THE FOSSIL FRESHWATER EMYDID TURTLES OF FLORIDA By DALE ROBERT JACKSON A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1977 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Walter Auffenberg introduced me to fossil turtles and David Webb increased my interests in paleontology. To both of these men, for their subsequent time and encouragement, I am deeply indebted. I am very grateful to the many people who reviewed parts of this paper or who shared their ideas and knowledge with me: Dennis Bramble, H. Kelly Brooks, Archie Carr, Stephen Christman, Richard Franz, Carter Gilbert, John Iverson, Howard Kochman, Carmine Lanciani, Frank Nordlie, Thomas Patton, Francis Rose, Roger Sanderson, Sylvia Scudder, Graig Shaak, Ernest Williams, and George Zug. For their generosity in providing fossils and comparative material I thank Walter Auffenberg, Walter Dalquest, James Dobie, Harold Dundee, J. Alan Holman, Farrish Jenkins, Curtis McKinney, Thomas Patton, Robert Purdy, John Waldrop, David Webb, and Stephen Windham. I am indebted to Nancy Halliday for instruction and assistance in preparing the illustrations and to Kay Purinton for the photographs. Lisa Megahee prepared the figures for Chapter IV and Kenneth Campbell the photographs for Figure 17. Mike Frazier and Greg McDonald were especially conscientious in collecting and calling pertinent fossils to my attention, and I thank them for their efforts. To all others in the Florida State Museum and Department of Zoology who provided assistance and facilities, I extend my gratitude. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii ABSTRACT v INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I A PLEISTOCENE GMPTEMYS (REPTILIA: TESTUDINES) FROM THE SANTA FE RIVER OF FLORIDA k Description of Fossil Sites 4 Description of Fossil Elements 5 Discussion 8 II EVOLUTION AND FOSSIL RECORD OF THE CHICKEN TURTLE DEIROCHELYS V/ITH A REEVALUATION OF THE GENUS 17 Materials and Methods 18 Fossil Localities 20 Systematic Descriptions 20 Discussion 37 Relationships 39 Distribution and Paleoecology k] III THE STATUS OF THE PLIOCENE TURTLES CHRYSEMYS CAELATA (HAY) AND CHRYSEMYS CARET ROSE AND WEAVER 68 Taxonomic Considerations 69 Relationships 72 Discussion 7^ IV A REEXAMINATION OF THE CHRYSEMYS SCRIPTA GROUP BASED ON FOSSIL EVIDENCE 83 Trachemus in the Pleistocene 85 Tvachemys in the Upper PI iocene 88 Systemat ics 88 Paleoecology 96 Systematic Conclusions 98 Further Problems 101 CHAPTER V PRE-PLIOCENE RECORDS OF THE GENUS CHEYSEMYS 105 Materials and Methods 1 05 Site Records for Chrysemys IO6 1-75 : : : io6 Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, Switchyard B . . . 1 06 Thomas Farm 106 Discussion j 09 APPENDIX- FOSSIL LOCALITIES CONTAI N I NG .Z)^//?^^^^!^ 112 LITERATURE CITED 118 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 128 Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE FOSSIL FRESHWATER EMYDID TURTLES OF FLORIDA By Dale Robert Jackson August, 1977 Chairman: Walter Auffenberg Major Department: Zoology Limited fossil evidence shows that a turtle of the genus Graptemys lived in peninsular Florida in the Santa Fe River during the Pleistocene. The small sample of available material, including elements of both Ranchol abrean and Blancan periods, indicates that this turtle occupied the river throughout most of the Pleistocene before becoming extinct in that drainage. The apparent affinities of this turtle with Recent G. barbouri of the Apalachicola River system bring up several geologic and zoogeograph ic considerations. Prior evidence of the fossil history of the monotypic genus Deirochelys is limited to a single Upper Pleistocene fragment and a number of Subrecent elements from Florida. On the basis of several morphological adaptations unusual among emydine turtles (e.g., neural bone width and rib structure), fossils from twenty Florida sites, ranging from Miocene to Subrecent in age, are referred to the genus Deirochelys . Evidence of the gradual evolution of a suite of characters associated with a gape-and-suck method of feeding is presented. The Middle Pliocene representative of the genus is recognized as a distinct species which, like the Miocene fossils, is intermediate between modern D. retioularia and less specialized emydines such as Chrysemys. Reexamination of type and referred materials indicates that C. carri Rose and Weaver is indistinguishable from Chrysemys oaelata (Hay). Chrysemys oaelata is a characteristic member of Hemphillian faunas of Florida and appears to be immediately ancestral to C. nelson-i. Fossil members of the Chrysemys soripta group (subgenus Trachemys) in Florida are reexamined and compared to fossil Chrysemys from other parts of North America. Designation of the Rancholabrean subspecies C. s. petrolei is confusing and biologically unrealistic. Cranial material of C. platymarginata affirms the Trachemys affinities of this Blancan turtle described from Florida. However, a morphological comparison of C. platymarginata with C. idahoensis , described from the Upper Pliocene of Idaho, reveals that the two may be conspecific. Additional material from the Great Plains supports this hypothesis. The phylogeny proposed in 1967 by Weaver and Rose, in which the C. soripta group is believed to be more closely related to the C. rvbriventris series than either is to the C. floridana series, is rejected in favor of that proposed by McDowell in 196^4, in which the last two series are more closely related to each other than either is to the C. soripta group. All pre-Pl iocene records of the genus Chrysemys are reexamined. Patton's 1969 report of Chrysemys from a nonmarine Oligocene deposit in Florida cannot be confirmed. Fragments assigned to the genus by Olsen from a Miocene deposit in the Florida panhandle actually represent a sea turtle and land tortoise. Chrysemys is present in the Thomas Farm Miocene fauna, although some material previously assigned to the genus may represent Deiroohelys. INTRODUCTION The family Emydidae, including nearly 30 living genera and 80 species, is the largest of all turtle families. Its essent ial 1 y circum- global distribution (excluding Australia and subsaharan Africa) makes it the most widely distributed of all nonmarine turtle families. Emydids are especially well-represented in southeastern Asia and the southeastern United States and are the dominant family of turtles in North America (Auffenberg, 197^; Mount, 1975). A major step in understanding evolution of the modern chelonian fauna lies with clarification of the relationships and evolutionary processes that have occurred within the Emydidae. Although in the last two decades considerable significant comparative work in this field has been accomplished through the techniques of serology {e.g., McKown, 1972; Merkle, 1975), cytogenetics {e.g., McKown, 1972; Bickham, 1975; Bickham and Baker, 1976), and comparative morphology {e.g., McDowell, 196A; Waagen, 1972; Bramble, 197^*), inadequate attention has been paid to the direct evidence provided by the fossil record. Freshwater emydid turtles in the southeastern United States, and especially those in Florida, are wel 1 -represented in vertebrate fossil deposits. This paper attempts to reevaluate, expand, and coordinate our knowledge of these turtles as reflected by their fossil record. In addition to systematic and evolutionary cons iderat ions, ecolog ic and biogeographic implications are discussed. The geographic domain of this paper is Florida, although the relationships of turtles from this area cannot be meaningfully discussed without comparisons to turtles from other regions of North and Central America. Although probably originating in the Late Mesozoic, the Emydidae are unknown as fossils before the Tertiary. The family Is well-repre- sented in several Eocene formations in Western North America, primarily by the presumably extinct genus Eohmatemys. Most modern genera remain unknown as fossils until the Miocene or later. The geologic youth of Florida restricts the present work to Oligocene and younger strata; hence, early evolutionary paths within the family will not be found here. By far the most important early thrust in chelonian paleontology was Oliver Perry Hay's (1908) "Fossil turtles of North America," in which he discussed extensive Pleistocene and older material from Florida. Since then, little work was done in Florida until the late 1950*5 and 1960's, when there occurred a resurgence of interest in fossil emydids. Most significant are the works of Weaver and Rose (1967) and Weaver and Robertson (1967), which deal with the genus Chrysemys, and a series of papers by Mil stead and Auffenberg (Milstead, 1956, 1967, 1969; Auffenberg, 1958; Milstead and Tinkle, I967) on box turtles (Terrapene) . As the latter have been thoroughly studied, I shall not deal further with Terrapene. The following work consists of five sections each dealing with a distinct taxonomic unit. The first section, details the first known occurrence of Gvaptemys harbouri in the fossil record and the first fossil record of the genus in Florida. The second section describes a remarkable collection of fossils that clearly outline the direction of evolution in the previously poorly known genus, Deirochelys. The third revises the relationships of two Middle Pliocene turtles of the genus Chnjsemys. The fourth presents a new interpretation of the Chryserrys scripta complex based on a comparison of fossils from Florida with those from the midcont inent , and the fifth reexamines the Miocene and Oligocene fossils previously assigned to the genus Chryserrys. As elements of the shell are by far the most frequently found and readily recognizable turtle fossils, it is primarily with these that I have worked. Many adaptive characters are reflected by shell morphology. Cranial material is used when available, although it is unfortunately scarce in most fossil deposits. Chelonian limb elements are generally of little systematic value at the specific level and are very rarely found in association with shells in Florida deposits. CHAPTER I A PLEISTOCENE GRAPTEMYS (REPTILIA: TESTUDINES) FROM THE SANTA FE RIVER OF FLORIDA Prior to this study the genus Graptemys has not been reported in the southeastern United States east of the Apalachicola River system in western Georgia and the Florida panhandle. All valid records indi- cate that the eastern-most species, G. barbouri , is presently endemic to the Apalachicola drainage (Cagle, 1952; Carr, 1952; Dobie, 1972; Wharton et al . , 1973). Fossil elements from the Santa Fe River in northern peninsular Florida now prove that a turtle of this genus did occur there during the PI io-Pl ei stocene. The close alliance of this turtle with modern G. barbouri suggests the importance of Pleistocene physiographic changes to the distribution of these animals. The discovery of this fossil form adds to our limited knowledge of the fossil history of the genus, previously summarized by McKown (1972). Description of Fossil Sites The Santa Fe River in northern peninsular Florida has previously been described by Hellier (1967); it is presently one of the major tributaries of the Suwannee River. All fossils were obtained from two adjacent sites in the Santa Fe at the Columbia/Gilchrist county line (29°50'N, 82°42'W), well downstream from the subterranean portion of the stream's course. Both sites are bottom deposits with reworked bone. Santa Fe I is a heterochron i c deposit containing material from both the Rancholabrean (late Pleistocene) and Blancan (Upper Pliocene) periods; it normally lies under 6 to 8 m of water. Fossils representing the two ages from this site may generally be distinguished by their state of preservation; Blancan elements are often a glossy black in contrast to the coarse brown Rancholabrean material. Santa Fe II , which lies in 2.5 to 3 m of water approximately 100 m downstream from Santa Fe I, contains only Rancholabrean material. Site ages have been well- established on the basis of their mammalian faunas (Hibbard ,et .a!., 1965; Webb, 197^). Description of Fossil Elements Three elements positively representing the genus Graptemys are available: a third neural, a nearly-complete nuchal bone, and the major portion of a mandible (Fig. 1). A right hyoplastron representing either a Graptemys or a small Chrysemys concinna is also described. All specimens are in the Florida State Museum (UF) and the Timberlane Research Organization (TRO). Nuchal bone. A nearly-complete nuchal bone (UF 10572) from Santa Fe I was collected by B. Waller and R. Allen in 1963. The very broad, short nuchal scute is characteristic of Graptemys. Although the dorsal midline of the bone is conspicuously elevated, the distinct keel usually present in G. barbouri is lacking. However, Roger Sanderson (pers. comm. ) , after examining several hundred G. barbouri , believes this character to be of little taxonomic significance. Dimensions of the fossil are width of anterior border--approx. 35-6 mm; max width-- approx. 69.8 mm; length of anterolateral border--8.1 mm; max length-- 47.8 mm; length of nuchal scute — 3.6 mm. Estimates based on these measurements place the fossil turtle between 210 mm and 230 mm cara- pace length (CL), corresponding to a plastron length (PL) of 180 mm to 197 mm; carapace width (CW) is estimated at roughly 190 mm to 200 mm. These dimensions correspond to those of Recent adult female G. barbouri although the carapacial width is relatively greater. State of preservation indicates that this turtle is probably Blancan in age. Neural bone. A large Graptemys neural bone (TRO 100) was found in 1961 at Santa Fe 11 by J. Waldrop and D. Bell. The distinct keel ending abruptly in a blunt knob midway back along the midline of the neural indicates that this is the third neural of a G. barbouri-] \ke turtle. Dimensions of the bone are max length--30.6 mm, max width (anterior margin, lateral border) --30. 5 mm; min width (posterior margin, lateral border)-- 18. 0 mm; max thickness, lateral border--10.0 mm. Except for the more rapid tapering from anterior to posterior borders, the neural appears to be that of a very large G. barbouri (estimated CL = 270 mm to 280 mm; PL = 230 mm to 240 mm). Mandible. The only available data for the partial lower jaw (US 19161) is the collection site, Santa Fe II. The broad alveolar surfaces as well as the size of the jaw indicate that this turtle had an extremely large head modified for crushing hard food such as mollusks. This structure and habit is characteristic of females of the sexually- dimorphic extant forms, G. barbouri and G. pulohra. The fossil mandible appears almost identical to that of a Recent adult female G. barbouri, except that the alveolar surfaces of the fossil are less expanded posteriorly (possibly a function of ontogenetic change), and the two halves of the jaw meet at a slightly wider angle than in the Recent form. Dimensions of the fossil elements are approx. max width (excluding articulating surface) --5'^ mm; max width of alveolar surface-- 18.6 mm. Comparison with Recent G. hai'bour'-i yields an estimated carapace length for this individual of 230 mm to 290 mm (assuming skull rshell ratios to be approximately the same in Pleistocene and Recent forms) . Hypopl astron . The only data for the right hypoplastron (UF 192^46) is Santa Fe 1. The thin, flat nature of the piece, the very narrow zone of scute overlap on the dorsal surface, and the straight anterior border {i.e., the absence of an obvious concavity into which the ento- plastron fits, as in most Chrysemys) Indicate that this element may be from Grapteniys . However, l:ypoplastra of some individuals of Chrysemys eoYicinria, a common turtle of both the Pleistocene and present in the Santa Fe River, also fit this description, and the element may belong to a small Individual of that species. The dimensions of the bone are: max length--62.7 mm; width from midline to anterior, ventral edge of axillary notch--A8.5 mm; max thick^-iess along hyo-hypopl astral suture-- k.k mm. State of preservation Indicates a probable Blancan age. Based on available material it is concluded that the Santa Fe Grcwtemys vjas a sexually-dimorphic form (or forms) very similar to G. harhouvi in both structure and habits. Maximum adult body size was probably slightly greater than that attained by modern G. barbouri. The shell may have been somewhat broader and the keel less pronounced than in extant G. barbouri . Pending acquisition of further material which inay show the Blancan, Ranchol abrean , and Recent forms to represent two or even three distinct forms, all the Santa Fe Graptetnys are tentatively referred to Graptemys cf. G. harbouri Carr and Marchand. Erecting further names for these allochronic forms is presently un- warranted. Di scussion Accounting for the presence of G. harbouri in the Suwanee drainage during the Pleistocene requires consideration of several geologic and zoogeographic phenomena. Mainly because Graptemys rarely if ever travels on land (McKown, 1972), endemism to a single river system is character- istic of several species of the genus--G. versa, G. ooulifera, G. flavimaculata, and for all intents and purposes, G. nigrinoda (Cagle, 195/4; Folkerts and Mount, 1969; Conant, 1975). Since Dobie (1972) eliminated Cagle's (1952) apparently-erroneous record for the Escambia River in western Florida, all remaining records indicate that G. barbouri likewise developed as an endemic species in the Apalachicola River system. The presence of a Pleistocene turtle, here believed to be conspecific with Recent G. barhouri (although the problem remains essentially the same even if it were later shown to be a distinct species of common ancestry), in a drainage system which empties into the Gulf of Mexico approximately I85 km from the mouth of the Apalachicola requires comment. Several explanations are suggested. The eustatic changes in Pi io-Pl ei stocene sea levels, corresponding to the formation and melting of the Ice Age glaciers, are well-known phenomena. During glacial periods the retreating sea exposed a much larger expanse of the Floridian Plateau (that portion of the continental shelf surrounding Florida and extending far out into the Gulf-Cooke, 191,5) than is now above sea level. Frey (1965) has stated that this eustatic lowering of the sea level reached a maximum of 120 m below present sea level, and during the Wisconsinan glacial episode some 20,000-18,000 years ago exposed up to a 210 km wide stretch of con- tinental shelf (Fig. 2). Donn et al. (1962) have calculated that minimum sea level came even earlier, in the lllinoian glacial period, when the sea dropped to between ]hO m and 1 60 m below its present level. Conceivably such a drop in sea level could bring about the confluence of many rivers which now empty directly into the Gulf. Con- tinuation of the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers beyond their present mouths would create a hypothetical junction between them (Swift, 1970) near the expected western-most coastline of Pleistocene central peninsular Florida. However, the absence of large numbers of fish species common to both rivers as well as intervening drainages discredits this idea. Nevertheless, even if convergence of the two rivers did not occur, a lowland marsh between the two could have allowed turtles to migrate from one stream to the other. If this were the case the occurrence of a G. barbouvi- \\ ke. turtle in two presently widely sep- arated rivers could thus be explained. Furthermore, if the present absence of Graptemys fossils from the Suwannee north of its junction with the Santa Fe reflects a real situation, then it may be that the ancestral (upper) Suwannee was captured by a stream (the present lower Suwannee, including the Santa Fe) eroding eastward from the Gulf of Mexico during the PI io-Pl ei stocene (Vernon, 1951; Brooks, 1966). Whether this stream was confluent at one time with the Apalachicola is not presently known. Evidence shows that prior to this time the ancestral Suwannee likely emptied into the Gulf south of its present 10 mouth via connection with the present-day Waccasassa River (Vernon, 1951 ; White, 1970). A second possible migratory route which may have been followed by the ancestral G. barbouri involves the upper reaches of these rivers. Although Graptemys rarely wanders overland it is conceivable that under some conditions (e.g., flooding) a few individuals may move to an adjacent stream. Figure 2 reveals the proximity of the Flint River, a major tributary of the Apalachicola in which G. barbouri is known to occur (Cagle, 1952; Wharton et al., 1973; R. Franz, pers. comm.), to the upper reaches of the Wi thl acoochee and Alapaha Rivers, both of which empty into the Suwannee. The distances may have been even less during the Pleistocene had the waters been significantly higher or the courses of the rivers different than they are now; the latter possibility is especially likely in this area of sand- 1 imestone substrate. Further- more, certain fishes common to the two drainages suggest direct communication at some time in the past between the upper reaches of these two rivers (C. Gilbert, pers. comm.). Yerger and Relyea (I968) explain the distribution of laixzlurus serracanthus --knovjn only from the Apalachicola, Ochlockonee, and Suwannee drainages — by stream piracy following closure of the Suwannee Straits (Pl io-Plei stocene) . They suggest that stream capture between tributaries of the Ochlockonee (until relatively recently a part of the Apalachicola drainage) and the upper Suwannee may have accounted for a westward migration of this fish from the Suwannee into the Apalachicola. It is likely that stream capture between tributaries of these same rivers or between the Flint and upper Suwannee may account for the occurrence of G. barbouri in these two drainages. Its apparent absence (both Pleistocene and Recent) 11 from the upper Suwannee and Ochlockonee may reflect inadequate collect- ing or unsuitable habitat. A third possibility, not necessarily exclusive of either of the preceding two, is that G. harbouri has not always been restricted to one or two widely separated rivers but was more widespread than pre- viously thought. The long period of relatively stable environmental conditions during the Blancan may have been conducive to the expansion of G. barbouri' s range throughout much of the seemingly favorable limestone-underlain habitat between the two rivers. Thus it is postu- lated that at various times G. barbouri occurred (though perhaps in relatively low densities) in most or all rivers between the Apalachicola and Suwannee. In addition to explaining the presence of this turtle in two widely separated rivers as simply its occurrence at the ends of a nearly-continuous range, the idea also seems compatible with the dis- tribution of the remaining southeastern members of the genus. The occurrence of G. kohni in the rivers of eastern Texas and Louisiana (Conant, 1975), G. pulchra from the Pearl River to the Escambia and Yellow Rivers in western Florida (Dobie, 1972), and G. barbouri from the Apalachicola to the Suwannee River, would provide a nearly- continuous range of large, ; --ixual ly-d imorphic Graptemys of the wide- headed female line (Cagle, 1953; McKown, 1972) in the river systems draining the entire northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico. The only apparent gap is the Choctawhatchee River System between the ranges of G. pulchra and G. barbouri (Dobie, 1972) (Fig. 2). Ultimately the solution to this question may lie with the collec- tion of further fossil evidence and with detailed studies of the dis- 12 tributions of other lotic organisms. Current investigations on fish and snail faunas of these and other river systems in the southeastern United States may help provide an answer. The reasons for extinction of the Santa Fe Graptemys remain speculative. At present the river seems sufficiently similar to Carr and Marchand's (19^2) description of ideal G. barbouri habitat to support a population of these turtles; this seems to be further indicated by the fact that lotalurus serraaanthus , which also seems to prefer rocky, clear streams with moderate flow, still inhabits the Santa Fe today (Yerger and Relyea, I968). From the paucity of fossil material Graptemys was apparently never common in the Santa Fe. In comparison to the few Graptemys fossils over 500 elements of Chrysemys aonainna, C. nelsoni, and C. scripta have been collected from the same sites. Even though C. oonoinna is abundant in the Santa Fe today its habits are sufficiently distinct (and presumably were in the Pleistocene) from those of G. barbouri that significant competition between the two turtles would have been unlikely. More probably, climatic changes or physical changes in the topography of the land or in the river itself made the habitat unsuitable at some time in the past for the small population of Graptemys, or possibly for the mollusks upon which the females presumably fed. Figure 1. Fossil Graptemys elements from the Santa Fe River, Florida. (A) nuchal; (B) mandible; (C) , (D) third neural dorsal and lateral aspects. 14 Figure 2. Southeastern United States and Gulf of Mexico, showing range of Graptemys pulahra and G. barbouri . Diagonal hatching, approximate range of G. pulahra (northern boundary indefinite); horizontal hatching, reported range of G. bavbouvi; triangle, Santa Fe River sites I and II; dotted line, 120 - meter contour showing approximate coastline during maximum eustatic lowering of sea level in the Quaternary (after Frey, I965); rivers mentioned in text: 1- Pearl 6. Apalachicola 10. Alapaha 2. Escambia 7. Ochlockonee 11. Suwannee 3- Yellow 8. Fl int 12. Santa Fe h. Choctawhatchee 9. Wi thlacoochee I3. Waccasassa 5. Chipola ]6 n CHAPTER I I EVOLUTION AND FOSSIL RECORD OF THE CHICKEN TURTLE DEIEOCHELYS WITH A REEVALUATION OF THE GENUS The evolutionary history of the monotypic genus Deiroahelys is one of the more enigmatic chapters in our knowledge of North American emydine turtles. Previous workers (Carr, 1952; Loveridge and Williams, 1957; McDowell, 196^) have generally agreed that Deiroahelys is a highly specialized derivative of the genus Chrysemys (sensu McDowell, 196^*). Furthermore, Baur's (I889) suggestion of a close phylogenetic relation- ship between Deiroahelys and another North American monotypic emydine genus, Emydoidea, has been supported by most subsequent workers (Loveridge and Williams, 1957; Jackson, 1959; McDowell, 1964; Zug and Schwartz, 1971). Recently Waagen (1972) and Bramble (1974) have cast doubt on this idea based on their respective studies of musk glands and shel 1 mechan ics . The fossil record has been of no help in these matters to date. Prior knowledge of the fossil history of the genus Deiroahelys is limited to description of one partial nuchal bone from the Upper Pleistocene of Florida (Jackson, 1964, 1974a) and to mention of the presence of D. reticularia in a Subrecent Florida site (Hirschfeld, 1968). Jackson (1974a) suggested that the Pleistocene element representsa turtle which is conspecific with modern D. reticularia. All other fossils assigned to the genus, i.e. Deiroahelys floridana Hay and Trachemys jarmani Hay (Hay, I908; Weaver and Robertson, I967), actually represent the genus Chrysemys (Jackson, 1964, 1974a). 17 This paper examines material referable to the genus Deirochelys from one Miocene, five Pliocene, twelve PI ei stocene, and two Sub recent sites, all in Florida. The Miocene fossils are the oldest known representatives of the genus. Two species of Deirochelys, one new, are recognized as fossils. As will be shown the major course of evolution within Deiro- chelys has been the extreme elongation of the head and neck, a condition achieved by only one other emydine genus [Emydoidea) and presumably developed as a trophic specialization. The accompanying cervical musculature hypertrophy has necessitated further structural modifications of the shell and vertebral column. It is for this reason that in trac- ing the evolution of the genus I dwell primarily upon this cervico- cranial elongation and associated morphological modifications (e.g., changes in neural bone width and rib and vertebral structures), to which I collectively refer hereafter as a single "character suite." Materials and Methods All fossil specimens except those from Waccasassa River and a few from Thomas Farm are part of the vertebrate paleontology collection of the Florida State Museum (UF) ; the Waccasassa River I specimens are from the Timberlane Research Organization (TRO) , Lake Wales, Florida, while some of the Thomas Farm fossils are from the collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ) . Comparative skeletal material was examined from the herpetology collection of the Florida State Museum (UF), the National Museum of Natural History (USNM), and my personal collection (DRJ). Extant specimens examined were Deirochelys reticularia : DRJ 264, 266, 270, 27^4, 278-280, UF 19 li»20, llkk, \hlkk, USNM 11610, 11615, 29^77, 29584, 62219, 80965, 95789; Emydoidea hlandingii: UF 1^42^*9, 18931; Chelydra serpentina: DRJ 253; Chelys fimbriata: UF 21977- A shell thickness index (STI) was determined for most fossils. Thicknesses of fossil shell elements were measured and divided by corresponding measurements of a series (N = 10) of Recent adult D. retioularia of corresponding size, or by linear extrapolations to pro- duce such if no modern turtle of sufficient size could be found. As the relationship between shell thickness and body length may be asymptotic rather than strictly linear, the STI values given for the largest fossils may actually be underestimates. There was little individual STI variation among the Recent turtles when corrected for differences in body length. More medial elements (neural bones and proximal ends of pleural bones) generally yielded slightly higher STI values than peripheral elements (peripheral, pygal , and nuchal bones), indicating that increase in shell thickness is not necessarily pro- portional for all parts of the same shell. Medial edges of peripheral elements were measured to reduce this discrepancy. An index of free rib length (width of rib canal) was determined by dividing the stra ight- 1 ine distance from the proximal tip of the pleural bone to its union with the rib by the width of the pleural bone at the level of the union. The fragmented condition of most of the fossils necessitated the use of pleural bone width rather than length. In comparing neural and pleural bones of fossil Deiroohelys with those of Recent turtles, it is necessary to determine which of the eight neural or pleural bones the fossils represent. The presence 20 and position of scute sulci as well as the relative proportions of the anterolateral and posterolateral borders of the bones usually make this possible. Because of the relatively great width and frequent anomalies of the posterior neural bones of most emydine turtles, these bones are of little taxonomic value. All measurements are maximum and given in mm. Fossi 1 Loca 1 i t ies The appendix provides an annotated list of Florida localities that have yielded fossil Deivochelys mentioned in this paper. Reference is made to other publications in which stratigraphy, pa 1 eoecology , and correlative age of each of these deposits is described in detail. Figure 3 shows the geographic distribution of these sites. Systematic Descriptions All past descriptions of the genus Beivochelys (Agassiz, 1857; Baur, 1889; White, 1929; Schwartz, I956; Jackson, 1959; McDowell, 196^1; Zug and Schwartz, 1971) have necessarily been drawn solely from the single extant species, D. reticularia. Hence, many characters which ' would have been more appropriately designated as specific characters, particularly those involving color pattern, have been incorporated into the definition of the genus. Therefore, in order to accommodate the fossil members of the genus it is necessary to relegate many of the generic characters, including all references to color pattern, to specific level. Additionally, an examination of osteological char- acters through time reveals phylogenetic changes within the genus that 21 may be used to distinguish certain allochronic forms. For these reasons I find it necessary to give a brief systematic reevaluation of the genus as a prelude to a formal description of the fossil forms. The present chronologically-expanded definition of the genus, like those of Baur (1889), White (1929), Jackson (1959) and McDowell (1964), is based solely on osteological characters. As fossil skull material is unknown, all skull characters are drawn from modern Z). retioularia. Schwartz (1957) gives a brief but adequate account of the taxonomic history of the genus. Fami 1y Emyd idae Subfamily Emydinae Genus Deiroahetys Agassfz To the generic synonymy given by Zug and Schwartz (1971) should be added the following entry: Hiroohelys Beyer, 1900: k5- Type. Testudo reticularia Latreille. Referred species. Beivochely s ret-iculax'ia , the only extant species, presently distributed throughout the southeastern United States and known from the Pleistocene of Florida; Deiroohelys carvi , n. sp.. Pliocene Alachua clays of Florida, Hemphill ian age. Def ini t ion. Shell elongate to subovate in adults; carapace elliptical or cuneiform in outline and usually sculptured with fine parallel ridges or scales (Fig. k) ; anterior edge of nuchal bone generally truncate and acuminate; lateral sulci of nuchal scute usually parallel above and below; nuchal scute usually two to three 22 times longer than wide above, approximately as wide as long below; nuchal bone overlapped only by small corner of first costal scute or not at all; vertebral scutes as wide as long; neural bones hexagonal, short-sided in front; first neural bone circular to subovate in out- line; other neural bones generally as wide or wider than long (Fig. k) ; peripheral bones unnotched; pygal bone approximately paral 1 el -s ided with a shallow mesial notch; ribs dorsally free from pleural bones well below proximal ends of pleurals, their free portions slender and bowed ventral ly (Fig. 5) accommodating the enlarged trunk vertebral muscle complex (Shah, 1963). Plastron usually considerably narrower than carapace, akinetic, and firmly united to carapace by a high bony bridge and plastral buttresses; inguinal scutes large [contrary to Holman's (1967) state- ment that they are absent]; plastron smooth ventral ly or with traces of sculpturing similar to but less pronounced than that of carapace; entoplastron usually anterior to humeropectoral sulcus and overlapped by gular scutes for approximately one third of length. Skull and second through seventh cervical vertebrae elongate; neural spines of anterior thoracic vertebrae laterally compressed as vertical sheets (Fig. 6); triturating surfaces of maxilla and mandible narrow, without ridges; beak never hooked; interorbital width very narrow, less than one-half diameter of orbit; palate decidedly flat; posterior palatine foramina much larger than foramina orbi to-nasal e (Gaffney, 1972) (= anterior palatine foramina of Hoffman, I89O); temporal arcade complete; quadrate nearly enclosing stapes; hyoid apparatus strongly developed, lateral horn length at least as great as skull width; cervical musculature as described by Shah (1963). 23 A specialization of the genus almost certainly related to the elongate neck and hypertrophied vertebral musculature is the modification of the spinal column. The differences between DeivochBlys and more primitive emydines {Chrysemys, Echmatemys) , summarized in Table 1 and Figure 6, are most conspicuous in the first four thoracic vertebrae. In both forms ribs attach intercentral 1 y and the thoracic vertebrae are united by their neural spines to the overlying neural bones. The net effect of these modifications in Deiroahelys has been to move the rib attachment ventral ly (away from the carapace), allowing for the hypertrophied trunk vertebral musculature without changing the distance of the spinal cord from the ventral surface of the carapace. Deiroehelys reticularia (Latreille) Chicken Turtle The only addition to the species synonymy listed by Zug and Schwartz (1971) is: Hirochelys reticulata Beyer, 1900:^45. Type: The type was formerly in the collection of the French Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle but is now considered lost (Schwartz, 1956). Schwartz (1956) described a neotype^ and neoallo- type from the vicinity of the original type locality. Type local i ty. Restricted by Harper (19^0) to the vicinity of Charleston, South Carolina. Diagnos i s : A Dei-vochelys characterized by relatively low length: width ratios for third through fifth neural bones (means, 0.6 to 0.7; 2k Table 1. Comparison of the thoracic vertebrae of Deiroahelys and Chrysemys . Character Chrysemys Neural spines low and robust Deirochetys laterally compressed as vertical sheets Centra narrowest ventral ly; not compressed narrowest dorsal ly; dorsoventral ly compressed ventral surfaceswide and f 1 attened S i te of rib attachment to vertebra expanded dorsal region of centra expanded ventral region of centra 25 Fig. 7) and relatively great length of free portions of dorsal ribs (Fig. 8); coloration as described by Schwartz (1956) with notation that the yellow forelimb band is usually but not always wide; neck nearly as long as plastron; usual pattern of cervical central articulation (perhaps a generic character): (2( (3( (4) )5) )6) )7( (8) (Williams, 1950; Jackson, I97^b). Description of fossil material. The following fossils, listed in reversed chronologic order by site, are here assigned to D. ret-Loularia, Nichoi's Hammock: contains more D. ret-icularia than any other post- Pliocene site; 75 carapacial elements (UF 20892), a cervical vertebra (UF 209OA), and a supraocci p i tal crest (UF 20905) represent 12 to 20 individuals ranging from 65 mm to 195 mm carapace length (CL) ; many additional elements from this deposit, particularly plastral and peripheral bones which lack diagnostic features, probably represent D. reticutaria as well; fossils from the site are indistinguishable from modern D. retioularia, their shallow rugosity probably reflect- ing their relatively small size; STI 0.95 to I.05. Warm Mineral Springs: To date, 35 elements - one nuchal, seven neural, one suprapygal, six pleural, 13 peripheral, and five plastral bones, plus a scapula and broken femur - all assigned field number WMS 19352 and representing five to ten individuals of CL 1 38 to 18^4, have been removed from this site. The bones are similar to those from Nichoi's Hammock and have an average ST! of 1.15- Vero: A large number of plastral and carapacial elements, including at least two nuchal, two neural and two pleural bones (all recently 26 acquired by the Florida State Museum as part of the former Florida Geological Survey collection and as yet uncatalogued) are virtually indistinguishable from modern D. reticularia; ST! O.85-O.95. Waccasassa River I: Two second neural bones (TRO 101, 102) and a third neural bone (TRO 103), representing three individuals of I30 to 210 CL (Fig. 9); STI 1.1 to 1.3- Waccasassa River V: A lightly-sculptured nuchal bone, UF I627I (Fig. 9): greatest length 30.5, greatest width 35-5, estimated CL 135; proximal end of a pleural bone, UF 16275; STI 1.1. Waccasassa River VI: A distinctly grooved nuchal bone, UF 2I906: greatest length 39-8, greatest width 42.3, estimated CL 170; STI 1.1. Reddick IIC: A first neural bone (UF 21955) from an adult turtle (estimated CL I80) and the proximal end of a fourth pleural bone from a juveni le; STI 1.1. Coleman IMC: Four elements (UF I5I86E) representing at least three individuals: a longitudinally rugose, relatively deeply notched pygal bone (length 21.5); a left epiplastron ( interep i plast ral suture length 13.6); a characteristically rugose left xi ph i pi ast ron missing its distal portion (hypo-xiphiplastral suture length ^40. 7); and a distinctly sculptured right hypoplastron ( interhypoplast ral suture length 58.4); STI 1.3. St. Petersburg, Catalina Gardens: Lower two thirds of a right fifth pleural bone (UF 19248): greatest width 30.0, estimated length 60, estimated CL 220; STI 1 .3. 27 Seminole Field: A deeply sculptured fragment of a right second pleural bone (UF 9927) with rib attachment - width at rib level 28.0, thickness at rib level 5-9, estimated CL 210; fragment of a left hypoplastron (UF 9927) with deep longitudinal grooves on ventral surface, estimated CL 210; STl 1 A. Bradenton 5!st Street: A characteristically sculptured fragment of a nuchal bone (UF 2482): estimated CL 210, STl 1.25. Kendrick lA: A sixth neural bone (UF 19250) with a pronounced, scale- like sculpturing and a low, rounded keel - greatest length 19.3, greatest width 33.2, greatest thickness 6.0, estimated CL 250, ST! 1.3; a deeply grooved partial nuchal bone (UF 9292) possibly from the same individual and described previously by Jackson (1964): estimated CL 250, STl l.I to 1.6; (Fig. 10). Wall Company Pit: Proximal halves of two broken pleural bones (UF 5026): a second left (estimated CL 175, STl 1.6) and a deeply rugose fourth right (estimated CL 220, STl I.5) with rib distance: pleural width ratios of 0.84 and O.8O, respectively. Haiie XVI: 38 elements representing at least 15 individuals of CL 116 to 240: a nuchal bone (UF 20896) , length 40.0, estimated CL 182; a second neural bone contiguous with the second and third right pleural bones (UF 20888; Fig. 11), and the first left and second right periph- eral bones (UF 20889) almost certainly from the same individual, estimated CL 230; fifteen fragmentary pleural bones (UF 20895; UF 20898) and seven peripheral bones (UF 21970); a hypoplastron (UF 2I969) and 28 partial hypoplastron (UF 21968); contiguous second, third and fourth neural bones (UF 20893) from a turtle of 227 CL; and the third (UF 20897), fourth (UF 21971), two fifth (UF 20894 and UF 20898) , and sixth (UF 20898) neural bones from five turtles with CL of 240, ]kO, 225, 160 and 220, respectively. Neural length: width and rib distance: pleural width ratios are included in Figs. 7 and 8; STI of neural bones 2.0 to 2.2. Haile XV: A fifth neural bone (UF 192^9), the dorsal surface of which is extremely flat but moderately sculptured: greatest length 20.2, greatest width 32.0, estimated CL 210; an anterior fragment of a nuchal bone (UF 19168), estimated CL 230; STI 1.5; (Fig. 12). Discussion of fossil material. All of the Ranchol abrean and Subrecent material is clearly referable to D. retiaularia. With the exception of shell thickness, relative dimensions of individual fossils show no significant differences from corresponding measurements of extant turtles. The Blancan and Irvingtonian material, as well as the Kendrick nuchal, indicate that this species reached a slightly larger maximum size during the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene than at present. The blunt median keel on the Kendrick neural, although not typical of most extant D. reticulavia, occurs posteriorly in a few individuals. Though tending to be more pronounced in the Pleistocene, shell rugosity patterns are within the range of variation of modern B. veticularia. The single consistent difference between Pleistocene and Recent D. veticularia is that of shell thickness. The STI of Pleistocene D. veticularia is I.l to 2.2 times that of Recent turtles. The trend 29 towards shell thickness reduction appears roughly chronoclinal since at least the Irvingtonian (Table 2), though the absence of material from some glacial and interglacial periods may conceal unseen fluctua- tions. Similar trends in post-Pliocene shell thickness reduction have been suggested, though less well supported by a t ime-t ransgress i ve series of fossils, for Chvysemys (Preston, I966, 1971), Emydoidea (Taylor, 19^3), Graptemys (Chapter l)^ Kinosteimon (Fichter, 1 969), Trionyx (Wood and Patterson, 1973) and Geochelone (Auffenberg, 1963b). Although shell thickness alone is inadequate as a basis for taxonomic separation, it is not a simple function of turtle size as Auffenberg (1958) states for Terrapene. From Middle Pleistocene to the present, the shell of D. reticularia has become progressively thinner. Gaps in the STI-time curve may reflect our incomplete sampling of the fossil record. Nevertheless, the possibility of sexual and ontogenetic polymorphism in this character, as well as hidden fluctuations in the curve, could complicate the matter. Unfortunately, sample sizes from most fossil sites are inadequate for a thorough treatment of the data. The Irvingtonian (Haile XVI) fossils differ from younger material in two additional ways: a higher length: width ratio for the second and third neural bones (Fig. 7) and a slightly more proximal site of rib juncture with the second and third pleural bones (Fig. 8). These characters do not exhibit allometry in Recent adult turtles, and there is thus no reason to suspect it in Pleistocene populations. In these respects Irvingtonian Deivochelys are morphologically intermediate between the later Pleistocene and the Middle Pliocene turtles discussed below. The near identity of the Blancan neural (UF 192^9) with that of 30 Table 2. Shell thickness index (STI) of fossil Deirochelys from 16 Florida sites listed chronologically by faunal periods. Age and Site STI Age and Site STI Ari kareean Rancholabrean, cont. Thomas Farm 1.9 Bradenton 1.25 Hemp hi 1 1 ian Kendrick 1.3 Love 1.6-2.1 Semi nol e Field \.h Mixson 1.8 Catal ina Gardens 1.3 Haile VI 1.9 Coleman IMC 1.3 Blancan Waccasassa 1 1.1-1.3 Haile XV 1.5 Waccasassa V 1.1 1 rvington ian Subrecent Haile XVI 2.0-2.2 Warm Mineral Spring 1.15 Rancholabrean N ichol ' s Hammock 0.95-1.05 Wal 1 Co. Pit 1.5-1.6 31 an Irvingtonian one (UF lOSSk) suggests that little shell evolution was experienced between these periods. The differences between modern and Upper Pliocene to Middle Pleisto- cene Deiroohelys are real and might justify taxonomic distinction were it not for the intermediate Ranchol abrean material. Such time-related changes are, however, to be expected within a chronocllnal lineage, as shown previously by Mil stead (I967) with Tevrapene. The modern subspecies of D. veticulavia are distinguished by coloration and shell shape (Schwartz, 1956) and consequently can not be compared to these fossils. Furthermore, D. retioularia likely varied geographically during the Pleistocene as it does now. For these reasons I refrain from erecting subspecific epithets for any of the Pleistocene or Upper Plio- cene fossils and simply refer them all to the species Deirochelys retiaularia. The existence of certain morphological differences, reflected in carapacial osteology, of specimens referred above to D. veticulavia and all earlier representatives of the genus (Figs. 7 and 8) is accentuated by the absence of Late Hemphill ian fossils. This gap in a gradually evolving lineage creates a convenient (though admittedly artificial) point of division between morphologically distinct forms. I therefore designate the turtle represented by the Middle Pliocene fossils as Deivochelys cavvi new species Etymology. Named in honor of Archie F. Carr for his extensive contributions to our knowledge of Recent turtles and to herpetology in general . 32 Holotype. UF 20908, a fragmented but nearly complete carapace lacking only the nuchal bone, first neural bone, and anterior peripheral bones (Fig. 13A); a partial plastron consisting of the left hyoplastron, hypoplastron, and x iphi pi ast ron apparently represents the same individua: (Fig. 13B). Type locality and horizon. Alachua Clay, Love Bone Bed, near Archer, Alachua County, Florida, Early Hemphill ian. Middle Pliocene. Referred material . All from four Florida sites producing Hemph i 1 1 ian faunas : Mixson's Bone Bed: a fourth neural bone, UF 20890 (formerly Florida Geological Survey V-2599) , assigned previously by 0. P. Hay (1916) to Chvysemys aaelata: estimated CL 290, STI 1.8. McGehee Farm: a complete (UF 1920^) and two partial (UF 2089I and UF 20903) nuchal bones - measurements of UF 19204: length 57.1, width 60.8, corresponding to a CL of approximately 263; right hypoplastron, ninth right peripheral bone, and left and right x i ph i pi astral fragments (UF 20899). Haile VI: contiguous second neural bone fragment and proximal portion of left second pleural bone, (UF 20887); estimated CL 253, STI 1.9; contiguous pygal bone and eleventh left peripheral bone, (UF 6485a); anterior end of third cervical vertebra (lacking zygapophyses) , UF 6485b (Fig. 14); five peripheral bones, UF 6485c; first neural bone, (UF 6485d); seventeen pleural bone fragments, (UF 6485e) ; many other 33 elements and fragments from this site may represent either D. carri or Chrysemys caelata (Chapter ill). Love Bone Bed: Although excavation is incomplete, this deposit is already the richest source of fossil deimohelijs known. At the time of this writing over ^400 carapacial elements and half as many plastral elements of Beivochelys have been removed. Other than the holotype, only two sets of associated carapacial bones have been found (UF 2^100 and UF 20900, Fig. 15). The less water-worn carapacial elements display the distinct scale-like sculpturing characteristic of the genus (Fig. 16). Many elements represent turtles of exceptionally large size for Beivo- chelys: the largest nuchal bone (UF 20906) measures 59.8 (length) x 61.8 (width). The average STI range is 1.6 to 2.1. Diagnosis. Deivochelys aavri differs from D. veticularia in having relatively narrower neural bones (mean length: width ratio of third through fifth neural bones 0.8 to 0.9; Figs. 7, 13A) and a more proximal site of emergence of the ribs from the pleural bones (Figs. 8, 15). Elongation of cervical vertebrae and patterns of shell rugosity are similar in these species, but the carapace of D. carri appears to be relatively broader. Shell rugosity and width of first vertebral scute of D. carri are like those of Chrysemys caelata and C. williamsi , respectively, also from the Florida Pliocene (Chapter III); nevertheless, other generic characters distinguish these species from Z). carri. Neural bones of B. carri are similar in shape to those of the Florida Pliocene Chrysemys inflata (Weaver and Robertson, 1967), yet distinguished from them by 31^ absence of the pronounced keel and deeply excavated surface of the latter. Description. With the exception of the less developed character suite previously alluded to, D. cavvi is, in most respects, similar to B. veticulccpia. Nevertheless, many of the fossils indicate that the former reached a greater size than B. reticulavia, perhaps as large as 320 mm CL, compared to approximately 250 mm CL today (Carr, 1952). The shell of D. carri is about twice as thick as that of extant D. retioularia but not unlike that of Blancan and Irvingtonian representatives of the modern species (Table 2). Additionally, the reconstructed holotype shell is relatively broad and flat compared to Recent chicken turtles. In this respect, as well as in the flaring of the posterior peripheral bones, D. carri is reminiscent of some members of the genus Chrysemys and appears to have been more streamlined than D. reticularia. One fairly constant difference between D. reticularia and D. carri is that the anterior edge of the fourth vertebral scute (incised at the fifth neural bone) of D. reticularia projects forward to form a sharp anteriorly-directed V, whereas that of D. carri projects forward only slightly (and more bluntly) or not at all (Fig. 1 3A) . The plastron of V. carri, like that of D. reticularia, is narrow. The anal notch in the plastron associated with the holotype of D. carri is twice as deep as that of D. reticularia. There is no significant morphological variation among D. carri from the four sites. Measurements and qualitative obser- vations of all material from Halle VI, McGehee Farm, and Mixson's Bone Bed fall within the range of variation of elements from the Love Bone Bed. 35 Discussion. Veirochelys oarri is similar in most respects to its presumed descendant D. veticulavia . The major differences are modifi- cations associated with the further development of the specialized elongate neck and head in D. reticularia. In this respect both D. cavvi and B. veticulavia surely represent segments of a single chrono- clinal lineage. The neural spines and dorsal rib heads of B. cavvi are typical of the genus and only slightly more robust than those of D. veticulavia. The single cervical vertebra (UF 6^85b) referable to D. cavvi (Fig. U) is likewise slightly more robust than the correspond- ing vertebra of D. veticulavia; additionally the posterolateral flanges on the modern centrum, which must serve as muscle attachment surfaces, are lacking in the fossil (the possibility of wear is unlikely). Although it is impossible to determine accurately the length of the Pliocene vertebra from the Haile VI fragment, it appears that the characteristic cervical elongation and development of associated modifications in Deivochelys had already approached present levels by Middle Pliocene. Nevertheless, D. cavvV s narrower neural bones and more proximal rib union with the pleural bones relative to D. veticulavia imply a shorter free rib between the pleurals and vertebral column and a correspondingly less developed set of cervical extensor muscles in the former. A slightly shorter or less powerful neck in the Pliocene species therefore seems likely. Certainly any future finds of Deivo- chelys skull and cervical material in the Love Bone Bed would be particularly valuable. Although the Love Bone Bed provides us with an exceptionally fine series of Deivochelys fossils, far older than any previously known 36 for the genus, we can trace the evolutionary record of this turtle back still one step further - to the Miocene. The Thomas Farm Deivochelys The only emydine turtle previously recognized from the Florida Miocene (Thomas Farm) is a species Chrysemys of uncertain status (Williams, 1953; Rose and Weaver, I966). In an effort to determine the relation- ships of this turtle, I examined the holdings of the Flroida State Museum for additional material. Among the elements retrieved were a faintly sculptured neural bone (UF 219^+9) only slightly narrower than those of D. carri , and the proximal fragment of a pleural bone (UF 21950) with a rib juncture scar too low for that of Chrysemys (Fig. 17)- Comparisons with Recent and fossil Deivochelys and Chrysemys , including "typical" Chrysemys elements from Thomas Farm, leave no doubt that the two fossils represent Deiroohelys. Curvature of the scute sulcus, relative length of the anterolateral borders, and extreme lowness of the neural spine all indicate that the neural bone is a fifth, while the relative proportions of the medial borders of the pleural bone in addition to the position of the sulcus indicate that it is probably the second pleural bone from the left side. As with the Pliocene Deiroohelys , the shell is relatively thick (STI, 1.9). In addition to the two fossils described above, I tentatively refer to Deiroohelys the following elements from Thomas Farm: one complete epiplastron (UF 21932) and the medial half of another (UF 21939), the posterior part of a right x i phi pi astron (UF 219^6), the major part of an entoplastron (UF 219^2), and the proximal end of a 37 pleural bone (UF 21951). Additionally, one complete and two fragmentary nuchal bones (MCZ 3^32; see Fig. 4 in Williams, 1953, and Fig. 2B in Rose and Weaver, 1966), although probably representing Chrysemijs, may be Deiroohelys. The width of the first vertebral scute and shape of the nuchal scute are like those of both Deiroahelys and CJirysemys ovnata. Both the shape of the neural bone (length: width ratio, 0.94, Fig. 7) and the point of juncture of the rib with the pleural bone (rib distance: pleural bone width ratio, Q.k], Fig. 8) indicate that, in terms of cervical hypertrophy, the Thomas Farm Deiroahelys was even more primitive (less specialized) than D. cavvi. Remains of the very low neural spine fused to the neural bone confirm this. Hence, I believe that the limited Thomas Farm material represents a turtle distinct from B. cavvi. However, any taxonomic assignment of the Thomas Farm fossils other than to genus must await additional and preferably associated material. More important at present is that in the Thomas Farm Miocene we find an important link in the gradual evolutionary sequence from a generalized emydine ancestor (cf. Chvysemys) into the more specialized d. cavvi and its highly specialized descendant, d. vetioulavia. D i scuss ion The material now available shows that the genus Deivochelys, instead of being an evolutionary enigma, possesses possibly the most complete evolutionary record of any modern turtle genus. Evolution of Deivochelys has been by specialization of a generalized emydine stock (presumably Chvysemys). The earliest fossils are, in fact, difficult to distinguish from Chvysemys. We may estimate by extrapolation at what point the two genera would be no longer d i st inct-- i . e. , the time at which a generalized turtle began its Initial shift to a new adaptive zone in response to selective pressure. The elongated neck (and pre- sumably skull) as well as associated muscular (Shah, I963) and osteo- logical modifications of Deivoohelys had already developed by Middle Pliocene. This character suite is already conspicuous In hatchl ing D. veticularia, so that phylogenetic recapitulation must occur very early during ontogenetic development if It occurs at all. The divergence from a more generalized aquatic emydine stock (moderately short neck, long neural bones, weak hyoid apparatus, robust ribs emerging from very near the proximal ends of pleural bones, limited trunk vertebral musculature, and a relatively broad shell, as In the genus Chvysemys Br^A some members of the Eocene genus Echmatemys) had certainly begun by the Miocene. Extrapolations based on an average rate of evolution from such a generalized ancestor suggest an 01 igocene origin of the genus (Fig. 18). This character suite almost certainly evolved as a peculiar trophic structure; Deivoohelys utilizes a "pharyngeal" method of feed- ing (Bramble, 1973) for capturing prey capable of quick movements (pri- marily aquatic arthropods). Arguments such as those of Webb and Johnson (1972), In which cervical elongation Is held to represent a thermoregulatory device, seem at most of secondary significance in this case, particularly in light of the hypoertrophi ed hyold skeleton. The thick shell of D. cavvi and the Thomas Farm deivoohelys, as well as of Blancan and Irvingtonian B. vetioulavia (Table 2), suggests that until Late ?\&\stoc&n&, Deivoohelys was a moderately thick-shelled turtle. Pleistocene reduction in weight and volume of the shell may 39 have allowed faster pursuit and increased maneuverability necessary for capturing fast-moving prey (author's unpublished data) on which Deiro- ohelys had come to specialize. Loss of armor (if the thick shell served this purpose) may have been offset by crypsis and behavioral immobility (unpublished observations). In addition to changes in shell thickness, general reduction in body size, accompanied by relative elongation and heightening of the shell, seems to have occurred from at least Hemphillian to Rancholabrean times. Rel at ionshi ps Baur (1889) was the first to hypothesize a close relationship be- tween Emydoidea and Deirochelys on the basis of similar skull and rib specialization. Although Carr (1952) believed the similarity between Emys (= Emydoidea) hlandingii and D. veticularia to be "purely fortuitous," most subsequent workers supported Baur's idea. Bramble (197^) summarizes the situation: Williams (in Loveridge and Williams, 1957) presented a forceful case for a relationship between Emydoidea and Deirochelys. Although DeivooheZys possesses no plastral hinge and on many points of shell morphology closely approaches certain members of the genus Chrysemys (McDowell, 196^), it does, as Williams noted, share with Emydoidea a number of specializations of the skull, cervical vertebrae and neck musculature. On these grounds Williams suggested that Emydoidea was a derivative of Deirochelys and only convergent with Emys. This view has been widely adopted by later workers (Tinkle, 1962; McDowell, 1964; Zug, I966; Pritchard, 1967; Milstead, 1969; Ernst and Barbour, 1972), some of whom (Tinkle, 1962; Zug, 1966) have presented additional evidence In support of it. McDowell (1964: 275) found no 'signifi- cant cranial differences between Deirochelys and Emydoidea^ and accordingly placed both genera in a Deirochelys Complex within the Emydinae. (p. 12h) ko However, Bramble's (197^) study of shell kinesis and other osteological and myological characters indicates instead that Emydoidea is a "close phyletic associate of 5'mys and Tepi^opene" as well as of Clenmys (the four genera comprising the Ctemmys Complex), and that these genera may be distinguished as a group from Deivochelys and McDowell's (1964) Chrysemys Complex. Waagen (1972) formed an identical opinion from his analysis of musk glands in Recent turtles. On the basis of fossils discussed in this paper I agree with the conclusions of Waagen (1972) and Bramble (197^) that Deiroahelys shares a close relationship with the genus Chrysemys, and that similarities hetvieen Emydoidea and Deiro- ahelys are "undoubtedly the result of convergent feeding system" (Bramble, 197't). In fact, most of the modifications used to substantiate a close relationship between Deivochelys and Emydoidea (elongated ventre 1 1 y-bowed free ribs, widened neural bones, elongated cervical vertebrae, and a greatly hypertrophied cervical musculature) are also present in the totally unrelated (at least at the familial level) cryptodire genus Chelydra as well as the pleurodire genus Chelys. They are, moreover, all modifications associated with the pharyngeal method of feeding (Bramble, 1973) employed by these turtles. Hence, the taxonomic use of this particular character suite, so clearly convergent among members of three distinct families, should be treated cautiously in attempts to determine i ntrafami 1 ia 1 relationships. This paper has presented evidence of the gradual development of these adaptations as a unit of functional morphology (Wilson, 1975) within one of these phyletic lines. Pleistocene and Late Pliocene fossils of Emydoidea, which are clearly referable to the modern species E. blandingii (Taylor, 19^*3; ^1 Preston and McCoy, 1970, show no special resemblances to Late Tertiary Deirochelys , other than the convergent character set already discussed, and hence do not support a theory of their divergent evolution. Neither the fossil records nor the present distributions (Carr, 1952; Preston and McCoy, 1971; Zug and Schwartz, 1971; McCoy, 1973; Jackson and Kaye, 197^) give any indication that the two genera were ever sympatric, although the southern extension of the range of Emydoidea in the Late Pleistocene (Jackson and Kaye, 197^*) closely approaches the present northern limit of Deirochelys in Mississippi. Further ecological studies might help to determine if this allopatric relationship reflects a Gause-type competitive relationship or a difference in thermal re- qu i rements . Distribution and Paleoecology The genus Deirochelys is endemic to the southeastern United States, and it is therefore not surprising that the first extensive evidence of its fossil history should be from Florida. All vertebrate fossil sites known to contain Deirochelys (Fig. 3) occur within the range of the modern subspecies D. reticularia chrysea or its zone of intergradat ion with D. r. reticularia (Schwartz, 1956; Zug and Schwartz, 1971). Deirochelys reticularia usually inhabits quiet, shallow bodies of freshwater throughout its range although it occasionally enters the quieter portions of streams (Pope^ 1939; R- Webb, 1950; Carr, 1952; Schwartz, 1956; Campbell, I969) and perhaps rarely saltwater (Neill, 19^*8; Martof, I963). Personal observations in north-central Florida k2 indicate that the densest populations of Deivochelys occur in shallow (less than one meter) ponds with abundant basking logs, emergent bushes (e.g., Cephalanthus), and an extensive Lenma-Wolffiella surface mat. From a structural standpoint, the relatively short limbs, long nuchal scute underlap, and absence of streamlining (as compared to a lotic form such as Chrysemys conoinna) reflect its evolution as a quiet- water form. The turtle also shows a proclivity for overland wanderinc (Neill, 19^*8; Carr, 1952; Gibbons, I969, 1970). Its typical association with the Southeastern Coastal Plain (Mount, 1972; Mount and Folkerts, 1968) implies adaptation to a warm temperate climate. The presence of Deivochelys and associated fauna {he-pisosteus, Amia, Alligator, Chry- semys aaelata {Chapter III), Trionyx cf. T. ferox] in Hemphillian sites thus indicates the existence of quiet freshwater (e.g., sinkhole ponds or sluggish streams) and a warm, equable climate in the Florida Midd 1 e PI iocene. Even In the most favorable habitats Deivochelys today rarely reaches densities comparable to those of sympatric emydine turtles (e.g., Chrysemys nelsoni, C. flovidana, C. scvipta) . This relationship appears to hold also in the Pliocene; in the only Pliocene deposit containing large numbers of Deivochelys (Love Bone Bed), Chrysemys caelata elements outnumber those of D. carri approximately four to one. In what presumably was a suboptimal habitat for Deirochelys at McGehee Farm the ratio is even more disparate. This indicates that populations of Deirochelys may be more restricted by limiting factors than are other emydines. All fossil records for Deirochelys from sites near the present coastline of Florida (Fig. 3) are either Subrecent or Late Ranchol abrean. ^3 All other sites except those in the Waccassassa River are in presently wel 1 -drained localities 21 to 37 m above present sea level; these in- clude all sites assigned to the Hemphillian, I rv ington ian , Blancan, and early Rancholabrean periods. Webb and Tessman (I968) have presented vertebrate faunal evidence supporting conclusions based on physiographic evidence (Alt and Brooks, 196^; Alt, 1967) that sea level dropped and rose again as much as 30 meters during Hemphillian (middle Pliocene) time. McGehee Farm (early Hemphillian) was thus very near the Pliocene coastal shoreline during its time of deposition and its fauna clearly reflects an estuarine influence, although nearby Mixson's Bone Bed, which occurs at the same elevation, does not (Webb, 1964; Webb and Tessman, I968). Additionally, the Late Pliocene and Middle Pleistocene interglacial deposits contain- ing Deivochelys were much nearer to coastal shorelines during deposition than they are today. It seems probable that since at least the Plio- cene Deivochelys has been associated primarily with lowland habitat, as was the Pleistocene box turtle subspecies Tevrapene cavolitia putnami in Florida (Auffenberg, 1958). Distribution of these turtles in the Florida peninsula and along the Gulf coast must have fluctuated with the advance and retreat of the Pleistocene sea. The proclivity of the genus for overland wandering has probably been instrumental in maintain- ing or reestablishing inland populations at higher elevations in the abundant "perched" lakes (bodies of water which are completely above the piezometric surface and sometimes subject to spontaneous drainage) common throughout much of the peninsula today. The present inland populations may be relicts of higher sea levels or terrestrially- reestablished populations. Figure 3- Fossil sites in peninsular Florida containing Deiroohelys. Site ages are given in Appendix. 9. Semi nole Field 1 0. Catal i na Gardens 1 1 . Bradenton 12. Warm Mineral Springs 13- NIchol's Hammock ]k. Reddick I IC 15. Thomas Farm 16. Vero 1 McGehee Farm 2 Ha i le si tes 3 Love Bone Bed h Wal 1 Company P i t 5 Mixson's Bone Bed 6 Kendrick lA 7 Waccasassa River sites 8 Col eman IMC 'f5 Figure k. Third neural bones of Chrysemys floridana (A) and Deivoahelys vetiaularia (B) ; note greater width and characteristic sculpturing of latter. Figure 5- Frontal aspects of third pleural bones of Chvysemys aoncinna (A) and Deivoahelys vetiaularia (B) , showing dorsal ribs. if? / o > :,■■ 1- ',- "O » Q) r^'^ -o 4-1 I rz m ') 11' — w ^9 Q Figure 7. Length: width ratios of second through sixth neural bones of Recent (closed circles), Irvingtonian (stars), Hemphillian (triangles - Love; square - Haile VI; asterisk - Mixson's), and Arikareean (open circle) Deiroohelys. Dice - Leraas diagrams depict mean, range, and two standard errors; numbers above and below bars represent sample sizes. 51 1.0-1 10 10 1 O 10 X 9 I— o z LU < OH LU Z f 10 1 i L 1 • .6- * 10 10 10 —r 4 -I- 6 NEURAL NUMBER Figure 8. Rib distance: pleural bone width ratios for Recent, Pleistocene, and Pliocene Deiroahelys; all symbols as in Fig. 7- 53 l.Oi X a .8 < '^ .6 LU U z to Q .4 CO .2' 4 f tti tl f 3 4 5 PLEURAL NUMBER 6 Figure 9. Nuchal (UF 16271) and three neural bones (TRO 101-103) of Rancholabrean Deivoohelys reticularia from Waccasassa River V and I, respectively. Figure 10. Distinctly sculptured nuchal bone (UF 9292) and sixth neural bone (UF 19250) of Deirochelys reticularia from Kendrick lA. 55 ^^^^R^, «Pp w Figure 11. Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) surfaces of carapace fragment (UF 20888) of Irvingtonian Deirochelys retiaularia (Haile XVl). Note sculpturing, neural bone width, and rib junctures. Figure 12. Fifth neural bone (A, UF 192^9) and nuchal bone fragment (B, UF 19168), of Blancan Deirochelys retiaularia (Haile XV), showing broad nuchal scute underlap. 57 • s. %■ V^' •f\ Figure 13A. Beirochelys carri holotype, UF 20908, dorsal aspect of carapace. Hatched areas missing from fossil. 59 Figure 13B. Deivochelys oarvi holotype, UF 20908, ventral aspect of plastron. Hatched areas missing from fossil. 61 !^ , — c C^ (D >— Vl I- D 1- 03 OJ 3 ;^r1 1 — o r-i o o W o r^' JZ n 4J ■o (1 •— r— Is i 3 •vJ f) W lA ? t^ t~^ 0) o O M OJ "S 03 •t-l o (U > if) x: •M o tf) (D 3 o. U tr -. • — 0) M- o ■a o o r 4- CTl >— o (U o o CM in fi (D X •t^ M- o ?., 1- -3 1- (-i 3 1- r-i in •^ < ;^; OJ i:^ f— u •vJ m (0 - -(^ i_ Q. TO o -D t-:i 63 Figure 16. A distinctly sculptured nuchal bone (A) and posterior peripheral bone (B) of Deiroohelys oarri from the Love Bone Bed (x 1.15). Figure 17. Beirochelys fossils from the Thomas Farm Miocene (X 2.25). (A) Neural bone, (B) visceral surface of pleural bone fragment showing rib juncture scar. 65 B B o — c ■M >• o - N 13 J= — o 0] 0) o 0 m C 0) 4-1 -O .- C X — O — Lu 3 a. .— 67 (/> CO >: >- LU ^ X UJ u to >- o o^ Q^ iN U I / I / I / 1/ c 0 u O C Q) U O 0 C u O O) o m o "T" q: 00 00 to < -O to z O CN M : 1 ivyn3N aN3 CHAPTER I I I THE STATUS OF THE PLIOCENE TURTLES CHRYSEMYS CAELATA (HAY) AND CHRYSEMYS CARRI ROSE AND WEAVER Three non- Trachemys species of Chrysemys (sensu McDowell, 196^) have been described from the Pliocene ofRorida. Hay (I908) described C. caelata, largely on the basis of shell sculpturing, from MLxson's Bone Bed," Levy County. Hay considered this site Pleistocene in age although it had previously been recognized as Pliocene (Dall and Harris, 1892; Leidy and Lucas, I896) and was so reassigned by Simpson in I929. Rose and Weaver (I966) examined shells of Chrysemys from McGehee Farm in adjacent Alachua County and described both a smooth-shelled species {C. williamsi) and a rugose species {C. carri) yet made no reference to C. caelata. Both sites are Pliocene deposits within the Alachua Formation (Simpson, 1929a; Rose and Weaver, I966; Hirschfeld and Webb, 1968). The occurrence of two rough-shelled species in approximately equivalent strata only 3k km apart prompted me to investigate their taxonomic status. All specimens are in the collections of the U.S. National Museum (USNM) , Florida State Museum (UF), and Florida Geological Survey (FGS). "Uncertainty surrounds Hay's designation of the type locality of C. caelata, as it does much of the early Mixson material (Simpson, 1929a). In conjunction with the original description. Hay (I908) gave the locality as '"Mason's bone bed,' somewhere in Levy County, Florida," but later (I9I6) referred the site only to "somewhere in Levy County Florida," The data with the USNM specimens read "Levy County, Florida 1885, L. C. Johnson." As this is the period when Johnson and other representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey were originally investigating Mixson's Bone Bed (Simpson, 1929a), and as the material exhibits the same condition of preservation as known Mixson material I suggest that "Mason's" is a liberal orthographic interpretation of Mixson' s." 68 69 Taxonomic Considerations Chrysemys caelata was described by Hay (1908) on the basis of 11 unassociated elements; of these he considered 10 (USNM 2508) as probably representing one large individual and a single pleural (USNM 6064) a smaller specimen. The nuchal bone was designated as the type. My examination of this material reveals that probably no more than two bones represent any single individual. However, the entire series appears to represent one species. The two posterior peripherals to which Hay (1908) referred are a tenth and eleventh from the right side. In his original description (I908) he wrongly referred to the seventh right peripheral as a third left, but corrected this error in 1916. As Hay gives adequate measurements and detailed accounts of the sculpturing on most of the bones, a redescript ion of the material is unnecessary. Hay (1908) placed great emphasis on the characteristic sculpturing of the shell of C. caelata, which he said "resembles that of Traahemys saripta" (= Chrysemys) . The sculpturing bears an even stronger resemblance to that of C. nelsoni, which, 1 i l E o r— f- 1_ (TJ i- 1+- X- m o u. « 13 ■+^ c 0) « fl) v~^ U- -C W n 0) f^ ts n tn o — - (3 (^ 1-^ CO , — (» oo TO a o , — s !_ ly cvj <_) +J '•^ — ■ C to u. a) Si=> o > t= r~- 0) "O CO -o CO c o c Si ID rsi 03 ?H . O CNJ -o m oo a) -Cv4 (U ^ — ■ •M U- r Z2 a ,— (U en ro -c -^ i/i 4-' ?s flj i_ ?H > n u- « C) o o o -J 78 /''■ V V^' O v£) invo CM O o 2: CM z to u. Z3 Z3 G "^ 4^ ?H « ?^ vo G - — ^ Q) <:j 0 G 0 • 1 — to 03 X SiT3 ■ E c: ca nj CO Si— ' — «. ^ — f— rC 03 (U to 1- 1- TO •- •- .— in ui Q. 1- 1- Q) O O T3 -C 80 ^^'-^i. Figure 21. Ventral surfaces of entoplastra (A, C) and dorsal surfaces of suprapygal bones (B, D) of Chrysemys nelsoni (A, B) and C. oaelata (C, D) . 82 B ( D \ CHAPTER IV A REEXAMINATION OF THE CERYSEMYS SCRIPTA GROUP BASED ON FOSSIL EVIDENCE The systematic status and relationships of Chvysemys soripta and its close relatives have been a major center of controversy among turtle evolutionists. Most early workers (Agassiz, 1857; Gray, I87O; Hay, I908; Gilmore, 1933) assigned the C. scripta complex full generic standing as the genus Trachemys , although Boulenger (I889) included it in Chrysemys. Subsequent workers (Carr, 1952; Williams, 1956; Loveridge and Williams, 1957) incorporated the group into the genus Pseudemys (as had Cope, I878) but made few statements about intrageneric relationships above the species level. It was not until 1964 when McDowell considered Pseudemys and Chrysemys {sensu striata) congeneric that subgenera were formally recognized. The subgenus Trachemys included all members of the C. scripta complex; the subgenus Pseudemys included two series of turtles--the floridana series (C. floridana and C. conainna) and the rubriventris series (C. rubriventris, C. alahamensis and C. nelsoni) --both more closely related to each other than either is to Trachemys; finally, the type species of the genus, C. picta, was considered a third distinct subgenus, Chrysemys. Weaver and Rose (1967) examined the ideas of McDowell (1964) using fossil and extant material and concluded that his subgenera were invalid. They developed a new phylogeny for the genus in which they cons idered the North American C. scripta group to be more closely related to the C. rubriventris complex, and the West Indian, Mexican, Central and South 83 8^ American turtles previously considered races of C. scripta to be more closely related to C. ftoridana and C. concinna. Their failure to recognize the importance of convergence of specific adaptations, as well as the false premises on which they delineated "ancestral characters," leave their conclusions suspect. One of the major drawbacks to a vertical study of the C. scripta complex has been the absence of skulls of extinct forms; in fact, only two fossil emydid skulls from all of North America have been previously reported (Hay, 1 908 ; Gilmore, 1933), and the identities of these are ambiguous. McDowell's (1964) conclusions, drawn almost entirely from cranial characters, have therefore been nearly impossible to apply to fossil forms, the taxonomy of which has necessarily been based almost exclusively on shell osteology. In this paper I report previously unrecognized skull material from the Florida Pliocene which casts new light on some of these problems. Furthermore, only very limited attempts have been made to relate fossils from Florida to those from the Great Plains; this must be done if pal eontolog ical species are to have biological meaning. My purpose, therefore, is not to revise the genus again, but to analyze all available fossils to point out problems with some of the earlier schemes, and to reinterpret intrageneric relationships accordingly. Of primary interest here is the relationship of the C. scripta complex to other members of the genus. The term "North American C. scri-pta,*' as used in this paper, includes only those turtles occurring in the continental United States. All fossils, unless otherwise noted, are in the vertebrate paleontology collection of the Florida State Museum (UF) . 85 Tvachemiis In the Pleistocene Probably due to their abundance in the Pleistocene of Florida and Texas and the ease with which they may be recognized, fossils of the C. scripta group (i.e., Traohemys) have been known longer and studied more extensively than those of most other southeastern emydid turtles. Hay (1908, I9I6) recognized eight extinct species from Pleistocene deposits in Florida and Texas that he assigned to this group: Traohemys euglypha (Leidy), T. saulpta Hay I908, T. ? jarmani Hay I9O8, T. petrolei (Leidy), T. bisomata (Cope), T. tvulla Hay I908, T. ? delioata Hay 1916 and T. ? nuohooarinata Hay I9I6. Weaver and Robertson (I967) correctly placed six of these names in synonymy with C. saripta and incorporated them, as well as other Florida Rancholabrean material, in their new combination C. s. petrolei. The remaining two names represent fossils incorrectly assigned to Traohemys: T. nuohooarinata = Terrapene Carolina (Auffenberg, 1958) and Traohemys jarmani = C. nelsoni (Chapter II). The only other Traohemys recognized by Hay was T. hillii (Cope) from the Pliocene Loup Fork beds of Kansas; it is discussed further below. Because of intraspeci f ic variation within Recent, Rancholabrean, and irvingtonian C. soripta, the utility of C. s. petrolei as a reliable stratigraphic tool in Florida is meager. Justification for giving the Rancholabrean fossils separate taxonomic status must be questioned. Weaver and Robertson (I967) distinguish C. s. petrolei from all other C. soripta by only two characters: its larger average size and greater carapacial rugosity. They admit, however, that these are "minor distinctions." They also state that "the extensive rugosity and sculpturing of the RanchoJabrean fossils is often present in large, extant specimens of C. s. saripta." Furthermore, they add that "an additional series of fossils from Ichatuckenee Springs" shows "a size gradation from typically large Rancholabrean nuchals to smaller ones which, in the absence of mineralization, are indistinguishable from those of extant C. s. scripta" (italics mine). Neither of the two characters used to diagnose C. s. petrolei is reliable. Although the shells of Rancholabrean C. saripta are often more rugose than their modern counterparts, the character is subject to extreme variability in both temporal groups. It is not uncommon to find, in peninsular Florida, living C. saripta whose shells are more rugose and more deeply insculpted than those of many fossil C. saripta. The second and chief character by which Weaver and Robertson (196?) define C. s. petrolei- \arger average size than extant C. saHptaseems to me insufficient to serve alone as the basis for a separate taxon. The larger average size of turtles in the Pleistocene versus those today is not unique to C. saripta. It can be documented not only in other species of Chrysemys in Florida but also in most other genera; e.g., Deiroahelys (Chapter II). Graptemys (Chapter I), and Terrapene (Auffenberg. 1958). Many reasons can be speculated to account for larger size in the Pleistocene: climatic differences as they affect heat loss and retention by poikilotherms; size-selective predation by man or other predators; and, nutritional differences in diet, etc. Body size is a complex phenomenon and should not be used as the sole criterion for establishing additional taxa. The designation of a temporal subspecies must be made with extreme caution (see Mayr, I969). Although the concepts of temporal and geographic 87 subspecies are not necessarily equivalent, they must nonetheless be compatible when applied to one species. The designation of a temporal subspecies that might in itself encompass more than one geographic subspecies is more apt to cause confusion than to increase understanding. This is precisely the case with C. s. petrolei, as pointed out previously by Preston (1971). Two distinct subspecies occupy the purported range of C. s. petrolei (Florida to Atascosa County, Texas) today: C. s. elegans in the west and C. s. saripta in the east. The possibility certainly exists that more than one race of C. saripta occupied this region during late Pleistocene, so that C. s. petrolei in Texas may have been subspeci f ical ly distinct from C. s. petrolei in Florida. Essentially the same problem arose when Preston (I966, 1971) recognized C. s. hisornata (by which he meant C. s. elegans-] ike turtles from the Irvingtonian mammalian age) from both Florida and Texas. It is unfortunate that the diagnoses of the modern subspecies of C. scripta rely almost entirely upon color pattern, as they thus cannot be compared directly with the fossils. The osteological characters used by Preston (1966) to distinguish these forms have some val ue--part icular ly the development of the middorsal i (Texas I rv i ngton ian) . I suspect that, through a data mix-up or deposltional quirk, the shell may be Pleistocene. The alternative is that C. saripta existed as early as Middle Pliocene (perhaps including C. hillii) , and that turtles assigned to C. inflata and C. idahoensis represent a now extinct second line of Traohemys in North America. Finally, the status and relationships of the several Mexican, Central and South American, and Antillian extant forms assigned to the C. saripta complex (Williams, 1956; McDowell, 1964; Weaver and Rose, 1967; Moll and Legler, 1971) remain to be determined. As shown previously many of the relationships suggested by Weaver and Rose (1967) are based on inadequate characters; hence, their conclusions regarding the relationships of the Neotropical turtles in this complex must be reexamined. Unfortunately, these turtles are essentially unknown as fossils. I suggest that they be retained provisionally as members of the C. saripta complex as put forth by Williams (1956). Figure 22A. Posterior palatal surface of_siri; see Chapter II). The similarity also holds for the two fragmentary nuchals, but, more importantly, equivalent nuchal scute underlaps for all three may be found in Deirochelys as well (e.g., UF Ukk; DRJ 300, 305). Furthermore, Rose and Weaver (I966) overlooked the importance of the laterally expanded first vertebral scute (see Williams, I953, Plate 4b) , evident on both nuchal bones in which the sulci can be seen. Only in Deirochelys and the Pliocene C. wilUamsi among Florida emydids is the first vertebral scute regularly this wide. This condition occurs as an uncommon variant in both C. nelsoni (e.g., DRJ 225) and C. floridana (e.g., DRJ 255). However, the nuchal scute underlap is much longer than that of C. WilUamsi. In conclusion, the nuchal bones represent either Deirochelys or an undescribed species of Chrysemys that combines features of two Pliocene species, C. oaelata and C. wilUamsi. Interestingly, this combination of characters is common today in the Central American turtle, C. ornata. 109 Discuss ion Williams (1953) tentatively assigned the Thomas Farm Chvysemys to the floridana group on the basis of shell rugosity and other unspecified details. Rose and Weaver (I966) rightly pointed out that the pleural bone rugosity bore stronger resemblance to that of C. nelsoni and C. caelata and, based on this and two other characters that must be questioned on the grounds that they may have been drawn from Deirohelys, referred the Thomas Farm fossils to the nelsoni-whviventvis complex. It is not yet clear which of these two viewpoints is correct. Indeed, there is no evidence to indicate that these two lines within the subgenus Pseudemys (i.e., nelsoni-vuhviventvis and flovidnna-concinna) had diverged by the Miocene. (For reasons given in Chapter IV, I cannot agree with Rose and Weaver's [I966] hypothesis of a close relationship between C. nelsoni and C. soripta.) in fact, an Oligocene or early Miocene turtle like that at Thomas Farm, with strong resemblance to C. ovnata, would seem sufficiently generalized to give rise not only to both lines of Pseudemys {rubviventris and floridana) but to Trachemys as well. A final pal eoecolog lea 1 note may be added. Among freshwater emydid turtles, a rugose carapace and relatively long nuchal scute underlap seem to be associated with occupation of quiet waters, and a smooth carapace and short nuchal scute underlap with more strongly flowing water (these are only two of what appears to be a complex of habitat-related morphological characters). Regardless of generic affiliations, the nuchal scute underlap and carapacial rugosity of the Thomas Farm emydid fossils therefore imply that the Lower Miocene environment of Thomas Farm included slow-moving or still water, as previously suggested by Auffenberg (I963). Figure 23. Dorsal and visceral surfaces of second and third neural bones (UF 21933) of Chrysemys from Thomas Farm (x 2.2). Ill APPENDIX FOSSIL LOCALITIES CONTAINING DEIEOCHELYS Miocene: Arikareean site Thomas Farm, Gilchrist County. Auffenberg (1963a) reviews the geology and literature pertinent to this site in addition to discussing its ophidian fauna. He interprets the site as representing a lower Miocene fissure fill and points out biotic evidence for the presence of slow-moving or still water during that time. Pliocene: Hemphillian sites Haile Vl, Alachua County. One of a series of Pliocene sites assigned to the "Alachua Formation" of Florida, parts of its pa leoherpetofauna have been treated by Auffenberg (1955, 1963a), Coin and Auffenberg (1955), and D. Jackson (Chapter III). Auffenberg (1963a) discusses the stratigraphy of the deposit and states that it represents an ancient stream bed. The site lies approximately 26 m above present sea level. Love Bone Bed, Alachua County. This previously unreported site (29°33'N, 82°31'W; Sec. 9, TllS R18E) near Archer, Alachua County, Florida, is named for Ronald Love who discovered it in 1974; it is now being excavated by the Florida State Museum under the supervision of S. David Webb. Preliminary strat igraphic studies reveal that the deposit represents the "Alachua clays" which were 112 113 laid down in an ancient stream bed cut into uplifted Eocene Ocaia 1 imestone. The presence of the horses Hipparion pUaatile Leidy and Nannippus ingenuus (Leidy). an early Osteoborus dog, the artiodactyls Synthetooeras and an advanced Cranio cer as , and an early saber-cat of the genus Bopbourofelis (S. D. Webb, pers. comm.), as well as the turtle Chrysemys caelata Hay (Chapter III), indicates an early Hemphill ian fauna roughly equivalent to that of McGehee Farm and Mixson's Bone Bed. McGehee Farm, Alachua County. An early Hemphill ian site in the Alachua Formation (Rose and Weaver, 1966; Hirschfeld and Webb, I968), McGehee Farm is the type locality of the Pliocene emydine turtle Chrysemys wilUamsi (Rose and Weaver, I966), the tortoise Geoahelone alleni (Auffenberg, I966), and the chelydrid Maaroalemys auffenbergi (Dobie, I968), and has additionally yielded abundant material representing Chrysemys oaelata (Chapter III) and Trionyx sp. Mixson's Bone Bed, Levy County. The first known Pliocene deposit (Dall and Harris, 1892,- Leidy and Lucas, 1896) within the type section of the Alachua Formation (Simpson, 1929a) of Florida, Mixson's Bone Bed is the type locality of Hay's (I908) Chrysemys oaelata (Chapter III). Pliocene; BJancan site Haile XVA, Alachua County. This deposit represents a former sinkhole filled with alternating coarse sands and clays. The fauna, assigned to the Aftonian interglac ial, 11^ is characterized by a rich assortment of aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates, including the turtle Chvysemys platymarginata (Weaver and Robertson, I967) for which the site is the type locality. Although now Ik m above present sea level the presence of marine vertebrates in the fauna indicates higher sea level during deposition and a decided estuarine influence (Kinsey, 197^; S. Webb, 197^). Robertson (1976) presents a detailed account of the stratigraphy and the mammalian fauna of the deposit. Pleistocene: Irvingtonian site Haile XVI, Alachua County. An undescribed pit (29°^0'40"N, 82°3^'20"W; Sec. 25, T9S, R17E) in the Haile limestone quarries (Ligon, I965) excavated by the Florida State Museum under the supervision of S. David Webb in May, 1973. The fauna appears to be i nterg lacial , of Irvingtonian age, and may represent the first known Yarmouthian deposit in Florida. A more detailed discussion of the deposit will accompany reports of faunal studies presently being conducted . Pleistocene: Rancholabrean sites Bradenton 51st Street, Manatee County. A coastal marsh 3 m above present sea level (S. Webb, 197^), the site is discussed by Simpson (1930a, b) and Auffenberg (1958; 1963a) and is now known to represent the Sangamonian interglacial (S. Webb, 197^). Coleman IMC, Sumter County. An undescribed deposit (Sec. 7, T20S, R23E) of Rancholabrean age (S. D. Webb, pers. comm. ) , this site, like previously reported Coleman 115 deposits (Martin 197^), represents a filled sinkhole in the late Eocene Ocala Limestone; its surface lies approximately 24 m above present sea level . Kendrick lA, Marion County. A sinkhole-fissure fill near Kendrick, the deposit lies approximately 2k m above present sea level. Kurten (I965) and Brodkorb (I959) assign the fauna to the illinoian or early Sangamonian although Auffenberg (I958) and S. Webb (197^) believe it to represent the Wisconsinan. Reddick IIC, Marion County. Approximately 2k m above present sea level, this inland deposit represents a Pleistocene sinkhole or fissure fill containing a Rancho- labrean fauna (S. D. Webb, 197^). St. Petersburg, Catalina Gardens, Pinellas County. A small, previously-unreported deposit (Sec. 12, T32S, R16E) at approximately present sea level, its fauna is apparently Rancholabrean in age (S. D. Webb, pers. comm.). Seminole Field, Pinellas County. A Pleistocene coasta] marsh three meters above present sea level, Simpson (1929a), Auffenberg (1958) and Kurten (I965) assign this site to the Wisconsinan glacial period. Cooke (1926) and Simpson (1929a) give accounts of the stratigraphy of the deposit. Simpson (1929a, b, 1930b) lists the mammalian fauna, and Gilmore (1938), Brattstrom (1953) and Auffenberg (1963a) the snake fauna. 116 Vero, Indian River County. Only three meters above present sea level, this site is considered by most recent authors (Weigel, 1962; Auffenberg, 1963a; Webb. 197^) to represent the late Wiscons inan glacial period. Weigel (I962) discusses Its stratigraphy and vertebrate fauna (but does not include Deirochelys) and reviews the extensive literature pertaining to the site. Waccasassa River I. V. and VI. Levy County. Although S. Webb (1974) includes site VI in his chronology of Florida Pleistocene localities, neither of the other deposits which have yielded Deirochelys (l, Sec. 20 and V. Sec. 32. TI3S. R16E) has been mentioned. The sites are 6 m to 7 m above present sea level and contain Rancholabrean faunas (S. D. Webb, pers. comm.). Wall Company Pit, Alachua County. The stratigraphy of this small fissure deposit is briefly discussed by Auffenberg (1963a). Auffenberg (1958) tentatively assigns the deposit to a time between the illinoian glacial maximum and the Sangamonian interglacial maximum. Subrecent sites Nichol's Hammock. Dade County. Hirschfeld (I968) describes the geology, pal eoecology, and vertebrate fauna of this solution hole site. Her herpteofaunal list includes Deirochelys retioularia. Warm Mineral Springs, Sarasota County. Ferguson et al. (19^7) describe the hydrology and topography of this spring (Sec. 25, T39S. R20E. less than six meters above present sea 17 level) under the name of Warm Salt Spring. Clausen et al. (1975) present a detailed description of the geology of the deposit for which they report a radiocarbon age of approximately 10,000 years. Fossils are currently being excavated by the Florida Department of State under the direction of W. A. Cockrel 1 . LITERATURE CITED Adler, K. I968. Synonymy of the Pliocene turtles Pseudemys hilli Cope and Chrysemys limnodytes Galbreath. J. Herpetol . 1: 32-38. Agassiz, L. 1857. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. Vol. 1, 2. Little, Brown and Co., Boston. 640 p. Alt, D. 1957. 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Taylor, D. W. I966. Summary of North American Blancan nonmarine mollusks. Malacologia h: 1-172. Taylor, E. H. 19^3. An extinct turtle of the genus Emys from the Pleistocene of Kansas. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 29: 2^9-254. Tinkle, D. W. 1962. Variation in shell morphology of North American turtles. I. The carapacial seam arrangements. Tulane Stud. Zool. 9: 331-349. Vernon, R. 0. 1951- Geology of Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida. Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 33: I-256. Waagen, G. N. 1972. Musk glands in Recent turtles. Unpubl . M.S. thesis, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City. 65 p. Weaver, W. G. , Jr., and J. S. Robertson. I967. A re-evaluation of fossil turtles of the Chrysemys soripta group. Tulane Stud. Geol. 5: 53-66. _, and F. L. Rose. I967. Systematics, fossil history, and evolution of the genus Chrysemys . Tulane Stud. Zool. I4: 63-73. 126 Webb. G. J. W and C. R. Johnson. 1972. Head-body temperature differences in turtles. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 43A: 593-611. Webb, R. G. 1950. Range extension of the chicken turtle in Oklahoma. Herpetologica 6: 137-138. Webb. S. D 1964. The Alachua Formation, p. 22-29- In Guidebook 1964 Field Trip Soc. Vert. Paleontology in Central Florida. Univ Florida, Gainesville. 1969. The Pliocene Canidaeof Florida. Bull. Florida State Mus. U: 273-308 . 1974. Chronology of Pleistocene land mammals in Florida, p. 5-31. In S. D. Webb (ed.) Pleistocene mammals of Florida. Univ Florida Press, Gainesville. , and N. Tessman. I968. A Pliocene vertebrate fauna from low elevation in Manatee County, Florida. Amer. J. Science 266: 777-811 Weber. W. A. I965. Plant geography in the southern Rocky Mountains p. 453-468. In H. E. Wright, Jr., and D. G. Frey (eds.) The ' Quaternary of the United States. Princeton Univ. Press. New Jersey. Weigel R. D. 1962. Fossil vertebrates of Vero, Florida. Florida Geol Surv. Spec. Publ . 10: 1-59. Wharton. C. H. , T. French, and C. Ruckdeschel. 1 973. Recent range- extensions for Georgia amphibians and reptiles. HISS News-J. White, T. E. 1929. The osteology of the recent turtles of central North America. Unpubl . M.A. thesis, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence. 307 p. White, W. A. 1970. The geomorphology of the Florida peninsula. Florida Bureau of Geol., Geol. Bull. 51. Williams, E. E. 1950. Variation and selection in cervical central articulations of living turtles. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat Hist 94: 505-562. . 1953. A new fossil tortoise from the Thomas Farm Miocene of Florida. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 107: 537-554. . 1956. Pseudemys saripta aallirostris from Venezuela with a general survey of the saripta series. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool 115(5): 145-160. Wilson, J. W. . III. 1975. Morphological change as a reflection of adaptive zone. Amer. Zool. 15: 363-370. 127 Wood, R. C, and B. Patterson. 1973. A fossil trionychid turtle from South America. Breviora Mus. Comp. Zool. No. ^05: 1-10. Yerger, R. W. , and K. Relyea. I968. The flat-headed bullheads (Pisces: Ictaluridae) of the southeastern United States, and a new series of Ictaliirus from the Gulf Coast. Copeia I968: 361-38^. Zakrzewski, R. J. I969. The rodents from the Hagerman local fauna. Upper Pliocene of Idaho. Contrib. Mus. Paleontology, Univ. Michigan. 23: I-36. Zug, G. R. 1966. The penial morphology and the relationships of cryptodiran turtles. Occ. Paper Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan No 6^7: 1-24. 1969. Fossil chelonians, Chrysemys and Clernmys, from the Upper Pliocene of Idaho. Great Basin Naturalist 29: 82-87 » ^nd A. Schwartz. 1971. Deiroohelys: D. retioulavia. Cat. Amer. Amphib. Rept. 107. 1-10?. 3. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Dale Robert Jackson was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 17, 19^9. He entered Eastern Illinois University in September, I967, and received the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in zoology in June, 1971. Setting out to seek his fortune, the naive midwestern youth journeyed southward and, in September that same year, entered the Graduate School of the University of Florida. There he pursued the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of zoology. He is a member of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, American Society of Naturalists, American Society of Zoologists, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Audubon Society. He is unmarried, has no children to his knowledge, and is now seeking happiness rather than fortune. 128 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Walter Auffenber^^, Chi'j/man Professor of iQjsAoqy '''^ I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. tan ^l/lA/^^ Carmine A. Lancianl Associate Professor of Zoology I certify that i have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Frank G. Nordl ie Professor of Zoology I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assistant Professor of Geology I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree p^- Doctor of Philosophy. S. David'Welib " \^ V Professor of Zoology This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Zoology in the College of Arts and Sciences and to the Graduate Council, and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree' of Doctor of Philosophy. August, 1977 Dean, Graduate School UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08553 2884