5 ISSN 0016-531X " DES ANA ZOOLOGIA , 1983 N* 46 ha yO SOUTHERN PACIFIC BRYOZOA: A GENERAL VIEW WITH EMPHASIS ON CHILEAN SPECIES UENSENACRE SIDAD DE CONCEPCION ES E MIREN ALBERDI Universidad Austral de Chile SERGIO ÁVARIA Universidad de Valparaíso Danko Brncic Universidad de Chile, Santiago Ebuarbo Busros Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Huco Campos Universidad Austral de Chile ACULTAD DE CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS Y DE RECURSOS NATURALES UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION C'H TL'E DIRECTOR: Parricio Rivera R. REEMPLAZANTE DEL DIRECTOR: Oscar Mar rmHen J. REPRESENTANTE LEGAL: GUILLERMO CLERICUS E. PROPIETARIO: Universidad de Concepción DOMICILIO LEGAL: Barros Arana 631, 3% piso, Concepción, Chile. COMITE DE PUBLICACION KkrisLER Alvear V. CLODOMIRO MARTICORENA P. Oscar Marrnenr J. CLEMENTE GONZÁLEZ S. JorGE ARTIGAS C. COMITE ASESOR TECNICO Jurke Gral Universidad de Múnchen, Alemania Federal Mary KaLin ARROYO Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Luis RAMORINO Universidad de Valparaíso BERNABÉ SAN TELICES Universidad Católica, Santiago FEDERICO SCHLEGEL Universidad Austral de Chile Juan CarLOS CASTILLA Universidad Católica, Santiago FERNANDO CERVIGÓN Fundación Científica Los Roques, Venezuela MónNIkaA DURRSCHMIDA Jusrus-LiEBIG Universitát Giessen, Alemania Federal RaúL FERNÁNDEZ Universidad de Chile, Santiago JosÉ Sruarbo Universidad de Concepción Tob SrueEssy Ohio State University, U.S.A. GUILLERMO TELL Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina HaroLbo Toro Universidad Católica, Valparaíso ISSN 0016-531X GAYANA ZOOLOGIA 1983 SOUTHERN PACIFIC BRYOZOA: A GENERAL VIEW WITH EMPHASIS ON CHILEAN SPECIES Hugo I. Moyano UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION CELLDOE > 46 “Los infinitos seres naturales no podrán perfectamente conocerse sino luego que los sabios del país hagan un especial estudio de ellos”. CLAUDIO GAY, Hast. de Chale, 1:14 (1848) Impreso en Ebrrortal UNIVERSITARIA San Francisco 454-Casilla 10220 Santiago-Chile SOUTHERN PACIFIC BRYOZOA: A GENERAL VIEW WITH EMPHASIS ON CHILEAN SPECIES* Hugo 1. Moyano! RESUMEN. Este es un estudio sobre la taxonomía, zoogeografía, poli- morfismo y diversidad zoarial de las Faunas Pacíficas de Bryozoa con énfasis en las formas australes orientales. El número total de Bryozoa marinos chilenos alcanza a 267 especies, que se distribuyen en 19 del orden Ctenostoma- ta, 46 del orden Cyclostomata y 202 del orden Cheilosto- mata. Entre éstas se hallan las 24 especies y un nombre nuevos que se describen aquí. Zoogeográficamente la fau- na briozoológica chilena puede distribuirse en las cuatro provincias siguientes: Magallánica (42% — 56"30'5), Chi- lena (18%S — 42%S), Juan Fernández (33%38'5; 7552) Isla de Pascua (27"07'S; 109%22'W). Taxonómicamente, en el Pacífico suroriental se en- cuentran proporcionalmente poco representadas las fa- milias Reteporidae, Vittaticellidae, Adeonidae y Serupo- cellariidae, y completamente ausentes Eurystomellidae, Euthyrisellidae, Conescharellinidae, Euthyroididae, y Parmulariidae. En todo el océano Pacífico más la Antártica y la cuenca del Artico, el polimorfismo y la diversidad zoarial de los Cheilostomata alcanzan los mayores valores en el lado occidental desde la Antártica a las Filipinas. Y los valores más bajos aparecen en el lado oriental desde la región magallánica al Artico. Lo mismo aparece cuando se com- paran estos parámetros calculados para las faunas tercia- rias de Bryozoa de Argentina, Nueva Zelandia y Sudaus- tralia. Sobre la base de que la alta diversidad zoartal de toda la briozoofauna y el alto polimorfismo de los Cheilostomata indican especies de selección K, los valores proporcional- mente mayores de éstos parámetros de las faunas de Bryo- zoa de las plataformas continentales del Pacífico occiden- tal desde la Antártica a las Filipinas, estarían reflejando una historia de ambientes más predecibles. El Pacífico oriental, por el contrario, con valores más bajos reflejaría, al menos para la costa chilena sudamericana, una gran variabilidad de las condiciones ambientales en el largo plazo, las que realmente se hicieron presente durante una gran parte del Terciario. "Departamento de Zoología, Universidad de Concep- ción Casilla 2407, Concepción, Chile. *Contribution presented to the “Second International ABSTRACT This is a study on the taxonomy, zoogeography, polymorphism and zoarial diversity of the Pacific Bryozoan Faunas with emphasis on the austral eastern forms. The total number of the Chilean marine Bryozoa reaches to 267 comprehending 19 Ctenostomata, 46 Cyclostomata and 202 Cheilostomata. These include twenty four new species and a new name being described here. Zoogeographically the Chilean Bryozoan Fauna can be devided into four provinces, namely: Magellanic (42"S-56"30'S); Chilean (18%5-429S); Juan Fernández (33"38'S; 75%52'W) and Easter Island (27%07'S; 109%22'W). Taxonomically, in the Eastern South Pacific the families Reteporidae, Vittaticellidae, Adeonidae and Scrupocellariidae are proportionally poorly represented, whereas the Eurystomellidae, Euthyrisellidae, Conescharellinidae, Euthyroididae and Parmulariidae are altogether absent. In the whole Pacific Ocean plus the Antarctic and the Artic basin, the Cheilostomata polymorphism and the zoarial diversity attain the highest values in the western side from the Antarctc to the Philippines and the lowest ones in the eastern side from the Magellanic region to the Artic, the same reveals when comparing these parameters «calculated for the Tertiary Bryozoan Faunas from Argentine, New Zealand and South Australia. On the basis that high zoarial diversity and high Cheilostomata polymorphism values indicate more K-selected bryozoan species, then the proportionally higher values of these parameters in the Western Pacific shelves bryozoan faunas from the Antarctic to the Philippines, would reflect a history of more predictable environments. The Eastern Pacific, on the contrary, with lower values would reflect at least for the South-american Chilean coast, a great variability of the environmental conditions, which were really present during a large part of the Tertiary. now species Key Words: Bryozoa, Taxonomy, Zoogeography, Zoarial Diversity, Pacific Basin. Symposium on Marine Biogeography and Evolution in the Pacific”. Sydney, Australia, 5-17 July, 1982. INTRODUCTION Obtaining general views in a global scale, both in time and space, has been the aim of several contributions during the last decades in the evolutive, paleontological, zoogeographical, botanical and ecological fields (Durham, 1979; Fleming, 1979; GrantMackie, 1979; Heck and McCoi, 1979, Knox, 1979 and Kubanin, 1980). Whithin the bryozoan field, Schopf (1973) considers the bryozoan colony as the unit in which the natural selection operates producing the polymorphs such as the avicularia and vibracularia. applied this view to compare polar and tropical faunas, showing that the polymorphism of the Cheilostomata significatively varies between them. In his discussion, he puts together the evolutive environmental forces governing the evolution of bryozoan species and the possibility to characterize bryozoan assemblages from diferent areas of the world. Extending this view, Moyano (1975) compares Antarctic, Arctic and Indo-Pacific bryozoan faunas and characterizes them according to their global polymorphism values. More recently, Moyano (1978, 1982) further extendes this perspective to the bryozoan zoarial types, measuring zoarial diversity of polar, temperate and tropical bryozoan faunas. In addition, the combined analysis of the polymorphism plus the zoarial diversity of both recent and fossil bryozoan faunas would reflect present and past environmental conditions modeling them. This latter approach was pioneerly developed and applied to fossil bryozoan faunas of the Australia region (Stach, 1936, 1938). Global fossil (Ross, 1978) or recent (Schopt, Fisher 8 Smith, 1978; Schopf, 1979) zoogeographical schemes, using the Bryozoa as the unique or principal group have been recently developed. A more local scheme has defined the Magellanic Bryozoan Region (Moyano, 1982). Schopf et al. predicted 32 faunal provinces of the world's continental shelves using Bryozoa, Pelecypoda, Foraminiferida and Coral faunas. In this scheme, the South Pacific —from the Equator to the Ross Sea— embraces part of the Malayan, Antarctic, Falkland and Mexican provinces, and the whole extension of the Schopf East-Australian, Tasmanian, New Zealand, and Chilean provinces. The bryozoan faunistic knowledge of the Southern Ocean started at the very beginning of the Nineteenth Century. Species collected in the Magellanic region were first published by Quoy £ Gaimard (1824) and d'Orbigny (1841-1847); many others gathered in the Australian seas, South Atlantic, South Pacific and Indian Oceans appeared in Busk's Catalogues of the marine Polyzoa in the collections of the British Museum (1852, 1854). The collections made by the Challenger (Busk, 1881, 1884, 1886; Waters, 1888) and by the vessels of several other European Expeditions to the Southern Seas (Ridley, 1881; Calvet, 1904, 1909; Jullien, 1888; Waters, 1904, 1905; Kluge, 1914; Thornely, 1924; Livingstone, 1928; Borg, 1926; Hastings, 1943; Borg, 1944) greatly enriched the knowledge of the Magellanic, Subantarctic and Antarctic Bryozoa. In the Australian area, the contributions by MacGillivray (1887, 1895); Waters (1881- 1906); Maplestone (1899-1909) Hamilton (1898) and more recently Harmer (1915-1957); Marcus (1922); Livingstone (1927-1929); Stach (1936-1938); Hastings (1932); Brown (1952-1956); Silén (1954) and Powell (1967), give a rather sound knowledge of this area. The South Pacific Tertiary Bryozoa are well known in the Australian area (MacGillivray, 1895; Waters, 1881, 1882; Brown, 1952), but comparatively poorly known in the South-American area where the Tertiary Patagonian Bryozoa studied by Canu (1904, 1908, 1911) need to be reevaluated in the light of modern taxonomy. On the other hand, the Antarctic Tertiary Bryozoa are practically unknown although being necessary for correlations and comparisons of both recent and fossil South-Pacific Bryozoan Faunas. Genera! compiling and comparative work have been done in the last decades (Hastings, 1943; Brown, 1952; Rogick, 1965; Powell, 1967; Androsova, 1968, 1972; Viviani, 1969; Moyano, 1975, 1978, 1982) generating a partial perspective of the South-Pacific bryozoans, principally focused not only on the Antartic and Subantarctic regions, but also on the New Zealand area. Thus, the complete perspective of the whole South-Pacific region including the many archipelagos in its vastness is far from being reached. A contribution to that perspective —making emphasis on the Chilean Bryozoan Fauna— using the polymorphism and the zoarial and zoogeographical parameters outlined above, is the aim of this work. MATERIALS AND METHODS The information. used in this work has been obtained from: a. old and recent works of the Australian area sent to the author by Dr. Robin Wass of the Universty of Sydney; b. data derived from Viviant's 1969 and 1977 publications, and from Moyano 1982; c. additional material collected along the Chilean coasts. A. THE SAMPLES The studied samples have the features indicated hereinafter and were collected at: 1. Easter Island (27%07'S; 109922'W): 1934, coral blades bearing zoaria in their dorsal side; collected by Dr. Ottmar Wilhelm G. at 76 m depth; 1972, intertidal material on algae and small stones collected by the author. 2. Juan Fernández Archipelago (33%38'S; 78%58'W): 1964, top of a guyot off Más a Tierra island at 220-280 m depth; collectors H.I. Moyano and E. Alarcón; 1966, intertidal collection made at Más a Tierra island by A. Angulo; 1967, a diving collection at 2-5 m depth in Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island, made by G. Sanhueza. 3. Caldera (27%03'S; 70%30'W): 1982, scallop shells bearing species unrecorded at that area; presented to the author by Mariana Rodríguez. 4. Coquimbo (29%53'S; 71%19'W): 1964, shells and stones collected in the intertidal zone by the author. 5. Los Molles (32%12'"S; 71%27"W): 1980, stones with several cheilostomatous Bryozoa, obtained by diving at 8-10 m depth under a Lessomia sp. “forest”; collector Eduardo Villouta. 6. Algarrobo (33%21'S; 71%41'W): 1982, stones collected at 8-12 m depth by diving; presented to the author by C. Villalba. 7. Off Punta Nugurúe (35%40'S; 72%50'W): 1980, large stones collected by trawl at 350 m depth by A. Rivera and A. Wendt; presented to the author by the collectors. 8. Colvumo (36"32'S; 72%56'W): 1981; a large stone collected at 8 m depth by diving; presented to the author by Jacqueline Fernández. 9. Reque Cove (36"45'S; '73“11"W): 1982, rock pieces collected between 10-25 m depth by diving; presented to the author by C. Villalba and J. Fernández. 10. Off Lebu(37%37'S; 73%259'W): 1979, seve- ral zoaria collected at 600 m depth by mem- bers of the Department of Oceanology, Uni- versity of Concepción, Chile. 11. Melinka (43%54'S; 73%45'W): 1980, subtidal stones covered by crustose stony algae and Bryozoa, collected and presented by E. Bay-Schmith and C. Werlinger. 12. IFOP Ol Expedition: 1964, oceanographical and biological expedition undertaken from Coquimbo (29%35'S; 71219 W) to Chiloé island and Juan Fernández Archipelago. The studied samples came from Valparaíso to Concepción, and from 37 m to more than 200 m depth. The samples collected by trawl and Petersen 0.1 m? grab sampler consist of small stones covered by Bryozoa, solitary corals, ascidiae and foraminifera. This expedition was sponsored by the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero and the Chilean Navy; and the samples collected by the author, T. Antezana and E. Alarcón. B. SYSTEMATICS The systematic account includes all the presently known species from Arica (18%29'S; 70%19'W) to Diego Ramírez islands (56%30'S; 68%45"W) the ones from Juan Fernández islands and those from Easter island. For each new species only a short diagnosis will be given which includes the type numbers. The type material will be deposited in the Museo Zoológico of the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (MZUC). In Table 1, species indicated by a generic name followed by “sp. n. Viviani” correspond to those appeared in a Doctor Rerum Naturae As they are recognized as good taxonomical entities, and useful for zoogeographical purposes, they will be cited as such to avoid nomina nuda problems. Thesis. C. POLYMORPHISM AND ZOARIAL DIVERSII Y The polymorphism of Cheilostomata was evaluated following Schopf (1973) and Moyano (1975, 1978). This procedure has been also utilized regarding the polymorphism of the Tertiary Bryozoan Faunas from Argentina, South Australia and New Zealand. When speaking of polymorphism in general percentages for a given area, no distinctions have been made among vibracularia and avicularia. The calculations of the zoarial diversity were made following Moyano, 1978. When a species shows more than one zoarial form, the most frequent one is computed. The same criterion has been used in evaluating the Tertiary Bryozoan Faunas from Australia, New Zealand and South America. The zoarial diversity values of the Australian recent Victorian Bryozoa are only approximated owing to the dubious or incomplete descriptions of the zoarial form in many species of that area. D. ZOOGEOGRAPHY The zoogeographical affinity of the Bryozoa along the Chilean coast was evaluated using the Kulczinsky-2 index, following Sibouet (1979), Monniot (1979) and Moyano (1982). The Chilean South-American shelf was arbitrarily divided into segments of four latitudinal degrees each, except CH10 from 46%S to 52%S. Juan Fernández archipelago and Easter island were considered as one unit each. Two sources of species were evaluated by the Kulczinsky-2 index: 1. Viviant's Chilean littoral Ectoprocta which includes 52 species, mostly collected in the intertidal zone from Arica (18%59'S) to Quellón in the southernmost part of Chiloé island (43%08'S), and 2. Table I which contains 267 species inhabiting the continental shelf from Arica to Diego Ramírez islands plus those of Juan Fernández and Easter islands. In Table I, species marked* come from beyond 200 m depth. The number of “Magellanic” species appearing in Table Lis smaller than that included in a previous work, (Moyano, 1982) because were only considered those collected inside Chilean waters and not those present in the Patagonian shelf between Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland islands. RESULTS A. THE NEW TAxaA Antropora paucicryptocysta Sp. n. Fig. 18 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar to plurilaminar. Zooids thin-walled, with gymnocyst and cryptocyst slightly developed. Opesia covering almost the whole frontal surface. No spines. Cryptocyst fimely granulated. A pair of small triangular avicularia at the proximal side of each autozooid, but each zooid being encircled by [e] six avicularia, two of its own and four of the neighbouring autozoords. Avicularian mandibule very small and semicircular. Ovicell not observed. Species being different from the others described by Osburn (1950) for the Pacific coast of America due to the slight development of the cryptocyst. Holotype: MZUC 10953. One colony encrusting a stone, off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'S; 71%49'W); 137 m depth; October 1964. Collectors: H. Moyano and E. Alarcón. Paratypes: MZUC 10954, holotype collecting data. one colony; Arachnopusia areolata sp. n. Fig. 4 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, white. Zooids with a complete frontal pericyst having round, oval or reniform holes; one or two weak small oral spines rarely present; lateral and proximal borders of the pericyst with a row of small areoles. One to three small pointed or rounded avicularia on the distal apertural border of the pericyst. Ovicell hyperstomial with a more calcified distal belt which has small pores on its proximal rim. Species differing from A. monoceros (Busk) and A. admiranda Moyano, for its smaller avicularia, weak —1f present— oral spines and for the row of marginal areoles. Holotype: MZUC 10956, one colony encrusting a large stone collected off Punta Nugurúe (35%40'S; 72%50'W); 350 m, 1980; Collectors: A. Rivera € A. Wendt. Paratypes: MZUC. 10957, several colonies encrusting small stones; off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'S; 71%49'W); 137 m depth; October 1964; collectors: H.1. Moyano e E. Alarcón. Aplousina gymnocystica sp. n. Fig. 22 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar. Zooids somewhat irregular, widely or narrowly ovate or pyriform, separated by deep furrows. Distal and lateral gymnocystal borders elevated. Proximal gymnocyst reaching one fifth of the zoecial length; descending cryptocyst laterally narrow, but proximally enlarged reaching to one fourth of the zoecial length. With marginal, minute, decidueous spines encircling the opesia. Endozoecial ovicell widely open, formed by two calcareous superposed sheets. No avicularia; no dietellae. With a large uniporous distal septula and two or three more in each lateral wall. Species clearly different from other members of the genus Aplousma by the development of the cryptocyst and gymnocyst. =J Holotype: MZUC 9790, a colony encrusting a valve of Chama sp. Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island; April 1967. Collector: G. Sanhueza. Paratypes: MZUC 9796, two zoaria encrusting an Arca sp. valve; Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island; August 1965; Collector: A. Angulo. Cellaria humilis sp. n. Figs. 15,16, 17 Diagnosis: Zoarium irregulary branching, articulated; — joimts tubular; branches appearing everywhere as lateral offshoots through the autozooidal oral apertures; this way of branching causes the zoarium to be irregularly cereiform. Zooids long, roughly hexagonal; four making a whorl around the internodal axis. Oral aperture at the beginning of the distal zovidal third; two lateral parenthesis-like cryptocystal thin elevations encircling it, but without fusing themselves proximally or distally. Oral aperture semicircular, the proximal border gently arcuated, without proximal or distal internal denticles. Operculum reinforced by a complete marginal sclerite. Avicularia scarce, small, triangular, one fourth of the frontal zoecial length; with a semicircular mandibule wider than long. Ovicell apertures not seen. Species differing from the other austral forms by its zoarial structure and small avicularia. Holoptype: MZUC 9863; a ramified zoarial fragment; off Punta Nugurúe (35%40'S; 72%50'W);, 350 m depth; 1980; collectors: A. Wendt £ A. Rivera. Paratypes: MZUC 9864. Several internodal fragments from the same locality of the holotype. Cribralaria labiodentata sp. n. Fig. 5 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting. Zooids lar- ge, white, glistening, separated by well mar- ked furrows zoecial pericyst made of 12 to 14 frontal ribs; two rows of small pericystal holes separating every two ribs. Oral frame with two distal and two proximal spines; the two proxi- mal with a serrated free border and the two distal with a pair of proximally directed lateral horns; the latter may be inconspicuos. Inter- zoecial avicularia large, asymmetrical, roughly squared latero-diagonally produced into the asymmetrical avicularian rostrum; avicularian mandibule large, falciform, reaching one half of the zoecial length. Ovicell endozoecial, in- mersed in the avicularian chamber or not. This species diffterentiates from those of the North Tropical Pacific and from those of the Australiam and New Zealand areas by 1ts larger avicularium and the two rows of pores between each pair of frontal ribs. Holotype: MZUC 9862; a large colony on a coral blade; Easter Island; 76 m depth; 1934; collector: Dr. Ottmar Wilhelm. Escharoides molinal sp. nm. Fig. 23. Diagnosis: Zoariuium encrusting and unilaminar, or eschariform being composed of one or two lamellae. Zooids strongly calcified becoming very thick, with imprecise contours. Frontal wall a pleurocyst: the large marginal areolae being separated by radiating ribs. Secondary aperture proximally elevated, with a V-shaped sinus. Primary aperture not seen in frontal view and lacking any type of proximal or lateral denticles. Some strong, decidueous spines present in the distal part of the secondary aperture. Two types of latero-oral avicularia; a patr of small, pomted, triangular distally directed no longer than the apertural diameter; and one or two larger, pointed or spathulated, pointing latero-dis- tally, lying obliquely at one or both sides of the secondary aperture; these larger ones with a huge perforated avicularian chamber. Ovicell imperforated, hyperstomial, having marginal areolae separated by ribs; becoming inmersed in strongly calcified zooids. This species is dedicated to the abbott Juan Ignacio Molina who wrote the first Natural History of the Chilean Fauna at the end of the Eighteenth Century. It seems to be very akin to E. angela (Hutton) and E. excavata (MacGillivray) from the Australian area. It differentiates, however, from the first one by the less developed peristome and for the two distally directed tiny avicularia and the two latero-distal giant ones; from the second because it lacks the central and lateral denticles inside the primary aperture and for frequently having four instead of two avicularia. Holotype: MZUC 9960, a very calcified zoarial piece; Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island, April 1967; collector: G. Sanhueza. Paratypes: MZUC 10968, several small pieces; off Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island; 60 m; October, 1964; collector: H. IL. Moyano. Fenestrulina microstoma sp. n. Figs. 3,9 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, white-yellow. Zooids large, hexagonal, very inflated, separated by deep furrows. Frontal wall a densely perforated tremocyst, leaving a central imperforated area proximal to the ascopore. —Centrally situated ascopore separated from the oral aperture by two or “three rows of pores; ascopore outline oval or reniform without spines or internal denticles. Small oral aperture separated from the distal zoecial rim by two rows of pores; oral spines rare. Ovicell hyperstomial, imperforated with short marginal costae. Species differing from £. malus: by its larger size and the frontal wall almost completely perforated; it differentiates too, from the two new taxa of this genus proposed by Viviani (1969), by its more centrally placed aperture leaving more than one row of pores between it and the distal zoecial rim. Holotype:: MZUC 10979, one ovicelled zoarium; off Punta Carranza, IFOP Expedition (35%35'S; 72%42'W); 37 m depth; November, 1964; collector: H.I. Moyano. Paratypes: MZUC 10980, several colonies; holotype collecting data. Macroporella areolata sp. n Fig. 8 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, light brown. Zooids large, almost hexagonal; frontal wall a convex tremocyst pierced by excessively small pores and, with apparent marginal areoles. Frontal ascopore in front of a low umbo, transversely oval. Oral aperture relatively small. A latero-distally directed avicularium with setiform mandibule. A densely perforated hyperstomial ovicell with marginal areoles. Species characterized by its areolar pores and the almost inexistent tremocystal ones. Holotype: MZUC 10959, one encrusting zoarium; Off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'S; 71%49'W); 137 m depth; October, 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano e E. Alarcón. Paratypes: MZUC 10960, several colonies encrusting small stones; holotype collecting data. Opaeophora brown sp. n. Higsiz3/4Zo! Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, small, patchy, unilaminar. Zooids yellow-white separated by deep furrows. Primary frontal wall membranous; a complete cryptocyst with a pair of lateral large round opesiules. Zoecial aperture semicircular, the proximal border straight, encircled by four long spines. Ovicell hyperstomial, large and smooth. Large interzoecial asymmetrical avicularia, slightly shorter than autozoecia; avicularian mandibule linguiform, laterally curved. Circular ancestrula with a complete cryptocyst pierced by two large round opesiules; provided with marginal spines. Species dedicated to Dr. A. Brown, eminent Australian Bryozoologist. This species looks very similar to O. lefada monopia Brown from the upper Pliocene of New Zealand. Holotype: MZUC 9698, Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island; 5 m depth; April 1967; collector: G. Sanhueza. Paratypes: MZUC 9770, five small zoaria; holotype collecting data. do) Parasmittina proximoproducta sp.n. Figs. 6, 7. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting. Zooids rhomboidal to irregularly squared. Frontal wall granulated, with small scattered pores being a pleurocyst. Oral area elevated and strongly produced proximally; primar; aperture with moderate wide lyrule and a pair of lateral cardelles; secondary aperture bordered proximally by a tall vertical elevation and by four distal spines; with a long vertical furrow along the internal side of the oral vertical elevation. Two lateral oral narrowly triangular avicularia, one bemg always larger than the other; one or more additional and similar ones may be present around the apertural area. Hyperstomial ovicell globular, not inmersed. Species different from other similar from the Indopacific area (Soule an Soule, 1973) by its long proximal elevation on the proximal apertural side. Holotype: MZUC 9860; Easter Island, a zoarium on back side of a coral blade; 67 m depth; 1934; collector: Dr. Ottmar Wilhelm. Paratypes: MZUC 9861. Holotype collecting data. Phylactella problematica sp. n. Fig. 19: Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, white. Zooids large, strongly convex. Frontal a tremocyst with many small pores; areolae not clearly set apart. Oral area produced into a tall peristome. Primary aperture without lyrula or cardelles; secondary aperture proximally notched. A globular, densely perforated, hyperstomial ovicell looking as dependence of the distal part of peristome. No avicularia was observed. Species notoriously different from those present along the Chilean coast, with dubious generic relations, therefore it has been tentatively adscribed to the genus Phylactella. Holotype: MZUC 10961, a colony encrusting a stone; off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'S; 71%49'W); 137 m depth; October, 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano é E. Alarcón. Paratypes: MZUC 10962; several colonies encrusting stones; holotype collecting data. Reteurgula zoecrulifera sp.n. Fig. 10. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar loosely pluriserial. Zooids elliptical, separated by interzoecial membranous, spaces. Frontal wall lateral cryptocyst; gymnocyst proximally developed. covering a Narrow Uwo small pointed spines on both sides of the oral valve. Many small zoeciules scattered between zooids; these have a round or elliptical opesia «covered by a frontal membrane; zoeciule size variable measuring one fourth to one half of the zoecial length. No avicularia or avicularian mandibules on zoeciules. Hyperstomial ovicells round, with a very large dorsal non-calcified area. Species close to a Tertiary New Zealand torm of R. acuta (Hincks) referred to by Brown (1962), but lacking the avicularia present in the fossil form. Species easily identifiable by the large amount of zoeciules separating the autozoids. Holotype: MZUC 9865; a colony encrusting a stone; off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'S; 71%49'W); 137 m depth; October, 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano € E. Alarcón. Schizoporella maulina sp. n. Fig. 12. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, thick, unilaminar, white. Zooids hexagonal, slightly convex; frontal wall a tremocyst with evenly distributed small pores. Oral aperture schizoporelloid, with a wide U-shaped proximal sinus. Hyperstomial ovicell closed by the operculum having a great less calcified transversely oval frontal area; periovicellar marginal pores present. Avicularia lacking. Species adscribed to the genus Schizoporella, considered in a wide sense. Holotype: MZUC 10963, a large zoarium encrusting a stone; off Punta Carranza (35%35'S; 72%42'W); 35 m depth; November 1964, collectors: H.I. Moyano £ T. Antezana. Paratypes: MZUC 10964; several colonies. Holotype collecting data. 10 Smittina fragaria sp. n. Figs. 20, 21. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, white, glistening. Zooids rectangular to hexagonal with straight rims; frontal wall a tremocyst, without distinct marginal pores. Oral area moderately elevated; primary aperture lacking a lyrule but with two lateral denticles; secondary aperture at the end of a short peristome bearing a small proximally directed avicularium with a short semicircular mandibule. Hyperstomial ovicell with a large frontal densely perforated exposed area, these pores are relatively large. This species has been adscribed to the genus Smitina, considered in a very wide sense. Holotype:: MZUC 10958, one zoarium encrusting a stone; off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'5; 7149 W); 137 m depth; October 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano «e E. Alarcón. Smiíttina jacquelinae sp. n. Figs. 11, 14. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, light yellow. Zooids hexagonal, gently convex; frontal wall an evenly pierced tremocyst. Oral area elevated in a proximally notched peristome; the two lateral sides of the peristome may coalesce leaving a suboral orifice; primary aperture with a slightly denticular small lyrule. A proximal oral avicularium completely or partially inside the peristome, settled just on the proximal notch; avicularian mandibule distally rounded, slightly linguiform. Hyperstomial ovicell becaming inmersed, with one or more small frontal pores. In very young zoecia there are four oral spines. This species is a S. purpurea (Hincks)-like form, but being different in its colour and the poorly developed lyrule. On the other hand, this species has a large distribution from Melinka (43%54'S; 73%45'W) to Los Molles (329125; 71%40'W) and it may grow side by side the “typical” S. purpurea (Hincks). Holotype: MZUC 10975, a large zoarium on a stone; Reque Cove (36%45'S: 73%11 "W); 10-20 m depth, 1982; collectors: César Villalba € Jacqueline Fernández (to whom the species is dedicated). Paratypes: MZUC 10976, one zoarium on a stone, Melinka, 1980; collectors C. Werlinger and E. Bay-schmith. MZUC 10977, an encrusting zoarium; Los Molles; 8-10 m depth; 1980; collector: E. Villouta. Smittina undulimargo sp. n. ¡NS llo Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, thick, brown. Zooids strongly calcified, shortly after their arising at the marginal growing rim. Mature zooids with an undulated border, clearly set off by a very narrow brown ribbon following the border and frequently crossing the inmersed ovicells in a diagonal way. Frontal wall nearly flat, evenly perforated. Apertural area not produced or elevated. Primary aperture with a moderate to wide lyrule flanked by two poined lateral denticles. Secondary aperture proximally notched, the peristome being as thick as the frontal thickness; with a minute, proximal-obliquely directed oral avicularium which is not seen from above owing to its place inside the peristome. Hyperstomial ovicell deeply inmersed, with an irregular row of radial large pores. A typical smittinid distinctly different from all the others along the Chilean coast for its wavy outline. Holotype: MZUC 10965, a colony encrusting a stone; off Punta Carranza (35%35'S; 72%42'W); 35 m depth; November, 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano and T. Antezana. Paratypes: MZUC 19066, some colonies with the holotype colecting data. Smittina volcanica sp. n. Fig. 13 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, unilaminar, white and shining. Zooids large, irregularly quadrangular, lateral rims wavy; a thin epitheca covers the whole frontal wall. Frontall wall a densely perforated tremocyst; oral apertural area elevated in a tall peristome with four marginal spines, proximally notched. Primary aperture with a narrow lyrule but lacking cardelles. A tiny median elongated, oral avicularium inside the peristome, proximally and upwardly directed. Ovicell appearing as a huge inflation of the distal part of the peristome; its exposed walls having the same constitution of the frontal zooidal wall, so it looks as 1f it were inmersed in the distal zooid as an endozoecial ovicell. This species seems to be different from all the other known smittinids im the South Eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is considered as part of the genus Smttina, by the presence of a lyrule and the oral avicularium placed over it and inside the peristome. Holotype: MZUC 10978, one small zoarium on a stone; off Punta Curaumilla (33%06'S; 71%49'W); 137 m depth; October 1964; collectors: H.1. Moyano é E. Alarcón. Smittina jullieni n. nom. Smttia purpurea Jullien, 1888:54; pl. 2, Fig. 4. Not Smittia landsborovi (Johnston) purpurea Flincks 1881:123. var. Diagnosis: As described and illustrated by its author. This species has a light purpurine colour making it different from the other smittinids present along the Chilean coast. It differentiates from the typical Smittina purpurea (Hincks) apart its lighter colour for having a very small oral avicularium completely inside the peristome and for its tendence to become very calcified. Spiroporina reteporelliformis sp. n. Figs. 24, 27. Diagnosis: Zoarium vinculariform, white, calcareous, irregularly branching. Branches with two faces, the frontal one having autozooids and the dorsal one showing kenozooids and avicularia. Zooids irregularly hexagonal; frontal wall a pleurocyst with scattered marginal pores. Primary aperture with a U-shaped proximal sinus; secondary aperture with a pair of small triangular, distal-laterally directed avicularia. Hyperstomial ovicell, somewhat inmersed, its frontal wall lacking calcification. Dorsal (basal) zoarial wall covered by one or more kenozooidal superposed sheets. Ovate avicularia on dorsal kenozooids. Species having Reteporellina-like Reteporella-like form; clearly set off from other Spiroporima species for developing a dorsal zoarial face provided with kenozooids and avicularia as in the species of Reteporidae. Holotype: MZUC 9666, a broken colony; on a guyot off Más a Tierra island; 220-280 m depth; October 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano 8c E. Alarcón. Paratypes: MZUC 9667, more than eighty complete colonies. or fragments and small Holotype collecting data. Cnisia parunternodata Sp. n. Figs. 38, 39. Diagnosis: Zoarium small, white, articulated and branching. Free zooidal ends frontally and laterally curvated; zoecial aperture circular to ovate. Joints with short, disciform yellow nodes. Sterile internodes having 1-5 zooids, those with one or two in the basal part of the colony being more common. The new branches alternate to right and left, budding from the first autozooid of internodes with 3-5 zooids; fertil internodes with 4-7 zooids, the first producing most of times, a lateral branch, and the second being always the gonozooid. Pyriform gonozoovid with a terminal oveciostome adnate to the third autozoecial tube in the internode; oecial aperture transversely oval facing frontally. Some autozooids with spiniform processes. A small species, densely branched looking like C. eburnea (L.), but differing from it by the small number of autozooids per internode and by its proportionally smaller gonozooids. Fertile zoaria measure 2,0 to 3,4 mm high; gonozooidal length 0,7 to 0,95 mm; gonozooidal width 0,22 to 0,3 mm. Holotype: MZUC 9792; one zoarium with three gonozooids; Punta Loberías, Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra Island; April 1967; 2-5 m depth; collector: G. Sanhueza. Paratypes: MZUC 9798; seven small fertile zoaria. Holotype collecting data. 112 Frondipora masalierrensis Sp. N. Fig. 36. Diagnosis: Zoarium vinculariform, branched in one plane, white, becoming retiform by fusion of its branches. Stems giving short and alternate branches, but frequently irregular. Zooids in fascicular clusters facing frontally and laterally, projecting beyond the lateral border; among fascicules there are nude areas without zoecial tubes. Autozooidal tubes long, prismatic in the fascicles and circular when traversing the gonozooid. Dorsal zoarial side without zoecial apertures but with clear cut zoecial boundaries and pseudopores. Gonozooids as large as wide, pyriform or irregularly circular structures, developed between fascicles and traversed by many autozooids. Oeciostome in the centre or in the distal third of the gonozooid, slightly oval, associated with an autozooidal tube, from which it differentiates by its larger diameter and facing proximally. Species differing from other Frondipora species by its large gonozooid evenly traversed by zoecial tubes. Holotype: MZUC 9662, a reticular zoartal piece; off Más a Tierra island; 220-280 m; October 1964; collector: H.I. Moyano. Paratypes: MZUC 10967, zoarial fragments; Más a Tierra island; 60 m depth; October 1964; collectors: H.I. Moyano « E. Alarcón. for Desmeplagioecia irregularis sp. N. Figs. 30, 31. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, fan shaped, very flat, widening distally, producing here and there lateral offshoots. Zooids emerging from a flat zoarial surface, distally and upwardly directed; emerging isolated in the younger part of the zoarium but becoming connate throughout forming clusters or fascicles towards the distal and mature zoarial part; clusters composed from two to six zoo1ds each; zooids stout, very calcified. Gonozooid nearly flat, wider than long, small or very large; two or more gonozooids seemingly coalesce forming a larger one; this gonozooid is usually traversed by isolated zooidal tubes; oeciostome short and distally outflared, issueing from the central part of the gonozooid, always proximally connated to an isolated autozooidal tube; its distal transverse oval aperture facing proximally and upwardly. This species seems to be more related to the genus Desmeplagivcecia than to Tubulipora. It has the zooidal clusters and the large transverse gonozooid of the former and the fascicles of the latter. Considering the gonozooid structure as the basis of the cyclostome taxonomy this species comes nearer to Desmeplagioecia than to Tubulipora. 1t differentiates from D. lineata (MacGillivray) inhabiting the Magellanic and Australian regions by its fan-shaped instead of circular zOarium. Halotype: MZUC. 10973, a large zoarium measuring 18 mm in its larger diameter; Reque Cove (36%45'S; 7321 1''W); 20-25 m depth; April 1982; collectors: J. Fernández and C. Villalba. Paratypes: MZUC 10974, several small ovicelled zoaria; Algarrobo (33%21'S; 71%40'W); 8-12 m depth; May, 1982; collectors: J. Fernández and C. Villalba. Tubulipora protewa sp. n. Figs. 32, 33 Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, white-bluish, composed or irregularly branched lobules, widening where a gonozooid develops and becoming narrow distally. A completely developed zoarium becoming irregularly star-like, with lobules touching each other or fusing. Zooids 0,100-0,125 mm diameter, their free end rather produced, disposed in alternating series 2-6 tubes each, connate throughout or becoming free and separated at their distal ends; the zooidal tube pattern alterates where a gonozooid exists forming irregular series or tascicles. Gonozooid large, lobulated; the ramifyimg lobules occasionally fuse encircling series or fascicles; veciostome cylindric, 0,075 mm diameter, not terminal; shorter, equal or longer than an autozoectal tube, associated with a tube or fascicle. Species differing from the others described for the Magellanic region and the Pacific coast of America due to its zoarial pattern and large gonozooids. 13 Holotype: MZUC 10969, one large and irregularly stellate zoarium, 8.4 mm Xx 7.2 mm having nine gonozooids; Los Molles (32%12'S; 71%27'W); 8-10 m depth, 1981; collector: E. Villouta. Paratypes: MZUC 10970, three zoaria encrusting a stone. Holotype collecting data. Tubulipora tuboangusta sp. n. Fig. 37. Diagnosis: Zoarium encrusting, long and not bifurcated, or bifurcating into two opposed adhering elongated lobules; a basal lamina provided with several rows of apertures. Zooids disposed in transverse, oblique alternating series composed each of two to seven connate zoecial tubes, the more common having'5-6 per series. The series may fuse at the end of zoarial lobules originating transverse fascicles. Gonozooid inflated and dilatated between the series and fascicles; oecial tube long, narrow, one half to one third of the autozoecial diameter; adnate only by its base to the more internal tube of a series. The name of the species indicates its narrow and long oecial tube, making it different from 7. stellata Busk, T. anderssoni Borg and 7. spatiosa Borg from the Magellanic region. Holotypes: MZUC 9788, one zoarium measuring 6 mm diameter; Punta Loberías, Cumberland Bay, Más a Tierra island; April 1967, 2-5 m depth; collector: G. Sanhueza. Paratypes: MZUC 9778; same collecting data as the holotype. Tubulipora tubolata sp. n. Figs. 34, 35. Diagnosis: bluish, Zoarium encrusting, white- regularly stellated from its very beginning; wide zoarial lobes composed of regularly ordered and alternating zoarial series, 3-5 zooids each. Zooids stout 0,125-0,200 mm diameter, very calcified; their free ends moderately long. Gonozooids fairly abundant, inflated pyriform to irregular producing lobes beyond the oeciostome, occasionally encircling one or more zooids; oeciostome large, clearly set off, strongly dilatated and distally outflared, d + + + El 5 + + + 4 PA +4 OM q q d q Yg IA IA IA TA CTA TAS 0 ON Iv + + + + + 0 FIA +1A FA IA IA IA IA an 0 í IA lA IA 0 0 l [ 01 + + ñ IA IA lA IA IA 0 l E + oT + CUA HA IA lA TIA IA + + + IA +IA + + + +) 0 0 0 0 0 0 “910 VILPUYÁO DUJINIMOG “6% ds msuo 83 "AÁUBIQUO, Pp VIUOIDIDA DISU) LG u ds popouauinaod DIS) “97 “(SNIPUUTT) DIUUNqa DISU) *Gz APARUBT DIDINAQUIP DIU) “HZ “B1OY SMUISSIP DNIJDO *E% (APIO) sun nds vioydoppqung “zz “(AÁUBIQIO P) VUDISPADNPA DISUNQ "LG (APIO PA) DIVINO DISUNZ 07 VIVWNOLSOTIAO 19P1O “(13PIV) 970]29pad DU] 61 “ANOS DUO) DORIA] 8] 'ÁUBIQIO,P VSOWDL DIORUQALI LL] “(SNG) Vajuvdid V]9J0N “91 ua¡n[ sinuajuad vISASDUO JN *C] (SAQUIH) vea3Yas vYysng pl UM $70.950 DIN E] US NÍ vuassynura viyuvquamog “z1 “(SWBPY) DIOMAQUA VIYNUDQLIMOH "|| UN doy viquoquamog “1 "ÁPIOT SUIDLI DIJUDQUIMOG 6 "UA N[ unio7ruva] vyunquamog 8 ds unipuolayy cl (¡esse H) tunobjod unipruokyy 9 “AAINEM IP Á INYÍOUO(.O UNSOpou UPN) Y *G "IPÁTLO JuÉA Uunipruoly p "ASP Y UND] puvaL Una puo Y "19A]P0) SIPIOLD)]29 UNIPUON) Y G "AQU 19 'OUBÁOJA] Á 1JpuoH.p 9]DAJMD UNAPwuobo] y Al VLIVNOLSONALO 19P1O ÁNSIDAL] [e11Boz tusty dot “AJO SOV IZN LNV SLV TIHO 01HO 6H) 8H9 HO 9H) SHO PHO £H) 3H) 1H) YAd IVO NVd AJO VIV UONNQUOSIP peoryde1Bo9:) savads ALISYAAIA TVIAVOZ ANV ASIHAJONATOd 'NOLLOgIALSIA “SILDAAS ¡VOZOAYA NVITIHO I1qeL ÁYSIDAL( [eL1eoz wstydiow -Á104 DON4 od q gq ¿q A eH ar v V v 0d ON4Y + Y v V ngg v q v ¿q VISA q g v q q ON q q + +4 +4 +HFLX+0m +4 +4 IN "(AuB1q10 Pp) DUDIU NU DLOdUDININ ds vuodousyn7 "B10g 1Uano] viodouoyo7 "B10g vuassuodaja viodousya7 "SN DO NA DVUDI VLOdOUIYNT "(SIQUOH) DIYUD]IV DIUOLPUUP] "B1Og VAPUDY]DÍf VLAULO Y "BIOG DINILDJUD DAJULO Y "AUBIQUO,P VDUDIAGUD DAFUAO [Y 'OUPÁONA $25u3pyo vuodo.3j9 y "U *ds sisua Laos DU DLORIPuo.] "'ÁUBIQAO, Pp DSOUWDA DLOGNNISOA 'OUPÁON Dad diodos. y 'B10g vUUpunaa DLOQYNDIOso y ds vuoydo]oyuz “B10g 15430m vapisoqo.d vioydooug “(sNg) vunrqu veoydo]vuq “B10g 2y5nq vioydo]o ug “(1SNY) $D.ySND dLOY AO Du “ds mau0dsuq ¿0 "SIEM DIDIPDAOJ90 Dyyaodsig 'OUPÁOA dea fiozouvu mp aLodsug ¿0 SN DDUquaf 02104 q "OUPÁOJA] Sapi0.L0disuap vanodsiq "BOY DSSDLI DpaL0dsig -B1o0g i4apu iodo “d10g DI9 Naya veodo3smqg "(ÁUBIQIO, P) vuoJoyap vuodojsorq ds mo. mag “(uoxsuyo[) volvuw vivo. dor uds sun pndsa vusndo das q (APA PA) v309uy vir9010 das 0-00) SAV IZN LNV SLV 11H9 01H9O 6H) 8H) ¿HO 9H) 9H) +HO £H) 3H) 1HO YAd "IVO NVd ANO VIV UOnNquastp peoryde.1309:) sanads (panunuo;)) Y a1qr.L 199 "6% GS "09 15 ul AP] ÓóT1 +ng ul AB [ «E + + 9) AZ H + 9) Ae z H + 9) AB z H +Í ul AB [ + + + + + Vv AB Z +M ul 0 lA lA IA lA IA IA aT 0 + 0.0 0 ur 0 lA IA IA lA IA IA 0.0 uy 0 07 lA lA +IA +I1A +A IA IA 0.0. 0.0 u] 0 H > + +IA PO IA +5 ¡AM IA 0 0.0% 0-0 ul ES na UT = Se ul = Vo g *) ul - vd +49 ul = + ul = + 4 3 lA IA ul = v d 10] ul - q ul = q q ul a PH ul = A a q ul = ae ul = va + + ul - q A A = a +V A = *H SAY AZN LNV SLV 11HO 01 HO 6H) 8H) 2HÓ 9H) CH) FHO-£H0 3H) 1H) YdAd IVO NVd ANO VIV AYISIIAL( wustyd ou [eLieoz -A[Od UOnNquastp promyde.1doo.) “(ASNG) DIVUOQUN D]9puyy OIR Á OUPÁONN DiOdv3dM v))99Lpuy SNE Ppnu DIdYs ou y (SBNIA) NVI DITYSVOU Y “ASNG) Yunus vid sou y UN $70.950 viso nu y "OPABUPT) $9pi0U9YN] D]]3UOIP Y "IUBIALA “U “ds ajo y “(y 3nNO10QSPu*T) VIVIUNY VIJIY "SDUIH 0994 VIA y 'ASNG VID NDA VII Y (SNIPUUTT) DUNITUD VIJA Y VLIVWNOLSOTIHHO UsplO u ds »30]0q) viodinqn y u ds »3saduvoqn) viodanqn 1 "(ASNG) vi231qn) viodanqn y SN 91095 viodanqn u ds vnajoxd vaodinqn y AUBIquO,P Sudsuuodto viodinqn 'B109 99070) vi9ofpnsosof viodynqn y 'B10g Dj9uD) viodanqn y 'B10g 1y90q viodinqn “SUI Y Dodo viodinqn y B10g ruossuspuo vaodinqn y “ds viodo30uo]s “(AUBIQHO P) vaunqa vaodojpuo]s "B10g suvdaja viadiqniodoy (SN G) DIVIS/ vIUOUMPipNAS q Opuaedy11y) vu md vioqruvinaN savadg NS a Han "68 88 "L8 98 "c8 +8 68 38 18 08 "6L "8L RRRRR 16 “((panunuo0)) | a1qY.1 55) A [AR [ a "AJQULOY Y 9290 VPUd) “611 PA AB Z H ng "SBUnNseH sarouakso sapydorduo) 811 ul 0 LA “Iuelara cu ds veodop)0) 111 ul 0 A EE “eddex)-zado7] sisuapvasap v1odo]]0:) “911 ) ATABZ LA "IUPIALA “Us DaL9qu) “G| 1 9) ATJABZ H "(ÁP.10)) DIPUD]IZ DILIQU) “PL | (0) ATABZ SF H + E TN "4SNG MUMADP DIAIGU/) “E VI PA 0 H LA deL LA 0 0 “(snapuurT) DuIagu DMINZ GLI Pa Ae-[ H +Í y + Un [ asapoty omiáng 111 PA AB [ E A) 0 “(uosdwoy [) D70)79G0f V9INg 011 ul AB 1 sl he uan ¡nf osowi o2uo/ ng 601 PA AB [ IAN: + "(snaeuurT) DIDI D]9UDYING BOL uT ABI +. 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Species related to 7. stellata Busk and T. anderssoni Borg but being different in the form of the oecial tube. Holotypes: MZUC 10971, a large stellate zoarium, 16 mm diameter, having 18 lobules; Los Molles (32%12'S; 71%27'W), 1980, 8-10 m depth; collector: E. Villouta. Paratypes: MZUC 10972, zoaria. Holotype collecting data. two stellated B. THE CHILEAN BRYOZOAN FAUNA This fauna, excluding the antarctic species, IS composed of 19 of the order Ctenostomata (7.11%), 46 of the Cyclostomata (17.22%) and 202 of the Cheilostomata (75.65%). These 267 species (Table 1) inhabit the continental shelf from Arica (18%29'5S; 70%19'W) to Diego Ramirez islands (56%30'S; 6845'W) and the shelves of the Juan Fernández and Easter islands. As the bryozoan assemblages in each of these areas are different, they will be analized separately in the folowing paragraphs. species l. The Magellanic Bryozoan Fauna: The general features of this fauna have been recently revised by Moyano (1982). It may be summarily characterized as having 7.69% ot ctenostome species, 23.59% of cyclostome species and 68.75% of cheilostome species. These figures indicate a proportionally larger amount of cyclostome forms when compared with the whole Chilean Bryozoa. The Cheilostomata show 74.62% of species having one or more polymorphs, and the total fauna a zoarial diversity (H'H'max.100) reaching 62.95%. Endemic elements are the families Calvetiidae and Pseudidmoneidae, and the genera Andreella Jullien, Flustrapora Moyano, Orthoporidroides Moyano and Johetina Jullien. Zoogeographically it extends to the Southern Atlantic Ocean reaching the archipelagos Tristan da Cunha and Falkland, Kerguelen in the Indian Ocean. and 2. The Northern and Central Chale Bryozoan Fauna: A general account of it was first given by Viviani (1969). This author studied the litoral entoprocts and ectoprocts from Arica (18%29'S) to Quellón (43%08'5) describing 52 ectoproct species. This number Is Now 24 elevated to 107 species. This assemblage, as now understood is characterized by the excessive predominance of encrusting species, which make up the main bulk of any sample collected from the intertidal zone to the border of the continental shelf (ca. 200 m depth). Taxonomically, the ctenostome ectoprocts comprise 7 species, the cyclostomes 12 and the cheilostome 88. The intertidal forms are almost the same from Arica to Quellón, because many have very large latitudinal ranges, for instance Alcyoniduum mamillatum, A. polyoum, Bowerbanka gracias, Buskia setigera, Bicrisa edwardsiana, Aetea anguina, A. ligulata, A. recta, Beania magellanica, Bugula neritina, Cauloramphus — spuaferun, Celleporella — hyalna, Chapenella acanthina, Electra hastingsae, Fenestrulima malusa, Happothoa flagellum, Hippothoa divaricata, Membrampora hyadest, M. tuberculata, Macroporella cihata, Scruparia ambigua, Smttina maplestoner, Smttina purpurea and Umbonula alvarexana. Several new species sensu Viviani pertaining to the genera Aetea, Aplousma, Fenestrulina, Hippaliosina, Lagenicella and Membranaipora, also have a great latitudinal distribution (See Table D. The study of several samples from 35 m depth to more than 350 m depth has revealed the existence of a relevant bryozoan faunule altogether different from the intertidal and the upper subtidal ones. In it, many of the new species appearing in Table 1 were found. Some of the new and the known species belong to genera hitherto unknown or nearly «so for the Chilean fauna, namely: Antropora, Bellulopora, and “Phylactella”. Several species uknown north to 425 were now discovered as normal components of the encrusting communities at 10-30 m depth in central Chile. Among these, two are particularly important: Inverstula — nutrix Jullien, a typical antarctic and subantarctic species now extending to 30% along the Chilean coast, and Romancheina martala, hitherto known only from the southernmost Chilean archipelagos, proves to be a very common encrusting element at 10-20 m depth near Concepción (368). This means that it 1s necessary to explore and systematically study Retevirgula, Arthropoma the narrow Chilean continental shelf from 1898 to Chiloé island. 3. The Juan Fernández Archapelago Bryozoan Fauna: In 1921 Marcus published the first account of the Bryozoa collected by several expeditions to these islands. He reported 20 species including 5 Cyclostomata and 15 Cheilostomata. Now that number elevate to 41 as indicated in Table 1, and comprises 1 ctenostome (2.43%), 13 cyclostomes (31,7%) and 27 cheilostomes (65.85%). The cyclostome component is marked by two diastoporids known only from the Magellanic area and by Frondipora masatierrensis sp. N., which is the first record of the genus for the eastern south Pacific. The Cheilostomata characteristically show two species of Caberea, the subantarctic Ogivala elegans, the australasian Microporella lumifera and Arthropoma — biseriale, the north Pacific Crassimarginatella kumatae, and new species of the genera Escharoides Opaeophora, Aplousima and Spiroporima. Among these Spiroporina reteporelliformis sp. n. shows a reteporidan condition in having vibice-like kenozooids covering the rear part of the zoarial branches. The endemic elements include at least 10 species making 24.39%. 4. The Easter Island Bryozoan Fauna: In a previous paper (Moyano, 1973) ten species comprising one cyclosttome and nine cheilostomes were reported. Now that number is elevated to 16. It is most likely that many species remain to be discovered because only two sets of samples have been examined. One littoral survey yielded the first ten known species, and a second one on coral blades obtained beyond 50 m depth provided the rest described here. This whole and incomplete assemblage is principally characterized by 3 smittinids, 3 cosmopolite forms and 3 cribrimorphs, with an endemism reaching 25%. The analysis in Table 1 proves that this fauna is composed of 8 (50%) of species having a pantropical or cosmopolite character. C. ZOOGEOGRAPHY OF THE CHILEAN BRYOZOAN FAUNA. Having a core of 80 “bryozoan (ectoprocts plus endoprocts) and species” a large bibliographic information, Viviani (1969) proposed a zoogeographical scheme for the Chilean coast. This scheme included four provinces: a. Peruvian (2*S-20%S), b. Chilean (205-4095), c. North-Patagonian (405-4698), d. South-Patagonian (4695-5695). If we take such a fact into account: a. Vivian's scheme did not considered the subtidal bryozoans until 200 m depth, which is the average extension of the submarine environment normally used in zoogegraphical analises (Ekman, 1953; Briggs, 1974; Schopf, 1979), b. the number of ectoprocts has duplicated since the Viviani's study; c. the Peruvian bryozoan fauna was in 1969 and is until now almost unknown and, therefore, not allowing a clear and sound zoogeographical relation between it and the Chilean bryozoan fauna, and d. the convenience of comparing the Bryozoa from Juan Fernández and the continental ones, makes it necessary to deeply study the Chilean Bryozoogeography. In Table II Viviani's Chilean ectoprocts are zoogeographically analized through the values of the Kulczinsky-2 index applied to each pair of compared localities from A to R. On the left side of the diagonal we find the numbers of common species for each pair of areas, and on the right, the corresponding Kulczinsky-2 index values. If the locality A is examined, it is possible to see that all the localities have more than 50% of affinity; locality E with 31 species shows the same feature as well as localities C, D and F. If now a median locality is analized, for instance K, the same feature is present; the same is true of the species richest one, i. e. locality L. These results confirm the general impression that an observer of the intertidal fauna of the Chilean coast obtains, that is, the existence of a large amount of common species extending from the far north to a point between Concepción and Chiloé island. From Table IH it is possible to see that the zoogeographical affinity of locality A steadily decreases to the south, and the reverse occurs when looking at the values of locality R which decrease towards the north. Table III analyzes by means of the Kulczinsky-2 index values all the known Chilean ectoprocts listed in Table I, that have been recorded during more than a century Table Il ZOOGEOGRAPHY OF THE CHILEAN ECTOPROCTA AFTER THE DATA BY VIVIANI (1969) USING THE KULCZINSKY-2 INDEX. Localities ABCDEFGH Nik TE MINO POR (Number of species per locality) 90 20 23 29 31 29 20 14 22 26 25 33 22 1 18 14 19 16 A. Arica (18*28'S). 65 79 71 65 67 60 66 57 62 67 56 57 0 57 61 61 51 B. Iquique (2012'S) 13 79 88 82 80 85 66 72 79 72 71 62 0 68 60 62 51 C. Tocopilla (22%02"S). E a 90 83 86 79 57 80 74 79 66 67 0 69 63 67 58 D. Antofagasta (23%35'S). 17 21 23 87 86 76 69 76 80 78 71 64 0 68 64 65 58 E. Coquimbo (30*03'S). 16 20 22 26 87 78 67 78 74 76 69 62 0 66 62 64 57 F. Los Molles (32”18'5). 16 1922 :25::26 42 69 80 77 82 75 68 0 72 64 74 63 G. Zapallar (32%50'5). 12 7 17 18: 19 10 61 76 75 72 64 67 0 69 67 62 56 H. Isla Negra (33%28'5). LALO ES 18 138 10 64 66 67 61 64 0 70 79 74 7 I. Llico (34%45'S). 12 15 18 19 19 20 16 11 71 81 76 68 0 71 70 69 59 J. Hoca (34%55'5). 14-18-18;22121 21 47 12 17 75 86 63 52 75 71 64 71 K. Tomé (36%40'5). 15: 16: 19:21 21 22 16-12 19 19 77 68 0 76 72 74 62 L. Mehuín (39*20'5). 14 18: 18: 22 22 23: 1612 20. "25-22 76-52 17 IN TIRA M. Pelluco(39%35'5). 12 19; 15.16 15 17 14 11 15 16: 16:20 0 80 82 74 81 N. Carboneros(39%50'S). 070.00. .070 0-0 0-41 0 150 53 54 0 53 O. Maullín (41%40'S). 11 138 14 15 15 16 13: 11 14 16 16 18. 16 1 89 76 83 P. Pargua (41%47'S). 10) MASAS 18 11 12 18138 14 187 ASA 81 87 Q. Lacúi (41%50'S; 74%03'W). 12 14 14 15 16 17 12 12 14 14 16 18 15 0 14 13 75 R. Quellón (43%08'S; 73%35"'W). 9 10 11 12 12 13 10 11 11 14 12 16 15 1 14 13 13 and a half of bryozoan research. Table HI also greater — affinity with the Panamic includes several localities from Perú to Alaska in the eastern Pacific and from the south Atlantic to Australia in the south Pacific. Localities l and L show very small affinity values with all other regions becoming separate entities. Locality R compared from A to L shows still lower values; but these increase rapidly to locality Q making evident the obvious relations between the subantarctic and antarctic areas when compared with the Chilean bryozoan fauna. Locality F has great affinity with localities G, H, J, Kand M, that is, from Arica (18%S) to a point near Chiloé island; the same is true of each of these six geographical points. Locality N is closer to locality M, which is closer in turn to the six indicated above. On the other hand, locality O is closer to P, which in turn is closer to Q. s The above analysis indicates that the Chilean bryozoan fauna may be divided in four zoogeographical groups, namely: a. Easter Island Bryozoa (Locality 1); b. Juan Fernández islands Bryozoa (Locality L); c. North and Central Chile Bryozoa (Localities F.G, H,J,K, Mand N), and d. Southern Chile Bryozoa (Localities O and P). The first has zoogeographical area owing to its cosmopolite and pantropical elements; the second is simultaneously closer to the Galapagos islands, New Zealand and Australia because of its large amount of cosmopolite or “panpacific” components. The third, North and Central Chile, shows a northernmost subgroup composed of the localities F, G, H, being closer each other probably because their littoral elements are the only ones known; a second subgroup of the following three J.K. and M is the richest in species number and the core of the non-Magellanic Chilean bryozoan fauna; locality N being the link with the Magellanic region exhibits, however, closer affinity to localities M an K owing to the fact that its known elements are principally littoral, nevertheless, species obtained in deeper waters —A. giganteum for instance— favours its inclusion with localities O and P. The fourth, including localities O and P, has the richest and most diversified bryozoan fauna; this is probably related to a larger disponibility of coast and continental shelf. It near 200 species extend to the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Moyano, 1982), which is OZ OASIS OIEROTAAG 8 £ 6 0] G £ 8 8 p € "eIensny rd GIIA OS 0.6 6 8 ÉS 6 G G £ 8 6 L 9 "PpueleaZ MIN 8 66 Loa LIDO 9 9 $ Fa l 6 ó 6 0) £ ó $ 6 "vINDAPUY s8 04 MA AA MA AM UI 6 6 AAN AMUPNY ymnos € LS b£ AS NW EE AO RN Q SS. E IR L "So98-S03S “ANY 16 0p 19 $9 SETE MUA ASIA E 8 8 17 € 18 JA 8 "S069So9P "9 UYO 46 98 6 €b 9 66 2 86 66 $ 2! Q le: lA 6 8 "So9P-So6P AU SBS E) P as lo lá Z 8 [A :S06P7808€ “NUDO MAA O OA 9 € F E ¡AS A O O A 'SPpue]s] zapuruay un(a) 9% 8 06 Ter ME MES SAG ta E «6 8 (WA ARE cl "SO8E7S OPE CAMU bo 8 66 Ll 08 ¿hb 6€ 01 5 FG 56 2 DIA OT "SoPE7S006 “NUDO 91 5 MN AA IA ol ES $ £ Co F 9) P ó “puersT Al NU SOEZ ES IS 1 IS | A | CG 66 L 8 IAS S00£78096 “9 1UYO 06 2 S6 LI 6 6 68€ dl GIIA to 9 8 6 OL Ol AT O) 06 2 96 81 6 TP 56 [A (UA 9) 6 6 cr 6 :S0667So8 1 AUD 61 0 86 $6 6l 93 96€ YI Ars Us € L de € MESA! 96 Gl 56 16 Pl PG 90 8 MARA NS A SA "spur]s] sogede¡ee) MA A 66 9 8l 36 $€ 61 MAS A AS A O) “Il 01 "IMbrARno)-PLuoJ Ie) JO ym) ES ME GO HA UM A A AN A A a a a E sl Proy eoO- 19 amour y 86 6 ES UCM 66 16% Ol a MM O Me a E? 0% ASANOJUP A - PASO] Y O AMAIA AS AA NINA A e Ra E e e (Mupeoo] aad sabads ¿UYaJIyo,,) SACO AO NO AA AAA OSA san]eoo7] XAUNT GAMSNIZO TON IHAL ONISA 1 ATIVL NOA VIVA AH LAA LAY YOZOA YH NVATIHO AHL AO AHAVADOADOOZ 1051! 27 reflected by the Kulezinsky-2 index values of locality Q in Table HI. According to the evidences acumulated so far, the Chilean Bryozoan Fauna can be divided into four provinces: a. Chilean: from Arica to Chacao Channel (1895-4295). b. Magellanic: from Chacao Channel to Diego Ramírez islands (42%5-56"30'5). c. Juan Fernández Islands. d. Easter Island. The limit between the Chilean and Magellanic provinces is only approximated, because most of their known Bryozoa are shallow water forms including many littoral ones. Species obtained at deeper waters have proved to be typically Magellanic. This is the reason for considering the Chacao Channel, where the austral archipelagos begin, as the southernmost limit of the Chilean bryozoan province. Probably the actual limit be at a point near 40%S, as suggested by several zoogeographers when discussing the general zoogeography of the Chilean coast (Ekman, 1953; Briggs, 1974). D. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC BRYOZOAN FAUNAS. In the following account these faunas will be featured and compared in a threefold scheme: the taxa, the polymorphism and the zoarial diversity. The taxa: From a taxonomic point of view the Southern Pacific Bryozoan Fauna can be divided into three large groups corresponding to the Australian, Antarctic and South-American elements. a. The Australian area has the largest number of species reaching near 400 in the southern part of the Australian continent (MacGillivray, 1887, 1895); ca. 350 in the northern coasts between the continent and New Guinea, and amounting to 640 between the Philippines and the former (Schopf et al. 1978). This vast area has a number endemic, or nearly so, families such as Eurystomellidae, Euthyrisellidae, Conescharellinidae, Euthyroididae and Parmulariidae. On the other hand the Reteporidae, Adeonidae, Onchoporidae, of Orbituliporidae and Catenicellidae are principally represented there. Families giving a special distinction to this area are the Catenicellidae, Conescharellinidae and Reteporidae. Their species are characterized by very specialized zoaria and high polymorphism values and contribute to a large extent, to the great zoarial diversity of the Western Pacific Bryozoa. The cyclostome Bryozoa are also well represented both fossil and recent (MacGillivray, 1887, 1895). Some genera are seemingly endemic to this area, viz. Favosipora and Densipora. Other specialized forms, e.g. Crisma radians and Desmeplagioecia lneata, make connections with the Antarctic and Subantarctic regions respectively. The Australian Bryozoan Fauna as a whole features corresponding more K-selected species owing to high polymorphism, what means a keen zoecial division of the work at colonial level (Table IV), a higher zoarial diversity (Table V) and an extreme taxonomic diversity of the species compared in number and specializations with other regions of the world. (MacGillivray 1887, 1895; Harmer, 1926, 1933, 1957; Bock, 1982). to Its shows b. The antarctic and subantarctic zones have been carefully characterized by Hastings (1943), Borg (1944), Rogick (1965), Androsova (1968) and Moyano (1975, 1978). Rogick indicated, with some hesitation, the existence of 321 species inside the Antarctic Convergence. Among these, 179 considered endemic (55.94%), being composed of 1 entoproct, 2 ctenostomes, 18 cyclostomes, 89 anascan cheilostomes and 69 ascophoran cheilostomes. To these figures many new species have been added in the last years (Moyano, 1978) causing the endemism to be higher. In fact, along the Antarctic peninsula the endemism varies from 70% to 90% on a basis of 128 species (Moyano, 1978). Taxonomically the Antarctic Bryozoan Fauna is marked by a large number of species belonging to the genera: Amastigia, Beanta, Camptoplites, Notoplites, Cellaria, Chapenella, Cornucopina, Cellarinella, Escharoides, and Smittina. At family level, this fauna is sharply were Table IV POLYMORPHISM OF SOME RECENT PACIFIC CHEILOSTOMATOUS BRYOZOAN FAUNAS Species Faunas number No poly- morphs l or more 2 or more 3 or more polymorphs polymorphs polymorphs Philippine region (Canu € Bassler, 1929). 296 (100%) Indo-pacific area (Harmer, 1926, 1934, 1957). 437 (100%) Antarctic region (Moyano, 1975). 194 (100%) Magellanic region (Moyano, 1982). 134 (100%) Chile, 42%S-18%S (Viviani, 1969; Moyano) 91 (100%) Galapagos islands (Osburn, 1950, 1952, and 1953). 126 (100%) Arctic region (Kluge, 1962). 200 (100%) defined by the Bugulidae, Scrupocellariidae, Flustridae, Cellarinellidae, and Smittinidae. Among these, Cellariidae has the endemic genera Cellanaeforma, Mawsonia and Paracellaria. Cellarinellidae shows only one species —C. dubha Waters— beyond the Antarctic Convergence to the north. The family Reteporidae is fairly well represented with 8 species; in this feature the Antarctic Bryozoa come nearer the Australian fauna where the largest number of reteporids exists. c. The South-American coast from the Galapagos islands to the south shows at least two different bryozoan faunistic components: the more austral is also the more studied one having abouth 200 species (Moyano, 1982), and the northernmost one from ca. 40%S to the Galapagos is beginning to be known. In this study more than 100 species are adscribed to it. The Galapagos Bryozoan Fauna itself comprises 150 species and is closer to the Panamic zoogeographical region, so it shares most of the species with the Gulf of California (Osburn 1950, 1952, 1953, Soule, 1963: Moyano, 1982). The continental shelf from Guayaquil (02%00'5S) to Arica (18%69'5) IS 68 (22.97%) 66 (15.10%) 37 (19.07%) 34 (25.37%) 41 (45.05%) 30 (23.80%) 57 (28.50%) 2 1 228 (77.03%) 52 (17.56%) 3 (2.36%) y r 371 (84.90%) 109 (24.94%) 37 (8.46%) 157 (80.92%) 46 (23.71%) 15 (7.73%) 100 (74.62%) 34 (25.37%) 2 (1.49%) 50 (54.94%) 7 (7.69%) 3 (3.29%) 96 (76.20%) 31 (24.60%) 6 (4.76%) 143 (71.50%) 31 (15.50%) 4 (2.00%) poorly known but itis possible to presume that it has, at least in part, a mixed bryozoan fauna composed of panamic, peruvian and chilean elements. (See Table 1). The polymorphism: "The measure of polymorphism can feature a given Bryozoan Fauna reflecting its evolutive history (Schopf, 1973). This criterium has been used by Schopf to characterize tropical and polar cheilostome faunas. According to this author the defensive polymorphs are increasingly K-selected from the arising of the Cheilostomata up to the present time (Schopf, 1977). On the basis of these ideas, a measure of the polymorphism for Recent and Tertiary Pacific Bryozoan Faunas is presented. Table IV shows that the Indo-Pacific and the Antarctic have the highest values, and Chile has the lowest ones. Highest values seem to be associated with the tropics, being the Antarctic an exception. When considering the polymorphism of the Tertiary Bryozoan Faunas (Table V) it is possible to see that it increases from South-America to Australia, but New Zealand has a larger proportion of species having two or more polymorphs. The = 001 Xtu HH 2? = xeu H q =.H*? (3 US) €l (L+6'b) 8 (66831) 3£ (6L€'9L) +61 (L0L' PL) 131 (39'€3) 09 (L0€'S3) Ip (4000 PS3 (24001) 391 (48P'€) € (L9P 01) 6 (Lbb"L9) 8S (%001) 98 66'P8 £7'€E8 9P€ 96 566 886 pl pl +2z 03€ "syd.1owÁjod 07 07 3J0UI 10 391Y Y DE 63 6 6 "syd1owAjod Z+ GP 3JOU 10 OM] € $ 6 6 "syd1owÁjod 91 Sá 3101 10 3U)) 91 91 L3 LG "syd1owÁod ON 0 0 3 3 19QUINN pl pl sanadg $8 $01 gl V PIeisny :S pue]e9Z MIN 3UNUIÍA Y ASTHAYONATOd VLIVNOLSOTIJHO C68 1 APAMILOPN PIensny ymos 3961 'UMOIF pur]e9Z MAN q V 1161 “6061 F061 nur) a3Unuad y “19qUINU UIIOJ [BLIBOZ “q “13quINuU samadg e [810 1 (9) uuojuodary (9) WIOJmae reo “(4)) WO] H[391U31P) (00) WLIOJLUI"[9IPYISIUON) (n7) wuiozngnun7 (A) WIIOJLIe [nourA (y) tu1Ojruospy “() tULO pue yosg (PA) tuojn3ng (4) w103Ln0sn]a (129) tuojuioda]19) (u]) 3unsn.ouy SAYOA TVIAVOZ NOILOIA OIATO Vd NATH.LAOS AH. AO SVN1VA NVOZOAYHT AYVLLAALL ANOS AO ALISATATO TVIAVOZ ANV IASTHAJONATOd A e) 30 C possible significance of these figures will be discussed later. The zoarial diversity: Stach (1936, 1938) developed a new approach for considering the bryozoan species as a whole within a given faunule. He classified the extant bryozoan colonies in nine zoarial forms, namely: Membraniporiform, Petraliform, Catenicelliform, Eschariform, Reteporiform, Vinculariform, Cellariform, Flustriform, and Lunulitiform, correlating them with particular conditions existing where they grow. He applied this view to estimate the batimetry of Lower Cenozoic formation fossils. From the beginning he stressed the idea of the variability of the zoarial form possessed by certain species, for instance, Caleschara denticulata (MacGillivray) which becomes eschariform in shallow waters of the Southern Australian coast, but it becomes vinculariform from 30-200 fathoms in Bass Strait. The number of zoarial forms has grown from the times of Stach to the present day, but the basic types he described are the more common and easier to identify. In previous works (Moyano, 1978, 1982) the zoarial diversity of both tropical and polar Recent Bryozoan Faunas was calculated. These calculations showed that different values were present, being higher in the Indo-pacific and Antarctic regions. This finding was associated to environmental stability. It was also demonstrated that the highest values of Zoarial diversity correspond to the highest figures of polymorphism. Now, in this work the same ideas have been applied to several bryozoan faunas of the Pacific basin. In Table VI, the main Pacific Bryozoan Faunas from the Arctic to the Antarctic and from the western to the eastern continental shelves are compared in this sense. The zoarial diversity expresed as H/H' max attains the highest values from the Antarctic to the Philippine islands (71%-82,6%), median values from the Magellanic area to the Arctic, and the lowest one for 107 species of the Chilean coast between 18%S to 42%S. This means that there are two different large assemblages around the whole Pacific basin when considering the zoarial types and the probability of finding one of them in studying a given fauna; one Sl includes the tropical Western Pacific plus the Antarctic, and the other the Eastern cold temperate, temperate and tropical Pacific plus the Arctic. If the idea that environmental stability favours higher zoarial diversity values were true, then the Eastern Pacific Bryozoa Faunas would have born a certain degree of environmental uncertainty having been higher than the one affecting the Western Pacific Faunas. This idea can hold true when considering that one of the world areas supposed to have been very unstable during the last million years is the Arctic, where the zoarial diversity attains low values. Then, why the Chilean coast Bryozoan Fauna has the lowest value? One response could be: the incomplete knowledge of its fauna, and the other one supposes this area to have been affected by great environmental unstability during the Tertiary. On the other hand, the Argentinean Tertiary Patagonian Bryozoa exhibit ca. 78% eveness whereas New Zealand has 72.9% and South Australia 83.23% when analyzing the Cheilostomata plus the Cyclostomata. If only the zoarial diversity of the Cheilostomata is analyzed, the Argentinean figure diminishes to 74.58% and the Australian one increases to 84.39%. If the Tertiary Argentinean Bryozoan extended to the present Magellanic region, then, during the Patagonian in the Tertiary period the environmental conditions were different, since the present zoarial diversity values are lower. In the Australian area, the Victorian Tertiary Bryozoa had higher diversity values than those from today, indicating conditions not very different from the Recent ones. Nevertheless, it 1s always necessary to remember that the fossil record has always the danger of being incomplete and then conducing to wrong deductions, if not properly evaluated. From the threefold analysis just finished one aspect seems to emerge: the Western Pacific Bryozoa are marked by high values of polymorphism, zoarial diversity, and taxonomic diversity. This characteristic can be also extended to the Antarctic. Thus,_the Antarctic and the Australian area converge in this sense although being far apart today. This convergence also extends to the family Reteporidae. which has its greater Ho ooo 4__ ___— —_—— _—_—— _—_—— _—_—_—————_——————— L9'8€ 9P€ £006 L9'8€ $6'6£ cO0%P 2679 38'8L 3£'8L 89'38 90€ 3e€ 83 36€ 3€'€ 9F€ 8S'€ £07 661 url 6073 cg ANS 966 LO'IZ 366 988 = DOE E ES = XPu H q =.H* ÁNSADAIP [PLIPOZ + e o + + + + + ooo oo a.._ áí____— —_— —_— — "19qUINU WULIOJ [BLIBOZ “q “19qunu sanadg e [810.1 (29) WOJH|991UI1e) (00) WIOJUI"S1eyosauos) ¿(n7) tuiojpnnun7 (y) tu1ojuoda19y "(9) u10JHue pa) “(A) WLIOJUAR|¡nOULA (y) tUIOyuu0spy (4) WLOpLueyosg “(P4) tuo n3ng (4) WA1OJLOSN]A “(199) wuuoyuoda]pas) (uy) d3unsn.Dug 6 ol pl El ol 9 0 OI ¡0 ol Ol ez pe3 36% 181 051 LO! c61 [66 63€ ebr 95 A A A A A AA A A AAA A AAA A AA A A A A _... 0 + L I 3 € $6 $ Sh 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5% 98 0 0 € € $ 0 0 0) I Ol 6 $ I rá 3 I 0 3 le 13 67 8 Sl 61 Sz Al El Z 61 66 06 ££ +3 Ol pl Sl zl Ol E 8ó 86 El ás rá 0 [ 3 3 I 0 ó sl L al L $ 91 9 + v 0 $ Ol 6 sl 81 61 Hr £l le] 9 + 8 +6 IS 0€ 3 sl 6 l 3 0 0 € Fl el 9 0 L HI $3 -ó 61 € sl 9 0€ L3 07 561 8S?P1 SGSI 601 16 L8 ol! L6 OSI GLI 081 £<61 £961 LL61 '6961 4 1561 6761 -0961 ANOS *EE61 £S61-0€61 IUPIALA, aR61 -OJN *c9b1 PYIN FE6L 9761 191SSsPg “ungqsO 0S61 UNqsO *“unqsO OUPAOJN y XOJN Sl MA | nsny e] ”H nur) EN N 067 PLULO Jero spurIs] S.81-S.3+ mM > uorda. 3u DAY -PASPIY - N obE jo no soBede]»o) 50) API MA -”d-opu] add ud waioj ¡preoz dad sabads jo 19aqunu pue seunej UPOZOALE SUN. IVA NVOZONYA 4 DIA TO Vd HINOS JO ALISHAAIO TVIA VOZ LA Ie SULIO] [PLIBOZ 2 € diversification in both areas; in comparison, the Magellanic area has at most two reteporidan species which reach to 8 in the Antarctic and more than 30 in the Australian area. Although the differences stressed above between the western and easter sides of the Pacific basin, many connections among them can be established when studying their taxa. The physical connecting element providing relatively similar conditions in the Suban- tarctic Pacific area is the West-Wind-Drift. Probably, to its intermission 33 species have a circumaustral or nearly so distribution (Moyano, 1982). Each of the four Chilean bryozoan provinces defined above has some common elements with the Australian area. The Magellanic province has the 33 species already indicated. The Chilean province shares the genera Retevirgula, Heteropora, Opaeophora, Arthropoma, Aspidostoma, Plesiothoa, Crepidacantha, Cryptosula, Ellisna, Escharordes, Hippomenella, Hippopodmella, Inversiula, Osthimosia, Spiroporina, Vittaticella and Bicrisia. The Juan Fernández the following species the Australian area: Arthropoma biseriale (Hincks), Caberea zelandica (Gray), Celleporima costata (MacGillivray), Crepidacantha crimspina has in province also present Levinsen, Chapenella cervicornas (Busk), Hippomenella vellicata (Hutton), Maicroporella lunifera (Haswell), Spiropormma pentagona (d'Orbigny), Smittina maplestone: (MacGillivray) and Smittina purpurea (Hincks). The Easter island province shares with the Australian the genera Escharnma, Cribralaria and Canda. area DISCUSSION The Chilean Bryozoan Fauna is defined by a large amount of encrusting species and low values of zoarial diversity and polymorphism. A close examination of its components and its distribution shows that there is a Magellanic zone, richer in species and having higher polymorphism and zoarial diversity values, and a Northern zone with less species and very small values of the other parameters. The Magellanic area is directly influenced by the West-Wind-Drift waters, and the shelf north to 40% under the regime of the cold Humboldt current which flows north affecting the western South-american coast reaching Guayaquil. This cold flow deflects the superficial isotherms to the north; being that corresponding to 20"C. near the Equatorial Line. Thus the whole Chilean coast is affected by cold waters. Nevertheless, the presence of warmer, more saline and less oxigenated waters running to the south under the Humboldt current is not negligible for their effects acting on pelagic and benthic species under 100 m depth along Central and Northern Chile. This has been tested with mesopelagic fishes (Craddock and Mead, 1970) and itis probalby the explanation of the 33 presence to the latitude of Valparaiso of the tropical bryozoan Bellulopora bellula. If the present oceanographic conditions had been present during the whole Tertiary period or during large part of it, making this area more stable, then the Bryozoan Fauna perhaps would have had polymorphism and zoarial diversity figures similar or near to the present antarctic ones. Fleming (1979) states that during the Neogene, the Chilean Fauna was hit more than other cool temperate regions by thermic and faunistic oscillations causing many Panamic and Indo-pacific elements to arrive from the north during warmer periods, and which were extinct during the cooler ones along the Ice Ages. These facts mean instability and, probably, these are the cause that have featured the extant Chilean Bryozoa, easily detected in its low polymorphism and zoarial diversity. Taxonomically the Chilean Bryozoan Fauna shows traces of the facts depicted above, being composed of Indo-Pacific, Panamic Subantarctic, Antarctic and endemic elements. Some species apparently show an antitropical distribution, viz. Membramipora isabelleana (2 M. uillosa) associated to Macrocystis kelps, as do too M. hyadesi. 1 Nicholson's (1979) view is correct, this species came from the Northern Hemisphere when the genus Macrocysti invaded the Southern Hemisphere. The division of the Chilean Bryozoan Fauna into four provinces, two continental and two insular, results from the data in Tables, 1, Hand HI. This agree with most of the zoogeographical models already proposed for the Chilean Fauna (Ekman, 1953; commented and summarized in Briggs, 1974). The present knowledge does not support Viviani's proposal of dividing continental Chile into four provinces. In the littoral zone (intertidal and upper subtidal) many species —those wich Viviani dealt with— go far south, whereas in the sublittoral below ten meters depth others go far north. The littoral Retevirgula areolata reaches as far as the Guaitecas archipelago (445), whereas the antarctic and subantarctic Inversuula nutrix reaches 3098, and the magellanic Romanchema martiali 368. This fact would support the existence of an intermediate “mixed” province between the Magellanic and the Northern one, composed of a mixing of southern and northern elements. Nevertheless, the study of samples collected below 35 m depth to 200 or more m depth shows that in Central Chile there exists a particular Bryozoan fauna different from the Magellanic one at the same depth. The probability exists that north Valparaíso the same species which have been found between Lebu and Punta Curaumilla may appear at 100-150 m depth. The present-day bryozoan diversity around Australia is substantially higher than in the South-american coast. Polymorphism and zoarial diversity have the highest values in Australia and in the Indo-Pacific region. This feature also characterizes the Antarctic. An interpretation of the latter could be to consider the long and stable isolation of the Antartic being separated from Australia by the circumantarctic current (30-25 Ma; Grant Mackie, 1979), Although the extreme environmental conditions now present in the Antarctic, its persistence for several million years rendered it an stable environment; this probably caused the bryozoan species to be K-selected, what means slow growth, long life as in Cellarinella species forming annual marks that indicated that they have a life span of several years, and the development of very specialized avicularian and vibracularian polymorphs. Australia was drifting to the north while the Antarctic and the water mases around it were progressively cooler, this fact provided it with a more favourable environmental condition than that occurring at that time in the southermost part of South America (Grant Mackie, 1979; Kennet in Knox, 1979). If environmental unstability is one of the factors that induces species to be r-selected and stability to become K-selected (Pianka 1970, in Schoptf, 1977), then the Bryozoan Faunas from the Antarctic to the Philippines would translate an evolutive history having as frame a long environmental stability. On the contrary, the Bryozoan Faunas from the Arctic to Magellanic region are marked by low zoarial diversity and lower values of polymorphism showing a more r-selected set of species indicating a less stable environment in the long term. The closer Tertiary connections between Australia and Antarctica are perhaps still observed in the existence of a relative large amount of reteporidan species. Reteporine species are highly specialized exhibiting an important degree of polymorphism with up to four different types of avicularia. On the other hand, three of the Antarctic Reteporidae belong to the genus Happellozoon, wich is also represented in New Zealand, meaning perhaps, some connections between these islands and the Antartic, at least, in their hydrological conditions during, the early Pliocene to the late early Pleistocene (Knox, 1979). CONCLUSION The present study further shows that: a. The Chilean Bryozoan Fauna comprises 267 species, including 19 Ctenostomata (7.11%), 46 Cyclostomata (17.22%) and 202 Cheilostomata (75.65%). b. Twenty four species and a name are described as new: ba. The Cheilostomata Aplousina gym- nocystica sp. ne Antropora paucicryptocysta sp. n., Arachnopusia areolata sp. n., Cellaria humilis Sp. n., Cribralaria labiodentata sp. n., Escha- rowdes molina: sp. n., Fenestrulina mi- crostoma sp. n., Macroporella areolata sp. n., Opaeophora brown Sp. N., Parasmittina proximoproducta sp. n., Phylactella problematica sp. n., Retevir- gula zoeciulifera sp. n., Schizoporella maulina sp. n., Smittina fragana sp. n., Smittina jacquelinae sp. n., Smittina undulimargo sp. n., Smittima volcanica sp. n., Spiroporina reteporelliformas sp. n. bb. The Cyclostomata Crisia paruinter- nodata sp. n., Desmeplagioecia irregu- laris sp. n., Frondipora masatierrensis sp. Nn., Tubulipora proteica sp. n., Tubulipora tuboangusta sp. n. and Tubulipora tubolata sp. n. bc. The new name Smiítina jullieni n. nom. for the preoccupied Smittia purpurea Jullien, 1888. . From a bryozoogeographical point of view the Chilean fauna is divided into four units or provinces: ca. Magellanac, from Chacao Channel to Diego Ramírez islands (42% -5630'S). cb. Chilean, from Arica to Chacao Channel (ca. 18%S-429S). cc. Juan Fernández, (3338'S; 75%52'W). cd. Easter island, (27%07'S; 109%22'W). . From a taxonomic point of view, in the Eastern South Pacific (Ocean, the families Reteporidae, Vittaticellidae, Adeonidae and Scrupocellariidae are poorly represented in relation to the Australian area, whereas, the Eurysto- 35 mellidae, Euthyrisellidae, Conescharel- linidae, Euthyroididae and Parmula- riidae are altogether absent. e. In the whole Pacific basin plus the adjacent polar areas the polymorphism of the Cheilostomata and the zoarial diversity of all marine living bryozoan orders attain highest values in the western side from the Antarctic to the Philippines, and lowest ones from the Magellanic area to the Arctic. f. The calculated figures of polymorphism and zoarial diversity for the Tertiary Bryozoa from Argentine, New Zealand and South Australia also increase to the west. Nevertheless, the actual zoarial diversity figures of New Zealand being slightly lower than the Argentinean ones. g. On the basis of zoarial diversity and Cheilostomata polymorphism, the Western Pacific plus the Antarctic have a more specialized -that 1s, a more K-selected- Bryozoan Fauna reflecting perhaps a history of greater stability in the long term. The Eastern Pacific, on the contrarv, shows substantially lower values; this implies more generalized or more r-selected bryozoan species extending from the Magellanic region to the Arctic. h. The lowest polymorphism and zoarial diversity figures of the whole Pacific basin belong to the Chilean coast between 18% and 42%S. This could be explained, at least in part, by the great variability of the environmental conditions during a large part of the Tertiary. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is deeply indebted to the institutions and personnel of the Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, whose cooperation and assistance made this work possible: the Chilean Navy; Departaments of Zoology and Oceanology, Universidad de Concepción; Instituto de Fomento Pesquero; Dr. Jorge Artigas, Prof. Fidel Jeldes, Dr. Ariel Gallardo, Prof. Enrique Bay-Schmith, Prof. Andrés Angulo, and the collectors already cited in Materials and Methods. Dr. D. A. Brown of the Australian University, Canberra and Dr. R.E. Wass of the University of Sydney, are particularly thanked for help to resolve systematic problems (D.A.B.) and for sending valuable papers on Australian Bryozoa (R.E.W.). 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Fig. 4: Arachnopusia areolata sp. n. Fig. 5: Cribralaria labiodentata sp. n. Figs. 6, 7: Parasmittina proximoproducta sp. n. Fig. 8: Microporella areolata sp. n. 40 Fig. 9: Fenestrulina microstoma sp. n. mature zooids. Fig. 10: Retewrgula zoecnulifera sp 0 Lugo 11.14: Smittina jacquelinae sp. n. Fig. 11: New zooids at the growing end; Fig. 14: mature zooids. lg. 12: Sehrzoporella marndina sp. nm. Fig. 13: Sivttima volcanica Sp. n. 41 e Figs. 15,16, 17: Cellaria humilis sp. n. Fig. 18: Antropora paucionyptocysta sp. nm. Fig. 19: Phylactella problematica sp. an. Figs. 20, 21: $mittma fragaria sp. n. Fig. 22: Aplousina gymnocystica Sp. 0. 42 Fig. 23: Escharoides molinai sp. n. Figs. 24, 25,26, 27: Spiroporina reteporelliformas sp. n. Fig. 24: frontal zoartal view. Fig. 25 dorsal zoarial view. Fig. 26: frontal and dorsal views of growing up. Fig. 27: transverse section of a branch showing three kenozooidal layers. Figs. 28, 29: Opaeophora brown sp. n. 43 . NL ] : E : . o Figs. 30, 31: Desmeplagivecia irregularis sp. n. Fig. 30: large broken gonozooid. Fig. 31: Two small gonozooids. Figs. 32,33: Pubulipora proterwca sp. n., Fig. 32: ovicelled zoarium; Fig. 33: a gonozooid on a widening lobe. Figs. 34, 35: Tubulipora tubolata sp. n. Tubulipora 45 TITULOS RECIENTEMENTE PUBLICADOS FLORA ARBOREA DE CHILE R. Rodríguez, O. Matthei y M. Quezada. 409 pp., 73 láminas en blanco y negro, 13 acuarelas y 170 dibujos a color. 1983. US$ 65 Ventas y Distribución: Dirección de Investigación, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 119-C, Concepción, Chile CLAVE ILUSTRADA PARA IDENTIFICAR LAS ESPECIES DE NOTHOFAGUS CHILENOS R. Rodríguez. 20 pp., 1981. US$ 5 MANUAL TAXONOMICO DEL FITOPLANCTON DE AGUAS CONTINENTALES CON ESPECIAL REFERENCIA AL FITOPLANCTON DE CHILE Volumen I: CYANOPHYCEAE. O. Parra, M. González, V. Dellarossa, P. Rivera y M. Orellana. 70 pp., 174 figs., 1982. US$ 5 Volumen II: CHRYSOPHYCEAE -— XANTHOPHYCEAE O. Parra, M. González, V. Dellarossa, P. Rivera y M. Orellana. 82 pp., 155 figs., 1982. US$ 5 Volumen III: CRYPTOPHYCEAE -— DINOPHYCEAE -— EUGLENOPHYCEAE O. Parra, M. González, V. Dellarossa, P. Rivera y M. Orellana. 99 pp.. 251 figs., 1982. US$ 5. Volumen IV: BACILLARIOPHYCEAE. P. Rivera, O. Parra, M. González, V. Dellarossa y M. Orellana, 97 pp., 239 figs., 1982. US$ 5. Volumen V: CHLOROPHYCEAE. O. Parra, M. González y V. Dellarossa. Parte l: VOLVOCALES, TETRASPORALES, CHLOROCOCCALES Y ULOTHRICALES pp. 1-151, figs. 1-428, 1983. US$ 5 Parte Il: ZYGNEMATALES pp. 152-353, figs. 429-1286, 1983. US$ 5 Ventas y Distribución: EDITORIAL UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION CASILLA 1557, CONCEPCION, CHILE UNO AIDA A UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION CHILE Deseamos establecer canje con Revistas similares Correspondencia, Biblioteca y Canje: COMISION EDITORA CASILLA 2407 APARTADO 10 CONCEPCION, CHILE EDITORIAL UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION (ES Impreso en los Talleres de 8%) EDITORIAL UNIVERSITARIA