2960 V) (iutvuL ( ^ ^7 VoS 3tflpC> HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOL.OGY •4o iotT ' > O^AjJL ; \ c( i T' V I: Animalia. Editus a ' F. Frech. Pars 3: Ch. Schuchert Stelleroidea palaeozoica. Einzel-Freis: Mark 5.10 Preis far Subscribenten aaf Abteilung I: Mark 4.30 „ „ „ „ i, Iu. II: Mark 3.40 vK ; W. Junk Berlin W. 15. 7. III. 1914. W. JUNK, Berlin W. 15. Verlag fiir Naturwissenschaften. ■ Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia. Editus a F. Frecll. Pars 1: F. Frech, Ammoneae Devonicae. 1913. (Mark 4). Pretium subscriptionis: Mark 2,65. „ 2: W. Teppner, Lamellibranchiata tertiaria. "Anisomyaria”. I. 1914. (Mark 6). Pretium subscriptionis: Mark 4. II: Plantae. Editus a W. Jongmans. Pars 1: W. Jongmans, Lycopodiales I. 1913. (Mark 5). Pretium subscriptionis: Mark 3,30. 2: W. Jongmans, Equisetales I. 1914. (Mark 5,10). Pretium subscriptionis: Mark 3,40. Coleopterorum Catalogus. Editus auspiciis et auxilio W. Jmik a S. Sclienkling. Partes 1—58. 1910—14. (Mark 521,25) Mark 347,70. Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Editus a H. Wagner. Partes 1—17. 1911—13. (Mark 102,10) Mark 68. Psyllidarum Catalogus. Auctore GL Aulmann. 1913. 92 pag. Mark 5. Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia. Editus a F. Frech. Pars 3: Ch. Schuchert Stelleroidea palaeozoica. W. Junk Berlin W. 15. 1914 Druck von A. H o p f er in Burg h. M. Introduction. About one year ago Professor Frech. dici me tne honor to ask for my help in furthering the progress of the Fossilium Catalogus published by W. Junk of Berlhr. Since then I have completed a large work entitled, ,, Re vision of Paleozoic Stelleroidea,with special reference to North American Asteroidea“, which vili be publislied during 1914 by the United States National Museum. During the meetings of the Twelfth International Geological Congress held at Toronto during the summer of 1913, I apprised Professor Frech of the completion of this memoir and of my willingness to take out of it ali of the bibliographic references for publication in the Fossilium Catalogus. The following ,,Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea“ treats of ali the species and genera found in the Paleocoic throughout the worlcl. My aim has been to make it as complete as possible, and to this end ali the available literature at Yale University has been gone over. References are made to periodicals mstead of to tities of papers wherever possible, since it is believed that this method is the easier for the worker to use. The abbreviations are somewhat longer than is usual, because such a catalogue vili be used in many lands. Further help with reference to the bibliography can be hacl from the gcographical distribution of the species, which is at once a guide to the source of the literature. Ali of the synonyms, both generic and specific, have been given as determined by authors and as more fully presented in the forthcoming memoir; and to make this information reaclily accessible the species are grouped under their proper genera, and ali are arranged, including synonyms, in one alphabetic catalogue. Hence the results of any worker along these lines can be quickly found, together with the present status of species and genera. The catalogue is preceded by a „Classification of Paleozoic Star- fishes“ as worked out in the memoir above cited, so that subsequent workers can detsrmine for themselves the rclationship of any form they wish to study. To further facilitate the finding of the rclationship of any genus, the generic names in the catalogue proper are followed by symbols which indicate to which subclass they belong. In regard to the genera, the first important question to be answered is : What species is the type of the genus ? In ali cases these type species are given in the catalogue, for the genera in good standing and for their syno- nyms as well. On the other hand, for species, it is always of importance to know the geologic horizon and geographic occurrence of the form, and this information is also supplied. The catalogue has been brought to its present state of completcness, through the search of the literature and its correct citation, by Miss Clara Mac LeYene, to whom I am under great obligations. My further thanks are due to the firm of W. Junk for their care in the printing. New Haven, Conn., November 20, 1913. Charles Schuchert. Professor of Paleontology in Yale University. 1* 4 Explanation. — Stelleroidea. Pars 3 Explanation of terms and symbols nsed in the catalogue. (A) = Asteroidea (AL) = Auluroidea (0) = Ophiuroidea. Genotype (genos- race, and typos -type). Genotype applies to the selected type species on which a genus is based. The selection may come about by any one of four methods; (1) Genoholotype or „type by designation“. The one species fixed by an author as the type of a genus. In cases where the genus at the time of original definition contained but a single species, this naturally becomes the genotype even if the author fails to state its selection („type by monotypy“). (2) On the other hand, when the name of a genus is the same as that of one of its original species, or the same as a synonym of one of its species, that species must be accepted as the geno- holotype („type by tautonymy“ of Allen). (3) Genosyntypes. Two or more species mentioned by the author at the time of original definition, without selection of any one as the type. These genotypes may be monotypical or heterotypical. When one of these forms is selected by a subsequent worker it becomes a (4) Genolectotype or „typs by subsequent designation“ or „type by revision“. The literature on this subject is as follows: „0n type specimens in natural history“, by Charles Schuchert (Bull. 53, U. S. Nat. Mus., Pt. I, 1905, pp. 7 — 18); and „Tlie determination of genotypes in Zoology“, by J. A. Allen (Proc. Seventh. Inter. Zool. Cong., Boston, 1912, pp. 807 — 813). The catalogue recognizes the folio wing Stelleroidea: Geograpliic Distribution Genera Species North American Species European Species Southern Hemisphere Species Asteroidea .... 45 108 51 51 6 Auluroidea . . . 30 55 17 33 5 Ophiuroidea . . . 1 5 5 0 0 Totals 76 168 79 84 1 11 Greologic Distribution Ordo- vicic (Untersilur) Siluric (Obersilur) Devonic Lower Carboni- ferous Upper Carboni - ferous Permic Asteroidea. . . . 45 16 35 6 6 0 Auluroidea . . . 12 16 24 3 0 0 Ophiuroidea . . 0 0 0 5 0 0 Totals 57 32 59 14 6 0 Pars 3 Stelleroidea. 5 No Stelleroidea are as yet known below the Middle Ordovicic, but here we already meet with botli plianerozonian and cryptozonian asterids, and witli aulurids. The class therefore had its origin certainly in the Lower Ordovicic, and probably as far back as the Cambric. In the Ordovicic („Un t e r s i 1 u r“ of the German geologists) occur the following 19 genera and 57 species*): Alepidaster (AL) 3 Anorthaster (A) 1 Ataxaster (A) 1 Bohemura (AL) 1 Eophiura (AL) 1 Hudsonaster (A) 6 *Mesopalaeaster (A) 9 Palaeura (AL) 1 ?*Palasterina (A) 1 *Petraster (A) 3 In the Siluric („Obersilur“ of the German geologists) lived the following 20 genera and 35 species: Bdellacoma Promopalaeaster (A) 10 *Protaster (AL) 2 ♦Schuchertia (A) 2 Siluraster (A) 1 *Stenaster (A) 2 Taeniaster (AL) 4 Tetraster (A) 2 Uranaster (A) 1 *Urasterella (A) 6 (AL) 1 Eucladia 2 *Eugasterella (AL) 1 Euthemon 1 Gregoriura (AL) 1 Lawporthura (AL) 1 Lepidaster (A) 1 Lindstromaster (A) 1 *Mesopalaeaster (A) 4 Palaeaster (A) 1 ♦Palasterina (A) 2 *Petraster (A) 1 *Protaster (AL) 3 Rhopalocoma (AL) *Schuchertia (A) 1 Squamaster (AL) 1 ?*Stenaster (A) 1 Stiirtzaster (AL) 4 Stiirtzura (AL) 3 *Urasterella (A) 4 The Devonic has 41 genera Agalmaster (A) 3 *Astropeeten (A) 1 Bundenbachia (AL) 1 Cheiropteraster (A) 1 Devonaster (A) 2 Echinasterella (A) 2 Echinasterias (A) 1 Echinodiscites (A) 1 Echinostella (A) 1 Eifelaster (A) 1 Encrinaster (AL) 9 Eoluidia (AL) 1 Eospondylus (AL) 1 ?Eueladia 1 ♦Eugasterella (AL) 1 Furcaster (AL) 2 Hallaster (AL) 1 Helianthaster (A) 2 Jaekelaster (A) 1 Lepidasterella (A) 1 Loriolaster (A) 1 The Lower Carbonic has Aganaster (AL) 1 Cholaster (AL) 1 Compsaster (A) 1 ?Cribellites 1 and 59 species, as follows: Medusaster (A) 1 ?*Mesopalaeaster (A) 2 Miomaster (A) 1 Miospondylus (AL) 1 Ophiurina (AL) 1 Palaeopliiomyxa (AL) 1 Palaeophiura (AL) 1 Palaeosolaster (A) 2 Palaeostella (A) 1 Palasteriscus (A) 1 Palastropecten (AL) 1 Pseudopalasterina (A) 1 Ptilonaster (AL) 1 Rhenaster (A) 1 Spaniaster (A) 1 Sympterura (AL) 1 ?*Tremataster (AL) 1 Trimeraster (A) 1 *Urasterella (A) 1 Xenaster (A) 4 genera and 15 species, as follows: Neopalaeaster (A) 1 Onychaster (0) 5 Schoenaster (A) 4 *Trcmataster (AL) 1 In the Upper Carbonic occur only 5 genera and 6 species: Australaster (A) 2 ?*Stenastcr (A) 1 Calliasterella (A) 1 *Urasterella (A) 1 Monaster (A) 1 *) Genera marked witli a * occur also in other periods ; those raarked witli a ? are of doubtful occurrence in the period cited. Figures indicate the number of species. Classification of Paleozoic Starfishes. Class Stelleroidea. Subclass Asteroidea. Phanerozonia Sladen. i Superfamily Prona ©palaeasteracea Schuchert. Family Hudsonasteridae Schuchert. Hudsonaster Sttirtz (syn. Protopalaeaster Hudson). Siluraster Jaekel. Family Palaeasteridae Gregory. Palaeaster Hali. Australaster Schuchert. Family Promopalaeasteridae Schuchert, Subfamily Mesopalaeaster issae Schuchert. Mesopalaeaster Schuchert (? syn. Argaster Hali). Spaniaster Schon- dorf (syn. Coelaster Sandherger). Miomaster Schondorf. Dev- onaster Schuchert. Subfamily Promopalaeasterinae Schuchert. Promopalaeaster Schuchert. Subfamily Anorthasterinae Schuchert. Anorthaster Schuchert. Family Xenasteridae Schondorf. Xenaster Simonovitsch (syn. Archaeasterias Mulier). Agalmaster Schon- dorf. Rhenaster Schondorf. Eifelaster Schondorf. Trimer- aster Schondorf. Pars 3 Neopalaeasteridac. — Compsasteridae. 7 Family Neopalaeasteridae Schuchert. Neopalaeaster Schuchert. Superfamily Palastertnacea Schuchert. Family Palasterinidae Gregory. Petraster Bilhugs. Lindstromaster Gregory (syn. Hisingeraster Stiirtz). Palasterina Salter. Uranaster Gregory. Palaeostella Stiirtz (syn. Palaenectria Stiirtz). Pseudopalasterina Stiirtz. Superfamily Lepidas teracea Schuchert. Family Lepidasteridae Gregory. Lepidaster Forbes. Helianthaster Roemer. Lepidasterella Schuchert. Relalionsliip unknowu. Ataxaster Jaekel. Cryptozonia Sladen. Superfamily Stenasteracea Schuchert. Family Stenasteridae Schuchert. Stenaster Billings. Tetraster Nicholson and Etheridge. Family Monasteridae Schuchert. Monaster Etheridge (syn. Etheridgaster Gregory). Superfamily IJpasterellacea Schuchert. Family Urasterellidae Schuchert. Urasterella McCoy (syn. Roemeraster, Protasteracanthion and Salter aster Stiirtz). Family Calliasterellidae Schuchert. Calliasterella Schuchert (syn. Calliaster Trautschold). Family Compsasteridae Schuchert. Jaekelaster Stiirtz. Compsaster Worthen and Miller. 8 Schuchertiacea. — Lapworthuridae. Pars 3 Superfamily Schucliertiacea Schuchert. Family Sclmchertiidae Schuchert. Sehuchertia Gregory (syn. Trentonaster Stiirtz). Family Palasteriscidae Gregory. Palasteriscus Stiirtz. Echinasterella Stiirtz. Loriolaster Stiirtz. Cheiropteraster Stiirtz. Family Schoenasteridae Schuchert. Schoenaster Meek and Worthen. Superfamily Palaeosolasteracea Schuchert. Family Palaeosolasteridae Schuchert. Palaeosolaster Stiirtz. Ecliinasterias Stiirtz. Echinodiscites Schuchert (syn. Echinodiscus Stiirtz). Ecliinostella Stiirtz. Medusaster Stiirtz. Subclass Auluroidea Schondorf. Order Ly^opliiurae Gregory. Family Protasteridae Miller. Taeniaster Billings (syn. Taeniura Gregory). Eopliiura Jaekel. Boke- mura Jaekel. Palaeura Jaekel. Protaster Forbes. Alepidaster Meek (syn. Protasterina Ulrich). Gregoriura Chapman. Bunden- bachia Stiirtz. Palaeophiomyxa Stiirtz. Family Palaeopliiuridae Gregory. Palaeophiura Stiirtz. Sturtzura Gregory. Eugasterella Schuchert (syn. Eugaster Hali). Ptilonaster Hali. Family Encrinasteridae Schuchert, Encrinaster Haeckel (syn. Aspidosoina Goldfuss). Order Ntreptopliiurae Bell. Family Ophiurinidae Gregory. Ophiurina Stiirtz. Tremataster Worthen and Miller. Family Lapworthuridae Gregory. Squamaster Ringueberg. Lapworthura Gregory. Sturtzaster Etheridge (syn. Palaeocoma Salter). Bdellacoma Salter. Rliopalocoma Salter. Hallaster Stiirtz. Sympterura Bather. Furcaster Stiirtz. Palastropecten Stiirtz (syn. Palaespondylus Stiirtz). Pars 3 Eoluidiidae. — Ophiocistia. 9 Family Eoluidiidae Gregory. Eoluidia Stiirtz (syn. Eopliiurites Stiirtz). Eospondylus Gregory. Mio spondylus Gregory. Family Aganasteridae Stiirtz. Aganaster Miller and Gurley (syn. Ophiopege Bohra). Family Cliolasteridae Worthen and Miller. Cholaster Worthen and Miller. Subclass Oplliuroidea Gray. Family Onychasteridae Miller. Onych aster Meek and Worthen. Incertae Sedis. Cribellites Tate. Order Ophiocistia Sollas. Family Eucladiidae Gregory. Eucladia Woodward. Euthemon Sollas. Catalogue of theGenera and Species of Stelieroidea, arranged alphabetically. Acroura (Ophiura) sehlotheimii Munster. Unknown to writer. See Wood- ward, 1874, Geol. Mag., Dec. II, I, p. 7. Siluric. Agalmaster Schondorf (A) 1909 Agalmaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 58, 107. 1909 Agalmaster Schondorf, Jahrb nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 29. 1914 Agalmaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : A. miellensis Schondorf. grandis Schondorf 1871 Xenaster margaritatus Shnonovitsch (partim), Sitzb. mat.« nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, pl. 2, f. 3, 3a. 1909 Agalmaster grandis Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 62, 108, pl. 9, f. 5. 1909 Agalmaster grandis Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 29, pl. 3, f. 1. 1914 Agalmaster grandis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Niederlahn- stein. intermedius Schondorf 1909 Agalmaster intermedius Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 82, 108, pl. 11, f. 14. 1909 Agalmaster intermedius Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 30. 1914 Agalmaster intermedius Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Miellen-on-the- Lahn. miellensis Schondorf 1909 Agalmaster miellensis Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 58, 107, pl. 8, f. 4; pl. 9, f. 4; pl. 11, f. 1,5; t. f. 3. 1909 Agalmaster miellensis Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 29, pl. 3, f. 2; pl. 4, f. 1, 2. 1914 Agalmaster miellensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mub. Lower Devonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Miellen-on- the-Lahn. Aganaster Miller and Gurley (AL) 1891 Aganaster Miller and Gurley, 16th Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, p. 372; adv. ext., 1890, p. 57. 1893 Ophiopege Bohm, Zeits. d. geol. Ges., XLV. p. 159 (Same geno- holotype as for Aganaster ). 1897 Aganaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1039. 1914 Aganaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Protaster gregarius Meek and Worthen. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 11 gregarius (Meek and Worthen) 1869 P rota st er ? gregarius Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXI, p. 169. 1872 Alepidaster gregarius Meek, Ani. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., IV, p. 275 (gen. ref.). 1873 Protaster ? gregarius Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, V, p. 509, pl. 16, f. 5. 1891 Aganaster gregarius Miller and Gurley, 16th Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, p. 372, pl. 9, f. 10, 11; adv. ext., 1890, p. 57, pl. 9, f. 10, 11. 1892 Aganaster gregarius Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., lst App., p. 673, f. 1208. 1914 Aganaster gregarius Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Keokuk) of United States. Crawfordsville, Ind. Alepidaster Meek (AL) 1872 Alepidaster Meek, Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., IV. p. 275. 1873 Alepidaster Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 68. 1878 Protasterina Ulrich, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, p. 95 (Geno- holotype: P. fimbriata Ulrich). 1896 Protasterina James, Ibid., XVIII, p. 139. 1914 Alepidaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Protaster (?) granuliferus Meek. flexuosus (Miller and Dyer) 1878 Protaster flexuosus Miller and Dyer, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, p. 31, pl. 2, f. 1, la. 1878 Protasterina („Protaster“ lapsus ) fimbriata Ulrich, Ibid., p. 95, pl. 4, f. 9 — 9c. 1889 Protaster flexuosus Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 276, f. 409. 1896 Protasterina flexuosa and P. fimbriata James, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 139, 140. 1908 Protaster flexuosus Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 368. 1914 Alepidaster flexuosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Eden to Maysville) of United States. Cin- cinnati, Ohio; Covington, Ky. granuliferus (Meek) 1872 Protaster ? granuliferus (Alepidaster at end) Meek, Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., IV, p. 274. 1873 Protaster ? granuliferus Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 68, pl. 3 bis, f. 8 a, b. 1896 Protaster ? granuliferus James, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 138. 1908 Protaster ? gramtliferusPavks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 368. 1914 Alepidaster granuliferus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) ol United States. Moores Hili, Ind. gregarius Meek = Aganaster gregarius miamiensis (Miller) 1882 Protaster miamiensis Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, p. 116, pl. 5, f. 6 — 6b. 1896 Protaster miamiensis James, Ibid., XVIII, p. 138. 1908 Protaster miamiensis Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 368. 1914 Alepidaster miamiensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Near Waynes- ville, Ohio. Anorthaster Schuchert (A) 1914 Anorthaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species : Palaeaster miamiensis Miller. miamiensis (Miller) 12 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1880 Palaeaster miamiensis Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, p. 143, pl. 4, f. 3. 1914 Anorthaster miamiensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondiau) of United States. Near Waynes- ville, Ohio. Ai-chaeasterias Mulier = Xenaster Argaster Hali = ?Mesopalaeaster antiqua (Gregory) = Mesopalaeaster ( ?) antiquus Aspidosoma Goldfuss = Encrinaster arnoldi Goldfuss = Encrinaster arnoldi eifelense Schondorf = Encrinaster eifelensis goldfussi Schondorf = Encrinaster goldfussi petaloides Simonovitsch = Encrinaster petaloides petaloides goslariensis Halfar = Encrinaster petaloides goslariensis pontis Clarke = Encrinaster pontis roemeri Schondorf = Encrinaster roemeri schmidti Schondorf = Encrinaster schmidti tischbeinianum Roemer = Encrinaster tischbeinianus Asterias Graham, Anthony and James = Pe tr aster (?) americanus Asterias Wall = Coelaster tenuiradiatus Asterias (Archaeasterias) Mulier = Xenaster acuminatus Simonovitsch = Mesopalaeaster (?) acuminatus anthonii Dana = Petraster (?) americanus antiqua Hisinger = Lindstromaster antiquus antiqua Troost = Mesopalaeaster ( ?) antiquus antiquata Locke = Promopalaeaster speciosus asperula Roemer = Urasterella asperula asperula Roemer (partim) = Eoluidia decheni constellata Thorent = Urasterella ( ?) constellata matutina Hali = Hudsonaster matutinus montanus Stschurowsky = Urasterella montana primaeva Salter and Sowerby = Stenaster ( ?) obtusus primordialis Anon. = Promopalaeaster, sp. undet. (Archaeasterias) rhenana Mulier = Xenaster (?) rhenanus spinosissima Roemer. An unsolved starfish from Bundenbach. See Roemer, 1863, Palaeontogr., IX, p. 147, pl. 29, f. 4; and Schondorf, 1909, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 33. Asteriscus antiquus (Hisinger) = Lindstromaster antiquus Astropecten Link (A) ( ?) scit luteri Stiirtz 1886 Astropecten schliiteri Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 87, pl. 10, f. 1, lb, 2, 2a. 1893 Astropecten schliiteri Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 51, 71. 1914 Astropecten (?) schliiteri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Ataxaster Jaekel (A) 1903 Ataxaster Jaekel, Zeits. d. geol. Ges., LV, Prot., p. 106. 1914 Ataxaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: A. pygmaeus Jaekel. pygmaeus Jaekel References same as for genus. Ordovicic (Dj) of Bohemia. St. Benigna. Australaster Schuchert (A) 1892 Palaeaster (Monaster ) Etheridge (partim), Mem. Geol. Surv. N. So. Wales, Pal. 5, II, p. 74. 1899 Monaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 345 (not of Etheridge). 13 P ars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 1914 Australaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palaeaster (Monaster) giganteus Ethcridge. giganteus (Etheridge) References same as for genus. Permo-Carbonic (Jarley stage) of New South Wales. Farley, Northumberland County. (?) stutcliburii (Etheridge) 1892 Palaeaster (Monaster ) stutcliburii Etheridge, Mem. Geol. Surv. N. So. Wales, Pal. 5, II, p. 73, pl. 13, f. 1. 1899 Monaster stutchburi i Gregory, Geol. Mag., J3ec. IV, VI, p. 346. 1914 Australaster (?) stutclib%irii Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Permo-Carbonic of New South Wales (Jarly stage). -Farley, Northumberland County. Bdellacoma Salter (AL) 1857 Palaeocoma ( Bdellacoma ) Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 324. 1862 Palaeocoma (Bdellacoma) Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 31. 1879 Palaeocoma (Bdellacoma) Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453. 1886 Bdellacoma Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 96. 1893 Bdellacoma Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 46, 63. 1914 Bdellacoma Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. (B.) vermiformis Salter, vermiformis Salter 1857 Palaeocoma (Bdellacoma) vermiformis Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 324. 1862 Palaeocoma (Bdellacoma) vermiformis W right, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 31. 1893 Bdellacoma vermiformis Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 46, 63. 1914 Bdellacoma vermiformis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. Bohemura Jaekel (AL) 1903 Boliemura Jaekel, Zeits. d. geol. Ges., LIV, Prot., p. 13 — 20, f. 6. 1914 Bohemura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: B. jahni Jaekel. jahni Jaekel References same as for genus. Ordovicic (D4) of Bohemia. Zahorzan. Bundenbacliia Stiirtz (AL) 1886 Bundenbachia Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 83. 1890 Bundenbachia Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 216. 1897 Bundenbachia Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1033, f. 4 on p. 1034. 1908 Bundenbachia Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 367. 1910 Bundenbachia Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 57. 1914 Bundenbachia Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: B. benecki Stiirtz. benecki Stiirtz 1886 Bundenbachia beneclci Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 83, pl. 8, f. 7, 7 a; pl. 9, f. 1, la. 1897 Bundenbachia benecki Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1034, f. 4. 1914 Bundenbachia benecki Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. grandis Stiirtz = Palaeophiomyxa grandis Calliaster Trautschold = Calliasterella mirus Trautschold = Calliasterella mira 14 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 Calliasterella Schuchert (A) 1879 Calliaster Trautschold, Kalkbriiche v. Mjatschkowa, p. 108, pl. 13, f. 3 a — k, 4. 1909 Calliaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 327. 1914 Calliasterella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Calliaster mirus Trautschold. mira (Trautschold) References same as for genus. Upper Carbonic (Moscovian) of Russia. Mjatschkowa, near Moscow. Cheiropteraster Stiirtz (A) 1890 Cheiropteraster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI. p. 228, pl. 29, f. 33; pl. 30, f. 32. 1893 Cheiropteraster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p 49, 68. 1914 Cheiropteraster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: C. giganteus Stiirtz. giganteus Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Cholaster Worthen and Miller (AL) 1883 Cholaster Worthen and Miller, Geol. Surv. Illinois, VII, p. 328. 1897 Cholaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1040. 1914 Cholaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: C. peculiaris Worthen and Miller. peculiaris Worthen and Miller 1883 Cholaster peculiaris Worthen and Miller, Geol. Surv. Illinois, VII, p. 329, pl. 31, f. 4 a, b. 1914 Cholaster peculiaris Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Chester) of United States. Okaw Biuffs, between Chester and Kaskaskia, 111. Coelaster Sandberger = Spaniaster americanus I)’Orbigny = Petraster (?) americanus constellata D’Orbigny = Urasterella (?) constellata latiscutatus Sandberger = Spaniaster latiscutatus matutina IVOrbigny = B udsonaster matutinus tenuiradiatus D’Orbigny. See 1850, Prodr. de Pal., I, p. 22 ( = Asterias ? sp. undet. Hali, 1847, Pal. N. Y., I, p. 18, pl. 4, f. lia, 11 b). Based on an isolated madreporite from the Middle Ordovicic (Chazy) at Chazy, N. Y. Compsaster Worthen and Miller (A) 1883 Compsaster Worthen and Miller, Geol. Surv. Illmois, VII, p. 327, pl. 31, f. 2a, b. 1914 Compsaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: C. formosus Worthen and Miller. formosus Worthen and Miller References same as for genus. Lower Carbonic (Chester) of United States. Okaw Biuffs, between Chester and Kaskaskia, Randolph County 111. Cribellites Tate carbonarius Tate 1864 Cribellites carbonarius Tate, Rep. Brit. Assoc., App., p. 88. 1914 Cribellites carbonarius Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Carboniferous of England. Bevonaster Schuchert (A) 1868 — 1914 Palaeaster (partim) of authors. 1899 Xenaster (?) or new genus Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV. VI, p. 346. 1914 Devonaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palaeaster eucharis Hali. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 15 chemungensis Schuchert 1914 Devonaster chemungensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devome (Chemung) of United States. „Central Pennsyl- vania“. eucharis (Hali) 1868 Palaecister eucharis Hali, 20 th Rep. N.Y. St. Cab., p. 287, ^ pl. 9, f. 3— 3 a (? 4); rev. ed., p. 330, pl. 9, f. 3— 3 a (? 4). 1876 Palaeaster eucharis Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 71, pl. 92, f. 29. 1879 Palaeaster eucharis Zittel, Handb., I, p. 452, f. 323. 1892 Palaeaster eucharis Cole, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., III, p. 512, pl. 15. 1912 Palaeaster eucharis Clarke, Bull. 158, N. Y. St. Mus., p. 44 — ■ 45, 6 pls. 1914 Devonaster eucharis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Devonic (Hamilton) of North America. Hamilton, Sau- gerties, Summit, and Cooperstown, N. Y. ; Bartletts Mills, near Thedford, Ontario. Echinasterella Stiirtz (A) 1890 Echinasterella Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 225, pl. 28, f. 26, 26 a, 27. 1893 Echinasterella Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preussi RheinL, L, p. 53, 73. 1914 Echinasterella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : E. sia deni Stiirtz. (?) darwini Clarke 1913 Echinasterella ? darwini Clarke, Monog. I, Serv. Geol. e Min. Brasil, p. 315, pl. 27, f. 9 — 12. 1913 Echinasterella ? darwini Clarke, Bull. 164, N. Y. St. Mus., pl. 34, f. 1—3. 1914 Echinasterella (?) darwini Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Devonic of Brazil. Ponta Grossa. sladeni Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbaeh. Echinasterias Stiirtz (A) 1899 Echinasterias Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 230, pl. 2, f. 4; pl. 3, f. 5. 1914 Echinasterias Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: E. spinosus Stiirtz. spinosus Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbaeh. Echinodiscites Schuchert (A) 1899 Echinodiscus Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 231—233, pl. 3, f. 6—10. 1914 Echinodiscites Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Echinodiscus multi dac- tylus Stiirtz. multidactylus (Stiirtz) References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbaeh. Echinodiscus Stiirtz = Echinodiscites multidactylus Stiirtz = Echinodiscites multidactylus Echinostella Stiirtz (A) 1899 Echinostella Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 233—235, pl. 3, f. 11; pl. 4, f. 12. 1914 Echinostella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: E. traquairi Stiirtz. 16 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Ste liero idea. Pars 3 traquairi Stiirtz References sanie as for genus* Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Eifelaster Schondorf (A) 1909 Eifelaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 70, 108, pl. 10, f. 7, 8. 1914 Eifelaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: E. follmanni Schondorf. follmanni Schondorf References sanie as for genus. Lower Devonic (Lower Coblenzian) of Germany. Landscheid, near Wittlich, in the Eifel. Encrinaster Haeckel (AL) 1848 Aspidosoma Goldfuss, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rhehil., V, p. 145—146. 1866 Encrinaster Haeckel, Gen. Morph., II, p. LXVII (Genolecto- type: Aspidosoma arnoldi Goldfuss). 1871 Aspidosoma Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.-nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, p. 103, 1879 Aspidosoma Zittel, Handb., I, p. 451, f. 322. 1886 Aspidosoma Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 92. 1886 Aspidosoma Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 151. 1893 Aspidosoma Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 38, 55. 1909 Aspidosoma Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 35. 1910 Aspidosoma Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 1 — 63. 1914 Encrinaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genolectotype : Aspidosoma arnoldi Goldfuss. arnoldi (Goldfuss) 1848 Aspidosoma arnoldi Goldfuss, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., V, p. 145—146, f. 5. 1855 Aspidosoma arnoldi Miiller, Ibid., XII, p. 4, pl. 1, f. 1 — 3. 1866 Encrinaster arnoldi Haeckel, Gen. Morph., II, p. LXVII 1886 Aspidosoma arnoldi Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 93. 1909 Aspidosoma arnoldi Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 38. 1910 Aspidosoma arnoldi Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 4, 62, pl. 1, f. 2; pl. 2, f. 6, 7; pl. 3, f. 7—9. 1910 Aspidosoma arnoldi Schondorf, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., Berlin, XXIX, p. 706. 1914 Encrinaster arnoldi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Lower Coblenzian) of Germany. Winningen. eifelensis (Schondorf) 1910 Aspidosoma eifelense Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 34, 63, pl. 1, f. 5. 1914 Encrinaster eifelensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Lower Coblenzian) of Germany. Oberstadtfeld, Eifel. goldfussi (Schondorf) 1910 Aspidosoma goldfussi Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 11, 62, pl. 3, f. 1, 6. 1914 Encrinaster goldfussi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Lower Coblenzian) of Germany. Winningen. petaloides (Simonovitsch) 1869 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Weiss, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., XXVI, Sitzb., p. 43. 1871 Aspidosoma petaloides Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.-nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, p. 106, pl. 4, f. 1 — 3. Pars 3 Cataloguc of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 17 1876 Aspidosoma cf. arnoldii Quenstedt, Petr. Beutschl., 1, IV, p. 77, pl. 92, f. 41. 1879 Aspidosoma petaloides Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453, f. 322. 1886 Aspidosoma petaloides Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 92. 1887 Aspidosoma petaloides Haas, Leitfoss., f. 157. 1893 Aspidosoma petaloides Halfar, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., Berlin, p. 187, pl. 10, f. 2, 2 a. 1893 Aspidosoma petaloides Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 39. 1899 Aspidosoma petaloides Stiirtz, ibid„ LVI, p. 206. 1903 Aspidosoma petaloides Steinmann, Einfiihrung, p. 162, f. 225 B; 2d ed., 1907, p. 183, f. 260. 1903 Aspidosoma petaloides Zittel, Gmndziige, 2d ed., I, f. 359. 1908 Aspidosoma petaloides Walther, Entstehung d. Erde u. d. Lebens, p. 275, f. 144. 1909 Aspidosoma petaloides Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 37, pl. 4, f. 4, 5. 1910 Aspidosoma petaloides Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVT1, p. 14, 63, pl. 1, f. 3, 4; pl. 2, f. 4; pl. 3, f. 10—16. 1910 Aspidosoma petaloides Schondorf, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., Berlin, XXIX, p. 707. 1914 Encrinaster petaloides Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Bevonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Niederlahnstein. petaloides goslariensis (Halfar) 1893 Aspidosoma petaloides var. goslariensis Halfar, Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. u. Bergak., XIII, p. 186, pl. 10, f. 1, la. 1910 Aspidosoma petaloides var. goslariensis Schondorf, Pal- aeontogr., LVII, p. 21, 63, pl. 2, f. 5. 1910 Aspidosoma petaloides var. goslariensis Schondorf, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., Berlin, XXIX, p. 707. 1914 Encrinaster petaloides goslariensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Bevonic of Germany. Harz. pontis (Clarke) 1913 Aspidosoma ? pontis Clarke, Monog. I, Serv. Geol. e Min. Brasil, p. 312, pl. 27, f. 1—8. 1913 Aspidosoma ? pontis Clarke, Bull. 164, N. Y. St. Mus., pl. 35, f. 1—4. 1914 Encrinaster pontis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bevonic of Brazil. Ponta Grossa and Jaguariahyva. roemeri (Schondorf) 1863 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Roemer (partim), Palaeontogr., IX, pl. 25, f. 11. 1910 Aspidosoma roemeri Schondorf, Ibid., LVII, p. 28, 62, pl. 2, f. 3; pl. 3, f. 2, 3. 1914 Encrinaster roemeri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Bevonic of Germany. Bundenbach. schmidti (Schondorf) 1910 Aspidosoma schmidti Schondorf, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., Berlin, XXIX, p. 698, pl. 19. 1910 Aspidosom,a schmidti Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 31, 63, ‘pl. 1, f. 6; pl. 3, f. 17, 18. 1914 Encrinaster schmidti Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Bevonic (Herdorfer zone of Siegen) of Germany. Ober- dielfen. tischbeinianus (Roemer) 1863 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Roemer, Palaeontogr., IX, p. 144, pl. 23, f. la, lb. 2 18 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1867 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Quenstedt, Handb. d. Pet., p. 712, pl. 70, f. 8; 3d ed., 1885, p. 909, pl. 71, f. 41, t. f. 322. 1876 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl. 1, IV, p. 76, pl. 92, f. 39. 1886 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 92, pl. 12, f. 1, 2. 1890 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Steinmann and Doderlein, Elemente d. Pal., p. 148, f. 152. 1897 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Credner, Elemente d. Geol., 8th ed., p. 431, f. 225. 1903 Aspidosoma tischbeinii Steinmann, Einfiihrung, p. 162, f. 225; 2d ed., 1907, p. 183, f. 260. 1910 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Schondorf, Jahrb. geol. Lan- desanst., Berlin, XXIX, p. 707. 1910 Aspidosoma tischbeinianum Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 23, 62, pl. 1, f. 1 ; pl. 3, f. 4, 5. 1914 Encrinaster tischbeinianus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Eoluidia Stiirtz (AL) 1863 Asterias asperula Roemer (partim), Palaeontogr., IX, p. 146, pl. 24, f. 1—5; pl. 26, f. 6; pl. 27. 1886 Eoluidia Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXII, p. 89, pl. 11, f. 1, 2. 1890 Eoluidia Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 211, pl. 26, f. 10, 11. 1897 Eoluidia Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1038. 1899 Eophiurit.es Stiirtz, Verli. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 190. 1914 Eoluidia Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: E. decheni Stiirtz. decheni Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Eopliiura Jaekel (AL) 1903 Eopliiura Jaekel, Zeits. d. geol. Ges., LIV, Prot.. p. 13 — 20, f. 1, 4. 1914 Eophiura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: E. bohemica Schuchert. bohemiea Schuchert References same as for genus. Ordovicic (Dt) of Bohemia. Osek. Eophiurites Stiirtz = Eoluidia decheni (Stiirtz) = Eoluidia decheni Eospondylus Gregory (AL) 1897 Eospondylus Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1039. 1914 Eospondylus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Opliiurella primigenia Stiirtz. primigenius (Stiirtz) 1886 Ophiurella primigenia Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 77, pl. 8, f. 1, 2. 1890 Ophiurella primigenia Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 210, pl. 26, f. 6, 7. 1897 Eospondylus primigenia Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1039. 1914 Eospondylus primigenius Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Etheridgaster Gregory = Monaster clarkei (De Koninck) = Monaster clarkei Eucladia Woodward 1869 Eucladia Woodward, Geol. Mag., VI, p. 241, pl. 8. 1879 Eucladia Zittel, Handb., I, p. 443. Pars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 19 1893 Eucladia Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 30. 1897 Eucladia Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1040, f. 6 on p. 1041. 1899 Eucladia Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 183. 1899 Eucladia Sollas, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., LV, p. 692. 1909 Eucladia Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 47. 1910 Eucladia Schondorf, Ibid., LXII1, p. 240. 1914 Eucladia Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : E. johnsoni Woodward. (?) beecheri Schuchert 1914 Eucladia (?) beecheri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Helderbergian) of United States. Jerusalem Hili, near Litchfield, N. Y. johnsoni Woodward References same as for genus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Sedgley, near Dudley. woodwardi Sollas 1899 Eucladia woodwardi Sollas, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., LV, p. 695, f. 1 and 2 on p. 694. 1914 Eucladia woodwardi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. Eugaster Hali = Eugasterella concinnus Ringueberg = Eugasterella (??) concinna logani Hali = Eugasterella logani Eugasterella Schuchert (AL) 1868 Eugaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 290; rev. ed., p. 332. 1879 Eugaster Zittel, Handb., I, p. 444. 1886 Eugaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 151. 1889 Eugaster Miller, N. Ani. Geol. Pal., p. 244. 1893 Eugaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 20. 1897 Eugaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1035. 1914 Eugasterella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Eugaster logani Hali. ( ? ? ) c o n cinna ( Ringueberg ) 1886 Eugaster concinnus Ringueberg, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., V, p. 8, pl. 1, f. 3. 1914 Eugasterella (??) concinna Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Rochester) of United States. Lockport, N. Y. logani (Hali) 1868 Eugaster logani Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 290; rev. ed., p. 333, pl. 9, f. 7, 8. 1914 Eugasterella logani Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Devonic (Hamilton) of United States. Near Fenner, Madison County, N. Y. Euryale annulatum DeKay. Apparently a lysophiurid. See Hali, 1861, Pal. N. Y., III, p. 134 (nom. nud.). Eutheinon Sollas 1899 Euthemon Sollas, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., LV, p. 696, f. 3 and 4 on p. 698. 1914 Euthemon Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: E. i g er na Sollas. igerna Sollas References same as for genus. Siluric (Wenlock) of England. Malvern. Furcaster Stiirtz (AL) 1886 Furcaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 79. 1886 Furcaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 148. 1893 Furcaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 25. 1897 Furcaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1038. 2* Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelieroidea. Pars 3 20 1900 Furcaster Gregory, in Lankester, Treat. Zool., III, p. 275, f. 31. 1914 Furcaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : F. palaeozoicus Stiirtz. (?) daoulasensis (Bavy) 1887 Protaster daoulasensis Davy, Bull. Soc. geol. France, 3e ser., XIV, p. 182—187, f. 1897 Protaster daoulasensis Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1038, footnote. 1914 Furcaster (?) daoulasens is Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of France. Rumguen, near Brest. palaeozoicus Stiirtz 1886 Furcaster palaeozoicus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 79, pi. 8, f. 4, 5. 1886 Furcaster palaeozoicus Stiirtz, N. Jalirb. f. Min., II, p. 148. 1890 Furcaster palaeozoicus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 214. 1897 F urcaster palaeozoicus Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1038. 1914 F urcaster palaeozoicus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Gregoriura Chapman (AL) 1907 Gregoriura Chapman, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, n. s., XIX, p. 24, pl. 6, f. 1; pl. 8, f. 1, 3. 1910 Gregoriura Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 238. 1914 Gregoriura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: G. spryi Chapman. spryi Chapman References same as for genus. Siluric (Melbournian) of Australia. South Yarra, Victoria. Hallaster Stiirtz (AL) 1861 Protaster Hali, Pal. N. Y., III, p. 134. 1868 Protaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 293; rev. ed., p. 336. 1886 Hallaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 150. 1914 Hallaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Protaster forbesi Hali, forbesi (Hali) 1861 Protaster forbesi Hali, Pal. N. Y., III, p. 134, pl. 7A, f. 8 — 10. 1868 Protaster jorbesi Hali, 20 th Rep. N. Y". St. Cab., p. 293, pl. 9, f. 5, 6; rev. ed., p. 336, pl. 9, f. 5, 6. 1876 Protaster forbesi Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl.. 1, IV, p. 134, pl. 95, f. 13. 1886 Protaster forbesi Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 78, 83. 1886 Hallaster forbesi Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 150. 1914 Hallaster forbesi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Helderbergian) of United States. Jerusalem Hili, near Litchfield, N. Y. Helianthaster Clarke (partim) = Palaeosolaster Helianthaster Roemer (A) 1862 Helianthaster Roemer, Palaeontogr., IX, 1863, p. 147, p. 28. 1876 Helianthaster Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 82, pl. 93, I. oZ. 1879 Helianthaster Zittel, Handb., I., p. 453. 1886 Helianthaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 148. 1886 Helianthaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 81. 1890 Helianthaster Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 218, pl. 27. 1893 Helianthaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L p. 12, 30. 1900 Helianthaster Gregory, in Lankester, Treat. Zool., III, p. 258. 1908 Helianthaster Clarke, Bull. 121, N. Y. St. Mus., p. 61, pl. io! 21 Pars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 1909 Helianthaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 34. 1914 Helianthaster Schuchert., Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype (type by monotypy): H. rlienanus Roemer. filicif ormis Woodward 1874 Helianthaster filici f ormis Woodward, Geol. Mag., Pec. II, I, p. 7 — 10, £. on p. 8. 1914 H elianthaster filicif ormis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devonic of England. Great Inglebourne, Harberton, South Devon. gyalum Clarke = Palaeosolaster (?) gyalum . gyaluin Clarke (partim) = Lepidasterella babcocki rlienanus Roemer References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Hisingeraster Sturtz = Lindstromaster antiqua (Hismger) = Lindstromaster antiquus Hndsonaster Sturtz (A) 1868 — -1899 Palaeaster of authors. 1899 Hndsonaster Sturtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 218, 224, 225. 1912 Protopalaeaster Hudson, Ottawa Nat., XXVI, p. 25 (Geno- holotype: P. narrawayi Hudson). 1912 Protopalaeaster Raymond, Ibid., p. 105. 1914 Hndsonaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palaeasterina rugosa Billings. batheri Schuchert 1880 Tetraster wyville-thomsoni Nicholson and Etheridge (partim), Sil. Foss. Girvan Dist., III, p. 324, pl. 21, f. 1, 2. 1914 Hndsonaster batheri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic of Scotland. Thraive, Girvan District. incomptus (Meek) 1846 “ Goniaster ” Agassiz, Graham, Anthony, and James, Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., I, p. 441 (nom. nud.). 1872 Palaeaster incomptus Meek, Ibid., 3d ser., IV, p. 275. 1873 Palaeaster incomptus Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 64, pl. 4, f. 5a, b. 1878 Palaeaster simplex Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, p. 29, pl. 1, f. 6. 1878 Palaeaster clarki Miller, Ibid., p. 102, pl. 3, f. 5. 1880 Palaeaster clarkanus Miller, Ibid., III, p. 236. 1889 Palaeaster simplex Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 266, f. 380. 1914 Hndsonaster incomptus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmond, Maysville, Eden) of United States. Way nes ville, Cincinnati, and Raysville, Ohio; Covington, Ky. matutinus (Hali) 1847 Asterias matutina Hali, Pal. N. Y., I, p. 91, pl. 29, f. 5a, b. 1850 Coelaster matutina D’Orbigny, Prodr. de Pal., I, p. 22 (gen. ref. only). 1858 Petraster rigidus Billings (partim), Can. Org. Rem., III, pl. 10, f. 3b. 1868 Palaeaster matutinus Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 283, pl. 9, f. 2; rev. ed., p. 325, pl. 9, f. 2. 1868 Petraster rigidus Hali (partim), Ibid., p. 294; rev. ed., p. 337. 1914 Hndsonaster matutinus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of North America. Trenton Falis, Newport, and Deerfield, N. Y. ; Lachine, Quebec ; Government House Bay, near Ottawa, Ontario. 22 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 inilleri Schuchert 1914 Hudsonaster milleri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of United States. Fayette County, Ky. narrawayi 1912 Protopalaeaster narrawayi Hudson, Ottawa Nat., XXVI, p. 25, pls. 1 — 3. 1912 Protopalaeaster narrawayi Raymond, Ibid., p. 105 — 107. 1913 Protopalaeaster narrawayi Hudson, Bull. 164, N. Y. St. Mus., pl. 5. 1914 Hudsonaster narrawayi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Black River, Stones River) of North America. St, Paul, Minn. ; Shelbyvihe, Tenn. ; Curdsville, Ky. ; City View near Ottawa, and Kirkfield, Ontario. rugosus (Billings) 1857 Palaeasterina rug os a Billings, Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 291. 1858 Palaeasterina rugosa Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 77, pl. 9, f. 2 a — c. 1862 Palasterina rugosa Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 27. 1899 Hudsonaster rugosa Sturtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVT, p. 218, 224, 225. 1914 Hudsonaster rugosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of Canada. Charleton Point, 'Anti costi Island. Jaekelaster Sturtz (A) 1899 Jaekelaster Sturtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 235—236, pl. 4, f. 13—16. 1914 J aekelaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: J. petaliformis Sturtz. petaliiormis Sturtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Lapworthura Gregory (AL) 1897 Lapworthura Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1037, f. 5. 1910 Lapworthura Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 58. 1910 Lapworthura Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 208. 1914 Lapworthura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Prot aster miltoni Salter, cylindrica (Billings) = Taeniaster cylindricus miltoni (Salter) 1857 Prot a st er miltoni Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 330, pl. 9, f. 4. 1862 Protaster miltoni Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 32, f. 18. 1876 Protaster miltoni Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 75, pl. 92, f. 36. 1886 Protaster miltoni Sturtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 148. 1886 Protaster miltoni Sturtz, Palaeontogr., p. 79, 94, pl. 8, f. 6. 1897 Lapworthura miltoni Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1037, f. 5. 1910 Lapworthura miltoni Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 58. 1910 Lapworthura miltoni Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 208. 1914 Lapworthura miltoni Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. Lepidaster Forbes (A) 1850 Lepidaster Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., III, p. 1, pl. 1, f- 1 — 3. 1862 Lepidaster Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 35. 1874 Lepidaster Woodward, Geol. Mag., Dec. II, I, p. 9. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 23 1879 Lepidaster Zittel, Handb., I, p. 454. 1890 Lepidaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 222, pl. 28, f. 19—20. 1893 Lepidaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 52, 72. 1914 Lepidaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, XJ. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: L. grayi Forbes. grayi Forbes References sanie as for genus. Siluric (Wenlock) of England. Castle Hili, near Dudley. Lepidasterella Schuchert (A) 1914 Lepidasterella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: L. b abeo cici Schuchert. babcocki Schuchert 1906 H elianthaster sp. nov. Clarke, 59th Rep. N. Y. St. Mus., p. 37, pl. 1908 H elianthaster gyalum Clarke (partim), Bull. 121, N. Y. St. Mus., p. 61 (not pls. 12, 13 = Palaeosolaster (?) gyalum). 1914 Lepidasterella babcocki Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devonic of United States. Ithaca, and Interlaken, N. Y. Lindstromaster Gregory (A) 1899 Lindstromaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 344, 346. 1899 H isingeraster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., p. 224, 225 (Same genoholotype as for Lindstromaster). 1914 Lindstromaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Asterias antiqua Hisinger. antiquus (Hisinger) 1837 Asterias antiqua Hisinger, Lethaea Suecia, p. 89, pl. 26, f. 6. 1840 Asterias antiqua Hisinger, Anteckningar, VII, p. 64. 1848 Asterias antiqua Bronn, Ind. Pal., Nomencl., p. 120. 1848 Palmipes antiqua Forbe£, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., II, Pt. 2, p. 481. 1857 Palaeasterina antiqua Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 327. 1857 Asteriscus antiquus Pictet, Traite, IV, p. 267, pl. 98, f. 4. 1867 Palmipes antiqua Lindstrom, Nom. Foss. Sil. Gotl., p. 26. 1869 Palaeasterina antiqua Woodward, Geol. Mag., Dec. I, VI, p. 244. 1885 Palaeasterina antiqua Lindstrom, List. Foss. Gotl., p. 14. 1888 Palaeasterina antiqua Lindstrom, List. Foss. Faunas Swed., Pt. II, p. 16. 1888 Palaeasterina antiqua Lindstrom, N. Jahrb. f. Min., I, p. 157. 1893 Palaeasterina antiqua Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 44. 1899 Lindstromaster antiqua Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 343, 347, pl. 16, f. Ia, b. 1910 Lindstromaster antiqua Schondorf. Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 225. 1914 Lindstromaster antiquus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric of Gotland. Mount Hoburg. Loriolaster Stiirtz (A) 1886 Loriolaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 94, pl. 12, f. 3, 3 a, 4; pl. 13, f. 1, la, 2, 2a. 1890 Loriolaster Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 208, pl. 26, f. 3b, 4a. 1893 Loriolaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 47, 63. 1914 Loriolaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: L. m, i rabii is Stiirtz. mirabilis Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. 24 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 Medusaster Stiirtz (A) 1890 M edusaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 229, pl. 31, f. 34, 35. 1893 M edusaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 54, 73. 1914 Medusaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: M. rhenanus Stiirtz. rhenanus Stiirtz References sarne as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Mesopalaeaster Schuchert (A) 1860 — 1914 Palaeaster (partirn) of authors. 1868 ? Ar gaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 287; rev. ed., p. 329 (nom. nud.). 1914 M esopalaeaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palaeaster shaef / eri Hali. (?) acuminatus (Simonovitsch) 1871 Aster ias acuminatus Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.-nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, p. 100, pl. 3, f. 2 — 2d. 1886 Roemeraster (?) acuminatus Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 154. 1909 Asterias acuminata Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 72, 109, pl. 11, f. 7, 8. 1909 Asterias acuminata Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 32, pl. 5, f. 4, 5. 1914 Mesopalaeaster (?) acuminatus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic ( ? Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Near Braubach. (?) antiquus (Troost) 1835 Asterias antiqua Troost, Trans. Geol. Soc. Penn., I, p. 232, pl. 10, f. 9. 1850 Asterias antiqua Troost, Proc. Amer. Assoc., II, p. 59 (cat. name). 1866 Petraster (?) antiqua Shumard, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, II, p. 386 (cat. name). 1868 Palaeaster (Argaster) antiqua Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 287 ; rev. ed., p. 329. 1889 Palaeaster antiquus Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 265 (cat. name). 1899 Argaster antiqua Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 345. 1909 Palaeaster antiqua Wood, Bull. 64, U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 105, pl. 8, f. 1. 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) an Ggwws Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of United States. Harpetli River, Davidson County, Tenn. bellulus (Billings) 1865 Petraster bellulus Billings, Pal. Foss., I, p. 393, f. 368. 1889 Petraster bellulus Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 269, f. 389. 1914 M esopalaeaster bellulus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Rochester) of Canada. Grimsby, Ontario. caractaci (Gregory) 1865 Palaeaster caractaci Salter, Cat. Foss. Mus. Pract. Geol., p. 30 (nom. nud.). 1880 Palaeaster caractaci Nicholson and Etheridge, Sil. Foss. Girvan Dist., III, p. 321 (no desc.). 1899 Palaeaster caractaci Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 344. 1910 Palaeaster caractaci Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 227. 1914 Mesopalaeaster caractaci Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Ordovicic (Caradoc) of England. Church Stretton and Marshbrook. 25 Pars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. (?) cataractensis Schuchert 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) cataractensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Cataract) of Canada. Hamilton, Ontario. (?) clarki (Clarke and Swartz) 1913 Palaeaster clarki Clarke and SAvartz, Maryland Geol. Surv., Up. Dev., p. 543, pl. 46, f. 3, 4. 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) clarki Schucliert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devonic (Chemung) of United States. Near Oakland, Garrett County, Md. (?) dubius (Miller and Dyer) 1878 Palaeaster dubius Miller and Dyer, Cont. Pal., No. 2, p. 5, pl. 4, f. 8. 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) dubius Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of United States. Ludlow, Ky. finei (Ulrich) 1879 Palaeaster finei Ulrich, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, p. 19, pl. 7, f. 15— 15 b. 1914 M esopalaeaster finei Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Eden) of United States. Cincinnati, Ohio. granti (Spencer) 1884 Palaeaster granti Spencer, Bull. Mus. Univ. Missouri, I, p. 53, pl. 7, f. 1. 1914 M esopalaeaster granti Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Cataract) of Canada. Hamilton, Ontario. intermedius Schuchert 1914 M esopalaeaster intermedius Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Maysville) of United States. Cincinnati, Ohio. (?) lanceolatus Schuchert 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) lanceolatus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Utica) of United States. Rome, N. Y. (?) parviusculus (Billings) 1860 Palaeaster parviusculus Billings, Can. Nat. Geol., V, p. 69, f. 1868 Palaeaster parviuscuhis Dawson, Acad. Geol., 2d ed., p. 594, f. 197. 1913 Palaeaster parviusculus Hudson, Bull. 164, N. Y. St. Mus., pls. 1 — 4. 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) parviusculus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Clinton) of Canada. Arisaig, Nova Scotia, proavitus Schuchert 1914 M esopalaeaster proavitus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Eden) of United States. Covington, Ky. shaefferi (Hali) 1868 Palaeaster shaefferi Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 284; rev. ed., p. 326, pl. 9, f. 1. 1873 Palaeaster shaefferi Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 66, pl. 4, f. 1. 1914 Mesopalaeaster shaefferi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Maysville, Richmond) of United States. Cin- cinnati, and Waynesville, Ohio; ? Rome, N. Y. (?) wilberanus (Meek and Worthen) 1862 Petraster wilberanus Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, p. 142. 1868 Palaeaster wilberanus Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 285; rev. ed., p. 328. 26 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1914 M esopalaeaster (?) wilberanus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. ? TJpper Ordovicic ( ? Richmondian) of United States. Oswego, Kendall County, 111. Miomaster Schondorf (A) 1909 Miomaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 38, pl. 3, f. 4; pl. 4, f. 3. 1914 Miomaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: M. drevermanni Schondorf. dreyernianni Schondorf References same as for genus. Lower Devonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Miellen-on- the-Lahn. Miospondylus Gregory (AL) 1897 Miospondylus Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1039. 1914 Miospondylus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Ophiura rhenana Sturtz. rhenanus (Sturtz) 1893 Ophiura rhenana Sturtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 29, pl. 1, f. 1—3. 1897 Miospondy UtsrhenanusGregory, Proc. Zool. Soc.London,p. 1039. 1914 Miospondylus rhenanus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Monaster Gregory = Australaster Monaster Etheridge (A) 1892 Palaeaster (Monaster ) Etheridge (partim), Mem. Geol. Surv. N. So. Wales, Pal. 5, II, p. 70, 71. 1899 Etheridgaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 353 (Geno- holotype: Palaeaster clarkei De Koninck). 1914 Monaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palaeaster clarkei De Koninck. clarkei (De Koninck) 1877 Palaeaster clarkei De Koninck, Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege, 2 e ser., II, p. 166, pl. 7, f. 6, 6a. 1892 Palaeaster (Monaster ) clarkei Etheridge, Mem. Geol. Surv. N. So. Wales, Pal. 5, II, p. 71, pl. 14, f. 1, 2; pl. 15, f. 4. 1898 Palaeaster clarkei De Koninck, Ibid., Pal. 6, p. 127, pl. 7, f. 6a,b. 1899 Etheridgaster clarkei Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 353. 1914 Monaster clarkei Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Permo-Carbonic of New South Wales. (Jarley and Branxton stages.) Northumberland County. giganteus Etheridge = Australaster giganteus stutchburii Etheridge = Australaster stutchburii Neopalaeaster Schuchert (A) 1914 N eopalaeaster Schuchert, Bull 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Palaeaster crawfordsvillen- sis Miller. crawfordsvillensis (Miller) 1880 Palaeaster crawfordsvillensis Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, p. 256, pl. 15, f. 3. 1889 Palaeaster crawfordsvillensis Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 265, f. 379. 1914 N eopalaeaster crawfordsvillensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Keokuk) of United States. Crawfordsville, Ind. Onyehaster Meek and Worthen (O) 1868 Onyehaster Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, III, p. 526. 1869 Onyehaster Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. XXI, p. 82. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 27 1873 Ony chaster Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, V, p. 474. 1879 Onychaster Zittel, Handb., I, p. 443. 1889 Onychaster Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 204. 1893 Onychaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 30. 1897 Onychaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1040. 1899 Onychaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 183. 1909 Onychaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 47—61. 1910 Onychaster Schondorf, Ibid., LXIII, p. 240. 1910 Onychaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVII, p. 59. 1914 Onychaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: O. flexilis Meek and Worthen. asper Miller 1892 Onychaster asper Miller, 17th Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, p. 684, pl. 12, f. 3—5; adv. ext., 1891, p. 74, pl. 12, f. 3—5. 1892 Onychaster asper Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., lst App., p. 680, f. 1240; 2d App., 1897, p. 749, f. 1366. 1894 Onychaster asper Keyes, Missouri Geol. Surv., IV, p. 131. 1914 Onychaster asper Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Keokuk) of United States. Boonville, Mo. barrisi (Hali) 1861 Protaster ? barrisi Hali, Dese. N. Sp. Crin., p. 18. 1869 Onychaster ? barrisi Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., XXI, p. 83. 1873 Onychaster ? barrisi Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, V, p. 476, pl. 10, f. Ia — d. 1914 Onychaster barrisi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Burlington) of United States. Burlington, Iowa. confragosus Miller 1892 Onychaster confragosus Miller, 17 th Rep. Geol. Surv. Indi- ana, p. 684, pl. 12, f. 6, 7 ; adv. ext., 1891, p. 74, pl. 12, f. 6, 7. 1914 Onychaster confragosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Keokuk) of United States. Boonville, Mo. demissus Miller 1892 Onychaster demissus Miller, 17 th Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, p. 685, pl. 12, f. 8 — 10; adv. ext., 1891, p. 75, pl. 12, f. 8—10. 1892 Onychaster demissus Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., lst App., p. 680, f. 1241. 1914 Onychaster demissus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Keokuk) of United States. Boonville, Mo. ; Crawfordsville, Ind. flexilis Meek and Worthen 1868 Onychaster flexilis Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, III, p. 526, f. A— X). 1869 Onychaster flexilis Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXI, p. 83. 1873 Onychaster flexilis Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, V, p. 510, pl. 16, f. 3 a — 1. 1879 Onychaster flexilis Zittel, Handb., I, p. 444, f. 314. 1889 Onychaster flexilis Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 264, f. 374. 1909 Onychaster flexilis Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 47—61. 1910 Onychaster flexilis Schondorf, Ibid., LXIII, p. 240. 1914 Onychaster flexilis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Keokuk) of United States. Crawfordsville, Ind. Ophiopege Bohm = Aganaster Ophiura obtusa Eichwald = Protaster (Ophiura) obtusa 28 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 Ophiura ( ?) ramosa Fahrenkohle. Unknown to writer. See 1844, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscow, n. s., XVII, p. 208, pl. 3, f. 1 — 3; and Wood- ward, 1874, Geol. Mag., Dec. II, I, p. 7. Coal Measures. Ophiura rhenana Stiirtz = Miospondylus rhenanus Ophiura salteri Sowerby = Protaster (?) salteri Ophiura schlotheimii Miinster == Acroura (Ophiura) schlotheimii Ophiurella primigenia Stiirtz = Eospondylus primigenius Ophiurina Stiirtz (AL) 1890 Ophiurina Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 232. 1897 Ophiurina Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1037. 1914 Ophiurina Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species : 0. lymani Stiirtz. lymani Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower lievonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Palaeaster of authors = lludsonaster, Mesopalaeaster, Devonaster, Promo- palaeaster, Anorthaster, Neopalaeaster, Petraster, Palaeasterina, Mon- aster, Urasterella Palaeaster (Monaster) Etheridge = Monaster Palaeaster (Monaster) Etheridge (partim) = Australaster Palaeaster Hali (A) 1852 Palaeaster Hali, Pal. N. Y., II, p. 247. 1868 Palaeaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 282; rev. ed., p. 324. 1879 Palaeaster Zittel, Handb., I, p. 452. 1880 Palaeaster Nicholson and Etheridge (partim), Sil. Foss. Girvan Dist., III, p. 319. 1914 Palaeaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype (type by monotypy) and only species: P. nia- garensis Hali. (Argaster) antiqua Hali = Mesopalaeaster (?) antiquus antiquatus Hali = Promopalaeaster speciosus antiquus Miller = Mesopalaeaster (?) antiquus asperrima Salter = Urasterella (?) asperrima caractaci Salter = Mesopalaeaster caractaci clarkanus Miller = Hudsonaster incomptus clarkei De Koninck = Monaster clarkei clarki Clarke and Swartz = Mesopalaeaster (?) clarki clarki Miller = Hudsonaster incomptus coronella Salter = Stenaster (?) coronella crawfordsvillensis Miller = Neopalaeaster crawfordsvillensis dubius Miller and Dyer = Mesopalaeaster (?) dubius dyeri Meek = Promopalaeaster dyeri eucharis Hali — Devonaster eucharis exculptus Miller = Promopalaeaster exculptus finei Ulrich = Mesopalaeaster finei (Monaster) giganteus Etheridge = Australaster giganteus granti Spencer = Mesopalaeaster granti granulosus Hali = Promopalaeaster granulosus granulosus Meek = Promopalaeaster speciosus harrisi Miller = Urasterella grandis hirudo Salter = Urasterella hirudo imbricatus Salter = Tetraster (?) imbricatus incomptus Meek = Hudsonaster incomptus jamesi Hali = Petraster (?) americanus longibrachiatus Miller = Promopalaeaster spinulosus magnificus Miller = Promopalaeaster magnificus matutinus Hali = Hudsonaster matutinus miamiensis Mi lier = Anorthaster miamiensis montanus (Stschurowsky) = Urasterella montana Pars 3 Catalogue of tke Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 29 niagarensis Hali 1852 Palaeaster niagarensis Hali, Pal. N. Y., II, p. 247, pl. 51, f. 21—23. 1858 Palaeaster niagarensis Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 78, 1868 Palaeaster niagarensis Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 282; rev. ed., p. 324. 1876 Palaeaster niagarensis Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 73, pl. 92, f. 32, 33. 1913 Palaeaster niagarensis Hudson, Bull. 164, N. Y. St. Mus., pls. 9, 10, 12, 13. 1914 Palaeaster niagarensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Rochester) of North America. Lockport, N. Y. ; Grimsby, Ontario. obtusus Salter = Stenaster (?) obtusus parviusculus Billings = Mesopalaeaster (?) parviusculus pulchellus Billings = Urasterella pulchella pygmaea Eichwald. Unknown to writer. Middle Ordovicic, Pul- kowa, Russia. ruthveni Salter = Urasterella ruthveni shaefferi Hali = Mesopalaeaster shaefferi simplex Miller = Hudsonaster incomptus speciosus Meek = Promopalaeaster speciosus spinulosus Miller and Dyer = Promopalaeaster spinulosus squamatus Salter. Unknown to writer. See Cat. Woodw. Mus., p. 47; and Woodward, 1874, Geol. Mag., Dec. II, I, p. 7. Bala of England. (Monaster) stutchburii Etheridge = Australaster (?) stutchburii wilberanus Hali = Mesopalaeaster (?) wilberanus wilsoni Raymond = Promopalaeaster wilsoni wykoffi Miller and Gurley = Promopalaeaster wykoffi Palaeasterina of authors = Petraster Palaeasterina Gregory == Palasterina antiqua Salter =Lindstr6master antiquus approximata Miller and Dyer = Petraster speciosus fimbriata Meek and Worthen = Schoenaster fimbriatus rugosa Billings = Hudsonaster rugosus speciosa Miller and Dyer = Petraster speciosus Palaenectria Stiirtz = Palaeostella devonica Stiirtz = Palaeostella solida Palaeocoma Miller (partim) = Ptilonaster Palaeocoma Salter = Stiirtzaster Palaeocoma (Bdellacoma) Salter = Bdellacoma Palaeocoma (Rhopalocoma) Salter = Rhopalocoma colvini Salter = Stiirtzaster colvini cygnipes Salter = Stiirtzaster cygnipes cylindrica Billings = Taeniaster cylindricus marstoni Salter = Stiirtzaster marstoni princeps Miller = Ptilonaster princeps spinosa Billings = Taeniaster spinosus vermiformis Salter = Bdellacoma vermiformis Palaeodiscus ferox Salter = an echinid. See Jackson, 1912, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., VII, p. 250. Palaeophiomyxa Stiirtz (AL) 1899 Palaeophiomyxa Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LV1, p. 202. 1899 Palaeophiomy xidae Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 202. 1910 Palaeophiomy xidae Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 235. 30 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1914 Palaeophiomy xa Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. grandis (Stiirtz). grandis (Stiirtz) 1886 Bundenbachia grandis Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 84, pl. 9, f. 2, 2 a, 3, 3 a. 1899 Palaeophiomy xa grandis Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 196, 202. 1914 Palaeophiomy xa grandis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbacli. Palaeophiura Stiirtz (AL) 1890 Palaeophiura Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 233. 1897 Palaeophiura Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London p. 1034. 1914 Palaeophiura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. simplex Stiirtz. simplex Stiirtz References sanie as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbacli. Palaeosolaster Stiirtz (A) 1899 Palaeosolaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 226—229, pl. 2, f. 1—3. 1908 Helianthaster Clarke (partim), Bull. 121, N.Y. St. Mus., p. 64, pl. 11. 1914 Palaeosolaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: P. gregory i Stiirtz. gregoryi Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. (?) gyalum (Clarke) 1908 Helianthaster gyalum Clarke, Bull. 121, N. Y. St. Mus., p. 63, pls. 12, 13. 1914 Palaeosolaster (?) gyalum Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devonic (Portage) of United States. Ithaca, N. Y. Palaeospondylus Stiirtz = Palastropecten zitteli Stiirtz = Palastropecten zitteh Palaeostella Stiirtz (A) 1890 Palaeostella Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 230, pl. 31, f. 42, 43. 1893 Palaeostella Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 42, 58, pl. 1, f. 5—8. 1893 Palaenectria Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 12 (Genoholotype: the second specimen of Palaeostella solida). 1914 Palaeostella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. solida Stiirtz. solida Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Palaeospondylus Stiirtz = Palastropecten Palaeura Jaekel (AL) 1903 Palaeura Jaekel, Zeits. d. geol. Ges., LIV, Prot., p. 13 — 20, f.5. 1914 Palaeura Schuchert, Bidi. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. neglecta Schuchert. neglecta Schuchert References same as for genus. Ordovicic (Di) of Bohemia. ? Osek. Palasterina Billmgs (partim) = Schuchertia Palasterina Salter (A) 1848 U raster Forbes (partim), Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., II, Pt. II p. 463. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 31 1849 U raster Forbes (partim), Brit. Org. Rem., I, pl. 1. 1855 Palasterina McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 59 (nom. nud.). 1857 Palasterina Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 324, 327. 1858 Palasterina Billings (partim), Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 76. 1859 Palasterina Salter (partim), in Murchison, Siluria, 3d ed., p. 248. 1879 Palasterina Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453. 1884 Palasterina Re la Touche (partim), Handb. Geol. Shropshire, p. 34. 1890 Palasterina Stiirtz (partim), Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 226. 1893 Palasterina Stiirtz (partim), Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 43, 60. 1899 Palaeasterina Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 349. 1910 Palasterina Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 220. 1914 Palasterina Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : U raster primaevus Forbes. antiqua (Hisinger) = Lindstromaster antiquus bonneyi Gregory 1899 Palaeasterina bonneyi Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 349, 350, pl. 16, f. 2 a, b; t. f. 1—3. 1910 Palaeasterina bonneyi Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 223. 1914 Palasterina bonneyi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. follmanni Stiirtz = Pseudopalasterina follmanni jamesi Dana and Meek = Petraster (?) americanus kinahani Baily = Uranaster kinahani primaeva (Forbes) 1848 U raster primaevus Forbes, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., II, Pt. II, p. 463. 1849 U raster primaevus Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., I, p. 2, pl. 1, f. 2 a, b. 1854 U raster primaevus Murchison, Siluria, p. 221, f. 39. 1855 Uraster primaevus Forbes, in McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 60. 1855 Palasterina primaevus McCoy, Ibid., p. 59 (nom. nud.). 1857 Palasterina primaevus Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 327, pl. 9, f. 2 a — c. 1862 Palasterina primaevus Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 26, f. 16a. 1876 Palasterina primaevus Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 74, pl. 92, f. 35. 1893 Palasterina primaeva Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 44. 1899 Palasterina primaeva Stiirtz, Ibid., LVT, p. 214, 224. 1899 Palasterina primaeva Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 349. 1910 Palasterina primaevus Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 220. 1914 Palasterina primaeva Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Ludlow) of England. Underbarrow, Westmoreland, and Leintwardine, Shropshire. (?) ramseyensis Hicks 1873 Palasterina ramseyensis Hicks, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXIX, p. 51, pl. 4, f. 21—23. 1874 Palasterina ramseyensis Woodward, Geol. Mag., Dec. II, I, p. 96. 1914 Palasterina (?) ramseyensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. 32 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 ? Upper Ordovicic (? Tremadoc) of Wales. Ramsey Island and St. JJavids. rigidus Billings = Petraster rigidus rugosa Wright = Hudsonaster rugosus stellata Billings = Schuchertia stellata Palasteriscus Stiirtz (A) 1886 Palasteriscus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 95, pl. 14, f. 1. 1890 Palasteriscus Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 223, pl. 28, f. 23 — 23 b; pl. 29, f. 24. 1893 Palasteriscus Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 44, 61. 1914 Palasteriscus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. devonicus Stiirtz. devonicus Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devome of Germany. Bundenbach. Palastropecten Stiirtz (AL) 1886 Palastropecten Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 88, pl. 10, f. 3, 4. 1890 Palastropecten Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 213, pl. 26, f. 12, 13. 1897 Palastropecten Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1038. 1899 Palaes pondylus Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 190. ^ 1899 P alaeo spondylus Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 202. 1914 Palastropecten Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. zitteli Stiirtz. zitteli Stiirtz References same as for genus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Palmipes antiqua Forbes = Lindstromaster antiquus Petraster Billings (A) 1858 Petraster Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 79. 1868 Petraster Hali, 20 th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 283, 294; rev. ed., p. 325, 337. 1879 Palaeaster Zittel (partim), Handb., I, p. 452. 1914 Petraster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Palaeasterina of some authors. Genoholotype (type by monotypy): P. rigidus Billings. antiqua Shumard = Mesopalaeaster (?) antiquus bellulus Billings = Mesopalaeaster bellulus (?) americanus (D’Orbigny) 1846 Asterias Graham, Anthony and James, Ani. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., I, p. 441 (fig. but no desc.). 1850 Coela st er americanus D’Orbigny, Prodr. de Pal., I, p. 22 (name only). 1863 Asterias anthonii Dana, Man. Geol., p. 221 (fig. but no desc.). 1863 Palasterina (?) jamesi Dana, Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., XXXV, p. 295. 1864 Palasterina (?) jam, esi Dana, Man. Geol., 2d ed., p. 221 (fig. bxxt no desc.). 1868 Palaeaster jamesi Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 286; rev. ed., p. 329. 1873 Palaeaster jamesi Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 62, pl. 4, f. 4. 1914 Petraster {‘i) americanus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Maysville) of United States. Cincinnati, Ohio. rigidus (Billings) 1857 Palasterina rigidus Billings, Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 291. 1858 Petraster rigidus Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 80, pl. 10, f. 3a. Pars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 33 1862 P etraster rigidus Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 29. 1868 Petraster rigidus Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 294; rev. ed., p. 337. 1914 Petraster rigidus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. rigidus (Billings) (partim) = Hudsonaster matutinus smythi McCoy 1874 Petraster smythi McCoy, Prodr. Pal. Victoria, I, p. 41, pl. 10, f. 1— lb. 1914 Petraster smythi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Silurie of Australia. Moonee Ponds, Flemington, near Melbourne. speciosus (Miller and Dyer) 1878 Palaeast erina speciosa Miller and Dyer, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, p. 30, pl. 1, f. 7. 1878 Palaeasterina approximata Miller and Dyer, Ibid., p. 30, pl. 1, f. 8. 1889 Palaeasterina speciosa Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 266, f. 381. 1914 Petraster speciosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmond, Maysville) of United States. Twin Creek, near Winchester, Waynes ville, and Hamilton, Ohio. wilberanus Meek and Worthen = Mesopalaeaster (?) wilberanus Promopalaeaster Schuchert (A) 1868 — 1914 Palaeaster (partim) of authors. 1914 Promopalaeaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : Palaeaster granulosus Meek. bellulus Schuchert 1914 Promopalaeaster bellulus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Waynesville, Ohio; Versailles, Ind. dyeri (Meek) 1872 Palaeaster dyeri Meek, Am. Jour-. Sci., 3d ser., III, p. 257. 1873 Palaeaster dyeri Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 58, pl. 4, f. 2a — f. 1914 Promopalaeaster dyeri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Maysville) of United States. Cincinnati, Ohio. exculptus (Miller) 1881 Palaeaster exculptus Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, p. 69, pl. 1, f. 1. 1914 Promopalaeaster exculptus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Near Waynes- ville, Ohio. granulosus (Hali) 1868 Palaeaster granulosa Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 285; rev. ed., p. 327. 1914 Promopalaeaster granulosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Near Leb- anon, Ohio. magnificus (Miller) 1884 Palaeaster magnificus Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., VII, p. 16, pl. 4, f. 3, 3a. 1914 Promopalaeaster magnificus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmond, Maysville) of United States. Near Waynesville, and Cincinnati, Ohio; Covington, Ky.; Jefferson County, Ind. 3 34 Catalogue of tlie Genera and Species oi Stelleroidea. Pars 3 prenuntius Schuckert 1914 Promo palaeaster prenuntius Schuckert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Lower Trenton) of United States. Near Frank- fort, Ky. speciosus (Meek) 1848 Asterias antiquata Locke, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila., III, p. 32, f. on p. 33. 1868 Palaeaster antiquata Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 286; rev. ed., p. 328. 1872 Palaeaster granulosus Meek, Arn. Jour. Sci., 3dser., IV, p. 276. 1872 Palaeaster speciosus Meek, Ibid., p. 277. 1873 Palaeaster granulosus Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 60, pl. 4, f. 3 a — c. 1873 Palaeaster speciosus Meek, Ibid., p. 61. 1914 Promopalaeaster speciosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Maysville) of United States. Cincinnati, Ohio. spinulosus (Miller and Dyer) 1878 Palaeaster spinulosus Miller and Dyer, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, p. 32, pl. 2, f. 12— 12b. 1878 Palaeaster longibrachiatus Miller, Ibid., p. 102, pl. 3, f. 4. 1914 Promopalaeaster spinulosus Schuckert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. ? Cincinnati, and Clarks ville, Ohio. wilsoni (Raymond) 1912 Palaeaster ? wilsoni Raymond, Ottawa Nat., XXVI, p. 77, pl. 5, f. 1 — 4. 1914 Promopalaeaster wilsoni Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Lowville) of Canada. City View, near Ottawa, Ontario. wykoffi (Miller and Gurley) 1897 Palaeaster wykoffi Miller and Gurley, Bull. 12, Illinois St. Mus., p. 46, pl. 3, f. 27. 1914 Promopalaeaster wykoffi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Near Mad- ison, Ind. Protaster Hali = Hallaster Protaster Forbes (AL) 1849 Protaster Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., I, pl. 4, p. 1 — 2. 1854 Protaster Murchison, Siluria, p. 221, f. 39—4. 1855 Protaster Forbes, in McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 60. 1857 Protaster Salter, Rep. 26th Meet. Brit. Assoc., App., p. 76. 1857 Protaster Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 325, 330. 1859 Protaster Hali, Pal. N. Y., III, p. 134. 1861 Protaster Salter, Ann. Mag., 3d ser., VIII, p. 484. 1862 Protaster Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 23, 31. 1866 Encrinaster (partim) Haeckel, Gen. Morph., II, p. LXVII (no definition). 1868 Protaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 293; rev. ed., p. 335. 1876 Protaster Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1., IV, p. 133, pl. 95, f. 11. 1886 Protaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 148, 150. 1889 Protaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. III, VI, p. 26. 1893 Protaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 18. 1896 Protaster James, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 137. 1897 Protaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1031, f. 1. 1898 Protaster Whidborne, Pal. Soc. England, p. 206. 1908 Protaster Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 363, 366. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 35 1910 Protaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 238. 1914 Protaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : P. sedgwiclcii Forbes. barrisi = Onychaster barrisi biforis Gregory 1897 Protaster biforis Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1032, f. 2, 3 on p. 1033. 1910 Protaster biforis Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 238. 1914 Protaster biforis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Wenlock) of Wales. Castell Dinas, Bran, near Llangollen. brisingoides Gregory = Stiirtzura brisingoides daoulasensis Davy = Furcaster (?) daoulasensis decheni Lewalque = Tremataster (?) decheni elegans (Miller) = Taeniaster elegans flexuosus Miller and Dyer = Alepidaster flexuosus forbesi Hali = Hallaster forbesi granuliferas Meek = Alepidaster granuliferas gregarius Meek and Wortken = Aganaster gregarius leptosoma Salter = Stiirtzura leptosoma miamiensis Miller = Alepidaster miamiensis xniltoni Salter = Lapworthura miltoni (Ophiura) obtusa Eichwald. Unknown to writer. See Lethaea Rossica, p. 193; and Woodward, 1874, Geol. Mag., Lee. II, I, p. 7. Silurio of Russia. petri Salter. Unknown to writer, See Gat. Mus. Pract. Geol., p. 30; and Woodward, 1. c., p. 7. ?Ordovicic (Bala) of England. Church Stretton. (?) salteri (Salter and Sowerby) 1845 Protaster salteri Salter and Sowerby, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., I, p. 9, 20 (nom. nud.). 1862 Protaster salteri Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 33 (nom. nud.). 1866 Protaster salteri Salter, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., III, p. 289, pl. 23, f. 3. 1908 Protaster salteri Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 364, 367. 1914 Protaster (?) salteri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Ordovicic of Wales. Near Cerrig-y-Druidion on the Holyhead Road. sedgwickii Forbes 1849 Protaster sedgwickii Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., I, pl. 4, p. 1 — 2. 1854 Protaster sedgwicki Murchison, Siluria, p. 221, f. 39 — 4. 1855 Protaster sedgwickii Forbes, in McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 60. 1857 Protaster sedgwicki Salter, Rept. 26 th Meet. Brit. Assoc., App., p. 76. 1857 Protaster sedgwicki Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 332. 1862 Protaster sedgwickii Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 33. 1866 Encrinaster sedgwickii Haeckel, Gen. Morph., II, p. LXVII (nom. nud.). 1876 Protaster sedgwickii Quenstedt, Petr. Leutschl., 1., IV., p. 133, pl. 95, f. 11. 1886 Protaster sedgwicki Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 150. 1893 Protaster sedgwicki Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rkeinl., L, p. 18. 1897 Protaster sedgwicki Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1031, 1908 Protaster sedgwicki Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 363, 367. 1910 Protaster sedgwicki Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 238. 3* 36 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1914 Protaster sedgwickii Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lucllow) of England. Near Kendal, Westmoreland. (?) stellifer Ringueberg 1886 Protaster stellifer Ringueberg, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., V, p. 7, pl. 1, f. 2. 1914 Protaster (?) stellifer Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Rochester) of North America. Lockport, N. Y. ; Grimsby, Ontario. (?) whiteavesianus Parks 1908 Protaster whiteavesianus Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 368, f. 1—6. 1914 Protaster (?) whiteavesianus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Black River) of Canada. Kirkfield, Ontario. Protasteracanthion Stiirtz = Urasterella primus Stiirtz = Urasterella asperula Protasterina Ulrich = Alepidaster fimbriata Ulrich = Alepidaster flexuosus flexuosa James = Alepidaster flexuosus Protopalaeaster Hudson = Hudsonaster narrawayi Hudson = Hudsonaster narrawayi Pseudopalasterina Stiirtz (A) 1899 Pseudopalasterina Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 219, 224. 1914 P seudopalasterina Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Palasterina follmanni Stiirtz. follmanni (Stiirtz) 1890 Palasterina follmanni Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 226, pl. 29, f. 29— 31 a. 1899 P seudopalasterina follmanni Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 219, 224. 1914 Pseudopalasterina follmanni Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. Ptilonaster Hali (AL) 1868 Ptilonaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 291 — 292; rev. ed., p. 334. 1869 Ptilonaster Liitken, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skrift., 5th ser., VIII, Pt. 3, p. 82. 1886 Ptilonaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 83. 1886 Ptilonaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II., p. 152. 1889 Palaeocoma Miller (partim), N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 266. 1897 Ptilonaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1036. 1899 Ptilonaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 188. 1914 Ptilonaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: P. princeps Hali, princeps Hali 1868 Ptilonaster princeps Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 292; rev. ed., p. 334, pl. 9, f. 9. 1889 Palaeocoma princeps Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 267. 1914 Ptilonaster princeps Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devonic (Chemung) of United States. Cortlandville, N. Y. Rhenaster Schondorf (A) 1909 Rhenaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 65, 108, pl 8 f. 3; pl. 10, f. 1, 4. 1914 Rhenaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: R. schwerdi Schondorf. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 37 sehwerdi Schondorf References same as for genus. Lower Devome (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Dorrbaohtal, near Coblenz. Rhopalocoma Salter (AL) 1857 Palaeocoma ( Rhopalocoma ) Salter, Ann. Mac., 2d ser., XX, p. 324. 1862 Palaeocoma (Rhopalocoma) Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 31. 1879 Palaeocoma (Rhopalocoma) Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453. 1886 Rhopalocoma Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 96. 1893 Rhopalocoma Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 46, 63. 1914 Rhopalocoma Sckuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. p. Genoholotype and only species: P. (R.) pyrotechnica Salter, pyrotechnica Salter 1857 Palaeocoma (Rhopalocoma) pyrotechnica Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 324. 1862 Palaeocoma (Rhopalocoma) pyrotechnica Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 31. 1893 Rhopalocoma pyrotechnica Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 46, 63. 1914 Rhopalocoma pyrotechnica Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. Roeineraster Stiirtz = Urasterella acuminatus Stiirtz = Mesopalaeaster (?) acuminatus asperula Stiirtz = Urasterella asperula Salteraster Stiirtz = Urasterella asperrimus Stiirtz = Urasterella (?) asperrima Schoenaster Meek and Worthen (A) 1860 Schoenaster Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, p. 449. 1866 Schoenaster Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, II, p. 277. 1879 Schoenaster Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453. 1914 Schoenaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: S. fimbriatus Meek and Worthen. fimbriatus Meek and Worthen 1860 Palaeasterina (Schoenaster ) fimbriata Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, p. 449. 1866 Schoenaster fimbriatus Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, II, p. 278, pl. 19, f. 7 a — d. 1914 Schoenaster fimbriatus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (St. Louis) of United States. St. Clair County, 111. (?) legrandensis Miller and Gurley 1890 Schoenaster legrandensis Miller and Gurley, Desc. N. Gen. and Sp. Ech., p. 56, pl. 9, f. 7—9. 1891 Schoenaster legrandensis Miller, 16th Rep. Geol. Surv. Ind., p. 371, pl. 9, f. 7—9. 1892 Schoenaster legrandensis Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., lst App., p. 682, f. 1246. 1914 Schoenaster (?) legrandensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Kinderhook) of United States. LeGrand, Iowa. ( ?) montanus Raymond 1912 Schoenaster (?) montanus Raymond, Ottawa Nat., XXVI, p. 80, f. 3 on p. 81. 1914 Schoenaster (?) montanus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Madison) of United States. Spring Canyon, Ruby Mts., near Alder, Mont. 38 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 ( ?) wachsmuthi Meek and Worthen 1866 Schoenaster wachsmuthi Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVIII, p. 259. 1868 Schoenaster wachsmuthi Meek and Worthen, Geol. Surv. Illinois, III, p. 499, pl. 17, f. 4. 1914 Schoenaster (?) wachsmuthi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Carbonic (Burlington) of United States. Burlington, Iowa. Schucliertia Gregory (A) 1858 Palasterina Billings (partira), Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 76. 1899 Schuchertia Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 351. 1899 Trentonaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., LVI, p. 217, 224, 225 (Based on same genoholotype as Schuchertia). 1914 Schuchertia Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palasterina stellata Billings. laxata Schuchert 1914 Schuchertia laxata Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Waynesville, Hamilton, and Oxford, Ohio. ordinaria Schuchert 1914 Schuchertia ordinaria Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Girardeau) of United States. Alexander County, 111. stellata (Billings) 1857 Palasterina stellata Billings, Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 290. 1858 Palasterina stellata Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 76, pl. 9, f. Ia, b. 1862 Palasterina stellata Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 27, f. lb on p. 26. 1876 Palasterina stellata Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 74, pl. 92, f. 34. 1899 Trentonaster stellata Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., p. 217, 224, 225. 1914 Schuchertia stellata Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic of Canada. Ottawa, and Governor General Bay, near New Edinburgh, Ontario. Siluraster Jaekel (A) 1903 Siluraster Jaekel, Zeits. d. geol. Ges., LV, Prot., p. 106, f. 2, 3 on p. 108. 1914 Siluraster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: S. perfectus Jaekel. perlectus Jaekel References same as for genus. Ordovicic (P4) of Bohemia. Zahorzan. Spaniaster Schondorf (A) 1855 Coelaster Sandberger, Verst. rhein. Schicht. Nassau, p. 381. 1907 Spaniaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LX, p. 176. 1909 Spaniaster Schondorf, Ibid., LXII, p. 30. 1909 Spaniaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 73, 109. 1914 Spaniaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: Coelaster latiscutatus Sand- berger. latiscutatus (Sandberger) 1855 Coelaster latisciitatus Sandberger, Verst. rhein. Schicht. Nassau, p. 381, pl. 35, f. 1, la. 1869 Coelaster latiscutatus Weiss, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. XXVI, Sitzb., p. 43. 1871 Coelaster latiscutatus Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.-nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I., p. 81. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 39 1871 Xenaster simplex Simonovitsch, Ibid., p. 97, pl. 3, f. 1, la. 1876 Xenaster simplex Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., L, IV., p. 73. 1879 Xenaster (Coelaster) latiscutatus Zittel, Handb., I, p. 454. 1880 C oelaster latiscutatus Nickolson and Etheridge, Sil. Foss. Girvan Dist., III, p. 322. 1890 G oelaster latiscutatus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 247,. 1907 Spaniaster latiscutatus Sckondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LX, p. 176. 1909 Spaniaster latiscutatus Sckondorf, Ibid., LXII, p. 31, pl. 5, f. 1 — 3; t. f. 2. 1909 Spaniaster latiscutatus Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 73—82, 109, pl. 8, f. 2; pl. 10, f. 2, 9, 10; pl. 11, f. 9. 1914 Spaniaster latiscutatus Schuckert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Upper and Lower Coblenzian) of Germany. IJnkel, near Bonn; Bienhorntale, near Coblenz; Oberstadtfeld in the Eifel; Niederlahnstein. Squamaster Rmgueberg (AL) 1886 Squamaster Rmgueberg, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., V, p. 5, 6, pl. 1, f. 1. 1914 Squamaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genokolotype and only species: S. echinatus Rmgueberg. echinatus Rmgueberg References samc as for genus. Siluric (Rochester) of Nortk America. Lockport, N. Y. ; Grimsby, Ontario. Stenaster Billings ( par tim ) = Urasterella Stenaster Billings (A) 1858 Stenaster Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 77. 1890 Stenaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI, p. 220. 1893 U raster ella Stiirtz (not McCoy), Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 40, 41, 56. 1899 Stenaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 352. 1914 Stenaster Sckuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genokolotype (tke first species and the one selected by subsequent workers): S. salter i Billmgs. (??) confluens Trautsckold 1879 Stenaster confluens Trautschold, Kalkbriiche v. Mjatschkowa, p. 11, pl 2, f. 5. 1909 Stenaster confluens Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 337. 1914 Stenaster (??) confluens Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Carbonic (Moscovian) of Russia. Moscow. ?) coronella (Salter) 1857 Palaeaster coronella Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 326. 1862 Palaeaster coronella Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 25. 1886 Stenaster (?) coronella Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 153. 1914 Stenaster (?) coronella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (May Hili) of England. Gunwick Mill, Malvem. grandis Meek = Urasterella grandis huxleyi Billmgs = Urasterella huxleyi (?) obtusus (Forbes) 1845 Asterias primaeva Salter and Sowerby, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., I, p. 8, 20 (nom. nud.). 1848 Uraster obtusus Forbes, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., II, Pt. II, p. 463. 1849 Uraster obtusus Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., I, p. 2, pl. 1, f. 3. 1854 Uraster obtusus Murchison, Siluria, p. 182, f. 17. 1857 Palaeaster obtusus Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 326. 1862 Palaeaster obtusus Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 24. 40 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1866 Palaeaster obtusus Salter, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., III, p. 289, pl. 23, f. 1. 1886 Stenaster (?) obtusus Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 153. 1893 Stenaster (?) obtusus Stiirtz, Verli. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 41, 56. 1914 Stenaster (?) obtusus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Ordovicic (Caradoc) of Ireland and Wales. Drumcannon, Waterford; and near Bala Lake (Moel-y-Garnedd). pulchellus Billings = Urasterella pulchella salteri Billings 1858 Stenaster salteri Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 78, pl. 10, f. Ia, b. 1862 Stenaster salteri Wrigkt, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 28, f. 15 (2) on p. 24. 1914 Stenaster salteri Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton, Black River) of North America. Belleville, Kirkfield, and Government House Bay, Ottawa, Ontario; Curdsville, Ky. ; Panton, Vt. Stiirtzaster Etheridge (AL) 1857 Palaeocorna Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 324, 327. 1862 Palaeocorna Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 23, 29. 1876 Palaeocorna Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1,IV, p. 81, pl. 92, f. 43. 1879 Palaeocorna Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453. 1886 Palaeocorna Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 152. 1893 Palaeocorna Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 45, 62. 1899 Sturtzaster Etheridge, Rec. Aust. Mus., III, p. 129. 1910 Sturtzaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 217. 1914 Sturtzaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : Palaeocorna marstoni Salter, colvini (Salter) 1857 Palaeocorna colvini Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 328. 1862 Palaeocorna colvini Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 30. 1910 Sturtzaster colvini Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 219. 1914 Sturtzaster colvini Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. cygnipes (Salter) 1857 Palaeocorna cygnipes Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 329. 1862 Palaeocorna cygnipes Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 30. 1910 Sturtzaster cygniceps Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 219. 1914 Sturtzaster cygnipes Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. marstoni (Salter) 1857 Palaeocorna marstoni Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 328, pl. 9, f. 3 a — c. 1862 Palaeocorna marstoni Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I. p. 30, f. 17. 1876 Palaeocorna marstoni Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 81, pl. 92, f. 43. 1910 Sturtzaster marstoni Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 217. 1914 Sturtzaster marstoni Schuchert, Bull. 88. U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Lower Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. (?) initclielli Etheridge 1899 Sturtzaster (?) mitchelli Etheridge. Rec. Aust. Mus., III, p. 128. 1914 Sturtzaster (?) mitchelli Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Wenlock) of New South Wales. Bowning. 41 Pars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Stiirtzura Gregory (AL) 1897 Sturtzura Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1034. 1910 Sturtzura Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 215, 237. v 1914 Sturtzura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype : Protaster brisingoides Gregory. brisingoides (Gregory) 1889 Protaster brisingoides Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dee. III, VI, p. 24—27, f. 1. 1897 Sturtzura brisingoides Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1034. 1907 Protaster brisingoides Ckapman, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, n. s., XIX, p. 22, pl. 6, f. 2; pl. 8, f. 2. 1907 Taeniaster australis McCoy, Vide Ckapman, p. 23 (nom. nud.). 1914 Sturtzura brisingoides Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric of Australia. Moonee Ponds Creek, Flemington, near Melbourne, and parish of Yering, Upper Yarra district, Victoria, leptosoma (Salter) 1857 Protaster leptosoma Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 331, pl. 9, f. 5. 1862 Protaster leptosoma Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 33. 1876 Protaster leptosoma Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, p. 133, pl. 95, f. 12. 1886 Protaster leptosoma Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 79. 1886 Protaster leptosoma Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 148. 1897 Sturtzura leptosoma Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p.1035. 1907 Sturtzura leptosoma Chapman, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, n. s., XIX, p. 26, pl. 8, f. 5. 1910 Sturtzura leptosoma Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 215. 1914 Sturtzura leptosoma Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Ludlow) of England. Leintwardine, Shropshire. leptosomoides Chapman 1907 Sturtzura leptosomoides Chapman, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, n. s., XIX, p. 26, pl. 7, f. 1, 2; pl. 8, f. 4. 1914 Sturtzura leptosomoides Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Melbournian) of Australia. Moonee Ponds Creek, Fle- mington, near Melbourne, Victoria. Sympterura Bather (AL) 1905 Sympterura Bather, Geol. Mag., Dec. V, II, p. 161 — 169, pl. 6, f. 1—3, 6. 1910 Sympterura Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 216. 1914 Sympterura Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: S. minveri Bather. minveri Bather References same as for genus. Devonic of England. Epphaven, near Padstow, North Cornwall. Taeniaster Billings (AL) 1858 Taeniaster Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 80. 1861 Taeniaster Chapman, Can. Jour., n. s., VI, p. 517. 1862 Taeniaster Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 24, 34. 1868 Taeniaster Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 300; rev. ed., p. 338. 1879 T aeniaster Zittel, Handb., I, p. 445. 1886 Taeniaster Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 150. 1886 T aeniaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 78, 83. 1889 T aeniaster Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 285. 1889 T aeniaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. III, VI, p. 26. 42 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 1893 Taeniaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinh, L, p. 20. 1896 Taeniaster James, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 138. 1897 Taeniaster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1035. 1897 Taeniura Gregory, Ibid., p. 1035. 1900 Taeniaster Gregory, in Lankester, Treat. Zool., III, p. 250. 1914 Taeniaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genolectotype : Palaeocoma spinosa Billings. australis McCoy = Stiirtzura brisingoides cylindricus (Billings) 1857 Palaeocoma cylindr i ca Billings, Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 292. 1858 Taeniaster cylindricus Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 81, pl. 10, f. 4 a — c. 1862 Taeniaster cylindricus Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 34. 1897 Taeniura cylindrica Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1035. 1908 Taeniaster cylindricus Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 371. 1908 Lapworthura cylindrica Parks, Ibid., p. 371. 1914 Taeniaster cylindricus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. elegans Miller 1882 Taeniaster elegans Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, p. 41, pl. 1, f. 6 — 6c. 1896 Taeniaster elegans James, Ibid., XVIII, p. 139. 1908 Taeniaster elegans Parks, Trans. Can. Inst., VIII, p. 365, 371. 1908 Protaster elegans Parks, Ibid., p. 368. 1914 Taeniaster elegans Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Waynesville, Ohio. schohariae Ruedemann 1912 Taeniaster schohariae Ruedemann, Bull. 162, N. Y. St. Mus., p. 88, pl. 3, f. 1. 1914 Taeniaster schohariae Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of United States. Near Schoharie Junction, N. Y. spinosus (Billings) 1857 Palaeocoma spinosa Billings, Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 292. 1858 Taeniaster spinosus Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 81, pl. 10, f. 3 a — d. 1889 Taeniaster spinosus Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 285, f. 439. 1914 Taeniaster spinosus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of Canada. Falis of Montmorency, near Quebec. Taeniura Gregory = Taeniaster cylindrica (Billings) = Taeniaster cylindricus Tetraster Nicholson and Etheridge (A) 1880 Tetraster Nicholson and Etheridge, Sil. Foss. Girvan Hist., III, p. 324, pl. 21, f. 3 — 8 (not f. 1 — 2 = Hudsonaster batheri , and 9- — 10 =U rasterella girvanensis). 1914 Tetraster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: T. wyville-thomsoni Nicholson and Etheridge emend. Schuchert. asperrimus Nicholson and Etheridge = Urastelia (?) asperrima (?) imbricatus (Salter) 1866 Palaeaster imbricatus Salter, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., III p. 289, pl. 23, f. 8. 1914 Tetraster (?) imbricatus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Ordovicic (Caradoc) of Wales. Llanfyllin, Montgomeryshire. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 43 wy ville- tkomsoni Nicholson and Etheridge References same as for genus. Upper Ordovicic of Scotland. Thraive, Girvan District. wy ville- thomson i Nicholson and Etheridge (partim) = Hudson- aster batheri Tremataster Worthen and Miller (AL) 1883 Tremataster Worthen and Miller, Geol. Surv. Illinois, VII, p. 330. 1889 Tremataster Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 286. 1897 Tremataster Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1037. 1914 Tremataster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: T. difficilis Worthen and Miller. (?) decheni (Dewalque) 1880 Protaster decheni Dehvaque, Ann. Soc. geol. Belg., VIII, p. 52—54, pl. 3, f. 1, 2. 1897 T remataster (?) decheni Gregory, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1037, footnote. 1914 T remataster (?) decheni Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Devonic of Belgium. Walcourt and Tohogne. difficilis Worthen and Miller 1883 Tremataster difficilis Worthen and Miller, Geol. Surv. Illinois, VII, p. 330, pl. 31, f. 3 a, 3b. 1914 Tremataster difficilis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Mississippic (Chester) of United States. Prairie du Long Creek, Monroe County, 111. Trentonaster Stiirtz = Schuchertia stellata (Billings) = Schuchertia stellata Trichotaster plumiformis Wright. Insufficiently defined. See 1873, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXIX, p. 421; and Woodward, 1874, Geol. Mag., Pec. II, I, p. 7. Siluric of England. Trimeraster Schondorf (A) 1891 Xenaster Follmann (partim). Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., XLVIII, p. 150. 1909 Trimeraster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 68, 108. 1914 T rimeraster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype and only species: T. parvulus Schondorf. parvulus Schondorf 1891 Xenaster simplex Follmann, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., XLVIII, p. 150. 1909 T rimeraster parvulus Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 68, 108, pl. 7, f. 2; pl. 10, f. 5, 6. 1914 Trimeraster parvulus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Coblenzian) of Germany. Konigstuhl, near Rhens. Trochitaster plumiformis Wright = Trichotaster plumiformis Uranaster Gregory (A) 1899 Uranaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 347. 1910 Uranaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 225. 1914 Uranaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Palasterina kinahani Baily. kinahani (Baily) 1879 Palasterina kinahani Baily, Mem. Geol. Surv. Irel., Expl. Sheets 169, 170, 180, 181, p. 58, 59, f. 6. 1899 Uranaster kinahani Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 348. 1910 Uranaster kinahani Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXIII, p. 225. 1914 U ranaster kinahani Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Caradoc) of Ireland. Near Ballymadder Point, and Bannow, Wexford. 44 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 Uraster hirudo Forbes = Urasterella hirudo Uraster obtusus Forbes = Stenaster (?) obtusus Uraster primaevus Forbes = Palasterina primaeva Uraster ruthveni Forbes = Urasterella ruthveni Urasterella McCoy (A) 1855 Urasterella McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 59 (not defined). 1858 Stenaster Billings (partim), Can. Org. Rem., III, p- 77. 1868 Urasterella Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 289; rev. ed., p. 332. 1874 Urasterella McCoy, Prodr. Pal. Victoria, I, p. 42. 1879 Urasterella Zittel, Handb., I, p. 453. 1886 Urasterella Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 152. 1886 Roemeraster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 85 (Genoholo- type: Asterias asperula Roemer). 1886 Protasteracanthion Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 90 (Genoholotype: P. primus Stiirtz = Asterias asperula Roemer). 1890 Urasterella Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 219. 1890 Roemeraster Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 220. 1893 Stenaster Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 40, 56. 1893 Roemeraster Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 52, 73. 1893 Protasteracanthion Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 54, 75. 1893 Salteraster Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 42, 60 (Genoholotype: Palaeaster asperrima Salter). 1899 Urasterella Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 352. 1914 Urasterella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype: Uraster ruthveni Forbes. Urasterella Stiirtz = Stenaster (?) asperrima (Salter) 1857 Palaeaster asperrima Salter. Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 325, pl. 9, f. 1. 1862 Palaeaster asperrima Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 24, f. 15 (1). 1866 Palaeaster asperrimus Salter, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., III, p. 289, pl. 23, f. 2. 1880 Tetraster asperrimus Nicholson and Etheridge, Sil. Foss. Girvan Dist., III, p. 320, 321, 324. 1886 Palaeaster (?) asperrimus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 91. 1893 Salteraster asperrimus Stiirtz, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 43, 60. 1914 Urasterella (?) asperrima Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Ordovicic (Caradoc) of Wales. Welchpool. asperula (Roemer) 1863 Asterias asperula Roemer, Palaeontogr., IX, p. 146, pl. 24; pl. 26, f. 6; pl. 27. 1886 Roemeraster asperula Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXII, p. 85, pl. 9, f. 4, 5. 1886 Protasteracanthion primus Stiirtz, Ibid., p. 90, pl. 11, f. 3, 3 a. 1914 Urasterella asperula Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Bundenbach. (?j constellata (Thorent) 1838 Asterias constellata Thorent, Mem. Soc. geol. France, III, p. 259, pl. 22, f. 7. 1850 Caelaster constellata D’Orbigny, Prodr. de Pal., I, p. 154. 1914 Urasterella (?) constellata Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric of France. Mondrepuis (L’Aisne). girvanensis Schuchert 1880 Tetraster sp. ind. Nicholson and Etheridge, Sil. Foss. Girvan Dist., III, p. 325, pl. 21, f. 9, 10. Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 45 1914 Urasterella girvanensis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic of Scotland. Thraive Glen, Girvan. grandis (Meek) 1872 Stenaster grandis Meek, Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., III, p. 258. 1873 Stenaster grandis Meek, Pal. Ohio, I, p. 66, pl. 3 bis, f. 7 a— c. 1873 U raster ella grandis Meek, Ibid., p. 67. 1879 Palaeaster harrisi Miller, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, p. 117, pl. 10, f. 2, 2 a. 1889 Stenaster grandis Miller, N. Am. Geol. Pal., p. 283, f. 432. 1914 Urasterella grandis Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Ordovicic (Richmondian) of United States. Richmond, Ind. ; Waynesville, Dayton, and near Ridge ville, Ohio. hirudo (Forbes) 1848 U raster hirudo Forbes, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., II, Pt. II, p. 464. 1849 U raster hirudo Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., I, p. 3, pl. 1, f. 4. 1854 Uraster hirudo Murchison, Siluria, p. 221, f. 39 — 2. 1855 Uraster hirudo Forbes, in McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 59. 1855 U raster ella hirudo Forbes, Ibid., p. 59. 1857 Palaeaster hirudo Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 326. 1862 Palaeaster hirudo Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 25. 1914 Urasterella hirudo Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Upper Ludlow) of England. Kendal, Westmoreland. huxleyi (Billings) 1865 Stenaster huxleyi Billings, Pal. Foss., I, p. 213, f. 197. 1914 U raster ella huxleyi Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Chazy) of Canada. Point Rich, Newfoundland. montana (Stschurowsky) 1874 Asterias montanus Stschurowsky, Nachr. Mosk. Ges. 1879 Palaeaster montanus Trautschold, Kalkbriiche v. Mjatsch- kowa, p. 9, pl. 2, f. 2 a, b. 1909 Palaeaster montanus Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 324, pl. 23, f. 1 ; pl. 24, f. 20—22. 1914 U raster ella montana Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Upper Carbonic (Moscovian) of Russia. Mjatschkowa, near Moscow. pulchella (Billings) 1857 Palaeaster pulchellus Billings, Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 292. 1858 Stenaster pulchellus Billings, Can. Org. Rem., III, p. 79, pl. 10, f. 2. 1862 Stenaster pulchellus Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 28. 1868 Urasterella ( Stenaster ) pulchellus Hali, 20th Rep. N. Y. St. Cab., p. 289; rev. ed., p. 332. 1914 Urasterella pulchella Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Trenton) of North America. Trenton Falis, Canajoharie, and Middleville, N. Y.; Hull, Quebec; Ottawa, Ontario. ruthveni (Forbes) 1848 Uraster ruthveni Forbes, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., II, Pt. II, p. 436. 1849 Uraster ruthveni Forbes, Brit. Org. Rem., I, p. 1, pl. 1, f. 1. 1854 Uraster ruthveni Murchison, Siluria, p. 221, f. 39 — 3. 1855 Uraster ruthveni Forbes, in McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 59. 1855 Urasterella ruthveni McCoy, Ibid., p. 59. 1857 Palaeaster ruthveni Salter, Ann. Mag., 2d ser., XX, p. 326. 1862 Palaeaster ruthveni Wright, Brit. Foss. Ech., II, I, p. 25. 1914 U raster ella ruthveni Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluric (Upper Ludlow) of England. Near Kendal, Westmoreland. 46 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. Pars 3 selwyni McCoy 1874 Urasterella selwyni McCoy, Prodr. Pal. Victoria, I, p. 42, pl. 10, 1. 2, 2 a, 3, 3 a. 1914 Urasterella selwyni Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Siluxic of Australia. Kilmore, Victoria, ulrichi Schuchert 1914 U raster ella ulrichi Scliuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Middle Ordovicic (Black River, Stones River) of United States. Minneapolis, Minn. Xenaster Simonovitsch (A) 1855 Asterias (Archaeasterias) Mulier, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., p. 6, 8 (Archaeasterias founded in error. Also nom. nud.). 1871 Xenaster Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.-nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LNIV, I, p. 88. 1879 Xenaster (partim) Zittel, Handb., I, p. 454. 1879 Archasterias (? Palaeaster) Zittel, Ibid., p. 452. 1886 Xenaster Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 86. 1890 Xenaster Stiirtz, Ibid., XXXVI, p. 223. 1899 Xenaster Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec. IV, VI, p. 346. 1907 Xenaster (Archaeasterias) Schondorf, Centralbl. f. Min., p. 747. 1909 Xenaster Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 42, 105. 1909 Xenaster Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 26. 1914 Xenaster Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Genoholotype (type by monotypy): X. margaritatus Simono- vitsch. dispar Schondorf 1871 Xenaster margaritatus Simonovitsch (partim), Sitzb. mat.- nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, pl. 2, f. 2 — 2b. 1909 Xenaster dispar Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 50, 84, 106, pl. 9, f. 1; pl. 11, f. 13. 1909 Xenaster dispar Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 28, pl. 3, f. 3. 1914 Xenaster dispar Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Levonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Niederlahnstein and Miellen. elegans Schondorf. 1891 Xenaster margaritatus Follmann, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., XLVIII, p. 150. 1909 Xenaster elegans Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 53, 107, pl. 9, f. 2, 3; pl. 11, f. 4, 12. 1909 Xenaster elegans Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 40, pl. 4, f. 6, 7. 1914 Xenaster elegans Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Coblenzian) of Germany. Konigstuhl, near Rhens. margaritatus Simonovitsch 1871 Xenaster margaritatus (partim) Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.- nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, p. 88, pls. 1, 2. 1879 Xenaster margaritatus Zittel, Handb., I, p. 454. 1886 Xenaster margaritatus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXII, p. 86, 87. 1886 Xenaster margaritatus Stiirtz, N. Jahrb. f. Min., II, p. 153. 1890 Xenaster margar it atus Stiirtz, Palaeontogr., XXXVI p 223 238, 247. 1899 Xenaster margaritatus Gregory, Geol. Mag., Dec IV VI p. 346. 1909 Xenaster margaritatus Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 43 106, pl. 7, f. 1, 3, 4; pl. 8, f. 1; pl. 11, f. 2, 3, 10, 11. Pars 3 Catalogue of the Genera and Species of Stelleroidea. 47 1909 X ena st er margaritatus Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 26, pl. 2, f. 1, 2. 1914 Xenaster margaritatus Schucliert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic (Upper Coblenzian) of Germany. Niederlahnstein. margaritatus Simonovitsch (partim) = X. dispar (?) rhenanus (Mulier) 1855 Asterias (Archaeasterias) rhenana Mulier, Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., XII, p. 6, pl. 1, f. 4 — 6. 1871 Archasterias ( 1 Xenaster ) rhenana Simonovitsch, Sitzb. mat.-nat. Classe Akad. Wiss., Wien, LXIV, I, p. 96. 1876 Asterias rhenana Quenstedt, Petr. Deutschl., 1, IV, j>. 72, pl. 92, f. 31. 1879 Archasterias (‘l Palaeaster) rhenana Zittel, Handl ., I. p. 452. 1879 Asterias (Xenaster ) rhenana Zittel, Ibid., p. 454. 1893 Archasterias (Asterias ) rhenana Stiirtz, Verh. uat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., L, p. 42, 58. 1899 Archasterias rhenana (‘i Palaeaster ) Stiirtz, Ibid., LVI, p. 206. 1907 Archaeasterias rhenana — Xenaster Schondorf, Centralbl. f. Mia., p. 741, f. 1—6. 1909 Xenaster (?) rhenana Schondorf, Palaeontogr., LVI, p. 55, 107, f. 2. 1909 Xenaster (?) rhenana Schondorf, Jahrb. nass. Ver. Naturk., LXII, p. 28. 1914 Xenaster (?) rhenanus Schuchert, Bull. 88, U. S. Nat. Mus. Lower Devonic of Germany. Winningen and Kemmenau. simplex Simonovitsch = Spaniaster latiscutatus Index Acroura (Ophiura) schlotheimii Miinster 10, 28 Agalmaster Schondorf 5, 6, 10 ,, grandis Schondorf 10 „ intermedius Schondorf 10 „ miellensis Schondorf 10 Aganaster Miller and Gurley 5, 9, 10, 11, 27 „ gregarius Meek and Wor- then 11, 35 Alepidaster Meek 5, 8, 11, 36 ,, gregarius Meek 11 „ flexuosus Miller and Dyer 11, 35, 36 „ granulif erus Meek 11,35 „ miamiensis Miller 11, 35 Anorthaster Schuchert 5, 11, 28 ,, miamiensis Miller 11. 28 Archaeasterias Mulier 6, 12, 46 Ar gaster Hali 12, 24 „ antiqua Gregory 12, 24 Aspidosoma Goldfufi 8, 12, 16 „ arnoldi Goldfufi 12, 16 „ c/. arnoldi Quenstedt 17 „ eifelense Schondorf 12, 16 ,, goldfussi Schondorf 12, 16 ,, petaloides Simonovitsch 12, 16 „ petaloides var. goslarien- sis Halfar 12, 17 „ pontis Clarke 12, 17 „ roemeri Schondorf 12, 17 „ schmidti Schondorf 12, 17 „ tischbeinianum Roemer 12, 17 „ tischbeinianum W ei fi 16 A sterias Graham, Anthony and James 12, 32 Astierias Wall 12, 14 Astierias ( Archaeasterias ) Mulier 12, 46 ,, acuminatus Simonovitsch 12, 24 ,, anthonii Dana 12, 32 „ antiqua Hisinger 12, 23 „ antiqua Troost 12, 24 „ antiquata Loclce 12, 34 ,, asperula Roemer 12, 44 „ asperula Roemer ( partim ) 12, 18 ,, constellata Thorent 12, 44 „ matutia Hali 12, 21 ,, montanus Stschurowsky 12, 42 ,, primaeva Salter and So- werby 12, 39 „ primordialis Anon 12 ,, (Archaeasterias) rhenana Mulier 12, 47 ,, spinosissima Roemer 12 Asteriscus antiquus Hisinger 12, 23 Astropecten Link 5, 12 „ schliiteri Stiirtz 12 Ataxaster Jaekel 5, 7, 12 „ pygmaeus Jaekel 12 Australaster Schuchert 5, 6, 12, 13, 26, 28 „ giganteus Etheridgel3, 26, 28 „ ? stutchburii Etheridge 13, 26, 29 Bdellacoma Salter 5, 8, 13, 29 „ vermiformis Salter 13, 29 Bohemura Jaekel 5, 8, 13 „ jahni Jaekel 13 Bundenbachia Stiirtz 5, 8, 13 „ benecki Stiirtz 13 „ grandis Stiirtz 13, 30 Pars 3 Register. 49 Calliaster mirus Trautschold 13, 14 Calliasterella Schuchert 5, 7, 13, 14 „ mira Trautschold 13, 14 Cheiropteraster Stiirtz 5, 8, 14 „ giganteus Stiirtz 14 Cholaster Worthen and Miller 5,9, 14 „ peculiaris Worthen and Miller 14 Coelaster Sandberger 6, 14, 38 „ americanus d’Orbigny 14, 32 „ constellata d’Orbigny 14, 44 „ latiscutatus Sandberger 14, 38 „ matutia d’Orbigny 14, 21 „ tenuiradiatus d’Orbignyl4 Compsaster Worthen and Miller 5, 7, 14 „ formosus Worthen and Miller 14 Cribellites Tate 5, 9, 14 „ carbonarius Tate 14 Pevonaster Schuchert 5, 6, 14, 15, 28 , , che mungensis Schuchert 15 „ eucharis Hali 15, 28 Encrinaster schmidti Schondorf 12, 17 „ sedgwickii Haeckd 35 „ tischbeinianus Roemer 12, 17 Eoluidia Stiirtz 5, 9, 18 „ decheni Stiirtz 12, 18 Eophiura Jaekel 5, 8, 18 „ bohemica Schuchert 18 Eophiurites Stiirtz 9, 18 „ decheni Stiirtz 18 Eospondylus Gregory 5, 9, 18 „ primigenius Stiirtz 18, 28 Etheridgaster Gregory 7, 18, 26 „ clarkei deKoninckl 8, 26 Eucladia Woodward 5, 9, 18, 19 „ ? beecheri Schuchert 19 „ johnsoni Woodward 19 „ woodwardi Sollas 19 Eugaster Hali 8, 19 „ concinnus Ringueberg 19 „ logani Hali 19 Eugasferella Schuchert 5, 8, 19 ,, concinna Ringueberg 19 „ logani Hali 19 Euryale annulatum de Kay 19 Euthemon Sollas 5, 9, 19 „ igerna Sollas 19 Echinasterella Stiirtz 5, 8, 15 ,, ? darvvini Clarke 15 ,; sladeni Stiirtz 15 Echinasterias Stiirtz 5, 8, 15 „ spinosus Stiirtz 15 Echinodiscites Schuchert 5, 8, 15 ,, multidactylus Stiirtz 15 Echinodiscus Stiirtz 8, 15 ,, multidactylus Stiirtz 15 Echinostella Stiirtz 5, 8, 15, 16 „ traquairi Stiirtz 16 Eifelaster Schondorf 5, 6, 16 „ follmanni Schondorf 16 Encrinaster Haeckel5, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 34 „ arnoldi GoldfuB 12, 16 „ eifelensis Schondorf 12, 16 „ goldfussi Schondorf 12, 16 „ petaloidesSimonovitsch 12, 16 petaloides goslarieDsis Halfar 12, 17 „ pontis Clarke 12, 17 roemeri Schondorf 12, 11 17 Furcaster Stiirtz 5, 8, 19, 20 , , ? daoulasensis Davy 20, 35 „ palaeozoicus Stiirtz 20 Goniaster Agassiz 21 Gregoriura Chapman 5, 8, 20 „ spryi Chapman 20 Hallaster Stiirtz 5, 8, 20, 34 „ forbesi Hali 20, 35 Helianthaster Roemer 5, 7, 20, 21 ., filiciformisWoodward 21 „ rhenanus Roemer 21 Helianthaster Clarke 20, 30 , , gyalum Clarke 2 1 , 23 , 30 „ sp. nov. Clarke 23 Hisingeraster Stiirtz 7, 21, 23 „ antiqua Hisinger 21 Hudsonaster Stiirtz 5, 6, 21 , 22, 28, 36 „ batheri Schuchert 21, 42 „ incomptus Meek 21, 28, 29 4 50 Register. Pars 3 Hudsonaster matutinus Hali 12, 14, 21, 28. 33 „ milleri Schuchert 22 „ narrawayi Hudson 22, 36 „ rugosus Billings 22, 29, 32 Jaekelaster Stiirtz 5, 7, 22 „ petaliformis Stiirtz 22 Lapworthura Gregory 5, 8, 22 „ cylindrica Billings 22, 42 „ miltoni Salter 22, 35 Lepidaster Forbes 5, 7, 22, 23 „ grayi Forbes 23 Lepidasterella Schuchert 5, 7, 23 „ babcocki Schuchert 21, 23 Lindstromaster Gregory 5, 7, 21, 23 „ antiquus Hisinger 12, 21, 23, 29, 31, 32 Loriolaster Stiirtz 5, 8, 23 „ mirabilis Stiirtz 23 Medusaster Stiirtz 5, 8, 24 „ rhenanus Stiirtz 24 Mesopalaeaster Schuchert 5, 6, 12, 24, 25, 26, 28 „ ? acuminatus Simo- novitsch 24, 37 „ (?) antiquus Troost 12, 24, 28, 32 „ bellulus Billings 24, 32 „ caractaci Gregory 24, 28 „ (?) cataractensis Schuchert 25 „ (?) clarki Clarke and Swartz 25, 28 „ (?) dubius Miller and Dycr 25, 28 „ finei Ulrich 25, 28 „ granti Spencer 25, 28 „ intermedius Schu- chert 25 „ (?) lanceolatus Schu- chert 25 „ (?) parviusculus Billings 25, 29 „ proavitus Schuchert 25 „ shaefferi Hali 25, 28 Mesopalaeaster ( ?) wilberanus Meek and Worthen 25, 29, 33 Miomaster Schondorf 5, 6, 26 „ di‘evermanni Schondorf 26 Miospondylus Gregory 5, 9, 26 „ rhenanus Stiirtz 26, 28 Monaster Etheridge 5, 7, 26, 28 „ clarkei de Koninck 18, 26, 28 Monaster Gregory 12, 18, 26 „ giganteus Etheridge 26 ,, stutchburii Etheridge 26 Neopalaeaster Schuchert 5, 7, 26, 28 „ crawfordsvillensis Miller 26, 28 Onychaster Meek and Worthen 5, 9, 26, 27 „ asper Miller 27 „ barrisi Hali 27, 35 „ confragosus Miller 27 „ demissus Miller 27 „ flexilis Meek and Wor- then 27 Ophiopege Bdhm 9, 10, 27 Ophiura obtusa Eichwald '21 „ (?) ramosa Fahrenkohle 28 „ rhenana Stiirtz 26, 28 „ salter i Sowerby 28 „ schlotheimii Miinster 28 Ophiurella primigenia Stiirtz 18, 28 Ophiurina Stiirtz 5, 8, 28 „ lymani Stiirtz 28 Palae aster Hali 5, 6, 12, 14, 21, 24, 28, 26, 32 „ (Argaster) antiqua Hali 24, 28 „ antiquatus Hali 28, 34 „ antiquus Miller 24, 28 „ asperrima Salter 28, 44 „ caractaci Salter 24, 28 „ clarkanus Miller 21, 28 ,, clarkei de Koninck 26, 28 clarki Clarke and Swartz 25, 28 „ clarki Miller 21, 28 „ coronella Salter 28, 39 „ crawfordsvillensis Miller 26, 28 „ dubius Miller and Dyer 25, 28 „ dyeri Meek 28, 33 „ eucharis Hali 14, 15, 28 Para 3 Rtfgister. 61 Palaeaster exculptus Miller 28, 33 „ finei Ulrich 25, 28 „ (Monaster) giganteus Etheridge 13, 28 „ granti Spencer 25, 28 „ granulosus Hali 28, 33 ,, granulosus Meek 28, 34 „ harrisi Miller 28, 45 „ hirudo Salter 28, 45 ,, imbricatus Salter 28, 42 „ incomptus Meek 21, 28 „ jamesi Hali 28, 32 „ longibrachiatus Miller 28, 34 „ magnificus Miller 28, 33 ,, matutinus Hali 21, 28 „ miamiensis Miller 11, 28 „ montanus Stschurowsky 28, 45 „ niagarensis Hali 28, 29 „ obtusus Salter 29, 39 „ parviusculus Billings 25, 29 „ pulchellus Billings 29, 45 „ pygmaea Eichuxtld 29 „ ruthveni Salter 29, 45 „ shaefferi Hali 24, 25, 29 „ simplex Miller 21, 29 „ speciosus Meek 29, 34 „ spinulosus Miller and Dyer 29, 34 „ squamatus Salter 29 „ (Monaster ) stutchburii Etheridge 13, 29 ,, wilberanus Hali 25, 29 „ wilsoni Raymond 29, 34 „ wykoffi Miller and Gur- ley 29, 34 Palaeasterina 28, 29, 32 „ Gregory 29 ,, antiqua Salter 23, 29 „ approximata Miller and Dyer 29, 33 ,, fimbriata Meek and Worthen 29, 37 „ rugosa Billings 21, 22, '29 speciosa Miller and Dyer 29, 33 Palaenectria Sliirtz 7, 29, 30 ,, devonica Stiirtz 29 Palaeocoma Miller 29, 36. „ Salter 8, 29, 40 ., (Bdellacoma) Salter 13, 29 ,, (Rhopalocoma) Salter 29, 37 ,, colvini Salter 29, 40 „ cygnipes Salter 29, 40 Palaeocoma cylindrica Billings 29, 42 „ marstoni Salter 29, 40 „ princeps Miller 29, 36 „ spinosa Billings 29, 42 „ vermiformis Salter 13, 29 Palaeodiscus ferox Salter 29 Palaeophiomyxa Stiirtz 5, 8, 29, 30 „ grandis Stiirtz 30 Palaeophiura Stiirtz 5, 8, 30 , simplex Stiirtz 30 Pala^osolaster Stiirtz 5, 8, 20, 30 „ gregoryi Stiirtz 30 ,, (?) gy alum Clarke 2 1 , 30 Palaeospondylus Stiirtz 8, 30, 32 „ zitteli Stiirtz 30, 32 Palaeostella Stiirtz 5, 7, 29, 30 „ solida Stiirtz 29, 30 Palaeura Jaekel 5, 8, 30 „ neglecta Schuchert 30 Palasterina Billings (partim) 30 Palasterina Salter 5, 7, 29, 30, (38) ,, antiqua Hisinger 31 „ bonneyi Gregory 31 „ follmanni Stiirtz 31, 36 „ jamesi Dana and Meek 31, 32 „ kinahani Baily 31, 43 „ primaeva Forbes 31, 44 „ (?)ramseyensisHicks31 „ rigidus Billings 31, 32 „ rugosa Wright 22, 31 „ stellata Billings 32, 38 Palasteriscus Stiirtz 5, 8, 32 „ devonicus Stiirtz 32 Palastropecten Stiirtz 5, 8, 32 „ zitteli Stiirtz 32 Palmipes antiqua Forbes 23, 32 Petraster Billings 5, 7, 12, 28, 29, 32, 33 „ antiqua Shumard 24, 32 „ bellulus Billings 24, 32 „ (?) americanus d’Orbigny 12, 14, 28, 32 „ rigidus Billings 32 rigidus Billings (partim) 21, 33 „ smythi McCoy 33 ,, speciosus Miller and Dyer 29, 33 „ wilberanus Meek and Wor- then 25, 33 Promopalaeaster Schuchexi; 5, 6, 28, 33 „ bellulus Schuchert 33 „ dyeri Meek 28, 33 exculptus Miller 28, 33 4* 52 Register. Pars 3 Promopalaeaster granulosus Hali 28, 33 „ magnificus Miller 28, 33 „ prenuntius Schu- chert 34 „ sp. undet. 12 „ speciosus Meek 12, 28, 29, 34 „ spinulosus Miller and Dyer 28, 29, 34 ,, wilsoni Raymond 29, 34 ,, \vykoffi Miller and Gurley 29, 34 Protaster Hali 20, 34 Protaster Forbes 5, 8, 34, 35, 36 ,, barrisi Hali 27, 35 „ bifoxis Gregory 35 „ brisingoides Gregory 35, 41 „ daoulasensis Davy 20, 35 ,, decheni Dewalque 35, 43 ,, elegans Miller 35, 42 „ flexuosus Miller and Dyer 11, 35 „ forbesi Hali 20, 35 ,, granuliferus Meek 11, 35 „ gregarius Meek and Wor- then 10, 35 ,, leptosoma Salter 35, 41 ,, miamiensis Miller 11, 35 ,, miltoni Salter 22, 35 ,, ( Ophiura ) obtusa Eich- wald 27, 35 „ pelri Salter 35 „ (?) salteri Salter and So- werby 35 ,, sedgwickii Forbes 35 „ (?) stellifer Ringueberg 36 „ ( ? jwhiteavesianus Parks 36 Protasteracanthion Stiirlz 7, 36, 44 „ primus Stiirtz 36, 44 Protasterina Ulrich S, 11, 36 „ fimbriata Ulrich 11, 36 „ flexuosa James 11, 36 Protopalaeaster Hudson. 6, 21, 36 ,, narrawayi Hudson 21, 22, 36 Pseudopalasterina Stiirtz 5, 7, 36 „ follmanni Stiirtz 31, 36 Ptilonaster Hali 5, 8, 36 „ princeps Hali 29, 36 Rhenaster Schondorf 5, 6, 36, 37 „ scbwerdi Schondorf 37 Rhopalocoma Salter 5, 8, 29, 37 ,, pyrotechnica Salter 37 Roemeraster Stiirtz 7, 37, 44 „ acuminatus Stiirtz 24, 37 „ asperula Stiirtz 37, 44 Salteraster Stiirtz 7, 37, 44 ,, asperrimus Stiirtz 37, 44 Schoenaster Meek and Worthen 5, 8, 37, 38 „ fimbriatus Meek and Worthen 29, 37 „ (?) legrandensis Miller and Gurley 37 „ (?) montanus Raymond O i „ (?) wachsmuthi Meek and Worthen 38 Schuchertia Gregory 5, 8, 30, 38, 43 „ laxata Schuchert 38 „ ordinaria Schuchert 38 ,, stellata Billings 32, 38, 43 Siluraster Jaekel 5, 6, 38 „ perfectus Jaekel 38 Spaniaster Schondorf 5, 6, 14, 38 ., latiscutatus Sandberger 14, 38, 47 Squamaster Ringueberg 5, 8, 39 „ echinatus Ringueberg 39 Stenaster Billings 5, 7, 39, (44) „ ( ? ? ) confluens Tr autschold 39 „ ( ?) coronella Salter 28, 39 „ grandis Meek 39, 45 ,, huxleyi Billings 39, 45 ., ( ?) obtusus Forbes 12, 29, 39, 44 „ pulchellus Billings 40, 45 ,, salteri Billings 40 Stiirtzaster Etheridge 5, 8, 29, 40 ,, colvini Salter 29, 40 „ cygnipes Salter 29, 40 „ marstoni Salter 29, 40 „ ( ?) mitchelli Etheridge 40 Stiirtzura Gregory 5, 8, 41 „ brisingoides Gregory 35, 41, 42 „ leptosoma Salter 35, 41 „ leptosomoides Chapman 41 Sympterura Bather 5, 8, 41 „ minreri Bather 41 Pars 3 Register. 53 Taeniaster Billings 5, 8, 41, 42 „ australis McCoy 40, 42 „ cylindricus Billings 22, 29, 42 „ elegans Miller 35, 42 „ schohariae Ruedemann 42 „ spinosus Billings 29, 42 Taeniura Gregory 8, 42 ,, cylindrica Billings 42 Tetraster Nicholson and Etlieridge 5, 7, 42 „ asperrimus Nicholson and Etlieridge 42, 44 „ (?) imbricatus Salter 28, 42 „ A\yville-thomsoni Nichol- son and Etheridge 21, 42, 43 Tremataster Worthen and Miller 5, 8, 43 „ (?) decheni Dewalque 35, 43 „ difficilis Worthen and Miller 43 Trentonaster Stiirtz 8, 38, 43 „ stellata Billings 38, 43 Trichotaster plumiformis Wright 43 Trimeraster Schondorf 5, 6, 43 „ parvulus Schondorf 43 Trochitaster pulmi formis Wright 43 Ur an aster Gregory 5, 7, 43 „ kinahani Bayli 31, 43 Uraster hirudo Forbes 44, 45 „ obtusus Forbes 39, 44 ,, primaevus Forbes 31, 44 Uraster ruthveni Forbes 44, 45 Urasterella McCoy 5, 7, 28, 36, 37, 39, 44 „ asperrima Salter 28, 37, 42, 44 „ asperula Roemer 12, 36. 37, 44 „ ( ?) constellata Thorent 14, 44 „ girvanensis Schuchert 42, 44 „ grandis Meek 28, 39, 45 „ hirudo Forbes 28, 44, 45 „ huxleyi Bilhngs 39, 45 „ montana Stschurowsky 12, 28, 45 ., pulchella Bilhngs 29, 40, 45 „ ruthveni Forbes 28, 44,. 45 „ selwyni McCoy 46 „ ulrichi Schuchert 46 Urasterella Stiirtz 39, 44 Xenaster Simonovitsch 5, 6, 12, 46 (14, 43) „ dispar Schondorf 46 „ elegans Schondorf 46 „ margaritatus Simono- vitsch 46 „ margaritatus Simonovitsch (partim) 10, 46, 47 „ ( ?) rhenanus Mulier 12, 47 „ simplex Simonovitsch 39, 43, 47