biennials with alternate, auriculate-clasping, dentate or pinnatifid, prickly leaves, and corymbs of medium-sized heads of yellow flowers; involucre ovoid or campanulate, becoming thickened at the base, the bracts im- bricated in several series, the outer successively smaller; receptacle flat, naked; achenes oval, flattened, ribbed, truncate; pappus of soft smooth capillary bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Heads 25 mm. high; involucres glandular-pubescent 3. S. arvenxis. Heads about 15 mm. high; involucres not glandular-pubescent. Auricles of leaves acute; achenes not transversely wrinkled 1 . 5. asper. Auricles obtuse; achenes transversely wrinkled 2. S. oleraceus. 1. Sonchus asper (L.) All. Fl. Pedem. 1: 222. 17S5. Sonchus oleraceus asper L. Sp. PI. 794. 1753. Type locality: European. New Mexico: Farmington; Carri/.o Mountains; Pecos; Santa Fe; Sandia Moun- tains; Mangas Springs; Berendo Creek; Cloverdale; Mesilla Valley; Fresnal; Bound Mountain. A common weed in gardens and cultivated fields, widely introduced into North America from Europe. 2. Sonchus oleraceus I.. Sp. PI. 791. 1753. Type locality: "liahital in Kuropuo cultis." New Mexico: Kingston; Patterson. Introduced from Europe. 3. Sonchus arvensis I.. Bp. PI. 793. I Type locality: "Habitat in Europae agria argillo Ni u M bxioo: Shiprocfa I Start Abundant along irrigating ditchee in this on.' Locality; introduced from Europe. 624 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HEEBAEIUM. 9. MALACOTHRIX DC. Low branching annual with numerous stems terminated by medium-sized peduncu- late yellow heads; leaves mostly basal, pinnatifid; involucre campanulate, of numerous narrow, equal, somewhat imbricated bracts and a few short outer ones; achenes truncate atboth ends; pappus a very shallow entire cup. 1. Malacothrix fendleri A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 104. 1853. Type locality: Low sandy banks of the Rio del Norte, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Fendler. Range: Western Texas to southern California. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Sandia Mountains; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains. Dry mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 10. SITILIAS Raf. False dandelion. Nearly glabrous perennial ay ith a rosette of entire to pinnatifid basal leaves, alternate divided cauline ones, nearly simple or much branched stems, and large heads of yellow flowers; involucre a series of equal appressed narrow bracts with a few linear short outer ones; achenes fusiform, with a long slender beak; pappus reddish, simple, capillary, surrounded at the base by a soft-villous ring. 1. Sitilias multicaulis (DC.) Greene, Pittonia 2: 179. 1891. Pyrrhopappus multicaulis DC. Prodr. 7: 144. 1838. Type locality: "In Mexico ad Tamaulipas et S. Fernando de Bexar." The first locality is Mexican, the second Texan. Range: Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico : San Juan; Pecos; Albuquerque; Los Lunas; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is a very variable plant. There seems to be no means of distinguishing Pyrrho- pappus rothrockii A. Gray. That is a mere form and not worthy of nomenclaturai recognition. 11. AGOSEBIS Raf. Acaulescent perennial herbs with mostly narrow, entire, toothed, or pinnatifid basal leaves, and large scapose heads of yellow, orange, or purplish flowers; involucre narrowly campanulate or cylindric, of numerous narrow imbricated bracts, the outer successively shorter, herbaceous, not thickened; achenes oblong or linear, terete, 10-ribbed, with a long or short beak; pappus of numerous capillary white bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Beak of achenes slender, about as long as the body, nearly smooth at the middle. - Flowers yellow; leaves linear or nearly so 1. A. graminifolia. Flowers purplish or orange; leaves not linear. Bracts conspicuously blotched with purple 2. A. purpurea. Bracts not blotched with purple, sometimes slightly pur- plish along the midrib. Leaves glaucous, glabrous, pinnatifid with linear lobes 3. A. greenei. Leaves green, somewhat pubescent, entire or with broad lobes 4. -1. aurantiaca. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 625 Beak of achenes stout, short, about half as long as the body, Btriate throughout. Bracts usually villous-ciliate. Outer bracts much broader than the inner, usually some- what obtuse; plants low; leaves obtuse, not deeply pinnatifid 5. A. pumila. Outer bracts not much broader than the inner, acute; plants tall; leaves acute, deeply pinnatifid 6. A. laciniata. Bracts glabrous, sometimes slightly tomentose when young. Leaves thick, glaucous, oblanceolate, toothed 7. A. glauca. Leaves thin, green, nearly linear, entire 8. A. parviflora. 1. Agoseris graminifolia Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 124. 1898. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 513). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro Peak; Middle Fork of the Gila; White and Sacramento mountains. Damp meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 2. Agoseris purpurea (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 177. 1891. Macrorhynchus purpureus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 114. 1849. Troximon purpureum A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 599. 1909. Type locality: Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 487). Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe; Beattys Cabin; Beulah; Baldy. Transition Zone. 3. Agoseris greenei (A. Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 459. 1900. Troximon gracilens greenei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 71. 1883. Type locality: Scott Mountain, Siskiyou County, California. Range: British America to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsor Creek; Dulce; Chama. Transition Zone. 4. Agoseris aurantiaca (llook.) Greene, Pittonia 2: 177. 1891. Troximon aurantiacum Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 300. pi. 104- 1833. Type locality: "Alpine prairies of the Rocky Mountains." Range: British Columbia and Montana to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Winsor Creek; Harveys Upper Ranch. Meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 5. Agoseris pumila (Nutt.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 457. 1900. Troximon pumilum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 434. 1841. Troximon glaucum pumilum A. Nels. in. Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 599. 1909. Type locality: "Plains of the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon." Range: Montana to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4819). Mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 6. Agoseris laciniata (Nutt) Greene, Pittonia 2: 178. 1891. Troximon laemiatum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 71. L8 Type locality: Not stated. Ranch: Idaho and Wyoming t" California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe Canyon; Chama; Tierra Amanita. Meadows, in tin' Transition Zone. r,u.-,7G°— 15 40 628 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 7. Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Steud. Nom. Bot. ed. 2. 1: 37. 1840. Troximon glaucum Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 128. 1818. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Washington and Saskatchewan to Utah and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Fort Defiance; Carrizo Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 8. Agoseris parviflora (Nutt.) D. Dietr. Syn. PI. 4: 1332. 1847. Troximon parviflorum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 434. 1841. Type locality: "On the plains of the Platte to the Rocky Mountains." Range: Alberta and North Dakota to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Grosstedt Place. Mead- ows, in the Transition Zone. 12. TARAXACUM Hall. Dandelion. Perennial acaulescent herbs with pinnatifid, toothed, or rarely en the leaves and large heads of yellow flowers terminating the naked hollow scapes; bracts of the involucre mostly equal, with a number of shorter calyculate outer ones; receptacle flat, naked; achenes oblong to fusiform, angled and nerved, spinulose at the summit, beaked; pappus copious, of unequal persistent slender bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Outer bracts reflexed from the base; leaves deeply pinnatifid. Terminal segments of the leaves broadly triangular; achenes greenish brown 1. T. taraxacum. Terminal segments of the leaves triangular or oblong; achenes red • 2. T. mexicanum. Outer bracts not reflexed from the base; leaves pinnatifid or den- ticulate. Outer bracts nearly as long as the inner, reflexed above the middle; leaves denticulate, yellowish green 3. T. dumetorum. Outer bracts less than half as long as the inner, usually ap- pressed; leaves pinnatifid, bright green 4. T. montanum. 1. Taraxacum taraxacum (L.) Karst. Deutsch. Fl. 1138. 1880-83. Leontodon taraxacum L. Sp. PI. 798. 1753. Taraxacum officinale Web. Prim. Fl. Hols. 56. 1780. Type locality: European. Range: Nearly throughout the United States, in some places introduced from Europe, in others apparently native. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Farmington; Chama; Raton. Open fields and waste ground. 2. Taraxacum mexicanum DC. Prodr. 7: 146. 1838. Type locality: Near the City of Mexico. Range: Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Nutritas Creek; Tierra Amarilla. Mountains, in the Tran- sition Zone. 3. Taraxacum dumetorum Greene, Pittonia 4: 230. 1901. Taraxacum oblanceolatum Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 410. 1906. Type locality: Dale Creek, Wyoming. Range: Alberta to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Pecos River; top of Las Vegas Range. High mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 627 4. Taraxacum montanum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 430. 1841. Typk locality: "On the banks of the Platte, in subsaline situations toward the Rocky Mountains, and in the highest valleys of the Colorado of the West." Range: Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Santa Fe Canyon; Sacramento Mountains. Moun- tains, in the Transition Zone. A specimen from Cloudcroft has entire leaves. It is not improbable that the material from the Sacramento Mountains represents an undescribed species. 13. CALYCOSERIS A. Gray. Slender glaucous winter annual with branching stems, the leaves pinnately parted into linear lobes, the heads rather large, pedunculate, terminating the branches; flowers white or pinkish; heads and peduncles glandular-hispid; involucre of numer- ous erect narrow bracts in a single series and of a loose calyculate outer series; recep- tacle bristle-bearing; achenes fusiform or oblong, 5-ribbed, attenuate to a short beak terminating in a shallow scarious crown; pappus of soft capillary bristles, deciduous. 1. Calycoseris wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 104. pi. 14. 1853. Type locality: "Stony hills around El Paso," Texas or Chihuahua. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and Utah. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains; Picacho Mountain. Mesas, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 14. HIERACIUM L. Hawkweed. Hirsute, lanate, or glandular perennial herbs with mostly entire leaves and panicu- late heads of yellowish, whitish, or pink flowers; heads 12 to many-flowered; involucre of narrow, somewhat imbricated bracts, a few short ones at the base; achenes short, striate, not beaked; pappus a single row of slender white or tawny bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. All leaves glabrous or nearly bo, none long-hairy 1. H. gracile. Basal leaves hirsute or lanate. Flowers whitish or flesh-colored; pappus bright .white; stems leafy. Plants stout; cauline leaves and stem hirsute; flowers whitish 2. //. lemmoni. Plants slender; cauline leaves and stems glabrous; flowers flesh-colored 3. //. carneum. Flowers yellow; pappus tawny; stems leafy or nearly naked. Leaves lanate 4. //. pringlei. Leaves hirsute, never lanate. Stems bearing numerous leaves; involucres 7 mm. high or less .r>. //. rutlbyi. Stems bearing only 1 or 2 reduced leaves; involucres 9 to 15 mm. high. Basal leaves oblanccolate-spatulato to obovate, loilg-hiTSUte; involucres 12 to 15 mm. high, 'i- II. Ji mllrri. Basal leaves linear-oblong, short-hairy; involu not more than 10 mm. high 7. U. breviptium. 1. Hieracium gracile Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 298. 18 Iln rm-ni in triste gracile A. dray in Brewer A Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 441. L876. Tyi'k locality: Kooky Mountains. Kam.i.: Mountains, Alaska and Molilalia to < 'alii'ornia and Now tfexii 0 New Mexico: Truchae Peak (r winged; stamens usually 5, distinct; corollas all tubular; ovary 1-celled; stigmas 2, hairy or brashlike at the apex. can to i'ii 1 1 i;i m-.ka. Staminate and pistillate (lowers in the same heads, tin* latter u-w (rarely solitary or none) in the margins. A.chenes flattened, wing-margined; involucre with I or 2 inner enlarged scarious bracts 1. Dicobia (p. 032). 632 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Achenes turgid, ovoid or pear-shaped; bracts of the involucre alike, herbaceous 2. Iva (p. 633). Staminate and pistillate flowers in separate heads, the lat- ter 1 to 4, without corollas, inclosed in a nutlike or burliko involucre. Shrub; pistillate involucre with several scarious wings 3. Hymenocxea (p. 634). Herbs; pistillate involucre not winged. Involucres of staminate heads with distinct bracts; pistillate involucres large, with hooked spines 4. Xanthium (p. 634). Involucres of staminate heads with united bracts; pistillate involucres small, the spines not hooked. Spines or tubercles of the 1-flowered pistil- late heads in a single row 5. Spines of the 1 to 4-flowered pistillate heads in more than one row 6. Ambrosia (p. 635). Gaertneria (p. 636). 1. DICORIA Torr. & Gray. Low branched canescent annuals with alternate petiolate leaves; heads heteroga- mous, of 1 or 2 fertile and several staminate flowers; pistillate flowers without corollas; involucre of 5 short, oval or oblong, herbaceous bracts and 1 or 2 inner enlarged scarious ones; achenes flat on the inner surface, convex on the outer, with dentate or thin and scarious pecjtinate edges; pappus rudimentary, of several small scales. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Achenes 1 in each head; teeth of achenes conspicuous, often con- nected at the base 1. D. brandegei. Achenes 2 in each head; teeth of achenes inconspicuous, few, distinct 2. D. paniculata. 1. Dicoria brandegei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11: 76. 1876. Type locality: Along the San Juan, between McElmo and Recapture Creeks, Utah. Range: Colorado and Utah to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock (Standlcy 7188). Sandy soil in valleys, in the Upper So- noran Zone. 2. Dicoria paniculata Eastw. Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 6: 298. pi. 45. 1896. Type locality: Sandy flats along the San Juan River near the junction with McElmo Creek, Utah. Range: Southeastern Utah and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock (Standley 7188a). Sandhills in valleys, in the Upper So- noran Zone. The two species were growing together on sandbars along the San Juan at the Ship- rock Agency, and in the field were taken to be the same species. D. paniculata, as stated by Miss Eastwood, blooms earlier than D. brandegei, and the plants collected at Shiprock were in mature fruit and had lost many of their leaves, while those of the latter species were only flowering. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 633 2. IVA L. Marsh elder. Coarse herbaceous perennials or annuals with entire or dissected leaves, at least some of them opposite; heads numerous, small, axillary or loosely paniculate; involucre hemispheric, of few rounded bracts; receptacle with linear or spatulate chaff; marginal flowers pistillate, 1 to 5, their corollas tubular or wanting, the disk flowers perfect, with 5-lobed funnelform corollas; achenes flattened, glabrous; pappus none. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennial; leaves small, entire, sessile; heads axillary 1 . I. axillaris. Annuals; leaves large, not entire, petiolate; heads not axillary. Heads in terminal bracteate spikes; fertile flowers with evi- dent corollas 2. /. ciliata. Heads naked-paniculate; corolla of fertile flowers rudimen- tary or none. Heads conspicuously pedicellate; leaves twice or thrice pinnately parted 3. I. am brosiaefolia. Heads nearly sessile; leaves toothed or laciniate-pinna- tifid. Stems 1 meter high or more; plants bright green; leaves serrate 4. I. xanthiifolia. Stems GO cm. high or less; plants densely tomentose; leaves mostly laciniate-pinnatifid 5. I. dealbata . 1. Iva axillaris Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 743. 1814. Type locality: "In Upper Louisiana." Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to California, New Mexico, and Okla- homa. New Mexico: Farmington; San Juan; Anniston. Alkaline soil, in the Upper So- noran Zone. 2. Iva ciliata Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 238G. 1803. Type locality: "Habitat in America boreali." Ranoe: Nebraska and Illinois to Louisiana and New Mexico. In Plantae Fcndlerianae this is said to occur "From Sand Creek, New Mexico, to Fort Leavenworth, in low prairies." We have seen no New Mexican specimens, but the plant is to be expected in the northeast corner of the State. Plains and dry fields, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Iva ambrosiaefolia A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 24G. 1S84. Euphrosyne ambrosiaefolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 102. 1852. Type locality: "Mountains near El Paso," Texas or ( liilmahua. Ranch; : Western Texas to southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Trujillo Creek; Mangas Springs; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Organ Mountains; Florida Mountains. Dry mesas and sandhills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Iva xanthiifolia Null. Gen. PI. 2: 185. 1818. Euphrosyne xanthiifolia A. Cray, PI. Wright. 2: 85. is:.::. Type locality: "In arid soils, near Fort Mandan, &c , on (he hanks of the Mis- souri." Raxoe: Saskatchewan and Nebraska to Washington and .New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Shiprock; Chama; Pecos; Santa Fe; Sandia Mountains; tfountainair; Taos; Eebron; has Vegas; Belen. Along streams and in waste ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition /.ones. A common weed in cultivated fields in Borne parts of the State. 634 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. Iva dealbata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 104. 1852. Type locality: "In a mountain valley, between the Limpia and the Rio Grande," western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Lake Valley; near White Water; north of Parkers Well; White Mountains; Lakewood; Carlsbad; Artesia; Carrizozo. Lower and Upper Sono- ran zones. 3. HYMENOCLEA Torr. & Gray. Much branched slender shrub, 1 to 2 meters high, with alternate lineai'-filiform leaves, the lower irregularly pinnately parted; heads small, unisexual, very numer- ous; involucre of staminate flowers saucer-shaped, 4 to 6-lobed; bracts of the recep- tacle subtending the outer flowers obovate or spatulate; involucre of the solitary fertile flower ovoid or fusiform, beaked at the apex, furnished below with 9 to 12 dilated scarious transverse wings. 1. Hymenoclea monogyra Torr. & Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 79. 1849. Type locality: Valley of the Gila, New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern California and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Socorro; Deming; Rincon; Rio Alamosa; Dona Ana Mountains; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Van Pattens. Along arroyos, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. XANTHIUM L. Cocklebur. Coarse annuals with branched stems and alternate toothed or lobed leaves; sterile and fertile flowers in different heads, the latter clustered below the short spikes or racemes of the staminate ones; fertile involucre coriaceous, ellipsoid or ovoid, cov- ered with hooked prickles so as to form a bur, 2-celled; achenes oblong, flat. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves attenuate to both ends, short-petiolate, armed with triple spines in the axils 1 . X. spinosum. Leaves cordate-ovate, long-petiolate, unarmed. Fruit densely covered with spines, the body 5 to 10 mm. in diameter 2. X. commune. Fruit with few spines, the body 5 mm. in diameter or less 2a. X. commune vooton i. 1. Xanthium spinosum L. Sp. PI. 987. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Lusitania." Range: Waste ground in many parts of the United States; native of tropical America. New Mexico: Pecos; Silver City; Santa Rita; Las Vegas. A noxious weed, in appearance very unlike the common cocklebur. 2. Xanthium. commune Britton, Man. 912. 1901. Type locality: Westport, New York. Range: New York and Quebec to Utah and Arizona. New Mexico: Shiprock; Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Nara Visa; Zuni; Pecos; Las Vegas; Dog Spring; Mesilla Valley. Waste ground and cultivated fields. A very common and troublesome weed in cultivated fields in many parts of the State. Probably it has been introduced into New Mexico, but in some localities it seems to be at home. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 635 2a. Xanthium commune wootoni Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 16: 9. 1903. Type locality: "At Espaiiola, N. M., and Las Vegas, N. M.'' Range: New Mexico. New Mexico : Las Vegas; Albuquerque. Valleys and cultivated fields, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This seems distinct enough from X. commune to be regarded as a species. It certainly is more easily separable from that than are most of the eastern species from each other. Professor Cockerell states, however, that he has found both forms of fruit on the same plant, hence we hesitate to raise the subspecies to specific rank. The occurrence of both forms of fruit on a single plant would not necessarily invalidate either as a species but would rather seem to be a result of hybridization. Ordinarily the two plants are distinct enough. 5. AMBROSIAL. Ragweed. Coarse annual or perennial herbs with lobed or dissected, opposite or alternate leaves and small inconspicuous flowers; sterile heads racemose, bractless; fertile flowers mostly glomerate in the lower axils; involucre of staminate flowers hemi- spheric to turbinate, 5 to 12-lobed or truncate; receptacle flat, with filiform chaff among the outer flowers; involucre of the solitary pistillate flower nutlike, beaked at the apex, usually with 4 to 8 tubercles or stout spines in a row below the beak. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves mostly 3 or 5-cleft; involucre of staminate heads 3 or 4-ribbed 1. A. aptera. Leaves once to thrice pinnatifid; involucre of staminate flowers not ribbed. Annual; fruit with sharp tubercles; leaves mostly twice parted 2. A. artemisiaefolia. Perennial; fruit with blunt tubercles or unarmed; leaves mostly once pinnatifid 3. A. psilostachya. 1. Ambrosia aptera DC. Prodr. 5: 527. 1836. Great ragweed. Ambrosia trifida texana Scheele, Linnaea 22: 156. 1849. Type locality: Near San Antonio, Texas. Range: Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Vermejo Peak; Mangas Springs; Brockrnans Ranch; Cliff; Grains Ranch. Wot ground. 2. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia L. Sp. PI. 987. 1753. I !omho . ragweed. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Pennsylvania." Range: British America to Mexico and South America. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Ogle; Agricultural College. Waste ground. The common ragweed of the Eastern Stales is, so tar, a rare introduction inio Now Mexico. 3. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Prodr. 5: 526. 1836. Western ragwi i p. Type locality: "In Mexico inter San-Fernando et Matamoros." Ranoe: Illinois and Saskatchewan to Arizona and California, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Chanui; Shiprock; Pecas; Santa Fe; Clayton; Nam Visa; Malaga; Albuquerque; Brockmans Ranch; Kingston; Dog Spring; Meedlla Valley. Plains, in the Sonoran and Transition zon< 636 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. GAERTNERIA Medic. Herbaceous animals or perennials with mostly alternate, variously parted leaves; heads of staminate flowers as in Ambrosia or sometimes mixed with the pistillate; fertile involucre 1 to 4-flowered, 1 to 4-celled, with 1 to 4 beaks, armed with numerous sharp spines in several series. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves simply pinnate or simple 1. G. grayi. Leaves twice or thrice pinna tely dissected. Leaves interruptedly pinnate, with ovate or triangular divisions, tomentose beneath 2. G. tomentosa. Leaves regularly pinnate with linear to oblong divisions, not tomentose beneath. Annual; staminate involucres cleft below the middle.. 3. G.acanihicarpa. Perennial; staminate involucres not cleft to the middle.. 4. G. tenui/olia. 1. Gaertneria grayi A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 35. 1902. Franseria tomentosa A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 80. 1849, not Ambrosia tomentosa Nutt. 1818. Type locality: "High banks of Walnut Creek, between Council Grove and Fort Mann, of the Arkansas." Range: Kansas and Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. We have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but it was collected by Griffiths at Texline, Texas, so no doubt occurs in eastern and northeastern New Mexico. Valleys, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Gaertneria tomentosa (Nutt.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 34. 1902. Ambrosia tomentosa Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 186. 1818. Franseria discolor Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 507. 1841. Franseria tomentosa A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 542. 1909 Type locality: "In Upper Louisiana on the banks of the Missouri." Range: Montana to New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Cleveland; Maxwell City; Mora. Waste and cul- tivated ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Gaertneria acanthicarpa (Hook.) Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 332. 1894. Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 309. 1830. Franseria hooheriana Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 294. 1842. Type locality: "Banks of the Saskatchewan and Red River." Range: British America to Texas and California. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains and valleys, especially in cultivated and waste ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. One of the commonest weeds in cultivated fields almost everywhere in the State. It is often called "ragweed," but of course is very different from the true ragweed of the Eastern States. 4. Gaertneria tenuifolia (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 339. 1891. Franseria tenuifolia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 80. 1849. Type locality: "Poiii Creek, between Bent's Fort and Santa Fe; also at Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Kansas and Colorado to Texas and California, also in Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Raton Mountains; Clayton; Maxwell City; Albert; Kings- ton; Organ Mountains; Gray; Eagle Creek. Plains and moist fields, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 637 144. ASTERACEAE. Aster Family. Annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs with opposite or alternate leaves; flowers aggregated on a naked or scaly receptacle, surrounded by an involucre; involucre of distinct or partly united bracts in one or more series; calyx of bristles, awns, or scales or cuplike, forming pappus at maturity, sometimes wanting; corolla 5-lobed, that of the marginal flowers often produced into a ray; ovary 1-celled; stigmas 2; fruit an achene. KEY TO THE TRIBES. Stigmatic lines at the base of the stigmas or below the middle; heads discoid, never yellow nor brown; anthers not caudate at the base. Stigmas filiform or subulate, hispidulous; coarse perennial herbs with corym- bose purple heads I. VERNONIEAE (p. 637). Stigmas more or less clavate, papillose-puberulcnt ; habit various. H. EUPATORIEAE (p. 637). Stigmatic lines extending to the tips of the stigmas or their appendages; heads discoid or radiate, varioxisly colored; anthers sometimes caudate at the base. Anther sacs caudate at the base; heads never radiate; corollas yellow only in a few species of Cirsium. Anthers not appendaged at the top; heads heterogamous or dioecious; pistillate flowers with filiform corollas; mostly small whitish plants with very small heads IV. GNAPHALIEAE (p. 640). Anthers with elongate, cartilaginous, mostly caudate appendages at the top; flowers all perfect or the marginal neutral; corolla not filiform; coarse plants with large heads and often spiny leaves. IX. CYNAREAE (p. 645). Anther sacs not caudate at the base; heads commonly radiate and with yellow or brown disk flowers. Stigmas of the perfect flowers with more or less distinct appendages, these usually strongly hairy outside, glabrous inside, but never with a ring of longer hairs m. ASTEREAE (p. 638). Stigmas of the perfect flowers without appendages or these, if present, hairy on both sides and with a ring of longer hairs. Pappus capillary; stigmas often appendaged. Vm. SENECIONEAE (p. 645). Pappus never capillary; stigmas rarely appendaged. Brads of the involucres dry and Bcarious; rays mostly white or inconspicuous VII. ANTHEMLDEAE ( p. 645). Bracts of the involucres herbaceous or foliaceous; rays various. Receptacle with chaffy scales subtending the flower.'. V. HELIANTHEAE (p. 641). Receptacle naked or in CJaillardia with bristles, never chatTy- bracted VI. HELENIEAE (p. 643). KEY TO THE GENERA. Tribe I. VERNONIEAE. A. single genua 1. Vernonia. (p. 6 Tribe II. EUPATORIEAE. Achenee 5-angled, destitute of intervening ril>s. Pappus wholly of capillary lirisllos. Annuals; pappus bristles plumose 2. Cau.mina tia i p 638 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Perennials; pappus merely scabrous. Receptacle flat 3. Eupatorium (p. 646). Receptacle conic 4. Conoclinium (p. 647). Pappus at least partly of palese. Flowers bluish; involucres many-flowered, campanulate. 5. COELESTINA (p. 648). Flowers pink or white; involucres 3 to 5-flowered, cylindric. 6. Stevia (p. 648). Achenes 8 to 10-striate or costate. Bracts of the involucres herbaceous, not striate nor nerved. Shrub; leaves opposite; pappus paleaceous-aristiform. 7. Carpochaete (p. 648). Herbs; leaves alternate; pappus of plumose or barbellate bristles. 8. Laciniaria (p. 649). Bracts of the involucres not herbaceous, conspicuously striate-nerved. Pappus plumose; leaves mostly alternate 9. Kuhnia (p. 649). Pappus barbellate or scabrous; leaves alternate or opposite. 10. Coleosanthus (p. 650). Tribe III. ASTEREAE. Heads unisexual, discoid; plants dioecious 30. Baccharis (p. 671). Heads not unisexual, discoid or radiate; plants not dioecious. Marginal pistillate flowers not ligulate, reduced to a filiform or short tube. 31. ESCHENBACHIA (p. 673). Marginal pistillate flowers, if present, ligulate. Ray flowers blue, pink, or white, never yellow. Pappus coroniform; rays white 42. Aphanostephus (p. 691). Pappus at least in part of awns or bristles; rays of various colors. Pappus of a few long awns or coarse bristles or in ray flowers reduced to palese. 43. Townsendia (p. 691). Pappus of numerous capillary bristles, at least in the disk achenes. Rays only slightly if at all exceeding the pappus; annuals. Bracts in 2 or 3 rows, the outer foliaceous; stigma tips acute. 34. Brachyactis (p. 682). Bracts in 1 or 2 series, narrow, not foliaceous; stigma tips obtuse. 32. Leptilon (p. 673). Rays conspicuously exceeding the pappus, usually equaling or exceeding the width of the disk (rarely wanting); annuals or perennials. Pappus wanting or a mere trace in the ray flowers. 41. Psilactis (p. 690). Pappus present and usually similar in both ray and disk flowers. Stigma tips triangular or ovate, obtuse or rarely acutish; bracts not foliaceous. Involucres turbinate; bracts imbricated in several rows; rays white. 40. Leucelene (p. 690). Involucres hemispheric or broader; bracts in 1 to 3 rows; rays white to purple 33. Erigeron (p. 674). Stigma tips lanceolate or oblong to filiform; bracts often foliaceous. Annuals or biennials, without rootstocks; bracts in many series, with herbaceous spreading or filiform tips. 39. Machaeranthera (p. 687). Perennials, with rootstocks or caudices; bracts various. Plants with axillary spines; leaves of stems scalelike or wanting. 38. Leucosyris (p. 686). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 639 Plants not spiny; leaves not scalelike. Leaves very thick and rigid, spinose-toothed. 37. Herrickia (p. 686). Leaves thin, not spinose-toothed. Bracts broad, with a distinct keel or midvein, not at all foliaceous; plants more or less glaucous. f 36. Eucephalus (p. 686). Bracts mostly narrow, when broad neither keeled nor with a prominent midvein; plants not glaucous. 35. Aster (p. 682). Rays yellow or wanting. Pappus none to coroniform, paleaceous, or of few rigid awns, never of numerous capillary bristles. Pappus of few deciduous stout awns; heads large, usually viscid. 11. Grindelia (p. 653). Pappus not of awns, rarely a few in some of the disk flowers, paleaceous or wanting; heads various. Pappus altogether wanting; rays short, not surpassing the disk corollas; perennial plant, woody at the base 12. Gvmnosperma (p. 656). Pappus present but often obscure; rays much surpassing the disk corollas; annuals or perennials. Rays 12, 1 cm. long; pappus coroniform; plant annual; heads large, hemispheric 13. Xanthocephalum (p. 656). Rays 10 or less, less than 5 mm. long; pappus not coroniform; annuals or perennials; heads small. Only the ray flowers fertile; pappus in disk flowers of aristiform paleae dilated at the base 14. Amphiachyris (p. 656). All or most of the disk flowers as well as those of the rays fertile; pappus of numerous palese, those of the ray small. 15. Gutierrezia (p. 656). Pappus, at least in part, of numerous capillary bristles. Ray achenes usually without pappus, never with numerous bristles. 16. Heterotheca (p. 658). All achenes with pappus of numerous capillary bristles. Pappus of 2 series, the inner of capillary bristles, the outer of scales or short bristles 17. Chrysopsis (p. 658). Pappus wholly of capillary bristles. Rays wanting. Involucres narrowly turbinate; bracts arranged in vertical ranks; usually shrubs 18. CflRYSOTHAMNUS (p. 660). Involucres broadly turbinate or hemispheric; bracts not in vertical ranks; herbs. Stigma tips obtuse; involucral bracts narrow, slightly imbricated. (Rayless species of ) 33. Erkjeron (p. 674). Stigma tips acute; bracts broad or well imbricated or both. Leaves with spine-tipped teeth; corolla lube slender. (Rayless species of) 19. Siderantuus (p. 663). Leaves uot with Bpine-tipped teeth; corolla dilated above. 20. Isocoma (p. 665). Rays present. Shrub 21. I aarsoiu (p Serbs. Leaves pinnately cleft, or the teeth spine tipped, or both. 19. Sim i;.\\ nil s 1 1 640 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Leaves entire or toothed, the teeth never spine-tipped. Bracts of the involucre longitudinally striate. 22. Oligoneuron (p. 666). Bracts not longitudinally striate. Plants low, cespitose, with short woody stems; leaves evergreen; heads solitary, long-pedunculate 23. Stenotus (p. 666). Stems wholly herbaceous; leaves not evergreen; inflorescence various. Bracts, at least the outer, foliaceous or with prominent folia- ceous tips. Disk flowers tubular; plants with tap-roots. 24. Pyrrocoma (p. 667). Disk flowers widened upward ; plants not with tap-roots. Heads corymbose; rays few; plants tall. 25. Oreochrysum (p. 667). Heads solitary; rays numerous; plants low. 26. Tonestus (p. 667). Bracts not foliaceous, or merely with green tips. Rays more numerous than the disk flowers; receptacle fim- briolate; heads corymbose 27. Euthamia (p. 667). Bays not more numerous than the disk flowers; receptacle alveolate; inflorescence various. Inflorescence racemose or paniculate; bracts not in ver- tical rows; basal leaves not rigid nor sharp-pointed. 28. Solidago (p. 668). Inflorescence corymbose; bracts in distinct vertical rows; basal leaves rigid, sharp-pointed. 29. Petradoria (p. 671). Tribe IV. GNAPHALIEAE. Plants not woolly, tall, usually 1 meter or more. Stems woody; leaves sericeous; pappus bristles of sterile flowers with thickened tips 44. Berthelotia (p. 693). Stems herbaceous; leaves not sericeous; pappus bristles not thickened at the tips. 45. Pluchea (p. 693). Plants woolly, much less than 1 meter high, seldom more than 40 cm. Receptacle chaffy. Bracts of the receptacle inclosing the achencs and falling with them, hyaline- appendagod 46. Stylocline (p. 693). Bracts merely subtending the achenes, persistent, not hyaline-appendaged. 47. Evax (p. 693). Receptacle naked. Plants not dioecious; flowers fertile throughout the heads. 48. Gnaphalium (p. 694). Plants dioecious or the pistillate heads with a few perfect flowers in the center. Pappus bristles of pistillate flowars falling separately, those of the stami- nate flowers scarcely clavellate; perfect flowers present in the centers of pistillate heads 49. Anafhalis (p. 695). Pappus bristles of pistillate flowers falling in a ring, those of the staml- nate flowers clavellate; central perfect flowers none. 50. Antennaria (p. 695). WOOTOJST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 641 Tribe V. HELIANTHEAE. Involucral bracts (uniserial) partly or wholly inclosing the achenes of the ray flowers; pappus none in the ray achenes. Rays inconspicuous, scarcely exserted; plants viscid; achenes laterally com- pressed 51. Madia (p. 697). Rays showy; plants not viscid; achenes not laterally compressed. 52. Blepharipappus (p. 698). Involucral bracts not inclosing the ray achenes; pappus various. Disk flowers sterile. Involucres cylindric or fusiform, few-flowered. Leaves, at least some of them, connate, simple; achenes oblong, without diver- gent awns or horns 53. Guardiola (p. 698 1. Leaves never connate, dissected into linear-filiform segments; most of the achenes bearing a pair of divergent awns or horns. 54. Dicranocarpus (p. 698). Involucres campanulate or hemispheric, many-flowered. Rays white. Rays long and showy; leaves entire 55. Melampodium (p. 698). Rays scarcely if at all exceeding the disk; leaves lobed or pinnatifid. 56. Parthenium (p. 699). Rays yellow. Achenes strongly flattened, unicostate on the inner face; pappus nearly obsolete or else evanescent; plants finely canescent. 57. Berlandiera (p. 699). Achenes carinate on both surfaces; pappus conspicuous, persistent; plants rough-hirsute 58. Engelmanxia (p. 700). Disk flowers fertile. Rays persistent on the achenes and becoming papery. Annuals; rays short and inconspicuous, greenish white; leaves petiolate, en- tire 59. Saxvitai.ia (p. 700). Perennials; rays showy, white or yellow; leaves mostly sessile, sometimes toothed . Disk achenes compressed; leaves entire; plants low, less than 20 cm. high. 60. Crassixa (p. 700). Disk achenes obtusely 4-angled; leaves toothed; plants tall, usually 50 cm. high or more 61. Heliopsis (p. 701V Rays deciduous, thin, or wanting. Pappus of several to many hyaline palese (rarely wanting). Rays while; heads very small; leaves opposite 62. Galinsoga (p. 701). Rays yellow or brown; heads large; leaves alternate. 97. Gaillardia (p. 719). Pappus various but never of conspicuous hyaline scales. Achenes obcompreased ; involucre of 2 distract series. Rays pink; achenes slender, beaked; slender annual. 63. Cosmos i]>. 701). Rays yellow, rarely wanting; achenes various/, annuals or perennials. Bracts of inner involucre united at least to the middle. (II. Tin 11 3M i:m \ p. '.!). Eymknopappi 644 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Rays present. Involucral bracts spatulate or linear-oblanceolate; ray9 deeply cleft, purple; heads turbinate. 100. Othake (p. 722). Involucral bracts obovate or broadly oblong; rays not deeply cleft, not purple; heads campanulate. Rays inconspicuous, scarcely exceeding the disk; heads small; plants glabrous... 101. Hymenothrix (p. 722). Rays large, white; heads large; plants tomentose. Pappus of numerous prominent palese. 99. Hymenopappus (p. 720). Pappus an obscure crown . . .102. Leucampyx (p. 723). Bracts neither colored nor scarious. Flowers pink 103. Chaenactis (p. 723). Flowers never pink, mostly yellow. Achenes 4-angled. Leaves alternate. Leaves entire; pappus of 10 paleae. 107. Platyschkuhria (p. 725). Leaves dissected; pappus wanting or of 12 or more scales. 108. Villanova (p. 725). Leaves, at least the lower, opposite. Foliage not impressed-punctate; receptacle conic; leaves entire 104. Baeria (p. 723). Foliage impressed-punctate; receptacle flat or convex; leaves dissected. Annuals; leaf segments filiform or nearly so. 106. Achyropappus (p. 724). Perennials; leaf segments oblong to linear. Leaf blades impressed-punctate; involucral bracts carinate 105. Picradeniopsis (p. 724). Leaf blades not impressed-punctate; bracts not cari- nate 105a. Bahia (p. 724). Achenes 5 to 10-ribbed. Bracts of the involucre spreading or reflexed. Leaves decurrent; tubes of disk corollas very short or reduced to a ring 109. Helenium (p. 726). Leaves not decurrent; tube of the disk corollas long. 110. Dugaldea (p. 726). Bracts of the involucre erect, never spreading nor reflexed. Pappus wanting; involucres few-flowered. 111. Flaveria (p. 726). Pappus present; involucrca many-flowered. Bracts of the involucre unequal, the outer united at the base. Leaves opposite; plant glabrous. 112. Sartwellia (p. 727). Leaves alternate or basal; plants more or less pubescent. Stems monocephalous; plants woody throughout. 113. Macdougalia (p. 727). Stems branched and bearing numerous heads; plants sparingly if at all woolly. 114. Hymenoxys (p. 727). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 645 Bracts of the involucre nearly equal and alike; all dis- tinct. Leaves dissected ; stems leafy throughout. 115. Rydbergia (p. 730). Leaves entire; stems naked or with only a few leaves. 116. Tetraneuris (p. 730). Tribe VII. ANTHEMLDEAE. Receptacle chaffy; rays white. Achenes flattened; heads small 117. Achillea (p. 733). Achenes terete; heads large 118. Anthemis (p. 733). Receptacle naked; rays white or usually wanting. Heads radiate; rays white 119. Chrysanthemum (p. 734). Heads discoid. Heads corymbose, bright yellow, showy 120. Tanacetum (p. 734). Heads not corymbose, not bright yellow, inconspicuous. Plants spiny; achenes cobwebby 121. Picrothamnus (p. 734). Plants not spiny; achenes not cobwebby 122. Artemisia (p. 734). Tribe VIII. SENECIONEAE. Involucre of 4 to 6 bracts; stems woody throughout 123. Tetradymia (p. 739). Involucre of more than G bracts; stems woody at the base or entirely herbaceous. Pappus of plumose bristles; leaves mostly wanting or reduced to scales. 124. Bebbia (p. 740). Pappus not of plumose bristles; leaves evident. Involucral bracts erect-eonnivent, equal, sometimes with a few short outer ones. Leaves opposite; pappus a single series of rigid bristles. 125. Arnica (p. 740). Leaves alternate; pappus of numerous soft bristles. Heads usually radiate; corollas yellow; leaves bipinnatifid to entire. 126. Senecio (p. 740). Beads discoid; corollas white; leaves thrice pinnatifld into narrow segments 130. Mesadenia (p. 749). Involucral bracts not erect-connivent, usually unequal and overlapping. Leaves opposite, linear-filiform 127. Haploesthes (p. 748). Leaves alternate, not linear-filiform. Iliads homogamous; achenes terete 128. Psathyrotks (p. 748). Heads heterogamous; achenes compressed. 129. Bartlettia (p. 749). Tribe IX. CYNAREAE. Annual; achenes attached obliquely 131. ( BNTAUHEA (p. 749). Perennials or biennials; achenes nol attached obliquely. Leaves prickly; involucral bracts no1 slender-subulate, the tips nol hooked 132. < 'n.-.-n u (p. 749). Leaves not prickly; involucral bracts Blender-subulate, hooked 133. Arctium (p. ' 1. VERNONIA Schreb. [bonwbxd. Tall herbaceous perennials with leafy Btems and corymbose inflorescence; heads many-flowered, campanulate, the bracts closely imbricated in Beveral Beries; Sowers purple; achenes ribbed, the pappus in two Beries, the outer <>i rdimt scales or bristle.-, the inner long and capillary. 646 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves lanceolate, tomentose beneath 1 . V. missurica. Leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, glabrous 2. V. marginata, 1. Vernonia missurica Raf. Herb. Raf. 28. 1833. Vernonia drummondii Werner, Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 16: 171. 1894. Type locality: "In Missouri, barrens." Range: Kansas and Illinois to Oklahoma, Texas, and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Capi tan Mountains (Earle 540). 2. Vernonia marginata (Torr.) Raf. Atl. Journ. 1: 14G. 1832. Vernonia altissima marginata Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 210. 1828. Vernonia jamesii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Arner. 2: 58. 1841. Type locality: " On the Arkansa ?" Range: Kansas and Oklahoma to Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell; Buchanan; Quay. Prairies, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. CARMINATIA Mocino. Low slender annual with opposite or alternate thin long-petiolate ovate sinuate- serrate leaves; heads racemosely paniculate, cylindric, about 12 mm. high, several- flowered; bracts linear-lanceolate, thin, imbricated, striate; flowers whitish; achenes slender, with pappus of 10 to 18 plumose bristles slightly coherent at the base. 1. Carminatia tenuiflora DC. Prodr. 7: 267. 1838. Type locality: Near Guanajuato, Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Mogollon Mountains; Florida Mountains; San Luis Moun- tains; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. EUPATORIUM L. Erect coarse perennial herbs with verticillate, opposite, or alternate, entire or toothed leaves and corymbose heads of whitish or purplish flowers; heads discoid, 3 to many -flowered ; involucre cylindric to campanulate, of numerous imbricated bracts; receptacle flat, naked; achenes 5-angled, the pappus a single row of capillary slightly roughened bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves verticillate in 3's or 4's; flowers purplish 1. E. bruneri. Leaves opposite; flowers white. Bracts glabrous; leaves truncate or tapering at the base. . 2. E. rothrocHi. Bracts pubescent; leaves usually cordate. Heads 3 to 5-flowered ; leaves ovate-lanceolate 3. E. solidaginifolium. Heads 12 to 25-flowered; leaves ovate-cordate. Stems woody; leaves less than 15 mm. long; pappus and bracts purplish 4. E. wrighlii. Stems herbaceous; leaves 30 mm. long or more; heads not purplish. Bracts conspicuously nerved, villous and ciliate; heads about 7 mm. high 5. E.fendleri. Bracts not conspicuously nerved, minutely pub erulent; heads mostly 5 mm. high. 6. E . arizonicum . 1. Eupatorium bruneri A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 96. 1884. Joe Pye weed. Eupatorium rydbcrgii Britton, Man. 921. 1901. Type locality: Fort Collins, Colorado. Range: British Columbia and Minnesota to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: South Fork of Tularosa Creek ( Wootori). Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOBA OF NEW MEXICO. 647 2. Eupatorium rt>throckii A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 102. 1884. Type locality: Mount Graham, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Mountains; Cloudcroft; Capitan Mountains. Transition Zone. 3. Eupatorium solidaginifoliura A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 87. 1852. Type locality: Mountains between the Limpio and the Rio Grande, western Texas. Range : Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Guadalupe Pass ( Wright 1146). Guadalupe Pass is on the southern boundary of the State, and Wright's specimens may have come from either Mexico or New Mexico. 4. Eupatorium wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 87. 1852. Type locality: .Sides of the Guadalupe Mountains, 40 miles east of El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Bishops Cap ( Wooton). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This should be found at other places in the southern part of the State. It is a low shrub with small, thick, scabrous, ovate leaves and numerous small heads con- spicuously tinged with purple on the bracts and at the base of the pappus. 5. Eupatorium f endleri A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 205. 1882. Brickelliafendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 63. 1849. Type locality: '"Foot of mountains, on the sunny side along the creek, 11 miles above Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 347). Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Black Range; Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. 6. Eupatorium arizorucum (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 4: 280. 1901. Eupatorium ageratifolium var.? herbaceum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 74. 1853. Eupatorium octidentalearizonicum A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 101. 1884. Type locality: "Mountains, east of Santa Cruz, Sonora (a small-leaved form); also at Guadalupe Pass, and at the Copper Mines, under trees." The last two locali- ties are in New Mexico. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas Canyon; Santa Rita; Burro Mountains; Mangas Spring; Organ Mountains; Cloudcroft. Transition Zone. 4. CONOCLINIUM DC. Branched perennial herb with opposite, palmately cleft or parted leaves and corym- bo is ' In iters of heads on naked peduncle-like branches; Involucre campanulate, I to 6 mm. high, the bracts linear; corolla bluish purple; achenes narrow, 5-angled, trun- cate; pappus of few slender bristles in a single series; receptacle conic, naked. 1. Conoclinium dissectum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 8S. 1852. Eupatorium dissectum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 100. 1853, not Benth. 1844. Eupatorium greggii \. Gray, Byn. Fl. 1-': 102. 1884. >diniumgreggii Small, El. Southeast. LT. S. 1 109. 1903. Type locality: "Damp place, Rio Seco, and on the Rio Grande, Texas." Type collected by Wrigh.1 * no. 2 RANG] : '•'. < Jtern Texas to southeast crn Arizona, smith to northern Mexico. . Mexico: San Andreas Mountains ( Wooton). Upper Sonoran Zone. Our specimens have unusually large heads. The plants from Irisona have com monlj larger heads than those from Texas and Mexi< o. G48 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. COELESTINA Cass. Perennial herb, suffrutescent at the base, puberulent; leaves- opposite, pctiolate, the blades ovate or deltoid, crenate, thick, gland-dotted beneath; heads few, cam- panulate, many-flowered, glomerate at the ends of the long naked branches; bracts Linear, appressed, striate; flowers bluish; achenes 5-angled, the pappus a short den- tate crown. 1. Coelestina sclerophylla Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16:176. 1913. Type locality: In Guadalupe Canyon, Sonora. Type collected by E. C. Morton (no. 2031). Range: Northern Sonora to south western New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Guadalupe Canyon. 6. STEVIA Cav. Annual or perennial herbs with opposite or alternate, mostly narrow, entire or toothed, sessile leaves and small narrow heads in panicles or corymbs; heads cylindric, the flowers white or purplish; achenes linear, sometimes compressed; pappus palea- ceous or aristiform, or of both awns and short scales. key to the species. Annual; heads loosely paniculate 1. S. micrantha. Perennials; heads corymbose. Upper leaves mostly alternate, linear to linear-lanceolate; stems rather densely leafy, pubescent or hirsute 2. S. serrata. All leaves opposite, lanceolate (conspicuously veined); stems less leafy, puberulent 3. S. plummerae. 1. Stevia micrantha Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 27. 1816. Stevia macella A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 70. 1853. Type locality: Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Bayard (Blumer 128). Low mountains. 2. Stevia serrata Cav. Icon. PI. 4: 33. pi. 35. 1797. Type locality: "Habitat in Nova-Hispania." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Hanover Mountain; Sacramento Mountains. Hills and mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Stevia plummerae A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 204. 1882. Type locality: Rucker Valley, Chiricahua Mountains, southern Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Sawyers Peak. Transition Zone. 7. CARPOCHAETE A. Gray. Low shrub, 40 cm. high or less, with slender brittle branches; leaves opposite, en1 ire, sessile, spatulate-oblong, bearing fascicles of leaves in their axils; heads solitary or clustered; flowers rose-colored ; involucre cylindric, of few acuminate bracts; achenes puberulent, the pappus paleaceous-aristiform. 1. Carpochaete bigelovii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 89. 1852. Type locality: "On the boundary between Mexico and New Mexico." Type col- lected by Bigelow. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Eniory Peak; Organ Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY PLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 649 8. LACINIARIA Hill. Blazing star. Handsome perennial herbs with thick globose rootstocks; stems simple, leafy, bearing large rose-purple heads in racemes or spikes; leaves alternate, narrow, entire; heads 4 to many-flowered; involucral bracts spirally imbricated; receptacle naked; achenes slender, pubescent; pappus a single series of plumose or merely barbellate bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pappus plumose; bracts abruptly acuminate 1. L. punctata. Pappus merely barbellate; bracts rounded -obtuse. Heads many, nearly sessile, 1 cm. broad or less; some of the leaves trinervate 2. L. lanci/olia. Heads few, pedunculate, 2 cm. broad; none of the leaves trinervate ;5. L. ligulistylis. 1. Laciniaria punctata (Hook.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 3-19. 1891. TAatris punctata Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 306. pi. 105. 1833. Type locality: "Plains of the Saskatchewan, Drummond; and on the Red Deer and Eagle hills, in dry soils." Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to Iowa, Arizona, and Texas. New Mexico: Gallinas Planting Station; Clovis; Pecos; Folsom; Logan; Capitan Mountains; Colfax ; Johnsons Mesa; Raton Mountains; Nara Visa; Melrose. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Laciniaria lancifolia Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 118. 1898. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 25 Range: Southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Mountains; Roswell. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Laciniaria ligulistylis A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 31: 405. 1901. / iatris ligulistylis A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 488. 1909. Type locality: Laramie Peak, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming and Black Hills of South Dakota to northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Howell 212;. 9. KUHNIA L. Low, much branched, perennial herbs with narrow entire alternate leaves and panic- ulate-corymbose discoid heads of whitish flowers; heads rather few-flowered, the flowers perfect; involucral bracts thin, striate-nerved, narrow, loosely imbricated; achenes c\ lindric, 10-striate; pappus a single row of plumose hristles. Ki:v TO THE SPECIES. Leaves linear; bracts narrow, thin, straw-colored, in 2 evidenl Beries, pubescent only on the margi 1> glandular.. 1. K. rvsTnarinifolia. Leave mostly linear-lanceolate; bracts broad, thick, green, not, in 2 evident series, finely pubescent, sparingly if at all glandular 2. A', chlorolepis. 1. Kuhnia rosmarinifolia Vent. PI. .lard, (els />l. 91. 1800. Ehtpatoriwm cane, ffort. Matr. Dec. 34. L797-1800, nol V.dd. i. Kuhnia leptophylla Scheele, Linnaea 21: 598. L849. Ttpi i • " ■■■in: Given as Cuba, but this is probably incorrect and slum Id be Mexi< o. !: u i and Arizona t" Mi sico. N i w Mi uoo: Dulce; Pajarito Park; Cleveland; P< una; Anton Chico; BOCOITO; EUngSton; Mogollon Mountains; Dona Ana and Organ mountain-; Whit.- and Sacramento mountains; ' i i I lulls, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part oi the Transition eo 650 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 2. Kuhnia chlotolepis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 177. 1913. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 104). Range: Southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona and Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Cliff; Alamo Viejo. Open hillsides. 10. COLEOSANTHUS CaBS. Large herbs or low shrubs with opposite or alternate leaves and variously arranged discoid heads of white or greenish flowers; bracts thin, striate, regularly imbricated,, the outer shorter; receptacle naked; pappus a single series of capillary barbellate bristles. KEY to the species. Heads 25 to 50-flowered ; plants herbaceous to the base. Peduncles densely glandular- viscid; heads rather small 1. C. modestus. Peduncles not viscid; heads large. Peduncles mostly shorter than the few congested heads 2. C. umbellatus. Peduncles equaling or exceeding the numerous heads. Outer bracts merely acute, the inner obtuse; leaves acute, subcordate 3. C. avibigens. Outer bracts long-acuminate, the inner acute; leaves various. Heads few, on slender erect branches; leaves attenuate, truncate or cuneate at the base 4. C. grandiflorus. Heads numerous, on stout spreading branches; leaves merely acute, subcordate 5. C. petioluris. Heads 9 to 25-flowered; plants mostly woody at the base or nearly throughout. Leaves sessile, or the lower short-p etiolate. Leaves alternate, merely scaberuloue or glabrous. Leaves serrate; heads axillary 6. C. brachyphyllus. Leaves entire; heads in terminal corymbs 7. C. linifolius. Leaves opposite, abundantly pubescent. Stems hirsute; leaves crenate 8. C. betonicciefolius. Stems canescent or puberulent; leaves not crenate. Leaves narrowly oblong or linear; heads long- pedunculate 9. C. venosus. Leaves lanceolate; heads on veiy short stout peduncles 10. C. wootoni. Leaves all conspicuously petiolate. Bracts and peduncles glandular- viscid. Tips of bracts spreading; heads terminating slender branches covered with reduced bractlike leaves 11. C. scaber. Tips of bracts appressed; heads on short naked pe- duncles. Heads nearly sessile; leaves very small, laciniate-toothed. Leaves coriaceous, veiy viscid; heads 15 to 18-flowered 13. C. baccharideus. Leaves thin, scabrous; heads 9 to 12- flowered 12. ft lucinitilus. WOOTOIST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 651 Heads conspicuously pedunculate; leaves larger, not deeply toothed. Peduncles 2 to 4 cm. long; leaves rounded or cuneate at the base 14. C. chenopodinus. Peduncles 1 cm. long or less; leaves trun- cate or subcordate at the base 15. C. floribundus. -- Bracts and peduncles not viscid. Leaves longer than broad, mostly attenuate. Leaves long-attenuate, seldom toothed above the middle, thin, sparingly pubescent. .16. C. rusbyi. Leaves usually merely acute, toothed almost to the apex, thick, densely pubescent.. 17. C. irrighlii. Leaves about as broad as long/ or 15roader, acutish or obtuse. ' Leaves 3 tojS cm. wide, thin, bright green 18. C. axillaris. Leaves 25 mm. wide or narrower, thick, ,, , /, grayish 19. C. reniform is. B.fi*f>der/ & J 1. Coleosanthus modestus Greene, Pittonia 4: 230. 1900. Type locality: Grays Peak, Lincoln County, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 161). Range: Vicinity of the type locality. 2. Coleosanthus umbellatus Greene, Pittonia 4: 238. 1901. Brickellia grandiflora minor A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 67. 1864. Coleosanthus congestus A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 31: 401. 1901. Type locality: "Rather common in the mountains of northern Arizona." Range: Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; Sandia Mountains; Raton Mountains; Copper Canyon; Eagle Peak; Kingston; Organ Mountains; Capitan Mountains. Shaded mountain slopes, in the Transition Zone. 3. Coleosanthus afmbigens Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 118. pi. 330. 1898. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 335). Ranch: White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 4. Coleosanthus grandiflorus (Hook.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 328. 1891. Eupatorivm .' grandiflorum Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 26. 1834. Brickellia grandiflora Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 287. 1841. Type locality: "In the Rocky Mountain range by streams in gravelly places, and west to the lower falls of the Columbia." Range: Washington and Montana to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; San Luis Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Shaded mountain slopes, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 5. Coleosanthus petiolaris (A. Gray) Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 117. 1898. Brickellia grandiflora petiolaris A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17': 207. 1882. Type locality: Mountains of southern Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Organ Mountains Transition Zone. 6. Coleosanthus brachyphyllus (A. Graj I Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1:328. 1891. Clavigera brachyphylla A. Gray, Mi m. Amer. Acad. n. .■• ■ ' ) Brickellia brachyphylla A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1:84 i- Type locality : "Footof high rocks, 2 miles east of the Mora River," N'-v. Mexico. 652 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type collected by Fendler (no. 339). Range: Texas and New Mexico to Arizona New Mexico: Dulce; Sierra Grande; Cerrillos; Sandia Mountains; Santa Rita; Mogollon Mountains; Mangas Springs; Black Range; White and Capitan mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zoner. t3.cb/c><)'Jc/tv-> 7. Coleosanthus linifolius (D. CV Eaton) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 328. 1891. Briclellia linifolia D. C. Eaton in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 137. pi. 15. 1871. Coleosanlhus humilis Greene, Pittonia 4: 124. 1900. Brickellia humilis A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 487. 1909. Type locality: Sandy bottoms of American Fork, Jordan Valley, Utah. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Nevada and California. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low plant, only about 20 cm. high, with simple erect stems in dense clumps. 8. Coleosanthus betonicaefolius (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 328. 1891. Brickellia betonicaefolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 72. 1853. Type locality: Hills near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1137). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Kingston; Santa Rita; West Fork of the Gila; Capitan Mountains. Dry hills. 9. Coleosanthus venosus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 177. 1913. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 653). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Burro Mountains; San Luis Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone, g fe^nes^ yar */■ 10. Coleosanthus wootoni Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 511. 1897. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Woo ton. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Coleosanthus scaber Greene, Pittonia 3: 100. 1896. Brickellia scabra,A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 487. 1909. Type locality: Mountains near Grand Junction, Colorado. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington. Dry hills among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. In general appearance this is very unlike our other species. It grows usualty about the edges of cliffs, in large clumps, with its slender wiry branches densely interlaced. 12. Coleosanthus laciniatus (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1: 328. 1891. Brickellia laciniata A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 87. 1852. Type locality: "Mountain valley, 40 miles east of El Paso," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico and Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa west of Organ Mountains. Along arroyos and in dry foothills, Lower Sonoran Zone. 13. Coleosanthus baccharideus (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1: 328. 1891. Brickellia baccharidea A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 87. 1852. Type locality: "Mountains near El Paso," Texas or Chihuahua. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. We have seen no specimens of this, but Doctor Gray reported l that it was collected by Bigelow near Santa Rita. 1 Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. But. 75. 1S59. WOOTON AND STAISTDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 653 14. Coleosanthus chenopodinus Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 177. 1913. Type locality: Gila River bottoms near Cliff, Grant County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 776). Range: Known only from type locality. 15. Coleosanthus floribundus (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 328. 1891. Brickellia floribunda A. Gray, PI. Wright, 2: 73. 1853. Type locality: Ravines near Santa Cruz, and on rocky banks of the San Pedro, Sonora. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico : Kingston ; Burro Mountains; Dog Spring. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 16. Coleosanthus rusbyi (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1: 328. 1891. Brickellia rusbyi A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 106. 1884. Type locality: Mountains of New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: South Percha Creek; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. califcrnjicc'-i 17. Coleosanthus wrightii (A. Gray) Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 14: 43. 1894. Brickellia wrightii A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 72. 1853. Type locality: Hills near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1139). Range: Hills of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sapello Creek; Santa Rita; Capitan Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. It is a question whether the preceding and the two succeeding species should not be united witli this. The four certainly differ very little from each other, probably no more than is to be expected from the various environmental conditions under which they grow. £^„^ «*r.£ey^ 18. Coleosanthus axillaris Greene, Leaflets 1: 149. 1905. Type locality: Southward slopes of the Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1446). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Monument 20; west of nillsboro. Upper Sonoran Zone. 19. Coleosanthus remformis^A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 646. 1905. Brickellia reniformis A.'. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 86. 1852. Coleosanthus melissaefoliua Oreene, Leaflets 1: 150. 1905. Coleosantlnix albicaulis Rydb. loc. cit. Type locality: Mountain valley 35 miles east of El Paso, Texas. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Carrizo Mountains; San Domingo; Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs; San Mateo Mountains; Fort Bayard; Florida Mountains; Dona Ana and Organ mountains. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of C. Jnelissaefolius was collected in the Organ Mountains (Wooton in 1897). 11. GRINDELIA Willd. Gull PLANT. Coarse biennial or perennial, resinous herbs with thick, rigid, entire or serrate lea\ ea and numerous di.-coid or radiate, rather large heads of j ellow How era; involucre hemispheric or globose, of numerous much imbricated, narrow , erector recurved, often strongly \ i cid bracts; achenes shoii and thick, mostly compressed, glabrous, the pap- pus of 2 in s caducous, smooth or barbellate, .-tout aw os, 654 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Heads discoid. Leaves merely dentate 1 . G. nphanactis. Leaves laciniately toothed, the lower ones pinnatiiid with dentate segments 2. G. pinnatijida. Heads radiate. Peduncles pubescent 3. G. scabra. Peduncles glabrous. Pappus awns conspicuously barbellate 4. G. subalpina. Pappus awns smooth except under a compound micro- scope. Tips of the outer bracts spreading, none reflexed. Disk about 20 mm. broad; cauline leaves ovate to obovate : 5. G. arizonica. Disk 12 mm. broad or less; cauline leaves ob- lanceolate. Leaves conspicuously spinulose-toothed; bracts scarcely at all viscid 6. G. selulifera. Leaves not spinulose-toothed; bracts strongly viscid 7. G. dccumbens. Tips of the outer bracts squarrose, those of the outer- most strongly reflexed. Cauline leaves ovate or oblong, broadest at the base; tips of the bracts subulate. Leaves bluish green, spinulose-dentate ; heads very broad and flat, the bracts broad, with flattened tips 8. G. texana. Leaves yellowish green, merely dentate; heads hemispheric, the bracts narrow, with terete tips 9. G. squarrosa. Cauline leaves narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, not broadest at the base; tips of the bracts flat, never Bubulate. Leaves coarsely and irregularly incised- toothed; heads densely viscid, 15 mm. wide or smaller 10. G. subincisa. Leaves evenly and finely serrate; heads vari- ous. Bracts abundantly viscid, the tips nar- row and thick, strongly reflexed. 11. G. serrulate. Bracts scarcely at all viscid, the tips broad and flat, slightly reflexed. .12. G. neomcxicana. 1. Grindelia aphanactis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 647. 1904. Type locality: Durango, Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Dulce; Santa Fe; Glorieta; Ramah; Watrous; Pajarito Park; Gallinas Planting Station; Raton Mountains; Gallup; Belen; Socorro; Laguna; Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; White Oaks; Roswell; Lake Valley. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Grindelia pinnatifida Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 178. 1913. Type locality: Open slopes about Chama, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 6606). Range: Vicinity of the type locality, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 655 3. Grindelia scabra Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 120. 1898. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 224). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. A common and handsome plant of the open parks of the mountains. 4. Grindelia subalpina Greene, Pittonia 3: 297. 1898. Type locality: "Iligh plains of southern Wyoming, and at subalpine elevations on the mountains of northern Colorado." Range: Montana and Utah to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Johnsons Mesa; Raton; Sierra Grande. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 5. Grindelia arizonica A. Gray, Proc Amer. Acad. 17: 208. 1882. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountains; Santa Rita. Transition Zone. 6. Grindelia setulifera Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 179. 1913. Type locality: High summits of the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 206). Range: Known only from type locality. 7. Grindelia decumbens Greene, Pittonia 4: 102. 1896. Type locality: Mountains about Cimarron, Colorado. Range: Kansas and Colorado to northern New Mexico. New. Mexico: Aztec; Farmington; Dulce. Plains and low hills, in the Upper So- noran and lower part of the Transition Zone. 8. Grindelia texana Scheele, Linnaea 21: 601. 1849. Type locality: New Braunfels, Texas. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Texas. New Mexico: Raton. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal in DC. Prodr. 5: 315. .1836. Donia squarrosa Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 559. 1814. Type locality: "In open prairies, on the banks of the Missouri." Range: Wyoming and Iowa to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: West of Roswell. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Grindelia subincisa Greene, Pittonia 4: 154. 1900. Type locality: Chama, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (n >. 683). Range: Northern New Mexico and Bouthern Colorado. New Mexico: Chama. Meadows in the mountains, in (lie Transition Zone. 11. Grindelia serrulata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 646. 1905. Type locaj rrr: Fori Collins. Colorado. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill (Standley 8011). Plains and low hills, iii the Upper Sonoran Zone. Our plant is more slender and has thinner leaves than the typical form of (he species, bul otherwise seems to ho the same. 12. Grindelia neomexicana Wool. & Standi. Contr. U.S. Nat. I hah. 16: 178.1913. Type locality: Mountains north of Santa Rita, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, A.ugu t 23, L900. Ran<;k: Mountains of western New Mexico, New Mexico: Mountains north of Santa Rita; mountains Boutheasi i<\ l' G O S Ranch. 656 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 12. GYMNOSPERMA Less. Perennial herb, often woody at the base, glabrous, resinous- viscid ; leaves alternate, entire, linear or linear-lanceolate; heads small, yellow-flowered, in fastigiately corymbose cymes; bracts obtuse; rays very small; achenes oblong, slightly com- pressed^ or 5-nerved, glabrous; pappus wanting. 1. Gymnosperma corymbosurn DC. Prodr. 5: 312. 1836. Type locality: "In Mexico circa Matamoros." Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Bear Mountains; Gila Hot Springs; Florida Mountains; Animas Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Dry hills and rocky canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. XANTHOCEPHALTJM Willd. Slender branched annual with alternate, entire, linear or linear-oblong leaves; heads loosely cymose, about 10 mm. broad; rays about 12, bright yellow, oblong, as long as the disk; achenes truncate, with an obscure coroniform border. 1. Xanthocephalum wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 632. 1873. Gutierrezia wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 78. 1853. Type locality: "Margin of dried-up streams, between Barbocomori and Santa Cruz, Sonora." Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; Mogollon Mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones: 14. AMPHIACHYRIS Nutt. Slender annual, effusely corymbose-branched; leaves linear to filiform; heads very numerous, long-pedunculate, hemispheric, with 10 to 12 firm, coriaceous, ovate to oval bracts; rays 5 to 10, oval or oblong; disk flowers 10 to 20, sterile; achenes with minute coroniform pappus. 1. Amphiachyris dracunculoides (DC.) Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 313. 1841. Brachyris dracunculoides DC. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve 7: 265. pi. 1. 1836. Type locality: "Arkansas." Range: Kansas and Oklahoma to Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell (Earle 347). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. GUTIERREZIA Lag. Snakeweed. Slender, viscid, much branched herbs or shrubby perennials, with slender alternate linear leaves and numerous small heads of yellow flowers, these either solitary or clustered; rays 1 to 8; achenes short, obovate or oblong, terete or 5-angled; pappus of numerous paleae, these often minute. It is said that the Navahos chew these plants and apply them to the stings of bees, wasps, or ants. key to the species. Annual; heads about 5 mm. broad 1. G. sphaerocephnln. Perennials; heads less than 4 mm. broad. Disk and ray flowers in each head 1 or 2 cadi 2. G. glomerella. Disk and ray flowers in each head 3 to 7 each. Branches, leaves, and outer bracts densely lepidote- scurfy 3. G . fwfuracea. WOOTOIST AND STANDLEY PLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 657 Plants not lepidote-scurfy. Heads all pedunculate; plants very slender 4. G. Jilifolia. Heads mostly or at least partly sessile; plants stouter. Leaves linear, 2 to 6 cm. long. Plants 30 cm. high or less, woody only at the base; involucres campanulate. . 5. G. diversifolia. Plants 50 to 100 cm. high, shrubby; in- volucres elongated-turbinate 6. G. longifolia. Leaves linear-filiform, mostly short. Plants low, 15 cm. high or less, densely branched; heads very numerous, dense; stems very slender 7. G. juncea. Plants more than 20 cm. high, sparingly branched; heads fewer, loosely ar- ranged; stems stout 8. G. tenuis. 1. Gutierrezia sphaerocephala A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 73. 1849. Type locality: ' ' Low prairie, from the Upper to the Middle spring of the Cimarron." Range: New Mexico and Arkansas to Texas. New Mexico: Magdalena; Nara Visa; Palomas; Socorro; mesa west of Organ Moun- tains; Roswell; Artesia; Dayton; Carlsbad; Lake Valley. Plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Gutierrezia glomerella Greene, Pittonia 4: 54. 1899. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 449). Range: Colorado and New Mexico to western Texas. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Gallup; Magdalena; Redrock; Magdalena Mountains; San Marcial; Deming; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; Florida Mountains; Carlsbad; Fort Bayard; Orogrande; Albuquerque; Dayton. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Gutierrezia furfuracea Greene, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 195. 1909. Type locality: Cactus Flat, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Goldman (no. 15G8). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cactus Flat; Bishops Cap; Tortugafl Mountain; Lake Valley. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones, 4. Gutierrezia filifolia Greene, Pittonia 4: 55. 1899. Type locality: Round Mountain, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton in 1897. Range: Plains and foothills of New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Albert-, Nara Visa; Dog Spring; near White Water; Rincon; Round Mountain; Roswell; Carlsbad. Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Gutierrezia diversifolia Greene, Pittonia 4: 53. 1899. Type locality: Laramie, Wyoming. Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to Utah and New Mexico. N i w M i:\n '>; Tunitcha Mountains; Park View; Johnsons Mesa ; Mora ('reek; Folsom; Raton; Eebron; Maxwell City. Plains and lew hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Gutierrezia longifolia Greene, Pittonia 4: 54. L899. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 377). Range: Colorado to New Mexico. 658 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Cross L Ranch; Raton; San Rafael; Animas Valley; Organ Moun- tains; White Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. Gutierrezia juncea Greene, Til Ionia 4: 56. 1899. Type locality: Near Gray, New Mexico. Type collected hy Miss Josephine Skehan (no. 78). Range: Oklahoma and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Clayton; Mcintosh; Carrizozo; Gray; Nara Visa; Estancia; "White Oaks; Endee; Ogle. Plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 8. Gutierrezia tenuis Greene, Pittonia 4: 55. 1899. Gutierri :ia linearis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 647. 1904. Gutierrezia goldmanii Greene, Repert. Nov. Sp. Fedde 7: 195. 1909. Type locality: Foothills of the mountains back of Silver City, New Mexico. Range: Colorado and Arizona to western Texas. New Mexico : Common at lower altitudes nearly throughout the State. Plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is by far our commonest species. It is found almost everywhere at low and middle elevations, all over the State except in the extreme southwestern corner. In most localities where it occurs it is very abundant and one of the most characteristic plants. It ia especially prominent upon overstocked ranges and spreads rapidly where overstocking takes place. This and the other species are known variously as "yellow weed," "brownweed," "sheepweed," "snakeweed," and "yerbadevibora." The type of Gutierrezia linearis came from Gray (Earle 474), and that of G. goldmanii from the Florida Mountains (Goldman in 1908). 16. HETEROTHECA Cass. Annual or biennial herb, glandular and hirsute, the leaves alternate, oblong or oblong-ovate, serrate, those of the stem clasping; involucre 7 to 8 mm. high, the bracts linear-lanceolate to linear, acuminate; rays yellow; achenes flattened, those of the rays without pappus, those of the disk with pappus in 2 series, the inner of numerous long slender tawny bristles, the outer of very short ones. 1. Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britt. & Rusby, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 7: 10. 1887. Inula subaxillaris Lam. Encycl. 3: 259. 1789. Type locality: " Dans le Caroline, le Maryland." Range: Delaware and Kansas to Florida and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico : Nara Visa (Fisher 49). Open fields and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. CHRYSOPSIS Nutt, Perennial herbs with usually numerous stems and large, solitary or corymbose heads; leaves entire, mostly sessile; heads many-flowered, with numerous bright yellow rays; involucre campanulate or hemispheric, of narrow, much imbricated bracts; achenes compressed, obovate; pappus in 2 series, the inner of numerous capillary scabrous bristles, the outer of minute short bristles. key to the species. Heads subtended by few to many, thin, broad, leaflike bracts. Plants appressed-sericeous throughout 1. C. nitidula. Plants with spreading pubescence, never sericeous. Floral leaves ovate, acute; leaves merely scaberulous, very glandular; stems slender 2. C. cryptocephala. WOOTOIST AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 659 Floral leaves oblong to obovate or oblanceolate, obtuse; leaves abundantly villous or hirsute, scarcely if at all glandular; stems stout. Heads several, clustered at the ends of the branches; pubescence of peduncles and floral leaves long- villous, white 3. C. senilis. Heads mostly solitary, never clustered at the ends of the branches; pubescence nowhere long- villous or very dense, not white 4. C. fulcrata. Heads on naked or nearly naked peduncles. Pubescence of the stems mostly appressed. Heads small, about 7 mm. wide, nearly sessile, clustered at the ends of the branches; leaves crowded, all wl lite-sericeous 5. C. berlandieri. Heads larger, 10 mm. wide or more, long-pedunculate, not clustered at the ends of the branches, usually corymbose; leaves not crowded, usually only the uppermost whitish 6. C. villosa. Pubescence of the stems spreading, none appressed. Leaves more or less silvery-sericeous, abundantly pubescent, sparingly glandular 7. C. Mrsutissima. Leaves all green, sparingly pubescent, densely glandular. 8. C. hispida. 1. Chrysopsis nitidula Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 179. 1913. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, on the West Fork of the Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 552). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: West Fork of the Gila; north of Ramah; Middle Fork of the Gila. 2. Chrysopsis cryptocephala Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 179. 1913. Type locality: In Section 23 of the V Pasture, in the White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 23, 1905. Range: White Mountains, New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 3. Chrysopsis senilis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 179. 1913. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 509). Range: Organ Mountains, New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Chrysopsis fulcrata Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 119. 1898. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 510). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: San Lids Mountains; Animas Valley; Organ Mountains; White Moun- tains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Chrysopsis berlandieri Greene, Erythoa 2: 96. 1894. Aplopappiu canescent DC. I'rodr. 5: 349. 1836. Chrysopsis canescens Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 256. 1842, nol DO. L836. Type locality: Texas. Range: New Mexico to western Texas. New Mexico: Colfax; Nara Visa; Clayton; Bishops Cap. Dry plains and low hills, in the I'pper Snimran Zone. 6. Chrysopsis villosa (Pi i r.-h | Book. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 22. L834 Amelltu villoma Pursh, II. A.mer. Sept. 56-1. LSI!. Type locality: "On the Missouri." 660 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Idaho and Minnesota to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Aztec; Carrizo Mountains; Chama; south of Gallup; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Hermits Peak; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; west of Roswell; Gilmores Ranch. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 7. Chrysopsis hirsutissima Greene, Pittonia 4: 153. 1900. Type locality: Arboles, southern Colorado. Range: Colorado and NeAV Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Ensenada; Tesuque; Laguna; James Canyon; Wingfields Ranch. Dry hillsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 8. Chrysopsis hispida (Hook.) Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 316. 1841. Diplopappus hispidus Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 22. 1834. Chrysopsis villosa hispida A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 65. 1864. Type locality: " Carlton-House Fort." Range: Saskatchewan and Alberta to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Tunitcha Mountains; Dulce; mountains west of Grants Station; Upper Pecos; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe; Las Vegas; Sandia Mountains', Laguna; Sierra Grande; Water Canyon; Tortugas Mountain; White Mountains; Gray; mountains west of San Antonio. Plains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 18. CHRYSOTHAMNUS Nutt. Rabbit brush. Coarse plants, usually shrubby, sometimes woody only at the base, 30 cm. to 2 meters high, with entire narrow leaves, and usually corymbose small heads of yellow flowers; heads narrow, cylindric or turbinate, mostly 5-flowered; involucre of narrow keeled dry bracts, these often with spreading tips, arranged in 5 vertical ranks; achenes slender, glabrous or pubescent; pappus of nearly equal bristles. A decoction of the heads of various species of Chrysothamnus was formerly used by the Navahos in dyeing wool yellow. key to the species. Achenes glabrous. Stems, leaves, and involucres more or less floccose 1. C. bigelovii. Plants without floccose pubescence. Involucres about 5 mm. high, the bracts not acuminate.. 2. C. vaseyi. Involucres 10 mm. high or more, the bracts usually abruptly acuminate. Leaves oblanceolate or nearly so, puberulent 3. C. depressus. Leaves mostly linear, usually glabrous except on the margins. Leaves ciliolate; heads, including the pappus, less than 15 mm. long 4. C. baileyi. Leaves not ciliolate; heads 20 mm. long or more. Leaves densely puberulent on the faces; tall shrub 75 cm. high; bracts acu- minate 17. C. elalior. Leaves glabrous on the faces; low shrub 30 cm. high or less; bracts not acumi- nate 5. C. pulchellus. Achenes pubescent. Plants entirely glabrous or at least never tomentose. Bracts obtuse or acutish. Leaves linear, twisted 6. C. elegans. Leaves linear-lanceolate, not twisted 7. C. glaucus . WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 661 Bracts abruptly acuminate. Tall shrub, 1 meter high or more; leaves narrowly elliptic 8. C. linifolius. Low plants, 20 to 40 cm. high; leaves linear or fili- form. Leaves linear; heads long-pedunculate, sub- tended by very short bracts 9. C. greenei. Leaves filiform, heads short-pedunculate or sessile, subtended by long bracts 10. C. filifolius. Plants tomentose, at least on the young branches and in the axils of the leaves. Bracts long-acuminate, with spreading tips 11. C. newberryi. Bracts obtuse or acute, not acuminate, appressed. Branches permanently white-tomentose. Plants tall, about 1 meter high, with erect branches; leaves permanently tomentose. 12. C. latisquameus. Plants low, 30 cm. or less, with spreading branches; leaves soon glabrate 13. C. formosus. Branches and leaves soon glabrate or at least the branches never permanently tomentose. Leaves permanently tomentose on both sur- faces 14. C. pulcherrimw . Leaves glabrate in age. Bracts glabrous; lobes of the corolla spread- ing in age; plants much branched... 15. C. graveolens. Bracts villous-ciliate; lobes of the corolla erect; plants sparingly branched 16. C. confirm. 1. Chrysothamnus bigelovii (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 3: 102. 1904. Linosyris bigelovii A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 98. 1856. Bigelovia bigelovii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 642. 1873. Type locality: " Hills and arroyos, Cienegella, above Albuquerque," New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow in 1853. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Stinking Lake; Laguna; Zuni Valley; Moreno Valley; Pecos; Horse Camp; Clark; Embudo; Albuquerque; Santa Fe; San Augustine Plains. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Chrysothamnus vaseyi (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 3: 96. 1894. Bigelovia vaseyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 58. 1876. Type locality: Middle Park, Colorado. Range: Wyoming and Utah to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Stinking Lake; Moreno Valley; Chama. Low hills and val- leys, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zones 3. Chrysothamnus depressus Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 171. 1847. Bigelovia depressa A. Cray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 643. 1873. TYPE locality: " In the Sierra and Upper California." Range: Colorado to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Dulce. Dry lulls and plain , iii the I pper Sonoran and lower pari of the Transition /.ones. A low shrub, 15 to 20 cm. high, forming dense 'lumps. 662 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 4. Chrysothamnus baileyi Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 181. 1913. Type locality: North end of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Vernon Bailey (no. 498). Range: Southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Guadalupe Mountains; White Mountains; Buchanan. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Chrysothamnus pulchellus (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 3: 107. 1895. Linosyris pulchella A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 96. 1852. Bigelovia jmlchella A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 209. 1882. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: White Sands; north of Deming; Nara Visa. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Chrysothamnus elegans Greene, Erythea 3: 94. 1894. Type locality: Gunnison Valley, Colorado. Range: Plains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; south of Gallup; Zuni Valley. Upper Sono- ran Zone. 7. Chrysothamnus glaucus A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 377. 1898. Bigelovia douglasii serrulata A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 644. 1873. Chrysothamnus serrulatus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 152. 1906. Type locality: Dry slopes in the foothills of the Medicine Bow Mountains, Chim- ney Rock, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming and Utah to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Moreno Valley {Bailey 3652). 8. Chrysothamnus linifolius Greene, Pittonia 3: 24. 1896. Type locality: Near Rock Springs, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Shiprock; Farmington; Dulce. Valleys, especially in alka- line soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 9. Chrysothamnus greenei (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 3: 94. 1894. Bigelovia greenei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 11: 75. 1876. Chrysothamnus scoparius Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 503. 1901. Type locality: Huerfano Plains, southern Colorado. Range: Utah and Colorado to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill (Standley 7977). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Chrysothamnus filifolius Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 503. 1901. Type locality: Granite, Colorado. Range: Plains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa near Atarque de Garoia; Black Rock; Tiznitzin; Carrizo Moun- tains; Farmington; Shiprock. Upper Sonoran Zone. 11. Chrysothamnus newberryi Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 652. 1904. Type locality: Canyon Largo, New Mexico. Type collected by Newberry. Range: Southern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Canyon Largo; Cedar Hill; Dulce. Dry hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. 12. Chrysothamnus latisquameus (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 4: 42. 1899. Bigelovia graveolcns latisquamea A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 645. 1873. Bigelovia graveohns appendiculata Eastw. Proc. Calif. Acad. III. 1: 74. pi. 6. 1897. Chrysothamnus appendiculatus Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 6. 1900. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 663 Type locality: New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Santa Fe; Dulce; San Lorenzo; Burro Moun- tains; Gila; White Sands. Dry plains and foothills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of Bigelovia graveolens appendiculata was collected on the White Sanda by Cockerell. 13. Chrysothamnus formosus Greene, Pittonia 4: 41. 1899. Type locality: In the neighborhood of a mineral spring among the hills a few miles southwest from Grand Junction, Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado to northwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Slandley 7343). Dry hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. 14. Chrysothamnus pulcherrimus A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 28: 370. 1899. Type locality: Woods Landing, Wyoming. Range: Montana to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mo mi tains (Slandley 7467). Open hills, in the Upper Sono- ran Zone. A densely branched shrub about 1 meter high. 15. Chrysotharnnus graveolens (Nutt.) Greene, Erythea 3: 108. 1894. Chrysocoma graveolens Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 136. 1818. Bigelovia graveolens A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 644. 1873. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri in denudated soils." Range: Montana and Nebraska to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Dulce; Zuni Valley; Grants Sta- tion; Embudo; Taos; Cross L Ranch; Chama; Moreno Valley; Cebolla Spring; Daiil; Patterson. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Chrysothamnus confinis Greene, Pittonia 5: 62. 1902. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Woo ton (no. 379). Range: Along streams, White Mountains of New Mexico, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 17. Chrysothamnus elatior Standley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 26: 118. 1913. Type locality: Sandhills north of Goldenbergs, New Mexico Range Reserve, Dona Ana < Jounty, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, October 12, 1912. Range: Known only from type locality. 19. SEDER ANTHTTS Fraser. Annual or perennial herbs with alternate, simple to pinnatifid loaves and numerous rather large heads of yellow flowers with yellow rays; leaves small, toothed or pinna- tifid, sessile; involucre campanula!'', many-flowered, the brads with green tips, iu several series; receptacle naked; achenes obtuse, compressed, sericeous, 8 to LO-nerved; persistent pappus of I or mure series of unequal, smooth or barbellate bristles. KEY TO THE SPKCXBS. Teeth of leaves ool bristle-tipped; whole plant densely glandular. . 1 . 8. viscidtu. Teeth bristle-tipped; plants not densely glandular. Head discoid -. S. grind* lio ides. Heads radiate. I avesmerel) toothed; heads 15 mm. broad 3. S.aerratua. Leave . a1 Lea t the lower ones, pinnatifid; heads seldom more than io mm, broad. 664 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stems and leaves conspicuously floccose, at least when young. Pubescence all or nearly all floccose, dense and persistent 4. S. wootoni. Pubescence mostly glandular or scabrous, the floccose hairs soon deciduous 5. S. spinulosus. Stems and leaves never floccose. Plants glabrous throughout, or puberulent only on the bracts. Stems slender, branched, sparingly leafy; leaves with few shallow teeth, bright green; heads few, solitary 6. S. laevis. Stems stout, simple up to the inflorescence, densely leafy; leaves deeply toothed or pinnatifid, somewhat glaucous; heads numerous, clustered at the ends of the branches 7. S. glaberrimus. Plants abundantly pubescent. Annual; stems strigose 8. S. gracilis. Perennial; stems glandular-puberulent 9. S. austral is. 1. Sideranthus viscidus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 180. 1913. Type locality: Near Hope, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 3, 1905. Range: Plains of southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Hope; Dayton. 2. Sideranthus grindelioides (Nutt.) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 620. 1900. Eriocarpum grindelioides Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 321. 1841. Type locality: "On shelving rocks in the Rocky Mountain range, Oregon." Range: Manitoba and Nebraska to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Sideranthus serratus (Greene) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 222. 1910. Eriocarpum serratum Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 119. 1898. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 251). Range: Southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Mountains; west of Roswell; Queen. Transition Zone. 4. Sideranthus wootoni (Greene) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 222. 1910. Eriocarpum wootoni Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 120. 1898. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 518). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Laguna; Albuquerque; Roswell; White Mountains. Hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Sideranthus spinulosus (Pursh) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 227. 1826. Amellus spinulosus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 564. 1814. Aplopappus spinulosus DC. Prodr. 5: 347. 1836. Type locality: "In open prairies on the Missouri." Range: Montana and Minnesota to Arizona and Texas. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FI.OEA OF NEW MEXICO. 665 New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande; Las Vegas; Estancia; Santa Fe; Socorro; Bernal; Suwanee; Pecos; Torrance; White Sands; Gray; Pajarito Park. Open slopes and on plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Sideranthus laevis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 180. 1913. Type locality: Gypsum hills near Lakewood, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 6, 1909. Range: Known only from type locality. 7. Sideranthus glaberrimus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 621. 1900. Sideranthus spinulosus glaberrimus A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 489. 1909. Type locality: Nebraska. Range: Nebraska and Kansas to Colorado and northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Nara Visa; highest point of the Llano Estacado. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Sideranthus gracilis (Nutt.) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 344. 1906. Dieteria gracilis Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 177. 1848. Aplopappus gracilis A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 76. 1849. Eriocarpum gracile Greene, Erythea 2: 189. 1894. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona, western Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: Stinking Lake; Dulce; Fort Bayard; Mangas Springs; Socorro Moun- tain; Gila Hot Springs; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Sideranthus australis (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 621. 1900. Eriocarpum auslrale Greene, Erythea 2: 108. 1894. Tvpe locality: "Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and adjacent Mexico." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Santa Fe; Kennedy; Socorro Mountain; Magda- lena; Burro Mountains; Carrizalillo Mountains; Sabinal; Kingston; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Redlands. Plains and dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 20. ISOCOMA Nutt. Rayless goldenrod. Stout perennial herbs, 50 cm. high or less, with linear to oblanceolate, entire or toothed leaves; heads very numerous, corymbose, yellow-flowered; involucres tur- binate or narrowly campanulate, the bracts thick, coriaceous, appressed in several series; corollas inflated; achenes short, sericeous. key to the species. Bracts all acute 1. I. oxylepi*. Bracts obtuse or only the innermost acute. Leaves Linear; heads slender-pedunculate 2. I. wrightii. Leaves Linear-oblanceolate, usually narrowly so; heads mostly sessile or subsessile 3. /. heterophylla. 1. Isocoma oxylepis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: ISO. 1913. Type locality: Near While Water, New Mexico or Chihuahua. Type collected by E. A. Mearn (no. 2288). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Near White Water; Dog Spring. 2. Isocoma wrightii (A. Gray) Woot. A Standi. Contr. I. s. Nat. Herb. 1G: 181. L913. Lino8yri$ wrightii A. Graj . PI. \\ ii bt l : 9 ■ L852. Bigelovia wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Ac. id. 8: I 666 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type locality: Valley of the Rio Grande, 60 or 70 miles below El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Along the Rio Grande; Carlsbad; Tucumcari. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Isocomaheterophylla(A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 2: 111. 1894. Linosyris heterophylla A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 95. 1852. Linosyris hirtella A. Gray, loc. cit. Type locality: Valley of the Pecos, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Bueyeros; Socorro; Sabinal; Laguna; Horace; Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley; White Sands; White Mountains; Roswell. Dry plains and low hills, iu the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 21. CHRYSOMA Nutt. Low densely branched shrub, 60 cm. high or less, with linear-acerose rigid resinous- punctate crowded leaves and very numerous small heads of bright yellow flowers in dense cymose clusters; bracts of the involucre appressed, in 2 or 3 series, subulate- linear, acute; rays 3 to 6; disk flowers 10 or 12; achenes slender, villous, with fine and soft capillary pappus. 1. Chrysoma laricifolia (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 3: 11. 1895. Aplopappus laricifolius A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 80. 1853. Type locality: Mountains at Guadalupe Pass, New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Bear Mountains; Bedrock; Florida Mountains; Animas Mountains; Organ Mountains; Dona Ana Mountains. Dry, rocky hills and canyons, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This is one of the handsomest plants of the southwestern foothills. When in full flower it is a solid mass of golden yellow. It is especially effective because of its densely branched crown and the very numerous dark green leaves. 22. OLIGONEURON Small. Coarse perennial with numerous basal and many broad, serrate or entire, thick cau- line leaves; heads comparatively large, compactly corymbose or cymose; involucral bracts broad, longitudinally striate; achenes turgid, 12 to 15-nerved, glabrous. 1. Oligoneuron canescens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 652. 1905. Type locality: Buffalo, Wyoming. Range: Montana and Nebraska to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Beulah; Chama; Sierra Grande; Hermits Peak; Raton Mountains; Johnsons Mesa; Baldy; Sacramento Mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 23. STENOTUS Nutt. A low scapose cespitose perennial from a thick woody caudex; leaves mostly basal, linear-oblanccolate; heads large, 12 to 15 mm. broad, radiate; bracts thin, oblong, obtuse; achenes oblong-turbinate, villous; pappus white, of numerous unequal sca- brous bristles. . 1. Stenotus armerioides Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 335. 1841. Aplopappus armerioides A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 132. 1884. Type locality: "Toward the sources of the Platte, in the Rocky Mountain range, on shelving rocks." Range: British America to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico : Fort Wingate; hills 10 miles north of Santa Fe. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 667 24. PYRROCOMA Nutt. Perennial herb with usually simple stems, alternate leaves, and large showy heads of yellow flowers with bright yellow rays; bracts foliaceous, oblong, mostly obtuse, numerous, appressed; achenes linear, 3-angled, striate, glabrous; pappus of slender tawny bristles. 1. Pyrrocoma crocea (A. Gray) Greene, Erythea 2: 69. 1894. Aplopappus eroceus A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 65. 1864. Pyrrocoma amplectens Greene, Leaflets 2: 10. 1909. Type locality: Middle Park, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico : Chama ; El Rito ; Baldy ; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains ; Mogollon Mountains. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. A common and very handsome plant in the open meadows of the higher mountains. When growing it suggests the more common Dugaldea hoopesii and is likely to be taken for that by careless observers. The type of P. amplectens was collected on the Middle Fork of the Gila by Metcalfe (no. 540). 25. OREQCHRYSTJM Rydb. Nearly glabrous perennial herb, in aspect like the Solidagos, with numerous basal leaves, a low leafy stem, and numerous rather large corymbose heads of yellow flowers; involucre campanulate, the broad, foliaceous or chartaceous, oblong, obtuse bracts in 2 or 3 unequal series; rays numerous, small, narrow, pale yellow; achenes short, glabrous or nearly so. 1. Oreochrysum parryi (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 153. 1906. Aplopappus parryi A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 239. 1862. Solidago parryi Greene, Erythea 2: 57. 1894. Type locality: Upper Clear Creek, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Jemez Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Hillsboro Peak; Mogollon Mountains; While and Sacra- mento mountains. Deep woods, in the Canadian and Iludsonian zones. The plant of the White and Sacramento mountains has narrower bracts and smaller heads than the typical form found farther north and west. 26. TONESTTJS A. Nels. Low herbaceous perennial from a thick woody root; stems simple, monocephalous; leaves linear-epatulate; bracts oblong, obtuse, ihe outer foliaceous; rays conspicuous, numerous; achenes pubescent, the pappus white, capillary. 1. Tonestus pygmaeus (Torr. & Gray) A-. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 37: 262. 1904. 8tenotU8 pygmaeus Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 237. L841. Aplopappus pygmaeus A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. 1 1. 33: 2:'>9. 1862. Macronema pygmaeum Greene, Erythea 2: 73. L894. Type lo< axity: "Rocky Mountains, probably in about lat. ll°." Ranch: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. \ i v, Mexico: Pecos Baldy; Baldy; Truchas Peak. High mountains, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 27. ETJTHAMIA Null. Tall, paniculately branched perennial with glabrous sterna and alternate linear leaves; heads small, glomerately cymoae, each with numerous flowers; rays small and inconspicuou i, e numerous than the disk flowers ;achenefi \ illous, short, turbinate; re< eptacle flmbriolate. 668 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM the national herbarium. 1. Euthamia occidentalis Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. per. 7: 326. 1S41. 8 iidago occidentalis Torr. & Gray. El. X. Amer. 2: 226. 1841. Type locality: "Banks of the Oregon and Wahlamet. and Lewis River." Range: Washington and Montana to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. Lower Sonoran Zone. 28. SOLIDAGO L. Goldexrod. Perennial herb? with sessile or nearly sessile, alternate leaves and very numerous racemose or clustered, small heads of yellow flowers: heads few to many-flowered, the rays 1 to 16, pistillate: bracts appressed, without herbaceous tips; receptacle naked: achenes terete, many -ribbed, with simple pappus of nearly equal capillary bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves glabrous, or slightly pubescent along the veins and margins. Leaves not triple-veined; branches of the inflorescence short, not recurved -spread ins:; heads not secund. Plants low, 10 to 15 cm. high: inflorescence with few heads, short, congested 1. S. dccumbens. Plants taller. 20 to 40 cm.; inflorescence with many- heads, elongated. Branches of the inflorescence villous: leaves cilia te at the base 2. S. scopitlorum. Branches of the inflorescence not villous; leaves not ciliate. Heads about 7 mm. high; bracts acute or abruptly acuminate 5. S. neomexicana. Heads about 5 mm. high.; bracts obtuse, thick. Rays pale yellow 4. S. oreopkila. Rays deep golden yellow 3. S. aureola. Leaves triple-veined; heads mostly secund on longer re- curved branches. Cauline leaves lanceolate; stems tall, usually a meter high or more, deep purple at the base 9. .S1. pitcheri. Cauline leaves oblanceolate or narrower; stems usually lower, not deep purple at the base. Heads fully 5 mm. high; stems stout ; branches of the inflorescence long and widely spreading 6. 5. marshallii. Heads 4 mm. high or less; stems more slender: branches of the inflorescence narrower and less spreading. Plants nearly 1 meter high, very slender; cau- line leaves Linear or linear-oblanceolate; inflorescence very narrow 7. S. tenuissima. Plants lower, stout; cauline leaves lanceolate; inflorescence broader, the branches stouter, spreading S. S. glaberrima. Leaves canescent, usually on both surfaces. Leaves lanceolate to ovate: plants mostly 1 meter high or more (lower in 5. bigelovii). Leaves broadly lanceolate or ovate; branches of the inflorescence erect ; heads not secund 14. . glutinoaa. Pappus abundant, much elongated in fruit and exceeding the styles. Pappus in several series; plants 50 cm. high or ic-s, herbaceous to the ba e 7. B. wrightii. Pappus in a s" 3; plants usually i meter high or more, shrubby. 672 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Branches smooth or nearly so, scabrous; leaves crowded or fasciculate; heads racemose or virgate 3. B. pteronioides. Branches striate-angled, glabrous; leaves not crowded; heads paniculate or corymbose. Leaves linear, entire, 25 mm. long or usually less; plants broomlike in general appearance 4. B. sarothroid.es. Leaves oblong to obovate, mostly toothed, usually more than 30 mm. long; plants not broomlike. Fertile heads hemispheric, 5 to 10 mm. broad. . . 5. B. salicina. Fertile heads cylindric or long-campanulate, 3 to 5 mm. broad 6. B. emoryi. 1. Baccharis bigelovii A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 84. 1859. Type locality: "Puerto de Paysano," Sonora. Range: Southern Arizona and New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Carpenter Creek; West Fork of the Gila. Transition Zone. 2. Baccharis glutinosa Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 425. 1807. Type locality: Chile. Range : Colorado to western Texas and California, south to Mexico, Central America, and South America. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; North Percha Creek; Socorro; Bedrock; Deming; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; between Tularosa and Mescalero. River valleys and wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. One of the most common shrubs of the river valleys, p referring land that is some- times inundated. It becomes a meter high or even more. Along the banks of the Rio Grande it covers large areas. 3. Baccharis pteronioides DC. Prodr. 5: 410. 1836. Type locality: "In Mexico inter Tampico et Real del Monte." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Kingston; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Queen. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Baccharis sarothroides A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 211. 1882. Type locality: "Southern borders of California, San Diego County, near the old Mission station, the boundary monument, etc." Range: Southern California to southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Carlisle (Wooton). Along streams. 5. Baccharis salicina Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 258. 1842. Baccharis salicifolia Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 337. 1841. Type locality: "Banks of the Arkansas." Range: Colorado and western Kansas to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Fruitland; Laguna; Albuquerque; San Juan. River valleys and banks of streams, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Baccharis emoryi A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 83. 1859. Type locality: On the Gila River, Arizona. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Arizona and California. New Mexico: Roswell; Garfield. Along streams, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. Baccharis wrig-htii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 101. 1852. Type locality: Valley of the Limpio, western Texas. Range: Kansas and Colorado to Arizona, western Texas, and Mexico. New Mexico: McCarthys Ranch; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; Las Vegas; Raton; Albuquerque; Socorro Mountain; San Augustine Plains; Aden; between Tularosa and Mescalero; Gray. Plains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 673 31. ESCHENBACHIA Moench. Coarse annuals with branched, very leafy stems, small, narrow, toothed, pinnatifid or entire, sessile, alternate leaves, and very numerous heads in leafy panicles; heads small, campanulate, many-flowered, the flowers whitish, the corollas of the pistillate flowers reduced to a short-filiform tube; rays wanting; bracts narrow, in 1 to 3 series; achenes small, compressed; pappus a single series of soft capillary bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves merely serrate or laciniate; stems very glandular, densely leafy 1 . E. coulteri. Leaves twice pinnatifid; stems sparingly glandular, not densely leafy 2. E. tenuisecta. 1. Eschenbachia coulteri (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 154. 1906. Conyza coulteri A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 355. 1868. Conyzella coulteri Greene, Fl. Franc. 386. 1897. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Colorado and western Texas to California and southward. New Mexico: Garfield; Cienaga Ranch; Plaza Larga; Mangas Springs; Organ Moun- tains; south of Tularosa; south of Roswell; Alaraogordo; Carlsbad; Dayton; Guadalupe Mountains. Plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Eschenbachia tenuisecta (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 1S6. 1913. Conyza coulteri tenuisecta A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 221. 1884. Type locality: Near Fort Huachuca, southern Arizona. Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Bear Mountains; Mineral Creek; Fort Bayard; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 32. LEPTILON Raf. Coarse annuals or biennials with simple or branched stems, alternate entire or toothed leaves, and numerous paniculate or racemose, small heads of whitish flowers; involucre cylindric or campanulate, of numerous small narrow green bracts; rays very short, scarcely if at all surpassing the pappus, in several rows; pappus a single series of capillary bristles. key to the species. Plants usually a meter high, often taller; leaves mostly linear, ciliate; heads less than 5 mm. wide, numerous 1. L. canadt n$e. Plants 50 cm. high or less; leaves oblong to lanceolate, not ciliate; heads 6 or 7 mm. wide, few 2. L. integrifolium. 1. Leptilon canadense (L.) Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 3:391. 180S. IIorseweed. Erigeron canadensis L. Sp. PI. 863. 1753. Type locality: "Canada, Virginia." Range: Throughout temperate North America, a common weed in cultivated fields and waste ground; also in Asia. \ i sw Mexico: Common throughout the State. 2. LeptUon integiifolium Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. .Nat. Serb. 16: 183. 1913. Type locality: Weal Fork of the Gila, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected l>y Metcalfe (no. 610). Ranch: Mountains of New Mexico. Nku Mexico: Wert Pork of the Gila; Mineral Creek; White Mountains; Bart Las Vegas. Transil ion Zone. 52570°— II 43 674 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 33. ERIGERON L. Fleabane. Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at the base, with entire or toothed, mostly sessile leaves, these sometimes all basal; heads solitary or corymbose, often showy, the disk flowers yellow, the rays white to purple, sometimes short and incon- spicuous, rarely wanting; involucral bracts narrow, imbricated in 2 to 4 series, the outer sometimes shorter; receptacle flat or convex, naked; achenes flattened or nearly terete, pubescent or glabrous, smooth or striate; pappus a single series of bristles or with an outer series of short bristles or inconspicuous palese. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bracts of the involucre in 3 or 4 series, imbricated, thickened on the back, the outer successively shorter. Pubescence spreading; basal leaves oblanceolate, obtuse 1. E. caespitosus. Pubescence appressed; basal leaves linear or linear-oblanceo- late, mostly acute. Achenes glabrous 2. E. canus. Achenes pubescent. Heads large, 10 to 12 mm. broad; stems sparingly strigose; bracts thin 3. E. pulcherrimus. Heads small, 6 to 8 mm. broad; stems densely grayish- strigose; bracts very thick 4. E. utahensis. Bracts in 1 or 2 series, about equal, not thickened on the back. Rays inconspicuous, slightly if at all exceeding the disk, usually with a row of rayless pistillate flowers inside; heads racemose 5. E. minor. Rays conspicuous (in one species wanting), much longer than the disk, without rayless pistillate flowers inside; heads not racemose. Plants with runners, at least at maturity. Leaves and stem with spreading pubescence 6. E. commixtus. Pubescence all appressed. Whole plant nearly glabrous, bright green; heads about 5 mm. broad 7. E. tonsus. Plants abundantly strigose, grayish; heads more than 5 mm. broad. Stems branched at the base; cauline leaves narrowly oblanceolate to linear, acute 8. E. flagellwis. Stems branched above the base; cauline leaves obo- vate or oblanceolate, obtuse 9. E. senilis. Plants without runners. Annuals or biennials. Cauline leaves broad, cordate-clasping; rays white or pink 10. E. philadelphicus. Cauline leaves narrower, not cordate-clasping; rays variously colored. Pubescence more or less appressed, not always closely. Rays about 100; disk 7 to 8 mm. broad 11. E. gilensis. Rays 40 to 50 or fewer; disk less than 7 mm. broad. Pappus in 2 series; rays narrow; achenes slightly compressed 12. E. modestus. Pappus in a single series; rays broader; achenes conspicuously compressed. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 675 Plants 30 cm. high or more, corymbosely branched at the middle or above, stout; stems coarsely striate 13. E. bellidiastrum. Plants low, 10 to 14 cm. high, diffusely branched from or near the base, slender; stems smooth 14. E. eastvoodiae. Pubescence spreading. Stems simple below 15. E. wootoni. Stems branched from the base. Rays white; stems spreading 16. E. arenarius. Rays purplish; stems erect or ascending 17. E. divergens. Perennials. Leaves dissected or deeply cleft. Rays purple; stems low, less than 10 cm. high, seapi- form 18. E. pinnatisectus. Rays white or pinkish; stems tall, not scapiform. . .19. E. rieomexicanus . Leaves entire or slightly toothed. Stems low, less than 20 cm. high, scapiform, usually bearing a single head. Involucres and peduncles long-villous. Involucres and peduncles with black purple hairs 20. E. melanocephalus. Involucres and peduncles white-hairy. Plants 5 to 8 cm. high; disk 10 to 12 mm. broad 21. E. uniflorus. Plants 10 cm. high or more; disk 13 to 15 mm. wide 22. E. leucotrichus. Involucres and peduncles hirsute to gland ular- puberulent or glabrate, never long-villous. Leaves and stems glabrous or nearly so; leaves spatulate 23. E. leiomerus. Leaves and stems pubescent; leaves much nar- rower. Heads 12 to 13 mm. high 24. E. graiji. Heads 6 mm. high or less. Leaves linear-filiform; pubescence of the stems appressed 25 . E. nematophi/llus. Leaves linear ;pubscence of stems spreading. 26. E. vetensis. Stems taller, 20 to 100 cm. high, usually with several to numerous heads, not scapiform. Stems densely cespitose from a thick tap-root; heads small, i he disk usually less than 1 cm. wide. Rays wanting 27. E. aphanactis. Rays present. Pappus double; stems hirsute 28. E. concinnus. Pappus uniseriate; stems strigose 29. E. eatoni. Stems usually solitary from the ends of simple or branched rootetocks; heads larger, the disk usually more than 1 cm. wide. Bracts loose, with reflexed tips; rays broad; pap- pus uniseriate. Bracts villous: rays white 30. E. COuUeri. Bracts glandular-puberulent; rays purplish. .31. E. aahtigirumu. 676 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Bracts appressed except at the very tips; rays narrow; pappus usually double. Rays white; pappus uniseriate 32. E. rusbyi. Rays lavender to deep purple; pappus double. Upper cauline leaves reduced, linear-lance- olate; none of the leaves 3-nerved; pe- duncles long, erect. Leaves canescent 33 . E. deminutus. Leaves glabrous or nearly so, or merely ciliate, never canescent. Involucres glandular-puberulent, spar- ingly if at all hairy. Stern with long white hairs through- out; lower leaves hairy 34. E. viscidus. Stem glabrous below, glandular-pu- berulent above ; leaves glabrous. 35. E. smithii. Involucres densely hirsute, villous, or strigose. Stems villous throughout; plants low, usually 20 cm. high or less 36. E. pecosensis. Stems glabrous below, usually much more than 20 cm. high. Disk more than 15 mm. broad; heads solitary or very few 37. E. formosissimus. Disk less than 12 mm. broad; heads more numerous 38. E. glabellus. Upper cauline leaves ample, not much smaller than the lower, lanceolate to ovate; lower leaves 3-nerved; peduncles short, ascending. Leaves glabrous, smooth to the touch, sometimes ciliate. Basal leaves broadly obovate-spatulate, often denticulate; cauline leaves distant, shorter than the inter- nodes, not ciliate 39. E. superbus. Basal leaves oblanceolate, en the; cau- line leaves more numerous, longer than the internodes, usually ciliate. Bracts glandular-puberulent, not at all hirsute 40. E. macranthus. Bracts hirsute or villous 41 . E. speciosus. Leaves more or less pubescent, rough to the touch. Leaves densely canescent, grayish 42. E. subtrinerv'ts. Leaves not canescent, green. Stems hirsute throughout. Upper leaves ovate to oblong, mostly obtuse 43. E. platyphyllus. Upper leaves lanceolate, very acute 44. E. rudis. Stems not hirsute, at least below. LTpper leaves broadly lanceolate, scaberulous;stemspuberulent.45. E. semirasus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 677 Upper leaves narrowly lanceolate, sparingly soft - pubescent; stems abundantly soft-pubes- cent 4G. E. bakeri. 1. Erigeron caespitosus Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 307. 1841. Type locality: "On the summits of dry hills in the Rocky Mountain range, on the Colorado of the West." Range: British America to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Puertecito (Wooton). Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Erigeron canus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 67. 1849. Wyomingia cana A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 531. 1909. Type locality: Dry places on gravelly hills at the foot of mountains, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 375). Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: West of Santa Fe; between Santa Fe and Canyoncito; Sierra Grande; Raton. Plains and low lulls, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Erigeron pulcherrimus Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 200. 1898. Wyomingia pulcherrima A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 249. 1899. Type locality: Sandy hills 10 miles north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Heller (no. 3664). Range: Known only from the type locality. 4. Erigeron utahensis A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 89. 1880. Erigeron stenophyJJus tctrapleurus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 650. 1873. Type locality: Southern Utah. Range: Southern Utah to northern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7351). Dry hills among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Erigeron minor (Hook.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 295. 1897. Erigeron g!nl>ratus minor Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 18. 1834. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains." Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo: Taos; Costilla Valley. Wet ground, in the Transition Zone. 6. Erigeron commixtus Greene, Pittonia 5: 58. 1902. Erigeron cinereus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 68. L849, not Hook. & Arn. 1836. Erigeron colomexicanus A . Nels. in Coulter, Now Man. Rocky Mount. 529. 1909. Type locality: Canyon of the Limpio, western Texas. Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Common in the higher mountains throughout the State Open slopes and in canyons, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of E. cinereus was collected near Santa Fe \>y Fendler (no. :'.74). 7. Erigeron tonsus Wont. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Serb. 16: L86. L913. Type loi miiv: Near the N Bar Ranch, New Mexico. Type collected l>y Wooton, A.ugus1 2, L900. RaNQI : Western New Mexico. \ i a Mi\nc: \ Bar Ranch; I. una Valley; north oi Ramah. 8. Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. B6r. 4: i;^ 1849. I', ri locality: Low. moisl places along Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico Type collected by Fendler i no. 381 ). 678 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Tierra Amarilla; Espanola; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton; Hanover Mountains; Ruidoso Creek. Open slopes and meadows, chiefly in the Transition Zone, sometimes in the Upper Sonoran. 9. Erigeron senilis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 185. 1913. Type locality: Canyon above Van Pattens Camp in the Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley, June 9, 1906. Range: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. 10. Erigeron philadelphicus L. Sp. PI. 863. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Canada." Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Florida. New Mexico: Aztec; San Juan; Pecos; Cienaga Ranch; Socorro; near Mesilla; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Erigeron gilensis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat, Herb. 16: 1S4. 1913. Type locality: North Fork of the Rio Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 4, 1900. Range: Known only from type locality. 12. Erigeron modestus (DC.) A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 68. 1849. Distasis modesta DC. Prodr. 5: 279. 1836. Type locality: Laredo, Texas. Range: Western Texas to eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Llano Estacado (Bigelow). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Erigeron bellidiastrum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 307. 1841. Type locality: "On the borders of the Platte, within the Rocky Mountains." Range: Nebraska and Colorado to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Nara Visa (Fisher 15, 81). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 14. Erigeron eastwoodiae Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat, Herb. 16: 183. 1913. Type locality: Dry hills at the north end of the Carrizo Mountains, northeast corner of Arizona. Type collected by Standley (no. 7433). Range: Southern Utah and Colorado to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Shiprock. Sandy hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 15. Erigeron wootoni Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 153. 1906. Erigeron cinereus var. y A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 68. 1849. Type locality: Valley of Santa Fe Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Fend- ler (no. 385). Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; head of Canada Alamosa; White Mountains. Hills and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. It is doubtful whether this is in any essential respect different from Erigeron divergens. The two are almost invariably found growing together. 16. Erigeron arenarius Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 121. 1898. Type locality: Sandhills near Mesilla, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 23). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; northeast corner of Turney Range, Dona Ana County. Sandy soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The species is very abundant about the type locality, growing on dunes of nearly pure sand. It occurs at a much lower level than most of the species and comes into WOOTON AND STANDLEY PLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 679 flower earlier in the season, continuing, however, until late fall. Its earlier flowering probably results from the warmer climate of the region in which it grows. 17. Erigeron divergens Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 175. 1841. Erigeron ckustus Greene, Leaflets 1: 211. 1906. Type locality: "In the Rocky Mountains and the plains of Oregon." Range: Washington and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Common at higher altitudes except along the eastern side of the State. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of E. deustus was collected on the West Fork of the Gila by Metcalfe. 18. Erigeron pinnatisectus (A. Gray) A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 246. 1899. Erigeron compositus pinnatisectus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 90. 1880. Type locality: 'High mountains of Colorado." Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4820). Mountain meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 19. Erigeron neomexicanus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 2. 1883. Type locality: Mountains at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1170). Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Hillsboro Peak; Middle Fork of the Gila; Bill- iards Peak; Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 20. Erigeron melanocephalus A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 246. 1899. Type locality: La Plata Mines, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Pecos Baldy. High mountain meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 21. Erigeron uniflorus L. Sp. PL 864. 1753. Erigeron simplex Greene, Fl. Franc. 387. 1897. Type locality: "Habitat in Alpibus Lapponiae, Helvetiae." Range: Arctic regions and on alpine peaks, Montana to California and northern New Mexico; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Taos Mountains (Bailey). High mountain meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 22. Erigeron leucotrichus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 23. 1901. Type locality: I '• i u- Born Mountains, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. Xlw Mexico: Truchas Peak; Baldy. High mountain meadows, in the Arctic- Alpine Zone. 23. Erigeron leiomerus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 211. 1884. Erigeron spathulifolius Rydb. Hull. Torrey Club 26: 545. 1899. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, in the alpine region." ge: Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. Ni-'.u Mexico: I. as Vegas Range. High mountain meadow B, in the Budeonianand An i ic- \ljiine zones. 24. Erigeron grayi Woot. & Standi, noin. nov. Erigeron stenophylhu A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 98. L856, nol Nutt. Is 17. Tyt \iii-,. 'Mi hillsides and steep I tanks of the PecOB, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 680 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 25. Erigeron nematophyllus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 124. 1905. Type locality: Dale Creek, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Fort Wingate (Marsh). Hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 26. Erigeron vetensis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 126. 1905. Type locality: Mountains near Veta Pass, Colorado. Range: Mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Pass southeast of Tierra Amarilla (Egghston 6535, 6603). Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 27. Erigeron aphanactis (A. Gray) Greene, Fi. Franc. 389. 1897. Erigeron concinnus aphanactis A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 540. 1865. Type locality: Near Carson City, Nevada. Range: Colorado and New Mexico to Nevada and California. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7465). Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 28. Erigeron concinnus (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 174. 1841. Distasis ? concinnus Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey Voy. 350. 1840. Erigeron settdosus Greene, Pittonia 4: 319. 1901. Type locality: "Snake River, below the Salmon Falls, Snake Country." Range: British Columbia and Montana to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Stinking Lake; west of Santa Fe. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of E. setulosus was collected at Aztec by Baker. 29. Erigeron eatoni A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 91. 1880. Type locality: Uinta and Wahsatch mountains, Utah. Range: Colorado and Wyoming to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas (Dewey). Upper Sonoran Zone. 30. Erigeron coulteri Porter in Port. & Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 61. 1874. Type locality: "Wetson's Pass, at 10,000 feet altitude," Colorado. Range: Colorado and Utah to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Meadows and moist slopes, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 31. Erigeron salsuginosus (Richards.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 93. 1S81. Aster salsuginosus Richards. Bot. App. Frankl. Joum. 2: 748. 1823. Type locality: "On the Salt Plains in the Athabasca." Range: Alaska and Alberta to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4827). Mountain meadows and bogs, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 32. Erigeron rusbyi A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 217. 1884. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rushy (no. 197). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Transi- tion Zone. 33. Erigeron deminutus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat, Herb. 16: 183. 1913. Type locality: North of Ramah, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 25, 1906. Range: Mountains of northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: North of Ramah; mountains west of Grants Station. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 681 34. Erigeron viscidus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 24. 1901. Type locality: Near the Gray-Back Mining Camps, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Hermits Peak (Snow). 35. Erigeron smithii Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 125. 1905. Type locality: Parlin, Gunnison County, Colorado. Range : Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Santa Fe Canyon; Chama; Trout Springs; Har- veys Upper Ranch; Sierra Grande; Pajarito Park. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 36. Erigeron pecosensis Standley, Muhlenbergia 5: 29. 1909. Type locality: Wet meadow along the Pecos River near Winaora Ranch, New Mexico. Type collected by Standley (no. 4358). Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Jemez Mountains. Transition to the Hudsonian Zone. 37. Erigeron formosissimus Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 121. 1898. Type locality: White Mountain Peak, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 352). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; LTillsboro Peak; Capitan Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 38. Erigeron glabellus Nutt, Gen. PI. 2: 147. 1818. Type locality: "On the plains of the Missouri (around Fort Mandan abundant)." Range: British America to Wisconsin and New Mexico. New Mexico: Banks of the Nutria; Middle Fork of the Gila. 39. Erigeron superbus Greene; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 361, 364. 1906. Type locality: Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Baldy; Chama; Willow Creek. Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 40. Erigeron macranthus Nutt, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 310. IS II. Type locality: ''Sources of the Missouri and the plains of the Platte." Ranoe: British Columbia and Montana to Oregon, Utah, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Pecos; Middle Fork of the Gila; White Mountains; Castle Rock. Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 41. Erigeron speciosus (Lindl.) DC. Prodr. 5: 284. 1836. Stenactis speciosa Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 17: pi. 1577. 1833. Type locality: "Native of California." Range: British Columbia and California to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Eagle Creek (Wooton). Transition Zone. It is doubtful whether this specimen really belongs here, but we have been unable to place it elsewhere. 42. Erigeron subtrinervis Rydb. Mem. Torrey Club 5: 328, L894. Erigeron glabellus mollis A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 64. L864 Tyii: locality: Colorado. Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to New Mexico New Mexico: Chama; Sandia Mountains; Baldy; below Winsors Ranch; Upper Rio Tesuque; Costilla Valley. Meadows in the mountains in the Transition Zone. 682 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 43. Erigeron platyphyllus Greene, Leaflets 1: 145. 1905. Type locality: Santa Rita Mountain, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1469). Range: Known only from the type locality, in the Transition Zone. 44. Erigeron rudis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat, Herb. 16: 184. 1913. Type locality: White Mountains, Lincoln County, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 270). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Mountains; Burro Mountains; Mogollon Mountains; Capitan Mountains. Damp ground, in the Transition Zone. 45. Erigeron semirasus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 185. 1913. Type locality: Mogollon Creek, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 320). Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Damp woods, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 46. Erigeron bakeri Woot. & Standi. Contr. IT. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 185. 1913. Type locality: Near Chama, New Mexico. Type collected by Baker (no. 678). Range: Northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Dulce. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. 34. BRACHYACTIS Ledeb. Low branched leafy-stemmed annual with alternate entire leaves and small race- mose-panicu late heads; involucres campanulate, rather small, of 2 or 3 series of narrow, nearly equal bracts, the outer foliaceous and resembling the leaves, the inner mem- branaceous or scarious; achenes narrow, not compressed, 2 or 3-nerved, pubescent; pappus simple, of capillary bristles; rays very short. 1. Brachyactis woodhousei (Wooton) Woot. & Standi. Aster woodhousei Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 458. 1898. Type locality: Near Zuni, New Mexico. Type collected by Woodhouse. Range: Northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni; Albuquerque. 35. ASTER L. Aster. Perennial branched herbs with leafy stems, sessile or petiolate leaves, and corymbose, paniculate, or racemose heads of yellow flowers; rays purple, blue, or white; ray flowers fertile; involucral bracts more or less imbricated, appressed or spreading, with green foliaceous tips; receptacle flat, alveolate; achenes more or less flattened ; pappus of capillary bristles in a single series. key to the species. Involucres and often the stems glandular. Leaves scabrous or variously pubescent. Bracts linear, about equal; plants stout 1. A. novae-angliae. Bracts oblong or lanceolate, very unequal; plants comparatively slender 2. A. oblongifolius. Leaves glabrous, except sometimes on the margins. Leaves conspicuously ciliate; stems clustered, very numerous 3. A f< ndleri. Leaves not ciliate; stems few or solitary. Beads large, about 12 mm. wide 4. A. hydrophilus. Heads smaller, less than 10 mm. wide. Leaves long, nearly linear, acute; heads few. 5. -1. pauciflorus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 683 Leaves short, narrowly oblong, obtuse; heads numerous 6. A. boltoniae. Plants nowhere glandular. Outer bracts foliaceous, equaling or surpassing the inner. Plants low, 10 to 20 cm. high; leaves broad 8. A. apricus. Plants tall, 40 to 60 cm. ; leaves narrow 9. A. canbyi. Outer bracts not conspicuously foliaceous, shorter than the inner. Bracts pubescent on the back, usually ciliate. Bracts not bristle-pointed ; rays purple 10. A. vallicola. Bracts bristle-pointed; rays usually white. Pubescence of the stems spreading or re- flexed. Heads small, 5 mm. high or less, very numerous 11 . A. hebecladits. Heads larger, 7 mm. long or more, few. .12. A. crassulus. Pubescence of the stems appressed. Heads small, about 5 mm. high, numer- ous; bracts much imbricated, often reflexed 13. ,1. multifloras. Heads larger, 7 mm. high or more, few; bracts nearly equal, erect, 14. A. commutatus. Bracts glabrous, sometimes ciliate. Leaves conspicuously ciliate 15. A. blepharophyllus. Leaves not ciliate. Plants glabrous throughout. Rays 2 mm. wide and 8 mm. long, showy; cauline leaves clasping 16. .4. laevis. Rays 1 mm. wide or less, not more than 3 mm. long; cauline leaves not clasping. Stems much branched; leaves thick and fleshy, short; heads long- pedunculate 7. A. neoiin i iciiinis. Stems branched only above; leaves thin, long; heads short-pedun- culate 17. .1. (i!l is. Stems pubescent, al least with pubescenl lines above. Pubescence covering the peduncles is. . I . lonchophyllu8. Pubescence in lines on the peduncles. Beads short-pedunculate or nearly sessile; leaves thick l!>. .1. salicifolius. Beads long-pedunculate; leaves thin. Heads large, ID t<> 15 nun. wide. tew; stems little branched ; Leaves of the inflorescence little reduced 20. .1. wootonii Heads smaller, usuall l< than in nun. wide, very nu- merous; stems tall much branched ; lea\ « b of the inflore i em •■ much re- reduced 21. .1 . In s/i, riii s. 684 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Aster novae-angliae I,. Sp. PI. 875. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Nova Anglia." Range: Canada to New Mexico, Colorado, ami South Carolina. New Mexico: Near Pecos; Gallinas Planting Station. Open fields, in the Transi- tion Zone. 2. Aster oblongifolius Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 156. 1818. Type locality: "On the banks of the Missouri." Range: Minnesota and Kansas to northeastern New Mexico, Texas, and Maryland. New Mexico: Raton Mountains ( Wooton). Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Aster fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Araer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 66. 1849. Type locality: "On the Ocate Creek," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 372). Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico to Kansas and Oklahoma. New Mexico: Llano Estacado; Ocate Creek. Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Aster hydrophilus Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 187. 1913. Type locality: Along the edge of Berendo Creek at the south end of the Black Range, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1393). Range: Known only from type locality. 5. Aster paucifiorus Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 154. 1S18. Type locality: "On the margins of saline springs, near Fort Mandan, on the Missouri." Range: Saskatchewan and South Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Shiprock; Albuquerque; Barranca; Horace; Ojo Caliente; Santo Domingo; Chavez. Wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Aster boltoniae Greene, Pittonia 3: 248. 1897. Type locality: "In irrigated fields and along ditches in western Texas and south- ern New Mexico." Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley. River valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. Aster neomexicanus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 187. 1913. Type locality: Roswell, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 327). Range: Southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell; Lake Arthur. Wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 8. Aster apricus (A. Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 396. 1900. Aster foliaceus apricus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 193. 1884. Type locality: "High mountains of Colorado, at Union Pass, Rothrock, and near Gray's Peak." Range: British Columbia and Montana to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Ponchuelo Creek (Standley 4583); Chama (Standley 6574). Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. The first specimen cited may be only a depauperate form of A. earthy i. The second has very narrow leaves, but otherwise seems to belong here. 9. Aster canbyi Vasey; A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 193. 1884. Aster foliaceus canbyi A. Gray, loc. cit. Type locality: White River, western Colorado. Range: Mountains cf Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Ponchuelo Creek. Transition and Canadian zones. 10. Aster vallicola Greene, Pittonia 4: 221. 1900. uType locality: Moist meadows of Pine Valley, above Palisade, Nevada. 1r Range: Wyoming and Nevada to Colorado and northern New Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 685 New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Ensenada; Taos; Baldy; Santa Fe Creek; Chama; Dulce. Wet ground, especially along streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 11. Aster hebecladus DC. Prodr. 5: 242. 1836. Type locality: Texas. ange: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Gallinas Canyon; Mangas Springs; near White Water; Mesilla Valley; Fort Bayard; Silver City; Dayton. Chiefly in river valleys, often along ditches, Lower Sonoran to Transition Zone. 12. Aster crassulus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 504. 1901. Type locality: Mesas, La Veta, Colorado. Range: Idaho and North Dakota to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Zuni; Raton. Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Aster multiflorus Ait. Hort, Kew. 3: 203. 1789. Type locality: North America. Range: Montana and Maine to Georgia and Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Aztec; Farmington; Las Huertas Canyon. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 14. Aster commutatus (Torr. & Gray) A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 185. 1S84. Aster multiflorus commutatus Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 125. 1841. Type locality: ''Upper Missouri." Range: Wyoming and Minnesota to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Santa Fe; Beulah; Taos; Ensenada; Pecos; Folsom; Belen; Gilmoree Ranch; north of Capital) Mountains. Open fields, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zones. 15. Aster blepharophyllus A. Gray, PI. Wright, 2: 77. 1853. Type locality: Las Playas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1164). Range: Known only from type locality. 16. Aster laevis L. Sp. PI. 876. 1753. Type localits : 'Habitat in America septentrionali." Range: Saskatchewan and New England to New Mexico and Louisiana. New Mexico: Dulce; Raton Mountains; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Santa Antonita; Folsom; Eagle Creek. Open slopes, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 17. Aster exilis Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 2: 344. 1821. Type locality: "Grows in damp soils in the western districts of Georgia." Range: California and New Mexico to Texas and Georgia. \: w Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Berendo Creek; Organ Mountains. Transition Zone. 18. Aster lonchophyllus Greene, Leaflets 1: 146. 1905. Type locality: Stony slopes, Crested Butte, southern Colorado. jfljL ■ Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. X i v. Mexico: Chama (Standley li">7:v.i. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. < hir specimens are very small as compared with the type, but this is probably because of the rather unfavorable environment in which they grew. 19. Aster salicifolius I.am. Encycl. 1:306. I. Type locai i nr: Canada. k Range: r.nn-h America to New Mexico, Texas, and Florida. New Mexico: Me ula Valley | Wooton .i- Standi 686 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 20. Aster wootonii Greene, Leaflets 1: 146. 1905. Aster hesperius wootonii Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 119. 1S9S. 'V\ pb locality: Eagle Creek, White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by W on (no. 329). Ranch: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Dulce; Santa Fe; Pecos; Catskill; Taos; Ensenada; Chama; Grand Canyon of the Gila; Kingston; White Mountains. We1 ground, especially along streams, in the Transition Zone. 21. Aster hesperius A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 192. 1884. Type locality: ''Damp soil and along streams, S. Colorado and New Mexico to Arizona and S. California." Range: Colorado and western Texas to southern California. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley; Round Mountain. Wet ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 36. EUCEPHALUS Nutt. Glabrous, usually glaucous, perennial herbs with alternate sessile entire leaves and numerous showy heads in terminal corymbs; bracts broad, imbricated, the outer successively shorter, ciliate, dry and chartaceous, with prominent midribs, usually purplish; rays purple or blue; achenes strigose. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Inner bracts acute; leaves not narrowed at the base 1. E. glaucus. All bracts obtuse or short-mucronate; leaves conspicuously narrowed at the base 2. E. fornwsus. 1. Eucephalus glaucus Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 299. 1841. Aster glaucus Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer: 2: 159. 1842. Type locality: "Towards the sources of the Platte and in the Rocky Mountains." Range: Wyoming to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce (Standley 8224). Open slopes in the moimtains, in the Transi- tion Zone. 2. Eucephalus formosus Greene, Pittonia 4: 156. 1900. Aster glaucus formosus A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 513. 1909. Type locality: Mountains near Pagosa Peak, southern Colorado. Range: Mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6832). Transition Zone. 37. HERRICKIA Woot, & Standi. Perennial herb with alternate thick rigid toothed sessile leaves; heads solitary at the ends of the slender leafy branches; rays purple; disk flowers yellow, drying pur- plish; bracts of the involucre in several series, about equal, conspicuously keeled, with green foliaceous tips and spinescent points, the outer bracts foliaceous and changing gradually into the proper leaves; achenes compressed, striate, glabrous; pappus simple, of numerous stout, simple, nearly equal, strongly barbellate bristles. 1. HerricMa horrida Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 186. 1913. Type locality: Baldy, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 14, 1910. Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico, probably in adjacent Colorado. New Mexico: Baldy; Raton; Spring Canyon. 38. LEUCOSYRIS Greene. Spiny aster. Nearly leafless perennial, often woody at the base, with slender striate green branches; cauline leaves small, fugacious, with stout spines in or above the axils; involucre hemispheric, small, of thin lanceolate bracts imbricated in about 3 series; rays white; achenes glabrous. WOOTON AND STANDLBY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 687 1. Leucosyris spinosus (Benth.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 244. 1897. Aster spinosus Benth. PI. Hartw. 20. 1839. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Utah and California to Texas and New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Socorro; Cliff; near White Water; Mesilla Valley; San Antonio. In heavy, usually adobe soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 39. MACHAER ANTHER A Nees. Stout, rather coarse annuals or biennials with slender or thick taproots; stems usually much branched; leaves alternate, from simple and dentate to bipinnately parted into linear segments; heads rather large, campanulate, terminating the branches, with purple rays; involucre much imbricated, the bracts linear, coriaceous below, with l'oliaceous, often spreading tips; achenes narrowed downward, com- pressed, few-nerved, pubescent or glabrous; pappus copious, of rather rigid unequal bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals; leaves pinnatifid; achenes mostly terete. Leaf segments acute, usually bristle-tipped; heads large; plants abundantly pubescent. Heads large, 12 to 15 mm. in diameter; bracts narrow, subulate-tipped; plants spreading, large, 30 cm. high or more 1 . M. tanacetifolia. Heads about 10 mm. in diameter; bracts broad, not subulate-tipped; plants erect, small, usually less than 20 cm. high 2. M. tagetina. Leaf segments obtuse, not bristle-tipped; heads small; plants sparingly pubescent. Leaves densely glandular; many of the leaves twice pinnatifid, the segments broad 3. M. pygmaea. Leaves not glandular; leaves once pinnatifid, the seg- ments narrow 4. M. parrijlora. Biennials, sometimes perennials; leaves merely toothed or en- tire; achenes compressed. Tips of the bracts short, lanceolate or rhombic, usually little reflexed. Heads small, less than 10 mm. broad; leaves thick, sparingly toothed, little if at all filiate; pe- duncles very leafy 5. M. cichoriacea. Heads 12 mm. broad or more; leaves thin, salient- toothed, ciliate; peduncles sparingly leafy 6. M. linearis. Tips of the bracts long, Linear or subulate, reflexed. Plants tiowhere glandular. Stems stout, much branched; leaves thick, lanceo- late or oblong 7. M. asU mill, s. Stems Blender, Bimple or nearly bo; leaves thin, oblanceolate 8. M. simplex. Plants glandular, at leasl on the bracts. Plant- densely and coarsely glandular almost throughout. Cauline leaves narrow, mostly l-vein< leaves stiff , rigid 9. M. viscose Cauline leaves broader, triple-veined; leaves thinner. 688 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Stems with few erect branches, green; heads less than 15 mm. broad; leaves with numerous salient teeth. 10. M. centaur eoides. Stems with numerous, mostly spreading branches; heads more than 15 mm. broad; leaves with few, never salient teeth 11. M. bigelovii. Plants glandular only on the bracts, or also spar- ingly on the peduncles, then only finely glandular. Leaves linear, very acute, entire 12. M. angustifolia. Leaves oblong to obovate, toothed, mostly obtuse. Basal leaves rounded-spatulate, the cau- line ones obovate, tapering to the base 13. M. amplifolia. Basal leaves oblanceolate, acute, the cauline ones oblong to elliptic or lanceolate, not noticeably tapering to the base 14. M. aquifolia. 1. Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (H. B. K.) Nees, Gen. Sp. Aster. 224. 1832. Aster tanncetifolius H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4: 95. 1820. Dieteria coronopifolia Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 302. 1841. Machaeranthera coronopifolia A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 37: 268. 1904. Type locality: Mexico. Range: Wyoming and Nebraska to Arizona and western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Throughout the State at lower altitudes. Sandy soil, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Machaeranthera tagetina Greene, Pittonia 4: 71. 1899. Machaeranthera tanacetifolia humilis A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 74. 1853. Machaeranthera humilis Standley, Muhlenbergia 5: 48. 1909. Type locality: Arizona. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona. New Mexico: Near Ojo de Gavilan (Wright 1151). Lower Sonoran Zone. 3. Machaeranthera pygmaea (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 189. 1913. Macheranthera tanacetifolia pygmaea A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 74. 1853. Aster tanacetifolius pygmaeus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 206. 1884. Type locality: "Dry, stony hills, valley of the Salado, Chihuahua, and near El Paso." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and northern Mexico. New Mexico: A single specimen seen, without definite locality. 4. Machaeranthera parviflora A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 90. 1852. Aster parviflorus A. Gray in Brewer & Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 322. 1876. Type locality: Along the Rio Grande, western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley; White Sands; Alamogordo. Sandy soil of plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 5. Machaeranthera cichoriacea Greene, Leaflets 1: 148. 1905. Type locality: Canyon of Deer Run, southern Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni; Shiprock; Carrizo Mountains; Cedar Hill; Farmington; Chama. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON" AND STAJSTDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 689 6. Machaeranthera linearis Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 511. 1897. Type locality: Sandy fields, Mesilla Valley, New Mexico. Range: Valleys of New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Mesilla Valley; "White Sands. Lower Sonoran Zone. 7. Machaeranthera asteroides (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 63. 1896. Dieteria asteroides Torr. in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 142. 1848. Machaeranthera canescens latifolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 75. 1853. Type locality: "Elevated land between the del Norte and the waters of the Gila," New Mexico. Type collected by Emory. Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Fort Bayard; Jicarilla Mountains; Dog Spring; Santa Rita. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 8. Machaeranthera simplex Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 189. 1913. Type locality: Capitan Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Earle (no. 390). Range: Known only from type locality. 9. Machaeranthera viscosa (Nutt.) Greene, Pittonia 4: 22. 1899. Dieteria viscosa Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 301. 1841. Aster canescens viscosus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 206. 1884. Type locality: "With the above (Dieteria divaricata) particularly near Scott's Bluff, on the Platte." Range: Washington and Nebraska to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton (Cockerell). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Machaeranthera centaureoides Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 188. 1913. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, on the Middle Fork of the Rio Gila, Socorro County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 440). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Middle fork of the Gila; Luna. 11. Machaeranthera bigelovii (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 3: 63. 1896. Aster bigelovii A Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 10. 1856. Machaeranthera various Greene, Pittonia 4: 98. 1899. Type locality: Arroyos in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southern Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Johnsons Mesa; Baldy: Chama; Jemez Mountains; Rio Pueblo; Glorieta; Mogollon Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 12. Machaeranthera angustifolia Woot. & Standi. Contr. 0". S. Nat. Herb. 16: 188. 1913. Type locality: Probably in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. T\ pe collected by Bigelow. Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico. Xi;w Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Dulce; Pecos; Glorieta; Tunitcha Mountains. Ipper Sonoran and Transition zones. 13. Machaeranthera amplifolia Woot. & Standi. Contr. 1. S. Nat. Herb. 16: L87. 1913. Type locality: l-'ilmoro Canyon, Organ Mountains, Nen Mexico Type collected by Wootorj A: Standley, September 23, L906. Range: Canyons of the Organ Mountains, Xew Mexico, in the Transition Zone. r.L\-,7t;°— 15 44 690 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 14. Machaeranthera aquifolia Greene, Contr, U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 188. 1913. Type locality: Gila Hot Springs, Mogollon Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 856). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona. \ i w M BXico: Gila Hot Springs; Magdalena Mountains; Grand Canyon of the Gila; Mangas Springs; East Canyon; Gilmores Ranch. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The specimens from the Magdalena Mountains are stouter and have more heads than the typical form. 40. LETJCELENE Greene. Slender perennials with diffusely branched, ascending or prostrate stems and linear- subulate to spatulate, strigose or hispid -ciliate leaves; heads small, terminal, with white or pink rays; involucres campanulate, of narrow, much imbricated bracts with scarious margins; achenes slender, compressed, hirsutulous; pappus a single series of scabrous bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Upper leaves strigose, sparingly if at all glandular; not hispid-ciliate.. 1. L. arenosa. Upper leaves strongly glandular, conspicuously hispid-ciliate..' 2. L. ericoides. Other species have been reported from New Mexico, but our material seems to show only two forms. Leucelene arenosa may be only the later stage of the vernal L. ericoides. 1. Leucelene arenosa Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 8. 1898. Aster ericaefolius tenuis A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 198. 1884. Type locality: "New Mexico." Range: Colorado to western Texas and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Horse Camp; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Shiprock; Zuni; Dulce; Sierra Grande; Santa Fe; Raton; Pecos; Willard; Albuquerque; Water Canyon; Las Vegas; Jarilla; Mogollon Mountains; San Luis Mountains; Hanover Mountain; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Gray; Torrance. Dry hills, in' the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 148. 1896. Inula ? ericoides Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 212. 1828. Diplopappus ericoides hirtella A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 69. 1849. Leucelene hirtella Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 358. 1906. Type locality: "On the Canadian?," Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Las Vegas; Farmington; Tierra Amarilla; Laguna Colorado; Santa Fe; Nara Visa; Santa Rita; Mangas Springs; San Augustine Plains; Carrizalillo Moun- tains; Organ Mountains; Roswell; Gray; mountains west of San Antonio; Aden. Open slopes, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The type of Dij)lopappus ericoides hirtella was collected near Santa Fe (Fendler 348). 41. PSILACTIS A. Gray. Tall, sparingly branched annual, glandular-puberulent, with narrow, often pinnatifid leaves and small heads terminating the branches; involucre hemispheric, the bracts imbricated in 2 or 3 series; rays purple; achenes pubescent; pappus none in the ray flowers, a single series of capillary bristles in the disk flowers. 1. Psilactis asteroides A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 72. 1849. Type locality: "Llanos, in the Sierra Madre, west of Chihuahua," Mexico. Range: Western Texas and southern Arizona to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mosilla Valley. Valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTOJST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 691 42. APHANOSTEPHTTS DC. « Slender low annuals or perennials, much branched, with entire to pinnatifid leaves and pedunculate white-rayed heads; bracts broadly lanceolate, well imbricated; receptacle conic or hemispheric; achenes terete truncate, striate, with low, laciniate or filiate pappus. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennial; leaves linear 1. A. perennis. Annuals or biennials; leaves ui (lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or spatulate, often lobed or toothed. Corolla much thickened at the base in age; pappus con- spicuously < lent ate or laciniate 2. J. skirrobasis. Corolla not thickened at the base; pappus merely a ciliate- fringed edge 3. .1. ramosissimus. 1. Aphanostephus perennis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 189. 1913. Type locality: Knuwles, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 29, 1909. Rang e : K oi rwn only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Aphanostephus skirrobasis (DC.) Trel. Rep. Ark. Geol. Surv. 4: 191. 1891. Keerlja skirrobasis DC. Prodr. 5: 310. 1836. Egletes arkansana Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 394. 1841. A/)h"ni).-f, ■pi, ax urhansanus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 93. 1852. Type locality: "In Mexico inter Bejar et fiuni. Trinitas." This is now Texas rather than Mexi o. Range: Kansas and Arkansas to New Mexico and Mexico. New Mexico: Arroyo Ranch (Griffiths 5677, 5736). Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Aphanostephus ramosissimus DC. Prodr. 5: 310. 1836. Egletes ramosissima \ . Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 71. 1849. Type locality: "In Mexico circa Bejar et Laredo." This is now Texas. R s ci:: Western Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: North of Santa Fe; McCarthys Ranch; MeaiRa Valley; Florida .Mountains; Dug Spring; mountains west of San Antonio; Rincon; Artesia; Roswell. Dry hills am I mesas, in the Lower and I'pper Sonoran zones. 43. TOWNSENDIA Hook. Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, often cespitose, caulescent or acaulescent; heads large, with purple or white rays; involucre hemispheric, of numerous 1 ai imbricated, scarious-margined, often purplish bracts; pappus of numerous barbellate bristles, that of the raj flowers shorter or reduced to verj short bristles or seal* a. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants apparently acaulescent 1. T. • cscapa. Plants with evident Bracts mot acuminate; rays whitish. Pappu of raj achen< equaling that of the disk achenes; heacU 10 to 15 mm. high 2. T. aritonica. Pappus of ray achenes much shorter than that of the disk How .i hea I lesE than lit mm. high. Perennial, with very short rtemsjhead u ually equal- ed by the Leaves ;'«. /'. incana. Annual or biennial with long stems; heads much bui the leaves •(. T.fendUri, 692 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Bracts acuminate; rays purplish. Stems low, with spreading basal branches 5. T. grandiflora. Stems erect, mostly simple. Bracts glabrous on the back; heads usually more than one; leaves little reduced above 6. T. eximia. Bracts pubescent on the back; heads solitary; leaves much reduced upward 7. T.formosa. 1. Townsendia exscapa (Richards.) Porter, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 321. 1894. Aster f exscapus Richards. Bot. App. Frankl. Journ. 32. 1832. Type locality: "Hab. at Carlton House." Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; west of Patterson; Carrizo Mountains; Las Vegas; Agua Fria; Sandia Mountains; Magdalena Mountains; Gihnores Ranch. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Townsendia arizonica A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 16: 85. 1880. Type locality: Fort Trumbull, Arizona. Range: Utah and Arizona to northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7332). Sandhills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Townsendia incana Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 305. 1841. Type locality: "On the Black Hills." Range: Wyoming and Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Aztec; Fort Wingate; San Lorenzo. Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Townsendia fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 70. 1849. Type locality: Gravelly hillsides, Santa Fe, New Mexico.. Type collected by Fendler (no. 350). Range: Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Aztec; Shiprock; Carrizo Mountains; Gallup; Espanola; Fort Win- gate; Sandia Mountains; Socorro; North Percha Creek; Mesilla Valley; Organ Moun- tains; mountains west of San Antonio. Low hills and valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. This species is very close to T. strigosa Nutt. and it is doubtful whether it is possible to separate the two. That species has been reported from New Mexico, but among our material it is impossible to distinguish more than a single species. Our specimens agree very well with those from farther north said to be T. strigosa. 5. Townsendia grandiflora Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 306-. 1841. Type locality: "On the Black Hills * * * near the banks of the Platte." Range: Wyoming and South Dakota to New Mexico and Oklahoma. New Mexico: Raton (Standley 6357). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zonea. 6. Townsendia eximia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 70. 1849. Type locality: "Sides of high mountains, Santa Fe Creek, and prairies on the Mora River," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 353). Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Laguna Blanca; Rio Pueblo; Pajarito Park. Open slopes and in thickets in the mountains, Transition Zone. 7. Townsendia formosa Greene, Leaflets 1: 213. 1906. Type locality: Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1434). WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 693 Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Black Range; Mogollon Mountains; "White and Sacramento moun- tains. Transition Zone. 44. BERTHELOTIA DC. Shrub 1 meter high or more with numerous erect branches; leaves alternate, sericeous, linear-lanceolate, entire; involucre campanulate, the outer bracts obtuse and tomen- tose, the inner linear and deciduous; pappus of sterile flowers of rigid bristles with thickened tips; flowers pinkish. 1. Berthelotia sericea (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 154. 1906. Cachanilla. Arrow-wood. Poly pappus sericeus Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 178. 1848. Tessaria boreulis Torr. & Gray in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 143. 1848. Pluchea boreulis A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 212. 1882. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains of Upper California." Raxge: Colorado and Utah to Texas and California. New Mexico: Rio Grande Valley, from Socorro southward. Along streams and in valleys, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 45. PLUCHEA Cass. Marsh pleabane. Stems herbaceous, 50 to 100 cm. high; leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate, dentate, large ; bracts ovate or lanceolate, acute, purplish ; pappus alike in both kinds of flowers, soft, not thickened at the tips; flowers dull purple. 1. Pluchea camphorata (L.) DC. Prodr. 5: 451. 1836. Erigeron camphoratum L. Sp. PI. 864. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia." Range: Massachusetts to Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. New Mexico: Roswell. Salt marshes and alkaline soil. 46. STYLOCLINE Null Densely woolly annual, branched from the base, with entire alternate leaves and small woolly heads clustered at the ends of the branches; bracts thin, inclosing the achenes and falling with them; achenes compressed, obovoid or oblong; pappus of few capillary bristles in the sterile flowers. 1. Stylocline micropoides A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 84. 1853. Type locality: 'Hills near Front era. New Mexico." The type locality Ls doubtless in Texas instead of New Mexico, but very near the State line. The plant has also been collected in the Blaek Kan^e by Metcalfe. 47. EVAX Gaertn. Slender woolly annual, much branched from the base, with narrow alternate leaves and small, densely woolly heads clustered al the ends of the branches; bracts of the involucre very thin, loose, deciduous at maturity from the com e\ receptacle; acheni - con i pressed, smooth or nearly so; pappus none. 1. Evax multicaulis DC. Prodr. 5: 459. L836. Filaginoptis multicaulis Torr. & Cray, PI. N. Amer. 3: 263. 1842 Type lo< ujty: "In Mexico circa lacum Sancti-Nicolai in sinu Spiritus-Sancti." Ram. i Texas to southern I ialifornia, south into Mexico. \i :w MiMi.c Hondo Hill Wooton). I>n plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 694 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 48. GNAPHALITJM L. Cudweed. Floccose-woolly herbs with narrow sessile entire leaves and cymose or glomerate heads of yellowish or whitish flowers; heads heterogamous, discoid; involucre of numerous thin searious bracts imbricated in several series; pappus of numerous scabrous bristles in a single series; achenes terete or compressed, mostly nerveless. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Heads leafy-bracted ; plants low, usually less than 20 cm. Plants loosely floccose; leaves mostly oblong or oblanceolate. 1. G. palustre. Plants appressed-tomentose; leaves linear to linear-oblan- ceolate. Stems erect, simple or with few erect branches 2. 67. strictum . Stems abundantly divaricate-branched from the base ... 3. G. angustifolium Heads not leafy-bracted; plants mostly 30 cm. high or more. Leaves green and glandular-viscid on the upper surface 4. G. decurrens. Leaves tomentose on both surfaces, not apparently viscid. Leaves narrowed at the base, not decurrent; stems slender, weak; heads numerous, loosely corym- bose 5. G. wrightii. Leaves not narrowed at the base, decurrent; stems stout, erect; heads densely clustered at the ends of the branches. Bracts densely arachnoid at the base, nearly white; pubescence of the stems and leaves white; stems densely leafy throughout 6. G. chilense. Bracts nearly glabrous, yellowish; pubescence of stems and leaves yellowish ; stems with only > a few distant reduced leaves above 7. G. sulphur escens. 1. Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 403. 1841. Type locality: " Pocky Mountains, Oregon, California and Chili." Range: British Columbia and Montana to California and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill (Standley 7930). Wet ground. 2. Gnaphalium strictum A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 110. 1856. Type locality: Banks of the Rio Grande, near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Colorado and Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Tunitcha Mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Santa Fe Creek. Wet soil, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Gnaphalium angustifolium A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 357. 1899. Type locality: Head of Woods Creek, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Ensenada. Wet soil, in the Transition Zone. 4. Gnaphalium decurrens Ives, Amer. Journ. Sci. 1: 380. pi. 1. 1819. Type locality: Near New Haven, Connecticut. Range: Idaho and Nova Scotia to New Mexico and Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Santa Rita; Black Range; Fort Tularosa; Capitan Mountains; White Mountains; Organ Mountains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OP NEW MEXICO. 695 5. Gnaphalium wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 214. 1882. Type locality: "Common from S. Arkansas and W. Texas to New Mexico." Range: Colorado -and New Mexico to California and Texas. New Mexico: Hurrah Creek; Bear Mountains; Fort Bayard; Dona Ana Mountains; Organ Mountains; Capitan Mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 6. Gnaphalium chilense Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3: 480. 1826. Type locality: California. Range: Oregon and Montana to California and Texas. New Mexico: Ramah; Ojo Caliente; Gila; Mogollon Creek; Kingston; Rincon; mountains southeast of Patterson; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Low mountains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 7. Gnaphalium sulphurescens Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 415. 1900. Type locality: Yellowstone Park. Range: Washington and Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Stinking Lake (Slandley 8272). Meadows in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 49. ANAPHALIS DC. Pearly everlasting. White-tomentulose perennial herb with very leafy, usually simple, erect stems; leaves entire, narrowly lanceolate; heads numerous, corymbose, dioecious, usually with a few perfect flowers in the center of the pistillate heads; bristles of the pappus of staminate llowers little or not at all thickened at the tips. 1. Anaphalis subalpina (A. Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 415. 1900. Anaphalis margaritacea subalpina A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 233. 1884. Type locality: Mountains of Colorado. Range: British Columbia and South Dakota to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Eagle Creek. Open woods in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 50. ANTENNARIA Gaertn. Indian tobacco. Perennial white-woolly herbs with mostly basal, broad, entire leaves and corymbose or racemose head-; heads many-flowered, dioecious, the flowers all tubular; involucre drj . '.in" i , while or colored, imbricated; receptacle naked; achenes terete or flal- li li; pappus a single row of bristles, in the fertile llowers capillary, in the staminate ones clavT'llate-lhiekened at the tips. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves glabrous on the upper surface. Bracts and peduncles densely viscid; heads subtended by I e lu-acts ." 1. A. marginata. Bracts and peduncles uol viscid or only obscurely so; bracts mostly wanting. in u in L6 cm. high; heads large, about 10 mm. high; all the bracts obtuse '-. .1 . J\ mil* ri. Stem Lee iii. hi in cm. high; beads smaller, t; to 8 mm. bigh; inner bracts v cry acute 3. . I peramoena. I i i- tomentose on both surface,-. Plants acaulescent; beads subsessile among the rosettes of basal l< .i \ e, i . . I ro8ulata. 696 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL 1 1 I III'. \ III UM. Plants caulescent. Bracts of the involucre with dark umber-colored uppei porl Ions. Inner brads uol rose-Colored -r>. A . iniilirinil/a. I oner brads rose-colored 6, .1. condnna. Bracts with while pale yellowish, or pint upper portions. Heads large, 8 to L2 nun. high.. Plants tall. JO to 30 cm.; head pedunculate; low- er leaves 3 nerved; stolons liuieli elon- gated 7. A. oho in Id. Plants low, usually L0 em. or less; heads sub- sessile; lower leaves not ;: nerved; stolons short 8. A. apnea. Heads small, ."> to 8 mm. high. Bracts with pink upper portions !'. A. imbricata. Bracts with white or pale yellowish upper por- tions. Tomentum of leaves closely appressed, silky, shining 10. .1 . miarophylla, Tomentum of leaves loose, uot silky. [nflorescence, stems, and usually the leaves glandular; bracts with greenish or brownish Bpots, the tips pale yellowish II. .1 . viscidula. Plants uot glandular; brads uol spotted with green or brown, the tips w Lite : L2. A . arida, 1. Antennaria marginata Greene, Pittonia 8: 290. L898. Type locality; New Mexico, probably about Santa Fe. Type collected by Fend" ler (no. 523). RANGE: Mountains of Colorado. New Mexico, and Arizona. \rv> Mexico: Stinking Lake; Tierra Amarilla; Santa Fe. Transition Zone. 2. Antennaria fendleri (ireene, Leaflets 2: L43. L911. Type locality: Near Santa Fe, Nevi Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3612). RANGE: Mountains of northern New Mexico. NEW Mi KICO: Santa Fej Hermits Teak. Transition Zone. 3. Antennaria perainoena (.ireene, Leaflets 2: Ml. L911. Type locality: Wheelers Ranch, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July II. L906. Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New MEXICO: Wheelers Ranch; 1'inos Altos; Burro Mountains. Transition Zone. 4. Antennaria rosulata Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 300. L897. TYPE locality I Arizona. RANGE: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New MEXICO: Tunitcha Mountains; Tierra Amarilla. Meadows and hills, in the Upper Sonoi-an and Transition zones. 6. Antennaria umbrinella Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 302, 1897. Antennaria mucronata E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27: 209. L899. Type locality: Long Baldy, Little Bell Mountains, Montana. RANGE: Mountains from Oregon and Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truehas Peak; Pecos Baldy. Arctic-Alpine Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 697 6. Antennaria concinna E. Nels. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mub. 23: 705. 1901. Type locality: Olympic Mountains, Clallam County, Washington. Range: Washington to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Top of IVcos I'.aldy (Bailey 038). Antic -Alpine Zone. 7. Antennaria obovata E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27: 213. L899. Tvi'K locality: Near Soldier Canyon, Colorado. Ranhjk: South Dakota to Colorado and n&rthern New Mexico. Nkw Mexico: Las Vegas Hot Springs; Sandia Mountains. Hills and plains, in the Transition Zone. 8. Antennaria aprica (Jreene, Pittonia 3: 282. IK!)K. . I nli ii n ii rin In il in ii (inriir, I'i I Ionia 4: 81. 1899. Antciiniiriii latisquamca (ireeno, Leaflets 1: 115. 1905, not Piper, 1901. Antennaria anacleta Greene, Leaflets 1:200. 1906. Type locality: "Very common species of the whole Rocky Mountain region." Range: Alberta and South Dakota to Utah and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; Winsors Ranch; Wheelers Ranch; Sawyers Teal;; Gilmores Ranch; Vermejo Park. Bills and i mtains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. The type of A. latisquamra wan collected in the Black llango ( Metcalfe I 133). 9. Antennaria imbricata E. NoIh. Bot. Gaz. 27: 211. 1K!>!). Antennaria rosea imbricata E. Nels. Proc. U. S. Nat. Miih. 23: 707. 1901. Type locality: Wyoming. Range: Molilalia to Utah and New Mexico. Nkw Mexico: Near Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6461, 6616, 6632). Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition /.ones. 10. Antennaria microphylla Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 303. 1897. Antennaria formosa Greene, Leaflets 1: 115. 1905. Type locality: Manhattan, Montana. Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to Nebraska and New Mexico. Nkw Mexico: Taos; Costilla Valley; Brazos Canyon. Meadows, in (lie Transition Zone. 11. Antennaria viscidula (B. Nels.) Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 369. L906. Antennaria arida viseidala 10. Nels. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 23: 7Ht. L901. Type locality: Laramie I 'oak, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: chaina; hills southwest of Tierra Amarilla. Meadows, in the Transi- tion Zone. 12. Antennaria arida E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27:210. 1899. Type locality: Tipton, Wyoming. Ranok: Wyoming to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chaina; top of range between Sapello and Pecos rivers; Jemez Mountains. Meadows, from the Transition I" the Eudsonian Zone. 61. MADIA Molina. Takwi i D. Glandnlar-viscid annual with mostly alternate, linear leaves ami small glomerate heads; involucre oblong, angled by the salient hacks of the bra< i . <• h eptai le Qa1 or convex, bearing a ingL eries of bracts, these inclosing the disk flowers as a kind ol' inner involucre; ray flowers 'J to 5 or none, the rays inconspicuous; achenes narrow, laterally compressed, angled. 698 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Madia glomerata Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 24. 1834. Type locality: "Plains of the Saskatchawan." Range: British America to Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Brazos Canyon. Moist ground in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 52. BLEPHARIPAPPUS Hook. Stout, hirsute, sparingly branched annual with alternate, entire, linear or oblong, sessile leaves, and rather large heads of white flowers; rays large and showy; invo- lucre of a single series of narrow bracts with scarious margins, inclosing the achenee of the ray flowers; receptacle flat, bearing a series of chaffy bracts between the ray and disk flowers; achenes somewhat compressed, those of the ray flowers destitute of pappus, the inner ones with a pappus of numerous bristles. 1. Blepharipappus glandulosus Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 316. 1830. Layia glandulosa Hook. & Am. Bot. Beechey Voy. 350. 1833. Layia neomexicana A. Gray, PI. Wright, 2: 98. 1853. Type locality: "Common on the plains of the Columbia, in sandy soils, under the shade of Purshia and Artemi&ia." Range: British Columbia and Idaho to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs. 53. GUARDIOLA Humb. & Bonpl. Erect annual with sessile, mostly connate, oblong-lanceolate leaves and small 4- flowered turbinate heads, each with a single ray; involucre of 3 concave membrana- ceous bracts; achenes oblong, slightly compressed, glabrous; pappus wanting. 1. Guardiola diehlii Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 12: 48. 1908. Type locality: "Albuquerque and Socorro, New Mexico." . Range: Known only from the type collections. We have seen no specimens of this species. 54. DICRANOCAPvPUS A. Gray. Low slender annual, the leaves divided into linear segments; heads small, with 3 or 4 ray flowers and 3 or 4 disk flowers, the rays small and inconspicuous; involucre of 3 or 4 narrow bracts and sometimes 1 or 2 small foliaceous outer ones; achenes dimor- phous, 1 or 2 elongated, puberulent, smooth, with 2 long divergent awns, the others short, more or less tuberculate, bearing 2 short divaricate horns. 1. Dicranocarpus dicranocarpus (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 189. 1913. Heterospermum dicranocarpum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 109. 1852. Dia-anocarpus parviflorus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 322. 1854. Wootonia parviflora Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 122. 1898. Type locality: Plains between the Guadalupe Mountains and the Pecos, western Texas. Range : Southern New Mexico and western Texas to northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands. Alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 55. MELAMPODIUM L. Perennial herb, 30 cm. high or less, often woody at the base, with opposite, entire, linear to spatulate leaves; heads long-pedunculate, with large white rays; brads in 2 series, the outer 4 or 5 flat, ovate, partially united, the inner each embracing an acholic ami deciduous with it; achenes obovate, incurved; pappus none. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 699 1. Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Araer. 2: 271. 1842. Type locality: Texas. Range: Colorado and Kansas to Arizona and Texas and southward. New Mexico: Bernal; Pecos; Nara Visa; Clayton; Socorro Mountain; Albuquerque ; Knowles; Melrose; Fort Bayard; Mangaa Springs; Middle Fork of the Gila; Organ Mountains; Ros well; south of Stanley. Dry plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. The ray flowers of this species are normally a clear, brigh.1 white, bul ao1 infre- quently turn pink with age, especially late in the season, and plants with pinkish rays are occasional. 56. PARTHENIUM L. Herbaceous or woody biennials or perennials with alternate, pubescent, variously lobed or pinnatifid leaves, and numerous corymbs of small beads of white Sowers; involucre of few broad appressed bracts in about two series; achenes oval or obovate, usually pubescent, with a narrow callous margin; pappus of 2 chaffy awns or scales. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Herb ; leaves twice pinnatifid 1 . P. lyratum. Low shrub ; leaves few-lobed 2. P. incanu m Statements have been made that P. argenlatum, the Mexican rubber plant or "guayule," occurs in New Mexico, but so far as we know there is no foundation for these reports, that species ranging much farther south. 1. Parthenium lyratum A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 244. 1884. Parthenium hysteropkorus lyratum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 216. 1882. Type locality: Western Texas. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico; also in Mexico. New Mexico: Soledad Canyon; Hondo Hill; Guadalupe Mountains; Carlsbad; Lake Valley. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Parthenium incanumH. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4: 260. pi. 391. 1820. Mariola. Type locality: "< lolitur in horto botanico Mexicano." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Socorro; Mangaa Springs; Etincon; Tucumcari; Cuchillo; Florida Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. Dry hills and along arroyos, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This plant lias been used for the production of rubber. For this purpose, however, it is far less valuable than the Mexican rubber plant, or "guayule," mentioned above. 57. BERLANDIERA DC. Coarse canescent perennial herbs with alternate, simple or lyrate-pinnatifid Leaves and Large pedunculate heads with showy yellow rays; bracts in about 3 Beries, the outermost small and foliaceous, the inner thin, membranaceous in age; achenes Sat, obovate, w ingless, unicostate on the inner surface; pappus most lv obsolete. KKV TO I'll B BP1 OTES. as all pinnatifid; beads numerous L- l> lyrata. \. , ee merely cremate; heads few - B. macrophylla. 1. Berlandiera lyrata Benth. PI. Ilartw. 17. Lfi Berlandiera incisa Torr. & Gray, PI. N. Amer. 2. 282 L842. Ti ir locaij n : Mexico. EIano] Ail ansas and Texas to Arizona and Mexico. 700 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico : Knowles; Clayton; Albuquerque; Laguna; north of Santa Fe; Socorro; Lake Valley; Mangas Springs; near White Water; Animas Valley; Organ Mountains; between Ruidoso and Eagle creeks; Gray; Roswell; Nara Visa. Plains and hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Berlandiera macrophylla (A. Gray) Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 12: 48. 1908. Berlandiera lyrata macrophylla A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 243. 1884. Type locality: Southern Arizona. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Queen (Wootori). 58. ENGELMANNIA A. Gray. Coarse perennial herb, 60 cm. high or less, with stout branched stems and rough pinnatifid leaves; heads about 1 cm. high, with bright yellow rays; bracts in 2 series, the outer linear, foliaceous, the inner coriaceous, oval or obovate, with foliaceous tips; achenes obovate, wingless; pappus a persistent crown cleft into 3 or 4 irregular lobes or into a pair of lanceolate scales. 1. Engelmannia pinnatifida Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 343. 1841. Engehnannia texana Scheele, Linnaea 22: 155. 1849. Type locality: " Plains of Red River." Range: Arkansas and Louisiana to Arizona. New Mexico: Gallinas Planting Station; Clayton; Las Vegas; Magdalena; Socorro; Organ Mountains; Gray; Fort Stanton; Redlands; Ruidoso Creek; Nara Visa. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 59. SANVITALIA Lam. Low branched annual with narrowly lanceolate, petiolate, opposite leaves and small heads of greenish yellow flowers; rays short, greenish white, persistent; involucre a single series of dry bracts, these with rigid cuspidate tips; achenes flattened, corky- thickened, those of the ray flowers winged, bearing 3 very short awns or tubercles, those of the disk flowers wingless, usually awnless. 1. Sanvitalia aberti A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 87. 1849. Type locality: Woodlands, between Santa Fe and Pecos, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 538). Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Pecos; Torrance; Pajarito Park"; Black Range; Bear Mountains; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; Gray; White Mountains; Carlsbad. Low hills and canyons, in the Upper and Lower Sonoran zones. 60. CRASSINA Scepin. Zinnia. Low, densely branched, suffruticose or herbaceous plants with entire, mostly linear, sessile leaves and solitary showy heads terminating the branches; involucre eampanulate to cylindric, with appressed dry firm broad bracts rounded at the summit and often margined; receptacle conic to cylindric; rays broad, firm, persistent; achenes 2 to 4-aristate. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Rays white, 10 mm. long or less 1. C. pumila. Rays bright yellow, 12 to 30 mm. long 2. C. grandiflora. 1. Crassina pumila (A. Gray) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL 1: 331. 1891. Zinnia pumila A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 81. 1849. Type locality: "High plain near San Juan de la Viqueria, and at Castaniola, in Northern Mexico." WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 701 Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Grant County; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Mesas and dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A very handsome plant, growing in dense flat-topped clumps 20 cm. high or less. The heads are very showy with their large white rays. It would he well adapted to use as a border plant in cultivation. 2. Crassina grandiflora (Nutt.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 331. 1891. Zinnia grandiflora Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 348. 1841. Type locality: "In the Rocky Mountains, toward Mexico." Range: Colorado and Kansas to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande; Laguna; north of Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Zuni; Nara Visa; llillsboro; Socorro; Dog Spring; mesa near Las Cruces; Capitan Mountains; Nogal; south of Roswell; Queen; Redlands; Torrance; Gallinas Mountains; Puertecito; Aden; White Sands. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Uppei Sonoran zones. This species is equally as handsome as C. pumila. It does not bear so many flower.--, nor is the plant so compact and densely branched, but the large bright yellow rays are even more showy than those of that species. 61. HELIOPSIS Pers. Ox-eye. Coarse perennial herb with opposite ovate-lanceolate petiolate leaves and large pedunculate terminal heads with yellow rays; heads many-flowered; ray flowers 10 or more, fertile; bracts nearly equal, in 2 or 3 series, the outer foliaceous, spreading; receptacle conic; achenes smooth, 4-angled, truncate; pappus none or a mere border. 1. Heliopsis scabra Dunal, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 5: 56. pi. 4- 1819. Hi liopsU lot via scabra Torr. & < I ray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 303. 1843. Type locality: "Ilab. in America boreali secus amnem Missouri." Range: Saskatchewan and New York, south to New Mexico and Arkansas. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Ve^as mountains; White and Sacramento moun- tains. Meadows, in the Transition Zone. Our western planl is qoI altogether like the one found farther east, its leaves being smaller and fewer, with fewer, more appressed , blunter teeth. 62. GALINSOGA Ruiz & Pav. Slender, loosely branched, ereel or ascending annual with thin, opposite, petiolate, lanceolate to ovate, serrate leaves and small slender-pedunculate heads of yellow Bowers with I or 5 barely exserted white rays; involucre campanulate, of ovate, thin, nearly equal bracts in 2 -• ries; achenes turbinate, 1 or 5-angled; pappus of 8 to 16 short palese. 1. Galinsoga parviflora Cav. Icon. PI. 3: II. pi, 181. 1794 Oalvnsoga parviflora semicalva A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 98. 1853. Ti ii: i "i x 1 1 1 ^ : Peru. EIangi Moist slopes and canyons, New Mexico and Arizona, southward through tropical America; widely introduced in eastern North America. Xi.u Mexico: Beulah; Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains; White Mountains. 63. COSMOS Oav. Cosmos. Blender annual with opposite leaves dissected into linear segments; heads -mall, on long Blender peduncles; involucre of -' series of bracts, the outer linear folia* i the inner broad, Bcarious-margined; raj conspicuous, pink; achenes slender, beaked, I angled . papillose roughen* d 702 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Cosmos parviflorus (Jacq.) H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4: 241. 1820. Coreopsis parviflora Jacq. PI. Hort. Schonbr. 3: 65. pi. 374- 1798. Cosmos bipinnatus parviflorus A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 90. 1853. Type locality: Not known. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Las Huertas Canyon; Laguna Blanca; Gallinas Mountains; Fort Bayard; Mogollon Mountains; Hop Canyon; Han- over Mountain; San Luis Mountains; Organ Mountains; Gray; White Mountains. Meadows and along streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 64. THELESPERMA Less. Slender annual or usually perennial, strong-scented, glabrous herbs, with opposite, finely dissected leaves and long-pedunculate, radiate or discoid heads of yellow flowers; inner bracts united to form a cup, the outer shorter and narrow, connate at the base with the inner; rays, when present, about 8, bright yellow; achenes tend' or slightly obcompressed, narrowly oblong to linear, neither margined nor beaked, crowned with a pair of stout persistent awns, or pappus sometimes wanting. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Rays present. Leaf segments linear-filiform, 1 mm. wide or less; leaves scat- tered along the stems 1 . T. trifidum. Leaf segments linear or broader, 2 mm. wide or more; leaves clustered at the base of the stems 2. T. subnudum. Rays wanting. Lobes of disk corollas lanceolate; peduncles much shorter than the leafy stems; leaves scattered along the stems; heads about 10 mm. broad 3. T. gracile. Lobes of disk corollas ovate; peduncles much exceeding. the leafy stems; leaves crowded at base of stems; heads 6 mm. wide or less 4. T. longipes. Thelesperma ambiguum and T. subsimplicifolium have been reported from New Mexico, but the specimens apparently are referable to T. trifidum. 1. Thelesperma trifidum (Poir.) Britten, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 9: 182. 1890. Coreopsis trifida Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 2: 253. 1811. Cosmidiumfilifolium Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amor. 2: 350. 1842. Thelesperma filifolium A. Gray, Journ. Bot. Kew Misc. 1: 252. 1849. Thelesperma formosum Greene, Pittonia 5: 56. 1902. Type locality: North America. Range: Nebraska and Colorado to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Pecos; between Santa Fe and Canyoncito; Socorro; Elk Canyon; Gallinas Mountains; Nara Visa. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The type of T. formosum is Heller's 3747, collected between Santa Fe and Canyon- cito. 2. Thelesperma subnudum A. Gray, Proc.Amer. Acad. 10: 72. 1875. Navaho tea. Type locality: St. George, southern Utah. Range: Utah and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7307). Dry plains and rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Thelesperma gracile (Torr.) A. Gray, Journ. Bot. Rew Misc. 1: 253. 1849. Bidens gracilis Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 215. 1827. Type locality: "On the Canadian ?," New Mexico or Colorado. Range: Nebraska and Colorado to western Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 703 4. Thelesperma longipes A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 109. 1852. Cota. Type locality: "Hills and dry banks of the San Pedro or Devil's River," western Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Ilillsboro; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Capitan Moun- tains; White Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains; Torrance. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. In the southern part of the State this is said to be used as a substitute for tea by the native people. When boiled it gives the water a deep red tinge. The same material may be boiled several times before losing its strength. 65. COKEOPSIS L. Annual or perennial herbs with simple or pinnately divided leaves and solitary or numerous pedunculate heads of yellow or brown flowers; involucre campanulate or hemispheric, the bracts in 2 series, more or less united at the base, those of the outer series narrow and herbaceous, the inner ones broad, colored, thin and scarious or with scarious margins; rays conspicuous, yellow to brown; receptacle flat or slightly convex, chaffy; achenes flat, oblong to orbicular, winged or wingless; pappus wanting or minute. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennial; leaves simple ] . C. lanceolata. Annuals; leaves pinnately divided. Achenes winged •. 2. C. cardaminefolia. Achenes wingless 3. C. tinctoria. 1. Coreopsis lanceolata L. Sp. PI. 908. 1753. Tvi'K locality: "Habitat in Carolina." Rangk: Ontario and Florida to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; East View. Open fields, in the Transition Zone. 2. Coreopsis cardaminefolia (DC.) Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 346. 1842. Calliopsis cardaminefolia l><\ Prodr. 5: 568. 1836. Type locality: "In Mexici prov. Texas inter Bejar et flum. Trinitatis, ad Mata- morosetad lacum Sancti-Nicolai in sinu Saudi Spiritus." Range: Louisiana and Texas 1" Kansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: North of Ramah; Pescado Spring. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 2: 114. ]Sl>| . Calliopsis tinctoria DC. Prodr. 6: 568. L836. Ttpb LOCALITY: "Throughout the Arkansas territory to the banks of \li>>\ River, chiefly in the prairies which are subject to temporary inundation." Range: Saskatchewan and Minnesota to Louisiana, Texas, and Arizona. New Mexico: Shiprock (Standley 7233). Upper Sonoran Zone. Doctor Graj states1 thai this was collected "East of Mora River, in low places," by Fendler in 1847. 66. BIDENS L. Beggar-ticks. Slender or coarse annuals with opposite, simple <>r compound leaves and medium- sized heads of yellow or brownish Mowers; involucre of 2 series of bracts, the inner i hi M ami colored, the outer narrow ami foliaceous; rays 3 i" 8 or none, yellow, neutral; a> hollos flattened parallel to the bracts of the involucre or very narrow; pappus of '_' aw ns or : hori teeth. 1 M > -rn amer, &cad, n. ser, 4; B5 I s 19 704 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves simple. Outer bracts about equaling the inner; achenes not corky on the angles 1. B. prionophylla. Outer bracts as long as the rays or longer; achenes corky on the angles 2. B. glaucescens. Leaves pinnate or pinnatifid. Achenes flat, obovate or cuneate 3. B. frondosa. Achenes linear, tetragonal. Divisions of the leaves lanceolate, oblong, or ovate. Leaves once pinnate, the divisions sometimes pin- natifid into large divisions, thick and firm 4. B. anthriscoides . Leaves thrice parted or more into small divisions, thin 5. B. bigelovii. Divisions of the leaves linear or linear- filiform. Divisions of the leaves linear- filiform 6. B. heterosperma. Divisions of the leaves linear. Heads of achenes narrow, 8 mm. wide or less; bracts nearly glabrous, the outer much shorter than the inner 7. B. cognata. Heads of achenes broad, 10 mm. wide or more; bracts strongly villous, the outer about equaling the inner 8. B. tenuisecta. 1. Bidens prionophylla Greene, Pittonia 4: 256. 1901. Type locality: "River Moira, Ontario." Range: British America to New Mexico and Illinois. New Mexico: Lower Plaza (Woo ton). Wet ground. 2. Bidens glaucescens Greene, Pittonia 4: 258. 1901. Type locality: "Peculiar to the western mountain districts and the plains adja- cent, but beginning in Kansas, perhaps in Missouri." Range: British America to Kansas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; west of Clayton. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Bidens frondosa I,. Sp. PI. 832. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in America septentrionali." Range: British America to Florida, Texas, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Albuquerque. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Bidens anthriscoides DC. Prodr. 5: 600. 1836. Type locality: " In Mexici Cordillera de Guachilaqua." Range: Southern New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Mesilla Valley (Wooton). Lower Sonoran Zone. As nearly as we can judge from the description and from the Mexican specimens examined, this collection belongs here. It exactly matches specimens collected by Palmer near Durango. The plant is closely related to Bidens pilosa L., a species of Mexico and the West Indies found in California, but has different leaves, pubescence, acd achenes. 5. Bidens bigelovii A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 91. 1859. Type locality: Banks of the Rio Limpio, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Kingston; West Fork of the Gila; Organ Mountains. Canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTOIST AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 705 6. Bidens heterosperma A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 90. 1853. Type locality: Near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright in 1851. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico. We have seen no further collections from New Mexico. 7. Bidens cognata Greene, Leaflets 1: 149. 1905. Type locality: Sawyers Peak, Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 1436). Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Hurrah Creek; Sawyers Peak; West Fork of the Gila. Transition Zone. 8. Bidens tenuisecta A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 86. 1849. Type locality: "Margins of Pofii Creek (between Bent's Fort and Santa Fe)," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 449). Range: Idaho and Colorado to Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Charna; Santa Fe and Las Vegas Mountains; Raton; Ensenada; Pajarito Park; Cleveland; Sandia Mountains; Middle Fork of the Gila; White and Sacramento mountains. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition Zones. 67. HETEROSPERMTJM Cav. Small slender glabrous annual with opposite, pinnately or ternately dissected leaves, and small heads of yellow flowers; involucre in 2 series, the outer of 3 to 5 linear foliaceous bracts, the inner of oval striate ones; outer achenes oval, without pappus, the inner usually infertile, subulate, attenuate to a scabrous beak. 1. Heterospermum pinnatum Cav. Icon. PI. 3: 34. pi. 267. 1794. Ilcterospcrmum tagetinum A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 87. 1849. Type locality: "Habitat in Nbva-Hispania." Range: Western Texas to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Glorieta; Gallinas Mountains; Hurrah Creek; Mogollon Mountains; Hanover Mountain; Kingston; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Gray. Open hills, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zones. The type of H. tagetinum was collected west of Las Vegas by Fendler (no. 534). 68. ECLIPTA L. Annual with procumbent or ascending stems and opposite, lanceolate or oblong, sparingly serrate leaves; heads small, solitary, white-flowered; rays short; disk flowers perfect; involucral bracts LOto 12, in 2 rows, foliaceous, ovate-lanceolate; receptacle Sal ; achenes short, 3 or 4-angled, roughened or t be sides, hairy at the summit ; pappus none or an obscure crown. 1. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. PL Jav. Rar. 528. 1848. Verberina alba L. Sp. PI. 902. L753. Eclipta erecta L. Slant. PI. 2: 286. 1771. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Surinamo." Range: as to .V-v. Mexico and southward throughout the tropic i. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Organ Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Roswcll. Along ditch banks and in wet ground, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 69. RATIBIDA Raf CONE FLOWER. Perennial herbs with pinnately parted alternate Leaves and long-pedunculate ter- minal heads, with showy yellow i" brownish purple, drooping rays; disk yellowish, turning darker; achenes short, broad, compn aetinns winded on the edges; pappus a chaffy or aristiform tooth over one ox both edges, or wanting. :,lt,7G0— 15— r. 706 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. I >isk in fruit oblong, about 1 cm. long 1. R. tagetes. Disk in fruit cylindric, 2 to 4 cm. long. Rays yellow 2. R. columnifera. Rays at least in part brownish purple 2a. R. columni/era pulcherrima. 1. Ratibida tagetes (James) Barnhart, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 410. 1897. Rudbeckia tagetes James in Long, Exped. 2: 68. 1823. Lepachys tagetes A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 103. 1856. Type locality: About 15 miles southwest of La Junta, Colorado. Range: Colorado and Kansas to Texas and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Nara Visa; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Sandia Mountains; Cross L Ranch; Gallinas Mountains; Estancia; Socorro; Mesilla Valley; Queen; Gray. Plains and river valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standi. Rudbeckia. columnifera Nutt. Fraser's Cat. no. 75. 1813. Rudbeckia columnaris Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 575. 1814. Ratibida columnaris D. Don in Sweet, Brit. Flower Gard. II. 4: pi. 361. 1838. Lepachys columnaris Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 313. 1842. Type locality: Upper Louisiana. Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to Arizona, Texas, and Tennessee. New Mexico: Sierra Grande; mountains west of Grants Station; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Clayton; Lower Plaza; White and Sacramento mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2a. Ratibida columnifera pulcherrima (DC.) Woot. & Standi. Obeliscaria pulcherrima DC. Prodr. 5: 559. 1836. Ratibida columnaris pulcherrima D. Don in Sweet, Brit. Flower Gard. II. 4: pi. 361. 1830. Lepachys columnaris pulcherrima Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 313. 1842. Type locality: "In Mexici provinc. Texas ad San- Fernando de Bejar, et in sinu Spiritus-Sancti ad lacum Sancti-Nicolai." Range: With the species, but more common in New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Chama; Pecos; Santa Antonita; Ramah; near Las Vegas; mountains west of Grants Station; El Cedro; Tucumcari; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains; Buchanan; Redlands; Queen; Knowles; Artesia. This is a mere form of the type and hardly deserves a name. Both forms almost invariably occur together, although occasionally they grow alone. It is possible to find in a single patch every possible gradation in the color of the rays from pure bright yellow to solid brown-purple. The same variation in color occurs in R. tagetes, but since that has very small and inconspicuous rays no one has yet thought to distinguish the various forms by name. 70. DRACOPIS Cass. Annual, 30 to 60 cm. high, with somewhat glaucous, entire or serrate, sessile or clasping leaves; involucre of a few small foliaceous bracts; rays oblong, yellow; disk brownish, cylindric in age; achenes small, minutely rugulose, nearly terete, not angled; pappus none. 1. Dracopis amplexicaulis (Vahl) Cass. Diet. Sci. Nat. 35: 273. 1836. Rudbeckia amplexicaulis Vahl, Skrivt. Naturh.-Selsk. (Kj0benhavn) 22: 29. pi. 4- 1793. Type locality: "Habitat in Louisiana?" Range: Missouri and Louisiana to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico : Las Cruces ( Wooton) . Low ground . Collected but once in the Mesilla Valley, where it had probably been introduced. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 707 71. RTJDBECKIA L. Perennial herbs with alternate, simple or divided leaves and large showy heads terminating the stems or branches; ray flowers neutral, those of the disk perfect; bracts foliaceous, spreading, in about 2 series; receptacle conic or elongated; achenes 4-angled, prismatic; pappus a coriaceous, often 4-toothed crown. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves entire or sparingly toothed ; plants hirsute 1 . R. Jlava. Leaves, except the uppermost, 3 to 5-cleft or pinnatifid; plants gla- brous or nearly so 2. R. laciniata. 1. Rudbeckia flava Moore, Pittonia 4: 179. 1900. Black-eyed Susan. Type locality: "Near the Big Muddy, Wyoming." Range: Wyoming and North Dakota to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Ensenada; Rio Pueblo. Open slopes and meadows, in the Transition Zone. 2. Rudbeckia laciniata L. Sp. PL 907. 1753. Cone flower. Rudbeckia ampla A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 234. 1901. Type locality: "Habitat in Virginia, Canada." Range: Idaho and Arizona to Quebec and Florida. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Along streams and in damp thickets, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 72. GYMNOLOMIA II. B. K. Annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs with chiefly opposite leaves and medium- sized pedunculate heads with yellow rays; involucre hemispheric, with numerous bracts in 2 lo 4 series; receptacle conic, chaffy; rays flowers neutral; disk flowers numerous, perfect; achenes obovoid, thickish, somewhat compressed laterally or 4-angled, rounded at the summit; pappus none, rarely a ring of 2 to 4 laciniate scales. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems shrubby; disk and receptacle low; leaves pinnately parted 1. G. tcnuifolia. Stems herbaceous; disk and receptacle high; leaves entire or spar- ingly toothed. Pubescence mostly loose and spreading; leaves (linear or nearly so) conspicuously ciliate for almost their whole length; bracts ciliate; annual 2. G. ciliala. Pubescence mostly or all appressed; leaves ciliate only at the base or not at all; bracts canescent, nol ciliate; annuals or perennials. Annuals; leaves linear or lineardaneeolate. Leaves linear, often involute; heads 7 to 10 mm. broad 3. G. annua. Leaves lance-linear or oblong-linear, Sat; heads about 12 nun. broad 4. G. Umgtfolia. Perennials; leaves narrowly lanceolate or mostly broader. Leaves lanceolate to linear-oblong, several times as long as broad 5. O. iini/lijlnrn. Leaves elliptic-ovate to ovate or elliptic, less than twice as long as broad <>. O. bn i {folia. 708 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Gymnolomia tenuifolia (A. Gray) Benth. & Hook. Gen. PI. 2: 364. 1873. Heliomeris tenuifolia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 84. 1849. Type locality: "Dry valleys, at Rinconada, Saltillo, Mapimi, and Andabazo, Northern Mexico." Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Organ Mountains; Guadalupe Mountains. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Gymnolomia ciliata (Robins. & Greenm.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 328. 1910. Gymnolomia hispida ciliata Robins. & Greenm. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 29: 93. 1899. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Utah and New Mexico to southern California and Mexico. New Mexico: Zuni Mountains; Santa Antonita; near White Water. Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Gymnolomia annua Robins. & Greenm. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 29: 93. 1899. Type locality: Not stated. Range: New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; near Defiance; near the Copper Mines; Deming; Bishops Cap. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 4. Gymnolomia longifolia Robins. & Greenm. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 29: 92. 1899. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; Kingston; Organ Mountains. 5. Gymnolomia multifiora(Nutt.) Benth. & Hook.; Rothr. in Wheeler, Rep. U. S. Surv. 100th Merid. 6: 160. 1878. Heliomeris multiflora Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 171. 1848. Type locality: "Mountains of Upper California." Range: Idaho and Wyoming to California and New Mexico, and southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Sandia Mountains; Baldy; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Pajarito Park; Magdalena Mountains; Santa Rita; Middle Fork of the Gila; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Open slopes and in canyons, chiefly in the Transition Zone. 6. Gymnolomia brevifolia Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 190. 1913. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, on the West Fork of the Rio Gila, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 511). Range: Known only from type locality. 73. ZALUZANIA Pers. Coarse perennial herb with opposite petiolate 3-lobed leaves and large peduncu- late radiate heads of yellow flowers; involucre hemispheric, the bracts in about 2 series, canescent, the receptacle conic, paleaceous; disk and ray flowers fertile; achenes of the disk flowers somewhat flattened, those of the ray flowers trigonous; pappus none or of a few deciduous scales in the ray flowers. 1. Zaluzania grayana Robins. & Greenm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 34: 531. 1899. Gymnolomia triloba A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 217. 1882, not Zaluzania tri- loba Pers. 1807. Type locality: Peaks of the Chiricahua Mountains, south of Ruckers Valley, Arizona. Range: Southern Arizona to southwestern New Mexico and Chihuahua. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 2240). WOOTON AND STANDLEY PLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 709 74. WYETHIA Nutt. Coarse perennial herbs with mostly simple stems, alternate, usually entire leaves, and large heads of yellow flowers; involucre campanulate or hemispheric, the bracts loosely imbricated in 2 or more series, foliaceous; receptacle slightly convex, the chaff lanceolate, equaling and embracing the flowers; rays large, pistillate; achenea elongated, 4 or 5-angled, with coroniform 5 to 10-toothed or laciniate pappus. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves oblong -lanceolate, tapering to both ends, soft-pubescent; bracts equal, in 2 or 3 series; stems not white 1. W. arizonica. Leaves linear-oblong, scabrous, not tapering at the ends; bracts very unequal, in 5 to 6 series; stems white 2. W. scabra. 1. Wyethia arizonica A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 655. 1873. Type locality: Near Bear Springs, northern Arizona. Range: Colorado and Utah to Arizona and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Southeast of Tierra Amarilla (Eggleston 6516). Open slopes in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 2. Wyethia scabra Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 245. 1847. Type locality: "Clayey argillaceous declivities of the high hills of Upper Colo- rado River." Range: New Mexico and Colorado to Utah and Wyoming. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7439). Dry hills among rocks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 75. VIGUIERA H. B. K. Coarse perennials with chiefly opposite, petioled or sessile, mostly ovate or cordate leaves and large heads on long terminal peduncles; rays bright yellow, showy, sterile; bracts much imbricated, the outer usually foliaceous; achenea pubescent, quadrangular-compressed, not margined nor winged; pappus of 2 awns or paleae, one al each of the principal angles. key to the species. Disk stongly convex at maturity; leaves thin, all petioled, rounded or acute at the base, pubescent; stems much branched 1. V. texana. Disk flattish; Leaves thick, the upper sessile or nearly so, subcordate, scabrous; stems sparingly branched 2. V. cordifolia. 1. Viguiera texana Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 318. 1842. Type locality: Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Fort Bayard; Bear Mountains; San Luis Mountains; near White Water; White Mountains; Van Pattens. Thickets and open fields, in the Transition and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Viguiera cordifolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 107. 1852. Tvim: i in a i irv: Plains a I l hi ■ base of tin- < iiiadaliipe Mountains. Texas. I j am. i Western Texas to southern Arizona. Xr« Mi \n o: Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Fairview; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; White Mountains: Gray; Sandia Mountains. Dry hills and canyons, in the I pper .Sonoran Zone 710 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 76. HELIANTHUS L. Sunflower. Coarse annual or perennial herbs with simple or branched stems, alternate or oppo- site leaves, and often very large headt*; involucre flat to hemispheric, the thick bracts in several series; receptacle flat or convex, chaffy; rays mostly large and showy, yellow, neutral; disk flowers perfect, the corollas brownish, purple, or yellowish; achenes flattened or slightly quadrangular, the pappus of 2 awns or scales, early deciduous. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Perennials. Leaves glaucous and smooth, ciliate, undulate 1. H. ciliaris. Leaves not glabrous nor glaucous, not ciliate, flat. Leaves soft-villous beneath; stems hispid throughout. 2. H. neomexicanw. Leaves scabrous or at least very rough beneath, not soft-villous; stems glabrous, at least above. Disk flowers dark brown or purple; leaves rhom- bic-ovate; stems pubescent 3. H. subrhomboideus. Disk flowers yellow; leaves narrowly lanceolate; stems glabrous or nearly so. Leaves coarsely toothed; bracts hirsute- ciliate 4. H. grosseserratus. Leaves sparingly denticulate or entire; bracts not ciliate or ciliate only at the base. . 5. H.fasrieularis. Annuals. Bracts ciliate, hispid, ovate, abruptly acuminate. Lower leaves, at least, ovate or cordate, conspicuously toothed, dull green 6. H. annuus. Leaves lanceolate or narrowly deltoid, obscurely toothed or entire, shining • 7. H. aridus. Bracts canescent-strigose, not ciliate, lanceolate. Leaves green; pubescence of peduncles appressed, short 8. H. petiolaris. Leaves grayish or whitish; pubescence of peduncles long, spreading 9. H. canus. 1. Helianthus ciliaris DC. Prodr. 5: 587. 1836. Blueweed. Yerba parda. Type locality: "In Mexico prope Reynosa de Tamaulipas." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Socorro; Tucumcari; Mesilla Valley; Tularosa; Elida; Carlsbad; Artesia; Roswell. River valleys, usually in alkaline soil, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A common and troublesome weed in cultivated fields in the Rio Grande and Pecos valleys. In general appearance this is very unlike our other species. 2. Helianthus neomexicanus Woot. & Standi. Contr. TJ. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 190. 1913. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 19, 1902. Range: Known only from type locality. 3. Helianthus subrhomboideus Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 419. 1900. Type locality: Whitman, Nebraska. Range: British America to Nebraska and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Raton Mountains; Gallinas Planting Station; White Mountains; Baldy; Dulce. Plains and hills, in the Transition Zone. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 711 4. Helianthus grosseserratus Martens, Sel. Sem. Hort. Loven. 1839. Type locality: St. Louis, Missouri. Range: New York and Wyoming to Pennsylvania, Texas, and New Mexico. New Mexico: Ensenada; White Mountains. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Helianthus fascicularis Greene, PL Baker. 3: 28. 1901. Helianthus giganteus utahensis D. C. Eaton, in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 169. 1871. Helianthus utahensis A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 405. 1902. Type locality: Cimarron, Colorado. Range: British America to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; Kingston; Middle Fork of the Gila; Dulce. Mountain valleys, in the Transition Zone. 6. Helianthus animus L. Sp. PL 904. 1753. Common sunflower. Helianthus knticuJaris Dougl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 15: pi. 1225. 1829. Type locality: "In Peru. Mexico." Range: British America to California and Texas and southward. New Mexico: Farmington; Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Dulce; Win- sors Ranch; Pecos; Raton; Zuni; Espanola; Cleveland; Fort Bayard; Mangas Springs; Mesilla Valley; Tularosa; Gilmoros Ranch; Gray; Carrizozo. Plains and cultivated ground, from the Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. One of our commonest weeds in cultivated ground. 7. Helianthus aridus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 127. 1895. Type locality: Great Falls, Montana. Rance: Montana and Nebraska to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pajarito Park; Pecos; north of El Vado; mountains southeast of Pat- terson; Upper Negrito Creek. In dry soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 2: 115. 1821. Type locality: '"On the sandy shores of the Arkansas." Range: Oregon and Saskatchewan to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Shiprock; Farmington; Carrizo Mountains; Gallup; Nara Visa; Cliff; Mangas Springs; Pecos; Roswell. Plains and dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran Zones. 9. Helianthus canus (Britton) Woot. cV. Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 190. L913. Helianthus petiolaris canescens A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 108. 1852, not //. canesceru Michx. 1803. Helianthus petiolaris canus Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 334. 1894. Typk locality: Valley of the Rio Grande 60 or 70 miles below El Paso, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: Zuni; Tesuque; mesa near Las Cruces; Bishops Cap; Mesilla Valley. River valleys and mesas in the Lower and Upper Sonoran Zones. 77. FLOURENSIA DC. Tar-bush. Shrub 1 to 2 meters high, viscid, much branched, with small thick alternate entire leaves and corymbose or paniculate, short pedunculate heads of yellowish Bowers in the upper axils; Ln\ olucre of 2 <>r :'» series of lanceolate bracts, pari of them foliaceous; heads discoid; receptacle Oat, the chaffy bracts conduplicate about the achenee and deciduous witli them; achenee compressed, narrowly oblong-cuneate, callous- margined, villous, the pappUS a subulate awn from each angle of the summit with occasionally some smaller ones. 712 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Flourensia cernuaDC. Prodr. 5: 593. 1836. Type locality: Monterey, Mexico. Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Las Palomas; Hachita; Lake Valley; mesa west of Organ Mountains; San Andreas Mountains; Tularosa; Pecos Valley near Texas line. Sandy plains and mesas and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 78. ENCELIA Adans. Perennial herb, 30 cm. high or more, with linear entire leaves crowded at the base of the slender scapiform monocephalous stems; rays several, yellow; achenes densely villous, the pappus of 2 chaffy awns. 1. Encelia scaposa A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 7. 1883. Simsia ? scaposa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 98. 1853. Type locality: Stony hills between the Mimbres and the Rio Grande, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright in 1851. Range: Known only from type locality. We have seen no further specimens of this; apparently it is a very rare plant. 79. HELIANTHELLA Torr. & Gray. Perennial herbs with simple or sparingly branched stems, entire scattered sessile leaves, and large heads with yellow rays; bracts in about 2 series, loose, foliaceous; paleae embracing the achenes; ray flowers sterile, those of the disk perfect; achenes compressed, slightly winged on one or both margins. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Disk flowers purple; rays few, scarcely surpassing the disk 1. H. microcephala. Disk flowers yellow; rays numerous, much surpassing the disk." Disk 2 to 3 cm. broad; leaves lanceolate, thin, not strongly reticulate, very acute 2. H. quinquenervis. Disk less than 2 cm. wide; leaves oblanceolate or narrower, thick, strongly reticulate- veined , obtuse or nearly so. 3. H. parryi. 1. Helianthella microcephala A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 10. 1883. Encelia microcephala A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 657. 1873. Type locality: "Sierra Abayo, New Mexico?" Type collected by Newberry in 1859. Range: Utah and Colorado to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standlcy 7350). Dry rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Helianthella quinquenervis (Hook.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 10. 1883. Helianthus quinquenervis Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 247. 1847. Helianthella majuscula Greene, Leaflets 1: 148. 1905. Type locality: "Stony ridges, hills of Upper Platte." Range: Idaho and South Dakota to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; West Fork of the Gila; Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Meadows and thickets, in the Transition and Canadian zones. The type of H. majuscula was collected in the Black Range {Metcalfe 1435). 3. Helianthella parryi A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 65. 1864. Type locality: Middle Park, near the foot of Pikes Peak, Colorado. Range: Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Baldy; mountains west of Grants; Vermejo Park. High mountains, in the Canadian and Iludsonian zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 713 80. XIMENESIA Cav. Annual, more or less canescent, with alternate petiolate toothed leaves and large showy heads of yellow flowers; involucre of spreading linear foliaceous equal bracts; disk and receptacle merely convex; rays numerous, large, bright yellow, usually fertile; achenes flat, obovate, broadly winged, with short setiform awns, the awns not hooked. 1. Ximenesia exauriculata (Robins. & Greenm.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: L54. 1906. Verbesina encelioides exauriculata Robins. & Greenm. Proc. Amer. Acad. 34: 544. 1899. Type locality: Kansas. Range: Kansas and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Abundant throughout the State. Fields and low hills, from the Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. This is one of the commonest plants of New Mexico, being found in abundance almost everywhere except in the highest parts of the mountains and on the driest plains. It is nearly always to be seen in cultivated fields and waste ground. In the northern part of the State, especially in favorable seasons, it covers large areas of ground to the exclusion of almost everything else, presenting a wide unbroken sheet of rich yellow. 81. WOOTONELLA Standley. Low perennial, 20 cm. high or less, with slender deep-seated rootstocks; stems simple or branched, ascending, canescent; lower leaves opposite, the upper alternate, irregularly dentate, narrowed into winged petioles, these mostly dilated and dentate at the base; heads 15 to 20 mm. broad, solitary on naked terminal peduncles; bracts foliaceous, canescent; rays rather pale yellow, conspicuously exceeding the involucre; ray flowers fertile, the disk flowers sterile; palese very narrow, nearly filiform, per- sistent; achenes obovate or oblong, villous, broadly winged, the wings corky-thickened near the apex; pappus none. 1. Wootonella nana (A. Gray) Standley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 25: 120. 1912. Ximenesia encelioides nana A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 92. 1853. Verbesina nana Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 34: 543. 1899. Type locality: "Around the dwellings of Prairie-dogs, between the Limpio and the Rio Grande," Texas. Ranc;k: Southern New Mexico to western Texas and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Artesia; Dayton. Plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. This is said to be a common weed in cultivated fields of the Pecos Valley. 82. VERBESINA L. Crownbeard. Coarse annual or perennial herbs with opposite or alternate, petioled or sessile leaves and lew or numerous small or medium-sized heads of yellow flowers; bracts imbricated in 2 or more series, appressed or at least erect, not elongated; receptacle convex ti> conic; rays several or numerous, large and showy, usually sterile: achenes Hat, glabrous or nearly so; awns of the pappus straight, often obsolete or wanting. ki:y to the species. Lea es elongated-linear 1. 1'. longjfblia. Leaves lanceolate i" ovate or oblong. Leaves thick, sessile, cordate; heads few. 16 nun. in appreaeed Oblong bractfl with a few narrow shorter outer ones; aeheues narrowly obpyramidal, :> to 5-angled, pubescent; pappus of about 10 scales, divided to below the middle into stiff capillary bristles. 716 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Boebera papposa (Vent.) Rydb. in Britton, Man. 1012. 1901. Tagetes papposa Vent. PI. Jard. Cels pi. 36. 1800. Dysodia chrysanihemoid.es Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 29. 1816. Dysodia papposa Hitchc. Trans. Acad. St. Louis 5: 503. 1891. Type locality: "Illinois." Range: Nebraska and Ohio to Arizona and Louisiana and southward. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; mouth of Holy Ghost Creek; Pecos; Farmington; Galisteo; Tesuque; El Rito Creek; Folsom; Albuquerque; Raton; Estancia; Beulah; Santa Fe; Cliff; Burro Mountains; Kingston; West Fork of the Gila; Mesilla Valley; White Mountains; Capitan Mountains. Hillsides and roadsides, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 88. TAGETES L. Slender, diffusely branched annual, 30 cm. high or smaller, with opposite leaves 3 to 5-parted into linear-filiform divisions; heads small, with 1 to 3 rays; involucre fusiform, the narrow bracts united for nearly their whole length; achenes slender, glabrate; pappus of 2 oval or truncate thin palese and 2 longer awns. 1. Tagetes micrantha Cav. Icon. PI. 4: 31. pi. 352. 1797. Type locality: "Habitat in Nova-Hispania iuxta urbem Queretaro." Range: New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mogollon Creek; near Las Vegas. 89. ACIPHYLLAEA A. Gray. Low shrubby perennial, 20 cm. high or less, with opposite entire rigid filiform leaves and small, nearly sessile heads of yellow flowers with bright yellow rays; involucre of equal, narrowly oblong, gland-dotted bracts in a single series; achenes linear, striate; pappus of 18 to 20 palese, each of these parted above into 3 or 5 capillary bristles. 1. Aciphyllaea acerosa (DC.) A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 91. 1849. Dysodia acerosa DC. Prodr. 5: 641. 1836. Hymenalherum acerosum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 115. 1852. Type locality: "In Mexici prov. Sancti-Ludovici de Potosi." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Plaza Larga; Socorro; Grant County; Tortugas Moun- ain; Tularosa Creek. Dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 90. THYMOPHYLLA Lag. Annual or perennial herbs with gland-dotted, alternate or opposite, pinnately parted leaves and small pedunculate heads of yellow flowers; involucre campanulate, the bracts united into a cup; receptacle naked or fimbrillate; achenes linear, striate; pappus of several or many scales or bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals; divisions of the leaves linear, not rigid. Pappus of 5 to 8 oblong erose-truncate scales 1 . T. aurea. Pappus of 10 to 20 aristate scales. Rays inconspicuous, not surpassing the disk; scales of the pappus thick, firm 2. T. neomexicana. Rays conspicuous, much surpassing the disk; scales of the pappus hyaline 3. T. polychaeta. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 71 7 Perennials; divisions of the leaves filiform, rigid. Scales of the pappus all alike, awned 4. T. thurberi. Scales of pappus in 2 series, the inner awned, the outer obtuse and pointless. Plants puberulent; bracts ciliate; rays shorter than the involucre 5. T. pentachaeta. Plants glabrous; bracts not ciliate; rays equaling the involucre 6. T. hartwegi. 1. Thymophylla aurea (A. Gray) Greene; Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 3: 453. 1898. Lowellia aurea A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 91. 1849. Hymenatherum aureum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 42. 1883. Dysodia aurea A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 563. 1909. Type locality: "Between Cold Spring and Upper Spring, west of Cimarron Creek," probably in Oklahoma. Range : Kansas and Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Plaza Larga (Bigelow). Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Thymophylla neomexicana (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 191. 1913. Adenophyllum lurightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 92. 1853, not Hymenatherum wrightii A. Gray, 1849. Hymenatherum, neomexicanum A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 40. 1883. Type locality: Hillsides near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1240). Range: Known only from type locality. 3. Thymophylla polychaeta (A. Gray) Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S. 1295. 1903. Hymenatherum polychaetum A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 116. 1852. Tyte locality: "Prairies at the Pass of the Limpio," Texas. Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Plains east of Fort Cummings; El Paso to Monument 53. Lower Sonoran Zone. 4. Thymophylla thurberi (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 191. 1913. Hymenatherum thurberi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 41. 1883. Type locality: "Stony hills near El Paso," Texas or Chihuahua. Range: Western Texas and southern New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Laguna; Tres Hermanas; Tortugas Mountain. Dry hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Thymophylla pentachaeta (DC.) Small, FL Southeast. U. S. 1295. 1903. Hymenatherum pcntachaetum DC. Prodr. 5: 642. 1836. Type locality: Near Monterey, Mexico. I;.\m;i:: Southern Utah to Arizona and western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Van Pattens; Tortugas Mountain; Hondo Canyon, 50 miles west of Roswell. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Thymophylla hartwegi (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: L91. 1913. Hymenatherum berlandieri DC. err. det. Benth. PL Hartw. 18. 1839. Il/imenathcruvi hartin-gi A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 117. 1852. Type locality: Mexico. I: .'.I : \\ '. ■.-■( i tii Texas to southern Arizona, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Laguna (Lemmon). Lower and Upper Sonoran /ones. 718 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 91. P SILO STROPHE DC. Low, corymbosely branched, woolly perennial herbs with alternate, spatulate to linear, often pinnatifid leaves and small heads of yellow flowers with persistent yellow rays; involucre cylindric-campanulate, of 4 to 10 woolly bracts; achenes narrow, terete, obscurely striate; pappus of 4 to 6 hyaline palese. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems covered with a dense matted tomentum; heads long-peduncu- late; rays 15 mm. long or more 1. P. coo-peri. Stems not densely matted-tomentose, the pubescence loose; heads short-pedunculate; rays 10 mm. long or less. Stems densely villous or floccose 2. P. tagetina. Stems scantily pubescent, often nearly glabrous, softly hirsute. 3. P. sparsiflora. 1. Psilostrophe cooperi (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 2: 176. 1891. Riddellia cooperi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 7: 358. 1868. Type locality: Gravelly banks at Fort Mohave, California. Range: Southern California to southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Duncan (Davidson 1032). Dry plains and hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. The handsomest species of the genus by its very large heads whose brilliant rays contrast well with the white stems. 2. Psilostrophe tagetinae (Nutt.) Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 3: 444. 1898. Riddellia tagetinae Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 371. 1841. Type locality: "The southern range of the Rocky Mountains, toward the sources of the Platte." Range: Colorado to western Texas and southern Arizona. , New Mexico: West of Santa Fe; Cebolla Spring; Pajarito Park; Zuni; Reserve; Sandia Mountains; Mangas Springs; Black Range; Gila Hot Springs; Magdalena; San Luis Mountains; Strauss Station; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Tucumcari; Tularosa; White Sands; Jarilla; Buchanan; Melrose; Guadalupe Mountains; west of Roswell. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 3. Psilostrophe sparsiflora (A. Gray) A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 16: 23. 1903. Riddellia tagetina sparsiflora A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 318. 1884. Type locality: Southern Utah. Range: Southern Utah to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mesa La Vaca (Marsh). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 92. BAILEYA Harv. & Gray. Densely floccose-woolly biennial or perennial with alternate pinnatifid leaves and long-pedunculate heads of yellow flowers with showy, bright yellow, persistent rays, these reflexed in age; involucre hemispheric, of numerous linear bracts in 2 or 3 series, very woolly; achenes oblong-linear or clavate, angled, striate; pappus none. 1. Baileya multiradiata Harv. & Gray in Emory, Mil. Reconn. 144. pi. 6. 1848. Baileya pleniradiata Harv. & Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 105. 1849. Type locality: Along the Rio Grande, New Mexico. Type collected by Emory. Range: Western Texas to southern Utah and California, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Pajarito Park; Socorro; Mangas Springs; FloridaMoun- tains; Dog Spring; Mesilla Valley; mesa west of Organ Mountains; Orogrande; Three Rivers. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. A very handsome plant, common on the mesas in early spring. Sometimes the plants continue flowering until late in the fall. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 719 93. LAPHAMIA A. Gray. Low monocephalous perennial with alternate, petiolate, dentate, broadly ovate leaves; bracts of the hemispheric involucre distinct, imbricated, oblong; rays none; margin of achenes naked or sparingly ciliate; pappus of about 20 bristles. 1. Laphamia cernua Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 122. 1898. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 476). Kange : Known only from the type locality. 94. PERICOME A. Gray. Tall, much branched perennial herb with bright green opposite long-petiolate triangular-hastate leaves and numerous small heads of yellow flowers in terminal corymbiform cymes; involucre a single series of numerous narrow bracts lightly con- nate by their edges into a cup; achenes villous-ciliate; pappus a lacerate-ciliate crown with sometimes a pair of short awns. 1. Pericoine caudata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 82. 1853. Type locality: Sides of the mountains at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1195). Range: Southern Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Rito de los Frijoles; Sierra Grande; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Clayton; mountains west of Grants Station; Puertecito; Canada Alamosa; Santa Rita; Mogollon Mountains; ITillsboro Peak; Organ Mountains; South Bonito Creek; Gray. Canyons and rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zones. 95. PERITYLE Benth. Low slender perennial, woody at the base, with pedately or pinnately parted leaves, the lowest ones opposite, the upper alternate; heads small, pedunculate, the disk flowers yellow, the rays white; bracts of the involucre distinct, somewhat imbricated; achenes narrowly oblong, glabrate on the faces, densely hirsute, ciliate, the pappus of 2 awns. 1. Perityle coronopifolia A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 82. 1853. Type locality: Sides of the mountains at the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1196). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Organ Mountains. In crevices of rocks, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 96. CLAPPIA A. Gray. Low shrub with alternate fleshy terete leaves, these entire or the lower 3 to 5-parted; heads pedunculate, terminating the branches; involucre hemispheric, of few oval obtuse striate bracts imbricated in 2 or 3 series; rays 12 to 15, linear; achenes oblong- turbinate, terete, 8 to 10-nerved, hirtellous on the nerves; pappus of 20 to 25 rigid Bcabrous distinct brisl le 1. Clappia suaedifolia A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 93. 1859. Type locality: Laredo, Texas. Range: Western Texas to southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands; Roswell. Alkaline flats, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 97. GAILLARDIA Foug. Blanket FLOWER. Branched annual or perennial herbs with alternate, entire or pinnatifid leaves ami long-pedunculate heads; involucre depressed-hemispheric, the linear or lanceolate bracts imbricated in 2 or •'■ Beriee; receptacle convex or globose, fimbrillate; rays cune- ate, yellow or party-colored, neutral; achenes turbinate, 5-ribbed, villous; pappus of G to 12 awned scales. 720 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lobes of the disk corollas short, obtuse; leaves mostly pinnatifid . . . 1. G. pinnalifida. Lobes of the disk corollas narrow, acute; leaves mostly entire 2. G. pulchella. 1. Gaillardia pinnatifida Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 214. 1828. Type locality: "On the Canadian ?," Colorado or New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Nearly throughout the State. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 2. Gaillardia pulchella Foug. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 1786: 5. pi. 1, 2. 1788. Type locality: "Louisiane." Range: Arizona to Arkansas and Louisiana. New Mexico: Pajarito Park; Mogollon Mountains; Nutt Mountain; Burro Moun- tains; Animas Valley; Organ Mountains; Buchanan; south of Torrance; Nara Visa; Roswell. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 98. SCHKUHRIA Roth. Slender, paniculately much branched annual with alternate leaves pinnately parted into filiform divisions and small pedunculate heads of yellow or purplish flow- ers; involucre turbinate, of 4 or 5 erect scarious-tipped bracts, 3 to 9-flowered; achenes obpyramidal, the pappus of 8 scarious palese. 1. Schkuhria wrightii A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 95. 1853. Type locality: "On the Sonoita near Deserted Rancho, Sonora." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Trujillo Creek; Organ Mountains. Moist canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 99. HYMENOPAPPUS L'Her. Perennial or biennial herbs with angled erect stems, alternate, once or twice parted or entire leaves, and corymbose or solitary, pedunculate heads of yellow or whitish flowers; rays wanting except in one species; involucres canipanulate, many-flowered, of 6 to 12 appressed bracts with scarious tips; achenes obpyramidal, 4 or 5-angled, the faces 1 to 3-nerved; pappus of 10 to 20 hyaline obtuse scales. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Rays present 1. E. radiatus. Rays wanting. Basal and lower cauline leaves entire 2. E. integer. Basal and cauline leaves, at least most of them, pinnate or pinnatifid. Divisions of the leaves broadly linear to oblong or lanceo- late. Corollas whitish; stems nearly naked 3. E. mexicanus. Corollas bright yellow; stems very leafy 4. E. flavescens. Divisions of the leaves linear or filiform. Stems very leafy throughout. Plants permanently and densely tomentose; lobes of the corolla nearly equaling the throat. . . 5. E. robustus. Plants glabrate in age, thinly tomentose when young; lobes of the corolla much shorter than the throat 6. E. tenuifolius. Stems scapose or the leaves much reduced and few. Heads 12 to 15 mm. in diameter; stems nearly naked, bearing only 1 or 2 much reduced leaves; stems densely arachnoid, tall 7. E. nudatus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY— -FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 721 Heads mostly less than 10 mm. in diameter; stems with more numerous, less reduced leaves; stems densely or sparsely pubescent, low. Stems densely tomentose; pappus evident, nearly equaling the corolla lobes 8. E. arenosus. Stems sparingly tomentose; pappus hidden by the hairs of the achenes 9. H. Jilifolius. 1. Hymenopappus radiatus Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 122. 1891. Type locality: Willow Springs, Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. This plant is difficult to distinguish from Leucampyx newberryi, the two being very similar in general appearance. Leucampyx is usually a little taller and more branched. The two may be definitely distinguished by the presence of chaff on the disk in Leucampyx; in Hymenopappus there is none. 2. Hymenopappus integer Greene, Pittonia 3: 249. 189 Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 180). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; G O S Ranch. 3. Hymenopappus mexicanus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 29. 1883. Type locality: In the higher mountains near San Luis Potosf, Mexico. Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; Pinos Altos Mountains. Tran- sition Zone. 4. Hymenopappus flavescens A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 97. 1849. Eymenoppa pun fished Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 191. 1913. Type locality: Between San Miguel and Las Vegas, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 464). Range: Western Texas to New Mexico. New Mexico: Near Las Vegas; Vara Nisa. Plains, Upper Sonoran Zone. 5. Hymenopappus robustus Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 63. 1882. Type locality: New Mexico. Range: Western Texas to Arizona. New Mexico: WiUard; Alamocitas Canyon; Aden; Silver City; Mesilla Valley; Organ Mountains; Roswell. Sandy plains and valleys, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 6. Hymenopappus tenuifolius Pursh, PI. Amer. Sept. 742. 1814. Type locality: In Upper Louisiana." Range: Nebraska and Arkansas to Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande; San Lorenzo; Patterson; Hope. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Hymenopappus nudatus Wool . & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 191. 1913. Type locality: Burro Mountains, Grant County, .New Mexico. Typo collected by Metcalfe (no. 107). Ranqb: Western New Mexico. New M bxii <>: Burro Mountains; west of Patterson; < iactus Flat; Santa Rita; Silver City. Plains and low bills, in the l pper Sonoran Zone. 5J570' — LB— 19 722 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 8. HymenopappuB arenosus Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 200. 1898. Type locality: Near Eepanola, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3542). Range: Colorado and Utah, to New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Dulce; Santa Fe; Espanola; Ojo Caliente; Chama River; Albuquerque; White Sands. Dry plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. G. Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 317. 1833. Type locality: "On the undulating arid grounds of the Columbia, near Walla Walla, and on the banks of the Spokane and Flat-head Rivers." Range: British America to Nebraska, New Mexico, and Oregon. New Mexico: Glorieta; Santa Fe; Round Mountain. Plains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 100. OTHAKE Raf. Scabrous, more or less viscid herbs with lanceolate to linear, entire, petiolate, alter- nate leaves and loosely cymose pedunculate heads of rose purple flowers; involucre turbinate, of linear-lanceolate bracts with scarious tips, these in 2 series; rays pal- mately 3-cleft, fertile; stamens exserted; achenes linear to clavate, quadrangular, minutely pubescent; pappus of 6 to 12 hyaline scales. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Heads homogamous; achenes broadened upward 1. 0. texanum. Heads heterogamous; achenes not broadened upward 2. 0. sphacelatum. 1. Othake texanum (DC.) Bush, Trans. Acad. St. Louis 14: 176. 1904. Palafoxia texana DC. Prodr. 5: 125. 1836. Polypteris texana A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 30. 1883. Type locality: Texas. Range: Western Texas and eastern New Mexico. We have seen no New Mexican specimens of this, but it is said by Doctor Gray to have been collected at Los Moros by Bigelow in 1853. 2. Othake sphacelatum (Nutt.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 331. 1910. Stevia sphacelata Nutt.; Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 214. 1828. Polypteris hookeriana A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 30. 1883. Type locality: Not stated. Range: Nebraska and Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Albuquerque; Jemez; Mesilla Valley; Tortugas Mountain; south of Melrose; Carlsbad; Roswell; Nara Visa. Plains and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 101. HYMENOTHRIX A. Gray. Slender, nearly glabrous annuals, having once to thrice parted leaves with linear or filiform divisions, and numerous email corymbose heads with yellowish, whitish, or purplish flowers; involucre turbinate-campanulate, about 30-flowered, the bracts 7 to 10, obovate to oblong, with scarious tips; ray flowers 6 to 10; achenes 4 or 5- angled, obpyramidal; pappus about as long as the achene, of 12 to 20 lanceolate hya- line scales. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bracts of the involucre glabrous, purplish; disk corollas white or purplish 1. H. wrightii. Bracts pubescent, yellowish ; disk corollas yellow 2. E. wislizeni. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 723 1. Hymenothrix wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 97. 1853. Type locality: "On hills between the Barbocomori and Santa Cruz, and on the Bide of the Chiricahui Mountains, Sonora." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Hillsboro; Mogollon Creek; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Hymenothrix wislizeni A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 102. 1849. Type locality: "Grassy places, Ojo de Gallejo, between El Paso del Norte and Chihuahua." Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Dog Spring; Organ Mountains; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Low hills and mesas, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 102. LETJCAMPYX A. Gray. Wild cosmos. Perennial herb, in general appearance like Hymeno pappus; involucre hemi- spheric, the bracts in 2 or 3 series, imbricate, broadly scarious at the apex; rays large, white; achenes cuneate, compressed, triquetrous; pappus none. 1. Leucampyx newberryi A. Gray in Port. & Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 77. 1874. Type locality: "New Mexico." Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Rio Pueblo; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Open parks and meadows in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. On Crews Mesa near Beulah Professor Cockerell found a form with pink rays. 103. CHAENACTIS DC. Low annuals or perennials with alternate, pinnately dissected leaves and peduncu- late, solitary or cymose heads of flesh-colored flowers; receptacle flat, naked; heads rayless but the marginal flowers usually enlarged; achenes slender, pubescent; pap- pus of 4 lanceolate hyaline scales. key to the species. Perennial, divisions of the leaves pinnatifid or toothed 1. C. douglasii. Annual ; divisions of the leaves mostly entire 2. C. staioidcs. 1. Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Am. Bot. Beechey Voy. 354. 1840. Eymenopappua douglasii Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 316. 1830. Type locality: "Common on the barren dry sandy grounds of the Columbia, from the 'Great Falls' to the Rocky Mountains." Rangk: Washington and Montana to California and Now Mexico. New Mexico: Duke (Slandlcy 8204). Sandy slopes, in the Transition Zone. 2. Chaenactis stevioides Hook. & Am. Bot. Beechey Voy. 353. 1840. Type locality: "Snake country," Idaho. RANGE! Idaho and Nevada In Now Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Aztec; Mangas Springs; Tortugaa Mountain; Organ Mountains. Dry plains and lulls, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 104. BAERIA Fisch. & Meyer. Low slender annual with opposite entire sessile leaves and slender-pedunculate terminal beads of yellow flowers; rays yellow, showy; involucre campanulate, of many narrow bracts, these somewhat carinate, at least below; achenes clavate-linear to linear < nneato; pappus of 'A or 1 awn-hearing paleSB. 724 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Baeria gracilis (DC.) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 9: 196. 1874. Burrielia gracilis DC. Prodr. 5: 664. 1836. Type locality: "In Nova-California." Range: California to western New Mexico. New Mexico: Duck Creek (Greene). Dry plaina and low hills. 105. PICRADENIOPSIS Rydb. Perennial herbs with opposite, cleft or dissected leaves and pedunculate heads of yellow flowers; involucre campanulate, of obovate to oblanceolate, carinate, distinct bracts; achenes narrow, quadrangular; pappus of 4 to 8 obovate or spatulate palea? with scarious tips, the nerves extending to the apex of the palese. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pappus scales acute; leaves green 1. P. woodhousei. Pappus scales obtuse; leaves canescent 2. P. oppositifolia . 1. Picradeniopsis woodhousei (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 333. 1910. Achyropappus woodhousei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 546. 1865. Bahia woodhousei A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 28. 1883. Type locality: "New Mexico." Type collected by Woodhouse. Range: Plains of northern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Hurrah Creek; mesa near Atarque de Garcia; Zuni; Nara Visa. Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Picradeniopsis oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb. in Britton, Man. 1008. 1901. Trichophyllum oppositifolium Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 167. 1818. Bahia oppositifolia Nutt.; Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 376. 1842. Type locality: " On denudated sterile hills, near Fort Mandan," North Dakota. Range: Montana and North Dakota to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Sierra Grande; Las Vegas; Kennedy; Albuquerque; Clayton; Johnsons Basin; Gray; Taos. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 105a. BAHIA Lag. Perennial herb with opposite impressed-punctate 3-cleft leaves, or the lower leaves sometimes entire; flowers yellow, the heads pedunculate; involucre campanulate, the bracts distinct, not carinate; achenes pubescent, the pappus of 4 to 8 obovate palese, the nerves not extending to the apex of the palese. 1. Bahia dealbata A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 99. 1849. Bahia absinthifolia dealbata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 1: 121. 1852. Type locality: "Valley between Mapimi and Guajuquilla, and at Cadenas, Chili uahua." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Socorro; Grant County; Dona Ana Mountains; mesa west of Organ Mountains; James Canyon. Sandy plains and low hills, Lower Sonoran Zone. 106. ACHYROPAPPUS H. B. K. Slender annual with opposite dissected impressed-punctate leaves and small pedunculate heads; involucre hemispheric, of about 10 distinct oblanceolate bracts; rays none; achenes hirsute at the slender base; pappus of short obovate palese with scarious tips and somewhat thickened bases. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLOKA OF NEW MEXICO. 725 1. Achyropappus neomexicaniis A. Gray; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 377. 1906. Schkuhria neomexicana A. Gray, Mern. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 96. 1849. Bahia neomexicana A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 27. 1883. Type locality: Margin of fields, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Pecos; Las Vegas; Santa Fe; Canyon Largo; Cubero; Chama River; Willard; Hanover Mountain; Mogollon Mountains; White Mountains. Sandy soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. In Rydberg's Flora of Colorado * the combination under Achyropappus is credited to Dr. Gray, but this must be a slip of the pen, as we do not find that Dr. Gray ever assigned the species to this genus. 107. PLATYSCHKUHRIA (A. Gray) Rydb. Perennial herb, 20 cm. high or less, with a leafy stem bearing few long-pedunculate heads of yellow flowers; leaves alternate, oblanceolate or oblong, nearly glabrous, thick, entire; rays bright yellow, showy; achenes sparingly pubescent; pappus of about 10 linear-lanceolate scales with excurrent costse. 1. Platyschkuhria oblongifolia (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 155. 1906. Schkuhria integrifolia oblongifolia A. Gray, Amer. Nat. 8: 213. 1874. Bahia oblongifolia A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 27. 1883. Type locality: "San Juan," Utah or New Mexico. Range: Southern Utah and Colorado to northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 108. VILLANOVA Benth. & Hook. Stout, somewhat viscid, strong-scented annuals or biennials with alternate, twice or thrice ternately parted leaves and small, loosely cymose-paniculate heads; involucre hemispheric, yellow-flowered; rays oblong to obovate, yellow; achenes tetragonal- ciavate, the palese of the pappus oblong to narrowly lanceolate, or wanting. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Pappus present 1 . V. biternata. Pappus wanting 2. V. dissecta. 1. Villanova biternata (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi. Bahia biternata A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 95. 1853. Type locality: Gravelly hills near Ojo de Gavilan, New Mexico. Type collected by Wright (no. 1256). Range: Western Texas to southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tucumcari; Albuquerque; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Dry plains ami hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Villanova dissecta (A. Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 333. 1910. Amauria I ilissn-tn A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 104. 1849. Villanova chrysanthcmoides A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 96. 1853. li'iliia clirgsaiiihemoides A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 28. 1883. Bahia dissecta Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. 8: 68. 1889. Type locality: A few miles east of the Mora River, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 537). 'Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 377. 1906. 726 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range: Wyoming and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Hurrah Creek; Dulce; Tunitcha Mountains; Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Raton; Fort Bayard; Hop Canyon; West Fork of the Gila; Kingston; Animas Valley; Organ Mountains; White Mountains; Capitan Moun- tains. Open hills and meadows, in the Transition Zone. 109. HELENTUM L. Sneezeweed. Erect, corymbosely branched, perennial herb, with alternate decurrent leaves and winged stems; involucre of 1 or 2 series of linear spreading bracts; receptacle subglobose, naked; rays yellow, drooping; achenes turbinate, ribbed; pappus of 5 to 8 ovate, often lacerate or toothed scales. 1. Helenium montanum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 384. 1841. Helenium autumnale pubescens Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 5: 339. 1894. Type locality: "In the Rocky Mountain range, on the borders of Lewis' River, etc." Range: Washington and Saskatchewan to New Mexico and Mississippi. New Mexico: Taos; Rociada; Pecos; Tularosa Creek; Roswell. Wet meadows, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This species is very near Helenium autumnale, and perhaps hardly separable from it. 110. DUGALDEA Cass. Owl's claws. Tall stout perennial herb, with mostly basal, oblanceolate, impressed-punctate leaves and several large long-pedunculate heads of bright yellow flowers; involucral bracts in 2 series, numerous, finally reflexed; flowers numerous; achenes villous, the palese of the pappus hyaline, lanceolate, with long-attenuate tips. 1. Dugaldea hoopeeii (A. Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 425. 1900. Helenium hoopesii A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: G5. 1864. Type locality: "South Park and west of Pike's Peak," Colorado. Range: Montana and California to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Baldy; Mogollon Mountains; Iron Creek; White and Sacramento mountains. Mead- ows in the mountains, in the Transition and Canadian zones. The common name which we have applied to this very abundant and showy Rocky Mountain plant is a translation of the one used by the Navahos. It refers to the appearance of the involucral bracts, especially in age. 111. FLAVERIA Juss. Annuals with opposite, sessile or petiolate, entire or dentate leaves and dense cymes of small heads of yellow flowers; involucral bracts 2 to 8, subequal; receptacle naked or setose; rays usually one to each head; achenes linear-oblong, glabrous, 8 to 10-ribbed ; pappus none. key to the species. Heads 10 to 15-flowered ; leaves perfoliate, entire 1. F. chloraefolia. Heads 2 to 8-flowered; leaves not perfoliate, dentate. Receptacle setose; leaves lanceolate 2. F. re panda. Receptacle not setose; leaves linear-lanceolate 3. F. campestris. 1. Flaveria chloraefolia A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: S8. 1849. Type locality: "Pelayo, northwest of Mapimi, in the State of Chihuahua." Range: Western Texas to southeastern New Mexico and northeastern Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell (Cockerell) . WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 727 2. Flaveria repanda Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 33. 1816. Type locality: "Nova Hispania." Range: Texas and New Mexico, south to tropical America. New Mexico: Pajarito Park; Las Vegas; Mesilla Valley; above Tularosa; south of Roswell; Lake Arthur; Carlsbad; Guadalupe Mountains. Valleys, especially in cul- tivated ground, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. A common weed in cultivated fields of the Rio Grande and Pecos valleys. 3. Flaveria campestris J. R. Johnston, Proc. Amer. Acad. 39: 287. 1903. Type locality: Courtney, Missouri. (No type is designated, but the first specimen cited is from this locality.) Range: Missouri and Kansas to Colorado and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Roswell (Cockerell). 112. SARTWELLIA A.Gray. Branched annual, 30 to 60 cm. high, with entire opposite linear leaves and numerous small heads of yellow flowers in corymbiform cymes; bracts 5, oval or oblong; rays mostly entire, obovate; achenes cylindrie, striate; pappus a cup with fimbriolate edge. 1. Sartwellia flaveriae A. Gray, PL Wright. 1: 122. pi. 6. 1852. Type locality: "Prairies of the Rio Seco, Texas, and mountain valleys and plains of the Pecos, and base of the Guadalupe Mountains." Range: Western Texas to southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: White Sands; White Mountains; Roswell; Lake Arthur; Buchanan; mesa west of Organ Mountains. Plains and rocky lulls, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 113. MACDOUGALIA Heller. Loosely woolly, cespitose perennial with mostly basal linear leaves and scapelike monocephalous stems; involucre hemispheric, the bracts lanceolate, acute, coriaceous, about 12 in each series, distinct, those of the inner series slightly longer and scarious- margined; rays about 12, yellow; paleae of the pappus about 10, subulate-lanceolate, with evident costae, attenuate into a bristle-like cusp. 1. Macdougalia bigelovii (A. Gray) Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 629. 1898. Artinclla bigelovii A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 96. 1853. Type locality: Mountains near the Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita; Agua Fria. 114. HYMENOXYS Cass. Colorado rubber plant. Herbaceous perennials or annuals with gland-dotted alternate divided leaves and few or numerous showy pedunculate heads; involucre of 2 series of bracts, the outer ones thick, united at the base, the inner ones thinner and broader, often with fimbri- ate margins; ray flowers pistillate or the heads homogamous; rays pale to bright yel- low; aehenes turbinate, pubescent; pappus of 5 to 12 conspicuous hyaline pointed palea?. KKV TO THE SPECIES. Annuals with often spreading branches; inner bracts not very dif- ferent from the outer; disk corollas distin< tl> ^expanded at the mouth. Plants tall, 30 to 50 cm. high; beads about 8 nun. in diameter. . 1. //. cockerellii. Plants tow, 20cm. high OI Less, more branched; heads less than 8 mm. in diameter. 728 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Rays pale yellow; heads about 7 mm. broad; plants dull green, pubescent, usually densely branched 2. H. meamsii. Rays bright yellow; heads 5 or 6 mm. wide; plants bright green , glabrate , sparing] y branched 3 . E. multiflora . Perennials with erect stems and branches; inner bracts usually dif- ferent from the outer, fimbriate; disk corollas not expanded at the mouth. Peduncles and other bracts not cinereous or tomentose, glabrous or nearly so; plants 50 cm. high or more. Leaves entire or with few divisions, the segments linear- oblong or broadly linear; rays mostly equaling the involucre 4. E. rusbyi. Leaves all much divided, with narrowly linear or filiform divisions; rays much shorter than the involucre 5. E. brachjactis. Peduncles and outer bracts cinereous or tomentose; plants usually less than 35 cm. high. Basal leaves all entire 6. E. olivacea. Basal leaves all or mostly divided. Inner involucral bracts truncate or obtuse; plants loosely branched almost throughout; corollas of the disk flowers long-hairy at the base 7. E. vaseyi. Inner involucral bracts acute or acutish, never trun- cate; plants not loosely branched, usually closely corymbose above; disk corollas not long-hairy. Paleae of the pappus abruptly acuminate, with aristiform tips; plants bright green, usually tall; heads large, 7 mm. in diameter 8. E. metcalfei. Palese of pappus long-attenuate; plants various; heads large or small. Heads large, 8 mm. high, 8 or 9 mm. in diam- eter, few; pappus longer than the achenes, nearly equaling the disk corol- las 9. E. macrantha. Heads smaller, 5 or 6 mm. high, numerous; pappus shorter than the achenes, much shorter than the disk corollas 10. E. floribunda. 1. Hymenoxys cockerellii Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 192. 1913. Eymenoxys chrysanthemoides juxta Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 503. 1904. Type locality: Mangas Springs, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 118). Range : Western Texas and southern New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: Mangas Springs; Berendo Creek; Rincon; Mesilla Valley. River val- leys and low plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 2. Hymenoxys mearnsii (Cockerell) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 192. 1913. Eymenoxys ch-ysanihemoidcs Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 506. 1904. Type locality: Dog Spring, New Mexico. Type collected by E. A. Mearns (no. 142). Range: Southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Lake Valley; Mangas Springs; Dog Spring; San Luis Pass; Cliff; Sil- ver City; Mesilla Valley; Roswell. Plains and dry hills, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 729 3. Hymenoxys multiflora (Buckl.) Eydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 157. 1906. Phileozera multiflora Buckl. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1861: 459. 1862. Picradenia multiflora Greene, Pittonia 3: 273. 1898. Type locality: "Prairies north of Fort Belknap," Texas. Range: Oklahoma and Kansas to Texas and eastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Clayton; Tucumcari. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Hymenoxys rusbyi (A. Gray) Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 496. 1904. Actinella rusbyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 33. 1883. Picradenia rusbyi Greene, Pittonia 3: 271. 1898. Type locality: Grassy slopes of the Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Rusby (no. 246£). Range: Mountains of southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains; north of Santa Rita. Transition Zone. 5. Hymenoxys brachyactis Woot. & Standi. Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 192. 1913. Type locality: Near East View, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 4, 1906. Range: Known only from type locality. 6. Hymenoxys olivacea Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 297. 1904. Type locality: Hanover Hills, New Mexico. Type collected by Miss A.I. Mul- ford (no. 807). Range: Southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Hanover Hills; Santa Rita. Low hills and plains. 7. Hymenoxys vaseyi (A. Gray) Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 493. 1904. Actinella vaseyi A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 219. 1882. Picradenia vaseyi Greene, Pittonia 3: 272. 1898. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by G. R. Vasey in 1881. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Hymenoxys metcalfei Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 492. 1904. Type locality: Burro Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 179). Range: Mountains and high plains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: South of Gallup; Burro Mountains; Kingston; G O S Ranch. Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 9. Hymenoxys macrantha (A. Nels.) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 156. 1906. I'xradenia macrantha A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 28: 130. 1899. Hymenoxys richardsoni macrantha Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 475. 1904. Type locality: Fort Steele, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains (Wooton). Transition Zone. 10. Hymenoxys floribunda (A. Gray) Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Club 31: 485. 1904. Actinella richardsoni floribunda A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. eer. 4: 101. 1849. I'irrnil, ii iii jloribunda Greene, Pittonia 3: 272. 1898. Type locality: "Rocky hills, as well as plains and creek bottoms, around Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type ( (illcclcd by Fendler (no. 460). Ram; i.: < lolorado t<> New Mexico ami Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Santa Fe; Chama; Tunitcha Mountains; Glorieta; north of Raman; between Barranca and EDmbudo; Boly Ghost Creek; Raton; Cebolla Spring; Defiance; Galisteo; hills west of Magdal^na; mountains southeast >>■' Patter- son; San Augustine Plain-; near Apache Spring. Plains and lower mountains, in the Upper Stmoran and Transition zones. 730 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Attempts have been made to obtain rubber from this and allied species, in southern Colorado. It is possible to secure rubber from this source, but the quantity of the plant available does not seem sufficient to warrant an elaborate equipment for its extraction. 115. RYDBERGIA Greene. Stout, low, sparingly branched, woolly, alpine perennial with pinnately parted, mostly basal leaves and large heads with spreading, bright yellow rays; bracts of the involucre all alike, distinct, herbaceous, in several series, woolly; receptacle large, hemispheric; rays 15 to 30, linear-cuneiform; paleae of the pappus 5 or 6, elongated- lanceolate, attenuate to a subulate point. 1. Rydbergia brandegei (Porter) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 156. 1906. Actinella grandiflora glabrata Porter in Port. & Coult. Syn. Fl. Colo. 76. 1874. Actinella brandegei Porter; A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 13: 373. 1878. Type locality: Sangre de Cristo Pass, Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains; Baldy; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; White Mountain Peak. High mountain peaks, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 116. TETRANEURIS Greene. Usually scapose, annual or perennial herbs with mostly basal, entire, often punctate leaves and long-pedunculate heads; disk flowers and rays bright yellow; involucre hemispheric, of 2 or 3 series of similar appressed imbricated bracts; receptacle convex or conic, naked; achenes turbinate, 5 to 10-ribbed or angled, variously pubescent; pappus of 5 to 12 scarious, aristate, truncate or acuminate paleae. key to the species. Annual; stems much branched 1. T. linearifolia. Perennials; stems simple or nearly so. Flowering stems bearing 2 to 4 leaves, sometimes with 1 or 2 branches. Paleae of pappus long-arista te. Leaves and stem densely sericeous; heads 12 mm. in diameter or less 2. T. argentea. Leaves and stems glabrate; heads about 15 mm. broad 3. T. ivesiana. Palese of pappus broader, abruptly acuminate, never aristate-tipped. Involucres 7 mm. high; rays 15 mm. long 4. T. formosa. Involucres 5 mm. high; rays 10 mm. long or less 5. T. leptoclada. Flowering stems naked, simple. Plants less than 10 cm. high; heads little or not at all exceeding the leaves. Leaves 5 cm. long or less, nearly linear, 3-nerved at the base 6. T. trinervata. Leaves less than 3 cm. long, oblanceolate, not 3- nerved at the base. Leaves loosely villous; heads 12 to 13 mm. broad; rays equaling the involucre 7. T. depressa. Leaves densely sericeous; heads less than 10 mm. broad; rays shorter than the involucre S. T. pygmaea. Plants more than 10 cm. high; heads much exceeding the leaves. Leaves densely sericeous 9. T. acaulis. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 731 Leaves loosely villous or glabrate. Stems and involucres copiously lanate or villous. 10. T. lanata. Stems and usually the involucres appressed- pubescent. Branches of the caudex abundantly villous, the hairs at first white, later brown... 11. T. crandallii. Branches of the caudex little or not at all villous. Leaf bases several times broader than the linear blades 12. T. linearis. Leaf bases not wider than the usually ob lanceolate, at least linear-ob- lanceolate, blades. Leaves oblanceolate, thick, dull green; bracts slightly shorter than the disk 13. T. glabriuscula. Leaves linear-oblanceolate, thin, bright green; bracts one- fourth shorter than the disk.. 14. T. angustifolia. 1. Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 269. 1897. Hymenoxys linearifolia Hook. Icon. PI. 2: pi. 146. 1838. Actinella linearifolia Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 383. 1842. Type locality: San Felipe, Texas. Range: Louisiana to Texas and southeastern New Mexico. New Mexico: Artesia (Wooton). Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 2. Tetraneuris argentea (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 3: 269. 1897. Actinella argentea A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 100. 1849. Type locality: Hills around Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 457). Range: New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Hop Canyon; Datil; Horse Spring; Santa Fe; Las Vegas. Low plains and hills , in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Tetraneuris ivesiana Greene, Pittonia 3: 269. 1897. Type locality: On the Rio Zuni, New Mexico. Type collected by Woodhouse in 1851. Range: Northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Canizo Mountains; Cedar Hill; Dulce; Gallup; Fort Wingate; Aztec; Tunitcha .Mountains. Plains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 4. Tetraneuris formosa Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 192. 1913. Type locality: Dry hills near Kingston, Sierra County, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Metcalfe (no. 1235). Range: Mountains of western New Mexico. New Mexico: Kingston; Magdalona Mountains. 5. Tetraneuris leptoclada (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 3: 269. 1897. Actinella leptoclada A. Gray, U.S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif . 4: 107. 1856. Type locality: Mountains and rocky places near Santa Antonita. New Mexico. Type collected by BigelOW. Range: Southern Colorado to northern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Antonita; Stanley; Holy Ghosl ('reek; Pecos; mountains near Grants Station. Dry plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 732 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 6. Tetraneuris trinervata Greene, Pittonia 3: 267. 1897. Type locality: Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Bigelow. Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains (Bigelow). 7. Tetraneuris depressa (Torr. & Gray) Greene, Pittonia 3: 266. 1897. Actinella depressa Torr. & Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 100. 1849. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains, apparently at a great elevation, the locality unknown." Range: Mountain^ of Utah and Colorado to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains (Bailey 854-857). Arctic-Alpine Zone. 8. Tetraneuris pygmaea (Torr. & Gray) Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 193. 1913. Actinella depressa pygmaea Torr. & Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 100. 1849. Type locality: Raton Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by A. Gordon in 1848. Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains (Wooton). It is by no means certain that this specimen really is the plant described by Torrey and Gray as pygmaea, but it is closer to that than to any published species. 9. Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh) Greene, Pittonia 3: 265. 1898. Gaillardia acaulis Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 743. 1814. Actinella acaulis Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 173. 1818. Type locality: "In Upper Louisiana." Range: Idaho and Nebraska to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Raton; Sierra Grande; Nara Visa; Las Vegas; Gray. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 10. Tetraneuris lanata (Nutt.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 265. 1898. Actinella lanata Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 379. 1841. Type locality: "On the lofty hills or mountains called the "Three Butee" of the upper Platte, on shelving rocks." Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sierra Grande (Standley 6145). High mountains, Canadian to Arctic- Alpine Zone. 11. Tetraneuris crandallii Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 127. 1905. Type locality: Grand Junction, Colorado. Range: Southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Matthews). Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Tetraneuris linearis (Nutt.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 267. 1897. Actinella scaposa linearis Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 379. 1841. Actinella linearis A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 560. 1909. Type locality: Texas. Range: New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Cuervo; Las Vegas; above Tularosa; Organ Mountains; Queen. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 13. Tetraneuris glabriuscula Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 155. 1906. Tetraneuris glabra Greene, Pittonia 3: 268. 1897, not Actinella glabra Nutt. 1841. Type locality: "Rocky Mountain plains." Range: Nevada and Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Highest point of the Llano Estacado; Springer; Nara Visa. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 733 14. Tetraneuris angustifolia Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 128. 1905. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 374). Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: White Mountains. Hills and mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 117. ACHILLEA L. Yarrow. Sneezeweed. Perennial herbs with erect leafy stems, finely dissected, alternate, strong-scented leaves, and small heads in corymbs at the ends of the branches; involucres campanu- late, of appressed imbricated bracts, the outer ones shorter; achenes oblong or obovoid, slightly compressed; pappus none. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves glabrate, green; heads rather few, loosely corymbose, 6 to 7 mm. high, long-pedunculate 1. A. laxiflora. Leaves densely arachnoid; heads numerous, in a dense corymb, about 4 mm. high, short-pedunculate. Bracts with pale brownish margins; plants 25 to 80 cm. high.. 2. A. lanulosa. Bracts with dark brown, nearly black margins; plants less than 20 cm. high 3. A. subalpina. 1. Achillea laxiflora Pollard & Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 15: 179. 1902. Type locality: Sanclia Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Miss Charlotte C. Ellis in 1900. Range: Mountains of northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7379). Transition Zone. The type of the species is a mere fragment, consisting of the terminal portion of a branch with two small leaves. The plant from the Carrizos seems to be the same, although the inflorescence is composed of more numerous heads in a denser corymb. The latter plant grew in oak thickets among pine trees. It is from 80 to 100 cm. high, with numerous large, broad, bright green leaves, the upper ones but little reduced. The leaf segments arc widely spaced on the rachis, not crowded as in A. lanulosa, and they are much larger than in that species. 2. Achillea lanulosa Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 36. 1834. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range: British Columbia and South Dakota to Kansas and Texa3 and southward. New Mexico: Common in all the higher mountains. Meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 3. Achillea subalpina Greene, Leaflets 1:.145. 1905. Achillea lanulosa alpicola Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 426. 1900. Achillea alpicola Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 157. 1906. Type locality: Subalpine slopes of Mount Ouray, southern Colorado. Range: Montana to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Jemez .Mountains; Pecos Baldy. High mountain meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 118. ANTHEMIS L. Glabrous or pubescent, branched, ill-scented annual with dissected [eaves; beads pedunculate, the receptacle convex, bearing aliform bracte; rays white; achenes 10-ribbed, rugose; pappus none. 734 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 1. Anthemis cotula L. Sp. PI. 894. 1753. Mayweed. Maruta cotula DC. Prodr. 6: 13. 1837. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae ruderatis praecipue iu Ucrania." Range: Native of Europe, widely naturalized in North America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. New Mexico: Balsam Park, Sandia Mountains (Ellis 333). 119. CHRYSANTHEMUM L. Ox-eye daisy. Perennial herb with alternate, dentate or incised leaves and pedunculate heads of yellow flowers writh white rays; involucre hemispheric, the oblong-lanceolate bracts appressed-imbricated in several series; achenes angled or terete, 5 to 10-ribbed, pappus none. 1. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum pinnatifidum Lee. & Lam. Cat. PI. France 227. 1847. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum sub pinnatifidum Fernald, Rhodora 5: 181. 1903. Type locality: "Mont Dore; paturages et pentes herbeuses de Chaudefour, bords du chemin de Sancy a, Vassivieie," France. New Mexico: Near Pecos (Cockcrdl). A native of Europe, widely introduced into North America. In the East it is a troublesome weed, but it is still very rare in most parts of the West. 120. TANACETUM L. Tansy. Erect, strongly scented, perennial herb with alternate, pinnately divided leaves and numerous discoid corymbose heads; involucres hemispheric, the oblong-lanceolate bracts appressed in several series; achenes 5-angled, truncate; pappus a short crown. 1. Tanacetum vulgare L. Sp. PI. 844. 1753. Type locality: "Habitat in Europae aggeribus." New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Aztec. The plant is well established at these places. It is common in cultivation and has become naturalized in many parts of the United States. 121. PICROTHAMNUS Nutt. Low shrub, 50 cm. high or less, with numerous spreading spiny branches; leaves small, pedately 5-parted, the divisions 3-lobed; heads globose, racemosely glomerate, on short branches; involucral bracts 5 or 6, broadly obovate; female flowers 1 to 4, sterile ones 4 to 8; achenes and flowers densely covered with long cobwrebby hairs. 1. Picrothamnus desertorum Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 417.1841. Artemisia spinescens D. C. Eaton in King, Geol. Expl. 40th Par. 5: 180. pi. 19. 1871. Type locality: "Rocky Mountain plains in arid deserts, toward the north sources of the Platte." Range: Idaho and Montana to California and northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Aztec. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 122 ARTEMISIA L. Sagebrush. Wormwood. Bitter aromatic herbs or shrubs with alternate, entire to pinnatilid leaves and small rayless heads of inconspicuous, yellow, whitish, or brownish flowers in panicles or rarely in simple racemes; heads few to many-flowered, the flowers homogamous or heterogamous; bracts imbricated in few series; anthers commonly tipped with subu- late-acuminate, erect appendages; achenes mostly with a small epigynous disk and no pappus. WOOTON AND STANDLEY — FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 735 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annuals or biennials. Divisions of the leaves lanceolate or linear, incised or pin- natifid 1. A. biennis. Divisions of the leaves linear-filiform, entire 2. A. caudata. Perennials. Heads homogamous, i. e., all the flowers fertile. All the leaves entire, linear to narrowly oblong 3. A. cana. Most, or at least part, of the leaves 3-toothed at the apex. Bracts of the involucre nearly glabrous, resinous; inflorescence lax, racemose 4. A. nova. Bracts tomentose; inflorescence not racemose. Heads campanulate, recurved 5. A. pelrophila. Heads turbinate, erect. Tall shrub ; inflorescence much branched . 6. A. tridentata. Low shrub, 40 cm. high or less; inflores- cence rather simple and spikelike . . 7. A. arbuscula. Heads heterogamous, i. e., the flowers unlike, the marginal ones pistillate, the central ones perfect though sometimes sterile by the abortion of the pistil. Central flowers sterile, the style mostly entire and the ovary abortive. Plants shrubby, white-tomentose 8. A. jilifolia. Plants herbaceous except at the very base, green- ish, though sometimes pubescent. Upper leaves all linear, only the basal ones pinnatifid; plants pubescent or glabrous. Plants glabrous throughout 9. A. dracunculoidcs. Plants sparingly villous on stems and leaves 10. A. dracunculina. All the leaves pinnatifid; plants somewhat pubescent. Stems tall, 50 to 100 cm. high, very leafy, in age nearly glabrous; divisions of the leaves linear-filiform; pubes- cence scanty 11. A. scouleriana. Stems lower, 20 to 60 cm. high; divisions of the basal leaves linear-oblanceo- late, more or less canescently vil- lous 12. A. forwoodii. Central flowers fertile; style 2-cleft. Receptacle densely woolly with long hairs. Heads large, 6 to 12 mm. in diameter; bracts with dark brown or blackish margins; plants low, 10 to 20 cm. high; spikes scapose; of alpine meadows 13. A. scopulorum. Heads small, 4 to 5 mm. in diameter; bracts light brown; plants taller, 30 to GO cm. high; inflorescence paniculate; of the low plains 11. A.frigida. Receptacle not woolly, mostly smooth. shruh, 30 cm. high or less; reaves cuneate, tridentate, silk) -\ illous i"> .1 bigt fovtt. 736 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Herbs, at most woody only at the base; leaves various, more or less tomentose. Involucres glabrous, at least in age; lower leaves bipinnate 16. A . franserioides. Involucres densely tomentose, at least when young; lower leaves toothed or pinnatifid. Lower leaves merely coarsely toothed or lobed, the teeth or lobes short, the upper leaves entire; plants permanently white - tomentose throughout. Leaves glabrous or glabrate on the upper surface 17. A. silvicola. Leaves permanently tomentose on the upper surface. Panicles strict; plants stout, strict; heads 3 to 4 mm. wide 18. A. rhizomata. Panicles lax, spreading; plants slender, much branched above; heads about 2 mm. wide 19. A. albula. At least the lower leaves pinnatifid with long, filiform to lanceolate segments; pubescence various. Divisions of the leaves filiform; variously pubescent. Leaves permanently white-to- mentose 20. A. kansana. Leaves glabrate above in age 21. A. wrightii. Divisions of the leaves broader, oblong - linear to lanceolate, never filiform, glabrate above. All leaves divided, the segments narrowly oblong- linear 22. A. redolens. Upper leaves lanceolate, undi- vided, the segments of the lower leaves oblong-lanceo- late 23. A. mexicana. 1. Artemisia biennis Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1842. 1804. Type locality: "Nova Zelandia?" Range: British America to California, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Shiprock; Dulce; Castle Rock. Wet ground, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 2. Artemisia caudata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 129. 1803. Type locality: "Hab. ad ripas sabulosas fluminis Missouri." Range: Manitoba and Vermont to New Mexico, Texas, and the Atlantic coast. New Mexico: Nara Visa (Fisher 174). Upper Sonoran Zone. 3. Artemisia cana Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 521. 1814. Type locality: "On the Missouri." Range: Rocky Mountain Region, south to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce (Standley 8082). Plains and valleys, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 737 4. Artemisia nova A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 274. 1900. Type locality: Medicine Bow, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Chusca Mountains; Duke. Dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zones. 5. Artemisia petrophila Woot, & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 193. 1913. Type locality: On a dry sandstone mesa at the north end of the Carrizo Moun- tains, northeast corner of Arizona. Type collected by Standley (no. 7355). Range: Northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington. Dry rocky hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 6. Artemisia tridentata Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 398. 1841. Type locality: "Plains of the Oregon and Lewis River." Range: British Columbia and Nebraska to California and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Nutritas Creek; Dulce; Embudo; Canjilon; Pajarito Park. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. This is one of the most characteristic plants of the Upper Sonoran Zone in north- ern and northwestern New Mexico. In places it covers large areas of the plains to the exclusion of almost everything else. It is usually a shrub about 1 meter high, but where it receives an abundance of water it is often larger. 7. Artemisia arbuscula Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phii. Soc. n. ser. 7: 398. 1841. Type locality: "On the arid plains of Upper California, on Lewis River." Range: Northern New Mexico and Colorado, west to California. New Mexico: Chusca Mountains; near Black Rock. Dry plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 8. Artemisia filifolia Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 211. 1828. Type locality: Not stated. Plant collected somewhere on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains, probably in Colorado or New Mexico, by Doctor James. Range: Wyoming to western Texas, Arizona, and northern Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Laguna; Black Rock; Noria; Magdalena; Burro Moun- tains; Lake Valley; Deming; Mesilla Valley; Jarilla; Orogrande; Roswell. Dry plains and sandhills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 9. Artemisia dracunculoides Pursh, FI. Amer. Sept. 521. 1814. Artemisia cernua Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 143. 1818. Type locality: "On the Missouri." Exact locality, near the mouth of White River, Lyman County, South Dakota. Range: Washington and M on1 a na to California and Texas. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Chama; Pajarito Park; Espanola- Hebron; Winsors Ranch; Magdalena; mountains southeast of Patterson; Santa Rita; West Fork of tin- Gila; Eillsboro; White Mountains; Organ Mountains. Eillsides and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 10. Artemisia dracunculina S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 279. 1888. Type locality: "At the base of cliffs in the Sierra Madre, Chihuahua." Ranoe: Mountains of southern New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Eillsboro; Organ Mountains; Cox Canyon. Upper Sonoran and Transit ion zones. 11. Artemisia scouleriana (Beeser) Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 88: r>7. 1906. Artemiria deaertorum scouleriema Besser; Book. I'M. Bor, Amer. 1:325. L8S3. Type locality: "North-West coast of America, Fori Vancouver, and Straits of de Fin a." 52678 16 )T 738 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Range : British Columbia to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Dulce; Ponchuelo Creek; Pecos. Valleys in the mountains, in the Transition Zone. 12. Artemisia forwoodii S. Wats. Proc. Amer. Acad. 25: 133. 1890. Type locality: Black Hills, South Dakota. Range: Montana and Saskatchewan to New Mexico. New Mexico: Cedar Hill; Tunitcha Mountains; Luna; Fort Tularosa; mountains southeast of Patterson; Santa Rita; Mogollon Mountains; Capitan Mountains. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 13. Artemisia scopulorum A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 66. 1864. Type locality: Middle Park, Colorado. Range: Wyoming to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Pecos Baldy; Baldy. High mountain meadows, in the Arctic-Alpine Zone. 14. Artemisia frigida Willd. Sp. PL 3: 1838. 1804. Estafiata. Type locality: "Dauuriae." Range: Washington and Nevada to Minnesota and Texas; also in the Old World. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Cedar Hill; Dulce; Zuni; Sierra Grande; Pecos; Cebolla Spring; Ramah; San Augustine Plains; Gallinas Mountains; Sandia Mountains; Torrance; Pajarito Park; Hebron; Raton. Dry hills and plains, chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The name "estafiata" is most commonly applied to this species, but it is sometimes extended to include other members of the genus. 15. Artemisia bigelovii A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacii. 4: 110. 1856. Type locality: "Rocks and canons on the Upper Canadian and Llano Estacado." Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: South of Atarque de Garcia; Albuquerque; Cerrillos; Carrizozo; White Mountains; Suwanee; Guadalupe; Torrance; Nara Visa. Plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 16. Artemisia franserioides Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 10: 42. 1883. Type locality: Near the summit of the Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: Mountains of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Black Range; Mogollon Moun- tains; White and Sacramento Mountains; Organ Peak. Shaded slopes, chiefly in the Canadian Zone. 17. Artemisia silvicola Osterhout, Bull. Torrey Club 28: 645. 1901. Artemisia mexicana silvicola A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 569. 1909. Type locality: Along Maclntyre Creek, Larimer County, Colorado. Range: Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains. Meadows and canyons, in the Transition Zone. 18. Artemisia rhizomata A. Nels. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 34. 1900. Type locality: Sweetwater, Wyoming. Range: Wyoming and North Dakota to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Cedar Hill; Dulce; Chama; Las Vegas Hot Springs; Albuquerque; near Condes Camp; Gray. Prairies and river banks, in the Upper Sonoran and lower part of the Transition zones. 19. Artemisia albula Wooton, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 193. 1913. Artemisia microcephala Wooton, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 455. 1898, not Hillebr. 1888. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 504). WOOTON AND STAXDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 739 Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona, southward into Mexico. New Mexico: Laguna; Albuquerque; Bear Mountains; Hillsboro Mountains; Mangas Springs; Lordsburg; Dog Spring; Dona Ana Mountains; Tortugas Mountain; Organ Mountains; Eagle Creek. Dry hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 20. Artemisia kansana Britton in Britt. & Brown, Illustr. Fl. 3: 466. 1898. Type locality: Plains, Lane County, Kansas. Range: Kansas and Colorado to New Mexico and western Texas. New Mexico: Clayton; Cross L Ranch; Folsom; Cimarron; Cebolla Spring; Bernal; Gray; Nara Visa. Dry plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 21. Artemisia wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 48. 1883. Type locality: Mountains around the -Copper Mines, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wright (no. 1279). Range: Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Pajarito Park; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Chama; Grants; Tunitcha Mountains; Zuni; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; Bear Mountains; White Mountains; Gray. Canyons and meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 22. Artemisia redolens A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 21: 393. 1886. Type locality: "Chihuahua, on cool slopes under cliffs." Range: New Mexico to Chihuahua. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Baldy; Mogollon Mountains; Hillsboro Peak; San Luis Mountains; Cloverdale; Organ Mountains; White and Sacramento mountains. Mountain meadows, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. This plant has been referred to Artemisia mexicana and to A. discolor, from both of which it is amply distinct. Doctor Gray's remark that it has the appearance of A. dracunculoides was certainly unfortunate, if Pringle's 296 in the U. S. National Her- barium is to be taken as typical of it. Our plant is much more closely related to A. wrightii and to A. undericoodii Rydb. It does not belong in the same group with A. dracunculoides. Metcalfe's 1248 was distributed under a manuscript name of Doctor Greene's, but so far as we can learn the name has never been published. 23. Artemisia mexicana Willd.; Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3: 490. 1825. Type locality: Mexico. Range: New Mexico and Arizona to western Texas and southward. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Farmington; Pecos; Winsors Ranch; West Fork of the Gila; White and Sacramento mountains. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 123. TETRAD YMI A DC. Low shrubs with alternate entire tomerttose leaves and narrow heads of yellow flowers; involucre cylindric, of 4 to 6 imbricated bracts; rays none; receptacle flat; achenes terete, 5-nerved; pappus of numerous soft capillary bristles. key to the species. Leaves oblong or elliptic, mostly I cm. long or ]<•--■; involucres 6 mm. long or smaller I. / Leaves filiform, 2 to I cm. long; involucres 8 to lo mm. long 2. T.fiVfolia. 1. Tetradymia inermis Nuti. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: II".. IMI. Tetradymia ametcena inermia A. Gray in Brewer 4 Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 108. LS Typh I". Mm: "On the dry barren plains of the Rocky Mountains; common, particularly near Lewis' River of the Shoshonee." Range: Montana to Nevada and New Mexico. 740 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Farmington; Chupadero; Gallup; Atarque de Garcia; Moreno Valley; San Augustine Plains. Dry hills and plains, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. A low, densely branched shrub, 50 cm. high or less, rarely larger. The small yellow heads are very numerous, making it a handsome plant when in full flower. 2. Tetradymia filifolia Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 123. 1898. Type locality: Round Mountain, White Mountain Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 183). Range: Known only from type locality, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 124. BEBBIA Greene. Much branched plant about 1 meter high, shrubby at the base, with slender rushlike erect branches and few alternate linear leaves*, heads pedunculate, 20 to 30-flowered; involucre campanulate, the bracts imbricated in 2 or 3 series, oblong, appressed; achenes turbinate, hirsute, faintly 5-nerved; pappus of 15 to 20 plumose bristles in a single series. 1. Bebbia jnncea (Benth.) Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 179. 1885. Carphephorus junceus Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 21. 1844. Type locality: Magdalena Bay, Lower California. Range: Southern New Mexico to California and Mexico. New Mexico: Parkers Well (Wooton). Sandy plains, in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 125. ARNICA L. Erect simple-stemmed perennials with opposite leaves and long-pedunculate heads of yellow flowers; rays yellow, showy; involucre campanulate, the narrow bracts in 1 or 2 series, nearly equal; receptacle flat; achenes linear, pubescent; pappus a single series of slender barbellate bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Leaves cordate-ovate, the cauline ones petiolate 1. A. cordifolia. Leaves lanceolate, oblanceolate, or lance-oblong, the cauline ones sessile 2. A./oliosa. 1. Arnica cordifolia Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 331. 1834. Type locality: "Alpine woods of the Rocky Mountains on the east side." Range: British America to California, Nevada, and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Winsor Creek. Shaded hillsides, in the Canadian Zone. 2. Arnica foliosa Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc n. ser. 7: 407. 1841. Type locality: "On the alluvial flats of the Colorado of the West, particularly near Bear River of the lake Timpanagos." Range: Montana to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama. Wet ground, especially meadows about lakes and streams, in the Transition Zone. This is very common in the Tunitcha Mountains, where it covers large areas of wet meadow to the exclusion of almost every tiling else. About Chama only two or three plants were seen. 126. SENECIO L. Tall or low, annual or perennial herbs with alternate, sessile or petiolate, entire to pinnatifid or subpinnate leaves and solitary, racemose, or corymbose heads of yellow flowers; heads radiate or discoid, many-flowered; involucre cylindric to cam- panulate, of few or many erect connivent bracts, sometimes with a few smaller ones at the base; receptacle flat, naked; pappus of numerous soft capillary bristles. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 741 KEY TO THE SPECIES. Annual 1. S. vulgaris. Perennials. Heads discoid. Heads small, 7 to 10 mm. high. Glabrous; leaves linear to linear-oblanceolate, entire or nearly so 2. S. pudicus. Slightly tomentose; leaves cordate-ovate • to oblong- lanceolate, coarsely toothed 3. S. sacramentanus. Heads large, 12 to 20 mm. high. Leaves long-villous on the midrib beneath; heads usually racemose 4. S. scopulinus. Leaves not long-villous; heads not racemose. Plants more or less tomentose; leaves thick and fleshy. 5. S. chloranthus. Plants glabrous; leaves thin. Leaves coarsely and irregularly laciniate-serrate, abruptly contracted at the base, mostly petio- late 6. S. bigelovii. Leaves finely and evenly serrate, attenuate to the very short petiole, or sessile 7. S. rushy i . Heads radiate. Plants densely viscid 8. S. parri/l. Plants not viscid. Leaves or their divisions narrowly linear or linear-filiform. Plants permanently tomentose 9. S. filifolius. Plants glabrous. Leaves entire, rarely with a pair of short filiform lobes at the base 10. S. spartioides. Leaves, except the uppermost, pinnately divided. Heads campanulate; bracts 12 to 15 11. S. riddellii. Heads cylindric or nearly so; bracts 8 to 10 12. S. multicapilatus. Leaves neither linear-filiform nor with linear-filiform divisions. Heads nodding. Plants low, not more than 10 cm. high; leaves obo- vate-orbicular, purplish 13. S. taraxacoides. Plants taller, 50 cm. high; leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, not purplish 14. .9. amplectens. Heads not nodding. Heads solitary. Stems and leaves densely tomentose; stems with only a few much reduced leaves 15. S. actinella. Stems and usually the leaves glabrate; stems leafy 10. S. mogollonicua. Heads not solitary, except in depauperate sped mens. Plants equally Leafy throughout. Leaves pinnatifid or pinnate. Leaves pinnate, the terminal lobe orbicular or (-■eiiuorliii •ul.ir. obtusely toothed 17. S. tonguisorboides. Leaves pinnatifid, all the segments lanceolate or narrower, with acme teeth. Involucre 7 mm, high; leaves shallow ly pinnatind, with broad segments 18. S. ambroaioides. 742 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Involucre 5 mm. high or less; leaves pinnat- ifid almost to the midrib, the segments very narrow 19. 8. macdougalii. Leaves merely toothed or entire. Leaves, at least the lower, triangular or tri- angular-cordate; plants usually 1 meter high or taller 20. 8. triangularis. Leaves not triangular, narrowed at the base; plants lower, seldom more than 30 cm. high. Leaves lanceolate or elliptic, acute, den- ticulate; stems simple 22. 8. crassulus. Leaves obovate or oval, obtuse, coarsely salient-dentate; stems branched 21. S. carthamoides . Upper leaves of the stems much reduced. Rootstock very short, never woody; leaves lanceolate, denticulate; stems stout, 40 cm. high or less 23. S. lapathifolius. E,ootstocks elongated, horizontal or ascending, woody; leaves various; stems low or tall. Leaves linear, less than 2 mm. wide; plants Bmall, usually less than 15 cm. high 24. S. thurberi. Leaves 5 mm. wide or more; plants mostly taller. Plants glaucous 25. 8. microdot ■tlus. Plants not glaucous. Plants tall, stout, 50 cm. high or more; heads very numerous; bracts with black tips 26. S. atratus. Plants lower, slender, mostly less than 50 cm. high; heads few; bracts not with black tips. Leaves and stems permanently floccose. All leaves pinnatifid, with toothed segments 27. Leaves merely coarsely toothed, the 28. S.fendleri. S. canovirens. S. multilobatus . segments entire Leaves and stems finally glabrate. Basal leaves pinnatifid 29. Basal leaves not pinnatifid. Leaves very thin, yellowish. Basal leaves very deeply cordate, with a narrow sinus 30. S. cardamine. Basal leaves not deeply or not at all cordate. Basal leaves cordate 31. S. pseudaureus. Basal leaves not cordate. Basal leaves oblanceolate or elliptic-oblong, attenu- ate at the base, serrate.. 32. S. quaerens. Basal leaves oblong or ovate, not attenuate at the base, crenate 33. S. flavulus. WOOTON" AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 743 Leaves thick and rather fleshy, not yellowish. (See continuation.) (Continuation.) Plants comparatively stout, mostly more than 30 cm. high; heads 1 cm. broad 34. S. neomexicanus . Plants slender, lower; heads less than 1 cm. broad. Basal leaves obovate or broadly oblanceolate. Bracts 5 to 6 mm. high; plants conspicuously tomen- tose 35. S. pentodontus. Bracts 8 to 9 mm. high; plants almost entirely glabrous. 36. S. cymbalarioides. Basal leaves narrowly oblanceolate or oblong. Upper cauline leaves pinnatifid or sharply serrate 37. , 1901. Ranch: Sacra nun I i Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 4. Senecio scopulinus Greene, Piftonia 4: 117. L900. Senecio bigelovii hallii A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 67. 1864. Type locality: "Common in the mountains of middle and south cm < iolorado." I! i M.i : Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy; Costilla Valley; Chama; Middle Fork of the Gila. Moun- in the Transition Zone. 744 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 5. Senecio chloranthus Greene, Pittonia 4: 118. 1900. Type locality: Mountains of southern Colorado, near Pagosa Peak. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Rio Pueblo; Baldy; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Moist shaded slopes in the mountains, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 6. Senecio bigelovii A. Gray, U. S. Rep. Expl. Miss. Pacif. 4: 111. 1856. Type locality: Mountain arroyos, near Camp Douglas, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Bigelow. Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Sandia Mountains; White Mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. Typically a tall plant, sometimes 1.5 meters high, with many ascending branches, but sometimes low and scarcely at all branched. Mr. Wooton collected the plant in its type locality in the summer of 1910. His specimens seem to have smaller heads than Bigelow's, but those of the latter collection owe their size to the fact that they are in fruit (they must have been collected about the first of October) and that they were pressed very flat. In some of Wooton's specimens the leaves are truncate at the base, but in most of them they are abruptly contracted. 7. Senecio rusbyi Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 64. 1882. Type locality: Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Rusby (no. 215). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Hillsboro Peak; Mogollon Mountains. Transition and Canadian zones. The species is certainly very close to S. bigelovii, and it is questionable whether it might not better be reduced to synonymy. 8. Senecio parryi A. Gray in Torr. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Bot. 103. 1859. Type locality: "In live-oak groves, 150 miles above the mouth of the Pecos, on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande." Range: Southwestern New Mexico to southern California and adjacent Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon (Wooton). Mountains, in the Transition Zone. A most distinct species, entirely different from all our others by its viscid pubes- cence. 9. Senecio filifolius Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 414. 1841. Type locality: "The banks of the Missouri, toward the Rocky Mountains." Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Common throughout the State. Plains and low hills, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran, rarely in the Transition, zones. No plant has a wider distribution in New Mexico than this. It occurs everywhere at low and middle elevations. It is in flower almost every month in the year in the southern part of the State, and is one of the earliest plants to bloom farther north. It is extremely variable in pubescence and in the form of the leaves, and probably when it is studied in a larger series of specimens it will be found to be an aggregate of species. Sometimes almost all the leaves are entire; again even the uppermost are pinnatifid. The plants of the higher elevations are more nearly glabrous than those of the mesas and foothills. On the sandy plains in the southern part of the State the plants are mostly woody at the base and even among the branches. 10. Senecio spartioides Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 438. 1842. Type locality: "Upper Platte; on a steep sand bank of the Sweet- water River." Range: Nebraska and Wyoming to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Fruitland; Taos; Ruidoso Creek. Plains and low mountain valleys, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 745 11. Senecio riddellii Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 444. 1842. Type locality: Texas. Range: Nebraska and Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. New Mexico: Shiprock; Pecos; Lincoln. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 12. Senecio multicapitatus Greenm. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 160. 1906. Type locality: "Plains and in mountain valleys of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona." Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Farmington; Dulce; Ramah; Santa Clara Canyon; Raton; Santa Fe; Albuquerque; Arch; Clayton; Folsom; Nara Visa; Mogollon Mountains; Mesilla Valley; Dona Ana Mountains; Capitan Mountains; White Oaks. Plains and open slopes, from the Lower Sonoran to the Transition Zone. 13. Senecio taraxacoides (A. Gray) Greene, Pittonia 4: 119. 1900. Senecio amplectens taraxacoides A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 67. 1864. Type locality: Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Range: Mountain peaks of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Baldy. Arctic-Alpine Zone. 14. Senecio amplectens A. Gray, Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 33: 240. 1862. Type locality: "In the mountains high up, at the foot of the snowy range," Colorado. Range: Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak; Pecos Baldy; Baldy. High mountain peaks, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. Probably this is our handsomest species, by its large heads and the peculiar long, bright yellow rays. It grows only above or at the edge of the timber on the high mountains, often under the low shrubs. 15. Senecio actinella Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 10: 87. 1883. Type locality: Near Flagstaff, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains between the Middle and West Forks of the Gila (Wooton). . lt „„ 16. Senecio mogollonicus Greene, Leaflets 1: 212. 1906. Type locality: Dry Flats on the West Fork of the Gila, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 410). Range: Known only from type locality. 17. Senecio sanguisorboides Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 170. 1900. Type locality: Santa Fe Canyon, New Mexico. Type collected by Heller (no. 3820). Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Rio Pueblo; White and Sacra- mento mountains. Transition to Eudsonian Zone. 18. Senecio ambrosioides Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 467. 1910. Typhi locality: Green Mountain Falls, l*.l Paso County, Colorado. Ranci : Wyoming to New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Carrizo Mountains; Chama; Santa Fe Canyon; Pecos; Las Vegas; Bandia Mountains; Black Rai Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 19. Senecio macdougalii Hello,-, Bull. Torrey Club 96: 592. L899. Tvpk loi a i ii» : Near Flagstaff, Arizona. Range: Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico. ifr 746 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Jemez Mountains; G 0 S Ranch; White and Sacramento mountains. Transition Zone. Our specimens differ from the type in having larger and narrower leaf segments. The material from Arizona is insufficient to determine whether the New Mexican plant is specifically distinct. 20. Senecio triangularis Hook. Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 332. pi. 115. 1833. Type locality: "Moist prairies among the R,oeky Mountains." Range: British America to California and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains. Along streams and in bogs, in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones. 21. Senecio carthamoides Greene, Pittonia 4: 122. 1900. Type locality: Little Ouray Mountain, at Marshall Pass, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Upper Pecos River (Maltby & Coghill 198). Arctic- Alpine Zone. 22. Senecio crassulus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 54. 1883. Type locality: "Colorado Rocky Mountains." Range: Idaho and Montana to Utah and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Truchas Peak (Standley 4794). High mountains, in the Hudsonian and Arctic-Alpine zones. 23. Senecio lapathifolius Greene; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 394. 1906. Type locality: Mountains of Colorado. 0x Range: Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Chama (Standley 6733). Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. 24. Senecio thurberi A. Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 68. 1804. Type locality: Santa Rita, New Mexico. Range: Mountains of New Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Santa Rita. 25. Senecio microdontus (A. Gray) Heller, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 497. 1897. Senecio toluccanus microdontus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 388. 1884. Senecio wootonii Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 122. 1898. Senecio anacletus Greene, Pittonia 4: 307. 1901. Type locality: Pinos Altos Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene. Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Tierra Amarilla; Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains ; White and Sacra- mento mountains. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. The type of S. wootonii was collected in the White Mountains (Wooton 491). 26. Senecio atratus Greene; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 395. 1906. Type locality: Mountains of Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Baldy (Woo ton). 27. Senecio fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 108. 1849. Type locality: ' ' Foot of high mountains, along the creek 12 miles above Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 478). Range: Colorado and Utah to New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains; Sandia Mountains; Jemez Mountains; Rio Pueblo; Baldy. Transition Zone. 28. Senecio canovirens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 187. 1900. \ Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton $y (no. 244). yjQ} Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 747 New Mexico: Black Range; White and Sacramento mountains; Capitan Moun- tains; Water Canyon; Mogollon Creek; Craters. Transition Zone. 29. Senecio multilobatu^s Torr. & Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 109. 1849. Type locality: "Abundant on the Uintah River, in the interior of California." Range: Utah and Colorado to Arizona and western Texas. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains; Cedar Hill; Farmington; north of Ramah. Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 30. Senecio cardamine Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 98. 1881. Type locality: Cold northward slopes of the higher Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Greene in 1881. Range: Mogollon Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. 31. Senecio pseudaureus Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 298. 1897. Type locality: Little Belt Mountains, Montana. Range: British America to Nevada and New Mexico. New Mexico: Along the Pecos 8 miles east of Glorieta; Chama. Damp meadows in the mountains, Transition Zone. 32. Senecio quaerens Greene, Leaflets 1: 214. 1906. Senecio prionophyllus Greene, Leaflets 1: 212. 1906, not S. prionophyllus Greene, 1902. Type locality: Moist flats on the West Fork of the Gila, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 409). Range: Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico, in the Transition Zone. 33. Senecio flavulus Greene, Pittonia 4: 108. 1900. Senecio flavovirerts Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 181. pi. 5. 1900. Type locality: Arboles, southern Colorado. Range: Idaho and Montana to Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Magdalena Mountains; Kingston; Tierra* Amarilla. Wet meadows, in the Transition Zone. 34. Senecio neomexicanus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 55. 1883. Type locality: New Mexico. Ran<;e: Mountains of Now Mexico and Arizona. New Mexico: Burro Mountains; between Santa Fe and Canyoncito; Magdalena Mountains; Organ Mountains. Upper Sonoran Zone. 35. Senecio pentodontus Greene, PI. Baker. 3: 26. 1901. ( ^wp, Type locality: Open knolls below the limit of trees, near Carson, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. New Mexico: Agua Fria; Tierra Amarilla; Tunitcha Mountains; Chama; Laa Vegas; Black Range. Transition Zone. 36. Senecio cymbalarioides Nutt. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. ser. 7: 412. 1841. Type locality: "In Oregon." Range: British America to Utah and Now Mexico, New Mexico: Baldy; Costilla Valley. Meadi 37. Senecio mutabilis Greene, Pittonia 4: 113. 1900. Type lo< lltty: Dry lowlands about Arboles and Los Pinos, southern Colorado. Range: Mountains of southern Colorado and northern Not Mexico. New Mexico: Near Tierra Ajnarilla (EggUsUm 6646, 6602), Transition Zone, 38. Senecio oblanceolatus II\. II,. Bull. Torrej Club 27: 175. L900. Type loi ojty: Como, South Park, < Colorado. i: \ roi : Wyoming to Now Mexico and western T< New Mexico: Chama; Raton; Sierra Grande. Plains and low hills, in tin- I pper Sonoran and Transition zones. 748 CONTRIBUTIONS PROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 39. Senecio cynthioides Greene, Leaflets 1: 212. 1906. Type locality: Hillsides along Turkey Creek, Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 574). Range: Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico: Tuniteha Mountains; West Fork of the Gila. 40. Senecio metcalfei Greene, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 193. 1913. Type locality: Open slopes on Hillsboro Peak, at the south end of the Black Range, New Mexico. Type collected by Metcalfe (no. 938). Range: Known only from type locality. 41. Senecio remifolius Woot, & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 194. 1913. Type locality: Willow Creek, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, August 8, 1900. Range: Known only from type locality. 127. HAPLOESTHES A. Gray. Glabrous perennial with the aspect of Sartwellia, the simple stems bearing a corym- bosely branched inflorescence; leaves opposite, linear; heads small, campanulate, of yellow flowers; involucre of 4 or 5 oval, somewhat imbricated bracts; rays small, pale yellow; achenes linear, terete, striate", glabrous; pappus a single series of scabrous whitish bristles. 1. Haploesthes greggii A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 109. 1849. Type locality: Valley near Ci£naga Grande, Coahuila. Range: Colorado and western Texas to New Mexico and southward. New Mexico: Round Mountain {Wooton). Dry hills and plains in alkaline soil, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 128. PSATHYROTES A. Gray Low winter annuals with alternate, round-cordate or ovate, petiolate leaves and small heads of yellowish flowers; heads homogamous; involucre of rather numerous bracts in 2 series, the outer somewhat herbaceous; receptacle flat; achenes terete, obscurely striate, villous or hirsute; pappus of unequal bristles. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Plants scapose, erect; corollas nearly glabrous; leaves almost entire. . . 1. P. scaposa. Plants much branched, spreading, leafy; corollas woolly at the top; leaves coarsely toothed 2. P. annua. 1. Psathyrotes scaposa A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 100. pi. 13. 1853. Type locality: "Stony hills above El Paso." Range : Western Texas and southern New Mexico. We have seen no specimens of this from New Mexico, but the type came from very close to the southern border and perhaps from within our limits. 2. Psathyrotes annua (Nutt.) A. Gray, PL Wright. 2: 100. 1853. Bulbostylis annua Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 179. 1848. Type locality: "Rocky Mountains near Santa Fe," New Mexico. Type collected by Gambel. Range: Plains, California and Nevada to Utah and New Mexico. We have seen no specimens of this from within our borders. There may have been some mistake made in the citation of the source of the original srjeoimens, but it is not improbable that the plant occurs in the northwest corner of New Mexico. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 749 129. BARTLETTIA A. Gray. Slender annual, nearly glabrous, with long-petiolate rounded repand-dentate leaves and long -pedunculate, rather large heads, these heterogamous, radiate; invo- lucre campanulate, of 12 to 14 oblong-lanceolate bracts in 2 or 3 series; achenes cuneate-oblong, compressed; pappus of numerous unequal bristles in a single series. 1. Bartlettia scaposa A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 5: 323. 1854. Type locality: On a prairie near Oorralitas, Chihuahua. Range: Southern New Mexico, south into Mexico. New Mexico: Lordsburg (.4. Davidson 1422). 130. MESADENIA Raf. Perennial herb; leaves thrice pinnatiiid into narrow segments; heads 10 to 15 mm. high, numerous, in corymbiform cymes; involucre turbinate, of a single series of 5 or 6 narrow bracts; flowers 5 or 6, with white corollas, none radiate; achenes glabrous. 1. Mesadenia decomposita (A. Gray) Standley. Cacah'o decomposite A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 99. 1853. Type locality: Mountains east of Santa Cruz, Sonora. Range: Southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico to northern Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains (Mearns 2219, 527, 531). 131. CENTAUREA L. Star thistle. Tall, usually simple-stemmed annual with alternate, spatulate to oblong-lanceolate, entire or denticulate leaves and large showy heads of tubular flowers; involucre cam- panulate. the bracts appressed in many series, pectinate; outer corollas pink or pur- plish, enlarged and radiant, the inner ones ochroleucous ; achenes compressed, smooth ; pappus of several series of unequal bristles. 1. Centaurea americana Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 2: 117. 1821. Plectoa phalua ameriexmus Don in Sweet, Brit. Flower Gard. 2: pi. 5/. 1823-29. Type locality: "On the banks of streams, and in denudated alluvial situations, throughout the plains or prairies of the upper part of Arkansas territory." Range: Arkansas and Louisiana to Arizona and southward. New Mexico: Socorro; Mogollon Mountains; Maugas Springs; G 0 S Ranch* Mesilla; White Mountains; mountains north of Santa Rita. Moist slopes and along streams, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 132. CIRSIUM Hill. Thistle. Coarse biennial or perennial herbs with prickly, often pinnatind, sessile, alternate leaves and large heads, the latter solitary, raceino.se, or clustered at il nds of the branches; flowers all tubular, perfect; bracts of the involucre imbricated in many ranks, mostly tipped with prickles; receptacle clothed with soft bristles; ach< oblong or obovoid, compressed, smooth; pappus of numerous plumose bristles united into a ring at the base, deciduous. KEY to THE BH I ii 3. Bracts deep purple, reflexed for half their length, nol arachnoid . I. C. i inaeeum. Bracts nol purplish or [f so only at the very tips, when reflexed more or Lee - arachnoid. Hani ■ acauleecenl 2. C. acaulescens. Plants not acaulescent. A i Lea i some of the bracts pectinate-ciliate with \w.ik spine : flowei s greenish yellow. 750 CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. 0. inornatum. 0. gilcnse. 6. 0. neomexicanum. None of the bracts dilated at the apex, all with long- attenuate tips, conspicuously arachnoid, in many series ." 3. 0. pallidum. At least some of the bracts dilated at the apex, not conspicuously arachnoid, often nearly gla- brous, in few series. Inner bracts conspicuously elongated, with narrow, mostly coriaceous tips; heads small, 2 cm. broad, mostly clustered at the ends of the branches 4. Inner bracts not conspicuously elongated, with broad green tips ; heads large, 3 cm. broad , mostly solitary 5. None of the bracts pectinate-ciliate; flowers variously colored. Bracts not with a dorsal glandular ridge. Bracts squarrose, at least the lower reflexed; largest heads 6 to 7 cm. in diameter Bracts not squarrose, all erect or appressed; heads all less than 5 cm. in diameter. Style produced at the tip only 4 to 6 times its diameter above the conspicuous node; corollas bright carmine; leaves tomen- tose on both sides 7. 0. arizonicum. Style produced many times its diameter be- yond the inconspicuous node; corollas purplish or whitish; leaves glabrate, at least above. Inner bracts much elongated, the tips not dilated; heads small, 2 cm. in di- ameter or less 8. C. pulchellum.. Inner bracts but little elongated, some- what dilated at the tips; heads large or small. Flowers purplish; heads small, about 2 cm. in diameter, solitary; in- ner bracts with purple tips 9. 0. wheeleri. Flowers whitish; heads larger, mostly 3 to 4 cm. broad, clustered at the ends of the branches; bracts not with purple tips 10. 0. coloradense. Bracts with a dorsal glandular ridge. Bracts scabrous-ciliate, purplish 11. 0. grdhami. Bracts not scabrous-ciliate, usually not at all pur- plish. Plants glabrate. Stems winged below; leaves thin, usually merely dentate with weak spines; heads broadly eampanulate 12. 0. wrightii. Stems not winged ; leaves thick, pinnatifid, with stout spines; heads narrowly eampanulate 13. 0. calcareum. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 751 Plants permanently tomentose. Involucres less than 3 cm. wide. Leaves very spiny; bracts scarcely if at all tomentose 90 the margins, the tips 5 mm. long-, or more; leaves soon glabrate on the'Trp- per surface 14. C. perennans. Leaves sparingly spiny ; bracts strongly tomentose on the margins, the tips 3 mm. long or less; leaves usually permanently tomen- tose on both surfaces 15. C. undulatum. Involucres 4 to 6 cm. wide. Spines of the involucral bracts usually about 5 mm. long; leaves very broad; corollas usually carmine. 16. C. megacephalum. Spines of the bracts 1 cm. long; leaves narrow; corollas purplish rose, often white 17. C. ochrocentrum. 1. Cirsium vinaceum Woot. & Standi. Carduus vinaceus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 196. 1913. Type locality: In the Sacramento Mountains near Fresnal, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton, July 12, 1899. Range: Known only from type locality, in the Transition Zone. 2. Cirsium acaulescens (A. Gray) Daniels, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 254. 1911. Cnicus drummondii acaulescens A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 40. 1874. Carduus acaulescens Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 508. 1901. Type locality: Rocky Mountains. Range: Wyoming to northern New Mexico. New Mexico: Taos Mountains; Costilla Valley. Meadows. 3. Cirsium. pallidum Woot. & Standi. Carduus pallidus Woot, & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 195. 1913. Type locality: In the Pecos River National Forest near Winsors Ranch, New Mex- ico. Type oHected by Standley (no. 4357). Range: New Mexico and southern Colorado. New Mexico: Winsors Ranch; Tunitcha Mountains; Charna; mountains west of Las Vegas; Raldy; White and Sacramento mountains. Along streams and in wet meadows, in the Transition and Canadian zones. 4. Cirsium inornatum Woot. & Standi. Carduus inornatus Woot. & Standi. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 16: 195. 1913. Type locaj in: Sacramento Mountains near Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Type col- lected by Wooton. An -u-t 24, 1901. Range: Known only from type locality. 5. Cirsium gilense Woot. A Standi. Carduus gilensis Woot. & Stan. II. . 16: in:,. 1913. Tvi'i; LOI U m : In tin- Mogollon Mountains on the West Fork of the Rio Gila, Socorro County, Now Mexico. Typo collected by Metcalfe (no. 377). Banob: Known only from type locality. 6. Cirsium neomexic.uniin \. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: L01. LS Cnicus neomexicanus \. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10:45. 1874. Carduus ruonu.i ir.utiis (• I'mc. Acad. I'hila. 1892:3(1'.?. 1S93. 752 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Type locality: Organ Mountains, New Mexico. Range: Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Santa Fe; Cliff; San Luis Pass; Carrizalillo Mountains; Organ Mountains. Plains and dry hills, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 7. Cirsium arizonicum (A. Gray) Petrak, Bot. Tidsskr. 31: 08. 1911. Cnicus arizonicus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 44. 1874. Carduus arizonicus Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 362. 1893. Type locality: "Arizona and S. Utah." Range: Utah to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: San Luis Mountains. Low hills and plains. 8. Cirsium pulchellum (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Carduus pulchellus Greene; Rydb. Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 100: 401. 1906. Type locality: Piedra, Colorado. Range: Southern Colorado to New Mexico. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Cloudcroft. Mountains, in the Transition Zone. 9. Cirsium wheeleri (A. Gray) P«trak, Bot. Tidsskr. 31: 67. 1911. Cnicus wheeleri A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 56. 1883. Carduus wheeleri Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 7. 1898. Type locality: Near Camp Apache, Arizona. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Luna; West Fork of the Gila; north of Ramah. Transition Zone. 10. Cirsium coloradense (Rydb.) Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 254. 1911. Carduus coloradensis Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 132. 1905. Type locality: Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Range: Mountains of Colorado and northern New Mexico. New Mexico: North of Ramah; Rio Mora; Tesuque. Transition Zone. 11. Cirsium grahami A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 102. 1853. Cnicus grahami A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 57. 1883. Carduus grahami Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 363. 1893. Type locality: Low ground, in valleys between the Sonoita and the San Pedro, Sonora. Range: Mountains of southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. New Mexico: Mogollon Mountains. Transition Zone. 12. Cirsium wrightii A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 101. 1853. Cnicus wrightii A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 41. 1874. Carduus wrightii Heller, Cat. N. Amer. PI. 8. 1898. Type locality: "Around springs near San Bernandino, on the borders of New Mexico and Sonora." Range: Western Texas to southern Arizona. New Mexico: White Mountains; Roswell; Fresnal. Mountains, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 13. Cirsium calcareum (Jones) Woot. & Standi. Cnicus calcareus Jones, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 5: 704. 1895. Type locality: Cainville, Utah. Range: Utah to northern Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Carrizo Mountains (Standley 7401). Dry hills and canyons, in the Upper Sonoran Zone. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 753 14. Cirsium perermans (Greene) Woot. & Standi. Carduus perennans Greene, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 125. 1S9S. Type locality: White Mountains, New Mexico. Type collected by Wooton (no. 326). Range: Mountains of southern New Mexico. New Mexico: Eagle Peak; "White and Sacramento mountains; Organ Mountains. Transition Zone. 15. Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3: 374. 1826. Carduus undulatus Nutt. Gen. PI. 2: 130. 1818. Cnicus undulatus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 42. 1874. Type locality: "On the calcareous islands of Lake Huron, and on the plains of Upper Louisiana." Range: British America to Utah and Texas. New Mexico: Tunitcha Mountains; Chania; TierraAmarilla; Pecos ;Winsors Ranch; Rio Mora; Santa Fe; Anton Chico; White Mountains. Plains and hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones. 16. Cirsium megacephalum (A. Gray) Cockerell, Univ. Mo. Stud. Sci. 22: 254. 1911. Cnicus undulatus megacephalus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 42. 1874. Carduus megacephalus Smyth, Trans. Kane. Acad. 16: 160. 1899. Type locality: Texas. Range: Idaho and South Dakota to Arizona and Texas. New Mexico: Mimbres; Mangas Springs; Mogollon Mountains; Santa Rita; San Luis Mountains; Dog Spring. Dry hills and plains, in the Lower and Upper Sonoran zones. 17. Cirsium ochrocentrum A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 1 10. L8 19. Cnicus ochrocentrus A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 10: 57. 1883. Carduus ochrocentrus Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 363. 1893. Type locality: Mountain sides around Santa Fe, New Mexico. Type collected by Fendler (no. 4S6). Range: Nebraska and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico: Pecos; Siena Grande; San Juan; NaraVisa; Kennedy; Chiz; It amah; Socorro; Mangas Springs; Organ Mountains; Gray; Tularosa; Roswell. Plains and low hills, chiefly in the Upper Sonoran Zone. 133. ARCTIUM L. Burdock. Coarse biennial herb with large, cordate-ovate, petiolatc, more or less lomontose basal leaves and rather small, clustered heads of purple flowers; involucre globose, the much imbricated, many-ranked bracts with filiform hooked tips; receptacle bristly; achenea oblong, compressed, transversely rugose; pappus of numerous short bristles. 1. Arctium minus Schkuhr, Bot. Handb. 3: 49. 1803. Typb locality: I rermany. New Mexico: Fruitland (SUmdley). A common weed in most parts of the eastern United States, introduced from Europe. So far it, has been noted in only this one Locality in New Mexico, where it is abundant in cultivated fields and along ditch banks. 52576 15 48 754 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. SUMMARY OF THE LARGER GROUPS, WITH NUMBERS OF GENERA AND SPECIES. PTERIDOPHYTA. Filicales: Genera. Species. Polypodiaceae 13 31 Salviniales: Marsileaceae 1 1 Salviniaceae 1 1 Equise tales: Equisetaceae 1 4 Lycopodiales: Selaginellaceae 1 5 Total Pteridophyta... 17 42 GYMNOSPERMAE. Pinales: Pinaceae 4 14 Juniperaceae 2 7 Gnetales: Ephedraceae 1 4 Total Gymnospermae. 7 25 MONOCOTYLEDONES . Pandanales: Typhaceae 1 1 Naiadales: Potamogetonaceae 2 5 Naiadaceae 1 1 Alismales: Juncaginaceae 1 2 Alismaceae 3 3 Poales: Poaceae 74 270 Cyperaceae 9 70 Arales: Lemnaceae 2 4 Xyridales: Commelinaceae 2 5 Pontederiaceae 1 1 Liliales: Calochortaceae 1 3 Melanthaceae. 4 7 Jimcaceae 2 22 Dracaenaceae 3 12 Convallariaceae 5 6 Alliaceae - 3 13 Liliaceae 4 4 Asphodelaceae 1 1 Amaryllidales: Amaryllidaceae 2 6 Iridaceae 3 5 Orchidales: Orchidaceae 10 18 Total Monocotyle- dones 134 459 DICOTYLEDONES . Piperales : Genera. Species. Saiiruraceae 1 1 Salicales: Salicaceae 2 24 Juglandales: Juglandac eae 1 2 Fagales : Betulaceae 3 4 Fagaceae 1 24 Urticales: Ulmaceae 1 1 Moraceae 1 1 Urticaceae 3 5 Cannabinaceae 1 1 Santalales: Loranthaceae 2 10 Santalaceae •-.. 1 1 Aristolocliiales : Aristoloch iac eae 1 1 Polygonales: Polygonaceae 9 70 Chenopodiales: Chenopodiaceae 12 42 Amaranthaceae 8 24 Corrigiolaceae 1 2 Allioniaceae 13 46 Phytolaccaeeae 1 1 Aizoaceae 3 4 Portulacaceae 6 20 Alsinaceae 8 31 Silenaceae 5 11 Ranales: Ceratophyllaceae 1 1 Rammeulaeeae 16 66 Berberidaceae 2 6 Papaverales : Papaveraceae 3 7 Fumariaceae 1 4 Brassicaceae 30 101 Capparidaceae 4 6 Resedaceae 1 1 Rosales: Oassulaceae 3 9 Saxifragaeeae 5 15 Pamassiaceae 1 2 Hydrangeaceae 4 9 Grossulariaceae 2 10 Platanaceae 1 1 Rosaceae. .1 21 63 Malaceae 4 13 Amygdalaceae 3 10 Mimosaceae 7 17 Cassiaceae 4 15 Krameriaceae 1 2 Fabaceae 32 189 Geraniales: Geraniaceae 2 9 Liliaceae 2 8 Oxalidaeeae 2 8 WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA DF NEW MEXICO. 755 Geraniales — Continued. Genera. Species. Zygopbyllaceae 3 7 Koeberliniaceae 1 Malpighiaceae 1 1 Rutaceae 3 4 Simarubaceae 1 Meliaceae..* 1 1 Polygalales: Polygalaceae 2 10 Euphorbiales: Euphorbiaceae 15 52 Callitrichaceae 1 1 Sapindales: Anacardiaceae 4 12 Celastraceae 3 3 Aceraceae 2 5 Sapindaceae 2 2 Rhamnales: Rhamnaceae 4 9 Vitaceae 3 3 Malvales : Malvaceae 14 44 Hypericales: Elatinaceae Tamaricaceae Fouquieriaceae 1 Frankeniaceae H\^erieaceae 1 1 Violaceae 2 13 Opuntiales: Loasaceae 4 18 Cactaceae 5 67 Thymelaeales: Elaeagnaceae 1 Myrtales: Epdobiaceae. .* 16 62 Gnnneraceae 2 2 Umbellales: Cornaceae 2 3 Hederaceae 1 1 Apiaceae 26 36 E lit 'ales: Monotropaeeae Pyrolaceae 3 7 Ericaceae 2 -I Vacciniaceae 1 2 Primnlales: Tlmiibaginaceae 1 1 Primulaceae 7 20 Ebenales: Sapotaceae I 1 Oleales: Oleaceae 4 9 Gentianales: Genera. Species. Gentianaceae 10 21 Asclepiadales: Apocynaceae 2 11 Asclepiadaceae 7 27 Polemoniales: Dichondraceae 1 2 Cuscutaceae 1 4 Convolvulaceae^. 5 18 Polemoniaceae 9 44 Hydro phyllaceae 5 26 Ehretiaceae 3 4 Heliotropaceae 2 3 Boraginaceae 13 41 Verbenaceae 3 13 Menthaceae 20 55 Solanaceae 10 39 Scrophulariaceae 22 100 Acanthaceae 6 6 Pinguicnlaceae 1 1 Orobanchaceae 3 4 Bignoniaceae 2 Martyniaceae 1 3 Plantaginales: Plantaginaceae 1 6 Rubiales: Rubiaceae 5 21 Caprifoliaceae 6 13 Adoxaceae 1 1 Campanulales: Cucurbitaceae 8 12 Campanulaceae 2 3 Lobeliaceae 1 2 Valerianales: Valerianaceae 1 3 Asterales: Cichoriaceae 16 51 Mutisiaceae 3 5 Ambrosiaceae 6 18 Asteraceae 133 511 Total Dicotyledones. . 690 2, 377 SUMMARY. Pteridophyta ' 17 42 Spermatophyta: Gymnospennae 7 25 Angiospermae — Monocotylcdones 134 459 Dicotyledones 690 2, 377 Total for New Mexico. 848 2,903 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX. Aihquiu. Southeastern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 1,808 meters. Allien Peak. Near town of Abiquiu. Alt. 3,428 meters. A.OOMA. Central Valencia County. Alt. L,925 meters. Aden. Station on the Southern Pacific Railroad in western Dona InaCounty. Alt. i 3 18 meters. A.OBIOU1 n baiCou sol Central Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,175 meters. The post- ollire in now State College. 756 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Agua Azul. Southern McKinlcy County. Alt. 2,037 meters. Agua Chiquita. A etream in eastern Otero and southwestern Chaves counties, a tributary of the Penasco. Agua Fria. A spring and a small stream in northern Valencia County. Alt. 1,977 meters. Alamillo. Northeastern Socorro County. Alt. 1,413 meters. Alamocitas Canyon. Northern Valencia County. Alamogordo. Northern Otero County. Alt. 1,312 meters. A i a mo Viejo. Southeastern Grant County. Albert. Southwestern Union County. Alt. 1,433 meters. Albuquerque. Bernalillo County. Alt. 1,504 meters. Algodones. Southeastern Sandoval County. Alt. 1,555 meters. Alizo. See Alizo Creek. Locally called "Celees." Alizo Creek. Extreme western Socorro County. Alma. Southwest corner of Socorro County. Alt. 1,677 meters. Ampersand Creek. Near Fort Bayard, northeastern Grant County. Ancho. Northwestern Lincoln County. Alt. 1,864 meters. Angus. Southwestern Lincoln County. Alt. 2,135 meters. Animas Creek. "Western Sierra County, heading in the Black Range. Animas Mountains. Southern Grant County. Animas Peak. Southern Grant County. Alt. 1,862 meters. Animas Valley. Southwestern Grant County. Anniston. Quay County. Anthony. Southeastern Dona Ana County, on the Texas line. Alt. 1.151 meters. The railroad station is called La Tuna. Anton Chico. Northwest corner of Guadalupe County. Alt. 1,638 meters. Apache Creek. Northeastern Grant County. Apache Mountains. Southern Grant County. Apache Spring. Western Socorro County, north of Reserve. Apache Teju. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,671 meters. Arch. Eastern Roosevelt County. Arroyo Hondo. Southern Taos County. Arroyo Pecos. Near Las Vegas, San Miguel County. Arroyo Ranch. Near Roswell, Chaves County. Artesia. Northwestern Eddy County. Alt. 1,030 meters. Ascarate Ranch. In the Mesilla Valley, southern Dona Ana County. Atarque de Garcia. Extreme southwestern corner of Valencia County. Aztec. Northeastern San Juan County. Alt. 1,705 meters. Bad Lands. Near Tiznitzin, central San Juan County. Baldy. Post office in western Colfax County. Alt. 2,943 meters. Barkers Lake. In the Las Vegas Range, northwestern San Miguel County. Barranca. Southwestern Taos County. Alt. 2,115 meters. Bayard Station. Western Grant County. Alt. 1,763 meters. Bear Canyon. Sandia Mountains, Bernalillo County. This is a common name in Mexico, and a Bear Canyon can be found in almost every range. Bear Creek. Lincoln National Forest, Lincoln County. Bear Mountain. Northeastern Grant County, northwest of Silver City. Alt. 2,464 meters. Bear Ridge. Zuni Mountains, northern Valencia County. Bear Tooth Ridge. Near Fort Bayard, northeastern Grant County. Beattys Cabin. In the Pecos National Forest in either Mora or San Miguel County. Beenham. Central Union County. Belen. Southwestern Valencia County. Alt. 1,459 meters. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 757 Bell. Northeastern Colfax County. Alt. 2,464 meters. Bell Ranch. Eastern San Miguel County. Ben Moore. Eastern Grant County near Santa Rita. The name is no longer in use. Berendo Creek. Southern Sierra County, heading in the Black Range. Berendo River. Near Roswell, western Chaves County. Bernal. Alt. 1,850 meters. See Ojo de Bernal. Bernalillo. Southeastern Sandoval County. Alt. 1,555 meters. Beulah. Northwestern San Miguel County. Alt. 2,410 meters. Big Hatchet Mountains. Southeastern Grant County. Bishops Cap. Peak at the south end of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Black Lake. Southwest corner of Colfax County. Black Range. In eastern Grant and western Sierra County. The highest peak has an altitude of 3,106 meters. Black Rock. On the Zuni Reservation, southwestern McKinley County. Alt. 1,952 meters. Blazers Mill. In the Mesealero Apache Reservation on Tularosa Creek, Otero County. Bloomfield. Northeastern San Juan County. Alt. 1,662 meters. Blue Creek. Western Grant County. Blue Water. Northern Valencia County. Alt. 1,986 meters. Blue Water River. Northern Valencia County. Bonito Creek. Southern Lincoln County, heading in the White Mountains. Bosque Seco. In the Mesilla Valley, southern Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,162 meters. Boulder Lake. Central Rio Arriba County. Box Canyon. East of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County. This name is used extensively throughout the region for any narrow canyon with high vertical walls. Box S Spring. Southern McKinley County, south of Fort Wingate. Brazos. Northeastern Rio Arriba County. Brazos Canyon. Northeastern Rio Arriba County. Bremonds Ranch. Near Roswell, Chaves County. Brice. Southwestern Otero County. Brockmans Ranch. Eastern Grant County. Buchanan. Southern Guadalupe County. Bueyeros. Southern Union County. Bullards Peak. Northern Grant County. Bull Camp. In the Gallinae Mountains, north-centra] Socorro County. Burro Mountains. Central Grant County. The highest peak has an altitude of about 2,460 meters. Cabra Spring. Southern San Miguel County. Cacti - Flat. Northwestern Grant County. Cambray. Eastern Luna County . Alt. L ,288 meters, Camekon Cubes. (Tear Fort Bayard, eastern Granl County, Canada Alamosa. A narrow valley above Monticello in northern Sierra County. All. I ,995 meters. Canada Creek. A stream running through tin- Canada Alamosa. Canadian Rivek. Running through Colfax, Mora, San Miguel, and Quay counties, Canjilon. Eastern Rio Arriba County, Canyom m>. Eastern Santa Fe County. Alt. 2,090 meters. Canton Largo, in eastern San Juan and western l'i<> Arriba counties. Canyon' hi. < 'im.ua. The head of this canyon Lain the mountains of western San Juan County, The main ]>arl el* tlie < anynn lies in Arizona. Capita . Moi mtains. Southern Lincoln County. The highest point, Capitan Peak, lus an altitude of 3,057 meters, Carijslb, Northwestern Grant County. 758 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Carlsbad. Eddy County. Alt. 946 meters. Formerly known as Eddy. Carpenter Creek. At the south end of the Black Range. Carrizalillo Mountains. Southwest corner of Luna County. Carbizo Creek. Northeastern Otero County. Carrizo Mountains. Northwestern corner of San Juan County, extending into Arizona. Carrizozo. Southwestern Lincoln County. Alt. 1,656 meters. Carson National Forest. Comprises a large part of eastern Rio Arriba County, extending to Taos and Sandoval counties. Catskill. Northwestern Union County. Causey. Southeast corner of Roosevelt County. Cave Canyon. Near Mangas Springs, Grant County. Cebolla. Western Mora County. Alt. 2,287 meters. Cebolla Springs. Eastern Valencia County. Cedar Creek. Near Mescalero Agency, Otero County. Cedar Hill. Northwestern San Juan County. Alt. 1,830 meters. Cedar Spring. Florida Mountains, Luna County. Central. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,820 meters. Cerrillos. Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,788 meters. Chama. Northeastern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 2,393 meters. Chama River. Rio Arriba County; a tributary of the Rio Grande. Chamberino. Southeastern Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,147 meters. Chamita. Southeastern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 1,715 meters. Chaves. Southeastern corner of Valencia County. Alt. 1,545 meters. Cherokee Bill Spring. On the Mescalero Apache Reservation near Ruidoso post-office. Chicorico Canyon. Near Raton, Colfax County. Chincheritas Mountains. A low range in western Socorro County between Datil and Quemado. Chiz. A small Mexican town in northwestern Sierra County near Fairview. Chloride. Northwestern Sierra County. Chosa Spring. An alkali spring in northwestern Otero County near Tularosa. Chupadero Mesa. Northeastern Socorro County. Chusca Canyon. Southwestern San Juan County. Chusca Mountains. On the Navajo Reservation in southwestern San Juan and northwestern McKinley counties. The highest peaks have an altitude of 2,625 meters. Cienaga Ranch. Southeastern Grant County. Cimarron. Western Colfax County. Alt. 1,947 meters. Cimarron River. Northern Union County. Another stream of the same name is in Colfax County. City of Rocks. An area of peculiarly sculptured rocks northeast of Hudson in southeastern Grant County. Clark. Southern Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,852 meters. Clayton. Eastern Union County. Alt. 1,544 meters. Clemow. Socorro County, between Magdalena and Socorro. Alt. 1,649 meters. Cleveland. "Western Mora County. Alt. 2,165 meters. Cliff. Northwestern Grant County. Alt. 1,379 meters. Cloudcroft. Northeastern Otero County. Alt. 2,745 meters. Cloverdale. Southwestern Grant County. Clovis. Southeastern Curry County. Cobre. See Santa Rita. Cohnos. Colfax County. Cold Spring Canyon. Sacramento Mountains, northeastern Otero County. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOE A OF NEW MEXICO. 759 Colfax. Colfax County. Colorado. Northwestern Dona Ana County. Condes Camp. Western Grant County on the Arizona line. Cook. Northern Luna County. Cooks Peak. Northern Luna County. Alt. 2,532 meters. Cooks Spring. Northern Luna County. Alt. 1,319 meters. Coolidge. Southern McKinley County east of Gallup. Alt. 2,128 meters. Now known as Guam . Cooney. Southwestern Socorro County. Alt. 1,784 meters. Copper Canyon. Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County. Copper Flat. Near Fort Bayard, Grant County. Copper Mines. See Santa Rita del Cobre. Costilla Pass. Northeastern Taos County. Alt. 3,107 meters. Costilla Range. Northeastern Taos County. Costilla Peak has an altitude of 3,853 meters. Cowles. On the Pecos River in northwestern San Miguel County. Alt. 2,440 meters. Cox Canyon. In the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Coyote Creek. Western Mora and southwestern Colfax counties. Coyote Spring. Near Carrizozo, southwestern Lincoln County. Chains Ranch. In Mule Creek basin, northwestern Grant Count}-. Craters. Central Valencia County. Crawkords Ranch. On Deer Creek, southwestern Grant County. Crews Mesa. Near Beulah, northwestern San Miguel County. Cross L Ranch. In Cimarron Canyon, northeastern Union County. Cubero. Northeastern Valencia Comity. Alt. 1,802 meters. Cuchillo. Northern Sierra County. CucniLLo Negro. Small stream in northern Sierra County. CUEVA. In the west side of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Daii.ky Canyon. Near Beulah, northwestern San Miguel County. Dark Canyon. In the Guadalupe Mountains, southwestern Eddy County. The name is often used throughout the State. Another Dark Canyon is in the White Mountains in northeastern Otero County. Datil. Central Socorro County. Alt. 2,318 meters. Datil Mountains. Western Socorro County. One of the highest peak.-, measured by the Wheeler Survey, has an altitude of 2.879 meters. Dayton. Northwestern Eddy County. Alt. 1,006 meters. Deer Creek. Extreme southwestern Grant County, near the Mexican Boundary. Defiance. In Arizona just across the line from northwestern McKinley County. Alt. 2,148 met Delaware Cheek. A tributary of the Pecos on the southern edge of Eddy County. Dei Norte. See Rio < rrande. Dkmi.ng. Central Luna County. Alt. L, 316 meters. Desert. Southwestern Otero County. Alt. 1,240 meters, Di ^ Moines. Northwestern Union County. Alt. 2,023 meters. iM Park. En the Mogollon Mountains north of < looney, w estern Socorro County. Dexter. Southern Chaves County. Alt. 1,052 meters. Diamond A Wells. Grant County, south of Silver City. Guadalupe M itains, southwestern Eddy County. I )•". \l"i \i \i \s. Southern < rranl < !ounty. I>... Spring. Southeast corner of < Irani County. Alt. L,432 met Dona Ana. I lentral Dona Lna < lounty. Alt. i. LOO mel I I \ 'I C( 111 I . ■ 1 !>n|i:l \n;i ( 'i.lHltV. Dob \. Southeastern Roosoa ell ' ty. 7G0 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Dripping Spring. On the west side of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County, at Van Pattens Camp. Dry Creek. Southwestern Socorro County. There is a Little Dry and a Big Dry Creek in the region. Duck Creek. Northwestern Grant County. Dulce. Northern edge of Rio Arriba County. Alt. 2,062 meters. Agency of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. Dulce Lake. Northern Rio Arriba County. Duran. Southeastern Torrance County. Alt. 1,830 meters. Durfeys Well. South edge of San Augustine Plains, west and a little south of Magdalena, Central Socorro County. Dwyer. Eastern Grant County. Eagle Creek. In the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Eagle Peak. Northeastern Grant County. Alt. 2,986 meters. East Canyon: Northeastern Grant County. East Fork of the Gila. Southwestern Socorro County. East Las Vegas. Western San Miguel County. Alt. 1,947 meters. East View. Western Torrance County. Alt. 2,135 meters. Eddy. Now known as Carlsbad. El Cedro. Manzano Mountains, eastern Bernalillo County. Elida. Southwestern Roosevelt County. Alt. 1,325 meters. Elizabethtown. Western Colfax County. Alt. 2,582 meters. Elk. Southwestern Chaves County. Elk Canyon. Sacramento Mountains, northeastern Otero County. Elk Mountain. Northwest corner of San Miguel County. Alt. 3,507 meters. Ellis Ranch. In the Sandia Mountains, southeastern Sandoval County. El Rito. There are two El Ritos in New Mexico: One in eastern Rio Arriba County — Wooton's records in 1904; the other in eastern Valencia County — Rusby's records, and Wooton's in 1892 and 1906. Alt. of latter 2,071 meters. El Rito Creek." Southeastern Rio Arriba County. El Rito Draw. Southeastern Rio Arriba County. El Vado. Central Rio Arriba County. Embudo. Southeastern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 1,770 meters. Emory Peak. Southern Grant County. Emory's 5th Monument. Near Columbus, southern edge of Luna County. Emory Spring. Southern Grant County. Endee. Eastern Quay County. Engle. Eastern Sierra County. Alt. 1,458 meters. Ensenada. Northern Rio Arriba County. Ensenada Creek. Northern Rio Arriba County. Espanola. Southeastern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 1,700 meters. ' Estancia. Central Torrance County. Alt. 1,885 meters. Fairview. Northwestern Sierra County. Alt. 1,891 meters. Falves. A ranch in the Sacramento Mountains near Cloudcroft. Farmington. Northern San Juan County. Alt. 1,525 meters. Felix. Southwestern Chaves County. Fierro. Northeastern Grant County. Alt. 2,030 meters. Filmore Canyon. In the west side of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Fitzgerald Cienaga. A marshy flat in the mountains north of Reserve, western Socorro County. Flora Vista. Northern San Juan County. Alt. 1,676 meters. Florida Mountains. Central Luna County. Florida Peak has an altitude of 2,225 meters. Folsom. Northwestern Union County. Alt. 1,955 meters. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 761 Fort Bayard. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,850 meters. Fort Craig. On the Rio Grande, southern Socorro County. Alt. 1,357 meters. Fort Cummlnos. Northern Luna County. Alt. 1,457 meters. Fort Defiance. In Arizona, just across the line from northwestern McKinley County. Alt. 2,148 meters. Fort Eilmore. Southern Dona Ana County. Fort Selden. On the Rio Grande, central Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,206 meters. Fort Stanton. Southern Lincoln County. Alt. 1,875 meters. Fort Tularosa. Western Socorro County. Alt. 2,055 meters. Fort Union. Southern Mora County. Alt.. 2, 047 meters. Fort Wingate. Southern McKinley County. Alt. 2,14G meters. Franeys Peak. Near Fort Bayard, eastern Grant County. Franklin Mountains. Southeastern Dona Ana County. Most of the range lies in Texas, only the north end extending into New Mexico. Fray Cristobal. Range in northeastern Sierra County. Alt. 2,027 meters. Fresnal. In the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Nov.- known as Wooten. Fresnal Creek. In the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Frio Draw. Northern Guadalupe County. Frisco. Western Socorro County. Alt. 1,735 meters. The name is applied to a little settlement and to a river, the latter usually written San Francisco on the maps, but never referred to by that name. Fruitland. Northern San Juan County. Alt. 1,500 meters. Fulton. Western San Miguel County. Gage. Western Luna Counly. Alt. 1,369 meters. Galisteo. Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,865 meters. Gallinas Canyon. Western San Miguel County. The canyon through which runs the Gallinas River. Gallinas Mountains. Torrance and Lincoln counties. The highest peak has an altitude of 2,974 meters. Gallinas Planting Station. In the Las Vegas Mountains, northwestern San Miguel County. Gallinas River. San Miguel County. Gallo Spring. Western Socorro County. Alt. 2,314 meters. Gallup. Western McKinley County. Alt. 1,976 meters. Garfield. Northwest corner of Dona Ana County. Gavilan Creek. In the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Georgetown. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,969 meters. Gila. Northern Grant County. Alt. 1,232 meters. (.ii a Hot Springs. On the Gila River, northwestern Granl County. Gila National Forest. Includes i he Mogollon, Black, and Burro ranges in Socorro, Sierra, and Grant counties. (in a River. In western Grant and Socorro counties. ( in mhim.s Ranch. On Eagle ('reek in the While Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Alt. 2,257 meters. Glencoe. Southeastern Lincoln County. Alt. L,708 m< ( 1 1 bnwood. On the Rio Frisco, southwestern Socorro County. Alt. L,525 meters. Glortxta. Eastern Santa Fe County. Alt. 2,262 meters. Glordbta M"i mains. Mountains oear Glorieta, Santa Fe County. Goat Iffoi ntatn. A.1 Raton, northern Colfax County. Golo Gulch. Northern ( Irani ( kmnty. G O S Ran* ii. Northeastern Granl County. (ii.AHAM. Southwestern Socorro County. Alt. L,677 meters. Gband Canton of the Gila. NTorl ^western Granl County. Grant. Northern Valencia County. Alt. L.985 meters. 762 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Grants Station. See Grant. Grass Mountain. East of the Pecos River, in the mountains of extreme northwest- ern San Miguel County. Gray. Southern Lincoln County. Grays Peak. In the Capitan Mountains, southeastern Lincoln County. Greenwood Canyon. Near Mangas Springs, northern Grant County. Grosstedt Place. Near Gallo Spring, in western Socorro County. Guadalupe Canyon. Southwest corner of Grant County. Guadalupe Mountains. In southeastern Otero and southwestern Eddy counties. Guadalupe Pass. Southwest corner of. Grant County. Guadalupita. Northwestern Mora County. Alt. 2,341 meters. Hachita. Southwestern Grant County. Alt. 1,376 meters. Hadleys Springs. Southeastern Sierra County. Hanover Mountain. Eastern Grant County, near Hanover. Alt. 2,256 meters. Harrington Ranch. Near Fort Bayard, northeastern Grant County. Harrisons Ranch. About half a mile south of Pecos, western San Miguel County. Harveys Upper Ranch. In the Las Vegas Range, northwestern San Miguel County. Alt. 2,928 meters. Hatchet Ranch. Southern Grant County, southwest of Hachita. Head and Wilson Ranch. Northwestern Grant County, north of Carlisle. Hebron. Northern Colfax County. Alt. 1,880 meters. Hell Canyon. Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County. Hermanas. Southwestern Luna County. Alt. 1,357 meters. Hermits Peak. In the Las Vegas Range, northwestern San Miguel County. Alt. 3,111 meters. Hermosa. Western Sierra County. Hess Ranch. In the Guadalupe Mountains, southwestern Eddy County. Highrolls. In the Sacramento Mountains, northern OterO County. Alt. 1,982 meters. Hillsboro. Southwestern Sierra County. Alt. 1,593 meters. Hillsboro Peak. In the Black Range, western Sierra County. Alt. 3,068 meters. Hillsboro Road. The wagon road from Arrey to Hillsboro, southwestern Sierra County. Holts Ranch. See Lone Pine. Holy Ghost Creek. A tributary of the Pecos, in the mountains of the northwest corner of San Miguel County. Hondo Canyon. On the east side of the White Mountains, southeastern Lincoln County. Hondo Hill. On the east side of the White Mountains, southeastern Lincoln County. Hop Canyon. Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County. Hope. Northwestern Eddy County. Hopkins Mill. Near Arrey, in the Rio Grande Valley, southern Sierra County. Horace. Northern Valencia County. Alt. 1,952 meters. Horse Camp. Northeast of Fairview, about on the line between Sierra and Socorro counties. Horse Spring. Western Socorro County. Alt. 2,149 meters. Horsethief Canyon. In the mountains of Pecos National Forest. Hurrah Creek. Northern Guadalupe County. Ice Canyon. In the west side of the Organ Mountains, southeastern Dona Ana County. Indian Butte. San Mateo Mountains, Socorro County. Indian Canyon. In the Animas Mountains, southern Grant County. Indian Creek. A tributary of the Pecos, in northwestern San Miguel County. Inscription Rock. Northwestern Valencia County. Alt. 2,207 meters. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLOEA OF NEW MEXICO. 763 Iron Creek. In the south end of the Black Range. James Canyon. In the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Jarilla. Southern Otero County. Jarilla Junction. Southern Otero County. Alt. 1,259 meters. Jemez Mountains. Rio Arriba and Sandoval counties. The highest peak has an altitude of 2,939 meters. Jewett. On the San Juan River, northern San Juan County. Sometimes known as Liberty. Jewett Spring and Jewett Gap. Western Socorro County, north of Reserve. Jicarilla Mountains. On the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, Rio Arriba County. Johns Canyon. Near Beulab, northwestern San Miguel County. Johnsons Basin. Extreme western Socorro County, near the Arizona line. Johnsons Mesa. Northeastern Colfax County. Jornada del Muerto. A wide, sandy plain east of the Rio Grande in Socorro, Sierra, and Dona Ana counties. Joseph. Western Socorro County. Alt. 2,059 meters. Juniper Spring. Southwest corner of Grant County. Kelly. Central Socorro County. Alt. 2,287 meters. Kellys Ranch. On the Frisco River between Alma and Reserve, western Socorro County. Kellys Spring. In the Lincoln National Forest. Kennedy. Central Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,832 meters. Kiehnes Ranch. On the Bio Negrito, western Socorro County. Kingman. Western edge of San Miguel County. Alt. 2,076 meters. Kingston. Southwestern Sierra County. Alt. 1,982 meters. Knowles. Northeast corner of Eddy County. La Cuesta. A little town on the Pecos River a few miles above Anton ( hico, north- western Guadalupe County. La Cueva. Near Las Vegas, San Miguel County. Lacy. Northern Roosevelt Count y. Laguna. Eastern Valencia County. Alt. 1,790 im i Laguna Colorado. Southeastern San Miguel and northeastern Guadalupe counties. La Jara Lake. On the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, northern Rio Arriba County. Lake Arthur. Southern Chaves County. All. 1,027 meters. Lake La Jara. <)n the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, Rio Arriba County. Lake Peak. In the Santa Fe Mountains, northeastern Santa Fe County. Alt. 3,784 met Lake Valley. Southern Siena County. Alt. 1,651 meters. Lakewood. Eddy County. Alt. 1,006 meters. La Land e. Northwestern Roosevelt County. Alt. 1,220 meters. La Luz. • Northern Otero County. Alt. urometers. I.\ Luz Canton. Northern Otero County. I, amy. Banta Fe County. Alt. 1,970 meters. \\imas. Southern Granl County. ..mis. Central Dona Ana County. Alt. L,181 meters. I, as Hi kktas Canyon. In the Sandia Mountains, .southeastern Sandoval County. Las I tot \itas. Near Lac V. m . San Miguel County. Las Paxokas. < >n t lie Rio Grande, central Sierra County. Alt. L,258 metei Las Palomas Hot Springs. Central Sierra County. Alt 1,26 I. as Pla.1 \s Springs Southern Grant County. Las Vbgas. Eastern San Miguel County. Alt. 1,947 meters, i EotSprj ! tern San Miguel County. Alt. 2,047 meters. ! . boas Rang] Northwestern San Miguel County. Lava. Southeastern Socorro County. Alt. 1,435 mi 764 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Leachs Post Office. Southeastern Roosevelt County. Lemitar. Eastern Socorro County. Alt. 1,407 meters. Lemttae Spring. Eastern Socorro County. Leopold. East of the Burro Mountains, Grant County. Lincoln. Southeastern Lincoln County. Lincoln National Forest. In Lincoln and Torrance counties. Little Buck Mine. Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Little Burro Mountains. Northern Grant County. Little Creek. In the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Little Florida Mountains. Luna County. Ltvermore Spring. Southern Grant County. Llano Estacado. Plains covering most of eastern New Mexico east of the Pecos River as far north as Quay County. Logan. Northern Quay County. Alt. 1,166 meters. Lone Mountain. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,921 meters. Lone Pine. Southwestern Socorro County. Alt. 1,826 meters. Long Canyon. Northwestern Union County near Folsom. Longs Ranch. Southeastern Roosevelt County. Lookout Mines. At the south end of the Black Range, southwestern Sierra County. Lordsburg. Central Grant County. Alt. 1,296 meters. Los Lunas. Eastern Valencia County. Alt. 1,474 meters. Los Moros. This is probably meant for El Moro or Inscription Rock. It is a desig- nation used on some of Bigelow's labels. Los Pilares. Some beautifully sculptured rocks in western Valencia County near Atarque de Garcia. Lost River. Near Tularosa, northeastern Otero County. Lower Plaza. Western Socorro County. Alt. 1,720 meters. Another name for Frisco. Luera Spring. Central Socorro County. Alt. 2,314 meters. Luna. Western edge of Socorro County. Alt. 2,287 meters. Luna Valley. Western Socorro County. Lynn. Northern edge of Colfax County. Alt. 2,291 meters. Madera. In the Sandia Mountains. Magdalena. Central Socorro County. Alt. 1,998 meters. Magdalena Mountains. Central Socorro County. The highest peak has an alti- tude of 3,293 meters. Malaga. Southern Eddy County. Alt. 915 meters. Malones Crossing. Otero County, northeast of the White Sands. Malones Ranch. Otero County, northeast of the White Sands. Mangas Canyon. Northern Grant County. Mangas Creek. Northern Grant County. Mangas Springs. Northern Grant County. Alt. 1,464 meters. Manguitas Spring. Western Socorro County. Manzanares. Western San Miguel County. Alt. 2,004 meters. Manzanares Valley. Western San Miguel County. Manzano Mountains. In Socorro, Torrance, and Valencia counties. The highest peak has an altitude of 3,076 meters. Martin and Sloan Ranch. In western Grant County near Red Rock. Maxwell City. Central Colfax County. Alt. 1,849 meters. McCarthys Station. Northeastern Valencia County. Alt. 1,873 meters. Doctor Rusby cites what is probably the same place as McArtys Ranch on some labels. McClures Ranch. Southwestern Socorro County northeast of Mogollon. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 765 McIntosh. Northwestern Torrance County. Alt. 1,872 meters. McKinneys Park. A long eloping timbered area constituting the last approach to Mogollon Peak, southwestern Socorro County. McKnight Canyon. Northeastern Grant County, a tributary of the Rio Mimbres. Melrose. Western Curry County. Alt. 1,495 meters. Mesa Redonda. South of Tucumcari in central Quay County. Mescalero Agency. Northeastern Otero County. Alt. 1,975 meters. Mescalero Apache Reservation. Northeastern Otero County in the White and Sacramento mountains. Mesilla. Central Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,174 meters. Mesilla Park. Central Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,179 meters. Mesilla Valley. The Valley of the Rio Grande in Dona Ana County. Mesquite Lake. Southeastern Dona Ana County, in the old bed of the Rio Grande. Alt. 1,164 meters. Middle Fork of the Gila. Southwestern Socorro County iu the Mogollon Mountains. Miller Hill. Near Mangas Springs, northwestern Grant County. Mimbres. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,323 meters. Mimbres Mountains. Eastern Grant and southwestern Sierra counties. Mimbres River. Grant and Luna counties. Mineral Creek. Western Sierra County. Mineral Hill. Northwestern San Miguel County. Modoc. On the west side of the Organ Mountains, southeastern Dona Ana County. Mogollon. Southwestern Socorro County. Alt. 1,830 meters. Mogollon Creek. Northern Grant and southwestern Socorro counties, in the Mogo- llon Mountains. Mogollon Mountains. Socorro and Grant counties. The highest peak has an alti- tude of 3,202 meters. Mogollon Road. A road through the Mogollon Mountains originally designed to connect Mogollon with Magdalena, southwestern Socorro County. Monica Canyon. In the San Mateo Mountains, central Socorro County. Mo mca Spring. At the north end of the San Mateo Mountains, central Socorro County. Alt. 2,319 meters. Monument 40. See Upper Corner Monument. Monument Rock. In Santa Fe Canyon, about 9 miles above Santa Ee. Mora. Western Mora County. Alt. 2,135 meters. Mora Creek. En Mora County, flowing into the Canadian. Mora River. A tributary of the Pecos, northwestern San Miguel County. Moreno Valley. Western Colfax County. Moriarity. Northern Torrance County. Alt. 1,892 meters. Mm NTAiNAiR. Western Tomnir e ( '< mil ty. Alt. 1,997 meters. Mount Joe. Lincoln National Forest. Mount Sedgwick. In the Zuni Mountains, Valencia County. Alt. 2,851 meters. Mi le Creek. Northwestern Grant <'.,nnty. Mule Spring. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,611 meters. Nactmtento Mountain. Soutl era edge of Rio Arriba County. Alt. 3,064 meters. Nambe. Northern Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,8 II meters. Nambe Vallet. Northern Santa Fe County. NaraVxsa. Northeastern Quay County. Alt. 1,276 meters Navajo Church. An isolated rock in southern McKinley County. N Bai; Ranch. Western Socorro County, southeast oi R erve. Negrito Creek. A tributary of the Ri<> San Francisco in wi tern Socorro County. N H Ranch, Western £ i runty, north oi Resen e. Nog u - Southern Lincoln < lounty. 766 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Nogal Canyon. Southern Lincoln County. Noonday Camp. About 15 miles north of Salt Lake, southwest corner of Valencia County. Noria. South edge of San Augustine Plains, south central Socorro County. Alt. 1,254 meters. North Percha Creek. Southern Sierra County, heading in the Black Range. Nutria. On the Zuni Reservation, southwestern McKinley County. Alt. 2,115 meters. Another place of the same name is in Rio Arriba County, south of Tierra Amarilla. Nutria River. On the Zuni Reservation, southwestern McKinley County. Nutritas Creek. Central Rio Arriba County. Nutt. Northeastern Luna County. Alt. 1,430 meters. Nutt Mountain. Northeastern Luna County. Oak Canyon. Near Folsom, Northwestern Union County. Ocate Creek. Mora County. Ogle. Western Quay County. Ojo Caliente. North end of Canada Alamosa, north line of Sierra County. Ojo Caliente. On the Zuni Reservation, southwestern McKinley County. Alt. 1,921 meters. Ojo de Bernal. On the old Santa Fe Trail between Las Vegas and Pecos, a few miles east of the Pecos River. Ojo de Gavllan. Western Grant County. Ojo del Muerto. Eastern Luna County. Ojo de Vaca. Northwestern Luna County. Alt. 1,522 meters. Old Albuquerque. Bernalillo County. Old Td?top. The highest peak of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Alt. 2,777 meters. Olla. At the upper end of the Jornada del Muerto. Organ Mountains. Eastern Dona Ana County. The highest peak has an altitude of 2,777 meters. Organ Pass. The pass between the Organ and San Andreas mountains, Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,667 meters. Organ Peak. One of the principal peaks of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Orogrande. Southern Otero County. Alt. 1,258 meters. Oscuro Mountains. Eastern Socorro County. The highest peak has an altitude of 2,663 meters. Otis. Central Eddy County. Alt. 953 meters. Otto. Southern Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,891 meters. Pajarito Park. Northeastern Sandoval County. Palomas. Central Sierra County. Alt. 1,268 meters. This is also known as Las Palomas, and is the Pigeon Creek of Emory's Reconnoissance. Paquate. Northeastern Valencia County. Alt. 1,891 meters. Parkers Well. East of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Park View. Northern Rio Arriba County. Patterson. Western Socorro County. Pecos. Western San Miguel County. Alt. 1,942 meters. Pecos Baldy. Southwest corner of Mora County, in the Pecos National Forest. Alt. 3,784 meters. Pecos National Forest. Includes parts of Taos, Mora, Santa Fe, and San Miguel counties. Pecos River. The second largest stream of the State, heading in the Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains, flowing south through San Miguel, Guadalupe, Chaves, and Eddy counties. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 767 Pecos Ruins. The remains of the old pueblo of Pecos, southwest of the present town of that name, western San Miguel County. Pelmans Well or Pelmans Ranch. On the plains near the White Sands, western Otero County. Pena Blanca. Low mountain at the south end of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Percha Creek. Southern Sierra County, heading in the Black Range. Perico. Eastern Union County. Perico Creek. Eastern Union County. Pescado Spring. Southern McKinley County. Alt. 1,996 meters. Picacho. Southeastern Lincoln County. Picacho Mountain. An isolated mountain in central Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,472 meters. Pine Cienaga. Northwestern Grant County. Pino Canyon. In the Sandia Mountains. Pinos Altos. Northern Grant County. Alt. 2,088 meters. Pinos Altos Mountains. Northern Grant County. The highest peak has an alti- tude of 2,479 meters. Pitt Lake. Northern Guadalupe County. Placitas. Southeastern Sandoval County. Alt. 1,982 motors. Playas Valley. Southern Grant County. Plaza Larga. Central Quay County. I'i i:\santon. Southwest corner of Socorro County. Alt. 1,372 meters. Pojoaque. Northern Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,754 motors. Polk Canyon. Near Mangas Springs, northern Grant County. Ponchuelo Creek. A tributary of the Pecos in the mountains of the northwest corner of San Miguel County. Ponil Creek. Central Colfax County. Portales. Eastern Roosevelt County. Alt. 1,220 meters. Providencia Lake. Central Luna County. Puerco River. A tributary of the Rio Grande, running through Socorro, Valencia, and Sandoval counties. There is another stream of the same name in McKinley County. Puertecito. Northwestern Socorro County. Quay. Central Quay County. Queen. In the Guadalupe Mountains, southwestern Eddy County. Alt. 1,800 meters. Quemado. Northwestern Socorro County. Also known as Rito Quemado. Ramah. Southwestern McKinley County. Alt. 2,135 meters. Ranchos de Taos. Central Taos County. Raton. Northwestern Colfax County. Alt. 2,020 motor-. Raton Mountains. Northwestern Colfax County, lying partly in Colorado. The highest peak lias an altitude of 2,544 meters. Red Lake. Southern Roosevelt County. REDLA.vtis. Boutho;i>t ooriior of Roosevelt County. Redrock. Northwestern Grant County. R] DSTOM i , Eastern ( Irani. County. Reservk. Western Socorro County. Relets Ra ch. On the west, side of the Organ Mountains, southeastern Dona Ana County; now abandoned. Northwestern Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,232 met Rio Aj lmoba. Southern Socorro and northern Siena run mm Rio'Ai-aohi.. Western Socorro County. The same as Apache Creek. 768 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Rio Blanco. Eastern San Juan County. Rio Bonito. In the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Rio del Norte. See Rio Grande. Rio de Santa Fe. A small stream running down from the Santa Fe Mountains, through Santa Fe. Rio Fresnal. In the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Rio Frisco. Western Socorro County. Rio Gila. One of the principal streams of the State, heading in the Mogollon Moun- tains, flowing through Socorro and Grant counties. Rio Grande. The principal river of the State, flowing across it from the middle of the north boundary to about the middle of the southern boundary. Rio Hondo. Western San Miguel County. Another of the same name is in Lincoln and Chaves counties. Rio Laguna. Eastern Valencia County. Rio Mimbres. In Grant and Luna counties. Rio Nambe. Northern Santa Fe County, heading in the Santa Fe Range. Rio Negrito. Western Socorro County. Rio Pecos. See Pecos River. Rio Pueblo. Southern Taos County. Rio Puerco. See Puerco River. Rio Ruidoso. In the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Rio San Francisco. Western Socorro County. Rio San Jose. Eastern Valencia County. Rio Seco. South of the Gallinas Mountains, Lincoln County. Rio Tesuque. Northern Santa Fe County, heading in the Santa Fe Range. Rio Zuni. On the Zuni Reservation, southwestern McKinley County. Rito Questado. Northwestern Socorro County. Alt. 2,082 meters. Rivera. Western San Miguel County. Robs Canyon. Western Sierra County. Rociada. Northwestern San Miguel County. Alt. 2,257 meters. Rocky Canyon. Northeastern Grant County. Ropes Spring. San Andreas Mountains, Dona Ana County. Rosa. Northeast corner of San Juan County. Alt. 1,830 meters. Roswell. Chaves County. Alt. 1,0S5 meters. Round Mountain. On Tularosa Creek above Tularosa, northern Otero County. This is the locality referred to in the citation of specimens, unless otherwise stated. There is another Round Mountain on the upper Pecos River above Winsors Ranch, northwest corner of San Miguel County. Alt. of the latter 3,385 meters. Rowe. Western edge of San Miguel County. Alt. 2,078 meters. Roy. Eastern Mora County. Alt. 1,795 meters. Ruidoso. In the White Mountains, on the southern edge of Lincoln County. Alt. 2,059 meters. Ruidoso Creek. In the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Sabinal. Northeastern Socorro County. Alt. 1,447 meters. Sacramento Mountains. Eastern Otero County Saddle Rock Canyon Near Mangas Springs, western Grant County. St. Vrain. Southern Curry County. Alt. 1,298 meters. Salado Canyon. Southern Lincoln County. Salazar. Southwestern Sandoval County. Salinas. Northern Otero County. Salt Lake. Northwestern Socorro County. San Andreas Mountains. Southeastern Socorro and northwestern Dona Ana counties. San Antonio. Eastern Socorro County. Alt. 1,378 meters. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 769 San Augustine Pass. North end of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. San Augustine Plains. Central Socorro County. Alt. 2,060 meters. San Augustine Ranch. On the east side of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Sandia Mountains. Bernalillo and Sandoval counties. The highest peak has an altitude of 3,236 meters. San Francisco Mountains. Western Socorro County. San Ignacio. Western San Miguel County. San Juan. Southeastern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 1,708 meters. San Juan River. Northern San Juan County. San Lorenzo. Northeastern Grant County. Alt. 1,862 meters. San Luis Mountains. Southern Grant County. San Luis Pass. Southern Grant County. San Marcial. Southeastern Socorro County. Alt. 1,354 meters. San Mateo Mountains. Southern Socorro County. San Mateo Peak. At the south end of the San Mateo Range, Socorro County. Alt. 3,114 meters. San Mateo Spring. San Mateo Mountains, Socorro County. San Miguel. Western San Miguel County. Alt. 1,836 meters. San Miguel. Southern Dona Ana County. San Rafael. Northern Valencia County. Alt. 1,985 meters. Santa Antonita. Sandia Mountains. Santa Barbara. Northern Dona Ana County. Santa Clara Canyon. Northeast corner of Sandoval County. Santa Fe. Santa Fe County. Alt. 2,117 meters. Santa Fe Canyon. Canyon of Santa Fe Creek. Santa Fe Creek. A small stream heading in the Santa Fe Range and flowing through Santa Fe. Santa Fe Mountains. Santa Fe and San Miguel counties. Santa Rita. Eastern Grant County. Alt. 1,879 meters. This was originally known as Santa Rita del Cobre. In the earlier reports it is called Copper Mines or Cobre. Santa Rita Mountain. Northeastern Grant County. S.wta Rosa. Central Guadalupe County. Alt. 1,407 meters. Santo Domingo. Eastern Sandoval County. Alt. 1,583 meters. Sapello Canyon. Northwestern San Miguel County in the Las Vegas Range. Sawyers Peak. Black Range, western Sierra County. Schoolhouse Canyon. In the White Mountains, southwestern Lincoln County. Siiai.am. Central Dona Ana County. Siiaiam Eills. Mountains west of the Rio Grande, opposite Shalam, Dona Ana County. SHEEP MOUNTAIN. In the San Andreas Mountains, northeastern Dona Ana County. Shingle Canton. Northeastern Grant County. Shtprock. On the Sao Juan River, northwestern San Juan County. Alt. {,425 meters. Sia. Central Sandoval County. Si i bra Blanca. White Mountains, Lincoln County. SlERBA DE i LS Ammas. Southern Grant County. Sn i.i;\ Gbandb. An isolated peak in northwestern Onion County. Silver Crrr. Northern Grant County. Alt. L, 768 meters. Silver City DRAW. Northern Crant County. Si i. v Kit SruiNi; C.\\y<>\. Sacramento Mountains, ( hero ( mi nt y. Sixn in Spring Canyon. Sacramento Mountains, eastern < Hero County. s bbo. Eastern Socorro County. Ah. 1,393 meters. 52676° — 18 49 770 CONTKIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Socorro Mountains. Eastern Socorro County. Alt. 2,220 metera. Soledad Canyon. In the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. South Berendo Creek. Near Roswell, Chaves County. South Spring. Near Roswell, Chaves County. South Spring River. Near Roswell, Chaves County. Spirit Lake. In the Pecos National Forest, Santa Fe or San Miguel County. Springer. Southern Colfax County. Alt. 1,759 meters. Stanley. Southern Santa Fe County. Alt. 1 ,927 meters. Star Peak. In the Black Range, western Sierra County. Steins Pass. Western Grant County. Alt. 1,327 meters. Stinking Lake. On the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, Rio Arriba County. Alt. 2,190 meters. Strauss Station. Southeastern Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,245 meters. Sullivans Hole. Southern Socorro County. Sulphur Springs. Southwestern San Juan County. Suwanee. Eastern Valencia County. Swan Canyon. In the Burro Mountains, Grant County Sycamore Creek. Northern Grant County. Taos. Central Taos County. Alt. 2,130 meters. Taos Mountains. Eastern Taos County. Taos Peak has an altitude of 4,011 meters. Teel. Eastern Grant County. Telegraph Mountains. West of Mangas Springs, northwestern Grant County. Tesuque. Northern Santa Fe County. Alt. 1,904 meters. Texico. Southeastern Curry County on the Texas boundary line. Alt. 1,262 meters. Texline. In Texas, but on the boundary line, east of Clayton. Alt. 1,433 meters. Thoreau. Southern McKinley County. Alt. 2,135 meters. Thornton. Eastern Sandoval County. Alt. 1,603 meters. Three Rivers. North edge of Otero County. Alt. 1,387 meters. Tierra Amarilla. Northern Rio Arriba County. Alt. 2,277 meters. Tierra Blanca. Southwestern Sierra County. Tijeras. In the Sandia Mountains, Bernalillo County. Alt. 1,895 meters. Tijeras Canyon. In the Sandia Mountains, Bernalillo County. Tiznitzin. Southern San Juan County. Alt. 1,769 meters. Toboggan. Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Alt. 2,351 meters. Torrance. Southeastern Torrance County. Alt. 1,961 meters. Torrevios. Fifty miles northwest of Magdalena. Tortugas. A low, isolated mountain southeast of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County. Tres Hermanas. Three isolated peaks in southern Luna County. Alt. 2,181 meters. Trinchera Pass. Northwestern Union County. Alt. 2,159 meters. Trout Spring. West of Las Vegas, western San Miguel County. Truchas Peak. Southeastern corner of Rio Arriba County. Alt. 4,012 meters. Trujillo Creek. Southern Sierra County. Tucumcari. Central Quay County. Alt. 1,276 meters. Tucumcari Mountain. Central Quay County. Tuerto Mountain. Near Santa Fe, Santa Fe County. Tularosa. Northern Otero County. Alt. 1,325 meters. Tularosa Creek. Northern Otero County. Tularosa River. Western Socorro County. Tunitcha Mountains. Western San Juan County. Turners Ranch. Northwest of Tularosa, northwestern Otero County. Turquoise. Western Otero County. Alt. 1,247 meters. Upper Corner Monument. Southwest corner of Luna County, one of the monu- ments marking the Mexican Boundary. WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 771 Upper Pecos River. That part of the Pecos lying in the mountains above the town of Pecos. Ute Park. Western Colfax County. Alt. 2,350 meters. Valle Santa Rosa. In the Jemez Mountains, southern Rio Arriba County. Valverde. Southern Socorro County. Van Pattens Camp. On the west side of the Organ Mountains, Dona Ana County. Vega de San Jose. Northwestern Valencia County. Vermejo Peak. Northwestern Colfax County. Victoria. Southern Dona Ana County. Alt. 1,153 meters. V Pasture. On Ruidoso Creek northwest of Ruidoso Post Office, southern Lincoln County. V Ranch. East of Alto, southern Lincoln County. Wagon Mound. Central Mora County. Alt. 1,884 meters. Warm Spring. Near Fay wood, southeastern Grant County. Water Canyon. Magdalena Mountains, central Socorro County. Watrous. Southern edge of Mora County. Alt. 1,951 meters. West Fork op the Gila. Southwestern Socorro County, in the Mogollon Moun- tains. Wheeler Peak. Western Colfax County. Sometimes confused with Taos Peak. Wheelers Ranch. On Apache Creek, western Socorro County. White Mountain Peak. North edge of Otero County. Alt. 3,624 meters. White Mountains. In southern Lincoln and northern Otero counties. White Oaks. Western Lincoln County. Alt. 1,973 meters. White Sands. Western Otero County. Alt. 1,185 meters. White Water. In Chihuahua, near the southern edge of Grant County, New Mexico. Willard. Central Torrance County. Alt. 1,858 meters. Willow Creek. A tributary of the Gila River, on the east slopes of the Mogollon Range, southwestern Socorro County. Willow Creek. A tributary of the Chama River near Chama, Rio Arriba County. Wingfields Ranch. On Ruidoso Creek in the White Mountains, southern Lincoln County. Winsor Creek. A small tributary of the Pecos in the mountains of the northwest corner of San Miguel County. Winsors Ranch. On the Upper Pecos near the northwest corner of San Miguel County. Alt. 2,562 meters. Winter Folly. Sacramento Mountains, Otero County. Wolf Creek. Southern Mora County. Zuni. Southwest corner of McKinley County. Zuni Mountains. McKinley and Valencia counties. Zuni Reservation. Southwestern McKinley County. LIST OF NEW GENERA, SPECIES, AND HYBRIDS, AND NEW NAMES. Page. Oreolirion arizonicum (Rothr.) Bicknell 147 Sisyrinchium arizonicum Rothr. Quercus emoryiXpungens Woot. & Standi 169 Quercus griseaXemoryi Woot. & Standi 170 Quercus arizonicaXgrisea Woot. & Standi 171 Razoumofskya microcarpa (Engelm.) Woot. & Standi 179 Arceuthobium douglasii microcarpum Engelm. Alsine cuspidata (Willd.) Woot. & Standi 236 Stellaria cuspidata Willd. Radicula terrestris (R. Br.) Woot. & Standi 284 Nasturtium terrestre R. Br. Chamaecrista wrightii (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi 335 Cassia wrightii A. Gray. Astragalus proximus (Rydb.) Woot. & Standi 366 Homalobus proximus Rydb. Astragalus impensus (Sheld.) Woot. & Standi 369 Astragalus viridis impensus Sheld. Oxytropis richardsoni (Hook.) Woot. & Standi 370 Oxytropis splendens richardsoni Hook. Oxytropis pinetorum (Heller) Woot. & Standi 371 Aragallus pinetorum Heller. Oxytropis vegana (Cockerell) Woot. & Standi 371 Aragallus pinetorum veganus Cockerell. Polygala parvifolia (Wheelock) Woot. & Standi 392 Poly gala lindheimeri parvifolia Wheelock. Tithymalopsis strictior (Holzinger) Woot. & Standi 396 Euphorbia strictior Holzinger. Stillingia smallii Woot. & Standi 405 Stillingia salicifolia Small, 1903, not Baill. 1865. Trionum trionum (L.) Woot. & Standi 417 Hibiscus trionum L. Hibiscus involucellatus (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi 417 Hibiscus denudatus involucellatus A. Gray. Sidanoda (Robinson) Woot. & Standi 427 Anoda section Sidanoda Robinson. Sidanoda pentaschista (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi 427 Anoda pentaschista A. Gray. Echinocereus rosei Woot. & Standi 457 Echinocereus polyacanthus Engelm. err. det. Standley, 1908. Raimannia mexicana (Spach) Woot. & Standi 470 Oenothera mexicana Spach. Acerates ivesii (Britton) Woot. & Standi 509 Asclepias viridifiora ivesii Britton. Nyctelea micrantha (Torr.) Woot. & Standi 535 Phacelia micrantha Torr. Diapedium torreyi (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi 598 Dicliptera torreyi A. Gray. 772 WOOTON AND STANDLEY FLORA OF NEW MEXICO. 773 Page. Proboscidea louisiana (Mill.) Woot. & Standi 602 Martynia louisiana Mill. Proboscidea parviflora (Wooton) Woot. & Standi 602 Martynia parviflora Wooton. Erigeron grayi Woot. & Standi 679 Erigeron stenophyllus A. Gray, 1856, not Nutt. 1847. Brachyactis woodhousei (Wooton) Woot. & Standi 682 Aster woodhousei Wooton. Ratibida columnif era (Nutt.) Woot. & Standi 706 Rudbeckia columnifera Nutt. Ratibida columnifera pulcherrima (DC.) Woot. & Standi 706 Obeliscaria pulcherrima DC. Villanova biternata (A. Gray) Woot. & Standi 725 Bahia biternata A. Gray. Mesadenia decomposita (A. Gray) Standley 749 Cacalia decomposita A. Gray. Cirsium vinaceum Woot. & Standi 751 Carduus vinaceus Woot. & Standi. Cirsium pallidum Woot. & Standi 751 Carduus pallidus Woot. & Standi. Cirsium inornatum Woot. & Standi 751 Carduus inornatus Woot. & Standi. Cirsium gilense Woot. & Standi 751 Carduus gilensis Woot. & Standi. Cirsium pulchellum (Greene) Woot. & Standi 752 Carduus pulchellus Greene. Cirsium calcareum (Jones) Woot. & Standi 752 Cnicus calcareus Jones. Cirsium perennans (Greene) Woot. & Standi 753 Carduus perennans Greene. INDEX. [Synonyms in italic] Page. Abies 34-35 Abronia 223-224 Abulilon 419-420 Acacia 328-329,330 Acalypha 403 Acamptoclados 84 Acanthaceae 597-598 Aeanthocbiton 213 Acanthus family 597-598 Acer 410-411 Aceraceae .*. 410-411 Acerates 508-509 Acbillea 733 Achroanthes 151 Achyranthes 214, 215 Achyropappus 724-725 Aciphyllaca 71G Acleisauthes 225 Acmispon 34S Acomastylis 317 Aconitum 247 Acrolasia 435-436 A crostichum 20, 25 Actaea 249 A ctinclla 727, 729, 730, 731, 732 Actinomeris 714 Acuan 330-331 Adder's mouth 151 A Jilin 496 Adenostegia 590-591 Adiantum 21 Adoxa 612 Adoxacoae 612 Agastache 562-564 Agave 145-147 Agoeeri i 624-626 Agrimonia 309 Agrimony 309 Agropyron 104-106 Agrostemma 242 70,76, 77,78-79 AHanthua 390 . Aira 82,92,98 228-229 Alt nliul, manufacture from Uasylirion 138 Aider 164 Alf.ilfa 348 Alfil.ria 381 13 42 41-42 All moM : 201 Alii ■a-.v 140 143 or Juniper 36 A 11 ion in 21S, 219-221 AUfmlaoeae AllionHla 222 Page. Allium 140-143 Allocarya 547 Allosorus 24 Almond family 324-327 Alnus 164 Alopecurus ' 73-74, 77 Alpine bistort 197 speedwell 589 Alsike 345 Alsinaceae 234-240 Alsine 235-236 A hinella 238 Alsinopsis 240 Alternanthera 213, 215 Alum root 294 Amaranth 210 family 209-216 globe 214 Amaranthaceae 209-216 Amaranthus 210-213 Amarella 501-502 Amaryllidaceae 145-147 Amaryllidales 145-148 - Amaryllis family 145-147 Amauria 725 Amblogyne 211 A mbrosia 635, 636 Ambrosiaceae 631-636 Amelanchier 322-323 Amellus 659,664 American brooklime 589 Amole 136, 146 Amorpha 349 Ampelopsis 416 Amphiaehyris 656 Amphilophis 50-51 Amsonia 504 Amygdalaccao 324-327 Anacardiaceae 405-409 Anagallla 492 Ananlhcriz 508 Anaplialis 695 Androcera 574 Andropogon 49,60,51,52 Andropus 530-531 Androsaco 493-494 Anemone 255 Aniimipsis 154 A net In mi 485 Lngelioa 481 Anglospenaae 39-753 pod 507 katfatIS 597-598 \ ni ..lot us 84 Lnoda 426,if7 A OOgn 467-460 Antelope horns 508 775 776 INDEX. Antennaria G95-697 Anthemideae 637, 645 Anthemis 733-734 Anthericum 144-145 Anthopogon 501 Antielea 129 Antirrhinum 577, 578, 579 Anulocaulis 226 Apache plume 317 Aparejo grass 71 Aphanostephus 691 Aphora 402 Aphyllon 600 Apiaceae 475-485 Apinus 32 Apium 478 Aplopappus 659, 664, 665, 666, 667 Apocy naceae 504-506 Apocynum 505-506 Apodanthera 615 Apple family 321-324 Aquilegia 248-249 Arabis £09,279-280 A ragallm 370, 371 Arales 124-125 Aralia 475 Arbutus 488-489 Arceuthobium 178,179 Archemora 484 Arctium 753 Arctostaphylos 489 Arenaria 238-239, 240 Argemone 261 Argentina 314-315 A rgyrothamnia 402 Aristida 62-65 Aristolochia 181 Aristolochiaceae 181 Aristolochiales 181 Arizona cypress 35 fescue 10? oak 1 70 pine 32 yellow pine 33 Arnica 740 Arrow grass 41 family , 41 Arrowhead 42 Arrow-wood 693 Artemisia 734-739 Arundo .80, 89-90 Asclepiadaceae 506-513 Asclepiadales 503-513 Asclepias 509-512 Asclepiodora 508 Ash 496 mountain 324 Asparagus 139 Aspen 155 Asphodel family 14-1-145 Asphodelaceae 144-145 A spidium 25, 26 Asplenium 24-25 Aster 680, 682-686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 692 family 637-753 spiny 686 Asteraceae 637-753 Asterales 618-753 Astereae 637, 638 Astragalus 356-369, 370 Astrophyllum 390 Atamasco lily 147 Atamosco 147 A telophragma 358, 363 A tenia 479 A theropogon 86, 87 Athyrium 25 Atragene 258 Atriplex 201-205 Aulospermum 48H82 A vena 81 Avens 317 Azolla 27 Baccharis 671-672 Bachelor's button 214 Baeria .* 723-724 Bahia 724, 725 Bailey, Vernon 11 Baileya 718 Ball, C. R 11 Balsam fir 35 Barberry 258 family 258-260 Bark of yellow pine, use by Indians 32 Barley, meadow 107 wall 107 Barnhart, J. H 11 Barnyard grass 59 Bartlettia 749 Bartonia 1 433, 434 Basil, wild 556 Basketry, use of Martynia fiber 601 use of Nolina 138 use of Yucca leaves 137 Bastard toadflax 181 Batanthes 526, 527 Batiflaea 320 Batis 199 Batrachium 250-251 Bean 377 coral 376 Metcalfe 378 wild 378 Bearberry 489 Beardgrass 77 Beard-tongue 579 Beargrass 137 Bebbia 740 Beckmannia 84 Bedstraw 604 northern 605 sweet-scented 606 Bee plant, Rocky Mountain 290 Beech family 164-174 Beggar-ticks 703 Bclvisia 25 Bentgrass, water 78 Berberidaceae 258-260 Berberis 258, 259, 260 Berlandiera 699-700 Bermuda grass 84 Bernardia 405 INDEX. 777 Page. Berthelotia 693 Berula 479-480 Besseya 590 Betula 163 Betulaceae 163-164 Bidens 702, 703-705 Bigelovia 601,662, 663, 665 Bignonia 601 family 600-601 Bignoniaceae 600-601 Bilderdykia 197 Bindweed 519 black 197 Biological Survey, botanical collections 10 Birch 163 family 183- 1 64 Bird-of-paradise flower 334 Bird's-foot trefoil 346 Birthwort family 181 Biscutella 269 Bistort 197 alpine 197 Bistorta 197 Bitter dock 193 Black bindweed 197 grama 87 locust 356 medic 343 nightshade 573 oak 169 raspberry 320 willo W 161 Black-eyed Susan 707 Bladder-pod 274 double 270 Bladderwort 599 family 599 Blanket flower 719 Blazing star 649 Blepharipappus 698 Blepharoneuron 74-75 Elite 206 Blitum 206 Blue curls 554 flag 148 grama 87 toadflax 577 Bluebell 616 family 616-617 Blueberry 489 B lue-ey ed grass 117 Bluegrass 98 • 1 isli 100 Kentucky L00 Btaeetem, Colorado 106 Bluets 607 I! luowced 710 Boebera 715 716 Boehmcria 176 Boerhaavia tt6,' Bommeria l'.i Borage family naceae Borrtria 006 BotteUa 8 Botany of New Mexico, bibliography 9 of Western Texas 9 Page. Bouncing Bet 240 Bouteloua 85-87 Bouvardia 606 Box elder 411 Brachiaria 67 Brachyactis 682 Brachylobus 284 Brachyris 656 Bracken 21 Bracted orchis 152 Brainerd, Ezra 11 Brake, cliff 23 Brassica. ...» 281, 288 Brassicaceae 263-289 Brayulinea 216 Brickellia 647, 651, 652, 653 Brigham Young weed 38 Brittle fern 26 Britton, N. L 11 Brittonastrum 563, 564 Briza 93 Brizopyrum 94 Brodiaea 143 Brome grass 95 Bromus 95-97 Brooklime, American 589 Brookweed 491 Broomrape 599 family 599 Broussonetia 339 Brownweed 658 Buchloc 83 Buckeye, New Mexican 412 Buckthorn 413, 414, 495 family 413-415 Buckwheat 197 family lsl-197 Buffalo berry 458 bur 574 grass 82 Bugleweed 555 Bugloss, viper's 547 Bugseed 205 Bulbills 82-83 Bulbostylis 748 Bulrush 1 14 Bumelia 495 Bunch-flower family 128-130 Bunchgrass 76 sand 73 Bur cucumber, one-seeded 614 Burdock ::.( Burnut 386 Ii ii rrii tin 724 Burro weed 301 Bursa 278 Buttercup -'"'i Butterfly weed ">n ■.skunk l-'s O* h:\liilla Oactaceae I ipf.NiA Mexico, bulletin ii 44'. ■ < hi. lelabrum i i:t oane MS family 778 INDEX. Page. Cactus, rainbow 456 tree 443 Caesalpinia 334 Calamagrostis 79-80 Calamintha 557 Calamovilfa 80 Calandr inia 233 Calceolaria 431 California poppy 262 Calliandra 328 Calligonum 204 Calliopsis 703 Callirrhoe 418 Callisteris 526, 527 Callitriehaceae 405 Callitriche 405 Calochortaceae 127-128 Calochortus 127-128 Caltha 249 Caltrop family 385-387 Calycoseris 627 Calymenia 220, 221 Calypso 150 Camass, death 130 Camelina 288, 289 Camote de raton 333 Campanula 616 Campanulaceae 616-617 Campanulales 612-617 . Campion, moss 241 Cafiaigre 191 Canary grass 61 Canatiilo 38 Cancer root 600 Candelabrum cactus 443 Candy, manufacture from Echinocactus wis- lizeni 453 Cane cacti '- 437 cactus 443 Cannabinaceae 177 Canteloupe , . . . 616 Cantua 628 Caper family 289-291 Capnoides 262-263 Capparidaceae 289-291 Caprifoliaceae 608-612 Capriola 84 Capsella 273 Cardamine 276 Cardaria 271 Carduus 761,752,753 Carex 116-124 Carlowrightia 598 Carminatia 646 Carpetweed 228, 229 family 228-229 Carphephorus 71fi Carpochaete 648 Carrizo , 89 Carrot 484 Carum 479 Caryopitys 31 Cashew family... 405-409 Cassia 334-335 Cassiaceae 332-335 Castilleja 591-594 Catalpa 600 Catclifly 241 night-flowering 242 sleepy 241 Cat-claw 331 Cathartolinum 3S2-383 Catnip 564 Cat-tail 39 family 39 Caulinia 41 Ceanothus 413-414 Cedar 36 salt 427 Ccdronella 563, 561 Celastraceae 409-410 Celery 478 Celtis 174-175 Cenchrus 61 Centaurea 749 Centaurium 498-499 Centaury 498 Century plant 145 Cerastium 230-237 Cerasus 326,327 Ceratophyllaceae 243 Ceratophyllum 243 Cercoearpus 318-319 use in dyeing 104 Cereus 455, 456, 457, 458 Cevallia 432 Chaonactis 723 Chaetochloa 60 Chamaeerista ( 335 Chamaenerion 463 Chamaesaracha 571, 574 Chamaesyce 397-401 Chamiso 204 Chaptalia 630 Charlock 281 Cheat 97 Cheilanthes 20, 21-23 Cheiranthus 282, 283 Cheirinia 281-283 Chelone 5S2 Chenopodiaceae 198-209 Chenopodiales 198-242 Chenopodina 200 Chenopodium 206-209 Cherry 327 Chestnut oak 1 71 Chick weed 236 family 234-240 mouse-ear 236 Chicobush 199 Chicory 622 family 618-030 Chilopsis 601 Chimaphila 487 China-berry 390 family 390 Chloris 83,85,86,87-88 Chokecherry 325 Chollas 437 Chondrophylla 502 INDEX. 779 Chondrosium 86, 87 Chrysactinia 714 Chrysanthemum 734 Chrysocoma 663 Chrysoma 666 Chrysopsis 658-660 Chrysothamnus 660-663 Chthonia 715 Chuchupate 480 Cichoriaceae 618-630 Cichorium 622 Cieuta 479 Cienaga, definition of 28 Cienaguilla, definition of 28 Cincinalis 20 Cinna 78 Cinquefoil 310 shrubby 316 Circaea 460 Cirsium 749-753 Cissus 416 Citrullus 615-616 Cladium 112 Cladothrix 213-214 Clammy weed 289 Clappia 719 Claiigera 651 Claytonia 233 Clematis 255, 256, 257, 258 Clementsia 292 Cleome 289, 290 Cleomella 290 Cliff brake 23 Clinopodium 556-557 Cloak fern : 19 Closed gentian 502 Clover 344 dodder 515 prairie 355 red 345 sweet 343, 344 white 345 Cnemidophacos 359, 364 Cnicus 751,752,753 Cockerell, T. D. A 10.11 Cockle, corn 242 Cocklebnr 634 Coelestina 648 Coeloglossum 152 Cogswellia 484 i 249 hi 636 mthus 650-653 Collloala 579 Cnlloinia 521,698, 6tS • Qla 378-379 Colorado blue spruce 34 biucstem 106 rubber plant 727 Columbine 248 Comandra 181 rVwrimttltna 125-126 ( SommelmaceM [36 -138 Common groundsel 743 mallow i l'.i plantain 003 Page. Common poppy 262 purslane 230 ragweed 635 sunflower 711 Conanthus 530, 531 Condalia 413 Cone flower 705, 707 Conioselinum 480 Conobea 588 Conoclinium 647 Conopholis 599 Conringia 288 Convallaria 139 Convallariaceae 138-140 Convolvulaceae 515-519 Convolvulus 518, 519 Conyza 673 Conyzella 673 Coral bean 376 root 150 Corallorhiza 150 Cordylanthus 591 Coreopsis 702, 703 Coriander 484 Coriandrum 484-485 Corispermum 205-206 Cork-bark Dr 34 Corn cockle 242 Cornaceae 474-475 Cornel 474 Cornucopiae 79 Cornus 474 Corrigiolaceae 216 Corydalis 263 Cosmidium 702 Cosmos 701-702 wild 723 Cota 703 Cotton grass 116 Cottonwood 155 mountain 156 valley 155 Coulter, J. M 9 Coulter's Rocky Mountain Flora 10 Covillea 386 Cow parsnip 484 Cowania 318 Cowherb 241 Crabgrass 54 Texan 85 Cranesbill 380 family 3 79-38 1 Crassina 700-701 Crassulaceac 2 Crataegus 823-324 Creosote bush 386 Crepla 628, 629-630 Ore , hoary 271 penny rock water 284 y.'llow Btt ii 426 in 339 Cretan 402-KH 780 INDEX. Crowfoot family 243-258 grama 88 water 250 Crownbeard 713 Crown-of-thorns 388 Crunocallis 233 Crasea 606 Crypsis 90 Cryptanthe 546-547 Cubiertas 453 Cucumis 616 Cucurbita 615 Cucurbitaceae 612-616 Cudweed 694 Cupressus 35-36 Curled mallow 419 Currant 301 golden 302 Cuscuta 514-515 Cuscutaceae 514-515 Cycloloma 206 Cymopterus 481, 482 Cynareae 637, 645 Cynodon 84 Cynoglossum 539 Cynomarathrum 485 Cynthia 621-622 Cyperaceae 110-124 Cyperus 110-112 Cyphomeris 225 Cypress 35 Arizona 35 Cypripedium 149-150 Cystium 357, 361 Cystopteris 26 Cytherea 150 Dactylis. . 97-98 Dactylophyllum 529-530 Dagger 137 Daisy, ox-eye 734 Dalea 351, 352, 353, 354, 355 Dandelion 626 false 624 Danthonia 80-81 Daphnidostylis 489 Dasiphora 316 Dasylirion 138 Dasyochloa 90 Dasystephana 502-503 Dasystoma 590 Datil 137 Datura 567 Daucus 478, 484 Dayflower 125 Death camass 130 Deer's ears 499 Delphinium 244-247 Deschampsia 81-82 Descriptions of new plants from New Mexico, publication 11 Desert willow 601 Desmanthus 331 Desmodium 372 Devil claws 601 horns 601 Page. Devil's pincushion 453 Deweya 479 Deyeuxia 80 Diapedium 598 Dichelostemma 143 Dichondra 514 family 514 Dichondraceae 514 Dichrophyllum 396 Dicliptera 598 Dicoria 632 Dicranocarpus 698 D ieteria 665, 688, 689 Digitaria 54 Diholcos 365 Dinebra 86 Diotis 2 01 Dipetalia 291 D iplachne 83, 84 Diplopappus 660,690 Dipteracanthus 598 Dipterostemon 143 D isaccanthus 269 Disella 424 Disporum 140 Distasis 678, 680 Distegia 612 Distichlis 98 Ditaxis 401-402 Dithyraea 269-270 Dock 191 bitter 193 golden 193 pale 192 yellow 192 Dodder 514 clover 515 family 514-515 Dodecatheon 492 Dogbane 505 family 504-506 Dogwood family 474-475 Dolicholus 376 Dondia 200-201 Donia 655 Double bladder-pod 270 Douglas spruce 35 Draba 276-279 Dracaenaceae 135-138 Dracocephalum 662 Dracopis 706 Dragon-head 562 Drejera 697 Dropseed 75 Nealley 's 77 sandhill 76 Drosace 494^95 Drymaria 234-235 Drymocallis 316 Dryopetalon 288 Dryopteris 25 Duckweed 124 family 124-125 Dugaldea 728 Dulcede viznaga 453 INDEX. 781 Dyeing, use of Alnus 164 use of Cercocarpus 164 use of Chrysothamnus 660 use of Rumex 192 Dysodia 716,717 Eatonia 92 Ebenales 495 Echeandia 1U Echinocactus 451-454, 456 Echinocereus 454-457 Echinochloa 59 Echinocystis 613, 614 Echinopepon 613 Echinospermum 540 Echium 547-548 Eclipta 705 Eddya 536-537 Edwinia 298-299 Egletes 691 Ehretiaceae 535-537 Elaeagnaceae 458 Elaeagnus 458 Elaterium 614 Elatinaceae 427 Elatine 427 Elderberry 609 Eleocharis 112-114, 115 Elephant, little red 595 Elephantella 595 Eleusine 83 Elkslip 249 Ellis, Miss Charlotte C 10 Elm family 174-175 Elymus 105, 108-109 Elyna 124 Elyonurus 49 Elytraria 597 Encelia 712 Enchanter's nightshade 460 Engelmann spruce 34 Engelmannia 700 English bluegrass 100 ribgrass 603 walnut 161 Enomegra 261 E phedra 38-39 Ephedraceae 38-39 Epicampes 74 Epilobiaccao 459-473 Epilobium 463-464 E pipactis 1 52 Equisetaceae 28-29 Equisetalcs 28-29 lv 1 1 1 i I't lira 28-29 Eragrost is 84, 93-94, 101 Eremocarya 544 Krii trum 520-521 Ericaceao 488-489 Ericalcvs 486-490 ii 673,674-' in/ in 664, 665 BriOCblOM na 73 Kriinl id vim ■num 182-190 Eriogynia 310 Erioneuron 90 Eriophorum 1 16 Eritrichium 544,545,546,547 Erodium 381 Eruca 281 Eryngium 477-478 E ry simum 282,283,285 Erythraea 499 Erythremia 629 Erythrina 376 Erythrocoma 317 Eschenbachia 673 Eschscholzia 262 Estafiata 738 Eucephalus 686 Euchroma 594 Euklisia 268-269 Eupatorieae 637 Eupatorium 646-647, 640, 651 Euphorbia 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401 Euphorbiaceac 393-405 Euphorbiales 392-405 Euphrosyne 633 Euploca 537 Eurotia 201 Eustoma 499 Euthamia 667-668 Eutoca 533 Evax 693 Evening primrose 469 family 459-473 Everlasting, pearly 695 E volvulus 516 Eysenhardtia 349 Fabaceae 336-379 Fagaceae 164-174 Fagales 163-174 Fagopyrum 197 Fall witch grass 54 Fallugia 317-318 False dandelion 624 flax 288 foxglove 590 hellebore 129 indigo 349 needle grass 89 nettle 176 oats 82 Solomon's seal 139 Fendler oak 167 Fendlera 299-300 Fendlerella 299 Fennel 485 Fern, brittle 26 cloak 19 family 18-27 lady 25 lip 21 maiden-hair 21 male 25 \Vmis-h;lir L'l I'crnal.l, M. 1 11 Fescue lnl Arizona 102 maadow 103 I » . •",1'>1-I03,ia5 782 INDEX. Page. Fetid marigold * . - 715 Figworl 578 family 575-597 Filaginopsis 693 Filaree 381 Filicales 18-27 Filix 20 Fimbrist vlis 114 Fir . 34 balsam 35 cork-bark 34 Fireweed 463 Flag, blue 148 Flaveria 726-727 Flax, false 288 family 3S1-383 wild.. 382 yellow 382 Fleabane 674 marsh 693 Flora of Colorado : 10 of New Mexico, plan 11 preparation 10 Flourensia 711-712 Flowering ash 496 Flower-of-an-hour 417 Flower-of-Parnassus 298 family 298 Fly honeysuckle 611 Foeniculum 485 Forestiera 495-496 Forget-me-not, mountain 544 Forsellesia 409-410 Fouquieria 428 Fouquieriaceae 428 Four-o'clock 221 family 216-228 Foxglove, false 590 Foxtail, green 60 marsh 73 pine 33 slender 74 Fragaria 315 Frankenia 428 family 428 Frankeniaceae 428 Franscria 636 Frasera 499-500 Fraxinus 496 Frcmontia 199 Fringed gentian 501 Fritillaria 144 Froelichia 214 Fumariaceae 262-263 Fumitory family 262-263 Gaertneria 636 Gaillardia 719-720, 732 Gulaetia 376-377 Galinsoga 701 Galium 604-606 Galleta grass 53 Galpinsia 465-466 Gambel oak 174 Garrambullo 442 Garrya 474-475 Gaura 461-462 Page. Gaurella 473 Gayoides 419 Gayophytum 464 Gentian 501 closed 502 family 497-503 fringed 501 Gentiana 601,502,503 Gentianaceae 497-503 Gentianales 497-503 Geoprumvon 357,361 Geraniaceae 379-381 Geraniales 379-390 Geranium 380-381 Gerardia 690 Germander 553 Geum 317 Giant hyssop 562 reed 89 Gilia 621,523, 525-529, 530 Globe amaranth 214 Glossopetalon 410 Glycerin, 103 Glycyrrhiza 371 Gnaphalieae 637, 640 Gnaphalium 694-695 Gnetales 38-39 Golden currant 302 dock 193 Goldenrod 668 Goldman, E. A n Golondrina 397 Gomphocarpus 513 Gomphrena : 214-215 Gonolobus 507 Gonopyrum 193 Goody era 151 Gooseberry 303 family 301-304 Goosefoot 206 family 198-209 mapTe-leaved 208 oak-leaved 208 Goosegrass 606 Gossypianthus 215 Gourd 615 family 612-616 Grama, black 87 blue 87 crowfoot 88 grass 85 hairy 87 sandhill 86 six-weeks 86 tall 85 Grape 4 15 family 415-416 Oregon 259 Grass, aparejo 71 arrow 41 barnyard 59 Bermuda 84 blue-eyed 147 brome 95 buffalo 82 canary 61 INDEX. 783 Grass, cotton 116 fall witch 54 false needle 89 family 43-109 galleta 53 grama 85 hair 79 Hungarian brome 97 Indian 52 Johnson '. 52 joint 55 June 92 manna 103 meadow 104 melic 95 mesquite 69 mutton 101 New Mexican porcupine 66 nut 112 orchard 97 panic 56 pigeon 60 pinyon 66 porcupine 65 purple hair 69 purple needle 64 reed canary 61 ring 70 rye 106 sage 49 sand 80 six-weeks needle 63 sleepy 67 slender wheat 105 slough 84 southern canary 61 squirrel-tail 107 stink 93 switch 58 tall sage 51 Texascurly mesquite 53 tobosa 53 vanilla 61 vine mesquite 57 wheat 104 wild oat 80 I reed 78 ew Mexico, bulletin 11 It 586 Grcasewood 199,386 Great ragweed 635 foxtail 60 . i : . i n • -7H Qrmdelia 8 Jaria 303-304 i kriaceae 301-304 Ground-cherry .... 570 Ground el, common 743 lola ale 699 Guill'minrn '-' I '• (I urn | ilant Qanneraceae 178 ( i ut i«-rri-/.i i 680-868 Gymnogramme 19 Gymnolomia 707-708 Gymnopteris 19 Gymnosperma 656 Gymnospermae 30-39 Gyrostachys 154 Habenaria 152 , 153, 154 Hackberry 174 Hair grass 79 Hairy grama 87 Halenia 499 Halerpestes 253 Halostachys 201 Hamosa 357, 361 Haploesthes 748 Hare's-ear mustard 288 Hartmannia 470-471 Hawkweed 627 Hawthorn 323 Heath family 488-489 Hedeoma 556, 557-558 Hederaceae 475 Hedge hyssop 586 mustard 286 nettle 560 Hediondilla 386 Hedyotis 607 Hedysarum 371, 373 Helenieae 637, 643 Helenium 726 Heliantheae 637, 641 HeUanthella 712 I Iclianthus 710-711, 712 Htliomeris 708 Heliopsis 701 Heliotropaceae 537-538 Heliotrope family 537-538 Ik'liotropium 537-538 Hellebore, false 129 Helleborine 152 Hemicarpha 1 16 Hemiptilium 620 Hemlock, water 479 Hemp family 177 Henbit 565 ll> wit randra 402 Heracleum 484 Herbarium material studied 10 Herrick, c . L 10 Herriokia 686 Nesperanthes 144 Hesperaster 433, 434, 435 Mr peridanthos 267 i [eterantbera 128 Bete ropogon 52 Seteroepermnm 0 Betarotheca 658 l taterothrii 268 Heoobera 294-296 Hibiscus 417 J nut 161 Ilirr.uiimi I lOt ''1 llilari.i 53-54 Mipp-'phao 4^* 784 INDEX. Hippuris 473 Hoary cress 271 Hoflmanseggia 332-333 Hog millet 58 Holms 51-52, 61 Holodiscus 310 Homalobus 365, 366 Honeysuckle 611 family 608-612 fly 611 Hop." 177 hornbeam 163 Hordeum 106-107 Horehound 556 Horned pondwecd 40 Hornwort 243 family 243 Horsemint 559 Horsetail 28 family 28-29 Horseweed 673 Hosackia 346, 347, 348 Hound's-tongue 539 Houstonia 607-608 Houttuynia 154 Huckleberry family 489-490 Humulus 177 Hungarian brome grass 97 Hybanthus 431 Hydrangea family 298-301 Hydrangeaceae 298-301 Hydrophyllaceae 530-535 Hydrophyllum 535 Hymenatherum 716, 717 Hymenoclea 634 Hymenopappus 720-722, 723 Hymenothrix 722-723 Hymenoxys 727-730, 731 Hypericaceae 428 Hypericales 427-431 Hypericum 428 Hypopitys 486 Hyssop, giant 562 hedge 586 Ibervillea 614-615 Ibidium 154 Hex 410 Illecebrum 216 Indian grass 52 mallow 419 mustard 281 pipe family 486 tobacco 695 Indigo, false 349 Inula 658,600 Ionidium 431 Ionoxalis 384-385 Ipomoea 517-519 Ipomopsis 527, 528 Iridaceae 147-148 Iris 148 family 147-148 Ironweed 645 Ironwood. 495 Isocoma 665-666 Isolepis 114 Iva 633-634 Ivesia 313 Ivy family 475 Jaboncillo 412 Jack pine 32 Jamesia 299 Janusia 388 Jatropha 401 Jerusalem oak 208 Joe Pye weed 646 Johnson grass 52 Joint-fir family 38-39 Joint grass 55 Juglandaceae 161-163 Juglandales 161-163 Juglans 162-163 Juncaceae 130-135 Juncaginaceae 41 Junco 387 Juncoides 134-135 Juncus 130-134, 135 June grass 92 Jungle rice 59 Juniper 36 alligator 36 family 35-38 mistletoe 180 one-seeded 37 Rocky Mountain 37 Utah". 37 Juniperaceae 35-38 Juniperus 36-38 use in dyeing 164 Kallstroemia . 386-387 Keerlia 691 Kentrophyta 359, 369 Kentucky bluegrass 100 Kidney diseases, use of Ephedra 38 Knotweed 193 Kobresia 124 Kochia 209 Koeberlinia 387-388 Koeberliniaceae 387-388 Koeleria 92-93 Krameria 336 Krameriaceae 336 Krynilzkia 545, 546, 547 Kuhnia 649-650 Kunzia 318 Laciniaria 649 Lactuca 622-623 Lady fern 25 Lady's-slipper 149 Lamb's quarters 206, 208 Lamium 565 Laphamia 719 Lappago 52 Lappula 539-541 Larkspur 244 Larrea 386 Lathyrus 375-376 Lavauxia 472-473 Layia 698 Leather flower 256 Lechuguilla 146 Legouzia 616 INDEX. 785 Page. Leiostemon 586 Lemita 406 Lemna 124-125 Lemnaceae 124-125 Leontodon 626 Lepachys 706 Lepargyrea 458 Lepidium 271-272 Leptasea 297 Leptilon 673 Leptocaulis 478, 479 Leptochloa 83-84 Leptodactylon 522-523 Leptoloma 54 Lepturus 85 Lesquerella 274-276 Lettuce 622 Leucampyx 723 Leucelene 690 Leucocrinum 143 Leucophyllum 577 Leucosyris 686-687 Lewisia 233 Liatris 649 Licorice, wild 371 Life zones of New Mexico, account of 11 Ligusticum 4S0 Liliaceae 143-144 Liliales 127-145 Lilium 144 Lily 144 Atamasco 1 47 family 143-144 Mariposa 127 white mountain 143 Lily-of-the-valley family 138-140 Limnorchis 152-154 Limoncillo 714 Lirnonium 490 Limosella 588 Linaceae 381-383 Linanthus 529. 5-iO Linaria 577 Lindenia 225 Linnaea 610 Linosyris 861 . 662, 665, 666 Linum 382, 383 Lip fern 21 Lippia 550, SSI I . i i . 1 1 i I h 1 1 s Jf89 Listera 152 Lithophragma 297 Lithospermum 642-643, &f 7 Lit do red elephant 595 Llnrd'ft-tefJ family 154 Lloydia Ill Loasa family 431 436 Loasaceae 431 136 Lobelia 617 fain ily 617 I.olx'llaccac 617 Loco weed 861, 363, 870, :f7 1 Locust 856 Lolium LOS Lomatium 184 Lonicera 61] 52676*— IB 50 Page. Loosestrife 459, 491 family 459 Lophotocarpus 42 Loranthaceae 177-181 Lote bush 413 Lotus 346, 347, 348 Lousewort 595 Low speargrass '. 99 LowelHa 717 Lungwort 541 Lupine 340 Lupinus 340-343 Luzula 134, 135 Lychnis 243 Lycium 568-569 Lycopersicura 566 Lycopodiales 29-30 Lycopus 555 Lycurus 62 Lygodesmia 628-629 Lysimachia 491 Ly thraceae 459 Ly thrum 459 Macdougalia 727 Machaeranthera 6S7-690 Mackenzie, K. K 11, 116 Macrocalyx 535 Macromeria 543-544 Macronema 667 Macrorhynchus 625 Madder family 603-608 Madia 697-698 Madronella 556 Maguey 145 Mahogany, mountain 318 Maiden-hair fern 21 Malaceae 321-324 Malacothrix 624 Male fern 25 Mallow , 419 family 416-427 rose 417 Malpighinceae 388 Malva 41 8, 419, 424 Malvaceae 416-427 Malvales 416-427 Malvaslrtim 422, 425 Mamillaria 447-451, £53, 457 Manna grass 103 Manzana de puya larga 324 Manziinita 489 Maple 410 family 410-41 1 Maple-leaved goosefoot 208 Mnrah ! : 613 Marestafl Itargaranthus Marigold, fetid 7r> Marilauniilium 531-532 Mariola 699 Mariposa lily 127 family 127-138 Marrubium 556 Mar.ii elder 633 ■ in"- 693 foxtail 73 786 INDEX. Page. Marsflea 27 Marsileaceae 27 Martynia 601,602 Martyniaceae 601-4302 Maruta 734 Matrimony vine 569 Maurandia 578 Mayweed 734 Meadow barley 107 fescue 103 grass 104 rue 254 Mearns, E. A 10 Medic, black 343 Medicago 343 Megarrhiza 613 Meibomia 371-372 Melampodium 698-699 Melandryum 241, 242 Melanobatus 320 Melanthaceae 128-130 Melia 390 Meliaceae 390 Melic grass 95 Melica 95 Melilotus 343-344 Melissa 557 Mel6n loco 615 Meloncilla 424 Melosmon 553 Menodora 497 Menodoropsis 497 Mentha 554-555 Menthaeeae 551-566 Mentzelia 433, 434,435, 436 Mercury, three-seeded 403 Meriolix 466-467 Mertensia 541-542 Mesadenia 749 Mescal 145,146 Mescalero Apaches, derivation of name 146 Mesquite 330 grass 53,57,69 Metcalfe bean 378 Mexican Boundary Survey 10 rubber plant 699 saltgrass 94 white pine 33 Micrampelis 613 Micranthes 296-297 Microsteris 523 Microstylis 151 Mignonette family 291 Milfoil, water 473 Milium . 68 Milk pea 376 Milkweed 509 family 506-5 13 swamp 511 Milkwort 391 family 390-392 Milla 143 Millet, hog 58 Mimosa 329, 330, 331-332 family 327-332 Mimosaceae 327-332 Page. Mimulus 586-588 Mint 554 family 551-566 round-leaved 555 Mirabilis 220, 221, 222 Mistletoe 179 family 177-181 juniper 180 Mock orange 300 Moehringia 238 Moldavica 562 Mollugo 228-229 Monarda 559-560 Monardella 656 Moneses 488 Monkey flower 586 Monkshood 247 Monnina 391 Monocotyledones 39-154 Monolepis 206 Monotropaceae 486 Montia 233 Moraceae 175 Mormon tea 38 Morning-glory 517 family 515-519 Morongia 330 Mortonia 410 Moras 175 Moschatel 612 family 612 Moss campion 241 Mountain ash 324 cottonwood 156 forget-me-not '. 544 mahogany 318 rice 73 sorrel 190 timothy 73 Mouse-ear duckweed 236 Mousetail 249 Mud plantain 126 Mudwort 588 Muerdago 180 Mublenbergia 68-72 Mulberry 175 family 175 Mulford, Miss A.I 10 Mullein 577 Munroa 90 Musk-root 612 Mustard 281 family 263-289 hare's-ear 288 hedge 286 tansy 286 Mutisiaceae 630-631 Mutton grass 101 Myosotis 546 Myosurus 249-250 Myriophyllum 473 Myriopteris 22 Myrrhis 4?8 Myrtales 459-473 Myzorrhiza 599-600 Naiadaoeae - . . 41 INDEX. 787 Naiadales 39-41 Naias 41 family 41 Nama 631 Nash, George V 11 Nasturtium 284, 285 National Herbarium, New Mexican collec- tions 10 Navaho tea 702 Navarretia 521,529 Nazia 52-53 Nealley 's dropseed 77 Needle grass 62 Negundo 411 Nelson, Aven 10 Nemoseris 621 Nepeta 564 Nerisyrenia 270 Nettle 176 false 176 family 176-177 New Mexican buckeye 412 locust 356 porcupine grass 60 ranges of species., basis of 10 New Mexico Agricultural College, herbarium . 10 New York Botanical Garden, herbarium material studied 10 Nicolletia 715 Nicotiana 507-568 Nigger wood 423 Night-flowering catchfly 212 Nightshade, black 573 enchanter's 460 family 566-574 Ninebark 309 Nogal 163 Nolina 137-138 Nopales 437 Northern bedstraw 605 Notholaena 19-21 Nut grass 112 Nuttallia 432-435 Nyctaginla 224 Nyctolca 535 Oak 164 Arizona 170 black 160 chestnut 1 71 Fendler 167 Gambf -1 171 Jerusalem jus poison ios sh innory 172 white-leaf ir,7 Oak-leaved goosefoot 208 Oats 81 82 \vil Obione 203. : Ocotillo 138 f:imily IL's Odd 'rnon . Oenothera 466, +66, 467,46*. • Oldeolaodia I Olcaccao 495-497 Oleales 495-497 Oleaster 458 family 458 Oligoneuron 666 Olive family 495-497 Onagra 470 One-flowered wintergreen 488 One-seeded bur cucumber 614 juniper 37 0 nion 140 family 140-143 Onobrychis 371 Onosmodium 543. S44 Ophrys 152 Opulaster 309 Opuntia .♦ 437-447 Opuntiales 431-458 Orchard grass 97 Orchidaceae 148-154 Orchidales 148-154 Orchis 152 bog 152 bracted 152 family 14S-154 Oregon grape 259 Oreobatus 320-321 Oreobroma 233-234 Oreocarya 544-546 Oreochrysum 667 Oreolirion 147 Oreosciadium 479 Oreoxis 480 Orobanchaceae 599-600 Orobanche 600 Orpine family 292-294 Orthocarpus 594-595 Oryzopsis 66. 72-73 Osmorrhiza 478 Ostrya 163 Othake 722 Owl's claws 726 Oxalidaceae 384-385 Oxalis 384,385 Ox-eye 701 daisy 734 Oxybaphus 220, 221 , 222 Oxygraphis 253 Oxypolis 483-4S4 < ) xyria 190 Oxytropis 370-37 1 ■Pachtetima 410 Pachylophus 171 Parliypodium Padus 325-326 1 cap ''''1 Palafnda Pale dock 199 ram 1 137 IMlmilla ISO 1 ywflfwl— Panic grass 56 Panlealaria Panlomn Papaver. ... Papayi 1 Pappophorum 788 INDEX. Page. Parietaria 177 Parnassia 298 Parnassiaceae 298 Paronychia 215, 216 Parosela 350-354 Parrasia 270 Parryella 350 Parsley family 475-485 Parsnip 485 COW 4S1 Partheniura 699 Parthenocissus 415-416 Partridge pea 335 Paspalum 55 Pasque flower 255 Pastinaca 485 Pea family 336-379 milk 376 partridge 335 wild 375 Pearly everlasting 695 Pecan 161 Pectis 714-715 Pedicularis 595-597 Pellaea 23-24 Pellitory 177 Peniocereus 458 Pennycress 272 Pennyroyal 557 Pentstemon 579-585, 586 Peplis '-. 427 Peppergrass 271 Peramium 150-151 Peraphyllum 324 Perezia 630-631 Pericome 719 Peritoma .' 290 Perityle 719 Persicaria 195-196 Petalostemum 355-356 Peteria 356 Fetradoria 671 Petrophyton 310 Petunia 568 Phaca 357, 365, 366, 367, 368 Phacelia 532-535 Phacopsis 358, 364 Phalaris 61, 84 Phanerophlebia 26 Pharbitis 518, 519 Pharnaeeum 228 Phaseolus 377-378 Phellopterus 481 Philadelphia 300-301 Phileozcra 729 Philibertella 507-508 Philibcrtia 508 Phleum 73 Phlox 523-525 family 519-530 Phoradendron 179-181 Phragmites 89 Phyla 550-551 Phyllanthus 401 Phymosia 420 Physalis 569, 570-572 Page. Physaria 270 Phytogeography of New Mexico 11 Phytolaccaceae 228 Picea 33-34 Pickerel-weed family 126 Picradenia 729 Picradeniopsis 724 Picrothamnus 734 Pigeon grass 60 Pigweed 210 Pimpernel 492 Pinaceae 30-35 Pinales 30-38 Pincushion cactus 447 Pine 31 Arizona 32 Arizona yellow 33 family 30-35 foxtail 33 jack 32 Mexican white 33 Texas 32 white 32 yellow 32 Pinedrops 486 Pinesap 486 Pinguiculaceae 599 Pink family 240-242 Pinus 31-33,35 Pinyon 31 grass 66 Piperales 154 Pipsissewa 487 Plagiobothrys > 544 Plantaginaceae 602-603 Plantaginales 602-603 Plantago 602-003 Plantain 602 common 603 family 602-603 mud 126 rattlesnake 150 water 42 Platanaceae 304 Platanus 304 Platyschkuhria 725 Phctoccphalus 749 PlcurapMs 53 Pleurogyna 503 Pleurophragma 267-268 Pluchea 693 Plum 327 Plumbaginaceae 490 Plumbago family 490 Poa v 93, 94, 98-101, 103, 104 Poaceae \ 43-109 Poales 42-124 Podosaemum '. 70, 72 Podostemma 512 Poinciana 334 Poinsettia 394-395 Poison oak 408 Pokeweed family 228 Polanisia 289 Polemoniaceae 519-530 Polemoniales 513-602 INDEX. 789 Page. Polemoniiim 521-522, 535 Poliomintha 556 Polygala 391-392 Polygalaceae 390-392 Polygalales 390-392 Polygonaceae 181-197 Polygonales 181-197 Polygonella 193 Polygonum 193-195, 196, 197 Polypapptis 693 Polypodiaceae 18-27 Polypodiiim 25,26,21 Polypody 27 Polypogon 70, 77-78 Polypteris 722 Pomaria 333 Pondweed 40 family 39-41 horned 40 Poflil 318 Pontederia 126 Pontederiaceae 126 Popotillo 38 Poppy 262 California 262 common 262 family 260-262 prickly 261 Populus 155-156 Porcupine grass 65 Porophyllum 714 Port ulaca 230, 232 Portulacaceae 229-234 Potamogeton 40 Potainogetonaceae 39-41 Potato, wild 573 Potentilla 310-314, 315, 316 Prairie clover 355 Prenanthella 629 ] ■tenantries - Prickly lettuce 622 pear 437 poppy 261 Primrose 492 family 490-495 Primula 492-493 Primulaoeae 490-495 Primulales 490-495 Proboecidea 001-602 la 140 Prosopis 330 Prunella 565 Prunus Psathyrotee tin I 416 l' Bndoo] moptems I 35 690 1 tropbe Tin Pwralea B 18-8 », 352,364 Ptalea 888-889 Pteddiom 21 Ptaridophyta 18-30 U Ptarapon 180 I'Ur J I la 486 Page. P tilocalyx 536 Ptiloria 620-C21 Puccinellia 104 Puccoon 542 Pulque 145 Pulsatilla 255 Purple hair grass 69 needle grass 64 Purshia 318 Purslane 230 common 230 family 229-234 sea 229 speedwell 589 Pyrola 487-488 Pyrolaceae 480-488 Pyrrhopappus 624 Pyrrocoma 667 Quaking aspen 155 Quamoclidion 222 Quamoclit 517 Quassia family 390 Queen's delight 404 Quelite salado 200 Quercus 164-174 Quincula 569 Rabbit brush 660 Radicula 283-285 Radish • 280 Rafinesquia 621 Ragweed G35, 636 family 631-636 Raimannia 470 Rainbow cactus 456 Ranales 243-260 Ranunculaceae 243-258 Ranunculus 251-253 Raphanus 280 Raspberry 319, 320 black 320 Ratibida 705-706 Rattle, yellow 595 Rattlebox 339 Rat t h'snake plantain ISO Rayless goldenrod 665 Razoumofskya 17s 1 79 Red clover 345 Red columbine 248 raspberry 320 Redtop 79 Reed bcntgrass 79 canary grass 61 giant S9 Relbunium 605 Resedaceao 291 RuedeBa 293 Re bnofyelltni pine, use by Indiana S3 rection plant Iioiiia 401 Rhamnaoeae I Rhamnalea I Kliamiius IM-tifl Rliiiiaiithus 595 Rhodlala KhiMi.lium 408 lihombulytrum 91 790 INDEX. Page. Rhus 407, 408-409 Rhynchosia 376 Ribes 301-303, 304 Ribgrass, English 603 Rice, mountain 73 Ridellia 718 Ring grass 70 Rivina 228 Robhiia 356 Robinson, B. L 11 Rock cress 279 Rocky Mountain bee plant 290 columbine 248 juniper 37 Roripa 284,285 Rosa 306-309 Rosaceae 305-321 Rosales 291-379 Rose 306 family 305-321 mallow 417 Round-leaved mint 555 Rubacer 320 Rubber plant, Colorado 727 Mexican 699 Rubiaceae 603-608 Rubiales 603-61 2 Rubus 319-320, 321 Rudbeckia 706, 707 Rue family 38S-390 meadow 254 Ruellia 598 Rulac 411 Rumex 190, 191-193 Rush 130 family 130-135 spike 112 wood 134 Russian thistle 199 Rutaceae 388-390 Rutosma 388 Rydberg, P. A 10, 11 work upon Astragalus 357 work upon Quercus 164 Rydbergia 730 Rye grass 106 wild 108 Sabina 37 Sage 560 grass 49 Sagebrush 204, 734 Sagina 238 Sagittaria 42 St. Johnswort 428 family 428 Salicaceae 154-161 Salicales 154-161 Salix 156-161 Salomonia 139 Salpingia 466 Salsify 621 Salsola 199-200, 206 Salt bush 201 cedar 427 Saltgrass 98 Mexican 94 Salvia 560-562 Salviniaceae 27 Salviniales 27 Sambucus 609-610 Samolus 491 Sand bunchgrass 73 grass 80 plum 327 verbena 223 Sandalwood family 181 Sandbar willow 159 Sandbur 61 Sandhill dropseed 76 grama 86 Sandwort 238 Sanfoin 371 Sanicula 477 Santalaceae 181 Santalales 177-181 Sanvitalia 700 Sapindaceae 412 Sapindales 405-412 Sapindus 412 Sapium 404 Sapodilla family 495 Saponaria 240, 241 Sapotaceae 495 Sarcobatus 199 Sarcostemma 508 Sartwellia 727 Saururaceae 154 Savastana 61-62 Sawgrass 112 Saxifraga • 296,297 Saxifragaceae 294-297 Saxifrage family 294-297 Scarlet hedge nettle 565 Schaueria 698 Schedonardus 85 Schizachyrium 49-50 Schkuhria 720, 725 Schmaltzia 406-408,^09 Schoenocaulon 129 Schoenocrambe 285 Scirpus 1 IS, 1 14-1 16 Scleropogon 89 Scouring rush 29 smooth 28 Screw bean 329 Scrophularia 578-579 Serophulariaceae 575-597 Scutellaria 555-556 Sea purslane 229 Sedge 116 family 110-124 Sedum 292, 293-294 Selaginella 29-30 family 29-30 Selaginellaceae 29-30 Selenia 266 Self-heal 477, 565 Selinocarpus 224-225 Senecio 740-748 Senecioneae 637. 645 Senna 334 family 332-335 INDEX. 791 Page. Sensitive brier 330 Sericotheca 310 Service berry 322 Seseli 485 Sesleria 83 Sesuvium 229 Selaria , 60 Shad scale 204 Sheep sorrel 191 Sheepweed 658 Shinhcrdia 458 Shepherd 's-purse 273 Shinleaf 488 Shinnery oak 172 Shin-oak 172 Shoestrings 349 Shooting star 492 Shrubby cinquefoil 316 t re foil 388 Sibbaldia 315-316 Sieydium 615 Sieyos 014 Sida 418,419,423,424, 425-426 Sidalcea 418 Sidanoda 427 Siderant bus 663-665 Sieglingia 90, 91 Sieversia 316-317,8/S Silenaeeae 240-242 Silene 241-242 Simarubaeeae 390 Simsia 712 Sim pis 281 Sisymbrium 284, 285-280,2S7 Sisyrinchium 147-148 Sitanion 107-108 Sit i! las 624 Sium 479 Six-weeks grama 86 needle grass 63 Skullcap 555 Skunk cabbage 128 Sleepy catchfly 241 grass 67 Slender foxtail 74 wheat grass 105 Slough grass 84 Small, J. K 11 Smart weed 195 Sinilacina 139 Bmooth scouring rush 28 Snake* eed 056,058 Bneeseweed 736,783 Bun berry 610 Snow-on-thc-mmm! ain 396 Boap, substitute 136 Soapberry 412 family 412 Boapweed 136 tm Solomon's seal 1 18 Mac 1 18 Banchaa 022, 823 •■: Page. Sophora 339 Sorbus 324 Sorghastrum 52 Sorghum 52 Sorilla 390 Sorrel, mountain 190 sheep 191 Sotol 138 Southern Canary grass 61 Sow thistle 623 Speargrass, low 99 Spearmint 554 Spectacle-pod 269 Specularia 616-017 Speedwell 588 alpine 589 purslane 589 thyme-leaved 590 water 589 Spergula £S8 Spermacoce 606 Spermatophyta 30-753 Spermolepis 478-479 Sphaeralcea 420-424 Sphaerostigma 465 Sphenopholis 92 Spiderwort 126 family 125-126 Spike rush 112 Spiny aster 686 Spiraea. $09, 310, 321 Spirodela 124 Spirostaehys £01 Spleenwort 24 Sporobolus 71,74, "5-77 Sprangle 83 Spring beauty 233 Spruce 33 Colorado blue 34 Douglas 35 Engelmann 34 Spurge 397 family 393-405 Squaw root 599 Squirrel-tail grass 107 Stachys 565-566 Staff-tree family 409-410 Standley, Paul C, botanical work in New Mexico 5 Stanleys 266-267 Stanleyella 267 Star t histle 749 Starwort 235 water 405 State flower of Colorado 248 StHtict 490 Btegnooarpaa 536 Bteironema 491 BUUarta j sti tuetti 681 Stanandriiim sag mini 187 Sli'lliilohilllU 801 Btenopbyllas 11 1 Btanotoa 666, 6W Hit pad wjiiicria 792 INDEX. Page. Stevia 648,725 Stickseed 539 Stillingia 404-405 Stink grass 93 Stipa 65-67, 73 Stonecrop 293 Strawberry 315 Streptanthus 267, 268, 269 Streptopus 139-140 Strombocarpa 329-333 Strophostytes 378 Stylocline 693 Suaeda 200, 201 Sumac 408 Sunflower, common 711 Svida 474 Swamp milkweed 511 Sweet cicely 478 clover 343, 344 Sweet-scented bedstraw 606 Swertia 500 Switch grass 58 Sycamore 304 family 304 Symphoricarpos 610-611 Syntherisma 54 Synthyris 590 Tagetes 716 Talinopsis 230-231 Talinum 231-233 Tall grama 85 sage grass 51 Tamaricaceae 427-428 Tamarix 427-428 family 427-428 Tanacetum 734 Tanning, use of cafiaigre 192 Tansy 734 mustard 286 Taraxacum 626-627 Tar-bush 711 Tarweed 697 Tasajilla 442 Tea, Mormon 38 Navaho 702 Teloxys 208 Tequila 145 Tessaria 693 Tetraclea 553-554 Tetrad ymia 739-740 Tetraneuris 730-733 Teucrium 553 Texan crabgrass 85 Texas curly mesquite grass 53 pine 32 timothy 62 Thalesia 600 Thalictrum 254 Thaspium 483 Thelesperma 702-703 Thelypodium 267, 268, 285 Thermopsis 338-339 Thimble-berry 320 Thistle 261, 749 Russian 199 sow 623 star 749 Page. Thlaspi 272-273 Thorn-apple 567 Three-seeded mercury 403 Thymelaeales 458 Thyme-leaved speedwell 590 Thymophylla 716-717 Thysanocarpus 266 Tick trefoil 371 Tiedemannia 484 Tigarea 318 Timothy 73 mountain 73 Texas 62 Tiniaria 197 Tissa 235 Tithymalopsis 396 Tithymalus 395-396 Tium 358,363,369 Toadflax, bastard 181 blue 577 Tobacco 567 Indian 695 Tobosa grass 53 Tomatilla 568 Tomato 566 Tonestus 067 Tornillo 329 Touterea 433,434,435 Townsendia 691-093 Toxicodendron 408 Toxicoscordion 130 Trachypogon 49 Tradescantia 126 Tragacantha 364 Tragia : 404 Tragopogon 621 Tragus 52 Trautvettcria 258 Tree cactus 443 Tree-of-heaven 390 Trefoil, bird's-foot 346 shrubby 388 tick 371 Trianthema 229 Triathcra 86 Tribulus 386 Trichachne 54 Trichloris 88 Trichophyllum 724 Trichostema 554 Tricuspid 91 Tridens 91-92 Tridophyllum 312 Trifolium S4S, 344-346 Triglochin 41 Trigonella 348 Triod ia 90,91 Trionum 417 Tripsacum 49 Tripterocalyx 222-223 Trisetum 82 Triticum 105 Trixis 631 Trompillo 573 Troximon 625,626 Tubiflora 597 Tumbleweed 213 INDEX. 793 Page. Tuna 437 Turritis 280 Twayblade 152 Twin flower CIO Twisted-stalk 139 Typha 39 Typhaceae 39 Tyria 405 Ulmaceae 174-175 Umbellales 474-485 Ungnadia 412 Unicorn plant. 001 family 001-602 Uniola 98 Urachne 73 Uralepis 83, 90, 101 Uropappus 022 Urtica 176 Urticaceae 176-177 Urticales 174-177 Utah juniper 37 Utrieularia 599 Uvularia llfi Vaecaria 241 Vaceiniaccae 489-490 Vaccinium 489-490 Vagnera 139 Valerian 017 family 617 Valeriana 617-618 Valerianaceae 617-618 Valerianates 617-618 Valley Cottonwood 155 Valota 54 Vanilla grass 61 Vaseya 70 Vauquelinia 321 Vclas de coyote 443 Venereal diseases, use of Ephedra 3s Venus-hair fern 21 Venus's looking-glass 616 Veratrum 12S-129 Verbascum 577 Verbena 548-550,507 sand 223 Verbenaceae 548-551 Verbesina 70S, 713-714 Veroonia 645-646 Veronica 588-590 Vernonieae 637 Vervain 648 family 548 SG l Vesicaria 275, 276 Veteb, wild 37:4 \ ilHirquiu 349 Viri;l 878-376 Viguiera 708 Vilfn 71, 74, 76 Villanova , Vinoetozkam 607 Vint raesqalte grata 67 Viola (SO Bl v lolaoaae i Violet family | wood -sorrel Vloroa Page. Viper's bugloss 547 Virginia creeper 415 Virgin's bower 256, 258 Viscum 181 Vitaceae 415-416 ViMs 415, 416 Viznaga 452 Wahlbergella 242 Wall barley 107 Wallflower, western 281 Walnut 162 English 161 family 161-163 Washingtonia 478 Water bentgrass -. 78 cress 284 crowfoot 250 hemlock 479 milfoil 473 family 473 plantain 42 family 42 speedwell 589 starwort 405 family 405 Waterleaf 535 family 530-535 Watermelon 615 Waterwort 427 family 407 Wedelia 218 Wedeliella 218 Western black willow 160 ragweed 635 wallflower 281 Wheat grass 104 While clover 345 mountain lily 143 pine 32 White-leaf oak 167 Whitlow grass 270 Whitlow-wort 216 family 216 Wild basil 556 bean 378 cosmos 723 flax 382 licorice 371 oat grass 80 oats 81 pea 375 plum 327 potato rye 108 vetch :;:;( Willow 166 black 161 desert 601 family 164-161 !l>ar 159 we iters blae^ 160 Willow-herb M I Winter fit Winteri'reen is; family one-flowered 4SS 1'. 1 794 INDEX. Wislizenia 290-291 Withanla 674 Wood reed grass 78 rush 134 Woodsia 26 Wood-sorrel family 384-385 violet 384 yellow 385 Wooton, E. O., botanical work in New Mexico 5 herbarium of 10 Wootonella 713 Wootonia 698 Wormwood 734 Wyethia 709 Wyomingia 677 Xanthium 634-635 Xanthocephalum 656 Xanthoxalis 385 Ximenesia 713 Xylophacos 359, 364, 365 Xylosteon 611-612 Xyridales 125-126 Yarrow 733 Yellow columbine 248 Yellow cress 284 dock 192 flax 382 pine 32 rattle 595 sweet clover 343 weed 658 wood-sorrel 385 Yerba del negro 423 de vibora 658 mansa 154 parda 710 Yucca 135-137 family 135-138 Zaluzania 708 Zanichellia 40-41 Zapania 551 Zauschneria 464 Zephyranthes 147 Zinnia 700, 701 Zizyphus 413 Zonal distribution of New Mexican plants ... 11 Zygadenus 129, ISO Zygophyllaceae 385-387 Zygophyllidium 397 o New York Botanical Garden Library QK186.W615 9en Wooton, E. 0. /Flora of New Mexico