GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION THE FROG AN ANUROUS AMPHIBIAN BY J. S. KINGSLEY Professor of Biology in 'J'ujts College NEW YORK fENTCY TTOLT AND COMPANY GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION THE FROG AN ANUROUS AMPHIBIAN BY J. S. KINGSLEY Professor of Biology in Tufts College NEW YORK HENEY HOLT AND COMPANY Copyright, 1907, BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY INTRODUCTION THESE directions for dissection are intended eventually to include representatives of all the major groups of vertebrates. Each is complete in itself and is issued separately so that laboratories may select those forms best adapted for their courses. The directions have been tested by several years' use and are thought to have a distinct pedagogic value in that they do not so much tell the student what he will find, but instead ask him what he does find. He thus obtains his information from the specimen, not from the printed page. For similar reasons illus- trations have been omitted; students sometimes find it easier to copy the published figure than to work out the points for themselves. No attempt has been made to follow out every system of organs completely, but each has been traced far enough to give a good knowledge of the more important structures to use as a basis for comparisons. The student by following the directions may obtain a knowledge of the general anatomy of the animal studied, but this knowledge of itself has little value. More important is the benefit to be gained by comparing the different forms dissected, tracing as far as possible their resemblances and differences. Hence in his dissection the student should con- tinually recall the conditions existing in all other animals as he is tracing out each part. More than this: he should read the general statements given in manuals of vertebrate structure as he takes up each organ or system of organs, thus correlating his discoveries and making them a part of one general whole. It would be well to go farther and read the accounts of the development of the organs in question in some of the text-books of vertebrate embryology. It is only in this way that an explanation of many peculiarities of structure may be obtained. Unless explicitly used otherwise the terms right and left in the following directions apply to the right and left of the animal being dissected, not of the student. Anterior and posterior 111 iv INTRODUCTION indicate relative position with regard to head and tail, while dorsal and ventral are used for the anterior and posterior of human anatomy. Medial is used to imply proximity to the middle line, lateral being the contrasting term. Proximal refers to that part of an organ or structure nearest to its centre or to its attachment to the body, distal being the opposite adjective. In speaking of muscles the fixed point of attachment is the origin, the attachment on the part to be moved is its insertion. INJECTING. — In many cases it is almost impossible for the beginner to trace the blood-vessels unless they are filled with some colored substance which renders them more easily seen. This is especially true of the smaller vessels. Injection is also frequently convenient in tracing other vessels like those of the urogenital system. Various substances ('injection masses') have been devised for filling the vessels. The essential features of a mass are that it have color, that it flow freely when injected, and that it soon harden so that it will not escape from a vessel accidentally cut. Within recent years a starch mass has been largely used, and as this answers all the purposes of these guides it is described here : Corn-starch 400 pts. by volume 2% chloral hydrate in water 400 " 95% alcohol 100 " Color and glycerin (equal parts) . . 100 ' ' The mixture should be thoroughly mixed by stirring and strained through cheese-cloth or paper cambric, stirring during the operation. The starch and color quickly settle, hence the mixture has to be stirred while using. It will keep indefinitely, but of course must be thoroughly mixed each time before using. The colors commonly used are vermillion,* insoluble Prussian blue, chrome green, and chrome yellow. The vermillion is usually used for the arterial, the blue for the venous system, but it is often advantageous to use chrome yellow instead of blue, as it contrasts better with dark organs like the liver and kidneys, while, when a blood-vessel occasionally bursts in injection, the viscera are not so badly stained. * Care should be taken to get true vermillion (mercuric sulphide), as much that masquerades under that name is red lead colored with cosine. This works disadvantageously as the cosine dissolves in the liquids in which the specimens are preserved and stains everything indiscriminately. INTRODUCTION V An extremely fine chrome yellow may be made by dissolving 200 parts of acetate of lead and 105 parts by weight of chromate of potash in separate dishes of water. After complete solution mix and allow the precipitate to settle. Pour off the supernatant fluid and wash the precipitate with several waters so as to remove the potassium acetate which would injure the specimen. Many instruments — syringes, water-pressure apparatus, etc., have been proposed for injecting, but a considerable experience has led to the conclusion that for small animals there is nothing better than a large rubber bulb for the pressure. This is con- nected by rubber tubing with the canula which is inserted in the vessel to be filled. Use the largest canula possible and keep it free from precipitated mass. SKELETONS. — The skeletons made by the average student are likely to be imperfect, but the knowledge which he obtains in preparing them is of value. The laboratory should have skeletons well prepared, but the student should clean those which he studies. In the case of fishes it is sufficient to remove the skin from the body, next to place the animal for a few minutes in water near the boiling-point, and then to remove the flesh by hand. With other animals the tissues are more resistant, and in these cases the animal, after removal of the skin, should be boiled in a soap solution made as follows: Thoroughly mix with heat 75 grams of hard soap, 12 grams of potassic nitrate (saltpetre), 150 cc. of strong ammonia, and 2000 cc. of soft water. For use, one part of this ' stock ' is diluted with three of water and the body is boiled in this, the length of time varying with the size and consistency of the animal, care being taken not to boil it long enough to soften the ligaments unless it be desired to separate the bones from each other. For decalcification of skulls in order easily to get at the brains, nitric alcohol, made by mixing equal parts of ten per cent nitric acid and ninety-five per cent alcohol, is useful. Material for dissection can be obtained from Supply Department, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Dr. F. D. Lambert, Tufts College, Mass. H. H. and C. S. Brimley, Raleigh, N. C. H. A. Ward, Rochester, N. Y. Kny-Scheerer Co., 225 Fourth Ave., New York. THE FROG THERE are many species of true frogs (Rana) in the United States, but the following directions may be used with any; the larger the speci- mens the better. For study each student should be provided with two specimens, a male and a female, besides a prepared skeleton. One, preferably the male, should have both arterial and venous systems injected. This should be used for the general study of the viscera and the circulatory organs, while the other should be used for the muscles, the internal structure of the heart, the female urogenital organs, and the nervous system. The arterial system may be filled by inserting the canula in the bul- bus cordis and ligating it in the truncus arteriosus impar. The venous system is injected by forcing the injecting fluid in both directions through the ascending portion of the abdominal vein, and forward and back through the postcava. Skeletons may be prepared by skinning the frog, separating the fore limbs and the supporting girdle, and heating for a short time in soap solution. Then pull and brush away as much of the flesh as possible, repeating the use of the soap solution if necessary. Care must be used not to boil too long in the soap solution, as this will soften and eventually destroy the ligaments uniting the elements. It is also well to have in the laboratory some disarticulated skeletons in which the bones have been separated from each other and completely cleaned by longer boiling in soap solution or in weak caustic soda. THE SKELETON In the frog, as in most Amphibia, the exoskeleton is practically absent, and all parts may be regarded as forming the endo- skeleton. This is composed of axial and appendicular portions. The axial skeleton consists of the vertebrae, ribs, and skull; the appen- 2 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION dicular skeleton of the supports of the limbs and the girdles which connect these to the body. The sternum, usually regarded as a part of the axial skeleton, is, in the case of the frog, best treated in connection with the shoulder-girdle. The vertebral column is composed of separate bones, the vertebrae, plus an elongated bone, the urostyle or coccyx, at the posterior end. How many vertebrae do you find? Study a single vertebra from about the middle of the column. In it make out a centrum or body from which arises dorsally on either side a neural arch terminating above in a neural spine. Is the centrum procoelous (hollow in front), opisthoccelous (hollow behind), or amphiccelous (concave both in front and behind)? Notice that each vertebra bears a pair of lateral projections, the transverse processes (diapophyses). Do they arise from the cen- trum or from the neural arch? Examine the distal end of each; see the hollow in which, in life, the end of a short rib was inserted. On the anterior and posterior ends of the neural arch notice the articular facets (zygapophyses) by which the vertebrae are con- nected together. Does the postzygapophysis face upwards or downwards? What is the condition in the prezygapophysis? Draw dorsal, lateral, and end views of this vertebra, X4, naming the parts. Compare other vertebrae with the one studied. How does the first (the atlas) differ from those behind? Does it have both pre- and postzygapophyses? Notice the anterior prolongation of its centrum. Draw this vertebra. Examine the ninth verte- bra (sacrum). Is it procoelous? What is the character of the centrum behind? With what parts does the pelvis articulate? Draw three or four vertebrae together, viewed from the side, showing the way in which the zygapophyses overlap and the openings (intervertebral foramina), between the neural arches of the successive vertebrse, for the passage of the spinal nerves. Is there an intervertebral foramen between the first vertebra and the skull? Behind the sacrum the vertebral column is continued by the coccyx or urostyle, which must be regarded as composed of coalesced caudal vertebrae. Notice the articular facets by which it is connected with the sacrum, and above them the neural arch. Does this arch continue the length of the bone? Is there an intervertebral foramen between the sacrum and the urostyle? THE FROG 3 On either side, five or six millimeters from the anterior end, are small foramina for the exit of the eleventh nerve.* The Skull. — In the skull notice that you can distinguish a median portion, the cranium, and visceral or facial portions on either side, the two being connected behind by lateral projections (otic capsules) from the cranium and in front by means of nasal capsules. (These last do not show well in the dried skull, as the cartilage of which they are composed shrivels in drying.) Examine the hinder surface (base) of the skull, making out the following points. In the centre the large opening (foramen magnum) leading into the cranial cavity, bounded on either side by rounded prominences (occipital condyles) for articulation with the atlas. These condyles are borne on the exoccipital bones. Obliquely in front of and lateral to each exoccipital is a pro- otic bone forming the wall and roof of the otic capsule, and extending from the outer end of each prootic down to the angle of the jaws is a hammer-shaped squamosal bone. In front of, below, and parallel to the shank of the squamosal is a pterygoid bone to be studied later. (The columella auris, lying beneath and outside of the prootic, is often missing from the prepared skull.) Draw the base of the skull, X4, naming the parts. The dorsal surface of the skull shows the exoccipitals, prootics, and squamosals, already made out. On either side of the middle line, in front of the foramen magnum, the roof of the cranium is formed by a fronto-parietal bone, which extends forward to the anterior margin of the orbits. Joining the fronto-parietals in front is the sphenethmoid bone, the extent of which is better seen from the side or from below. It is largely covered above by the fronto-parietals and in front by the paired, triangular nasal bones. In front of the nasals and forming the tip of the jaw are a pair of premaxillary bones, each consisting of an alveolar process, bearing teeth, and an ascending process which unites it to the nasal. Most of the rest of the upper jaw is formed by the maxil- lary bones, each of which joins the premaxillary in front and is connected, a little farther back, with the nasal bone by a frontal process. Behind, each maxillary is connected, by an overlapping joint, to a slender, splint-like quadratojugal bone which extends * For this numbering see the section on the nervous system, infra. 4 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION back to the angle of the jaw, where it comes in close connection with the squamosal already mentioned. This is a T-shaped bone, one arm of the T articulating with the prootic, the other extend- ing forward, above the pterygoid (better seen from the ventral surface), until it nearly joins the maxillary. In addition to these, portions of the vomers and pterygoids can be seen from above, but their study is best undertaken from the ventral surface. Draw a dorsal view of the skull, X4, being careful to trace exactly the limits of each bone; label all parts. Also draw the ventral surface of the skull on the same scale, showing the exoccipitals, sphenethmoid, premaxillaries, maxillaries, and quadrate jugals already seen as well as the following elements. Beginning in the middle line behind, just in front of the exoccipi- tals is an unpaired, sword-shaped parasphenoid bone, the guard of which overlaps the prootics, the blade covering the sphenethmoid. From just in front of the sphenethmoid a palatine bone extends laterally on either side to meet a palatine process of the maxillary, while just in front of the palatines are a pair of irregularly shaped, tooth-bearing vomers. With what bones do these last articulate? The pterygoid bones are shaped like the Greek letter A- In front they articulate with the lateral end of the palatines, the posterior inner limb joins the prootic, the outer the squamosal at the angle of the jaw. At the junction of squamosal and pterygoid is a quadrate cartilage, to which the lower jaw is hinged. In a side view of the skull notice the gap in the bony wall of the cranium between front o-parietals, sphenethmoid, and para- sphenoid. See also the mode of articulation of maxillary and quadratojugal. In the lower jaw make out an angulo-splenial bone extending forward from the angle of the jaw on the inner and lower surface. It bears on its posterior third a small coronoid process above, and on its outer surface a groove for Meckel's cartilage. The upper and outer surface of the jaw is composed of a dentary bone which overlaps the angulo-splenial and extends forwards to meet a pair of mento-Meckelian bones which touch at the symphysis of the jaw. Draw a side view of the skull, X4. The Hyoid Apparatus, placed between and behind the halves of the lower jaw, also belongs to the skull. It consists of a broad, thin cartilaginous body with processes, anterior and posterior, for THE FROG 5 the attachment of muscles. From its anterior margin the anterior cornua pass outwards, then backwards, and lastly upwards to connect with the prootic, while the posterior cornua arise from the posterior margin of the body and pass outwards and back- wards on either side of the larynx. Draw the Hyoid, X4. Shoulder-girdle and Sternum. — These form an incomplete ring or girdle around the body, but are without direct connection with the axial skeleton. The girdle may be divided into dorsal and ventral halves by the socket, glenoid fossa, for the articulation of the fore limb. Dorsal to the fossa is the scapula, which is surmounted by the suprascapula, composed partly of bone, partly of cartilage. Does the scapula contribute to the forma- tion of the glenoid fossa? Below the fossa are two bones on either side, extending towards the median line, an anterior clavicle and a posterior coracoid bone, including between them an opening, the coracoid fontanelle. Connected with the clavicle is a cartilaginous bar, the procoracoid, not usually easily seen in the prepared skeleton. Clavicles and coracoids of the two sides are connected in the middle line by the sternal structures. Of these, in the prepared skeleton, the following parts may be made out. Joining the clavicles in front, an omosternum, and in front of this an epister- num. Behind the coracoids is the sternum proper, terminated by abilobed xiphisternum. Draw this apparatus, turning the scapula and suprascapula outwards in the sketch, so that all parts may be seen in a ventral view. In the fore limb make out and draw the following parts. In the region of the upper arm a long bone, the humerus, with en- larged articular processes on either end. On its inner or under surface is a strong ridge, the crista deltoidea, for the attachment of the deltoid muscle. On the posterior distal angle of the humerus, beside the articular surface, is a prominent trochlear process. The skeleton of the forearm is composed of the coalesced radius and ulna (radio-ulna or os antebrachii), the radius being on the anterior side. Notice the shape of the articular face of the^ proximal end of this bone. Its size is increased by a projecting; olecranon process. 6 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION The carpus, or wrist, contains six bones arranged in two rows, with the sixth element, the centrale, between them. The proximal row consists of a radiale and an ulnare, the distal of three carpales. The digits or fingers consist of a basal row of metacarpal bones, corresponding to the palm, and succeeded by several phalanges (finger bones). The digits are numbered beginning on the radial side. Do you find any trace of a first digit (pollex)? The Pelvic Girdle is articulated with the axial skeleton by means of the diapophyses of the sacral vertebra. It is V-shaped and consists of paired bones meeting hi the midventral line. On the outer side of the posterior or ventral end is a hemispherical cup, the acetabulum, for the articulation of the hind limb. Study the pelvis from the side. Three bones will be seen to meet in the acetabulum ; in front a long ilium which also articulates with the sacrum; behind a small ischium, and below a much smaller pubis. Draw the pelvis from the side, showing these points as well as the strong process, the crista ilii, on the dorsal surface of the ilium, and the place where the ilium articulates with the sacrum. The Hind Limb corresponds closely to the fore limb in its structure. In the thigh and articulating with the acetabulum is the femur, which is expanded distally to articulate with the united tibia and fibula (os cruris), the bone of the shank. Notice the grooves indicating the compound nature of the bone. The inner or anterior element is the tibia. The ankle or tarsus is composed of two rows of bones, the two of the proximal row being greatly elongate and united at either end. These bones are the tibiale or astragalus, the fibulare or cal- caneum. The bones of the distal row are not readily made .out in the prepared skeleton. The tarsal bones are succeeded by the elongate metatarsals •and those in turn by the phalanges, composing the digits. The first digit is on the tibial side. Draw the skeleton of the hind limb. THE FROG EXTERNAL ANATOMY In the entire animal notice the shape of the body. Is there a distinct neck? From your study of the skeleton explain the 'hump' on the back. Where is the ankle? How many toes on each foot? Are all of the feet webbed and how far does the web extend along the digits? Is the anus dorsal or ventral in posi- tion? Examine the surface of the body with a hand lens; do any parts appear to be markedly glandular? Do you find any signs of scales? Examine the head for eyelids and external nostrils (nares). Are there fleshy folds about the nares? See the circular area, the tympanic membrane on either side of the head behind the eye. Note the gape of the mouth; is it large or small? Are there teeth in both jaws? Look in the median line between or a little in front of the eyes for a dark spot, the brow spot or frontal organ. Draw a dorsal view of the frog, natural size. Cut through the tympanic membrane at its border and free it from the ring (tympanic annulus) on which it is stretched. This lays open the tympanic cavity, shaped like a flat funnel and ending below in a large short Eustachian tube. Attached to the inner surface of the tympanic membrane is a slender bone, the columella auris. Where is the other end of this element? Note that the columella is held in position by a thin membrane, the plica plectri. Would the existence of this tend to show that the columella was morphologically outside the tympanic cavity? From which side has it extended into the cavity? Probe the Eustachian tube ; open the mouth and see where the probe appears. Draw the tympanic cavity hi diagrammatic section, showing tympanic membrane, columella, Eustachian tube, etc. INTERNAL STRUCTURE Cut through the ventral skin (the skin only) from the hind limbs forward to the symphysis of the lower jaw and carefully lift it up. Is it free from the underlying muscles at all points? The free portions correspond to subcutaneous lymph spaces. MUSCLES. — On either side of the median line in the abdominal region is the large rectus abdominis muscle, divided transversely 8 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION by inscriptiones tendineae. Each rectus arises from the pubic bone and divides, as it passes forward, into medial and lateral portions. The medial part continues forward to the sternum, the lateral becomes confluent with the portio abdominis of the pectoralis muscle, to be studied later. Lateral to the rectus is the external oblique muscle. What is the direction of its fibres? On lifting the external the internal oblique is seen. What is the direction of its fibres? (Beneath this is a third layer, the transversus. These layers are not to be separated until later.) The pectoralis muscle, already mentioned, extends from the midventral line to the shoulder. It presents three divisions. Beginning behind, these are (1) the portio abdominis, continuous with the rectus abdominis; (2) portio sternalis, arising from the sternum and xiphisternum, and (3) portio epicoracoidea, arising from the sternum proper and the medial end of the coracoid. In front of the pectoralis is the coraco-radialis muscle, arising from the omo- and episternum and from the coracoid. Its fibres run outward and backward and are continued as a tendon passing through the deltoid (infra) to reach the radial side of the radio-ulna. The deltoideus muscle arises by two heads, one (clavicularis) from the clavicle and omosternum, the other (scapularis) more external and arising from the clavicle and especially from the scapula. Its fibres are largely inserted on the crista deltoidea of the humerus. Sketch the muscles so far made out. In front of these muscles in the floor of the lower jaw is a transverse submaxillaris muscle. Can you distinguish in it an anterior and a posterior (subhyoideus) portion? Are the fibres continuous across the median line? Add these muscles to your sketch. Then cut the submaxil- laris in the median line and reflect the halves. In front, at the symphysis of the jaw, is a small transverse submentalis muscle. Behind this the floor of the mouth is formed by a median hyoglossal and a pair of geniohyoid muscles. The latter are partly double, having two heads which are attached to the lower jaw, while behind two similar heads are attached to the hyoid. The hyoglossal is also divided behind, while in front it extends into the tongue. Open the mouth and follow its course. THE FROG 9 Sketch these muscles on a separate sheet, leaving room behind for the following muscles. Cut through the deltoid and portio sternalis of the pectoral near the median line, exposing the coraco-brachialis brevis and longus muscles, which run from the coracoid, near the sternum, to near the middle of the humerus. Add these to sketch, then split the sternum longitudinally, exposing the deeper muscles, as follows: On either side of the median line a strong sternohyoid muscle, arising in part from the coracoid and sternum, in part as an anterior prolongation of the rectus abdominis, and passing forward to be inserted on the hyoid between the geniohyoids. The omohyoid muscle is inserted on the hyoid just lateral to the sternohyoid. It runs obliquely outwards and backwards to its origin on the inner surface of the scapula. Other muscles are exposed by deeper dissection. Lift the sternohyoid and see the thyreoid gland lying in the hinder angle of the body of the hyoid. Farther back, in the angle between sterno- and omohyoid muscles, is the pseudothyreoid body. Sketch these in their proper rela- tions. Remove the skin from the dorsal surface of head and trunk, noting the expanded tympanum surrounded by a ring of carti- lage, the annulus tympanicus, supporting the tympanic mem- brane. Note that in removing the skin the membrane is often split, indicating that it is composed of more than one layer. A little behind the tympanum is the depressor mandibulse (digastric) muscle, which extends downward from the dorsal fascia to its insertion on the posterior angle of the lower jaw. Separate this muscle and turn it outward, exposing its other head, attached to the posterior arm of the squamosal, as well as the cucularis muscle, arising from the prootic and squamosal and inserted in the anterior border of the scapula, external to the origin of the deltoid. The thymus gland may now be seen hi the angle between the cucularis and the head of the deltoid. It should be inserted in the drawing which you will make later. Just in front of the tympanum is the temporalis muscle, which arises from the upper part of the prootic and passes under the anterior arm of the squamosal and over the pterygoid bone to its insertion on the coronoid process of the lower jaw. In front of and partly covered by the temporalis is the pterygoideus muscle, arising from the fronto-parietals and passing downwards and 10 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION backwards to its insertion on the inside of the lower jaw behind the temporalis. The masseter major is easiest traced from its insertion on the outside of the lower jaw opposite the temporalis to its origin from the tympanic annulus and the squamosal. The masseter minor is attached to the hind end of the jaw and to the quadratojugal. Sketch these muscles, tympanum, etc., in side view. The rhomboideus anterior muscle extends, on the dorsal surface of the body, from the dorsal fascia and the fronto-parietals back to its insertion on the ventral surface of the suprascapula. The anterior part of the dorsal surface of the scapula and supra- scapula is covered by the dorsalis scapulas muscle, the fibres of which converge to their insertion on the crista deltoidea. Behind, the scapular elements are covered by the latissimus dorsi muscle, which also extends back on to the back itself. It arises from the dorsal fascia and its fibres unite above the shoulder with those of the dorsalis scapula. Lateral to and deeper than the rhom- boideus anterior is the levator scapulae anterior, the anterior end of which is covered by the cucularis, while behind it is inserted on the ventral surface of the suprascapula. Sketch these muscles. Next cut the rhomboideus anterior and the latissimus dorsi and attempt to lift the suprascapula. It will be found to be held by several muscles, most prominent of which are the rhomboideus posterior, visible in part on the medial side of the suprascapula, and the serratus superior, which overlies the postero- lateral portion of the rhomboideus posterior. Draw these, then remove them and the suprascapula, exposing the large longissimus dorsi muscle, which extends from the occipital region of the skull back to the pelvis and to the anterior third of the urostyle. Is it attached to any of the vertebrae? Does it present inscriptiones tendinise? Is it attached behind to other parts than the urostyle? Behind and lateral to the longissimus dorsi is the coccygeo- iliacus muscle, extending from the posterior part of the urostyle to the iliac bone. The other and deeper muscles of the back may be omitted. Aside from the muscles from the shoulder-girdle region already mentioned, there is but a single muscle, the triceps brachii or anconseus, in the upper arm. This has four heads (scapularis, THE FROG 11 arising from the scapula, the mediate, laterale, and profundum from the humerus). All unite to give rise to a tendon which passes over the elbow-joint to be inserted on the ulno- radius. The muscles of the forearm and hand are more numerous and may be grouped as flexors and extensors accordingly as they bend or straighten the parts. In the dorsal view of the hind limb make out the following muscles. The iliacus externus, extending from the outer side of the ileum to the trochanter of the femur. The pyriformis, extend- ing from the tip of the urostyle to the crista femoris. The triceps femoris, on the outside of the limb, which arises from the girdle by three heads: a, the glutasus maximus (vastus externus), most posterior on the dorsal surface, from the posterior end of the ileum between the iliacus externus and the pyriformis; b, the caput medium (rectus femoris anticus), passes below the external iliac to its origin from the ventral surface of the ileum; c, the cruralis (vastus externus), not visible from above. All divisions unite in a broad tendon inserted on the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibio-fibula. Medial to the distal end of the triceps the posterior part of the ileo fibularis muscle can be seen. Its origin from the hinder end of the ileum is concealed beneath the glutaeus maximus. Its tendon passes over the knee and is inserted on both femur and the upper fibular portion of the os cruris. Next nearer the median line is the large semimembranosus muscle, crossed by an oblique inscriptio tendinea. It arises from the ischiopubic region of the pelvis and is inserted on the proximal end of the os cruris. The gracilis minor lies on the medial side of the limb. It arises, with its fellow of the opposite side, from a tendon in the middle line, just ventral to the anus, and unites distally with the gracilis major (infra). Sketch these superficial dorsal muscles of the thigh. On the ventral surface of the thigh recognize the median head of the triceps femoris and also the gracilis minor. Also see the cruralis head of the triceps which arises from the wall of the ace- tabulum (its origin will be seen later). A flat muscle, the sartorius, crosses the proximal end of the cruralis and extends along the nrdventral surface of the thigh 12 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION to the'knee, where it becomes tendinous and passes to its insertion on the proximal end of the tibia. Just lateral to the gracilis minor is the gracilis major, crossed by an oblique inscriptio tendinea. It arises from the pelvis and is inserted, together with the minor, by two tendons, one going to the proximal end of the tibia, the other to the hinder surface of the tibio-fibula. Between the sartorius and the gracilis major is the proximal end of the adductor magnus muscle. Sketch these ventral muscles; then cut through the sartorius and both gracilis muscles and make out the following parts: Nearly the whole of the adductor magnus is now seen; note its two heads, dorsal and ventral, arising from the ischium, and trace its insertion on the distal end of the femur. Lateral to the proximal end of the adductor major a bit of the pectineus muscle is seen and still farther to the outside the adduc- tor longus, which crosses the proximal end of the crural. Separate these, making out the origin of the pectineus from the anterior part of the pelvic symphysis, and that of the adductor longus from the lateral surface of the ileum. Their insertions, respectively on the middle of the femur and on the tendon of the adductor magnus, should be found. On the medial side of the adductor magnus is the slender semimembranosus muscle arising by two heads. Sketch the three deeper muscles of the ventral side. There are several smaller and deeper muscles which may be omitted. The largest muscle in the shank of the leg is the plantaris longus, which arises by two heads, a larger one in the angle of the knee, a smaller from the tendon of the triceps on the outside of the knee. Below, the muscle passes into a long tendo Achillei which passes over the 'heel' to the plantar surface of the foot. Lateral to this plantaris, as seen from above, is the peroneus muscle, which arises from the convex side of the knee and is inserted by two tendons on the distal end of the tibio-fibula. Add these muscles to the sketch of the dorsal superficial muscles of the thigh. Turn the frog ventral side uppermost. The os cruris appears in the middle line of the shank. The extensor cruris brevis is attached to the proximal half of its lateral side, its origin being on the distal end of the femur. On the medial side the tibialis posticus is similarly attached to the os cruris. The tibialis anticus THE FROG 13 brevis (partly covered by the extensor cruris brevis) is attached to the lateral distal side of the os cruris, while the tibialis anticus longus lies between the external cruris brevis and the tibialis anticus brevis on the one side and the peroneus on the other. Work out the origin and insertion of these muscles and add them to the drawing showing the ventral superficial muscles of the thigh. The muscles of the ankle and foot are numerous. They may be grouped as flexors on the plantar side, extensors on the dorsal side. THE ORAL CAVITY. — Open the mouth and find the in- ternal nares (choanae) by inserting a probe in the external naris. Look in the roof of the mouth, between the choanse, for the vomerine teeth. What is the shape of the tongue? How is it attached? How does this differ from the condition in yourself? Note where the Eustachian tube enters the mouth or, better, pharynx. Look in the floor of the back part of the pharynx for a longitudinal slit, the glottis, bounded by a pair of semicircular elevations (caused by the arytenoid cartilages beneath the lining membrane). Behind the glottis the oesophagus begins. Draw the floor and roof of the mouth, illustrating all of these points. VISCERAL ANATOMY.— With the injected specimen lay back the skin of the ventral surface as before and note, on its inner surface, two branches of the great cutaneous artery and a single trunk of the great cutaneous vein. Note where they enter the deeper structures. Lay open the body cavity (peritoneal cavity or coelom) by a cut a little to one side of the median line, extending from the origin of the hind legs to the shoulder-girdle, which can be felt through the flesh, cutting nothing but the body wall. Lift the wall very carefully and see the abdominal vein extend- ing dorsally from the wall to the liver and running backwards in the ventral body wall. Follow it posteriorly to its origin by the union of two femoral veins, one coming from each hind leg. Sketch these in blue on a sheet intended to show the entire venous system. Make transverse cuts, in front and behind, through the body wall and pin out the flaps, exposing the viscera. Most conspicu- ous are the dark-colored liver in front and the coils of the intes- 14 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION tine behind. Insert a blowpipe in the anus and inflate the urinary bladder in the posterior part of the peritoneal cavity. Sketch these viscera without disturbing them. Study the parts more carefully. See that the whole cavity is lined with a smooth membrane, the peritoneum, and that this covers the enclosed viscera as well. Insert a probe in the oesoph- agus, then turn the liver to the right and note the posterior end of this tube. Just inside the ccelom the alimentary canal enlarges to form the stomach, which is somewhat U-shaped. Its two ends have received special names. That joining the oesophagus is the cardiac, the other the pyloric end. Note the constriction (pylorus) at the pyloric end, formed by a sphincter muscle. Follow the course of the intestine backwards from the stomach, taking pains not to tear the membranes binding the various parts of the alimentary tract together and to the body wall. The first portion of the intestine, paralleling the pyloric part of the stomach is the duodenum. The rest of the tube, of about the same size throughout, is the small intestine. Near the posterior end there comes a sudden enlargement, the rectum, which proceeds backwards until the urinary bladder is reached, where this enlarged portion is known as the cloaca, a region which extends to the anus. See the membranes which bind the alimentary canal together and to the body wall. Those connecting the different parts of the tract are called omenta, those connecting the canal to the body wall are mesenteries. The mesentery supporting the stomach is the mesogaster, that of the small intestine the mesentery proper, that of the rectum the mesorectum. The hepato-duodenal omentum connects liver and duodenum, the gastro-duodenal omentum lies between stomach and duodenum, and the gastro- hepatic omentum between stomach and liver. Examine the liver more carefully. How many lobes are there? See on the postero-dorsal surface of one of its lobes the spherical gall-bladder (greenish in life). Trace the bile-ducts from it into the liver and into the intestine. Look in the gastro-duodenal omentum for the elongate pancreas. Does it extend into the mesentery or into any other omentum? Look in the mesentery between the rectum and the bend of the stomach for the round, dark-colored spleen. Make a more detailed drawing of the alimentary tract. THE FROG 15 Tip the intestine to the right and note, in the mesentery just in front of spleen, the common intestinal artery coming from the mid-dorsal line. It soon divides into anterior and posterior branches. The anterior is the cceliac axis, the other the anterior mesenteric artery. Follow the coeliac axis to its division into a ventral gastric artery going to the stomach and a gastro-hepatic trunk which soon divides into an hepatic artery going to the liver and a dorsal gastric artery going to the stomach. What regions of the stomach do the two gastric arteries supply? Does the hepatic artery enter the liver near the bile-duct? Where does the pancreatic artery connect with the other vessels? In the same way follow the branches of the anterior mesen- teric: first a short splenic artery to the spleen, next branches to the intestine and a haemorrhoid artery to the anterior part of the rectum. Sketch these arteries in red on a sheet which shall later con- tain the whole arterial system. Note also small veins in the mesentery paralleling the arterial twigs. These unite to form the intestinal vein. Trace this forward, finding the entrance of splenic and gastric veins. How many trunks of the latter come from the stomach? All these veins unite to form the hepatic-portal vein which enters the liver. Does the abdominal vein connect with this? Does the portal enter the liver by a single trunk? Sketch this portal system in the drawing of the veins. At either side of the liver, projecting into the body cavity from in front, is a lung. Inflate with blowpipe from the glottis. Sketch the blood-vessels (pulmonary arteries and veins) in the walls. How many branches to each? Cut across a lung. Are there small air-sacs throughout or are they confined to the walls? Which are more internal, arteries or veins? Sketch a bit of the lung showing these points. Cut across the stomach at the cardiac end and across the intestine just in front of the rectum. Trim the mesenteries close to the alimentary tract and remove the latter from the body. Split it lengthwise with the scissors and examine the internal surface with the hand-lens, noting the differences in the character of the lining in the different parts. The urogenital organs are now exposed. In the posterior part of the body cavity will be found a pair of mesonephroi (' kidneys ')i 16 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION oval in outline and dark-colored. Resting on each is a rounded yellow body, the testis, attached only by its medial border. Each testis bears a number of yellow finger-like bodies, the fat bodies or corpora adiposa. Tip one of the testes toward the median line and see, on the ventral surface of the mesonephros, a long band- like structure, bright yellow in the fresh specimen, the suprarenal gland. The deferent duct (Leydig's duct) leads back from the lateral margin and hinder angle of the mesonephros. Trace those of the two sides back to their entrance into the cloaca. Do they unite before entrance? Do you find an enlargement (seminal vesicle) on them? Sketch the organs. Examine more closely with hand-lens and note the renal and genital (spermatic) arteries and veins entering and leaving the kidneys and testes on the medial side. How are the fat bodies supplied? Then turn one of the testes to the median side and see the fine vessels (vasa efferentia) passing from the testis into the mesonephros. Are they connected longitudinally? Sketch these relations. In the female the lobulated ovaries, enormous in size and crowded with eggs, are prominent on either side, especially near the breeding season. Without tearing see that each ovary is attached to the dorsal body wall by a thin membrane, the meso- varium, in which .the ovarian arteries and veins run. In front of the ovary look for the fat body. Is this attached to the ovary? Cut into the ovary ; is it solid or hollow? Sketch the sec- tion showing the relative position of the eggs. Remove the ovary from one side, exposing the oviduct (Mtil- lerian duct), a greatly contorted tube extending the whole length of the peritoneal cavity. Trace it backwards. Does it com- municate with the cloaca or does it open directly to the exterior? Is it free during most of its course, or is it supported from the body wall? Is any part expanded to form a thin-walled uterus? Trace it forward, removing the stomach and liver if necessary to see its anterior end. Do tue tubes of the two sides unite? Do you find one or two anterior openings (ostium tubae) ? Remove the oviduct. Do you find any tube connected with the kidney comparable to Leydig's duct in the male (Wolffian duct)? What differences can you recognize? Slit open the THE FROG 17 cloaca on one side and find the openings of the bladder and the urogenital ducts. Sketch the urogenital organs of the female. Returning to the injected male, tip the liver forward so that its dorsal surface may be seen. See proceeding from each lobe of the liver an hepatic vein which enters a large venous trunk, the postcava, the anterior portion of which will be traced later. At present follow it backwards. To which side of the oesophagus does it pass? Note the vessels it receives from the fat body, genitalia, and mesonephroi. How far back of the latter organs does it extend? On the lateral dorsal surface of each mesonephros is a vessel (Jacobson's vein) which, behind the organ, is called the common iliac vein. Trace it backwards to its origin by the union of two vessels, an external iliac vein, coming from the more ventral part of the leg, and an ischiadic vein, entering the pelvis dorsal to the hip-joint. Which of these veins is connected with the femoral vein (p. 13)? Follow both into the leg. Add these vessels to the sketch of the venous system. Part of the blood coming from the hind limb finds its way to the heart, by passing, via the common iliac and the postcava, through the kidney. This forms the renal portal system. Another portion passes, by way of the femoral and abdominal vein, through the liver, and hence this forms a part of the hepatic portal system, the rest of which has already been seen. The dorsal aorta lies just dorsal to the postcava. In front it can be seen to arise from the union of two arterial trunks, the radices aortae, the rest of which will be followed later. Trace the aorta backwards from this point, noting the origin of the various arteries already seen to arise from it. From what does the com- mon intestinal artery arise? Are the urogenital arteries single or paired in origin? Behind the last urogenital artery the aorta gives off a median posterior mesenteric artery which supplies the posterior part of the rectum. Just behind this point it divides into a pair of common iliac arteries, each of which soon gives off an epigastric artery supplying the urinary bladder and ventral body wall. Each common iliac now divides into a femoral and an ischiadic 18 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION artery, which should be followed into the leg, the latter being much the larger and forming the chief supply of the limb. Add these vessels and their branches to the sketch of the arterial system. The liver abuts in front against a thin membranous partition, the false diaphragm or septum transversum. Cut through this and lay open a second part of the coslom, the pericardial cavity, lined with a pigmented epithelium, the pericardium. In this cavity lies the heart, free behind but attached dorsally and in front. Make out in the heart a posterior conical portion, the ventricle, and in front a pair of thinner walled auricles. Which of these latter is the larger, the right or the left? Crossing the right auricle and extending forward from the ventricle is an enlargement, the bulbus cordis, from the anterior end of which arises a cylindrical tube, the truncus arteriosus impar, which extends forward to the anterior wall of the pericardial cavity, where it divides into two trunci arteriosi. Tip the heart forward, tearing the membrane (dorsal meso- cardium) holding it, and see, on its dorsal surface, a large triangular sac, the sinus venosus, formed by the union of three vessels, the postcava behind and a precava in front on either side. Follow the postcava backwards to the liver region (p. 17) and then follow out the right precava beyond the pericardium to its divi- sion into three trunks, the anterior (external jugular vein) going straight forward, the middle (vena anonyma), and the posterior (subclavian vein). The anonymous vein soon divides into the internal jugular and the scapularis veins, the subclavian into the great cutaneous and the brachial veins. Trace the former into the skin, the latter into the arm. Tip the heart forward again and see the two pulmonary veins, one coming from each lung. Into which auricle do they empty? Sketch these blood-vessels in their respective sheets, inserting the heart, in outline in both, showing respectively its arterial and venous connections. Follow the truncus. Each one soon divides into three curved vessels, the anterior the common carotid artery, the second the radix aortae, and the third the pulmo-cutaneous artery. Note in the carotid, soon after its separation from the rest, an enlargement, the carotid gland, at which the vessel divides into external and THE FROG 19 internal carotid arteries. Follow the external carotid into the lower jaw, the external dorsally to the posterior end of the head. In the same way follow out the pulmo-cutaneous arch to its division into the pulmonary artery going to the lungs and the great cutaneous artery which ascends alongside the cucularis muscle. How many branches to the pulmonary artery before it enters the lungs? After these vessels have been dissected out the ramifications of the internal carotid may be followed. Then follow the radix aortae, note and follow the subclavian artery into the fore limb and the main trunk of the radix to the union with its fellow to form the dorsal aorta. Sketch these vessels in the arterial drawing. Your two sketches should now present the main arterial and venous trunks of the body. The heart should now be studied in the uninjected specimen. Cut the connecting vessels (cavae, pulmonary veins, and the great arterial trunks beyond their division into carotid, radix, etc.) and remove heart from body. Note the position of the entrance of the cavffi and the pulmonary veins and of the giving off of the truncus arteri- osus impar. Cut across the two paired arterial trunks close to their origin from the unpaired trunk and note the cut ends. Are they simple tubes? What relations do you recognize to vessels already seen? Pin the heart out under water, the ventral side uppermost, and carefully dissect away the ventral side of the auricles, ventricle, and the bulbus. Wash out the coagulated blood. Are the two auricles completely separated by a partition (interauricular septum)? Which one connects with the sinus venosus? What relative difference is there in the positions of the sinu-auricular opening and that of the pulmonary veins? Is there a separate opening (auriculo-ventricular canal) from each auricle into the ventricle? To settle this examine first the auricles and then the ventricle. How are the differences to be explained? Which has relatively the thicker wall, the right or left auricle or the ventricle? In the bulbus cordis notice a longitudinal, somewhat twisted fold, the spiral valve or septum bulbi, practically dividing the bulbus into right and left halves. Probe through the cut ends of the arterial trunk with three bristles and note where each appears. 20 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION On which side of the septum bulbi is the pulmo-cutaneous and on which the carotid-systemic cavity? Would this imply a separation of two kinds of blood as it leaves the ventricle? Draw the dissected heart, X4, showing these points. Then read some good account of the parts and their function (e.g., Gaupp, 2, pp. 247-265; Huxley and Martin, pp. 17-19). THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The spinal nerves.— In the dorsal wall of the body cavity after removal of the viscera see several pairs of white nerve trunks, the spinal nerves. Each nerve makes its appearance in the midst of a grayish white mass, the so-called periganglionic gland or calciferous body (in reality an extension of the endolymph space of the spinal cord filled with fine granules of calcium carbonate). The spinal nerves in the posterior region pursue a course nearly parallel with the main axis of the body; those in front are nearly at right angles to that axis. How many * of these nerves do you find? Which of the anterior pairs is the largest? Follow this one out, noting the region to which it is distributed. Can you now explain its greater size? Examine more closely and see if any of the other spinal nerves send twigs to this large one, thus forming a brachial plexus. Compare your results with those found by others in the laboratory and see if there be any variation. Note that several of the posterior nerves, by means of cross- branches, form a lumbo-sacral plexus. What nerves, by number, enter into its constitution? Are variations found in number or in arrangement of these nerves and branches? Besides several smaller nerves two larger ones arising from this plexus enter the hind limb, a smaller and more lateral crural nerve, and a larger ischiatic nerve nearer the median line. What is the distribution of each? Examine the spinal nerves more closely and see that each, soon after leaving the periganglionic gland, gives off a small nerve, ramus communicans, from its ventral surface. These rami communicantes run toward the median line to join, either side of the vertebral column, a longitudinal nervous structure, the truncus sympatheticus. This sympathetic trunk runs on either * In the young there is a spinal nerve in front of the first vertebra. This disappears long before the adult condition, but still the first of the per- sistent nerves, issuing between vertebra? 1 and 2, must be called the second of the spinal nerves. THE FROG 21 side just dorsal to the aorta and the radices aortse. It is com- posed of a number of enlargements, the sympathetic ganglia and smaller nerves — rami intergangliares — connecting them. How many sympathetic ganglia do you find? Do the rami communi- cantes join the ganglia or the interganglionic nerves? Note several (how many?) small nerves arising from the median sympathetic ganglia to form a trunk (splanchnic nerve) which follows the common intestinal artery to be distributed to the viscera. Remove carefully the corresponding vertebral centra and then follow the proximal portion of the eighth, ninth, and tenth spinal nerves through the periganglionic glands to the spinal cord, which lies just dorsal to the centra. At the gland each nerve is divided into two portions or roots, one dorsal, the other ventral in position. Which of these, the dorsal or ventral, bears an enlargement (ganglion)? Draw the spinal nerves, their roots and ganglia, together with the sympathetic system as far as made out, X2. Spinal Cord. — Place the frog for several days in nitric alcohol (equal parts of 95% alcohol and 10% nitric acid) so as to decalcify the skeleton. When the bone is softened remove the neural arches from the vertebrae, exposing the spinal cord. What parts of it are larger than the rest? Does the distribution of the spinal nerves suggest any reason for the enlargements? Notice its small hinder portion, the filum terminale. Is there a groove (dorsal fissure) running along the dorsal surface of the cord? Can you see any of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves and note where they enter the cord? Make a drawing of the spinal cord, X4, leaving space in front to insert the brain later. The Brain. — Lay open the brain cavity by removing the skin and fronto-parietal bones and underlying cartilage, beginning a little in front of the eyes and proceeding backwards in the most careful manner, taking great pains not to injure the underly- ing structures. In this operation you will doubtless tear the slender stalk (paraphysis) passing from the brain to the roof of the cranium beneath the brow spot. Continue to develop until the whole dorsal surface of the brain is exposed back to its con- nection with the spinal cord. In this brain make out the follow- ing regions. 22 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION In front an elongate telencephalon composed of right and left halves (cerebral hemispheres, separated by the sagittal fissure) . Anteriorly the two hemispheres are separated by a slight con- struction from an olfactory lobe (rhinencephalon). Are the two olfactory lobes distinct from each other? Behind and between the diverging posterior ends of the telencephalon and lying at a somewhat lower level is the dien- cephalon or 'twixt-brain, which in turn is bounded behind by a pair of prominent rounded optic lobes, the mesencephalon. Immediately behind the mesencephalon and lying at a lower level is a transverse band, the greatly reduced metencephalon or cerebellum. The lateral ends of this rest upon the myelenceph- alon or medulla oblongata, a large region which extends back to the posterior end of the cranium. Study these parts more in detail. Make out in the roof of the diencephalon the position of the paraphysis already noted, and immediately behind it a short longitudinal stalk (pedicle of the epiphysis) which reaches back to its origin from about the middle of the 'twixt-brain. Pull the optic lobes slightly toward the posterior end and see, at the hinder end of the diencephalon, a narrow optic tract extending outwards and forwards between the optic lobe and 'twixt-brain. Note the direction of the major axis of the mesencephalic hemispheres. If carefully opened the dorsal surface of the myelencephalon will be found to be covered with a loose tissue, the taenia or roof of the fourth ventricle. Removal of this exposes a triangular opening (fossa rhomboidalis) into the cavity (fourth ventricle). The lateral walls of this fossa form the eminentia acustica. Is the fossa rhomboidalis continued backwards as a groove upon the dorsal surface of the spinal cord? Draw the brain, X4, from the dorsal surface on the drawing of the spinal cord, leaving space on one side of the sheet to insert the cranial nerves, to be studied next. The Cranial Nerves.* — The frog, like other Ichthyopsida, has but ten pairs of nerves given off from the brain inside the * The study of the cranial nerves is facilitated by allowing the head to remain from two to four weeks in the nitric alcohol, after which the muscles, etc., are readily removed with the forceps. This, however, renders the brain very tender and interferes with its subsequent removal from the head and its dissection. The complete dissection of the nerves takes more time than THE FROG 23 cranium. These are known both by name and by number. In some cases the roots of two or more of these nerves may be so closely associated that only microscopical analysis can dis- tinguish them as they emerge from the brain or as they pass through the skull. Carefully pick away the muscles lying between the brain and the tympanum until at about the level of the side of the brain the nerve-trunks are reached. These will be recognized by their white color and, in this region, the transverse direction of the larger trunks. Most posterior of the series is the complex of the ninth and tenth nerves. This emerges from the brain at about the level of the middle of the fossa rhomboidalis, passes outwards behind the otic capsule and soon presents a small enlargement, the jugular ganglion, beyond which the trunk separates into several branches. The two anterior of these form the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve. At their common base these have a small glossopharyn- geal ganglion, lateral to which the two branches separate. The posterior is the glossopharyngeal proper, which passes outwards and then downwards. The other is Jacobson's commissure, which should be traced laterally to the medio-posterior side of the tympanum, where it unites with a branch (hyomandibular) of the seventh nerve, the common trunk now passing straight outwards behind the tympanum. The other branches, which extend laterally, form the vagus nerve (X), while from the jugular ganglion a commissure of the sympathetic system extends backward to the second spinal nerve (so-called hypoglossus, XI), which leaves the spinal cord between the first and second vertebrae. The roots of the fifth and seventh nerves are also closely associated with each other. They arise from the antero-lateral side of the medulla and unite almost immediately to form a large common prootic ganglion* inside the cranium. Outside the skull four main trunks are immediately visible. Of these the hindermost is the hyomandibularis branch of the facial nerve (VII) can be given in the ordinary course, and hence only the roots and main trunks are noticed here. Those wishing to follow it farther should use Gaupp's description. * A fusion of Gasserian (5th) and geniculate (7th) ganglia. 24 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION already mentioned. Trace it outwards and backwards to its union with Jacob son's commissure. The next branch is the common maxillo-mandibularis trunk of the trigeminal nerve (V). Trace it laterally to its division into maxillaris and mandibular nerves. The next anterior is the superficial temporal branch of the trigeminal nerve, the distal portion of which has probably been removed with the muscles. It supplies the adjacent region of the top of the head. Now carefully remove the tissues between the eye and the cranium, keeping watch for the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve, which runs forward from the common prootic ganglion, parallel to the side of the cranium. Trace it forward to the tip of the snout. The ophthalmic nerve crosses the optic nerve (II), which runs obliquely forwards and outwards from beneath the diencephalon to the eyeball. Running parallel to the ophthalmic nerve in the orbital region, but passing beneath the optic nerve, is a part of the oculomotor nerve (III). The branches of this, as well as the whole of the trochlearis (IV) and abducens (VI) nerves, are difficult to trace. The olfactory nerve (I) should be traced forward from the rhinencephalon to its distribution to the olfactory organ. Add these nerves to the sketch of the brain. Turn the head on the side and follow the branches of the vagus, hyomandibular, glossopharyngeal, maxillaris, and man- dibular nerves outwards and downwards, and trace all but the maxillaris on to the lower jaw. Now remove the lower jaw; remove the skin from the roof of the mouth, taking great care not to take the underlying nerves with it. Several nerves will be exposed. Of these note especially the palatine nerve, a branch of the seventh, which passes nearly straight forward near the middle line across the inner side of the floor of the orbit. Trace its branches as far as convenient and also follow it dorsally to its origin from the common prootic ganglion. Add all these nerves to your drawing. Cut through the olfactory and optic nerves, and with the forceps grasping the olfactory, carefully lift up the brain, cutting the successive nerves as close to the cranial wall as is possible. THE FROG 25 Remove the brain from the cranium and study its lateral and ventral aspects. In the side view recognize all the regions seen from above, noting the prominent way in which the metencephalon projects above the myelencephalon. Recognize also the broad fibre tract — the optic tract, part of which has been seen in the dorsal view — extending downward over the side of the diencephalon. Examine carefully the side of the olfactory lobe and see if you can recognize two roots to the olfactory nerve. Find the roots of nerves V, VI, IX-X already seen and look for the root of III near the ventral surface, immediately below the middle of the optic lobe. Examine carefully the contour of the ventral surface. Draw a side view of the brain, X4. Also make a similar drawing of the ventral surface. Note the distance to which the inferior roots of the olfactory nerves extend backwards. Follow the optic tracts to the union (in reality a crossing — chiasma) on the ventral surface and note the origin of the optic nerves from this chiasma. Immediately behind the chiasma is a median swelling, indistinctly two-lobed, the infundibulum, with the roots of the III nerve projecting between its sides and the main part of the brain. Behind the infundib- ulum is a three-lobed projection, the hypophysis, lying on a bed of cross-fibres, the lemnisci. In the ventral surface behind the hypophysis see the median groove, the ventral fissure, marking off the two sides of the brain and extending back on the cord. The two regions thus differentiated have the special name of pedunculi or crura cerebri from the mesencephalic region forward, beneath the infundibulum and chiasma, to the telencephalon. With a sharp scalpel carefully slice off the roof of the brain until the cavities are exposed in its whole extent, from the front of the cerebral hemispheres back to the limits of the fossa rhom- boidalis. Of these make out a pair of cavities (ventricles) lying in the telencephalon (ventricles 1 and 2). Do they extend into the olfactory lobes? Also an unpaired cavity (third ventricle) in the diencephalon, connecting in front with the first and second by transverse passages (foramina of Monro; interventricular foramina) . The wall between the anterior end of the third ventri- cle and the sagittal fissure (p. 22) is the lamina terminalis. In the optic lobes are a pair of mesencephalic ventricles, which, since they do not occur in mammals, are not numbered. The median 26 GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION part of the cavity in this region is the aqueduct or iter; it extends back to the fourth ventricle in the myelencephalon, the extent of which is slightly larger than the fossa rhomboidalis. Draw the brain thus dissected, showing the various cavities and the relative thickness of the walls in different regions. THE FROG 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY Gaupp's extensive work on the frog (quoted below) should be in every laboratory where this animal is dissected in other than a super- ficial manner. These volumes contain such a complete bibliography of the subject that scarcely any mention of works is needed here. There are therefore given only a few manuals of dissection, a few general works dealing with the morphology of the Anura, and some papers, mostly of American origin, which have appeared since Gaupp's volumes were in print. MANUALS OF DISSECTION BOURNE, G. C. An introduction to the study of the comparative anatomy of Animals. Vol. 1. London, 1900. (Frog, pp. 16-107.) DODGE, C. W. Introduction to elementary practical Biology. N. Y., Harper's, 1894. (Frog, pp. 202-263.) HUXLEY, T. H., and MARTIN, H. N. A course in elementary instruction in Practical Biology. Revised edition by G. B. Howes and D. H. Scott. London, 1889. (Frog, pp. 1-172.) MARSHALL, A. M. The Frog: An introduction to anatomy, histology, and embryology. London, 1896. PRATT, H. S. A course in Vertebrate Zoology. Boston, Ginn, 1905. (Frog, pp. 94-134.) GENERAL WORKS Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwicklungslehre. Jena. 6 vols. COPE, E. D. The Batrachia of North America. Bulletin U. S. National Museum, No. 34. Washington, 1889. ECKER, A. The anatomy of the Frog. Translated by George Haslam. Oxford, 1889. GADOW, H. Amphibia and Reptiles. Cambridge Natural History, vol. 8. London, 1901. GAUPP, E. A. Ecker's und R. Wiedersheim's Anatomie des Frosches. Braunschweig. 1. Abth., 1896; 2. Abth., 1899; 3. Abth., 1904; pp. 1738. GEGENBAUR, C. Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Leipzig, 1898-1901. 2 vols. HERTWIG, R. A manual of zoology. Translated and edited by J. S. Kingsley. N. Y., Holt, 1902. HOLMES, S. J. The Biology of the Frog. N. Y., Macmillan, 1906. HUXLEY, T. H. A manual of the anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. London, 1882. GUIDES FOR VERTEBRATE DISSECTION JOHNSTON, J. B. The nervous system of Vertebrates. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1906. KINGSLEY, J. S. Text-book of Vertebrate Zoology. N. Y., Holt, 1899. OWEN, R. On the' Anatomy of Vertebrates. London, 1866-68. 3 vols. PARKER, W. K., and BETTANY, G. T. Morphology of the Skull. London. PARKER, T. J., and HASWELL, W. A. A text-book of Zoology. London, 1897. STANNIUS, H. LehrbuchderZootomie. Berlin, 1856. WIEDERSHEIM, R. Elements of the comparative anatomy of Verte- brates. Adapted by W. N. Parker. London, 1897. Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. 6. Auflage. Jena, 1906. MORGAN, T. H. The development of the frog's egg. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. SHORTER ARTICLES BERNARD, H. M. Studies on the Retina. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci., 43, 1900; 44, 1901; 46, 1906. CAMERON, J. Origin of the epiphysis in Amphibia as a bilateral structure. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 73, 1904. COLE, F. J. Some variations in the spinal nerves of the Frog. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Socy., 15, 1901. Fox, H. Development of tympano-Eustachian passage and associated structures in the toad. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1901. HEMPSTEAD, M. Development of the lungs in frogs. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 49, 1900. , JONES, W. C. Development of sympathetic nervous system in the toad. Jour. Comp. Neurol., 15, 1905. KING, H. D. Maturation and fertilization of the egg of Bufo lenti- ginosus. Jour. Morphology, 17, 1901. REED, M. Formation of the interior cells in the segmentation of the frog's egg. Biolog. Bulletin, 8, 1905. SAMPSON, L. V. Contribution to the embryology of Hylodes martini- censis. Amer. Jour, of Anat., 3, 1904. STRONG, 0. S. Cranial nerves of Amphibia. Journal of Morphology, 10, 1895. WILSON, H. V. Formation of the blastopore in the frog egg. Anatom. Anzeiger, 18, 1900. YERKES, R. M. Sense of hearing in frogs. Jour. Compar. Neurology, 15, 1905. \