nj _D tr J- ru a CD a m a U~hcLrdjL~d cA A THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. VOLUME XXXII. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. NOW READY. In 12mo, and bound in cloth, i FORMS OF WAITK. F.y Prof. .I.,,,N-MM.UI.. ti.:.o. •_'. I'ln-^IO ANIi P-'I.ITI' "; or. Thr A|.|ilic:iti..M dl the Prini'i|.!i'> of - Natural n" :iinl •' Inlieritaiiee" to I'ol-.tieal ^ueiety. I'.y \\'. Jt.vi.i HUT. $l..".o. B. F. By EDWARDS* M. i).. LL. r... F i:. >." JI.T.V I. \ll\H AM; IMDY. P.\ ALEXANDER BAIN, LL. D. *I..MI. ;>. TIM; > Ti'DY OF SOCIOLOGY, ".y iin:r.n.i— !•> v i K. ?i :,M. ii. TIIK NEW CHEMISTUY. Ky Prof, .losi.ui I'. (,'OOKK, Jr.. of Harvard T'ni- v.T-itv. *•-' mi. 7. Till: CONSERVATION OF ENE1KJY. P.y Prof. B.vin.fr: STI.WAIIT. f! -. \\IMAI. LOCOMOTION: with a Dissertation on Aeronautics. i:\- .1. li. PE-ITI- .,ii \v. M. II. Illustrated. $1.75. 9 l:l -n>\HP,ILl TV IN MENTAL DISEASE. By II. M MUSI.KV. M. II. fl.M1. in THE -riENi i: <>K LAW. i;> ivor i-maims AM..«. *i.7.\ n. ANIMAL MKrilANI-vM. A 'I i-r:iii> Terrestrial and A €rial Locomotion. I'-v }•'.. .1. M \i:rv. 1 17 Illustrations. 41.7."i. i-j. Tin: iiisT]|.-L'C. *l..".n. 17. MONF.Y AND TIIK MKCII ANISM . THi: NATrilK OF LIMIT. P.y Dr. K. L..MMU.. s* Illustrations and a Plate ot >|. Ttra in Cbronio-litli»<.rni|iliy. S-.mi. I'.i. ANIMAL PAUA-ITLS AND MESSMATES. '">• M. VAX ISr.xr.i.EX, Professor of the I'niv.'rsitv of Louvain. >;t lllustr.itioiis. ^L.'iii. •jo. ON FERMENTATIONS. »y I'. BOH0TZEKBBBflKK, Direetor at the Ch.-iniral I l.oratory :it the Sor-lioiin.-. 'J- I llustratioiis. $l..~.n. L'l. TilE FIVK SENSES OF MAN. P.y.l. KF.KNMI IN. o. 0. Prof. -ssor in the I'ni- MTsity o| Ma.le. l!i Illustrations.' $1.7.".. •2.'. Tin: ruEORY o- sorxn IN ITS KKLAT'ON 'm MC-K. r.\ i-n.t. I'll -.11:11 l'.i.\-r.i:N \. Numerous Woodents. $l.."in. iriHI> IN >i'i;i TIIl'M A.NALV.-I>. P.y .I. No I:\I\N I....KMI:. Illus tralions .*'J.."iU. •ji. A III-IHI:Y 01 i;r I;I:O\VTII OF TIM: -IT: \M LNI.INK. r,y KOMKI II. Tin i:--|..\. A M.C.i:. HI'! llliMrations. $'.'.:iO. •J\ riU'i A I lux \- \ >CIMNCK. P.y Ai.i:\. P.M.S. I.I.. l>. *1.7.\ •.'«. M«>Di:i:N < II KOMATII'S. P.y O..I.IA N. l:«i..n. I'rol,",,, Ol I'liy-ies in Co liunliia Colleire ISOurlginal llln-liMtions. +•_'.( in. •J7. THE III MAN -I'LCILS. I'.v A In Ot ^TBEFAGBS. 18.00. 28. I UK ri:\\ 1 l>ll: An Introduction to the Study of Xo,,]o-y. P.y Prof. T. II. lli-M.rv. -- Illustration*. $!.7."i II. \|n\||c IIIMIKY. P.y Ai.. WUBTZ, Meiut.re de I'lnstitut. ete. Trans- I hv E. Ci.t \iis-ii \w. $l.."pi. \IMM. I 111 AS EFFECTED P.V THE N.MTKAL CONDITI OF I:\I-II.M r.. iiy KABL SKMPZR, Professor of the Unlvenlt} of Wiir/liiirsr. With •-' M.i|.* a: .1 106 \V ,n,h-ut- $-.'.'iii. li.HT: An I \|'OMhon of ilie l'riiiei|i'e- ot Monoi-ular and P.inoriilar Vision. p.\ ,Jo i I'll I i: Cnvir. LL. l>. \\ ii h rniineroiis Illii-.ii- itions. $l..".i. i.. M.I: A I. I'll 'i >lo|.oii \ i IF Ml M I.I < AND M l:\ I -. li> Dr. I. !:•• Til \i.. Pi of. 1 i 1 Ph\ -io:o_-y in the I'niYersiU of F. rial, pen. \\ illi 7."' \\ ood- I'llls. Any •. oluine M nt l.y mail. |iost-paid. on reeeipt ol |,riee. Ii. MT1.1:T»\ ,i CO., /vw.-//./-. i. ::. A :. /:»„,/ sf,-,,t. \, »• York. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC .SERIES. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. BY DR. I. ROSENTHAL, PROCESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVEKStTY 0F ERLANGEN. WITH SEVENTY-FIVE WOODCUTS. NEW YORK: APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1881. A ic o 3 THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO HIS VENERATED MASTER EMIL DU BOIS-REYMOND BY THE AUTHOR PEE FACE. THIS attempt at a connected account of the General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves is, as far as I know, the first of its kind. The necessary data for this branch of science have been gained only within the last thirty years, and even now many of the facts are uncertain and have been insufficiently studied. Under these circumstances it might well be asked if the time has yet come for such an account as this. But any- one who endeavours to gain an idea of this branch of knowledge from the existing text-books of Physiology will probably labour in vain. Moreover, the subject is one which has many points of interest not only for the specialist, but also for the physicist, for the psy- chologist, and indeed for every cultivated man ; and as regards the gaps in our knowledge, they are scarcely greater than those in any other branch of the science of life. There being no previous writers on the same sub- ject, I have been obliged to d peiid entirely on myself in the matter of the arrangement, in the selection of important points and the rejection of those of less importance, and as to the form in which the subject vi is presented. From tin- experience gained liy teach- ing during more than fifteen years, 1 believe that I have ;ic(juircd sufficient clearness of ( xpre -ion, even in treating of more difficult matters, to be intelligible when studied carefully even by tlu.se who are not specialists. In crrtain cases it lias been impossible to avoid somewhat long explanations of physical and. especially, of electric phenomena. But these have been confined to the narrowest possible limits, and I must refer those who require further details to my Elektridtdtslehre //'//• .lAr-//,'//^/- (lierlin, Ilirschwald). It has also been unavoidable in giving an account of one branch of Physiology to indicate the connection with other branches, though it has been impossible to enter into the details of these. To those who feel inclined to follow these matters further, I recommend the study of Huxley's ' Elementary Physiology.' Cer- tain details, which would have detained the course of the text too long, I have relegated to the Notes and Additions at the end of the book. In accordance with the title of the book, I have omitted too scientific proofs, references, &<•. The names of men of science to whom the discovery of the facts is due have only been occasionally introduced. In this matter no fixed rule has been followed, but it did not seem riidit to omit occasional mention of the names of the chief founders of this branch of know- ledge I'd. Weber, K. du Bois-Reymond, and II. Ilelm- holtz. Kia.\Noi:\ : April 15, 1677. CONTENTS. TAGR PREFACE vii CHAPTER I. L Introduction : Motion and sensation as animal charac- teristics ; 2. Movement in plants; 3. Molecular motion; 4. Simplicity of the lowest organisms ; 5. Protoplasmic motion and amoeboid motion; 6. Elementary organisms and gradual differentiation of the tissues; 7. Ciliary motion . 1 CHAPTER II. 1. Muscles, their form and structure; 2. Minute structure of striated muscle-fibres ; 3. Connection of muscles and bones ; 4. Bones and bone-sockets ; 5. The law of elasticity : 6. The elasticity of the muscles 12 CHAPTER III. 1. Irritability of muscle; 2. Contraction and tetanus; 3. Height of elevation and performance of work ; 4. Internal work during tetanus ; 5. Generation of heat and muscle- tone : 6. Alteration in form during contraction ... 28 CHAPTER IV. 1. Alteration in elasticity during contraction; 2. Duration of contraction; the myograpb ; 3. Determination of electric X (.'MINIS. PAQB time; I. Applicaii'ii of this to muscular puKati"ii: ."». HurdeM ami o\rr-l>urdeH, muscular force; (!. Ill-termina- tion of muscular force la man; 7. Allrra'ion in muscular force il-.. • r ic! i"M 47 CHAPTER V. . inii-al ].]• !(•:•>-. -s within the muscle; 2. General ion of warmth durini: contraction; 3. Exhaustion and recovery J 4. Source of muscle-force; 5. Death of the muscle : r.. Death-stiffening (J?ty0r m0r£i«) 72 CHAPTER VI. ). l-'nrmsiif mu.-M'lc : L'. At larhnn-nt of muscles t<> tin- Imiics ; 3. Klaimi; I. Smniith musclf-tiliri-s : .". l'i-rislalt ic motion; <;. Voluntary and involuntary motion . . . '.'1 CHA1TKK VII. 1. Nerve-fibres and nerve-cells ; 2. Irritability of nerve-fibre; 3. Traiismij-siiin of the irritation; I. Isnlatnl tratismis- sir.n ; .",. In italiility ; d. The curve of irritation; 7. Ex- haust ion and recovery, death ...... 103 CHAPTER VIII. I, Kli -etroii ini- : L'. Modifications of excitaliility ; '.'>. I.a\v of jiiiNat imi> : 4. i 'oimec.tion of electrotonus \\ith excjta- liiliiy; :>. Coiidiiinn of excitalality in elect |-..t, ,ims ; 6. Kxplanal ion of the law of j.ulsat ion.- ; 7. tiei:eral law of nerve-excitemehl ......... !•_'."> ( 1IAITKK IX. 1. Kler'ric phenomena ; L'. Klect ric li>li.-s ; :;. Kleet ric oivans ; 4. Multiplier and tangent ^alvanonu ter ; .". 1 litliculty of the study; (i. Homogeneous diverting vessels; 7. Klectro- nioti\r |.,!c. : s. Kh-etric fall; '.>. Ten.'.ioii in the clOSll ai oh . . . 153 CONTENTS. Xi CHAPTER X. PAGE 1. Diverting arches; 2. Current-curves and tension-curves; 3. Diverting cylinders ; 4. Method of measuring tension differences by compensation 17G CHAPTER XL 1. A regular muscle-prism; 2. Currents and tensions in a muscle-prism ; 3. Muscle-rhombus ; 4. Irregular muscle- rhombi ; 5. Current of m. gastrocnemius .... 189 CHAPTER XII. 1. Negative variation of the muscle-current ; 2. Living muscle is alone electrically active ; 3. Parelectronomy ; 4. Secon- dary pulsation and secondary tetanus ; 5. Glands and their currents . 202 CHAPTER XIII. 1. The nerve-current ; 2. Negative variation of the nerve- current ; 3. Duplex transmission in the nerve ; 4. Eate of propagation of negative variation ; 5. Electrotonus ; 6. Electric tissue of electric fishes ; 7. Electric action in plants 21 o CHAPTER XIV. 1. General summary; 2. Fundamental principles; 3. Com- parison of muscle-prism and magnet; 4. Explanation of the tensions in muscle-prisms and muscle-rhombi ; 5. Explanation of negative variation and parelectronomy ; 6. Application to nerves ; 7. Application to electric organs and glands 226 CHAPTER XV. 1. Connection of nerve and muscle ; 2. Isolated excitement of individual muscle-fibres j 3. Discharge-hypothesis ; 4. Prin- XU CONTEXTS. PAliB ciple uf tin' dispersion of forces; ~>. Independent irrita- bility of muscle-substance; <">. Curare; 7. Chemical irri- tants; 8. Theory of the activity of the nerves . . . 244 CHAPTER XVI. 1. Various kinds of nerves ; L'. Absence of indicable differences in the fibres ; ;?. Characters of nerve-cells ; 4. Various kincl> of nerve-cells; 5. Voluntary and automatic motion; 6. Ke- tlex motion and c .i-ivlative sensation; 7. Sensation and consciousness; 8. Itetardation ; *). Specific energies of nerve-cells; 10. Conclusion 2G1 NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 1. (iraphical \'<-\ >rescntat ion. ^latheniat ie.al inunction . . '_".':'• 2. Irritation of Muscle-Fibres, Height of Elevation and Per- formance of Work ........ L",i7 ;;. Ivxcitaliility and Strength of Irritant. Combination of Irritants .......... ^'.'c,t 4. Curve of Excitability. Resistance to Transmission . . :ton ~>. Influence of the Length of Irritated Portion of Nerve . 303 6. Difference between closing and opening Inductive Cur- rents. Helmholtz's Arrangement ..... :!<>t 7. Effect of Currents of Short Duration . . ... ::n7 8. Unipolar Irritation ........ 3()!» ;i. Tan •_'•<• nt Galvanometer ........ I'.lo in. Tensions in Conduotora ....... :;ii 11. l)ii]ile.\ Transmission. Degeneration, Hogcneralion, and Hcalitigof llisocted Nerves ...... :il'J 12. Negative Variation and Excitement ... . ."KJ ]:;. |-;ic, -trot onus. S«'( ..... dary J'ulsatioiis dlViM i- and Isolated Traii-inis>ion inNcr\c- |MH;X LIST OF WOODCUTS. FIQ. PAGIt 1. Amcebre 6 2. White Blood-Corpuscles from a Guinea-Pig .... 7 MI. Ciliate Cells situated with the other Cells on a Mem- brane . . . . . . . . . .10 3&. A single Ciliate Cell, greatly magnified, of somewhat abnormal form 10 4. Striated Muscle-Fibres 13 5. The Double-headed Calf-Muscle («. gaetrocncmi-us) with its Tendons 17 6. The Bones of the Arm . .... 19 7. Du Bois-Reyinond's Apparatus for studying the Elastic Extension in Muscle . . . . . . . 25 8. The Simple Myograph ... 26 9. Du Bois-Reymond's Muscle-Telegraph 29 10. Induction Coil 31 11. Electric Wheel 33 12. Wagner's Hammer 34 13. Du Bois-Reymond's Sliding Inductive Apparatus . 35 14. Du Bois-Reymond's Tetanising Key 36 15. Heights of Elevation with different Weights . . . . 38 16. The Changes in Elasticity during Contraction ... 48 17. Helmholtz's Myograph 52 18. The Curve of Pulsation of a Muscle . .... 56 19. Measurement of small Angles of Deflection with Mirror and Lens 57 20. Apparatus for measuring the Duration of Muscle-Contrac- tion GO 21. End of the Lever of the Time-determining Apparatus with Capsule of Quicksilver 61 22. Diagram of Experiment for measuring Electric Time . 62 23. Diagram of the Flexor Appara1 us of the Forearm . . 68 24. Dynamometer .69 Xiv LIST OF WOODCUTS. I'A'iK 25. Smooth Muscle-Fibres 97 lit;. Nrrvr-Filiivs 101 '-'7. Ganglion-Cells with Nerve-F lOfi 28. Spring .My<>_r;i|ili i't' K. du Bois-K"\ mond . . . . 112 l".'. rrop:r_';iti'.n ni' the Excitement in the Nerve . . . lit 30. Electron >mi;$ 127 31. Elnctrotonna under the influence of Currents of varying Strength 130 :•!•_'. Rhcochord 133 :;:;. Klectrotonus 140 34. Series of Magnetic Needles representing Nerve-Particles . 117 86. Kheochord 149 3G. Electric Current . . . ... I.V.' 37. Multiplier . ... . .161 38. Reflecting Galvanometer. ... ... :'.'.!. Du Bois-Bcymond's homogeneous Diverting Vessel . . 40. Distribution of Currents in [rregular Conductors . • . . 170 41. Electric Fall ' . .172 42. Fall in different Wires . . . . 171! 43. Current-Paths in a Conductor .... . 17"> 44. Current-Curves and Tension-Curves . . . . 1"S 4.'. Dn Bois-Beymond's Diverting Cylinders . . 181 4(5. Measurement by Compensation of Differences in Tension . 184 47. Du Bois-Beymond's Bound Compensator .... 186 48. Diagram of Electric Measurement by Hound ' Compensator 187 49. A Regular Muscle-Prism ... . 1I>0 50. Currents in a Muscle-Prism . . . . 192 51. Tensions on the Longitudinal HI id Cross Sections of a );< irubr MiiM-li'-Prism ... . 193 52. Tensions in a Begular Muscle-Bhombns . . :,:;. Currents in a Begular Muscle-Bhombus . . . :,t. Currents in the Graatxocnemius . . . -"" :.:,. Muscle-Current during Pulsation . -"'•'• B6. Deflection of the Magnetic Needle by the ^Till . . B7 and 58. Secondary Pulsation . . :,;i. TI-IIMOII in Nerves . CO. Changes in Tension during Electrotonus . . 220 c,l. Tli.M.ry of M.T_rnrti.Mii . -'•'•<) r,L'. Diagram of a Piece of Muscle-Fibre . . -'31 ,;;;. ] )j;, _, ,-;,„, ,,f il,c Electric Action in an \ gl j.'ition of .Mii>.-l«'-Kli-iiii-nts r,i. Diagram of an oblique Cross-Section ., . . . -34 LIST OF WOODCUTS. XV PAGE Go. Magnetic Induction • 242 66. Magnetic Induction 243 67. Nerve-Terminations in the Muscles of a Guinea-Pig . . 245 68. Ganglion-Cells from the Human Brain .... 266 69. Graphical Representation of Muscle-Extension . . . 295 70. Representations of Positive and Negative Values . . 296 71. Action of Oblique Muscle-Fibres 297 72. The Sciatic Nerve and Calf-Muscle of a Frog . . . 302 73. Duration of Inductive Currents 305 74. Helmholtz's Arrangement with a Sliding Inductive Appara- tus 307 75A,JB,C. Secondary Pulsation from the Nerves . . . 315 GENEKAL PHYSIOLOGY OP MUSCLES AND NEEVES. CHAPTER I. 1. Introduction: — Movement and sensation as animal charac- teristics; 2. Movement in plants; 3. Molecular movements; 4. Simplicity of the lowest organisms ; 5. Protoplasmic and amoeboid movements ; 6. Elementary organisms, and the gradual differentiation of the tissues ; 7. Ciliary movement. 1. The student who has elected to study the pheno- mena of life probably meets with no more attractive, and at the same time no harder task than that of explaining motion and sensation. It is especially in these pheno- mena that the distinction lies between animate and inanimate objects, between animals and plants. It is true that movements can be detected even in inanimate objects, and, indeed, according to the modern conception, all natural phenomena depend on motion, either on that of entire masses, or on that of the smallest particles of the masses. But the movements of animals are 2 rilY.SIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NHKVES. of a different kind. The contraction of a p"lyp when touched and the voluntary movement °f tac human arm are phenomena of a peculiar kind, and result from circumstances quite other than those which cause the fall of a stone or the attraction and repulsion exercised between magnetic or electric masses. Moreover, sensa- tion, such as we are conscious of in ourselves, and of the existence of which in other men and in animals we learn either from the statements or from the conduct of those others, seems to be entirely unrepresented in inanimate nature ; it even appears doubtful if it occurs in plants. Upon this task, hard as it is, physiological research has thrown much light; it is the knowledge which has thus already been gained which will form the subject of the following explanations. 2. Although even in plants movements occur similar to those observable in animals, yet there seems to be an essential difference between the two. For instance, in most animals we find that special organs are formed to serve principally for movement. Such are the muscles, which form what is ordinarily railed flesh. Organs of this sort have never yet been seen in plants. But not all the movements of the animal body are accom- plished by the muscles, and some forms of mot ion occur in exactly the same way in the plant as in the animal organism. These movements are most e\ident.and are mo>( easily explained in the sensitive planl ( Mim".- NKRVES. attention. If portions of vegetable or animal bodies are observed under high magnifying powers, small granules or similar bodies are seen to be engaged in a peculiar tremulous motion. Whence does this arise? That it is not a vital phenomenon is sufficiently shown liy the fact thai perfectly inanimate bodies, for instance, ( lie carbon particles of finely rubbed Indian ink, exhibit the same movement. The effect is, in fad. due merely to currents in the fluid, by which the light particles suspended in the fluid are carried away. Such current-; are easily engendered in any fluid, sometimes in con- sequence of uneven temperature, sometimes in conse- quence of evaporation, sometimes, also, as the result of the unavoidable shaking of the microscope. Weak as these currents may be, the disturbance caused by them, when seen under strong microscopic power, seems con- siderable, and is often hardly distinguishable from those movements which are caused by the vital act ivit ies of the particles. Sometimes this molecular motion may be detected within parts of living bodies; in which case small granules swim about in a clear fluid within larger or smaller cavities in these parts of living bodi 4. If a drop of pond water is placed under the microscope, many living objects, some of which shoot quickly about in all directions, are usually discernible in the water. Side by side with these occur certain oblong, or rod-shaped Indies. mo\ ing t ivmnlon.-ly about with greater or le.-s rapidity. It is often hard to distinguish whether the motion seen in these latter is independent or molecular. It must lie observed whet her of these bodies t \\ o contiguous indi\ iduals always pa — along in the same direction, or whether their move- ment- appear independent of each other. In the latter SIMPLICITY OF THE LOWEST ORGANISMS. 5 case it is impossible to suppose that they are only hur- ried along by currents, and it is safe to conclude that even these simplest organisms are gifted with the power of independent motion. Of the nature of this power nothing is very certainly known. The organisms of which we are speaking belong to the lowest rank of the organic world. They are living beings, for they move, they grow, and they multiply ; they can be killed, for instance, by boiling water, and their inde- pendent motion then ceases. This is nearly all that is known of them. Next to them rank organisms which are somewhat more complex in structure. They are small lumps of semi-fluid, granular matter, which is called protoplasm.1 This semi-fluid condition — inter- mediate between a liquid and a solid state — is charac- teristic of all organic matter. It is due to the absorp- tion of water into the pores of a solid mass, which in consequence swells and undergoes an intimate mixture with the water, and in which the molecules can then change their positions in the same way, though perhaps not quite so easily, as otherwise is possible only in liquids. A thin jelly-like clay would afford the best representa- tion of this condition of aggregation of protoplasm. A small lump of protoplasm of this sort may in itself represent an independent living being, exhibiting vital phenomena of such a kind that it is impossible to refuse to call it an ' animal.' It moves by its own force, and, as it would seem, voluntarily ; it imbibes matter for its own nutrition from the surrounding liquid ; it grows, it multiplies its kind, and it dies. The most evident mo- 1 Sometimes, but not always, in addition to these fine granules, a larger, bladder-like body, called the kernel or nucleus, is seen within the mass. () PHYSIOLOGY OF MTSCI.KS AM> M.KVKS. tion in this case occurs in two ways. Sometimes single processes are seen to protrude from the whole mass; thc-e processes gradually affect the whole granular mass, so that the whole body is displaced, and a genuine change of position happens to the animal ; or the pro- cesses being again retracted, other similar processes are protruded from another part of the body, in such a wav that the direction of motion is changed ; in short, the animal creeps about on the glass plate on which it is ob- served by means of these proc<>-«--. .Meanwhile currents of granules can be seen within the mass; closer obser- vation, however, shows that the motion in this case is only passive, and that it is the result of a continuous wave like displacement of the protoplasm. 1 Fit;. I. AAKKII.K. n. Anni-ti:i vi -rrnci'i-;!. /•. Anm-l a |«irnvta. ."). .Movements entirely similar to those in these independent living animal>, called Aiunhn, occur in PROTOPLASMIC AND AMCEBOID MOVEMENTS. 7 more highly organised beings, vegetable as well as ani- mal. All living beings are fundamentally composed of just such lumps of protoplasm as we see in the Amoeba?. Most of these lumps of protoplasm have, however, essentially changed their appearance, and, at the same time, their qualities, so that it is only from the evolu- tion of the parts that we know them to have originated from such lumps. Moreover, even in developed organ- isms separate parts always occur which are in all re- spects similar to such lumps of protoplasm as the Amoeba', and which move like the latter. It is a well- known fact, that when a drop of blood is placed under FIG. 2. WHITE BLOOD-CORPUSCLES FROM A GUINEA-PIG. a, b, c. Various forms assumed by ouc and the same corpuscle. the microscope, a very large number of small red bodies, to which the red colour of the blood is due, are seen within it. And scattered about among these red blood- corpuscles are seen colourless or white blood-corpuscles, round or jagged in form, and containing granular pro- toplasm with a kernel or nucleus. If the blood has been placed on a warmed glass, and if it is observed at a temperature of from 35 to 40 degrees C., these blood-corpuscles exhibit active movements entirely similar to those of the Amoeba', and which have, there- fore, been called Amoeboid movements. The corpuscles send out processes and again retract them ; they creep about on the glass ; and, in short, they behave exactly 8 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLKS AND NERVES. like Arna'bcc, and like the latter they even absorb mutter, such as granules of any colouring substance which may have been added, from the blood-fluid — they ear, that is — and after a time they again reject this matter. .Moreover, the other form of motion described above, the protoplasmic movements or granule currents, mav also be seen in parts of compound organisms. If the tiny hairs of the stinging nettle are placed under the microscope, it appears that each hair consists of a closrd sac or pouch, over the inner surface of which protoplasm is spread in a thin layer. Even this represents a much moreadvanced modification of the protoplasmic mass, but yet the protoplasm still retains its power of indepen- dent motion. Wave-like movements are seen to pa- over the mass of the protoplasm, and by this, just as in the Amoeba, a current is apparently produced among the granules. For a time the movement continues in one direction ; then it suddenly ceases and begins again in an opposite direction; sometimes one c-ir- rent separates itself into two, others unite, mid so on. If the protoplasm dies — and this may be artificial! v caused by the application of heat — all motion ceases. It is inseparably hound up with the vital powers of the cells. I!. The free protoplasmic mass, as seen in the Amoeba, is one of the simplest of organic forms. Such masses sometimes occur in groups, ^hich thus repre- sent colonies of organisms, each of the components of which, however, retains conipleje independence, and i.- exactly like every ol her. Snnet inies, however, modification takes place amount these; and \\heii these modifications advance at an unequal rate in the separate members of the colony, a composite or- ELEMENTARY ORGANISMS ; DIFFERENTIATION OF TISSUES. I) ganism with variously formed parts is the result. Each part is originally a completely independent organism of equal value with all the others, and each has, therefore, been very aptly called an elementary organism. But together with the modification in the form, a change usually takes place in the qualities. Of the various qualities possessed by the protoplasm in its original form, some are lost, others are especially developed. A colony of uniform elementary organisms may be likened to a society in the lowest stage of civilisation, in which each member still personally performs all the tasks necessary to life 5 but a composite organism, with variously developed and modified elementary organisms, may be likened to a modern state of which the various members perform very different tasks. The more highly developed plants and animals are of this sort. They originate from a number of elementary organisms — or cells, as they are also called — originally uniform; but these develop in very different ways— differentiate, as is technically said, and then acquire very different ap- pearance and purpose. In some the power of causing motion, which is originally common to all protoplasm, is especially developed ; others effect sensation, which power was possibly or probably present even in the simple protoplasm. These will be fully discussed in the following chapters. But before doing this, a few words must be said as to one form of these modified cells, in which the power of generating motion is already de- veloped in a very noticeable degree, and serves partly for the independent movement of the cell-body, or of the animal of which the cell is a part; partly, when occurring in fixed bodies, to move foreign matter— that is, for the drawing in of food. 10 OF MC. N 7. If ;i light powder — such. for in>t;iiifr. ;is finely powdered charcoal is spread over the skin of the palate of a living or a recently killed fn>g, the pn\\der is seen to advance with some speed inwards the gullet. Microscopic examination shows thai this >kin is studded with a dense layer of cylindrical cells standing, palisade- like. side liy side. The free surface of each of these cells is studded with a large number <>{ delicate hairs a a. Ciliatnl roll>, :ill(l. With :iti:n-hi-i| In tliL- iin-iii brane. Fi... ::. !»•- b. A riliutc'l cell. .I and wlmt mop uii^liiiL-.l form. or cilia1, which are in cnut iniial motion in a definite direction in >nch a way that they propel all such liquid, together with id structure actually exist in the muscle-fibre itself; it must ratln-r be assumed that both forms of structure ;nv really the result of the application of re-agents which solidify the originally fluid mass and split it up in a Longitudinal or transverse direction. 2. it is hard to say what the true character of the fresh, or, as \\c may also call it, the living muscle-fibre "really is. Jveceiit observations by means of very much improved and very highly-magnifying microscopes, have MINUTE STRUCTURE OF STRIATED MUSCLE-FIBRES. 15 brought to light other differences besides that of the mere alternation of lighter and darker streaks. Of the highest importance as explaining the structure of muscle-fibres are the researches of E. von Briicke into the phenomena exhibited by muscle-fibres in polarised light. According to modern physical views, light de- pends on the vibrations of ether, an impalpable matter spread throughout the universe and present in all bo- dies. These vibrations always proceed at right angles to the direction in which motion is propagated. With- in this imaginary plane at right angles to the ray of light, an ether particle may vibrate in the most diverse directions. Under certain circumstances, however, they all vibrate in one and the same plane, in which case the ray exhibits certain peculiarities, and is said to be polarised.1 Certain crystals have the power of polaris- ing such rays of light as pass through them. A few, at the same time, separate each ray of light into two rays which move separately from the original ray. Such crystals are called double-refracting bodies. Ice- land spar or, as it is also called, double spar, is the best- known example of such a double-refracting body. Briicke has shown that of the two substances which form the alternate layers of striated muscle, the one transmits light unchanged, the other is possessed of double-refracting powers. But, as has already been said, the contents of a living muscle-fibre must be re- garded not as solid but rather as fluid, or at least as semi-fluid; and observations made on living muscle- fibres show that the streaks are not incapable of modi- fication in their breadth and in their distance from 1 This circumstance is treated in more detail in Lommel's The Nature of Light (International Scientific Series, Vol. XVIII.) Hi PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES, cadi ••flier. Briicke, therefore, supposes that tin- muscle substance i- in itself homogeneous or uniform, luil that iu it a iv in-erted small particles \vliich are <>(' double- refracting power. When these particles are massed in lar^e numbers, and arc regularly arranged, they refract the linT.t doubly, so that the whole of that particular part seems to refract doubly, while the inieriuediate parts, since they contain few or none of the particles in question, continue i» refract simply. Tlie-e latter parts, however, when seen under ordinary un polarised light, so that it is impossible to judge of their powers of double refraction, appear lighter, Avhile the former appear darker ; and so toget her they cause the striated appearance of the nuix-le. 3. In one of these muscle-fibres it is ne.v.-sary (,, di-tiiiinil>h the contained matter and the containing pouch. The latter is called the muscle-fibre pouch, or MI fi;>ti ,,uiia. In it, especially after the addition of aci-tic arid, \\hich causes the whole fibre to swell ;:nd become more transparent, a number of longish pointed kernels (nuclei) are seen, and similar kernels occur also in parts within the muscle-fibre. To the ends of the muscle-fibre, which are rounded and are very uniformly enclosed by the pouch, which must therefore be re- garded as a lon^r closed sac, the white cords mentioned ;;lio\e attach themselves, and these are completely coalescent with the sarcolemma. They consist of strong slender threads of the naf lire of the so-called connective fi>Hie. As a considerable number of muscle- fibres constitute the trunk of the muscle, these threads also unite into cords which are called the miix-le-teiidons. They are sometimes ,-hort . sometime- loiiL,r, thicker or thinner according to the CONNECTION OF MUSCLES AND BONES. 17 size of the muscle, and they serve to attach the muscles firmly to the bones, to which, acting like ropes, they transmit the tension of the muscles. One of the two bones to which a muscle is attached is usually less mobile than the other, so that when the muscle shortens, the latter is drawn down against the former. In such a case the point of attach- ment of the muscle to the less mobile bone is called its origin, while the point to which it is fixed on the more mobile bone is called its at- tachment (epiphysis). For instance, there is a muscle which, originating from the shoulder-blade and collar- bone, is attached to the upper arm-bone ; when this muscle is shortened, the arm is raised from its perpen- dicular pendant position in- to a horizontal position. A muscle is not always ex- tended between two con- tiguous bones. Occasionally passing over one bone, it at- taches itself to the next. This is the case with several muscles which, originating from the pelvic bone, pass across the upper thigh-bone, and attach themselves to the lower thigh-bone. In such cases the muscle is capable of two different movements : it can either FIG. 5. THE i CALF MUSCLE minx), WITH UONS. (J/. gaslrocne- ITS TWO TEN- „, „. Tlie two liea-ls. c. The com- mrnc^ment of the tendon which at k is attached to the heel-bone. 18 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. stretch the ki , previously bent, so that the u]>]» i and the lower thigh-hones an- in a >traidit line; or it can rai-e ihc whole extended leg yet higher and brin^- it nearer to the pelvis. J'nt the points of origin and of attachment of muscles may exchange olh'ces. When both legs stand firmly on the ground, the above-men- tioned muscles are unable to raise the thigh ; instead, on shortening, they draw down the pelvis, which now presents the more mobile point, and thus bend forward the whole upper part of the body. In order, therefore, to understand the action of the skeleton, the separate bones of the skeleton and their connection must first be studied. 4. All bones are classified according as they are flat, short, or long. Flat bones, as their name indicates, are expanded chielly in two directions ; they form thin plates. Short bones are expanded almost equally and but slightly in all three directions. In long bon finally, the expansion in the longitudinal direction con- siderably exceeds that in the other two directions. The extremities, the arms and legs, are chiefly formed of these long bones. The arm, for instance, consists of the long bone of the upper arm, to which are attached, first, two other long bones (called the dhow bone and the radius), which together form the lore-arm; and secondly, by means of several shorter bones, which con- stitute the \\rist. the hand itself; this latter consists of the fi\e bones of the pa 1 m and the live fingers, of which theiirsi has two, the others each have three di\ i-ions. In all these bones, with the exception of (ho>e of the wrist, a 1 >ng middle part, or shaft, \\ith two thickened • •nds, are noticeable. A- this shaft is hollow, the-e bones are also spoken of as cylindrical. The expanded BONES AND THEIR SOCKETS. 19 ends are rounded and are provided with a smooth car- tilaginous covering. The smooth ends of two contiguous bones fit into each other, so that when the surfaces of the two ends glide the one over the other, the two bones are capable of motion in opposite directions. The point of attachment between two bones is called the socket ; and the surfaces of the two ends of the bones where they touch each other are called the socket surfaces. The motion which these bones have the power of exercising in opposite directions varies with the form of these socket surfaces. When the surface of the socket is of semi-spherical form, the motion is most free, and can be exert- ed backward or forward in any direction. The socket in this case is called a ball- or nut- socket. An example of this sort may be seen at the upper end of the bone of the upper arm, FIG. 6. THE BONES OF THE where it ends in a ball-shaped ,, , . •, . v J (>• Bones of the upper-arm. A. Surface Which IS applied tO a Elbowbone. B. Bfulius. by. -.. i c The cormectkm of the bones at corresponding socket surface in the socket of the eibow. the shoulder blade. In other cases motion can only take place in a definite direc- tion, as, for instance, in the case of the socket con- necting the upper and fore arms. These are called hinge-sockets. They serve to increase or decrease the 20 I'HYsl.iUHiY (IF MUSCLES ANN NERVES. angle lift \\een <]ic two parts. To Jin-lit i.iii all tli«' various form- of BOcketfl and the movements which they all..\\- \\ould lend us too far; it is sufficient to have ,-hoWU that the action of the lllliseles is affected by the liones between wllicll they ai'e extended. Ill order, \\n\\- ever, to examine the contractile power of muscles, the latter maybe detached from the bones and examined bv themselves. •/ The muscles of warm-blooded animals are but ill- adajited for this purpose ; fortunately, however, those of cold-blooded animaU not only possess the same qualities, but retain the power of contraction long after their re- moval from tlie animal, a circumstance which renders them \ery valuable for purposes of study. The frog is most frequently used in such experiments, both on account of it> common occurrence and of the power of its mu-cles. If a frog is beheaded and an cut ire muscle is cut from either its upper or lower thigh, one of the tendons of this muscle may be fixed in a vice, and its other tendon may be connected with a lever, re- present ing- as it were the bone, by the motion of which the contraction of the muscle may be studied.1 "Weights may also be attached to this lever in such a way that the burden which the muscle i- capable of lifting may be Studied. It Will at ollce be •)! (Served that t he muscle is extended when such weights are attached, and is extruded more in proportion as the weight attached is heavier. This n .-nit - from the elastic qualities of muscle ; and before examining the contraction of muscles it will be nece—arv carefully to study their ela>ti -ity. 1 In unlrr to fasten the nmsc'lr ni'.n- ,. it is irnirnilly \\i-ll t» lt-;i\c :i -ln;ill piei-e ut' the l).ine ;it eillier eml ;il t;idie«l tn I tendons, and \<-> last en the muscle by these. LAW OF ELASTICITY. 21 5. Those bodies which alter their form under the influence of external forces, and resume their original form on the cessation of these external forces, are called elastic. The greater these alterations are, the greater is the elasticity of the body. The external force pro- ducing the alterations may be either tension, extending / ; the body in one particular direction ; or it may be pres- sure, compressing the body into a smaller space ; or, again, it may be tension combined with pressure, bend- ing the body. We are only concerned with the force of tension, which acting on the body in a longitudinal direction extends it ; that is to say, we are about to study the elasticity of muscle tension. Physicists have experimented on elastic tension in bodies of the most diverse kinds. But bodies of regular shape, rods or threads, the length of which considerably exceeds the thickness, are best adapted for such experiments. On firmly fastening a body of this kind, for instance a steel wire or a glass thread, to a beam in the ceiling, and, after accurately measuring its length, attaching weights to the lower end, it will be found that the ex- tension caused by these weights is greater in the first place in proportion as the weights causing the extension are greater, and in the second place in proportion as the body which is extended is longer. And, on the con- trary, with any given weight and length, the extension will be found to be less in proportion as the body is thicker, or, in other words, the larger is its cross-section. This latter circumstance may be easily understood by assuming that the rod or thread consists 'of a number of smaller rodlets or tiny threads which lie evenly side by side. If, for instance, we select for this experiment a steel rod, the cross-section of which measures exactly 22 PHYSIOLOGY <>F Mrsu. K- AND NF.KVES. one square cent imet r<\ we may a — nine that this ta of a Inimln-il n>dh 'ts of equal length, lying >ide by si !<•. tin- Cross-Section of cadi of \\hich mea-mvs ex- actly one square millimetre. On attaching a weight ,,f one kilogramme ( = 1000 gr.) to this r<>d let <, the cross-section of each of which niea.-uivs unc millimetre. The weight being now distributed between two hundred of these rodlcts, each has to support a weight of onU live grammes. This explains why the tension by the same \\eight is only half as great in a rod of double thickness. That the extension is pro- portionate to the length of the extended rod can be explained in the following way. According to the \iews of modern ph\>iei-ls every body consists of a number of -mall molecules or ] (articles which are held at definite distances from each other by attractive and repulsive forces. On fastening a rod by its upper end and at- taching a weight- to its lower end, the molecules are bv these means slightly separated from each other. The sum of all these small separations represents that whole extension mea-nrable at the end. The longer any given bodv is the greater is the number of these small particles which occur in its whole length, and con^eiplelltly tin- greater lllll-t itse\tellMoH be, pl'e- vided all otlyr circumstance- are eijiial. From the-e .ih-e|-\:ii ions may be deduced a la\\ fa to ela-lic teii-i"ii, which is fnrt her continued by accurate Sj and this law is that tin tension i* NKKVES. former also exhibil another peculiarity. If a weight is attached to a steel wire, or some other similar body, the latter extends, and retains its new length so long ) as the weight acts upon it ; but as soon as tin- weight ' is removed tin- strrl resumes its original length. It i- not so in the case of inorganic bodies. For instance, if a weight is attached to a caoutchouc thread it will be found that the latter is immediately extended to a certain length; but if the weight is not removed, it will be found that the caoutchouc thread extends yet more, and the weight continues to sink, though, indeed, but slowly, and, as time goes on, with ever decreasing speed. But even at the end of twenty-four hours a slight additional extension of the thread is observable. If the weight is then removed, the thread immediately becomes considerably shorter, but does not entirely re- vert to its original length; it attains the latter very gradually and in the course of many hours. This phe- nomenon is known as the n of organic liin/ii'8. It takes place in very considerable degree in muscle, and naturally increases the difficulty of deter- mining the extensibility of muscles, in that the mea- surements differ according to the moment at which they are read. It is safest to take into consideration only that extension which occurs instantaneously, without regard to that which gradually follows. Various apparatus have been produced for examina- tion of ii.u-ciilar extension. The latter can be m»-{ aceiiratel\ read by means of the apparatu- invented by dil Bois-Keyiiioud, represented in fig. 7. The muscle is firmly fastened to ;i fixed bearer, it> upper tendon being fixed in a \ ice. A small, finely graduated rod is fa.-tencd to tin- louer tendon by means of a small hook. ELASTICITY OF MUSCLES. 25 Below the graduations the rod branches into two arms, which again re -unite at a lower point, and within the space thus formed a scale- plate is fixed for the reception of the weights which it is de- sired to apply. Finally the rod ends in two vertical plates of thin talc standing at right angles to each other, and these are immersed in a vessel filled with oil, so that, while offering no obstacle to the upward and downward motion of the ap- paratus, they prevent any lateral movement. In order to deter- mine the extension of the muscle, the graduated rod attached to it must be observed through a lens, and it must be noted which divisional line of the graduated rod corresponds with a thread stretched horizontally across the lens ; weights must then be ap- plied, and the increase in length, which declares itself by an alter- ation in the relative position of the graduated rod and the thread, must be observed. Of course, in calculating the ex- FIG. 7. Di; Boi£-R KYMOND'S Al'PAKATrs Foil Till'] STUDY OF ELASTIC EX- TENSIOX IN MUSCLE. tensibility from the figures thus obtained, the weight of the ap- paratus attached to the muscle must be taken into consideration. • <>F Mr.-n.F.s .\M) M:I;\KS. Kx peri men ts in muscular elasticity may also be made with the apparat us briefly described above, by measuring the e\ten-ion< of i he mii-de 1 ,y the variations of a lever attach.'.! to it. The easiest way to do this is by t'a.-t.-n- ing an indicating apparatus to the lever in such a way lie. 8. M \iri.i MI IM.I: Aril. that it tra :i - the movements of the lever on a plate of smoked glass placed in front of it. This apparatus is called a iiii/<>i/r accom- panied. The myograph which, by means of the indicator attached to it. marks the contraction of the muscle mi the smoked glass plate, and at the. same time affords opport unity for measuring the extenl of the contraction, will presently prove of yet greater service. 1'ut for 29 i w M a P O a CO O a d en a H 30 PHYSIOLOGY OF MI-< !.!> .\NI> NKIiYES. our present purpose uhich is to discover whether or not contraction take- place under certain circumstances — it is hardly adapted. It may, therefore, be replaced by another ajiparat us. arranged l,y du Bois-Reymond espe, iall\ - 1', n- experiments during Lectures, and called by him the muscle-telegraph. The muscle is fixed in a vice; its other end is connected by a hook \vith a thread running1 over a reel. The reel supports a long indicating liand to which a coloured disc is attached. The nuiM-le in shortening turns the wheel and lifts the disc; and this is easily seen e\en from a considerable distance. A second thread, slung over the reel, sup- ports a brass vessel which may be filled with shot, so as to apply any desired weight to the muscle. The influences which car.se the contraction of the muscle, such as pinching or smearing with acid, are called irrifiinfx, and the muscle is said to be irritable, because cont raei j, >n can he induced in it by these means. The irritants already spoken of are mechanical and chemical ; they labour under a disadvantage in that the muscle, at least at the point touched, is destroyed, or at least is so changed that it is no longer irritable. There is, however, another form of irritant which is free from this disadvantage. If the vice which holds the upper end of the nmsele and the hook to which tin- lower end is attached are fastened to the two coatii, of a charged Kleistian or Leydeii jar, the charge acts at the moment at \\hich the Connection is formed, and an electric shot k traverses the muscle. At the same instant the muscle is seen to contract . and the disc passes abruptly upward. In order to repeat the experi- ment it would be necessary to re-charge the Klei-tian jar. But similar electric shocks may be more con- IRRITABILITY OF MUSCLES 31 Yoniently produced by means of so-called induction. Let us take two coils of silk-covered copper wire and attach the two ends of one of these to a muscle. An electric current from a battery must now be passed through the other coil A. The two coils being com- pletely isolated from each other, the current passing through A can in no way enter into B or into the muscle attached to B. If, however, the electric current in A is suddenly interrupted, an electric shock immediately arises in 5, a so-called inductive shock ; and this passes through and irritates the muscle ; that is to say, a FIG. 10. INDUCTION COIL. The coil A is connected with the battery by means of the wires x and y ; the other coil, B, is connected with the muscle by means of wires fixed at q and p. sudden contraction of the muscle is observable at the instant of the opening of the current in coil A ; and this suddenly lifts the disc attached to the muscle. The same thins: occurs when the current in the coil A O is again closed ; so that this electric irritant affords an O 7 easy and simple means of causing this sudden con- traction of the muscle at pleasure. This contraction may be called a pulsation; and it will be perceived from the description of the above experiments that a ^simple electric shock, such as is afforded by the dis- charge of a Kleistian jar, or any similar inductive shock, is the most convenient means of producing such a pulsation as often as it is required. :V_> rilY.-InI.o.,Y <>F MTSCLES ANI> NKKVi All el.-ctric em-rent from the hat t ery it self is also capable of acting as an irritanl «'n muscle. lfthepoi,-> of tin- 1 lattery are c< >nnected with the muscle, a con-taut current pa.-.-es through it. If OIK- of the connecting \\ires consists of t\vo parts, a capsule filled with quick- silver may l>e inserted between the cut ends. One end of the wire must be allowed to remain immersed in the quicksilver ; the other end must be bent into the form •A a hunk st.) as to allow it to be easily immersed in, ;md again withdrawn from, the quicksiher. This make-, it easy to close the current \\ithin the mu-cle, and to interrupt it again at pleasure. At the moment at which the current is dosed, a pulsation is observed entirely similar to that which would be produced hy an electric shock. The mii-cle contracts, and the disc is jerked upward and then falls a-ain. But it does not return quite to its original portion; it remains somewhat raised, thus showing that the muscle is now continuously contracted; and this contraction lasts a- long as the current passes uninterruptedly through the muscle. If the current is interrupted, a pulsation which jerks the lever up\\;.rd i- sometimes but not always oh.-ervablc ; the muscle then, however, resumes its original length, which it retains until it is irritated -> anew. 2. The.-e experiments show that muscle exhihits two forms of contract ion : the one, which we ealh d pul- sat ion, is of short durat ion ; the other, \\hicli is produced by a con-taut electric current, endures longer. Tin's more enduring form of con! ract i..n may, moreover, he yet more conveniently produeed hy allou ing an irritant as in itself would only prodiiee a single pukiti.ui PULSATION AND TETANUS. 33 to operate repeatedly in quick succession. An inductive current is most suitable for this purpose, for it can be produced at will by the closing and opening of an- other current. Once more turning to the coils A and B (fig. 10, p. 31), let A be connected with a chain, B with the muscle. Within the circuit of the chain which includes A, we can insert an apparatus capable of repeatedly and rapidly shutting or opening the current. For this purpose a so-called electric wheel is used. The wheel Z is made of some conducting substance, such as copper, and its circumference is cut into teeth like that of the ratchet-wheel of a watch. The copper wire rests on this circumference. The axis of the wheel and the 7 T .,-, IMG. 11. ELECTRIC WHKEK. wire o are connected with the conducting wires by means of the screws d and/. When the click rests on one tooth of the circumference of the wheel, the current is enabled to pass through the wheel, and thus also through coil A ; it is, how- ever, interrupted during the interval which intervenes while the click springs from one tooth to the other. Therefore, by turning the wheel on its axis the current in coil A is alternately closed and opened. Conse- quently, inductive currents constantly occur in the adjacent coil B, and these pass in rapid succession through the muscle. Each of these currents irritates the muscle ; and since they occur in such quick suc- cession, the muscle has no time to relax in the intervals, but continues permanently contracted. Enduring con- 3 PHYSIOLOGY OF MCSCI.KS ANU NERVES. traction nf tliis sort i< called (,fu-pended over the poles of the electro-magnet. This iron beiu^ at t ract ed by the electro-magnet, the >mall plate <• is forced away from the point and the cur- rent i< thus interrupted. In so doin^. h:>\\e\er, the electro-magnel parts with its magnetism, and conse- quently relinquishes it- hold upon the armature; the plate is thus a«rain prosed by the action ,,f the sj)riiiL( against the point. The current being thus again c!o>ed, the electro-magnet reco\crs its force, a ^a i ii at- tract- the armat lire, and a^ain interrupts the current ; and these processes are e.intinued as I 'in^ as the chain remain-- inserted between tin- column on the rififhi and FIG. 12. WAGSKK'S HAM.MKU. PULSATION AND TETANUS. 35 the clamp on the left. In order to use this hammer for the production of inductive currents, the one coil, A, of the apparatus (shown in fig. 10, p. 31), must be inserted between the two clamps shown on the right.1 Wagner's hammer in a more simple form may be permanently connected with coil A. In this case it is best to place the second coil B on a sliding-piece which is so arranged that it can be moved along a groove to a FlG. 13. THE SLIDING INDUCTIVE AITAli-ATCS. (As used by du Bois-Reymond.) greater or less distance from coil A. This enables the operator to regulate the strength of the inductive current generated in it. Fig. 13 represents an apparatus of this sort. The secondary coil, in which the inductive currents originate, is in this case indicated by i ; the primary coil, through which the constant currents pass, by c ; b is the electro-magnet ; h the armature of the hammer ; / is a small screw, at the point of contact of which with the 1 In order to set Wagner's hammer itself in motion, these damps must be connected by a wire through which alone the connection from the point to the coils of the electro-magnet is made. 36 PHYSIOLOGY OK MIS( l.KS AND NT.UYFS. small plate soldered mi 1.) the surface of thederman silver spring the currenl i> closed :nnl interrupted. A"n ;i|)]):ir;itus of lliis kind is called a sliding inductorium. It is only neees-ary to attach the ends of tin- mil / to the muscle, and to insert the chain between the columns (/ ;ind //. The action of the hammer then at once commences; the inductive cur- rents n'eni -rat cd in <• pass t hnm^h the muscle, \vhich contracts te- tanically. Instead of connect \\\<^ coil c immediately with the muscle-, it is better to carry the wires from the coil to the two clamps // and c in the apparatus shown in tiij. 14, which is call, d a l< t and r to the muscle. Wlienthe induct i\'e ;i]>- ]>arat us is in action the muscle is put intoa tetanic condition. 1'ut as soon as the lever and c together, the current of coil / is KM;. 11. TETASISINO KBY OF cnaliled to pass through this le- Di- i:raele, luit nearly all throiiu-h the lever cle. ACCOMPLISHMENT OF LABOUR. 37 A slight pressure on the handle of the lever d is, there- *fore, sufficient to produce or to put an end to the te- tanic condition at the will of the operator, thus allowing more accurate study of the muscle processes. We have now noticed muscle in two conditions : in the ordinary condition in which it usually occurs either within the body or when taken from the body, and in the contracted condition which results from the appli- cation of certain irritants. The former condition may be spoken of as the rest of the muscle, the latter as the action of the muscle. Muscular action occurs in two forms, one of which is a sudden temporary shortening or pulsation, while the other is an enduring contraction or tetanus. The latter, on account of its longer dura- tion, is more easily studied. In many cases it is a matter of indifference whether pulsating or tetanised muscle is examined. In the following investigations we shall therefore employ sometimes one, sometimes the other, method of irritation. 3. On attaching weights to a muscle, the latter is capable of raising these weights so soon as it is set in motion. It raises the weight to a certain height, and thus accomplishes labour which, in accordance with mechanical principles, can be expressed in figures by multiplying together the weight raised and the height to which it is raised. This height to which the weight can be raised, which may be called the height of ele- vation of the muscle, can be measured by means of the myograph already described. On attaching a weight to the lever of the myograph, the muscle is imme- diately extended. The pencil must now be brought in contact with the glass plate of the myograph, and the muscle must be made to contract by opening the ov Misi u:> AND M:I;\I:S. key so as to allow the induct ive currents to have access to the muscle. The latter at once shortens, and its height of elevation is indicated by a vertical stroke on the smoked glass plate. On instituting a series of experiments with the same muscle but with various weights, it will be found that the muscle is not able to raise all weights to the same height. When the \\ e>ht is small the height to which it is raised is gnat . As a rule, as tin- weight increases, the height to which it is raised becomes less, and finally, when a certain weight is reached, it ben unes unuoticeablc. Fig. 15 0 50 100 150 200 250 FlG. 15. IIl-llClIT OF KI.F.VATION C< iNSK.QU KNT ON Till-: ATPI ICATIoN OP YAKY1NU WEIGHTS. slmws the result of a series of experiments of this sort. The figures under each of the vertical strokes represent in grammes the anmunt of the weight raised ; the height of the strokes is double the real height of elevat inn, t In- ajijiarat us employed in t he experiment representing them twice their natural si/.e. Jlet \\eeii each two of the experiments th" ^lass plate was pushed on a little further in order that the separate experiments might be indieated side by side. Jn tinding the first of t hese height - of el e\ a t i-ni, under which stands an 0, no weight. A\as applied, and e\en the \\eight of the indi- caling le\er \\as neiit ralised l>y an cimix'aleiit weight. It appear-, therefore, that the height ,,f elevation is INTERNAL WORK DURING TETANUS. 39 greatest in this case. Each of the succeeding heights begins from a somewhat lower point in consequence of the extension of the muscle by the applied weights. But each also rises to a less height than that which preceded it ; and, finally, a weight of 250 grammes being applied, the height of elevation is naught. From this series of experiments it is evident that, as the weight increases, the height to which it is raised continually decreases. The following conclusion must, therefore, be drawn as to the work accomplished by the muscle. When no weight is applied, the height of elevation is great ; but as no weight is raised in this casej the amount of work accomplished, therefore, also equals 0. When 250 grammes, the greatest weight, is applied, the height of elevation equals 0, so that in this case also no work is accomplished. It was only on the application of the intermediate weights that the muscle accomplished work ; and this, moreover, at first increased until a weight of 150 grammes was reached, and then gradually decreased. On calculating the amount of work accomplished during each of the pul- sations in question, the following results are found : — Weight applied. . 0 50 100 150 200 250 gr. Height of elevation .14 9 7 5 2 0 mm. Work accomplished . 0 450 700 750 400 0 mm. The same results may be obtained with any other muscle. So that it may be stated as a very general proposition, that for each muscle there is a definite weight, on the application of which the greatest amount of work is accomplished by that muscle ; when greater or less weight is applied, the amount of work accom- plished is less. But the height of elevation correspond- ing with the application of one and the same weight is •K) rilY.-KM.txiY OF MUSCLES AND M'KYKS. IP it al way- 1 lie .-ill i ic ill the ruse i >f different muscles. Ou comparing thick with thin muscles, il appears, in the first J)l: ice. thill (he extension in the case of thick muscles he- ciii ncs less in |)ni]nirt Ion as the Weighl :i]i|»lic(l increases ; ;ind that tlie decrease in the height of elevation corre- -pondingto the iiicrea-e in the weight applied proceeds less rapidly ; so t hat much greater weights can be raised by thick than hy thin muscles. On the other hand, it appears that in the case of muscles of eipial thickness the height of elevation is greater in proportion as the muscle-fibres are longer. I'nder an equal weight the height of elexation increase's proportionately with the length of the in iisde-fil ires. They decrease with increased weight; and they do this more rapidly in the case of thin than of thick muscles. 4. In calculating the amount of work accomplished liy a mii-cle, only the raising of the weight is taken into consideration. When, however, the ordinary method of irritating the muscle is applied, the weight which is raised sinks hack after each pulsation to its former height. The muscular work accomplished at each pul- sation is, therefore, cancelled. It [s probably converted into warmth. It is, however, possible, to retain the \\eii_dit at the height to which il was raised by t he muscle. A. Kick accomplished this very ingeniously liy can-ing t he muscle to act on a light Lever, which moves a wheel each time it rises, but leases the same wh-el undis- turbed when it again .-inks. A thread, on which the \\eight han^.-, p iver the axis of the wheel. The etlect of t his arrangement is that the muscle at each pulsation turns the \\hed slightly, and lhu> slowly rai-es the \\ejnht. If the muscle is made to pulsate frequently, the weighi is rai-ed somewhat higher each GENERATION OF WARMTH. 41 time, and the final result is the sum of the work accomplished by the separate pulsations. Fick calls this apparatus a labour-accumulator (Arbeitsammler). It represents the method by which the whole work of all muscular efforts is summarised. When labourers lift a weight by means of a winch or windlass, a cog- wheel and drag-hook is applied to the axis in such a way that the wheel is free to revolve in one direc- tion but not in the other. This gives cumulative effect to the separate muscular efforts which raise the weight ; and the labourer is even able to make longer or shorter pauses without the result of the work already accomplished being cancelled by the falling back of the weight. In tetanus the case is not the same as in separate pulsations. In the former the muscle at first accom- plishes work by raising the weight, and then prevents it from falling by its own exertion. In addition to the height of elevation, it is, therefore, possible to distinguish also the carried height, that is to say, the height at which the weight is permanently supported. In doing this the muscle does not really accomplish any work in the mechanical sense ; for work consists only in the raising of weight. In lifting a stone to the height of the table I accomplish definite work ; the stone being placed on the table presses by its own weight on the latter ; but the table though it prevents the stone from falling, cannot be said in so doing to ac- complish work. So it is in the case of muscle. On raising a weight by means of the muscles of my arm to the height of my shoulder, and then holding out my arm horizontally, the muscles of the arm prevent the weight from falling ; they act just as the table, and, therefore, 4U niY.-aoLoiiY or MUSCLES AND M.UYKS. they accomplish no work in a mechanical sense. Yet everyone- kno\\> the difficulty of holding a weight long in this position; the sense of weariness which verv soon make.- itself frit, shows that work in ;i phvsiologjeal smse is really done. The kind of work thus accom- plished may be spoken of as the i nh-nml work of the iiiii>ele, as distinguished from the external work accom- plished in the raising of weights. 5. We must now inquire on what the labour accom- plished by the muscle as a whole depends. We are justified in assuming that here also, as in other cases, the work done does not originate in itself, but comes into existence in consequence of the exercise of some force. On examining a muscle during its active con- dition, we find that chemical processes occur within it which, though the details are not indeed fully known, must, since they are connected with the production of warmth and the evolution of carbonic acid, depend on the oxidation of a portion of the muscle-substance. Thus, the muscle art > like a steam-engine, in which work is accomplished in the same way by the evolution of warmth and the production of carbonic acid. So far all is clear; a portion of the substances of which the muscle is composed is oxidised during its artive state, and the energy released by this chemical process is (lie source of the work accomplished by the muscle. The production of warmth in a muscle can be shown even during a single pupation; but, this production of \\armth is far more noticeable during tetanu- : and as warmth is but another form of motion, we jnav infer from this that the \\lmle force resulting from the rheiuieal proccs- i - r, ,\\ \ rH ( •( 1 into warmth during letanu-; while during the raiding of a weight at tin; THE MUSCLE-NOTE. 43 commencement of the tetanic condition, or during each distinct pulsation, a portion of this force occurs in the form of mechanical work. There is yet another fact which shows that internal motion must proceed within the muscle when con- tracted in tetanus, notwithstanding the quiescent con- dition in which externally it apparently is. A muscle when in this condition produces a sound or note. On placing an ear-trumpet on any muscle, for instance, on that of the upper arm, and then causing the muscle to contract, a deep buzzing noise is audible. This may also be loudly and distinctly heard on stopping the outer ear-passages with waxen plugs, and then contract- ing the muscles of the face ; or by inserting the Little ringer firmly in the outer ear-passage and then contract- ing the muscles of the arm. In the latter case the bones of the arm conduct the muscle-note to the ear. This muscular note clearly shows that vibrations must occur within the muscle, however apparently unchanged the form of the latter may be. We found that teta- nus thus apparently constant is induced by distinct irritants applied in quick succession. Helmholtz has shown that each of these irritations really corresponds with a vibration ; for, if the number of the distinct irritations is altered, the muscle-note is also changed, the height of the muscle-note always corresponding exactly with the number of irritants applied. Though, therefore, no alteration in form can be perceived in the tetanised muscle, this can only be due to the fact that movements which occur among the particles within the muscle effect the note, though the external form re- mains unchanged. A somewhat similar phenomenon is observable in rods when caused to vibrate longitu- 11 I'lIVSIoLtMiV OF MIX'l.KS AND M.KVES. dinally ; for these al>o nnit a sound although n<> change of form is externally percept ilile. This raises a qiie-tion as to how many of these irri- tations are really requisite in order t<> bring a muscle into ;in enduring condition of contraction. By means of Warner's hammer (fig. 12), just described, or by means of an electric wheel (fig. 11), the number of the irrita- tions may be regulated. It will be found that from 16 to indistinct irritations in each second are quite sufficient to • •aii>e a constant emit raction of t he muscle. In a living body also, where the muscles are voluntarily contracted, the i -olid it ion of tetanus appears to be produced by the same number of irritations. It has been found that the height 2 to 3f> vihrat ions in the second. Hut llelmholtx was able to show, with great probability. that this is not the t rue niimln r of mnscle-\ ibrat ions, but that the vibrations \\ithin the muscle are really only half as many. As, however, notes of this pitch are indistinguishable to our ears, we hear the next higher tone instead, which represents twice the num- ber of \ ibrat ions.1 (i. As yet we have noticed only the shortening of mii-cles. This alone determines 1 he amount of labour accomplished, which consists in raising weights. But on looking at a contracted muscle, it is evident that it ha- beiome, not only l'n-\rr, .-MIIII- ni' apable of distinguishing • >f :is m:mv ;i< lit'irm tu t \vnit y-li vi- \ il.r:il ions per s.'CMUil ; ,-iinl. ;icc«iriliiiLr In llic s:uiic .-nil Imrit v, tin1 iiiii-,rlr-inil<> M.IIIH|S very ihiit I'l-i'ilui'i'il l-y lYinii «-i.Lrlitii'-ii I" t\\i-nly vil«r;il inns second, \'. ry \\>-l\ \\ith (!•<• \.i-\\>ni' Helmholtz ALTERATION IN FORM DURING CONTRACTION. 45 raises the question whether the muscle in contracting has undergone no change in the amount of space oc- cupied by it, or if its mass has become more dense. It is not easy to determine this accurately, for the alteration in the volume of the muscle can only be very slight. Experiments which have been made by P. Erman, E. Weber, and others, agree in showing that a very slight diminution in the muscle does cer- tainly take place. Kemembering, however, that muscle consists of a moist substance, and that about three-fourths of its whole weight is water, even this slight decrease in volume must be the result of very considerable pressure —for fluids are extremely difficult of compression— un- less possibly a portion of the water is expressed through the pores of the sarcolemma pouch. More important than this structural change of the whole. muscle is the change of form which each separate muscle-fibre undergoes. This may be observed under the microscope in thin and flat muscles, when it will be found that each muscle-fibre also becomes both shorter and thicker. On placing a muscle on a glass plate under the microscope, in order to observe this, the muscle, when the irritant ceases to act, is seen to remain apparently in its shortened form. But the separate muscle-fibres resume their former length as soon as the irritant ceases, and they therefore lie in a zigzag position until they are straightened by some /- external force. I merely mention this here, because . the phenomenon is of historic interest. Prevost and ' Dumas, who were the first to examine this condition, - believed that the contraction of the whole muscle was due to this zigzag bending of the muscle-fibres. With •Ki P1IYS1OLOGY OF MUSCLES AM> NERVES, the inruiiijilrtr apparatus which iln-y \\nv then a alilr f.i cninmand, thry Wriv un;il>l«- t" induce an m- (luriii!^ irritaliuii «•!' the iiiusclr ; and th«-y, llicnTorr, confused tlir state of ivlaxatkm with that of contrac- tion. CHAPTER IV. 1. Alteration in elasticity during contraction ; 2. Duration of con- traction ; the myograph ; 3. Determination of electric time ; 4. Application of this to muscular pulsation ; 5. Burden and overburden— muscular force ; 6. Determination of muscular force in man ; 7. Alteration in muscular force during contrac- tion. 1 . We now approach one of the most remarkable of the facts connected with the general physiology of the muscles : this is the alteration in the elasticity of a muscle during its contraction. Even E. Weber, who first penetrated deeply in his researches into the sub- ject of muscular contraction, showed that muscle is further extended by the same weight when it is in a state of activity than when it is quiescent. This is the more striking because the muscle becomes shorter and thicker during its activity, so that it should conse- quently be less extended ; for, as we found, the exten- sion by a definite weight is greater in proportion as the body extended is longer, and is less in proportion as the body extended is thicker. If, therefore, an active muscle is further extended than one that is inactive by the same weight, this can only be due to a change in its elasti- city. It is hard to say how this occurs. The pheno- mena of contraction may, however, be explained by saying that muscle has two natural forms : one proper is I'lIYSItii.ouv OF MOSCLES AM> NERVES. to it, \vlicii it, is in a quiescent state ; flic other, \\hen it is active. When a quiescenl mu-de i- brought int.: an active condition liy irritation, it assumes a form which is no longer natural to it, it strives to attain the latter, and shortens until it readies it- new form, which i- then natural to it. It' the muscle is extended liy a weight, and is then irritated, it immediately contracts; but only to that length which represents the exten- sion by the attached weight, proper to its ne\v form. Let us imagine that A //, in ti' -- A 1> -.-. l> II; /> I! is. therefore, the height ,,f e|e\ati«ui of the unweighted muscle. If a weight // is attached to the nni-de, the latter in its inactive condi- tion will lie extended to a certain degree (//';, is applied, the extension of the active muscle = c' b" : that is, the active muscle, when this weight is applied, assumes exactly the length proper to 1 See Notes and Additions, No. I. 50 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. tin- quiescent muscle when unweighted. If an experi- ment i> successfully arranged so that an inactive muscle is not exlende.l by the Weight /,' by i';i-t eiiing t lie lat ter t«i tlie mu-c]e, but ininie(li;ite]y supporting it, so that it does not extend (lie muscle — and if the muscle is then irritated, it is evident that the muscle is incapable • •I' raising this weight from its support. Uy finding the weight which is exactly sufficient i<> effect tliis, it is evident that we shall find an expression for the magni- tude of the energy with which the muscle strives to pass from its natural into a contracted cnndilion. This energy is called the force of the muscle. A method of accurately determining this will presently lie explained. 2. As far as it is possible to examine the matter, the condition of muscles during their distinct pulsations is exactly as in tetanus. All that has been said of the height of elevation, and of the accomplishment of la- bour dependent on this, and of the alteration in the elasticity, is as true of distinct pulsations as of the tetanic condition. J'ut it is \.T\ hard to observe the alteration in form during the very short time \\hieh is occupied by one of these pulsat ions. Means of drawing very accurate conclusions even on this point have, how- ever, been found, especially since Helmholtz turned his attent ion to the matter, in 1S,~>2. Various methods are employed in experimental re- search to measure very short period- of i imr accurately, and to st i idy processes which occur even within tin- shortest periods. ]S"ot only has the speed of the cannon- ball during the various periods of its passage from the mouth of the cannon to its arrival at its destination been measured, but this has ;dso been done in (he, case of the \e( shorter time occupied by the explosion of DURATION OF PULSATION. 51 gunpowder. The duration of the electric spark alone yet remains unmeasured. This may, therefore, be re- garded as really instantaneous, or at least as occupying a time shorter than any measurable period. Some observers have estimated its duration as less than __j__ of a second. The most serviceable means of measuring very short periods is by causing the process to be measured to register itself on a rapidly moved surface, or by using an electric current the action of which depends on a magnet as regards its duration. Each of these methods has been applied to muscle. Supposing a smooth surface, such as a glass plate, -moved with great rapidity in its own plane, then a pointed wire turned at right angles to the plate will mark a straight line on the latter. If the plate has been smoked this line will be visible. Supposing the wire is attached to an instrument vibrating, like a tuning fork, upward and downward, then the line drawn by the pencil when the plate is moved will be not straight but waved. As the number of the vibra- tions may be told from the note which the vibrating instrument emits, it is known that the distance be- tween each two waves of the waved line obtained represents a certain period of time. Assuming that the instrument makes 250 vibrations in each second, it is evident that the plate must have moved the dis- tance between each two waves in -^-^ of a second. Now, if it is possible to cause a muscle-pulsation to register itself on the same plate, then from the distance of the separate parts of the line thus registered, when compared with the waves drawn by the vibrating instrument, the duration of time may be accurately -s .\M> M-:K\I>. determined. this The myograph «>f Helmholtz (li-jicmls on < )rii,mi;dly it cnusistrd ..f ;i ylas.- i-ylin- J-'it;. 17. Mvi>i:T:.\rir «T IT i I..MIIOLTZ. .ii'r natiii'iil .-i.'c'.i diT \\liicli rntntcd r.-ijiidly «>ii ils u\\n ;i\is. Tin- ;i]ij):i- rat us lias, lm\\e\cr, since undergone m&ny alterations. THE MYOGRAPH. 53 Fig. 17 represents it in the form given to it by du Bois- Reymond. The clockwork enclosed in the case c sets the cylinder A in rotation. A heavy disc B is fastened on to the axis of the cylinder, on the lower surface of which are certain brass wings arranged vertically and immersed in oil. This oil is contained in the cylin- drical vessel B'. By raising or lowering this vessel the amount of resistance offered to the rotatory motion may be graduated. This, together with the great weight of the heavy plate B, causes the rate of rotation of the cylinder A to increase but very slowly. As soon as a proper speed has been attained, the muscle is irritated ; and this, on contracting, raises the lever c -so that the point e fastened to the latter traces a curve on the cylinder. To carry out the experiment, the muscle is fastened in a vice within the glass case, so as to prevent its drying up, and is then connected with the lever c ; the cylinder A is covered with a coating of soot, and is then firmly fastened on its axis ; the pointed indicator is brought into contact with the cylinder by means of the thread /. When this cylinder is slowly turned round by the hand, a horizontal line is inscribed on it by the indicator, and this represents the natural length of the quiescent muscle. On the circumference of the disc B is a projection called the ' nose.' When the disc together with the cylinder connected with it are in a certain position, this nose touches the bent bayonet-shaped angled lever I. When the latter is turned aside it raises the lever h by means of the arm i, thus breaking the contact of a current between the lever and the small column standing in front of it. The current of an electric chain is conducted through this 54 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUS AND NKKVI point of contact, and also through the ])riniarv coil of an inductive apparatus The secondary foil is con- nected with the muscle. When, therefore, the lever I is turned aside, the muscle is irritated. Accordingly it pulsates and raises the pencil of the index so that the latter marks a vertical line, representing the height of elevation of the muscle, on the cylinder A. ]>y press- ing the finger on #, the bayonet -shaped point I may be slightly raised, the index point c bring at the same time slightly removed from the cylinder. The clockwork is then sei in motion. The cylinder turns, at first slowly, lint gradually more quickly ; but the mu>cle remains inactive, and the point can make ho mark. As soon as the cylinder has attained the desired speed the linger is removed; / sinks, and is soon after caught and turned aside by the nose, and the muscle, thus irri- tated, pulsates, and this pulsation is recorded on the cylinder during its rotation. The irritation of the muscle being effected by the apparatus itself, it occurs when the rotating cylinder is in a definite position; that is to say, the evli'iid^r is in that position in which the nose has ju>t touched the end of the lever /. It is evident that this posi- tion is the same as that at \\liich the muscle \vas at t'n>t allowed to pulsate when the cylinder >t oo.l still. The vertical line then drawn, therefore, indicates exactly the position of the cylinder at the mom, nt at which irritation, takes place. When- this vertical line deviates from the hori/.oiital line first drawn is the point at \\hirh the pencil \vas \\lien irritation \vas in- duced in the muscle. The distance- from which the periods are to be calculated must be me;i AM* NKKVKS. did not hr-in :it tin- point :, l>u( :i< some lit 1 le di>tance bevond ilii-. :it a. From this it is to he inferred that the contraction of tin- mu>de did u«'t be^in at the moment ,if irritation, for it i- evident thai the cylinder of tin- mvoMTaph had time to turn from : to a before tl,,. indicator was raised liy tin- contraction of the muscle. A certain time, therefore, elapses before the change produced in the mnsele by irritation re-nlts in contraction. The duration of this tinu — \vhich can be acc-nratelv calculated from the length of the >jiace exist- ing Itetweeii ~ and a — is about one-hundredth of a X a. ]•'!«;. IS. Tin: . URVES OF A MI M II-I-IM- \TloN. second. Tliis stage is called that of lnt< at i i- for dnriiiLf it the irritation has not yet bee.. me actively eflicicnt in the muscle. From the point a the muscle evidently contracts, as is shown by the rising of the pencil from point a to point b, which is the highest part of the curve described; from that point onward the muscle again lengthens till it resnme< its original length at the point c. The time which elapses bet ween the beu-innin^ or the contraction and its maximum is called the sta^e of incr.'asin^ energy ; tin' time from this maximum to that of the full re-extension of the mu-elr i- that of the stage of d. Tr. 'a si Hi,'- energy. The whole duration of the muscular pul-at ion from the commencenient of the contraction at « till complete ext.-nsioii is a^-ain readied at C, i> from about one-tenth to one-sixth of a second. DETERMINATION OF TIME BY ELECTRICITY. 57 3. In a similar way the different periods in muscular pulsation may be measured by means of an electric I current. In order to understand this process, let us suppose a sudden push to be given to a heavy pendulum. The pendulum is thus caused to deflect from the vertical position proper to it when quiescent, the angle formed by its de- rlection depending on the force of the push which operated on it. Heavy pendulums of this sort, called ballistic pendulums, are used for measuring the speed of gun-shots. A magnetic needle which when suspended from a thread assumes a direction from north to south, may be regarded as a pen- dulum in which, in place of the force of gravitation, the magnetic attraction of the earth determines its position in a certain direction. If a sudden push is given to a pendulum of this sort, the force of the propulsion may be calculated in this case also from the degree of deflection. If a con- FlG 19_ MEASUI:E- tinuous electric current be conducted WKNT OF to a magnetic needle, the current O ' being parallel to the needle, the latter deflects and assumes a position at an angle to the cur- rent, the magnitude of this angle depending on the strength of the current. The magnetic needle assumes a new position, the repelling force of the current and the magnetism of the earth counterbalancing each other. O O If, however, the current, instead of acting continuously, acts only for a short time, the mngnetic needle suffers 4 ANGLES OF DEFLEC- TION WITH MIUItOK AND LENS. 58 rilYsIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. a push of but short duration and makes mily a single vibration, after which it returns to the position prop. r to it when at rest. Tin- degree of deflect ion mii>t in this case be pm port ionat e to the strength of the current and to the brevity of its duration. If, therefore, the strength is known and remains constant, the time occupied by tin- deflection maybe calculated from its extent. Such de- flections are generally very slight. In order, therefore, to measure them with certainty, an apparatus which was first applied by the celebrated mathematician (ianss is used. A small mirror o being connected with the magnet, a graduated scale s s, which is reflected in the mirror, is read by means of a magnifying glass. If the scale is placed parallel to the mirror when the magnet is at rest, and the magnifying glass is arranged at right angles to the direction of the mirror and of the scale, it is evident that exactly the point a on tin- scale which lies over the centre of the magnify ing glass will be seen reflected in the mirror. As soon as the magnet with the mirror attached to it turns, thi- n-flection of a different point on the fixed scale, the point c, is seen through the glass, and an observer looking at the mirror through the lens sees the scale apparently move in the same direction as that in \\hii-h the mirror, together with the magnet, turns. From the extent of this change of position the angle which the magnet describes in its deflection may In- calculated. 4. This method, by which the duration of electric currents may be measured with the ^reate-t accuracy, must now he applied to our task of examining the duration of a muscle-pulsation. Kor this purpose we must find sonic arrangement by which an electric MEASUREMENT OF PULSATION BY ELECTRICITY. 59 current is closed at the instant at which the muscle is irritated, and to interrupt this current at the instant at which the contraction of the muscle begins. This experiment also was first effected by Helmholtz. The apparatus used for the purpose is shown in fig. 20, in the altered form used by du Bois-Reymond. From a fixed stage rises a column to which a strong vice for the reception of one end of the muscle is attached in such a way that it can be moved upward or downward. The lower end of the muscle is fixed by means of a connecting piece i h with a lever which can be turned on the horizontal axis a a'. The lever is prolonged below into a short rod which, passing through a hole in the stage, supports at its foot a scale plate for weighting the muscle. On the fore-end of the lever are two screws p and q, the former of which ends below in a platinum point resting upon a platinum plate, while the latter is extended into a point of copper- amalgam, immersed in a capsule of quicksilver. The platinum plate and the capsule of quicksilver are iso- lated from the stage and from each other, the latter being conduc* ively connected with the vice fc, the former with If. If tb.e current which is to act on the swinging mag- net is inserted between k and &', it passes through the quicksilver capsule, through the portion of the lever be- tween p and g, through the platinum plate, &c., as long as the muscle does not contract. As soon, however, as the muscle contracts, it interrupts the current between p and the platinum plate. If the apparatus is so ar- ranged that the current is closed at the moment at which any irritant affects the muscle, then this current will circulate until the muscle, in contracting, again GO PHYSIOLOGY OF MI'X'LKS AND NKUVKS. F ic. L'II. APPARATUS I »i: MEASURING Till. DUKATTON <>l MUSCLB- i c.N I l;.\i I |..\. MEASUREMENT OF PULSATION BY ELECTRICITY. 61 interrupts the current. This period, which may be cal- culated by the method described in the last paragraph, represents exactly that which elapses from the moment at which the irritant affects the muscle to that at which contraction begins. Yet another circumstance must be taken into con- sideration, in order to render actual measurements pos- sible. The muscle contracts on being irritated. This contraction, however, lasts only a very few parts of a second, and the muscle then resumes its former length. In the experiment just described, the current interrupted by the con- traction of the muscle would soon be again completed, and the mag- net would undergo a new deflection even before the first vibration was finished. In order to obviate this, Helmholtz employed means the na- ture of which is made intelligible in fig. 21. This figure represents the end of the lever of the apparatus already described, together with the two screws p and g, the platinum plate and the quicksilver capsule ; at k are the wires connecting the latter with the vices. The quicksilver in the capsule Hfj can be raised or lowered by means of the screw s. Jf the level of the quicksilver is raised so as to immerse the point q, and if it is then again lowered, the quick- silver, by adhesion, remnins hanging from the amalga- mated point, and is by this means drawn out in the 21. TlIE END OF THE LEVER OF THE APPARATUS FOR TIME MEASURE- MENT, TOGETHER WITH THE QU1I K- SILVEU CAPSULE. 62 PHYSIOLOGY OF MI X'LKS AN1> .\KI;\ I >. form of a iln'n tin-cad, through which the current may pass. When, however, tlir miiM-le shorten*, the- qnick- silvrr i- torn a\vay, and roinncs its ordinary r«niv<-x surface; and wlit-n, on thr extrusion of tin.- niusrU-, -c, I.XI'I IMMI M I MI; I in. I I I < I l;]< Ml AM III Ml N L M| I I Ml. the lever ay ;m intermediate air-filled space, and the current remains permanent ly interrupted. It -till \\;\> to be explained lm\v the irritation of the mu.-cle and the clo>in.r ,,(' t he time-determining current MEASUREMENT OF PULSATION BY ELECTRICITY. 63 are affected exactly at the moment of irritation. A clear idea of this will be gained by examining fig. 22, in which the arrangement of the whole experiment is diagram- matically represented. The muscle and the apparatus represented in fig. 20 are again shown. The muscle is connected with the secondary coil of the inductive apparatus J' '. In the primary coil / circulates a current from the chain K. This current passes through the platinum plate a, and through the platinum point a', a' is attached to a lever of hard wood, of &', and is pressed by a spring against the platinum plate a. At the other end of the lever is the platinum plate &', which is connected with the battery B. The other pole of the battery is in connection with the galvanometer g, which latter is itself connected with the quicksilver capsule of the apparatus represented in fig. 20. Over, but not touching, the platinum plate b' is the platinum point 6, and this is connected with the platinum plate of the same apparatus by the conductive material of the key s, and of the wire k'. On pressing down the key s by the handle, the platinum point b comes in contact with the platinum plate b', and the current by which the time is to be measured is closed. At the same time, however, the end a' of the lever a' b' is raised, and the current of the chain K is interrupted. This produces an inductive current in the coil */', and this irritates the muscle. Irritation is, therefore, induced exactly at the moment at which the time-determining current is closed. As soon as the muscle contracts, it interrupts the time-determining current. This, therefore, lasts from the moment of irritation to that at which the pulsation commences. In this, therefore, we measure that which 64 PHYSIOLOGY OF Ml'SCLES AM) NFUVKS. we called the stage of latent irritation. When, how- ever, weights are placed on the scale of the apparatus (fig. 20), tin- r. •suiting deflections of the magnetic needle are different, and are greater in proportion as the weight- applied is heavier. As the lever connected with the muscle rests on, and is supported by, the plate below it, the weights placed in the scale-plate cannot extend the muscle ; they only increase the pressure of the platinum point p on the underlying platinum plate. Before the muscle can contract after irritation, the ten- dency to contraction must be greater than this pressure, or than the tension which is exercised from below bv the weight on the lever. As the muscle strives to draw up tin- lever, while the weight, on the other hand, draws it downward, the greater force obtains the masterv. It will be evident from what has been said that the muscle acquires the force with which it strives to contract, not suddenly, but very gradually. At the moment at which this contracting force becomes slightly greater than the weight applied, it is able to raise the lever, and in BO doing to interrupt the current which determines the time. If, in a serie< of consecutive experiments, hea\i.T weights arc each time placed in the scale of the appa- ratus, and if the deflections of the magnetic needle re- sulting from this are measured, this determines the periods in which tin- mu>cle attains a tendency to C"ii- traetii.n equivalent to tl:c weight. \Ve \\ill call tin's lon-e the energy of the muscle. So lon^ as the muscle does not contract at all- that is, throughout the >ta^e of latent irritation its energy = (). From the periods which we find as the result of the application of in- creasing weights, it appears that this energy increases, at first rapidly and then more >lowly, reaching itsmaxi- BURDEN AND OVER-BURDEN. 65 mum in about one-tenth of a second. The maximum having1 been reached, the muscle is unable to contract o ? further. The energy diminishes, and finally disappears, the muscle returning to its original condition. 5. In the experiments described above, weights were" connected with the muscle which the latter necessarily raised as soon as it strove to contract; but these weights did not act upon the muscle as long as it remained quiescent. It was, therefore, not weighted in the sense which has already been described ; for the weights at- tached were unable to extend the muscle. The com- paratively slight weight of the lever alone extended the muscle, and could be regarded as burden in the ordinary N sense. In order to distinguish these weights, which are without effect until the muscle strives to contract from weight in the ordinary sense, we will apply the term ' over-burden ' to them. The burden of a muscle may be great or small. In the experiments described above it was equal to the weight of the lever. Greater weights may be selected, a weight being placed upon the scale-plate and the muscle being then raised by means of the screw at the top of the apparatus, so long as the platinum point p still rests on the platinum plate. The muscle is then extended by the weight applied. If additional weight is added to that already on the scale- plate, the former acts as burden, the latter as over- burden. When a muscle thus circumstanced contracts, it has to lift both weights. Let us return to our first series of experiments, in which the weight = 0, or was at least very small. If more and more over-burden is gradually added, it is evident that a point will be reached at which the muscle will no longer be able to lift the weight. This point may be very accurately 66 PHYSIOLOGY OF M1M I.KS AND NERVES. determined bv inserting a chain and an electro-magnet between the vices /-and //. The electric currenl then passes through llie platinum poiut, the convspond- ing lever, the quicksilver capsule, and the coils of the electro-magnet. The latter becomes magnetic, and at- tracts an armature. As soon, however, as the current is interrupted by the contraction of the muscle, the electro-magnet sets the armature free, and the latter, striking against a bell, gives a signal which shows that the muscle has contracted. In this way even very minute contractions of the muscle are recognised. If the weights which act as over-burden, and counter- balance the tendency tn contraction in the muscle, are gradually increased, a limit is reached at which, in spite of the irritation of the muscle, the current oft lie electro- magnet is no longer interrupted. The muscle is indeed irritated, and a tendency to contraction is generated within it ; but this is not sufficiently great to overcome the weight used ; and the muscle, therefore, remains uncontracted. In this way the extent to which the tendency of a muscle to contract — or its energy, as we called it, can increase — maybe found. This extreme limit of its energy is called the force of a muscle. It is the same in amount as that which we theoretically inferred (p. 4H) from the change in the elasticity of a muscle during contract ion. Kaeh muscle has a definite force dependent on the conditions of its nourishment and on \\< form. On comparing the muscles of the same animal, it appears thai the fore.- is dependent in noway on the length of the mux-le-libivs, but on the number of these libres, or, in other words, on (he diameter of the muscle; and that the force increases in exact pro- portion with the diameter of the muscle. So that a MUSCLE-FORCE. 67 muscle of double thickness therefore possesses double force. It is usual, therefore, to refer the force to units of diameter of the muscle, by dividing the force by the diameter of the muscle, and thus to calculate the force of a muscle of 1 square centimetre diameter.1 It has been found that in the muscles of the frog the force, for a diameter of 1 centimetre, is about 2-8 to 3 kilo- grammes ; that is to say, a muscle of 1 centimetre in diameter can attain a maximum tendency to contraction which a weight of 3 kilogrammes is capable of resist- ing. This value of the force reduced to units of dia- meter is called the absolute force of a muscle. 6. An attempt has been made to determine the ab- solute muscular force in the case of man also. Edward Weber first tried to do this by an ingenious method. The muscles of the calf were chosen for the experiment. On standing upright and contracting these, the heels, and at the same time the whole body, are raised from the ground. Gymnasts call this balancing. The whole force of the calf-muscles of both legs is therefore greater than the weight of the body. If the body is weighted, a limit is reached at which it is no longer possible to balance. The total weight of the body together with that of all the weights applied, therefore, equals the force of the muscles of the calf; but in calculating this, however, attention must be paid to the fact that the force and the burden do not act on the same lever, 1 The following method, adopted by Ed. Weber, is used to de- termine the diameter. The weight of the muscle, which is found by the use of scales, is multiplied together with the specific weight of the muscle-substance, the result being the volume of the muscle. The length of the muscle is then measured, and the volume is divided by the length, which gives the diameter. (IS IMlYMnl.uiJY OF MTSCLKS AND NF.KVIX ;ill(l that (lie force — (lie ten-ion exercised by (lie mu-cles (pf the cult' — acts obliquely on the lever. It is of onir-e impossible to del ermine the diamet i-r in a living man; it must be observed in a dead body of about the same >i/e as that of (he person e\i)erimented on. Ib-nke aUo lias lately determined the valuo of t he- absolute force of human muscle. He used the flexor muscles of the forearm (of. tii(. °2'.}>) to del ermine \}\\<. In the tigure, a represents the upper arm. l> the fore- arm— (he former hein«j in a ver- tical, the latter in a horixontal position; c represents the muscles which raise or bend the forearm. (There are in reality two of these muscles, .17. /mv//x and .17. l>rn- rlinili* intemus). Supposing thai the muscles are >( retched, and weights are placed on (he hand It till (he muscles are no longer ca- I'n. .-_'::. DI.\I;I:AM <>r THK pable of raising the hand, then, FLEXOB^IUSCLES UF THE jug1 as Jn t lu/ (,N , „ ,,-j , , ,e,,( S will, the- miiM-les of fn>«;s, eipiipoise is olitained be(ween (he ( endeiicv of the muscle (o con- tract ami 1 he weight carried. Care mus(, however, be taken tha( (he muscles act on a lon^ lexer arm, the weight on a short one, and the weight of the forearm itself mii-t also be taken inlo considera) ion. Due at- tention, beinir ^iven to al! these circumstances, and to the diameter of the musc!e< when drawn into action, Ib-nke calculated that the absolute force in human mii-cle j- eijiial to from >i\ to ei^ht kilogrammes. 1*A- pei inieiil in^- in a similar \\ay on the feet, he found somewhat louer figures in that case. \Veher, lio\\e\cr, MEASUREMENT OF MUSCLE-FORCE IN MEN. G9 FIG. 24. DYNAMOMETER. in his results as regards the calf-muscles, found much lower figures. But in this case, errors in calculation evidently occurred, and explain the difference. To determine the muscles of the forearm which bend the ringers, a dynamometer, as represented in fig. 24, may be used. The strong spring handle of steel, A, being grasped with both hands, is pressed together with the whole strength. The alteration in the curves which is effected in the instrument at the points d and d', is trans- mitted by the lever a b a' to the index c, which indi- cates in kilogrammes the amount of force exercised on the graduated scale B. A somewhat elaborate calcu- lation would be necessary to find from this the absolute force of the muscles employed. If, however, the force which men are generally able to exercise with their hands is known, t'he apparatus may be conveniently used to detect occasional variations, such as occur, for in- stance, at the commencement of lameness and other diseases of the locomotive apparatus. The dynamo- meter has, therefore, become of importance in the in- vestigation of diseases. 7. We have already observed that a muscle during a single pulsation attains its full force, not at once, but only gradually, and we have seen the way in which the periods necessary for attaining the different values of the energy may be determined by means of the electric method of measuring time. If the muscle contracts freely, little or no weight being attached, it exhibits 70 PHYSIOLOGY OF MlsCU:- ,\M> NERVES, this energy during each in>tant in flu- f'«>nn of increase in speed \\hich it imparts to its lower end and to the slight weight attached to tin- latter. \Ve niav now raisc tlic quest ion as to tin- amount of force which the muscle \vhcn it has already accomplished part, sav one half, of its contraction, can still evolve. Schwann, who first raided tin- ([iiestion, fastened a muscle to one end of the beam of a scale and attached \\einhts to the other end, but supported this end in such a wav that the muscle was not extended. He was ilius able to determine the force of the muscle in the same way as was described above with the apparatus shown in ti.uf. 20, which depends on exactly the same principle. L. Her- mann repeated SchwannV experiment with this appa- ratus, which is more convenient for the purpose now under discussion. The unweighted, or, at least, \ cry slightly weighted, muscle having been inserted in the apparatus as accurately as possible, so that the platinum point j, just rots on the plate, the muscular force is determined in the way described above (see pp. 65, G7). The vice which carries the urn-de is then lowered to ;i certain definite extent, say 1 mm. If the muscle is then irritated it can become shorter by 1 mm. befoir it pulls the lever k ; if it bee es yet shorter it mu.-t raise the lever with the weights attach -d to it. The weight which it can still lift after it has become shorter by 1 mm. may thus be found. The muscle-A ice is then a^ain lowered and \l\\~- is a^ain and a^ain repeated. A ,-eries of weights-values is thus obtained \\hidi corre- spond with the fon-e of the miiM-le during the different Stages of it- contraction. The roiill .if the e\prriment is to show thai the force of t he milx-lr di 'creases, slowlv at the commencement . •(' contraction, but afterwards ALTERATION IN MUSCLE-FORCE DURING CONTRACTION. 7 1 more rapidly. The muscle having contracted as far as possible without any weight, it can naturally no longer raise any weight — its whole energy is expended. The interest of this experiment lies in the fact that it shows in a different way that which we have already said (p. 48) as to change in elasticity during contraction. For these experiments determine the weight proper to each length of the active muscle, so that we can also directly deduce from these the curves of extension of an active muscle, which we had previously constructed only theoretically. The agreement of this deduction with the theory, found in a different way, is an impor- tant confirmation of the views which we have developed as to the bearing of the conditions of elasticity on the labour accomplished by the muscle. 72 ruvtiioLouv OF MI^CLES AND M:I;\J;S. CHAPTER V. 1. Chemical jiioo -M -s \villiin t lie muscle ; 2. (Jem-nil i"n of warmth daring contraction ; :>. Kxliaiislimi ami HTKWTV ; 4. SMUIVC of musde-i'iin -c : .".. l>r;itli <>f the muscle; C. Death-stiffening ( /lii/i'l- 1. Tlie relations just described between the elasticitv and tlie work accomplished Ity the muscle have led us to suppose that a inusdi- has. as it were, two natural I'. TIMS, one convsj>ondiner\ation of energy, the labour so accomplished can only come into existence at the expense of some other energy. Now, it can be proved that chemical processes proeeed \\itliin the muscle (luring muscular contraction, while others, \\hich pro.-ecd e\eii in the < | uie.-.ceiil muscle, are in- creased in degree during this same contraction. The tin chanical \\..rk must, therefore, be accomplished at the cxpeii-e , ,f these chemical pr»ee>st-s ; and it could CUEMICAL rilOCESSES IN MUSCLE. 73 be proved that the amount of work accomplished corre- sponds exactly with these chemical changes. It is easy to show that chemical processes occur within the muscle ; but it is not so easy to determine these quantitatively, so that we are as yet unable to solve the question raised. Helmholtz long ago pointed out the fact that during muscular contraction such con- stituents of the muscle as are soluble in water decrease, while such as are soluble in alcohol increase. E. du Bois- Keymond showed that an acid — probably a lactic acid (Fleischmilchsaure) — is generated in the muscle during its activity. Quiescent muscles also contain a certain amount of a starch-like matter called glycogen ; and, as Nasse and Weiss have shown, part of the glycogen is used up during the activity of the muscle, and is transformed into sugar and lactic acid. Finally, it can be shown that carbonic acid is generated in the muscle during its contraction. All these chemical changes are capable of producing warmth and work. In determining whether the whole amount of work accomplished is referable to this source, yet another special difficulty exists in the fact that, as in other machines, warmth is also produced as well as mechanical work. A muscle certainly grows warmer during its contraction, as Beclard and, with yet greater certainty, Helmholtz have shown. With suitable apparatus it is possible to indicate an increase in the warmth of a muscle even during a single contraction. Our knowledge of the chemical constituents of muscle is yet very incomplete. Not only is chemistry as yet unprovided with adequate means of examining albuminous bodies, which are the chief constituents of muscles, but a special difficulty also exists in the great tendency to change in the constituent matter of living 74 PHYSIOLOGY OF Mrsri.Ks AND NKKVES. muscle. '1'ln' methods usually employed in chemistry tor the separation and isolation of different substances arc of no avail in this case, since they essentially alter the nature of the muscle. We must, therefore, be sati — tied to assume as certain only that various albuminous liodi.-s occur in the muscle, one of which, called myosin, appears to lie peculiar to muscle, and of which others are the inm-nitrogenous bodies glycogen ;md inosit. together with a certain amount of fat and a number <•! salts. It a])pears somewhat doubtful whether lactic aciil, which is always present in the muscle, if but in small (plant it ics, is to be regarded as a normal c ditVercnt metals, e.g. copper and iron, a> SOMH as both points ,.f contact the points \\here the metals meet or are soldered together acquire mieipial temperatures. The strength of this current is proportionate to t he difference in temperature, GENERATION OF WARMTH DURING CONTRACTION. 75 and thus, from the strength of the current, it is possible to determine the temperature of one point of contact if that of the other is known. In our case, in which it is not necessary to determine absolute temperatures, but only to show an increase in warmth, the method is more simple. It is only necessary to provide that the two points of contact have the same temperature at first, a condition which can be recognised by the absence of any current, and the additional degree of warmth ac- quired can then be directly calculated from the strength of the current which is afterwards generated. Helinholtz performed the experiment by placing the two thighs of a frog which had been recently killed in a closed case, after he had so arranged the metals which were to determine the warmth that one point of contact was inserted in the muscles of one thigh, the other in those of the other He then waited till the temperatures of both thighs became equal, so that, though the metals were connected with a sensitive mul- tiplier, no current was apparent. The muscles of one thigh were thrown into strong tetanus by introducing a suitable inductive current, while those of the other thigh remained at rest. The contracted muscles then became warmer and imparted their warmth to the soldered metals embedded in them ; the result was an electric current the strength of which was measured. The increase in the warmth of the muscle, thus de- termined, was about '15 of a degree. This warmth may seem slight, but it must be remembered that but a small mass of muscle was treated, and that this necessarily lost a considerable part of the warmth gene- rated within it by radiation and by imparting it to the surrounding substances. 76 PHYSIOLOGY UF MUSCLES AND NKKYI-. • In order In form some conception i>f tin- amount of \vanntli thus generated, we will assume that the specific warmth of muscle is the same as that of water. As the greater part of muscle consists of water,1 this assumption cannot be far wrong. ]>v the specific warmth of a sub- stance is meant that amount of warmth which is neces- sary to warm one gramme of the substance exactly one degree, the amount nece<-ary in the case of water being regarded as the unit. Therefore about one unit of warmth is requisite to warm one gramme of muscle substance one decree. According to our assumption, in each gramme of muscle substance at least '15 of a unit of warmth is generated. Now it is known that each unit of warmth is equivalent to 424 units of work, that is to say, when warmth is transformed into mechanical work, .JU4 grammes can be raised one metre by one unit of warmth. If, therefore, no warmth were set free from the muscle during tetanus, but if it were tran-- formed into work, each gramme of muscle substance would be able to raise 424-^-0-15 gramme to the height of one metre. This amount, therefore, represents the minimum of that which is accomplished as 'internal work' in the muscle during tetanus. By soldering rods or strips of t wo metals alternately on to each other so that all the points soldered an- arranged in two planes, differences in temperature much more minute than those which occur during tetanus may be measured. Such an apparat u- is called a thermo- pile. Heidenh: in had one of the.-e made of rods of 1 ACCI rc'.'.ML' tn u ivo-nt M:itrinrnt nf I»r. Adamkiewicz, the spe- cific \v:irintli I'!' musrV is even u-rratrr I li:ui I kit uf water, tliuu^li it bad previously been assumed that tin- sprriiic wurmtli •>!' wain- is greater tlian tlmi nf any otlii'r kimwn siili.st:nn-i', with tlio excep nf liylr' GENERATION OF WARMTH DURING CONTRACTION. 77 antimony and bismuth, and having covered the surface of each of the ends with a muscle from the lower leg of a frog, he waited until both had assumed an equal temperature. He then by irritation induced activity in one muscle, and owing to the sensitiveness of the apparatus he was not only able to determine the warmth arising during a single pulsation, but even to indicate differences in this according to the circumstances (burden, &c) under which the pulsation occurred. The law of the conservation of energy would lead us to expect that in cases in which the muscle ac- complished a greater amount of mechanical work, the production of warmth would be less, and vice versa. When weights are applied, as burden, to the muscle, the labour performed increases, as we found, up to a certain point with every increase in weight. The generation of warmth should accordingly decrease in this case. This was not, however, the case in the experiments made by Heidenhain. As we cannot sup- pose that the law of the conservation of energy,1 which is elsewhere throughout nature universally valid, is invalid as regards muscle, we can only suppose that the number of chemical modifications occurring at each muscular pulsation is not always the same, but that when greater weight is applied a larger amount of substances are consumed in the muscle, so that both the production of warmth and the work accomplished may, though the irritant remains the same, differ according to the degree of tension of the muscle. On the other hand, it is quite in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy that the muscle generates 1 On this law see the admirable work of Balfour Stewart (Inter- national Scientific Series, vol. vi.). 78 PHYSIOLOGY (.)!• Mrsri.Ks AND NERVES, the greatest amount of waiinth during tetanus, during which no nj.jK'n nl labour i~ accomplished. The whole intern;,! w..il< «•!' the miivle is in \}\\> case transformed into warmth, thus rai>ing the t emperat are of the muscle- substance ; and (lie amount of this warmth may, as we liiive seen, be at least approximately measured and calculated. 3. One result of the chemical changes which occur within the muscle during its activity, is naturally tint part of the constituent matter of the muscle is expended, other matter being dep,,>ited in its place. As long as the muscle remains uninjured within the body of the animal, part of the matter thus formed is carried away, and fresh nutritive matter is brought to replace the expended material. The products which arise by decomposition during the activity of the muscle may therefore be indicated in the blood of the animal, and from the blood they are removed from out of the body by special excretory organs. Accordingly we find that the amount of carbonic acid excreted is considerably increased by muscular labour, and that the other products of muscular decomposition, such as creatiu and the urea arising from the latter, lactic acid, \e., reappear in the urine. The more abundant Iv the blood-current flows through the mu-cles. the more quickly are the products of decomposition removed from the muscle. This is of course possible onlv in a very inferior degree when the mii>cle has been cut out from the body. Tlii-i-the rea>oii \\liy ;m extracted muscle retains its power of activity I'm- but a very short time. If, for instance, such a muscle is eont inuoiisl v tetanised, it will be found that the contraction, though it is at first very considerable, \ery soon decreases and EXHAUSTION AND EECOVERY. 79 finally entirely ceases. The muscle is then said to be exhausted. But if it is allowed to rest it recovers itself so that it can again be induced to contract. This recovery is, however, never complete, and with each repetition of the experiment it becomes more defec- tive, the intervals requisite for recovery becoming continually longer, and the muscle finally remaining incapable of further contraction. If the muscle is not tetanised, but distinct pulsations are induced in it by separate irritants, it retains its power of activity for a very long time. From this it may be inferred that a portion of the products of decomposition perhaps re- form ; or it may be assumed that the muscle contains a large amount of matter capable of disintegration, but that this is capable of only gradual decomposition. So long as the blood continues to flow through the muscle, the products of decomposition are, as we have seen, soon carried away ; but as exhaustion occurs in this case also, we must draw the same conclusion, that the de- composable matter present can undergo decomposition only gradually, and that therefore in this case also intervals must necessarily occur between the separate exercises of activity. A muscle while undisturbed within the organism essentially differs from one that has been extracted in that in the former the expended material can be fully replaced. Accordingly, it is not only capable of again becoming active after an interval of rest, but, provided that the matter added exceeds that which was expended, it is afterward capable of performing more work than it was previously. To this is due the fact that the strength of muscle is increased by a proper alternation of rest and activity. 4. We have now to discover which of the substances 80 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NF.HYES. within the muscle are expended during its activity. A- mu-cle consists principally of albuminous bodies, it lias been a— 'timed th:it it is to tin- d, •<-. imp, >-it i. m . if these that the labour accomplished is dur. \\Y have, however, seen that non-nitrogenous bodies, such as glycogen and muscle-sugar, are also contained in the nTuscle, and that lactic acid which must ori»-inate 7 ' C> from the latter, is formed during the active state. Although it is impossible to determine the products of decomposition within a single muscle, yet this may be done in the case of the whole mass of the muscles of the body during an activity of long continuance; for the products of decomposition finally pa>s into the ex- cretions, and it is evident that the whole amount of addition to the excretions may be regarded as a measure of the decomposition in the active muscles. The nitrogenous constituents of muscle are almost without exception excreted in the form of urea with the urine. At least the amount of nitrogen contained in the other excretory products is so very small that it may safely be disregarded. Now, the amount of urea contained in the urine may be determined with very great accuracy. Even when the body is in a state of complete rest— though even then a considerable amount of work is performed in the body, iu the action of the heart and of the respiratory muscles- the excretion ()f urea depends entirely on the amount of nitrogen intro- duced in food. If entirely non-nitrogenous food is taken, then 1 he e\cret ion of uren decreases to a definite point, at which it remains constant for some time. Jf a larger amount of \\ork is performed, a slight increase in the excretion of urea in fai-t usually occurs. The amount of albuminous matter \\hich mii^t be modified SOu'RCE OF MUSCLE-FORCE. 81 within the body in order to afford this increase in the amount of urea excreted may be calculated. Now, the equivalent in warmth of albuminous bodies is known ; that is, the amount of warmth produced by the com- bustion of a definite weight of albuminous matter is known. And, as the mechanical equivalent of warmth is also known, the amount of work which could be produced by these albuminous bodies under favourable circumstances may, therefore, also be calculated. When this value in work is compared with the amount of work really accomplished, the figures found are always far too low. From this it may safely be inferred that the albuminous matter which undergoes combustion within the body is not capable of affording the work which is performed, and we must rather assume that other substances also undergo combustion, and con- tribute to the labour performed, contribute indeed even the greater part of such labour. If, on the other hand, the amount of carbonic acid excreted by a man during rest is compared with that excreted during greater labour, the increase is found to be very great indeed, and on calculating the amount of labour which should result from the combustion of a corresponding mass of carbon, the amount found corresponds nearly enough with that of the work really performed. This experiment, therefore, shows that the muscles generate their work not so much at the expense of albuminous bodies as by the combustion of non-nitro- genous matter. The addition of matter required by the body if it is to remain in a condition capable of labour must, therefore, be regulated accordingly. Hence fol- lows the conclusion, of the greatest importance with reference to the question of diet, that men who have 5 £2 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. to perform a great amount of labour require food abounding in carbon. The oppose \\a> f..nnrrly as- sumed, the view being founded on the fact that K.nglish labourers, who arc, as a rule, more capable of work than French peasants, eat more meat, which is a highly nitrogenous substance. It used also to be pointed nut. that the larger beasts of prey, which feed exclusively on flesh, are remarkable for their great muscular pouer. Neither instance really proves the conclusion which it was intended should be drawn from it. In the lir>t place, as regards English labourers, more accurate ob- servation of the food usually consumed by them has shown that, in addition to meat, very considerable quantities of food abounding in carbon, such as bread, potatoes, rice, and so on, are taken. As regards the beasts of prey, it is impossible to deny that they are capable of very great labour; but in this case, also, closer observation shows that the whole amount of work accomplished by them is, at any rate, very small \\hen compared with the constant work of a draught horse or ox. The relation of the fond to the work performed by the muscles must evidently be regarded as similar to the relation borne by the fuel consumed by an engine boiler to the work performed by a steam-engine. Every- one knows that coal is burned under the boiler, and that this is finally transformed into work by the me- chani>m of the machine. The same work might be produced bv the combustion of nitrogenous matter: lint it would lie necessary to use considerably greater quantities. But the machine called muscle cannot be driven bv pun- carbon ; under the conditions presented bv tli'1 organism pure carbon caniml be applied t > the SOURCE OF MUSCLE-FORCE. 83 production of work, as it cannot be digested, and, owing to the low temperature of the body, cannot be oxidised. But combinations abounding in carbon, such as are at hand in the carbon hydrates (starch, sugar, &c.) and in fats, are fitted for the purpose, and a given weight of these affords a considerably greater amount of work than can an equal weight of nitrogenous albumens. If, therefore, the muscle is capable, by the combustion of the non-nitrogenous bodies which it contains, of ac- complishing labour, it is evident that this relation is similar to that in the case of the steam-engine, in which the work is accomplished by the combustion of carbon. It has been objected that the amount of non-nitro- genous substance within the muscle is very small, but the objection is scarcely tenable. If a whole steam- engine with its boiler and the coal in the furnace could be subjected to a chemical analysis, the percentage of coal in the whole mass would of course be found to be very small. But it is not by the amount of coal present at any given moment that the work is performed, but by the whole amount which in the course of a considerable time is added little by little by the stoker. In the case of muscle the blood acts the part of the stoker. It continually adds matter to the muscle, and the products of combustion resulting from labour escape from the muscle, just as the carbonic acid does from the chimney of the steam-engine. It is evident that the amount of carbon consumed by a steam-engine might be accurately determined by collecting and analysing the carbonic acid which escapes from the chimney. We proceed in exactly the same way in the case of the muscle. The lungs represent the chimney ; the carbonic acid escaping from these may be collected, 84 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND .NERVES. and from this the amount of carbon which must be con- sumed may be calculated. Whatever does not escape in the form of gas during combustion remains behind as ash. The ash of the fire of the steam-engine is represented by the urea and other matter which passes from the muscles into the urine. The whole amount of both must correspond exactly with the whole amount of the products resulting from combustion within the muscle. Although the small amount of the non-nitrogenous substances present in the muscle does not, therefore, prevent us from regarding them as the main source of muscular labour, yet in one point the machine called muscle differs from the steam-engine, which it other- wise so strikingly resembles. We found that the ex- cretion of urea undergoes an increase, though this may not be very great, when the muscular labour is in- creased. It is, therefore, evident that there must be a greater destruction of the chief constituents of muscle- substance, of the tissue of which muscle is mainlv \J formed, and which may be compared to the metallic parts of the steam-engine. Even in the latter a waste of the metallic parts occurs; but this is comparatively very small in degree. The muscular machine is ii"l constructed of such durable material; during its ac- tivity it, therefore, continually wastes a comparatively considerable Amount of its own substance. As the matter lra\es the body in a more highly oxidised form than it had \vheii it was |>n-ent in the muscle, warmth and work mu-t al-o be freed during this partial com- bustion of the material of the machine. The muscle- niachine works, therefor.-, partly at the expense of its own form-element ; and, if it is to work continuously, not SOURCE OF MUSCLE-FOKCE. 85 only must the main fuel, but also matter to replace the form-element must be constantly added. The more closely the composition of the food consumed corre- sponds with the material expended, the more complete will be the replacement which can occur. The expen- diture of non-nitrogenous substance is, as we found, comparatively great, so that it would be entirely wrong to try to supply the loss merely with nitrogenous matter. All experience in the nourishment of labouring men ,and animals fully confirms this. The addition of nitro- genous matter is necessary, to keep the muscles in good condition ; but a yet more abundant addition of carbon compounds, such as are afforded by the non-nitrogenous ^food materials, is required, in order to supply the neces- sary amount of the chief producer of labour. The wood-cutters of the Tyrol, who work exceedingly hard and with great expenditure of strength, accordingly con- sume an immense amount of food abounding in carbon in addition to a certain quantity of nitrogenous matter. They live almost exclusively on flour and butter. Only on one day in the week, Sunday, do they eat meat and drink beer. For six days they are limited to whatever they carry into the forests with them. The nature of the food may, therefore, be very accurately regulated in this case. Their power of enduring very great toil is principally due to the large amount of fat contained in their daily food. Chamois hunters and other moun- taineers take chiefly bacon and eugar by way of pro- vision on their laborious expeditions. Experience has taught them that these highly carboniferous com- pounds are especially suited to enable them to accom- plish great labour. Sugar is especially suitable for the purpose, because, being very readily soluble, it 8(5 rilYSIUl.oiiY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. pusses rapidly into the blond, and is, therefore, espe- cially capable of rapidly replacing the expended forces. Ii i> not suit, ill].' for ;i sole or main food material duriii"- & long periods, because when, a great quantity of sugar i- introduced into tin- stoiuaeli it is transformed into laetie arid and the digestion is injured. 5. When muscles have lain by for some time after their extraction from the body, a change occurs in them which deprives them of their capacity for contracting when irritated. This change intervenes yet more rapidly when they are induced to pass into a state of activity by many repeated irritations. The time neces- sary for the intervention of this change varies much, and depends chiefly on the nature of the animal and on the temperature. The muscles of mammals in a tem- pi-rature such as that of an ordinary room lose their power of contraction in as little as from twenty to thirty minutes; the muscles of frogs do not lose this power for several hours, and some from the calf-muscle of a frog have been observed to pulsate even for forty-eight hours in the temperature of an ordinary room. At a temperature of from 0° to 1° C. the same muscle may retain its power of contraction even for eight days. On the other hand, in a temperature of, or above, -4,1 . the contractile power is lo.-t in a Jew minutes. Kxact ly the same happen.- in mu.-eles yet remaining within the liodv »f the animal if the blood-current ceases to pa>s through the body, either because of the death of the animal, or in e<-i|uence of the local application of ligatures to the vessels. This loss of contractile po\\er is spoken of as the rdoluhle by tin- acids occurring \\ithin the mu-cle. Death-stiffening would accordingly be the result of the formation of acid. Our knowledge on this point K however, yet very incomplete, and mu>t remain so until chemistry ha- afforded more full explanation of the nature of albuminous boilies. CHAPTER VI. 1. Forms of muscle ; 2, Attachment of muscles to the bones; 3. Elastic tension ; 4. Smooth muscle-fibres ; 5. Peristaltic mot ion; 6. Voluntary and involuntary motion. 1. Tn examining the action of muscle in the previous chapters we have invariably dealt with an imaginary muscle the fibres of which were of equal length and parallel to each other. Such muscles do really exist. but they are rare. When such a muscle shortens, each of its fibres acts exactly as do all the others, and the whole action of the muscle is simply the sum of the separate actions of all the fibres. As a rule, however, the structure of muscles is not so simple. According to the form and the arrangement of the fibres, anatomists distinguish short, long, and flat muscles. The last- mentioned generally exhibit deviations from the ordinary parallel arrangement of the fibres. Either the fibres proceed at one end from a broad tendon, and are directed towards one point from which a short round tendon then effects their attachment to the bones (fan-shaped muscles) ; or the fibres are attached at an angle to a long tendon, from which they all branch off in one direction (semi-pennate muscles), or in two directions like the plumes of a feather (pennate muscles). In the radiate or fan-shaped muscles the pull of the separate parts takes effect in different directions. Each of these 02 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND MIKVKS. p:iris may act separately, or all may work together; and in the latter case they combine their forces, as is inva- riably the casewith forces act in- in different directions, in accordance with tlie so-called parallelogram of forces. As an example of tins sort of muscle the elevator of the upper arm — which was before alluded to in the second chapter, and which on account of its triangular shape is called the deltoid muscle — may be examined. Contrac- tions of the separate parts really occur in this. When only the front section of the muscle contracts, the arm is rai-cd and advanced m the shoulder socket; when only the posterior part of the muscle contracts, the arm is raised backward. When, however, all the fibres of the miiM-le act iii unison, the action of all the separable forces of tension constitute a diagonal which results in the lifting of the arm in the plane of its usual position. In some semi- pen nate and pennate muscles the line of union of the two points of attachment does not coincide with the direction of the fibres. When the muscle con- tracts each fibre exerts a force of tension in the direct i< >n of its contraction. All these numerous forces, however, produce a single force which acts in the direction in which the movement is really accomplished, and the whole action of the muscle is the sum of these separate components, each derived from a single fibre. In order to calculate the force which one of these muscles can exert, as well as the height of elevation proper to it, ii would be necessary to determine the number of the fibres, the an*_dc \\hidi each of these makes, with the direction finally taken by the compound action. EU9 \\ell a> t he length of the filuvs these not being alwavs equal. This task if only carried oul in the case of a single muscle would be a very greal te.-t of patience Fortu- ATTACHMENT OF MUSCLES TO BONES. 93 nately no such tedious calculations are requisite for our purpose. The force may be directly determined by ex- periment in the case of many muscles, by the method already described in Chapter IV. § 6 ; the height of elevation possible under the conditions present in the body may be yet more easily found ; and as regards the work which the muscle is able to perform, it makes no difference whether the fibres are all parallel and act in their own direction, or if they form any angle with the direction of work.1 2. The direction in which the action takes effect does not, however, depend only on the structure of the muscle, but chiefly on the nature of its attachment to the bone. Owing to the form of the bones and their sockets, the points of connection by which the bones are held together, the bones are capable of moving only within certain limits, and usually only in certain direc- tions. For instance, let us watch a true hinge-socket, such as that of the elbow, which admits only of bending and stretching (cf. ch. ii. § 4). As in this case, the nature of the socket is such that motion is only possible in one plane, the muscles which do not lie in this plane can only bring into action a portion of their power of tension, and this may be found if the tension exercised by the muscle is analysed in accordance with the law of the parallelogram of forces, so as to find such of the component forces as lie within the plane. It is different in the case of the more free ball- sockets, which permit movement of the bone in any direction within certain limits. When a socket of this sort is surrounded by many muscles, each of the latter, if it acts alone, sets the bone in motion in the direction 1 See Notes and Additions, No 2. 94 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCL1> AM' NKKVES. of its own action. If two or more of tin- muscles as- sume a >tate nf act is it y at the same time, then the action Will be the roultant <»f the separate tensions of cadi, and this may also be found by the law of the parallelo- gram of forces. There is yet another way in which the work per- formed by the muscles is conditioned by their attach- ment to the bones. The latter must be regarded as levers which turn on axes, afford id by the sockets. They usually represent one-armed, but sometimes two- armed levers. Now, the direction of the tension of the muscles is seldom at right angles to that of the nioveable bone lever, but is u-iially at an acute angle. In this case, again, the whole tension, of the muscle does not take effect, but only a component, \\hicli is at ri^ht angles to tin- arm of the lever. Now, it H notice- able that in many cases the bones ha\e projections or protrusions at the point of the attachment of the muscles, over which the muscle tendon passes, as over a reel, thus grasping the bone at a favourable angle; or, in other cases, it is found that cartilaginous or bony thickenings exist in the tendon itself (so-called sesam- oid bones), which act in the same way. The large>t of these sesamoid bones is that in the knee, which, in- serted iu the powerful tendon of the front muscle of the upper thigh, gives a more favourable direction to the attachment of this tendon than there \\oiild other- \\ ise be. Sometimes the tendon of a mux-le passes over an actual reel, -o that the direction in \\ hich t he muscle- tibres contract i- cut iivly diffei cut from that in which their force of ten-ion acts. 3. The last important ( "ii-i ijnence of the attach- ELASTIC TENSION. 95 ment of the muscles to the bones is the extension thus effected. If the limb of a dead body is placed in the position which it ordinarily occupied during life, and if one end of a muscle is then separated from its point of attachment, it draws itself back and becomes shorter. The same thing happens during life, as is observable in the operation of cutting the tendons, as practised by surgeons to cure curvatures. The result being the same during life and after death, this phenomenon is evi- dently due to the action of elasticity. It thus appears that the muscles are stretched by reason of their attach- ment to the skeleton, and that, on account of their elas- ticity, they are continually striving to shorten. Now, when several muscles are attached to one bone in such a way that they pull in opposite directions, the bone must assume a position in which the tension of all the muscles is balanced, and all these tensions must com- bine to press together the socketed parts with a certain force, thus evidently contributing to the strength of the socket connection. When one of these muscles con-- tracts, it moves the bone in the direction of its own tension, but in so doing it extends the muscle which acts in an opposite direction, and the latter, because of its elasticity, offers resistance to the tension exerted by the first muscle, so that as soon as the contraction of the latter is relaxed the limb falls back again into its original position. This balanced position of all the limbs, which thus depends on the elasticity of the muscles, may be observed during sleep, for then all ac- tive muscular action ceases. It will be observed that the limbs are then generally slightly bent, so that they form very obtuse angles to each other. Not all muscles are, however, extended between 9G PHYSIOLOGY OF Ml >n.ES AND NERVES. bones. The tendons of some pass into soft structures, such as the muscles of the face. In this case also the different muscles exercise a mutual power of extension, though it is but slight, and they thus effect a definite balanced position of the soft parts, as may be observed in the position of the mouth-opening in the face. If the tension of the muscles ranged on both sides is not equal, the mouth opening assumes a crooked position. This happens, for example, when the muscles of one half of the face are injured ; and it thus appears that in this case the elastic tension is too weak to allow of the retention of the normal position of the mouth. In muscles attached to bones the elastic tension is, however, much greater, a circumstance which natural 1 v exercises an influence on their action during contrac- O tion. 4. As yet attention has only been paid to OIK; kind of muscle-fibre, that which from the very first we dis- tinguished as striated fibre. There is, however, as ue have seen, another kind, the so-called smooth muscle- fibre. These are long spindle-shaped cells, the ends of which are frequently spirally twisted, and in the centre of which exists a long rod-shaped kernel or nucleus. Unlike striated muscle, they do not form separate mus- cular masses, but occur scattered, <>r arranged in more or less dense layers or strata, in almost all organs.1 Arranged in regular order, they very frequently form widely extending membranes, especially in such tube- shaped structures as the blood-vessels, the intestine, 1 An instance of a C"nsidi-rahl«: accumulation of Miionth musi-lc- til.n a i> atli'nli-d by the muscle-pouch of birds, which, with the ex- ception of the outer and inner skin coverings, consists solely of fibres collected in extensive layers. SMOOTH MUSCLE-FIBRES. 97 £uch part, or by irritating the nerves appropriate to these parts. The most striking feature is the slowness with which these motions take place. No| only does a Long time, observable without any artificial aid, elapse after the application of (he irritant be lore the motion begins, bui, even if tin- irritation is sudden and in- stantancoii-, the motion excited ;it one point passes along very gradually, idowly increa-ing up to a definite point, and then again gradually decreasing. This slow- ii' ss of motion es>entially distinguishes sniooih from PERISTALTIC MOTION. 99 striated muscle-fibres. But, as we know, this is not a distinction of kind, but only one of degree; for we found that in the case of striated muscle also there is a stage of latent irritation, then a gradually increas- ing, and then again a gradually decreasing contraction. But that which in striated muscle occupies but a few parts of a second, in smooth muscle-fibres occupies a period of several seconds. No artificial aid is, there- fore, required in this case to distinguish the separate stages. At present, research into the nature of smooth muscle-fibre has not resulted in the acquirement of more than this somewhat superficial knowledge. Owing e^p?- dally to the difficulty of isolating the fibres, and to the rapidity with which they lose their irritability when separated from the body, it is very difficult to experi- ment with them. It is especially not yet clear by what means the transference of the irritation arising at one point to the other part is effected. The transference never occurs in the case of striated muscle. If a long, thin, parallel-fibred muscle is separated out on a glass plate, and a very small part of it is then irritated, the irritation immediately propagates itself in a longitudinal direction in the muscle-fibre immediately touched. It is impossible to produce contraction in a striated muscle- fibre only at one point in its length, at least while the muscle-fibre is fresh. In dying muscle-fibres such local contractions do indeed occur. Each separate muscle- fibre, therefore, forms a closed whole in which the con- traction excited at one point spreads over the whole fibre. The speed with which it spreads within the fibre has even been measured. As the striated muscle- fibre in contracting becomes also thicker, a small light lever, if attached to the fibre, is somewhat raised. 100 HIYSIOLOGY OF Ml'SCLES AND NERVES. and this, rise can be indicated on a rapidly-moving mvograph plate. If two of these small levers are placed near the ends of a long muscle, and one of the ends is then irritated, the nearer lever is first raised, the more remote not till later. This •litter, aee may be read off the plate of the myograph, and thus the >|tecd of the propagation from one lever to the other may be calculated. Aeby, who first tried this experi- ment, found that the speed was from one to two metres in the second, or, in other words, that a contraction excited at one point of a muscle-fibre requires a period of from about TT^ to -fo of a second to advance one centimetre. More recent measurements by Bernstein and Hermann show the higher value of from three to four metres in the second, ^n the death of the muscle, t he rate of propagat ion becomes r,,nt inually less, finally ceasing entirely in muscles which are just about to pa — into a state of death-si iff ue->. so that on irritation only a slight thickening is seen at the point directly irritated, and this does not propagate it.-elf. Under all circum- stances, however, the excited contraction is confined to the fibres which are themselves actually irritated, the neighbouring fibres remaining perfectly quiescent. In smooth miiscle-Jibres, however, it is found that tin- contractions excited at one p"int propagate themseho in (he adjacent fibres also. The marked distinction which thus appears to exist between smooth and striated nm-cles \\ould, it is true, di-appear if the views of Kngelmann, resulting fr»m his >t udy of the urinary dift, are continued. According to that writer, the mu-cular ma-s of the urinary duct does not COnsisj during life of separate mu-de-libre cells, but forms a homogeneous connected mass \\hidi only separate- VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY MOTION. 101 into spindle-shaped cells at death. If this view could also be extended to the smooth muscle masses of other parts, a real connection would exist throughout the muscle-membranes, and the phenomena of the propaga- tion of irritation would admit of a physiological explana- tion. 6. As a rule, such parts as are provided only with smooth muscle-fibres are not voluntarily movable, while striated muscle-fibres are subject to the will. The latter have, therefore, been also distinguished as voluntary, the former as involuntary muscles. The heart, however, exhibits an exception, for, though it is provided with striated muscle-fibres, the will has no direct influence upon it, its motions being exerted and regulated inde- pendently of the will.1 Moreover, the muscle-fibres of the heart are peculiar in that they are destitute of sar- colemma, the naked muscle-fibres directly touching each other. This is so far interesting that direct irritations, if applied to some point of the heart, are transferred to all the other muscle-fibres. In addition to this, the muscle-fibres of the heart are branched, but such branched fibres occur also in other places, for example, in the tongue of the frog, where they are branched like a tree. Smooth muscle-fibres being, therefore, not sub- ject to the will, are caused to contract, either by local irritation, such as the pressure of the matter contained within the tubes, or by the nervous system. The con- tractions of striated muscle-fibres are effected, in the natural course of organic life, only by the influence of 1 Striated muscles also occur in the intestine of the tench (Tinea vulgaris), which in this differs from all other vertebrate ani- mals. It is doubtful whether this tissue ?s capable of voluntary motion, but it is very improbable. lit.! PHYSIOLOGY OF MtX'LKS AND NERVES, tin- nerves. We must now, therefore, examine the characters of nerves, after which we shall try to explain the nature of their influence on muscles. It must also be observed that the distinction between striated and smooth muscle-fibres is not absolute; for there are I ransitionary forms, such as the muscles of molluscs. The latter consist of fibres, exhibiting to some extent a striated character, and, in addition to this, the character of double refraction. At these points the disdiaclasts are probably arranged regularly and in large groups, while at other points (as in true smooth muscle-fibres) they are irregularly scattered and are therefore not noticeable. CHAPTER VII. 1. Nerve-fibres and nerve-cells; 2. Irritability of nerve-fibre; 3. Transmission of the irritation ; 4. Isolated transmission ; 5. Irritability ; G. The curve of irritability ; 7. Exhaustion and recovery, death. 1. In the body of an animal nerves occur in two forms : either as separate delicate cords which divide into many parts and distribute themselves throughout the body, or collected in more considerable masses. The latter, at least in the higher animals, are enclosed in the bony cases of the skull and vertebral column, and are called nerve-centres, or central organs of the nervous system ; the nerve-cords pass from these centres to the most distant parts, and are spoken of as the peripheric nerve- system. When examined. under the microscope these peripheric nerves are seen to be bundles of extremely delicate fibres united into thicker bands within a mem- brane of connective tissue. Each of these nerve-fibres when examined in a fresh state, and enlarged 250 or 309 times, is exhibited as a pale yellow transparent fibre in which no further differentiation is visible. The appearance of the fibre soon, however, changes ; it be- comes less transparent, and a part lying along the axis becomes marked off from the circumference. This inner part is usually flat and band-like, and when seen under a higher power exhibits a very minute longitudinal 104 PHYSIOLOGY OF Ml'SCLKS AND M'.KVKS. striation, as though it were formed of very delicate fibrillnp, or small tilnvs. It is called the a.i-is-lxi n-cylinders immediately sur- rounded by the nerve-sheaths. When many nerve- liln-es are united into a bundle, these marrowless fibres are ^r rev and more t ransjiarent, and ;,re therefore some- times called grev ner\c-libres. Those nerve-tibres which have medtillarv sheaths appear more yellowish white. If the nerves are traced to the periphery, more and more nerve-fibres are continually found to branch off from the common stem, so that the branches ami brailchlets FIG. -2.;. NKI:VI: a a «,, axte-cylinder, still parly Bnirounded by the medullary flheath. NERVE-FIBRES AND NERVE-CELLS. 105 gradually become thinner. At last only separate fibres are to be seen, these being, however, still in appearance exactly like those constituting the main stem. Such fibres as up to this point have had medullary sheaths now frequently lose them, and therefore become exactly like grey fibres. The axis-cylinder itself then some- times separates into smaller parts ; so that a nerve-fibre, thin as it is, embraces a very large surface. The ends of the nerve-fibres are connected sometimes with muscles, sometimes with glands, and sometimes, again, with peculiar terminal organs. In the central organs of the nervous system many nerve-fibres are found which are in appearance in- distinguishable from those of the peripheric system. There are fibres with axis-cylinder, medullary sheath, and neurilemma, others without medullary sheath, and, finally, others in which no neurilemma can be detected, and which may therefore be described as naked axis- cylinders. But,, besides these, very delicate fibres, far finer than the axis-cylinders, occur. The central organs of the nervous system are however especially marked by the abundant occurrence of a second element, which, though it is not altogether unrepresented in peripheric nerves, yet is only found in the latter distributed in a few places, whilst in the central organs it constitutes an important portion of the whole mass. This consists of certain cell-like structures called nerve-cells, or gan*- glion-cells. In each ganglion-cell it is possible to dis- tinguish the cell body, and a large kernel (nucleus') within this ; within the kernel, a smaller kernel (nu- deolus) may also frequently be distinguished. Some ganglion-cells are also surrounded by a membrane which occasionally passes into the neurilemma of G 106 OF MI'SCI.I- AM> M-:i;\ KS. nerve-fibres, which are connected \\itli tin- cell. The kernel is finely Lrranulated and is composed of a pn>- topla-mie mass, \vliicli, uhen heated, or subjected to certain other influences, becomes dull nnd opaque, but which iii a fiv-h condition is usually somewhat transparent. The form of the ganglion-cells is very variable. Sometimes they appear almost globular; in other cases they are elliptic; others, a^ain, an- irregular, ])i-o\ided with numer- ous offshoots. Mo- 1 M-;I 11 o'l ion- cells have one -,r more project- ing pp C( SSi : -OIMC are. indeed, found without processes, but it is certain that this condition is merely artificially produced, tin- processes having been torn oft' during the preparation of the ganglion -cell. ( ranglion- cells are oeea>ioiially insert efl in the cour.-e of the lier\f-tibre-, SO that the ])roce>-es dit't'er in no wav from other ner\ e-fibres, as Is shown in fig. 27. In the^au- glion-cells of the dorsal marrow, \\hich ha\e manv iiroee-- . IM... 27. <: VNOLION-l ELL8 WITH SKRVB-PHOCKS8E8. some OI these a|)pear exactly like the l'e>t of tll<' Cell body - that is to say, they are finely u-ranulated; these are called protopla>mic processes. On the other hand, in NERVE-FIBRES AND NERVE-CELLS. 107 almost every cell a process may be distinguished which is altogether distinct in appearance from the rest. The protoplasmic processes become gradually finer and sepa- rate into more parts, and the processes of neighbouring cells are partly connected together. But the one pro- cess which is distinguishable from the rest passes along for a certain distance as a cylindrical cord, and then, suddenly becoming thicker, it encases itself in a me- dullary sheath, and in appearance entirely resembles the medullary fibres of the peripheric system. It is extremely probable, although it is hard to prove it with certainty, that a fibre of this sort passing out of the dorsal marrow is directly transformed into a peripheric "nerve-fibre, while the protoplasmic processes continu- ing on their course within the central organ serve to connect the ganglion-cells. The nerve-system, the main parts of which we have thus roughly examined, effects the motions and sensa- tions of the body. These qualities belong, however, mainly to the central parts, in which ganglion-cells occur. The peripheric nerve-fibres act merely as con- ducting or transmitting apparatus to or from the central organs. Before examining the peculiar action of the central nervous system, it is desirable to devote some attention to this conducting apparatus and to dis- cover its nature. 2. On exposing one of the peripheric nerves of a living animal and allowing irritants to act upon this, in the way which was described in the case of muscles, two effects are usually observable. The animal suffers pain, which it expresses by violent motion or cries, and, at the same time, individual muscles contract. On tracing the irritated nerve to the periphery, it will be 108 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NEKVF-. found tliat certain of its fibres unite with those muscles which pulsated. We already know that the other end of the lierve is connected with tile nerve-cent l'c. If the nerve is cut at a point between the irritat.-d spot and the nerve-centre, the niusoular pulsation occurs as before on the re-application of the irritant, but the sensation of pain is al»eiit. If, on the other hand, the nerve is cut at a point nearer the periphery, no muscular pulsation results from irritation, but pain is felt. It thus appears that the peripherie nerves, when irritated at any point in their course, are able to e.iuse etVe.-ts both at their central and peripherie ends, provided that the conductive power of the nerves re- mains uninjured in both directions. This enables us to study more closely the action of the nerves on the muscles, bv extracting and preparing a portion of the nerve with its mul.ock \>\-«- duces a muscular pulsation, and if many separate in- ductive shocks are applied to the nerve, the muscle passes into a state of tetanus. These inductive shocks must be applied to the nerve at some distance from the muscle. Each inductive shock induces a muscu- lar pulsation. On cutting the nerve with a pair of scissors, between the point irritated and the muscle. all influence upon the muscle ceases. It is useless to place two cut surfaces together, even with the greatest care; they may adhere, and the nerve, when super- ficially examined, may appear uninjured, but irritants applied above the point of section cannot act through the nerve upon the muscle. The same thing occurs if a thread, passed round the nerve, is drawn ti^ht be- tween the point irritated and the muscle. The thread may be removed, but the crushed spot proves an im- passable barrier to all influence on the muscle. ]f, however, the wires are moved and the inductive cur- rents are applied to another point below the cut or the constriction, the action at once recommences. 3. The conclusion to be drawn from these experi- ments is, either that the nerve, even if only a small portion of it is irritated, passes at once into an active condition throughout its entire length as far as the muscle, or that the irritant acts direct ly only on the spot immediately irritated, and that the activity which is excited in the nerve at this point propagates itself alon^r the tihn-s until it reaches the muscle in which it causes a contraction. It' the latter view is correct, it must also he inferred that any injury to the nerve-fibre prevents the propagation of the activity in the latter; ami it may also be deduced from the experiments with TRANSMISSION OF THE EXCITEMENT. Ill the constricted nerves, that even if the nerve-sheath is in no way injured, the crushing of the contents of the nerve is in itself sufficient to prevent propagation of the activity. It can be shown that this latter view of the nature of the case is actually correct. For it is possible to determine the time which elapses between the irritation of the nerve and the commencement of muscular pulsation. For this purpose the same methods are applicable as we employed in the case of muscles. Electric measurement of time, or the myograph represented in fig. 17, may be used for this purpose. As however in the present case the point to be determined is, not the form of the muscle-curve, but the moment of its commencement, duBois-Keymond simplified the apparatus so that the curve is drawn on a flat plate, which is pushed forward by spring power. Fig. 28 represents the apparatus. It stands on a strong cast-iron stand from which rise the two massive brass standards A and B. A light brass frame carries the indicating plate, which is of polished looking-glass, 1 60 mm. in length by 50 mm. in breadth. The frame runs with the least possible amount of friction on two parallel steel wires stretched between the standards. The dis- tance between the standards is equal to twice the length of the frame, so that the whole length of the plate passes across the indicating pencil when the frame is pushed from standard to standard. Bound steel rods are fastened to the short sides of the frame ; and these rods in length somewhat exceed the path along which the frame passes, and they then pass, with as little friction as possible, through holes in the standards A and B. The end b of one of these rods is surrounded by a steel spring. By compressing this between the standard B and a knob on .11' PHYSIOLOGY "!•' MCSCI.KS AND NKK\ I s. t h< i Mil i >f the nx|, mid thus driving" the frame \\ it h the rods from // to J. iu a direct j.m oppusitt1 to that, of the arrow on the indicating jilate, a point is reached at which the • trigger ' which is seen on the standard A , and which ;:cts upward, tits into a corresponding notch in the rod at a, thus preventing the re-ext elision of the spring. It therefore remains compressed till pressure A I I'.. -J>. Sl'lil.NO MvncKAril. AS I'SKD BY DC IJolS H I V M. >N i '. Oil the trigger frees the frame, which then traverses the whole length of the wires at a speed depending on the strength of the spring, A.V.. in the direct i.m from .-1 to />', that indicated by th<' arrow. In order to dc>eril>e the muscle-pulsation on this plate, side liy side uilh ,t t he;-e is a lever \\ith an indicating pein-il, such as was u>ed iii the former ex- periment , t« indicate the height of miix-iilar elevation TRANSMISSION OF THE EXCITEMENT. 113 and the elastic extension (see fig. 8, p. 26). This part is omitted in fig. 28, in. order to make the indicating plate more visible. The rate at which the plate flies from A to B at first increases up to the point at which the spring exceeds the position in which it was when at rest. When the frame is in the position corresponding with this point, a projection d, which is situated on the lower edge of the frame, strikes the lever h and thus opens the main current of an inductorium, by which an inductive current is caused in the secondary coil of the inductorium ; and this traverses and irritates the muscle. The result of this is that the muscle is irritated exactly at the moment at which the glass plate assumes a definite position relatively to the indicating pencil of the lever. If the glass plate is first pushed toward A, and is then slowly pushed toward 5, until the projection d just touches the lever, and if the muscle is then caused to pulsate, the indicating pencil, being raised by the pulsation, describes a vertical line, the height of which represents the height of elevation of the muscle. If the glass plate is again brought back to A, and, by pressing the trigger, is then caused to fly suddenly and with great speed toward B, then the irritation of the muscle will occur when the glass plate is in exactly the same position, the indicating pencil standing exactly at the vertical stroke before described. The muscular pulsation thus produced will, however, in this case be indicated on the rapidly moving glass plate, with the result of giving, not a simple vertical stroke, but a curved line. The distance of the point of commence- ment from the vertical stroke expresses the latent irritation. If, instead of irritating the muscle itself, a point 114 PHYSIOLOGY (>F Ml SCLF.S AND .NKKV1-. in tin' nerve i- exposed to the irritation. (I,,- muscle in thi< case also describes tin- curve of its pukition ,,n tin- rajiidly mo\ ed plate of tin- myograph. Arranging matters BO thai two curves of pulsation arc allowed to describe thenisi'lve- in immediate sequence, hut with the dil'i'ereiice that the nerve is irritated in one case at a point near the muscle, but in the other case at a point far from the muscle, two curves will lie obtained on the plate of the myograph, which will appear ex- actly alike but yet will not cover each other. On the contrary, they are everywhere somewhat separated from each oti;"r, as is shown in figure 29. l In this 0 ll " I 10. •_".'. PROPAGATION or THE Kxrm.MF.XT WITHIN M i:\ I:R. figure, a b c is the curve lirst described, on irritation of the nearer portion of the nerve; in order to dis- tinguish it from the other it is marked by small nicks; a' b' c' represent s t he curve indicated immediately after the former, but obtained as the result of the irritation of a port ion of the nerve remote from the muscle. The ond curve is seen to lie somewhat separated from the other; it does not commence so soon after the moment of irritat ion ( \\hich i> indicated by the vertical stroke o r. that i<. a longer time elap-ed bet \\ ecu t lie moment of 1 Tin- curves in \\'-r. '-".' \\ • 'liin •<} \\lim tlic glass \ mn\ri| niori- r;i|ii«lly. so lli:il ll.ry :\\-\ i'.ir ninrc rxicmlrd than Ihi'.-t: in li'j ni'i- 1 s. TRANSMISSION OF THE EXCITEMENT. 115 irritation and the pulsation of the muscle in the latter case than in the former ; and this difference evidently depends only on the fact that in the latter case the excitement within the nerve had to traverse a longer distance, and therefore reached the muscle later, so that the pulsation did not begin till later. This 'time may be measured, if the rate at which the plate moved is known ; or if simultaneously with the muscle-pulsation the vibrations of a tuning-fork are allowed to indicate themselves on the plate. From the time thus found and from the known distance between the two irritated points of the nerve, the rate at which the excitement propagates itself along the nerve may be calculated. Helmholtz, on the ground of his experiments with the nerves of frogs, found it to be about 24 m. per second. It is not, however, quite constant, but varies with the temperature, being greater in higher and less in lower temperatures. It has also been determined in the case of man. If the wires of the inductive apparatus are placed on the uninjured human skin, it is possible, as the skin is not an isolator, to excite the underlying nerves, especially where they are superficially situated. On thus irritating two points in the course of the same nerve, the resulting pheno- mena are exactly the same as those just observed in the case of the nerves of frogs. In order to determine the commencement of the muscle pulsation in the un- injured human muscle, a light lever is placed on the muscle in such a way that it is raised by the thickening of the latter. Experiments of this kind were made by Helmholtz with the muscles of the thumb. The appro- priate nerve (n. medianus} may be irritated near the wrist and near the elbow. From the resulting difference JIG PHYSIOLOGY OF ML'SCLKS AND NERVES. in time and from the distance between the two irritated {'••hits the rate of propagation of tlie excitement was found to be 30 in. per second. The high figure ;is com- pared \vith that found with the nerves of frogs i> A O plained l)y the higher temperature of human ner\es. The rate of propagation would indeed be much lowered if the temperature of the arm were considerably de- creased by the use of ice. The above calculation of the rate of propagation is made OH the assumption that this rate is constant, throughout its duration. There is, however, nothing to show that this is the case. On the contrary, it is more probable, that the propagation proceeds at first at a greater and afterwards at a less speed. This may be infern-d from an experiment arranged by H. IMunk. If three pairs of wires are applied to a long nerve, one close to the, muscle, another at the centre, and the third considerably above, and then causing three con- secutive curves to describe themselves on the mvo- graph plate by irritating these three points, it will be found that the three curves are not equally removed from each other; on the contrary, the first and second stand very near together, while the third is far from the two former. More than double the time was re- quired for the excitement to traverse the full distance from the upper to the lower end than it took to traverse the half-distance from the middle of the nerve to its louer end. The simplest explanation which can be given of this phenomenon is that t he excitement during its propagation is gradual ly retarded, just as a billiard ball moves al tirst very quickly bill afterward at a gradually decreasing speed. The retardation of the billiard ball is due to the friction of (he undcrl \ ing surface. From ISOLATED TRANSMISSION. 117 this it may be inferred that a resistance to the trans- mission exists within the nerve, and that this gradually retards the rate of propagation. Such a resistance to transmission is also probable on certain other grounds, to which subject we shall presently revert. 4. If the main stem of a nerve is irritated by elec- tric shocks, all the fibres are invariably simultaneously irritated. On tracing the sciatic nerve to its point of escape from the vertebral column, it appears that it is there composed of four distinct branches, the so-called roots of the sciatic plexus. These rootlets may be separately irritated, and when this is done contractions result, which do not, however, affect the whole leg but only separate muscles, and different muscles according to which of the roots is irritated. Now as the fibres contained in the root afterward coalesce in the sciatic nerve within a membrane, it follows from the experi- ment just described that the irritation yet remains isolated in the separate fibres and is not imparted to the neighbouring fibres. This statement holds good of all peripheric nerves. Wherever it is possible to irri- tate separate fibres the irritation is always confined to these fibres and is not transmitted to those adja- cent. We shall afterwards find that such transmis- sions from one fibre to another occur within the cen- tral organs of the nervous system.' But in these cases it can be shown with great probability that the fibres not only lie side by side, but that they are in some way interconnected by their processes. In peripheric nerve-fibres the irritation always remains isolated. Their action is like that of electric wires enclosed in insulating sheaths. One of these nerves may indeed be compared to a bundle of telegraph wires, which are 118 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AM> NKRVES. protected fnun direct contact with each other by gutta- ]>ereh;i or by some other substance. The comparison i-. h«i\vever, but superficial. No electrically-isolating membrane can really be discovered in any part of the nerve-fibre, but all their parts conduct electricity. When, as we shall presently find, electric processes occur within the nerve, these standing in definite re- lat ion to the activity of the nerves, we must assume that isolation as it occurs in the nerves is not the same as in telegraph wires. We cannot here trace the matter further, but must accept the fact of isolated conduction as such, reserving its explanation for a future occasion. 5. On irritating the nerves by means of currents from an inductive apparatus, it is found that the pulsa- tions which occur are sometimes strong, sometime> weak. All nerves are not alike in this respect, and even the parts of one and the same nerve are often very different. We must accordingly suppose that nrncs are variable in the degree in which they receive irritation. This is spoken of as the excitability of the nerve, to express the greater or less ease with which they may be put in action by external irritation. T\\<> ways may be adopted to measure the excitability of a nerve or of a certain point in a nerve. Either the same irritant may always be used, and the excitability may be determined- by the strength of the muscular pulsation evoked by this irritant; or the irritant mo.y be altered until it just suffices to evoke a muscular pulsation of a definite strength. In the former case it is evident that the excitability must lie estimated as higher in proportion as the muscular pulsation pro- duced I iy the irritant is stronger; in the latter case the exeitabilily is said to be greater in proportion EXCITABILITY. 119 as the irritant which is able to evoke a pulsation of definite strength is weaker. Each of these methods when practically applied has advantages and disad- vantages. The former is capable of detecting very minute differences in the excitability, but it can only do this within certain narrow limits ; for when the excitability sinks, the limit for a definite irritant is soon reached, after which no further pulsation at all results ; and when the excitability rises, the muscle attains its maximum contraction, above which it is incapable of further contraction. Changes above or below either of these limits are, therefore, beyond observation so long as the irritant remains the same. The best way to apply the second method practically is to find that strength of irritant which exactly suffices to produce a just observable contraction of the muscle. This assumes the power of graduating the strength of the irritant at pleasure. If inductive currents are used to effect irritation, this graduation may be made with the greatest precision by altering the distance between the primary and secondary coils of the apparatus. In du Bois-Reymond's sliding inductive apparatus, repre- sented in fig. 13, p. 35, the secondary coil is, there- fore, attached to a slide which may be moved forward in a long groove. This arrangement is used in order to find the particular distance of the secondary coil from the primary which results in a just observable contraction of the muscle ; and this distance, which can be measured by means of a scale divided into millimetres, is regarded as the measure of excitability.1 6. If a recently prepared nerve, as fresh as possible, is placed on a series of pairs of wires, and the excita- 1 See Notes and Additions, No. 3. 120 PlIY.SlMl.'H.y OF MUSCLI> AM> NEBVES. bility at the \ari. -us points of t he nerve is cou.-eciit i\ , 1 v determined in tin- way described above, it is generally found tliat tlir r\ritaliility of the upper j art of the nerve is greater tliaii that of the lower. Ihnv is. how- ever, no great ivniilant y in this charact itna!rd nr.-n-est the muscle, and at a little later period even this part, lircoino dead. After the \\holr nn-\r is drad, pul- sations may yet always be olitained ibr a timr bv direct irritation of thr muscle. The mnscU- dors not, usually die until much later than the nervo Yet in a (|iiite fresh preparation of the nerve and mn>i-|r. t he Latter i- always less ex«-italile than the former, and a much stiMii^er irritant is required to excite the mii-elr diri'ctly, than indirectly through the n.-rve. In all these experiments the oerve must lie ca re- full \ protected from drying up, a> oilurwise ilsexcita- CURVE OF EXCITABILITY. 121 bility is very soon destroyed, and in a very irregular manner. We have seen that the nerve dies gradually from the top downward. This death does not, however, consist in a simple falling off in the excitability from its original degree till it completely dies out. If the excitability is tested from time to time at a point some distance from the cut end, it is found to increase at first until it reaches a maximum, at which it remains for some time stationary, and it is not till after this that it gradually decreases and finally expires. The further the point experimented on is from the point which has been cut, the more slowly do all these changes occur ; but their sequence is in all cases essen- tially alike. The explanation of this may be that the upper parts of the nerve, which directly after the pre- paration is made usually exhibit the highest degree of excitability, are really already changed. It must be assumed that these changes intervene very quickly at a point close to the section, so that it is impossible to submit these points to observation until they are al- ready in the condition which does not intervene till later at the lower points — in the condition, that is, of increased excitability. This view is confirmed by the following experiment : if the excitability is determined at a lower point of the nerve, and the latter is then cut through above this point, the excitability increases at the point tested, and this takes place more quickly in proportion as the cut was made nearer to the tested spot. Each of the lower points may, therefore, be artificially brought under the same conditions under which only the upper parts of the nerve usually lie, that is, it may be arranged that they are near the 122 PHYSIOLOGY OK MUSCLES AM) NKKYF.S. point of section. These changes in the excitability may, then-fore, be thus conceived: tliat when the nerve is cut smne influence makes itself felt from this cut, and that this first increases the excitability of the nerve, then decreases, and then extinguishes it. If this view is right, we must assume that the high degree of excitability of a freshly cut nerve is also only the result of the incision which is made. This is not, however, exactly the case. The nerve with the muscle of a living frog may be freed and prepared up I-, the vertebral column without separating it from the dorsal marrow. On irritating the various points in such a nerve, differences, slight indeed but yet observable, are noticed in the excitability, the upper parts being always more excitable than the lower. Uninjured human nerves may also, as we have seen, be irritated at various points in their course, and in this case also it is found that irritation is invariably more ea-ily effec- tive in the upper than in the lower parts. rtliiger, who first called attention to the differences of excitability at the various points of the nerve, thought that the explanation of this is that the irritation evoked atone point in the nerve, in propagating itself along the nerve, gradually increases in strength; he spoke of it as an x. This explanation appears to contra- diet the above-meiit ioiied fact as to the effect of cutting on the nerve, for in such eases it appears that the irri- tation is strengthened by the cutting away of the higher portion of the nerve, even though the length of that portion <>f (he n.Tve which is traversed by the. irritation remains unaltered. It must at any rate be admitted that at one and the same point in the nerve DEATH OF THE NERVE. 123 the excitability may vary in degree, and it is therefore simpler to assume that the difference in the results of irritating the nerve at various points depends directly on differences in the excitability at those points, instead of being in the first place dependent on changes caused by transmission ; it can even be shown to be probable on various grounds, as indicated above, that the excite- ment in propagating itself through the nerve meets with resistance, and is therefore rather weakened than strengthened. Why the excitability differs in different parts of the same nerve we cannot explain. As long as we are ignorant of the inner mechanism of nerve- excitement, we must be satisfied to collect facts and to draw attention as far as may be to the connection of details, but we must decline to offer a full explanation of these.1 7. The phenomena of exhaustion and recovery may be exhibited in nerves as in muscles. If a single point in a nerve is frequently irritated, the actions become weaker after a time, and finally cease entirely. If the nerve is then allowed to rest for a time, new pulsations may again be elicited from the same point. It is not known whether this exhaustion and recovery corresponds with chemical changes in the nerve. We are almost entirely ignorant of the whole subject of chemical changes within the nerve. Some observers maintain that in the nerve, as in the muscle, an acid is set free during the active condition, but this is denied by others. The generation of warmth in the nerve during its activity has also been asserted, but this is also doubtful. If any chemical changes do take place within the nerve, they are extremely weak and 1 See Notes and Additions, No. 4. v or MI .-ru-:s AM» M:I;\I cannot lie shown with mil' present appliances. As motions of the smallest particles (molecules) probably take plaee iu the nerve, though the external form remains unaltered, mid therefore no work worthy of consideration is accomplished, it is ea>ilv intelligible that the>e processes may be accompanied only by ex- tremely slight changes in the constituent parts. The speed with which death and the changes in excitability connected with death take place mainly depends, apart from the length of the nerve, on the temperature. The higher the temperature the more quickly does the nerve die. At a temperature of 44° C. death occurs in from ten to fifteen minutes; at 75° C. in a few -eeonds; and in the ayerage temperature of a room the lower ends of a long sciatic nerve may re- tain their excitability for twenty-four hours or longer after extraction and preparation. Drying at lir.-t in- creases the excitability, but a fterwards. rapidly deciva.-es it. Chemical agents, such as acids, alkalis and salts, destroy the excitability the more rapidly the more concentrated they are. In distilled water the nerve swells and rapidly becomes incapable of excitement. There are, therefore, certain densities of salt solutions in \\hich the nerve remains excitable longer than in thinner or in more dense solutions. A solnt ion of com- mon salt of 0-6 to 1 per Cent., for instance, has almost llo effect on ;i l|er\e submerged ill it, and preserves the excitability of this nerve about a- long as damp air. I'ui'e olive oil, if not acid, may al-o be reganled as innocuous. These are, therefore, u-, d when the in- Iliiciiee of different temperatures on the nerve is to he- studied. CHAPTER VIII. 1 Electrotonus ; 2, Modifications of excitability : 3. Law of pulsa- tions ; 4. Connection of electrotonus with excitability; 5. Trans- mission of excitability in electrotonus; 6. Explanation of the law of pulsations ; 7. General law of nerve-excitement. 1. It has already been observed that a constant elec- tric current, if transmitted through the nerve, is able to excite the latter; but that this exciting influence takes effect especially at the moment at which the cur- rent is closed and opened, and that it is less effective during the course of the current's duration. As yet it has been desirable for our purpose, that of studying the process of excitement in nerves, to make use of induc- tive currents, which are of such short duration that the closing and the opening, the beginning and the end, immediately follow each other in quick succession. Without now entering into the question, to be dis- cussed later, as to why the exciting action of the cur- rent is less during the steady flow of the latter than at the moments of closing and opening, we will now ex- amine whether the electric currents which traverse the nerves do not act on the nerves in some other way, distinct from their exciting influence. Let us suppose that the current traverses either the whole or a portion of a nerve. At the instant at which the current in the nerve is closed, the appropriate muscle 126 -PHYSIOLOGY OF MOCM- AM> NKi;\ i pulsates, thus indicating that something, which AVI- have called excitement, has occurred within the nerve. "While. however, tho current flows steadily through the nerve, the muscle remains perfectly quiescent, nor is any change apparent in the nerve itself. Yet it may easily be proved that the electric current has effected a com- plete change in the nerve, not only iu that part traversed by the cunvni , but also in the neighbouring parts above and bel»w the portion of the nerve subjected to the electric current. The great importance of this lies in the fact that it reveals relations between Ihe forces prevailing in the nerves and the processes of the elec- tric currents, which relations are of great importance in the explanation of the activity of nerve-. Our knowledge of nerves has not as yet reached a point at which it is possible to understand all the changes which occur within them under the influence of elect ric currents. Indeed, but one set of these changes can as yet be described: these are the changes in the excitability. Of all the vital phenomena of nerves, their capacity of being brought into an active condition by irritants has at present alone been studied by us. This, as has been said in the previous chapter, may be quan- titativdy determined. Experiment shows that the ex- citability may be altered by electric currents It' a small pMi-tion of a nerve is placed on two \\ires in such a way that an electric current may be caused to traverse this port i<>n. jt appeal's that not only the portion actually traversed by the current, but the nerve bevoiul this also suiters changes in its excitability. In order to study these, let us imagine several piirs of wires ap- plied to the nerve; n n' (fig. 30). Through one of these pairs of wires, c d, let a constant current be ELECTROTONUS. 127 conducted ; by means of proper apparatus the current may be strengthened or weakened, and may be closed and interrupted by means of a key at s. Let a current from a sliding inductive apparatus pass through another portion of the nerve, e.g. a 6, and let us find that posi- tion of the secondary coil at which the muscle exhibits marked pulsations of medium strength. The changes which occur in these pulsations when the current in the portion c d is alternately closed and interrupted FIG. 30. ELECTROTOXUS. must now be observed. It is found that these changes depend on the direction of the current within the nerve. If the current passes in the direction from c to d, then the action of the same irritant is weakened in the por- tion a b as soon as the current is closed, but regains its former strength as soon as the current is' interrupted. In this case, therefore, the excitability in the contiguous portion a b was lowered or hindered by the influence of the constant current traversing the portion c d. If, however, the constant current is reversed, so that it 128 PHYSIOLOGY OF MCSCLES AND NERVES. passes from d to c, the influence of the irritant seems, on the contrary. to increase, in a 1> when the current is closed, and to roiiine its original strength uhni the current is interrupted. In this case, therefore, it ap- pears that 1 1n- act i- m of the current tends to increa>e the excitability. If the wires e f are next connected with the secondary coil of the inductive apparatus, and if the irritants are again applied in such a way that weak but noticeable pulsations occur, these latter arc strengthened when the current in the portion c d passes from do d; and are, on the contrary, weakened when the current is in the opposite direction. In these two series of experiments the irritant was applied in one case above, in the other case below, the constant cur- rent. Both cases showed consistent results. As soon, that is, as the irritant acted on the side of the po«'tt'ir>> electrode or the anode, through which the current entered the nerve, the excitability was in both cases lowered. But when the irritant was applied on the side of the negative electrode or the kathode, through which the current emerged from the nerve, the irritant 1 icing1 strengthened, the excitability increased. These changes in the excitability may be shown throughout the whole length of the nerve; but they are strongest in the immediate neighbourhood of the portion traversed by the constant current, gradually decreasing upward and do\\ uward from the electrodes. In order to find whether a change in the excitability aUo occurs within the .electrodes, the current must be made to traver-c a long,-]- p,.rt i,,n (,f (he nerve, and the irritant must then be applied (o a point \\itliiu the electrodes. Accordingto the point at which the elec- trode is applied, VarioUfl changes maybe sho\\u to occur ELECTROTONUS 129 here also. If the irritant is near the positive electrode, the excitability is lowered ; near the negative electrode it is increased ; and between the two occurs a point at which no noticeable change in the excitability takes place under the influence of the constant current. From all these experiments we may infer that a nerve, one part of the length of which is traversed by a constant current, passes throughout its whole length into an altered condition, and that this is expressed in the excitability. One part of the nerve, that on the side of the positive electrode, exhibits decreased excita- bility; the part of the nerve corresponding with the negative electrode exhibits increased excitability. This altered condition is spoken of as the electrotonus of the nerve, the condition which exists on the side of the anode being distinguished as anelectrotonus ; that on the side of the kathode as katelectrotonus. Where the anelectrotonus approaches the katelectrotonus, a point occurs between the electrodes at which the excitabilitv remains unchanged ; this is called the neutral point. The neutral point does not, however, always lie exactly between the electrodes ; but its position depends on the strength of the applied currents. When the cur- rents are weak, it lies nearer the anode ; when they are stronger, it is situated nearer the kathode ; and when the currents are of a certain medium strength, the neutral point is exactly midway between the two electrodes. This electrotonic condition of the nerve may be ex- hibited as in fig. 31. In this n nf indicates the nerve, a and k the electrodes, a signifying the anode, k the kathode. The direction of the current within the nerve is, therefore, that indicated by the arrow. In order to 7 130 PHYSIOLOGY OF MrsfLER AXU NERVES. indicate the change \\hich the excitabilit y undergoes at any definite p >int in the nerve, let us suppose a straight line drawn at this point at ri^ht angles to the longitn- dinal direction ,>f the n«-r\e. and let this line he made longer in prop .rtioii as the change i> greater. In order. inoreo\er, to show that the changes which occur toward the anode are of an opposite tendency to those toward the kathode, let the line on the anode side be drawn downward, that on the kathode upward. ]'>y connect ing together the heads of these lines a curve is obtained which diagrammatical]? represents the changes at each rr X X ixrs rxni-:u TIIK IXFI.IKM i. OF VAKVIM. yn:i:.\<:Tii. ])oint. Of the three CUrVCS, the middle represents the condition under the influence of a current of medium strength; (he other (wo curves, indicated, the one by short lines, the other by a dotted line, represent ihe conditions under the influence of a >trong and of a weak current respectively. These curves show thai tin changes are more marked in proportion as the cur- rent is stronger ; that they are most strongly developed exactly at the electrode poinl>; and, finally, that the neutral point, under the influence of currents of dif- ferent degrees of strength, assumes a \ariable portion betWeell th'- electrodes. MODIFICATION OF THE EXCITABILITY. 131 2. Apart from these changes in the excitability which are thus observable while a continuous current passes through the nerve, others can also be shown to occur immediately after the opening of the current. Indeed, the excitability altered in electrotonus does not immediately revert to its normal value when the cur- rent is interrupted, but only regains this after the lapse of a short time. The duration of the changes in the excitability observable after the opening of the current is greater in proportion as the current is stronger and its duration is longer. These changes, which, to dis- tinguish them from the electrotonic changes, are called modifications of the excitability, are not merely the continuance of an electrotonic condition, but are some- times completely different from the latter. If, for in- stance, the experiment is tried at a point near the anode, at which the excitability is decreased during the continuance of the current, the excitability is found to be increased immediately after the opening of the current, and it is not till after this that the original normal excitability is regained. Similarly, in the neigh- bourhood of the kathode, the excitability decreases for a short time after the opening of the current, after which it again increases, and only gradually regains its normal condition. As a rule, these modifications do not last more than a few parts of a second. If, however, the constant current has been long present in the nerve, these modifications may endure for a somewhat longer period. On account of their transient nature it is diffi- cult to observe and test them. The change of condi- tion which follows the opening of the current within the nerve may, moreover, lead to excitement in the latter ; so that, on the opening of a current which has been 132 niYSIoUHJY OF MI-n.KS AND NKKYKS. present in tin- ner\e for -Mine time, a scrips of pulsa- tions or :in apparent tetanus is occasionally observed. Thi.- phenomenon lias long been known as an opening t claim.-, "i- as // /'//••/•"* /»•/»/// /fx. Tin- comic. 1 ion existing between these changes in the excitability, and the fact that the nerve may be' excited by electric current-, ha- led to the adoption of a \ ie\v of t he elect ric excitement in nerves which we shall not be able to develop until we have more closely studied electric excitement itself. 3. If a continuous current is passed through a nerve, and is alternately closed and opened, the excitement appears to occur irregularly, sometimes at the closing, -"met imes at the opening of the current, and occasion- ally even at both. Closer observation has, however, shown that very definite laws control this. pro\ ided that attention is paid to the strength of the current and its direction within the nerve. Let us tir.-t examine these phenomena as they occur in fresh nerve, and, as we found that the conditions in the nerve change very rapidly in the neighbourhood of the cut end, let us commence onr observations at a low point in a fresh nerve, of which as great a length as possible has been extracted. For this purpose it is especially neces-ary to possess a convenient mean- of graduating at will the strength of the applied currents. Various methods have been used for this purpose. The best is that which is based on the distribution of the currents in branching conduc- tors. The electric current, on being made to traverse a conductor which sepaiates at any point into two branches, divides, the stiviiv.th of the currents distri- buted into these two branche- no) being ahvav- eipial, but being in each branch in Inverse ratio to the resis- tance offered in that branch. Supposing thai the nerve LAW OF PULSATIONS. 133 is inserted in one branch, and that the resistance of the other branch is altered, then the strength of the cur- rent passing through the nerve will change, although the conductor which contains the nerve remains un- altered ; the current -within the nerve will increase in strength when the resistance in the other branch is increased, and it will decrease when the resistance in this branch is decreased. The resistance of a wire being proportionate to its length, it is only necessary to arrange, as the conductor FIG. 32. EiiEociioitn. A S, a wire the length of which can be in some way altered. The simplest way of doing this is by extend- ing the wire in a straight line and moving a sliding- piece along it, so that any required length of the wire may be brought into the conductor. Such an apparatus is called a rheochord, from psos, a current, and ^opEy, a chord — because the current is conducted along a wire extended like a chord. A rheochord of the simplest kind is represented in fig. 32. The current of the chain P Z traverses the wire A B. From J. a branch con- 134 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKKVI 3. diu-t MI- passes to the nerve, aud returns from there to tli^ >lide S, which slips along the wire A B. The branch-current traversing the nerve is strengthened or weakened according as this slide is placed further from or nearer to J . r.y niraus of a rheochord of this sort there is no difficulty in making the currents within the nerve so weak that they exercise no influence at all. If their strength is then gradually increased, a pulsation is always first seen to occur in the fresh nerve when the current is closed, whatever the direction of the current within the nerve. In order to be able to indicate the direction, it has become customary to speak of such a current, when it passes within the nerve from a central to the inure peripheric parts, as tages of excitability being distinguished; the signs remain the same as in the former table. L.\\v OF PULSATIONS IN THE CASE OF DYIM; NI:UVK. (Under the Application of Weak Cum-nts.) 1 1'irst Stage Second S: Third SUige S, 7. 0, 11 S, Z 0, Z S, / O, U t 8, 7. 0, R S, V. 0, Z S, 11 0, Z It is at once apparent that these two eases of the law of pulsation, occurring in different circumstances, • lit irely agree. The sequence of the phenomena which occur at the death of the nerve on the applicat ion of cur- rents of little power is exactly the same as that which may be elicited from a fresh nerve by gradually increas- ing the strength <->f the current. In other words, if the nerve is irritated with weak, unvaried currents, these aet on a f re>li nerve, after a time, in exactly the same way as currents of medium .strength, and, after a somewhat longer time, as powerful currents would have aei,-d. In order to understand this, it is accessary to recall our pre\ioiis experiences of the changes in the excitability at the death of the nerve. We found thai iu that case tlie excitability at first rises and attains a maximum before it again falls. Supposing, therefore, a I're.-h in-r\ e is irritated by means of current s of detinil e but weak strength, and supposing that this nerve is ex- amined after the lapse of a .-hort time, during which its excitability has risen, it is evident that these weak cur- LAW OF PULSATIONS. 137 rents must already act as would stronger, and that, when the excitability has risen yet further, that they will act as very strong currents. The expressions weak, strong, and medium currents bear no absolute meaning, the same in the case of all nerves, but must always be under- stood relatively to the excitability of the nerve. That which in the case of one nerve is a weak current may evidently act as much stronger in the case of another nerve the excitability of which is much greater; and, moreover, one single nerve, at different times, may be conditioned in this respect as though it were two diffe- rent nerves, if its excitability has in the interval under- gone considerable changes. There can, therefore, be no difficulty in understanding how, as the excitability gradually rises, the action of weak currents gradually becomes equal to that of medium and strong currents. One striking fact must, however, be observed. As the excitability after it has reached its highest point begins to fall again before it entirely disappears, it might be supposed that the same currents which at the extreme height of the excitability acted as strong currents, would now act again as currents of medium strength, and then as weak currents, before they entirely lose their power. According to this, the third stage of excitability, in which a closing pulsation is observable in the case of the descending current, an opening pul- sation in the case of the ascending current, should be succeeded by a fourth and a fifth stage, of which the fourth should resemble the second, and the fifth the first. This has indeed been said to occur by some observers, but it does not appear as a rule. In explana- tion of this, it has been assumed that no real, but only an apparent decrease of the excitability takes place after 138 PHYSIOLOGY OF Mt\SCLES AND NERVES. it lias reached its highest point. It must, moreover, be remembered that it is nev.er merely a single cross-section of ;i inTVe which is irritated, but always a portion of greater extent, and that the excitability measured by us is in reality only the average excitability of the various point.- within the irritated portion. It may further be a—iimed that the excitability at each point, when it has reached its height, is very rapidly, if not instan- taneously, destroyed. As this, however, occurs sooner at the higher than at the lower points, it follows also that the excited portion, beginning from the top, gradually becomes a powerless thread, which is, how- ever, still capable of transmitting electricity. The ex- citement occurs in reality only in the lower division of the portion irritated, and this, as long as it retains an\ power of action, must remain at the highest point of excitability.1 4. In studying the law of pulsations we attended • •nly to the closing- and opening of the current, entirely disregarding the period during which the continuous current flowed through the nerve. In reality, tin- nerve, as a rule, remains unexcited during this period. Sometimes, however, especially on the application .,f but moderately powerful currents, an enduring excite- ment expressing itself as a tetanus in the muscle is ob-er\able while the current lasts. Ascending and descending cm-rents do not behave quite alike in this matter. The latter are followed by tetanus, even in the case of currents of Somewhat high power, while the ascending currents are only followed by tetanus when they are weak. In all cases this tetanus is, however. but slight, and cammt lie compared \\Jth t]ia| which 1 Sec NI.V- .-in 1 \. Nil. .",. RELATION OF ELECTKOTONUS TO EXCITEMENT. 139 may be induced by repeated separate irritations, for instance, by inductive shocks, or by frequently and repeatedly closing and opening a current. It thus appears that variable currents are better adapted for effecting the excitement of a nerve than are con- stant currents. Inductive currents, though their dura- tion is extremely short, may be regarded as similar to constant currents which are re-opened immediately after being closed. True pulsations may indeed be un- failingly elicited, even with constant currents, if, by using suitable apparatus, they are but momentarily closed, and are then again reopened. But experience of the law of pulsations shows that either the closing or the opening are under certain circumstances alone sufficient to elicit pulsations. As we know that the altered condition called electrotonus is produced in the nerve by closing the current, and that on the opening of the current this condition gives place, if not im- mediately, yet after a short time, to the natural con- dition, we may, therefore, assume that the excitement of the nerve is actually due to the fact that the nerve passes from a natural into an electrotonic condition, or back again from this into its natural state. We may suppose that the smallest particles of the nerve are transferred, on the intervention of electrotonus, from their normal into changed positions, and that this mo- tion of the particles is under certain circumstances con- nected with excitement. We have, however, found that a nerve, when electrotonus intervenes, is distin- guishable into two parts, the conditions of which evi- dently differ ; for in the one, that of kat electrotonus, the excitement is increased, while in the other, that of anelectrotonus, it is decreased. It might, therefore, uu PHYSIOLOGY OF MIX 1.1 > AM) M-iK\ I >. lie posnlile that these t\\o conditions differ 111 the IV- lilt inn uhich they bear to the excitt ment. Indeed, 1'lliiger suppo.-ed that excitement occurs only at the commencement of katelectrotonus and at the cessation of anelectrotonus. ( )n the basis of this hypothesis the phenomena of the law of pulsations may be explained; and it becomes intelligible why on the eliding and npeiiing of the current pulsations sometimes occur and MX- sometimes absent. In order, however, fully to FlO. ">'•>. F.I.I'-' TI:i>Tii\TS. understand this hypothe-is and the law of j)iilsations lia-ed upon it, we lilll>» study the phenomena of elri- trotonus more closely than we have yet . We have already seen that the excitabilit v is in- creased mi the side of the kathode during the closing of the current, ami is decreased en the side of the anode. Kasy as it i> to prove this law under the appli- cation of \\eak, or medium currents, it is sometime.-* very hard to do ,-o \\ hen t he current causing the eh-c- trotoiuis is strong. Lei us a-ain iiiiiigine thai I he TRANSMISSION OF EXCITEMENT DURING ELECTROTONUS. 141 nerve, nn' (fig. 33) is traversed between c and d by an ascending current, and that it is irritated between the points e and/, above the portion traversed by the current. The muscle is accordingly at 71', as in our previous ob- servations. Irritation takes place on the side of the kathode. An increase in the excitability should there- fore occur. This may easily be shown when the cur- rents used for effecting electrotonus are weak. Tf, however, the current used for this purpose is somewhat strengthened, no increase in the excitability is ob- servable ; and, indeed, if the currents are sufficiently strong, it becomes quite impossible to effect contrac- tion in the muscle by irritation at ef. This may seem to afford an exception to the law of the electrotonic changes in the excitability. But from the previous experiments it is evident that this must not be in- ferred. Possibly the excitability is in reality increased at e f in entire accordance with the law ; but in order that the action of the excitement at this point should become visible, the excitement must pass through the portion under the influence of electrotonus, as well as through the an electrotonic portion lying below the latter, and it may be supposed that this propagation of the excitement meets with an insuperable obstacle in the condition of strong anelectrotonus which prevails there. It can indeed be shown that this is the case. If the current is reversed, so that it flows in a descend- ing direction through the nerve, then irritation at the portion a b will invariably show the existence of heightened excitement, however strong the current may be. But the portion a b is now under exactly the same conditions as was the portion e f previously. It is in itself very improbable that the nerve acts differently 142 PHYSIOLOGY (•!•• MUSCLES AND M'.KVFS. ill two sndi entirely similar cases. The difference between the two cases consists solely in the fact that in the latter the katelectrotonic point examined is situated immediately next to the muscle, so that its condition of excitability can be indicated directly by the muscle;, while in the case first observed, the con- dition <>f excitability at the point e /, before it can find expression in the muscle, must find means of passing through, the otherwise altered portions c d and a 6. Now it may, on the other hand, lie shown that transmission in a nerve under the influence of electrotonus really takes place at an altered speed. In the katelectrotonic portion the rate of propagation is but little altered- is, perhaps, slightly increased; but in the anelectro- tonic portion it is markedly decreased. From this it, may be inferred that anelect rotonus not only decrea-. - the excitability, but also hinders the propa^at il»tacle to the further pa->age of t he excit eiiient . The excitement \\hich occurs in ' lie upper half is, there- EXPLANATION OF THE LAW OF PULSATIONS. 143 fore, unable to reach the muscle, so that pulsation is necessarily absent on the closing of the current. In order to apply the corresponding case to the opening of a descending current, the help of another hypothesis is required, according to which the great modification which follows the disappearance of katelec- trotonus, and which so greatly decreases the excitability, also involves a hindrance to transmission. This assump- tion has not yet been experimentally proved ; proof is indeed difficult, on account of the ephemeral charac- ter of the modifications. The similarity of negative modification to anelectrotonus, both decreasing the excitability, favours the hypothesis that in negative modification also an obstacle is afforded to transmission. According to this view, the case is the same on the O 7 opening of a descending current as on the closing of an ascending current. According to Pfliigers hypothesis excitement occurs on the opening of a current only in that portion of the nerve at which anelectrotonus dis- appears. This, in the case of a descending current, is the upper portion of the nerve. In order to reach the muscle thence, the excitement would have to tra- verse the lower portion, which is at the same time taken possession of by a strong negative modification, and this prevents propagation of the excitement; no opening pulsations, therefore, occur in the case of the descend- ing current. Pfliiger supported his hypothesis by the following experiment. Mention has already been made of the so-called Ritter's tetanus, which intervenes when a current which has traversed a nerve for some time is interrupted. According to Pfliiger's hypothesis, this excitement should also be located on the side of the 144 rilYSIoLOiiY OF MUSCLES AND NKUVKS. anode. If an a-cending current is passed through a nerve, the anode side is situated in its lower portion j but it' lli«' ciirrcnt is descending, then it i- situated in the upper portion. If Hitter's tetanus is induced by mean- .NF.KYI-. able when some of its neighbours have been removed. NYithoiit, therefore, a-suming other resemblances be- tween tin: foive.s which act on the magnetic needles and those present ill the nerve, -we may arcept the comparison so far that we may imagine the nerve to consist of -eparate ininiite particles, arranged one behind the other in the longitudinal direct ion of the nerve, and mutually retaining each other in their position. Now, if there are forces which retain the particles in this relative position yet more firmly, it is evident that thev nm-t lesM-u the excitability; while, on the other hand, such forces as tend to move the nerve-part id from their relative positions must at the same time decrease the strength of their connection, and rai^t therefore render the nerve more excitable. As regards the elect rie current, we have seen that the two poles act on the nerve in opposite ways. \Ye may, therefore, as NKKVKS. with great speed,1 the ner\e is excited and the muscle pulsates. When, therefore, the current being closed or opened by means of the key, the nerve is excited, tliis is due to the fact that, the strength of the current increases with great rapidity from zero to its full strength, or sinks from the latter to zero. The facts thus observed explain why inductive shocks, which are of but very short duration, and in which closing and opening follow each other in such rapid succession, are so especially capable of exciting the nerve. All inductive shocks are not, however, equally adapted for this purpose. When, making use of the inductive apparatus already described, the current in the primary coil is closed and then interrupted, the result is the creation of two currents differing in their direction in the secondary coil, these being the closing inductive current and the opening induetive current. If these are made to pass through a nerve, the exciting influence of the latter is always much greater than that of the former. This can be very plainly shown In- placing the secondary coil at a distance from the pri- mary. By this means, a distance may always be found at which the opening inductive current i> active, while the closing inductive current as yet exercises no in- fluenee ; if the coils are then brought nearer to each other, the latter al-o becomes active. If, howe\.r. when the c.,iU of the inductive apparatus are in any portion, the secondary coil is connected with a mult i- plier, then the deflections of the magnetic nt edle are ahvavs of eijiial strength in the case of both inductive currents. The nerve, therefore, exhibits a difference which the multiplier is incapable of indicating. It ha-. however, been sho\\ n that the two inductive currents GENERAL LAW OF NERVE EXCITEMENT. 151 differ entirely in duration. The closing inductive cur- rent increases slowly, and decreases just as slowly, while, on the other hand, the opening inductive current very rapidly attains its full strength and ends just as quickly. It is to this difference that the latter evi- dently owes its greater physiological effect.1 Let us return to the experiment as first arranged with the rheochord. Instead of pushing along the slide between A and S} it may be moved backward or forward between any two points. The current in the nerve, in this case, never ceases, but is either strength- ened or weakened according to the direction in which the slide is moved. If the latter is moved suddenly and with great speed, it may produce excitement ; bi\t the nerve always remains unexcited when the move- ment is gradual. It therefore appears that it is not the actual closing and opening of a current which is required to excite the nerve, but that any change, whether it strengthens or weakens the current, is suffi- cient to effect this, provided that the alteration is sufficiently great and sufficiently rapid. Closing and opening are but special cases of alteration of the cur- rent in which one of the limits to the strength of the current = 0. The following law regarding the electric excitement of nerve may therefore be stated: any change in a current traversing a nerve may excite the latter if it is sufficiently strong, and if it occurs with sufficient speed. We have however seen that this law has very many exceptions. For under certain circum- stances a greater alteration (the closing of a strong ascending current) may appear to be without effect, al- though one less strong takes effect. If, however, it is 1 See Notes and Additions, No 6. ]52 rilYMMl.oiiY OF MUSCLES AM> NKKYl -. admitted that in sneh cases //. It occurs as soon «* such a flnl iled. It may be added that this law is in all essential points true also of muscle. Hut it appears that, the molecules of muscle are more sluggish than are those of nerve, so that in the former very transient- influences may more easily be without effect.1 1 Sec Notes and Additions, Xos. 7 and 8. CHAPTEE IX. /. Electric phenomena; 2. Electric fishes; 3. Electric organs; 4. Multiplier and tangent galvanometer ; 5. Difficulty of the study; 6. Homogeneous diverting vessels; 7. Electromotive force ; 8. Electric fall ; 9. Tension in the closing arch. 1. As yet in examining the essential qualities of muscles and nerves we have disregarded a series of important phenomena common to both, in order that we may now treat them as a whole. We refer to the electric actions which proceed from these tissues. Muscles and nerves are especially distinguished among all other tissues of the animal body by the fact that they exercise very regular and comparatively powerful electric action ; and from the relation existing between electric currents and the excitability of muscles and nerves it may be inferred that these independent elec- tric actions bear some relation to the essential qualities of muscles and nerves. It is true that electric action is exhibited in other animal, as well as vegetable tissues ; but these are very slight, and are apparently insignificant.1 Electric cur- rents are so easily generated under all circumstances that it is not very surprising that traces of them are 1 An exception is perhaps afforded by the electric phenomena of the leaves of Diuncea miiscijmla which will presently be men- tioned. 8 154 niYSlOl.iHiY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. everywhere to lie found. In the researches in which \\c are about t<> engage, we must always endeavour as far as possible to exclude these accidental currents, or at least to distinguish them from those currents which it is our task to examine. ;ind the causes of which lie in the animal tissues themselves. Apart from muscles and nerves, but one tissue seems endowed with some-* what strong elect lie action ; this is that of the glands. This has, indeed, not as yet been fully proved, but it ha- lieen shown to be in a very high degree probable. In connection with this it is a very interesting fact that the glands are in some physiological respects very similar to the muscles, and that they bear the same relations to nerves as do muscles. 2. There is, on the other hand, a tissue in which electric action is exhibited in far greater strength, so that its nature was known long before it was recog- nised that muscles and nerves possess the same capa- city. This tissue does not, however, occur in all animals, but only in a few fishes, which on this account are called electric tishes. In these animals special organs of peculiar structure occur, in which, as in an electric battery, currents of very considerable strength arise, the discharge of which is caused by the influence of t lie will, the animal using t his power to frighten its enemies, or to benumb and kill its prey. Long before the world knew anything accurately as to the phvsical nature of elect ric phenomena, such powerful influences a- are exhibited in elei-trie li.-hes did not fail to attract the attention of chance observers. Notices of these remarkable phenomena are actually found in ancient writers; and the h'.imaii pod Claudius Claudianus1 1 He lived in Alexandria toward ti.rcnrl nf tbe fourth century. ELECTRIC FISHES. 155 has given a very vivid description of these actions in the following lines :— 1 Who has not heard of the power of the dreadful ray, of the benumbing force to which it owes its name.1 Formed only of gristle, it swims slowly against the waves or creeps sluggishly on the waterwashed sand. Nature has armed it with an icy poison, has poured into its marrow coldness to freeze and stiffen all living things, and has filled it with everlasting winter. To these gifts of nature it adds craft, and, conscious of power, it remains quietly stretched among the sea- grasses ; yet when some animal, swimming upward to the sea-top, passes near, unpunished it fearlessly feeds on the living limbs. Nor when, having carelessly bitten at some bait, it feels the line, the bent hook in its mouth, does it attempt flight, biting itself free, but craftily creeping yet nearer to the dark hair-line, conscious of its power, it pours the electric breath from its poison- ous veins far and wide over the water. The electric fluid flashes along hook and line, harming even the fisherman where he stands above the water ; from the lowest depth the dreadful lightning flashes, and passing along the hanging line, by the magic of its power carries cold as of ice through the rod, woundino- the o strong arm and curdling the blood of the fisherman, who, terror-struck, throws away the baneful prey, and, careless of his line, hurries homeward with dismay.' After the theory of electricity had received a new development in consequence of the discoveries of Cralvani and Volta, these fishes were frequently studied Older notices of the Torpedo occur in Pliny, ^Elian, Oppian (whose poem on fishing Claudianus appears to have known), and in Aristotle. 1 Torpedo, from torpor = numbness. 1.5G PHYSIOLOGY OF Mf.-n.KS AND MlltVI 3. by various observers, and the electric character of their innate force was incontrovertibly shown. Faraday's study of tlie electric eel, and du liois-Keymond's of another clcciric ti>h, an- especially important. 'I'h. -re are three fishes, especially, which have been proved to possess this capacity for giving electric shocks. These are, the electric ray of the Adriatic and Medi- terranean (Torpedo eli-<-tr'i<-n and T. m.•/.$), which has but recently been carefully stydied, and which occurs in the rivers of the Bay of Benin on the east coast of Africa. "SYe cannot omit this opportunity of inserting Alexander von Ilumboldt's description of the electric eel and its action ' : — • 'The crocodile and the jaguar are not. however, the only enemies that threaten the South American h< ree : tor even among the fishes it has a dim 14 emus toe. The marshy waters of Bern ;md Kastro are filled with innu- merable electric eels, which at pleasure are a Me to discharge a deadening shock from every part of their slimy, yellow-speckled bodies. This species of ^\ mnof us is about five or six feet in length. It is powerful enough to kill the largest animals when it discharges its ner- vous organs at one shock in a favourable direction. It was once found neces-ary to change the line of road from trritncii across the >-i\annah o\\in^' to the number of horses which, in fording a certain ri\ uli-t. annually fell a sacritice to the-e electric t-els, which had accu- mulated there in -41-1 -at niiml>er<. All other species of fish shun the vicinity of these formidable creatures. 1 I7/-//-.S- a/ \utnri'. ELECTRIC EELS. 157 Even the angler, when fishing from the high bank, is in dread lest an electric shock should be conveyed to. him along the moistened line. Thus, in these regions, the electric fire breaks forth from the lowest depths of the waters. ' The mode of capturing the gymnotus affords a pic- turesque spectacle. A number of mules and horses are driven into a swamp, which is closely surrounded by Indians, until the unusual noise excites the daring fish to venture on an attack. Serpent-like, they are seen swimming along the surface of the water, striving cunningly to glide under the bellies of the horses. By the force of their invisible blows numbers of the poor animals are suddenly prostrated ; others, snorting and panting, their manes erect, their eyes wildly flash- ing with terror, rush madly from the raging storm ; but the Indians, armed with long bamboo poles, drive them back into the midst of the pool. ' By degrees the fury of this unequal contest begins to slacken. Like clouds that have discharged their electricity, the wearied eels disperse. They require long rest and nourishing food to recover the galvanic force which they have so freely expended. Their thocks become weaker and weaker. Terrified by the noise of the trampling horses, they timidly approach the brink of the swamp, where they are wounded by harpoons, and drawn on shore by non-conducting poles of dry wood. ' Such is the remarkable contest between horses and fish. That which constitutes the invisible but living- O weapon of these inhabitants of the water — that which, awakened by the contact of moist and dissimilar par- ticles, circulates through all the organs of animals and 158 I'livsioi.ociY OF Mi.-t i.i> AMI M:I;VI:S. plants thai which, Hashing amid the roar of thunder, illuminates the wide canopy «i' heaven \\hich liinils in>n to iron, and directs the silent recurring cour>e ot the magnetic needle .-ill, like die varied hues of the refracted ray of light, rld\v from one common source, and all lilen 1 together into one eternal all-pervading power.' 3. All electric fishes are distinguished by the pos- session of peculiar organs in which the el.-et rie discharge originates. These resemble jiowerfnl batteries, Avhich can be put in action by the will of the animal, and Avliich then generate currents which, pas-ing through the A\aler, meet and act upon other animals which happen to be near, so that the latter may even be thus killed. These electric «/y/,//,x. as they are called, are formed on the same plan in all the three above-in en- tioned genera of fishes. They consist of a large number of minute and delicate plates which, arranged .-ide by side and enclosed in coverings of coiinei-iive tissue, form the whole organ. In the Torpedo these organs lie flat on either side of the. vertebral column. In the (i't/iiin<>(tiH and the Malopterurus they are arranged longitudinally; and in the latter they form a closed lube, in which the animal is concealed, its head and tail, as it were, alone projecting. The separate plates of which the organ consists are arranged, therefore, horizontally in the 7'«/'/" 'In, vert ically in t lie '///'" ""/"* and Mnln/'/i'i-itriix. Kadi of the-e plates consists of an extremely delicate membrane which, when the organ isinastateof activity, exhibits positive elecl nVity on the one side, negative on the other. The currents of the numerous plates combine as in a bat t cry, and (hus all together atl'onl a very j owerful current. With each THE MULTIPLIER. 159 plate is connected a nerve-fibre, by means of which the animal is capable of voluntarily effecting the elec- tric discharge, just as voluntary muscular contractions can be effected by means of the nerve. These nerves may also be artificially irritated, with the result of pro- ducing one or more electric shocks, just as irritation of a motor nerve elicits one or more muscular contraction. The analogy of electric organs and of muscle is, in fact, from a physiological point of viewT, complete. Mention must yet be made of the fact that forms nearly allied to these fishes— for instance, the various forms of Mormyrus, which in structure resemble rays- possess similar organs, though these have not as yet been shown with any certainty to be capable of any electric action. It has, moreover, been assumed that, the luminous organs of certain insects are to be referred to electric forces ; but this has not, been in any way proved. 4. Before entering further into the statement of the electric phenomena in animal structures it will be neces- sary to say something of electric phenomena in general, and of the means of exhibiting them. It is well known that an electric current results when two different metals are in contact with each other, or with a fluid. Elec- tricity occurs" in this case as a current, that is, in a state of motion ; while in other c.ises it exists in a quiescent con- dition. On immersing a piece of copper and a piece of zinc, as in fig. 36, in a glass containing diluted sulphuric acid, and then AN ELECTRIC uniting these above the fluid by a wire, the positive electricity passes through the wire from the 16'0 rilYS'loLOC.Y OF MfSCLES AND NKUVKS. ii tin- x.iuc and through the liquid from the zinc to the copper. A magnetic needle is used to indicate tin- prex-nce of such M current. Aii elect ric current, if made t<» pa>s parallel 1o a magnetic needle, deflects the latter from its normal position, and tends to place it at right angles to its original position. According to the direction in which the positive electricity rl<>\\-, and according <<> the position of the conducting -wire relatively to the magnetic needle, the north pole of the needle is deflected either to the east or to the west ; so that not only the actual presence of an electric cur- rent may he shown by means of a magnetic needle, but its direction in the wire may also be determined. This simple means, however, only serves the purpose \\hen the current is comparatively strong, for the magnetic needle is retained in its position by the attracti..n of the earth, and the magnetic current must overcome this before il can deflect the needle. In order to d« t. . t weak currents, the wire through which the current flow- is wound in several coils round the needle. As cadi coil exercises a force tending to cause the deflect i,,n of the needle, the deflect ing force is increased ; and an instrument of this sort is, therefore, called a /// ttt/lj>lii /•.' In order to increase the sen sit i\ vness of t his st ill further, the attract ion of the earth must be annihilated as far as possible, so that e\eii \\cak currents are able to cause deflection. This is accomplished, for instance, by ar- ran-ing a li\ed magnet above or below the magnetic needle, so that it acts on the latter in a direction 1 If :it trnl ion is | a :•! to crrtnin circumstances, \\ 1 1 idi c:iniii'l !'•• in ill-tail lii-iv. iln- Miuir i i ist ni inriit can also \n- usc-d to nirasiirr tin- stivnyth of ciirn-nts ; it is, tlu-rrforc, also callnl a 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF MrsCI.KS AND NKKVI 3. needles iu opposite direct inns, the force of :it tract ion of the earth-magnetism is entirely, or almosi entirely removed, ><> that even very weak electric currents, if cause, 1 to jnss round the needle in a suitable way. can cause a noticeable deflection of the needle. Fig. :>7 represents a sensitive multiplier of a form well suited for physiological experiments. The t\vo needle- are connected together, and are suspended by means of a thread of silk from the frame k' h; the screw i serves to raise the needles to a proper height, so that one of them can move- freely within the coils of the wire, the other above the latter and over a graduated circle, by which the deflection effected by the current can be mea- Mired. The very thin wire, enclosed in silk, is wound on to the frame C ; the hindm-' screws f f serve to I/ •/ transmit the current. The use of the multiplier for physiological pnrpo.-es has recently considerably decreased, owing to the more perfect adaptation of another form of apparatus, called the tangent galvanometer, for such purposes. The ad- vantage of this consists in the fact that it is not only very sensitive, but it also allows the strength of the current to be measured. If, for example, the deflec- tions of the magnetic needle are very slight, t he strength of the currents may be regarded as proportionate to the trigonometrical tangents of the angle of deflect ion.1 In order to measure slight deflect ions of this sort, our former method of observation hv means of the mirror and lens may be used (chap, iv., § 3, p. 57). Kither the magnel [a in it.-e|f reflecting, or it is connected with a mirror, and is suspended by a silk thread in a copper sheath, J. which is closed by plates of looking- 1 Sec N'»f i-s aii'l .\ NKKVF.S. escenl portion, ami Its reflection is observed through the leu- afl de-erlbed in Chap. IV., § 3. This m:iy :ilso he used to render the deflection visible to a large audi- ence, l>y allowing tin- light of a sufficiently powerful l.-inij) io full on the mirror and throwing tlic reflection on to a screen by means of a l-'iis. In order to in- crease t In- sensit i\ eness of the inst riiiin-iit, the influence of gravitation on the deflecting magnet is decreased, as already de>cribed, by means of a properly arranged magnet. 5. Having, in one or other of these ways, provided as sensitive a multiplier as may be, all that is necessary is to connect (lie animal substances which are to l>e ex- amined with this, and then to observe whether deflec- tion occurs or not. ; whether, that is, with the arrange- ment selected a current is proent or not. ]>ut the more sensitive is the multiplier, the harder is it to connect any part of an animal with it in such a uay that no current occurs, and it would be a mistake to suppose that all these currents are elicited by the ani- mal substances themselves. If, for example, the ends of the wires of the multiplier are connected with two wires of the same metal— for example, copper; and if these wires are immersed in a conducting fluid— for example, diluted sulphuric acid — considerable deflect ion of the needle a 1 \\ays occurs, o\\ing to the fact that the copper \\ ires are never so homogeneous that they do not themselves generate a slight current. If platinum wires are used instead of copper, these can, it is true, be rendered homogeneous by careful denning; but this homogeneity soon di-app--ar<. >o that even with this metal cnrn nt- result \shidi depend solely on the dis- similar nal lire of the metallic surfaces. Fortunately, HOMOGENEOUS DIVERTING VESSELS. 165 there are combinations of metals with fluids which are free from these faults. Two pieces of zinc, the surfaces of which have been amalgamated by smearing with quicksilver — which have, therefore, been equally covered with a coating of zinc-amalgam, a combination of zinc and quicksilver — act as though entirely homogeneous if they are immersed in a solution of sulphate of zinc; and these metals retain their homogeneity even when elec- tric currents traverse the metals and the fluids. The wire of the multiplier may be connected with strips of amalgamated zinc of this sort, and these may be im- mersed in a solution of sulphate of zinc without any deflection being indicated even by a very sensitive mul- tiplier. While, therefore, it might lead to serious error if the wires of the multiplier were brought into imme- diate contact with the animal substances to be ex- amined— as electricity would, in such case, be generated at the point of contact itself — it is possible, by using this amalgamated zinc and solution of sulphate of zinc, to exclude any foreign source of electricity, and, pro- vided that the animal tissue is properly inserted, to be sure that the observed deflections of the magnetic needle are really due to electric forces situated in the animal substances themselves. The point to be aimed at in this experiment is, therefore, to place the animal substances in such a position that any currents gene- rated in them can only pass to the wire of the multi- plier through the zinc solution and the plates of amal- gamated zinc. 6. In order to attain this object, du Bois-Eeymond, to whom is chiefly due our knowledge of the electric phenomena of animal tissues, arranged the apparatus in the following way (fig. 39). The ends of the wires 1GG PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. of the multiplier were connected with two troughs or Vessels »\' ra-t /.inc. the mild- Hirfarrs uf which had been Lacquered, while tin- inner cavity had hern care- fully amalgamated. A Dilution of sulpliatc of zinc- wa> poured into this cavity, and pads. formed of many folds of blotting-paper saturated with the same solution, were folded over the edge of the vessels in such a \vav that FII;. ."!». H.IMIICI \rors t>ivr.nTi\o VFSSKI.. AS [tgED nv E. nu KKYMOND. part \va- inini(>rsed in the x.lntion, part protruded over tlie edges, and these ).ad> end in a >harply rut cross section. Small discs of an isoktmg substance (vulca- nised india-rnl.lier), \\itli the- help of caoutchouc hands, rrlaiurd tlie p;i,l< in tln-ir places. The vessels hein^ |)U>hed tOWard each other til! the pads touched, or the intermediate space l>alurated \\ith a >o|ntioii of sulphate of zinc, the needle <>t' the multiplier continued unmoved, ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 167 thus affording proof that no cause of the generation of currents is present in any part of the apparatus. If the body to be examined is then substituted for the third pad, with the result of deflecting the needle, proof is afforded that some cause effecting the generation of a current exists in the body. The only disadvantage of the arrangement is that the animal substances thus O examined, being in contact with the concentrated solu- * O tion of sulphate of zinc, are corroded, and their vital qualities are injured. To avoid this, so-called protec- tive shields, i.e. thin plates of plastic clay (porcelain) which has been mixed with a diluted solution of com- mon salt (i to 1 per cent.), are used. These are placed on the pads of blotting-paper, where the tissue to be examined touches the latter. The clay protects the tissue from direct contact with the solution of sulphate of zinc, though, clay being a conductor, the electric action present in the tissues can reach the zinc and the wires of the multiplier. 7. In examining muscles or nerves by this method, according to the way in which the animal substance is applied, sometimes no deflection of the magnetic needle is observable, sometimes slight, and sometimes stronger deflections appear. The same body, for example a piece of muscle, may in one position afford a very strong cur- rent, while in another position it affords none at all. In order to understand this, we must examine the way in which the electric currents present within the tissue examined are able to impart themselves to the wire of the multiplier, in the case of the method of experiment, selected. Let us revert to the simple apparatus (fig. 36, p. 159)? in which we first studied the action of electric currents 168 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. • in ;( magnetic needle. Apiece of zinc and a piece of nipper are immer.-ed in diluted sulphuric acid, their projecting edges being connected by a piece of wire. \VLen in this condition the apparat us is said to be closed. Within it circulates a current which passes within the wire from the copper to the zinc, and within the fluid from the zinc to the copper. If the closing wire is oh.-erved by itself, no current arises in it until it is joined to the apparatus. And if the apparatus is ob- served by itself, that is, without the closing wire, there is no current present in it. It is only in a closed circle that a current can be generated. It is, however, in the apparatus that the cause which under favourable cir- cuin.-tances gives rise to the electric current, lies ; for if the \\ire by itself is bent into a circle no current is generated within it. Even the cause of the generation of currents within the apparat us may be shown. If when the apparatus is open, that is, when the circuit is not completed by the addition of the connecting wire, the projecting edges of the copper and zinc are connected with an electrometer, the gold leaflets are seen to di- verge, thus showing that an electric tension prevails at these metallic ends projecting from the fluid. This tension is po.-,iti\e at the copper end, negative ;(t the /inc end. On connecting the two metals by a closing \\ ire, tl ppo>ed electric currents unite, and this is the cause of (he current in the wire. The force \\hichwithin the wire exhibited electric tension con- tinues to act, and causes the current to continue to tra\erse the \\ire. This is called the electrOTTlOtive force of the apparatus It e\pre--;e- itself, when the apparatus i- not dosed, in the electric tension at the projecting metallic ends or pol,- of the apparatus; and \\hen the ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 169 poles are connected together by a closing arch, it finds expression in the current which it generates in this arch. Supposing that the two metals contained in the fluid did not protrude from the latter, but were in contact with each other within the fluid, then it is evident that the apparatus would be closed in this case also, but the closing arch would then lie within the fluid. Through this the current must pass from the copper to the zinc, and from the zinc to the copper through the fluid. That this is really the case can easily be shown, for on the immersed metallic surfaces globules are seen to be generated, due to the gases generated by the electric current by the separation of the water into its constituent parts, hydrogen being found at the copper, oxygen at the zinc point. In this case, therefore, the apparatus is in itself closed. No external closing-arch is present, the existence of a mag- netic current at which can be indicated by means of a magnetic needle. Yet with a multiplier it is possible to show the currents circulating in the fluid, and in the immersed metals ; this may be done by a principle spoken of as the distribution of electric currents. Let us assume that an apparatus k is not directly closed by a closing-arch, but that from each pole passes a wire which touches the conductor, the form of which does not matter, shown in fig. 40 at two points, A B. It can be shown that the electric currents pass in this case through the body, but distribute themselves, not merely in straight lines connecting A and 5, but throughout the body, so that they represent a number of lines of conduction, all of which meet together at the points A and B, where the electric currents enter 170 rilVSIoI.OCY OF MUSCLES AM) NKUV! -. and leave the body. If the body which is insert e.l is of .-imple form, the separate lines of transmission mav easily be calculated from the form; in bodies of invirular shape this i> s-inieuhat hard to do, but even in such cases it i.- pos-ihle to determine experimentally, not only that the electricity distributes it>elf throughout the b"dy, hut even the lint > along which the separate cur- rents pass. Taking a simple example, for instance, a thick cyl- indrical rod, in which the electricity passes in at the FIG. -10. DISTRIBUTION «r THI. < IT.IIKXTS IN IKKI:<.I I.AI; IONM CI.IKS. surface <.f one end and out at theother.it is ///•///,// /',< probable that the lilies -imply traverse the length of the rod purallel to its ;i\is. \\'e may in imagination repine.- tin- r-id hy a bundle of wires, each of which will in this case be traversed by a portion of the whole current, [f one of these wires is cut, and it- ends are connected with the multiplier, it is evident that that part of the current \\hich traver-es this \\ire mn>t pass to the multiplier and cause a defleei i >u of the needle. Jiut even if the wire is not cut. but is con- ELECTRIC 'FALL.' 171 nected with the multiplier at two points in its length, in this case also a part of the current must, in ac- cordance with the law of the distribution of currents, branch off through the multiplier. 8. This may be made intelligible in another way. We saw that a certain electric tension exists at the poles of an open apparatus, and that the opposed tensions of the two poles are the causes of the current in the closing wire. If the poles were but once charged with proper quantities of electricity, these would unite in the wire, with the result of producing an instantaneous current. But as, in consequence of the electromotive force of the apparatus, the tension at the poles is con- tinually renewed, the current is continuous. So that at both ends of a closing wire opposed tensions prevail con- stantly, and these act on the natural electricity present in the wire, as in every other body, and set it in motion. Consequently, while the current flows through the wire, different tensions must prevail at the various points of the wire. At the point of contact with the positive pole there is a definite positive tension ; at the point of contact with the negative pole there is a similar negative tension, and in the middle of the wire there must be a point at which the tension = 0. This may be diagrammatically shown by representing the tension which prevails at each point of the wire by a line de- scribed at right angles to the wire, the length of which represents the tension proper to the point in case. Let a b (fig. 41) be the wire ; then the line a c is the ex- pression of the tension existing at one of its ends, which is connected with the positive pole. In order to indicate that the tension at the other end, 6, is negative, i e. of an opposite kind, let the line b d be 172 PHYSIOLOGY or MCSCI.I:- AND M:I;\ i:s. dr:i\vii downward from <>int between the middle and the end ", :-ay at <-, a positive tension must prevail which is less than that at n conducting bodv, this does not esseni ially alter the t-onditions of the fall, 80 that we may imagine the whole liodv to consist of these separate -wires, in each of which a definite fall, the steepness of which depends on the length of the particular wire, prevails. Tlic.se wires are, however, merely paths alon<.- which the electric currents pass, and of which we have already spoken. In tin- case of these paths also definite falls mii.-t prevail, and these must be more steep in proportion as the points at which the elect ric current s enter and make their exit are nearer together. 9. Let us return to the case of a simple wire through which a current passes. On uniting two points in this with two electrometers these exhil.it varying tensions, and the difference is greater the fur- ther the two points are separated" from each other. If the points are then connected by a bent wire, it is evident that the different tensions at the points of contact nuist effect a disturbance in the natural elec- tricity within the applied wires, and consequent Iv iiiu-t generate an electric current from the point :it which the tension is -rreater to t-hat at which it is le-s. If a multiplier is inserted in the applied \\iiv, the needle will be deflected. This is a> t rue of a n^'iilar as of an irregular conductor. If in the 1 o ly .1 // (ti^. -I.".), electricity moves along \arions paths, and if, as we have seen, different ten-ions pre\ail at t\\o points in such a path, a current mii.-t ari-e if (he ends of a Lent wire are applied to these point-, and if the bent wire i- Hipplied with a multiplier the needle \\ill be de- TENSION IN THE ARCH. 175 fleeted. On the other hand, in two different paths of conduction there must always be points at which the tension is the same. For in each path the tension begins at a certain positive value (at A}, and passes through a value = 0 to a certain negative value (at £). The needle of the multiplier must, therefore, remain at rest if the two ends of the wire of the multiplier are FIG. 43. PATHS OF ELECTIUCITY IN A CONDUCTOR. applied, not to two points of different tension, but to two points of equal tension. This enables us to ob- serve whether in any body in which electric currents move in any form, two points have similar or dissimilar tension, and by systematic experiments of this kind we shall evidently gradually obtain an insight into the form and relative position of the paths of conduction within the body examined. 176 1'llYSIOLOGY 01-' SEKVKsf AND MUSCLES. CHAPTER X. 1. Diverting arches j 2. Current-curves and tension-curves ; 3. Di- verting cylindi-rs; 4. Method of measuring tension diflVivi liV 1. If the two ends of a bent wire urc applied, in tin- way described in the last chapter, to any conductor \vhich is traversed by currents, then part of the currents present in the conductor may flow through this win-. Part of the curr.ent is, as it were, conducted out of tin- body in order to facilitate its examination. I'nder certain circumstances this may cause an alteration in the conditions of the currents within the conductor. \\'e will, however, assume that tin's is not the case, but that the tensions at the point > at which the wire is applied to the conductor are not altered.1 The direction and strength of the current which arises in the conductor will then depend only on the differences in tension at the point of contact , and mi the resistance ofVcivd by the wire. A wire of this sort applied to a conductor liaversed by currents is called a ( imx nc.'iir • >l:iiin -i I IICTI- ; \ d ma1 t'-rs may In- BO aMMii^fl I !iat such ti. n- rl CURRENT-CURVES AND TENSION-CURVES. 177 The further nature of the arch does not matter. It may consist of one or more wires, and it may or may not include moist conductors. Only one condition must be fulfilled : no electric actions must be caused by the contact of the diverting arch with the conductor which is to be examined. Now, we have already seen that this is unavoidable when metallic wires are ap- plied to moist animal substances. The ends of the wire of the arch must, therefore, be connected with the zinc diverting-vessels described above (fig. 88). In this arrangement the clay shields, saturated with a salt-solution, represent the feet of the diverting arch. Such an arch, which neither in itself nor by its appli- cation to the conductor under examination affords any cause for the generation of currents, is an homogeneous arch. In order to attain a thorough knowledge of the distribution of tensions in a conductor, it would ap- parently be necessary to touch all points of the latter in turn with the feet of the diverting arch. • This is easily done in the case of the surface of the body, but as regards the inner parts it is hard and often imprac- ticable. . We must therefore rest satisfied with an examination of the surface ; but it may be shown that trustworthy conclusions as to the character of the inner parts may be drawn from this study of the surface. 2. Two cases must be distinguished. Either the body to be examined is in itself incapable of electric action, and the electric currents, the internal distri- bution of which is to be examined, are imparted to it from external sources ; or electromotive forces are situated within the body itself, and it is the currents generated by these which form the object of research'. 178 I'UVSKC.o iV OF M!>d.I-:s AM> MCKVKS. The case «>f organic tissues, with which we are con- cerned, is of the latter sort ; for we have seen that when (hrse an- iliserteil liel \veen ( he ends of a honio- <;eneo;i-. arch, electric action takes place under certain circumstances. The f^ct that in other cases no such action occurs will be intelligible after the account just given, for we may assume that in such cases the two points which are touched by the ends of the arch are similar in tension. Let BODE (fig. 44) represent a section through E -b JJ D FIG. II. Ci UUI-;NT-< i uvi - \M> 1 1 N-K>N-< TI:\ i -. a body in which an electromotive force is present. For the sake of simplicity we will assume that the body is a regular cylinder, and that the elect ro;n«t i\c force i- nt nated in its axis; then that which we show in the case "f I!('l>h' \\ill be e(|iially true of every ot her .-ect ion. Let the point .1 represent the seat, of elect roniot i\e force l which >et>the po>it i \ e elect ricit V in motion to\\ard the ri^ht. the negative electricity toward the left. The \\hole body is t hen .icciipied by 1 In (.rili-r ti. l,avf a pliv^iral l.asis fur tlii> elecl nuimi ivr t'on-c \\c may iinaL'im- tin- cylinder tu cuiisisl nf a lluiil, and I liat at the i>niiit .1 is situated a body consisting 1ml f uf -/\].f, lalt' nf CM].] « r. CURRENT-CURVES AND TENSION-CURVES. 179 current-paths. We naturally think of these paths •within the cylinder as planes, so that we obtain current- planes, which enclose each other like the scales of an onion, and which in the section which we figure form closed curves all of which pass through the point A. They are represented on the figure by unbroken lines. On each of these paths a definite fall prevails, as we know — that is, in each of these the point immediately on the right nearest to A is the most positive, the ten- sion gradually decreasing toward and up to the middle, where it = 0, then becomes negative, the greatest negative tension being immediately next to A on the left. This is true of all paths or lines of conduction. In each there is a point at which the tension = 0 ; on the right of this the tension = -f 1 ; yet further to the right it = +2, and so on up to the greatest tension at A ; and similarly in each curve, to the left of the zero point there are points at which the tension = — 1, — 2, and so on. If all the points of equal tension are united, the result is a second system of curves, which are at right angles to the current curves, and which are represented in our figure by dotted lines. There is a curve which unites all points at which the tension = 0, another which unites those points at which the tension = + 1, and so on. These may be called tension-curves or iso-electric curves. In the cylinder the section of which is here drawn, these curves evidently represent planes which cut the planes of the currents already mentioned, and which may be called tension-planes or iso-electric surfaces. On the outside of the cylinder these iso-electric surfaces are exposed, and meet the surface in bent lines, which in the simple figure which lies before us are all parallel, that i?, surfaces 180 rilYSloLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKltVI 3, which cut the surfaces of the cylinder parallel to the surfaces of its mils. The iso-electric surface repre- senting a tension = 0, cuts the cylinder near its centre, and dhides it into two unequal halves, of which the riijht is positive, and the left negative. The other iso- '•lectric curves cut the surfaces of the cylinder in par- allel curved lines; -and the iso-electric curves repre- senting the greatest positive and the greatest negative tensions meet the surfaces at the central points of the end surfaces of the cylinder which, in the figure given, are marked + 6 and — b. The conditions are not always as simple as in this case. If the body under examination is not a re- gular cylinder, and if the electromotive force is not situated exactly in its axis, then the arrangement of the iso-electric surfaces is more complex. The body under examination is, however, always occupied by a system of current-planes inserted one within the other, and a system of iso-electric surfaces can be constructed which cut the outer surfaces of the body in curves of one fofm or another. Along each curve of the outer surface corresponding with an iso-electric surface the same tension always prevails ; on two of these curves if adjacent the tensions always differ. Regarding therefore only the Mirfaro, it may be said that if an electro- motive force is present within the body, this must cor- respond with a (1. -finite arrangement of tensions on the surface of the body. By studying this superficial arrangement of the tensions we may therefore draw conclusions from this as to the situation of (he electro- motive force within the body, 3. The diverting vessels (fig. 38) above described are not always sufficient for the purposes of research. DIVERTING CYLINDERS. 181 Apart from the fact that the insertion of the animal substances between the pads cannot always be con- veniently managed, it is impossible to bring individual points of the substance into contact with the pads. This does not matter at all when the iso-electric curves run parallel to each other, as in the case described in § 2, on the outer surface of the cylinder. In such cases it is always sufficient to apply the sharp edges of the clay discs to the surface in such a way that all the points which come in contact with these edges belong to the same iso-electric curve. But even in observations on FIG. 45. DIVERTING CYLINDERS AS USED BY E. t>u Bois REYMOXP. the surfaces of the ends of the cylinder the case is dif- ferent. Here the iso-electric curves form concentric circles. In such cases it is absolutely necessary to carry out with somewhat greater accuracy the theoretic condition that the diverting arch should touch the conductor which is to be examined at two points. An- other form of diverting apparatus, invented by du Bois-Reymond, is used both for this purpose and for conducting currents to the body under examination in cases wThere it is important to avoid electrical polari- sation. These, which are usually called unpolaris- able electrodes, are represented in fig. 45. The glass 182 PHYSIOLOGY OK Ml'SCLES AND NKKVES. cylinder ". somewhat flattened, is attached to the stand A. The Mu-ket i' :ind the motor apparatus on the column // allow the glass cylinder to be placed in any desired position. Within the cylinder i< a strip of amalgamated sheet zinc b, which can lie connected with the multiplier by means of a wire. The glass cylinder is closed below with a stopper of plastic clay inoi>tened with a solution of common salt, the project- ing ends of which can be moulded into a point which touches the suialle-i possible point on the conductor to lie examined. The space within the glass cylinder is filled with a concentrated solution of sulphate of zinc, and thus forms an unpolarisable and homogene- ous conductor between the strip of zinc and the clay point. A second and exactly similar apparatus, which is only partly represented in the figure, provides for the divei>iou from the other point of the conductor. Whatever form of diverting apparat us i- employed, the determination of the fact whether the two points touched bv the feet of the diverting arch have like or unlike tension will be more accurate the more sensi- tive is the multiplier which is inserted in the diverting arch. By placing the body to be examined in such a \\-.\\ that the various points in its surface successively lie on the pads of the above-descril ied diverting vessel (see ch. ix. § ,r>), or liy touching them with the ends of the diverting cylinder ju-t mentioned, it may be dis- covered which points have equal tension (for in such cases the multiplier will indicate no deflect ion), or, if the points touched are unequal in tension, it may lie dis- covered at which the positive ten-ion i> great e>t. For, from this latter point a current must pass through the multiplier to the point at which Hie positive tension is MEASUREMENT OF DIFFERENCES OF TENSION. 183 less (or, in other words, the negative tension is greater), a fact which can be recognised by the direction of the deflection exhibited by the multiplier. In order, how- ever, thoroughly to understand the position of the iso- electric curves, it would also be necessary to know the absolute amount of the iso-electric tension at each point. Instead of this, however, it is sufficient to de- termine the difference between the tensions at each two points, which may be found by very accurate and trustworthy methods.1 4. To calculate these differences from the extent of the deflection of the multiplier would, for reasons which cannot here be further explained, be very inconvenient and would afford very inaccurate results. But these differences may be measured with quite sufficient pre- cision by a method invented by Poggendorff and after- wards improved by du Bois-Keymond. If it is required to determine the weight of any body, the latter is placed in one of a pair of scales, and weights are placed in the other until the two are again in equilibrium. As in this case the action of the two weights on the beam of the scales is to raise each other up, they must be equal. This well-known principle is, however, capable of an important generali- sation. It is, for example, required to determine the attraction exercised by a magnet on a piece of iron. The iron is attached to one end of the beam of the scales, weights to the other, till the beam is again balanced. The magnet being then placed under the iron, the balance of the beam is again disturbed by the magnetic attraction, and weight must be added to the other scale before it is restored. It is evident that the 1 See Notes and Additions, No. 10. .Y OF MUSCLES AM> NKKYKS. 184 amount of weight required for this latter purpose affords a measure of the force of attraction between the iron and the magnet. In the present case a certain deflection in the multi- plier results from the difference in tension at the feet of the diverting arch. It is required to measure the difference. If it is in any way possible to influence the deflect ion of the multiplier in an opposite direct ion, and exactly to such a decree that the multiplier no longer indicates any deflection, then the two influences must I'K.. If,. Ml. AM KI.MKNT T.Y COMI'KXSATloX «>!•• Till-: IHFKKia.Nt 1. (>K TENSION. he equal, and the one may serve as a measure for the other. The experiment indicated in these instances i- called measurement by compensation. In order to applv it to the case in point, the action of one dif- ference of tension is cancelled by that of another \\liich ma\ lie altered at will. The rheochord. v, hich has al- n.;idv lieen described, affords a COnvenienl means of doiu<_;- I hi-. Let /.' /.'' (li^r. -Hi) 1'c^i wire extended in a straight Line (the line of the rheo< hordj thro-.-^h \\hich a current is MEASUREMENT OF DIFFERENCES OF TENSION. 185 passed from the apparatus K. W indicates an arrange- ment by which the current of this apparatus may be made to pass as desired either from R to R' or in the opposite direction. T is a multiplier by the deflection of which proof may be obtained that the current of this apparatus remains constant in its strength. The other parts given in the figure we will for the present dis- regard. According to what we have already seen (ch. ix. § 7) a definite electric fall must be present in the rheoehord. Let us assume that the current passes from R' to jR, that the tension at R = 0, and that it in- creases toward R'. As the rheoehord line is entirely homogeneous, this increase must take place quite regu- larly; i.e. the tension at every point of the chord must be proportionate to the distance of that point from R. Now let us imagine that a body, A .5, within which an electromotive force is present, is to be examined. Naturally two points on its surface, a and 6, have dif- ferent tensions, and it is this difference which is to be measured. The point a must be united by means of a wire (in which is inserted as sensitive a multiplier as possible) with R ; the point b must be connected by a wire with a sliding-piece S which moves on the rheo- ehord line. Two differences of tension now act on the multiplier. Firstly, the differences of tension between the points R and S of the rheoehord; and, secondly, that between the points a and 6. If at 6 there is a greater positive tension than at a, then the two dif- ferences of tension are opposed in action.1 As the 1 If the positive tension were greater at a than at b, then it would be necessary to reverse the direction of the current within the rhecohord. The commutator W is therefore inserted to effect this reversal of the current. 186 rilVSlOl.oiiV <•!• MrSCI-KS AM> NKKVES. difference in ten-ion between /.' ;md S can be nil ered liy chanLMiiM; tin- ]>n>ition of ,S', tlio slide X m:iy he placed in such a ]>o-it inn tliat the t w<> inflm -n- •< - rxnctly halanci' facli ntluT, <>r, in ntli.T ^-i>nl>. in >u<-li ;i |msition tliat tin- multiplier indicates no di-lli-ctinn. Thus it is evident tliat S - I! l>iflVri-ur<- in tr-n-inn nt '.Mi jioints i if tin- I li — a = 0 the two doctor. or S — R = b -- n ; in trnsinn at -: of the con- flu- difference, that is, of the tension l>et\\» en 1> and a is equal to the difference of tension between S and R. 111.. 17. lM );c>l~-Kl.YM<>M>'> KOI'M) ( . M !•[ \> \ mi;. The Litter i> e\]ires-ed in i nill line) r< >, each nf \\hich intlieiite- a certain cnii-t;mt anmunt \\hen a delinite vhenclmrd \\ire is u>cd. and when the current which is cd tlimn^li the lulter is of a delinitr >1n-n^th. 'J'o facilitate lie a-iii-riin nts of this kind, du Hois- MEASUREMENT OF DIFFERENCES OF TENSION. 187 Reymond invented a ' round compensator ' (fig. 47), in which the wire of the rheochord r r' is placed on the cir- cumference of a circular disc of vulcanised india-rubber. The beginning and the end of the wire are connected FIG. 48. DIAGRAM OF ELECTRIC MEASUREMENT BY MEANS OF A UOUNP COMPENSATOR. with the clamps I and II ; from the beginning a wire also passes to the clamp IV. The clamp III is con- nected with the small reel r, which is pressed by 188 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AMi M-RVKS. a spring against the wire, and replaces the slide. P>y turning tlir disc the length 01 the inserted port ion of rheorhoi-o! i.- altered. The whole arrangement is shown more clearly in . 18, \\hieh may at t In-same time serve as a diagram of tin- rxpiTinit-nts with muscles and nerves, to which we arc now about to turn our attention. N r' r S is the circular rheochord wire, through which the current of the measuring apparatus passes in the direction of the arrow ; /j, is a muscle, two of the points on the outer surface of which, being connected with the multiplier, afford a current, which is exactly compensated by that portion of the current which branches off from the rheochord at the points r and o. The particular length o r of the rheochord wire at which this exact compen- ?ation is accomplished, indicates according to the fixed standard (the degree of compensation) the difference in tension at the particular points on the muscle which are t e.-t ed. This length may be found by turning the round disc, together with the platinum wire, until the mul- tiplier no longer indicates any deflection. By means of a magnifying glass, the length of the inserted wire, from its commencement at o to the reel at r, can be read off on a graduated scale. CHAPTER XL 1. A regular muscle-prism ; 2. Currents and tensions in a muscle- prism j 3. Muscle-rhombus ; 4. Irregular muscle- rhornbi ; 5. Cur- rent of m. gastrocncmius. 1 . Beginning1 the study of the electric phenomena exhibited in animal tissues with muscles, we will at first experiment only with single, extracted muscles. Even these, however, exhibit phenomena so complex in some respects, that it will be better to take first a compara- tively simple case. In taking one not exactly under natural conditions— if, that is, we use a muscle artifi- cially prepared for the purpose of experiment — this pro- ceeding will find ample justification in the greater ease with which we shall thus be enabled to understand the more complex examples which we must afterwards examine. Taking a regularly shaped muscle, in which the fibres are parallel, we will cut out a part of this by making two even cuts at right angles to the direction of the fibres. A piece of this sort may be called a regular muscle-prism. It is, according to the shape of the muscle used, either circular or more oval, or flat and band-like ; its shape makes no difference, and the length and diameter are of equally little account. The only essential point is that all the muscle-fibres are 190 rilYHDl.MiiY OF MfSCLFS AND NKKVF>. parallel to cadi other, and that the l\vo ruts are made at right angles to the direction of the fibres. Yig. 4!» diagrammatically represents a regular muscle-prism of this sort. Tin- horizontal stripes represent the separate bundles of the fibres. The outer surface of the prism, \vhich therefore corresponds with the upper surface of the fibres, is c;dle.sN-.svr//'o//x of the muscle-prism. The lines running at right angles to the direction of the fibres are, as \ve >hall presently find, tension-curves. A regular muscle-prism such as this exhibits a very «'«' a' n' a' ,i n' a' a' a' a' IM<; -10. A i:i:.V, simple distribution of tension. All the lines of tension, or the iso-eleetric curves, run on the surface and are parallel to the cross-sections. Kound the middle of the muscle-prism passes a line separating it into two sym- metrical halves; this \\ e will call the equator. The •jri'iiti-xt jiox'it'ii-i' li'usinii to be found anywhere on the surface prevails at this point. Kvery point on the equator has a greater positive tension than any other point on the longitudinal, or the cross-section. On either side from the equator, the posit i\e tension gra- duallv decreases along the longitudinal section quite r-gularly in both direction-, until, at the point \\hen- the longitudinal meets the cro eetion, i! =(). D On the cross-sections themselves the tension is CURRENTS AND TENSION IN A MUSCLE-PRISM. 191 everywhere negative, and the greatest negative tension prevails at the centre of these, and decreases from these points up to where the cross-sections meet the longitu- dinal section. 2. From this distribution of the tensions it is easy to infer the phenomena which the muscle shows when it is inserted between the pads of the diverting vessels above described, or between the diverting cylinders which represent the feet of the diverting arch. It is evident that no current will result when two points on the equator, or two points on any one of the tension- curves are tested. Nor will any current result when two different points, on either side of the equator, are connected, if these points are equidistant from the equator. Nor will any current result when the two cross-sections are applied to the pads; but, on the con- trary, a current will be observed as soon as any point on the longitudinal section and any one on either of the cross- sections are connected, or when two points on the longitudinal section, situated at unequal dis- tances from the equator, touch the pads ; or. finally, when two points on the same cross-section, or two points, one on each of the two cross-sections, situated at unequal distances from the central point, are con- nected. The strongest current will result when a point on the equator is connected with the central point on one of the cross-sections ; weaker currents are gene- rated when two unsymmetrical points on the longi- tudinal section, or two unsymmetrical points on the cross-section are connected. All these cases are re- presented in fig. 50. The rectangular figure abed represents a section through the muscle-prism ; a b and c d are transverse sections through the longitu- 192 OF Mrsn.r.s AND NF.RVKS. dinal section, and >/ arc transverse through tin- cross-section. The curved lines represent the divert ing arches, and the arrows show the direction of the currents which arc generated in these. No currents are generated in arches 0, 7, or 8, for these unite symmetrical points. Moreover, the rate at which the tension decreases in the longitudinal section is, not regular, Imt at a gradually increasing speed from the equator to the en-Is. If, therefore, we find these iso-e!ectric curves, the l-'i<;. fill. Ci IIUKNTS IN A Mix u; ritis.M. tensions of which differ by a definite amount, these, in the centre of the muscle-prism, are at some distance from each other, but gradually approach more closely together toward the edge of the cross-section. If the ten-ion prevailing at each point in one side of a longi- t ndiinl sec! ion is represent ed by the height of a >< raight line drawn at right angles to that side of the longitu- dinal section, then the ciirxe \\hieh unite.- the heads of thc-e lines is level at the centre of < he longitudinal sect ion, but sinks rapidly do\\n to\\ard 1 he edges of the cross-.-ection. Asome\\hat similar fact is observable on THE MUSCLE-RHOMBUS. 193 the cross-sections, where the tension-curves, correspond- ing with equal differences of tension, are nearer to- gether toward the edge of the longitudinal section than in the middle. If the feet of the diverting arch are equidistant, the currents, both from the longitu- dinal section and from the cross-sections, are therefore stronger the nearer is the point under examination to the limit between the longitudinal and cross-sections. Fig. 51 shows this circumstance: A in the figure re- presents the tensions on one of the longitudinal sections FIG. 51. TENSION ox THE LONGITUDINAL AND CROSS SECTIONS OF A MUSCLE-PRISM. and on one of the cross-sections of the transverse section represented in fig. 50 ; while at B the tension-curves in a cross-section itself are represented. The latter, if the muscle-prism is perfectly round, are concentric circles. In order to judge of the direction and strength of the current resulting when a conducting arch is applied to any two points of a muscle-prism, it is only necessary to determine the difference of tensions at the feet of the arch, and, in so doing, to notice that when positive tension prevails at one of these points, negative tension at the other, the current through the arch is always in li)-i PHYSIOLOGY OP MfSCLl-S .\M> NERVES. the direction from the positive to the negative point ; hut that, if the feet are both positive, or both negative, the current, passes lY'>in tin- more to the less positive point, or from the less to the more negative point. From the curves in A and B, fig. 51, which show the tensions, the currents indicated in fig. 50 may therefore easily be discovered. 3. Once more let ns take a muscle, the fibres of which are parallel, and cut a piece out of this, but in such a way that the cross-section, instead of being at right angles to the direction of the fibres, is obliquely directed toward the latter. A piece of this sort may be called a muscle-rhombus ; if the cross-sections are parallel to each other, it is a regular muscle-rhombus ; if otherwise, an !>•>•> yilar muscle-rhombus. In such a muscle-rhombus, the distribution of the tensions, and, consequently, the form of the iso-electric curves, is much more complex than in a muscle-prism. In this case the curves are not, as in a muscle-prism, parallel, but are sometimes of very complex form. It is true that in this case also there is the main distinction between the longitudinal section, or outer surface of the muscle-rhombus, and the cross-sections. The former arc always positive, the latter negative. But both in the longitudinal and cross-sections a difference is noticeable between the nlituse and the acute angles. The positive tension is greater at the obtuse than at the acute angles of the longitudinal section; and, similarly, the negative tension is greater at the acute than at the obtuse angles of the cross- sections. Consequent ly, a peculiar displacement of the tension-curves, of which tig. -~>2 is intended as a re- presentation, takes place in a regular muscle-rhombus, THE MUSCLE RHOMBUS. 195 Let us suppose that the muscle from which the rhombus was cut was cylindrical. The two cross -sections will then form ellipses ; in the case of a regular muscle- rhombus, equal ellipses. A section through the longi- tudinal axes of both these ellipses will therefore give an asymmetrical parallelogram with two obtuse, and two acute angles (a rhomboid). Such a section is re- pre3ented in the figure. In it, a b and c d correspond with the longitudinal section, a c and b d the cross- sections. The latter are identical with the longitudinal axis of the actual cross-sections. On the side corre- FIG. 52. TENSIONS ON A REGULAR MUSCLE-RHOMBUS. spending with the longitudinal section, the greatest positive tension is no longer found in the middle, but is removed toward the obtuse angles, at e and e'. The tensions fall very rapidly from here toward the obtuse angle, gradually toward the acute angle. In the cross- sections the greatest negative tension occurs near the acute angles ; and the fall toward the acute angles is very abrupt, that toward the obtuse angles is gradual. The iso-electric curves on such a regular muscle- rhombus in the cross -sections form ellipses, one pole of which corresponds with a focus on the edge of the OF Mr>ci.i's AND .Ni:i;\ i:>. ,-,-,, ,.t j,,1K !,,.;,,- t]l(, acute .-HIM],.. jn the lon^itn linal section they form spiral lines, which run ohliqudv n.iind the outer surface of the cylinder. The electromotive equator, which unites the points ;it which the «,Mv;it.-t positive tension prevails, forms a line round the circum- n ''"•• 53. Tin; < i I;I;I:\TS ix A i:i:«,n..\i: MIX 1,1: I:IK«MI:I a. Cerence, which separates the rhombus into two equal halves. Supposing that a plane is drawn in such a iv-ular muscle-rhombus, throu-h th,. small axis of the elliptic cross-sections, a rectangular tin-lire will lie obtaine.l. The niiiscl.-filiivs lyi]i_.r in siK'li a secti,»n are all cut in a Hinilar \\ay, and their c.,nilit i.>n is exact ly alike, i,, this section also the ^reat.'st tension on JRREGULAE MUSCLE-RHOMB1. 197 the longitudinal, as on the cross-sections, is situated in the centre, and an arrangement of the tensions exactly similar to that in a muscle-prism is observable. From -what has been said, the direction and strength of the currents which are generated on the intercon- nection of any points in a muscle-prism by the appli- cation of an arch may easily be inferred. They are represented in fig. 53. The direction of the currents in the applied arches is in every case indicated by arrows ; where there are no arrows the arch connects two points of equal tension, so that there is no current (e.g. arches 4 and 9). The currents all pass from the obtuse to the acute angle, through the applied arches, except in the fifth and tenth, in which the direction is reversed. 4. The phenomena in irregular muscle-rhombi do not differ essentially from those just described, but the arrangement of the tensions is asymmetrical. Passing to muscles in which the arrangement of the fibres is irregular, it is apparent that each cut made must always meet a part of the fibres obliquely, and that, therefore, the matter just explained must always be borne in mind in explanation of the phenomena, which are sometimes very complex. Not to enter too far into details, we need only say that the same fundamental principle asserts itself in all muscles ; everywhere the longi- tudinal section, as distinguished from the cross-section, is positive ; and in all cases there is a point or line in the longitudinal section which is the most positive, and a point in the cross-section which is most negative ; so that, if an arch is applied, currents pass through this from the longitudinal to the cross-section, weaker cur- rents between points in the longitudinal section, and 198 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKRVES. betvreen points in the cross-section respectively. The position of these most strongly positive and most strongly negative p >iuts depends on tin- angles -which the fibres form wilh the cross-sect inn-, and may be found by the rules given in tin- la. -4 paragraph as to the influence of oblique section. Of all the many muscles of the animal body one claims special attention, because, for purely practical reasons, it is most frequently used in physiological ex- periments : this is the calf-muscle (in.yaxlrui-itt'nti It is easily prepared, even without severing its connec- tion with its nerve, a fact which, for reasons presently to be stated, is of great importance. It affords, as we shall see. a powerful current ; it long retains its capacity for action; and, in short, it has many advantages by which we were induced, when studying the activity of muscle and the excitability of nerves, to make use of it almost exclusively. As, however, the structure of the muscle is very complex, the nature of its electric action is by no means easily understood. We mu-t, h.>\\e\vr, describe at least its main outlines, as we must employ the muscle in further important experiments. In order to understand this action we must pre- viously observe that it is not absolutely necessary to cut a piece out of a muscle, but that entire muscles are also capable of affording currents. In dealing wilh the nniM-le-|ii-ism and muscle-rhombus, \\e assumed that the pieces were cut from parallel-fibred muscles. The longitudinal sections of these pieces retained their covering of muscle-sheath ( /» /•/'//* //xmm) and, in fact, corresponded with the natural surface of the muscle. The cross-cuts were, ho\\e\er, made into the actual substance of the mu>ele. BO that part of the interior THE CURRENT OF M. GASTROCNEMIUS. 199 was laid bare. Such cross-sections may be termed artificial, while the longitudinal sections of these prisms or rhombi may be called natural. Longitudinal sections may also be formed artificially, by splitting the muscle in the direction of its fibres ; and we may speak of natural cross-sections, by which we understand the natural ends of the muscle-fibres while still closed with the tendonous substance. Now the action both of longi- tudinal and of cross-sections is the same whether they are natural or artificial.1 It is, therefore, always pos- sible to obtain currents from an uninjured muscle exactly as from artificially prepared muscle-prisms and rhombi. 5. To the circumstance that it can, while still un- injured, afford powerful currents, is due the special importance of the gastrocnemius. This muscle may in all essential points be classed among the penniform muscles ; though in reality it is thus conditioned only towards its upper tendon, the part toward the lower tendon being rather of the character of a semipenniform muscle. In order to understand its structure, let us imagine two tendonous plates, an upper and a lower, connected by muscle-fibres stretched obliquely between them, so as to form a semipenniform muscle. Now let us suppose the upper tendonous plate to be folded in the middle, as a sheet of paper might be, and that the two folded halves are in apposition. We now have an upper tendon plate, situated within the muscle, from which muscle-fibres pass obliquely in both directions ; the lower tendon has, however, been so bent by the folding of the upper so that the whole muscle is shaped like a turnip split in a longitudinal direction, the flat 1 Exceptions to this rule will presently be mentioned. 200 PHYSIOLOGY OF MI'SCLKS AND NERVES. surface , ,f which (turned toward tlir hone of tin- lower le^-jis torn i "d solely of muscle-fibres, exhibiting a delicate longit udinal streak a< the only indicat inn of tin- tendon buried within it; th' .-irclifd dorsal surface is, on the contrary, clothed, as regards the lower 1 \vo-t hinls of its length, with tendonous sul»t:uicc wliich passes below into the so-i-iilh.'d ti-,t JrA/7//s. It is evident that such a muscle has naturally an oblique cross-section, represented by this tendonons covering, and a longitudinal section which includes the whole of the flat, and a little of the curved portion. This muscle can, therefore, without any further p;v- !•';<;. ," I. Tin: cruuKSTs Ti;orNi:.\iii s. paration afford currents; for \\hich reason it maybe mos' advantageously used in a large number of experi- ments. lien'ardiiig once more the structure of t he •//•«- <'ii' mius, as it has just been doeribed.a natural loii^itu- din;d section i- reco^nisMbli- in the whole Hut part and a litt le of the upper portion of the curved surface : and a nat unil cross-sect imi is to be recognised in the ^re.-iti'i- and lower ]iart of the <-iirved tipper surface. No second cro8S-S( ct ion exi>ts in (hi- muscle, i'or the upper tendon is buried \\ it hin the muscle. The currents which the -:'iid< through an ardi applied so as to connect THE CURRENT OF M. GASTROCNEMIUS. 201 different points on its outer surface will now easily be understood, and are as represented in fig. 54. It is most especially necessary to notice that a strong current must be generated on the interconnection of the upper with the lower end of this muscle, and that the current within the arch is directed from the upper to the lower end of the muscle. The upper end must be strongly positive ; for it represents the middle of the longitu- dinal section. The lower end must be strongly negative ; for it is the acute angle of an oblique cross-section. There are very few points so alike in the matter of ten- sion that no current results from their connection. A case of this kind is, however, shown in the fourth arch. 10 L'O'J PHYSIOLOGY OF Ml'SCLKS AND NKKVES. CHAPTER XII. 1. Negative variation <>f tin- mnscle-cnrrenl : L'. Living muscle is alont" elrrlrically active ; 3. 1'aivli •<•' niiminy : t. Srr, .ndavy ]>ul- and M'cn Hilary tetanus; 5. (ilands and tlu-ir currents. 1. Tin- p iwerful current alVorded by an entire ni. ;/as- trni-iiniiiii* enables US to answer the iin])ort:int ijllest ioll as to the character of dectric phenomena during con- traction, All that is necessary is to pivp'V.v this muscle, together with its nerve, and to in.-ert its upper and lower ends liet \\een (he pads of the diverting \ •< ssel already described, and then to place the nerve mi two wires so that ^t ean lie irritated In inductive currents; it, must then liecome evident whether the activity of the muscle has any influence on its electric action or not. In order to carry out the experiment, lei us snppo-r the muscle, as shown in ti^. 5,1, placed between the pad< of a diverting vessel, these pads bein^ brought somewhat near each other, so that the contact of the muscle with the pads is not di>t;irbed by the con- (raetion of (he former. The nerve, which has been f racted with the muscle, is laid on t wo wires which are connected \vilh the >. <-oiidary spiral of the induct he apparatus. A key, iiiM-rted between the nerve and (he -piral. r- filial es the inductive ciirreiils so that the ner\e i- not excited. \Vhen all i- arranged, and the multi- NEGATIVE VARIATION OF THE MUSCLE-CURRENT. 203 plier has assumed a fixed deflection, the extent of which depends on the strength of the muscle-current, the key at S is opened. Inductive currents pass through the nerve, and the muscle contracts. At the same instant the deflection of the multiplier is observed to decrease. If the irritation of the nerve is interrupted, the deflec- tion of the multiplier again increases ; and when the irritation is again commenced, it again decreases, and this process continues as long as the muscle continues to afford powerful contractions. FIG. 55. THE MUSCLE-CURRENT DURING CONTRACTION. This experiment, therefore, shows that the current of the gastrocnemius is weakened during contraction. This may be most strikingly shown by a variation of the experiment just described. After the muscle has been placed in position and a deflection of the multi- plier has been caused, the muscle- current may be com- pensated, as described in Chapter X. § 4. Two currents, equal but in opposite directions — the current of the muscle and that of the compensator — now, therefore, pass through the muscle and cancel each other. As long as these two currents are equal, no deflection can occur in the multiplier. When the nerve is then irri- 204 riiYsioLoiiY or MTSCLKS ANI> NKKYI-. tated and tin- muscle contracts, the current becomes ker; the cum n( afforded l>y the compensator thus preponderance, and effects a deflection which is, of course, in exactly the opposite direction to that which was originally effected l>y the muscle. Tlu-re i- -troug reason to believe that this alteration in (he strength of the muscle-current really depends on the activity of the muscle and is not occasioned by any accidental circumstances. Any form of irritant may be used indifferently to effect this activity. Chemical, thrrmieal, or other irritants maybe used in place of electricity to irritate the nerve ; or the experiment may be made on a muscle which is still in connection with the whole nervous system, and the contraction may be effected by influences acting through the spinal marrow and the brain. But the result is always the same. Even when external circumstances entirely pre- vent contraction, the irritated muscle, without changing its form, exhibits this decrease in its current as soon as it is brought into the condition of activity by irritation. If, for example, care is taken that the muscle retains its form unaltered, by fastening it in a suitable clamp, and if this muscle is then irritated into activity, the current decreases in exactly the same way as when the experiment is carried out as before described. It is an especially interesting fact that this >ame phenomenon may al-o be observed in the muscles of living and uninjured men. It is very hard to prove that the electric action of muscles of living animals in their natural position is exactly the same as that of muscles when extracted; but the fact that on contrac- tion exactly the same electric processes occur in muscle^ whether they are in their natural position or have been NEGATIVE VARIATION OF THE MUSCLE-CURRENT. 205 extracted is quite certain. E. du Bois-Keymond showed this in the human subject in the following way. The ends of the wire of the multiplier are connected with two vessels filled with liquid, and the index finger of both hands is dipped in these vessels, as in fig. 56. FIG. 56. DEFLECTION OK THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE BY THE WILL. A rod arranged in front of the vessel serves to steady the position of the hands. Currents are then present in the muscles of both arms and of the breast, which, since the groups of muscles are symmetrically arranged, cancel each other, acting one on the other. If for any reason any current remains uncancelled, it may be compensated in the way before described. When all is thus arranged, and the man strongly contracts the 200 niYSIoI.oi.Y OF MIX'US AM) .NKKYKS. of one arm, tin- ivsulf is an immediate deflec- tion of tin- multiplier, which indicates the presence of a ciinvnl ascending in the contracted arm from the o hand to the shoulder. If the muscles of tin- other arm are contracted, a deflection occurs in the opposite direc- tion. \Ye are, then-fore, ;il»le by the mere power of tin- will to generate an electric current and to set the mag- netic needle in motion. Summing np all that has been said, it appears that, during muscular contraction, the electric forces acting in the muscle undergo a change which is independent of the alteration of form in the muscle, and is con- nected \vilh the fact of activity itself. As. during this alteration, the current which may be exhibited in an •applied arch becomes weaker, the term negative-variar tinii of Un' muscle-current has been applied to it. 2. The negative variation of the muscle-current on contraction, as described in the last paragraph, is a proof of the fact that in the electric action of muscle we have to do, not with an accidental physical pheno- menon, but with an action very closely connected with the essential physiological activities of muscle. It is therefore worth while to trace an action of this sort more accurately, as it may possibly aid in the explana- tion of the act ivity of the muscle. It may. in the tirst place, be safely asserted that all niUM-le.s of all animals, as far as they have at present IK -eii examined, exhibit the same electric action. K\en -moolh muscles art electrically in the same way; though in that case the phenomena are less regular, o\\ing to the lad that the fibres are not so regularly arrayed a- in striated muscle. Moreover, the electric activity of smooth muscles seems to be somewhat weaker. LIVING MUSCLE ALONE ELECTRICALLY ACTIVE. 207 Further, it is to be observed that the electric activity of muscles is connected with their physiological power of accomplishing work. When muscles die, the electric phenomena also become weaker, and finally cease en- tirely when death-stiffness intervenes. Muscles which can no longer be induced to contract even by very strong irritants may indeed still show traces of electric action ; but this power soon disappears. Nor does the electric activity, when it has once disappeared from a rigid and dead muscle, ever, under any circumstances, return. Although it may be assumed as proved that the electric activity of muscle is connected with the living condition of the muscular tissue, it must not, however, be inferred from this that this activity is necessarily always present during life. It is conceivable that the preparation necessary for the study of electric action (the exposure of the muscle, its connection with the arch, &c.) might produce changes in the living muscle which are themselves the cause of electric activity. To satisfy this doubt it would be necessary to show the previous existence of electric activity, wherever it is possible, in uninjured men and animals. The great difficulty which lies in the way of such proof has already been mentioned. The more complex is the arrange- ment of the fibres and the position of the separate muscles present in any part of the body, the harder is it to say, a priori, how the separate currents of the various muscles combine. It must also be added, that the skin, through which the electric action is necessarily observed, is in itself somewhat electrically active,1 and that, in other ways also, it increases the difficulty of proving the 1 Theso skin-currents will be again mentioned. 208 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKRVES. of muscle-currents. Due regard being l::ul tn all these circumstances, the conclusion mav vet be drawn ihal entirely uninjured muscles situated in their natural position are in themselves electrical! v aetive. It is true that this has been repeatedly denied by many observers. Our reason for reasserting it is that the ex- planation of the phenomena on the assumption of the absence of electromotive opposition in uninjured muscle necessitates very forced and complicated assumptions, while our view is able to explain all the known facts very simply and in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. 3. The electric action of muscles which, though ex- tracted, are otherwise uninjured, is often verv weak, and is sometimes even reversed; that is to say, the natural cross-section is not negative, but positive, in opposition to the longitudinal section. This condition is found chiefly in the muscles of frogs which have been exposed during life to severe cold. It is, however. only necessary to remove, in any way, the natural cross- section with its tendonous covering, in order to elicit action of normal character and strength. In parallel- fibred muscles it is often necessary to remove a short piece, of from 1 to 2 mm. in length, from the end of the muscle-fibres, before meeting with an artilieial cross-section in which the aeti.ni is powerful. This phenomenon, which was called ]>/ by K. du r.oi.-K'eymoud, l>ee;nise it differs from the ii-ual electric action of muscles, gave rise to that e\- planat ion of the electric phenomena, according to which t lie elect I ic opposit ion | let \\eell different portions of the muscle is not. present in the normal muscle, but . onlv intervenes OH the exposure of the mu-ele. The (litli- eully in. ntioned above, of showing the mu>c|e-currents SECONDARY PULSATION AND TETANUS. 209 in uninjured animals, lent force to this explanation. Yet no sufficiently strong proof of this view has been brought forward to cause us to doubt the existence of electric action in uninjured and living muscles. The question does not, however, essentially affect the physiological conception of the relation of this ac- tivity to the other vital qualities. It is unimportant whether the separate portions of the outer surface of a muscle are similar or dissimilar in the matter of ten- sion. The only essential point is, as to whether electro- motive forces are present within the muscle, and whether these are in any way related to the physiological work of the muscle. Negative variation has a deeply impor- tant bearing on this question, so that we will, after this digression, return to a more detailed study of this phenomenon. 4. It is unnecessary to tetanise the muscle in order to exhibit negative variation. If a sufficiently sensitive multiplier is used, a single pulsation suffices. Even without a multiplier, negative variation may be very well shown in the following way. Onagastrocnemius prepared with its nerve (fig. 57), or on an entire thigh (5, fig. 58), the nerve of a second gastrocnemius, or thigh, A, is placed in such a way that one part of the nerve touches the tendon, another part touches the surface of the muscle-fibres. The nerve then represents a sort of applied arch, uniting the nega- tive cross- section and the positive longitudinal section, and a current, corresponding with the difference of ten- sion at these points of contact, passes through the nerve.1 1 This current may at the moment of ils generation, i.e. OD the sudden application of the nerve, exercise an irritating effect on the nerve and may elicit a pulsation of the muscle. This is the 210 rilYSIiM.ni.Y <>!• MUSCLES AND NKKViS. If (lie nerve «•{' the mii-ele /> is tin 'ii irritated, cither liy closing or by opening ;i current , by an inductive shock, by x-i.-sion, by pressure, or in any other way, the muscle A \> ohate also. 'J'liis is called .svr, >//,/- ary pulsation. The explanation is easy. The muscle- ctirren! from />' during its pulsation suffered a ne^ati\e variation. This variation took place also in that por- tion of the current which passed through the applied nerve; and, as every nerve is, irritated by sudden change C Jf FlO. .">7 \ 58. S-l -• i«M)AKY in the strength of the current, the re-ult was a secon- dary pulsation. A variation of this experiment is very interesting. The heart of a fn>Lr continues to bent for some time after it has been extracted from the bodv. If the nerve of a nniM-lr i- placed on this heart so as to touch its base and point, the muscle pulsates at every beat of tile heart. In this case, the heart-muscle affords the muscle-current, the negative variat ion of which irritates the applied nerve and cau-e- >rcondary pulsation. ']m]s;ill NERVES. fibre of some length i> irritated at one point, an electric change at first occurs only at this point; this continues an extremely brief time, and then runs wave-like along the muscle-fibre ; and this electric change is then fol- lowed by the mechanical change of contraction and thickening, which is called contraction, and which then propagates itself in a similar wave-like manner. If, however, the whole fibre is irritated at once, the elec- trie change occurs simultaneously throughout the fibre, and this is then followed by the mechanical change. ."i. The glands are in many points very similar to the muscles, though their structure is so different. A gland of the simplest form is a cavity lined with cells, opening by a longer or shorter passage through the outer surface of the mucous membrane, or the miter skin (comtm), which lies above it. The cavity maybe hemi- spherical, flask-shaped, or tubular. In the latter case t he 1 ube is often very long, and is either wound like a thread, or is coiled, and is sometimes expanded at its closed end in the form of a knob. Tln-se are all *////y//< i/lm/ds. Compound glands are found when several tubular or knoli-shaped glands open with a common mouth. Sub- stances, oft en of a very peculiar character, arc found within the glands, and are secreted on to the outer surface through the mouth. These are the sweat and fat of the skin, which are prepared in the sweat or fat glands of the skin, the saliva and the gastric juice, which, o\\ing to their power of fermentation, play an important part in digestion, the gall, which is formed within the liver, and other substances. The similaritv alluded to bet\\ee|| the Ulll-ele- ;md the glands cnllH-t- iii the dependence of both on the nerves. 11' a nerve \vhicli is connected with a muscle is irritated, the muscle GLANDS AND THEIR CURRENTS. 213 becomes active, that is, it contracts; and if a nerve which is connected with a gland is irritated, the gland be- comes active, that is, it secretes. If, for example, the nerves which pass into a salivary gland are irritated, the saliva may be made to ooze in a stream from the mouth of the gland. It is certainly an important fact that, except muscles (and disregarding the nerves, which will be spoken of in the following chapter), the glands are the only tissue which has been shown to possess regular electric activity. This is not, indeed, true of all glands, but only of the simple forms, the bottle-shaped or skin glands. Wherever a large number of these occur regu- larly arranged, side by side, it is found that the lower surface, that which forms the base of the gland, is posi- tively electric, while the upper surface, that which forms the exit duct of the gland, is negatively electric. This is best shown in the skin of the naked amphibia, in which glands abound, and in the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach, and intestinal canal of all animals. In these tissues all the glands are arranged in the same order, side by side, and all act electrically in the same direction.1 In compound glands, on the contrary, the separate gland elements are arranged in all possible di- rections, so that the actions are irregular and cannot be calculated. In the skin-glands of the frog, as in the glands of 1 These currents of the skin-glands afford one of the reasons to which allusion has already been made (§ 2) why the indication of niuscle-curren'ls in living and uninjured animals is beset with diffi- culties. As the cairrents of the skin-glands at two points of the skin from which the muscle-current is to be diverted are not always of equal strength, therefore the action of the skin mingles with, and affects that of the underlying muscles, so as to hinder the detection of the latter. 214 I'llYM'M.iHiY "I' MUSCLES AM) NERVES. thr mucous membrane nf the stomach and intestinal c;,nal, it may be clearly ,-hown that the electric force is really situated in the glands. On irritation of the ner\es which ]):i.ss into the skin by which the glands are excited into activity, the ^land-current decreases in strength, and exhibits a ne-at ive variation, just as the muscle-current decreases -when the muscle is excited into activity. In this case, also, a relation therefore exists between the act ivify and thr elect ric fond it ion ; and this adds to ihe similarity between muscles and glands. Kngelmann tried to explain the secretion of the glands physically, by the electric currents present within them. This must, however, be regarded as not yet sufficiently confirmed to claim further attention in this place. CHAPTER XIII. 1. The nerve-current ; 2. Negative variation of the nerve-current ; 3. Duplex transmission in the nerve ; 4. Rate of propagation of negative variation; 5. Electrotonus ; 6. Electric tissue of electric fishes ; 7. Electric action in plants. 1. In addition to the many points of similarity between muscles and nerves exhibited in their be- haviour when irritated, it cannot escape notice that the nerves also exhibit electric phenomena, and that they do this in exactly the same way as does muscle. Nerves being formed of separate parallel fibres, these phenomena are exactly analogous to those in a regular muscle-prism ; only that in a cross-section of a nerve, on account of its small extent, differences of tension cannot be shown at the various points, and the cross - section must be regarded as a single point. In an extracted piece of nerve all the points on the upper surface, that is, on the longitudinal section, are as a fact positive, in distinction from those on the cross-section, which are all of one kind. On the longi- tudinal section the greatest positive tension is always in the centre, and the tension decreases toward the cross-sections, just as in the muscle-prism, at first slowly, afterwards more abruptly, as shown in fig. 59. Because of the small diameter of the nerve-trunks, distinction cannot, of course, be drawn between straight 216 PHYSIOLOGY OF Mt'SCLES AND NERVES. and oblique cross-sections, such as we made in the ea-e of muscle ; nor can phenomena due to the oblique course of the fibres be detected, as in muscle. Where lann-r masses of nerve-substance occur, as in the dorsal nun- row and brain, the course of the fibres is so complex that nothing can be affirmed except that tin- en.ss- • lions are always negative in distinction fn.m the natural upper surface or longitudinal section. 2. If a current is conducted from any two points en the longitudinal section of a nerve, or from one point on the longitudinal section or one on the cross-section, and if the nerve is then irritated, the nerve-current evidently becomes weaker. It does not matter what form of irritation is used, provided that it is sufficiently strong to cause powerful action in the nerve. It thus appears that in the nerve, as in the muscle, a change in the electric condition is connected with its activity, and that this change is a decrease, or negative variation of the nerve-current. We must now go back to the statement already made (chap. vii. § 2), that the ac- tive condition of the nerve is not shown by any change in the nerve itself. We then found it necessary, in order to observe the action of the nerve, to leave it in undisturbed connection with its muscle. The muscle was used as a reagent, as it were, for the nerve, because in (lie latter neither optical, chemical, nor any other in- diealile changes could be observed. In its electric quali- ties we have, however, now found a means of testing the condition of the nerve itself. Whatever \ie\v is taken as to the causes of electric action in nerves, it is at lea>t certain that every change in the electric con- dition must be founded »\\ a change in the nature or arrangement of the nerve substance; and that there- DUPLEX TRANSMISSION IN THE NERVE. 217 fore the evident negative variation of the nerve-current is a sign — as yet the only known sign — of the processes which occur within the nerve during activity. This sign, therefore, affords an opportunity of studying the ac- tivity of the nerve itself independently of the muscle. 3. E. du Bois-Reymond made an important use of this fact in order to determine the significant question, whether the excitement in the nerve-fibre is propagated only in one, or in both directions. If an uninjured nerve trunk is irritated at any point in its course, two FK;. 59. TENSION IN NEUVES. actions are usually observable ; the muscles connected with the nerve pulsate, and, at the same time, pain is caused. The excitement has therefore been transmitted from the irritated point both to the periphery and to the centre, and it exercises an influence in both places. Now, it may be shown that in such cases two differ- ent kinds of nerves are present in the nerve-trunk — motor nerves, the irritation of which acts on the muscle; and sensory nerves, the irritation of which causes pain. In some places each of these kinds of fibre occurs separately; and where this is the case, irri- tation of the one results only in motion, irritation of the other only in sensation. It is evident, therefore, that the experiment in no way determines whether when a motor nerve alone is irritated, the excitement is trans- 218 PHYSIOLOGY OF Mt'SCLES AND NERVES. milled only toward the periphery or also toward tin- centre; or as to whether, when a sensory nerve alone is irritated, the excitement is transmitted only toward the centre or also toward the periphery. For as the sensory nerves do not pass at the periphery into muscles, by means of which their actions could be expressed, there is no means of telling whether the excitement in them is transmitted to the periphery. But our knowledge of the electric changes which occur during activity affords a means of determining this question. For these changes are observable in the nerve itself, independently of the muscles and other terminal apparatu.-. If a purely motor nerve is irritated, and is then tested at a central point, negative \ariatiou is found to occur in this also; and similarly, if a purely sensory nerve is irritated, negative variation may he shown in a part of the nerve lying between the irritated point and the peripherv. This, therefore, shows that the excitement in all nerve-fibres is capable of propagation in both directions; and that if action occurs only at one end, this is due to the fact that a terminal apparatus capable of expressing the action is present only at that end.1 4. If negative variation in the nerve current is really a neces.-ary and inseparable -i^n of that condition within the nerves which is called the 'activity of the nerves,' it must, like the cxeilement. propagate itself \\illiin the ner\e at a measurable speed. lierustein succeeded in proving this, and measured the .-p.-ed at which the preparation occurs. If one end of a Ion-,' nerve is irritated, tl (her end bein^ connected with a multiplier, a certain time must elapse before the irritation, and consequent 1\ also the negative variation, 1 Sn- Null-sand Addition-, N.I. 11. RATE OF PROPAGATION OF NEGATIVE VARIATION. 219 reaches the latter end. In ordinary experiments the irritation occurs continuously, and the connection of the other end of the nerve with the multiplier is also continuous. But the time which elapses between the commencement of irritation and the commencement of negative variation is, even in the ca.se of the longest nerves with which experiments can be tried, far too short to allow of observation of this retardation. Bernstein proceeded as follows : two projecting wires were fastened to a wheel which turned at a constant speed. One of these wires, at each revolution, closed an electric current for a very brief time, and at regular intervals of time repeatedly effected the irritation of one end of the nerve. The second wire, on the other hand, for a very brief time connected the other end of the nerve with a multiplier. When irritation and connection with the multiplier occurred simultaneously, no trace of negative variation was observable; for, before the latter could pass from the irritated point to the other end of the nerve, the connection of the latter with the multiplier was again interrupted. By altering the position of the wires it was, however, possible to cause the connection of the nerve with the multiplier to occur somewhat later than the irritation. When this difference in time reached a certain amount, negative variation intervened. From the amount of this time, together with the length of the passage between the point irritated and that at which the current is diverted, it is evidently possible to calcu- late the rate of propagation of the negative variation within the nerve. Bernstein in this way determined the rate at 25 m. per second. This value corresponds as nearly with that found for the propagation of the excitement in the nerves (24*8 m. ; see ch. vii. § 3) as 220 OF Mrsri.F.s AND M:I;YF.S. ic expeeted iii experiments of this nature ; and it may In- uueoiidit ionally inferred fromtlii< c. >rrespond- ence that i icgat Lve variation and excitement in thener\es are two intimately connected and inseparable processes, ««r rather t \vo a>peets of the same process observed by dit't'erent means.1 5. The negative variation of the nerve current is not the only electric change known to occur .in nerves. l'nder the name ' Elect rot onus ' we have already (ch. viii. § 1, p. 125) mentioned certain changes in the ex- citability which occur in the nerve fibre as soon as an n ci n V\<;. 60. Tnii CIIAN<.I.S IN nri;iN(; I.I.KI i \;< • I«M -. electric current is transmit led through a part of it. These changes in the excitability corropond with changes in the electric condition of ner\es, \\hich \\ e called electrotonic. In tig. <><>, " n" represents a nerve, a and /,• two wires applied to the ner\c through \\hich an elect ri" current is transmitted from *' toward fc; " i- Iherefore the aipule, /,• the kathode of the current em- ])loved for the generation nf , Ird rolonns. As soon as this current i- closed, "// ///' i»>inl« <>/ tin' //- /•/•, on I In' x't,lt> uf tin- f /In- hiilxi.lr (from /,- to // ) more ' gee N 1 Aildili.uis, N". 1L'. ELECTROTONUS. 221 negative than they were. These changes are not, how- ever, the same in degree at all points ; the change is greatest in the immediate neighbourhood of the elec- trode, and decreases proportionately with the distance from this. If the degree of positive increase from a to n is indicated by lines, the height of which expresses the increase, and if the tops of these lines are con- nected, the result is the curve n p, the. form of which shows the changes in tension occurring at each point. The changes on the kathode side may be represented in the same way, but that in this case, in order to show that the tension on that side becomes more nega- tive, the lines may be drawn downward from the nerve. The curved line q n', is the result. The two portions of the curve n p and q n' then show the condition of the extrapolar parts of the nerve. Nothing is really known of the condition of the intrapolar portion of the nerve, for, for external technical reasons, it is im- possible to examine this.1 We can only suppose that changes in tension such as those indicated by the dotted curve p q occur there. If the curve in fig. 60 is compared with the dia- gram of the changes in excitability during electro- tonus (as given in fig. 31, page 130), the analogy between the two phenomena is very striking. The two really represent but different aspects of the same process — of the changes, that is, which are induced in the nerve by a constant electric current. Comparison of the two curves shows, however, that when the tension becomes more positive the excitability is de- creased, and that when the tension becomes more negative the excitability is increased. The change 1 See Notes and Additions, No. 13. I'l'l PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AM> NKIIY! -. in tension and the dinner in excitability both probably depend on molecular changes within the nerve, as to the nature of which we are not yet in a portion to say anything further, but the simultaneous appearance of which, under the influence of externally applied electric currents, is nevertheless \ery interesting and will per- haps in future afford a key to the nervous processes which occur during- excitement. In examining- the changes in tension which take place during electrotonus, the differences in tension already existing at the various points must of course be taken into consideration. ]f the diverting arch is applied to two symmetrical points of the nerve, thev are homogeneous. If it is applied to any other points. the existing differences in tension can be cancelled l>v the method of compensation above described (chap. x. § 4). The differences in tension due to electrotonns are then seen unmixed. In all other cases these dif- ferences express themselves in the form of an increase or decrease in the strength of the nerve-current which happens to be present. Yet the law of the changes in tension is the same in all cases. 6. As we found certain points of resemblance be- tween nerves and glands, so the ner\e< of the tissue of the electric organs, in which in the cases of the tishes already mentioned such powerful electric action takes place, may he classed with these. Without entering deeply into the researches, as yet very incomplete, which have Keen made into the structure of tlioe electric organs, we may yet accept as already pr»\ ,-d that the so-called cln-lrir jilide and under one another in regular order, constitute ELECTRIC TISSUE OF FISHES. 223 the whole organ — is to be regarded as the basis of the organ. A nerve-fibre passes to each electric plate ; and under the influence of irritation, whether this is due to the will of the animal or to artificial irritation of the nerve, one side of this plate always becomes more positive, the other more negative. As this occurs in the same way in all the plates, the electric tensions combine, as in a voltaic battery, and this explains the very powerful action of such organs as compared with that exercised by muscles, glands and nerves. There is, indeed, a great difference between the last-mentioned tissues and the electric tissues of elec- tric fish. Muscles, nerves and glands when quiescent generate electric forces, which undergo a change during activity. Electric tissue, on the other hand, is en- tirely inoperative when quiescent, and becomes elec- trically active only when it is in an active condition. Though unable to explain this difference, we must re- mark that it affords no ground for the inference that the actions of these tissues are fundamentally dif- ferent. Whether a tissue exercises externally apparent electric action, depends on the arrangement of its ac- tive elements. But the changes which occur during their activity in muscles, glands and nerves, and also in electric tissue, are evidently so similar that they must be regarded as related. An attempt will be made in the next chapter to obtain a common explanation of all these phenomena. 7. It has already been stated that electric phenomena have been observed in plants also, though we found no sufficient reason to attribute any great physiological importance to these. It therefore created much sur- prise when the physiologist Burdon-Sanderson a few 224 riiysioi.ot.v <>F Mrsn.r.s AND NKKYF.S. years ago stated as tin- result of his observations, that in tin- lea\es of Venus' Flytrap (Dtcnitra musci- /<"/«), regular electric currents occur, which, during the movement of these leaves, exhibit negative \aria- ation exactly as do nerve-current-. He was induced to make his observations by Charles I)ar\vin, who, in the course of his study of insectivorous plants, at- tempted to show an analogy between the leaf-move- ments of the Dloncea and the muscular movements of animals. Darwin's observations have since been pub- lished in detail.1 They show the interesting fact that in various plants glandular organs occur which secrete juices capable of digesting albuminous bodies. The plant above mentioned, DioncBrt mztscipuZa, i> provided with these glands; and in addition to this it is irri- table, as is the Mimosa pudica described in the first- chapter. When an insect touches the leaf, the hah.- of the leaf close on each other, and the imprisoned insect is digested and absorbed by the secreted juice. In judging of the nature of these leaf-movements, it is necessary to decide whether they are really analogous to muscle-movements, and whether the identity extends even to the electric phenomena, as Burdon-Sanderson would have us believe. Recent researches by Professor Munk of Berlin have not confirmed this. The move- ments of the leaf of the Dioncra must be regarded as entirely similar to those of the Mimosa pudica. These movements are dependent, not on contractions, as are those of muscle, but on curvatures which occur in the leaf in consequence of an alteration in the supply of moisture in the ditiereu' cell-strata. The leaf does indeed exercise electric action, though not in the simple 1 OH Tngectlrorout Plants. Lnnd'ui, is;.-,. ELECTRIC ACTION IN PLANTS. 225 way claimed by Burdon-Sanderson. Changes in the electric action also occur during the curvature, but these changes do not correspond with negative varia- tion in the nerve-current ; they are probably connected with the circulation of the sap within the leaf. From my own study of Mimosa pudica I had already adopted similar views. In this plant I was unable to detect regular electric action during quiescence ; but on the falling of the leaf-stalk, I observed electric currents which might be explained as the result of the circu- lation of the sap. We must, therefore, be content to accept the fact that electric phenomena in plants are not to be classed with those observed in muscles, glands, nerves, and in the electric organs of certain fishes. 11 22(5 TIJYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. CHAPTER XIV. 1. General summary; 2. Fundamental explanatory principles; 3. Comparison of muscle-prism and magnet ; 4. Explanation of I he tension in muscle-prisms and muscle-rhomM ; 5. Explanation of negative variation and parelectronomy ; f>. Application to nerves; 7. Application to electric organs and glands. 1 . Summing up the most important facts given in the foregoing chapters, we may make the following statements :— (1) EI->JI'I/ muscle, and ever// jmrt of a muscle, win n quiescent, is positive on its lungitudiruil section ; n <<-e tension does the same in ///«' cross- sections. In a muscle-rhombus the /. of the tension is someivhat different, for in it the greatest positive tension is removed toward the obtn*<: ut x!/:/ht . 2. Let us suppose, for example, that in the body described in Chapter X. § 2, the distribution of the tension \\hich prevails on the surface as the result of tin- electromotive forces then assumed, has been pro\eol. Let us now imagine that this particular electromotive force is removed, and is replaced by another, situ- ated at any other point in the body. Accordingly, the body will be occupied by current-curves of different form, corresponding with different iso-clectric curves. Consequently, the distribution of tension on the sur- face is also quite different. A third electromotive force situated at any other point would again involve an entirely different distribution of the tension, and >o on. Ilelmholtz has shown that when many siu-li electric forces are present at one time in a bodv, the tension which actually prevails at each point of the surface is equal to the sum of all the tensions which would be generated at this point by each of the electro- motive forces by itself. If, therefore, a certain distri- bution of tension has been experimentally found, it is possible to conceive many combinations of electromotive forces which might afford such a distribution of tension. The rules of scientific logic afford a standard by which to choose to which of all these possible c<>m- lii nations the preference shall be given. The theory Delected must, in the first place, be able to explain, not only one, but all the circumstances experimentally found. If new facts are discovered by new experi- ments, then it must be able to explain these also, or it must be relinquished in favour of a better theory. Secondly, if several theories seem equally to satisfy tin- required conditions, then preference must be given to the simplest rather than to the more complex theories. A MUSCLE-PRISM AND A MAGNET. 229 But in all cases it must be borne in mind that these are only theories, the value of which consists in the very fact that they afford a common point from which all the known facts may be regarded, and that they must in no case contradict the value of scientifically established facts. We require such hypotheses, partly because they point the way to further research, and thus greatly aid the advance of science ; and partly because the human understanding finds no satisfaction in the simple collection of separate facts, but rather strives, wherever it has discovered a series of such facts, to bring these, if only provisionally, into reason- able connection, and to gain a common point of view from which to regard them. 3. Turning now to our task provided with these preconceptions, we will at first confine our attention to muscle. A regular muscle- prism exhibits a definite distribution of tensions. But every smaller prism which may be cut from the larger exhibits the same distribution of tensions. No limits to this are as yet known, for even the smallest piece of a single muscle- fibre susceptible of examination is conditioned in this respect just as a large bundle of long fibres. Two possible explanations may be given of this. It may be assumed that the electric tensions are due merely to the arrangement of the muscle-prism, or such an arrangement of electromotive forces already present in the muscle may be conceived as explains all the phenomena found to occur in the muscle. Mateucci and others tried the first of these ways. But when du Bois-Eeymond undertook the study of this subject, and, with a degree of patience and perseverance un- equalled in the history of science, discovered very many 230 IMIYSIOLCM1Y <>F MfSCLES AND NKRYI -. facts, for but a few of which we have been able to find place in tin- foregoing chapters, lie was dissatisfied with tliis wav, and, therefore, tried the second. And thus he was enabled t > form an hypothesis which afforded an explanation of all the previously-known facts, of all those which have come to light since the hypothesis was first formed, and even of some which were first indicated by the hypothesis itself and were then con- finned by experiment. It is true that attempts on the other side have since been again made to restore credit to the older hypothesis, but the attempts have been in vain. We shall, therefore, fully accept the hypothesis constructed by du Bois-Keymond as being alone capable of including and combining all electro- physiological facts. CCCC€CC€€)CCCD€Cf)€CC€t €€)C 6 Fi<;. 01. TMI:OKY <>K MAC.M.TISM. The phenomenon, that when a muscle-prism is cut into two halves, each part exhibits an arrangement of the electric tensions exactly analogous to that which before prevailed in the entire prism, recalls a corre- sponding phenomenon observed in the magm-lic rod. It is a well-known fact that every magnetic rod has two po]e<, a north pole and a south pole. The magnetic tension is greatest at these two poles, and decreases towards the centre; and at the actual centre it = 0. If the magnet is then cut through in the cent re, each half becomes a complete magnet, uith a north and a A MUSCLE-PRISM AND A MAGNET. 231 south pole, and exhibits a regular decrease of the mag- netic tensions from the poles to the centre. However often the magnet is subdivided, each fragment is always a complete magnet with two poles, and a regularly decreasing tension. To explain this, it is assumed that the whole magnet consists entirely of small particles (molecules), each of which is a small magnet with a FIG. G2. DIAGRAM OF A PIECE OF MUSCLE-FIBKE. north and a south pole. These small molecular mag- nets being all arranged in the same order, somewhat as is shown in figure 61, they act in combination in the whole magnet ; but each separate part also acts in the same way. The muscle may be similarly conceived. A stri- ated muscle consists of fibres, all of which in the case of a regular muscle-prism run parallel to each other, and are of equal length. Each fibre must be regarded, according to that which was said in Chapter I. § 2, as 232 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. composed of regularly arranged particles, each of which consists of a small portion of the simply refracting elementary substance, in which is embedded a group of tlic double-refracting disdiaclasts. Such a particle may lie called a muscle-dement. The muscle-fibre would accordingly consist of regularly arranged muscle- elements, the sequence of which, in the longitudinal direction, forms the fibrilla3 of which mention has been made; in the lateral direction forms the discs into which the muscle-fibre may separate under certain circumstances. A diagram of a piece of muscle-fibre would, therefore, present an appearance somewhat a> in fig. 62, in which each of the small rectangular figures represents a muscle-element. Each such muscle- element is, therefore, in all essential points an entire muscle, for the fibre is but an accumulation of such muscle-elements, each exactly like the other ; and the whole muscle is but a bundle of homogeneous muscle- fibres. Iri each muscle-element we must, therefore, recognise the presence of all the qualities which belong to the whole muscle. It possesses the capacity of becoming shorter, and at the same time thicker; and finally — and this is the gist of the question here under discussion — it has the same eleetric characters as are observable in the entire muscle. 4. We therefore assume that every inu>c!e- •l.-nn-iit. i- the seat of an electromotive force, in \irtue <>f \\hich it is positive on the longitudinal section, negative »\\ the cross-section. If a single muscle-element of this sort were surrounded by a conducting substance, sys- tems of current-curves from t lie side of the lon^it udinal M-ction to that <>f the cross-section would be present within it. If many such muscle-elements are arranged TENSIONS IN MUSCLE-PBISMS AND RHOMBI. 233 side by side and one behind the other in the regular arrangement which we have assumed, then the whole must, as has been shown by calculation, be positive throughout its longitudinal section, negative through- out its cross-sections. Now, supposing that this whole aggregation of muscle-elements is surrounded by a thin layer of a conducting substance, then currents such as are represented in fig. 63 must be present within it. These current-curves then accurately corre- spond with that distribution of the tensions which was experimentally shown. The greatest positive tension FlG. Co. DlAGUAM OF THE ELECTRIC ACTION IX AX AGGP.EGATIOX OF MUSCLE-ELEMENTS. must prevail in the centre of the longitudinal section ; the greatest negative tension in the centre of the cross section ; and both must decrease in a regular wav toward the edges. We now take a bundle of muscle-fib] e 3, the ends of which are formed by two artificial straight cross- sections, in other words, a regular muscle-prism. The separate muscle-fibres, which constitute the bundle, are surrounded by sarcolemma, held together and en- veloped by connective tissue. Moreover, the outer- most strata must obviously become subject sooner than the inner to the unfavourable influences of mortifica- tion, which, as we have seen, finally lead to the entire loss of electric qualities ; these outermost strata there- 234 IMIYSIOLOUY OK MI'H'I.KS AND NKKVFS. f<>re become quite inoperative, or less operative than (lie inner. This injurious influence must be yet more strongly developed on the cross-section, where a layer of crushed, that is, deal muscle-substance, overlies the ]):irts which yet remain operative, Owin^ to all these circumstances, a coating of inoperative but con- ducting substance envelopes the operative muscle- elements, and the distribution of the tensions on the regular muscle-prism is fully explained. And when such a muscle-prism is divided, the conditions al \vavs remain unaltered. Karh part of a miisele-prism mu>t act as would the whole. I'l<. . e combine with (l,e current elicu- NEGATIVE VARIATION AND PARELECTRONOMY. 235 lating from the longitudinal to the cross-section of the entire prism, to make the obtuse angle more positive than negative. 5. We must next inquire how the negative varia- tion of the muscle-current during activity can be ex- plained in accordance with our hypothesis. We have already found reason to believe, from the phenomena of muscle-tone, that the contraction of the muscle depends on a movement of its smallest particles. Mi- croscopic observation of muscular contraction shows that the movement takes place within each muscle- element, for the change in form may be detected in each muscle-element just as in the whole muscle-fibre. It is therefore not difficult to conceive that, in con- nection with these movements of the smallest particles within each muscle-element, the electromotive opposi- tion between the longitudinal and cross-sections of that element undergo a change. It is of little importance whether we conceive the matter as though the mo- lecules of the muscle undergo vibratory motion during contraction, or whether we give the preference to some other theory. Where facts are wanting to support or contradict certain assumptions, the imagination may have free play, and may picture any process by which changes of the kind under consideration might pos- sibly be brought about. But the discreet man of science, while allowing himself this liberty, ever re- members that such free play of the imagination is of no real scientific value, either didactically, as explain- ing known facts, or temporarily as leading and inciting to new researches. Grood hypotheses are always avail- able in both these ways, and the scientific man uses only such. He may perhaps amuse himself in a leisure riIYSIOLO(.\ OF MUSCLES AM- NKRVKS. quarter of an hour by allowing his imagination to -•any the hypotheses further than tin- point up to which they are based on known facts; but he docs not presume to urge the results on others. Filially, we have to examine how far t he hypothesis to which we have given the preference is confirmed by the phenomena observable in entire muscles. The tendonous covering on the ends of muscle-til ires may be regarded as a layer of non-active conducting sub- -tance. In so far as the same phenomena are ex- • hibited in the uninjured muscle, as in the muscle- prism or muscle-rhombus with its artificial cross section, nothing need be added to the previous ex- planations. But this is, as we have s -en, though nerally. yet not always the case. The natural CTO8E section of a muscle is generally very slightly negatixe. sometimes not at all, as compared with the longi- tudinal section; but the negative character becomes marked as soon as the natural cross-section has been destroyed in any way, either mechanically, chemically, or thermieally. In explanation of this condition of the natural ends of muscle-fibres, we may assume that the arrangement of the molecules in the latter or in the, terminal mu>c|e-element s in each mii-cle-fibiv may sometimes be dit'f'eren! from that at all other points. If, for example, the cro-- sect ion in the terminal muscle-element were not negative, the miiM-le-libre could afford no current, though such a current would arise as soon as this terminal muscle-'lemeii! wa- re- mo\ed or was traii-forim d into a non-active conductor. I1], du I'>oi--h'eymond has lately succeeded in discover- ing a verv probable iva-on for this abnormal condition of the ends of muscle-fibres j but without entering too THE NERVES. 237 deeply into details we should not be able to explain this here.1 6. We will now turn our attention to nerves. The resemblance of the phenomena in the case of muscles and of nerves is so great that it is natural at once to transfer the hypotheses assumed for the former to the latter. It is true that in nerves there are not the microscopically visible particles (the so-called muscle- elements) on which we based our theory in the case of muscles, and in which we recognised the presence of electromotive forces. But from what we have already seen of the processes of excitement in the nerve, it is at least evident that in the nerve also separate par- ticles, with independent power of movement and inde- pendent forces, must be arranged in sequence in the longitudinal direction of the nerve. If, without beingf O 3 O able to say anything further of their nature, but be- cause of the analogy, we call these particles nerve- elements, and if we assume that each of these nerve- elements is the seat of an electromotive force, in consequence of which the longitudinal section exhibits positive tension, the cross-section exhibits negative tension, then the phenomena in the quiescent nerve and the negative variation of the nerve-current during activity are explicable exactly as were the correspond- ing phenomena in muscles. The entirely similar be- haviour of nerves and muscles when irritated is alone sufficient to show satisfactorily that the two must be very much alike in their physical structure ; and the similarity of their behaviour in point of electromotive activit}r is such as to lend weight to our assumption of 1 See Notes and Additions No. 14. 23S PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. the similarity in tin- arrmirem -at of their small^t particles. But together with many points of resemblance. iK-rve aad muscle exhibit some points of difference. The muscle during activity changes its form and is able to accomplish work; the nerve is incapable of this. The nerve, on the other hand, under the in- tl IK 'iice of continuous electric currents, exhibits tho»- elianges in excitability which we observed under the name electrotonus, and which, as we have seen, corre- spond with elianges in the distribution of the tensions on the outer surface of the nerve. No correspond- ing phenomena have been shown in muscle. Other changes which effect, these changes in tension must, therefore, occur within the nerve-element. It is a well-known fact that all substances occupy- ing space are regarded as composed of small partido, to which the name molecules is given. In a simple chemical body, such as hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, iron, and so on, all these molecules consist of homogeneous atoms ; in a chemically compound body, such as wat.-r. carbonic acid, and so on, each molecule is composed of several atoms of different kinds. A molecule of water, for instance, consists of an atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen; a molecule of carbonic acid con- sists of an atom of carbon and t\\o atoms of oxygen ; a molecule of common salt consists of an atom of natron and an atom of chlorine, and so on.1 A piece of salt contains a very large number of such atoms of ehlovinc and natron, but each of these 1 Details of tin mid molecular theory will IT found in 'Tlic ]S'(j\v Chi -niistry.' Coukc (lull-mat i-«!i:il ScicuLi::- Si vul. ix.). THE NERVES. 239 (in pure cooking salt) is like every other. But a muscle, a nerve, or any other organic tissue, is much more complex in structure. Molecules of albumen, of fats, of various salts, of water, and so on, are mingled in it. A very small piece of such a tissue must be regarded from a chemical point of view as a compound of very many different substances. To avoid confusion, the name ' muscle-element ' or ' nerve- element ' has been given to these particles, in which we assume the existence of all the qualities of muscle or nerve, but this name expresses nothing further than a fragment of a muscle or nerve. Even such a frag- •J CJ ment must be regarded as of very complex structure. Very complex physical and chemical processes may take place within it ; and the processes of muscle and nerve activity, the actual nature of which is as yet quite unknown to us, are certainly connected with such chemical tlnd physical processes. If electric forces also occur in such a nerve- or muscle-element, it is not sur- prising that these also undergo various changes. Of this sort must be the changes which occur during ac- tivity and during electrotonus. In speaking, as we have occasionally done, of nerve- and muscle-molecules, we have, therefore, not used the term molecule quite in the clear and fixed sense in which the term is used in chemistry. Our conception was rather of something which, itself composed of va- rious chemical substances, forms a unit of another order. For the sake of brevity we shall still sometimes use the expression in this sense, as, after the explana- tion which has now been given, we may do this without fear of being misunderstood. A muscle- or a nerve- molecule accordingly means a group of chemical mo- 240 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. lecules combined in a particular way, many of which, in combination, form a muscle-molecule or a nerve- elemeiit respect ively. Wu have learned to regard the negative variation of the muscle- or nerve-current as a movement of these muscle- or nerve-molecules respectively, in consequence of which the differences in tension between the longi- t ud i mil and cross-sections become less. In explanation of the electric phenomena of electrotonus, we may now assume that under the influence of continuous electric currents the nerve-molecules assume a different relative position by reason of which the distribution of the tensions on the outer surface of the nerve is (limited. This changed position is retained as long as the electric current flows through the nerve, and disappears more or less rapidly after the opening <>f the current. At first it takes effect only within the electrodes, but it propagates itself through the extrapolar portions, be- coming gradually weaker the further it is from the electrodes. In illustration of this conception, we may avail ourselves of the comparison which we have already made of the nerve-molecules with a series of magnetic needles. When the position of some of the needles in the centre of such a series is changed, owing to some external influence}, those needles which lie more on the outside of the series must be turned to an extent de- creasing ^ it h their distance from the centre. Or we may al-o refer to the conception which physicists have formed of the so-called elect r. .lysis, the analysis of a Huid bv an electric current. All these analogies can only explain the process in so far that \ve ivoignise how an electric current is capable of causing a change in the relative poml lined with what we know of nerves and muscle, naturally leads us to suppose that electromotive forces are pre- sent in the electric plates, but that they are so ar- raiM'ed as to cause no observable differences of tension D on the outer surface. Under the influence of the ac- tive nerves, the particles endowed with electric forces undergo a change in their relative position, differenco of tension between the two surfaces of the electric plates inter\ene, 'ind, as all the electric plates in an organ act in (lie same way, the result is a powerful electric shock, which, in spite of its powerful effect, differs from the negat ive variation of the muscle- and nerve-currents only as does the powerful current of a many-celled galvanic batterv from the weak current of a small apparatu-. In order to make the similarity between the electric organ on the one hand, and muscles and nerves on the oih.-r. yet more prominent, we will carry the compari- son with magnetic phenomena yet further. In fig. 65, IS \ I'll;. (')."). M Ai.M I 1C 1MMC Tl<>\. .1 // isa piece nf M>|'I iron. .V N ;i magnet which we bring from some distance toward the in.u rod .1 />'. The result is to evoke magnetism in J II. A becoming a north pole, and />' a .-oitth pole. Now, let i;< snppo>e that the non- magnetic iron rod .1 I! i> replaced by an entirely similar, GLANDS AND ELECTRIC ORGANS. 243 but magnetic rod Nl Sl (fig. 66). At the moment at which the magnet NS is brought near, the magnetism of Nl Si becomes weaker, ceases entirely, or is even FIG. G6. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. reversed. The same process of magnetic induction is concerned in both cases. The only difference is that in one case the induction seizes on an iron rod the mole- cular magnets of which are irregularly arranged, and which therefore appears non-magnetic; while in the second case the iron rod is in itself magnetic. So that in one case magnetism is evoked by induction, in the other, magnetism which was already present is weak- ened ; but the induction is the same in both cases. In just the same way electric tensions are induced in the electric plate by the influence of the nerves, while the tensions present in the muscle are weakened ; but the process in the electric plate and in the muscle is the same. We have now only to say a few words about the glands. The phenomena in these are, so far as we can infer from the few known facts, so entirely like those in muscles, that it is only necessary to transfer the expla- nation which we have given in the case of the muscles to the glands. In each gland-element electric forces are present which make the base of the gland positive, the mouth-opening negative. When the gland becomes active, these differences in tension become less. There is no occasion to speculate as to how far this affects the process of secretion, as it could not further explain the process. 244 I'HYSIOLOGY OF MIM I.i'..S AND NF.KVKS. CHAPTER XV. 1. Connection of IHTVC and muscle; 2. Isolated excitement of individual muscle-fibres; I!. Discharge-hypothesis; 4. Principle of the dispersion of forces; 5. Ind<-| cndrnt irritability of muscle- Mil'Stancr ; <'.. Curare; 7. Clu-mira! irri'ants ; S. Theory of tlie activity • >!' the n< r\« s, 1. Ill till' foregoing chapters We have examined the characters of muscles and nerves separately. Tin- muscle is distiiiiMiislird l>y its jiowcr of shortening ami thereby accomplishing work. The nerve 1ms imt this power: it is only able t<> incite the nmscle to activity. We must now inquire how this incitement, this trans- fnvnct' of activity from the nerves <,> tli,. mu c1 -. occurs. To understand tin act j.ni of a machine, of any piece of mechanism, it is necessary to learn its structure and the relative positions of ite separate parts. In our ca-. . microscopic observation can alone aH'«>rd the explana- tion. If we (rare the course of the nerve within the mu-cle, we tind that the separate til >re<, which enter the inii-i-le in a c.iniieeted luiiidle, separate, run among the muscle-fibres, and sjiread throughout the muscle. It then appear- t hat the single nerve-fibres divide, and this explains the fact that each mn>«-h-iil>re is eventu- ally pro\ id. d wit h ;' ner\e-lilire IMH- ne,-\-e-til.res . ven \\ilh two— although the numlier of nerve-libres which tin muscle is generally much less than the CONNECTION OF NERVE AND MUSCLE. 245 number of the muscle-fibres which compose the muscle. Till the nerve approaches the muscle-fibre, it retains its three characteristic marks — the neurilemma, medullary sheath, and axis-cylinder. When near the muscle-fibre, the nerve suddenly becomes thinner, loses the medul- lary sheath, then again thickens, the neurilemma co- FIG. 67. TERMINATIONS OF NERVES IN THE MUSCLES OF A GUINEA-PIG. alesces with the sarcolemma of the muscle-fibre, and the axis-cylinder passes directly into a structure which lies within the sarcolemma pouch, in immediate con- tact with the actual muscle-substance, and is called the terminal nerve-plate. Fig. 67 represents this passing of the nsrve into the muscle as it occurs in mammals. In other animals the form of the terminal plate is some- 240 PHYSIOLOGY OF Mrsri.KS AM> NKIJVES. what differ* >nt ; hut tin- relation between the nerve and the muscle is the same. The essential fact is the same in all cases: ////>, m-rre _/"'•-'*'* ''"/" direct contact n-ltli tlf muscle-substance. All observers are now a -Teed on this point. Uncertainty prevails only as to the further )iature of the terminal plate. In the frog, for instance, there is no real terminal plate, but the nerve separates within the sarcoleinma into a net-like series of branches, which can be traced for a short dis- tance from the point of entrance in both directions. Professor Gerlach has recently declared that this net, as well as the terminal nerve-plate, are not really the ends of the nerves, but that the nerve penetrates throughout the muscle-substance, and that throughout the whole muscle-fibre there is an intimate union of nerve and muscle. 2. However -this may be, the fact that the nerve- substance and the muscle-substance are in immediate contact must serve as the starting-point from which to attempt an explanation. "When it was thought that the nerve remained on the outer surface of the muscle- fibre, there was difficulty in explaining how a pulsation of individual muscle-fibres within a muscle could bo elicited by irritation of individual fibres of a nerve. Kor the nerve-fibres, in their course within the nm-< le. touch externally many muscle-fibres, over which they pass before they finally end at another mnsde-liltre. In the case of flat, thin muscles, it may be shown con- clusively that such a nerve-fibre may be irritated in such a way that those muscle-fibres over which it, passes remain quiescent, and only those pulsate at which the nerve-fibre ends. As soon, however, as it is understood that the excite nt present in tl e nerve- THE DISCHARGE HYPOTHESIS. 247 fibre cannot penetrate through the sheaths, it is clear that the excitement can only act on the muscle- substance where the nerve-substance and the muscle- substance are really in immediate contact — that is, only within the sarcolemma pouch. The nerve-sheath is, as we already know, a real isolator as regards the process of excitement within the fibre ; for an excitement within a nerve-fibre remains isolated in this, and is not trans- ferred to any neighbouring fibre. It is quite impos- sible, therefore, that it can transfer itself to the muscle- substance, since it is separated from the latter not only by the nerve-sheath, but also by the sarcolemma. But if the nerve-fibre penetrates the sarcolemma, as appears from the microscopic observations above de- scribed, and if nerve-substance and muscle-substance are in immediate contact, then the transference of the excitement present in the nerve to the muscle substance is intelligible. The argument holds good whether we assume that the nerve, directly after its entrance within the sarcolemma, ends in a nerve -plate or a short nerve- net, or whether, as Gerlach says, it spreads further. All that is needed to make the process of transference in- telligible is that the two substances should be in imme- diate contact, and so much is granted, whichever view is preferred. But the process, if intelligible, is yet not explained. An attempt at explanation must be based on, and have regard to, all the established facts. 3. It is natural to think of the electric characters of nerves and muscles, and to seek the explanation in these. In nerves electric tensions prevail which dur- ing the activity of the nerve undergo a sudden decrease, a so-called negative variation. Such sudden variations of electric currents are, we know, able to excite the 248 rnvsiOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NEKYI muscle. We may, therefore, conceive the process some- what as follows. Tin- excitement in the nerve, however caused, propagates itself along the nerve-fibre until it reaches the end of tin- latter. Connected \\ith it is :in electric process, by which a sudden electric variation 18 caused in the terminal apparatus of the nerve- h'bre, and this excites the nerve-substance, just as a shock acting externally immediately on the muscle would excite it. Following du Bois Ixeymond, the above conception may be called the discharge-hypothesis (Entladwnga- hypothese). According to it, the muscle end of a nerve- fibre must be regarded as similar to an electric pla'e in the peculiar organs of electric fish. Indeed, in the latter, an electric discharge is effected by the influence of nerve-excitement, which is able to cause other excit- able structures, such as muscles and glands, to contract. We do not attach any weight to the accidental external resemblance of the terminal nerve-plate to the electric plate. In frogs and many other animals there are no terminal plates, and yet the conditions are the same in their case also. And even if the view upheld by Gerladi is confirmed, and it is shown that nerve-substance comes into more intimate contact with muscle-substance than merely at the point at which it enters the muscle- pouch, our explanation will be unaffected. All that we claim is that an electric discharge, by which themuscle- sub.-faiice is irritated, takes place in the terminal expan- sions of the nerves, of \\hatever form these expansions may be. Against the acceptance of this \ie\va ditlicnlty at first seems to present itself in the fact that such an electric shock, taking place in the end of a nerve, would THE FREEING OF FORCES. 249 excite not only the muscle-fibre in which the nerve ends, but the adjacent fibres also. For in the muscle and its envelopes no electric isolators are present, and an electric shock, occurring at any point, can and must spread throughout the whole muscle mass. But from the law of the distribution of currents in irregular con- ductors, the essential outlines of which are given in the twelfth chapter, it appears that the strength of the cur- rent in the immediate neighbourhood of the spot at which the discharge actually takes place may be con- siderable, though it decreases so rapidly with increasing distance, that it is easy to believe that it may be quite unnoticeable, even in a muscle-fibre which stands side by side with the fibre directly irritated. It is this very circumstance which lends especial weight to the fact that the nerve penetrates within the muscle-fibre, and there comes into immediate contact with the muscle- substance. Only in this way is it intelligible that a discharge occurring in the nerve can irritate the muscle. When the excitement has once arisen at any point within the muscle-substance, it can, as we have seen, spread within the muscle-fibre. It is possible that this may result without any co-operation of the nerve-sub- stance ; so that the spreading of the nerve within the muscle-substance, as claimed by Gerlach, is not required to explain the processes within the muscle.1 4. We therefore assume that the excitement aris- ing in the nerve itself becomes an irritant, which then irritates the muscle. The forces which are gene- rated, in consequence of this, in the muscle are, as we know, able to accomplish considerable labour, which bears no relation to the insignificant forces which act 1 See Notes and Additions, No. 15. 12 250 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. on the nerve and which are active in the nerve itself vJiile tin- latter transmits the excitement. To use a common but appropriate simile, the nt-rve is but the -park which causes the explosion in the powder-mine; or. to carrv the simile further, the sul])hur train which, being tireil av one end, carries the fire- to the mine, and there causes the explosion. The forces which are set free within the muscle are chemical, due to the oxida- tion of its substances ; the irritant originating from tin- nerve is only the incitement in consequence of which the chemical forces inherent in the miiM-le come into play. Physicists call such processes the freeing of forces. The nerve-irritant, therefore, frees the rauscle- forces, and these translate themselves into warmth and mechanical work. In every such freeing, the freeing force is generally very small when compared with tin- forces set free, and which may be dormant for incalcu- lable periods ; though when they are once set free, they are, capable of enormous effects. A huge block of stone may for years hang in unstable equipoise on the edge of a precipice till some insignificant disturbance makes it fall, carrying destruction to all in the way of its de- scent. It is even supposed that the slight disturbance caused in the air by the sound <>f a mule-bell is suf- ficient to start the ball of snow which at last thunders down into the valley in the form of a mighty, all- destroying avalanche, This freeing by small forces is only possible in the case »f unstable equipoise. But there is also a chemical unstable equipoise. Carbon and oxygen may lie for thousands of years side by side without combining. C|o>ely mingled, as in gunpowder, <>r still more closely, as in nitro-glycerine, they are in unstable equipoise; the sli^hte-t blow suffices to cause INDEPENDENT IRRITABILITY OF MUSCLES. 251 their combination, which by their expansion is able to accomplish such gigantic work.1 In muscle, too, carbon and oxygen lie side by side in chemical unstable equi- poise; and it is the irritation of the nerves which effects the solution which destroys the equilibrium. An arrange- ment such as that just described is called sen-sitir<\ because even an insignificant disturbance is sufficient to disturb the unstable equipoise and to develop force. The muscle is therefore a sensitive machine. But the nerve is in a yet higher degree sensitive, for the smallest dis- turbance of its equipoise gives play to the forces within it. But these forces are in themselves incapable of any great effects. They would hardly be iudicable, were not this sensitive machine, which we call the nerve, connected with the machine, also sensitive, which we call muscle, in such a way that the activity of the one sets free the forces within the other. 5. A sensitive machine is not equally sensitive to ail possible disturbances. Dynamite 2 may be placed on an anvil and hammered without exploding ; or, if lighted with a cigar, it burns quietly out like a fire- work. But when it comes in contact with the spark of a percussion cap, it explodes, and develops its gigantic forces. A nerve is sensitive to electric shocks, and to certain mechanical, chemical, and thermic influences. It is not sensitive to many other influences. The in- fluences to which the nerve is sensitive we have called irritants. A muscle is sensitive to electric shocks, to certain mechanical, chemical, and thermic influences ; 1 On these processes see Balfour Stewart ' On the Conservation of Energy' (International Scientific Series, vol. vi.) ; and Cooke on ' The New Chemistry ' (same series, vol. ix.). 2 Dynamite is a mixture of nitro-glycerine wi'.h 'kieselguhr,' an earth consisting of the shells of infusoria. 252 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKKVI-. above all, to the influence of the active nerve. The latter niav perhaps, as \ve have explained in the foregoing paragraphs, be referred back to electric irri- tation. It is thus apparent that muscle and ner\e beha\e essentially in the same way towards irritants. F>ut, remembering that nerves run for part of their course within the muscle, between its fibres, and even penetrate within the very niuscle-tibres, the thought now suggests itself, that perhaps the muscle is in no wav electrically, chemically, thermically, or mechani- cally irritable ; perhaps, when these irritants are allowed to act on the mu-ele. it is only t he hit ra-musciilar nep, which are irritated, and which then in turn act on the muscle-fibres. In other words, we have to determine whether the muscle is only irritable mediately through the nerves, or whether it is also immediately irritable, independently of the nerves, by any irritants. The question is not a new one. Albert von Haller, pr.et and physiologist (170S-77), asked it, and even he was not the first, to do so. Haller declared himself in favour of the second of the two above-mentioned possi- bilities. He called this capacity of the muscles to re- ceive independent irritation (Irritabilitat ). and the name has been retained. Haller met with much Opposition from his contemporaries : and a dispute arese which has lasted to the present time. In llaller's days, «.f course, onlv the larger nerve-branchings \\ere known. The further the nerves can be traced by means of the micro- M-ope, t he harder does it evidently become to determine I he qlle-t i.i]| Ullder di-cllSMoli. (i. [n the year 1856, the French physiologisl Claude I'ernard made experiments with a poison brought from (iuiana, which the Indians of that region use to poi.-mi CURARE. 253 their arrows. It is called curare, ourari, or wurali, and is a brown, condensed plant juice, which is brought over in hollowed, gourd-like fruits called calabashes. He found that animals poisoned with this curare are dis- abled, and that in animals thus disabled, irritation of the nerve- trunks, even with the strongest electric or other irritants, is entirely ineffective, though the muscles are yet easily irritable. This was indeed no new phenomenon. Harless, at Munich, had already observed something similar in strongly etherised ani- mals. But soon afterwards, Koelliker, at Wiirzburg, and, simultaneously, Bernard himself, in extending the experiments of the latter, found something new. If ligatures are applied to the hough of a frog, and the animal is then poisoned with curare, the lower leg is not disabled. By irritation of the sciatic nerve the muscles of the lower leg may be induced to contract where the poison could not penetrate, the appropriate vessels being tightly constricted. Curare, therefore, does not disable the muscles, for these always and everywhere remain irritable ; nor does it disable the nerve-trunks, for these remain irritable if the poison cannot reach the muscles. There is but one other thing possible : the poison disables something which is be- tween the nerve-trunk and the muscle-fibre, so that the nerve-trunk can no longer act on the muscle. If that which is disabled is the end of the nerve, then the im- mediate irritability of the muscle-substance, without the participation of the nerves, about which there has been so much strife, is proved. This striking phenomenon is not solitary. The action of some other poisons, such as nicotine and conine, is entirely like that of curare. These also dis- '2.') I rilYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. aide, not the nerve-trunks or the muscle-substance, but some par! Intermediate between these two. The diffi- culty is I.i prove that this partis exactly the final termi- nation of the nerves. Assuming that these poisons disable some pirf which lies bstween the nerve-trunk and the muscle, but not the very end of the nerve, then, though all the phenomena explained above are quite intelligible, yet no answer has been gained to the ques- tion of irritability, which we are discussing. Considering now the characters of the nerve, and of its passage into the nerve-fibre, it is easy to understand why the poison does not take effect on the nerve-trunks. The ncrve-tibres receive but few blood-vessels, so that the poison in solution in the blood can only reach them slowly, and in very small quantity. Moreover, the fatty medullary-sheath probably forms a sort of protec- tive envelope round the axis-cylinder. But where the nerve enters the muscle-fibre it loses the inedullarv sheath : and just at this same point a very complex net of blood-vessels is present. Probably, therefore, it is exactly the terminal nerve-plate (or the corresponding nerve-branchings in the naked amphibia) which is most exposed to the attack of the poison. So long, however, as it is impossible to prove that this is really (he actual end of the nerve-fibre, a chance is left open to the op- ponents of the theory of irritabilit v. Great pains have heeii taken to settle this point with certainty. If a muscle poisoned with curare is compared with a similar but imprisoned muscle, it ap- pears thai Ihe former is less excitable; that is, that stronger irritants are needed to cause it to pulsate. The explanation of this maybe that the imisch'-suh- sfance is excitable, hut not so much so as the infra- CHEMICAL IRRITANTS. 255 muscular nerves. The following reasons may also be given for the probability of the independent irritability of muscle-substance. A nerve is, as is known, strongly excited by short, sudden variations of a current, and an unpoisoned muscle behaves in the same way; but a muscle poisoned with curare is less sensitive to current shocks of short duration than to such as take place more slowly. If we ascribe independent irritability to muscle-substance, then greater sluggishness prevails in muscle-substance than in nerve-substance, so that the irritating influences require longer time to take effect in the former. In the case of nerves it has, moreover, been shown that currents which pass at right angles to the longitudinal direction of the nerve-fibre are entirely ineffective. In muscles under the influence of curare no difference in this point can be shown. If the independent irritability of muscle-substance is de- nied in spite of this, it must be assumed that in these experiments the point lies in differences between the nerve-fibres and their real ends. But nerves and muscles are evidently very similar, and it might evidently be possible to assume considerable difference between nerve-fibres and nerve-ends, and that these nerve-ends differ from the muscle-substance in nothing but that the power of being irritated is ascribed to the former, while it is denied to the latter. It appears then, that the whole dispute resolves itself into an empty word- strife as to whether this thing which lies between the nerve-fibres and the muscle-substance is to be reckoned as part of the nerve or as part of the muscle. 7. The much-discussed question of the independent irritability of muscle-substance is, as appears from what has now been said, due principally to the fact that the 256 PHYSIOLOGY OF MlX'l.r.s .\M> M:i;VES. same irritants which act on tin- nerve are also able to act on a muscle, and even on a muscle poisoned with curare. We have, however, found slight difference-, and, if it were possible to show the existence of yreat. r differences, especially if irritants were found which act <>n muscle-substance but not on nerve-substance, a new point of departure would be gained for this theory of independent irritability. Chemical irritants are beyond all others capable of variation. From the endless num- ber of chemical bodies we may choose such as irritate the nerve or muscle in general, and we may try each of these in every degree of concentration. If differences between nerve-substance and muscle-substance really exist, it is probable that we shall find them by these means. Starting from these premisses, Kiihne experi- mented on the condition of nerves and muscles; and he was so far successful that he discovered some dif- ferences. In studying the character of nerves and muscles relatively to chemical irritants, it is best to make a cross-section, and to apply the substance which is to be tested to this section. It is best to apply the te-t toa thin parallel-fibred muscle, usually to the /// //NC/////X sn i-tm-i "x of the upper leg. It is Mi-|>euded upside down from a vice, which holds fast its lower pointed tendon; and its upper end, which now hangs down- ward, is then cut. The liipiid which is to be tested is fheii brought in contact with the cross-section thus made, and care is taken to observe whether a pulsa- tion takes place or not. The short, used portion having tlieii been cut off, the experiment can be repeated, and so on till the whole length of the muscle has been u-'-d. The nerve is treated similarly; the sciatic nerve CHEMICAL IRRITANTS. 257 is, as in all experiments by irritation, used for the pur- pose, either in connection with the whole lower leg, or only with the calf-muscle. If the effect of volatile bodies — vapours or gases — is to be tested, the muscle must be shut off from the nerve in an adequate manner. The muscle is extraordinarily sensitive to certain substances. One part of hydrochloric acid in from one thousand to two thousand parts of water affords strong pulsations. The smallest trace of ammonia is enough to cause strong contraction. The observer must there- fore abstain from smoking whilst experimenting, for the slight amount of ammonia in tobacco-smoke is suf- ficient to elicit continued pulsations. The nerve, on the contrary, is much less sensitive towards hydro- chloric acid, and is not at all sensitive towards am- monia. If the nerve is immersed in the strongest solution of ammonia it very soon dies, but is not at all irritated. These are the most marked differences. But it must also be mentioned that glycerine and lactic acid in concentration exercise an irritating effect on the nerve, but not on the muscle ; and that when many other substances (alkalies, salts) are applied, small dif- ferences are exhibited, in that sometimes the nerves, sometimes the muscles, contract in response to a some- what thinner concentration. It thus appears that the differences are extremely slight. Kiihne, however, attaches weight to these, and interprets them as favourable to the theory of the in- dependent irritability of muscle-substance. He sup- ports this conclusion by the following observations. In the case of specific muscle-irritants (ammonia, greatly diluted hydrochloric acid) the result is the skme whether the experiment is tried on an ordinary muscle, or on 2,58 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. one poisoned with curare. Nor does it make any dif- ference whether a strong ascending current is passed through the nerve of a sartorius thus conditioned, thus inducing strong anelectrotonus in the intra-muscular nerve-branchings, so as to disable it. He sees in this a proof that the nerves which spread through the muscle do not share in this form of irritation. He has, more- • iver, discovered that the nerves are not equally dis- tributed throughout the sartorius. They enter at a point somewhat below the middle of the muscle, and distribute themselves upward and downward between the muscle-fibres; but they cannot be traced to the ends of the muscle, and there are at these ends retnons 7 O of from 2 to 3 m. in length, in which at least tin- larger muscle-fibres are wanting. (Whether the nerve- in-t which, according to Gerlach, lies within the sarco- h '1111110, extends to these regions, is another question with which we have nothing here to do.) The specific muscle-irritants affect these regions exact !v as they do the rest of the muscle ; while the specific nerve-irritants (concentrated lactic acid and glycerine) are never able to affect these ends, though they elicit single pulsa- tions in the parts containing nerve-. These nerve- containing parts are also more electrically excitable than are the ends; by curare and by anelectrotonus their excitability is decreased, though that of the nervel- - ends remains unaltered. Many objections have been lironid.it forward again* t the-e conclusions. For my part, ill the very insiniilti- eaiice of the differences between nerve and miir-de in this point a l-o. I am inclined to sec new reason to lu-lieve that these t wo organ s. -,, similar in all points (:\- vet \\c know only two important differences, which THEORY OF NERVE-ACTIVITY. 259 are, that the muscle is contractile, which the nerve is not, and that electrotonus, which intervenes in nerve, cannot be shown in muscle), may also be entirely simi- lar in the matter of irritability, and that those who dis- pute this quality are forced to assume the existence of a substance intermediate between that of the nerve and of the muscle, and which differs almost more from the nerve than from the muscle. 8. Summing up, it appears that the independent irritability of muscle-substance has not been proved ; nor has it been disproved. To understand how the nerve acts on the muscle one must assume that the latter is irritated by the former, and therefore there is no sufficient reason, remembering the similarity in all other points between nerve and muscle, to dispute that it may also be irritated by other irritants (electric, chemical, mechanical, or thermic). In the theory above explained as to the nature of the influence on the muscle, we have assumed that this irritation takes place electrically. We have therefore tacitly presup- posed that the muscle is electrically excitable. Except on this assumption, all that can be said is that the molecular process originating in the nerve is trans- ferred to the muscle : which explains nothing, but rather renounces all explanation. Our hypothesis, on the other hand, has the undeniable advantage that it is based on the well-known process of the negative variation of the nerve during its activity. That the negative varia- tion, when it has once originated in the nerve, propa- gates itself to the nerve-ends, can only be regarded as natural, and, provided that it is of sufficient strength, it can then act as an irritant on the muscle. We have already seen that the nerve must be 200 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKUY1-S. regard -d a- composed of many particles arranged one behind the other, each of •which is retained in a defi- nite position by its own forces and by the influence of tin- neighbouring particles. Whatever acts as an irritant on the nerves must displace these particles from this position, and must cause a disturbance, which then propagates itself, owing to the fact that. a change in the position of one particle causes a disturbance in the equilibrium of the adjacent particles, in consequence of which the latter are set in motion. ^Negative Yaria- tion must lie regarded as a result of this movement of the nerve-particles, in that the electrically acting parts are arranged in different order by the movement, and therefore must exercise a different external influence. Pmt just as thi< change in the portion of the nerve- part ides is able to set the needle of a mult iplier, if it i- properly connected with the nerve, in motion, so the electric process originating in the nerve must act on the imiM-le, if the latter is sensitive to electric varia- tions. This was the assumption from which we started, and which, after the above explanaf ions, will be regarded as thoroughly trustworthy. To enter further into the details of the activity of nerves and muscles, and to substitute more definite conceptions for such as are at present often indefinite, is impossible in the present :-tate of knowledge. CHAPTER XVI. 1. Various kinds of nerves ; 2. Absence of indicable differences in the fibres ; 3. Characters of nerve-cells ; 4. Various kinds of nerve-cells ; 5. Voluntary and automatic motion ; 6. Reflex motion and co-relative sensation ; 7. Sensation and conscious- ness ;, 8. Eetardation ; 9. Specific energies of nerve-cells ; 10. Conclusion. 1. At present we have paid attention only to such nerve-cells as are in connection with muscles, and by the activity of which the appropriate muscles are ren- dered active. We have referred only incidentally to other kinds of nerves. The difficulty due to the cir- cumstance that a suitable reagent is necessary for the study of such nerve-activity as does not express itself in any visible change in the nerve, compelled us to con- fine our studies in the first place to muscle-nerves or 'motor nerves, in which the muscle itself acts as the required reagent. We now have to discover how far the experiences which we have gained of motor-nerves, and the views which we have based on these experiences, are applicable to other nerves. Besides the real motor nerves, we may distinguish those which act oil the smooth muscle-fibres of the blood-vessels, through these effecting a decrease in the diameter of the smaller vessels, and thus regulating the circulation of the blood. These are called vaso-motor nerves. They are, however, in no way different from 262 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AM. M'RVI P. other motor nerves. But a difference is observable even iu (lie case of the secretory newes or gland-nerves, of \vhieh we have already had occasion to make mention. When these nerves are irritated the appropriate nerves begin to secrete. The connection of these nerves with the glands must from a physiological point of view be entirely similar to that of the motor nerves with the muscles. When the latter are irritated the muscles connected with them at once pass into a state of net ivity. Just in the same way the gland-nerves, when they are irritated, cause the glands connected with them to pass into a state of activity. That this activity is quite different from that of the muscles, is obviously due to the entirely different structure of the glands and the muscles. A gland, unlike a muscle, cannot contract ; \\heu it becomes active, it secretes a liquid, this being its activity. There is therefore no reason to assume any difference in any of these nerves, the difference in tin' terminal apparatus, in which the nerves end, being sufficient fully to explain the difference in the pheno- mena. But there arc other nerves the action of which is much harder to understand. Among these are the sensory nerves. When these are irritated, they effect sensations of different kinds, some being of light, others of sound, and so on. Moreover these nerves are capable of rec.-i\ in<_r irritation in a peculiar way, some by waves of light, others by sound vibrations, and others again by heat-rays; but in all cases, only when these influ- ences aet on the ends of the, respective nerves. It is ii"t .self-evident that these nerves are homogeneous in themselves or with the previously mentioned kinds. Finally, it is yet harder to understand the art ion of SIMILARITY OF NERVE-FIBRES. 263 another, and the last class of nerves, which are called retardatory nerves (Hemmungs-nerven). It is com- mon knowledge that the heart beats ceaselessly during life. Now, if a certain nerve which enters the heart is irritated the heart ceases to beat, recommencing when the irritation of the nerve is discontinued. This remarkable fact was discovered by Edward Weber, who spoke of the phenomenon as retardation. It is curious that a nerve can by its activity still a muscle which is in motion. 2. Before we endeavour to determine this and the other points raised, we must note whether any differ- ences can be shown in these various nerves, which act in such entirely different ways. In the previous chap- ters we have observed so many peculiarities in nerves, and among these, qualities which can be examined without the intervention of the muscle, that it seems not altogether unjustifiable to hope that we may be able to observe differences also in nerves if any such occur. But if this is impossible, if all nerve-fibres, though examined in every possible way, seem to be quite homogeneous, then we shall be justified in con- sidering them really homogeneous, and must look for an explanation of the variety in their actions in other circumstances. It may at once be said that it is quite impossible to show differences in the different kinds of nerves. Microscopic observation shows no differences; for the difference, to which allusion has already been made, between medullary and medulla-less fibres does not affect the point in question. We are obliged to infer that the medullary sheath is of entirely subordinate significance in the activity of the nerve. At any rate, 2(14 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. the presence or ab-ence of this medullary sheath does not correspond with differences in tin- physiological actions of nerves. Nor are the small differences in diameter of the separate nerve-fibres of greater import- ance. Nor do experimental tests bring any differen. •< -s to light. The bearing of nerves to irritants does not vary: the electromotive effects are the same in all. Jn all these points we need simplv refer to the previous chapter, for the explanations there given are equally true of all kinds of nerve-fibres. If, therefore, all kinds of nerve-fibres are alike, we can only explain the difference in their action as due to their connection with terminal organs of various form. We have already made use of this principle in explanation of the difference between motor and secretory nerves, and \ve must now endeavour to ex- tend it to all other nerves. 3. While the motor and secretory nerves have their terminal organs in the periphery of the body, the sensi- tive or sensory nerves act on apparatus which are situ- ated in the central organs of the nervous svstem. An irritant which affects a motor nerve, to become appa- rent, must propagate itself toward the peripherv, till it reaches the muscle situated there; an irritant, on tin- other hand, which affects a sensory nerve, must be pro- pagated toward the centre before it seta tree anvaction. Nerves of tin' former kind are therefore called n'ntrif'n- ifill, tho>e of the latter <•> III I' I IK till. We have, l|o\V(.\er. already found that this does not depend «n a difference in the nerve itself, but that each ner\ e-libre, when it is alfeded at any point in its course, transmits the e.\- ci ten lent in both directions ; and we therefore presumed that the faet that action takes place only at one end CAPACITIES OF JVERVE-CELLS. 2()5 must be due to the nature of the attachment of the fibres to the terminal apparatus. (Cf. chap. xiii. § 3, p. 217.) After we had carefully examined the peripheric ter- minal apparatus of the motor nerves, that is to say, the muscles, we were in a position to study the processes in motor fibre. In order now to understand the action of sensory fibres, it will be therefore necessary first to obtain further knowledge of the central nervous organs. The central organs of the nervous system, in ad- dition to nerve-fibres, include, as we have seen (chap, vii. § 1, p. 105 et seq.\ also cellular structures, called ganglion-cells, nerve-cells, or ganglion-balls. They are not always globular, but are generally irregular in form. Beside the forms represented in fig. 27 (p.' 106), which occur scattered here and there in the course of the peripheric nerves, forms such as those represented in fig. 68 occur much more abundantly in the central or- gans. They generally have many processes (four, six and even up to twenty), which branch and unite together like network. Many cells exhibit one process, differ- ing from the others, which passes into a nerve-fibre (nerve-process : cf. fig. 68, la and 3c). These nerve- processes pass out from the central organ and form the peripheric nerves. Within the central organ the processes of the ganglion-cells form a very involved network of fibres ; between these there are, however, other fibres which completely resemble the peripheric nerve-fibres. There is no reason for ascribing to these fibres of the central organ qualities other than those of the peripheric fibres. When in the central organ phe- nomena are observed which never occur in the peri- 266 I'lIVSlDl.MiiV OF MI-SCI.KS AND NKKVF.S. pherie nerve-filires, it is natural to refer these to the proence of the ganglion-cells. As a mailer of fact, all organs which contain ner\ i - cells, tin- central organs as well as tin- peripheric TITI. IIIMVN r.i:ux. 1. A U'.ill'-li.HI I'dl. of wllioll one |iripi'r~-. ((. (M.-..III.- ih. ;i\i- r\lilliliT of :i in 1 \v. iihri'. //. •-'. 'J'un i-i-ii-i. it :ui'i /«. iiiic-M-iiiinrcti'd. :\. Diagnuumatic representa- tion "I Iliri'i- fii|]|M-i-t,-.| CCllS, r:i.-ll nf \\llirll |i:i--r- ilit.i :i niTVr- lihlf. ''. I. Ill n 11 |i:ll'll\ lilli-cl with hlark I'i^lllrllt. -. in \\hieli they are promt, though not so almn- daiitly, exhiliit certain peculiarities, \\hich \\ e nni>t re- gard as caused l.y the iier\ e-c.-ils. And as we are in no Case aide to examine tlu- ller\e-ce]| 1 iy itself, hilt llllist always examine ii in connection witH, and mingled with t he oerve-fibres, we can Imt carefully determine the dif- * CAPACITIES OF NERVE-CELLS. 267 ference in the behaviour of these organs from that of ordinary nerve-fibres, and then regard all not appertain- ing to the nerve-fibres as peculiar to the nerve-cells. We know that the nerve-cells are irritable, that they transmit the excitement which arises in them, and transfer it at the terminal organ. The excitement can O never occur of itself in a nerve-fibre, but it always re- sults from an irritant acting externally, and can never pass from one nerve-fibre to another, but always remains isolated in the excited fibre. But where nerve-cells • occur, the case is different. As long as a nerve-fibre passes uninjured from the brain and spinal-marrow, or from one of the accumulations of nerve-cells situated in the periphery, to a muscle, ex- citement arises without externally visible cause, and this acts through the nerve on the muscle, sometimes at regular intervals independently of the will, sometimes from time to time at the instigation of the will. Again, where nerve-cells occur, we find that excitements which are transmitted to the central organ by a nerve-fibre may there be imparted to other nerve-fibres. Thirdly, we find that excitements which are transmitted to the central organ by nerve-fibres there elicit a peculiar process, which is called sensation and consciousness. Fourthly and finally, the remarkable phenomenon, mentioned above, of retardation, only occurs where nerve-cells are present. The four following qualities, which are entirely absent in nerv.e-fibres, must there- fore be attributed to nerve-cells :— (1) Excitement may arise in them independently, i.e. ^vithout any visible external irritant. (2) They are 'able to transfer the excitement from one fibre to another. 2G8 riivsioi.oiiY OF Mrscu.s AND NF.IIVI s. (3) Tln-fi fin receivt an '.'•'•il'mcnt transmitted to ini'1 truiixiitiiti' if info conscious sensation. (4) Tin1;/ are "/'/<• t<> muse the mi^in-i-^lon (retar- ,1 ill, m ) nj ,i a I.I-'IKI'I IKJ <:r<-!/< I,H nt. 4. From t he above it must not be supposed that all gangli< ni-cflls ])nssess all these qualities. On the con- trary, it is to he supposed that each nerve-coll per- forms but one of these functions, and even that there arc more minute differences in them, so that, for in- stance, the nerve-cells which accomplish sensation are of various kinds, each of which accomplishes but one distinct kind of sensation. This is no mere hypo- thesis, for there are established facts which confirm the view. Conscious sensations occur only in the brain, and the various parts of the hraiii may be separately remo\e. 1 or disabled, in which case individual forms of sensation fail, while others remain undisturbed. If the whole lirain is removed, the nerve-cells of the dorsal marrow suffice fully to act ..... iplish the pheno- mena of the transference of excitement I'mm one nerve- fibre to another. Attain, there an- certain regions of the brain which separately are able to give rise to inde- pendent excifenienf. in themselves ; and certain accumu- lations of nerve-cells which lie outside the actual central nervous organs have the same power. The forms which nerve-cells assume being very varied, it often happens that the cells of certain regions, where only certain capa- bilities can be shown, are alike in form, and differ in this respect from the cells of other regions, where the capa- bilities are different. As vvt. however, it has not been found possible to distinguish differences in form sufti- dentlycharacterisl Lc, and relations bel ween the form and the function of nerve-cells sufficiently characf eri-t ic to FORMS OF NERVE-CELLS. 269 make it possible definitely to infer the function of a cell from its form. On the contrary, it is better, by experi- ments with animals and experiences with invalids, to determine step by step what functions belong to the cells of a given region. Considering the complex and yet very imperfectly known structure of the central nervous organs, it is not surprising that this task has by no means yet been fully accomplished. As in the present work we are not treating of the physiology of the separate parts of the nervous system, but are only concerned with the general characters of the elements which constitute the nervous system, we must not enter into details ; but we must be satisfied to show what the nerve-cells in general are able to accomplish and to give due prominence to the fact that each separate nerve-cell is probably always able to accom- plish only one definite thing. We will now run through these capacities and show the facts which serve as proof of these. 5. The natural rise of excitement takes place either voluntarily or involuntarily. We are always able voluntarily to contract our muscles, though not all of these, for many, especially the smooth forms, are not subject to the will, but contract only as the result of other causes. Sometimes, moreover, the want of power to contract certain muscles is to be ascribed only to want of use, as is shown by the fact that some men are able voluntarily to contract the skin of their scalps or their ear-muscles, though this is impossible to most men, or is possible only in a very restricted degree. Similarly, it is a matter of use how far the will is able to effect a limited con- traction of separate muscles or parts of a muscle. 270 rnYsmi.oiiv OF MTSCLKS AM> NERVES.. Those In •Binning to play the piano find it difficult to move individual lingers apart ['mm the others, though by practice they soon learn to do this. \Vhene\er :ui intended contraction of a muscle i- accompmied by another unintended and simultaneous, the latter is called a co-relative movement. Such co-relative movements sometimes accompany illness. Stammerer-. for instance, when they speak, twitch the face muscles or even those of the arm. It has also been observe I that in the case of injuries, after blood has lieeii lost from the brain, movements of the injured limbs not voluntarily possible occur involuntarily as co-relative motions. Some co-relative movements are natural in the organism; for instance, when the eye is turned inward, the pupil simultaneously decreases in size, and a contraction of the adjusting muscle occurs, l>y which the eye is enabled to see at a short distance. This co-relative motion has been regarded as a case of the transmission of the excitement from one nerve-fibre to another; but it seems to me that this is incorrect. For there is nothing to show that the excitement originated in one fibre and was then ferred to other fibres, and it is more simple to assume that the various fibres were excited simultaneously by the will, either because isolated excitement of these fibres sepa- rately i.- really impossible on account of the anatomical structure of the nerve, or because of an insufficient specialisation of the influence of the will, resulting from want of e\eivi>e that is, it is due to un>kilful- oti the part of t he will. If it is asked how the \obmtary excitement of the nerve-fibres is caused in the nerve-cells, an answer is yet to be sought in physiology. Into the quest ion VOLUNTARY AND AUTOMATIC MOVEMENTS. 271 whether there is actually a purely voluntary excite- ment, that is, that no incitement acted externally on the brain but that the excitement originated quite spontaneously, we will not enter further here. All that is certain is that in many cases an action appears to be voluntary which, if the process is more closely analysed, is found to result from external influences. But the physiological process by which (whether externally influenced or not) excitement arises in the nerve-cells, which excitement is then transmitted through the nerve-fibre to the muscle, is as yet ex- tremely obscure ; and if it is said that it is a molecular motion of the constituent particles of the nerve-cell, this explains nothing, but merely expresses the convic- tion that it is not a supernatural phenomenon, but merely a physical process analogous to the process of excitement in the peripheric nerves. Involuntary movements occur sometimes irregularly, as twitchings, spasms ; sometimes regularly, as in the case of respiratory movements, the movements of the heart, the contractions of the vascular muscles, of the intestinal muscles, and so on. The latter, which occur with more or less regularity while life lasts, and are for the most part of deep significance as regards the normal condition of the vital phenomena, have natu- rally been especially subjected to thorough research. They are called automatic movements, that is, they occur independently of the co-operation of the will, and apparently without any incentive. But notwith- standing this, it is chiefly in such cases that the causes which effect the excitement of the nerves concerned have been to a certain extent established. Automatic movements may be distinguished into 272 PHYSIOLOGY OF MCSCLES AND NERVES. sucli as are rhythmic, in which contraction and relaxa- tion <>f tli-' muscles concerned take place in regular alternation, as in respiration and in the movements of the In-art : such as are tonic, in which the contractions are more constantly enduring, even if the decree of contraction varies, as in the contraction of the vascular muscles, and of the rainbow membrane of the eye; and such as are //•/•» ;//(7«r, i.e. the peristaltic movements of the intestine. Our knowledge of automatic movements is based principally on those connected with respira- tion; but the conceptions gained in this case may be directly applied to the other cases. It will be suffi- cient therefore to speak of respiratory motion only. Kespiration begins immediately after birth, and it- movements continue from that time throughout life. C7 In the higher animals (mammals and birds) they are unconditionally necessary for the preservation of life, for only by their means is sufficient oxygen conveyed to the blood to provide for all the vital processes. On the other hand, when the organ from which the ex- citement of the respiratory muscles proceeds is in any way insufficiently nourished or is otherwise in- jured in condition, respiratory action ceases and life is tlireatened. This organ is a limited point ill the medulla, oblongata, formed of a mass of nerve-cells, in which (lie excitements originate, and from which they are conveyed by the nerves to the respiratory muscles. This is called the /vxy, ,'/-,//,,/•_// <;>, (LrtH'nxkmm it of the (iermans, mi ml r/fn/ of the I'Vendi), because of its importance to life. It is the spot \\hich the matador in bull-tights inn<( reach by a skilful blow with his knife, to bring the enraged animal to the ground; it is the spot which, if crushed between the VOLUNTARY AND AUTOMATIC MOVEMENTS. 273 first and second vertebrae, the result is instant death by the so-called dislocation of the neck. It has been shown that the cause which induces this ceaseless activity in the nerve-cells of the respiratory centre lies in the character of the blood. When the blood is quite saturated with oxygen, then the activity of the respiratory centre commences.1 When the blood becomes freer from oxygen, the respiratory motions become stronger. Far from being necessarily active, independently and without external incentive, the nerve-cells of the respi- ratory centre are also rendered active by external cir- cumstances. But they are much more sensitive than the nerve-fibres, so that they are influenced even by slight changes in the gaseous contents of the blood which plays over them. And the other automatic nerve-cells behave exactly as do the cells of the respiratory centre. Yet small differences in sensitiveness occur among them, so that some are excited even when only the average amount of oxygen is contained in the blood, others when a point lower than this average has been reached, as happens only occasionally during life. It would take too long to apply this theory, now 1 Experimental proof of this may always be tried by anyone on himself. Attention must be given for a time to the respiratory movements, their depth and number being noted. From eight to ten inspirations and expirations are then drawn slowly one after the other. By this means much more air is introduced into the lungs than by ordinary respiration, and the blood can therefore thoroughly saturate itself with oxygen. If, after this, voluntary respiration i§ ceased, it will be found that twenty seconds or more elapse before a respiration again occurs, long enough that is for the consumption of the introduced oxygen. Only after this do respira- tions begin, at first weakly, but always increasing in strength, until the former regular respiration again prevails. 13 274 1'IIYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. briefly explained, <•> each of the other processes of automatic motion. We must content ourselves -with the remark that an analogous conception of the nature of the movements of the heart i.- probable, though DO experimental proof of its correctness has yet been aehieved. The cause of movements of the intestine is not quite so difficult to understand ; at any rate, the main principles found in the case of the nerve-cells of the respiratory centre are valid in the case of all other automatic centres.1 Mention must still be made of the fact that in the heart and intestine the nerve-cells from which the automatic action proceeds are situated within the respective organs themselves. For this reason these organs can yet. exhibit movements after the nerve-centres have been destroyed, or the organs have been cut from the body. G. The tran-fen IK-', by means of the nerve-cells, of an excitement from one nerve-fibre to another is most clearly shown in that which is called reflec- tion. By this term is meant the passage of an excite- ment, which having acted on a sensory fibre has been transmitted by it to the nerve-cells, to a centrifugal fibre, by which it is conducted back from the centre (as a ray of light is reflected from a mirror) and makes Its appearance ;(t another point. The reflection can occur either in a motor fibre, in which case it is called a rell'-x action, or in a >eeivlory or relarda- tory fibre. The former case is more common and better known. As examples (.f >urli reflex actions, I may mention t he do-in;,' of the eyelids on the irrita- 1 Tlmsc \vli<> \vi>h t<> ni it. -i in furthrr information as to these cir- i-umst;ni<'mirl\i»nniti*i-/ii n .Y/vvr/f-iv////1//, \o. KrlaiiLTdi, 1875. REFLEX MOTIONS. 275 tion of the sensory nerves of the eye, sneezing on irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose, cough- ing on the irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organ. Wherever sensory nerves are con- nected by nerve-cells with motor nerves, these reflex actions may occur. If an animal is decapitated and its toe is pinched, the leg is drawn up and contractions occur in it. The reflex actions are here accomplished through the nerve-cells of the spinal marrow, and the removal of the brain favours the action, while it at the same time excludes the possibility of the intervention of voluntary movements. There is no doubt that in this process the nerve- cells play a part, and that the process does not depend solely on the direct transference of the excitement from a sensory nerve-fibre to an adjacent motor nerve-fibre. Apart from the fact that the transference never takes place except where nerve-cells can be shown to be pre- sent, this is confirmed by the fact that the process of reflex transference occupies a very noticeable time, much longer than that required for transmission through the nerve-fibres. With the knowledge which we have now gained of the structure of the central nervous organs, it may be considered established, that nowhere is there immediate connection between sen- sory and motor nerve-fibres, but a mediate connection through the nerve-cells. This allows the possibility of the propagation of an excitement from a sensory nerve- fibre, through a nerve-cell, to a motor nerve-fibre. It is thus intelligible how, owing to the interconnec- tion of the nerve-cells, the passage of the excitement from any sensory nerve-fibre to any or every motor nerve-fibre is possible, for the excitement advances 276 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AM> NT.KYES. from nerve-cell t<> nerve-cell, from each of which it can ivpass into a motor fibre. From the length of the time occupied by the reflex irritant, it is to be iiit'i-iTrtl that the transmission of th<' excitement has to meet considerable resistance in the nerve-cells. This resistance naturally increases with the number of nerve-cells to be traversed, so that the transference of a rellex action from a definite sensory fibre to different motor nerve-fibres is not always equally difficult,. and is the more difficult the greater is the number of the cells which lie between the two. All this agrees with the facts found by experiment. It also explains why, by certain influences, not only is the reHex trans- ference rendered easier, but the passage of the excite- ment to the most remote motor fibres is also rendered peculiarly possible. The be-t known case of this is poisoning by strychnine. This so greatly facilitates the reflex transference that the slightest touch on any point of the skin, or even the disturbance caused by a breath, is sufficient to throw all the muscles of the body into violent reflex tetanus. As each excitement of a senary jibre which reaches the nerve-centre can give riVe to a conscious sensation, the spread of the excitement vithin the centre must have the same effect as would be the case if u larger number of excitements of several sensory fibres readied the centre simultaneously. This proce^, »vhich, IK>\\- c^vr. only occurs in the case of strong excitements, is called ni-i'i'l'ilifi' BenfHtt'uni. Sensation is caused not only by the exeitement of the ner\e-cell directly concerned, ),,,£ also ],y the .-ju'ead of tile excitement to the other nerve-cells. It may also be spoken of as t lie radiat ion of (he sen-ory irritant, because (he excite- SENSATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS. 277 ment seems to spread within certain limits from the point directly touched. 7. These phenomena will become more evident when we have more accurately learned the origin of conscious sensations in general, and the conceptions which depend on this. In order that such conscious sensations should result it seems absolutely necessary that the excitement should reach the main brain (cerebrum). Whether other parts of the brain, or even the spinal marrow, are able to give rise to conscious sensations is at least very doubtful, and is at any rate not proved.1 But when the excitement reaches the brain, it gives rise not only to feelings, but also to very definite conceptions as to the nature of the excite- ment, its cause, and the locality at which it acts. It is true that sometimes this effect fails and the irritant does not reach consciousness, as, for example, when the attention is strongly attracted in some other direction, 1 The dispute about the so-called ' mind in the spinal marrow ' (Ruc1tenmarksscele),t'he question, that is, whether more or less clear conscious conceptions can occur in the nerve-cells of the spinal cord, was long and hotly debated, but is now at rest. It appears to me that the whole form of the question is unscientific, for the question can simply not be solved with the means for research which we can command. Our own consciousness informs us as to our own sensa- tions and conceptions, and we learn those of others from their lips. Where this fails, opinion is always untrustworthy, as, for example, where we try to infer the feelings of men from their behaviour. It is, however, yet more hazardous to attach importance to the movements of a brainless animal, and it is therefore not surprising that two observers should draw quite different conclusions from the same facts, one explaining them as simple reflections, the other being of opinion that such behaviour under such circumstances is only ex- plicable as the result of conscious sensations and conceptions. The lower the animal is in the scale, the more untrustworthy, naturally, is the decision. 278 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. or as in sleep. The irritant can then elicit a reflex action, though there is no consciousness of this. That the origin of conscious conceptions is also an acthity of the nerves is certain, and it is the cells of the grey matti-r of the brain which possess this activity. On the other hand, we are entirely unable even to indicate ln>\v this consciousness comes into being. It may be due to molecular processes in the nerve-cells which result from the received excitement ; but mole- cular processes are but movements of the molecules, and though we can understand how such movements cause other movements, we are entirely unaware how these can be translated into consciousness.1 The excitements transmitted by the various sensory Jibres do not all art in the same way on the brain, and the sensations to which they give rise differ. Accord- ingly, we may distinguish the various sensations of the various senses, and even within one and the same sense various sub-species, as the colours in the sphere of optical sensations, the various pitches in the sphere of auditory sensations. But as all the nerve-til MVS which accomplish the various sensations differ in no \vay from each other, we are forced to look in the ner \e-cel Is for the reason of the difference in sensations. .lust as we as-nmed th;it motor nerve-cells differ from sensory, so we must further assume that among sensory nerve-cells, ihe excitement of which always elicits the conception of light, others again the excite- 1 E. dii BOIE li> \ iii'ind bag entered further into this question in his addivs-; In the' a>srinb]y of nalurali-ts ;il I,rii>/.iir ( I < hi r die firm:t'ii il gained from experience.1 It will easily be understood that this necessarily follows from the cha- racters which we have ascribed to the nerve-cells. \Vlien the nerve-cell is irritated, the same sensation and the same conception must always result. Just a> it makes no difference in the case of a muscle whether the excitement conveyed to it by a motor nerve starts from a higher or from a lower point on the nerve, or whether the nerve has been irritated mechanically, electrically. or by the will, so the process in the nerve-cell docs not depend on the locality or the natiire of the excite- ment. When the circumstances \\hich MJ\C rise to the irritation are abnormal, the result is an illusion of the senses, that is, a false cause is assigned to a perfectly clear and true sensation. 8. The nature of the last of the capabilities which we have attributed to the nerve-cells, t he retardation of a motion, is still very obscure. The faet of retarda- tion is as yet principally known in the ca.-t;iils (.r tlii> iintirr, into which \\ c c immt ruler furtlnr v.iil !.,• fnund in InTiist. -iii's '/'//c I-'irf Si'iisi-ii iff Mnn (Intcr- n.-il i"ii:il Srii'iil ilic Srrii-s, vul. xxi.). :>IH] in Huxli-y's l'.l< nn'n tanj Physiology, RETARDATION. 281 ments the best known, it is on these that the current views as to the retardatory nerves are based. It has been explained in § 5 that the respiratory movements result from the excitement of the nerve-cells of the re- spiratory centre. These movements may be accelerated or retarded, though all the other conditions remain unchanged, if certain nerve-fibres which pass from the mucous membrane of the air-passage to this respira- tory centre are irritated. These retardatory nerves are distinguished from those which pass to the heart by the fact that it is not known whether the latter pass to the muscles of the heart or to the nerve-cells situated in the heart, a doubt which is satisfied in the case of the former by their anatomical arrange- ment. Of the retardatory fibres of the heart it might be supposed that they in some way incapacitate the muscle from contracting ; in the case of the retar- datory nerves of the respiratory system such supposi- tion may be at once rejected, for they are in no way in contact with the respiratory muscles. The only pos- sible explanation is therefore, that the retardatory nerves act on the nerve-cells in which the excitement is generated, thus either preventing the excitement from even coming into existence, or preventing the excite- ment from passing from the nerve-cells in which it is generated to the appropriate motor nerve-cells. For various reasons the latter view has been preferred. It is supposed that the automatically acting ganglion-cells are not directly connected with the appropriate nerve- fibres, but that conducting intermediate apparatus are present between the two, and that these offer a great resistance. This explains both the occurrence of the rhythmic motions and the retardation. The latter, 282 PHYSIOLOGY OF Mr.sfLKS AM> NERVES. that is, is due to an inen-a.-e in the resistance by which the motion is temporarily suspended.1 Retarda tory nerves have been recognised in almost all automatic apparatus, and all are accounted for by the above explanation. The same explanation may also 1) - applied at once to the retardation of refiYx action ; for even in the passage of the excitement from the sensory to the motor nerves very great resistance lias to be overcome, and an increase in this resistance must prevent the passage of the excitement and thus hinder reflex action. Our acquaintance with this sub- ject is, however, not yet by any means complete, and a final opinion on the matter is therefore for the time impossible. I will only mention further that the opposite ell- ct, the facilitation of the passage of the e\i-iteinent from the nerve-cells in which it originates, to the peripheric nerve-coiir-i'-, appears to occur. Finally, it is sometimes observable that when those portions of the nerves which contain nerve-cells are continual! v and regularly irritated, a. rhythmic or even an irregular movement results, instead of a regular tetanic contraction of the muscles concerned, — a cir- cumstance \vhichis evidently to be explained in the same way as rhythmic automatic activity. The regu- lar excitement having to pass through nerve-cells is modified liythe "Teat resistance present in these, and i- transformed into a rhythmic motion, while when the nerve and the muscle are directly connected, the latter re-pond- to a continuous excitement of the nerve with a regular and continuous contraction. my account of theautumat ir nerve-centres, to which refer- ence lias already been made. SPECIFIC ENERGIES OF NERVE-CELLS. 283 9. From all these details it is very evident that the nerve-fibres are homogeneous the one with the other, and that the difference in their effects is to be referred to their connection with nerve-cells of varied form. This seems, however, to be opposed to the fact that the different sense-nerves are irritable by quite different influences, and each of them only by quite definite influences — the nerve of sight by light, the nerve of hearing by sound, and so on. It would, how- ever, be a mistake to infer from this that the nerve of sight is really different from the nerve of hearing. If the matter is examined more closely, it appears that the nerve of sight cannot be excited by light. The strongest sunlight may be allowed to fall on the nerve of sight without producing excitement. It is not the nerve, but a peculiar terminal apparatus in the retina of the eye with which the nerve of sight is connected, which is sensitive to light. The case of the other sense-nerves is similar; each is provided at its peri- pheric end with a peculiar receptive apparatus, which can be excited by definite influences, and which then transmits these influences to the nerves. On the difference in the structure of these terminal apparatus depend which influences have the power of exciting them. When the excitement has once entered the nerve it is always the same. That it afterward elicits different sensations in us, depends again on the character of the nerve-cells in which the nerve-fibres end. Sup- posing that the nerves of hearing and of sight of a man were cut, and the peripheric end of the former were perfectly united with the central end of the latter, and contrariwise that the peripheric end of the nerve of sight were perfectly united with the centra] 284 I'ilYMOLiMiY OF MTSCLES AND NKItVKS. end of the nerve of hearing, then the sound of an orchestra would elicit in us the sensation of light and colour, ami the sight of a highly coloured picture \v. mid elicit in us impressions of sound. The sensa- tions which we receive from outward impressions arc therefore not dependent on the nature of these im- pres.-ions, but on the nature of our nerve-cells. We feel not that which acts on our bodies, but only that which goes on in our brain. Under these circumstances it may appear strange that our sensations and the outward processes by which they are evoked are so entirely in agreement ; that light elicits seii.-ati<>ns of 'light, sound sensations of sound, and so on. But this agreement does not really exist ; its apparent existence is only due to the use of the same name to express two processes which have nothing in common. The process of the sensation of light bears no likeness to the physical process of the ether vibrations which elicit it; and this is evident even iii the fact that the same vibrations of ether meet ing the skin elicit an entirely different sensation, namely, that of warmth. The vibrations of a tuning-fork are capable of exciting the nerves of the human skin, and then they are felt ; they may excite our auditory n. r\.--. and then they are heard: and under certain eirctim-lances they may lie seen. The vibrations of the tuning-fork are always the same, and they have nothing in common with tin- sensations which th<\ elicit. Though the phy>ical processes of the \iliration- of ether are called. ~, unet inies li^ht. and at another time heat, a more accurate study of phy-ic- sho\\< that the is the same. The usual classification of physical into t ho-e of sound, 1 igli t , warmth, and so on. SPECIFIC ENERGIES OF NERVE-CELLS. 285 is irrational, because in these processes it gives pro- minence to an accidental circumstance, that is, to the way in which they affect human beings, who are endowed with various sensations, while in other, such as mag- netic and electric processes, it is based on quite different marks of classification. Scientific study of the phy- sical processes on the one hand, and of the physio- logical processes of sensation on the other, exposes this error, which penetrates further owing to the fact that language uses the same words for the different pro- cesses, thus making their distinction harder. Language is, however, but the expression of the human conception of things, and the conception of the innate identity of light and the sensations of light, of sound and of the sensation of sound, and so on, was regarded till quite recently as incontrovertibly true. Goethe ' gave expression to this in the lines— War' nicht das Auge sonnenhaft, Die Sonne konnt' es nie erblicken ; Liig' nicht in uns des Gottes eigne Kraft, Wie konnt' uns Gottliches entziicken ! Plato expresses himself in the same way in the * Timaeus.' On the other hand, Aristotle held correct conceptions on the subject. But it is only since the researches of Johannes Miiller laid new ways open to science that these conceptions have gained a scientific foundation, and have been brought in all points into harmony with the facts, so that they have now become the basis of the physiology of the senses and the psychology of the present day. One expression of the erroneous views once pre- valent is to be found in the theory of so-called ade- 1 Zahme Xenien, iii. 70. 286 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AM) NKRVES. qiKtte irrilnitfx, according to which there is such a sufficient irritant for each sense-nerve, that is, an irritant in its nature adapted to the nature of the sense-nerve, and that this was alone able to excite it. We kii'i\\- now that this is not true. Yet the expres- sion maybe used to indicate the irritants which are especially able to act on the terminal organs of the nerves. In the same way we may look upon the idea of so-called specific energies of the sense-nerves, if by this it is intended to express any character of tin- nerves, as disproved. But we must ascribe specific energies to the individual nerve-cells in which the sen- sations are originated. It is these alone vJiich ar- able to produce in us different kinds of sensation. If all the nerve-cells of the sensations were alike, sensa- tions could indeed be elicited in us by the influence of the outer world on our sense organs ; but these would only be of one and the same kind, or at most it could only be in the strength of (his one undefined .-.•nsation that differences would be perceptible. There may be animals which are only capable of >uch a >in^le undefined sensation, their nerve-cells hein^ all alike ami not yet differentiated. Such animals would be able to form a conception of the outer world as distinguished from their o\\n bodies, that is, they Would be ;ible to c\,i|ve self-rolisciollslle-- : but the\ would not be able to attain a knowledge of the ]>r»- in the outer \\orld. The development of -ndi knowledge in us i- great ly a-si>i ed by a comparison of the different impressions brought about by the different or^m- of the senses. A body presents itself to our eye as occupying a certain .-pace, being of a CONCLUSION. 287 certain colour, and so on. By tasting1 we may gain further conceptions of this body. If it is out of reach of our hands, by approaching it we may observe how the apparent size of the body, as the eye shows it to us, increases as we approach. These and many thousand other experiences which we have gained since our earliest youth have gradually put us in a position to form conceptions as to the nature of a body merely from a few sensations. In this act many com- plete inferences are unconsciously involved, so that that which we believe to have been directly perceived is really known by inference from many sensations and from a combination of former experiences. For instance, we think that we see a man at a certain dis- tance ; really, however, we only feel a picture of a certain size of the man on our retina. We know the average size of a man, and we know that the apparent size decreases with the distance ; moreover, we feel the degree of contraction of the muscles of our eye which is necessary to direct the axis of our eye to the object and for the adjustment of our eye to the neces- sary distance. From all these circumstances, the opinion, which we erroneously regard as a direct sensa- tion, is formed. 10. We have already (chap. iv. § 2 ; chap. vii. § 3) made acquaintance with the methods by which Helmholtz measured the details of the time occupied by the contraction of the muscle and the propagation of the excitement in the motor nerves. By the same, or very similar methods, Helmholtz, and others after him, determined the propagation of the excitement in sensory nerves, and found that it was about 30 m. per second, and therefore, at nearly the same rate as in the 288 riivsioLouY OF MTSCLES AND NKRVKS. motor nerves of men. More than this has been done: the time has been measured which is requisite for an irritant conducted to the brain to be transmuted into cous-cioii i-xu mil i'i/ n,it iu/i . In order to refer the observations made by each indi- vidual to the correct time, it is necessary to determine the error which is made by each individual. Let us suppose that an observer sitting in complete darkness suddenly sees a spark, and thereupon give-; a signal. By a suitable apparatus, both the time at which the spark really appeared and that at which the signal was given are recorded. The difference between the two can be measured, and it is called the )>hi/sio- Ini/irnJ t'niic. for the sense of sight; the physiological time for the sense of hearing and for that of touch may be determined in the same way. Tims Profes-or Ilirsch, of Neiifchatel, (bund 111 the case of the Sense of sight O'lDTl to 0'1>OS3 sec. „ „ hearing 0-194 „ „ „ tollrli 0-1733 „ When I he impression which was to be recorded was CONCLUSION. 289 not unexpected, but was known beforehand, the physio- logical time proved to be much shorter ; in the case of the sense of sight it was only from 0-07 to 0*11 of a second. From this it follows that, in the case of excitement the advent of which is expected, the brain fulfils its work much more quickly. Certain experiments made by Bonders are yet more interesting. A person was instructed to make a signal, sometimes with the right hand, sometimes with the left, according as a gentle irritant applied to the skin was felt in one place or the other. If the place was known, the signal succeeded the irritant after an in- terval of 0-205 of a second, but if the place was not known, only after an interval of 0-272 of a second. The psychological act of reflection, as to where the irritant occurred, and that of the corresponding choice of the hand occupied, therefore, a period of 0-067 of a second. The physiological time in the case of the sense of sight was somewhat dependent on colour ; white light was always noticed somewhat sooner than red. If the observer knew the colour which he was to see, he gave the signal sooner than when this was not the case and he had first to reflect as to what he had seen before he gave the signal. In such experiments, the observer always forms a preconception of the colour which he expects to see. If the colour when it becomes obser- vable corresponds with that which he expected, the reaction in. the observer takes place sooner than when this is not the case. Similar observations were made in the case of the sense of hearing : the recognition of any sound heard follows sooner when it is known beforehand what sound is to be heard than when this is not the case. 290 PHY.SIOLOiiY OF MCSCLKS AM" NERVES. This sluggishness of the consciousness, if we inav so call it, is exhibited in another way in certain experi- ments instituted by Helmhol£z. The eve sees a figure, \vhieli is immediately followed by a bright li.^'ht : the more powerful the latter i<. the longer must the first have been seen, if it is t«> lie recognised at all; more- over, complex figures require m..re time than simpler. If letters are seen lighted up on a bright ground for a very short time, no other light following, a shorter time is necessary for the recognit ion, the larger are t he letters and the brighter the illumination. It i> true that it is only very simple brain activities the origin of which can be in any wav made dearer bv such experiments as these; but yet these are the rudi- ments of all mental activity -sensation, conception, re- flect ion, and will; and even the most elaborate deduct ion of a speculative philosopher can only be a chain of such simple processes as those which we have been observ- ing. These measurements, therefore, represent the beginnings of an experimental physiological p>ycholo^\, the de\elopment of which is to be expected in the future. It seems to me that remunerative study of the processes in nerve-cells must start from the very simplest phenomena. Results are, then-lore, to be fir>( looked for in the study of the processes of reflection : possibly these will prepare the ground on which at some future time a mechanism of the nervous pmco-es m;iV be built. 'In truth; say- I ). !•'. Strains, in 'The Old and the Ne\v Faith/ ' lie who shall explain the gra-p of the polyp after the prey which it has perceived, or the Contraction of the insect lar\a \\heii pierced, will indeed be yet far from having in this comprehended human thought, but he will be on the way to do so, and CONCLUSION. 291 may attain his end without requiring the help of a single new principle.' Whether this end will ever be attained is another matter. But we can always gain fuller knowledge of the conditions under which it may O v come to pass, and of the mechanical processes which form its first principles. Such is the lofty aim after which the science of the General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves strives — an aim worthy of the labour of the noblest. NOTES AND ADDITIONS 1. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION. IDEA OF MATHEMATICAL FUNCTION (p. 49). The method employed in fig. 16 of representing by a sign the dimensions of the expansion relatively to the amount of the expanding weights, admits of such a variety of appli- cations, and will be used so frequently, that a brief explana- tion of it may not be out of place here. When two series of values bear such a relation the one to the other that each value of one series corresponds with a definite value in the other, mathematicians speak of the one value as the function of the other. This relation may always be exhibited in tabular form, as in the following example : — 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 6 8 10 .12 14 16 18 20 The relation which prevails in this case is very simple. Each number in the upper series corresponds with a number in the lower, and the latter is always double the value of the former. Representing the numbers in the upper series by x, those in the lower by y, the relation between the two series of numbers may be expressed in the formula : y=1x This formula expresses the same and even more than the 294 rilY.-Iol..ic;Y ('I- .MtX'l.KS AND NKRVES. table. Substituting tor tin- unknown a:, which may repiv- sent any number, the number 1, then thr table expresses that tin- value of the corresponding?/ is 8. If x=5, thru tin- table expresses that y=10. But when the value of x is intermediate between 4 and 5, e.g. 4 2371, the table does not help us; but by the use of the formula the value of tin- corresponding y may easily be found ; it is = 8-4742. The formula may he reversed, and written thus : that is to say, for any given value of y we may calculate the corresponding value of a;. It is exactly the same in the case of tin- similar formula : V = 3#, which may also hi: written thus : <*<• = :!//• fn tin- case, tin -ret'., re. \\ith each Driven value of x corresponds a certain value of ?/, the latter being three times the value of the funnel1. In the two corresponding formulae y = ux and x=-y, a is a somewhat wider expression to this kind of relation; in this case x and y are again the signs of the two correspond- ing series of numbers, a expresses a definite figure which is to be regarded as unchangeable within each particular case. In our first example f — 'l. in our second example ,/ = :',. and similarly 'in any other instance « may have any other value. Looking now at the following table : 1 •_' :: I 5 <; etc. 1 4 -.» hi L'.-I 36 etc. we see that any number in the lower series is found by multiplying the corresponding number in tin- upper series by itself, as may be exiuessed in the formula y-=.<- ./• i.r // = NOTES AND ADDITIONS. This formula when reversed appears thus : 295 Provided with a formula of this sort, which expresses the mutual relation of two corresponding series of values, it is always possible to draw out a table, though, on the contrary, the relation laid down in the table cannot always be ex- pressed in a formula, for the relations are not always as simple as in our examples. Generally the values which are treated in the table are such as have been found by observa- tions, as for instance in our case, the expansion of the muscle caused by various weights. With each weight an expansion corresponds, and this is found by experiment and may be expressed in tabular form, thus : Weight: 50 100 150 200 250 300 grm. Expansion : 3'2 6 8 9'5 10 10'5 mmt. A A' A" A" JIV FIG. C9. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF MUSCLE-EXPANSION. All that is shown by the table is that the expansion does not increase proportionately with the weight (as would be the case in inorganic bodies), but increase in a continually decreasing proportion. But any required function-character, whether it is expressed by a comparison er in a table drawn up on the basis of observations, mny le diagrammatically 29G PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES. shown by a method first employe. 1 l>y 1 >escartes, which it is our present object to explain. The amounts treated may be of the most varied kinds : numbers, weights, decrees of \vunnth, the number of births or deaths, and soon. In all rases the amount may bediai;ram- matically sho\vn )>y the length of a line. If a line of a cer- tain length represents any given amount, then double this amount is represented by a line twice the length of the former. It does not matter what is the standard selected j but when once selected it must not be varied in the same representation. Two lines are drawn at right angles to each other ; from the point of section B (fig. 69) the lengths which are to represent the values of one series (in our CMS-, the weights attached to the muscle) are measured off on the c •^^ A TlG. 70. DlAGHA.M 01'- POSITIVE AM) .NKGATIVI. VAI.1I.S. horizontal line. From each of the points thus obtained, tl', b", d", d'", a line is drawn at right angles to the first, care being taken to make its length express the expansion corresponding with each weight respectively. This gives the lines v // is pro jecied, and this repn sents the expansion of the active muscle by the corresponding weights. In many caSOB it is reijuired to represent values of oppo- site kinds. Jf, for example (tig. 7' may l>e regarded as a right-angled triangle. Tliis gives BV = --^ 817] The force with which the muiisee must, therefore, whatever tln-ir accidental form. lie regarded as short and thick muscles, possessed of small ele\atinii and great f.-ive. NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 299 3. EXCITABILITY AND STRENGTH OF IRRITANT. COMBINATION OF IRRITANTS (p. 119). When the coils of a sliding inductive apparatus are, brought nearer together, the strength of the inductive current does not increase in exact proportion with the decreasing distance betweeen the two, but in a complex way, which must ba provided for in each apparatus separately. Fick, Kronecker, and others have shown methods by which this calibration of the apparatus may be accomplished. If the real strength of the irritating current is compared with the height of the pulsation which it elicits, it appears that when the current is very weak no action is observable; action first appears, in the form of a slight, just visible pulsa- tion, when the current has reached a certain strength, greater or less according to the condition of excitability of the nerve. As the currents increase further in strength, the heights of elevation increase in exact proportion to the strength of the currents, till a certain maximum has been reached. If the strength of the current becomes yet greater, the pulsations remain constant for a time ; but then they again increase and reach a second maximum, above which they do not pass. These so-called ' over maximum ' pulsations are due to a combination of two irritants. An inductive shock is, as we have seen, a veiy brief current, in which the commence- ment and the end succeed each other very rapidly. For reasons which will be further explained in Note 7, the com- mencement of an inductive current is a more powerful irritant than its end. As long, therefore, as the current does not pass a certain strength, only the commencement of the current irritates ; but in the case of very powerful cur- rents the end may be sufficiently effective : this gives two irritations following each other in rapid succession, and these 300 riivsini.oiiY or Mr.-n.rs AM> NF.KVES. together effect a gre.iter pulsation than does a single irrita- tion. If more than two irritants follow each other in rapid succession, tetanus results, as we know. In this case also the height of elevation is always greater than that which ran be attained by a single pulsation. For the muscle has the power of being again irritated even when it is already in the act of contraction, a more powerful contraction being thus induced in it. The bearing of these facts on the case of nerve is that the separate excitements effected in it by these rapidly successive irritations do nob mutually disturb each other, but are transmitted one after the other, iu the sequence in which they originate, to the muscle on vJiich they act. But when the number of the irritants becomes too great, the nerve-molecules are no longer able to k< ep pace with the rapidly succeeding shocks, and the nerve is uncxciti-d. The limit at which this intervenes has, how- ever, not yet been determined with any certainty. It appears to lie at between SOO to 1000 irritants per second. 4. CURVE OF EXCITABILITY. RESISTANCE TO TRANSMISSION (p. 123). The increased excitability at the upper parts of the un- injured sciatic nerve, when not se\en,l from the hod\ . which, on the strength of our earlier experiments, we have assumed in the text, has recently been again defended by Tiegel against various objections. For reasons explained in the text, it is inadmissible to infer an avalanche like incn a^- in the irritation merely from this higher excitability of the upper parts. 1'vside the experiments of Munk alluded to on page 11G, there are other experiments from which a tance to tran>nnVsion in the nerve may be inferred. Such a resistance, weakening the irritant during its propa- gation, and an avalanche like increase in the irritant, are irreconcilable contradictions which mutuallv exclude each NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 301 other. If resistance to transmission can be shown, then the irritation cannot increase in strength during its propagation through the nerve. I will, therefore, here briefly mention the reasons which induce me to declare in favour of one, and against the other, of these assumptions. As is mentioned on p. 141, transmission becomes con- siderably harder when the nerve is in an anelectrotonic condition, and in strong anelectrotonus it is even rendered altogether impossible. It is natural to regard this greater difficulty as an increase of a resistance already present. A more important reason is however to be found in the phe- nomena which occur in reflex actions. If a sensory nerve is irritated, the excitement can be transmitted to the dorsal marrow and the brain, where it may be transferred to a motor nerve (of. p. 274). This transference always occupies a considerable time, which I call reflex-time. If a sensory nerve is irritated sufficiently to cause a powerful reflex action (called a 'sufficient irritant'), if the reflex-time in this case is determined, and if irritants of continually increasing strength are then allowed to act on the same point in the nerve, then the reflex-time is found to become continually shorter. If, however, a point in the nerve lying very near the dorsal marrow is irritated, then even in the case of a 'sufficient irritant ' the reflex-time is short. It is evident that the duration of the reflex-time depends on the strength of the irritant when it reaches the dorsal marrow. The irritant which comes from the point in the nerve adjacent to the dorsal marrow is but slightly affected; but that coming from a more remote point is weakened ; so that a much stronger irritant must be applied to these more remote points, if an equally short reflex- time is to be attained. It is true that these observations have been made with sensory nerves. But owing to the entirely similar character exhibited by all kinds of nerve-fibres in all points, where comparison is possible, we are justified in applying the views thus gained to the motor-nerves. It is, at all events, im- 302 1'IIYSIoU.XiY "!• MUSCLES AM> NKKYKS. probable that in OIK- nerve-fibre .1 resistance (o transmiwion exists, and in another an avalanche-like increase. All the facts arc more easily and simply explained liy assuming that there is a resistance to transmission in all nervi s, allowance beiiiLjat tlie same time made tor the difference in the ex- citability of dili' rent points in the nerve. .Moreover the curve of excitability in the case <,f the sei.-Uic nerve is not a simple ascending line from the muscle to the dorsal marrow. Thi> nerve is found, as is shown in fig. 1'2, liy the union of several roots J it then, at variou.s Fn.. 7 1'. Tin: -< IATII- M:I:VI. AM> < AI.K-MIX 1.1: or A points, »i\-es oil' ln-anches which enter the muscles of tie upper h% and then separate into two branches, one of which provides for the calf-muscle (f///.s7/-«cV' IHIHH), the other for the (lexor muscle of the lower ]e^. If various points of this iicrxe are irritated ill the living animal, the net ve havin;,' been merely exposed and isolated from the surrounding parts, but not s-parated from the dorsal marrow, it i^ ver\ e\ iilcnt. th;it the excitability at the upper points is generally Create!' than at the lower; but p'int>are also found in the com se of the nerve at which a greater excitaliility exists than at the p lints above and below, as also, on the c. nti-ary. a lev-; i \ citaliility than at the adjacent jioints. Such irregularities are m.i-t abiindiintly exhibited at th- points \\here nerve- brancln - separate from t he main trunk, especially when tl> branches bave been cut a\\ay. This is partly due to clec- t rot 01 iic iiillu -nci's (.•/'. p. 1 L'"> . - 1 •"> ' / >-'/•• ^"tr ' :^)- The nerve libres which ai'e cut generate a i-urreiit which NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 303 passes through those which are not cut off, those the excita- bility of which is tested, and alters their excitability. This influence changes in the whole mass, as the cut nerves die, thus giving rise to irregularities the further nature of which we need not trace. 5. INFLUENCE OP THE LENGTH OF THE PORTION OF THE NERVE EXCITED (p. 138). If the irritant remains the same, the longer is the portion of the nerve irritated, the stronger is the action on the muscle. If the excitability of a portion of the nerve is found by the method of minimum irritants, that is, if the weakest irritant capable of effecting an observable pulsation is looked for, and if various degrees of excitability prevail in the por- tions of the nerve simultaneously exposed to the irritant, action may result, even if only a part of the portion of nerve is really excited ; in reality, therefore, it is but the excita- bility of the most excitable part of the whole nerve-portion which is tested. In a fresh nerve this is generally the upper part of the nerve-portion. But when there is no great dif- ference in excitability within the nerve-portion, then every part of the portion will be excited by an irritant of a certain strength in an approximately like manner, and the action observed in the muscle will therefore be the combined effect of the excitement of the separate parts of the nerve-portion. But if, as we have assumed, the loss of excitability in each part follows the highest excitability very suddenly, the effect must be that the portion actually irritated continually be- comes shorter ; the parts which are irritated are however still in the highest state of excitability, and therefore exhibit the third stage of pulsation (the testing current having been so chosen that, in the fresh nerve, it originally produced the first stage). The form in which the third stage exhibits itself — pulsation on the closing of a descending current and on the opening of an ascending current— must therefore remain :>04 rnvsioLociY OF MUSCLES AM> NEEVES, unchanged, bui tin- pulsations must gradually decrease in strength, anil all effect must finally disappear, just \\h-Mi tin' maximum «[' excitability, and tin- death which follows this. pas> tin' lower limit of the excite 1 jmrt'on. G. DiiTi:i:r.NCE BET\VI:I:N CLOSING AND OPENING IMX r- TIVE CURRENTS. HKI.MIIHITZ'S ARRANGEMENT (p. 151). When an electric current is suddenly closed in a spiral, this not only acts inductively on a neighbouring spiral, but the individual coils of the primary spiral act inductively on each other; an analogous died would occur on the opening. but that the sudden interruption of transmission prevents the development of this opening inductive current in the primar\ coil. The inductive current which originates on the clo>ing of the current being in an opposite direction to the closed i current itself, the former must -weaken '.he latter; th" cnr- i-ent can therefore attain full strength, not at once, but only irradually : but on the opening the current suddenly ceases, Tliis difference in the duration of the closing and opening of the primary current corresponds with differences in the currents induced by them in the secondary spiral, -which are used for the irritation of the nerve. Fi-u.v 7;! exhibits these characters. The ujiper part of tbc fig!ii-e represents the tem- poral course of the main current in the primary spiral of an inductive apparatus; the lower part repn-s -nts the temporal course of the induced currents in the .secondary spiral. The line o ... o ... / represents the duration. The primary current, is dosed at til- moment o. Were the retardatory influence which lias been mentioned not present in the primary spiral, the current would at once attain its full Strength < > .1 \ Imf uuing <«' tbat i nil uence it at tains this st ren-t li only gradually, somewhat as shown by the crooked line .">. With ihis-radu- allv occurring current corresponds a closing induct ivr current in the secondary spiral, as is i-eprcseuted by the cu:-ve -1 ; NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 305 the curve is drawn downward from the time-line o . . . o . . . t, to indicate that the direction of this induced current is opposed to the direction of the primary current. If the primary current is interrupted, it suddenly falls from the fv, strength /, as indicated by the straight line 1. With this fall corresponds an inductive current, which suddenly rises very abruptly and again falls somewhat le^s abruptly, as shown in curve 2. From this it is evident that the latter must be physiologically much more effective than the former. 306 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NKI;\ I -. Occasion. illy i' is de-iral'le to remove this difference, and to provide two inductive currents which flow and act nearly in the same way. This may L- inanagi d. if, instead of rlo-ing and interrupting the current of the primary coil, an additional closing wire offering small resistance is provided, ami tlit- interruption is effected in this. If this additional apparatus is present, only a very small part of the current passe.> through the primary coil. The strength of this part is indicated by «7, i/,. "When the closing in the additional ap- paratus i.s inten upied, the primary curr. nt slowly incre.-i- in strength from J ' , to J as shown by the dotted curve ."• ; with this incivas • corresponds an inductive current in the 'iidary coil, as represented by curve 6. If the closing of the additional apparatus is once more effect d. the current in the primary coil sinks in strength from J to J -, but tbe so- calle 1 >:.<-try curve 1 ( and with this slow sinking of the miin current c.irre-pnnds an induc- tive current in the s r'jnd-iry coil, siu-h as is shown )>y curve 8. Helmholu mule an alteration in du I'.oi- lleyniond's sliding inductive apparatus by means of which this ad- ditional closing and opening is automatically arc-implNied. lie adapted Wagner's hammer for this purpose, as shown in Jig. 71. The current of the apparatus A' pa-i-rs through tin- wire arranged ln-tween ;i and /' to the jirimary coil c. from this to the Coils round the small electromagnet /', and fi-om the latter through the column n. Lack to its original starting piint. The electro magnet attracts the hammer //, in con- si'ijuence ut' which a small platinum plate fastened Lelow the < leriirm silver spring is Lrought into contact with the platinum ]niint of (lie screw/, thus ci.mplrting a Lrief and flljcirnt additi"l'a! cl. ..-,11 re // / u. Tlir curisi •( jlli 'lice . .f this NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 307 is that the current in the coil c, and at the same time in the electro-magnet, is much weakened ; the latter can no longer attract the hammer, which springs upward, so that the plate is removed from the point ft and the additional closure is interrupted. The current once more passes in full strength through the coil c and the electro-magnet b, the hammer is again attracted, and the whole process is repeated as long as the circuit K endures. If it is required to restore the appa- K ^J FIG. 74. HELMIIOLTZ'S APPARATUS. ratus to its original condition, it is only necessary to remove the wire gn and to lower the point/. 7. ACTION OF CURRENTS OF SHORT DURATION (p. 152). Either the closing or opening of a continuous current or an inductive current is used to excite the nerve. In the latter case, however, as has already been indicated in Note m- MUSCLES AM> M:K\ : ", we have really to ilo with a closing imme ti it -ly sttC- c vded liy an opening, for the inductive current ai i~e., mil a,' mi disappear:- as SOOD as it lias r.-aeh-d si c.-rt tin strength. Th> may lie imitat -d with suitable apparatus, l.y closing a cm-taut current for a very l>rkf time. Such a ; cm rent sho,-k ' may exhih'.t exactly the same phenomena as does an inductive current. If its duration remains unaltered, hut the strength of the current is giadually increased, the height i.t' elevation at first increases, remains for a time at a first maximum, after which it again increases and reaches a second maximum. Tho explanation is the same as was given in Note :; I'm- inluctive currents. At first only the beginning of the current (the closing) acts excitingly; but when the current H stronger, the cessation of the current (the o|ienin^ ) c.ni also act in the snne way. and a comliination of the two irritant* cm l,c t'onued. If the duration of such a current shock i-> very >hort. I he current mu>t he M rongi-r, if it is to exercise any exciting elVect at all, than would he in n -.sary if the duration were longer. It is evident that a current, if it lasts too short a time, cannot effect a sufficient chang,- in t!ie molecular con- dition of the nerve, and weaker currents require a longer time t:> do this than st rongor. From the curves in fig. ~'.'> \\!;ic'i ivpreseiit the duration of inductive Currents, it apjicars that without exception the commencement of the current results more abruptly than its disappearance. The coniinenc'-ment of every inductive cm- rent must th>-re!'ore inure easily excite than dues its end, esp 'cially as this isalwavs the case «'Vcii in the ordii arv closing and opening of e\ ery coiislant cm rent, in which such e.-n-ideralilc diflerenci-s in the duration do not occur. In the case of weak inductive cunents il is always only the • uiiimencement which is active, in other words mi 'nuliicttr •• i-in-i-i ni HI-IK a* :lu s tl/' i-JiiKiinj (if a continuous c///-r< uf. Now let US suppose that all inductive current is pas>ed through a nervein an a-c-'iidiug direction. So long :is the NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 309 current does not exceed a certain strength, it can excite; but when it is strong it is ineffective, since the closing of strong ascending currents is always ineffective. If, however, the current is made yet stronger, it may again become effec- tive, because the opening portion of the current can now, in spite of its retarded course, cause an irritation. This gap (Liicke) in the action was observed by Tick, and afterwards by Tiegel. How far other causes besides those here ex- plained combine to produce this peculiar phenomenon, we cannot examine further here. 8. ACTION OF TRANSVERSE CURRENTS. UNIPOLAR IRRITATION (p. 152). If a current is passed transversely through a nerve, that is, in a direction at right angles to the long a,xis of the nerve fibres, it has no effect. To effect the alteration in the posi- tion of the nerve molecules which we regard as the cause of the process of excitement, the current must, therefore, pass in the longitudinal direction of the nerve. This is pro- bably due to the peculiar electric forces of the nerve-par- ticles, which are treated of in detail on page 215 et scq. Just as an electric current if it flows parallel to a magnetic needle deflects the latter, but has no such effect when it flows in a direction at right angles to that of the needle, so the nerve particles can only be disturbed from their quiescent position by currents which run parallel to the axis of the nerve. If the current is directed oblique!}' to the nerve fibre, it acts but not so strongly as when it is parallel, and the degree of the action decreases proportionately as the angle which the current makes with the nerve-fibre approaches more nearly to a right angle. The connection between the phenomena of electrotonus and excitement of the nerve led us to believe that the excite- ment takes place, not throughout the whole portion of the nerve traversed by the current, but only in a part which on 310 riivsiol.ut.v OF MUSCLES AND NKUVI closing is near the kathode, on opening is near tli • anode. 'I'liis Drives ri.se to the question, whether it is possible to expos*' the nerve to the action of one electrode :iluiie. This may lie done, in the case of men or other animal-. by placing one electrode on tlie nerve, the other on a remote part of the body. If the kathode is situated on the nerve, only closing pul.-at ions are obtained; if the anode is situated on the nerve, opening pulsations are alone observed. If the currents are very powerful, excitement may certainly occur at the point where the nerve meets the adjacent tissues. This form of nerve irritation maybe called ii,ii/«i['tr, though in a different sense from that in which the name is usually used in cases where only one wire is laid on the nerve, and vet currents may flow through the nerve. Such cases, how- .-. are physiologically of no speci.-il interest. 9. T\M:::.NT CALVANO.MI;TI:I; (p. Kii'). In the ordinary tangent-galvanometer a small magnetic needle is placed in the centre of a, comparatively, very lar-e circle, through the periphery of which the current is ma le to pass. When the needle is deflected, the position of its poles does not alter essentially us regards the cm-lent, the action of which may therefore I e re-aided as directly proportionate to its strength: and from the opposed action of the current, and of the force of attraction which the earth c\erci.-es on the needle, \\hich must also be regarded as constant, it is evident that the two forces must be in equilibrium, if the trigonometric tangent of the aii^le of deflection is propor- tional, i to 1 lie si ren^lli of the current. Such tangent-galvanometers are. however, only adapted f -r measuring powerful currents. The ^ih aiiom. t r which we have described, adapted for very \\eak currents, i- dill'er- enl. Hut if, as wa> a ..-limed, all the deilrrtinns which are to 1 e measured are Iml very small, we may still assume that the mode of the influence «,(' i|M. current on the magnet is NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 311 not altered by the deflection. Then, in the case of this ap- paratus also, the strength of the currents may be regarded as proportionate to the tangent of the angle of deflection. A glance at fig. 19, on p. 57, shows that the displacement of the scale is equal to the tangent of the double angle of deflection. For so small an angle we may put tc, (2 «) = 2ty «, that is to say, the tangent of the double angle is equal to double the tangent of the single angle. And from this it follows that the strength of the currents is proportionate to the displacement of the scale directly observed. 10. TENSIONS IN CONDUCTORS (p. 133). To determine the absolute amount of tension at any point in a conductor, it would be necessary electrically to isolate the conductor, and to connect the point in question with a sensitive electrometer. But if any point of the iso- lated conductor is brought into conducting connection with the surface of the earth, this point would assume a tension equal toO, without any alteration in the differences of tension at the various points. Other points of the conductor may now be brought successively into connection with the earth, thus altering the absolute values of the tensions at the separate points, though the difference between the tensions at the various points remains the same. From this it follows that these differences are alone of importance for us. In our later explanations we have therefore represented the matter as though certain points (the boundaries between the longi- tudinal and cross section) had a tension =0 ; that is, we always thought of them as connected with the earth. All tensions that are greater than this we call positive, all that are less negative. 312 rilYHOI.OGY 01- MUSCLES AM' M-.KVK*. 11. l>riM.i:x TRANSMISSION. |M-:..I;\I:I;ATION, \-.n I COALESCENCE OF A ]>lsi;( Ti;i> Xi:i;\ i: (l». L'lS). Duplex transmission has been shown in another way, but the proof is not 8O trustworthy ami cleir as tlial gained by the aire below the point of scission. The nit'diillary sheath becomes crinkled, and* the excitability is lost. If, however, the cut surfaces are not too far sepa- rated, the nerv, '-fibres r;,u coalesce, the lower cuds again become exciialile, and the excitement can be transmitted through the cicatiix thus formed in the nerve. ( >n these facts Kidder based an experiment, in which he tried to cause a sensory nerve to coalesce with a motor nerve. The sen- sory ner\c of the tongue (.V. i< in/inilix}, a branch of the fifth brain nerve, and the motor nerve of tin- tongue (.V. Itjpo- i/li'ssus) cross each other below the tongue before they enter the latter. If the two nerves are cut at the point where they cross, and if the upper eud of the sensory nerve, which conies from the brain, is connected with the lower end of the mot )r nerve, \\hich enters the tongue, as much as possible of the two other ends of the nerves being cut out, then the two dilleivnt nerves coalesce, SO that after a time pulsations may be caused in the muscles of the tongue by in Station above the cicatrix, and indications of pain may be elicited by irritation below the cicatiix. The proof that in this ca-e the excitement is transmitted downward in the upper .sensoi y i.erve, up\\ard in the lower motor nerve, would lie unassail- able if it could be sho\\ ii that nerve fibres of the one nerve lave not grown through the cicatiix and entered into the other nerve. This possibility, improbable as it is. cannot be di n- neeted with the multiplier, then a part of this current p. through the multiplier itself, so that the portion of the in rve which is situated between these points is travei>ei| I >y a weaker current than are the adjacent portions. The condition- ore thus rendered so complex that it becomes very hard t;> explain the phenomena. Other attempts to study the character of the intrapolar regum have as yet aUbrde-d no clear results. If a nerve a is laid on a nerve //. in the way sh<,\\n in liir. ".">, A,B, 6', so that the nerve // forms a diverting arch for a portion of the nerve a, and if electrotonus is generated in the lutt.T liy a coiistant current, 1 lien the electrotonic cnr- r.-nt passes through tlie nerve J, and can at its commence- ment and cessation (closing and opening) excite the in rjc !>, :ind cause pulsation in the muscle of the nei ve. Tliis is spoki-n of as .s- condary pulsation from tin nerv . l'-\ rapidly re|iOateil closings and openings of the circuit, tetanus may lie elicited. I'.ut this secondary ]iulsation is caused only by eVetrotoniis and not. by ne-.iii\e variation, so that it can !.• more easily brought almiit by constant currents than by inductive current^. h i ihus distin^ni>lied from the xx-mi- • fm-i/ inilantiiin ,j/', <•/•:/ I,,/ /////.s-.-/ , -which was di'sciibed on p. _"!•. The negative variation of the nerve eiirivnt i \\<:.k to Cause any not ic 'able etl'i cl in a second nerve. NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 315 A special form of secondary pulsation effected through the nerve has been described bydu Bois-Reymondas paradoxical pulsation. If a constant current is passed through the branch of the sciatic nerve to which allusion is made in Note 4, which passes to the flexor muscle of the lower leg, then the calf-muscle may also pulsate when the current is closed and FIG. 75. SECONDARY PULSATION EFFECTED BY NERVE. opened. This is an apparent exception to the law of the isolated transmission of the excitement (cf. p. 117); but actually the excitement has not passed from the irritated fibres to the adjacent fibres, but the electrotonic current of the one fibre has flowed through the neighbouring fibres and lias independently irritated them. 14. PARELECTRONOMY (p. 237). The real causes of parelectronomy and the conditions tinder which it is more or less strongly developed, are as yet 3LG rilYsloU'i.Y 01 MUSCLES AM> NERVES. far from being understood. I'.ut at any rate it is impossible to conceive tin- matter, as though the currentleB8 condition of the muscle--- tliat is to say, the same tension on the longi- tiulinal and traiisver.se sections — wen- iidiinal, and as if every negati veness on the transverse section were the result of injury. For all possible degrees of parelectronomy are to be found e%e:i the reversed order, in which the cross-section is more positive than the longitudinal section — in uninjun d niuseles ; \\hile in other cases the ordinary muscle-current is found powerfully developed in quite uninjured muscles. Mon -over, as we have stated in the text, the question whether ditl'eremvs of electric tension occur in uninjured muscle has 110 bearing on the question whether electromotive forces are present within the muscle. "We declare ourselves ill favour of this hypothesis, because it most simph and easily explains nil the phenomena. Wo also apply it to structures on the outer surface of which it can be proved with certainty that 1:0 dill'erences of tension are present, as in the electric plat' s of iishes. For this assumption ^e have the same grounds on which physicists rely in claiming the existence of molecular magnets in every, even quite uniuagnetie piece of iron. Whatever, therefore, may be the true explanation of parelectronoiny, it cannot essentially affect our well-founded conception of the electric forces of muscles. If, however, dn Bois-Reymond's supposition is confirmed, thai the puUi tioiis which occur during life leave behind them an after etleet on the muscle- ends, which niaki s the latter less neira live, some approach wou'd be made to an ex[)lanation of the phenomenon. l.'i. |)isi iiAia.r. lhro-|iii>|S ANP [SOLATED TKANS.MISSK.N IN TIM N i i > I:-|MI:KI: (p. L' I'.t). 'The explanation of the fact that the processes of r\ citeinent remain i>olattd iii a nerve lihie without passing into adjacent liel ve libres. appears tlie more inexplicalile. if NOTES AND ADDITIONS. 317 we regard these processes as electric, in that the separate fibres are not electrically isolated from each other. But the explanation which we gave of the isolated excitement of but one muscle-fibre by a variation of the electric current in the appropriate nerve, also explains isolated transmission in the nerve-fibres. For if the electrically active parts are very small, comparatively powerful electric action can take place in them, and yet the current may be quite unobserv- able at a little distance. This is a consequence of the law of the distribution of currents in irregular conductors, explained in chapter x. § 2. We must, therefore, assume that the electrically active particles situated in the axis of a nerve-fibre are small in comparison with the diameter of the fibre, and that therefore their effect at the outer surface of the fibre is already so weak that it cannot act and cause irritation in an adjacent fibre. In Note 13 we have seen that no action takes place by negative variation from one fibre on an adjacent fibre. Our multipliers are much more sensitive than nerve-fibres, so that the separate negative variations during the tetanisation of the nerve can combine their action on the multiplier ; but this is impossible in the case of the excitement of nerve-fibres. INDEX. ABS A BSOLUTE force of muscles, A 67, 68 Acid, formation of, in muscle, 7H, 87 Activity of muscle, 37, 202, 235 ; of nerve, 107, 216 ADAMKICIEWICZ, 76 Adequate irritants, 285 • AEBY, 100 Albuminous bodies, 73, 80 Ammonia, 257 Amoeba?, 6 Amoeboid movements, 7 Anelectrotonus, 129, HI Animal, 5 Anode, 128, 220 Arches, diverting homogeneous, 177, 181 ARISTOTLE, 155, 285 Ascending currents, 134 Attachment of muscles, 17 Automatic movement, 271 Avalanches, 250 Avalanche-like increase in the excitement of nerves, 122, 300 Axis-band, 104 Axis-cylinder, 104 "UACOX as food, 85 Ball-sockets, 19, 93 BECLARD, 73 BERNARD, 253 CITE BERNSTEIN, 100, 219 BERT, 312 Blood, 78, 273 Blood-corpuscles, 7 Blood-vessels, 96, 272 DU Bois EEYMOND, 25, 30, 35, 36, 53, 59, 73, 87, 111, 150, 156, 165, 181, 183, 186, 205, 208, 217, 230, 248, 278, 313, 315, 316 Bones, 17, 18, 93 Branched muscle fibres, 101 Branching of electric currents, 132, 150 Brownian movements, 3 BRUCKE, 89 Burden, 23, 39, 64 BURDON- SANDERSON, 223 HALF-MUSCLE. Sec Cas'.ro- cnemius Carbonic acid, formation of, in muscle, 42, 73, 81 Carrying-height (Traghche) 41 Cells, 9. St'C also Nerve-cells Central-organ of the nervous system, 103, 117, 265 Centrifugal and centripetal nerves, 266 Cerebrum, 277 Chamois-hunters, 85 Chemical composition of mus- cles, 73 320 1NDKV. CUE mical irritants, :$0, 109, 267 Chemical processes in mus II', 7:5 Ciliary cells, 10 Ciliary-movements, 10 Circuit, electric, 153, 103 CLAUDIUS CLAUDIANIS, i.v> Closing of a current, :;L', 1 :;.',:'.(' I iuductive current, 151, ' Comhination of tensions, 228; of irritants, L'-.c.t Compensation, 1*:; Compensator, round, 186 Concept inn, L'7'.', L'sn Conine, 2.~>:! Conscious sensation, L'77 Conservation of energy. 77 Cuns'ant currents, 31, K>:>, ll'f,, 131 Correlative action. 1'7»> Correlative -ensatimi, i'7tj Creal in, l\ Cross-section of the muscle, fif., !!»(), I'.IS, "JOS. L'lir,, L>.-,f,; of the nerves, 1 •_'(). 1'K',. 256 Curare, L'.Vi Current -curvet, 1 7S Current-planes. 1 7'.» Curve of excitability, IL'1, noO FJAEWIN, 224 Death of the. muscle, 86, 207 ; <>r the. nerve, li'o, H'l Death-ytiiVness, 87 I i.-j-eiic'i-ation of a ciit nerve, :!!•_' Jie-;.-.. n,lin^ currents, I:: I Lioncea mvioipvla, 1 I1.', --I I lischarge-hypothesis, -is, :il n l»ises of musclc-lilires, H Disdiaclasls, IT,, H»L' Dislocation of the neck, i'7:! I liverl iliLT arelies, 177 I »i\ert iii'j" cylinders, 181 l>i\crtiii.ir vessels, 1 ''>•'• J)i\i-inll (if elect! ieclirrelll-, \'.''~2, 170 r.i:s. 289 marrow, Kid, L'77 FIB Double refractii.u, 1," lUiplex traiismU.-ii>ii, '_'1 Dynamite, I'.M , 69 J;I,\>TICITV. L-l ; alteration of, -^ on contraction. II. 7<>: CO-ef- lieient. of, L':;; l;i\\ of, i'L' Electric current, l.V." Electric eel, Electric ashes, I.'!. 222, 227, I'll Electric irritation, :;L', Km, 1 I'.i 151 • -trie organs, l.'s, l_'L"J Electric plate-, 158, L'l".', L'L'7. '-Ml ' lie ray. l."i)i lie wheel, :i:: Electrodes, 128; unpi»lari>ahlc, 181 Kh'.'tr ....... ti\e fore,'. ]i\<. '.'I'.!' ; of tin; muscles and ner\e<, l.".:i. it an/. BL ctromotive surface, 17'.i, L'L'7 Electrotonus, iL'7, 1 :!-.», L'L'II, L':IS, 301), 311 Klemelit. X/Y- ^Ilisclc-clelliclit, //in/ Norve-eleiiient Elementary organisms. S Energy, IK 50, ii|, 7i'. 77 ; - cilic, L'M; I;\(;I:I.MANX. inn ;. 2HO, r, electromoi i\e, I'iUMANN. t.". Excitahility, 11 :i, IL'L'. 300 Excitement, ILV,, i 1 1, i.-.n, i:,l, 313 Exhaustion, 7'.', 1 '_' I ension, IM. :>:'. i".1:. : -radual, 24 Kxtra| nlar regions, '-"JO I;AI:AI>\Y. 1 Teel Of 176 the divcrtinir arch, Fibres. >',,- Musele-lihrcs and Nerve-fibres Fibre-cells, '.>«; INDEX. 321 FIB Fibrillse, 1-1 FICK, 41, 299, 309 Fish, electric, 154, 222, 227, 241 Flat-bones, 18 Flesh, 2, 11, 86 Force, electromotive, 168, 232 Force, muscular, 50, 67 Forms of muscles, 91 Form, changes of, in muscle during contraction, 45 Freeing of forces, 249 Function, 293 riALVANOMETER, 160 Ganglion-cells. See Nerve- cells Ganglion-balls. See Nerve-cells Gastrocnemius, 17, 67, 109, 199. 200, 203, 209, 302 GAUSS, 58 GERLACH, 246, 247, 259 Gizzard, 96 Glands, 212, 227, 262 Glycerine, 257 Glycogen, 73, 80, 87 GOETHE, 285 Graphical representation, 293 S'GRAVESANDE, 23 Grey nerve-fibres, 104 Gunpowder, 250 Gymnotus, 156 . IJALLER, 252 Hallucination, 279 HARLESS, 253 Head of muscle, 1 3 Heart, the, 101, 210 HEIDENHATN, 76, 146 Height of elevation, 37, 2D7 HELMHOLTZ, 50, 52, 59, 73, 75, 115, 228, 287, 290, 306 HERMANN, 70, 100 Hinge-socket, 19, 93 HIRSCH, 288 Homogeneity of all nerve-fibres, 263 HOOK, 23 HUMBOLDT, 156 Hypotheses, 229, 234 15 MAG INCREASE in thickness of muscle on contraction, 41 Induction, magnetic, 243 Inductive currents, 31, 110, 139, 304, 308 Induction coil, 31, 35, 119, 306 Inertia of consciousness, 290 Inosit, 74, 87 Internal work during tetanus, 41, 76,77 Intestine, 96, 272 ; of the tench, 101 Intrapolar regions, 129, 221 Involuntary movements, 271 Irregular movements, 272 Irritants, 30, 109 Irritability, 30, 108 ; independent, 255 Isolated transmission in the nerve-fibre, 117, 315 Isoelectric curves. See Tension- lines T7ATELECTROTONU8,129,141 1V Kathode, 1 28, 220 Kernel (nucleus) 5,7, II, 16, 96, 105 Key, tetanising, 36 Kleistian jar, 30 KOLLIKER, 253 KRONECKER, 299 KUHNE, 89, 256, 257 T ABOUR accumulator, 41 -^ Lactic acids, 73, 80, 87, 258 Latent irritation, 56, 64 Law of eccentric sensation, 280 Law of pulsations, 135, 142 Leverage of bones, 93 Leyden jar, 30 Life centres, 272 Light, 15, 284 Long bones, 18 "MAGNET, compared to muscle ^- and nerve, 147, 230, 200 322 INDKX. MAI. ti rnni.f, 1 ."iti M A 'I I.I "I •••!. 22'.l M'-fhani.-al irritants ::»i. inn, i it; Meduiiarv .-heath, lol, 21.1, 2M, 263 .Viiiio.tu pinl ifii, 2, 224 Mirror, rea.ling uf small angles liv means tit', .17. 1 i'iL' Miidiiie.itinii til' excitability, 131, 1 1:; Molecular hypothesis, 238 Molecular iini\ ement, :! Moling, li>2 Monti i/rtts, 1.1'.'. .Mnliir nerves, 2C,1 Mcivciucnt, 1 ; in plants, 2, 8, 224 ; of the smallest organisms, 4; molecular, 3; ]>rotnp!u>- inic, G ; amoeboid, 6 ; ciliary, !i; muscular, 9 ct scq.\ peri- staltic, 98, 272 ; voluntary and involuntary, '.is. 27.1 ; au- tomat if., 1'::; ; rhytlunic, L'72 ; i- Hi if, L'7:.' .Mulii|ilicr, Kit MI-NK, lie,, 224, 300 Muscle, 2, 11, 12 ct scq., 180 ct srq., L'i'il // AW/. ^lu-.-lr-cunvnt, I'.M, 202, 22G Muscle-element, '.':'.'_', 2:;:» Jlusclc-librc, striatfd, 14, 4.1, 9(1, 245 ; smooth, 9G, 101 ; zig/.ag arrai!ir''nirnt of, 14 Muscle-tibrc poiifh. >'»(• Sarco- Lemma Muscle-fluid, Musci(-]iri.-ui, is1.', •_•::(), -J:M Muscle-rhombus, ];•::, \ '.<:>, •-'::<• .Musf!.!-ni.tc, 4:5, 211 Muscle-telegraph, 30 Mvu-raiih, I'll. :!7, 62, !<»», Ill Blyosin, 71, '.'<• MASSE, 73 11 Nfjativf variation, 2<>::, 2 in, 21 I, 2 ic,, 22H, 2:11, :;i:; ells, lu:;, 2i;c,, 2i'.'.i POL >Sr rv-ntral Or- gans. \rivt-furivnt, 21.1, 22G, 236 . l':i7 (t KI ij. ' -, 1":: it teq.\ termi- nation of, in musclt ~, L'1.1 Nerve-net, 2ir, Nrrvu-pn ><• esses, 107, 2C..1 Nerve-sheath, lot, ill Nerve, terminal plates of, 21.1 Nt rvous system, 103 N ft lie, stinging, movements in hairs of, 8 -V< ii rllciuin/i. Sn Nfrvi-->lieatli \< utral jdiint, ll'U Nicotin, 2.1.", Ni;roglycerine, 250, 251 Nuiriiiifiit of labourers, 82 Nut-socket, I'.i, :'.'{ Of a current, 32, 131, 308 Opening induction-current, l.io, 304 0].fi;in.u'-tetanus, 132, 1 I:1. ori'lAN, 155 i ns. Sec Cent ral Oru a 1 1 .- and Electric Organs ( >\ I'l'-liurdfii, (i.1 Oxidatinn, process "f, in muscle, 12 ])Ai;Ai)<)XK'AL pulsation, :;i i 1'ai-flfctr. ..... my, 208, 236,316 Pi-nnil'tirm muscles, '.H, I'.'H l'fri|iherie. nerves, I(i3. Iu7 I't-ristali ie. miivi-iiiciit, W, 272 l'i i,i Cr.H, 122, 1 M Physiological tin Plants, movements of, 2, '.', 221 ; eli-ei i to at- tit,ii nf, 1.13, 223 it teq. Hates, electric, 168,222,227,241 I'M NY. 1.1.1 POOOBNDORP, I'.il.ll i-e,l light, 1.1 INDEX. 323 PRE PREVOST and DUMAS, 45 Prism. See Muscle Prism Propagation, of the pulsation within the muscle-fibre, 99; of the irritation within the nerve-fibre, 110, 114, 287; of the negative variation in the nerve-fibre, 129 Protoplasm, 5 Protoplasmic movement, 6 Protoplasmic processes, 106 Pulsation, 31, 56, 210 ; secondary, 210, 314 ; law of, 135, 142,299 of sensations, 276 Rate of excitement in the nerve-fibre, 98 ; of transmission within the nerve-fibre, 1 10, 1 ] 4, 129, 287 Reaction in muscles, 87 Receptive apparatus of sensory- nerves, 283 Reflection, 290 Reflex actions, 274, 290, 301 Respiratory movements, 272 Respiratory centre, 272 Rest of muscles, 37 Retardation (He>nmv>iy\ 80 Retardatory nerves, 263 Rheochord, 133, 149. 184 Rhombus. See Muscle-rhombus Rhythmic movements, 272, 281 Ritter's tetanus, 132, 143 VARCOLEMMA, 16, 101, 233 SCHWANN, 70 Secretory nerves, 213, 2(52 Secondary pulsation, 210, 314 Secondary tetanus, 211 Semi-penniform muscles, 91 Sensation, 1, 262 Sensitive machines, 251 Sensitive plant, 2 Shaft of a bone, 19 Short bones, 1 8 Shortening of muscles. 12, 28 TRU Skeleton, muscles of, 13 Skin-currents, 207, 213 Sliding inductive apparatus, 35, 119' Smooth muscle-fibres, 12, 96, 206 Sockets, 19, 93 Source of muscle-force, 42 Specific energies, 286 Specific warmth, 76 Steam engine, comparison of, with muscle, 82 Stinging-nettles, movements in hairs of, 8 STRAUSS, 290 Striated muscle, 1 1 et seq. Sugar, 73, 80, 85 Surface, electromotive, 179, 227 TAIL of muscle, 13 Tangent galvanometer, 162, 310 Temperature, influence of, on muscles and nerves, 86, 124 Tench, 101 Tension, electric, 168, 171, 229, 311 Tension-curves, 179, 190 Tension, differences of, 182, 311 Tension-lines, 179, 190 Tension-surfaces, 179 Terminal apparatus of nerves, 262, 267 Tetanus, 34", 37, 41, 109, 300; secondary, 211, 314 Thermic irritants, 109 Thermo-electricity, 74 TIEGEL, 300, 309 Time, measurement of, 51, 61, 98, 111, 115, 131, 288 Tonic contraction, 272 Torpedo, 155, 158 Transmission, in the nerve-fibre, 110, 141, 287 ; isolated, 117, 316 : duplex, 217, 312 Transverse currents through the nerves, 309 Trunk of a muscle, 13 324 I.NHKX. VM j'NIl'ol.Ai; irritatinn. ::o'.) UiipdlarNalili' rln-t r< «lr<, 181 Urinary ilu.-t, loo Urea, 80, M VASI>-MOT<>!; nerves, 261 Volume ol' iiiiix-li', !."», GG WAiiNKK'S kmmior, 34, ?>(><> Wiinntli t'(|iiivak'iit, 7G, 81 WOB Warmth, generation of, in muscle, »•_', 7:i, 71; in IKTVC, 1-.':: Wi;i;i:i;, i:,, IT,:; WKISS, 73 AVIiip-ccll movrniont, 11 Will, 270, 200 ; dcllcclinn ,,f ]]iaurnctir iiccilli- liy, 205 Woodcutters, Tyrolcse, 85 Work acc(ini|ilislicil l>y tlic muscle, 37, 38, 72, K\, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. NOW READY. In 12mo, and bound in cloth. 1. FORMS OF WATER. l!y Prof. JOHN TYNDALL. $1.50. 2. PHYSICS AND POLITICS; or. The Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection" and " Inheritance" to Political Society. By W. BAGEIIOT. $1 50. 3. FOODS. By EDWARD SMITH, M. D., LL. B., F. R. S. $1.75. 4. MIND AND BODY. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL. D. $1.50. 5. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By HERBERT SPENCER. $1 50. 6. THE NEW CHEMISTRY. By Prof. JOSIAH P. COOKE, Jr., of Harvard Uni- versity. $-'.00. 7. 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