S. |. LIBRARY ¥ uh #4 s\ Ay ia i i ht a OF 2 | r]4 SO UbHEIT ee] FOUNDING AND DEVELOPMENT AWAH | OF THE U.S. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, BY LIEUT. W. S. HUGHES, We San Ne PREPARED BY DIRECTION OF COMMANDER J RB. BARTLETT U.S.N,, HY DROGRAPHHER. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICH) 1887. 11353 ace UE litte FEU 4 (Ort Ne FOUNDING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE U.S. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEPOT FOR THE CHARTS AND INSTRUMENTS BELONGING TO THE NAVY. On the 29th of November, 1829, the Board of Navy Com- missioners made to the Secretary of the Navy the following recommendation : “That an officer be appointed to take charge of all the | letterof Board Commission- nautical instruments, books, and charts not on board ship, ers recommend. to keep them in order for use when required. Among other ehh OF Bia00: duties he would be required to attend particularly to the time pieces, or chronometers, to ascertain precisely their character, such as their rate of deviation from true time, whether they are affected by changes of weather, &c., for the information of those who may have to use them at sea. The character of each chronometer thus ascertained should be delivered to the officer receiving the chronometer itself” (Navy Commissioner’s Letters to the Secretary of the Navy, vol. 3, p. 280, Files of the Navy Department.) This recommendation was the initial step towards estab- lishing a branch of the Navy Department devoted exclu- How vessel : 5 : 4 were suppliec sively to furthering the interests and lessening the dangers with charts and of navigation. Prior to this time it had been the custom of evions Ear the service, when a naval vessel was in need of charts or nautical instruments, for the commanding officer to forward to the Board of Commissioners a requisition for such of these articles as he deemed necessary. The requisition was ap- proved by the Board and sent to the Navy agent at the port where the vessel was fitting out, who fulfilled its con- ditions by purchases from foreign Governments, or from the few private dealers in this country. No test of instru- ments was made previous to purchasing them; the simple recommendation of the seller was often the only guarantee of the accuracy of a chronometer or the correctness of a 3 4 chart. These purchases were afterwards supplemented, during the vessel’s cruise, by such additions as were from time to time suggested by the wants of the ship or the judgment of the commanding officer. At theend of a cruise Disposition the charts and instruments were tumbled into store-rooms made of charts at the place where the ship happened to be put out of com- atendofactuise. mission, and there remained with little care or attention until the fitting out of another vessel found them in many - instances unfit for use. (Report No. 449, H. R., 27th Cong., 2d sess.) The recommendation of the Board of Commissioners, be- fore quoted, failed at first to receive from the Department the consideration that it merited ; but it called forth in No- vember of the following year a communication upon the same subject from Lieut. L. M. Goldsborough, addressed to Hon. John Branch, Secretary of the Navy, from which the following extract is taken: LetterofLieut. ‘The Navy Commissioners, with the same degree of vig- L. M. Goldsbor- . c - 5 ough to the Sec-ilance with which they have ever regarded the interests of the founding of the Service, are not insensible to the necessity of adopting oot of charts: 4 systematic and efficient course in relation to our nautical instruments. This Board, to whom the Navy is so largely indebted for so many happy and important improvements, have expressed in their report of last year a general opinion on this subject, from which conclusions may be inferred not at issue with what is here, with great deference, sug- gested : “First. That a suitable place be designated to serve as a general depot for all the chronometers, instruments of re- flection, theodolites, circles, telescopes, charts, &c., belong- ing to the Navy. At present, such instruments as are not on ship-board are dispersed about among the naval stores of our yards, in charge of individuals perfectly unacquainted with such matters, and corroding and becoming ruined for want of proper attention. wn moficer tobe —“ Second. That to this depot there be attached a compe- eae of the De- tent officer, and an artist of known merit and capacity—the former to act under the immediate orders of the Navy Com- missioners, to be made personally responsible for all instru- ments submitted to his charge, and especially required to determine the rates and characters of chronometers, to make it his duty to inform himself of all improvements and dis- coveries in connection with navigation, and to furnish upon id ro) requisitions, approved by the Navy Board, all ships fitting out with their necessary nautical apparatus; the latter to Instruments to repair, clean, adjust, assist in rating, &e., to the end that cleaned, &0., ‘ag all the instruments may be kept in proper order, and at all dere: times ready for use. He should be required also to examine and test thoroughly all chronometers previous to their being purchased. ‘The only instrument, in addition to those already be- longing to the Navy, necessary to such a depot, would be one of reflection and great radius, with tripod, vertical and oblique plane screws. Its cost would be, perhaps, $200. ‘With what has already been said of the neglect and prejudicial consequences attending the present mode of re- garding our nautical instruments, if it be considered that many thousands of dollars have been expended in their col- lection, assuredly it cannot be questioned that economy as well as the efficiency of the service would be promoted by a proper modification extending to our navigating depart- ment.” (Officers’ Letters to Secretary of the Navy, vol. ix, p. 53, Files of the Navy Department.) AS an instance of the want of care and attention given to oer pate the proper keeping and rating of chronometers, and of the nometers. serious consequences liable to attend such a system, Lieu- tenant Goldsborough further says: “In 1821 the Franklin, 74, sailed from New York for the Pacific Ocean with one of these instruments (chronometers) on board as the principal guide in determining her longi- tude. Twenty-five or thirty days thereafter one of the Cape Verde Islands was suddenly and unexpectedly de- seried, the chronometer not placing us within sixty miles of our actual position. The first impression was that the instrument was radically defective, and, by its differing so far from the truth, no further confidence could be placed in its correctness. Thus were we deprived of the mainstay of our navigation. Upon our arrival in Rio Janeiro, Commodore Stewart thought proper to have ascertained by observations whether its correct rate had been given us on leaving New York. So far from such proving the case, instead of three Glaring error seconds and a fraction (the daily rate given us on our de- 12,2 enomoter, parture), it was found to be eleven seconds and a fraction. 2° sing: Had the precautionary measure of making one of the Cape Verde Islands not been taken, this glaring error of eight seconds a day would have caused, in our passage of 6 4 forty-five or fifty days, a discrepancy between the calcu- lated and actual position of our ship of not less than 85 or 100 miles, a distance sufficient to jeopardize the safety of half a million of public property and the lives of seven hundred and fifty men. Had we been directed to continue our course around Cape Horn without stopping at Rio or elsewhere, or had we been directed, in time of war, to cruise at sea the same number of days employed on our passage (which amounted to one hundred and two, deducting our detention at Rio), this chronometer, though subse- quently proving itself of great value and correctness, being thus improperly rated, would have led us into an error ex- ceeding the distance of 200 miles.” (Officers’ Letters to Secretary of the Navy, vol. ix, p. 53, Files of the Navy Department.) The views and suggestions of Lieutenant Goldsborough met with the approbation of the Secretary of the Navy, and were by him forwarded to the Board of Navy Commissioners for further consideration. The Board of Commissioners, of which Commodore John Rodgers was then president, urged the prompt establishment of such a depot, and recommended that it be located at the seat of Government. qi cuienens Accordingly, on the 6th of December, 1830, Lieutenant dered to collect Goldsborough was directed to proceed to Philadelphia, aad bring the NOW York, Portsmouth, N. H., and Norfolk, Va., to receive to Washington. tom the commandants of the navy-yards at those places chronometers, sextants, theodolites, circles, and other nau- tical instruments not in use, and transport them to Wash- ington. (Navy Commissioners’ Letters to Officers, vol. i, p. 500, Files of the Navy Department.) In obedience to this order Lieutenant Goldsborough col- lected the instruments belonging to the Navy, brought them to Washington, and deposited them in a building, rented for that purpose, situated on what is now G street northwest, between Seventeenth and Highteenth streets. (Memoir of the Founding of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Prof. J. EH. Nourse, U.S. N., p. 14.) ouigutenant Lieutenant Goldsborough was naturally the first officer dered to take ordered to take charge of the depot thus established. The Sole ofthe Pe commandants of the several navy-yards were directed to forward all the charts and nautical books stored at their respective yards, which, on their arrival at the depot, were systematically arranged, marked, boxed, and placed in a rf condition for issue. The same care was given to the in- struments, and, in order to designate them as_ public property, the Board of Commissioners ordered that the words “U. S. Navy” be engraved upon all instruments belonging to the naval service. (Navy Commissioners’ Letters to Officers, vol. i, p. 516, Files of the Navy De- partment.) On July 13, 1831, Passed Midshipman R. B. Hitchcock was ordered to report to Lieutenant Goldsborough as his assistant. Tn addition to the care and issue of the charts and instru- ence icn Cee ments furnished to United States vessels, on fitting out for '*° Depot. sea, it was the duty of the officers connected with the depot to ascertain the errors and rates of all chronometers belong- ing to the Government. This was at first accomplished by means of sextant and circle observations, but a 30-inch transit instrument was afterwards obtained for that pur- pose, through the efforts of Lieutenant Goldsborough, and mounted in a small circular building near the depot. (Memoir of the Founding of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Prof. J. E. Nourse, U. 8. N., p. 14.) Harly in 183i the duties assigned to the officers in charge ,,,07t2s of off of the Depot were increased so as to include “the purchase the Depotincreas- of all charts and chronometers, as well as the sale of such of the latter, or of any nautical instruments, as prove not adapted to the wants of the Navy.” (Navy Commission- ers’ Letters to the Secretary, vol. iv, p. 128, Files of the Navy Department.) Chronometers, previous to their purchase, were required eal eeeeeters to be placed on trial at the depot, to be kept there until Heoceteyrye the time fixed for testing them had expired, and only those were accepted that stood the required tests. Great difficulty was experienced in obtaining and main- taining at the depot an adequate supply of the latest charts, and Lieutenant Goldsborough early turned his attention to- wards devising some means ofsupplying this want. Through his efforts the subject was laid before the Hon. L. Wood- bury, Secretary of the Navy, in a letter from the Board of Commissioners, from which the following is quoted : ‘In procuring our charts and nautical works, we have to _ system of ob- rely upon the supplies to be found in the stores where such Teecutters: ug articles are vended, and must often of necessity procure those which are not the most approved. Almost every Proposal to re- duce to the meri- dian of Green- wich the foreign charts issued by the Depot. Purchase of a lithographicpress recommended. Lieut. Charles Wilkes ordered as Lieutena nt Goldsborough’s Telief. ~ 8 chart in use is of European origin, and many of the most valuable are calculated from meridians to which our serv- ice is not accustomed, and they are accompanied by sail- ing directions, in foreign tongues not generally known in the Navy. * * * Lieutenant Goldsborough has pro- posed to make such modifications of the charts as would be necessary to reduce them to the meridian of Greenwich (whence we estimate our longitude), and to translate the instructions into English, so as to adapt them to our serv- ice, and the Commissioners have accordingly directed him to proceed with the work. When finished the question will arise, How shall these charts and directions be multiplied so as to furnish the service generally with them? Engraving the charts would beexpensive. A lithographic press would be the cheapest mode, and would ultimately prove a measure of economy, as we should be enabled by it to provide all the charts and multiply to any extent all the plans, draw- ings, views, or manuscripts required for the service. We might thus at the earliest moment avaii ourselves of the scientific labors of other nations, and greatly improve our own navigation at an expense quite inconsiderable, and, in all probability, less than we now pay for ordinary charts. It is understood that a press of this kind, with its neces- sary appurtenances, might be procured for about $600, and that one laborer will be sufficient to work it. Such a press offers so many facilities and would be attended with such advantages that the Commissioners will, with your concurrence, take the necessary measures to procure one.” (Navy Commissioners’ Letters to the Secretary, vol. iv, p. 174, Files of the Navy Department.) ‘ Notwithstanding this earnest appeal of the Commission- ers, the necessary permission to purchase a lithographic press for the reproduction of charts was not destined to be obtained until long after Lieutenant Goldsborough had sev- ered his connection with the depot. Lieutenant Goldsborough remained in charge of the Depot until the 11th of February, 1833, on which date he was de- tached, and Passed Midshipman Hitchcock was ordered to assume temporary control until the appointment of a new superintendent. In reply to a request of the Secretary of the Navy, dated the 18th of the same month, calling for the names of offi- cers then in the United States, who were regarded as most 9 capable of filling the position left vacant by the detachment of Lieutenant Goldsborough, the Board of. Commissioners recommended Lieuts. Charles Wilkes, H. A. Adams, and T. R. Gedney. Of these Lieut. Charles Wilkes was chosen, and assumed charge on the 12th of March, 1833. (Navy Com- missioners’ Letters to Officers, vol. 1, p. 587, Files of the Navy Department.) Lieutenant Wilkes, with the consent of the Board of Depotto Cap ihe Commissioners, removed the Depot, early in 1834, to what Hil was known as the ** Wilkes House,” on Capitol Hill, and erected near by, at his own expense, a small Fiseintoe “ situated about 1,000 feet north of tbe dome of the Capitol,” in which was mounted a 5-foot transitinstrument. (Memoir of the Founding of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Prof. J. HE. Nourse, U.S. N., p. 14.) Although the Depot was thus given somewhat the char- acter of an observatory, no regular series of astronomical observations were made during Lieutenant Wilkes’s super- intendency, the transit instrument being employed mainly in rating chronometers. The work performed at the depot was almost solely that pertaining to the care and purchase of charts and instruments, and their issue to vessels on go- ing to sea. In May, 1835, the recommendation of the Board of Com- purchase of a missioners that a lithographic press be purchased for use in Furor aie ies the depot, first made at the suggestion of Lieutenant Golds- °** borough some four years previous, was carried into effect. (Navy Commissioners’ Letters to Officers, vol. 11, p. 70, Files of the Navy Department.) The introduction of this press was the initial step towards First litho- chart-production at the Depot, and in the following autumn £ephet charts the first lithographed charts made their appearance. In the summer of 1836, Lieutenant Wilkes was sent to Europe, under authority of the Navy Department, to pur- chase instruments for the exploring expedition which the Government had decided to send out, and Lieutenant Hitchcock was placed in charge of the depot during his absence. On the 10th of November of that year, Lieut. James M. tient. 5. um. Gilliss was ordered to the depot as assistant; and in the Piss onerdas spring of 1837, on the detachment of Lieutenant Wilkes, het! became its superintendent. (Memoir of the Founding of the U. S. Naval. Observatory, Prof. J. E. Nourse, U.S. N., p. 14.) . 10 cnustengraved ~— During 1837 four engraved charts were published by the Depot from surveys made by the officers of the U.S. brig Porpoise and schooners Maria and Badassah. Between this period and the close of 1842 eighty-seven engraved charts were issued, vearly all of surveys made by the U. S. Ex- ploring Expedition under Lieut. Charles Wilkes. The work of engraving the plates for these charts, as, in fact, for all engraved charts published by the Depot during its existence of upwards of thirty-five years, was done under contract by persons unconnected with the Depot itself. paktmonomical Lieutenant Gilliss was essentially an astronomer. He suc. tained fone De ceeded in obtaining a portable 42-inch astronomical tele- ie scope, a variation transit instrument, an 8-inch dip-circle, a sidereal chronometer, and other astronomical instruments, and commenced a series of observations on the culminations of the moon and stars. But the unsuitable character of the depot for such observations, the lack of space and of proper instruments, soon became apparent. For a number of years the Board of Commissioners, to- gether with Lieutenants Goldsborough, Gilliss, Wilkes, and others, all deeply interested in the advancement of astro- nomical science, and more especially in those branches of it pertaining to navigation, had been zealous advocates of the peutorts to estab- founding of an astronomical observatory. In the House of ical observatory Representatives, Hon. John Quincy Adams, among others, had long sought to establish such an institution. At every opportunity he made strenuous efforts to secure the favor- able action of Congress upon the subject, but ‘‘ so bitter was the rancor of political partisanship at this time,” says his biographer, “and so intense the hatred entertained by the then dominant section of the country against Mr. Adams, that opposition to the design became identified with party spirit, and to defeat it no language of contempt or ridicule was omitted.” (Memoir of John Quiney Adams.) To such an extreme was carried the opposition to Mr. Adams’ cher- ished project that in every appropriation made by Congress, during several years, after carefully specifying the purposes to which it was to be applied, the restricting words “and to no other,” were scrupulously added. ote? s, leading Failing to obtain the required legislation and appropria- ment of a perma- tion, the advocates of the measure turned their united en- ment Depot for 0 : : charts and in- ergies towards a partial accomplishment of the same end by struments. . 2 | : : | 11 endeavoring to secure a “permanent depot for charts and in- struments.” In this effort they were more successful. In a communication to the Secretary of the Navy, sub- mitting estimates for the support of the Navy for the {ol- AANA cen lowing year, the Board of Commissioners, in November, nS SLE TS are. 1841, strongly urged the establishment of an enlarged and tablishment of a permanent depot. “The Board,” says their report, “are ae fully convinced of the advantage of such an establishment, properly constructed and judiciously located, and earnestly recommend it to your favorable consideration. The prob- able cost of a suitable site and buildings would not exceed $50,000. If half this sum were appropriated, it could be commenced the ensuing season with advautage, and be completed in 1843.” The Secretary of the Navy, Hon. Abel P. Upshur, warmly indorsed the recommendation of the Board, and embodying _Recommenda- eave 2 : : 5 tion of the Board it in his annual report to President Harrison, it was brought endorsed by the before Congress in December, 1841. A bill was at once in- Rae ene troduced to establish a permanent depot, in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary of the Navy, and of the Board of Commissioners, but it met with much delay. The bill was accompanied by a report representing the absolute necessity of such an establishment to the wel- fare of the Navy, and the utter inadequacy of the depot then in existence. “We are indebted to other nations,” says the report, ‘for the means which enable our ships to cross the ocean. The present depot is entirely nnsuited to the wants of the Navy ,or the protection of the instruments. A small observatory is absolutely essential to the depot; but, from defects in the original construction of the building, a considerable portion of the heavens is entirely obscured; nor can these defects be remedied, even were the building worthy of alteration.” (Report No. 449, H. R., 27th Cong., 2d sess.) Fortunately the bill was placed in the hands of Hon. ,,f2n passed an: Francis Mallory, of the House Naval Committee, whose manent Depot. warm advocacy of the measure and persistent exertions in its favor were finally rewarded by success. At the last hour of the second session of the Twenty-seventh Congress an act was passed authorizing the Secretary of the Navy “to contract for the building of a suitable house for a depot of charts and instruments of the Navy, on a plan not ex- Lieutenant Gil- liss ordered to 12 ceeding in cost $25,000, to be located on any portion of un- appropriated public land in the District of Columbia which the President might deem suitable.” The duty of preparing a plan for the new depot was in- prepare glans ot trusted to Lieutenant Gilliss. He was directed to visit the the new principal Northern cities of the United States for the pur- pose cf obtaining information on the subject, and to submit. to the Navy Department a design, “ which, while it com- bined essentials, should not exceed in cost the sum appro- priated.” | The controlling idea of Lieutenant Gilliss was to erect an observatory rather than a simple depot for charts and in- struments. ‘In the mere store-rooms for charts and instru- ments,” he says, ‘‘ I feel no anxiety. The house on Capitoh Hill would have answered just as well as any other, and a 34-foot transit, in a box 10 feet square, would have served. to obtain the time for the comparing clock. These, there- fore, possessed no attractions for me, and I should have re- garded it as time misspent to have labored so earnestly only to establish a depot. My aim was higher. It was to found an institution for the practical pursuit of the highest known branch of science.” (Senate Doc. No. 114, 28th Cong., 2d Sess., p. 66.) But the wording of the act authorized the building of a Depot only, and, lest the meaning of the law should be per- verted, Lieutenant Gilliss prepared drawings and specifi- cations of a building wherein the apartments allotted to the charts and instruments were of ample dimensions, while those intended for astronomical observations were unsuit- Plans for a De- ably small. These plans were submitted to the Navy De- pot submitied to the Secretary of partment in November, 1842, but the Secretary of the Navy, the Navy. before deciding upon their final acceptance, instructed Lieu- tenant Gilliss to visit Europe and submit the drawings to some of the most distinguished European astronomers for such suggestions as their experience dictated. Lieutenant Gilliss returned to the United Statesin March, 1843; and, on the 23d of the following November, he sub- mitted new drawings and designs for a building embracing: many improvements over the original plans, and “ adapted New plans sub- in form and structure not only for a depot of charts and in- mitted for th Depot. e ° struments, but also for an astronomical observatory.” (An- nual Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1843.) es re EE —eeeeeeererer,rsrmheeeeeeerrerrlheeee li ate ett 13 The new plans were approved, and the work of building Plans fora De" z pot cmd Observa™ the depot was at once commenced. The site chosen by tory adopted and President Tyler was a knoll on the Government reservation {noone ot com marked “No, 4” in the original plan of Washington, and the ™"°°* edifice that was then begun isthat now known as the United States Naval Observatory. Upon the same date on which Congress authorized the ggtaptisnment erection of a permanent depot for the charts and instru- 0) the Burean of ments (August 31, 1842), an act was passed making radical Hydrosraphy, > ehe 7 ROA NIT It1 r ; reaus, and dis- changes in the organization of the Navy Department. (U. Ale (eee S. Stat. L., vol. v, p. 579.) | Board ote Cons This act dissolved the Board of Navy Commissioners, which had virtually ruled the navy for upwards of twenty- seven years, and created in their stead a number of bureaus in the Navy Department, each being under the immediate charge of an officer who was designated as its chief. The Secretary of the Navy, in an order dated the 26th of ne Depot at- the-following November, defining the duties and responsi- 274 t¢ the newly-made Bu- bilities of the several bureaus, directed that the depot of te2vof Ordnance and Hydrog- charts and instruments should be attached to the Bureau ™P®s- of Ordnance and Hydrography, and should constitute the hydrographic branch of that bureau. (Records Bureau of Ordnance, 1842. vol. 1, p. 14.) While Lieutezant Gilliss was engaged in the preparation Removalofthe of plans for the permanent depot authorized by Congress, (opr orennsys- and afterwards in superintending its construction, Lieut. ve" , Twenty; M. F. Maury had been placed in charge of the old Depot; Tventy-Atth and, with the consent of the Department, had removed it ves" to a building situated on Pennsylvania avenue, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-tifth streets northwest. On the completion of the new “Depot and Observatory,” tient. Mm. F. as it was then called, in September, 1844, Lieutenant Maury 1°", ees became its Superintendent, and at once transferred to it the °° Pepet- nautical books, charts, and instruments belonging to the Navy Department. While his predecessor had been inclined to favor the as- gojiection of tronomical part of the depot, Lieutenant Maury’s energies formation ton were devoted almost entirely to hydrographic subjects. He current Charts. took immediate steps in the interest of that branch of sci- ence, by beginning the collection of information from the logs of men-of-war and merchant vessels, ‘‘ according to a carefully devised scheme for the purpose of making charts to show the prevailing winds and currents, their limits and 14 Beenie ane general characteristics, and, in general, all the physical — Wand an a Cur- features of the ocean, including its meteorology, the limits of icebergs, the fecthos ground of whales, and all facts of interest or value to the maritime community.” (Senate Re- port No. 1285, 49th Cong., 1st sess., pp. 26 and 27.) These proposed charts were termed ‘+ Wind and Current Charts,” under which general name were included Track Charts, Trade-Wind Charts, Pilot Charts, Whale Charts, _ Thermal Charts, and Storm and Rain Charts. : To collect the information necessary for such charts re- quired the constant labor of a large part of the force of the Depot. Merchantmen were slow at first to accede to the request of the Superintendent to forward their logs for in- spection, but gradually they began to comprehend the efforts being made in their behalf, and readily furnished all the in- formation in their power. First issue of The close of 1847 found three of the “ Track Charts” ready charts of the Wind and Gus for publication, and early in the following year they were Tent Series issued to the maritime world. Copies of these charts were distributed gratuitously to the captains of merchant ves- sels who had contributed their logs. The charts wereofthe — North Atlantic Ocean, and showed the tracks of a great number of vessels, the month in which each passage was made, the character of the weather, and the prevailing winds and currents encountered by each vessel. In 1849 the series was completed, consisting of eight charts covering the whole of the North Atlantic and a por- tion of the South Atlantic Ocean. Collectionofin. The next to be issued, of the general series of Wind and Aone tion tse Current Charts, were the “Whale Charts.” These were designed ‘to show at a glance where this animal has been most hunted; where, in what years, and in what months, it has been most frequently found; whether in shoals or as stragglers, and whether sperm or right.” The charts divided the parts of the oceans frequented by whales into districts, of 5 degrees of latitude by 5 degrees of longitude in size, and showed the number of days in each month of the year that whalers had spent in each district, as well as the num- ber and species of whales that had been seen. (Maury’s Sailing Directions, 7th ed., 1855, p. 252.) _ Firstissueofthe Harly in 1851 the Whale Charts were ready for issue, and Whale Charts. i . ci were soon after sent out to whalers, while at the same time a notice was published in the newspapers of the day an- nouncing their object. a : 15 Since the passage of the act of 1842 the Depot of Charts _ First volume of ‘ ee Astronomical Ob- and Instruments had been frequently desiznated officially servations is- asa “Naval Observatory and Hydrographic Office,” though its lawful title remained unchanged. Though still in name simply the Depot of Charts and Instruments, astronomical work was by no means neglected. The first volume of ob- servations was published in 1846, under the authority of the Hon. George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy; and in 1851 the second volume of the same series made its appearance. During the seventeen years of Lieutenant Maury’s super- intendency, from 1844 to 1861, a great part of the force under his employ was engaged, as has been said, in the preparation and publication of the Wind and Current Charts, and in the compilation of Sailing Directions. The charts were issued, from time to time, as they were succes- sively completed, and their scope was gradually extended to include every sea frequented by our ships. Eight vol- umes of Sailing Directions, containing information upon a vast number of subjects connected with navigating the ocean, were published and issued to vessels of the Navy and merchant marine. Some idea of the work accomplished can be formed when _Number of the it is known that two hundrea thousand copies of the Wind tent Ghats and : BAC of Sailing Direc- and Current Charts, and twenty thousand copies of Sailing tions distributed Directions were issued gratuitously to merchant vessels Oe eae alone whose masters had furnished information to the De- pot. The immediate charge of that part of the Depot de- voted to nautical instruments and navigating charts was given to an officer, with several assistants, whose duties consisted in taking meteorological and magnetic observa- tions, observing the errors and rates of chronometers, and in examining, purchasing, and issuing charts, instruments, and nautical books to vessels of the navy. During the period from 1844 to 1861 there were engraved and pub- lished by the Depot forty-four general sailing charts, all from the surveys of the North Pacific Surveying Expedi- tion under Commander John Rodgers; also a number of plans of anchorages and passages in the Fiji groups, from surveys of the !ixploring Expedition under Commodore M. C. Perry. On the breaking out of the civil war, Maury, then a , Maury’s deser- commander, suddenly deserted the post which he had filled Saahcereice so long, and with such exceptional ability, and hast'ly fled 16 foneh Fash from Washington under the erroneous impression that his ton. treachery had been discovered. ‘‘Only two hours previ- ous to his flight,” says Dr. Gould, “‘ he had waited upon the Secretary of the Navy at his office, and gave no intimation of any design to resign, or of any disloyal sentiment. It was subsequently found that the preparations for his de- parture had been for some time going on, but at the last his haste was so great that sundry documents were left behind which completely disclosed the fact that he had been engaged in treasonable correspondence with the en- emy.” (“The U. 8S. Naval Observatory at Washington,” Dr. Gould, National Almanac, 1864). Maury’s dis- Maury was promptly dismissed the navy by order of the Nava py direc, President, and Commander James M. Gilliss, the original tion ofthe Presi: 4 : dent. Command. builder of the Depot, became its Superintendent. oe NCE Teak The exigencies of war greatly increased the labors of the Depot, which consisted in the purchase, care, and dis- tribution of compasses, charts, spy-glasses, chronometers, and other navigating instruments used by the navy, while the number of officers who could be spared for such work was necessarily reduced by the same cause. During a period of four years there were kept supplied with navigating instruments, charts, logs, &c., nearly six hundred active cruising vessels, engaged in actual war,—a number more than ten times that of the whole navy in pre- vious years. Commander Gilliss early adopted the policy of encour- aging American instrument-makers, by giving preference to their instruments, when equally as well made as those of foreign manufacture, and the result soon proved the wisdom of his course. By the end of 1861, American sex- tants, spy-glasses, and other nautical instruments were pro- duced superior in quality and at a lower price than those obtained from the most celebrated factories of Europe. Transferofthe Uder the act of July 5, 1862, reorganizing the Navy De- Depot and Ov- partment, the Depot and Observatory was transferred from servatory from ; : ¢ the Bureau of the Bureau of Ordnance to that of N avigation, While zeal- Ordnance to the winsenia 8 NET ously laboring to keep supplied with every needed chart aaa and instrument an active navy, suddenly and vastly in- creased to meet the necessities of war, the Superintendent determined that the Depot should not fail to fulfill also its character as an observatory. Astronomical and meteoro- logical observations were regularly and systematically 17 made, and their prompt publication was prevented only by the pressure brought upon the Government Printing Office by more urgent work. During the period between 1862 and 1865 there WOLE oe reteEinan published charts of the compass-stations at New York, Published. Boston, Hampton Roads, the Delaware River, and Ports- mouth, N. H. The death of Captain Gilliss occurred on the 9th of Feb- ruary, 1865, and, on the 28th of April Rear-Admiral C. H. Davis was appointed his successor. Aside from its regular duties, the most important work of the Depot during the following year was the prepara- tion of a report in accordance with a Senate resolution ealling upon the Secretary of the Navy to furnish “ the summit levels and distances by survey of the various pro- pore pore Ons posed lines for inter-oceanic canals and railroads between See ree Bet the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as also their relative merits pet. as practicable lines for the construction of a ship-canal, and especially as relates to the Honduras, Tehuantepec, _ Nicaragua, Panama, and Atrato lines.” No uew surveys were made for this report, but the in- formation required was collected from various sources, and an elaborate report submitted, accompanied by fourteen maps and profiles. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1867. On the 21st of June, 1866, the connection between the pea ctoetepe Observatory and the Depot of Charts and Instruments was by name. severed by law. The act of Congress, passed on that date, established “‘ A Hydrographic Office for the improvement of the means for navigating safely the vessels of the Navy and mercantile marine, by providing, under authority of the Secretary of the Navy, accurate and cheap nautical charts, sailing directions, navigators, and manuals of in- ‘struction for the use of all vessels of the United States, and for the benefit and use of navigators generally.” (U.S. Stat. L., vol. xiv, p. 69, and Rev. Stat., secs. 431, 432, 433.) The act further provided that the Secretary of the Navy onsiructionof be authorized “to cause to be prepared,” in the Hydro- ¢237°s author- graphic Office thus created, such “maps, charts, and sail- ing directions, and nautical books relating to and required in navigation, and to publish and furnish them to naviga- 11353 H O 2 18 tors at the cost of printing and paper, and to purchase the plates and copy-rights of such existing charts, maps, sail- ing directions, &c., as he may consider necessary.” Hide aeeaphie A building, generally knownas the ‘Old Octagon House,” ecfEizhtscath Situated at the northeast corner of New York avenue and stropt and New Highteenth street, in the northwest section of Washing- W. ton, was rented by the Government, and the charts, books, and instruments, with the exception of the chronometers, ringmmander were removed to it. Commander Thomas Scott Fillebrown dered to take was the first officer ordered to take charge of the new charge of Hydro- graphic Office. Hydrographic Office, and assumed his duties on the Ist of August, 1866. There were associated with him as assist- ants two lieutenant-commanders, one lieutenant, two en- signs, one professor of mathematics, and seven civilian employés, including one writer, one instrument-maker, one assistant instrument-maker, and one draughtsman. Steps were at once taken to carry out the provision of law authorizing the purchase of plates, &c., for the print- ing of charts. Only one firm in the United States had undertaken, on anything like an adequate scale, the pub- lication of charts and hydrographic information for the benefit of vessels engaged in ocean commerce. This firm, Messrs. E. & G. W. Blunt, of New York City, proposed to sell to the Government such charts, maps, nautical books, and chart-plates as were in its possession. A board of ex- perts was appointed by the Navy Department to determine the value of the articles offered for sale. piltee tee This board, consisting of Messrs. C. P. Patterson, W. Messrs, Blunt, of Chauvenet, and D. Van Nostrand, recommended the pur- chase of the articles, and they were accordingly bought for the use of the Hydrographic Office. The estimated values of the articles were as follows: Stereotype plates of books -..-...--.---..--.. $5, 200 Chart plates :ii52 240 eso ieee eee 99,174 Drawings of (charts 223 es- 225 so ses se eee 10, 285 Copyright of books -...........--..---------- 25,309 Total poe coal Se eee #62, 968 The amount ultimately agreed upon, however, was slightly in excess of this sum, being $63,309. The few copper and steel engraved plates that had come into the possession of the Navy Department during the preceding years had been generally left in the hands of i the engravers and lithographers who had contracted to ex- ecute the particular work authorized from time to time by Congress. They comprised the engraved plates of the sur- veys made by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition in 183842, Engraved plates ? belonging to the and the North Pacific and Arctic Surveying Expedition, Department Le under Commander John Rodgers, in 1853-56, as well as chase from the oa Messrs. Blunt. some plates of surveys made by the expedition to Japan, under Commodore M. C. Perry, in 185255. These plates, together with those obtained by the recent purchase, were now collected and placed in the Office. Besides the classi- fication and systematic arrangement of the charts, plates, nautical publications, &c., ten charts were published by the Office in this year, principally from surveys of the North Pacific Surveying Expedition. Also a volume was issued on the general examination of the Pacific Ocean. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1868. Early in the year the labor of correcting the chart-plates Pesesioee ee was begun, those obtained from the Messrs. Blunt, owing s™- to changes and more reliable information, having been found full of errors. A workshop for the repair of nautical instruments was established in the Office, and a number of the more delicate navigating instruments that were found, on being turned in from ship’s use, to require refitting and readjusting were successfully repaired. During the year a pamphlet on Dan- gers and Ice in the North Atlantic was issued by the Office. Seventeen charts were published, two of islands in the North Pacific, from surveys made by the officers of the Lackawanna, Capt. William Reynolds; one of Spex Strait, from surveys made by officers of the Monocacy, Commander S. P. Carter; and several from surveys of the North Pa- cific Surveying Expedition. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1869. * On the 28th of July, 1868, Capt. N. B. Harrison relieved ,°* N;_B: : : arrison ordered Commander Fillebrown in charge of the Hydrographic {0 take charge of Office. Changes were made from time to time in the offi- cers on duty in the Office, but their number remained sub- stantially the same. An increase was made in the civil 20 establishment of the Office, in 1868, by the addition of one printer and two engravers. Siuterei December 31, 1868, Commander Edward Simpson as- to take chargeofsumed charge of the Office, relieving Captain Harrison. British Admiralty charts had been purchased from time to time during the preceding years, and their increasing num- ber now necessitated the setting apart of a separate room Establishment for their stowage. This was accordingly done in 1869, and Chart Reon > the British charts on hand were catalogued and arranged on shelves in the “‘Admiralty Chart-Room.” craphie Notices ‘Lhe first “ Hydrographic Notices” and “ Notices to Mari- Moen’s © ners” were published and sent out from the Office in this year. Many of the former originated in the Office, from in- formation reported directly to the Navy Department, the others being copies of similar publications issued by foreign Governments. The publications during the year were, ‘¢Sailing Directions for the Coasts of Alaska and Behring’s Sea;” “ Ships’ Compasses, including the subjects of Bin- nacles and Swinging Ship,” by Commodore Thornton A. Jenkins; and a pamphlet on ‘‘ The Barometer, Thermome- ter, and Hygrometer, and Atmospheric Appearances at Sea and on Land as Aids in Foretelling Weather ;” also twenty- nine charts, some of which were from surveys made by the officers of the Wachusett, Commander R. W. Shufeldt; the Shenandoah, Commander J. C. Febiger; and the Narra- gansett, Commander R. W. Meade. The remaining charts were mainly reproductions from the corrected plates pur- chased from the Messrs. Blunt. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1870. Agents ap- In August, 1869, agents for the sale of the publications OF saroseannic of the Hydrographic Office were appointed in New York, Satan Boston, New Orleans, and San Francisco. During the year the Office published volumes on the “General Examination” of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediter- ranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean, all translated from the French of Capts. A. Le Gras and P. De Kerhallet, by Capt. — R. H. Wyman; a work on “ Winds, Currents, and Naviga- tion of the Gulf of Cadiz, the Western Coast of the Spanish Peninsula, and the Strait of Gibraltar,” by Captain Wyman; also pamphlets on “ Rules of the Road at Sea,” “The Ther- 21 mometer, Barometer, and Hygrometer as Weather Guides,” and “ Form Books,” for suveyors. Twenty-two charts were issued, of which seven were re- publications of corrected Blunt charts, one a re publication of the corrected North Pacific Surveying Expedition chart, and fourteen republications of foreign charts by the litho- graphic process. On the 5th of October, 1869, Commodore George F’. Em- Commodore Emmons ordered mons took charge of the Office. During his incumbency, in to take charge of the following year, the cheaper process of reproducing GRE ES charts by ‘“ autographing” was first employed. At this time there still remained in the possession of Messrs. Blunt a number of chart-plates not included in the original pur- chase. In December these additional plates were obtained by the Office at a cost of $11,149.20. Commodore Emmons remained at the head of the Office until the 1st of October, 1870, when he was relieved by Capt. R. H. Wyman. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1871. James Alden, the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, issued Be of the following order reorganizing the Hedroprapihie Office Office and dividing it into departments, which was approved by the Secretary of the Navy on the 21st of January, 1871: ‘¢ The officer in charge of the Hydrographic Office will be le. uy neBEr the ‘Hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation, and be Deu responsible for everything emanating from that Office, From intercourse with foreign hydrographic offices, infor- mation received from our naval vessels and mercantile marine, together with the perusal of hydrographic publica- tions, &c., he is expected to be acquainted with what has already been done and is doing in this branch, and to point out what may, from time to time, be desirable to accom- plish.” ‘“¢ Under the hydrographer there will be five departments, as follows: No. 1. Archives, &c. ances ae No. 2. Chart department. penis: No. 5. Meteorological department. No. 4. Drafting and Engraving. No. 5. Instruments. Early in Captain Wyman’s administration Commodore , ©Ptain_ Wy- 22 acnaaneane ot The officer in charge of department No. 1 will be the Lge eset assistant hydrographer; those in charge of the other de- partments will be styled the heads of these departments. The hydrographer, the heads, and those attached to the different departments will be officers of the Navy, withthe exception of department No. 4 (drafting, &c.), the head of which must be an expert hydrographic draftsman. The head of department No. 5 (instruments) will be (if practicable) a naval professor. The requirements of the departments are as follows: No. 1. DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES. Ree hoa To collect and record for reference all hydrographic in- ment of Ar- formation; to review, classify, and arrange all authorities of reference, not only of books, &c., but of charts. The preparation of Sailing Directions, of Hydrographic Notices, and of an Hydrographic Magazine comes under this department, as also their correction, and the correction and publication of foreign light-house books. This department will also take charge of and issue all sailing directions and hydrographic information published by order of the Bureau of Navigation. No. 2. CHART DEPARTMENT. gGeneral dans Includes all charts, Hydrographic Office, English, &e.; to partment. ‘keep them corrected to date; to keep informed regarding all recent publications of charts, and to issue charts to United — States vessels, dealers, &c., and keep an account of the same. The printing and keeping up of the charts (already on the shelves) will come under this department. No. 3. METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. sche) eats To construct wind and current charts according to the SoeiraDenaTt forms which have been adopted, and for this purpose to col- lect and systematically arrange the meteorogical data now on hand, or which may be received. To take charge of all log-books, track-charts, remark- books, and such other books, charts, and papers as may be required in the construction of the wind and current charts. | : 9) 23 To prepare and issue a blank meteorogical journal, con- General duties structed according to the most recent requirements, for the Togleal “Depart purpose of collecting meteorogical data suitable for use in °°" making both special and general inquiries into the science. To keep informed on all subjects that pertain to meteor- ology and physical hydrography. To keep account of all issues, expenditures, &c., in this department. No. 4. DRAFTING AND ENGRAVING. The construction of charts, the engraving and correcting Pe ga yea of plates, the plotting of surveys and astronomical compu- mee Orang tations will belong to this department. 7 The head of this department is responsible to the hydrog- rapher for the entire correctness of all charts emanating from this department, both in astronomical positions, topog- raphy, and coast lines, in accordance with the best and most recent authorities, as also in the minor detail of cor- rectness of names, lettering, &c. The printing of all new charts will come under this de- partment. No. 5. INSTRUMENTS. The head of this department will take charge of and General duties correct all compasses, and supervise the repairs of all in-'™,,(7e, Pera struments, &c., keeping the account of the same. ments: He will prepare for the charts the variation of the mag- netic needle, and construct the epoch charts for variation, dip, and intensity, from which the magnetic curves and the constants of increase and decrease are derived. He will col- lect and arrange all magnetic data. THE LIBRARY. Particular attention will be given to the collection for the ratio rete library of all works of reference relating to hydrograpby, of the librarian. such as voyages of discovery, sailing directions, travels, meteorology, marine surveying, magnetism of the compass, &e., and to the collection of all charts published at differ- ent periods. 24 General duties To these may be added, as circumstances admit, books of the librarian . ae Srayee —Continued. relating to maritime and naval subjects, and any others con- taining scientific and useful information. A catalogue will be kept of all works belonging to the library ariaieed under their proper heads.” ROUTINE OF DUTIES IN THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. ROUTINE OF DUTIES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES. _ Routine duties ‘From this department are issued the Hydrographic No- Depacunenee tices and Notices to Mariners, an officer being assigned to this duty. ‘To facilitate the work, one copy of each Admi- ralty and United States Hydrographic Office chart is kept in the Archive-room, arranged in cases and with index- books and boards showing the shelves upon which they are arranged. All other foreign charts are also kept in this room for reference. The following method is pursued in getting out Hydro- graphic Notices and Notices to Mariners: When foreign notices, or information which is intended to be published, are received by the Assistant Hydrographer from the Hydrographer, they will be sent to the head of the department of Draughting, who will examine them to see if _poteignnotices they apply to the charts upon which he is working. He will | scrutinized, &c. then return them to the Assistant Hydrographer, who will have them carefully examined to see that they have not already been published from this office. Those that have not been published will be prepared for the printer, and the charts will be examined to see that no errors have been made in the iatitude and longitude of places, and in bear- ings and distances. The bearings in these notices must be magnetic; those in foreign notices, with the exception of the English, are generally true. Care will also be taken that the orthography of proper names is correct. When the notices are prepared for the printer they will be registered in the book prepared for that purpose, and will be inclosed in an envelope addressed to the chief clerk of the Bureau of Navigation, and a blank requisition will also be inclosed. Ree ene The envelope unsealed and inclosure will then be sent to the librarian. © the librarian, who will docket them in the ‘ Record of printed matter sent from the Hydrographic Office.’ 25 When the proof is received by the Assistant Hydrographer, , Assistant Hy- : z fs drographer to he will have it carefully compared with the copy, and when have proof of correct will have the proof and copy inclosed in an envelope with copy, ko addressed to the Government Printer, and on the envelope will mark “proof read.” The envelope will be sealed and sent to the printer, who returns, when printed, the number of notices required by the requisition. The proof and the copy are retained at the printing-office. When the notices are received from the printer by the clerk to the Hydrographer they are sent to the Assistant Hy- drographer, who has them indexed in the index-book, a copy pasted in the file kept for that purpose, and one inserted in. NW ouicesy toe the corrected copy of the Sailing Directions, and the remain. distributed, &c.’ der are sent to the distributing-room (one number being marked with the squadron to which it appertains), to be dis- tributed according to the list kept in that room. At pres- ent there are printed 350 of each kind of notices. In the Archive-room there is also a case containing all original reports of surveys with accompanying charts and data, and all other hydrographic information arranged on shelves numbered to correspond with the sections into which the charts are divided. All papers, charts, &ec., in this case are numbered, and an index-book is kept showing the shelves upon which they are stowed. The ‘‘remark-books” of commanders and navigators that have not been examined are kept in this case. To carry on the duties of this department the following- named books are kept, viz: 1. Index of foreign charts, showing cases in which they List of books, are arranged, and containing names of charts, number, date, ohare Sp EDenaTt author. pee 2. Index to papers, &e., on hydrographic information, con- tained in a case, and arranged to correspond with the chart sections. 3. Index to Hydrographic Notices. 4, Index to Notices to Mariners. 5. Register of Hydrographic Notices and Notices to Mari- ners, containing number of notice, date, title, authority, date of proof read, date of notices received from printer. 6. File of United States Hydrographic Notices. 7. File of United States Notices to Mariners. 8. File of hight-House Board Notices to Mariners. 9. File of Dominion Government Notices to Mariners. List of books, &c., kept by the Archive Depart- ment—Cont’d. Light-House lists to be kept in Archive Depart- ment. The Library a part of the Arch- ive Department. Baoks to bo cat- alogted, arrang- ed, &¢. 26 10. File of Trinity House Notices to Mariners. 11. File of British Admiralty Notices to Mariners. _ 12. File of Annonce Hydrographique. 13. File of Avviso ai Navigante. 14. File of general Notices to Mariners (New York Herald, 15. File of Aviso 4 los Navegantes. 16. Nachrichten fiir Seefahrer. 17. Hydrographische Mittheilungen. 18. Kundmachung fiir Seefabrer. 19. Noticias Hidrograficas. The Hydrographic Notices and Notices to Mariners are issued from the distributing room according to the list posted in this room. The messenger, or, when absent, one of the laborers, attends to this duty. Twenty copies of each notice are retained, to be indexed and bound at the end of the year. _An officer attached to the Department of Archives is as- signed to the duty of keeping the light-house lists cor- rected up to the latest date, and preparing each year the foreign light-house lists for publication. When these lists are in print and the proof returned to this Office, it will be corrected up to the date of reading. This officer will also assist in reading proof of Hydro- graphic Notices and Notices to Mariners, as well as other proof of Sailing Directions. To the librarian, who is an officer attached to the Depart- ment of Archives, are assigned the following duties, viz: Ist. The arrangement aud care of the library. 2d. The charge of all books issued to naval vessels or sold to agents by this office, with the keeping an account of the same. 3d. The recording of all requisitions for printing and binding. First. The librarian will be permanently attached to this Office, if possible, that he may become familiar with all books, and be able to keep the Hydrographer informed of all recent publications, that the library may be as com- plete as possible in all works that would be of service to this Office. . The books of the library will be catalogued and arranged on shelves, properly numbered, so that any book can be quickly found. A record will be kept of all books taken from 27 the library, showing the name of the person taking them out, the date, and the date of return. Those who take books Ee eeeOnS ieee 0 from the library will be responsible for their condition while Hibrary to be re- in their possession, and will return them promptly when Heer oe they have finished with them. No books will be taken from the Office except by permission of the Hydrographer. A table with sections will be arranged for magazines and papers, the files of which will be carefully preserved for binding. Upon the receipt of a new book the library mark will be pasted on the inside of the cover, the book will be catalogued, and will then take its place on the shelf to which it belongs. All new books, or new editions of books, received will be handed to the Hydrographer for his inspection. Second. A room is especially appropriated for the books issued from this Office to vessels and agents, which will be used for no other purpose. Obsolete editions of works, old books, papers, &c., which ip obeclere bices are of no service, will be stowed in a separate room until separate room, they can be disposed of. The “issuing room” will be arranged with shelves to con- tain all the books issued from this Office. The books will be properly catalogued, showing the full title, author, edition, size, date; and, when mentioned, by what authority printed (as Admiralty, Bureau of Naviga- tion, &c.), and the index will show upon what shelves they are stowed. When books are superseded or removed from the cata- logue they will be removed at once from the issuing room to the room containing useless books, &c. When correctionsor additions have been made to any work, only the last edition should be issued, as it is important that navigators should have the latest information. That the supply maybe kept up, and the Hydrographer may ascertain at any time the number of books on hand, a receipt- book, an expenditure-book, and ledgerare kept. The receipt- book shows the date of receipt, title of book, from whom re- eeived, andthe number. The expenditure- honk Shows date Method ofkeep- of issue, title of work, to whom sent, and the number. The hooks tesccvods ledger shows the nnDee of the shelf, title of book, and the © number received, issued, condemned, and on hand for each quarter of the year wala for two ears). Books to be added to or re- moved from, the library list only by order of the Hydrographer. Additional du- ties of the As- sistant Hydrog- rapher. Routine duties in the Chart De- partment. 28 The Hydrographer will issue a written oraer to place a book on or remove it from the catalogue of books issued. All books published by this Office will have the price printed on the title-page. Third. All requisitions for printing or binding to be done ~ at the Government Printing-Office are recorded in a book kept in the library for that purpose, showing the date, des- cription, and title of work, number of copies, specific instruc- tions, and, when practicable, the date returned. These requisitions are sent in an unsealed envelope to the Bureau of Navigation, where the signature of the chief clerk is procured, and a press copy is taken of the requisition. It is then forwarded with the work to the printer. In addition tothe above, it will be the duty of the Assistant Hydrographer to ascertain and record the most recent and trustworthy of the observations for determining geographi- cal positions in different parts of the world. A book is kept in the Archive room for recording these. It will also be his duty to keep a record of all reported dangers in the manner prescribed by the instructions accom- panying the ‘Record of Reported Dangers.’” ROUTINE OF DUTIES IN CHART DEPARTMENT. ‘1, To keep on hand, by timely requisitions, a proper sup- ply of admiralty and Coast Survey charts, say 10 copies of each, in issue. 2. To keep accurate aceounts of all issues, sales, receipts, and expenditures of charts, chart-paper, &c. The ledger will be posted quarterly. 3. To keep all charts properly marked with shelf and chart numbers, and keep them in their proper sections and on their proper shelves. 4, To keep a due proportion of charts backed. d. To supply charts to vessels, agents, stations, &c., as may be required and directed. 6. To receive, survey, and correct the charts turned in from vessels and stations. 7. To keep on hand, by printing, a proper supply of charts from ali the corrected plates belonging to the Office, say 20 to 30 copies of each. 8. To keep on hand the requisite supply of chart-paper, chart- boxes, portfolios, and material for backing charts. ee, Oe 29 9. To keep all charts on hand corrected up to date from , Routine duties the Hydrographic Notices and Notices to Mariners. The cor- par Com rections to be made and noted according to the instructions from the Bureau of Navigation. (See Appendix A.) 10. To keep all Admiralty charts on hand corrected by the latest issues of the same received. 11. To keep for reference a correct list of charts on hand, together with their section and shelf numbers. 12. To keep copies of all requisitions for, and receipts of, Admiralty charts. 13. To keep a list of all plates and stones on hand and re- ceived. 14. To supply the department of Archives with copies of all new and corrected Admiralty charts and catalogues re- ceived. 15. To keep corrected issuing catalogues. 16. To revise and re-issue Hydrographic and issuing cata- logues as often as required by the many changes therein. 17. To cancel, by stamp, all Admiralty charts as soon as superseded by the issues from this Office. 18. To inform the Assistant Hydrographer of any errors discovered in any of the Hydrographic Notices or Notices to Mariners. 19. To supervise all work done in the printing room. 20. To provide outside shelves for all charts which cannot be stowed in the chart-room. 21. To inform the head of the department of Draughting of corrections to be put on the office plates. 22. To see the condemned charts, papers, &c., properly disposed of. 23. To inform the Hydrographer when Admiralty charts are received, and to submit for his inspection copies of all new charts received. 24, To inform the Hydrographer of all Deficiencies in the hart department, and make out requsitions to fill the same, as he may direct. 25. Tosupply draughtsmen with such charts as they may require in the Draughting department. 26. To require from the head of the department of Draughting a weekly account of all charts expended in his department. 27. To supply to officers compiling Sailing Directions such charts as they may require for reference. Routine duties in the Chart De- partment—C on- tinued. 30 23. To mark and forward, as may be directed, all boxes, packages, &c., sent from the Chart department. 29. To supply agents, stations, &c., as may be required, — corrected copies of the Hydrographic Office catalogues of — charts and books. 30. To keep on hand a correct Coast Survey catalogue of latest date. 31. To be provided with an Admiralty catalogue of latest date, and keep the same posted up to date from the English Nautical Magazine. 32. To cancel the French charts as fast as superseded. Two rooms are assigned to the Chart department, one con- taining the British Admiralty charts, and the other contain- ing the Hydrographic Office, Maury’s Wind and Current, Coast Survey, and French charts. Thecharts are catalogued and divided into sections as given in Appendix B, and the shelves are divided into correspond- ing sections, with anumber to each shelf. Any particular chart can be found by referring to the catalogue, when oppo. site the number of the chart will be found the number of the shelf upon which it is stowed. A set of books is kept in each room showing the receipts and expenditures of all charts, paper, &c. The Admiralty agent furnishes the Office without special requisition with twelve copies of all new charts issued from the Admiralty office, and three copies ofall charts of old issue, but containing late corrections. Admiralty charts reach this office in from four to six months from the time the y are re- quired. When a lately corrected Admiralty chart is received which has been canceled by an Hydrographic Office chart, it must besentto the Hydrographic room,and the charts therein corrected from the Admirality chart. When an Hydrographie Office chart is to receive exten- sive corrections, the first copy is to be corrected by a draughtsman, and then used as a guide by the officer who corrects the remainder. Agents, dealers, and purchasers are supplied only with the charts published by this Office. The last copy of an Admirality chart is never to be issued; and no more French charts are to be required. When the number of Admiralty or Coast Survey charts. on hand is reduced to or below five copies others should be required. With five copies of any of these charts on hand 31 only five additional copies will be required, but with a less Routine duties number than five, ten new copies will be required. dete peaaaysree The charts in issue will be corrected at the end of every “""™" even-numbered quarter in order to verify and correct the ledgers. When an office plate is corrected strike off from it at once from twenty to thirty copies, and should these differ materi- ally from the old copies on hand, the latter are to be de- stroyed, and the various stations supplied with the new ones, with orders to destroy the old ones on hand. Whena plate is corrected the date of latest correction should be en- tered in the catalogue. _ Naval vessels on fitting out are supplied from this Office with all the charts belonging to the station to which they are ordered, as shown by the issuing list. Squadrons will be furnished with copies of all new charts, as follows: Two copies of Admiralty charts will be sent to the flag-ship of the squadron to which they pertain, and in the case of new Hydrographic Office charts, one copy for each vessel of the squadron to which they pertain, will be for- warded to the flag-ship for distribution. The Mare Island navy-yard is to be furnished with copies of all new charts affecting the Pacific stations, and also with all new catalogues.” ROUTINE OF DUTIES IN THE METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. “The detail of duties in this department is fully given in _ ui Cai the forms and blanks which have been approved for the cal Digimon construction of wind and current charts.” ROUTINE OF DUTIES IN THE DRAFTING AND ENGRAVING DEPART- MENT. “All the charts and sketches published by the Office are Routine duties drawn in this department, or revised, if they have been re- Deteaeand ees ceived in a form which the Hydrographer deems proper for ®°""* publication. The head of the department will inform himself carefully in regard to all hydrographicinformation which affects charts to be published. If any exists which is not in the archives of the Office he will report it to the Hydrographer. He will 32 Head of the egrefully collect and review all the information obtainable Department of C ’ Drafting, &c., to is i 1 E Fats a and report to the hydrographer any discrepancies for his de gee ee cision. He will direct the labors of the draughtsmen, and information. will be responsible for the correctness of their work. The field-work of surveying vessels or the detail accom- panying any chart seut from other vessels will be given to the head of this department for bis revision or for the replot- ting of the work, if necessary, and he will see that all final cor- rections (of the chronometers, errors, and rates, soundings, bearings, angles, &c.), have been applied, or apply them. The head of the department will revise, and if necessary recompute the astronomical observations for position and the magnetic observations for declination. He will super- intend the replotting, aided by the advice of the surveyor, if obtainable, and is responsible for its correctness. He will bring to the notice of the Hydrographer any incompleteness or discrepancy in the field-work. he All the engraving, lithographing, photo-lithographing, &c., in charge of &¢., done in the Office, and outside of it, is under the super- artment ofvision of the head of this department, who will see that rafting and En- f 4 : E graving. the intentions and directions of the Hydrographer are ear- ried out. He will read and correcé all the proofs, and will be responsible for the final correctness of the plates. He will see that the plates, stones, &c., from which the charts are printed, are always corrected to date from the Hydro- graphic Notices and Notices to Mariners, as well as from all other information received at this Office. The draughtsmen and engravers are under the immediate direction of the head of this department, who will report to the Hydrographer any neglect of duty on the part of any of them.” Saree Within the year 1871 the method of reproducing charts introducedin the hy the process of “ photolithographing” was introduced in the Office. Papers were issued on the “ Northern and East- ern limits of the Gulf Stream,” translated from the German ot Dr. Peterman ; on the “ General Navigation of the Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea,” and on “‘ The Marshall Group ” of islands in the Pacific; also a “ List of Reported Dangers in the Pacific, north of the Equator,” was compiled and pub- RO oflished. Of the sixty-six charts published twenty-two were republications from the corrected plates of the North Pacifie Surveying Expedition, forty-three republications of foreign 3d charts by the lithographic process, and one a chart of James- town Harbor, from a survey made by the officers of the Jamestown. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1872. Through the efforts of the Hydrographer an .appropria- tion of $50,000 was passed by Congress in 1871 for the sur- vey of the Pacific Ocean. In consequence of this appropri- ation the U. 8. 8S. Narragansett was employed during the year, under instructions “prepared in the Uydrographic Office, in surveying a number of islands lying on or near the route between San Francisco and Australia; and, as fast ventas beaah as the results of these surveys were meeaieed: theyiwere 8 oS published by the Office. The estimates for hydrographic work during the succeed- ing fiscal year, submitted by the Hydrographer in his An- nual Report for 1872, being considerably in excess of the amount appropriated for the current year, called forth from a member of the Appropriation Committee of Congress a request for an explanation of the reasons for the increase, to which the Hydrographer made the following answer: HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, Washington, D. C., January 10, 1872. Hon. 1a aa HALE, M.C.: SIR: Replying to your inquiry as to cause of the increase Letter of Hy- drographer to a in the appropriation required for the fiscal year ending July, member of the 1873, over that appropriated for the present fiscal year, Teenehiee “of would state that it is, in part, owing to the amounts which ©°""** accrue from sales of the Office publications being now cov- ered into the Treasury, thereby depriving this Office of a sum heretofore credited to the appropriation of the Bureau of Navigation and expended for the support of the Hydro- graphic Office. This amount was $5,379.45 in 1870, and $6,569.01 in 1871. From the fi.cilities thus far afforded to this Office its issues of charts and books cover but a small portion of the navigable globe. At the present moment the Office is able only to furnish to commerce three hundred and eleven charts of different seas. The number issued by the British ,,Comb2misen of Hydrographic Office is about 3,000, all of which are called British charts for to fill the demands of navigators. 11353 HO 5) b4 ogbiect of the Itis the object of this Office to so progress, gradually sup- : plying its own publications to our marine, that we may finally be independent of foreign supply and may cease to pay for the support of toreign offices and foreign labor. For this object, the gradual meeting of the demands of our com- merce and mounting our issues in the most economical man- ner, the remainder of the amount over last year’s appropria- tion was asked. The Charts and Sailing Directions from this Office, as they can be brought out, are gradually taking the place of those of England with our marine. Could larger appropriations be given it would be able, so much the earlier, to be inde- pendent, as far as such an office can be, of all foreign offices. In this connection will you permit me to ask your attention to the recommendation made in my letter accompanying the estimates (addressed tothe Chief of the Bureau of Naviga- tion, whoauthorizes me to mention those subjects relating to fe ee this Office), that it would be much better for the Government, the building oc- and for the Office, to own the building in which it is located. foot bytteur At present the yeariy rent of the building is $2,000 and the repairs average about $800. Valuable material is con- stantly accumulating in it which would always be injured by removal, setting aside the expense of removal and refitting. . This building, with moderate repairs and slight additions, : would, with the ground attached, answer the purpose for all time. It can be purchased and refitted for vot 000, the property being valued at $40,000. May I also ask your interest on the subject of prosecuting foreign surveys as recommended in the Report of the See- retary of the Navy, page 13. These require but a compar- atively small appropriation in comparison to their impor. tance to commerce and navigation. Could you spare the time to visit this Office, I should take pleasure in pointing out to you what is doing at present, what has been done, and what I hope to do for the future of the Office. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Rk. H. WYMAN, Captain, U. S. Navy, Hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation. ee ee ee ——— a ee ee ee ay : . eee During the year there were published “Sailing Diree- tions for the English Channel;” ‘‘The Physical Geography 35 of the Sea,” translated from the German of Capt. W. Kropp, ,, Publications of by E. R. Knorr; a pamphlet on “ Hurricanes, with Nautical tinued. Directions for avoiding and maneuvering in them;” ‘Steam Lanes across the Atlantic,” and a pamphlet on “ Running Surveys.” One hundred and seventeen charts were pub- lished, of which twenty-five were republications from the plates of the North Pacific Surveying Expedition, eighty- nine reproductions of foreign charts by the lithographic pro- cess, and one a chart of Ferrol Bay from surveys made by the officers of the Ossipee. FISOAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1873. During this year, a running survey was made of the east coast of Mexico, from the mouth of the Coatzacoalcos to that of the Rio Grande, by the U. S. 8S. Wyoming, Com- mander F. H. Baker; surveys were also made by our ves- sels in the West Indies, on the east coast of South Amer- ica, and in the Gulf of California. The Portsmouth, Com- mander J. S. Skerrett, was employed in investigating dan- gers between the Sandwich Islands and our Pacific coast, and made special surveys of Palmyra, Washington, and ue Gb eur Christmas Islands. The Narragansett, Commander George by naval vessels. Dewey, made a running survey of the coast from San Diego to Cape Corrientes. The Tuscarora, Commander George EH. Belknap, was employed in taking deep-sea soundings in the Pacific; and accurate depths were ascertained along a line 1,000 miles in length, extending from Puget Sound toward the island of Atcha in the Aleutian group. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, the plan adopted by Maury of soliciting meteorological data from merchant vessels, for the construction of charts, was discontinued. But in 1873, it was decided to again commence the collec- tion of information from merchantmen, and from our men-. of-war, for the purpose of accumulating matter for a new edition of Maury’s Charts, and requests for such data were accordingly sent out to the Navy and merchant marine. In addition to the hydrographic work performed by nava} vessels before mentioned, reported dangers were investi. gated, and special surveys of islands, harbors, coasts, &c., were made by our ships on foreign stations, and all results, as fast as received at the Office were published and sentout special sur- for general information. (Report of Secretary of the Navy, jocavaivomate 36 tee blications of 1873.) The publications of the year were, “Sailing Di- rections for the Atlantic Ocean,” translated from the French of I. Labrosse, by Lieutenant Commander Coghlan; of “The Cape Verde Islands,” compiled by Lieut. W. H. Parker ; of ‘The West Coast of Africa, from Cape Spartel to Sierra Leone,” translated and compiled by Lieut. Com- mander H. H. Gorringe, and a pamphlet on ‘*‘ Routes of Mail Steamers between the English Channel and New York;” also eighty-nine charts were published, seven of which were republications from corrected plates of the North Pacific Surveying Expedition, two were charts of the extreme south- ern part of America, and eighty reproductions of foreign charts by lithography. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1874. A Meteorological Journal was prepared in the Office and issued to merchant vessels and others for their greater con- venience in recording information for the correction and con- Meteorological tinuance of the ‘‘ Wind and Current Charts.” The survey jeune «os, of the Pacific, along the coasts of the peninsula of Lower on California, in the Gulf of California, and around the Re- villa Gigedo groups of islands, was continued by the Nar- ragansett, under Commander Dewey; but the want of an adequate appropriation for carrying on the survey made it necessary to withdraw the Portsmouth from hydro- Reports of sur- graphic work. The Fortune, under Lieut. Commander F. NE eae M. Green, completed the running survey of the east coast of Mexico, begun in the preceding year by the Wyoming, and in addition made a series of offshore soundings along the Mexican coast; while the Tuscarora finished her deep- sea soundings in the Pacific. A survey of the mouth of the Rio de la Plata was made -by the officers of the Wasp, on the South Atlantic Station, and vessels on other stations made similar surveys, or in- vestigations, generally at the suggestion of the Hydrog- rapher. Results of such surveys, made by the Shawmut, Commander H. L. Howison; the Kansas, Commander A. V. Reed, and the Wasp, Commander A. T. Mahan, were re- ceived at the Hydrographic Office within the year, and pub- lished as soon afterwards as practicable. & . ee re ede dh ee fe | a ee eet aor eee eee ee at A party was organized in the Hydrographic Office for the party organizea purpose of establishing by means of the electric telegraph inde tees the longitude of places in the West Indies, and on the north- 8?” ern coast of South America, at points where the submarine cable had been landed. This expedition sailed from NorfoNc on the 22d of November in the Fortune, commanded by Lieut. Commander F. M. Green. During the year there were published ‘Sailing Diree- Publications of tions for the Northwest, West, and South Coasts of Spain, yarn including the coast of Portugal from Point Estaca to Cape Trafalgar;” ‘*The Azores, Madeiras, and Cape Verde Islands,” and a pamphlet on the “ Voyage of the Vaudreuil through the Patagonian Channels and Magellan Strait,” all translated by Lieut. G. M. Totten ; also, a volume on the “ Navigation of the Pacific Ocean,” translated by Lieut. J. W. Miller. Of the sixty-four charts published, eight were engraved and fifty-six lthographed. Among those engraved were two sheets each of the North Pacific Ocean, the Inland Sea of Japan, and the Northeast Coast of North America series; also one each of the Newfoundland and Hast Coast of South America series. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1875. The failure of Congress to make an appropriation for con- tinuing the survey of the Pacific caused the withdrawal of the Narragansett from that duty, after having completed the work of re-examining portions of the Gulf of California. Cruising vessels on the several stations, however, continued to make frequent surveys and to forward the results to the Hydrographic Office; but the want of an adequate appropri- ation rendered it necessary to postpone theengraving of most ofthesecharts. Reportsof such surveys, or examinationsof Reports of sur- reported dangers, were received from the Ossipee, Com- Leet vennele mander Ramsay; from the Wasp, Commander Kirkland; the Brooklyn, Captain Truxtun; the Canandaigua, Captain Bar. rett; the Ashuelot, Commander Matthews; the Omaha, Capt. P. C. Johnson, and the Monongahela, Captain Thornton. The commanding officers of the Canandaigua and Wasp having changed within the year, additional reports were re- ceived from each of these vessels, the former under Captain Lowry, and the latter under Commander Mahan. 38 ee bblications of During the year there were published, ‘ Sailing Direc- tions for the South and East Coasts of Spain from Mala Bahia to Cape Creux;” “The Balearic Islands and North Coast of Africa from Ceuta to La Cala,” translated and com- piled by Lieut. Commander H. H. Gorringe; “‘The West Coast of Africa from Sierra Leone to Cape Lopez,” translated and compiled by Lieut. L. Chenery, and of ‘“‘ The Rio de la Plata,” translated by Lieut. Commander H. H. Gorringe. Forty-six charts were published, of which seven were engraved and thirty-nine lithographed. Among those engraved were one of Newfoundland, one of the Pacific Ocean series, one of Montevideo and its approaches, and two of the west coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the last named from surveys made by the officers of the Wyoming and For- tune. Expedition to. The expedition to the West Indies, sent out in the previ- Hyest Indies eS ous November to determine longitudes by telegraph, suc- Pansy vaio cessfully established the longitudes of Panama, Aspinwall, a ee Santiago de Cuba, and Havana. An observing station was also established at Key West, but the appearance of yellow fever among the islands caused the recall of the party until a more favorable season. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1876. Work ofestab) During this year the work of determining longitudes by lishing lon gi- E 3 tudes by tele- telegraph was continued by the party under Lieutenant sea ©" Commander Green, in the Gettysburg, and successfully com- pleted. In addition to the places before established the longitudes of the following ports were determined: King- ston (Jamaica); San Juan de Puerto Rico; St. Thomas; St. Croix; St. John (Antigua); St. Pierre (Martinique); Bridgetown (Barbadoes); Port Spain (Trini-dad). The idea of employing the electric telegraph in determin- ~ ing differences of longitudes is eminently an American one, and proved its superiority over every other method by the accuracy of its results. On the return to the United States, after completing her work in the West Indies, the Gettysburg ran a line of Soundings ta- Soundings from Saint Thomas, via Bermuda, to the Capes pen bat Get of the Chesapeake, 1 Mage ” - - et ga ae | ag, ey a Wisk so 7 Se BY In September of this year preparation was begun in the uu ales un oO a new Office of a new series of meteorological charts of the North series of meteoro- Pacific, from data which had accumulated during previous Sees years from the reports of merchant vessels and logs of our men-of-war. The publications of the year were “Sailing Directions ,, Publications of for the Coasts and Ports of the Bay of Biscay,” and for the “Coasts of Chile, Bolivia, and Peru;” also fifty-two charts were published, of which five were engraved, and forty- seven produced by the lithographic process. Among those engraved were a set jor the Bay of Fundy, and a number of coast and harbor charts for Lower California, from surveys by the officers of the Narragansett. The absence of adequate appropriations for hydrographic work greatly hampered the operations of the Office. Many of the results of surveys sent in by vessels, after having been verified and put into shape for publication in the Office, remained unissued for want of funds. Such new charts as were engraved during the year were limited to those impera- tively demanded by the immediate necessities of the navy or of the commercial marine. Although the successive Hydro- graphers, in their annual reports, had regularly asked for means for prosecuting the work of the Office, and for the continuance of the survey of the Pacific, the necessary appropriations had been as regularly refused. But a gratifying interest in furthering the objects of the jantetest in. sue Hydropraphie Office was manifested by the people at large, the people at and prominent citizens of New York, Philadelphia, and other" ee seaport cities, united in their appeals to Congress in its be- half. To a letter announcing such an action on the part of mer- chant captains, ship owners, underwriters, and others, in the city of Philadelphia, the Hydrographer sent the following reply, which clearly indicated the condition and wants of the Office at this period : U. 8. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, Washington, D. C., October 16, 1876. GENTLEMEN: Yours of October 13, informing me that a spent ee rographer ts) request was being signed by the leading merchants, insur- merchants, &c. ance companies, &c., urging upon Congress a liberal sup- port of the U. S. Hydrographic Office, is received. Desire of the Hydrographer to make the Office independent of foreign offices. Survey of the Pacific stopped for want of ap- propriations. Unsuitableness of the building occupied by the Office. 40 Taking, as I do, the greatest interest in the advancement of this Office, so necessary to our marine, both commercial and naval, and feeling that it ought to be a matter of national » pride that our Government ‘should be wholly independent in every matter relating to the furnishing of-the charts and books required in navigation, I thank you. Six years ago this Office was but a depot of foreign charts, with a few plates from the expeditions of Wilkes and Jobn Rodgers, together with plates then recently pur- chased from George Blunt. Since that time all these old plates have been corrected and kept so. New charts have been added, books of sailing directions have been written and issued, and this with a very meager appropriation, with a small but hard-working force, and the assistance of offi- cers of the Navy of proved ability. A survey of the Pacific Ocean, peremptorily demanded by the interests of commerce, was, on a fortunate appropriation of one year, commenced, and the coast of Lower California and theGulf surveyed; but there it stopped. No further ap- propriation could be obtained, not even to add to our force to get the work of the survey out promptly, and engrave the plates, and I have had the mortification to see that, while we are delving along with our inadequate force and means, ‘‘robbing Peter to pay Paul,” to get our own work in condition to engrave, and to find some way in which it can be done, the British Admiralty Hydrographic Office, always alive to the requirements of commerce, has engraved our work. This survey, instead of being continued until every ob- struction to navigation, until every danger in the Pacific was located, and every doubtful danger examined, had to be dropped for want of a few thousand dollars to continueit ; at least I asked for the engraving of work done, and for the continuance of the survey, but $25,000 per year, with such assistance as the Navy Department was able to afford, but this also fell through. Memorials made to Congress by the notch &e., of New York and other commercial cities, have been passed over without even a glance, and the interests of our com- merce appear to have been but a zero with our legislators. For five years I have pointed out the insufficiency of this rented building, now occupied as an Hydrographic Office, not only from the want of space, but, most seriously, as not ———— a oa 41 being in any way fire-proof. The valuable and constantly , C She ey Dae) _ increasing charts, books, plates, and archives are at the poss to danger - merey of an Reeiiont: Commerce is now commencing to look upon and depend upon this Office for its supplies; it cannot afford, for the want of a few thousands of dollars’ expenditure for a fire- proof building, to risk a loss which could not be replaced. For five years I have asked an appropriation for this purpose, and estimated that, in accordance with my plan, $90,000 would supply to the Government a safe and pro- tected property, which, in ten years, would be worth double that money. Now the printing of this Office is carried on in cellar rooms so damp and rotten that no private party would think of using them; and make-shift rooms have had to be fitted up in the loft of a stable, for draftsmen and stowage. This year, as heretofore, I ask again for a proper building, and that such. should belong to the Government. I ask a small sum to continue surveys, and, for carrying on the ordi- nary work of the Office, the most limited amount that will admit of any progress. For me, I would exert every nerve to place this Office, as quickly as possible, on a footing with the foreign oftices, and know that, in the interest of our commerce, the compara- tively small expenditure would be a goo national invest- ment. Our national pride, at least, should stand in the way of our country paying for or receiving supplies of charts, &e., required for our marine from a foreign power, when we have an ability at least equal to theirs, to furnish them for our- selves. I would suggest that a definite amount be asked for, to be used at once, outside of the yearly estimates, viz: omasuitable building..:-..-.--.-------.------ $90, 000 Ah ome hat To continue the Pacific survey, complete and en- chase of a suit. able ing for grave the work already done, and to add, as the Office. quickly as possible, to the issues of the Office for the benefit of commerce ......-......--.--. $35, 000 OF Te I may add, that very soon I shall have completed the first part ofthe West Indies, and the third part of the West Coast of Africa, and have now Scoluue of deep-sea soundings, which, from theinadequate appropriation for the Navy epanient A? printing, I am, and will be, unable to publish until further — appropriation is made. I believe, my dear sirs, that I have given you a little in- sight into our situation. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Rk. H. WYMAN, Commodore, U. S. N., and Hydrographer. Messrs. RIGGS AND BROTHER, 221 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. { | FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1877. Continuance of During 1877 the preparation of the Meteorological Charts of | Afeteorolosi: of the North Pacific Ocean, begun in the preceding year, was continued, and at the close of that year they were ready for publication. They extended from the equator to latitude 45° north, and from the west coast of the United States westward to the 180th meridian. These charts were con- structed by Lieut. T. A. Lyons, assisted from time to time by a number of other officers, and gave for each month of the year data concerning the ‘ winds, calms, fogs, rain, squalls, weather, barometer, and temperature of the air, and of sea water at the surface.” Lieutenant Lyons followed the system adopted by Maury of dividing the surface of the ocean into sections of 5° longitude by 5° latitude, and his — charts were arranged to show both graphically and deserip- tively the information they contained. Searches for reported dangers, special surveys, &c., were made during the year by vessels on the several stations, ee fee and reports of such surveys or examinations were received by naval vessels from the Pensacola, Captain Gherardi; the Vandalia, Commander Robeson; the Frolic, Commander G. B. White; the Adams, Go ncn F. Rodgers; the Plymouth, Cap- tain Barrett; the Ossipee, Commander 8S. L. Breese, and the Gettysburg, Lieutenant-Commander Gorringe. The Gettysburg was employed during a portion of the year in making surveys and collecting information concern- — ing the Mediterranean Sea at places where the Sailing — Directions were deficient. On the voyage from the United States to Europe, the Gettysburg made a series of deep-sea ee ee soundings between the Azores and the Strait of Gibraltar, dysbure- and discovered a bank with but thirty fathoms of water in — 43 ‘its shoalest spot. Another bank was discovered during the paviscovery of a year on the coast of Brazil by the Adams, Commander of Brazil. Rodgers, and Frolic, Commander G. B. White, while en- gaged in searching for reported dangers to navigation. The Essex, Commander Schley, ran a line of soundings from Cape Henry to St. Paul de Loando, on the west coast of Africa; and thence, via the Island of St. Helena, to Cape Frio, Brazil. All soundings as soon as received at ithe Office were entered on the charts affected by them. All this hydrographic work was simply incidental to the regular naval duties of the vessels named, no appropriations having been made for surveying purposes. The Huron, Commander Ryan, was employed in determin- Lonzitudes de- ‘ing the longitudes of places on the north coast of Sonne ee America and adjacent islands, by carrying chronometers 77" from well-established positions at Aspinwall and Port Spain, Trinidad. The following positions were thus deter- mined: Testigos Islands; Puerto Santo Bay; Pampatar, Island of Margarita; Cumana; Tortuga Island ; Corsarios Bay; Orchla Island; Los Roques Island; La Guayra; Puerto Cabello; Island of Curacao; Vela de Cora; Orange- Stadt; Estanquez Point; Bahia Honda; Cape La Vela; ‘Santa Marta, and Cartagena. The completion of the cable line from Lisbon to Brazil, via Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands, and the:success of former expeditions for determining longitudes by tele- graph, induced the Navy Department to send out another expedition to establish the positions of the principal ports on the east coast of South America. It was decided that the Royal Observatory at Lisbon should be the initial sta- tion. On the 29th of October, 1877, the expedition again gxpedition under Lieut. Commander F. M. Green, sailed from New srs donot York on the Guard, and arrived at esha on the 30th of macy by tele- the following November. Sailing directions were published during the year for ‘The publications of Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, including the Bahama ™°?™* and Bermuda Islands,” compiled by Lieut. Commander F. M. Green; “The English Channel ;” for ‘The West Coast of Africa from Cape Lopez to the Cape of Good Hope, includ- _ing the islands in the Bight of Biafra and the islands of St. Helena and Ascension,” translated and compiled by Lieut. Commander J. R. Bartlett. Ad Pee lars IO Of the thirty-five charts published by the Office during tinued. this year ten were engraved and twenty five lithographed. Among those engraved were several from the Narragan- sett’s survey on the Pacific coast and one sheet of the N orth Pacific Ocean. 4 FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1878. j Early in this year the meteorological charts of the North Pacific were published by the Office. Work was also - commenced on the preparation of similar charts for all | parts of the Atlantic. In October of the preceding year, in order to encourage the merchant marine to collect infor- Blank booksis: mation for these charts, blank books had been prepared sued to mer- Saeanne en re- and sent out to ship-masters who desired to co-operate in col- mation. lecting information, requesting that they be filled and re-_ turned to the Hydrographic Office. These blank books con-_ tained forms for a complete meteorological record during a | | H en ee ee ee voyage of three months at sea, together with instructions _ for the use of the barometer, thermometer, &c. A set of bianks, instructions, &c., was likewise issued to vessels of the Navy, with directions requiring the observations to be compiled by the navigator of the ship with especial reference © to their use in the construction of meteorological charts. © linoworedastty, On the 17th of May, 1878, Capt. S. R. Franklin relieved | COTE II Captain Wyman as Hydrographer. i The work of the Gettysburg, collecting hydrographic in- | formation concerning the Mediterranean, was brought to a close when nearly completed by an accident to her machin- _ ery. The Guard, under Lieut. Commander F. M. Green, estab- — lished by means of the telegraph the difference of longitude between Lisbon and Madeira, the Cape Verde Islands, and Pernambuco ; also between Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, and © Buenos Ayres. Soundings were .made by the Tuscarora, | Commander J. W. Philip, along the coast of Lower Cal- | ifornia ; and surveys of Tartar Shoal, and portions of the | west coast of Mexico, were made also by the same vessel. tne wieationsof During the year sailing directions were published for “The _ Mediterranean Sea, comprising the South Coast of France, — the West Coast of Italy, the Tuscan Archipelago, Corsica, and Sardinia,” compiled by Lieut. Commander H. H. Gor-_ ringe and Lieut. Seaton Schroeder. AD \ Twenty-four charts were published, of which fifteen were Publications of ¥ the Othee—Con engraved and nine lithographed. Among those engraved tinued. i were one of the Irish Channel, one of the Bermuda Islands, and a number fromthe Narragansett’s survey in the Pacific, : FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1879. During this year important surveying work was done on the west coast of Mexico, from Mangrove Point to Port “Ventosa, by the Tuscarora, Commander Philip ; and also by 4 the Narragansett, Coamemder Dewey, along the same eet. from the hoandary line of the United States to Cape Corrientes. The Jamestown, Commander Beardslee, made a survey of the harbor of Sitka, Alaska, and marked a number of channels with buoys and beacons. Whenever the results of a survey that embraced any part of the coast of the United States were received at the Hydrographic Of- tice, such data were at once transmitted to the Coast Survey Office. This course was required by the act of Congress “passed June 21, 1886, which placed the Superintendent of BIGITLGURTOE ‘the Coast Survey directly in charge of the survey of the ee coast of the United States, including Alaska. The work (02st Survey Of of the Hydrographic Office was thus restricted to coasts and waters outside the boundaries of the United States, yet the navigating charts published by the Hydrographic Office for the use of vessels entering or leaving our seaports have “necessarily represented the salient features of the coast of this country. In‘the summer of 1879 the Hydrographic Office was re- uistacerene moved from the “ Old Octagon House” and transferred to Peon einiais Office into the quarters in the new building for the State, War, and Navy building for State. War, and Departments. A part of the Office was, tlesecuae: tempo- Navy Depart. rarily located in the old Navy Department building. _ Themeteorological charts were continued during this year, and their sphere was extended to the North and South At- Jantic Oceans. A number of the blank books sent out to ‘merchant vessels in the previous year were returned to the office with the information desired. After completing the lines of deep-sea soundings across the Atlantic, the Essex, Commander Schley, made an exam- ie ane ination of the Perches to the Rio de la Plata, and for- ee AD Tirta Ont warded the results to the Office. Establishment of a department of Tone tiades in the Office Publications of the Office Plan of issuing quarterly state- ments adopted. Naval TeSBels encouraged make Stara &c. 46 The important and accurate work accomplished by Lieu- tenant Commander Green, and the party under his clarge, in determining longitudes by telegraph, induced the Hydrog- rapher to establish a “* Department of Longitudes” in the” Hydrographic Office. The object of this department was — to verify the results of observations made for determining ~ the geographical positions of places the latitudes and lon-— gitudes of which were uncertain or unknown. 4 Sailing directions were published during the year for “The ~ Mediterranean Sea, comprising the Coasts of Tunis, Sar-— dinia, the Sicily and Malta Channels, Lipari Islands, Island ~ of Sicily, Strait of Messina, and the Coasts of Tripoli, Egypt, — and Syria,” compiled by Lieut. Commander H. H. Gorringe, — and Lieut. Seaton Schroeder; also a “List of Reported : Dangers to Navigation in the Baciia. South of the Equator,” | compiled by Lieut. J. E. Pillsbury. Of the eleven charts — published, six were engraved and five lithographed. Ex- tensive corrections were also made upon the plates of charts. 4 previously published. q FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1880. During the year, 1880, the Hydrographer adopted the plan | of issuing quarterly statements of the operations of the Of- | fice. By an act of May 3, 1880, an appropriation of $11,000 was passed for preparing and publishing the surveys of the | Amazon and Madeira Rivers and their approaches; also one of $12) 000 for preparing and publishing the surveys of the Pacific coast of Mexico. i Work was still continued on the Meteorological Charts of the North and South Atlantic Oceans; and in addition to hydrographic information regularly forwarded by our naval — vessels, data for the construction of such charts were re-— ceived from a greatly increased number of merchantmen. — One of the chief aims of the Hydrographic Office being to render the United States independent of foreign Govern-— ments, by publishing its own charts and sailing directions, — our men-of-war, in the absence of appropriations for the ; employment of regular surveying vessels, are encouraged to make special surveys and explorations at every oppor- | tunity, in addition to their strictly naval duties. As the | results of these surveys and investigations accumulated general charts of portions of the North Atlantic, Pacific, 47 and Indian Oceans had been, from time to time, issued by the Office. The preparation was begun, in 1880, of similar Preparations navigating charts of the South Atlantic upon a seale uni- pt eencmteharte form with the general charts already published. As these antigo’ “* charts of the South Atlantic were successively issued they were substituted for those printed from the plates originally purchased from the Messrs. Blunt. A copy ofa survey of the Sandwich, or Hawaiian, Islands, made by that Government, was received at the Office in 1880; as were also results of the survey of the west coast of Mexico, from Mangrove Bluff to the Gulf of Fonseca, made by the Tuscarora, under Commander Philip. During the year sailing directions were published for ‘‘The Publications of West Coast of Mexico from the boundary line of the United Venn States to Cape Corrientes, including the Gulf of California,” compiled by Lieut. Samuel Belden; and a supplement to “Reported Dangers in the North Pacific,” by Commander William Gibson. Only five charts were published during the year—four lithographed and one engraved—nearly the entire force having been engaged in correcting plates. On the 14th of July, 1880, Capt. J. C. P. de Krafft was captain de ordered to take charge of the Hydrographic Office, and on Bu inceishon the same date he relieved Captain Franklin as Hydrog- rapher. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1881. During 1881, the hydrographic work performed by our vessels on the several stations was greatly increased over preceding years. But the meagerness of the appropriation made for carrying on the work of the Office rendered it necessary to adhere mainly to the cheap process of repro- ducing charts by photolithography. ‘This method, while costing less for the first issue of the charts, ultimately proved to be more expensive than that of engraving, since the engraved plates could be readily corrected, from time to time, while any extensive change in a chart produced by the former process required a new issue. The list of vessels from which hydrographic information Reports of sur- was received at the Office during 1881, comprises nearly ee eae all the ships that were then cruising. The Tuscarora and the Ranger, successively under Commander Philip, did im- portant surveying work on the west coast of Mexico, and A8 Discove ny: of @ made extensive soundings in the Gulf of California. One of eee the results of the surveys and investigations made by these vessels was the discovery of a good anchorage at Agua Verde Bay, in the Gulf of California. The Jamestown, successively under Commanders Beardslee and Glass, cruising in Alas- kan waters, forwarded numerous reports of investigations and surveys made along the coasts in the vicinity of Sitka. eupiscovery Of 2 ‘The Alert, Commander Huntington, attached to the China oe eam’ es" Squadron, while engaged in searching for reported dangers and surveying unknown islands off the southeastern coast of Japan, discovered an active submarine volcano. The bottom of the sea, in a region where previously there had been deep water, was found to be hove up in some places to within 5 fathoms of the surface. The Swatara, Commander Sampson, also attached to the China Squadron, forwarded surveys of a reef in the Inland sea of Japan, directions for entering the port of Vladivo- stock, and information concerning shoals in the harbors of Amoy and Hakodadi. The Lackawanna, Captain Chandler, furnished important data regarding the positions of some of the Pacific islands, notably of the Marquesas and Samoan groups, as well as the results of investigations and surveys of reported dan- gers, and directions for entering the principal harbors of several of the islands. The Alaska, Capt. George Brown, and afterwards under Captain Belknap, in addition to determining the geograph- ical positions of a number of islands in the South Pacific, made a series of deep-sea soundings in the adjacent waters, The Marion, Commander Bunce, in passing through the Straits of Magellan, collected valuable data concerning an- chorages in the Straits, and other information of interest to the navigator. The Adams, Commander Howell, forwarded the results of a survey of the port of Golfito, on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica; while the Kearsarge, Commander Picking, con- tributed hydrographic information concerning the Boca del Toro, on the Atlantic coast of the same country. Cre AU eae In the North Atlantic the Alliance, Commander Yates, ered reefs, &c. made an examination of recently-discovered reefs off the Virgin Rocks, on the Newfoundland banks, and in the ad- jacent waters, and the Saratoga, Commander Evans, for- warded the reports of a series of deep-sea soundings. In- 49 formation c»ncerning the ports of Tampico, Tuspan, and Vera Cruz, and notes on the changes that had taken place in the harbor of Pensacola, were also received from the Alliance, under Commander Yates. The Wyoming, Commander Watson, on the European Station, collected information concerning a number of Med- iterranean ports; and the Vandalia, Captain Meade, for- warded similar information in regard to numerous Weel India ports. At the beginning of the year a party had been organized Expedition sent out to determine in the Hydrographic Ottice for the purpose of continuing by telegraph the the determination of longitudes by telegraph. This party 5 teers was again placed under the command of Lieut. Commander eye F. M. Green, who had been for some time in charge of the Department of Longitudes of the Office. The Palos, attached to the Asiatic Squadron, was turned over to Lieutenant-Commander Green and his party, and by the close of 1881 they had established the geographical positions of a number of prominent places on the east coast of Asia and in the East India Islands. While all these reports had been received by the Hydro-_ Want of funds graphic Office, the want of adequate funds for that purpose properly thevwork had limited their publication. Only a comparative few of * "°°M* the results of surveys were published, such as the imme- diate needs of the commercial world imperatively demanded, and five-sevenths of the total number of these were produced by the cheap and unsatisfactory process of photolithog- raphy. In spite of the repeated and urgent appeals of the Hydrographer, the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, and the Secretary of the Navy, for reasonable appropriations for carrying on the work of the Office, the policy of Congress seemed to be to place the American naval and merchant ma- rine under the humiliating necessity of depending upon the hydrographic offices of foreign powers for the means of safely navigating the oceans. A comparison of the issues of the British and the French comparison of the number of hydrographic offices with those of our own for this year French and of shows that, while the British published two thousand seven wih curown hundred and fifty-five and the French three thousand one hundred and fifty-seven engraved charts, the United States sent out but two hundred and five. The results of impor- tant surveys, and the discovery of dangers to navigation, could not in justice to humanity be allowed to remain un- 11353 H o——4 50 Important in- announced; and hence such information, though first dis- formation _ for. warded to for covered he American vessels, and irse received by the SaNlcgoa cae for United States Hydrographic Office, was often forwarded wantoffunds. +9 the hydrographic offices of foreign Governments and by them made known to the world. iaapneaions of During the year there were published sailing directions for ‘‘ Kattegat Sound and the Great and Little Belts to the Baltic Sea,” compiled by Commander William Gibson; for ‘The Coast of Brazil from French Guiana to Rio Janeiro,” translated by Lieut. H. H. Gorringe, with a supplement, ex- tending from Rio Janeiro to the Rio de la Plata, by Lieut. Seaton Schroeder; also a set of ““Aretic Azimuth Tables for parallels of latitude between 70° and 88°,” by Lieutenants Schroeder and R. Wainwright. Thirty-six charts were pub- lished, of which fifteen were engraved and twenty-one lith- ographed. Among those engraved were several of the sur- vey in the Pacific by the officers of the Tuscarora. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUN 30, 1882. Increased de. Lhe growing demand for charts and other publications era Hydro- of the Hydrographic Office, together with the activity of publications. our naval vessels in making surveys and forwarding the data for publication, entailed upon the Office constantly in- creasing labors. International 0 international system of exchange of hydrographic pei exthic eine information, and the energy with which foreign Govern- By drosraphie in-ments were carrying on extended surveys and investiga- tions, kept the Office in constant receipt of reports of dis- covered dangers and changes. The labor of keeping cor- rected to date the charts, chart- plates, sailing directions, and light-lists, and of preparing new charts, issuing Hydro- graphic Notices, Notices to Mariners, &c., was so great that the small force which the limited appropriation permitted to be employed proved entirely inadequate. As a conse- quence, results of surveys and information of the highest importance to the commercial world remained in the Office unpublished. As far as the appropriations permitted, the engraving of charts was continued ; and in cases where the want of funds made this impossible, and yet the demand for the charts required their immediate issue, recourse was still had to the process of photolithography. 51 One of the most important surveys made by our vessels Survey of Sam- during 1882 was that of Samana Bay, by Commander’ cs Bridgman and the officers of the Despatch. Some idea of the amount of labor involved in this survey may be obtained when it is known that within the space of three months, the officers of the Despatch measured 15,655 angles, and made 57,877 soundings extending over lines aggregating 2,603 miles in length. Up to 1882, of the whole west coast of North and South America, from Cape Horn to the Arctic Ocean, only a single chart had been issued by the Hydrographic Office, and that chart embraced a coast line of less than 300 miles. Steps, however, had been taken at the Office in the preceding year to commence the issue of charts of the west coast of North America, and several of these were engraved and published in 1882. But the law restricting the operations of the Hydrographic Office to coasts and waters outside of the United States prevented, and at the present time (1886) still prevents, the publication of a connected series of these charts until the Coast Survey shall have completed its work on that coast. Valuable hydrographic work was accomplished in the Workin Arctic Arctic regions by the steamers Jeannette and Rodgers. Three new islands in the Siberian Arctic Ocean were dis- covered by Lieutenant Commander De Long, in the Jean- nette, and now bear the name of “De Long Islands,” in his honor; while Lieut. R. M. Berry, in the Rodgers, solved the problem of Wrangel Land by making a survey which proved it to be an isiand instead of an Arctic continent, as had been supposed. The results of this survey, and of investigations made in the Arctic Ocean on the northeast coast of Siberia, were published in the Hydrographic Office and communicated to foreign Governments. The Ranger, Commander Philip, continued the survey of the west coast of Mexico, and at the close of the year had nearly completed that arduous and extensive work. Com- mander Philip, in the Ranger, also made a prolonged but unsuccessful search for the so-called Reed Rocks, sup- posed to lie in the Pacific about 700 miles west of San Francisco. On the Asiatic Station the Alert, Commander Hunting- oo su ton, finished the work of surveying a number of islands, by uaval vessels. and investigating reported dangers off the southeast coast 52 eee ararioes of Japan. The geographical position of some of these re- continued. ported dangers, whose latitude and longitude were doubt- ful, were definitely established; while the existence of others was disproved. Rear-Admiral Clitz, commanding the Asiatic Station, forwarded to the Office the results of a survey of Okosiri Island, Japan, made by the British. The Alliance, Commander Wadleigh, transmitted valua- ble information on the currents, tides, winds, &e., of the coast of Iceland. The Shenandoah, Captain Kirkland, forwarded data veri- fying previous surveys of the basin of the Rio de la Plata; and the Brooklyn, Captain Weaver, furnished information in regard to obstructions to navigation in the harbor of Montevideo. Reports from From the European Station, hydrographic reports were Cae Sta- received from the Quinnebaug, Commander Farquhar, con- cerning a number of ports on the east shore of the Medi- terranean ; from the Galena, Commander Bacheller, on Al- exandria, Gibraltar, and the ports of the west coast of Mo- — rocco; and from the Trenton, flag-ship of the station, Cap- | tain Ramsay, a report of an error in the longitude of the Balearic Islands. The Essex, Commander McCormick, discovered errors in the sailing-directions for the west coast of Africa, and for- warded data for their correction. A survey of the Boca del Toro, on the east coast of Costa Rica, was made by officers of the Vandalia, Captain Meade, and information was also received from that vessel regard- ing various ports of the West Indies. Other reports on harbors, positions of wrecks, and changes in buoys, lights. &e., in the West India Islands, on the east coast of Mexico, Central America, and on the Gulf coast of the United States were transmitted to the Office from the Kearsarge, Commander G. B. White; the Adams, Com- mander Merriman; and the Yantic, Commander Woodward. The Marion, while on her visitto Heard Island, torescuethe crew of the American ship Trinity, made a chart of that island, including the adjacent Macdonald group of islets. Thirty-three charts were published during the year, of Publications of which twenty-three were engraved, four heliographed, and the Office. ra ° ; six lithographed. | ¥ j ; 4 bs! | * ‘ ; = 4 } 3 ; : Ss 53 Af the instance of the Hydrographer, a circular had been Girenlar_ sent sent out to United States consuls in foreign countries 1e- States.” sanste questing information concerning the magnetic and meteoro- nofie and’ mete, logical observations made by other countries; copies of reese! infor. newspapers, or publications containing notices of ship- wrecks, discovered dangers, changes in channels, light- houses, buoys, or beacons, &e., and in reply valuable data was received, through the State Department, from a num- ber of consuls at little known places. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1883. The unsatisfactory character or the charts produced by the process of photolithography, and the enormous labor entailed upon the Office by the necessity of keeping them corrected by aterations made by hand on each chart, caused the Hydrographer to decide to abandon that process as soon as possible. The matter was laid before Congress, and in August, 1882, an act was passed appropriating , Appropriation 4 i or the t fe $15,000 to begin the transfer of photolithographic charts of photolitho- to copper plates; also one of $14,000 to complete the sur- Etcanrerss ae vey of the west coast of Mexico. The work of engraving was at once commenced, and by the close of the year several of the finished plates had been received at the Office. Our naval vessels cruising on the several stations, con- tinued active in supplying hydrographic information to the Office. The Ranger, Commander Philip, the only vessel engaged Reports of sur- almost exclusively as a surveying ship, continued to for- by naval aa ward the results of the survey of the west coast of Mexico. On the Pacific Station the Lackawanna, Captain Henry Wilson, reported the non-existence of a supposed danger in the South Pacific; the Pensacola, Captain Fyffe, and the Hartford, Captain Carpenter, forwarded valuable data re- garding the Straits of Magellan and the west coast of South America. The latter vessel also made a survey of Caroline Island in the South Pacific, and the Iroquois, Com- mander J. H. Sands, reported information concerning the coast of Ecuador. ()n, the European Station, the Lancaster, Captain Gher- adi, communicated hydrographic matter regarding the har- bor of Cadiz; the Juniata, Commander Harrington, for- piscovery of a warded information of a rock in the Red Sea; and the £20k @ the Red 54 Quinnebaug, Commander Ludlow, sent a report on the Cape Verde Islands, and also information concerning the west coast of Africa. eee GSE St On the Asiatic Station, the Ashuelot reported the erec- Coperys the tion of a light on Volcano Islands, off the coast of China; theIndianUcean. and the Enterprise, Commander Barker, en route to that station, made a series of deep-sea soundings in the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, and in the Mozambique Channel, together with observations for dip and magnetic Fannin fom er U of sur- On the North Atlantic Station, the Vandalia, Captain Wallace, furnished information on the West Indies and on the anchorage in Beaufort River, South Carolina; the Alliance, Commander A. V. Reed, transmitted hydrographic matter concerning ports of the West Indies, and the results of a survey of Paunco River, in Mexico; the Kearsarge, Com- mander Bridgman, communicated valuable data on the West Indies; the Yantic, Commander Wildes, examined Manor Rock, in the Gulf of Florida; the Powhatan, Capt. A. W. Johnson, surveyed a shoal off Cartagena; and the Tallapoosa, Commander A. G. Kellogg, investigated An- tonio Knoll. On the South Atlantic Station, the Brooklyn, Captain Weaver, forwarded information in regard to Santa Cruz, Patagonia, and lights of La Plata River; the Essex, Commander McCormick, furnished hydrographic data on the west coast of South America; and the Galena, Com. mander Bacheller, transmitted information on La Plata River, and ashoal off Colonia. The training-ship Saratoga communicated a report on the harbor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Urona Passage. een ee auons or The publications for the year were sailing directions for “The Mediterranean Sea, comprising the Gulf of Gioja to Cape Santa Maria di Leuca, south coast of Italy, the Adri- atic Sea, Ionian Islands, the coasts of Albania and Greece to Malea, with Cerigo Island, including the Gulfs of Patras and Corinth;” “The Straits of Magellan,” translated by Commodore J. C. P. de Krafft, and Commander William Gibson, and a set of ‘“‘Azimuth Tables for parallels of latitude between 61° N. and 61° S.,” computed by Lieut. W. H. H. Southerland. Of the fifty charts published by the Office during the year, fourteen were engraved and thirty-six OES OS a ES fe eee ee ee a ae ae D5 heliographed. Among those engraved were six sheets of the South Pacific Ocean series. FKISOAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1884, On the 30th of June, 1883, Commander J. R. Bartlett as- sumed control of the Office, relieving Commodore de Krafft. Inthe Admiralty Chart Room of the Office it had been the practice, upon the receipt of a new edition of a British chart, to correct from it, with pen and ink, all the copies of former editions stored in the room. The great number of these new editions issued annually by the British Hydro- graphic Office rendered the constant correction of the charts a colossal work, while the cost of making by hand the required alterations was often many times that required for the pur- chase direct from the British Admiralty of a copy of the new edition itself. Accordingly, soon after taking charge of the Office, the new Hydrographer determined, as a matter ef economy of labor and money, to abandon the system of hand correction, except in cases where the necessary changes were small. For like reasons it was deemed desirable to restrict the reproduction of foreign charts to processes that permitted the corrections to be made on the piates, and to confine such reproductions to charts embracing waters most frequented by American vessels. To bring the nautical information furnished by the Hy- drographie Office within easier reach of ship-masters and Sea-faring men in general, branch offices were established _in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia; and also additional agents for the publications of the Office were appointed in several of the principal sea-ports, where previously a single agent had enjoyed a monopoly of their sale. The Branch Hydrographic Offices were usually located in the buildings occupied by the Maritime Exchanges, and were each placed in charge of a naval officer. Ship-masters and others interested in navigation were invited to bring their charts to these branch offices for comparison and correction, and many who availed themselves of the offer discovered that the charts they were then using were full of dangerous errors. Through the branch offices merchant captains were enabled more readily to secure the latest publications of the main Office, and to obtain information upon all subjects of a nautical character. Commander Bartlett ordered as Hy drographer. Hand correc- tion ofcharts,and the reproduction of foreign charts restricted. Establishment of Branch Hy- drographic Of- ces. Utility of the Branch Offices. 56 aay asetre The Hydrographic Notices and Notices to Marmers were Noheosiand Ne. consolidated under the name of the latter. Prior to the establishment of the branch offices many of these notices had failed to reach the persons most concerned; but they were now brought into direct contact with the commercial Inarine, and their value was thus greatly enhanced. The ~ demand for them was consequently increased, while the number issued and the field over which they extended were enormously expanded by the establishment of a system of mutually exchanging such notices with every office or de- partment of other countries in any way likely to receive hydrographic information. a as On December 1 of this year the monthly issue of ‘ Pilot begun. Charts of the North Atlantic Ocean,” was commenced. Information These charts show graphically all information relating to Brae kee navigating the North Atlantic, collated irom the reports received at the main Office during the preceding month— such as the positions of all wrecks and drifting buoys; the number and locality of icebergs, waterspouts, whales, We. ; the limits of the N. HE. trade winds; the prevailing winds, their force and direction; the locality of calms and their du- ration; the position of fishing fleets; the prevailing cur- — rents; the tracks of cyclones, and directions for avoiding — their centers. Upon these data predictions for the en- suing month were based, and represented graphically upon the charts, showing the routes steamers should take in order to keep clear of fishing fleets and icebergs; the best sailing routes between New York and the Equator, also between the Equator and Europe; and a résumé of the Notices to Mariners issued during the preceding month. The latest editions of these charts give, also, testimony in regard to the use of oil to lessen the effect of very heavy and danger- ous seas, with a description of the manner of employing it. Experience has shown the issue of the Pilot Charts to have been one of the most felicitous works of the Office. Merchant captains, as they recognized the value of these charts, began to co-operate heartily in the labor of collect- Weekly supple ing and forwarding information. The demand for the charts | Charts issued. increased enormously, and to supply the growing want fer such a bulletin, corrected to the latest practicable date, it was soon found necessary to issue a weekly supplement. Other changes and improvements were introduced in the various divisions of the Office during this year. ee EN oe a OS ee ee ee Se Pat: ee te ed a yt i EE a! es | eee Oe ee ee 57 In the Division of Drafting and Engraving, where a considerable force was kept employed in correcting chart plates, the plan was adopted of ‘ charging all information, as soon as it comes in, against each chart affected,” so that each chart keeps an open account with all sources of in- formation, as well as with the draftsmen and engravers who work upon it. “Standards for borders, titles, letter- ing”, &e., were adopted, and ‘‘in giving out contracts to engravers they are required to make all work conform ex- Standards for actly to the standard, thus leaving nothing to individual ar edgpbedene tastes, which always causes undesirable variety.” (Report of the Hydrographer, 1884.) The practice of making electrotype copies of the engraved copper plates, and thus preserving the plates themselves from the wear of constant __ , ,Plectrotypes use in printing, was adopted in the Office, while the costly graved plates. plan of correcting the British Admiralty charts by hand was discontinued, and new editions of such charts were pur- chased as soon as issued. Prior to this year the Admiralty charts had been bought from dealers in London at nearly 25 per cent. increase over the Admiralty prices; but the purchases were now made direct from the duly authorized _ Change made : : if 3 B in the method of agent for the sale of Admiralty publications. The issuing oligiting EuIRSi list of books furnished to naval vessels was overhauled and Gum 68 obsolete books were replaced by new works. New and greatly improved Meteorological charts of the North Atlan- ne Aletoorg: tic were issued, showing graphically for each month of the sued. year, and for each section of the ocean, the winds, weather, temperature, currents, &e., that may be expected in that region by the mariner. The practical value of the Branch Hydrographic Offices located in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, organized in the first half of the fiscal year, was soon so apparent to ship-masters, Owners, underwriters, and others interested in ocean commerce that they petitioned for similar estab- lishments in other large cities; and, accordingly, branches were opened in San Francisco, New Orleans, and Baltimore. The hydrographic work performed by our naval vessels during the year was of great importance. Only one vessel, however, was engaged exclusively in surveying work. This _Reportsof sur- ° F veys, &c, made ship, the Ranger, successively under Commanders J. W. by naval vessels. Philip and C. EH. Clark, continued the survey of the west coast of Mexico and Central America, from the Gulf of Fon- seca to San Juan del Sur. - the Office. 58 Reportsofsur- Reports, giving hydrographic or important nautical in- veys, &c., made : Sia 5 z by naval vessels. formation on ports visited during the year, were received from the Brooklyn, Captain Weaver; the Richmond, Cap- tain Skerrett; the Hartford, Captain Carpenter; the Lan- caster, Captain Potter; the Shenandoah, Captain Norton; the Lackawanna, Capt. A. P. Cooke; the Vandalia, Cap- tain Wallace; the Alliance, Commander A. V. Reed; the Wachusett, Commander Mahan; the Nipsic, Commander Seeley ; the Ossipee, Commander McGlensey ; the Monoc- acy, Commander Higginson, and afterwards under Com- mander Cotton; the Kearsarge, Commander Bridgman ; the Essex, Commander McCormick; the Enterprise, Com- mander Baker; the Swatara, Commander Cooper; the Yan- tic, Commander Wildes; the Iroquois, Commander J. H. Sands; the Juniata, Commander Harrington; the Quinne- baug, Commander Ludlow ; the Adams, Commander Cogh- lan; the Jamestown, Commander Gridley; and the Pinta, Lieutenant Commander Caldwell. The Coast Survey steamer Hassler, Lieutenant Commander Nichols, furnished hydrographic information concerning Alaskan waters; and the Fish Commission steamer Alba- tross, Lieutenant Commander Tanner, forwarded the results of deep-sea soundings, observations for currents, tempera- tures, specific gravity of sea-water, &c., taken in the North Atlantic. Publications of Sailing directions for ‘‘ The Coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador,” compiled by Lieut. W. W. Gilpatrick and Ensign John Gibson, were published during the year, together with twenty-six charts, of which four were engraved and twenty-two heliographed. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1885. The greatly increased work of the Hydrographic Office during the preceding fiscal year involved a corresponding increase of office room required by the various divisions; and, as no additional space was available in the building for Removalof Di-the State, War, and Navy Departments, a special appro- visions of Plates Bh on < eae Frinting, priation of $1,200 was made by Congress for the rent of and o rafting : Beene : eens and Engraving, a Suitable office for the Division of Plates and Printing to corner .f New ee F : York avenuoand AL building was accordingly rented, situated at the corner eventcocont street, avd their of New York avenue and Seventeenth street, Northwest ; onsolidation in- : Nie ot to the Division of 2d in July, 1385, the Divisions of Plates and Printing, and Chart-Construc- : gon. Of Drafting and Engraving, were transferred to it, and soon 59 after combined under the name of the “ Division of Chart- Construction.” This building, though the most convenient that could have been obtained at the time of its selection, has proven since to be ill-adapted for the delicate work of engraving and printing charts on account of lacking the requisite light and stability. A number of important improvements were made in the Improvement Office during the year. A change of the compasses upon SuRGStee a charts was effected by dividing the true compass into de- grees instead of points. A systematic plan was adopted in the construction of Uniform scale charts, so that, as far as practicable, all harbor-charts were eee oe Mae made upon -the same scale. No magnetic variation charts having been published by the United States, the Hydrographic Office has been hith- erto wholly dependent upun those issued by the British Admiralty. During this year an independent collection Cotection of [ : i som & of data was begun, with the object of preparing an Amer- GivteaSintus va ican series of such charts. The work of investigating and "0" Ch" compiling a list of accurate geographical positions was com- menced for use as Standard reference-meridians in the con- struction of new charts. Changes were made in the designations of two of the Chart Division A‘(dlmiral- divisions of the Office, in order that their names might more i GineRcom hangeil t- clearly indicate the character of the work performed in them, {vel 1», Division viz: the “Chart Division” became the “ Division of Supply” oF Sonny ae and the Admiralty Chart-Room the ‘“ Division of Issue.” The growing appreciation of the importance of tae work Increase in the of the Hydrographic Office to the sea-faring world was shown Seon Ones during the year by the constantly increasing demands for PO E"s its publications. Merchant captains evinced their interest in furthering the objects of the Office by eagerly contribut- ing hydrographic information obtained on their voyages; and, in some cases, even cabled from Europe to the Office, at their own expense, accounts of storms or wrecks encoun- tered in crossing the Atlantic. During the year a set of Index-charts of the world WAS complete sctof designed and published, showing graphically the exact bn chod Tee region embraced by each general sailing chart printed by the Hydrographic Office, as well as the ‘“‘chart number” by which it is known. 60 j mprovements Much time and labor were saved by changes introduced Books. in the Division of Books, where were kept the nautical works. issued to vessels, aS well as nearly a thousand volumes of books of reference. The issuing-list of books furnished to: ships was revised; the books to be issued to vessels were placed upon separate shelves, and systematically arranged, and the work was begun of making a complete catalogue and abstract of the books of reference. Previous to this year the want of proper printing facili- ties made it necessary to send to the Government Printing Office, for publication, all Notices to Mariners, &c., and the pressure of other public business in that office frequently Purchase of 2 caused unavoidable delays in their issue. The acquisition Cente of Of a cylinder printing-press in March, 1885, greatly facili- nue: tated the work of the Hydrographie Office, and enabled the prompt issue of Notices to Mariners, and other urgent nau- tical information. | Ship-masters were not slow in perceiving the practical value of such information, and the demand for it rapidly increased. . La aa The Notices to Mariners were also printed on an improved the paper of the quality of light paper, in order to increase their durability ea and lessen the expense of postage; and, to bring them into contact with a still larger circle of merchant captains, Weekly «ai. weekly editions of the notices were kept on file in all United tions of the No- tices to Mariners States Consulates and in the business houses of the princi- issued and kept on file in @. §. pal shipping-merchants in every prominent sea-port of the consulates, &c. world. New and greatly improved chart-lists for each squadron. were issued during the year to all cruising naval vessels, and proved to be of much utility to navigators in handling and keeping a record of the ship’s charts. date beau & Data regarding the use of oil to lessen the danger to ves- Stal ee sels in heavy seas was collected, as was hydrographie in- pee formation of every kind that could in any way be of service to sea-faring men. Computations were made in the Office, and the work of engraving begun, for a set of gnomonic charts, covering the great oceans of the globe. They were designed by Mr. G. Herrle, and afford the navigator unusual facilities for finding the Great Circle course and distance between any two points, A Great Circle protractor, designed by Commander Sigsbee,, sae iin St tn 1 at hae aa a eeeeyee el eel el wi rie ind Ah nee ES a a ee ee a a ———— 61 and furnishing a graphical method of solving most of the problems of navigation, was also prepared and engraved. Investigations were made of numerous reported dangers, many of which were found to have no existence and were removed from the charts, while the geographical positions of others were discovered to be wrong. Notwithstanding the adoption of the policy of limiting the tedious and unsatisfactory method of correcting charts by hand to charts that required but small changes, the rapid extension of the field of usefulness of the Office brought a corresponding increase in the sources from which informa- tion was obtained, so that the work of hand-correcting was still one of considerable magnitude. — Cae oine kee Examinations and catalogues were made of original re- eee original ports of surveys and other papers containing hydrographic information that had accumulated from year to year in the Office. The popularity of the Meteorological Charts of the North Atlantic kept the small force of officers that could be detailed for the duty constantly occupied in the labor of collecting and preparipg data for their construction, while the work on those of the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans was neces- sarily suspended for want of sufficient force to carry it on. j.opamess of The branch offices, now firmly established upon a work- the branch of- ing basis, proved reciprocally valuable both to the main Office and to the commercial world. They served as agen- cies for the dissemination of hydrographic matter of every kind, and became veritable bureaus of nautical information for merchant captains, ship-owners, marine insurance com- panies, and persons of every class engaged in ocean navi- gation. The officers in charge of them were brought directly in contact with sea-faring men and were thus enabled to collect and forward to the main Office a vast amount of data for the benefit of the commercial world that otherwise might not have been secured. Every vessel that entered a port was boarded by an officer from the local branch office and inquiries were made regarding the general weather the vessel had encountered on her voyage, the limits of the trade winds, location of ice, fogs, water-spouts, wrecks, drifting buoys, Xe. Merchant captains evinced their appreciation of the ob- Mercnant cap- tains show their jects of the Office by their uniform courtesy and their wil- appreciation | of - A A 5 5 g - the worl: t lingness in all cases to furnish every assistance in theiroric. 9 62 power. Many brought their meteorological instruments to the branch offices for comparison and correction, in order that their information might be more valuable to the Office in the future. The latest additions of standard charts were kept atall — the branch offices, and ship-masters availed themselves of the opportunity to make needed corrections to their own. To still further enhance their value to the commercial ‘Vime-balls es: Marine, time-balls were established at the branch offices in Etec Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, and San Francisco, thus enadling merchant captains to rate their chronometers. by an easy and accurate method. Reports of sur- Reports of surveys, soundings, investigations of supposed Toi vaoree dangers, or information concerning other hydrographical subjects were received from the Hartford, Captain Perkins; the Wachusett, Commander Mahan; the Lackawanna, Capt. A.P. Cooke; the Shenandoah, Captain Norton; the.Yantie, Commander Wildes; the Iroquois, Commander Sterling; the Nipsic, Commander Seeley; the Essex, Commander Mc- Cormick; the Powhatan, Captain Beardslee; the Ranger, Commander C. EB. Clark; the Swatara, Commander Wiltze; the Alliance, Commander Lewis Clark ; the Tennessee, Cap- tain Stanton; the Alert, Commander Barclay; the Juniata, Commander Harrington; the Palos, Lieutenant-Commander Nelson; the Kearsarge, Commander Bridgman, as well as. from the Fish Commission steamer Albatross, Lie utenant- Commander Tanner, and the Light-house tender Madrnio». Reports of Ex- The results of extensive explorations in Northern Alaska plorations in Alaska. were sent to the Office by Lieutenant Stoney, white reports of numerous dangers to navigation, and other important. maritime information were forwarded by the merchant cap- tains through the various branch offices. -eulaieniogs of During this year there were prepared and published in the Office sailing directions for ‘‘The Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico,” by Lieut. W. W. Gilpatrick; ‘* Light Lists of the East and West Coasts of North and South America, the West Indies, and Pacific Islands ;” of the ‘North, Baltic, and WhiteSeas, including the Coasts of Denmark, Russia, Prus- sia, Sweden, and Norway;” of the ‘‘British Isles, the Atlantic Coast of Europe, including France, Belgium, and Holland;” of the ‘‘ Mediterranean Sea, including the Adriatic, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azof;” of the “ West, South, and East Coasts of Africa, the East India Islands, China, Japan, 63 Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand;” and a pamphlet , Publications of the Office—Con- on “‘ West India Hurricanes,” by Lieut. George L. Dyer. Orftinued. the fifty-four charts published thirty-two were engraved, two photolithographed, and thirty heliographed. Among those engraved were four sheets each of the China Sea, South Pacific Ocean, and Magellan Straits series, and two sheets of the North Atlantic series. Table showing the average number of officers on duty in the Hydrographic Office during each year. Average Average Average || Average Year. mumberof Yesr. jmumberof!| Year. |numberof|; Year. |numberof officers. officers. officers. officers. 1866...-.-. 3 {| evalseooee 6 || 1876....-. 16 || 1881 21 DY Cees BH) ksi eee 9 || 1877..--.. 16 || 1882 21 1868...-.-- Pel Stee ces WDE WW WerSeeéese 16 || 1883..... 22 1869...... 4 || 1874.... 15) ese ace 21 I 188422222 16 ST Obe aera 7 \\) Weve eases 14 || 1880...... 23 || 1885..... 18 INDEX. A. Page. Adniiralty charts, British, change in manner of purchasing ...-............ 57 charts-room established in Hydrographic Office ..-......-.-.... 20 Adams, John Quincy, endeavors to found an astronomical observatory ...... 10 Adams, Lieut. H. A., recommended for Superintendent of Depot of Charts EAU MS LIUNINE IGS tale ssioefa ayeeie aiache cian sc eacial aes sedsemieeie nes ceuloes Seciieese 9 Agents appointed for sale of Hydrographic Office publications..........-... 20 ‘Alden, Commodore James, order of, reorganizing Hydrographic Office. .--.... 21 Appropriation for establishing an astronomical observatory, failure to secure. il asked for, to purchase suitable building for Hydrographic COPEL GS) ra Ge HAA am AO SUR ae a as aie 41 made for transfer of photolithographed charts to copper plates. 53 Astronomical instruments obtained for Depot -.-...-..-....----.------ eee 10 Auooraphy imtroduced in Office: .- 22 .2scc. 22.0 22. - es cence caee cece ce cceses = 21 B. Bancroft, Hon. George, Secretary of the Navy, first volume of astronomical observations issued under authority of ........-..---.. 2.2222 ---222 eeeeee- 15 Bartlett, Commander John R., translation and compilation by ......-......- 43 ordered as Hydrographer....-.....-.-..----. 55 Belden, Lieut. Samuel, compilation by.-.........--.-..------------ Br isms 47 Blunt, Messrs. E. and G. W., purchase of engraved plates from......--.---- 19 Books, list of, kept in archive department. _._...... 22.0. ----2-seseceseecee 25, 26 blank, requesting hydrographic information, sent out to merchant- TOBIN Gosh SSG be SEN COU ARE Gen SRO SE eT eIEU AEs atte oo eta ee marta te 44 libranyerulessmrevard. tOl wees ees) seecine Seco c att es ce eee el ees 28 ANS CHOMROLPKES DINO reese Cee seals a Mola a siete a cis Selah eit eleven sisi Seele clen's 27 obsolete, disposition to be made of -...---..-.--. -.-.-.------------- 27 persons taking, to be responsible for -.....-...-..-..---- .----- --- ee 27 Branch, Hon. John, Secretary of the Navy, letter addressed to, advocating founding of a Depot of Charts and Instruments............-.---- 4 Branch hydrographic offices, establishment of ..--....---.----------------- 59 inch arcevOlnavalOliCerswea: = sacsas toes soos otc ae cece esisaes 55 time-balls established at... .. 022... 20. - 2. econ eee nee ee eee cee woes 62 SCLIN ESS) O feeaenin mec tos mat lina Gos Were Coa ok a hee eee 55, 57, 61 usual location of ...-...----..-.--...---. eee eas, ciate aya SRO rayne Se 55 WOE Gils 55 So SISO CSE ROI ke 2 UCR ee pear a ga ROOT 61, 62 Bureaus established in Navy Department .......----...----.----- 2222+ ---- 13 Page. C. : Catalogue made of original surveys................--.-..-.2----.--. feaviee See 61 Chauvenet, W., appointed member of the board to estimate value of en- graved alkveae wicinanlshahnl efminniaie'lsite)aalni ole) aa ote larel sie leveia/t) nia iui wes eye acd na) yan ae SR 18 Chenery, Lieut. L.; compilations by 22/5395 00)) eee 38 Chronometers, Sei of care in rating, &c., prior to establishment of Depot.. 5 glaring mistake in ie of, discovered after sailing ._... Soocc 5 trial of, to be made in Depot prior to their purchase+2) 22 7 Charts, construction of, authorized by, Congress. 552 2422-4 17 compass-stations, publication ‘of..2--..-2-_. 2... 2.) ee 17 compass, Improvements madein:-. 252522245. 59 comparison of number of French and of English neni with our own. 49 engraved, first production ofees, --sa2s= 5 =e.) Sees 10 engraved between 1844 and 1861, number of...............--...--.. 15 engraving of, prevented by want of funds..................---..... 37 foreign, to be reduced to meridian of Greenwich ................... general sailing, preparations to issue for South Atlantic......_..... 46 gnomonic, computations made for........-... 2222.22 eee ceca ee ones 60 index, seb of, published <2... -225-l\ shee. e= as | ee 59 meteorological, issued: 2-0: 4 s2 seeee ase 1 ee 45 NEW ISSUE Of jose Lk as een ee 57 PHOS ni ete aels ta sr Set ee Re le er 56 uniform! scale.of, adopted 225-2 2. -2e:aces 22, ol 59 variation, collection of data begun..--......:.:..--.--.2. 2.0 eee 59 whale;collection of data for... 2.22225... 2. 14 firstissueofoso 26.5. ease. oalnlelete)(eimaale &/s\a(cte c= lee ea 14 wind and current, first issue of 2.95. 200..) 14 charts included under the general name of ....... 14 information: given iby -.+2/..42...) 5. eee 14 regions covered by 2.03512. .52 7/5). 3) eee 14 number issued) 22)i5.0 3 Sir..ce).: 15 collection of data discontinued .................. 35 Civilian establishment increased 235225225 +.5222 6222-- a 20 Congress opposes establishment of astronomical observatory..........--.--. 10 Consuls, United States, circular seat out to, requesting hydrographic inform- ation 2225-2 ee ae See eee We le pen ee he ee a 53 Coast-Survey, relations with Hydrographic Office .......................... 45 Coghlan, Lieutenant-Commander J. B., translation by ........-.....-.-.-.- 36 Columbia, District of, permanent Depot to be located in.................... 12 Commissioners, Board of Navy, recommend the establishment of Depot of Charts and Instruments: 2222.2 2.7.) 2 eee 34 dissolved. ...2.2.5022-5 ee i 13 recommend establishment of permanent Depot ............- 11 D. Davis, Rear-Admiral C. H., becomes Superintendent of Depot..........---- 17 De Krafft, Capt. J.C. P., ordered as Hydrographer............-----.--seecee 47 Dyer, Lieut, George L.,’ pamphlet by .: 22 232 age. 222 -. 63 a ee eee : a DI th 67 Depot of Charts and Instruments, established ............2. 2.222. eee eee eee attached to Bureau of Ordnance and Hy- CLO Dara Liyde eetetiepwiclarcicla olewea are oar seisiets x civil war greatly increases duties of ...-.. Commander Gilliss becomes Superintend- five-inch transit instrument mounted in.. - instruments to be repaired in, &c........- naval officer to be in charge of.....- - new plans submitted for..-......--...-.-. new plans approved by Secretary of the INEINAY GUE GOS SRCAET ERC EOE Meee eae OL en a els ol ts ns Se oa cla wleibla permanent, establishment of -.....-.-...- permanent, transfer of books, charts, &c., to permanent, transfer of, to Bureau of Navi- permanent, location of....-....--...--..- report on interoceanic canals and railroads LSP ATS pm ey ee ere ee leat g removal of, to Pennsylvania avenue be- tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Streets mmonthwiesbien a seaj--= 2 rine) ee aloi E. Electrotypes made of engraved plates .-.-...-.--.---------- ----0----- -0e- Emmons, Commodore George F., assumes charge of Office........-.....-...- Exchange, international system adopted....-...-.-.-------.--------------- Explorations, reports of, made in Northern Alaska.....-.-.----..-..----.-- F. Fillebrown, Commander T. S., ordered to take charge of Office........... Sat Franklin, Capt. S. R., ordered as Hydrographer..---.. ...--....--..--------- relieved as Hydrographer ......--....--..-----.-22e0 G. Gedney, Lieut. T. R., recommended for Superintendent of Depot............ Gilliss, Lieut. James M., ordered to Depot as assistant.........-...----..-.- adopts policy of encouraging American instrument- MAKERS ee se ase pas Valco G esate sie oo owiehe calela 6 becomes Superintendent of Depot..-....-.--....... GERAD Cree ee oteee ae cone Oe Gade HACE eA SHEE aes ordered to prepare plans for new permanent Depot.. superintends construction of permanent Depot...--.. views of, regarding the Depot.............----.---- visits Europe in interest of Depot .....-.-...--.---- 13 57 21 50 62 18 47 47 oo 16 16 17 12 13 12 12 68 Gibson, Commancer William, compilations by......--..-.--...--------- eee. 47,50 Gibson; Ensien John, compilation by sees -en eee ee eee eee eee 58 Gilpatrick, Lieut. W.W., compilation by se. 9 9-- 4-22 2 eee eee eee 58 Goldsborough, Lieut. L. M., advocates founding a Depot of Charts and Instru- NAVE TNES See See cs ee ee Ue 4,5 detached from Depot ...-..-.-.-.-------------- 8 ordered to collect charts, instruments, &c., and transport them to Depot ---..--.----...------ 6 placed in charge of Depot....---...---.-2..---- 6 proposes to reduce foreign charts to the meridian of Greenwich oo00 5.0252. Sate ae eee 8 Gorringe, Lieut. Commander H. H. , compilations and translations by.. 36, 44, 46, 50 Gould, Drs) quotation tromess 22. = sees ea eee a eee tee 16 Green, Lieut. Commander F. M, cotipiation DY 2Sesieiise sot bebe ee a) H. Harrison, Capt. N. B., ordered to take charge of Office........-----.--- +++ 19 Herrle, G., gnomonic charts constructed by....-..----..------------~=----- 60 House, ‘‘Old Octagon,” selected for Office .......-....----- -.--2----------- 18 Hitchcock, Passed Midshipman R. B., ordered as assistant in Depot-..---..-.. a placed in temporary charge of Depot. 8 iydrographer, official titleot, created == 24) => = ase ee ee eee 21 adopts the plan of issuing quarterly statements of the opera- tions of the Office .22 5. 5 245. seco ee ss eae ee eee 46 duties and responsibilities of, defined ..--........-----...--. 21 duties:of assistant . 220-2 2 22250. eee ds See eee 24, 25, 28, 32 Hydrographic Office, established by name.-...-...--....---.-.-.------------ Liz departments of, and duties of each..-....-..-...----.-- 21-32 interest in, displayed by the public ..--......-.-.----- 39 TU CTE ASTIN Wy OT Kol Of ee eee a ae eee 58 iM Provementsyimye: sae. eases ee ee eee eee eee 57, 59, 60 objects Of 5255325225... Soe ease See 17, 34 publications of, since its establishment by name.-..21, 32, 34-39, 43-47, 51, 52, 54, 62, 63 removal of Departments of Plates and Printing and Drafting and Engraving to building at Seventeenth street and New York avenue .....-.-.-.- .oee sas eeneee relations with Coast Survey -.....--..----------- ---.- 45 transfer to ‘‘ Old Octagon House” ......-....---.-.---- 18 transfer to new building for Spee) War, and Navy De- JORIB MINIS 5 5655 S505 ee s5e5 s50ne6 nbs Horo cose Sete 45 © work-shop established in -......-.-.-.-------2c0 sences 19 I. Instruments, astronomical, obtained for Depot. ...... .-..2..--. ----02 «2c 10 founding of depot of charts and ........----...--.-----...2-4- 6 work-shop for repair of, established in Depot.-.-.--.---5...... 19 << wer 69 J. Page. Jenkins, Commodore Thornton A., pamphlet by...... 22. 222 ceccec voce coos 20 Journal, Meteorological, prepared in Office and issued....... 2.2.02 see sesees 36 L. Library to be attached to Archive Department. .-.... 2.2... 2... ,.ce0e ceceee 26 TET a TeataleaMye CUTS Oni ae esate ey gieesiel tee alobsiey Seale Miia ein iciaiwisic wwe tw cw'selccee ecceeecs 23, 24, 25 Light-house, lists of, to be kept in Archive Department. ................--+- 26 Lisbon, Royal Observatory of, selected as initial station for determining longi- Bem SVAN Dey neieme ete a eiaia ls erate iiaimlelae) Sc jainh aie eiaiejn\ajavcicescee cesses aceece 43 Mike PTESS, UTCHASE (OL = 2256 cs a0 ens -- 6. - 52 ccinls ete e cece eee ees cone 8 Longitude, Department of, established in office ............-....--..-.------ 46 Lyons, Lieut. T. A., meteorological charts constructed by ......-....-...--- 42 ¥ M. Mallory, Hon. Francis, advocates establishment of a permanent Depot.... -. 11 pity: Lieut, M. F., becomes superintendent of Depot .........-.....-..--.- 13 devoted to hydrographical subjects..--.....--...--.. 5 13 deserts bis post of duty and the naval service..--..--- 15 dismissed the Navy by order of the President.......... 16 Merenrolocicalichants cana oo se es wee encis wae se aceeic suelo cea ieecc ess « 39, 45, 57 AREOEIMIA i ONVOAVEN) Wise ice alesse cise icine cinias icine cw civic nic 2 + ee 42 OUT Pe ee ee eats crabs eel Se syamiai tain en latin tice in wa cisalcre alors 36 Merchantmen furnish information for charts, &c.......-....2-2.---2-2----- 14 NioiNermbiouts Ji. Wi, translations) Dy secs. cl. sco. bocce es ce chs ce cedeleoces 37 N. Navy, U. 8., the words to be engraved on all instruments belonging to the MAND SONUCOS HeetOs SAAMI Sees ae: SOO eee ies a eae a aah eee 7 Navy, Secretary of, requests names of officers then in the United States best fitted for Superintendent of Depot.....-...--.---------+---- 2-2 eee eee ee 8,9) Notices, Ey drographic, first issue Of — 22. 2-222. 2222). sce. ones ee cee coche 20 combination of Hydrographic Notices and Notices to Mariners under THAIN OH. WNC HET AE e too. oe Sa eoe Beoero eS tBoe See SOOO EEE Oe aE eer 56 foreign, to be carefully examined before reissue ...-.. .----. Te Sete 25 improvement in quality of paper used for .......---...----..------ 60 AVR eTH Ole SHUM eee tse een ee etat rccicele wia'aici cin iaa'e aoc s els ania 24 FOMMATIMETS ASS We Miser epee aetna pain iais acicleleisle (cicieis siclo/a/a\e sieiaiels\esieials 20 Tonbenimd orseduacene sa acne tena clecs snie cieleitieeciejs|e = sce ccuiscicacicce 25 weekly editions issued and kept on file in United States consulates, &c. 60 Crees ON Ce miele ema aa neh aria nels Sata cicieicicrala ale biacidae cicicic/t vies ciao waa'e 6, 7,9 O. Observatory, astronomical, unsuccessful efforts to establish -..--..---..---- 10 Royal, of Lisbon, selected as initial station for determining longitudes by telegraph ..--........ SugaleoBebaad ue ofccadae 43 Observations, Peoncaneal: HESH VOMMMeISSUCMissse occ el eine) ells cil === = 15 Officers, table showing average number on duty in Office ‘during each year.. 63 70 : Page. Oil, collection of data begun regarding the use of..--....--.----...-- Sehae : 60 _ pamphlet published on the use of .......----..---------- Sagas 2S 63 Ordnance and Hydrography, Bureau of, established ........---...----.----. 1183 P. Parker, Wieut. Wi. E.. compillationybyseessseee oe eee ee eee eee esses eee eee 36 Patterson, C. P., appointed member of board to estimate value of engraved Plates esc ae eee eee eta eS LB Sula Mn cae AOE Ne oe Shots Peterman, Doctor, papers of, translated .-..-.-.---..----..---------+- secees 74 232 Permanent Depot, establishment of..-...-...-.---------- Soha a) oars 1i Photolithography, process of, introduced in Office .-.--...---.---------- -- 32 unsatisfactory character of the charts produced by..-.--.- BB Pilot: Charts, first issue‘ot: 22. 2Wse Sane ae eee etna ee ae eS 56 information given by, <- \-ses- obese 2 Ce sere aeees eee eee 56 weeklyssupplements Issued) 2. - tenets ones eens eee eee 56 Plates) purchased from the Messrs, Blunt=2>- 5-4... 5-22 542-24 042 +25 eee ees 18 correction. of begun.22 2422) 022 eo eg oe Sel ee ee 19 Press, lithographic, purchase offs.j525 0-2-2. sso see eee oe ae oe ee eee 9 cylinder printing, purchase of ...--....--..-- foe hoe enc eee 60 Protractor, Great Circle, designed and published --..--...--.--- Beene can 60 R. Rodgers, Commodore John, president of Board of Navy Commissioners .. . -- 4 Ss. Sailing Directions, number of, issued to merchant vessels ..-....-..-..----- 15 Sandwich Islands, copy of survey of, received ......--....-------.--------- 47 Schroeder, Lieut. S., translations, computations, and compilations by .-..-. 44, 46, 50 Secretary of the Navy requests names of officers then in the United States best fitted for Superintendent of Depot.----....-..-..-..--22-------.----- 8,9 Simpson, Commodore E., assumes charge of the office.........-...---...---- 20 Surveys, catalogue made of original ..........-..--. ---..----.--e--- ceocecs 61 naval vessels encouraged to make. .......,..---. +--+ --0- 22002 ene 46 of the Pacific stopped for want of funds..-.-.-.....-......-...--.--. 40 TEPOLts Of 22 Joemis se o> eee 33, 3d, 36, 37, 42, 44, 45, 47, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 62 Ds Time-balls established at branch offices .... 2.2... 2-2 220. cons coe cece cee ene 62 Totten, Lieut. George M., translations by....-:-...-..----------.s00---- 2-2 37 Transijinshrument mounted in Depot .)-2.. sssse sos. se eee eee eee 2 Tyler, President, selects site for Depoties=: 3s. - se ces ones an seein eee 13 U. Upshur, Hon. A. P., Secretary of the Navy, indorses the recommendation of Board of,Commissioners {2222222225222 .2 cos bee eee oe eee ae ee eee 11 71 V. Van Nostrand, D., appointed member of a board to estimate value of en- Pee OUNT) LUC Steerer te tataleleretmaeineiwicleicl'sia (clo \n\n|vininieinc sine sac! sews cecr es scciecie Vessels, how supplied with charts, &c., prior to establishment of Depot. .... Ww. ' Wainwright, Lieut. R., arctic azimuth tables computed by............-...-. War, civil, causes greatly increased work in depot ....-..----..-.--2....0,- Wilkes, Lieut. Charles, recommended and ordered as Superintendent of Depot oe removes Depot to Capitol Hill..............2....... sent to Europe to purchase instruments...........-. Wyman, Capt. R. H., assumes charge of the Office..-.-..-.-.-.-........... letter of, to member of Congress.......:-.-.---....... letter of, to merchants and others in Philadelphia... .. recommends purchase of building for Office ........... rolileved«pyzOuptain Pranilinwacn css: cs sssec. ocacee volumes translated by..........---..--- CS OS Sacre c Page. Bee Kt GS A (S He nian fe DU bees Yeu uma Cpe) i Nee RS aS eK oan ‘Bilder, Wes achoater, gp 4 Me. She Ihe, DEC 1958 ‘iadaaihy press TT