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ae APR IO 1915 Prix : FR. 34.00 9224413,

Leinal Must use

En vente chez V. VERTENEUIL & L. DesmeT, Imprimeurs-Editeurs, 60-62, rue T’Kint, BRUXELLES

Prospectus gratis et franco sur demande.

Direction scientifique : M. P, WyTsMAN, Zoologiste, Quatre-Bras, TERVUEREN (Belgique).



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JN 1840, Westwood (Intvod. Mod. Class. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 420) for this family of Homopterous insects, used the name Cicadidz, which as he stated corresponds with the Czcad@ mannt- feva Linn., the Chanteuses of Latreille, and the Strzdulantia of Burmeister. He did not S, however subdivide the family. In 1843, Amyotand Serville (Hust. Nat. Ins. Hemipt. p. 458) employed the family name Stvidulantes, and these writers may be regarded as the first to really break up

and generically arrange the family so far as material at that time was available for study, They arranged the genera in two Tribes Reticelles and Octicelles, but this grouping does not fallin with the more modern views of classification. In 1850, Walker (List. Hom. Ins. Pt. 1) described a large number of species, many of which were subsequently proved to be synonyms, but he did nothing to revise the classification or to propose a new one. In 1866, Stal (Hem. Afr. Vol. 4) under the family name Sfridu- lantia, gave a « Conspectus geneyum », many of the genera being afterwards (Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1866, and Ann. Soc. Ent. Fy. 1861) more fully described and species allotted to the same. In 1870, Stal (Oe/v. Vet.- Akad. Forh. used the family name Cicadina in his description and enumeration of Philippine Homop- tera. The arrangement here used is one which. I suggested in my Synonymical Catalogue of Homoptera,

Pt. 1, Cicadide, 1906 and which had previously (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.) appeared in sections.

Stridulantes, Latreille, Fam. Nat. Regne An. p. 426 (1825); Amyot & Serville, Hem. p. 458 (1843).

Stridulantia. Burmeister, Handb. Ent.2,1, pp. 102-170 (1835); Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 1 (1866).

Cicadidze. Westwood, Intr. Mod. Class. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 422 (1840); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 1 (1889).

Cicadarize, Packard (nec Latréille), Guide Study Ins. ed. 5, p. 533 (1876).


Characters. The general characters of the Cicadida may be described as follows : Ocelli three in number and placed on the disk of vertex of head; antennz short, inserted close to eyes and composed of seven joints (this includes the two joints of the peduncle or basal joint), the flagellum consists of five joints, and, according to Hansen, on the underside of the first and second joints there is a very large number of sensory organs, and on the last three joints he has found a few of the smaller examples of these organs; head short, broad, and transverse, terminating beneath in an elongated rostrum composed of three joints; thorax large, pronotum short and transverse, with two oblique discal incisures or furows on each side, mesonotum (by some writers referred to as scutellum) very large and terminating posteriorly in a small basal cruciform elevation (which has sometimes been referred to as the metathoracie cross); abdomen consisting of six segments and an anal appendage; anterior femora incrassated and nearly always more or less spinose beneath; tegmina and wings usually hyaline, sometimes opaque, their venation distinct and usually furcate in ramification, but occasionally reticulate. To these characters may be added those given by Hansen, viz. : no empodium; second pair of abdominal spiracles placed in a transverse ventral furrow, looking anteriorly and medianly; third to seventh pairs placed in the sternites, not in the pleura.

The Cicadide possess a distinctive attribute in their loud stridulation, which is however confined to the males. The sound given forth varies in intensity, but is scarcely to be represented as a musical production; it has been differently described by travellers in various parts of the world as resembling a railway-whistle, a knife-grinder, razor-grinder etc., while some field-naturalists maintain that the noise is distributed with the power of a ventriloquist, that it is difficult to locate the insects by their cries; my own experience, both in the Ethiopian and Oriental Regions scarcely confirms this conclu- sion 1). The structure and mechanism of the sound-producing apparatus have been studied and described by a number of entomologists and other naturalists of whom we may mention the names of Réamur, Goureau and Solier, Dugés, Landois, Mayer. Carlet, and John C. Galton. Of these perhaps Carlet has given us the best information, or at all events, the foundation on which others have worked. The sound-producing apparatus is covered beneath by two flaps, which, as pointed out by Westwood, are, in fact, the dilated sides of the metasternum; these have been sometimes incorrectly referred to as « drums », but are really covering-flaps, or as they are usually called, and here alluded to, opercula. These appendages in shape, length, and direction frequently supply the most reliable differentiation for species, and in the Dundubiaria exhibit the most striking variety. The real drums or tympana are laterally situate near the upper surface of the base of the abdomen, and are either concealed by tympanal coverings as 1n the Cicadine, partially concealed as in the Geanine, or completely exposed as in the Tibicinine. The females are provided with a strongly developed ovipositor. by which they are enabled to pierce the branches of trees and there deposit their eggs, which in some cases amount to a very large number.

These insects are victims to many enemies and are apparently defenceless creatures. Among their persecutors may be mentioned species of Mantis (Orthoptera), spiders, dragon-flies, hornets. wasps, Asilide (Diptera), Chalcididee, and many birds; they have also been found to be devoured by Trout (Pisces) both in Japan and New Zealand, and are used as food by some of the primitive races of man- kind. In India a large number are devoured by a lizard (Calotes versicolor).

Their life-histories are still little known, and should prove to be of the most interesting character. One Nearctic species, Tibicina septemdecim, in its immature condition lives beneath the surface

of the ground for a period of some seventeen years; another species. Psalmochavias querula Pall. found

1) [have dealt with this subject at greater lenght in the preface to my Monograph or Oriental Cicazid@ and in my Insecta Transvaaliensia, vol. 1, pp. 168-170.


in the Eastern Paleearetic Region and in India, has been recorded as appearing in swarms at intervals of about six years.

The full synonomy of the Genera and Species will be found in my. Synonymic Catalogue of Homop- tera, Part. r. Cicadide (tg06); I have here reduced it toa smaller compass, but always referring (if

possible) to where a ftgure has been given.


A. Tympanal coverings present. a. Tympanal coverings entirely concealing tympanal ofifices . . . . . . . . Subfam. Cicapine. p-? 1

a’. Tympanal coverings imperfect, more or less exposing ovifices . . . . . Subfam. G#anIne&. /9

Sem N Zp Aa GOUEKILOSICOSC) Ge nen en. ee) to eo), oy Ubtams dirsrennnees

SUBFAM. CICADINA Cicadinze. Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 3 (1889).

Division POLYNEURARIA Polyneuraria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) Vol. 14, p. 293 (1904).

Characters. Lateral margins of the pronotum ampliated and more or less angularly produced. Head (including eyes) about as wide or wider than base of mesonotum, or sometimes little more than two-thirds of its width; costal membrane of tegmina sometimes much arched and dilated. the apical cells usually eight in number, but sometimes smaller in size and much mose numerous; tegmina varying in hue from pale hyaline to dark opaque.

This Division according to present knowledge is confined to the Ethiopian, Oriental and Malayan Regions. A species of the genus Platyplewra has also been recorded from North Australia. Thirteen genera

can be now enumerated.


I. Tegmina with eight apical areas. 1. Head (including eyes) about as wide or wider than base of mesonotum. A. Costal membrane of tegmina not prominently dilated nor arched at base.

a. Head frontally produced, not truncate, above about as long as prono- tum (excluding its posterior margin).

b. Pronotum with its posterior margin only a little less in length than that of tts vertex; its lateral margins medially angulately expanded, the angulay apices reaching to or nearly to the apex (iif eM CAN OF ISUDUE a) 08 a. 6. oh lon po) te op Be r. Genus Iosa.

c. Pronotum with its posterior margin little move than half the length of its vertex ; its lateral margins medially angulately expanded, the angulay apices only veaching to about middle of basal cell of

LOL Cer eee oh ee SS ey A he 1) Bs ah) 2, GENUS ANLUVANSAS


d. Pronotum with its posterior margin not more than half the length 07 its vertex. e. Lateral pronotal margins medially angulately expanded, the angular

apices reaching base of basal cell oftegmina . . . . .


e'. Lateral pronotal margins a little prominent, but not medially angu- lately expanded and not reaching basal cell of tegmina . . . a’. Head not frontally produced, more or less truncate and deflected in front of eves. f. Outer and posterior membranal margin to wings very broad, about OMETMUNIUMNCEV NEN OEM. ws f'. Membranal margin to wings normal, narrow. . B. Costal membrane of tegmina prominently arched at base and dilated, about as wide oy wider than costal area. g. Head frontally produced, not truncate, about as long as pronotum (excluding its posterior margin)

e'. Head not produced, deflected in front of eyes

2. Head (including eyes) only about or little more than two-thirds the width of

base of mesonotum, C. Pronotal lateral margins ampliated or angulated, the angulay apices not oy only reaching base of basal cell of tegmina. h. Costal membrane of tegmina prominently arched at base and dilated. 1. Costal membrane of tegmina much narrower than costal area. i'. Costal membrane of tegmina always as broad or broader than costal avea D. Pronotal lateral margins strongly angulately ampliated, the angular apices reaching the middle or near apex of basal cell of tegmina. h!. Costal membrane not prominently arched at base and only moderately HHT 50 ee oe BS 6 tee eo Il. Tegmina with numerous, always more than eight, apical areas. a. Tegmina semithyaline, only more oy less reticulately veined on apical area; opercula not quite reaching middle of abdomen . . . . . . « . a’. Tegmina opaque, venation on apical half dense and furcate; opercula not

extending beyond basalsegment . . . . . . . .


loba. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 295 (1904).

3. Genus SADAKA.

4. Genus Koma.

5. Genus Munza.


7. Genus YANGA.

8. Genus Koncota.

g. Genus Umyjapa.

10. Genus Pycna.

tr. Genus UGapba.

12. Genus ANGAMIANA.

13. Genus PoLyNeEuRA.

Characters. Head (including eyes) wider than the base of the mesonotum, not truncate

anteriorly, but with the lateral margins of the vertex a little oblique on each side and the front. promi-

nently produced; pronotum transverse, its posterior margin only a little less in length than the vertex,

the lateral margins strongly and angulately produced on each side, the angulations medial, their apices

when the tegmina are expanded reaching near or to about the end of the basal cell; mesonotum about

as long as the pronotum; anterior femora with one or more distinct spines, posterior and sometimes

intermediate tibiz spined on apical areas; metasternum elevated and centrally sulcated; tympana

covered; opercula short, broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching the



posterior coxze; tegmina with the basal cell broad, irregular, with four, or sometimes five, angles; ulnar

veins widely separated at their bases; interior ulnar area somewhat broadened at apex. Type. [. leopardina, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Ethiopian Region.

a. \Vings with base and inner apical margin dark fuscous or black.

1. I. leopardina. East Africa. Pecilopsaltria leopardina, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881\, p. 630; Waterhouse, Aid Ident. Ins. Vol. 2, t. 128, f. 2. . horisontalis. Congo; Mashonaland. Platypleura hortzontalis, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 92, t. 4, f. 20 (1890).

ty NY

3. I. stormsi. Tanganyika Region. Peecilopsaltria stormst, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 37, p. 76 (1893).

a'. \Vings with only the base fuscous or ochraceous.

4. I. veligera. N. E. and E. Africa. Platypleura veligera, Jacobi, Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 19, p. 766, t. 44, f. 1 (1904). Platypleura laticollis, Melichar, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, Vol. 54, p. 25 (1904).

a’. \WWings nearly wholly black.

5. I. limbaticollis. Pl. 1, Figs. la, b. W. Africa. Platypleura limbaticollis, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1), Vol. 3, p. 571 (1863).

Oxypleura limbata, Walker, (ec Fabricius), List. Hom. Vol.1, p. 23 (1850).


Muansa, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 295 (1904).

Characters. Head (including eyes) slightly wider than base of mesonotum, not truncate anteriorly, but frontally produced, about as long as pronotum (excluding its posterior margin); prono- tum transverse, its posterior margin little more than half the length of vertex, the lateral margins strongly and angulately produced, angular apices reaching to about middle of basal cell of tegmina: mesonotum a little longer than pronotum; anterior femora with one or more distinct spines, posterior tibiz with a few slender spines on apical areas; metasternum elevated and centrally sulcated; tympana practically covered; opercula short, broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching

the posterior cox; tegmina with the basal cell broad, ulnar veins well separated at their bases. Type. M. clypealis, Karsch.

Geographical distribution of species. The only species at present recorded is found in the Cameroons and Congo.

1. M. clypealis. Pl. |, Figs. 2b, c. Cameroons; Congo. Plalypleura clypealis, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 93, t. 3, f. 3 (1890).


Sadaka. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 296 (1904).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, not truncate ante-

riorly, but frontally produced, about as long as pronotum (excluding its posterior margin); pronotum


moderately transverse, its posterior margin half the length of vertex, the lateral margins medially angularly produced, angular apices reaching base of basal cell of tegmina; mesonotum about as long as pronotum; anterior femora with one or more distinct spines on under surface; posterior tibiz with a few slender spines on apical areas; metasternum elevated and centrally sulcate; tympana covered; opercula short, broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching the posterior coxa; tegmina with the basal cell short and broad; ulnar veins well separated at their bases.

By the hyaline and non-opaque tegmina and wings this genus resembles the subgen. Oxypleura

(Platypleura\, from wich it is at once separable by the frontally produced head. Type. S. vivescens, Karsch. Geographical distribution of species. At piesent only recorded from West Africa.

a. Tegmina and wings pale hyaline.

I. S. virescens. W. Atrica. Platypleura virescens, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 104, t. 3, f. 5 (1890). 2. S. hyalina. P|. |, Figs. 3a, b. French Guinea.

Sadaka hyalina, Distant, Trans.-Ent. Soc, Lond. (1905), p. 191. a'. ‘egmina and wings with brownish spots and suffusions.

3. S. vadiata. W. Africa. Platypleura vadiata, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 104. t. 4, f. 19 (1890).

4. S. 2dimidiata, W. Africa. Platypleura dimidiata, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. Vol. 19, p. 172 (1893).


Koma. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 296 (1904).

Characters. Head (including eyes) wider than base of mesonotum, not truncate anteriorly, but frontally produced, about as long as pronotum (excluding its posterior margin); pronotum slightly shorter than mesonotum, its posterior margin about half the length of vertex, the lateral margins moderately dilated, slightly angulated, but not reaching basal cell of tegmina; anterior femora with one or more distinct spines on under surface; posterior tibiz with a few slender spines on apical areas; metasternum elevated and centrally sulcate; tympana large; opercula short, broad, in type the margins oblique; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe; tegmina with the basal cell short and broad; ulnar veins

well separated at their bases. Type. K. bomifrons, Karsch.

Geographical distribution of species, \Videly distributed trom Zanzibar to Mashonaland.

1. K. bombifrons. Pl. |, Figs. 4a, b. Zanzibar, Mashonaland. Platypleura bombifrons, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 102, t. 4, f. 14 (1890).


Munza. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 297 (1904).

Characters, Head (including eyes) a little wider than base of mesonotum, subtruncate and

deflected in front of eyes; pronotum transverse, about as long as mesonotum, its posterior margin a



little more than half the length of its vertex, its lateral margins dilated and a little angulated, but not reaching the basal cell of tegmina; anterior femora not spined; posterior tibiz longly spined on their apical halves; metasternum a little elevated and centrally sulcate; tympanal coverings somewhat small; opercula short, broad, their lateral and posterior margins a little oblique and sinuate; rostrum reaching the posterior coxz; tegmina with the basal cell broadened apically; wings with the outer and posterior membrane very broad, about one third their length.

Type. WM. laticlavia, Stal.

Geographical distribution of species. Found in most of the areas of the Ethiopian Region. a. Wings with their basal areas black.

1. VW. laticlavia. Pl. |, Figs. 5a,b. S Platypleura laticlavia, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1858), p. 320. Platypleura penicillata, WWalker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 2 (1858). Pecilopsaltria peringuey!, Dastant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9, p. 314 (1892).

. Africa, Damaraland.

2. M. trimeni. S. Africa, Bushman Land.

Pectlopsaltria trimeni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9, p. 313 (1892). 3. M. furva. Pecilopsaliria furva, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 19, p.126(1897). Munza furva, Distant, Ins. Transvaal, Vol. 1, p. 171, t. 17, f. 2a, 6 (1906). Munza oculata, Jacobi, Sjéstedt, Kilimanj. Exped. Hom. t. 1, f. 2 (1910); ibidem. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. (1910), p. 300.

Transvaal,German, E. Airi- ca, S. Congo.

a’. Wings with their basal areas ochraceous or brownish-ochraceous.

4. M. basimacula. S. & Centr. Africa, Congo.

Platypleura basimacula, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 10 (1850). Platypleuva reducta, Walker, ibidem, p. 11 (1850). Munza basimacula, Distant, Ins. Transvaal.Vol, 1, p.171, t.17, f. 3a,b (1906). Munza pygmea, Jacobi, Sjéstedt, Kilimanj. Exped. Hom. t. 1, f. 3 (1910); ibidem, Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. (1910), p. 3or. ; 5. M. revoilz. Somaliland. Munza vevoili, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905). p.192,t. 11, f. 5a,b.


Platypleura. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 465 (1843). Subgen. Oxypleura. Amyot & Serville, ibidem, p. 469 (1843). Subgen. Peecilopsaltria. Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 2 (1866).

Characters. Body robust. somewhat short; abdomen in male about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; head broad, truncate anteriorly, including eyes a little or scarcely broader than base of mesonotum, ocelli about twice and sometimes thrice the distance from eyes as from each other, face moderately convex not prominent above; pronotum with the lateral margins ampliated or laminately medially angulate; anterior femora not prominently spined; meta- sternum with a central elevated plate-like process, which is centrally sulcated and posteriorly somewhat sinuately truncate; tympana practically concealed by the tympanal flaps or coverings; opercula in male short, broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; tegmina and wings either hyaline or more or less opaquely coloured, tegmina with the basal cell a little longer than broad. the costal membrane only moderately dilated or arched at base, apical areas eight in number.

Oxypleura, Amyot & Serville, merely includes species with hyaline non-opaque tegmina and wings: Pecilopsaltyia, Stal was regarded as distinct from Platyfleura by the slightly greater width of the head


including eyes; this form being more dominant in the Oriental Region, while the character of typical

Platypleuva is a marked feature in the Ethiopian species.

Type. Genus Platypleura P. strvidula, Linneeus; subgen. Oxypleura O. clava, Amyot &

Serville; subgen. Pacilopsaltria—P. octoguttata, Fabricius.

Geographical distribution of species. Ethiopian, Oriental, Malayan and Eastern Paleartic Regions. Goding and Froggatt have described a species (which I have not seen) from Northern Australia as belonging to Platypleuva. They however describe it as similar to the Madagascar species P. guttula, Signoret, which I place in my genus Yanga.

A. Tegmina and wings hyaline (Oxypleuva, Amyot & Serville). a. Tegmina and wings immaculate, or in a few cases slightly spotted.

b, Pronotum very wide, the lateral angles prominent and acute.

1. P. quadraticollis. Lake N’Gami, Transvaal. Platypleura quadraticollis, Butler, Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 194 (1874); Distant, Ins. Transvaal, p. 172, t. 17, f. 9a,b (1906). 2. P. bufo. Brit. India. Oxypleura bufo, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 27 (1850). Peecilopsaltria bufo, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 5, t. 8, f. 20a,b (1889). Platypleura bufo, Distant, Faun. Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 59 (1906).

b'. Pronotum of ordinary width, the lateral angles acutely spinous.

3. P. spicata. Madagascar. Platypleura spicata, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 192.

b''. Pronotum of ordinary width, the lateral angles acute but not spinous.

4. P.. clara. W. Africa, Nubia. Oxypleura clara, Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém, p. 469 (1843). Oxypleura passa, Walker, List. Hom, Vol. 1, p. 28 (1850). Oxypleura basistigma, Walker, ibidem, p. 30. . P. polydorus. Pl. |, Figs. 6a, b. W.E.& S. Africa. Oxypleura polydorus, Walker, List Hom, Vol. 1, p. 32 (1850). Platypleuva polydorus, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 23 (1866). 6. P. brevis. W.E.&S. Africa. Platypleura brevis, Walker, List Hom. Vol.1,p.19 (1850); Dist. Ins. Transv. Volhan, p. 172. 't. 17, f. 4a,b)(1906). Platypleura simplex, Walker, loc. cit. p. 22. Cicada neurosticta, Schaum, Ber. Akad. Berl. (1853), p. 359: Peters. Keise nach Mossamb. Ins. p. 55, t. 2, f. 12 (1862). Oxypleura sobrina, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh. (1855), p. 89. Oxypleura patruelis, Stal, ibidem, p. 90.


7. P. niveonotata. Lake N’Gami. Platypleura (Oxypleura) niveonotata, Butler, Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 197 (1874).

8. P. hyaloptera, Senegal. Platypleura hyaloptera, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 20 (1866).

g. P. centralis. Mashonaland. Platypleura centralis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6),Vol.19, p. 128 (1897).

to. P. canescens. Malay Archipelago.

Oxypleura canescens, Walker, Journ. Linn, Soc. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 83 (1867). Platypleura (Oxypleura) acutipennis, Butler, Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 195 (1874). Peecilopsaltria canescens, Distant Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 6,t. 8, f.18,) (1889).

t1. P. calypso. Christmas Island. Oxypleura calypso, Kirby, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond, (1888), p. 553. Pecilopsaltria calypso, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad.p. 6, t. 10, f. 3a. (1889).

12. P. lineatella. Sunda Islands. Platypleuva lineatella, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 668 (1905).


13. P. longula.

Platypleura longula, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 332 (1904). 14. P. atkinsont.

Platypleura atkinsoni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol.9, p. 181 (1912).

P. cervina.

Platypleura cervina, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 16 (1850)

Plaiypleura straminea, Walker, ibidem, p. 17 (1850).

Pectlopsaltria cervina, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 8,t. 5,f. 12@,6 (1889). 16. P. polita. Oxypleura polita, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 29 (1850). Pecilopsaltria polita, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 7, t. 1, f. 16a,b (1889). Platypleura polita, Distant, Faun. Brit. Ind. Rhynch, Vol. 3, p. 61, f. 33 (1906).


a’. Tegmina and wings with their bases narrowly infuscate.

17. P. truncaticeps. Oxypleura truncaticeps, Signoret, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6), Vol 4, p. 57 (1884). 18. P. attenuata. Platypleuva attenuata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (7), Vol. 16, p. 554 (1905). 19. P. plagiata. Platypleura plagiata, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 105, t. 3, f. 9 (1890). 20. P. esa. Platypleuva esa, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 194. 21. P. testacea. Zammara testacea, Walker, Ins.Saund., Homopt. p. 4 (1858). 22. P. mackinnont. Platypleura mackinnoni, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 667, t. 29, f. 14,b.

B. Tegmina semiopaque, or at least opaquely coloured on basal area.

c. Wings semiopaque, opaquely coloured on basal area.

23. P. rutherfordi. Platypleura Rutherford, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 11, p. 173, t. 12, f. D (1883). Platypleura circumscripta, Jacobi, Sjéstedt, Kilimand. Exped. Hom. t. 1, f. 12 (1910); Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. (1910), p 299. 24. P. contracta. Oxypleura contracta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 31 (1850). Platypleura limpida, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 97, t. 4, f. 13 (1890). Oxypleura basalis, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (1891), p. 471. 25. P. stvumosa. : Tettigonia styumosa, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 34. 7 (1803). afzell. Platypleura afzelir, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Ak. Forh. (1854), p. 241. Platypleura strumosa, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 19 (1866) (zec Hem. Fabr. Vol. 2, p. 3, 1869) ; Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 11, p. 172 t 2, f. © (1883). Platypleura @rea, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 632. 27. P. lindiana. Platypleura lindiana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 668 (1905). 28. P. marshalli. Peecilopsaltria Marshalli, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 19, p. 127 (1897); Ins. Transv. Vol. 1, p. 172, t. 17, f. 7a-b (1906).


2g. P. bettont.

Platypleura Bettont, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 334 (1904). 30. P. severiit.

Peesilopsaltria severini, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 37, p. 76 (1893).

Delagoa Bay. Tenasserim.


Brit. India.

Nigeria. N. Nigeria.

E. Africa.

Somaliland. Muscat.


W. & Centr. Africa.

W. Africa.

W. Africa.

W. Africa.

Brit. E. Africa.

Mashonaland; Zambesi ;


Zanzibar, Brit. E. Africa.



31. P. basialba.

Oxypleura bastalba, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 26 (1850).

Pecilopsaltria basialba, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.g, t. 8, f. 194,/ (1889). . 32. P. nobilis.

Cicada nobilis, Germar, in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol. 2 (2), p. 2 (1830).

Cicada hemiptera, Guérin, Voy. Bélang. Ind. p. 500 (1834).

Platypleura semilucida, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 20 (1850).

Platypleura gemina, Walker, ibidem, p. 21 (1850). : Platypleura nobilis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 21, t. 1, f. 13@,b (189). 33. P. insignis.

Platypleura insignis, Distant, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. Vol. 48, p. 39. t. 2, f. 2 (1879).



34. P. badia.

6 “.

35. P. ridleyana. Platypleura Ridleyana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 670 (1905). 36. P. kempferi. Tettigonia kempferi, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Vol. 4, p. 23, 25 (1794). Platypleura kempfert, Distant, Mon. Orient, Cicad. p. 20, t. 1, f. 14@,) (1889). Platypleura hyalino-limbata, Signoret, Bull. Soc, Ent. Fr. (6), Vol. 1. p. 42 (1881). Platypleura fuscangulis, Butler, Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 189 (1874). 37. P. octoguttata, Tettigonia octoguttata, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 515, 22-23 (1798); Coqueb. Ill. Icon, Ins. Vol. 1, p. 34, t. 9, f. 1 (1799). Oxypleura sanguiflua, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 24 (1850). 38. P. capitata. Cicada capitata, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 754, 34, t, 112, f. 10 (1790). Oxypleura subrufa, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 25 (1850); Stoll, Cig. f. 103. hampsont. Pecilopsaltria Hampsoni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p. 226 (1887); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 11, t. 1, f. 8a,b (1889).

Platypleura badia, Distant, Ann. Mus, Civ. Gen, (2a), Vol. 6, p. 453, t. 4. 15 6a.b (1888).

\Vings opaque, or with only the outer margins hyaline,

Sie), 12%

40. P. assamensis. Platypleura assamensis, Alkinson, Journ, Asiat. Soc. Beng. Vol. 53, p. 212 (1884). Platypleura repanda, vay. assamensis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 20, t. 1, f, 11a, (1889). 41. P. celebs. Platypleura celebs, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (3), Vol. 1, p. 573 (1863). Pecilopsaltria celebs, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 12, t.1,f. 124,b (1889). 42. P. affinis. 7 Tettigonia afinis, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. Vol. 22, p. 37 (1803). . Platypleura nicobarica, Butler, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), Vol. 19, p. 311 (1877).

Peectlopsaltria nicobarica, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 12, f. 3a, (1889). var. Platypleura distincta, Atkinson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. Vol. 53, p. 233 (1885).

43. P. fulvigera. Platypleura fulvigera, Walker, List Hom, Vol. 1, p. 9 (1850); Waterh. Aid

i Ident. Ins. Vol. 2, t. 152, f. 6.

44. P. watsont. Pecilopsaltria Watsoni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol 20, p. 18 (1897); Faun. Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 63, f. 34 (1906).

45. P. bast-viridis.

Platypleura bast-viridis, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 18 (1850).

Peecilopsaltria basi-viridis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 8,t. 9, f. 62,0 (1889).

Brit. India.

India; Sumatra; Java.

Burma; Tenasserim.


Malacca; Borneo.

China, Japan, Borneo ?

India, Ceylon.

India, Ceylon. Nilgiri Hills.


India, China.

. ahd

Nicobar Islands.

Philippine, Islands, Cele- bes.

Burma, Tenasserim.



46. P. sphinx. India. Platypleura sphinx, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 13 (1850). Pecilopsaliria sphinx, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 13, t. 8, f. 16a,6,¢ (188q). 47. P. arminops. Siam. Platypleura arminops, Noualhier, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, p. 253 (1896); Noualhier and Martin, Miss. Pavie, p. 178, t. 11, f. 1, 2 (1904). 48. P. hayvmandt. Cochin China. Platypleura Harmandt, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 670 (1905). C. Tegmina and wings opaque, or nearly totally opaquely coloured. 49. P. westwoodt. Ceylon. Platypleuva westwoodi, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (3), Vol. 1, p. 571 (1863). Pecilopsaliria westwoodt, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 15,t. 1, f. 18a,b (1889). So. P. mira. Laos. Platypleura mira, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol, 14, p. 333 (1904) ; Vol. 14, p. 669 (1905). 51. P. halpa. China, Tongkin. Platypleura hilpa, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 6 (1850). Platypleura fenestrata, Uhler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. (1861), p. 282. Pecilopsaltria hilpa, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p.15,t. 1, f. 6@,b (1889).

52. P. semusta. China. Pecilopsaliria semusta, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p. 227 (1887); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 14, t. 1, f. 10a,b (1889). 53. P. ciliaris. Cochin China, Malayan Ar-

Cicada ciliaris, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, Vol. 1, p. 436, 12 (1758). chipelago. Cicada ocellata, De Geer, Mém. Vol. 3, p. 220, t. 33, ff. 2, 3 (1773). Cicada varia, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 756 (1790). Tettigonia marmorata, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 38 (1803). Platypleura arcuata, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 1 (1858). Platypleura catocaloides,Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. 10, p.82(1867). Pecilopsaltria ciliaris, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 16, t. 1, f. 4a,b(1889); Stoll. Cig. f. 147. 54. P. andamana. Andaman Islands. Platypleura andamana, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1878), p. 174. Platypleura roepstorfri, Atkinson, Journ. Asiat.Soc. Beng. Vol. 53,p.214 (1885). Pectlopsaltria andamana, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 17,t.1, f.9@.6(1889).

55. P. laticeps. Senegal.

Platypleura laticeps, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 98, t. 4, f. 22 (1890).

56. P. seraphina. French Guinea. Platypleura sevaphina, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 193.

57. P. melania. Nigeria. Congo. Platypleura melania, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p.334(1904).

58. P. stridula. S. Africa.

Cicada stridula, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, Vol. 1, p. 436 (1758). Cicada catenata, Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. Vol. 2, p. 69, t. 37, f. 2 (1773). Cicada nigro-linea, De Geer, Mém. Vol. 3, p. 219, t. 33, f. 1 (1783); Stoll, Cig. f. 15. vay. Cicada capensis, Linneus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 158, 5 (1764). Cicada styidula, Blanchard, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hém. p. 165 (1840). Platypleura stridula, var, b. Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 13 (1866). . murychisont. Transvaal. Platypleura Murchisoni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 660 (1905); Ins. Transv. Vol. 1, p. 173, t. 17, f. 14a,6 (1906).

On Ne) U

60. P. adouma. Congo. Platypleuva adouma, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc.Lond. (1904),p.668, t. 29, f. 2a,). 61. P. hirtipennis. S. Africa.

Cicada hirtipenuts, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 80, t. 25 (1834). Platypleura capensis, Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hem. p. 466, (1843), excl. syn. Platypleura chloronata, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 8 (1850).






“I N



me) tae} a} a)


. divisa.

Cicada divisa, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 80, t. 23 (1834).

. makaga.

Platypleura makaga,Distant,Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904),p.668,t.29, f. 4a,/.

. liberviana.

Platypleura liberiana, Distant, Entomologist (1912), p. 200.

. plumosa.

Cicada plumosa, Germar in Silbermann, Rev, Ent. Vol. 2, p. 81, t. 26(1834). Platypleura hirtipennis, var. a, Stal, Hém. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 16 (1866). Platypleura ciliaris, Butler (part.) Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 185 (1874).

. hirta.

Platypleura hirta, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 100, t. 4, f. 16 (1890).

. wahlbergi.

Platypleura wahlbergi, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh. (1885), p. So.

. albigera.

Platypleura albigera, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 12 (1850). Platypleura membranacea, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 92, t. 3, f, 10 (1890).

. haglundt.

Platypleura Haglundi, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 14 (1866) ; Dist. Ins. Transv. Vol. 1, p. 173, t. 17, f. 6 (1906).

. signifera.

Platypleura signifera, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 7 (1850); Waterh. Aid Tdenteelnss Vole 2: ity 152. 4.5:

. decova.

Cicada decora, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2. p. 79, t. 24 (1834), excl. syn.

Platypleura deusta, Stal (part.) Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 17 (1866).

Platypleura absimilis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 19, p. 128(1897).

. deusta,

Tettigonia deusta, Thunberg, Hem. Rostr. Cap. Vol. 1, p. 6 (1822). Platypleura deusta, Distant, Ins. Transv. Vol. 1, p. 174, t. 17, f. 11 (1906).

The following species I have not seen.

. ?teppert. Platypleura tepperit, Godding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, p. 568, t. 18, f. 5a (1904). . carlinit.

Platypleura testacea, Carlini, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (2), Vol. 12, p- 537 /1892) (nom. proaeocc. Walker).

Platypleura carlinii, Distant,n. nom. Syn. Cat. Hom, Pt. 1, Cicad. p. 17 (1906).


Yanga. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 297 (1904).

S. Africa. Congo. Liberia.

S. Africa.


. Africa.


S. Africa.

S. Africa.

S. Africa, Transvaal.

S. Africa.

Sa Aumicas

North Australia.


Characters. Head (including eyes) as wide or a little wider than base of mesonotum, not

truncate anteriorly, but with the lateral margins of the vertex a little oblique on each side, the front

produced, about as long as the pronotum (excluding its posterior margin); pronotum transverse, its

posterior margin about half the length of vertex, the lateral margins strongly and angulately produced on each side, their apices extending to a little more than the base of basal cell of tegmina; mesonotum a little longer than pronotum; anterior femora with a basal and subapical spinous tubercle; posterior

tibize with a few spines on apical area; metasternum elevated ard centrally sulcate; tympanal coverings


moderate in size; opercula short and broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching the posterior coxee; tegmina with the. costal membrane much arched at base and dilated, about as broad or broader than the costal area, basal cell short and broad, ulnar veins widely separated at

their bases. Type. Y. hova, Distant. Geographical distribution of species. Eastern Ethiopian Region.

A. Tegmina and wings opaque.

a. Wings piceous or piceous-brown.

1. Y. antiopa. Madagascar. Platypleura antiopa, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 88, t. 3, f. 2 (1890). 2. Y. andriana. Madagascar. Platypleura andyiana, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 476, t. 16, f.2 (1899). 3. Y. pembana. Pemba Island.

Platypleura pembana, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1899), p. 477: 4. Y. seychellensis, nov. spec. r).

b. \Wings ochraceous, more or less shaded with piceous-brown.

5. Y. guttulata. Madagascar, Nossi Bé, Platypleura guttulata, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (3), Vol. 8, p. 178, t. 4, f. 1 (1860). 6. Y. grandidiert. Madagascar. Yanga grandidieri, Distant, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 195, t. 11, f. 34,0 7. Y. bouviert. Madagascar. Yanga bouviert, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 194, t. 11, f. 2a,b. 8. Y. handlirschi. Madagascar. Pecilopsaltria Handlirschi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 19. p. 282 (1897).

c. Wings piceous, with their margins white.

g. Y. heatht. Madagascar. Platypleura Heathi, Distant. Vrans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1899), p. 475, t. 16, Vie, Se d. \Wings piceous, their apical areas more or less white. 10. Y. hova. Madagascar.

Pecilopsaltria hova, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1901), p. 591, t. 16, f. 2.

1) Yanga seychellensis, nov. spec. o. Head pronotum and mesonotum obscure ochraceous or brownish-ocliraceous; head with lateral lines to front and a transverse spot above the insertion of antenne, vertex with the area ot the ocelli, a slightly curved transverse spot before eves, four basal spots (those near the eyes largest), pronotum with the anterior margin, the fissures and two small central spots before base, mesonotum with two obconical spots on anterior margin, a larger spot on each side, and a rounded spot near each anterior angle of the basal cruciform elevation, black; abdo- men above black, somewhat thickly greyishly pilose, the head and thorax more sparingly pilose; face ochraceous, clypeus and cheeks black. thickly greyishly pilose; sternum and legs ochraceous; abdomen piceous, greyishly pilose; tegmina pale obscure olivaceous, the veins ochraceous, all the cellular areas more or less streaked or suffused wish black or piceous, the whole area greyishly pilose, but from about base to middle the pile, especialy near the veins is long and white, the basal half thus contrasting in colour with the apical half; wings black, the veins testaceous-red, the posterior membrane trans- versely paler near anal angle ; costal membrane of tegmina prominently arched at base and dilated, about as wide or a little wider than costal area; head fiontally produced, not truncate, almost as long as pronotum; face transversely striate; rostrum slightly passing the posterior coxe; opercula short outwardly and posteriorly convex, slightly overlapping between the posterior coxz, posterior tibiz with three spines on inner and two spines on outer margins.

@. The basal whitish area to the tegmina a little less pronounced than in the G, but in both sexes on the under surface of the tegmina, the whitish area above is replaced by testaceous-red beneath.

Long. excl. tegm. Go, 24 millim.; 9, 27 millim. Exp. tegm. G, 84 millim.; Q, o2 millim

Hab. Seychelles Islds. ; Mahe (Brit. Mus.).

Allied to Y. pembana, Dist.


tr. Y. brancsiki. Pl. 1, Figs. 7a, b. Nossi Bé.

Pecilopsaliria brancsiki, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 11, p. 52 (1893); Brancsik, Jahr. Nat. Ver. Trencs. Kom, p. 251 (1893).

B. Tegmina and wings hyaline.

12. Y. pulverea. Madagascar. Platypleura pulverea, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1882), p. 335, t. 15, te Me a,b var. Platypleura argyrea, Melichar,Wien. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 15, p. 108, pl. 1 (18a6).


Kongota. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 298 (1904).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, anteriorly subtrun- cate, deflected in front of eyes; pronotum transverse, its posterior margin about half the lenght of its vertex, the lateral margins ampliately and subangulately produced, their apices extending to about the base of basal cell of tegmina; mesonotum about as long as pronotum; anterior femora basally and subapically tuberculously spinous; posterior tibia with a few spines on apical area; metasternum elevated and centrally sulcate; tympanal coverings moderate in size; opercula short and broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe; tegmina with the costal membrane much arched at base and dilated, broader than the costal area, basal cell very broad;

ulnar veins widely separated at their bases.

Type. K. punctigera, \Walker.

Geographical distribution of species, S. E:. Africa. 1. K. punctigera. Pl. |, Figs. 8a, b. Natal.

Platypleura punctigera, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 14 (1850). Platypleura subfolia, Walker, ibidem, }. 15 (1850).

2. K. muiri. Natal. Kongota Muiri, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 671 (1905).


Umjaba. Distant, Ann. Mag Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 298 (1904).

Characters. Head (including eyes) only about two thirds the width of base of mesonotum, not truncate anteriorly, but obliquely deflected in front of eyes; pronotum transverse, its posterior margin about half the length of its vertex, the lateral margins ampliated, a little angulated anteriorly and posteriorly, but not medially, and not reaching base of basal cell of tegmina; mesonotum slightly longer than pronotum; anterior femora tuberculously angulated near base and apex; posterior tibice with a few spines on their apical areas; metasternum elevated and centrally suleate; tympanal cove- tings broad; opercula short, broad. their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum just passing the posterior cox; tegmina with the costal membrane much arched at base, but very much narrower than the costal area which is broadly dilated, basal cell very broad, ulnar veins widely separated

at their bases.

Type. U. evanescens, Butler.

| i


Geographical distribution of species. Madagascar.

1. U. evanescens. Pl. |, Figs. Qa, b. Madagascar. Platypleura evanescens, Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 9, p. 359 (1882). 2. U. alluaudt. Madagascar.

Umjaba alluaudi, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 196, t. 11, f. 14,0.


Pyena. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hem. p. 463 (1843).

Characters. Head (including eyes) only about two-thirds the width of base of mesonotum, not truncate anteriorly, but obliquely deflected in front of eyes; pronotum transverse, the posterior margin about half the length of its vertex, the lateral margins ampliated, but not angulated, and scarcely extending over the base of tegmina; mesonotum about as long as pronotum; anterior femora tuber- culously angulated near base and apex, posterior tibiz spinous on apical area; metasternum a little elevated and centrally sulcate; tympana well covered; abdomen short and robust; opercula short, very broad, their apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe; tegmina with the costal membrane much arched at base, dilated, and always as broad or very much broader than the

costal area; basal cell very broad; ulnar veins widely separated at their bases. Type. P. strvix, Brullé.

Geographical distribution of species. Ethiopian and Oriental Regions; also found in China,

A. Tegmina and wings opaque.

tie 2, SUE Madagascar. Cicada stryx, Brullé, Regn. Anim. t. 95, f. 1 (18362). Pycna strix, Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hem. p. 463 (1843).

LS) ae

madagascariensis. ; Madagascar. Platypleura madagascariensis, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1879), p. 217, t3 55 9.94% vay. Platypleura angusta, Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 9, p. 389 (1882). 3. P. gigas. Madagascar. Platyplewa gigas, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p.107,t. 3, f. 4, 4a. Platypleura rudis, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p.98,t.4,f.21 (1890).

B. Tegmina semiopaque; wings excluding outer margins opaque.

4. P. vepanda. India, Burma. Cicada vepanda, Linneus, Syst. Nat. Vol. 1 (2), p. 707, 17 (1767). Platypleura phalenoides, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 4 (1850). Platypleura interna, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 4, p. 1119 (1852). 5. P. celestia. Pl. 2, Figs. Qa, b, c. China. Pycua celestia, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 335 (1904).

C. Tegmina and wings with their apical areas semihyaline.

6. P. semiclara. S. Africa, Transvaal, Zulu- Cicada semiclaya, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 82 (1834). land, Natal, Cape Colony. Platypleura bastfolia, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 15 (1850); Stal, Oefv. : Vet.-Ak. Forh. (1862), p. 480. Pycna semiclava, Distant, Ins. Transv. Vol. 1, p. 174, t. 17, f. 5 (1906). 7. P. sylvia. Transvaal. Platypleura sylvia, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 3, p. 81 (1899). Pycna sylvia, Distant, Ins. ‘Iransv. Vol. 1, p. 175, t. 17, f. 12 (1906).

16 HOMOPTERA 8. P. hecuba. ; E. Africa, Uganda. Pyena hecuba, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 670, t. 29, f. 64.b. Platypleura graueri, Melichar, Act. Soc Ent. Boheman (1908), p. 59, f. 2. g. P. neaver. Nyasaland. Pycna neavet, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 640 (1912). 10. P. elliottt. B. E. Africa. : Pycna elliotti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 20, p. 425 (1907) 11. P. tanga. Germ. E. Africa, Beira, Platypleura (Pycna) tanga, Strand, Ent. Rundsch. (1910), p. 158. Transvaal. 12. P. natalensis Natal. Pycna natalensis, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.(1905), p. 197, t- 11, f. qa,. 13. P. quanza. Angola, Abyssinia. Platypleurva quanza, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1899), p. 476, t. 16. f. 3. 14. P. vitticollis. N. E. Africa, Hauasch. Platypleura vitticollis, Jacobi, Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 19, p. 767, t. 44, ff. 2, 2a (1904). 15. P. antinori. Abyssinia. Platypleura antinorsi, Lethierry, Ann. Mus, Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol.16, p. 296 (1880); Jacobi, Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 19, p. 765, f. A (1904). 16. P. beccari. Somaliland. Platypleura beccarti, Lethierry, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 16, p. 297 (1881). 11. GENUS UGADA, DISTANT Ugada. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 299 (1904). Characters. Head (including eves) only about two thirds the width of base of mesonotum,

not truncate anteriorly, but obliquely deflected in front of eyes; pronotum transverse, the postetior

margin a little more than half the length of its vertex, the lateral margins strongly ampliated and medially

angulated, their apices reaching to middle or near end of basal cell of tegmina; mesonotum about as

long as pronotum; anterior femora tuberculately angulate near apex. posterior tibize spined on apical

area; metasternum elevated and centrally sulcate ; tympana well covered; opercula short and broad, their

apices more or less convexly rounded; rostrum reaching or passing the posterior coxe; tegmina with

the costal membrane not prominently arched at base, only moderately dilated, basal cell moderately

short and broad; ulnar veins widely separated at their apices.

Type. U. limbata, Fabricius. Geographical distribution of species. Ethiopian Region.

A. Lateral angles to pronotum very prominent and strongly acute.

1. U. limbata.

Tettigonia limbata, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 678, 3 (1775).

Cicada armata, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 748 (1790).

Cicada africana, Palisot de Beauvois, Ins. p. 132; Hem. t. 20, ff. 3, 4 (1805) ; Stoll, Cig. f. 04.

2. U. mit. Pl. 2, Figs. | la, b,c.

Ugada Nutt’, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 336 (1904).

B. Lateral angles to pronotum moderately prominent and acute.

3. U. grandicollis.

Cicada granetcollis (err. impr.), Germar, in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol. 2 (2), p. I (1830).

Platypleura cameront, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (1876), p. 679.

Platypleura confusa, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 95, t. 3, f. 11 (1890) ; Stoll, Cig. f. 57.

W. Africa.


W. Africa.


4. U. stalina. W. Africa. Platypleura stalina, Butler, Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 193 (1874). 5. U. limbalis. E. Africa. Platypleura limbalis, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 96, t. 3. f. 8 (1890). 6. U. precellens. W. Africa.

Plaivpleura precellens, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1863), p. 572. Ugada precellens, Distant, ibidem (1904), p. 669, t. 29, f. 5. 7. U. mquinata. Nyasaland. Platypleuya inguinata, Distant, Trans. Ent.Soc. Lond. (1881), p.631; Waterh.

Aid Ident. Ins. Vol. 2, t. 128, f. 3.

. tevina. W. Africa. : Cicada tigrina, Palisot de Beauvois, Ins. p. 133, Hém. t. 20, f. 6 (1805).

g. U. limbimacula. W. Africa.

Platypleura limbimacula, Karsch, Ent. Nachricht. Vol. 19, p. 170 (1893).


i) onl {


Angamiana. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 5, p. 234 (1890).

Characters. Head small, including eyes much narrower than pronotum and narrower than base of mesonotum, ocelli much wider apart from eyes than from each other, front much depressed ; pronotum longer than mesonotum, its lateral dnd posterior margins very broad, the first strongly ampliated and obscurely angulated; abdomen longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, above with its lateral areas oblique; tympanal orificies completely covered; oper- cula broad, obtusely angulated, not reaching the middle of abdomen; tegmina semihyaline, with the apical third more or less reticulately veined, the apical areas numerous, generally twelve or thirteen in

number. Type. A. etherea, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. India, Tonkin.

1. A. atherea. India. Angamiana @therea, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 5, p. 235 (1890); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 100, t. 13, f. 14,b (1892).

2. A. floridula. P|. 2, Figs. | 2a, b, c. China and Tonkin frontier. Angamiana flovidula, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 299 (1904).


Polyneura. Westwood, Arcan. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 92 (1842).

Characters. Head including eyes about as wide as base of mesonotum, but narrower than pronotum, ocelli further apart from eyes than from each orther, front obliquely depressed; pronotum longer than mesonotum, its lateral margins ampliated and medially shortly angulate; abdomen longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal orificies completely covered; opercula short and broad; meso- and metasterna centrally sulcate; tegmina opaque with the

venation dense and furcate, reticulate towards apex, all the areas numerous and ill-defined.

Type. P. ducalis, Westwood.


Geographical distribution of species. Oriental Region.

1. P. ducalis. P|. 2, Figs. | 3a, b,c. India, Burma, Cochin Chi- Polyneura ducalis, WWestwood. Arcan. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 92, t. 24, f. 2 (1842). na, Chineese Tibet.


Tacuaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 300 (1g04).

Characters. Lateral margins of the pronotum convex, but not angularly produced, some- times simply moderately convex or anteriorly subampliated and somewhat toothed; tegmina and wings more or less opaquely coloured : in one species, Tosena splendidula, Distant, the tegmina with hyaline


This division is represented in the Oriental and Malayan Regions, Formosa, China and Japan.


A. Lateral margins of the pronotum somewhat convex, but even. a. Head (including eyes) equal in width to that between anterior lateral angles Of (PORTO Tio fo uede Bleb Ne Go) Go ON mo) on eink ecomily Ib veuy\. b. Head (including eyes) narrower than width between anterior lateral angles OmRyONOUUN mae 2) ee ee et ea GeMpISIGRAPTOPCATETRITAS

B. Lateval margins of the pronotum anteriorly subampliated and somewhat toothed. 3. Genus TosENa.


Tacua. Amyot «& Serville, Hist. Hem. p. 461 (1843).

Characters. Body very robust and somewhat long; head broad, truncate anteriorly, inclu- ding eyes as broad as anterior lateral margins of pronotum; ocelli a little farther apart from eyes than from each other; face broad and convex, but somewhat compressed; pronotum with the lateral margins convex, but not prominently ampliated or laminately expanded; anterior femora distinctly and robustly spined ; metasternum centrally and longitudinally sulcate; tympana covered; opercula long, extending a little beyond the middle of abdomen, their margins subparallel and slightly overlapping at centre; tegmina opaque, apical areas eight, interior ulnar area somewhat widened at apex; wings, excluding

margins, opaque. Type. T. spectosa, llliger.

Geographical distribution of species. Malayan Region.

1. T. speciosa. Pl. 3, Figs. |4a,b, c. Malaya. Tettigonia speciosa, Iliger, in Wiedemann, Arch. Zool. Vol. 1, p. 145,38, t. 2 (1800).

Cicada indica, Donovan, Ins. Ind. Hem. t 2, f. 3 (1800-03).


Tosena. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 462 (1843).

Characters. Head (including eyes) equal in width to base of mesonotum, about as long as

pronotum, front prominent but obliquely depressed, ocelli twice the distance from eyes as from each


other; pronotum as long as mesonotum, lateral margins more or less ampliated and more or less distinctly toothed; abdomen in male long, very much longer then space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, somewhat convex above, tympanal orificies covered; metasternum elevated; opercula in male short and broad; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and

wings opaque, the first with eight apical areas. Type. T. fasciata, Fabricius. Geographical distribution of species. Oriental & Malayan Regions, Formosa.

A. Tegmina opaque. a. Tegmina unicolorous.

b. Wings reddish-ochraceous.

1. T. mearesiana. India. Cicada mearesiana, Westwood, Arcan. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 98, t. 25, f. 1 (1842).

a'. Tegmina with a pale transverse fascia.

b'. Wings black.


. T. fasciata. Malaya. Tettigonia fasciata, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 265, 2 (1787). Tosena fasciata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 26, t. 2, ff. 1 & 2a,b (1889). 3. IT. melanoptera. India, Burma. Cicada (T.) mzlanoptera, White, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. 17, p. 331 (1846). Tosena melanoptera, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 27, t. 2, f. 5a,b (1889). var. Tosena albata, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1878), p. 175; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 27, t. 2, f. 4a,b (1889).

4. T. montivaga. India. Tosena montivaga, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 28, t. 13, f. 64,6 (1889). 5. T. seebohmi. Pl. 2, Figs. 15a, b,c. Formosa.

Tosena Seebohmi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 301 (1904).

6’. Wings black with the basal areas reddish-ochraceous.

6. T. depicta. Borneo.

Tosena depicta, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 2, p. 323 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 28, t. 3, f. 11a,b (1889).

b'''. Wings reddish-ochraceous with the apical areas black.

7. I. dives. India. Cicada dives, Westwood, Arcan. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 98, t. 25, f. 2 (1842). Huechys transversa, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 40 (1858). a''. Tegmina and wings broadly bicolorous. 8. T. sibylla. Malay Peninsula. Geana sibylla, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1863) (3), Vol. 1, p. 576. Tosena sybilla, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 29, t. 9, f. 9a, (1889). B. Tegmina semiopaque. g. T. splendida. India, Burma.

Tosena splendida, Distant, Ent. Month. Mag. Vol. 15, p. 76 (1878); Mon. Orient, Cicad. p. 30, t. 2, f. 64,b (18809).



Graptopsaltria. Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 3 (1866).

Characters. Body robust, attenuated posteriorly; head, including eyes, narrower than the anterior lateral margins of the pronotum; ocelli wider apart .from eyes than from each other; rostrum extending to about posterior coxe; pronotum with the lateral margins irregularly convex, not promi- nently ampliated or laminately expanded; anterior femora robustly spined ; tympana practically covered ; opercula short, broad, not extending beyond basal segment of abdomen; tegmina opaque, apical areas eight, transverse vein at the base of the second apical area much curved, interior ulnar area not distinctly

widened at apex; wings opaque, apical areas six. Type. G. colorata, Stal.

Geographical distribution of species. China, Japan.

1. G. colorata, Japan. Graptopsaltria colorata, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 10, p. 169 (1866); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 25, t. 2, f. 8a,b (1889). 2. G. tienta. Pl. 2, Figs. 16a, b,c. China. Graptopsaltria tienta, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. Vol. 20, p. 57 (1894).


Thopharia. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 301 (1904).

Characters, Tympana in male very strongly developed and sac-like, projecting beyond the lateral margins of the abdomen and extending to about half its length; opercula in male very small, not reaching base of metasternum; lateral margins to pronotum almost truncate; tegmina and wings tale-like, semihyaline.

The representatives of this division are apparently confined of the Australian Continent.


A. Pronotum very broad, its breadth equalling length of both pro- and mesonotum (including the cruciform basal elevation). a. Head between eyes as broad as base of mesonotum .. >. . 1. Genus ropras B. Pronotum moderately broad, its breadth considerably less than length of both pro- and mesonotum (including the cruciform basal elevation).

b. Head between eyes much narrower than base of mesonotum. . . . . . . . 2. Genus ARUNTA.


Thopha. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 471 (1843); Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. Wales, p. 571 (1904). Characters. Head short, broad, equal in width to apex of pronotum; eyes more or less pedunculated, prominent; ocelli four times more distant from eyes than from each other; apex of

clavus acuminate; front destitute of a longitudinal sulcus; pronotum with the lateral margins almost

truncate or slightly convex, widened forwardly ; tegmina vitreous, basal area not twice longer than broad,


interior ulnar area broadened towards apex; ulnar veins distant at base; wings vitreous, with six apical areas; opercula short, transverse; tympanal coverings very strongly developed and sac-like, projecting beyond the lateral abdominal margins in male.

Type. T. saccata, Fabricius.

Geographical distribution of species. Australia.

1. LT. saccata. Australia. Tettigonta saccata, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 34, 9 (1803). Cicada saccata, Guérin, Mag. Zool. p. 80, t. 238 (1838). « The Double Drummer », Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales, Vol. 14, p- 340, 419, f. 3 (1903). 2. T. sessiliba. P|. 3, Figs. | 7a, b,c. Australia. Thopha sessiliba, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9. p. 314 (1892). Thopha stentor, Buckton, The Home University Mag., etc. (Haslemere), Vol. 1, p. 371 (1898). . colorata. S. Australia. Thopha colorata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 20, p. 411 (1907). 4. T. nigricans. N. Queensland. Thopha nigricans, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. (1910) p. 415.

Uy Ls]


Arunta. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 302 (1904).

Characters. Head transverse, moderately truncate in front of eyes, between eyes much narrower than base of mesonotum; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; pronotum moderately broad, its breadth considerably less than length of both pro- and mesonotum (including the basal cruciform elevation); tympana very largely developed and sac-like, their apices obliquely extending beyond the lateral margins of the abdomen and to about half its length; opercula very small, not extending to base of metasternum, placed wide apart, and with their apical margins convex; anterior femora incrassated and spined: posterior tibiz with a few lateral fine spines; tegmina and wings talc-like, tegmina with

eight apical areas. Type. A. perulata, Guénn.

Geographical distribution of species. Australia. 1. A. perulata. Pl. 2, Figs. | 8a, b, c. Australia.

Cicada perulata, Guérin, Voy. « Coquille», Zool. Vol. 2 (2), p. 180, t. 10, f. 5, 5a (1830). 2. A. interclusa. Australia. Thopha interclusa, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 5 (1858). Thopha, n. sp. Walker, ibidem, Vol. 4, t. 1, f. 6 (1852). Arunta flava, Ashton, Rec. Australian Mus. Vol. 9, p. 76, pl. 7, figs 1, 2 (1912).


Cyclochilaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 302 (1904).

Characters. Abdomen broad, unsymmetrical, medially widened and distinctly abbreviated posteriorly, in the male sex (principally) obliquely depressed on each side, its greatest width almost

double that of head between eyes; opercula not extending beyond base of metasternum.

This division is found in both Australia and Tasmania.



A. Lateral margins of pronotum moderately convexly ampliated ; head (including eyes) almost as wide as anterioy margin of pronotum; abdomen beneath moderately COND CAM MEER, ks ls, |) sk) a) SP) ee ne Pomme GENUS YCEOGHIIEAN B. Lateral margins of pronotum not convexly ampliated, but considerably narrowed anteriorly ; head (including eyes) wider than anterioy margin of pronotum ; abdomen beneath more or less obliquely depressed from base to apex. a. Head (including eyes) broader than base of mesonotum ; abdomen considerably

longer than broad.

AiemLenaNavoul aSlonenas pKOnotum . 5 = = «© « « « = 0s) 9 ))2..Genus Psarmomse a'', Head distinctly shorter than pronotum . . . . . «. . . 3. Genus NEopsaLTopDA.

b. Head (including eyes) only about as broad as base of mesonotum ; abdomen about

asibyoadsaslouge i. 6 1 we le le CO GENUS EL ENICOPSATERIA


Cyclochila. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 470 (1843).

Characters. Head about long as breadth between eyes, including eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum but almost as wide as its anterior margin, ocelli close together near middle of vertex, very much more remote from eyes than from each other; face longer than broad, moderately globose; pronotum about as long as mesonotum including the cruciform elevation, its lateral margins moderately convexly ampliated ; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform eleva- tion, beneath moderately convex; opercula short, not passing base of abdomen; tegmina about or nearly three times longer than broad, basal cell scarcely longer than broad, apical areas eight; wings more

than half the length of tegmina, apical areas six. Type. C. australasig, Amyot & Serville.

Geographical distribution of species. Australia.

1. C. australasie. P|. 3, Figs. 19a. b,c. Australia. Cyclochila australasie, Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hem. p. 470 (1843); McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Victoria, decad. v. p. 57, t. 50, f. 4 (1880). Cicada olivacea, Germar, in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol. 2, Hft. 2, p. 1 (1830). Sound organs, Lucas, Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. Vol. 23, p. 173-78, plate (1887). « The Green Monday », Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. Wales, Vol. 14, p. 337, f. 1-8 (1903). 2. C. vivens. Queensland. Cyclochila virens, Distant, Entomologist, Vol. 39, p. 148 (1906). Cyclochila laticosta, Ashton, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria (N.S.), Vol. 24, p. 221, pl. 49, f. 14,6 (1912).


.Psaltoda. Stal, Ann Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 613 (1861).

Characters. Head including eyes a little wider than anterior margin of pronotum, more than half as long as space between eyes and about as long as pronotum, ocelli on middle of vertex and

much farther apart from eyes than from each other, face longer than broad, strongly globose; pronotum


shorter than mesonotum including the cruciform elevation, the lateral margins not convexly ampliated but considerably narrowed anteriorly; mesonotum with its base narrower than head including eyes; abdomen considerably longer than broad, beneath more or less obliquely depressed from base to apex; opercula short, not or scarcely passing base of abdomen; tympana covered; tegmina about three times as long as broad, basal cell longer than broad, apical areas eight; wings more than half the length of

tegmina, apical areas six. Type. P. merens, Germar. Geographical distribution of species. Australia.

A. Tegmina with the transverse veins at bases of upper apical areas distinctly infuscated. a. Abdomen above black or piceous.

1. P. merens. Australia, Tasmania. Cicada merens,Germar in Silbermann, Rev.Ent. Vol. 2, p.67 (1834); McCoy, Prodr. Zool. Vict. decad. v. p. 53, t. I, f. 1-2 (1880). « Black Cicada or Red Eye», Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales, Vol. 14, pp. 340 and 421, f. 2 (1903). 2. P. argentata. Australia. Cicada argentata, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 66 (1834). Cicada plaga, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 109 (1850). 3. P. pictibasis. ; Australia. Cicada pictibasis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 31 (1858).

6. Abdomen above more or less reddish-achraceous or testaceous.

4. P. aurora. P|. 3, Figs. 20a, b, c. Australia. Psaltoda aurora, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 644.

5. P. flavescens. : Australia. Psaltoda flavescens, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 55 (1892).

B. Tegmina with the transverse veins at bases of upper apical areas not, or very slightly, infuscated.

6. P. harrist. Australia. Tettigonia Harristi, Leach, Zool. Miscell. Vol. 1, p. 89, t. 39, f. 2 (1814). Cicada dichroa, Boisduval, Voy. Astrolabe, p. 613, t. 10, f. 7 (1832). Fidicina subguttata, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 95 (1850).

7. P. plebeia. N.S. Wales. Psaltoda plebeta, Goding and Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, ° (1904), p. 589. 8. P. pulchra. Queensland. Psaltoda pulchra, Ashton, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria (N.S.), Vol. 24, p. 222, pl. 50, f. 3a,b (1912). . P. fumipennis. Port Darwin. Psaltoda fumipennis, Ashton, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria (N.S.), Vol. 24, p- 222, pl. 49, f. 24,5 (1912).




Neopsaltoda, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1910, p. 415.

Characters. Head including eyes much broader than base of mesonotum, medial length about half the breadth between eyes, front prominent, at somewhat right angles with the lateral

margins of the vertex which are straightly oblique; eyes somewhat large and prominent, extending


beyond the anterior angles of the pronotum; pronotum with the medial length about half as long as breadth at base, the anterior margin arcuate thus narrowing towards lateral margins which are rounded, posterior margin subtruncate; mesonotum including cruciform elevation nearly as long as broad; abdomen short and broad, but longer than greatest breadth, second segment very broad, dilated at lateral margins and lobately continued on each side beneath, the true tympanal coverings entire; opercula somewhat short, broader than long, overlapping internally, their apices broadly rounded; rostrum passing the intermediate cox; tegmina and wings subhyaline; tegmina about two and a half times as long as greatest breadth, apical areas eight; wings about twice as long as

broad, apical areas six; abdomen beneath more or less oblique depressed from near base to apex. Type. JN. crassa, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Queensland. 1. Neopsaltoda crassa P|. 4, Figs. 2la, b,c. Oueensland.

Neopsaltoda crassa, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. (1910). p. 416.


Henicopsaltria. Stal, Hém. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 7 (1866).

Characters. Head including eyes about as broad as base of mesonotum and about as long as pronotum and as breadth between eyes; ocelli much closer together than to eyes, on disk of vertex ; face longer than broad, moderately globose; pronotum shorter than mesonotum including the basal cruciform elevation, lateral margins not convexly ampliated but considerably narrowed anteriorly; abdomen about or almost as broad as long, and very slightly longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana concealed, the coverings somewhat large; opercula not or very slightly passing base of abdomen; rostrum passing posterior coxe; abdomen beneath more or less obliquely depressed from base to apex; tegmina about three times as long as broad, basal cell longer

than broad, apical areas eight; wings about half the length of tegmina, apical areas six. Type. H. eydouxi, Guerin. Geographical distribution of species. Australia.

A. Abdomen without transverse white fasci#; tegmina usually with some of the veins infuscate

but not maculate.

1. H. eydouxt. Australia. Cicada Eydouxti, Guerin, Voy. « Coquille », Zool. Vol. 2 (2), p. 181 (1830). Psaltoda flavescens, Froggatt, Proc, Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (1895), p. 530. « The Mottled Grey Cicada », Froggatt, Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales, Vol. 14, p- 420-421, f. 1 (1903). 2. H. kelsalls. Queensland. Henicopsaltria kelsall1, Distant, Ann. Soc, Ent. Belg. (1910), p. 416.

B. Abdomen more or less transversely spotted or fasciated with white; tegmina distinctly

maculate. 3. H. fullo. Pl. 4, Figs. 22a, b,c. Australia. Fidicina fullo, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 96 (1850). 4. H. pygmea. Australia. Hentcopsaltria pygmea, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 303 * (1904). 5. H. nubivena. Australia.

Fidicina nubivena, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 17 (1858).



Cicadaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, pp. 329 et 425 (1904).

Characters. In this division the lateral margins of the pronotum are more or less convex, but not toothed; the tegmina and wings are quite clear, as in many species of the genus Cicada, or semi- opaque, as represented in the genus Cryptotympana ; the head is broad and (including eyes) always a little, and generally considerably, wider than base of mesonotum.

Stal (Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p. 714, proposed some subgenera, but on characters which, I venture to think, are insufficient and of a transient character. Thus his « nodo apicali scutelli », which I take to be the cruciform elevation at the base of the mesonotum, is described as typical of Chremistica in being « transverso, convexo ». But this, though characteristic of the species he refers to, is not constant in the larger generic purview to which I am inclined, and the same remarks apply to the characters on which his subgenus Diceroprocta is founded. Had Stal subsequently revised the whole family with the skilled acumen displayed in his « Enumeratio Hemipterorum », there is a great proba- bility that he would have shared these views.

The Cicadaria are Cosmopilitan in distribution.


I. Mefasteynum not, oy very slightly, elevated, and not provided with a posterior process. A. Length of head move than half the breadth of space between eyes; face usually very prominent. ; a. Head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum. b. Lateral margins of pronotum with a distinct anterior lobe . . . . 1. Genus MACROTRISTRIA. b’. Lateval margins of pronotum without an anterior lobe . . . 2. Genus Riana. B. Length of head about half the breadth of space between eyes, or sometimes very slightly longer ; head moderately truncate in front of eyes, face not prominent. a’. Head (including eyes) about as wide as, ov very little wider than base of mesonotum. : c. Eyes more or less oblique and porrect, longey than broad. . . . . 3. Genus Cicaba. c'. Eyes ciycular, as long as broad, moderately exserted upwavdy . 4. Genus ANTANKARIA. a''. Head (including eyes) little move than two-thirds the byeadth of base of mesonotiim . . . . . « = « Genus CAcama. C. Length of head not half the breadth of space between eyes. a!’ Head (including eyes) very much broader than base of mesonotum ; space between eyes almost equalling breadth at base of mesonotum ; in front of eyes obli- quely inclined, but not truncate . . . . . . 6. Genus Orta. Il. Metasternum elevated at middle and furiushed with a posterior process directed

Backianis a; mee nT eer en er) len tee) Bal ys iy ey) 7 Genus: CRYeTOTYMPANAG


Macrotristria. Stal. Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p. 714, note.


Characters. Lenght of head more than half the breadth between eyes, including eyes considerably broader than base of mesonotum; ocelli much more remote from eyes than from each other; face longer than broad, large and globose; pronotum about as long as mesonotum including the cruciform elevation and longer than head, the lateral margins with a distinct anterior lobe; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana concealed; opercula scarcely extending beyond base of abdomen; rostrum reaching or slighty passing the posterior coxe; tegmina three times as long as broad, basal cell longer than broad, apical areas eight; wings more than half the length of tegmina, apical areas six.

Type. M. angularis, Germar.

Geographical distribution of species. Australasian Region.

A. Body above black, head and thorax spotted or marked with ochraceous; tegmina with the veins more or less strongly infuscate. 1. M. angular. Australia. Cicada angularis, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 68 (1834).

Macronistria angularis, Froggatt, Agr.Gaz. N.S. Wales; Vol. 14, p. 418, f. 1 (1903); Misc. Publ. no. 643, p. 8, t. 2, f. 1 (1903).

2. M. hilliert. S. Australia. Macrotristria hillieri, Distant, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 20, p. 413 (1907). 3. M. occidentalis. W. Australia. Macrotristria occidentalis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 10, p. 438 (1912).

B. Head and thorax above varying from brownish-ochraceous ‘to virescent.

a. Tegmina with the transverse veins at bases of upper apical areas more or less distinctly

infuscate. 4. M. nigronervosa. Queensland, Macrotristria nigronervosa, Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7). Vol. 14, p.329 (1904). : 5. M. doddi. Port Darwin.

Macrotristria doddi, Ashton, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria (N. S.), Vol. 24, p. 223, Pl. 50, f. 5a,b (1912).

a'. Tegmina with the transverse veins at bases of upper apical areas not or indistinctly infuscate.

6. M. sylvara. Queensland. Cicada sylvara, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1901), p.5o1, t. 16, f. 14,0. Cicada syluana, Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, (1904),

p. 580. 7. M. godingi. Pl. 3, Figs. 23a, b, c. Queensland. Macrotristria godingt, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 20, p. 412 (1907). 8. M. sylvanella. Queensland. Cicada sylvanella, Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (1904), p. 582. g. M. dorsalis. Queensland.

Macrotristria dorsalis, Ashton, Mem. Nat. Mus. Melbourne, No. 4, p. 30, * pl. 4, fa, 1-2 (1912).

10. M. intersecta. Australia, Murray Island,

Fidicina intersecta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 97 (1850). Duke York Island. Fidicina internata, Walker. ibidem, p. 98 (1850). Fidicina prasina, Walker, ibidem, p. 100 (1850). Cicada convergens, Walker, ibidem, p. 114 (1850).

11. M. extrema. West Australia. Cicada extrema, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 56 (1892), 12. M. nigrosignata, West Australia. Macrotristria nigrosignata, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 673 pl. 29, f. 7.



Rihana. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 426 (1904).

Cicada, subgen. Chremestica. Stal (part.), Oefv. Vet.-Ak. Férh. (1870), p. 714, note. Cicada, subgen. Cicada. Stal (part.), ibidem.

Cicada, subgen. Diceroprocta. Stal (part.), ibidem.

Characters. Head distinctly longer than half the breadth between eyes, and including eyes wider than base of mesonotum; face more or less prominent, its lateral margins in line with lateral margins of vertex; eyes oblique, longer than broad; pronotum a little narrowed behind eyes, about or almost as long as mesonotum in front of cruciform elevation; abdomen not, or scarcely, longer than

length between apex of face and base of cruciform elevation; other characters generally as in Cicada.

Type. R. ochracea, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. This genus includes a number of Eastern Palearctic, Oriental and American species and a few from Madagascar.

Species Orientales

A. Opercula about half the length of abdomen. a. Tegmina and wings clear, hyaline.

1. R. ochracea. China, Formosa. Fidicina ochracea, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 99 (1850). Cicada ochyacea, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 96, t. 12, f. 13a,b (1891). Cicada ferrifera, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 115 (1850). Dundubia fasciceps. Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1854), p. 242. Cicada fusciceps, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. (1866), p. 171.

2. FR. covonata. Sumatra. Cicada coronata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p.52 (1889);

Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 95, t. 12, f. 114,b (1891).

3. R. tagalica. Philippines. Cicada (Chremistica) tagalica, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870), p. 714. Cicada tagalica, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 96, t. 6, f. 84, (1891).

4. R. timorensis. Timor. Cicada timorensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 406 (1892).

B. Opercula not half the length of abdomen.

6. Tegmina and wings fuscescent.

5. R. polyhymma. Philippines. Fidicina polyhymnia, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 94 (1850). Cicada polyhymnia, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 97, t. 12, f. 4a, (1892).

c. Tegmina and wings clear, hyaline.

6. FR. pontianaka. Malaya. Cicada pontianaka, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p.298 (1888) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 97, t. 5, f. 7a,b (1892). 7. R. geymana. Burma. Cicada germana, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (2), Vol. 6, p. 457, t. 4 £. 3a,b (1888). 8. R. bimaculata. Cambodia, Tonkin, Malaya. Cicada bimaculata, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 756 (1790). Tettigonia viridis, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 39, 28 (1803), excl. syn. Cicada atrovirens, Guérin, Voy. Coq. Zool. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 182 (1830) ; Stoll, Cig. f. 132.


g. R. mixta. Ceylon. Dundubia mixta, Kirby, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol 24, p. 128 (1891); Dist. Faun, Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 79, f. 40 (1906).

C. Opercula not extending beyond base of abdomen.

to. Ff. atra. Philippine Islands. Rihana atra, Distant, Entomologist (1909), p. 207.

t1. R. seminiger. Nilgiri Hills. Rihana seminiger, Distant, Entomologist (1909), p. 208.

12. FR. umbrosa. Borneo. Cicada umbrosa, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 330 (1904).

13. R. numida. China.

Rihana numida, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 8, p. 132 (1911).

D. Opercula almost reaching base of apical abdominal segment.

14. R. operculissima, Lombok. Cicada operculissima, Distant, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 20, p. 369 (1897).

Species known to writer by the female sex only

15. FR. sempert. Philippines. Cicada (Chremistica) semperi, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad, Férh. (1870), p. 715. 16. R. tondana. Tondono,

Fidicina tondana,Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 92 (1867). Cryptotympana tondana, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 93, t. 13, f. 130, (1891).

Species Ethiopicanz

Tegmina more or less spotted.

17. R. nigvans. Madagascar. Cicada nigrans, Distant, Trans, Ent, Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 673, t. 30, f. 14,0.

18. R. martini. Madagascar. Rihana martini, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 198.

1g. R. hova. Madagascar.

Rihana hova, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond. (1905), p. 108.

Species Americanz

A. Tegmina unspotted or with the transverse veins at bases of second and third apical areas infuscated.

20. R. bicosta. Mexico, Costa Rica. Cicada bicosta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 112 (1850); Dist. Biol. Centr.- Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 7, t 3, f. 1a,b (1881). 21. R. bulgara. Mexico, Rihana operculissima, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7), Vol.17, p. 156 (1906), nom. przocc. Rihana bulgava, Distant, n. nom, Cat. Rhynch, Fam. Cicad,, p. 35 (1906) 22. R. biconica. Pl. 4, Figs. 24a, b,c. Cuba. Cicada biconica, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 120 (1850); Stal, Oefv. Vet.- Akad. Forh, (1862), p. 484.

23. R. diguett. Lower California. Rihana Digueti, Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 17, p. 156 (1906).

24. FR. bonhotei. Bahamas. Cicada Bonhotet, Distant, Ent. Month. Mag. (2), Vol. 12, p. 71 (1901).

25. R. bermudiana. Bermudas.

Cicada Bermudiana, Verrill, Trans. Connect. Acad. Vol. 11, p. 736, t. 96, f. 1-2 (1902).


26. R. townsend?. New Mexico. Cicada townsendi, Uhler, Ent. News Philad, (1905), p. 74. 27. R. rudis. Mexico. Fidicina rudis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 13 (1858). Cicada rudis, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 8, t. 2, f. 20a,b (1881). 28. R. vuatana. Honduras. Tympanoterpes vuatana, Distant, Ann. Mag.Nat.Hist.(7), Vol. 8, p. 294 (1891); Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 42, t. 6, f. 134,6 (1900).


29. PR. euterpe. Cicada euterpe, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 157 (1850) 30. R. transversa. Centrai America. Cicada transversa, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 15 (1858); Distant, Biol. Centr.- Amer, Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 7, t. 2, f. 1a,b (1881). Cicada alacris, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 25, p. 62 (1864).

31. R. mesochlora. Jamaica. Cicada mesochlora, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 129 (1850). 32. R. ornea. Mexico.

Cicada ornea, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 137 (1850); Distant, Biol.-Centr.- Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 7, t. 3, f. 3a,b (1881). 33. R. psophis. Mexico. Cicada psophts, \Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 153 (1850); Distant, Biol.- Centr. Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol.1, p. 9, t. 2, f. 114, (1881). 34. R. vitvipennis. N. America, Costa Rica. Cicada vitripennis, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. Vol. 6 (2), p. 236 (1830). var. Cicada nigriventris, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom.Vol. 1, p.9, t. 2, f. 6a.b (1881).

35. R. intermedia. Mexico. Cicada intermedia, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol.1, p. 10 (1881). 36. R.-crucifera. Mexico.

Cicada crucifera, Walker, List Hom, Vol.1, p.196 (1850); Dist. Biol. Centr.- Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 9, t. 3, f. 6a,b (1881). 37. R. olympusa. N. America. Fidicina olympusa, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 101 (1850). Cicada miluus, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 11 (1858). 38. R. tibicen 1). N. America. Cicada tibicen, Linneus, Syst. Nat. ed. Vol. 10 (1), p. 436, 20 (1758). Cicada linnet, Smith & Grossbeck, Ent. News Philad. (1907), p. 121, 127. Cicada opercularis, Olivier, Enc. Méth. p.749 (1790) ; Distant, Biol. Centr.- Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 7 (1881). Tettigonia variegata, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. Vol. 4, p. 19. 10 (1794). Cicada lyricen, De Geer, Mem. (5), Vol. 3, p. 212. t. 32, f. 23 (1773). Cicada fulvula, Osborn, Ent. News. Vol. 17, p. 322 (1906). Cicada similavis, Smith & Grossbeck, Ent. News Philad. (1907), p. 121-125. Thopha chloromera, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 43 (1850). Cicada pruinosa, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. Vol. 4, p. 330 (1825). Cicada Sayi, Smith & Grossbeck, Ent. News Philad. (1907), p. 121, 124. 3g. R. canicularts. N. America. Cicada canicularis, Harris, Ins. Mass. injur. Veget. p. 175 (1841); id. p.217, f. 88 (1862) ; Emmons, Agric. New York (5), Vol. 5, p. 152, t. 9, f. 5 (1854). ? Cicada davisi, Smith & Grossbeck, Ent. New. Philad. (1907), p. 121-127. 40. R. grossa. N. America, Mexico. Tettigonia grossa, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 678 (1775). Cicada marginata, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. Vol. 4, p. 330 (1825). Cicada auletes, Germar in Silbermann, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 65 (1834). Cicada resh, Haldeman, Salt Lake Exped. p 369, t. 9, f. 17 (1852).

1) Smith and Grossbeck (1997) have investigated the N. American species hitherto and usually referred to as &. tréicen, Linn. and R. cani- cularis, Harris and have made great alteration in the synonomy ‘and described several forms included in it as new species. I have included these here but without seeing the material I have adhered to the old formula. But this paper must be consulted and seriously studied.


FS) tee

46. R.

Cicada. Linnzus, Syst. Nat. Vol. 1, p. 434 (1758); Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 614 (1861); Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 6 (1866); Distant (part.)

Subgen. Cicada. Stal (part.), Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p. 714, note.


Cicada sonora, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 105 (1850). Cicada resonans, Walker, ibidem, p. 106.

Fidicina literata, Walker, ibidem, p. ot.

Cicada marginalis, Walker, ibidem, Vol. 4, p. 1128 (1852). Fidicina figurata, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 19 (1858).

B. Tegmina more or less spotted towards apical areas.

. superba.

Cicada superba, Fitch, First Rep. Ins. New York, p. 41 (1856)

. virgulata.

Rihana virgulata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 426 (1904) ; Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 140, f. (1905). belizensis. Rihana belizensis, Distant, Pomona College Journ. Ent. (2), Vol. 4, p. 346 (1910).

. swalet,

Rihana Swalet, Distant,Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 427, f. (1904).

. bakert.

Rihana bakeri, Distant, Pomona College Journ. Ent. Vol. 3, p. 568 (1911).


Fidicina fusipennis, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 8 (1858).

Cicada reticularis, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 157.

Species unknown to the compiler

. ? aurifera,

Cicada aurifera, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. Vol. 4, p. 332 (1825); Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 153.

. 2 bilaqueta,

Cicada bilaqueta, Uhler, Trans, Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1903), p.7.

. ? hieroglyphica.

Cicada hieroglyphica, Goding & Froggart, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, (1904), p. 581. Cicada hieroglyphicalis, Kirkaldy, Canad. Ent. Vol. 41, p. 391 (1910).


N. America.


B. Honduras.



N. America.


N. W. Australia.

Biol, Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 6 (1881); Orient. Cicad. p. 93 (1891).

Subgen. Chremistica. Stal (part.), ibidem.

Subgen. Diceroprocta. Stal (part.), ibidem.

more or less oblique and porrect, longer than broad; face not prominent; pronotum shorter than meso- notum including the cruciform elevation, lateral margins not ampliated; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, tympana covered; opercula variable in length; rostrum reaching posterior coxe; tegmina three times or less than three times longer than

broad, basal cell longer than broad, apical areas eight; wings more than half as long as tegmina, apical


areas SIX.

Type. C. plebeja, Scopoli.

Geographical distribution of species. Palearctic, Ethiopian, Australasian and American


Head about half as long as space between eyes, or sometimes very slightly longer, moderately truncate in front of eyes; ocelli more remote from eyes than from each other, eyes

473 (1843);







Species Palzarcticze

. plebeja. Cicada plebeja, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. p. 117, 345 (1763); Melichar, Cicad. Mitt.-Europ. p. 5, t. 1, ff. 6, 7 (1896). Tettigonia fraxint, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 40 (1803). Tettigonia ornt, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 680, 12 (1775). Tettigonia obscura, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 36, 14 (1803). . bthamata.

Orient. Cicad. p. 95, t. 12, f. 8a, (1891). . leecht. Cicada Leechi, Distant, Entomologist, Vol. 23, p. 90 (1890); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 94, t. 13, f. 2a,b (1891). . sinensis. Cicada sinensis, Distant, Entomologist, Vol. 23, p. 90 (1890); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 95, t. 13, f. 3a, (1891). Cicada atrofasciata, Kirkaldy, Canad. Ent. Vol. 41, p. 391 (1910). . flammata. Cicada flammata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 99, t. 13, f. 15 (1892). Cicada pyropa, Matsumura, Annot. Zool. Japon. Vol. 5, p. 53, t. 3, f. 4 (1904). . andrvewst. Cicada Andvewst, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 330 (1904).

Species Australasianze

. kuvuduadua,

Cicada kuruduadua, Distant, Trans. Ent.Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 645; Waterh. Aid Ident. Ins. 1, t. 100.

. knowlest.

Cicada knowlesi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 20, p. 413 (1907).

. graminea.

Cicada graminea, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7), Vol. 14, p. 428 (1904). Cicada queenslandica, Kirkaldy, Canad. Ent. Vol. 41, p. 391 (1910).

Species AAthiopicanze

. pulverulenta. Cicada pulverulenta, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p.199; Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (1909), p. 41, Pl. 4, f. 8a,b.

Species Americanze

. nigrviventris. Cicada nigriventris, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 21 (1858). Fidicina oleacea, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 8, p. 294 (1891). Cicada oleacea, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 42,t.6, f. 174,b (1900). . evvatica. Cicada errvatica, Osborn, Ohio Naturalist, Vol. 6, p. 497 (1906); Newell, Bull. U.S. Dept. Agricult. Bur. (1906), Ent. No. 60, p. 53, f. 1.

. pallida.

Cicada pallida, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 8,t.2, f. 74, (1881). Cicada azteca, Kirkaldy, Canad. Ent. Vol. 41, p. 391 (1910).

14. C. delicata.

Cicada delicata, Osborn, Ohio Naturalist, Vol. 6, p. 498 (1906).

15. C. veperta.

Cicada reperta, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 177.

16. C. viridifascia.

Cicada viridifascia, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 121 (1850). Cicada sordidata, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 175.

Cicada bihamata, Motschulsky, Etud. Ent. p. 24 (1861); Distant, Mon.

Palearctic Region.






Fiji Islands.

Fiji Islands.


Madagascar, Seychelles.


N. America, Louisiana.


N. America, Louisana.

N. America.

N. America.


17. C. robusta. Mexico. Cicada robusta, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 10; Cicada alacris, var. t. 2. f. 3a,b (1881). 18. C. montezuma. Mexico. Cicada montezuma, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol.1, p.8; Cicada rudts, var, t. 2, f. 2a, (1881). 1g. C. hilavis. : Mexico. Cicada hilaris, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol.1, p. 9, t.2, f. 10a,6 (1881).

20. C. cinctifera. Pl. 4, Figs. 25a, b, c. N. America. Cicada cinctifera, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 156 21. C. dorsata. N. America.

Cicadata dorsata, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. Vol. 4. p. 331 (1825). Cicada robertsonii, Fitch, First Rep. Ins. New York, p. 41 (1856). Thopha varia, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 42 (1850). Fidicina crassa, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 10 (1858). 22. C. hieroglyphica. N. America, Mexico. Cicada hieroglyphica, Say, Compl. Writ. Vol. 2, p. 371 (1869). Cicada johannis, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 149 (1850). Cicada sexguttata, Walker, ibidem, p. 154. Tettigia hieroglyphica, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 11, t. 3, f. 2a, (1881).

Species unknown to the compiler FShs (Goes tovadja. Celebes. Cicada toradja, Breddin, Hem. Celebes, p. 109 (1901). Cosmopsaltria toradja, Sharp, Zool. Record, Ins. (1902), p. 279.

24. C. ? daiaca. Borneo, Cicada daiaca, Breddin, Abh. Senck. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 25, p. 180 (1900). 25. C. maculigena. Madagascar.

Cicada maculigena, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (3), Vol. 8, p. 181 (1860). Cicada stigmosa, Stal, Hém. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 54 (1866) 1).

26. C. egregia. Brazil. Cicada egregia, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1903), p. 5.

27. C. sublaqueata. 3razil. Cicada sublaqueata, Uhler, Trans Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1903), p. o.

28. C. obtusa. Brazil.

Cicada obtusa, Uhler, Trans. Mary]. Acad. Nat. Sc. (1903), p. 11 Cicada brasiliensis, Kirkaldy, Canad. Ent. Vol. 41, p. 391 (1910).

2g. C. reperta, N. America. Cicada reperta, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 177



Antankaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 429 (1904).

Characters. Length of head about half the breadth between eyes and (including eyes) as wide as base of mesonotum; eyes circular, globular, moderately directed upward; pronotum a little narrowed behind eyes, about as long as mesonotum in front of the cruciform elevation; abdomen longer than space between apex of face and base of cruciform elevation; rostrum reaching posterior coxe ; anterior femora strongly toothed beneath; opercula in type not passing the base of metasternum; tegmina and wings talc-like.

Type. A. madagascariensis, Distant.

1) Dr. Handlirsch tells me this species is not to be found under either name in the Vienna Museum, where Signoret's collection is now located.


Geographical distribution of species. Madagascar.

1. A. madagascariensis. P|. 4, Figs. 26a, b, c. Madagascar. Cicada madagascariensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 57 . (1892).

Antankaria madagascariensts, Distant, ibidem, (7), Vol. 14, p. 429 (1904).


CGacama. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 429 (1904).

Characters. Head (including eyes) little more than two thirds the breadth of base of meso- notum, anteriorly depressed, its length only a little more than half the breadth between eyes; pronotum considerably shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins obliquely sinuate; mesonotum somewhat conyexly gibbous; abdomen short, broad, convex above, its length equal to the space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, the lateral margins a little angulate at posterior segmental angles; tympana completely covered, lateral margins of the tympanal coverings subparallel to the abdominal margins; rostrum reaching or passing the posterior coxee; metasternum very large; opercula about half the length of abdomen above, broad. their apical margins convexly rounded, their lateral margins almost straight; tegniina and wings (excepting base) hyaline, the first broad, their greatest width a little

less than half their length, apical areas eight in number, the two lowermost small, subquadrangular. Type. C. maura, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Central America.

1. C. maura. P|. 5, Figs. 27a, b, c- Mexico, Yucatan.

Proarna maura, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 13, t. 2, £. 5a,b (1881).

2. C. dissimilis. Mexico. Cicada dissimilis, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 10 (1881). 3. C. longirostris. Mexico.

Proarna longirostris, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p- 13, t. 2, f. 4a,6 (1881). :


Oria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 429 (1904).

Characters, Head (including eyes) very much wider than base of mesonotum, its length not quite half the breadth between eyes, lateral margins almost obliquely straight, very slightly sinuate ; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins moderately rounded, its posterior margin waved or broadly sinuate; abdomen narrowed posteriorly in both sexes; the tympana covered, tympanal cove- rings in male about as long as broad ; rostrum extending about halfway between the intermediate and posterior coxee and terminating in the grooved anterior area of the metasternal process; opercula small,

scarcely e tending beyond the basal segment of the abdomen; tegmina and wings hyaline, a little opaque at base.

Type. O. bolwiana, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Bolivia.

1. O. boliwiana. P|. 4, Figs. 28a, b, c. Bolivia, Tapajos. Cicada boliviana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 331 (1904). Fidicina basispes, Walker (part.) List Hom. Suppl. p. 15 (1858).



Cryptotympana. Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 613 (1861); Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 6 (1866); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 83 (1891); Faun. B. I. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 80 (1906).

Characters. Head broad, more or less transversely truncate between the eyes, including which it is a little broader than the base of mesonotum, its length only slightly more than half the breadth between eyes, ocelli about twice the distance from eyes as from each other, front slightly prominent; pronotum about as long as mesonotum, its lateral margins oblique, the posterior angles a little ampliate ; abdomen in male about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, the tympanal orificies concealed by the tympanal coverings; opercula in male well developed, varying in shape and size; metasternum elevated at middle and furnished with a posterior process directed backward; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina hyaline or semi-opaque, basal cell longer

than broad; apical areas eight. Type. O. pustulata, Fabricius.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental Region, Malayan Archipelago (probably not extending eastward beyond the Philippines), and the extreme eastern portion of the Palzartic Region.

A. Tegmina pale hyaline.

a. Tegmina with about basal third opaque, black.

1. C. pustulata. Malayan, Archipelago, Chi- Tettigonia pustulata, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 266, 11 (1787). na, Japan, Australia ? Tettigonia atrata, Fabricius, ibidem, p. 267, 22 (1787). Cicada nigra, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 750, 17 (1790). Cicada atra, Signoret, Rev. Mag. Zool. (1849), p. 406, t. 10, f. I. Fidicina bubo, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 82 (1850). Cryptotympana pustulata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 86, t. 11, f. 10a,b (1891) ; Stoll, Cig. f. 118.

a' Tegmina with about basal third and costal area opaque, black.

2. C. aquila. Malaya, Corea. Fidicina aquila, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 84 (1850). Cryptotympana aquila, Distant, Mon. Orient.Ciead. p. 85, t.11, f.9a,b(1891).

6. Tegmina with less than basal fourth opaque, black.

3. C. corvus. India. Fidicina corvus, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 86 (1850). Cryptotympana corvus, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.87,t. 10, f,114,b(1891), Fidicina tnvarians, Walker, Ins. Saund., Hom, p. 11 (1858). 4. C. viridipennts. Sumatra. Cryptotympana viridipennis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 8, p. 133 (1911).

c. Tegmina with the dark opaque coloration scarcely extending beyond basal cell.

5. C. intermedia. India, Malaya. Cicada intermedia, Signoret, Rev. Mag. Zool. p. 407, t. 10, f. 2 (1849). Cryptotympana intermedia, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 88, t. 11, f. 1a, (1891). Fidicina immaculata, Walker (nec Olivier) List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 90 (1850). 6. C. suluensis. Sulu, Celebes. Cryptotympana suluensis, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 1, p.148 (1906).


. C, lombokensis, nov, spec. 1). C

/ 8. C. acuta. India, Malaya. Cicada acuta, Signoret, Rev. Mag. Zool. (1849), p. 409, t. 10, f. 3a. Cicada vicina, Signoret, ibidem, p. 410, t. 10, f. 4. Fidicina nivifera, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 80 (1850); Vol. 4, t. 1, f. 2 (1852). Fidrcina bicolor, Walker, ibidem, Vol. 4, p. 1121 (1852). Fidicina timorica, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 91 (1867).

g. C. edwardst, India. Cryptotympana edwardsi, Kirkaldy, Journ. Bomb. N. H. Soc. Vol. 14, p. 55 (1902). 10. C. demissitia. Sumatra. Cryptotympana demissttia, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 89, t. 13, f. 11a,b (1891). 11. C. recta. India.

Fidicina recta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 79 (1850).

Cryptotympana recta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 89, t. 10, f. 10a,b(1891). 12. C. facialis.

Cicada facialis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 30 (1858).

Cryptotympana facialis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 90, t. rr. f. 11a,b

Siam, China, Japan.

(1891). Fidicina nigrofuscata, Motschulsky, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 39, p. 185 (1866). 13. C. sinensis. China.

Cryptotympana sinensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p- 415 (1887); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. go, t. 11, f. 6a,b (1891). 14. C. varicolor. Cryptotympana varicolor, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 430 (1904). 15. C. msularis.

Cryptotympana insulayis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p. 416 (1887); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 91, t. 11, f. 2a,6 (1891).

Sumbawa, Ceylon.

Andaman Isles.

16. C. limborgt.

Cryptotympana limborgt, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 296 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 91, t. 10, f. 74, (1891). Cryptotympana recta, Distant (nec Walker), J. A.S. Beng. Vol. 48, p. 40, t. 2, f. 4 (1879). 17. C. exalbida. India.

Cryptotympana exalbida, Distant, Mon. Orient Cicad. p. 92, t.13, f. 12a, (1891).


18. C. vesta. Cicada vesta, Distant. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 673, t. 30, f. 4a,b.

India, Siam.

d. Tegmina wholly hyaline.

19. C. ommaculata. Java.

Cicada immaculata, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 752 (1790); Stol. Cig. f. 39.

1) Cryptotympana lombokensis. nov. spec. <G. Body above black; an ochraceous spot on each side of anterior pronotal margin, a little before eyes, posterior pronotal margin virescent; posterior margins of metanotum and the cruciform elevation virescent or ochraceous; face and sternum piceous, the latter with ochraceous streaks and white pubescence; opercula ochraceous their bases whitely pubescent; abdomen beneath pale testaceous; rostrum black, its base ochraceous ; legs ochraceous, the anterior tibie and tarsi, broad streaks to anterior and intermediate femora, and coxal spots, black; tegmina and wings hyaline, the veins fuscous; tegmina with the costal membrane to the and of radial area, the basal cell, and basal veins virescent, post-costal membrane, a spot at apices of the first and second ulnar areas and a streak beneath base of claval area, black; wings with the margins of the abdominal area black, the basal veins virescent; opercula about reaching the posterior margin of the fourth abdominal segment, their lateral margins nearly straight only slightly sinuate, their inner margins divergent and obliquely sinuate, their apices roundly angulate rostrum reaching the intermediate coxz; face strongly tr insversely ridged, centrally longitudinally sulcate on its anterior half.

Long. excl. tegm CG, 38 millim. Exp. tegm. 116 millim.

Hab. Lombok and Flores (Fruhstorfer Brit. Mus.).

This species is somewhat allied to C. acuta Sign. from which it may be structurally differentiated by the broader apices of the opercula. In some specimens the virescent markings are replaced by ochraceous.


B. Tegmina lightly infuscate.

20. C. epithesia. Borneo. Cryptotympana epithesia, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 2. p. 325 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 85, t. 11, f. 5a,b (1891).

21. C. diomedea. Sumatra. Fidicina diomedea, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 18 (1858). Cryptotympana diomedea, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 85, t. 11, f. 3a,

(1891). 22. C. mandarina, China. | Fidicina operculata, Carreno (MS. ??). Cryptotympana mandarina, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 86, t.11, f. 7a,b (1891). 23. C. niasana, i Nias Islands. Cryptotympana niasana, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1909), p. 392. C. Tegmina darkly infuscate. 24. C. holsti. Pl. 4, Figs. 29a, b,c. Formosa. Cryptotympana Holsti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 14, p. 331 (1904). 25. C. accipiter. Philippines. Fidicina accipiter, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 83 (1850). Cryptotympana accipiter, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 84, t. 13. f. 10a, (1891). 26. C. fumipennis. Siam, Malaya.

Fidicina fumipennis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 17 (1858). Cryptotympana fumipennis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 84, t. 11, f. 4a, (1891).


Heteropsaltriaria, Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 386 (1905).

Characters. This division, at present represented by a single genus, is to be distinguished from the Cicadaria by the distinct venation of the tegmina, the radial area being very large and broad, considerably more than half the whole length of tegmina, which has thus caused the shortening of the

three upper ulnar areas.


Heteropsaltria. Jacobi, Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Berl. (1902), p. 73.

Characters. Head about as long as breath between eyes, a little shorter than pronotum, including eyes slightly broader than anterior margin of pronotum; ocelli distinctly more remote from eyes than from each other; face longer than broad, moderately prominent; pronotum shorter than mesonotum including the basal cruciform elevation, the lateral margins distinctly broadly angulate near base; abdomen shorter than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana concealed; opercula short, transverse, not passing base of abdomen; rostrum passing the intermediate coxe ; tegmina broad, but not more than twice as long as broad, basal cell longer than broad, radial area large and broad, considerably longer than half the whole length of tegmen, thus causing the shortening of the three upper ulner areas; apical areas eight; wings narrower but more than half the lenght of

texmina, apical areas six.


Joba limbaticollis Stal.

Koma bombittons Karsch. ZR G Munza laticlavia Stal.

Umjaba evanescens Butl





18% 714

Arunta peridata Guér. Ugada nutti Dist.


Graptopsaltria tienta Karsch.


Polvneura ducalis Westw.

Angamiana floridula Dist. Tosena Seebohii Dist





Macrotristria godingt





Psaltoda aurora Dist.


Tacua spectosa Illiger






Oria boliriana Dist. Neopsaltoda crassa Dist

Rihana biconica Walk, Cicada cinctifera Uhler.

Cryptotympana holsti Dist. Dundubia xrata Dist.





Cacama maura Dist

Leptopsalivia tuberosa Sym.

Fleteropsaliria aliena Jacobi

Purana conspicua Dist

Maua atfinis Dist.

Cosmopsaltria alticola Dist.

Tanna yaponensis Dist. Ayesha spathulata Stal.






f : fj, s a S45


4 |

= = =

Fatima capitaia Dist.

Champaka viridimaculata Disé.

Diceropyga junctivitta Walk. Oneotympana makoni Dist





Aola bindusara Dist.

Haphsa meekzi Dist

ry & 4

Lahugada dohertyt Dist.

‘Dokuma nigristiqgma Walk.

Mata kama Dist.




Type. H. aliena, Jacobi.

Geographical distribution of species. At present only known from the Salomon Islands.

1. H. aliena. P|. 5, Figs. 30a, b,c. Salomon Islands. Heteropsaltria aliena, Jacobi, Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Berl. (1902),p.76 (f. p. 73).


Dundubiaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 58 (1905).

Characters. Lateral margins of the pronotum distinctly angulated or toothed; tegmina and wings hyaline, sometimes spotted, but never opaque; the opercula vary much in length and shape and in some genera reach the maximum of development.

This division is a very homogeneous one, but at the same time one of the most difficult to readily analyze. It is composed almost entirely of Oriental, Malayan, and Australian species, save a few derived from the extreme east of the Palearctic Region, which, as well known, possesses a strong Oriental affinity.


I. Second and third ventral segments in Gf with distinct lateral tubercles; opercula short. A. Head (including eyes) considerably narrower than base of mesonotum . . 1. Genus LEPTOPSALTRIA. B. Head (including eyes) as wide as base of mesonotum. a. Head as long as space between eyes. b. Tympanal coverings in of broader at base than long. c Abdomen moderately conical, gradually attenuated posteriorly, m of considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of GyaRy tO (IID 6 be ob Se ek 6 | By Gems IPRA, a’. Head as long or a little longer than space between eyes. b!. Tympanal coverings, in Gf as long as breadth at base, or some- times broader than long. c'. Abdomen broad, about as broad at apex as at base; in G not longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform CLCUALLON AN etn VA a eh ney ah wet Se GeTIUIS MAU AY IL. Second ventval segment im Cf alone provided with lateral tubercles; opercula SHO Uae eee teva wks iin a ea LA, eee ee metre os, shay eas Genus ML ANNAL ILL. Ventral segments without tubercles ; opercula short or sometimes very long, and very variable in shape. C. Head with the front large and convex, about twice as broad at its base as the length of anterior margins of the lobes of vertex; vostvum scarcely VEUCIM GAUL ERPOSICYLOVACOL CE) eee ae Genus DP UNDUBIAS D. Head with the front not twice as broad at base as length of axterior margins of the lobes of vertex ; rostrum reaching, sometimes passing, the postevior cox@ ; opercula long, at least reaching centre, and sometimes apex, of abdomen. d. Abdomen short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation.

e. Head as long as breadth between eyes.


f. Lateral margins of head obliquely continuous to front or very slightly stnuate.

g. Head (including eyes) as wide as base of mesonotum.,

h. Opercula in Gf broad, either just or longly passing middle of abdomen, well separated, and not overlapping, more or less concavely sinuate on each side at basal area, thety apices rounded or obliquely truncate.

i. Greatest breadth of tegmina about a third of length

f!. Anterior margins of vertex of head almost at right angles to front.

i'. Greatest breath of tegmina more than one-third of length. . .

'. Head (including eyes) only abont two-thirds the breadth of base

of mesonotum e!. Head much shorter than breadth between eyes. h'. Opercula in Gf about twice broader at apex than at base, thety inner margins concave, widening to basal area, outer margins stnuate near centre, their apices broad and overlapping . . h''. Opercula in Gf broad, theiy inner margins contiguous, neavly equally broad throughout, theiy apices broad, the outer margins very obsoletety sinuate . . . . d'. Abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation.

i. Head (including eyes) about as wide ov a little wider than base of mesonotum.

j. Head about as long as breadth between eyes.

k. Pronotum measured centrally almost as long as mesonotum excluding cruciform elevation, its lateral margins always distinctly, strongly, and generally acutely toothed.

1. Opercula elongate, concavely sinuate on each side near base, their apices vounded or obtusely acute, occupying lateral abdominal areas, and always well separated at theiy inney margins. . 1. ..

j'. Head distinctly shorter than breadth between eyes.

k'. Pronotum measured centrally distinctly shorley than mesonotum, its lateral margins moderately dentate.

l'. Opercula elongate, broad, nearly meeting at theiy inner margins, sinuate at thety basal areas.

m. Anal abdominal segment in Gf apically acutely dentate or with a broad OHS (OURS OPOHIR SID 5 5 Bs Sao og 5 4 o

l'', Opercula obliquely divergent, sometimes very short. m!. Anal abdominal segment in QO apically unaymed. , . . 1'"", Opercula short and transverse.

n. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, its length about or nearly equal to space between eyes.

0. Abdomen in §& longer than space between apex of head and base of

cruciform elevation.

p. Tympanal coverings of normal shape and size. . . . . p’. Tymbanal coverings very large, nearly meeting inwardly . .


7, Genus Fatima.

8. Genus SawDa.

g. Genus AYESHA.

ro. Genus Hapusa.



13. Genus Metmuna.

14. Genus Pomponia. 15. Genus Doxuma.

FAM. CICADIDA 39 o'. Abdomen in G short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation. p''. Tympanal coverings of normal shape and size . . . . 16. Genus Aora. p'’. Tympanal coverings very globose and projecting beyond the lateral margins of the abdomen . . . . « 17. Genus ONCOTYMPANA.


p'’. Tympanal coverings with their outer margins

sinuate, the postertoy angles only projecting

beyond the lateral margins of the abdomen . 18. Genus Mata. n’. Head (including eyes) considerably wider than base of mesonotum ;

abdomen long; length of head equal to space between eyes. . 19. Genus CHAMPAKA.


Leptopsaltria. Stal (part.), Hém. Afr. Vol 4, p. 5 (1866); (part.), Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 10, p. 170 (1886): Atkinson, Journ. Asiat.Soc. Beng. Vol. 53, p. 227 (1885); Vol. 55, p. 157 (1886); Distant, (part ), Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 31 (1889); Faun. B. I. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 89 (1906).

Characters. Head (including eyes), considerably narrower than base of mesonotum, ocelli not quite twice the distance from eyes as from each other, front somewhat conical and subprominent; pronotum with the lateral margins moderately ampliated and more or less distinctly toothed or angu- lated; genz internally at apex near base of lore furnished with a tubercle or tumescence; abdomen moderately long and robust; anterior femora distinctly and robustly spined; rostrum extending beyond the posterior cox; tympana covered; opercula short; second and third abdominal segments in the male furnished with a well-developed tubercle near each lateral margin; tegmina and wings hyaline, venation normal, tegminal apical areas eight in number.

Type. L. tuberyosa, Signoret.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental and extreme eastern portion of the Paleartic Region. a. Opercula in male small, wide apart, longitudinal, their apices broadly convex.

1. L. tuberosa. Pl. 5, Figs. 3la, b, c. India, Java, Japan. Cicada tuberosa, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol. V, p. 299 (1847). Leptopsaltria tuberosa, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 34, t. 8, f. 74,6 (1889).

b. Opercula in male small, moderately separated, subtransverse, their apices obliquely subtrun-

cate. 2. L. mascula. Borneo. Leptopsaltria mascula, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 420 (1889); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 32, t. 10, f. 12,6 (1889). 3. L. sama. India.

Dundubia samia, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 77 (1850). Leptopsaltria samia, Distant, Mon. Orient.Cicad. p. 32, t. 8, f. 11 a,b (1889).

c. Opercula in male wide apart, oblique, their apical margins obliquely subtruncate.

4. L. andamanensis.

Leptopsaltria andamanensis, Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p- 370 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 34, t. 10, f. 12a.b (1889).

Andaman, Irlands.

ia th

. taipinensis. Leptopsaltria taipinensis, Matsumura, Ann, Zool. Japan (1907), p. 99.



6. L. hoppoensis. Formosa. Leptopsaltria hoppoensis, Matsumura, Ann. Zool. Japan (1907), p. 96.

7. L. watanabet. formosa Leptopsaltria watanabei, Matsumura, Ann. Zool. Japan (1907), p. 96.

8. L. apicalis. Formosa.

Leptopsaltria apicalis, Matsumura, Ann. Zool. Japan (1907), p. 95.


Purana. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 60 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) as wide as base of mesonotum and as long as space between eyes; face prominent and convex, its base almost at right angles to the anterior lateral angles of vertex; pronotum narrowed anteriorly, its lateral margins angulated or toothed; mesonotum much longer than pronotum; abdomen moderately conical above, gradually attenuated posteriorly, in male considerably longer than the space between the apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, tubercles on the second and third ventral segments large and prominent; opercula small; tympanal coverings in male broader at base than long; rostrum reaching or a little passing posterior coxee; tegmina and wings

hyaline. Type. P. tigrina, Walker, Geographical distribution of species. Oriental Region. Malayan Archipelago.

a. Opercula in male small, wide apart, apices convexly angulated.

1. P. tigvina. ; India, Malay Peninsula. Dundubia tigrina, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 69 (1850). Leptopsaltria tigrina, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 35, t. 10, f. 6a,b (1889). 2. P. conspicua. Pl. 5, Figs. 32a, b, c. Borneo. Purana conspicua, Distant, Rec. Ind. Mus. Vol. 5, p. 316, pl. 21, f. 7a,0 (1910).

b. Opercula in male small, wide apart, apices convexly rounded.

3. P. tigroides. India. Dundubia tigroides, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 5 (1858). Leptopsaltria tigroides, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 35, t. 12, f. 18a, (1889).

c. Opercula in male wide apart and somewhat irregularly rectangular in shape.

4. P. morrist. India. Leptopsaltria morvisi, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 101, t. 15, f. 19a,) (1892). 5. P. pigmentata. Cambodia, Siam, Cochin- Purana pigmentata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 555 (1905). China.

d. Opercula in male somewhat near each other, their apices convexly angulated.

6. P. pryert. Borneo. Leptopsaltria pryert, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond. (1881) p. 633; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 35, t. 8, f. 124,b (1889). e. Opercula in male broad, transverse, somewhat near together, inner margins oblique, apices

subtruncately rounded.

7. P. guttularis. Burma, Borneo, Philip- Cicada guttularis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 29 (1858). pines. Leptopsaltria guttularis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 37, t. 12, f. 204.6 (1889).


8. P. davidi. Kiang-si. Purana Davidi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 555 (1905). g. P. nebulilinea. Sumatra, Borneo.

Dundubia nebulilinea, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 84 (1867). Leptopsaltria nebulinea, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 33, t. 8, f. 17a,b (188qQ).

fF. Opercula in male narrow, elongate, wide apart, their apices obtusely angulate.

10. P. carmente. Java, Borneo. Dundubia carmente, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 71 (1850). Leptopsaltria nigrescens, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 50

(1889). ane carmente, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.37, t.8,f. 2a,b (1889). 11. P. jacobsont. Java. Purana jacobsoni, Distant, Tijdschr. v. Entomol. (in litt.). 12. P. barbose. Sulu, Islands.

Leptopsaliria barbose, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.37, t.5, f. 14@,0 (1889).

13. P. ? celebensis. Celebes. Leptopsaltria celebensis, Breddin, Hem. Celebes, p. 103 (1902).

14. P. ? contfactes. ? Cicada conifacies, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 35 (1858).

15. P. ? hivundo. ?

Cicada hirundo, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 152 (1850).


Maua. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 61 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) as wide as base of mesonotum and as long or a little longer than space between eyes; face prominent and elongately convex, not in a line with vertex; pronotum narrowed anteriorly, its lateral margins angulated or toothed; mesonotum much longer than pronotum; abdomen broad, its apex about or almost as broad as base, in male not or scarcely longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, tubercles on the second and third ventral segments very large and prominent, opercula small; tympanal coverings in male sometimes as long as, sometimes shorter than, breadth at base; rostrum reaching, generally considerably passing, the

posterior cox; tegmina and wings hyaline. Type. M. quadrituberculata, Signoret.

Geographical distribution of species. Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, China.

a. Opercula in male longer than broad, their apices broadly obliquely subtruncate.

1. M. quadvituberculata. Java, Philippines, China. Cicada quadrituberculata, Signoret, Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. (2), Vol.5, p.297 (1847). Leptopsaltria quadrituberculata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 31, t. 8, f. 6a,b (1889). 2. M. afinis. Pl. 5, Figs. 33a, b, c. Borneo. Muna afinis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 61 (1905).

b. Opercula in male longer than broad, their apical angles obtusely angulate.

3. M. albiguttata. Malaya. Dundubia albiguttata, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 1, p. 83 (1856). Leptopsaltria albiguttata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 36, t. 8, f. 8a,b; t. 10, f. 4a,b (1889).


c. Opercula in male broader than long, their apices obliquely subtruncate.

4. M. albistigma. China. Dundubia albistigma, Walker, List. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 58 (1850). Leptopsaltria albistigma, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 33, t. 10, f. 15a. (1889). 5. M. platygaster. Borneo. Mana platygaster, Ashton Journ, Straits Br. Roy. Asiat.Soc. (1910), p. 156. 6. M. dohrnt. Sumatra. Maua dohrni, Schmidt, Stett. Ent. Zeit (1912), p. 66. 34. GENUS TANNA, DISTANT Tanna. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 61 (1905). Characters. Head (including eyes) narrower than base of mesonotum and about as long as

space between eyes; lateral margins of pronotum angularly sinuate, but not prominently toothed; abdomen much longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana covered; opercula small, not or scarcely extending beyond base of abdomen; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe; tegmina and wings hyaline.

Closely allied to Leptopsaltria, from which it differs by only having a lateral tubercle on the second

and not on the third ventral segment, in other respects resembling the genus Pomponia. Type. T. japonensis, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. India, Malayan Archipelago, Japan. . T. japonensis. Pl. 5, Figs. 34a, b, c. Japan. Pomponia japonensis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 102, t. 15, f. 22 (1892). Leptopsaltria japonica, Horvath, Termes. Fiizetek, Vol. 15, p. 136 (1892). 2. T. bhutanensis. Bhutan.


Tanna bhutanensis, Distant, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 182 (1912). 3. T. msignis. Java. Tanna insignis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 17, p. 157 (1906).

4. T. pallida, Tanna pallida, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. p. 158 (1906).

Borneo, Sulu Islands.


Dundubia. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 470 (1843).

Characters. Body long and robust; head somewhat triangulary elongate, about as long as pronotum, the front large and convex, about twice as broad at its base as the lenght of the anterior margins of the lobes of vertex, ocelli a little farther apart from eyes than from each other; pronotum almost as long as mesonotum, the lateral margins not prominently ampliated but distinctly toothed ; abdomen a little longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana completely covered; opercula in male long and extending beyond middle of abdomen; rostrum scarcely reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora spined; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first with the venation normal, the apical areas eight in number, the basal cell twice as long as broad.

Type. D. mannifera, Linneus.


Geographical distribution of species. Oriental and Malayan Regions; also found in North Australia.

a. Opercula in male reaching, or nearly reaching penultimate abdominal segment, concavely

sinuate on each side near base and thence convexly ampliated ; apices narrowed and obtusely rounded.

1. D. mannifera. India, Malaya, N. Australia. Cicada mannifera, Linneus, Mus. Ad. Frid. p. 84, excl. syn. (1754). Tettigonia vaginata, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 266 (1787).

Cicada virescens, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 747 (1790).

Dundubia immacula, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 50 (1850).

Dundubia nigrimacula, Walker, ibidem, p. 63 (1850).

Dundubia sobria, Walker, ibidem.

Dundubia varians, Walker, (zec Germ.), ibidem, p. 48.

Dundubia mannifera, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 39, t. 4, f. 174,0, var. 10a,b (1889).

Fidicina confinis, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 92 (1867) ; Stoll, Cig. f. 35.

var. a. Cephaloxys terpsichore, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 239 (1850).

Dundubia mannifera, var. terpsichore, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.39.t. 12,

f. 1a, (1889).

2. D. helena. N. India Dundubia helena, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 641 (1912).

6. Opercula in male about reaching middle of abdomen, their apices angularly rounded.

3. D. grata. Pl. 4, Figs. 35a, b, c. Borneo. Dundubia grata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(6), Vol. 1, p. 292 (1888) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 42, t. 6, f. 7a,b (1889).

c. Opercula in male extending beyond middle of abdomen, sometimes very narrow, concave at each side near base; apices broadly convex. 4. D. emanatura. India.

Dundubia emanatura, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(6), Vol. 3, p. 51 (1889) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 41, t. 8, f. 3a,b (1889).

5. D. vujivena. Malaya. Dundubia rufivena, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p.59(1850); Dist. Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 40, t. 6, f. 6a,b (1889). 6. D. mellea. Borneo. Dundubia mellea, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 40, t. 12, f. 9a,b (1889). 7. D. vafflest. Java.

Dundubia raffesti, Distant, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (1883), p. 188; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 41, t. 4, f. 4a,b (1889). ad. Opercula in male elongate and narrow, reaching penultimate abdominal segment, acutely

pointed at apices.

8. D. intemerata. India, Malay, Peninsula. Dundubia intemerata, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 1, p. 84 (1856) ; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad, p. 42, t. 4, f. 14,b (1889).


Cosmopsaltria. Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 5 (1866).

Characters. Body moderately long and robust, head as long as breadth between eyes, and including eyes as wide as base of mesonotum, with the front not twice as broad at base as anterior

margins of the lobes of vertex, lateral margins obliquely continuous to front or very slightly sinuate;


pronotum about as long as head, its lateral margins scarcely ampliated, but distinctly toothed or angu- lated; mesonotum slightly longer than pronotum; abdomen short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana covered; opercula in male broad, either just or longly passing middle of abdomen, well separated and not overlapping, more or less concavely sinuate on each side at basal areas, their apices rounded or obliquely truncate; rostrum reaching, sometimes pas- sing, the posterior cox; tegmina and wings hyaline; greatest breadth of tegmina about a third of length,

venation normal, basal cell much longer than broad. Type. C. doryca, Boisduval.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental and Malayan Regions; also recorded from Corea and Japan.

A. Opercula in male broadly margined with piceous.

1. C. doryca. , Papua. Cicada doryca, Boisduval, Voy. Astrol. Vol. 2, p. 609, Hem. t. 10, f. 3 (1835). 2. C. lata. Timor, Bouru. Dundubia lata, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond, Zool. Vol. 10, p. 87 (1867). Cosmopsaltria lata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 60, t. 7, f. 4a, (1890). 3. C. duarum. Malay, Peninsula, Borneo. Dundubia duarum, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. 1, p. 141 (1857). Cosmopsaltria lauta, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 48, t. 5, f. 8 (188q). var, Dundubia latilinea, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 85 (1867). var. Cosmopsaltria padda, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p. 229 (1887). vay. Cosmopsaltria latilinea, Distant, Mon. Orient Cicad. p. 48, t. 4, f.15a,6 (1889). 4. C. tda. Borneo. Cosmopsaltria ida, Moulton, Journ. Str. Br. Roy. Asiat. Soc. (1911), p. 139. 5. C. montivaga. Borneo. Cosmopsaltria montivaga, Distant, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 421 (1889); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 40, t. 12, f. 12a,b (1890). var. Cosmopsaltria agatha, Moulton Sarawak, Mus. Journ. Vol. 1, p. 187 (1911).

6. C. alticola. Pl. 5, Figs. 36a, b, c. Borneo. Cosmopsaltria alticola, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 200. 7. C. pheophila. Malayan, Archipelago, Co- Dundubia pheophila, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 52 (1850). Tea, Cosmopsaltria pheophila, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 68, t. 12, f. 21a,b (1890). 8. C. inermis. Philippines, Yokohama.

Cosmopsaltria (Cosmopsaltria) ineymis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p- 708; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 49, t. 6, f. 15a,b (1890).

B. Opercula in male unicolorous, not margined with piceous.

g. C. oopaga. Burma. Cosmopsaltria oopaga, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 640; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 46, t. 5, f. 9a,b (1889). 10. C. jacoona. Johore, Borneo. Cosmopsaltria jacoona, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 205 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 47, t. 5, f. 3a,b (1889). 11. C. fratercula, nov. spec. 1).

1) Cosmopsaltria fratercula, nov. spec. Go. Head, pronotum and mesonotum brownish-ochraceous; abdomen above testaceous ; posterior margins of pronotum and the tympana, ochraceous; sternum, rostrum, legs and opercula, ochraceous; face and abdomen beneath brownish- ochraceous; apex of rostrum, streaks to anterior femora, anterior tibiz (excluding base). tarsi, and apices of intermediate and posterior tibia piceous or black; tegmina and wings hyaline the venation mostly ochraceous, the first with the costal membrane ochraceous, the posterior margin of basal half of claval area, narrowly black; head with the front not twice as broad at base as length of anterior margins of the lobes of vertex; opercula long, almost reaching abdominal apex, narrowed near base, thence broadened to beyond middle and subacute at apex; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation.

Long excl. tegm. o, 37 millim. Exp. tegm. 96 millim.

Hab. Tonkin (Brit. Mus.).

Allied to C. jacoona, Dist. from which it diffens in the much longer and differently shaped opercula.


12. C. fee. Burma. Cosmopsaltria fee, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 101, t. 15, f. 20 (1892). 13. C. andersont. Mergui, Cambodia, Siam. Cosmopsaltria Andersont, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 11, p. 170 (1883) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 46, t. 5, f. 6a,6 (1889). 14. C. tonkiniana. Tonkin. Cosmopsaliria tonkiniana, Jacobi, Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 21, p. 429 (1905). Cosmoscarta tonkiniana, Jacobi, ibidem, t. 21, f. 1.

Species not seen by the compiler

15. C. ? karéisana. Formosa. Cosmopsaliria karéisana, Matsumura, Ann. Zool. Japan. (1907), p. 98. Platylomia karéisana ? 5

16. C. ? ogasawarensis. Bonin Island.

Cosmopsaliria ogasawarensis, Matsumura, Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 1, p. 29 (1905). Meitmuna ogasawarensis ? 17. C. ? oshimensis. Oshima. Cosmopsalivia oshimensis, Matsumura, Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 1, p. 30 (1905).


Fatima. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 62 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about equal in breadth to base of mesonotum, as long as breadth between eyes, its lateral margins very irregular, the anterior lateral margins of the vertex being almost at right angles to the face; pronotum little more than half the length of mesonotum; abdomen above as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; anal abdominal segment in male apically acutely dentate on each side; tympana covered, the tympanal coverings in male projecting a little beyond the lateral abdominal margins; rostrum passing the posterior coxe; opercula in male broad, just or longly passing the middle of the abdomen, either concavely sinuate on each side or slightly and obsoletely sinuate, their apices rounded or obliquely truncate; tegmina and wings sub- hyaline, the first broad, their greatest breadth more than one third of their length.

Type. F. capitata, Distant.

Geographical distribution of the species. Papuan Islands. 1. F. capitata. Pl. 6, Figs. 37a, b, c. Papua.

Cosmopsaltria capitata, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (2a), Vol. 6,

p- 523 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 60, t. 7, f. 64,6 (1890). , 2. F. lorie. N. Guinea.

Cosmopsaltria lorie, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova(2a), Vol.17, p.378 (1897).


Sawda. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7). Vol. 15, p. 62 (1905).

Characters, Head (including eyes) about two thirds the breadth of base of mesonotum, and very slightly longer than breadth between eyes, its lateral margins discontinuous, the anterior margins of vertex being almost at right angles to front; mesonotum only slightly longer than pronotum; abdomen

short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana covered,


the flaps a little broader than long ; rostrum just passing the posterior coxe; opercula long, their apices broad; tegmina and wings hyaline, their greatest width more than one third of their length; anterior

femora tuberculously spined beneath; anal abdominal segment in male apically acutely dentate on each side.

Type. S. mimica, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Papuan Islands. Fiji.

1. S. gestvot. Pl. 6, Figs. 38a, b, c. N. Guinea. Sawda Gestrei, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 63 (1905). 2. S. froggattt. Sawda froggatti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 8, p. 390 (1911).

Aru Islands.

3. S. mimica. N. Guinea. Cosmopsaltria mimica, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (23), Vol. 17, Pp- 379 (1897). 4. S. pratti. Brit. N. Guinea. Sawda Pratti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 556 (1905). 5. S. sharpi. Brit. N. Guinea.

Sawda Sharpi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 557 (1905). 6. S. ? vitiensis.

Fiji. Sawda ? vitiensis, Distant, Entomologist (1906), p. 12.


Ayesha. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 63 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) as wide or a little wider than base of mesonotum, much shorter than breadth between eyes, lateral margins obliquely continuous to face or very slightly sinuate, eyes large and oblique; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins angulated anteriorly; mesonotum moderately convexly tumid; abdomen short, not longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings about as long as broad; rostrum reaching the intermediate coxe; opercula in male long, about twice as broad at apex as at base, inner margins concave, widening to basal area, outer margins sinuate near centre, their apices broad overlapping;

tegmina and wings hyaline, greatest width of tegmina about one third their length. Type. A. spathulata, Stal.

Geographica! distribution of species. Malayan Archipelago, Corea.

1. A. spathulata. P|. 5, Figs. 39a, b, c. Philippines, Borneo, Ce- Cosmopsaltria (Cosmopsaltria) spathulata, Stal. Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), lebes. p. 709.

Cosmopsaltria spathulata, Distant, Mon,Orient.Cicad. p. 61, t.6, f. 3a,b (1890).

Cicada elopurina, 2, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. \6), Vol.1, p.297 (1888) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 98, t. 12, f. 5a,b (1892).

Dundubia lelita, Kirkaldy, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 14, p. 54 (1902).

Cosmopsaltria vomerigera, Breddin, Hém. Celebes, p. 105 (1901).

2. A. serva. Corea. Dundubia serva, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 60 (1850). Cosmopsaltria serva, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 60, t. 9, f. 3a,b (1890).

3. A. operculissima. Borneo.

Cosmopsaltria operculissima, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 641; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 61, t. 5, f. 5a,b (1890).



Haphsa. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 64 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as broad as mesonotum, considerably shorter than breadth between eyes, lateral margins obliquely sinuate from eyes to apex; pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum, subacutely toothed before middle of lateral margins; abdomen short, not longer than space between head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana covered, tympanal flaps about as long as broad; rostrum reaching or passing the posterior coxz; opercula in male broad, their inner margins

contiguous, nearly equally broad throughout, their apices convex, their outer margins very obsoletely sinuate; tegmina and wings hyaline.

Type. H. nicomache, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental Region, Yunnan and New Guinea.

1. H. nicomache. : India. Dundubta nicomache, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 67 (1850). Cicada delineata, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 17 (1858). Cosmopsaltria nicomache, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 57, 4, f. 12a,

(18g0). 2. H. velitaris. Burma. Cosmopsaltria velitaris, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 20, p.18(1897). Haphsa velitaris, Distant, Faun. Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 100 (1906). 3. H. crassa. Yun-nan. Haphsa crassa, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 64 (1905). 4. H. mecki. Pl. 7, Figs. 40a, b, c. New Guinea.

Haphsa meeki, Distant, Ann, Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 50, p. 149 (1906).


Platylomia. Stal (om. nec descript.), Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870), p. 708, note; Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Efist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 65 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide or a little wider than base of mesonotum, about or almost as long as breadth between eyes; pronotum centrally about or almost as long as meso- notum (excluding basal cruciform elevation), its lateral margins always distinctly, sometimes strongly, and generally acutely toothed; abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana completely covered; rostrum reaching or passing the posterior cox; opercula more or less elongate, concavely sinuate on each side of basal area, their apices rounded or subacute, occupying lateral abdominal areas, always well separated and seldom reaching disk; tegmina and wings hyaline, the venation sometimes fuscously spotted.

I use Stal’s name for this genus. as the type he proposed (Cic. flavida, Guér.) is included in it. His description, however, cannot be accepted, as, evidently referring to Guérin’s figure only, he states,

« ramo venz ulnaris interioris recto vel leviter curvato », a character given by that artist and not found in the species.

Type. P. spinosa, Fabricius.


Geographical distribution of species. Tonkin and Hainan.

Oriental and Malayan Regions; also found in

A. Opercula in male about reaching middle of abdomen. a. Opercula in male about, or almost. as wide at base as on disk of apical area.

1. P. spinosa. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Teltigonia spinosa, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. Vol. 2, p. 266, 6 (1787). Borneo, Philippines. Cosmopsaltria spinosa, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 52,t. 4, f. 7a,b(1890). Cosmopsaltria abdulla, Distant, Trans, Ent. Soc, Lond. (1881), p. 639.

2. P. distantz. Borneo. Platylomia distanti, Moulton, Sarawak, Mus. Journ. Vol. 1, p. 184 (1911).

3. P. juno. Se-Tchouen. Platylomia juno, Distant, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 200.

a'. Opercula in male wider on disk of apical area than at base.

4. P. amicta. India. Dundubia amicta, Distant, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 51 (1889). Cosmopsaltria amicta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 43, t. 8, f. 4a,b (1890). 5. P. vibrans. India, Malay Peninsula. Dundubia vibrans, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 54 (1850). Dundubia lateralis, Walker, List Hom, Vol. 1. p. 61 (1850). Cosmcpsaltria vibrans, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 5o, t. 4, f. 2a,b (1890).

B. Opercula in male extending beyond middle of abdomen. b. Opercula in male about, or almost, as wide at base as on disk of apical area.

G. P. bangueyensis, nov. spec. 1).

7. P. diana. Se-Tchouen. Platylomia diana, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond. (1905), p. 201. 8. P. majuscula. Celebes. Dundubia majuscula, Distant, Ann.Mus.Stor. Nat.Gen. (2a) Vol.6,p 521 (1888). Cosmopsaltria majuscula, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 47, t.7, f. 8a, (1889). g. P. larus. India, Ceylon. Dundubia lavus, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 7 (1858). Cicada « The Knife-Grinder », Emerson’ Tennent, Nat. Hist. Ceyl. p. 432 (1861). Cosmopsaltria larus, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 44, t. 5, f. 1a,b and var, t. 4, f. 13 (1889).

10. P. nagavasingna. Burma, Tenasserim, Cochin- Dundubia nagarasingna, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 635. China. Cosmopsaltria nagarasingna, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 44, t. 4, f. 14a,0 (1889). 11. P. bocki. Sumatra.

Dundubia Bockt, Distant, Ent. Month. Mag. Vol. 19, p. 159 (1882). Cosmopsaltria bocki, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 45, t. 4, f. 11a, (1889). 12. P. meyert. Celebes. Cosmopsaltvia meyeri, Distant, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (1883), p. 189, t. 25. fe 2a,b.

1) Platylomia bangueyensis, nov. spec. Head, pronotum and mesonotum pale brownish-ochraceous; vertex with the area of the ocelli and a small spot on each side of same, black ; pronotum with the margins of a central fascia and the fissures black; mesonotum with the margins of two obconical spots, a curved line on each lateral area, three spots in front of basal cruciform elevation, viz a small rounded spot before each anterior angle, and a longer straight spot between them, blaék; abdomen above ochraceous or greenish-ochraceous, the segments irregulary transversely fasciated with castaneous-brown; body beneath and legs, pale brownish- ochraceous ; anterior striations to face and a central apical spot to same, apex of rostrum, anterior tibia and tarsi, apices of anterior femora apices of intermediate and posterior tibia and the tarsi, and the segmentai margins to the abdomen beneath piceous or castaneous; tegmina and wings hyaline, the venation more or less ochraceous, the former with the costal membrane ochraceous, the apices of the ulnar areas slightly infuscate; head as long as breadth between eyes; pronotum about as long as mesonotum excluding cruciform elevation, the pronotum with its lateral margins armed with (a distinct tooth; opercula long, narrow, widely separated, reaching the base of the last abdominal segment, outwardly concavely sinuate near base, their extreme apices subacute; abdomen above finely pilose.

Long excl. tegm. G, 34 millim. Exp. tegm. 98 millim.

Hab. Banguey Isld. off N. Borneo (Brit. Mus.).

A species to be placed near P. vibrans Walk., but with the opercul. distinctly differentiated.


13. P. umbrata. India, Burma. Cosmopsaltria umbrata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 293 (1888); Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 53, t. 5, f. 11a,6 (1890).

6'. Opercula in male wider on apical area than at base.

14. P. assamensis. Assam. Platylomia assamensis, Distant, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p.65 (1905).

15. P. flavida. Sumatra, Java.

: Cicada flavida, Guérin, Voy. Ind. Orient. Bélang. Zool. p. 498, t. 3, f. 1


Cosmopsaltria flavida, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 52, t.5_f. 15a,b (1890).

16. P. biwocalis. Formosa. Comopsaliria bivocalis, Matsumura, Ann. Zool., Japan (1907), p. 97.

17. P. haimanensis. Hainan, Tonkin. Cosmopsaliria hainanensts, Distant, Entomologist, p. 247 (1901).

18. P. radha. India, Burma.

Dundubia radha, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 634. Cosmopsaliria radha, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 54, t. 4, f. 94,b (1890).

19. P. similis. India. Dundubia similis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 292 (1888). Cosmopsaltria similis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 45, t. 5, f. 10a,6 (1889).

20. P. ficulnea. Burma. Cosmopsaltria ficulnea, Distant,Mon. Orient. Cicad.p- 102, t. 15, f. 21(1892). 21. P. spiculata. Cambodia.

Dundubia spiculata, Noualhier, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris (1896), p. 254; Noualhier & Martin, Miss. Pavie, Vol. 3, p. 178, t. 11, f. 3 (1904).

22. P. virescens. Philippines, Borneo. Platylomia virescens, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol.'15, p.66 (1905). 23. P. saturata. India.

Dundubta saturata, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 6 (1858). Cosmopsaltria saturata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad.p.54,t.5, f.172,b(18g0).

24. P. brevis. N. India. Platylomia brevis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 182(1912). 25. P. imstgnis. Bhutan. Platylomia insignis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol.9, p. 183(1912). 26. P. fuliginosa. Malayan, Archipelago.

Dundubia fuliginosa, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 60 (1850). Dundubia melpomene, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 76 (1850). Cosmopsaltria fuliginosa, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 50, t. 6, f. 16a,b (1890). 27. P. nigra. Philippines. Cosmopsaltria nigra, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p.292 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 51, t. 6, f. 9a,b (1890). Dundubia spinosa, Walker (nec Fabricius,) List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 47 (1850).

28. P. albomaculata. P|. 6, Figs. 41a, b, c. Philippines. Platylomia albomaculata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7). Vol. 15, p. 66 (1905).


Diceropyga. Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p. 708, note.

Characters. Head distinctly shorter than breadth between eyes, including eyes about as wide as base of mesonotum, ocelli close together at centre of vertex; face longer than broad, sides somewhat obliquely rounded; rostrum reaching posterior coxe; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins moderately dentate; mesonotum including basal cruciform elevation about as long as head and



pronotum together; abdomen as long or longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform

elevation, anal abdominal segment in male apically acutely dentate or with a broad obtuse process on

each side; tympana completely covered; opercula elongate, broad, nearly meeting at their inner

margins, more or less sinuate at their basal areas; tegmina and wings hyaline, tegmina about three

times as long as broad, apical areas eight; wings with six apical areas; anterior femora spined beneath.

its ID).

7), ID).

5), Oe

Ae, 1D).

5); JO);


7. ID)

ish 1D),

Os JD).





Type. D. obtecta, Fabricius.

Geographical distribution of species. Malayan Archipelago;

South Sea Islands.

A. Opercula in male not, or only slightly, concavely constricted near base.

a. Opercula in male extending over at least two-thirds the length of abdomen.

obtecta. Tettigonia obtecta, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 35 (1803). Cosmopsaltria obtecta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 67, t. 5, f. 13a, (1890). Dundubia bicaudata, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p 9 (1858). Dundubia subapicalis, Walker, Journ, Linn. Soc. Lond, Zool, Vol. 10, p. 87 (1867). pecilochlora. Dundubia pecilochlora, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 11 (1858). Dundubia connata, Walker, ibidem, p. 13 (1858). pigafette.

Cosmopsaltria pigafette, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 371 (1888) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 67, t. 8, f. 10a,b (18go). junctivitta, Pl. 6, Figs. 42a, b,c. Dundubia junctivitta, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 89 (1867). Cosmopsaltria junctivitta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 66, t. 10, f. 2a, (1890). atra. Cosmopsaltria atra, Distant, Ann.Mus.Stor.Nat.Gen.(22), Vol.17,p.380(1897). opercularis. Dnndubia opercularis, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 7 (1858). Cosmopsaltria opercularis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.63,t. 5, f. 16a,) (1890). insularis. Dundubia insularis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 8 (1858). Cosmopsaltria insularis, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 64, t.9, f. 12a,) (1890).

a'. Opercula in male extending to, or near, apex of abdomen.

chlorogaster. Cicada chlorogastey, Boisduval, Voy. Astrol. Vol. 2, p. 614, Hém. t. 10, f. 4 (1835). Cosmopsaltria chlorogaster, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.65, t.7,f. 5a, (1890). maculosa.

Dundubia maculosa, Walker, List Hom, Suppl. p. 9 (1858). Cosmopsaltria gemina, Distant, Ann, Mus. Civ. Gen. (22), Vol. 6, p. 522 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 66, t. 7, f. 3a,b (1890). minahasse@. Cosmopsaltria minahasse, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 204 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 58, t. 6, f. 17a,b (1890). Dundubia doryca, Walker, (nec Boisduval) List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 47 (1850).

B. Opercula in male distinctly concavely sinuate outwardly at base.

Amboina, Papua.

New Hebrides.

Ternate, Bouro.


New Guinea.



Celebes, Santa Cruz, Is-


Celebes, Goram.

Malayan Archipelago.

6. Opercula in male extending over at least two-thirds the length of abdomen.

distans. Dundubia distans, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 10 (1858).

South Sea Islands.


51 Dundubia subfascia, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 11 (1858). Dundubia linetfera, Walker, ibidem, p. 12 (1858). 12. D. stuart. Fiji. Cosmopsaltria stuarti, Distant, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (1882), p. 125, pl. 7, f. 2a,b. 13. D. tmpar. ; N. Guinea. Dundubia impar, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 86 (1867). Cosmopsaliria impar, Distant, Mon. Orient.Cicad. p. 64, t.10, f. 164,5 (1890). 14. D. lutulenta. N. Guinea. Cosmopsaliria lutulenta, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (22), Vol. 6, p. 522 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 63, t. 7, f. 7a, (1890). 15. D. recedens. N. Guinea. Dundubia recedens, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 85 (1867). Cosmopsaliria recedens, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 66, t. 10, f. 144.6 (z8go). b'. Opercula in male only extending to about half the length of abdomen. 16. D. aluana. Solomon Islands. Diceropyga aluana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 557 (1905). 17. D. novze-guinz, nov. spec. I). 18. D. boninensis. Bonin Islands, Yokohama. Dyceropyga boninensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 67 (1905). 19. D. albostriata. Philippines. Cosmopsaliria albostriata, Distant, ibidem (6), Vol. 2, p. 324 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 65, t. 8, f. 14,b (1890). 20. D.? multtsignata. Celebes. Cosmopsaliria multisignata, Breddin, Hem. Celeb. p. 106 (1901). 21. D. ? ornaticeps. Celebes. Cosmopsaliria ornaticeps. Breddiu, ibidem, p. 107 (1901). 22. D.? acutipennis. ? Cicada acutipennis, 2, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 20 (1858). Diceropyga ? acutipennis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 553 (1905). 23. D. ? nodosa. ? Cicada nodosa, 2, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 162 (1850). Diceropyga? nodosa, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 553 (z905). 43. GENUS MEIMUNA, DISTANT Meimuna. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15. p. 67 (1905). Characters. Head (including eyes) about as broad as base of mesonotum, shorter than

1) Diceropyga novz-guinze, nov. spec. Head, pronotum and mesonotum ochraceous; head with the margins of the front, area of the ocelli, a narrow central fascia widened and ampli ted on each side at bas>, and anterior angles of vertex, black, a large spot on each lateral margin between eyes and anterior black angles, pale castaneous; pronotum with the fissures and two imperfect, central, longitudinal, sinuate lines, black; meso- notum with a central, longitudinal. percurrent line, on each side of which is a shorter line about reaching middle. followed by a small anterior marginal spot and a broken submarginal fasciate line, and a spot near each anteriorangle of the basal cruciform elevation, black; abdomen above ochraceous, the segments more or less transversely suffused with testaceous; head heneath, sternum, legs and opercula, pale ochraceous; face with the anterior striatious and a transverse curved spot near posterior margin, apex of rostrum, a transverse fascia between base of antennz and eyes, two small central spots to clypeus, irregular lines to femora, subapical annulations to tibiz. and the anterior and intermediate tarsi, black; subbasal annulations to tibie castaneous; opercula very narrowly onwardly margined with black; abdomen beneath ochraceous, the basal area of the ultimate segment, black; head distinctly shor- ter thaa breadth between eyes; opercula in male elongate, moderately broad, not quite reaching the base of the fourth abdominal segment, their apices rounded, their inner margins distinctly separated; anal abdominal segment in male apically shortly c=ntrally dentate and with a long slightly curved dentate process on each side.

Long. excl. tegm. G, 28 millim Exp. tegm. go millim.

Hab. New-Guinea; Ekeikei (Pratt Brit. Mus.).

Allied to D. aluana, Dist. from the Solomon Islands but differing in the longer and broader front to the head, the longer and narrower opercula; different marking to the body and legs, etc. From D. imir, Walk. it is to be distinguished by the longer tegmina and different markings to same.


breadth between eyes, lateral margins obliquely continuous to face or very slightly sinuate; pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins distinctly and generally acutely toothed before middle; abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana covered, tympanal flaps about as long as broad; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe; opercula

obliquely divergent, sometimes very short; tegmina and wings hyaline. Type. M. trvipurasuva, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental and Malayan Regions; Corea, China and Japan.

A. Opercula in male with their inner margins obliquely straight and narrowed to apices.

a. Opercula in male extending to at least two-thirds the length of abdomen.

1. M. tripurasura. India. Dundubia tripurasura, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881) p. 635. Cosmopsaltria tripurasura, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 55, t. 4, f. 8a, (1890).

a'. Opercula in male scarcely reaching or slightly passing middle of abdomen.

2. M. durga. India. Cosmopsaltria durga, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881) ;p. 637, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 56, t. 4, f. 6a,6 (1890). 3. M. opalifera, Corea, Japan. Dundubia opalifera, Walker,-List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 56 (1850). Cosmopsaltria opalifera, Distant. Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 56, t. 5, f 2a,b (1890). 4. M. gamameda. Pl. 6, Figs. 43a, b,c. Ceylon.

Cosmopsaltria gamameda, Distant, Entomologist (1902), p. 256.

B. Opercula in male with their inner margins nearly straight, but not narrowed to apices.

5. M. khadiga. Malay, Peninsula. Cosmopsaltria khadiga, Distant. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p.671, t.3o, f. ga,b.

C. Opercula in male with their inner margins convexly oblique, their apices narrowed and more or less angulated.

c. Opercula in male reaching penultimate abdominal segment.

6. M. tavoyana. Burma. Tenasserim, Malay Dundubia tavoyana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 292 (1888). Peninsula. Cosmopsaltria tavoyana. Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 55, t. 5, f. 4a, (1890).

c', Opercula in male reaching to about or a little less than two-thirds the length of abdomen.

7. M. cassandra. N. India. Meimuna cassandra, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 642 (1912). 8. M. silhetana. India.

Cosmopsaltria silhetana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 295 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 62, t. 6, f. 1a-b (1890). g. M. mongolica. China. Cosmopsaltria mongolica, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881),p 638; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 62, t. 4, f. 3a,b (1890). 10. M. microdon. India. Dundubia microdon, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 55 (1850). Cosmopsaltria microdon, Distant,Mon.Orient.Cicad. p.57, t.4, f. 16a,b (1890).


11. M. ? alfura. Celebes. Cosmopsaltria alfura, Breddin, Abh. Senck. Ges. Frankf. Vol. 25, p. 177, t. 9, f. 12 (1900). 12. M. ? didyma. Carteret. Cicada didyma, Boisduval, Voy. Astrol. p. 615, Hém. t. 10, f. 8 (1835).


Pomponia, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 6 (1866).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, its lenght about or nearly equal to space between eyes, ocelli much farther apart from eyes than from each other, front anteriorly convex and slightly prominent; pronotum with the lateral margins moderately ampliate and sinuate, the posterior angles dilated, a little shorter than mesonotum; mesonotum with the disk mode- rately convex; abdomen in male longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform eleva- tion; tympanal coverings complete; opercula in male short and transverse; rostrum passing posterior cox; anterior femora spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first usually more ‘or less macu-

late, basal cell longer than broad, apical areas eight. Type. P. fusca, Olivier. Geographical distribution of species, Oriental Region, China and Japan.

A. Tegmina more or less spotted with fuscous, at least always on apices of longitudinal veins

at apical margins.

it, I2, jSaee India, Malay Peninsula, Cicada fusca, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 749 (1790). Malayan Archipelago, Pomponia fusca, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 70, t. 7, f. 10a, (1890). Dundubia linearis, Walker, List Hom, Vol. 1, p. 48 (1850). Dundubia cinctimanus, Walker, ibidem, p. 49. Dundubia vamifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 53. Dundubia uvania, Walker, ibidem, p. 64; Stoll, Cigales, f. 36. 2. P. piceata. Tonlan. Pomponia piceata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 558 (1905). 3. P. imperatoria. Malaya. Cicada imperatoria, WWestwood, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. 9, p. 118 (1842) ; Arcan. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 14, t. 51 (1845). 4. P. mtermedia. Tenasserim. Pomponia intermedia, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 68 (1905); Faun. Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 112, f. 49 (p. 113) (1906).

Japan, China, Formosa.

5. P. merula. P|. T, Figs. 44a, b, c. Borneo, Java. Pomponia merula, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7), Vol. 15, p. 68 (1905) 1). 6. P. gigantea. N. Guinea. Pomponia gigantea, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (2a), Vol. 17, p. 380 (1897). 7. P. diffusa. Borneo.

Pomponia diffusa, Breddin, Abh. Senck. Ges. Frankf. Vol. 25, p. 179 (1900).

1) The structural differences of the three species (3. 4. 5.) are expressed in the following synopsis : A. Opercula about as long as broad. a. Greatest width of tegmina much more than a third of their length. 4. Third apical area to tegmina about as long as fourth. 4 : 2 5 a’. Greatest width of tegmina about or little more than a third of their length. 6’. Tnird apical area to tegmina shorter than fourth A 5 5 C 3 B 9 4 - ¢ 3 4 P. intermedia. B. Opercula broaderthanlong . : 2 c 6 a 6 é é é : 2 . c E P. merula,

P. imperatoria.


8. P. adusta. Java. Cicada adusta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 102 (1850). Pomponia buddha, Kirkaldy, Canad. Ent. (1909), p. 391.

g. P. grecina. Borneo. Pomponia grecina, Distant, Aun. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 421 (1889) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 70, t. 10, f. 8a, (1890). 10. P. lactea. Malaya, Sikhim. Leptopsaltria lactea, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol.20, p. 229(1887). Pomponia lactea, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 71, t. 7, f. 18a,b (1890). 11. P. picta. Sumatra, Borneo, Java.

Dundubia picta, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc, Lond. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 90 (1867). Pomponia picta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 71, t. 7, f. 11a, (1890).

B. Tegmina with only the transverse veins at bases of second and third apical areas infuscated.

12. P. solitaria. Narkondam Island. Pomponia solitaria, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol.1, p. 295(1888) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 74, t. 7, f. 174.0 (1891).

13. P. thalia. India, Java. Dundubia thalia, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 72 (1850). Pomponia thalia, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 10, p. 171 (1866); Distant. Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 75, t. 9, f. 4a,b (1891). Cicada sphinx, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 164 (1850). Pomponia horsfieldi, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 37, p. 77 (1893).

14. P. surya. India.

Pomponia surya, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.(1904), p. 671, t.30, f.2a.b 15. P. promiscua. Sumatra, Engano, Java. Pomponta promiscua, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p. 230 (1887); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 75, t. 9, f. 14a, (1891).


Dokuma. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 69 (1905).

Characters, Head (including eyes) as wide as base of mesonotum, its lenght about equal to breath between eyes; pronotum considerably shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins distinctly angularly toothed; mesonotum with a transverse tumidity at and extending beyond the cruciform elevation; abdomen in male considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruci- form elevation; tympana very large, a little convex, nearly meeting inwardly, and between them the prolonged metanotum appears as a longitudinal subconical process; opercula small, between their inner margins a short subglobose metasternal process; rostrum reaching the posterior coxee; tegmina

and wings hyaline; tegmina with eight apical areas, the basal cell longer than broad. Type. D. nigristigma, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. Philippine Islands.

1. D. nigristigma. Pl. 7, Figs. 45a, b, c. Philippines. Dundubia nigristima, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 57 (1850). Pomponia nigristigma, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 77, t. 9, f. 74a,b (1891). 2. D. consobrina. Philippines. Dokuma consobrina, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 17, p. 182 (1906).

isnt Or



Aola. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 69 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, its lenght about equal to breath between eyes; front prominent, its lateral margins more or less continuous with those of vertex; pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins prominently toothed ; abdo- men short, about as long as space between apex of front and base of cruciform elevation; tympana entirely covered, the flaps broader than long; opercula short, just reaching the first abdominal segments and not covering the lateral margins of the tympanal flaps; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe;

tegmina and wings hyaline, the first with eight apical areas and the basal cell longer than broad. Type. A. bindusara, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. India, Tenasserim, Burma.

1. A. bindusara. P|. 7, Figs. 46a, b, c. Tenasserim, Burma. Pomponia bindusara, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 642; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 76, t. 9, f. r1a,b (1891). 2. A. scitula. India, Tenasserim, Burma.

Pomponia scitula, Distant, Ann. Mus. Genova (22), Vol. 6, p. 456 (1888) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 74. t. 7, f. 19a,b (1891).


Oncotympana. Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p. 710.

Characters. Head (including eyes) nearly as wide or distinctly narrower than base of mneso- notum, its length about or nearly equal to space between eyes; pronotum considerably shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins a little convex, its posterior angles ampliated ; mesonotum large, convex; abdomen in male short, broad, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings very globose and projecting beyond the lateral abdominal margins; opercula in male short, transverse, with their disks a little convex; anterior femora spined beneath; rostrum passing the posterior coxe; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first usually more or less maculate,

apical areas eight, venation normal. Type. O. pallidiventris, Stal.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental Region, Malayana (apparently not east of the Philippines), China and Japan.

A. Opercula in male well separated, or not quite meeting internally.

1. O. pallidwentris, Philippines. Pomponia (Oncotympana) pallidiventris, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870). Pa Ogntm oz Pomponia pallidiventris, Distant, Mon. Orient.Cicad.p.78, t.6,f. 14@,)(1891).

2. O. melanoptera. India. Pomponia melanoptera, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 672, t. 30, f. 34,6 3. O. mahont, P|. 6, Figs. 47a, b,c. India.

Oncotympana Mahoni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7), Vol. 17, p. 183 (1906).


B. Opercula in male overlapping internally.

4. O. expansa. India. Carineta expansa, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 26 (1858). Pomponia expansa, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 79, t. 6, f. 134, (1891).

5. O. maculaticollis. China, Japan. Cicada maculaticollis, Motschulsky, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 30, p. 185 (1866). Pomponta maculaticollis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 80, t.6, f. 11@,) (1891). 6. O. obnubila. India.

Pomponia obnubila, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 296 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 81, t. 6, f. r0a,b (1891).

7. O. fuscata. N. China. Oncotympana fuscata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol.16, p.558 (1905).

8. O. virescens. Tibet, Yunnan. Oncotymprna virescens, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1905), p. 201.

g. O. stratoria. Yunnan. Oncotympana stratovia, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7), Vol. 16, p. 559

(1905). 10. O. viridicincta, Philippines.

Pomponia (Oncotympana) viridi-cincta, Stal. Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Fdérh. (1870), p- 711; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 79, f. 2 (1891).


Mata. Distant, Faun. Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 119 (1906).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, distinctly shorter than space between eyes; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins a little convex, sinuate before the posterior lateral angles, which are moderately lobately produced; abdomen in male short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal orificies comple- tely covered, tympanal coverings with their outer margins sinuate, the posterior angles only projecting beyond the lateral margins of the abdomen; metasternum prolonged in a broad, oblong, laminate process between the opercula, which are short, transverse, and not extending beyond the base of abdomen, their lateral margins visible from above; rostrum reaching the posterior cox ; anterior femora spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first maculate; tegmina very long and narrow, more than three times longer than broad, with eight apical areas and the basal cell longer than broad; wings

with six apical areas. Type. M. kama, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. British India, Java.

1. M. kama. Pl. 7, Figs. 48a, b, c. India, Malaya. Pomponia kama, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 643; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 78, t. 6, f. 12a,b (1891) 2. M. rama. Bhutan. Mata rama, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 459 (1912).


Champaka. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 70 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum, its length

about equal to breadth between eyes, lateral margins of front and vertex almost obliquely in line;


nr “I

pronotum about as long as head, its lateral margins armed with a distinct medial spine; mesonotum moderately tumid; abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana covered, tympanal coverings broader than long; opercula short. just reaching basal abdominal segment, laterally oblique and thus exposing the marginal areas of the cavities; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first considerably longer than the body and with its greatest breadth considerably less than a third of its

length; apical areas eight; basal cell longer than broad. Type. C. viridimaculata, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Borneo.

1. C. viridimaculata. P|. 6, Figs. 49a, b,c. Borneo, Pomponta viridimaculata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 421 (1889); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 73, t. 10, f. 9a,0 (1891). 2. C, harveyi, nov. spec. 1). Borneo.


Lahugadaria. Distant.. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 304 (1905).

Characters. This division is primarily divergent from Dundubiaria by the non-dentate lateral margins of the pronotum; the tympana are completely covered, the tympanal flaps broader than long; the opercula short, somewhat globose, wider than abdominal margin, and distinctly visible from



Lahugada. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 304 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) considerably narrower than base of mesonotum, its length about equal to space between eyes, its lateral margins discontinuous, the lateral margins of front being almost at right angles to those of vertex; pronoturn almost as long as mesonotum, narrowed anteriorly, the posterior angles prominent and rounded; abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of front and base of cruciform elevation; tympana completely covered, tympanal cove- rings broader than long; opercula short, somewhat globose, wider than abdominal margin, and distinctly visible from above; rostrum about reaching the posterior coxe; tegmina and wings hyaline,

the first with eight apical areas and the basal cell longer than broad. Type. L. dohertyi, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species, Assam.

1. L. dohertyr. P\. 7, Figs. 50a, b,c. Assam. Pomponia doherty, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 77, t. 13, f. 9a,b (1891).

1) Champaka harveyi, nov. spec. G. Body above dack castaneous; eyes. posterior and lateral margins of pronotum, and the cruci- form elevation ochraceous; body beneath paler castaneous very thickly, shortly greyishly pilose ; legs more or less dark castaneous, the tarsi ochraceous ; rostrum ochraceous; opercula dull ochraceous; tegmina and wings hyaline, the venation of both and the costal and post-costal membranes and basal cell of the first brownish-ochraceous or piceous; head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum, its length about equal to breadth between eyes; pronotum about as long as head, its lateral margins armed wish a distinct medial spine; abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings broader than long; opercula short, just reaching basal abdominal segment, laterally oblique, apices subacute; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora strongly spined beneath.

Long excl. tegm. G, 5omillim. Exp. tegm. 130 millim.

Hab. Dutch Borneo; Balakpappan (Henry Harvey, Brit. Mus.).

Differing from C. viridimaculata, Dist. the only other described species of the genus by the non-infuscated basal veins to the apical areas of the tegmina, and the absence of the greenish basal markings to both tegymina and wings; the apices of the opercula are also distinctly subacute.


abdulla, Dist. absimilis,, Dist. accipiter, Dist. accipiter, Walk. acuta, Sign. acutipennis, Butl. acutipennis, Dist. acutipennis, Walk. adouma, Dist. aduste, Walk. aerata, Dist. aetherea, Dist. affinis, Dist. affinis, Fabr. africana, Palis. afzeli, Stal.

agatha, var. Moult. alacris, Stal. albata, var. Dist. albigera, Walk. albiguttata, Dist. albiguttata, Walk. albistigma, Dist. albistigma, Walk. albomaculata, Dist. albostriata, Dist. albura, Bredd. alticola, Dist. alluaudi, Dist. aluana, Dist. amicta, Dist. andamana, Dist. andamana, Dist. andamanensis, Dist. andersoni, Dist. andrewsi, Dist. andriana, Dist. Angamiana (genus), Dist. angulayis, Froge. angularis, Germ. angusta, var. Butl. Antankaria (genus), Dist. antinorii, Leth. antiopa, Karsch. Aola (genus), Dist. apicalis, Mats. aquila, Dist



aquila, Walk

arcuata, Walk. argentata, Germ. argyrea, var. Mel. armata, Ol.

arminops. Noualh. Arunta (genus), Dist. as:amensis, Atk. assamensis, Dist. atkinsoni, Dist.

atra, Dist.

atra, Dist.

atra, Sign.

atrata, Fabr. atrofasciata, Kirk. atrovirens, Guér. attenuata, Dist. auletes, Germ. aurifera, Say.

aurora, Dist. australasiae, Am. & Serv. Ayesha (venus), Dist.

azteca, Kirk.

badia, Dist. bakeri, Dist. basimacula, Walk. bangueyensis, Dist. barbosae, Dist. basalis, Sign. basialba, Dist. basialba, Walk. basifolia, Walk. basimacula, Dist. basispes, Walk. basistigma, Walk. basi-viridis, Dist. basi-viridis, Walk. becarri, Leth. belizensis, Dist. bettoni, Dist. bermudiana, Ver. bhutanensis, Dist. bicaudata, Walk. bicolor, Walk. biconica, Walk. bicosta, Walk.

bihamata, Motsch. bilaqueta, Uhler. bimaculata, Ol. bindusara, Dist. bivocalis, Mats. black cicada, Frogg. bocki, Dist. boliviana, Dist. bombifrons, Karsch. bonhotei, Dist. boninensis, Dist. bouvieri, Dist. brancsiki, Dist. brasiliensis, Kirk. brevis, Dist. brevis, Walk. buddha, Kirk. bubo, Walk.

bufo, Dist.

bufo, Walk.

bulgara, Dist.

Cacama (genus), Dist. calypso, Dist. calypso, Kirby cameroni, Butl. canesceus, Dist. canescens, Walk. canicularis, Harr. capensis, Am. & Serv. capensis, var. L. capitata, Dist. carmente, Dist. carmente, Walk. capitata, Ol. carlinii, Dist. cassandra, Dist. catenata, Drury catocaloides, Walk. centralis, Dist. cervina, Walk. Champaka (genus), Dist. chlorogaster, Dist. chlorogaster, Boisd. chloromera, Walk. chloronata, Walk.

Chremistica (subgen.), Stal



Pages chremistica (subgen.), Stal 27 Cicada (genus), L. 30 Cicada (subgen.), Stal(part.). 30 Cicadaria (division), Dist. 25 CICADINZ (subfam.), Dist. 3 ciliaris, Butl. IZ ciliaris, Dist. II ciliaris, L. II cinctimanus, Walk. 53 cinctifera, Uhl. 32 circumseripta, Jac. 9 clara, Am. & Serv. 8 clypealis, Karsch. 5 coelebs, Dist. Bde) ceelebs, Stal. 10 ceelestia. Dist. 15 colorata, Dist. 21 colorata, Stal 21 confints, Walk. 44 conjusa, Karsch. 19 conifacies, Walk. 41 connata, Walk. 5o consobrina, Dist. 54 conspicua, Dist. 40 contracta, Walk. 9 convergens, Walk. 26 corvus, Dist. 34 corvus, Walk. 34 Cosmopsaltria (genus), Stal 43 coronata, Dist. 27 crassa, Dist. 27 crassa, Dist. 47 crassa, Walk. 32 crucifera, Walk. 29 Cryptotympana(genus),Stal 34 Cyclochila(zenus),Am.&Serv. 22 Cyclochilaria (division), Dist. 21 daiaca, Bredd. 32 davidi, Dist. 41 davisi, Smith & Grossb. 29 decora, Germ. I2 delicata, Osb. 31 delineata, Walk. 47 demissitia, Dist. 35 depicta, Dist 19 deusta, Dist. 12 deusta, Stal 12 deusta, Thunb. 12 diana, Dist. 48 Diceroprocta igenus), Stal. 27 Diceroprocta (subgen.), Stal (part ). 30


Pages Diceropyga (genus), Stal 49 dichroa, Boisd. 25 didyma, Boisd. 53 digueti, Dist. 28 dimidiata, Karsch. 6 dtomedia, Dist. 36 dissimilis, Dist. 33) distans, Walk. 50 distanti, Moult. 48 distincta, Atk. 10 dives, Westw. 19 divisa, Germ. 12 doddi, Asht, 26 dohertyi, Dist. S97 dohrni, Schmidt 42 Dokuma (genus), Dist. 54 dorsalis, Asht. 26 dorsata, Say 32 doryca, Boisd. 44 doryca, Walk. 50 Double Drummer, Froge. 28 duarum, Walk. 44 ducalis, Westw. 18 Dundubia, Am. & Serv. 42 Dundubiaria (division). Dist. 37 durga, dist. 52 edwardsi, Kirk. 35 egregia, Uhl. 32 elliotti, Dist. 16 elopurina, Dist. 46 emanatura, Dist. 43 epithesia, Dist. 36 erratica, Osb. 31 esa, Dist. 9 euterpe, Walk. 29 evanescens, Butl. 15 exalbida, Dist. 35 extrema, Dist. 26 expansa, Walk. 56 eydouxi, Guér. 24 facialis, Dist. 35 facialis, Walk. 35 fasciata, Fabr. 19 fasciata, Dist. 9 fasciceps, Stal 27 Fatima (genus), Dist. 45 feae, Dist. 45 fenestrata, Uhl. II ferrifere, Walk. 27 ficulnea, Dist. 49 figurata, Walk, 30

Pages flammata, Dist. 31 flava, Asht. 21 flavescens, Dist. 23 flavescens, Froge, 24 fiavida, Dist. 49 floridula, Dist. 17 fratercula, Dist. 44 fraxini, Fabr. 31 froggatti, Dist. 46 flavida, Guér. 49 fuliginosa, Dist. 49 fuliginosa, Walk. 49 fullo, Walk. 24 fumipennls, Dist. 36 fumipennis, Walk. 36 fumipennis, Asht. 23 fulvigera, Walk. 10 fulvula, Osb. 29 furva, Dist. 7 fuscangulis, Butl. Io fusipennis, Walk. 30 fusca, Ol. 53 fusca, Dist. 53 fuscata, Dist. 56 gamameda, Dist. 32 gemina, Walk. 10 germana, Dist. 27 gestroi, Dist. 46 gigantea, Dist. 53 gigas, Dist. 15 graecina, Dist. 54 Green Monday, Froggy. 22 grauert, Mel. 16 graminea, Dist. 31 grandicollis, Germ. 16 grandidieri. Dist. 12 Graptopsaltria (genus), Stal 20 grossa, Fabr. 20 guttularis, Dist. 40 guttularis, Walk. 40 guttulata, Sign. 13 haglundi, Stal 12 hainanensis, Dist. 49 hampsoni, Dist. 10 handlirschi, Dist. 12 Haphsa (genus), Dist. 47 harmandi, Dist. II harrisi, Leach 23 harveyi, Dist. 57 heathi, Dist. 13 hecuba, Dist. 16


Pages helena, Dist. 43 hemiptera, Guer. 10 Henicopsaltria/genus), Stal 24 Heteropsaltriaria (divi- sion), Dist. 56 Heteropsaltria (genus), Jac. 36 hievoglyphica, Dist. 32 hieroglyphica, God. & Frogg. 30 hieroglyphica, Say 32 hieroglyphicalis, Kirk. 30 hilaris, Dist. 32 hillieri, Dist. 26 hilpa, Walk. II hilpa, Dist. II hirta. Karsch 12 hirtipennis, Germ. II hirtipennis, var. a, Stil 12 hirundo, Walk. 41 holsti, Dist. 36 hoppoensis, Mats. 40 horizontalis, Karsch 5 horsfieldi, Dist. 54 hova, Dist. sibs) hova, Dist. 28 huruduadua, Dist. 31 hyalina, Dist. 6 hyalino-limbata, Sign. 10 hyaloptera, Stal 8 ida, Moult. 44 immacula, Walk. 43 immaculata, Ol. 35 immaculata, Walk. 34 impar, Dist. SI impar, Walk. SI imperatoria, Westw. 53 indica, Don. 18 inermis, Stal 44 inquinata, Dist. 17 insignis, Dist. 10 insignis, Dist. 49 insignis, Dist. 42 insularis, Dist. 35 insularis, Dist. “50 insularis, Walk. 5o interclusa, Walk. 21 intemerata, Walk. 43 intermedia, Dist. 29 intermedia, Dist. 53 intermedia, Sign. 34 intermedia, Dist. 34 intersecta, Walk. 26 interna, Walk. 15


Pages tnvartans, Walk. 34 loba (genus), Dist. 4 jacobsoni, Dist. 41 jacoona, Dist. 44 japonensis, Dist. 2 japonica, Horv. 42 johannis, Walk. 32 junctivitta, Dist. 50 junctivitta, Walk. 50 juno, Dist. 48 kaempferi, Fabr. 10 kaempfert, Dist. 10 kama, Dist. 56 kareisana, Mats. 45 kelsalli, Dist. 24 khadiga, Dist. 52 knowlesi, Dist. 31 Koma (genus), Dist. 6 Kongota (genus), Dist. 14 lactea, Dist. 54 Lahugada (genus), Dist. 57 Lahugadaria (division), Dist. 57 lata, Dist. 44 larus, Dist. 48 larus, Walk. 48 lata, Walk. 44 lateralis, Walk. 48 laticeps, Karsch II laticlavia, Stal 7 laticollis, Mel. 5 laticosta, Asht. 22 latilinea, var, Dist. 44 latilinea, var. Walk. 44 leechi, Dist. 31 lelita, Kirk. 46 leopardina, Dist. 5 Leptopsaltria (genus), Stal 39 liberiana, Dist. 12 limbalis, Karsch 17 limbata, Fabr. 16 limbata, Walk. 5 limbaticollis, Stal 5 limbimacula, Karsch 17 limborgi, Dist. 35 limpida, Karsch 9 lindiana, Dist. 9 linearis, Walk. 53 lineatella, Dist. 8 lineifera, Walk. 51 linnei, Smith & Grossb. 29

literata, Walk. longirostris, Dist. longula, Dist. loriae, Dist. lutulenta, Dist.

lyricen, De Geer

mackinnoni, Dist. Macrotristria (genus), Stal maculaticollis, Dist. maculaticollis, Motsch. maculigena, Sign. madagascariensis, Dist. madagascariensis. Dist. makaga, Dist.

mahoni, Dist. majuscula, Dist. mandarina, Dist. mannifera, Dist. mannifera, L. marginalis, Walk. marginata, Say martini, Dist. maymorata, Fabr. marshalli, Dist. mascula, Dist

Mata (venus), Dist. Maua (genus), Dist. maura, Dist. mearesiana, Westw. meeki, Dist. Meimuna (genus), Dist. melania, Dist. melanoptera, Dist. melanoptera, Dist. melanoptera, White mellea, Dist. melpomene, Walk. membranacea, Karsch merula, Dist. mesochlora, Walk. meyeri, Dist. microdon, Dist. microdon, Walk. mimica, Dist. minahassae, Dist. milvus, Walk.

mira, Dist.

mixta, Kirby

moerens, Germ. mongolica, Dist. montezuma, Dist.

montivaga, Dist.

montivaga, Dist.

morrisi, Dist.

Mottled Grey Cicada, Froge. Muansa (genus), Dist. muiri, Dist.

multisignata, Bredd. Munza (genus), Dist murchisoni, Dist.

nagarasingna, Dist. natalensis, Dist. neavei, Dist nebulinea, Dist. nebulilinea, Walk. Neopsaltoda (genus), Dist. neurosticta, Schaum niveonotata, Butl. nivifera, Walk. niasana, Dist. nicobarica, Butl. nicobarica, Dist. nicomache, Dist. nicomache, Walk. nigra, Dist.

nigra, Ol.

nigrans, Dist. nigrescens, Dist. nigricans, Dist. nigrimacula, Walk. nigristigma, Walk. nigriventris, Walk. nigriventris, var, Dist. nigrojuscata, Motsch. nigrolinea, De Geer nigronervosa, Dist. nigrosignata, Dist. nodosa, Dist. nodosa, Walk. novae guinae, Dist. nobilis, Dist. nobilis, Germ. nubivena, Walk. numida, Dist.

nutti, Dist.

obtecta, Dist. obtecta, Fabr. obnubila, Dist. obscura, Fabr. obtusa, Uhl. ocellata, De Geer occidentalis, Dist. ochracea, Walk.


ochracea, Dist. octoguttata, Fabr. oculata, Jac. ogasawarensis, Mats. olacris, var. Dist. oleacea, Dist olivacea, Germ. olympusa, Walk. Oncotympana (genus), Stal oopaga, Dist.

Oria (genus), Dist. ornaticeps, Bredd. ornea, Walk.

orni, Fabr. opalifera, Dist. opalifera, Walk. opercularis, Dist. opercularis, Ol. opercularis, Walk. operculata, Carreno operculissima, Dist. operculissima, Dist.

operculissima, Dist.

Oxypleura (subgen.), Am. &


padda, var. Dist. pallida, Dist. pallida, Dist. pallidiventris, Dist: pallidiventris, Stal passa, Walk. patruelis, Stal pembana, Dist. penicillata, Walk. peringueyi. Dist. perulata, Guér. phaeophila, Dist. phzophila, Walk. phalaenotdes, Walk. piceata, Dist. pigafettae, Dist. picta, Walk. pictibasis, Walk. pigmentata, Dist. plaga, Walk. plagiata, Karsch

40 23


Platypleura(genus),Am.&Serv. 7

platygaster, Asht. Platylomia (genus), Stal plebeia, God.

plebega, Scop.

plumosa, Germ.

42 47

peecilochlora, Walk. Poecilopsaltria (subgen.) poliia, Dist.

polita, Walk.

Polyneura (genus), Westw. Polydorus, Stal.

polydorus, Walk. polyhymnia, Dist. polyhymnia, Walk.

Polyneuraria (division), Dist. 3

Pomponia (genus), Stal pontianaka, Dist. prasina, Walk.

pratti, Dist.

proecellens, Dist. preecellens, Stal promiscua, Dist. pruinosa, Say

pryeri, Dist.

Psaltoda (genus), Stal psophis, Walk.

pulchra, Asht.

pulverea, Dist. pulverulenta, Dist. punctigera, Walk. Purana (genus), Dist. pustulata, Fabr.

Pycna (genus), Am. & Serv. pygmaea, Dist.

pyropa, Mats.

pygmaea, Jac.

quadraticollis, Butl. quadrituberculata, Dist. quadrituberculata, Sign. quanza, Dist.

queenslandica, Kirk.

tadha, Dist. radiata, Karsch rafflesi, Dist. rama, Dist. ramifera, Walk. recedens, Dist. recedens, Walk. recta, Dist. recta, Dist. recta, Walk. reducta, Walk. repanda, L. repanda, var. assamensis, Dist. reperta, Uhl. reperta, Uhl.


resh, Hald. resonans, Walk. reticularis, Uhl. revoili, Dist. ridleyana, Dist. Rihana (genus), Dist robertsonii, Fitch. robusta, Dist. roepstorffit, Atk. ruatana, Dist. rudis, Dist.

rudis, Walk. yudts, Karsch rudis, var. Dist. rufivena, Walk. rutherfordi, Dist.

saccata, Fabr. Sadaka (genus), Dist. samia, Walk.

samia, Dist. sanguiflua, Walk saturata, Dist. saturata, Walk. Sawda (genus), Dist. Sayi, Smith & Grossb. scitula, Dist. seebohmi, Dist. semiclara, Dist. semiclaia, Germ. seminiger, Dist. semilucida, Walk, semperi, Stal semusta, Dist. seraphina, Dist. serva, Dist.

serva, Walk. sessiliba, Dist. severini, Dist. ssexguttata, Walk. seychellensis, Dist. sharpi, Dist.

sibylla, Stal signifera, Walk. silhetana, Dist. similaris, Smith & Grossb. similis, Dist.

simplex, Walk sinensis, Dist. sinensis, Dist.

sobria, Walk.

sobrina, Stal

solitaria, Dist.


sonora, Walk. sordidata, Uhl. sound organs, Luc. spathulata, Dist. spathulata, Stal speciosa, Illig. splendida, Dist. sphinx, Walk. sphinx, Walk. sphinx, Dist. spicata, Dist. spiculata, Noualh. spinosa, Dist. spinosa, Walk. spinosa, Fabr. stalina, Butl. stentor, Buckt. stigmosa, Stal stormsi, Dist. straminea, Walk. stratoria, Dist. stridula, Blanch, stridula, L. stridula, var. b, Stal strix, Am. & Serv. strix, Brulle strumosa, Fabr. styumosa, Stal stuarti, Dist. subapicalis, Walk. subjascia, Walk. subguttata, Walk. sublaqueata, Uhl. subfolia, Walk. subrufa, Walk suluensis, Dist. superba, Fitch surya, Dist. swalei, Dist. sybilla, Dist. sylvana, God. & Froge. sylvara, Dist. sylvia, Dist.

Tacua (genus), Am. & Serv. Tacuaria (division) tagalica, Dist.

tagalica, Stal

taipinensis, Mats,

tanga, Strand

Tanna (genus), Dist. tavoyana, Dist.

tepperi, Godd.


terpsichore, Walk. terpsichore, var. Dist. testacea, Carl. testacea, Walk. thalia, Stal

thalia, Walk.

Thopharia (division) : Thopha (venus), Am. & Serv.

tibicen, L. tienta, Karsch tigrina, Dist. tigrina, Palis. tigrina, Walk tigrotdes, Dist. tigroides, Walk. timorensis, Dist. timorica, Walk. tondana, Dist. tondana, Walk. tonkiniana, Jac. toradja, Bredd. toradja, Sharp

Tosena (genus), Am. & Serv.

townsendi, Uhl. transversa, Walk. transversa, Walk. trimeni, Dist. tripurasura, Dist. truncaticeps, Sign. tuberosa, Dist

tuberosa, Sign.

Ugada (genus), Dist. umbrata, Dist. umbrosa, Dist. urania, Walk.

Umjaba (genus), Dist.

vaginata, Fabr. varia, Ol, vartans, Walk. varicolor, Dist. variegata, Fabr. varia, Walk. veligera, Jac. velitaris, Dist. vesta, Dist. vibrans, Dist. vibrans, Walk. vicina, Sign. virens, Dist. virescens, Dist.

virescens, Dist.


virescens, Karsch virescens, Ol.

virgulata, Dist.

viridimaculata, Dist.

viridifascia, Walk. viridipennis, Dist.

vitiensis, Dist.


Pages vitripennis, Say 29 watanabei, Mats. vitticollis, Jac. 16 watsoni, Dist. viridis, Fabr. 27 westwood, Dist. viridicincta, Stal 56 westwoodi, Stal vomerigera, Bredd. 46

Yanga (genus), Dist.

wahlbergi, Stal 12


NOS Abs x 3a, b. 4a, b. 5a, 6. 6a, b.

74, 6, ¢

8a, b. 94, b,

5 WO,

114, 0. 124, b, 13a, b. 15a, b, 16a, 6, 184, b,

. 144, b,

17a, b, 19a, b, 204, b, 23a, b.


Ioba limbaticollis, Stal. Muansa clypealis, arsch. Sadaka hyalina, Distant. Roma bombifrons, Karsch. Munza laticlavia, Stal. Platypleura polydorus, \Walker. Yanga brancsikt, Distant. Kongota punctigera, Walker.

Umjaba evanescens, Butler


. Pycna celestia, Distant.

Ugada nutti, Distant.

. Angamiana floridula, Distant. . Polyneura ducalis, Westwood. . Losena seebohmi, Distant.

. Graptopsaltria tienta, WKarsch,

. Avunta perulata, Guérin.

Pirate 3

Tacua speciosa, Illiger.

. Thopha sessiliba, Distant. . Cyclochila australasie, Amyot & Serville. . Psaltoda auvova, Distant.

. Macrotristria godingi, Distant.

1) All the drawings which constitute the material of these plates were made by Mr. Horace Knight of London.



Fig. 21a, 6, c. Neopsaltoda crassa, Distant. ad 22a, b, c. Henicopsaltria fullo, Walker.

Pie 24a, b, c. Rihana bicontca, Walker. 25a, b, c. Cicada cinctifera, Uhler. 26a, b,c. Antankaria madagascariensis, Distant. 28a, b, c. Orvia boliviana, Distant. iene 294, b,c. Cryptotympana holst, Distant. 35a, b,c Dundubia evata, Distant.

Prate 5

f ; Fig. 27a, b, c. Cacama maura, Distant.

2 30a, b, c. Heteropsaltria aliena, Jacobi. 31a, b, c. Leptosaltvia tuberosa, Signoret. 32a, b,c. Purana conspicua, Distant. J 3 33a, b, c. Maua affinis, Distant.

34a, b,c. Tanna japonensis, Distant. 1 36a, b, c. Cosmopsaltria alticola, Distant. 39a, b,c. Ayesha spathulata, Stal.

Pate 6

Fig. 37a, 6, c. Fatima capitata, Distant.

38a, b,c. Sacoda gestyoi, Distant.

41a, b,c. Platylomia albomaculata, Distant. . Diceropyga junctivitta, Walker.


' 43a, b,c. Mermuna gamameda, Distant. c. Oncotympana mahoni, Distant. c

. Champaka viridimaculata, Distant.


a, Fig. 40a, b, c. Haphsa meekt, Distant. i 44a, b, c. Pomponia merula, Distant. 45a, b,c. Dokuma nigristigma, Walker. 46a, b,c. Aola bindusara, Distant. 48a, 6, c. Mata kama, Distant. 5oa, 6, c. Lahugada dohertyi, Distant.

South Norwood, London S. W. 15th October 1912.





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ie 1914

gens }

NY} NA PRIX : FR. 19.60 CAS

En vente chez V. VERTENEUIL & L. DEsMET, Imprimeurs-Editeurs, 60-62, rue T’Kint, BRUXELLES

Prospectus gratis et franco sur demande.

Direction scientifique : M. P. WyYTSMAN, Zoologiste, Quatre-Bras, TERVUEREN (Belgique).




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Gzeaninee. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) Vol. 15, p. 304 (1905); Horvath, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Hung. p. 602 (1912) (part).

This subfamily is to be recognized by the presence of tympanal coverings which are however imperfect, and more or less exposing orifices.

Division CICADATRARIA (ye Fevrrana pI, Hamza Cicadatraria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) Vol. 15, p. 304 (1905); Faun. Brit. India, Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 122 (1906).

In this division the tympanal coverings are rounded anteriorly, not angulate either completely covering the orifices anteriorly and exposing them interiorly or the reverse, or smaller, exposing them both anteriorly and interiorly; the lateral margins of the pronotum are not convexly ampliate nor medially angulate; the tegmina and wings are hyaline, sometimes maculate.

The genera composing this division are confined to the Palearctic, Oriental, and Malayan

regions and represented in Japan.



1. Abdomen in Ot not tuberculate beneath. A. Tympanal coverings narrower, but scarcely shorter than tympanal cavities. a. Lateral margins of pronotum moderately ampliate. b. Head shorter than pronotum. c. Abdomen longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation. d. Head almost as long as breadth between eyes. e. Tegmina ample, nearly three timesas longasbroad . . . . . . 1. Genus Terricia, d!. Head about half as long as breath between eyes. e'. Tegmina narrow, more than three times as long as bvoad. . . 2. Genus ONomacriTUS. a!. Lateral margins of pronotum straight, not ampliate. b!. Head as long as pronotum. c'. Abdomen short, about as long as space between apex of head and He OF CHIDO HOD BS 6 5 6 0 6 6 6 6 5 dy (San IM.

B. Tympanal coverings both narrower and shorter than tympanal cavities.

a. Wings with fue apical aveas . . . «. . » «. ». = ~. ~. « OO» Genus RusTia. b. Wings with six apical areas. + d. Opercula iu § short and transverse, not or scarcely extending beyond base of abdomen. e. Head deflected anteriorly, front not prominent. f. Pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum. g. Length of head about equal to breadth between eyes; abdomen in 3 longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation. h. Greatest width of tegmina only one-third of length, broader than wings. 6. Genus TERPNOSIA. h'. Greatest with of tegmina considerably move than one-third of length, but scarcely broader than wings . . . . . . . 8. Genus PsaLmocnarias.

g!. Length of head less than width between eyes ; abdomen in 3 about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation. h"’. Tegmina in Gf more than three times as long as bvoad. . ~=3. Genus Tamasa.

h''. Tegminain Ga little more than twice or less than

three times aslongasbroad. . . . . . . 7. Genus CICADATRA. H d'. Opercula in O short but well developed, at least reaching apex of second abdominal segment . . . ; . « . » » 21, Genus Kameya:

d''. Opercula in 3 extending beyond the middle of abdomen. e'. Head not deflected anteriorly, the front very prominent. f', Pronotum as long as mesonotum . . . . . . . . . » ~1g. Genus LETHAMA. C. Tympanal coverings shorter, but not narrower, than tympanal cavities. e''. Head with the front prominent, its lateral margins at right angles with anterior margins of vertex. i. Lateral margins of pronotum ampliale, narrowed anteriorly.

k. Abdomen beneath strongly channelled near lateral margins . . . . 13. Genus KamaraTa.

i', Lateral margins of pronotum convex anteriorly, medially conca-

vely sinuate.


k!'. Abdomen beneath obliquely recurved near lateral margins. . . %4. Genus Basa. 2. Abdomen in Gf tuberculate beneath on second and third abdominal segments. a. Head about as long as half the width between eyes ; wings with six apical CHE CS a aa he aoe ee er eee Set en ee ee GreTI1S| CAL CAGNINUS:

a!. Head as long as width between eves ; wings with five apical areas. 10. Genus GUDABA.


Tettigia. Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. France (1847), p. 152 (348); Kolenati, Mel. Ent. Vol. 7, p. 6 (1857); Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 23 (1866); Melichar, Cicad. Mitt.-Europ. p. 3 (1896); Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (1904), p. 593.

Characters. Head including eyes as broad as base of mesonotum, shorter than pronotum, margins of front a little discontinuous with the lateral margins of vertex, pronotum with the lateral mar- gins moderately ampliate, sinuate, widened posteriorly ; mesonotum including cruciform elevation about as long as head and pronotum together; abdomen somewhat robust, a little longerin length than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal: coverings narrower but scarcely shorter than tympanal cavities; opercula short, not or slightly extending beyond base of abdomen;

tegmina about three times as long as broad, eight apical areas; wings with six apical areas. Type. 7. ovmi, Linneus.

Geographical distribution of species. Palearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, Australasian and neotropical Regions; Cochin China, Madagascar, and Central America.

io Ils aie: Palearctic Region. Cicada ornt, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), p. 436, 17 (1758); Olivier, Enc. Meth. t. 5, p.753 (1790) ; Germar, Mag. Ins. t. 4, p. 97 (1821); Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hem, p. 481 (1843); Hagen, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol.17, p. 29 (1856). Tibicen oyni, Brullé, Exp. Morée, Zool. Vol. 2, p. 110-(1832). Tettigonia ornt, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 40, 35 (1803). Tettigia ovnt, Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p.617 (1861); Melichar, Cicad. Mitt. Europ. p. 3, t. 1, ff. 3-5 (1896). Tettigonia punctata, Fabricius, Supp). p. 516, 24 (1798).

2. T. orientalis. Cochin China; Siam. Tettigia orientalis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol.9, p. 460 (1912). 3. T. mnteryupta. Pl. |, Figs. la, b. Australia.

Cicada interrupta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 175 (1850). Tibicen interruptus, Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (1904), p. 602. Tettigia australensis, Kirkaldy, The Canad. Ent. (1909) p. 391. 4. 1. burket. Australia. Tibicen burker, Distant, Proc Zool. Soc. Lond. (1882), p. 126, t. 7, f. 3a, ; Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales (1904), p. 610. Tettigia variegata, Goding & lroggatt, loc. cit. p. 594, pl. 18, ff. 9, 9a (1904). 5. T. pennata. Guatemala. Tetligia pennata, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 11 t. 2, f. 12a, b (1881). ,

6. T. barbara. Algeria. Tettigia barbara, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 24 (1866); Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 107 (1890).


Ge The CEvtSyt. Egypt. Cicada cerisyi, Guérin, Icon. Régne Anim., Ins. p. 356 (1829-1838). Tettigta cerisyi, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 108 (1890).

8. T. punctipes. Madagascar. Cicada punctipes, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (3), Vol. 8, p. 180 (1860). Tettigia punctipes, Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 25 (1866); Karsch, Berl, Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 35, p. 108 (1890).


Onomacritus. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 461 (1912).

Characters. Head transverse, much shorter than the breadth between eyes, eyes large and upwardly prominent, as seen beneath distinctly exserted, lateral margins of vertex and front almost continuous; face broad, narrowing to clypeus, an obscure central tubercle near anterior margin, clypeus strongly centrally ridged, only a little shorter than face; pronotum considerably longer than head, a little shorter than mesonotum, the lateral margins a little ampliate, concavely sinuate before the lateral angles, which are roundly prominent and a little upturned, slightly and obscurely angulate before the concave sinuation; abdomen much longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, tympanal coverings narrower but scarcely shorter than tympanal cavities; rostrum passing the base of abdomen; opercula in male small and transverse, widely separated internally; tegmina elongate, narrow, more than three times as long as broad; wings only half as long as tegmina, but

nearly as broad, six apical areas, their basal margins almost at right angles with each other. Type. O. sumatranus, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Sumatra.

1. O. sumatranus, Pl. |, Figs. 2a, b. Sumatra. Onomacritus swmatranus, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 461



Tamasa. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 386 (1905).

Characters. Body moderately short, abdomen not longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings both narrower and shorter than tympanal cavities; head shorter than pronotum, which is slightly shorter than mesonotum.,

A genus intermediate between Tefligia and Terpnosia. From Tettigia it is separable by the struc- ture of the tympanal coverings, which are both narrower and shorter than tympanal cavities, and by the short abdomen; from Terpnosia it also differs by the short and opaque abdomen, the greater width of the head between eyes = to width of base of mesonotum, and by the tympanal coverings being suban

gulate anteriorly. Type. 7. tristigma, Germar.

Geographical distribution of species. Australia.

1. 7. tristigma. Pl. |, Figs. 3a, b. Australia. Cicada tristigma, Germar, in Silb. Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 69 (1834) Tettigza tristigma, Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (1861), p.617; Godiny & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (1904), p. 594.



Tibicen kurande, Goding & Froggatt, Proc. Linn. N. S. Wales (1904), p- 605. Tibicen doddi, Goding & Froggatt. loc. cit. p. 602 (1904). 2. T.rainbowi, Ashton. Australia. Tamasa rainbowi, Ashton, Rec. Austral. Sidney Mus. Vol.g, p.107, fig. 41.


Emathia. Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 8 (1866); Atkinson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. Vol. 53, p. 229 (1885); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 133 (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 123 (1906).

Characters. Head about as long as pronotum, including eyes about as wide as base of meso notum, vertex longer than front, its lateral margins discontinuous, that of vertex not in line with that of front; pronotum a little shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins straight, not ampliate, its posterior ang'es moderately ampliated; mesonotum with the disk convex; abdomen short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings incomplete, narrower but scarcely shorter than the tympanal cavities, which are thus inwardly exposed; rostrum almost reaching the posterior cox; opercula in male small, narrow, not extending beyond basal abdominal segment; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first with eight apical areas

and the basal cell not twice as long as broad. Type. E. egrota, Stal.

Geographical distribution of species. British India.

1. E. egrota. Pl. |, Figs. 4a, b. India. Emathia egrota, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 10, p. 172 (1866); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 133, t. 12. f. 3a, b (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind , Rhynch Vol. 3, p. 124, f. 54 (1906). Tibicen aurengzebe, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 646.


Rustia. Stal, Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 8 (1866); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 125 (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 124 (1906).

Characters. Head a little shorter than pronotum, including eyes about as wide as base of mesonotum, its lateral margins discontinuous, lateral margins of vertex not in line with those of front, the vertical angles globosely produced, eyes somewhat pedunculate, ocelli much farther apart from eyes than from each other; pronotum as long as mesonotum, its lateral margins nearly straight, a little sinuate, its posterior angles slightly recurved; abdomen longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings very small, both narrower and shorter than the tympanal cavities; opercula in male very small, not covering the cavities; rostrum reaching the poste- rior coxe; anterior femora spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline; tegmina with the basal cell

much longer than broad, apical areas eight, wings with five apical areas. Type. R. dentwilta, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. India, Burma, Cambodia.

1. R. dentwitta. P|. |, Figs. 5a, b. India, Burma, Cambodia. Cicada dentivitta, Walker, Journ. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 304 (1862). Rustia pedunculata, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 10, p. 383 (1866).


Rustia dentivitta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 125, t. 8, f. 14a, b (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind, Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 125, f. 55 (1906). var. amussitata. Tibicen amussitatus, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol.1, p.573(1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 126, t. 12, f. 16a,b (1892). 2. R. tigrina. India, Burma. Tibicen tigrinus, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 2, p. 325 (1888). Rustia tigrina, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 126, t. 14, f. 19a,b (1892) ; Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 125 (1906).


Terpnosia. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9, p. 325 (note) (1892); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 138 (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 126 (1906).

Characters. Head about as long as breadth between eyes, deflected anteriorly, front not prominent; pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins sinuate, with the posterior angles moderately lobalety produced; abdomen in male longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings both narrower and shorter than tympanal cavities; opercula in male short and transverse, usually not or scarcely extending beyond base of abdomen 1); anterior femora spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first usually more or less maculate,

with eight apical areas, and the basal cell longer than broad; wings with six ap‘cal areas. Type. T. psecas, Walker. Geographical distribution of species. Oriental and Malayan Regions, China & Japan.

A. Opercula in male not extending beyond base of abdomen.

1. T. psegas. Pl. |, Figs. 6a, b. India, Ceylon, Java. Dundubia psecas, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 65 (1850), Pomponia elegans, Kirby, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. 24, p. 130 (1891). Terpnosia psecas, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9, p. 325 (1892); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 140 (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 126, f. 56 (1906).

2. T. jenkinsi. Bengal. Terpnosta jenkinsi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 183 (1912). 3. T. confusa. India.

Terpnosia confusia, Distant, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 306 (1905); Faun, Brit. Ind. Rhynch, Vol, 3, p. 128 (1906). Terpnosia psecas, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. t. 7, f. 21a, (1892). 4. TI. maw. China. Terpnosia mawi, Distant, The Entomologist (1909), p. 208 5. T. stipatq. Ceylon. Dundubia stipata, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 51 (1850). Dundubia clonia, Walker, loc. cit. p. 66 (1850). Dundubia chlonia, Stal, Oefv, Vet.-Akad. Foérh, (1862), p. 480. Terpnosia stipata, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 139, t.15, f. 6a,b (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 127 (1906). 6. T. vansonnetz. Ceylon. Pomponia Ransonnetti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 372 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 72, t. 7, f. 20a,b (1890). Pomponia greent, Kirby, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. Vol, 24, p. 120, t. 5, f. 11 (1891). Terpnosia ransonetti, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 128 (1906).

1) Except in 7. maculipes, Walker, 7. ganesa, Distant.


Fe Io A. Dundubia clio, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 73 (1850). Terpnosia clio, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 141, t. 9, f. 5a,b (1892). 8. T. abdullah. Terpnosia abdullah, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond (1904), p. 676, t. 30 f. 7a, b. g. T. vacua. Cicada vacua, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. £, p. 757 (1790). Terpnosia pryeri, Wistant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 139, t. 15, f. 5a,b (1892). ? Cicada clara, Motschulsky, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 39, p. 184 (1866). Stoll, Cig. f. 58. 10. I, nigricosta. Cicada nigricosta, Motschulsky, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 39, p. 184 (1866). Terpnosia nigricosta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 138, t. 15,f. 4@,b (1892). 11. TI. andersont. Terpnosia andersoni, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.141, t. 9, f.13a,0 (1892). 12. IT. madhava. Pomponia madhava, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 644. Terpnosia madhava, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.141, t. 9, f. 2a, (1892). 13. T. crowfoott. Terpnosia crowfooti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 10, p. 439 (1912). 14. I. collina. Pomponia collina, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1,p 371 /1888). Terpnosia collina, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.142, t. 7. f. 12a,0 (1892). 15. T. versicolor. Terpnosta versicolor, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 462 (1912). 16. IT. pumila. Pomponia pumila, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 73, t. 13, f. 8a.) (1891). 17. TI. oberthurt. Terpnosia oberthuvt, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 462 (1912). 18. T. translucida. Pomponia translucida, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 76, t.13,f. 74, (1891). B. Opercula in male extending beyond base of abdomen. 19. I. maculipes. Dundubia maculipes, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 70 (1850). Terpnosia maculipes, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 140,t. 15, f.7a,b (1892). 20. T. ganesa. Terpnosia ganesa, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.(1904),p.675, pl 30,f.6a,0. 21. IT. posidonia.

Terpnosia posidonia, Jacobi, Sitzb. Ges. Naturf. Berl. p. 22 (1902); Zool. Jahrb. p. 434 (1905); Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 12, p. 561 (1913).

Cicada stipata, Walker, List Hem. Vol. 1, p. 155 (1850), nom. preocc.

Terpnosia stipata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 16, p. 553 (1905).

Terpnosia walkeri, Distant, Syn. Cat. Hom. Vol. 1 (Cicadidz), p. 78 (1906) nom, nov.


Malay, Peninsula, N. India.


Japan. China, W. Yunnan.


N. India.

India, Burma.

Burma. Borneo. Bhutan.






Cicadatra. Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Vol. 5, p. 153 (349) (1847); Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. (3),

Vol. 4, p. 42 (1876); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 133 (1892);

Vol. 3, p. 132 (1906).

Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch.

Cicada, subgen. Cicadatra. Kolenati, Melet. Ent. p. 9 (1857); Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, Vol. 30.

Tettigia, subgen. Cicadatra. Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, p. 617 (1861).

Pp. 407 (1857).

Cicadatra, subgen. Rustavelia. Horvath, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Hung. (1912), p. 603.


Characters. Head (including eyes) narrower than base of mesonotum, its length less than width between eyes, but about as long as pronotum; pronotum much shorter than mesonotum,, its lateral margins more or less obliquely straight, its posterior lateral angles a little ampliated; mesonotum convex; abdomen in male as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation ; tympanal coverings both narrower and shorter than tympanal orificies; opercula in male short and transverse, not extending beyond the base of abdomen; anterior femora spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first sometimes a little maculate, its greatest width more than a third of length,

apical areas eight; wings with six apical areas.

Type. C. atra, Olivier.

Geographical distribution of species. Palearctic, just entering British India. iis (Os CTOs Palearctic Region.

Cicada atra, Olivier, Enc. Méth,. Vol. 5, p. 759 (1790). Cicada concinna, Germar, Mag. Ent. Vol. 4, p. 98 (1821). Cicada transversa, Germar, in Thon’s Ent. Arch, Vol. 2, p. 7 (1830) Tibicen vitreus, Brulle, Exp, Morée, Zvol. Vol. 3, p. 110, t. 31, f. rr (1832), Tibicen hyalinalus, Brullé, loc. cit. p. rt, f. 12, Q. Cicada ziczac, MS. Mus. Lerolin. Cicadatra atra, Kolenati, Bull. Soc Nat. Mosc. Vol, 30, p. 407, t. 5, f. 2 (1857), excl. syn.; Fieber, Rev. Mag Zool. (3), Vol. 4, p. 53 (1876). var, aguila, tau, pallipes, Fieber, loc. cit. Vol. 4, p. 53, 54, 55 (1876). 2. C. platyptera, S. E. Palearctic Region. Cicadatra platyptera, Fieber, Rev. Mag’. Zool. (3), Vol. 4, p. 43 (1876) 3. C. lineola. Syria, Persia. Cicada lineola, Hagen, Stett. ent. Zeit. Vol. 17, p. 66 (1856). Tettigia (Cicadrata) lineola, Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr (4), Vol. 1, p.617 (1861). Cicadatra persica, Kirkaldy, The Canad. Ent. (1909) p. 391.

4. C, tenebrosa. S. E. Palearctic Region. Cicadatra tenebrosa, Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. (3), Vol. 4. p. 50 (1876). 5. C. hyalina. E. Europe.

Tettigonia hyalina, Fabricius, Suppl. Ent. p. 516 (1798). Cicada vivens, MS, Mus. Berolin. Cicada {Cicadrata) hyalina and var. geodesma, Kolenati, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 30, p. 412, 414, t. 5, f. 6a,b (1857). var, virens, Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. (3), Vol. 4, p. 59 (1876).

6. C. ochreata. Persia. Cicadatra ochreata, Melichar, Ann. Mus Zool. St-Pétersb.Vol.7, p. 80(1902). 7. C. alhageos. E. Palzartic Region.

Cicadatra atra, var. alhageos, Kolenati, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 30, p- 409, t. 5, f. 3a (1857).

Cicadatra glycirrhize, var. alhageos, Puton, Cat. Hem. p. 67 (1886).

Cicadatra atra, var. glycirrhize, Kolenati, Bull. Soc, Nat. Mosc. Vol. 30, p- 410, t. 5, f. 3b (1857).

Cicadatra glycirrhize, Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. (3), Vol. 4, p. 57 (1876).

Cicada viridissima, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 28 (1858).

Cicadatra alhageos, Melichar, Ann. Mus. Zool, St-Pétersb, Vol.7, p. 81(1902).

8. C. segetum. S. W. Europe. Cicada segetum, Rambur, Faun. Ent. Andal., Vol. 3, p. 199 (1839). ; 9. C. burriana. Transcaucasia. a

Cicadatra (Rustavelia) burriana, Horvath, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Hung. (1912), p. 606, f. 7. 10. C. xantes. India. Cicada xantes, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 198 (1850). Cicadatra xanthus, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh, (1862), p. 485. Cicadatra xantes, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 135, t. 15, f. 1a,b (1892). Cicada subvenosa, Walker, Ins. Saund., Hom. p. 18 (1858). 11. C. striata. India. Cicada striata, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 206 (1850),


Cicada anea, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 207 (1850). Cicadatra striata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 135, t. 15, f. 2a,b (1892). 12. C. sankara. India. Tibicen sankara, Distant. Trans Ent.Soc. Lond. (1904), p.675, t.30,f. 8a.b; Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 132. f. 57 (p. 133) (1906).

13. C. tnconuspicua, India. Cicadatra tnconspicua, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 463(1912).

14. C. raja. Pl. |, Figs. 7a, b. N. W. India. Cicadatra raja, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 17, p. 184 (1906).

15. C. olivacea. Caucasia.

Cicadatra olivacea, Melichar, Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. Vol. 7, p. 3. f. 1/1913).


Sena. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 307 (1905) (nom. preocc.). Psalmocharias. Kirkaldy, The Entomologist, Vol. 41, p. 124 (1908) (n. nom.).

Characters. Head about as long as space between eyes, lateral margins of front somewhat at right angles to lateral margins of vertex, eyes scarcely projecting beyond the anterior angles of the pronotum; pronotum shorter than the mesonotum, its lateral margins more or less oblique, the posterior angles being obliquely dilated; abdomen longer than the space between apex of head and base of cruci- form elevation; tympana largely exposed, the flaps being a little shorter and very much narrower than the tympanal orifices; rostrum just passing the intermediate coxze; opercula in male small, transverse,

not extending beyond base of abdomen; anal appendages large. Type. P. querula, Pallas.

Geographical distribution of species. Palearctic Regions and British India.

1. P. querula. Palearctic, N. W. India. Cicada querula, Pallas, Reise, t. 2, p. 729 (1773). Cicada (Cicadatra) querula, var. paliuri, Kolenati, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Vol. 30 (1), pp. 410, 412, t. 5, f. 4 & t. 6, f. 5 (1857). Cicada Steveni, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. FGrh. (1854), p. 243. Cephaloxys quadrimacula, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 238 (1850). Cicada nigrosignata, MS. (Mus. Vienne). Cicadatra querula, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.134, t.12, f. 2a,b (1892) ; Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol 3, p. 135, f. 58 (1906). Stoll, Cig. f. 6. 2. P. flavicollis, Pl. |, Figs. 8a, b. Egypt. Cicadatra flavicollis, Horvath, Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte (1910), p. 114. 3. P. viridiflava, nov. spec. 1). 4. P. rugipennis. India. Cicada rugipennts, Walker, Ins. Saund., Hom. p. 17 (1858). Cicadatra rugipennis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 135, t. 12, f.7a,b (1892). 5. P. achert. India. Tibicen Acberi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1; p. 373 (1888). Cicadatra acbeyi, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 136, t. 15, f. 3a,b (1892).

t)Psalmocharias viridifiava. nov.spec. Q.Heuad, pronotnm and mesonotum flavescent; area of the ocelli, narrow anterior and broad posterior margins, and a central lo igitudinal fuscia (broadmed anteriorly and posteriorly) to pronotum, a large triangulated spot on disk and the cruciform elevation to mesonotum, virescent; abdomen above testaceous, virescent at bus and with two black spots on apical segment; body beneath ochraceous, margins of sternum, coxe and legs. more or less virescent; tegmina and wings hyaline, extreme bases of boti testaceous, costal membrane of the first. and the venation of both, virescent; head deflected anteriorly, front not prominent; pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum; greatest width of tegmina considerably more than one third of length. but scarcely broader than wings ; length of head about egual to breadth between eyes.

Long. excl. tegm. 2. 28 millim. Exp. teym. 75 millim.

Hab. Turkestan ?(Fedschenko, Brit. \:us.).

Considerable confusiou exists as to this species. It was some time since presented to the British Museum, by D' de Giacomi, who had purchased it from a deaier under the name of Cicadefta virntiflava. Horvath. D* Horvath however has renounced ary knowledge of the species and I therefore describe it under .1.e name by which it may have been distributed elsewhere.


6. P. lacteipennis. Persia. Tibicina lacteipennis, Puton, Rev. d’Ent Caen (1883), pedo: Tibicen putoni, Distant, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 67 (1892), n. nom.

7.?P. semenovt. C. Asia. Tibicen semenovi, Oshanin, Rev. Russe d’Ent. (1906), Pp. 162.


Calcagninus. Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 31 (1889) & p. 136 (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Viol- 3, p= 137 (T906).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as broad as base of mesonotum, its length about half the width between eyes. ocelli not quite twice the distance from eyes as from each other; pronotum wish the lateral margins sometimes slightly ampliated and more or less distinctly toothed, or nearly straight with only the posterior angles ampliated; abdomen longer than space between the apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings rudimentary, only covering the tympanal orifices at base; second and third ventral segments in male furnished with a welt-developed tubercle near each lateral margin ; anterior femora distinctly spined beneath ; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe ; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first usually slightly maculate and possessing eight apical areas; wings with six

apical areas. Type. C. pictuvatus, Distant.

Geographicai distribution of species. Oriental Region.

1. C. picturatus. India. Leptopsaltria picturata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 370 (1888). Calcagninus picturatus, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 136, t. 8, f. 13a,) (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 137, f. 59 (1906).

2. C. nilgiviensis, Pl. 1, Figs. 9a, b. Nilgiri + ills, India. Leptosaltria nilgiriensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. 20, p. 228 (1887). Calcagninus nilgiviensis, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 137, t. 8, f. 15a,b (1892).


Gudaba, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 138 (1906).

Characters. —— Head (including eyes) about as broad as base of mesonotum, its length abou egual to the space between eyes, front prominent; pronotum about as long as broad, its lateral margins obliquely straight, its posterior lateral margins angulated; abdomen somewhat cylindrical, longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings very much shorter and narrower than the tympanal orificies, second and third ventral segments in male furnished with a tubercle near each lateral margin, that on the second segment longest; opercula in male short, transverse, not passing basal abdominal segment; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; rostrum about reaching the

posterior cox; tegmina and wings hyaline; tegmina with eight, wings with five apical areas.

Type. G. marginata, Distant.


Geographical distribution of species. India, Burma, Cochin-China.

1. G. marginata. Pl. |, Figs. 1Qa, b. Burma. Calcagninus marginatus, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 20, p. 19 (1897). Gudaba marginata, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 139, f. 60 (1906). 2. G. apicata. Cochin-China. Gudaba apicata, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 50, p. 149 (1906). 3. G. maculata. N. India.

Gudaba maculata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 10, p. 439 (1912).


Khimbya. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 307 (1905); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, Pp. 139 (1906).

Characters. Head deflected before eyes, the front scarcely visible above, its length much shorter than space between eyes, margins of front and vertex subobliquely continuous; pronotum distinctly shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins sinuate, but not dentate; abdomen much longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana imperfectly covered, flaps shorter and narrower than tympanal cavities; rostrum not quite reaching posterior coxe; opercula in male inwardly obliquely divergent, extending to a little more than a third of the abdomen; anterior femora with at least two spines on their under surface; tegmina broad, their greatest breadth conside- rably more than a third of their length, apical areas eight, basal cell much longer than broad.

Type. K. evanescens, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. British [ndia.

1. K. evanescens. Pl. |, Figs. | la, b. India. Dundubia evanescens, Walker, Ins. Saund., Hom. p. 6 (1858), Pomponia evanescens, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.72, t. 10, f. 13@,b (1890). Khimbya evanescens, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 139, f. 61 (p. 140) (1906). 2. K. immst. Assam. Khimbya immst, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 10, p. 642 (1912). 3. K. cuneata. Burma. Pomponsa cuneata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(6), Vol.20, p. 19 (1897). Khimbya cuneata, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol 3, p. 140 (1906). 4. KS. sila: India. Cosmopsaltria sita, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881) p. 636; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 58, t. 4, f. 5a,b (1890). Khimbya sita, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 141 (1906). 5. K. diminuta. India. Dundubia diminuta, Walker, List. Hom. Vol 1, p. 74 (1850); loc. cit. Vol. 4, t. 1, f. 1 (1852). Cosmopsaltria diminuta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 5o, t. 12, f. 144,6 (1890). Khinbya diminuta, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 141 (1906).


Lethama. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 307 (1905); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch, Vol. 3. P- 142 (1906).



Head horizontal, as long as space between eyes, not anteriorly deflected, front very prominent, margins of front and vertex obliquely subcontinuous; pronotum as long as mesonotum, its lateral margins oblique, sinuate, obscurely dentate; abdomen considerably longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana imperfectly covered, the flaps shorter and nar- rower than the tympanal cavities; rostrum about reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora armed beneath with two or three strong spines; opercula extending to more than half the length of the abdo- men, sinuate, wide apart and on the lateral abdominal areas; tegmina broad, their greatest breadth

more than one third of their length, apical areas eight, basal cell much longer than broad. Type. L. locusta. Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. British India. 1. L. locusta. Pl. |, Figs. 12a, b. India.

Cephaloxys locusta, Walker, List Hom, Vol..1, p. 236 (1850).

Dundubia locusta, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 41, t. 9. f. 1a,b (1889).

Lethama locusta, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 142, f. 62 (1906).


~ Kamalata. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 52 (188g); 1bidem (7), Vol. 15, p. 308 (1905); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 124 (1892).

Characters. Head moderately deflected in front of eyes, its length about equal to space between eyes, its lateral margins discontinuous, the lateral margins of vertex being more or less at right angles to those of front, its width between eyes being distinctly narrower than base of mesonotum; face globose; pronotum a little shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins somewhat angulately sinuate, broad and laminate on posterior half; abdomen broad, robust, and moderately inflated, above somewhat laterally oblique on each side, beneath strongly channelled near each lateral margin; tympanal coverings about as broad but shorter than the tympanal cavities, their length variable, either very short as in K. pantherina or about half the length of cavities as in K. javanensis ; opercula in male short, transverse, not extending beyond base of abdomen; rostrum considerably passing the posterior coxe}; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first maculate, variable in length, about as long as body, as in K. pantherina, or longer than body, as in K. javanensis, basal cell longer than broad ;

apical areas eight. Type. K. pantherina, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Sumatra, Java.

1. K. pantherina, P|. 2, Figs. | 3a, b. Sumatra. Kamalata pantherina, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p.52 (1889); Mon. Orient Cicad, p. 124, t. 8, f. 9a@,b (1892). 2. K. javanensis. Java. Kamalata javanensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p.308(1905).


Basa. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 309 (1905); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 143 (1906). Characters. Head with front prominent and produced, its lateral margins at right angles

with anterior margins of vertex, its breadth between eyes much narrower than base of mesonotum, its


length about equal to that of pronotum; pronotum a little shorter than mesonotum, its lateral margins convex anteriorly and concavely sinuate before posterior angles, which are ampliated; abdomen much longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, its lateral areas obliquely depressed above; beneath with the disk somewhat flat and the marginal areas obliquely directed upward ; tympanal flaps shorter, but not narrower than tympanal cavities; opercula transverse and just passing base of abdomen; anterior femora strongly spined beneath near apex; anterior tibize longer than femora, anterior tarsi more than half the length of tibie; tegmina and wings long and narrow, greatest width of the first only equal to a third of length, its basal cell much longer than broad, fourth

ulnar area much compressed at base of third, apical areas eight. Type. B. singularis, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species, British India.

1. B. singulavis. Pl. | 1, Figs. 14a, b. India. Dundubia singularvis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 7 (1858). Pomponia stngularis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 72, t. 6, f. 4a,6 (1890). Basa singularis, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. Vol. 3, p, 143, f. 63 (p. 144) (1906).

Incertz sedis


Triglena. Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. (1876), p. 23; Distant, Syn. Cat. Hom. (1) Cicad. p. 84 (1906); Horvath, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Hung. (1912), p. 604.

Characters. This genus, without the examination of the type, or a typical specimen (which so far as | am aware or can learn, no entomologist knows) is insufficiately described by its respected founder. Horvath rightly fastens on its principal points « Elytris areis apicalibus septem alis areis

apicalibus tribus instructis », but he places it with genera which I think may probably prove to be not its closest allies.

Type. 7. virescens, Fieber.

Geographical distribution of species. Smyrna.

1. I. virescens. Smyrna.

Triglena virescens, Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. p. 25 (1876).


Fidicinaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7). Vol. 15, p. 310 (1905).

Characters. This division is represented by a series of Neotropical genera, in all of which the tympanal orifices are more or less exposed; the tympanal flaps are always well developed and are usually somewhat angulate at their apices; the tegmina and wings are hyaline, sometimes maculate, but never opaque, and they always possess eight apical areas; the lateral margins of the pronotum have sometimes their posterior angles lobately produced, but they are never convexly ampliate nor medially angulate.

The Fidicinaria are composed of Neotropical genera of which some species are found in the Southern Nearctic Region.



] 1. Metasternum with a moderately elevated transverse centval plate, which is not eat, anteriorly angularly produced. A\ Head (including eves) about equal in width to base of mesonotum; eyes scarcely projecting beyond anterior angle of pronotum. a. Vertex of head at area of ocelli distinctly longer than front.

_, b. Posterior angles of pronotum a little prominent, but not lobately

produced. _c. Tegmina with transverse vein at base of second apical avea more or less UEVLECAL remnant . . . I. Genus PRoarna.

al. Vertex of head at area of ocelli often only very slightly longer than front.

S cl. Tegmina with transverse vein at base of second apical area

stvongly oblique . . . . . . «. « «. . «. . «4. Genus TYMPANOTERPES. B. Head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum ; eyes

projecting beyond anterior angles of pronotum,

~-b!. Posterior angles of pronotum more or less lobately produced. _ d. Tympanal coverings large and only moderately internally deficient.

a e. Tegmina with transverse vein at base of second apical avea more or less

sx? vertical. f. Vertex of head at avea of ocelli about as long as front. . . . . . 2, Genus OLLanTa. ~— f'. Vertex of head ut area of ocelli much longer than front. . . . 3. Genus Pacarina.

2 d'. Tympanal coverings only developed on lateral areas. ~ e!. Tegmina with transverse vein at base of second apical area SHOU 5 6 6 8 6 > oO 0.5 6 8 6 6 6 Bo Gos Anne, | 2. Metasternum transversely elevated and anteriorly. angularly or subangularly : produced. (C. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum ; eyes not povvect . 6. Genus Fipicina. D. Head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum; eyes porvect, more oy less stylate. (& Pronotum about as long as mesonotum ; tympanal coverings in Gt with theiy inner margins strongly concave. . . . . «. «. « . . 7. Genus HEMISCIERA. | g'. Pronotum shorter than mesonotum ; tympanal coverings in Ot not

concavemmtevtorly. .. . +. . »« » » »~ « « . 6. Genus MajroRoNnaA:


Proarna. Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 25, p. 61 (1864); Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 7 (1866); Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol 15, p. 311 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about equal in width to base of mesonotum, eyes scar- cely projecting beyond anterior angles of pronotum, vertex of head at area of ocelli distinctly longer than front; pronotum a little shorter than mesonotum. the posterior angles a little prominent but not lobately produced; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform eleva-

tion; metasternum with a moderately elevated transverse central plate, which is not anteriorly angu-


larly produced; tegmina about three times as long as broad, the transverse vein at base of second apical area more or less vertical; wings about half the length of tegmina, the latter with eight apical areas, the

basal cell longer than broad. Type. P. hilavis, Germar.

Geographical distribution of species. The whole of the Neotropical Region, Antilles, and Southern portion of the Nearctic Region.

Some confusion may arise in separating this genus from Tympanoterpes, Stal (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 614, 1861), in which the founder had previously placed several of the species which he afterwards included in Proarna, and which again subsequently, in « Conspectus generum » (Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 7. 1866), he separates primarily by the moderately erect or curved and non-oblique transverse vein at the base of the second apical vein to the tegmina.

1. P. lilaris. Antilles. Cicada hilayis, Germar, in Silb. Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 69 (1834). Cicada subtincta, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 147 (1850) (excl. habitat) 1); Atkinson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. Vol. 53, p. 229 (1885). Cicada albiflos, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 148 (1850). Cicada tomentosa, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 22 (1858). Odopea tomentosa, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 168. 2. P. geymart. Central & S. America. Cicada grisea, Germar, in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol.2 (2), p.4 (1830); in Silb. Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 70 (1834) (nec Fabricius). Cicada tnvaria, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 151 (1850). Cicada dexithea, Walker, loc. cit. p. 158 (1850). Cicada fulvovtridis, Walker, loc. cit. Suppl. p. 23 (1858). Cicada ovatipennis, Walker, Ins. Saund., Hom. p. 13 (1858). Proarna germart, Distant (n.nom.), Syn. Cat. Hom. Cicadide, p. 86 (1906); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 6, f. r (1907).

3. P. strigicollis. Colombia. Proarna strigicollis, Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 6, f. 2 (1907). 4. P. pulverea, S. America.

Cicada pulveyea,Olivier,Enc.Méth.Ent. p.759(1790) ; Germar,in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol. 2 (2), p. 7 (1830). Proarna pulverea, Waterhouse, Aid Ident. Ins. Vol. 2, t. 168, f. 5a,b. Stoll, Cig. f. 72. 5. P. grisea. S. America. Tettigonia grisea, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Vol. 4, p. 17 (3) (1794); Syst. Rhyng. p. 34 (4) (1803). Proarna grisea, Stal, Hem. Fabr. Pt. 2, p. 7 (1869). 6. P. albida. Central & S. America. Cicada albida, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 755 (1790). Proarna albida, Distant. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 12, t. 3, f. 9a,b (1881). Stoll, Cig. f. 125.

7. P. msignis. Central & S. America. Proarna albida, var. tnsignis, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 12 (1881). Proarna insiguis, Distant, loc. cit. p. 141 (1905); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Iie in Jo Fe io © (UCL) |e 8. P. guttulosa. S. America.

Cicada guttulosa, Walker, Ins, Saund., Hom. p. 20 (1858); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Vol. 1, p 8, f. 4 (1907). g. P. sallaez. Mexico. Proada Salléi, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 25, p. 61 (1864). Proarna sallzi, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 12, t. 1, f. 8,5 (1881).

1) Walker erroneously gave «Silhct» as the | abitat of this synonym.



10. P. bufo. Argentina, Bolivia. Proarna bufo, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 312 (1905); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 9, f. 5 (1907). 11. P. championi. Central America, Proarna Champtont, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 12, t. 2, f. 14a,b (1881).

12. P. bergi. Argentina, Tympanoterpes Bergi, Distant, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 61° (1892).

13. P. squamigera. Pl. 2, Figs. | 5a, b. Antilles. Proarna squamigera, Uhler, Proc, Zool. Soc, Lond. (1895), p. 56.

14. P. venosa. Texas.

Prunasis venosa, Uhler, Ent. Amer. Vol. 4, p. 82 (1888). Proarna venosa, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 8, p. 34 (1911).

15. P. chariclo, Antilles, Cicada chariclo, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 146 (1850). 16. P. dactyliophora. Argentina. Proarna dactyliophora, Berg, Hem, Argent. p. 211 (1879). 17. P. inconspicua. Argentina. Proarna tnconspicua, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 50, p. 150 (1906). 18. P. capistrata. Buenos Ayres. Proarna capistrata, Distant, Ent. Month. Mag. Vol, 22, p. 60 (1885); Waterhouse, Aid Ident. Ins. Vol. 2, t. 168, f. 4a, b. 19. P. hetdemannt. Argentina, Proarna Heidemanni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 311 (1905). 20. P. wuguayensis. Montevideo. Proarna wruguayensis, Berg, Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. Vol. 14, p. 43 (1882). 21. P. montevidensis. Montevideo. Proarna moutevidensis, Berg, Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. Vol. 14, p. 44 (1882). 22. P. praegracilis, Bolivia. Proarna pregracilis, Berg, Anal. Soc, Cient. Argent. Vol,12, p. 264 (1881). 23. P. valvata. Arizona,

Proarna valvata, Uhler, Ent. Amer., Vol. 4, p. 84 (1888).


Ollanta. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7), Vol. 15, p. 313 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) broader than base of mesonotum, eyes projecting beyond anterior angles of pronotum, vertex at area of ocelli about or almost as long as front; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, its posterior angles labately produced, its lateral margins obliquely narrowed anteriorly, very slightly sinuate; mesonotum moderately convex; abdomen short, about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, tympanal coverings large, their apices subacute, anteriorly but not interiorly covering cavities; rostrum reaching posterior cox; opercula small, trans- verse, only about reaching base of abdomen; face moderately globose; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first with eight apical areas.

Type. O. mexicana, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Mexico and Central America. 1. O. mexicana. Pl, 2, Figs. 16a, b. Mexico,

Ollanta mexicana, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p- 141, f. (1905). 2. O. modesta. Central America. Selymbria modesta, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 14, t. 3, f. 8a.b (1881). Ollanta modesta, Distant, loc. cit. Vol. 1, p. 141 (1905).



Pacarina. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 314 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) broader than base of mesonotum; eyes projecting beyond anterior angles of pronotum; vertex at area of ocelli much longer than front; pronotum with the poste- rior angles moderately lobately produced, its lateral margins oblique, slightly sinuate, its length shorter than that of mesonotum; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings distinct but inwardly concavely narrowed and exposing the tympanal cavities ; face convex, a little broader than the space between it and eyes; opercula about reaching base of abdomen, their lateral margins oblique, their posterior margins a little rounded; anterior femora armed with two strong spines beneath; rostrum about reaching the posterior cox; tegmina and wings

hyaline; apical areas eight. Type. P. signifera, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. Central America, Mexico and Texas.

t. P. signifera. Pl. 2, Fig. 17a, b. Central America, Texas. Cicada signifera, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 22 (1858). Proarna signifera, Distant, Biol.Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom.Vol.1, p. 13, t. 2, f. 21a, b (1881). J Pacarina signifera, Distant, loc. cit. p. 142 (1905). 2. P. schumannt. Mexico. Pacarina schumanni, Distant, loc. cit. p. 142 (1905).


Tympanoterpes. Stal (part.), Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 614 (1861); Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 7 (1866); Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 312 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about equal in width to base of mesonotum, eyes scar- cely projecting beyond anterior angles of pronotum, vertex of head at area of ocelli often only very slightly longer than front; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, the posterior angles a little prominent but not lobately produced; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; metasternum with a moderately elevated transverse central plate, which is not anteriorly angularly produced; tegmina usually less than about three times as long as broad, the transverse vein at base of second apical area strongly oblique; wings about half the length of tegmina which have eight

apical areas and the basal cell longer than broad. Type. T. sevrvicosta, Germar 1).

Geographical distribution of species, Tropical America.

1. T. serricosta. Brazil, Argentina. Cicada serricosta, Germar, in Silb, Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 62 (1834). Tympanoterpes serricosta, Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 615 (1861). Fidicina pusilla, Berg, Hem. Argent. p. 209 (1879). 2. T. arechavaleta. Argentina, Uruguay. Tympanoterpes Arechavalete, Berg, Hem. Argent. Addend. p. 194 (1884); Waterhouse, Aid Ident. Ins. t. 168, f. 3a,b.

1) Of the species Stal originally stated were representative of his genus Z'yfanoterfes, he subsequently (in 1864) removed a no small propor- tion to his genus Proarna. The Cicada serricosta, Germar, must be taken as the type.


3. T. cordubensis. Pl. 2, Figs. 18a, b. Argentina. Tympanoterpes cordubensis, Berg, Hem. Argent. Addend. p. 195 (1884). 4. T. perpulchra. Brazil.

Cicada perpulchra, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1854) p. 243. Tympanoterpes perpulchra, Stal, Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 614 (1861). 5. T. alboapicata. Argentina. Tympanoterpes alboapicata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15. p. 313 (1905). 6. T. elegans. Argentina, Brazil. Tympanoterpes elegans, Berg, Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. Vol. 14, p. 40 (1882); Waterhouse, Aid Ident. Ins. Vol. 2. t. 168, f. 2a, b.


Ariasa. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 314 (1905).

Characters, Head (including eyes) wider than base of mesonotum, the eyes projecting beyond anterior pronotal angles, vertex at area of ocelli as long as or only a little shorter than front; poste- rior angles of pronotum more or less sublobately produced; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana largely exposed, the flaps only upwardly deve- loped on the lateral areas; face large and globose; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; opercula short, not passing base of abdomen; abdomen beneath prominently channelled at each lateral margin;

tegmina and wings hyaline, the first with eight apical areas, basal cell a little longer than broad. Type. 4A. colombia, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. —— Neouopical Region.

1. A. colombia. P|, 2, Figs. 19a, b. Colombia, Venezuela. Tympanoterpes colombie, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 60 (1892). Ariasa columbia, Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 9, f. 7 (1907). 2. A. nigrorvufa. Venezuela.

Fidicina nigvorufa, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 93 (1850). 3. A. albiplica. Fidicina albiplica, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 16 (1858). 4. A. nigrovittata, Brazil, Bolivia. Ariasa nigrovittata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 314 (1905); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 9, f. 8 (1907). 5. A. torvida. ? Cicada torrida, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 151 (1859). Ariasa querenda, Kirkaldy, The Canad. Ent. (1909), p. 391.

6. A. diupsilon. British Guiana. Cicada diupsilon, Walker, List. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 138 (1850). 7. A. marginata. Brazil.

Cizsada marginata, Olivier, Enc. Meth. Vol. 5, p. 755 (1790).

Cicada viridis, Germar (nec Fabricius), in Thon. Ent. Arch. Vol. 2 (2), Pp. 7 (1830).

Ariasa brasilianorum, Kirkaldy, The Canad. Ent. (1909), p. 391.

Stoll, Cig. f. 100.


Fidioina. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 472 (1843); Stal, Bidr. Rio Janeiro Trakt. Hemipterfauna (Vet. Akad. Handl. Vol. 2), p. 18 (1858); Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 614 (1861); Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 7 (1866); Distant (part.) Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom Vol. 1, p. 16 (1881).


Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, eyes not porrect; ‘head broad, vertex between eyes three times broader than long, front obliquely depressed; pronotum about equal in length to that of mesonotum, about half as long as broad at base, posterior angles more or less obtusely angulate ; abdomen short, shorter than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; metasternum transversely elevated and anteriorly angularly or subangularly produced; tegmina about two and a half, sometimes three times as long as broad; wings about half as long as

tegmina; which have eight apical areas and the basal cell a little longer than broad. Type. F. mannifera, Fabricius. Geographical distribution of species. Tropical America.

A. Tegmina and wings moderately opaquely coloured at base, and more or less strongly maculate.

1. F. mannifera. Neotropical Region. Teitigonia mannifera, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 36, 13 (1803). Cicada (Fidicina) plebeta, Linneus, var. Tettigonia mannifera, Fabricius, Erichson, in Schomb. Reise Guiana, Vol. 3, p. 616 (1848). Fidicina rana, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 88 (1850). Fidicina excavata, Walker, loc. cit. p. 92. Fidicina divisa, \Valker, loc. cit. Suppl. p. 16 (1858). Merian, Ins. Surinam, pl. 49 (1726). Stoll, Cig. f. 126. vay. Fidicina umbrilinea, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 19 (1858).

B. Tegmina and wings a little or slightly opaquely coloured at base.

a. Tegmina and wings unspotted.

2.F. picea. Central America. Fidicina picea, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p- 81 (1850); Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 16, t. 1, f. 7@,6 (1881). Fidicina determinata, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 14 (1858). Fidicina pertinax, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 25, p. 62 (1864). 3. F. pronoe. Central America. Cicada pronoe, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 144 (1850). Fidicina vinula, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1854), p. 242. Cicada compacta, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 14 (1858). Fidicina pronoe, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 16. tat. t. 02. 01(188a0)5 4. F. passerculus. Central America; Amazons. Cicada passerculus, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 125 (1850). Cicada spinicosta, \Valker, loc. cit. p. 126 (1850). Cicada lacrines, Walker, loc. cit. p. 132 (1850). Fidicina sprnicosta, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 17.t. 2, f. 15a, b (1883). 5. F. drewsent. Argentina; Brazil. Cicada Drewseni, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1854), p. 242. Fidicina gastracanthophova, Berg, Hem. Argent. p. 206 (1879). 6. F. viridis. Central & South America. Cicada viridis, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 754 (1790) (excl. syn.). Cicada semilata, Walker, List Hom, Vol. 1, p. 122 (1850). Cicada passer, Walker, loc. cit. p. 124 (1850). Cicada brizo, Walker, loc. cit. p. 125 (1850). Cicada melisa, Walker, loc. cit. p. 127 (1850), Cicada melina, Walker, loc. cit. p. 128 (1850). Cicada panyases, Walker, loc. cit. p. 133 (1850). Cicada pidytes, Walker, loc. cit. p. 134 (1850). Cicada physcoa, Walker, loc. cit. p. 135 (1850). Cicada braure, Walker, loc. cit. p. 136 (1850). Cicada solennis, Walker, loc. cit. p. 143 (1850).


Fidicina semilata, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Rhynch. Hom, Vol. 1, p- 17, t. 3. f. 7a, b (1883). Fidicina brizo, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1862), p. 485. Stoll, Cig. f. 127. 7. F. brtisa. British Guiana; Amazons. Cicada brisa, Walker. List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 131 (1850). Fidicina amazona, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 10, p. 58 (1802).

8. F. bogotoma. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Fidicina bogotana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (6), Vol. 10, p. 58 (1892); Amazons. Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 11, f. 9 (1907). g. F. rubricata. Brazil. Fidicina rubricata, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (6), Vol. 10, p. 5g (1892). 10. F. amena. Costa Rica.

Fidicina amena, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 4, p. 112 (1899); Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hem.Vol.1, p. 42, t. 6, f.15a, b (1900). 11. F. cachla. Costa Rica. Fidicina cachla, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 4, p. 112 (1899) ; Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 42, t. 6, f. 164, (1900). 12. F, vividifemur. Brazil. Cicada viridifemur, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 123 (1850). Fidicina aldegondw, Kuhlgatz, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 47, p. 266, t. 5, f. 1a, b, c, d (1902). 13. F. steindachnert. Venezuela; Brazil. Fidicina stetndachneri, Kuhlgatz, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. Vol. 47, p. 269, t. 5, f. 2a, b, c, d (1902). 14. F. cuta. Brazil? Cicada cuta, Walker, List Hom, Vol. 1, p. 139 (1850). Cicada lucastia, Walker, loc, cit. p. 140 (1850). 15. F. tnnotabilis. ? Cicada innotabilis, Walker, List Hom, Suppl. p. 35 (1858).

a'. Tegmina maculate.

16. F. scivas. Venezuela, Colombia. Carineta scivas, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 241 (1850). Fidicina scivas, Jacobi, Hom, Andina, Pt. 1, p.11, f. 10 (1907).

C. Tegmina and wings prominently, opaquely, and generally more or less brilliantly coloured

at base.

b. Tegmina unspotted.

17. F. opalina. Brazil. Cicada opalina, Germar, in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol. 2 (2), p. 5 (1830). Fidicina pheochlora, Walker, Ins. Saund., Hom. p. 8 (1858). 18. F. fumea. Penama. Fidicina fumea, Distant, Biol. Centr, -Amer., Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 17, t. 4, f. ga, 6 (1883).

19. F. pullata. Argentina. Fidicina pullata, Berg, Hem. Argent. p. 207 (1879).

20. F. vosa-cordis. Brazil. Cicada rosa-cordis, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 111 (1850).

21. F. sawyert. Rio Janeiro. Fidicina sawyeri, Distant, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 643 (1912).

22. F. roberti. Central Urazil. Fidicina Roberti, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 315 (1905).

23. F. lacteipennis. Amazons. Fidicina lactcipennis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (7), Vol. 15, p.316(1905).

24. F. sericans. Pl. 2, Figs. 20a, b. Brazil, Rio Janeiro-

Fidicina sericans, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1854), p. 242.

21 25. F. chlorogena. N. Brazil, Fidicina chlorogena, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 88 (1850), g. Fidicina basispes, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 15 (1858), 9. 26. F. flavibasalis. Ecuador. Fidicina flavibasalis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol.15, p. 317 (1905). b'. Tegmina maculate. 27. F. miillert. Brazil. Fidicina Miller, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9, p. 319 (1892). . 28. F. bonaérensts. = Argentina. Fidicina bonaévensis, Berg, Hem. Argent. p. 208 (1879). 2g. F. bicolor. Cayenne. Cicada bicolor, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Vol. 5, p. 748 (1790). Fidicina cayennensts, Kirkaldy, The Canad. Ent. (1909), p. 391. 30. F. ? plebeja. ? Cicada plebeya, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 12), p. 707 (15) (1766). Fidicina plebeja, Stal, Hem. Fabr. Vol. 2, p. 116 (1869). 31. F. explanata. . Brazil. Fidicina explanata, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1903), p. 2. : 32. F. vitellina. Brazil, Paraguay. Cicada vitellina, Germar, MS. Coll. Germ. in Mus. Berol. Fidicina vitellina, Jacobi, Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl.(1904),p.155,f.1. 33. F. parvula. ~ Brazil. Fidicina parvula, Jacobi, Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl. (1904), p. 157. 72. GENUS HEMISCIERA, AMYOT & SERVILLE Hemisciera. Amyot & Serville, Hist. des Hém. p. 466 (1843). Characters. Head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum, eyes


porrect, more or less stylate, length of head about equal to half its breadth between eyes, and distinctly

shorther than pronotum which is about equal in length to mesonotum; abdomen a little shorter than

space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, tympanal coverings in male with their

inner margins strongly concave; metasternal plate well developed, centrally longitudinally impressed

and anteriorly produced on each side; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora strongly

spined beneath; opercula in male small, transverse, not extending beyond base of abdomen, tegmina

about two and a half times as long as broad, with eight apical areas and the basal cell about as long

as broad.

Type. H. maculipennis, Laporte.

Geographical distribution of species. Amazonian area of South America.

1. H. maculipenms. Pl. 2, Figs. 21a, b.

Cicada maculipennis, Laporte, Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. Vol. 1, p. 412 (1832). Cicada versicolor, Brullé, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. Vol. 2, pl. 5, f. 1 (1835). Cicada sumptuosa. Blanchard, Hist. Nat. Ins. Vol. 3. p. 165 (1840). Fidicina flosfolia, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 15 (1858).

2. H. durvhamt.

Hemisciera Duvhami, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p.317(1905).

3. A. ? taurus.

Fidicina taurus, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 85 (1850).





Majeorona. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 318 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) considerably broader than base of mesonotum; eyes: protuberant, more or less stylate; length of head above about equal to half its breadth between eyes and about or almost as long as pronotum, which is distinctly shorter than mesonotum; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; the tympanal orifices exposed! interiorly, the flaps almost as long as and covering the lateral areas, not prominently concave interiorly ; metasternal plate well developed, centrally long:tudinally impressed and anteriorly produced on each side; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora strongly spined beneath: tarsi three-jointed ; opercula in male small, transverse, not extending beyond base of abdomen; tegmina and wings hyaline,

the first with eight apical areas and the basal cell longer than broad.

Type. M. afer, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. Neotropical Kegion. 1. M. aper. Cayenne. Fidicina aper, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 87 (1850). 2. M. bovilla. P|. 2, Figs 22a, b. Brazil. Mayeorona bovilla, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p.318(1905). 3. M. lutea. 3razil?

Mayeorona lutea, Distant, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 17, p. 185 (1906).


Zammararia. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 380 (1905).

Characters. In this division the pronotal margins are ampliated and usually medially

angulate; the tympanal orifices are more or less exposed little in Odopea and very largely in Zammara ;

he tegmina and wings (with the exception of some species of Odopwa) are hyaline and usually more or less spotted.

The Zammararvia are entirely confined to Tropical and Subtropical America, including Cuba.


A. Tympanal coverings outwardly complete. the orifices only exposed inwardly.

a. Pronotum shorter than mesonotum.

b. Head (including eyes) about equal in width to base of mesonotnm. 1. Genus Opopaa. B. Tympanal coverings inwardly complete, the orifices only exposed outwardly. a’, Pronotum as long as mesonotum. c. Head (including eyes) narrower than base of mesonotum 2. Genus MiraNnua. C. Tympanal coverings outwardly complete, the orifices very widely exposed internally. d. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum 2%. . . . 3. Genus ZAMMARA. d'. Head (including eyes) only about two thirds the breadth of base of meso- HOUMASIET os ck 8 b&w es Oe) seo ay go Gen stORErrANA D. Tympanal coverings globose and projecting beyond the lateral margins of the pidomen SOY FUL ss Ve. oe a et vo SG eans Umer




Odopeoea. Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 616 (1861); Hem. Afr. Vol. 4, p. 1 (1866).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about equal in width to base of mesonotum, ocelli a little wider apart from eyes than from each other, eyes prominent, a little passing the anterior pronotal angles; face more or less longitudinally suleate; rostrum about reaching the posterior coxe; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, the lateral margins angularly ampliate; mesonotum (including basal cruciform elevation) almost as long as head and pronotum together; abdomen broad, centrally ridged, the lateral areas more or less oblique, about as long as space between apex ?of head and base of cruciform eleva- tion; opercula short, broad, not extending beyond base of abdomen; tympanal coverings outwardly complete, the orificies only exposed inwardly; tegmina three or more than three times as long as

broad, apical areas eight; wings with six apical areas. Type. O. dilatata, Fabricius. Geographical distribution of species. Tropical America, Antilles.

A. Tegmina more or less maculate.

t. O. dilatata. Antilles.

Tettigonia dilatata, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 678 (4) (1775). Zammara plena, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 38 (1850). Zammara cuncta, Walker, loc. cit. p. 39 (1850). Zammara praxita, Walker, loc. cit. p. 40 (1850). Zanmara erato, Walker, loc. cit. p. 41 (1850).

var. Zammara suffusa, Walker, loc. cit. p. 37 (1850). Zammara vacillans, Walker, loc. cit. Suppl. p. 3 (1858). Odopea domingensis, Uhler, Trans. Mary]. Acad. Sc.(18a2), p. 172-

2. O. venturi. Argentina. Odopea venturi, Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 50, p. 150 (1906). 3. O. funesta. Jamaica, N. America? Zammara funesta, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 2 (1858). 4. O. strigipennis. Haiti. Zammara strigipennis, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 3 (1858). 5. O. degiacomi. P|. 2, Figs. 23a, b. Santos. Odopea degiacomii, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(8), Vol.9, p 641 (1912). 6. O. caribea. St. Domingo. Odopea Caribea, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 169. 7. O. jamaicensis. Jamaica. Odopea jamaicensis, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881) p. 629. 8. O. perspicua. Sao Thome; Brazil. Odopea perspicua, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 380 (1905). B. Tegmina unspotted. g. O. signorett. Mexico.

Odopea signoreti, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 25, p. 59 (1864); Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 5, t. 1, f. 10a, 6 (1881). 10. O. diviangant. Nicaragua. Odopea dirtanganit, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p- 5. t. 3, f. 10a, b (1881). 11. O, azteca. Mexico. Odopea azteca, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 4, t. 1, f. 4a, b (1881).


12. O. poeyt. Cuba,

Cicada (Platypleura) Poeyt, Guérin, in Sagra, Hist. fis. Cuba, Ins. p. 425, t. 13, f. 16 (1857).

Odopea Poeyi, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 169.

13. O. walkert. Cuba. Cicada walkerit, Guérin, in Sagra, Hist. de Cuba, p. 426 (1857). Odopea walkerit, Uhler, Trans. Maryl. Acad. Sc. (1892), p. 168.

14. O. sagre. Cuba. Cicada sagye, Guérin, in Sagra, Hist. fis. de Cuba, p. 426 (1857). Odopea sagre, Uhler, Trans, Maryl. Sc. (1892), p. 168.

15. O. msignifera. Argentina. Odopea insignifera, Berg, Hem, Argent. p. 203 (1879).


Miranha. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol 15, p. 381 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) a little narrower than base of mesonotum, the front moderately prominent, but only about half the length of vertex, lateral margins of vertex a little convex ; pronotum about as long as mesonotum, its lateral margins ampliate and medially angulate; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, its lateral areas above moderately oblique, the tympanal orifices inwardly covered but outwardly exposed; abdomen beneath with the disk oblique on each side, but with the lateral margins broadly subreflected; rostrum passing the posterior cox; opercula small, transverse; tarsi three-jointed ; tegmina and wings hyaline, the first

with eight apical areas, and the basal cell considerably longer than broad. Type. M. imbellis, Walker.

Geographical distribution of species. -- Central America.

1. M.imbellis. Pl. 2, Figs. 25a, b. Central America. Zammara imbellis, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 2 (1858). Odopea imbellis, Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 4, fret 5a 0 (Tse).


Zammara. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 468 (1843).

Characters. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum, ocelli farther removed from eyes than from each other, eyes prominent but scarcely projecting beyond the anterior pronotal angles, vertex strongly depressed before base of front; face longer than broad, narrowly sulcate; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, the lateral margins angularly ampliate; mesonotum about as long as head and pronotum together; metanotum exposed; abdomen short; tympanal coverings outwardly complete, the orificies very widely exposed internally; opercula short, oblique; rostrum reaching or slightly passing the posterior coxee; tegmina usually three times as long as broad, apical

areas eight; wings with six apical areas. Type. Z. tympanum, Fabricius. Geographical distribution of species. Neotropical Region.

A. Tegmina more or less maculate.

1. Z. tympanum. Brazil. Tettigonia tympanum, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyne. p. 40 (36) (1803).



Cicada tympanum, Germar, in Silb. Rev. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 69, f. 22 (1834); - Perty, Del. Anim. Art. p. 176, t. 35, f. 1 (1830-34); Blanchard, Hist. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 167, Hém. t. 10, f. 1 (1840). 2. Z. smavagdina. N. Neotropical Region. Zammara smaragdina, Walker, List. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 33 (1850); loc. cit. Vol. 4, t. 1, f. 4 (1852); Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 3, t. 1, f. 1a, 6 (1881). Zammara angulosa, Walker, List Hom, Vol 1, p. 34 (1850). 3. Z. calochroma. N. Neotropical Region. Zammara calochroma, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 4 (1858) (Distant, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Rhynch. Hom. Vol. 1, p. 3, t. 1, f. 5a, b (1881). Zammara smaragdula, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 4 (1858). Zammara callichroma, Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit. Vol. 25, p. 57 (1864). 4. Z. stvepens. Brazil. Zammara strepens, Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hem. p. 469 (1843). Cicada tympanum, Palisot de Beauvois, Ins. Hém. p. 132, t. 20, f. 5 (1805-21). 5. Z. intricata. Pl. 2, Figs. 26a, b. Guayaquil. Zammara tntricata, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1. p. 35 (1850); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 12, f. 11 (1907).

B. Tegmina unspotted.

6. Z. luculenta. ? Zammara luculenta, Distant, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (1883), ». 187, t. 25, f. 4a, b.

Si N

. eximmia. British Guiana. Cicada (Zammara) eximia, Erichson, in Schomb, Reise, p. 616 (1848).


Orellana. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 381 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) only two thirds the width at base of mesonotum, its length about equal to that of pronotum, vertex nearly twice the length of front; pronotum about twice as broad as long, its lateral margins broadly ampliated and medially angulate; mesonotum a little longer than pronotum and (including basal cruciform elevation) about as long 2s pronotum and head together; abdomen short, broad, about as long or sometimes shorter than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings outwardly complete and covering lateral areas, but the orifices widely exposed internally; opercula in male small, transversé, not passing base of abdomen; face broader than the space between it and eyes; tegmina and wings hyaline, more or less maculate ; tegmina

with eight apical areas; tarsi two-jointed. Type. O. columbia, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Neotropical Region.

1. O. columbia. Columbia. Zammara columbia, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1881), p. 628; Waterhouse, Aid Ident. Ins. Vol. 2, t. 128, f. 1. 2. O. nigriplaga. Antigua, Ecuador Zanmara nigriplaga, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 4 (1858); Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 13, f. 12 (1907). 3. O. brevis. P|. 3, Figs. 27a, b. Colombia. Orellana brevis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 382 (1905). Zammara brevis, Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p. 13, f. 13 (1907).



Uhleroides. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 644 (1912).

Characters, ©. Head slightly shorter than pronotum, front considerably shorter than vertex, lateral margins of both nearly continuous and both centrally, longitudinally finely sulcate; ocelli a little farther apart from eyes than from each other, vertex impressed between ocelli and eyes, the latter scar- cely projecting beyond the anterior pronotal angles; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, the lateral margins moderately ampliate but not angulate; mesonotum shorter than head and pronotum together; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings globose and projecting beyond the lateral margins of the abdomen. outwardly complete, the orifices only exposed inwardly; opercula not extending beyond base of abdomen, laterally and apically rounded, not meeting internally ; rostrum reaching the posterior coxe: face longer than broad, lateral margins a little sinuate near base, finely centrally sulcate on posterior half, strongly transversely striate, the lateral margins a little broadly reflexed; tegmina three times as long as broad, hyaline, eight apical areas, basal cell longer than broad; wings about half as long as tegmina, six apical areas; anterior

femora armed with two spines beneath. Type. U. cubensis, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Cuba.

1. U. cubensis. Pl. 2, Figs. 24a, b. Cuba. Uhlerotdes cubensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol.9,p. 645 (1912).


Hamzaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p, 382 (1g05).

Characters. This division, at present including only two genera, has much affhnity with the Neotropical division Zammararia. The pronotal margins are ampliated; the tympanal coverings only concealing about half of the tympanal orifices; the tegmina and wings almost wholly opaque.

Although the condition of the tympanal orifices allies this division to the Zammararia, with which the dilated pronotal margins also agree, the genera on which it is founded, could, apart from the tympanal characters, be easily confused with the genus Platyfleuva belonging to the subfamily Cicadine.

The Hamzaria aie at present only known from the Malayan & South African areas.


A. Tepgmina three times aslongasbroad. . . . . . +... =~. =.-. «» I. Genus Hamza. a. Tympaual orifices longly and largely inwardly exposed, a'. Head between eyes scarcely more than twice as broad as long. B. Tegmina a little more than twiceas long as broad. . . wt. SSS. Genus TUGELANA. b. Tympanal orificies moderately inwardly exposed.

b!. Head between eyes three times as broad as long.


708 Ue GED

Onomacritus sumatranus Dist.


Psalmocharias tlavicollis Horv:

Lethama locusta Walk.




Tamase tristigma Germ.


Pacartna signitera Walk.

172 FKEKD i)

Timpanoterpes cordubensis Berg.

fe Ollanta mexicana Dist. 188 (OP de 8) Proarna squamigera Uhler. Ae b —= ; ; \ 15 w




Odopoea degiacomii Dist.

Majeorona bovilla Dist.


Uhlerovides cubensis Dist.

Zammara tntricata Walk.






Hamza bouruensis Dist.




Geana stellata Walk.


29 ei) Ep

290 374 Ne 32 . yy P| aS



M 330 SURES hea F eT at \) ra wu? Poo (bo

binghamé Disé.

Talainga ALaQWIgGa

Taona versicolor Dist






Hamza. Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p. 674.

Characters. Body short, broad; head including eyes about as wide as the anterior margin of the mesonotum; ocelli placed nearer to each other than to eyes; pronotum with the lateral margins amphated, obtusely angulated near middle; anterior femora distinctly tuberculately spined ; metasternum slightly elevated, broadly centrally sulcate and sinuately truncated; tympana only about half covered by the dilated and expanded lateral areas of the basal! abdominal segment; opercula short, broad, their apices convexly rounded; tegmina about three times as long as broad, the basal cell broad, with at

least four angles, ulnar veins widely separated at their bases.

Type. H. bouvuensis, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. The only species at present known is from the Malayan Archipelago. 1. H. bouruensis. —Pl|. 3, Figs. 28a, b. Bouru, Amboina.

Platypleura bouruensis, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat Hist.(7), Vol. r, p.97 (1898). Hamza bouvuensis, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1904), p.674,t. 30, f. 5a, b.


Tugelana. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 645 (1912).

Characters. Head short and broad, including eyes about as broad as base of mesonotum, between eyes three times as broad as long, ocelli farther apart from eyes than from each other, eyes obliquely directed backward; face a little longer than broad, very broadly longitudinally sulcate, lateral areas transversely striate ; pronotum almost as long as mesonotum, the lateral margins roundly ampliate, twice as broad at base as long, the fissures profound, anterior margin truncate, posterior margin very slightly sinuate at middle; abdomen in male about as long as space between the apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympana partly exposed, the coverings being a little shorter and considerably narrower inwardly ; rostrum reaching the posterior coce; opercula in male scarcely extending beyond base of abdomen, not meeting inwardly, obliquely transverse, laterally and apically rounded; anterior femora incrassated, with two short but broad teeth at apex; tegmina more than twice as long as broad, opaque, basal cell slightly longer than broad, ulnar areas moderately elongate, apical areas eight, the uppermost long and narrow; wings a little more than half the length of tegmina, apical areas six.

This is one of the few Ethiopian genera belonging to the subfamily Gzeanine, and may be placed near the genus Hamza; like that genus, apart from the tympanal structural characters, it has a superficial

resemblance to the genus Platypleura. Type. 7. butlevi, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. At present only know from South Africa.

1. I. butleyt. P|. 3, Figs. 29a, b. S. Africa, Zululand. Tugelana butleyi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 9, p. 646 (1912).


Gzeanaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 383 (1905); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 144 (1906).


Characters. This division, at present represented by four Eastern genera, is to be princi- pally recognized by the following characters : The tegmina and wings are opaque and generally more or less brilliantly coloured; the lateral margins of the pronotum are neither ampliated nor dilated; the tympanal orifices are largely exposed, the tympanal coverings being a little narrower and much shorter than the orifices, and with their anterior margins convex.

The Geanaria are found in British India, Burma, Indo-China, China & Sumatra.


A. Tegmina with the venation normal; apical areas eight. a. Greatest breadth of tegmina more than one third of their length. b. Head longer than pronotum, front somewhat porrectly produced . . . . 1. Genus Gana.

b!. Head not longer than pronotum, front horizontally produced . Genus Taona.


a’. Grealent breadth of tegmina only about one third of their length . . 3. Genus Bainta. B. Tegmina wlth tke venation reticulate, ulnay and apical areas broken up into

manyicellulay divisions. =. . . . + = » » «= « » « « » . 4. Genus’ DALAINGA.


Gzeana Amyot & S=rville, Hist. Hém. p. 463 (1843).

Characters. Body long and moderately slender in the male, much shorter in the female; head (including eyes) about equal in width to base of mesonotum, longer than pronotum, front somewhat porrectly produced, ocelli about twice the distance from eyes as from each other; pronotum with the lateral margins very slightly convex, the posterior lateral angles moderately lobately produced; abdo- men in male long. moderately slender. in the female only about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings in male small, both narrower and much shorter than the tympanal orificies; opercula in male small, transverse, not passing base of abdomen; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and wings opaque, the first with their outer margins somewhat

convexly rounded, their greatest breadth more than one third their length. Type. G. maculata, Drury.

Geographical distribution of species. India, Burma, Indo-China, China. Sumatra

1. G. maculata. India, Burma, China. Cicada maculata, Drury, Ins. Vol. 2, p. 68, t. 37, f. 1 (1773); Blanchard, Hist. Nat. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 165, Hém. t. 10, f. 3 (1840). Geana maculata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 104, t. 3, f. 174, b (1892). var. a, Distant, loc. cit. p. 104 (1892). var, consors. Geana consors, White, MS.; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 105, t. 3, f. 20a, b (1892 ; Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol.3, p. 146, f. 64(p. 145) (1906). 2. G. stellata. P|. 3, Figs. 30a, b. North India, Huechys stellata, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 27 (1858). Geana stellata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 105, t. 3, f. 15a, b (1892). var, a, Distant, loc. cit. p. 105 (1892). 3. G. sulphurea. North India. Cicada sulphnrea, Hope, in Royle’s Illustr. Bot. Himal. Introd. p.5q4, t. 10, f. 2 (1839), Cicada pulchella, Westwood, Arc. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 34, t. 57. f. 1 (1842). Geana sulphurea, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 105, t. 3. f. 22a, b (1892).




4. G. vestita. Yunnan. Geana vestita, Distant, The Entomologist, Vol. 38, p. 121, f. (1905). . G. hagent. Sumatra. Geana Hagent, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 50 (1889) ; Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 106, t. 9, f. 8a, b (1892). var. a, Distant, loc. cit. p. 106. 6. G. atkinsont. North India. Geana Atkinsoni, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 3, p. 49 (1889); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 107, t. 9, f. 10a, b (1892). 7. G. paviet. Cambodia. Geana Pavier, Noualhier, Bull. Mus. Paris (1896), p. 254; Noualhier & Martin, Miss. Pavie, p. 170, t. 11, f. 5 (1904). 8. G. festiva. India, Sumatra. Tettigouta festiva, Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng. p. 41 (42) (1803). Cicada thalassina, Guérin & Percheron, Gen. Ins. Hem. t. 2 (1835). Geana consobriua, White, MS. Cicada percheronit, Guérin, Ic Régne An, Ins. p. 355 (1838). Geana festiva, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 106, t. 3, f. 18a, 6 (1892). var, a, Distant, loc. cit. p. 107. var. b, Distant, loc. cit. t. 3, f. 19a, b.


g. G. sultana. Annam. Geana sultana, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 12, p. 562 (1913). 10. G. vitalist. Indo-China. Geana vitalist, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 12, p. 287 (1913). 11. G. annamensis. Annam. Geana annamensts, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 12, p. 562 (1913). 12. G. electa. Tonkin.

Geana electa, Jacobi, Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Berlin, (1902), p. 20; Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 21, p. 432, t. 21, f. 2 (1905).


Taona. Distant, The Entomologist, Vol. 42, p. gt (1909).

Characters. Q. Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum and as long as pronotum, the front not obliquely deflected but horizontally produced in front of and a little below the anterior margin of the vertex; ocelli somewhat close together near middle of vertex; face prominent, somewhat compressed, strongly transversely ridged; clypeus strongly compressed and reaching the anterior cox; pronotum about as long as mesonotum, its lateral margins nearly straight; rostrum reaching the posterior cox; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and wings opaque, tegmina with their greatest breadth more than one third their length. apical areas eight, the apical

margin oblique, the apex subangulate. Type. T. versicolor, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species, At present only known from China. 1. T. versicolor. Pl. 8, Figs. 32a, b. China; Prov. Shen-Se.

Taona versicolor, The Entomologist, Vol. 42, p. 91 (1909).


Balinta. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 383 (1905).

Characters. *— Head (including eyes) about as wide as base of mesonotum and as long as

pronotum, obliquely depressed in front of eyes; pronotum about as long as mesonotum, its lateral


margins sinuate, the posterior angles moderately dilated; abdomen in male much longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings both shorter and narrower than the tympanal orifices, which are most exposed inwardly; opercula in male small and transverse, widely separated, and not extending beyond base of abdomen; rostrum reaching posterior cox; anterior femora strongly spined beneath; tegmina and wings opaque; tegmina with their greatest breadth about

one third their length and with eight apical areas. Type. B. octonotata, \Vestwood.

Geographical distribution of species. India, Burma, China.

1. B. octonotata. India, Burma.

Cicada 8-notata, Westwood, Arc. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 34, t. 57, f. 2 (1842). Huechys picta, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 28 (1858). Gaana octonotata, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.107,t.3, f. 12a, b (1892).

var. a, Distant, loc. cit. p. 108.

var. b, Distant, loc. cit. t. 3, f 13a, b. Balinta octonotata, Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 148, f. 65

(p. 149) (1906).

2. B. auriginea. P|. 3, Figs. 3la, b. Mts. du Ht. Song-Chai. Balinta auriginea, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15,p. 384 (1905). 3. B. tenebricosa. Burma.

Geana tenebricosa, Distant, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (2),Vol.6, p.454, t. 4, f. 2a, b (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 108, t. 3, f. 14a, b (1892). vay. a, Distant, loc. cit. p. 108.

4. B. pulchella. Indo-China. Balinta pulchella, Distant. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 12, p. 287 (1913). 5. B. delinenda. India.

Geana delinenda, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 1, p. 291 (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 108, t. 3, f. 16a, b (1892). Huechys octonotata, Walker (nec Westwood), List Hom. Vol. 1, p.253 (1850).

6. B. kershawt. China, Macao. Balinta Kershawi, Kirkaldy, Ann. Soc Ent. Belg. {1900), p. 180,


Talainga. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 5, p. 166 (18g0).

Characters. Q. Head (including eyes) a little narrower than base of mesonotum, about as long as breadth between eyes, front globose and prominent, shorter than vertex; pronotum about as long as mesonotum, its lateral margins a little convex, angularly incised before ‘posterior angles which are ampliated; abdomen somewhat cylindrical, longer than space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings small and lateral; anterior femora robustly spined beneath; tegmina talc-like, semi-opaque, the apical half with the venation reticulate and forming a mass of small cellular areas, sometimes the ulnar areas are crossed by transverse veins, basal cell about twice as long as broad; wings with the posterior margin deeply sinuate near the abdominal area; apical areas six,

sometimes broken up by transverse veins into a more numerous and reticulate series. Type. T. binghamz, Distant.

Geographical distribution of species. Burma, Tonkin, China.

1. T. binghami. Pl. 8, Figs. 33a, b. Burma. Talainga Binghami, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 5, p. 167 (1890); Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 109, t. 13, f. 4a, b (1802).


2. T. chinensis. China. Talainga chinensis, Distant, The Entomologist, Vol. 33, p. 209, sig. (1900). 3. T. distantt. Tonkin. Talainga Distanti, Jacobi, Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Berl. (1902), p. 21; Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 21, p. 432, t. 21, f. 3 (1905).


Psithyristriaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 384 (1905).

Characters. Head (including eyes) considerably narrower than base of mesonotum, tym- panal coverings as long as but very much narrower than the orifices, which are thus inwardly exposed; abdomen narrowed posteriorly, a little longer than the space between the apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tegmina and wings hyaline; tegmina with the venation abnormal; apical areas eight, the lower one very small; ulnar areas much compressed, broad, especially the two lowermost.

According to our present knowledge the Psithyristriaria are confined to the Philippine Islands.


Psithyristria. Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. F6rh. p. 712 (1870).

Characters, « Corpus oblongum. Caput disco thoracis nonnihil angustius, parviusculum; vertice oculis circiter duplo latiore; fronte modice tumescente, in parte faciali rugis transversis medio interruptis instructa, parte basali faciei circiter dimidio angustiore, a supero visa ante juga leviter prominula et jugis nonnihil latiore; clypeo apice imo anguste rotundato, lectiformi; facie apice angulum acutum formante. Ocelli in triangulum equilaterum dispositi, posteriores ab oculis quam inter se circiter duplo longuis remoti. Rostrum basin coxarum pesticarum nonnihil superans. Thorax postice quam antice multo latius, antice capite paullo latius, marginibus lateralibus carinatis, inermibus. pone medium nonnihil sinuatis; limbo postico angustiusculo. Abdomen maris capite, thorace sculelloque simul sumtis longius, abdomen feminz partibus illis corporis longitudine subequale; segmento dorsali primo maris utrimque pone tympana in lobum, tympana tota haud tegentem, ampliato; segmento dorsali ultimo maris apice utrimque in spinam producto et medio lobo acute triangulari, sepe egre distinguendo, instructo; segmento ventrali ultimo maris obovato; segmento dorsali ultimo feminz apice in dentem acutum prominulo; segmento ventrali ultimo femine apice versus medium sensim paullo producto et medio sinu parvo angulato instructo. Opercula parva, brevia, oblique transversa, subreni- formia, posterius obtuse rotundata distantia. Tegmina vitrea, nitida, costa simplici, haud dilatata; costa venaque radiali contiguis; areola basali basin versus ampliata, venam unicam ulnarem emittente; areis apicalibus octo, octava basin versus angustata, apice vel pone medium latissima; area ulnari inte- riore lata, ultra medium sensim ampliata. Ale areis apicalibus sex elongatis. Pedes mediocres, femo- ribus anticis subtus spinis duabus magnis, una nutante subbasali, altera erecta fere media, et interdum

ante hanc denticulo obsoletissimo armatis; tarsis, preesertim anticis, longiusculis » (Stal). Type. P. sfecularis, Stal.

Geographical distribution of species. Philippine Islands.

1. P. specularis. Pl. 3, Figs. 34a, b. Philippines. Psithyristria speculavis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870), p.712, t.8, f. 16; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 82, f. 3 (1891).

t) I only know this genus by Stal's descriptions and figures of the species he described.


2. P. crassinervis. Philippines. Psithyristria crassinervis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870), p. 713, t. 8, f. 17; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 82, ft. 4 (1891). 3. P. nodinervis. Philippines. Psithyristria nodinervis Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870), p.713, t.8,f. 18; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 83, f. 5 (1891).

4. P. tenuinervis. Philippines. Psithyristria tenuinervis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1870), p. 713, t. 8, f. 19; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 83, f. 6 (1891). 5. P. simplicinervis. Philippines. Psithyristria simplictnervis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1870), p.713, t. 8, f. 20; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 83, f. 7 (1891).


Moganniaria. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 15, p. 385 (1905).

Characters. Tegmina and wings hyaline, the tegmina spotted or in part more or less bril- liantly coloured; body ovate, more or less attenuated anteriorly and posteriorly; head with the front more or less triangularly produced; tympanal flaps present, but incomplete, the tympanal orifices in part exposed.

Two genera are here included in this division, one Neotropical and the other Oriental in

distribution. SYNOPSIS OF GENERA

A. Anterior femora not spined beneath. a. Body short and robust; abdomen shorter than pronotum and mesonotum together; head frontally narrowed and produced, b. Lateral margins of pronotum dentate. . . . . « « « « « « « J. Genus PACHYPSALTRIA. B. Anterior femora spined beneath. a!. Body vobust ; abdomen a little shorter ov almost as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation ; head strongly conically produced.

b!. Lateral margins of pronotum oblique, not dentate. . . . . «. . 2. Genus MoGannta.


Pachypsaltria. Stal, Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), Vol. 1, p. 616 (1861).

Characters. Head including eyes a little more than half the width of base of mesonotum, the front subconically produced, about as long as vertex, head obliquely depressed, eyes oblique, slightly passing the anterior pronotal angles; face moderately globose, not longitudinally sulcate; rostrum passing the posterior coxe; pronotum shorter than mesonotum, its posterior margin nearly twice as broad as anterior margin, the lateral margins dentately sinuate; mesonotum shorter than head and pronotum together, convex; abdomen short, about as long as head and pronotum together; tympanal orificies inwardly exposed; opercula short, broad, scarcely extending beyond base of abdomen; body pilose, marginally longly so; anterior femora not spined beneath; tegmina more than twice longer

than broad, apical areas eight; wings with six apical areas.

Type. P. cincto-maculata, Stal.


Geographical distribution of species. Neotropical Region.

1. P. cinctomaculata. Pl. 3, Figs. 35a, b.

Cicada cinctomaculata, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. (1854), p. 243. Carineta ciliaris, WWalker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 24 (1858). Pachypsaltria cinctomaculata, Jacobi, Hom. Andina, Pt. 1, p.13, f. 14 (1907).


Colombia, Venezuela, Bo- livia, Ecuador.


Mogannia. Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 467 (1843).

Cephaloxys. Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol. 5, p. 294 (1847).

Characters. Body short, broad, robust; head conically produced, including eyes much

narrower than base of mesonotum, as long or slightly longer than pronotum, front as long or slightly

longer than vertex; pronotum narrower anteriorly than posteriorly, the lateral margins oblique, not

ampliated, the posterior lateral angles a little lobately rounded; abdomen a little shorter, or almost as

long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation; tympanal coverings small and

rudimentary ; anterior femora spined beneath; opercula in male small, usually obliquely convex and not

completely covering the cavities; tegmina with their basal halves usually more or less brilliantly

coloured, sometimes opaque, apical areas eight; wings with six apical areas.

1. M.

2. M.

4. M.

6. M.


8. M.

= Wile

Type. M. conica, Germar.

Geographical distribution of species. Oriental and Malayan Regions; China, Formosa.

conica. Cicada conica, Germar, in Thon, Ent. Arch. Vol. 2 (2), p. 3 (1830). Mogannia tllustrata, Amyot & Serville, Hist. Hém. p. 467, t. 9, f. 4 (1843). Cephaloxys hemelytya, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol.5, p.295 (1847). Mogannia indicans, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 249 (1850). Mogannia ignifera, Walker, loc. cit. p. 249 (1850); loc. cit. Vol. 4, t. 2,

f. 5 (1852).

Mogannia avicula, Walker. loc. cit. Vol. 1, p. 250. Mogannia recta, Walker, loc. cit. Suppl. p. 39 (1858). Mogannta histrionica, Uhler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. (1861), p. 283. Mogannia venutissima, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh. (1865), p. 154. Mogannia conica, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 122, t. 14, f. 184, (1892).

formosana. Mogannia formosana, Matsumura, Ann. Zool. Japan, (1907), p. 102. . Cesar. Mogannta cesar, Jacobi, Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Berl. (1902), p. 21; Zool. Jahrb. Vol. 21, p. 433, t. 22, f. 4 (1905). minuta, Mogannia minuta, Matsumura, Ann. Zoo]. Japan, (1907), p. 103. . nasalts. Cicada (Mogannia) nasalis, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. Vol. 14, p. 426 (1844). Mogannia nasalis, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 121, t. 14, f. 14a, b (1892). Mogannia chinensts, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh. (1865), p. 155. mandarvina.

Mogannia mandarina, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol, 15, p. 385 (1905). cyanea. Mogannia cyanea, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 40 (1858); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 121, t. 14, f. 15a, b (1892). Sunebris. Mogannia funebris, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. (1865), p. 155; Distant. Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova (2a), Vol. 6, p. 455, t. 4, f. 1a, b (1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 122, t. 14. f. 17a, b (1892).

India, Malayan, Archipe- lago, China.





Hong Kong.

India, China.

British India,


g. M. saucia. Cambodia. Mogannia saucia, Noualhier, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris (1896), p. 254; Noualhier & Martin, Miss. Pavie, p. 179, t. 11, f. 6 (1904). 10. M. effecta. India. Moganntia effecta, Walker, MS. Mogannia effecta, Distant, Ann, Mag, Nat. Hist. (6), Vol. 9, p. 316 (1892); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 122, t. 14, f. 16a, b (1892); Fauna Brit. Ind. Rhynch. Vol. 3, p. 153, f. 67 (1906). 11. M. horsfieldt. Java.

Mogannia horsfeldi, Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.(7}, Vol. 15. p 386 (1905). 12. M. obliqua. Mogannia obliqua, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 39 (1858) ; Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 119, t. 14, f. 10a, 6 (1892). 13. M. sesiordes. Mogannia sesioides, Walker, Journ. Linn, Soc. Zool. Vol. 10, p. 95 (1867); Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 120, t. 14, f. 12a, b (1892).

India, Malaya.


14. M. hebes. China, Formosa. Cephaloxys hebes, Walker, List Hom. Suppl. p. 38 (1858). : Mogannia hebes, Distant, Mon. Orient. Cicad. p.121, t. 14, f.13a, 6 (1892). Mogannia spurcata, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 27 (1858). 15. M. binotata. Pl. 3, Figs. 36a, b. . Mogannia binotata, Distant, Ann. Soc, Ent. Belg. Vol. 50, p. 151 (1906). 16. M. moultonz, Mogannia moultoni, Distant. Rec. Indian Mus.Vol.5, p. 317, pl. 21, f. 6a, (1910).



17. M. viridis. Cephaloxys viridis, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol. 5, p. 294 (1847). Cephaloxys rostrata, Walker, List Hom. Vol. 1, p. 233 (1850). Mogannia viridis, Distant, Mon, Orient. Cicad. p. 119, t. 14,f. 8a, b(1892) 18. M. dorie. Mogannia Doria, Distant, Ann, Mus, Stor, Nat, Genova (24), Vol. 6, p. 520

India, Malaya.


(1888); Mon. Orient. Cicad. p. 120, t. 14, f. 11a, 6 (1892). q . INDEX Pages Pages abdullah, Dist (g. Terpnosia) 7 aper, Walk. (g. Majeorona 22 Basa (venus), Distant acberi, Dist. (g. Psalmocharias) 9 apicata, Dist. (g. Gudaba) 11 basispes, Walk. (g. Hemisctera) agrota, Stal (g. Emathia) 5 aquila, Fieb. (g. Cicadaira) 8 bergi, Dist. (g. Proarna) albiflos, Walk. (g. Proarna) 14 arechavaletae, Berg (g. Tympanoterpes) 17 bicolor, Ol. (g. Fidicina) aldegonde, Kuhlg. (g. Fidicina) 20 Ariasa (genus), Distant 18 binehami, Dist. (g. Talainga) alhageos, Melich. (g. Crcadatra) 8 atkinsoni, Dist. (g. Geana) 29 binotata, Dist. (g. Mogannia)\ albeopicata, Dist.(g. Tympanoterpes) 18 atra, Ol. (g. Cicadatra) 8 bogotoma, Dist. (g. Fidicina) albida, Ol. (g. Proarna) 15 aurengzebe, Dist. (g. Emathia) 5 bonaérensis, Berg (g. Fidicina) albiplica, Walk. (g. Ariasa) 18 auriginea, Dist. (g. Balinta) 30 bovilla, Dist. (g. Mageorona) amazona, Dist. (g. Fidicina) 20 australensis, Kirk. (g. Tettigia) 3 brasilianorum, Kirk. (g Arius) amcena, Walk. (g. Psalmocharias) 9 avicula, Walk. (g. Mogannia) 33 brevis, Dist. (g. Orellana) anea, Walk. (g. Cicadatra) 9 azteca, Dist. (g. Odopoea) 23 braure, Walk. (g. Fidicina) andersoni, Dist. (g Terpnosia) 7 brizo, Walk. (g. Fidicina) angulosa, Walk. (g. Odopoea) 23 Balinta (genus), Distant 24 brizo, Stal (g. Fidicina) annamensis, Dist. (g. G@ana) 29 barbarata, Stal (zg. Tetligia) 3 briso, Walk. (g. Fidicina) amussittata, Dist. (g. Rustra) 6 barkei, Dist. (g. Tettigia) brisa, Walk. (g. Proarna)

bufo, Dist. (g. Proarna) burriana, Horv. (g. Cicadatra)

butleri, Dist. (g. Tugelana)

cachla, Dist. (g. Fidicina) caesar, Jacobi (g. Mogannia) Calcagnimis (genus), Distant callichroma, Stal (Odopea) calochroma, Walk. (g. Odopea) capistrata, Dist. (g. Proarua) cariloea, Uhl. (g. Odopea) cayennensis, Kirk. (g. Hemisctera) cerisyi, Gueér. (g. Teitigiz) championi, Dist. (g. Ollania) chariclo, Walk. (g. Ollanta) chinensis, Dist. (g. Psithvristria) chinensts, Stal (g. Mogannia) chlonia, Stal (g. Terpuosia)

chlorogena, Walk. (g. Hemisciera)

Cicadatra (gen.), Amyot & Serville 7

ciliaris, Walk. (g. Mogannia)

cinctomaculata, Stal (g. Mogannia)

clara, Motsch. (g. Cicadatra) clio, Walk. (g. Terpuosia) clonia, Walk. (g. Terpnosia) collina, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) columbiae, Dist. (g. Ariasa) colombia, Dist. (g. Orellana) compacta, Walk. (g. Fidicina) consoys, White (g. Geana) confusia, Dist. (g. Tcrpnosia) conica, Germ. (g. Mogannia) consobrine, White (g. Taona) crassinervis, Stal ‘g, Pachypsaltria) crowfooti, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) cubensis, Dist. (g. Uhleroides) cuncta, Walk. (g. Majeorona) cuneata, Dist. (g. Khimbya) cuta, Walk. (g. Fidicina)

cyanea, Walk. (g. Mogannia)

dactyliophora, Berg. (g. Ollanta) degiacomii, Dist. (g. Odopea) delinenda, Dist (g. Talainga). dentivitta, Walk. (g. Rustia). deteyminata, Walk. (g. Pyoarna) dexithea, Walk. (g. Proarna) dilatata, Fabr. (g. Odopwa) diminuta, Dist. (g. Khimbya) dirian rani, Dist. (g. Odopea) distanti, Jacobi (g. Psithyristria) diupsilon, Walk. (g. Ariasa) divise, Walk. (g. Fidicina),



doddi, God. & Frogg. domingensts, Uhl. (g. Odopaa) doriae, Dist.(g. Mogannia) drewseni, Stal (g¢. Fidicina)

durhamis, Dist. (g. Hemisciera)

effecta, Walk. (g. Mogannia) electa, Jacobi (g. Balinta) elegans, Berg (g. Ariasa) elegans, Kirby (g. Terpnosia) Emathia (genus), Stal

erato, Walk. (g. Odopwa) evanescens, Walk. (g. Thimbya) eximia, Er. (g. Odopiea) excavata, Walk. (g. Fidicina) explanata, Uhl (g. Hemitsciera)

festiva, Fabr. (gy. Taona)

Fidicina (venus), Amyot & Serville 18

Fidicinaria (Division), Distant) flavibasalis, Dist. (g. Hemtsctera) flavicolla, Horv. (g. Psalmocharias) Jlosfolia, Walk. (g. Hemisciera) formosana, Mats. (g. Mogannia) fulvoviridis, Walk. (g Proarna) fumea, Dist. (g. Fidicina) funebris, Stal (g. Mogannta) funesta, Walk. (g Odopea)

13 21

9 21 33

Gzeana (venus), Amyot & Serville 28

Gzeanaria (Division), Distant ganesa, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) geodesma, var. Kol. (g. Cicadatra) germari, Dist. (g. Proarna) glyctrrihae, Put. (g. Cicadatra) greeni, Kirby (g. Terpnosia) grisea, Fabr. (g. Proarna) grisea, Germ. (g. Proarna)

Gud ba (genus), Distant guttulosa, Walk. (g. Prowna)

hageni, Dist. (g. Taona) Hamza (genus), Distant Hamzaria (Division), Distant hebes, Walk. (g. Mogannia) heidemanni, Dist. (g. Ollanta)

hemelytra, Sign. (g. Magannia)

Hemisciera (genus), Amyot &

Serville hershawi, Kirk. (g. Talainga) hilaris, Germ. (g. Proarna) histrionica, Uhl, (g. Pachypsaltria) horsfieldi, Dist. (g. Mogannia)


hyalina. Fabr. (g. Cicadatra) hyalinatus, Brullé (g. Cicadatra)


illustyata, Am. & Serv. (g. Mogannia) 33

imbellis, Walk (g. Miranha) immsi, Dist. (g. Khimbya) inconspicua, Dist. (g. Ollanta) indicans, Walk. (g, Mogannia) ignifera, Walk. (g. Mogannia) innotabilis, Walk. (g. Fidicina) insignis, Dist. (g. Proarna) insignifera, Berg (g. Miranha) interrupta, Walk. (3. Tettigza)

24 II 16


interruptus, God. & Frogg. (g.Tettigia) 3

intricata, Walk. (g. Odopea)

invaria, Walk. (g. Proarna)

jamaicensis, Dist. (g. Odopea) javanensis, Dist. g. Kamalata)

jenkinsi, Dist. (g. Tevpnosta)

Kamalata (genus), Distant Khimbya (genus), Distant

hurandae, God. & Frogg. (g. Tamasa)

laevines, Walk. (g. Fidicina)

lacteipennis, Dist. (g. Psalmocharias)

lacteipennis, Put. (g. Frdicina) Lethama (genus), Distant lineola, Hag. (g. Cicadatra) locusta, Walk. (g. Lethama) lucastia, Walk. (g. Fidicina) luculenta, Dist. (g. Odopea)

lutea, Dist. (g. Mayeorona)

maculata, Dist. (g. Khimbya)

maculata, Drury (g. Gana)

maculipennis, Laporte (g.Hemisciera)

maculipes, Dist. (g. Cicadaira) madhava, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) Majeorona (genus), Distant mandarina, Dist. (Mogannta) mannifera, Fabr. (g. Fidicina) marginata, Dist. (g. Khimbya) marginata, Oliv. (g. Avrasa} mawi, Ditt. (g. Terprosia) melina, Walk. (i. Fidicina) mexicana, Dist. (g. Ollanta) minuta, Mats. (g. Mogannia) Miranba (genus), Distant

modesta, Dist. (g. Ollanta

Mogannia (genus), Amyot & Ser-


23 15


Moganniaria (Division), Distant 32

montevidensis, Berg (g. Proarna) 16 moultoni, Dist. (g. Mogonnia) 34 miilleri, Dist. (g. Hemisciera) 21 nasalis, White (g. Mogannia) 33 nilgiriensis, Dist. (g. Calcagninus) 10 niyricosta, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) F nigriplaga, Walk. (g. Orellana) 25) nigrorufa, Walk. (g. Ariasa) 18 nigrovittata, Dist. (g. Ariasa) 18

nodinervis, Stal (g. Pachypsaltria) 32

oberthuri, Dist. (g. Crcadatra) 7 obliqua, Walk. (g. Mogannia) 34 ochreata, Mel. (g. Cicadatra) 8 octonolata, Westw. (g. Talatnga) 30 octonata, Walk. (g. Talainga) 30 Odopeea (genus), Stal 23 olivacea, Mel. (g. Psalmochartas) c Ollanta (genus), Distant 16 Onomacritus (genus), Distant 4 opalina, Germ. (g. Fidicina) 20 Orellana (genus), Distant 24 orientalis, Dist. (g. Tettrgia) 3 orni, L. (g. Tettigia) 3 ovatipennis, Walk. (g. Proarna) 15 Pacarina (genus), Distant 17 Pachypsaltria (genus), Stal 32 pantherina, Dist. (g. Kamalata) 12 panyase, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 parvula, Jacobi (g¢ Hemisctera) 21 passer, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 passerculus, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 paviei, Noualh. (g. Gaeana) 29 pedunculata, Stal (g. Rustia) 5 pennata, Dist. (g. Tettigia) 3 percheronti, Guer. (g Gaeana) 29 persica, Kirk. (g. Cicadatra) 8 perspicua, Dist. (g. Odopea) 23 pertinax, Stal (g. Fidicina) 19 phaochlora, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 20 physcoa, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 picea, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 picta, Walk. (g. Balinta) 29 picturalis, Dist. (g. Gudaba) 10 pidytus, Walk, (g. Fidicina) 19 platyptera, Fieb. (g. Cicadatra) 8 plebera, L. (g Fidicina) 19 plebeja, L. (g. Hemisciera) 21 plena, Walk. (g. Odopara) 23 poeyi, Gueér. (g. Odopea) 24



posidonia, Jacobi (g. Cicadatra)


Psalmocharias (genus), Kirkaldy 9 psecas, Walk. (g. Terpnosia) 6 Psithyristria genus), Distant 31 Psithyristriaria (Div.), Distant 31

praegracilis, Berg. (g. Ollanta) 16 praxita, Walk. (g. Odopea) 23 Proarna (venus), Stal 14 pronoe, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 pryeri, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) 7 pulchella, Dist. (g. Balinta) 29 pulchella, Westw. (g. Geana) 28 pullata, Berg (g. Fidicina) 20 pumile, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) 7 punctata, Fabr. (g. Tettigia) 3 punctipes, Sign. (g. Oxomacritus) 4 pusilla, Berg (g. Pacarina) 17 putoni, Dist. (g. Psalmocharias) 10 rainbowi, Asht. (g. Tamasa) 5 raja, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) 9 vana, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 ransonneti, Dist. (g. Terpnosta) 6 recta, Walk. (g. Mogannia) 33 roberti, Dist. (g. Fidicina) 20 rosa-cordis, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 20 rubricata, Dist. (g. Fidicina) 20 rugipennis, Walk. (g, Fidicina) 20 Rustavelia (subgenus), Horvath 5] Rustia (genus), Stal 6 sagrae, Guer. (g Zammara) 2

sallaei, Dist. (g Proarna) 15 sankara, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) 9 saucia, Noualh. (g. Mogannta) 34 sawyerl, Dist. (g. Fidicina) 20 sciras, Walk. (g Iidicina) 20 segetum, Ramb. (g. Cicadatra) 8 semenovi, Oshan. (g. Calcagninus) 10 semilata, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 semilata, Dist. (g. Fidicina) 20 sericans, Stal (g. Fidicina) 20

serricosta, Germ. (g. Tympanoterpes) 17

sesioides, Walk. (g. Mugannia) 34 signorcti, Stal (g. Odopea) 23

simplicinervis, Stal (g. Pachypsaltria) 32

singularis, Walk. (g Tyriglenia) 13 sita, Dist. (g¢ Khimbya) 11 smaragdina, Walk. |g. Odopwa) 23 smaragdula, Walk. (g. Odopwa) 23 soleanis, Walk. (g. Fidicina) 19 specularis, Stal (g. Hemisciera) 21 sfinicosta, Walk. (g Fidiciua) 19

spurcata, Walk. (g. Mogannia) squamigera, Uhl (g. Ollanta)

stellata, Dist. (g. Geana)

steindaehneri, Kuhlg. (g. Fidicina)

stevent, Stal(g. Psalmocharias) stipata, Walk. (g. Terpnosia) strepens, Am. & Serv.

striata, Walk. (g. Cicadatra) strigicollis, Jacobi strigipennis, Walk. (g. Odopea) subtincta. Walk. (g. Proarna) subvinosa, Walk. (g. Cicadatra) suffosa, Walk. (g. Odopaa) sulphurea, Hope (g. Geana) sultana, Dist. (g. Uhleroides) sumatranus, Dist. (g. Onxomacritus)

sumptuosa, Blanch. (g, Hemisctera)

Tal inga (genus); Distant Tamasa (genus), Distant Taoana (genus), Distant tauru-, Walk. (g. Hemisciera) tenebrosa, Fieb, (g. Cicadatra) tenebricosa, Dist. (g. Talainga) tenninervis, Stal (g. Pachypsaltria) Terpnosia (genus), Distant

Tettigia (genus), Amyot

thalassina, Guér. & Perch. (g. G@ana)

tigrina, Dist. (g. Terpuosia) tomentosa, Walk (g. Proarna) torrida, Walk. (g. Avtasa) translucida, Dist. (g. Cicadatra) transversa, Germ, (g. Cicadatra) Triglenia (genus), Fieber tristigma, Germ. (g. Tamosa) Tugelana (genus), Distant Tympanoterpes (venus), Stal tympanum, Fabr. (g. Zammara)

tympanum, Palis. (g. Orellana v 56

Uhleroides (venus), Distant umbreline, Walk. (g. Fidicina)

uruguayensis, Berg (g. Ollanta)

vacillans, Walk. (g. Odopewa) vacua, Oliv. (g. Crcadatra) valvata, Uhl. (g. Ollanta)

varievata, God. & Frogg. (g. Tettigia) 3

venosa, Uhl. (g. Ollanta) venturil, Dist. (g. Odopea) venustisima, Stal (g. Mogannia)

versicolor, Brullé (g. Hemisctera)

versicolor, Dist. (g. Cicadatra, Orel-


16 23 33


of, a)

vinula, Stal (g. Fidicina) virescens, Fieb. (g. Triglena) virens, Fieb. (g. Cicadatra) vireus, MS.(g. Cicadatra)

viridiflava, Dist. (g. Psalmocharias)

viridifemur, Walk. (g. Fidicina) viridis, Germ. (g. Calcagninius)

viridis, Sign. (g. Moganntia)

Pages Pages 19 viridis, Ol.(g. Fidicina) 19 12 viridissima, Walk. 'g Cicadatra) 8

8 vitalisi, Dist. (g. Geana) 29 8 vitallina, Germ. (g. Hemisciera) 21 9 vitreus, Brullé (g. Cicadatra) 8 20 19 walkeri, Dist. (gy. Cicadatra) 7 34 walkerii, Guér. (g. Zammara) 24 EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLaTE I Fig. ta, b. Tettigia interrupta, Walker.


2a, b. Onomacritus sumatranus, Distant.

3a, 6. Tamasa tristigma, Germar. 4a, 6. Emathia egrota, Stal.

5a, 6. Rustia dentivitta, Walker. 6a, 6. Terpnosia psecas, Walker.

7a, b. Cecadastra raja, Distant.

8a, 6. Psalmocharias flavicollis, Horvath.

ga, 6. Calcagninus nilgiviensis, Distant.

10a, b. Gudaba marginata, Distant. 114, b. Khimbya evanescens, Walker.

12a, 6. Lethama locusta, Walker.

. 13a, 6. Kamalata pantherina, Distant. 14a, b. Basa singularis, Walker. 15a, b. Proarna squamigera, Uhler. 16a, 6. Ollanta mexicana. Distant.

174, 6. Pacarina signifera, Walker.

18a, b. Tympanoterpes cordubensis, Berg.

19a, 6. Artasa colombie, Distant.

20a, b. Fidtcina sericans, Stal.

21a, b. Hemuisciera maculipennis, Laporte.

22a, b. Majeorona bovilla, Distant. 23a, b. Odopoea degiacomim, Distant. 24a, b. Uhleroides cubensis, Distant. 25a, 6. Miranha imbellis, Distant.

26a, b. Zammara intricata, Walker.

37 Pages xanthes, Walk. (g. Cicadaira 8 xanthus, Stal (g. Cicadatra) 8 Zammara (genus), Amyot & Ser- ville 24 Zammararia (Division), Distant 22 ziczac, MS. (g. Cicadaira) &

Pirate 3

Orellana brevis, Distant.

Hamza bournensis, Distant. Tugelana butlevi, Distant.

Geana stellata, Walker.

Balinta auvigenia, Distant. Taona versicolor, Distant. Talainga binghami, Distant. Psithyristria specularis, Stal. Pachypsaltria cinctomaculuta, Stal.

Mogannia binotata, Distant.

South Norwood, London S. E. 15th February 1914.


ee Te

te FY: 2 A la oO Soe ae a. eT ee eS ara si a a, Oi aa NA anrninrnanar’ a a AR ARAMA na sAadaaaan 220 N A anafnr nanan’ ye Wy YT YS ORANY \ AAA tag ng aRag saan Beemuneaesee®-.aar NAA saa AaAARAAA

: al Vla'e AR Ab hennrnr ner AS RAR AA ana Batteanaaas aa RAN AAAAAARAAAn: ARAAZ

a aa Aa ~ A AAAS BANA’ a aanAka <A BARATAL J om fu a fa i

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~ qaa\nis eee Re Baa. accel) potnaee aa® Na‘ Ny NaF malLAnty Vina Aaaa® ae Aan Neer. ~aRaA- aren

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