Biological Services Program FWS/OBS-81/15 May 1981 1 THE ECOLOGY OF INTERTIDAL OYSTER REEFS OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST: A COMMUNITY PROFILE wii«i -■ iM *'T=.*' -■ GA FL SC ^ T '^■i r ^ ^\ Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior The Biological Services Program was established within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to supply scientific information and methodologies on key environmental issues that impact fish and wildlife resources and their supporting ecosystems. The mission of the program is as follows: t To strengthen the Fish and Wildlife Service in its role as a primary source of information on national fish and wild- life resources, particularly in respect to environmental impact assessment. • To gather, analyze, and present information that will aid decisionmakers in the identification and resolution of problems associated with major changes in land and water use. • To provide better ecological information and evaluation for Department of the Interior development programs, such as those relating to energy development. Information developed by the Biological Services Program is intended for use in the planning and decisionmaking process to prevent or minimize the impact of development on fish and wildlife. Research activities and technical assistance services are based on an analysis of the issues, a determination of the decisionmakers involved and their information needs, and an evaluation of the state of the art to identify information gaps and to determine priorities. This is a strategy that will ensure that the products produced and disseminated are timely and useful. Projects have been initiated in the following areas: coal extraction and conversion, power plants; geothermal , mineral and oil shale develop- ment; water resource analysis, including stream alterations and western water allocation, coastal ecosystems and Outer Continental Shelf develop- ment, and systems inventory, including National Wetland Inventory, habitat classification and analysis, and information transfer. The Biological Services Program consists of the Office of Biological Services in Washington, D.C., which is responsible for overall planning and management. National Teams, which provide the Program's central scientific and technical expertise and arrange for contracting bioloaical services studies with states, universities, consulting firms, and others, Regional Staffs, who provide a link to problems at the operating level; and staffs at certain Fish and Wildlife Service research facilities, who conduct in-house research studies. Cover design by Graham (ioUcn m -r nj CO m o a □ m □ FWS/CCS-81/15 May 1981 THE ECOLOGY OF INTERTIDAL OYSTER REEFS OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST: A COWUNITY PROFILE by Leonard f". Bahr William P. Lanier Louisiana State University 3aton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Project Officer Wiley V,. Kitchens National Coastal Ecosystens Team U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1010 Gause Boulevard Slidell, Louisiana 70458 Performed for National Coastal Ecosystems Team Office of Biological Services Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 20240 DISCLAIMER The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service position unless so designated by other authorized documents. This report should be cited: Bahr, L. M., and W. P. Lanier. 1981. The ecology of intertidal oyster reefs of the South Atlantic coast: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Washington, D.C. FWS/OBS-81/15. 105 pp. PREFACE This oyster reef comnunity profile is the second in a developing series of pro- files of coastal habitats. The purpose of this profile is to describe the structure and ecological function of intertidal oys- ter reefs in the salt niarsh estuarine eco- systeni of the Southeastern United States. The intertidal oyster reef habitat, as described here, is classified by Cowardin et al. (1979) as occurring in the Carolin- ian province, in the euhaline estuarine system, in the intertidal subsysterri, in the reef class, and in the riollusk sub- class, v/ith the eastern oyster Crassostrea vi rqinica as the dominance type. This profile provides a handy refer- ence which synthesizes the voluminous sci- entific literature on oysters and focuses on aspects of the less-studied oyster reef community. The profile also points out some of the many deficiencies in the cur- rent level of understanding of the oyster reef subsystem and of the entire estuarine ecosystem. If additional research efforts are thereby initiated, this profile vji 1 1 have been a success. (The observant read- er will notice that in many instances where quantitative data were not avail- able, extrapolations from other communi- ties or educated judgments, or both, were necessary. ) The information in the profile will be useful to environmental managers, re- source planners, coastal ecologists, ma- rine science students, and interested lay- men who wish to learn about the oyster reef community and its role in the coastal ecosystem. The format, style, and level of presentation should make this report adaptable to a diversity of needs, from the preparation of environmental assess- ment reports to supplementary reading material in college marine science courses. This profile proceeds from a descrip- tion of the estuarine setting (Chapter 1), to a discussion of oyster biology (Chapter 2), to a characterization of the oyster reef per se (Chapter 3), to a discussion of the development and role of the reef system in the coastal ecosystem (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 is a summary of the role of the oyster reef as expressed in three con- ceptual models, and Chapter 6 includes a brief synopsis of the first five chapters, along with implications for management. Any questions or comn:ents about or requests for this publication should be directed to: Information Transfer Specialist iJational Coastal Ecosystems Team U.S. Fish and l.'ildlife Service NASA-SI idell Computer Complex ICIC Cause Boulevard SI idell, LA 70458 CONTENTS Page PREFACE iii FIGURES vii TABLES viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ix CHAPTER 1. COMMUNITY PROFILE BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES; DESCRIPTION OF THE COASTAL SETTING 1 1.1 Introduction and Objectives 1 1.2 General Characteristics of the South Atlantic Bight ... 3 1.3 Estuarine Producers 8 1.4 Estuarine Consumers 10 CHAPTER 2. FUNCTIONAL OYSTER BIOLOGY AND AUTECOLOGY 17 2.1 Taxonomy and Evolution 17 2.2 Oyster Reproduction and Development 20 2.3 Oyster Feeding, Digestion, and Assimilation 24 2.4 Stresses on Oyster Populations: Natural and Cultural. . . 28 2.5 Energy Summary 32 CHAPTER 3. OYSTER REEF DESCRIPTION AND SYNEC0L06Y 37 3.1 General Reef Description 37 3.2 Reef -Associated Macrofauna 42 3.3 Reef Community Energetics 48 3.4 Reef Predation 53 3.5 Colonial Aspects of the Reef Community 55 CHAPTER 4. OYSTER REEF DEVELOPMENT, DISTRIBUTION, PHYSICAL EFFECTS, AND AREAL EXTENT 57 4.1 Reef Development 57 4.2 Distribution of Oyster Reefs in the Marsh Estuarine Ecosystem 58 4.3 Physical Effects of Oyster Reefs on the Marsh- Estuarine Ecosystem 61 4.4 Areal Extent of Oyster Reefs in the Coastal Ecosystem . . 62 CHAPTER 5. CONCEPTUAL MODELS OF THE INTERTIDAL OYSTER REEF COMMUNITY 65 5.1 Objectives and Level of Resolution 65 5.2 Regional Level Conceptual Model 71 5.3 Drainage Unit Level Conceptual Model 71 5.4 Reef Level Conceptual Model 74 CONTENTS (continued) Page CHAPTER 6. SUMMARY AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS AND GUIDELINES .... 79 6.1 Summary and Oyster Reef Significance 79 6.2 Management Implications and Guidelines 82 REFERENCES 84 APPENDIX: OYSTER BIOENERGETICS 93 VI FIGURES Number Page la The study area (South Atlantic Bight) extends from Cape Fear, North Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Florida 2 lb Tidal characteristics of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts 2 2 Sedimentary regions of estuary 6 3 A comparison of primary productivity for different kinds of ecosystems 9 4 Model of energy flow in the Georgia salt marshes 12 5 Trophic spectrum of an estuarine community (Lake Pontchartrain Estuary, Louisiana) 15 6 The distribution of Crassostrea virqinica 19 7 Anatomy of the oyster (Crassostrea virqinica) and diagram showing the correct method of measuring the height, length, and width of oyster shells 21 8 Transverse section of the dorsal part of an adult Crassostrea virginica 22 9 A schematic representation of the rhythmic nature of the feeding process and extracellular and intracellular digestive mechanisms in oysters 25 10 Effects of turbidity on pumping rate 27 11 Effects of crude oil extract on Mytilus edulis carbon budgets calculated for 100-mg mussels held at 31 /oo salinity under summer conditions (15° C,215 ug C/liter). . . 31 12 Summary of energy flow through intertidal reef oysters ... 35 13 Diagrammatic section through oyster reef illustrating relative elevation with respect to mean tidal levels and corresponding fouling pattern on piling 38 14 Several generations of oysters (£. virqinica) growing vertically on muddy bottom of Altamaha Sound, Georgia ... 39 15 Seasonal oxygen consumption of reef community 49 16 Seasonal energy partitioning estimates for the entire reef community 52 17 Typical distribution of oyster reefs in small tidal creeks 60 18 Comparison of two systems of concentrated consumers whose survival depends on strong flows that bring in fuels and oxygen and outflow wastes: (a) reef of oysters and other marine animals characteristic of many estuaries; (b) industrialized city 66 19 Three hierarchical levels of oyster reef organization. ... 67 20 Reef distribution in a single drainage basin, the Half Moon River Estuary, Wilmington Island, Georgia . 68 21 Recent and historical reef distribution in the Duplin River Estuary, Sapelo Island, Georgia 69 22 Regional level conceptual model and explanation of symbols 72 23 Drainage unit level conceptual model 73 24 Reef organization conceptual model 75 vii FIGURES (continued) Number Page A-1 Age-dependent annual production of soft tissue, shell organics, gonad output, and respiration in an oyster .... 95 A-2 Seasonal variation in water temperature affecting oyster reefs in South Carolina 95 A-3 Seasonal changes in size -frequency distribution of reef oysters in Georgia 99 A-4 Seasonal changes in intertidal oyster size -frequency distribution in South Carolina 100 A-5 Reef oyster height frequency relationship and cumulative biomass curves 102 A-6 Schematic representation of percentage distribution of potential food expressed in kilocalories for 1-year period in 1 m^ of subtidal Crassostrea gigas population 104 TABLES Number Page 1 General effects of man-induced (cultural) stress on oysters 29 2 Pounds of meat and ex-vessel value (dollars) of oysters harvested in four South Atlantic States from 1973-1975 . . 33 3 Macrofauna found in Georgia oyster reefs 43 4 Mean annual frequency distribution of reef macrofauna . . 45 5 Ranked biomass of 16 major oyster species or groups of species and proportion of total macrofaunal biomass ... 45 6 Ranking of macrofaunal metabolic dominance based on biomass 51 7 Community respiration in aquatic systems 54 8 Time scales relating ecosystem processes and components at the three conceptual levels of oyster reef organization and function 70 A-1 Conversion factors for oyster biomass units (intertidal oysters) 98 A-2 Comparison of two sets of oyster reef energy parameters collected within the study area 103 vn 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS During the construction of this pro- file it was necessary to request inforina- tion from a variety of individuals, all of whom were generous with their time and suggestions. An incomplete list of those who helped includes: Clay Adams, Jim Bishop, Norman Buroker, Elgin Dunnington, Skipper Keith, Kel Lehman, Bob Reimold, and Tony Reisinger. Special thanks are also due to Joy Bagur, Pauline Jolly, and Francisco Ley, who assisted in the compi- lation of the reference material; and to Carolyn Lusk and Josie Williams, who typed the manuscript. The draft manuscript was reviewed for its scientific content by Ed Cake, John Hall, James Kirkwood, Stuart Stevens, Jim Stone, Martha Young, and Tim Sipe. All reviews were extremely helpful. Gaye Farris and Elaine Bunce edited the manu- script and were assisted by the efforts of typists, Elizabeth Krebs and Daisy Single- ton, and illustrator, Graham Golden. Finally we would like to acknowledge the unselfish assistance of Wiley Kitch- ens, who ably administered this project. Factual errors or faulty conclusions are, of course, the sole responsibility of the authors. IX ^^\.' •**ni^ « ■ This view of the intertidal zone at Sapelo Island, Georgia, shows the position of oyster reefs relative to the surrounding marshes and mudflats. Photo by Leonard Bahr, Louisiana State University. CHAPTER 1 COMMUNITY PROFILE BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES; DESCRIPTION OF THE COASTAL SETTING 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Oysters occupy a unique status among marine and estuarine invertebrates. As a group, they are the most widely studied and thus best known of all these animals, primarily because of their universal socioeconomic value. Some oyster species are prized for their flavor and high qual- ity protein; some are valued for their pearls. Oyster shell calcium carbonate has long been used as a building material; e.g., "Tabby" houses of oyster shell were once common in coastal Georgia and South Carolina. Oyster shells are fed to chick- ens and are even the source of supplemen- tary calcium in tablets for humans. Oys- ters of various kinds have been cultured for centuries, so, in a sense, some spe- cies qualify as domestic animals. Much of the information gathered about oysters has been collected by sci- entists, but a significant amount has been collected by observant laymen, natural- ists, and aquaculturists. The objectives of most of those observations, however, were to learn to grow more oysters in given areas faster and with fewer losses. In the vast oyster literature, there are relatively few "pure" ecological studies that treat the oyster objectively as an ecosystem component. For example, animals associated with oysters are usually referred to as "pest" species, as coyotes are to sheepherders. But just as no orga- nism is autonomous, and all organisms operate within the framework of ecosys- tems, so the oyster's importance extends beyond its socioeconomic value. The primary objective of this commu- nity profile is to describe the function of one species of oyster in a portion of its habitat. More specifically, we present a profile of a community associated with, dependent on, and dominated by the Ameri- can or eastern oyster, Crassostrea virgin- ica (Gmelin). The study area comprises the coast of the South Atlantic Bight be- tween Cape Fear, North Carolina, and Cape Canaveral, Florida, (Figure la), as dis- cussed in Section 1.2. Because the range of the American oyster extends over a wide latitude (from 20° N to 54° N), the ecological conditions encountered are diverse and the "oyster community" is not uniform throughout the range (see Section 2.2). The present de- scription applies primarily and specifi- cally to those populations of oysters and associated organisms occurring in the in- tertidal zone in the Southeastern United States. In some portions of its range, particularly in the area being described (which has a large tidal range), the oys- ter builds massive, discrete reefs in the intertidal zone. The vertical elevation of intertidal oyster reefs above mean low water is max- imal within the central Georgia coastal zone, where mean tidal amplitude exceeds 2 m (2.2 m [7.2 ft] at Sapelo Island, ap- proximately at the center of the South Atlantic Bight). Approximate isopleths or contours of the tidal range along the Atlantic and gulf coasts are indicated in Figure lb. Local areas experience tidal variation because of local hydrologic effects. The most extensive contiguous oyster reefs occur in the South Carolina coastal zone. Oyster reefs diminish in size and significance south of Georgia and north of South Carolina, but there are in- tertidal patch reefs in northeastern Florida and southern North Carolina. In- formation reported in this document is applicable to reefs from Cape Fear, North Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Flor- ida, except as noted in the text. The term oyster reef often is inter- changed loosely with other terms for local estuarine areas inhabited by oysters, including oyster bar, oyster bed, oyster rock, oyster ground, and oyster planting. DIURNAL TIDE One high water and one low water each tidal day (about 24 hours, 50 minutes) SEMIDIURNAL TIDE Two nearly equal high waters and two nearly equal low waters each tidal day MIXEDTIDE Two unequal high waters and/or two unequal low waters each tidal day Corange lines connect points of equal tide range. Numerals Indicate the mean maximum semimonthly spring tide' ranges in feet Direction of tide pro- gression Figure 1. (a) The study area (South Atlantic Bight) extends from Cape Fear, North Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Florida, (b) Tidal characteristics of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts (adapted from U.S. Geological Survey 1970). Throughout this document, oyster "reefs" are strictly defined as "the natural structures found between the tide lines that are composed of oyster shell, live oysters, and other organisms and that are discrete, contiguous, and clearly distin- guishable (during ebb tide) from scattered oysters in marshes and mud flats, and from wave-formed shell windrows." Intertidal reefs, as defined here, are also distinct from natural and planted subtidal oyster populations. Ecologists' opinions differ as to whether benthic communities (and some other communities) exist as tightly inter- active and interdependent systems of orga- nislns, or whether such communities are merely loose, chance associations to which member species belong solely by geographic accident. A proponent of the former argu- ment long ago chose the oyster community as an example of a biocoenosis, or inter- active community (Mobius 1883). Whether or not some species that occur in the oyster reef community are dispensable, the Ameri- can oyster is the "keystone" species (or indispensable) in the sense intended by Paine (1959) when he coined the term. Specific objectives of this report are as follow: (1) to synthesize a state- of-the-art systems view of the oyster reef community in the study area from existing literature; (2) to address the effects of various potential cultural and natural perturbations on the oyster reef subsys- tem, including pollution effects, physical alterations to the estuary, and natural changes; (3) to condense the above infor- mation into conceptual ecosystem models constructed at a level understandable by a variety of readers, including those inex- perienced in using ecological models. The American oyster is the quintes- sential or most typical estuarine animal. It can tolerate a wide range of salinity, temperature, turbidity, and oxygen ten- sion, and therefore is adapted to the pe- riodic and aperiodic changes in water quality that characterize estuaries. Some physiological and anatomical reasons for its adaptive plasticity are described in Chapter 2, which treats the autecology of the oyster. Other aspects of the success of the intertidal oyster are related to its colonial lifestyle and mutual inter- dependence and cannot be comprehended from information gathered for individual oys- ters. Chapter 3 is devoted to a discus- sion of the entire reef community. Chap- ter 4 discusses the reef's role in the coastal ecosystem and Chapter 5 presents three models expressing the reef's role. Chapter 6 summarizes the other chapters and gives implications for management. This chapter's remaining sections de- scribe the specific estuarine environment of the oyster reef community. They in- clude the physical, chemical, and biolog- ical settings. 1.2 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC BIGHT The geographic area on which this profile primarily focuses is the portion of the South Atlantic Bight, extending along the southeastern coast of the United States between Cape Fear , North Caro- lina, and Cape Canaveral, Florida. This section of the southern coastal plain ex- hibits a continuum of change in coastal morphology, but is characterized by exten- sive lagoon-marsh systems and estuaries bound at their eastern extent by barrier island complexes. The morphology of coast- al barrier island systems and extent of the lagoon-marsh are the results of a com- plex interplay of physical and biological processes. In general, this area can be consid- ered a mixed-energy coast (Hayes 1975) since coastal processes and morphologies are determined by the varying influence of both waves and tides. Wave and tidal con- ditions in this area are largely a func- tion of the changing profile of the inner continental shelf (Hayden and Dolan 1979; Hubbard et al. 1979). Average wave heights decrease from a maximum of 1.2 m (4 ft) along the North Carolina coast to a mini- mum of 0.1 m (0.5 ft) along the central Georgia coast (Hubbard et al. 1979). Where the shelf is broad, nearshore wave heights are reduced through frictional loss caused by shoaling on the ocean floor shelf. Shelf width, combined with the arcu- ate shape of the coastline, also influenc- es tidal range. The southern coast of North Carolina is classified as a micro- tidal coastline (Davies 1964), with semi- diurnal tides that range between 0 and 2 m (0-6.5 ft). Tides at ^lasonboro Inlet on the southern coast of North Carolina range from 1.2 m (4 ft) to 1.4 m (4.5 ft) for mean and spring conditions, respectively (Vallianos 1975). Wind and wave processes are the principal forces dictating coastal morphology in microtidal coastal systems (Hayes 1975). Barrier islands in North Carolina tend to be long and narrow, and they contain relatively few tidal inlets. Lagoon-marsh systems are usually narrow (1.5 km or 0.6 mi), shallow, and densely vegetated (Cleary et al. 1979). Farther south in South Carolina and Georgia, the coastal system has been clas- sified as mesotidal (Davies 1964), having a tidal range between 2 and 4 m (6.5 and 13 ft). This coastline is characterized by short (20 to 30 km or 12 to 19 mi) bar- rier islands, with a wider central portion and narrow ends broken by numerous tidal inlets. In response to the higher tidal range, larger areas of lagoon-marsh are broken by extensive and complex networks of tidal drainage channels. Tidal inlets between barrier islands tend to be rela- tively deep (>10 m or 34 ft) and are flanked by extensive bars and spits. Estuaries and lagoons with associated marsh, mudflat, and tidal drainage net- works compose the dominant habitat of the American oyster, £. virginica, in the Southeastern United States. The term estu- ary from the Latin aestus, meaning tide (Schubel 1971), has been defined in vari- ous ways. Geologists tend to accept the strictly physical interpretation of Prit- chard (1967), who defined an estuary as "a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with fresh water from land drain- age." A broader, more ecological defini- tion proposed by Cowardin et al. (1979) is "deep-water tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands which are usually semi- enclosed by land, but have open, partially obstructed, or sporadic access to the open ocean and in which ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by fresh water runoff from the land." In this paper we define estuaries even more broadly to include all the ecological subsystems that interact to form the coastal marsh-estuarine ecosys- tem. In other words, to quote Odum et al. (1974), "It is the ecosystems rather than the estuarine waterbodies that are dis- cussed Pr. waterbod types 'itchard (1967) subdivided estuarine )dies into four geomorphological „^ , (1) drowned river valleys; (2) fjord-type estuaries; (3) bar-built estu- aries; and (4) estuaries produced by tec- tonic processes. All southeastern coastal plain estuaries fall into either the bar- built or the drowned river valley estua- rine types. General Estuarine Hydrography Water circulation patterns are of primary significance in determining the physical and chemical conditions of the estuarine ecosystem. Water circulation strongly influences salinity, but it also directly influences sedimentation pat- terns, turbidity, temperature, and nutri- ent conditions. Estuaries with signifi- cant riverine sources of low salinity water are distinctly different in form and hydrographic character from those without such sources (Oertel 1974). Classifications of estuarine water circulation patterns are based largely on the relative magnitude of either riverine or tidal influence (Ketchum 1951; Stommel 1951; Pritchard 1955, 1967, 1971; Bowden 1967) in conjunction with the geomorphol- ogy of the estuarine basin (Schubel 1971). Estuaries with large riverine sources of fresh water show a well-defined vertical salinity stratification. Fresh water over- rides higher density salt water and forms an upper, freshwater layer. The entrain- ment of salt water from the lower layer into the upper, freshwater layer through eddy diffusion results in the mass move- ment of the saline bottom layer into the estuarine basin (Schubel 1971). This mechanism creates the salt-wedge type es- tuary as described by Pritchard (1971). A partially mixed estuary occurs when the tidal flow is sufficiently strong to pre- vent the river from dominating the circu- lation pattern (Schubel 1971). Turbulence generated by the movement of the saline bottom layer results in increased vertical mixing and moderate salinity stratifica- tion (Pritchard 1967). Many southeastern estuaries with relatively large freshwater sources (e.g., Altamaha and Ossabaw Sounds in Georgia and Charleston Harbor in South Carolina) fall into this second, partial- ly mixed classification at least season- ally. Most estuaries in the study area are classified as vertically homogeneous (Pritchard 1967, 1971; Schubel 1971), where tidal mixing is the dominant physi- cal process. These systems receive fresh water primarily though local precipitation via tidal creek drainage systems particu- larly during spring floods. Sapelo Sound, Georgia, and the lagoon-marsh complex ad- jacent to North Inlet, South Carolina (Finley 1975), are two examples of verti- cally homogeneous systems. Lagoon-marsh complexes in southern North Carolina are not fed by major streams (Cleary et al. 1979); therefore, they can also be consid- ered vertically homogeneous. In estuaries not directly influenced by large riverine sources, estuarine cir- culation patterns are largely determined by tides, wind, and by the water storage capacities of lagoon-marsh complexes (Oertel 1975). The lagoon-marsh complexes in Georgia, for example, are extensive and average 6,5 to 7.5 km (4.0 to 4.6 mi) in width. These areas store large volumes of water during high tide, and during tidal drainage they contribute significantly to water circulation and nutrient exchange within the estuarine ecosystem. These large lagoon marshes generally occupy a major portion of the watershed of the es- tuarine basins, and therefore direct rain- fall is the major source of freshwater to these sytems (Tom Williams, Clemson Uni- versity, Georgetown, South Carolina; pers. comm. ) Estuarine Sedimentation The origin of sediments in estuaries and the processes that affect their dis- tribution and deposition have been the subject of extensive research and scien- tific debate for over 25 years (Guilcher 1967). Estuarine sedimentation patterns are complex and influenced by tidal cycle, wind direction and duration, waves, sea- sonal riverine flooding, water storage capacity of lagoon-marsh complexes, and sediment availability. The biological animal-sediment interactions (bioturba- tion) and chemical factors are also impor- tant (Howard 1975). These factors may vary continuously in space, time, and intensity (Oertel 1974). The processes of sedimentation can best be understood if the estuarine system is divided into three parts, based on gen- eralized physical and hydrographic charac- teristics: (1) the lower sound and inlet entrance; (2) the middle region of the es- tuary, including the main rivers feeding the sound; and (3) smaller tidal creeks draining the marsh complex. Naturally oc- curring oyster reefs can be found in each of these main zones in the study area. The three estuarine sedimentation zones are illustrated in Figure 2. The area of the lower sound and inlet entrance is influenced primarily by marine processes. Wind-wave and tidal ly generated currents exert the greatest influence in the lower sound, creating a relatively high energy sedimentary system. Where a sufficient sediment supply is present, this area is characterized by medium- to coarse-grained and commonly cross-bedded sands. Where the lower sound is less in- fluenced by strong tidal currents, bottom sediments consist of a mixed medium- to fine-grained muddy sand. These sands be- come progressively finer grained and in- terbedded, or mixed with mud farther in- land. This is particularly common in estu- aries without fluvial sources of coarser- grained sediment. Near the mouth of the sound, influence of the adjacent shoreface is indicated by the increasing grain size and higher energy bedforms, sand ripples, etc. (Mayou and Howard 1975). Sandflats and mudflats frequently characterize the intertidal margins of the lower sound. In estuarine systems characterized by large riverine freshwater input, the ver- tically stratified lower sections of the estuaries become natural traps for fine- grained sediment (Schubel 1971). Fine- grained sediment transported in the upper freshwater layer frequently will settle into the lower saline layer and then be carried back inland. Suspended sediment may, therefore, be transported back and forth many times within the lower section of an estuary before it is finally depos- ited (Postma 1967). The middle region of the estuarine sedimentary environment includes the sssm SCALE :/ 2 km ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 0 0 0 0 MARSH LOWER SOUND AND INLET ENTRANCE UPPER SOUND AND MAIN RIVER MOUTHS MAIN RIVERINE FRESH WATER SOURCE TIDAL CREEKS UPLAND Figure 2. Sedimentary regions of estuary. uppermost portion of the sound and the main rivers feeding the sound. This zone is influenced by both marine and riverine processes. Bottom sediments in the upper reaches of the estuary are characteristi- cally muddy sands or interbedded fine- grained sands and muds. Farther inland, if the river transports a significant amount of coarse-grained material, bottom sediments contain a decreasing percentage of mud (Dorjes and Howard 1975). Turbid- ity levels are generally higher in this zone (the middle region) during all por- tions of the tidal cycle (Day 1951; Howard et al. 1975). These higher turbidity lev- els in part reflect the fact that tidal currents (especially ebb currents) attain the highest velocities in the middle re- gions of the estuary before they are slowed in the open sound. The importance of turbidity to oyster populations will be explained in Section 2.3. The complex network of smaller tidal creeks that drain extensive areas of salt marsh forms the third division of the es- tuarine sedimentary environment. Tidal creeks exhibit highly sinuous channel pat- terns; laterally migrating point bars on the convex inner sides form depositional banks. The concave outer banks of tidal creeks are areas of net erosion, where water currents attain their highest veloc- ities. This estuary zone can be classi- fied as a low-energy, sedimentary environ- ment. Current velocities in tidal creeks depend on the extent of marsh drainage area. Fine-grained mud-silts and, less frequently, fine sands are the most common bottom sediments. Despite the relatively fine grain size of bottom sediments in tidal creeks, the bottom includes all gra- dations, from extremely soft and organi- cally rich to hard mud and clay (Galtsoff and Luce 1930). The degree of bottom sed- iment consolidation is a function of the interaction between depositional and ero- sion forces. Hard mud bottoms form in areas where tidal creeks erode into con- solidated marsh sediment. Physico-Chemical Environment The chemical environment of the estu- arine ecosystem is strongly influenced by local hydrography. The three general divi- sions (Figure 2) of the estuarine system used in the discussion of sedimentation also provide a convenient framework for a discussion of the chemical environment. In the study area, estuaries are characterized by highly variable lateral and vertical salinity gradients. Within any particular estuary, however, salinity trends are best described by the degree of vertical mixing taking place between fresh and saline water masses. Three relatively well-defined salinity zones exist in the majority of estuarine systems: (1) a stable, well-mixed, and marine-dominated lower zone; (2) an unstable intermediate zone where large changes in the vertical salinity gradient occur with each tidal cycle; and (3) a stable upper region domi- nated by riverine fresh water influence (Howard et al. 1975). The juxtaposition of these three zones depends upon the inter- action and relative magnitude of riverine and tidal influences. In the lower sound and inlet entrance, corresponding to zone 1, mean salinities are high, ranging from approximately 20 °/oo (parts per thousand) to 32 °/oo, and the water column tends to remain well mixed throughout the tidal cycle. In estuaries receiving large river- ine inflows, the well-mixed, high-salinity zone may be displaced seaward several kil- ometers (Oertel 1974). The upper sound in the vicinity of the river mouths is influ- enced by both marine and riverine process- es. Salinity in this region varies, rang- ing from 5 °/oo to over 20 °/oo, and strong vertical salinity gradients are common. Upstream of the river mouths (zone 3), salinities reflect riverine in- fluence. The water column remains well mixed at all times, and salinities vary from 0 °/oo to 10 °/oo. Salinity varia- tions in marsh tidal creeks correspond to that of the tidal water mass flooding the marsh. As might be expected, these values are lowered significantly during periods of local precipitation in the marsh and resultant runoff from adjacent uplands. In general, thermal mixing of estua- rine water masses occurs rapidly (Oertel 1974). Hence, over most of the lower sound, vertical temperature gradients in the water column are not pronounced and are subject to daily fluctuations (Oertel 1974). In summer, lower tempera- ture ocean waters have a cooling influence on the estuary. Water temperatures in marsh creeks are slightly higher during ebb tide, the result of solar heating in the marsh during the tidal excursion over dark sediments with low albedo (reflec- tance). Dissolved oxygen concentrations gen- erally increase from the upper, riverine- dominated portion of the estuary to the lower sound and inlet. This pattern close- ly parallels that of salinity. Howard et al. (1975) found that during the summer dissolved oxygen values ranged from 4 to 6 microliters/liter for a portion of the Ossabaw Sound, Georgia. These relatively low values may reflect the consumption of oxygen during the oxidation of organic de- tritus in suspension in the upper section of the estuary. Frankenberg and Wester- field (1968) reported that the dissolved oxygen levels in estuarine waters in coastal Georgia were extremely sensitive to sediment disturbance; during the summer the oxygen demand of a single milliliter of disturbed sediment could deplete the dissolved oxygen contained within 986 ml of water. Oertel (1976) described large tempo- ral and spatial variations in turbidity in estuarine waters. These variations relate to riverine input, local resuspension of bottom sediments by tidal scour and waves, and trapping of fine-grained sediments in the lower portions of estuaries (Schubel 1971). Turbidity is greater in the upper reaches of the estuarine system than either farther upstream in the source river or farther seaward. This zone has been termed the "turbidity maximum" by Schubel (1968). Oertel (1976) found sus- pended sediment concentrations in the up- per Wassaw ranging from 9.6 mg/liter to 585.6 mg/liter, averaging 46.6 ng/liter. Higher levels of turbidity were measured during spring tides. In tidal creeks, tur- bidity increases significantly during per- iods of local rainfall when the marshes are exposed at low tide (Settlemyre and Gardner 1975). Oertel (1976) found a con- sistent inorganic-organic ratio in sus- pended sediments in the upper estuary, averaging 70% inorganic material and 30% combustible organic detritus. 1.3 ESTUARINE PRODUCERS The estuary is perhaps best known ecologically for its typically high net primary productivity. The productivity of estuarine systems relative to other eco- systems is illustrated in Figure 3. A de- tailed explanation of the high annual net productivity in southeastern estuaries was presented by Schelske and Odum (1962). They listed five essential factors: (1) tidal currents; (2) abundant nutrients; (3) rapid turnover and conservation of nutrients; (4) three separate groups of producers; and (5) year-round productiv- ity. Factors 4 and 5 ensure that primary production occurs throughout the year; therefore, energy and nutrient sources are optimally exploited and net production is maximized. The three primary producers discussed by Schelske and Odum (1962) are emergent macrophytes, phytoplankton, and benthic algae. Another group recently has received scientific attention: chemosyn- thetic bacteria (Howarth and Teal 1979). Each group is briefly discussed below. Emergent Macrophytes The marsh-estuarine complexes within the study area are characterized by broad expanses of salt marshes dominated by two marsh grass species which compose a major portion of the annual primary production of these systems. These are the saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and the black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus). Spartina is dominant overall, and large continuous stands of this plant occur be- hind the barrier islands (Pomieroy and Wiegert 1980). The annual production cycle of these marshes peaks in late summer, followed by a long period of decay and gradual export of dead vegetation (detri- tus) into waterbodies or incorporation into peat deposits within the marsh. In terms of overall primary produc- tion, the emergent macrophytes are consid- ered to contribute a major portion of par- ticulate carbon to the estuarine ecosys- tem. Pomeroy and Wiegert (1980) reported that Spartina production makes up 79% of the particulate organic matter annually produced by the entire marsh estuarine ecosystem. Spartina also produces dis- solved organic matter that leaches into the water column during each tidal inunda- tion. This leachate is thought to contri- bute significantly to the total carbon budget of the estuarine ecosystem (Turner 1978). 5 4 >. ■D I 2 > T3 O O. > E a 5 to 15 . /is Mm / / 1.5 to 5 z/ ^*^ X).3 to 1.5 .^^' 1 to 1.5 0.3 -jT ,- 0.3 1 i^ ^ „.^ ^A -miWiihUiMa t^jg^^^j -J- —?-,-; ^^^^^^ Desert Dry agriculture Moist Estuarine Coastal Open ocean Figure 3. A comparison of primary productivity for different kinds of ecosystems (adapted from Teal and Teal 1969). Estimated annual net production by emergent nacrophytes in the study area has been reported at 980 gC/mVyr, when pro- rated for the entire marsh estuarine sys- tem (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980). This num- ber does not include leachate, however, making it a conservative estimate. It should be noted that some contro- versy exists regarding the paradigm that emergent macrophytes are the primary source of particulate carbon in coastal ecosystems in the South Atlantic Bight. Arguments have been advanced (Haines 1976, 1977) that perhaps production by phyto- plankton is more significant than that of emergent macrophytes. Counterarguments and hypotheses by Peterson et al. (1980) provide alternative interpretations of Haines' (1976, 1977) studies. Until more definitive research resolves this contro- versy, the paradigm is still viable. Phytoplankton The major phytoplanktonic producers in a "typical" estuary in Georgia were listed (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980) as pela- gic diatoms (and occasional benthic pen- nate diatoms swept up from the bottom into the water column), dinoflagellates and green flagellates. Their combined produc- tion rate was estimated as 125 gC/m-^/yr (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980) when prorated for the entire marsh water surface (water comprises about one-third of this area). Benthic Algae and Epiphytes The principal primary producers in the marsh sediments are benthic pennate diatoms. These organisms migrate verti- cally in the sediment, depending on the tidal stage and light conditions. They are often clearly visible on exposed creek banks as a golden sheen on the brown mud. Pomeroy and Wiegert (1980) reported that benthic algae account for about 11% of total net primary production in a marsh estuarine system in the study area, or 134 gC/m^/yr, prorated for total estuarine area. Another group of primary producers in the marsh-estuarine ecosystem is the com- munity of epiphytic algae that inhabits the culms or stalks of marsh grass. This diverse community is not readily apparent but attracts grazers, especially the gas- tropod Littorina irrorata. In terms of production rates, the epiphytic community is relatively unimportant compared to Spartina alterniflora (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980). Mixotrophic Chemosynthetic Bacteria: and Photolithotrophic Two groups of anaerobic microbial organisms inhabiting sediments within the salt marsh-estuarine system are the mixo- trophic sulfate-reducing bacteria and the photolithotrophic bacteria, which have re- cently received scientific attention. The abundance of sulfate in salt marsh sedi- ments makes this ion the obvious substi- tute for oxygen as the electron acceptor in the anaerobic respiration of many mi- crobes. These organisms use dissolved organic matter as an energy source. Sul- fate reduction is now recognized as an extremely important process in the salt marsh estuary (Fenchel and Riedl 1970; Howarth and Teal 1979). As sulfate is reduced (primarily by a bacterial group known as Desulfovibrio), the resulting sulfide diffuses upward. Its reducing "power" is subsequently used along with light as the energy source to fix atmos- pheric carbon dioxide by anaerobic bacte- ria. The release of the resulting organic matter from salt marsh sediments is prob- ably augmented by tidal flushing and may be quite significant along creek banks. A major implication of this overall process is that the initial carbon source for the sulfate reducers is leachate from the roots of macrophytes. Thus, the wet- land macrophyte production is ultimately the source of this (unknown) amount of extra organic carbon that goes into the ecosystem. 1.4 ESTUARINE CONSUMERS The following description of the con- sumers of the salt marsh estuarine ecosys- tem in the study area is necessarily in- complete because it describes only those groups of organisms that are considered dominant, functionally significant, or that directly affect the oyster reef com- munity. These are bacteria, benthic in- fauna, zooplankton, nekton, and terres- trial consumers. 10 Bacteria Two basic principles relate to the consumption of the net energy produced annually in the marsh-estuarine ecosystem. The first principle is that most energy produced by the dominant primary producer in the system (Spartina alterniflora) is not consumed directly by grazers. Instead, at least 90% (perhaps 95%) either leaches into the water column from living and dead plants as dissolved organic matter, or through various processes enters the sys- tem as detritus. Both forms of this or- ganic matter are then attacked by micro- scopic decomposers or ingested directly by macroconsumers. The second major principle of energy consumption in the salt marsh is that the decomposer community (aerobic and anaer- obic) is large, diverse, and extremely active, consuming about 50% of the total energy flowing through the ecosystem, as shown in Figure 4 (Teal 1962). The decom- poser community of the estuarine ecosystem can be divided conveniently into two groups: (1) aerobic heterotrophs (bacteria and fungi) which utilize inorganic matter in standing dead grass stalks, the water column, and aerobic sediments; and (2) an- aerobic bacteria in anoxic (oxygen-poor) sediments. The activity of the aerobic group enhances the nutritive quality of both particulate and dissolved organic matter for the larger consumers. Particu- late organic matter is colonized by the aerobic heterotrophs as it is gradually fragmented into detritus. Its nutritional value is enhanced by increasing the rela- tive nitrogen composition of the particu- late organic carbon (POC), as shown by Odum and de la Cruz (1967). This can be symbolized as follows: POC + O2 + NH4+ -^ bacterial POC-N + CO2. Dissolved organic carbon (plant leachates, etc.) can be as- similated by micro-heterotrophs and also converted into POC-N. Some aerobic bac- teria are also critical elements of the nitrogen cycle, as discussed below. Anaerobic decomposers function in a variety of roles in the salt marsh ecosys- tem. They are essential to the geochemical cycles that release plant nutrients in a continuous stream to the primary produc- ers. The nitrogen cycle is especially im- portant because evidence to date indicates that nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in the salt marsh (Valiela and Teal 1979). Since the decomposition of cellulose is nitrogen-limited (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980), the decomposition of the large standing stock of organic matter in the system results in a competition for nitro- gen between decomposers and primary pro- ducers. Four groups of bacteria are involved in the nitrogen cycle. One group in the sediments (nitrogen fixers) converts atmo- spheric nitrogen to nitrate and nitrite (N2 -* NC3 -+ NO2-); another group (the de- nitrifiers) reduces nitrates and nitrites to atmospheric nitrogen. A third group (ammonifiers) converts dead tissue into ammonia. A fourth group (nitrifiers) oc- cupies the thin, oxidized layer around Spartina roots and converts ammonia from anaerobic sediments into nitrates directly usable by the plant. The anaerobic zone in salt marsh- estuarine sediments extends upward almost to the sediment surface because of the enormous oxygen-depleting capacity (chemi- cal oxygen demand) of these sediments. The metabolic activity of anaerobic bacteria is responsible for this oxygen demand. Benthic Infauna Other organisms in estuarine sedi- ments include metazoan animals larger than bacteria but so small that studying them and documenting their functions are diffi- cult. This group is called the meiofauna, and although it contains various phyloge- netic groups and trophic positions, its overall role apparently is that of a tro- phic intermediary between bacteria and macroconsumers. Nematodes and other meio- fauna appear to be major processors of bacterial tissue, and they are an impor- tant component of the food of many so- called deposit feeders (Sikora 1977; Bell and Coull 1979). Intertidal biomass of nematodes in creek banks in the study area has been measured at 6.4 g ash free dry weight (afdw)/ m^ (Sikora et al. 1977). Larger benthic organisms (macroben- thos) in salt marsh estuaries are usually divided into epibenthos and macro-infauna. Because oysters are epibenthos, we will omit further discussion of epibenthos 11 RECYCLING Kcal/m2/vr Figure 4. Model of energy flow in the Georgia salt marshes (adapted from Teal 1962). 12 until later. Macro-infauna are often di- vided into two functional groups, deposit feeders and suspension feeders. Theories have been developed to explain why often the two groups appear to be mutually ex- clusive in local areas (Rhoads and Young 1970; Levinton 1972). Suspension feeders include clams and sone tube-dwelling polychaetes (worms). Deposit feeders are often more motile, and some workers even include in the group those quasidemersal nektonic organisms that burrow into the bottom to feed, e.g., grass shrimp. Kany polychaetes and gas- tropods (snails) are also deposit feeders. Another major category of the estuarine macrobenthic community is the predators, including some gastropods, turbellarians (flatworms), nemertines (round worms), and echinoderms (starfish). Deposit feeders and demersal nekton are important in reworking the sediments by burrowing and plowing (bioturbation). This activity redistributes organic matter and other nutrients to the water column and introduces oxygen into the sediments. For example, one mullet can rework 45 m^ of bottom area per year (Pomeroy and Wiegert 198G). Conversely, suspension feeders (in- cluding oysters) filter particles from the water column and then deposit organic miat- ter in the form of feces on the sediment where it becomes available to the decom- posers. Krauter (1976) estimated that salt marsh macrobenthic organisms (in the marsh proper) deposit 1,709 g dry wt/m-^/ yr, which is 455 g of organic matter. He also calculated that 53% of the marsh's annual primary production could be processed through the feeding mechanisms of these organisms. Zooplankton Estuarine animals living suspended in the water column generally are classified as zooplankton if they are either so small or such weak swimmers that they are trans- ported passively by water currents. The mobility of zooplankton typically is lim- ited to vertical migrations in the water column; for example, a daily migration from the surface to bottom waters and back again is a commonly observed pattern among many forms. By altering their vertical elevation in the water column, zooplank- ters can use variations in food supply and use water movements in estuaries for dis- persion by "riding" parcels of water mas- ses as the latter traverse an estuary. For example, some species of zooplankton follow the salinity wedge on the bottom as the wedge progresses landward, or the sur- face layers of freshwater as they move seaward. Zooplankton often are divided into holoplankton and meroplankton. Holoplank- ton spend their entire life cycles in the water column while meroplankton spend only their larval stages above the bottom. Holoplankton include microzooplankton, such as copepods and rotifers; and macro- zooplankton, like euphausiids, ctenophora and other jellyfish. Meroplankton include larval finfish and decapods; and a large contingent of the larvae of many macroben- thic animals, including many polychaetes, barnacles, clars and mussels, and, of course, oyster larvae. The functional importance of zoo- plankton in the estuarine ecosystem is partly expressed by a high turnover rate of planktonic species, by large popula- tions, and by the very small average size of individual members. These three fac- tors ensure that zooplankton process a large amount of the organic materials available in some estuaries, much of which represent the conversion of phytoplankton into the tissue of higher consumers. The zooplankton community as a group largely depends on phytoplankton as a carbon source, and thus tends to be more impor- tant (abundant) in estuaries dominated by phytoplankton, rather than in those where macrophyte production is of primary impor- tance. The carbon pathway from phytoplank- ton to zooplankton to higher consumers is a significant trophic link in all estua- ries, however, including those in the study area. Although the oyster larvae are mem- bers of the zooplankton community, they are extremely vulnerable to predation by plankton feeders, including members of the macroplankton group, such as ctenophores. Some years ago in the New Jersey oyster grounds, oyster spatfall (larval recruit- ment) was reduced during years of large 13 ctenophore populations (Nelson 1925). He- roplankton usually compose a greater por- tion of the zooplankton community during summertime when many clams, mussels, oys- ters, barnacles, crabs, polychaetes, and other benthic organisms are spawning. This input of living protein from the bottom into the water significantly increases the food supply of filter-feeding animals, both nektonic and epibenthic suspension feeders. Many of the latter probably can- nibalize larvae of their own kind. Nekton The active swimmers in the estuary are divided into pelagic and demersal nek- ton. The pelagic nekton feeds in the water column, either on phytoplankton and detritus, on zooplankton (including oyster larvae), or on other nektonic forms. The bottom feeders or demersal nekton feed on adult benthos, including oysters and their associates. Darnell (1961) reported the feeding habits of some typical estuarine nekton (Figure 5). Terrestrial Consumers The other major group of consumers characteristic of the marsh-estuarine sys- tem is the large, diverse collection of "terrestrial" or land-based consumers. This group comprises insects and other small arthropods, including some fiddler crabs; pulmonate gastropods, especially Littorina irrorata; birds; reptiles (even alligators); and mammals, such as the rice rat, mink, otter, and raccoon. The spe- cific members of this group that directly impinge on the oyster reef community are discussed in Chapter 3. The total biomass of terrestrial consumers, including the active primary consumers (plant hoppers and grasshoppers) that graze Spartina di- rectly, was estimated at 1 g C/m2 (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980). - ••---- M, *^ --'-^.T-v^-*;'' h^'W .^^•-"W^. ^ %==■ ^c; -- i-L^ -^ »:^ ** '2: •fM- A view of the estuarine environment in which oyster reefs occur in coastal South Carolina. Photo by South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department. 14 FOOD CATEGORIES TROPHIC SPECTRUM OF ESTUARIME COMMUNITY CONSUMER SPECIES (NEKTON! I < £ li| 5o £5 ::. _) UJ uj CL "J - m o: o. (A > < 2 o < 5 o < _i I < < w u. « o - — ■ -■■■■■ MACROBOTTOM ANIMALS MICROBOTTOM ANIMALS - ^■- -I "il"+|-|H' IMIHII ll-l-hl — -I - - - - ZOOPLANKTON PHYTOPLANKTON M VASCULAR PLANT MATERIAL l-l ORGANIC DETRITUS AND UNDETERMINED ORGANIC MATERIAL Mlim- — -■ — " Figure 5. Trophic spectrum of an estuarine community (Lake Pontchartrain Estuary, Louisiana) (adapted from Odum 1971 after Darnell 1961). 15 This photograph depicts individual reef oysters occurring at the mean low water mark. Note the vertical orientation. Photo by Rhett Talbert, University of South Carolina. 16 CHAPTER 2 FUNCTIONAL OYSTER BIOLOGY AND AUTECOLOGY This chapter summarizes the salient information on oyster biology, especially that relating to the functional position of the oyster in the estuarine ecosystem. Each aspect of oyster biology discussed here is presented as an aid to understand- ing this functional role. A number of excellent treatises on oyster biology, including the monograph on the American oyster by Galtsoff (1964), preclude the necessity for another exten- sive treatment. Readers interested in more detail on subjects discussed here should refer to Galtsoff (1964) or other references cited in the chapter. 2.1 EVOLUTION AND TAXONOMY The oyster evolved long ago from an ancestral mollusk into a highly reorga- nized and in some ways simplified form. The major evolutionary steps involved are summarized below as they were recon- structed by Yonge (1960): (1) lateral compression of the body (2) extension of the mantle to the margins of the shell (3) division of the shell into halves (valves) separated by a noncalcareous ligament (4) fusion of pallial muscles to form paired adductor muscles (5) reduction of head and develop- ment of labial palps (6) development of cilia on (paired) gills, and development of a gill feeding function in addition to their respiratory role (7) probable reduction of metabolic requirements over that of ances- tral forms (8) loss of foot and byssus in the adult life stage (9) loss of anterior adductor muscle (10) rounding of the body (11) development of a horizontal orientation with the left valve down in the adult form The currently accepted formal classi- fication of the American oyster is pre- sented below, accompanied by the major morphological and ecological characteris- tics that apply to each category. There is currently some controversy about the classification of some oyster genera and species, and descriptors are not standard- ized, so that different workers have used shell morphology, geographical range, reproductive behavior, and larval shell morphology to classify oysters. New tools of biochemical genetics offer hope of resolving some of the controversial ques- tions in oyster taxonomy. For this report, the American oyster will be classified according to Abbott (1974) as follows: Class Bivalvia (Pelecypoda) Order Pterioida Family Ostreidae Genus Crassostrea Species virginica Each taxon will now be described briefly. Class Bivalvia This class includes clams, mussels, scallops and oysters. Some general char- acteristics are (1) a shell divided into two valves hinged dorsal ly by a ligament of conchiolin and connected by one or two adductor muscles; (2) a shell usually consisting of three layers: an outer organic horny matrix (conchiolin), a mid- dle prismatic layer, and an inner nacreous or pearly layer; (3) a laterally com- pressed body; (4) either a small head or none at all; (5) a wedge- or hatchet- shaped foot (if present), (6) a mantle extending to the margins of the shell and forming a large mantle cavity, containing ciliated gills (ctenidia) that function in feeding, pumping, and respiration; (7) a crystalline style that releases amylase for starch digestion. 17 Order Pterioida The order Pterioida is one of four orders of bivalves, each distinguished by the structure of its gills, and includes pearly and winged oysters, scallops, and the true oysters. These orders are char- acterized by paired gills that are greatly lengthened (compared to the ancestral type) and folded back on themselves to form four demibranchs interconnected by tufts of cilia. The mantles in these tnol- lusks have taken over the sensory function of the molluskan head, including some visual or light-sensing capacity. Family Ostreidae This family includes a large number of edible and nonedible oysters. They are generally restricted to shallow coastal waters between 44° S and 64° N (Galtsoff 1964). Oysters have unequal valves with no hinge teeth except in the prodissoconch or larval shell. In all but their larval stages, oysters have completely lost their byssus (attachment filaments) and foot and have retained only the posterior adductor muscle, which is kidney- or crescent- shaped. Genus Crassostrea The oysters included in this genus are characterized by extremely variably shaped (ecomorphic) shells, depending on the substrate and current regimes of the habitat in which the oysters grow. Mem- bers of the genus Crassostrea are anatom- ically distinct from their counterparts in the genus Ostrea, in that Crassostrea are somewhat larger at maturity, with a deeper cupped left valve on which they ordinarily rest. ^ They also possess a distinctive asymmetrical space between the right mantle and gill plates, known as the promyal chamber. The promyal chamber is important because it probably permits greater pumping rates, an advantage in silt-laden water (Ahmed 1975). This cham- ber also functions in the reproductive success of this genus. Eggs of Crassos- trea species are small ( -x. 40 y) and are released directly into the water, rather Note, however, that reef oysters are usu- ally oriented vertically with both left and right valves pointed upward. than being incubated within the mantle cavity, as those of the genus Ostrea. The promyal chamber allows for higher release velocity for eggs and is important for egg dispersal. The production of free-living plank- tonic larvae is critical to members of the genus Crassostrea because it promotes ge- netic exchange over wide areas. Oyster larvae have been documented to travel at least 50 km (30 mi). Quayle (1969) and Stenzel (1971) estimated that they could disperse up to 1,300 km (800 mi). Probably the most important charac- teristic of the genus Crassostrea, which has permitted almost worldwide distribu- tion, is its ability to tolerate wide ranges of salinity, turbidity, tempera- ture, and oxygen tension. The morphology has changed little since the oyster arose during the Triassic period about 190 million years ago. The genus Crassostrea arose during the Creta- ceous period (T35 million years ago) (Stenzel 1971). Representatives of this genus characteristically occur in turbid estuaries with soft ■ bottoms in the Indo Pacific area, Eurasia, Africa, and North and South America. Crassostrea virqinica The Eastern or American oyster (£. virginica) is the species that builds the intertidal reefs focused on in this re- port. This species is distributed along the entire east coast of North America, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada to Key Biscayne, Florida, to the Yucatan and the West Indies; and it has been reported even in Brazil (Gunter 1951). Figure 6 (from Ahmed 1975) illustrates this 8,050- km (5,000-mi) range. Crassotrea virqinica prevails over this immense range because of its tolerance to low temperature (Sten- zel 1971). Physiological, ecological, and bio- chemical data indicate that £. virqinica has several distinct physiological races (Loosanoff and Nomejko 1955; Menzel 1955; Hillman 1964; Li and Fleming 1967; Ahmed 1975). On the other hand, Buroker et al. (1979) concluded that significant genetic distinctions occur only between popula- tions of C. virqinica from Nova Scotia and 18 140 120 60-' 40 20 0° l?S^ PACIFIC OCEAN 40 Figure 6. The distribution of Crassostrea virginica is indicated by the shaded line. Note the distribution of the other major North American species, Ostrea Turida, shown by the solid line on the west coast (adapted from Ahmed 1975) . 19 west Florida. These researchers concluded that the two populations were only 82% genetically similar, approximately the level of similarity between £. virginica and £. rhizophorae. The latter two spe- cies are genetically close enough to have been successfully hybridized in the labor- atory (Menzel 1968). Stauber (1950) pos- tulated that C. virginica was discontin- uously distributed on the east coast dur- ing prehistoric times, and that speciation was occurring before oyster culture activ- ities by man removed the barriers to gene transfer. N. E. Buroker (University of Maryland Marine Products Laboratory, Crisfield, Maryland; pers. comm. ) indicates a single, large panmictic (genetically homogeneous) population exists between Cape Cod, Mary- land, and Corpus Christi, Texas, with 96% to 99% genetic similarity. Levinton (1973) reported that six species of bivalve mol- lusks (not including oysters) showed an increase in genetic variability with an increase in intertidal elevation, corre- sponding to increasing environmental vari- ability. This would be an interesting parameter to study in intertidal reef oys- ter populations. Without further consideration of the evolutionary origins of the oyster, we will concentrate on the functional (eco- logical) classification of C. virginica between Cape Fear, North Carolina, and Cape Canaveral, Florida. From this point on, the generic term "oyster" will mean £. virginica, and "oyster reef" will refer to oyster reefs in the study area unless spe- cified otherwise. The general anatomy of the adult oys- ter appears in Figures 7 and 8 (adapted from Galtsoff 1964). Note the insert dia- gram in Figure 7 showing the proper way to describe oyster size. 2.2 OYSTER REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT oyster is dioecious (with sepa- 0. but once a year some members The rate sexes] of a given local population change their gender from male to female (protandry) or female to male (protogyny). This sexual lability is possible partly because of the simplicity of the oyster reproductive system, which lacks ducts, glands, or sec- ondary sexual structures (Yonge 1960). Oysters develop functional gonads at a young age (2 to 3 months) and small size (less than 1 cm in height). Usually they tend to develop as males during their first season, with subsequent protandric change (to females) in following seasons (Menzel 1955). A small percentage of any given population ( <1%) functions as true hermaphrodites (Kennedy and Battle 1963), and this pattern seems to hold for other species in the genus Crassostrea (Asif 1979). Some preliminary evidence indicates that populations of oysters under certain kinds of stress tend to develop a higher proportion of males than females, but this remains to be conclusively demonstrated (Amemiya 1936; Loosanoff and Nomejko 1955; Kennedy and Battle 1963; Bahr and Hillman 1964). It is interesting to speculate, however, that the stress encountered in the higher portions of the oysters' verti- cal range in the intertidal zone (the upper reef zone) could produce androgenous (predominantly male) colonies that would contribute little to the reproductive suc- cess of the population. After oyster gonads reach maturity in a local population, a temperature (or sa- linity) shock triggers the emission of sperm from one or more males. The temper- ature at which oyster populations in dif- ferent regions begin to spawn has been used in the past to distinguish physiolog- ical races. Atlantic coast and gulf coast oysters have thus been separated into 17° C, 20° C, and 25° C spawners (Yonge 1960). Reef oysters subject to very high summer temperatures are probably members of the last group. The emission of sperm from male oys- ters occurs via the exhalent chamber of the mantle. A chemical constituent of the sperm (a protein pheromone) stimulates the females in the area to release eggs, and a spawning chain reaction can sweep dramati- cally over a dense population, turning the water white. Females expel eggs from the inhalent chamber rather than through the exhalent chamber. This process involves a preparatory contraction in portions of the mantle margins to reduce the size of the exhalent opening. Eggs then pass through 20 MOUTH LABIAL PALPS CEREBRAL GANGLION LEFT MANTLE PERICARDIUM RIGHT MANTLE GILLS ADDUCTOR MUSCLE SHELL TENTACLES FUSION OF TWO MANTLE LOBES AND GILLS X _L _L CENTIMETERS Figure 7. Anatomy of the ovster (Crassostrea virginica) and diagram showing the correct method of measuring the height, length, and width of oyster shells (from Galtsoff 1964). 21 CONNECTIVE TISSUE INTESTINE DIGESTIV DIVERTICULA GONAD KIDNEY EPIBRANCHIAL CHAMBER LATERAL AFFERENTV BRANC EFFERENT VEIN GILL ROD LEFT MANTLE GILLS WATER TUBE OF THE GILLS GONAD INTESTINE BLOOD SINUS STOMACH DIGESTIVE DIVERTICULA KIDNEY PROMYAL CHAMBER COMMON AFFERENT VEIN i u f^ c Ol >, — oo • ( — c M- c: c T3 ZJ ns (U o > a: >> .^ — -lo a\ un .—1 lO <4- r-~ .— CTl ^ — m I/) ll- DICTl — - f^ >i :3 3 O C .— • c -o — o o U> -r- Q. to tu csj I. s- +J f— ^ Q. -a E c r- Ol (U .— +J (J •.- c -c c » ^ Q. +J #1 tj QJ 00 ■r— in 4-> E #• 1 f^ in *l r-^ •r— Ol S_ 01 o 03 QJ >> 3 s- s- o c .« (U 3 ■l-J i- +J (J Q. • r- >1 >. +J a> Ol 0) o 00 C E "O ■M QJ S- l/l .C 3 +-> I— S- >l E 3 in #> c •r- O 03 >-. <-) O (O 03 <_) r^ E •r— >> 03 1 — ,03 E o +-> 4- s - C ■a 03 E C ■•-> •r- 4- ••- c O QJ QJ s- o 10 ■n- #1 .^ XI i~ i~ +-> 3 S_ E QJ O -r- 00 3 o .d in C +-> O 05 Q) CL 1 — U o o QJ a. (J 03 -(-> o i- O m O +-> +J 3 ■(-> s- •f— Q) 03 QJ Q) QJ •1- o 4-> lO C 4- ■O 4- -o +j en 00 4- S- e 1- E > +j (J 1/1 •r- O ra O c o 01 4- u •1— •r- o E rO .a OJ QJ Q) c o +J i/i cn ■o 3 >, cn o S- QJ O ■(-> 3 O • r— ■(-> c •1— d "O S- c +-> QJ C C C 1 — X Q) QJ i/i • r— >> o o •»— +-> +J -^ o •1- JD QJ U n QJ a> -o ■M s_ +-> T3 o 03 .— fC r— C to (J C c QJ •r— Q. 03 QJ XI S O +-> C 4- ••» ro -l-> C •r- Q) a> C s- QJ 1 0) X J2 fO O O QJ S- o m -o 03 03 QJ ■!-> in O E OJ Q. -Q ■r- C C 1— OJ -t-> U1 O) QJ 4- I/) QJ ■!-> 4- E +-> Ol 03 » ro •'— i. QJ -M 4- .f— cn QJ O O 00 QJ 4- QJ 1 — +-> *T3 Q. .— U 03 U OJ 00 c E <-) >> s- O 00 +J 03 "O > Q. QJ QJ 03 03 +-> O 03 Q) +J C c: n3 "D QJ 4- S- S- r^ S- .C CTl C -CI TD tz QJ s ■>- O 03 (U T3 4- QJ QJ 03 u QJ QJ T3 QJ o S- ja •.- ■o CO Q) -C ■!-> JZ. ■o ■o 00 QJ 00 •r- (J 4- 03 -U 1 — QJ lO C -!-> 03 ■>-> QJ QJ QJ ^ Its U 03 +J QJ o jr o ro U OJ QJ 3 03 S_ OJ S- r^ 00 4- -O S- XJ u >1 X "O Ol JD -o X! X) a. u ^ U CL-O Ol QJ O 3 O) c: X o C C 3 OJ 3 0) E QJ C C QJ C O QJ S_ CO S- O -t-" 03 -1- (jT) s_ in s- 1 1 Q Q) •.- Q 03 _l i- Q. 03 O c: QJ -o QJ I/O S_ 00 QJ C > O O •>- +-> QJ 03 in 4- 03 +-> QJ e e S- QJ o u o • r- c c: -l-> ■r- O 03 o o >, •^ ■!-> 4-> .1= •r- C a. c 03 E 3 I/O 03 LU X o I/) o c cn c Q) 00 c -> QJ 03 O 10 0) +J OJ 3 1 — 3 > 03 1 — 1 — s- 4- u >— 03 n) O •1- O E .c in Q. s- s- in >, QJ QJ in jC 4- x: > O Q. O 1— O _J 29 sewage, and/or fertilizer; (4) toxins. Including pulp mill sulfites, heavy met- als, chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophos- phates, radionuclides, and petroleum hydrocarbons; (5) physical impairment of feeding structures by oil; (6) thermal loading, primarily from power plants; (7) overharvesting; and (8) wetland loss due to development. These perturbations can be lethal or sublethal for oysters, but even when sub- lethal, the oysters may be unfit for con- sumption either by humans or by other predators. Oysters, like most suspension feeders, efficiently concentrate suspended and dissolved constituents of the water column to levels several orders of magni- tude above background concentrations (bio- accumulation). Human pathogens, pesti- cides, and heavy metals are prime exam- ples. Greig and Wenzloff (1978) reported that oysters with high levels of heavy metals in their tissues did not purge or lose these metals rapidly when transferred to clean water. Quantifying sublethal effects on oys- ters is complicated by the fact that oys- ters live at the water sediment interface, and most pollutant concentrations in sed- iments are different from those in water. While very low concentrations of some toxins in oysters, like dioxin, may be significant, the capability to detect these pollutants has been achieved only recently, so that much recent literature on pesticide residues in oysters and other organisms may be misleading (e.g., Buqq et al. 1967). The effect of crude oil extracts on the carbon budget of Mytilus edulis, the edible mussel, is illustrated in Figure 11. As shown, carbon ingested and assimi- lated declines with increasing oil concen- tration. Comparable effects could be expected for the oyster. The estuaries in the study area are presently not as severely impacted by man- induced (cultural) change as are some other oyster-producing areas, such as sec- tions of the Louisiana and Florida coasts, Chesapeake Bay, and Long Island Sound. In addition, intertidal reefs are in some ways more resistant to man-induced pertur- bations (e.g., salinity intrusion and resultant susceptibility to predation) because of the periodic exposure due to tides. Conversely, intertidal reef exis- tence is already stressful, and added stress may inhibit reef formation. Effects of marsh alteration in Texas have decreased local oyster production (Moore and Trent 1971). Changes in hy- drology and pollution have probably con- tributed to local declines in oyster reef density in the Savannah, Georgia, area. Historical change in intertidal oyster reefs in the study area, caused by both natural and cultural perturbations, is discussed in Section 4.2. Harvest of Intertidal Oysters Because this paper's overall objec- tive is to describe the ecological func- tion and importance of the oyster reef as a component of the coastal ecosystem in the study area, we include here only a brief discussion of several aspects of exploitation of reef oysters by man. More information on the present commercial har- vest and potential for future exploitation may be found in Gracy and Keith (1972), Keith and Gracy (1972), and Gracy et al. (1978). These references are for South Carolina, where commercial harvest is con- centrated in the study area. (1) Oyster harvest by man has been an important cultural activity since long before recorded history (at least as early as 2000 B.C., Keith and Gracy 1972). Nu- merous oyster shell middens and shell rings of apparent ceremonial significance in the study area attest to the importance of the oyster in the diet of early coastal residents. Many oyster shells found in these artifacts are large and thick, which, when considered in light of the presence of many whelk and oyster drill shells, indicate that a significant por- tion of the prehistorically harvested oys- ters were of subtidal origin. (2) Recent oyster harvest in the study area, however, is primarily concen- trated on intertidal oyster populations. This harvest, both recreational and com- mercial, involves the very labor-intensive and time-consuming removal of clumps of oysters from exposed mud flats, an effort 30 300- 200 % 100- -100 A, CARBON CONSUMED CARBON ASSIMILATED NET CARBON FLUX CARBON RESPIRED \ V \ \ \ \ ■v.: \ 01 10 50 %OIL EXTRACT EM Figure 11. Effects of crude oil extract on Mytilus edulis carbon budgets calcu- lated for 100-mg mussels held at 3lo/oo salinity under summer conditions (15° C, 21!3Mg C/liter) (adapted from Gilfillan 1975). 31 conducted done from small, flat-bottomed skiffs (bateaus). (3) The majority of the (clumped) oysters collected today are of a quality that makes them less suitable for the raw bar trade than for canned oysters. Thus the oyster industry in the study area traditionally has been an oyster steam- canning industry. (4) Of the intertidal oysters har- vested, the most valuable, in terms of their shape, size, and condition, are found low in the intertidal zone rather than in mature reefs, or oyster rocks, as they are called locally. (5) Oyster production or total har- vest apparently peaked in the early 1900's and has steadily declined for numerous reasons as follows: over-harvesting and generally poor management; pollution, re- sulting in closing many local areas to oystering; labor problems, i.e., a dwin- dling number of people willing to work in the labor-intensive oyster industry; and changes in the hydrology of local area. (6) Total oyster production from the study area (principally South Carolina) accounts for about 8% of total U. S. pro- duction (Lee and Sanford 1963). Table 2 from Gracy et al. (1978) summarizes recent oyster production from the study area and includes both subtidal and intertidal oys- ters. Presently it is unclear if the de- cline in intertidal oyster harvest indi- cates a decline in mature oyster reef den- sity. For example, the closure of coastal areas to oystering because of pollution by human pathogens is in some respects bene- ficial to natural oyster reef populations that are thereby assured of nonexploita- tion. On the other hand, hydrologic changes accompanying marsh alteration and increased coastal activities are likely to be extremely damaging to the somewhat fragile reefs. In Section 4.2 we discuss the historical change in reef density in the study area. In summary, the true mature oyster reef subunit of the coastal ecosystem in the study area is not of commercial inter- est because the reef oysters are of poor market quality. The exception to this is that high reef oysters can be removed and replanted lower in the intertidal zone. The increased efforts at oyster management in the study area could benefit natural reefs in that additional sources of oyster larvae could be created. The commercial exploitation of intertidal oysters ulti- mately will depend on the study area's economic climate. Increased mechanization that would solve the labor problem (Hixson 1975) is constrained by continual rise in energy costs. 2.5 ENERGY SUMMARY A summary of estimates of energy flow in oyster reefs in the study area appears in Figure 12. These estimates were based on the most reliable available information (see the Appendix for details and ration- ale). The numbers shown in Figure 12 are the values for standing oyster biomass and for oyster respiration rate. The respira- tion estimate is particularly important as an index of oyster function because it represents the energy "tax" paid by reef oysters to support their other activities. The ratio between average biomass (kcal/ m2) and respiration (kcal/m^/yr) gives the turnover time of the oyster portion of the reef as 0.38 yr (or 2.6 times/yr). This is the average time that any given organic carbon molecule "survives" as a constitu- ent of oyster tissue before becoming oxi- dized to CO2 and recycled. Gamete produc- tion represents another high energy expen- diture, and the typical watery tissue of "coon" oysters in reefs is symptomatic of oysters that are continually spawned out (or subjected to a po itinual ly or diet). The extremely high ingestion and egestion (biodeposition) estimates are ap- proximate but indicate the qualitative im- portance of reef oysters in the study area for transferring suspended organic matter to the reef surface. This process supports the high bacterial metabolism noted in Section 3.3, which in turn accelerates the rate of carbon flux through the ecosystem. 32 l/l 0) ■(-> • lO ^^H ■!-> 00 LT) r^ CTl O f— 1 •^ ■»-> • c ^ > 4-> (J 3 ITJ o &. lo tD S- E 3 o o i~ H- <4- c: ^ • r— 0) u ■o s_ 0) a; +-> <_) (- c 01 (U +J E CO ■*-> >> i- o lO CL <+- (U OQ , , M to <: s- •a: ta o 1— z f— o M ■o 3 i- 01 ns on > to r— (U to to •o z E ^^ 3 O LO o. 1 — 1 n • r^ CJ CTl t— 1 0) E .a o lO i- Ln CTl O Q O O O CTl CO CTl t/i O Q. O O OJ +J ns +-> t/1 CTl CTl Lf) to CTl CVJ CO to to CM to 00 00 o CO 00 "* CSJ «3- CO LO o to n o CO o CM to o •a- CTi O O r-~. to to CO to n C-tJ LO LO 00 CM 00 CO LO LO LO CO to <3- CM O CM to LO o LO to to 'I- to CM LO to CM I — en LO LO 00 cn 00 LO LO to 1 — I CM C3 n CM o CO ^3- CO •a- o CX3 CTl CTl CO CO 00 LO 00 00 LO O CM CM CM CO CO LO to o fO IT3 u c C •J— •r— -tj ^— r— 00 o o to s_ i- CL) 03 lO O <_) to to • 1— ■D -C .c en •1— 4-> +J i- 1- I. 3 o O o o 0) r— z LO ej Ll. to +-> o Close-up view of oyster shell debris characteristic of the high energy beach shores at the mouth of large intertidal creeks. This shell pro- vides a substrate for oyster spat settlement. Photo by Rhett Talbert, University of South Carolina. 34 NET PRODUCTION 1000 (3.3% OF MAX.ASSIMILATION) WORK INGESTION 2.0-5.0 X iC PREDATION 2000 (0.6% OF MAX. ASSIMILATION) BIODEPOSITION 1.8-4.9 X 106 GAMETE PRODUCTION 7500 - 13,000 RESPIRATION 13000 (43% OF MAX.ASSIMILATION) Fioure 12. Summary of energy flow throuqh intertidal reef oysters, expressed in kiloca lories per meter square per year. Values ai-e 35 Intertidal reefs in coastal South Carolina. Note the relatively flat top of the reefs in the background, a contnon feature indicative of the upper survival limit of the oysters in the intertidal zone. Photo by Rhett Talbert, University of South Carolina. 36 CHAPTER 3 OYSTER REEF DESCRIPTION AND SYNECOLOGY The objective of this chapter is to detail the intertidal oyster reef commun- ity in the study area. The following sec- tions will describe the reef, physically and biologically, to set the stage for Chapter 4 in which we discuss the rela- tionship of the reef subsystem to the entire estuarine ecosystem. Much of the material in this chapter was taken from Bahr (1974), the only available study that treats the entire reef community (in Georgia) quantitative- ly. Extrapolations of the results from Bahr (1974) to the entire study area should be made cautiously, and with the understanding that in South Carolina estu- aries, oysters in reefs are less dense and net growth is more significant than is the case in Georgia (S. Stevens, Uni- versity of Georgia, Sapelo Island; pers. comm. ) . 3.1 GENERAL REEF DESCRIPTION Intertidal oyster reefs range in size from small scattered clumps to massive solid mounds of living oysters and dead shells. Reefs are limited to the middle portion of the intertidal zone, where min- imum inundation time determines the maxi- mum elevation of reef growth. Predation and siltation limit oyster populations in the lower intertidal and subtidal zones to scattered individuals. The following passage by Dean (1892) describes intertidal oyster reefs or "ledges" in South Carolina at the turn of the century. Often at low tide the oyster ledges appear to the eye curiously like a low hedge of frosted herbage, gray- ish-green in color. A nearer view discloses branching clusters or clumps of oysters, densely packed together, whose crowded individuals now become modified or distorted according to their position on the cluster. The individuals that cap the cluster project upward like flat- tipped fingers, slender, narrow, and long, whose shape has given them throughout the South the names "cat tongues," "raccoon paws," or "rac- coons." In many localities, as throughout the region of Skull Creek, the raccoon ledges, continuing for ages to encroach upon the stream bed, have formed vast oyster flats, acres, sometimes miles, in extent. During exposure to the atmosphere (ebb tide), the surface of a reef dries and turns gray, but upon wetting, a living reef appears greenish-brown due to a thin film of algae. In contrast, piles of dead shells in the intertidal zone (wet or dry) generally are less colorful than are liv- ing reefs. A section through a typical reef is depicted in Figure 13. The uppermost por- tion is level but slopes steeply at the edges. The living portion of a reef is thicker at the perimeter than in the cen- ter, where mud trapped by biodeposition and sedimentation smothers the oysters. This sedimentation results from suspended matter settling out as turbid water slows down while passing over a reef. Often the surface of a reef is uni- formly covered with oysters closely wedged together, so that it is difficult to re- move an individual clump. Once a hole is made in a reef, however, adjacent oysters, lacking support, tend to fall toward the cavity and are readily removed. Most ma- ture oysters are long and narrow, and vir- tually all are oriented with their growing edges facing upwards (Figure 14). These are the typical "coon oysters" described in Galtsoff (1964). They seem to grow toward the least disturbed water, like branches on a tree seeking light, and away from encroaching sediment beneath. A sim- ilar growth pattern on a much smaller scale was proposed for colonies of the freshwater bryozoan, Lophopodella carteri. 37 _i-"_L ■H _•! . T. 5 ° o o o L. 00 ^ 5 ^ a !=i o -J 3 z S 5 s 0) c > s- • r- +J IB +J r— ro 0) Q. s_ cn en c c •f— •^ r^ •M 3 ID O S- M- -t-> (/) cn 3 c r— • r— r^ -a •r— c o 4- Q. <1) m (U I/) -o >> c o «3 .c in Ol t— :3 $_ r— c (O o ■o +J +J o 0) e l/l IB E 4-> (Q O t. QJ Ol Q. m 10 •f— ro • r- 1 — 1 5 0) c en s_ o c 13 •r- T- cn+J .— •f— lO -r- u. > Q. 38 Figure 14. Several generations of oysters (C. virginica) growing vertically on muddy bottom of Altamaha Sound, Georgia (adapted from Galtsoff 1964). This growth pattern results in oyster clusters termed "coon" oysters as depicted in photo. Photo by Wiley M. Kitchens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 39 by Bishop and Bahr (1973). Bahr (1974) reported no evidence of orientation of individual oysters with respect to cur- rents in reefs in Doboy Sound (in contrast to the studies by Lawrence 1971); but R. Frey (University of Georgia Marine Insti- tute, Sapelo Island; pers. comm. ) detected such orientation among oysters in reefs located in Blackbeard Creek, which is characterized by strong bidirectional cur- rents. All reefs studied at Sapelo Island, Georgia, were identical in height, 150 cm above mean low water (MLW), except the lower immature reefs, which presumably were still growing. Peak height appears to represent maximum equilibrium eleva- tion, given present sea level and the local tidal amplitude. Generally flooding tides reach the lowest portion of the reefs approximately 2 hours following slack ebb, completely covering the upper- most oysters approximately 2 hours before peak flood. On an ebbing tide, the tops of the reefs become visible about 2 hours following peak flood, with the result that the tops of the reefs are inundated only 4 hours per tide, or 8 hours per day. The relationship between reef elevation and tidal amplitude is unknown for other areas. Exposure to air during ebb tides allows the visible portion of a reef to dry. Only the upper layer (5-10 cm) of oysters and dead shells actually dries out, however. The underlying shell layer remains moist and appears reddish-brown when the dry shells are removed because a thin layer of detritus covers each shell. This lower layer of shells and living oys- ters appears to lack the film of algae characterizing the upper layer. A reef can thus be considered as consisting of three "horizons," one pale greenish-gray, one reddish-brown, and one silver-black, color characteristic of shells buried in an anaerobic environment high in ferrous sulfide (Wiedemann 1971). Fine scrape marks appear on many shells from the green and brown horizons, indicating that the organic film is constantly grazed. Mud crabs ( Panopeus herbstii and Eurypanopeus depressus) graze these films on partially inundated reefs (Bahr 1974). Oysters in the upper (green) horizon have sharper growing edges than those in the brown layer, indicating faster growth. Presumably this is a function of extreme crowding and sediment encroachment on the lower oysters. Many dead oysters are found in the black and lower brown hori- zons, with the valves still together, but ful 1 of silt and clay. Approximately 61% (by volume) of the reef material collected from the upper surface down to the black horizon consists of living oysters, 21% consists of dead shells, and the remaining 18% consists of silt, clay, and nonoyster macrofauna. Vertical Zonation Although the three horizons described for the oyster reef are somewhat arbitrar- ily defined, there is a definite vertical change in reef macrofaunal composition. This is a result of interspecific toler- ance to desiccation (drying) rather than a feeding limitation resulting from reduced inundation time. The pattern of zonation in the study area (Figure 13) is typified by the zonation pattern on dock pilings from the lower Duplin River examined after years of exposure to fouling organisms. From these pilings one can extrapolate the optimal elevations for oysters and other epifauna of the reefs. At Sapelo Island, Georgia, oysters on pilings are virtually limited to an eleva- tion (1.5m above MLW) corresponding to the maximum elevation of reefs. One could assume that this pattern of vertical zona- tion would be compressed in areas of lower tidal amplitude. Oyster growth is maximal from about 60 to 70 cm above MLW, the ele- vation corresponding to the level of the sediment surface on which these reefs were located. Dean (1892), observing growth patterns on pilings, reported that oyster growth in South Carolina was maximal in the mid intertidal zone. Populations of the barnacle Chthama- lus fragilis dominate the upper 60 cm of tidal range. Other barnacles (Balanus ) and two mussels (Ischadium and Guekensia) representative of the reef community oc- cupy the lower intertidal and upper sub- tidal ranges on the pilings, which repre- sent a zone extending beyond the lower limits of the reef. In fact, optimum ele- vation for these species appears to be be- low the limits of the reef zone. Wiedemann 40 (1971) remarked on the paradoxical re- striction of the barnacle, £. fragilis, to the uppermost oysters in a reef or to blades of marsh grass above the maximum height of oyster reefs. Of the three spe- cies of barnacles in the reef community, C^. fragilis is restricted to the upper, or green, horizon. Another related barna- cle, C^. stel latus, has been described as an obligate intertidal form for reasons of competition rather than physiology (Con- nell 1961; Barnes and Barnes 1969). The restriction of Chthamalus to the mid to upper intertidal zone was demonstrated by Connell to result, not from intolerance to constant inundation, but rather from com- petitive exclusion by Balanus spp. In the oyster reef community, where barnacle den- sity is not as great as in Connell 's study, oysters seem to assume the role of "squeezing out" all but the uppermost individuals of C. fragilis. Many well- preserved individuals of the latter spe- cies are found trapped and overgrown between adjoining oysters. Chthamalus fragilis represents the most obvious exam- ple of vertical zonation in the reefs, but other evidence of similar restrictions can be observed; e.g., anemones occur almost exclusively in the brown horizon. Green and Hobson (1970) stated that a difference in elevation of 6 cm in the intertidal zone results in a significant effect on rates of mortality; however, they were describing an infaunal assem- blage dominated by the little gem clam (Gemma gemma). The oyster reef displays a similar sensitivity at the upper limit of its intertidal range. At slightly lower elevations, however, these effects are buffered by the physical complexity and density of the reef, which trap and hold moisture above the level of the surround- ing sediment. Temperature Effects on Oyster Reefs Oysters adjacent to a hole in a reef made by sampling often die after being dislodged from their normal position in the reef. Undisturbed oysters are normally oriented vertically, (with the ventral side upward) and those which collapse into a sampling site are usually horizontally oriented. The latter position results in exposure of a greater proportion of sur- face area to direct solar radiation, with little chance for mutual shading. The tem- perature of sediment within a reef varies widely with depth; e.g., temperatures were 35°C at the surface and 28°C at 6 cm depth during one measurement in October (Bahr 1974). More critical than sediment tempera- ture is the fact that the internal temper- ature of an oyster is a function of the orientation of the oyster with respect to direct solar radiation. For example, the internal temperature of a reef oyster in Georgia varied (in the same October obser- vation) from 34°C to over 38°C, according to whether it was oriented vertically or horizontally (Bahr 1974). In full shade the temperature dropped to 31.5°C. This implies that mutual shading of crowded reef oysters is beneficial and important to the maintenance of temperatures within the tolerance limits of the oyster. In the summer when the angle (azimuth) of the sun is highest, significantly higher tempera- tures result on incident surfaces; there- fore, high mortalities could easily result from the disruption of the angular orien- tation of reef oysters which provides the shading to protect the oysters. Copeland and Hoese (1966) reported mass mortalities of intertidal oysters in Texas during the summer. Hodgkin (1959) concluded that an- nual high mortalities of littoral fauna and flora near Fremantle, Australia, re- sulted from high temperature, which was a major factor in the maintenance of charac- teristic shore zonation. Thus, it appears that oyster reefs grow to elevations above that at which individual oysters could survive the rigors of temperature stress and minimal inundation time. Lehman (1974) examined the effects of thermal loading from the discharge water of a local power plant on the oyster reef community at Crystal River, Florida. He concluded that an average annual increase of 4° C in the water surrounding experi- mental reefs (relative to unaffected reefs) caused an increase in oyster bio- mass, metabolic rate, and turnover rate, but a decrease in the diversity of the reef community. Salinity Effects on Oyster Reefs Although oysters are euryhaline and can tolerate low salinities, reefs are 41 limited to areas with significant tidal amplitudes ordinarily associated with rel- atively high salinity coastal environ- ments. The effect of long-term salinity changes on oyster reefs has not been reported (see Section 4.2). The reef life style allows oysters to invade the preda- tor-rich, high salinity zones of estua- ries. Predators are excluded because of the reef's daily exposure to the atmos- phere resulting from the ebb and flood of the tides. Reef Surface Area The surface area of oysters and dead shells in a series of reef samples was measured by Bahr (1974). He calculated that at least 50 m^ of surface area is available for habitation by epifauna for every square meter of overall reef area. The production of this large, highly ir- regular surface area is an important aspect of the functional role of the oys- ter. In the marsh-estuarine ecosystem that is relatively devoid of hard substrate, the oyster provides this limited resource for other oysters and for the associated macrofauna that will be described in the next section. 3.2 REEF-ASSOCIATED MACROFAUNA A total of 42 species of macrofauna (or groups of related species) represent- ing seven phyla are associated with the oyster reef community in Georgia (Table 3). This is only a fraction of the 303 species listed by Wells (1961) in his monograph on the fauna of subtidal and intertidal oyster beds, but slightly more than the 37 species found by Dame (1979) in South Carolina reef samples. Rarely present and thus not shown in Table 3 are unidentified species of boring sponges, bryozoans, hydroids, and mites; all of these, except mites, occur abundantly on subtidal oysters but only incidentally in the intertidal reef community. Probably a maximum of 50 macrofaunal species, includ- ing those not readily separable, occur in the community samples on which these num- bers are based (Bahr 1974). Twenty-one species occurred in the majority of the samples; 17 occurred in 93% or more sam- ples; 8 species occurred in every sample. Mean frequencies for each reef species over the entire sampling period and rela- tive frequency of each species are listed in Table 4. The biomass and relative bio- mass of each major species or group of species are given in Table 5. No relation- ship between the size of reefs and the macrofaunal community was observed by Bahr (1974) although a theory exists that indi- cates a direct (positive) relationship between reef size and species richness (Simberloff 1974; Jackson 1977). A comparison of the results of Dame's reef survey with the reef macrofauna data reported by Bahr (1974) indicates that Dame found slightly fewer species or groups of related species (Table 3). Dame also found a lower density of macrofauna, by an order of magnitude (about 3,300 in- dividuals/m^ compared to about 38,000/m2 reported by Bahr). Some of these differ- ences may result from differences in sam- pling technique since Dame sieved his oys- ter reef sediment samples through a 1.0-mm screen, whereas Bahr used a 0.5-irjTi mesh screen. Lehman (1974) reported 31 species of invertebrate organisms or groups of relat- ed organisms from oyster reefs in Crystal River, Florida. Of these, only nine spe- cies were also found by Bahr (1974) to be associated with Georgia reefs. Lehman re- ported the total abundance of reef-associ- ated organisms to be about 6,200/m2 and oyster density to be about 3,800/m2 in his control area. His estimate of biomass of oyster reef associated organisms was 135g/ m^ dry wt. Specific groups of organisms that reside in oyster reefs in the study area will be discussed below. Oyster Commensals The relationship between the oyster pea crab (Pinnotheres) and the oyster represents inquilinism, an association slightly detrimental to the host species (Nicol 1960). Beach (1969) reported that Pinnotheres becomes increasingly rare in oysters in the higher portions of the intertidal zone. Dame (1970) found only about 1% incidence of pea crabs among intertidal oysters in South Carolina; likewise, Bahr (1974) found only a 3% incidence. 42 Table 3. Nacrofauna found in Georgia oyster reefs (adapted from Bahr 1974). Taxa Mollusca Pelecypoda ^ , Crassostrea virqinica (Gmelin) ' ' Guekensia deniissa (Dil lwyn)^'° Ischadium recurvum (Rafinesque)^'^'*- Mya arenaria (Linnaeus ) Gemma gemma (Totten)^ Petricola pholadiformis (Lamarck)^ Gastropoda . Odostomia impressa (Say) ' Arthropoda Insecta . Anurida maritima (Guerin)^' '^ Cirripedia Balanus improvisus (Darwin) ' Balanus eburneus~rGou1d)^'"'^ Chthamalus fragilis (Dan-n'n)^ Decapoda a b c Eurypanopeus depressus (Smith) ' ' Panopeus herbstii (Milne-Edwards)^'^'^ Pinnotheres ostreum (Say)^'° Sesarma cinereum (Say ) ^ Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc) Amphipoda , h Melita nitida (Smith)"''^ Parhyale hawaiiensis Gamma rus pa1ustris^>*^ Isopoda Cassidinidea lunifrons (Richardson) Edotea motosa (Stimpson) Annelida Polychaeta a b c Neanthes succinea (Prey and Leuckart) ' ' Nereiphyllis fragilis (Webster)^''^ Streblospio benedicti (Webster)^'^ Heteromastus filiformis (Claparede)^''^ Polydora websteri <^^^^^ Tharyx setigera(Hartman)^ Spirorbis sp. Sabel laria megaris^ Amphitrite ornata (Leidy)^'" Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu)^'" Lysidice ninetta Syllidae (unidentified) Dodecaceria sp. Continued 43 Table 3. (Concluded) Taxa Annelida (continued) Polychaeta (continued) Lepidonotus sublevis( Verri 1 1 ) Polychaete (unidentified) Polychaete (unidentified) Polychaete (unidentified) Nemertea ^ Nemertina (unidentified) Coelenterata Anthozoa (unidentified) Platyhelminthes Turbellaria Polyclad (unidentified) Sipuncul ida Sipunculid (unidentified) ?Genus reported by Wells (1961). Species reported by Dame (1979). Species reported by Lehman (1974), 44 Table 4. Mean annual frequency distribution of reef macrofauna. Mean freq. Variance Standard Species (#/ni2) S deviation % of total s- X Crassostrea virginica^ 14666.9 4811.3 717.2 38.65 Guekensia demissa 514.8 459.5 68.5 1.36 Ischadium recuryum 5028.0 4051.0 603.7 13.25 Mya arenarlja 852.8 1577.7 235.2 2.25 Gemma gemma Petricola pholadiformis Odostomia impressaa 1643.5 1792.5 264.3 4.33 Anurida maritimaa ^ 5453.7 3626.4 1300.5 14.37 fBalanus ?ip?o7Tsus^ 1063.9 1063.1 158.5 2.80 1 Balanus iburneus'^ , 16.9 58.8 8.7 0.04 Lchthamalus fragilis^ 166.3 387.4 57.7 0.44 Eurypanopeus depressus 1037.1 430.5 64.2 2.73 Panopeus herbItiT5 103.1 75.0 11.2 0.27 Pinnotheres ostreum 24.5 33.5 5.0 0.06 Sesarma cinereum Clibanarius vittatus Melita nitidis , 334.2 455.2 67.9 0.88 ParhyalFTa^iiensis^ 966.2 1278.4 190.6 2.55 Gammarus palustris"^ 5.2 - - Cassidinidea lunifrons'^ 323.5 171.6 25.6 0.85 { { Edotea montosa 14666.9 4811.3 717.2 514.8 459.5 68.5 5028.0 4051.0 603.7 852.8 1577.7 235.2 1.3 - - 0.4 - - 1643.5 1792.5 264.3 5453.7 3626.4 1300.5 1063.9 1063.1 158.5 16.9 58.8 8.7 166.3 387.4 57.7 1037.1 430.5 64.2 103.1 75.0 11.2 24.5 33.5 5.0 0.1 - - 0.4 - - 334.2 455.2 67.9 966.2 1278.4 190.6 5.2 - - 323.5 171.6 25.6 1.3 - - 1739.1 1778.3 268.1 78.0 60.9 9.0 1362.4 1723.4 259.8 519.8 314.7 46.9 359.3 436.4 65.1 0.3 - - 1.1 - - 1.7 - - 4.3 - - 5.2 - - 1.3 - - 0.4 - - 0.9 - - 0.4 - - 0.9 - - 8.7 - - 4.8 - - 204.0 194.8 29.0 1442.5 1376.6 205.5 7.8 - - 0.4 ■" ^ 4.58 Neanthes succinea Nereiphyllis fragilis! 78.0 60.9 9.0 0.21 Streblo'spio benedicti^ , 1362.4 1723.4 259.8 3.59 Heteromastus filiformis^ 519.8 314.7 46.9 1.37 Polydora websterT^ 359.3 436.4 65.1 0.95 Tharyx setigera Spirorbis sp. Sabellaria megaris Amphi trite ornata Marphysa sanguinea Lysidice ninetta Syllidae (unidentified) Dodecaceria sp. Lepidonotus sublevis Polychaete (unidentified) Polychaete (unidentified) Polychaete (unidentified) Nemertina (unidentified)^ 204.0 194.8 29.0 0.54 Anthozoa (unidentified)^ 1442.5 1376.6 205.5 3.80 Polyclad (unidentified) Sipunculid (unidentified) Total: 37,947.4 ^Twenty-two species found in 93% of all samples and considered dominant. Brackets enclose groups of "similar" species that reduce major macrofauna members of the reef community to 16. 45 Table 5. Ranked biomass of 16 major oyster reef species or groups of species and proportion of total macrofaunal biomass. ~ Mean biomass Species or group of species (g/m^ + 2 s-) % of total Crassostrea virginica 969.6+93.4 87.534 Guekensia demissa 83.7+26.9 7.554 Ischadium recurvum 24.4+13.0 2.200 Eurypanopeus depressus 13.5 jH 2.3 1.220 Panopeus herbstii 7.3+ 4.4 0.656 Neanthes succinea 3.4 + 1.6 0.304 Anthozoa (unidentified) 1.5+ 0.5 0.131 3 Cirripedia species T-^l 0.6 0.130 3 Amphipoda species 1'2 ji 0.5 0.106 Nereiphyllis fragilis 0.8+ 0.5 0.069 Mya arenaria 0.3+ 0.5 0.024 Odostomia impressa 0.3+ 0.1 0.024 Nemertea (unidentified) 0.1 + 0.0 0.013 Anurida maritima 0.1 ± 0.1 0.013 3 Polychaeta species 0.1 + 0.1 0.013 Cassidinidea lunifrons 0.0 + 0.0 0.001 Total 1,107.7 46 Other inhabitants of shells of sub- tidal oysters were virtually nonexistent within reef oysters examined in the Geor- gia study, e.g., worms (Polydora spp. ) were found free in the samples but not inside oysters. Boring sponges (Cliona spp.) were absent on intertidal oysters but abundant on subtidal oysters and dead shells. Infestation (with Cliona) results in shell deterioration in subtidal oysters due to shell erosion by Cliona. Infested (with Cliona) oysters are particularly vulnerable to predation, and the shells are fragmented into pieces which tend to be washed away rather than remaining in situ as substrate for further coloniza- tion. This is one of the principal reasons that subtidal reefs are absent in the study area. Guida (1976) discussed the abundance of Cliona spp. in subtidal oys- ters and oyster shells. No oyster drills or starfish were ever seen on the reefs examined. Parasitic gastropod, Odostomia impressa, was abundant, (up to 5,460/rr,2). Insects An interesting organism occurring in abundance on oyster reefs in the study area is a collembolan insect, Anurida mar- itima, a true marine insect (Miner 1951 ). The trophic role of a similar intertidal collembolan (Oudemansia esakii ) in Hong Kong has been described as saprophagic on recently dead macrofauna, including oys- ters (Chan and Trott 1972). Anurida appears to be a true oyster associate since it is only observed on mud flats near oysters. The greatest concentrations are inside dead pairs of oyster shells, which often house masses of live insects along with large numbers of exuviae (shed exoskeletons). Small and covered with a nonwettable cuticle, Anurida is extremely buoyant and would be washed away during flood tides were it not for crevices in oyster shells which allow masses of them to cling together. As in the case of Oudemansia, Anurida probably emerges to the reef surface during ebb tide and retreats before flood tide. Dame (1979) reported a few Anurida ('^6/m2) present in South Carolina reefs and Lehman (1974) reported Anurida from Florida reefs. Barnacles has been noted in previous sections (see Section 3.1). Dame (1979) did not report C^. fragilis on South Carolina reefs, which may indicate that these reefs were lower in the intertidal zone. Since total bar- nacle density on oyster reefs does not approach the density observed on pilings (Bahr 1974), it appears that unknown fac- tors limit barnacle survival on intertidal reefs. It has been reported that Balanus eburneus reaches maximum density at a elevation of 9 to 14 m below sea level (Relini and Giordano 1969). Mud Crabs Two of the most characteristic mem- bers of the reef community are the common mud crabs Eurypanopeus depressus and Pano- peus herbstii. observed by Bahr (1974) at mean densities of l,037/m2 and lOS/m^, respectively. They seem to remain quies- cent in the brown horizon during exposure of the reefs but begin active feeding with tidal inundation. Feeding consists of us- ing one or both chelae to scrape the film of algae and detritus from shells in the brown and green horizons. The "grazed" appearance of shells and the fact that neither algae nor detritus accumulates on shells indicate the proficiency of graz- ing. These two crabs are undoubtedly omnivorous, and Bahr (1974) noted Panopeus predation on small oysters on reefs and Eurypanopeus predation on amphipods in the laboratory. Dame (1979) reported much low- er densities of mud crabs on South Caro- lina reefs; he found the two species in approximately equal densities. Soft Shelled Clams Common occurrence of small soft shell clams in the reef samples was noted by Bahr (1974) at densities ranging up to 6,460/m2. No adult clams have been ob- served in reef samples. It appears that clam spat (juveniles) settle on the reefs and survive only temporarily. Mya arenaria has not been reported to range success- fully as far south as Georgia, although adult specimens have been found at Sapelo Island. Dame (1979) did not report find- ing Mya arenaria in South Carolina reefs. Mussels A marked vertical zonation of Chtha- Kuenzler's (1961) study of the ribbed malus fragilis, one of three barnacle spe- mussel Guekensia demissus (formerly called cies identified from the reef community, Modiolus) demonstrates that this animal's 47 functional importance in the marsh system resides more in terms of nutrient (phos- phorus) cycling than in energy flow. He estimated the mean density of Guekensia in the entire marsh at 7.82 animals/m^, whereas in oyster reefs in Georgia, this mussel averaged over SOO/m^. Ischadium recurvum was found to be 10 times more numerous in reefs than was Guekensia (see Table 4), and together these two species contributed 9.5% of total macrofaunal bio- mass (112.08 g/m2). Dame (1979) reported about 7 Guekensia/m^ in South Carolina reefs and about 71)0 Ischadium/m^, or two orders of magnitude greater than Gueken- sia. Anemones Anemones are sessile epibenthic sus- pension feeders that have soft bodies and are extremely vulnerable to dessication. Thus, they are not normally considered intertidal organisms. Their common occur- rence in reef samples in Georgia (Bahr 1974) attests to the capacity of oyster reefs to retain water above MLW and to extend the vertical distribution of such creatures. Dame (1979) did not report any anthozoans in South Carolina reefs, but this group could have been overlooked in preserved samples. Polychaetes Polychaetes are generally one of the dominant groups in benthic systems because of their contribution to total biomass or to numbers, or both; but they are usually considered infauna, with some obvious exceptions such as the serpulids, which produce encrusting calcareous tubes. Smith (1971) found that polychaetes constitute the major portion of macrofauna in a sub- littoral community near Sapelo Island. In the oyster reef community, polychaetes accounted for only 0A% of the total bio- mass, most of which was contributed by one species, Neanthes succinea, which averaged 1,739 animal s/m^, compared to 281 /m^ in Long Island Sound (Sanders 1958). The three most abundant small poly- chaetes, Polydora websteri, Heteromastus filiformis. and Streblospio benedicti, together compri sed only about 0.01% of total macrofaunal biomass. There is a relative dearth of polychaetes in this reef system compared with other communi- ties. This is perhaps related to the pre- dominantly epibenthic nature of the reef community and to the absence of a substan- tial layer of aerobic sediment. Dame (1979) found significant numbers of Heter- omastus in South Carolina reef samples, but he did not find many of the other two small polychaetes, probably because of the large mesh size used to screen his benthic samples. Amphipoda Amphipods are more numerous and di- verse in sublittoral oyster beds than on intertidal reefs since, in the latter sit- uation, tidal pools are not available to sustain them during ebb tides. Grackles were observed feeding on oyster reefs, probably preying on amphipods and mud crabs (Bahr 1974). Dame (1979) found rel- ativity few amphipods in South Carolina oyster reef samples, and only one species, Melita nitida, was reported. Accidentals Hydroids, bryozoans, flatworms, and sponges, all commonly associated with sub- tidal oysters (Guida 1976), were so rarely encountered in Georgia oyster reefs as to be considered "accidentals" in the reef community. 3.3 REEF COMMUNITY ENERGETICS The energy requirements, expenditures and an overall energy budget for reef oys- ters are discussed in the Appendix. The additional energy requirements of nonoys- ter members of the reef community are ad- dressed in the following section. The data used are primarily those reported by Bahr (1974). The best available estimate of total energy requirements of the reef community is the rate at which a unit area of reef consumes oxygen (community respiration rate). A sine curve fitted to oxygen con- sumption of the total reef community in Georgia for a 1-year period is depicted in Figure 15. The variation in community oxy- gen uptake ranged from approximately 6 to 50 g02/m2/day over a temperature range of 9° to 30° C. 48 o O E E o o Jan 12 Apr 13 May 18 Jun 22 Jul 22 Apr 20 May 26 Sampling dates Aug 30 Sep 29 Oct 19 Nov 18 Oct 29 Nov 29 Figure 15. Seasonal oxygen consumption (QO2) of reef community. Data points are average values for four samples with 95% confidence intervals (Bahr 1976), 49 The area beneath the curve in Figure 15 was integrated over a 1-year period to yield a total of 8,168 gOa/m^/yr consumed by the oyster reef community, equivalent to 27,036 kcal/m2/yr, assuming a respira- tory quotient of 0.85. This estimate of the community metabolic energy demand by the reef community is conservative in that it is derived by multiplying hourly rates by 12 hours, with the assumption that little respiratory activity occurs during reef exposure at ebb tide. However, Lehman (1974) reported a significant metabolic rate of exposed oyster reefs by using an infrared gas analyzer to detect CO2 re- leased from enclosed reef samples. This measured rate was about 20% of the rate measured by oxygen changes during inunda- tion. Total community metabolism in the Georgia reefs is partitioned among oys- ters, other macrofauna, small organisms, and chemical oxygen demand. Macrofaunal Respiration The contribution of each species of macrofauna to total community oxygen con- sumption at a given temperature is a func- tion of its proportion to the total bio- mass, its size-frequency distribution, and the relationship between rate of respira- tion and size of an individual. Small rare species contribute little to total biomass and cannot contribute significantly to total Qxygen uptake (QO2); large rare spe- cies, on the other hand, can often alter total oxygen uptake (Smith 1971). Banse et al. (1969) and Pamatmat (1968) con- cluded that the most reliable method of estimating relative importance of various macrofaunal species in terms of total com- munity respiration is to multiply mean ash free dry weight (afdw) per species by the density of that species in the community. By this criterion, the oyster reef commu- nity members were ranked in terms of macrofaunal metabolic importance, as shown in Table 6. The two species that comprised 95% of total biomass, Crassostrea virqin- ica and Guekensia demissa. contributed 87.5% and 7.5% of total community biomass, respectively. The respiration of oysters accounts for approximately 50% (48.1%), or about 13,000 kcal/mVyr of the total reef com- munity respiration. Total oxygen require- ments (hence energy requirements) of non- oyster macrofauna was thus estimated to account for only 10% of the total reef requirements, about 800 g02/m^/yr or about 2,700 kcal/m^/yr. This latter figure is similar to the total oxygen uptake rate of the subtidal soft bottom community near Sapelo Island (Smith 1971). Nonoyster macrofauna were divided into 14 species or groups of related spe- cies, and estimates of the annual oxygen consumption rates were derived experimen- tally (Bahr 1974), as shown in Table 6. Microbial and Meiofaunal Respiration The metabolism of small consumer organisms represents 22% of the total reef community metabolism (Bahr 1974). This estimate is approximate since it is based on the difference between total community oxygen consumption and the sum of esti- mated macrofaunal and chemical oxidation rates. The large surface area of an oyster reef (at least 50 times the area of a plane surface) provides a large surface for aerobic bacteria as well as for epi- fauna (see Section 3.1), and thus this estimated large energy requirement, 1,600 g02/m2/yr (5,400 kcal/mVyi"), is not too improbable. Chemical Oxidation Bahr (1974) estimated that the pro- portion of total reef community oxygen uptake accounted for by the chemical oxi- dation of reduced compounds (20%) was only slightly lower than microbial metabolism. This estimate reflects the continual release of reduced compounds from the anaerobic decomposition of reef-derived organic matter. Summary The seasonal energy partitioning estimates for the entire reef community are depicted in Figure 16. To summarize, the reef community converts about 3 x 10** kcal/m2/yr to heat, which represents the net "cost" to the ecosystem of supporting the reef community. Systems theory would indicate that this cost is repaid by the reef community in the form of feedback services. For example, the reefs contin- ually release plant nutrients, ammonia and phosphorus-containing compounds; they 50 CO o ■D CL re 1/) .Q to c 1 — o ^- (O c o c o ■o r^ 3 ••- OJ &« lO lO 4-> V) ■M '^ CO l. T- 0) O Q. a> ^ lO lO o E 0) c i. o X) o JQ lO ■!-> O o o lO a: U3 V) irt (O E O O) ••- u >o ■I- S- X <*- •.- C OJ (J o +-> O) •■- to Q.-l-> S- 00 •.- O 3 CL-i- cn +J O) CO 1 X CO 00 (O C\] fc o n +1 (N c E (O O) Ol o. 3 O i. CD S- o — cnr-~— i — i — nionc\j«a->— ooooooooo CTl CM 1— +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 COt^^LDn^-lD^CVJOOfOrOi— 1 — I — 3 3 3 to to to l*- <+- ll- o o o i- s- s- o u o to to to E E E 1. s- s_ O) OJ a> ■!-> ■(-> ■!-> in CO CO >>>»>> o o o c c c o o o c c c (Ti CO «* CO t~» n 1 — CO CM .— ■— >— OOOOOO •■- to C7 tA CO O CO (/> to i- c_) 3 (/) OJ i- Q. O) Ol c GO •1— n o s- (J (U 3 J^ CO r- cr O) u ^ CO Q.<«- r- CO ■o til o o o &< s-s &e CM ro en o CT^ o 00 .— r-^ o CO en r^ r^ 00 cTi 1^ o O n o CM 3 — i:^ O. >, •I- -I- .c S- ^ Q. S. Q. r- •I- E (U (_}<:$- O) n n z: to e Ol to CO U) 0) i. ■r— 0) U •a CO Ol OJ s- a. OJ OJ CO CO 4- TD 1- a> 5 0) C (U 4-> O 4- Ol trt -r- , CO +-> JZ o c •.- CO u r— CU CO i- >, to Ifl CL O O) +-> (/) t/l CL-d o o OJ 3 O) ■!-> Q- 1— _l OO o o 51 ^ Oyster QO2 ^ Macrofaunal QO2 I I Chemical QO2 HI Microbial QO2 Jan 12 Mario Apr 13 May 18 Jun 22 Jul 22 Apr 20 May 26 Sampling dates Aug 30 Sep 29 Oct 19 Nov 18 Oct 29 Nov 29 Figure 16. Seasonal energy partitioning estimates for the entire reef community (Bahr 1974). QOt = oxygen consumption rate. 52 significantly increase habitat diversity and provide substrate for epifauna, de- composers, and small nursery species (at least during flood tides). The 3 x 10"^ kcal/m2/yr would require the total net production of about 5 m^ of marsh estuary for each square meter of reef if total production were usable by the community. If only phytoplankton production were usable, the reef community would require at least 50 m^ of marsh estuary for nutri- tional support (see Section 1.3). A final point should be made about oyster reef energy requirements: the met- abolic rate of this community ranks high among the values measured for the macro- fauna! metabolism of benthic communities, exceeding even such systems as kelp beds. Table 7 summarizes the results of some representative benthic community metabolic measurements. Of particular interest is the 1974 study by Lehman, in which total reef community metabolism from gulf coast oyster reefs (Crystal River, Florida) was measured at 16 to 21 g 02m^/day at 31.7°C. Lehman's values for biomass were lower than those measured from Georgia reefs (119.5 g/m^ dry wt vs. 970 g afdw/m^), and his experimental temperature was about the same as the maximum experimental tempera- ture used by Bahr (1974). The increasing number of metabolic studies in which partitioning has been at- tempted have well established that macro- fauna usually play a relatively minor role in total benthic community energy flow. Smith (1971), for example, determined that the proportion of total respiration rate attributable to macrofauna of a sublitto- ral community was equal to only 12.1%. Therefore, the oyster reef community is unique among benthic subsystems in that the oysters and other macrofauna conspicu- ously dominate community metabolism as well as community structure. Intertidal oyster reefs may be thought of as hetero- trophic "hot spots" in the marsh-estuarine system. 3.4 REEF PREDATION No quantitative information is avail- able on the rate at which salt marsh con- sumers prey on the inhabitants of the intertidal reef community. From a quali- tative standpoint, the predators include 53 three groups: (1) small reef residents such as mud crabs; (2) strictly aquatic forms that migrate onto the reefs to feed during flood tides, e.g., the blue crab (Cal linectes sapidus) and the sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus); and (3) terrestrial animals that prey on exposed reefs during ebb tides, e.g., raccoons and wading birds. This "time sharing" arrange- ment by both aquatic and terrestrial pred- ators, representing a "coupling" between the reef and adjacent ecosystems, would appear to wreak havoc on the reefs; but relatively little evidence of predation was ever detected in the reefs examined by Bahr (1974). Blue crabs were observed feeding on small oysters on partially exposed reefs; raccoon tracks were seen around reefs; and the most commonly ob- served reef predators were boat-tailed grackles (Cassidix mexicanus), seen pick- ing unidentified organisms (probably small crustaceans, insects, and polychaetes) from recently exposed reefs. Drinnan (1957) estimated that the European oystercatcher (Haematopus ostra- lequs) preyed on between 28.5 and 51 cock- les per hour during active feeding, each cockle being between 23 and 30 mm in length. He concluded that about 22% of the total cockle population in his study area in Nova Scotia were removed as a re- sult of this predation. Butler and Kirbyson (1979) reported that the black oystercatcher {H. bachmani ) can eat up to nine large oysters per hour, the oysters ranging from 80 to 160 mm. These birds feed primarily on single oys- ters, however, as opposed to American oys- tercatchers (F[. palliatus) that feed on clumped or reef oysters (Tomkins 1947). The latter author observed predation on Crassostrea by oystercatchers on reefs near Savannah, Georgia, but no attempt at quantification was made. It was assumed from Tomkins' description of the feeding behavior of f[. palliatus that only about 4 hr/day are available for feeding on inter- tidal oysters (2/hr/tide). Observations on the density of oystercatchers at Sapelo Island indicated fewer than one bird per reef, perhaps one per eight reefs, result- ing in an estimated maximum of 25 oysters eaten by oystercatchers per reef per day (4 hr/ day x 1/8 bird/reef x 50 oysters/ hr/bird). If an average reef were approx- imately 25 m^, a total loss of about U1 B Qi to i. •r- a. 3 E o 1^ .a ■o o 01 E T3 ZJ O E >> ■- 3 <0 ■*->(/) T3 03 C "^ .- (J E Q. ~^ O) > 00 ■o lO Ol s- o •■-3 +-> > 3 r^ o s- •r- o ^— U 3 T3 c n— lo o 0) 0) OJ M J3 S- CM O^ #t IX o IT) OJ M cn kO 00 -O r— en U3 C (O ^— CTi +J C •.- O) -C S- n fO -o +-> > I/) o E O) s- •1— u 4-> s~. » 3 s (O (O CTi E u C T3 E Ll_ LD 3 30 (D ■o trt o- XJ Ol 0) t. r^ »i o ■r^ 0) 01 r-~ (O o to .c JD o^ 0) ^— CL (J r— in r— s- o 3 CVJ c r~ •r- to •» +-> c: O ■a 1^ >— E E r— (U c +J lo 00 •^ c 03 ^— (0 (/) SI o ^ o J3 0) c Hi 0) 0) o to 0) s- r— to > 0) O to .o — - 3 O ^^' 1— (U 01 m s- to ■O ITJ to •>- 1— E t- re 0) o r— ■(-> ro C " ■o •r- in •^ f-~ 4-> >, 0) i- ^ to ■«-> O 3 c C£ E »— * Ol 1. I. ■•-> to •o s- 01 O) ■(-> tn o (. to O >- 3 ID 00 OO M 10 E to E o u o U JC to 4J t- c g £ •r- ••-> X) ^ 01 l/ HMt sink — energy lottet to heat according to the Mcond law of tharmodynamics. Figure 22. Regional level conceptual model and explanation of symbols, 72 Figure 23. Drainage unit level conceptual model. 73 supported by the relatively static distri- bution of reefs within the Duplin River basin over time, shown in Figure 21. Specific interactions shown in Figure 23 are described below: (1) The local tidal regime is the primary forcing function for oyster reef distribution (and relative area) in a given salt marsh drainage unit. The tidal effect is shown interacting si- multaneously with water area and wetland area. These respective components (water and wetlands) have a 1 to 2 ratio in the Geor- gia marsh-estuarine ecosystem (Pomeroy and Wiegert 1980). The pattern of distribution of oys- ter reefs in the Duplin River, as shown in Figure 21, is prob- ably not a chance distribution. For example, oyster reefs are absent from the upper one-fourth of the basin, probably because of ecosystem level processes (e.g., a function of reduced current velocities in the upper reaches of the river). (2) Oyster reef area in a given lo- cale can affect local turbidity levels by filtration and bi ode- position. By stabilizing and elevating sediment, wetland de- velopment can be enhanced. Marsh grass and oyster reefs have a reciprocal functional relation- ship in that reefs develop al- most exclusively at the inter- face between wetland and water. There they subsequently grow and trap sediment, eventually becom- ing colonized by Spartina. The marsh invades formerly subtidal areas in this leapfrog fashion. For example, subsurface (fossil) oyster reefs occur in a pattern of increasing depth extending from an existing reef into the marsh. (S. Stevens, University of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island; pers. comm. ). (3) Suspended materials in water column inhibit the primary pro- duction by phytoplankton as a result of shading. Therefore, oyster reefs theoretically aug- ment phytoplankton productivity by actively filtering these materials and thereby reducing turbidity. (4) Oyster reefs in local areas also contribute to primary production (especially of phytoplankton and benthic algae) by rapidly miner- alizing ingested organic matter into usable plant nutrients. Kuenzler (1961) showed that the regeneration of phosphorus by mussels in the salt marsh was more important than their role in energy transformation. Kit- chell et al. (1979) discussed the roles of consumers in nutri- ent cycling. Oyster reefs by Interactions (3) and (4) can increase food availability, pro- viding feedback in keeping with ecosystem theory, (e.g., Odum 1971). (5) Tidal currents maintain extreme- ly high suspended sediment loads in some study area estuaries, like the Duplin River (Hanson and Snyder 1979). The conse- quences of this siltation relate to Interactions (2) and (3). 5.4 REEF LEVEL CONCEPTUAL MODEL The third conceptual model is shown in Figure 24, where reef development is expressed as growth in three dimensions: (1) upward toward the high intertidal zone, (2) downward toward the subtidal zone, and (3) lateral accretion. The interactions involved in such changes are described below: (1) Ingestion by oysters and other suspension-feeding members of the reef community is affected negatively by increased water turbidity (Section 2.3). (2) Turbidity of estuaries in the study area is usually high and closely related to the high tidal current regime. Thus, 74 Q. . n •ij 4i> ^ <\ rj '^: *:j^' m i^A 3i^ V h ^ w t i^^k Wsk w%r*. l«-^ Immature reef at the mouth of an intertidal creek. Note the mature reefs in the background. Photo by Rhett Talbert, Uni- versity of South Carolina. 77 The seeding of intertidal oyster beds with oyster shell to induce increased oyster spat settlement in areas that are being commercially harvested. Photo by South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department. 78 CHAPTER 6. SUMMARY AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS AND GUIDELINES 6.1 SUMMARY AND OYSTER REEF SIGNIFICANCE The American oyster (Crassostrea vir- qlnica) is not only an extremely valuable commodity to man but is also a cosmopol- itan, physiologically plastic, and ecolog- ically interesting estuarine organism. Its natural range spans the Atlantic coast and much of the gulf coast, and its ge- neric "brothers" exist in coastal systems worldwide. One intriguing aspect of oyster be- havior is its propensity, under certain conditions, to form massive, discrete, intertidal colonies, or reefs. The larg- est individual oyster reefs formed by the American oyster occur in open bays along the northern gulf coast. Some reefs are many kilometers in length; they consist mainly of dead shells, and their geometry is partially the result of reworking by storm surges. In the South Atlantic Bight, tidal amplitude ranges from 1 m to over 3 m (3 to 10 ft), and oyster reefs occur in close association with extensive salt marshes characteristic of the area. Oyster reefs within this region achieve a greater ele- vation above mean sea level and a greater oyster density (in terms of numbers and biomass) than in any other coastal region. The structure and ecological function of these reefs are the subjects of the pre- vious five chapters. Whereas most oyster research has been carried out at the individual or popula- tion level of detail, this paper has em- phasized the behavior of the oyster at the ecosystem level. The reef community de- scribed throughout this community profile exhibits characteristics and has ecosystem importance that could not be predicted from even "perfect" knowledge of the bio- logy of individual oysters. Thus, just as a termite colony is more than a collection of termites, so an oyster reef shows emer- gent properties, including its capability of extending the intertidal range of the reef assemblage upward beyond the eleva- tion at which individual oysters normally could survive. Oyster reefs possess the following characteristic properties: (1) individual oysters in a reef must grow with a strong vertical orientation to sur- vive; (2) individual reefs strictly are limited to the intertidal zone, and the geometry of a given reef is strongly determined by mean water level, sediment stability, and current regime; and (3) patterns of reef distribution are discern- able within drainage basins, such that reef density is usually maximal at inter- mediate channel widths and current veloc- ities. In other words, if all living oys- ters in a drainage basin were redistrib- uted either randomly or homogeneously throughout the ecosystem, a large portion of the function (and value) of the oyster community would be lost. One primary ecosystem value of the oyster reef community relates to its phys- ical, rather than its biological, proper- ties. Mature reefs are stabilizing influ- ences on erosional processes and may mod- ify long-term changes in tidal stream flow and overall marsh physiography, although these effects have not been quantified yet. The extent of the physical influence of reefs on the marsh system is a function of the average relative proportion of reef area to total intertidal area in a given drainage basin. The available estimates of this relationship vary, but about 0.05% of reef area to total intertidal area (marsh and water) may be a reasonable estimate. Another aspect of the ecosystem value of oyster reefs relates, in natural estua- rine areas, to reefs' being stable islands of hard substrate in an otherwise unstable soft muddy environment. These islands are essential habitat for some organisms, especially the sessile suspension-feeding epifauna usually limited by the available surface area. Reefs also provide a highly irregular surface with crevices that serve as havens for motile invertebrates; and some small fish use reefs for shelter during flood tides. Oyster reefs are 79 Photo indicates the "soupy" nature of the sediments that oft times support oyster reefs. The reefs represent a hard substrate "island" habitat in an otherwise soft- bottomed environment. Photo by Leonard Bahr, Louisiana State University. 80 densely populated with mussels, mud crabs, polychaetes, barnacles, and other macro- fauna, and countless smaller metazoa, pro- tozoa and bacteria. The members of the oyster reef com- munity are limited primarily to suspension and deposit feeding macrofaunal consumers. The trophic role of this macrofaunal com- munity as a whole assimilates carbon de- rived from phytoplankton and detrital sources and makes it available to higher consumers, i.e, terrestrial and aquatic animals. Of the former, raccoons and birds like oyster catchers and grackles are predators on oyster reefs. Aquatic consumers that prey on healthy living oys- ters include the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and the black drum (Poqonias cromis). Many other aquatic carnivores undoubtedly visit oyster reefs during flood tides and prey on the host of small invertebrates residing there. More important than the food web roles of oyster reef inhabitants in the salt marsh estuarine system is their role in mineralizing organic carbon and releas- ing nitrogen and phosphorus in forms usable by the primary producers. The significance of the energetic roles of the reef community is exemplified by the meta- bolic rates of the entire community being among the highest measured for any benthic community (27,000 kcal/m2/yr). This rate is partly due to the great surface area in a reef, supporting a large population of aerobic bacteria, and to the high biomass of the resident macrofauna (up to 1,100 g afdw/m2). Each summer the reef community con- tributes a stream of high quality protein to the water column in the form of gametes and larvae of oysters and other resident macrofauna. These meroplankton (or larvae) are food for nektonic filter feeders, food for other benthic organisms, and recruits for the next generation of reef oysters and associates. Because reefs continually subside into the mud, new generations of oysters at the top are necessary to main- tain the steady state elevation of the upper reef surface. Oyster growth in mature reefs appears extremely slow, and some of the larger resident oysters probably are 5 to 10 or more years of age. They are typically long and narrow and usually display a watery condition with little glycogen reserves, a sign of stress or being spawned out. Because oysters in reefs apparently live close to their stress tolerance threshold, further perturbation by man can easily destroy the entire reef community. Reefs are particularly susceptible to artificial hydrologic changes, such as those that follow the impoundment or diversion of waterbodies as large as coastal rivers or as small as individual tidal streams. Reefs primarily are found at the interface between wetland and open water, and the destruction of wetlands for any reason results in a decrease in this interface zone. Oysters and other benthic macrofauna are, of course, also connected to and depend upon wetland macrophytes via trophic pathways still not well under- stood. Reef oysters are susceptible to the increasing array of man-made chemicals and heavy metals becoming more prevalent in coastal waters. They are also vulnerable to the eutrophic effects of fertilizer- and sewage-loading in coastal waters through the potential alteration of the composition of the natural phytoplankton community in a manner that may be less desirable or even toxic to oysters. Reef oysters have evolved to tolerate high levels of turbidity, but increased sedimentation on top of natural levels can smother them. Dredging related to shell or phosphate mining, navigation or pipe- line canals, or other construction activi- ties in the coastal zone can drastically increase the natural sediment load in local areas. In addition, the artificial mixing of reduced bottom sediments with water above the bottom can deplete the water column of its dissolved oxygen. Direct physical alteration of mature oyster reefs, e.g., by harvesting, can destroy an entire reef, even if the reef is only moderately disturbed. Harvest of intertidal oysters is productive only on immature oyster reefs low in the inter- tidal zone, where oysters are not as crowded as in mature reefs and where growth is more rapid. Thus, mature reefs are most valuable to the ecosystem and to 81 society if rather than food value. they are harvested left undisturbed, for their limited 6.2 MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS AND GUIDELINES Clearly, the oyster reef component of the coastal ecosystem in the Southeastern United States depends on a healthy marsh- estuarine environment. Thus, the most logical recommendation for reef management is to mitigate increasing man-induced alterations on the marsh system to the extent possible. Changes in water flow, both surface and subsurface, appear to cause the most far reaching and cumulative damage to the entire system, and thus indirectly to the reef subsystem. See Table 1 for a summary of cultural stress on oysters. The maintenance of high water quality is, of course, important to the continued viability of oyster reefs; and the intro- duction of urban, industrial, and agricul- tural pollutants from both point and non- point sources is to be avoided. Subtidal oysters normally can tolerate a fair amount of insult in terms of poor water quality before succumbing to many of the common pollutants. Such oysters usually become dangerous to eat before they die from chemical pollution. Reef oysters, on the other hand, are already stressed and may not be as hardy. At present, the oys- ter reef zone of the South Atlantic Bight appears relatively free of toxic chemicals and excess nutrients, except in the immed- iate vicinity of major population centers such as Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. Long-term effects of increasing freshwater pumping may pose a problem more serious than pollution for the marsh oys- ter reef system. Therefore, future urban, industrial, and agricultural requirements for freshwater need to be examined and their long-term effects on salinity dis- tribution predicted, in order to under- stand the implications of development for the entire coastal ecosystem. There have been several proposals and attempts to increase oyster reef area locally by spreading cultch along the fringe between marsh and water to induce oyster settlement. These efforts have been largely unsuccessful, implying that our thesis is valid; that is, the distri- bution of reefs relates to a specific set of conditions, especially with respect to water flow, and the proportion of a marsh drainage unit occupied by oyster reefs is not indefinitely expandable. The guide- line derived from these observations is that artificial oyster reef development should be seriously attempted only at former reef sites. In conclusion, the intertidal oyster reef subunit of the marsh estuarine eco- system is an important component of the coastal zone in the Southeastern United States, and this subunit has declined in total area during the last 90 years. 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University of South Carolina Press, Columbia. 364 pp. 92 APPENDIX: OYSTER BIOENERGETICS Oysters, like all heterotrophic orga- nisms, use energy in proportion to their growth rate, their reproductive invest- ment, and their efforts to obtain food, remove waste, defend themselves against parasites and predators, and maintain a favorable osmotic balance. This section discusses the rates and partitioning of energy expenditures for individual inter- tidal oysters and the oyster population as a whole. The energy requirements of the entire reef, a prerequisite for under- standing the dynamics of the oyster reef community, are estimated in Chapter 3. Ecologists and environmental managers are beginning to realize the value of information regarding the rates and path- ways of energy flow in communities of organisms and entire ecosystems. Energy units are interconvertible, and, there- fore, the energy "cost" of totally dif- ferent processes is the common denominator by which these processes can be compared objectively and ranked in terms of their ecological importance. The first ecologist formally to apply this principle to the study of ecosystems was Raymond Lindemann, who in 1942 published a landmark treatise on the partitioning of energy flow through an ecosystem (Lindeman 1942). Since then, it has become common practice to include energetics in ecological research. Good review sources on bioenergetics include Phillipson (1966) and Wiegert (1968). The extant oyster literature includes several compilations of energy budgets for various species of oysters in different areas. Extrapolations from some of these studies are necessary to fill in energy budget data gaps for intertidal oysters in the study area. The calculation of an energy budget for a population of organisms involves the use of one or another equation of the general form: P(net) = I-E-R-W (1) ''(net) ~ "^^ secondary production rate, or growth of the pop- ulation in a given time (including somatic growth, gamete production, and mor- tality losses) I = ingestion rate E = egestion and excretion rates R = respiration or metabolic rate W = the rate at which external work is performed by the organisms The term W is usually ignored (Wie- gert 1968), but for some animals (such as mound-building termites and reef oysters), work may be substantial because these or- ganisms build vertical structures against gravity. In mature populations, the production equation may attain a steady state, in which no net growth can be measured and annual energy inputs equal losses. Oyster reefs appear to attain this steady-state maturity when they achieve a critical ver- tical elevation relative to tidal stage or when oyster growth is equal to maintenance costs. Before a rough energy budget for in- tertidal oysters is presented, the prob- lems involved in compiling such a budget must be discussed. The terms in the energy budget Equation (1) are measured for an oyster population in the following ways. Net production P(net) ""s sometimes calculated by measuring the increase in size of experimental animals over a unit of time. This technique requires measur- ing the individual oysters. Another tech- nique calculates time elapsed between age classes in the size-frequency distribution of a natural population. The latter tech- nique is tedious since age classes quickly become indistinct because of continuous waves of spawning over the warm season. Total production P(nross) includes gamete production (and release) as well as mortality and predation (and harvesting) between sampling periods. The growth rate 93 ts of an oyster slows as its gamete produc tion gradually begins to dominate its energy budget and as its respiratory rate "catches up" to its ingestion rate (Rod- house 1978), as illustrated in Figure A-1. Ingestion by oysters (I) is usually estimated by measuring the rate of clear- ance of particles in a suspension to which test animals are exposed for a unit of time. Walne's (1972) experiments using Crassostrea qigas and Ostrea edulis are exemplary in that realistic food concen- trations and a wide range of sizes of oys- ters were used. In addition, Walne used flowing water conditions rather than the usual standing water experiments. Haven and Morales-Alamo (1970) also measured oyster ingestion in a flowing water system but did not use a wide size range of oys- ters. Egestion (E) is measured by holding test oysters in trays in which feces and pseudofeces are collected and measured during a known time interval (Haven and Morales-Alamo 1967; Bernard 1974). The respiration rate of oysters (R) is usually measured by documenting the rate of decline in dissolved oxygen in water in which oysters are immersed or by measuring the change of dissolved oxygen in water as it flows over a population of oysters. The rate of change of CO2 is not as convenient to measure with oysters, partly because an infrared CO2 analyzer is required, partly because oysters can fix CO2 (Hammen 1969), and partly because they can respire anaerobically and release COj from the dissolution of shell carbonate (Hochachka and Mustafa 1972). One major problem in quantifying in- dividual terms in the oyster energy budget equation is that most terms change in a nonlinear fashion as an oyster (or size class) grows. Small animals operate at higher metabolic rates than large animals. Another problem is that at least five en- vironmental variables affect each term: (1) intertidal elevation, (2) water tem- perature, (3) levels of food and other suspended matter in the water column, (4) dissolved oxygen levels, and (5) current velocity. To further complicate the pic- ture, the size of the animals and these other variables are interrelated in com- plex (nonlinear) ways. Energy budgets are invariably simpli- fied models because of these problems, and the present budget is no exception. Some comments about the variables used and assumptions made follow. VARIABLES Tide Stage Oysters obviously cannot pump water to respire and feed unless they are im- mersed. Intertidal reef oysters are assumed to be inundated on the average of only 50X of any 24-hr day. Other workers have made similar assumptions on feeding duration, even for subtidal oyster popula- tions. Bernard (1974) assumed 50%; Rod- house (1978) assumed 70% feeding time. Water Temperature Temperature affects all biochemical reactions, including oyster energy con- sumption. Intertidal oysters are exposed to water temperatures that vary by a factor of about three, from 9° to 31°C (Dame 1970; Bahr 1974). The annual pat- tern of water temperature variation in coastal South Carolina is illustrated in Figure A-2 (Dame 1970). Over this temper- ature range oyster metabolism is estimated to vary by a factor of about eight (Bahr 1976). Food and Other Suspended Matter Loosanoff (1962) showed that food and other suspended matter significantly altered oyster ingestion rate. Excess turbidity, caused either by suspended organic or inorganic matter, reduces "oys- ter pumping." It can be assumed that sus- pended matter in the study area is close to optimum for intertidal oysters and that they are exposed to about 0.01 gC/liter or 0.04 kcal/ liter when inundated (Odum and de la Cruz 1967). Dissolved 0-, Oyster respiration rates are unaf- fected by dissolved oxygen concentrations unless the concentration decreases below one-half saturation level (Ghiretti 1966). In other words, dissolved oxygen in estu- aries in the study area should normally not affect respiration or feeding rates 94 20- C/3 < Figure A-1. Age-dependent annual production of soft tissue, shell organics, gonad output, and respiration in an oyster (adapted from Rodhouse 1978). 95 AMJJ ASON D (TIME IN ANGULAR DEGREES) Figure A-2. Seasonal variation in water temperature affecting oyster reefs in South Carolina (adapted from Dame 1970). 96 but it could become a factor in dredged areas (Frankenberg and Westerfield 1968). Current Velocity A positive effect of current velocity on oyster feeding could be surmised from the fact that oyster reefs tend to grow outward toward the middle and more rapidly flowing portion of a tidal stream. En- hancement of oyster feeding as a function of increase in current velocity was demon- strated by Walne (1972). Given the above assumptions, the addi- tional information most important for the calculation of an energy budget for inter- tidal oysters is the size-frequency (or weight-frequency) distribution of reef populations and the effect of weight on the energy budget terms. All of the terms in the energy budget equation for oysters are presumably af- fected by the size (or weight) of individ- uals by the following general equation: F = a W (2) where F = W = a and b = in energy the process rate or matter units the biomass of the oyster (g or kcal ) constants (represent the effects of temperature and the surface area-to-volume ratio, respectively) It is generally known that small oys- ters ingest, egest, respire, grow (and die) at higher rates than do large oys- ters, and that these rates increase in all oysters with increased temperature. Un- fortunately, no general agreement exists in the bioenergetics literature concerning units of biomass. Table A-1 lists some conversion factors for oyster biomass that were compiled from various sources. The numbers are only approximate because the allometric relationships can change with gonadal state or with tidal elevation of the population. Dame (1972a) found that intertidal oysters in North Inlet, South Carolina, had a significantly higher ratio of shell weight to dry meat weight than subtidal oysters had. Because small oysters process energy at relatively higher rates than large ones, it is important to document the size (biomass) frequency of intertidal oysters in the study area. Bahr (1974) separated reef oysters at Doboy Sound, Georgia, into 32 size classes at 5-mm intervals (2 to 157 mm). He found that the oyster popula- tion in the central (higher) portion of several old reefs typically showed a log normal distribution, especially during the late fall. Oysters in the smallest five size classes (up to 19 mm) dominated the population, and oysters above 100 mm were rare. Dame (1976) reported a similar size- frequency distribution of reef oysters in South Carolina, but with generally lower overall populations and reduced dominance of small size classes. Figures A-3 and A-4 illustrate the temporal changes in size-frequency distributions of reef oys- ters in these two respective studies. The equation that describes the size- frequency distribution of reef oysters in Doboy Sound, Georgia (Bahr 1974) is as follows: log^Q Y = -0.02 X^. + 2.32 (3) where Y = the number of oysters per 0.1 1^ in size class X,- X. (i = 2, 7, 12. ..157) = 5-mm ^ size class The relation between individual oys- ter size and biomass from Bahr (unpub- lished data) is described by another regression equation as follows: 0.02 X -1.8 (4) where Y = logjg afdw (g) of total oysters including shell, X = height of each oyster in mm The r of this relationship is 0.84 with 78 degrees of freedom. The experi- mental animals were collected at eight different times, including all seasons. To simplify the computation of the energy budget of the reef oyster popula- tion. Equations 3 and 4 were used to describe a typical reef oyster population, intermediate in both numbers and biomass. Thus, the numerical dominance of small oysters is offset by the higher biomass of (rare) large oysters, and oysters from 40 to 80 mm in height (mean 60 mm, or 0.25 g afdw) are functionally typical (See Figure 97 Table A-1. Conversion factors for oyster biomass units (intertidal oysters). Whole oyster Total wet wt 100% Total dry wt 100% Total afdw^ Wet shell wt 72% Dry shell wt 97.1% Shell afdw*^ 42% Meal : only Dry wt Wet meat wt 28% Dry meat wt 2.8% Meal ; afdw*^ 100% 42% 58% Wet wt Dry wt afdw 100% 14.9%^ 12.0^ ^Gametes may comprise up to 50% of this proportion, afdw = ash-free dry weight. 98 HEIGHT IN MM Figure A-3. Seasonal changes in size-frequency distribution of reef oysters in Georgia (Bahr 1976) . 99 -I 2 Figure A-4. Seasonal changes in intertidal oyster size-frequency distribution in South Carolina (adapted from Dame 1976). 100 A-5). The entire oyster biomass of the reef population is therefore considered here as divided among 0.25-g oysters. Bahr (1974) reported that the average bio- mass of the reef oyster population was 970 g/m2 afdw (total wt); thus one can postu- late a hypothetical reef populated by 60-rnni oysters at a density of about 4,000 oysters/m^. The dry meat weight of an oyster of 0.25 g total afdw would equal approximately 0.18 g (from Table A-1). Before one estimates the value of the terms of Equation 1 for the "average" reef oyster population, it is appropriate to consider two independent studies that were conducted at approximately the same time and that attempted to measure certain aspects of the energy budget of oyster reefs. Bahr (1974, 1976) and Dame (1970, 1972a-, 1972b, 1976, 1979) studied oyster reefs in Georgia and South Carolina, respectively. Significant differences between the studies are compared in Table A-2. Some differences between the two sets of conclusions are explainable on the basis that test reefs in Dame's studies were significantly lower in the intertidal zone than were the reefs in Bahr's work, although the absolute elevation of Dame's reefs with respect to mean low water (MLW) was not reported. This elevation dif- ference perhaps indicates a significant difference in inundation time, which could explain the higher production reported by Dame. In Dame's studies, oyster produc- tion estimates for large oysters were based on holding oysters in trays beneath a pier (presumably shaded) and therefore not in as stressful a setting as on a natural reef. A real difference probably existed in intertidal oyster reef produc- tion (higher in South Carolina). The ac- tive commercial harvest of South Carolina reef oysters is proof that net production of large oysters occurs there. Lunz (1943) reported that oysters can grow to 3 inches in 2 years in South Carolina reefs. Using a calorific coefficient of 3.3 kcal/g Oj, one can estimate that reef oysters respire the equivalent of 13,000 kcal/m^/yr. The implication of this high metabolic rate is that the total biomass turns over on the average about once every 0.38 yr, or 2.6 times per year (13,000 kcal/m2 /yr t 5,000 kcal/m2). Energy expended for gamete production increases with the age of a particular oyster but remains about half the respira- tion rate (Figure A-1). Bernard (1974) estimated that a subtidal population of C^. gigas expended as much energy on gamete production as on respiration (Figure A-6). Thus, between 7,500 and 13,000 kcal/m^/yr of the energy assimilated by reef oysters would be converted to gametes and released into the water column. At least 99% of this energy "investment" would never reach "maturity" but would be consumed by other members of the salt marsh ecosystem. The rate of external work (W) per- formed by oysters is the rate at which a unit weight of shell material is elevated above the mud surface, multiplied by its elevated distance. In energy terms this translates into the cost to oysters of producing the shell protein that comprises 1.3% of the total shell dry weight or about 400 g protein/m^ (2,000 kcal/m^). The maximum elevated distance is 1.5 m (see Section 3.1), but unfortunately we have no reliable estimate of reef growth rates. Bernard (1974) estimated that sub- tidal oysters (C^. gigas) in British Colum- bia only expend about 10 kcal /m^/yr on shell production. This is equivalent to (30 kcal/m2/yr) for oysters in the study area, calculated by using Bernard's data but correcting for biomass differences between the two different populations. We suspect that this estimate is much too low. The rate of predation on oyster reefs is discussed in Section 3.4. Energy Budget Summary An energy budget for reef oysters is presented in the following paragraphs, and the rationale and values for the terms of the equations are discussed. Because of the method used in estimating net produc- tion [P (net)^ '■'^ ^^^ studies discussed above, we are inclined to agree with the conclusions of the Georgia study. Charac- teristically, net secondary production of reef oysters is low in the upper portion of high reefs and large oysters are quite old, perhaps even 5 to 10 years or more. In these reefs, somatic growth is balanced by mortality. In lower "immature" reefs, f'(netj ''^ undoubtedly significant. Because the South Atlantic Bight includes large areas of low "immature" reefs, especially 101 CO (A >- o o 450 400- 350- 300 ■MEASURED OYSTER FREQUENCY (tt/O.lm^) APPROXIMATE FREQUENCY (ft/O.lm^) OYSTER BIOMASS CALCULATED FROM SIZE CLASSES (gafdw/O.lm^i APPROXIMATE BIOMASS (gafdw/O.lm^) u. 250- 200- 150 100- 50- -11.0 10.0 -8.0 I I I I I ^ I I I I I I r 0 10 20 30 40 50 -6.0 2 m O) -4.0 75 100 SIZE (mm) 125 150 Figure A-5. Reef oyster height-frequency relationship and cumulative biomass curves. 102 Table A-2. Comparison of two sets of oyster reef energy parameters collected within the study area. Sources Bahr (1974, 1976) Dame (1976) Parameter Georgia South Carolina P/n..ce^^ — 4,500/yr (gross) '(net) P,_.^ 0-1,000/yr '^ 3,460/yr R 13,000/yr 6,000/yr b'* 5,000 (total oysters) 2,050 (meat) 10,000-20,000 1,000-4,400 -6 ^All figures unless otherwise noted represent kcal/m (rounded). Includes growth, mortality, and gonadal products. ''Minimum P from "old" high reef, maximum P from "young" low reef. B = biomass. ^F = oyster frequency (# /m ). 103 POTENTIAL 22052 Kcal GAMETES 2% 502 Kcal NOT RETAINED 89% 1545 Kcal 7% DEPOSITED Figure A-6. Schematic representation of percentage distribution of potential food expressed in kilocalories for 1-year period in 1 m^ of subtidal Crassostrea gigas population (adapted from Bernard 1974). i04 in South Carolina, we will assume the ''(net) °^ 1,000 kcal/m^/yr is a conserva- tive estimate. The ingestion rate (I) of a reef pop- ulation, as expressed by the "functionally average" 60-mm oyster, approximates the ability of oysters in the population to filter about 100 ml of water per minute (extrapolated from values reported by Walne [1972] for C^. qiqas of the same height). The feeding experiments by Walne were carried out at temperatures approxi- mating the median level for our study area (19° C). During one day (12 hours of pump- ing time), the oysters occupying a typical square meter of reef could filter 288,000 liters of water (4,000 oysters x 0.1 li- ter/mi n X 12 hr x 60 min). With an aver- age POC load of 0.01 g/liter assumed (Odum and de la Cruz 1967), this would equal a potential maximum ingestion rate of 300 gC/m2/day, or 1 x 106gC/m2/yr (5 x 105 kcal/m^/yr) if the oysters filtered at 100% efficiency. If filtration is 40% efficient (Haven and Morales-Alamo 1970), ingestion of organic carbon would occur at the rate of about 2 x 10^ kcal/m2/yr. Only a small fraction of this cartjon would be assimilable, however. The remainder would be egested and biodeposited as feces or pseudofeces, or excreted as organic nitro- gen. Mathers (1974) reported that large oysters of the species £. anqulata could completely filter water at the- rate of 54 ml/g (wet wt)/hr or about 0.45 liter/g (afdw)/hr. This translates to about 2 X lO^'gC/m^/yr or 1.0 x 10^ kcal/m Vyr for reef oysters, twice the estimate of Walne (1972). These two estimates illus- trate the approximate nature of this meas- urement. Egestion, excretion, and pseudofecal production (E) by reef oysters can be expressed in terms of a reef population of 60-mm oysters. Bernard (1974) reported that large specimens of C^. gigas ( '^10 g dry wt of meat) produced about 5.9 x IC* kcal per oyster per year as biodeposits. If an extrapolation were made to the 60-mm reef oyster (dry meat weight = 0.18 g), we could conservatively predict that it would biodeposit the equivalent of 1,000 kcal/ yr, or 4 x 10^ kcal/m^/yr for the entire oyster population. If one judges by the estimated maximum ingestion rate, however, (see above) this estimate is equal to 80% of ingestion, implying a 20% assimilation rate (A = I-E). This estimate may be high because only a small portion of the total of all ingested carbon can be assimilated by oysters. Of the terms in Equation (1), respi- ration rates (R) are best known for reef oysters. Bahr (1974, 1976) calculated that the reef oyster population accounted for approximately 48% of the mean oxygen up- take of the total reef community, or about 3,900 g02/m2/yr. This estimate was derived by combining individual oyster respirome- try experiments (carried out seasonally at ambient temperatures and on different sized animals) with the relative propor- tion of the reef oyster biomass repre- sented by each size class. From data reported by Dame (1970) and Bahr (1974), the following equation de- scribes the relationship between oyster oxygen uptake and biomass at the approxi- mate median water temperature in the study area (20° C). 0.53X 0.71 (5] where Y = mg O2 used per hour and X = total afdw Solving this equation for a function- ally typical oyster of 0.25 g afdw, one would predict that a single oyster would consume 0.20 mg 02/hr. When this figure is multiplied by 12 hours of inundation time/ day, 365 days/yr, and 4,000 oysters/m^, the resulting estimate of oxygen require- ments is 3,500 g Oa/m^/yr, very close to the above estimate of 3,900 g Oa/m Vyr (Bahr 1974). The final estimates of the parameters in the energy budget Equation (1) are pre- sented in Section 2.5 and illustrated in Figure 12. 105 5027J -101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1,_ REPORT NO. FWS/OBS-81/15 3. Recipient's Accession No 4. Title and Subtitle THE ECOLOGY OF INTERTIDAL OYSTER REEFS OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST: A COMMUNITY PROFILE 5. Report Date May 1981 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. Leonard M. Bahr and William P. Lanier, 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Biological Services Department of the Interior W3':;hingtnn, D.C. 20240 15. Supplementary Notes 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) The functional role of the intertidal oyster reef community in the southeastern Atlantic coastal zone is described. This description is based on a compilation of published data, as well as some unpublished information presented as hypotheses. The profile is organized in a hierarchical manner, such that relevant details of reef oyster biology (autecology) are presented, followed by a description of the reef community level of organization. Then the reef community is described as a subsystem of the coastal marsh-ecosystem (synecology) . This information is also synthesized in a series of nested conceptual models of oyster reefs at the regional level, the drainage basin level, and the individual reef level. The final chapter includes a summary overview and a section on management implications and guidelines. Intertidal oyster reefs are relatively persistent features of the salt marsh estuarine ecosystem in the southeastern Atlantic coastal zone. The average areal extent of the oyster reef subsystem in this larger ecosystem is relatively small (about 0.05%). This proportion does not reflect, however, the functional importance of the reef subsystem in stablizing the marsh, providing food for estuarine consumers, mineralizing organic matter, and providing firm substrates in this otherwise soft environment. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors Oysters, Reefs, Ecology, Intertidal zone, Food chain, Estuaries b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms Salt marsh, conceptual models c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) Unclassified 20. Security Class ahis Page) 21. No. of Pages 105 (See ANSI-Z39.18) ■it U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 - 773-803 Sea Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce LEGEND _A_ Headquarters ■ Office of Biological V4 Services, Washington, D.C. -. National Coastal Ecosystems Teann, -_ ^-^ Slidell. La. C])\T) Regional Offices U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE REGIONAL OFFICES REGION 1 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lloyd Five Hundred Building, Suite 1692 500 N.E. Multnomah Street Portland, Oregon 97232 REGION 2 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O.Box 1306 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103 REGION 3 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Building, Fort Snelling Twin Cities, Minnesota 55111 REGION 4 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildhfe Service Richard B. Russell Building 75 Spring Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 REGION 5 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service One Gateway Center Newton Corner, Massachusetts 02 1 58 REGION 6 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sen/ice P.O. Box 25486 Denver Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 REGION 7 Regional Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 E.Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 l.s. 1 FISHaWll.UI.IFE SEHVK-K DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR N^ II.S. FISH AND WHDIIFE SERVICE v As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has respon- sibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the. environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department as- sesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in Island territories under U.S. administration.