oe OS SO inl Seen asp ae oe Sh SN Caen eee ener bate ees ” GARDEN AND FOREST A JOURNAL OF MmORTICULTURE, LANDSCAPE ART AND FORESTRY Conducted by CHARLES S. SARGENT Director of the Arnold Arboretum, Professor of Arboriculture in Harvard College, ete. ILLUSTRATED VOLUME IX. JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1896 Pre SBR New York THE GARDEN AND FOREST PUBLISHING CO. 1896 a SS eee a” _ — On _ » [a ai >) as . a Copyright, 1896, by THE GARDEN AND Forest ohne Co. —— C} All rights reserved. i. ay “a Fel The asterisk (*) denotes that the sub- ject is illustrated. Abelia floribunda .. 377 Aberia Caffra.s...csecssecss cscces 4 Abies pectinata, forms Europe...s.eeeeeeeereeere ce eeeees 273 Abutilon La Geena o- 438 Souvenir de Bonn... 98, 108 Acacia Melanoxylon in California.. 348 tortuosa...... eee e eect eeenee 62 Acacias, species of... ++ 426 Acalypha Sanderiana «2 414 Acanthads, showy - =. 66 Acanthus longifolius. 284 mollis ...-+++ - 116 Acer cissifolium .....----- 184 Achimenes, cultivation of...------+ 327 Acidanthera bicolor...--++ 378, 403 Aconitum lycoctonum....+.++++++++ 330 Napellus..... - sa 330) Adenocalymna comosum .« 17 Adhatoda cydonicetolia... 46 Adiantum Bessonianum. Heep el emarginatum..... 493 lineatum ...... se eeeee ese es 244 Adirondack Reservation, plunder of the......- Scaisietes a1 101 Adonis Amurensis. vernaliS...seeeeseeeeerseerees 167 Advertisements, regulation of pub- licly displayed... .++sses++s+2+++ 149 /®sculus Californica . =e) 4035518. Africa, south, flora of ......+---++++ Agapanthus maximus Krelagei aoe 442 umbellatus....--+ » 404 Agave heteracantha. 73) Aglaonema Curtisii..-.---+ + 474 Agriculture, college course in 470 depression in..-..+.-+-+ 391 home classes in II Agrostis nebulosa... 357 Aira caryophyllea. 173 Ajuga, species of . - 256 inveia quinata .... ++ 480 Allamanda Williamsi- 367, 379 Allamandas, species of e303 Allen, C. L., article by 196 Allium giganteum .... Margaritanicum. Alliums ....---ee-eeeseee Alnus Oregona in Alaska. Aloe plicatilis....-. c Allosaurus acrostichoides...-. +--+ Alpine plants, peculiarities of....-. Alpinum in the Botanic Garden of Tiibingen, the....-. -+++ee+ee-+++ 372 Althzea ficifolia... ‘ Alyssum Wiersbeckii......-+++++++ 207 Amaryllis Belladonna 347. 374 cultivation of 66 hybrid ..... 487 Amorpha canescens ..- 298 Andromeda Japonica .. 184 Mariana ...... 140 Andromedas.......-.--- 129 Andropogons, species of. T53 Anemone Caroliniana... - 298 Japonica .... 424 ranunculoide: 188 Whirlwind .... 407 Anemones, Japanese. 188 species of...... «+ ee As 236 Anemopzegma racemosum .« 383 Angelonia salicarizefolia 414 Anguloa uniflora..... 144 Annuals, garden... 128, 306 Anona Cherimolia.. wey 14) Anthericum vittatum .... 457 Anthurium Sanderianum . 333 Antidesma Dallachyanum. I4 Antirrhinums ......+ . 128 for florists .... 16, 530 Apodanthera undulata .. Pace lO3 Aponogeton distachyon,........... 18 Apple, a fungous disease of the Blenheim Orange .....-- crop, the......-.- the Vermont culture......-seee- INDEX TO VOLUME Ix. Apple orchards, will it pay to plant TMOTE vise ciaraje.cie.s:sia/alarorsiviors ovsisiie Ralls’ Genet... =E310 Tompkins King... 10 trees, dwarf.. ee 3L0 in Illino ++ 360 twig blight.....--++.++ os 467 Apples, American, in England. .120, 210 220, 500, 510, 530 in England, flavor of. ...-161, 183 in Oregon........+sseeeees++ 160 —— thinning... +380, 450 top-grafting... 9 two varieties in one fruit. 380 Aquatics in California.....-...--+- 498 Aquilegia Jonesii......--- 365* truncata......- 233 Aquilegias, species 0! 217, 236 Aralia spinosa... 320 Aralias, cultivation of. 307 Arbor day in Spain....--..+++:+++++ 270 Arboretum of the Puget Sound Uni- VETSILY .... eee eee ee eeeeeeeteceeeces TIO Architectural League, annual exhi- bition of the ..........-+eeeees ahtraes Ardisia crenulata.... 2 Aristida, species of. 153 tuberculosa... 372 Aristolochia elegans......- 497 Aristolochias, species of.. 383 Arizona, Cactus garden in 432 Arnebia echioides.. 295 Arnica montana... .- ae: 314 Arnold Arboretum, notes from,.208, 269, 476 Arpophyllum giganteum.......-+++ 176 Artemisia caudata.... 393 species of.. 323 stellarina......+.+« nt Artichoke, Jerusalem, a variety of.. 448 the Globe ves ncssasiecrcieeeiais 307 Artistic supervision of public works, 461 Arundinaria macrosperma...-..+++ 172 Arundo donax .......+4+ + 457 versicolor - 457 Asclepias speciosa. - 298 tuberosa....- +299) 393 Ash, the American.....-.++++++e00+ 23 Ashes, utilizing coal...-.. 434 Asparagus, cultivation of.......-- 7» 157 rust. 394, 420, 428 Asperula agurea setosa...... «+--+ 299 Aspidiotus destructor in Marque- sas Islands..... semeed'era/sistelesiewiale/='s 209 Aspidiums, Californian........ Aspidistra lurida, hardiness of scale in California, the... Aspidium cristatum >< marginale. 444*, 450 munitum..... simulatum... Asplenium Bradleyi ebeneum.... Trichomane Aster alpinus......-- 247 speciosus. . 256 infirmis......- 464* Asters..e.eesees $128 in Indiana. 393 longifolius. 504* native...-- 350 Astilbe Chinensis.....--+ 296 ——-— Japonica, propagating. 187 Astragalus Monspessulanus. 256 Astrocaryum argenteum,..- 6 Atriplex canescens......+.- 194 Audubon, home of ae 26: Society in Boston,.......+-++ 250 Autumn-flowering hardy bulbous plants.......+-- plants the garden in. Avena sterilis...... Azalea, Diamond.... *"Massachu- 228 Azaleas at Brookline, SEttS.cccccccscccseccces © Fansieisiele'’ 248 cultivation for Easter. 148 in England........-- . 254 cultivation Of.........+ee+e%8 187 B Baccharis halimifolia.........++--+ Baden-Baden, Max Leichtlin’s gar- Cen at. .-.sccccncnssseccncesceoees Bailey, Prof. L. H., article by Balls from plant hairs in stomachs of animals. .....+--+:+2++ + Bamboos, cultivation of. eesee, S57. in English gardens. ..206, 239, 354 Bambusa Fortunei and other species. 457 Bananas, importations of 50, 53° wintering.. - 458 Baptisia exaltata. - 237 Barber, John H., ar 426, 474 Barberries, edible....... Peri ee (ossJ Barker, M., articles by.. 407) 427 Barnard College, botany in. «eel 40: Bartram,John ....-.-----++- 12 Bartram’s garden to-day. zao% Basellarubra.....- Vrs 417 Bauhinia Galpini 397 diphylla.... sees 397 Baxter, Sylvester, article by. fee 312 Bay Ridge, New York, nurseries at. 148 Beach, S. A., article by...-.+++0+-+ 454 Beal, Prof., W. J., article by.......- 2 Beans, bush, Cultivation of, under PIASS sac emnisele Ghuaseasecicsminet? eis 84 cultivation of garden 194 Lima.......s-ccees abe 387 string, good varieties of.. 295 Beaumontia grandiflora....... 384 Bedding plants, propagating... 107 remoyal to outdoors.. 186 Bees, killed by spraying .-..---.--- 170 Beet sugar, manufacturing, in Cali- fornidiace dip eebiecinemscaseat.Osae 420 Begonia Baumanni. 25 S28 Evansiana.....-- Seats) Gloire de Lorrai -. 404 gracilis Martiana... -esOe — manicata...-...-+- Bao Sy Socotrana....... 64, 97, 107 umbraculifera ...-.+-+-+++++ 98 Begonias, cultivation of, indoors.... late-flowering... notes on ..-- Rexinesaleaicnsi i winter-flowering. . Bell, Stephen, article by. Benincasa cerifera....- Berberis buxifolia Fremontil Nepalensis. Nevinii... ruinosa —— Sieboldii....... varieties of edible. vulgaris in winter... Bertolonias, cultivation of...... Bessey, Prof. Charles E., article by. Betonica rOsea....sseeeeeeeeesseces Bifrenaria tyrianthina. Bignonia, species of. venusta Birds, autumn, in the Pines.......- relation to horticulture... song. destruction of... Birch pest, a ...-- x Biscutella Wisli muslelsieia Blackberries, winter protection for. Blackberry plants, cultivation of... Boltonia asteroides Bomareas, the..... Bone meal, nitrogen IM....-+-+ +++ Books Reviewed : Agriculture. R. Hedges Wallace. American Florist Directory...... Grape-growing and Wine- making. George Husmann.... —w— Highways. N.S. Shaler.. Bamboo garden, the. A. B. Free- man Mitford .......+-.-+++ 206, Camping in the Canadian Rockies. Walter Dwight Wilcox Contributions from the United States National Herbarium.. 6g, 289 Culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States, the. Charles Richards Dodge.....-.++++++++ 529 Die nordamerikanische Holzarten und ihre Gegner. John Booth.. 479 Down the Lane and Back. Uncle Matt’ ss ccasscececsecnscesetscecc 39 Economic Entomology. John B. Smiths ss.ss eas 6a oes aS + 499 Evolution of Horticulture in New England, the. Daniel Denison Sled Gigaanisass se’scsser. ames 168 Familiar Trees and their Leaves. F. Schuyler Mathews ......---+ 359 Favorite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. F. Warne & Co., TLONAOMN: ces sice maaibecalsauis oe sne =: 433 First Principles of Agriculture. Edward B. Voorhees........++++ 309 Greenhouse and Stove Plants. Thomas Baines.... ...0..s+0+- 269 Hand-list of Coniferze Grown in the Royal Gardens at Kew ..... 199 Hand-list of Orchids Cultivated at Kew..... inletakeipra/ a ale geeloresis aac 129 Hand-list of Trees and Shrubs Grown in the Arboretum of the Royal Gardens, Kew...... 433, 459 History of Gardening in England, a. Hon. Alicia Amherst........ 109 How Birds Affect the Farm and Garden, Florence A. Merriam. 439 Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions, from New- foundland to the Parallel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d Meridian, an. Nathaniel Lord Brittonand Addison Brown L’Hortus Boissierianus. Eugéne Autran & Theophile Durand ... 469 Lessons in Elementary Botany for Secondary Schools. Thomas H. MacBride.....ccecesesceeseeess 79 Manual of F Dr. W Schlich.. Socciaaeeee 6 87599 218 Minnesota, st Annual Report of the Chief Fire Warden Ofsiei 27 Chameecyparis Nootkatensis in Alaska. ss cceessaeessnaeaye® aig 120 Dianthus czesius =e3n5) Chinese .. ea, species of. + 256 Dichorisandras . + 307 Dictamnus albus ....... - 266 Didymocarpus Malayanus. e314 Dieffenbachias, cultivation of = 307, Diervilla Japonica ..........+ 404* Dimorphotheca Echloni. + 284 Dipladenia amabilis .. - 379 atropurpurea + 404 Sanderi 494 Dipladenias.. 399 DISA Smiemeese ceri wets 284 Ri Gee aierate sissies cisisin sto c'sm cis eareen, OR Dock, M. L., articles by... 114, 122, 212, 293 Dodder on garden vegetables ..... x63" Dodecatheon Hendersonii......... 483 Dog-tooth Violets on Mount Ra- Niches Snieainse scare SOAS Dogwoods, red-stemmed . fon Doronicum plantagineum_ excel- SUM open atiaee here peste see ce 20 Downes, Annie Sawyer, article by.. » 439 Draczena australis = 26 Broom fieldii. See LSS | Drosera, species of...... debesieE X72 333 E Easter, cultivation of flowers for... 148 Echinacea purpurea .......... +29 336 Eczema from Hyacinths.. Sao byi Edinburgh Botanic Garden. may teh} Egg-plants, cultivation of .... - 26 Eichornea azurea .... . 285 Flzeagnus multiflora in Wisconsin.. 228 INITONUTUS eteeceataseesescce' Ses ce) Eliot, Charles, articles by Elliottia racemosa nore h sc} Elm beetle, work against . 199, 217 the American... Seema. the White ... Elymus glauca... Emilia sagitatta .- Sateen Bite 300 Endicott, W. E., articles by. 287, 427, 466 Engineering, the artistic element cece es acceaenae 41I UM. eee ee even ee nees Engle, H. M., article by... 57 English fruit market, the......... 43 Entomology, bulletin of practical... 440 Ephedra pedunculata....... HEUPUTCA eee ces jens. Epidendrum elegantulum. Epping Forest ..... sisislasie'e + 301 Eranthemum tuberculatum . = 27 Eranthis hyemalis...... - 167 Eremurus, hardiness of . 187 EE PaMth USyeesiere cise. sysisie = 253 Ravenne .. - 457 ITI Ga Suseemm ci eoctaisicins . 187 as market plants . + 138 cultivation of...... 16 Eriodendron anfractuosum 520 Eriogonum gig nteum... + 307 Erysimum Perowskianum + 306 pulchellum....... - 236 Erythrina Sandersoni . + 443 Erythronium giganteum. . 272 Erythroniums, rare ..... on Mount Ranier. Escallonia Philippiana .. Eucalyptus calophylla. corymbosa.... ficifolia ........... « 420 in New South Wales.... + 90 melliodora, durability of + 229 Euchalzena Mexicana........ Eucharis candida....... Prandiflorausces se HUCOMIS#SPECiES Of weseceemecie nese 374) Eulalia Japonica and other species. 457 Eulophiella Pectersiana............ Euphorbia atropurpurea E corollata .... fulgens...... Jacquinzeflora . pulcherrima... zygophylloides...... Evergreens, broad-leaved .... . Evonymus alatus ....... obovatus ... .-.--. scale in Japan, the .... Ewbank, Rey. Henry, article by.... 442 Examination, competitive, where it Mavalallagenecencnesis- cheeses sox Experiment station, agricultural, in VAI Galeesiseiicineisistartuicionee nese soon 470 Index. Experiment stations and fruit-grow- IN Gs sietaia. w Saisie 4 Ralarae ewtlaa ead £tia-ccjey- (50 the proper work of.... 321 stations, variety tests in the.. 461, 518 Eysenhardtia orthocarpa........... 62 F Farm school in England, a..... siae's 203 Farming, self-reliance in.. a2 Faxon, Charles E., article by mrAGa Fermentation, uses of......... 280 Fernald, Merritt L., article by. Fernéries, indoor.........-. mieiecsininin en OO. Fernow, B. E., articles by.. .33, 202, 249 Ferns, filmy, in the dwelling-house.. 266 Habits of:.... seeeloy pOS in California % in New Mexico 323 two rare........ - 418 Fertilizers and flowers. + 36x for orchards.... 0418, 517 eee 39 Festuca glauca....... Ay Fibres, commercial... 4, 270 Fir, forms of, in Europe ose 273 Floating plants........ asee1 308 Elora'of Nebraska ..0<5 go.ca.sccecee (50 of sand dunes in northern Untiandecsesevrcenses 553057 215020303 of the California Coast Range, 192, 213, 233 Florilegium Harlemense....... 440, Flower and fruit mission, New York. 430 carnival in San José, Califor- MLisie's c:e.0-5 ebb essen Caisse $ hafsianinae eto) garden in autumn.... rie in early summer. .237, 246 in midsummer. the hardy.. .. growing, co-operation in. show at Boston ........ ‘ Flowers and fertilizers......... erat and fruits at the American Institute Mairi yaeeieces oa ve changing fashions in. cut, retail prices of... ea early wild, in Calitornia.178, 179 in Greenland......... 370 Kansas wild....... - 298 preparing for winter.. \ 326 spring.....----. +++++177, 196, 208 in the cool greenhouse. 147 the arrangement of......-... 318 wild, the massing of. - 358 Foliage, unnatural colors in........ 471 Fontanesia phyllyraeoides.......... 279 Forage-plants, experiments with.. 190 Forbidden truit...... aiaisevelepeies sie LOST Forcing, hardy plants for.......... 426 Forest, a German view of the value ODN Gace setae on Seco eee nee OL areas, evaporation from..... 520 conditions in the southern Sierras..... Baty mebO) Epping.... . lands in Massachusetts..... 2 PPOtECHON fees vcitseasve887y 99), 228 reservation in the Allegha- nies. Sia Cheeta ee ae a eee AT Se the Boudinot, in Penn- sylvania.......-.++- seces cosvecee 180 the Cascade Range... 111 servations, private ...... #0..530 against Tr Minnesota, meeting of. 39 New Jersey, meeting seeceee 220 meet- in Pennsylvania........ 52 in the United States. . on waste landsin Holland.. policy of European nations, what is the..... atsisil ta vaiaipts sasecsees 33 resolution adopted by Gen- eral Federation of women’s clubs. 250 stationat Santa Monica, notes FL OMMsteis asacicis 82 .6enceieleia areiaya 4260, 474 whatis.... Forests and floods. 440 destruction of E34u AME SWEGEN oe cine sinje se esis mein 470 of India, some timely lessons THOME esis bis say aicia:steiste sabi TOL; 21T of Russia, the-.....0. 05 F 350 the reproductive powers of OU ire eisla cieialeistsietnecicracsonten inate cre son Fothergilla Gardeni 22 Fouquieria splendens......... s+.+. 73 Frames, cold, protection of... in winter, care of.... Francheschi, F., articles by. Fraxinus anomala......-. French, J. D. W., article by.....-... 229 Fritillaria alpina. ; fi lanceolata 483 latifolia... as, ZOO Meleagris... ay 200 Fritillarias, species of. . Frost, power of plants to stand ssasee rotection against, i herds Sepsis a tesex ee water against Gees acess. 43 Fruit associations, some Ameri- can aseeseese 187 with- , in England market, English......... selling, the business of...... Fruits, bush, winter protection for.. 298 California, at home ... evaporated, in New York... in western New York, injury Dy COM Tics eae ceece ses Pre ae trie or preservation of, by vapor of alcohol...... F the study of varieties o Fuchsias, cultivation of....... Fuller, Andrew S., death of... + 100 Funkia, species of...... a Raz SUPCOLU ata ecicesaacs 6 24 G Gaillardia grandiflora.............. 425 SUAVIDg seenme eee Galanthus Elwesii, F. Fell......-.+. 93 nivalis, forms of...... 467 Olgze Reginz...... wee 442 Gallaher, Frank M., article by . 502 Garden, a factory .... oe a natural ..... 7 an architectural ... an autumn.......- delights of a rough. in autumn, the in winter, the ... Mr. Chamberlain’s. the fluwer......... the rock.. —thewild....... the wild flower ........ work, flower, spring ........ 177 Gardeners and farmers, codpera- HOM AM ONE aren cceeeeGe hs te eeus, - 346 Gardeners’ Society, American, or- ganization of..... ence wansssainpacedhO! the New York .. aD Gardening, various motives for.... 341 Gardens, botanical..... ...... 352, 362 —— English, unsuitable tor AMELICH 54-ssicveass Per emieriee st Royal, at Kew the pillage of suburban Gaura, GQCcineassisss.s.cc = a8 pene ee 427 a qivenese = articles of food annie cultivation of. 447 stellata Eastoniensis. yt: rats 437 rata ie eaeaee aoe oe saee ba cae aeas ne ee BS Mascot ast 388 tetragona..........-+ + 134% Irrigation in fruit culture ae Henryi... ae : 334 jake oes a ba ha gy p08 ert pice pea os in horticulture... ae es Japonicum Colchesteri 287 forest studies in harayo pile eae methods Of ces 48 Lowiiisenssrds 207 Forestry Association, meet- ——a hybridizing .. : af ne errs +» 496 priate : Pe ing oS Le Ae cern eee in California ....<. 002. ss. 498 hueeehaaciriens 20 3 ‘Oresinyiin.jcecs-se=se 2 Superbum......sseeccenes 333 provisions against fire in Wallichianum superbum.... 388 Misch, Emil, article by... 7 Washingtonianum........... 448 Missouri Botanical Garden, damage % ven REECE for autumn-flow- by betas thee es tie ete 70 oO “ BAA ‘ 374 otanic Garden, notes from. 98, Lily blight . 106, 116, . sa 517 Lily-of-the-valley, cultivation of. 177, bee Mistletoe in Texas. II Oak, K d ij Racuamee sens 3 lak; elope’ Sises. ts) esp hane eee 6 Hen Pare Ghose Been 269 Le ec tige Narnia peltatum........0: 334 Mlodziansky, A. K., articles by. 7 92 : pruner, the os agF lee toe go, revis . inaria alpina .. 54 374 Momordicas, species of.. . 66 the Corlc...<.. «+ 520 ba ae es eactcesceends AOS PTRER hr paevors iat - 394 Monolopia major.......- 306 = Oaks at Paxtang, the.. 293* BEGLTR BASLE A om Teena pes ilis. os 267 Montbretias, cultivation of. * 378 five ornamental - 432 poquemontia abutiloties pine eer eer 150 species Of.. ....-++-+-- « 348 Odontoglossum citrosmum. .. - 447 e a . 397 avum.... = 267 Monuments and statues, the sur- crispum, new forms of 2 anusia gracilts......-.. + 232 perenne. 6 d i i t4 Raraing ScARAInGrOTa: ef ig ae » 23 Prose matey te cs ei viene ; SEES qi Halli X crispum...... 33514: Jatropha hastata.... 7 77 Lippia io antha.. 103 wea enlee npet Pe Spee eee eo pga wee ele soem censo a2f) -UIPpradodantha : tess reset sHO3* NESE isis. ccice exe ciecinseeses sess R tee Dre ae reyes eee Ree 08 ea autumn color o - 449 Morris, Dr. D. o Wattianum.... . on anes eatrica a Yee. 179 issochilus cristatus ...... . 144 Morus rubra. Odontoglossums, Cultivationicriaaee 4 5 rticle by.. 22 ~=Lloyd, F E., 1 = y rancis article by 146 Mountain trails in Missouri Odor of flower: f 19 Ones Ls Ri, t s, time of develo, le See eles e ees . 188 Lobelia Gerardi.........+- -- 474 Mucunaatropurpurea..... ment of ..5 53, 96, mildew: ‘Ofsessscasee nc waece's 320 =ISCAIG; Aso sinse wesc ursas -- 444 Restio subverticillatus. 1X7» .3275 167, 176, 197, 226, 247, 266, 277, perennial... + 277 Plumb, Prof. C.S., articles by. 2, 442 Rhamnus crenata.... 288, 308, 327, 356, 357, 377, 457 Peat, fibres of, for fabrics 280 Plumbago Capensis.. -98, 397 Rhodanthe Mangles Olives 'in,California .. 2.66 sic0.si006 110-—- Pecttis angustifolia. . 232 Larpente.. +397, 426 Rhododendron Calitornicum . O'Mara, Patrick, article by. - 439 Pellaea densa..... + 233 Plumieria alba... 57. —Eos............ ae95's ewe Oncidium incuryum...... 387 SPECIES Of. ..s.5005 ee ags Plums, American 398 PWIPeNS ers cautes ataesk © ‘ ornithorynchum. 5 sr Pennisetum longistylum . 357) 457 in Lowa. ... ws) oo Indicum obtusum album .... Wheatleyanum .........-... Ruppellianum..... 336, 397 Japanese... .. ,130 ——maximum....... Onions, cultivation of....... 186, 294, ae Pennsylvania, forestry in........... 52r North American. 135 mucronulatum. Ophiopogon Jaburan variegatum... 397 Horticultural Sorte exhibi- pollination of 330, 390 —— Nobleanum. Opuntia arborescens............ Ix tion by. Fisk's + 468 Poinsettias.... ++» 496 —— Otto Forster. in the south-west. = -2* meeting of... 38 cultivation of.. 486, 496 ITEeCOX..« Rafinesquii..........-- 393 Pennypacker, Isaac R., article by.. 67 Poison oak in California. + 494 Snirnowii. ie - 432 Pentapterygium serpens a a ecatelatose Sige 124 Poisoning plants. .....-. 8 VRBEVI ns cseaeeeonas vulgaris. . pEaos Pentas Carnea....seccccesesecsecess 497 Polemonium Richardsoni.. Rhododendrons at Welles! Whipplei. . an ee Pentstemon glaucus peuRs chest 246 Pollard, ae Figsaas, article by. 462 in England... csiaes ; Orange crop in Californ .-28, 218 | Pentstemons, cultivation of.. - 86 Pollen, Vitality areas 120 why they do not flower. Oranges, California, and the frost.. 56 for borders, treated as an- Polygonum a Mera cur sere. HHOCOdsscceses sees eva enre California early......--.s+.0. 508 Nidloerecsscicste esha eeus naeekee S37 cuspidatum........... . 380 Rhodotypos kerrioides...... SeEedlInGversa Rewtee ss 203 species ee ree 256 elegans ..... -. 67 Rhus (aromatica) Canadens Orchard fertilizers... : . 517. Pepper-tree for house culture, the.. 38 equisitiforme....ccs.se.seeces 443 glabra, in winter..... Orchards, apple, in “Tasmania. - 260 Peppers, Beene Ol taverae setae 26 orientale pumilum album.... 336 —— microphylla...... fertilizers for........ . 418 Perennials, choice.. - 246 Sachalinense..c02.ec0003 semi-alata Osbeckii. in western New York, ‘injury HAP Yo sveeewesees + 266 Poplar, the black..... Richardia albo-maculata, . by cold weather............ Sac 190 Perfumery products, new - 112. Poppies, cultivation o: 19 Elliottiana........ planting. ... 39 Peristrophe speciosa....... < ~166 fall-sown and perennial ..... 226 Riddellia tagetina..........- pruning of. wesseeeees+s 39 Persea gratissima, the fruits of..... 460 ICeland ssictabesnsises -. 236 Ridgway, Robert, article by. Orchidinotes cde stvenies iss 247, 437, 447 Persimmon, the American... Populus Fremonti ra Seppe Rigidella immaculata 3 Orchids in the Malay eepacaer . 500 Phacelia, species of...... heterophylla 13* Roads, country, and yillage Streets, 2 NEWeveeseoie 6 52, 354 Phajus erandifolius Potato, blight.. 188, 310 improved go AU KOWivisssc sicediesss