libraries Ni? BOOK 570. M52 v.2 c. 1 MENGE # GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL BIOLOGY 3 T153 D01373fiE 0 General and Professional Biology GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL BIOLOGY with Special Reference to Man EDWARD J. MENGE, Ph. D. Director of the Department of Zoology, Marquette University Late Professor of Biology, University of Dallas SECOND EDITION IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME II INTRODUCTORY EMBRYOLOGY (CHICK, FROG, and MAMMAL) and COMPARATIVE ANATOMY THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Second Edition Copyright 1922-1925 Edward J. Menge Printed in the United States of America PART I Introductory Embryology (Chick, Frog, and Mammal) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 * TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART I INTRODUCTORY EMBRYOLOGY 11-209 Embryology of the Chick 11-118 CHAPTER I THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO BEFORE THE EGG IS LAID — The Egg — The Reproductive Organs of the Fowl — Oogenesis — The Morula Stage — Blastulation— Gastrulation 11-30 CHAPTER II THE PRIMITIVE STREAK AND ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM— The Notochord — The Neural Plate — Metameric Division — Method of Illustrating Extra-Embryonic Portions 31-40 CHAPTER III THE FOUR TO SIX SOMITE STAGE (About Twenty-four Hours).... 41-45 CHAPTER IV THE FIRST HALF OF THE SECOND DAY (Twenty-four to Thirty- six Hours) — The Differentiation of the Brain Region — Lengthening of the Fore-gut 46-51 CHAPTER V THE SECOND HALF OF THE SECOND DAY (Thirty-six to Forty- eight Hours) — The Brain — Torsion — The Circulatory System — The Path of a Blood-Corpuscle — The Excretory System 52-60 CHAPTER VI EXTRA-EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES— The Yolk-Sac— The Amnion and the Serosa — The Allantois — The Chorion 61-64 CHAPTER VII DEVELOPMENT OF THE THIRD DAY— The Nervous System— The Optic Vesicles — The Digestive Tract — The Lungs — The Liver — The Pancreas — The Thyroid Gland — The Thymus Gland — The Visceral Clefts and Visceral Arches — The Circulatory System 65-77 CHAPTER VIII THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SOMITES— The Excretory Sys- tem 78-83 CHAPTER IX THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOURTH DAY— The Nervous Sys- tem— The Ganglia of the Cranial Nerves — The Spinal Cord — The Organs of Special Sense— The Eye— The Ear— The Nose— The Skeletal Structure — The Excretory System — The Reproductive System — The Adrenal Bodies — The Circulatory System — The Vitelline Circulation — The Allantoic Circulation — The Intra-Embryonic Circulation — The Heart — The Veins 84-111 CHAPTER X THE COELOM AND THE MESENTERIES 112-113 8 Table of Contents— Continued Page CHAPTER XI DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIFTH DAY— The Limbs— The Develop- ment of the Skull— The Skull Proper— The Visceral Skull— The Heart. 114-118 The Embryology of the Frog 119-194 CHAPTER XII THE GENERAL EMBRYOLOGY OF THE TADPOLE AS COM- PARED WITH THAT OF THE CHICK— Classification of Chor- data — Embryology of the Frog — Fertilization — Maturation — The Formation of the Blastula — The Formation of the Gastrula — The Medullary Plate — The Formation of the Embryo — The Somites — The Later Development of the Tadpole — The Nervous System — The Fore- brain — The Mid-brain — The Hind-brain — The Peripheral Nervous Sys- tem— The Trigeminal or V-Nerve — The Facial and Auditory, or the VII and VIII Nerves — The Glossopharyngeal and Vagus (Pneumo- gastric) or IX and X Nerves — The Spinal Nerves — The Sympathetic System — The Eye — The Ear — The Nose — The Sense Organs of the Lateral Line 119-160 CHAPTER XIII THE DIGESTIVE TRACT— The Derivatives of the Mid-Gut— The Derivatives of the Hind-Gut 161-166 CHAPTER XIV THE MESODERMAL SOMITES— Table of Somites, Vertebrae, and Related Nerves of the Tadpole 167-169 CHAPTER XV THE CIRCULAT9RY SYSTEM— The Heart— The Arterial System- Origin of the Circulatory System and the Blood — The Venous System — The Lymphatic System — The Septum Transversum 170-180 CHAPTER XVI THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM— The Mesonephros or Wolffian Body— The Reproductive System — The Adrenal Bodies or Epinephroi 181-187 CHAPTER XVII THE SKELETAL SYSTEM— The Skull 188-194 Mammalian Embryology 195-209 CHAPTER XVIII MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY — Fertilization — The Blastoderm- Attachment of the Blastodermic Vesicle to the Uterine Wall — Implan- tation— The Embryonic Membranes — The Placenta — The Yolk-Sac — The Allantois — The Decidual Membranes — The Umbilical Cord 195-209 PART II Comparative Anatomy 211-466 CHAPTER XIX INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 213-314 CHAPTER XX CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, AND MAMMALS 215-239 Tabi.e of Contents — Concluded 9 Page CHAPTER XXI THE INTEGUMENT — Fishes — Amphibia — Reptiles — Birds — Mammals — Hair — Glands — Scales 240-256 CHAPTER XXII THE ENDOSKELETON— The Vertebral Column— Regions of the Verte- bral Column — The Skull — The Appendicular Skeleton — Paired Appendages — The Shoulder Girdle — The Hip Girdle — The Free Appendages — The Limbs — Summary of the Cranium — Cyclostomata — Dogfish — Pisces — Amphibia — Aves • — Reptilia — Mammalia — Summary of the Skeletal System — The Dogfish — Amphibia — Reptilia — Aves — Mammalia 257-297 CHAPTER XXIII THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM— Detail Study— Teeth— Dental Formula- Epidermal Teeth — The Tongue — Glands — The Pharynx — The Oesopha- gus— The Stomach — The Intestine — The Liver — The Pancreas — Summary of the Digestive System — Amphioxus — Ascidians (Tunicates) — Fishes — Turtles — Aves — Mammals 298-332 CHAPTER XXIV THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM— Amphibia— The Swim Bladder- Lungs and Air Ducts — The Lungs — Summary of the Respiratory System — Fishes — The Air-bladder and Accessory Organs of Respira- tion — Dogfish — Amphibia — Reptilia — Birds — Mammals — Accessory Respiratory Apparatus 333-347 CHAPTER XXV THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM— Detailed Studies— The Heart— The Vascular System — Development — The Arteries — Aorta and Aortic Arches — Arteries of the Dorsal Aorta — Visceral Arteries — Somatic Arteries — The Veins — Summary of the Circulatory System — Amphioxus — The Lymphatic System — Fishes — Amphibia — Reptilia — Birds — Mammalia 348-381 CHAPTER XXVI THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM— The Pronephros— The Mesonephros— The Mesonephric Duct — The Metanephros — The Urinary Bladder — The Reproductive Organs — The Reproductive Ducts — Oviducts — Organs of Copulation — Adrenal Organs — Summary of the Urogenital System — Fishes — Dogfish — Amphibia — Reptilia and Aves — Mammalia. .382-402 CHAPTER XXVII THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM— The Visceral Muscles 403-410 CHAPTER XXVIII THE NERVOUS SYSTEM— The Spinal Cord— Flexures— Neuromeres— Meninges — The Brain — The Cerebrum — Brain Table — Telencephalon — Diencephalon — Epiphysial Structures — Mesencephalon — Rhombence- phalon— The Cerebellum — Medulla Oblongata — Telae Chorioideae — Summary of the Brain — Amphioxus — Cyclostomata — Pisces — Dogfish — Teleosts — Amphibia — Reptilia — Aves — Mammalia — The Organs of Special Sense — The Ear — The Nose — The Eye — The Peripheral Nervous System — The Sympathetic Nervous System — The Cranial Nerves 411-466 CHAPTER I EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO BEFORE THE EGG IS LAID BEFORE beginning the work in Introductory Embryology it is quite essential that the student turn back to earlier chapters and re-read what is said there on mitosis, fertilization, and the histology of the frog. Such a review will lay a foundation for the detailed study of the following pag-es. When Comparative Anatomy is taken up in the next semester's work, it will be found that the Haeckelian law of biogenesis (also called the "recapitulation theory"), although untrue in its usual application, is a very convenient supposition in that it makes many points clear if we accept it as a working hypothesis. This so-called law is defined as follows : "All anim^als, during their embryonic period, pass through the same adult-stages that the various members of the race to which they belong, have passed." For practical purposes it is necessary to keep this theory in mind in the study of Embryology ; for, it is the simplest way of bringing home to the student the fact, that in any biological study that is to be scientific, one must first study the more simple organisms and then compare such simple forms with those that are more complex — the so-called higher forms. All living animals pass through a quite similar stage of development in their embryonic period, so that the next succeeding higher form practically possesses everything that the immediately next succeeding lower form possesses, plus something additional. And it is this "plus something" that we are trying to arrange in proper order when we study embryology. The value of this is not always clear to the student. However, if he will remember that a human being and a chick pass through quite similar stages during their embryonic periods, the human being, how- ever, developing further, he can understand how an obstruction may prevent any individual part of an organism from receiving the proper nourishment and environment, and thus cause such part to cease devel- oping, and thereby to produce what is called a rudimentary structure. (Fig. 250.) While all animals differ slightly from each other, there are certain type-forms in which the greatest differences can be clearly observed. Such type-forms, as commonly used in the laboratory, are the dogfish, as a representative of the cartilaginous fishes; the frog, as an example of amphibia ; the chick, or pigeon, as an example of birds ; the turtle, 12 Embryology of the Chick as an example of reptilia ; and the cat, rabbit, or pig, as an example of the mammals. As we have been using the frog as a norm, or standard type, with which 'to compare the other forms studied, it would probably seem best Fig. 250. There is a membrane covering the pupil of the eye which, in man, normally dis- appears when the embryo is seven months old. In the case here shown portions of the membrane have persisted as an irregular network over the pupil. Such persistent structures are called rudimentary. (From a drawing lent by Dr. G. N. Brazeau.) to begin Embryology with that animal. However, for the same reason that the frog was used as an introductory subject for study (because it can be procured easily and because it is a fairly complex form which possesses structures with which the student is already familiar), so, the hen's egg, which is much larger than that of the frog, can also be obtained easily and is already somewhat familiar to the student. In addition to this, the chick embryo develops upon the surface of the yolk, which makes the various germ layers xery distinct, and serves much better than the frog as a beginning-type..j The first and foremost point in the study of Embryology is accuracy of observation; the second is the obtaining of a clear concept of what has been observed; and the third is to show by drawings that the first and second points have been fully assimilated. There is considerable need for legitimate imagination in embryo- logical work, because the entire study of Embryology is for the purpose of giving the student a more or less comprehensive idea of the process through which, and by which, all the organ-systems in the body of living things have come to be what they are. The study of Embryology is, therefore, different from later work in pure anatomy, where each structure is definite, and where such structure is studied only after it is completely formed. In Embryology we see the beginnings and develop- ment of these later anatomical structures. One should first take the complete embryo, and get a good grasp of the general structure. Then, sections must be cut at various intervals and studied microscopically. It must never be forgotten, however, that our imagination must constantly remind us that there are three dimen- sions to the living animal, and that what we are looking at in a section. Development of the Embryo 13 is but a series of still pictures, and that there is little value or meaning in such observation unless one can, with imagination and logic, plus preceding biological knowledge, build up a completed structure, so that the mind's eye can see the entire animal as it actually exists. It must be remembered at this point that events which have taken place in the past, are the cause, or causes, of events that are now taking place, and that will take place later. This is as true in Embryology as it is in such a field as history, for example. This means that the various events of development are caused by preceding developmental events, and that these cause later steps in development in turn. Another important point for the student to remember is that he must not only be able to recognize histologically the type of cells he may find in the section he is studying, but he must know the definite location in the complete embryo from which his section is cut. The complete bird-like form of the chick can be clearly seen before the eigth day of incubation because all the principal changes have taken place by that time. It will, therefore, be understood that these changes are rather minute in their origins, for the eight-day embryo is only about seven millimeters in length. During, and after the eighth day, the changes which taice place are primarily enlargements, or growth, of portions already present. In the study of Embryology we are not only interested in the devel- opment of the chick from the ^gg, but we also wish to know how the egg came into existence. The hen's egg is usually said to be a single cell. This is, however, only true if the egg is unfertilized. As birds' eggs are laid with shells upon them, it is necessary that fertilization take place before the shell is formed. Fertilization in these cases is internal. It takes about 22 hours for the egg to have the layers of white laid down, and for the shell to surround it. (The layers of yolk are laid down before ovulation.) If the egg has been fertilized, the warmth of the mother's body has already caused development throughout these hours, so that by the time the egg is laid, the little chick is already approximately one, or one and a half, days old. There is a variation in the age because, if the hen's egg is ready for laying during the main part of the day, it is laid then, but if it is not ready for laying until, let us say, about four or five o'clock in the afternoon/ it is retained within the mother's body until the following day, thus causing some embryos to be developed from ten to fifteen hours more than others. The so-called spoiling of eggs is usually due to the fact that the embryo chick dies and then decays. In birds, where the eggs leave the mother's body, the yolk must be quite large in order to furnish sufficient food for the embryo during the two or three weeks intervening between the time the egg leaves the mother's body and the time of hatching. In mammalian forms, the 14 Embryology of the Chick egg remains extremely small because the nourishment of the embryo is derived directly from the mother. During- the very first day of incubation the outlines of the embryo are defined. During the second day a rather complicated series of folds appear, separating- the embryo from the yolk. The embryo, however, remains in contact with the yolk-mass by a narrow stalk. The circula- tory system now develops, through which nourishment is carried from the yolk-mass to the embryo. Embryonic membranes and appendages appear during the second and third days of incubation. These assist in respiration and also in forming a larger area from which the food supply may be brought from the yolk to the embryo. Development usually begins at the head end and extends tailward, so that the brain and other head structures are often quite well devel- oped when there is little semblance of any other well-defined structure toward the tail end. The chick usually makes a small opening in the egg shell on about the twentieth day of incubation, and from then on the lungs actually take in air and begin their regular external work, while on the twenty-first day the chick breaks entirely through the shell. With this introductory general outline, we shall take up the study of the egg itself, working backward to its very simplest cell origin in the mother's ovary. THE EGG The true ovum (Fig. 251 A, v.), or egg-cell proper, is the large yolk or vitellum. This is surrounded by a tough vitelline membrane. The end of the ovum, where the embryo is to develop, is called the ani- mal pole. It is nearly free from yolk, and appears at the time of laying as a circular whitish area, known as the blastoderm (Fig. 251, b), and measures from three to four millimeters in diameter. As the animal pole is not so dense as the surrounding material, it is always found on top of the yolk, no matter which way the entire egg is turned, provided, of course, that the yolk is free to rotate. The more central portion of the animal pole is rather translucent, or pellucid, and, therefore, is called the area pellucida (Fig. 251 A, c). This central portion is surrounded by a whitish, or opaque, region called the area opaca. The yolk itself is called deutoplasm, and is divided into two types of material, white and yellow yolk. The white yolk is thickest in the region just below the blastoderm, where it is shaped like a flask, as shown in the figure. It extends to the center of the yolk. It will be noticed that the yolk is thus arranged in various concentric layers. A layer of thick yellow yolk alternates with a thinner stratum of white yolk. The two types of yolk differ in physical characteristics and in chemical composition. The vitellus, or true egg-cell, alone is formed in the ovary. Such structures as develop within the ovary proper are called primary. Structures, such as chorionic membranes (found in most of the higher Development of the Embryo 15 - — Area opaca Area pellucida Fig. 251. Semidiagrammatic illustration of the hen's egg at the time of laying. A. Entire "egg." £. ^Diagram of a vertical section through the vitellus or ovum proper, showing tlie concentric layers of white and yellow yolk, a, Air chamljer; ac, chalaziferous layer of albumen; ad, dense layer of albumen; af, fluid layer of albumen; b, blastoderm; c. chalazae; /, latebra; nl, neck of latebra; P, nucleus of Pander; pv, perivitelline space; smi, inner -layer of shell membrane; smo, outer laj'cr of shell membrane; v, vitellus or "yolk"; vm, vitelline membrane; wy, layers of white yolk; yy, layers of yellow yolk. C. Surface view of Blastoderm of un- incubated hen's egg. (A and B, after Marshall; C, after Hertwig.) forms), are known as secondary structures, while those particular regions which are formed by accessory reproductive organs, such as the white of the egg and the shell, are said to be tertiary structures. The white of the ^gg is composed of albuminous matter which is chemically quite complex. It will be remembered that the protoplasm in all living cells is largely albuminous. Toward each end of the newly-laid tgg, one finds a dense, opaque twisted cord, extending through the white of the ^gg from opposite sides of the yolk toward the apices of the shell. These twisted cords are called chalazae (Fig. 251A, c). They are continuous with a very thin, dense layer of albumen surrounding the yolk. This thin layer is called the chalaziferous layer. It is generally assumed that the chalazae assist in holding the yolk in position, though this has been disputed by several biologists, primarily because the ends nearest the shell are not attached. Immediately outside the chalaziferous layer there is another thick, dense layer of albumen, and superficial to this is a still thicker layer of a more fluid albumen. The hard-boiled ^gg in which the albu- men has coagulated lends itself well for the observation of these various layers. Usually, in observing such hard-boiled eggs the albumen is seen to be arranged in spiral sheets. The ovoid shell which surrounds the entire tgg is quite resistant to gradually applied pressure, but easily broken if the blow be sharp. The shell in turn is covered superficially by a thin cuticle perforated by many pores. The main substance of the shell is made up of loosely arranged 16 Embryology of the Chick particles of carbonates and phosphates of calcium and magnesium. The inner surface of the shell is composed of a thin but dense layer of inorganic salts. After the shell has dried, it is quite porous, thus making the passing of gases and water-vapor quite easy. There is a tough shell membrane lining the inner portion of the shell. It is composed of a double sheet of fibrous connective tissue which separates at the blunt end of the ^gg into an air space, becoming larger as time goes by. THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF THE FOWL One obtains a more thorough the tgg in the ovary if a review Fig. 252. The reproductive system of the fowl. The figure shows two eggs in the oviduct, whereas normally only one egg is in the oviduct at a time, b, Blastoderm; c, cicatrix; cl, cloaca; da, dense layer of albumen; /, empty egg follicle from which the ovum has escaped; g, glandular portion of oviduct; i, isthmus; m, mesovarium; o^^-o^, ovarian ova in various stages of growth; O^, ovum in upper end of oviduct; Oj, ovum in middle portion of oviduct (the oviduct has been cut open to show the structure of this ovum) ; ps, ostium or infundi- bnlum; ov, ovary containing ova in various stages of growth; r, rectum; u, uterus; v, vitellus; w, ventral body wall, opened and reflected. (From Duval.) understanding of the development of of the entire reproductive organs is undertaken. The reproductive or- gans of the fowl do not develop equally on each side, though they begin developing symmetrically. The right ovary ultimately degen- erates, and so far as we know does not function. The left ovary (Fig. 252) and oviduct alone carry on the work of the organs. The left or- gans, therefore, become quite large. A microscopical section of the ovary shows this organ to be com- posed of a great quantity of ova, each ovum being contained in a Graafian follicle (Fig. 253). The ovary itself is suspended from the dorsal abdominal wall by a double fold of the peritoneum called a mesovarium. In the hen, the ova vary in size from a very small cell up to the full sized yolk. The oviduct is large, thick-walled, and muscular, being convoluted, and having a different structural form in the different parts. The oviduct carries eggs from the ovary to the uterus. The abdominal opening of the oviduct is rather wide, flaring, and funnel- shaped, and comes in close contact with the ovary. This opening is called the ostium or infundibulum, or the fimbriated opening. This last name is due to its fringe-like mar- Development of the Embryo 17 gin. This region of the oviduct is thin and muscular and lined with cilia. The oviduct proper, into which the ostium leads, is known as the convoluted glandular portion, which is followed by a short, third portion called the isthmus. It is after passing through the isthmus that the Qgg enters the so-called uterus, which is merely a dilated portion of the glandular tube. The uterus in turn opens into a short terminal region, a rather thin-walled vagina, and this again opens into the cloaca, just dorsal to the opening of the rectum. It is easier for the student to understand a developmental history of the egg if it be thought of as passing through three periods. First, from the beginning of the development of the ovum to the time of ovula- tion. Second, from the time of ovulation through the period of fertili- zation, and third, from the beginning of cleavage to the time the egg is laid. First Period. (From the beginning of the development of the egg to the time of ovulation.) Most animals produce a large number of eggs within a very brief period, while in the hen there is a long period of egg formation and laying, which extends over several months, after which there is a period of almost complete cessation. Undoubtedly the reason for this is that, when an egg becomes so large as that of the hen, which You^g follicle u'ith^'um. rcquircs so much food in its making, it is a considerable drain upon the animal, and secondarily, there isn't room enough in the body of an animal no larger than a hen for many eggs of such size. However, the fact that the hen's ova develop in the way they do, makes it possible for us to observe almost a complete succession of de- velopmental changes from the minute forms up to the fully developed egg. In our course of general Biology, we learned that very early in an organism, especially in triplo- blastic forms, the germplasm and somatoplasm differentiate. A few cells are set aside in the innermost portion of the body of the growing embryo for reproductive purposes. The development of the germplasm in the growing embryo is called oogenesis in the female and spermato- genesis in the male. OOGENESIS The process by which the eggs, already present in the ovary of the new-born chick, originally came to be what they are, is known as Fig. 253. Section from ovary of adult dog. The more or less star-shaped figure on the right is a collapsed follicle with its contents. Below and at the right are seen the tubules of the Parovarium. (After Waldeyer.) 18 Embryology of the Chick oogenesis. The first event in oogenesis is known as the multiplicaticn of the oogonia. This occurs during- the embryonic period of the animal. There are two types of cells which develop from the original primary cells set aside for reproductive purposes. How and why these differ- entiate in the way they do, we do not know, but we do know that there is a differentiation. As soon as these original cells begin to divide, some of them develop into centrally located eggs or ova (Fig. 254), while others, known as germinal epithelium, surround the more centrally located ova and form a sort of case, or capsule, around them. The primitive egg surrounded by this epithelial case is known as an oogonium. Some of the primitive eggs leave the epithelium and pass into the stroma of the ovary. There they degenerate. Those remaining, however, begin enlarging even while they are dividing and multiplying. The epithelial cells also divide very rapidly, forming long strands or cords which in turn extend into the stroma. There comes a time when these primitive ova, or oogonia, stop multi- plying; they are then called primary oocytes. At this time the strands, or cords, of germinal epithelium break up into little groups, some- times called nests. Each nest consists of a single pri- mary oocyte (Fig. 255) sur- rounded by a number of the original epithelial cells. These latter cells form a definite case surrounding the oocyte. The case thus formed is called the primi- tive egg follicle. This final arrangement takes place within a few days after hatching. It will thus be seen that all the eggs which enlarge, ripen, and pass out of the ovary are merely enlarged and devel- oped primary oocytes. Both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the egg cell now begin to enlarge, and yolk granules are laid down all about the centrally located nucleus as well as throughout the cytoplasm, except in the peripheral region. This region remains comparatively free from yolk. At the point where the ovum, or follicle, is attached (Fig. 256), there is a thicker Section of the Germinal Epithelium and Adjacent Stroma in a Chick-Embryo. g.ep., germinal epithelium forming a thickened ridge- like projection; pr-ov., primitive ova of various sizes, some in the germinal epithelium and others somewhat beyond the limit of this epithelium; St., strands of cells which have grown from the germinal epithelium, and one of which appears connected with an enlarged primitive ovum. (From Semon.) Development of the Embryo 19 portion in the periphery known as the germinal disc or spot. As soon as the ovum reaches a diameter of about five-tenths of a millimeter, the nucleus migrates into the germinal disc, v^here it remains as long as the egg continues in the ovary. An important point to remember is that the animal pole of the ovum is toward the attached surface, that is, at the point where the nucleus is located. From this time onward, the yolk accumulates very rapidly. The surface of the ovum is in the form of a zona radiata (Fig. 256, B), in which there are many pores through which nutritive substances may easily diffuse from the follicle cells. These follicle cells may, therefore, be called nurse cells. When the follicle has completed its growth, it becomes somewhat membranous. Directly opposite its point of attachment there are very Follicular cavily. Fig. 255. Young Mammalian Oocyte surrounded by a single layer of Follicular Cells. (Van der Stricht.) Showing attraction-sphere, centrosome, and mitochondria. Corona radiata. Zona pellucida. Germinal spot. Germinal vesicle or nucleus. B Fig. 256. d, ripe Mammalian Graafian follicle. B, ovum. few blood vessels, and it is at this point that a modification takes place in the appearance of a band, known as the cicatrix. It is at the cicatrix that the follicle ruptures to permit the escape of the tgg into the oviduct. The nucleus lies flat against the vitelline membrane, and becomes very large just before the tgg leaves the ovary. It is then called a germinal vesicle, because the chromatin condenses, which leaves the nucleus appearing as a large clear hollow spot. The nuclear wall now breaks down and forms the first polar spindle. This rotates into position and the primary oocyte is ready for its first maturation division, and later, for ovulation. 20 Embryology of the Chick Second Period. (Ovulation, maturation, and fertilization.) The coordination of different functions in the body is well shown by the fact that at about the time a completed egg is ready to pass into the oviduct, the region of the ostium of the oviduct becomes very active and actually seems to grasp the ovarian follicle which contains the pri- mary oocyte. This may be due to muscular, or ciliary, action or it may be a combination of both. The follicle then ruptures, permitting the egg to be thrown out. It seems that the pressure exerted by the con- traction of the fringed end of the ostium may have something to do with such rupture. The throwing out of the eggs from the follicle is called ovulation. The oocyte always enters the infundibulum of the oviduct with its chief axis transverse to the long axis of the oviduct, and throughout its entire passage down the tube, this relation is retained. After the sperm have been injected into the female, they make their way up the oviduct toward the ovar}^, seeming to gather at its end. They may remain alive and function for at least two weeks, sometimes even longer. It will thus be noted that as soon as the egg has been discharged from the follicle and has been taken into the oviduct, there are millions of sperm floating about in the fluid surrounding it. A single egg of the hen, unlike that in most animals, has from five to twenty-four spermatozoa enter it. Such a process is known as polyspermy. Polyspermy is abnormal in most animals, but it is the normal condition in the hen. The egg is now fertilized. The sperm apparently affords the stimulus which causes the egg to begin dividing and to form an embryo. The egg, after the entrance of the various spermatozoa, is not yet completely mature. A process of maturation now takes place.* This means that the egg divides into a larger and a smaller portion, both of which portions may again divide into two parts. All of the smaller portions degenerate, one large portion alone developing into a complete, fertilized, hen's egg. The purpose of the small polar bodies (as the degenerating portions are called) is to throw off one-half of the chromatin in order that the new-born young may be a normal indi- vidual like its parent, as explained in our studies of mitosis, maturation, and genetics. After the second maturation division, the remaining nucleus unites with a single sperm nucleus to form the first cleavage spindle, and the egg is now ready to begin dividing and form a true embryo. Third Period. (From the beginning of cleavage to the time the egg is laid.) It must be remembered here that the fertilized egg, which is to become the embryo, is present in the hen's body quite a number of hours before the egg is laid ; in fact, from one to one and a half days before the various layers of white and shell have encircled it. The heat from the *In many animal-forms maturation takes place before ovulation; in some it begins before ovula- tion but is not completed until some time after. Development of the Embryo 21 mother's body has caused the embryo to begin to form, so that by the time the egg- is laid, the embryo is already many hours old. It is, therefore, essential that the student understands in detail, exactly what has already happened in the mother's body before the egg passes to the outer world. The first cleavage furrow can be seen about three hours after the ovum has been discharged from the follicle. During this period the egg has passed along the entire glandular portion of the oviduct. The glands themselves have secreted the most dense portions of albumen and also the chalazae. The yolk was already laid down before ovulation. The egg is carried along principally by peristaltic action of the walls of the oviduct. Then, as the egg itself rotates, the germ disc comes to describe a spiral path, which explains the spiral arrangement of the albumen around the yolk. The egg then traverses the isthmus for approximately an hour, where the shell membrane is secreted over the dense albumen. The fluid layer of albumen is secreted both in the isthmus and the upper part of the uterus. The fluid layer of the albumen passes through the shell membrane which has already been laid down, and it takes from five to seven hours after the egg enters the uterus before this is completed. But, before this takes place, the shell substance itself has already begun to be laid down on the shell membrane. Usually twelve to sixteen hours are necessary to complete the passage through the uterus and vagina. At the end of this time twenty-one to twenty-seven hours have already elapsed since ovulation took place. Gastrulation has begun, and the egg is laid. We have already mentioned that, if the egg reaches the vagina, ready to be laid, during the main portion of the day, it will be laid on that day. If, however, it should be ready for laying after four or five o'clock in the afternoon, it will be retained in the vagina until the fol- lowing day, thus causing some embryos in freshly-laid eggs to be approximately twelve hours older than others. It is for this reason that there is always considerable variation, even when eggs have been incu- bated for the same number of days. TABLE (After Kellicott) SHOWING THE CHIEF EVENTS THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE HEN'S EGG IN Hours after Ovulation 0 0 to 3 Location in Oviduct Infundibulum Glandular Portion Action of Oviduct Reception of Ovum Secretion of chala- zae, chalaziferous and dense albumen layers. Action of Germ Disc Maturation and Fer- tilization. First cleavage fur- row. 22 Embryology of the Chick 3 to 4 Isthmus Secretion of shell Formation of eight membrane and cells. fluid albumen. 4 to 21 (27) Uterus and Secretion of shell Gastrulation begun, Vagina and fluid albumen. or c o m p 1 e ted if Retention prior to egg is long re- laying. tained. With what has just been said in mind, the developmental processes of an embryo become more understandable. The unicellular germ disc is composed of a very definite area at the animal pole. The disc itself is about three millimeters in diameter, and less than five-tenths milli- meters in thickness. Directly beneath this disc, there is a merging of the protoplasm with the white yolk. This well-marked region is called the nucleus of Pander (Fig. 251, P), and this connects the central white yolk by a narrow stalk called the latebra. It is necessary to study all the figures carefully to understand these and successive terms, and to grasp the relationship of each to the other. There are two regions in the disc itself : the larger central portion Fig. 257. Cleavage. Upper Row, Amphioxus. (After Hatschek.) 1, Unfertilized egg; 2, stage of two blastomeres ; 3, stage of four blastomeres; 4, stage of eight blast- omeres; 5, stage of seventy-two blastomeres; 6, section of blastula; p.b., polar body. Middle Row, Frog. B, segmentation cavity, v, nucleus. Lower Row, Hen's tgg. (After Patterson.) Surface views of the blastoderm and the inner part of the marginal periblast only. The anterior margin of the blastodisc is toward the top of the page. A. Two-cell stage. About three hours after fertilization. B. Four cells. About three and one-fourth hours after fertilization. C. Eight cells. About four hours after fertilization. D. Thirty-four cells. About four and three-fourths hours after fertilization. E. One hundred and fifty-four cells upon the surface; the blastoderm averages about three cells in th'ickness at this stage. About seven hours after fertilization, ac, Accessory cleavage furrows; m, radial furrow; p, inner part of marginal periblast; iac, small cell formed by the accessory cleavage furrows. Development of the Embryo 23 which is to form the blastoderm proper, and the narrow denser area known as the periblast, which forms the outer margin. The periblast is continuous with the membrane covering the yolk, peripherally. In the center of the germ disc, the first cleavage furrow appears. (Fig. 257.) It is short and shallow, running about one-half the diameter of the disc. We do not know whether the first cleavage extends directly through the central portion of the embryo. The main embry- onic axis lies almost at right angles to the long axis of the whole egg, the head end of the embryo being directed toward the left when the sharp end of the egg is held pointing away from the observer. The first cleavage plane does not seem to have any definite relation to either of these axes. The second cleavage is also vertical and almost at right angles to the first, so that we have four adequal cells, all, however, incomplete. The third cleavage appears about an hour after the first. This is usually parallel with the first. It divides the disc into two rows of four cells each. This cleavage may be quite irregular in form, and from now on it is impossible to tell exactly how and when, in relation to time especially, these egg cells divide. Consequently, after they have divided and formed sixteen cells, all of these cells are very irregular, and there is a tendency in the fourth cleavage plane to separate the eight cells into a central and a marginal group. Fig. 258. Diagrams showing the blastulae: A, of Amphioxus; B of frog, and C, of chick; D, blastodermic vesicle of mammal. (After Semon.) The group of central cells becomes circumscribed and must not be confused with the marginal cells which remain incomplete both below and distally, retaining their connection with the periblast. These central cells have been separated by a horizontal cleavage plane, and this cleavage plane separates the more superficial cellular elements from 24 Embryology of the Chick the underlying undivided substances, leaving a little space, which is the beginning of the segmentation cavity or blastocoele (Figs. 257, II B, and 258). The undivided substance beneath is called the central periblast, the original periblastic region being now known as the marginal peri- blast. Both of the periblastic regions retain their connection with each other peripherally in the deeper regions of the marginal cells. The question that may arise here is, "What has become of the accessory or supernumerary spermatozoa?" Between the time of fer- tilization and the first cleavage, these have formed nuclei which migrated to the outlying portion of the blastodisc. There they probably divided once or twice to form small groups of daughter nuclei. There even seems to be an attempt of the cytoplasm to divide, and sometimes short superficial growths are actually formed. These are called accessory cleavages. They can be seen during the four and eight cell stage, usually radial in direction, lying just across, or outside, the margin of the blastodisc. No true cells, however, are formed by such cleavages. The accessory sperm nuclei all degenerate rather rapidly, the accessory cleavages fading away, so that by the time the embryo has reached the thirty-two cell stage, no traces of these accessory structures can be found at all. As cleavage continues, the number of central cells increases very rapidly by the marginal cells, dividing and being added to the central cells, although the central cells divide likewise. This latter multiplica- tion is very rapid, the cells diminishing in size. For example, cleavages appear in the central cells, causing the roof of the blastocoele to become several cells in thickness. No cells are added to the germ disc from the floor of the segmentation cavity. The continual cutting off of central cells from the marginal cells causes these latter to be consid- erably shortened, until finally they are limited to the extreme margin of the blastodisc only. After division has taken place so that two or three hundred cells have been formed, there are intercellular furrows extending out into the marginal periblast. Up to this time, there have been no nuclei what- ever in either central or marginal periblast, but two areas, which are continuous, now become converted into a nucleated syncytium. Our knowledge of this developing process comes from the study of the pigeon. It has not been worked out in the chick. The process is some- what like this : The marginal cells have become spherical in form, by having the central cells cut off from them. Their nuclei now divide, although the cytoplasmic divisions are either completely lacking or do not completely divide. The free nuclei, therefore, become quite exten- sive in the margin of the blastodisc, and as these nuclei continue multi- plying, they wander off into the marginal periblast so that nuclei are scattered about quite thickly, though the structure itself is non-cellular. Some of the nuclei also migrate inward below the blastodisc, so that the central periblast is likewise converted into a nucleated structure Development of the Embryo 35 with the exception of the middle area above the nucleus of Pander. This area continues to remain free from nuclei ; in fact, what is later to be known as the germ wall, is partly composed of the nucleated rim of the periblast. The blastoderm, which is rather circular, extends radially, both on account of the growth of its own cells, and by the addition of cells from the marginal periblast. The original region of the blastodisc becomes thinner and transparent. It is then called the area pellucida. The cir- cular margin, which is derived from the periblast, is called the area opaca. The ring-like periblast keeps on growing, while additional nuclei are formed peripherally. At the same time, the periblast is contributing cells to the blastoderm also, so that the blastoderm steadily increases in diameter. The inner nucleated margin of the periblast, which later becomes cellular, contributes to the later extra-embryonic tissues and is called the germ wall. The cells of the blastoderm later extend periph- erally so that they overlap the inner margin of the germ wall, to form a narrow region, transitional between pellucid and opaque areas. It should be noted here that the lower surface of the periblast is directly continuous with the yolk mass, and peripherally it is continuous with a very thin superficial tissue of protoplasm. This latter is also often referred to as a part of the germ wall. As soon as the blastoderm has become thinned out as mentioned above, the blastula stage is completed. It is well at this point partially to summarize the development through the morula and blastula stage before taking up gastrulation. THE MORULA STAGE While text-books usually speak of an "end" to the segmentation process, it must not be supposed that the cells of the embryo stop dividing. The whole process is continuous, and the word "end" here means only that the general process of cell-division is now "general" no longer, but that differentiation begins. The ending of the segmenta- tion stage means only that one can from this period on, find a grouping or aggregation of cells which are not all alike. In eggs in which there is but little yolk (therefore not in birds' eggs), the segmentation results in a rounded, closely packed mass of embryonic cells (blastomeres), called a morula. This name has been given such a cell mass because it resembles a mulberry. This morula stage, in eggs with little yolk, corresponds to the stage at the "end" of segmentation in the chick embryo. At this time the embryo is a simple disc-shaped mass of cells, several layers in thickness. This whole mass is the blastoderm. It lies closely applied to the yolk. The cells in the center of the blastoderm are smaller and quite clearly defined, while the surrounding or peripheral cells are flattened, larger, and in more intimate contact with the yolk beneath. 26 Embryology of the Chick BLASTULATION The "chick embryo remains in the morula stage for a very short period, then there is a rearrangement of cells preliminary to the blastula formation. First, a cavity forms beneath the blastoderm due to the smaller central cells separating from the underlying yolk. The outlying cells remain attached. This space is called the segmentation cavity, or blastocoel, while the marginal area of the blastoderm, which remains attached to the yolk, is called the zone of junction. As soon as the segmentation cavity is thus formed, the embryo is said to be in the blastula stage. From Figure 259, which shows only the blastoderm and a portion of the yolk (the yolk being about three feet in diameter at this mag- nification), a good understanding may be had of the difference which a larger amount of yolk makes in the blastula-formation. In eggs with little yolk, a definite morula or solid sphere of cells can easily form, which may then develop into a hollow sphere or blastula. But in eggs with a large quantity of yolk, as in the pigeon and the chick (Fig. 258), the blastomeres are forced to grow on the surface of the area opaca SECTION AT c-c W C Fig. 259. Diagrams to show various stages in the gastrulation of a bird embryo. In the surface-view plans, the blastoderm is supposed to be transparent so the under- lying structures may be located. A, surface view of blastoderm, just before invagination; B, surface view of blastoderm, invagination well advanced; C, surface view of blastoderm at end of gastrulation; D, vertical section through blastoderm of stage represented in A; The plane of section is indicated by the line a-a in A. E, vertical section through blastoderm of stage represented in B. The plane of the section is indicated by the line b-b in B. F, vertical section through blastoderm of stage represented in C. The plane of the section is indicated by the lines c-c in C. (From Patten, after Patterson's figures for the pigeon.) Development of the Embryo 27 yolk, which is the mechanical reason for the disc-shaped blastoderm being where it is arid what it is in the bird's egg. That is, if the large yolk of a bird's egg were removed and the blastoderm were allowed to assume the spherical shape which it would naturally take due to surface tension, there would be a decided similarity between the disc-shaped blastoderm and the ordinary morula stage of eggs with little yolk, such as in Amphioxus and in man. Not only does the great quantity of yolk make this change in the morula stage, but it is evident that a large amount of yolk does not permit a simple hollow sphere formation by any method of cell arrange- ment. Nevertheless, the central cells do separate somewhat from the yolk and form the slight segmentation cavity mentioned above. Imagining, now, that the yolk could be removed and the ends of the blastoderm drawn together, we should have a true blastula form of the simpler type. GASTRULATION It is essential that one remember that a large quantity of yolk will make a considerable change in the process of gastrulation. The simpler Fig. 260. Gastrulation in egg with different quantities of yolk. 1-5, Amphioxus (little yolk); 6-8 Amphibian (moderate amount of yolk); 9-10, Birds (large amount of yolk); blc, blastocoele; future dorsal side; ect.. ectoderm; end., entoderm; ent. and ach., archenteron; bl[^., blastopore; y.p., yolk plug. (After various authors.) 28 Embryology of the Chick m.a t- ZJ. — J ^pr ,,-•" 1 — cw J A B J|3 4 .:._(JrO', ;^ /jtvit'-'y A to D. Diagrams illustrating the idea of confluence (concresence) as applied to the chick. The central area bounded by the broken line rep- resents the area pellucida; external to this is the area opaca, showing the germ wall (G. WS), zone, of junction {Z.J.), and margin of over-growth {M.O.), m.n.. Marginal notch. E to G, Diagrammatic relations of the germ layers at the time the primitive streak is formed by concrescence of the blastoporal margins. E, section of stage B; F, section of stage D; G, section through blastoderm of a 16 hour chick embryo. (^A to D from Lillie's "The Development of the Chick," by permission of Henry Holt & Co.) forms are brought about by an inpushing of the outer layer of the blastula as though one were indenting a rubber ball. This forms a two walled (ectoder- mal and entodermal) cup with a cavity in the center, called a gastrocoele. The opening itself is known as the blastopore (Fig. 260). In birds with a large amount of yolk, the blastula cannot indent completely into the blastocoele, due to the fact that the disc-shaped blasto- derm is not a true hollow sphere. The very small blas- tocoele formed between the blastoderm and the yolk, allows but little infolding. The blas- topore in the case of an in- dented sphere is relatively large. In the chick there is but a tiny blastocoele, while the blastopore is but a small cres- cent-shaped slit at the margin of the blastoderm (Fig. 251, C). This slit is to be thought of, however, as similar to the reg- ular round opening in simpler forms, which has been pushed together by the yolk not yield- ing. The infolding entoderm is also naturally compressed and flattened by the tiny blas- tocoele into which it can grow. In fact, the lower layer of the infolding entoderm seems to be prevented from growing normally by the unyielding yolk, and so is broken and lies on the yolk as scattered cells. These scattered cells then shortly disappear so that the yolk itself forms the floor of the gastrocoele. Development of the Embryo 29 Figure 260 presents a diagrammatic scheme which makes it possible to see the general outlines of gastrulation in eggs with varying quan- tities of yolk. The zone of junction, where the peripheral region of the blastoderm remains attached to the yolk, is called the area opaca, because when the blastoderm is removed from the yolk-surface for laboratory study, the yolk is so closely attached to this region that it adheres to the blastoderm and renders the area more opaque. The more central portion, which has no yolk attached, is more translucent and is, therefore, called the area pellucida. The area opaca later differentiates into the following three more or less distinct zones (Fig. 261) : (1) The margin of overgrowth, a peripheral zone where rapid proliferation pushes the cells out over the yolk without their adhering to it. (2) The zone of junction, having an intermediate zone in which the deeper lying cells have no complete cell boundaries, so that they form a syncytium which blends (without a definite boundary) with the superficial layer of white yolk to which it adheres by many penetrating strands of cytoplasm. (3) The germ wall, an inner zone made up of cells derived from the inner border of the zone of junction, which have acquired definite boundaries and become more or less free from the yolk. Numerous small yolk granules are usually found in the germ wall, due to the fact that these were contained in the cytoplasm when they were still con- nected with the yolk as cells of the zone of junction. It is the inner margin of the germ wall which separates the area opaca from the area pellucida. When the chick embryo is ready for gastrulation, there is a thinning of the blastoderm at the caudal margin with a consequent freeing of the blastoderm at the caudal margin from the yolk (Fig. 259, D). In a surface view, the crescent shaped gap in the posterior quadrant of the zone of junction marks the separation of the blastoderm from the yolk (Fig. 259, A). The blastopore is that region where the blastoderm is free from yolk and where it is likewise very thin. It will be remembered that cell proliferation is continuous through- out the entire blastoderm. The surface extent has now become much greater by a general spreading out of the peripheral margins over the yolk, but this extension, while taking place uniformly at the margins, varies at the blastopore. This being at the posterior free end of the blastoderm, the cells, as they proliferate, grow inward to form the ento- derm. Once this differentiation has taken place, the part of the margin forming this entodermal portion takes no further part in the peripheral 30 Embryology of the Chick expansion, although this entodermal part grows back toward the center of the blastoderm, leaving the blastopore region behind. The marginal region continues to grow and soon encloses it, so that by the time the blastopore comes to close, it lies within the recomputed circle of the germ wall (Fig. 259, C). CHAPTER II THE PRIMITIVE STREAK AND ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM ALL that has been described so far has actually taken place before the tgg is laid. The real beginnings of a distinguishable embryonic area may be said to start with the primitive streak. While there are various theories as t6 just how this thickened streak is formed, the most logical and intelligible is that it is a thickening formed by the two lips of the blastopore meeting and growing downward. To make this clear, the student will remember that throughout this entire work, the blastula has been considered a hollow sphere com- posed of a single layer of cells, and the gastrula was this same hollow sphere after it had indented so as to form two layers. The opening where the indentation took place was called the blastopore. In the chick-embrvo we are to ff/uMi fsland think of this blastula, however, not as a sphere, but as sausage-shaped, Avith the indentation taking place from about the center of the long axis to one end. Thus we do not have a round blastopore, but an elongated one. And it is the closing of the lips along this elongated slit which forms the thickening called the primitive streak (Fig. 262). It is clearly seen at sixteen hours oi incubation, not only as a thickening, but as an indentation — the primitive groove — with ridge-like thickenings, Hanking each side and extending from the area opaca to almost the center of the blastoderm. The part lying closest to the area opaca is the caudal end, and the direction of the streak forms the long axis of the embryo. At the cephalic end of the primitive groove there is a deepening, called the primitive pit, and directly anterior to this the two lips of the primitive folds meet in the midline to form a small rounded elevation, known as Hensen's node. This node serves as the region of demarcation separating the fast disappearing primitive streak from the notocho;-d, which forms cephalad to it in the long axis of the embryonic area. The growth of the embryo is much greater headward than cau- dally or laterally, so that the anterio-posterior axis becomes considerably elongated. Fig. 262. Dorsal view of 16 to 20 hour chick embryo showing primitive streak, primitive groove, primitive node, beginning o£ neural groove, blood-islands, and extent of mesoderm. (After Duval.) 32 Embryology of the Chick The lips of the blastopore form a region of rapid cell proliferation, though all the cells look quite alike. Nevertheless, it is from these rapidly proliferating cells that the various germ layers are derived. Figure 263 shows an enlarged longitudinal, as well as a cross section of an early embryo. As. the lips of the blastopore grow closer and closer together, they finally fuse, forming the primitive streak. Ecto- derm and entoderm cannot be distinguished, but from the thickened approximation of the lips of the blastopore there is an inward growth of •^•^^ •*-* V9X.'.*W*>1 Fig. 263. A. From medial longitudinal section through embryonic disk of Chick. Bonnet. B. From transverse section through Hensen's node- — germ disk of chick of 2 to 6 hours' incubation. Duval. For lettering see Fig. C. C. From transverse section through primitive groove — germ disk of chick of 2 to 6 hours' incubation. Duval, arc, Archenteron; ec, ectoderm; en., entoderm; l.b., lip of blastopore; p.g., primitive groove; y., yolk; y.p., yolk plug. a single layer of cells, now called entoderm, and from between these two layers some rather loosely arranged cells form a third layer, considered the primitive origin of what is later to be called mesoderm. At the same time this mesodermal outgrowth appears, the dipping down of the outer layer occurs to form the primitive groove. The three layers which have thus been established are very impor- tant because in all forms of animal life so far studied, there is a decided similarity in the origins and development of the various organ systems. Therefore, an understanding of the way the germ-layers and the organ systems arise, alone permits an understanding of the ever-increasing perplexities coming forth as these in turn develop further. In our study of comparative anatomy we shall see why it is that Origin- of the Mesoderm 33 the nervous system as well as all outer coverings of the body are derived from the ectoderm ; why the lining of both digestive and respiratory organs comes from the entoderm ; and why the circulatory system as well as the blood, lymph, muscle, and connective tissue (except neu- roglia) are derived from the mesoderm. The primitive streak, relatively, seems to become pushed further and further tailward, but this is due to the greater growth in the cephalic region of the embryo. (Compare Figures 262 and 264.) The entoderm spreads out as a very definite layer of cells, and merges peripherally with the inner margin of the germ wall, even over- lapping it slightly. The little cavity between the yolk and this ento- dermal layer, which has been called the gastrocoele, will henceforth be known as the archenteron or primitive gut (Fig. 265). The student is not to look for a cavity in his sections, however, as the yolk in this region, by the very fact that it is separated from the entoderm and forms the floor of the primitive gut cavity, will not adhere to the embryo when it is removed for section- ing purposes. At eighteen hours of incubation the cell boundaries of the germ wall cannot usually be seen, though there are many nuclei and yolk granules, the latter in various stages of absorption. Because the nuclei^ of the germ wall arise by division of the nuclei of the cells lying at the margins of the expand- ing blastoderm, it is assumed they are instrumental in breaking up the yolk in Surface view of a twenty-one hour crl^m-nr-f^ r\f +Ua o4-*.,%r^1 ^-C ^t i- chick embryo, in which the head-fold advaucc ot the amval of the spreadmg and first pair of primitive mesoder- entoderm about the volk Sphere mal segments are present. (After <- i. xv, j' wixv oj^nv^ic. ^"^^^•^ ^ _ At about twenty-two to twenty-three hours of incubation a pocket of entoderm can be seen in the anterior region by examining the whole mount, and focusing through the ecto- derm. This is the first formation of a gut floor in addition to the yolk. It is the yolk which has been answering that purpose up to this moment. This pocket forms the fore-gut. The mesoderm grows laterad and then extends cephalad, so that an area between the two cephalad growing portions of mesoderm is formed. This area is called the proamnion (Fig. 266, P) and is merely an open space, which must not be thought of as forming the later true amnion. It is to be noted primarily, because it permits a better study of just how the mesoderm grows in relation to it. It will be well to observe the difference in this space in eighteen and twenty-three hour embryos. As the mesoderm begins its growth where it does, there is none of it in the midline except posterior to the primitive streak; but immedi- Fig. 264. 34 Embryology of the Chick ately on each side of the midline, the mesoderm is quite thickened, thinning out as it extends toward each side. The dorsal mesodermic plates are to develop from these thickened portions of the mesoderm, and as they will then segment, they are called segmental zones of mesoderm. The first somites will appear cephalad to Hensen's node, extending caudally along each side of the primitive streak and becoming less and less distinct. Aitiklcrm x .-^r^^m^ know what is to become of the mesoderm, so as to have several landmarks which will stand us in ^'^^"^■'^^^^^B^^^^^S^^H^^^^ good stead. In the earthworm, it will be p.' 267 recalled, the entire animal is seg- Sagittal section through region of primitive mentcd, that is, COmpOSCd of node and caudal end of chorda! canal of guinea metamereS ; while in the frOg", pig (13>4 days after fertilization) to show be- ' ^ ^ ^S' ginning of notochordal cells and ectodermal cells in segflTientation S h O W S itSClf Ori- one layer. Ect., ectoderm; ent., entoderm; ch.c, . . . , - ^ chordal canal, dorsal and ventral wall closing manly lU the SplUal COlumU. lumen;, primitive pit, (After Ruber in The Anatomical Record, April 20, 1918.) Jj^ ^^^^^ Carthworm and frOg the segments are composed of an outer layer of ectoderm, an inner layer of entoderm, and a middle layer of mesoderm. When one speaks of metameres, one always means segments lying one behind the other, but now we must think of a sort of segmentation also in each metamere, one below the other (Fig. 268). In fact, this we must do if we are to understand that which follows. Figure 268 shows a combination transverse and longitudinal arrangement of metameres with the mesoderm divided into an outer (somatopleure) and an inner (splanchnopleure) layer, and the segments also divided horizontally. The more dorsal portion of the horizontal divisions is called an epimere, the mid-portion a mesomere (which is the beginning of the excretory system), and the more ventral portion is known as a hypomere. The whole metamere is called a mesomeric somite. In vertebrates, as we have seen, segmentation is observable pri- Origin of the Mesoderm 37 marily in the region of the spinal column. Therefore, in the study of vertebrates, such as the chick, we shall find that, while segmentation begins along the future spinal region, only the more dorsal portion of the mesoderm is segmented, and that only partially. The epimeres alone, that is, the paired parts lying at the side of the notochord, are truly segmented, though the opening in them, the epicoele, shortly dis- appears. The mesomeres with their mesocoeles develop into the excretory system, and the hypomeres, which have not segmented, but whose opening, the hypocoele, is continuous throughout the entire region where there has been any segmentation, is now to be known as the coelom, or body cavity, into which the internal organs are to grow. A/euKa/ 7~ui,e. Alet'i/s to .SotnttTi Z^afja/ Sfit'^a/ /Verve /forta i^ofTTrecf/'ra '^'isue i '■tSo)na top/et/fe Coe/oni J_: 'S/!>/f>a' ^afr^'^'o Fig. 268. Stereogram showing the segmentation of the mesothelium. The dorsal and ventral walls o£ the coelom later fuse to form the dorsal and ventral mesenteries. Al, alimentary canal; EM, epimere; Fb, forebrain; Hh, hindbrain; M, (under Sk.c), myotome; Mb, midbrain; MM, me^omere; sk.c, sclerotome, Sp, splanchnic layer of the mesoderm (splanchnopleure). (Modified from Kingsley.) It is to be remembered that epimere, mesomere, and hypomere are composed of mesoderm only. As the mesoderm begins to groAv laterad and ventrad, and while it is yet unsplit into an outer and inner layer, the thickened portion lying, on each side of the neural groove is called the vertebral plate, and the more distal portion, the lateral plate. The outer layer of the lateral plate, after it splits into two sheets, is called somatic mesoderm (and after connecting with the ectoderm, the somatopleure) while the inner layer, the splanchnic mesoderm, connects with the entoderm and is known as the splanchnopleure (Fig. 268). In the head region, the cells of the vertebral plate scatter and com- bine with cells which are continually being budded off from the walls of the fore-gut to form the mesenchyme of the head region (Fig. 269). It will thus be seen that mesenchyme is made up of a combination of 38 Embryology of the Chick cells from both mesoderm and entoderm, and even of ectoderm, for, scattered cells later join from the ectoderm of the head region. The somites begin forming in the region of the more anterior end of the primitive streak, the first one to develop remaining the more anterior. The first four pair of somites take part in the development of the hinder part of the head region of the embryo. A further important factor to remember at this point is that seg- mentation is fundamental, and that consequently any structures in the body, which show segmentation, only follow out some plan of the original segmentation. This is of value in tracing the growth of various body- parts, such as muscles, for instance, in that the nerve supply, which we shall shortly see is also of seg- mental origin, definitely tells us where a muscle springs from, because nerves always follow muscles, and not vice versa. Msstnchsimai cell Fibrillas in ecTopfasfnIc matrix t-r^^KS Meienchyjna/ Cell Cartilaqe matrn Cartilac^/a/ Fig. 277. Diagrammatic ventral view of a 35-36 hour chick embryo. Compare with Figtures 279 and 280. (Modified from Prentiss.) ments together with what these three vesicles later become. The most anterior of the three primary vesicles is known as the fore-brain or prosencephalon. The mid portion is called the mid-brain, or mesen- cephalon, while the most posterior vesicle forms the hind-brain, or rhombencephalon. The rhombencephalon is continuous with the spinal cord. As all further developments of the brain arise from these three primary regions, it is of the utmost importance that these primary regions be grasped fully. First Half of Second Day 49 neuromeric enlargement myelencephalon position of auditory pit Fig. 278. Diagrams showing neuromeres in brain region of the neural tube. A, lateral view of neuralplate of 24 hour chick embryo. B, dorsal view of bram trom a ^o- 27 hour (7 somite) chick embryo. C, dorsal view of brain from a 30 hour (.lU somite) chick embryo. D, dorsal view of brain from a 36 hour (14 somite) chick embryo. £, diagram of the segments (neuromeres, myotomes, etc.) ot the neaa in longitudinal section. A, anterior myotome;, a, abducens nerve; b, branchial clefts; /, facial nerve; g, glossopharyngeal nerve; h, hypoglossal nerve; /, lens surrounded by layers of eye; n, nasal pit with the terminal nerve nearby; o, oculumotor nerve; op^, ophthalmicus profundus part of fifth nerve; os'; ophthal- micus superficials part of the fifth nerve; ot, otocyst; s, spiracular clett; t, trigeminal nerve; ta, truncus arteriosus; tr, trochlearis nerve; I-Vili, neuromeres, 1-6 myotomes. iA-D. from Patten after Hill, E, from Kingsley after Neal.) 50 Embryology of the Chick From the lateral walls of the prosencephalon the primary optic vesicles push out as a pair of rounded pockets, the lumen of each being directly continuous with that of the fore-brain. The notochord extends as far as the infundibulum (Fig. 282, A), (a depression in the floor of the fore-brain), so that all regions of the brain lying anterior to it are called pre-chordal, while the rhomben- cephalon, mesencephalon, and the part of the prosencephalon posterior to the infundibulum, which lie dorsal to the notochord, are called epi- chordal. .. ' * ^ Prodmnion Ani. NGuroporo Pros one ephalon Mes9nc9p"halon Forp - qut I^hombGnc ^phalon Hodrt Notochord V.OmphdlomGS9ni:9rica ,.|_ Vitelline Plexus J- Neural Tube Lateral Mesoderm Phomboid (Sinus Primitive Streak Fig. 279. 33 hour chick embryo (12 somites). As has been noted previously, the most anterior region, where the neural tube closes, is called the neuropore. The neuropore is still open at this time and remains so, although gradually becoming smaller until after the thirty-third hour period, but even then, there is a scar-like First Half of Second Day 51 fissure. As we know of no structure arisin^r from the neuropore, it is important only as a sort of landmark in descril)ing the location of brain structures. At this time the neural tube is closed back as far as the somites, and it is of nearly uniform diameter, although, posterior to the last formed somites, the neural tube is still open, and the neural folds can be seen to diverge on either side of Hensen's node (Fig. 279), leaving an opening rhomboidal in shape. This is the rhomboid sinus. In lower forms, there is an opening from the neural canal into the digestive tract, known as the neurenteric canal, or posterior neuropore, at the point where the blastopore does not close until after it is sur- rounded by the neural folds. In the chick the primitive pit represents this region of the neurenteric canal. Shortly after the twenty-seventh hour period, and as soon as the caudal end of the chick can be definitely outlined, the primitive streak disappears entirely, LENGTHENING OF THE FORE-GUT The crescent-shaped margin of the anterior intestinal portal grows more and more caudad, first because the margin from each side grows toward the midline to fuse with the other side, thus lengthening the fore- gut by adding to its floor, and pushing the crescentic margin caudad ; and second, all structures anterior to the anterior intestinal portal are elongating so rapidly that the portal is bound to lie further and further caudad from the cephalic end of the embryo. These two processes together cause the space between the sub- cephalic pocket and the margin of the anterior intestinal portal to become elongated, and it is in this enlarging space that the pericardial portions of the coelom extend, and in which the heart comes to lie. CHAPTER V THE SECOND HALF OF THE SECOND DAY (Thirty-six to Forty-eight Hours) Pro- amnion Prosencephalon Amnion Head- fold Ectoderm Optic Vesicle Aortic Arch Notochord Mesencephalon Foregut Bulbo-conus Arteriosus Metencephalon Mi^elencephalon Auditory Pit Mesodermal 5omite Omphalomesenteric Vein Neural Tube Omphalomesenteric Artery Lateral Mesoderm Unsegmented Mesoderm Primitive Plate I Fig. 280. 38 to 43 hour chick embryo (15 somites), i, infundibulum; VIII, ganglion of eighth cranial nerve; A, atrium; V, ventricle. T IS at this period that the caudal end of the embryo becomes definitely outlined by the formation of a tail fold as well as lateral folds similar to the head fold. Second Half of Second Day 53 Fig. 281. Transverse sections through a 36 to 38 hour chick embryo. A, through forebrain; B, through the pharyngeal membrane; C, through hindbrain and auditory placodes; D, through posterior end of heart; E, through the intestinal portal; F, just posterior to E\ G, through the fourteenth pair of segments; H, through the rhomboidal sinus; /, through Hensen's node; /, through the primitive streak; K, medial longitudinal section of a Z^ to 38 hour chick embryo. (This drawing mutt be studied very carefully and thoroughly to understand the transverse sections which are cut through the levels marked.) 54 Embryology of the Chick THE BRAIN Going on from where we left off in our discussion of the formation of the three primary brain vesicles, we find that at this period the neural canal has completely closed, even the rhomboidal sinus has fused. The primary vesicles have enlarged, and their lines of demarcation have become more definite. The fore-brain has grown forward as an unpaired vesicle from which the cerebral hemispheres are to develop. The walls of the brain itself lie under the ectoblast, while between the walls and the ectoblast can be seen a small amount of mesoblast which is to form the skull. The optic vesicles have become elongated and definite constrictions tacoele (ventricKIV) thin roof of myelencephalon mcso^netenceohalic fold mesocoele (Sylvian a<)u«(luct) location of posterior commissure mesodiencephalic--fold tuberculum posterius diocoele(^vtntricle HI ) foramen of Monro mesocoele (sylvian aqueduct^ myelocoele * ventricle IV) auditory vesicle spinal cord Fig. 282. Diagrams of brain of 4-day chick embryo. Dotted lines show arbitrary boundaries between vesicles. A, longitudinal; B, right side; C, horizontal sec- tion. (From Patten, after V. Kupffer.) are formed at their bases so that they now form optic stalks, which bend downward and backward. The cranial nerves can also be seen developing at this period. It is at this time that the first bend or flexure takes place in the brain, cephalad to the notochord (Fig. 282). This is the cephalic flexure. If the neural plate be examined at the end of the first day, eleven enlargements (Fig. 278) will be seen with definite constrictions between Second Half of Second Day 55 them. These enlargements are known as neuromeres and are really an uncompleted segmentation. The literature of Embryology is filled with many varying and unsat- B Fig. 283. I. Views to show the posterior displacements of the heart in the chick embryo. A, The heart lies ventral to the iirst segment. This is the region where the future hindbrain will form. B, The point of bending loop of the ventricle is at the seventh cervical segment. C, The bending of the loop of the ventricle is now at the ninth thoracic segment. (From Corning after Duval.) II. The development of the heart of the chick. A-E, ventral views of the heart; A, of a forty-hour embryo; B, of a 2.1 mm. embryo; C, of a 3.0 mm. embryo; D, of a 5.0 mm. embryo; E, of a 6.5 mm. embryo. F, Frontal section through the heart of a 9 mm. embryo, a, Auricle; b, bulbus; d, roots of dorsal aorta; e, median endothelial cushion; i, interventricular groove; la, left auricle; le, lateral endothelial cushion; Iv, left ventricle; om, vitelline artery; p, left pul- monary artery; ra, right auricle; rv, right ventricle; s, interventricular septum; sa, interauricular septum; t, roots of aortic arches; v, ventricle. {A, F, after Hoch- stetter; B to E after Greil.) 56 . Embryology of the Chick isfactory theories as to what becomes of each neuromere, but as yet nothing can be demonstrated satisfactorily. It is conceivable, however, that as in the crayfish, for example, where we assume that each separate appendage or pair of appendages bespeak an embryological segment, so in vertebrates, where optic vesicles grow from the fore-brain, we may assume a fusion of several segments. At about thirty-three hours, the floor of the prosencephalon has a depression formed in it, which is to become the infundibulum. This is an important seat of future development. It must, therefore, be studied carefully so that it can be recognized in future work. At about thirty-eight hours, the three primary vesicles divide to form five vesicles (Fig. 278, 282). The prosencephalon divides into telencephalon (end-brain), and diencephalon ('twixt-brain) ; the mesencephalon remains undivided ; while the rhombencephalon divides into metencephalon (cerebellum and pons), and the myelencephalon (medulla oblongata). The telencephalon has not yet completely separated from the dien- cephalon, but there is a median enlargement, showing where the division will take place. The two most anterior neuromeres of the original rhombencephalon form the metencephalon, and the posterior four neuromeres form the myelencephalon. At thirty-five hours, the auditory pits begin growing as thickened ectoderm, known as auditory placodes, on the dorso-lateral surface opposite the most posterior inter-neuromeric construction of the myelencephalon. At thirty-eight hours, the general level of the ectoderm has become depressed to form a pair of cavities known as auditory pits. The pits seem to recede until they become closed vesicles, and separate from the superficial ectoderm, although it will not be until later that they form a definite connection with the central nervous system. TORSION At about the time the cephalic flexure begins, there is also the beginning of a twisting of the entire embryo (Fig. 280), although at this time the twisting is only observable in the head region. The bending of the cephalic region doAvnward is, as already stated, called "flexion.*' The twisting of the embryo from its ventral aspect to its side is known as "torsion." As the yolk lies directly beneath the embryo, it can easily be under- stood that any bending ventrad would be stopped by the large mass of inert yolk beneath, so that, if there is to be any considerable bending at all, the entire embryo must turn on its side. This it does in all eggs which possess considerable yolk, though it does not necessarily come to lie on the same side in all amniotes. The chick turns so that its left side lies next to the yolk. Torsion begins in the head region and gradually and slowly extends Second Half of Second Day 57 the full length of the body, so that a whole mount, after torsion is completed, shows the embryo lying on its left side with head and tail close together, the entire embryo forming from one-half to about three- fourths of a circle. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM By the end of the second day, the heart has become still more twisted, and is now S-shaped with the venous end above and behind the arterial end, so that both ends lie close together with the loop as an Fig. 284. Diagrams of the circulation in the chick embryo and area vasculosa. The vascular network of the area vasculosa is omitted for the most part. A. Anterior and central parts of the em- bryo and vascular area at about thirty-eight hours ( sixteen pairs of somites). Viewed from beneath. B. Median and anterior parts of vascular area and embryo at about seventy-two hours (twenty- seven pairs of somites). Viewed from beneath. C. The main vascular trunks of the fourth day. a. Dorsal aorta; aa, aortic arches (first and second in A, second, third and fourth in C); ac, anterior cardinal vein; al, allantois; au, auricle; b, bulbus arteriosus; dC, ductus Cuvieri; dv, ductus venosus; ec, external carotid artery; h, heart; ic, internal carotid artery; la, lateral dorsal aorta; Iv, left anterior vitelline vein; p, anterior intestinal portal; pc, posterior cardinal vein; pv, posterior vitelline vein; rv, right anterior vitelline vein; s, sinus venosus; t, sinus ter- minalis; tr, venous trunks of the area vasculosa; v, ventricle; va, vitelline artery; vv. vitelline or omphalomesenteric vein. (From Kellicott after PopofF and Lillie.) 58 Embryology of the Chick intermediate portion between. The venous portion forms a swelling which later becomes the auricles, while the arterial end also enlarges to form the bulbus arteriosus. The point of the loop becomes the ven- tricles (Fig. 283). It is toward the end of the second day that the pair of aortic arches which have bent dorsad (and continue separately as the paired dorsal aortae) unite behind the head to form a single vessel which comes to lie directly beneath the notochord. However, after running but a short distance caudad, the single aorta again divides into two vessels from which the large vitelline artery, already mentioned, is given off on each side. The dorsal aortae, now greatly diminished in diameter, continue into the tail. The first pair of aortic arches formed are called the mandibular aortic arches (Fig. 284). A second pair now form behind the first, and before the close of the day there may be still a third pair, all of which connect in a similar manner to the first, with the bulbus arteriosus and the dorsal aorta. The sinus terminalis is now also much better developed than before, and a true circulation has been established, which can carry the yolk- food-granules (after these have been converted into usable food) to the embryo. It is essential that a somewhat detailed knowledge of the circulation be obtained. The blood is brought to the heart by the vitelline veins (Figs. 277, 284). The heart then contracts and forces it through the aortic arches into the dorsal aorta. Here it passes tailward, a small portion going into the tail itself; but the greater part is carried to the vascular area. There are two ways in which the blood now gets back into the vitelline veins. First, it may pass directly to the veins from the arteries through the connecting capillaries; or, second, it may pass into the sinus terminalis at a middle point on each side, and then pass forward and backward through this large vessel. The greater portion, however, in this second method passes forward toward the head from where it is returned to the heart through two large parallel vessels. The part which passes backward is again distributed to the vascular area, as there are no connecting vessels with the tail of the embryo. The vitelline veins and arteries run parallel to each other, though the veins lie a little for- ward from the arteries. In the embryo itself, the cardinal veins are the main afferent ves- sels. At thirty-eight hours the anterior cardinals can be seen. These are a pair of vessels which return the blood from the head of the embryo to the heart. The posterior cardinals are also paired, and return blood from the caudal region. Both anterior and posterior cardinal veins unite on each side of the body to form a short common vessel before entering the heart, the Second Half of Second Day 59 right and left ducts of Cuvier, or common cardinal veins. These Cuvierian ducts then turn ventrad on each side of the fore-gut and enter the sinus venosus at the same point the omphalomesenteric veins enter. The omphalomesenteric veins [so called because they pass through the umbilicus (navel) as umbilical vessels connecting the offspring with the mother in the higher forms], are established in the chick from thirty- three to thirty-six hours' incubation. They are postero-lateral exten- sions of the self-same endocardial tubes which formed the heart. They extend laterad to meet the vessels which develop in the vitelline plexus outside the embryo, and which extend inward toward the embryo. The omphalomesenteric veins (those lying within the embryo) eventually become one with the vitelline veins (those lying in the extra-embryonic area) and thus establish the afferent vessels of the vitelline circulation. A portion of a cross section of a 54 hour chick embryo through the solid anlage of the pronephric tubules in the region of the beginning of the Wolffian duct. The nephros- tomes are just beginning to form,, nephrostome; u.n., pronephric ducts; w. Wolffian duct. (After Kolliker.) The efferent vessels develop at about forty hours. They have a dual origin. The embryonic vessels consist of the branches of the dorsal aortae which extend outward, where they meet with the extra-embryonic arteries growing toward the embryo to meet with, and become con- fluent with, the embryonic efferent vessels, now being known as the omphalomesenteric arteries. It is at about the thirty-second hour that the heart begins to con- tract irregularly, although the maximum rate (150 to 180 per minute), is not reached until after one hundred hours of incubation. THE PATH OF A BLOOD-CORPUSCLE It is well to follow a corpuscle through its entire circulation at this time. With the contraction of the heart, the corpuscle will be sent 60 Embryology of the Chick through the ventral aortae, along the dorsal aortae, out through the omphalomesenteric arteries to the plexus of vessels on the yolk. It will be remembered that various membranes surround the yolk. These contain many small vessels which absorb the yolk. As there must be an oxygenation of the blood, this vitelline circulation must also assist in this function until the allantois, shortly to be described, is formed. This aeration can be accomplished on account of the great area these membranes cover, which permits a wide field from which to draw the oxygen that permeates through the egg shell and the albumen surrounding the yolk. After the yolk has been absorbed as food-material, and the blood has become oxygenated, the blood is collected into the sinus terminalis and the vitelline veins. The latter converge toward the embryo from all parts of the vascular layer, and empty into the omphalomesenteric veins, which return the blood to the heart. The blood which has been sent to the various parts of the embryo has in the meantime been returned from the head region by the anterior cardinals, and from the caudal end by the posterior cardinals, the anterior and posterior cardinal of each side having met to form a short common cardinal (duct of Cuvier) through which the blood flows into the sinus portion of the heart. There is, therefore, a mixed circulation in the heart, consisting of both embryonic and extra-embryonic blood. The extra-embryonic, of course, is the richer in both food and oxygen supply. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM After about ten somites have been formed, the beginnings of the excretory system are visible. It will be remembered that the mid-region of the partially seg- mented mesoderm, known as the mesomere, is to become the excretory system. It can be noted first as a solid cord of cells, extending for two or three somites (Fig. 285). This will be called the Wolffian Duct as soon as a lumen forms. During the second half of the second day, this solid rod elongates both headward and tailward, the more tailward portion becoming free and lying between ectoblast and mesoblast. A lumen appears toward its center and extends headward and tailward simultaneously. About the beginning of the fourth day the duct definitely opens into the cloaca. The Wolffian body also makes its appearance on the second day, but it will be better understood if the description is reserved until later. CHAPTER VI EXTRA-EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES IT WILL be remembered that, when the mesoderm splits into a somatic and a splanchnic layer, it extends out over the yolk so that there is no definite line of demarcation separating embryo from the surrounding media. First, the head fold appears, delimiting the embryo at the cephalic end, and later the tail-fold and lateral fold do the same for Fig. 2U.' Aj B, C, D, four stages of development of the embryonic membranes in birds. al, allantois; am, amnion, (in Fig. B., this forms folds which give rise to both amnion and serosa); am.h., amniotic cavity; d, digestive cavity; do, yolk-sac. E. Cross section through entire egg (including shell). all, allantois which begins developing at the blunt end of egg; am.h., amniotic cavity; coel.ex., extra- embryonic coelom; do.s., yolk-sac showing development of mid-gut — do.s.d.; do.h., covering of yolk; l.k., air-chamber; mes.w., extensions of the mesoderm between the communicating opening of yolk sac and amniotic cavitj' — The remaining portion of the yolk covering {do.h) closes the passage. These mesodermal exten- sions as well as the lower tips, at the pointed end of the eg^, close later and thus form a closed amniotic cavity,, amniotic cavity which develops from the ectoderm with tiny projections on the inner side. It is in this cavity that ^ the remaining yolk is found; Communicating passage between amniotic cavity and yolk-sac. {A, B, C, D, after Boas, E, after Duval.) the caudal and lateral regions. After these folds have bent downward and under the embryo, and almost separated the embryo from the yolk, we speak of the space between the somatic and splanchnic layers as the intra-embryonic coelom and the extra-embryonic coelom, according to which portion lies within, and which portion lies outside, the embr}-©. The limiting folds, which are continuous with the head fold and 62 Embryology of the Chick extend on each side of the embryo as the lateral folds, form the line of demarcation known as the lateral limiting sulci. In this chapter we are concerned with the extra-embryonic mem- branes which are developed from the various layers in the extra-embry- onic region. The membranes themselves are four in number: the yolk- sac, the amnion, the serosa, and the allantois (Fig, 270). THE YOLK-SAC This is the first of the extra-embryonic membranes to appear. It must be remembered that, as the splanchnopleure grows outward from the embryo, it surrounds the yolk, thus forming the yolk-sac. The yolk itself forms the floor of the primitive gut. As the underfolding in the head-region separates the head from the remaining blastoderm, it grows caudally and forms an entodermal floor to the primitive gut, and the part which thus obtains this entodermal floor is called the fore-gut. So, too, in the tail region a little later (about the third day), the tail folds under the posterior end of the embryo and the part which thus obtains an entodermal floor in that region is called the hind-gut. The portion between fore-gut and hind-gut is the mid- gut, which is, of course, that region where the yolk is still the floor. As the fore-gut and hind-gut become larger and extend toward each other, the mid-gut occupies less and less area, until there is merely a little duct something like the small end of a funnel, the larger end of the funnel being the extended splanchnopleure surrounding the yolk. In other words, the mid-gut consists only of the opening of the yolk-stalk, which latter is made up in turn of the walls of the splanchnopleure drawn together at this point. As the neck of the yolk-sac is thus constricted, the omphalomesen- teric arteries and veins, which extend throughout the region where the constriction takes place, have likewise been drawn into the constricted area, and pass to and from the embryo through the yolk-stalk, side by side. The yolk is now covered with a vascular network spreading through- out the splanchnopleure of the yolk-sac, so that the entire food supply of the embryo comes to lie in a sac with this circulation of its own definitely attached to the mid-body region, though as far as we know, no yolk granules pass directly into the embryo, all of it being absorbea by the vascular network. In older embryos, the yolk-sac even folds considerably, so that a still greater expanse of vascular area is estab- lished. The white albuminous portion of the egg rapidly loses the water it contains, and is absorbed by the extra-embryonic membranes. Ultimately (about the nineteenth day) the yolk-sac is completely enclosed within the embryo and then rapidly disappears until it is entirely gone by the sixth day after hatching. Extra-Embryonic Membranes 63 THE AMNION AND THE SEROSA While the splanchnopleure forms the yolk-sac, it is the somato- pleure, lying outside the embryo, from which both amnion and serosa are derived. At about thirty hours, the first observable portions of the amnion appear as a crescentic fold with the concavity toward the head of the embryo. This fold must not be confused with the head fold of the chick which folds under the embryo. The head at this time sinks into the yolk to a slight degree, just as the extra-embryonic somatopleure anterior to the head is thrown into the head-fold of the amnion. As the embryo grows anteriorly and the ^somatopleure caudally, the amniotic fold which is thus folded upon itself, forms a double-walled cap over the head of the embryo, gradually extending more and more caudad. The caudally directed limbs of the head-fold of the amnion continue growing posteriorly on each side of the embryo, where they are known as lateral amniotic folds. These grow dorsad and mesiad, finally meeting in the midline. During the third day, the amniotic tail-fold develops and grows cephalad to meet the structures just mentioned, thus forming a complete envelop for the embryo. The place where the various amniotic folds meet is called the amniotic raphe. The amnion is now a completed saccular structure filled with a fluid in which the embryo is free to move about and change its position. In all probability this ability of free movement also prevents adhesions and consequent malformations. It is to be noted that the manner in which the amniotic folds came into existence, has caused the innermost portions to be ectodermal. This ectodermal layer is continuous with the ectoderm of the embryo. Likewise, the manner of the somatopleure folding. upon itself, as it does, causes two walls to cover the embryo. The inner one is the ecto- dermal layer just mentioned, and the outer one is known as the serosa. There is a sero-amniotic cavity between the two. T4ie som.atopleure now extends peripherally until the entire yolk- sac, as well as the embryo, is covered with serosa.^ The allantois extends between serosa and amnion. THE ALLANTOIS This structure differs from the amnion and yolk-sac in that it develops within the embryo proper, though it does extend out into the extra-embryonic region as it develops. About the third day, the allantois develops by an outpushing of the ventral wall of the hind-gut (entoderm), pushing the splanchnopleure ahead of it, so that we may say it is composed of splanchnopleure with an entodermal lining. The following day it pushes out of the embryo 64 Embryology of the Chick into the extra-embryonic coelom, the attached end lying caudal to, and parallel to, the yolk-stalk. The proximal portion is the allantoic stalk, while the extended bladder-like distal portion is the allantoic vesicle. It grows very rapidly from the fourth to the tenth day, and extends into the sero-amniotic cavity in a flattened manner. Ultimately it encompasses the entire embryo and yolk-sac, and in so doing the mesodermic layer of the allantois fuses with the layer of mesoderm of the serosa which comes to lie in direct contact with it. This means that there is thus formed a double layer of mesoderm, the serosal portion derived from the somatic mesoderm, and the allantoic portion derived from the splanchnic mesoderm. A very rich vascular network now develops between these two layers, connected with the vascular circula- tion by the allantoic arteries and veins. The allantois thus becomes an organ of respiration, as well as of cir- culation, to the developing embryo. As the allantois lies just beneath the porous shell, a wide area is presented for an exchange of the carbon dioxide developed within the embryo and the oxygen from the outer world. In addition to this function, however, the allantois also serves as a reservoir for the secretions from the excretory organs of the embryo, and likewise takes part in absorbing the albumen. THE CHORION The serosa will become a part of the chorioii in the higher forms, and consequently, should be clearly understood at this point. The allantoic vessels mentioned above and the mesoderm which lies between the serosa and amnion, later fuse with the inner layer of the serosa to form the chorion, which is the embryo's organ of attachment to the uterine wall of the mother. How very important the allantoic circu- lation becomes in mammals may be surmised by realizing that there is little yolk in mammalian eggs, which, consequently, forces the embryo to receive all of its nourishment from the blood of the mother through the uterine walls. The allantoic circulation thus performs the function of the vitelline circulation also. CHAPTER VII DEVELOPMENT OF THE THIRD DAY / ' / 'ifS0/7tf/>h, '9'7/^ y. y Fig. 287., 64-hour chick embryo. (41 somites.) IT IS on the third day that more structures make their first appearance than on any other single day of the chick's entire embryonic Hfe. The blastod^erm itself has increased in size so that it covers almost one-half ^^ yolk surface. The white of the ^^% has decreased in amount so that the vascular area has been brought closer to the surface under the shell, making aeration of the blood easier. The sinus terminalis reaches its greatest functional activity during this day, and the vitelline veins have been brought in close contact with the vitelline arteries by the growth of the embryo. The blood, which the vitelline, or omphalomesenteric, arteries bring to the sinus terminalis, still flows headward and tailward as before. The portion flowing toward the head returns to the embryo through two large vessels lying parallel to the long axis of the embryo, but some- times there is only one of these — the one emptying into the left vitelline vein. Even if the two vessels are present, the left is the larger. It is on the third day also that the single posterior vessel, which 66 Embryology of the Chick also empties into the left vitelline vein and carries blood from the posterior region of the sinus terminalis, makes its appearance. It will be remembered that it is during this day that the torsion of the embryo takes place from the head region posteriorly, so that cross sections made from the anterior end will show the embryo turned upon its left side, while in the posterior region it still lies upon its ventral surface. The flexion continues also, so that the mid-brain becomes the most antetior region of the embryo. This flexion not only brings the fore- brain in close relation to the heart, but brings optic and otic vesicles opposite each other. It will be remembered that the eye-pits form in the fore-brain and the auditory pits in the medulla oblongata. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM All parts are growing, and have become larger than on the second day (Fig. 288). The important new developments are as follows: The epiphysis appears as a small evagination in the midline on the dorsal surface of the diencephalon. It later becomes the pineal gland. Rathke's Pocket (Fig. 301, 1) is an ectodermal invagination which has folded in just beneath the infundibulum. This pocket soon loses its connection with the outer epithelium and then becomes permanently associated with the infundibulum to form the hypophysis or pituitary body. THE OPTIC VESICLES (Fig. 289) It will be remembered that these were originally broad stalks directly continuous with the cavity of the fore-brain. The cavity, or lumen, of the optic stalks is then called an optocoele, and the cavity, or lumen of the prosencephalon is called the prosocoele. A constriction formed earlier is very marked at about fifty-five hours. The distal ends have invaginated, forming a double-layered cup. The newly indented layer is termed the sensory layer, because it is from this that the sensory layer of the retina is to be formed. The underlying layer is called the pigment layer, because it is from this that the pigmented layer of the retina is to arise. The invaginated cups are often called secondary optic vesicles to disting-uish them from the original vesicles before invagina- tion. The original vesicles are then known as primitive vesicles. The optic cup does not invaginate so as to form an equally rounded edge. The invagination begins at the ventral surface and continues dorsally and toward the midline, so that at the place where the invagi- nation began, there is a region which has no definite lip. The cup, therefore, looks more like a cup that has had this portion broken out. This lipless region is known as the choroid fissure. The invagination continues for the length of the optic stalk, thus Development of Third Day 67 forming a fissure in the stalk along which, and in which the optic nerves and blood- vessels come to lie. This is on the ventral surface of the stalk. In the meantime, the optocoele has practically become obliterated, a very small portion alone remain- ing between the sensory and pigment layers in the optic cup. Even these fuse shortly, and then the opto- coele entirely disappears. The eye lens arises independently of the optic vesicles in the ectoderm, close to the vesicle. At forty hours the ectoderm in this region has thickened. The placodes thus formed grow toward and into the optic cups after themselves forming vesicles. The super- ficial ectoderm from which they arise, soon closes again at the point where the lenses have arisen, although a very small opening may still be seen for a short time. It is well to call partic- ular attention at this point to the similarity of the way in which the lens of the eye and the auditory vesicle develop by a thickening of ectoderm, then insinking and finally completely sep- arating from the superficial ectoderm from which it sprang. The lesson to be brought home, is that, once these structures have separated from the superficial ectoderm, regardless of their original similarity, each fol- lows a totally different line of development and differentiation so as to become structurally and functionally unlike in the adult condition. This original similarity and adult divergence should be noted throughout embryological and comparative studies. Fig. 288. Diagrams showing brain development in vertebrates. I>ongitudinal sections. I. Before the blastopore closes. II. At the time three regions can be seen. I [I. At the time five brain regions have formed. (Compare with Fig. 281.) A, prosencephalon; aa, dividing line between telen- cephalon and diencephalon; c, cerebellum; cc, cerebellar commissure; ch, (in I and II) dorsal nerve cord; (in III) habenular commissure; _ ^n, neurenteric canal; cp, posterior commissure; cw, thickening on optic nerve due to the crossing of fibers (this is the chiasma) ; D, dien- cephalon; dd, line separating diencephalon and mesen- cephalon; e, epiphysis; e', paraphysis; ect, ectoderm; ent, entoderm; ff, line dividing mesencephalon and metencep- halon; /, inf undibulum ; It, lamina terminalis; M, mesen- cephalon; Ml, myelencephalon; Ms, spinal chord; Mt, metencephalon; np, neuropore; P, prosencephalon; p, pr, pn, neuroporic process; pv, ventral brain-fold; R, rhombencepalon ; r, thickening of ectoderm which is some- times said to be the anlage of an unpaired olfactory groove; ro, optfc recess; si, the groove (sulcus intraen- cephalicus) which forms the hindermost boundary of the midbrain; T, telencephalon; tp, tuberculum posterius (After von Kupflfer.) 68 Embryology of the Chick In the myelencephalic portion of the brain, the neuromeres have lost their dorsal constrictions, though they can still be seen on the lateral and ventral surfaces, while the whole cord has thickened. This thickening constricts the lumen so that it is quite slit-like at this time. The neural tube has closed completely at both anterior and posterior ends at this period. It will be remembered that the neural, or medullary, plates have formed, and their lateral folds have begun to unite to form the neural groove. This union has now been completed. The ectoderm, dorsal to ec Fig. 289. Diagrams of sections through the eye o£ the chick embryo at the end of the second day. The dorsal margin is toward the top of the page in A and B.. ,A. Eye as viewed directly. B. Vertical section through the line x-cf, in A. C. Horizontal section through the line :v-3'. i" A. cf. Choroid fissure; cv, cavity of primary optic vesicle; ec, superficial ectoderm of head; i, inner or retinal layer of optic cup; /, lens; o, outer or pigmented layer of optic cup; ol, opening of lens sac from surface of head; pc, posterior chamber of eye; s, optic stalk, continuous with the floor and lateral wall of the diencephalon. (From Lillie "Development of the Chick," by permission of Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) the groove, has ag'ain become continuous, leaving a slight area between neural groove and superficial ectoderm. It will also be remembered that there are small groups of cells on each side of the midline, lying within this area, which we called neural crests, to distinguish them from the neural folds with which they were in close connection. The two crests lying on each side of the midline fuse for a time, but because they began as two separate groups, they again become separate in a short time. They also form a sort of column on each side of the midline, running along the long axis of the embryo, but soon they segment and become the dorsal root ganglia, or sensory ganglia, of the spinal nerves (Fig. 290). As the segmented portions of these neural crests also extend into the head region, they there give rise to the ganglia of the sensory cranial nerves. THE DIGESTIVE TRACT At the period we are describing, the fore-gut has extended from the anterior intestinal portal as its posterior limit to the infundibulum as its anterior limit. It is divided into a pharyngeal portion, lying Development of Third Day 69 ventral to the myelencephalon and encircled by aortic arches, and an oesophageal portion, lying posterior to the pharyngeal with a much smaller lumen than the pharynx. At this time there is an outpushing of the ventral portion of the pharynx and an inpushing from the ectoderm close to this region, which will soon meet and form the mouth-opening. The ectodermal inpushing spinal cord - Spina! ganglion -- Ventral root - Mixed spinal nerve _ Mj'Otome - Sympathetic ganglion -• Fig. 290. Developing nerve roots in a chick of 4J^ days. (After Neumayer.) is known as the stomodaeum, and the thin layer of tissue between the inpushing and outpushing, which is later to break through to complete the mouth-opening, is called the oral plate. (Fig. 301, I, Seessel's pocket.) It is this oral plate region in the adult which separates the oral cavity from the pharynx. The ^fore-gut extends into the head region cephalad to the stomodaeum, and this portion is called the pre-oral gut. This pre-oral gut, however, disappears shortly after the oral plate breaks through, leaving only a small diverticulum which is then called Seessel's pocket. The digestive tract has been lying close to the notochord up to this time, being separated from the notochord and the aortae by a broad thin layer of mesoderm. Now it begins to draw ventrad from this position, remaining attached, however, by the mesentery, a constantly narrowing band of tissue. This mesentery is composed of mesoblast continuous with that which surrounds the entoderm of the digestive canal. The mesoblast consists of an undifferentiated middle layer (Fig. 291, b), in which blood 70 Embryology of the Chick £w.-'a 7 sl»t- Development of Digestive Transverse section Transverse section Transverse section Transverse section Transverse section Transverse section Fig. 291. Tract. descending colon 10-mm. pig. descending colon 14-mm. pig. descending colon 20-mm. pig. descending colon 25-mm. pig. descending colon 31 -mm, pig. descending colon 46-mm. pig. ABBREVIATIONS a., serosa. b., undifferentiated middle layer. dm., dorsal mesentery. cm., inner circular smooth-muscle layer. Im., outer longitudinal smooth-muscle layer. mt., mesenteric taenia muscle band. sp., Meissner's plexus (submucous). ap., Auerbach's plexus (intermuscular). sm., serosa. subm., submucosa. p.m., primordial mucosae cells. N. B. — Note especially rapid increase in width of epithelial tube and the absolute decrease in thickness of mesenchymal wall due to tension stresses elicited by the growth of the former. (Eben J. Carey in The Anatomical Record, Vol. 19, No. 4.) Development of Third Day 71 vessels are developed later, and a superficial layer (Fig. 291, a), of epi- thelium, continuous v^ith the epithelial lining of the peritoneal cavity. The w^ithdrawal of the anterior part of the fore-gut from the notochord is slight, as little or no mesentery is developed in that region. It is interesting to note here that the oesophagus has its lumen closed for almost its entire length during the sixth day, only to reopen from the posterior region anteriorly again in about tv^o days by the rapid grov^th of the epithelial tube. This latter growls in a circular direction on account of the outer pressure. The portion of the intestinal tract immediately posterior to the oesophagus becomes dilated on this day to form the stomach. This is followed posteriorly by a short region recognized as the duodenum, because the beginnings of the liver and pancreas can be observed. Mesenchymal cells gather about the oesophagus and stomach from w^hich their muscular and connective tissue coats v^ill be derived. There w^ill be seen a small pitting-in of the ectoderm to meet the underlying entoderm, where the anal opening is to appear. However, this posterior opening does not open into the digestive tract until about the fifteenth day of incubation. The indenture, which is to become the anal opening, is called the proctodaeum. The digestive tract is almost straight until the sixth day. Then the various loops form and the gizzard develops as a thick-walled outgrowth from the end of the stomach. __ THE LUNGS Two small hollow outgrowths from the ventral side of the oesophagus near its anterior end are seen on the third day, the oesophagus itself becoming constricted at the point of outgrow^th. These constrictions form two divisions, the more dorsal becomes the oesophagus ; and the ventral portion, the trachea. At the point where oesophagus and tracheae are continuous, the glottis will be formed. The trachea grows caudad and bifurcates to form pairs of lung-buds. These lung-buds extend outward into the surrounding mesenchyme lying on either side of the midline. The splanchnic mesoderm is pushed ahead of the growing lung- buds, until it covers them and forms their outer investment layer or pleural covering. The ento- derm of the intestinal tract, from which the trachea evaginated, forms the entire lining of trachea, bronchi, and all air-chambers in the Fig. 292. Ventral view of lungs and air-sacs of 12 day chick embryo. ai, anterior inter- mediate sac; a, abdominal sac; c, cervical sac; I, lat- eral part of interclavicular sac; lu, lung; m, mesial part of interclavicular sac; oe, oesophagus; p, posterior sac; t, trachea. (From Kingsley after Locy and Larsell.) 72 Embryology of the Chick adult lungs. The connective tissue stroma of the lungs, however, is derived from the mesenchyme surrounding the lung-buds. In the chick, as in all birds, there is a characteristic thin-walled, sac-like outgrowth from the hinder edges of the lungs to form the air-sacs (Fig. 292). These do not appear until about the eig'hth day. THE LIVER The liver arises as a ventral diverticulum from the duodenum. It can be seen for a short time on the lip of the anterior intestinal portal, growing cephalad toward the fork where the omphalo- mesentric veins enter the sinus venosus. The liver grows out as a series of cords, pushing the splanch- nic mesoderm ahead of it as its investing layer. The liver evagination, as it forms, retains its open- ing into the duodenum (Fig. 293), which later differen- tiates somewhat to become the common bile duct, the hepatic and cystic ducts, as well as the gall bladder. Cellular cords bud off from the diverticulum and be- come the hepatic tubules which have secretory func- tions. As the intestinal portal moves caudad when the fore-gut lengthens, the proximal portions of the omphalomesenteric veins come tog'ether and fuse in midline. The fusion extends caudad nearly to the level of the yolk-stalk, beyond which they still remain separate. The liver now surrounds the fused portion of „the omphalomesenteric veins. It will be noticed, there- fore, that the yolk materials Fig. 293. Two upper cuts are diagrams to show the development of the liver, pancreas, and hepatic ligaments, d, intestine; ect, ectoderm; leb, liver anluge; lig.hep.ent., ligamentum hepato-entericum; lig.susp.hep; ^ ventral mesentery or ligamentum suspensorum of the liver; mesent. dors., dorsal mesentery; pancr. dors, and pancr. ventr., dorsal and ventral pancreas. (After Schimkewitsch.) Lower cut is a diagram to show the development of the liver. Lobule 1 shows the principal parts of the gall capillaries; Lobule 2, shows the anastomoses of these gall capillaries; in Lobule 3, only the efferent bile capil- laries are shown, together with the arterial and venous capillaries, a, arteries; b, veins. (After Stohr.) Development of Third Day 73 must already at this early period pass directly into and through the liver. If this is remembered, it w^ill make the adult portal circulation the better understood. THE PANCREAS The pancreas arises as three diverticula from the duodenum at the approximate level of the liver diverticulum. There are three pancreatic buds : one medial bud, lying dorsal to the duodenum, and a pair of ventro-lateral buds. The median bud appears at about seventy-two hours, w^hile the two ventro-lateral buds can be seen at the end of the fourth day. The dorsal bud arises directly opposite the liver, and grows into the dorsal mesentery ; while the ventro-lateral buds arise at the point where the liver connects with the intestine, so that both the liver duct and the ventral pancreatic duct open into the duodenum by a common duct, called the ductus choledochus. Cellular cords grow into masses from the three buds, fusing into one glandular mass with two ducts remaining, although sometimes all three remain. THE THYROID GLAND (Fig. 294) This arises as a median diverticulum from the floor of the pharynx at the level of the second pair of gill pouches. By the close of the fourth day, the solid rod-like diverticulum, lying in a longitudinal position under the floor of the pharynx, has become saccular and remains con- nected with the point of origin as the thyro-glossal duct opening at the root of the tongue. In mammals, there are additional evaginations at the lateral region of the fourth gill pouch. By the sixth day, the thyroid body in the chick becomes bi-lobed, the lobes sending out cords of tissue which become hollowed out to form the regular adult thyroid tissue. The gland then shifts backward and becomes surrounded with a sheath of vascular connective tissue. THE THYMUS GLAND (Fig. 294) This organ arises from the pos- terior faces of the third and fourth gill pouches after the fourth day of incubation. While the organ is orig- inally epithelial in character, there is soon an ingrowth of mesenchyme and the thymus then becomes chiefly lymphoid in structure. 294. Diagrams to show the development of the derivatives of the digestive tract in the branchial region. A, Anura,_ B, lizard. cd, carotid gland; e^-e^, epithelial bodies; Krd. Krm, Krv, dorsal, mid, and ventral remains of the axial portions of the gill pouches; p, postbranchial bodies; Tml^S, Thymus anlage; Tr, Thyroid gland; I-V, Gill slits. (After Maurer.) u Embryology of the Chick THE VISCERAL CLEFTS AND VISCERAL ARCHES Different parts of the embryo grow at different rates of speed, and while the heart was formed directly under the anterior end of the diges- tive tract on the second day, on the third day the heart has shifted its position so far posteriorly that there is a distinct space between it and the head proper. This space we may call the neck or pharynx. It is in this region that the mesoderm has not divided into the two layers — the somatic and splanchnic. We, therefore, still have a sort of sheet, consisting of the three primitive layers of ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm, extending outward from the embryo. The entodermal lining of this neck region becomes pushed out into four narrow pockets (Fig. 295, A), called the visceral, or gill, pouches, during the latter part of the second or the early part of the third day. These meet with ectodermal depressions formed as furrows which grow inward to meet the gill pouches. The thin wall between the outpushings and the ectodermal inpushings breaks through in the lower forms, such as in fish and amphibia, and there remains open throughout life; but in the chick the opening is seen in the first three pairs during the first three or four days. It remains open for about two days. These openings, or places where openings usually occur, are known variously as visceral clefts, gill clefts, or branchial clefts. As the neck is considerably curved, these clefts do not lie parallel to each other, but converge toward the ventral part of the neck. The fourth cleft never opens in the chick. Numbering and naming these clefts begins with the most anterior and continues caudad. A « Fig. 295. ■'*\»-- A, Horizontal, and B, longitudinal section through the head region of Ainmo- coetes (larval stage of lamprey), ao.b., anterior aortic arch; ao.d., dorsal aorta; ao.v., ventral aorta; di, invagination which separates the anlage of the thyroid gland from the digestive tract; m, anlage of mouth; thyr, thyroid anlage; 1, ciliated gill region which probably becomes the spiracle; 2-8, gill pouches. {A, after Vialleton; B, after Dohrn.) Development of Third Day 75 The first cleft is called the hyomandibular cleft, while the remaining ones are known respectively as the II, III, and IV, gill clefts. Between these clefts, as well as immediately anterior and posterior to them, there is a pair of thickened regions, each pair of which meets ventrally in the midline and merges with its mate from the opposite side of the body. These thicknesses are called visceral arches, gill arches, or branchial arches, also numbered from the anterior end, caudad. The first is called the mandibular, the second the hyoid, and from here caudad the III, IV, and V. The hyomandibular cleft lies between the mandibular and hyoid folds or arches. It is well at this point to anticipate a little what is to become of these structures later (Fig. 296). All the clefts close with the exception of the hyomandibular. This, too, begins closing at the end farthest from the pharyngeal opening, but retains the opening into the pharynx. The unclosed end itself becomes the tympanic cavity, while the remaining portion of the cleft becomes the Eustachian tube. The external auditory meatus is formed by a depression in the sur- a n.f. i.n.f max Fig. 296. Head oi a. SYz day chick embryo, a.n.f., lateral nasal process; o«jy eye;, bulbus aortae; i.n.f', inner nasal process; k.h.^ and k.h.^ mandibular and hyoid arches; max, upper process of the mandibular arch;, nasal groove; st.f., frontal process; tr,nas., tear-duct running to nasal cavity; ventr., ventricle; v.h., forebrain. (After Duval.) «• face ectoderm opposite the position of the tympanic cavity. The outer end of the closed hyomandibular cleft thus lies between the tympanic cavity and the external auditory meatus, the tissue formed by the closure of the cleft forming the tympanic membrane. The most posterior two gill arches or folds entirely disappear in the adult stages of the chick. The pair of mandibular arches grow toward each other on the ven- tral side and fuse to form the basis of the mandible, or lower jaw. From 76 Embryology of the Chick the dorsal end of each mandibular arch and at their anterior edge, a small branch grows downward and forward during the fourth and fifth days, such branch, or branches, being called maxillary processes. There is a triangular median process growing toward these maxillary processes from the front of the head, known as the fronto-nasal process. The maxillary processes form the upper jaw or the maxillary bones. The maxillary processes do not fuse with each other, but to each side of the fronto-nasal process. When this union does not become complete, the well-known abnormality of hare-lip results. The formation of clefts and arches may be understood the better by the following illustration from Professor Reese : With the hands in front of the body (the palmar aspect of each hand directed mesiad), and pointed downward, ''bring the tips of the fingers together, the fingers of each hand being slightly separated. The thumbs should, at first, be closely pressed against the forefingers, and should be considered as fused with them. If the fingers and hands are slightly bent, there will be a space between the two hands that may be taken to represent the pharynx of the chick, while the four fingers will represent the first four gill arches, and the spaces between the fingers will represent the first three gill clefts. The closure of the visceral clefts may be represented by bringing the fingers of each hand together. The forefingers, which should, in reality, be the only ones which actually meet in the midventral line, will represent the mandibular arch, forming the lower half of the mouth. The formation of the maxillary arch, by processes budded out from the upper ends of the mandibular arch, may be represented by separating the thumbs from the forefingers, and point- ing them toward each other without letting them come in contact; the triangular space between the thumbs, thus held, being fulfilled in the imagination by the fronto-nasal process. The angles between the thumbs and forefingers will represent the angles of the mouth. Of course, to make the comparison more striking, there should be one more finger to represent the hindermost arch and cleft, but as the hinder arches and clefts form no part of the adult chick, this omission is of little impor- tance." THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (Fig. 297) As has been stated, there are already present two or three pairs of aortic arches by which blood is carried from the bulbus arteriosus around the pharynx to the dorsal aorta. It will be noted that the first aortic arch lies in the first (mandibular gill arch), the second in the hyoid fold, and so on, each bearing a distinct relation to the correspondingly numbered gill-fold. The heart, which it will be remembered is attached only at the cephalic and caudal ends, is growing rapidly and twisting upon itself. The venous, or atrial, side is the more stationary. This side, originally, Development of the Third Day 77 lay caudal to the arterial, or conus, end of the heart, but in the twisting, the conus end comes to lie caudal to the sinus, or venous, end, a position that the higher vertebrates all retain in the adult stage. In fishes, the atrial region of the heart remains caudal to the ventricular portion even in the adults. The point w^here the two vitelline veins meet to empty into the heart becomes pushed farther and farther caudad, so that the two veins unite to form a common opening into the heart.. All blood from the vascular area to the heart passes through this single common tube, though in a short time the right vein will dwindle away and disappear. The tube is then an opening for the left vitelline vein only. This com- vp I Fig. 297. Diagrammatic lateral view of the chief embryonic blood-vessels of the chick, during the sixth day. a. Auricle; al, allantoic stalk; ao, dorsal aorta; _ c, cceliac artery; ca, caudal artery; cl, cloaca; cv, caudal vein; da, ductus arteriosus; dv, ductus venous; ec, external carotid artery; ej, external jugular vein; i, intestine; ic, internal carotid artery; ij, internal jugular vein; /, liver; m, mesonephros; ma, mesenteric artery ;.m7;, mesenteric vein; p, pulmonary artery; pc, posterior cardinal vein; pv, pulmonary vein; s, sciatic artery; sc, subclavian artery ;scv, subclavian vein; st, yolk-stalk; sv, subcardinal vein; ul, left umbilical artery; ur, right umbilical artery; uv, left umbilical vein; v, ventricle; va, vitelline artery; vca, anterior vena cava (anterior carciinal vein), vp, posterior vena cava; vv, vitelline vein; y, yolk-sac; 3, 4, 6, third, fourth, and sixth aortic arches. (From Lillie's "Development of the Chick," by permission of Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) mon tube-like entry into the heart is called the meatus venosus; the por- tion nearest th^ heart is the sinus venosus: and the portion lying more distal, the ductus venosus. The dorsal aorta gives off numerous branches supplying various portions of the body of the embryo, the blood being returned by two large veins 'on each side of the body. That from the anterior part of the embryo is carried through the anterior cardinal veins, and that from the posterior part of the body is carried by the posterior cardinal veins; the anterior and posterior cardinals then unite into a common vein before emptying into the sinus venosus, and this common vein is called the duct of Cuvier. CHAPTER VIII THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SOMITES THE somites have already been described as almost solid triangular blocks of cells derived from the dorsal mesoderm. There is a tiny opening in the center running horizontally through each somite. Oftentimes the opening cannot be seen at all. This opening is called the myocoele. As the embryo continues to increase in size, the triangular block becomes more or less circular and there are two layers of cells, an outer epithelial layer and an inner portion (Fig. 298). The inner portion has its cells irregularly arranged. It is this ill-defined group of cells which is known as the sclerotome. The cells are mesenchymal. The sclerotomes of each side now grow still farther toward the notochord and sur- round it. Later they develop into the vertebrae. The dorsal portion of the outer cell mass whose more medial portion became the sclerotome, has retained its definite outlines and epithelial characteristics. This portion, now called the dermatome, is to become the deeper layer of the integument. It is important to remember at this point that the ectoderm gives rise to the epithelial layer of the integument only. The portion of the cell mass, w^hich lies medial and slightly ventral to the dermatome, is called the myotome. The myocoele now lies between the dermatome and the myotome. It is from the myotome that the entire skeletal musculature is developed by the ventral walls of the myotome, becoming converted into longitudinal muscle fibers. These bands of fibres then remain divided into blocks which correspond to the original somites. Here again we have a metameric arrangement of muscles in the embryo of the chick which corresponds to the segmental arrangement of muscles in the adult fish. O-afjy //«n Fig. 298. Diagram of Myotome and Nerve Development. The more dorsal portion of the somatopleure is known as the dermatome while the dorsal portion of the splanchnopleure lying closest to the dermatome forms the sclerotome. Differentiation of Somites 79 The outer portion of the myotome gives rise to the muscles of the neck and trunk. The muscles of the appendages arise independently of the myotomes. T3 germfp %'}:':)] /A/JT- Fig. 299. The development of the mesonephros. A, B. Transverse sections through the mesonephric tubules of the duck embryo with forty-five pairs of somites. After Schreiner. C. Transverse section through the middle of the mesonephros of a chick of ninety-six hours. From Lillie (Development of the Chick). Ao., Dorsal aorta; B., rudiment of Bowman's capsule; c, collecting duct; Cocl., coelom; Col. T., collecting tubule; d., dorsal outgrowth of the Wolffian duct; Glom., glomerulus; germ, Ep., germinal epithelium; M's't., mesentery; n.t., nephrogenous tissue; r., rudiment of conducting portion of primary tubule; T, 1, 2, 3, primary, secondary, and tertiary mesonephric tubules; V.c.p., posterior cardinal vein; IV. D., Wolffian duct. D, Cross section through the head kidney in the region of the gonads of a 4 day chick embryo, a, germinal epithelium showing the primary germ-cells c and o; a, portion of the peritoneal epithelium which forms the Mullerian duct; E, the tissue immediately surrounding the germ cells • which forms the stroma of the" gonads later; L, Somatopleure; m, mesentery; WK, Pronephros; .-v. Wolffian duct; z, Mullerian duct. (After Waldeyer and O. Hertwig.) V THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM It is on the third day that the intermediate cell mass — the mesomere (Fig. 268, mm) — lying between the somite proper and the point where the mesoderm splits into somatic and splanchnic layers, becomes very prominent, being covered with sharply defined epithelial cells (Fig. 299). It is of great importance for one's future study of embryology as well as for the study of comparative anatomy that the development of the excretory system be thoroughly understood. It is this intermediate cell mass or mesomere, now called the nephro- tome, which is to develop into both urinary and reproductive systems. 80 Embryology of the Chick The Wolffian duct has already been mentioned. The embryonic kidney in the chick is called the Wolffian body or mesonephros. This embryonic kidney ceases to function very soon after hatching, and is then replaced by the metanephros. One of the lowest forms of a chordate (an animal which possesses a notochord), is the small fish- like amphioxus or lanceola- "ft i 11 t5 m v^ rta,^ tus. In this animal a primi- tive form of excretory T^^' ^f^ system develops and persists t- ;:? B^ throughout the adult life of the animal. It is called a pronephros, or head kidney. This structure develops in the frog and other amphibia during the embryonic period, but it is followed by the mesonephros, or Wolf- fian body, which becomes the permanent kidney of the amphibian. In the chick, as in all amniotes, the mesonephros serves as the embryonal kidney, which is then followed by the devel- opment of a metanephros or permanent amniote kidney (Fig. 300). Notwithstanding the type of these three kidneys which an animal may pos- sess in adult life, all of the higher animal forms develop what the immediately lower animal form possesses, plus the next succeeding type of pronephros, mesonephros, or metanephros. Amphioxus, therefore, has the pronephros as its permanent kidney; amphibians have the pronephros as a sort of embryonic kidney with the mesonephros in the adult form ; while all higher types of animals have a pronephros (which just appears and degenerates during the early embryonic period) with a mesonephros acting as an embryonic organ of excretion ; and then, later, from the caudal region of the mesonephric duct the adult permanent kidney or metanephros develops. To' obtain a clear and accurate view of the functional and structural relations of the three kidney-forms, it is important to summarize the nephridial theory. IV Schematic arrangement metanephros and mesonephros to of show relationship in Gymnophiona (trop- ical amphibians without tails or legs). II, in advanced chick embryo. Ill, one type of its appearance in man. I V, in rabbit. The Wolffian duct and ureters are black. The canaliculae of the mesonephros are hatched. The canaliculae of the metanephros are dotted. (After Felix.) Differentiation of Somites 81 Theoretically, it appears that the waste matter containing nitrogen, which is elaborated in the primitive liver and collected in the coelom, together with the coelomic fluid itself, passes outward through the nephrostomes and tubules in each segment. In higher forms all the parts are more differentiated and some of the segmentation is lost. Figure 168 (Vol. I) gives a clear understanding of the earthworm's segmented excretory system which represents the pronephridic type of kidney. Such a primitive type of nephridia, if completely developed, may be described as follows : At the proximal end of the tubule, a ciUated fun- nel, the nephrostome, opens into the coelom. The cilia may continue into the tubule to produce a current which will carry the coelomic fluid into and through the tubule. The tubule expands into a Malpighian or renal corpuscle. This corpuscle consists of a vesicle, known as Bow- man's capsule, one side of which projects into the other, so that the cavity is nearly filled. This inturned portion is the glomerulus, consist- ing of a network of capillary blood vessels, supplied by an artery and drained by a vein. Beyond the Malpighian corpuscle the tubule becomes convoluted, while its cells become glandular. The first convoluted tubule is followed by a straightened portion, forming a simple U shape. The arms of the U form the ascending and descending limbs. The entire U is called Henle's loop. Then follows a second convoluted tubule which passes by means of a short connecting tubule into the non-glandular collecting tubule. Other groups of similar-formed excretory units enter this same collecting tubule, which then leads into a urinary duct through which the waste matter is carried out of the body. Various parts of the complete system just described may be miss- ing in different groups of animals. For example, in Amniotes, the nephrostomes are never formed, though they are formed in Ichthyopsida. In the pronephros, the Malpighian corpuscle is quite rudimentary and often entirely lacking, and there is also no differentiation into con- voluted tubules and Henle's loop. The renal corpuscles form a sort of filtering apparatus by which water is passed from the blood-vessels of the glomerulus into the tubules near their beginning. This liquid thus serves to carry out the urea, uric acid, etc., which has been secreted by the glandular portions of the walls of the tubules. A varying number of nephrotomes are formed in different animal forms, and so also a varying number of nephrostomes are formed. Figure 300 will give the student a general idea of how mesonephros and metanephros follow each other and just what their relations are. The tiny tubules must not, however, be confused with the ducts. The ducts represent the collecting tubule described above. The pronephric tubules grow first and then join the pronephric ducts. Later the mesonephric tubules grow caudad to the phronephric 82 Embryology of the Chick tubules and join the same ducts. The original pronephric tubules then degenerate, so that now the ducts which were originally called pronephric become the mesonephric ducts. In the real kidney, or metanephros, the tubules do not grow toward the mesonephric ducts, but from these ducts. They grow headward and laterad and ultimately connect with the tubules of the mesonephros, after which the mesonephros itself degenerates with the exception of the Wolffian or mesonephric ducts, which in the male become the tubules through which the sperm pass. With this in mind, the excretory system of the chick can be studied with some understanding. At about thirty-six hours, it will be remembered,, the pronephric tubules were seen to arise from the nephrotome, one pair lateral to each somite from the fifth to the sixteenth. Each tubule arises as a solid bud of cells with the free ends growing dorsad, close to the posterior cardinal veins. The distal end of each tubule is bent caudad later, until it reaches the tubule directly posterior to it. Thus is formed a continuous cord of cells, which is to become the pronephric duct. These ducts continue to extend caudad beyond the region where the tubules were formed, and soon develop a lumen. The ducts ultimately reach the cloaca, extending ventrally and opening into it. The best way to study a series of cross sections is to begin caudad and observe them serially toward the head, because the posterior por- tions are not so well developed as are the anterior. The pronephros (Figs. 285 and 299, D) varies in its development, although it usually can be noted in from the fifth to the fifteenth or six- teenth somite. Typically it develops from the tenth to fifteenth, inclu- sive. No duct is formed anterior to the tenth somite, but the pronephric buds in that region disappear by the end of the second day. Mesonephric tubules (Fig. 299, A, B, C), develop in all segments from the thirteenth or fourteenth to the thirtieth, so that the most anterior mesonephric tubules develop in the same segments where the pronephric tubules also developed, although it is only posterior to the twentieth segment that the mesonephros develops typically. The mesonephric tubules, which are to connect with the ducts, are developed from radially arranged cell masses lying ventral and medial to the ducts. The most anterior of these tubules acquire a lumen by the time the ducts have developed their lumen. These tubules grow toward and connect with the duct. Later they remain as isolated vesi- cles. The grouping of the mesonephric tubules constitutes the mesonephros or Wolffian body. Some of the more cephalad mesonephric tubules seem to develop nephrostomes opening into the coelom. The tubules themselves, having formed separately from the ducts and then grown outward and connected with them, have had their out- ward ends develop a cluster of closely packed cells which lies in close Differentiation of Somites 83 relationship to the dorsal aorta. This cluster becomes the glomeruli. In fact, by the fiftli day, circulation has already been established in the glomeruli, and from then until the eleventh day, the mesonephros is at the height of its functional activity. Then the metanephros takes its place. , Ijii |! l*|jy*| The pronephric tubules, which attain even a degree of completeness, lie in the tenth to fifteenth somites. It is interesting to observe that it is when these tubules begin to degenerate that the glomeruli begin to form at the points of the tubules, close to the coelom and actually project into the coelom. These bud-like structures are extremely variable, both as to number and degree of development. They even develop differently on both sides of the chick. They appear to be best developed on the third and fourth days. It is for reasons such as these that former writers insisted that, in the chick, the pronephros really developed later than the mesonephros. CHAPTER IX THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOURTH DAY UPON opening- an egg which has been incubated for four days, the great increase in size of the embryo is the most noticeable feature. The germinal mxembrane now covers almost one-half of the yolk, and the vascular area is very prominent, althoug-h the sinus terminalis has already begun to diminish in distinctness. Fig. 301. 1. Median sagittal section o£ 82 hour chick embryo. 2. Whole mount to show regions from which A to O are cut. Sections A=A— A; B=B— B; etc. (Re-drawn from Duval.) Development of the Fourth Day 85 E,lr. E^b. C,.l.^. 86 Embryology of the Chick The amnion covers the entire chick, but as there is as yet Httle fluid in the amniotic cavity, the amnion lies close to the embryo. The splanchnic stalk forms a narrow tube, connecting yolk-sac and mid-gut, but the somatic stalk has not kept even pace with the splanch- nic, so that there is a ring-shaped space between the two through which the allantois projects. The allantois is connected by a narrow stalk with the hind-gut just cephalad to the tail. my my Fig. 302. Appendage muscles being budded off from myotomes in the European Dogfish, Pristiurns. b, muscle buds; my, myotomes. (From Kingsley after Rabl.) The cranial flexure increases to a considerable extent as does also the body flexure, so that the embryo now describes a half- circle. The muscle plates are nearly vertical in position, extending almost to the point of separation of somatopleure and splanchno- pleure, while just beyond this point of separation the somatopleure is raised to form a longitudinal ridge on each side, which is called the Wolfifian ridge. It is on this day also that the beginnings of the appendages, the wings and legs, can be seen as local swellings of the Wolfiian ridge. These arise (the wing-buds just posterior to the heart region, and the hind-limb-buds just anterior to the tail) as conical or triangular groups of mesoderm (Fig. 302) covered by ectoderm. By the end of the day the wing-buds have become elongated and narrow, while the Hmb- buds are short and broad. The embryo now lies on its left side, torsion being complete to the extent of ninety degrees. It is on this day also that a fourth gill cleft appears. The gill arches become so thick now that one can scarcely see the aortic arches in any of them. In the head region, the cephalic flexure presses the ventral surface of the head so tightly against the pharynx that the head and pharyngeal region must be removed and studied from their ventral aspects or little can be observed. Figure 296 will show that the mandibular arch forms the more caudal boundary of the oral depression, while on each side, the arch forms an elevation, the maxillary processes, which grow mesiad and form the antero-lateral boundaries of the mouth opening. The nasal pits form as hollow depressions in the ectoderm of the anterior part of the head overhanging the mouth region with U-shaped elevations surrounding them. The median limb is the naso-medial process and the lateral limb is the naso-lateral process. The two naso- medial processes grow toward the mouth and meet the maxillary Development of Fourth Day 87 processes which grow inward from each side. It is the fusion of these two naso-medial processes with each other in the midhne and with the maxillary processes laterally that forms the upper jaw, the maxilla. The lower jaw is formed by the fusion in the midline of the right and left portions of the mandibular arch. Foramen of Monro Corpus striatum III ventricle Ohonoid fissure Mesodermal tissue, forming later the chorioid plexus Pharynx Tongue Fig.303. Transverse section through the forebrain of a 16 mm. human embryo (six to seven weeks) to show the relationship of the ventricles. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Figures 282 and 288 show how the two lateral evaginations of the fore-brain stand in relation to the cephalic end of the central nervous system, and why it is that the ears come to lie on practically the same dorso-ventral level with the eyes, although they begin forming so far apart. The development which brings this about has already been dis- cussed. Here it is important for the student to observe that the two evaginations, forming the telencephalic vesicles, have an open space within them, known as the I and II ventricles — also called lateral ven- tricles. The portion between them is the III ventricle, which is later to become a mere coi;,necting slit-like tube to connect the lateral and more posterior ventricles. The entire op^ening in the fore-brain is called the telocoele; that in the diencephalon, the diocoele; that of the mesencepha- lon, the mesocoele (later called the aqueduct of Sylvius) ; that of the metencephalon, the metacoele; and that in the myelencephalon, the myelocoele. Figure 282 also shows that what was once the most anterior part of the fore-brain, i. e., the lamina terminalis, is no longer so, the lateral vesicles having extended further forward. The telencephalic vesicles become the cerebral hemispheres in the adult. These become so large that they cover the entire diencephalon and mesencephalon. All discussion of the central nervous system in our future study of 88 Embryology of the Chick comparative anatomy will depend upon the student's thorough under- standing of the development of the brain regions and vesicles as here discussed. Consequently, the various arbitrary lines used as demarca- tions must be carefully studied. The division between telencephalon and diencephalon is the imag- inary line drawn from the velum transversum to the recessus opticus. The velum is that slight extension marking the point where the primary fore-brain is to divide, while the recessus is that transverse furrow in the floor of the brain, which leads directly into the lumina of the optic- stalks. The Diencephalon : There is little change in this on the fourth day, except that the infundibular depression in the diencephalon has deep- ened, and lies close to Rathke's pocket (Fig. 301, I), with which it later fuses to form the hypophysis. Later the lateral walls of the diencepha- lon are to become thickened to form the thalami. x\s these thalami grow inward toward each other, they will cause the diocoele, or third ventricle, to become quite small. The anterior part of the roof of the diencephalon remains thin, and the blood-vessels grow downward into the diocoele as the choroid plexus. The division between diencephalon and mesencephalon is an imag- inary line drawn between the tuberculum posterius (a rounded elevation in the floor of the brain, of importance only as a landmark of this kind), and the internal ridge formed by the original dorsal constriction between the primary fore-brain and mid-brain. The Mesencephalon : There is little change in this portion of the brain, though a little later, dorsal and lateral walls become thickened to form either the optic lobes or the corpora quadrigemina. Optic lobes and optic vesicles must not be confused, as these are two separate and distinct structures. The floor of the mesencephalon thickens to form the cerebral pedun- cles of the adult, which serve as the main pathway for the fiber tracts which connect the cerebral hemispheres with the posterior part of the brain and spinal cord. The mesocoele becomes quite small by these various thickenings and is now called the aqueduct of Sylvius. The Metencephalon : The metencephalon is separated from the mesencephalon by the original inter-neuromeric constrictions which arose early and marked off this portion of the brain. The caudal boun- dary is not well defined, though it is supposed to merge in the myelen- cephalon where the roof changes from its thickened state to the thinner condition observed more posteriorly. There is little change on the fourth day in this region, though later an extensive ingrowth of fiber tracts develops both on the ventral and lateral walls. These fiber tracts form the pons and the cerebellar peduncles, while the roof of the meten- cephalon enlarges to become the cerebellum. The Myelencephalon : There is also little change in this region, but Development of Fourth Day 8&i later the roof becomes thinner, and blood-vessels push their way into the opening now called the fourth ventricle, as the posterior choroid plexus, while the ventral and side-walls become floor and lateral walls of the medulla. THE GANGLIA OF THE CRANIAL NERVES (Fig. 282, B) Along the neural crests already discussed, various ganglia are formed. The largest on the fourth day is known as the Gasserian ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve. (The fifth is also called the trigemi- nal nerve.) It lies ventral and lateral, as well as opposite to the most anterior neuromere of the myelencephalon. It forms the sensory nerve fibers which grow from the brain mesially and distally into the mouth and face region. This fifth cranial nerve is divided into three great branches : the ophthalmic, the maxillary, and the mandibular. The first branch, the ophthalmic, can be seen on the fourth day extending toward the eye, while the other two are just beginning to grow toward the mouth angle. Just anterior to the auditory vesicle a mass of neural-crest cells is developing into what is to become the facial or seventh cranial nerve and the acoustic or eighth cranial nerve. This cell mass divides on the fourth day to form the geniculate ganglion of the seventh and the acoustic ganglion, of the eighth nerve. Caudad to the auditory vesicle, the ganglion of the glossopharyngeal or ninth cranial nerve can be seen, and the ganglion of the vagus or tenth nerve may just be observed. The ninth can be seen in whole mounts, the tenth probably cannot. THE SPINAL CORD Throughout the spinal cord there is a compressed slit-like lumen known as the central canal. Just as the ganglia of the cranial nerves make their appearance on the fourth day, so, too, do the spinal nerves. It requires special methods of staining to study the growth of the nerve fibers from fiie neuroblasts, but the development of the spinal nerve roots can be studied in ordinarily stained slides. It is important to understand that in the adult there will be two roots to each spinal nerve (Fig. 290), one ventral, which is motor in function, and one dorsal, which is sensory in function. Both of these unite lateral to the spinal cord. Immediately distal to this union there is a branch extending- to the sympathetic nerve cord. This branch is known as the ramus communicans, and extends ventrad. Before the union of dorsal and ventral nerve roots takes place, a spinal ganglion or dorsal ganglion is seen lying in the dorsal roots. This ganglion is formed from the neural crests, and grows toward the cord, thus forming the dorsal root, but there are also fibers growing away 90 Embryology of the Chick from the cord from this same gangHonic region which are known as peripheral nerves. The ventral roots (Fig. 290) are formed by fibers growing out from the lateral portions of the cord itself, and are thus efferent nerves carry- ing motor impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. The sympathetic ganglia (Figs. 268, 290, 298) arise from cells which have migrated ventrally from the neural crests to form cell masses on each side of the midline on a level with the dorsal aorta. They are con- nected to form cords, and on the fourth day enlargements can be seen on these cords opposite the dorsal ganglia. These enlargements are the primary sympathetic ganglia, each one of which is connected by a ramus communicans to the corresponding spinal nerve. Later, both sensory and motor fibers will extend to the sympathetic ganglia from the spinal nerve roots as rami communicantes, while fibers running out from the sympathetic ganglia connect with the various organs of the body. THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE THE EYE (Fig. 289) We have already discussed the projections from the fore-brain which are to form the optic cups as well as how the ectoderm directly opposite the optic cup thickens to form the lens, this lens then meeting with the cup. On the fourth day the beginning of almost all the adult structures of the eye can be seen. The thickened internal layer of the optic cup will give rise to the sensory layer of the retina. The fibers which arise from the nerve cells in the retina grow along the groove in the ventral surface of the optic stalk toward the brain to form the optic nerve. The external layer of the optic cup will become the pigment layer of the retina. About the inside of the optic cup a grouping of mesenchymal cells can be seen which gives rise to the sclera and the choroid coat. Some of the mesenchymal cells even make their way into the optic cup through the choroid fissure and give rise to the cellular elements of the vitreous body. From the margins of the optic cup closest to the lens, the ciliary apparatus of the eye is derived. From the superficial ectoderm which overlies the eye, the corneal and conjunctival epithelium are derived. The mesenchymal cells which migrate to the region between the lens and the corneal epithelium give rise to the substantia propria of the cornea. The lens forms as a thickening of the superficial ectoderm, which then becomes depressed so that it forms an invagination into the Development of Fourth Day 91 optic cup. The margins of the cup narrow and converge toward the lens, while the lens itself loses its connection with the superficial ecto- derm and forms a completely closed vesicle. A microscopic study of sections of; the lens show an elongation of the cells on that side of the lens which lies toward the center of the optic cup. These elongating cells are to become the lens fibers. THE EAR The auditory placode has already been mentioned as forming on the second day. This thickening of the ectoderm sinks below the surrounding ectoderm and becomes the floor of the auditory pit. This separates from the superficial layer from which it formed. It will be remembered that this causes the auditory pit to lie close to the myelencephalon. The tubular connection formed by the constriction of the region between the sunken placode and the superficial layer where it originally forms, remains open for a time as the endolymphatic duct. It is by a series of complicated changes that this placode, which forms a vesicle, gives rise to the entire epithelial portion of the internal ear mechanism. Nerve fibers from the acoustic ganglion grow inward to the brain and outward to the internal ear, thus forming its nerve connections. The external auditory meatus cannot yet be seen, nor has the dorsal and inner part of the hyomandibular cleft as yet given rise to the Eustachian tube, which is to form later. THE NOSE (Fig. 304) The olfactory pits are merely paired depressions in the ectoderm of the head, ventral to the vesicles of the fore-brain, and just anterior to the mouth. These pits become deepened by the growth of the sur- rounding parts. The epithelium of the pits ultimately comes to He at the extreme upper part of the nasal chambers, and there constitutes the sensory epithelium. Nerve fibers grow inward from these cells to the lobes of the fore-brain, constituting the olfactory or first cranial nerves. Fig. 304. Olfactory region of the hen, A in transverse and B in longitudinal section. c, middle concha; ch, choana; i, inferior (anterior) concha; o, connection of air cavity with head; p, septum of nose; s, superior concha. (From Kingsley after Gegenbaur.) 92 Embryology of the Chick THE SKELETAL STRUCTURE On the fourth day the mesoderm surrounding the brain has increased and begins tO' show slight traces of the skull formation toward the an- terior portion of the head, and to extend posteriorly. The fronto-nasal process has already been discussed as well as the formation of the upper and lower jaws. The beginnings of the vertebral column are also in evidence, though only tO' a slight extent. Nevertheless, it is well at this point to sum- marize what will occur, so that future changes will be understandable. During the fourth day the somites have increased from about thirty to forty. Each somite now shows a more or less distinctive division into an outward lying muscle plate and an inner region which is to form the vertebral column. It is from these inner portions that processes of mesoderm are sent out by both dorsal and ventral reg'ions to the neural canal, as well as below the notochord, until these structures are com- L II. Myocoel Fig. 305. I, Redividing of the spinal segments. On the left side of the cut the sclerotomes and myotomes are seen in their original state. On the right they are seen in their final state. The cephalic portions are dotted and the caudal portions hatched. The arrows show the line of demarcation between head and neck. II, Ventral view of spinal column to show redivided parts of each vertebra. (From Corning, after Kollmann.) pletely surrounded by mesoderm. By the end of the fourth day these processes have become thickened, and are often called the membranous vertebral column. The membranous vertebral column is still segmented, each segment corresponding to the original somite from which it sprang. On the fifth day these lines of segmentation disappear in the meso- derm which becomes continuous in its surrounding of the neural canal and notochord, though the muscle plates retain their segmentation. On the fifth day also, the mesoderm lying in immediate contact with the notochord becomes cartilaginous, to form a cartilaginous sheath Development of Fourth Day 93 around the notochord throughout its entire length, while at each side of the spinal cord, paired bars of cartilage form, which will shortly fuse with the cartilaginous sheath of the notochord to form the beginnings of the neural arches. Toward the end of the fifth day the points opposite the attachment of the neural arches become thickened and more mature, but the por- tions between the neural arches retain their embryonic character. This causes what has been called a secondary segmentation of the cartilag- inous tube. Later this segmentation becomes still greater until the entire cartilaginous tube is made up of a series of vertebral rings or segments, each segment consisting of a vertebral ring with its attached neural arch, and the anterior-posterior halves, respectively, of the succeeding and preceding intervertebral rings. Each of these segments becomes one of the vertebrae which constitute the spinal column. Med. ossif. center Fig. 306. Thoracic vertebra and ribs of human embryo of 55 mm. (Middle of 3rd month) to show ossification centers. Cartilage is indicated by stippled areas, and ossification centers by irregular black lines. (After Kollmann.) It must be understood, however, that these so-called secondary seg- ments do not correspond with the somites from which they were formed. The secondary lines of segmentation lie at about the center of the muscle plates (Fig. 305), so that each of these secondary segments obtains approximately one-half of the muscle action from the immediately anterior muscle plate, and one-half from the immediately posterior mus- cle plate, thus makijig it possible for each one of the vertebrae to have the muscles from the two regions act upon it. The spinal column develops around the notochord. Ossification of the vertebrae begins about the twelfth day in the cerLtrum of the second or third cervical vertebra, gradually extending caudad. The neural arches ossify still later in two centers of ossification. (Fig. 306.) On about the seventh day, the centrum of the first cervical vertebra, or atlas, separates from the rest of the bony ring and becomes attached to the axis to form the odontoid process. On the seventh day there are present about forty-five vertebrae. 94 Embryology of the Chick The most posterior five or six fuse a little later and form the pygostyle (Fig. 418). THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM The anterior tubules of the Wolffian body disappear before the end of the fourth day, while the posterior tubules have increased in size and become convoluted. The intermediate cell mass from which they arise is quite prominent. In cross-sections the convoluted tubules will nat- urally be cut at all angles, but they can be distinguished from the duct by observing their much thicker walls. The glomeruli can also be seen filled with blood vessels. The permanent kidney, or metanephros (Fig. 307), begins its Fig. 307. Diagram of Urogenital Organs. A, in indifferent stage, B, development of the male from the indifferent anlagen, and C, development in the female from the indifferent anlagen. The dotted lines represent the organs in their relative positions in the adult stage with the exception of the Mullerian duct in the male and the mesonephric duct in the female. These latter ducts disappear for the most part. (After Hertwig.) development toward the fourth day in the region lying between the Wolffian body and the cloaca, that is, between the thirtieth and thirty- fourth segment. The metanephric duct, or ureter, forms first, as did the ducts; of the pronephros and the mesonephros. This duct grows forward on the outer side of the mesoderm lying in the region just mentioned. It grows from the dorsal side of the posterior end of the Wolffian duct anteriorly. Naturally it has an opening into the Wolffian duct from which it is a diverticulum, but on the sixth day it develops a separate opening into the cloaca. It is from these ureters that lateral outgrowths arise, which join with the rods of tissue now forming in the surrounding mesoderm. These outgrowths then develop into the tubules and Malpighian bodies of the metanephros in a similar manner to the way the Wolffian bodies developed. The permanent kidney is quite small when compared with the mesonephros, but it increases in size to a considerable extent just before hatching. Development of Fourth Day 95 THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (Fig. 307) On the fourth day a thickened strip of peritoneum forms on the lateral and superior face of the Wolffian body, which later extends all the way to the cloaca. This may be called the tubal ridge. It appears first at the anterior end of the Wolffian body and grows posteriorly, immediately external to the Wolffian duct. This tubal ridge invaginates to form a groove-like arrangement at the cephalic end of the Wolffian body. The lips of this groove then fuse to form a tube — the MuUerian duct. Fusion takes place on the fifth day. The anterior end of this Miillerian duct remains open in the coelom. The Miillerian duct becomes the oviduct. There are several openings which will develop at the anterior end in addition to the main one, but these latter close normally. Should they remain open, the abnormal condition of having two open- ings in the duct results in the adult stage. The posterior end remains closed. The older embryologists considered these two or three openings in the Miillerian duct as homologous with the nephrostomes of the pronephros, and so insisted that the pronephros followed the mesonephros in the chick. Modern embryologists consider that these openings lie entirely too far posteriorly and laterally to permit of this older interpretation. In both sexes so far development has been alike, but on the eighth day the Miillerian ducts begin to degenerate in the male. They disappear almost entirely by the eleventh day. In the female chick, the left Miillerian duct forms the oviduct, while the right Miillerian duct degenerates. The left one alone remains functional. The Wolffian body disappears almost entirely in the male, though a small group of tubules, covering the anterior head of the testes, remains as the epididymis. In the female it also disappears almost entirely, the part remaining being the parovarium, a small body lying in the mes- entery between the ovary and the kidney. The Wolffian dyict disappears entirely in the female but acts as the vas deferens, or sperm duct, in the male. The germ cells probably arise from the entoderm in vertebrates. The entoderm is never metameric, though some of the older embryolo- gists spoke of metameric gonotomes as primitive segmented regions which were to form the gonads. At about the time the somites form, the portion of the entoderm which is to become the gonads, migrates through the developing meso- derm in the epithelium of the genital ridges which have formed imme- diately lateral to the mesentery. The primitive or primordial ova, or sperm, can be recognized not only from their size but from their reactions to microscopic stains (Fig. 254). 96 Embryology of the Chick In the female, the epithelium increases in thickness to an enormous extent. The primitive ova multiply, and the products of this multiplica- tion, accompanied by some of the epithelial cells, sink into the deeper stroma of the connective tissue, and thus form ovarial or medullary cords, each such cord containing a number of ova. The cords then break up and each egg becomes surrounded by a layer of epithelial cells, the whole forming a Graafian follicle. The follicle cells supply the nourish- ment to the tgg lying within. This whole growth takes place only on the left side of the chick, as the right ovary is not functional. In the male, the beginnings of the gonad formation are similar to that of the female; but instead of the cords breaking up into separate follicles, each cord develops a lumen which becomes converted into the seminiferous tubule. One can, however, see in the walls of these tubules both types of cells that were seen in the Graafian follicle. Indeed, there is found a third type of cell called Sertoli's cell, which is supposed to act as a sort of nutritive or nurse cell to the developing sperm. THE ADRENAL BODIES While these bodies lie closely attached to the kidney, they have not developed as a part of the urinary system. It is important to know that the adrenal organs, which are among the prominent ductless glands now studied in the schools, arise from two separate and distinct origins : First, by a proliferation of peritoneum, and second, by a prolifera- tion of the sympathetic ganglion cells. It is the portion arising from the peritoneum which connects with the mesonephros. The peritoneal proliferations begin as cords, or strands of cells, along the dorsal aorta. These then connect with the renal vesicles of the mesonephros. Later, the sympathetic proliferations extend within the peritoneal cords, so that the peritoneal cords now become the cortex and the sympathetic portions become the medulla of the adult adrenal glands. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM At this point it is well for the student not only to realize, but to appreciate the great number of experiments necessary to demonstrate biological facts, as well as to understand the great number of possible errors and objections which men may bring forth to oppose the inter- pretation of these facts after the facts themselves have been demon- strated. Suppose the question were raised whether the first beating of the heart of an embryo is muscular or nervous in type. What experiments, for example, would be necessary to answer such a question satis- factorily ? Development of Fourth Day 97 Off hand, one might say that, as nerves carry impulses to all mus- cles and as there are ner^^es in the heart muscle, the action must be nervous. Nerve fibers grow into the heart muscle from the nerve cells close by, but the very finest nerve stains known, have been unable to demon- strate that there are any nerves whatever in the heart muscle at the time of its earliest beating. It may be objected that, however fine our nerve stains may be, they are not sufficiently sO' to demonstrate possible nerve cells or parts of nerve cells. And that, if we improve in our technical ability by obtaining new stains, we may expect to find nerve-cell-sub- stance heretofore unseeable. This objection is not well taken because, if any muscle be removed from the body and placed in normal salt solu- tion, the muscle fibers do not lose their contracting ability, although in a few days the nerves degenerate and can be dissected out. If, then, our present stains do show the nerve fibers clearly in embryos, and these can be seen to be in exactly the same position as in the adult heart, as demonstrated by the experiment just cited, it is quite reasonable to assume that the stains do show all the nerve fibers that are actually present. If this be true, we can demonstrate that all such nerve fibers, which normally take a stain, have been destroyed. But, the new nerve- less muscle still contracts and expands. It could, of course, be argued, in so far as this is embryonic material not yet far removed from the germ plasm, that, therefore, every particle of the embryonic material still retains some of the undifferen- tiated nerve cells, and consequently every part of the embryo does actually retain some slight nervous substance which may, under extra- ordinary circumstances, be brought forth. This objection is overcome by an experiment performed some years ago by taking a portion of the adult intestinal tract, chopping it up very finely, and placing it in a test tube. Notwithstanding the fact that it was thoroughly chopped up, this substance still was able to digest food placed in the tube with it. Those who insisted that all action is nervous in type, then contended that the different particles of the intes- tine still retained soni,e of the essential parts of the nerve cell, so that, notwithstanding the fact that the parts had been cut up into very tiny particles, the essential nervous elements were still doing the work. A portion of intestine was then kept in a chemical medium similar to that mentioned in the heart-experiment, and, as with the muscle- experiment, the nerves degenerated and were dissected out, although the intestine itself continued performing its normal functions. If the tough adult nerve-structures are so easily degenerated in a normal salt solution, it is surely safe to assume that the hundred- fold more delicate embryonic nerve structures will also be destroyed in such a medium. 98 Embryology of the Chick It will be remembered that the heart grows as a simple straight tube, and that the blood is formed in the blood-islands by the cavities flowing together. As these cavities fuse they become tubular, forming the vitelline veins which carry the blood to the heart. It is of the utmost importance to remember that this early heart tube, even before the blood passes through it, has a slow, irregular ''beat." This, however, is not a true heart-beat but merely the func- tional movement of living muscle. The true heart-beat is established at that particular moment when che thin membrane which separates the anterior from the posterior por- tion in the tubular heart breaks through by the greater pressure of the blood from the posterior region pressing forward. The tiny membrane can be seen to bulge out toward the head region until it finally breaks. From that moment on, the blood forces its way through the heart and begins a rhythmic muscular reaction on the part of the heart. The architecture of all muscles is such that various muscle cells are antagonistic to other muscle cells in the same group, so that each muscle can, if it elongates, also contract and shorten, the two sets of fibers being mutually antagonistic, so as to retain a normal balance. The heart muscle shows this principle admirably in that it is composed of two groups of spirally wound muscle fibers, the one unwinding as the other winds up, thus causing a mutual interaction which keeps up by the rhythm of the heart-beat. From the study of physics w& know that, when two streams which run in different directions meet, a vortex is formed. If we now turn to our earlier description of the development of the circulatory system during the first two days, we shall find that there are two openings into the heart from which streams of blood are brought into that organ. As these two blood vessels send their streams together a vortex is formed. We thus find a physical explanation as to why the heart muscles follow in their growth the optimum stretching caused by the spirally running stream of blood. From, all that has been said above, it follows that when a heart is removed from an animal body and kept "alive" for days or weeks, it is but the physical continuation of the normal muscular antagonistic reaction of the two spiral shaped groups which have been wound up quite as a clock is wound. As months and years have elapsed in the winding of these spiral muscles, it is quite natural to< understand that they are still sufficiently wound when removed from the body so that they will continue in action for some days if no external conditions exist to cause a stoppage sooner. Such external conditions may be pressure, friction of various kinds, or a drying up of the tissues when not retained in proper media. If the immediately preceding paragraph be remembered, one can Development of Fourth Day 99 always explain such objections as this: "If potassium is removed from the medium in which a heart is placed, it ceases to function, thereby proving that it is the potassium solution which causes the reaction." It will be remembered that it was stated in the preceding paragraphs that the action of the muscles will continue for some time until external conditions cause a stoppage. The removal of potassium solution from the surrounding medium has nothing to do with the reaction ability in the muscle cell itself, but its removal removes a factor necessary to reaction, by making the medium one in which it cannot react. An exam- ple may make the matter clearer. A living human being has the power to move his arms and walk about. This power is retained for many years. Let us suppose that we remove certain substances from the air which are needed for his lungs to function. An individual breathing such an atmosphere would either slowly or rapidly (depending upon what gases are removed) grow less and less able to move his arms or to walk, and in a short time this ability would cease entirely. In other words, such an individual needs a certain kind of atmosphere for breath- ing purposes, without which he cannot perform his normal functions. This, however, is vastly different from saying that the constituents of air are the cause of his being able to move. From what has been said above, all that we can say, in regard to nerve-and-muscle-action, is that experiments tend to demonstrate that muscle cells have the ability to act and react, and that the nerves are only the connectors and impulse carriers, by which a coordination of muscle cells, which are not in contact with each other, may be brought about. In the embryo, the yolk is converted into blood, and the pressure of that blood as it passes through the various vessels with its greater posterior and its less anterior pressure, brings about the results men- tioned above. In the adult, the food that is taken in and converted into blood, works on quite similar principles by continuing to produce a greater posterior than an anterior pressure. The embryonic circulation can only be understood when it is realized that it varies from the adult circulation in a manner that is accounted for by the difference between embryonic and adult feeding. In the embryo, due to the fact that the food comes entirely from the yolk, there is developed a yolk or vitelline-circulation. As the chick's lungs are non- functional before birth, and the allantois functions as a respiratory organ, there is developed an allantoic circulation, while a third type is the cir- culation of the embryo itself. The vitelline and the allantoic together constitute the extra-embryonic circulation. All food material to the embryo comes from the yolk (although the yolk particles do not turn directly into blood. It is the action of the entodermal cells which line the yolk-sac and pour out a secretion of 100 Embryology of the Chick enzymes, which breaks down the yolk granules). It is thus seen that it is the vitelline vessels which carry food into the embryo, and it is the allantois which serves both as a respiratory and excretory organ (at least until the nephroi are formed). It is the allantoic circulation which permits the escape of carbon dioxide and other waste matters. Therefore, the intra-embryonic circulation has nothing to do with either manufacturing blood or throwing out waste matter (until the nephroi are formed) ; it serves only as the carrier, distributor, and col- lecting system of both food and waste materials. As all three systems, intra-embryonic, vitelline, and allantoic send their vessels to and from the heart, the contents of all three systems mingle in that organ, although, of course, the vitelline circulation is the richer in food material, and the allantoic the richer in waste matter. It is at this point that the student must again remember that arteries need not necessarily carry blood rich in food matter, but that an artery is any blood-vessel carrying blood away from the heart under a high pressure. This pressure probably accounts for the fact that arterial walls are thicker and stronger than venous walls. Veins are the carriers of blood to the heart. THE VITELLINE CIRCULATION This has been described in detail at an earlier period. THE ALLANTOIC CIRCULATION We have already spoken of paired vessels extending through each segment of the embryo which arise from the aorta at about the level of the allantoic stalk. One pair of these segmental vessels increases in size as the allantois grows, and is distributed over the allantois in a rich plexus. As the allantois lies close under the shell, there is thus afforded a large area where gases can easily be exchanged and oxygenation be brought about. After such oxygenation and the extrusion of the carbon dioxide, the allantoic blood is gathered by the allantoic veins, and car- ried back to the heart. The excretory ducts later develop in the embryo and then empty into the allantoic stalk close to its cloacal end. It is at this time that the allantois begins to function as a receptacle for solid waste matter, which, after the fluid parts have been evaporated, retains this waste- matter until it is thrown off at the birth of the animal. The right and left allantoic veins run cephalad in the lateral body- walls of the chick, and enter the sinus venosus, one on each side of ilie omphalomesenteric vein. These two allantoic veins will shortly fuse and form a single umbilical vein (Fig. 308). The yolk-sac is regarded as a diverticulum of the intestine, and the allantois as a diverticulum of the urinary bladder, which itself is an out- growth of the alimentary tract. Development of Fourth Day 9 101 Fig. 308. the L? £ At .ho»f .„ V^^°."*/'l^*y ^°";f-. Secondary union of veins around F lei;t;,S,'«t,i^ ? ?" °"^ hundred hours. Definite arrangement of the vessels F. Relationship of liver vessels, c. Vena cava posterior (inferior); rfC, ductus 102 Embryology of the Chick These outgrowths carry their blood vessels with them. Therefore, the omphalomesenteric artery and the vitelHne veins (these latter are diverticula of the omphalomesenteric veins) extend out over the yolk, constantly increasing as to both absolute numbers and as to branches, as the yolk-sac spreads over the yolk. The allantoic arteries are also called umbilical arteries. They are what will later be known as hypogastric arteries. In birds and reptiles five vessels, three arteries (one omphalomesenteric and two allantoic), and two veins (one vitelline, really omphalomesentric, and one allan- toic), connect the embryo freely through the umbilical stalk (Figs. 284, 297, 308). In mammals, where there is little or no yolk, the yolk-sac is reduced or absent entirely arid the omphalomesenteric and vitelline vessels dis- appear very early, so that the umbilical cord, or stalk, contains only the two allantoic arteries and one allantoic vein. In the dogfish and all elasmobranchs, where there is a large yolk-sac but no allantois, the vitelline circulation alone is found, the allantoic not being present. THE INTRA-EMBRYONIC CIRCULATION The large vessels communicating with the heart are the first ones to appear in the chick embryo. At thirty-three hours the ventral aorta extends headward, bifurcating ventral to the pharynx to form a single pair of aortic arches. This pair of arches passes dorsad around the pharynx and then runs tailward on the dorsal wall of the gut as the paired dorsal aortae (Fig. 277). On the second day, as the visceral arches and clefts appear, this original pair of aortic arches comes to lie in the mandibular arch. In each of the visceral arches posterior to the mandibular, new aortic arches are formed, which connect the ventral aortae with the dorsal aortae. Cuvieri; dv, ductus venosus; g, gut; hi, left hepatic vein; hr, right hepatic vein; /, liver; o, omphalo-mesenteric vein; p, anterior intestinal portal; M, rudiment of pancreas; ul, left umbilical vein; ur, right umbilical vein; v, vitelline vein; I, II, primary and secondary venous rings around the gut. (After Hochstetter.) G to /, Diagrams to show the origin of the postcaval vein and the chaneres in the abdominal vein in amphibians and reptiles. G, elasmobranch stage. The lateral abdominal veins i enter the common cardinal veins c and are not connected with the renal portal veins p. H, the lateral abdominals i have joined the renal portals at t posteriorly, and anteriorly pass into the liver /, where they unite with the hepatic portal vein h; a new vein, the postcaval vein g, is seen growing caudad from the liver /, where it arises from the hepatic veins o. I, condition in the adults of urodele amphibians; the postcaval vein g, has reached and fused with the posterior cardinals e and the subcardinals / at the point r; the two lateral abdominal veins have united to form the ventral abdominal vein_ i which empties into the hepatic portal h. J, condition in adult reptiles; the anterior portions of the posterior cardinal veins n are obliterated, leaving the postcaval vein q as the sole drainage for the_ subcardinals / and the kidneys k ; the two lateral abdominal veins remain separate as in elasmobranchs. a, anterior cardinal vein; h, sinus venosus; c, common cardinal vein; d, subclavian vein; e, posterior cardinal vein; /, liver; ^, _ postcaval^ vein;_/t, hepatic portal vein; i, lateral (or in /, ventral) abdominal vein; /, subcardinal vein; k, kidney; I, iliac or femoral vein; m, caudal vein; n, obliterated part of the posterior cardinals; o, hepatic veins; p, renal portal veins; q, pelvic veins; r, union of postcaval, posterior cardinals, the subcardinals; s, union of postcaval and subcardinals; t, union of abdominal vein with the renal portal system. (From Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy," by permission of The Chicago University Press.) Development of Fourth Day 103 •At fifty-five hours we saw there were three pairs of these aortic arches with a fourth pair just beginning to form. It is at about this period also that there is an extension headward from the dorsal aortic roots. These extensions form the internal carotid arteries which supply the brain. The external carotid arteries arise later from the ventral aortic roots. They also grow cephalad as do the internal carotid arteries, but, unlike the internal carotids, the external carotids supply the face. By the end of the fourth day two more pairs of aortic arches appear Schematic diagrams illustrating the changes which take place in the aortic arches. A, embryonic^ prototype ; B, Fishes; C, Urodeles; D, Lizard; E, Birds; F, Mammals, The dotted lines show the portions which have become obliterated in the adult forms of the animals mentioned, ao.asc, ascending aorta which branches into the following aortic arches: 0,00, 1, 2, Z, 4; ao.desc, descending aorta; bot, duct of Botallus; pulm, pulmonary artery; subcl, subclavian artery; 0,00, 1, 2, 3, and 4, the six aortip arches. (After Boas.) posterior to those already present. The fifth pair of aortic arches is very small and disappears in a short time. The first and second arches have become smaller and also finally disappear. Probably most often the entire first arch has disappeared by this time and sometimes the second has also gone. Consequently, there are present only the third, fourth, and sixth 104 Embryology of the Chick pairs. While these arches do not remain intact permanently, though parts of them do, it is from these three pairs that the main blood vessels arise. In reptiles, birds, and mammals, all the main vessels of the adult connecting the heart with the dorsal aorta are derived from the fourth pair of embryonic aortic arches. It is important to remember this, as our studies in comparative anatomy will consist of the study of an amphibian, a dogfish, a turtle, and a cat or rabbit, and the student will be required to show similarities and differences of this nature in the different groups. In reptiles the aortic arches remain in pairs (Fig. 309), but in birds the left arch degenerates, while in mammals it is the right arch which degenerates. The dorsal aortae, which began as paired vessels, now fuse close to the sinus venosus. The portion extending cephalad is fused for a very short distance, though never involving the region of the aortic arches. Quite early in development there are segmental vessels arising from the aorta which extend into the dorsal body-wall. The pair at a level with the anterior appendage-buds enlarge and extend into th.- wing- buds as the subclavian arteries. We have already mentioned the pair opposite the allantoic stalk which has enlarged to become the allantoic arteries. The external iliac arteries which supply the posterior appendage- buds arise as branches from the allantoic arteries close to the origin of the aorta. At four days, the chick embryo still has the omphalomesenteric arteries as its main visceral supply. It will be remembered that these arteries are paired originally. But as the embryo (which must be con- sidered as having its ventral portion open and thus lying extended over the yolk of the egg), comes to have its ventral walls meet and grow together, the omphalomesenteric arteries, like the heart and other paired structures which later become fused to form a single vessel or organ, are brought together and fused, thus forming a single vessel which comes to lie in the mesentery and runs from the aorta to the yolk-stalk. The proximal portion of the omphalomesenteric artery persists as the superior mesenteric of the adult, after the atrophy of the yolk-sac. The inferior mesenteric artery and the coeliac artery arise from the aorta independently at a later stage. The cardinal iVeins are the main afferent systems of the early embryo. They form on the second day as paired vessels on each side of the midline and extend both headward and tailward. The anterior and posterior cardinal veins on the same side come together to form the duct of Cuvier, which duct runs ventrally and enters the sinus venosus. On the fourth day there is practically no change in the cardinal veins. Later, the proximal portions of the anterior cardinal veins become Development of Fourth Day 105 connected by a new transverse vessel which forms and enters into the venous atrium of the heart, while the distal portions remain as the jugular veins of the head region. The posterior cardinal veins (Figs. 301, 308) lie in the angle between the somites and the lateral mesoderm. It is of importance to locate these vessels and understand their position, as the excretory sys- tem develops in close relationship to them later, and their relation to the excretory system cannot be understood unless their de^'elopmental process is closely followed at this stage. The mesonephroi develop from the intermediate mesoderm so that the posterior cardinal veins lie just dorsal to them throughout their length (Fig. 301). In fact, the posterior cardinal veins are the principal afferent ves- sels of young embryos. However, in the adult these posterior cardinal veins will be replaced by the large vena cava. With the foregoing in mind as a sort of general view of what has taken pla>ce and what will take place in the main blood vessels, we may enter into a little more detail. THE HEART The heart began as a paired structure. When the ventral walls of the embryo came together, the two portions of the heart also came together to form a single tube in the midline of the body, close to the ventral portion. After this fusion the heart is nearly straight and double-walled. The endothelial Hning of the heart has the same structure and is con- tinuous with the entering and outgoing blood-vessels. There is a thickened layer over the heart, called the epimyocardium, which later separates into a thickened muscular layer, the myocardium, and a thin non-muscular covering called the epicardium. As the paired tubes have come together to form the single heart, the splanchnic mesoderm from each side of the body has also come together to form the dorsal and ventral mesocardia (Fig. 275). The ventral mesocardium disappears almost immediately after its formation, but the dorsal mesocardium continues suspending the heart for some little tim^, also disappearing ultimately, except at the more caudal portion of the heart. The heart, now lying in the pericardial cavity, is attached at both ends and grows much more rapidly than the surrounding body, so that it begins to fold upon itself. The bending of the organ must be care- fully studied, or later work upon the heart will have little meaning. (Figs. 274, 276, 279, 280, 283, 287.) It will be noted that the cephalic end of the heart is attached just where the aortae leave it, while the caudal end of the heart is attached where the omphalomesenteric veins and the dorsal mesocardium meet. 106 Embryology of the Chick It will also be noticed that the caudal or ventricular end grows toward the right. The physical restriction placed upon the growing heart by the dorsal bending of the entire embryo, and the pushing in of the yolk dorsally, plus the fact that the entire embryo (by torsion) comes to lie upon its left side, accounts for the particular shape and direction of the heart's bending. As the U-shaped bend continues to grow, the closed portion of the U is forced caudad and twisted upon itself to form a loop. This forces the atrial (venous region) portion slightly to the left (that is, toward the yolk) and the conus arteriosus is thrown across the atrial region by being bent to the right (or away from the yolk), and then caudad. The closed portion of the loop is the ventricular region. By this twist- ing process the original cephalo-caudal relations of the atrial and ven- tricular regions have become reversed, the atrial region now lying cephalad to the ventricle. Not only has the position of the two regions become reversed, but a constriction is formed which divides atrium from ventricle (Fig. 283). The constriction itself forms the atrio-ventricular canal. It is on the fourth day that the bulbus arteriosus, which lies across the atrium, presses down its ventral surface, thus beginning to indicate right and left divisions of the atrium. These divisions become complete later. The ventricle has an indication of a right and left division also at this same time, caused by a longitudinal groove which appears on its surface. The bulbus later divides to form the root of the aorta and the pul- monary artery. Though the heart began its formation at the level of the hind-brain, it has come to lie now on a level with the anterior appendage-buds. The ventricular portion is the more unattached and so extends the more caudad. Histologically, the endocardium of a four-day chick is still a single layer of cells, while the myocardium can be distinguished from the outer epicardium. The myocardium is composed of elongated cells which show some resemblance to the muscle cells they are to form. They are arranged in bundles extending toward the lumen. These bundles will become the trabeculae carneae of the adult heart. The cells of the epimyocardium are becoming flattened to form the true epicardium, while loosely placed mesenchymal cells lie in the region between endocardium and myocardium near the atrio-ventricular canal. These mesenchymal cells will take part at a later period in forming the various septa which are to divide the heart into chambers as well as in forming the connective tissue frame-work of the valves. The ventricular septum is completed at about the sixth day, its Development of Fourth Day 107 anterior edge fusing with the posterior edge of the septum which divides the truncus arteriosus into right and left halves. The anterior edge of the septum of the truncus arises between the fourth and fifth aortic arches in a manner which causes the blood com- ing from the left side of the truncus (that is, from the left ventricle) to pass through the third and fourth aortic arches, while the blood from the right ventricle passes into the fifth aortic arch. About the seventh day the right and left parts of the truncus sepa- rate completely from each other. The right branch remains connected with the fifth aortic arch as the pulmonary trunk, and the left is connected with the third and fourth arches as the systemic trunk. The ventral ends of the third arches become the subclavian arteries, carrying blood to the anterior appendages, while the dorsal communica- tion between third and fourth arches disappears. This means that the blood now passes from the left side of the heart through the third arch to the anterior appendages, and through the fourth arch to the dorsal aorta. About the fifth day, the fourth pair of arches are the larger of any arches remaining, the left one, however, becoming smaller and smaller in size until it disappears almost entirely. The right fourth aortic arch grows larger and larger to form the systemic arch of the adult chick. In mammals it is the right arch which disappears while the left alone persists as the systemic arch (Fig. 309). Early on the third day, the pulmonary arteries form in the walls of the lungs and extend toward the fifth arch with which they connect at the ventral ends of these arches. The dorsal end of the fifth arch, between the point of union of the pulmonary artery and the dorsal aorta, is called the duct of Botallus (Fig. 309). This ductus Botalli offers the blood from the right side 'of the heart a passage into the dorsal aorta so that little passes through the capillaries. The duct, however, shrivels up at the time of hatching, and becomes entirely closed so that all the blood from the right side of the heart must pass into the pulmonary circulation. It is at this time that the lower portion of the aortic arch becomes the pulmonary artery. ^ THE VEINS The anterior and posterior cardinal veins unite with each other on a side to form the duct of Cuvier and then enter into the meatus venosus. These anterior and posterior cardinals bring back the blood to the heart from practically all parts of the body except the digestive organs. The anterior cardinals persist as the jugular veins to which the pectoral veins from the anterior appendages soon become joined. From the head and neck the vertebral veins also join the jugulars. The posterior cardinals remain large as long as the Wolffian body 108 Embryology of the Chick is functional, but as the permanent kidneys develop, these veins become smaller and smaller and ultimately disappear. The ducts of Cuvier persist in the adult chick as the anterior venae cava©. The posterior or inferior vena cava develops from the meatus veno- sus, which was formed by the union of the two omphalomesenteric veins. To understand the evolving process by which the posterior vena cava comes into existence, it is necessary to follow carefully the devel- opment of the surrounding organs. The liver forms as a diverticulum from the digestive tract. This diverticulum then grows around the meatus venosus until it completely surrounds the meatus. Blood-vessels form in the liver, extending toward the meatus venosus, into which they open by the fifth day. At the posterior edge of the liver, there are a number of afferent hepatic vessels coming from the meatus venosus through which some of the blood coming to the heart from the vascular area may enter the capillaries formed in the liver substance. At the anterior edge of the liver, where the meatus venosus might be said to be leaving the liver, there is a collection of efferent hepatic vessels whose distal ends are in direct connection with the capillaries of the afferent hepatic vessels. The blood passing through the liver has two courses it may take. Most of it passes through the large meatus venosus into the heart, but some of it passes through the afferent hepatic vessels into the liver sub- stance where it is collected by the efferent hepatic vessels and is carried to the meatus venosus. That part of the meatus venosus lying between the afferent and efferent hepatic vessels, is often called the ductus venosus. The two allantoic veins already described unite on entering the body to form a single vein emptying into the left (persistent) omphalo- mesenteric vein. It is well to remember that as the yolk-sac decreases in size, the allantois increases, and so, too, the relative size of omphalo- mesenteric veins and allantoic veins changes ; the omphalomesenteric becomes smaller and the allantoic becomes larger, so that it almost seems as though the omphalomesenteric were a branch of the allantoic. Both of these veins disappear at the time of hatching. The superior mesenteric artery was formed by the closure of the ventral body-wall so as to bring the paired omphalomesenteric veins together, to form a single vessel running from the aorta to the yolk- stalk. As the yolk-sac atrophies, the proximal portion of the omphalo- mesenteric artery becomes the superior mesenteric artery. The mesenteric vein is formed by a union of the veins from the walls of the hinder part of the digestive tract, which there form a single vein. This vein is at first quite small, and empties into the omphalomesenteric vein just before the latter enters the liver. The point of entry may be Development of Fourth Day 109 said to be the beginning of where the omphalomesenteric vein becomes the meatus venosus. It will be noted, therefore, that the blood which goes to the liver comes from three sources : (1) Through the omphalomesenteric vein, from the yolk-sac. This blood is rich in food material and has been oxidized in the vascular area. (2) Through the allantoic vein from the allantois. This blood is very rich in oxygen. (3) Through the mesenteric vein from the digestive tract of the embryo. This blood is venous in character. The mesenteric vein increases in size with the growth of the embryo, and after the omphalomesenteric and allantoic veins disappear at the time of hatching, it persists as the hepatic portal vein of the adult chick. This large vessel brings blood back from the hinder parts of the digestive canal to the liver. On the fourth day, the posterior, or inferior, vena cava proper arises. It forms between the posterior ends of the Wolffian bodies, and runs forward in the midline, ventral to the aorta. It joins the meatus venosus anteriorly between the heart and the anterior edge of the liver, and pos- teriorly it connects with the permanent kidneys as soon as these are formed. It also connects posteriorly with the hind limbs and the caudal region. The posterior vena cava is at first quite small, but as more and more blood is sent from the developing metanephroi and the caudal region, it becomes even larger than the meatus venosus of which it was originally but a branch. Just before the vena cava becomes larger than the meatus venosus, the efferent hepatic vessels have shifted their position so that they now enter directly into the vena cava instead of the meatus as formerly. In fact, before the time of hatching the entire portion of the meatus venosus lying between the heart and liver becomes obliterated, so that all blood flowing into the posterior end of the liver through the portal vein, passes into the posterior vena cava through the hepatic vein (Fig. 308, I, J). The relative changes in the size of blood vessels must be clearly understood and followed, or the circulatory system of the embryo, and consequently, also the circulation of the adult will be hopelessly confused. It is well kt this point to obtain an idea of the embryonic circulation of a little later time than that of the fourth day which we have been discussing. By the beginning of the sixth day, the septa, which have already been mentioned, have divided both auricles and ventricles into right and left halves (Fig. 283). However, neither of these septa are complete. The septum that separates the two parts of the auricle develops perforations, and in the human heart these perforations form an oval-shaped opening 110 Embryology of the Chick called the foramen ovale, which may, in the abnormal cases, remain open and thus cause a constant intermingling of venous and arterial blood. Usually, such persons do not live long, although there are notable exceptions. This inter-auricular foramen closes at the time of hatching, so that the blood from the right auricle can be sent to the lungs for aeration as soon as these organs become functional at birth. The septa are sufficiently developed so that we may speak of four divisions or cavities in the heart. This makes a double circulation pos- sible, namely, the systemic and the pulmonary (up tO' the time of hatch- ing, the allantoic circulation takes the place of the pulmonary). By this time, then, the heart is fully formed. The sinus venosus has been a,bsorbed into the right auricle, of which it forms a part. The open foramina allow blood to pass back and forth between the auricles. The ventricular septum is more complete. The truncus arteriosus is divided into two separate vessels : the pulmonary trunk arises from the right ventricle, and the systemic trunk arises from the left ventricle. The aortic arches which are still present are the third, fourth, and fifth, and small portions of the first and second. The systemic trunk from the left ventricle leads to the third and fourth pairs of aortic arches, from which the head and fore-limbs are supplied. The pulmonary trunk, arising from the right ventricle, leads to the fifth pair of aortic arches, which are directly continuous with the dorsal aorta. It is from these that the small pulmonary arteries arise. It will be remembered that, as the lungs are not yet functional, there is little use for these vessels until later. An omphalomesenteric artery carries blood to the yolk-sac, and a large allantoic artery passes from the aorta to the allantois. The venous system consists of the right and left anterior venae cavae, and the posterior vena cava. The former drain the head and fore-limbs, and the latter the posterior portions of the body, the limbs, and the kidneys. Before reaching the heart, the posterior vena cava is joined by the ductus venosus (through which blood is returned from the yolk-sac, allantois, and embryonic alimentary canal) by the omphalomesenteric, allantoic, and mesenteric veins respectively. All three venae cavae open into the right auricle of the heart, but due to the position and direction of the opening, and to a valve, the blood from the posterior vena cava is directed through the foramen ovale into the left auricle, while the blood from the right and left venae cavae (anterior) remains in the right auricle. As the auricles now contract, the blood which has come from the posterior vena cava is forced into the left ventricle and passes out through the systemic trunk through the third and fourth pairs of aortic arches to the head and fore-limbs, while the blood from the anterior Development of Fourth Day 111 venae cavae passes out through the right ventricle through the pulmon- ary trunk and thus through the fifth aortic arches into the dorsal aorta, from where the blood goes to the body and hind-limbs of the embryo. A small portion, however, is carried out along the omphalomesenteric arteries to the yolk-sac and through the allantoic arteries to the allantois to take up nutriment and oxygen. In the early embryo, a much greater portion of this pulmonary circulation goes to yolk-sac and allantois. It is assumed that the vastly greater proportion of blood supply to the anterior region, as contrasted with the smaller quantity to the pos- terior portions, accounts for the greater and more rapid development of the head region, which, it will be remembered, is the first part of the chick to develop. The disproportionate development of the head may be realized when it is known that the human child at birth has a head about one-fourth the length of its entire body, while in adults the head extends to only one- seventh of the body's length. At about the time of hatching, the ductus BotaUi (which it will be remembered is that portion of the fifth aortic arch lying between the dorsal aorta and the point of origin of the vessel that runs to the lung) — (Fig. 309) — closes up entirely, so that the blood from the right ventricle must pass through the pulmonary veins back to the left auricle. The lungs now become functional and the true pulmonary circula- tion is established. The allantoic circulation, which is no longer needed, ceases, while the allantoic arteries and veins disappear, as do also the omphalomesenteric arteries and veins when the yolk-sac has finished its work, and the hatched chick can take in its own food. It is at this time also that the entire supply of blood, which goes to the liver, passes through the mesenteric vein, which is now called the hepatic portal vein,. The ductus venosus has closed, and so all blood brought to the liver must pass through the hepatic capillaries before reaching the heart. The foramen ovale does not close immediately after hatching, but does so in a few days. As soon as it does, all blood returned to the heart by the three venae cavae is emptied into the right auricle from which it is then forced into the right ventricle, thence through the pul- monary artery to the lungs, and back through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle, from which it is forced into the left ventricle, and finally through the systemic trunk. Such an entire separation of venous and arterial bloo^ is called a double circulation. CHAPTER X THE COELOM AND THE MESENTERIES IN OUR account of the earthworm (Vol. I), the student was introduced to all higher forms of animals possessing a coelom or body-cavity. The chapter on the earthworm should be reviewed at this point. Then, too, in the early part of our work on chick embryology, we have seen how the mesoderm divided into splanchnopleure or somato- pleure, and how the organs growing out from their respective beginnings pushed a layer of one of these coverings before them. And we have also seen how the chick embryo is quite similar to an animal which has had a ventral incision made along the midline and then had these two halves stretched over a yolk-sphere so that its organs or portions of organs, which developed from two primordia or beginnings, later came together when the fusion of the ventral body walls produced a single organ of the two separated halves. In adult birds and mammals, the coelom, or body-cavity, consists of three regions, known as pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal. The pleural region is paired, each half containing one lung. The other two chambers are unpaired. The pericardial region contains the heart, and the peri- toneal region contains all the abdominal viscera. As the coelom arises by a splitting of the mesoderm, and the two halves of the chick are spread out over the yolk, the coelom is naturally a paired cavity, only becoming a single cavity when the ventral body walls of the embryo come together, and the ventral mesentery then disappears. There are no segmental pouches in the chick coelom as there are in some of the lower vertebrates, though it cannot be said that this is unlike the lower forms ; for, by the time the coelom appears in the chick, the pouches would already be broken through any way, and have become connected. As the mesoderm splits and the splanchnopleure and somatopleure extend out over nearly the entire yolk-sac, it is to be understood that much of this split mesoderm is extra-embryonic. This has already been described in an earlier chapter. Here we are concerned with the embryonic coelom. The portion of the embryonic coelom which gives rise to the three body-cavities mentioned above is marked off by a series of folds which separate the body of the embryo from the yolk. With the closure of the ventral body walls, the embryonic coelom becomes completely sepa- rated from the extra-embryonic though in the yolk-stalk region it remains open much longer than in other portions (Fig. 281, C to G). COELOM AND MESENTERIES 113 It is this same closure of the ventral body walls which also brings the two portions of the gut together ventrally. This causes the newly- closed gut to lie between the two layers of splanchnic mesoderm, while the body-spaces on each side form a right and left coelomic chamber. In fact, there are double layers of mesoderm which enclose and support the gut. These double layered supports are called mesenteries. The dorsal mesentery remains as a continuous support — at least the greater portion of it does — but the ventral mesentery soon disappears, causing the right and left coelomic cavities to become confluent. In the liver region, however, the ventral mesentery does not dis- appear (Fig. 293). The liver arose by a ventral outgrowth of the gut and extended into the ventral mesentery. As the liver grows ventrally from the digestive tract there is a portion of the ventral mesentery lying dorsal to the liver, that is, between the liver and the gut. This persists as the gastro-hepatic omentum while the portion ventral to the liver is called the ventral ligament or the falciform ligament. The dorsal mesentery persists, as stated, but has different names in different parts, i. e., mesocolon, where it supports the colon, mesogaster, where it supports the stomach, etc. Septa grow out from the body wall to divide the body-cavity into the pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal chambers mentioned above. CHAPTER XI DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIFTH DAY ON THIS day the head and tail of the embryo have nearly come together by the gTeat curving- of the chick. The yolk is com- pletely covered by the blastoderm while nearly two-thirds of the blastoderm is vascular area. THE LIMBS It is during this day that the limb-buds increase considerably in size, and are marked off into a proximal rounded portion and an expanded distal region. It is in the expanded distal region that the digits can be seen to form in cartilage. The rounded proximal portion is slightly bent at the points where elbow and knee joints will be formed. The elbow and knee-angles at first are directed almost straight out from the body, but on about the eighth day both fore and hind-limbs rotate until the elbow-joint points caudad, while the knee-joint points cephalad. By the end of the tenth day, both pairs of appendages have their definite outlines, though feathers and nails are not yet formed. Although the structures which are to become bones are first out- lined in cartilage, they later become ossified. There are three well- formed digits in the expanded distal portion of the fore-limb at this time with a possible fourth in a rudimentary condition, while in the expanded distal portion of the hind-limb there are also three well-defined digits with two in a rudimentary condition. The development of the bony vertebrae has already been discussed. Here it is well to state that the ribs develop as cartilaginous bars in the body wall of the chick. The ventral ends of these fuse ventrally, and after fusion, a portion of each of the fused ends separates from the remaining ribs from which they formed. It is this portion which has separated that becomes the sternum. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKULL The skull is divided into two regions: (1) The skull proper, and (2) the visceral skull. This latter is that portion of the skull which has developed from the visceral arches. THE SKULL PROPER The notochord forms a sort of central portion around which the vertebrae form. The anterior end of the notochord serves a sort of similar function in the head region. Development of Fifth Day On each side of the notochord, a sheet of cartilage develops, two sheets are known as parachordal plates (Fig. 310). They 115 These form a /JVP.'-' o-ch. c/i teeter. baser ~ hyp "^O.hl. 'O.k feet s.ot ^^ W^ 426 Comparative Anatomy Figure 474 shows the five ways in which impulses are and may be distributed. Ganglia are those centers similar to brain nuclei, which lie outside the brain; some books still use this term interchangeably with brain nuclei. Brain stem (also called segmental apparatus, because it is supposed that the primitive type of brain consisted of a mere tube of nerve-cells with which the peripheral nerves were connected, a pair passing from each segment as in the spinal cord of the higher forms) is that portion of the cephalic end of the central nervous system upon which the enor- mous cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres develop in all higher forms. These latter are then called the suprasegmental apparatus. Cerebrum consists of fore-brain and mid-brain, the most cephalic part of which develops into the cerebral hemispheres which are again divided as seen in the table. The pallium in the highest animal forms is the cerebral cortex or mantle (Fig. 472), but in the lower forms such as the fish, in which the entire hemispheres are a part of the olfactory apparatus, the pallium con- sists of the olfactory apparatus and the two tracts of nervous matter connecting the olfactory lobe with the hinder portion of the cerebrum. One of these tracts, the hippocampus, passes dorsal, and the other, the olfactory tract, passes ventral to the foramen of Monro. They lie on the medial side of each hemisphere. Archipallium is the word now used for the pallium in the lower vertebrates where this mantle is concerned practically only with the olfactory apparatus. Neopallium has, therefore, come into existence as a term to designate the pallium of the vertebrates whose brain is not governed entirely by its olfactory apparatus, but where impulses from the general somatic senses may be adjusted and be redistributed in a great correlation region — the cerebral cortex. In the table, the pallium corresponds to this neopallium which has grown out lateral to the hippocampus. Rhinencephalon (nose-brain). The entire olfactory apparatus divides into peripheral and central regions as shown in the table. Corpus Striatum (Figs. 472, 473). This is the name given to the entire mass of large nerve cells which connect the brain-stem with the cerebral hemispheres. It is also called the basal ganglion. It will be noted that the corpus striatum thus forms the main portion of the stem of the end brain. It is called striated because it consists of masses of gray matter separated by sheets of white matter, thus producing striations. In the lower forms of vertebrates (Fig. 473), some have this body fairly well developed even though there be no cortex, while in reptiles and birds, in Avhich there is a small amount of cortex, it is quite highly Nervous System 427 developed. In these animals, the corpus striatum seems to be a reflex center of a higher order than the thalamus. There is doubt as to the exact function of the corpus striatum. Ramon y Cajal thinks that, in mammals at least, this body functions as a reinforcement center of the descending motor impulses coming from the cortex, as these fibers give off collateral branches when passing through the corpus striatum, while the striatum itself sends important descending tracts into the thalamus and cerebral peduncle. The white matter consists of fibers that pass between the cortex and deep parts of the brain-stem, which have no functional connection with the striatum itself. These are called projection-fibers, and are partly ascending and descending fibers which pass between the thalamus and the cortex, and partly descending motor projection-fibers of the cortico- spinal or pyramidal tract, cortico-bulbar tract, and cortico-pontine tracts. The gray matter of the corpus striatum forms the two nuclei named after their respective shapes, the caudate and the lentiform nucleus (Fig. 475). Most of the projection-fibers pass between these two nuclei in a wide band of white matter which is called the internal capsule. These same fibers radiating from the internal capsule toward the capsule are called the corona radiata. The external capsule is formed of a thinner sheet of fibers external to the lentiform nucleus. Many cases of apoplexies and other cerebral diseases cause hemor- rhage and other injuries in the internal capsule, there destroying some of the fibers ; therefore, the study of the exact arrangement of sensory and motor projection fibers within the internal capsule is of great clinical importance. Claustrum is the name given to the thin band of gray matter lying between the external capsule and the cortex of the insula (Fig. 475, B). Nucleus amygdalae is a small mass of sub-cortical gray matter under the tip of the temporal lobe. It forms part of the nucleus olfactorius lateralis. Thalamus (Fig. 475). The middle and larger subdivision of the diencephalon ; sometimes even applied to the entire diencephalon and called the optic thalamus. As all nervous impulses which reach the brain cortex, except those that come from the olfactory organs, pass through the thalamus, this organ serves as a sort of vestibule for the cortex and probably also as a great relay station for the incoming and outgoing nerves. It is to be remembered that the optic fibers Avhich occupy the thala- mus take up much of that organ, but it should not be called the optic thalamus because all fibers to and from the cortex, regardless of whether coming from the eye or not, pass through the thalamus. 428 Comparative Anatomy Nucleus lentiformis \ Capsula interna (pars lenticulo-thalamlca) Nucleus caudatus Nucleus amygdala (cut) Capsula interna (pars lenticulo- caudata) Traclus olfactorLus -Traetus opticus •'' Infundibulum'''" Hypophy- f anterior lobe '" eis cerebri \ posterior lob