Thamnophis sirtalis, in North- f Kansas Natural History Museum, The University 0 2001. Fitch, H. S. Further study of the Garter Snake, eastern Kansas. Scientific Papers, 19: 1-6. Herp. = la -06369 2 gay Big P AUG 0 6 2001 = 'clentific Papers | UNIVERSES Natural History Museum The University of Kansas 15 June 2001 Number 19:1-6 Further Study of the Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, in Northeastern Kansas By Henry S. FitcH Fitch Natural History Reservation, The University of Kagssas 2060 East 1600 Road, Lawrence, Kansas 66044-9450, USA CONTENTS - INSTA Gilport, Peete bccn casi ch 2... Surat twee SE ante co eee Re 1 TNIR © D) WG ON eee he oon... Nees, een ees ae ee CD HAT GIINI@ WEE ING MENG oo oe Sot concise lee ERO San D. INANE RU AEST ANID NAL EL @ I) Spe... eet eee ee re D RES WIRDS pe wreet mente hah ene. alot Rat nee sre mae Rede oa ae D DISGUSSIONFAteet sca & Tins. cit Mena melencetet 2 aur tree eet 5 TERA WIRIEKGUREID = 88 240-4. ee eee Die OL eel Sean 6 ABSTRACT The red-sided garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, is a prominent member of the local snake fauna at the Fitch Natural History Reservation and has been a subject of field study over the past 53 years. Although several publications in whole or in part, have been devoted to this species, some aspects of its ecology have remained poorly known; some of these are dealt with in the present paper. Herein, I discuss the range of variation in color and pattern, and compare the frequencies of pattern types in males and females; I also compare the sexes with each other and with immatures in their ecological traits including vagility and their fidelity to specific locations. Comparison of feeding records show major differences in food habits between the sexes and between young and adults. A northern population of this same subspecies in the Interlake Region in Manitoba, Canada, is com- pared behaviorally with the Kansas population on the basis of recent studies. Key worps: Dorsolateral area; Funnel trap; Intersquamal color; Probability of capture; Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. © Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas ISSN No. 1094-0782 2 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, NATURAL History MuseuM, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS INTRODUCTION The common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, is eco- logically important and geographically widespread; it oc- curs throughout most of the United States (except the arid southwestern one-fourth) and in the southern half of Canada (Ruthven, 1908). A large amount of literature ex- ists regarding its local occurrence, identification, and in- teractions with other species (Fitch, 1980). It is in fact one of the best known of North American snakes. The recent book by Rossman et al. (1996) summarizes much informa- tion concerning the species. My acquaintance with the spe- cies began with studies of the west coast garter snakes at the University of California’s Museum of Vertebrate Zool- ogy in the 1930s.(Fitch, 1941). With my becoming the first superintendent of the University of Kansas Natural His- tory Reservation in 1948, I had opportunity to study a lo- cal population of the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) and subsequently published an ecologi- cal study on that snake (Fitch, 1965). In that study the popu- lation on the Reservation was compared with that in Harvey County State Park, 140 miles to the southwest; geo- graphic variation over the entire range was discussed, and the two local populations were compared with respect to habitat, temperature relationships, food habits, breeding, growth, movements, defense and escape, natural enemies, parasites, composition of the population and numbers. In my synthesis of a Kansas snake community (Fitch, 1999), I presented data on the common garter snake dealing with traits of the species, behavior, size relationships, pattern types, tail functions, spatial relationships, kinds of prey, reproduction, growth, numbers, and geographic differen- tiation. Since that study was completed, three more sea- sons of field work on garter snakes have been finished. The present report deals with aspects of the ecology not undertaken or adequately treated in previous publications, to describe in detail the color pattern phases and their in- cidence in a large sample, and to compare the sexes with each other and with immatures in their ecological traits. ACKBOWLEDGMENTS I thank William E. Duellman for his advice regarding the content and organization of this paper. I am indebted to Neil B. Ford and Stevan J. Arnold for their many help- ful suggestions. My daughter, Alice F. Echelle, helped me with various phases of the early field work and also made suggestions for improving the original manuscript. Also, I thank the many students who have helped me capture snakes over the past 53 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS Garter snakes were captured in wire funnel traps, or by hand from beneath shelters, both metal and wooden, and these contrasting techniques were used on different areas. Data routinely recorded from each snake captured included sex, snout-vent length, tail length, color and markings, and stomach contents. Color pattern was de- scribed with special attention to the vertebral stripe, the dark dorsolateral area, and the series of pale intersquamal marks on the body. Lincoln Index censuses were made from time to time on relatively small and discrete areas of in- tensive study. Each census was based on two consecutive sampling periods; the ratio of marked snakes (from the first sampling) to unmarked snakes in the second sampling was the basis for an estimate; it was obvious that the snakes’ movements prevented a highly accurate census, and the longer the sampling period the more distorted the census figure, because previously marked snakes wan- dered away and were replaced by new ones. Food habits were studied by palping food items from the stomach up into the mouth for identification, and comparisons in- volved male and female snakes, adults versus first-year young, areas of different habitats and changes over time. Areas of most intensive study on Fitch Natural His- tory Reservation (FNHR) included House Field (10 ha in the headquarters area sampled from shelters in the 1990s), and Quarry Field (a 3.36 ha hilltop field on the northern edge of the reservation). On the adjacent Nelson Environ- mental Study Area (NESA), study areas included the Elec- tric Mouse Pens (in the northwestern sector, 9.65 ha sampled with traps in the 1990s), the Fish Pond Pens (2.6 ha south of NESA headquarters, sampled with traps in the 1990s), and Plots 4 and 5 in the southeastern part of the Biotic Succession Area (5.0 ha , sampled with shelters, 1986- 2001). RESULTS Color pattern.—Thamnophis sirtalis has a longitudi- nally striped pattern, and is one of the most brightly col- ored snakes. There is much variation, both geographic and individual, in color and pattern, but ontogenetically there is little change, which involves a brightening from the rather dull color of the neonate. Between the scales on loose skin of the dorsolateral area are the colored marks that give the subspecies its vernacular name “red-sided.” These marks are not always red and are highly variable in size and color, providing a variety of pattern types. Table | shows the relative frequency of nine pattern types in the local population and shows differences between the sexes. Actually, individual variation is such that a continuum might be established among all nine types. The intersquamal marks are arranged in transverse alternat- ing series, with the two lower rows and the three upper FURTHER STUDY OF THE GARTER SNAKE 3 Table 1. Pattern variation in intersquamous marks of dorsolateral area in a local population of Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Numbers are per- centages of total sample size for each sex (669 males, 1029 females). Intersquamous pattern Males Females All red 26.5 34.5 All yellow 5.5 35) All green 3.9 Def All blue 32 1.2 Uppermost row pale (russet, ivory, green, or blue) 19.0 14.9 Two upper rows pale 26.5 26.6 Three upper rows pale 12.7 9.1 Four upper rows pale 2.5 2.3 Two upper rows missing (T. s. fitchi pattern) 0.1 0.2 offset and alternating, separated by about the length of one scale from the next in front or behind. The lowest row is just above the lateral stripe and its marks are the largest; those marks farther from the lateral stripe become progres- sively smaller and less colorful. The two lower marks are on each side of the fourth scale row; the three upper marks involve scales of the fifth, sixth, and seventh rows. These marks on the dorsolateral area are sometimes all one color (in both sexes combined, 26.3% red, 3.6% yellow, 2.5% green, 2.2% blue), but in some cases only the lower rows are red, and the upper (four, three, two or one) are paler, faintly yellow, green or blue. In occasional individuals, the upper series (two or three nearest the dorsal stripe) are missing, and these snakes have essentially the pat- tern of the West Coast subspecies, Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi. In the majority of local snakes, the upper marks are not red but are pale, ivory, or delicately tinted with yellow, green, or blue. In a small minority, there is no red in the pattern and all dorsolateral marks are of pale color. Table 2. Relative probability of capture of the red-sided garter snake. The yellow vertebral stripe is perhaps the most char- acteristic trait of the species, but in the local population it also is subject to much individual variation. Typically the stripe is bright yellow and involves the vertebral scale row and half of the adjacent row on each side, but it may be a dull, muddy yellow, may be broader than the typical one and two halves of scale rows, and may have indistinct edges. The dorsolateral area between the vertebral stripe and the lateral stripe on each side is typically sepia-colored or almost black, but may be paler brown or gray, with two alternating rows of darker spots and five pairs of transverse markings, largely confined to the skin between the scales. Movements and abundance.—Behavioral differences between the sexes affect their relative probability of cap- ture (Table 2). For example, site fidelity is more prominent in females. This is illustrated by attempts to apply a Lin- coln Index census to the data. In 1998 in House Field, snakes were captured exclusively by hand. There were 43 males and 55 females (excluding the young born in late summer). Of the 98 snakes in the sample, 57 were caught in the first half of the season (March, April, May. June), 41 were caught in the latter part (July through October) and 10 of these were captured in both early and late periods. From the ratio of recaptures in late summer and fall the Lincoln In- dex indicates a population of approximately 234. But if the census is applied separately to males and females, the figures for females are 38 for the first half of the season, 17 for the second half, and 8 for both, with the equation indi- cating a population of 80.8 individuals. For males, the cor- responding figures are 19, 24 and 2, suggesting a popula- tion of 228 individuals. Intuitively, it seems that the figure for males is much too high, and is the result of only two recaptures, because most of those present in spring and early summer had moved away by the time of the late sum- mer-fall sampling. Censusing from the ratio of marked to unmarked snakes assumes there is no movement to or from Number of captures Method of Twice Three times Four times or more Area capture Sex Total N %o N % N %o House Field Under shelters C 175 76 43.4 16 Ox 6 3.4 or by hand Q 184 103 56.0 75 38.7 27 14.7 Biotic Succession Area Under shelters C 46 5 10.9 1 6.5 - - or by hand ce) 93 24 25.8 11 11.8 ce) ow. Nelson Environmental Wire funnel (oy 140 35 25.0 15 10.7 4 2.9 Study Area traps Q 140 50 35.7 20 14.3 12 8.6 Quarry Wire funnel fo 35 10 28.6 8 22.9 - - traps 2 Bil 30 58.8 17 33.3 6 16.8 Hilltop outcrop Wire funnel (oy 53 3} 6.0 = = = = traps ie) 81 5 6.3 1 1.3 = = Reservation, Wire funnel toy 457 48 10.5 10 DP 10 2.2 1950s & 1960s traps ie) 635 94 14.8 23 3.6 19 3.0 4 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, NATURAL History MuseuM, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Table 3. Distances between capture points and implied areas of activity for male, female, and young red-sided garter snakes. Males Females Young N 147 398 106 Mean distances (m) between capture points 117.9 116.3 80.6 Implied area (ha) SHY. 3.67 2.23 Recaptures reflecting no net movement 9 44 13 a study area. However, there is always some movement, depending on the length of time involved. In male garter snakes movement is especially prominent, and it is essen- tial to have short sampling periods in order to minimize the effect (Fitch, 1999) and to be aware of the error caused by movement. Compared with females, adult males move farther and more frequently, and they have less tendency to return to any specific location. Therefore, they are less susceptible to recapture, and this affects the ratios in Lin- coln Index censuses. ‘ Table 3 shows differences between the sexes and be- tween adults and young in distances moved. The young were all first-year individuals, but most had made sub- stantial growth before their first capture. They were mostly in the range of 300-400 mm in snout-vent length, and thus had about doubled in length since birth. In these partly grown young, the average movements were substantially less than in adults of either sex. It is believed that even smaller young, down to the size of neonates would show progressively shorter movements and their home ranges would be progressively smaller. Adults of both sexes are similar in their movements compared with young, which move within smaller areas. Adult females and young are alike (but differ from males) in their tendency to return frequently to favored spots. On the FNHR until the 1980s, and at the pens area in the NESA, samples of snakes were obtained with wire funnel traps and consisted almost entirely of adults, because immatures easily pass through the quarter-inch wire mesh of the funnel traps. In the Biotic Succession Area (BSA) of the NESA and FNHR in the late 1980s and 1990s, sampling was accomplished by distributing wooden and metal shelters, which presumably were used by snakes of all sizes and ages indiscriminately, but young were relatively few in the upland habitat of the BSA. Food habits.—Studies of food habits have shown major geographic differences within the species but usu- ally have not compared food of the sexes, or compared adults and young. In the local population such differ- ences exist and are shown in Tables 4 and 5. Table 4 shows the total food sample divided into 48 categories to bring out differences between the sexes, between adults and young, and between areas of different habi- tat. There are striking differences between areas. The many young captured in House Field had eaten earth- worms almost exclusively. One had eaten a small slug (Deroceras Iaeve) and several had eaten newly metamor- phosed hylids (Acris and Pseudacris). Another impor- tant difference was predation on small mammals by adult females (30 records, 16 of them on Muicrotus ochrogaster) compared with only one record for a male snake, which had eaten an individual of the much less bulky Reithrodontomys megalotis. Frogs (Rana blairi and R. catesbeiana) made up a major part of the food and were well represented in each local- ized sample. Rana blairi was eaten about twice as often as R. catesbeiana, and none of the latter species was much more Table 4. Prey of the red-sided garter snake in four areas of the Fitch Natural History Reservation (FNHR) and Nelson Environmental Study Area (NESA) comparing sexes, mean snout-vent lengths inmm (SVL + 1 SE), and numbers (N) of snake predators. BSA = Biotic Succession Area of NESA. House Field FNHR BSA NESA Pens 1980-2000 1950-1990 1986-2000 1986-2000 Prey Sex N SVL N SVL N SVL N SVL Earthworm (oy 54 397.9 +121 9 517.7 2 356 - = ie) 81 430.6 + 11.3 4 475.8 + 21.1 6 480.8 + 16.9 517 Microtus C = = = = = = == = 2 1 623 3 675 6 649.3 + 32.7 6 705.7 + 21.5 Other mammals* (oy = = 1 490, - = - = ie) 4 600.8 + 28.8 10 636.4 + 3.14 1 783 4 612.3+8.8 Rana* oy 1. 496.3 41.5 15 488.9+2.5 1 540 6 536.7 + 6.2 ie) 23 567.6+4.3 21 549.0 + 6.7 4 669.3 + 14.4 27 623.0 + 13.8 Bufo* (oy 3 438.6 6 403..3 + 0.65 - ~ 2 374.0 ie) 3 582.4 7 615.3 + 6.2 4 673.0 + 18.5 1 745 Other amphibians* Cy 3 354.5 4 364.8 + 14.1 4 442.5 +74.2 3 338.3 Q 9 442.2 7 562.4 + 10.0 5 532.6 +12.1 9 591.4+3.9 **“ Other mammals” includes Peromyscus, Reithrodontomys, Blarina, and Cryptotis. “Rana” includes R. blairi and R. catesbeiana. “Bufo” includes B. americanus and B. woodhousti. “Other amphibians” includes Acris, Hyla, Pseudacris, and Gastrophryne. FURTHER STUDY OF THE GARTER SNAKE 5 Table 5. Prey eaten by red-sided garter snakes on the FNHR and adjoin- ing areas and sizes of snake predators. In columns of SVL, the first line is the observed range and the second line is the mean + 1 SE. Measure- ments in mm. SVL of male SVL of female Kind of prey* N predator N predator Allolobophora caliginosa 60 225-666 88 226-666 (earthworm) SoS) se 17 432.1+10.5 Rana blairi 47 411-610 54 363-780 Sp} a2 C)5) 602.9 + 13.3 Rana catesbeiana 7 419-582 13 531-834 487.4 + 23.4 637.8 + 32.7 Rana sp. 1 497 8 294-630 = 554.9 + 46.8 Bufo americanus 5 368-596 13 519-745 458.0 + 52.8 638.5 + 52.9 Bufo woodhousii 5 459-578 6 488-673 432.6 +40.1 616.7 + 40.4 Hyla chrysoscelis 5 243-596 9 374-653 426.6 + 63.9 571.7 £ 30.5 Acris crepitans 7 228-580 10 240-712 413.7 55.2 480.6 + 59.8 Pseudacris triseriata 2 383-406 4 303-688 394.0 487.3 + 96.0 Microtus ochrogaster = = Y/ 585-810 = 691.1 + 23.6 Peromyscus leucopus - - 8 510-850 = 647.3 + 44.1 Reithrodontomys megalotis = = 5 565-783 - 637.4 + 37.9 *Prey species with few records (sex and SVL of snake predator in paren- theses): Cryptotis parva (Q, 615), Synaptomys cooperi (9, 648), Cardinalis cardinalis (Q, 713), Melospiza lincolnii (Q, 520). Unidentified bird (@, 634), Diadophis punctatus (, 520), Gastrophryne olivacea ( 9, 600),Deroceras laeve (2, 303). than half grown. Toads (Bufo) were taken about half as of- ten as frogs (Rana), and several of those eaten, especially of the smaller B. americanus, were adults. Of the tree frogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) eaten, several had been taken by snakes found at the hilltop rock outcrops where the snakes hiber- nate. Perhaps the frogs also had come to these places in search of hibernacula. Ina total of 375 prey animals, most were amphibians (8 kinds), small mammals (6 kinds) and earthworms, with an occasional bird, snake, or slug. Food of the first-year young consisted almost exclusively of earthworms, but with an occasional newly metamorphosed anuran. Of 32 small mammals eaten, 31 including all the microtines (13) were taken by adult females (510 to 850 mm SVL) and only one mammal, a harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys) was eaten by an adult male (490 mm SVL). Frogs (Rana) and toads (Bufo) were eaten chiefly by the adult snakes, especially by females. It should be emphasized that mammals, al- though too bulky to be ingested by males and immatures, are regularly eaten by adult females and constitute an im- portant resource for the developing embryos. DISCUSSION The widespread occurrence of Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis is evidence of its plasticity and ability to thrive under diverse conditions. In recent decades, the snake dens of Manitoba Canada, have attracted much attention. There, field studies of far northern representatives of T. s. parietalis by Aleksiuk (1976), Aleksiuk and Stewart (1971), Crews et al. (1988), Gregory (1974), Joy and Crews (1988), Shine et al. (2001), and Shine and Mason (2001) have revealed the following traits: 1. Formation of huge denning aggregations (Joy and Crews, 1985; Crews et al., 1984); thousands of snakes hi- bernate together in deep limestone sinks. 2. Formation of massive mating aggregations at, or near, the hibernacula, as recently emergent males pile up, sometimes by the hundreds, to court emerging females (Gregory, 1977). 3. Presence of “she-males” in mating aggregations (Shine and Mason, 2001); these are the most recently emerged males, weak and debilitated from their long so- journ underground, but possessing the ability to produce pheromones like those of emergent females that are highly attractive to males (Shine et al., 2001). Within a time-span as short as one day such males lose much of their attrac- tiveness but gain in strength and vigor. 4. Massive mortality at and near the dens (Shine et al., 2001). Predators, including crows, kill many, but much larger numbers are victims of their own social system. The pile ups that occur in mating aggregations may suffocate hundreds of the participants. Mortality is selective; males that are eliminated tend to be the smallest, thinnest, and weakest of those participating, and their deaths may ben- efit the population at large. However, the females killed tend to be the largest and heaviest, as these are the most attractive and summon the largest retinues of males. 5) Long distance dispersal (up to 20 km) from the dens, as the emergent snakes scatter to exploit extensive marsh- lands in the region of the dens, where they feed on a vari- ety of marshland animals, notably the wood frog, Rana sylvatica (Gregory and Stewart, 1975). It must be realized that these combined traits are not characteristic of the subspecies T. s. parietalis but, instead, result from the unique selective pressures generated by the environment near the northern edge of the range. None of the behaviors described above has been observed in the red-sided garter snakes of northeastern Kansas, thereby indicating widely divergent responses to contrasting en- vironments. No comparison of morphology or color pat- tern has yet been made between the Kansas population of T. s. parietalis and that of Manitoba. The longitudinally striped pattern is adaptive in that it conceals motion as the snake moves through dense veg- etation. It is significant that adult females, larger and more 6 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, NATURAL History MusEuM, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS aggressive than male counterparts, are somewhat more likely to have red in the pattern and to respond to con- frontation with sematic display, whereas males are less aggressive and more inclined to escape and to seek con- cealment. Shine (1991) pointed out that Thamnophis are unusual among snakes for their marked sexual dimorphism in head size, with the females having relatively larger heads. Mam- mals, although too bulky to be ingested by males and immatures, are eaten regularly by adult females. This di- etary difference helps to explain how this sexual dimor- phism is maintained. LITERATURE CITED Aleksiuk, M. 1976. Reptilian hibernation. Evidence of adaptive strate- gies in Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Copeia 1976:170-178. Aleksiuk, M., and K. Stewart. 1971. Seasonal change in the body compo- sition of the garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at northern latititudes. Ecology 52:485-490. Crews, D., M. Diamond, R. Tokarz, B. Camazine, and W. Garstka. 1984. Hormone independence of male sexual behavior in a garter snake. Hormonal Behavior 18:29-41. Crews, D., V. Hingorani, and R. J. Nelson. 1988. Role of the pineal gland in the control of annual reproductive, behavioral, and physiologi- cal cycles in the redsided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). Journal of Biological Rhythms 3:293-302. Fitch, H.S. 1941. Geographic variation in the garter snakes of the species Thamnophis sirtalis in the Pacific Coast Region of North America. American Midland Naturalist 26:570-592. Fitch, H. S. 1965. An ecological study of the garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History 15:493-564. Fitch, H. S. 1980.Thamnophis sirtalis. Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles 279:1-4. Fitch, H. S. 1999. A Kansas Snake Community: Composition and Changes over Fifty Years. Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company, xi + 165 pp. Gregory, P. T. 1974. Patterns of spring emergence of the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in the Interlake region of Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Zoology 52:1063-1069. Gregory, P. T. 1977. Life history parameters of the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in an extreme environment, the Interlake region of Manitoba. National Museum of Canada, Publi- cations in Zoology 13:1-44. Gregory, P. T., and K. W. Stewart 1975. Long-distance dispersal and feed- ing strategy of the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in the Interlake of Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Zool- ogy 53:238-245. Joy, J. E., and D. Crews. 1985. Social dynamics of group courtship behav- ior in male red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). Journal of Comparative Psychology 99:145-149. Rossman, D. A., N. B. Ford, and R. A. Seigel. 1996. The garter snakes: evolution and ecology. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, xx + 331 pp. Ruthven, A. G. 1908. Variation and genetic relationships of the garter- snakes. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 61, xii + 201 pp. Shine, R. 1991. Why do larger snakes eat larger prey items?.Functional Ecology, 5:491-502. Shine, R., M. P. LeMaster, L. T. Moore, M. M. Olsson, and R. T. Mason. 2001. Bumpus in the snake den: effects of sex, size and body condi- tion on mortality of red-sided garter snakes. Evolution 55:598-604. Shine, R., and R. Mason. 2001. Serpentine cross-dressers. Natural His- tory Magazine. February 2001:59-61. eA PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS The University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, beginning with Volume 1 in 1946, was discontinued with Volume 20 in 1971. Shorter research papers formerly published in the above series were published as The University of Kansas Natural History Museum Occasional Papers until Number 180 in Decem- ber 1996. The Miscellaneous Publications of The University of Kansas Natural His- tory Museum began with Number 1 in 1946 and ended with Number 68 in Febru- ary 1996. Monographs of The University of Kansas Natural History Museum were initiated in 1970 and discontinued with Number 8 in 1992. The University of Kan- sas Science Bulletin, beginning with Volume 1 in 1902, was discontinued with Vol- ume 55 in 1996. 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