• 'fZ’d. 4 ^ /^u 1h+J' */£~//> / << ■ ^ &/HAA01$ /2^***/* ■ ’ . u « /WM, t t^r^. «~ xJ ^ '*• ^*~l U.' 4t fy***. 'Ccttu ! HfiAfAJUL' Ljr / k*j A4jI'**j~ *£” i~J*+ 4 U 4 ^ JL^ '£ t/*- /Ua*jlcajuL^ * &>l-3d& flfoemoranbum. 6 - x Botanical Gardens i Singapore 3th. September 1922 % t Li' ^ tJi /iUviw* (fa /W 1 Dear flg Marriott, You will remember that 1 asked you a couple of months back if you could help me to gather the early history * of Tyersal and you said that you thought it possible* I am writing to you about it now. I understand that in I860 there stiod a house on the site of _ . • - f Tyersal occupied by, I believe, the Chief Justice.(Question Ij Is this rightfj The approach to the house would be by the present road: the low grounds were planted with coconuts and mangosteens, for their stunts were exposed last year in the course of draining the lakes* Kapler owned the property. In I860 the Gardens cooly lines were placed by the stream enter¬ ing the Gardens from Tyersal i.e. where the Dell is now - obviously for the convenience of water. Soon after i860 the Tyersal - State of Johore Mtf acquired the/property -/Is this right? | /aJwu (Cu, L' ** L ~ J Ui ^ an ?v some of the landscape effects of the grounds and could not have been in the^arly plans. jfXu—tLi L~ iCt, ^AJ***A? ,« - , ' - jr I should value any corrections please of the above. C*. tr / U 0 Ast, *A Aa* t I *' Sincerely yours. Wn+Kcuk. /six. €L<+£I***’**- e &* u ~ U: /] AXt^ y/lyH fLsw, 1J * - ijfrr Zpl . t -b