CUIILOnE w I' : >• )^ ROY l TAYLOR 6ERIILD A. MULLI6XN ^ A SKIDEGATE INLET HECATE STRAIT PACIFIC OCEAN LOUISE ISLAND TASU SOUND Iv Ti\ / Vr-:::::^ MORESBY ISLAND '^"^V^l/ } LYELL ISLA^ JUAN PEREZ SOUND LEGEND PHYSIOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY 132° I Figure 1 . Map of the Queen Charlotte Islands showing the three physiographic units: Queen Charlotte Lowlands, Skidegate Plateau, and Queen Charlotte Ranges. or more. Near sea level the average temperatures are below 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the warmest month, but are above freezing in the coldest month. Average frost-free periods range from 160 days at Masset to over 260 days at Cape St. James. Days are long during the growing season but the durations of bright sunshine are among the shortest in Canada. COMPOSITION OF THE VASCULAR FLORA The vascular flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands comprises 70 families, 277 genera, and 594 species and subspecific taxa. In Table 1 the flora is tabu- lated by subdivisions, classes and subclasses. Table 1. Composition of the flora on the Queen Charlotte Islands Subdivision Class Subclass Families Species and sub- jenera specil fic taxa Percent of Number total flora 1 7 1.2 3 12 2.0 273 574 96.8 14 24 4.1 7 8 1.3 252 542 91.4 59 183 30.9 193 359 60.5 277 593 100.0 Psilopsida — Sphenopsida 1 Lycopsida 3 Pteropsida 65 Filicinae 3 Gymnospermae 3 Angiospermae 59 Monocotyledoneae 11 Dicotyledoueac .... 48 Total vascular flora 69 A numerical breakdown and the percentage of indigenous and introduced taxa found on the Queen Charlotte Islands and the number and percentage of annuals, biennials and perennials are given in Table 2. Table 2. Introduced and indigenous taxa and their life duration in the flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands Annual Biennial Perennial Totals Indigenous 18 5 453 476 Percentage of indigenous 3.8 1.0 95.2 100 Percentage of flora 3.1 0.8 76.4 80.3 Introduced 51 8 59 118 Percentage of introduced 43.1 6.9 50.0 100 Percentage of flora 8.6 1.3 9.8 19.7 Total taxa in flora 69 13 512 594 Percentage of flora 11.6 2.2 86.2 100 The high percentage of indigenous perennials is not surprising for a flora found between approximately 52 and 54° N. However, the large number of annuals, of which most represent introduced taxa, indicates that even on the Charlottes there are some quite dry environments. Almost without exception, these annuals, whether they are indigenous or introduced, occur only in the drier eastern coastal areas of Graham and Moresby islands. Many of these annuals reach their northern limit on the Charlottes; the next station to the south is in the dry southeastern section of Vancouver Island. Clearly, the indigenous annual taxa represent the remnant of a group that was once more widely dis- tributed during or preceding the Hypsithermal. A most interesting facet of the flora is the high degree of endemism. Eleven endemic taxa are found on the Islands and they represent over 2 percent of the indigenous flora. Of these eleven taxa, nine are restricted to the subalpine- alpine zones. As the montane flora contains about 120 taxa, the endemics represent just over 9 percent of this group. This is an extremely high degree of endemism for such a small area at so northern a latitude. MATERIALS AND METHODS The methods used in the cytological survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands were tested during the summer of 1963 by R. L. Taylor and L. C. Sherk on a collecting trip in the western Canadian provinces. At that time particular emphasis was placed on the bulk collection of cytological material under a wide variety of conditions. Experience was obtained in the use of a cytological collecting vest and a carton for handling vials in the field and for shipping them back to Ottawa. Both the shipping carton (Figure 2) and the collecting vest (Figure 3) were modified for use on the survey of the Islands during the winter of 1963—1964. It was found that fixatives such as Carnoy's, containing both alcohol and acetic acid, could be mixed up to 3 days before the time material was fixed without any obvious deterioration of the meiotic material. It may be significant that the cytological material obtained in 1963 and 1964 was collected under moderate climatic conditions (65°— 85° F). The two fixatives used were Carnoy's solution (6 parts methyl alcohol, 3 parts chloroform, and 1 part glacial acetic acid) for all flower buds and sporogenous material, and Randolph's modified Navashin solution (solution A: 1 g chromic acid, 7 cc glacial acetic acid, and 92 cc distilled water; solution B: 30 cc formalin, and 70 cc distilled water) for root tips. Before departing for the Islands in the summer of 1964, we partially filled vials (57 mm X 28 mm with molded plastic screw caps) with either 4/10 volume chloroform— acetic acid solution of the Carnoy's fixative or 5/10 volume solution A of the Navashin fixative. Bulk solutions of the other parts of the fixatives were placed in large plastic bottles. In the field, fixative solutions were prepared up to 3 days before they were used by adding the complimentary solution to each vial. To avoid mixing the wrong solutions the various solutions had been prestained with different dyes. The 24 vials carried in the collecting vest were usually enough for a 2- to 3-hour collecting period; however, on extensive mountain or hiking trips, extra vials were carried in the collecting bags. The labels (45 mm X 15 mm) used in the vials were made from 20/1000 Figure 2. Carton for shipping cytological specimens. Corrugated carton 4 inches deep x 1 8 inches long X 1 2 inches wide. Spacers divide box in 1 04 cubicles for viols. A sheet of Kempock embossed padding is placed above and below the vials to provide protection. Additional reinforcement and support is pro- vided by a sheet of masonite board between the embossed padding and the top and bottom of the carton. Figure 3. Cytological collecting vest. Vest is made of neoprene to safeguard wearer from fixatives spilled through breakage or leakage of vials. The 24 vials are inserted into elasticized pouches. gauge "Cobcx" opaque white vinyl. An ordinary lead pencil was used to record the necessary data on the labels. These vinyl labels have the advantage of not deteriorating during long storage and the data remain legible throughout the staining process. When a large amount of cytological material had been fixed in a vial, the fixative was usually replaced after we returned to the survey base. All vials were topped with fixative before shipment in cartons by air freight to Ottawa. GENUS: S^a^^fi^fl SPECIES: o«rHOC£ffrt.C COLLECTION NO,: cXs SOURCE: T'otiJ HILL. — n 2n Voucher / J? ■/- / Annotated •* ^« Photograph N e g at iv e No . D r aw ing Wild/ C ult Counted by: ~ (^l^fthtflr^ ist/9fvj> Cross Index to Flora S.'^lo AUTHOR & REFERENCE: rA ^\\\ a,ar> Vv^^oH^l - Bt-^A-> i W Co\ umnb la Ro\\>^S \\^\o\^\ - Ca\v-for r\\ a /h..C-<-*\2..c^ /I / ^.t-c-/^,^*^ Figure 4. Information card used for accumulation of cytological and collection data. When the cartons of vials were received in Ottawa, the cytological material was prepared for storage, or for embedding in paraffin. Each vial was checked to determine whether it contained meiotic or mitotic material. An information card (Figure 4) was initiated at this stage and this card was subsequently used for the accumulation of data, including the recording of special features during the examination of the material. Material collected in the field and shipped to Ottawa was processed, and stored by two general techniques : (1) Material collected for the examination of mitosis in root tips. All root tip material was killed and fixed in Randolph's modified Navashin's solution for a period of approximately two weeks. After this initial period of fixation, the root tips were removed from the vials and thoroughly rinsed in water and all extraneous matter was re- moved from them. Material was put through a series of 30, 50 and 70 percent alcohol changes at one-hour intervals and then stored in a freezer at -4° C. (2) Material collected for the examination of meiosis in flower bud and sporogenous material. All flower buds and sporogenous material were killed and fixed in Carnoy's solution. When the material reached the laboratory, it was rinsed three times at one-hour intervals in 70 percent alcohol, then stained with an alcoholic hydrochloric acid-carmine technique described by Snow (1963). After 5 to 7 days, the material was rinsed three times at one-hour intervals with 70 percent alcohol to remove excess stain before it was stored in a freezer at —4° C for periods up to two years. For examination, material was squashed in 45 percent acetic acid and preparations were made permanent with carbon dioxide and an apparatus outlined by Johnson and Janick (1962). Microslides for examination of mitosis in root tips were prepared by methods that have been developed by the Plant Research Institute over the past several years. Some difficulty was experienced in obtaining well-stained preparations of material that had been in storage for a long time. To overcome this difficulty, a 1 percent aqueous solution of chromic acid was introduced as a mordant into the schedule before staining. The addition of this extra chromic acid replaced the gradual loss of chromic acid that occurs during long periods of storage. The schedule used for the preparation and staining of the slides follows: Root tips are dehydrated through a tertiary butyl alcohol series and embedded in a mixture of 1 part Tissue Mat and 3 parts commercial paraffin. Material is sectioned at varying thicknesses depending upon the genus, for example, Carex and J uncus were sectioned at 10 microns, whereas Agrostis and Alopecurus were sectioned at 30 microns. Serial sections were mounted on microslides with Mayers adhesive. Paraffin was removed by passing the slides through a series of xylene, dioxane, and alcohol, and then hydrating through a descending series of alcohol to water. Slides were mordanted in 1 percent chromic acid solution for approximately 4 to 5 hours, washed in 30 percent alcohol for 2 minutes and water for 5 minutes, and stained in crystal violet ( 1 percent aqueous solution) for 45 minutes. After they were stained, the slides were rinsed quickly in water, and then mordanted in an aqueous iodine solution. Slides were then transferred to clove oil for differentiation and finally cleared in xylene. Cover slips were placed on the material with a piccolyte mounting medium. A few mitotic examinations were conducted on the squashed floral organs prepared by the Snow technique. Although most of the counts were obtained on material collected in the field, additional counts were obtained on material grown in Plant Research Institute greenhouses. The cultivated plants were grown from seed collected in the field in 1964 and from herbarium collections made in 1957, or they represented transplants of wild material collected in the summer of 1964. Meiotic examination was made on flower buds or sporogenous material by the Snow technique. Root tips were either prepared as outlined in the procedure for 8 field material or they were squashed using the oxyquinoline and aceto-orcein method outlined by Tjio and Levan (1950). Examination of both meiosis and mitosis was made using either a Reichert Zetopan research microscope equipped with phase contrast and anoptral con- trast equipment or a Cari Zeiss research microscope equipped with phase contrast equipment. All microslides used in the cytological study are kept at the Plant Research Institute, Ottawa. The results of the examinations have been transferred to the herbarium voucher specimens using a standard annotation slip (Figure 5). A complete set of cytological voucher specimens is housed in the Department of Agriculture herbarium in the Plant Research Institute in Ottawa. Additional sets or partial sets of vouchers will be distributed to other herbaria. Voucher specimen for chromosome number cited in FLORA OF THE QUEEN LOTTE ISLANDS. II. CYTOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE VASCULAR by Roy L. Taylor and Gerald A. Mulligan. CHAR- FLORA n = 2n = Figure 5. Annotation slip used for recording cytological information on herbarium voucher specimens. POLYPLOIDY The incidence of polyploidy in the angiosperm flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands is given in Table 3. Species of the genus Carex were excluded from the calculations because of the unusual chromosome situation found in the genus. The frequency of polyploids in the angiosperm flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands was 53.2 percent at 52°— 54° N latitude, which is about the same as that reported by Johnson and Packer (1965) for Ogotoruk Creek, Alaska: 55.8 percent at 68° N latitude. Neither of these areas is typical of locations at similar latitudes in western North America. The Queen Charlotte Islands and the Ogo- toruk Creek areas contain relic floras, whereas most of western North America at similar latitudes was completely glaciated. Before the significance of poly- ploidy in western North America can be validly estimated, more information is needed about the incidence of polyploidy in the adjacent glaciated areas of western North America and in the large unglaciated areas to the south in the United States and Mexico. Table 3. Polyploidy in the angiosperm flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands Native Introduced Total Diploid Polyploid Diploid Polyploid Diploid Polyploid Monocotyledons 36(37.5%) 60(62.5%) 5(33.3%) 10(66.7%) 41 (36.9%) 70(63.1%) Dicotyledons 98(47.6%) 108 (52.4%) 40(61.5%) 25(38.5%) 138(50.9%) 133(49.1%) Angiosperms 134(44.0%) 168(56.0%) 45 (56.2%) 35 (43.8%) 179(46.8%) 203 (53.2%) Hagerup (1932) first indicated that polyploids are more tolerant of extreme environments. Tischler (1935) reported that, based on a study of four European regions, the percentage of polyploidy could be correlated with latitude. Several other cytological studies followed and the data from 14 such studies were discussed and summarized in graphic form by Love and Love (1949). No similar comparison is possible for North America because of the paucity of cytological information in this floristic region. Furthermore, as Stebbins (1950) has pointed out, a comparison of polyploidy of different areas should entail the cytological investigation of the same families or genera in order to draw valid conclusions on the percentage of polyploidy found in the floras under consideration. The percentages of polyploidy in the native and introduced flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands are very interesting. The native plants of the Islands are 56.0 percent polyploid, whereas the introduced plants are only 43.8 per- cent polyploid. This supports the conclusion of Heiser (1950), Heiser and Whitaker (1948), and Mulligan (1960), that there appears to be no evidence of any general advantage for introduced weeds to be polyploid. Of the eleven endemic taxa on the Islands, eight have been counted. Six are polyploid: four tetraploid, one octoploid and one 16-ploid. Isopyrum savilei is diploid and Saxifraga taylori is both diploid and tetraploid. All en- demics are perennial and occur in the montane region. FORMAT OF CYTOLOGICAL FLORA The 277 genera included in this flora belong to the division Tracheophyta. Three subdivisions are represented on the Queen Charlotte Islands, namely, Sphenopsida, Lycopsida and Pteropsida. The last subdivision, which contains most of the genera in the flora, is further subdivided into three classes: Filicinae, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae. The last class contains the two subclasses Monocotyledonae and Dicotyledonae. Lawrence (1951) has been the guide for family names and their sequence, which is in turn based on the Englerian system. In the Angiospermae, the monocotyledonous families precede the dicotyledonous, the latter ending with the Compositae. Genera and species are arranged alphabetically under their respective families. The species number is identical with that used for the same taxon in Part 1. The citation Part 1 refers to Calder and Taylor (1968), Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands, Part 1 , Systematics of the Vascular Plants. An asterisk pre- ceding the generic name means that a taxon is introduced to the Islands. When no asterisk is used, the taxon is indigenous to the Islands. All taxa that appeared in Part I appear in this volume. An additional species, Vicia cracca L., has been included as species No. 390a. Not all taxa have chromosome number determinations, but the inclusion of all taxa from the Islands will facilitate the annotations of other counts when they become available. The citations of voucher specimens are grouped into two general geo- graphic regions, Graham Island and Moresby Island. All specimens collected 10 LANGARA PT FREDERICK I. {^ ATH EMPIRE AN ROSE SPIT AN PT. WHITE CREEK MUSKEG SANGAN R. TOSH ^• DOWS V- ' SHIELDS B. "'^nVBADDECK ^ixMrSLATECHU r~MT. STAPLETON ( I DAWSON I DAWSON HR. MARBLE l.» ELLS MERCER PT. NEWTON PT. CHAATL I. SKIDEGATE CHAN . KITGORO IN.- KAISUN MOSQUITO MTN HIBBEN ISLAND PEEL IN. Lj o Ki Ki a D t jk; v^ • s a N DS P I NG "-°Tm-A-^V^_-:^?E?4jORREN LAWN PT. LAWNHILL DEAD TREE PT. MILLAR CR. QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY SKIDEGATE VIL. SANDSPIT S I. JEWELL I. .SKIDEGAT ALLIFORD B. KOOTENAY IN. MT. RUSSC*'' HORN ROCK TASU SOUND ROUSTCHEFF MUD MARSH ER B. HELDENS B. AY B. SKIDEGATE CUMSHEWA CUMSHEWA IN. SKEDANS • SKEDANS I. LIMESTONE I . • LOW I . • south LOW I, DASS PT. DE LA TOUCHE FAIRFAX IN SUND KWOO CRESCENT IN. LOCKEPORT RICHARDSON I. ^TUFT IS. ^TARl. LYELL ISLAND HOTSPRING I. 0 UAN PEREZ SOUND GOWGAIA B MCTORIA L.., ii2l2, was previously reported for North American material of this species by Love and Love (1965) and by Taylor and Brockman (1966). See discussion of the taxonomy of V. viride Ait. and V. eschschoitzii in Calder and Taylor, Part 1, and in Tay- lor and Brockman (1966). Iridaceae SiSYRINCHIUM 205. Sisyrinchium littorale Greene GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = ca. 96, Juskatla, S3517. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 48, Skidegate Lake, CT35279; In = 48„, Mosquito Lake, CT35304. This coastal species is closely related to the Sisyrinchium montanum Greene aggregate. A recent cytotaxonomical study on Sisyrinchium by Bocher (1966) gives a chromosome number of In = 96 for this group. The coastal S. littorale is probably 12-ploid based on jc = 8. Orchidaceae Calypso 206. Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes ssp. occidentalis (Holz.) Calder & Taylor CORALLORHIZA 207. Corallorhiza maculata Raf. ssp. mertensiana (Bong.) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 20ii, near junction of Yakoun River and Ghost Creek, Cri557 (9. The previous base number of a' = 7 for the genus Corallorhiza was based on counts of 2n = 42 on C. trifida Chat, (see Love and Love 1961a) and C. innata R. Br. (Miduno 1940). No previous counts have been made on North American members of the genus. The meiotic configurations at metaphase I clearly showed 20 pairs and we are proposing that x = 10 be an additional base number for this genus. GOODYERA 208. Goodyera oblongifolia Raf. GRAHAM ISLAND: n 15, Haida Pt., CT36679; n 15, about IVi mi S of Jungle Beach, CT3674L 50 ORCHIDACEAE The base numbers for this genus are x = 11, 14 and 15 (see DarHngton and Wyhe 1955). The material from the Queen Charlotte Islands is diploid and belongs to the group of species that have the base number x = 15. Habenaria 209. Habenaria chorisiana Cham. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 42, Jalun Lake, CT35668. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 21„, Takakia Lake, CT36277. The Queen Charlotte Islands population is diploid based on jc = 21. 210. Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) Hook. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 2\, 2n = A2, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35729. The only other counts made on this species, 2n = 42 (Humphrey 1934, and Love and Love 1966), were also from North America. The species is pre- sumably diploid based on x = 21. Regular meiosis was observed in our ma- terial. 211. Habenaria saccata Greene MORESBY ISLAND: n = 21, Bigsby Inlet, CT 34880; 2n = 42, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35788; n = ca. 21, Kootenay Inlet, CT36161; 2n = 21ii, Takakia Lake, CT36300. The Queen Charlotte Islands population is diploid based on x = 21. Meiosis was regular with normal development of microspores. 212a. Habenaria unalascensis (Spreng.) S. Wats. ssp. unalascensis 212b. Habenaria unalascensis (Spreng.) S. Wats. ssp. maritima (Greene) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 21n, Torrens Island, CT35820; n = 21, HaidaPt, Cr5665a The Queen Charlotte Islands population is diploid based on x = 21. Meiotic examination revealed regular segregation and production of tetrads. LiSTERA 213. Listera caurina Piper LISTERA 51 GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 34, Long Inlet, CT35970; 2n = 34, Koote- nay Inlet, CT36224. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 17„, Anna Inlet, CT34940. Several base numbers, including x = 17, have been proposed for the genus. The Queen Charlotte Islands populations are diploid, based on :t = 17. 214. Listera cordata (L.) R. Br. in Ait. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 38, 9 mi N of Port Clements, CTS34708; 2n = ca. 38, about 4 mi N of mouth of Oeanda River, CT35875. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 38, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35807; 2n = ca. 38, Kootenay Inlet, CT36222. Queen Charlotte Islands plants all had a diploid number oi 2n = 38, based on x = 19. Chromosome numbers of 2n = 38, 40 and 42 have been reported for this species {see Love and Love 1961a, Kliphuis 1963, and Shoji 1963). Love and Love (1966) reported 2n = 36 for plants from Mount Washington in eastern United States. Malaxis 215. Malaxis paludosa (L.) Sw. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 14, about 3 mi NW of Tlell, CT36111. Meiotic examination showed normal meiosis and regular segregation at anaphase I with subsequent formation of normal tetrads. The same chromo- some number has been reported for this species by Hagerup (1944) and Kliphuis (1963). Spiranthes 216. Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. & Schlecht. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 15„, Masset Spit, CT 36920. Cytological examination of material from the Queen Charlotte Islands reveals that the species is diploid based on x = 15. Heslop-Harrison {in Love and Love 196 la) reported a tetraploid count of 2n = 60 for material from Northern Ireland. The question of the taxonomy of these two widely separated populations should perhaps be reconsidered on the basis of this new evidence. Salicaceae Salix 217. Salix hookcriana Barratt in Hook. 52 SALICACEAE 218. Salix lasiandra Benth. 219. Salix reticulata L. ssp. glabellicarpa Argus 220. Salix scouleriana Barratt in Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = ca. 1 14, IVi mi E of Masset, CT35605. The determination of exact mitotic counts on polyploid species of Salix are extremely difficult because of the small size and variable morphology of the chromosomes. This coastal species of the Charlottes is presumably a hexa- ploid based onx = 19. 221. Salix sitchensis Sanson in Bong. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 38, Mamin River Delta, CT35538. This species is widely distributed along the Pacific slope of the Cordilleran region and is diploid with the base number x = \9. Myricaceae Myrica 222. Myrica gale L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 96, Skidegate Lake, CT35147. European material of this species has the chromosome number n = 24 or 2n = 48 according to Hagerup (1941) and Hakansson (1955). Since species of the genus Myrica have the base number x = S (Darlington and Wylie 1955), European plants of M. gale are hexaploid. Queen Charlotte Islands plants of the same species are 12-ploid based on jc = 8, the highest level of polyploidy known for a species of the genus Myrica. Betulaceae Alnus 223. Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh ssp. sinuata (Regel) Hult. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Mt. Moresby, CT37547. There are too few counts on this species from North America to make any generalizations about chromosome numbers for the species. Love and Love (1964) reported 2n = 28 for Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh from Manitoba. Our count from the Queen Charlotte Islands represents the first report of the Pacific coast race of the wide-ranging ^4 . crispa. ALNUS 53 224. Alnus rubra Bong. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, 21/2 mi SE of Port Clements, CT34621; 2n = 28, Long Inlet, CT35965. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Crescent Inlet, CTS34978; In = 28, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34896; In = 28, Anna Inlet, CT37426. Only two earlier counts have been made on this species and both were reported as 2n = 28 (Gram et al. 1941, and Wetzel in Darlington and Wylie 1955). Moraceae HUMULUS 225. "'"Humulus lupulus L. Urticaceae Urtica 226. *Urtica dioica L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 52, Queen Charlotte City, CST23006. Two chromosome numbers, 2n = 48 and 2n = 52, have previously been reported for European material of this species (see Love and Love 196 la, Sorsa 1962, and Gadella and Kliphuis 1963). Loranthaceae Arceuthobium 227. Arceuthobium campylopodum Engelm. in Gray. Polygonaceae OXYRIA 228. Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill GRAHAM ISLAND: n ^1, Long Inlet, CT35957. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = In, Mount Moresby, CT 36388. The same chromosome number has been obtained on Canadian, Europ- ean and Asiatic material of this species by many workers. Recent counts have been reported by J0rgensen et al. (1958), Wcislo in Skaiinska et al. (1959), Mooney and Billings (1961), Sokolovskaja and Strclkova (1962), Sorsa (1963), Packer (1964), and Love and Love (1966). Mciotic examination of plants from Graham Island revealed regularity at telophase I. 54 POLYGONACEAE Polygonum 229. ^Polygonum aviculare L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 30„, Tlell, CT35915; In = 30„, Delkatla Inlet, CT36916. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 20n, Sandspit, CT 36019. Two chromosome counts, tetraploid and hexaploid, are reported by Love and Love (196 let) in their compendium for the P. aviculare complex. Doida (1962) and Styles (1962) report 2/7 = 60 for plants of this complex. Styles (1962) recognizes four species in this complex, two of which, P. aviculare s. sir. and P. arenastrum Bor., are widely distributed and well established in North America. In Britain, he found that P. aviculare s. str. always has 60 somatic chromosomes and P. arenastrum the number 2n = 40. Mertens and Raven (1965) consider P. arenastrum to be much commoner in North America than P. aviculare s. str. They found 2n = 40 for plants of P. arenas- trum from California and Indiana and 2n = 60 for two collections of P. aviculare s. str. from California. However, they state that "they would have been most difficult to determine as P. aviculare had their chromosome number not been determined." Both tetraploid and hexaploid populations of the P. aviculare complex occur on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Based strictly on chromosome number, these plants would be P. arenastrum and P. aviculare s. str., respectively. However, all specimens examined cytologically would prob- ably be classified as P. arenastrum, using the characters given by Styles (1962), but the fruits vary considerably in the aspect of the sides, and all fruits have rows of punctate dots. There seems little doubt that the morpho- logical characters given by Styles for British material cannot always be cor- related with chromosome number of American plants. We are therefore sup- porting the decision of C alder and Taylor in Part 1 in referring all plants from the Islands to the collective name P. aviculare. 230. *Polygonum convolvulus L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 20„, Sandspit, CT36011, CT37013. This chromosome number was previously reported for Canadian and European material of this species {see Mulligan 1961). 231. Polygonum fowleri B. L. Robinson GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 20, Masset Spit, CT35705. Love and Love (1956/?) reported the same chromosome number, 2n = 40, on material from the east and west coasts of Canada. Meiosis in plants from Graham Island was regular at telophase II. POLYGONUM 55 232. ^Polygonum persicaria L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 22n, Delkatla Inlet, CT36918. The same chromosome number has been reported for European material by Jaretzky (1927, 1928fl), Andersson in Love and Love (19426) and Pauwels (1958). Doida (1960, 1962) has reported 2n = 40 from mitotic examination of Japanese material. 233. ^Polygonum polystachyum Wall. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 11„, betv^een Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate Village, CT36947. This garden escape is sometimes confused with P. cuspidatum Sieb. & Zucc. According to Jaretzky (1928^), P. cuspidatum has the chromosome number n = ca. 44. 234. ^Polygonum scabrum Moench MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = lln, Sandspit, CT 37004. The same chromosome number was reported on North American and European material of this species {see Mulligan 1961 ). 235. Polygonum viviparum L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = > 100, Takakia Lake, CT 36326. The chromosome number obtained on the Queen Charlotte Islands is similar to chromosome numbers previously obtained on European and other Canadian material. It is difficult to count the many small chromosomes of this species either in mitosis or meiosis. Previous counts reported are: n = ca. 55 (Jaretzky 1928a), 2n = ca. 88, n = 44, 2n = 83-88 (Sokolov- skaja and Strelkova 1938), 2ai = ca. 100, n = ca. 50 (Flovik 1940), 2/2 = ca. 110, /I = ca. 55 (Love and Love 1948), 2/7 = ca. 132 (Skalinska 1950), 2/z =>100 (Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1960), 2n = 100 ± 10 (Mosquin and Hayley 1966), and 2/7 = 120 (Love and Love 1966, and Love and Ritchie 1966). Rum EX 236. *Rumex acetosella L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/7 42, Queen Charlotte City, CST22485, CST23J59; 2/7 = 42, Tlcll, CT 37461. 56 POLYGONACEAE This is the same chromosome number reported for this material from two locations in Ontario, one in Saskatchewan, and three on the mainland of British Columbia (Mulligan 1959). Love (1941, 1944) placed the chromo- some races of the R. acetosella complex in the following species: R. angiocar- pus Murbeck {2n = 14), R. tenuijolius (Wallr.) Love {In = 28), R. acetosella L. s. str. (2n = 42), and R. graminifolius Lambert {2n = 56). However, apparently the only morphological character separating R. angio- carpus from R. acetosella s. str. is the fusion of the valve to the seed in the former and the nonfusion of valves to seed in the latter species. Queen Char- lotte Islands material and some of the plants from elsewhere in Canada have the valves fused to the seed and 42 somatic chromosomes. It is because of this confusion that Calder and Taylor used the aggregate name R. acetosella for the plants from the Islands in Part 1 . 237. *Rumex crispus L. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 30„, Jungle Beach, CT35449; n = 30, west of Queen Charlotte City, CT36938. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 30n, Sandspit, CT35333. Many counts on this species have been made on North American, Asian, and European material (see Mulligan 1957). In all reports the chromosome number of.2n = 60 was given. 238. '''Rumex obtusifolius L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20n, between Skidegate and Skidegate Vil- lage, CT35840. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 40, Sandspit, CT35355. Earlier mitotic and meiotic examinations on Canadian, European and Asiatic material of this species have revealed the same chromosome numbers (^^6 Mulligan 1959). 239. Rumex occidentalis S. Wats. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 140, Anna Inlet, CTS34926. Two other counts of this native Rumex species are known. Mulligan (1957) reported 2n = ca. 140 from Saskatchewan plant and Love and Ritchie (1966) reported 2n = 200 for plants from Manitoba. 240. Rumex transitorius Rech. f . GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20, Jungle Beach, CST23398. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 20, near Alliford Bay, CST23230; 2n = 20, head of Cumshewa Inlet, CT23648; 2n = 20, Gray Bay, CT35287. RUMEX 57 Sarkar (1958) and Mulligan (1959) reported the same chromosome number for plants from the coastal region of British Columbia. Chenopodiaceae Atriplex 241. Atriplex patula L. ssp. obtusa (Cham.) Hall & Clements. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 11 u. Gray Bay, CT35254. This is the first chromosome count on ssp. obtusa and the first indication of a hexaploid in A. patula L. Earlier chromosome numbers reported for A. patula are 2n = 18 (Kjellmark 1934 and Witte 1947) and 2n = 36 (Winge 1917, Love and Love 1956fl, and Hulme 1958). Flora Europaea by Tutin et al. (1964) lists only 2/i = 36 for /i. patula and 2« = 18 for the closely re- lated A . hastata L. The hexaploid chromosome number reported for the western North American ssp. obtusa supports the taxonomic segregation of this entity from typical A. patula. Extensive morphological and cytological investigation of the three Cordilleran subspecies recognized by Hall and Clements and discussed by Calder and Taylor in Part 1 may lead to the recognition of separate species for this complex. Chenopodium 242. "^Chenopodium album L. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 54, Sandspit, CST23216. There are several chromosome numbers given in the literature for Cheno- podium album, however, there is good reason to believe that C. album has only one chromosome number, 2n = 54. This is the same chromosome num- ber obtained on material from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Cole (1962) reports 2n = 54 for material of C. album from Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Italy, New Zealand, Aus- tralia, U.S.A., and Canada. Cole states that the other chromosome numbers reported for this species are errors arising from the taxonomic misidentification of the original material used, mistakes easily made in this taxonomically diffi- cult genus. Salicornia 243. Salicornia pacifica Standley GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 18,i, 1 mi W of Queen Charlotte City, CST22432; n = 18, Masset Spit, CT35699. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n^ 18,,, Moresby logging camp, CST21991. 58 CHENOPODIACEAE The only chromosome numbers that have been reported for other species of this genus are either diploid, In ^ 18, or tetraploid. In = 36 {see Love and Love 1961a). SUAEDA 244. Suaeda depressa (Pursh) S. Wats. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 11 n, 1 mi W of Queen Charlotte City, CT35421; 2n - 27n, Tlell, CT35938; 2n = 27„, Naden Harbour, CT36870; 2n = 27ii, Masset, CT36919. Hulten (1944) considered Pacific coast plants to be S. maritima (L.) Dumort, a cosmopolitan species described from Europe. Calder and Taylor in Part 1 found that western prairie and Pacific plants tend to have seeds ranging from 1.0 to 1.3 mm long, whereas the eastern Canadian and European popu- lations have seeds approximately 1,5 to 2.2 mm long. They state that the flowers of the western plants tend to be smaller and have more prominently corniculate perianth lobes than those of eastern Canada and Europe. They decided to tentatively refer both inland and coastal British Columbia plants to the western species S. depressa. The chromosome number obtained on Queen Charlotte Islands material {n = 27) and reports of the chromosome number 2n = 36 for European and Asiatic plants of S. maritima (Jinno 1956 and other workers ) tend to support this position. Nyctaginaceae Abronia 245. Abronia latifolia Eschsch. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 44-46„, Tlell, CT35428. The small meiotic chromosomes and the difficulties in squashing caused by the presence of raphides in the anther walls made examination of the material difficult. Portulacaceae Montia 246. Montia fontana L. 247. Montia parvifolia (Moc.) Greene 248. Montia sibirica (L.) Howell GRAHAM ISLAND: ^7 = 12, Tlell, CTS34656; 2n = 12„, Tow Hill, CTS34753; 2n = 6„, 1 mi W of Queen Charlotte City, CTS34795; 2n = 12„, N end of Dawson Inlet, CT37346; 2n = 12„, 12 mi N of Port Clements, CT37453; 2n = 12„, 2 mi W of Queen Charlotte City, CT 37481. MONTIA 59 MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 6„, Anna Inlet, CTS34922; 2n = 12n, Bigsby Inlet, CT37464. According to Lewis (1962, 1963) M. sibirica has tetraploid and hexa- ploid races in California. It has been introduced into Great Britain where it is tetraploid according to Anderson (1963). On the Queen Charlotte Islands both diploid and tetraploid races occur; the tetraploid race is more common. It would be interesting to establish the distribution of the three chromosome races in the native range of this species and to determine whether or not only one of the chromosome races has been introduced into Great Britain. Caryophyllaceae Arenaria 249. Arenaria lateriflora (L. ) Fenzl 250. Arenaria peploides L. ssp. major (Hook.) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 34„, Torrens Island, CT35830. Meiotic examination of this species revealed regular formation of 34 bi- valents at metaphase I, with regular segregation leading to normal telophase I configurations. Mailing (1957) reported n = 34 and 2n = 68 on European material of A. peploides s. lat. under Honckenya peploides (L. ) Ehrh. Other chromosome numbers obtained from European material are 2n = 66 (Flovik 1940), n = 2A and 32 (Rohweder 1939) and 2/7 = 70 (Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1962). 251. Arenaria stricta Michx. ssp. macra (Nels. & Macbr. ) Maguire MORESBY ISLAND: 2/7 - 12ii, between Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT35172. Cerastium 252. Cerastium arvense L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/7 = ISn, Towustasin Hill, CT35518. MORESBY ISLAND: /? - 18, Limestone Island, CTS34830. Plants on the Islands arc tetraploid, based on .v = 9, and form 18 biva- lents at metaphase I. This is a cosmopolitan species widely distributed in temperate regions. In Europe two chromosome races, tetraploid and octo- ploid, are known to occur (Brett 1952, Blackburn and Morton 1957, and others). Plants from Limestone Island were regular at telophase I. 60 CARYOPHYLLACEAE 253. Cerastium fischerianum Ser. in DC. 254. Cerastium tomentosum L. 255. *Cerastiuin viscosum L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36„, Tlell, CTS34645. This European adventive has the same chromosome number on the Queen Charlotte Islands as has been obtained on European material by Larsen (1960) and many other workers. 256. *Cerastium vulgatum L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 70„, 3 mi N of Lawnhill, CST21726; 2n = 70n, Langara Island, CST22571; 2n = ca. 72n, Honna River, CT35409. Blackburn and Morton (1957) reported 2n = 72, 126, 144 and 180 for European material of this species. The number 2n = 144 was also obtained on European plants by Mattick {in Tischler 1950), Sollner (1952, 1954), Brett (1953) and Love and Love (1956fl). Brett (1955) examined selfed and F2 plants from seed originally collected in Sussex, England, and obtained chromosome numbers ranging from 136 to 152 with 136 the most frequent number. Brett (1955) also studied Fi plants collected from Mickleham, Eng- land, and obtained numbers ranging from 137 to 147, with 2n = 144 the most common number. She states that plants of this species are difficult to study because multivalents are present. She considers it probable that different numbers of chromosomes pass to each pole. Plants from the Queen Char- lotte Islands were either n = 10 or probably 72. In all cases only bivalents were seen at metaphase I. Sagina 257. Sagina maxima A. Gray GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 33n, Dawson Inlet, CTS35144. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 33„, Kootenay Inlet, CT 36221. The Queen Charlotte Islands material is hexaploid based on x = 11. Mizushima (1960fl) reported 2n = 42 or 44 for the same species from an unstated locality in Japan. In all likelihood his material is a tetraploid with 2n = 44 and a base number of 1 1 . 258. *Sagina procumbens L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = lln, between Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT35173. SAGINA 61 This widespread North Temperate species has a uniform chromosome number of 2n = 22 based on examination of European, North American and Asiatic material by Blackburn and Morton (1957), Mizushima (1960^), and others. SiLENE 259. Silene acaulis L. ssp. subacaulescens (F. N. Williams) Hitchc. & Maguire 260. '''Silene noctiflora L. Spergula 261. *Spergula arvensis L. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 9n, Queen Charlotte City, CST23806. This adventive from Europe has the same chromosome number on the Queen Charlotte Islands as it has in Europe, 2n = 18 (Blackburn and Mor- ton 1957, and others). Spergularia 262. Spergularia canadensis (Pers. ) G. Don GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36, Shields Bay, CT23383; n = 18, Jus- katla, S3515. Plants from Iceland (Love and Love 1956fl) and Europe (Ratter 1964) have the same chromosome number. Stellaria 263. Stellaria calycantha Bong. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 13„, Takakia Lake, CT36357. European material of this species has the chromosome numbers 2n = 52 (Love and Love 1956a) and 2n = 44-48 (Peterson 1936). A recent count by Love and Love (1966) on plants from Mount Washington was reported as 2n = 56, which indicates that a tetraploid race of this species occurs in eastern North America. Plants from the Queen Charlotte Islands arc diploid, based on jc = 13. The count by Love and Love ( 1956a, 1966) on this species indicates there are diploids and tctraploids in the S. calycantha complex. It seems likely that the plants examined by Peterson were probably tetraploid, 2n = 52, and the base number in this species complex is a' = 13. 62 CARYOPHYLLACEAE 264. Stellaria crispa Cham. & Schlecht. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 13„, IVi mi SE of Port Clements, CTS34600; 2n = 13„, Dawson Inlet, CTS35128. On the basis of our new counts on S. crispa, three of our four native species of Stellaria on the Islands can now be considered to have the same base number of x = 13. 265. *SteIlaria graminea L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 26, Queen Charlotte City, CT36516. This adventive from Europe has the same chromosome number on the Queen Charlotte Islands as it has in Europe (Blackburn and Morton 1957, and other workers). Plants from the Islands had regular meiosis at telophase I. 266. Stellaria humifusa Rottb. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 13n, Kumdis Creek Delta, CT36127. Plants on the Queen Charlotte Islands have the same chromosome num- ber as those from northern Europe and Greenland (Flovik 1940, S0rensen and Westergaard in Love and Love 1948, Love and Love 1956fl, and J0rgen- scnetal. 1958). 267. Stellaria longipes G oldie 268. *Stellaria media (L.) Vill. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20n, Tlell, CrS35080. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 20n, Kaisun, CT36537. This introduced weed has the same chromosome number on the Islands that was reported for this species from Ontario, Canada (Mulligan 1961 ). The same and different counts of 2/7 = 28, 42 and 44 have been reported by other workers from Europe and Asia {see Peterson 1936, Gyorffy 1940, and Pal 1953). It is interesting that only one chromosome race has been found in North America. Nymphaeaceae NUPHAR 269. Nuphar luteum (L.) Sibth. & Sm. ssp. polysepalum (Engelm.) Beal GRAHAM ISLAND: /i = 17, 10 mi N of Port Clements, CTS34713; 2n = 34, 4 mi NW of Tlell, CT3546L NUPHAR 63 MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 34, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35790. These counts represent the first chromosome determinations made on North American material. The same number was obtained on European material of other subspecies of N. luteum (L.) Sibth. & Sm. by Rosenberg (1909), Langlet and Soderberg (1927) and Heslop-Harrison (1953). Ranunculaceae ACONITUM 270. Aconitum delphinifolium DC. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, Takakia Lake, CT36317. Material of this species from the alpine Takakia Lake was diploid with 16 somatic chromosomes. This count establishes the presence of two chromo- some races in this species. The only previous chromosome count was 2n = 32 by Sokolovskaja (1963) on plants of A. delphinifolium from Kamchatka. Morphological discontinuities in the species and the recognition of them as subspecific entities is discussed by Calder and Taylor in Part 1 . ACTAEA 271. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. ssp. arguta (Nutt.) Hult. Anemone 272. Anemone multifida Poir. in Lam. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32, Limestone Island, CTS34814. Heimburger (1959) and others have obtained the same chromosome number on North and South American populations of this species. 273. Anemone narcissiflora L. ssp. alaskana Hult. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 14, Jalun Lake, CT35636. The same chromosome number was obtained on European and Asiatic material of this species by Kurita (1955) and others. The count on the Queen Charlotte Islands material represents the first report for this subspecies. The chromosomx count of Sokolovskaja and Strelkova (1948/?) of 2ai = 16 may be in error. 274. Anemone parviflora Michx. 64 RANUNCULACEAE Aquilegia 275. Aquilegia formosa Fisch. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 1, between Skidegate and Skidegate Village, CTS34664. MORESBY ISLAND: « = 7, South Low Island, CTS34845; 2n = 14, South Low Island, CT37434. The chromosome number determined on Queen Charlotte Islands material is apparently the first documented report for this species. The Vascu- lar Plants of the Pacific Northwest report 2n = 14 for the species but no docu- mentation is given. In Darlington and Wylie (1955), 2n = 14 is reported for A. formosa under the name A. truncata Fisch. & Mey. but there is no indica- tion by Skalinska ( 1931 ) of the source of the plant examined. Caltha 276. Caltha biflora DC. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 48, Blackwater Creek, CTS35073. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 48, Bigsby Inlet, CT S3 4988; 2n - 48, Sun- day Inlet, CT36607. The counts obtained on Queen Charlotte Islands material indicate C. biflora is a hexaploid with the common base number for the genus .x = 8. The closely related C. leptosepala DC. is also a hexaploid. 277. Caltha palustris L. ssp. asarifolia (DC.) Hult. COPTIS 278. Coptis asplenifolia Salisb. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 18, between Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT35171; 2n = 18, Kootenay Inlet, CT36155. This is the third species of Coptis to be counted. All members of the genus studied cytologically have a base number x = 9 and are diploid. 279. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9„, about 6I/2 mi SE Port Clements, CT34615. All previous counts reported for this species are 2n = IS (Langlet 1932, Kurita 1958, Sokolovskaja 1963, and Love and Love 1966). ISOPYRUM 65 ISOPYRUM 280. Isopyrum savilei Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: n = l,2n = 14, Long Inlet, CT35963. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 7„, Takakia Lake, CT36330. This endemic species is restricted to the central montane region on the Islands. It is diploid based on x = 7 as are other members of the genus count- ed. Meiosis was regular with 7 bivalents formed at metaphase I and normal segregation at telophase I. Ranunculus 281. '''Ranunculus acris L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n - 7„, Image Pt., CTS34691. Previous counts on this introduced North American weed were also 2n = 14. Many similar counts have been made on European material, but there have been some counts that differ, for example 2n = 12, 16, 28 and 56 (see Mulligan 1959). It appears from the large number of counts made on this species that x = 1 is the most common base number and most populations are diploid. Only diploids have been found in North America. 282. Ranunculus aquatilis L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 32, Collinson Lake, CT 35537. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 32, Skidegate Lake, CJ 35274; 2n = 16„, Skidegate Lake, CT35309. The R. aquatilis — R. circinatus group of the subgenus Batrachium is taxonomically complex in the Old and New World. Diploids, tetraploids and hexaploids, based on jc = 8, are known in this group. Only tetraploids occur on the Queen Charlotte Islands. 283. Ranunculus cooleyae Vasey & Rose GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Jalun Lake, CT35635. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, Mt. Russ, CT36I42; 2n ^ 16, Takakia Lake, CT36308. This distinctive North American Cordilleran montane species is diploid, based on jc = 8. 66 RANUNCULACEAE 284. Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schiccht. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32, Mt. Moresby, CT36404; In = 32, Mosquito Mtn., CT3646L This variable species is tetraploid on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Other members of the polymorphic section Epirotes (Prantl) L. Benson from North America that have been counted are diploid. 285a. Ranunculus flammula L. var. flammula MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16„, between Copper Bay and Skidegate Lake, CT35258; 2n = 32, W of Moresby logging camp, CT37331. 285b. Ranunculus flammula L. var. filiformis (Michx.) Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 32, Yakoun Lake, CT36762. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32, Skidegate Lake, CT35265. 285c. Ranunculus flammula L. var. ovalis (Bigel.) L. Benson GRAHAM ISLAND: 2« = 32, Yakoun River, 16 mi S of Juskatla, CT35498; 2n = ca. 32, near mouth of Oeanda River, CT35900. Calder and Taylor in Part 1 tentatively recognized three varieties in R. flammula on the Queen Charlotte Islands. All three varieties have the same chromosome number, n = 16 or 2« = 32. Plants that Calder and Taylor would place in R. flammula have been examined cytologically by many workers (Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1960, and others) and all had the chromosome number n = 16 or 2n = 32. 286. Ranunculus hyperboreus Rottb. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16„, 2n = 32, about 4 mi N of mouth of Oeanda River, CT35871; 2n = 32, Wi mi W of Yakan Pt, CT36819. This species of aquatic or damp terrestrial habitats is tetraploid, based on jc = 8, on the Islands. The same chromosome number was obtained on Euro- pean and Asian material of the species {see J0rgensen et al. 1958, Sokolov- skaja and Strelkova 1960, 1962). 287. Ranunculus occidentalis Nutt. ssp. occidentalis GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, Dawson Inlet, CTS35135; 2n = 28, Image Pt., near Skidegate, CST20872. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Copper Bay, CST21906; 2n = 28, islet off Bolkus Islands, CST22223; 2n = 28, South Low Island, CTS34842; 2n = 28, between Sandspit and Cape Chroustcheff, CT35160. RANUNCULUS 67 288. Ranunculus orthorhynchus Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 16, Tlell, CTS34651; In = 32, Yakoun River Delta, CT35464. 289. Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenb. 290. *Ranunculus repens L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = \6, 2n = 32, Image Pt., CTS34692; In = 32, Image Pt., CT35384. This species, introduced into North America, is tetraploid on the Islands, based on x == 8. It is extremely variable morphologically in the Old World, where it is known to have at least two chromosome races, diploid and tetra- ploid {see Love and Love 1961a, and Sokolovskaja 1963). 291. Ranunculus uncinatus D. Don in G. Don GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = ca. 28, Queen Charlotte City, CTS34798. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 14„, Crescent Inlet, CTS34980; In = 28, Sandspit, CT35356. This species is a tetraploid on the Islands with a base number of x = 7. It is interesting that this species and R. occidentalis Nutt., both previously un- counted, have the same ploidy level and the same base number. Both species belong to the section Chrysanthe (Spach) L. Benson. Thalictrum 292. Thalictrum alpinum L. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 1, Mosquito Mtn., CT 36448. This circumboreal species reaches its most southern limit in the Pacific Northwest on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Plants of this species from Europe and Asia are also diploid, based on x = 1 (Sokolovskaja 1963, and many other workers). Cruciferae Arabis 293. Arabis glabra (L.) Bcrnh. MORESBY ISLAND: In - 6,,, Kaisun, CT36526. 68 CRUCIFERAE Arabis glabra, native to North America and Eurasia, has several chromo- some numbers. The n = 6 number obtained on material from the Queen Charlotte Islands was also found in plants of this species elsewhere in Canada (Mulligan 1964) and from Denmark, England and Canada by Bocher and Larsen (1955). Manton (1932) and Mattick {in Tischler 1950) reported 2« = 16 and Jaretzky (1928/?) reported 2n = 32 for European plants of this species. 294. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. ssp. eschscholtziana (Andrz.) Hult. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 32„, Tow Hill, CTS34754. Arabis hirsuta is native both to North America and Eurasia. This large- flowered subspecies of the Pacific coast of North America is octoploid, based on X = 8. Rollins (1941) also found octoploid plants of A. hirsuta in Utah. Mulligan (1964) reported the presence of tetraploid plants from northern Canada, and Rollins (1941) reported tetraploids in Colorado. Diploids (Mat- tick in Tischler 1950, Baksay 1957, Novotna 1962, and Titz 1964) and tetraploids (Jaretzky 1928/?, Novotna 1962, and Titz 1964) have been found in Europe. 295. Arabis lyrata L. ssp. kamchatica (Fisch.) Hult. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32, Mt. Moresby, CT36389. The same chromosome number. In = 32, was obtained on material of this western subspecies of A . lyrata from Yukon Territory and British Colum- bia by Mulligan (1964). Rollins (1966) reported 2/i = 16 for plants of ssp. kamchatica from Alaska. Plants of the more eastern race of A. lyrata from Saskatchewan (Mulligan 1964), Wisconsin (Smith 1938) and Connecticut (Rollins 1941) were all diploid, In = 16. Barbarea 296. Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 8ii, Tow Hill, CTS34756. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, South Low Island, CTS34847; 2n = 16, Kaisun, CT 37490. Queen Charlotte Islands material of this native species had the same chromosome number, 2n == 16, as previously reported by Mulligan (1964) and Rollins (1966) on material from northern British Columbia and Cali- fornia, respectively. BRASSICA 69 Brassica 297. *Brassica campestris L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 10„, Sandspit, CT 36051. This introduced weed has the same chromosome number, n = \0,m the Queen Charlotte Islands as it has elsewhere in North America, Europe and Asia (Mulligan 1959, and others). Cakile 298. Cakile edentula (Bigel.) Hook. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 9„, Sandspit, CT35336, Material of this species from Vancouver Island, Ontario and Quebec (Mulligan 1964) and California (Kruckeberg 1948) had the same chromo- some number (« = 9) as Queen Charlotte Islands plants. Pobedimova (1963) places the Pacific population of this species under C. calijornica Heller, Atlan- tic populations under C. edentula and the Great Lake population under C lacustris (Fern.) Pobed. The morphological characters she uses to distinguish the three populations are obscure and unreliable. It is interesting to note that plants from these three areas are diploid (Mulligan 1964). 299. *Cakile maritima Scop. GRAHAM ISLAND: « = 9, Tlell, CT35430. This introduced species has the same chromosome number {n = 9) in the Queen Charlotte Islands as it has in Europe and Asia (Skalinska et al. 1961, and others). Camelina 300. * Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Capsella 301. "^Capsella bursa-pastoris (L. ) Medic. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 32, Sandspit, CT35I68. Capsella bursa-pastoris is a widely distributed adventivc in North America with the same chromosome number as found in Europe, In ^ 32 {see Mulli- gan 1957). 70 CRUCIFERAE Cardamine 302. Cardamine an^ulata Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n - 20,,, Image Pt., CTS34681; In = 40, Ya- koun River bridge, about 41/2 mi S of Port Clements, CTS35030; In = 40, 16 mi S of Juskatla, CT35497. This chromosome number was previously reported for Queen Charlotte Islands plants by Mulligan ( 1965<^). Pollen mother cells examined from plants collected at one location formed 20 bivalents at metaphase I and subsequent telophase stages were regular. Mulligan suggested that C. angulata is almost certainly an allotetraploid species with the base number x = 10. Cardamine angulata was probably derived from a diploid species with the common base number of Cardamine, x == 8, and a tetraploid with the base number x ^ 6. 303. Cardamine bellidifolia L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8,,, Mosquito Mtn., CT36447. The same chromosome number was previously reported by Mulligan {\965a) for plants from the Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Island and the Northwest Territories, by Packer (1964) on plants from Jasper, Alberta, and by Love and Love (1966) on plants from Mount Washington. European material of this species also has the chromosome number n = S (Jaretzky 1928fl, S0rensen and Westergaard in Love and Love 1948, Holmen 1952, Love and Love 1956a, J0rgensen et al. 1958, and Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1960). 304. Cardamine occidentalis (S. Wats.) Howell MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32„, In = 64, Skidegate Lake, CT35271. The only previous chromosome count on this species was reported by Mulligan (1965fl) on material from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Calder and Taylor in Part 1 state that "Cardamine occidentalis is probably the most poorly represented western North American member of the genus Cardamine in her- baria." They state further that "it is frequently overlooked in field surveys as it closely resembles C. iimbellata.'' It is interesting to note that C. occidentalis has the chromosome number 2n = 64, whereas C. umbellata has the number 2n = 48. 305. Cardamine oligosperma Nutt. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, 2^/2 mi S of Tlell, CST20895. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, Alliford Bay, CST21073; 2n = 16, East Copper Island, CST22219A. CARD AMINE 71 Plants from the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island have the same chromosome number, 2n = 16 (Mulligan 1965a). This contrasts with the chromosome number, 2n = 48, for the closely related species C. umbellata Greene {see discussion under C. umbellata) . 306. Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 32, Langara Island, CST22580. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16„, Skidegate Lake, CT37514. Tetraploid, 2n = 32, plants of this species occur in New Brunswick, Quebec, Yukon Territory, British Columbia and Colorado (Mulligan 1965a) and octoploids, 2n = 64, occur in Ontario (Mulligan 1965fl) and Wisconsin (Smith 1938). 307. Cardamine umbellata Greene GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 24„, Masset Spit, CTS34730; 2n = 24„, Tow Hill, CTS34755; 2n = 24„, Long Inlet, CT35966. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 48, islet off Bolkus Islands, CST22226; 2n = 24n, Takakia Lake, CT36297. Cardamine umbellata from five locations in the Queen Charlotte Islands was hexaploid (« = 24 or 2/t = 48). The same chromosome number was ob- tained on material of this species from elsewhere in British Columbia by Mulligan (1965a). In contrast, the closely related species C. oligosperma Nutt. is diploid {2n = 16). This difference in chromosome number supports mor- phological evidence of Calder and Taylor in Part 1 that these two taxa should be recognized at the specific level rather than the view of Hitchcock et al. (1964) that C. umbellata should only be considered a variety of C. oligo- sperma. COCHLEARIA 308. Cochlearia officinalis L. ssp. oblongifolia (DC.) Hult. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 1, Masset Spit, CTS34727; 2n = In. Daw- son Inlet, C75J5/47. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 14, islet off Bolkus Islands, CST2223L The somatic chromosome number of 14 reported for C. oblongifolia DC. from Japan by Matsuura and Suto (1935) may have been determined on material of this subspecies. The mciotic chromosomes segregated regularly at telophase I. 72 CRUCIFERAE Descurainia 309. *Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl in Engler & Prantl MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Sandspit, CT 36036. This same chromosome number has been obtained on North American and European material by MulHgan (1961) and many other workers. The 2n = 56 count often credited to Manton (1932) is incorrect. In her paper, she states that only a few octoploid cells occurred in normally tetraploid plants. Draba 310. Draba hyperborea (L.) Desv. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, islet off Bolkus Islands, CST22222; 2n = 19n, Gowdas Islands, CT 36570. The 2/1 = 36 chromosome number for plants of this Pacific coast species from the Bolkus Islands agrees with the number obtained from Vancouver Island plants by Mulligan (1966). The material from the Gowdas Islands sometimes formed 17 bivalents and 1 quadrivalent at metaphase I of meiosis in pollen mother cells, which indicates that one chromosome pair might be duplicated in plants with 38 somatic chromosomes. 311. Draba lonchocarpa Rydb. ssp. kamtschatica (Ledeb.) Calder & Taylor MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8„, Mt. Moresby, CT36382. This is the only known chromosome count for subspecies kamtschatica, the coastal race of the Cordilleran D. lonchocarpa Rydb. It has the same chromosome number, « = 8, as the typical subspecies of D. lonchocarpa from interior British Columbia (Mulligan 1966). Erysimum 312. ^Erysimum cheiranthoides L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8n, Sandspit, CT 36026. The chromosome number of this introduced weed is the same as that obtained on North American and European material of this species {see Mulli- gan 1957). Hesperis 313. *Hesperis matronalis L. LEPIDIUM 73 Lepidium 314. "^Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. in Ait. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8„, Sandspit, CT36012. This is the same chromosome number, « = 8, that was obtained on North American and European plants by many workers {see MulHgan 1957, and Easterly 1963). 315. *Lepidiuiii densiflorum Schrad. Neslia 316. '''Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 7„ Sandspit, CT36018. The same chromosome number was also obtained from North American and European material by Mulligan (1957) and other workers. Raphanus 317. ^Raphanus raphanistrum L. RORIPPA 318. *Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbas GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 8„, IVi mi S of Tlell, CT35945. This is the first diploid chromosome number found in material of the species from North America. Mulligan (1964) reported the presence of tetra- ploid plants in widely separated locations from Nova Scotia to British Colum- bia and northward to Yukon and Alaska. Both diploid and tetraploid races of this species are known to occur in Europe (J0rgensen et al. 1958 and other workers ) . SiNAPIS 319. *Sinapis arvensis L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 9„, Sandspit, CT36014. This chromosome number, az = 9, was also found in European and Asiatic material by Love and Love (1956^) and many other workers. Sisymbrium 320. * Sisymbrium altissimum L. MORESBY ISLAND: « - 7, Sandspit, CT 36043. 74 CRUCIFERAE The same chromosome number, n = 1, was obtained by Mulligan (1961), Easterly (1963) and by other workers on North American and European plants of this introduced Eurasian species. 321. ^Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 14, Queen Charlotte City, CT35912. Easterly (1963) and other workers found the same chromosome number, 2n = 14, on North American and European material of this introduced Eura- sian—African species. SUBULARIA 322. Subularia aquatica L. ssp. americana Mulligan & Calder MORESBY ISLAND: In = ISn, Mosquito Lake, CT23653. Mulligan (1964) found approximately 28 somatic chromosomes in a plant of subspecies americana from Quebec. Since his preparation was very poor, this plant may have had 30 somatic chromosomes. Love and Love (1956a) reported about 36 somatic chromosomes in material of subspecies aquatica from Iceland. Hedberg (1957) found 2n = 28 in plants of 5. monti- cola A. Br. from Mount Kenya in Africa. We need more chromosome numbers of Subularia species before we can determine the basic chromosome number or numbers of this genus. Thlaspi 323. *Thlaspi arvense L. Droseraceae Drosera 324. Drosera- rotundifolia L. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 10„, 8 mi NW of Tlell, CT35695. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = lOn, between Aero and Moresby logging camps, CT35293; n = 10, Kootenay Inlet, CT36135. This widely distributed species has been counted many times and all counts are 2n = 20 {see Love and Love 1961a). Crassulaceae Sedum 325. Sedum divergens S. Wats. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ^, Image Pt., CTS34683. SEDUM 75 MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8ii, Limestone Island, CST22406. These are the first counts reported for this species and a base number of a: = 8 is proposed. There is an earher count of 2n = 28 for this species by Baldwin (1935), but he questioned the identification of his material. His count should be referred to another species, because the material was collected in the southeastern United States. We now know that S. divergens is restricted to northwestern United States and to adjacent Canadian regions. 326. Sedum roseum (L.) Scop. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 18„, Kaisun, CT36550; In = 36, Gowdas Islands, €736643. Sedum roseum is known to have three chromosome races in Europe and Asia, 2/7 = 16, 22 and 33 (Uhl 1952, J0rgensen et al. 1958, Banach-Pogan 1958, and Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1960). Uhl (1952) surveyed the chromosome numbers of this species in North America and found that only two chromosome races. In = 22 and 36, occurred on this continent. He found that the race with 22 somatic chromosomes is confined to the northeast, where- as the race with 36 somatic chromosomes has a wider distribution, occurring in central New York, in Minnesota and in western North America. Our counts of 2/1 = 36 from the Queen Charlotte Islands answer in part the question asked by Uhl about the race(s) present in the Pacific Northwest. The counts from the Islands support his general statement on the distribution of the two chromosome races in North America. Saxifragaceae Heuchera 327. Heuchera chlorantha Piper GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 7,2n = 14, 2 mi E of Queen Charlotte City, CTS34787; 2n = 14, Queen Charlotte City, CT36975. MORESBY ISLAND: /2 = 7, Limestone Island, CST22402. 328. Heuchera glabra Willd. ex R. & S. GRAHAM ISLAND: /? = 7, Blackwater Creek, CTS3507I; n = 7, Dawson Inlet, C75J5/ 7 9. This species was counted earlier by Packer (1964) from Jasper National Park, Alberta. Leptarrhena 329. Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D. Don) R. Br. 76 SAXIFRAGACEAE MiTELLA 330. Mitclla pentandra Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 14, Jalun Lake, CT35654. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 14, Takakia Lake, CT36299. Previous chromosome counts were made by Schoennagel (1931) and Packer (1964). The latter author counted material from Jasper National Park, Alberta. Parnassia 331. Parnassia fimbriata Konig GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36, Long Inlet, CT35959. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, Takakia Lake, CT36273. The same chromosome number was obtained by Packer (1964) on material from Jasper National Park, Alberta, and by Taylor and Brockman (1966) on material from Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, in the interior of British Columbia. RiBES 332. Ribes bracteosum Dougl. in Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Dawson Inlet, CTS35124. The same chromosome number was obtained by Zielinski (1953) on material from Oregon. 333. Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. in Lam. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Haida Pt, C ST 2 3450. Two previous workers have counted R. lacustre. Tischler (1927), and more recently Zielinski (1953) and Love and Love (1966) have reported 2« = 16 for this species from North America. 334. Ribes laxiflorum Pursh GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Naden Harbour, CT 36847. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, Sandspit, CST21846. Two earlier counts with the same number have been made on this west- em North American species. Zielinski (1953) counted material from Oregon, and Anderson (1963) examined meiosis of material from Humboldt County in California. SAXIFRAGA 77 Saxifraga 335. Saxifraga caespitosa L. 336. Saxifraga ferruginea Grab. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/7 = 10„, Dawson Inlet, CTS35111; In = 10„, Jalun Lake, CT35652; In = 10„, Long Inlet, CT35996. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 10, Anna Inlet, CTS34942, CT35314; 2n = lOn, 2n = 20, Takakia Lake, CT36325; In = 10„, Mosquito Mtn., CT36469. The previous number oi n = 19 for this species was reported by Beamish (1960, 1961). Unfortunately the plates shown in her 1961 paper do not sup- port the recognition of 19 chromosomes as the haploid complement. Plates 14 and 15 of this paper represent poor preparations and 19 chromosomes are not visible in each of the segregating complements. Plate 13 is said to be a polar view of a meiotic configuration. However, we would suggest that the illustra- tion represents either the early stage of anaphase I or metaphase II because, from our experience with this species, it is clearly not metaphase I. We have counted not only the material from the Queen Charlotte Islands but also material from inland British Columbia and it seems evident that the haploid number for this species \s n = 10. 337. Saxifraga lyallii Engler ssp. hultenii Calder & Savile MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 56, Mt. Moresby, CT 36403; n - ca. 28, Mosquito Mtn., CT36462. The chromosome number of this species is diflficult to determine from either mitosis or meiosis because of the variation of the chromosome morphol- ogy and pairing configurations. The only other species counted in this section of Saxifraga is 5. odontoloma Piper, which has a chromosome number of 2n = 48. 338. Saxifraga mertensiana Bong. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n - ca. 50, Dawson Inlet, CTS35089. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 48-50, Anna Inlet, CTS34928; 2n = ca. 48, Blackwatcr Creek, CTS35053. The only previous count for this species was made on Vancouver Island material by Beamish (1961). She reported that it was difficult to obtain a meiotic count and was only able to make an approximate mitotic count of 48 from ovular tissue. Similarly, wc have found it difficult to obtain an accurate count, since the somatic chromosomes arc small and arc of several dilTcrcnt sizes with indistinct outlines. 78 SAXIFRAGACEAE 339. Saxifraga oppositifolia L. MORESBY ISLAND: « = 13, Mt. Russ, CT36I96. Many other workers have obtained the same chromosome number for this species. Recently Packer (1964) reported 2n = 26 for material from Jasper National Park, and Mosquin and Hayley (1966) examined plants from Mel- ville Island in the Canadian Arctic. The only other counts for S. oppositifolia are 2n = 39 and 52. Both of these counts are discussed by J0rgensen et al. (1958). 340a. Saxifraga punctata L. ssp. carlottae Calder & Savile MORESBY ISLAND: n = 36, Takakia Lake, CT36348; 2n = 36„, Mosquito Mtn., CT36463. The counts obtained on material from the Queen Charlotte Islands agree with the count obtained by Moore {in Calder and Savile 1960) on ssp. por- sildiana Calder & Savile {2n = ca. 72). Packer (1964) has recently counted ssp. nelsoniana (D. Don) Hult. from the Richardson Mountains in northwest- em Canada and found the chromosome number to be 2n = 28. A similar number is reported for S. punctata s. lat. in Russia by Sokolovskaja and Strel- kova (1938). 340b. Saxifraga punctata L. ssp. cascadensis Calder & Savile 341. Saxifraga taylori Calder & Savile GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 26„, Jalun Lake, CT35641. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 13, Yatza Mtn., CT35712; 2n - 13„, Taka- kia Lake, CT36272; 2n = 26„, Mt. Moresby, CT36455. This species was previously counted by Moore (1959) on plants from Mount de la Touche on the Queen Charlotte Islands {CT23511) but he only made an approximate mitotic count of 2n = 54-56 on a leaf primordium squash. Meiotic examination of this species has shown that the haploid num- ber is either 13 or 26 and undoubtedly Moore's count should be considered as 2n = 52. Saxifraga taylori is restricted to the central montane region on the Islands and is one of the conspicuous endemic elements of the Charlottes. The pres- ence of two chromosome races, based on x = 13, on the Islands is a most interesting facet of this species. Saxifraga taylori is the only member of the section Trachyphyllum Gaudin of Saxifraga on the Islands. It is suggested that the tetraploid race represents a natural autotetraploid. Morphologically the two races are identical. Examination of meiosis in the tetraploid reveals the regular formation of 26 bivalents in diakinesis and metaphase I. This pairing behavior indicates that some genetic mechanism is operative in this polyploid to prevent the formation of multivalents. SAXIFRAGA 79 342. Saxifraga tolmiei T. & G. Tellima 343. Tellima grandiflora (Pursh) Dougl. in Lindl. TiARELLA 344. Tiarella trifoliata L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 7„, Image Pt., CTS34680; n = 1, Black- water Creek, CTS35067; 2n = lu, Dawson Inlet, CTS35086. The same chromosome number has been reported for this species by Packer (1964) from Whitecourt, Alberta, and by Kern (1966) from an undisclosed locality in the Pacific Northwest. 345. Tiarella unifoliata Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = In, Dawson Inlet, CT35087. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 7n, Takakia Lake, CT 36320. Kern (1966) reported n = 1 for this same entity under the name T. tri- foliata L. ssp. unifoliata (Hook.) Kern. No documentation for the count was given. Taylor (unpublished) has made a number of counts, all n = 7, for this species from Canadian and United States localities. TOLMIEA 346. Tolmiea menziesii (Pursh) T. & G. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, Yakoun Lake, CT 36777. MORESBY ISLAND: 2/7 = 28, Crescent Inlet, CTS34979; n = 14, be- tween Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT35178. Other workers have reported the same number for this western North American species (Schoennagel 1931, Skovsted 1934, Hamel 1963, and Rogers 1965). Rosaceae Amelanchier 347. Amelanchier florida Lindl. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 34„, Image Pt., CTS3467I. This is the first count reported for the western North American scgregant of the A. alnifolia Nutt. complex. According to Sax (1931 ), the base number of Amelanchier is jc = 17. Queen Charlotte Islands plants of A. florida are tetraploid. 80 ROSACEAE Aphanes 348. Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt. ) Rydb. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Queen Charlotte City, CST23020. Aruncus 349. Aruncus Sylvester Kostel. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9„, Dawson Inlet, CTS35120. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 9, head of Cumshewa Inlet, CT35224. Chromosome counts on other species of Aruncus in North America are the same as for the western North American A . Sylvester. Crataegus 350. Crataegus douglasii Lindl. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ca. 17, 1 mi W of Queen Charlotte City, CTS34796. The haploid number of 17 agrees with counts obtained for other species of Crataegus and for the Pomoideae Focke in general by most authors. The only other count reported for C. douglasii is « = 24 by Longley (1924) and he considered it a triploid with a base number of ;c = 16. Meiosis in the material from the Islands was irregular with univalents present at metaphase I and lagging chromosomes during anaphase and telo- phase I. 351. * Crataegus monogyna J acq. Fragaria 352a. Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchesne ssp. lucida (E. Vilm.) Staudt 352b. Fragaria chiloensis (L. ) Duchesne ssp. pacifica Staudt GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 56, Masset Spit, CST21223. Staudt (1962) has reported that he obtained an octoploid somatic count of 2/1 = 56 on 45 collections of this species. He made one count on material collected during the 1957 Plant Research Institute survey of the Islands. The octoploid number is in agreement with the many counts made on this species by other workers {see Love and Love 1961 a). GEUM 81 Geum 353. Geum calthifolium Smith in Rees GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 42, Jalun Lake, CT35671. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 21, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34899; In = 42, Anna Inlet, CTS34931; 2n = 42, Yatza Mtn., CT35710; 2n = 42, Mt. Russ, CT36168; In = 42, Sunday Inlet, CT36610. This western native Geum is considered to be a hexaploid. 354. Geum macrophyllum Willd. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 42, head of Cumshewa Inlet, CT36244. This chromosome number has been repeatedly observed in the same species (5^e Gajewski 1957). 355. Geum schofieldii Calder & Taylor MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 111, Mt. Russ, CT36144. Geum schofieldii is an endemic of the montane regions on the Islands. This species is 16-ploid and has the highest chromosome number known in the genus. The evolution of this distinct species is vague and the cytological information does not provide any real clue to its position or relationship to other members of the subgenus Acomastylis (Greene) Gajewski {see discus- sion in Part 1 ) . LUETKEA 356. Luetkea pectinata (Pursh) Kuntze MORESBY ISLAND: n = 9, Mt. Moresby, CT37017. This count agrees with the recent report of 2a? =: 18 by Packer (1964) on plants from Jasper National Park, Alberta. Telophase I was regular. POTENTILLA 357. Potentilla pacifica Howell GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, Yakoun River Delta, CT35471; 2n = 28, Masset Spit, CT35703. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - 28, Gray Bay, CT35239; 2n 28, Mike ln\Q{, CT3666J. 82 ROSACEAE In a recent general review of the Potentilla anserina L. complex, Rousi (1965) reports that all counts for the Pacific coast entity that we recognize as P. pacifica are tetraploid, 2n = 28. On the basis of his extensive study, he recognizes the west coast taxon as a new subspecies, P. anserina L. ssp. paci- fica (Howell) Rousi. 358. Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 35, Skidegate Lake, CT35148. The only other chromosome count on this species is 2n = 28 reported by Ehrenberg (1945) on Scandinavian material. The 2n = 35 count on the Queen Charlotte Islands population strongly suggests that it is apomictic. 359. Potentilla villosa Pallas ex Pursh GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 14, Newton Pt., CST22942. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 14, Hotspring Island, CST22279. Previous counts of 2n = 14, 42 and 49 have been reported for this species. The chromosome counts of 42 and 49 have been attributed incorrectly to P. villosa through a misconception of a statement by MUntzing (1931) ". . . P. villosa Zimm. is probably synonymous with P. CrantzU Beck. According to Tischler P. villosa has n = 1; my Crantzii-stTains were hexaploid and hepta- ploid." Unfortunately MUntzing's misleading proposal that P. villosa, a Berin- gian species, was probably synonymous with P. crantzii, a Eurasian species, has led to the present confusion about chromosome numbers in P. villosa. The exact source of the material that Tischler (1929) counted is not known, but his report of a haploid number of « = 7 corresponds to our own diploid counts of 2« = 14 from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Pyrus 360. Pyrus fusca Raf. Rosa 361. Rosa nutkana Presl. RUBUS 362. Rubus chamaemorus L. 363. *Rubus laciniatus Willd. RUBUS 83 364. Rubus parviflorus Nutt. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = \4, Queen Charlotte City, CST23012; 2n = 14, Image Pt., CTS34685; 2n = 14, Haida Pt., CT36686. These counts from the Queen Charlotte Islands agree with counts by Darrow and Longley (1933), Vaarama (1954), and Jinno (1958). 365. Rubus pedatus Smith GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 14, 5 mi N of Port Clements, CTS34695. 366. *Rubus procerus P. J. Mueller ex Boulay 367. Rubus spectabilis Pursh GRAHAM ISLAND: 2« = 14, about 8 mi SSW from Juskatla, CT35559; 2n = 14, 5 mi W of Tow Hill, CT37471. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = U, Bigsby Inlet, CT37463. The same chromosome number was obtained by Darrow and Longley (1933) from western North American material. 368. Rubus ursinus Cham. & Schlecht. Sanguisorba 369. Sanguisorba canadensis L. ssp. latifolia (Hook.) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, Long Inlet, CT35958. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Mt. Russ, CT36147; 2n = 28, Taka- kia Lake, CT36318; 2n = 28, Bigsby Inlet, CT37400. The only previous count reported for Sanguisorba canadensis L. is 2n = 56 (Larsen 1959; Nordborg 1963, and Love and Love in Love and Love 1961a). Larsen's count was obtained on botanical garden material. The octo- ploid chromosome number of 2n = 56 reported by these authors should prob- ably be referred to the typical variety found in eastern North America. The western subspecies, which is found on the Queen Charlotte Islands, is a tetraploid. 370. Sanguisorba menzicsii Rydb. 84 ROSACEAE 371. San^uisorba officinalis L. ssp. microcephala (Presi) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/? = 14„, 2« - 28, 15 m S of Masset, CT35565. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Red Mud Marsh, CST23187. Nordborg (1963), in a review of S. officinalis L., reports two cytotypes (tetraploid and octoploid) based on x = 1. Her information was based on studies conducted on European and Asiatic material. The tetraploid number from the Queen Charlotte Islands represents the first count for this species in North America. It would be interesting to know the chromosome number of the typical subspecies found in the dry interior valleys of western Yukon and central Alaska. SiBBALDIA 372. Sibbaldia procumbens L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 14, Mt. Moresby, CT36375; In = 14, Mosquito Mtn., CT36446. Many counts have been made on the species and all have been reported as either n = 1 or 2n = 14. Three counts have been reported from North America (Wiens and Halleck 1962, Packer 1964, and Love and Love 1966). SORBUS 373. *Sorbus aucuparia L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 34, Masset, CT 36831. This same number has been reported by several authors {see Love and Love \96\a). 374a. Sorbus sitchensis M. Roemer ssp. sitchensis 374b. Sorbus sitchensis M. Roemer ssp. grayi (Wenzig) Calder & Taylor MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - ca. 34, Takakia Lake, CT3632L Material of this species from the Queen Charlotte Islands is probably diploid with the base number x = 17. Spiraea 375. Spiraea douglasii Hook. ssp. menziesii (Hook.) Calder & Taylor MORESBY ISLAND: n = 18, Skidegate Lake, CT 36062. SPIRAEA 85 Sax (1936) reported n = IS for S. douglasii Hook., but was unable to obtain a count for 5. menziesii Hook. Our examination shows that the more northern ssp. menziesii has the same chromosome number as the more wide- spread southern ssp. douglasii. Leguminosae Cytisus 376. * Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 23„, Skidegate Lake, CT35152. Our examination of material of this European species has revealed the same meiotic configuration found by Bocher and Larsen (1958/?). These two authors have given a lucid discussion of the discrepancies in counts previously reported for this species; namely, that counts of 2n = 48 reported from mitotic examinations are undoubtedly in error because of the presence of two large satellited chromosomes that usually give the appearance of four chromo- somes. However, our examinations and those by Bocher and Larsen have substantiated the earHer count of Maude (1940). Lathyrus 377. Lathyrus japonicus Willd. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = U, Sandspit, CT37008. All previous counts for this species give the same chromosome number (see J0rgensen et al. 1958, and Brightmore and White 1963). 378. Lathyrus littoralis (Nutt.) Engl. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 14, Tlell, CT35432. This interesting coastal strand and beach species occurs only along the central Pacific coast of North America. It has the same base number of jc = 7 as previously determined for other members of the genus. 379. Lathyrus ochroleucus Hook. 380. Lathyrus palustris L. LUPINUS 38L Lupinus littoralis Dougl. in Lindl. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 24„, mouth of Sangan River, CT35597. A single count of /? ^ 24 on material from the coast of Oregon was re- ported by Phillips ( 1957) for this western American tetraploid species. 86 LEGUMINOSAE 382. Lupinus nootkatensis Donn ex Sims GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n - 24„, between Skidegate and Queen Char- lotte City, CTS34777. Previous counts by Maude (1939, 1940) and Bragdo (1957) are tetra- ploid, 2n = 48, and were made on naturalized or cultivated material. The count from the Queen Charlotte Islands represents the first time native material of this species has been counted. Melilotus 383. *MeIilotus alba Desr. in Lam. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 8, Sandspit, CT 36032. Many other diploid numbers based on ;c = 8 have been reported for this species. Two other counts are reported, 2n = 24 (Atwood 1936) and 2n = 32 (Atwood 1936, and Wipf 1939). However, these counts were made on experimentally induced polyploids or the examination was made a somatic tissue found in root nodules. 384. *Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8„, Sandspit, CT36031. All earlier counts of this species are either n = ^ or 2n = \6 {see Love and Love 1961<3). OXYTROPIS 385. Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. Trifolium 386. *Trifolium dubium Sibth. 387. *Trifolium pratense L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = In, Sandspit, CT35346. The many counts made on this species are either /i = 7 or 2^? = 14, except for those made on induced tetraploids used in plant-breeding experi- ments (Wipf and Cooper 1938). 388. *Trifolium repens L. MORESBY ISLAND: n ^ \6, Sandspit, CT35165. TRIFOLIUM 87 This widely distributed clover species has been counted many times and all counts, except those for experimentally produced polyploids, are tetraploid, 2n = 32 {see Love and Love 1961a). 389. Trifolium wormskjoldii Lehm. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 32, Tlell, CST22098; 2n = 32, Image Pt., CT37398; 2n = 32, Haida Village, CT37417; 2n = 32, N end of Dawson Inlet, CT37483; 2n = 32, between Millar Creek and Skidegate Mission, CT37546. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32, Anna Inlet, CTS34921; 2n = 16„, Kootenay Inlet, CT 36199; 2n = 32, Moresby logging camp, CT36510. The previous count by Wexelsen (1928) of 2n = ca. 48 for this species is probably an error, as was pointed out by Mosquin and Gillett (1965) in a review of chromosome numbers in Trifolium. 390. tilex europaeus L. Ulex ViCIA 390a. *Vicia cracca L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/7 = 14„, Port Clements, CT36113. Rousi (1961) has demonstrated that three chromosome races exist in this species: 2n = 12, 14 and 28. All populations examined in North America were tetraploid with a base number of 7. The Queen Charlotte Islands count represents the first count made on a western North American adventive popu- lation. 391. Vicia gigantea Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: a? = 7, between Skidegate and Skidegate Village, CTS34665. Three basic chromosome numbers of x = 5, 6 and 7 have been reported for the genus. A review of the chromosome numbers of western North Ameri- can species indicates that most species are diploid and have a base number of 392. *Vicia sativa L. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 6,2n = 12, Sandspit, CT35348. This widely introduced European adventive has been repeatedly reported to be a diploid with a base number of jc = 6 {see Srivastava 1963, and Huzi- wara and Kondo 1963). 88 LEGUMINOSAE 393. *Vicia villosa Roth MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 7„, Sandspit, CT36081. All previous counts for this series are diploid, 2n = \4 (see Love and Love 1961a). Geraniaceae Geranium 394. *Geranium dissectum L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 11„, Sandspit, CT35329. Three earlier counts on this species have shown a uniform chromosome number of ^z = 11 (Gauger 1937, Warburg 1938, and Love and Love 1944fl). 395. ^Geranium molle L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 13n, Sandspit, CT35330. The same chromosome number was obtained on Canadian and European material of this species (see Mulligan 1959). 396. Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 26, Limestone Island, CTS3483L Our count of « ^ 26 agrees with that of Shaw (1952) on material from Utah. Warburg (1938) reported "« = 28?," which suggests that he was un- certain of his count. This species is probably tetraploid with the base number X = 13. Linaceae LiNUM 397. Linum bienne Mill. Callitrichaceae Callitriche 398. Callitriche heterophylla Pursh ssp. bolanderi (Hegelm.) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20, between Juskatla and Port Clements, CT S3 5 08 3. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - 20, between Moresby and Aero logging camps, CT35291; 2n = 20, Skidegate Lake, CT37515. CALLITRICHE 89 The base numbers for this genus are x = 3, 5 and 9. The Queen Char- lotte Islands population is presumably tetraploid, based on ;t = 5. Enipetraceae Empetrum 399. Empetrum nigrum L. Violaceae Viola 400. Viola adunca Smith in Rees GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20, IVi mi S of Jungle Beach, CST23460. The same chromosome number, n = 10 or 2/i = 20, was obtained on material of this species from California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado and Vancouver Island, British Columbia, by Gershoy (1934) and Clausen et al. (1940). It is interesting to note that plants with the chromosome number n "^ 20 or 2n = 40 occur in Alberta and Manitoba (Packer 1964, and Taylor andBrockman 1966). 401. Viola biflora L. ssp. carlottae Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 48, Long Inlet, CT35977. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 48, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34893; 2n = 48, Anna Inlet, CTS34924; 2n = 48, Yatza Mtn., CT35711; 2n = 48, Takakia Lake, CT36306; 2n = 48, Mosquito Mtn., CT36449. The widely distributed V. biflora L. has been reported to have many counts oi 2n = 12 {see Love and Love \96\a) and one count oi 2n = 18 (Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1962). Miyaji (1929) has reported n = 6 iov V. biflora and 2n = 48 for the Japanese species V. crassa Makino, an entity that has been treated as a northern Asiatic alpine race of V. biflora found in central and northern Honshu and Hokkaido in Japan and also in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. The recent English translation of the revised Japanese flora by Ohwi (1965) segregates the latter race from V. biflora as a separate species V. crassa. The members of Viola section Dischidium Ging. present some inter- esting systematic problems that await research. 402. Viola glabella Nutt in T. & G. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - 24, Takakia Lake, CT 36298. 90 VIOLACEAE Two previous counts have been made on this species. Gershoy (1934) reported 2n =^ 24 on material from an unstated locality and Taylor and Brock- man (1966) reported 2« = 24 from a population in southern British Co- lumbia. 403. Viola Ian gsdorffii (Regel) Fisch. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 60„, Mount Moresby, CT36425; In = ca. 120, 60n, Anna Inlet, CTS34963. The only previous count attributed to V. langsdorffii was made on culti- vated material by Miyaji (1929), who found Japanese plants to be octoploid, 2/7 = 96. Sokolovskaja (1963) reported 2/t = 96 for V. kamtschadalorum W. Becker & Hult. from Kamchatka. This species is closely related to V. langsdorffii and has been considered by Ohwi (1965) to be synonymous with it. The disposition of the morphological variants of V. langsdorffii s. lat. is not clear. The decaploid chromosome number of 2n = ca. 120 obtained for the Queen Charlotte Islands material may indicate that the eastern Pacific popu- lation of V. langsdorffii differs from the western Pacific population. 404. Viola palustris L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 48, Dawson Inlet, CT37345. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 48, Skidegate Lake, CT37411. Many counts have been made on this species and all counts reported are 2n = 48 (see Gadella 1963, and Love and Love 1961a). Onagraceae CiRCAEA 405a. Circaea alpina L. ssp. alpina MORESBY ISLAND: n = 11, Mosquito Lake, CT36710. 405b. Circaea alpina L. ssp. pacifica (Asch. & Magnus) Raven in Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 11, Honna River, CTS34802; n = 11, AVi mi S of Port Clements, CTS35038; n = 11, 8 mi SSW of Juskatla, CT35476; n - 11, Long Inlet, CT35968; n = 11, Honna River, CT 36934. Previous counts on this species have revealed both subspecies to be di- ploid, 2n = 22 (Lewis et al. 1958). A recent count from western Canada of 2n = 22 was reported by Packer (1964). EPILOBIUM 91 Epilobium 406. Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, 3 mi E of Skidegate Lake, CST21919; 2n = 36, Takakia Lake, CST2305L This widely reported occurring species has been counted by many authors and all but one report give the chromosome number as either a? = 18 or 2n = 36. The report by Mattick {in Tischler 1950) oi n = 9 may be incorrect. 407. Epilobium angustifolium L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 36, between Millar Creek and Skidegate Vil- lage, CrJ (5697. MORESBY ISLAND: /? = 36, Tuft Islets, CT S3 4865; n = 36, Sands- pit, CT36072; « = 36, Horn Rock, CT36517. These counts have been discussed by Mosquin (1966). In this paper dealing with a worldwide study of the species, the Queen Charlotte Islands population has been recognized as part of his newly proposed subspecies cir- cumvagum. A recent report of In = 72 by Love and Love (1966) has been reported under a new species E. platyphyllum (Daniels) Love and Love. 408. Epilobium brevistylum Barbey in Brewer & Wats. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 36, near Copper Bay, CST21926. 409. Epilobium delicatum Trel. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 36, Tow Hill, CST22667; 2n = 36, be- tween Ells and Mercer pts., CST22906; 2n = 36, Shields Bay, CT23343. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, below Newcombe Peak, CST22049; 2n = 36, Mt. de la Touche, CT23594; 2n = 36, between Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CrJ57 55^. 410. Epilobium glandulosum Lehm. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36, Jungle Beach, CST23393; 2n - 36, about 2^/2 mi S of Tlell, CST23410. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36. between Sandspit and Copper Bay, CST23192; 2n = 36, Skidegate Lake, CT23639. Sokolovskaja (1963) counted material from Kamchatka and reported 2n = 36. No previous counts have been reported from native North American material. 92 ONAGRACEAE 411. Epilobium latifolium L. 412. Epilobium minutum Lindl. ex Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 26, between Skidegate and Skidegate Vil- lage, CST21399. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 26, Hotspring Island, CST22302; 2n = 26, Limestone Island, CST22414. In 1962, Kurabayashi et al. examined meiosis of material from California and reported « = 13. 413. Epilobium palustre L. Haloragidaceae Myriophyllum 414. Myriophyllum spicatum L. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 28, near mouth of Honna River, CT 36945. Previous counts for this species have been made by Love and Love on material from Iceland. Their first report in 1948 gave the chromosome num- ber as 2n = 36, but subsequent reexamination by Love in 1954 gave the number as 2« = 28. However, both these reported counts were refuted by A. Love in 1961 when another examination of new material from Iceland gave the number as 2n = 42. A count of 2n = 42 is reported for material of this species from Manitoba by Love and Ritchie (1966). Hippuridaceae HiPPURIS 415. Hippuris montana Ledeb. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, Takakia Lake, CT 36315. This count oi2n = 16 is the first report of a diploid species in the genus and substantiates the previously proposed base number of x = 8. All earlier counts on Hippuris were polyploid. 416. Hippuris vulgaris L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 32, about 4 mi N of mouth of Oeanda River, CT35853. HIPPURIS 93 Many similar counts have been made on this species {see Love and Love 1961a, Sokolovskaja 1963, Gadella and KHphuis 1963, Sorsa 1963, and Love and Ritchie 1966). The report of 2n = 30 by Harada (1952) on Japanese material may be in error. Araliaceae Oplopanax 417. Oplopanax horridus (Sm.) Miq. Umbelliferae Angelica 418. Angelica lucida L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 14„, 2n = 28, Takakia Lake, CT36336; In = 14n, Gowdas Islands, CT36572. These counts establish the presence of another tetraploid species in the Apioideae Drude with a base number oi x = 7. CONIOSELINUM 419. Conioselinum pacificum (S. Wats.) Coult. & Rose GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 22, Haida Pt., CT35396; 2n = 22„, Torrens Island, CT35829; 2n = 22„, 21/2 mi S of Jungle Beach, CT 36696. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 44, Tuft Islets, CTS34864; 2n = 22„, Sandspit, CST23210; 2n = 22„, Horn Rock, CT36518; 2n = 22n, Kaisun, CT36536; 2n = 44, Gowdas Islands, CT3657L Previous counts for this taxon are reported under C. chinense (L. ) B.S.P. by Bell and Constance (1966) and all are n = 22. For a discussion of the taxonomic considerations see Calder and Taylor in Part 1 . Glehnia 420. Glehnia littoralis Schmidt ssp. leiocarpa (Mathias) Hult. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 1 1, Tlell, CT35438. All earlier counts of this species have given a haploid chromosome num- ber oi n = 11. Jinno (1956) and Liu ct al. (1961) obtained this chromosome number on material of the typical subspecies from Japan and from Taiwan; Bell and Constance (1966) found a? 1 1 in plants of subspecies leiocarpa from Oregon. 94 UMBELLIFERAE Heracleum 421. Heracleum lanatum Michx. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 11„, N end of Dawson Inlet, CST22852. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 22, W of Moresby logging camp, CT37343, CT37441. The count reported here agrees with other previous counts of H. lanatum made by Bell and Constance (1957) and Love and Love (1966) on material from North America. LiGUSTICUM 422. Ligusticum calderi Math. & Const. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 33n, Jalun Lake, CT35634. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 33„, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34903; In = 33„, In = ca. 66, Anna Inlet, CT34985; In = 33„, Yatza Mtn., CT35728. This endemic species is the only hexaploid member of Ligusticum found on the Pacific coast of North America. The same chromosome number has been reported by Bell and Constance (1966) for L. filicinum S. Wats, from Wyoming. 423. Ligusticum scoticum L. ssp. hultenii (Fernald) Calder & Taylor LiLAEOPSIS 424. Lilaeopsis occidentalis Coult. & Rose GRAHAM ISLAND: 2« = 44, Kumdis River Delta, CT23803; 2n = 44, Yakoun River, CT35468; 2n = 22„, Delkatla Inlet, CT35587. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 22„, Skidegate Lake, CT 36064; 2n = 44, Skidegate Lake, CT36064. This species is a tetraploid with the base number x = W. Oenanthe 425. Oenanthe saimentosa Presl in DC. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 44, Tlell, CT35925. Bell and Constance (1957) obtained the same chromosome number, n = 22, from material of this species collected in California. OSMORHIZA 95 OSMORHIZA 426. Osmorhiza chilensis H. & A. 427. Osmorhiza purpurea (Coult. & Rose) Suksd. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 22, Dawson Inlet, CT37356. This diploid number of O. purpurea places this species at the same ploidy level as other Osmorhiza counted by Bell and Constance (1957, 1960 and 1966). Sanicula 428. Sanicula crassicaulis Poepp. ex DC. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16„, Image Pt, CTS34672. Bell (1954) has fully discussed the three chromosome races (tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid) in this species for western North America. The count from the Queen Charlotte Islands indicates that the tetraploid race is present near the northern limit of the typical subspecies along the Pacific coast. Cornaceae CORNUS 429. Cornus stolonifera Michx. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 22, near junction of Yakoun River and Ghost Creek, CT35508. This count agrees with other counts made on this species from Western Canada by Taylor and Brockman (1966). 430. Cornus unalaschkensis Ledeb. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 22„, near Masset Spit, CTS34726. A previous count by Taylor and Brockman (1966), cited under C. inter- media (Farr. ) Calder & Taylor, gave 2n = 1 In for this species. Counts on the closely related C. canadensis L. have shown the presence of two chromosome races, a diploid 2n = 22 (Packer 1964) and a tetraploid 2n = 44 (Derman 1932). It appears that two races are also present in C. unalaschkensis. Pyrolaceae Hypopitys 431. Hypopitys monotropa Crantz 96 PYROLACEAE MONESES 432. Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray ssp. reticulata (Nutt.) Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 26, Jungle Beach, CTS34669. The typical subspecies was reported to have 2n = 26 by Hagerup (1941). The Queen Charlotte Islands record is the first count for North American material. Pyrola 433. Pyrola secunda L. Ericaceae Andromeda 434. Andromeda polifolia L. Arctostaphylos 435. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel Cassiope 436. Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don ssp. cristapilosa Calder & Taylor 437. Cassiope mertensiana (Bong.) G. Don 438. Cassiope stelleriana (Pall.) DC. Cladothamnus 439. Cladothamnus pyrolaeflorus Bong. Gaultheria 440. Gaultheria shallon Pursh Kalmia 441. Kalmia polifolia Wang. Ledum 442. Ledum palustre L. ssp. groenlandicum (Oeder) Hull LOISELEURIA 443. Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. MENZIESIA 97 Menziesia 444. Menziesia ferruginea Smith Phyllodoce 445. Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hook.) Coville MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 12u, Takakia Lake, CT36276, This count represents the second species counted in the genus Phyllodoce. Vaccinium 446. Vaccinium alaskense Howell 447. Vaccinium caespitosum Michx. 448. Vaccinium ovalifolium Smith in Rees 449. Vaccinium oxycoccus L. 450. Vaccinium parvifolium Smith in Rees 451. Vaccinium scoparium Leiberg 452. Vaccinium uliginosum L. 453. Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. ssp. minus (Lodd.) Hult. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 12„, 5V^2 mi SE of Port Clements, CTS3459L All earlier counts on this species have been reported as 2n = 24 (see Love and Love 1961a). Primulaceae Dodecatheon 454. Dodecatheon jeffreyi Van Houtte GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 43„, White Creek Muskeg, CTS34742; 2n = ca. 86, Jalun Lake, CT35624. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 86, Anna Inlet, CTS34936; 2n = ca. 86, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35736; 2n = ca. 86, Mt. Russ, CT36J60. 98 PRIMULACEAE In his biosystematic study of Dodecatheon, Thompson (1953) stated, in the discussion on the cytology of D. jefjreyi ssp. jefjreyi, that mitotic counts varied from 2n = 42 to 44. In a later paper, Beamish (1955) reported that plants from Douglas Island, Alaska, Prince Rupert and Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, belong to ssp. jefjreyi and had either n = A2> ovln = ca. 86. One collection from Stevens Pass in Washington was reported as ^z = 22 by Beamish. The northern Cordilleran population of D. jeffreyi appears to constitute a uniform cytological race presumably equivalent to an octoploid race that has lost a pair of chromosomes. 455. Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merrill MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - ca. 88, South Low Island, CTS34831. Beamish (1955) previously reported counts for this species under D. radicatum Greene. Plants from Saskatchewan and British Columbia (Fair- mont Springs and Dutch Creek) had n = 22 or 2n = ca. 44. Other plants examined from Lulu Island, British Columbia, and Anchorage, Alaska, were n = ca. 44 and one population from Victoria, British Columbia, was deter- mined as n = ca. 66. DOUGLASIA 456. Douglasia laevigata Gray ssp. ciliolata (Constance) Calder & Taylor Glaux 457. Glaux maritima L. ssp. obtusifolia (Femald) Boivin GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 30, Dawson Inlet, CTS35143; 2n = 30, Naden Harbour, CT36865. Previous counts on G. maritima of 2n = 30 have been reported from Europe (^^e Kress 1963). Lysimachia 458. *Lysimachia punctata L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 15, Skidegate Village, CT 36954. The haploid number on the material from the Queen Charlotte Islands was made from examination of telophase I. Meiosis was regular. Reese (1953) reported 2n = 30 for this species from Europe. Trientalis 459. Trientalis europaea L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ca. 44, between 6 and 8 mi SE of Port Cle- ments, CTS34616. TRIENTALIS 99 We found it impossible to determine an exact chromosome count for this species because of irregularities in meiosis. The chromosome number n = ca. 44 was obtained from cells at anaphase I, a stage that exhibited lagging chromosomes. Earlier attempts by several authors to determine the chromosome number of this species have resulted in approximate counts of 2n = ca. 160 (see Love and Love 1961a) and 2n = ca. 170 (Sokolovskaja 1963). It appears that the chromosome number of plants from the Queen Charlotte Islands is significantly lower than those previously reported for this species from other areas. Gentianaceae Gentiana 460. Gentiana douglasiana Bong. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 13„, Bigsby Inlet, CST22174; n = 13, Kootenay Inlet, CT36184. Meiosis was regular in all material examined. 461. Gentiana platypetala Griseb. Gentianella 462. Gentianella amarella (L.) Borner ssp. acuta (Michx.) J. M. Gillett SWERTIA 463. Swertia perennis L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Mt. Russ, CT36156; 2n = 28, Taka- kia Lake, CT36265. This is the same chromosome number reported for this species by Sakai (1935) and Favarger (1952) on Japanese and European material, respec- tively. The count of n = 12 or 2« = 24 was obtained by Woycicki (1937) should be ignored unless it can be confirmed by other workers. Menyanthaceae Faltria 464. Fauria crista-galli (Menzies) Makino MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 102, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35814. 100 MENYANTHACEAE The chromosome number of 2n ^ 102 was previously obtained for this species from material collected at Terrace, British Columbia, by Mulligan (1965^). Matsuura and Suto (in Darlington and Wylie 1955) reported 2n = 68 for plants of this species from Japan. Their chromosome count prob- ably should be referred to the species F. japonica Franchet. Menyanthes 465. Menyanthes trifoliata L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = ca. 54, Jalun Lake, CT35662. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 54, White Swan Bog, CT35300; 2n = 27ii, Red Mud Marsh, CT35365; 2n = ca. 54, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35768; 2n = ca. 54, Sunday Inlet, CT36583. The same chromosome number for this species was reported earlier by many workers {see Love and Love 1961a, Sorsa 1962, and Love and Ritchie 1966). Convolvulaceae Convolvulus 466. *Convolvulus sepium L. 467. Convolvulus soldanella L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 22, Tlell, CT35427. One previous count on the species was made by Kano (1929) in which n = W was reported. Polemoniaceae POLEMONIUM 468. Polemonium pulcherrimum Hook. Hydrophyllaceae ROMANZOFFIA 469. Romanzoffia sitchensis Bong. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = lln, Takakia Lake, CT23094; 2n = 11„, Mt. Moresby, CT36396. The recent review of the chromosome numbers in the Hydrophyllaceae by Constance (1963) states that all taxa of this small genus have /i = 11. Previous counts of R. sitchensis were made by Cave and Constance (1950). AMSINCKIA 101 Boraginaceae Amsinckia 470. Amsinckia spectabilis Fisch. & Mey. MORESBY ISLAND: n^ 5, Sandspit, CT35349. Examination revealed regular meiosis. Ray (1954) and Ray and Chisaki (1957) reported the same chromosome number for material from Pacific coast regions. Lappula 471. *LappuIa echinata Gilib. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 23n, Sandspit, CT36025. Strey (1931) and Mulligan (1957) reported 2n = 48 on material from Europe and Canada, respectively. The chromosome count of a7 = 23 on ma- terial from the Islands suggests either that there are two chromosome races in this species or that the counts of previous authors may be incorrect. LiTHOSPERMUM 472. *Lithospermuni officinale L. Mertensia 473. Mertensia maritima (L.) S. F. Gray GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 12„, Masset Spit, CTS34724. The same chromosome number was obtained on Icelandic material of this species by Love and Love (1948, 1956«). This is the first count on North American plants. Myosotis 474. *Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 24„, Queen Charlotte City, CT35844. Strey (1931 ) reported n = ca. 24 and 2n =^ ca. 48 for European plants of this species. Other chromosome races of M. arvensis are known to occur in Europe: 2n = 24 (Mattick in Tischler 1950), 2n = ca. 50 (Sorsa 1962), 2n = 52 (Merxmullcr and Grau 1963) and 2n = 54 (Gcitler 1936, and Love and Love 1956c/). 102 BORAGINACEAE 475. Myosotis laxa Lchm. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ca. 42, near Yakoun River Delta, CT35462. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 42n, between Skidegate Lake and Copper Bay, CT35276. This species of Myosotis is probably 12-ploid, based on ;c = 7. 476. *Myosotis scorpioides L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 32„, Skidegate Village, CT 36961. The same chromosome number has been obtained on European material (^see Love and Love 1961a, and Gadella and Kliphuis 1963). Labiatae Galeopsis 477. ^Galeopsis tetrahit L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 16, Masset, CT 36832, The chromosome number obtained for plants from the Queen Charlotte Islands was « = 16, the same number that was reported for plants from else- where in Canada and in Europe {see Mulligan 1959, and Gadella and Kli- phuis 1963). Lycopus 478. Lycopus uniflorus Michx. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 22, Skidegate Lake Bridge, CT35151. This widely distributed species of North America, Siberia and Japan is diploid with the base number x = \\. Mentha 479. Mentha arvensis L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2az = 36, Sandspit, CT 36039; n = 46, Skidegate Lake, CT36736. Many chromosome races occur in European populations of the M. arven- sis complex, 2n = 12, 64, 60-62, 72, ca. 90 and 92 (see Morton 1956). It is interesting to note that two chromosome races are found in the limited population of this species that occurs on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Sandspit population growing in a gravel pit may represent an introduction of European origin, whereas the other populations collected, including the one from Skidegate Lake, presumably represent native stands of this species. MENTHA 103 480. Mentha citrata Ehrh. Prunella 481. Prunella vulgaris L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, Long Inlet, CT35993. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n ^ 14„, Mosquito Lake, CT35305. Two chromosome numbers, 2n = 28 and 2n = 32, have been reported for this species. According to Bocher (1949), the 2n = 32 counts made by many workers are incorrect because the somatic chromosomes are of different sizes and some large bent-over chromosomes have been counted as two chrom- osomes. In their chromosome list. Love and Love (1961fl) agree with Bocher; they list the 2n = 32 counts for this species in parentheses. After counting 50 populations of P. vulgaris in North America, Nelson (1964) agreed with Bocher that the chromosome number for P. vulgaris is 2n = 28 and that the reported number 2n = 32 is incorrect. Stachys 482. Stachys cooleyae A. Heller MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 32n, Sandspit, CT36035; 2n = 32„, near Moresby logging camp, CT36704. Counts of n = 16 have been reported for other native North American species of this genus (Beaman et al. 1962, and Lewis et al. 1962). On the basis of these counts and our own from the Queen Charlotte Islands, it would appear that the genus has a base number of ;c = 8 in North America. Scrophulariaceae Castilleja 483. Castilleja hyetophila Pennell 484. Castilleja parviflora Bong. 485. Castilleja unalaschensis (Cham. &Schlecht.) Make MORESBY ISLAND: n = ca. 48, Tuft Islets, CTS34860; n - 48, be- tween Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT35183. Previous counts on other species' of Castilleja indicate that the base num- ber for the genus is x - 6 (Beaman et al. 1962, and Hcckard 1964). Castil- leja unalaschensis is an octoploid and has one of the highest ploidy levels in the genus in North America. 1 04 SCROPHULARI ACEAE COLLINSIA 486. Collinsia parviflora Dougl. ex Lindl. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 14„, Haida Pt., CST20873. One previous count of /t = 7, a diploid, was reported by Garber (1956) but the source of the material was not given. He reported at this time that 50 percent of the species of this genus had been counted and all were diploid. The population from the Queen Charlotte Islands departs from the general diploid nature of the genus and is a tetraploid. Digitalis 487. *Digitalis purpurea L. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 28, Skidegate Lake, CT35281. Many counts have been made on this species and all authors have re- ported either n = 2S or 2n = 56 (see Love and Love 1961«). MiMULUS 488a. Mimulus guttatus DC. ssp. guttatus GRAHAM ISLAND: 2m = 28, Queen Charlotte City, CST22481. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 28, Kaisun, CT36535; 2n = 28, South Low Island, Cr57452. 488b. Mimulus guttatus DC. ssp. haidensis Calder & Taylor GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = ca. 56, Dawson Inlet, CT35061; 2n = 28n, Blackwater Creek, CT35131 . MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = ca. 56, between Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT35184; 2n = 56, Takakia Lake, CT 36284; 2n = 56, Mt. Moresby, CT37337. Recent extensive studies by Vickery and his students in Utah have shown that M. guttatus has both diploid (2/t = 28) and tetraploid {2n = 56) popu- lations {see Mia et al. 1964). However, only one tetraploid count was obtained in the 40 to 50 populations sampled. The tetraploid was found in Verde Val- ley, Yavapi County, Arizona. Our studies on the two subspecies in the Queen Charlotte Islands have revealed that the endemic ssp. haidensis found in the montane regions is consistently tetraploid, whereas the lowland ssp. guttatus, which occurs extensively throughout most of western North America, is dip- loid as has been well documented by Vickery et al. PEDICULARIS 105 Pedicularis 489. Pedicularis lanata Cham. & Schlecht. 490. Pedicularis oederi Vahl in Homem. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Jalun Lake, CT35639. Plants of this species from the Queen Charlotte Islands have the same chromosome number, 2n = 16, that has been reported for European plants of this species by Knaben (1950) and Mattick (in Tischler 1950). 491. Pedicularis ornithorhyncha Benth. in Hook. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 8„, Takakia Lake, CT36275. 492. Pedicularis pennellii Hult. ssp. insularis Calder & Taylor 493. Pedicularis verticillata L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 6„, Takakia Lake, CT3630L One previous count on this species, on European material, by Favarger (1963) was reported as 2n = 12. The other two species counted from Queen Charlotte Islands material were diploid based on x = 8. Pedicularis verticil- lata is also diploid but has the base number x = 6. Only two base numbers are known in the genus Pedicularis and plants with both base numbers occur on the Islands. Rhinanthus 494. Rhinanthus crista-galli L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 7„, Tlell area, CT35927. Earlier counts on the Rhinanthus crista-galli complex have shown 2n = 22. However, in a discussion of this diploid number by Hambler (1958), he reports that the chromosome complement is made up of 14 large chrom- osomes and 8 much smaller chromosomes. Our examination of meiosis of material from the Queen Charlotte Islands revealed normal meiosis with seven pairs regularly formed at metaphase I and regular segregation at telophase I and II. We are recognizing the base number jc = 7 for this western North American Rhinanthus. Veronica 495. Veronica americana Schwein. ex Benth. in DC. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - 36, Skidegate Mission, CT 36958. 1 06 SCROPHULARI ACEAE Two previous counts of 2n = 36 have been made on this species (Sch- lenker 1937, and Sokolovskaja 1963). Sokolovskaja counted material from Kamchatka. 496. *Veronica arvensis L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2« = 16, Alliford Bay, CST21054. Two diploid chromosome numbers have been reported for this species, 2n = 14 and 2n = 16 (see Love and Love 1961a). Material from the Queen Charlotte Islands was diploid with the base number x = 8. 497. * Veronica filiformis Sm. 498. Veronica peregrina L. ssp. xalapensis (H.B.K.) Pennell 499. Veronica scutellata L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2« = 18, Red Mud Marsh, CT35364. All earlier counts of this species are either n =^ 9 or 2n = 18 (see Love and Love 1961a, and Gadella and Kliphuis 1963). 500. *Veronica serpyllifolia L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n ^ 14, Image Pt., CTS37340. This species has often been reported to have a diploid number of 2n = 14 (see Love and Love 1961a, and Sokolovskaja 1963). 501. Veronica wormskjoldii R. & S. MORESBY ISLAND: 2az - 18, Takakia Lake, CT36327. The Veronica alpina complex which includes V. wormskjoldii is not clearly understood (see Hulten 1958). The western North American plant has been recognized as V. wormskjoldii by most authors. Two chromosome numbers are known for the species, 2« = 36 (Bocher and Larsen 1950, J0rgensen et al. 1958, Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1960, and Love and Love 1966) and 2« = 18 (Packer 1964). The diploid number reported by Packer was determined on plants from Jasper National Park in Western Canada, whereas the tetraploid count of Love and Love (1966) was obtained on plants from the eastern United States. The presence of the diploid race on the Queen Charlotte Islands would indicate that there may be only a diploid race of this species in Western Canada. PINGUICULA 107 Lentibulariaceae PiNGUICULA 502. Pinguicula villosa L. 503. Pinguicula vulgaris L. ssp. macroceras (Link) Calder & Taylor Utricularia 504. Utricularia intermedia Hayne in Schrader 505. Utricularia minor L. 506. Utricularia vulgaris L. Plantaginaceae Plantago 507. *Plantago lanceolata L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 12, Masset Spit, CST22639; n = 6, Masset Spit, CT S3 473 3. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 6, Sandspit, CT35158. Many counts have been made on this species and the number most fre- quently reported is diploid, 2n = \2 (Rahn 1957). The counts of 2n = 24 and 96 by McCullagh (1934) probably refer to other species. Aneuploidy occurs in the species, with the result that 2n = 13 has been found (see dis- cussion in Rahn). Meiosis was regular in material examined from the Islands. 508. Plantago macrocarpa Cham. & Schlecht. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 24, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35745. The same chromosome number has been obtained on material from Van- couver Island, British Columbia (Bassett 1967). 509. *Plantago major L. GRAHAM ISLAND: ai - 6, 21/2 mi S of Tlell, CTS34662; 2n = 61,, 2 mi NW of Tlell, CT35690; 2/7 - 12, Tlell, CT3594L MORESBY ISLAND: 2« = 12, Anna Inlet, CT37472. 1 08 PL ANT AG I N ACE AE This species has been counted many times on North American, Euro- pean and Asiatic material and the chromosome number usually reported is n = 6 or 2n = 12. Three tetraploid counts reported by Ishikawa (1916), Ikeno (1929) and Takahashi (in Kihara et al. 1931) were on Japanese ma- terial identified as Plantago major var. asiatica (L.) Decne. It was suggested by Mulligan (1959) that if tetraploids exist in Canada, they may be expected to occur along the Pacific coast. The counts on Queen Charlotte Islands material suggest that Pacific coast populations are diploid. 510. Plantago maritima L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = \2, Tlell, CST23178; n = 6, Tlell, CTS34632; n = 6, between Skidegate and Skidegate Village, CTS34670; n = 6, Dawson Inlet, CTS35142. MORESBY ISLAND: In = \2, Moresby logging camp, CST21981. Plantago maritima is a widely distributed polymorphic species with many segregates. Chromosome numbers reported for the species indicate diploid and tetraploid races (see Love and Love 1961, and Sorsa 1962). The Queen Charlotte Islands population is diploid. Rubiaceae Galium 511. Galium aparine L. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ca. 32, Image Pt., CTS34690; n = ca. 32, 21/2 mi S of Jungle Beach, CT36700. Many chromosome numbers have been reported for this species: 2n = 42, 44, 63, 64, 66, 86 and 88 (see Love and Love 1961(3, Lewis 1962, andKliphuis 1962). 512. Galium kamtschaticum Steller ex R. & S. GRAHAM ISLAND: « = 22, 8 mi SSW of Juskatla, CT35475. The same chromosome number was reported by Love and Love (1966) for plants from eastern United States. 513. Galium trifidum L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 12„, Lawn Pt, CT35447. All previous counts on this species have been on European material (see Love and Love 1961^) and are either n = 12 or 2m = 24. GALIUM 109 514. Galium triflorum Michx. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n == 66, Jungle Beach, CT37357. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 66, Mosquito Lake, CT37509; In = 66, Crescent Inlet, CT37516. This circumpolar species has recently been examined cytologically from three widely separated regions and each region has a different chromosome race based on x = H. Sorsa (1963) reported 2/t = ca. 44 on material from Finland, Khoshoo and Bhatia (1963) reported n = \\ from Himalayan plants, and our own counts from the Queen Charlotte Islands constitute a hexaploid race. Sherardia 515. *Sherardia arvensis L. MORESBY ISLAND: n = l\,2n = 22, Sandspit, CT35328. Many earlier cytological investigations on this species have consistendy revealed a diploid number of 2n = 22 (see Love and Love 1961a, and Piotro- wicz in Skalinska et al. 1964). Caprifoliaceae LiNNAEA 516. Linnaea borealis L. ssp. longiflora Hult. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 32, 15 mi S of Masset, CT35569. Many counts have been reported for Linnaea borealis L. and all have been n ^ 16 or 2« = 32 (see Love and Love 1961 a, 1966, Sorsa 1962, Czapik in Skalinska et al. 1964, Packer 1964, Taylor and Brockman 1966, and Love and Ritchie 1966). The taxonomic relationship of the western North American material to the typical subspecies is discussed by Calder and Taylor in Part 1 . LONICERA 517. *Lonicera etrusca Santi 518. Lonicera involucrata (Rich.) Banks ex Sprengcl GRAHAM ISLAND: « = 9, Tlell area, CTS35077; 2n = 18, Tlell area, CT35434, One previous count, 2n ^- 18, has been made on L. involucrata by Janaki-Ammal and Saunders (1952). Mciosis was regular in the material examined from the Islands. 110 CAPRIFOLIACEAE Sambucus 519. Sambucus racemosa L. ssp. pubens (Michx.) House MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, Gray Bay, CT35246. The same somatic number has been reported by several authors (see Love and Love 1961, 1966, and Sorsa 1962). A recent report of 2n = 19n by Taylor and Brockman (1966) from material collected in Yoho National Park in British Columbia indicates that an increase in the normal chromosome complement by one pair of chromosomes may have taken place during the evolution of this tetraploid population. Symphoricarpos 520. Symphoricarpos albus (L.) Blake GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36u, between Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate Village, CT36685. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 36, Sandspit, CT35351. This wide-ranging, polymorphic species appears to have more than one cytological race. Sax and Kribs (1930) reported a hexaploid, n = 27, Parrish (1957) an octoploid under the name S. rivularis Suksd., and Taylor and Brockman (1966) a tetraploid from McLean, Saskatchewan. The Queen Charlotte Islands population, which is very limited in its distribution, is octo- ploid. Viburnum 521. Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. Valerianaceae Plectritis 522. Plectritis congesta (Lindl.) DC. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 16, In = 32, Image Pt., CTS34677. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n - 32, South Low Island, CTS34838. The same chromosome number was obtained on material of this species from four locations in southwestern British Columbia by Taylor and Brock- man (1966). They also counted 2n = 32 for P. macrocera T. & G. from Ver- non, British Columbia, and proposed the base number .^ = 8 for the genus Plectritis. VALERIANA 111 Valeriana 523. Valeriana sitchensis Bong. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ca. 48, Long Inlet, CT35956. The information obtained on other closely related species indicates that the base number for this genus is x = 8. The Queen Charlotte Islands popu- lation is 12-ploid based on x = 8 and represents the highest ploidy number known for the genus. Meiotic examination revealed some univalents at meta- phase I. Campanulaceae Campanula 524. Campanula alaskana (A. Gray) Wight ex J. P. Anderson MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 102, Tuft Islets, CTS34861; n = 51, 2n = ca. 102, Kootenay Inlet, CT36235. Sugiura (1940) reported n = 17 for C. alaskana on material from a European botanical garden. Other workers have reported both diploids and tetraploids for the closely related C. rotundiflora, based on x = 17 (Sugiura 1938, Bocher 1938, Flovik 1940, and Vaarama in Love and Love 1948). The count attributed to this species by Sugiura (1940) may apply to C. rotundi- folia, because C. alaskana has a distribution restricted to the northern Bering- ian region. The Queen Charlotte Islands population has the highest number recorded for the C. rotundijolia complex. 525. Campanula lasiocarpa Cham. Lobelia 526. Lobelia dortmanna L. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 14, Mosquito Lake, CT36722. All previous counts of the species were diploid, In = 14, based on x = 7 (^^eBowden 1959). Compositae Achillea 527. Achillea millefolium L. GRAHAM ISLAND: In = 54, N end of Dawson Inlet, CT35132. 112 COMPOSITAE MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 54, Middle Tuft Islet, CT37364; In = 54, Gowdas Islands, CT37392; 2n = 54, South Low Island, CT37437. This hexaploid count substantiates the discussion by Calder and Taylor in Part 1, that the Achillea millefolium complex is represented on the Queen Charlotte Islands by the native coastal race that is referred to A. borealis Bong, by many authors. Anaphalis 528. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 28, White Creek Muskeg, CT37527. The same chromosome number has been reported on European and Asian material by Maude (1940), Sokolovskaja (1960), Love and Love (1964), and Zhukova (1964). Arano (1956) obtained 2n = 27 on Japanese plants of this species. Anthemis 529. *Anthemis cotula L. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 9, Sandspit, CT36071. Meiotic examinations show normal meiosis with nine chromosomes pres- ent in each dyad of telophase I. Other counts on this species have been diploid, 2« = 18 {see Love and Love 1961a). Apargidium 530. Apargidium boreale (Bong.) T. & G. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2« - 18, 12 mi N of Pt. Clements, CT 34721; 2n= 18, 4 mi NW of Tlell, CT35455, CT37373. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 18, Echo Harbour, CST22368; 2n = 18, Anna Inlet, CTS34945. The only previous count on this species was 2n = 18 by Stebbins et al. (1953) on material from California. The many counts we have made on the Queen Charlotte Islands clearly establish the diploid nature of this species. Arctium 531. *Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 18n, between Millar Creek and Skidegate Village, Cr3669M. ARCTIUM 113 The same chromosome number was reported for Canadian and for Euro- pean material of this species (see Mulligan 1961). Some of the plants ex- amined from the Queen Charlotte Islands had one small, weakly stained chromosome in addition to 18 haploid chromosomes. Arnica 532. Arnica amplexicaulis Nutt. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = ca. 28, 2n - 56, Blackwater Creek, CTS35060; n = ca. 28, Mt. Moresby, CT36440. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 56, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35815, CT37383. Mitotic examination clearly showed 56 somatic chromosomes. It was not possible to make an accurate count from pollen mother cells as meiosis was extremely irregular (for example, one cell had 38i -f 9ii at metaphase I). 533. Arnica latifolia Bong. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 19„, Long Inlet, CT35961. MORESBY ISLAND: n = ca. 19, Takakia Lake, CT 36296. This is the same chromosome number that was reported for this species on material from two locations in Washington by Omduff et al. (1963). Love and Love (1964) obtained 2n = 112 for plants of A. puberula Rydb. {=A. latifolia var. gracilis (Rydb.) Cronq.) from Alberta. Queen Charlotte Islands plants of this species clearly belong to the typical variety. Artemisia 534. Artemisia arctica Less. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, Takakia Lake, CT36309. Three previous counts have been made on this species. Sokolovskaja (1963) reported 2n = 36 for material from Kamchatka, Zhukova (1964) reported 2n = ca. 18 from botanical garden material, and Kawatani and Ohno (1964) reported 2n = 36 for Japanese material. The Queen Charlotte Islands population is tetraploid, based on jc = 9.. Aster 535. Aster siibspicatus Nees 114 COMPOSITAE Bellis 536. *Bellis perennis L. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 9ii, between Sandspit and Cape Chroust- cheff, CT35159. The same chromosome number has often been reported for North American, European and Asiatic material {see Love and Love 1961a, Gadel- la and KHphuis 1963, and Turner and King 1964). Chrysanthemum 537. * Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9n, 21/2 mi S of Masset, CT35580. The same diploid chromosome number, based on x = 9, has been ob- tained on North American and European material of this species (see Love and Love 1961a). Tetraploid counts reported for this species should be refer- red to C ircudanum Turcz. CiRSIUM 538. *Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. GRAHAM ISLAND: n = \1 , Jungle Beach, CT35450. This introduced species has the same chromosome number on the Queen Charlotte Islands as has been reported for European material {see Love and Love 1961a, and Gadella and Kliphuis 1963). 539. *Cirsium brevistylum Cronq. 540. *Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Airy-Shaw MORESBY ISLAND: In = 68, 2 mi S of Cape Chroustcheff, CT37425; In = 68, Skidegate Lake, CT37501. The same chromosome number was reported for this species on European and North American material by many authors {see Moore and Frankton 1962). COTULA 541. *Cotula coronopifolia L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20, Queen Charlotte City, CT 36939. Earlier counts on 2n = 20 have been made on C. coronopifolia from dif- ferent areas: Wulff (1937/?), Rodrigues (1953), Castro and Pontes (1946), and Hair (1962). CREPIS 115 Crepis 542. *Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 3ii, between Queen Charlotte City and SkidegatQ, CTS34781. This species has often been counted (see Babcock 1941a, 1941 b, and Love and Love 1961a) as 2n = 6. Meiosis was regular in the material ex- amined from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Erigeron 543. Erigeron humilis Grah. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 36, Takakia Lake, CT36340. European and Greenland material of this species has been reported to have a chromosome number of 2n = 36. Packer (1964) reported the same number from plants of the Richardson Mountains in Yukon. 544. Erigeron peregrinus (Pursh) Greene MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = IS, Upper Victoria Lake, CT35722; 2n = 18, Kootenay Inlet, CT36191; 2n = 18, Sunday Inlet, CT36611. Erigeron peregrinus has recently been counted by Packer (1964) from plants from Jasper National Park, Alberta. He reported a mitotic chromosome number of 2« = 18. Franseria 545. Franseria chamissonis Less. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36, Masset Spit, CT 34766. This species has been consistently reported to have a tetraploid chromo- some number of 2n = 36 by Wiggins and Stockwell (1937) and Payne (1964). Gnaphalium 546. "^Gnaphalium uliginosum L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/7 = 7„, about 21/2 mi S of Tlell, €735947. The same chromosome number obtained on material from the Queen Charlotte Islands was reported for European and Asiatic material of this species by WulfT (1938), Love and Love (1956a), and Arano and Nakamura (1964). 116 COMPOSITAE Grindelia 547. Grindelia integrifolia DC. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 24, Delkatla Inlet, CT35594. MORESBY ISLAND: In =- 24, head of Cumshewa Inlet, CT2368I. In a recent study on Grindelia, Dunford (1964) reported a tetraploid number of 2n = 24 for G. striata DC., a species we consider synonymous with G. integrifolia. His count was made on material from Marin County in California. HiERACIUM 548. Hieracium albiflorum Hook. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9n, between Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate Village, CTS34786. For discussion, see H. triste Willd. 549. * Hieracium aurantiacum L. MORESBY ISLAND: In = 36, Alliford Bay, €736090. Most earlier counts of this adventive of European origin have been re- ported as «= 18 or 2/7 = 36 {see Love and Love \96\a). A recent report on cultivated garden material by Zhukova (1964) gives a somatic count from root tips as 2/2 = 30. 550. Hieracium triste Willd. ex Sprengel MORESBY ISLAND: In = 9u, Mt. Moresby, CT 36457; In = 9n, Takakia Lake, CT 36281. Material of H. albiflorum Hook, and H. triste from the Queen Charlotte Islands was regular at all stages of meiosis. Old World species of this genus are known to be apomictic. The regular meiosis in Queen Charlotte Islands plants suggests that North American species of this genus are sexual. Further cytological and breeding studies on New World species of Hieracium are needed to determine the extent of apomixis present on this continent. Sokolov- skaja (1963) reported 2/t = 18 for H. triste from Kamchatka. Hypochaeris 551. *Hypochaeris radicata L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2/7 = 8, between Queen Charlotte City and Skide- gate Village, CTJJiPi. HYPOCHAERIS 117 This species has often been reported to be diploid, 2n = S (see Mulligan 1957, Reiser 1963, and Turner and King 1964). Lapsana 552. ^Lapsana communis L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n - 7„, Queen Charlotte City, CT35845. Several chromosome numbers have been reported for this species, 2n = 12, 14 and 16 {see Sorsa 1963). All three chromosome races are known to occur in Europe; however, plants with only 14 somatic chromosomes are known from North America. Leontodon 553. *Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Merat. ssp. taraxacoides (Vill.) Shinz & Thellung MORESBY ISLAND: In = 8, Alliford Bay, CT 36091. In a discussion of the cytology of Leontodon by Stebbins et al. (1953), the numbers reported for L. nudicaulis (L.) Merat. are In = ^ and In = 10. However, the count of 2/? = 10 obtained by Wulff (1937/?) on botanical garden material may be an error. Stebbins et al. reported 2« = 8 for material from California. Matricaria 554. ^Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9„, Tlell, CT35917. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 9„, Sandspit, CT 36038; /? = 9, Horn Rock, CT36519. The same chromosome number was previously reported for North Ameri- can and European material by many workers (see Love and Love \96\a). Petasites 555. Petasites nivalis Greene Prenanthes 556. Prenanthes alata (Hook.) D. Dictr. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 16, Millar Creek, CST23455; 2n 8„, Blackwater Creek, CT S3 5069; 2n - 16, N end of Long Inlet, CT36010. 118 COMPOSITAE MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 16, Kaisun, CT36532; In = 16, between Cumshewa and Peel inlets, CT37458. The base numbers proposed for this genus are x = 8 and 9 {see Bab- cock et al. 1937). The Queen Charlotte Islands population is diploid, based on X = 8. Senecio 557. Senecio cymbalarioides Nutt. ssp. moresbiensis Calder & Taylor MORESBY ISLAND: In = 45ii, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34887; 2n = ca. 90, Takakia Lake, CT36323. The meiotic examination of this material revealed regular meiosis with 45 bivalents formed at metaphase I and regular separation at telophase I and II. The previously reported number of the more southern typical subspecies from California and Washington material was n = 23 (Omduff et al. 1963). 558. Senecio newcombei Greene GRAHAM ISLAND: n = 24, Jalun Lake, CT35665. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 24ii, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34888; 2n = 24n, Takakia Lake, CT 36271 . This species, like Saxifraga taylori Calder & Savile, Isopyrum savilei Calder & Taylor, and Ligusticum calderi Math. & Const., belongs to a small group of endemics from the Queen Charlotte Islands that are related to more southern North American floristic elements. Calder and Taylor in Part 1 state that ''Senecio newcombei was included by Barkley (1962) in the polytypic section Aurei Rydb., and though its relationships within this section are not clearly understood it appears to be rather closely related to the monocephalus S. ported Greene of Colorado and Oregon." Omduff et al. (1963) report chromosome counts for a number of species of section Aurei and all these species had a gametic chromosome number of 23 or 46. Ornduff et al. suggest that the basic number for the Senecioneae is x = 10 and that haploid numbers higher than this are to be regarded as polyploid or aneuploid derivatives. Our material from Jalun Lake most often had the configuration 22ii + In- at diakinesis and metaphase I of meiosis. 559. Senecio pseudo-arnica Less. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20„, Sangan River, CT35596; 2n = ca. 40, about 2 mi S of Rose Spit, CT35910. Three previous counts on this species have revealed 2n = 40 (Afzelius 1949, Sokolovskaja 1963, and Arano 1964). A single count of 2n = 36 was reported by Zhukova (1964) on cultivated material. SENECIO 119 560. *Senecio sylvaticus L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 20„, W of Queen Charlotte City, CT36936. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 20n, Dass Pt., CTS35024. In a recent review of the chromosome numbers in the Senecioneae, Om- duff et al. (1963) reported n = 20 from introduced plants of Washington. Afzelius (1924) gave the same chromosome number for European material. 561. Senecio triangularis Hook. MORESBY ISLAND: n = 40, Bigsby Inlet, CTS34886; 2n = ca. 80, Takakia Lake, CT37545. The recent study by Omduff et al. (1963) revealed that there are two ploidy levels in this species. They reported that plants from Whatcom County, Washington, and Nevada County, California, were n = 20. Packer (1964) obtained the same number for plants from Jasper National Park in Alberta. Plants with n = 40 were reported by Omduff et al. from Clallam County, Washington, and Clackamas County, Oregon. A single count oi n = 20 was given for plants from western North America by Afzelius (1949). 562. * Senecio vulgaris L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 40, Masset Spit, CST22635; 2n = 20„, Masset Spit, CTS34725. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 20„, Sandspit, CT 36027; 2n = 40, Cres- cent Inlet, CT37478. This widely distributed adventive has been counted numerous times from many regions of Europe and North America and all have n ^ 20 or 2n ^ 40 (see Mulligan 1 96 1 , and Omduff etal. 1963). SOLIDAGO 563. Solidago canadensis L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 36, Tlell, CT35934. The base number of x = 9 has been proposed by Beaudry and Chabot (1957). Many diploid counts of this species have been given for eastern North American plants by Beaudry and Chabot (1957, 1959). Raven et al. (1960) have reported numerous diploid counts, but one hexaploid count of n = 27 was noted on a subspecies of .S\ canadensis from Oregon. Our count from the Queen Charlotte Islands represents the first tetraploid reported for S. cana- densis. It is apparent that several ploidy levels exist in the western races of 120 COMPOSITAE this widely distributed polymorphic species. Cytological investigations of a similar nature to those conducted by Beaudry on eastern North American populations should be conducted on the species in the Pacific Northwest. Per- haps such studies could provide some insight for the taxonomy of this species, as it has not been clearly analyzed for the western populations (see discussion of taxonomy by Calder and Taylor in Part 1 ) . 564. Solidago multiradiata Ait. SONCHUS 565. *Sonchus asper (L.) Hill GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9ii, between Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate Village, CTS34780. All previous counts reported for this species are either n = 9 or 2n = 18 (see Love and Love 1961a. and Koul 1964). Tanacetum 566. Tanacetum huronense Nutt. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 54, Tlell, CST23248; 2n = 27„, Tlell, CTS35078; 2n = llu, mouth of Sangan River, CT35598. The base number for this genus \s x = 9 and the Queen Charlotte Islands material forms part of a hexaploid population. 567. *Tanacetum vulgare L. GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 9„, west of Queen Charlotte City, CT36923. The diploid number 2n = 18 has been consistently reported in many studies of European and Asiatic material (see Love and Love 1961 a, and Sokolovskaja and Strelkova 1962). Taraxacum 568. *Taraxacum officinale Weber in Wiggers GRAHAM ISLAND: 2n = 24, Honna River, CT37394. MORESBY ISLAND: 2n = 24, Sandspit, CT 36041. The chromosome number 2n = 24 has often been reported on European and North American material of this species (see Love and Love 1961a). Fiimkranz (1960) also obtained the numbers 2n = 16, 18, 24, 32, 34, 36, and 37 for Taraxacum officinale. LITERATURE CITED Afzelius, K. 1924. Embryologische und zytologische Studien in Senecio und verwandten Gattun- gen. Acta Horti Berg. 8: 123-219. 1949. On chromosome numbers in Senecio and some allied genera. 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J. Bot. 43:723-730. WiNGE, O. 1917. The chromosomes, their numbers and general importance. C. r. Trav. Lab. Carlsberg 13:131-275. WiPF, L. 1939. Chromosome numbers in root nodules and root-tips of certain Leguminosae. Bot. Gaz. 101:51-67. Wipe, L., and D. C. Cooper. 1938. Chromosome numbers in nodules and roots of red clover, common vetch, and garden pea. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 24:87-91. WiTTE, M. B. 1947. A comparative cytological study of three species of the Chenopodiaceae. Bull. Torrey Club 74:443-453. WOYCICKI, Z. 1937. L'aspect et nombre des chromosomes meiotiques chez Swertia percnnis. Cytologia Fujii Jub. Vol. p. 1094-1100. WULFF, H. G. 1937«. Karyologische Untersuchungen an der Halophyten flora Schleswig-Holsteins. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 84:812-840. \92>lh. Chromosomen studien an der schleswig-holsteinischen Angiospermen-Flora, I. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 55:262-269. 1938. Chromosomen studien an der schlcswig-holstcinischcn Angiospcrmen-Flora, II. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 56:247-254. 138 Zhukova, p. G. 1964. The ciuyology of some species of Compositae growing in the Arcto-Alpine Botanic Garden (Kola Peninsula). Bot. Zh. 49:1656-1659. ZlELINSKI, Q. B. 1953. Chromosome numbers and meiotic studies in Rihes. Bot. Gaz. 144: 265-274. INDEX Two typefaces are used: Boldface — Plant entity found on the Queen Charlotte Islands and page reference to the page on which its chromosome number is reported. Roman — Plant entity not found in the flora but referred to in a cytological discus- sion, page reference to Queen Charlotte taxon that has not been counted, and page refer- ence to a count that has been reported for a taxon not found on the Islands. Abronia, 58 latifolia, 58 Achillea, 111 borealis, 1 12 millefolium, 111 Aconitum, 63 delphinifolium, 63 Actaea, 63 rubra ssp. arguta, 63 Adiantum, 13 pedatum ssp. aleuticum, 13 Agropyron, 21 repens, 21 Agrostis, 21 aequivalvis, 21 borealis, 22 exarata, 22 gigantea, 22 pallens, 22 palustris, 22 scabra, 22 thurberiana, 21, 23 Aira caryophyllea, 23 praecox, 23 Allium, 46 schoenoprasum, 46 AInus. 52 crispa, 52 ssp. sinuata, 52 rubra, 53 Alopecurus, 23 geniculatus, 23 Amelanchier, 79 alnifolia, 79 florida, 79 Ammophila, 24 arenaria, 24 Amsinckia, 101 spectabilis, 101 Anaphalis, 1 12 margaritacea, 112 Andromeda, 96 polifolia, 96 Anemone, 63 multifida, 63 narcissiflora ssp. alaskana, 63 parviflora, 63 Angelica, 93 lucida, 93 Anthemis, 1 12 cotula, 112 Anthoxanthum, 24 odoratum, 24 Apargidium, 112 boreale, 112 Aphanes, 80 occidentalis, 80 Aquilegia, 64 formosa, 64 truncata, 64 Arabis, 67 glabra, 67 hirsuta, 68 ssp. eschscholtziana, 68 lyrata, 68 ssp. kamchatica, 68 ARACEAE, 42 ARALIACEAE, 93 Arceuthobium, 53 campy lopodum, 53 Arctium, 1 12 minus, 112 Arctostaphylos, 96 uva-ursi, 96 Arenaria, 59 lateriflora, 59 peploides ssp. major, 59 slricla ssp. macra, 59 140 INDEX Arnica, 1 13 amplcxicaulis, 1 13 latifolia, 113 var. gracilis, 1 13 puberla, 1 13 Artemisia, 1 13 arctica, 113 Aruncus, 80 Sylvester, 80 Asplenium, 14 trichomanes, 14 viride, 14 Aster, 113 subspicatus, 113 Athyrium, 14 filix-femina ssp. cyclosorum, 14 var. pectinata, 14 Atriplex, 57 hastata, 57 patula, 57 ssp. obtusa, 57 Avena, 24 fatua, 24 Barbarea, 68 ortboceras, 68 Bellis, 114 percnnis, 114 BETULACEAE, 52 Blechnum, 14 spicant, 14 BORAGINACEAE, 101 Botrychium, 13 lunaria ssp. lunaria, 13 ssp. minganense, 13 multifidum, 13 ssp. silaifolium, 13 Brassica, 69 campestris, 69 Bromus, 24 mollis, 24 pacificus, 24 sitchensis, 25 Cakile, 69 californica, 69 edentula, 69 lacustris, 69 maritima, 69 Calamagrostis, 25 canadensis, 25 crassiglumis, 25 nutkaensis, 25 purpurascens, 26 ssp. tasuensis, 25 CALLITRICHACEAE, 88 Callitriche, 88 heterophylla ssp. bolanderi, 88 Caltha, 64 biflora, 64 leptosepala, 64 palustris ssp. asariflora, 64 Calypso, 49 bulbosa ssp. occidentalis, 49 Camelina, 69 sativa, 69 Campanula, 1 1 1 alaskana, 111 lasiocarpa, 1 1 1 rotundifolia, 1 1 1 CAMPANULACEAE, HI CARPIFOLIACEAE, 111 Capsella, 69 bursa-pastoris, 69 Cardamine, 70 angulata, 70 bellidifolia, 70 occidentalis, 70 oligosperma, 70, 71 pensylvanica, 71 umbellata, 70, 71 Carex, 35 anthoxantbea, 35 arcta, 35 arenicola ssp. pansa, 35 brevicaulis, 36 brunnescens, 36 biixbaumii, 36 canescens, 36 ssp. arctaeformis, 36 ssp. canescens, 36 circinata, 36 cusickii, 37 deweyana, 37 ssp. leptopoda, 37 disperma, 37 enanderi, 37 exsiccata, 37 glareosa, 37 gmelinii, 37 kelloggii, 37 laeviculmis, 37 leptalea ssp. pacifica, 38 livida, 38 lyngbyei, 38 macloviana ssp. pachystachya, 38 INDEX 141 macrocephala, 38 macrocheata, 38 mertensii, 39 nigricans, 39 obnupta, 39 pachystachya, 38 pauciflora, 39 phyllomanica, 39 physocarpa, 39 pluriflora, 39 pyrenaica ssp. micropoda, 39 scirpoides, 40 sitchensis, 40 stylosa, 40 tracyi, 40 viridula, 40 CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 59 Cassiope, 96 lycopodioides ssp. cristapilosa, 96 martensiana, 96 stellariana, 96 Castilleja, 103 hyetophila, 103 parviflora, 103 unalaschensis, 103 Cerastium, 59 arvense, 59 fisherianum, 60 tomentosum, 60 viscosum, 60 vulgafum, 60 Chamaecyparis, 18 nootkatensis, 18 CHENOPODIACEAE, 57 Chenopodium, 57 album, 57 Chrysanthemum, 114 ircutianum, 1 14 leucanthemum, 114 Cinna, 26 latifolia, 26 Circaea, 90 aipina ssp. aipina, 90 ssp. pacifica, 90 Cirsium, 1 14 arvense, 114 brevistylum, 1 14 vulgare, 1 14 Cladothamnus, 96 pyrolaeflorus, 96 Cochlearis, 71 officinalis ssp. oblongifolia, 71 Coilinsia, 104 parviflora, 104 COMPOSITAE, 111 Conioselinum, 93 chinense, 93 pacificum, 93 CONVOLVULACEAE, 100 Convolvulus, 100 sepiuin, 100 soldanella, 100 Coptis, 46 asplenifolia, 64 trifolia, 64 Corallorhiza, 49 innata, 49 maculata ssp. mertensiana, 49 trifida, 49 CORNACEAE, 95 Cornus, 95 canadensis, 95 intermedia, 95 stolonifera, 95 unalaschkensis, 95 Cotula, 114 coronopifolia, 114 CRASSULACEAE, 74 Crataegus, 80 douglasii, 80 monogyna, 80 Crepis, 1 15 capillaris, 115 CRUCIFERAE, 67 Cryptogramma, 14 crispa ssp. acrosfichoides, 14 var. acrostichoides, 15 CUPRESSACEAE, 18 Cynosurus, 26 cristatus, 26 CYPERACEAE, 35 Cystoperis, 15 fragilis, 15 Cytisus, 85 scoparius, 85 Dactylis, 26 glomerata, 26 Danthonia, 26 californica, 26 intermedia, 27 Deschampsia, 27 caespitosa, 27 ssp. beringensis, 27 elongata, 27 Descurainia, 72 sophia, 72 142 INDEX Digitalis. 104 purpurea, 104 Dodecatheon, 97 jcffreyi, 97 ssp. jefFreyi, 98 pulchellum, 98 Douglasia, 98 laevigata ssp. ciliolata, 98 Draba, 72 hyperborea, 72 lonchocarpa, 72 ssp. kamtschatica, 72 Drosera, 74 rotundifolia, 74 DROSERACEAE, 74 Dryopteris, 15 austriaca, 15 Eleocharis, 40 acicularis, 40 kamtschatica, 40 macrostachya, 40 palustris, 41 obtusa, 41 Elodea, 21 canadensis, 21 X Elymordeum schaakianum, 28 Elymus, 28 glaucus, 28 ssp. glaucus, 28 ssp. virescens, 28 hirsutus, 28 hirsutus x Hordeum brachyantherum, 28 mollis, 28 EMPETRACEAE, 89 Empetrum, 89 nigrum, 89 Epjlobium 91 anagallidifolium, 91 angustifolium, 91 ssp. circumvagum, 91 brevistylum, 91 delicatum, 91 glandulosum, 91 latifolium, 92 minutum, 92 palustre, 92 platyphyllum, 91 EQUISETACEAE, 12 Equisetum, 12 arvense, 12 fluviatile, 12 hyemale ssp. affine, 12 hyemale x E. variegatum, 12 palustre, 12 telmateia, 12 variegatum ssp. alaskanum, 12 ERICACEAE, 96 Erigeron, 1 15 humilis, 115 peregrinus, 115 Eriophorum, 41 angustifolium, 41 chamissonis, 41 chamissonis X E. russeolum, 41 Erysimum, 72 chieranthoides, 72 Fauria, 99 crista-galli, 99 japonica, 100 Festuca, 29 arundinacea, 29 dertonensis, 29 elatior, 29 megalura, 29 myuros, 29 occidentalis, 29 prolifera, 30 rubra, 30 subulata, 30 Fragaria, 80 chiloensis ssp. lucida, 80 ssp. pacifica, 80 Franseria, 1 15 chamissonis, 115 Fritillaria, 46 camschatcensis, 46 ssp. alpina, 46 Galeopsis, 102 tetrahit, 102 Galium, 108 aparine, 108 kamtschaticum, 108 trifidum, 108 triflorum, 109 Gaullheria, 96 shallon, 96 Gentiana, 99 douglasiana, 99 platypetala, 99 GENTIANACEAE, 99 Gentianella, 99 amarella ssp. acuta, 99 GERANIACEAE, 88 dissectum, 88 INDEX 143 molle, 88 richardsonii, 88 Geum, 81 calthifolium, 81 macrophyllum, 81 schoiieldii, 81 Glaux, 98 maritima, 98 ssp. obtusifolia, 98 Glehnia, 93 littoralis ssp. leiocarpa, 93 Glyceria, 30 occidentalis, 30 Gnaphalium, 115 uliginosum, 115 Goodyera, 49 oblongifolia, 49 GRAMINEAE, 21 Grindelia, 116 integrifolia, 116 stricta, 116 Gymnocarpium, 15 dryopteris, 15 Habenaria, 50 chorisiana, 50 dilatata, 50 saccata, 50 unalascensis ssp. maritima, 50 ssp. unalascensis, 50 HALORAGIDACEAE, 92 Heracleum, 94 lanatum, 94 Hesperis, 72 matronalis, 72 Heuchera, 75 chlorantha, 75 glabra, 75 Hieracium, 1 16 albiflorum, 116 aurantiacum, 116 triste, 116 Hierochloe, 31 odorata, 31 HIPPURIDACEAE, 92 Hippuris, 92 montana, 92 vulgaris, 92 Holcus, 31 lanatus, 31 Honckenya peploides, 59 Hordeum, 31 brachyantherum, 31 Humulus, 53 lupulus, 53 HYDROCHARITACEAE, 21 HYDROPHYLLACEAE, 100 HYMENOPHYLLACEAE, 13 Hypochaeris, 1 16 radicata, 116 Hypopitys, 95 monotropa, 95 IRIDACEAE, 49 ISOETACEAE, 13 Isoetes, 13 echinospora ssp. muricata, 13 Isopyrum, 65 savilei, 65 JUNCACEAE, 42 JUNCAGINACEAE, 20 Juncus, 42 albescens. 45 alpinus, 42 ssp. nodulosus, 42 arcticus, 42 ssp. ater, 43 ssp. sitchensis, 42 articulatus, 43 bufonius, 43 covillei, 44 drummondii, 43 effusus, 43 var. brunneus, 43 var. gracilis, 43 var. pacificus, 43 ensifolius, 43 falcatus, 44 filiformis, 44 leseurii, 44 mertensianus, 44 oreganus, 44 tenuis, 44 triglumis, 45 Juniperus, 18 communis, 18 Kalmia, 96 polifolia, 96 LABIATAE. 102 Lappula, 101 echinata, 101 Lapsana, 1 17 communis, 1 17 Lathyriis. 85 japonicus, 85 littoralis, 85 ochrolcucus, 85 palustris, 85 144 INDEX Ledum, 96 palustre ssp. j^roenlandicum, 96 LEGUMINOSAE, 85 LENTIBULARIACEAE, 107 Leontodon, 1 17 nudicaulis, 1 17 ssp. taraxacoides, 117 Lepidium, 73 canipestre, 73 densiflorum, 73 Leptarrhena, 75 pyrolifolia, 75 Ligusticum, 94 calderi, 94 filiciniim, 94 scoticum ssp. hultenii, 94 Lilaeopsis, 94 occidentalis, 94 LILIACEAE, 46 LINACEAE, 88 Linnaea, 109 borealis, 109 ssp. longiflora, 109 Linum, 88 bienne, 88 Listera, 50 caurina, 50 cordata, 51 Lithospermum, 101 officinale, 101 Lloydia, 47 serotina ssp. flava, 47 Lobelia, 1 1 1 dortmanna, 111 Loiseleuria, 96 procumbens, 96 Lolium, 31 perenne, 31 Lonicera, 109 etrusca, 109 involucrata, 109 LORANTHACEAE, 53 Luetkea, 81 pectinata, 81 Lupinus, 85 littoralis, 85 nootkatensis, 86 Luzula, 45 mukiflora, 45 ssp. comosa, 45 parviffora, 46 LYCOPODIACEAE, 12 Lycopodium, 12 annotinum, 12 clavafum, 12 coniplanafum, 12 iniindatum, 12 obscurum, 12 sabinaefolium ssp. sitchense, 12 selago ssp. miyoshianum, 13 ssp. patens, 13 ssp. selago, 12 Lycopus, 102 uniflorus, 102 Lysichiton, 42 americanum, 42 camtschatcense, 42 Lysimachia, 98 punctata, 98 Maianthemum, 47 dilatatum, 47 Malaxis, 51 paludosa, 51 Matricaria, 117 matricarioides, 117 Mecodium, 13 wrightii, 13 Melica, 31 subulata, 31 Melilotus, 86 alba, 86 officinalis, 86 Mentha, 102 arvensis, 102 citrata, 103 MENYANTHACEAE, 99 Menyanthes, 100 trifoliata, 100 Menziesia, 97 ferruginea, 97 Mertensia, 101 maritima, 101 Mimulus, 104 guttatus, 104 ssp. guttatus, 104 ssp. haidensis, 104 Mitella, 76 pentandra, 76 Moneses, 96 uniflora ssp. reticulata, 96 Montia, 58 fontana, 58 parvifolia, 58 sibirica, 58 MORACEAE, 53 Myosotis, 101 arvensis, 101 INDEX 145 laxa, 102 scorpioides, 102 Myrica, 52 gale, 52 MYRICACEAE, 52 Myriophyllum, 92 spicatum, 92 Neslia, 73 paniculata, 73 Nuphar, 62 luteum, 63 ssp. polysepalum, 62 NYCTAGINACEAE, 58 NYMPHAEACEAE, 62 Oenanthe, 94 sarmentosa, 94 ONAGRACEAE, 90 OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, 13 Oplopanax, 93 horridus, 93 ORCHIDACEAE, 49 Osmorhiza, 95 cbilensis, 95 purpurea, 95 Oxyria, 53 digyna, 53 Oxytropis, 86 campestris, 86 Parnassia, 76 fimbriata, 76 Pedicularis, 105 lanata, 105 oederi, 105 ornithorhyncha, 105 pennellii ssp. insularis, 105 verticellata, 105 Petasites, 1 17 nivalis, 117 Phalaris, 32 arundinacea, 32 Phleum, 32 alpinum, 32 pratcnse, 32 Phyllodoce, 97 glanduliflora, 97 Phyllospadix, 19 scouleri, 19 Picea, 17 sitchensis, 17 PINACEAE, 17 Pinguicula, 107 vHlosa, 107 vulgaris ssp. niacroccras, 107 Pinus, 17 conforta, 17 PLANTAGINACEAE, 107 Plantago, 107 lanceolata, 107 macrocarpa, 107 major, 107 var. asiatica, 108 maritima, 108 Plectritis, 110 congesta, 110 macrocera, 1 10 Poa, 32 annua, 32 confinis, 32 douglasii ssp. macrantha, 32 interior, 33 laxiflora, 33 leptocoma, 33 pratensis, 33 stenantba, 33 trivialis, 33 POLEMONIACEAE, 100 Polemonium, 100 pulcherrimum, 100 POLYGONACEAE, 53 Polygonum, 54 arenastrum, 54 aviculare, 54 convolvulus, 54 cuspidatum, 55 fowleri, 54 persicaria, 55 polystachyum, 55 scabrum, 55 vivparum, 55 POLYPODIACEAE, 13 Polypodium, 15 scouleri, 15 vulgare, 16 ssp. columbianum, 16 ssp. occidentale, 15 Polystichum, 16 braunii, 16 ssp. alaskense, 16 ssp. andersonii, 16 ssp. pursbii, 16 lonchitis, 16 munitum, 16 PORTULACACEAE, 58 Potamogeton, 19 alpinus ssp. tenuifolius, 19 berchtoldii ssp. bcrcbfoldii, 19 ssp. tcnuissimus, 19 146 INDEX cpihydrus ssp. nuttallii, 19 fluitans, 20 ^ramincus, 19 nafans, 20 nodosus, 20 pectinatus, 20 pusillus, 19 richardsonii, 20 robbinsii, 20 Potentilla, 81 anserina, 82 ssp. pacifica, 82 crantzii, 82 pacifica, 81 palustris, 82 villosa, 82 Prenanthes, 1 17 alata, 117 PRIMULACEAE, 97 Prunella, 103 vulgaris, 103 Pteridium, 16 aquilinum ssp. aquilinum var. pubescens, 16 Puccinellia, 33 borealis, 33 interior, 34 nutkaensis, 34 pumila, 34 Pyrola, 96 secunda, 96 PYROLACEAE, 95 Pyrus 82 fusca, 82 RANUNCULACEAE, 63 Ranunculus, 65 acris, 65 aquatilis, 65 circinatus, 65 cooleyae, 65 eschscholtzii, 66 flammula, 66 var. filiformis, 66 var. flammula, 66 var. ovalis, 66 hyperboreus, 66 occidentalis, 67 ssp. occidentalis, 66 orthorhynchus, 67 pygmaeus, 67 repcns, 67 uncinatus, 67 Raphanus, 73 raphanistrum, 73 Rhinanthus, 105 crista-galli, 105 Rhynchospora, 41 alba, 41 Ribes, 76 bracteosum, 76 lacustre, 76 laxiflorum, 76 Romanzoffia, 100 sitchensis, 100 Rorippa, 73 islandica, 73 Rosa, 82 nutkana, 82 ROSACEAE, 79 RUBIACEAE, 108 Rubus, 82 chamaemorus, 82 laciniatus, 82 parviflorus, 83 pedatus, 83 procerus, 83 spectabilis, 83 ursinus, 83 Rumex, 55 acetosella, 55 angiocarpus, 56 crispus, 56 graminifolius, 56 obtusifolius, 56 occidentalis, 56 tenuifolius, 56 transitorius, 56 Ruppia, 20 maritima, 20 spiralis, 20 Sagina, 60 maxima, 60 procumbens, 60 SALICACEAE, 51 Salicornia, 57 pacifica, 57 Salix, 51 hookeriana, 51 lasiandra, 52 reticulata ssp. glabellicarpa, 52 scouleriana, 52 sitchensis, 52 Sambucus, 1 10 racemosa ssp. pubcns, 110 Sanguisorba, 83 canadensis, 83 ssp. latifolia, 83 menziesii, 83 officinalis, 84 ssp. microcephala, 84 INDEX 147 Sanicula, 95 crassicaulis, 95 Saxifraga, 77 caespitosa, 77 ferruginea, 77 lyallii ssp. hultenii, 77 mertensiana, 77 odontoloma, 77 oppositifolia, 78 punctata, 78 ssp. carlottae, 78 ssp. cascadensis, 78 ssp. nelsonjana, 78 ssp. porsildiana, 78 taylori, 78 tolmiei, 79 SAXIFRAGACEAE, 75 Scirpus, 41 atrocinctus, 41 cernuus, 41 cespitosus, 41 lacustris ssp. glaucus, 42 palustris, 41 sylvaticus, 42 ssp. digynus, 42 SCROPHULARIACEAE, 103 Sedum, 74 divergens, 74 roseum, 75 Selaginella, 13 selaginoides, 13 wallacei, 13 SELAGINELLACEAE, 13 Senecio, 118 cymbalarioides ssp. moresbiensis, 118 newcombei, 118 porteri, 1 18 pseudo-arnica, 118 sylvaticus, 119 triangularis, 119 vulgaris, 119 Sherardia, 109 arvensis, 109 Sibbaldia, 84 procumbens, 84 Silene, 61 acaulis ssp. subacaulescens, 61 noctiflora, 61 Sinapis, 73 arvensis, 73 Sisymbrium, 73 altissimum, 73 officinale, 74 Sisyrinchium, 49 littorale, 49 montanum, 49 Solidago, 119 canadensis, 119 inultiradiata, 120 Sonchus, 120 aspcr, 120 Sorbus, 84 aucuparia, 84 sitchensis ssp. grayi, 84 ssp. sitchensis, 84 SPARC ANIACEAE, i: Sparganium, 18 hyperboreum, 18 minimum 18 simplex, 19 Spergula, 61 arvensis, 61 Spergularia, 61 canadensis, 61 Spiraea, 84 douglasii, 85 ssp. douglasii, 85 ssp. menziesii, 84 menziesii, 85 Spiranthes, 51 romanzoffiana, 51 Stachys, 103 cooleyae, 103 Stellaria, 61 calycantha, 61 crispa, 62 graminea, 62 humifusa, 62 longipes, 62 media, 62 Streptopus, 47 amplexifolius, 47 roseus ssp. curvipes, 48 streptopoides ssp. brevipes, 48 Suaeda, 58 depressa, 58 maritima, 58 Subularia, 74 aquatica ssp. americana, 74 ssp. aquatica, 74 monticola, 74 Swertia, 99 perennis, 99 Symphoricarpos, 110 albus, 110 rivularis, 1 10 Tanacetum, 120 148 INDEX hiironcnsc, 120 vul^are, 120 Taraxacum, 120 officinale, 120 TAXACEAE, 17 Taxus, 17 brevifolia, 17 Tellima, 79 grandiflora, 79 Thalictruni, 67 alpinum, 67 Thelypteris, 17 oreopteris, 17 pliegopteris, 17 Thlaspi, 74 arvense, 74 Thuja, 18 pllcata, 18 Tiarella, 79 trifoliata, 79 ssp. unifoliata, 79 unifoliata, 79 Tofieldia, 48 glutinosa ssp. brevistyla, 48 ssp. glutinosa, 48 Tolmiea, 79 menziesii, 79 Torreyochloa, 34 pauciflora, 34 Trientalis, 98 europaea, 98 Trifolium, 86 dubium, 86 pratense, 86 repens, 86 wormskjoldii, 87 Triglochin, 20 concinnum, 21 debile, 21 elatum, 21 maritimum, 20 palustre, 21 Trisetum, 34 cernuum, 34 ssp. canescens, 35 spicatum, 35 Tsuga, 17 heterophylla, 17 mertensiana, 18 Ulex, 87 europaeus, 87 UMBELLIFERAE, 93 Urtica, 53 dioica, 53 URTICACEAE, 53 Urticularia, 107 intermedia, 107 minor, 107 vulgaris, 107 Vaccinium, 97 alaskense, 97 caespitosuni, 97 ovalifolium, 97 oxycoccus, 97 parvifolium, 97 scoparium, 97 uliginosum, 97 vitis-idaea ssp. minus, 97 Vahlodea, 35 atropurpurea ssp. paramushirensis, 35 Valeriana, 1 1 1 sitchensis, 111 VALERIAN ACEAE, 110 Veratrum, 48 eschscholtzii, 48 viride, 49 Veronica, 105 alpina, 106 americana, 105 arvensis, 106 filiformis, 106 peregrina ssp. xalpensis, 106 scutellata, 106 serpyllifolia, 106 wormskjoldii, 106 Viburnum, 110 edule, 110 Vicia, 87 cracca, 87 gigantea, 87 sativa, 87 villosa, 88 VIOLACEAE, 89 Viola, 89 adunca, 89 biflora, 89 ssp. carlottae, 89 crassa, 89 glabella, 89 kamtschadalorum, 90 langsdorfFii, 90 palustris, 90 Vulpia major, 29 myuros, 29 var. major, 29 ZOSTER ACEAE, 19 Zostera, 20 marina, 20 The type in this book is Times New Roman with italic, text in 10 pt. and 8 pt., tables in 6, 7 and 8 pt., and titles in 12 pt. and 18 pt. Captions were set in 7 and 8 pt. 20th Century medium with italic. The volume was lithographed on Imperial Offset Enamel paper made by Rolland Paper Company Limited, and was bound in Winterbottom Art Buckram. The complete manufacture of the book was done by The Bryant Press Limited, Toronto, for the Queen's Printer, Ottawa. ROY L. TAYLOR, the senior author of this volume, was born in Olds, Alberta, in 1932. He attended school and university in his native province and taught school there for four years before moving to Montreal to specialize in botany at Sir George Williams University and later at McGill. He has a doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley and has also held the position of Associate in Botany at that university. Since 1962, Dr. Taylor has been on the staff of the Plant Research Institute in Ottawa, where he is now Chief of the Taxonomy Section. Besides making frequent field trips over large areas of the Cordilleran region and publishing the results of his surveys, Dr. Taylor is active in promoting a closer association of biolo- gists in Canada through his work in the Canadian Botanical Association and the Biological Council of Canada. He has recently been appointed to the Editorial Committee for the Flora North America Project, initiated in 1967. GERALD A. MULLIGAN has spent most of his life in Ottawa. He was born here in 1928, spent his childhood here, and upon graduation from MacDonald College of McGill University with B.Sc. in biology in 1952, he returned to join the Weed Investigation Section of the Canada Department of Agriculture. He joined the Plant Research Institute when it was formed in 1961 and immediately initiated cyto- taxonomic studies on the Cruciferae of Canada and adjacent areas. In recent years he has traveled widely in Canada and the United States to conduct botanical surveys, and in 1964 he participated in the Genetics of Colonizing Species Symposium at Asilomar, California. His many scientific papers on the cytotaxonomy and chromo- some numbers of weeds have made him an international authority on that group of plants. His present research is concen- trated on cvtotaxonomic studies of the family Cruciferae.