Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. B5S24Ww eer hie Nae a United States Department of Agriculture | Bureau of Biological Survey | Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-44 Washineton, D. C. Ge April 1936 | FRUITS ATTRACTIVE TO BIRDS —~ NORTHEASTERN STATES REGION No, 4 Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine ’ 9 gen, ’ ; ue ’ Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana > Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Marylend, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, and Virginia. | By W. Le McATEH, Principal Biologist and Technicel Adviser Office of the Chief Regions for which leaflets on fruits attractive to birds are available SECT Ey ar Set Sy a Kae kee esis AOS warn es Bo he Table 1.--Groups of fleshy fruits most attractive to birds throughout United Stetes e e ° e e e e ° e ° e e . e e ° oe . e ° e e e e . e e Table 2,--Generally distributed native fruits of the Northeastern the States for which Suen Ce eey data on fruiting seasons are available. Table 3,.--Supplemental list of mative fruits of the northern border of the Northeastern States (may range southvard in the mountains)... Table 4,--Supplemental list of native fruits of the coastal region of Ee UOTN | SUC CS Hela Sle BO a ee eh ue ay ek et ew eel Oe! ae Table 5.---Supplemental list of native fruits of the southern border of eal ea em EM SLANT OS ta) vo. Mei. 8 ale ww pane me ew lee we ell Table 6,--Extrelimital fruits that have been recommended for Connecticut Table 7,.-—Hxtralimital fruits that nave been recommended for Iowa... Table 8,--Extralimital fruits that heve been recommended for Maine. . Table 9,--Hxtralimital fruits that have been recommended for Massachusett Table 10.--Fruits observed to persist until mid-Merch in the Arnold Nev One mum iameavica planta \MascacmisetitSi is sn (6%) oe) es cleus 6 Table 11.--Extralimitel fruits that have been recommended for Michigan Tz)le 12,.--ixtralimital fruits that have been recommended for Minnesota. Table 13,—-Extralimital fruits that have been recommended for New Jersey Table 14,--Extralimital fruits that have been recommended for New York Table 15.--Fruits observed to persist until mid-March in the Botanical Canadienne emp Momeni Nia ite tichvchielian ie seit ge a ee er ele A lee) % Table 16,--Extralimital fruits tnat have been recommended for Ohio. . Table 17,.--Extralimital fruits thet have been recommended for Pennsylvania Table 18.—-—Extralimital fruits that have been recommended for Wisconsin, Literature . e ° e e . e e e ° e ) ° e e e e e ° e e ° e ° ° ° e ° ° ° Ss Page 24 25 REGIONS FOR WHICH LEAFLETS ON FRUITS ATTRACTIVE TO BIRDS ARE AVAILABLE FIGURE 1.--Map of the United States, showing the 10 regions used in presenting information on fruits attractive to birds. As an aid in requesting leaflets, it should be noted that No. BS-41 is for region 1; BS-42, for region 2, etc., with BS-50 for region 106. -2— INTRODUCTION The term Northeastern States is one tnat is used with ae variety of meanings. in the present connection it indicates anproximately the north- cactomn Quarter) or the United States, Justification of a floristic district including even the entire eastern half of the country is ample, for scores of plants have a range extending from New England west to Minnesota and south to the Gulf Coast. As is true for all areas, however selected, the marginal tracts are debatable. In the present instance the importance of a southern element in the flora is considered great enough to warrant the setting off of Floridian and soutnern districts including gulf and adjacent States, while distinctive coastal and northern plant associations are provided for by tables supplemen- tal to the main fruiting schedule for the region, Topographic relief is not so pronounced as in most of the western districts, but the Appalachian Mountain system does affect plant distribution by providing conditions enabling southward e.Sension of the ranges of various northern species (see Table 3). The Atlantic Coastal Plain, on the other hand, favors the northward distribution of plants of southern affinities (see Table 4), Table 1 shows groups of fleshy fruits most attractive to birds through— ovt the United States and lists desirable kinds of birds most fond of the fruit. No barberries, currants, or buckthorns are listed, because they harbor rusts destructive to plants of economic importance. Junipers are in almost the same eategsory, es they serve es alternate hosts for apple rust, but there is no reason why they cannot be used in districts where apples are not commercially frown, as they are among the most valuable plants for wildlife. Omitted also are plents poisonous to man on contact, as poison ivy and poison sumac, as well @s various kinds dangerously poisonous to domestic animals, as yews, wild cherries, and nightshades, in spite of the fact that wild cherries are greatly relished by birds. Browsing animals are known to heve been killed by feeding on the leaves of wild cherries but do not seem to be so seriously affected by those of olums. Certain plants included among fleshy fruit bearers in previous publications have been transferred to the list of seed producers, hence do not appear in the present series of leaflets. These include magnolia (Magnolia), bittersweet (Celastrus), and burningbush (Buonymus). It should be noted that the fruit—bearing seasons recorded, being collected from varied sources, tend to be maxima. As a rule they are not likely to be realized or even approached in a single locality unless numerous specimens of a given species are present and so distributed in sun and shade as to favor both early end late fruiting. The word "extralimital" as here used in certain table headings covers plants from other States or regions of the Uuited States as well as wholly introduced, exotic, or foreign plants. Bene a ah TABLE 1. - Groups of fleshy fruits United States most attractive to birds throughout the Name of fruit ° e -. Species of birds known to eat the fruit Common Juniper; Be aneaeee Greenbrier .wevecsee BAY DELTY. seiesc vols c Hackberry .csecces Mulberry .cececcce POKEDEETY Desc ses eo 68 Generic Juniperus .... Smilax ce eccee My TT CaG selereicieie Celtis eeeeed © Morus e@ees oe e @ s phytolacca <. SPC DUSH oscie sels: SAISSAETASINslciee leo eve DILLAWDELTTV; 6 occ 2 6 BENZ OM Nels sess 2 Sassafras eeee > Harari icles Num 3/* ; ber eo 00 6 50 ee 02 © Desirable kinds most fond of the fruit Flicker, mockingbird, robin, eastern bluebird, cedar waxwing, myrtle warbler, evening and pine grosbeaks, purple finch. Mockingbird, catbird, brown thrasher, robin, hermit thrush, cardinal. Bobwhite, flicker, downy woodpecker, eastern phoebe, tree swallow, black- capped chickadee, Carolina wren, cat- bird, brown thrasher, hermit thrush, eastern bluebird, white-eyed vireo, myrtle warbler, meadowlark, towhee. ‘Flicker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, mockingbird, brown thrasher, robin, eastern bluebird, cedar waxwing, cardinal. Yellow-billed cuckoo, red-bellied, red- headed, and downy woodpeckers, eastern kingbird, mockingbird, catbird, robin, wood thrush, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, yellow warbler, orchard and Baltimore orioles, scarlet tanager, eardinal, purple finch. Mourning dove, flicker, eastern kingbird, mockingbird, catbird, robin, hermit, olive-backed, and gray-cheeked thrushes, eastern bluebird, cardinal. Eastern kingbird, wood thrush, veery, red-eyed vireo. : Bobwhite, eastern kingbird, catbird, robin, veery, red-eyed vireo. : Catbird, brown thrasher, robin, wood thrush, towhee. TABLE 1. - Groups of fleshy fruits most attractive to birds throughout the United States--Continued Name of fruit Species of birds known to eat the fruit i Common : Generic Desirable kinds most fond of the fruit Ruffed. grouse, bobwhite, flicker, red-= headed woodpecker, eastern kingbird, tufted titmouse, wren tit, mockingbird, catbird, brown thrasher, robin, wood and olive-backed thrushes, eastern bluebird, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, orchard and Baltimore orioles, cardinal, rose- breasted, black-headed, and pine grosbeaks, red-eyed, spurred, ana California towhees, white-throated, fox, and song sparrows. Raspberry, black- SPRUDUWS Vays clelelere berry 2 eo 8 oe of colo @e 09 66 ©& 68 00 08 00 ee ee % 00 ee ee 9 e208 e8 @8 ee 08 88 oF ROS wcccccece Ruffed and sharp-tailed grouse, prairie chicken, bobwhite. Rose @eeeeeneveee08080 ee 00 © ee 00 9 o59 08 06 of of Mountain-ash ..... : Sorbus ...eec. Red-headed woodpecker, catbird, brown thrasher, robin, Bohemian and cedar waxwings, Baltimore oriole, evening and pine grosbeaks. Aronia ......6 Chokeberry cc.ceece Brown thrasher, meadowlark. ee ef 8 ee ©8 0% 2 ‘ee ©e oo Ruffed grouse, robin, purple finch, pine grosbeak. Hawthorn ..--.e-.. : Crataegus ..e e@ ©e@ © ee ©8 @2& ee eo 2° \ eo 9 ee © ce 08 00 0% © 60 96 06 62 oo ee oc e Ruffed grouse, ring-necked pheasant, mockingbird, robin, cedar waxwing, : purple finch, pine grosbeak, red 2 : crossbill. eo Apple @eonea0002080808080 ; Malus @eeoeeee ° 43 Juneberry ........ : Amelanchier . : 42 : Flicker, catbird, robin, hermit thrush, : : : veery, cedar waxwing, Baltimore oriole. sumac! ecccesccee 3: RNUS ...0e-5- : 97 : Ruffed grouse, bobwhite, valley quail, : : morthern and red-shafted flickers, red- : : bellied and downy woodpeckers, phoebe, : ; black-capped and Carolina chickadees, wren tit, Carolina wren, mockingbird, eatbird, brown and California thrashers, : robin, hermit thrush, eastern bluebird, : white-eyed vireo, towhee, Audubon's warbler, goldfinch, golden-crowned : : sparrow. ee ec e@ 9 © 60 ©6 88 ce co e ee Pepperberry ...... : Schinus ..... : 12 : Robin, varied and hermit thrushes, cedar : : : waxwing, phainopeple. TABLE 1. - Groups of fleshy fruits most attractive to birds throughout the United States--Continued Name of fruit , Species of birds known to eat the fruit : Num : : ber : Desirable kinds most fond of the fruit Common Generic HOLLY wcccccccccee 3: LICK sescoeee : 48 : Ruffed grouse, bobwhite, valley quail, : : : flicker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, 2 : : mockingbird, catbird, brown thrasher, : : : robin, hermit thrush, eastern bluebird, $ : cedar waxwing. Supplejack........ : Berchemia ... : 15 : Mockingbird, robin. Grape ..ccccccosee > WitiS pecker, eastern and Arkansas kingbirds, : mnt ; black phoebe, wren tit, mockingbird, : iieese : catbird, brown and California thrashers, : plait : robin, olive-backed thrush, eastern and : Rinse) ; western bluebirds, phainopepla, red- : atlas : eyed vireo, rose-breasted and black- headed grosbeaks, California towhee, whi te-crowned sparrow. , ee. Snowberry, coral- : Symphoricarpos: 33 : Sharp-tailed grouse, varied thrush, berry 3 iy te : evening and pine grosbeaks. Blackhaw, cran- : Viburnum .... : 355 :; Ruffed grouse, yellow-billed cuckoo, berrybush wake Nhaauts ‘: flicker, catbird, brown thrasher, robin, "3 "': ‘eastern bluebird, cedar waxwing, rose- : ° °‘3; breasted grosbeak, purple finch. Honeysuckle .....%. : Lonicera .... : 18 : Bobwhite, catbird, brown thrasher, robin, : Wie eS ; hermit thrush, pine grosbeak, white- eine aE rOated Sparrow. 1/ parberries (Berberis), buckthorns (Rhammus), and currants (Ribes) are omitted because they serve as alternate hosts of rusts, attacking wheat, oats, and white pine, respectively. Yews (Taxus), wild cherries (Prunus), and nightshades (Solanum) also are omitted as being dangerous stock peteonine. ng plants. 2/ When 10 or more. 3/ Carries apple rust; should not be planted near valuable orchards. 4/ Only nonpoisonous species of. sumac are considered. 5/ Data given are based entirely on field observations; total number of birds eating the various species of Blaeagnus unknown. seis, Syotiee Rape eeu ee ceenee NouUlacds era bictecreeeon Chinése flowering crab . Cuitleak cra Driers suey aes ZiT (SEW Seapets alee American mountain—ash... Jepenese mountain-ash .. Barchilleat Cat inci. cdeerees NENVitCODS LI ward ierekeeer denne WD Oifatevereve. atssuriuhetouckcnsnete DOs kal om anehetal/syeveromareReveitens Black ChokebD6Gry, . jefsievew ROS Crmeveteccharelctevchoneis iccsreneietons 1B) Ole: evatetiter ener cheliokecauabertehs MEAG OW MEOSCiuicrsiel a: cncucuonenens Dorel oslo SiGe aie See Oro G5 Eeatherteah “OS eC....c.ecvetenene ROSE re veirajercvepebabstelsiehokenenetetere Do. soVekoralebehehekereheioneiciencts Do, eeoeoeeveeceee eos e ere eee JAPANESE TOSE eocecrcces WAM! OSCE syereuebeteteh suche leis OWE Cit Due Wi vetel clspel cileel ce RUZOSA MO SCuapael letsbevereieie PHA CALOSC) Jeveleiereteleielsisic SCOUCh WOSeMarteetsierererelers .:- Malus brevipes. : Melus coronaria : Malus dawsoniana,. ‘ Malus floribunde, ,' Malus fusca. ' Malus glabrata. ‘ Malus glaucescens,. : Malus halliana. .: Malus huphensis. Malus -ioensis. Malus -kaido. Malus keansunensis, Malus lancifolia,. Malus micromalus. Malus platycarpa, -- ‘Malus prunifolia var. rubra cerasiforme - - Melus pumila, ‘Malus purpurea. -- Malus: robusta, - ‘Malus: sargenti.s:--- Melus: scneideckeri, Malus: seiboldi, Melus sikkimensis. ‘Melus: soulardi. Melus spectabilis, ‘-Melus- toringoides, Veiuas: gummi... Sorbus: americana, Sorbus matsumuirane, “Pyrus: betulaefolie. -Amelanchier canadensis. -Amelanchier oblongifolia. -Amelanchier spicata. Aronia melanocarpea. Rose elberti. Rose arvensis, Rosa blanda,.: - Rose canine var. dumetorun. Rose coriifolia,.. Rose gaiane. Rosa hibernica,. - Rosa kamskatica.: Rosa multiflora. Rosa -palustris, Rosa rubiginosa, Rosa rugosa. Rosa setigera, - - . : Rosa svinosissima,. ra Graces iia Ree. cece nce awa emacs macnn ecewacerecranssceofnnawetanaauwons asic ee ee i i or TABLE 10.--Fruits observed to persist until mid-March in the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain,. Massachusetts--Continued Scientific name Common name sekhalin corktree .....e. Phellodendron sachalinense,. SMOG SUIS in diam dcae oo coo OR, salaulss. callvonerets Sbashowny SURACH ci aacea desley RUS binta., pAKeD OMG ISY ters 5) cishaveiaverseiskels cateretetore et, gL Lex bab re. .. SMOOGh wilt Sw bertyas ke cuetsteislerse Lex laevigata. PMerancam MOMMA ceiee siapelelstekeieteisiat) Leos ODAC. Common winterberry......eeees+: Ilex verticillata. MonamiG evan — Ou slivs avarerasayetereichelsteteie Napanee) PachwosnGiewrey.walelelalelele JALANSSO CwSeSOOwe aac gancscccoe USES. ONAN CS pitay areleMepapatel eens ay efeleie Nemopanthus mucronatus. _Pachysandra terminelis. Ampelopsis tricuspidatea, Elaeagnus angustifolia. > Salayie ebgebhleh G6 o0a oOo 5 acc COU canthopanex divaricaeta. “Do. eoerrx2eeeee te eoeeeeeree ees Acenthopanax henryil. TU OPmeeraldelela/l-ilelaleeiciieiete flees ConLnoOpanax Sescilitloram, Coloredo dogwood . Red-osier dogwood .Cornus coloradensis. Cornus stolonifera,. Common persimmon ..s....<..s-.: Diospyros virginiana. IPIPIAE Gena conoacunanoooocmoaod slave bisinebin fexcbuilanoehabiine JSTDAG TORRID OG AA OM OA OOS CH onc) Mnausbisionebialnainibnalnalisyeyn Dap emia ORINC Gel eelacdid wets UlcU Stu MicroceanpuM. IS as OV Stae ola Qe a nc MeyGreMON y= VaenGin, aterevelerere Do. e@ecoeeecese eo eo © ee ee ee ee ee ee Ligustrum vulgare. . yGium chinense. Lycium rhombifolium. Mapleleaf viburnum ........-..: Viburnum acerifoliun. American cranberrybush ......-.'. Viburnum americanum. Agua Vy cjeceialeiniere eral sielele ele eieete Gu LOL GMM) De GuenoOlaam . Manchurian viburnum-..........: Viburnum burejaeticum. . Weikinie— 126 Gamera side eicoicis iaielevaasii TOLLE. Cass inoides. iandent vibumnumin~ seas aseies oe). Viburnum dilatatum, RBISSC a. WAUNVAMN Condo ooo OCOD OC OR | Wilenmbelmbiin Cicerone Hupely VaAbUrMuM ses. sacssea-2% Viburnum hupehense. NEM OORT Ais lee nod eeeetaes » Viburnum lentago. WADE soo KU OA OCHO OOOO CONE a iy Wiens abun lobophyllum. Huropean cranberrybush Soo adda t. Wellormuerarben opulus. Hgeleaf viburnum ,....¢sse..+«', Viburnum ovatifolium. DUA CMe) lise ielelieleueclecieee «: V, LoucmumM! omundt olla, Southern blackhaw ..,.........: Viburnum rufidulunm, Sargent cranberrybush ...e...e.: Viturnum sargenti. Wir tesla svetibnars mam eveversteersleichelsteieteyt Vi LOUNGNUM pwr teste iN. Snowberry eRe Pee nr ae Symphoricarpos occidentalis. DOR) i jeruieteieeneieretei ici delete Oy MOnOGICaRpOSsmorbaculatuisl. NS MG OCOHO OOOO OOO ODOUR G Hem MNeRCArejOS! WSUS DOT eee «ele en leletelaelsleale ele) MPNOGUCarnpOS mlaeva Sater. Belle honeysuckle .,........-.: Lonicera bella. Sweetberry honeysuckle .......: Lonicera caerulea. Limber honeysuckle Me see onsice nc dhioaieas Amur honeysuckle ,....esesee+.: LONnicera maecki. Grape: Noneyicucmlew wae adicsee UOMLCeGe prolinenrel. Tatarien honeysuckle .........: Lonicera tatarica. Reg. 4. ; Sa feia TABLE 11,--Extrelinital fruits that have been recommended for Michigan Common name Scientific name Juniperus communis hibernica,. Myrica carolinensis. lipgal isla abbas SG SCN ogo uO OOOOS BayiDSTAY = jevelenstalelcetorereareletenenensioke Rus Sian TU DemRy (sc .sretseieiew sew) MOUS LU uaIatCe. 5 Shiloh onenker Oy GiGioig SOLO GOO oO OOO) sce LDHOS eR NO SES 5 oe REGME AT WOSSM se. e\a\ ol c/e) sicher s/ciaioe) st NO Sout bigtegOuecie HU OMESMIGOSE™ slsteie) cl crerclaievote oe si eli OSM AU O lS Japanese: rose .\.is. sede coisas ROSA amUl Ganehorer, RUZOSAVTOSE |'S6 o's cin dew Melee pee ROSSI USO Say ie WiLCHURHAN TOSS ierels)eie viele s sliciie elem RO SC mWanclatiacinals Huropean mountain-ash ......«.:' sorbvus’ aucuparia. COTONSASTER” Scie ciate sialeielelcisieisle’ slg’ 1 COLOMCA SUC Te CU Gen diel. DO” Si aleic\ ola) cielo rele chelslers stotctereiel') + © OUOME AS Le temOsinrortatce) Ua, DOig. {sce seleverels's die ecslele sietale shelf OO VOMC AS Geta Orman Omit culetact. English hawthorn .............: Orataegus: oxyacantha, DLDETVTAN CLAD inc cele « veiele os vielejel MOMUSmDaAeCatar. Pump elead spammy ece: caer cveievenevete Beseh: qd mee ees aisles erereiovets VPAVANE SSE CRESP SIM chance eve weieteroleleisue RUS SUA“ OUVIC ie teie sierels) cious eeleiiols Tatarian: COSWOOd.c.sreialers eis eveueicte KOUSa ido Wwoo. ding sy. vsic\ sie cise CHAD. sisters .e 6.2 Cutleaf crab salle isttelisiarsyeKevels! Jepenese pa chysandra.......+! JAAN SS MalolIby Bayo sho coo nce Porcelain ampelopsis .......: ea WaAne Ses CKSCMEMIMN cackateicis wile ae CARO VV OM gy siden. lava ce le foe selelielatete OWEN) WLTICT ie eis) se w/e oie aVanceieieioee Daphne ..... . Daphne WO Nok egoanoaoSGoodd on cot Weapolamale Cornelian cherry abso nono soc) Comune! Comal dozwood., acces ane sere COGNUS: Chinese: doswood. 4. ....cess.0° COMMUS Japanese cornelian cherry...: Cornus Bloodtwig dogwood ......se.se: Cornus SMA VAT AME) Nee sie lester ie olstare en Gherry ellacasmis 5... «sie: RUS Ba Ctr) OMCs eo aveleuceelenetelsieiavae SWE SGIUSERE BANG no oro Go cGdacgn0b: ISDN ONFE RD TA ViC(b~Neae te retteretene tare cavers ATIVE TONG AU VICTUPY ov oly bile cewatoneusveleierei ene HERO P SAN IO ViCiv = eucteensneuetovelsiere Winter rrinsetreGste.ce ems esas ClisbAS Siemmeoveemds®. Sa ogo dos MATRON y—VeENe: srvanbaverereie eielsiel: WO SM OIC oNG 364 Leatherleaf viburnum ......e: DEMON G! VAUGHN eisteiees © cuereralt Fragrant viburmim .......ce:: Linden viburnum oPoodssdoune: (SPoiMee Male biaabiin SakoaanaoonGn Neysmac ince tree: aumeimerunainiet Kuropean cranberrybush .....' Tatarian honeysuckle .....e00: Bele) Doneyisucve: Riis ells rnOnlcerc Japanese honeysuckle .......:Lonicera Morrow honeysuckle oeeeeeeee, LONicera Menechurian honeysuckle ..... . Lonicera Winter honeysuckle .........;Lonicera Standish honeysuckle .......: Lonicera Thorn honeysuckle .....e+.+-' Lonicere Everblooming honeysuckle ...:Lonicera Amur honeysuckle ...c:.eecee1 Omicera Henry honeysuckle ..........:Lonicera coe eee eee ee een Malus the PONCE NON CCE CONOICY Ampelopsi eoeoeseeveces eee e8ee ine ‘ c t ‘ € 0 Hlaeagnus Symplocos Ligustrum Lycium ch Viburnum Viburnum Viburnum Viburnum: ‘Viburnum’ Viburnum: Viburnum: Tonicera’ . Acanthopa Elacagnus ° Ligustrum Ligustrum Chionanthus virginica. — Chionanthus ‘Lycium ha ve been recommended a cientific name Seabee halliane’x sieboldi. ifera, ‘ Malus toringotdes. Pachysandra terminalis, Ilex crenata var. microphylle. s heterophylla. Ampelopsis tricuspidata, ‘ Vitis coignetiae. Actinidia erguta. zereum & var. album. cheorum. me. alba var. ‘kousa var. ‘officinalis. sanguinea & var, S. sibirica,. chinensis. iridissima, nax pentaphylla, tongipes & var, ovata, Gen SSO ICOS ‘ibote & var. ‘amurense, vulgere. regelianum, retusa, inense. limifolium., rhytidophyllum. Sieboldi. carlesi. dilatetum. wrighti. lantana, opulus. tatarica & vars. ‘bella & vars. japonica. morrowi. ruprechtianae,. fragrantissima. standishi. spinosa, ‘heckrotti. maacki. henryi. ally The list of "Persistent fruits in the New York Botanical Garden" (Table 15) contains various ad ao le ditional species. TABLE 15,--Fruits observed to persist until mid-March in the Botani Common name HGS ENON (ae lenis eva eee ED) OF Natalee tee leteca ieee etek WO mS crooos dao. da oc Hemi eral, cetera eeeraens HEWib ORD verre sie ler arene ie Washington hawthorn ,.. Hewthorn Bhotesotaceienapenetarenene: Chinese hewthorn ...... HeawiGMorn) |e eccccsrc ere eeeeieions TD) O¥ i): tee, ecletaueneneperencuoianene Coeksiur VUbomnl Ne creas) DEL VLC D CLI. cisemeeteeieene Red chokeberry .¢eesen Purples chokeberry : Wan eke "Black chokeberry esrve ae Beach plum sey see notes Prickly ‘TOse 357 acces Dogbrier ere ereo se een oe Rose Sevres eee eer ee rere aD Or eee eee ere esac. Pas tire Mr Os chy ie hee: ag Rosé caienelteletenacilalstetamneisietete Virginia: TOsGi ya eccce ats OSC! reredeveteveteletene ieee asters Do. @eeosesertseecwoeve JaPeMe SS MO Semantic cues BEUSUILY: \TOSC.ccienue sce ele te Nubia) POSE, seme eae ee ROS Cr Miler seres sir ne ee SWEET DEVOT eta ese corel sels UO SA aOSC) vais ayia eertrete ROSS! sevstelorevate eres rei snccens sete S COC OS er jie erate area LOSS! have been recommended ror Ohio Common name Scientific name Piezo re mM MSI ee kara el orcre ols | ‘Juniperus chinensis ver. pfitzerianea., MECN AGUMC!