a m a FORM AND FUNCTION FORM AND FUNCTION A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY By E. S. RUSSELL, M.A., B.Sc., F.Z.S. ILLUSTRATED LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1916 ./// /•;u., iv.) — "Two large eyes . . . not . . . turned on one side like those of crabs, but straight forward" -without being con- vinced that Aristotle is speaking of what he has seen. Naturally he could not make much of the anatomy of small insects and snails, and, to tell the truth, he docs not seem to have cared greatly about the minutiae of structure. Me was too much of a Greek and an aristocrat to care about laborious detail. Not only did he lay a foundation for comparative anatomy, but he made a real start with comparative embryology. Medical men before him had known many facts about human development ; Aristotle seems to have been the first to study in any detail the development of the chick. He describes this as it appears to the naked eye, the position of the embryo on the yolk, the palpitating spot at the third day, the formation of the body and of the large sightless eyes, the veins on the yolk, the embryonic membranes, of which he distinguished two. •&1 (2) Aristotle had various systems of classifying animals. They could be classified, he thought, according to their structure, their manner of reproduction, their manner of life, their mode of locomotion, their food, and so on. Thus you 1 T. E. Lones, Aristotle's Researches in A/is . Inimaltum he broadens the conception by adding another form of composition. "Now there arc," he says, "three degrees of composition; and of these the first in <>r Antiperipatias, sen de respiratione piscium, Amsterdam, i66r. •' Radl, loc. «'/., i., p. 50. ' Perrault et Duverney, Me moires pour servir a thistoire des Animaitx, Paris, 1699. 1 F. Houssay, Nature et Sciences naturelles, Paris, p. 76, n.d. 5 Foster, loc. a'/., p. 85. 20 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY BKFOKK (TYIKK For Aristotle, as for all anatomists before the days of the microscope, the tissues were not much more than inorganic substances, differing from one another in texture, in hardness, and other physical properties. They possessed indeed properties, such as contractility, which were not inorganic, but as far as their visible structure was concerned there was little to raise them above the inorganic level. The application of the microscope changed all that, for it revealed in the tissues an organic structure as complex in its grade as the gross and visible structure of the whole organism. Of the four men who first made adequate use of the new aid, Malpighi, Hooke, Leeuenhoek, and Swammerdam, the first- named contributed the most to make current the new conceptions of organic structure. He studied in some detail the development of the chick. He described the minute structure of the lungs (1661), demonstrating for the first time, by his discovery of the capillaries, the connection of the arteries with the veins. In his work, De visccruin stnictnra (1666), he describes the histology of the spleen, the kidney, the liver, and the cortex of the brain, establishing among other things the fact that the liver was really a conglomerate gland, and discovering the Malpighian bodies in the kidney. This work was done on a broad comparative basis. " Since in the higher, more perfect, red-blooded animals, the simplicity of their structure is wont to be involved by many obscurities, it is necessary that we should approach the subject by the observation of the lower, imperfect animals."1 So he wrote in the De I'isccniin structure, and accordingly he studied the liver first in the snail, then in fishes, reptiles, mammals, and finally man. In the introduction to his Aiuiloiiic plantarntn (1675), in which he laid the foundations of plant histology, he vindicates the comparative method in the following words : — " In the enthusiasm of youth I applied myself to Anatomy, and although I was interested in par- ticular problems, yet I dared to pry into them in the higher animals. But since llu-M- matters enveloped in peculiar mystery still lie in obscurity, the}' require the comparison of simpler conditions, and so the investigation of insects'-' 1 Trans, by Foster, loc. cit., p. 1 13. - He made a careful studv of the silkworm. APPLICATION OF THE MICROSCOPE 21 at once attracted me; finally, since this also has its own difficulties I applied my mind to the study of plants, intend- ing after prolonged occupation with this domain, to retrace my steps by way of the vegetable kingdom, and get back to my former studies. But perhaps not even this will be sufficient ; since the simpler world of minerals and the elements should have been taken first. In this case, however, the undertaking becomes enormous and far beyond my powers."1 There is something fine in this life of broad outlines, devoted whole-heartedly to an idea, to a plan of research, which required a lifetime to carry out. An important histological discovery dating from this time is that of the finer structure of muscle, made by Stensen (or Steno) in 1664. He described the structure of muscle- fibres, resolving them into their constituent fibrils. To the microscope we owe not only histology but the com- parative anatomy of the lower animals. Throughout the I7th and 1 8th centuries the discovery of structure in the lower animals went on continuously, as may be read in any history of Zoology.2 We content ourselves here with mentioning only some representative names. In the i /th century Leeuenhoek, applying the microscope almost at random, discovered fact after fact, his most famous discovery being that of the " spermatic animalcules." Swammerdam studied the metamorphoses of insects and made wonderfully minute dissections of all sorts of animals, snails and insects particularly. He described also the development of the frog. It is curious to see what a grip his conception of metamorphosis had upon him when he 1 " Etenim, fervent! aetatis calore, Anatomica aggressus, licet circa peculiaria fuerim solicitus, in perfectioribus tamen haec rimari sum ausus. Verum, cum haec propriis tenebris obscura jaceant, simplicium analogismo egent ; inde insectorum indago illico arrisit ; quae cum et ipsa suas habeat difficultates ad Plantarum perquisitionem animum postremo adjeci, ut diu hoc lustrato mundo gressu retroacto Vegetantis Naturae gradu, ad prima studia iter mi hi aperirem. Sed nee forte hoc ipsum sufficiet cum simplicior Mineralium Elementorumque mundus praeire debeat. At in immensum excrescit opus, et meis viribus omnino impar," Opera Omm'a, i., p. i, London, 1686. 2 See particularly E. Radl, loc. cit., \ Teil. J. V. Cams, Geschichte der Zoologie, Miinchen, 1872. 22 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY HKIXWK Cl'YIKR homologises the stages of the frog's development with the Ei;g, the Worm, and the Nymph of insects (I>ook of Nature, p. 104, Eng. trans., 1785). He even speaks of the human embryo as being at a certain stage a Man-Vermicle. In the 1 8th century, Reaumur and Bonnet continued the minute study of insects, laying more stress, however, on their habits and physiology than upon their anatomy. Lyonnet made a most laborious investigation of the anatomy of the willow-caterpillar (1762). John Hunter (1728-93) dissected all kinds of animals, from holothurians to whales. His interest was, however, that of the physiologist, and he was not specially interested in problems of form. It is interesting to note a formulation in somewhat confused language of the recapitula- tion theory. The passage occurs in his description of the drawings he made to illustrate the development of the chick. It is quoted in full by Owen (J. Hunter, Observations on certain 1 \irts of the Animal (Economy, with Notes by Richard Owen. London, 1837. Preface, p. xxvi). We give here the last and clearest sentence — " If we were to take a series of animals from the more imperfect to the perfect, we should probably find an imperfect animal corresponding with some stage of the most perfect." The tendency of the time was not towards morphology, but rather to general natural history and to systematics, the latter under the powerful influence of Linnaeus (1707-1778). The former tendency is well represented by Reaumur (1683-1757) with his observations on insects, the digestion of birds, the regeneration of the crayfish's legs, and a hundred other matters. To this tendency belong also Trembley's famous experiments on Hydra (1744), and Rosel von Rosenhof's Insektenbelustigungen ( 1 746- 1 76 1 ). 1!' iniiet (1720-1793) deserves special mention here, since in his Traitc d'lusectologic (1745), and more full}7 in his Contemplation dc la Xatiire (1764), he gives the most com- plete expression to the idea of the /:>//<•//<• des ctres. This idea seems to have taken complete possession of his imagination. He extends it to the universe. Every world has its own scale of beings, and all the scales when joined together form but one, which then contains all the possible orders of perfection. At the end of the Preface to his Traitc THE SCALE OF BEINGS 23 d* Insectologie (CEuvres, i., 1779) he gives a long table, headed '•' Idee d'une Echelle des etres naturels," and rather resem- bling a ladder, on the rungs of which the following names appear : — MAN. Tube-worms. STONES. Orang-utan. Clothes-moths. Figured stones. Ape. INSECTS. Crystals. QUADRUPEDS. Gall insects. SALTS. Flying squirrel. Taenia. Vitriols. Bat. Polyps. METALS. Ostrich. Sea Nettles. HALF-METALS. BIRDS. Sensitive plant. SULPHURS. Aquatic birds. PLANTS. Amphibious birds. Lichens. Bitumens. Flying Fish. EARTHS. FISH. Moulds. Pure earth. Creeping fish. Fungi, Agarics. WATER. Eels. Truffles. AIR Water serpents. Corals, and Coralloids. SERPENTS. Lithophytes. FIRE. Slugs. Asbestos. Snails. Talcs, Gypsums. More subtile matter. SHELL FISH. Selenites, Slates. The nature of the transitional forms which he inserts between his principal classes show very clearly his entire lack of morphological insight — the transitions are functional. The positions assigned to clothes-moths and corals are very curious ! The whole scheme, so fantastic in its details, was largely influenced by Leibniz's continuity philosophy, and is in no way an improvement on the older and saner Aristotelian scheme. Robinet, in the fifth volume of his book De la nature (1761-6), foreshadows the somewhat similar views of the German transcendentalists. " All beings," he writes, " have been conceived and formed on one single plan, of which they are the endlessly graduated variations : this prototype is the human form, the metamorphoses of which are to be considered as so many steps towards the most excellent form of being." 1 1 For a good historical account of the gradation theories see Thienemann's paper in the Zoologische Annalen (Wurzburg) iii., pp. 185- 274, 1910, from which the quotation from Robinet is taken. C 24 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY HKl'ORK (T'YIKR The idea of a gradation of beings appears also in Bullmi (1707-1788), but here it takes more definitely its true character as a functional gradation.1 "Since everything in Nature shades into everything else," he says, " it is possible to establish a scale for judging of the degrees of the intrinsic qualities of every animal." He is quite well aware that the groups of Invertebrates are different in structural plan from the Vertebrates — "The animal kingdom includes various animated beings, whose organisation is very different from our own and from that of the animals whose body is similarly constructed to ours." He limits himself to a consideration of the Vertebrates, deeming that the economy of an oyster ought not to form part of his subject matter ! He has a clear perception of the unity of plan which reigns throughout the vertebrate series.1 What is new in Buffon is his interpretation of the unity of plan. For the first time we find clearly expressed the thought that unity of plan is to be explained by com- munity of origin. Buffon's utterances on this point are, as is well known, somewhat vacillating. The famous passage, however, which occurs in his account of the Ass shows pretty clearly that Buffon saw no theoretical objection to the descent of all the varied species of animals from one single form. Once admit, he argues, that within the bounds of a single family one species may originate from the type species by "degenera- tion," then one might reasonably suppose that from a single being Nature could in time produce all the other organised beings.0 Elsewhere, <\<,r., in the discourse DC /c Gcneratiouc anininlinin. The distinction between animal and -vegetative life is, of course, based for Aristotle in the difference bet\vecn the \^i>x>? aurOijTiKq and the \f'"X'] OpeTTTiK^. Cuvier, like Aristotle, Buffon, and Bichat, makes the heart the centre of the " vegetative " organs. It is important to note that Cuvier puts function before structure, and infers from function what the organ will be. " Plants," he writes, " having few faculties, have a very simple organisation." It is only after having discussed and classified functions that Cuvier goes on to examine organs. First his views on the composition of the animal body. Ari-totle distinguished three degrees of composition — the " elements," the homogeneous parts, and the heterogeneous parts or organs. Cuvier does the same. Some small advance has been made in the two thousand years' interval, due in the first place to the progress of chemistry, and in the second to the invention of the microscope. To the first circum- stance Cuvier owes his knowledge that the inorganic ms d? Anatomic Cf>mp;i>;:,\ i., p. iS. -' I.oc. iin:c, i., p. 6. - Lf Rcgne Animal, i., p. 16. 3 Hist. Prog. Sci. Nat., i., p. 187, 1826. CLASSIFICATION 39 such a character that it does not destroy the harmony of the whole." l We seize here the relation of the principle of the adaptedness of parts to the problem of the variety of form. The former is in a sense a regulative and conservative principle which lays down limits beyond which variation may not stray. In itself it is not a fountain of change; there must be another cause of change. This thought is of great importance for theories of descent. Cuvier has no theory to account for the variety of form : he contents himself with a classification. There are two main ways of classifying forms ; you may classify according to single organs or according to the totality of organs. By the first method you can have as many classifications as you have organs, and the classifications will not necessarily coincide. Thus you can divide animals according to their organs of digestion into two classes, those in which the alimentary canal is a sac with one opening (zoophytes) and those in which the canal has two openings,'2 a curious forestalment, in the rough, of the modern division of Metazoa into Coelentera and Ccelomata. It is only by taking single organs that you can arrange animals into long series, and you will have as many series as you take organs. Only in this way can .you form any EcJielle dcs ctres or graded series ; and you can get even this kind of gradation only within each of the big groups formed on a common plan of structure; you can never grade, for example, from Invertebrates to Vertebrates through intermediate forms3 (which is perfectly true, in spite of Amphioxus and Balanoglossus !). In the Rcgnc Animal Cuvier restricts the application of the idea of the Ecliellc within even narrower limits, refusing to admit its validity within the bounds of the vertebrate phylum, or even within the vertebrate classes. This seems, however, to refer to a seriation of whole organisms and not of organs, so that the possibility of a seriation of organs within a class is not denied. Cuvier was, above all, a positive spirit, and he looked askance at all speculation which went beyond the facts. " The pretended scale of beings," he wrote, " is only 1 Lemons, i., p. 58. '-' Loc. cif, i., Article iii. 3 Loc. cit., i., p. 60. D 40 CUVIEU an erroneous application to the totality of creation of partial observations, which have validity only when confined to the sphere within which they were made." l This remark, which is after all only just, perfectly expresses Cuvier's attitude to the transcendental theories, and was probably a protest against the sweeping generalisations of his colleague, Etienne Geoffrey St Hilaire. A true classification should be based upon the comparison of all organs, but all organs are not of equal value for classification, nor are all the variations of each organ equally important. In estimating the value of variations more stress should be laid on function than on form, for only those variations are important which affect the mode of functioning. These are the principles on which Cuvier bases the classification of animals given in the Lccons, Article V., " Division des animaux d'apres 1'ensemble de leur organisation." The scheme of classification actually given in the Lccons recalls curiously that of Aristotle, for there is the same broad division into Vertebrates, with red blood, and Invertebrates, almost all with white blood. Nine classes altogether are distinguished — Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, Crustacea, Insects, Worms, Zoophytes (including Echinoderms and Ccelenterates). A maturer theory and practice of classification is given in the Rcgne Animal of seventeen years later. Here the principle of the subordination of characters (which seems to have been first explicitly stated by the younger de Jussieu in his Genera Plantaniui, I789,2) is more clearly recognised. The properties or peculiarities of structure which have the greatest number of relations of incompatibility and coexist- ence, and therefore influence the whole in the greatest degree, are the important or dominating characters, to which the others must be subordinated in classification. These dominant characters are also the most constant/5 In deciding which characters arc the most important Cuvier makes use of his fundamental classification of functions and organs into two main sets. " The heart and the organs of circulation are 1 Ri'gne Animal, i., p. xx. 2 Cuvier, Hist. Prog. Set. Nat., i., p. 288, 1826. ' Ri'gne Animal, i., p. 10. CLASSIFICATION 41 a kind of centre for the vegetative functions, as the brain and the spinal cord are for the animal functions."1 These two organ-systems vary in harmony, and their characters must form the basis for the delimitation of the great groups. Judged by this standard there are four principal types of form,'2 of which all the others are but modifica- tions. These four types are Vertebrates, Molluscs, Articu- lates, and Radiates. The first three have bilateral, the last has radial symmetry. Vertebrates and Molluscs have blood-vessels, but Articulates show a functional transition from the blood-vessel to the tracheal system. Radiates approach the homogeneity of plants ; they appear to lack a distinct nervous system and sense organs, and the lowest of them show only a homogeneous pulp which is mobile and sensitive. All four classes are principally distinguished from one another by the broad structural relations of • their neuromuscular system, of the organs of the animal functions. Vertebrates have a spinal cord and brain, an internal skeleton built on a definite plan, with an axis and appendages ; in Molluscs the muscles are attached to the skin and the shell, and the nervous system consists of separate masses ; Articu- lates have a hard external skeleton and jointed limbs, and their nervous system consists of two long ventral cords ; Radiates have ill-defined nervous and muscular systems, and in their lowest forms possess the animal functions without the animal organs. This well-rounded classification of animal forms is in a sense the crown of Cuvier's work, for the principle of the subordination of characters, in the interpretation which he gives to it, is a direct application of his principle of functional correlation. Each of the great groups is built upon one plan. The idea of the unity of plan has become for Cuvier a commonplace of his thought, and it is tacitly recognised in all his anatomical work. But he never takes it as a hard- and-fast principle which must at all costs be imposed upon the facts. Cuvier has become known as the greatest champion of the fixity of species, but it is not often recognised that his 1 Rcgnc A nimal, p. 55. 2 First propounded by Cuvier in 1812, Ann. Mus.d'Hist, Nat., xix. 42 CUVIEU attitude to this problem is at least as scientific as that of the evolutionists of his own and later times. No doubt he became dogmatic in his rejection of evolution-theory, but he \vas on sure ground in maintaining that the evolutionists of his day went beyond their facts. He considered that cer- tain forms (species) have reproduced themselves from the origin of things without exceeding the limits of variation. His definition of a species was, " the individuals descended from one another or from common parents, together with those that resemble them as much as they resemble one another."1 "These forms are neither pro- duced nor do they change of themselves; life presupposes their existence, for it cannot arise save in organisations ready prepared for it." He based his rejection of all theories of descent upon the absence of definite evidence for evolution. If species have gradually changed, he argued, one ought to find traces of these gradual modifications.3 Palaeontology does not furnish such traces. Again, the limits of variation, even under domestication, are narrow, and the most extreme variation does not fundamentally alter the specific type. Thus the dog has varied perhaps most of all, in size, in shape, in colour. " But throughout all these variations the relations of the bones remain the same, and the form of the teeth never changes to an appreciable extent ; at most there are some individuals in which an additional false molar develops on one side or the other."4 This second objection is the objection of the morphologist. It would be an interesting study to compare Cuvier's views on variation with those of Darwin, who was essentially a systematist. Cuvier's first objection was of course determined to some extent by the imperfection of the palaeontological knowledge of his time. But even at the present day the objection has a certain force, for although we have definite evidence of many serial transformations of one species into another along a single line, for example, Neumayr's Piilndina series, Aiiiiitdl, i , p. 19. . cit., p. 20. 1 Rcc here lies sitr les Osscinens rossilcs, i., p. 74, 1812. 1 Loc. cit., p. 79. SUCCESSION OF FORMS 43 yet at any one geological level the species, the lines of descent, are all distinct from one another.1 Cuvier recognised very clearly that there is a succession of forms in time, and that on the whole the most .primitive forms are the earliest to appear. Mammals are later than reptiles, and fishes appear earlier than either. As Deperet puts it, " Cuvier not only demonstrated the presence in the sedimentary strata of a series of terrestrial faunas super- imposed and distinct, but he was the first to express, and that very clearly, the idea of the gradual increase in complexity of these faunas from the oldest to the most recent " (p. 10). He did not believe that the fauna of one epoch was transformed into the fauna of the next. He explained the disappearance of the one by the hypothesis of sudden catastrophes, and the appearance of the next by the hypothesis of immigration. He nowhere advanced the hypothesis of successive new creations. " For the rest, when I maintain that the stony layers contain the bones of several genera and the earthy layers those of several species which no longer exist, I do not mean that a new creation has been necessary to produce the existing species, I merely say that they did not exist in the same localities and must have come thither from elsewhere." It was left to d'Orbigny to teach the doctrine of successive creations, of which he distinguished twenty-seven (Cours eleinentaire de palaeontologie stratigraphique, 1 849). Cuvier, however, can hardly have believed that all species were present at the beginning, since he does admit a progression of forms. Probably he had no theory on the subject, for theories without facts had little interest for him. At any rate it is a mistake to think that Cuvier was a supporter of the theological doctrine of special creation. His philosophy of Nature was mechanistic, and he dedicated his Recherc/ics snr les Ossemeus Fossiles to his friend Laplace. He admitted the idea of evolution at least so far as to conceive of a development of man from a savage 1 See C. Deperet, Les transformations dit Monde animal, Paris, 1907, and G. Steinmann, Die geologischen Grundlagen der Abstammungslehre^ Leipzig, 1908. 2 Recherches, i., p. Si. 44 CUVIER to a civilised state.1 He refused to accept the extravagant evolutionary theory of Demaillet and the somewhat confused theory of Lamarck (whom he joins with Demaillet),2 just as he rejected the transcendental theories of Geoffrey St Hilaire, because they seemed to him not based upon facts. 1 Rcgnc Animal, i., p. 91. - Os semens Fossiles, i., p. 26. CHAPTER IV i GOETHE SCIENCE, in so far as it rises above the mere accumulation of facts, is a product of the mind's creative activity. Scientific theories are not so much formulae extracted from experience as intuitions imposed upon experience. So it was that Goethe, who was little more than a dilettante,1 seized upon the essential principles of a morphology some years before that morphology was accepted by the workers. Goethe is important in the history of morphological method because he was the first to bring to clear conscious- ness and to express in definite terms the idea on which comparative anatomy before him was based, the idea of the unity of plan. We have seen that this idea was familiar to Aristotle and that it was recognised implicitly by all who after him studied structure comparatively. In Goethe's time the idea had become ripe for expression. It was used as a guiding principle in Goethe's youth particularly by Vicq d'Azyr and by Camper. The former (1748-1794), who discovered2 in the same year as Goethe (1784) the inter- maxillary bone in man, pointed out the homology in structure between the fore limb and the hind limb, and interpreted certain rudimentary bones, the intermaxillaries and rudimentary clavicles, in the light of the theory that Vertebrates are built upon one single plan of structure. " Nature seems to operate always according to an original and general plan, from which she departs with regret and 1 See Kohlbrugge, "Hist. krit. Studien iiber Goethe als Natur- forscher," Zool. Annalen. v., 1913, pp. 83-231. - Or re-discovered, according to Kohlbrugge. 45 46 (JOKTIIE whose traces we come across everywhere" (Vicq d'Azyr, quoted by Flourens, Mem, A cad. Sci., xxni., p. xxxvi.). Peter Camper (1722-1789), we are told by Goethe himself in his Osteologie^ was convinced of the unity of plan holding throughout Vertebrates; he compared in particular the brain of fishes with the brain of man. The idea of the unity of plan had not yet become limited and defined as a strictly scientific theory ; it was an idea com- mon to philosophy, to ordinary thought, and to anatomical science. We find it expressed by Herder (who perhaps got it from Kant) in his Idcen zur Philosophie dcr Gcscliiclitc der McuscJihcit (1784), and it is possible that Goethe became impressed with the importance of the idea through his conversations with Herder. Be that as it may, it is certain that Goethe sought for the intermaxillaries in man only because he was firmly convinced that the skeleton in all the higher animals was built upon one common plan and that accordingly bones such as the intermaxillaries, found well developed in some animals, must also be found in man. The idea was not drawn from the facts, but the facts were inter- preted and even sought for in the light of the idea. " I eagerly worked upon a general osteological scheme, and had accordingly to assume that all the separate parts of the structure, in detail as in the whole, must be discoverable in all animals, because on this supposition is built the already long begun science of comparative anatomy."1 The principle comes to clear expression in his J'.rstcr r.nt-^'itrf cincr allgcuicinai I'.uilcitniig in die vcrglcicJictidc . \nntomic (1795)." He writes : — " On this account an attempt is here made to arrive at an anatomical type, a general picture in which the forms of all animals are contained in potentia, and by means of which we can describe each animal in an invariable order." His aim is to discover a general scheme of the constant in organic parts, a scheme into which all animals will fit equally well, and no animal better than the rest. When we remember that the type to which anatomists Ix-forc him had, consciously or unconsciously, referred all 1 Cotta cd., vol. i.\-., p. 448. '• First I) raft of a (k-ncral Introduction to Comparative Anatomy." :i Cotta ed., i\., p. UNITY OF PLAN 47 other structure was man himself, we see that in seeking after an abstract generalised type Goethe was reaching out to a new conception. The fact that only the structure of man and the higher animals was at all well-known in his time led Goethe to think that his general Typus would hold for the lower animals as well, though it was to be arrived at primarily from a study of the higher animals. All he could assert of the entire animal kingdom was that all animals agreed in having a head, a middle part, and an end part, with their characteristic organs, and that accordingly they might, in this respect at least, be reduced to one common Typus. Goethe's knowledge of the lower animals was not extensive. Though Goethe did not work out a criterion of the homology of parts with any great clearness, he had an inkling of the principle later developed by E. Geoffroy St Hilaire, and called by him the "Principle of Connections." According to this principle, the homology of a part is determined by its position relative to other parts. Goethe expresses it thus : — " On the other hand the most constant factor is the position in which the bone is invariably found, and the function to which it is adapted in the organic edifice." l But from this sentence it is not clear that Goethe understood the principle as one of form independent of function, for he seems to consider that the homology of an organ is partly determined by the function which it performs for the whole. He wavers between the purely formal or morphological interpretation of the principle of connections and the functional. We find him in the additions to the Entwurf (1796), saying: — "We must take into consideration not merely the spatial relations of the parts, but also their living reciprocal influence, their dependence upon and action on one another." But in seeking for the intermaxillary . bone in man he was guided by its position relative to the maxillaries -- it must be the bone between the anterior ends of the maxillaries, a bone whose limits are indicated in the adult only by surface grooves. As a matter of fact Goethe's morphological views are neither very clearly expressed nor very consistent. This 1 Cotta ed., p. 478. 2 Loc. ctt., p. 491. 48 GOETHE comes out in his treatment of the relation between structure and function. Sometimes he takes the view that structure determines function. "The parts of the animal," he writes, " their reciprocal forms, their relations, their particular properties determine the life and habits of the creature." T \Ve are not to explain, he says, the tusks of the Babirnssa \ by their possible use, but we must ask how it comes to have tusks. In the same way we must not suppose that a bull has horns in order to gore, but we must investigate the process by which it comes to have horns to gore with. This is the rigorous morphological view. On the other hand he admits elsewhere that function may influence form. Apparently he did not work out his ideas on this point to logical clearness, and Radl2 is probably correct in saying that the following quotation with its double assertion represents most nearly Goethe's position : — "Also bestimmt die Gestalt die Lebenswcise des Thieres, Und die Wcise zu leben, sie wirkt auf alle Gestalten Machtig zuriick.'):i His best piece of purely morphological work was his theory of the metamorphosis of plants. Stripped of its vaguer elements, and of the crude attempt to explain differences in the character of plant organs by differences in the degree of "refinement" of the sap supplied to them, the theory is that stem-leaves, sepals, petals, and stamens are all identical members or appendages. These appendages differ from one another only in shape and in degree of expansion, stem -leaves being expanded, sepals contracted, petals expanded, and so on alternately. It is equally correct to call a stamen a contracted petal, and a petal an expanded stamen, for no one of the organs is the type of the others, but all equally are varieties of a single abstract plant- appendage. What Goethe considered he had proved for the append- ages of plants he extended to all living things. Every living thing is a complex of living independent beings, which " dcr 1 Jtn/;curf, Cotta cd.,*ix., p. 465. - Geschichte der biologischen Tltcoricn, i., p. 266. •• Si i tin- form determines the manner of life of the animal, and the manner of life in its turn reacts powerfully upon all forn REPETITION OF PARTS 49 Idee, der Anlage nach," are the same, but in appearance may be the same or similar, different or unlike.1 Not only is there a primordial animal and a primordial plant, schematic forms to which all separate species are referable, but the parts of each are themselves units, which " der Idee nach," are identical inter se. This fantasy can hardly be taken seriously as a scientific theory ; it seems, however, to have been what guided Goethe in his " discovery " of the vertebral nature of the skull. Just as the fore limb can be homologised with the hind limb, so, reasoning by analogy, the skull should be capable of being homologised with the vertebrae. To what ludicrous extremes this doctrine of the repetition of parts within the organism was pushed we shall see when we consider the theories of the German transcendentalists of the early nineteenth century. Though Goethe's morphological views were lacking in definiteness he hit upon one or two ideas which proved useful. Thus he enunciated the " law of balance " long before Etienne Geoffrey St Hilaire, the law " that to no part can anything be added, without something being taken away from another part, and vice versa" He saw, too, what a help to the interpretation of adult structure the study of the embryo would be, for many bones which are fused in the adult are separate in the embryo.3 This also was a point to which the later transcendentalists gave considerable attention. So far we have spoken of Goethe as if he were merely the prophet of formal morphology ; we have pointed out how he brought to clear expression the morphological principle implicit in the idea of unity of type, and how he seized upon some important guiding ideas, such as the principle of connections. But Goethe was not a formalist, and he was very far from the static conception of life which is at the base of pure morphology. His interest was not in Gestalt or fixed form, but in Bildung or form change. He saw that Gestalt was but a momentary phase of Bildung, and could be considered apart and in itself only by an abstraction fatal to all understanding of the living thing. Mephistopheles 1 Bildung und Umbildnng organischcr Naturen, 1807. 2 Cotta ed., ix., p. 466, :) Loc. ct/., pp. 474-5. 50 GOETHE scoffs at the scholars who would explain a living creature by anatomising it : " Dann hat cr die Theile in seiner Hand, Fehlt leider ! nur das geistige Band." ' Goethe kept clear of this mistake ; he knew that the artist comes nearer to the truth than the analyst. In the fragment entitled Dilditng und Umbildung org/nin- natnrcllc, vols. ix. and x., 1807) dealt with the homology between the bones of the pectoral fin and girdle in fish and the bones of the arm and shoulder-girdle in higher 1 " Mcmoirc sur les rapports nature-Is dcs makis,'; M>i£ tUO o O V p >^ K I sternals may be attributed to the gigantic size of the ento- stcrnal, in accordance with the I.oi . 12, iSso). Printed in his, pp. 5-7-52> i " Sur I'organisation des insi - tes," |». 45s- /J/X I'l1- 452'6-» lS2° (2)- THE VERTEBRAE OF ARTICULATES 61 elementary pieces which unite round a central space (Isis, loc. cit., p. 532). Serres had shown that in the higher animals every vertebra is formed from four centres of ossification, that the body of the vertebra is at first tubular, and that afterwards it becomes filled up. In lobsters and crabs each segment is com- posed of four elementary pieces, as may be seen most easily in young ones. " Accord- ingly each segment corresponds to a true vertebra in composition : there is the same number of ' materials,' the same order in the course of ossification, the same kind of articulation, the same annular arrangement, the same empty space in the middle" (p. 534). The only difference is that in Articu- lates the central space is very great and contains all the organs of the body, whereas in the higher Vertebrates the body of the vertebra becomes completely filled up. In the thoracic region of Crustacea it is not the whole segment with part of the carapace which corresponds to a vertebra, but merely the part round the ventral nerve-cord (endo- phragmal skeleton). If the skeleton of the segment in Articu- lates corresponds to the body of a vertebra and is here external, then the appendages of the Articulate must correspond to ribs (p. 538). The full development of this thought is found in a Memoir of 1822, " Sur la vertebre." x He takes as the typical vertebra that of a Pleuronectid, probably the turbot. His original figure is reproduced (Fig. 2). He includes as part of the vertebra not only the neural (e', e") and haemal (o', o") arches, but also, above and below these, the radialia (a", u') and the fin-rays (a', u"). (Neither the radialia nor the fin-rays are, 1 Mem. Mus. d'Hist. nat., ix., pp. 89-119, Pis. v-vii. o O IH M 6 02 ETIENNE GEOFFROV SAINT-HILAIRE by the way, in the same transverse plane as the body of the vertebra). Every vertebra, he considers, contains these nine pieces — the cycleal (or body), the two perials (e', e") and the two epials (a', a") above, the two paraals (o', o") and the two cataals (u', u") below. The epials and the cataals are in reality paired bones which in fish mount one on top of the other to support the median fins. In the cranial region — the skull is formed of modified vertebrae — the epials and perials open out so as to form the walls and roof of the brain ; in the thoracic region the paraals and cataals reach their maximum of development and perform the same service for the thoracic organs, the paraals becoming vertebral, and the cataals sternal, ribs. We have seen that in Arthropods the body of the vertebra (cycleal) forms the open ring of the segment, which lies immediately under the skin, the vertebral tube coinciding with the epidermal tube. The homologues of the other eight pieces of the vertebra must accordingly be sought in the external appendages. At first sight there seems here a contradiction of the principle of connections, for the appendages in Arthropods are lateral, whereas the paired bones of the vertebra are dorsal and ventral. But there is in reality no contradiction, for " what our law of connections absolutely requires is that all organs, \vhether internal or external, should stand to one another in the same relations ; but it is all one whether the box (coffrc) that encloses them lies with this or that side on the ground. What similarities in the organisation of man and the digitate mammals, and yet what differences between their attitudes when standing ! The same holds true as regards the normal attitudes of the pleuronectids and the other fishes " The exact way in which Geoffrey homologised the parts of the appendages in Arthropods with the paired pieces of the typical vertebra is best shown by the reproduction of his figure of an abdominal segment of the lobster (Fig. 3), in which the parts homologous with those represented in the figure of the typical vertebra (Fig. 2) are indicated by the same letters. The ingenuity of the comparison is astonishing. THE ARTHROPOD AND THE VERTEBRATE 63 The comparison of the Arthropod with the Vertebrate is extended also to the internal organs. The internal organs of the Arthropod are shown to stand in the same order to one another as in the Vertebrate, only the organs are inverted. Thus the nervous system is dorsal in the Vertebrate, ventral in the Arthropod. Turn the Arthropod on its back and the relative positions of the systems of organs are the same as in the Vertebrate. The relation of the organs to the external tube is of course different in Arthro- pods and Vertebrates, but this is no contradiction of the prin- ciple of connections. " Such a tube, although it is the organs essential to life that it contains, can yet behave in different ways with regard to the mass of these organs : the principle of connections demands only that all the organs maintain with one another fixed and definite re- lations ; but the principle would be in no way invali- dated if the whole mass had rotated inside the tube" (p. 112). Geoffrey pushed the anal- ogy between Arthropods and Vertebrates very far, for he asserted that every piece in the skeleton of an insect was homologous ' with some bone in Vertebrates, that it stood FlG. 3. — Abdominal Segment of the Lobster. (After Geoffrey.) always in its proper place, and remained faithful to at least one of its connections.1 It does not appear that he attempted to prove in detail this very big assumption, but the beginnings of a detailed comparison are found in the paper of 1820, Sur F organisation dcs insectcs. Six segments are distinguished in an insect— the head, the three divisions 1 Sur P organisation des insec/es, p. 459. 64 KTIRNNK GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE of the thorax, the abdomen, and the terminal segment of the abdomen (p. 455). ' The skeleton of the insect's head is said to correspond to the bones of the face, to the bones of the cerebrum and to the hyoid of higher Vertebrates, the skeleton of the prothorax to the bones of the cerebellum, of the palate, and the pieces of the larynx, the skeleton of the mesothcrax to the parietals, interparietals, and opercular bones, and that of the meta- thorax to the skeleton of the thorax of Vertebrates. The pieces of the abdomen and of the terminal segment correspond to the bones of the abdomen and coccyx (p. 458). It does not need the subsequent likening of the hind wings of insects to the air bladder of fish, and of the stigmata to the pores of the lateral line, to convince one finally of the fancifulness of the whole comparison. In 1830 two young naturalists, Meyranx and Laurencet, presented to the Academic des Sciences a memoir in which they likened a Cephalopod to a Vertebrate bent back at the level of the umbilicus, saying that the Vertebrate in this position had all its organs in the same order as in the Cephalopod. Geoffrey took up this idea with enthusiasm, seeing in it a ' further application of his master-idea of the unity of plan and composition. By means of this comparison Mollusca definitely took their place in the l-.cJicllc dcs cfrcs, after the Articulata, just as Gcoffroy had maintained in 1820, saying that crabs formed a link between the other Crustacea and the molluscs.1 The comparison brought him nearer to the end he had in view, the reference of all animal structure to one single type. But in championing the memoir of Meyranx and Laurencet, Geoffrey found himself in direct antagonism with Cuvier, who held that his four " Embranchements " had each a separate and distinct plan of structure. In a paper read to the Academy in February 1830,- Cuvier easily demolished the crude comparison of the Cephalopod to the Vertebrate, lie gave diagrams of the internal organs of a Ccphalopod and of a Vertebrate bent back in the manner indicated by Meyranx and Laurencet, and he showed in 1 /si's, p. 549. : I'ulilislic.l in Ann. Sci. AW/., xix., |>p. 241-59, 1830. THE CEPHALOrOD AND THE VERTEBRATE 65 detail that the arrangement of the main organs was quite different, that the likeness would have been much greater if the Cephalopod had been likened to a Vertebrate doubled up the other way,1 but that even then the arrangement of the organs would not be the same. The organs, too, of the Cephalopod are differently constructed. He sums up his criticism by saying : — " I give true and summary expression to all these facts when I say that Cephalopods have several organs in common with Vertebrates, which fulfil in either case similar functions, but that these organs are differently arranged with respect to one another, and often constructed in a different way ; that they are in Cephalopods accompanied by several other organs which Vertebrates do not possess, whilst the latter on their side have many organs which Cephalopods lack" (p. 257). Geoffrey could not accept this commonsense view of the matter, but made a fight for his transcendental theories. This was the beginning of the famous controversy between Geoffrey and Cuvier which so excited the interest of Goethe. It was a struggle between " comparative anatomy " and " morphology," between the commonsense teleological view of structure and the abstract, transcendental. Geoffrov brought forward all his theories * o on the homology of the skeleton of fish with the skeleton of higher Vertebrates, and tried to prove by them his great principle of the unity of plan and composition ; Cuvier took Geoffrey's homologies one by one, and showed how very slight was their foundation. Cuvier was on sure ground in insisting upon the observable diversities of structural type, and his vast knowledge enabled him to score a decisive victory.2 The controversy was not, as we are sometimes told, a controversy between a believer in evolution and an upholder of the fixity of species, although it raised a question upon which evolution-theory was to throw some light. 1 Cf. Aristotle (supra, p. 10). ' For an account of the controversy reference may be made to I. Geoffroy St Hilaire, Vie Travaux • 'in. Mus. if Hist, nut., xvii., pp. 209-29. VIEWS ON EVOLUTION 67 dealing with the possible genetic relation of living to fossil species, he still regards the question as more or less open. Although fossil species are mostly different from living species are we therefore to conclude, he asks, that they are not the ancestors of the present day forms ? " The contrary idea arises more naturally in the mind ; for otherwise the six-days' creation would have had to be repeated and new beings produced by a fresh creation. Now this proposition, contrary as it is to the most ancient historical traditions, is inadmissible" (p. 210). It is sufficiently clear from this quotation that Geoffrey was thinking only of a transformation of the antediluvian species created by God, and by no means of an evolution of all species from one primitive type. In matters of religion Geoffroy was orthodox. He goes on to point out how great a resemblance there is in essential structure between fossil and living species. All find their place in one scheme of classification ; does it not seem that all are modifications " of one single being, of that abstract being or common type, which it is always possible to denote by the same name?" (p. 211). This type is abstract, not actual, and it is certainly not conceived as an original ancestor of all animals. The fullest development of Geoffrey's views on evolution is found in his memoir " Le degre d'influence du monde ambiant pour modifier les formes animales."1 Here the relation of his evolution-theory to his morphology is pointed out. The principle of unity of plan and composition cannot be the final goal of zoology ; there must follow on it a philosophical study of the differences between organic forms. The causes of these differences are to be found in the environment (pp. 66-7). Geoffroy seems here to be moving from a pure to a causal morphology. It is probable, he continues, that living species have descended by uninterrupted generation from the antediluvian species (p. 74), and that they have in the process become modified through external influences. Now of all functions respiration is the most important, and upon respiration everything is regulated. " If it be admitted that the slow progression of the centuries has 1 Mem. Acad. Sa'., xii., pp. 63-92, 1833. 68 KTIKNM; CJKOFFKOY SAINT-HILAIRE brought in its train successive changes in the proportion of the different elements of the atmosphere, it follows as a rigorously necessary consequence that the organisation has been proportionately influenced by them" (p. 76). The respiratory milieu changes, the species change with it, or are .eliminated (p. 79). We may see, perhaps, in the stress which Geoffroy lays upon respiration and the respiratory milieu a result of his constant obsession with the comparison of fish with air-breathing Vertebrates. In the first geological period, we read in another Memoir of the same year,1 when ammonites and GrypJuca flourished, hot-blooded animals with lungs could not exist. " A lung constructed like that of mammals and birds would not have been adapted to the essence of the respiratory element such as in my conception of it the system of the environing air used to be"- (p. 58). Geoffroy does not tell us exactly how the milieu is to act upon the organism ; the whole theory is little more than a sketch and a pointing out of the way for future research— and in this prophetic enough. The action of external agents was apparently considered as physical, and no power of active adaptation was ascribed to the organism. From a passage in the memoir " Sur la Vertcbre " we may perhaps infer that he believed increasing complexity of structure to be due to a realisation of potentialities, to the development of parts present in the lower animals only in potency --" the organisation . . . only awaits favourable conditions to rise, by addition of parts, from the simplicity of the first formations to the complication of the creatures at the head of the scale" (p. 112). Evolution takes place as the environment allows, and in a sense in opposition to the environment. Me believed in saltatory evolution, for he considered that the lower oviparous Vertebrates could not be transformed into birds by slow modification, but only by a sudden transformation of their lungs, which would bring about the other characteristics of birds (p. 80). He considered, too, 1 M,'in. Acp. 43-61, 1833. - Geoffroy's French style is at times incredibly bad, and more or less literal translations of his sentences are apt to read quecrly! BIOGENETIC LAW 69 that transformations could arise by means of monstrous development (p. 86). In this connection the experiments which he made on the hen's egg1 in order to produce artificial monstrosities are significant, though his purpose was rather to obtain proof of the inadequacy of the preformation hypothesis.2 It seems probable enough that if Geoffrey had developed his views on evolution he would finally have been led to interpret unity of plan in terms of genetic relationship. But as it was he remained at his morphological standpoint. He did not interpret rudimentary organs as useless heritages of the past ; he preferred to think that Nature had prepared double means for the same function, one or other being predominant according as the animal lived in the water or on the land. "To the animal that lives exclusively in the air Nature has granted an organisation suited to this mode of respiration, without however suppressing the other corre- sponding means, that is to say, without depriving it of a second system which is applicable only to the mode of respiration by the intermediary of water, and vice versa."3 He seems, in one instance at least, to have hit upon the root-idea of the biogenetic law, but he was far from appreciating its significance. He recognised that an amphibian in its development passed through a stage when it was in all essentials similar to a fish, and he saw in this visible transformation a picture of the evolutionary transfor- mation. " An amphibian," he writes,4 " is at first a fish under the name of tadpole, and then a reptile [sic] under that of frog. ... In this observed fact is realised what we have above represented as an hypothesis, the transformation of one organic stage into the stage immediately superior." But it is not clear that he considered the development of the amphibian to be a repetition of its ancestral history. He went, however, a certain length towards recognising the main principle of a law which was a commonplace of 1 Mem, Mus. d'Hisf. nat., xiii., p. 289, 1826. 2 Mem. Mus. (PHist. naf., xviii., p. 221, 1828. His teratological work is important, and is chiefly contained in the second volume of the Philosophic anatomique. 3 Phil, anaf., i., p. 449. . Acad. Sci.t xii., p. 82, 1833. 70 ETIKNNK GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE German transcendental thought, and was developed later by his disciple E. Serres, the law that the higher animals repeat during their development the main features of the adult organisation of animals lower in the scale. Thus he compared fish as regards certain parts of their structure with the foetus of mammals. He compared also Articulates with embryonic Vertebrates in respect of their vertebrae, for in the higher Vertebrates the body of the vertebra is tubular at an early stage of development, and in .Articulates the body of the vertebra remains tubular permanently (supra, p. 61). As regards their vertebrae, " insects occupy a place in the series of the ages and developments of the vertebrate animals, that is to say, they realise one of the states of their embryo, as fishes do one of the states of their foetal condition."1 This idea was destined to exercise a great influence upon the development of morphology. A further development of the thought is that certain abnormalities in the higher animals, resulting from arrest of development, represent states of organisation which are permanent in the lower animals.2 So far we have considered Geoffroy's theories in their application to the facts. We go on to discuss the theories themselves, and the general conception of living things which underlies them. The principle of unity of plan and composition is the keynote of Geoffroy's work. It states that the same materials of organisation are to be found in all animals, and that these materials stand always in the same general spatial relations to one another. The " materials of organisation " are not necessarily organs in the physiological sense, and indeed the principle of the unity of plan cannot be upheld if the unity has reference to organs only. This became clear to Geoffroy, especially in his later years. In 1835 he wrote, speaking of the principle of the unit}7 of plan, " I have, more- over, regenerated this principle, and obtained for it univer- sality of application, by showing that it is not always the organs as a whole, but merely the materials composing each 1 Mt'in. Mns. d' Hist. ;/. 101, 1822. -' dntrs dc Phistoirc natitrcllc dcs Altuninifcrcs^ i., Le^on 3, p. 13, 1829. CRITERIA OF HOMOLOGY 71 organ, that can be reduced to unity." 1 Even in the PJiilo- sopJiie anatomique he deals rather with parts than with organs ; he deals, for instance, with the elementary parts of the sternum, not with the organ " sternum " in its totality. The functions of the sternum vary, and the primary pro- tective function of the sternum may be assumed by quite other parts, e.g., by the clavicles in fish, which protect the heart.2 True homologies can be established between materials of organisation but not always between organs, which may be composed of different " materials." Almost as a corollary to this comes the further view that form is of little importance in determining homologies. An organ is essentially an instrument for doing a particular kind of work, and its form is determined by its function. Organs which perform the same function are usually similar in form though the elementary materials composing them may be different. This is seen in many cases of convergence. Organs, therefore, which perform the same function and are similar in external form are not necessary homologous. Conversely, the same complex of materials, say a fore limb, may take on the most varied shapes according as the function of the organ changes — but homology remains though form changes. Accordingly, form is one of the least important elements to be considered in determining a homology. " Nature," he wrote in one of his early papers, " tends to repeat the same organs in the same number and in the same relations, and varies to infinity only their form. In accordance with this principle I shall have to draw my conclusions, in the determining the bones of the fish's skull, not from a consideration of their form, but from a considera- tion of their connections."3 Again, after comparing a vertebra of the Aurochs with an abdominal segment of the crab, he says, " I have insisted upon an identity which has extended to the least important relation of all, that of form." 4 1 Etudes progressives d'un Naturalistc, p. 59, f.n., Paris, 1835. 2 Phil. Anat., i., p. 444. 3 Ann. Mus. d'Hist. na/., x., p. 344, 1807. 4 Isis, P- 534, 1820 (2). F 72 ETIENNE GEOlvFROY SAINT-HILAIRE Geoffrey's morphological units or materials of organisa- tion were in the case of the skeleton — with which his researches principally deal — the single bones. But the interesting point is that he sought his skeleton-units in the embryo, and considered each separate centre of ossification as a separate bone. Coalescence of bones originally separate is one of the most usual events in development, and it is an occurrence which, more than any other, tends to obscure homologies. Because of its coalescence with the maxillaries, the intermaxillary in man was not discovered until Vicq d'Azyr and Goethe found it separate in the embryo. Apparently quite independently of Goethe, Geoffrey hit upon this plan of seeking in the embryo the primary elements or materials of organisation. In an early paper on the skull of Vertebrates,1 where he is concerned with showing that each bone of the fish's skull has its homologue in the skull of higher Vertebrates, he is faced with the difficulty that the skull of the fish has more bones than the skull of higher Vertebrates. " Having had the inspiration," he writes, ">to reckon as many bones as there are distinct centres of ossification, and having made a consistent trial of this method, I have been able to appreciate the correctness of the idea: fish, in their earliest stages, are in the same conditions relatively to their development as the fetuses of mammals, and hence bear out the theory " (p. 344). So, too, in dealing with the homologies of the sternal elements (snprn, p. 57) he treats as separate bones the " annexes " of the sternum in birds, though these are separate only in the young. If the same materials of organisation are present in all animals, and if they are arranged always in the same positions relatively to one another, how does it come about that animal forms are so varied, what explanation can be offered of the diversities of organic structure? Geoffrey's main answer to this question is his Loi dc balancement. The law was enunciated by him already in 1807.- \Ye take the following quotation, which represents his thought most nearly, from the Conrs dc riiistoirc natiircUc Cyamus, XyinpJwn, Phalangium^ Apns> Caligits, Limit Ins, and a few others. For Crustacea he established the homologies now accepted, of the mandibles with the mandibles of insects, of the first and second pairs of maxillae with the parts so named in insects, and so on. He is quite clear that the maxillipedes of" Crustacea are the homologues of the feet of Hexapoda. " Their disposition must lead one to think that the six anterior feet of Jnlus, that is to say, all the feet of the Hexapoda, are here transformed into jaws " (loc. cit., p. 4,S). In Scolopatdm also there is a similar transformation of two pairs of legs into auxiliary jaws. In Gaiiniianis, where there is only the first pair of maxillipedes, the other two pairs have become " retransformed " into feet. \Ve find him supporting his comparison of the three anterior pairs of legs \\-\ Jnlns to the three pairs of legs in insects by an argument drawn from embryology ; for only the first three pairs of feet are present in Jnlns at birth (Degeer), " an observation, which, together with their position, should cause them to be considered as the representatives of the six thoracic feet of Hexapoda" (p. 44). 1 1 is comparison of the Arachnid appendages with those of insects and Crustacea is very curious. As his starting- point he takes Cydi/ms, which has antenn;e (two pairs) and mouth parts (four pairs) as in many Crustacea, and then seven pairs of legs ; he compares with it Xyniplion, which has in all seven pairs of appendages. These appendages he homologises with the seven pairs of legs of Cyainns, so that the first appendage in Xymplioii corresponds to the seventh appendage of Cy^tnns. This homology is extended to all Arachnids ; their first two pairs of appendages, however AUDOUIN 85 they may be modified as " false " mandibles and " false " maxillae, really correspond to the second and third maxilli- pedes in Crustacea, and to the second and third pairs of feet in insects. It is interesting to note that he treats Liuinlus as an Arachnid, pointing out that there is as much difference between Apns and Liinulus as between Cancer and PJialanginin. He describes the " gnathobases " in Phalangiuin and Limulus. We may note 'that he had just an inkling of the modern doctrine that all the appendages of Articulates consist of a basal joint bearing an inner and an outer terminal piece, for he observes that the "cirri" of the maxillipedes of Crustacea give the appendage the same bifid appearance as the appendages of the abdomen and the thoracic legs of My sis (p. 50). V. Audouin, in his memoir, Recherches anatoniiqncs snr Ic thorax des aninianx articules} applied the principle of the unity of plan and composition to the exoskeleton of insects, Crustaceans, and Arachnids. His guiding ideas were, "(i) that the skeleton of articulated animals is formed of a definite number of pieces, which are either distinct or intimately fused with one another ; (2) that in many cases, some pieces diminish or altogether disappear, while others reach an excessive development ; (3) that the increase of one piece seems to exert on the neighbouring pieces a kind of influence which explains all the differences one finds between the individuals of each order, family and genus " (Sep. copy, p. 1 6). Geoffroy had already stated, without proof, that the parts of the Arthropod's skeleton, however they might change in shape and size, remained faithful to the principle of connections, at least at their points of insertion.2 Audouin gave the detailed demonstration of this by his accurate and minute determination of the pieces of the arthropod skeleton. He recognised that the body of Arthropods was made up of a series of similar rings, and that even the compact head of insects consisted of fused segments. In each segment Audouin distinguished a fixed number of hard chitinous parts, the dorsal tergum, the ventral sternum, the lateral " flanc " of three pieces, all to be recognised by their positions 1 Ami. Sci. Nat. (i), i., pp. 97-135, 416-432, 1824. 2 Jsis, p. 456, 1820 (2). 86 Till: FOLLOWERS OF (iKOlTUOY relative to one another. Many of the names which he proposed are still in use; it was he who introduced the terms prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, for the three segments of the insect's thorax. He used Geoffrey's Lot de balanccinait to explain cases of correlative development, such as the relation between the size of the front wings and the development of the mesothorax. In another paper Audouin compared the three pieces of the dorsal skeleton of Trilobites to the tergum and the upper part of the " flanc." l In a third paper of about the same time he tried to establish the homologies of the segments throughout the Articulate series — with less success than o Savigny. Later on, in conjunction with Milne-Edwards, he demon- strated the unity of composition of the nervous system in Crustacea, showing how the concentrated system of the crab was formed by the same series of ganglia as in the Macrura. The entomologist Latreille also tackled the problem of the homologies of the segments in the different classes of Arthropods (Cuvier, loc. cit., p. cclxxii.). He thought he could find fifteen segments in all Arthropods. He made the retrograde step of likening the head of insects to a single segment. But some of his homologies showed morphological insight, e.g., his comparison of the " first jaws " of Arachnids to antennas, because they were placed above the upper lip. It was he who first pointed out the resemblance of the leaf-like gills of Ephemerid larva; to wings, and suggested that wings were " a sort of tracheal feet." He made also a rather hazy and speculative contribution on Okcnian lines to the problem of the relation of Arthropods, to Vertebrates, likening the carapace of Crustacea to an enormously developed hyoid, the appendages of the tail to the ventral and anal fins of fish. The masticatory organs of Arthropods were jaws disjointed at their symphysis ; antenna-, nostrils turned outside in. Duges also made a comparison of Articulates with Vertebrates.- He did not accept Geoffrey's \\-rtebral theory 1 Cuvicr, M,:in. Acj,v .::/(/- vergleichenden Zoo/o^ic, Anatomic and Pliysi- 1 For a full account, sec Kohlbrugge, Zool. Anim/en, xxxviii., 191 1. - Rcdc iiber das Verhaltnis der organischen Kriifie, Stuttgart u. Tubingen, 1793 (1814). See Kadi, he. cit., i., p. 261 ; ii., p. 57. ; Supplcm. nd historical emfayonis, Tubingen, 1797. 1 Lehrbuch der Naturphilosophie^ En-, trans., p. 491, 1847. •' Ueber Enhvickelungsgeschichte dcr Thiere, i., p. xvii., 1828. LAW OF PARALLELISM 91 ologic" 2 pts., 1806-7) as forming the turning-point in our understanding of the mammalian ovum. He had accordingly actually observed a resemblance in certain details of structure between the human foetus and the lower animals ; but the peculiar form which the law took in his hands was a con- sequence of his hazy philosophy. He saw the relation of teratological to foetal structure, for he affirmed that " mal- formations are only persistent foetal conditions " (p. 492). The idea of comparing the embryo of higher animals with the adult of lower was widely spread at this time among German zoologists. We find, for example, in Tiedemann's brilliant little textbook x the statement that " Every animal, before reaching its full development, passes through the stage of organisation of one or more classes lower in the scale, or, every animal begins its metamorphosis with the simplest organisation " (p. 57). Thus the higher animals begin life as a kind of fluid animal jelly which resembles the substance of a polyp ; the young mammal, like the lower Vertebrates, has only a simple circulation, and, like them, lives in water (the amniotic fluid); the frog is first like a worm, then develops gills and becomes like a fish (p. 57). In his work on the anatomy of the brain,2 Tiedemann established the homology of the optic lobes in birds by comparing them with foetal corpora quadrigemina in man (see Serres, Ann. Sci. nat., xii., p. 112). J. F. Meckel, in 1811, devoted a long essay to a detailed proof of the parallelism between the embryonic states of the higher animals and the permanent states of the lower animals. In a previous memoir in the same collection3 (i., i, 1808) he had made some comparisons of this kind in dealing with the development of the human foetus ; in this memoir (ii., i, 1811) he brings together all the facts which seem to prove the parallelism. His collection of facts is a very heterogeneous one ; he mingles morphological with physiological analogies, and makes the most far-fetched comparisons between organs 1 Zoologie, Landshut, i., 1808. 2 Anatomic u. Bildungsgeschichtc des Gehirns im Fotus des Menschen, Niirnberg, 1816. 3 Beytrcige zur vergleichende Anatomic, Leipzig, i., 1808-9, ii., 1811-2. 92 THE GERMAN TRANSCENDENTALISTS belonging to animals of the most diverse groups. He compares, for instance, the placenta with the gills of fish, of molluscs and of worms, homologising the cotyledons with the separate tufts of gills in Tct/iys, ScylUca and Arenicola (p. 26). This is purely a physiological analogy. He compares the closed anus of the early human embryo with the permanent absence of an anus in Coelentera, and the embryo's lack of teeth with the absence of teeth in many reptiles and fish, in birds, and in many Cetacea (p. 46).1 These are merely chance resemblances of no morphological importance. He considers bladderworms as animals which have never escaped from their amnion, and Volvo.v as not having developed beyond the level of an egg (p. 7). He lays much stress upon likeness of shape and of relative size, comparing, for instance, the large multilobate liver of the human foetus with the many- lobed liver of lower Vertebrates and of Invertebrates. In general he shows himself, in his comparisons, lacking in morphological insight. His treatment of the vascular system affords perhaps the best example of his method (pp. 8-25). The simplest form of heart is the simple tubular organ in insects, and it is under this form that the heart first appears in the developing chick. The bent form of the embryonic heart recalls the heart of spiders; it lies at first free, as in the mollusc Anomia. The heart consists at first of one chamber only, recalling the one- chambered heart of Crustacea. A little later three chambers are developed, the auricle, ventricle, and aortic bulb ; at this stage there is a resemblance to the heart of fish and amphibia. At the end of the fourth day the auricle becomes divided into two, affording a parallel with the adult heart of many reptiles. In his large text-book of a somewhat later date, the System f/i-r I'cr^lcicJicuden Anatomic (i., 1821), he works out the idea again and gives to it a much wider theoretic sweep, hinting that the development of the individual is a repetition of the evolutionary history of the race. Meckel was a timid believer in evolution. He thought it quite possible that much of the variety of animal form was due to a process of 1 Cetacea were generally considered at this lime to be mammals of low organisation. LAW OF PARALLELISM 93 evolution caused by forces inherent in the organism. " The transformations," he writes, "which have determined the most remarkable changes in the number and development of the instruments of organisation are incontestably much more the consequence of the tendency, inherent in organic matter, which leads it insensibly to rise to higher states of organisation, passing through a series of intermediate states."1 His final enunciation of the law of parallelism in this same volume shows that he considered the development of the individual to be due to the same forces that rule evolu- tion. " The development of the individual organism obeys the same laws as the development of the whole animal series ; that is to say, the higher animal, in its gradual evolution, essentially passes through the permanent organic stages which lie below it ; a circumstance which allows us to assume a close analogy between the differences which exist between the diverse stages of development, and between each of the animal classes" (p. 514). He was not, of course, able fully to prove his contention that the lower animals are the embryos of the higher, and we gather from the following passage that he could maintain it only in a somewhat modified form. " It is certain," he writes, " that if a given organ shows in the embryo of a higher animal a given form, identical with that shown through- out life by an animal belonging to a lower class, the embryo, in respect of this portion of its economy, belongs to the class in question " (p. 535). The embryo of a Vertebrate might at a certain stage of development, be called a mollusc, if for instance, it had the heart of a mollusc. He admits, too, that the highest animal of all does not pass through in his development the entire animal series. But the embryo of man always and necessarily passes through many animal stages, at least as regards its single organs and organ-systems, and this is enough in Meckel's eyes to justify the law of parallelism (p. 535). In his excellent discussion of teratology Meckel points out how the idea of parallelism throws light upon certain 1 From the French trans., which appeared under the title Traite gen. d'Anat. compare'e, i.^ p. 449, 1828, 94 THE GERMAN TRANSCENDENTALISTS abnormalities which are found to be normal in other (lower) forms (p. 556).1 We may refer to one other statement of the law of parallelism — by K. G. Carus in his Lclirbnch dcrverglcicliaidcn Anatomic (Leipzig, 1834). The standpoint is again that of NaturpJiilosopJiic. It is a general law of Nature, Carus thinks, that the higher formations include the lower; thus the animal includes the vegetable, for it possesses the " vegetative " as well as the " animal " organs. So it is, too, by a rational necessity that the development of a perfect animal repeats the series of antecedent formations. As we have said, the main credit for the enunciation of the law of parallelism belongs to the German transcendental school ; but the law owes much also to Serres, who, with Meckel, worked out its implications. It might for convenience, and in order to distinguish it from the laws later enunciated by von Baer and Haeckel, be called the law of Meckel-Serres. Under the " theory of the repetition or multiplication of parts within the organism" may be included, first, generalisa- tions on the serial homology of parts, and second, more or less confused attempts to demonstrate that the whole organisation is repeated in certain of the parts. The recognition of serial homologies constituted a real advance in morphology; the "philosophical" idea of the repetition of the whole in the parts led to many absurdities. It led Oken to assert that in the head the whole trunk is repeated, that the upper jaw corresponds to the arms, the lower to the legs, that in each jaw the same bony divisions exist as in the limbs, the teeth, for instance, corresponding to the claws (Joe. ci/., p. 408). It led him to distinguish "two animals" in every body — the cephalic and the sexual animal. Each of these has its own organs; thus " in the perfect animal there are two intestinal systems thoroughly distinct from each other, two intestines which belong to two different animals, the sexual and cephalic animal, or the plant and the animal " (p. 382). The intestine of the sexual animal is the large intestine; the lungs of the sexual animal are the kidneys, its glottis is the urethra, its mouth the anus. So, too, the mouth is the stomach of the head. On another line of thought the 1 Cf. Geoffrey (sit/>r/) ; the sternal rib the " haemapophysis " (//) ; the uncinate process of the vertebral rib is known as the "diverging appendage" (a). The whole vertebrate skeleton is composed of a series of vertebrae which show these typical parts. We arrive thus at the conception of an " Archetype " of the vertebrate skeleton, such as is represented in Fig. 6. The archetype is only a scheme of what is usually constant in the vertebrate skeleton, and both the number and the arrangement of the bones in any real Vertebrate are subject to variation. " It has been abundantly proved," Owen writes, towards the end of his volume, " that the idea of a natural segment (vertebra) of the endoskeleton does not necessarily involve the presence of a particular number of pieces, or even a determinate and unchangeable arrange- ment of them. The great object of my present labour has been to deduce . . . the relative value and constancy of the different vertebral elements, and to trace the kind and extent of their variations within the limits of a plain and obvious maintenance of a typical character" (p. 146). It goes without saying that Owen considered the skull to be formed of vertebrae — the vertebral theory of the skull was, in his system, a deduction from the vertebral theory of the skeleton. He recognised four cranial vertebra- ; the arrange- ment of them, and the relation of their constituent bones to the parts of the typical vertebra are shown in the table appearing on page 106. So far as their first three elements are concerned, these vertebra: are practically identical with the vertebra- distinguished in the classical vertebral theory of the skull, as enunciated by Oken. A divergence appears with the determination of the other elements of the vertebra-. The upper and lower jaws are associated with the nasal and frontal vertebra' respectively, not however as limbs of the head, but as constituent elements of these vertebra-. In the >ame way the hyoid apparatus is part and parcel of the paru-tal vertebra, and the pectoral girdle and fore-limbs part of the occipital vertebra. £j Neural spine. \%& Neurapophysis. [ 1 Diapophysis. | Centrum. [OJ] Parapophysis. §$g Pleurapophysis § Ha-majiophysis. ^^ n;«mal spine. H Appendage. FlG. 6.— The Archetype of the Vertebrate Skeleton. (After Owen.) \J 106 TRANSCENDENTAL ANATOMY IN ENGLAND Cranial Vertebra.1 (After Owen, 1848, p. 165.) Vertebra;. Occipital. Parietal. Frontal. Nasal. Centra. Basioccipital. Basisphenoid. Presphenoid. Vomer. Neurapophyses. Exoccipital. Alisphenoid. Orbitosphenoid. Prefrontal. Neural Spines. Supraoccipital. Parietal. Frontal. Nasal. Parapophyses. Paroccipital. Mastoid. Postfrontal. None. Pleurapophyses. Scapular. Stylohyal. Tympanic. Palatal. Haemnpophyses. Coracoid. Ceratohyal. Articular. Maxillary. Haemal Spines. Episternum. Basihyal. Dentary. Premaxillary. Diverging Ap- pendage. Fore -limb or Fin. Branchiostegals. Operculum. Pterygoid and Zygoma. Owen's reasons for considering the pectoral girdle and the fore-limb part of the occipital vertebra are as follows. In fish the pectoral girdle is slung to the skull by means of the post-temporal bone (supra-scapula, according to Owen) which abuts on the occipital arch. In Lcpidosircn, whose skeleton resembles the archetype in many ways, the pectoral girdle is likewise attached to the occipital segment. In most other Vertebrates the pectoral girdle has shifted backwards along the vertebral column, by a "metastasis" (Geoffroy) similar to that by which the pelvic fins in many fish have shifted up close to the pectoral girdle. The scapula (with supra-scapula) is the pleurapophysis, the coracoid the h;umapophysis, of the occipital vertebra. The clavicle is homologised with the slender bone in fish now known as the post-clavicle, which shows a connection with the first or atlas vertebra of the vertebral column, forming, according to Owen, the h;emapophysis of the atlas. Owen considers it no objection to this view that in other Vertebrates the 1 Owen introduced most of the names of bones now current. THE ARCHETYPE 107 clavicle is anterior to the coracoid — " its anterior position to the coracoid in the air-breathing Vertebrata is no valid argument against the determination, since in these we have shown that the true scapular arch is displaced back- wards " (On the Nature of Limbs, p. 63, London, 1849). In the pelvic girdle the ilium corresponds to the scapula, the ischium to the coracoid, the pubis to the clavicle. Hence the ilium is a pleurapophysis, the ischium and pubis are both haemapophyses. The fore-limb is the developed " appendage " of the occipital vertebra, the hind-limb the developed " appendage " of the pelvic vertebra. They are serially homologous with, for example, the uncinate processes of the ribs in birds (see Figs. 5 and 6). The fore-limb is a simple filament in Lepidosiren, and presents few joints in Proteus and Amphimna ; in other air-breathing Vertebrates it shows a more complete development, the humerus, radius and ulna, and the bones of the wrist and hand becoming differentiated out. As the fore-limb is equivalent to a single bone of the archetype, it is said to be, in its developed state, " Ideologically compound " (p. 103). Since in the archetype every vertebra has its appendage, more than two pairs of locomotory limbs might have been developed. " Any given appendage might have been the seat of such developments as convert that of the pelvic arch into a locomotive limb; and the true insight into the general homology of limbs leads us to recognise many potential pairs in the typical endoskeleton. The possible and conceiv- able modifications of the vertebrate archetype are far from having been exhausted in the forms which have hitherto been recognised, from the primaeval fishes of the palaeozoic ocean of this planet up to the present time" (p. 102). It is not of the essence of the vertebrate type to be tetrapodal. In determining homologies Owen remained true to Geoffrey's principle of connections. Speaking of an attempt which had been made to determine homologies by the mode of development, he writes, " There exists doubtless a close general resemblance in the mode of development of homo- logous parts ; but this is subject to modification, like the forms, proportions, functions, and very substance of such 108 TllANSCKNDKNTAL ANATOMY IN ENGLAND parts, without their essential homological relationships being thereby obliterated. These relationships are mainly, if not wholly, determined by the relative position and connection of the parts, and may exist independently of form, proportions, substance, function and similarity of development. But the connections must be sought for at every period of develop- ment, and the changes of relative position, if any, during growth, must be compared with the connections which the part presents in the classes where vegetative repetition is greatest and adaptive modification least" (p. 6). It is interesting to note that in Owen's opinion comparative anatomy explains embryology. Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head (On tJie -Nature of Limbs, p. 49) — the embryo shows a greater resemblance to the archetype than the adult. " We perceive a return to it, as it were, in the early phases of development of the highest organised of the actually existing species, or we ought rather to say that development starts from the old point ; and thus, in regard to the scapula, we can explain the constancy of its first appearance close to the head, whether in the human embryo or in that of the swan, also its vertical position to the axis of the spinal column, by its general homology as the rib or 'pleurapophysis' of the occipital vertebra" (Limbs, p. 56). We owe to Owen the first clear distinction between " homologous" and " analogous " organs ; it was he who first •proposed the terms " homologue " and "analogue," which he defined as follows : — " Analogue. A part or organ in one animal which has the same function as another part or organ in a different animal." " ! foniologue. The same organ in different animals under every variety of form and function."1 Me introduced also useful distinctions between Special, ( u neral,und Serial Homology. " The relations of homology," he writes, "are of three kinds : the first is that above defined, viz., the correspondency of a part or organ, determined by its relative position and connections, with a part or organ in a different animal ; the determination of which homology indicates that such animals are constructed on a common 1 I. <\ lures on Inrcrtclnate Animals, pp. 374, 379, 1843. HOMOLOGY 109 type; when, for example, the correspondence of the basilar process of the human occipital bone with the distinct bone called ' basi - occipital ' in a fish or crocodile is shown, the special honiology of that process is determined. A higher relation of homology is that in which a part or series of parts stands to the fundamental or general type, and its enunciation involves and implies a knowledge of the type on which a natural group of animals, the Vertebrate, for example, is constructed. Thus when the basilar process of the human occipital bone is determined to be the ' centrum ' or ' body ' of the last cranial vertebra, its general homology is enunciated. " If it be admitted that the general type of the vertebrate endoskeleton is rightly represented by the idea of a series of essentially similar segments succeeding each other longi- tudinally from one end of the body to the other, such segments being for the most part composed of pieces similar in number and arrangement, and though sometimes extremely modified for special functions, yet never so as to wholly mask their typical character — then any given part of one segment may be repeated in the rest of the series, just as one bone may be reproduced in the skeletons of different species, and this kind of repetition or representative relation in the segments of the same skeleton I call ' serial homology ' (p. 7). As an example of serial homology we might take the centra of the vertebras — the vomer, the presphenoid, the basisphenoid, the basioccipital and the series of centra in the spinal column. Such serially repeated parts are called homotypes (p. 8). Not all the bones of the vertebrate skeleton are included in the archetype as constituents of the vertebrae. Thus the branchial and pharyngeal arches are accounted part of the splanchnoskeleton, as belonging to the same category as the heart bone of some ruminants, and the ossicles of the stomach in the lobster (p. 70). The ossicles of the ear in mammals are "peculiar mammalian productions in relation to the exalted functions of a special organ of 'sense " (p. 140, f.n.). This recognition of a possible development of new organs to meet new functions shows unmistakably the influence of Cuvier. Owen was indeed well aware of the importance of the functional aspect of living things, and he often adopted 110 TRANSCENDENTAL ANATOMY IN' ENGLAND the teleological point of view. As a true morphologist, however, he held that the principle of adaptation does not suffice to explain the existence of special homologies. The ossification of the bones of the skull from separate centres may be purposive in Eutheria, in that it prevents injury to the skull at birth ; but how explain on teleological principles the similar ossification from separate centres in marsupials, birds and reptiles ? How explain above all the fact that the centres are the same in number and relative position in all these groups ? Surely we must accept the idea of an archetype " on which it has pleased the divine Architect to build up certain of his diversified living works" (p. 73). In his study of centres of ossification, Owen made in point of theory a distfnct advance on his predecessors. We saw that Geoffroy recognised the importance of studying the ossification of the skeleton, and that Cuvier accepted such embryological evidence as an aid in deter- mining homologies. Owen pointed out that it was necessary to distinguish between centres of ossification which were teleological in import and such as were purely indicative of homological relationships. Many bones, single in the adult, arise from separate centres of ossification, but we must distinguish between " those centres of ossification that have homological relations, and those that have only teleological ones ; i.e., between the separate points of ossification of a human bone which typify vertebral elements, often permanently distinct bones in the lower animals ; and the separate points which, without such signification, facilitate the progress of osteogeny, and have for their obvious final cause the well-being of the growing animal" (p. 105). There is, for example, a teleological reason why in mammals and leaping Amphibia (<\{,r., frogs), the long bones should ossify first at their (.•nds, for the brain is thus protected from concussion ; in reptiles that creep there is less danger of concussion, and the long bones ossify in the middle (p. 105). But there is no teleological reason why the coracoid process of the scapula should in all mammals develop from a separate centre. The coracoid is however a real vertebral clement (haemapophysis), and in monotremcs, birds and reptiles it is in the adult a large and separate bom-. Its ossification from a separate HOMOLOGY AND TELEOLOGY 111 centre in mammals has therefore a homological significance. The scapula in mammals is an example of what Owen calls a "homologically compound " bone. All those bones which are formed by a coalescence of parts answering to distinct elements of the typical vertebra are "homologically com- pound" (p. 105). On the other hand, "All those bones which represent single vertebral elements are ' Ideologically compound ' when developed from more than one centre, whether such centres subsequently coalesce, or remain distinct, or even become the subject of individual adaptive modifications, with special joints, muscles, etc., for par- ticular offices" (p. 106). The limb-skeleton, corresponding as it does to a single bone of the archetype, is the typical example of a ideologically compound bone. Owen in his definition of teleological compoundness has combined two kinds of adaptation — (i) temporary adaptation of bones to the exigencies of development, birth and growth (e.g., develop- ment of long bones from separate centres) ; (2) definitive adaptation of a skeletal part to the functions which it has to perform (e.g., teleological structure of limbs). Such adap- tations are, so to speak, grafted on the archetype. Owen's general views on the nature of living things merit some attention. Organic forms, according to Owen, result from the antagonistic working of two principles, of which one brings about a vegetative repetition of structure, while the other, a teleological principle, shapes the living thing to its functions. The former principle is illustrated in the arche- type of the vertebrate skeleton, in the segmentation of the Articulates, in the almost mathematical symmetry of Echinoderms, and the actually crystalline spicules of sponges. It is the same principle which causes repetition of the forms of crystals in the inorganic world. "The repetition of similar segments in a vertebral column, and of similar elements in a vertebral segment, is analogous to the repetition of similar crystals as the result of polarising force in the growth of an inorganic body " (p. 171). This "general polarising force" it is which mainly produces the similarity of forms, the repetition of parts, and generally the signs of the unity of organisation. The adaptive or " special organising force " or ic>e'a, on the other hand, produces the diversity of organic 112 TRANSCENDENTAL ANATOMY IN ENGLAND beings. In every species these two forces are at work, and the extent to which the general polarising or "vegetative- repetition-force " is subdued by the teleological is an index of the grade of the species. This view is analogous to the Geoffroyan conception that the diversity of form is limited by the unity of plan. Owen thus ranges himself with Geoffroy against Cuvier, who considered that diversity of form is limited only by the principle of the adaptation of parts. CHAPTER IX KARL ERNST VON BAER VON BAER was recognised as the founder of embryology even by his contemporaries. His predecessors, Aristotle,1 Fabricius,2 Harvey,3 Malpighi,4 Haller,5 Wolff,0 had made a beginning with the study of development ; von Baer, by the thoroughness of his observation and the strength of his analysis, made embryology a science. It was to one of the German transcendentalists that von Baer owed the impulse to study development. Ignatius Dollinger, Professor in Wiirzburg, induced three of his pupils, Pander, d'Alton and von Baer, to devote themselves to embryological research. The development of animals was at this time little known, in spite of recent work by Meckel (1815 and 1817), Tiedemann {Anatoinie 21. Bildungsgeschichte des GcJiirns, 1816), by Oken (Joe. cit., supra, p. 90), and some others. Pander, with whom apparently Dollinger and d'Alton collaborated, was the first to publish his results;7 von Baer, who through absence from Wiirzburg had for a time dropped his embryological studies, started to work in 1819, after the publication of Pander's treatise, and produced in 1828 the first volume of his master- work, UeberEntwickelungsgeschichte I De generatione Aniinalium. ' De formato fa'/u, ? 1600 ; De forinatione fattus, 1604. 3 Exercitationes de generatione animaliuui, 1651. 4 De forinatione pulli in ovo, 1673 '•> De ovo incubato, 1686. 5 De fonnatione pulli in ovo, 1757-8 ; Sur la formation du cccur dans le poulet, 1758. II Theoria genera tionis, 1759 ; De fo rmatione intestinorinn, 1768-9. 7 Beitrcige zur Entivickclung des Hiihnchens im Ei. Wiirzburg, 1818. Also in Latin in shorter form, 1817. ns 114 KARL ERNST VON BAER der Thicrc. Beobachtnng iuid Reflexion (Konigsberg, 1828). The second volume followed in 1837, but dates really from 1834, and was published in an incomplete form. This second volume is intended as an introduction to embryology for the use of doctors and science students. In it von Baer describes in full detail the development of many vertebrate types — chick, tortoise, snake, lizard, frog, fish, several mammals and man, basing his remarks largely upon his personal observa- tions, but taking account also of all contemporary work. A separate account of the development of a fish {Cyprinus blicca) appeared in I835.1 We shall concentrate attention on the first volume. This volume contains the first full and adequate account of the development of the chick, followed by a masterly discussion of the laws of development in general. When we consider that von Baer worked chiefly with a simple microscope and dissecting needles, the minuteness and accuracy of his observations are astonishing. He described the main facts respecting the development of all the principal organs, and if, through lack of the proper means of observation, he erred in detail, he made up for it by his masterly understanding and profound analysis of the essential nature of development. His account of the development of the chick is a model of what a scientific memoir ought to be ; the series of " Scholia " which follow contain the deductions he made from the data, and, in so far as they are direct generalisations from experience, they are valid for all time. The first Scholion is directed against the theory of preformation, and succeeds in refuting it on the ground of simple observation. The theme of the second Scholion is that the essential nature (die ]]7esenheit} of the animal determines its differentiation, that no stage of development is solely determined by the antecedent stage, but that throughout all stages the M'csoiheit or idea of the definitive whole exercises guidance. This guidance is shown most clearly in the regulatory processes of the germ, whereby the large individual variations commonly presented by the ' Untersuchungen it. die I'.nt-«.'ickelun%sgcsclri<.htc tier FiscJic ; Leipzig 1835. FORMATION OF GERM LAYERS 115 early embryo are compensated for or neutralised in the course of further development. Baer in this shows himself a vitalist. It is, however, the third and subsequent Scholia which must here particularly occupy our attention, for it is in these that von Baer comes to grips with morphological problems. Already in the second Scholion he had definitely enunciated the law which runs as a theme throughout the volume, the observational and the theoretical part alike, the law that development is essentially a process of differentiation by which the germ becomes ever more and more individualised. " The essential result of development," he writes, " when we consider it as a whole, is the increasing independence {Selbstdndigkeif) of the developing animal" (p. 148). In the third Scholion he elaborates this thought and shows that differentiation takes place in triple wise. The three processes of differentiation are "primary differentiation" or layer-formation, " histological differentiation" within the layers, and the "morphological differentiation" of primitive organs. The first of these differentiations in time is the formation of the germ-layers, which takes place by a splitting or separation of the blastoderm into a series of superimposed lamellae. Baer's account of the process in the chick is as follows : — " First of all, the germ separates out into heterogeneous layers, which with advancing development acquire ever greater individuality, but even on their first appearance show rudiments of the structures which will characterise them later. Thus in the germ of the bird, so soon as it acquires consistency at the beginning of incubation, we can distinguish an upper smooth continuous surface and a lower more granular surface. The blastoderm separates thereupon into two distinct layers, of which the lower develops into the plastic body-parts of the embryo, the upper into the animal parts ; the lower shows clearly a further division into two closely connected subsidiary layers — the mucous layer and the vessel-layer ; the original upper layer also shows a division into two, which form respectively the skin and the parts which I have called the true ventral and dorsal 116 KARL KKNST VON BAKU plates — parts which contain in an undifferentiated .state the skeletal and muscular systems, the connective tissues, and the nerves belonging to these. In order to have a convenient term for future use, I have named this layer the muscle- layer "(p. 153)- The process of delarnination results then in the formation of four layers, of which the upper two (composing the " animal " or " serous " layer) will give origin to the animal (neuromuscular) part of the body, the lower pair to the plastic or vegetative organs. The uppermost layer will form the external covering of the embryo, and also the amniotic folds; from it there differentiates out at a very early stage the rudiment of the central nervous system, forming a more or less independent layer. Below the outermost layer lies the layer from which are formed the muscular and skeletal systems, and beneath this "muscle-layer" comes the " vessel-layer," which gives origin to the main blood-vessels. The innermost layer of the four will form the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal and its dependencies; at the present stage, however, it is, like the other layers, a flat plate. From all these layers tubes are developed by the simple bending round of their edges. The outermost layer becomes the investing skin-tube of the embryo ; the layer for the nervous system forms the tubular rudiment of the brain and spinal cord ; the mucous layer curls round to form the alimentary tube ; the muscle layer grows upwards and downwards to form the fleshy and osseous tube of the body wall ; even the vessel layer forms a tube investing the alimentary canal, but a part of it goes to form the medial " Gekrose," or mesenterial complex, which departs consider- ably from the tubular form. When these tubes or " fundamental organs " are formed the process of primary differentiation is compKir The fundamental organs, however, have at no time actually the form of tubes; they exist as tubes only ideally, for morpho- logical and histological differentiation go on concurrently with the process of primary differentiation. Through morphological differentiation the various parts of the fundamental organs become specialised, through DIFFERENTIATION 1 1 7 unequal growth, first into the primitive organs and then into the functional organs of the body. " Single sections of the tubes originally formed from the layers develop individual forms, which later acquire special functions : these functions are in the most general way subordinate elements of the function of the whole tube, but yet differ from the functions of other sections. Thus the nerve-tube differentiates into sense-organs, brain and spinal cord, the alimentary tube into mouth cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, respiratory appa- ratus, liver, bladder, etc. This specialisation in development is bound up with increased or diminished growth" (p. 155). Rapid growth concentrated at one point brings about an evagination ; in this manner are formed the sense-organs from the nerve-tube, the liver and lungs from the alimentary tube. Or increased growth over a section of a tube causes it to swell out ; in this wise the brain develops from the nerve- tube, the stomach from the alimentary tube. The segmen- tation which soon becomes so marked, particularly in the muscle layer, is also due to a process of morphological differentiation. At the same time that the organs of the body are being thus roughly blocked out and moulded from the germ-layers the third process of differentiation is actively going on. " In addition to the differentiation of the layers, there follows later another differentiation in the substance of the layers, whereby cartilage, muscle and nerve separate out, a part also of the mass becoming fluid and entering the blood- stream" (p. 154). Through histological differentiation the texture of the layers and incipient organs becomes, individualised. In its earliest appearance the germ consists of an almost homogeneous mass, containing clear or dark globules suspended in its substance (ii., p. 92). This homogeneity gives place to heterogeneity ; the structureless mass becomes fibrous to form muscles, hardens to form cartilage or bone, becomes liquid to form the bjlood, differentiates in a hundred other ways — into absorbing and, secreting tissues, into nerves and ganglia, and so forth. It will be noticed that the concept of histological differentiation is independent of the cell-theory; it signifies that textural differentiation which leads to the formation of tissues in 118 KARL ERNST VON BAER Bichat's sense. The tissues and the germ-layers stand in fairly close relation with one another, for while certain tissues are formed chiefly but not exclusively in one layer, others are formed only in one layer and never elsewhere. For example, peripheral nerves are for the most part formed in the muscle layer, though the bulk of the nervous tissue is formed in the walls of the nerve tube ; similarly blood and blood-vessels may arise from almost any layer, though their chief seat of origin is the vessel-layer ; on the other hand, bone is formed only in the muscle-layer (i., p. 155, ii., pp. 92-3). This relation of tissue to germ-layer was more fully discussed and brought into greater prominence by Remak, from the standpoint of the cell-theory, and it will occupy us in a later chapter (Chap. XII.). The fourth Scholion elaborates the analysis of develop- mental processes still further, and discusses in particular the scheme of development which is shown by the Verte- brata. The characteristic structure of the vertebrate body is brought about by a "double symmetrical" rolling together of the germ-layers, whereby two main tubes are formed, one above and one below the axis of the body, which is the chorda. The dorsal tube is formed by the two animal layers, the ventral tube by all the layers combined (see Fig. 7). The process is indicated with sufficient clearness in the diagram. It will be seen that the real foundation and framework of the arrangement is the muscle-layer, with its two tubes, one surrounding the central nervous system and forming the "dorsal plates," the other surrounding the body cavity and forming the "ventral plates." In the dorsal plates, which early show metameric segmentation, the invest- ing skeleton of the neural axis develops; in the ventral plates are formed the ribs, the ventral arches of the vertebras, the hyoid, the lower jaw and other skeletal structures. The alimentary or "mucous" tube and the part of the vessel layer which invests it become so closely bound up with one another as to form a single primitive organ — the alimentary canal. The muscles of the alimentary canal are accordingly in all probability developed in the investing part of the vessel layer. From the " Gekrose," or remaining part of the vessel layer develop the Wolffian bodies (Urnicrui, GERM-LAYER THEORY 119 Pronephros), the kidneys, the sex glands, and the series of " blood-glands" — suprarenals, thyroid, thymus and spleen. Baer did not attach any special morphological significance to the peritoneal lining of the body cavity, as is done in more modern forms of the germ-layer theory. The gill-slits were largely formed by outgrowths from the alimentary canal. In his germ-layer theory von Baer was influenced a good deal by Pander, to whom the actual discovery of the process FlG. 7. — Ideal Transverse Section of a Vertebiate Embryo. (After von Baer.) a. Chorda. b. Dorsal plates. c. Ventral plates. d. Spiual cord. e. Vessel-layer. /. Alimentary tube. g. Pronephros. h. Skin. i. Amnion. k. Serous membrane. I. Yolk-sac. of layer-formation is due. Pander, however, had distinguished only three germ-layers, an upper " serous " layer, a lower " mucous " layer and a middle " vessel-layer." He it was who introduced. the terms " Keimhaut " (blastoderm) and " Keim- blatt " (germ-layer). The honour of being the founder of the germ-layer theory is sometimes attributed to C. F. Wolff, notably by Kolliker and O. Hertwig. Wolff, it is true, in his memoir Deformatione intestinorum (1768-9) showed that the alimentary canal was 120 KAUI. KRNST VON BAKU first formed as a flat plate which folded round to form a tube, and in a somewhat vaguely worded passage he hinted that a similar mode of origin might be found to hold good for the other organ-systems. But it seems clear that Wolff had no definite conception of the process of layer-formation as the first and necessary step in all differentiation. This, at any rate, was von Baer's opinion, who assigns to Pander the glory of the discovery of the germ-layers. " You," he writes, " through your clearer recognition of the splitting of the germ — a process which remained dark to Wolff — have shed a light upon all forms of development " (p. xxi.). We have now seen, following von Baer's exposition, how development is essentially a process of differentiation, a progress from the general to the special, from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous ; we have analysed the process into its three subordinate processes — primary, histological and morphological differentiation. So far we have considered development in general and the laws which govern it ; we have now to consider the varieties of development which the animal kingdom offers in such profusion, in order to discover what relations exist between them. This is the problem set in the fifth Scholion. Baer at once brings us face to face with the solution of the problem attempted in the Meckel-Serres law. It is a generally received opinion, he writes, that the higher animals repeat in their development the adult stages of the lower, and this is held to be the essential law governing the relation of the variety of development to the variety of adult form. This opinion arose when there was little real knowledge of embryology ; it threw light indeed upon certain cases of monstrous development, but it was pushed altogether too far. It complicated itself with a belief in a historical evolution; —"People gradually learnt to think of the different animal forms as developed one from another — and seemed, in some circles at least, determined to forget that this metamorphosis could only be conceptual " (p. 200). At the same time the theory of parallelism led men to rehabilitate the outworn conception of the scale of beings, to maintain that animals form one single series of increasing complexity, a scale which the higher members must mount step by step in their CRITICISM OF THEORY OF PARALLELISM 121 development — from which it followed that evolution, whether conceived as an ideal or as an historical process, could take place only along one line, could be only progressive or regressive. Not all the supporters of the theory of parallelism held these extreme views, but conclusions of this kind were natural and logical enough. Von Baer had soon found in the course of his embryo- logical studies that the facts did not at all fit in with the doctrine of parallelism ; the developing chick, for example, was at a very early stage demonstrably a Vertebrate, and did not recapitulate in its early stages the organisation of a polyp, a worm or a mollusc. He had published his doubts in 1823, but his final confutation of the theory of parallelism is found in this Scholion. If it were true, he says, that the essential thing in the development of an animal is this repetition of lower organisa- tions, then certain deductions could be drawn, which one would expect to find confirmed in Nature. The first deduction would be that no structures should appear in the embryo of the higher animals that are not found in the lower animals. But this is not confirmed by the facts — no adult among the lower animals, for instance, has a yolk-sac like that of the chick embryo. Again, if the law of parallelism were true, the mammalian embryo would have to repeat the organisa- tion of, among other groups, insects and birds. But the embryo in utero is surrounded by fluid and cannot possibly breathe free air, so it cannot possibly repeat the structure of either insects or birds, which are pre-eminently air-organisms. Generally speaking, indeed, we find in all the higher embryos special structures which adapt them to the very special con- ditions of their development, and these we never find as permanent structures in the lower animals. The supporters of the theory of parallelism might, however, admit the existence of such special embryonic organs without greatly prejudicing their case, for these temporary organs stand to some extent outside the scope of the theory. But they would have to face a second and more important deduction from their views, namely, that the higher animals should repeat at every stage of their development the whole organisation of some lower animal, and not merely agree 122 KAUL KKNST VON BAKU with them in isolated details of structure. The deduction is, however, not borne out by the facts. The embryo of a mammal resembles in many points, at different stages of its development, the adult state of a fish ; it has gill-slits and complete aortic arches, a two-chambered heart, and so on. But at no time does it combine all the essential characters of a fish ; nor has it ever the tail of a fish, nor the fins, uor the shape. Any recapitulation there ma}' be is a recapitulation of single organs, there is never a repetition of the complete organisation of a fish. This is indeed the fundamental criticism of the theory of parallelism; and if it applies even within the limits of the vertebrate phylum, so much the more does it apply to comparisons between embryonic Vertebrates and adult Invertebrates. There are also some lesser arguments which might be urged against the theory of parallelism. If the theory were strictly true, no state which is permanent in a higher animal could be passed through by an animal lower in the scale. But birds, which are lower in the scale than mammals, pass through a stage in which they resemble mammals in certain respects much more than they do when adult, for in an embryonic condition they agree with mammals in having no feathers, no air sacs, no pneumatic sacs in the bones, no beak. Their brain also resembles that of mammals more in an earlier stage than it does later. So, too, myriapods and hydrachnids have at birth three pairs of feet, and resemble at this stage adult insects, which form a higher class. Again, were the analogy between the development of the individual and the evolution of the Eclicllc tics it res complete, organs and organ-systems ought to develop in the individual in the order in which they appear in the scale of beings. But this is not always the case. In fish the hinder extremity develops only its terminal joint, while in the embryos of higher animals the basal joint is the first to appear. Another consequence one would expect to find realised, were the theory <>f parallelism correct, is the late appearance in development of parts which arc confined to the higher animals. In the development of a Vertebrate accordingly DOCTRINE OF TYPES 123 one would not expect the vertebrae to appear before the embryo had passed through many Invertebrate stages. But experience shows the direct contrary, for in the chick the rudiments of the vertebral axis appear sooner than any other part. The theory of parallelism or recapitulation then is not borne out by the facts, and clearly cannot be the law which we are seeking. But what then is the true relation between the variety of development and the variety of adult structure ? Before answering this question we must review the varied forms of adult organisation and consider in what relations they stand to one another. In particular we must enquire whether they belong to one type or to many. One point is here cardinal — we must distinguish between the type of organisation and the grade of differentiation. By "type" von Baer means the structural plan of the organism. " I call the type the spatial relationship of the organic elements and organs " (p. 208). Each type of organisa- tion characterises one of the big groups of animals ; the lesser groups represent " grade " modifications of the type. " The product of the degree of differentiation and the type gives the several great groups of animals which are called classes" (p. 208). Ansbildiuig (differen- tiation) takes place in one or other of several directions, in adaptation, for instance, to life in the water or to life in the air. There are, von Baer considers, four main types — (i) the peripheral or radiate type, (2) the longitudinal type, (3) the massive or molluscan type, (4) the vertebrate type. The radiate type is shown by discoid infusoria, by medusae, by starfish and their allies. The longitudinal type characterises such genera as Vibrio, Filaria, Gordins, and all the annulate animals. Mollusca, rotifers, polyzoa, and such infusoria as are not included in types (i) and (2) belong to the massive type, in which the body and its parts form rounded masses. The longitudinal type is predominantly "animal," the massive type predominantly "plastic" (vegetative). The vertebrate type has both the " animal " and the " plastic " organs highly developed. In the symmetrical arrangement of the animal parts it resembles the longitudinal type ; its 124 KARL ERNST VON BAER plastic parts with their asymmetrical arrangement and rounded shape belong to the massive type. These types of von Baer inevitably recall the " Embranche- ments" of Cuvier, with which they more or less coincide. It seems that von Baer arrived at his types (from the study of adult structure) independently of Cuvier, though the priority of publication rests with Cuvier.1 Now it is clear that the development of the individual, which is essentially an Aitsbildniig, a differentiation, is directly comparable with the grade-differentiation of forms within the type. And just as the type rules all its varied modifications, so does the development of the individual take place always within the bounds imposed by type. This is von Baer's chief contribution to the theory of embryonic relationships — the law that "the type of organisation determines the manner of development " (p. xxii.). Develop- ment is not merely from the general to the special — there arc at least four distinct " general " types, from which the special is developed. The type is fixed in the very earliest stages of development — the embryo of a Vertebrate is from the very beginning a Vertebrate (p. 220), and it shows at no time any agreement in total organisation with any In vertebrate. The types are independent of one another ; differentiation and development follow a different course in each of them. Not but what some analogies can be found between the "very earliest stages of embryos of different type. Thus vertebrate and annulate embryos agree in certain points at the time of the formation of the primitive streak. And in the earliest stage of all, the egg-stage, there is probably agreement between all the types. In eggs with yolk, whether vertebrate or annulate, there is always a separation into an animal and a plastic layer. It seems, too, as if a hollow sphere were a constant stage in the development of all animals (pp. 224, 258). Apart from these analogies, development takes an entirely independent course in each of the four main types, and no embryo of one of the higher types repeats in its development the peculiar organisation of any adult of the lower types. 1 Cuvier, in 1812, Ann. MHS. if' /fist. Nat., xix. ; von llacr in 1816, Nova Acta Acdd. l\>it. ('/ft: Sec Entwickelungsgcsckichte dcr Thiere, i., p. vii., f.n. LAWS OF DEVELOPMENT 125 If we consider now development within the type, which is the only legitimate thing to do, we arrive at certain laws governing the relation of embryos to one another. For instance, at a certain stage vertebrate embryos are un- commonly alike. Von Baer had two in spirit which he was unable to assign to their class among amniotes ; they might have been lizard, bird, or mammal, he could not say definitely which.1 Generally the farther back we go in the develop- ment of Vertebrates the more alike we find the embryos. The type-characters are first to appear, then the class characters, then the characters distinguishing the lesser classificatory groups. "From a more general type the special gradually emerges" (p. 221). The chick is first a Vertebrate, then a land-vertebrate, then a bird, then a land- bird, then a gallinaceous bird, and finally Gallus domestic/is. Development within the type is a progress from the general to the special, a real evolution. The more divergent two adults are, the farther back we must go in their development to find an agreement between their embryos. We can sum up the case in the following laws :— "(i) That tJie general characters of the Ing group to which the embryo belongs appear in development earlier than the special characters. In agreement with this is the fact that the vesicular form is the most general form of all ; for what is common in a greater degree to all animals than the opposition of an internal and an external surface ? " (2) The less general structural relations are formed after t/ie more general, and so on until the most special appear. "(3) The embryo of any given form, instead of passing through the state of other definite forms, on the contrary separates itself from them. " (4) Fundamentally the embryo of a higher animal form 1 Compare a parallel passage in Prevost et Dumas :— "At the very first sight one will be struck with the resemblance between the forms of the very early embryos of these two classes, a resemblance so extra- ordinary that one cannot refuse to admit the conclusions resulting from it. The resemblance is so striking that one can defy the most experienced observer to distinguish in any way the embryos of dog or rabbit . . . from those of fowls or clucks of a corresponding age." — Ann. Set. nat., iii., p. 132, 1824. 126 KARL ERNST VON BAER ncrcr rescmb/cs tlic adult of anotJicr animal form, but only its embryo" (p. 224). These laws relating to development within the limits of type are destructive of even a limited application of the theory of parallelism, for not even within the limits of the type is there a real scale which the higher forms must mount ; each embryo develops for itself, and diverges sooner or later from the embryos of other species, the divergence coming earlier the greater the difference between the adult forms. It is only because the lower less-differentiated adult forms happen to be little divergent from the generalised or embryonic type, that they show a certain similarity with the embryos of the higher more differentiated members of the group. Such similarity, however, is due to no necessary law governing the development of the higher animals ; it is, on the contrary, merely a consequence of the organisation of these lower animals (p. 224). Von Baer goes on to show what are the distinguishing embryological characters of the types and classes, working out a dichotomous schema of development, which each embryo must follow, branching off early or late to its terminal point, according to the lower or higher goal it has to reach. One important consequence for morphology results from von Baer's laws of differentiation within the type. If the embryo develops from the general to the special, then the state in which each organ or organ-system first appears must represent the general or typical state of that organ within the group. Embryology will therefore be of great assistance to comparative anatomy, whose chief aim it is to discover the generalised type, the common plan of structure, upon which the animals of each big group are built. And the surest way to determine the true homologics of parts will be to study their early development. " For since each organ becomes what it is only through the manner of its develop- ment, its true value can be recognised only from its method of formation. At present, we form our judgments by an undefined intuition, instead of regarding each organ merely as an isolated product of its fundamental organ, and discerning from this standpoint the correspondences and dissimilarities in the different types" (p. 233). Parts, therefore, which THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION 127 develop from the same " fundamental organ," and in the last resort from the same germ-layer, have a certain kinship, which may even reach the degree of exact homology. Now since the mode of development in each type is peculiar to that type, organs of the same name in different types must not necessarily be accounted homologous, even if they correspond exactly with one another in their general functional relations to the rest of the organs. Thus the central nervous system of Arthropods must not be homologised with the central nervous system of Vertebrates, for it develops in a different manner. So, too, the brain of Arthropods or of Mollusca is not strictly comparable with the brain of Vertebrates. Again, the air-tubes or tracheae of insects are, like the trachea and bronchi of many Vertebrates, air-breathing organs. But the two organs are not homologous, for the air-tubes of Vertebrates are developed from the alimentary tube (" fundamental organ " of the alimentary system, developed from the vegetative layer), while the air-tubes of insects arise either by histological differentiation, or by invagination of the skin (p. 236). Organs can be homologous only within the limits of the big groups; there can be no question of homology between members of different types. The development of plants, like the development of animals, is essentially a progress from the general to the special (p. 242). Botanists have not been troubled by any recapitulation theory, and in founding their big groups, Acotyledons, Monocotyledons, and Dicotyledons, upon embryological characters, they were guided by true principles, which ought indeed to be followed in zoology. If we knew the development of all kinds of animals sufficiently well, then the best way to classify them would be according to the characters they show in their early development, for it is in early development that they show the characters of the type in their most generalised form. As it is, we have in our ignorance to establish the big groups by the study of adult structure, but we find, on putting together all we know of comparative embryology, that a classification of animals according to the mode of their development gives, as is only natural, the same four 128 KARL ERNST VON BAER groups as does the study of adult structure. The four types of development are thus :— ( i ) The double-symmetrical, which is found in Vertebrates. It is called the double-symmetrical, because in Vertebrates development takes place from a central axis (notochord) in two directions, upwards and downwards, in such a way that two tubes are formed, one above and one below the axis. (2) The second type is the symmetrical, which is shown by Annulates. A primitive streak is formed on the ventral surface of the yolk ; development proceeds symmetri- cally on both sides of the streak. (3) Radiate development is probably typical of the radiate structural type. (4) In the massive type, the development seems to be a spiral one. Common to most modes is a separation of the germ into animal and plastic layers, a separation which seems to be conditioned largely by the presence of yolk. A classification based upon embryological characters ought to be applied even to the lesser groups and would here prove itself of service. Embryology, for instance, fully supports de Blainville's separation of Batrachia from true reptiles,1 for reptiles develop an amnion and Batrachia do not. We come now to the sixth and last Scholion. Develop- ment is a true evolution of the special from the general, so runs von Baer's most general law of all. This can be expressed in a slightly different way, and the words which he chooses in the sixth Scholion to express this final and most general result are these : — •" The developmental history of the individual is the history of the growing individuality in every respect " (p. 263). The greatest modern treatise on embryology ends on a splendid note. One creative thought rules all the forms of life. And more — " It is this same thought that in cosmic space gathered the scattered masses into spheres and bound them together in the solar system, the same that from the weathered dust on the surface of the metallic planets brought forth the forms of life. And this thought is nought else but life itself, and the words and syllables in which life expresses itself arc the varied forms of the living" (p. 264). Von Baer reminds one greatly of Cuvier. There is 1 Ih' F organisation i/t-x Aniinf adult structure, did recognise the importance of embryology; following up some observations of Dutrochet he studied the f-i-tal membrane of mammals and trird to establish their homologies.1 And in his criticism of the vertebral theory of the skull he advanced as an argument against the basi- /.r. d'Hist. t\citriigc :jnr Gi-sc/iic/ite dcr Thicncclt (i.-iv., Halle, 1820-27), contained much anatomical work in addition to the purely embryological ; he commenced here his series of papers on the development of the genital and urinary organs, continued in the Abhandlungen zur lUldinigs- nnd Entwickelungs-Geschichte dcs Mcnschcn mid dcr TJiicrc (i., ii., Leipzig, 1832-3). A fellow-worker in this line was Johannes Miiller, whose Bildungsgeschichte dcr (icn it alien (Diisseldorf) appeared in iS3o. In a memoir on the development of the crayfish which 1 Meckel's Arc/u'v, vi., pp. 1-47, 1832. RATHKE 137 appeared in I829,1 Rathke found in an Invertebrate confirma- tion of the germ-layer theory propounded by Pander and von Baer. He was greatly struck by the inverted position of the embryo with respect to the yolk. In following out the development of the appendages he noticed how much alike were jaws and legs in their earliest stage, and how this supported Savigny's contention that the limbs of Arthropods belonged to one single type of structure. In his paper (1832) on the development of the fresh-water Isopod, Ascllus? Rathke returns to this point. Commenting on the original similarity in development of antennae, jaws and legs, he writes, " Whatever the doubts one may have reserved as to the intimate relation existing between the jaws and feet of articulate animals after the researches of Savigny on this subject and mine on developing crayfish, they must all fall to the ground when one examines with care the development of the fresh-water Asellus " (p. 147 of French translation). Further comparative work by Rathke is found in the two volumes of Abhandlungen and in a book, Zur Hlor- phologie, Reiscbemerkungen aus Taurien (1837), which con- tains embryological studies of many different types, including a study of the uniform plan of arthropod limbs. Later on Rathke devoted himself more to vertebrate embryology, producing among other works his classical papers on the development of the adder (1839), of the tortoise (1848), and of the crocodile (1866). He laid the foundations of all subsequent knowledge of the development of the blood-vascular system in a series of papers of various dates from 1838 to 1856. The diagrams in his paper on the aortic arches of reptiles (1856) were for long copied in every text-book. Rathke was a foremost worker in another important line of embryological work, the study of the development of the skeleton and particularly of the skull. We shall discuss the 1 Untersuchungen iiber die Bildiing und Entwickclung der Fluss- Krebses, Leipzig, folio, 1829. Preliminary notice in his, pp. 1093-1100, 1825. " " Untersuchungen iiber die Bildung und Entwickelung der Wasser- Assel.," Abh. s-. Bild. u. Entwick.-Gesch., i., pp. 1-20, 1832. Translated in Ann. Sci. nat. (2), ii., (ZooL), pp. 139-57, 1834. 138 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION history of the cmbryological study of the skull in some detail below ; meantime, we note the two other important lines of research which characterise this period. One is the intensive study of the development of the human embryo, a study pursued by, among others, Pockels, Seiler, Breschet, Velpeau, Bischoff, Weber, Miiller, and Wharton Jones.1 The other important line - - the early development of the Mammalia — was worked chiefly by Valentin,- Coste,15 and, above all, by Bischoff, whose series of papers4 was justly recognised as classical. What interests us chiefly in the work of this embryological period is, of course, the relation of embryology to comparative anatomy and to pure morphology. The embryologists were not slow to see that their work threw much light upon questions of homology, and upon the problem of the unity of plan. Von Baer, we have seen, recognised this clearly in 1828 ; Rathke, in one of his most brilliant papers, the Anatomisch-philosophische Untersuchungen iibcr den Kiancu- appai-at und das Zungcnbciu (Riga and Dorpat, 1832), used the facts of development with great effect to show the homology of the gill - arches and hyoid throughout the vertebrate series; Johannes Miiller made great use of embryology in his classical }'crglciclicndc Anatomic do- My.vinoiden (i. Theil, 1836), and, according to his pupil Rcichert, firmly held the opinion that embryology was the final court of appeal in disputed points of comparative anatomy ;5 Reichert himself in a book of 1838 ( Vcrglciclicndc 1 Kolliker, Entwickelungsgeschichte^ 2nd ed., p. 17, Leip/ig, 1879. - I/andbuch dcr Entwickelungsgeschiclite dcs Menschcn nnd . . . dcr Sdugethiere und Vi>£cl, Berlin, 1835. 3 Embryo^c'nic compan'c, 1837 ; Histoirc generate du cUveloppement dcs corps organist's, 1847-49. 1 Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kaninchen-EieS) Braunschweig, 1842 ; Entwickelungsgeschichte dcs IIunde-Eics, Braunschweig, 1^45 ; Ent- wickelungsgeschichte dcs Meersckweinchens^ (iiessen, 1852; Entwickc- lungsgeschichte des Itches^ (I lessen, 1854. " "It is the role of embryology, as my great teacher says, to form the court of appeal for comparative anatomy, and it is from embryology particularly, which has in the last decades provided such signal instances of the unravelling of obscure problems, that \ve have to expect a definite clearing up of the problems relating to the development of the head." — Muller's Archiv, p. 121, 1837. THE EMBRYOLOGICAL ARCHETYPE 139 Entwickelungsgeschichte dcs Kopfes der nackten Amphibien) discussed the two different methods of arriving at the "Type" — the anatomical method of comparing adults, and the embryological method of comparing embryogenies. Of the embryological method, he says, " Its aim is to dis- tinguish during the formation of the organism the originally given, the essence of the type, and to classify and interpret what is added or altered in the further course of development. Embryologists watch the gradual building up of the organism from its foundations, and distinguish the fundament, the primordial form, the type, from the individual developments ; they reach thus, following Nature in a certain measure, the essential structure of the organism, and demonstrate the laws that manifest themselves during embryogeny " (p. vi.). The embryologists, influenced in this greatly by von Baer, gradually felt their way to substituting for the "Archetype" of pure morphology what one may perhaps best call the embryological archetype. How the transition was made we can best see by following out the course of discovery in one particular line. We choose for this purpose the development of the skull, a subject which excited much interest at this time and upon which much quite fundamental work was done, particularly by Rathke and Reichert Following up his discovery of gill-slits and arches in the embryos of birds and mammals, Rathke in two papers of 1832 x and 1833 '2 worked out the detailed homologies of the gill-arches in the higher Vertebrates. He describes how in the embryo of the Blenny there is a short, thick arch between the first gill-slit and the mouth. A furrow appears down the middle of the arch dividing it incompletely into two. In the anterior halves a cartilaginous rod is developed which is connected with the skull ; these rods become on either side the lower jaw and "quadrate." In the posterior halves two similar rods are formed which develop into the hyoid. The hyoid is at first connected with the skull, 1 Anat.-phil. Unters. si. d. Kicmenappamt n. d. Zttngenbein, Riga and Dorpat, 1832. 14 " Bildungs- and Entwickelungs-geschichte des Blennius viviparus," Abhandl' z. Bild. n. Entivick.-Gesch. dcs Mcnschen u. der Thiere, ii., pp. 1-68, Leipzig, 1833. 140 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION but afterwards frees itself and becomes slung to the " quadrate." From the hinder edge of the hyoid arch grows out the membranous operculum, in which develop later the opercular bones and branchiostegal rays. The upper jaw is an independent outgrowth of the serous layer. The serial homology of the lower jaw and quadrate with the hyoid and with the true gill-arches was thus established in fish, and Rathke had little difficulty in demonstrating a similar origin of lower jaw and hyoid in the embryos of higher Vertebrates. He could even, as we have noted before, find the homologue of the operculum in a flap which grows out from the hyoid arch in the embryo of birds. But Rathke could not altogether shake himself free from the transcendental notion of the homology of jaws with ribs, and this led him to draw a certain distinction between the first two and the remaining gill-arches, by which the homology of the former with the ribs was asserted and the homology of the latter denied. He thought he could show that the skeletal structures (lower jaw, " quadrate," and hyoid) of the first two arches were formed in the serous layer, just like true ribs, and like them in close connection with the vertebral skeletal axis. The other, " true," gill-arches appeared to him to be formed in the mucous layer, in the lining of the alimentary canal. They had no direct connection with the vertebral column, and seemed therefore to belong to what Carus1 had called the visceral or splanchno-skeleton. He did not, however, let this distinction hinder him from assert- ing the substantial homology of all the gill-arches inter se, the first two included. Rathke's discoveries relative to the development of the jaws, the hyoid and the operculum, enabled him to make short work of the homologies proposed for them by the transcendentalists. I Ie could prove from embryology that the jaws were not the equivalent of limbs, as so many Okcnians believed. He could reject, with a mere reference to the facts of development, Geoffrey's comparison of the hyoid and the branchiostegal rays in fish with sternum and ribs. lie could show the emptiness of the attempts made 1 I'tvi i/,->i Ur-Thcilen tics Knoclicn- und Schalcn-Gcrustcs, Leipzig, 1828. DEVELOPMENT OF SKULL: RATHKE 141 by Carus, Treviranus, de Blainville and Geoffrey, to establish by anatomical comparison the homologies of the opercular bones, for he could show that these bones were peculiar to fish, and were scarcely indicated, and that only temporarily, in the development of other Vertebrates.1 He did not, however, himself realise the relation of the ear-ossicles to the gill-arches, though he knew that Spix and Geoffrey were quite wrong in homologising them with the opercular bones in fish. He described, it is true, the development of the external meatus of the ear and the Eustachian tube from the slit which appears between the first and the second arch, as Huschke had done before him ; he described, in confirmation of Meckel, the " Meckelian process " of the hammer running down inside the lower jaw ; but the discovery of the true homologies of the ear-ossicles was not made until a year or two later by Reichert. In his further study of the development of Blennius vivi- parus, Rathke observed some important facts about the development of the vertebral column and skull. He found that the vertebral centra were first formed as rings in the chorda-sheath, which give off neural and haemal processes. The vertebra later ossifies from four centres. The chorda (notochord) is prolonged some little way into the head, and the base of the cranium is formed by the expanded sheath, which reaches forward in front of the end of the notochord. This cranial basis shows a division into three segments, in which Rathke was inclined to see an indication of three cranial vertebrae. (It turned out that this division into three segments did not really exist, and Rathke later acknowledged that he had made an error of observation.) The side walls of the skull grow out from this base and form a fibrous capsule for the brain. The cranial section of the chorda itself shows no sign of segmentation ; but later on the cranial portion of the chorda-sheath ossifies, like the vertebrae, from several centres. The vomer, which, in the classical form of the vertebral theory of the skull, was the centrum of the fourth, or foremost, cranial vertebra, does not, according to Rathke, develop in continuity with the cranial basis and the chorda sheath, but develops separately in the facial region. 1 Kiemenapparat) pp. 107-118. 142 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION Von Baer, like Rathkc at this time, was also to some extent a believer in the vertebral theory of the skull. In his second volume (1834, pub. 1837) he holds that the develop- ment of the skull, as the sum of the anterior vertebral arches, is in general the same as that of the other neural arches, and is modified only by the great bulk of the brain (Entwickelungsgeschichtet ii., p. 99). He had, however, some doubts as to the entire correctness of the vertebral theory, doubts suggested by a study of the developing skull. " In the course of the formation of the head in the higher animals, something additional is introduced which does not originally belong to the cranial vertebrae. At first we see the vertebra- tion in the hinder region of the skull very clearly. After- wards it becomes suddenly indistinct, as if some new forma- tion overlaid it" (i., p. 194). Even more clearly is his doubt expressed in his paper on Cyprinns. " Upon the formation of the vertebral column only this need be said, that at this stage the notochord is very clearly seen, and the upper and lower arches and spinous processes are visible right to the end of the tail, but the separation into vertebrae ceases abruptly where the back passes into the head. I do not hesitate to assert tJiat bony fish, too, have at this stage an unscgiuoitcd cartilaginous cranium (as cartilaginous fish have all their life), the pro- minences and hollows of which constitute its only resem- blance with the vertebral type" (1835, p. 19). A convinced supporter of the vertebral theory was Johannes M tiller, who, in his classical memoir on the Myxinoids,1 discussed at some length the relation between the development of the vertebra and the development of the skull. Mis memoir is principally devoted to comparative anatomy, but in treating of the skeleton he pays much attention to development. He describes the formation of the vertebra: in elasmobranch embryos ; for the facts regarding other Vertebrates he relies largely on work by Rathkc (r>lcnirins, 1833) and Duges (1834). He recognises as the basis of his comparisons the homology of the notochord ihcndc Anmit- dcr M^y.vinoidcn. I'art I. (Osteology and Myology). (Abh. kthiigl. Akatl. U'iss. Berlin, for 1834, pp. 65-340, 9 pis., 1836.) Also separate! v. DEVELOPMENT OF SKULL: MULLER 143 in all vertebrate embryos with the persistent notochord which forms the chief part or the whole of the vertebral column in the Cyclostomes. The notochord possesses an inner and an outer sheath and the outer sheath is continuous with the basis cranii (p. 92). It is in the outer sheath that the vertebra; develop — from four separate pieces, in fish at least, plus an additional element which helps to form the centrum. The skull of Vertebrates consists, according to Miiller, of three vertebrae, whose centra are the basioccipital, the basisphenoid and the presphenoid. Other bones besides those belonging to the vertebrae are present, but this formation out of three vertebrae gives the essential schema for the skull. Now the brain capsule, like the sheath of the spinal cord, is a development from the outer sheath of the notochord. If the skull consists of vertebrae we should expect the centra of the skull-vertebrae to develop in the outer sheath at the sides of the cranial section of the notochord as two separate halves, just as do the bodies of the vertebrae ; we should expect further the cartilaginous side-walls of the cranium to develop in the membranous brain-sheath just as the neural arches develop in the membranous sheath of the spinal column. In Rathke's discovery (!) of a segmentation of the basis cranii into three parts, and of the isolated formation of the vomer, Miiller sees a confirmation of his view that the skull is composed of three and not four vertebrae. But there is nothing in Rathke's observations to support the idea that the centra of the cranial vertebrae are formed from separate halves. Miiller has to be content with a reference to the state of things in Aunnocoetes (which, by the way, he did not know to be the young of Petromyzon). In the simple skull of Aunnocoetes the base is formed chiefly by two cartilaginous bars lying more or less parallel with the longitudinal axis of the skull and embracing with their hinder ends the cranial portion of the notochord. These bars, declares Miiller, are clearly the still separate halves of the pars basilaris cranii, and represent the divided centra of the two hinder cranial vertebrae. To complete the parallel between the development of the skull and of the vertebrae, it would have been necessary to show that the side walls of the cranium developed in a similar manner from 144 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION separate pieces. M tiller could not prove this point from the available embryological data, and indeed the facts which he did use had to be twisted to suit his theory. A curious apparent confirmation of his idea that the centra of the cranial vertebrae are formed from separate halves was supplied in 1839 by Rathke's discovery of the trabeculas in the embryonic skull of the adder. The next big step in the study of the development of the skull was taken by a pupil of Miiller, C. B. Reichert, who showed in his work very distinct traces of his master's influence. Reichert's first, and most important contribution to the subject was his paper on the metamorphosis of the gill, or, as he called them, the visceral arches in Vertebrates,1 particularly in the two higher classes. Reichert describes the similar origin in embryo of bird and mammal (pig) of three " visceral " arches. These arches stand in close relation to the three cranial vertebrae which Reichert, like Miiller, distinguishes. He makes the retrograde step of admitting only three aortic arches, and he is not inclined to consider the three visceral arches as equivalent to the gill-arches of fish — in his opinion they have more analogy with ribs, though differing somewhat from ribs in their later modifications. The visceral arches are processes of the visceral plates (von Baer), which grow downwards and meet in the middle line, leaving between one another and the undivided body wall three visceral slits opening into the pharynx. The first visceral process is different in shape from the others, for it sends forward, parallel with the head and at right angles to its downward portion, an upper portion in which later the upper jaw is formed. The other two processes are straight. From the hinder edge of the second visceral arch there develops, as Rathke had seen, a fold which is comparable with the operculum of fish. The first slit develops externally into the car-passage, internally into the Kustachian tube, and in the middle a partition forms the tympanic ring and tympanum. Inside each of the visceral processes on cither side a cartilaginous rod develops. In 1 "I'eber die Visccralbo^en clcr \Yirbelthicre in All^cmeinen und dercn Mctamorphoscn bci den V|). 120-2-22, 1837. DEVELOPMENT OF SKULL: REICHERT 145 the first process this rod shows three segments, of which the first lies inside that portion of the process which is parallel with the head. This upper segment forms the foundation for the bones of the upper jaw. The lowest segment of the cartilaginous rod becomes Meckel's cartilage, and on the outer side of this the bones of the lower jaw are formed. The middle segment becomes in mammals the incus (one of the ear-ossicles), and in birds the quadrate. Meckel's cartilage, which was discovered by Meckel l in fish, amphibians and birds, is a long strip of cartilage which runs from the ear- ossicle known as the hammer in mammals,2 to the inside of the mandible. Reichert shows how this relation comes FlG. 9. — Meckel's Cartilage and Ear-ossicles in Embryo of Pig. (After Reichert.) a. Mandible. h. Hammer. k. Incus. g. Meckel's cartilage. i. Handle of Hammer. n. Stapes. about. The hammer, according to his observations on the embryo of the pig, is simply the proximal end of Meckel's cartilage, which later becomes separated off from the long- distal portion (see Fig. 9). The third ear-ossicle of mammals, the stapes, comes not from the first arch but from the second. The cartilaginous rod of the second arch segments like the first into three pieces. Of these the uppermost disappears, the middle one, which lies close up to the labyrinth of the ear, becomes the stapes, and the lowest becomes the anterior 1 Handbuch d. menschl. Anatomic, iv., p. 47. 2 This was shown by Serres (Ann. Set. nat., xi., p. 54 f.n., 1827), who found in a human embryo a long cartilaginous piece extending from the ear-ossicles to the inside of the lower jaw, and suggested that it was the foundation of the permanent mandible. 140 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION horn of the hyoid. The stapes forms a close connection with the hammer and the incus. In birds, where there is a single ear-ossicle, the columella, the middle piece of arch I forms, as we have seen, the quadrate, by means of which the lower jaw is joined to the skull. The proximal end of Meckel's cartilage, which in mammals forms the hammer, here gives the articular surface between the lower jaw and the quadrate. The columella is formed from the middle piece of the three into which the cartilage of the second arch segments. It is, therefore, the homologue of the stapes in mammals. The third arch takes a varying share, together with the second, in the formation of the hyoid apparatus. In this paper Reichert made a distinct advance on the previous workers in the same field — Rathke, Huschke, von Baer, Martin St Ange, Duges. Huschke was indeed the first to suggest that both upper and lower jaws were formed in the first gill-arch. But both von Baer and Rathke1 held that the upper jaw developed as a special process independent of the lower jaw rudiment, and the actual proof that the upper jaw is a derivative of the first visceral arch seems to have been first supplied by Reichert. His brilliant work on the development of the ear-ossicles founded what we may justly call the classical theory of their homologies. II is views were attacked and in some points rectified, but the main homologies he established are even now accepted by many, perhaps the majority of morphologists. In a paper of 1838 on the comparative embryology of the skull in Amphibia,'2 Reichert added to his results for mammals and birds an account of the fate of the first and second visceral arches in Anura and Urodela. The first visceral arch, he found, gave in Amphibia practi- cally the same structures as in the higher Vertebrates. Its skeleton segmented, as in mammals and birds, into three parts ; the upper part gave rise to the palatine and pterygoid in Anura, but seemed to disappear in Urodeles, where the so-called palatine and ptervgoid developed in the mucous membrane of the mouth; the middle part gave, as in birds, 1 Ahhandl., i., p. 102, 1832 ; ii., p. 25, 1^33. (R/cnnius pnpcr). r,-f^l,-ic/icni/t- Entwickelungsgeschickte iicx Kopfrs tier mickten A)iip/iil>i<'!i} Konigsberg, quarto, 276 pp., 1838. ARCHETYPE OF SKULL 147 the quadrate, which formed a suspensorium for both arches ; the lower part, as Meckel's cartilage, formed a foundation for the bones of the lower jaw. Of arch II., the lower part became the horn of the hyoid, the upper part had a varying fate. In some Anura it formed the ossicle of the ear (homologue of the columella of birds and the stapes of mammals), in others it disappeared. In reptiles the upper segment of the second arch formed, as in birds, the columella. The account of the metamorphoses of the visceral arches in Amphibia forms only a small part of Reichert's memoir of 1838, the chief object of which was to discover the general " typus " of the vertebrate skull, and to follow out its modifica- tions in the different classes. Von Baer had shown that the generalised type appeared most clearly in the early embryo ; Reichert therefore sought the archetype of the skull in the developing embryo. He brought to his task the precon- ceived notion that the skull could be reduced to an assemblage of vertebrae, but he saw that comparative anatomy alone could not effect this reduction ; he had recourse, therefore, to embryology, hoping to find in the simplified structure of the embryo clear indications of three primitive cranial vertebras (p. 121, 1837). In the head he distinguished two tubes, the upper formed by the dorsal plates, the lower by the ventral or visceral plates. Both of these tubes were derived from the serous or animal layer (cf. von Baer, snpra, p. nS). The walls of the lower tube were formed by the visceral processes, within which later the skeleton of the visceral arches developed. The walls of the upper tube formed the bones and muscles of the cranium proper. The facial part of the head was formed by elements from both upper and lower tubes. The dorsal tube showed signs of a division into" three cranial vertebrae (Urwirbeln, primitive vertebrae). In mammals and birds, as Reichert had shown in his 1837 paper, the three cranial vertebras were indicated by transverse furrows on the ventral surface of the still membranous skull (see Fig. 10, p. 148). Even in mammals and birds, however, the positions of the eye, the ear-labyrinth, and the three visceral arches were the safest guides to the delimitation of the cranial vertebrae 148 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION (pp. 134-138, 1837). In .Amphibia generally there were no definite lines of separation on the skull itself. "At this stage," he writes of the cartilaginous cranium of the frog, " we find no trace of a veritable division into vertebrae in the cartilaginous trough formed by the twsis cranii and the side parts. On the contrary, it is quite continuous, as it is also in the higher Vertebrates during the process of chondrification " (p. 44, 1838). The vertebrae in the membranous or carti- laginous skull could be de- limited in Amphibia by the help of the eye and the ear- labyrinth, which lie more or less between the first and second, and the second and third vertebra;, but, above all, by the vesicles of the brain. As in the higher Verte- brates, the visceral arches are associated with the cranial ver- tebrae as their ventral exten- sions, being equivalent to the visceral plates which form the ventral portion of the "primitive vertebnu " or primitive segments of the trunk. If the three cranial vertebra are not very distinct in the early stages of development when the skull is still membranous or cartilaginous, they become clearly delimited when ossifica- tion sets in. Three rings of bone forming three more or less complete vertebra; are the final result of ossification. The composition of these rings is as follows :— FIG. 10. — Cnuiial Vertebrae and Visceral Arches in Embryo of Pij*. Ventral Aspect. (After Reicheit.) JJase. Sides. Top, First vertebra Presphenoid Orbitosphenoids Frontala Second vertebra . Basisphenoid Alisphenoids Parietals Third vertebra Basioccipital Exoci ipit.ils Supraoccipital ARCHETYPE OF SKULL 149 The other bones of the skull are not included in the * vertebrae, and this is in large part due to the fact that the sense capsules are formed separately from the cranium (p. 29, 1838). The ear-labyrinth, it is true, fuses indissolubly with the cranium at a later period, but the bones which develop in its capsule are not for all that integral parts of the primitive cranial vertebrae. This point, it is interesting to note, had already been made by Oken in his Prograinm (1807). But many of the bones developed in relation to the sense organs can find their place in the generalised embryonic schema or archetype of the vertebrate skull, for they are of very constant occurrence during early development. Having arrived at a generalised embryonic type for the vertebrate skull, of which the fundamental elements are the three cranial vertebrae and their arches, Reichert goes on to discuss the particular forms under which the skull appears in adult Vertebrates. He accepts in general von Baer's law that the characters of the large groups appear earlier in embryogeny than the characters of the lesser classificatory divisions. " When we observe new and not originally present rudiments in very early embryonic stages, as, for instance, that for the lacrymals, the probability is that they belong to the distinctive development of one of the larger vertebrate groups. From these are to be carefully distinguished such rudiments as arise later during ossification, mostly as ossa intercalaria, in order to give greater strength to the skull in view of the greater development of the brain, etc. ; the latter give their individual character to the smaller vertebrate groups, and comprise such bones as the vomer, the Wonnian bones, the lowermost turbinal, etc." (p. 63, 1838). He did not accept the Meckel-Serres law of parallelism. He recognised the great similarity between the unsegmented cartilaginous cranium of Elasmobranchs, and the primordial cranium of the embryos of the higher Vertebrates, but he did not think that the cranium of Elasmobranchs was simply an undeveloped or embryonic stage of the skulls of the higher forms. Rather " do the HolocepJiala, Plagiostomata, and Cydostomata appear to us to be lower developmental stages individually differentiated, so that the other fully differentiated Vertebrates cannot easily be referred directly 150 THE EMBRYOLOG1CAL CRITERION to their type " (p. 152, 1838). The skull of these lower fishes is itself a specialised one; it is an individualised modification of a simple type of skull. And this holds good in general of the skulls of the lower Vertebrates — they are individualised exemplars of a simple general type, not merely unmodified embryonic stages of the greatly differentiated skulls of the higher Vertebrates (p. 250, 1838). Differentiation within the vertebrate phylum is therefore not uniserial, but takes place in several directions. Reichert describes two sorts of modifica- tions of the typical skull — class modifications and functional modifications. The causes of the modifications which characterise classificatory groups are unknown ; the second class of modifications occur in response to adaptational requirements. Reichert's t\vo papers are of considerable importance, and Miiller's remark in his review1 of them is on the whole justified. "These praiseworthy investigations supply from the realm of embryology new and welcome foundations for comparative anatomy " (p. clxxxvii.). The development of the skull -was, however, more thoroughly worked out by Rathke, and with less theoretical bias, in his classical paper on the adder.'2 This memoir of Rathke's is an exhaustive one and d'eals with the develop- ment of all the principal organ-systems, but particularly of the skeletal and vascular. He confirmed in its essentials Reichert's account of the metamorphoses of the first two visceral arches, describing how the rudiment of the skeleton of the first arch appears as a forked process of the cranial basis, the upper prong developing into the palatine and ptery- goid.the lower forming Meckel's cartilage, while the quadrate develops from the angle of the fork. The actual bone of the upper jaw (maxillary) develops outside and separate from the palato-pterygoid bar. The cartilaginous rod supporting the second visceral arch divides into three pieces on each side, of which the lower two form the hyoid, the uppermost the columella. Like Reichert he held the visceral arches to be parts of the visceral plates, containing, however, elements from all three germ-layers — the serous, mucous, and vessel layers. 1 Miiller's Archiv for 1838. - Entwickelungsgeschichte der Natter ) Konigsberg, 1839. ARCHETYPE OF SKULL The first gill-slit, or, as Rathke here prefers to call it, pharyngeal slit, closes completely in snakes and in Urodeles. It forms the Eustachian tube in all other Tetrapoda. As regards the vertebra;, Rathke describes them as being formed in the sheath of the chorda from paired rudiments, each of which sends two branches upwards, and two branches downwards. The two inner pairs of processes coalesce round the chorda, and later form the centrum ; the upper outer pair meet above the spinal column ; the lower outer pair form ribs. The odontoid process of the axis vertebra is the centrum of the ~atlas (p. 120). The formation of vertebral rudiments begins close behind o the ear-labyrinth, but in front of this the chorda-sheath gives origin to a flat membranous plate which after- wards becomes cartilaginous. This plate reaches forward below the third cerebral vesicle as far as the infundibulum. The notochord ends in this plate, which is the basis cranii, just at the level of the ear-labyrinth. In no Vertebrate does the notochord extend farther forward (p. 122). The basis cranii gives off three trabeculae. The middle one is small and sticks up behind the infundibulum ; it is absent in fish and Amphibia, and soon disappears during the development of the higher forms. The lateral trabeculae are long bars which curve round the infundibulum and reach nearly to the front end of the head. Together they are lyre-shaped. The cranial basis and the trabeculae are formed, like the vertebrae, in the sheath of the notochord, and the only differences between the two in the early stage of their development are that the formative mass for the cranial basis is much greater in amount than that for the vertebrae, and that the cranial basis by means of its processes, the trabeculae, reaches well in front of the terminal portion of the notochord (p. 36). The capsule for the ear-labyrinth develops quite independently of the cranial basis and the notochord. It resembles on its first appearance, in form, position, composition, and con- nections, the ear-capsule of Cyclostomes, and so do the ear- capsules of all embryonic Vertebrates (p. 39). It manifests clearly the embryonic archetype, ..." there exists one single and original plan of formation, as we may suppose, upon which is built the labyrinth of Vertebrates in general" L 152 TIIK EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION (p. 40). When ossification sets in, the ear-capsule forms three bones, of which two fuse with the supraoccipital and exoccipitals. During the formation of the ear-capsule the cranial basis develops from a plate to a trench, for in its hinder section the side parts grow up to form the side walls of the brain, in exactly the same way as the processes of the vertebral rudiments grow up to enclose the spinal column (pp. 122, 192). The foundations of the skull are now complete, and ossification gradually sets in. The basioccipital is formed FIG. ii. — Embryonic Cranium of the Adder. Ventral (After Rathke.) a. Basioccipiul. '-. Kxoreipital. c. Ear capsule. ('. Bssisphenoid. c. Alispheiioid. /. OrbitosphenoiJ. Ii. Foramen. . I'ituilar.v space. in the posterior part of the basis cran'ii, and the exoccipitals in the side walls of the trench in continuity with the fundament of the basioccipital (see Fig. 11). The supra- occipital is formed in cartilage above the exoccipitals. The basisphenoid develops, like the basioccipital, in the flat basis era nii, but towards its anterior edge, between the large foramen (//) and the pituitary space (/). It is formed from two centres, each of which is originally a ring round the carotid foramen. The presphenoid develops in isolation between the lateral trabeculae, just behind the point where ARCHETYPE OF SKULL 153 they fuse. The side parts of the basisphenoid and pre- sphenoid (forming the alisphenoids and the orbitosphenoids respectively) develop in cartilage separately from the cranial basis, not like the exoccipitals in continuity with it. The hinder parts of the trabeculae become enclosed by two processes of the basisphenoid ; their front parts remain in a vestigial and cartilaginous state alongside the presphenoid. The frontals and parietals show a peculiar mode of origin in the adder, differing from their origin in other Vertebrates. The frontals develop in continuity with the orbitosphenoids, the parietals in continuity with the alisphenoids, and so have much resemblance with the vertebral neural arches which surround the spinal column (p. 195) Through Rathke's work the real embryonic archetype of the vertebrate skull was for the first time disclosed. Rathke discussed this archetype and its relation to the vertebral theory of the skull in another paper of the same year (1839), but before going on to this paper, we shall quote from the paper on the adder the following passage, remarkable for the clear way in which the idea of the embryological archetype is expressed. " Whatever differences may appear in the development of Vertebrates, there yet exists for the different classes and orders a universally valid idea (plan, schema, or type) ruling the first formation of their separate parts. This idea must first be worked out, though possibly with modifications, before more special ideas can find play. The result of the latter process, however, is that what was formed by the first idea is not so much hkiden as partially or wholly destroyed" (p. 135). Rathke's general paper on the development of the skull in Vertebrates l treats the matter on a broader comparative basis than his paper on the adder, and takes into account all the vertebrate classes, in so far as their development was then known. He here makes the interesting suggestion, later entirely confirmed, that the basis cranii or basilar plate is first laid down as two strips, one on each side of the chorda — the structures now known as parachordals (pp. 6, 27). For this supposition, he thinks, speaks the structure of the 1 Bemerkungen iibcr die Entivickelung des Schadels der Wirbclthicre^ Konigsberg, 1839. Till: EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION skull in Annnocoetes, which in this respect is the simplest of all Vertebrates (pp. 6, 22). In Aininococtcs, as Johannes Mtiller had shown, the foundation of the skull is formed by two long cartilaginous bars, between the hinder portions of which the notochord ends. In these Rathke was inclined to see the homologues of his trabecuku, and of the para- chordals which he was ready to assume from his embryo- logical observations. Miiller was, of course, very ready to accept Rathke's opinions on this subject, for he considered that they supported his own theory of the vertebral nature of the skull. After describing in his HatidbncJi der PJiysiologic the cartila- ginous bands in Ammocoetes and their highly differentiated homologues in the Myxinoids, he writes in the later editions, " Hence we see that in the cranium, as in the spinal column, there are at first developed at the sides of the chorda dorsalis two symmetrical elements, which subsequently coalesce, and may wholly enclose the chorda. Rathke has recently observed, in the embryos of serpents and other animals, before the formation of the proper cranial vertebras, two symmetrical bands of cartilage, similar to those which I discovered as a persistent structure in Ainniococtcs. . . . At a later period the basis cranii of vertebrate animals contains three parts analogous to the bodies of vertebrae, the most anterior of which, in the majority of animals, is generally small, and its development frequently abortive, whilst in man and mammiferous animals the three are very distinct. These parts are developed by the formation of three distinct points of ossification, one behind the other, in the basilar cartilage." l Rathke was very cautious about accepting the vertebral theory of the skull ; he saw that the facts of development were not altogether favourable to the theory, and he gave his adherence with many reservations and saving clauses. His general attitude may be summed up as follows. - 1 Ilandbuch der Physiologic dcs Afcnsc/tcn, Koblenz, 1835 ; Eng. trans, by W. lialy, ii., p. 1615, 1838. ; For a full staiemcnt of Rathke ;s conclusions," see the translation given by Huxley in Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy, London, 1864. CRITICISM OF VERTEBRAL THEORY 155 The chorda sheath is the common matrix of the vertebrae and of a large part of the skull. The basilar plate and the trabeculae, which are developed from the chorda sheath, give origin to three bones, which might possibly be considered equivalent to vertebral centra — the basioccipital, the basi- sphenoid, and the Riechbcin (ethmoid). The Rieclibcin develops from the fused ends of the trabeculae. The pre- sphenoid might also be considered as a vertebral body, but it develops independently of the basilar plate and trabeculae. Now of these bones, the basioccipital is in every way equivalent to a vertebral centrum, for it develops in the basilar plate round the notochord. With the exoccipitals, which arise just like neural arches, it forms a true vertebra. The supraoccipital is an accessory bone developed in relation to bigger brains. The basisphenoid appears in the basilar plate, but in front of the notochord, nor does it arise in exactly the same way as the centrum of a vertebra. The basisphenoid with the alisphenoids, which develop independ- ently in the side walls of the brain, may, however, still be considered as forming a vertebra, though the resemblance is not so great as in the case of the occipital ring. The pre- sphenoid, being long and pointed, is very unlike a vertebral body. The orbitosphenoids develop separately from it. The ethmoid also differs from a vertebra, for it surrounds not the whole nervous axis as the two hinder " vertebrae " do, but only two prolongations of it, the olfactory lobes. In its development and final form it shows no particular resem- blance to a vertebra. Its body, the pars perpendicularis (mesethmoid) shows no similarity with a vertebral centrum. Completing the three hinder cranial " vertebras " and roofing in the brain are the supraoccipital, the parietals and the frontals. The premaxillaries, vomer, and nasals do not belong to the cranial scheme ; they are covering bones connected with the ethmoid. So, too, the ear-capsule is not part of the cranial vertebrae, but is rather to be com- pared to the intercalary bones in the vertebral column of certain fish. Summing up as regards the cranial vertebrae Rathke writes, "We find that the four different groups of bones, consisting of the basioccipital with its intercalary (the supraoccipital), the basisphenoid with its intercalates 156 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION (parietals), the presphenoid with its intercalaries (frontals), and the ethmoid with its outgrowths (turbinals and cribri- form plate), taking them in order from behind forwards, show an increasing divergence from the plan according to which vertebra; as commonly understood develop, so that the basioccipital shows the greatest resemblance to a vertebra, the ethmoid the least" (p. 30). In a posthumous volume published in 1861 the same opinion is put forward. " In the head, too," he writes, " some vertebra; can be recognised, although in a more or less modified form. Yet at most only four cranial vertebra.- can be assumed, and these differ from ordinary well-developed vertebra: in their manner of formation the more the farther forward they lie." l Rathke was an able and careful critic of the vertebral theory of the skull, but he accepted it in the main. Actual attack on the theory upon embryological grounds was begun by C. Vogt, in his work on the development of Coregonus? and in his paper on the development of Alytcs"* He described for Coregonus an origin of the skull in the main similar to that established by Rathke for the adder. There was a "nuchal plate" in which the front end of the notochord was imbedded ; the notochord ended at the level of the labyrinth; there were two lateral bands, comparable to Rathke's lateral trabeculre ; a " facial plate " was also formed, which seems on the whole equivalent to the plate formed by the fused anterior ends of the trabeculaj. A little later the cranium formed a complete cartilaginous box surrounding the brain, very similar to the adult cranium of a shark. In his criticism of the vertebral theory of the skull, Vogt started by defining the vertebra as a ring formed round the chorda. Now since only the occipital segment of the skull is formed actually round the notochord, the parts of the skull 1 Enttvickelungsgeschickte der \\'irlh-ltlricre,\>. 142, 1861. -' /tnil>n't>lni;i<- des Sdlinoncs. A separate volume of L. Ayassiz's Histoire nuturellc (t, Solotluirn, 1842. CRITICISM OF VERTEBRAL THEORY 157 lying in front of this cannot themselves be vertebrae, though they may be considered as prolongations of the occipital or nuchal vertebra. " We must regard the nuchal plate as a true vertebra, modified, it is true, in its formation and development by its particular functions. Now, since the notochord ends with the nuchal plate we can no longer regard as vertebrae the parts of the skull that lie beyond, such as the lateral processes of the cranium and the facial plate, for they have no relation with the notochord " (p. 123). To support this view he adduced the fact that the vertebral divisions (primitive vertebras) visible in the trunk do not extend into .the head. He used precisely the same arguments in his paper on Alytes to destroy the vertebral theory of the skull. We quote the following passage translated by Huxley (1864, p. 295) from this paper. " It has therefore become my distinct persuasion that the occipital vertebra is indeed a true vertebra, but that everything which lies before it is not fashioned upon the vertebrate type at all, and that efforts to interpret it in such a way are vain ; that, therefore, if we except that vertebra (occipital) which ends the spinal column anteriorly, there are no cranial vertebrae at all." L. Agassiz, himself a pupil of Dollinger, in the general part (1844) of his Recherches sur les Poissons fossilcs (Neuchatel, 1833-43), repeats in the main his pupil Vogt's criticism of the vertebral theory (vol. i., pp. 125-9). These arguments of Vogt and Agassiz were not considered by Muller to dispose of the theory,1 which maintained a firm hold even upon embryologists. It was still upheld by Reichert, and Kolliker in 1849 showed himself convinced of its general validity. A useful step in the analysis of the concept " vertebra " was taken by Remak,2 who showed what a complex affair the formation of vertebrae really is, involving as it does a complete resegmentation (Neuglie'derung] of the vertebral column, whereby the original vertebral bodies were replaced by the secondary definitive bodies (p. 143). Remak showed, as he thought, that the protovertebral segmentation of the dorsal 1 Miiller's Archiv for 1843, p. ccxlviii. ! Unfersuchungcn iibcr die Entivickelung dcr Wirbelthierc, Beilin, 1850-55. 158 THE EMBRYOLOG1CAL CRITERION muscle-plates did not extend into the head, and he denied Reichert's assertion (1837) that the cranial basis in mammals showed transverse grooves delimiting three cranial vertebrae (p. 36). The gill-slits, he considered, could not possibly be regarded as marking the limits of head vertebrae. In 1858 appeared Huxley's well-known Croonian Lecture, 0/t tJic TJicory of the Vertebrate Skull} in which he stated with great clearness and force the case for the embryological method of determining homologies, and criticised with vigour the vertebral theory of the skull. By this time the two rival methods in morphology had become clearly differentiated, and Huxley was able to contrast them, or at least to show how necessary the new embryological method was as a corrective and a supplement to the older anatomical, or, as he calls it, " gradation " method. Applied to the " Theory of the Skull," the gradation method consists in comparing the parts of the skull and vertebral column in adult animals with respect to their form and connections. " Using the other method, the investigator traces back skull and vertebral column to their earliest embryonic states and determines the identity of parts by their developmental relations" (p. 541). This second method is the final and ultimate. " The study of the gradations of structure presented by a series of living beings may have the utmost value in suggesting homologies, but the study of development alone can finally demonstrate them " (p. 541). As an example of the utility and, indeed, the necessity of applying the embryo- logical method Huxley takes the case of the quadrate bone in birds. This bone had been generally regarded by anatomists as the equivalent of the tympanic of mammals, on account of its connection with the tympanum ; but Reichert showed (1837) that the same segment of the first visceral arch developed into the incus in mammals, and into the quadrate in birds, and that therefore the quadrate was homologous with the incus. Similarly, on developmental grounds, the malleus or hammer of mammals is the homologue of the articular of birds, since both arc developed from a portion 1 Delivered i/tli June 1858. Reprinted in The Scientific Memoirs of T. //. 7/n.r/cy, edited l>y M. Foster and K. Ray Lankcster, vol. i., pp. 5;vs-r,,,r, (1898). DEVELOPMENT OF SKULL: HUXLEY 159 of Meckel's cartilage identical in form and connections in the two groups. The homologies of the bones connected with the jaws in bony fishes had long been a subject of conten- tion among comparative anatomists ; Huxley shows from his personal observations how the development of the visceral arches throws light upon these difficulties. The mandibular arch in the developing fish is abruptly angled, as in the embryo of Tetrapoda ; the upper prong of it ossifies into the palatine and pterygoid ; at the angle is formed the quadrate (jugal, Cuvier), and to the quadrate is articulated the lower jaw, which ossifies round the lower prong or MeckeFs carti- lage. The scheme of development of the jaws is accord- ingly similar in fish to what it is in other Vertebrates, and this similarity of development enables Huxley to recognise what are the true homologues of the quadrate, the palatine and the pterygoid in adult bony fish, and to prove that the symplectic and the metapterygoid (tympanal, Cuvier) are bones peculiar to fish. In developing Amphibia Huxley found a suspensorium of hyoid and mandibular arches similar to the hyomandibular offish. Tackling his main problem of the unity of plan of the vertebrate skull, Huxley shows, by a careful discussion of the anatomical relationships of the chief bones in typical examples of all vertebrate classes, that there is on the whole unity of plan as regards the osseous skull. This unity of composition can be established, on the gradation method, by considering the connections of the bones of the skull with one another, their relations to the parts of the brain and to the foramina of the principal cranial nerves. The assistance of the embryological method is, however, necessary in deter- mining many points with regard to the bones developed in relation to the visceral arches. But there is a further step to be taken. "Admitting . . . that a general unity of plan pervades the organisation of the ossified skull, the important fact remains that many vertebrated animals — all those fishes, in fact, which are known as ElasinobrancJiii, Marsipobranchii, Pharyngobranchii and Dipnoi have no bony skull at all, at least in the sense in which the words have hitherto been used" (p. 571). The membranous or cartilaginous skull of these fishes shows a general resemblance in its main 160 THE EMBHYOLOGICAL CRITERION features to the ossified skull of other Vertebrates; the relations of the ear to the vagus and trigcminal nerves are, for instance, the same in both ; the main regions of the cartilaginous skull can be homologised with definite bones or groups of bones in the bony skull ; but discrepancies occur. It is again to development that we must turn to discover the true relationship of the cartilaginous to the ossified skull. " The study of the development of the ossified vertebrate skull . . . satisfactorily proves that the adult crania of the lower Vertebrata are but special developments1 of conditions through which the embryonic crania of the highest members of the sub-kingdom pass" (p. 5/3). It is with the embryonic cranium of higher Vertebrates that the adult skull of the lower fishes must be compared, and the comparison will show a substantial though not a complete agreement between them. Thus, speaking of the development of the frog's skull, Huxley writes : — " If, bearing in mind the changes which are undergone by the palatosuspensorial apparatus, . . . we now compare the stages of development of the frog's skull with the persistent conditions of the skull in the Ainpliioxns, the lamprey, and the shark, we shall discover the model and type of the latter in the former. The skull of the Ajiip/iio.vus presents a modification of that plan which is exhibited by the frog's skull when its walls arc still membranous and the notochord is not yet embedded in cartilage. The skull of the lamprey is readily reducible to the same plan of structure as that which is exhibited by the tadpole \vhen its gills are still external and its blood colourless. And finally, the skull of the shark is at once intelligible when we have studied the cranium in further advanced larvae, or its cartilaginous basis in the adult frog" (P- 577)- Development, therefore, proves what comparative anatomy could only foreshadow — the unity of plan of all vertebrate skulls, ossified and unossified alike. "We have thus attained to a theory or general expression of the laws of structure of the skull. All vertebrate skulls arc originally alike; in all (save .li/ip/i io.v/is ?} the base of the primitive cranium undergoes the mcsoccphalic flexure, behind which the notochord terminates, while immediately in front of it 1 Cf. Rcichert, st//>m, p. 149. CRITICISM OF VERTEBRAL THEORY 161 the pituitary body is developed ; l in all, the cartilaginous cranium has primarily the same structure— a basal plate enveloping the end of the notochord and sending forth three processes, of which one is short and median, while the other two, the lateral trabeculae, pass on each side of the space on which the pituitary body rests, and unite in front of it ; in all, the mandibular arch is primarily attached behind the level of the pituitary space, and the auditory capsules are enveloped by a cartilaginous mass, continuous with the basal plate between them. The amount of further development to which the primary skull may attain varies, and no distinct ossifications at all may take place in it ; but when such ossification does occur, the same bones are developed in similar relations to the primitive cartilaginous skull" (p. 573). In a word, there is a general plan or primordial type which is manifested in the higher forms most clearly in their earliest development — an embryological archetype therefore. Huxley now goes on to consider the relation of this general plan or type of the skull to the structure and development of the vertebral column. Does the skull in its development show any signs of a composition out of several vertebrae? The vertebral column develops as a segmented structure round the notochord ; the skull develops first as an unsegmented plate extending far beyond the notochord. The processes of this basilar plate, the trabeculae, are quite unlike anything in the vertebral column. It is true that when the process of ossification begins, separate bones are differentiated in the basilar plate one in front of the other, giving an appearance of segmentation. The hindmost of these bones, the basioccipital, ossifies round the notochord, quite like a vertebral centrum, and its side parts which form the occipital arch develop in a "remotely similar" way to the neural arches of the vertebrae. The next bone, however, the basisphenoid, develops in front of the notochord, and shows very little analogy with a vertebral body. The analogy is even more far-fetched when applied to the axial 1 The origin of the pituitary body from the roof of the mouth was first described by Rathke (1839). 162 THE KMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION bones in front of the basisphenoid. The cranium might indeed be divided upon ossification into a series of segments bearing a more or less remote analogy with vertebra?. " In the process of ossification there is a certain analogy between the spinal column and the cranium, but that analogy becomes weaker and weaker as we proceed towards the anterior end of the skull" (p. 585). The best way to state the facts is to say that both skull and vertebral column start in their development from the same point, but immediately begin to diverge. The clear indications of segmentation which fully ossified adult skulls undoubtedly show are, therefore, secondary, and the vertebral theory of the skull, which was originally based upon the appearance of such fully ossified crania, is on the whole negatived by embryology. We have now to turn back a few years in order to follow up another line of discovery which had an important bearing upon the theory of the vertebrate skull — the working out of the distinction between membrane and cartilage bones. As early as 1731, R. Nesbitt,1 in two lectures delivered to the Royal College of Surgeons, demonstrated that in the human fiutus some bones were formed not in cartilage but directly in fibrous tissue, and this observation was confirmed by other human anatomists, particularly by Sharpey at a considerably later date. In 1822 Arendt- focussed attention upon the remarkable structure of the skull of the Pike, with its cartilaginous brain-box studded all over with bony plaques, an arrangement which had already attracted the interest of Cuvier and Meckel. K. E. von Baer:! in 1826 discussed at some length the relation between the bony and the cartilaginous skull in fishes, with particular reference to the sturgeon, coming to the following just conclusion : — " If we consider the fibrous skeleton of Ammocoetes as the first foundation of the skeleton of Vertebrates, we can form a 1 Human Ostcogcny e.\-/>l, ,v////.v ossci Rsocis lucii structura sin«ul/e, Stockholm, 1842. - Vol. I., General part, pub. 1844. Entosphenoid, Owen. 1 Ziucitcr Bericht zootom. Anstalt zu \\'itrzburg, MEMBRANE AND CARTILAGE BONES 165 morphological significance of the distinction between membrane and cartilage bones, and in IS5O1 he defended his views against the criticisms of Reichert 2 in a further note entitled Die Theorie des Primordialschadels festgeJialten. It is convenient to consider these papers together. Kolliker held that there was (i) a histological and (2] a morphological difference between the two categories of bones. The histo- logical development of the two kinds was different, but this difference was not sufficient to establish a morphological distinction between them, a distinction in their anatomical Bedeutung. The true morphological distinction between them was their development in different skeleton- forming layers. Membrane bones were developed in fibrous tissue lying between the skin and the deep layer which formed the primordial cranium, and it was this formation in a separate layer that gave them a different morphological significance from the bones formed directly in the deep layer. Kolliker's distinction, therefore, was between the bones formed in the primordial cartilaginous cranium on the one hand, and the superficial ossifications in fibrous tissue on the other hand. The cartilaginous cranium in Kolliker's opinion was formed upon the vertebral type, and the membrane bones were accessory. This, at least, was his opinion in 1849. In 1850, after Stannius had shown that membrane bones occurred as integral parts of the vertebrae in certain fish, he modified his view of the mem- brane bones, and admitted them, at least in some cases, as constituents of the cranial vertebrae. On this morphological distinction of membrane and cartilage bones future comparative osteology was to be based : — " My sole aim is to state again the principle upon which comparative osteology is to be based and extended, and this is that first place should be assigned to anatomical considera- tions, and among these to the manner of origin of the whole bone in relation to the skeleton-forming layers" (1850, p. 290). The homologies established by this new principle might 1 Zeits.f. iviss. Zool., ii., pp. 281-91. - Muller's Archiv for 1849, PP- 443-5I5- 100 TIIK EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION run counter to the homologies indicated by the study of adult structure. " Thus, for instance, although the lower jaw in position, function, form and shape, appears to be the same bone throughout, yet it must be admitted that it shows a difference in the different classes. In Mammals and Man it is an entirely secondary bone (an extremity according to Reichert), in Birds, Amphibia and Fishes only partially so, for its articular belongs to Meckcl's cartilage and is accordingly analogous to a rib ; indeed, in the Plagiostomes, etc., the whole lower jaw along with the articular is a persistent Meckel's cartilage" (p. 290, 1850). So, too, the supraoccipital in man cannot be fully homo- logised with the supraoccipital of many mammals, for its upper half arises at first in isolation as a secondary bone (p. 290). Reichert objected to the distinction drawn by Kolliker, and denied that there was either a histological or a morphological difference between membrane and cartilage bones. It was shown a few years later by H. M tiller1 that there was in truth no essential difference in histological development between the two categories of bone, that the cartilage cells were replaced by bone cells identical with those taking part in the formation of membrane bones. The morphological distinction continued however to be recognised, particularly by the embryologists. Rathke in his volume of 1861 '2 classified the bones of the skull according to their origin from the primordial cranium or from the overlying fibrous layer, distinguishing as membrane bones, the parietals, frontals, nasals, lachrymals, maxillaries and prcmaxillaries, jugals, tympanic, parts of the" temporal," vomer, part of the supraoccipitals in some mammals, and the mandible (with the exception of the articular in such as have a quadrate bone). Huxley was also inclined in 1864 :! to recognise the distinction, but he writes with some reserve: — "Is there a clear line of demarcation between membrane bones and cartilage bones? Are certain bones always developed primarily from cartilage, while certain others as constantly originate in membrane? And further, I /.cits. f. MSS Zi>o/., ix., 1858. -' Kntiv. d. \\'irl>clthic>\\ pp. 139-40, 1861. II Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy. CRITERIA OF HOMOLOGY 167 if a membrane bone is found in the position ordinarily occupied by a cartilage bone, is it to be regarded merely as the analogue and not as the homologue of the latter ? " (p: 296). We may note here that many comparative anatomists of the period were quite ready to decide Huxley's last question in a sense favourable to the older, purely anatomical, view of homology. Owen, for instance, held that difference of development did not disturb homologies established by form and connections. " Parts are homologous," he writes, " in the sense in which the term is used in this work, which are not always similarly developed : thus the ' pars occipitalis stricte dicta,' etc., of Soemmering is the special homologue of the supraoccipital bone of the cod, although it is developed out of pre-existing cartilage in the fish and out of aponeurotic membrane in the human subject."1 Similarly he pointed to the diversities of development of the vertebral centrum in the different vertebrate classes as proof that development could not always be relied upon in deciding homologies (p. 89). But he could not deny that the archetype was better shown in the embryo than in the adult (supra, p. 108). J. V. Carus '2 likewise stood firm for the older method of determining homologies by comparison of adult structure. " We can regard as homologous," he writes, " only those parts which in the fully formed animal possess a like position and show the same topographical relations to the neighbouring parts" (p. 389). Parts homologous in this sense might develop in different ways, but no great importance was to be attached to such a circumstance. Membrane and cartilage bones developed in practically the same way, from the same skeleton-forming layer, and no morphological significance attached to their distinction (pp. 227, 457). Embryology was of considerable value in helping to determine homologies, but the evidence that it supplied was contributory, not conclusive. Perhaps the greatest service which the study of development rendered was to disentangle, by a comparison of the earliest embryos, the generalised type (p. 389). 1 On the Archetype of the Vertebrate Skeleton, p. 5, 1848. * System der thierischen Morphologic, Leipzig, 1853. M 168 THE EMBRYOLOGICAL CRITERION We have now traced, by our historical study of the theory of the skull, the gradual evolution of the tendency to find in development the surest guide to determining homologies. We have seen how the embryological " type " came to be substituted, in whole or in part, for the anatomical "type" derived from the study of adult structure. But we have had to do only with a modification, not with a transformation, of the criterion of homology recognised by the anatomists. Homology is still determined by position, by connections, in the embryo as in the adult. " Similarity of development" has become the criterion of homology in the eyes of the embryologist, but "similarity of development" means, not identity of histological differentiation, but similarity of connections throughout the course of development. For the purposes of morphology, development has to be considered as an orderly sequence of successive forms, not in its real nature as a process essentially continuous. Morphology has to replace the living continuity by a kinematographic succession of stages. Since it is the earliest of these stages that manifest the simplest and most generalised structural relations of the parts, it is in the earlier stages that homologies can be most easily determined. But these homologies are still determined solely by the relative positions and connections of the parts, just as homologies are determined in the last of all the stages of development, the adult state. And since the generalised type is shown most clearly in the earliest stages and tends to become obscured by later differentiation, homologies observed in embryonic life are to be upheld even if the relations in adult life seem to indicate different interpretations. CHAPTER XI THE CELL-THEORY. WITH the founding of the cell-theory by Schwann in 1839 an important step was taken in the analysis of the degrees of composition of the animal body. Aristotle had distinguished three — the unorganised material, itself com- pounded of -the four primitive elements, earth and water, air and fire, the homogeneous parts or tissues and the hetero- geneous parts or organs, and this conception was retained with little change even to the days of Cuvier and von Baer. Those of the old anatomists who speculated on the relations of organic elements to one another were dominated by. Aristotle's simple and profound classification, and proposed schemes which differed from his only in detail. Bichat enlarged and deepened the concept of tissue, but the degree of composition below this was for him, as for all anatomists of his time, a fibrous or pulpy "cellulosity," living, indeed, but showing no uniform and elemental struc- ture. It was Schwann's merit to interpose between the tissue and the mere unorganised material a new element of structure, the cell. And, as it happened, a few years before Schwann published his cell-theory, Dujardin hinted at another degree of composition which was later to take its place between the cell and the chemical elements— sarcode or protoplasm. As is well known, the concept of the cell arose first in botany. Robert Hooke discovered cells in cork and pith in 1667, and his discovery was followed up by Grew and Malpighi in 1671, and by Leeuenhoek in 1695. But they did not conceive the cell as a living, independent, structural unit. They were interested in the physiology of the plant 169 170 THE CELL-THEORY as a whole, how it lived and nourished itself, and they studied cells and sieve-tubes, wood fibres and tracheae with a view rather to finding out their functions and their significance for the life of the plant than to discovering the minutiae of their structure. The same attitude was taken up by the few botanists who in the iSth century paid any heed to the microscopical anatomy of plants. For C. F. Wolff,1 the formation of cells was a result of the secretion of drops of sap in the fundamental substance of the plant, this substance remaining as cell-walls when cell- formation was completed — no idea here of cells as units of structure. In the early ipth century, interest in plant anatomy revived somewhat, and much work was done by Treviranus, Mirbel, Moldenhawer, Meyen and von Mohl.'2 As a result of their work the fact was established that the tissues of plants are composed of elements which can, with few exceptions, be reduced to one simple fundamental form — the spherical closed cell. Thus the vessels of plants are formed by coalescence of cells, fibres by the elongation of cells and the thickening and toughening of their walls. At this time, interest was concentrated on the cell-wall, to the almost total neglect of the cell-contents ; the " matured framework " of plant cells, to use Sach's convenient phrase, was the chief, almost the sole, object of study. And it was natural enough that the mere architecture of the plant should monopolise interest, that the composition of the tissues out of the cells, and the fitting together of the tissues to form the plant should awaken and hold the curiosity of the investigator; even the modifications of the cell-walls themselves, their rings and spiral thickenings and pits, offered a fascinating field of enquiry. The idea that the cell-contents might show a characteristic and individual structure had hardly dawned upon botanists when Schleiden published his famous paper, In'ifni^'c r-itr Phytogenesis? Schleiden's theme in this paper is the origin 1 Theoria generationiS) Halae, 1759. - See J. v. Sachs, Geschichtc dcr Botanik, book ii., Eng. Trans., 2nd iinpr., 1906. 3 Miiller's Archiv, pp. 137-76, 1838. SCHLEIDEN 171 and development of the plant cell, a subject then very obscure, in spite of pioneer work by Mirbel. A few years before, Robert Brown had called attention to the presence in the epidermal cells of orchids and other plants of a character- istic spot which he called the areola or nucleus.1 Schleiden saw the importance of this discovery, confirmed the constant presence of the nucleus in young cells, and held it to be an elementary organ of the cell. He named it the cytoblast because, in his opinion, it formed the cell. It was embedded in a peculiar gummy substance, the cytoblastem, which formed a lining to the cellulose cell-wall. Within the nucleus there was often a small dark spot or sphere — the nucleolus. The nucleus, Schleiden thought, originated as a minute granule in the cytoblastem which gradually increased in size, becoming first a nucleolus (Kcriic/iett), and then, by further condensation of matter round it, a nucleus. Several nuclei might be formed in this way in a single cell. New cells took their origin directly from a full-grown nucleus, in a peculiar way which Schleiden describes as follows : — " As soon as the cytoblasts have reached their full size a delicate transparent vesicle arises on their surface ; this is the young cell, which at first takes the shape of a very flat segment of a sphere, of which the plane surface is formed by the cytoblast, the convex side by the young cell itself, which lies upon the cytoblast like a watch-glass on a watch" (p. 145). The young cells increase in size and fill up the cavity of the old cell, which is in time resorbed. Cell-development always takes place within existing cells, and either one or many new cells may be formed within the mother-cell. Schleiden's views on cell- formation were drawn from some rather imperfect observa- tions on the embryo-sac and pollen-tube, but he extended his theory to cell-formation in general. Though wrong in almost all respects the theory had at least the merit of fixing attention upon the really important constituents of the cell, the nucleus and the cell-plasma. To Schleiden, too, we owe the conception of the cell as a more or less independent living unity, whose life is not entirely identified with the life of the plant as a whole. " Each cell," he writes, " carries on a double life ; one a quite independent and self-contained 1 Trans. Linnean Soc., xvi., p. 710, 1833. 172 THE CELL-THEORY life, the other a dependent life in so far as the cell has become an integral part of the plant" (p. 138). So long as the definition of the plant cell embraced little more than the hardened cell-wall it was little wonder that " cells " in this sense were not recognised in animal tissues, except in a few exceptional cases — as in the notochord by Johannes Muller.1 Careful observation of animal tissues discovered in some cases the existence of discontinuous units of structure, but these were not, as a rule, recognised before 1838 as analogous to plant cells. Von Baer, for example, observed that the young chick embryo was composed partly of an albuminous mass and partly of Kugelchen or little globules suspended in it (Entwickelungsgeschichte^ i., pp. 19, 144). Since such KiigclcJicn disposed in a row formed the notochord (i., p. 145) it seems probable that his Kilgelchen were really cells. Similarly A. de Ouatrefages'2 in 1834 saw and figured segmentation spheres in the developing egg of Liuimca, but he called them globules and did not recognise their analogy with the cells of plants. According to M'Kendrick,;J Fontana, so far back as i/Si,4 described cells with nuclei in various tissues, and used acids and alkalis to bring out their structure more clearly. But it was not till 1836-7-8 that a fairly widespread occurrence of cells in animal tissues was recognised. The pioneer in this seems to have been Purkinje, who described cells in the choroidal plexus in i836,5 and compared gland cells with the cells of plants in 1837.'' Henle in 1837 ~ and 1838 s described various kinds of epithelial tissue, distinguishing them according to the kind of cell composing them ; he also discovered the mode of growth of stratified epithelium. 1 Myxinoiden, i. Theil., p. 89, 1835. - Ann. Sci. nat. (2) (Zool.} ii., pp. 107-18, pi. u, 1834. 3 Proc. Phil. Soc. G/astfw, xix., pp. 71-125, 1887-8. 1 Traitc sur le venin de la vipire, 1781. 1 Miiller's Archiv, 1836. '; J. Muller, Jithrcsbcricht ii. d. Fortschritte deranat.-physiol. Wisscn- schaftcn i»i jahre 1838. Miiller's Arc/iiv, 1838. ~ Symbolce ad anatomiam villorum imprimis eorum cpitJiclii, Berlin, 1837- < U. d. Ausbreitung dcs Epitheliums im menschlichen Kvrper, Miiller's Arc/ii7', 1838. SCHWANN 173 Valentin l appears to have seen cells in cartilage and epithelium even before Henle, and to have observed cells in the blastoderm of the chick. In his report on the progress of anatomy during 1838 Johannes Miiller was able to refer to quite a number of papers dealing with the occurrence of cells in animal tissues. In addition to those already noted, he mentions work by Breschet and Gluge on the cells of the umbilical cord, by Dumortier on the cells in the liver of molluscs, by Remak and by Purkinje on nerve cells, by Donne on the cells of the conjuctiva, cornea and lens. He reports, too, that Turpin had compared the epithelial cells of the vagina with the cell-tissue of olants. Miiller himself had O A not only recognised the cellular nature of the notochord, but had observed the cells of the vitreous humour, fat cells and pigment cells, and even the nuclei of cartilage cells. From Schwann (1839) we learn that C. H. Schults had followed back the corpuscles of the blood to their original state of nucleated cells, and that Werneck had recognised cells in the embryonic lens. A preliminary notice of Schwann's own work appeared in 1838 (Froriep's Notisen, No. 91, 1838), the full memoir in 1839, under the title Mikroskopische Unter- sucJiungcn fiber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem WacJistume der Tiere und Pflanzen? Theodor Schwann was a pupil of Johannes Miiller, and we know that Miiller took much interest in the new his- tology. It is probably to his influence that we owe Schwann's brilliant work on the cell, which appeared just after Schwann left Berlin for Lowen. Schwann was himself, as his later work showed, more a physiologist than a morphologist ; he did quite fundamental work on enzymes, discovering and isolating the pepsin of the gastric juice ; he proved that yeast was not an inorganic precipitate but a mass of living cells ; he carried out experiments directed to show that spontaneous generation does not occur. We shall see in his treatment of the cell-theory clear indications of his physio- 1 See Schwann's Bemerkungcn at the end of his Mikroskopische Untersuch ungen. 2 Republished in Ostwald's Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften, No. 176, Leipzig, 1910. References in the text are to the original pagination. 174 THE CELL-THEORY logical turn of mind. Schwann was only twenty-nine when his master-work appeared, and the book is clearly the work of a young man. It has the clear structure, the logical finish, which the energy of youth imparts to its chosen work. So the work of Rathke's prime, the Anatotnische-philosophische Untersuchungen of 1832 shows more vigour and a more reasoned structure than his later papers. Schwann's book is indeed a model of construction and cumulative argument, and even for this reason alone justly deserves to rank as a classic. The first section of his book is devoted to a detailed study of the structure and development of cartilage cells and of the cells of the notochord, and to a comparison of these with plant cells. He accepts Schleiden's account of the origin and development of nuclei and cells as a standard of comparison ; and he seeks to show that nucleus and nucleolus, cell-wall and cell-contents, show the same relations and behave in the same manner in these two types of animal cells as in the plant-cells studied by Schleiden. The types of cell which he chose for this comparison are the most plant- like of all animal cells, and he was even able to point to a thickening of the cell-wall in certain cartilage cells, analogous to the thickening which plays so important a part in the outward modification of plant-cells. The analogy indeed in structure and development between chorda and cartilage cells and the cells of plants seemed to him complete. The substance of the notochord consisted of polyhedral cells having attached to their wall an oval disc similar in all respects to the nucleus of the plant-cell, and like it containing one or more nucleoli. Inside the mother-cell were to be found young developing cells of spherical shape, lacking however a nucleus. Cartilage was even more like plant tissue. It was composed of cells, each with its cell membrane. The cells lay close to one another, separated only by their thickened cell-wall and the intercellular matrix, showing thus even the general appearance of the cellular tissue of plants. They contained a nucleus with one or two nucleoli, and the nucleus was often resorbecl, as in plants, when the cell reached its full development. Other nuclei were in many cases present in the cell, round which young cells could be STRUCTURE OF OVUM 175 seen to develop, in exactly the same manner as in plants. These nuclei had accordingly the same significance as the nuclei of plants, and deserved the same name of cytoblasts or cell-generators. The true nucleus of the cartilage cell was probably in the same way the original generator of the mother-cell. Having proved the identity in structure and function of the cells of these selected tissues with the cells of plants, as conceived by Schleiden, Schwann had still to show that the generality of animal tissues consisted either in their adult or in their embryonic state of similar cells. This demonstration occupies the second and longest section of his book. His method is throughout genetic ; he seeks to show, not so much that all animal tissues are actually in their finished state composed of cells and modifications of cells, as that all tissues, even the most complex, are developed from cells analogous in structure and growth with the cells of plants. All animals develop from an ovum ; it was his first task to discover whether the ovum was or was not a cell. It happened that, some years before Schwann wrote, a good deal of work had been done on the minute structure of the ovum, particularly by Purkinje and von Baer. Purkinje in 1825 1 discovered and described in the unfertilised egg of the fowl a small vesicle containing granular matter, which he named the Keimblaschen or germinal vesicle. ' It dis- appeared in the fertilised egg. As early as 1791 Poli had seen the germinal vesicle in the eggs of molluscs, but the first adequate account was given by Purkinje. In 1827 2 von Baer discovered the true ova of mammals and cleared up a point which had been a stumbling block ever since the days of von Graaf, who had described as the ova the follicles now bearing his name.3 Even von Graaf had noticed that the early uterine eggs were smaller than the supposed ovarian eggs; Prevost and Dumas4 had observed the presence in the Graafian follicle of a minute spherical body, which, however, they hesitated to call the ovum ; it was left to von Baer to elucidate the structure of the follicle and to prove 1 Symbolae ad ovi avium historiam. '2 De ovi mammalium et ho minis genesi. 3 De mulieruin organis, 1672. '* Ann. Set. nat., iii., p. 135, 1842. 176 THE CELL-THEORY that this small sphere was indeed the mammalian ovum. Ilis discovery was confirmed by Sharpey and by Allen Thomson. Von Baer found the germinal vesicle in the eggs o o o of frogs, snakes, molluscs, and worms, but not in the mammalian ovum ; he considered the whole mammalian ovum to be the equivalent of the germinal vesicle of birds— a comparison rightly questioned by Purkinje (1834). In 1834 Coste l discovered in the ovum of the rabbit a vesicle which he considered to be the germinal vesicle of Purkinje ; he observed that it disappeared after fertilisation. Independently of Coste, and very little time after him, Wharton Jones2 found the germinal vesicle in the mammalian ovum. Valentin in i835,3 Wagner in i836,4 and Krause in 1837;"' added considerably to the existing knowledge of the structure of the ovum. Wagner in his Prodromus called attention to the widespread occurrence, within the germinal vesicle of a darker speck which he called the Keiinflcck or germinal spot, known sometimes as Wagner's spot. He recognised the Kcimflcck in the ova of many classes of animals from mammals to polyps. Frequently more than one Kcimjlcck occurred. Schwann had therefore a good deal of exact knowledge to go upon in discussing the significance of the ovum for the cell - theory. There were two possible interpretations. Either the ovum was a cell and the germinal vesicle its nucleus, or else the germinal vesicle was itself a cell within the larger cell of the ovum and the germinal spot was its nucleus. Schwann had some difficult)' in deciding which of these views to adopt, but he finally inclined to the view that the ovum is a cell and the germinal vesicle its nucleus, basing his opinion largely upon observations by Wagner which tended to prove that the germinal vesicle was formed 1 Rccherclies sur !V/. nat. (2) (Zool.~) ii., pp. i-lS, 1834 ; also Einbryo- X<'nic I'l'iiifiart'e, 1837. - I.oinL and J'lilin. Phil. M,ttlwlo£it\ I'.crlin, 1858. " 1.1-hrlnich dcr I listolo^ic, 1857. :i Ann. Sci. nies, 1842. 100 CELLS AS VITAL UNITS 191 from this point of view the embryo can be compared up to a certain point with a zoophyte stock, of which each polyp, while living its own independent life, is yet incorporated in the common corm, which impresses its distinctive character upon every polyp " (p. 293). Classical expression was given to the " colonial theory " of the organism by Virchow in his lectures on " Cellular Pathology."1 For Virchow the organism resolves itself into an assemblage of living centres, the cells ; the organism has no real existence as a unity, for there is no one single centre from which its activities are ruled. Even the nervous system, which appears to act as a co-ordinating centre, is itself an aggregate of discrete cells. " A tree is a body of definite and orderly composition, the ultimate elements of which, in every part of it, in leaf and root, in stem and flower, are cellular elements — so also are animal forms. Every animal is a sum of vital units, each of which possesses the full characteristics of life. The character and the unity of life cannot be found in one definite point of a higher organisation, for example in the brain of man, but only in the definite, constantly recurring disposition shown individually by each single element. It follows that the composition of the major organism, the so-called individual, must be likened to a kind of social arrangement or society, in which a number of separate existences are dependent upon one another, in such a way, however, that each element possesses its own particular activity, and, although receiving the stimulus to activity from the other elements, carries out its own task by its own powers" (2nd ed., pp. 12-13). Analysis, decomposition, or disintegration of the organism is here pushed to its extreme point, and the problem of recomposition, synthesis and co-ordination shirked or for- gotten. The harmful influence of the cell-theory upon morphology did not pass unnoticed by the broader-minded zoologists of the day. Virchow's earlier paper 2 on the application of the 1 Die Celhilarpathologie in ihrer Begriindung aiif physiologische tend pathologische Gcwebelchre, Berlin, 2nd ed. 1859 ; Eng. trans., by Chance, 1860. - Arch. path. Anat. Phys., vii., pp. 1-39 (1854). 192 CLOSE OF THE PRE-E VOLUTION A RY PERIOD cell-theory to physiology and pathology called forth a vigorous protest from Reichert,1 who discussed in a very instructive \vay the contrast between the older "systematic" and the newer "atomistic" attitude to living Nature. Is it really true, he asks, that the cell is the dominant element in all organisation ; is the cell comparable in importance to the atom of the chemists ; or is it not rather the servant of a higher regulatory power? Johannes M tiller, who was Reichert's master, had in his Physiology- argued splendidly for the existence of a creative force which guides and rules development, and brings to pass that unity and harmony of composition which distinguish living things from inorganic products. Reichert sought in vain in the writings of the biological " atomists " for any smallest recognition of these broader characteristics of living things upon which M tiller had rightly laid stress. For the atomists the cell was the only element of form ; they ignored the combination of cells to form tissues, of tissues to form organs, of organs to form an organism. For the morphologists the cell was one element among many, and the lowest of all. The difference of attitude is clearly shown if we consider from the two points of view a complicated organ-system such as the central nervous system. The atomist sees in this a mere aggregate of cells or at the most of groups of cells. " The morphologist," on the other hand, " sees in the central nervous system a proximate element in the composition of the body — a primitive organ. From this point of view he apprehends and judges its morphological relations with, in the first place, the other co-ordinated primitive organs in the system as a whole ; in all this the cells remain in the background, and have nothing to do directly with the determination of these morphological relations" (p. 6). Within the nervous system there are separate organs which stand to one another in a definite morphological and functional relationship. These organs are, it is true, com- posed of cells; but between the form and connections of 1 Ilcricht iibcr (Ue I'orlschritlc dcr mikroskopischen An itoinic i»i 1854. Miiller's Archiv, 1855. Sec also -' l/ndb. if. rhysiol., i., 1835. DISINTEGRATION 193 these organs and the cells which compose them there is no direct and necessary relation (p. 6). It is true that the cell is the ultimate element of organic form, and that all develop- ment takes place by multiplication and form-change of cells. Yet is the cell in all this not independent of the unity of the developing embryo, and what the cells produce, they produce, so to speak, not of their own free will, nor by chance, but under the guiding influence of the unity of the whole, and in a certain measure as its agents (p. 7). The atomists will not admit the truth of this ; they see in development nothing more than a process of the form-change and multiplication of cells. The full meaning of development escapes them, for they take no cognisance of the increasing complexity of the embryo, of the separating-out of tissues, of the moulding of organs, of the harmonious adaptation and adjustment of the parts to form a working whole. In general, the fault of the atomists is that they do not respect the limits which Nature herself has prescribed to the process of logical analysis and disintegration of the organism ; they do not recognise the existence of natural and rational units or unities ; they forget the one great principle of rational analysis, " that, by universally valid, inductive, logical method, natural objects must in all cases be accepted and dealt with in the combination and con- catenation in which they are given" (p. 10). The atomists at least recognised one natural organic element, the cell ; the materialistic physiologists of the time resolved even this unity into an aggregate of inorganic compounds, and regarded the organism itself as nothing but a vastly complicated physico-chemical mechanism. From this point of view morphology had no right of existence, and i we find Ludwig, one of the foremost of the materialistic school, maintaining that morphology was of no scientific importance, that it was nothing more than an artistic game, interesting enough, but completely superseded and robbed of all value by the advance of materialistic physiology.1 Naturally enough, morphologists did not accept this rather contemptuous estimate of their science, but held 1 See Leuckart's reply to Lud wig's criticism, in Zcit. f. wiss. ZooL. ii., p. 271, 1850. 194 CLOSE OF THE PRE-EVOLUTIONARY PERIOD firmly to the morphological attitude. So Leuckart in his reply to Ludwig, so Rathke in a letter to Leuckart published in that reply, so Reichert in his Bericht, so J. V. Carus in his System dcr thierischcn Morphologic? upheld the validity, the independence, of morphological methods. Leuckart and Rathke called attention to the absolute impossibility of explaining by materialistic physiology the unity of plan underlying the diversity of animal form. J. V. Carus, who was convinced of the validity of physiological methods within their proper sphere, drew a sharp distinction between systematics and morphology on the one hand, and physiology on the other. Physiology had nothing to do with the problems of form at all ; its business was to study the physical and chemical processes which lay at the base of all vital activities. Morphology, on its part, had to accept form as something given, and to study the abstract relations of forms to one another. " On this point," he writes, " stress is to be laid, that morphology has to do with animal form as something given by Nature, that though it follows out the changes taking place during the development of an animal and tries to explain them, it does not enquire after the conditions whose necessary and physical consequence this form actually is " (p. 24). He expressed indeed a pious hope (p. 25) that physiology might one day be so far advanced that it could attempt with some hope of success to discover the physico-chemical determinism of form, but this remained with him merely a pious hope. Reichert, in his />V;vV///, applied to the rather wild theorisings of the physiologist Ludvvig the same clear commonsense criticism that he bestowed on the other " atomists." It would take too long to describe the great development that materialistic physiology took at this time, and to show how the separation of morphology from physiology, which originally took place away back in the i/th century, had by this time become almost absolute. The years towards the end of the first half of the century marked indeed the beginning of the classical period as well of physiology as of dogmatic materialism. Moleschott and Buchner popularised materialism in Germany in the 'fifties, while Ludwig, du Bois 1 Leipzig, 1853. MARINE ZOOLOGY 195 Raymond and von Helmholtz began to apply the methods of physics to physiology. In France, Claude Bernard was at the height of his activity, rivalled by workers almost as great. The doctrine of the conservation of energy was established about this same time. Between the cell-theory on the one side, and physiology on the other, it was a wonder that morphology kept alive at all. The only thing that preserved it was the return to the sound Cuvierian tradition which had been made by many zoologists in the 'thirties and 'forties. It is a significant fact that this return to the functional attitude coincided in the main with the rise of marine zoology, and that the man who most typically preserved the Cuvierian attitude, H. Milne- Edwards, was also one of the first and most consistent of marine biologists. Milne-Edwards describes in his interesting Rapport sur les Progres recents des Sciences zoologiques en France" (Paris) 1867, how " About the year 1826, two young naturalists, formed in the schools of Cuvier, Geoffrey and Majendie, considered that zoology, after having been purely descriptive or systematic and then anatomical, ought to take on a more physiological character ; they considered that it was not enough to observe living objects in the repose of death, and that it was desirable to get to understand the organism- in action, especially when the structure of these animals was so different from that of man that the notions acquired as to the special physiology of man could not properly be applied to them" (p. 17). The two young naturalists were H. Milne-Edwards and V. Audouin. In pursuance of these excellent ideas they set to work to study the animals of the seashore, producing in 1832-4 two volumes of Recherches pour servir a Ihistoire naturelle du littoral de la France. After Audouin's early death A. de Quatrefages was associated with Milne-Edwards in this pioneer work, and their valiant struggles with insufficient equipment and lack of all laboratory accommodation, and the rich harvest they reaped, may be read of in Quatrefage's fascinating account of their journeyings.1 Note that though they called themselves 1 Souvenirs (fun Naturaliste, 2 vols., Paris, 1854. Eng. Trans, as Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts of France, Spain, and Italy, 2 vols.j 1857. 196 CLOSE OF THE PRE-EVOLUTIONARY PERIOD physiologists they meant by physiology something very different from the mere physical and chemical study of living things. They were interested, as Cuvier was, primarily in the problems of form ; they sought to penetrate the relation between form and function ; their chief aim was, therefore, the study not of physiology x in the restricted sense, but physio- logical morphology. As a matter of fact they produced more ta>«0momic and anatomical work than work on physiological morphology, but this was only natural, since such a wealth of new forms was disclosed to their gaze. Milne-Edwards' masterly Histoire Natnrelle ties Cntstaces'*1 and A. de Ouatrefage's Histoire Naturelle des Anneles marins ct (feau douce'A were typical products of their activity. In the North, men like Sars and Loven were starting to work on the littoral fauna of the fjords ; in Britain, Edward Forbes was opening up new worlds by the use of the dredge ; Johannes M tiller was using the tow-net to gather material for his masterly papers on the metamorphoses of Echinoderms.4 Work on the taxonomy and anatomy of marine animals was in general in full swing by the 'fifties and 'sixties. This return to Nature and to the sea had a very beneficial effect upon morphology, bringing it out from the laboratory to the open air and the seashore. It saved morphology from formalism and aridity, and in particular from a certain narrowness of outlook born of too close attention paid to the details of microscopical anatomy. It brought morphologists face to face again with the wonderful diversity of organic forms, with the unity of plan underlying that diversity, with the admirable adjustment of organ to function and of both to the life of the whole. Milne-Edwards' theoretical views, as expounded in his Introduction a la zoologie gene rale (1851), well reflect this Cuvierian attitude/' He acknowledges himself the debt he 1 Milne-Edwards later published a classical textbook on comparative anatomy and physiology — Lemons sur la Physiologic et f Anatomic rers, 14 vols., Paris, 1857-80. ''• Paris, 1834-40. Three volumes of the Suites "i Huff on. 1 U. <{. Metamorphose dcr ^/>hiun-fi it. Secigcl., Berlin, 1848. U. d. Metamorphose der Holothurien it. Asterien., Berlin, 1851. 1 As I have been unable to obtain a copy of the Introduction^ MILNE-EDWARDS 197 owes to Cuvier ; " the further I advance in the study of the sciences which he cultivated with so sure a hand," he writes in 1867, "the more I venerate him." Milne-Edwards frankly takes up the teleological stand- point, and interprets organic forms on the assumption that they are purposive and rationally constructed. " To arrive at an understanding of the harmony of the organic creation," he writes, " it seemed to me that it would be well to accept the hypothesis that Nature has gone about her work as we would do ourselves according to the light of our own intelligence, if it were given us to produce a similar result. Comparing and studying living things as if they were machines created by the industry of man, I have tried to grasp the manner in which they might have been invented, and the principles whose application would have led to the production of such an assemblage of diversified instru- ments" (p. 435). The problem is to discover the laws which rule the diversity of organic forms. The first and most obvious of these laws is the " law of economy," or the law of unity of type. Nature, as Cuvier pointed out, has not had recourse to all the possible forms and combinations of organs ; she appears to work with a limited number of types and to get the greatest possible diversity out of these by varying the proportions of the constitutive materials of structure. Within the limits of each type Nature has brought about diversity by raising her creatures to different degrees of perfection. This is the second law irs, vol. i., p. 571). It is instructive to find that between Serres and Milne- Edwards there existed the same antagonism as between von 1 " Principes d'Embryogcnie, de Zoogcnie ct de Terntogcnie," Mem. Acad. Sci., xxv., pp. 1-943, pis. xxv., 1860. 2 "On the Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca," Phil. Trans., 1853, Sci. Memoirs, i., pp. 152-92. SERRES AND MILNE-EDWARDS 205 Baer and the German transcendentalists. Milne-Edwards was a constant critic of the law of parallelism which Serres continued to uphold with little modification for over thirty years, just as 'von Baer was a critic of that form of the doctrine which was current in the early part of the century. As early as 1833, Milne-Edwards, through his studies of crustacean development,1 had come to the conclusion, independently of von Baer, that development always proceeded from the general to the special ; that class characters appeared before family characters, generic characters before specific. In an interesting paper published in i844,2 he discussed the relation of this law of development to the problems of classification, and arrived at results almost identical with those set forth by von Baer in his Fifth Scholion. Like von Baer he rejected completely the theory of parallelism and the doctrine of the scale of beings ; like von Baer he held that the type of organisation — of which there are several — is manifested in the very earliest stages and becomes increasingly specialised throughout the course of further development ; like von Baer, too, he sketched a classification based upon embryological characters. These views were further developed in his volume of 1851, and also in his Rapport of 1867. They brought him into conflict with his confrere in the Academy of Sciences, Etienne Serres, who in a number of papers published in the 'thirties and 'forties,3 and particularly in his comprehensive memoir of 1860, still maintained the theory of parallelism and the doctrine of the absolute unity of type. His memoir of 1860 shows how completely Serres was under the domination of transcendental ideas. Much of it indeed goes back to Oken. " The animal kingdom," he writes, " may be considered in its entirety as a single ideal and complex being "(p. 141). His views have become a little more complicated since his first exposition of them in 1827, 1 " Observations sur les changements de forme que les divers Crus- taces eprouvent," Ann. Set. nat. (i) xxx., p. 360, 18.33. 2 " Considerations sur quelques principes relatifs a la classification naturelle des animaux," Ann. Set. nat. (3) i., p. 65, 1844. 3 Supra, pp. 79-83. Also Precis cPanatomie transcendante, principes (f organogenic, Paris, 1842. 206 CLOSE OF THE PRE-EVOLUTIONARY PERIOD and he has been forced to modify in some respects the rigour of his doctrine. But he still holds fast to the main thesis of transcendentalism — the absolute unity of plan of all animals, vertebrate and invertebrate alike,1 the gradual perfecting of organisation from monad to man, the repetition in the embryogeny of the higher animals of the " zoogeny " of the lower. He recognised, however, that the idea of a simple scale of beings is only an abstraction, and that the true repetition is of organs rather than of organisms. He was willing even to admit, at least in the later pages of his memoir, that there might be not one animal series but several parallel series, as had been suggested by Isidore Geoffroy St Hilaire (p. 749). In general, his views are now less dogmatic than they were in his earlier writings, but they are not for all that changed in any essential. For, in summing up his main results, he writes, " The whole animal kingdom can in some measure be regarded ideally as a single animal, which, in the course of formation and metamorphosis in its diverse manifestations, here and there arrests its own development, and thus determines at each point of interruption, by the very state it has reached, the distinctive characters of the phyla, the classes, families, genera, and species" (p. S33).2 To settle the dispute pending between two of its most illustrious members, the Academy proposed in 1853, as the subject of one of its prizes, " the positive determination of the resemblances and differences in the comparative develop- ment of Vertebrates and Invertebrates." A memoir was presented the next year by Lereboullet 3 which met with the approval cf the Academy in so far as its statements of fact were concerned, but seemed to them to require amplifica- 1 The inversion of the organs shown by Vertebrates as compared with Invertebrates is due to the reversed position of the embryo relatively to the yolk ! (pp. 821-6). ; It is wo! tli while recording that Serrcs enunciated a "law of symmetry" according to which the embryo is formed by the union of its two symmetrical halves— a law which recalls the "concrescence theory" of His and some modern cmbryologists. : " Kmbnolngic comparee du Brochet, de la Perche, et de 1'Ecrc- visse," Ann. Set. nat. (4), i., p. 237, 1854 ; ii., p. 39, 1854. M<»i. Savons etrangers^ xvii. LEREBOULLET 207 tion in its theoretical part. But even in this memoir Lereboullet was able to show that the balance of evidence was greatly in favour of Milne-Edwards' views, and his general conclusions in 1854 were that "in the presence of such fundamental differences, one is obliged to give up the idea of one single plan in the formation of animals; while, on the contrary, the existence of diverse plans or types is clearly demonstrated by all the facts " (p. 79). To fulfil the Academy's requirements, Lereboullet continued his work, and in 1861-63 he published a series of elaborate monographs1 on the embryology of the trout, the lizard and the pond- snail LyvifHza,a.nd rounded offhis work with a full discussion2 of the theoretical questions involved. In this considered and authoritative judgment he completely disposed of Serres' theories of the unity of plan and the unity of genetic forma- tion. Except in the very earliest stages of oogenesis there is no real similarity between the development of a Zoophyte, a Mollusc, an Articulate and a Vertebrate, but each is stamped from the beginning with the characteristics of its type. The lower animals are not, and cannot possibly be the permanent embryos of the higher animals. " The results which I have obtained," he writes, " are diametrically opposed to the theory of the zoological series constituted by stages of increasing perfection, a theory which tries to demonstrate in the embryonic phases of the higher animals a repetition of the forms which characterise the lower animals, and which has led to the assertion that the latter are permanent embryos of the former. The embryo of a Vertebrate shows the vertebrate type from the very beginning, and retains this type throughout the whole course of its development ; it never is, and never can be, either a Mollusc or an Articulate " (xx., p. 54). " We are led to establish ... as the general result of our researches, the existence of several types, and, consequently, of different plans, in the development of animals. These different types are manifested from the very beginning of embryonic life; the characters distinguishing them are there- 1 Ann. Set. nat. (4) xvi., p. 113, 1861 ; xvii., p. 88, 1862 ; xviii., p. 5, 1862 ; xix., p. 5, 1863. 2 xx., p. 5, 1863. 208 CLOSE OF THE PRE-EVOLUTIONARY PERIOD fore primordial, and we can say with M. Milne-Edwards that everything goes to prove that the distinction established by Nature between animals belonging to different phyla is a prim- ' ordial distinction " (p. 58). In other directions also von Baer's work was confirmed and extended by later observers — those parts of it particu- larly that had reference to the germ-layer theory, and to the concept of histological differentiation. His germ-layer theory was accepted in its main lines by Rathke, Bischoff and Lereboullet, and applied by them to the multitude of new facts they discovered. Rathke, in particular, was a firm up- holder of the doctrine, and made considerable use of it in his writings.1 Even before the publication of von Baer's book he had interpreted in terms of the germ-layer theory sketched by his friend Pander the splitting of the blastoderm which occurs in the early development of Astacus, whereby there are formed a serous and a mucous layer, one inside the other — like the coats of an onion, to use his own ex- pressive phrase.2 An ingenious application of the Pander-Baer theory was made by Huxley, who compared the outer and inner cell- layers which form the groundwork of the Coelentera with the serous and mucous layers of the vertebrate germ.3 He laid stress, it is true, rather on the physiological than on the morphological resemblance. " A complete identity of structure," he writes, " connects the ' foundation membranes ' of the Medusa; with the corresponding organs in the rest of the series ; and it is curious to remark, that throughout, the outer and inner membranes appear to bear the same physio- logical relation to one another as do the serous and mucous layers of the germ ; the outer becoming developed into the muscular system, and giving rise to the organs of offence and defence ; the inner, on the other hand, appearing to be more closely subservient to the purposes of nutrition and genera- tion " (p. 24). Von Baer had already hinted at this homology 1 Particularly in his lUcnnius (1833) a"d Natter ( \ 839). •' In the " preliminary notice "of his Crayfish paper — /si's, pp 1093- 1 100, 1825. ' "On the Anatomy and the Affinities of the Family of the Medusre," /'////. Trans., 1849 ; Set. Memoirs, i., pp. 9-32. REMAK 209 in the second volume of his Entwickelungsgeschichte (1837), where he says with reference to the separation of the blasto- derm of the chick into two layers. " Yet originally there are not two distinct or even separable layers, it is rather the two surfaces of the germ which show this differentiation, just as polyps show the same contrast of an external surface and an internal digestive surface. In between the two layers there is in our germ as in the polyp an indifferent mass " (p. 67). The terms ectoderm and entoderm were introduced by Allman1 in 1853 for the two cell-layers in the Hydrozoa. Remak is the second great name in the history of the germ-layer theory. He had the great advantage over von Baer of being able to make use of the cell-theory in inter- preting the formation of the germ-layers. Microscopical technique also had been greatly improved since i828.2 Remak's greatest service was that he put the germ-layer theory in direct relation with the cell-theory by demonstrating the cellular continuity from egg-cell to tissue, and by showing that each germ-layer possessed distinctive histological characteristics. Hardly less important was his clear marking-off of the "middle layer" as a separate and distinct layer of the germ. He it was who introduced the modern conception of the mesoderm, and cleared up the confusion in which Pander and von Baer had left the organs formed between the serous and the mucous layer. Remak's middle layer was a different thing from Pander's ill-defined "vessel- layer"; it included and unified from a new point of view the " vessel " and " muscle " layers of von Baer. There are in the unincubated blastoderm of the chick, according to Remak,3 two cell-layers, of which the undermost 1 Phil, Trans., cxliii., p. 368, 1853. ' The principle of achromatism was discovered (by Fraunhofer) and achromatic microscopes introduced in the early part of the igth century. The use of chemical reagents, such as acetic acid, and various hardening fluids, came into fashion not long after. J. Muller seems to have been one of the first to realise their importance. Remak himself invented one or two fixing and hardening mixtures (pp. 87, 127, 1855), which enabled him to cut excellent hand sections. Section-cutting machines were not. invented till later (V. Hensen, 1866, His, 1870;. 3 Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickclung der Wirbelthiere, folio, pp. xxxvii + 195, 12 plates, Berlin, 1850-1855. 210 CLOSE OF THE PRE-EVOLUTIONARY PERIOD subsequently splits into two. Three layers are thus formed- the upper, middle and lower. The upper layer differentiates into a medullary plate and an epidermic plate (Remak's Hornblatf], and gives origin to the medullary tube with all its evaginations, and to the skin with all its derivatives and pockets. It forms such diverse structures as the brain, the spinal cord, the eye, the ear, the mouth, hairs, feathers, nails, sweat-glands, lacrymal glands, and so forth. Ail these parts are connected directly or indirectly with sensation, and the upper germ -layer may accordingly be called the sensory layer. The lower layer gives rise to the epithelium and the proper tissue of the alimentary canal and its derivatives, as the liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys, thyroid, thymus, etc. These parts are all concerned in the processes of assimilation and dissimilation, and the lower layer may accordingly be called the trophic layer. Now between the upper or sensory layer and the lower or trophic layer there exists, in spite of their very different functions, a close histological likeness, for both are essentially epithelial layers. The resemblance is particularly strong if we compare the lower layer with the Hornblatt of the upper layer — both consist of epithelial tissue, and of its derivative, glandular tissue, and form neither vessels nor nerves. The middle layer, on the contrary, forms nerves and muscles, vessels and con- nective tissue, and little or no epithelium. It does not form all the blood-vessels without exception (and so cannot be called the vessel-layer), for the blood-vessels of the central nervous system are in all probability formed from the upper layer. So, too, it does not form all the nerves and muscles — the optic and auditory nerves and the nerves and muscles of the iris probably arise in the upper layer. But, in spite of these exceptions, its general histological character is so well defined that it may be contrasted with the other two as pre- eminently the layer that forms muscular, nervous, vascular and connective tissue. In view of its functional significance, it may be called the molory layer, or better, since it forms also the sexual glands, the motor-germinative layer. The middle layer, early in its history, shows a division into dorsal plates (Urwirbelplatten) and ventral plates (Sciten- plattcn}. The former exhibit almost as soon as they are REMAK 211 formed the characteristic proto-vertebral segmentation, the latter split to form the pleuro-peritoneal or body-cavity. Remak describes the latter process as follows : — " In the region of the trunk, where a greater independence of the fate of the alimentary canal and its annexes becomes necessary for the voluntary executive organs, the ventral plates undergo a process of splitting, leading to the formation of the sensitive part of the integument (the Hautplatten), the muscular part of the alimentary tube (the Darmfaserplatteti], and the mother-tissue of the generative organs (the Mittelplatteri}. FlG. 12. — Transverse Section of Chick Embryo. (After Remak.) h. Epidermis. m. Spinal cord. mw. Dorsal plate. ug. Pronephric duct. pa. Aortic root. hp.\ and r" Hautplatte." itm. J mp. " Mittelplatte." d/. " Darmfaserplatte." x. Edge of amniotic fold. ph. Pleuro-peritoneal cavity. d. Epithelium of alimen- tary canal. From the Hautplatten there develops, without the dorsal plates seeming to take any part in the process, the rudiment of the extremities " (p. 79). His Darmfaserplatten form the nervous and muscular tissue of the alimentary canal and its dependencies, and also the heart ; the Hautplatten form the general body-wall (exclusive of the skin) and the appendages. In the embryo they line the amniotic cavity. The skeleton and peripheral nerves originate wholly within the middle layer. Remak's conception of the relations of the three germ- layers to one another and to the body-cavity is well illustrated in Fig. 12. In his germ-layer theory Remak's standpoint is histo- 212 CLOSE OF THE PRE-EVOLUTIONARY PERIOD logical rather than morphological. The distinction which he draws between the sensory and trophic layers on the one hand, and the motor-germinative layer on the other, is entirely a histological one. The greater part of his book, indeed, is devoted to a study of the histogenesis of the different organs of the body ; he is bent chiefly upon unravelling the part which each germ-layer takes in the formation of each tissue and organ. His generalisation that two of the germ-layers give rise exclusively or almost exclusively to one kind of tissue excited great interest at the time, ,and gave the direction to histogenetic research for quite a number of years, though in the end it turned out to be insufficiently founded. Though Remak's germ-layer theory had thus principally a histological orientation, it laid down the main lines of the modern morphological treatment of the germ-layers. CHAPTER XIII THE RELATION OF LAMARCK AND DARWIN TO MORPHOLOGY. IT is a remarkable fact that morphology took but a very little part in the formation of evolution-theory. When one remembers what powerful arguments for evolution can be drawn from such facts as the unity of plan and composition and the law of parallelism, one is astonished to find that it was not the morphologists at all who founded the theory of evolution. It is true that the noticeable resemblances of animals to one another, the possibility of arranging them in a system, the vague perception of an all-pervading plan of structure, did suggest to many minds the thought that systematic affinities might be due to blood-relationship. Thus Leibniz considered that the cat tribe might possibly be descended from a common ancestor,1 and another great philosopher, Immanuel Kant, was led by his perception of the unity of type to suggest as possible the derivation of the whole organic realm from one parent form, or even ultimately from inorganic matter. In the course of his masterly discussion of mechanism and teleology,2 he writes, " The agreement of so many genera of animals in a certain common schema, which appears to be fundamental not only in the structure of their bones, but also in the disposition of their remaining parts — so that with an admirable simplicity of original outline, a great variety of species has been produced by the shortening of one member and the lengthening of another, the involution of this part and the evolution of that — allows a ray of hope, however faint, to penetrate into our minds, that here 1 Radl, loc. «'/., i., p. 71. 2 Kritik der Urtheilskraft^ 1790. 213 214 LAMARCK AND DARWIN something may be accomplished by the aid of the principle of the mechanism of Nature (without which there can be no natural science in general). This analogy of forms, which with all their differences seem to have been produced according to a common original type, strengthens our suspicions of an actual relationship between them in their production from a common parent, through the gradual approximation of one animal-genus to another — from those in which the principle of purposes seems to be best authenticated, i.e., from man down to the polype, and again from this down to mosses and lichens, and finally to the lowest stage of Nature noticeable by us, viz., to crude matter."1 So, too, Buffon's evolutionism was suggested by his study of the structural affinities of animals, and Erasmus Darwin in his Zoononria (1794) brought forward as one of the strongest proofs of evolution, " the essential unity of plan in all warm-blooded animals."'2 But, as a matter of historical fact, no morphologist, not even Geoffrey, deduced from the facts .of his science any- comprehensive theory of evolution. The pre-Darwinian morphologists were comparatively little influenced by the evolution-theories current in their day, and it was in the anatomist Cuvier and the embryologist von Baer that the early evolutionists found their most uncompromising- opponents. Speaking generally, and excepting for the moment the theory of .Lamarck, we may say that the evolution-theories of the iSth and ipth centuries arose in connection with the transcendental notion of the Eclicllc tics circs, or scale of perfection. This notion, which plays so great a part in the philosophy of Leibniz, was very generally accepted about the middle of the i8th century, and received complete and even exaggerated expression from Bonnet and Robinct. Buffon also was influenced by it. Towards the beginning of the iQth century the idea was taken up eager!}' by the trans- cendental school and by them given, in their theories of the 1 Eng. Trans, by J. II. Hcrnard, p. 337, London, 1892. •' II. F. Osborn, From the Greeks to Daru-in, p. 145, New York and London, 1894. TRANSCENDENTALISM AND EVOLUTION 215 "one animal," a more morphological turn. Their recapitula- tion theory was part and parcel of the same general idea. One understands how easily the notion of evolution could arise in minds filled with the thought of the ideal progression of the whole organic kingdom towards its crown and microcosm, man. Their theory of recapitulation led them to conceive evolution as the developmental history of the one great organism.1 Many of them wavered between the conception of evolution as an ideal process, as a Vorstel- hmgsart, and the conception of it as an historical process. Bonnet, Oken, and the majority of the transcendentalists seem to have chosen the former alternative ; Robinet, Treviranus, Tiedemann, Meckel, and a few others held evolu- tion to be a real process. We have already in previous chapters '2 briefly noticed the relation of one or two of the transcendental evolution- theories to morphology, and there is little more to be said about them here. They had as good as no influence upon morphological theory, nor indeed upon biology in general.3 It is different with the theory of Lamarck, which, although it had little influence upon biological thought during and for long after the lifetime of its author, is still at the present day a living and developing doctrine. Lamarck's affinity with the transcendentalists was in many ways a close one, but he differed essentially in being before all a systematist. Nor is the direct influence of the German transcendentalists traceable in his work — his spiritual ancestors are the men of his own race, the materialists Condillac and Cabanis, and Buffon, whose friend he was. The idea of a gradation of all animals from the lowest to the highest was always present in Lamarck's mind, and links him up, perhaps through Buffon, with the school of Bonnet. The idea of the Eclielle ties ctres had for him much less a 1 See Meckel, supra, p. 93 ; cf. Tiedemann, Zoologie, p. 65, 1808. " Even as each individual organism transforms itself, so the whole animal kingdom is to be thought of as an organism in course of metamorphosis." Also p. 73 of the same book. 2 Chapters vii. and ix. 3 On early evolution-theories see, in addition to Osborn and Rndl, J. Arthur Thomson, The Science of Life, 1899, and the opening essay in Darwin and Modern Science, Cambridge, 1909. P 216 LAMARCK AND DARWIN morphological orientation than it had even for the transcen- dentalists, for he was lacking almost completely in the sense for morphology. Lamarck's scientific, as distinguished from his speculative work, was exclusively systematic, and it was systematics of a very high order. He introduced many reforms into the general classification of animals. He was the first clearly to separate Crustacea (1799), and a little later (1800) Arachnids, from insects. He reduced to a certain orderliness the neglected tribes of the Invertebrates, and wrote what was for long the standard work on their systematics — the Histoire naturellc dcs Aniinanx sans Vertcbrcs (1816-22). His speculative work on biology is contained in three publications, the small book entitled Considerations snr r organisation dcs corps vivants (1802), the larger work of 1809, the Philosophie zoologique, and the introductory matter to his Animanx sans Vertcbres (vol. i., 1816). It is no easy matter to give in short compass an account of Lamarck's biological philosophy. He is an obscure writer, and often self-contradictory. In the first part of the PJiilosopJiic zcologiquc Lamarck is largely pre-occupied with the problem of whether species are really distinct, or do not rather grade insensibly into one another. As a systematist of vast experience Lamarck knew how difficult it is in practice to distinguish species from varieties. " The more," he writes, " we collect the productions of Nature, the richer our collections become, the more do we see almost all the gaps filled up and the lines of separation effaced. We find ourselves reduced to an arbitrary determination, which sometimes leads us to seize upon the slightest differences of varieties, and form from them the distinctive character of what we call a species, and at other times leads us to consider as a variety of a certain species individuals a little bit different, which ethers regard as forming a separate species."1 For Lamarck, as for Darwin later, the chief problem was not the evolution and differentiation of types of structure, but the mode of origin of species. Lamarck is at great pains to show how arbitrary are our 1 Phil, zool,, ed. Ch. Martins, vol. i., p. 75, 1873. LAMARCK: SCALE OF BEING 217 determinations of species, and how artificial the classificatory groups which we distinguish in Nature. Strictly speaking, there are in Nature only individuals, ". . . this is certain, that among her products Nature has in reality formed neither classes, nor orders, nor families, nor genera, nor constant species, but only individuals which succeed one another and resemble those that produced them. Now, these individuals belong to infinitely diversified races, which shade into one another under all the forms and in all the degrees of organisation, and each of which maintains itself without change, so long as no cause of change acts' upon it " (p. 41). But there is a natural order in the animal kingdom, a progression from the simpler to the more complex organisations, a natural Echelle des etres. This order is shown by the relation to one another of the large classificatory groups, for they can be arranged in series from the simplest to the most complex, somewhat as follows : — 1. Infusoria. 6. Arachnids. 11. Fishes. 2. Polyps. 7. Crustacea. 12. Reptiles. 3. Radiates. 8. Annelids. 13. Birds. 4. Worms. 9. Cirripedes. 14. Mammals. 5. Insects. 10. Molluscs. But the order of Nature is essentially continuous, and the limits of even the best defined of these classes are in reality artificial — " if the order of Nature were perfectly known in a kingdom, the classes which we should be forced to establish in it would always constitute entirely artificial sections " (p. 45). In the same way the lesser classificatory groups represent smaller sections of the one unique order of Nature. Note that Lamarck's Eclielle is in no way a morphological one, and was not intended to be such. It is a scale of increasing o physiological differentiation, and the stages of it are marked by the acquirement of this or that new organ (cf. Oken). " Observation of their state convinces one that in order to produce them successively Nature has proceeded gradually from the simpler to the more complex. Now Nature, having had in mind the realisation of a plan of organisation 218 LAMARCK AND DARWIN which would permit of the greatest perfecting (that of the Vertebrates), a plan very different from those which she has been obliged to form as a preliminary to reaching it, one understands that, among the multitude of animals, one must necessarily come across not a single system of organi- sation which has become progressively perfected, but diverse very distinct systems, each of which has come into existence at the moment when each primary organ first put in its appearance" (p. 171). For Lamarck this order of Nature was not merely ideal — Nature had actually formed the classes successively, proceed- ing from the simpler to the more complex ; she had brought about this evolution by transforming the primitive species of animals, raising them to higher degrees of organisation, and modifying them in relation to the environment in which they found themselves. Lamarck's theory of evolution is worked out in great detail in his Philosophie zoologique^ but the exposition is diffuse and disconnected ; it is better in giving an account of it to follow the more concise, mature and general exposition which he gives in the Introduction to his Histoirc natit relic dcs Aiiiinan.v sans Vcrtebrcs^ Near the beginning of the Introduction Lamarck gives us in a few short " Fundamental Principles" the main lines of his general philosophy. He is a confirmed materialist. Every fact and phenomenon is essentially physical and owes its existence or production entirely to material bodies or to relations between them. All change and all movement is in the last resort due to mechanical causes. Every fact or phenomenon observed in a living body is at once a physical fact or phenomenon and a product of organisation (p. 19). Life, thought and sensation are not properties of matter, but result from particular material combinations. His thorough-going materialism is most clearly shown in its relation to living things in the first three of the " Zoological Principles and Axioms," which are developed further on in the book. These are as follows: — " i. No kind or particle of matter 1 Quotations in the text arc from the 2nd Edit. (Ueshayes and Milne- Edwards), i., Paris, 1835. LAMARCK'S ZOOLOGICAL AXIOMS 219 can have in itself the power of moving, living, feeling, thinking, nor of having ideas ; and if, outside of man, we observe bodies endowed with all or one of these faculties, we ought to consider these faculties as physical phenomena which Nature has been able to produce, not by employing some particular kind of matter which itself possesses one or other of these faculties, but by the order and state of things which she has constituted in each organisation and in each particular system of organs. "2. Every animal faculty, of whatever nature it maybe, is an organic phenomenon, and results from a system of organs or an organ-apparatus which gives rise to it and upon which it is necessarily dependent. " 3. The more highly a faculty is developed the more complex is the system of organs which produces it, and the higher the general organisation ; the more difficult also does it become to grasp its mechanism. But the faculty is none the less a phenomenon of organisation, and for that reason purely physical" (p. 104). According to these " axioms " function is a direct and mechanical effect of structure. The curious thing is that in spite of his avowed material- ism, Lamarck's conception of life and evolution is profoundly psychological, and from the conflict of his materialism and his vitalism (of which he was himself hardly conscious), arise most of the obscurities and the irreductible self-contradiction of his theory. Lamarck divided animals (psychologically !) into three great groups — apathetic or insensitive animals, animals endowed with sensation, and intelligent animals. The first group, which comprise all the lower Invertebrates, are distinguished from other animals by the fact that their actions are directly and mechanically due to the excitations of the environment ; they have no principle of reaction to external influences, but passively prolong into action the excitations they receive from without. They are irritable merely. The second group are distinguished from the first by their possessing, in addition to irritability, a power which Lamarck calls the sentiment interienr. He has some difficulty in defining exactly what he means by it: — "I 220 LAMARCK AND DARWIN have no term to express this internal power possessed not only by intelligent animals but also by those that are endowed merely with the faculty of sensation; it is a power which, when set in action by the feeling of a need, causes the individual to act at once, i.e., in the very moment of the sensation it experiences ; and if the individual is of those that arc endowed with intelligence it nevertheless acts in such a case entirely without premeditation and before any mental operation has brought its -icill into play" (p. 24). It is the power we call instinct in animals (p. 25), and it implies neither consciousness nor will. It acts by trans- forming external into internal excitations. To this second group of animals, possessing the sentiment intcricur, belong the higher Invertebrates, notably insects and molluscs. Only animals possessed of a more or less centralised nervous system can manifest this sentiment, or principle of (unconscious) reaction to external stimuli. The higher animals, or the four Vertebrate classes, form the group of " intelligent animals." In virtue of their more complex organisation they possess in addition to the sentiment interienr the faculties of intelligence and will. Now, broadly put, Lamarck's theory of evolution is that new organs are formed in direct reaction to needs (n \iiitir ~, C/J < Epizoa. Acephala. Annelids. Insects. Molluscs. Crustacea. Cirripedes. Arachnids. Fishes. ^'B I Reptiles. Birds. Mammals. It is interesting to note that Vertebrates are placed between the two series, and are now not linked on directly to any Invertebrate group. Lamarck's theory had little success. There is evidence, however, that both Meckel and Geoffroy owed a good many of their evolutionary ideas to Lamarck, and Cuvicr paid him at least the compliment of criticising his theory,1 not distinguish- ing it, however, very clearly from the evolutionary theories of the transcendentalists. But, speaking generally, Lamarck's theory of evolution exercised very little influence upon his 1 As did also Lyell in his Principles of Geology, 1830. VON BAKU ON EVOLUTION 229 contemporaries. This was probably due partly to the obscurity and confusion of his thought, partly to his lack of sympathy with the biological thought of his day, which was preponderatingly morphological. It was not that men's minds were not ripe for evolution, for in the early decades of the iQth century evolution was in the air. There were few of von Baer's contemporaries who had not read Lamarck ; l Erasmus Darwin's Zoonoinia ran through three editions, and was translated into German, French and Italian ;2 German philosophy was full of the idea of evolution. There was no unreadiness to accept the derivation of present-day species from a primordial form — if only some solid evidence for such derivation were forthcoming. Cuvier and von Baer, as we have seen, combated the current evolu- tion theories on the ground that the evidence was insufficient, but von Baer at least had no rooted objection to evolution. In an essay of 1834, entitled The Most General Law of Nature in all Development? von Baer expressed belief in a limited amount of evolution. In this paper he did not admit that all animals have developed from one parent form, and he refused to believe that man has descended from an ape; but, basing his supposition upon the facts of variability and upon the evidence of palaeontology, he went so far as to maintain that many species have evolved from parent stocks. In the absence of conclusive proofs he did not commit him- self to a belief in any extended or comprehensive process of evolution. Imbued as he was with the idea of development von Baer saw in evolution a process essentially of the same nature as the development of the individual. Evolution, like develop- ment, was due to a Bildungskraft or formative force. The ultimate law of all becoming was that "the history of Nature is nothing but the history of the ever-advancing victory of spirit over matter" (p. 71). In a later essay (1835) in the same volume he says that all natural science is nothing but a long commentary on the single phrase Es werde ! (p. 86). As we shall see, von Baer adopted in later years the same 1 K. E. von Baer, Reden, i., p. 37, Petrograd, 1864. 2 Radl, loc. cit., i., p. 296. 3 Reprinted in his Reden^ i,, 1864. 230 LAMARCK AM) DARWIN attitude to Darwinism as he did to the evolution theories in vogue in his youth. Although in the twenty or thirty years before the publica- tion of the Origin of Species (1859) no evolution-theory of any importance was published, and although the great majority of biologists believed in the constancy of species, there were not wanting some who, like von Baer, had an open mind on the subject, or even believed in the occurrence of evolutionary processes of small scope. Isidore Geoffrey St Ililaire, the son of the great Etienne Geoffrey St Hilaire, seems to have held that species might be formed from varieties. The law which L. Agassiz thought he could establish,1 of the parallelism between pala^ontological succession, systematic rank, and embryological development, tended to help the progress of evolutionary ideas. J. V. Carus, who afterwards became a supporter of Darwin, seems already, in 1853, to have inferred from Agassiz's law the probability of evolution.2 But no evolution theory was taken very seriously before 1859, when the Origin of Species was published. Like Lamarck, Charles Darwin was, neither by inclination nor by training, a morphologist. In his youth he was a collector, a sportsman and a field geologist. His voyage round the world on the Beagle aroused in him keen interest in the problem of species — their variety, their variation according to place and time, their adaptedness to environ- ment. The conviction gradually took possession of his mind that the puzzling facts of geographical range and geological succession which he observed wherever he went were explicable only on the hypothesis that species change. lie was not satisfied with the theories of evolution that had been proposed by his grandfather, by Lamarck, and by K. Geoffrey St Hilaire — he did not indeed understand these theories any too well, lie resolved to work out the problem in h-is own way, for his own satisfaction. He tells us all this very clearly in his autobiography. " During the voyage 1 See Huxley's criticism of it in a Royal Institution lecture of 1851, republished in AV/. .!/<•;//., i., pp. 300 4. On its relation to Hacckd's biogenetic law, see below, p. 255. - System dcr thierischcn Morphologic, p. 5, 1853. DARWIN AS FIELD NATURALIST 231 of the Beagle I had been deeply impressed by discovering in the Pampean formation great fossil animals covered with armour like that on the existing armadillos ; secondly, by the manner in which closely allied animals replace one another in proceeding southwards over the continent; and thirdly, by the South American character of most of the productions of the Galapagos archipelago, and more especially by the manner in which they differ slightly on each island of the group ; some of the islands appearing to be very ancient in a geological sense. " It was evident that such facts as these, as well as many others, could only be explained on the supposition that species gradually become modified ; and the subject haunted me. But it was equally evident that neither the action of the surrounding conditions, nor the will of the organisms (especially in the case of plants) could account for the, innumerable cases in which organisms of every kind are beautifully adapted to their habits of life — for instance, a woodpecker or a tree-frog to climb trees, or a seed for dispersal by hooks or plumes. I had always been much struck by such adaptations, and until these could be explained it seemed to me almost useless to endeavour to prove by indirect evidence that species have been modified." x All Darwin's varied subsequent work revolved round these, for him, essential problems — How do species change, and how do they become adapted to their environment? He never ceased to be essentially a field naturalist, and his theory of natural selection would have been an empty and abstract thing if his vast knowledge and understanding of the " web of life " had not given it colour and form. He never lost touch with the living thing in its living, breathing reality — even plants he rightly regarded as active things, full of tricks and contrivances for making their way in the world. No one ever realised more vividly than he the delicacy and complexity of the adaptations to environment which are the necessary condition of success in the struggle for existence. Almost his greatest service to biology was that he made 1 Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, ed. F. Darwin, i., p. 82, 3rd ed., 1887. Q 232 LAMARCK AND DARWIN biologists realise as they never did before the vast importance of environment. He took biology into the open air, away from the museum and the dissecting-room. Naturally this attitude was not without its drawbacks. It led him to take only a lukewarm interest in the problems of morphology. It is true he used the facts of morphology with great effect as powerful arguments for evolution, but it was not from such facts that he deduced his theory to account for evolution. It is questionable indeed whether the theory of natural selection is properly applicable to the problems of form. It was invented to account for the evolution of specific differences and of ecological adaptations ; it was not primarily intended as an explanation of the more wonderful and more mysterious facts of the convenancc des parties and the inter- action of structure and function. Perhaps Darwin did not realise this inner aspect of adaptation quite so vividly as he did the more superficial adaptation of organisms to their environment. It was, perhaps, his lack of morphological training and experience that led him to disregard the prob- lems of form, or at least to realise very insufficiently their difficulty. It is in any case very significant that only a small part of his Origin of Species is devoted to the discussion of morphologi- cal questions — only one chapter out of the fourteen contained in the first edition. Though the theory of natural selection took little account of the problems of form, Darwin's masterly vindication of the theory of evolution was of immense service to morphology, and Darwin himself was the first to point out what a great light evolution threw upon all morphological problems. In a few pages of the Origin he laid the foundations of evolutionary morphology. We have here to consider his interpretation of morpho- logical facts and its relation to the current morphology of his time. The sketch of his theory, written in I842,1 shows a very significant division into two parts — the first dealing with the positive facts of variability and the theory of natural selection, 1 T/ie Foundations of the Origin of Species^ a Sketch written in 1842. Kd. F. Darwin, Cambridge, 1909. DARWIN ON MORPHOLOGY 233 the second with the general evidence for evolution. It is in the second part that the paragraphs on morphological matters occur. In paragraph 7, on affinities and classification, Darwin points out that on the theory of evolution homological relationship would be real relationship, and the natural system would really be genealogical. In the next paragraph he notes that evolution would account for the unity of type in the great classes, for the metamorphosis of organs, and for the close resemblance which early embryos show to one another. It is of special interest to note that he definitely rejects the Meckel-Serres theory of recapitulation. " It is not true," he writes, " that one passes through the form of a lower group, though no doubt fish more nearly related to fcetal state" (p. 42). The greater divergence which adults show seems to him to be due to the fact that selection acts more on the later than on the embryonic stages. He realises very clearly how illuminative the theory of evolution is when applied to the puzzling facts of embryonic development. ' The less differences of fcetus — this has obvious meaning on this view: otherwise how strange that a horse, a man, a bat should at one time of life have arteries, running in a manner which is only intelligibly useful in a fish ! The natural system being on theory genealogical, we can at once see why foetus, retaining traces of the ancestral form, is of the highest value in classification " (p. 45). Abortive organs, too, gain significance on the evolutionary hypothesis. "The affinity of different groups, the unity of types of structure, the representative forms through which foetus passes, the metamorphosis of organs, the abortion of others, cease to be metaphorical expressions and become intelligible facts" (p. 50). In general, organisms can be understood only if we take into account the cardinal fact that they are historical beings. ' We must look at every complicated mechanism and instinct as the summary of a long history of useful contrivances much like a work of art" (p. 5I).1 Already in 1842 Darwin had seized upon the main principles of evolutionary morphology : the indications then given are elaborated in the thirteenth chapter of the Origin 1 Cf. a parallel passage in the Origin^ 1st ed., pp. 485-6. 234 LAMARCK AND DARWIN of Species (ist ed., 1859). A good part of this chapter is given up to a discussion of the principles of classification, only a few pages dealing with morphology proper. But, as Darwin rightly saw, the two things are inseparable. We note first that there is no hint of the " scale of beings " —Darwin conceives the genealogical tree as many branched. Animals can be classed in " groups under groups," and cannot be arranged in one single series. He discusses first what kind of characters have the greatest classificatory value. Certain empirical rules have been recognised, more or less consciously, by systematists— that analogical characters are less valuable than homological, that characters of great physiological importance are not always valuable for classificatory purposes, that rudimentary organs are often very useful, and so on. He finds that as a general rule " the less any part of the organisation is concerned with special habits, the more important it becomes for classification" (p. 414), and adduces in support Owen's remark that the generative organs afford very clear indica- tions of affinities, since they are unlikely to be modified by special habits. These rules of classification can be explained " on the view that the natural system is founded on descent with modification ; that the characters which naturalists con- sider as showing true affinity . . . are those which have been inherited from a common parent, and, in so far, all true classification is genealogical ; that community of descent is the hidden bond which naturalists have been unconsciously seeking, and not some unknown plan of creation, or the enunciation of general propositions, and the mere putting together and separating objects more or less alike" (p. 420). In general, then, homological characters are more valuable for classificatory purposes because they have a longer pedigree than analogical characters, which represent recent acquirements of the race. Coming to morphology proper, Darwin takes up the question of the unity of type, and the homology of parts, for which the unity of type is but a general expression. He treats this on the same lines as E. Geoffrey St Ililaire, and Owen, referring indeed specifically to Geoffrey's law of connections. " What can be more curious," he asks, DARWIN : UNITY OF TYPE 235 "than that the hand of a man, formed for grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of a horse, the paddle of the por- poise, and the wing of the bat, should all be constructed on the same pattern, and should include similar bones, in the same relative positions? Geoffrey St Hilaire has strongly insisted on the high importance of relative position or con- nection in homologous parts ; they may differ to almost any extent in form and size, and yet remain connected together in the same invariable order" (p. 434). The unity of plan cannot be explained on teleological grounds, as Owen has admitted in his Nature of Limbs ', nor is it explicable on the hypothesis of special creation (p. 435). It can be understood only on the theory that animals are descended from one another and retain for innumerable generations the essential organisation of their ancestors. " The explanation is to a large extent simple on the theory of the selection of successive slight modifications — each modification being profitable in some way to the modified form, but often affecting by correlation other parts of the organisation. In changes of this nature, there will be little or no tendency to alter the original pattern or to transpose the parts. ... If we suppose that the ancient progenitor, the archetype as it may be called, of all animals, had its limbs constructed on the existing general pattern, for whatever purpose they served, we can at once perceive the plain significance of the homologous construction of the limbs o o throughout the whole class" (p. 435). We may note three important points in this passage — first, the identification of the archetype with the common progenitor ; second, the view that progressive evolution is essentially adaptive, and dominated by natural selection ; and third, the petitio principii involved in the assumption that adaptive modification brings inevitably in its train the necessary correlative changes. In his section on morphology Darwin shows clearly the influence of Owen, and through him of the transcendental anatomists. He refers to the transcendental idea of " meta- morphosis," as exemplified in the vertebral theory of the skull and the theory of the plant appendage, and shows how, on the hypothesis of descent with modification, " meta- 236 LAMARCK AND DARWIN morphosis " may now be interpreted literally, and no longer figuratively merely (p. 439). Very great interest attaches to Darwin's treatment of development, for post- Darwinian morphology was based to a very large extent on the presumed relation between the development of the individual and the evolution of the race. Just as he kept clear of the notion of the scale of beings, so he avoided the snare of the Meckel-Serres theory of recapitu- lation, according to which the embryo of the highest animal, man, during its development climbs the ladder upon the rungs of which the whole animal series is distributed, in its gradual progression from simplicity to complexity. The law of development which he adopts is that of von Baer, which states that development is essentially differentiation, and that as a result embryos belonging to the same group resemble one another the more the less advanced they are in develop- ment. There can be little doubt that he was indebted to von Baer for the idea, and in the later editions of the Origin he acknowledges this by quoting the well-known passage in which von Baer tells how he had two embryos in spirit which he was unable to refer definitely to their proper class among Vertebrates.1 Not only are embryos more alike than adults, because less differentiated, but it is in points not directly connected with the conditions of existence, not strictly adaptive, that their resemblance is strongest (p. 440) — think, for instance, of the arrangement of aortic arches common to all vertebrate embryos. Larval forms are to some extent exceptions to this rule, for they are often specially adapted to their particular mode of life, and convergence of structure may accordingly result. All these facts require an explanation. " How, then, can we explain these several facts in embryology — namely, the very general, but not universal, difference in structure between the embryo and the adult — of parts in the same individual embryo, which ultimately become very unlike and serve for different purposes, being at this early period of growth alike — of embryos of different species within the same class, generally but not universally, 1 In the ist ed. (p. 439), Darwin makes the curious mistake of attributing this story to Agassiz. DARWIN: EMBRYOLOGICAL ARCHETYPE 237 resembling each other — of the structure of the embryo not being closely related to its conditions of existence, except when the embryo becomes at any period of life active and has to provide for itself — of the embryo apparently having sometimes a higher organisation than the mature animal, into which it is developed " (pp. 442-3). Obviously all these facts are formally'explained by the doctrine of descent But Darwin goes further, he tries to show exactly how it is that the embryos resemble one another more than the adults. He thinks that the phenomenon results from two principles- first, that modifications usually supervene late in the life of the individual ; and second, that such modifications tend to be inherited by the offspring at a corresponding, not early, age (p. 444)- Thus, applying these principles to a hypothetical case of the origin of new species of birds from a common stock, he writes : — " . . . from the many slight successive steps of variation having supervened at a rather late age and having been inherited at a corresponding age, the young of the new species of our supposed genus will mani- festly tend to resemble each other much more closely than do the adults, just as we have seen in the case of pigeons" (PP- 446-7)- Since the embryo shows the generalised type, the struc- ture of the embryo is useful for classificatory purposes. " For the embryo is the animal in its less modified state ; and in so far it reveals the structure of its progenitor" (p. 449) — the embryological archetype reveals the ancestral form. " Em- bryology rises greatly in interest, when we thus look at the embryo as a picture, more or less complete, of the parent form of each great class of animals " (p. 450) — a prophetic remark, in view of the enormous subsequent development of phylogenetic speculation. We may sum up by saying that Darwin interpreted von Baer's law phylogenetically. The rest of the chapter is devoted to a discussion of abortive and vestigial organs, whose existence Darwin 1 In which nestlings of the different varieties are much more alike than adults. Darwin attached much importance to this idea, see Life and Letters, i., p. 88, and ii., p. 338, 238 LAMARCK AND DARWIN naturally turns to great advantage in his argument for evolution. Throughout the whole chapter Darwin's pre- occupation with the problems of classification is clearly manifest. On the question as to whether descent was mono- phyletic or polyphyletic Darwin expressed no dogmatic opinion. " I believe that animals have descended from at most only four or five progenitors, and plants from an equal or lesser number. ... I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from one primordial form, into which life was first breathed " (p. 484). Darwin rightly laid much stress upon the morphological evidence for evolution,1 which he considered to be weighty. It probably contributed greatly to the success of his theory. Though he himself did little or no work in pure morphology, he was alive to the importance of such work,'2 and followed with interest the progress of evolutionary morphology, incor- porating some of its results in later editions of the Origin, and in his Descent of Man (1871). In his morphology Darwin was hardly up to date. He does not seem to have known at first hand the splendid work of 'the German morphologists, such as Rathke and Reichert ; he pays no attention to the cell-theory, nor to the germ-layer theory. His sources are, in the main, Geoffroy St Hilaire, Owen, von Baer, Agassiz, Milne- Kdwards, and Huxley. Perhaps his greatest omission was that he did not give any adequate treatment of the problem of functional adaptation and the correlation of parts. It is not too much to say that Darwin not only disregarded these problems almost entirely, but by his insistence upon ecological adaptation and upon certain superficial aspects of correlation, succeeded in giving to the words " adaptation " and " corre- 1 See his Letters, passim. '• Writing to Huxley on the subject of the hitter's work on the morphology of the Mollusca (1853), he says : — "The discovery of the type or 'idea' (in your sense, for I detest the word as used by Owen, Agassiz & Co.) of each great class, I cannot doubt, is one of the very highest ends of Natural History." — More Letters, ed. F. Darwin and A. C. Scward, 1903, i., p. 73. DARWIN AND CUVIER 2 -.9 lation " a new signification, whereby they lost to a large extent their true and original functional meaning. It is true that Darwin himself, as well as his successors, believed that natural selection was all-powerful to account for the evolution of the most complicated organs, but it may be questioned whether he realised all the conditions of the problem of which he thus easily disposed. He says, rightly, in an important passage, that " It is generally acknowledged that all organic beings have been formed on two great laws — Unity of Type, and the Conditions of Existence. By unity of type is meant that fundamental agreement in structure which we see in organic beings of the same class, and which is quite independent of their habits of life. On my theory, unity of type is explained by unity of descent. The expression of conditions of existence, so often insisted upon by the illustrious Cuvier, is fully embraced by the principle of natural selection. For natural selection acts by either now adapting the varying parts of each being to its organic and inorganic conditions of life : x or by having adapted them during past periods of time : the adaptations being aided in many cases by the increased use or disuse of parts, being affected by the direct action of the external conditions of life, and subjected in all cases to the several laws of growth and variation. Hence, in fact, the law of the Conditions of Existence is the higher law ; as it includes, through the inheritance of former variations and adaptations, that of Unity of Type" (Origin, 6th ed., Pop. Impression, pp. 260-1). It is clear that Darwin took the phrase " Conditions of Existence" to mean the environmental conditions, and the law of the Conditions of Existence to mean the law of adaptation to environment. But that is not what Cuvier meant by the phrase : he understood by it the principle of the co-ordination of the parts to form the whole, the essential condition for the existence of any organism whatsoever (see above, Chap. III., p. 34). Of this thought there is in Darwin little trace, and that is why he did not sufficiently appreciate the weight of the argument brought against his theory that it did not account for the correlation of variations. 1 Italics mine. 240 LAMARCK AND DARWIN Darwin's conception of correlation was singularly in- complete. As examples of correlation he advanced such trivial cases as the relation between albinism, deafness and blue eyes in cats, or between the tortoise-shell colour and the female sex. He used the word only in connection with what he called "correlated variation," meaning by this expression " that the whole organisation is so tied together during its growth and development, that when slight variations in any one part occur, and are accumulated through natural selection, other parts become modified" (6th ed., p. 1/7). He took it for granted that the " correlated variations " would be adapted to the original variation which was acted upon by natural selection, and he saw no difficulty in the gradual evolution of a complicated organ like the eye if only the steps were small enough. " It has been objected," he writes, " that in order to modify the eye and still preserve it as a perfect instrument, many changes would have to be effected simultaneously, which, it is assumed, could not be done through natural selection ; but as I have attempted to show in my work on the variation of domestic animals, it is not necessary to suppose that the modifications were all simultaneous, if they were extremely slight and gradual " (6th ed., p. 226). In post-Darwinian speculation the difficulty of explaining correlated variation by natural selection alone became more acutely realised, and it was chiefly this difficulty that led Weismann to formulate his hypothesis of germinal selection as a necessary supplement to the general selection theory. The change in the conception of correlation which Darwin's influence brought about has been very clearly stated by E. von Hartmann,1 from whom the following is taken: — "While the correlation of parts in the organism was before Darwin regarded exclusively from the standpoint of morphological systematics, Darwin tried to look at it from the standpoint of physiological and genealogical develop- ment, and in so doing he put the standpoint of morphological systematics in the shade. But the more we are now beginning to realise that systematic relationship does not necessarily 1 Das Problem des Lebens. Biologischc Studicn. Bad Sacha, 1906. See also E. Radl, JUol. Ccntralblatt, xxi., 1901. DARWIN ON CORRELATION 241 imply genetic affinity the more must the correlation of parts come back into favour as a systematic principle. While Darwin only, as it were, against his will, relied on the law of correlation as a last resort when all other help failed, this law must be regarded, from the standpoint of the orderly inner determination of all organic form-change, as having the rank of the highest principle of all, a principle which rules parallel, divergent and convergent evolution " (pp. 47-8). Further on, following Radl, he characterises Darwin's attitude to the law of correlation in these terms : — " Darwin's interest is entirely focussed on the variation, the function, the causes of form-production, in short, upon evolution. Accordingly he regards correlation essentially as correlative variation in the sense of a departure from the given type. W'ith morphological correlation in different types Darwin troubles himself not at all, nor with correlation in the normal development of a type " (p. 49). Cuvier's conception of the convenance des parties, essential to all biology, remained on the whole foreign to Darwin's thought, and to the thought of his successors. It was indeed one of their boasts that they had finally eliminated all teleology from Nature. The great and immediate success which Darwinism had among the younger generation of biologists and among scientific men in general was due in large part to the fact that it fitted in well with the prevailing materialism of the day, and gave solid ground for the hope that in time a complete mechanistic explanation of life would be forthcoming. " Darvvinismus " became the battle-cry of the militant spirits of that time. It was precisely this element in Darwinism that was repugnant to most of Darwin's opponents, in whose ranks were found the majority of the morphologists of the old school. They found it impossible to believe that evolution could have come about by fortuitous variation and fortuitous selection ; they objected to Darwin that he had enunciated no real Entwickelungsgesetz, or law governing evolution. They were not unwilling to believe that evolution was a real process, though many drew the line at the derivation of man from apes, but they felt that if evolution had really taken place, it must have been under the guidance of some principle 242 LAMARCK AND DARWIN of development, that there must have been manifested in evolution some definite and orderly tendency towards perfection.1 No one expressed this objection with greater force than did von Baer, in a series of masterly essays2 which the Darwinians, through sheer inability to grasp his point of view, dismissed as the maunderings of old age. In these essays von Baer pointed out the necessity for the teleological point of view, at least as complementary to the mechanistic. His general position is that of the " statical " teleology — to use Driesch's term — of Kant and Cuvier. His attitude to Darwinism is determined by his teleology. He admits, just as in 1834, a limited amount of evolution ; he criticises the evolution theory of Darwin on the same lines exactly as forty or fifty years previously he had criticised the recapitulation and evolution-theories of the transcendentalists —principally on the ground that their deductions far outrun the positive facts at their disposal. He rejects the theory of natural selection entirely, on the ground that evolution, like development, must have an end or purpose (Zi'eF) — " A becoming without a purpose is in general unthinkable" (p. 231); he points out, too, the difficulty of explaining the correlation of parts upon the Darwinian hypothesis. His own conception of the evolutionary process is that it is essentially zielstrebig or guided by final causes, that it is a true evolntio or differentiation, just as individual development is an orderly progress from the general to the special. He believed in saltatory evolution, in polyphyletic descent, and in the greater plasticity of the organism in earlier times. The idea of saltatory evolution he took from Kollikcr, who shortly after the publication of the Origin pro- 1 See the excellent treatment of the difference between the " realism " of Darwin and the "rationalism" of his critics, in Kadi, ii., particularly pp. 109, 135. The most elaborate criticism of Darwinism from the older standpoint was that given by A. Wigand in Der Danoinismus nnd