®lje ^. p. pai pbrarg ^ortl| OJaroIina ^tate College 0H43 G4- :Ajer." o «ee. NORTH /fii!ia?'^f«s,n ,(;i^''^«/« ^00949510 MAR 3 0 1993 THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY BUILDING. 50M/10-85 //W-<^<^-t-^f/^ »/'^<^-<>r^^i^!^;>2Cs^ A GENERAL SYSTEM OF NATUB^E, THROUGH THE THREE GRAKD KINGDOMS OF animaliQf, 2legetablcs(, ann ^inecalg ; SYSTEMATICALLY DIVIDED INTO THEIR SEVERAL CLASSES, ORDERS, GENERA, SPECIES, AND VARIETIES, WITH THEIR HABITATIONS, MANNERS, ECONOMY, STRUCTURE, AND PECULIARITIES. Translated from Gmelin's last Edition of the celebrated SYSTEMA NATURAE, BY SIR CHARLES LINNK AMENDED AND ENLARGED BY THE IT^PROVEMENIS AKD DISCOVERIES OF LATER NATURALISTS AND SOCIETIES, ff^'ith appropriate Copper-pldes, BY jriLLIAM TURTON, M, D. AUTHOR OF THE 5IEOICAL GLOii.VRY. VOL, m. " Thus may our life, exempt from public haunt, ' *' Find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, " Sermons in stones, and good in every thing." SHAKESPEARE. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LACKINGTON, ALLEN, AND CO. TEMPLE OF THE MUSES, FINSBUUY-SQUAaK ; SOLD ALSO BTMR. COOKE, AND MESSRS. HANWELL AND PARSER, OXFORD; MR. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE ; MR. AUCHEBj DUBLIN ; A.VB MF.SSPS. MUNDr.Li, AND SON', EDINBUP.c; H . 1S02, ORBER III. LEPIDOPTERA. AVings 4, covered withjine imbricate fcales : tongue involute, Jpiral : body hairy --m 71. PAPILIO. 4' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. 71. PAPILIO. Antennae growing thicker towards the tip, and generally ending in a knob : wings ^hen litting, eredt, the edges meeting together over the abdo- men. They tly in the day-time. • Buiter-fly, For the more ealxly afccrtaining the fpccies of this numerous and beautiful tribe, I have given the divilions both of Linne and Fabricius ; the latter of which is adopted, as exhibiting cha- raderidics saaiQ clear and certain. Linnean divijion. Equites. Upper-wings k>nger irorqi^the pofterior angle to the tip than tothcbafe: antenhce often fiHform. " •• a. Trojans, Generally black, with fanguincous fpots on the brtafts. , b. Gxuh^ Bxeail -ivithotvt ^Bg^ttincotis fpots ; aR G|€cl4at lo>*'er ones with a band of 5 red Ipots and lunules. Inhabits Tranfuebar. Cramer Inf. tab, ^2,^ fig% A. Is probably a nicrc variety of the laft. Wirigs tailed black, both furfaces the fame colour; the upper pair with an interrupted white band, lower* ones with numerous crimfon fpots. ln\iiJv.i Afia. Cramer Inf. tab 13 !,/"/>. A, Nat. Miscel. t. ZJl, Clerk Icon, tab. 35, fig, i. lablon Pap. 2, tab. 1 },,fig, 2, Head And upper-margin of the thora.x red : abdomen black : tail red : upper-ivi.igs with a broken white fpot at the tip. Ascanius, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papjlio. Eq. Tro. 7 AscAnius, Wings tailed, black with a common white band, both Turtaccs alike, the lower-ones clouded with red. Inhabits Brafil. Cramer hif l^tob. 14. f'\g. A. Bti-i black : breaft with fanguineous K^oi^ j the white band 13 mixed with red on the lower-wings which have red lunulcs* Anunor* Wings tailed, both furfaces the fame colour, black fpotted with white, the lower ones with a marginal row of red lunules. Inhabits /«4'/fl. Natutaliffs Mi/cel. tab.\()']. IMons. pap. Zitah. ll,fig. l. Drury InJ. z^tab. "i, fig* I. Head red: antennae h\Ac\^ ; thorax black: abdotmn \wK\\.& with red bands: swings \s\x.h. numerous fcattered white fpots, the lower pair grcenifli in the middle with a red iunuif at the angle of the tail. TreUusm Wings tailed black : the upper ones with pale marginal fpots ; lower-ones with pale fpots above, and fulvouS ones beneath. 'Inhabits North America. Cram, hf 18, tab 207, fig. A. B. C. Drury Inj, X^tab. H'/tg 3-5. labhns. pap, 2- tab, ^Jijig-l'^. lUtnau.'^: Wings tailed black ; the lower-ones with a blueilh border, lulvoiis at the angle of the tail, with red fubocellar bitarious fpots beneath. Inhiibits Georgia, Smithes Lepidopterous Ins of Georgia, Glaacus. Wings tailed brown; the lower-ones blue-black, fulvous at the angle of the tail, with yellow- bmules beneath. Inha! its America. Jonet. Fig. pia. I, tab. 4;. Llerk Icon tab 24, pg \. Wittgt c ouded, both lurf ires nearly the fame colour, the upper- ones with a yellow ipi.t ; the velow lunules on the Jower- iv/ngs arc marked with an oraujc fpot. PaJinttrus, Wings tailed black with green -gold fpecks and a common blue-green band Inhabits Traiqueha- ; middle-fized. Bo^ covered with green-gold (pecks : all the nu/^l^j black, be- neath fpeckled with white, the upper o^ies cinereous at the lip, the lower-ones with margirul fubocelLtr fulvous fpots. Crins. Wings tailed black with grecn-gold fptcks and a common biuc-grecn band, the lowcr-oiics oencath with ^rccn blue and cinereous lunules. Inhabits /[/9-/Vg. 2. lakl. Pap. 2, tab. 18, fi^. r. Vpper.iKings witth 2 parallel bands, the margin Jpotted with yellow; lower pair beneath of the lame colour but the fpots arc are larger and more fulvous. Fhorhanta. Wings tailed black fpotted with blue ; lower-ones with an interrupted while band beneath. Inliabits C«>v«w. Aubent Mucdi. tab. ^"^y fig. 1,2. Fhilenor. Wings tailed black; the lower-ones with a grceaifli glofs, and 7 red fubocellar fpots beneath. Inhabits America. Cramer Ins. 1 3, tab. 208, fig. A. B. Drury I, tab. I I, fig. l, 4.- lab/, Fap. 2, tab, 79, fig. 2, 3. Body black ; abdomen fpeckled with white : margin of the ^fj^r- nvings varied with white and h'ack : lo!gs 6»cicft: fcollops of the wings rufous. Idccus. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with an abbreviated yellow band: lower-ones with a palmate red fpot and dots. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro, 13 Inhabits Mfl^r<7J. Jones Fij^' pict. i.iah.z^. Palmate fpot paler beneath, icollops of the wings whitifh. ]'ertupinus. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with a round green fpot in the middle ; lower-ones with a palmate fanguine- ous fpot. Inhabits Surinam, Cramer. Inf. 1 8. tab. 1 1 1. /^. A, B. C. Upper-'wings beneath immaculate : /o-Tv^r-ny;«^j with a red Alin- ing 4.clcft fpot. ^■€neas. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a green fpot above: lower-ones with a red palmate fpot. Inhabits India. Cram. In/. 2/^. tab. zyi^-fg. A. B. CD. h'us. Wings indented black ; upper pair with a white fpot, low- er ones beneath with red dots at the bafe and angel of the tail. Inhabits /i/«mr^. Jones Fig. pict. l^tai.zg. Upper-'wings with a white fpot in the middle bifid at the future, beneath immaculate : loiver-nvings with 4 red dots above at the angle of the tail, beneath 4 at the bafe and 4 larger ones at the angle of the tail : indentations of t[it both furfaces alike ; upper-pair with a black fpot, under-ones with a brown margin and 5 white dots. Inhabits AV-w Holland i lefs than the laft. Body black : thorax fpotted with white : tip of the upper-wings brownifh : lower-wings dnflcy with a whitifti ftrcak in the middle. EquUes. Greeks. • RIpheut, Wings with 6 tail-like procelfes, black with green bands : lower-ones with a large red patch inclofing 2 black dots. Inhabits Caromandel. Cram, 3. tah. 385. /j-. A. B» NaturalifFs Mifcellatty. iv. tab. 1 25. Wings with tranfverfe green lines and a band in the middle bifid at the tip s body black with z green line down the middle. Leilus* Wings tailed both furfaces- alike, black with a.fliining green band and numerous narrow ftripes. Inhabits America. Cram. 8. tab. 85./: D. E Nat. Mi/c. t. 360- Body black with green lines ; Imuer-wings whitilh at the bottom with black marks : antennae green ; lawa covered with long ftrong briftles, green with a blue head : pupa pale brown {potted. La%)ima. Wings tailed black barred with green, beneath filvcry with fulvous ftripes. Inhabits America. Body black ; feelers white. Upper-wings indented black with a band of 5 oblong green fpots, and 3 lelfcr ones between the band and the thicker margin, . beneath varied with white fulvous and fivery with a black blotch at the thick edge in which is a white bihd line and a flexuous blue one : lo-wer'Wmgs wiih an entire green band at at the bafe and another behind ot 7 fpots, angle of the /^//ful- vous, beneath filvery with 3 fulvous itrcaks and a white band in the middle. Wings tailed white with a black border j lower-pair with abrown band beneath. Inhabits Africa, ijram. 32. /. 378./. D.E. /. \S^-fS- ^' ^* Head and thorax black dotted with white: abdomen wh^m^ with a black line, the fides dotted with black : upper-njumg) black on. the outer margin and tip with a yellow dot at tne tip, both furfaces alike : hind margin of tne lower-nnnngi dotted with black; beneath wh;tifh with brown veins and a broad brown band in the middle ; the hind-margin brown. Dolicaon' i6 INSECTS. LEPIDOPT£RA. 71. Papilio. Eq, Gr. Dolicaony Wings tailed white with a common black border : lower- oheS with marginal white dots each fids. ^ Inhabits America. Cram. Papil. 2. tab, \'] . fig. C. D. Both furfaices of the swings nearly alike, but the lower-ones have a black ring in the white diik beneath ; tail black tipt with white. Vlyjjh. Wings tailed black with a blue radiating dillc ; lower-pair with 7 ocellate fpots beneath. 1 Inhabits Afia. Cramr. Papil. 1 1 . tab. izi.fig. A.l^. Naturalist's Mi/cellany. m. tah. ()Z. Thorax and abdomen black wtth a brown border: Diomedcs, wj^gg tailed black, the difk unequally radiate with blue ; lower-ones withbluelunules. Inhabits India. Cramer. Papil. 11. tab. izz.fig. A. Naturalist's Mifcellany S. tal>. zg6. , ,.^ ^ ,,, • •. Tborax bl.nck with 4 white dots : abdomen reddilh fpeckled with green, the border paler : edge of the wings varied with white: uMer-ivincs with a common blue patch in the middle m which is a large round black fpot, thelhoulders radiate with green. Protepaus. Wings tailed, both furfaces nearly alike, white with brown bands and a fingle red one beneath ; angle of the tail red. Inhabits America. Cram. Inf. 17. ^^^- 202. fig. A. B: Lar-va black, fpinous. Antilochus, Wings tailed, both furfaces alike, yellow with black bands and margin; the tail white and as long as the ■wings. * 1 •• I o ln\vib\ti North America, Catesbjs Carolina, n. tab. S^^. *Po/w Wings tailed, both furfaces nearly alike; yellowifli with double brown bands and rnargin: lower-ones with 5 blue ocellate fpotsand reddifhline beneath. Inhabits Europe, Cramer, hifi. 13. tab. 152. fig. B. Dono'vansxv.tab. \0(^. Ls'win.tab.y^. Z.ar7c« J finall, brown. . Upper-iuitigs brown at the bafe with a few darker ftripcs, a white band in the middle, the tip black with 6 or 7 white dots: be- neath glaucous with a white band and fulvous ftreaks : Icnu- er-iiings with 3 ocellar black fpots with a whitie iris on the hmd-margin, a fmall rufous fpot at the angle of the tail, tail of the wings long black edged with white: underneath with a few fulvous ftreaks and 3 black dots behind. Orjihcbus. Wings tailed ; upper-ones with 2 white bands: lower- ones with one ; beneath white at the bafe with a ful- vous band. Inhabits iV«r/««»/- Cramer Inf. 17. tab, 200. Jig. F. G. L(wjer ivings with 2 black eyes, the iris white, at the angle of the . tail which is appendaged and ferruginous ; tail of the wings long black edged with white, beneath white at the bafe with a fulvous band, the tip brown with a glaucous fireak. Curius* Wings tailed, both furfaces alike, black ; upper-pair with 2 hyaline bands, lower-ones with a fmgle white one. Inhabits Siam. In the Mufeum of Sir jfos. Banks. BoayzhovQ brown, beneath whitifh, fides of the abdomen dotted with black : hind band on the upper-nvings broader^ith black veins : .'a// of the wings very long black, the outer edge and tip white. OSlaviWi Wings tailed hyaline with a red margin and ftripe. Inh-Ahhs Surinam. Cramer. In/- ^i tab. ^(). Jig. A. ^0^ fmall black : angleof the /■ fig. G. H. Agamemnon Wings tailed black fpotted with green ; lower-ones with 3 rufous lunules beneath- Inhabits Ada. Cramer Inf. 9. tab. \o6.fg. C D. Oreps, Wings flightly tailed, above black beneath yellowifli, all of them with a fnowy diflc and 2 black bands. Inhabits Africa. In the mufeum of Mr Francillon. All the nvifigs white with a black border and 2 bands; the fore- margin with 6 white bands and on the lower-ones a line of black dots ; lo-vsr furface the fime but tne colour is yellowifh initead of black. Pylades, Wings indented fnowy with a black border dotted with while; angle of the tail with a rufous eye. Inhabits Africa. In tlie mufeum of Mr. Francillcn. Wings beneath ycllowifh dotted with white, the difk white; a red line from the bafe to the middle of the rib, DemAetis^ Wings indented black with yellow fpots and bands, under- ones with a blue and rufous eye. Inhabits Eaft In.-fia. Cram. Inf. 20. tah. 2^1 fig. A. B. Lay-z-a folitary g.abrous, vellow-green with a tcftaccous head, 2 tentacula and 2-horncfd Lail. Epius. Wings indented brown fpotted with yellow ; lower-ones with a rufous fjot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits China. Cramer Inf. 20. tab. z^z.fig. A. B. Lemidas. Wing«? indented, both furfaces nearly alike, black fpotted with green; lower-ones with a green diik. Inhabits Afnca. Cramer Inf. I. tab. C). fig. B. C. Body blsck fpattcd with white : abdomctt p^le, brown on the back; ivings paLr Deneath, Tynderaus. 22 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. Tynderaut Wings indented black fpotted with green ; lower-ones va- ried beneath with green brown and red, the bafe dotted with black. Inhabits Jones Fig. plB, \. tah. ^"j. middle-fized. Thorax black with cinereous lines : abdomen beneath green : upper-imngs beneath brown with green fpots and marginal rufous ones : 'voings beneath brown at the bafe and dotted with black, then with a broad green band, next 2 rufous fpots, the tip brown with a macular green band and a few red dots. Antheus. Wings indented black barred and fpotted with green ; lower- ones variegated beneath, with 3 red lunules. Inhabits ^^«^o/««. Jonet Fig. piS. i. tad. 56. Upper-nvings with a rufous eye at the angle of the tail; all of them beneath with a brown border pale bands and a ftreak behind of whitifh dots, the difk whitilh including in the under-oncs a bjack lunule with an approximate Imallerrone, angle of the tail with a black lunule and 5 blueifh ones. Nireuf. Wings indented black with a green gilt band, beneath biackilh. Inhabits ludia. Cramer InJ. 16. tab. iSy./g. A. B. Lciver-ivingi with a macular white ftreak beneath. Latedemon. Wings indented black with whitifh marginal lunules; lower-ones chefnut-br«wn with 7 black lunules be- neath. Inhabits Malabar. Jones Fig. piSl. l.tab. 63. Body hro\Nn dotted with white; »WiPr-w/«g-j varied beneath with whitifh and black. Zenobia, Wings indented black with a common white band, and marginal fpots ; lower-ones beneath yellow at the bafe and ftriate with black. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Figpici. I. tab. 68. Cyncrta. Amphima = ckus. Wings indented black with a common fnowy band ; lower- ones beneath yellow at the bafe dotted and ftriate with black. Inhabits Jones Fig.piil. 1. tab. 87. Differs from the laft in wanting the marginal fpots and in having 3 black dots on the under furface of the lower-wings. Wings indented black with a ihining blue-band; beneath white on the tore-part, cinereous behind. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. ,1. Papilio. $at. 23 Inhabits the Indies. Sulx. Hiji. Ins. tab. 1 4. fig. 2. 3. All the luings white from the bafe to the middle beneath with brown marks, under-ones with a whitilh dot and 7 chefnut fmall ones with a white pupil. Jmpbitriott Wings indented black with an unequal yellow band; lower- ones beneath with a ftripe of yellow dots and blue lunules. Inhabits America. Cram. Inf. I. tab. y./j". A. B. Lotuer-ivings beneath with a ftripe of 7 large round yellow fpots and a ftreak of 7 blue lunules terminating at the angle of the tail in a yellow dot ; the margin with yellow ^cavities. Hippceoon, Wlngs indented black fpdtted with white, the common difk white. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Fig. piSl. I. tab. 88. Head and thorax black fpeckled with white: abdomen white with 2 lines of black dots: lovjer-iuings with 3 marginal white dots, beneath chefnut-brown with a white bafe and ftripe of white dots. Difimilis. Wings indented with dilated veins, black with white arrow- Siaped fpots i lower-ones with marginal yellow fpots beneath. Inhabits Jfia. Cramer. Inf. 7. tab. ^i.fg- C. D, JJpmiUst Wings nightly fcalloped, both furfaces alike, black with' blueilh-white dots ; lower-ones with fcarlet dots. Inhabits China. Cramer Inf. 13. tab. 154./^. A. Satyri, Hypjipyle. Wings indented yellow varied with black and radiate at the tip ; lower-ones with 7 red dots Esp. Pap. tab. l^.fg. I. tab. SZ'fS' ^' . Inhabits Southern Europe. On the Ariftolochia Clematitis. Larva yellow dotted with black and armed with flefhy verti- cillate red fpines tipt with black : pupa pale with an obtufe head. Trapejus, Wings entire fulvous, all of them with 4 blind eyes. Inhd^bits RuJ/ia Cram Pap. 32. tab. 375* A ^ ^* Wings edged with brown, with 4 or 5 black eyes; upper-ones beneath pale fulvous, lowtr-ones beneath cinereous with a brown band and margin. ForttPtatuj, a4 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Fertunatus. Wings entire brown ; lower-ones marbled with white and black beneath. Inhabits Lapland; fize of P. hyperanchi. Bodi black; antennae yellowilh: upper-ivings with both fides alike. CfytMs. Wings very entire brown : upper-pair with a yellow band and fubtripupillate eye, lower-ones with t; eyes. Inhabits Jfrica Cramer. Inf. i. tab. 86. fg. C. D. Hyperbttu. Wings very entire brown with a rufous patch ; upper-ones with a bipupillate eye, lower-ones b'ind beneath. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. Pap. 14. tab. \6'i. fg. C.D.E F. Caffus. Fbrimel, Philtclti. Renatu Crof^i Wings very entire brown : upper-pair with a double eye, lower-ones with 3 eyes. Inhabits Africa. Cramer Pap. 27. tab. '^X/i^.fio. C. D. This is probably a mere variety of the laft. Wings very intire brown ; under-furface of the upper-ones with 2 eyes, of the lower-ones with 7. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. tab. 50. /j-. 2. Upper-Swings with 2 blind eyes, under-ones immaculate ; under- furface paler with a common brown band in the middle and behind this 2 black eyes with yellow iris and white pupil on the upper-pair, on the lower-ones 7 eyes- Wings very entire brown ; upper-pair with a tripupillatc eye, lower-ones with tranlverfe waved lines. Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. iS^.fg. D. E. F. C/erL tab. 45./^. 3. Eye on the upper-swings tripupillatc each fide. Wings very entire, both fides alike, black wtth a common white band ; upper-pair with a tripupillatc eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Pap. 28. tab, 326. fg. B. IVings brown at the bafe and black at the tip, the eye black with 3 white dots: refembles the laft. Wings very entire blue with numerous black flreaks ; upper-ones with a tripupillatc fpot above. Inhabits Surinam. Upper-swings with a black fpot in the middle, containing 3 white dots, beneath fhining blue with a black patch and tip : lcn.ver- i\:ings blue both fides with numerous black waved Itrcaks. natmnumxi * Iftpcranthu s , INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 25 *llyperan- Wings entire brown; under-fide of the upper-pair with 3 ''^'''^- eyes, the lower-ones with 5, placed 2. 3. Inhabits Europe. Donoimn. viii. tab. 271. Lfucin. tab. 20. All the iA:ings above edged with yellow with fomecimes a yellow dot or two; beneath chefnut-brown edged with yello'.v, the eyes black with a yellow ring and white pupil. Clerimon, Wings {lightly fcalloped ; upper-pair with a black eye above, all of them with 4 minute eyes beneath. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 1 5 fig. i . • Upper-vjings with a large eye above, tlie iris yellow pupil white: k^juer-^'ingj with 2 fmall eyes, the pupil white. Zachaiiu Wings entire brown with 2 eves above; under-fide of the upper-pair with 4, of the lower-ones with 6 eyes. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict^ 4. tab. IS* A?- ^' All the eyes with a white pupil. Etius, Wings very entire brown ; upper-pair with a bipupillate eye ; lower-ones with 3 eyes above, beneath black with a white dot in the middle. Inhabits Laplaiid, on the highefl mountains. Hind-margin of all the nvifrgs with cinereous dots : upper-vjings with 3 eyes, the firft with 2 fmall pupils the others blind, be- neath with 2 eyes the firft with 2 pupils the other blind. Oedippus. Wings very entire, above black immaculate, beneath browff with about 3 eyes on the upper and 5 on the lower- ones. Inhabits Rufjia; fize of P. Hyperh Banks. Uppcr-'u/ings brownifli at the tip with 2 ferruginous eyes, the iris brown furrounded with a black ring, the pupil white ; beneath glaucous with a ferruginous ftreak and 2 curves, the tip darker with 6 eyes : IcTver -'wings with a brown margin and darker flreaks ; bei.eath glaucous at the bafe with 2 ferruginous curves and llreak in the middle, the tip darker with 7 eyes. Cornelius, Wings very entire dull cinereous ; lower-ones with 4 ap- proximate eyes. Inhabits Davus, INSECTS. LEMDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 27 Inhabits jfofies Fig. pict. 6- tah. 49. fig. 2. Wings b3neath a little paler waved \Aith brown, lower-ones with 4 marginal approximate black eyes with a filvery pupii. Wings very entire fulvous; upper-pair with an eye and white bands beneath, lower-ones with 6 eyes. ln\\^\Ais Germany. Ejp. Pap. tab. %i^jig. 3. Male with the eyes above obfolcte. *Prt/«/>>6/Afx Wings very entire yellow; under-fide of the upper-ones with a finge eye, of the lower-ones cinereous with a band and + obliterated eyes. Inhabits Europe. Ernft. tab. zg. fi^. (j6. Le^in. tab. Z'i,. fig. 3.4. Larva grecniih with a whitiOi dorfal line, tail 2-toothed : pupa green. * Arcanius. "VVings very entire ferruginous; under furface of the upper- ones with a fm^le eye, ot the lower-ones with 5 the firii f^parated by a band. Inhabits Eurcps. Ernft. h:f. Europ, tab. Z(). fig. 57. Lar'va green with darker dorfal lines and lateral yellow ones, tail 2-toothed. Leandcr. Wings very entire browniHi ; lower-pair beneath cinereous with fulvous tip and 6 eyes Inhabits Sourthern Europe. Efp. Pap. tab. ^().fig. 5. Wings of the male hr ^\\'r\, female upper-ones fulvous lower ones brown with an eye or two or none in the upper and 4 or 5 ia* the lower-ones. Sahaus. Wings entire brown ; upper-pair ^with 4 blind eyes above, and 6 pupillate ones beneath. Inhabits Europe. Efp. Pap. tab. 22. fig. 4. Lo-iver-ivi}!gj fulvous at the tip wiih an indented white band, then 6 black eyes with a white pupil and laftly a filvery flreak. * Hero. Wings very entire fulvous; under-furface of the'upper-pair with a fingle eye, of the lower-ones v/ith 6. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, tab. 186. Lcn.vin. tab. 23. fg. 5. 6. Wings with a few marginal fpots above and a yellow band be- neath before the eyes. Jrctous. Wings very entire brown; upper pair with a bipupillate eye both fides; lower-ones above nearly blind. Inhabits JVt-xu Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jofeph Banks. Small brown, Upper»n.vings with a large black eye, the iris fer- ruginous as INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papllio. 2>at. ruginous and doable pupil white : loiver-wings with a minute eye, beneath grey with a larger eye, Phrjneuj. Wings entire above white, beneath brown with white veins and 5 eyes. Inhabits Rujpa. Ejp. Pap. tab. fg.fg. 3. 4. ^tfrt^ fm til white : nvings with 5 eyes near the margin beneath, the pupil white. Jffypbeuu Wings entire both fides alike, white with brown bands ; upper-pair with a black eye, lower-ones brown. Inhabits Eajl India. Cratner Pap. 8. tab. ^z.fig, 6. Wings with 4 brown bands, the laft terminal, the eye on the upper-ones in the fiift band with a yellow iris. Baldus, Wings very entire brown ; upper-pair with an eye on each furfacc, the pupil double j lower-ones with 4 eyes above and 6 beneath. Inhabits India; fraall. In the mufeum oi Dr. Hunter. All the ivings with brown and cinereous waves beneath : eye on the upper-pair black with a ferruginous iris and double filvery pupil : lo'vjer-nvings with 4 black eyes above, the iris ferrugi- nous pupil filvery, beneath with 6 eyes in approximate pairs. Magus. Wings very entire dull fulvous: upper-pair with an eye each fide, the pupil double; lower-ones with 2 eves above and 3 beneath. InhaDits Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab. ^^./g, I. ^o<2'v fmall brown: upper -^'ings brown on the hind-margin and before the margin a large black eye with a double white pupil, both fides nearly alike : imder-ivings variegated beneath, Vromus. Wings very entire black ; upper-pair with the dilk rufous in which is a double eye. Inhabits //fl/^'; fmall. Lovier'ijuings above immaculate beneath cinereous. Eumenus Wings very entire half brown ; upper-ones with a . black tripupillate eye on both fnrfaces. Inhabits IVeJi India. Cramer Pap. 8. tab. 92. fig, F. G. Upper-rwings blue on the inner margin, the tip with 3 darker bands, a large black eye with 3 white pupils in the middle : kixer-wing: blue, the inner margin brown with 3 blsck bands towards the tip: undcT-fide of all brown at the bafe, the tip white with black bai'ds and all of them with a black eye, that on the upper-pair tripupjjjatc on the lower blind. Ephpu INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 29 Wings very entire blue with purple bands ; upper-pair with an eye each fide which is tripupillate beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. Pap. tab. 'i<^-fg' E- F- Wings above blue with 4 purple bands at the tip, the eye in the middle of the upper-ones '.vith a white pupil: beneath brown with yellow bands, the eye on the upper-ones with 3 white pupils. Wings very entire dull cinereous; upper-pair brown at the tip with a tripupillate eye each fide. I \-\\i2iWn% Cayenne : Imall. Upper-zdnjrs with waved yellowifli llreaks at the tip and a largfs black eye with 3 blue pupils : Itnver-ivings with yellowifli blotches and brown llreaks at the tip. Wings fcalloped above brown ; upper-pair with 2 eyes and 2 white dots \ lower-ones marbled beneath. Inhabits Rujia. E/p. Pap. tab. S^. fig. 4. Loiver-ivings with a black dot orj^two at the angle of the tail beneath. Wings indented above brown ; upper- pair with 2 eyes ajid 2 white dots, lower-ones with an angular black ftreak beneath. Inhibits Africa. E/p. Pap. 1. tab. \f)' fig. 3. Eyes on the upper. n.tjings at the cuter margin with the white dots between them ; lov.er-i'jings varied wiih brown and white with an angular black llreak. Wings fcalloped black ; under-fide of the upper-pair with 2 eyes, of the lower-ones with cinereous bands. Inhabits Italy ; fize of P. hftsea. Male with the wings above immaculate, female with 2 fmall black eyes the pupil white and 2 minute white dots between on the upper-ones, a black ocellarfpot on the lower-ones : beneath all of them blachifh with 2 black eyes the pupil white and iris ferruginous and 2 white dots between them on the upper- ones. Wings indented bfown ; upper-pair with 2 eyes and 2 white dots both fides, lower-ones with 2 black dots. Inhabits Italy ; fize of the former-ones. All the wings with an obfoletc rufous band ; upper-ones bcnearh with i ferruginous diflc, lower-ones grey beneath with 2 cme- rcoui bands and 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. Fauna. 3^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapHIo. Sat. ' Fauna. Wings intented above brown ; upper-pair with 2 eyes and 2 white dof^, lower-ones grey beneath. Inhabits Germany. Ejp. Pap. tab. ^3. fi^. 1. Upper--wi»g.<; with 2 eyes, the iris yellowifh, fometimes blind, with 2 dots between them ; lo-vi'er ivlngs with an obfolete white dot or two and a diftind black one. Feronia. Wings indented marbled with blue brown and white on the ' ' ■' upper-furface, all of them with 6 eyes. Inhabits Eali Ind:a. Cramer, hif. 16, tab. lX)i.f.g. E. F. Thzeyi's have a Vvhicepupilabove and are blind beneath. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with an eye including a le(ler-one both fides, lower-ones with 3 eyes above and 6 beneath. Inhabits Europe, Efp. ^''ap. tab. (>■ fg. 2. Larva a little hairy grccnilh with a forked tall : pupa grecnifit obtulely bifid, the fides fpinons. Is fubjeft to a few inconfiderable varieties. Rrxdana, Wings indented brown, above blind \ lower-ones waved beneath with 7 eyes, the inner-one with a double pupil. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. \\.tab. 161. ^j'. CD. E. F. Upper -. fig. i. Body black : antenme beneath white : band on the upper-nuings very much abbreviated, the number of eyes various. Blandina. Wings indented brown with a rufous occUate band; lower- ones brown beneath with a cinereous band. Inhabits Germany. Efp. 2^. Jig, 3. t-i^.fig, i. Criela. Wings flightly indented black ; upper-pair with 4 conneft- ed fpots each fide. Inhabits thehigheft mountains of Z,«/i/«»rt', All the luings above Ihining black ; upper-ones with 4 fmall con- nedted blind eyes, beneath the fame : lower-ones beneath pale afh at the tip with a waved black ftreak or two. J/ra. Wings entire brown with 6 eyes; lower-ones covered with cinereous down. Inhabits RuJJia. Efp. Pap. tab, %%. fig. 4. 5. Club of the antenncz hollowed beneath ; lower furface of the upper-nvingi black with a ferruginous patch at the bafe and 5 or 6 eyes, of the Icmoer-ixiingi brown with cinereous veins and tor J eyes. Erina. Wings indented brown with a macular fulvous band and ocellar black dots. Inhabits CtVrOT^«y. Efp. Pap. tab. JO, fig. 2. 3. Eyes on the nxtngs blind; lower-ones cinereous beneath with a darker band. Arachne. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a rufous band each fide containing 2 eyes: lower-ones with an indented ci- nereous band beneath. Inhabits Aufiria; lize of the laft. All the ^ings black with a blue glofs: /oiver-nvittgt with fome- times an ocellate dot or two above: antenna above black be- neath wnite. Pyrrha. Wings entire brown with a red band which is dotted with black on upper-pair and macular on the lower-ones. Inhabits Aufirta; fomething Jefs than P. Ligea. Antennack. Inhabits j^fnca. Jones Fig. pict. ^. tab.GS f.g. i. Body black : all the avings brown at the tip beneath. . Nar'va. Wings indented black with a line of white dots behind ; upper-pair with yellow fpots, lower-ones with a yellow difk. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig. pict . 4, tab. 6j. Jig. I. Body black dotted wirh white ; lo^ver-n.vings with a black dot or two on the yellow diik, beneath a yellow macular llreak behind the while one. Mardania. Wings indented fulvous ; upper pair black at the tip with a "white band ; lower-ones with 4 ocellar yellow fpots. Inhabits iW/Vr, Janes Fig' pict, /^. tab. jo. Ji^» i. Body 40 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. BoJy brown: upper-swings fpotte.l with 'nrown : lo-xver-'wings with 4 oblong yellow Ipots with a black pupil and an obfolete brown ftreak near the margin : all the ^ngs beneath greenifh varied with brown, a brown band in the middle and a line of brown dots towards the margin. Cocalta. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair fpotted with black and yellow 5 all of them grey beneath with a line of white 4 dots. Inhabits Inciia. Jones Figpiil. 4. tab. 'JO. fig. 2. Upper-wings with a line of obfcure ocellar fpots towards the margin : under-nvings with a line of ocellar ipots near the thinner edge and a black ftreak. * Lucina, Wings indented brown with teftaceous fpots ; lower-ones with 2 rows of whitilh fpots beneath. Inhabits Europe. Dono^van. tab. z^i.fig. 2. Lenuin. t 15./". 3.4. Antennae ferruginous at the tip: lo'u:er.nuings with a ferruginous band beneath near the margin including black dots. Wings indented fulvous with black fpots; lower-ones with 3 whitifh bands dotted with black beneath. Inhabits Europe. Dono-van.tab. 2^1. fig. i. Le^ojin. t, l^.fi. 3.4. Upper-Swings whitifli at the tip beneath. Lawa Ipinous black with a lateral line of white dots, head and legs red : pupa pale brown with rows of fulvous dots. Phabe. Wings indented varied with black and fulvous; l©wer_ ones beneath yellowifli waved with black, the bafc with 4 black fpots, and 2 fulvous bands the hinder-one compofed of fpots. Inhabits Europe. Efp. Pap. tab. 25. ^g, 2. Antennae annulate with white and black, the club ferruginous with a brown ring: upper nvings blackilh with numerous black fpots, the margin with white fpots; beneath fulvous fpotted with black, the tip yellow waved with black : pupa chefnut fpotted with white. Didyma. Wings indented fulvous (cinereous) fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath yellow dotted with black, with 2 continued fulvous bands. Inhabits Rufiia. Efip.tab. \\. tad. 6 1 . fig. i . Sides of the abdomen dotted with black : firlt band on the loH.ver- nvings nearly doubled. Fajcelis. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. Sat, FefceUs. Wings indented varied with fulvous and brown ; lower-ones beneath white dotted with black, with 2 fulvous bands the lower coinpofed of lunules. Inhabits Rujfta. Ej'p. Pap. tab. ^8. Jig. 3, 4. J^iulim, Wings fcalloped fulvous dotted with black ; lower-ones beneath white dotted with black, with 2 fnlvoiis bands. Inhabits RuJ/Ia. Efp Pap. tab. SS.^g. 5, 6. very I'maii. Vpp£r--dvings beneath fulvous fpotted witi' black, rhc tip white ipeckled with black; loiver-nx'ings white with numerous flreaks of black dots and z fulvous bands, the firll compofqd of 3 fpots. thlla. Wings indented fulvous fpecklcd with black ; lower -ones brown at the bafe, beneath whitiOi Inhabits the Eaft. Cramer In/. 4. tah. \^.f.g- B. C; Loxvar-ivings brovn at the bafe above and fulvous at the tip^ beneath whitifh at the bafe and fulvcus at the tip. • Dkfytina. Wings indented black with fulvous fpots; lower-ones be- neath fulvous with white fpots at the bafe and band in the middle, the tip with yellow lunults. Inhabits Europe. Lcv.in. tab. 14./^. 5, 6. Efp. tab. ^^. fg. 2. Cynthia. Wings indented black with fulvous and yellow bands: lower-ones beneath iulvous with yellow bands. Inh&hixs Austria. Efp. Pap tab. iJ-jig 3. Vpper-ivinos beneath pale fulvous with a fow black waves: lonvsr' ivifjgs With a llrcak of 5 doti. between the laft bandt. Tvlak ciariter above with a few white f'pcts. Lar^.a fpinoui black with 2 yellow dorlal lines and lateral yelbw dots, head blucilh ; pupa pale fpotiied with blr.ck and yellow. * Maturna. Wings indented varied with fulvous and black; lower-ones beneath v/ith yellow bands and waved black ftrcaks, the bafe impunclured. Inhabits Europe. Ifilhcs Pap. 58. tah. 2. a. 9. Larva I'pinoas black dotted wiih white the fpincs yellowifa: piupa greeniih fpotted with black. - ,. Win^s indented fulvous fpotted with black: lower-ones beneath white with 2 tulvous bands, the lower fpeckled with black. Inhubits Ruj/ia. Efp. Pap. taK%-;,fg, 4. Margin cf tiiii ■iuWj' black with a white fringe. VCL. lU— F Hecate 42 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat, Hecate. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; all of them with 2 ftreaks of black dots at th& tip. Inhabits AuRria; middle-fized. Margin of the nvings black with fulvous lines and white fringe : lo'vjer -swings beneath yellow at tbe bafe with a fulvous band, the margin black, then varied with fulvous and yellow with 2 ftreaks of black dots. * Atetnh. Wings indented fulvous variegated with black ; lower-ones with a ftreak of black dots each fide. Inhabits Europe Leivis's Englifli Butierjlies. tab. 15. Whgs above fulvous with black waves, beneath paler : lower- ones fulvous with 2 yellow bands. Amathufia. Wings indented fulvous with black fpots and a punftured ftreak ; lower-ones variegated beneath, a black dot at the bafe and a ftreak of them at the tip. Inhabits Rufta. Ejp, Pap. tab. 2,%. fig. i, 2. All the 'u;higs with a ftreak of diftindl black dots. * Dia. Wings fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath purple, the bafe with yellow and filvery fpots and an obfolefe filvery band in the middle. Inhzhhs Europe. Efp. tab. \6. Jig. ^. Klectr.an, tab. j^o. ' Lonxjer-n-vings with a row of 6 black dots towards the tip, the 2 iniddle-ones flightly pupillate. Larnja grey wirh alternate rows of white and ferruginous fpines: pupa yellowifh variegated with black. Dryope. Wings indented brown with rufous fpots, the tip fulvous ; beneath with rufous fpots furrounded with a white ring. Inhabit? Sierra Leona. Cramer. 7. tab. 78. fig.^. F. IVJHgs beneath greenifh at the bafe, the tip paler with a white waved ftreak. * Levana. Wings denticulate variegated; beneath reticulate; upper- ones wiih a few white fpots above. Inhabits Eur-jpe, Efp. Pap, i. tab. if^.fg.z. Z,ar(3/r, Drury Inf. 3. tab. \9,. All t\it things white hyaline with black veins. Wings entire yellow; upper-pair with 3 black flreaks, lower-ones with 3 black bands. Inhabits /W//7» Cramer Inf. 21* tab. 2\G.fg. 4, Tip of the upper ■tuings black fpeckled with white. Wings entire yellow ; upper-pair black with 2 yellow lines and a band. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 13. tab. \^l>fig- C. ©« Lo^ver.'wings yellow edged behind with black. 5 F 2 Mopfa.^ 44 Insects, lepidoptera. 71. Papiiio. //j. hlopja. Wings entire both furfaces alike, yellow and black, the margin dotted with white. Inhabits /WziJ. Cramer I nj. \b.tab, \C)0.fig. D. The white dots are fometimes only on the under-rurface. Mnenie. Wings entire fulvous fpotted with black ; uj-per-pair black at the tip with yellow fpots ; lower-ones black with a fulvous band behind Inhabits India. Qra/rnr. Inf. i6. tab. igo, Jig. C. Lyca/Ie. Wings entire fulvous tipt with black; upper-pair fpotted with yellow. Inhabits yones Fig. pict. z. iah, J.fg. i. HeaJh\iQk fpotted with white: thorax lulvous ; abdomen cinere- ous: upper.'vjings fulvous at the bale with a black fpot in the middle, then yellow; the tip black with a few yellow dots. Lyimnia. Wings entire fulvous with a yellow band, the tip black with a white fpot on the upper pair. Inhabits "Jones Fig. pict. z tab. 8. Upper -njcings fulvous at the bafe with a longitudinal black line and lateral dot: all the nx:ings beneatli black at the hind- margin with white dots. Clara, Wings fcilloped black fpotted with yellow and a common ttilaceous bafe. Inhabits ::iirinam, Cram.t. 364. y. C. D yones z.tah. 9, Anic,:nae yellow : head and thorax black fpoited with yellow : abdctrten black with a yellow line down the fides: upper-ivings with a large yellow fpot in the middle and 3 black ones, the tip and margin black fpotted with yellow : lo'-uLcr-ivings with a black border, above with 2 yellow fpots at the inner margin, beiv. ih a ]ir.e of white dots, Egena. Winn;s entire ; upper-pair fulvous with a yellow band, The tip black fpotted with yellow and a row of white dot' each lide. Inhabits Amcrua. Cram tab. 191. fig. D. ycnes. tab. 13./". 2. Upper-nvnigs with 2 black fpots before the band ; the Itreak of v.'hite dots is only on the under-iurface ot the Icwcr- wingr. • Eva. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, b'ack; uppcr-pair with fulvous ftreiiks at the bafe and ff ois at the lip; di(k of the lower-ones fulvous with a black band. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hd. 45 1n\i2ih\t% Surina?n. Cram. t. 316. /".A. B. C. Jones t. 20. f. i* Ihorax with 4 rufous fpots ; bind-margin of the loiver-nvhigt dotted with white. Wings entire; upper-pair black with 2 fulvous bands; lowt-r-ones fulvous with a marginal black band. Inhabits /;?^/i3;. Cramer 13. tab. \jj. fg.C. D. BsJv black .- hreajl doti:ed with white . upper-ivings beneath with a fmall fcarlet line at the bafe : lonvcr-nuhtgs beneath with fcarlet dots at the bafe. Wings entire yellowifli, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits China. Jfcnes Fig. pici. 2, tab. 'iQ./ig. 2. Abdomen black with a fmall fulvous collar : upper-nioin^s v/ith a few brown fpots and hind-margin. Wings entire fulvous dotted with black, the margin black immaculate, luhabits Africa. Jones Fig.plct. 2. tab. 42. yf^-. i. Margin of the uppsr-ivings beneath with fulvous^fpots : body black with fulvous ipots. V^o!^. WingE entire fulvous doited with black ; margin of the lower-ones black with 7 white dots. Inhuoits India. Cram. Inf. 20. tab. 298 fg. D. E. 'Terpfcorei Wings entire fulvous ; lower-pair dotted with black. Inhabits 4fa. Petiv Gax.nph. tab. ap.fg. ^, Tjp of the upper -"jvings wnitilh. Serena^ Wings entire fulvous: bafe of the lower-pair beneath dot- ted with black. Inhabits India. Cramer hf. 33. tab. 268. /t^. A. B. 1 ip of the upper.tvings and margir of the loZ:er.ones brown. F:\-mma. ' Wings entire ; upper-pair with black fpots and tip and yellow band; lower-ones with 3 black bands, the mid- dle-one ferrate. Inhabits America, Cramer. Inf. 16. tab. igi.fg. E. Larva yellowilh and frrinous under the Iligmata. //•/^«'««/« Wings entire, upper-pair black with 3 hyaline bands: low- er-ones hyaline. Irhabits Small, l-hck : abdomen c\i\&\.c. Hind-margin of the /fi-uvr-xv/V/o-j brown. Irene. 46 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Irene. Upper-wings black with yellow fpots and a fulvous lino at the bafe ; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits America. Jones Fig.pict. tab, 2. fig, 39. Upper-^ings black with a broad ferruginous line at the bafc, the tip fpotted with yellow ; a line of white dots before the mar- gin beneath; lo-iver-iuings beneath ferruginous the margin black dotted with white, a brown band in the middle. Sappho. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black- blue; upper- pair with a white band ; lower-ones edged with white. Inhih'its yamaka. Jones. Fig. pi£l. tab. z.fig. 4. Lovjer-iuings beneath fpotted with red, Urama. Wings entire brown with a white difk ; lower-ones with 2 eyes each fide. Inhabits India. Eyes large yellow, iris blueilh, pupil white. 2j^^-^ Wings entire black ; upper-pair fpotted with yellow 5 lower-ones radiate with blue at the bafe above. Inhabits Surinarn. Cramer. Inf. 29. tab. ZZ7-fi'^* Hind margin oi\.h.Q lower wings dotted with white. Olympia. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with au oblong fulvous fpot at the bafe, and white ones at the tip; lower-ones fulvous at the bafe. Inhabits America. Jones. Fig. piSi. 2. tab. zz. fig, 2. jffo<^ black • abdomen with a red lateral line: lo-wer-ivings he- neath yellowifh with 2 brown bands meeting at the outer mar- gin. Crijia. Wings entire black ; upper-pair acuminated with a yellow band; lower-pair with a yellow difk. Inhabits America. Jones. Fig. pid. "J, tab. ij.fig, I. ^ Uppsr-iving very pointed, with a yellow line at the bafe oblique band behind the middle and 3 dots behind the band ; lo^er- luings yellow with a black indented margin, beneath yellow clouded with brown. Uecale- Wings entire black ; (ipper-pair with a white band ; lower- pair with white marginal dots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Ir.j. 2. tab. 17. fig. A. B. Head black dotted with yellow ; body black ; abdomen beneath yellow : upper -tuings with a few black dots in the band and towards the tip white oner. Ricitu INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. 47 Wings entire brown ^ upper-pair with 2 yellow bands each iide : lower-ones rutous at the bafe. Inhabits America. Cramer t'ap. 32. tab. 378. fg. A. B. Larva greenifh with white hairs. L(ywer-n/:tngi of the malt purple at the bafe, of t\ic female radiate with blue. Wings fcallopcd black with a blue balb; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands ; lowet-ones fpeckled with red be- neath. Inhabits Gula7ia Cramer laf, tab. ^'{•fig. C. D. Body black dotted with white : upper-iving without the blue bafe beneath, but with a yellow line. Wings black ; upper-pair with a yellow ftreak at the bafe and 2 bands ; lower-ones with a red band beneath. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 26. fig. \ . Thorax dotted with white ; loixer^iuings with an cmarginatc red fpot each fide at the bafe. Wings entire brown ; upper-pair fpotted with . yellow : lower-ones beneath with red rays. Inhabits Surinam. Crarner Inf. 2, tab. 13 ^^. E. F. Wings nearly entire and alike on both fuifaces, black with red rays at the bafe ; upper-pair fpotted with yellow. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer, hf. 4. tab. "^Z.fg^ C. D. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands; lower-ones with a rufous difk. Inhabits Surinam, Cramer Inl' 15. tab. iJJ-fg. E. ?. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands ; low- er-ones with a yellow dific. Inhabits Cramer Inf. 2. tab, \().fig. 2. Body b'ack; thorax dotted with white : margin of the ivings dotted with white. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with an abbreviated white band ; lower-ones fulvous at the bafe and radiate beneath. Inhabits Cayenne. Body fmall brown. Upper--Mings with a common fulvous fpot at the thinner margin ; lo:cr-i:-in?s m- dcnttd truncate with a long tail, the bafe fulvous, the tip *■ black with 4 white dots ; beneath varied with yellow aiid brown. paniajjii. ■ Ap'llo. Wings entire white fpotted with black ; lower-ones with ^ eyes above and b beneath. Tnl.alits Europe, Efp. i. tab. z.fg: l. EmPt. I. tab.A^-j. Layva lolitarv, furnilhcd with tentacula, fijky, black v. ith 2 red dots oil the fcgment each fide : pupa Hightly folliculute ovate blueilh with red dots each lir.e on the iorc-pait. rh'jcbus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Par». S3 Phoebui. Wings entire, borti furfaces alike, white fpotted with black ; lowej-ones with 3 red fpots circled with black. Inhabits Siberia. Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 2. Jig, 2. *M''^^°Jy^V^ings entire white with black nerves ; upper-pair with 2 black marginal fpots. Inhabits Europe. Ejp. l.tab. z.f. 2. Ernjl, l.tab.^^.f- 100. *Cretceoi "Wings entire white with black veins. Inhabits Europe. Harris dur. tab c^.f k. i. Lewn. tab. 24. Larva gregarious hairy, above rofy with 3 black lines, beneath green : pupa greenifh with black fpots and dots, Androma- Wings entire, both furfaces alike, dotted with black ; up- cha, per pair duflcv, naked; lower-ones yellow i(h. Inhabits Nenu Hollaiid : middle-fized. Head black : feelers yellow : thorax black with a yellow dot each fide; breaji fpotted with yellow; hind-margin of the lo^Ktr-'wings black with 7 yellowifh dots. ManJane. Wings oblong entire ; upper-pair hyaline with black veins; lower-ones black with a white band. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig.pict. z.tab. 36. y. 2. Body black : feehrs yellow : abdomtn Ipotted with white and yel- low : lo-LKier -swings beneath cinereous at the bafe dotted with black, a white band in the middle, the tip white llriate with brown. Viera, Wings entire hyaline diaphanous ; lower-ones with 2 mar- ginal.eyes. Inhabits India, Cramer Inf. 25. tab, 29 1, fig. C. D. An^cardii, Wings entire hyaline greenifli ; lower-ones brown at the tip with 2 eyes. Inhabits America, Merian Surinam, tab. 1 6. fio-. i . Larva white with long defleiled hairs : pupa nut-brown. Nereis. Wings fcalloped brown ; lower-ones with a fnowy band,' thedillc fulvous with 2 black eyes. Inhabits America. Jones Fig. pict. z. tab. '},^-fg. 2. Bod^ brown : feelers yellovvifli : upper-iuingt \\\{h a cinereous llreak : lo^^ver-iuings brown at the bafe and margin, the eyes with a wnite pupil ; beneath white at the bafe with 2 black ttreaks, in the middle a black band, the tip nuc-brown with 2 fmall black eyes with a white pupil. Andromeda, 54 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Fefi. Andremtda* Wings hyaline white ; lower-ones red at the tip with a (In- gle eye each fide. Inhabits India. Drwy Im% 3. tab. 38. -. Lo'vjer-'wings with a fmall blue p^tch at the hind-margin, the eye with a white pupil. Diaphanus, Wings entire hyaline white, the margins brown. Inhabits jfattiai(a. Cram. tab. zz. fig, D. tab. Z'^i.fg. C. Hjalinus, Wings entire, both furfaces alike, upper-pair hyaline with black bands and margin ; lower ones teftaceous. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 'i'i-Jig. I. Body black, cinereous at the Ades; upper-'wings with 2 black bands and margin. Oh/curatus, Wings teftaceous hyaline ; upper-pair with a yellow band» Inhabits Janes Fig. pict, 2. tab. iz,fg. 2. Idea. Wings femitranfparent, white with black fpots and veins. Inhabits India. Cram. t. 193. /"• A. B. t. ^(yz.f. D, Hatvraliffs Mifcellany. tab. 1 94. I^edj white with a black dorfal ftripe : thorax black ftriped with white : upper -luings wtth a flight yellowifli tinge near the bale. Fejltvt* Cjparijjjas. Wings entire black with 1 wnitc bands, thofe of the upper- pair oblique, of the lower-ones pun6late. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. tab. i.fg- A. B. Club of the antennae pointed; luings black but in a certain di- redion exhibiting a blue glofs. Midamus. Wings entire blaqk dotted with white ; upper-pair above blueifh, lower-ones with a row of white dots. Inhabits India. Cram. 23. tab. zSS.fg.A. B. and D. £. Brjafu. Wings entire brown ; upper-pair with 2 whitp dots, all of them wiih numerous ones beneath. In the Britijh Mufeum. Jones 3. tab. Si^.Jig. I. Body brown : upper-iuings beneath iinmaculate, lower-ones above i| immaculate. Tilocktlanus Wings entire black ; upper-pair with an interrupted white band; lower-ones with white lines at the bafe and a double row of dots at the tip. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. Fell. 55 Inhabits Eaft India^ Margin of the upper-ivings dotted with white : head and rharax black dotted with white: abdomen above brown, beneath cinereous with black bands. (^laudiuu Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a blue glofs and dotted with white; lower-ones with white lines. Inhabits 7ranquebar. Cramer Irtf. z%. tab. z66.fg. C. Body black dotted with white : lonver-iuings with a ftreak of white dots towards the margin. Niaviuf, Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a white band ; lower- ones with a common white fpot at the bafe. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cra?nar l . tab. z. fig. A. B. DamcUft Wings entire ; upper-pair black ; lower-ones brown with a white difk. Inhabits Afia and Africa. Cramer, tab. \<^2, fg, D. Body brown .• tbcrax dotted with white, C»rus, Wings entire black, all of them with a double row of white dots. Inhabits Eajl India, Body black dotted with white : upper jwingx with 4 white dots oa the diik: lower -ivings with 2. fTulliolus. Wings entire; upper-pair black with a macular white band ; lower-ones brown, above immaculate, beneath dotted with white. Inhabits Indta, Jones Fi^. pict. 3. tab. 6().Jig. I. Body black, fulvous at the fides; upper-njoings with a white dof in the middle of the rib : all the 'vjtngs dotted with white beneath. ^ I A Wings entire brown with a macular white band, •^ J ' Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 3. tab. bj.fg. 2. Body b,own : head m A thorax dotted wih white: upper -nuin'^s with a few white fpocs at the tip : nvings beneath with a white ftreak or two. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black with a macular white band ; abdomen red with black belts. , In the mufeum of Dr Hunter. Large, thick. Antenna black, the club pointed : thorax and breali black fpotted with red : abdomen black at the bafe, rufous at the tip, with 4 black belts edged with white: /«// black, Liherius. 56 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Fejl. Liberiui, RaJatnari' thus. ZoiltUt Wino-s entire lead-colour; under- furface of the upper-pair green, of the lower-ones fulvous. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. In/ i8. tab. 210. fg, G. H. Wings with A fine black edge each fide. Wings entire black with a blue glofs: upper-pair with a marginal white fpot, lower-ones with a :.white fpot and 4 lines. Inhabitb^fl. -Joves Fig. picf. 2. tab \<^-fg-2. Head and thorax brown dotted wuh white . upper -nxings. with 2 white dots near the Isrge fpot and a few fcattcrcd blue fp'-^ts, beneath paler: lo'wer Hj^ings with a few blue dots, the white fpot is wanting beneath. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 3 white fpots; lower- ones with a white diflc Inhabits iV^w Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Ihorax and abdomen brown fpotted with white : uiper.njjtngs\\\':ti ' a fmall white dot at the outer margin, beneath a white hne at the bafe and 5 dots at the tip : hiver-'wings beneath with a black border dotted with white. Wings entire black with teftaceous veins and a white band which in the upper-pair is interrupted. Inhabits Jfrica. Jones Ftg. pi ct. 2. tab. iS.fg. }. Bafe of the upper-wings beneath white dotted with black. Aretheufus, Wings entire b]ack with blue fpots; lower-ones with red dots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 7. tab. 11' fg. E- F. Body black: thorax dotted with blue; upper-n>jt7igs beneath immaculate, lower-ones with fcarlet dots at the bale and tip. Cjntheus, Clymenust Si/amnus, Wings entire with a blue band; upper-pair beneath fan- guineous ; lower-ones beneath white with black rings and dots. Inhabits Braftl. Cram. Pap. 2. tab. ?4. fig. E. F. Tip of the upper-swings beneath rufous with 2 white lines: Icnver- ivings with 2 black dots in each ring beneath. Wings entire black dotted with white and a common white band which is interrupted in the upper-pair. Inhabits Jones Fig- pict. z. tab. ^^. fig. u Wings with a white band wdth black veins and a ftrcak or two ot white dots behind: lo^v^er-ivings whh^red dots at the oaie beneath and a yellow band in the middle. lafius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. heji. 57 Lafiis. Wings entire baown with black ftreaks; upper-pair with a marginal white fpot; beneath paler with brown ftreaks* Inhabits Cayenne. Body above brown, beneath cinereous.' margin of the uppir-ivings beneath brown with a white fpot and dots. Antiochus, Wings entire black with a common fulvous band above. Inhabits China. Cramer Pap. 12. tab, 143./^. B. C. Svphax. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a white band, lower- ones with a marginal red one. Inhabits India. Cramer Pap. 1 9. tab, 223. Upper-iuings with 5 white fpots befides the band placed tranf- verfely towards the tip : antennae hooked. Evalihe. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands; lower-ones with a yellow band and red fpots, beneath red with a yellowilh macular band. Inhabits India. Cra7nsr Inj. 2. tab. 17. fg. E. F. Wings brown, the upper-pair uniform beneath. Licas. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 white bands; lower-ones with a lingle white band and red fpots, beneath cinereous with white bands. Inhabits Surinam Cram. t. zz^.f. A. B. Jones t. 73./. 2. Antennae brown, the club ferruginous and pointed. Phalaris. Wings entire brown ; lower-pair with 2 macular wliite ftreaks. Inliabits Jones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 75. /^> 2. Club of the antennre long pointed. Wings variegated beneath, upper-pair brown at the bafe. ^Pela/gus, Wings entire, both furfaces alike; upper-pair greenifti with a fulvous band; lower-ones black immaculate. Inhabits Suri^nam. Cramer^ Inf. 1 7. tab. 202. fig. D. Antenna black, hooked at the end. Phaeton. Wings entire black with white and rufous fpots. \r\\\ii\>\\.% America. Cramer. Inf. 17. tab. 193 Jig.C D. Sephus. Wings entire ; upper-pair black, the dilk fulvous fpotted with black; lower-ones brown with a black ftreak and dots. Inhabits Jones Ficjicf. 4.. ta^. jz.fig, i. VOL. III.— li Upper, 58 INSECTS- LEPIDOPTERA. 7c. Papilio. iv/?. Upper-miings beneath varied at the bafe with cinereous and yellow, the tip green : Itywer-ivings beneath grey with a yellow fpot at the bafe, an abbreviated green band in the middle with J yellow dots, the margin greenifh. Galanibis. Wings entire ; above black with fanguineous bands 5 upper- pair with 2 white dots at the tip. Inhabits Surinam, Cramer. Inf. 3. tab. 25. fg. D. E, XJpper-^mngs with 2 fmall approximate white dots at the tip, beneath yellow on the fore -part fpcckled with fulvous, and 2 olive bands : lonuer-nulugs beneath brown at the bale, the tip yellowilh with an olive band, Cenceus. Wings entire brownifh j lawer-ones beneath with a red ork of 9 fpots. Inhabits India. Wings above brown Ipottcd with yejlow, pale at the bafe. Chermes. Wings entire duflcy; lower-ones red, with black bands above and a fnowy dot in the middle beneath. Inhabits Jfrica. Jones Figpid 3. tab. JZ.Jig. 2. Body brown-: antentue yellowifii: upper-ivittgs with 2 brown bands and tip. He/perus. Wings fcalloped brown with black waves; upper-pair with white dots Inhabits Jones Fig. pi^. 4. tab, "Jl-fg- I. Body brown ; •■wings paler beneath. Mirus Wings fcalloped brown flightly fafciate with teftaceous; lower-ones beneath brown at the bafe and variegated at the tip. Inhabits Size of the laft. Upper-nuings beneath brownifh with yellow bands; and varied with cinereous brown and blue. Tytiut, Eupaius, Wings entire brown fpotted with white: upper-pair with 4 ocellar black dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 11. tab. 1 21 Jig. C. D. Wings paler beneath fpotted with white, with numerous black fubocellar dots. Wings entire brown; lower-ones with a blue band, beneath green with a black dot. Inhabits Jfrica* Cramer Inf, 13. tab, i^S'fS' ^' ^* Wingt INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. iv.?, 59 Wings above brotvn with a flight gold glofs, upper-ones termina- ting in a white dot ; beneath green with a black doc at the bafe : tmiean/e black, ferruginous at the tip. Finthaus. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, brown ; upper-pair with 3 jreliovv fp<.>ts ; lower-ones white on the lower-half. Inhabits India^ Archippus, Wings foallopeci fulvous with black veins, the margin black clotted with. white; upper- pair with fulvous fpots at the tip. Inhabits Amerita, y. 239. €gy 5, 6. Lat-va annalate with white and black, with 2 tentacula on the neck and tail : pupa green with a row of gold dots. Bripfus, Wfippnt» Wings entire dtitl teftaceous, the edge black dotted with white ; difk of the lower-ones immaculate, beneath with black veins and white dots. Inhabits China, Cramer Pap. 1 8. tab. zo%. Jig. E. F. DiCc of tlie upper-ivings witli a few white dots before the tip. Wings fcalloped fulvous, the edge black dotted with whit?, lower-ones with a black curve. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 2. ta6. l^.fg. A. B. Chryfippus. Wings entire fulvous, the margin black dotted with whitej difk of the lower-ones with black dots. Inhabits India. Cramer Pap. 10. tab. 118./^. B. C. Alcippus. Wings entire fulvous, the margin black dotted with white; diflc of the lower-ones white with black dots. Inhabits y^7/;mc-a. Cramer Pap. 11. tab, izj.fg E. F, Eleus. ■ Wings entire fulvous ; the margin black, of the upper-pair with a white band, of the iower-ones with white dots. Inhabits America. Jones Fig. pid. $. tab. 22. fg. 2. Body black fpotted with white : luings beneath without the blacl; margin. Hi Krejtmtii 6o INSECTS. LEPipOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Fejl. Ere/imus. Wings fcalloped tellaceous, the tip and margin black dot- ted with white ; lower-ones beneath with an obfolete macular whitifh band. Inhabits Jmerica. Cramer tah. 175. _;5|-. G. H. //f«^ dotted with white: //J-or^TAr black with a white dot and 3 cinereous lines : abdomen tcftaceous with a black dorfal line : upper-n.vings black at the the tip with a fulvtus Ipot and white dots, the margin black with 2 rows of white dots ; lo^er- nvingi with a hairy black fpot on the disk, in the riiale only, the margin black with a fingle row of white dots, beneath with black veins and 2 lines of white dots near the edge. Dtecippus. Wings fcalloped fulvous with a common black border dot- ted with white ; lower-ones beneath with 3 black dots, and a ftreak of white ones behind. Inhabits India. Cramer. Pap. tab. z%.ftg, B. C. Margin of the loaver-'wings beneath with a double row of white lunules. Gilippus. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, fulvous fpottcd with white, the margin black with white dots. Inhabits America. Cramer. Pap. 3. tab. 26. fg. C. D. Hind margin of the swings black with 3 flreaksof white dots. I-Je^elippus. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black fpottcd with white; bafe of the upper-pair fulvous, of the lower- ones with white lines. Inhabits Sumatra. Cramer. Inf. 15. tab. loS.fg. A. Tip of the«/>/fr-.us with a brown band at the tip: loivey-ivi?tgs with a blueifli patch on the hind margin, btneaih grey -brown. Codomamui Wings entire black with red bands ; lower-ones beneath with angular yellow lines and biue dots. Inhabits Brafil. In the Muieuiu of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-ivings with a tranfverfe fulvous doc towards the tip and and dotted with white .-it tiie edge, beneatn with a yeliow band and blue ftreak at the tip. Poh lymenus. Wings entire nifty-brown dotted with black ; beneath yel- lowiih waved with black. Inhabits Surinam. Jones Fig. p:ct. 5. tao. l^./g. 2. Ail the ivings beneath yellowilh with fulvous waves. llydajpes. Wings entire brown with a blue glofs ; low^er-oncs be- neath yellow with annular black lines and 3 blue dots. Inhabits Brafil. In the Mufeum of 5ir ^c/ Banks. Upper-iving with a fanguineous band and yellow patch at the tip : lo-wer-^ings beneath with 3 fubocellar blue dots in the middle and a blue itreak behind. ) Jairusm \' 'v^'ings entire brown ; difk of the lower-ones white with a blue eye above and 2 benea;h. Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. 6. fig. A. B. /. 1?5./. A. B. C. Lc^ver-nvings with a large blue eye, the iris yellow, pupil white, beneath 2 of the fame colour. Haquinus. Wings nearly entire brow^n, beneath orange with blueiHi- iilvery fpots marked with black. ln)\?.h\t% Tranquehar ; middle fizcd. Aiitennee brown annulate with cinereous, the club black with a fharp ferruginous tip: 'vcings a little fcalloped with 2 interrupt*, cd whiiifh ftrcaks before the margin beneath, Oriott. 62 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiKo. htj^, Qna», Wings fcalloped ; upper-pair falcate rufous, the tip Wack with a marginal white fpot. Inhabits Snrhiatn. Sulx.. Hifl, Inf. tah '*'-,' fg 2* Upper -iL'ings beneath variegated with a bfack waved ftreak in the middle : Itrwer-'wings rounded entire black, the bafe fubferru- ginoos, the hind-margia palifh j beneath variegated with a black waved lireak, Cscjf/wf. Wrnffs falcate ; ahove black, the hind-margin ciaere- ous. Inhabits Si am. In the Mufeum of Sir J of. Banis. Wings beneath pale afh, upper-pair with a brown ^szk be- hind. ikuuuj^ Wings entire fulvous tipt with black ; lower-oacs beneatlj with while dots and 2 eyes. Inhabits Rotterdam Ijland-, middle-fized. Antennae black, the club dull ferrugmous ; tip of the upper •'vairtgf black with a fulvous band and dot .- lo-voer ■'wings black on the hind-margin with a black ©cellar dot or two before the margin ; beneath all of them varied with ferragrnoas, cpper- oncs with a flexuous white fpot in the middle and white dots, Tlyfnetus, Wings entire yellow with a common brown border. In the Mufeum of Dr. //««?^r. Small. jintnina annulate with black and white, the club black with a fulvous tip: ^(3/>yellowifh • /-^or^;* blackjih * luings beneath yellowifh with fulvous undulations. ^If^hiu OSin, ~ Ctflif Wings entire fulvons with brown bands, beneath orange with brown waves. Inhabits Guinea. Boayim^Whrovtn, Wings entire dufky with a fingle angle : lower-ones be- neath with a pair of black fubocellate dots each fide. Inhabits China. Body fmall brown. Upper-wings with a dark line or two, the tip paler: hrwer-imngs , cut at the inner margin, with cinereous llreaks, beneath with pale ftreaks at the tip and a fnjall dot at the anterior mar- gin befides the eyes. Wings indented oblong fulvous ; upper-pair with a black lunule. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 18. tab. zi^.fg, D; E. Di(l»' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Fefi. 63 Vids. Wings indented oblong black fpotted with green ; low- er-ones with a blueifh band and 7 tranfverfe fpots. Inhabits America. Cramer hjj. 17. tab. 196 Jig. E. F, Lamm fpiaoiu green widi a red and white line, tail with z \xm% fpines. Muritwae* Wings indented black fpotted with white ; lower-ones white at the bafc. Inhabits India, Cramer Inf. 6. tab. "^o.fig. A, Fbihmela, Wings fcalloped black fpotted with white; lower-ones ra- diate with yellow at the bafe. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 3. tah. ^d.Jig, I. Tip of the Icmxr-nuingi black dotted with white. Uimilii. Wings flightly fcalloped, both furfaces alike, with bluciiii- white dots lineate towards the bafe. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 5 . tah, 59. fg, D. E. and fig, F. Afn-si Wings indented black fpotted with white ^ border of the lower-ones beneath black fpotted with yellow and white. Inhabits IJenjo Holland. Mul'eum of Sir Jof. Banks, Head thorax and breafi black dotted with white ; lo^er-wings black with a white disk and ftreak of white dots, before the margin ; beneath white on the disk, the border brown with a row of yellow dots and z of white ones : abdomen above black, beneath yellow, Laiu Wings indented black with blueiOi ftris, beneath brown. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. lO.tab. 1 10. fig. A. B. Enothrea, Wings indented black with a green difk ; beneath black with a white coftal dot. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones ^. tah. gS.^g. I. Upper nvings angular : lo-wer-iuings green at the bafc with a lunu- late black margin. Dirtea. Wings indented, both furface alike, black dotted with yellow. Inhabits Bengal. Jones Fig. pict. /^..tab. (>^'fg* i. Hippia. Wings fcalloped grecnifh- white with black border and veins. Inhabits Poulicandor. Jones. 3. tab. iz./tg. 1. Body and antenmz blaek ; upper-ivings with generally white dots at the tip. PanDpe* 64 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danal. Peaope, Wings indented brown, both furfaces alike, the outer margin fpotted with white, angle of the tail ful-* vous. Inhabits India. Cramer laf. 2^. fab. zg^.fig. E. F. Band on the lo'wer-ijutngs furrounded with a black line. Jacintha^ Wings fcalloped toothed brown ; upper-pair with a flreak of white dots ; lower-ones white at the tip. Inhabits Indta. Cram. tab. tt^. fig. CD. tab. tj.fig. B. Head black with 2 white dots : body black ; thorax with 2 white dots: all the ivings indented with here and there a blueglofs: margin of the loiuer-ivins brown with white iunules. liUcalia, Wings falcate toothed blaek fpotted with yellow ; middle of the lower-ones fulvous fpotted with black. Inhabits North America. Cramer <^.tab. 108. /%. C. D. Hind-mtrgin of the lonjuer-ivitigs black with yellow dots : nuingt beneath variegated. PaJiJlorcE. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; beneath with 30 filvery fpots. Inhabits America. Cramer 1 8. fab. ziz.fig. A. B. Lar'va fpinous black with 2 macular fulvous lines each fide and a double iuterrupted dorfal one. Juno. Wings angular-indented oblong fulvous with a black bor- der ; lower-ones beneath black with fulvous and filve- ry fpots. InhabhsSurinam. Cramer. Inf. 18. tah^ 2\<^.fg. B. C. Tip of the upper.'wings black with fulvous fpots above, yellow and filvery ones beneath. Danai. *Bra£icce. Wings rounded entire white; tip of the upper-pair brown and (in the male) 2 brown fpots. Inhabits £«ro/f. Lenxnn. tab. 25. Albin. I. tab. I. Larfva cinereous dotted with black, with 3 fulphur lines, tail black : pupa pale green with 3 yellow lines and 3 globular fegments. Lonver-nxiings with a brown fpot on the outer margin, beneath pale furphur. *Rapar. Wings entire white ; upper-pair tipt with brown ; male with a brown fpot on each, female with 3 brown fpots on the upper ;ind one on the lower- pair. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papillo. Dartai. 65 Xapi. Sinapit, Narica, Raphani. Inhabits Europe, Leivin. tab. 26. Alhin. tab. 51./. C. D. E. F. Loivtr-'v.-iTigs beneath pale fulphur : lar'va green ; pupa grcen- ifh with 3 fulphur lines. Wings entire white with dilated green veins beneath. Jnhihhs Europe And JJia. Allin.InJ. tab. c^z. fig.„^ . G. Dono^-an^s Eng. Inf. viii. tab. 2%.fg. I. Lezven. tab. 27. Larva green with 3 bronzed lines : pupa pale ochre : avingt above with a brown fpot or two. Wings entire white ; upper-pair tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, tab. 2^0./". 2. Le^iuin t. 29/", 4, c; All the ivingj beneath immaculate. Thele 4 laltare theinfcfts which in the Caterpillar or grub ftate commie fach ravages in our Gardens. Wings fnowy ; upper-pair with a brown fpot before the tip. Inhabits Guinea; fmall. Bafe of the wings beneath a little waved with green. Wings entire white, the tip black fpotted with whiter lovi'er-ones beneath with black veins and covered with yellow ifh meal. Inhabits Southern Europe, Ejp. Pap. tab. ^/^.fg* 3. Antenna black annulate with white : head and thorax brown : abilomen wh\tc, brown on the back: /oxt'^r-ac/s^j above white with obfolete marginal brown dots. Calialia. Wings entire white; above immaculate, beneath yellowilh at the bafe. Inhabits /«igs\n the male fulvou", fe- male whitifh ; ripper-zvi^n^s with a black dot in the middle : itnver'iviizgs fomething gfeenilh beneath. Neri£a, Wings entire white with a black margin ; beneath with black veins. Inhabits Cl^na. Cramer, Inf. tab. if\.Jig. A. Demophde. ■\^jngg white with 2 brown bands and margin ; lower-ones beneath Helli-colour. Inhabits India. Clerk. Icon. tab. z^.Jig> 4. VanrJJa. Wings entire white ; upper-pair with a brown exterior margin and black dot \ lower-ones with brown (Ireaks. Inhabits America, Jones Fig.pict. 6. tab. '^^./g. 4. Uppcr-nutngs with a few brown curved lines beneath : Imvir- ivings beneath yellowilh. Hccale. Wings entire yellow, the outer margin black ; beneath dot- ted with brown. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. il. tab. \\2.fio. B. C. Jgave. Wings entire yellow ; tip of the upper-pair above black, beneath chefnut-brown. Inhabits CV(?««f. Cramer z. tab, \o.fg.\{.\. Lo-.uer-'wings beneath with a (mall nut-brown fpot. *Cardumi' Wings entire white ; upper-pair (of the male) with a large f't'-'. bright orange patch at the tip including 2 black dots ; lower-ones beneath marbled with green. Inhabits 6S INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. yr. Papilio. Danai. Inhabits Europe. Denwar.. tab. 169, Lfwen.tab. 30. Female without the orange tip on the upper-nvings. Lar'v a (oWlzxyy above greenifh bcneatn whitilh ; pupagxctn with a lateral white line each fide: thorax conic afcenaing, Genutia* Wings falcate entire white ; upper-pair fulvous at the tip; lower-ones marbled with g,reen. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig. pi ct. 3. tab. 26 fig. 2. V pper-n.vings beneath whitilh with a black dot in the middle, the the tip greenifh : loHJuer'tuings with a few marginal black dots, beneath marbled with green. Dorothea. Wings entire white; upper-pair black at the tip; lower- ones beneath with yellow bands fpeckled with black. Inhabits India, Jone: Ftg. pict. "i^, tab. '^'fg.z. Body brown : upper luings with a brown dot before the tip, the bafc and tip beneath yellowifli fpeckled v/ith black. Elorea. Nina. Euckaris, Ky/a. TA/a. Wings entire white ; upper-pair black at the tip ; lower- ones with a black fpot and marginal dot. Inhabits Jones. Fig. pict. 3. tab. 2^.J'g. l. Body black : rib of the upper 'ui/igs black at the bafe; Wings entire white ; upper-pair with a black fpot and tip ; lower-ones beneath fpeckled with green. Inhabits India. In the mufciim of Sir yos. Banks. Vpper-ixtngs beneath with a black fpot towards the tip and a black patch at the bafe and tip. Wings entire white ; upper-pair fulvous at the tip with a black margin ; lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Ead India. Antenna annulate with white and black : all theof/tt^^ beneath white with a brown fpot attlic tip. Wings entire white ; lower-ones beneath brown v/ith a white dot and 6 yellow lunules. luhabits hleuj Holland. Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks, Upperixings black at the tip and fpotted with white ; beneath with a fulvous fpot. W^ings entire white ; lower-ones with a black dot in the middle, beneath yellowifb with 2 black dots. Inhabits Inata, Joms Fig. pict. ^.iub. 25. ^g, 4. Vpper-iLings tipt with brown, beneath yellow on outer margir. : k'juer-'-ivings with a black dot in llic nnddlc and yellow hind- niargin. Cbicris. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 69 Chloris. Wings entire white tipt with black \ lower-ones beneath fulvous with a broad black margin. Inhabit!) Africa. Cramer Inf. i8. tab. zoj.Jig, F. G. Jntennae sarled with white and black : upper-iviTigs beneath ful- vous at the bale : Unxer-iuings wtth a black hind-margin. Rhodope. Wings entire, both furfaces nearly alike ; upper-pair yel- low i lower-ones white : all black on the outer-mar- gins. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the Mufcum of Sir 'Jof. Banks. Antenn(V black : body cinereous ; up per- things black ftriate with yellow on the outer and hind-margins, beneath yellow with 7 black fpots at the tip : lo'vjer'-wtngs with 8 black marginal dots. \Elathea. Wings entire ; tipper-palr yellow ; lower-ones whuc ; ■ all black on the outer margins \ beneath cinereous. ' Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 9. tab. C)<)fg' C. D. \.Ac!meone, Wings with both furfaces alike, yellow at the bafc and white at the tip. Inliabits Tr^wjir^^^r. Cramer. \2. tab. i^i.fg. ^. Margin oitheupper-ivings black. vThrjne. Wings entire white edged with black ; lower-ones beneath \ yellow. Inhabits America. Cramer, Pap.tah.z^x.fgc^. ll-fad and antenna black : upper -ixi'mgs beneath yellow on the forc-niargin : /o-aw-T.7-v^j beneath yellow edged with black. licinia. Wings entire white edged with black ; lower-ones beneath immaculate. Inhabits India. Cram. t. 153./. E. F. Jones 3. t. X-j.f. 2. Body black : ujt>cr--v>ngi whitifli, the tip linuate black, mar- gin of the lip beneath yellowifh : k^wer-i-yings beneath yel- low. Am eta. O'lira. Wings entire white, the margin black fpotted with white ; lower ones beneath yellow. JnhMts CoromaKde/. Cram. Pap. fab. ijo.fg. A.B. Upper -ivitfgs with a black fpot in the middle: h-jL-er-nijings be- neath yellow with black veins, the margin black dotted with yellow. Wings white with a common brown border, upper-pair with a wiiitc codal band; lower-ores with a brown flrcak beneath. Inhabits, 70 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer. -tab. 320, fig. C. D.E. F. Female browner, with a broader hind-margin on the lower-wings and which is dotted with white. Ptranihe. Wings white with a black dot .ind tip ; beneath with cine- reous waves and a fulvous dot. Inhabits Eafl India, on the Caffia. Leucipfe. Wings entire; upper-pair red edged with black; lower-ones yellow. Inhabits Ainho'.na. Cramer. 3. tab. l^'Jig- A,B,C. Upper-ivings with black marginal dots : loiver-ivings fine yellow with lometimes black marginal fpots in the female, beneath pale fulvous fpeckled with black. Claucippe. Wings entire white; upper-pair tipt with black; lower-ones beneath cinereous with brown waves. Inhabits ^Jia. Cramer. 14. tab. 164. _yf^. A. B, C. 2 Wings entire white; upper-pair tipt with black: lower-ones with a black margin and 6 dots. The other fex. Anient. Mifcell. tab. ^i-fg. i? 2, Carottfus. Wings entire with black veins ; above white, beneath greenifh. Inhabits China. Cramer Pap. 4. tab. 44.^. B. C, Jl'i/igs with a few brown fpots beneath, Eudoxia. Wings entire white edged with black; beneath fulvous at the bafe and fpotted with black at the margin, Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Fig. pict 3 tab. zo Jig, 2. if 0^ black : abdemea cinQXQons, black on the hack; upper-iuingt white with yellow waves, the tip black with acute yellow fpots : lonx:er-i:'ings with an indented black margin. Ipbigtnia. Wings entire white tipt with black; lower-ones beneath yellowifli with a black band in the middle, and an abbreviated fulvous ftreak. Inhabits i'l^r/V/^;;;. Naturf. 9. tab. z.fg. 6. 2 Wings entire white; lower-ones benrath black wiih a yellow and red ftreak and white band. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. ^l-fg' A. B. Tiutonia. Wings entire white ; lov/er-ones beneath with black veins and yellow fpots. Inhabits Ke^vj Holland, iiulz. Ilid. Inf. tab. l^.fg' 9. ? Uipcr^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 71 Ujtper-wittgs w'lA a bljck dot in the middle, the tip black fpottcd with white: loiver-ivings above the edge black with white fpots, beneath 4 yellow fpots at the bafe and 8 in the black margin. Mj/ij. Wings entire whtte; margin of the lower-ones beneath black with a red band. Inhabits Neiv Ho/Ian^. Mufeum of Sr. yo/. Banks, Upper-ivings brown at the tip with 5 white fpots, beneath with a broad yellow inner-margin; lo=wer-ivings with a black hind- margin. Argenthona Wings entire white, the border black fpotted with yellow; lower-ones yellow, the tip black with a rufous macu- lar band. Inhabits Jones Fig. pier. 3. tab. \z.fig. 2. Lotver-'wings beneath yellow at the bafe. the tip black with a band compofed of 8 oblong rufous white Ipots. Mgrina. Wings entire white tipt with black ; beneath black, with a \ fanguineous flexuous ftreak on the lower-ones. Inhabits AVw Holland. In the Mufeum of Sr. Jof. Banks. Upper-'wings with a broad black tip fubfafciate with 5 whitifli fpots, beneath entirely black with a yellow band at the tip; loiver-'Mtngs whitifh edged with black, beneath black with a red fpot at the bafe and flexuous band in the middle. Maria. Wings white ; upper-pair brown with a broad white band. -Inhabits Eaji India. P. Cneora. Fab. p. 200. tt. 626. Lo^Mer -'wings white edged with brown, beneath a yellow patch at the bafe. Suba. Wings entire black with a common white band. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the mufeum of Sir. Jof. Banks. Vpperm^ings with a few white dots towards tne tip : all of then^ beneath yellowilh at the bafe. Coronea, Wings entire white edged with black ; beneath black radi- ate with fulvous at the bafe. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. 68, fig. A. B. Melania. Wings entire white tipt with black ; -lower-ones dull glau- cous beneath. ln\vih\\s Nei.u Holland. In the mufeum of Sir. Jo/. Banks. Body bro«n; antennae black; tipper-vjings black at the tip with white fpots; beneath white with a fulvous fpot at the bafe, the tip black Ipottcd with white: lonuer-ivings white with a blueilh glofs and broad brown margin, beneath glaucous. ScylU 72 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Dana!, ScjUa. Wings entire yellow ; upper-pair white with a black bor- der ; all of them clouded beneath. Inhabits Intiia% Cramer Pap. I . tab, 1 2. fg. C. D, Flippantha. Wings entire ; upper-pair white with a black fpotand tip ; lower-ones yeUow ; beneath nut-brown at the tip. Inhabits Jones Fig. pi£l 3. tab, ^.fg> 2. Body black covered with cinereous hairs: upper -luitigs beneath with a nut-brown tip and fpot : Itnijer-nuings above yellow, the margin fpotted with black. Tuli h Wings entire, both furfaccs alike, upper-pair white with -*' ' * black veins and margin ; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits Poulicanoor. In the mufeum of Sir jfof. Banks, /sntennae black annulate with white: body hairy cinereous: lo^er-nuings with a few fuivous fpots. Jmata. Wings fulvous bordered with black, beneath greenifh. Inhabits 7Wm. Craw^r. 30. /«/&. 351. /j-. A. B. Outer and hind -margin of the upper-iMings black with fulvous dots; all of them beneath greecilli, upper-ones with 2 brown dots at the inner-margin, lower-ones with one in the midddle. (ifpriea. Wings entire fulvous, the margin black with fulvous fpots; beneath grccnilh with a fulvous dot and moniltform ftreak. Inhabits India. Cram. tab. 53./^. C D. t. 351./. C. D. n Winffs white ; upper-pair faffron at the tip with a black band and margia ; beneath with an abbreviated raoui- liform (freak. Inhabits Eaji India; fmall. Upper-nvings with a yellowifh blotch, a black band and edge all round, and a black dot in the middle; beneath pale alh at the tip with a Ihort ftreak of 5 fubocellar brown dots with a white pupil, a black dot in the middle : linver-ivings fpotted with black on the hind-margin j beneath cinereous with a ftreak of 5 fubocellar ferruginous dots and i in the middle. Wint^s rounded yellow (with a fulvous fpot in the middle) yjireae. t,j^^ ^.^ ^-^^^^ . Ipwer-oncs beneath with 7 ocellar white Inhabits Atnerica. Cramer. 19. iab, 21 7. fig. D. E. Anteitk/g INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Danai. 73 A-nttnna black, the club ferruginous at the tip : lov.'er-§• ^' Tip of the 'wings fmuate with a broad patch of brown above, Lejoia. Wings entire fulvous ; upper-pair with a brown dot; all of them beneath pale with a fnowydot. Inhabits Fatagonia. In the mufcum of Sir Jofeph Banks. Body grey : upper.nvings with a brown margin and dot; the fnowy dot beneath farrounded with a brown ring, Senna. Wings yellow ; each of them beneath with a double ferrugi- nous dot. ln\\Kh'Hs America. Sloan. 'Jamaic. 2. tab. ^^S. fg. Ii, 12. Tips of the rjjings fometimes black fometimes immaculate. Marcelhna. "^^jngs entire yellow ; each of them beneath with a double filvery dot. Inhabits «^«r/«aOT. Cramer. 14. r^^. 163.^^-. A, B, C, Margin of the luings above dotted with black. Eubule. Wings entire yellow, the margin dotted with black; lower- ones beneath with a double filvery ferruginous dot. Inhabits C«ro/.'«/7. Cramer. \0. tab. \zo.fg F. G. In one fcx the apper-ixings have a ferruginous eye in the middle and the margin fpotted with brown, in the other the wings above are immaculate. Catilla. Wings yellow ; upper-pair with a black dot and margin ; all of them beneath with a chefnut fpot, which on the lower-ones contains a double filvery dot. Inhabits Tr^7;^r/^i5«r. Cramer, tab. 2ZC).fig. D, E. All the 'wings beneath fulphur with a large chefnt-brown fpot in the middle and lunules, which on the upper-pair contains a ferruginous dot. Proterpia. Wings entire angular fulvous ; upper-pair with a black exterior margin. , Inhabits Jamaica. In the mufeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper-'wings with a broad black margin, the hind-part ftriate with bbck beneath immaculate; Joiver-ivings angular, the hind-margin fl.riate with black, beneath yellowifh fpcckled with brown. C>:pKa. Wings white; upper-pair with a black dot: all of them beneath with a filvery dot. Inhabits Ina'/a. Cramer. 30. tab. ^61. Jig. C, D. K 2 Upper- 76 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilto. Dana!. Upper -luifigs wtth marginal brown dots, beneath glaucous with a filvery dot in the middle furrounded with a ferruginous ring: Itywer-ivings the fame beneath. Drya. Wings yellow ; lovver-furface of the upper-pair with a ferruginousUot, of the lower-ones with a filvery one. Inhabits America. Cramer. 10. tab. \ 20. fig. C, D. Wings hardly angular, the filvery dot on the lower-ones furrounded with a ferruginous ring. Philippa, Wings entire yellow ; upper-pair acuminated varied with black and with a black dot; lower-ones with a red dot: all with a filvery one beneath. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. Z'^-fg. I. Boiiy yellowifh: upper-xuings black at the bafe, the middle yellow with a black dot, the tip black fpottcd with yellow ; beneath pale with a filvery dot in the middle, the iris black : /o-iver- Kuings dotted with black at the hind-margin. • Rhamni. Wings entire angular yellow ; each with a ferruginous dot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. fab. 145, Leivin. tab. 31. Ma/e brimftone ycWow, female very pale. Lar'vu fmooth green with a darker dorfal line; /w/a gibbous, pointed before. Philea. Wings entire angular yellow ; upper-pair with a pale fpot, lower-ones with a pale border* Inhabits India. Cra?ner 15. tab. ij'^. Jig. E.F. All the -wings beneath with a double white dot furrounded with with a purple ring. Cipris. Wings (lightly tailed yellow, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 3. tab. ^g.fg- I. i>»^y large yellow : a'ltennae hhck ; all the iy/«j-j beneath yellow fpeckled with black, upper-pair with a fingTe dot furrounded ' vvith a red iris, lower-ones with z, the iris black. M.£rula. Wings entire angular yellow ; upper pair with a black fpot and ferruginous one beneath \ luwer-ozins with a ferruginous fpot both fides. Inhabits India, Qram. 1 1. tab. ^29, fig. A. B. .Jntenuae ferruginous: ^0^' yellow; upper -'ujings \\'\t.\\ a fquare black fpot in the middle and fmall marginal ferruginous dots, beneath with a yellow dot in the ferruginous ipot : loiver- ftvw^l INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papillo. l^ymph, 77 nungs with a fcrraginous fpot in the middle and fmall margi- nal ones, beneath with a double ferruginons fpot including a yellow dot. Pomona. Wings fubangular white ; upper-pair with a black dot; beneath yellow with 2 filvery dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits Ne-w Holland. In the Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Florella. Wings fubangular white ; upper-pair with a brown dot ; lower-ones beneath with 3 filvery dots. Inhabits Africa. In the Mufeum of Sir 7oi. 5fnl/us. Wings 2-tailed white with fulvous bands edged with black; lower-ones with a black caudal fpot Inhabits^r/Vfl. In the Mufeum of air Je/" B^w^^. Vpper-tvings with 2 fulvous bands edged with black, then 2 abbreviated onei, next an entire one, then brown ftreaks : louver. nvinfTs with fulvous and brown bands : one of the tails acute black with white lines, the other obtufe fulvous with 2 black dots. Scrnprcuius Wings 2.tailed white, the margin black dotted with white. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. . Bodf 78 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Boay large white ! antennae black ; upper -ivlngj beneath varied with white green and black and a blue Itreak ; lo^er-itjingt beneath with 3 fulvous fpots at the angle of the tail marked with black, the hind-margin black with yellow lunules. Tiridates. Wings indented 2-taiIed, above black fpotted with blue, the margin dotted with white. Inhabits Amboina, Cra?ner 13. tab. \6l.fg. A. B. All the />«"--w;/«o-j a little angnlar with 5 yellow bands: hind-margin of the hiver-nvings hrovin. with 3 white flexuous ftreaks and a few white fpots before the margin with a black lunule. Lycurgtts. Wings tailed black with blue marginal lunules, behind which are 5 white dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits Africa. Jones ^./. 60./'. i. Drury 3. tab, 26. Upper-ijuings beneath brown with 2 finall black dots at the bafc loixjer ''wings beneath with a nut-brown band and marginal white dots. Decius,. Wings tailed with a common white band ; lower-ones ru- fous at the tip, with 2 eyes and 2 white dots. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer 10. tab. 1 14 fig. A. B. All x\\Q'ivings grey at the bafe and black at the tip with a macu- lar ferruginous ftreak, !o\\er-ones ferruginous at the tip with 2 black eyes, the pupil blue, and 2 white dots at the angle of the tail. Beneath ferruginous at the bafe with blue lunules and variegated at the tip, lower-wings with 7 eyes, the laft with a double pupil. Sahinut. Wings tailed brown with a fulvous band; beneath grey with a white band and ©cellar dots. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 25. tab. 289 fig. A,B,C,D. Wings above variegated at the margin, beneath with white ocellar dots furrounded with a chcfnut ring. Doreus. Wings tailed, with a green band above and a white one beneath Inhabits Africa. In the Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae fubfiliform black : head and thorax black fpotted wuh white: upper njjtngs flightly indented, black with white inden- tations, beneath with a few white fpots at the hind-margin ; lonver-tvings with white indentations and a thin black inner margin, beneath with a few* white dots at the hind-margin. Falamedgj* INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 81 Palamcdes, Wings tailed black with yellow marginal lunules ; upper- pair with a* yellow band, lower-ones with a macular rufous band. Inhabits y/z^mftf. In the mufeum of Z)r. //«/7/fr. Body large, above black with 4 yellow fpots on the neck, beneatli yellow : i/pper-^in^s ialcAtc with a curved band and yellow marginal fpots at the bafc : /oauer-iuings with a band of rufous lunules, behind this one of obfoletc blue lunules and yellow marginal ones : angle of the tail with a rufous lunule. Orontet. Wjngs tailed black with 2 greenifli bands, the tail white and diftant. Inhabits hdia. Cramer Inf. 7. taO. 38. ^g. A. B; ^giflus. Wings tailed undulate with brown and yellow and about 3 caudal eyes. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 17. tab. zoo. fig, A. B. C. Splon. Wings tailed black with a yellowifli band, brown at the bale. Inhabits J eve!. Fig. pict. 5. tab. 63. fig. 2. • Hind-margin of the n-uings dotted with yellow: beneath cinere- ' ous with a few black waves at the bafe, a common yellowifh band in the tniddle and obfolete Ipots at the tip. Empedockii^ Wings tailed brown : upper-pair with an abbreviated macular green band : lower-ones beneath with 2 black fpots and a rufous lunule at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Tn the Mufeum o^^'wjof. Banks. Body brown covered with white wool : tip of the nving-tail whitifh. Euryalus^ Wings tailed black ; lower-ones blue before the margin with black fpots including a white pupil. Inhabits Amhoina. Cramer, y. tad. "J^. fig. A. B. Upper-tvings with a brown band : lo-Mer-^vings wii.'^ 7 bhck fpots, the pupil white: all beneath variegated with brown red and blue and a diftinfl yellow band. ^ifns. Wings tailed black ; upper-pair with a fulvous band, lower-pair with a fubmarginal white one. ' Inhabits Am'oina. Cramer i^.tab. it^o.fig. A. B. /,5atrr-ii-?ff^j with a band of blue lunules, then a Ilreak of whir: dots and a fubmarginal white band : all beneath variega- ted. VOL. Ill— L Phidi. 82 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilip. Nymh, Phidippus, Wings llightly tailed brown \ beneath with white biocel- late bands and 2 blind eyes at the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 6. tab. (><)■> fig. A. B. Wings above brown beneath grey with whitilh bands ; lower-ones with 2 eyes beneath. Xiphareu Wings indented tailed black ; upper-pair with white fpots; lower-ones with a yellow band. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. 32. tab. "^Il'fig. A. B. Lonucr ^.Jig. 2. Body large fulvoui ; antenna black : upper.'wings with a fmall yellow dot behind the band ; Io I Winf^s indented brown with 2 greenilh bands, one on the lower-wings entire ^ Inhabits ^///frzV^. Cramer, y. tab. jg. Jg. A,B, Lar'va green with a white and fcarlct ftreak, the tail with 2 fpines. ^, , ./- Wings indented, above black fpotted and ftreaked with "^ green ; upper-pair with a macular Inowy band. Inhabits India. Cramer Pap. tab. A^. fg. F, G. Head black dotted with white : thorax black with 3 cinereous bands : abdomen black the edges of the fegments v/hiti(h : upper-n.vings ftriate with green at the bafe, in the middle 3 white hyaline fpots, behind thefc a large macular white hyaline band ; beneath grey at the bafe with a white hyaline band and fpots: loiver-wings beneath with indiftinfl bands of white fpots at the tip. Demophon. Wings indented, above black with a green band ; beneath grey ftreaked with white. Inhabits C«>ww. Cramer. 13. /a^. 158./^. A,B.C,D. Uellor. Wings Indented brown with a bright blue common diflc and white fpots ; beneath with 3 or 4 eyes. Inhabits America. Cramer, z. tat), \q.fig- A, B. Natural. Mijcel. tab. 1 13. Merian Sur. 9. tab. 9. Varies in the number and fize of the ocellate fpots. * Perjeus. Wings indented' pale blue, the tip black with ferruginous fpots : beneath waved with 3 or 4 eyes. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. Ji'/g- A, B. JriJIides. Wings indented brown fpotted with yellow ; lower-one's with 2 eyes beneath. Inhabits India. Jones Fig.piSl. ^. tab. 61. Wings beneath yellowifh waved with brown ; lowcr-ones with 2 eyes, the puijil white. -2 eltmachits. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 89 TcUmacbus Wings indented brown with a common blue radiate area, each with ejfes beneath. ln\i&h\z% America. Cramer, iz. tah. ^j^.Jig. A.B. C. Menelaus, Wings indented, above highly poliOied blue, beneath clou- ded brown with ferruginous eyes. Inhabits America. Nat.Mi/ceU. tab. ^t^. Spots beneath with dark rings and white pupils. Larva fpinoiis yellow withrofy flreaks and legs, head nut-brown: pupa pale with a cylindrical infledlcd tail. Tettcer. Wings fcallopcd livid brown ; beneath clouded and on the the lower-ones 3 eyes, the lad very large. Inhabits America. Cramer. 5. tab, $\.Jig. A, B. Larvn cheihut-brown, 4-rpined on the back, head fpinous, tail bifid; pupa palifh with 2 filvery fpots each fide. Auttmedon. Wings angular fcalloped brown \ beneath livid with an eye at the angle of the tail. Itih.ibits Surinam. Cramer. 33. tah. 389. fi^. A, B. Male with a blue glofs on the ivifigs: beneath an oblique white ttreak at the bale and a blueilh eye towards the angle of the tail. Hecuba. Mete'lus. U, omeneus. Wings indented ; upper-pair red edged with black; lower- ones black ; all of them ocellate beneath. Inhabits Cayenne, hatur Mifcel t. 167. Cram. t. 217. f. A, B. IVIr.rgin of the ivings fpotted with yellow each lide : beneath undulate with brown black grey and ferruginous. Wings indented fulvous, the hind-part black: under-furfacc of the upper pair v»ith 3 eyes, of the lower ones with 5. lnh.z]:>\li Sun nam. Cramer. 19 tab. 2\'&. fg. A. ^ Hind-margin of the swings black witii fu vous fpots : beneath cinereous waved, the eyes with ferruginous rings and white pupil. Wings indented blue; upper-pair vv-ith a broad browft upper-margin and abbreviated white band: lower-ones with a large )ellowifh eye beneath. Inhabits America. Natural. Mifcel. tab. 164. Cromer Inf. 5. tah. ^I.fg A, B Clerk, tab. 20. fg. I. Lar-va rufous verticil'ate with hairy tubercles: /J^/ii coothed, with 2 incurved ftyksat the tip. VOL. in.— M 90 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTER A. 71. Papilio. Nymph. * Jo, Wings angular indented fulvous fpotted with black and large blue eye on each. Inhibits Europe. Nat. Mr/cel. tab. 388. Leivin. tab. 4. Doncfvani Evg. Inf. \\. tab. 206. ^Vings dark chefnut-brown clouded beneath. Lar-va fpinous black dotted with white, ^g-j ferruginous : pupa lo-toothed green with geld dots, bind behind. Polynke. Almana. Merie. Oenent. Flirtea. Lemonias, Vellida. Wings angular indented fulvous tipt with black ; beneath brown with blue ftreaks and eyes, 6 on the upper, 5 on the lower-ones. Inhabits Sumatra. Cramer t 17. tab. 195. fig. D, E. Wings with white finuofitics, lower- ones with 3 black dots before the margin and 4 fulvous fpots behind. Wings angular fulvous fpotted with black; lower-ones with a larger eye and a double pupil; all nut-brown beneath. Inhabits JUa. Cramer. 5. tab. $2. fig. F, G. Wings indented varied with yellow ; lower-ones with a larger eye and double pupil : beneath pale with about 3 eyes. Inhabits Intiia. Cramer. 5. tab. 58. fig.D,E, Wings denticulate yellow edged with black j lower-ones blue at the bafe. Inhabits Jjta. Cramer, ^.tab. 35. fig. A, B. The eyes in theiviugs are very various. Wings fubangular brown with fulvous fpots and 2 eyes; lower-ones beneath ferruginous with about 3 eyes. Inhabits Ini/ia. Jonei Fig. pifi. 4. tab. 20. fig. \. Upper nvings with 3 fulvous fpots, and a ftrcak behind with 2 eyes, the pupil white ; beneath fulvous at the bafe ; /f-iver-'vjings brown at the bafe with 2 eyes, the tip with marginal ftreaks ; beneath with about 3 blue eyes. Wings indented brown doited with yellow, all of them with a fingle eye. Inhabits /Wza. Cramer. 3. tab. ■^^. fig. D,E,F. Varies in having a double and fingle pupil, the eye with fome- times an approximate fmaller one. Wings indented brown, with a fulvous band behind and 2 eyes. Inhabits JmOerdam Iflavd. In the Mufeum of Sir Jrf, Banks. Antennae Chlu INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapHio. Nymph. 91 Antenna: pale, the club brown: upper-nvifigs wtth 2 fulvous fpnts and 2 yellowifh ones, the eyes black uith a blue pupil ; be- neath varied with pale and fulvous : loiver-^hgs with a ful- vous lunule in the midddle and band behind. Orythia: Wings_ indented brown ; all with 2 cVcs above, upper-pair with a fingle eye beneath. Inhabits _7^TOa/r/7. Cram. 2. taL 2\, fg; C,D t iq f. C D Varies in having the diflc of the /o'zier..tvi„gs ibovc blue or brown.' Wings indented black ; upper-pair with an interrupted white band and fpot at the tip ; lovver-ones with a blue fpot on the difk. luhabirs Guinea. Cramer, z.tah. Zl.fg. E, F. Upper-^vings filky-black with a fulvous band in the middle, then a broad white band and a few fpots behind, near the band is a fmall eye with a blue pupil; beneath variegated : lower-^ung; with a large blue fpot on the difk and a fmall eye, the margin ftrcaked with white, beneath cinereous with a broad brown band and darker fubocellar fpots. Wings indented ; above brown ; all with 2 eyes beneath. Inhabits .Swr//;«///. Cramer. (). tab. lol./g.G. Wings beneath variegated. Pinelei Zdtma, Wings angular yellow fubfafciate with brown ; lower-ones with 6 eyes each fide and a white (Ireak beneath. Inhabits 'Se-iu Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jaf. Banks. Vpper-ivings with 2 brown rings at the bafe and 6 fmall ferru- ginous eyes with a blueifh pupil before the tip: b-wer-ivings with 6 ferruginous eyes, the pupil blueifh, before the margin. 7erea. Wings angular indented, above brown with a fulvous band and ftreak of white dots on the upper-pair, and of oce'late ones on the lower. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cra?ner. 1 2. tab. 138.7?^. E, F. Upper ivings pale brown at the bafe with 4 tranfverfe black lines and 7 white dots: beneath yellowifh at the bafe with darker bands, the tip brown with occllar white dots : lo-wer-ijuing! with 7 ferruginous eyes, the iris and pupil black ; beneath cinereous varied with yellow and occllar black dots. l^aodice. Wings angular, above black with a greenidi band each fulc including a ftreak of occllar dots. Inhabits Guinea^ Cramer, iz, tab. l^o.Jig. G, PI. M 2 Uppo'' 92 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Upper-iutngs black. *t the bafe with fulvous fpots, the margin white, the tip with a few white dots : Irrrt Zf5>?«. Cramer. IJ- tab. 194./^'. B.C. Wi/tgs fvdvous at the ba'c with black dots, in the middle a broiyi macular green band, a fingle band of fulvous Ipoia in ijie up- per pair and 2 in the lower ; the li>vcer livings beneath have butone macular band. (-..^^ Wings indented black ; upper-pair with a while band i '^""'^' difl:of the lower-ones white dotted with black. Inhabits India, Cramer. 25. ta!>. ^gS-fS' ^' ^' r-''ir Wings indented black ; beneath fpotted with white. Inhabits ^i'w/c/V.VT. Cr^Mf;- 30. /. E, F. Band compofed of 7 red fpots which are em?.rginate at the tip. Hyperia. Wings indented black fpotted with white; lower-ones be- neath with yellow fpots and a rufous band in the middle* Inhabits India. In the Britifh mufeum. Feelers with a lateral white line : upper -ivings beneath with a ru- fous fpot on the rib at the bafe, 4 white fpots and 2 Itreaks of white dots, and a ftaeak of yellow ones behind : Itrujer-nvings with a few white fpots, and lunules at the margin ; beneath fpotted with yellow at the bafe, in the middle a band of 6 rufous fpots, then a ftreak of white dots, and laftly a ftreak of yellow ones. Profope. Wings indented brown with a common fulvous band which on the upper-pair has 2 black dots. Inhabit* I04 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph, Jnhahhs Nenv Holland. In the mukum of Sir yc/ej>/j Barih . Antenme black, beneath ferruginons : ttpper-nvings with a, fulvous fpot or two at the tip, beneatli a ftreak of black dots behind : /caoifr-au/»^/ beneath with a waved white ftreak behind and 5 black dots with an obfolete ferruginous ring. Echa. Wino;s indented brown; all beneath with a row of white dots. Inhabit^ Surinam. Cramer. 5. ta'i. ^J.fg- C, D. Upper-ivings with a ferruginous fpot towards the tip. Oaavia. Wings indented brown> the diHc angular fulvous doited with black: beneath \Tith yellow fpots at the bafc. , Ynhzkiw?, Sierra Leon a. Cramer 12. tab. 135.^?. B.C. Abdomen fulvous with black rings r border of the ivings above brown with marginal white lunuJes, ot the upper-pair with a few fulvous and blue dots, of the lower-ones with blue Itrcaks and angle of the tail: all beneath black at the bafe fpotted with yellow, white Jn the middle, the margin fulvous with a ftreak of black dots and 5 rows of white lunulcs behind. Luhentina. Wings indented obfcure green fpotted with white black and rufous. Inhabits C^/«fl. Cramer, i-i^.tah. IS^'J'S' C, D. Upper-nvings with 2 black fpots at the bafe, in the middle 2 ru- fous tranfverfe fpots including a white one, then a macular white band, the tip ftreaked with brown with 4 white dots : lo^er-tvings with 3 black fpots at the bafe, the tip with 2 bands of black fpots fome of them with a rufous centre. 'Janajfta. Wings fcalloped green bronzed with black dots on the upper-pair : beneath yellowifli with black dots at the bale. Inhabits Africa. In the mufeum of Dr. Hunter, Upper-^vings with a white dot at the tip: all beneath with a black ftreak behind. * Polvchlo- Wings indented fulvous, fpotted with black; upper-pair rcs^ with 4 black dots above. Inhabits Europe. Dono'van. viii. tab. 278, Leivin. tab. z. Lcnver-nvingi beneath blackifh with a pale central fpot. _ . Lari'a gregarious fpinous, flefh-colour with lateral blackifh lines.* pupa flefli -colour. l'^. allum Wings angular fulvous fpotted with black, all with a while fpot above ; lower-ones with a white lunule beneath. Inhabits £7/r5/V. Efp. Pap. 62. fg. 3. Lcvjcr- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. loS Z*^r.at7-«^j beneath yellowifh with 3 fulvous lines, the tip brown with an ocellar blue fpot and waved ftreak : lo^wer-imngs \vi\i- ferruginous in the middle with a white dot at the bafe, 2 white lunules in the middle and 4 white fpots behind then a white aud blue waved ftreak. Wings angular fulvous with undulate black ftreaks ; upper- pair with a white marginal dot. Inhabits Janja. Cramer-. 12. tab. 144. fig. G, H. ;^/»^j brownifh beneath with darker bands. Wings indented black; upper-pair with 2, lower-ones a fingle blue-white fpot: beneath fcrrugmous with a while band. Inhabits Eall India. Cramer. 6. tab. 65. Jig. t-.t'. Wings indented black with a white blue fpot and all with a ftreak of white dots : beneath brown with a white band. Inhabits /k^//^. Cramer. 16. tab. l()0. fig. A, B. //^W black with 4 white dots: upper-^uings wkh z vih'itQ fpot at the tip: all beneath with a white band and ftreak of white dots, the margin ftreaked with white, Lafinafa. Wings indented black with a ftiining blue fpot ; beneath brown with white lunules. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. iS. tab. 200. fig. A, B- Artadfte. Solina. Thecla. Clytia. Wings indented black: outer-margin of the upper-pair fpotted with white : lower-ones with a triple row ot white and yellow fpots. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papllio. Nymph. 107 Inhabits India. , Both furfaces alike. £o(iy black fpotted with \\hite : angle of the tail fulvous with a black fpor, Cocyta. Wings fcalloped indented brown; lower-ones blueilh at the tip. Inhabits Iiu-iia. "Jones Fig. fie/, z. tab. G\. fg. z. Undularis. Wings indented, above brown ; lower-ones ferruginous at the tip with a white dot beneath. Inhabits Ccro7nandd. Cramer, zz. tab. z^G.Jig. A. B. Upper-'iiings fpotted with blue at the tip. Monina. Wings indented brown ; lower-ones pale chefnut, b.'ueifh at the angle of the tall with a black ftreak. Inhabits Eaji India ; half the fizc of the laft. Upper'ivijtgs with a few obfolctc ferruginous fpots at the bafe : all beneath cinereous with black lunules at the bafe and ftreak behind. Iliarba. Wings indented black with a common white band which is abbreviated on the upper-pair. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pet. 5. tab. Jg.fg. 2. IVinss beneath flefh-colour with darker fpots furrounded with white. Amathea. Wings angular indented ; above brown with white dots, a red band and waved black line. Inhabits Cayenne, Cramer Inf. 18. tab. zoq.fg. A, B, Meleagris. Wings flightly indented dotted with white, above brown, beneath yellowiih. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. 6, tab, 66. fg. A, B. Seme of the dots on the ^juings beneath including blacT: ones. Melar.tha, Wings indented above brown dotted with white; beneath, pale chefnut. Inhabits Guinea. In t.\\e. mn^tv^m'oi Sir Jof. Bariks. Wi?tgi with a ftreak of darker dots beneath. Lcucoiboe, Wings indented, above brown with 3 white bands; beneath yellow with 3 white bands marked with black. Inhabits Afia, Cramer. 17. tab. zo^.fg. E. F. Msdea. Wings indented falcate black with 3 macular yellow bands; angle of the tail red. O 2 Inhabits io8 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiUo. Nymph. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 8. tab. 90. fig.'E. F. Antennae obtufe filiform : upper-v.ings with a ftnall rufous dot near the tip. Beneath variegated with brov/n and white. Blandinat Wings in eiited black fpotteJ with white ; upper-pair with a blue flreak at the bafe, lower-ones with a marginal blue reak. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict, 5. tab. 10. fg. i. Body black with a white dot or two ; vjings beneath cinereous, the upper-pair fpotted with white. Amalia. Wings indented, above brown ; beneath yellow with 2 blue ftreaks and dots marked with black on the lowe-ones. Inhabits 6':>rra Z.^c«<7. Jones Fig. pict. ^. tab. W.Jig. I. All the ijuings above brown with a fulvous hue, lower-ones with a ftreak of obfolete fulvous dots. Beneath yellow, upper-pair with a black fpot at the tip and 2 blue dots marked with black; lower-ones with 2 ftreaks 7 dots and hind-margin, all blue marked with black. .HcJliJia. Wings indented brown ; the bafe fulvous dotted with black; upper-pair fpotted with yellow at the tip. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones. Fig. pict. ^.iab. ?i'_fig. I. Body black : thorax with 2 rufous lunulcs : Itiver-'uings fulvous ftreaked with black at the bafe, the margin and an angular ftreak black, Nauplia. Wings flightly indented, both furfaces nearly alike, black; upper-pair with 4 white fpots above, lower-ones with a white band. \n\izh\ti South America. Cramer, tab. ^ij-fg. D,E,F,G. Heliodore. Wings indented fulvous with 3 black bands. Inhabits Siam. In the mufcum of Sir Jof. Banhs. Middle band common to both pair of ivingr, the margin black with a fulvous Itrcak : beneath pale fulvous with black ftreaks. /^,r• Wings imlented brown fpotted with white; beneath with numerous black ocellar Ipots. Inhabits G«/«.'<^ Cramer. 10. tab. 114.^%. E, F, Ilithuria. Wings indented fulvous with black bands; lower-ones be- neath with white bands Ipotted with black. Inhabits I idia. Cramn . \2. taU ^^Z'fZ' ^' ^' '• ^^7'f- ^^^' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, 71. Papilio. Nymph. 109 Lcwe'r.ivin^s'wyih. 2 white bands at the bafc, the anter iorof which has 2 lines of black dots, the pofterior one line, then a balck band dotted with white ; the margin black with a white ftreak._ Ampbimme Wings indcntedblack clouded with blue \ upper-pair with a white band each i'lde ; lower-ones beneath radiate with red. Inhabits South America. Cramer. 5. tab. 54. fig. E. F. Ofts. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair reticul^e, lower -ones barred with yellow. Inhabits Sierra Lecna. Cramer. 12. tah. \-3^%.fg. A, B. IVings wirh a common yellow band in the middle which is ab- breviated on the upper-ones ; upper pair fpotted with yellow, the tip reticulate, with a ftreak of white dots: beneath variegat- ed with brown blue black and yellow; /oiver-ivings reticulate behind the band : the tip beneath yellow with 2 brown curves. Crithea. Wings indented brown with ocellar fpots ; lower-ones be- neath cinereous with 2 brown fpots and a ftreak. Inhabits Sierra Lecnn. Cramer 12. tab. l^^.fg. C D. Upper-ivitigs with black ocellar Ipots, the iris yeilow and a few yellow line? ; beneath pale at the bafe with black lunules, the tip brown with a blue lunule : loivcr-ivi/igs with yellowifli ttreaks, the inner-margin yellow. Pbfgea. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with a ferruginous or wiiite band ; dilk of the lower-ones ferruginous or white i beijtath paler waved with black. Inhabits indui. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 21. Body black dotted with white; abdomen ferruginous. Salmajts. Wings indented black radiat«e with blue ; beneath brown with a white band. Inhabits Africa, foius Fig. pict. 5. tab. d^^fg. I. All the ivi>:gs with a few white dots at the tip : beneath with black veins and a white band and Itreak. Peka. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with arrow-flinpcd white and black fpots ; beneath cinereous wiih black lunules. Inhabits Eajl hidin. Vfper-nxings \\ith a few black lunules at the bife : lD^j:er . pap. tab. ^j fg-i- Margin of the upper -goings hrown: lo^-er-cvoings with a large Inowy fpot in the middle ending at the bafe in a brown dot, the tipyellowilh. Harpyja. Wings falcate indented brown with a common blueifh band dotted with black ; beneath pale chefnut with a brown ftreak. Inhabits Africa. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Vpper^iK-ings with a tew ferruginons fpots at the bafc of the upper- margin and edged with tulvous behind, beneath a white dot at the tip. loiver-ivings with a ferruginous band at the end of the blueifh one, beneath a few fubocellar fmall white dots ^JeliJJa. Wings indented brown ; lower-ones beneath marbled with grey. Inhabits America. In the Mufenm of Sir Jof. Bankf. Lo^er-iui/igs beneath varied with white and black. Elca. Wings indented brown; upper-pair with a fulvous band, lower ones with a white one. Inhabits India. Cramer tab. zJ^z.fg. D. E. andF.G. lUfeHferia. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with a fulvous band above and blue central fpots beneath. Inhabits .S'»r/««/«. Cramer \^. tab. itz.fg.B.C Upper-ivingi brncath yellowifh at the bafe, in the middle 6 blue fpots annulate with biack, then rufous, the tip brown with dar- ker ftreaks : lo'wer-nxj-ngs beneath yellowifh at the bafe with 3 black lines and behind thefe itriate brown. Mphe. Wings indented yellow; tip of the upper-pair black with a white band ; lower-ones beneath lilvery with 5 yes. Inhabits China. Cramer, tab. lZ..fg, B. C. D. Drury. Inf tab, (I'-fig. 2. " ' VOL. ni-P z Wings 114 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nyfnph, 2. Wings above fulvous fpotted with black without the black tip and white band. Cramer, tab. \^,jig, D, E. Drury, i. tab. d.fg. z. Thyelia. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath with a white band and 2 fcarlet dots at the bafe. luhabits /W/«. yones Fig.^ict. 5. tab. ^'^.Jig. 2. TJfper-'uoings beneath yellov^ at the bafe with 2 fcarlet fpots an- nulate with black, the firft double, the lower-one tranfverfe, the tip with a brown band and 3 white fpots. * Paphia* Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones with filvery bands beneath. Inhabits Europe. Dononjan. vii. tab. 257. Le^win, tab, g, 2. Cinereous fpotted with black. Inhabits RuJJia. Efp. Pap. tab. 60 fig. 4. Loiver-ivhgj beneath green with pale filvery bands. Larva folitary fpinous, fulvous with a yellow dorfal line and i long fpines on the neck : pupa grey contrafted at the neck. ' Cjnara, Cethojia. Wings indented green fpotted with black : lower-ones be- neath green with 3 filvery fpots and 2 bands. Inhabits the Ead. Cramer. 3. t. 25./. B, C. Efp. t $S./. 1. 2. 3 All the nvings edged with yellow above : /o^-er-nvings beneath with fometimes 3 filvery dots between the bands. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath brown at the tip with glaucous glofs and end- ing in an interrupted filvery band. Inhabits ^K_^«. Schneider. Pap. tab. l.fg. I. 2. Upper-ivings with a' white dot towards the tip ; beneath ycllowifh with black fpots and a ftreak of obfolete filvery dots : /oi, tab. u. Wilks tab. Zi^, iz. ' Lernja* INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph, 1,5 Larva folitary fpinous, black with fquare lateral ferruginous fpot*: ■pupa reddifli brown very much contrafled at the neck. Jphrodite. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black; lower-ones be- neath brown with 24 filvery fpots. Inhibits South America. Antenms ferruginous, the club black with a ferruginous tip : lipUr-ivings with 4 filvery dots at the tip beneath. Myrina. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with blackj beneath with 30 filvery fpots. Inhabits North America. Cramer. 16. tab. 151. fig.^. C. Upptr--Mings beneath with 9 filvery fpots, lower-ones with ?i and a ftrcak of ocellatc dots behind. Cjie/e, Idalia* Diana, 'Adipp! Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; beneath with 34 filvery fpots. Inhabits America. Cram 5 tab, 57.7%. E, F. Beneath g dots on the upper-wings and 26 on the lower, the lat- ter with a yellow band before the margin. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black, beneath with 37 filvery fpots; lower-ones above blue dotted with white. Inhabits North America. Cramer. 4. tab. if^. fig. D. E. F. G. Antennae fnlvous with a black club : upper -^win^s with ii, lower with 1 6 filvery fpots. The other 5f;v has the roargin of the upper-iuings dotted with white and the dots on the loiver-ones are yellow. Wings indented brown with a common black difk ; lower- ones beneath with g filvery fpots. Inhabits Virginia. Cramer. 2. tab, gS.fig. D. E, Upper-ivingj black at the bafe, the tip fulvous with z ftrcaks of dots ; beneath fpotted on the difk. Lonuer-'wings black at the bafe, the tip fnlvous with a ftreak of black dots ; beneath brown at the bafe with 2 filvery bands, the tip ycllowifh with ylunules. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; beneath 28 filvery fpots. Inhabits Europe, Levjin. tab. 10. E/p. tab. l%. fig. \ Loixier-nxiings with a row of ferruginous dots, moli of them with a filvery pupil; the margin green. Lar'va brown fpinous with lateral red marks and a dorfal black line including 2 white one : pupa reddifli-brown with filvery dots. P 2 * Lathonia. ne. Selene, Ii6 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. *Lathonia, Wings flightly indented pale fulvous fpotted witd black; beneath with 37 filvery fpots. Inhabits Europe, Donovan, m. tab. jt,. Lenvintab, 12. Lawa fpinous brown with darker fpots and a white dorfal line .* pupahiown before, greenifli behind. Eupbrefi' w^jngs indented pale fulvous fpotted with black ; beneath with 9 filvery fpots. Inhabits £aro/)^. Levjtn tab. it,. E/p. \. tab. i^.fg. 3. Larva fpinous black with a pair of dorfal orange fpots on each fegment. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath with 12 filvery fpots, a diftind black dot at the bafe and ftreak behind. Inhabit? FiL Ernli.Inf.Europ. i. tab. ig fig. ig. Lcv:er-ixings beneath with a filvery fpot at the angle of the tail and others oppofue at the outer margin, 2 large pale chefnut fpots behind and near thefe a llreak of black dots. l^iohe. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; beneath with pale fpots and 3 filvery ocellate ones. lr\\\zh\i& Eurcpe. E/p. \. tab. 18. /%. 4. Sckaeff t. 208./. 1.2. Inllead of pale fpots are fometimes filvery-ones. Larva fpinous, the fpines white, brown with yellow fpots in lines. Columhina. Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower ones beneath with 2 filvery Itreaks Inhabits Jlmerica. Jones Fig. pict. 5. ;ah.'j,fig. 2. ^ Lonuer. wings beneath with a few black qots between the ftreaks. Bellona, Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath filvery at the tip with 6ocellar fulvous fpots. Inhabits / orth Amsi ica. Cramer, a 8. tah. zog fig. E. F ?. yh'tennae WoXicgdiieA with cinereous and brown, the club fulvous: the fiivery ipots annulate with pale cheinut brown. Phalanta, Wings indented fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath glaucous at the tip with 3 fulvous occllar fpots. Inhabits Eafi India. Cramir 29. tab. I'iJ.fig, D. E. Tkais. Wings indented fulvous, the margin ftreaked with black ; beneath glaucous, lower-ones with a filvery band and oceilardots. Inhabits INJECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Paplllo. Nyviph. n-j Inhabits America^ In the Mufeum of Dr. Hunter, All the -voitigs fuhourwith a purple glofs. Gripus. Wings entire brownifli; beneath a flreak of white dots Inhabit? India. Cramer. i6, tab i^^.Jig. C. D; Feelers ferruginous tipt with black : upper-nvings rufty-brown with a yellow b»nd at the tip : beneath yellow at the tip with a ftreak of 5 white dots, Pojtbumus, "\Yif,gs falcate entire brown with abiuedilk; lower-ones beneath grey immaculate. Inhabits "Jenes. Fig. pict. 5. tab. 77. fig. 2. Vpper-vjings beneath bro\vn at the baie fpotted with white, the tip grey. 'Saphorae. Wings entire brown with a ferruginous band ; lower-ones beneath chefnut-brown with 2 eyes. Inhabits Jmerica. Cramer. 21. tub. Zl^. fig. A. B, C. Larva gregarious naked lineate. i^Xatithus, Wings entire brown with a ferruginous band ; lower-ones beneath marbled with grey and 2 eyes. Inhabits Afia. Cramer 16. tab i^l-fg' A.B. One of the eyes is marked with a white lunule. CaJJiae. Wings fcalloped brown with a ferruginous band bifid at the tip, lower-ones beneath cinereous with 2 eye:. Inhabits America. Crame^.tab. lOyJIg.A. R. /. \c6.f. A. Larva green Itreaked with red, head 2 fpined,. tail bifid : pupa reddifh with filvery fpots. Btrecynthus Wings entire, above black with a marginal yellow band; lower-ones beneath with 6 ocellar fpots. Inhabits Surinam Cramer. 16. tab. \^\.fg. B.C. Vfp<'r-9xirigs\v'nh 3 white dots at the tip : all beneath variegated, with a finglc ocellar Ipot on the upper pair and 6 on the low- er-ones. Arcadius. Win-^^s entire ; upper-pair black fpotted with blue and white ; lowei-ones baown, beneath chefnut-brown. Inhabits y^vVrt. Junes Fig. pict. ^. tab, 1%. Jig. \. JJpper-'wivgs with a large bUie fpot at the bale, fpotted with brown, the tid fpotted with white ; loivcr-^jji-!gs with blue marginal ipots. ITjnoriuS' ri8 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. Nymph. Honorius, Oethon. PoUxenest Cupavius, Wings entire blue; upper-pair black at the tip with a brown rib ; lower-ones dotted with black at the bafe and ftriate at the tip. Inhabits "Joms Fig.plct. 6. tab. 67. Jig. 1. Upper-tvings with a ftreak of blue dots before the tip ; beneath brown with blue dots at the bafe and a few at the tip j loijoer- fwiTigs with a black outer margin ; beneath dufky with black dots at the bafe and llreaks at the tip. Wings entire brown Avith a fulvous marginal ftreak, lower- ones beneath nearly naked, with 7 eyes. Inhabits Sunnatn. Upper-rjjings with a fulvous ftreak at the tip and a few white dots ; beneath a fmall black eye : loiver-ioings beneath waved with obfolcte white and brown flreaks and 7 eyes* Wings entire brown ; lower-ones beneath clouded with brown and grey. Inhabits North America. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks, Wings entire black fpotted with white; lower-ones beneath grey with a white band each ilde. Inhabits^r/Va and Guinea. Cramer tab. -i^^. fig. E, F. The white band is abbreviated on the lower-winos. Confiantius. Wing entire dull cinereous with a marginal ftreak of brown dots. Inhabits Jones. Fig. pict. tab. 50, fig, i. Dots on t\iQ upper -nvings furrounded with a white lunulc; be- neath a broad paler band behind the middle in which is a ftreak of darker dots. Marthefius. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a fulvous difk; lower- ones with a ftreak of white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 16. tab. loi. fig. A, B, Arcefilaus, Wings entire; above ferruginous immaculate, beneath brown with 2 darker ftreaks. Inhabits Siarn. In the mufeum ^x.Jof. Banks, Kera, Wings entire fanguineons with a brownifli margin ; lower- ones orange beneath. Inhabits Jfia. In the Britifii Mufeum. Upper -^K-tngs beneath orange with a fcarlet dilk, lower-ones with 2 brown ilreaks. Poljcarmes* INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papllio. Nymph. 119 Pobcarmes. Wings entire, above black, beneath chefnut-brown imma- culate. ^ Inhabit Surinam. Cramer. 28. tab. 329. jfj-. C, D. jSropui, Wings entire brov/n With a yellow band ; upper-pair be- neath with a fingle eye at the bafe. Inhabits 7Wi«. Cramer. 10. tab. l\\. Jig. F, G. Jncaus, Wings entire black with a blue band on the upper-pair and a ferruginous one on the lower-ones ^ beneath green. Inhabits India, Cramer, 29. tab. ^'^S. fig. C, D. Obrinus. Wings entire above brown with a blue band and ferruginous ' fpot, beneath green with a whitifh band. 'l , Inhabits India. Cramer. 5 tab. ^()'fg- E, F. ^ Upper ix.-ings with a ferruginous fpot, the iris blackifli, behind I this a blue band, and a blue fpot at the tip ; beneath a pale I; blueifh band; loiver-^vings with 3 fraall black dots ; beneath I 3 rufty. brown llreaks and 2 dots. Lucindus. Wings entire barred with black, above blue beneath fulvous. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 1. tab, i fg. E, F. A ftreak of black dots above towards the margin on the upper- ivings, and beneath on all, Liricpe. Wings entire Jfulvous, the border brown with fulvous fpots; lower-ones yellowifh with fulvous waves. Inhabits Guiana. Cramer. I . tab. I . fig. C, D. Lonuer -ivings beneath with a ftreak of fulvous ocellar dots behind and a marginal one of lunules. Jrminius. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, fulvous with reddifn- lunules and dots. Inhabits Jones Fig. pi£l. 6. tab. 'i2,fg. 4. Morpheus. Wings entire fulvous fpotted with black ; lower-ones with a ftreak of black dots each fide. Inhabits North America. Cram. 9. tab. zoi.fg. A,B,C. Antenna black annulate with white, the tip fulvous : body above brown, beneath cinereous ; longer --Mings beneath palifh with brown waved ftreaks margin and 6 dots. Lyitdice, Wings entire blue with a black border above and bands beneath. Inhabits Surinatn, Crwncr. 15. tab. 169./^. C, D, lJpt>r' 120 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Eumenui* Dardits, Areas ^ Cantbus. Eurytrist Hermes. Vpper-nuihgs with bkck nerves and majgin : lenver-iviags with a black margin. B neath a filvery dot in the third band of the upper-pair and 3 in that of the lower-ones. Wings entire brov>n with a white band which in the lower ones is termirated each fide by a fulvous fpot. Inhabits Cayenne. Tip of the ivings whitifh. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with a blue eye in the middle each fide ; ail beneath with 2 ocellar ftreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Body brown. All the swings with •? obfolete grey macular ftreaks above, the hinder-one fubocellar ; the blue eye on the upper-pair with a fulvous iris and without pupil, behind this z fmall white dots: beneath all with 2 macular whitifh Ilreaks towards the tip, the hinder-one fubocellar. Wings entire blue ; npper-pair fpotted with white; lower- ones with a black and white marginal fpot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. iSg.yV^. E, F. Wings entire, above brown immaculate : lower-ones with 6 eye? beneath. Inhabits North America. Cram. 17. tah. 20^. Jig. C, D. All the ivings beneath paler with 2 oblique ferruginous ftreaks, upper-pair with 3 fmall obfolete eyes, lower-ones ftrcaked at the margin with 6 eyes, the fifth very large, the fixth very minute at the angle of the tail. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 eyes each fide, lower-ones with a fingle one above and 4 beneath, all of them with a double pupil. Inhabits Jamaica. Cramer. 11. tab. 132./^. C, D. Antenna annulate with white and black, the tip ferrugmous: all the m^ings wich darker marginal Ilreaks above: all the eyes bkck with yellow iris and double filvery pupil ; between the fccond and third on the under -page of the lower-wings are 2 filvery fpots. Wings entire, above brown immaculate with 6 eyes on the. the upper-pair, 3 of which are blind. Inhabits BrafJ. Cramer. 5. tab. 60. fig. E, F. Wings beneath paler with 2 dark waved ftreaks, on the upper- pair 3 obfolete eyes and 6 on the lower-ones, the iris yellow pupil fnowy, 1,3,4. blind. Irius. Iriu Mir.eus. Crantor. Mergus. Cupidf, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef, Rur. 12, Wings entire with a yellow diflc ; lower-ones with i eye above and 2 beneath. ^ Inhabits iV>w Holland. In the mufeum of Sir. fof. Banks ^PP^p^'»g' brown with a yellow diik; beneath a fmall eye h^lT A 'T ^^r.nvings brown with a broad ferruginous band and a black eye with ferruginous iris and fnowy pupil j beneath pale at the rip with 2 black eyes furrounded with a ferruginous and broad filv«y ring, the p'upU fnowy, between the eyes a fmall fil very fpot. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with a finglc eye above lower-ones with 7 beneath and a white band. ' inhabits Cl^ma. Cramer. 7. fal>. S^./g. C, D. Wings entire brown ; lower-ones with a fingle bipupiliate eye above and 5 beneath, the firil and fourth bipu- piliate. '^ Inhabits India. Jonet Fig. pia. 4. tab. x2,fig. i; Loyer-rwings with a black eye above, the iris yellow and pupil double; beneath 5, the third and fifth blind. Wings entire brown, both furfaces alike ; upper-pair with 4 eyes, the anterior one with a double pupil : lower- ones with 5. i- r > Lihabits Jfrica. Jones Fig.pict. 4. tab. ^l.fig. 2. The eyes black with a fulvous iris and white pupil. Hefperia. Rurales. Lower-wings 6.toothed, tailed, beneath whitifli with fil- very fpots. Inhabits Amei-ica. Cramer. 14. tab. 164../^, D,E,F G X.ari'fl white dotted with black. ' ' Wings 6-toothed tailed, white with a black border : lower- ones with fi I very fpots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 21. tab, 244 Jg, C,D,E,F. Wings 3-tailed blue with a black border; beneath cinere of thTtair "^'"^^ ^'^^'' ^"'^ 2 rufous fpots at the angle Inhabits America. Jones F,g.pia.6. fab. 3./^. 2. bpots at the angle of the tail with a black pupil. Wings- 3-taiIed; upper-pair black, lower-ones blue: be- neath cinereous with 2 brown Itreaks and 2 eyes at the angle of the tail. VOL. UI.~Q^ Inhabits Ill INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. 19. tab. 224. fig. D, E. Antennae bjack annulate with white, the tip fulvous ; upper-nvings with a thin blue edge: lo-iver-ivings with 3 black tails tipt with \-.hite; the ^^ j at the angle of the tail black with a rufous iris. Janias, Wings 3-tailed blue with a black border; beneath green. Inliabits Surinam. Cramer, 18. tab, 2.\'!,.fg. D, E. Lo-vu-er •'wings beneath with a black fpot towards the margin. Pythagoras. Wings 3-tailed black with a yellow border; beneath black varitd with white and a white band in the middle. Inhabits hidia Jones Fig, piSi. 6. tab. 14 fig. 4. Small. Lcwer-ivings with marginal lunules, Amer, Wings 3-tailed brown, the difk beneath variegated and a golden ftreak behind on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. 320. foi-tes 6. ta'^, ix.fg. 3. Antenna annulate with w'^.ite and black the club ferruginous at the tip : upper-ixings with a white fpot in the middle : Icnver- nx;in^s v ith a terminal rufous band and 3 filiform tails. Beneath the dilk whi'e varied with black and yellow, the border brown with a white ma-ginal ftreak on the upper-pair : at the angle of the ta:] are 2 fmall fpots, Eeftodus, Wings. 3-tailed black with a blue diflc; beneath white with a common greenith ftreak and 2 filvery black dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. go. Jones 6. tab. (^.fig.i^. At the angle of the tail are 2 dots which in the upper-pair arc black, in the lower-ones filvery. Timon, Wings 3-tailed, greenifh at the bafe ; beneath white. with an abbreviated red band on the lower-ones. \'c\V.zki\\.^ America. In the mufeum 0^ Tir. Hunter, Vpper-iiings above brown with a greenifh bafe, beneath white w'lh a darker tip: Ic^er-nxings greenifh fpotted with white, beneath white with an abbreviated brown flreak at the angle of the tail and a red band with 2 black fpots. Moncus, Wings 3-tailed brovi^n ; beneath fnowy flightly barred with brown, the lower-ones with 2 gilt eyes. Inhabits Africa In the mufeum of Sir 'Jof. Banks, Upper-iuiNgs beneath with a tranfverfe brown fpot in the middle and band at the tip : lo-Mer-avings ilreaked with white at the margin, the fails fhort and white; beneath with 3 brown dots at the bafe interrupted band in the middle and patch at the tip, at the hind-margin 2 gilt eyes with a falvous iris. Faunus, Fa Lijla INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. H f Rur. i:.3 f. Wings 3-tailcd brown; beneath white with 2 fulvoiis ftreaks. Inhabits Africa- Cramer, ta^. 39. fig. B, C. fair. g6. Jig. F, G. Loii-er-nvings with a white ftreak behind, the tails long white. Wings 3 -tailed ; upper-pair brown with a fulvous fpot ; lower-ones beneath white fpotted with black. Inhabits Poulicatidor. In the mufeiun of S>\x Jof. Banks. Upper-witigs beneath yellowifh with fulvous ftreaks and a brown one behind; lo^joer-v:ing!> fpotted with blue on the hind- margin, the tails black edged with white. Hjmeit. Wings 3-tailed brown, fpotted with white beneath; upper- pair white above. Inhabits Africa. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-'wings with a common whitifh fpot at the thinner-margin, beneath with tranfverfe white lines. Gabrielis. Wings nearly 3-tailed gloffy-blue; lower-ones beneath brown with white bands before the tip. \x\\i-3}o\x.% America. CraJKer. I. tab. b.Jig. C, D. Lo'v:er-<^ioingi ferruginous at the tip and barred with white, angle of the tail greeni/h. fhdarut. Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with a black border, beneath brown with filvery and fulvous fpots. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab, \. fig. 4. Wiyigs black with a llnate blue diflc, at the angle ot the tail 2 rufous fpots. Chiton, Wings 3-tailed blue with a brown border, beneath yellowifli- white with black bands. Inhabits India. Cram, tab. 282. fig. C, D. Jones 6. t. z. f. i. Lonver-nvings with 3 black tails tipt with white, in the hind- border a white ftreak; beneath 4 bands meeting at the angle of the tail. Pelitn. Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with gold dots and a brown border. Inliabits America. Cram. 1. tab. 6. fig. E, F. IVings beneatn brown with white bands and darker at the bafe, upper pair with a fmall fcarlet dot. Junus, Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with a black border, beneath black with v/hitc bands. 0.2 Inhabits 124 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. HeJ .Rur, Inhabits Americ4t» Cramer. 2. tab, r^-ftg. E. F, The middle tail longer aad white before the tip. Fetus, Wings nearly 3- tailed blue with a black border ; beneath brown, the bafe rufous dotted with white. Inhabits Surinam, Antenna black with a white club. Frtja, Wings 2-tailed brown ; the difk beneath brown with a wa- ved ftreak, which on the upper-pair is fulvous on the lower-ones black. Inhabits Tranifuebar, Vpper'ivings bereath white with a fulvous border trarfverfe line in the middle and ftreak behind : longer -'wings wMre at the rip with a broad black band, the firft tail vy '-ite the fccond black edged with white; beneath with fulvous and black marginal ftr^aks, the tip prominent with a broad blue band terminated each fide with a black dot. Etolus. Wings 2-tailed, upper-pair black ; lower-ones blueifli be- neath whitifh with a black dot at the bafe and 2 at the tip. Inhabits India, Upper ■'Wings a little blueifh on the inner-margin : Icwer ■'wiugs with a black dot at the tip. Beneath the uprer-pair brown teftaceous with 2 darker ftreaks, lower-ones with 2 interrupt- ed dark ftreak? before the tip, the tails white with a black line in the middle. Vulcantu. Wings 2-tailed, above brown with fulvous fpots, beneath variegated with fulvous yellow and filvery ilreaks. Inhabits InSa. Cramer. 18. tab. zo% fig E F. Body brown with lateral white ftripes : upper-ijuinos W\t\\ 4tranf- verfe fulvous fpots : loiverones with a marginal fulvou.^ band and black dot at the angle of the tail with a golden ins, beneath 2 black dots at the angle of the tail,. Ganymedes Wings 2-tailed blueifh with a brown border, beneath green- ilh at the bafe with gn!d dots. Inhabits India. Crurner. 4. tab. J^o.fg. C, D. Upper-'wings with a brown central dot, beneath 2 white ftreaks and a purple one in the middle : loiver-'wings beneath with a white purple and gre(;n approximate bai-ds, the hind-margin brown. Mars. Wings 2-tailcd brown ; Tower-ones with a rufous fpot and 2 white dots and an oblicjue band beneath. Inhabits Celtn INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 125 Inhabits America. Cramer \i^, tab. i75./^>. C, D. v<»/^'/^y annulate with white and black, the clih ferruginous at the ut> : »/;fr-wy«^5 with a darker fpotm the middle, beneath cinereous wuh an onlique white band : tcmjer-wn^s beneath with a large rufous fpot before the angle of the tail, "• Wings 2-taifed white ; beneath with alternate brown and white bands* and a triple rufous eye at the anc^Ie of the Inhabits Surinam. Cramer, i. tah. ^l.Jig C D Upper^^ings dotted with black at the tip : U'er-ones at the mar- matheon, Wings 2-taIIcd glofTy-bluc, beneath black fpeckled with blue. Inhabits fsurinam. Cramer 14. tab. ib^./g. p, Q Upper-ivings with a black fpot; all tipt with black.' ^- ^^Didymaon^. Wings 2- failed brown; the bafe beneath red with whit* { ocellar dots. i Inhabits 6'«r/»^«. Cram. iz. tab. \^^. fig X. j A greenifh fpot beneath at the angle of the tail, v' )j^roftne. Wings 2-tailed brown, upper-pair withy red dots, lower- 1 ones with 3i upper-pair beneath with 3 filvery i ^f-'^'^-''^^^ C ape 0/ good hope. Cram. tab. ^^i. fig, Ti ^ \ Uppcr-'wtngs beneuh brown with a fulvous di/k ipotted with black \ T^J, ''^^^^ ^"h ^ ^^"e pupil: lon^er-ones beneatft brown '■■ ipotted with white. //»•.«,. Wings 2-.ailecl brown with 2 approximate waved darker itrealis, and a double blacic fpot at the ani;le of the Inhabits India. Large, Mtemae black anm.iate with white; upper-'wings with a ferni- ruginous ipot in the middle: lo^r-Ls ferrfiginous at he tTefo^part/ '""^'^'^ ^"^'^ °^'^^^ ''^ ^--5^°"^ °* ^/y;. Wings 2-tailed brown with a blue dilk ; beneath cinereous with brown veins, the bafe with a fulvous fpot and white dots. *^ Inhabits India. Cram, tab. 259. Jones 6. tab. 1 3. -%-. i. Sophoc/es. 126 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur, Sophocles. Wings 2-tailed black with a common blue diflc ; beneatk white with waved yellowiili ftreaks, the lower-ones with a fulvous dot at the tip. Inhabits India. Jones Fig.pict. (i.tah.\l. fig. z. Lovjer-nvings beneath with a black line in the middle. Euripides. Wings 2-tailed black with a blue dilk : beneath brown with an abbreviated white ftreak on the the upper-pair, and 2 angular rufous ftreaks and marginal ocellar fpot on the lower-ones. Inhabits /»dVth 2 black halfftreaks on the upper -pair, and a black dot at the hafc with a 1 iteral white pupil on the lower-one5, towards the anale of the tail an incurved white ftreak. Sphinx, Wings 2-tailed blueifh, beneath cinereous with a double black fpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer 4 tab 46./. F G. Wings above blue, the margin of the upp :r-pair brown ; beneath with 2 waved bro'vn ftreaks, one of the fpots at the angle of tail furrounded with a rufous lunule, the other in the tail itfelf. Milihxus. Wings -2-tailed blucifh with a brown border ; beneath yellowilh with brown ftreaks on the upper-pair and black-ones on the lower, angle of the tail black with blue rings. Inhabits /W;«. Jona Fig. pict. 6. tab. z.fg. 2, Lonjuer^ 1 28 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Run Lower 'inungs with a white ftreak in the border and a black fubo- cellar dot at the angle of the tail. Maecenas, Wings 2-tailed black with a blue didc, beneath with chef- nut-brown clouds Inhabits Cb>na. Jones Fig.fiB. 6. tsh. "^.Jig 2. Upper-n.mngs beneath with ar^ interrupted white line at the bafc : lo'wer-onts beneath with a black dot at the angle of the tail. Tfrtaeus "Wings 2-tailed brown ; lower-ones beneath with a waved white itreak and black marginal lunulcs, the middie- ones rufous. Inhabits India. Jones Fig piSl. 6. tab. w.Jig.i. Lotuer-iviags with a bluei(h band bifid behind thcdivifions end' ing in a black dot. Xenophon* Wings 2-tailed brown with a yellow dific ; beneath cinere- ous with a white ftreak in the middle joined to a brown one. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict, 6. tab. 1 5. fg. 4. Lcwer-tvings with a marginal punftured brown ftreak. Marjyt Bathis. Cyantts, Wings 2-tailed, above blue, beneath blueifli with black dots. Inhabits America Cramer Inf. 28. tab Z^i-fg* A, B. Wings 2-tailed blue with a black eye ; beneath browa with white bands, angle of the tail rufous. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer: tab. ^i.ftg. E, F. Jenes 6. t.io.f. I The eye in the middle of the upper-swings with a cinereoHS iris^ Wings 2-tailed fliining blue, beneath with a white difk. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab. jd.fg. C. D. Lower-'wings beneath with 7 blue fpots, the pupil black. Hyaclnthns Wings 2-tailed Ihining blue ; under-furface of the lower- ones black in the middle with a white band. Inhabits India. Cramer 3. tab. 36. fig.. E. Hale/ut. Wings 2-tailed blue edged with black ; lower-ones each fide fpotted with gold at the tip. Inhabits America. Cramer 9. tab. ^'i'fig' B. C. Anocellar brown fpot with a rufous lunulein the middle on the upper-' INSECTS. 'LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. ^ef. Rur. i2g upper-'wings, beneath a rufous dot and blue line at the bafe • lo-wer-nuings with a rufoua and gold fpot at the bafe be- neath. Acheeus, Wings nearly 2-tQlled brown with fulvous fpots ; beneath yellow with gold fpots. ' Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. ■^t;z. yc»es 6.. tab, ^.fig. I- Wings beneath with numerous gold fpots, forae of them annulate with brown, the tails Ihort and (hining gold. Ptrtcks. Wings 2-tailed black ; beneath brown waved with white, angle of the tail with a double filvery fpot. Inhabits India. Jems Fig. pict. 6. tab. iS Jig. 3. L(nver-^ivings with^i few black dots beneath. Formojus, Wings 2-taiIed brown, beneath yellowifh with red and and gold fpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer io. tab. il^^g. G. -Hind-margin of the wttigs beneath golden. Mstoii, Wings 2-tajled white with a brown border ; upper-pair with an ocellar gold fpot. Inhabits Sunnam, Cramer. 17. tab. zoi.fg.CT). Wifigs beneath varied with black yellow and brown. Theroi Wings indented, nearly :2-tdiled, blaokiih with fulvous fpots; beneath with filvery fpots. Inhabits Africa. ,iger. Wings 2-tailed white' tipt with black, beneath brown with white iireaks and lunules. Inhabits Surinam. . Cramer. 22. tab, z^i^.//g. E. F. Body whkc : antenriae black : /mver-xvitgs beneath with a blue fpot iji th£ middle and 2 at the tip. Harpax. Wings tailed ftilvous fpotted with'black, beneath cinereous with gold dii-ts. Inhabits America. A/ticnnae bhck with white'lateral dots and 'band before the club which is ferruginous at the tip ; iving-tail ferruginous tipt with white, Ki/e/rs. Wings tailed brown ; beneath yelbwiih with red fpots in- ^hiding gold ones, VOL. III—R Inhabit*!. 130 Ptrion. jiUguPiUS, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papllio. Hef.Rur. Inhabits Sunr.am. In the Mufeum of Sir J$f. Banks. Upper -rtdr.gs with a diaphanous fpot in the middle ; beneath 2 a gold ftrcak towards the hind-margin. Wings tailed fulvous with a brown border and bands ; be- neath dotted with gold. Inhabits Surinam. Cram, ^z.tab. ^jg. Jig.'B, C, Tail long black ending in a white dot. Wings tailed white with a brown border ; beneath varied with ferruginous and yellow, the lower-ones with 2, cinereous ftreaks. Ir habits Jmerica. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. j./j-. I. Wings with a black fpot at the angle of the tail : lowcr-ones beneath with a black dot at the bafe annulate with yellow. Centaurus. Wings tailed blueilh with a brown border, beneath cinere- ous with ocellar fpots at the bafe. Inhabits Nenu Holland. In the Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks, Upper-nuings beneath with 4 or 5 brown fpots annulate with, white, behind thefea brown band edged with white ; lonver- nvings beneath with 6 or 7 brown fpots annulate with white at the bafe. Gerontes. Wings tailed black with a common tranfverfe white fpot ; upper-pair with an eye, lower ones with a double one. Inhabits 4;9-zVfl. In the Mufeum of Sir. Jof Banks. Black eye on the upper-wihgs with a lunular filvery pupil, that on the lower-wings with 2 filvery pupils and common ferru- ginous iris : hind-margin with filvery lunules. Jarbus. Winers tailed fulvous with a brown border ; beneath cine- reous with a white ftreak, lower-ones^ with 2 black dots Inhabits Siam. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/eph Banks, Antennae black annulate with white, the club black with a ful- vous tip ; iviKg-tuils thin black tipt with white : lonucr-'wingt beneath with 2 black dots at the tip, the anterior.one with a fulvous iris. Ceranut, Wings tailed blucifli ; beneath chefnut-brown at the bafe Ipottedwith white. Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. 332. Jtnes 6. tab. ^.fig. 4. , Pann INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. Hef. Rur. 131 Pa»n. Phrbtis. BttuU Wings tailed brown; upper-pair with a fulvous fpot, low- er-ones with a black fubmarginal one ; beneath cine- reous with 2 eyes at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Jfrica. "J ones Fig. pict. 6. tab, 2, fig. %. Black fpot on the /otver-ivings annulate with ferruginous : all beneath flreaked with white, one of the fpots at the angle blthe tail furrounded with a ferruginous ring. Wings tailed brown with a white diflc ; beneath white M'ith cinereous (treaks and 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India, Jones Fig. pict, 6. tab. z. p,g. 4, Lomier-ioings with a white hind-margin fpottcd with brown. Wings nightly tailed brown ; beneath yellowifli with 2 white Itreaks on the lower-ones, Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vW. tab. 2^0, Letvin. tab. 42. If^ing-tai/icd : /nale with a fhort black ftreak on the lower wings; /ima/e w'vt-h a large fulvous fpot on the upper- pair. Lar'va fat green withpaie ftreaks : pupa glabrous, ferruginous. tPruni. Wings {lightly tailed, above brown with a red fpot at the tip of the lower-ones : lower-wings beneath with a fulvous marginal band dotted with black. Inhabits Eurvpe, Le-Mtn tab. 44.. E/p, x.iab ^g fg. i. Larva fat green with « pale lateral line .♦ pupa brown with a white head. Zpini. Wings tailed brown ; beneath cinereous with fulvous marginal lunules and a blueilh fpot near the tail. Inhabits Germany, on the Prunus fpinofa. Lcv.-er-^jL'ings with a few rufous Ipots at the tip, the tail tipt with white. Beneath a white ftreak, the blueifh fpot at the angle of the tail with a terminal black dot. ta-voiuus. Wings nightly tailed brown with fulvous fpots ; beneath cinereous with 2 white ftreaks, lower-ones with a fub- marginal fulvous band and blucifti at the angle of the tail. Inhibits America. Smithies Lepidop, Inf. ofGe:rgir, Wings flightly tailed blucini; beneath cinereous with a v/hite ftreak and double fulvous dot near the tail. Inhabits Europe^ Le-tvin. tab. 43. J/bin. t, dz.f.h. B. R 2 J^Ule. 132 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, 71. Papilio. H4. Rur. Male, wings above brown with a blue hcart-fhaped fpot on the upper-pair. Lawa fat, abore rofy with 3 lines of green dots : pipa glabrous, ferruginous with 3 ddrfal lines of brown dtots. Ltnceus, Ceraf. Maciae, Wings tailed brown immaculatie ; lowet'Oncs beneath with a lunulajte white and rufous ftreak. Inhabits Rujfia ; refembles P. fpini. Upper ■niingshtncAXhWnh. an abbreviated flreak of 5 whitifh Kt- nules, a.^reak of numerous, white lunules on the lower-ones and a few red lunules behind : male with a fulvous diik on the wings above. Wings tailed brown immaculate ; beneath a white ftreak and fulvouc lunules marked with a bkckdot on the ower-oncs. Inhabits) Aujiria, EJ}. pap. \,tab.l<^.Ji.£. 3. Wings tailed brown ; beneath blueifh with a white ftreak, and fulvous lunules near the tail. Inhabits RuJJia . much lefs than the laft. Lowcer-iuings with 2 marginal fulvous fpots, beneath with a white flreak and fulvous lunules near the tail with a black dot or two. S-metl^us. Wings flightly tailed brown with et white fpot on the difk ; upper-pair tipt with black* Inhs^iits ^ffierica. Cramer. \7^. tab. xa/^. fg.'Q.C. Upper-nKingi beneath grey with a whitt fpot in the middle and ferruginous border, the hind-margin with a Itrcak of black dots ; loiver-ijuin^j beneath variegated, the margin dotted with black. Bmica Wings tailed blueiOi ; beneath cinereous with white waves, angle of the tail with a double gilt fpot. Inhabits Earopeand jndia. Ejp.pap. f . tab. 27. fig, 3. ^f/«^-/^i/7 tipt with white: the 2 eycsW\x\^ a gilt ins and black pupil, Apidanus. Wings tailed bloe ; lower-ones beneath brown varied with blue, angle of the tail with a double gilt fpot. Inhabits 5«fi'?«w. Cramer, 12. tab. •37'J%'^- ^* JVi/!gs blue edged with black, beneath broA^u wiih a ferruginous fpot at the bafe. Ael'aau. . INSECTS. LEPIDQPTERA, 71.- ffstpilio. mj. Rur. i^ AHams. Wings tailed while ; beqeath cinereous with, white ftreaks, angle of the tail with 3, black eye In-Jiabits F.ajllndia. Upper ivings above tipt \vit!i black • eye at the angle of the tail black, with a gold glofs and Surrounded with a. rufous ring. Strephon. Wings^ tailed, brown with a blupifh djflc ; beneath cinereous with a, white band and double ri+fous eye at the anelc of the tail. ^ Inhabits Imlia. Cramer, tab. ZJ.fg. C, D. EvC' at the aiigle of tk^ tail with a black pupil., Bicus. WingstaiJed biueifh; beneath varied with white and brown liie lower-ones with. 2 dots at the angle of the tail * Inhabits Inc^ia. Cramer, tab. 379. Jnnes6. t^. iZ fg a Dots on: the swings white annulate with black. Ihe^pyaf. Wings tailed brownia; beneath white fpotted with Wacfc ''''■• lower-ones with 5 marginal gilt dots;. ' Inhabits Maracco; linall. Upper-'U'^ngs wicn 2 bludili lines at nhe b?.k^ tjie diik with an obJoicte yelovviih fpoc Ipottcd with black; beneath white with black lines. Cohrmlla. Wings tailed browniai ; beneath cinereous with a ftreak of black and white dots and 2 fulvous fpots on the lower- ones. Iniiabits SiHth J)?2ei-ican IJlands ; fmall. J.acn':ae t,hck annulate v.i.d white: lo^er-^ings with a black lutjoceliarlpot or two at the tip, the tail black tipt with white. Ckcn. Wings tailed brown; beneath cirwreous with a red flreak on the upper, pair and band on the lower-ones, an^le ot the tail with a double rufous eye. '^ Inhibits Branl. in the nKifcum of Sir Jo/. Banks A-i/e^i^a- annu.ate with wnite and bkek, tiie cJub black with a brown dot at the tip : all the -luings above brown, a fmall red Cot at the angle ot tae tajlj beneath ciuer.-ous with paler mar- g.nal lunules, the 2 eyes rufous with a black pupil. Pboddes. W'"gf mailed, above brown; lower-ones white with 2 black dots. InhHblts J/nca. Jo.,es Fig. p-ct. 6. tab. i z.fg z Uwer-^a^ings ;^s\xnt at the. tip with 2 black dots: upper-nxin^s beneath with 3 wiiitc and 3 teiiiceous alternate bands; lower- ones with bruvvn dots and lines and 2 black dots at the tip. j 134 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papillo, HeJ, Rur, Akldes. Wings tailed black with a blue glofs ; beneath ferruginou^ with a yellow ftreak. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 8. tab. C)6.Jig. D, E. Philippus. Wings tailed brown ; beneath white with 2 fulvous ftreaks"* * and 2 fubocellar black dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. ta'y. lO. fig. l. Louuer-ivings with a white ftreak behind and 2 fubocellar black dots at the angle of the tail. Jtmnus. Wings tailed fulvous, upper-pair tipt with black. " Inhabits Siam, Cramer. 28. tal>. 331. fig. D, E. £^.^ Wings tailed black ; beneath green with a (lightly indented '-^^' and fpotted margin on the lower-ones. Inhabits Cbtiia. Cramer. 4. (aL .^S.fig, E. j,,lus Wings tailed blue with a black fpot on the upper-pair ; all beneath with a white band ftreaked with black. Inhabits /«^zfl. Aubent.Mifi:ell.tal',l2>.fi.g.6,j. Upper nvings t^pt with black; la^'er-ones beneath with a fmall red dot at the anterior bale and a red fpot with a few white ones at the tip. Ccriolauus. Wings indented tailed, dull cinereous with a common fer- ruginous ftreak. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab.i^^./g. U Lonvtr-^v.ir.gs with a ferruginous patch behind ; beneath 4 blacif dots marked with white. Plinius Wings tailed varied with white and brown; lower-ones beneath with a double gilt Ipot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. lufig. 4. Upper.-wings with fqu.re brown fpots ; bencatii with bands. Wings tailed blue ; lower-ones beneath black with green- |old ftreaks at the tip. r r n Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 1^. tab. 5 l.f^g. C, D. Upper-'-wings with a black central fpot. /)«;...V..; Wings tilled (hining blue, beneath black fpotted with white. I:'5'lvf bc±'h «W> . black fpots a. ,hc anglc'of the tail furrounded with a green gold ring. Jmyntf.s, Acmon, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. HeJ. Rnr. 135 tas. Wings tailed blue with a black margin ; beneath cinereous ■ with black dots, and 2 ferruginous ones on the lower- pair at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Austria. E/p. Pap. tab. \<). fig. z. Upper-ivings with a black lunule each fide, and a llrcak of black dots beneath. 'J, Wings tailed varied with fulvous and brown ; upper-pair beneath with ocellar black dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. i6. tab. \%G,fig. E, F. Diik of the upper -ivings fulvous dotted with black ; beneath ful- vous, the dots annulate yvith white : le-wer-ivings with 4 blueifii dors and a fulvous band. Simaetkis. Wings tailed brown, beneath green with a filvery ftripe. Inhabits Surinam. Drury Inf, i. tab. l-fig. 3. The ftripe on the loiver-ivings is indented. Sedi, Wings tailed blue, the margin fpotted with white ; beneath white with fquare black fpots and a rufous band. Inhabits Germany. Naturf. g. tab. l.fig. 4, 5. Lawa green with a red dorfal line : pupa obtufe, grecnifh before and chefnut-brown behind. Phidias. Wings tailed blueifti with a brown border ; beneath cine- reous, all with a black dot at the angle of the tail, Inhzhhs India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 16, fig, 2. Margins of the nxjings waved with white. Herodotus. Wings tailed blue ; beneath green with a ftreak of black- white dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. \i.fig. i. Spots on the cu/«f/ black on the fore-part and white behind. Stralo. Wings tailed blue ; beneath cinereous with white waves, lower-ones with 2 black marginal dots and 2 at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Eaji India: fmall. Vpper.'wings beneaih witli a fmall black fuboccllar dot at the rib : lo^.ver.^anngs with a black dot at the tip; beneath 2 ocellar dots at the rib and 2 at the angle of the tail, the iris ycllovr on the fore-pavt and filvery behind. * Rubi, Wings flightly tailed, above brown beneath green. Inhabits Europe. Leivin. tab. 44. Albin. tab. 5./^. 8. In or\tfex a white ftripe on the lower-wings beneath. Lar-va green varied with yellow, head black : pupa pale brown. Piato. ^iS INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. ^t. Papilio. Mef. Itur. Plato, Wings tailed blue with a brown border, beneailh cinereous with white waves, lawer-ones with a black bipupillate eye. Inhabits India. Jones Tig. pet. 6. tab \/^-J'g. 3. Ltrijoer -'Wings with a marginal ilreak of black dots; beneath a black eye with yellow iris and a double filvery pupil, at the angle cf the tail a filvery fpoc. Rolimon» Wings tailed white with a black border and dots on the dlfk; beneath dotted with black, angle of the tail with 3 gold dots. Inhabits hiaia. Cramer Inf. tab. 340.^^. C,D,E. Bafe of tbt ««,/■«_§■/ wiih a blue glols, the tail black tipt with white. Hippocrates Wings tailed brown tipt with white, beneath white dotted with black. Inhabits /W/fl. Jones Fi^. pict.6. tab. 17 -fg- I. Lo'wer tAjirigs edged with white. Theocritus. Wings tailed greenifh with a darker rib, beneath black dotted with yellow. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. piR. 6. tab. 6. fig. 3; Wings above greenifh with a flight gold glofs Uncus. Wings tailed white tipt with brown ; beneath with white and black bands, angle of the tail with '3 white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Upper-^'ings with a brown broad tip and dor in the middle; beneath 4 alternate white and black bands, the 2 middle ones black, the margin with a fhort fcrruginc-us itreak : lotver. swings beneath with 6 alternate white and black bands meeting at the angle of the tail, the extreme ones ferruginous, angle of the tail black with 3 white dots. ■Parrhafm. Wings tailed blue (brown ;) beneath cinereous with white (Ireaks, lower-ones with marginal gold dots. Inhabits /««'/^. Jone^Fig.pict.e.tab.ibJig.z. ;r/«P-/ edged with htov^r\ : lo^ver-ones with a itreak ot black ocellate dots -annulate with whitest the bafe and 4 gold onss •at tlve tip' AmjKtor. Wings indented tailed black with a fulvous fpot at the bafe, the tip with a yellow band, luhabits /n^/fl. Cramer, tl- tab. ii^(). Jig- ^r^- ' Wings beneath yellow with a curved black band and hind-margin, -lri.>Ser'6nes with -a black hmd-m^rgin dotted with white. JVrt rcijfus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71, Papilio. Hef. Run 137 Narcijfus. Wings indented brown, with a blueifh diOc \ beneath with red fpots and bands with filvery edges. Inhabits Nenjj Holland. In the mufeum of Siryo/I Banks. Antemia: varied with white and black, the ebb rufous at the tip: upper-'win^s beneath with a yellowifh outer margin, 2 filvery lines from the bafe to the middle, behind thefe a'tranfverfe filvery line and 3 dots, then a tranlverle rufous fpot with a filvery edge, at the tip 5 filvery dots with a black pupil : lonxer-ixjings beneath with 2 red fpots and 2 bands all with filvery edges, the hind-margin red with a filvery llreak, Apelles, Wings indented fulvous with a brown border ; lower-ones beneath with rufous bands with filvery edges. Inhabits Ne^w Holland: probably a fexual variety of the laft. Antennae annulate with white, the tip fulvous : upper-ivirtgs beneath yellowifli with 3 filvery lines, behind thefe a tranfverfe rufous fpot and 6 filvery dots, 5 filvery dors with black pupil at the margin : loiver'ivings beneath grey with 4 rufous bands, 3 black fpots at the angle of the tail, and a filvery llreak on the hind-margin, Heraclitus, Wings indented black with a fulvous fpot on the upper-pair; lower-wings with a blue fpot above and yeiiowifh ftreaks and blue dots beneaih. Inhibits America. Jones Fig. pi/ii. 6. tab. Zl ' fiZ' 2» Upper 'wnigs beneath with a fulvo'js dot and tranfverfe fpot, and a yellovi flreak at the bafe and tip. Plautus. Wings indented brown, above immaculate, beneath with tranfverfe black and white lines. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig. pict. 6. tab, ^^.Jrg. I. Thyjbe, Wings denticulate fulvous fpotted with biack ; lower-ones beneath itriate with black and fpotted with gold. Inhabits Africa. ^dis. Wings indented, the bafe filvery with gold ftreaks. Inhabits the Qo.pe of good hope. Cramer. 4. tab, 47../%". D, E; Wings with gold dotj at the tip, upper-pair brown, lowcr-onea fulvous. Beneath the upper-pair fulvous with gold dots an- nulate with black, lower-ones brown with gold fpots. Mehager. Wings indented, blue with a black border; beneath grey with black ocellar dots. Inhsbif? Germany. Ejp. tab. ^^.fg. 2. tab. 6z. fg. I. Female with white lunule? and black dots on the border. VOL. in.—S Epulus. 138 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Epulus. Wings entire browa with fulvous fpots; beneath variegated. Inhabits Surinam Cramer. 5. tah, ^o.fg, C, D. Lo^er-'zvings with a ftreak of black fpots and black ftreaks; all beneath variegated with brown ferruginous and white. * Avion i Wings above blue edged with brown and fpotted with black; beneath grey with numerous fmall eyes. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vi. tab. 1 84. Le Argiolut. Wiugs entire blue edged with black ; beneath blueifii-grey i'potted with black. Inhabits Europe. Levuin* tab. 36. fig. 4,5,6. Bafe of the k'vjer"wings beneath the fame colour. Jcis' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Paplho. Hef. Rur. ,39 * -d^i" Wings entire blue; beneath grey-blue with oblong black fimple dots. Inhabits ^ai/r/a. Efp. Pap tab. ^o. Jig. 3. Wings oi the male h\\XQ with a marginal black ftreak only; of thefeniale blue on the dilk only with a black lanulc. This fpecics is rarely found with tails. ^■Alfus. Wings entire brown immaculate ; beneath cinereous with a Itreak of ocellate dots. Inhabits Europe. Len»in. tab. "^f)' fig* 3» 4» Upper-ixtings beneath with a black lunule in the middle and a llreak of 7 black dots, all furrounded with a white ring: iovjer-ones beneath with 8 or 9 black dots, CaJMs. Wings entire brown with a blueifh diflc; beneath varied cinereous and white with brown occllardots. Inhabits India, Cramer, tab. 319. fig. D, E. Otii. Wi figs entire brown with a blue bafc; beneath cinereous with a dot in the rniddle and ftreak on the upper-pair, and numerous ocellar dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits China -^ fmall. Antennae annulate with white and black, * Argus. Wings entire; lower-ones beneath with a ferruginous bor- der and filvery blue eyes. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, tab. 143, Lenvin, tab. 39. fig. 5,6,7. Male above blue edged with black : female dark brown with a blue bafe above. Larva green with a brown dorfal line, head and fore-legs black, *H}'aci»' Wings entire blue ; lower-wings beneath with a marginal ti>us, row of red eyes and a circle of black ones on the dilk. Inhabits j&w^/,^;/^. Levjtn.tab. '^'J.ftg. 4,5,6. Male above fine blue immaculate ; female above blue with darker tips, a black dot on the upper-pair and a marginal row of red eyes on the lower-ones. ♦ Artaxer- Wings entire brown ; upper-pair w^ith a white dot in the ^'j- middle, lower-ones with rufous marginal lunules; beneath with rufous and w^hite dots on the margin. Inhabits England. Leiuin. tab. 2>9'fig- 8, 9. Wings beneath cinereous, the hind-margin white with a row of yellow or rufous dots, upper-pair with a white dot in the middle, lower-ones with many, S « * Titut 140 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilto. Hef ,Rur. • Titus. Optilete. Wings entire brown immaculate ; lower-ones ocellate beneath and a macular fulvous ftreak behind. Inhabits England. Jones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. 44. fig. 2. Upper - red band and line on the upper-pair. Inhabits Guadeloupe : final!. Wings oblong entire, variegated blue and brown with a common white band. Inhabits Africa. Cram- 4. tab, 74. "f^, F. G, Wings beneath brown variegated with white. Wings fubangular brown with a whitifh fpot ; beneath white at the bafe with a rufous ftreak. Inhabits India. Upper-ixiings with 2 whitifli fpots above, lower-ones with one : /oou^r-Tc/w^j beneath with a broad white bafe, the tip brown with a ferruginous ftreak in which are a few blaek dots. Wings entire brown ; beneath white with a filvery band dotted with brown on the lower-pair. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. "i^^-fg- 2. Upper-miings with a cinereous patch in the middle ; beneath a fevy brown dots at the tip with filvery rings, the margin with a fil- very ftreak. Wings entire ; above bxown with a white fpot, beneath white immaculate. Inhabits /»^:«. Drury Inf. 2. tab. (),fg. 3. 4. Wings entire fulyous- with a brown margin ; beneath white immaculate. Inhabits India. Cramer. 20. tab. 21^. fg. C. Wings entire black with a blue glofs; beneath brown with, a white hind- Inhabits Cayenne* a white hind-margin. Wings entire, both furfaces nearly alike, red with a black border. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. ^J.fig'd' TacitUs INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Tacitus. 145 Wings entire fulvous, outer-margin of the upper-pair black fpotted wilh yellow. Inhabits Surinam. "Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. \6^,fig, 3. AH the ivings fulvous with a iine black border. .CanuJ. Wings entire white, outer-margin of the upper-pair brown fpotted with white. Inhabits huiia. Jones Fig. pici.S.tah. $^.Jjg. 2. Upper -nvings with an oblong blue fpot at the bafe and rufous rib, the tip with 2 white fpots, beneath abroad ferruginous outer margin with ? tranfverfe white fpots. Procas, Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black with yellow diflc on the upper-pair a yellow fpot. Inhabits Surinam. Jones Fig. pi^. 6. tab, ^^. fig. l. Alphonfus. Wings entire black ; ijpper-pair with 2 yellow fpots, low- er-ones with a fingle one at the bafe. Inhabits Surinam. Vpper-mcings with a large tranfverfe yellow fpot at the bafe and tip. ^Hippotbse Wings entire orange edged with black and white; beneath cinereous with numerous black ocellar dots. Inhabits Europe. Dono'uaa vii. tab. 217. Lenuin. tab, ^o. Male with a black lunule and fpot on the upper-wings and lunule on the lower-ones : female with numeious black dots on the npper-pair and a broad black bafe on the lower-ones. *Virgaurea Wings fubangular fulvous edged with black ; beneath with black and white dots Inhabits Europe. Donovan v. tab. 173,, Lenvin tab 41. L caver -ivi ngs notchzd at the hind-margin; female with black fpots above. Larva green with a yellowi/h dorfal line and a paler lateral one, the head black. Chrjfeis. Wings gold with a blueifli margin ; lower-ones (lightly indented, beneath }y tlie other fex of the laft, Ihcrjarma Wings firghtly tailed fulvotss with nmnerons oceUar dot' beneath ; upper-pair beneath fulvous, lower-oiies ci" nereous. Inhabits Rn£'ia. Kjp.ftrp. tab, ^q.fig. 6. ' Mule upi^ser-wings fulvoas edged with blacR, Inwer-ones darter with a fulvous band behind. Beneath upper-pair with 3 hfack dots and a ftnfsk of ocellar ones, lower-ones cinereous with numerous ocellar dots and 3 fulvous band behind ifetnak'Vim^ above dotted with black, the tail very long. Lucianus 'Wings entire dotted with blaek ; above fulvous, betteath cinereous. Inhabits GuadeJ?,Ttfe. ' Bo^' brown i abdom:n fulvous j autemrae black with filvery ringJ, the dab brown : 'whigs abcwre fulvous with brown waves and a ftreak of dotb behind. Textheui Wings entire fnlvons fpotted with black ; tip of the lower- ones white dotted with black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer, tab. 143,/^-, E. Lcm:er.a long cylindrical. Propertius. Wings divaricate black fpotted with yellow; lower-ones beneath with alternate rufous and yellow bands. Inhabits India, yones Fig. pict. 6. tab. TK.fig. 1. jintennae hooked .* upt>er-!ias Wings divaricate orange with a darker patch at the bafe; upper-pair (in the male) with a bjack line ia the middle. .Inhabits Europe and America. Lcv.-in, tab. 45.,/%. 5,^,7. Otho. ,l-(gias. Wings divaricate brown with fulvous fpots at the bafe and nearly fquare yellow ones each fide on the difk. Inhabits America. Smith's Letidop, Inf. of Georgia. Wings divaricate fulvous with an oblique black band and hind-margin. Inhabits India. Antemiit mucronate. VOL. m.-u y'lteliiuf J54 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. HeJ\ Urb. Vitellius. Wings divaricate fulvous ; upper-pair with a brown margin and fpot in the middle, lower-ones with a browa border. Inhabits South American IJIanJs, Ainenme annulate, the club brown: all the nulngs beneath fulrous immaculate. Colon. Wings divaricate fulvous with a brown ftriate margin and fpot in the middle. Inhabits India. Antenna annulate wiih black and fulvous, the club hooked ful- vous at the bafc aivd tipt with black : wings beneath fulvous immaculate, * Pani/cus. Wings entire divaricate, dark brown with fulvous fpotS. Inhabits Europe. Donovans Eng. InJ.Vxu. tab. 254./^. I. Upper-ivings fometimes brown with fulvous fpots, fometimes ful- vous with brown fpots : lei.ver-njuings with ycUow fpots be- neath. Hflirius. Wings entire divaricate brown edged with black; upper- pair with a central yellow dot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 5. tah» 60, Jig, C. Antenna hooked. Saturnus, Wings divaricate brown ; upper-pair dottedwith white \ lower-ones ftriate beneath with white^ Inhabits Cayenne. Origenes. Wings divaricate, both furfaces alike, brown with a ftreak of white dots ; upper-pair tertaceous at the bafe. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict, 6. tab. "J^.fg. 2. Noflroda-' Wings divaricate brown; upper-pair with a macular whitifli mus, band above ; lower-ones cinereous beneath. Inhabits Barbara. Club of ihe antennae ferruginous ; body above brown, beneath cinereous : lonver-iving^ above brown immaculate. Phineus. Wings fubangalar divaricate brown with an interrupted yellow band on the upper-pair. Inhabits 5«r/;7«7;/. Cramer, i^.tab. lyS. fig. K. Antenna hooked ; abdomen black with vellov/ belts. // Antennae hooked : iij>per -^viiigs with a white band beneath. Epitus, Wings flightly tailed brown fpotted with yellow ; lower- ones beneath with a filvcry band. Inhabits Surinani. Cramer 20. tab. 343. E. F. Refcmbles P. Tityrus, but the wings are lefs tailed and the Sil- very band much broader. hycidas. }iiiias. Wings flightly-tailed brown with black teeth ; upper-pair with a yellow hand each fide ; lower-ones beneath clouded with brown at the bafe and afterwards white. Inhabits America.- Sm'.tl/i Lepidopt. Inf. of, Georgia. Wings flightly tailed fulv ovs ; upper-pair brown at the tip with a yellow hyaline fpot. Inhr-.biia i'.ayin/ie Body fulvous : antennae hooked black : upper-nx^ings fulvous at the bafe with a brown dot dots. lo'vcer-it.ings fulvous with brown Mercurius. Wings flightly tailed brown, yellow at the bafe with hyaline dots on the upper-pair \ lower-ones beneath black with a cinereous band. Inh.-bit'; Caycnr.e. Crar:. tab. zSo. Jones 6. t. 85./". 2. Body yellowifii : fl/rW/rf// black, the edecs cf the kgmcats white. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb 157 Thjrjis, Wings flightly tailed brown with a yellow band on the up- per-pair ; beneath all of them purple Tpeckled with yellow. Inhabits America. Cnxm.z. tab. 1 8. F. ? Upper-i'sings witli 3 Imall yellow dots at the tip, beneath the lame. /ilphacui. Wings nightly tailed black with a red band ; beneath va- riegated. Inhabits t\\i Cape of good hope. Cram. \6. t. 182.^. E.F, Red band oa the upper-ivings abbicviated. Pre.'u:, Wings flightly tailed b'ack fpotted with green ; beneath fubterruginous (potted with yellow. Inhabits the Caps. Cram. 16. tab. iSz./. C. D. Tkcas. Wings flightly tailed brown with diaphanous fpots ; low- er-ones beneath with a blaek dot at the bafe. Inhibits America, (.ram. 14. tab. 162. fig. F. Antennae hooke.i. ferruginous at the tip : lo'vuer-'wings beneath glaucous with 3 darker bands and a blael*dot at the bafe. Momus. Wings fliightly tailed brown with hyaline Ilreaks at the bafe and I'pots at the tip Inhabits C^WKf. C'um. tab. 366. Jones 6. t. <)0.f. I. Antcuni£ hooked black. Vifbnfus. Wings flightly tailed rufty-brown ; upper-pair with yel- lowiih dots at iheiip. Inhabits l.uua. Joms Fi^. plct. 6, tab. S6:fg. i. Rhetus. Wings flightly tailed fulvous ; outer-margin of the lower- one^ blue-black. Inhabits «S/^r/«^7;/. Cramer G. tab. 6T). fg. G. Outer- margin ot the ut-pjer-ivings i:(:^z^<:6.. C'hnias. Wings flightly-tailcd black ; upper-pair with a fnowy band ; lower-ones beneath blueiih ; tail fanguine- ous. Inhabits Siirinnm. Cram. 7. tab. So.fg. C. D. Ulng-tails fhort and divergent. Acartus, Wings flightly tailed black ; upper-pair with a fnowy band ;" lower-ones beneath grecniih with abbreviated vellow ftreak--:. Inhabits 158 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hrf. Urh. Inhabits 5!y/«flz«. Cram. lo. tab. ill, fig. D. E. Palemon. Wings flightly tailed blueilL ; upper-pair with a rufous dot in the middle ; lower-ones rufous at the angle pf the tail. Inhabits Surinam. Cram, i i . tab. i 3 1 .fg. F, Antejtna; hooked : feelers and ftreak on the hind-part of the heag red : hind-margin of the v.-ings whitifh. Julianus. Wings .flightly tailed brown ; upper- pair fpot^'ed with yel- low ; lower-ones beneath varied with brown and glaucous. Inhabits Jamaiia. Hefperia Phocion. Fabric, n. 274. Antennte hooked brown,' beneath ferruginous : body brown, be- neath ferruginous ; hind-margin of the upper-ivings white dotted with brown ; margin of the lo-iver-ivings white dotted with brown. Brontes, Jlrinus. Wings flightly tailed, both furfaces alike, brown ; upper- pair with a fnowy band ; lower-ones with a fnowy margin. Inhabits America. In the mufeum of /Jr. Hunter. Antenna hooked : both furfaces of the m.ings alike. Wings tailed, both furfaces alike, black ; upper-pair with a tranfverfe, fnowy fpot ; tail fanguineous. Lo-iuer-'wings fubemarginatc and whitifh at the edge. Alexis. Wings tailed brown ; lower-ones with a blueifh band be- beneath. Inhabits India. Antennae hooked, black. Mithridates Wings rounded black with a purple fpot and band be- hind including paler lunules. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig. pict. ^. tab. 'i.'^.fg' I- Antennae hooked : body black with purple fpots : 'wings beneath ' black with 2 macular purple bands. y.ipiter. Wings without tails black with a green glofs, beneath green with black veins and margin : head and tail fan- guineous. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig. pict. o,. tab. 76. .^o.A' black ; n^ings ilriatc, whitifh at the tip. Cajander INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hcf. Vrb. 159 tier. Wings without tails, both furfaces alike brown immacu- iate. Inhabits Jones, fig. pet. 6. tab. z\, fig. l. Antennae hopked : refembles P. pygmceus. IS. Wings without tails black ; upper-pair with a fulvous fpot \ lower-ones yellow at the angle of the tail. Inhabits tndia. Jones Fig. pet. 6. tab. 2^. fig z. Hind-margin of the ^vings fnowy. Wings v/ithout tails brown with a few diaphanous fpots ; antcnnce hooked. Inhabits Intlia. Cram. 6. t. 68./. E. /. 342./. A, B and C. Jntennae black annulate with white : bafc of the ivings often ycllowifli greenifh or blueilh. Innius. Wings brown ; upper-pair with hyaline fpots ; lower-ones above black with a yellow difk, beneath brown with a white dilk. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig, pict. 6. tab. Sg.fig. i. Jlntenna hooked .• lo-tver -swings with marginal yellow fpots above, beneath ipotted with black. Wings without tails ; upper-pair with a hyaline white band each fide, above black, beneath green. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. Sj.fig. I. Antennae hooked : all the ivinas above black with a blueifh bafc. Wings without tails brown with hyaline fpots; lower-ones beneath with 2 yellow i(h fillets, the thinner margin fulvous. Inhabits Cayennae \ fmall. Antennae hooked. Lo-xvar-tvings with a white thinner margin and large fpot in the middle above. Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair with diaphanous fpots ; difk of the lower-ones white dotted with black. Inhabits Africa. Antennae hooked black Wings rounded brown ; upjjer-pair with white hyaline fpots ; lower-cncs with a white hyaline dilt. Inhablrs, i6o INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. HeJ. Vrh. Itihabits Ea/i India. Anttnnae hooked* Margin of the 'ctvw^-jr fpottcd with white ; /tovfr-cwj beneath with a brown fpot in the white dik. Aniens Clericus Lucas* Wings rounded; uppcr-puir brown with black fpots and hyaline dots ; lower-ones hyaline with black fpots. Inhabits India. yhte»nae hooked. Wings rounded brown fubfafciate with black ; upper- pair with hyaline dots. Inhibits Sout/:? America, Upper 'ivings with a few hyaline fpots behind the bands. Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair with yellow' hya- line fpots on both furtaces. Inhabits South America^ Antennas hooked. Jwvenaks -^jj^gg without tails brown ; upper-pair fpolted with black and dotted with white. Inhabits yif>wr/V^. Jones Fig. picf. 6. tmb. j^,/, i, Lonuer-'wing! with a fubmarginal ftreak of cinereous fpots mar- ked with a black dot. Batbyllus Wings without tails brown; upper-pair with diaphanous fquarc white fpots; lower-ones beneath with clouded waves. Inhabits Amencci, SmitUs Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Aecius Nefos Nervit Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair with white diapha- nous fpots ; all of them beneath palilh purple at the Inhabits America., Smithes Lepidopt Iifof Georgia, Wings rounded black; upper-pair dotted with white; low- er-ones white at the angle of the tail above and beneath with a white difk. . Inhabits /»d/^, Jones Fig, picf, 6, tah,jg,^g, 2, JLe7wr-au//?j'^ dotted with white : bcnea'h white, the bafe fpct- tcd with brown, the tip black fpottcd with white. Wings entire ; upper-pair brown fpotted with white : low- er-ones above black immaculate. Iiihabi*'s INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papillo. Hef. Urh, i6r Inhabits Ina'ia. Jones Fig^pict. 6. tab. JQ* fig' 3- All lYiZivings beneath yelTowifh with black and white fpots. Laefar, Wings entire ; upper-pair brown with diaphanous fpots lower-ones black with a fnowy fpot in the middle. Inhabits India, "Jones Fig. pict. 6 tab. 79. y% 4- Diflc of the lovoer-'^jjings beneath cinereous dotted with black, ^^'■•'"^'''^^''•' Wings entire rounded bliieifli fpotted with black, the up- per-pair with white dots befidcs. Inh^h'ts India. Jovcs Fir, pict. 6. tah. Si. fii; i. Antennae hooked : ^vings brown beneath with the fame marks as above, Orcus Wings rounded brown ; upper-pair fpotted with yellow ; lower ones ben.. ath blucilli. * Inhabits India. Jones Fig p:ii. 6. tab. <)\.f.g. 4, Afitennte hooked: ^o^y brown : lonver-vjings wiih obfolcte blue bands, beneath blueifli edged with black. Dan Wings without tails, dull cinereous dotted with brown, up- per-pair with hyaline fpots. Inhabits Tranqusbar. Antennae hooked. 'Koihus Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair with hyaline dots; lower-ones beneath white, the margin brown with 6 ocellar dots. Inhabits America. In the mufeum of Dr. Hunter. Z,iiTy<.v.c-v%j beneath white with 3 filvcry-blue dots furroundcd with a brown ring. Sih-ius Wino;s without tails brown, the di(k yellowifh fpotted with brown ; lower-ones beneath cinereous with brown waves. Inhabits the Cape of good hope, Sa/us Wings indented fulvous with black bands ; upoer-piir with hyaline fyms ; lower-ones hyaline in the cen- tre. Inhabits Surina?n. In the mufeiim of Dr. Hunter. Bo.iy fulvous : abdomen annulate with black. Jacchus Wirrgs without tails fpotted withyellow; lower-ones with 6 fnowy dots. Inhabits Ke^w Holland. Mufeam of Sir Jof. Banks. Auttmiae hooked, annulate with white and bhck: .kv«^t brown; VOL—III X loiur- i6a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef, Urb. Gnetus% Alfa Anaphus. Sebaldus. Evadrus Bixae lower-ones with a yellow fpoton the diflc above, Beneath with 6 white dots of which one is in the centre and the reft at th tip. Winces indented, both furfaces nearly alike, black ; upper-- pair with 3 hyaline fpots ; lower-ones with blue bands. Inhabits India. Jubent Micell, tab. Ii. Jig. 8. 9. Antennae hooked : abdoinen with black and blue belts : hind- margin of the lonver-nvitigs fpotted with white. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with yellow and white fpots; difk of the lower ones yellow with black dots. ^Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 9;./^. 2. Jnte>inae hocked : upper-'wings with yellow fpots at the bafe and white ones at the tip : beneath black with yellow bands at the bale. Wings entire both furfaces alike, brown ; lower-ones yel- low at the tip. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 15. tab. 1S7, F. Antennae hooked : abdor/ien brown with yellow belts. Wings without tails, varied with brown and black \ lower- ones beneath pellow at the angle of the tail. Inhabits America. In the mufciim of Dr. Hunter. ^«/^«aa^ hooked : if//?,"-; nearly truncate ; beneath brown, angle of the tail yellow W ith a few brown dots. Wings without fails brown with a yellow difk ; upper-pair with fubocellar filvery dots beneath- ln\i&h\\.&\hc Cape of good hope. . , ., . , Lmver-ijoimj beneath of the male varied with cinereous and brown, otthc t\icfanale brown with cinereous dots. Wings rounded brown greenifh at the bafe; lower-ones be- ncath with a yellow band. Inhabits America. Cramer. 17. tab. 169. C, D. Poljckus Wings fiightlv tailed green-brown with a white fpot on the upper-pair ; beneath with fulvous filvery fpots on the margin. Inhabits India. Cramer* 13. tab, 159. fig 2, Arecintbut> ' INSECTS. LEPIDOPT ERA. 71- P^piiio. H^/. t/r^ 163 Aractuthus Wings rounded entire brown ; lower-ones beneath grey with occllar white fpots. Inhabits ^/i/?/-/V.'. P. Steropes. E/p, pap. tab. ^i.fg- i- Autemac annulate with white and black, the club ovate acute ferruginous :tf/;i«--itw»-j wth a fmall yellowifli patch at the thicker margin ; beneath brown, the tip fpottcd with yellow ; lo^ver.^.viitgs with 1 2 while fpots furrounded with a black ring. Buftris. Wings oblongentire black ; upper-pair with 2 yellow fpots and dots ; lower-ones whh a yellow dilk. Inhabits 7/;//^. Cramer b. tab. 2'i> fg' !• Bod^ black : therax dotted with white : abdomen annulate : tip o'i \.\\z upper '^Lvhigi 9,xcy : louver- ■zvjf!gs fulvous with a black margin. PifiHratits. Wings entire brown : lower-ones with a yellow dilk above and a fnowy band dotted with black beneath, inhabits Ainvica. Jonrs Fig, put. 6. tab. zb. fig. i. Antcmicc hooked black : livings with a yellowifh hue. Hc-nes Wings ronndcd entire black ; upper-pair with a white Ipot ; lower- ones with a white band. Inliabits Skrinnm, Cram 9. tab. 103. F. Anie>inae hooked: both furfaces of the I'Angs alike, Eitmelus, Wings rounded entire black ; upper-pair fpotted with white ; lower-ones fulvous with black veins. Inhabits Surinam, Cramer it,, tab. 1^6. £. Upp:T Kviugs with a fmall fulvoui^ fpotac the bafe. Phhmon. Wings rounded entire black immaculate. Inhabits America, ^.t/c';r.7<7^ liookcd fpotted with white; all ^AZ^xings fhining- vel- vet-black. Tbrahbulas Wings entire black with blue Innules ; lower-ones be- neath at the angle of the tail cinereous dotted with brown. Inhabits Imla. Jones Tig.p'd, 6. tab. zZ.fg. \. Antennae hooked : boay^ black. Cilfus Wings entire, both furfaces alike black ; upper-pair with a vellow band. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. p:ct. 6. tab. Ji-fg- ?• Antennas hooked : Itnver-xi'ingi immaculate. X 2 Zjekucus i64 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urh Zekucus Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black ; lower-ones edged with white : head and tail fanguineous. Inhabits India. Jone^ Fig.ptct, 6. tab. Z^./^g. 2. Arite'.n^e hooked ; boJj bl..ck, red, at the end, Maena: Wings entire gloflTy-green-biack edged with white ; low- er-ones beneath with a white band : mouth and tail red. Inhabits America. Mufeum o( Dr. Hauler. Auennae hooked : body green -black, red at the end. ^hidtas. Wings entire gloiry-black edged with white : mouth and tail red. Inhabit- /ijia. Cram. tah. 41. C, D./a^. 1 99. E. Loxver . 8o.y. 2, Head\\'\\\\.z : body bJack : lOiver-zuings beneath immaculate. JcLianus Boch furfaces of the wings alike, black ; lower-ones radi- ptc with blue and white. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. put. 6. tah. (^yf. 2. Vpper.^dcingi with 2 tranlverlc white fpots at the tip and 2 nearly marginal iircak of blut fpots : lorjcer-vjings ilriace with blue and V. itliin the ihire a few white fpots. Salviar.us Wings entire brown Ipottcd with green ; lower-ones, be- neath white with a inarginai ilreak ot brown dots. Inhabit^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. PapiHo. Hef. Urb. 165 Inhabits Intiia. Jo^.es Fig. pict. 6. tal^. C)\'fig. 4. Upi^er-^ings bencatn brown with a broad white band. Oihus, Wings rounded entire varied with black and white * low- er-ones beneath cinereous with waved black ilrcaks. Inhzh'ns America. Cramer, tah. 344. 1, JC, L. Antennae black, the club ferruginous beneath. Maiman, -rtr- • • 1 • •1111 Wings entire white with black margin and fpots. Inhabits Cayemie. Cram z. tid\ zz j^g, 6,} Jntenr.ae annulate v/ith blr^ck and white : ahdomtn cincrcons brown on the hack : difk of the ■zu/z/^f white with a flight blue glofs and confluent black Ipots. lalaus. Wings entire both furfaces alike brown ; upper-pair with white dots and red bafe ; lower-ones with a white dilk. Inhabits India, Cram, 33, tab, 353. C, Mi>i:as. W'ings entire brovt'n with a ferruginous margin ; beneath with a (treak ot black dots- Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 5, tabt 52, E, F. Jntennae a little hocked : all the ivtrgs beneath brown with a a fcrriigincua ectgt in which is a llrcak of black dots. peniiut. Wings entire, both furfaces alike yellow with a black bor- der; lipper-pair with yellow bands. Inhabits Surinam, Cram. I 5. tab. 1 79. C. Body yellow j iipper-ixiliigs Vi'ith a dot Dctwecn the band?, '''■*"• Wiuus entire ; upper-pair dull cinereous with a brovtn line in the niiddic; lower-ones cinereous. Inh.ibir.s India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. ta'). Jl./g, 2. A.iten:iae hooked : 'vAngs bciicath cinereous. Grlniis. Wings entire both furfaces alike brown fpotted with yellow, " Iniiabits India. Jcnss Fig. pier. 6. t,il>. 7 1 .Jig. 3. Jntamae hooked. •" y.dv^. Wings indented dh'aricate brown with cinereous waves; upper-pair vtiih hyaline dots; luwer-ones with white dots beneath. Inhabits Europe. Lc^vin. tab. 41. fig. l,:;,3- Larvn ^rcy with a black liead, neck wi:'.. 4 iulphur dots : /;//« gibbous bh:eiih. ^ '. Wings divaricate varied with brown and cinereous; upper- pair with hyaline dots; lower-ones beneath cinereous immaculate. Inhabits RuJI.'a. E/p. Pap. tab. 61 . /^. 3. kv:er' i66 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. //--/. Urh. Loiver-i'jings c!arker with macular whitifli bands. Beneath all cinereous with a few marginal black dors. Shi^. Wings entire divaricate black with fquare white fpots; lower-ones beneath cinereous with 2 yellow bands. Inhabits Rujfia. E/p. Pap. tab. 90. fg. 3. * FritiUum. Wings entire divaricate black dotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Lenvin. tab- 46. /%. 4, 5. Very much refembles P. malvse, but the fpots are more diftinft. Calha. Wings entire divaricate black dotted with white ^ lower- ones beneath grey with 2 white bands. Inhabits Trar.quebar \ rrfembles the laft. Segments of the abdomen edged with white; upper-vjings beneath cinerecu:-, the difk black fpotted with white, ,, .,^^ Wings entire, above black, beneath greenift, with white t^ a-njtiis. |.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ furfaces. Inhabits Eajl ludia. Antennae black annulate with white; . 241. Ejp. 2. tab. 2. IVi/is pap. I I. faL B, C. Meriaa Europe. 3. tab. 37. Larva foiitary rough green with oblique white ftripcs on the fides: pupa brown, ferruginous behind. juglandis. Wings indented grey tranfverfely ftrcaked; lower-ones paler, the margin dotted with brown. Inhabits America. Smithes Lepidept. Inf, of Georgia. *Tili-ian. 2. tab. 24. Albin. tab. 10. Larva iolitary rough green with oblique red and yellow ftrlpes on the fides : pupa dull brown. Rhuda- Wings fubangular cinereous with a black dot at the bafe mijius. and oblique abbreviated band in the middle ; firft {tg- ment of the abdomen black Inhabits Sierra Lcor.a. Thcrax cinereous \cith a black dorfal line : ahdomon cinereous, the firlt fegment black . upfer-ivings witti a black pp.tch towards the tip, beneath darker widi fmall cinertou'^ bands ; lo-wer- nvings cinereous at the angle of the tail wi:h a hnall black ftrcak, beneath grey. Oeneilero', Wings fcalloped greenidi with a darker band ; Jower-ones fulvous lipt with black, lahabits GermM;/. E/p. Inf. 2. tab. 20. Antehn e black tij t with white: body^xttxi'. upper-vjinos with an occllar black dot. lar-va foHtary without tail, brown with red ftigmata, the lafl fcgn-.cnt but one with an oval black eye, the pupil white; pG^'^i naked brown. VOL. III.— Y Gaura, J70 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 72. Sphinx. Gauroe. Wings indented ; upper-pair olive with 2 whitifli ftrcaks and deltoid fpot on the diflc ; lower-ones ferruginous with a pale ftreak, the outer part black edged with white. Inhabits America. Smithes Lepidopt. Inf. ofGeargia. Nem, Wings fubangular green with paler darker and yellowilh bands. Inhabits Europe and America. Cramer, tab. zzi^. fig. D. Larnja dotted with w^iie, the neck and an eye each fide blue, tail deflefted fligbtly jointed : pupa yellow with a black dorlal line and lateral dots. Apulus. Wings indented; upper-pair fulvous with 7 gold fpots: antennae plumed. Inliabits Surinam. Cramer. 8. tab. SS.fig. E. Hea.^ and tborax black : abdomen red with black rings : upper- ivings emarginate at the tip, fulvous with z waved black ftrcaks and 2 tranfrerfc gold fpots between them : lo'-wtr-ivings white with a fulvous margin, Fenaus. "^ings indented clouded with brown and cinereous; lower- ones ferruginous edged with black. Inhabits America. In the mufeum of Dr. Hunter. Body brown-afh; thorax with a black fpot at the tip; abdomen beneath whitifti with ferruginous fpecks and 3 dots each fide ; upper ivings with a white dot in the middle. Pylai. Wings fcalloped indented variegated; lower-ones fulvous, yellow at the bafe and black at the tip. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. iS. tab. 206. fig. A, Lmver-nvings with a marginal black band and contiguous fmallcr one, the edge itfclf yellowilh. Objcura, Wings indented ; lower-ones red edged with black ; abdo- men above pale immaculate. Inhabits South America. Abdomen beneath white with rufous fpecks and 4 black dots each fide. Cacus, Wings indented black with 3 approximate pale (Ireaks ; lower-ones yellow flriatc with black. Inhabits Surinarn. Cramer. 4. tab. 46. fig. E. Abdomen with alternate cinereous and black belts? Deniafi^, INSECTS. Ll^IDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. xyi Deatata. Wings indented ; lower-ones brown with a white ftreak : abdomen annulate with white. Inhabits //?i//Vi. Cramer, w.tah. \Z'^. fg.G. Head and thorax blueifh fpeckled with brown; ttpper-'wings blueifh with brown fpecks and bands. Jlopc. Wings indented brown ; lower-ones yellow tipt with black: abdomen black with interrupted pale belts. Inhabits America. Cratmr, 26. tab. ^01. Jig. G. Antennae with a white fliaft : loiver-^vings beneath brown with a yellow fpot at the thinner-margin. Larva tailed glabrous, cinereous on the back with a broad brown ttreak before ocellate in the middle and ending m a black fpot: fupa brown with rufous rings and ftreaks, E',b. Wings llightly indented cinereous; lower-ones rufous edged with black: abdomen pale with black belts. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 26. tab. jOi.JJg. D. Upper-ivivgs in one fcx with a brown band. yatropha-. Wings flightly indented \ lower-ones black with a rufous bafe and hyaline band: head 2-horned. Inhabits Americti. Crarngt, lO tab. i i8, fig. A. Jlead wnh 2 incurved horns before the eyes: thorax with a black lateral line: abdomen with a black lateral line and 3 pair of fulvous fpots, beneath white with ; black fpots each fide : upper-ivings ciiiercous with black waves and a dot in the mid- dle, the hind-rhargin fpotted with white. Beneath all brown with a fulvous blotch. Lar'va green with a monilifurm tail : pupa brown with an in- fledled cylindrical tail. Medea. Wings (lightly indented; tipper-pair green; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits Africa. In the mufeum of Sir. Jo/. Banks, Body green : upper-nvings with brown marginal dots and one in the middle : lo^^'er-^juings beneath grccnifli edged with brown. Pholuj. Wings emarginate black, paler at the tip with black ftreaks, lower-ones chefut-brown. Inhabits India. Cramer. 8. tab. ^J-fg' B. Upper -ixings mth a rufous fpot at the tip: Icrjoer-ones flefh- colour at the bafe, the margin widely emarginate. Carolina. Wings entire, all of them dotted with white on the hind- margin: abdomen wtth 5 pair of fulvous dots. Inhabits ^;«tfr»f«, Merian Sarin. i^'j,tab. 57. Y 2 Larua lyi INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. * Lawn green with purple fprraclcs and tail, legs white annulate with black ; pupa brown. Strigilis. Wings entire grey; lower- ones fulvous with brown ftreaks. Inhabits /America. Cramer. 9. tab 106. fg. B. Head ytWovj'i^ with fulvous front and feelers: ab'domen yeWowl^ with oblique lateral green ftreaks, beneath fulvous : upper-swings oblong cmarginate at the inner-edge grey fpotted with green. * Atropos. Wings entire ; lower-ones yellow with 2 brown bands ; abdomen yellow with black belts. DoNOi'an. Ix. fas. 289. larva and pupa tab. 290. Inhabits Europe /.Jta and America. Lamia folitary tailed yellow dotted with black and divided blue and green lateral traniverfe lines, tail reflected : pupa dark brown with 5 black ftigmata each iide. Ihcrax marked with the refemblance of a death's head. Erotus. Winps entire varied with brown and blue; lower-ones ful- vous edged with black. - Inhabit"^ Inna. Cramer. 9. tab. lOi.. Jig. B. Hecif z^d thorax brown with a pale lateral line: vpper-ijcings brovn with a large blucifh fpot at the bale, in the middle 9. fulvous dot, the hind-margin bluciih. E-jueJlris. Wines er.lire pale cinereous ; lower-ones black with a fulvous band and cinereous margin ; fides of the abdo- men fulvous. Inhabits India. Cram. tab. 226. D. ii/^fia'greeiufh-brown with white orbits : thorax greenifli-brown with a wrdte line on the fides. Phorbfls. Wings entire obfcure green with blueifli lines ; lower-ones black with 2 tulvous fpots Inhaous /W/^ Cram S' '^^- 55* ^• Vpper-'Kings v/i:h an obloiete ferruginous fpot in the middle. Ficus. Wings clouded with brown ; lower-ones with a black band and white at the angle of the tail. Inhabila Amer-.ca, Crum tab. 2.16. E. Mar Sur.tah. ^^■^ Larua green with yellow lines, head ar.d tail black ; pupa brown. Tetrio. Wings indented cinereous varied with browii : abdomen beneath white with 4 ferruginous dots. Inhabits America. Merian. Surinam, tab. 5. Lari'ti INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. 173 > Lart-a gregarious naked black with 10 yellow rings, head red legs orange dotted with black. Cbiunanthi Wings variegated, with a white dot in the middle : abdo- men with 3 pair ot tulvous eyes. Inhabits America. Cramer tab. 30. A. Antenr.ae hooked, tenuginjus with a white ihaft: Icixer-'wings blackifli I'potted with white. Z^rx'a tailed, with yellow and black bandr, head and tail red j pii^a brown. Pr.gana. Wings entire cinereous clouded wtth black ; lower-ones with a lerruginous dilk above.- Inhabits insua. In the xnuleum ot Sir. J of Banks, *PimP.ri. Wings entire grey with 3 fhort black lines in the mid- dle ot the upper-pair: abdomen white with black bands. Inhabits Europe. Dctto'uan. ix. tab. 296. Efp. 2. tab. 12. Lari;a tailed grcentlh with a ferruginous uorlal line, a lateral yellow one and ferruginous faboceilar Itigmata : fupa rcddilh- brown with white tycs. C on'' f era- nan. Wings entire grey ; upper-wings with 2 parallel black lines and another divaricate and denticulate tranlverle ftreak. Inhabits ^z?/mV^. Smith'' s Lepidspt. Inf. 0/ Georgia. "'J''' Wings entire grey with a white dot in the middle : fides ot the abdomen white edged with black. Inhabits South America. jSbdomcH bcueatn wliite v.'ith a line of brown dots. *fa!"''' ^^'"§^^"^i''e Z^'^y ^vith 2 dark olive bands; lower-ones '^^'ith a black bafc and marginal Itreak : antennae Ino- wy. Inhaoics Europe. Donovan, iii. tab. 91. 92. Lar-i'a black dotted witn white, a red line down the back and Juttral yellow ivots ; pupa brown with black Itigniata. Callii, Wings entire grecnifh with a white band ; lower-ones pale with a black bafe and marginal itreak : aniennji brown. Inhabits (,V/7;7rt«v. Efp. h.f. 2. tab. 21. /ddcmen with white dots down the back. Lineata. 174 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. ♦ Uncata* Wings greenilli-ollve >vith a white band crolTed with white flreaks ; lowCr-ones black with a red band.- Inhabits £aro^f. Dono'vanV\. tab, zo\. fig. I. //if^i/gieenifh with a lateral white line; thorax ■w'-i'Ca 3 douWc white ftreaks : abdomen with a white line down the middle and lateral black and white dots : hind-inargin of the upper-swings pale purple. Beneath all cinereous fpeckled with green. yi>ftertilio. Wings entire cinereous immaculate ; lower-ones red with black bafeand tip. Inhabits Southern Europe. Efp. Inf. 2. tah, 2Z.fg. 4. Thorax cinereous with a lateral inowy line : ahdotnen cinereous with alternate black and white fpots each fide at the bafe : hind-margin of the /uau^r-iv/w^^whitilh. Vitit, Wings entire greenifh with a white band and fillet : lower- ones cinereous with a black band and rufous mar- gin. Inhabits America. Cram, tab. i6j. C. Merian.t. ^j:f, I. Satellitia. *Cehrto. OUenian- dice. Lyceti::, Wings entire grey clouded ; upper-pair with a black ©cel- lar dot and contiguous leflfcr-one; lower-ones cinereous at the bafe. Inhabits y^wa/Va, Drury. i. tah. 29. ^/fg", i. 2. Wings entire grey with fihery-white ftreaks: lower-ones brown with 6 red fpots. Inhabits Europe. Do7io'van vi. tah, 1 90. T91. Lar-Ta tailed brown with 2 lateral pale lines and 2 eyes on the neck each fide : pupa brown before and reddifh behind. Wings entire grey with an oblique filvery white band and and brown dot in the middle : abdomen with 1 ap- proximate filvery lines. Inhabits India, on the Oldenlandia, Head grey with a whitifli moVith and lateral line : thorax with a filvery line each fide : abdctnen benpath cinereous with 4 black dots each fide : lo-jjer-^-ings cinereous with a red bafe and black band at the tip, W^ngs entire pale cinereous : abdomen with 3 gold lines each fide. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 5. tab, 61.D, Ihorax with a gold line cachiide. Boerha-viaC' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. /3 Scerkaviae Wings entire greenifli ; lower-ones brown with a fulvous band : abdomen beneath gold. Inhabits In^ia. Sulz. Hi/l. /«/. tali, 20, fig, 3, Head ATiA thorax greenifh with a white mouth and lateral line ; abdomen grey with a gold line each fide .• upper-ivings grey with 3 oblique greenifh ftreaks and a brown dot in the middle: lotuer-ones red with a broad brown tip, beneath variegated, Funebns, Wings entire green-brown ; lower-ones brown with a teftaceous bafe. Inhabits Guinea. J5cdygreeni(h with large lateral black fpots; Didymat Wings entire brown ; upper-pair with 2 approximate white dots. Inhabits Amtncai Cram. Inj. tab. 88. D. JViugt with a ficw obfolcte darker ftreaks .• abdomen annulate with brown and grey. Ne/pera. Wings entire ; upper-pair clouded with green ; lower- ones brown immaculate. Inhabits EaB India. Body above green : abdomen with lateral darker fpots : nvings beneath grey with obfolete darker ftreaks. Force, Wings entire ; upper-pair grey with a filvery lunule in the middle ; lower-ones reddilh. Inhabits Brajll. In the mufeum of Sir 'Jof. Banks thorax cinereous with a large brown Ipot each fide : abdo- men grey with 3 pair of brov) n dorfsl dots^; tvings beneath grey. *BIpenor, Wings entire with tranfverfe greenifh-brown and red bands; lower-ones red with a black bafe. Inhabits fwrc/^' Donovan iv, tab 122. Harris Aurtl tab. J.fg. %. h. Abin. tab. C). fig. 1 3. Larva tailed with brown fpots and 2 blue eyes each fide the neck : pupa grey before, behind brown with darker ftig- mata. orcellus. Wings entire varied with yellow and purple ; abdomen beneath faiiguineous dotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Merian, 3. tab. zz.E/p, 2, tab. 19. Larva without tail brown with 3 blue eyes each fide on the neck : pupa blackifh. Iljlaeiis. 176 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. -*Con'vol' 'vuli. llyiaeus. Wings entire; npper-pair brown variegated at the tip j lower-ones black (potted with white. Inhabits South America, Cramer q, tab. 107. C, Body brown with white lines on the thorax anddota at the fides of the abdomen : lo^ver-nvings w'lih. 5 white fpots. Wings entire clouded : lower-ones flightly barred : abdo- men with red black and white belts. Inhabits Europe. Dono^. Jlhm, t. J.f. 10. Natural Mtfcell. tab. 443. Harris Ivf. 2./. a — f. Lar'va tailed green with oblique lateral flrcaks which arc flcfh- coloiir before and white behind : pupa brown, the tail 4- toothed. Drupifera- Wings entire ; lower-ones white with 2 black bands : ab- ru7n» domen fnowy with 1 black belts. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia, *Liguflr Kalmice. Cingulata, Caicui, Wings entire, the margin dotted with white ,- lower-ones yellowifh with 2 black bands : abdomen white with black belts- Inhabit* America. ' Smiths Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Wings entire ; lower-ones with black bands, fanguineous at the bafe and dotted with white at the margin : abdo- men with black and red belts. Inhabits South America, Thorax \\\\.\v a black ifh lateral line : abdomenhznczth. white with c black dots each fide : upper -^jcings waved with cinereous aad black, a white dot in the middle and datted with white on the hind margin : all beneath brown. Wings entire brown; lower-pair rufous flreaked with black: abdomen cinereous with black rings. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 11. tab. 125. F. Upper.nvings brown with a few paler fcrcaks. Qrantm; Wings entire brown fpotted with black cdL'ed with black. lav/er-oncs red Inhsbit: INSECTS. LE;PID0PTERA 72. Sphinx. 177 InhaSits InMa. Cram, 9. tab. 104. A. Upper-iviii'^s with a pale fpor at the bafe: lo-iver'ivin^s fpotted with black at the ar.gls of thetail. le ,0. Wings entire, upper-pair grey above ; lower-ones red with a black bafe anvi margin. Inhabits India. Cramer, tab. n,y. D. Drury. 2. tab, 27, fig. 4. jintennae above white, beneath chefnut-broun. 'lothr). Wings entire grcciiiih with a fulvous dot ; lower-ones fuJ- vous. Inhabits the Cape of g'e,i hof^e. Antennee f ulvouo ; 'wings bencath'cinereous "^'iioma. Wings entire Giacrcousj lovvcr-ones with a black fillet above. Inhabits India. Cramer. 13. tab. 152. A. Head and thorax greenifh with a white lateral line : abdsmen cinereous with a brown fpot at the bafj each fide : brea^ white: upper-'vcings with a minute brown dot in the middle: all beneath cinereous with a green Ilreak and fpccks. inubus. Wings entire ; upper-pair fubferruginous ; lower-ones black, with a Itreak of" white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 11. tab: 128. C. Upper-ivingi with a fmall blsck dot in tlie middle and towards the margin a larjje brown fpot and few Ilreaks. S'echus, Wings entire; upper-pair green with a teftaceous ftrcak; lower-ones black with a yellow band and fpots at the bafc. Inhabits America. Cram. 15. r^!^.^ 178. B. Body green : antennae white: thorax wl'h a lateral white line: abdoaten \y\t\i z lines of black dots on the back and ferruginous ones on the fides, 3fdus. Wings entire btownifh ; lower-ones black witha whitlOi macular band. Inhabits hidiu. Head -m^ thorax grceniili witha whitifh lateral line ; 'u.v>/^-j be- neath varied with brown and tfitacecui. liii. Wings green ; lov/er-ones teftaceous edged with black. Inhabits Guinea i fmall. ' ^ VOL— III Z .^nfenr lyS INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Sefta. Antennae ycllowilh : body greenifh : 3 laft fegmenjs of the abdo- men with 2 white dots each fide : upper-ivings with a black dot in the middle ; lonver-ones flightly toothed, beneath grecnifli edged with brown. Lahrufcae Wings greenifh with a white dot on the lower-furface of the upper-pair : abdomen with 5 white dots at the fides. Inhabits America, A'^erian Surinam, tab. 44. Lo-iver-ivingi with a black diik barred with a blue, a rufous fpot at the angle of the tail. Larfva railed varied with brown and black, on the tail a white polilhed moveable dot. Cariae, Wings entire, lower-ones beneath yellow : abdomen ci- nereous with black angles. Inhabits America. Merian Surinam, tab. 6^. fig. 12. , Larva variegated with green and yellow : pupa teftaceous. Velox, Wings entire brown with a black dot in the middle, the tip cinereous; lower-ones brown. Inhabits India. Thorax ^rtcrnihWnh. a white lateral line: hind-margin of the upper-nvings dotted with brown. Beneath cinereous with brown ilreaks. Terfa. Wings entire grey with a brown dot; lower-ones black with a white bafe and macular band. Inhabits South America. Cram, 44. tab. 397. C, '2h,eiia. Wings ferruginous with a blackifh band. Inhabits India. Cramer, ig, tah. 226. B.^F. Small. Tho'-ax with longitudinal brown lines. B. Antenna cylindr'ual: tongue exfertcd truncate : wings entire. Sella. lantalut Abdomen bearded, tlie third fegment fnowy. Inhabits Europe and Indian Cram. tab. 68. F. Abdomen with a white and rufous Itreak : upper-swings variegat- ed, with 3 white dots. Melas Wings femitranfparent edged with black : abdomen blue, the bafe black with yellow belts. Inhabits Suri?iiim, Cram. 4. tab. 4 ^*fg, G. Antenna INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Srfia, 179 Jnternae nearly fflifonTi : head yellow : thorax black furroundcd by 2 lines. a //y/7/. Wings fcmitranfparent ; abdomen bearded, green w ith purple belt. Inhabits C/6/;.'«. Cramer xt^. tab. 148. B. Tail with a white dot a: the bale, the fides of the Beard black. Fadus. Abdomen bearded ; wings brown, upper-pair with 2 ab- breviated white bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 5. tai, 61. C. *Stellata- Abdomen bearded, the fides varied with white and black ; ''""'* lower-wings fcrrugihous. Inhabits Europe. Douonjau. v. tab. 155. Cram, t. 94. C. MeriaH Europe, z.tak. 29. E(^. Inf. 2. tab 13. Upper -^{.-ings brown with blackifh lines acrofsand a dot in the middle: bafc ef the /oii'^r a;,'//??^/ brown. Zarx-a pale rofy dotted with white, the tail blue ferruginous at the tip : pupa pale with a brown tip. Pandora^ Abdomen bearded, with fulvous foots on tlie fiiles: lower- wings ferruginous at the bafs and tipt with black. Inhabits India. Drury. Inf. 2 ialt. 2.().f. 2. Abdomen above brown with a green glofs and ; largefulvous fpotseach fide at the bafe the beard biack, beneath fubleliace- ous with fmall white dors: upper -^vcln^s with cinereous and greenifh bands and a brov/n fpot towards the tip, Brnnneus, Wings chefnut-brown immaculate: lower-ones crnar. ginate. Inhabits SuriHam. Cram i^.tah. 147. C. i>-ma.ulata Wings black with 2 yellow fpots on the upper-pair and 2 white oncson the lower-pair. Inhabits India. Small. Thorax black with 2 white dots : abdomen bearded black \\ ifh 2 white dots before the tail. Marica. Wings variegated \ lower ones black with a hyaline fpot at the bafc. Inhabits Surinam, Cram. 2. tab. 20. F. G. Abdomen blacic, bearded at the end ; upper-nx-in-s variegated with '.vhicc and black : beneath all black fpctted with wiiite, Tlyihe. i8o INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Sefia. 'Jhyfcre. Abdornen bearded, brown behind ; wings with a hyaline fpot. Inhabits America. Antennae hooked, at the tip. Abdomen grceniHi at the bafe, behind pale brown with 3 white lateral I'pots each fide : bafe of the upper-tvings a little green- ilh, *Fuciformis Abdomen bearded blackilTi with a yellow band near the tail ; wings diaphanous with a darker-brov/n bor- der. Inhabits Europe. Dono-van. iii. tab. 87- Efp- 2. tab. 14. Beard of ihc audornen '.)!ack each fide. Lari'^ green with a yellow lateral line, the horn ered ; pupa foliiculate black, with yellow Ureaks before. *Bombvli- Abdomen btardcd grecnifii-fujvous with a black band : formii. wings tran'p.irent with a fine black edge. Inhabits Europe. Ejp.hj. 2. tao.z-i,. ^Apifcrmli Wings tranfparent ; abdomen yellow with 2 black belts above; thorax black with 2 yellow fpots each fide. Inhabits Europe. Dor.o-ja7t. l. tab. 25. Liun. Trail/ 3. tab. ^ ■ fig- 1. 2- Abdcnieno^ the male flightly bearded. Z-rt-z-'^ pale yellow, /"^^^i/ yellow : /w/flblackifh. ■*Crabrom' Wings tranfparent : abdomen yellow with black belts : formis. thorax black with obfolete yellow fpots : head black with a yellow ring at the bafe Inhabits Europe. Linnean TrarCcSI iii. trb. i ./. 6. 7. Z.'zv'c'^ pale yellow : pupa redJilh- brown. Male with 2 black bands near the bafe of the abdomen : female with irregular black lines. Ch ■ilc'ifor. mis. Sphegifur- niis. - Wings with hyaline llripes, golden at the bafe.and black at the tip: hind-legs very hairy. Inhabits Tramjuehcr. Head 9.nd /-^or«x villous golden, mouth yellow: h^c;:cr-ivi>tgs tranfparent edged with black. Win<;s hyaline with a black band and margin: abdomen bearded, with a yellow belt : antennae white before the lip. j!\habits ^//j/n^. T/V^-k / /tjt, 305, 10. Tbora.x black with yellow fidc5 : a'nbmen with 2 lateral yeliovy dots each fide : flies of the hrco.fi yellow. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Sphinx. Scfia. 181 Jfuiformis. Upper-wings brown, lower-ones tranfparent: abdomen bearded black with 3 yellow belts. Inhabits Southern Europe, Wicn. I'erz.. 305. II. 7korax black with a fine yello\v margin before and a jcllow dot before the ^ving^ .* hind-margin of the IcMer-^ings black: kind-fnaKks yellow. Chjfifor- Upper-wings yellow with a hyaline line at the bafc and '«'^» dot in the middle: lower-ones hyaline: fegments of t!ie abdomen edged with yellow. Inhabits Italy. Cyrilli. Ent. Neap. tab> \. fig, 3. Sella craboniformis. Fabrkius. \\\, p. 38-3. «. 17. Head yellow with a fulvous crown : tail bearded black, yellow in the middle : margin of the upper -ivitigs fringed with brown; H^mor- Wings hvaline; upper-pair with a black band and margin: rhoidalis. j^u bearded red. Inhabits Intiia. Cramer. 5. tab. 52. C, D. Thorax with a white dot each fide : abdomen red at each end : all the ^i-uings edged with black. • Culic'for- Wings hyaline with a black band and margin : abdomen *"'^' bearded, with a fulvous belt. Inhabits Europe. Efp. 2.. tab. l^'/'g- I. CJer/;. tab. C). fg. 3. At:ter.f!ultfor' Wing^ tranfparent with a black band and border : abdomen mis. bearded black, the alternate incifurch edged -with yellow. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, ii. tab. 52,53. Thorax with a yellow line each fide .- tip of the upper -livings with a brown fpot. Larva fohtary a little hairy whitifii with yellow head and legs and a d.ijker dorfal line : p:/pa brown. * Zonata. Wings tninrparcnt with a black band and margin: abdomen bearded black with a lingle red belt. Inhabits ^r/r?^!?. Dono'van.\\. tab, 195. Head \\\\\\z thin red liind-m.irgin ; thorax whli 2 cb''oi'.c lateral (ed iirics. Ichi:eu» ,82 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Ichneu- Wings tranfparent with a black margin and band in which moniformis is a fulvous dot ; abdomen with alternate black and white belts. Inhabits Aujiria. V/ien. Ferz. 44, 7. Antenna black, fometimes yellow at the bafc : thorax black vvitii yellow fides ; legs yellow. *Fe/pifor. Wings tranfparent with a black margin and band ; abdomen mis. bearded black, the fccond and laft fegments edged with yellow. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Ferz. 44, 5. * Chryfor- Wings tranfparent with a black margin and band ; abdomen rhaa. black with 4 yellow belts, the beard yellow with a black-line in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Dono"jan. iv. tab. 116. fig. I, 2. Thorax with a yellow upper-margin : hind-thighs yellow annulate with black. C. Antenna thicker in the middle: tongue exjerted fetaceous. Zygaena *EiliperJu. Upper-wings blue-green with 6 red fpots in pairs; lower- la, ' ones red with a greenifh border. Inhabits Europe. Dcno'van. i. tab. 6. Alhin. tab. 82. C, D, Merian Eurob, 2. tab. \'] ■ fig- 67. Harrii. 2. tab. I. fig. h. Larnja fat tailed fulphur with 4 lines of black dots : pupa brown, fulphur in the middle. Lcti. Upper-wings green with 5 red fpots; lower-ones red with a green-blue border. Inhabits Europe. E/p, Inf. 2. tab. t\> fig- I- norax\>\Mi fpotted with white: abdomen blueilh: the 2 upper- fpots on the -joings united. o T r Black; upper-wings cireen with oblong approximate red -^ fpots : lower-ones red. Inhabits Germany. Efp. 3. tab. 26^. fig. 3. 2. Upper ivings with 3 long approximate red fpots at the bafc, 2, 1. margin of the lower-ones greenilh. Beneath the fame. la^andul(z Black; wings blue with 5 red dots on the upper-pair and one on the lower: collar fnowy. Inhabits France : fize of Sp. Filipcndulae. Abdomen black with a blue glofs : fpots on the ix-ings 2, 2, i. furrounded with a black ring. ^edi INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. 183 ^id}' Blue; upper- wings with 3 connefted red fpots ; lower-ones entirely red. Inhabits Southern Ruffta. ' Spots on the ivings furrounded with a yellow ring : lower-'wings with a fine black edge. Vhegea, Green black ; upper-wings with 6 tranfparent dots, lower- ones with 2 : abdomen with a yellow belt. Inhabits Germany. Efp. Inf. z. tab. 27. fig. 2, 2. Z«rt'a brown; head and legs rcddilh, back with fafciculate white plumes. Collaru^ Brown ; upper-wings with 7 hyaline dots, lower-ones with 2 : front, collar and 2 belts on the abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Eaji India. Antetmae black whitifh at the tip : dots on the upper-ixiings 1,3,3. Ephialtes. Blue; upper-wings with 6 red dots, lower-pair with one: abdomen with a red belt. Inhabits Southern Europe. Efp. Inf. 2. taJ). ij.fig, 3. ' The dots on the luings and the belt on the abaomen are fomctimcs yellow fometimes red. Larva hairy yellowilh with black head legs and 2 lines. JF,acus. Blue ; upper-wings with 6 yellow dots ; lower-ones yellow edged with blue. Inhabits Aufiria. W'ton. l^erz» 45, 8. Abdomen blue with a yellow belt; dots on the nvings 2,2,2. placed obliquely, Agrius. Black ; wings with hyaline dots, upper-pair black lower- ones blue. Inhabits Surinam. Body black ; fides of the abdomen fulvous : vpper-ivings with 2 approximate hyaline dots in the middle of the thicker margin and a ftreak of them behind : lo-wer-nuings with 2 approximate hyaline dots. Annulata. Black ; upper-wings with 6 yellow fpots ; lower-ones with a yellow bale and fpot : abdomen annulate with yellow. Inhabits Ne-ixi Holland. In the inufeum olShJof Banks. Head ycUow : thorax black with a yellow band on the fore-part : fcute/ yellow: fpot.. on the Mpper-^vings 1,2,3. a black dot in ^ the yellow bafe of the /siver-ivings. Qmbrychist Black ; upper-wings blue with 6 red ocellate dots ; lower- ones red with a black border. Inhabio i84 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Z^- Caffra, Guineenjis* PaJJalis. Cerbera. Thetis. PkUgt Tbekbus, Inhabits Anjlria. Efp. hf. 2. tah. 27. fg- 4. Thorax fpotted with white : fpots on the •nxin^s furroundcd with a white ring: abdomen fometinies immacalute, fumetiines with a red belt. Black; wings brown with 5 red dots: lower-ones red eda;ed with brown. Inhabits Africa. Cramer, "i^l.tao. 394. b. Head bkck : feelers and orbits red : th:.-<^nx bhck with 2 red dots each fide : dots on the icings furrounded with a black ring. Wings brown with 2 white fpots: abdomen blue with a. fulvous belt. Inhabits Guinea. Antennae pe,£linate, fetaceous at tbc tip : ahdomen fhining blue with a white belt at the bafe and a fulvouj one in the middle, beneath vvhitifh tipt with blue. Wings black with 6 tianfpareat fpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower : abdomen with alternate blue and red belts. Inhabits Eajl IrJia. . ^ Hea.'i h\uc: thorax rufous in the middle, the fore-part and udcj blue. Wings black with 6 tranfparent fpots on the upper-pair aiid 2 on the lower : abdomen with red belts. Inhabits ^Ethiopia. Cra.wr. 7. tab. 83. F. Blue, the fhoulders dotted with red ; wings black, upper- pair with a hyalme tip, lower-ones with a hyaline difk. ^ ^ Inhabits 7«OTmV«. Brury Inf. \. tab. z^. fig, if. • Wings black dotted with white: abdomen yelljw with black lines. Inhabits Surinam. Cratner. tab. 35.;%.H. Wings black; upper-pair wiih 5 hyaline fpots ; lower-ones very Ihort with a hyaline difk ; abdomen yellow an- nulate with black. Inhabits China: ,, Head yellow, mouth black : thorax yellow With a black collar: Iffwer-i'jings hyaline edged with black, Splrbim. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx, lyg, 185 Sperhius. Wings black with 5 hyaline fpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower: abdomen black with 2 yellow bands : front while. Inhabits China. Antennae black tipt with white : thorax black : fcutel yellow : tail white with a fingle yellowifh fpot* ti/ujirata. Wings brown with 4 hyaline fpots on the upper-pair and one on the lo',vcr: abdomen annulate with yellow and black. Inhabits China. Drury Inf. 2. tah. 28. ftg. 5. Antennae black, white before the tip: head ytViOw with a black , band between the antennaj : thorax yellow, the fore-part and 3 fpots black. Cajfandra, Brown ; abdomen with 5 blue fpots each fide : tail mouth and bafeofthe thighs and abdomen fcarlet. Inhabits Jtmefica. Cram. ^3, tab. 494. G. A}} the --wings biackifh iinniacalate. Hypatchus. Black fpotted with green ; upper-wings with 3 gold fpots, .lower-pair with a fingle one. Inhabits Sierra Ltona, Cramer, 17. lah, 197. C. Abjzmen Si-ivL with green b>.lt3, Argnnli. Wings greenifii-black with gold fpots; lower-ones brown, gc>id at the bafe. Inhabits. Braf.L Akdonun black with a red tail : upper -fVL'tngs with a few green fp.ota : Luiicer-6ije5 violsi. MyMea. Black ; wings hyaline with a black edge all round : abdomen red with a black dorfalline and angles. Inhabits BraftL Thorax black, the fides gloffy-blue with a flclh -coloured line : margin of the things finUdte black. Ahdromn- Black; wings hyaline with a black margin and band: tail iha. red. InJuhits Ame^-lca Cramer, 5. tah. ^z. fig. C, D ? Aiitiunar lomcwhat peftinate ; thorax hairy black, the fore-par: and 2 dots white: a domen hairy black. In oxafex is a red band at the bafe of tfie abdomen ' /'/«w*m/ Wings yellow hyaline; upper-pairtipt with brown : body blue fpotted with yellow: antennae and legs yellow Inhabits Cayenne, VOL. in.— 2 A Antenna* i86 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Antennae pcflinate fetaccous at the tip: thorax black blue with yellow Ipots-: injlead o.f \!iit Jcutel\% a fquare emarginate fpot. Bro7nus, Ferruginous ; wings hyaline edged round with black. Inhabits Suriiam. Cramer. 3. tab. 35. fig. G. Jnteunae ^tdAmit: body entirely dull terraginoas. Etyx., Wings black, bafe of the upper-pair gold with a red fpot in the middle: abdomen beneath red. Inhabita America. Cramer. 12. tab. 140. E, F. Head ihming green-gold fpot:ed with black on the hind-part; thorax black with 4 green-gold fpots before and 3 pair on the back : abdomen black with 7 fpots each fide, the 4 upper-ones ' green geld, the 3 lower-ones blue : lower^wingi beneath bkck vvilh a green-gold bafe and 2 fpots. hgeon. Wiugs hyaline; upper-pair edged round with yellow. Inhabits China- Cramer, ^.tah. 30 Jig. B. Antenna pedinats^ : tip of the upper ivings yellow with a hyaline fpot ; lo'zver-'u.'niors hyaline, the hind-margin black with a hyaline ftreak : thsrax black fpotted with white: abdomen black, the bsck yellow with a black line. ^^'"^' Yellow ; wings hyaline tipt with black, upper-pair yellow at the bafe. Inhabits Jamaiia. Small. HMd black : thorax yellow : aldoneti yellow with z dorfal lines of black dors, tail black : upper-ivings with a black margin and lunuie in the middle. NigncoTMis. Wings hyaline edged with black : body yellow, the fore and hind-parts black fpotted with blue. Inhdbits Cayenne', {msX\. Antenna peftinate ; head black with a blue dot on the crown : ?nouth yellow ; tlorax yellow, black on the fore-part with 4 blue fpots : abdomen yellow, tail black with 2 blue ibeaks. Melijja- Wings black with a hyaline difk: abdomen black with 3 gold lines, tail fulvous. Inhabits America. ^ Cro^n with a ^old fpot. thorax with 2 obfolete ones in the fore- margin .• hreaj} black fpotted v\ itk white ; abdomen black with 4 white dots each fide beneath. P I ena. Black ; upper-wings with 3 yellow fpots, lower-ones with 2: abdoinen with 2 fcaiiet belts. Inhabits C^/««. Cramer . 2. tab. I3>.D. Lethe ^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphin*. lyg. 187 / Lethe. Wings black with 2 yellow fpots : abdomen with red black and blue belts and a white one. Inhabits Africa. Cram. 17. tab. 197. fig. D. //,»fg. 4. Thvrax with a red collar. Kriphia. Greenifii ; lower-wings black with a white band: antenna pe6linate. Inhabits Surinam. Abdomen gresnidi with a white dot each fide at the bafe and 2 white krcaks beneath. Fla'jglli. Wings oblong black; lower-ones fiightly tailed, grecnifh ccrnif. at t{,e bale. Inhabits' South America. Cramer. 3. tah. 30. rig. E. AfitenKte blue: head red with a brown nouth and hind-margin: abdomen inh\i& with 4 lines of black fpots. Butus Wings fhining green, darker at the tip : abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Awn-ica. In the mufeum of Dr. Hur.ter. JiKtettnae pedlinate black.* hcadzxni thorax grecnifh : body beneath fulvous : tail blackilh, Pitsrirr.e. VXwQ. dotted with whitc: wings red Vv'ith a brown bind- raargin. Inhabits Amei-ica, Cran. 4. tab. 45.7%. B. 2 A 2 Antennae i88 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Anttmia peftinste, red at the tip. Lar-va hairy faffron with 2 lines of white dots each fide, 4 tufts of hairs on the neck and 2 on the tail which are tipt with black; ^upa very flightly follicul^teand trowu. Eftrofilia, Wings brown at the tip with a ftreak of white dots: an- tennae pedtinate. Inhabits America, Cramer. 15. tab. 178. C. head black fpotted with white : thorax teftaceous with a yellow fore-margin and dot : abdomen teitaceous with a dorfal ftreak of white dots, the fides black with a yellow llrcak : ufper- ivings tcllaceous at the bafe with a large yellow fpct in the mtadle in which is a brown one : hiver-ivitigj red it the bafe the tip black with ferruginous Itreaks and white dots, Pscuniccr- Brownifli ; wings violet with 2 white bands a little inter- fas, riipted : collar red. Inhabits South America. Cramer. 3. tab. 32. C, D. GyoHt Wings brown \ upper-pair with 2 yellowiili fpcts ; lower- ones with an abbreviated yellowilh band* Inhal'us Cayenne. Antejwa pedinate : thorax black with 4 white lines : ahdctren bid !v with 3 white lines ; hpper-iuKgs with white line's at the bale. Ergotist Wings black; upper-pair with a white band at the tip, thorax fulvous. Inhadiits Madeira; refemblcs the next. Head bi^ck dotted with white ; abdomen black margin of the upper-avinos fulvous each fide at the bale. GJaucctis Wings blackiHi \ upper-pair with an oblique fiiowy band. Jni abits Carclnia.. Crc-.:::or. 27. taJj. ^22. D. Anteimae pcdinatc : hchy\Aix\ \ /(7'ttffr-Ti.;>^/ immaculate. E-,un'iS» W^nes black ; upper-pair with an oblique teftaceous band. Inlia^iis Surinam. Body black. Abacinen witU 2 lines ot white dots bcncaih. Pylotis. Winigs black ; upper-pair with a fnowy fpot on both fur- taces ; lower-onts with a fnowy fpot beneath only. Inhabits Surinr.m. Crav.er tab. 370. t. >^. Dono^van s\. tab. zo\. Jig. z. Zar-vflbkckifh with 2 dorfal lines ofwhitifh lunule?. Green-blue ; lower-wings black. Inhabits .-^a-f/n'^. Wien.Verz,. 308. 12. Larva hairy brown, the back Helli-cclour with a line of blacK dots. Blue ; wings brown ; tail rufous. Inhabits iVeov Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jo . Banks: Body and wings blue ; thorax rufous.. « Inhabits Africa. Upper-wings brown ; lower-ones black with fcmitranfpa- rent difk; collar red. Inhabits hd.::. Abdomen blue : upper-wings whitifh at the tip- 73 PHALiENA- igz INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. -j^- Pltalxna. 73. PIIAIu'^.N.'\. Antenna: griulually ta- pering Iroiii the biife to the tip : tongue Iprial : jaws o : wings ^ when at reft, generally detiedted : Jlight nocturnal. Moth, Thefe fly abmad only in the evenin? and during the night, and feed on the nedlar of fl nvers : the larva is aftive and quick in motion, moftly fmooth,nioreor lefscylinarical, and preys vora- ciously en the leaver of various plants: pvpa quicfcent, more or iels cylindrical, poinred at the tip or at both ends, and is ge- nerally inclofed in a follicle. Tliey arc divided into, Boxihyx. Antenna filiform ; feehn 2, compreflTetl refleded : longue Ihort iTiembranaceoiis obtufc bifid: larva i6-footed, often hairy , pupa pointed at the tip. a. Wings expanded, b. Wings reverf'id. c. Wings defie61cd. d. Wings incumiient. e. Wings convolute, Ceomeira. Antsr.na riiform : Jeelers cylindrical: tongue projected, membranaceous fetaceoiis bifid : larval — lo footed, 6 of which are perioral, 2 caudal, and fomctimes 7 fubcaudal : pupa pointed at tiie tip. a, Antennae peftinate. b, Antennse ictMceous. c, Wings forked, connivent. Nocfi, Antenna fetaceous : feelers compreffed hairy, the tip cy- lindrical and naked : tongue projedling horny fetaceous bifid: larva i6 — footed : /j///^ pointed at the tip. a. Wings expanded. b. Wings flat incumbent ; thorax fnoooth, c. Wings flat incumbent ; thorax crcftcd. d. Wings deflefted : thorax fmooth. 0 c. Wings deflefted : thorax crefted. Hyhlaa* INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalxna. 193 HybUa. Antenna letaceous : feelers projcfting, compreiTed, dila'cd in the middle : lip projeding, acute. Uepialus, Antennx moniliform : feelers 2, rcfle(£led hairy, between which is the rudiment of a bifid ti, z.tab. 13. A. Wingi yellow ax the bafc, the tip of various colours with a tri- angular hyaline dot, lower-ones fulvous at the bale with a round hyaline dot: ai.7'»^-/us at the bafe, the eye with a yellowilh iris. Per'picua. Wi'^S* brown; upper-pair with a fhort tranfparent band. "' Inhabits itidia. J . , Win2;s yellow with violet fpecks fpots and ftreak behind. Inhab'ts Cayenne. Antennae yzWow : thorax yellow with a violet fpot on the back : abdomen y iWo A- y the firll fegni'^iuswith a violet o>>ri'al fpot: I . vjings beneath yellow with a violet fpot ia the miJdle. Miliiari 198 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsena Bomb. Wilitaris, Both fur faces of the wings alike, yellow with violet tip and fpots; upper-pair fpotted outwardly Nvith white. Inhabits Af.a and China, Cramer. 3. tab. 29 B. GaJlrMa. Wings rounded white ; upper- pair with an eye; lower-ones with a brown dot Inhabits Ne-vj Holland. In the mufeum of Sir. -^yc/i Banks. , Thorax brown; breaft white: abdomen abov^ g "Vt beneath white with lateral black dot:> : upp;r -swings brown ir the bafe, the middle whitiih wich a Inrge blue e/e furrountlcd v.th a black ring, then brown, the hind-margia cinereou; with 2 waved brown ftrcaks, • "^avon'ta. Wings rounded clouded with grey and barred with grey beneath, each of them with a ui6litant femitranfparent eye. \x^\h'\\.i Europe. Dovovan. l.tah. i , and viii. /a/i. 253. Antennae of the male, more pjctinatc aad the louver -n^irigs yel- lowifh at the bafe. Lari7^w. Cramer, d. tah. (i\.Y.yY . Upper njjiags above brown at the baft;, the tip ferruginous: loix)cr- ivings fubferrugtpoue. Beneath cinereous at the bafe. fpcckled with rufous, the tip rufous. Liberia. Upper-wings cinereous or reddilh with darker fpots and ftreaks ; lower-ones fulvous with a black eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 2'^. fab. 268. F, G. La-zuer"u 4. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phdxna. Bomh. 199 La:-ija green with oblique lateral white llripes, the back warty • pupa chelnut-brown hairy. * Jo- Wings yellow; upper-pair with a black eye beneath; lower- ones with one above, the pupil white \Ti\\zh\t% Amrka- In tnc mufeuin ofDr Hunter. Antenna yeilowifh, very much pcilinare : kcaa iiid thorax hairy yellow; upper -laings with a ferruginous fpot in the middle, beneath a rufous Itrcik behind the eye : Ioi.ver.'Vjings with a femicircular bbck ftreak and another 'ferruginous One behind the eye, beneath a ferruginous Itreak. I ^^^^- Wings brown ; lower-ones cinereous Avith a rufous eye- Inhabits Surinam Cramer. 7. tab. yj fg. A, B. Eye in the middle of the L'wer-ivtfigs'wnh a black iris and White pupil. Sa/.mm, Upper-wings brown with a black ftreak : lower-ones rufous with- a black eye in which is a white lunuie. inhabits ^Knxflw. Cranxr. 14. tab. 162. A. Be^y brown: aUomen with rufous rings: upper-^johigs with z tranfvcrfe rufous lines in the middle and a black Ibrak behind- lo'wer.^.vwgs v.'Jth a large black eye, the iris yellow, the t^upil Junatc, benind this is a thin black ftreak and ;i broader ferru- ginous one: all beneath with a central white dor. Profcrpln.".. Wings rounded black with a white band in which is a fub- occllar black fpot. Inhabits America. Cremer. 2. tab. 98. A. ncraxhWck with a p.de band before : abdomen black, the tail leddiili : fpot on the ivings with a lunate white pupil. b. f rings reverfcd. ^opulifolia. Wings teftaceous indented, with numerous brown lunulas I^nhabjts Aup-ia. Wten. Ferz. 310. <; 7bci-ax tcllaceoas v^ ith a black dorfal line ; loii^ir-iv-n'r^ half- covered, paler at tiie tip. "^ 'duercifo. Wings indented ferruginous; inouth and ihanks bl?ck ha. Inhabits Europe. Albui. I. tab. 26. hhrian. Eur. tab. l. fig 'i Lar^ja Vaghx\y tailed h.iry ferruginous with blue collars ./^'^ /oiJiculata Drown with red baiidi. • IluifiJia. Vv^ings half-covered ferrate grey, the hind-i-nargin dotted with white. ■Inhabits Kurvpe. Degeer Inf. i. tab, 14./^. 7—9. Larva 20© INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phatena. Bomb. Larva cinereous with fulvous (pots on the neck .- pupa folliculate chefnut-brown. Promula, Wings flightly imiented brown immaculate: abdomen chei- n\it-brown. Inhabits Janja. Cramer. 6. tab. yz. D. «.,,., j AntennfE peftinate, chefnut-brown: loiver-nvings flightly indented. C ff ira Wings ferruginous with darker-ftreaks ; thorax chefnut- '^ * brown on the fore-part. Inhabits In the mufeam of T>r Hunter. Head teflaceous : antenncc flightly pectinate pale: thorax cinereous behind ; tipper -ivings indented : lovjer-ones cinereous. Capenfu. Wings pale red : upper-pair with 2 flcxuous ftreaks, the pofterior of which is joined to a black one. Inhabits Africa. JhJomen yellow. Orientalis. Wings teflaceous with 3 ferruginous ftreaks, beneath a lingle one. Inhabits Eajl India; large hairy. Aluct, Wings brown cinereous at the tip. Inhabits the C^e/"^oo/3^^f/^; lar^e. Abdomen covered v.itU ferruginous hairs, all :hc nxjings beneath ferruginous with numerous cinereous fpccks. Auf.ralafiae^\xx%% orange red ; lower-ones beneath ferruginous at the" Inhabits iVky Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/ Banks. Feelers large, obtufe : body pale orange. o)uadricinc' Wings chcfnut-brown with 4 pale ftreaks. ^a. Inhabits EaJl India: large, Ai:tenr2ie pshmzte : lo^^ver-tv; ngs 'imma.zuhtz. *Fagi. Wings reddifh -cinereous with 2 linear flexuous yellow bands. Inhabits Europe. Albin, tab. 58. Roes. Inf. 3. tab. 12. Larnja chefnut-brown, toothed on the back, the 6 fore-legs lon- ger, tail reflefled with 2 fliort horns : it retts with its head and tail raifed up and its fore-legs hanging down;//, i/a^/irr. .V.-.A UpJvh- li^iff^f. with an o'niiqu? brown ftreak behind; all beneath teftaccous with a brown ftreak and fpecks. L:/fca. Wings ferruginous ; upper-pair with a black fpot in the ■ middle in which is a white luiuile. A'ltcnfte iliort very much peflin ate : thorax with a darker ftreak in the mivldle : upper-uuings with a, ftreak of brown djts near the mnrgin : louuer fixings and all beneath ijnnsaciflate. Wings indented yelloWiTwrij;)!. 2 brown ftreaks and a brown dot. • lx\\nhy-^ ^i^yopi. R«(f,I)if.1.Fhal.Ztab.-i,6. Lai'va hnooih cincieous with blue lines, the neck and fides wirh fa'ciculatc hairs ; hind-legs projcclinguiftant : pupa iolhculaie, black before pale ferruginous b'elvinclr" ''""''■■ Amphimone Wings entire pale a(h with 2'l')iac|c^^reak6; upper-pair with a fulvous dot in the rhiddlc.'' Inhabits I'etra del Fiwgo, In the mufeurh of Sir ^2/. Bavla. Antennae pcftinate brown : bedy fulvous :' thorax with 2 black lities : abdomen with black belts ; ^-ingi beneath with a lingle Itraight ftreak. * ?otatoi-la Wings flightly inden^d yellow-brown with an.Qblique ful- vous line and 2 white dots ori the upp, r-palr. • • • ■ Inhabits £«r^(?. Dono-ion. x. tab. 148. Aibii:. I ..iab. 1 7. Lar-ia tailed crcfted hairy dark brown fpeckted with white : pupa fo'liciilate dark brown : eggs oblong lead-colour with a green ling at each end and 4 ilot in the middle, '. » VOL. HI.— 2 C OcuJaUjPma Pruni. 202 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsena. Bomb, Oculatif. Wings white with ntimerous black ocellar dots. Jima, Inhabits America. In the mu eum of Dr. Hunter. Antennae filifoim black: head white with a brown dot each fide under th^antennse : thcrax white with \z ocellar dots z,4.,6. t'.vo of them large and flexuous: abdomen above black, beneath white with red fides. • Punanti/' Wings and body fnowy dotted with white: thorax with a Jima. black lunuie each fide. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepiu'opt. Inf. of. Georgia. P'lthtcium. Wings clouded with brown, a palmate fpot on the dilk acute-angled at the bafe. Inhabits America. Smith' t Lepid$pt. hij. ef Georgia. tlibifci. Cjnera. Opercularis Pjxidiftra. Veiled^. * Dumti. Both furfaces of the wings alike, yellow with 2 brown (Ireaks on the upper and one on the lower pair. Inhabit? /«.•/;« ; qn the Hi ifcus populneus. Body yellowilh ; thorax yellow on the fore-part. Wings yellow with 2 brown ftreaks, and 3 conneded brown rin^s on the upper-pair. Inhab-is Surinam. Cramer. \^.tab. 152. C. Wings yel'ow, the anterior margin and dilk brown with numerous anaftomofing whiiilh lines. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Wihgs yellow, the diflc with numerous brown and black flexuous patches- Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. hf. ef Georgia. Win^:? grey fpeckled with brown, with a ferruginous band ' "and bafe and triangular white dot. Inrabiis Eu^ote. Donovar. v. tab. 177, 178. Meriun Europ ta"^. 22. Wilkes 29. tab. 3. b. 5. fc.Mle pat ferruginous where the inale is grey. i«r-t;« flightly tailed varied with white grey and brown, 2 blue collars with rutous dots each fide: /«/>« foUiciTlate, dark brown. Wings black with white nerves ; the margin with .4 white itreaks. 'inhabits America. Smith's Lepidott. Inf. of Georgia. Wings brt)wn ; upper-pair with a yellow dot l^and and hind-margin. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Bomb. 203 Inhabits Europe. Efp, Phal. 3, tab. 14. fg, 3, 4. Larf. Efp. Phal. tab. iS.Ji^.l — 3. Lai'va cinereous with 2 dorfal black lines dotted with red; foliiculate, cheinut-brown before and brown behind. pn^a Everia. Wings yellow (fern, chefnut-brown) with a white dot and paler at the tip Inhabits Germany. Ejp.Bomb. 3 tab, 6 9. La-"va gregarious hairy, chefnut-brown with black incifures and ja eral blue fpots with fulphur dots : pupa foliiculate yellow- ifti. *ProceJ/io- Wings cinereous-brown, with a Tingle darker ftreak on the tiea. female and 'j on the male. Inhabits Europe: Reaian. hf. 2. tab. II. ta^=va gregarious hairy, brown-afh with a blackifh back and \ellow warts : the flcin wl'.ich is call off is faid to produce in- flammadon if touched. Pithi/ocam. Wings grey with 3 darker ftreaks : lower-ones pale with a pa, brown dot near the tail. Inhabits Avfiria. WitnVgrz- '^'^ H. Body hairy grev : abdo}nen\n:.\\o\\\^. Lartia hairy bhieifli with yellow fpots on the back, head black. Varia, Wings brown with waved paler ftreaks. Inhabits Au^it-ia, L'^nver -ivings inin;aculate. Mori. Wings pale with 3 obfolete brown ftreaks. Silk-worm. Inhrtbus C/-//7«, on the Mulhtrv-tree, and was introduced fnto Europe' in the Reign ot the Emperor Juftinian : the fine filky theads which conijofc the follicle of the pupa is converted into that valuable article ot conimerce and luxury filk. Meriun. l.urop. l.tab.x. JJbi.i.tab. \z. jig. r6. Bradl Nat. tab. 27 fg I- Rces 3 fab. 7. 8. lar-vaiaihd naked whitifh : fupa forax huir^ yeliowiih : abdomen brown. iemakc\\z{n\si brown with only a darker lunulc in the middle of the upper-wings. Taraxaci. Wings pale, both furfaces alike ; upper-pair with a brown dot in the middle : body fulv'oub. Inhabits Audria. Fycjl. Arch. tab. 34. /?«• hairv fulvous, blacJcilh on the back. Larva hairj black with abbreviated yellowilli bunds : pupa nak- ed, chelnut brown 2 fpined at the tip. Wings dull grey with a white band in which is a waved grey (treak. Inhabits France, on the Oak. Body grey : abdomen yellowim above : lovjer.a folliculatc with 4 black dots before. Lantanae, Wings fnowy wirfi 3 or 4 ftrcaks of conneaed brown rings. Inhabits //wmf/i. Cramer, ^ab, \%\,^. Antennae peftmatc : mouth black : head fnowy : thorax fnowy with 3 p ir of bl: ck dots: 'vcings hyaline at the tip; abdomen above fuivous with 2lines of black dots, beneath fnowy (male.) head and thorax fnowy immaculate: abdomemhay^ yellow, beneath fnowy (female.) Ammjis. Wings whitifti with black flreaks ;. lower-ones yellow fpoited with black: abdomen black with red belts. Inhabits 5wr/«r.'*i. Cramer. iS. tab. Z06. B. head and thorax whitifh fpotted with black : abdomen with 5 red belts, the tail yellow : upper ---wings with 3 angular black fireaks. *radibun('a Wings cinereous with 3 waved brov,'n ftrcaks. Inhabits Europe Donoa:an. \.tab 160. ■ Merian. \. tab. j^-j. Vufpcr-nvirgi vvith 2 brown fpots at the tip and a ihort brown line between the 2 lirll llreaks. Larva 2o8 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna., Bomb. Lart'a tufted hairy yellow, tail with a long red .t\jft and 4 white ones on. the back : pupa folliculate brown bafpre, pale chcfnuc behind, and fpotted with yellow. *Fa/telina Wings cinereous with black fpecks and 2 flexuons fulvous Itreaks Inhabits iS'aro/f, Msrian. Eur. tah.%. Degcer. ■[.tab.i^. fg 15. Larva hairy taficulatc dotted with red, 5 ot x\v~ tuf:s en the back \V%iite, tho(eof the head and tail brovvu: pnpa foUiculate pale chefnut with a paler dorial line. Z,rjK»/*«r^'. Wings brovvn ; uppcr-pair with a broad whitiili flreak, a black line at the bai'c and a white dot at the hind- angle. Inhixpws America. Smiiljs Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia. >p'i\ :v/Oil',7 .:;:..f!9ii ■ teUci(i(^a^\x\%^%x^ ; npper-pr:ir with black ftreaks and lines and a white lunule at the hind-angle. Female ap- . , terous. aiJOUy^r' fH'-lhhabiTs- '/^w^i Smif^s Lepi^tU, Inf. of Georgia. n/.ah v-Jiavhi ; ... 'A vAi i;,-:ni.o * Btfeephfla Wings- grey \\h\\ 1 double\'^'fyWh'flfei^ii^ji? i^^ and a . ,..* . large yellow fpot at the tip, " • ,;'"". ' ;:;uj-.i Inhabits tiirap^- Donovan, i. tdh. l.\AlUn. tal\: 2l-f. SJ. "' " M-etiatu E^rMpe. ^.tah.^i. Degeer. i.tab, 13./. 14 19. Lar'va hairy black with yellow lines and rings and white lateral dots: *«/W-L<:er-,--J:inzs \^\i\lz with a few black dots. "p"^' Wings tpothed on the back, clouded brown and reddifh white with a large cloi.ided ocell^ir fpot a,^ the tip : an- tenna: fcaly. Inhabits Europe. Dotwjan.'w. tab. 115. Merian. tab.i^j. Larva folitary naked pale rofy with white lateral lines and 2 gibbofities on the back, the tail red; pupa follicu. ate* dark brown. Triiophus. Wings toothed on the'back, clouded with brown, in the middle a tiirruginqus lunule furrounded with white. Inhabits jhfiria. Vyien. Ver%. 63. 6. Head AXiii thorax hairy brown : fl-rfij/w^w cinereous ; lonxier-'wingt white with a brown patch near me ta ■, l.arva foli:ary naked green, with 3 giboofltics on the back, tail obtufe, head brown. VOL— III 2 D EUgans, 2lO INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. BmL Elegans. Wings glaucous with 2 black ftreaks and fpot in the mid- dle, in the latter of which is a ferruginous lunule. Inhabit* the Cape of good hope. In the Mufeum of Sir. J. Banks. Head brown with yellow dots: feelers yellow: antennae hzrdly peOinate : thorax downy cinereous with 4 yellow dorfal fpots; lotuer-'whigs and all beneath dufky. o Camelus, Wines yellowifh with 2 red ftreaks and a line In the mid« die. Inhabits /W/tf. In theCoUcftion of Mr. /"r^ffrtZ&ff. Atitennae ■pt&.i'oztz fctaccous at the tip : k'vjer-'v.'ings flelh-colour beneath whitifh. Diilcza. Gnoma, Dromedari Wings appearing as if parched with a whitifh ftripe ; low" er-ones whitifli. Inhabits Europe, E/p. Phal. 3. tab. 84. Lar-va Iniooth gibbous behind, green with a white dorfal line and yellow lateral one, forc-lcgs rufous. ' Wings nightly indented grey-white with a marginal black band in which is a white fpot. Inhabits Hivr.hurg Efp. Phal. 3./«^. 84. Jniennae hnrdly peftinate : thorax grey with a black ftreak be- fore and behind ; loiver-iuings whitilh with a brown fpot be- neath at the outer margin : abdomen grey, tail white. Upper-wings toothed on the back, clouded with a yellowifli patch at the bafe and near the tail. Inhabits Europe. Jmmiral. Inj\ tab. J 4. Lo^er-rxiirigs with a ferruginous band behind. . Lar-va folitary naked green with 4 gibbofities on the back, tail reflefted. AngniniM Upper-wings clouded with a tranfrerfe pale ftreak and bafe, the tip with 2 black dots in a fubocellar whitifti fpot. Inhabits Arnerka Smith's Lgpidopt, Inf. of Georgia, Concinna'i Upper-wings clouded with a blackifli patch at the bafe and angles, marginal ftreaks and dots on the diflc. Inhabits America. Smith'': Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia, Unicornis, Upper-wings clouded with green and brown, the tip yel- lowifh with a blackifh patch on the diik and marginal dots and ftreaks. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Botnh. 211 Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of, Georgia. Aurora, Upper-wings yellow, the bafe and margin fpeckled with red. Inhabits America, Smith' j LtpiJopt. JnC, of Georgia, *Cory!i, Wings ; glaucous with a ferruginous band in which is a black dot annulate with while: thorax variegated. Inliabits Europe. Albin. tab. 90, Degeer. 1. tab. \%.f. 4. 5. Larnja tufted red hair)', 2 tufts on the back one on the tail and tkofc on the neck longer : pupa tblliculate, black before, palcchcl'nut behind. .AW«. Upper-wings naked hyaline ; lower-ones cinereous with a marginal naked fpot. Inhabits India. In the mufeum of Sir fof. Banks. Antennae peftinatc brown : head teltaceous ; thorax and ahdo- men cinereous. Wings black hyaline ; abdomen villous black, the {zg~ ments edged wiih yellow. Inhabits Europe, on the Lolium percnne. ^/;/fK«t. l^erz. 63, 4. *Camelina. Wings indented ferruginous with 2 oblique yellow lines: all wi:h a fuiall tooth on the back. Inli.ihits Europe. Dom^ca'i vi. tab. 183. \\ hen at reft tliere appear 2 tufts on the back formed by the teeth on the wing'?. Lar-un nakcvi grccniHi with 2 red horns behind and red ftigmata: pupa folliculjte ckrct-brown. ' Aitlica. Upper-wings grey dotted \viih yellow ; lower-ones fulvous fpott^d with black. Inhabits ii«r£)/>^. Albin. tab. 22. Merirat. Eur. 2. ta'-. 'ti. Lariacula. Inliablts Southern Europe. _ Hy''. Beytr. i. tab. 3. O. Bod^ P'ile : l(yix;er-n.vings ivhitilh'. * Comprefa Wings compreired fnovvy with a common brown fpot, grey in the middle with a white lunule. Inhabits Europe. Do/wvan. Vu. faS. 239.77^.2. All the ttv/rjT with dark ^jots roand the margin Larvahm-'-n with 4 Ipines before and. 3 behind, tail pointed: pupa chelnut-brown before and blao behind. Milhau/eri, Wings hoary with 2 d:;rfal brown fpots: antennas fctaccous at the tip. Inhabit. Dm^t». Ejp. fap. '>,. tab, z\. , , •, lar'va green with forked d-.r!al ipines, lc£S under the tail o; pupa chefna4;:brovvn, emarginate berore. Spreta. Wings varied with flefh-colour and yellow, with white Itijjmata. Inhabits Gfr?»fl«>-. Naturf. 2\, z-]. tab. -j,. Jntennae fimpW; Wy bf wn : upper -ai(/a. W'ings brown ; upper-pair with a hroad green bafe, Inhihhs Tranque!far. Cramer. /a/>. I ^o,j/^. E. HNid brown with a green crown : thorax hairy green : tipper- ivingj v.'ich a coftal black fpot at the hnkujmvfr-'wi/ig.: y dlowiili: fort-legs very thick and blackifh. Eqxeilris. Wipgs brown ; upper-pair with a green band in the midd'.. ; lower-ones ycllowilh. Inhabits India ; h.ilf the fize of the lalt Grata. Wings fnowy, the rib at the bafe and hind-margin brown. Inhabits Georgia in America. Uppsr-ivings with an obfolcte whitifh ftreak in the brown margin, beneath yellowilh edged with brown : lo^jjsr-^vin^s ycllowifti edged wiih brown, above immaculate, beneath with a brown fpot in the middle. F. nigrum. Wings white marked with a black v- Inhabits Gcrr^any. Naturf. z. tab. \. fg. 1,12. tab. x.fig. 8,g. Rays of the ajitennae ferruginous : body whitifli : le^s aniiulatc with black ; the v on the upper'' '""^'^ 2 E 2 n Lor one 220 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. J?5/n3. Corones. Upper-wings cinereous ; lower-ones fnowy. Inhabits A'^f'7v Holland. In the inufeum of' Sir. Jof. Banks. Antetinae Y>e.cX\r\^AX& : heaJ&Vi^ thorax cinereous : abdomen {viowy : upper-iuings with a red outer margin: lower-ones with a brown ftreak behind. Fe/liva, Wings yellowifh fpotted v/ith blue at the bafe and dotted •with black at the tip. Inhabits America. In the mufeum of Dr. Hunter. Aiitenn le fimple black : thorax yellowifli with 3 blueifli lines : upper. njoings with 2 longitudinal fpots at the bafe, in the middle a bifid blue band in which is a whitilh flrcak, the tip with 3 lines of brown dots : lo-Mer- nuings brown. Drvcs, Wings brown : abdomen ful>vous with black, dots, tall black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. t,jl>. 70. C. Lczuer-'winp-s blue at the bafc ; abdomen with 2 Ilrcaks of black- dots. Riimnfa. Wings yellow with black branched lines and marginal dots Inhabits Italy. Antennae pedinate bUck : head and thorax black, the latter with a large yellow Ipot each fide : abdomen black, tail yellow: lo'vjer •'Wings yellow, the hind-margin dotted with bkck. * Ri/juL . Wini's yellow with a red marain and brown fpot : antennx nd Inhabits fj/ro^f. DvNonjan. v'x. tab. z\ ^. Chrk. tab. \.f. i. Lovjer-ixiings w;.ite with a brown fpot in the middle, the bolder brown edged with red. Liirnja hairv dull ferruginous with a palcdorfal line, head coppe- ry : fvpa very thiniy follicuhte dark brown. ^Jacch.te. Wings brown with a red line and 2 dots \ lower-ones red edged with black. Inhabits Europe. Dina-van. ii. t^J>. 45. A/bin. t. 34. G. H. Merian. Eurcp. 3. tab. 28. Harris Inf. I. tab. 4, Lar;«a/^ of the lall. Head unA thorax black: abdo- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Bomb. 223 fnen black with red rings : upper-ivi n^s black, the bafe grey with 2 white ftreaks and a hooked line between them : L^juer- lu/wg-j red with an oblong black fpot in the middlk, the hind- anargin pale. "Caja. Upper-wings whhifli with irregular blackifh fpots \ lower- ones orange fpotted with black. Inhabits £ar<;/»f. Donouan.l.tab. \^. Albin. tab. ZO. CD. Sepp. Inf. 4, tab. 2. Wilks pap. 18. tab. 3. a I. Thorax brown with a red line before : addomen orange with black fpots : antennae pc£linate. Lar'va folitary hairy brown with 3 raifcd whitifh dots on each fegment : pupa folliculate black. Pudicc^ Wings white ; upper-pair fpotted with brown ; lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Southern France. E/p. Bomb. 3, tab. ^"^-fig. I. Head and thorax brown, the latter with 2 conneded white lunulcs before : loaver-ixjings beneath with 2 brown fpots. Cajicl Wings black with 2 indented white bands; lower-ones retl with marginal brown fpots. Inhabits Germany. E/p. Bomb. 3. tab. "^"iy.fig^ 2. Body black : thorax with a pale band before ; abdomen with red dots at the bafe : upper-iuings with a fmall white dot in the middle of the rib and a patch towards the tip. MacuWa, Wings fpotted with black ; upper-pair brown ; lower-ones red. Inhabits France. Knock. Beytr. 3. tab. ^- fig' 2. Thorax cinereous with 2 black lines : abdomen black with a late- ral abbreviated red line. Lar'va folitary hairy black with blue tubercles and a yellow lateral line. I'ivo. Wings black with rcddilh rivulets; lower-ones red dotted with black. Inhabits America. Clerk. Icon. tub. ^z.fig. 5. Adomen above red beneath dlack, Phxllina, Wings black with reddifh rivulets ; lower-ones red fpotted with black, and a marginal black line. Inhabits America. Smith'' s Lepidopt. Inf. of. Gsorgia. Placen:ia^ 224 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phal^na Bonih, Flacentia, Wings black with 3 white foots ; lower-ones red with black fpnts and margin. Inhabits America. Smith\ LcpiJopt. hif. cf^ Georgia. Jjalella. -Wings dotted with black ; upper-pair fulvous, lower-ones rofy. Inhabits America. SmitlJ's LspuhtUr. Inf of Georgia. Echo. Winp^s fnowy with black marginal nerves each fide, the back fpotred with yellow and black. lv^xhh% Avierica. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia, Menet:. Wings black with white fpots ; lower-ones purple with a black centra) fpot and margin. Inhabits A?nerica. Cramer, d. tab. "jo. D. Upper-tiings brov. n with a large round whire fpot at the baff ot the thicker m'.rgin, a line divioed into 5 fpots towards the inner margin and an abbreviated traiifvcrfc one towards the tip. Def Grata. Wings white fpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath black with white bands. Inhabits America. In the mufeura of Dr. Hunter. /^e'^y white with a black front: anicm^ hhck: thprax fnowy with 2 black dorfal dots and 2 lefTer-ones each fide : abdomen beneath white with a line ol black dots, iJyaUna. Wings hyaline cinereous : tail black bearded. Inhabits Italy ; middle-fized. Antennae z little peftiriate brown : hody cinereous. Alhifrcm. Wings grey : upper-pair with a marginal angular fnowy rtreak furrounded with black fpecks. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia. M-niflra. Wings ferruginous ; upper-pair with 5 tranfverfe brown lines dot on the dific and margin. Inhabits .<^;«.'nV«. Smith' s Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Gihhofa. Wings teftaceous; upper-pair with a double tran ycUovvifh ftreak and intermediate double whit Inhabits America. Smith\ Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. fverfc itc dot. Anguloja, Wings grey ; upper-pair with Ijlack flexuous lines auu blotches, and a projefting tooth on the back. Inhabits Amrica. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. cf. Georgin. d. //7/;?;. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalsna. Bomh. 225 d. Wings incumbent. Crotalcuiat Upper-wings piirplilh with ocellar black fpots ; lower-ones red fpotted with biack. Inhabits India. Cramer \ . ta^ 5. C, D. Jntennae black flightly peainate ; thorax grev with 6 Wack dots: ahdomen red with d -tted black lines : upper -if^tv crs W\x\i niu mero.is hhck dot« with yellow iris ; beneath yellowifh with confluent btown Tpots and margin. Siehii, Sanguino' lenta. Fuella, Wings du% with numerous fubocellar brown fpots/ low- er-ones red fpotted with bl^ck. Inhabits India, en the Ricinu";, rhorax bro vn with an oc liar fpot each fide : ahdomen red with brown belts and 3 brown foots on the tail : fpots on the up. per.--Mings with brown pupil and cinereous iris. Wings fnovyy ; upper-pair with a fanguineous rib : lower- ool-s with black fpots. Inhabits 7a'?//<3. Cram, iz. tak I ^^. D. He^jd Inov. y/ee/eis and antenxae brown with a red band bchiiri : Abdomen fulvous with black rings. 'Winj^s brown; thorax dotted with black; tail and legs red. ^ Inhabirs Guinea. //f«^ grey wuh 2 black frontal dots : /f^/^j ferruginous tipt \vicb blwck • tt^orax grev-brown dotted with black : bsdy pale, the fides ferruginous dotted with black : lo^er-wings whi- Sffva, il ira. Wings grey mixed with cinereous and brown : abdomen red above. Inhabits Euft India, Antenna ^^t\^^^.lz^. head ^r,^ thorax grey: «^//..v/.;r beneath and taiJ grey : lonxjer-^vings and all beneath dull cinereous. Win^s ^reenifh-hlack with yellow rivulets ; lower-ones reddifh with t^ b'ack fpots. Inhabits Sortkrru Europe. '.n/i« twice folhcuJate black. "PoiKinuU Wings c.l.)(Ty_black with white and reddifh fpots ; lower- oiK:s dull red with black fpots. VOL-III 2 F Inhabits 226 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Bomh. Inhabits Europe. Do/ioi'an. iv.falf. 141. Mer. Eur, 2. /, 38. Thorax black with 2 red lines : abdomen red fpotted with black, the tail black. Larva hairy black with 3 yellow lines fpotted with black \fupa brown inclofcd in a common web, Crtdula. "Wings and body black dotted with white. Inhabits v/wmw. Cramer d. tab,'] \. fig. 2. Upptr-iuings with an oblong red fpot with 2 black dots at the bafe. Le^rix* Wings black with blue yellow and white' fpots ; lower-ones red fpotted with white. Inhabits C/&/«a. Cramer. \6' tab. 192; C. Abdomen red with black bands. •Furcula* Thorax variegated ; wings grey, the bafe and tip white dotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 272. Sepp. 4. tab. 6. Larva folitary naked 2-tailcd green :/w/«tolliciilate ferruginous; eggs black, Ctltit, Wings grey-brown with 2 black diftant dots. Inhabits Germany; fizeof thelaft. Antennae peftinate black : thorax hairy green : breaji whitifh ; ivings beneath dulky with a brown dot in the middle. JPopuUti, Wings fliining-grey with a ftreak of black dots behind. Inhabits Germany, on the Populus tremula. Antenna pe(flinate : body grey : in the middle of the vnings is a pale rsniform fpot. *Jntiqua. Upper-wings dull ferruginous clouded with brown, a white lunulc at the pofterior angle ,* female nearly apterous. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, i. tab. \6. Mer, Eur. tab. 84. Female with the rudiments of wings at the end of the thorax. Larva folitary fafciculate, 4 of the dorial tufts white, thofe near theantenns and tailduflcy : pupa folliculate varied with black and yellow. Gonojlig. Wings brown with 2 oppofite white fpots ; female ap- ma. terous Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 90. Wilks ^l. fig. S-c. 4. Larva gregarious fafciculate, 8 of th'; dorfal tufts white, 2 on the neck INSECTS. LEPipOPTERA. 73. Phalasna. Bomb. 227 neck and one on the tail black : pupa yellow oeforc and black behind. Paradox a. Wings varied with cinereous and brown with a whitifh central fpot ; lower-ones black : female apterous. Inhabits Rujia, on the Triticum rcpens. • Male. Antennae peftinate with a white fhaft. Female without even the rudiments of wings. Zonai Wings black with white bands : abdomen black, the edges of the fegments red \ female apterous. Inhabits Germany. Antennae peftinate black Avith a White ftiaft : linuer-'wings whi- tifli with a black ftreak in the middle and hind-margin. Fe- male apterous thick villous with the rudiments of 2 fhort cy- lindrical hairy black wings each fide, edges ot the fegments red. Pylctis, Wings yellow with 6 bands of black dots ; lower-ones dot- ted with black. Inhabits Ne-w HoUand, Drurj. Inf. 2. tab. 6, fig. 3. Lotuer-ivings yellow with 10 black dots. Pulchella. Wings white; upper-pair dotted with black and red: lower-ones tipt with black. Inhabits the EaJI. Cram. Inf. 10. tab. loq. Jig. E, F. Lar-va hairy pale with a white dorfal line and black and rufous dots. Grifea, Wings cinereous waved with brown ; lov/cr-ones white. Inhabits Cayenne. Body hairy cinereous ; antennae flightly pedinate ; tip of the upper •wings brownilh with a waved cinereous ftreak Pri'verna^ Upper-wings brown with a yellow band; lower-ones fulj vous edged with black. Inhibits Surinam. Cram. 14. tab. 166. E. Thorax yellow : abdomen fulvous : upper-nvings with fulvous ilreaks at the bafe. Franci/ca, Upper-wings flelh-colour with an interrupted white fillet ; lower-ones hyaline. Inhabits Coromandel. jf/fflrt' black with a fielh-colour crown : thorax flcfh-colour with F 2 a black 228 INSECTS. LEPfDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Bomh. a black dorfal fillet : upper'i : fmall- Body hairy black : iot^er-ipings immaculate. Munda. Wings cinereous hyaline with a brown dot and band. Inhaoiu iiw/o/t, on Lichens, holl, InJ, tab. a^. t'g. 2. Larva\\iuy chefnut-brown. Indiana INSECTS. LEPlDpPTERA. 73. Phalxna. BamL 229 Indiana. Wings hyaline with z yellow border dotted with black. Inhab'ts India. Bomb. de*-afa Fabric, n. 237, Headzv^A thorax yellawirh : /oxu.'ings whitifli with a darker margin and a central brown fpot beneath. Fulminta. Wings indented varigated with grey and brown : thorax white on the fore-part with a^black ftreak. Inhabits G^rw«Ay, on the Achilh-ca Millefolium. Antennae peclinate ferruginous : thorax ^-irh a white lunulc each fide : lonver-q.vings and all beneath grey. Latva greeifh with a daiker back on which is a longitadinal white line. Gloriofoe, Wings black variegated with red and yellow ; lower-ones brown edged v/ith yellow. Inhibits India., on the Gloriofa. Head black with a yellow dot each fide: thorax b'ack with 4 fulvous dots behind: ahdomenh^zV, tail yellow: %/ black fpotted with yellow : all the ^.vings beneath black edged with yellow Qrini, Wrings black, fubferruginous before the rxiargin ; lower- ones white. Inhabits India, on the Crinum aiiaticum. Head and thorax hairy black : abdomen cinereous : uftfer-wngs gloiry. black with a reniform ferruginous fligma in the middle, the margin brown with a waved bJack Iticak. *Rorca. Wings rofy with 3 brown ftreaks, the f.cond w:ivcd, the third at the lip compul'ol of dots. Inhabits 23© INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Bcmh. Inhabits Europe. Dom^van ii. tah. 40. the lowcr^/f^ar^. Hirrts Aurelian tal, ^O.fg. p. jlbdcmenaho\Q.Toiy with brown rings, beneath black, Lar'ua fhort very hairy, with grey tutls, head orange : pupa incJofed in a thick follicle. *Rub'ricoUis Black with a red collar : abdomen yellow. lnh.Ahits Europe . Clerk Icon- tab. z. fig. 3. Larnja hairy blackifh v/irh black bands, head piceous with a white triangle, *Fuligiiiofa Wings red brown with a double black dot: abdomen red, black on the back. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, iii. tab 80. Ammir. tab. 30. Harris Inf. tab. S, Jig. 7, IVilk. pap. tab. 3. a. 14 Larma hairy ferruginous with black head and fore-legs ; wanders over the fnow in winter and is faid to foretell a cold fummer and Scarcity where it appears in confiderablc numbers : pupa folliculate black, Btnotatci Wings cinereous with 2 black dots between 2 brown waved ftreaks. Inhabits Snveden; middle-fized. Head and thorax hairy cinereous : lotoer-vjings cinereous. Cribrum. Obfcurc^ Upper-wings white tranfverfely dotted with black; ydlowiih. Inhabits A'<>r/^i?j-« Europe. Hybn. Eeytr. i. tab. A, fig, w. tail Both furfaces of the wings alike, brown with 3 hyaline dots on the upper pair: abdomen yellow with a Wack line. Inhabits Germrny, on the Lichen pariet^nus. Loiver nvitjgs fometimes brown immaculate, fometimes yellow with a brown margin ahd curve. Lar'ua hairy black with yellow lines, hind-legs yellow, Funtlata. Both furfaces of the wings alike: upper-pair brown dotted With white; lower-ones yellow tipt with brown. I. habit- hah;; much.lefs than the lafl. ^oA*r/«. Wings flightly indented ochraceous with 3 brown ftreaks and fpot at the bafe and tip. Inhabits E:iro/>e. Dononjan. iii. tab. 82. Lar-va fmooth yellowifh with darker lateral line, head black • pupa black, *r!f"''" Wings jagged grey with a deeper band, in the middle of which IS an occilar dot. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. n.fig. 2. Band on all the n^jings terminating "in a white ftreak, the eye white with a black iris; beneath an ocellar dot in the middle - and fl-xuous black itreak behind. •Fakata- Wings falcate glaucous ; upper-pair with a grey band and "^' waves, in the band a brown dot Inhabits Europe. Scha:ff. Lon. tab. d^.fig. I, 2. La-^a grcenilh on the back dotted with brown and 4 pair of prickles before, tail pointed ; beneath green with a lateral red iine. Cultraria, Wings fubfalcate yellow with a deeper band: antenna letaceous at the tip. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verx. 64, i. All the nuings beneath fulphur immaculate. Striguria. Win^s angular tailed white with 2 brown ftreaks above and one beneath. Inhcibits India. Cram. 12. tab. 135, C. Jntenn^ fliort : nving tails fhort obtufe'with 2 black fpcts; all the ^ivings beneath white with a blackilh iheak. • Sambuca. Wings tailed angular yellowiiTi with 2 darkerftreaks- lower- ria. ones with 2 reddilh dots at the tip Inhabits Europe. Do>:o' ^>liJ °chre with brown lines ; pupa fufiform dull ochre dotted with brown. \^nr'" ^^"P/'^'^^'^J'^T'^ '^''^ 2 ^••«^-" J''"es ^nd a dot between them ; lower-ones whitilh immaculate. inhabits E' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Geom. 0.^7 Helcitaria. Wings fulvous, the tip black with a macular white band. Inhabit* India. Clerk, Icon. tab. 39. fi^. 4. Antenncn of the male peftinate, of the female fetaceous: body above black with 3 rows of white fpots, beneath fulvous. Catenaria. Wings rounded white with a black lunule in the middle and waved ftreak behind. Inhabits India, Drury Inf. I. tab. f>. fig. 3. /'ro/// fulvous: between \.\\c swings a fulvous dot : nxjings fome- times doited with black only, Flahellaria W'ngs rounded white ; upper-pair darker at the tip. Inhabits Africa. Tn the m;ifeu:Ti of Sir Jof. Banks. Body whitifh: aaiennte much peftinate brown: loiver-ivings immaculate. * Prunaria Wings (lightly indented yellow-orange fpeckJed with brown: upper-pair with a brown lunule. Inhibits Europe. Donouan. \. tab. 27. Alhin. tab. 69. Wirgs fim: times with a large brown cinereous fpot. Larabits Eurohe. Donovan. v\ tab. iq6. Alhin. t. 47. fg. 78. Merian Eu-ote i. tab. zz,.jig, 151. Wilkes tab. 2. a, 1. Larva fli htly hairy green dotted with black with a vellow dor-» fal and lateral line : pupa naked ferruginous pointed. Pirtaria. Win^s varied with cinereous and brown with 2 black ftreaks, the lower-one waved. Inhabits Ki I, tender. M'ings with a mixture of green ; ben;ath pale fpeckled with green Vv'ith a green dot and ftreak behind. Allaria. Wings fnowy Immaculate; upper-pair beneath brow niftj. Iniiabits Aufiria. H\bn. Beytr. 3. tab. jig .^. R. Crctaria. Wings wb'tifh, all of them immaculate. Inhabits It.iiy. Antennae hio^\'n with a white fliaft. Tluviana. Wings ciriereous fpeckled with brown ; upper-pair with 2 brown ftreaks, lower-ones with one. Inhabits Saxojiy Antenra: beneath with a white ^a-'t : body cinereous : upper-vjing beneath with an oblong brown fpoton the disk. Trar,Haria^ Wings green with 3 ftreaks, the fore-ones darker, the hind- one pale. VOL— III 2 H Inhabit* 242 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. PhaUna. Gem. Inhabits Germany. Wien.Ver:c.^']. 2. Larva green with a lateral, while line, head neck and tail 2- toothed. Sma.ragda- Wing.« green ; upper-pair with 1 white ftreaks and dot ia na. the middle. Inhabit? Auttrta. Upper tMiMgi with 2 connc(f>cd lunules near thebafc : lo^wer-ixiings immaculate : beneath all grcenifti with a pale ftrcak. *Dit0rJa, Wings green with ferruginous marginal fpots. Inhih'm Europe. Denova . v\. tab zoz.fig.i. .//«/«;»fl<'cinercou5 with a vhite fhaft: upper-ivingj green with obfolete white flrcaks and a large ferruginous fpot at the tip of the thinner margin : loiver-ijctng!! rounded green the margin whitifh with a fineblack ftreak, a large fer-uginous Ipot at the tail and another at the tip of the outer margin : beneath all pale, ^Firidarta Wings rounded green with whitifh ftreaks and marginal black dot. Inhabits England. In the mufeum of Sir. Jo/. Banks Upper-iJcings with a -"vhite ftrcak at the bafe ending in a black dot at the thii ker margin, in the middle arc 2 white waved ftreaks ending in larger black dots at the thicker edge and meeting at ihe thinner margin with a fmall black dot at the end, be- hind is a ftreak of obfolete white dots, a few minute black ones at the thicker margin and a larger one at the tip, the hind mar- gin cinereous and brown ; /e«w*r-w/*^,f and all beneath cinere- ous with brown ftreaks. FcHi' in/arm Wings rounded pale grey ; upper-pair with 2 green fpots, lower-ones v/ith one. Inhabits Antennae fctaceous at the tip. The green fpots on the ^/f/^r-acw^j edged with white. Beneath reddifti. F»g*ria. Wing? rounded blue-black with a macular white band at the tip. Inhal-its China, Cramer. 27, tab. 332. C. Body brown with a blue glofs. TripunSia* Wings brown ; upper-pair with white ftreaks at the ria. bafe and a macular band ; lower-ones white at the bafe. Inhabit* I>JSECTS. LEjPIDOPTERA 73. Phalsena. Gcom. 243 Inhabits ^/^7. Cramer Zt tab. iz.fg.'Et The band on the nuings incompofed of 5 whit« fpots. Corvaria', Wings ftriate, both furfaces alike, black tipt with white. Inhabits South America: Body black -ybreast and thorax with ferruginous hairs. Larbonaria Wings rounded brown fubfafciate with yellow ; antenna fetaceous at the tip. Inhabits Ajijlrir.. JVien. Verz,. lOO, 5, ^^<7^^ and /)^or^;v black : all t.\\& ivinps with waved darker ftrcaks and yellow ones which are terminated at the thinner margin in a large yellow (pot. Larva black with numerous hairy fulvous protuberances* latropha- Both furfaces of the wing<: alike, black with 2 yellow fpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower. Inhabits America. Meriaa Surin. tab. ■^S.Jig. i. na. Luilinaria, Wings black ; upper-pair with a macular white band; low- er-ones with a white dot in the middle. Inhabits £fli/ India, Cramer l\, tab. 128. fig. E. CattUnana g^^j^ furfaces of the M'ings alike, black with 2 greeniOi bands and a macular white ftreak Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab, 72. E, F. Thorax dotted with whice. Cenxn'a. goth furfaces of the wings alike, white varied with black : body yellow fpotled with black. Inhabits China. Cramer. 13. tab. 147. E. Upper-Kvings white at the bafe fpotted with black, the tip black with 5 white dots : loivsr-nvings white with 3 black fubmar- ginal fpoti : tlxirax yellow dotted with black : abdomen with 6 black belts and 3 black dots at the tip, Costaric, Wings brown ; upper-pair with a flefh-coiourband bifid at the tip ; lower-ones dotted with white. Inhabits In the Britifi Mufeum. Thorax black with a marginal yellow band before: abdomen brown tail yellow : rib of the upper-iuings ytWowii^ at the bafe. Be- neath black with white fpots at the brffe. Lateraria Wings brown-ferruginous with brown ftrcaks and acinerc- ous fpot on the rib. Inhabits India, 2 H 2 Inhab i 244 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73; Phalsna. Geom, Antenn(Z white : in the middle margin. body brown : upper -fwings with a brown dot beneath all lead-coluur with a darker hind- Fenestraria Wings rounded black ftreaked and fpoffed with blue. Inhabits Chiria In the mufeum of Sir. Jof Banks. Head and thorax black dotted with white : abaoimn above brown beneath whitifh. Venaria. Wings yellow with black margin and dilated branched veins. Inhabits /«i//'«. Cramer, -i^.tab. 29. A. Antennae blue with black rays : head blue, the hind-margin white thorax brown with blue and white fpots. Man^aria- Upper-wings cinereous with a broad brown band in which are 2 approximate black dots. Inhabits /Justria. Wien l^erz I i 2. I. Body and /oTver nvings <:\ncve-^v.-i : upper ivings with a broad band I -toothed behind and m-irgined each !idc- ; in the middle a pa- ler band in which are z dots, the tip ending in a brown line. Obliquaria Wings black ; upper-pair with an oblique white band; lower ones v ith a broad yellow land Inhabits :'iam. In the muieuin of 'Six J of. Banks. Antenite 'htck with a biui: fn=.ft : bccy 1 i.-cl:, Ipotted with blue beneath, the fegments edged with v\hite : icings beneath fpot- with blue. *Puhera' All the v/ing? powdered with teftaceous with a broad ferru- ria. ginoiib bai.d. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon, tab. '^•f-g. 6. *Fvfciaria. All the wings rtddilli with a broad fcrn.'ginous band ed^ed with white. Inhabits E.'. , , , t %• , -j All the 'z» 102, 10. Lo'iver-iuings vvhitifii, Lar'va cinereous with ferruginous lines and a whjtifh ftripe down the back. Herbaria. Wings green with a black dot in the middle. Inhabits South American IJlavds. Haaa and antenna white: thorax green; abdomen cinereous; iv'.n^t paler beneath without the dot. Brunnemria Wings deep yellow with a black margin above and 2 black Itreaks beneath. Inhabits //fi/>» ; fmall, tender. luliginaria Wings black with white bands ; beneath grey with brown bands. Inhabits Shrubberies oi Sweden. Minutar-a, Wings cinereous with brown ftreaks and band behind. Inhabits //«^ ; minute black. Fjimaria. Wings cinereous, the bafe brown terminated by a black ftreak. Inhabits Kiel; fmall, Upper-iuingt cinereous behind the bafe with a brown ftreak or two, beneath cinereous with a central brown lunule. b. Antennce fetaceous. folitatai Wings angular tailed yellow ; upper-pair with 2 pundured rufous bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 12. tah, 139. E. Between the bands at the thicker margin is a brown lunule with rufous dots. Caudata. Wings angular tailed white with brown bands and 3 black dots near the tail. Inhabits Java. Cramer ^ 9. tab. 104, D. Latata. Wings tailed green with a marginal brown band which on the upper-pair is bifid at the tip. Inhabits Eaft India. Loiver-wings with a green fpot in the margin. Fe/ciata, Wings angular plumbeous with a fnowy band. Inhabits India, Antennae yellow. Upper-nvings yellowim at the thicker margin : Itnoer-ivivTs with 2 black fpots furrounded with a yellow ling behind the band. Angu^a. 24S INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phala^na. Gtom, Anfftlata. Wings angular tailed with larger and Imaller grey ftrcaks, and a black dot near the tail. Inhabits Africa, I'mall cender. j?c»^ white .- lu'wer-'wings with z lateral fmailcr dots near the larger one : beneath all white. Cynata. Arerutta. Winces angular varied with brown white black and fulvous^ lower-ones beneath white. Inhabits Sur n m Lraintr. 2. tab. 14. C, D. Upper -swings brown, white in the middle, tipt with bbck and Ipottcd with fulvous : lo'vuer ones brown, black in t:;e middle, fpotted with fulvous with a flexuoas whitifh Itreak, the tip whitifh. Wint'-s angular, above immaculate, beneath with brown llreaks and fpecks.. Inhabits Tranqi'.ebar. Lo^er-'v:in2,s hcneath fpcckled with brown wiih a ftreak befor© the miadle, then aaoihtr ot dots then a few waves. Regulata, Wing-; angular cinereous with a brown patch on the up;.cr- pair Inhabits Brajil. Tn the mufeum of Sir Jnf. Banks. Upper 'vAngs emarginate. with an abbrevi^itcd bnwn band at the thicker margin, the notch with a brown lunulc; beneath cine- reous fpcckled with brown and 3 brown ftrc;^ks the tip a little ycllowifli : lonuer-^jorngs cinereous with a fmall brown dot in the middle, a; d a waved nvirginal brown ftrcak ; beneath 2 brown Itreaks a few fpecks and dot in the middle, the tip yellowifh. *Falcata. Wings falcate fulvous with 2 brown dots between 2 yellow ftreaks. Inhabits ^K^/aw.'/. J/^^w.-Ffrz. 64, 4. Upper--jcir.gi with a brown patch towards the tip: lon.ver-cnes paler. Beneath all immaculate. FUxulata, Wings emarginate grey with 7 brown dots between 2 whitifli itrerks Inhabits Germany, Hfbn. Beyfr. i.'tab. A. Z. Body grey : head brown : indentation of the wings fulvous > lc'lciit Wings rounded indented, the iirtl half yellow uit.i brown fpccks dor and 2 llreaks, lower-half brown. Irrorate* Wings indented yellow fpeckled with brown ; beneath a brown (treak and band behind. Inhabits India. All the ^Mings beneath ycllowifh with a brown lunule in the middle and broad brown band behind. IhiHtt** Wings indented yellow with a brown band behind. Inhabits Eaji India. Body yellow : antennae bUckifh : all the •wings beneath with a pale ferruginous dot in the middle and marginal band, the lower-ones with a yellow fpot in the margin. Carinata% Wings indented varied with yellow and brown with ain angular black llreak. L^habits Eaj} India, i.ranier. II tab. 128. F, Upper-'o.in^s with 2 black Ipots in the middle, ^ViriiaicX Wings angular; all green with a pale ftreak. Inhabits Europe. Harris inf. 7. tab. ^.fg- e — i. Larva fleih-colour with a darker line down the back, head and neck 2-tootlied. Iurus v^'ith black f^ots, btfncath yellow : pupa folJiculate black with yellow bands. Gra%. 4. *ProceUata Upper-wings white with 3 brown bands, the middle-one reaching half way acrofs, the hind-one marginal with a white fpot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vi. tab. toi.fig. 5. Lovjsr-nuiKgs white edged and ftreakcd with brown : head 3,ni thorax brown : ttbdomen whitilh. *Flu£luata. Wings pale cinereous with 3 abbreviated brown bands oa the upper-pair. Inhabits Europe. Merian. Europe, tab. \ZQ. Ohliquata. Wings dull cinereous with 3 oblique chefnut-brown ftreaks. Inhabits France ; fmall. LoTJuer--the neck ; pupa green, ferruginous before, Q^uadri' INSECTS. LE^IDOPTERA. 73. Phatena. Gram. 25 ^airifaf. Wings grey-brown with a broad blacki(h band in which is "ai«' a black fubocellar dot. Inhabits Germ any. Wien. Verx., II2< 6, Upptr-ivings darker behind with an obfolcte whitini ftreak : be- neath whitifh with a central black dot and ftreiks. Fropugnaf' Upper-wings cinereous with 2 ferruginous bands, the hind- one edged with black. Inhabits Auitriay Wien. Fcrz. 1 1 2. 7, L - Ccellata* Wings whitifh with a broad brown band in which is a fub- ocellar black dot. Inhabits Germany, Jflen. Ferx. 113. 14. Larva brown with lateral whitiAi line», *Lynceata, Wings rounded white with 2 brown bands and a dot at the tip. Inhabits England, Abdomen white with brown dots on the back j upper-^xvlngs with ( a brown band at the bafe, in the middle is a broader one con-' taining a black dot, towards the tip a black dot : loiver-ijulngs white with a brown dot in the middle. Rusticata. Wings \vhitifh with a broad brown band on the upper-pair all with a black central dot. Inhabics Aufiria. JFien. Ferz. \l^. I 3. Upper-ivingj with a black dot in the band : /orwer-wings whitifh with a black dot in the middle. Ri'vulafa. Wings whitifh with 2 black bands, the laf^ tepminal. Inhabits Germany. Head zni thorax brown: abdomen cintvzovts with 2 cre£l fliort tufts on the back : upper-ivings white at the bafe with an ob- folete brown patch near the rib, the hind-margin brown with obfolete white fpots : lovjer-nuings dia^ky : beneath white with a brown dot in the middle and 2 bands, Ueiliuatfi, Win^s yellow-teftaceous with an obfolete darker band in the middle. Inhabits Austria, Lc-wer-nuings paler. 2 K 2 Aiomata INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Geom. Wings yellow with ferruginous fpecks and 2 common ftreaks. Inhabits Germany ; fmall. Boiiv yellowifh ; upper-swings wtth 2 ferruginous coftal fpots, one before the other behind the ftreaks. Wings cinereous ; lower-ones above brown with a white band and 3 dots. Inhabits India. U pper-'wiHgs with 2 remote darker ftrealcs. Wings yellowifh with a black ftreak and paler behind ; fe- male apterous brown. Inhabits 'Europe. Degeer, hf \. tab. Z^.fig* U — 19. Femalex^xcV, with very fhort rounded cinereous wings with a black band before the margin. Larva green with pale lines. Lhariata Upper wings with ferruginous and cinereous bands and a broad brown band in the middle, the tip fpotted with brown. Inhabits -<^«j*rm. Wien. Ferz. 1 1 3. lO. In the brown band is a centra! black dot, and 2 brown fpots in the hinder ferruginous band : Itywer-nuings varied with brown and cinereous. Lari'a yellow with red 'fpots on the back and red legs, Exfpefiaia Wings rounded green with a ferruginous margin. Inh»jits Afia. Both furfaces alike. Ventilata% Upper-wings dull cinereous with a double black patch in the middle ; lower-ones whitifh. Inhabits Germany. Body brown : hind-margin of the upper-ivings dotted vith black : Icnver-'wings above immaculate with an obfclete brown band beneath. *Chewpodi- Upper-wings teftaceous with 3 grey bands, a brown pro' '^^^> minent dot and line at the tip obove. Inhabits Europe. Albin, Inf. tab, i^l . fig- 79. Larnja naked greenifii or marked with brown lines, the fegments angular : pupa folliculate yellowifli. Centumno- Wings varied with ferruginous and brown with a grey band ^^''^^ in the middle in which is a black e. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalcena. Gcom. 261 Inhabits Germany. Natwf. 6. tab 4. fig. 4. Wings brown at the bafe with a broad grey band in the middle in the centre of which is a black e, then a waved black itreak forming a band near the rib, then a broader ferruginous band terminating at each end in a white ftreak, the hind-margin brown dotted with black : lo^wer-'wings cinereoas with a black ftreak and dot in the middle. Marmorata Upper-wings varied with brown white and ferruginous ; " lower-ones cinereous. Inhabits Italy. Body brown : abdomen cinereous : upper-n.vin^s brown at the bafe with white and ferruginous ftrcaks, in the middle white Taried with brown, the tip brown varied with white and fer- ruginous : beneath whitifli, lower-ones with a brown dot ia the middle and waved ftreak. Strigttlata, Wings brown with abbreviated white waved ftreaks and fpot on the rib. Inhabits Zealand. Wings beneath cinereous, lower-ones with brown ftrcaks and dot in the middle. Lifteolata. Wings cinereous with a darker band in the ijiiidle mar- ked with a black lunule before and white ftreak behind. Inhabits Italy. BoJy brown : upper-ivings fpeckled with brown with an obfolete darker ftreak at the bafe : lower-nxjings white with a black nlar- ginal ftreak. Mvopaia Wings cinereous fpeckled with brown with a brown ocellar dwt in the middle, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits Italf. Body cinereous : upper .ixiings with an abbreviated brown ftreak behind the ocellar dot compofed of 4 — 5 dots. *Hexapie- Upper-wings varied with grey and brown; lower-ones ^"*°' whitilh with an additional pair of wings at the bafe. Inhabits Europe. JJono-van. vi. tab. 1 92. Upper-'wings grey with brown waves, the middle a little paler with a brown lunule: lo-iverivings (of the male) with a pair of rounded white immaculate fnurious wings at the bafe. Beneath all cinereous with a bro^vn dot \\\ the middler *Dupacata Uppcr-wings grey with 3 brown flexuous bands, inhabits ^wro/T. Donovan, vii. tab, 233. ^g. 3. Schaeff. ^^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsena, Gesm, ^chteff. Icon. iah. ^z. fig, 1, 2. Clerk lean. tab. d* fig. i. Lo-iver-nvings cinereous ; all beneath cinereous with a central black dot. Larva varied with brown and ferruginous with a yellowifh lateral line. Laxulaia. •Alche- Mullata* Wings brown with yellow waved ftreaks behind. Inhabits Germany Upper-^joings dotted with yellow on the fore-margin, towards the hind-margin a ftreak of 3 yellow lunules, the margin itfelf dotted with yellov/: Icnver-^Mings with 3 waved yellow ftreaks, the hind-margin dotted with yellow. Beneath all cinereous at the bafe, the tip darker with pale ftreaks. Wings brownidi; upper-pair waved, with a fnowy band with cinereous waves and line within the tip. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. I. tab. zz.fig. 16. Larua fmooth green with yellow bands and a white lateral line. FljiRmaiat Wings yellov/ with 4 brown ftreaks on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower-ones. Inhabits Italy. Body brown. Upper-nvinpi^tckltA with brown. Beneath paler with z browa llrcaks and fpecks. PJtttacata. Upper- wings green with black waves :*nd 2 bands varied with cinereous and ferruginous. Inhabits Austria, Wim. Verz. i 12, 8. Lo^wer ivings brown, beneath cinereous with a brovvn dot and ilreaks, la^uata. Upper-wings greenifli-brown with 2 -white bands and a central black dot. Inhabits Saxony. Loii-er-'vjhigs cinereous with a brown central dot and ftreaks. StSangit- Wings green fubfafciate with brown- iata. Inhabits Europe, Clerk Icon tab. 8. fig. 6. Upper-i. WienVerz, \\']y i^. » Sociata. Wings deep yellow with a broad brown band, in the middle oi which is a recurved tooth. Inhabits i.a/^o/e^. Harrii hj tab. o,^. fig. \. i;ot.v yciJowilh: «uw^j rounded incumbent ; upper-pair with an onloleie Lana at the bale, a broader and darker one in the nndalc; brauchij g out a recurved tooth, the tip with a brown faich sna cinereoui Ipot ; lower-ones white. Segi/taia, Wings brcwnifh with 2 black bands edged with white, the hiiiuer-one fending out a tooth. Inhabit- /iu/.ria: hpper '11./^ J brown with a mixture of ferruginous : Ivwer-fwlngs cuicreuus with a paler llreak. CmicatM, Wings wVite fpeckled and ftreaked with black, the tip darker v. hh a ftreak of white dots. Irh<. bill /-.-:/, j \m.\[\ \vhitifli. Margin (,f the upper-ivings dotted with black. Beneath all alike buf paler. Lttteata. Wlnfs pale yellow with ferruginous bands and a fulvous "dot in the middle. Imiihiti. Jhijma. Wien.Ver%. Il8. \o. Olfiipata, V, ings dull cinereous with a white dot in the middle. Inhiibits Burhary, iViiigs beneath pale without the central dot. Centrata. Win2;s yellow with brown waves ; upper-pair with a cen- tral blaoK dot. Inhabits Crermam. Wien.Verz. 117. 5- Antennae (hort white : upper-ivings with numerous anaftomohng darker bands: lonver-nvings with numerous waved brown bands. Beneath all alike but paler. Cwerata. Wino;s cinereous with a central brown dot, the hind-margin waved with brown. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. PhaUna. Geom, 265 Inhabits Germany IViev. Verz. 1 17, 13. Both furfacea of the luings alike. Fufcata. Wings brownifh with obfolete whitifh bands. Inhabits Zealand; fmall The Bands on the fjuings are more diftinft beneath. CoarSlata, Wings cinereous with approximate bands and ftreaks. Inhabits Germany. Witn. Verz. 1 08, 9. Upper -nuinz^s with a dittinfl dot in the middle : lo-wer-ones cine- reous, ftreaked at the margin. Ornata, Wings fnowy with a brown dot in the middle and waved hind-margin * Inhabits ^/?r/a. Wien. l^erz. lij, i^. Refembles Ph. cinerata but the wi/tgs are whiter and the hind- margin not fo black, * Purpura. Wings greenifli with 2 purple bands on the upper-pair. ia. Inhabits Europe. Schajf, Icorittah. 205./^. 4, 5. Rubricata. Wings purplilli with waved brown ftreaks. Inhabits ^i«/r/- Violator INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Gcom 269 "Vrtkata, Wings white with macular brown bands ; thorax and tail yellow. Inhabits Europe. Alb'm. t. 37. /. 60. Harris tab. 6./. a. p. Lxrva i6 footed naked whitifk with a brown back and 2 -acts ©n the collar; fecrftes itfelf within the leaves of the nettle which it rolls up : pupa folliculate chcfnut-brown. Per/picata, Upper-wings fliining brown with white hyaline bands : abdomen filvery with 2 black dots at thcbafc. Inhabits Cayenne. Lo^':r-i:'ifigs white hyaline with 3 brown bands. tJi/pidata. Wings brown with 3 raifcd hairy dots on the diflt. , Inhabits AT/V/. Lovjor-rMhigs brown. Tunerata, Wings rounded black with 2 hyaline fpots on the upper-paif and one on the lower. Inhaoits Surinam. Cramer, tab. 79. D, tab. 97. D. Securata, Wings brownilh ; upper-pair cinereous at the bafc with a black fpot at the thinner margin. Inlinbits Coroma,:atl. XJppfr numgs with 2 fulvous lines in the middle at the thicker margin, the tip brown, the hind-margin paler with a ftrcak of black dots; beneath brown: loiKier-iutngi brown, bcncatii cinereous. Gormat.-i. Wings fliining brown with 3 darker ftreaks and 2 wlutc fubocellar dots. Inhabits American If.ands. Head and thorax brown, beneath fnowy : abdomen cinereous : U'u.-er-Hxjings brown with 3 darker ftreaks. * Liinbiita ' "■ Wings rounded yellow with a brown occUar dot and hind- margin. Inhabits woods of Europe. Wings fnowy with a gold rib and fpot in the middle. Inhabits Africa. In the mureinn of 3';>. Jof. Banks. 1 odj white : jnouth gold : lo^a/er -tvings witli a gold fpot in the middle and nearly obfoletc Ilaeak behind, .flfinuia.a. ^jj^„5 fnowy with a tcllaccous riband 3 approximate rpot5 2 of them clofe to ihc rib. Inftabits Eaji India. Bcdj 27«) INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Geom. Body fnowy : fpots on theaw's^x withaWack iris .' Ictver-ivirtgs with a darker ring in the middle teyminated by a black doc and towards the margin a darker waved ftreak. RepaxJata Wings pale a{h ; upper-pair with 3 waved brown ftrcaks and dot in the middle. Inhabits Auftria. Wien Verx. \zo. z. Body cinereous : abdomen whitifh : io^-er-nxiings white hyaline with a flexuous brown ftreak, Verhaftata Wings yellowifh ; upper-pair with 3 brown ftreaks and dot in the middle. Inhabits Aujlria. Wun.Verz. 121.5, Margin of the 'vAngs brownifh withafilvery fringe. Cemnata. Wings white hyaline with a darker bifid fpot at the bafc and kidney-ihaped one i|i the middle, the hinder-mar- gin darker, Inhabits South America. Bcdy hiiry white, tail very much bearded : upper-ivings with a brown lunule in the middle of the kidney-fhaped fpot, on the hind-margin 2 approximate black dots: lower-ivings whi- tifh. Hyalinata Wings hyaline white furrounded with a ^black margin; tail yellowilh. Inhabits America 2x1^ Ada. Cram. tab. 371. D. Abdomen fnowy : beard of the tail black. *Pukdata. Wings white with a brown band or two and black occllar dot in the middle. Inhabits Marlhes oi Ev gland. Bodyinowy. eyes black: dot in the middle o£ the upper. ^ings with a white pupil : lonver-ivings fnowy with a brown intcr- ruhted band. Beneath whitifh, ^ Potumogata Wings cinereous fpotted with white; upper-pair obfoletcly reticulate. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 2. tab. I2,jig. \l. *Stratiolota Wings with pale bands ; upper-pair with 3 black dots. Inhabits Europe . Degcer. Inf. 9. tab. ZJ' _fig. 16 — 18. Lcr'va aquatic 6-footcd green with tufted lateral fpiraclcs : pup(f. follicnlate, tapering botli ways, ferruginous. Paluitrata. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phala:na. Gecm. 271 Falunrata Wings brown with yellowifli fpots and 2 macular yellowilli ftrcaks at the tip. Inhabits France, in marlhy places. *Nymphae- Wings cinereous, all of them alike with reticulate while ata. Ipots. Inhabits ^wro/^, on the Nymphaea. Wicn. Ferz. izi, 13. IJliginaia'. Wings cinereous with brown bands : lower-ones with a terminal black band in which are 5 white dots. Inhabits marfhes of Denmark, Loiver-tuings white with a broad brown band in the middle, then a black dot, then a terminal black band with 5 white dots, be- fore this band arc a few waved brown ftreaks. Inundata Wings varied with cinereous and ferruginous and ftreaked with white; lower-ones with a black marginal llreak in which are 4 filvery dots. Inhabits Savannahs oi America, Lcnver-wiags fpcckled with brown. *Lemnata. Wings white ; lower-ones with a terminal black band in which are 4 white dots. Inhabits Europe, Donovan, viii. tab. 266, fg. l, 2. Harris Inf. tab. J. Jig. I — p. Male fnowy ; female ochre yellow. Satnbucata Wings brown with fcattered hyaline fpots. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Ferz. 124. 14. Ji'^/ngs with a flexuous yellowilh macular flreak behind. Cand'data ' W^'^S^ fnowy with brown waved ftreaks and 2 black ^ dots. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Ferz. 316.46. Upper-nvings with a fmall black dot at the bafe, behind arc 3 wa- ved Itreaks in tlie anterior of which is a double black dot: /oxwr-ou/w^/ white with 2 brown ftreaks. Cribrata. Wings white fpotted with black, the rib fpeckled. Inhabits E.ast India', fmall. Antenna white brownifh beneath: upper -ixiings with 2 or 3 ab- breviated darker ftreaks. the rib with numerous dots in a dou- ble row : loivfr-njuings with a brown dot at the bafe and ftreak in the middle, behind the middle is a black dot and another at the tip. Perfpectatu 272 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Geovt. Perfpeciata. Upper-wings grey with hyaline fpots; lower-wings hyaline^ the margin yellow with hyaline fpots. Inhabit? Euit Ivdia. yintennae longer than the bo(^y j hyaline fpots on the hind-mar- gin farraund«d with a brown ring. Beneath alike but pa- ler. I itfAta, Upper-wings dufky with a hyaline fpot and 2 dots j lovrer- ones hyaline edged with brown. Inhabits Tranquebar. Upper -luings dirty yellowifh : lower-fwittgs with brown Ilreaks and broad brown margin. Lievata, Wings deep yellow dotted with brown, beneath immacir- late. Inhabits So/ttJj America. Hind-margin of all the i.vings with filvery fringe. Vdotata. Wings fulvous, all tipt with brown ; upper-pair with ^ brown band. Inhabit? Rotterdam Ijland. In the colleflion of Sir Jof. Banks. Head AnA thorax brown : abdomen fulvous tipt with brown: up. per-iuings with a brown hind-margin. Beneath alike. iripuncta' Wings palitli or yellow; upper-pair with 3 brown fpots '^* on the rib ; lower-ones with a brown dot in the mid- dle. Inhabits South Amerkan IJlands, Upper. 'voingi with an oblekte brown ftreak or two, the tip brown- ifli. Beneath paler. Wings whitifn with a black fillet in the middle, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits South American Ijland:. Uppcr*nvif!gs vihh z darker dot in the middle, the rib black to- wards the tip. Revjdata. Wings yellowirti with 3 brown (Freaks on th? upper-pair and 2 on the lower-ones ; beneath whitifli immacu- late. Inhabit* Tranquehar ; refembles the next, hdicata* Wings yellow with 3 waved brown flreaks on the upper and 2 on the lower pair. Inhabits South America, on tlic Dolichos. * Vpperm INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalirna. Gemo. 273 Uj>/>er-'whis[s with a brown dot ni the middle : nvtngs beneath brownifh at the tip. Lar-va flightly hairy, green with a pale head. Derogata. Wings white with numerous brown ftreaks. Inhabits East India. Body white : ejes black. Ejectata. Wings varied with brown ^nJ yellow, with fcattered hya- line fpots. Inhabits East India. Beneath alike. FemRrata, -^j^^g^ ^.j^i^^ hyaline with numerous ycllowifli ftreaks. Inhibits American IJlands ', finall. All the --whgs with 6 yellow Itreaks and hind-margin. Difcata, Wings yellowifh with 3 brown fubocellar fpots on thediflc aud 4 fnowy ones on the rib. Inhabits Aiucrican IJlands ■ Antennas as long as the body : fpots on the diflc furrounded with a white ring. c. in ngs forked. Pyralis. Gmcltn. ^.arginan) Y^t\f:% recurved : wings black \ lower-pair with a yel- low margin. Inhabits Southzm Europe. Hjbn. Eeytr, l.tah—f ifli with a reddiih-brown ftreak in the ii^iddle. Inhabits American IJlatuIs ; imall. , Win^s yellowifli with a black dot in the middle and 2 white ones towards the tip near the rib ; loiver-ones and all beneath brown. *For/calis Wings glabrous pale with obliqne ferruginous lUeaks. Inhdhns Europe. Reaum. Ltf. i. tab. id.fg, 13. 14, cw / Winf^s clabrous varieo-ated with brown and cinereous; lower-ones cmcrcons with a brown hind-margni. Inhabits yju/iri/i. LG-ivcr'--.i.!»gs wiih a few white dcts on the brown margin. Trista/i^ Wings grey with 3 recurved brown (Ircaks, the ladtcrmi- nal. Inhabits 276 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalasna. Getm. Inhabits Italy, h))pet swings grey fpecklcd with black with a nearly oblolete yel- ]owi{h lunulein the middle : lo'wer-'u:mgs\s\x\\ 2 ftreaks only. Beneath all with a fingle llreak. VarlegaUs Wings glabrous varied with brown and cinereous, with a diilind brown band behind. Inhabits Amtria. Lcnx/er-^joirigs grey. Beneath, upper-pair brown, lower, ones whitifli. D.midialis Wings yellowilh at the bafe, the tip purple with an abbre- viated green band. Inhabits Last India. Hsad and thorax yellowifli : abdomen fnowy : antennae teftace- ous : lo^ver-n.vings and all beneath duiky. Ohliqualh. "Wings pale with an oblique brown flreak and hind-mar- gin. Inhabits South American IJlands. Body whitifh : lonuer-nx-ings and all beneath whitiHi, the margin Somewhat brown. Diagor.alis Wing? brown with a black dot in the middle, the tip cine- reous with a black dot or two. Inhabits South American JJlands. Jntertnae hrosNn with a white bafe with a tuft of long hairs be- tween them,' upper-Kvings with an oblique while ilreak in the middle ; beneath brown : loiver-iving above brown beneath cinereous. Miflia/is, Wings pale cinereous with 2 brown dots and a ftrcak be- hind. Inlubus Rotterdam Ift-atid. In the miifcum of Sir ^-^^ Z?^«^-j Lo'ixer-ixiingi pale with a brown lueak at the tip. iiencath all pale. Mcdtalis. Wings grey with 2 black dots between 2 brown waved ltreai;s. InhaQit»''*5'o«/i' American JJlands., Wings paler beneath with 2 black dots only. Difiicalis, Wings brown with 2 white waved ftreaks ; ribof ihc up- per-pair with a refleded hairy bale. Inhabits A?ncrican IJlands. ./i.ji:/)' cinereous ; •uv/i^/ beneath cineicous with a whiter flreak. Vndc.Us INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Geom. 277 Undalis. Wings dull cinereous -with 3 oblique waved fnowy ftreaks. Inhabits Italy. Body brown : hind-margin of the I'jiiigs fnowy with 6 pair of Lrown dots. Margcrlta- Wings glabrous ; upper-pair ycllowilh with a ferruginous- //■T. brown tip. Inhabits Saxouy. IVien. 'V/z. 123. 29. L'pper-iMings with brown Icrruginoiis fpecks : Ion.veroi::s white. Sci-iccahi. Wings glabrous yellow with a brown fpot in tlic mid- dle. Inhabits India. Upper'ivmgs ochraceous with a brown fpot in the middle in which are 2 black dots, the hind-margin dotted with white .• lo-vcer'ones paler. Tiinaiis. Wings glabrous yellow with 3 brown fpots on thedifk and a brown hind-margin. Inhab ts Aujlria. Wien. Kerz, 3 1 4, 47. Lcnuer-'ivings paler with a blown margin. ^rtr.'icalis Wings glabrous pale fubfafciate with blown, benealh \wx- wed with brown. Inhabits Europe. Wilh pap. 24. tab. 3. a. 16. Luriia i6-footed hairy wita yellow head and log3 : pi'^a [)row n, the 3 hft fegments with a fmall touch. Glahralls Wings glabrous pale with waved brown fheaks, above yeliow beneath white. Inhibits Kiel. Upper-ivings with 4 fcrcaks, lowcr-on"s vvith 2: beneath whitiili with brown ftreaii:;. Tejialis. Wings glabrous pale obfolotcly ilreaketi, the rib ferrugi- nous. Inhabits Eajl India. Head and fore part of the tlcra.x tcfticeoj- .■ ... -; h':'H'T;!! <^in- fl}'-whitc. *SaIicalis. Wings cinereous wit!i 3 oblique fulvous !lrc.i!:> on t!ie up- per-pair: antennx pubcfcent. luWuhil:^ Europe Wi^n. /Vrc:. 28^. /^i5. 2. h. fj, 5 Laraa 14-I031CJ naked green ivith a darl;'.'!- clvrl.d line: pupa fliinmg blacic. Jlpinalis. 278 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERx'\. 73. Phalaena. Geo7 Alpind'n, Upper-wings dull cinereous with a white fpot in the mid- dle. Inhabits Aujlria. Wien. Verz. 123. 24. Lo^cer-n-'.-tngs browni(h with a larger white fpot. Beneath, up- per-pair brown with a white fpot in the middle, lower-ones fnowy with a brown hind-margin. Wings cinereous with a fnowy dot in the middle and brown Itreak behind. Inhabits ^w/r/^, JVien. Verz. 123. 25. LonvcriJOings and all beneath cinereous. Wini^s brown with 2 yellow ftreaks. Inh'abits y^/f/?r/^. Wien. l^crz 129.36. Rib of the upper-iuings purplifh dotted with yellow between the ftreaks: /o^^er-ivings brown with 2 pale ftreaks. Beneath brown with a marginal yellow fpot on the upper-pair and an incurved pale ftreak on the lower-ones, Oh/ikialis -^Yings brown with an obfolete pale ftreak behindi lower- ones whitilh beneath. Inhabits lialy. Upper-^jjings beneath brown with a pale border : lanver-r-wings brown with a paler border, beneath immaculate. Punilalis. Nitidalis. Cornicalii Ciipi talis. Horfalit. Feelers recurved ; wings cinereous with a whitilh ftreak behind ; antennsc thicker in the middle. TecUrs like horns ; antenna appearing as it they had been brokei\ snd joined again: upper --vcings with a few darker ftreaks: Ic-Mer-ivings and all beneath paler. Feelers projeaing : wings brown with 2 pale fpots : hean^s with a bro-'n dot between the bands and a marginal llreak of brown dots : lonver-wngs ci, ntreous. A'i'yW// Wings grey-brown with 2 white fpots on the rib : bo- dy fnowy. Inhabits Germavy. . , • i j ^ lW-^/«,^. with a waved black ftreak beh.nd and ^f^'f/^'l leaver ..tings above brown, beneath pie with z Wack dots a black ftreak and marginal dots : Wj beneath and legs black. • Elatalis Upper-wings white with an interrupted brown rib and fub- tnarginal band Inhabits ^ai//-;:r/7»z. Crc.m. x^.tah. 1 72. B. i///fr.iL7V/^j with a blue fpot at the bafe, the hinder-one larger and kidiiey-fliaped.in the middle a chain of blue lunules end- ing in white both fide?, towards the hind-margin a black wa- ved ftreak : lo^joer-n.'.nngs with a blue ftveak in the middle and n. ere obfcnrc ones. Ulercgh Wings indented black ; upper-pair with an abbreviated fhica. white band and fuboccllar fpot ; lower-ones with ^. double finuate margin. Inhabits Eait India. CrUm, tab. 174. Hg. F. r>od^ filky black immaculate ; upDer-ivings with an ocellar fpot in the middle with a double ciiclnut-brown ins and blue ring: beneath black with a white abbreviated band and 2 dots : Iczver-ivitigs bhck immaculate. Ulula* Wings indented undulate with black; upper-pair with ab abbreviated white band and fiibcccllar fpot. Inh:iSi:> /W/iZ. Cram. 15 tab. 174. E. Upper 'wings brown with a fuboccllar fpot in the middle, the iri» black wuh a flcxuo is blue line, pupil chefnut-brOvva -Jo-xver- ai'iugs waved with brown and black. Beneath brown with an interrupted white baud on the upper-pair and /pot on the low- er-ones. Mtttsbilis Wings indented bro.vn waved with black ; tail ferru- ginous. Inhabits East India. h*,nx» Winis indented brov/n with ferruginous waves, fulvous in the middle with a double black fpot with white iris. ^ . lah.biif r All the caings with a paler hind-margin; upper-pair with a black lunule ia the middle and abbreviated ftreak behind. Vefpertilie ^^j^gs entire cinereous with central black dots and waves behind. ln)\&b\x.sTranquebar', large. , . , u Hfad brown: thorax cinereou?, the fore \ohthro\Kn'. abdomen fulvous : upper -nvings with a ftreak of black dots behind ; U-lv- er-^ings without the central dots. Beneath fulvous with a brown lunule and 3 ftreaks. Jchatina Wings green-brown with a broad white band and cinereous margin ; angle of the tail with a black dot. Inhibits East India. Cram. tab. 2\%. A. ^/>^j beneath grey with waved brown ftreaks : hmd-margm ci- nereous with black dots. ^ rr- ' C>;TT-rU- This is probably the fame as Bomb, algiva of Lmne. bMl 1 n. Illilata. Wings brown with a black fpot at the tip. Inhabits India. In the raufeum of Sir J of. Banks. b. JVings flat incumbent \ thbt^* fniooth. n- r Wings indented grey ; lower-ones yellow with a black lu- nule and border. ^^^^^^^^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Noa. aBg Inhabits Inffia, Cram. 3. /. 30. A, B, C. 7. /• T]- fig- 7* Inncr-maigin of the num^s often ernarginate. Maierna. Lower-wiiigs fulvous with a black fpot, the margin black dotted with white. Inhabits /7i yclIoA'iih with black belts : uppBr-vAngs with a hrge mirgnal darker fp.)t between the fac "nd and third llreaic. BLO^ath ail ycllowifh fpeckled with black. il//\ds:V -,. thorax plumbeous with a red fpot : ahdomen above rufous with a line of black dots 'down the mid- dle, beneath plumbeous: lo^'er-ixings immaculate. *CofnpIana. "Wing^ with a paler outer margin ; lower-ones entirely yellow. On iheOdk. Min. Inf. tab, "/O. fg. G. H. Upper-Swings fomctimes entirely pale. Larva hairy black with 2 lines of pale dots. *^adra. Wings yellow with 2 blue dots on the upper-pair. ^ 2, Vvings cinereous ; thorax yellow. On the Pine and Oak. PFilks pep 24. tab. 3. a. 1 7. Laria hairy with red dots, and a black \\-ox. un tlie back, the fidci with black lines f /.w/afoilitulate black. £icoIora, Wing^ yellow with a broad brown hind-margin. I p 1; a 1) i I b Sierra Leona. Head and thorax yellow : ttpper--'i'iftg5 \\\\\\ a fmall fuhferrupt- nous dot in the middle. I'eneath all pale with a brownifli mari^in. DeJia* INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxiu. A^rf?. 293 Crihrana. Upper- wings cinereous dotted with biack at the bafe ; low- er ones yellow. Inhabits Eaif India. Feelers cinereous with 2 black dots at the tjp : head cintxzoMi with 4 black dots : thorax cinereous dottea with black : upper-ivhgs with brown waves at the tip : lonuer-iuings be- neath with a black dot in the middle : abdomen yellow with 3 lines of black dots. Delta. Wings convolute yellow with 2 blue bands on the upper- pair. Inhabits Rotterdam IJland. Mufeiim of Sir Jof. Banks. Head fulvous : anteuua peflinatc biack : feelers fulvous at the bale and tipt with black : thorax fulvous, blue behind : abdo- men yello.w : lonver-ivings immaculate : legs blue : thiohs yel- low at the bafe. * Caprea:. Wings flexiious cinereous with 3 oblique whitiCh (Ireaks and 2 ftigmata. Inhabits Germany, on the Willow. Lo-iuer-iungs brown with a cinereous margin. Beneath cinere- ous with brown fpecks dot in the middle and llreak behind. Zar-z/^z folitary naked green. Con'volnta. -wt: ~ 1 ^ 1 • 1 n Wings convolute pale with yellow veins ; upper-pair with 2 angular blue-black fpots. Inhabits Malabar. Cramer 18. tab. 208. D. Narbonea. Upper-wings cinereous with 2 yellow ftreaks and a brown ^ dot behind. Inhabits Southern Europe. The hrown dot before the hind-margin is Airrounded by a yel- low half ring. Biicti. Upper-wings cinereous fpecklcd with brown ; lower-ones brown ; antennae pedinate. Inhabit.-: AT/V/, on the Boletus verficolor. Lcwer-'wings with a cinereous thicker margin. c. JVing^flnt incumhrnt ; thorax crcflcd. *Spoiija. Upper-wings undulate v/ith brown : lower-ones red with 2 black bands : abdomen entirely cinercou«. On the Oak. Merian Europe. 2. tab. 14. Rcaiim. x.tah. 11. pg. i— 7. Rocs.^ tab- 19. Larva ftudded, head blueilh, body vanegited ; liut>n folliculatc bluciih. ^ i. . . ^ * l^upta. 294 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Noff, * Nupta. Wings cinereous varied with brown; lower-ones red with 2 black bands : abdomen hoary beneath. On the Villow. Donovan, vii. tab. 224. Wilks pap. 33. lab. i. a. I. Roes phal. 2. tab. 15. Larva grey-brown with a red wart or two near the tail and lateral reddiih I'pots : pupa foUiculate blueiih-black. • Paaa. Fromijfa. SpeSrum, Wings greyifh flightly waved ; lower-ones red with 2 black bands : abdomen above red. On the Oak. Mcrian Eur. 3. tab. l^.fg. 139. Wilks pap. 17. tub, 2,6, I. Fyejl Arch, tab, ^-fg- 3- Abdomen above rofy : loiMtr -luings rofy, the anterior band hardly reaching the inner-margin. Wings indented varied wiih cinereous and brown and with 2 black indented ftreaks ; lower-ones red with 2 bla?k bands. Inhabits Aufiria, on the Oak. Wien. Verz. 90, 6. 7horax grey with a black band and Ipccks. Wings dull cinereous with 6 darker waved ftreaks. Inhabit* Southern Europe. Body brown : tongue ttftaceous : margin of the iipper-nvings with obfolete dots : lov-er-ivings duiky. Beneath all cinereoq? with a brown llreak in the middle. •Fraxini. Wings indented grey with waved dark bands; lower-ones above black with a bUieifh band. On the Afi and Poplar Donovan, v. tab. 171. 1 72. Maian Europ. tab. 46. Wilks pap. 45. tab. \. a. z. Larnja cinereous fpeckled with black : pupa reddilh-brown with black ftigmata. Vidua. Wings indented cinereous clouded ; lower-ones above black with a white denticulate margin Inhabits America. Stnith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Dotata, Wings indented duflcy with a blueilh hind-margin ; lower- ones black with an abbreviated blueilh band. Inharits £<^////2^/..'?. Antenna reddifh : head and thorax brown: upper -^jJings with a broad paler band in the middle, the blue margin ilreaked with black. Beneath brown. ^^tr.rfa. Wings purpliOi with a yellow fillet and 2 Jpots ; lower- ones fulvous with a black fpot and margin. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phal^na. NoSl, 295: Inhabits Sierra Leona, Head blackifh with 2 white lines : thcrax purplifh : abdomen yellow : iipper''wings beneath yellow, the tip brown with 2 yellow fpots. *Pronuba. Lower-wings tcftaceous with a black nearly marginal band. Inhabits Europe. Aihin. Inf. tab. 72. C, D, Merian Eur. tab. 49. Wilks pap. i. tab. I. a. I, Upper-ivings \zry very much in colour. Larva greenifti with 2 black interrupted lines down the back : pupa naked red. Dimidiata. Bafe of the upper-wings cinereous dotted with black, the tip brown with white lines; lower-ones yellow edged with black. Inhabits Guinea Head and thorax grey : abdomen yellow with 3 rows of black dots ; upper-nuings beneath brown with a yellow bafe : loijuer- ones beneath with a black dot in the middle : legs above brown, beneath yellow. Cjthtrea, Upper-wings variegated with a white flreak; lower-ones yellow edged with brown. Inhabits Stueden; lefs than P. pronuba. Upper nvings varied with cinereous and brown with a few fpots in the middle, beneath duiky : loiver-ones beneath pale,. Orbcna, Upper-wings liver-colour with ftreaks of obfolete black dots; lower-ones yellow with a brown lunulc and ftreak behind Inhabits Germany. Naturf. (), 125, 57. Head and thorax liver-colour; upper-nuings beneath with a large blade fpot ; lonjoer-ones beneath with a liver^colour lunule and inner-marijin. Solani^ Upper-wings varied with greenifh and grey; lower-ones rutous with a broad fubmarginal black band. On the Solanuin tuhcrofum- Naturf. g. tab. \-fg' 3. Upper-ivings with a few white dots near the tip and a fmallblaCk fpot near them. Larva fat rugged cinereous : pupa naked red-brown. UHogriJea, Wings indented variegated, ferruginous at the tip ; lower- ones yellow edged with brown. Inhabits Aufiria. E/p. PhaL 4. tab. zc^.Jig. 3. ^ Laria reddilli on the back with a black dot and oblique lines. Hymen eta. 296 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaljena. NoB. H-imenaa. Wings grey with angular black ftreaks: lower-ones yellow wiih 2 black curved bands. On the Prunus fpinofa. Htkn. Pcvtr. 3 tab, 3. fig. 5. Lawa e,reerifli-vel1o\v with 2 lines of tubercles and projefting elevated tooth in the middle. Repta. Wings variegated ; body above black wil-h a white dorfal 'fillet. Inhabit!. Tranquebar, large. Antennae ferruginous Avic'i aA^hice fhaft : yt'f/,?»'j large white : head zx\^ thorax above black with a whitifli line down the mid- dle : loiuer-ivings varied with pale and black, beneath yeilowilh with a tranfverle brown fpot at the angle of the tail. EpioM. W ings variegated with 2 white dots \ lower-ones black edg- ed with white. Inhabits herth America C-am. g. tab. 102. E, F. Ufper-^ings blueifh Vitricd with rutous and black, the dilk be- neath black with a white fpocarKi ftreai-.s ; Icnxer ones black in the middle, the bale and up liver- colour, the hind-margin white- Paranym- Upper-wings brown with angular white and black ftreaks; fha. lower-ones yellow with 2 curved black bands. Inhabits Germany. Roes. Inf. ^. tab. iS./g. I. 2. Larva naked cinereous with a yellow tubercle on the back and fharp refiefted one on the tail, beneath dotted with black : pupa loofely follicuktercddifli-brown. Neogama. Wings indented with grey and footy clouds and flexuous lines, the margin dotted ; lower-ones yellow with 2 continued black bands. Inhabits America, Smith's Lepidopt. Inf, of Georgia. CoH/ors. Wings clouded with grey and teftaceous and marked with tongue-fhaped lines: lower-ones yellow with 2 flexu- ous contined black bands. Inhabits America. Smth's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Amafta. Wings varied with cinereous and vi^hitilh with a fulvous ftreak ; lower-ones yellow with 2 black bands, the outer-one interrupted. Inhabits ^OTfnV«. Smith's Lepidtpt.Inj. of Georgia. ^Fimbria. Upper-wings clay-colour with a paler tip \ lower ones pale orange with a broad black band. . ^ Inhabuj INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phali^na. Noa. ag-j Inhabits Germany and England. Doncnjan. vi, tal. 2o8. Lat-'va fmooch brownifh with pale lines and black ftigmata : pupa blueilh-black. Janihina. Wings grey with a whitifh patch; lower-ones black with a ferruginous margin and fpot in the middle. . Inhabits Germany. Fyejl. Arch, ^. tab. 1 6. Vpper-'uihigs with a few white lunules in the middle. Lar'va whitifti with brown waves and black dots behind : pupa follicuhite reddilh-brown. Meretrix. Wings gre)' with a central brown Innule between 2 white (treaks ; lower-ones whitifh at the bafe. Inhabits Hambttrir. Upper tu;irgs with a brown dot at the bafe, the hind-margin darker with a ftreak of black dots : /onver-ones brown at the tip; Jlievnta, Wings fulvous with ocellar yellow fpots ; lower-ones yellow with a black fpot and margin. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Body yellow.- all the fpots on the upper-nicings furrounded with a black ring. Papbia. Wings cinereous with black ftreaks; lower-ones fulvous at the bafe and black at the tip. L'.hablts South American IJlands. Wingi beneath all brown, lower ones yellow at the bafe. Augur, Wings brown with black charaders. Innabits Germany. L(n>jcr.nx-ingi brown 'mmaculate. Beneath all grey with a central brown dot and ftreak behind on the lower-ones. Segetis, Wings ferruginous with darker waved ftreaks ; lower-ones whitifh. Wien. Ferx. 2^z. tab. I . a. 3 b. 3. Very common in the Sou:h oi Europe where it :s very dcftruf^ive to the roots of corn. Anteiinai? of the male p:(^inatc. Larva naked livid, thefegment'^ with 4 black dots, head with 3 ftreaks. •Stramhea'Wingi ftraw-colour with a double blackifh fpot in the middle of the outer margin and a darker fubmarginal' barid ; lower-ones with a broad brown border. Inhabits England. Dono^jans Eng. InJ. ii. tab. 61. VOL. Ill— 2 P Antennae 298 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalacna. Noa. jntenttte, tongue and whole body pale yellow. Vf per -'Wings with a few black dots, the band near the margin with a row of 9 white dots, the margin itfclf yellowifh. Amhusta. Wings grey-brown with 3 yellowifh ftreaks and ring in the middle and a waved ftreak behind. Inhabits Austria, on the Lichen parietinus. Wien. Verz, 83,16. Antennae ferruginous whitifh at the bafe: head and thorax reddilh- grcy : Ivwer-ijuings whitilh tipt with brown. Larva naked brown with white lines. Suhtu/a. Wings brown cinereous with 4 yellowifh ftreaks and 3 rings- I r habit? Austria, on the Afp. Wietu Ferz, 88. 17. Lonuer-ivings brown : antennae pale. Larta naked whitifli wjch while lines, head black with a white frcnt. Retn/ai Wings {lightly emarginate grey-brown with 3 paler flreaks. Inhabits ,4ufiria» on the Willow. Wien. Verz. 88, 18. Lar'va naked green with 3 dorfal lines and a lateral one. Mercatoria. Wings ferruginous with brown waved flreaks; lowei-ones black at the tip with white fpots. Inhabits India. Cramer. 6. tab. 62. C, D. ? Upper-nmngs with a few brown fpots : lower -swings cinereous at the bafe, beneath grey with darker waved ftreaks. Partita, Wings flightly indented grey with a black fpot at the bafe, 2 reddifh-brown ftigmata aud white flreak in the middle. Inhabits India. Antennae reddifii-brown; -^-^^^and thorax cinereous: lewer-tvings cinereous tipt with brown. Beneath all cinereous. • Maura. Wings indented dark brown with irregular cinereous marks; beneath a whitifh border. Inhabits Germany and England. Donovan vii. tab, 230./^. i. Harris Inf. tab. l.fg.3,h. Wien. Verz. 90, I. Lunaris. Wings indented brownifti, grey in the middle with a black dot and brown lunule. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Beytr. tab. 2, fig. 2. , . / Antennae brown with a white bafe : upper-wijigs grey at the bafe, then brown with a cinereous ftreak, behind the middle a cine- reous ftreak and afterwards brownifh with an obfolcte indented cinereous band with black dots before the margin: Icnver-^ings cinereous at the bafe and tipt v. i;h brown. Larva IN5ECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. NoSf. 299 Lar'ua brown-ferruginous Avith pale dots, before -are 2 fulvous dots aiKl 2 tubercles at the tail. Lu/oria. Wings glaucous with a black lunule ; thorax black before. Inhabits AuRria. Reaum Inf, i. tab. Mf^fig. lO. Larva cinereous with blackifh dots and 2 black lines and an interrupted yellow one in the middle, Cracccr. Wings ftriate cinereous with a white dot and lunule of black ones ; thorax black before. Inhabits Justria. Hyhn. Beytr. 3. tcth. 4. fig. W. Vpper-i'jings with an obfolete darker band behind, the rib with 4 brown dots. Lat'va varied with brown and grey, tail bifid. • Libatrix. Wings jagged rcddiOi grey with 2 white dots and 2 whitilh Itreaks. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vi, tab. 216, jil!jin Inf. tab. },2.-fig 50. Harris, tab. i.Jig. c, d. Larva naked green with white lines and reddifli ftigmata: pupa folliculatc blue-black, • Plecta, Wings brown with a white thicker margin. Inhabits Europe. Kleman. Inf. tab. 33. Larva green with a reddilh head: pupa folliculate black, C. nigrum'. Wings brown cinereous with a black fpot whitifh without and a black line at the tip. Inhabits .4uflria. Cierk Icon. tab. \.jig. 3. Iborax hra'vn, white before with a ferruginous ftreak : lovier^ vjingi whitifh. Larva varied with cinereous and brown with tranfverre blacif lateral lines and a lateral pale one. Slgnum. Wings with 3 brown fpots, the rib grey at the bafe ; thorajf brown, reddilh before. Inhabits y^tt/?r/a. JVien. Ferz. yS. S. Upper.-idngs with a ftreak of black dots on the hind-margin : /oiver-zvingt duGcv. N in atrum. ^ings brown with cinereous ftreaks and 2 central black lines, the firft curved. Inhabits Aulhia. Ifien^Ferz. 78, o. Jntennae peaiaate fcrjruginous: rib of the upper.vjings behind cinereous with black dots beyond the middle : lovj^r-vcinos brown with a white central dot beneath. iar-L-.t jlabrons green with white dots and a fnowy lateral line ^ P 2 Ch.a 300 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. hh^. CinSa. Wings brown with a grey fpot in the middle furroun- ded with a black flcxuous line, the pupil black. Inhabits Auflria. Whn. Verx.. 78. lO. Antennae peftinate brown : in the middle of the grey fpot is a tranfverfc black dot : tip of the ivings grey with a doticd mar- gin : lonver'Ones brown. ^eJIangu/a Wings brown with 4 black dots in the middle, 7 of which arecoftal : thorax black before. Inhabits ^«/?n«. IVien. t^erz. jS. 15. HeaJ and thorax brown-ferruginous : uppcr-nvivgs with a few black dots at the bafe, the riu doited vvirh white. Polfmita Wings clouded with cinereous and browa; angle of the tail with a black fpot. Inhabits Europe. IVien. Ferx, 72. 4. Thorax cinereous with 2 black curves before and 3 white fpots behind. *BraJJica. Wings clouded with cinereous with a black hook at the firft fpot. Inhabits Europe, jilhin. tab. 28. Mer. Eur, tab. 81. Z,arffl brown or green with a darker dorfal line and white ftig- ma-.a .- pupa reddifli brown. Fiammatra Wings grey with a fulvous black line at the bofe : thorax with a black band. Inhabits Aujiria. IVien. Verz, 80. 1, {.'pper ixings with a few brown fpots in the middle. Cejipith, Wings brown with 3 whitifh waved ftreaksconne£lcd with a black one ; lower-ones white. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz- 82. 2. Head and thorax biown : upper-iuings with a few fpots furround- ed with a white jirg ; lo^ojer-ivings white wilh a brov. nifli in- ner margin. Lari-a naked bi'ownifli with 3 concurrent paler lines Chenopodii. "Wings cinereous fpotted with black with a white 2- toothed ilreak behind ; creil of the thorax lliort and bifid. Inhabits AuJlria. Wicn. Ver% 8?. 6. LciL'er-KLhigs cinereous tipt wi;h brown. Lar-va giecn with a duil dorfal line and lateral red one. Grifia. Wings dull grey with 2 minute white dots in the mid- dle. ^ ... inha'-iis INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Noa. 301 Inhabits Kiel. Body cinereous. Upper 'Wings with a llreak. of very minute black dots behind the white one : lo-iver-rjjings dufky with a white outer margin. Lontigua. "Wings clouded cinereous and brown with a 2-toothed white llreak behind; crefl: of the thorax bifid. Inhabits ^«i/r/<2, Wien. Verz.. 82. 7. Larva green with a reddilh-brown head and 2 fpots on the firft fcgnicut, ftigm^ta black. Pupilla. Wings brown-orange with cinereous fpots, the firft v/ith a fulvous pupil. Inhabits Kiel. Body brown. Lo-iver-iviugs whitilh, beneath with a brown ftrcak behind. Dentina Wings varied with cinereous and brown with a yellow fpot at the inner-margin and ftrcak behind. Inhabits Austria. JVieu, Verx.. 8"2 8, Vpper-Tvings brownifh in the middle with a few fpots and a ci- nereous bifid one. Blmaculoja Wings whitifti grey ; upper-pair flightly clouded, lower- ones fpotted with black. Inhabits Germany. JVien. I'erz, 82. 5. Lo'wer-inings with 2 black fpots. Lar-va naked grey dotted with white, with 2 horns on the tail. Exclama- Wings brown with a fmall black line and head-ftiapcd fpot tionis. "behind. On the Scnechio vulgaris. Clerk. Iccn. tab. i.fg. 4. Lara/a brown-ferr-nginous dotted with black, a p<\le line down the back. Di/iifu'iii. Wings yellowifli-grey with 2 central black fpots, the tip duflcy. Inliabits Germany. Vpper-ivitigs with a few obHolcte brown flreaks, the hiod-margin dufky with a terminal ftrcak of black dots : lon.ver~'\viiigs be- neath cinereous with a brown dot in the middle and llreak be- hind. iiubterrama Wings brown, bafe of the rib and hind-margin cinere- ous. Inhabits South America. Head and ihnrax brown, the crell a double bLick curve • ci'Va - meti cinereous; lo-iver- xu; ^igs v.hiliih. Larzei 302 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Noa, Larva above grey with confluent pale and reddilh fpots ; lives under ground and fometimes eats its way into the ftems of plants, but more frequently eats off the ftallcs at the bafe and then feeds on the leaves. Sttfufa, Wings brown paler at the tip, with a fmall black line in the middle and 2 at the tip marked with a white dot. Inhabits Auflr'ta. Wien. Ferz. 80. 4. Body brown with a black band on the fore-part : upper-nvivgi lumecinies varicgatad with grey : to'vjer-'ujinos wlutilh. ^'Zft'fera, Wings cinereous with brown waves and a black line at the bafe ending in an oblong whitifli pupil at the tip. Inhabits Jujlria^ on the Cochlearia. V/un. Verx. 80. 8. Upper-'win^s with 2 fpots in the middle, the margin ftreakcdwith black : lo'Ker-ones whitifli', Lari'a naked varied with cinereous and hrov/n with black dots and lines, neck yellowifli with 3 white lines. ValUgerc, Wirtg-s varied cinereous and brown with an oblong black- ilh fpot at the bafe in which is an ocellar ferruginous dot. Inhabits Aupria, Wien. Fern:.. 80. g, Antenna ■^c&.imit : body grey : ivir.gs grey with brown fpots and dots, the ferruginous dot furroundcd with a white ring, the rib brown with 3 white dots. Cammacu' Wings indented grey ^yith 2 black dots at the bafe and 2 ci- '^» nereous ftrcaks. Inhabits Aujlria. Wien. Ve?-z. 81. 14. Bcdy grey : antemite brown : uppir-nxings with a few fpots in the miildle, the margin grey wicK a ftrcak of blackdots. Lawa flefh-colour fpeckled with black, the fides and head yel- lowifh. • ^'''■""' Wings grey marked with a white 1. Inhabits Europe. Hybn, Bcxtr. 4. tab. 2. fig. K. The letter 1 is placed longitudinally in the middle of the w;/;^/. the hind margin brown. Ihmnali:. Wings brown at the bafe with fulvous waved ftrcaks, the tip cinereous. InhaMts (JcninKyi en the V/illow. Roes. htf. 3. tab. 1 i. INSECTS. LEPIDt)PTERA. 73. Phal;ena. Nod. 303, Between the fulvous flreaks is a yellow dor, the hind-margin dot- ted with black. Lar'va greenifti with 5 white lines and a few ftreaks : pupa hard- ly folliculate chefnut-brown. Wings grey-brown with 5 marginal brown dots and 3 white ones : lower-ones white, with a black band. Inhabits India. All the imnp beneath white with a black, marginal band. d. Wings deflcSfed ; thorax Jmoath, Wings cinereous with white veins, the bafe fpotted with fulvous white and black. Inhabits /W/a, on the Ficus racemofa. Antentug of the female fctaceous, of the male peftinate and feta- ceous at the tip : head fulvous : thorax fulvous with a black dot each fide : a^^i?;/;^-^ cinereous with 2 black dots each fide : upptr-ivings with a long marginal fulvous fpot at the bafe in which are 6 black dots and 3 white ones, at the thinner mar- gin are 2 white fpots, the firft with a black dot and lunulc the other with a black dot : lo^jjer-nuings yellow with a few black dots, beneath yellowifh fpotted with black. Wings cinereous with white ftreaks and dot in the middle* the bafe fulvous with ^ldle and a fe v grey {pots, the ante- rior of which has fjmetim?s a black lunu'e. La<"va naked dull brown with black Itigmaca, and a black collar edg:d with white. ^itUa. Winc;s fiiSftrlate ferruginous with yellow ftreaks \ lower- ones brown. Inhabits Auftria. VVien. Ve^:t. 86.4. Upper nx)':ngi with a few fpots in the middle and a ftreak of black d"ts towards thehin i-margin. /./zri-fl iviked brf>wp varied with grey and rufous, head pale, col- lar bluck with 2 white line!<. Tiuh't nnca. VVing;5 yellow with ferruginous waves and fcattered black dots. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz, 86. 8. Antennae brown . head and thorax yellows ; lovjcr-^mngs brown with a fulvous margin. Rufna. Wings rufous with 3brownifh bands, the hind-one broader; beneath rcddifh. Inhabits Eurjop^, cm the Oak. Clerk, Icon. tab. ^. fig. 8. Lar^a naked liver-colour with white dots and a white lateral line. Martia. Wings pale orange mixed with cinereous ; lower-ones fer- ruginous. I n 1 1 a i) i rs Germany. Bor^y pale oriin^c : upper-ijuings with cinereous fpots and fpecks. liencaih all cinereous with a ferruginous dot in the middle and llreak. s.'ngofn. Wings varied brown and cinereous with 3 black lines before the inner- margin. Inhabits Aufirin. fVieu. Terz. SS. 15, I'ppcr-avi.t'^s with a waved ftreak at the tip : lonAier-ones cine- reous. VOL. II L— 2 Q Fuhia. 3o6 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaliena. Noif. Fulvia. Both furfaccs of the wings alike, fulvous edged with black. Inhabits India. Clark Icon. tab. $^./g. 9. Jhdomen black, beneath yellow, Stuto/a. Wings varied with browti and white ; lower-cues white at the bafc with a brown fpot, the tip brown fpotted with white. Inhabits ^;//?r/«. Wiex. rerz.Sq. I. Bedygxty brown ; upper-njjitigthrown, white in the middle with 3 brown fpots, the tip brown with white ftreaks and marginal dots : beneath a white border with 3 large black dots ; lonuer- nuingt beneath white with a brown dot in the middle and brown ftreak and dot at the tip. Larva grceni/h with black dots and obfcurc lines. *G!yphiea, Wings vatiegated with cinereous and brown ; beneath yel- low with brown bands. On the Verbafcum, Reaum. Inf. \. tab. 49. fig, 14. Dip/acea Wihgs pale with a broad brown band ; lower-ones varied with white and black. Inhabits Europe. Menan. Eur op. 2. tab: 49. Lari'a red with white interrupted lines head, cinereous. Ononis, Wings cinereous with a flefh-colour bloom and barred with brown ; lower-ones black with 2 white fpots. Hybn. Beytr. 2. tab. ^. fg' W. Wien.l^erx. 89. 4. Inhabits jimtria., on the flower? of the Ononis fpinofa. Upper-nvingi with a broad brown margin in which is a fmall ci- nereous llreak. Larva folitary naked with alternate rofy and purple ftreaks. $Ii, Wings varied with cinereovs and brown with a black W beneath. On the Medicago falcata. Hybn. Beytr. 3. tab. 2. fig. F. friaaetra. Wings cinereous with 4 brown fpots; the anterior ones triangular ; lower-ones yellow with brown bands. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Be^tr. 3. tab. 2. fig. I. howtr-iicings with a brown hind-margin. TmSlum, Wings indented brown flightly waved with reddifh-brown, -with afnowyftigma in the middle. Inhabits Eaft India. , Lovn-r-vjings and all beneath brown. Pukra. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phal^na. N^a. 307 Pubchra. Wings pale with 1 black fpots at the rib. Inhabits Eafi India: fmall. Thorax pale, black before the antciior margin : loiuer-ijoings and all beneath ycllowilh immoculate, -'VI a. Wings lliining browd with a ferruginous ftigma and ban" behind; lower-ones white. Inhabits East India. In the mufeum of Sir. Jof. Banks. Head and tl^orax blackifh: abdomen fnowy beneath brown: upper-vjings with yellowifli hinules on the ferrnginous band, the margin with a black waved ftreak ; beneath brown ; /oat- er-ivin£s beneath white. " Roboris. Wings cinereous with 2 white waved ftreaks, and a cen- tral fnowy rpot in which is a black liinulc. Inhabits Europe. Dono'van ix. tab. 299. Antennae fimple ; ftreak on the ivings edged with brown. Lart'a glabrous green with 2 yellow lines eacli fide ; />?//^ black. Mixta. Crucis. Wings pale ilightly barred with brown ; lower-ones pale at the bafe and tipt with brown. Inhabits Saxony. Bod) white immaculate. All the -LLings beneath pale. Wings fhining cinereous with a brown ftreak in the middle and band behind. Inhabits South Amtrican IJlands. Upper-ivings with a ftreak of fmall black dots behind the band : lonver'Oncs And all beneath vellowifh. Inquinata Alhiccllis Italii Wings cinereous with brown waves and fubferruginous band in the middle in which is a black dot. Inhabits Eali India. Upper-ivings (^w//^j paler immaculate. Wings angylar yellow with 3 darker ftreaks and a fnowy dot. Inhabits /;?i///z; fmall. Antenna cinereous : head and thorax yellow : Imver-nvlngs cine- reous. Beneath all dufky with a brown waved ftreak. Wings green with a large common brown fpol. Inhabits Tranquebar ; fmall. Head and thorax greeniih ; the fpot nearly forming a band. Wings cinereous with a ftreak of black dots behind. Inhabits .S<«;f^(?»; fmall. Antennae dufky, whitifh at the bafe : Itnver •swings brownifli with a whitifli bafe. Rejeffa, Wings white with a greenifti fpot behind. Inhabits EaJi India; Imall. Lcwer-ivings immaculate. Forti/cata. Wings grey fpotted with brown ; lower-ones yellow with a brown ftreak and hind-margin. Inhabits Germany; fmall. All the ivlttgs beneath yellowilh; £Iaia, Upper-wings clouded with brown with a cinereous patch and fpot , lower-ones white. Inhabits £a^ India, Thorax INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Noa. 31^ T^orar cinereous, the fore- part browTi: upper-nvings "w'lxh z pale blueifh band behind, the hind-margin with cinereous ftreaks: lo'wer-'ujings immaculate. •Lanctolata. Wings lanceolate cinereous, the upper-pair fpeckled with brown. Inhabits Germany; fmall. Antennae as long as the bodv, black tipt with white : lody grey : «lltheiw/rjj lanceolate, lo^ver-ones immaculate. e. TVings dejle£ied\ thorax crejled. * Fulvago. Upper-wings yellow with ferruginous ftreaks, the hind- one compofed of dots ; lower- wings white. \x\\\2S\\.% Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. (>. fig. 1 5. Larva naked pale with a cnefnut-brown head, Croceage, Wings ferruginous with brown ftreaks^ the rib dotted with white. Inhabits Germany. Hyhn. Bevtr. tab, \-fig. F. Head and thorax ferruginous : Icvcer-ixings whitifh with a red dot and 2 waved ftreaks. Larva\z\\o\\\^ with a brown dorfal line and fliort oblique late- ral orange ones. Albugo. Wings yellow with a blueifh ocellar dot in the middle be- tween brown waved ftreaks. Inhabits Tranque^ar. Antennae browni(h : head Ar\A thorax yellowifh : the blueifh fpot on the upper-nvings with a brown iris, the margin a little brownilh : Liuer -lulugs brown with a whitifh margin. Aurago. Wings brownifti with a yellow patch at the bafc and broad band in the middle. Inhabits Amtria. Hybn. Beytr. 1. tab. 2. fig. L. Ltnver-'wings ci lereous. Lar'ua naked grey with oblique brown lines. Sulpburago. Wings yellow with numerous brown dots and ftreaks. Inhabits ^uflna. Wien. Verz, 86, 8. Upper-tuingt wirh 2 brown rings behind the firft ftreak, the margin dotted with brown. Larerian. Europe. \, tab. 59. Jntcnn^s yt\\o\'i : lo'-wer-ivingshlAcVA^^-^^cy. Larnja foiitary green with a M'hite laterjl line : pupa folliculate browi). Conchn. ■ Wings purplifti with 2 gold fpots in the middle and 4 :it the . tip. InhaDits Au/Iria. Knock. Bejitr. I, tab. \ . Jig> 2, Antennae pale : head and fore-part of the /W^;<- fcrru^incus : kiijer-tvings pale. OridaUea. Wings brown with a large lunate green-gold fpot. Inhabits India, Lower-wings immaculate, Lamina. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalcena. Noa. 317 Braftea. Lamina, Wings cinereous with a black marginal fpot edged with gold each fide, and a gold fpot. Inhabits Auflria. Wien. Verz, '>,\\. ^. Heading thorax ^rzy : ahdoffien \\n\\ \.nhs of black hairs at the bale : upper-swings with a gold Ipot near the tip in which is a black dot. Wings variegated, with a large fhining gold fpot in the mid- dle. Inhabits Southern Europe. Wien. Fet-z 314. 7. Head ind thorax dull ferruginous : z//i/ifr-«u,v;;^j varied with ci- nereous brown and ferruginous . /oxwr-oc/w^j cinereous. *Fefiucae Upper-wings varied with yellow and brown with 3 filvcry- gilt Ipots ; lower-ones pale brown. Inhabits Europe. Donov. ii. tab. 25. JVnn. t. 84. G, 11, Lar-ua naked green, and conllruds its web by making a deep in- cilion acrofs the leaf of the Scirpus lacullri- or Bull-rufh, which becoming dependent, it joins the broken parts together and weaves its web between them. CircumHexa Upper-wings brownifh with a flexuous filvery charadler. Inhabits Europe. Ejp. phal. ^. tab. 7,z.fg. 56. Larva nearly naked green with a darker latrral line ; pi>pa half black half white. Artcmijeae Upper-wings green with fcattered filvery fpots. Inhabits G'.rmany. Knock. Beytr. x.tnb. Tj-Jig. i. 2. Head and thorax green varied with filvery : abdomen whitifii : io-iL-er-ivittgs white with a darker hind-margin. £fl?-f« hairy green fpotted with white with a dorial and lateral line compofcd of red wixii: pupa grcenilh. Lia/r.na.' Wings indented ; iippcr-palr brown vviiji a gold y in the middle. . Inhabits Europe. Donov. \\\\. tab. 265.^. 2. /Ilbin. t. 70. G, H. Meriax. Kur.t.^h. Sz.Jig. 78. If' ilk s. pap. tab. 2. a, i. Upper-vjtngs with a few irregular gold lines : k--n:er-ones with an oblique pale band and dotted margin. ' Larva 1 2-tooted green with white dorfal {lri|-cs and a lateral yel- low one, head brown : pupa folliculate chefiuit-brown. Moneta. Wings gold with brown waved (Ircaks and a double filve- ry ring. Inhabits JVi'ountains oi Auflria. Thorax grey dotted with black ; the illvery rings with a fcjiiare brown maik. /Smulut 31 8 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Noel. A.mula. Wings indented, varied with cinereous and black with a double filvery line in the middle. Inhabits Aufiria. Lcwer-iuings cinereous at the bafeand tjpt with brown. Divirgens. Wings entire, upper-pair grey, the middle brown with a white mark \ lower-ones fulvous edged with brown. Inhabits Aujlria. Pan%, Fn.Germ. 6. tab. 20. Argentina. Wings grey with a bioad abbreviated filvery fillet. Inhabit? Sutikem RuJJia. Boiij fjnall hairy white : letver-'wings fnowy. L.terrogati' Uppcr-wings brown varied with cinereous and marked with cnis, a white ? Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Ic. tab. (>. Jig, 7. Signata. Wings duflcy dotted with black at the bafe and marked in the middle with gold ?, Inhabits India. Tip of the ixjtngs ereft : aldcmen with 2 eredl tufts, ^aeitlonis. Wings varied with gold and cinereous and marked in the middle with a fiver ?. Inhabits hidia and the Pacific IJlands. Body cinereous ; tail bearaed : ulper-'wingj cinereous at the bafe and tip. Tifcn'!. Wings grey with a chefnut go)d fpot at the tip and another at the thinner margin. Inhabits Eajl India, on thePepo. Spots on the , Jig.Ji. % Lar-va 1 2 footed nakea green fpotted with white. Verruca» Wings varied with gold and brown with a filvery dot in the middle. Inhabits South American. If.ar.ds. //ffld' cinereous, the hind-margin fulvous : ot'/zr^/ brownifli at the bafe, gold in the middle, then brown, afterwards gold, with a brown fringed margin. Beneath cinejeous with a brown itrcak. Lunata. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna NoSl. 319 Lun^a. Wings varied with brown and cinereous with a cinereous curve in the middle edged with yellow. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Thorax very much crefted : lotver-cwings cinereous at the bafc and tipt with brown. '^'^"^ * Wings variegated with brown flefli-colour and gold; the thinner edge emarginate ; head and fore-part of th© thorax orange. Inhabits 'Jranquebar. Antenn/e peflinate, fetaceous at the tip : thorax cinereous behind: abdomen whitiih : upper-nuings with a whitifh ftreak behind : lonxier-ones cinereous Beneath, upper-pair dufky, lower-ones whitiih. Pauperata. Wings brown varied with cinereous ; lower-ones white hyaline Inhabits C^na, Thorax brown with cinereous ftreaks : upper-'wings with a few fhort black ftieaks near the tip j lo-iuer.orus with a brown llreak at the margin. •iW>//f«/e/ii Wings indented pale: iipper-pair flefh-colour at the bafe with a brown triangle. Inhabits £«ro/if. Donovan, iv. fai. i^g. Mbin.tabyi%. Merian.Eur. tah.Zif. Wilki. pap. i. tab. i,a. 3. Loiuer-nuings reddilh-grey with a brown llreak in the middle, Lawa naked green with an interrupted yellow dorfal line and lateral ones : pupa follicuclate blackilh chocolate-colour. Wings indented green with a cinereous hind-margin. Inhabits Cayenne » Antennae peftinate, fetaceous at the tip : thorax cinereous, a lit- tle reddifli on the fore-part : bodi cinereous : lower.cwings brown, the outer margin fringed with tufted hairs, the hind- margin indented and grey. Beneath all biownilh ; /or/- Jlianks bearded. Con/ona. Wings entire greenifli with doubled white ftreaks the firft infledted, the tip with 2 fulvous fpots. Inhabits Austria : relembles the next. Il/ustrif, Wings entire, glofly-green and cinereous with 3 diftind ferruginous fpots. Inhabits Germany. Panz. Fn. Germ. 2. tab. 17. Thorax a little ferruginous before ; upper-^ings varied with ci- nereous green and flefh-colour with 3 ferruginous fpots near the hind-raargin mclofed in 2 pale ftreaks : /ow/r-iw>w cine- reous, * Lacera, Ciliata. 120 Lacera. Oo. Flammea, *Gotbica* 'Dera/a. Renata. Serid* Or. Diluta. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. KoSI. Willis varied with brown and ferruginous and cmarginate at the thinner edge ; front fulvous. Inhabits China. . Vpper-ijcings with a yellow fpot at the angle 01 the tail in which is a black lunule : lon}ja -ones and all beneath cinereous. Wings buff-colour with darker ftreaks and fpots and mar- ked in the middle with a double o. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 179. Wiihs tab. I. a. 22. Lar-oa red with white lines and docs : pupu reddiih-brown dot- ted with white. Wings varied with ferruginous and yellow with conflu- ent fpots. • Inhabitb Aujlrla. r r 1 ^ Vpper-'wingi with whitifli ftreaks at the tip, the fpots furrounded with whitilh within : lo^er-ixings brown, beneath reddifh with a brown dot and ftreak. Upper-wings brownilh with a black curve and dot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Iccn. tab i.fg. I. The black curve is turned upwards. Upper-wings varied with rufous brown and white with 2 black ocellar dots in the middle. Inhabits £«ro/>^. Donovan. \n. tab. zz^.fg. \. Abdomen and loiuer-ixings brown. Wings brownifti with a double cinereous o and ftreak be- hind. Inhabits Pf«OT«r/^, on the Nut-tree. Larva glabrous green with a yellow dorfal and lateral line, the hind-fegments with an oblique yellow ftreak : //,/« naked fubterraneous. Win<^s white with 3 black ftreaks; lower-ones yellow with a black ftreak and dots. Jct.Hohn.x-j^uz^^.tab.'^.fg.xz. Inhabits Japan, where it is reared for the lake ot its luk. Body white with a red collar. Wings cinereous with brown waves and a grey fpot in the middle ; lower-ones dulky. a Inhabits Juffria, on the Poplar. IVien. Ferz.. Sj. 5. Larva greenilh with a chefnut brown head. Wings cinereous with 2 obfolcte ferruginous bands and a white dot in the middle. Ixhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noa. 321 Inhabits Auftn'a. Wien, Verz. 87, 6. iVings beneath cinereous with a brown ftreak. Lar'va pale with a browil dorfal line and black head. Rufcoliis Wings dull cinereous with 2 darker bands ; fore-part of the thorax ferruginous. Inhabits Jujiria. Efp. phal. j^.tab, ^O.Jig, 4, Abdomen and lonjoer-nuings cinereous. Larva naked, the back lead-colour, the fides white dotted with black. *SafcUitia, Wings indented reddifh-brown "with a yellow fpot io the middle between 2 fmaller white ones. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 168. Roes. '^. tab. ^o. Lar'va black with fhort white lines on the fides, collar and tail with vellovv lines: preys uoon other larvae; /«/« reddifh-brown obtufcly 3-toothed behind. *D'J'inis. Wia^s ferruginous with 3 white fpots at the rib and 2 black dots behind. Inhabits £.;roV, Hartis, Ins. tab. ^. fig.^. Lar'va ^rcen with wnite lines, head and fore-legs black; 4j^i:t» Wings f*:rruc;inous with a double black dot at the inner-an- gle ; lower-one-^ black. In lahits Europ'. H;bn Beytr. ^. tab. 6f. fig. 8. Larva nearly nake:! greenifli-white with lighter or darker lines and blick raifcd hiiry dots, the ftigmata marked with a black curve above, fomctimes pale green Ipeckled with white and black. Triptera, Wings with 2 longitudinal rounded fulphur fpots and nu- merous fpecks. Inhabits Europe. Lo^Mer-iuuigs white. •Af<3rf//M- Wings yellowifli with ferruginous ftreaks and hind-mar- '^' gin ; lower-ones with a black central dot and margi- nal band. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 150.^, 1. Upper-i.vi)3gi wi:h 2 ferruginous circles in the middle, • Ahrmthii. Wings hoary with black bands, and dots difpofed ina qua- drangle. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 8. fig. 19. Larva green with yellow and rurous fpots and lines: pupa folli- cuUtc reddilh-brown, green before. VOL. JII.— 2 S Ahrotanl. 311 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaljena. Noa. Jhretam. Wings brown-cinereous with black waved ftreaks and 4 white dots at the rib. Inhabits ^w/r/fl. Wien. Ferz.'j'^.Zi i?ofj. 3. /. 51. larva. Antennae ferruginous : thorax cinereous, the fore margin whitifli with a thin black ftfeak : lonver-nvings cinereous. Larva green with ferruginous fpots and conic tubercles pn the back, OccuU*. Wings clouded, the tip cinereous with 3 black fpots. Inhabits Snueden ; large. Thorax with a black lateral lire and abbreviated ftreak before : upper-ninngs with a white waved ftreak behind and another near the larger black dot ; lofwer-jwings brown with a whitilh margin. Patibulum, Wings cinereous with a fmall black dot and common dor- fal fpot united toan obfcure ftreak. Inhabits Eafl Inda. thorax cinereous with a large railed creft and black ftreak before: all the ii'/Viyjj. beneath vcilowifh with a black band and dots : abdomen Y)9\t with lateral black dots. Mbipes, Wings glaucous with brown waves ; legs fnowy. Inhabits East India. Head and thorax glaucous : abdomen beneath fnowy : lofjuer-^ngs and all beneath cinefeous. *Alni, Wings footy with 2 grey patches, the firft with a black mar- ginal dot. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. it» fig- 25 — 28. Larva black with yellow dorfal fpots and creft hairs ; pnpa folli- culate rcddifh-brown. »pelphimt. Wings purplifli with 2 whitifti bands ; lower-ones duflcy. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, iv. p. 52. Merian. Eur. i. /, 40, . Panz. Fn. Germ, j.tab. 17. Wilks. pap. 3. /. 1, a. 4. Larva fmooth naked yellowilh with black dots and 2 paler lines: pupa reddifh-brown. Purpurina. Wings purplifh with a yellow bafe. Inhabits jujiria, Hyhn. Beytr. 2, tab, i. G. Lovjer-ivings brown. Pteridit. Wings brown with white fpots and 2 purple bands. Inhabits Germany^ Ej'p. phal. 4. tab. 1 25./^. 7. Lovoer"wtngs blackiih, beneath whitifti with a brown lunule in the middle and ftreak. PiQa. Bicla, (INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalsena. Noa, 323 Wings purple with white ftreaks and dots, fomc of tliem edged with black. Inhabits Germany. Abdomen purple, the laft fegment but' one yellow : upper -'u.in^s with a kidney-ftiapcd fpot behind the middle with a purple lunule and behind this 2 white ftreaks, the 2 hind ones dotted with black : lovjer-iuiugs brown. Beneath cinereous mixed with purple. Geographi' ca. Hjperici. ^Fer/picil- luns. Wings brownifli with a whitifh fpot at the bafe and 2 fno* wy ftreaks meeting behind, the hind-margin ftrcaked with white. Ifnhabits J^Ur'iai fmall. Thorax cinereous witn 2 white dots. Wings varied with cinereous and brown and fubftriate with black, with a whitifli oblong fpot at the bafe. Inhabits Austria, on the Hypericum. IVien, Verz.yS. 10. Antenna: black : thorax pale with 2 abbreviated black ftreaks : abdomen brown : Icruvr-iuifigj ftiining "brown : legs annnlatc with white. LarYith 4 yellow lines, head flefli co- lour. 2 S z Mafidica 324 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. hlod. Mendica. Wings pale fiefh-colour with a brown fpot in the middle in v/hich are yellow dots. Inhabits Germany. Thorax brown with a whitifh fore-margin: upper-nx.ings with' numerous waved brown itreaks, beneath yellowifh with a brown jftreak. *Oxyacait- Wings dark brown with 2 flcfli-colour fpots and tip, the in- *^'^' ner-margin greenilh with a white lunule. Inhabits Europe. Dono•/, 3. tab. 39. /jf. 4. Ihcrax with 2 black curves : margin oi th; ijjings with triangular docs in a double row . Lar:ings whitifh. ^eladonla. Wings varied with green and cinereous with black waved ftreaks and triangular dots behind. Inhabits S-ii^den. Dcgcer Inf. 2. tah. b.fif. 24. iW^flrf greenifh : thorax greenifh with 3 white fpjts : upper 'luings with a few cinereous fpots. • hudifica. Upper-wings and abdomen yellow, the latter with 3 rows of black^dots. On the WUlow. 5epp. Inf. 4. tab. 9, 7'/6or«A- fpottcd. VOL. II[.—2 T Lari:a 330 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. NoB. Lur-va tuberculate hairy Avith blue and yellow lines, neck and tail fpotted with white : pupa folliculate black with red angles. Ptrla. Wings cinereous with black waves and 2 brown fpots. Inhabits Austtia. Wien. Verx. 70, 3. Lcnver-nvings whitilh wijh a brown central dot. Fulminms. Wings comprefled pale with black and white denticles behind. Inhabits Germany^ fmall : legt long white* * Licbeues, Upper-wings green with various black marks: lower-ones and all beneath brown. Inhabits 5«ro/f. Douovan. vii. tab. zt^. fig, 3. Mz's, Upper-wings brown with 1 green bands. Inhibits Germany^ on the Lichen faxatilis. Lonjuer-'wings cinereous with a black central dot beneath, Tridens. Wings cinereous with tifid black fpots; lower-ones whitiflx. Inhabits Aufiria. V/ien. Verx.. by, i. Lawa black with a fulphur line on the back, the fides dotted with red, a projefting conic tubercle on the back. * Pfii Upper-wings grey with a black line at the bafe and various marks refembling the greek pfi : legs immaculate. Inhabits Europe. Donoman. iv. tab. 133, Albin, tab. 86. Merian Eur. 3. tab. 42. Ammir. tab. 13. Larva hairy with a pale dorfal line, the fides black fpotted with red, thorax with an ereft black tubercle : pupa folliculate, chocolate-brown. Hauliu' Wings grey ; upper-pair immaculate at the bafe the difk [^It/era. marked with an o ? the hind-margin with a black greek pH. Inhabits America. Smithes Lepidopt, Inf. of Georgia, Auricotna» Wings grey-brown ; upper-pair with black ftreaks and charadlers : legs annulate with white at the tip. Inhabits Austria. IViea. Ferz. 67, 6. Lar'va hairy black with fulvous excrefccncies, the hairs on the head and tail white, and gold on the back. lamda. Wings grey-brown with a black line at the bafe and 2 in the middle. • Inhabits Ger?nany, Upp'er-'wixgs with 2 obfolete darker bands. * Comma, Lima, Lu/ca. * Chi. INSECTS. LEPlbOPTERA. 73. Phaliena Noa. 331 * Comma. Wings indented cinereous with a black line at the bafe and an adjacent thinner white one. Inhabits Europe. l^Vien. Vera. 76, 9. Lonuer-'wingi above vvhitifli edged with brown. Wings pale grey with a black line at the bafe : thorax with a black Itreak. Inlubits South Jmerican Idands. Loivur-ivings white hyaline. Wings gloiry cinereous with a white dot in the middle and ftreak of black dots behind. Inhabits /^/^/. J5oa/«follicuIate brown • Aaris. Wings grey with black waves : abdomen pale ferruginous at the bafe beneath. Inhabits Europe. Wilh pap. ^2. tab. 2. c. 6. Larn;a fpotted with white and black on the back, with red and yellow tufls of hairj. Arnica. Wings brown waved with white, 2 white dots in the middle and a kidncy-lhaped fpot. Inhabits Siveden, on the Arnica. Body cinereous with a bearded reddifh tail : upper-ivings with a black line at the bafe, behind black with 2 or 3 whitifli waved ftreaks: /o^'cr-ivings and all beneath dull grey. Eupkorbia. Wings cinereous with brown waves and vi'hitilh fpots, the hrft round, the others kidney-fhaped. Inhabits Anfiria. Wien Verz. bj, 4. Margin of the upper -nvings dotted with brown. Larva hairy grcenifh with black dorfal Ipots, and ferruginous collar and lunule. Megace- phala. ♦ Litu Wings cinereous with black waves and a fingle round whitilh fpot. Inhabits Aufiria. JVian I'er%. 6y, 5. Antennae black : abdomen whjtifh : loKver-ivingj white with a broAn central dot beneath. Wings grey with a black patch in the middle, in which is a white dot. • Inhabits Europe. M^ien. Ferz. 77, 2. '■[horax cinereous va:ied with brown ; upper-ivinfrt with a black dot at the bafe and a few black dots behind. Larnja naked green with a pale dorfal line and a lateral or.e varied with white and yellow, head pale. 2 T 2 Dcpunaa. 332 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA: 73. Phalxna. Noa. Detnn8a, Wings greyifh with black dots at the bafe and a ilreak of them behind. Inhibits Woods of Sweden, Fife Winqs cinereous with darker waves at the tip ; lo-wer-ones brown. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 77, i. Upper wings with black dots at the bafc and a flreak of them behind. Ba;a, Wings ferruginous with a fmall black dot at the bafe and a double one at the tip. Inhabits Austria Wien. Ferz. 77, 3. Thorax ferruginous : abdomen cinereous : Icvcer-ivings brcwn with ferruginous fringe. Larva varied with cinereous and brcwn with 3 while dorfal lines and a lateral yellowilh one. Ruhrico/a. Wings brownifh, the rib while fpotted with brown, the tip brown with white dots. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. !■ erz. 77, 4. Head and thorax ycllowifh : upper^ixings rcddifh at the bafc of the thinner margin. Lar'va grey with a pale dorfal line, each fegment with 2 white dots. Erythro- Wings fcrruginous with grey and brown waves, the hinder csphala. fpot dotted with black : head ruious. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 77, 5. Loiuer'wings brown with a cinereous fringed margm. Beneath, upper-pair with a cinereous border, lower-ones cinereous with a brown dot and ftreak. Grice/cens. Wings cinereous with pale fpots.and a fubmarginal fircak of black dots. Inhabits Kiel. Body cinereous. Poh'gona. Wings flightly waved, without varied with brown and black, within pale: tlioiax variegated. Inhab'ts yi//?>7«. Wien. Verz. "Ji, lb. Thorax v.;r!ed with brown and ferniginons with an oLiic:ue lateral black line cacli fide : lc-Li,ir-^j.mgi whitifii. Barhata. Wings greyiOi with a brown fpot in the middle and obfo- lete band behind. Inhabits Barlary^ TcKZuf INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalscna. No£l, 333 Tongue teftaceous: upper. nuings with 2 or 3 white coftal dots between the fpot ana band : loiMer-iuings whitifh with a brown band. *Per/!cari^ Wings clouded with brown with a white kidney- (haped fpot in which is a yellow lunar pupil. Inhabits Europe. Roes. Inf. i. pbal 2. tab, 30, Lar-va naked green wi !i a white dnrfal line, the fourth and £fth fcgment with a darker fpot; tail conic: pupa reddifh- brown. Upper-wings brown with 3 black approximate dots in the middle ; lower-ones livid. Inhabits Europe. Donc'van. vii. tab. 223. yfo-, 2. Lar^a naked green with 6 white lines and white ftigmata ; /;(j)« folliculate brown. Wings dull grey with a brown fpot and 3 white coftal dots. Inhabits Stxeden: Clerk. Icon. tab. ^. Jig. 3. Wings pale orange with 2 oblique cinereous ftreaks ; lower- onss browniih with a cht-fnut-brown mar^-in. Inhabits ^ulhta. Wien. l^erz.. 84, i. Antenna reddifh : head znd. thorax orange: upper-ixjings with a (zw common fpots between the llreaks. Larva naked, the back faIvou5 with 2 brown flripes, fides reddifh, head rufous with 2 purple lines dotted with black. 'Turca. Wings yellowidi with 2 brown ftrcaks and a pale yellow lup.ule. Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 84, 2, Margin of the ivhtgs purplifh : all beneath pale with a brown llreak. L^r-i;^ reddifh -ochre with a whitifli dorfal line; beneath yellowifli- white with a lateral darker line, the incifures with bkck hnes hcud brown, CofJgzra. Wings yellowifh with 2 brown ftrcaks and a triangular white dot in the middle. Inhiibits Austria. Hybn. Bcytr. 4. tab. 4. Z. Antennae yt\\o\\'\?^', L^.ver-ivings du/!,•<;. £4, 4. Lar-va 334 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. l^aa. Lat'va grey with white lines and black dots, the firft fegment brown with x white lines, / "^ rdjaian. Wings indented clouded, with an indented white ftreak behind. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Ver%. 72, i; Witrgs beneath cinereous with a brown curve and dot. Larva brown, the fides pale with oblique black lines, Tlmistmc- Wings indented varied with brown aud cinereous and dotted «, with fulvous. Inhabits Aujlria. Roe/. Inf. i. pj7al. 2. tab. 44, 45. Head cinereous, a little fulvous at the bafe : thorax cinereous with brown and fulvous fpecks ; rib of the upper-ivings dotted with white : lo-nxer-niings cinereous with a brown ftreak above and a dot and ftreak beneath. Larva green with a pale lateral line. Eremta. Wings ferruginous with 2 white waved ftreaks, the firft obfolete, the other flexuous. Inhabits Germany, Hind-margin of the upper-'w'ingt dotted with black ; beneath cinereous tipt with brown : hnver-ivings cinereous, with a brown dot and ftreak beneath. Nigricavs, Wings blackifh with paler fpots. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz, 8i 19. .At the thicker margin are a few minute dots. Larva naked grey -brown dotted with black, with a paler dorfai line. Perfua. Wings flightly indented, cinereous with abroad black band in which is a fubocellar dot. Inhabits Aujlria ; large. Hind-margin of the uppfr-icingj darker with brown lunules : lazier -vjings brown. Fumo/a» Wings blackifh with a ftreak of white dots behind. Inhabits 4uf.ria. Wien. Verz, 81, 18. Boi{y entirely blackifti. Auriia. Wings fhining brown with a cinereous flexuous band in the middle: head 2, thorax 4-toothed. Inhabits Spain. Head with 2 ered denticle* of ftiff hairs, thorax with 4: tip of the I'-pper-nvings ftriate with white and black. Ocule, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Noa, 335 OcultM, Wings varied with brown and ferruginous with a pale kidney-fhaped fpot. Inhabits Snueden. Wings reddifh at the thin edge and brown at the thicker. Mjopa. Wings brownifli with a fulvous fpot in the middle with a white iris, and a kidncy-fliapcd one behind with a brown lunule. Inhabits Demnark ; fmall grey. All the nvings beneath cinereous. Flavicornis Upper-wings cinereous with 3 black ftreaks : antenna? pale yellow. Inhabits Europe, Clerk Icon. tab. S.Jig. 9, Lar'va naked greenilh with Vv'hite lateral dots ; head flclh-coloar. Clavaria. Wings brown with 3 waved cinereous ftreaks and a teftace- ous fpot in the middle, Inhzhits Austria. Wien. Verz. 72. 7, Upper iKings with 2 marginal whitifh fpots and 2 black dots in the teftaccous one ; lovuer-'ixiiHgi brown with white waves beneath, *Triplacia. Upper-wings with a double curve turning contrary ways and 3 glaucous fpots between them. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, tab. 298. Merian. Europ. tab. 97. Lar-va naked green with 2 brown tubercles on the back and one on the tail : pupa folJiculate rcddifh-brown. Jfclepiades, Wings glaucous, the middle darker with 2 curves turning contrary ways: fore-part of the thorax with 2 ocellar fpots. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verx. 91,2. Lar^a naked pale with black dots and a yellow lateral line. Variegata. Wings varied with pale orange and white: head and thorax inowy. Inhabits Italy. ^ Nodua Mixta. Fahricius, n. 356. Lnuer-'wings cinereous tipt with brown. Trijiis. Wings cinereous flightly waved with brown, the outer niargin dotted with black ; beneath pale with a brown band. Inhabits Sijceden. Uppcr.ix.nngs with a few fpots in which is a darker lunulc. • RuM. Wings grey with brown ftreaks and clouds and an ocellar ipot in the middle. Inhabits 336 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phala^na. Noa. Inhabits Europe. Dononian. \v tah. x 26. Albin. tab. 32. Merian.Eur. tab. 82. \-Vilks. pap, tab 3. a. I, Liywer-nuings and ahciomen pale brown. Larva hairy blackifh with white and red dots a'nd a yellow lateral line : pupa foHiculate brown, AlbocinSla. Wings black with white waves and (pots in the middle an- nulate with white. Inhabits Kiel. Body grey. Ridsns. Wings varied with green brown and white with a white fpot at the bafe and 2 waved (treaks: antennas yellowilh. Inhabits Germany. Head zrid, thorax greenifh fpeckled with white: upper ivings vnih ftreaks of white lines and black lunules towards the tip. * Exoleta. Wings lanceolate convolute clouded with brown and cine- reous with 4 white marginal dots. Inhabits Europe. Wilks pap. 8. tab. I. a. 18. Larn.'a naked green dotted, with a vvhitifli lateral line; p»pa naked reddifh-brown. Diperdita. Wings pale, the outer margin brown with 2 pale fpots. Inhabits Kiel. Antenna peftinate, fetaceous at the tip : thorax cinereous with a brown fpot each fide : upper-nxings with 2 pale dots between the fpots and a ftreak of minute black dots towards the tip : lonver-ivings pale with a black margin. yerbafci. Wings fcalloped indented pale yellow with brown margins. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii, tab 257. Mer. Europ. t^tb. 29. Wilhspap. tab. \. a. 15. Harris, tab. ^. Jig. a, d. Lo-xier-nvings pale brown with a white marginal ftreak. Larva naked grey with yellow and black dots : pupa folliculate rcddifh brown. Jfteris, Wings ftriatc cinereous with black margins, the exterior with 3 black dots. Inhabits Auftria. Wien Ferz. 312, 10. Antennae above white beneath ferruginous : upper-voings with a white lunulc on the thinner-margin : k-wer-iunigs brown with a white diCc and fringe. Chamomil' Wings lanceolate ftriate grey with 2 minute black central /<*'. dots, beneath immaculate, I/ihabits Aujlria. Wien, Ver%.. 73, 3. AntenKat INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalasna. Noa. 337 T*nacct'u LcKlucft. *Umhrati- Antenna ferruginous ; head brown with cinereous ftreaks : thorax with a black marginal ftreak before : abdomen with a few tufcs of hairs at the bafe : lower-, 4. Ihorax pale, tcftaceous before. Lay-ua naked with black yellow and whitifh dots and brownilh ftvize: head black. Lithoxylsa, Wings indented cinereous fpotted with brown, the hind- margin brown. Inhabits Aujina, on the Pear-tree. *! borax with a rufous dorfal line.: lower. \\% England. HaturJ. ri^. tab. \.Jig- 8. Upper-nuings with an obfolcte waved darker ftreak : loings cinereous with a brownifh tip. • Uncana, Wings brown with a whitilh outer-margin fending out a recurved branch in the midtiio. Inhabits Europe, Clerfi. phal. 3. tab. 7. Chkruna Vernana. Vahlian*. Fhmbana. 344 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalasna. Pyralh. Plumbana. Wings lead-colour with 3 ferruginons lines and large fpot at the tip. Inhabits Hamburg; half the fize of the laft. Upper-vjing' with a ftnall dot between the (econd and third lin«s. Sponfana. Wings grey with pale rufous fpecks. Inhabits ^«/?r;?, Merian. Eur. \.tah,\^» Jtaliana, Wings pale golden ; head fulvous. Inhabits Italy, Pyralis aurana. Fahricius. «. 21. Antennct whitiih: wz/fr-w/wfr immaculate. Tristana, Wings with cinereous and black waves and 2 waved white ftreaks. Inhabits Italy. Head black, mouth white : wings whitifti beneath. Burman- Wings pale with 4 white coftal fpots on the upper-pair. niana. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. T^x.tab. 372. H. /Tffli/ fcruginous : wings with a black hind margin. Pajquay. Wings ferruginous imtnaculate. atia. Inhabits Aujlria, Wien. Verz, 418, 21 » Head and thorax ferruginous : lower-wingt cinereous. TrifaJaanH. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Phalxna. PyraUs. 345 Trlfafciana WIn2;s white with 3 brown bands, the third dotted with black. Inhabits Italy. Body whitifh. Upper ivings with a few black dots on the band at the tip* I iia»a. Wings greenifh-brown with 3 oblique brown bands, the third marginal. Inhabits France. Dantic. Mem. {CAgric. 1786, tah, 4, Head brown : thorax brown with a grey glofs : loifjer-'wtn^^t brown. Lar'va greenifh with a black head and yellow fpot on the firfi: fegment; Pallidattat Wings pale yellow with 2 oblique ferruginous ftreaks. Inhabits Hamburg. Upper-ivings with a fcw ferruginous lines bchmd the bands. " Wines vcllow with red bands croflina; each other in the nana. ^ • i m middle. Inhabits England. Donovans EnglifJi Infers'. I. tab, 20. fig. I. Eody and h-wer-tjcings brjwnifh-grey, ,«lr,„in«^ Win^'; whitilli with 2 oblique brown bands, the firftabbre- viated, the other interrupted. InhalMls England. Lcvjo-.avings dufky. Cretana, Win?s white with 3 brown bands, the third abbreviated. Inh-thits Aufiria. IVien. Verz. 129, 3. Bo.ry large brown : lo^jjer-nxiings dufky, lactana. Wings cinereous; upper-pair with fcattered black dots. Inhabits Georgia. Body fmill fnow'/ : lovjer-vjings fuowy with a fmall black mark at the hind-margin. VscuJTana. Wings very finely barred with cinereous black and filvery, the tip with a black fubocellar fpot. Inhabits Germafif. Upper-ivlngs with a broader band in the middle fpotted with black and filver, behind a large cinereous Ipot inclofed by a double filvery line: loiver-ivings brown. '^-puHctana, Wings brown with 2 broad whitifh bands, the hinder-one with 2 black coftal dots. Inhabits Italy, Lozver'ivings dufky. VOL. III.--2 X Jmeriana. 346 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. PyraUs, JbMtiana, Upper-wings teftaceous with a common ferruginous fpot. On the Willow. Reaum. Inf. 2. tab 18./^. 6, 7, Maculema. Upper-wmgs brown with 4 black ferruginous dorfal fpots. Inhabits woods of Snueden. Wings brown fpeckled with cinereous, beneath all cinereous. * Fu/cana. Upper-wings brown immaculate. Inhjih'its Europe. Wien. Verz. 128, I. Hartman- Upper- wings grey with a black line in the middle joined t© niana. ^ white one. Inhabits £aro/^, Wien^Verx, l^X^'ifX, * Foruera- Upper-wings dull cinereous with 2 brown marginal fpots. na. Inhabits Englar.d. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/. Banks, Head and thorax brown immaculate. PilUrana, Upper-wings gold with 2 oblique brown bands. Inhabits ^«/?r/a. Wien. Ferz. 126,2. Large. Lonver^wings brown. Saldovana, Wings with white and brdwn waves and a broad black band in the middle. Inhabits Paris ; large. Head and thorax fpeckled with white and black, the latter with a black band and 2 dots : margin of the nvings with a black ilreak Cojtana, Wings pale teftaceous w^ith 2 brown coftal fpots. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Ferz, 127, 5. *Xylostta- Upper-wings teftaceous with an oblique brown band. na. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. In/. I. tab. 2j./ig. 9, lo. *Ministra' Upper-wings teftaceous with a rufous hind-margin, in th© na, ■ middle a ferruginous mark with a white line Inhabits Europe Clerk, phal. tab. z. fig. 12. Smidiiana. Wings flightly indented yellow with a brown band and ftreak. and white marginal fpots. Inhabits Germany ; large. Vpper-ivings yellow at the bafe, in the middle a broad band in which is a fmall ferruginous dor, behind this a waved brown ftreak, the hind-margin fpotted with white and brown : lonuer- ivings grey. Beneath all grey with z brown waved ftreaks- Servana, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Pyralts 347 Ser-vana. Upper-wings browniOi with a fulvous fpot in the middle, the bafe yellow. Inhabits Germany. . . • v • Vpper-^ngs a liulc gilt behind with fnowy fringe in which is a brown fpot : lower-ones cinereous. Lavigana. Upper-wings brown-teftaceous with a ferruginous fpot in the middle. Inhabits JuJIria, Wien. Verz.. 129, 12, Lower-wings brown with a ferruginous fpot at the tip. PJlugiana, Wings brown with a common dorfal fnowy curve and an- gle of the tail Inhabits Gtrmany. Upper-wings with a few fhort filvcry ftreaks at the thicker mar- gin behind : lower-wings blackifli, beneath cinereous. * Crystah- Upper-wings yellow-brown with dark (hades, a broad irre- na. gular white mark and a tuft on the centre. Inhabits England. Dono'van. iii. tab. JJ-fig- I, z. Head and thorax white, the latter with a brown band before : abdomen brownifli : upper-wings with a Ihort white ftreak at the tip : lo^wer-ones brown. * Udman- Wings dark grey with an angular common chefnut-brown niana. mark. Inhabits Europe. Dono'van. v. tab* 153. fig, 1 — 3. Larva rofy with white lateral fpots and black head and collar : pupa reddifh-brown* * Solandra- Wings pale, fubfafciate with white, with a common dorfal na. ferruginous fpot. Inhabits Europe. Degeer hf. i.tah. z^.Jig, 29, 30, The common fpot is furrounded with a white line. Larva cinereous fpeckled with black, head and firft fegment of the body brown, Rusticana, Wings grey with a common white fpot on the back. Inhabits France. Legs wr.ite. Variegaue. Wings white with a common dorfal brown fpot and hind^ margin. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 1 30, 6. Ueadzxidi thorax whtte : abdomen ycUowifti. Trapezana. Wings teflaceous with a common dorfal cinereous fpot in which are a few tellaceous ftreaks. 2 U 2 Inhabits 348 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phal^na. Pyralts. Inhabits Germany. Head grey : thorax teftaceous ; nxiings beneath cinereous. Lujcana. Wings pale with a brown band at the bafc common dor- fal fpot and mark at the tip. Inhabits Austria. Wten% Verz. 330. 7. Rib of the upper-nK'ings doited with brown : lovier-'wings brown* «/)/ an "^jj^gs p^ig vvith 1 oblique brown bands, angle of the tail with a blackilh fpot in which are 3 filver)-^ dots. Inhabits England, on the Abfinthium. Body cinereous : lo-wer-win^s brown immaculate^ atroemtana \\rjngs brown with 2 cinereous dorfal fpots. Inhabits Germany. Outer-margin of the upper-'wings ftriatewith white: lonver-ivings brown. *Zoegana, Wings yellow with a brown central dot, the tip brown with a yellow fpot. Inhabits Europe. Donouan. in. tab. lo6. fig. 2i Abdomen and lourr-ivifigj pale brown, *Hama»a.' Upper-wings yellow with a redifh-brown dot and hooked mark behind* Inhabits Europe. Harris, tab. l.fig. I. 2, This is probably only a variety of the laft. Cruciana. Wi,-,gs whitifh-alh with a curved ferruginous fpot behind. lni\?ibi\.s Europe. Wien. Ferz, 122. 3. Kaekritzia Wings yellowifh with a fingle ferruginous dot, *^* Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 1 27. i . Viburnana Upper-wings fliining grey-brown immaculate; lower-ones brown with a whitifti margin. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 128. 15. Cinerana. Wings dull cinereous immaculate. Inhabits Germany. Triangula- Wings varied yellow and brown with a yellow bafe and na. marginal fpots. Inliabiti ^/;.'^r/crt« ff.arJs. Xoat'fr-«u7V;_rj cinereous. Mar'rana^ Wings chcfnut-brown with a yellov/ outer margin in which are 2 chcfnut-brown bands. Ir.habits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalcena PyralU. 349 Inhabits American IJlands, Head and thorax variegated : })reitst and legs fnowy : ufper-^vlngs with a fmall ring in the middle, angle of the tail brownifh. *Ohliquana Wings cinereous with oblique fulvous bands edged with whi^e. Inhabits England ; large. Antennae flightly pe^,^g, l. Body and loiver-iuings pale brown. Wings brown with 2 filvery- red bands. Inhabits £aro/tf. Clerk phal. tab. \o. fig. 12, Wings grey with a marginal ferruginous fpot. Inhabits Europe : fmall. Upper-ivings with a few nmricate dots at the bafe. Wings reddifh-grey with a brown marginal fpot and white dot in the middle. Inhabits /^ajrfr/^. M'ien. Ferx. 129.8. Head and thorax brown : lo'ujer-'ujings cinereous. Wings yellowifli with 2 white waved ftreaks. Inhabits American JJlands. Loiver.. ly.fg, ^. ^, Hend filvery white : thorax varied with filvery and grey, crefted before; the 3 tubercles on the upper-iuings in a line half white and brown : lo-wer-wings pale brown with a black dot in tke middle. Vuplana. Upper-wings pale with 2 approximate black dots at the bafe. Inhabits Kiel. Wings beneath cinereous. ^ZfUMMna Upper-wings green with numerous raifed dots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. s. tab. l^T-fi-g. 7. Upper lutngs with numerous black dots Ihaded with white ,• iotu- er-tvings brown. Ramasutna, Wings greenilh with white raifed dots and a black lunule in the middle. Inhabits Germany, Abdomen cinereous with a brown lateral line : lavitr-iuimgs dark cinereous. BoroMA Wings varied cinereous and brown with irregular black raifed dots. Inhabits Suueden; large. Lower-Swings whitifh. ^StiSicana. Wings brownilh with a common white dorfal fpot in which. i« a black dot. Inhabi" INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. P^ralh, 355 Inhabits England, In the Colleflion of Mr. Francillm, Upper-iuings with a few indiftinft pale ftreaks at the tip which terminate at the rib in 4 white dots ; lomuer-iA/ingt brown. Uittranai Wings rhombic ; upper-pair greeij with irregular black marks Inhabits Germany. Hjhn, Beytr. J. tab, 2. G. margana Wings falcate emarginate at the rib, brown with reticulate dark lines. Inhabits England, Donovan, iii. lab. 1 06. fig, 1,5. Vpper-'ujings with fometimes a dark band. •Caudana Wings falcate emarginate at the rib, grey with a fulvous ftreak. Inhabits England. '^Seahrma Upper-wings cut off on the rib behind, rough cinereous (lightly barred with brown. Inhabits Englandy on the Oak. Body and lovjer-Kvings cinereous. '^^utrcana Upper-wings rofy with 2 fulphur coftal fpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan \\\, tab, lob.fg.^, Htad and thorax rofy ; lo'tver-ivings pale brown, Qrotiana Wings yellowifh mixed with fulvous, a broad brown band in the middle bifid towards the rib. Inhabits Hamburgh. Body yellowifh j abdcmcn gnd lov;er laingj brown. Pajkulliana Wings whitifh with a common black triangular fpot at the bafe. Inhabits Siveden. Tinea ramella. Linn. Sjjit z. Hind-margin of the icings brownilh. *Ocellat:a Wings cinereous with a red patch in the middle in which is a whitifh dot. Inhabits England. In the mufeum of Sir Jof, Banks, Body cinereous ; hind margin of the upper-nxiings dotted with black : lo^wer^wings white. Torjkah- Upper-wings yellow reticulate with ferruginous with a liana, brownilh patch in the middle. Inhabits £«ro/i^. Clerk, phal, tab. 10, fig. z* Wings beneath fine yellow. 2 Y 2 ^LoeJIingiana, 356 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Pyrali^. *LoeJlingi' Upper-vvings yellow reticulate with teftaceous, and marked una. with a double X. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, iii. lah. cjo. Lovjcr-H.vings Jea^-colour : ail bencatn brown, SuJphurana Wings yellow with 2 indented oblique brown flreaks and niimerous fpecks. Inhabits l^urth /hnerica. Body yeilow : abdomen white: lo^er-ivhip fnowy: beneath all white. Cintrana Wings. yellow with a cruciform brown mark in the mid- dle. Inhabits Paris. Lead Sind t hoi ax ycWow'x^ '. /cw^r 'Tv/kjj whitilh. ^Pergmari' Upper-wings yellow varied wilh orange and ^ filvery bands, manu. the third oifid. ln\\ibl\.% Europe. Domi'an. \,.tak. ^IJ-fg.i — 6. "Daldorfana Upper-wingsbrown tipt with gold. tnhah'iis Kiei ; Imall. Bod^ and lonuer-nxnngi and all beneath brown. *Tcatiana Upper-wings grey with a black fpot and 2 central dots, inhabits £«^/rt«rf'. ' . ■ Antennae black : iu^ cinereous ; itpper-fuolngs witli 4 or 5 blsck dots at the liind-mrgin. S-hmacher Upper-wings black with a white bar;d in the middle and rata. fpccks bv-^hiud. Inhabits woods ct Cfrwrtz/v. Jkad ind thorax black : (waigs hcnzaih b^rown with 4 white co- ital dots. Alilhaar- Upper-wings grey, the tip rufty-broun. I ^ihabits woods ot /)^/i»iV.v7j. Vpper-n.:ings brown-icrruf,ir.ou3 from the niitJdle to t/ie tip, with a cniercous maromal Itreak, dti' a. Mixtana. Wings^brownifh with a yellow bafe and marginal dots. luh;jbits Denmark. Boay y<:\\ovj\i\i : lo-zver ivirgs zT\d. all beneath brown. fenkkriana Upper-wings reticulate with cinereous and brown, at the tip a grey-brown fpot with 2 fiivcry iiicaks. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Pkalarna. Pyralis. 357 Iphabits Austria, Upper'nvings vvith a dark fpot in the middle in which are 2 brown rings. *j!j1roe- Wings whitifh ; upper-pair with a lateral rufty-brown fpot miana. j^ the middle. Inhabits ILurope. Clerk, phah tab. \O.Jig, l, Pa'voHana. Wings grey with » central fnowy dots and an incumbent tutt ot hairs at the bale. \r\hK\yi\.^ I ranquebar, Lciver-nuings white hyaline each fide. Fahriciana Wings blackiHi ; upper-pair with 2 white dots. inhabits Europe. Wien. Ver-z. 1 32. 7, *Nitidana Wings fhining brown with a broad filvery band in the mid- dle in which is a brown llreak. InivdVns E/ii^land. In the CoUeclion of Mr. Vrancillon. Upper -nxjtngs with an obfolete hlvery ftrcak or two near the tip: body and lonver-^ ings brown. *ITtgric&na Wings blackifli, the rib dotted with yellow, the tip with a black dot. Inh^bit- England, In the Colleftion ot Mr. Francillon. Body black ; upper-ixiin^s wich a filvcry-blue llreak near the tip: loaver-iviags brown immaculate. H'livrj^ia' Wings blackilli, all with a whitifh fubmarginal dot. w-s- Inhibits Gertnany. Body black. . Mjtierana Wings varied black and cinereous with filvery fpecks, a ci- ncrrvous ftreak behind and marginal chefnut-brown one. Inhabits Sweden. Lo-ojer-Kii>igs brown with an interrupted u'hite fireak. Beneath black with a White ftreak; abdomen black, edges of the feg- mcnts v.'nite. ^Parlana. Wings brown wath 2 black ftrcaks and chefnut-biown hi. id- margin. Inhabits Europe. Clerk, phal. tab. \o.fg. 9. *Co>iivaya' Wings rufly-brown with filvery dots and a yellowilli dor- '"^« fal fpot. Inhabits England: fmall. Upper nvings with zfmal] yellowini fpots dotted with brown at the thicker margin and a large common one in the middle : Joi'jcr.'^K.'ings blackifli. Bierf:am- 358 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phal«na. PyraJh, Bierlan- Wings varied brown and gold with cinereous ftrcaks, tHe 4lr«Ha. bafe with filvery lines, the tip with filvery dots. Inhabits Smoeden. Thunb. Inf. Suec. 24. tab. 1, Antennae annulate with white and black: thorax gold with a lateral filvery line : abdomen brown. Ahhrevia- Wings varied ferruginous and cinereous with an abbreviated so. brown ftreak behind. Inhabits Germany i fmall. Lcwer-ivings cinereous immacalate. Srhefiedti' Wings black with a common blueifh-filvery fpot ftreaks ^"w. and fpecks. Inhabits Rieh in Alder plantations. Antennae annulate with white and black. »/>^m the pine. Lawa 16 footed naked yellow with a rufous head : pupa folli* culate brown. Mediana. Wings brown with 2 yellow fpots. \r\\\z\i'n% Austria. Wien Ve^x. 128, 14, Body brown : /oiver-wings blackifh. Achatana* Upper- wings brown, the tip cinereous with 2 ferruginous fpots. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien, Verz. 131, 27. Rib of the uyper~'vjirgs dotted with white: loijoer-^ngs cinereous, Applana. Wings deprefled brown with 3 white central dots. Inhabits Kiel. Clerk phal, tah, 2. fig. 15. Ourer-margin of the upper-vjings ftriate at the tip: lonver'iuings and all beneath cinereous. •^/i^rwtfs- Wings flat pale with 2 black dots on the diflc. niana, \v\\\2h\ts England. Tn the coHeClion of Mr Francillen. Hind-margin of the upper-nvings dotted with black : loicer-iiuings imraacalatc. Beeherana, Wings deprelfed cinereous with a common black diflc at the bafe. Inhabits Denmark, on the oak. Antennae annuiatc with white and black : body cinereous. Umhellana. Wings flat ftriate grey with approximate black emarginats fpots on the dific Inhabit? France, on varioos umbellate p'ants. Hind-margin of the upper -n. MagnelLt. Wings oblonc; Oiowy i.nmaculate. inn3}its Europe. Dju^va^i^'vin. tab. 263. fig. 2. Scoiklla. Win^s ob'ong cinereous, whiii h b.fo.e, behind pale with a black waved ItrcaK. Clerk. ^bal, tab. 3 pg. \\. If^ien. ' erz. i\g,6z, l'6und ill tuc combs oi the /Jpii lajmau^. VOL. ill.— 2 Z GrandeUa. 362 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA: 73. Phal^na. Tinea, Grandella. Wings oblong cinereous, behind darker with a white dot and cinereous waved (Ircak. Inhabits Eaji India.,. Centuriella. Wings oblong cinereous with faint brown bands and a yellowilh fpot. Inhabits Austria, Wien Verz. 3 1 9, 63. Lmver-nvrngs cinereous edged with brown. *Panmrel- Wings oblong brown with a blackifh line down the middle ^^' and a few dots at the tip. Inhabits Enghnd. Doncvan. iii. tab. xod, fig. 4. Lonuer-tuings blueifh-hyaline with a deep fringe. SpiJJicelU. Wings oblong grey: 2 lower joints of the antennae thicker. Inhabits Kiel. Thorax cinereous creft^d behind ; nvings paler in the middle, with a f.w black dots. Gri/ella. Wings oblong dull cinereous immaculate: head fulvous. Inhabits Paris. Body entirely cinereous. Trutuella Wings purplifh-brown with a white line in the middle ia which is a blacki'.h fpot. Inhabits England. Dono-uan. ii. tab, 58. _/f?. I. Body and /o,. fig. k, m. Lar'va gregarious naked grey, the fegmencs with a black dot each fide : pupa folliculate yellowilh. flumbella, Upp^r-wings lead-colour with ^ brown tip fpot in the middle and numerous dots. Inhaoits Amtria. Wieij,, Vtrz. x 39, 34. * Lamdella. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phal^ena. Thea, 363 *lamdella. Upper-wings yellow-brown with a dark triangular fpot terminated by a detached fmall dot. Inhabits England. Dono'van. ii. tab. ^7./g. 1. Lonxier-afolliculatc red-brown. Uivella. Wings and body fhining filvcry : antennas the fame co- lour Inhabits Eaji India, TriHella, Upper win^js grey-brown immaculate. Inhabits /Austria. M-.ejt. f erz. 134, 17. Boa'v grey brown; lo-zver-ivi/igs cmcvQOUs, *-Car»eI/a, Upper -wings rofe-colour with yelloWiOi anterior and pro- ft.rior margins. Inhabits Europe. Donsvan.Vi tab. 153 fig, 5. Daphnella Upper-wings cinereous, the rib unequally purplifh, in the midale 2 fuboctllur black dots. Inhibits .4»/?r/a; IVien. Terz 136. 7. Headend thorax \\hitifh : hind margin of the tipper-iJiings dotted ui:h black : iciver-i'iirigs cinereous. L ftort&i.m Upper- wings grey with a teftaceous ftreak in the m'kldlc, the rib unequliy ttiiaceous. • . Inhabits L ntlnnd. Upper-'votngt 366 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna. Tinea. Upper-^ving! grey fpeckled with brown, the hind-margin with ill very fringe. Sirigella Upper-wings yellowifh-afh with a marginal filvery flreak. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Ver%. i 24. 8. LoiL-er-ivings grey- brown with a marginal filvery ftreak. Barbtlla Wings cinereous ftriate with brown ; feelers projcding, as long as the antenna:. Inhabits Italy. Antennae pedinate . loiuer-iulngs brown. Hattorfella Upper-wings grey the thicker margin white : feelers pro- jeding thickened. Inhabits Germany , Wien Ferz. 319. 65. Upper-wings with. 2 minute dots in the middle : lower-ivings cinereous. Mucronella Wings lanceolate cinereous with a brown fillet. Inhabits iuliria. M^ieu. Ferz. l'^6. /\.^. Feekrs projedling : lo-wer-wings whitifh. Tejerella Wings teffellate with brown and white ; head pale tellace- ous. Inhabits Saxony, Lonver 'win^shrov/n, Nigreha. Wings brown ; body black ; abdomen rufous. Inhabits Denmark. Abdomen rufoui> at the fides and tip. Maureila, Upper-wings deep black ; body blackilli. Inhabit! //5f/?n«. Wien. Ferz. 142. ii. ^aJrella Wings black with 4 white dots : body black; head and tail white. Inhabits Italy. Lon-K-er-nvings ^vlW cinereoui: legsh\^c\ annulate with white. Jtrella, Wings and body black bronzed ; tip of the lower-ones and tail teftaceous. Inhabits Italy. Legs bbck, Fiduella^ Upper-wings black with 3 fnowy bands, the middle one in- terrupted : head and thorax fnowy. Inhabi:s Lapland. Ab.dotncn black annulate with white. Lu7U. ' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalarna. 7'tnea. 367 Lttgubrella Upper-wings black with 2 white bands, the firft abbrevia- ted : head white. * Inhabits Lapland. Thorax black : polilerior band lunate. l^ariellat Upper-wings black with a white liaeatthe bafe 2 dots and 2 abbreviated bands. Inhabits Italy. Antenntg black: head zvl\ thorax (nowj: loioer-ivings and all be- neath duiky. uinella Upper-wings grey with a faint ferruginous fillet and 2 cen- ' tral fuboccllar dots. Inhabits Jufiria.. Wien. Verz. 135. 30. Abdomen ferruginous : loiuer -'wings cinereous. lagelU, Upper-wings grey with brown ftreaks andfpccks. Inhabits jdufiria. Wien. Verz. 1 34 34. Male, Wings %reY with a brown ftreak before and behind and 2 dots in the middle. Female, upper-nuings lanceolate darker fpeckled with brown. W ^ ^ Wings grey with a divided white line and waved filvery itreak behind. Inhabits Eajl India, Loiuertwings and all beneath fnowy immaculate. *Gramella Wings cinereous with 2 angular brown ftreaks and margi- nal filvery one Inhabits England; fmall, Auricella nowy ; wings with teftaceous ftreaks : firft joint of the antennce with a projecting tuft of hairs. Inhabits P-na'ty ; fm.dl. , HfaJ 'dxx^ tbjrux^TZ) X lower tvingshr own, Flav'tfron- Unper wings cin reoiis immacdate : head fulvous. tellu. In Inf db a id f jaihers. Wten A'tfrz. 143, 22. •Af*//i>w//« W'ings grey, the hind part pnrpliih with a white ftreak : Ifcutel black tipt wi-h white, Domvan viii. ta^f. 283. Raes. ^.tah. 41. Found in bee-hives where it infuatci ulelf among the cells and fubfifts on the loney. Lurid na^r/a foilicttlate obtufe brown. ArctlJat Wings fnowy with a common brown curve and 2 marginal fpots. Inhibits Germany: fmall. HeaJ and thorax Inowy • upper .ivings with a few faint dots to* wards the tip : Uwer -ivi /igs znd all beneath cinereous. *CurtifeUa Upper- wings and thorax white fpotted and fpeckled with brown ; lower-wings andbody pale brown. Iniiabits i£'/;^/fl//^. Donovan, W, tab. 6^. fig, \. *Maiultl' Snowy ; wings with a large black marginal fpot and tip* la. ' Inhibits Paris. Head and thorax fnowy ; antenme black : hind-margin of the Mppir-ixings interrupted by black : loivtr -wings brownifh. VOL. III.— 3 A . *ArbuteiU, 37© INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalsna Tineg. *Arbutella Wings rufous with filvery ftreaks,the middle onesbifid. Infiabits Norther*n Europe, on the Arbutus. *Mcrginel- Upper- wings rufous with broad white margins. *''^» Inh^hm England. Doti'.'van. \\, tab. 58.^^.2. Bc^y and /(nver-ivivgs whitilh. *Tefe//a. Wings black with 2 very remote tefTellate bands. Inhabits Europe. The bands white fpeckled with brown. *C/a ^Upper-wings linear grey with 4 brown dots. Inhabits Europe. WUn. Ferz. 144, 40. I'fuUl/a. Wings grey-brown with a waved white line in the middle and band behind. Inhabits Germany. *Ctn3eIla Wings black ; upper-pair Avith a filvery flreak. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Ferz. ^19. 97. FunertRa Wings black, the thinner-margin white at the bafe with 2 "black dots. Inhabits Justria. Head with a black dot : thorax white with 3 black dots : lon/jcr' ivings black, white at the bafe. *Lsucatilla Wings blackifti with 2 white bands, the poflerior one fain- ter ; head white. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr. 3. tab. i. B. Bifafciella Wings (hining brown with 2 white bands, the hinder in- terrupted ; head rufous, Inhabits Denmark. Loiuer-'wings cinereous. *Strobild- Wings waved with brown and filvery \ lower-ones brown la, edged with white On theftrobilcs of the fir. Clerk, phal. tab. iz^fg. 10. Striatella Wings grey-brown : upper-pair with white lines J lower- ones fringed immaculate. Inhabits Auflria. Wicn. Verz, 135, 26. PeilmelU , Wings grey with a whiter dorfal curve gnd dot. Inhabits 6' w^ ;//?«. Fer^cle dzrkzr, z-^nftella Wings grey-brown with a marginal white dot. Inhabits Hamburg ; fmail. Lt'-Mer-'vj'tngs and all beneath cinereous. 3 A 2 ^-punaala' 372 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaliena. Tinet. 4fuH^ella Wings brown with 2 whitidi dots. Inhabits Germany. ^ien» rerz. 140. 60. lo-guttella Wirtgs gloffy-black with 5 fnowy dots, 2 of them common: htad tulvous Inhabits Pans j fmall. Thorax black : WMtr-'wlngs brown ; legs white. %-funBtlla. Wings fliining-black with 4 fnowy dot?. Inhabitb Saxom. Head ma thorax whitifh : lonver-'wings blac'', a *DodeceIIa Grey dotted with b'ack ; wings with pile bands and 3 pair of brown dots Tn t^e (hoots of the p'rif, Drp^eer. 1, tvA. Zt. fi^, 2Z. 2^. Larva 16 footed fmooth ferruginous: pitpa foUiculate conic fer- ruginous. *nnWel/a Wings greeni h with white dots and 2 interrupted chef- net-bands. Inhibits England In the Colledion of Mr. Francil'or, Jiodjh\dick : head fen ginous. Antennella Wings gloffy-black immaculate; antennae yellow. Inhabits Ita^yi imali. *Comhrella Wings brown thickly fpeckled with whitifh. Inhabits Europe^ on the Pine. IVieH. Verz, 186, 39. Olfcurella Wings obfcure brown fhining immaculate. Inhabits .'^'au^tfV/i ; fmall. *Fufcella. Wings grey-brown with 2 black dorfal dots. inhabit Earofe,in Gardens. ypun£ielia Wings cinereous with 3 brown dots on the difk. Inhabits Aufiria. Head thorax and tail ferniginou?; : dots on the txivgi, 2, i. tbc hind-margin dotted with black, 6-pun£iella Wings cinpreous with brown bands and 3 black dots. Inhabits lia^y- Body black, ■* • Hind-margin fringed and terminate ly black dots, La£leella» Wings clear white witha brown hind-margin. Inh bits fh rubs 'jf.^ca/^ ^f»j^r/>^. Body fnowy : anter.r.a annulite with white and black : head fnowy wvKh fulvous down on tlic nape. *CintrcUa INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phal^na. Tinea. 373 ^Cinfrella Wings grcy-browo glofly immaculate. \m\a\yii% Lurcpe, Wun Verz, 138.25. Braaeella Wings black with a fulphur bafe and marginal fpot. Inhabits Europe. Clerk phaL tab M.jig.^. jintenme bldck, white before the tip. Z^va ilighcly h^iry 1 4 footed, ^f«^ and /«// brown : found un- der the bark of the Carpinus. Cu/pidella. Upper-wings black with a yellojvifh dot and 2 lumiles. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 140, 58. Rodj black ; l tip fringed with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. fab. 175. Body and lovuer-vjings blackifh. •Sccpolella. Wings black with fcattered white dots : aivtennnje annulate- with white. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Ferz. 1 38, 1 2. Stramella. Wings black with 4 filvery dots and 4 yellow marginal" fpots. Inhabits Norivay, Antenna black tipt with white; lo^wer-'winos black. *GIeichelIa Wings flat black with a filvery biand in the middle and 2 oppofite fpots at the tip. Inhabits ^wf/wW. Wien. Ferz.. 144, 34. Body black with a filvery glofs : lonjjer^iMiugi cinereous. Cydoniella. Wings gilt with a white line at the bafc and 4 pair of dots. Inhabits Aujiria, Wien Ferz. 144, 35. Sparrman- Wings glofly-violet with numerous gold dots and a larger-. "^^^^' one at the thinner-margin. Inhabits Peris, Linn Iran/, i. 197. tah. If. Jig. 6, 7. La^er-nuings and all beneath gold-violet. ^J^ediella, Wings black, the tip fulvous with interrupted filver ftreaks. Inhzhhi Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. \2.Jig. iz. Loaver-ivings black edged witJi white. Herma nvella. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Philsna. Tima 377 Herman- Wings gilt with a filver ftrcak at the bafe and 3 lines on -itell** the elide, the tip brown. Inhabits //(jw^arg- ; fmall. i£«U(fr-'u//K^/ brown. *RoefelU. Wings black-gilt with 9 filvcry convex fubraarginal dots. Inhabits jEwro^f. Clerk, phai tab. \Z JJg 13- Larnjn 14-footed yellow with a teftaceous head ; /k/;x naked oblong reddilh -brown. *teinx:en- Wings gilt with a filvery (Ireak at the bafe and \ oppofite hockella. dots. Inhabits Europe, Wien. Ferz. 141, 7. Antennai black, white before the tip. *MyIIereUu Wings gilt with 2 filver flreaks at the bafe and 3 lines near the tip. Lihabits £«rij/>f ; fmall. *Lriineelia. Wings brown-gilt with 4 raifcd' filvery dots. Inhabits ^//rc/i/f. Clerk. pbal. tab. \l,fg, 8. Antenr.cke white at the tip. ^Rayella. Wings gilt wiih,7 filvery fpots, the fecond and third united. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. l.fab. ii'_fig. 11,12. Larva pale, head with a teftaceous dot each lidc .• fupa oblong with a toothed fpine, within a foUicIe covered on the outfide with its excrements. *%chrebt- Widgs gilt with 2 filvery bands at the bafe and 2 fpots at ^^^^^- the tip. Inhabits England; finall, polifhed. Klcman- Wings gilt with 4 filver flreaks, the 2 hind-ones interrupted, '^^ and a terminal black dot. Inhabits ^aw/^^rw; fmall. Thunber- Wings gilt with a purple fpot at the tip. gelU. Inhabits /"r^arf. i'cd^ fmall ydlow. Upper-nvings with a purj^le patch at the bafe; lofvier'tvings %\\t immaculate. Harri/d. Wings filvery-giit, the tip obtufe parched and fubocellat*. Id. T ' 1 • T' - * Innabns r^urope. 'ings filvery-brov inhabits Cgrmany. l)rurcUa» -»tt. ,-, , . , , , , ... Wings lilvery-brown with a gold band behind. VOL. UL— 3 B Jntenme 378 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Tinea. Antenna as long as the hody. black tipt with white.- the gold band terminated each fide by a clear filvery ftreak. •Cram- Wings filvery with oblique marginal brown lines and 9, rella. black dot at the tip. Inhabits Englami, very fmall, Horttlln, Wings fhining filvery wih 3 yellow bands, the third in- terrupted, and a black line at the tip. Inhabits Paris. Bodj fmall fnowy. •Blancar. Wings gilt with a filvery line at the tip and 7 marginal fpotf. iella. Inhabits England ^ fmall. u • i ri Antenna above brown, beneath filvery : thorax gold with a Jilvef border : loujer-'wings filveryj Ferfierella. Wings brown-gold with a filvery dorfal curve and mar- ginal lines, at the tip a black fpot with a filvery pupil. Inhabits //fl/w^a*"^ » fmall. Syringtlla. Wings gilt with various white ftreaks, the hind-ones edge4 with black. Inhabits Germany, on the Syringa; Bod^ fmall cinereous : antennae as l&ng as the body, Fihuklla. Wings red-gold with a common yellow fpot. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Vtrz, 143, 33. minute. ExigueJla. Upper-wings grey varied with brown and cinereous, with ;k white ftreak. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz, 143, 21. minute. AurtlU, Wings gilt, behind black with a. filvery band. Iwhzh'Ms Germany. Wien. ^erz, 142, g. The leaft of its genus. Head white, front ferruginous. CUrieffa. Wings filvery, flightly tailed behind with brown ftreaks and a black dot. Inhabits A^or/i>^r« Ewro/^; very minute. Body filvery : abdomen brown : iowtr-wings filvery. Beneath brownifh. *L$thneUa Apterous, fmooth, black. On various Lichens. Degesr. 2. tab. \\. fig- » — Z* , rj • Lar-va i6.footed fmonth grey thicl-ened behind, inclofed in ft. trianguUr prifmatic follicle made of agglutinated fand. AlucitM. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalasna. Ahultg. 375 Alufita. Tinea, Gmelin. XylofieUa. Wings grey-brown with a common finuate white dorfal fillet. Inhabits Euriope, Rets. Inf. \. pbal. J^ tab. lo, Capitella» Wings black with a white finuate dorfal fillet and 2 margi- nal dots. Inhabits /American IJlands^ Thorax fnowy, the fides black: aKttnnat black; lowtr-nxingt brown. Iphippella, Wings pale gold with a fnowy dorfal fillet in which \i a gold band. Inhabits Europe, Wien Verz» 141, 75. Tbtntella, Wings brown, the tip grooved with a common white i* toothed fillet. Inhabits Earc/ff. Wien. Verz. 136, 50, HeaJ and thorax fnowy, ferrugiHous at the fides. Larva glabrous green with a purple dorfal line : papa yellow, in a fufiform follicle open at each end. Bylvdia, Wings yellow-gilt with 2 objique brown bands. Inhabits (Jtrmany. NemtrelU. Wings yel low ifhr green ; upper- pair with 2 abbreviated dorfal darker ftreaks. . Inhabits Paris. Head and thorax yellowifh-green : upper-ivings with a few fmall black dots at the bafe and tip : lo-iier-'w/ngs brown. Lucella. Wings yeHow immaculate: head and thorax fnowy^ Inhabits ^ot-v^V*, H^ien. Ferx. 135,19, Alpella. Wings yellow with olive fpots: head aud thorax yellow, lahabits j/«/frz«. fr/ftr. ^^ra;. J35, 21. Fh'vella, Wings brown-gold with an abbreviated yellow fillet and fpot. In old oak wood. Wien Verz. 140, 1. The larua remains 3 years before its metaniorphofis. Vittella. Wingscinereous with a black dorfal fillet and hind-margin. Inhabit! Germany. Clerk. pM. tab, 3. Hg. 10. t B ?• NyflemerelU. 38o INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phal^na. Aluclta. UyHemerd' Upper-wings fnowy -with a common dorfal indented black A», band and collal fpots. Inhabits Au!i>ia. Wien. Verz. 130. 38. Head And thorax whi:e: upper nutngi with ablackifh patch at the bale, in the middle a large fpot with a white dot, then a trnf- verlc and nearly double Ipot and line at the tip : lo^duer-nvings brown; Maca/e/Ia Upper-wings brown-gold with a fnowy codal fpot at the oafe. Inhabits Saxovy, Body white ; louver -ivings cinereous, *Margintl- Upper-wings pale brown with fnowy margins. ^' Inhabits England. . Bono-van. ij. tab. ^S.Ji^. 2. Head Cnowy : antenna brown : Liver -things whitiih. Echiel/at Witigs brown with a common indented while band : thora'^ fnowy with 2 black dots. Inhihns Germany. Hy>n. B'-ytr. 4.. tah. i. B. Abdomen yellow : upper-nxings with a Ilreak of black dota at the tip : louuer-iAiing^ white Lar-va olack with a fulvous dorfal line dotted with black, a ful- voUs one on the fides, all edged with white. *G-raneUa Wings varied with white and black: head fnowy. Remum hf. 3. tah. 20 fig. 14. 16. [jaker. Micr. i. x-^ f. 13. Foun^i in corn-lofts, where it devours the grain and caufes it ts cling tngrther ; in winter craw Is up the ualU. hari)a i6-footed raked white with a reddifh head: pupa follica- late chelnut-brown. BeluJiiteUa Wings whitifh, the tip varied with brown. Inhabits Siveden, on the Boletus bctulinus. *Ni'veUd Wingv fnowy with a black band between 2 marginal fpots : head white. Inhabits England, Lctver-ivings cinereous, Lnpelld. Wings pale with a black dt t, the tip afcending. Clerk. Phrl tah. ll-fig-^. IVien. rcrz, 14.Z. iz. In the heads of the Bwdock, among the fsedj. VfrftciUa. Upp{ r-wings emarginate fiilphr.r with abbreviated darker ftreaks. Inhabits Auftria. IVien. Fer^, 319. 67. flead and t horsx yellow; eibdciitctt cinereous : /(yiver-ivings c'l' nereous fringed witli white. FariellA' INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. //«./m. 38c Variilla, Upper-wings black fpotted with yellow. Inhabit^ Saxony. Body and /oawr-iivw^j, black. *Aj}erella, Upper-wings emarginate at the tip, whitifli with 2 coin- mon blackilh fpots. Inhabits £"aro/f. H ieu. Terz. x^S. 46. Dorfellv, Upper-wings cinereous fpeckled with brown, a common whitifh patch in the middle with 2 black dots. Inhabits Saxony. Loivcr-fella "'nowy ; wmgs reddifh-gold with a white coflal fpot at the bafe dotted with brown. Inhabits England. U^per.'ivings with a white mark at the angle of the tMh Ic^Mer-ixiiHgs cinereous immaculate. Coluteua Wings yellow, the outer and inner margins fnowy. Reaum. Inf. "i^.tab. \ \.fig. I — 4. Inhabits France, on the Colutea arborefcens ; forms an incurved follicle of the baric. Htad ZT\6. thora:t: fnowy : antennae black annulate with white : /iztw-i'.v^rg-j black deeply fring;d. IBarharella Snowy ; wings black with a fnowy outer-margin. Inhabits Barbary. Aluctta kacclla, Pabric: n^. z^. Abdorr.:n7Kx\a ic"v:$r 'vj!>i?s black : Ifs white. Mtdiella. Wings tcflaceous with a large fnowy coilal fpot. Inhabits Woods of German)) ; imall. Hiiid ysWow : Jo-zver--vi-n^s cinereous. *Sca''re!/a Wings grey-brown with black railed roiigh dots. Inhabits Ei^rope. IVicn. Ferz. 319. 68: Upper -wirngs emarginate at the tip. _*Ar:lfeHa Whitiih ; wings with a fiivery line. Inhabits Europe. Bony round linear. Caudclla Wings (lightly tailed, teftaceous with a brown line be- hind. Inhabits Souiheni Europe. $n7t(nh(v. Wings emarginate brown with a filvery fillet in the mid- peda, die. Inhabits Austrln. Zs^^.'^'r-ttv/z^"/ cinereous. la the fillet are a few brown lines. Sv:a:n^ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA^ Phalsean. 73. Aluc'tta. 382 *S'wam-' Wings pale immaculate : antennx very long. ' tnerdam- Inhabits Eurofe. Clerk. phaL tab, iz.Jig.i. mella. Panxerdla Wings pale minutely reticulate with brown : head fulvous; antennae v/hite and very long. Inhabits Italy. Lonuer-'wings cinereous. Pilella. Wings brownifli immaculate ; antennas very Ioi)g. Inhabits Austria. JVien, Vera, 142. 6. Antennae whitifli, yellowifti at the bafe. * Robertella y/\j^g^ brown, angle of the tail white; anteni)» very long. Inhabits Europe ; fmall. •Fri/chella Wings brown-gold ; antennae moderate tipt vrith white. Inhabits ^aro/f. Wien. Verz,. 319. 82. Erxlehella, Upper-wings brown-gold ; lower-ones black : head ful- vous : antennae moderate. Inhabits Gottingtn, Antennae '^iW^, *CaltbeUa Black ; upper-wings gold head ferruginous. On the flowers of the Caltbapalnjlris, PaykulJella Wing§ reddilh-coppery, the bafe band in the middle and fpot at the tip yellow-gold. Inhabits Italy ; minute. Antennae fliort black : head inhom : /eiver'iaingthro'wn, Promuie/U Upper-wings brown-gold ; lowerToncs yellow edged witk black ; antennas moderate. Inhabits yfai/r/«, JVien. Verz. 1 42, 17.. ^ *De£eere/la Wings black-gold ftriate with yellow, in the middle a, yellow band f lower-wings brown : antennae very Inhabits Europe. DsnO'van.v'm. tab, iSj.Jig. i, 2. The yellow lines on the upper-nxjings are fometimes v/anting. *Podella, Wings black-gold ftriate with yellow, in the middle a pale band; lower-ones purple ; antenna very long. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tal>. z^'J.fg. 3, 4, *Sul%eUa, Wings black-gold, with a gold band : antennx very long. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Alucita. 383 Inhabits Europe, Wten, Fer%. 1 23, 24. Probably the fame or a variety of the laft. Vtndella. Wings green-gold ; body black : antenna; long white. Inhabits Aujlria. Witn. Verz. 142. 4. •Reaume- Wings black, bronzed outwardly ; antennas very loag. rella. Inhabits Europe, JVten. Verz. 143. 22, Antennae white, black at the bafe. Cut>rella. Wings (hining red-copper : antenna: very long. Inhabits Aujlria, Wieu. Vera. 330. 44. *Fafcima Wings gilt with a brown band : antennas tipt with white. Inhabitb England, Witn. Verx., 142. 20, *Sulpburel- Upper-wings gilt with 2 oppofite fulphur fpots; lower-oneS /«• yellow. Inhabits England. Antenna moderate black : thorax brown. Ferme/e/U Upper-wings ferruginous-yellow with 2 oblique abbreviated white Itreaks, the hinder-one larger. Inhabits Au^ria, IVttn. Verx.. 1 40, 47. w/«^?«»af annulate with white: upper-wings varied with yellow and ferruginous ; leiuer-njuimgs brown. Bentella, Wings dull cinereous with an indented brown fillet in the middle. Inhabits American IJland, Body foiall cinereous : legs white, ^'■**'^ "'' Wings dull cinereous with 2 brown coftal fpots. Inhabits American Iflands, Wings imcumbent. Minutella, Wings whitilh with 3 brown bands. Inhabits American Idands : fmall, Ftsticella, Upper-wings whitifh with 2 brown fpots, the tip yellow. Inhabits 4ujlria. JVien. rer». 319, 80. ^mal!; Head (nowy : lotvermivings brown. *X)ppoJitella Wings brown with 2 yellow oppofite fpots \ lower-oncTs- brown. Inhabits England. Wings incumbent, Pterophorus. Alueita ofGmelin, ^Monodac. Wings expanded linear undivided. ^ ' Inhabits Europe, Reaum, Inf. 1. tab. 20. fg, 12—16. Ocirtr- 384 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. PUalaena. PUrtpK Ochrodac" Wings expanded lineaT undivided ; upper-pair ^rey, lowcr' t-jla. ones black. Inhabits .4ullria, Wiefi. Fsrz, 145. I. Ahdomeu reddiih at the bai'e : 'wttigs immtculate. *Dida8yla Wings cleft, red-brown vrith white ftrcaks, upper-pair bifid. Inhabits Europe, Merian. Eur. ttt/>. 2 2. Schaeff. Ic. /. 93./". 7. Larva 16 tooted fafciculate green : pupa elongated with 2 dor-' fal lines of4-fpineu tubercl&s. CalodaSyla Wings- cleft brown ; upper-pair fubfalcite with fulvbu'3 fpots ; lower-(ines :^-parted. Inhibits Austria. iFien Verz. 146! 4. Upper. nvings grey -brown,, the tip darker with a large fulvous fpot^ the inner margin indented ; lo'wer'uiingi black: legs aanulate wiih white. Leucoda^j' Wings cleft; t>pper-pair bifid, cinereous fpottcd with white: /«. • lower-ones trifid : legs white. Inhabits paftures ofScmh America. Body brown fpottcd with white : Icnxier-'wingi brdWn. fridaSlyla Wings cleft ; upper-pair bifid wKite ; lower-ones 3-parted brawn. ,- .: / Inhabits Europe. AM. Ssc. Nat. Hifi. Bsrol. .j,^* l./^. 8. RhododtiC' Wings cleft yellowiOi with white ftrcaks-';- upper-pair bi» '->''**• fid, lower-ones trifid. ■■, Inhabits ^Sajro;/)-, Wien.. Verz. \\(i. l. Two anterior rays of the /o-u'(fr-<«;z>^j yellowifH, the third white with a ferruginous fpot before the tip: ^•<^, ferruginous : lideaiin of the thorax yellow ifh. *7f(^*m^ Wings expanded cleft clouded with cinereous; lowcr-onc« da£tyla. cloudtd with brown.. Inhabits Europe, Wien. Verz. 1 46. 7. ? *Pierodac- Wings extended cleft, tcfiaceous with a brown dot, O*^^* Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr, i . tab. 4. U. Laj-va flightly hairy blae with a purple dorfal line, Al&odacfy/a Wings fnowy ; uppep-pair cleft fpotled with brown, lower-ones 3-parted immaculate. Inlubits France ; Imall. Mi^e^dac- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalzna. Pureph. 385 MigadaSly- Wings cleft whitifh fpotted with brown ; upper-pair cleft, ^'^' lower-ones 3-parted brown. Inhabits Austria. IVien, ^erz I46. 8. Legs white fpotted with brown. ^Penta '-c- Body and wings fnowy ; upper-pair bifid, lower-ones 3- tyla, parted. , Inhabits Europe, Dcn(n>att,\v.tah. 1 10. Ammir, tab. 23. Lar^a i6-footed hairy green with black dots and a white dorfal line .' pupa, hairy green dotted with black. *Hexadac' Wings cleft cinereous fpotted with brown, all of them 6- tyla. parted. Donovan iv, tab. 136. Harris. Inf. tab. i. fig. 7. inhabits Europe, on the Loniccra Xyloltcum or Honev-fuckle, and is a moll elegant and beautiful inic(ft. It often flics in at our windows in a ftill evening. Vol. iii.—^ c order. 386 INSECTS NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. ORDER IV. NEUROPTERA. Wino-s 4, reticulate with veins: tail unar^ med. 74. LIBELLULA. Mouth armed with jaws, more than 2 in number; lip trifid : antennae very thin, fiUform, and fliorter than the t\\o\'ei\: wings expanded: tail (of the male) furnilhed with a forked , procefs. Dragon-Jly. This is an extremely ravenoui tribe and are generally feek ho- vering over ftagnanr waters : the lnrn>ae ire 6-footed, aftive, inhabitants of the water, furniflied with an articulate forcipa- tcd mouth; and prey with the mcft rapacious forccity upon aquatic infers and the la rvje of others : the /»/» iclcmblcs the larva but has the rudiments of wings, A. ff^rtgs expanded when at reji. a. Dorfal dlvijion of the Up very minute. *^-maeula- Lower-wings at the bafe and all in the middle on the forc- tti, part with a blacktfh fpot : abdomen depreflcd downy. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inj. b.tab. l^^fg. I. z. ^Deprejfa AH the wings blackifh at the bafc : abdomen deprefTed, yel- lowifli at the fides. Inhabits EuttfCm E awards ta^, 333. ^ale, Ahdumen blue-grey with yellow fides. Donovan iii tal). 81. Female ,^^d'-»7f« r.ddifh brown with ycllow marks. Dcnonjan. i. tab. 24. iijr'ya grey brown. Donovan, \l. tab. ^1^. tr • J AH the wing^s hyaline with a ferruginous fpot at the bafc and band m the middle. ta. Inhabits C«r«//« at'. Yellowifh ; wings with abrown fpot, the tip brown with z'nt. ' ^ fnowy ftigma. Inhabits New Holland. In the Mufeum of Sir ^^ Banh, Abdomen with black lines : wngs hyaline. Oculata, Yellowifh ; upper- wings hyaline at the tip, lower-ones at the margin, with a fnowy ftigma. Inhabits Keiu Holland •„ much refemblcs the laft. IndicM, Wings varied with yellow and brown; and white at the tip, lower-ones with a blue fpot at the bafe. Inhabits India Drury inf 2. tab. 46. fg, I. Body brown : tip of the ou/'w^i hyaline. Aiurcia» Bronzed ; wings whitifh fpotted with brown, lower-ones ydlow at the bafe. Inhabits Ituiia. Drury, Ivj, 2. tab. 45. ^g. 3* »//-;/- Wings white : elevated veficular front and thorax yellov/ k cltculofa, ? , * ^ '^ ' immaculate Inha-bits America ; large. Abdoiyien cylindrical, the fegmcnts pale at the bafe and black at the tip, tail with cylindrical fcales. * Rubicun- i^ower-wings only blackifh at the bafe: body fquare. ^ Inhabits Europe, Roes,lnJ'.2. aquat. 2, tab^ I'f^Z- 4" 3 C 2 In 388 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. In oneyf;f the back is fpotted with red, in the other with yel- low. •Vukati" Thorax yellow with 8 black ftreaks. /Bma. Inhabits Europe, Roe/, Inf. z.aquat. 2. tab. $-Jig. 3. Ok/cura' All the wings ferruginous : body dufky. Inhabits America ; fize of L. fiaveola. Abdomm cylindrical : nuings with an oblong brown marginal dot. Vulgata. "Wings hyaline imnlaciilate; abdomen cylindrical rufous. Inhabits Europe. Reef. hj. 2. aquat» 2 tab^ 8. Sihiriea, Wings hyaline with a tranfverfe broad ferruginous band towards the tip : body reddifh Inhabits Sz^f^m. Lepec/j It. i.tab. ^.fg.2,. S'nuata Wings flat, longitudinaly finuat^ and black on the thick- er margin with a white ftigma. In the hrifijk Mujeu7n, Body blueifh, tCanceilata Wings immaculate at the bafe ; back and fides of the ab- domen interrupted by yellow. Inhabits Europe. Pedetnonta' Wings flat cinereous with a brown band at the tip. na. Inhabits /rc/v. Sulz.. Hift. Inf.tab. Zi^. fg. \. ? Smail. ^(7d'y obfcurc yellowifli. Fafciata, Wings fla^ brown with a white flreak. Inhabits India. Degcer. Jnf. 3. tab. zG.fg, 7. Unihrfita Wings flat with a brown band. Inhabits ^outb America. Degeer, hif. 3. tab. 26. fg./^. Serva, Wings flat white with an oblong black fpot at the bafe and band in the middle. Inhabits L/}i!:a ; rclcnibies the laft. Body cylindrical, • Notata. Wings flat with white fpots and tip. limabits ^frua. In themufeum ot Sir. 'Jc-f. Baiih. Dtmdiaia Wings flat and black from the bafc to the middle. Inhabits An-.crica. Degcer, InJ. 5. tab. 26. fg. 'o. Y.nUip,r:s, INSECTS. NEUROPTERA 74. Libcllub. 389 Equedris Wings half black with a fnowy band in the niiddlc. Inhahus Africa, in the mulcum of bir ^o/l Banks. //?«u>y hf. z. tab i^^ fg. \. Head ycllovvifh: thjrax duiky with 3 futphur lines under the wings: /»Wo«?« fulphur with 3 black Uteial lines. Jnncea, Wings with a blackifh acceflbry membrane: thorax with 6 yellow lines: abdomen tapering towards the bafe. , Inhabits Europe. Scbaeff. Icon. tab. 6. fig. lO. Carolina Wings whitiHi ; lower-ones indented ferruginous at th« bafe : thorax brown. Inhabits America. Drury hf. I. tab. 48 fig. 1. eapenfts. Wings whitifh, every where fpotted and dotted with brown. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Seba Muf. 4. lab. S6. /:g. 17. Tricclcra Wings variegated with brown blueilh and yellow, the tip hvaiine. Inhabits /W^'«- L. variegata. Gmelin. ». 18. 2j,^l,^^ Reddifb ; wing? with a ferruginous bafe and marginal li nes. Inhabit! out of £tro//'. Muf, Let/:. ^, S^. «. J. c , _. ^ ^ b, Di^tncns INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. Agrhn. 391 b. Divijions of the lip equal, ^fhna, *Ftrctpata Thorax black with various yellovviih characters: tail with 3 incurved claws. Inhabits Europe. Sch^eff. Icon. tab. 160./^. I, tab, \%b.Jig, 1, * Grandis. Thorax with 4 ycllowi/h lines: body variegated with rufous white and black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 166. Sulx. tab. X'J.fig, lOI. The colours of the body Tanifli when tnc infcd is dead. Fariegeua. Thorax with 2 yellow lines each fide: wings with a white fpot at the bafe. Inhabits Terre delfuego. Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body brown: mouth yellowifh with a black dot at the bafe: abdomen round ferruginous, the fegments edged with black and in each a white fpot divided by a black line. Cta'vatM. Abdomen clavate, gibbous at the bafe: body variegated with brown and green. Inhabits China. Head vcficular green: thorax green with black lines: abdomen green with black ftreaks, the middle thinner and bl^ck with lateral yellow fpots, the tip thickened black with a white tail; Minmtat Abdomen yellow with 2 black lines ; lower-wings yellow with 2 black fpots. Tnh.bits C^//;<^; fmall. Head yellow, eyes brown : thorax with yellow lines beneath : abdomen with 2 black lirfes abviveand one beneath: upper-wings black at the bafe with a yeliovi fpot. B. PF'tngs ereSl when at reji ; eyes diJiinSi : outer \liviJions of the lip bifid. Agrion. * f^irgo. Wings coloured. a. Body (hining green-blue: wings blueifh in the middle, the bafe and tip whitifh, the margin immaculate* Donovan, i tab. 36 fig. 1. Schaff. Elem tab, y^.fig I- b. Body filky: wings bluciih-g.c.n, tne tip brown, the margia immaculate. Reaum. 6. tab. ^$fig. 7. Leu^'enh. wean. tab. 19. C. Silky green: wings brownifh wiih a whus marginal dot. Roe/ Inf 2. aquat. 2. tab. g.Jig. 6 d. B'idy lilky; wings brown giic wiih a bldck fpot. Roe/. Inf 2. aquat. 2. tub. f^. fig. 5. ^ Inhabits Europe; very common about waters, * Puella. 392 INSECTS, NEUROPTERA. 75. Ephemera. • Fuella. Wings hyaline, not coloiired. a. Body red with yellow and clack lines at each fegment: thorax green with yellow lines : wings with marginal ipoti. Donovans Eng. Inf I. tab. '^^•f>g- 2. b. Body flefli-colour: wing? wit', a brown marginal dot. Reattn Inf. 6. lah. 35 jig. 4. and 4. tab. i \. Jig 6. c. Body alternately blue and cinereous : wings with a black dot. Roe). Inf. 2. aquat. 2 tab. 10 fig. 3, 4. d. Body beneath blue-green, above brown ; thorax with alternate brown and blueifh bands: wings with a black marginal dot. Reef. In/ 2. aquat. 2. tab. 1 1 Jig. 7. c. Body green with a flefli-colour blulh : thorax with 3 black lines: wings with a brown marginal dot. Inhabit! Europe, in almoft cndlcfs varieties. Ciiiata, Green-bronzed : abdomen brown : legs fringed black. Inhabits Coromantiel In the mufeum of Sir JoJ. BaTtks. Brad and thorax bronzed : abdomen cylindrical. Hobihtata. Upper-wings dulky; lower-ones filky-green tipt with black. Inhabits South Jmerica, Body glofly-green : lotuer-vjingshcntzxh. black. Linearis. Wings with a yellowifli or black ftigma: abdomen ex- tremely long. Inhabits /»'*"^ blackKh. •Horaria. Wings white, the thicker-margin blackifh. InhA its Europe, *f2ulici/or- Wings white: body brown. mis. Inhabits Europe. Pod. Muf. (jrfa 396 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 76. Phryganea. Pik/a» Wings teftaceous immaculate : head and thorax hairy. Inhabits S'weden. Body tellaceous. Pallipes. All the wings black immaculate: legs pale. Inhabits Italy; very fmall, Signata, Wings grey brown fpotted with yellow, the hind^margin ftriate with yellow, Vakkhits America i fmall, *Grandis, Wings brown-teftaceous with cinereous fpots. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 2. tab. f^./g. I. *Faria. Wings varied with dark -grey and black and fpotted with white in the middle. Inhabits Zaro^f. Donovan. \'ni, tah. zyj. Jig. i. Legs teftaceous annulate with black, Irroiata. Wings grey.brown with numerous whitiQi fpots and (pecks. ^ Inhabits South America. Mufeufh of 5ir. 'Jof. Banks. //?<7d' blapk : antennae teftac^OMs ; thorax\s\v;:)k with a tcilaccous fpot : legs teftaceous. ^Fhalaen- Wings white with fcattercd bl^cjc fpots : body black. oiais Inhibits Northern Eur(i/>r Udm. DiJ. ^^, fg. 16. Flavicornit Wings grey ; abdopien grceni(h : antennx and legs yel- low ilh, Inhabits Kiel; larger than Ph. grifea. *Rkotnbica ^ings grey-brown with rhombic whiiifh fpots. Inhabits Europe. Doncvan. vii. tab. 220. Lari'a inclolcd in a web rnadc of fhori pieces ofgrafs laid tranfr' verlely. *Grifm Upper-wings clouded, with a black marginal fpot. inhabits Y^rope. J)egeer. hif. 2. tab 13, hg. 31. Atomaria Wings pale, grey with numerous black dots. Jntiabits Kid ; large. Antennae yaWow'i^ . head zr\^ iLcrax h.z\ry '. ^o^^ cinereous. fimica. Wings ftriate cinereous with a teflaceeus dot near the tail: body black : antennae white at the bafc. Inhabits Denmark. Antennae blaek at the tip, Atrata. INSECTS. NEUROPTERA; 76. Phryganea. 397 Atrate, Black : wings immaculate : antenna: fhort. inhabits France. Body villous. Netata* Upper-wingsyellowifh-grey with a brown marginal fpot. Inhabits North Americii, fVlufeum of Sir JoJ. Banks. Bod} brown.: antema and legs teftaccojjs : loiutr-miings white, *Bmacula- Wings brown with a double yellow lat«ral fpot. ta. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. z. tab. \'i,fg^ 5. Larva in atapering cylinder compoied offandand mud, ♦ 'i^*'- Wings black : antenna: twice as long as the boc'y. Inhabits A'or/A^r/v Furope^ Degeer^ Inf. z, tab, iS^j'g, 21 » Jzurea, Wings black, the hind-part violet. Inhabits Europe, Loiver-nvings obliquely violet. tirtega a -^jjigj brown fpecklcd with teftaceous. Inhabits Germany. Antennae aunulate with brown and teftaceous : legs yellowifh, *hiliHeata Wings brown with 2 tranfyerfe white lines on each margin. Inhabits Northern Europe* *Interrupta Wings black with 4 white bands, the anterior ones interrup- ted, the hind-one marginal and compofed of dots. Inhabits England. Body black. Antennce innuUtc ■w\t\\ white and black, longer than the body : hiLer-iKiings cinereous : kgs pale, Hirta* Brown ; upper-wings hairy : antennae as long as the body. - Inhabiti Enf;!attd ; caught at Oxford. y^^/^/z/ra^ white annulate with brown, the firft joint hairy: uppers fuingi brown with z faint darker fpots ; Joiver-nvings gVdhroui brown. * Longicor- Wingb brown with 2 darker waved ftreaks : antenna; very "''• long. Inhabits Europe, *4f-fafdata Black ; wings teflaceons with 4 black bands : antenna '/ery loncj. Inhabits England. v^«/(7BJ?. 22. Jrg, 12. 13. J'FifjgsteHa.ctoas with an obliq.ue brown ilrealc aad dot. Aitiau/us Wings ftriate cinereous : body teftaceous : legs pale. Inhabits Germany. Antennae brown : eyes black. , *Hirtus Wings hairy reticulate with brown ; lower-ones Avith a terminal band. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. \v. tab.wr, VOL. 111.-3 E FuscatK. 402 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 77. Hemerobius. Fufcatm Wings ariate brown-hyaline : body black \ legs tcfUce- oiis. Inhabits Denmark lind. France. Lute/ctnt Wing wh!t€ with brown rtreaks : body yellowifli. Inhabits Kiel. Degter. In/, z. tab. zz./.g. 8. Humuli. Wings white with fcattcred brown dots : antennx annu- late with white ai.d black. Inhabiti U/ja/, in hop plantations. Lengicornis jjiack, mouth and legs pale : antenna: long brown. Inhabits Hollace^ . , All the ij^ings white with brown ne/vcs and a brown marginal dot. Striatului Winers ftriate with brown; lower-ones immaculate: body brown aiKJ yellow. Inhabits Europe. > a a Head yellow ; n.cuth and eye! brown : thorax brown : breafi and iegs yellow : aUdomn brywn, yeliowifti at the fides. Z^punaatus Wings white ; all with 2 brown dots. Inhabits Cochin Lbtna. in the Britijii Mu/eum. Fafciatus Wings white with 3 black bands and numerous fpecks. Inhabits KaU , Antemae black : head and thorax yellow with brown marks : ab- domen black : lo'vjer luings white immaculate. Variegatus Wings white with black fpots, the nerves dotted : body brown. Inhabits France. Antennae and legs pale. Kervo/us Wings variegated the nerves dotted with white: body brown: crown and back of the thorax yellowilh. • Inhabits France. Antennae yellovvifh annulate with black : legs yellowilh, *6'Punaa- Wings white with brown fpots and 6 diftind dots behind : ttu. antennze brown. Inhabits Europe, Picicornis Upper-wings varied with white and brown : body black : antennas long hairy. Inhabits INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 78. Myrmeleon. 403 Inhabits Denmark: frnall. Zczv^'-«cuj/?^j h> aline immaculate : /. 27 'Jig' 8. Wings hyaline immaculate; body brown; margin of the thorax and legs yellow. Inhabits Ne^-vu Holland. Mufeum of Sir Joj\ Banks. Head brown, mouth yellow: t/jorsix duCcy, the tore and lateral margins yellow: a!>dov!en brown; legs yellow. Win'^s hyaline immaculate: body brown : head and thorax I'potted with yellow. Inhabits Guinea; Imall. Ahdotncn with a few yellow dorfal.fpotJ. B. Feelers nearly equal; jaw ciliate ; lip horjiy rounded en- tire. Afcalaphus. • Wings reticulate yellowiih-hyaline with 2 brown fpots. Inhabits Europe and Jfrica. Scho'ff. Icon. tab. 50. /|. 1 — 3. Antemice as bng as the body: thorax fpotced with yefJow. Upper-wings hyaline with a double yellow fpot at the bafe; lower-ones yellow, black at the bafe. Inhabits Italy. Sulz. Hiji. Inf. tah. 25./^. 4. Wings white reticulate with blacic : tail forked. Inhabits the Cape of good Hope. Head^^wy hlic ^ { auiomcn olack, teirminated by -.i Hirong ciliate forceps. Win^s white immaculate, i -toothed at the bafe. Inhabits In the Briiijk Mnjeum. Antennae rutous : ^.-r^i' villous brown : itppcr-^jjirgs with a iiTiill toot.l at the inner bafe. Aufralis, Wings white with a black marginal fpot : body variegated. 1 nil a bits Hoiitbsrn Europe. 1 Antennae as !oBg as the bDdy : headyzAov^, front and eye- brown: thorax anJ sbdcmrn viviCHatcd with yellow and brown. Ca;-^ws'^f:s' 4 o6 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 79. Panorpa. CayenttettBi Wings white with a fnowy marginal fpot. Inhabits Cayenne. Anttnnae long. head brown j front cinereous hairy ; thorax cinereous. 79. PANORPi\. Mouth lengthened into a cylindrical horny probofcis: feelers 4, nearly equal: Jlemmata 3: antennae fili- form, longer than the thorax: tail of tlie male armed with a chelate appendage; of the female unarmed. » Communis Wings of cqiial length, fpotted with black. InWdbiii Europe. Doaovan. mi. tab 201. Cermantea. Wings equal, hyaline tipt with brown. Inhabits Germany ; rcleniblcs the l..il. Searplo. Wings equal, black fpotted with white; bodydufky. Inhabits North Jmerica. P. lugubri:>. Gmeltn. />. 2647. Fejciat^, Wings equal yellowilT) with^lack dots and bands. Inhabits l^orih America. P. americana. Gmelin. p. 2647. Hycmatis. Wings fubulate flightly incurved ciliate: female apterous. Inhabits Saxorry; Imall. frpuiana. Wjngs immaculatfc: abdomen falcate: legs very long. Inhabits Italy, Su'iz. Hilt. hij. tab. 2'^.fg. 78. Body yellow : tf-ings equal. / CapenCts. Wiags equal iinmaculate: boily ferruginous. Jnhabiti \\i-c:is Black ; bafe of the antennas and legs yellowilh. baccarum. Reaum. 3. tab. 42. fig. 8. Udm. Dtp. tab. I. fig. H* Forms roundifh pellucid gall?, about the fize of a pea, on the under furface of the leaves of the Oak. *^ercus Black ; thorax lineate : legs grey: thighs beneath black. folii. Reaum. 3. tab. '^(^.fg. 14 — I?- ^°(f' 3- '*^- S^' 53- Forms galls, about the fize of a nut, on the ucder furface of the leaves of the Oak. * ^trcus. *Quercus injirust fctitli. * Quercus ramuli, tojae, Qjiercus iorticis. gemmae. Qjierctts talicii, * Fagt, *yiminaUs, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 8i. Cynips. 409 Black ; antennas and legs pale. Forms globular opake red galls, on the under-furface of the leaves of tne Oak. U^ings hyaimc without veins or coftal dots,- Black ; le.gs white, thighs brown. Reaum. 3 tnh. 31J fg. 3, Rot-f i,.tab. 35, 36, Forms convex galls on the petioles of the Oaki Grey; wings with a linear crofs, Reaum. Inf. 3. tab. ^o. fig. l — 6. Forms granulate conneded galls on the male flowers of the Oak. Pale ; abdomen and wings black. Formj white wooly galls on the fmaller branches of tjie Oaki Grey; abdomen fhlning ferruginou?. Inhabits France, in galls on the Qucrius toja. In galls on the bark of the oak. Forms a cup-fhaped gall, the difii convex and furrounded with about 20 concave dots. In the terminal bud of the oak. Found in the large imbricate galls on terminal buds of the oak. Reaum, Inf. 3. /«i. 43, On the calyx of the oak and asgilop?. Ber^ldirf. Sci"-. der, Berl. Naturf. 4. p. \, tab. I, 2. Forms gaJls which are fometimes uled by Tanners. Black ; immaculate. Forms pyritorm galls on the under-furface of the leaves of the Beech. Fn/ih. If, 2. tab. 5. Yellow ; thorax black. Rocf. Inf. z. Velp. tab. 10. fg- 5 — 7. Forms galls on the leaves of the 6^//^ -viminalis. * Capreac, Shining-green ; legs pale. Frifch. hf. i\.p. 30. tab. 22. Forms ferruginou* galls, refembllng grains of barley, on the leaves and branches of the Jf'^IIonv. Solicit fro* hli. Black ; thorav green! fh on the back. In the ends of the branches of the i'fl/:,v glabra v.'hich it dilates into a llrobile-fliaped excrefccnces VOL. III.— 3 F Av'.enanae. 4IO INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 8i. Cynlps. Jmtr.anae. Black ; legs pale. , r . t. r u c /•- *.^ Forms unequal galls *t the ends of branches of lhc5 Antennje blaclvifh : body black ; i'ppcr-w;ngs with a brown baiui. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tcnthredo. 413 Inhabits Eunpt. Abdomen with a fmall white band at thcbafeof the firft fcgment; lomoer-'wingi immaculate. *Sericea. Antennx ye'low : thorax black: abdomen bronzed /il/dr/^^ Antennas yellow : abdomen green with a bJueim glofs ( bemah.) Inhabits £«/(j/>r. Schaeff. Elm. t. 51. Degeer. tab. 38./" 34. Larva fhort green with 2 yellow lines, head cinereous with a reddifh band. Ohfcurom Body black glabroiis. Inhabits Sweden, Wings whitifli, Connatai Black ; abdomen with yellow bands. Inhabits Europe, on the Elder. Geoffr. Inf. par. t. p, 262, B Antenna inarticulate, thicker at the tip. *Ujiulata Body black ; abdomen biueilh : fhanks pale. Inhibits Europe. Degeer. InJ 2. tab, l<). fig. 19* 20. Larva green with 2 white lines, head tpflaceous with a darker band. *EnoJif Eodybluelfh black. luhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. ^O.fig. 6, Bo Inhabits Kiel\ very tmall. Head black, lip white villous: «u;/«^/ white, the rib hilf way black. CiliarU Black ; hind-fhanks white: antenna? ciliats beneath. Inhabits Germmy i fizc of T, pini. *Atrata, Black ; back with a yellowirti-green belt and 3 curves. Inhabits England Forfl, Nov. Inf. l. p So. Wings ferruginous ; Jhanij yellow, claws rutous. ^icelor» Black-blue ; abdomen and bafe of the wings yellow; wing* with a black band. Inhabits Austria, Schranch. Inj. Aujl p. 323. n. 652. Melanodra Black ; abdomen yellow, tail with a black line each fide J (hanks and ends of the legs full yellow ; wings vNith a black fpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk. p.^i. n. 69. Tricckr, Head and thorax black ; wings and legs brown ; abdomen yellow. Inhabits Europe, hluf, Lesk.f, 53. n. 70, 7;:. Cchropvs INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA, 82. Tenthredo. 415 Oihrepus Head thorax middle of the bread and tip of the hind-{banks black : abdomnand legs yellow, \n\i3\>iii Ettrote. Muf. Leik. p. ^i, n. 71*. C. Antennee peSlinete, Ciphdotes Black ; abdomen with 4 yellow belts. Inhabits Germany, Urge. Head\)\2iQk with 3 yellow dots between the eyes and 2 lunulci behind : ««/f«?/fitf tcftaceous : thorax black with an interrupted glaucous ftreak before ; legs ferruginous. Nemorum Antennas ferrate each fide : body black ; thorax with yellow dots, abdomen with yellow bands. Inhabits Saxotty ; large. Antennae b\AQV, teftaceous at the bafe : headhlncV with ycUowini marginal dots at the bafe ; abdomen vvith 2 yellow bands and marginal dots. Truttfrum gig^k ; abdomen with lateral yellow dots. Inhabits Saxcnf \ lefs than the )alt. Fore part of the thcrax yellow : legt yellow. *Dor/ata Whitifh ; head and back of the thorax and abdomen black. Inhabits England. In the Mufeuin of Sir ^&/. Ban. tab. Sj. Ji^. 10. Reaum 5. /^^. 1 3./". 12 — 23. Inhahirs Europe, on the ^ crophuhria. Larva with 22 feet, Inowy dotted with black. ^Anuata Abdomen black with 5 greeniih-ycllow curves, band at the bafe and fides. Inhabits £n^/«w«fl/f blue-bronze. 'B.apae. Body black ; abdomen beneath legs ami feu tel whitilh. Inhabits Europe, on the leaves of the Turnip. *Cera/t, pody black ; fcutel and legs yellow. Inhabits £«ro/<'. Reaumilnf. 5. tab. ^.f-g. I — 5» Larnja gelatinous black. Uapata, ^^^ ycllow ; fcutel and dot on the wings white. Inhabits Europe. Under the/cutel a black fpot with 4 white dots : legs yellow. ' Body black ; thorax red. •Ovata. Innabits Europe. De^eer. hj. 2. tab. 35. /jT- »»• i./; fize of T. iivida. Head black, mouth whiter thoraxh\zc\ with a white line each fide on the tore-part ; hmd-thighs black, *Li'vida. Antennae black, white before the tip ; body black j tip of the abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Eu-ropes Mouth white : hrll legment of the abdomen with 3 minute white dots, k- Alhicornh Antennae tiptwith white ; body black ; fhanks teftaceous : wings tipt with brown. Inhabit^ Italy, large and (hort. Wings whitifh, the rib teftaceous, VOL. III.— 3 G Genagra. 4i8 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenth reao. Cencgra. Body glofTy-black : joints of the legs teflaceous. lii'habiis iJermany, Under inQjcuul'^k yellow dot. 4tre:, Body black ; legs red. Inhabits Europe. M^rginelh. Black ; moft of the fegments of the abdomen edged \tith yellow, the ftcond imnr.aculate. Inhabits ^/V/. . .,, , i- n JntenKae black, the firft joint yellow : ;&^^^ black, ip yellow at the bafe : thorax black with 2 large yellow fpois before and x dots on the fcutel: leg^ yellow, thighs black m the middle : luings white with a yellww nb. *CiHaa. Black / belt on the abdomen and fhanks yellow. 2. Body black ; abdomen with ii white bait. Inhabits woods of £iiro/?. •Rusiica. Black ; abdomen with 3 yellow belts, the 2 lower-ones in- terrupted. lr-,habits Eurcpe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 34./^. 13* Lar'va cinereous with reddifh triangular dorfal ipots. Lattralis *C&prta Merit. Black ; middle xif-the back rufous, the fides whitg. Inhabits Svceden, on flowers. Head h\^<:\\, mouth yellow: rW^x with a white dot before the wirgs: atdomen black, the fegments 2, 3, 4. rufous on the back : ahdcmen white at the fides and cndir.g in a white dot: legs rufous. Yellow ; head thorax and abdomen above black : wings with a yellow dot. Jlbin. tab.K,^. %.\y. Reaum.x.tab. \. J'g.^. Inhabits Europe ; is very deftruaive to the go febcrry and red currant, but never touches the black currant. Larva blue, the 3 firft fegments and ths laft fulvous, with 9 rows of black ffots. Black ; legs pale. Inhabits Germany ; fmall and ftiort. ;,x^^„^^/5, Ilind-legs comprefTed and dilated. ,'"^, Innabltb Europe. Degeer. In/ 2. tab. 37./^. 26. ' ' "* Body gUbroub black, the 4 middle legments of the abdomen ru- tous : Jhams with a white band at tne bale. 1 2 puniiata' INSSCrS. HYM: T3^r:i\ . 82. Temhredo. 419 \2'pun3uta Body black with 12 white dots. Inhabits Europe, Punanvxt B^Jy tlack ; abdomen white at the fides : hindrthighs red. Inhabits Germany* Legs wliite. *Blaniia Black ,• abdomen rufous in the middle ; hind-thighs with a white fpot. Inhabits England. In the mufcum of Sir. Jof Banh. Head h\ic]f. with a p'ilc Ipot under the antcnnx : abdomenWzcV, the legments 2. 3.4. 5. rufous. ^-mucu/afa gjack : hind-legs rufous with 2 white fpots at the bafc. Inhabits Kiel. Wings hyaline with a marginal dot, *Faga. Blick ; abdomen beneath yellow. Inhabits England; fmail. HfaJ black, mouth yellow : ahdtmen above black with a few faint yellow Ilreaks, Opaca, Black : thorax with a rufous fpot each fide at the tip. Inhabits Sivedin^ Carbonaria Black ; mouth and legs yellowifh ; hind-legs black, white before the tip. Inhabits Gerinafiy. Lip yellowifh ; bind-jhanh with a white dot at the tip. Wgra. Body entirely black* Inhabits Vjal. ^jEthops Black, glabrou? t 4 fore (banks pale. Inhabits England, Mufcunj of Sir "J of. Banks. Rufpgf Body black : abdomen with 2 yellow belts: legs red. Inhabits £aro/e. Fn. Suet, 1550. Campestrh Black : abdomen with a yellow unequal belt : antennas and flianks yellow. Inhabits Europe, Fn, Suec. 1 5 5 1 • Ciufla. Black ; abdomen with a white belt. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Succ. iJj'S. 4 G r Anr.ularis- 420 INSECTS. riYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. Annularis GlofTy-black ; antennae tipt with white : fhanks ferrugi- nous. Inhabits Aujiria. Schranckt Inf, Auji. 325. «. 655, Terruginea Antenna black annulate with white : body deep ferrugi- nous : thorax bread and crown black. Inhabits Austria, Hchranckt Inf. Auli, p. 'i,z(i^ n. 6^. Crajfa Black : legs rufous: under the fcutel 2 raifed rufous dots. Inhabits i^s/?/-/^. Schramh. hif.Aufl. p. izZ.n.^i^^. Alhicincta ' Black ; abdomen with a white belt at the bafe ; flianks with a white ring. Inhabits Aujiria. Schranck. hj. Auli.p. 32i.«, 66i. Vefpiformis Antennae yellow : all the fegmentb of the abdomen ecigcd ^ with yellow. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck, Inf. AuJi. p. 329. «. 662. Semicineta Black : abdomen Avirh a yellowllli belt interrupted behind : legs and abdomen ben.eath yellow. Inhabits AuHria. Schranck. Inf. Auti. f. 331. n, 665. Vienmn^s Black : abdomen with 5 yellow belts; bafc of the antenna; Inlvous. Inhabits Auliria. Schranck. Inf. Aufi. p. 33!. ?:. ()b^t Rihis. Black ; (hanks and apophyfis of the hind-thighs at the ou- ter fides white. Inhabits Auj.ria. Schranck, Inf. 'Aust. p. 332, ». 668, Larva green, head edged with brown, body rugged with 6 pccTloral legs fiirniflird with c!av^■s 6 approximate abdominal ores and 2 Ihort papiilous caudal ones^ fuUginofa. Black : wings footy. inhabits Aujiria. Schranck, Inf. Aust. p. 33i{. h. 670, Pealhaia. Black: abdomen fpotted with white each fide ; hind-thighs ciavate yellow ilh. Inhabits Aunria. Schranck. Inf. Amt. p. 'i,'^/^. n. G-jl. Alneti. YcHow : abdomen above black. Inhabits y^;//mi. SchranchAnf. Aiif.p. 335. «.673. ^ihorax and Ugs fulvous. Ihtt/; A INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 82. Tcnthrcdo. 42? Hamatode- Black ; thorax red each fide on the fore-part. »J. Inhabits Austria. Schranck, Inf. Anst.p. 336. ». 678. Erythragona gjack : tip of the thighs and bafe of the ilianks red. Inhabits Austria, Schratuk. Inf. Just, p. 338. ». 68 1, Fulvivett' Black : abdomen red or fulvous. ''■'■'• Inhabits Aullrio. Schranck. Inf. Aust. f. 337. «. 679. Thorax fulvour, or fulvous varied with black. Fulvivaria Black : outer margin of the wings fulvous. Inhabits FicKka. Schranck. In/', Must, p. 338. ». 682. Sulphuratd^ Black: antenna? fubclavatc: 4 fore-legs fulphur ; ends of the Ifgs white. Inhaoiij Europe. Muj. Lejk.p. 53. n. 76, Flam/eola Antennas fubclavate black, the bafe yellow : m< uth 5 firft fegments and fides of the abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 54. n, 77. Aanulata Yellow: antennae fubclavate black : tip of the fhanks and ends of the legs annulate with black. Inhabits ^z^ro/;, Muf. Lesk. p. 54. a. 78. P^ubigiuofa Black; antennas fubclavate, yellow at the bafe : legs yel- low : 3. 4. 5, fegments of the abdomen ferrui^inous above. Inhabits Ewepe, Muf. Lesk. p, 54. n, 79. Siilulata Black ; antennxfnbulate at the tip : 2. 3. 4. 5. fegmentj of the abdomen yellow at the hind-margin : llianks and ends of the legs yellow, the latter annulate with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 54, n. 81. Varia. Black; mouth and fcutel white : lower-fegments of the ab- domen and legs ftrruginous. Inhabits Europe, Mi,/. Lesk, p..^^. n. S'}. Sanguine. Black : hind-legs red. Ji/ita, Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk. p. 54. «. 87. Jltata, Black ; 3 laft joints of the antenn^E and jaws white : flianks and ends of the legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk. p, 54. ». 92. ■Lar.cnccns Brown with grey down : wings grey. Inhabits Europt. Muf Lesk. p. 54. n. 94, 95. Bififciato' 422 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthrcdo. Bifafciata Brown ; thorax black : mouth fcutel and 4 fpots behind white: abdomen with 2 interrupted yeilovv bands: margin of the wings and legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lejk p. 54 n. g6. Braccata. Black; thighs rufous, bafe of the 4 hind-thighs white : 3 laft joints but one of the antennx white. Inhabits Europe. Maf. Lejk.p. 54. «. 97. Bufpes.. Black; bafe of the abdomen with a white fpot each fide: jaws white: 4 fore-legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lejk. p. 55. ». 9S. l/lehno- Black ; mouth 4 fore-legs and flexure of the hind-thighs huca. yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk. p. 55. «. 99* Leucopus. Black; flexure of the thighs white: 4 fore-fhanks withou-t and hind-ones in the middle white. Inhabits Europe- Muf. Lejk. p. 55. n. 101. Melanothra Black ; mouth 4-fore-legs and flexure of the hind-thighs yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 55. «. 100. Varkornis. Elack ; legs rufous: 4. ^. joints of the antennas and bafe of the hind-lhanks white Inhabits £aro/f, Muf Lesk. p 55. «. 103. Oh'cura. Brown ; rib of the wings as far as the fpot and legs tefla- ceous Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. SS- "' '°4- Limbata. Black ; edges of the abdominal fegments and lower-ones entirely white: legs rcddifh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. e. 105. Exalhidus Black; feelers and fore-fhanks obfcure white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. «. 106. Fcrrugincfa Black ; fore-part of the antennae ferruginous : bafe and fore-margin of the wings white: 1, 5. fegments of the abdomen and (hanks white. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk, p. 55. n. J 06, b. jinguda. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. 423 Jngufia. Black i body narrow covered with grey down. Inhabics Europe. Muj. Lesk. p, 55. n. 1O7. Lutefcens, Black ; abdomen beneath and legs reddilh-yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muj. Lesk. p, 55. a. 108, Alhipes, Black ; fhanks and ends of the legs white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 109. tlaviifen- Black; mouth white- abdomen yellow, the back and tip i^"' white ; legs teftaceous. Inhabits "Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 55. «. i 10. Ticea, Piceoiis ; fore-flianks before and fpot at the bafe of the hind-thighs white ; hind-legs rufous, the joints and ends black. Inhabits £«ro/^. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. ». ill. Fiifcipts. Black; legs rufous, the hind-ones brown at the end. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk. p. 55. «• m. b. Bimaculata, Pale ; eyes bafe of the abdomen above and 2 fpots on the brcaft black. Inhabits £«ro/)^. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 116. Lata; Broad, black ; hind-fegments of the abdomen white, 2,3,4,5. interrupted. Inhabits £«/-o^^. Muf.Lesk.p.z^^.n. 115. Annuli- Pale; bafe of the antennne annulate with black: branched tornis. mark on the crown eyes thorax and f^ots on the back of the ab iomeii black. Inhabits £«ri?/ir. Muf. Le^k p. 55. n. 117. Scripta. Piceous; mouth yellow : thorax with a yellow V and fpot each iulc: fcutcl yvllow wiih 2 while tUHs: !< gs aiid hind- margin of the abJo.niual feg.aeius bcncata yel- low. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefi.p. 56. «. 118. Liturata. Black; back of the abdominal fegments 2,3,4,<;. fpot each fide and edges while: forc-iegs and 4 hnid-ihauKS before white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk, p. 56. », 120. Meiatxrh$i9, 424 INSECTl HYMENOPTERA, 82 Tenthredo* u lano- Black ; abdomen yellow with tranfverfe black fpots, tail \hoea. black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. /. 56. «, 121. G mlnata. Black; antennas doubled : joints and fhanks pale. Inhabits Aaro/*. ltd uf Lesk. p. 56. n. il\,\>, Ochrogafter Piceous ; ab>3omen beneath and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Letk. />. 5&. k. 123. RufcapiUa. Head and thorax rufous, hind-margin of the latter and eyes black : abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits £«r(9/.^. Muf. Le.h.p» ^6. n. iz^. Vubia. Black ; thorax rufous before J joints whitifh* Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56. «. 127. ?«//./?.«;. Black ; mouth and legs pale. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Le.k.p, 56. «. 128. E. Antenna filiform y with numerous articulations. • Fyvfhro- Body blue, head red. fella Inhabits Europe. Degeer.lnf 2. tab. 40. %• 19^ ^ MaU black : mouth and fore-ftianks yellow. • SyPvatica Body black : thorax with yellow marks : legs yellow. Inhabits Europe, Nemoralis. Body black ; fegments of the abdomen white at the fides. Inhabits Euaope, Fn. Suec 1502. • CynoMti Body black; legs ferruginous, the hind-ones annulate with white and black. ^ Inhabits Europe, Reaum. lnj\ J. tab. iS-fig- »— ^* Signata.^ Body pale ; thorax with 3 longitudinal black marks. Inhabits Germany. , , 1. j^,. . Antennae above brown, beneath pale: bead with a black dot. abdomen with a black patch at the bale. • Populi, Body blueiOi black : mouth feelers and (hanks yellow. Inhabits Europe, on the Poplar. Abdomea pale yellow with tranfvcrfe bUckifti fpots . y ff Head varied white and black : legs teftaceous. ^-^ ' Inhabits £«ro/^. 5<:«/f/>eilow at the fidvs. • Betul^e INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tcnthredo. 425 * BetuU. Body red; thorax tail and eyes black: wing"? brown behind* Inhabits Europe. Degeer. In/l t» tab. ^O.fg. 21. Campefiris. Antennae yellow ; body black ; abdomen deprefled, the 4 firft ferments rufous : fcntcl white. , Tnh .hits Saxotti ; fizc of the laft. Head black wich a yellow dot each fidf : thorax with a white dot : legs ferruginous, thighs black : upper-'wingi with a brown fpot. Fratenjis. Head and thorax varied with black andyfcllow: abdomen black edged with ferruginous* Inhabits Saxo»y. /Inteunae yellow, the firft joint black ; legs yellow. Saltuttm. Body black ; abdomen pale yellow. Inhabits £;i<7a/^. JVings b\ick, Haemor- Black ; tail and legs teftaceous. rioidalis. Inhabits Germany ; Imall. * Flaua. Yellow ; wings with a ferruginous fpot. inhabiis Europe. Reaum hif. 5. tab, 10. fig. 6 — 7. * Arbuflo' Abdomen rufous in the middle : fcutel and dot on the wings '■«*'• white. Inhabits England ; fize of T. abietis. Head anJ antennae black, mouth yellowilh : thorax black with a white line before the wing«: abdominal yp^vz^«/j 3, 4, j. red: legs rufous; nvings hyaline with a marginal black Ipot and in this a white dot. Depreja. Head and thorax black with yellow marks: abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Au/ina. Schranck. Inf. Auji. p. 342. «. 691. Linearis. B ack; abdomen filiform wiih 5 yellow belts; fhanks yellow. Inhabits Austria. Scbranck, Inf, Auji. p. 343. n. 693. BipunSata. Antenna? fubfetaccous, of 9 joints; body black : fcutel with 1 whue dots. Inhab.tJ Woods oi Lu/ace. Lesk. It. />. 51, F. Antenna unknown, VOL. UI.-.3 H Intereus. 4^6 INSECTS. HYMFNOPTERA. 83. Slrw. htereus. Black ; legs yellow : aniennx fubclavate. Inhabits £«/ff/!f. fti.Suec. 1569. Icmcerae. Brown downy: antennx fubclavate: vrings lubferruginous. On tiic Loniccra. Reaum. hi/. 5. tab. 13 fg. 8— lO. Polygene, Black; antenna: fubclavate: abdominal fegments 3, 5. ycllovNilh-grecn ai the hind-margiu: ab lonien linear comprcHcd: thighs black, 4 toie-unes at the tip and fhauks yellow, hind-ones tipt wiih b'ack. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk.p. 5b. n, i^Zt b. Rumici m Ulm. Pruni, • GigaJ. Pffilius» On the Rumex Lapathi. Reaum. Inf. 5. tab. \o. Jig. 13, 14: On the Ulmus campeftris. Rcaum. InJ. 5. tab, \o.fig, 1 6. On the Primus Padus. Reaum. Inf, $. tab. ic fg. 1^. 83. SIREX. Mouth with a thick horny tiuncate lliort deniicul'dtemandMi^'J eelers 4, the hind-ones longer and thicker up- wards; antenncE fihlorin, of more than 24 equal articulations; Jling exferted ferrate Ititl'; abdomen fclliie, terminating in a point; wings lanceolate incun\l3ent, the lower-ones Ihortcr. Tailed-Wajp. The lar'v< pa tolliculate : the pertcft in- fed lives on the neddr of flowers. Abdomen yellow at the bafe and tip: body black-blue. h)hiibks Ei-rope. Dcno-van vi. tab. i()y. iiuh. tab. \'6.Jig.^\\. Reaum. Inj. 6. tab. ^x.J'g- L 2 Degeer. i. tab. 36. fig. I, 2. Segments 3,4,5,6. o\ the abdomen black './cutel with 2 white aots: dntennae duiS legs yellow jlh. Abdomen yellow at the bafe aud before the tip : body black. Inhabits Eurotei half the fize of the laft. ■ . ' Antern4e INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sirex. 427 Antennae and Ugs yellow, thighs black ; head black with a yellow fpot each fide behind the e)es: le^inents 1,6,7; of the abdotnen yellow. Columba. Xhorax villous ferruginous : abdomen black, the fides fpotted with yellow. , Inhabits y/»;m<-^. D:geer Lif. 3. tab. lofg, 13. Antennae fliort black, ferruginous at the bale .' abdomen beneath black with yellow ftreaks, the projection ihort acme ferrate yellow tipt with black: le^s yellow, hind-thighs black. » Magus, Black ; thorax villous; tip of the antennae lateral fpots on the abdomen (hanks and bafe of the tarfi white. Inhab'ts Saxony ; fize of S. gigas. A'jdprmn beneath wnite jn the middle ; luings duflcy. NigrUorais Thorax villous blueifli-black: abdomen ferruginous, blue at the bafe. Inhabits North America. Head Jhining blue-black: antennae black: hgs plceous, thighs yellow J ///»^ piteous, Flavicorms Thorax villous black immaculate: 4 bands on the abdomert antenna; and legs yellow. Inhabits Labrador, in ^-ijnerica. Head hUck: kgm.nis i,2,y,S o( the c^bdjmemhovc yellow, the appendage ferrate yedow : /iiHg black. /i^/^Vw-wV. Thorax villous black: abdomen with 8 yellow bands: antennae black : legs yellow. Inhabits Saxony; lizc of T. gigas. JViags fubteilaceous : fii/ig black with a yellow ?heath : horn erf ttic abdotnen fubulate yellow tipt with black : .ihigh% black. • Spe^ruTTt. Abdomen black : tliorax villous with a yelfow flrjps before the wings, lahabits Ewope. Donovan vii. j'lS^, 225. Antennae black ; kgj yellow, tarii black. * Ju-jencus Abdomen blueilh-black ; thorax villous immaculate. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. InJ. \.t.ib. 36./*^. 7. Antennae black or yellow : le^s yvllow. Pbuntoma. Abdomen above yellow with black belts: head and legs yellow. Inhabits GermaJiy. SchaeJ^. Jcon.lah. 205. _^^. i. Mouth black; thorax ycllc.vilh be.cr;, beneath black: abdomen beneath black. • 2 H 2 Cya]'.eus. 428 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sirex. Qaneui Shining blue ; legs yellow. Inhabits Noit/.. Autrica. Antenna black ; ihorux fubvillous ; *v:irgi byalinc. i^igritCt, ^Came/uj tits. Jlhicornis Black ; head with a white fpot each fiJe : antennae white in the middle. Inhabits Nonb America, Antennas black at the tip : ahdomtn with a white dot each fide on the laft legment but one : /*^/ black, (hanks and ends of the , trfi white. Black-blue immaculate \ hind-legs comprefTed. \.^\\i\\^5axony\ fize of S, marifcus. Abdomen black, the fides fpotted with white: thorax fmooth. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff, Icon. tab. 207,/^. 5. 6. Black : thorax emarginate before and pale at the fides; fore- legs rufous. Inhabits Germany ; fize of the laft. Antennae black : head black with a pale fi^ot each fide : fides of the thorax flightly ferrate .■ i^-fore le^s rufous,, tht Ihanks tipt with black : hind-ones black, thighs rufcuj. Dromeda- Abdomen black, rufous in the inlddle with a white dot each riui fide : fhanks pale at the bafe. • Inhabits /T/V/; relemblcs S. camelus. Head black with 2 white lines : thorax black with a white dot before the wings : fcgmentsof the ahdor.ien 1, 2, black, 3,4, 5, 6, 7. rufous, 8, black with a white fpot each fide : 9 black. Taccit. Abdomen black; the fegments 2. 3, rufous, the reft dotted with white. Inhabits ir,^/: fize of S, Camelus. Antevnae black, a little thicker towards the tip . thorrx villous black with 2 iviiniife white dots on the forc-maigin : horn of the ahdomen yellovvi{h,lling rufous : legs con'prcfied black. Zimii'is Black: firfl: fegment of the abdomen at the bafe and fecoiid rufous; the reft with 5 yellow fpots. Inhabits \\iz Cafe of good hope. llendWdLcV, orbits yellow: antennae Uny\^\xsoM^, theKifc nr.d tip black; thorax black with a yellow dot each fuie : Ugs ru- fous, thighs black: /«// pointed, without the projection. Vejpertilio Black ; abdomen ferriiginous, the bafe black. Inhabits Grrwa*)^^ ; fmaih Antennae, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sirex. 429 A'itennte black with a whiii/h ring ; tail black beneath, without the appendage ; upper ■loingt white with a broad brown patch before the tip and whte marginal dots : /rg^black, tip of the thighs and bafe of the flianks white. Mari/cus Abdomen teftaceous, the 1 laft fegments black ; thorax ' villous. Inhabits Europe. Cyrjil. Ent. NeapoL 1. tah. l.fg. I. Anttnnae yc\\o\ii : bead wicti a yellow cal'ous dot behind the eyes : abatmen beneath black Ipotied with yellow ; //i/ar^ 0» , Troglodyte Smooth, black : abdomen with 7 yellow dots and 2 bands. Inhabits Saxony. Legs yellovv, thighs black. Noctllio. Black-blue : antennx black ; thorax villous : abdomen tef- taceous in the middle. Inhabits Germany; fize of S. marifcus. J borax blue : abdomen blue ct the bafesnd tip; ivingi yellowi/h : legs yellow ; hind-ones compreflcd black, the thighs ) ellow. Co>»preJus Black ; abdomen comprelTcd ferruginous, the firft and lad fegments black. Inhabits iiarbary : fmall. Legs white, thighs black : hind-ones black, the fhanks compreflcd black wiiU 2 yellow dots and 3 bands. *Pygmacus Abdomen comprelTcd black with 2 yellow dots and'j bands. Inhabits Europe. Aitteiwte ncaily as long as the body. hluciletttus Black; abdomen comprelfed, yellow at the fides. Jnha.nt!) Barba>y; reicinblcs b. tabidm. Head nlack with 2 yellow dots between the eyes : tharax black with a fmall yellow dot and a larger one beneath; ukaomea. yellow at the fides and projcding into 2 bauds on the back; 'vcings hyaline, the nb black beyond the middle ; legs black fore-thighs yellowilh. •Tahidus. Black; fides of the abdomen dotted with yellow: forc- fhanks teltaceous. Inhat)its Eftfjand. In the miifeiim of Sir Joj. Banb. Body fmall linear : antennae (hortcr than the body : thorax black with a greeniQi fp^t behind: abdomen i litde compicllcd, the fegments with a yellow dot each fide. 84 ICH- 43© INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 84. ICHNEUMON. Mouth with a llraigth horny membranaceous bifid jaw, the tip rounded and cihate ; mandibles cuived Iharp; hp cylindrical membranaceous at the tip and emarginate : jeelers 4, un- equal fihform, feated in the middle ot the lip : antennae fetaceous, of more than 30 articulations : Jiit^g exferted, inclofed in a cylindrical iheath compoled of 2 valves, and not pungent. The whole of this fingular genus are^ paralitical, deriving their nourifhmenc from other infeih. The fly feeds on ihc nedar of flowers, and when about to lay her eggs, .perforates, the bo- dy of fome domen with a yellow band; Inhabits Barbary ; lirge. Antennae black, with a whu'(h ring in the middle : Itgs ferrugi- nous, the joints cf the hind-ones black. *Yolitcrius Scutel white; thorax immaculate : body deep black j legs blackiih. Inhabits Europe, feJatcrias Scutel white ; thorax immaciil?ite ; body black, legs rufous. Inhabits Kiel-, lefs than latt. A»te/tKaeh\a.ck with a whitiih band : ivings duflcy. ^ , . Scutel veliowifli ; thorax immaculate : fcgrnents of the Cu/patont^s abdomen 2, 3. fulvous, the relt black. • Inhabits Europe. *Iiaptonus, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichpeumon. 431 *Raptcriiij Scutel white; thorax immaculate: fegmentsof the abdomen 2. 3 4 rufous, the reft tipt with white- Inhabits Europe. Donovan ii. tab. 42. Lail fegment of the abdomen with a white dot. *Sarutori- Scutel white ; thorax immaculate : fecond fegment of the us. abdomen and lower-part of the third ferruginous, the lalt whitiihat the tip. Inhabits Europe. Su/z. Hist. Inf. tab, iB./g. 13, Jtratorius Scutel white ; thorax immaculate : 3 laft fegments of the abdomen edged with white : legs rufous. Inhabits (yermauy. Antennae bUck vvuha broad white band in the middle, *CrispatO' Scutel white ; thorax immaculate : abdomen pale yellovr rius. tipt with black. Inhai)its Europe. *Extenjort' Scutel yellowifh ; thorax immaculate ; fecond and third "'* fegments of the abdomen ferruginous, the lall tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon, tab. 4.3./£. 1. i, Armcitori' Scutel white ; thorax immaculate, toothed each fide behind ; "'' abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Kiel. Head ViVid. tborax \i\^Q.V. Notatotius Scutel white; thorax immaculate : abdomen red, tne 3 laft fegments black, tail with a white dot. Inhabits G^rw^zw)'; fm all, • Dejlrcuctt' Scutel white ; thorax rufous : abdomen black, the fecond '''*^* fegment rufous, the red tipt with white. Inhabits Zealand ; fnialj. Headbhck, mourh and orbits white : fore-margin of the thora.v a.n6. jcufel yellow : abdomen pctiolate : legs ye. low, the hind- ones black. Signatortui Scutel white ; thorax rufous : abdomen black, tail w^hite. Inhabits Germany; fmall. Thorax with 3 iaipreffcd (hort lines before and a while dot be- fore the wings: legs black. ; •»'>'^^^>'^/o- Scutel white ; thorax immaculate : abdoinen b'.ack tipt 'f"'' with white. Inhabits £«ro/^. Schaeff. Icon. tub. Gi.fg. j,. GlaiT 412 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Glaucat$ri- us. Grojfariufi Scutel white; thorax with a white dot: body black: 1 \z[\ fegments ot the abdomen gUuc jus at the margin, thefirft inttrriipted. Inhahit Saxony. Antennae < lack, ferruginous in the middle : abdomen pctiolafe : le^s rufous. Scutel white ; thorax fpotted • fecond and third fegments of the abdomen rufous, ths lower-ones tipt with white. Inhabits- Zealand, very large. Head black : thorax with a white dot : legs black, fpot at the bafe of the thighs and bafe of the Ihanks white. *^aeJito- Scutel yellow i (h i thorax fpotted : 3 laft fegments ef the ab- ''**'• domen with a white dorfal fpot. Inhabits Europe i Hind margin of the fecond fsgment a little ferruginous. Nuitttoriut Scutel yellow; thorax fpotted: abdomen black, the feg- ments edged with white : legs rufous, white at the ends. Inhabits Netu Holland. In the mufeum of 5ir Joj. Banks, Head white with a black frontal line : antennae black, white in the middle, the firft juint yellow ; thorax black with z dots be- fore, a fingle one and line under the wings \ jcutel and 4 fpots under it all white. Olitorius Scutel white ; thorax fpotted : abdomen rufous, the laft leg- ment black with an white dot. Inhabits Germany ; refembles T. molitorius. Legs rufous, hind-Ihanks black. Alhatorins Scntel yellowifli ; thorax fpotted: edges of the abdominal fegments and tail white: legs rufous. Inhabits India. Lip white with a fpear-fhaped black fpot : thorcx black with an oblique white line each fide under the wings and 2 yellovir ones under it : abdomen\>^zi\., the firil fegments with 2 white dots, the reft edged with white, t'^e 2 laft entirely white, Scutel yellow; thorax fpottei : abdomen black, the feg- ments 1. 3 4. rufous at the top, and edged with white. Inhabits /C/f/ ; fmall, /^/tf yellow : fore-margin of the aW^^v and line un- der the ix-'fiTs white : legs black, forcrfhanks white, hind-ones wiih a white ring. Infractori- Scutel yellow ; thorax fpotted : feGjnpnti'-<: 9, 8 1 . Black ; fcutel yellow : antennae wiih a yellow ring : thorax fpotted : abdomen paiolate, annulate with yellow: legs yellow, thighs black. Inhabits England. Forst. Nov. hj. \. p, 83. Black; fcutel yellow; tip and petiole of the abdomen and crcnate band on the fore-part yellow ; legs ffioltly yellow. Inhabits Pa-via. Scaptl: Del Inf tab. 23 fg. I. _ Forms a nell of cemeiucd clay, in chimneys and windows, din. dcd intocvlindrical cejb, in each of .vhich is conujned and cy- lindrical brown Ucid follicle, and in thi»t^e l.^^^a, with fre- f. Muf. Le^k. p. S7'"' '44* Dealhatw glack ; petiole of the abdomen and fegments i, t^, 6, 7, white; Ihanks white, the hind ones tipt with black. Inhabits Europe MiiJ. Lesk. p. 57, n. 145. Shanks ibmetiines all black at the bafeand tip. teucomelas £}jjj.}j . fc^tel yeUowifh : inner margin of the eyes and tip ot the abdomen white i thanks grty-terruginous. \vi\ii!o\\.i Europe. Muf. Lesk. p.^j.n. i^b. frilineatui Black ; crown and double line on the fcutel white : legs ru- tous, the ends ot ihe hind ones brown. Inhabus kurepe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57 n I48. Brachya- Black; head and thorax fpotted : line on the fcutel and tip canibHs. ol the abdomen white : iling very Ihort: Ihanks brown, w'hitilh ai the bale InhaLiits turope. Muf Les. p. 57. «• 150. Cfiropis Black ; fcutel yellowifh : antenna? yellow at the bafe: front ycLtJW : itgs rutous. Inhdaui Lurcpe, Muj Lcik. p. ^y.n. i^i, ^tinguittO' Thorax fpotted: fcutel yellow ; orbits and ends of the legs hhtus. white : abdomen ai. a hind-legs red, thejoiuis and ihort fling biack. Inhabiu £«ro/>?. Muf. Lesk. p. SJ.n, 152, tcucoJlUtos Bafe otthe thorax and dotunder the wings and orbits white: abdomen ferruginous ; legs rutous. lv^\\Aoi\.i turcjfe. Mill. Lesk. p. 57. a. 153. Bifcutatus El^ck ; double fcutel yellow^ : thorax with a white dot be* fore and under the wingb^ 2 lait fegments oi ihe abuo- mcn white : legs red. InYalAli, Europe, Muf Le/k, p. 58. n. 154. J n ' vScutJ yellow ; thorax fpotted: abdomen black, hind inar-r * gm 01 ihc legmenis ana legs terruginous. Inh bits Oiij.ciie. jjti. '^U'C 1787. 4. z.n. 32. Fore-part ofihe /,'e(7(^ and ^«7 icrrugiaouss INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84^. Ichneumon. 437 B. ScHiel wh-ie or yellow ; antenna entirely black. Equitatori. Black; fciitel whitifli ; incifures of the abdomen black, the us. fe^^ments 2, 3, 4, and legs yellow. K'J'et. y c MXer 'VQii dcr Baumt. Kudorl, tab. 3. Intnepupiofthe Phalanapniperda. •D/w/c«/o- Black ; fcutel yellow: antennsc beneath rnfous: thorax rius. with a fpinc each fide : abdomen with 2 yellow beits and tail InhatJics England. Forf. Nov, Inf. p. 82. *Luctaiori. Scute] white ; thorax ftottcd : fecond and third fegments of *^' the abuomcn pale yellow. Iniid its B.uiope aiiu AVof Zealand. 1 Lcrux reiicuiate under the Icutel. Lotaforius Sciitel vcllovvjlh ; thorax fpotted : fecond fegment of the abJomea riitoiis. IiUiibUii A>Tt; midland. In the Mufeum of Sir y^/". Banks. Thorax bl.ick w itli a yellow uoc under the wings : abdomen bJu^k ; ie^s rufous. *N:r^alori- Vi. Sciitel white ; thorax fpotted: fecond and third fegments ul the .it-donien entuciy, the ri.it cdned with terru^i- IiOUh. Irh.tbiiS England In the niufeum of Sir J of. Banks. hcau L'iack-: ibsrax black with a yellow Cox. unacr the wings : iccond Ic^nit-nt ol ihc abdcr.en v. ith a black Ipot : icos jellow hind ihigls biHcic. l.aora'9. Scute! v hitc : thorax ffoitcd : fecond and third fegments ''''"• of the abdomen ruious, all ed^ed with yellow. Inlu! us Kul-, fize ot J. ]udt .t' rius. lie.d\i\>.Qy, fr nt ytlluw: thoiax black with ayellow linebefore and cne unacr iie wings ; abdomen black : kgs rutous, hind- thighs black. Occifi>i\us Eiack ; fcutel yellow i Hi : fecond fegment of the abtlomcn at the bafe, third entirely, the relt edged with yellow. InhaLits •St.xony. Firlt joint oi the antennae yellow beneath: Z^r^fl' black, ycl lew unocr the iinicnnnc: rhora x w'nh a yellow lirvc Lctorc the wings and cot ur.dcrtlicni : tegs yellou. Q/C;./.v/«7'ithighs black : fLviKgs a little yellowifh. aginator- Scutel white f thorax fpotted : abdomen black with 5 white bands, the third interrupted. Inhabits Northern Europe. Firll fegment of the abdemen with j. white dots. * Annula- Scutel yellowifh; thorax fpotted; 4 firft fegmcnts of the tortus. abdomen edged with yellow: wings hyaline. Inhabits England. Jn the mufeum of 5/r "Jof. Banks, //f<7rf' black, front yellow ; antennae above black, beneath yellow: thorax with a yellow line before the wings, dot under them and 2 fpots under the fcuteh: legs ferruginous, hind-thighs and fhanks tipt with black. MaculatorUs , INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 439 MmuUtor- Black fpotted with yellow; fcutel ycllowlfh: abdomen cy- ****- lindrical, the 4 firft fegments edged with yellow : wings brow« at the tip. Inhabits Saxony. HeaJ black, mouth and orbits yellow: thorax with yel low; ahdomen beneath rcJdilh : Itgs yellow, hind-thigh black. NtcMttriuj, Black; fcutel 2-toothed edged with yellow: fegments of the abdomen edged with yellow. Inhabits Germany. HeaJhhck with a yellow ring on the front and 3-toothed behind. thorax with a yellow dot before the wings : fecond fegmcnc of the abdomen with a yellow doc each ftde : legs ferruginous, hind-thighs black. Front0t0r- Scutel yellow ; thorax fpotted : front and bafe of the thighs itts. white. Inhabits Zealand. Antennae black, the firft joiut white beneath : thorax with a fmall white dot before the wing* : abdomen black immaculate: 4 fire legs rufous, the thighs white at the bale ; lund-onci black, the thighs and flianks white at the bafe. BidentoTttu Scutel yellow; thorax fpotted: fecond and third fegments- of the abdomen yellow at the bafe: legs rufous. Inhabits 'Northern Europe. Head black, frant yellow, thorax black with a yellow dot under the wings. Thorax fometimcs 2-coothed, fomctimes unarmed. Margina- Scutel yellow; thorax fpotted: 2 firft fegments of the ab« tortus. domcn with a yellow band, the reft edged with yellow. Inhabits Kiel. Head h\Ack, front yellow : mntenjiae above black, beneath yellow: thorax black with yellow lines and dots : legs yellow, thighi blacki * Per/Ma- Scutel white; thorax fpotted: all the fegments of the ab- r'^'"^' domen with 2 white dots each fide. Inhabits Europe, Schatff. Icon. tab. "^o. Jig. z. Liturater- Scutel yellowiOi ; thorax fpotted : abdomen black, 4 of »«^« the fegments yellow in the middle: legs ferruginous. Inhabit* Europe. Fn Suec. 1594. y»gat0rsiu» 440 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 8i. Ichneumon. Vayatorius' Scutel yellow i (h ; thr«raK fpotte 1 : ablorn-n cylinirlcal the fegments notched at the edge, with a yellow mark. Tn'ahits f^axony; l^irgcr than I. prrfu.ir'oriu-. Head black, ferruginous behind the eyes: thorax black with s yellowiHi fore-lo'-e large doc and 2 dorfal lin^s, undrr the fciitel a yellowilh line: m^ings h.^lf as long .is the abdomen, hyaline with a yellowifli fpot ; Ug^ ferruginous. *Defigna- Scutel yeHowi'Ti ; thorax fpotted : ab^'onrlen black, the 3 tortus . firft fegments with a white dot each fide. Inhabits Northern Europe. • Ediator- Scutel yellowifh; thorax fpottcd, with 2 dots each fide; tus. abdomen entirely black. Inhabits Northern Europe. Duhitorius. Scutel yellowilh ; thorax fpottcd : abdomen yellow tipt with black: wings with a brown band. Inhabits Ne-.u Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae and head hl^ck; thorax with a yellow border: 2 laft fegments of the nhdomen Mick: legs yellow; hind-ones black, bafe of the flianks yellowilh, Latatarius Black; fcutel white; thorax fpotled: abdomen rufous tipt with b'ack; hind flianks with a white ring. 'ln\\zV\\.'^ Germany i fma'l. //^«yblacl:, orbits vNhte: /^w^at with 2 white dots under the •viings and one under the fcutel : legs rufous. Flavatorius Fulvous; fcutel white: antennas and laft fegments of the abdomen black. Inhabif* Italy. Fa'^rrm^. \v. Append p. 4^6. Head fulvous, eves and Itemmata black: thorax fulvous with fomct-mcs a black patch on the back: legs fulvous, hind- thighs tipt with black. • Fujorius. Scutel yellowilh ; thorax fpotted : abdomen pale ycllovr. Inhabits Europe. Meliorator- Scutel vellowiih; thorax fpottcd: abdomen black, edges of ifS' the fegments head and legs ferruginous. Inhabits btaherte. In tl^e mufeum ot Sir Jof. Banks. Jutennae black : thorax black with fcrrugrnous fpots. ' Lutorius. Scutel yellowilh; thorax with 4 yellow lines: whole ab- domeo and legs pale yellow. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 441 Inhabits Italy, Head yellow, crown black : antennae black, yellow at the bafe. *Delira- Sciitel yellow i fh ; thorax fpotted, with 3 dots each fide: toriui. abdomen black : fhanks white. Inhabits Europe, Talcatorlus Sciitel yellowifh; thorax variegated: abdomen fubfalcate, ferruginous at the bafe and tipt with black. Inhabits Germany. Antennae black, beneath yellow: head\i\zck, yellow under the antennre with a black line in the middle and i dots : thorax- varied with black and yellow : legs yellow. ^portjorlus. Scutel white; thorax immaculate: abdomen tcftaceous, the bafe black and tip yellow. Inhabits Germiny ; fmall. //>^t/ black, mouth yellow: legs yellow. SolUcitorius Scutel yellow; thorax immaculate: 3 firft fegments of the abdomen rufous. Inliabits Ne^ju Zealand. Mufeum of Sir ^9/. Banks. Antennae black : head black, front yellow : legs rufous, Nuptatorius Sotel white; thorax immaculate: abdomen rufous tipt with black, the tail white. Inhabits Zealand. Antennae black : head black, orbits white : petiole of the abdomen black : legs black. ** Segmnto- Scut"! v^llowidi ; thorax immaculate: abdomen black, the ^"*^' fegments 2, 3, 4 rufous. Inhabits Ke', Head black, front whitiOi : bgs rufous, hind thighs black. * Fojortus. Scutel yellowifh ; thorax immaculate : abdomen black, legs rufous- Inhabits JLVo/^". HecdhlicV, mandibles rufous. P,-oi£lorius» Scutel yellow; thorax immaculate: abdomen black, the firft and fecond fegments rufous, the third with a white dot each fule. Inhaiiits Si.ae> black with a broad white band : ahdomen immaculate : HKijng^ duflcy. Peluc'iator. Black ; abdomen piceous in the middle : forc-flianks cla- vatc, InJiabits Isortherr Ei(rope» Objurgator gjack ^ head and fore-partofihe thorax ferruginous: wings blue, upper-pair with a hyaline not Jir,(tnnue ilack anr.ulate with white: al'dvwen v^ySo\-AXz '. fcre~ le^i piccous ; hina-ones black the ihanks with a while ring at the bale, *Cemitator Entirely black : antenna; with a white band. Inhabits Europe. - keaxm. luj, 6. tab. if^ fg- 1 — 4. Annulator. Black ; legs rufous, ihanks annulate vrith white. Inhabits 6axcny, Antennae bUck annula;e with white, ' Zonaior, Black j abdomen ovate rufous: k 25. iuf.^u£, the hind-ones white before the tip. Inhabits liaij ; rcfembles the lafl:. Clavatcr, Black : legs rufeu?, the hind-ones lipt w ith v^ hiie \ abde.'O^en comprelfcd clavate. Inhabits Kiel. Ante/tHae hlick with a broad v.liitc band : abd'jsnen pciiolate. ndlatfr. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 445 Vigtlator^ Black ; fifth f.-gmcnt of the abdomen edged with white: upper-wings tipt with black. Inhabits Africa, Mufeum of Sir Jo/: Banks, Antennae black with a white band ; legs black. Black : abdomen with a white ftreak : legs ferruginous. Inhabits Gt-r»/47»>' ; imall. Antenna as long as the body, black with a white ring in the mid- dle /■ (ling fhort black. Black ; abdomen clavate with 3 pale bands : thighs ru- fous. Inhabits A^^av Holland. Mufeum of Sir. Jof. Banks. Antenna black with a white ring : fiing rufous with a finglc bri- ftle and 2 fhort white recurved horns tipt with black. Dehellator Black: 4 middle fegments of the abdomen rufous : thighs black clavate. Inhabits Saveden ; large. Antennae yellowifli at the bafe : firft and laft fegment of the nh- domen black. • Jrrigxior. Black ; abdomen ferruginous tipt with black ; upper-wings with a bh'ck fpot in which is a white dot. Inhabits Saxo.y j large. jintennaehhck with a white band : legs piccous. Migrator. Black ; abdomen ferruginous tipt 'vrith black : fhanks white. Inhabits Eurepe. Sputator. Black ; thorax immaculate : lecond and third fegments of the abdomen rufous. Trhahit? (jrerma/iy. Legs rufous, thighs black. Dtmidtator Black ; hind-part of the thorax and fore-part of the abdo- 'mi n ferruginous. \x\\z\>\\%Germa7iy. Aitctirae black, rufous at the bafe and annulate with white in the miudlc: hind, part of the thcrax znd jcutel ferruginous ; /t-j^x ruious, the hind -ones tipt with black. Abh-pzia. Black • abdomen very fhort clavate rufous, tlie tip black tor. truncate. Inhabiis Haxojiy. Avtennae black with a white band : abdGn:et with a long petiole : legi ruious, hind-ihariks black. Sponjort 446 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84- Ichneumon. Sponfor. Black : tliorax immaculate : abdoman black : legs rufous, the hind-tarfi black. Inhabits Germany, Frofi'tgator, Black ; abdomen ferruginous with a black petiole : legs rufous. Inhabits Ettrops ; fmall. - Antennae black, ferruginous in the middle , bind-kgs varied with black. *Pererri' Black: fubclavate legs and abdomen ferruginous, the 2 laft naior. fegments black, tail whitilh. Inhabits £aro/£', Fn. Suec. 1601. •Incubator Bl^ck : abdomen ferruginous, the tip black with a white fpot : wings hyaline ; antennce fafciate. Inhabits £«ro/^. Geoffr. inf. 2. tab. \6.fig. i. I/ifrucIor. Ferruginous ; head breall and tips of the abdomen and wings black. Inhabits Barhary ; large. Antennae ferruginous at the bafe, the middle annulate with white, the tip brown : thorax above rufous beneath black ; abdomen peftinate, the fegments i, 2, 3. ferruginous: ^. Muf. Led. p, 60. n. 178. b. Melanoce. Head and conic abdomen black the latter fpotted with phalus. white : orbits and crown white : thorax and legs ru- fous. Ii>habits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 60. n. 178. c. Bale of the •vjings and margin of the fcutel black: petiole of th^ abdomen with a white dot each fide. Macrourus Black ; legs rufous, metatarfi white ; hind-fhanks tarft and band on the upper-wings brown : iliug twice as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p, 6. r.c* 179. Deprefui. Black: abdomen deprcffed : legs rufous. , Inhabits £i/rc/f. M^f. Lefk, p. 60. n. \%o. Ferrugino' Black ; 4-fore-thighs above and {hanks ferruginous. ^»s- Inhabits £/.T£/^. Muj.Lcfk.p, 60,^,182, Ocrcatui* 448 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon Ocreatus. Black ; legs rufous, hind-flianks brown : ftlng as long as the abdomen. lnh^\n\.i Europe. Muf. Lesk j&. 60. n. 183. Di/celor. Black ; firfl: pair of legs whuifli, fecond whitifh-brown^ third brown. InYiihits Europe. Muf* Leik. p. 60. n. 184. Clavlpes, Black ; legs rufous : fhanks clavate, white in the middle on the outfide. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60, «. 185. Digitatus. Black ; legs rufous, claws brown : fting fhorter than the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 60. n. 188. Stratus, Black ; abdomen ferruginous, the 4 laft fegments black: legs rufous ; antennas ferruginous with a brown ring, the tip black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. n. 1 89. Curtus. Black ; legs teftacceus, end of the tail white. Inhabits Aufiria. Schramk. Inf. Aufi.p. 355. ». 717- Fifcheri. Black ; bafe of the antenna fhanks tarfi and abdomen ex- cept the petiole and tip rufous : thighs clavate. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aufi. p. 356. n. 718. D. Scutel the colour of the thorax : antenna: Hack. hinerator. Pale yellow ; crown and wings black. Inhabits Guinea ; fize of I. defertor. Wings black, upper. pair with a faint white lunuIV in the middle : legs yellow, hind-tarfi black, Pennafor, Pale yellow ; antennas and wings black. Inhabits Georgia; large. Legs yellow. *Defertgr. Pale yellow ; wings brown with a white band. Inhabits £aro/f. Schaeff. lcon..tab.zo.fig. 2.-^. Nominator. Pale yellow fpotted with black ; wings brown with a white lunule. Inhabits Frame; fize of I. defertor. • 1 ui 1 Hea^v/khsi large black frontal fpot : /-^er^.r fpotted withbJack : fegments of the ah^$>neH 1,2, with a black ipot, the laft with 2. • Purgatcr. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 449 purgator. Pale yellow ; antennx and fling black : wings hyaline with 2 brown bands. Inhabits France' Sting as long as the abdomen. fafiidiator Scarlet; wings brown, upper-pair with a fcarlet marginal fpot. Inhabits -r^;V/. Banks, .■intcmae rurous benc;.:h : thighs and'llianks of the hind legs ru. • fous at the baic. *rit,!h' At J INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84- Ichneumon. •Titil/atcr Black: abdomen ferruginous, the bafe and tip black: hind- legs black, while at the end. Inhabits Europe, Haftator. Black: edges of the fegments edged with rufous; fcutel elevated i-fpined. jhe bafe of the wings : 'wtMgs dull hyaline : Ugs rufous. CuUelUtcr. gj^ck ; abdomen comprefled rcry acute and ferruginous : fcutel emarginate. Inhabits Germany ., , , r Thorax a littie rugged and raifed at the forc-margin. *r€nat»r. gijck ; abdomen fubfalcate, the bale flefli-colouf beneath : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Abdomen with often a rufooi curve or two. , Fornicator. Black ; abdomen clavate arched immaculate: legs rufouj. Inhabits Italy ; fizc of ihc lail. •Lineator. Black ; abdomen petiolate : front with ycH'.w lines: fore- legs ferruginous. , r- ~ v l Inhabits England. In the mufcum of Sir Joj. BMks, Front with 2 yellow lines : 2 hind legs black. E^ten/or. Black; abdomen fubcylindrical : legs rufous: fting longer than the body. Inhabits Europe, Maeulator. Black ; fides of the abdomen and legs rufous. Inhabits Germany. i-jr^ L.Cr^nttcA Segments of the abdomen whitilh at the edges : htnd-fhank fpottcd with white : -wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. .^ . •, Black; legs rufous: hind-fhanks annulate with white. •TurtonelU ^^ ^^^ j &^^. ^^ ^^^,^^^ Jnator, Black ; thorax fpottcd: tail white : legs rufous. Inhabits G^rwaw)' ; fniall. ju'/v.,t^/,» jintcnnae yellowi{h beneath : orbits fnowy : moHth reddifh . thorax wi.h a white line before the wings, a dot unJcr them and 2 in the place of the fcutel : hind-turfi blacki • StrohihelU INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 455 ^Strohibel' Black: (ling twice as long as the abdomen: legsred- ^^'' difh, (hanks and claws of the hind-ones annulate with white. In the larva of the Tinea ftrobibcUx. *OcMlator, Black ; bafe of the abdomen with a yellow dot each fide : thorax 1- toothed behind. Inhabits Englaid. In the mufeum of 5/r. TV* ^onk%. Thorax rough : fcuttl gibbous : ivings hyaline with a yellow marginal dot . Ugt rufous : abdomen in one fex immaculate, Luadattr. Yellow; back of the thorax and firft fegmcnt of the abdo- men black. Inhabits Zealand. fma!l. Tail white j legs yellow, white at the cnd«: Roberator, gjack ; abdomen rufous, edges of the fegments and tail black: legs nifous: Inhabits Barbary, fmall. Antennae fubfcrru^inous at the tip : ivings hyaline with a black marginal dot. Fcmenfattf giack ; abdomen falcate, the third fegment and fourth at the bafeyellowilh : legs teftaccous. Inhabits Snvedeft. Menjurator Black ; fecond and third fegments of the abdomen ferru- ginous with a black dorfal triangle. Inhabits Saxony. IVzngi with a yellowifb fpot, Ttnaator^ Black ; abdomen feflile cylindrical ; legs rufous : (ling hai- ry, as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Kiel ; Icfs than l.extenl r. Firft joints of the aw/fj^ar 'erruginous it the bafc; w/ff^x yel- lowifh : bind'jhanki white with a brown band. Re/inelU, Black; legs yellow : abdomi*n feifile cylindrical incurved : antennx- pale yellow at the bafe. In the larv* of the ?";«£« rejhidte, •Preroga- gi^ck ; aSdomen oblong o'wtufe : mouth and legs pale. In the larvae ofttic Bombv< Sa'icis. H'ir.gshysWnc with a i)lack marginal dot, Sarbaior. Black ; middle of the abdomen and legs ferruginous anten- nx bearded. Inhabits 456 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84 Ichneumon, Inhabits In the raurcij-n of Sir Jof Banks. Wings white with a flrru^^inous Ipot. Gjllndratar jBlack ; abdomen f.ffile cylindiical incurved, 3 of the fcg- ments rufous, the margin Ipoited with black. Inhabits Kiel. Therax with a yellow dot before the wings : fegmcr.ts of the abdomen 2, 3, 4. with a rufous crols and black triangular fpot each fide ; legs rufous, hind-tarfi black. Accufator. Black; thorax immaculate: abdcmen cylindrical, edges of the fegments and legs rufous. Inhabits Germany, 5ting as long as the abdomen. Stercoratcr. Black ; front yellow : abdomen cylindrical ; legs rufous, fhanks and tarfi annulate with while and black. Inhabits Kiel, Antenna yellowifh beneath: jling o: nxings hyaline with ft fmall black marginal dot. Inciiotor. Black ; thorax fpotted : abdomen cylindrical : legs rufous : fting Ihort. Inhabits Germany, fmajl. Antennae yellowifh beneath : mouth yellowifli : thorax with a white line each fife before ihs wings and a large rufous fpot under them : htndjhanks white. Variegator. Black ; thorax variegated: abdomen compreffed clavate, the edges of the fegments yellow : fcutel pointed. Inhabits Snveden. Antennae beneath ycUowifti .• front yellow with a black line in the middle : thorax varied with black and yellow : abdomen with 3 yellow bands above and beneath : legs yellow. 2. Antennat entirely pale yellow. Acuminmtor 'Q\^^.^ thorax immaculate: abdomen comDrelfed clavate, 3 of the fegments edged with yellow : fcutel pointed. Inhabits Saxony, refembles the laft. / Head yeUow, crown black: Isge yd\ow, midile-thighs without and hind-ones entirely black. Strigater, Black; abdomen with a whiteftreak: hind-lhanks white tipt with black. Inhabits 5«jcewy ; fmall. Antennae beneath yellow: head ytWwf under the antennae: thorax w ith a yellow dot under the wings, fcutel with z and a tranf- , verfe line : legs rufous. Scahrator, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. S4. Ichneumon. 457 Scabrator. Black, rough: hind-thighs rufous at the bafe. Inhabits ii*xotiy; fmall. Boiiy rough with fmall raifed dots. *Grav'ida' Black ; firft fegment of the abdomen ferruginous covering tor» halt the abdomen. Inhabits Europt, — • Inculcatw Black ; abdomen falcate, entirely ferniginous. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 6. tab* 30. y<^. 9, Falcator. Black ; thorax with a yellow dot under the wings : abdomen falcate, the fegt-nents 2, 7, 4 rii**on<;. Inhabits S^ve^en', twice as large as I. pHgillator. Legj rufous, thighs black. •Pugillator Thorax immaculate: abdomen falcate rufous, the bafe and tip black : legs Hcnder ferruginous. In the la-'-a of the Phalaena Ztczac Degeer. l!:ft£l. i . tab. 6. h^ 1 2. Front with generally a yellow fpot. Moderator* Black ; abdomen petiolatc comprefled i legs pale : fting a little fhorter than the body. In the larva of the Ichneianon StrobMlaCt which it confumes and then fpins its web in the empty flcuil. * Saltattr. Black •, abdomen clavate very (hort: fting cylindrical: hind- legs elongated. InlMbit* England. In the mufeuna of Sir jfof. Banks, Fore-Jhtinki and bafe of the tbight teftaceous. irigtttor. Black; thorax immaculate: abdomen fhort falcate, the third fegment and legs rufous. Inhabits Saxony; fmall. IVin^s hyaline with a black fpot. Jacattr. Black, thorax immaculate: abdomen falcate ferruginous, the petiole ilcond fegment and bafe of the third black. InhalMts Kiel; fmall. ' Legs rufous, hind-iliighs annulate with black at the bafe. ''zfnpcn/attr Black ; thorax ;mmaculate : abdomen very fhort falcate, the fegmcnts 2, j, 4. rufous. Inhabits Germany, fmall. VOL.in.— 3iVl Wings 458 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. H'^ings whitilh with a brown marginal dot: legs rufous, hind_ Ihanks at the tip and tarfi black. AUrcater. Black ; thorax immaculate : abdomen fhort falcate, the fccond fegment yellow at the tip, third entirely and fourth at the bafc. Inhabits Germany. Head black, mandibles and feelers yellow : legs yellow, 4-fore-; thighs black : nvings 6.\i^^y . FlageUator. Black ; thorax immaculate : abdomen falcate fhort, the fecond and third fegments ruious : legs rufous, hind- thighs black. Inhabits Kiel-, relembles the laft. CunSator. Black ; thorax fpottcd : abdomen fubfalcate rufous, the petiole black : front and ends ot the hind-legs yellow. Inhabit? K.f/; fmall Firft joint of the antennae beneath yellow: thorax with a yellow Hdc before the wings and dot under them : legs rufous, hind- fhanks black. Irrorator, Elack ; tip of the upper-wings brown with a white dot : abdomen clavate wiih a villous gold fpot at the lip. Inhabits Southern I'urape. Abdomen fubreticulate : hindjhanks ferruginous at the bafe. * Pafpntar. Black ; Icgs ferruginous : thighs clavate, the hind-ones toothed. Inhabits Europe* Curvator, Black ; legs yellow ; hind-thighs clavate. Inhabits Denmark ; fmall. * 7flf«/«/(?r Black ; abdomen falcate rufous in the middle: hind-flianks clavate, the bafe and tip white. Reaum. Inf j^, tab. lO.f.g. 14, Degeer. I. tab. ^6.ftg. lO;- In the larv2 of Bees and of the Genus Sphex, * JJiSlator Black; abdomen falcate with 3 rufous lateral fpots: hlnd- fhanks clavate rufous. Inhabits Europe, Necator. Black; abdomen yellow tipt wfth black ; legs yellow, RoeJ.hiJ. 2,Ve/f.^. tab, 4, In INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA: 84. Ichneumon. 459 In the larvjE oftnotbi, which it entirely covers and fattens down with its webs. Wings hyaline with a yellow coftal fpot. Punaator. ydlow dotted with black : abdomen feflile. Inhabit* South America and India. Exarator. Body piceous immaculate: abdomen and thighs clavate: feelers fetaccous: wings with a white and black fpot. Inhabits Europe ; fmall. En. Suec. 1614. Mandator. Black; fecond and third fcgments of the abdomen ferrugi- nous, the tip white above. Inhabits Europe. En. Suec. 1620, Encrvaior. Black ; 3 firft fcgments of the abdomen rufous, the tip above white : antennx annulate with white. Inhabits £z/r5/'^. f/j, >Wc. 1621, Azricolator Black ; head ferrisginous : abdomen feflile. Inhabits Europe. Probably a variety of I. fccalis, i-ffi piceouj, fore-thighsTlavate. Cm/i77«?<3- Black ; abdomen fubpetiolate oblong: legs rufons : wings tar. with a black marginal fpot. Inhabits j^///?>v«. Scbranck, Inf. Auji.p. 357. ». 721. Leucotarfus Black; abdomen falcate: legs ferruginous; tarfi of the hind-ones white with black claws. \v\\\zh\\h Austria. Schreinck. Inf. Au(l. p. 339. w. 725. Latro. Black ; abdomen fubpetiolate fubcomprefTed teftaceous tlp^ with black : legs teftaceous. Inhabits Auf.ria. Schraiich. Inf. Auji. p, 360. k. 726. Vefpifcrmi Black ; abdomen with 4 yellow belts. Inhabits Anuria. Schranck, Inf. AuJl. p. 361. n. 728. Suratus. Black : abdomen petiolate falcate, the fecond fcgment pale yellow. \nhzh\X.5 Aufria. Schra?:ck. Inf. Auf.p. 362. n. 729, Ccci'cr, Black ; abdomen falcate with a ferruginous band. Inhabits AuP.ria. Schranch, Inf. AuJi, p. 362, n. 730. 3 M 2 TlavifrSKS 46o INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Fla'vifrons. Front yellow : legs rufous : antennx pale beneath. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. lnj\ Auji. p. 363. k. 731. Mdcropui. Tip of the antennas middle of the abdomen and legs rufous, the hind-ones black varied with ferruginous. Inhabits Austria, Schranck. Inf.AuJi.p. 364. n. 733, Jmpoiter, Entirely black : abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Europe. Geoff r. In/, par. 2. ^, 352. »■ Abrogator. Black ; abdomen ovate : legs ferruginous. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inj. Auji. p, 367, ;;. 740. Devastator Black ; abdom-;n petiolate and legs ferruginous: hind thighs black: wings brownifh. Inhabits Austria. Schranck In/, Aufi.p. 367. v. 741. Impratg' Black ; 4 fore-fhanks and abdomen ferruginous, the tip uator. and firftfegment black, the fecond and 'fifth pundlured. Inhabits 4ustria. Schranck. In/ Aust. p. 368. w. 743. Jmpugnater. Black ; abdomen with 2 yellow belts : 4 fore flunks tefta- ceous, hind-ones brown. Inhabits Aullria, Schranck. In/. Aust. p. 368. n. 744. Mjflacatas, Reddifh-brown ; long feelers and bafe of the (hanks yellow. Inhabits Au/lria. Schranck. Inj. Aust. p. 369. n. 746. Vehellator Black; abdomen petiolate with a fulvous belt: bafe of the antennae and legs yellow. Inhabits Austria. i:chia:ick. Inf. Aust, p. 370. n. 747. la/cffator. Abdomen petiolate fubfalcate: mouth and feelers yellow; antennse brown : l-^gs citron Inhabits Austria. Schranck. In/. Aust. p. 370. «. 748. Immacula. Bja^k ; abdomen feffile: legs rufous, the ends of the himl- '^^' ones black. Inhabits £aro/>f. Mu/ Lesk. p 60. ». 191. Mmrgi natns ^\zck \ abdomen fclUle : fling white aMhc margin: front with a 2-lobed yelhnv fpot ; legs rufous. Inhabits Eu^opt. Mu/. Leik. p. 6c. ?/. 192. Longtpci. 3Jack ; abdomen ferruginous tipt with brown : legs ferru- ginous, the hind ones very long. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 461 rnhabits Europe. Muf.LesKpt 60. n. 193. Thigh brown, 3-toot!icd. Black ; thorax with a impreffed lines before : legs rufous ; (ling fhort. Inhabits jE'wro/^. Muf. Lesk. p, 60, ti. 104. Imprejfu: Black : crown imprefTed : legs rufous : fting fhort. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk. p. 61. «. 195, Bilintatui, Black ; front with 2 yellow lines : abdorpen deprcited ; legs red, the ends ot the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Eurotc, Muf, Lesk, p. 61. n. 196. Melampte. Black : 2 lirft fcgments of the abdomen ferruginous : legs rut. and wings black Inhabits Europe Muf. Lesk. p. 61. ». 19-, Gracilis, Black ; froqt horny : abdomen cylindrical thin and long: legs rutous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefi.p. 61. «. 198, Aiiuflut. Black : legs rufous yellow, tip of the hind-llianks and ends brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk. p. 6l.«. 199. NxviKs. Black \ front white ; thorax with a white line each fide and fpot under the wings : legs rufous. Intiabics Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 6\. n. ZOO. Juricapi/.^ut B^^^ck : front yellow: abdomen falcate fcrrtiginous: the full feament above tipt with black ; legs rcddifh, hind- Ihanks tipt with black. Inhabits Europe MuJ Lesk. p. 61. ft. 203. Culiratus, ^\^ck ; orbits vertical line mouth and legs ferruginous ; abdomen falcate ferruginous, the fecond and third feg- ments above and tip of the petiole yellow. Inhabits Ewepe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61, n. 204. li^7icop f ems. BUck ; legs rufous: wings white with yellow veins and m^irginal fpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p 6l. n. 205. Mcianurus. Black ; abJcTDcn ferruginous, the petiole and fliort tail black. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Le»k. p. Cr. k. cc6. Farius* 462 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon Varius, Black ; head and thorax varied with ferruginous: wingS ferruginous, hyaline at the tip ; legs rufous, hind- flianks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Led. p. 6i. ». 209. BimacuU' Black : front legs antennae beneath 7 fpots on the thorax tus. and hind-margin of the firft abdominal fegments ex- cept the fecond yellow. In the larva of the Phal. fimbria. M. Lcsk. p. 61. n. 210. Longi/pinis Black ; 2 firft fegments of the abdomen above, petiole and tip and It-gs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejl\ p.Si.n. zii. Verficohn Black ; front yellow ; antenna? redJidi-yellow beneath : legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejl-yp, 62.;/. 213. Leucopalpus gi^^k ; legs rufous : feelers white. Inhabits Europe, Muf, Lf.sk. p. 62. n. 214. Melauopus Black: Jegs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones black, luh.Ah\Xs Europe. Mif Lesk. p. 6z, n', zx^. Leucoptu. Black ; legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones white. Inhabits Europe. Mvf Lefi.p.Sz. ». 216. P'ariafus, Black ; front bafe of the antenn.'e and jaws white; 4 fore- legs reddiili -yellow, hind-ones black with rufous joints. Inhabits Europe. Muf. L.tk. p. 6z. n. 217. iI«^/V/a/2/«i Black : 4 fore-legs edge of the third and fourth abdominal fegments and tip ferruginous. Inhabits Europe, Mtf. l.c;k. p. 62, n. 218. Luiejcens Front each fide and mouth yellow: antennae beneath and firft fegment of the abdomen on the hind-margin pale yellow : legs rufous. \vi\\2kin^ Europe . Muf. Lesk />. 62. ?/. 219. llir.d-flianks brown at the bafe and tip. JlyaUnns Black ; legs rufous : abdomen and wings hyaline. Inhabits fw;-?/^. Mi4j. Lesk. p, to. n. 22 i. Cylin. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 463 CyliHdrUus Black ; legs rufous ; abdomen cylindrical moft of the feg- ments ferruginous at the outer-margin. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 62. n. 222. Albipet, Black ; legs rufous ; hind-flianks white, the tip and ring at the bafe ferruginous, the ends whitifh. Inhabits Europe Muf. Lesk. p. 62. ». 223. Deujius. Black ; front mouth and line on the thorax each fide before the wings yellow ; legs rufous, the fhanks and ends white tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk. p. 62. k. 224. i^ariegatus. Black \ front orbits and mouth yellow : fore-legs reddifli yellow ; hind -ones rufous, middle of the llianks white, the ends white annulate with brown. Inhabits i-Vo/»*. Muf. Lesk. p. 6z. n. ZZ-J. Antennae yellowifh beneath. Rttfe/cens Black; 4 fore-legs pale rufous, thighs of the hind-ones ru- fous ; Ihanks yellowifli with a brown ring at the bafe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 6z' ». 228. Lineolaris Black ; line each fide the front and mouth yellow : thorax fpotted. legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 6z.n. 229, F.avlcirc'tts '^^^^^ \ fting very fliort : legs rufous, hind-flunks with a yellow ring at the bafe. Inhabits £«ro/e. Muf. Lak. p.6j^, n.Zyi. Black ; face antenmt and abdomen brown ferauginous: fee- lers very long : abdomen comprelfed. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. n. 256. Legs yello-.v. hind-ftianks tipt with brovvn. Black ; bafe of the antenna; white : front white with 2 black lines: abdomen fubfeffile ferruginous, black at the bafe and tip. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 64. n. 258. Legs rufous, hind-thigh* and (hanks tipt with black* Black ; bafe of the antenna; and mouth white: abdomen rufous, the bafe and tip black : legs reddilh-yeliow. \nh.di.h\tz Europe. MufLes^.p b^. n. z^^. Black : abdomen ferruginous, the tip and bafe of the petiole black: ends ot the 4 hind-leg'? white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. n. 260. Black; legs reddilh : thighs and tip of the hind-fliainks brown. Inhibits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. 261. Black ; mriiith bafe of the antenna? and bafe and tip of the abdomen ferruginous ; legsrutous. Inhabits ^a/T/r. Muj. Lesk. p. 65. »..262. VOL. III.--3 N DeaureUMS- •466 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 84. Ichneumon. Deauratus Black ; mouth and bafe of the antennse and thighs yellow : firft fegment of the abdomen behind, third and fourth and tip of the petiole ferruginous : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65. n, 263. Fulyt-ven- gjack \ bafe of the antennx before abdomen 4 fore-legs "*"• bafe of the hind-thighs and (hanks yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lejk.p. d^. n. 264. Abdomen black at the bafe and tip. Jmpreffus Black ; front with a black line each fide : abdomen reddifh: legs rufous, (hanks white towards the bafe with a fer- ruginous ring each fide. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 65. n. 265. Abdomen black at the bafe and tip, j^ firft fcgtnents with a tranf- verfc impreffcd line in the middle. Senilis. Black ; front grey : bafe of the abdomen reddilh-yellow : 4 fore-legs yellow the reft brown. ln)mh'it$ Europe. Mu/. Lesk.p. 6^, n. 266, Cottcolor. Black : legs and abdomen rufous, the petiole black. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk.p, 65. «. 267. Chryfoga- Black : antennae legs and wings browni(h: abdomen yellow /ter, fubfelfile (horter than the fting. Inhabits Europe. Mu/. Lesk, p. 65. n, 270. Vitiatus, Black, antennse beneath, tranfverfe band on the front and mouth yellow : abdomen ferruginous, the bafe and fpot in the middle of the firft fegment black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 6^. n. 271. Brachm- ^^^^^ '•> antenna: brown ; abdomen and legs yellow : fting canthus. ''^ery (hort. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk.p. 6^.n. zjz, Braccatus. ^^^ck ; mouth and bafe of the antennae and thighs yellow : abdomen ferruginous black at the bafe : 4 fore-legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk.p. 65. n. 273. M lanobh' ^^^^^ • . ^^^^. ferruginous, eyes and abdomen ferru e anop.' varied with black : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 65.//. 274, Sinous Ochrocercus. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 467 * Qchrocercus Black ; thighs yellow : fhanks white, the hind-ones and ends annnhte with yellow. Inhabits Europe, MuJ. Lesk. p. 66. n. 275. Erythropus Black; legs rufous : belly yellowifh. Inhabits Europe^ Muf^ Lak. p. 66. n. 277, llamatcpus Piccous, glabious ; jaws rufous: legs red, the ends brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lak. p. 66. n. 278. Leucogsms jjj^^j^ . j^^^ rufous, hind-(hanks black at the bafe and tip ends of the 4 hind-legs brown, ihejoints white at the bafe. Inhabits Eumpe. Muf. Le/k. p. 66. «. 279. ALidui. Black ; legsreddifh, the ends and iTianks whitifli, the hind- ones of the latter tipt with brown. \i-X\i!t\\% Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. n. 280. Luw^lus pj^^j, . ^^^^^ mouth hind-part of the firft fegment of the abdomen and fecond yellow : legs reddith ; hind- Ihanks white tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 66. «. 281. Mixta:, Black ; face and bafe of the antenna; and thighs yellow : 3 firft fegments of (he abdomen ferruginous ; 1 of them black on the back : legs rufous. Inhabits ^wrr/f. Muf. Lesk. p. 6G. ?:. 282. Melanok-i. gjad^ ; legs rufous, the joints white: front with white '"■'• lobes and line each fide. Inhabits Europe. Mnf. Lesk. p. 66. n. 283. Funcbris. Black ; antenna brown : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. m. 284. Chryfodes, Black : bafe of the antenna: and mouth rcddiih : abdomen yellowilh-brown with a black pciiole : legs yellowiOi, hind thighs reddifli-brown Inhabits Ewopc. Muf. L^sk. p.66. n 286. yiffimihMor. Scarlet ; fore-part of the thorax and legs black ; wings black-brown with a ycUowilh bafe and band and fcarlet dot. Inhabits America. Aa. Stockh. 1787. 4,2. ;/. 34. DepreJJfl. 468 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Deprefator BUck ; bafe of the antennae ferruginous before : abdomen deprefleil, the 3 firlt fcgments yellow: legs pale ru- fous. Inhabits Europe.' Muf, Lesk.p. 66. «. 287. F-errugatcr Ferruginous; wings yellowifii Avith a ferruginous fpot : antcnnse tipt with black. Inhabits America. A£i. Si'o. 1787. 4. 2. ». 33. E Antenna ycUcxu. •Luteus. Pale yellow ; thoraJt ftri^te : abdomen falcate. Inhabits i«;'o/e. Schaeff. Ic. tab. x.fig, \z.iab. loi.yf^, 4. *Ramidulu5 Pale yellow : abdomen falcate tipt with black. Inhabits Enrope, Donofvan ii. tab ^z- Jig' i. ' Hind-thighs with a black ring at thebafc '..'fwhigs hyaline uith a yellow marginal fpot. Flavus. Pale yellow : crown black : abdomen brown at the lip. Inhabits South American IJlandi. Wings hyaline with a fmall yellow marginal <3ot. Fernigine- Fulvous; fegments of the abdomcd with a yellow dot each us. fide. Inhabits Italy; large. Fabric, 'w. apl, p. ^'^C. Mandibles and Jiemmdta black : thorax with 2 pale black dorfal lin>.s and a yellow dot under the wings : c;^rt'.5«".v» peliolace: nxjingi whitiih with a yellow ipot. Fuh'us. Pale yellow ; wings black with a yellow dot, inhabits America. Abdomen feflile. AnnuUtui Varied with black and yellow : wings tipt with black. Inhabit? E^ft India, Head ye\]o\\',cro\s'i\ black: thorax yellow with black lines ; firft fc^nlerit of the abdomen ferruginous the bafe and tip black, ?, 3, 4 yellow tipt with black, the reft yellow: kg^ ierruginous tipt with white. Atratuu Black : head legs and (Ireak on the tail yellow : fling very long. Inhabits North America ; large. Mandibles -AVidi itreak between the e)cs\-hx\: : Jling 3, tijr.cs as long 'as the ^body : 'v.iJigs dulky : /t;^j yellow, 4 hind-thighi black. Penta!,s INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 8> ichneumon. 469 Dcuiaius, Black ; (potted withirellow .• fcute^ yellow, 2 toothed at the lip : tail 2-toothed. Inhabits Noriuay ; large. Hea^ black, front yellow: mntennte above blaclr, heneaih yellow: thorax Ipotted with yellow : Jcutel blacl, the tip yellow: abdomen hUcV, the Icgments edged with yellow : /^^j yellow, hind-thighs black within, Faruornis, m , ,, , . , . , . lilack; antennae yellow annulate with black; legs ru- fous. Inhabits Gtrmany, Lip yellow \ front yellow with a black line in the middle : thorax with 2 white lines : tip of the /?«/f/ white : abJamen petiolatc: ivings hyaline with a black marginal dot. A/m. p^Ij, .|Jq^ . ^j.g2|^ jjj^^j, . abduqicn falcntc, the tali . lenis. Ill black, Inhabits Z^rr/^. Sd.acff, Icon, tab- "^i.fg. 3. * Circum- 470 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 8+. Ichneumon. *Circu)n. Black; abdomen falcate, yellow before: hind-legs with fexus, black joints: fcutel yeliow. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, iii. tab. ^l- fig. 2. Puafiatus. Yellow; head and thorax fpotted: abdomen with 5 black ' dots each fide. Inhabits Coromandel. Miifeuin 01 S\r ycf. Banks. Head yellow with a black fpot on the crown in which are 3 ftigmata : legs teitaceous. hh'R ' Black ; thorax ferruginous, the m^irgin and fcutel white. Inhabits Zealand; Imall. Head\A^ck, mouth and 2 dots on the crown white: bafe of the ivings white : abdomen black, the fegmcnts edged with white : legs rufous, hind-fhanks whitj, the ends black. J,, _. Pale yellow-; fegments of the abdomen 2, 3, 4, 5. with 2 black (lots at the bafe. Inhabits Germany ; large. Mandihhs tipt with black : fiulel with 2 blackifii dots : n/cings and legs pale yellow. Tricolor. Black ; abdomen antenna and lcg^ ferrnginotis. Inhabits Italy. Mcut h y cWow : firR joint of the antenna; black : thorax with a yellow line each fide and dot under the wing* : petiole of the abdomen black: icings whitifii. r. Black; antenn:e and lec;s yellovvifh : win2;i; hyaline with a For/nicatus. 11 1 r o ^ black IpOi. Found on Linmi's Eilate at Hammarhy. MutiUarius Yellovvifh ; abdomen v/ith a black band : wings fpotted with brown. Inhabits Germany, /ihdomen petiolate. Afnnis. Ferruginous; thorax darker on the back: wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. Inhabits Kiel. Abdomen petiolate. Legs ferruginous, tarJi white at ths bafe. ./ , . Yellow; abdomen black. , Inhabits trance; Imall. Wmgs white hyaline with a large black fpot. , p. ^ , Black; antcnnx and legs ferruginous: wings white with 1 black bands. Inhabits Northern Europe. Fnfeatus. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. rchneumoB. 47 ' Fu/catusi Black ; abdomen with a ferruginous band: wings fpottcd with brown. Inhabits Germany ; finall. Flead black, front yellowifh : legs ferruginous. Fald/er. Head yellow with 2 black dots before and black behind: abdomen falcate: thighs rufous, the hind-ones tipi with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p, 66. ». 288. Thorax varied with ferruginous and black. lenehricojus Ferruginous ; crown and anterior margin of the front black : petiole of the abdomen beneath, dot on the flrft fegment, hind-part of the fecond and the whole of the re(t black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p, 67. n. 29 1 . l^a-vius. Pale yellow; thorax fpotted with brown, firft fegment of the abdomen imprefled tranfverfely, the 3 laft black. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 67, «. 293. ^xZl'u. ^^^^'''' ^'°"* y^^^""^ "^'^^^ ^ ^'^^^ ^P°t= antennx annulate xanwus. ^j^j^ j^j^^j, . j^^^ rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n, 294, lulaZ' Black; front -with 3 tubercles: abdomen ferruginous, the bafe and tip black : antennce black at the tip : flianks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. «. 295. Ferruginous ; thorax varied with black : fcutel and fpot under the wings white. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 6y, v. zc^d. Lutefcens. Black; abdomen ferruginous, black at the bafe: fore-legs yellow, 4 hind-ones ferruginous clouded with blackf Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 6-j. >:. 207. Miventris Black ; antennas black at the bafe : legs rufous : front with a white line each fide: fcutel and third fegment of the abdomen white, the fourth and fifth at the hind-margin each fide and fixth entirely white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 298. Cuitratus. Black ; bafe of the antenna; front lip fpots on the thorax legs and falcate abdomen yellow, the fegments black at thg bafe. ° Inhabits dlhifcula' tus. 47i INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon; Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk» p. 67. «. 299. Front with a longitudinni interrupted white line '.thighs black, ferruginous lu the middle. Luteolui. Black } legs rufous : abdomen pale yellow, the ■^ laft fcg- ments black at the bafe: front and 4 fore-lhanks yellowifh. Inhabit5 Europe. Muf. LeJJ:. p. 67. n. 300. Incifus. Pale yellow; thorax varied with brown: incifurcs of the abdomen ferruginous Inhabits £ar(?/>f. Muf. Lesk.p.Gj. n. 301. AnnulatHS. ^\^f^\ • antennae flightly annulate with black : legs rufous : fting Ihort. Inhabits Europe.. Muf. Lcsk. p. 67. n. 302. Vtnofiis. Pale yellow, black between the ftemmata: wings white with yellow veins.- Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 303. Noiatus. "Black; antennas finely annulate with ferruginous: front mouth and l«gs pale yellow : fcutel and Ipot under the wings white. ^ Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 67. ». 304. Ftrrugino- Black ; abdomen tipt with black: thorax fpotted : edge of f"^' the fcutel mouth and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. ;;. 305. ^ekntgo. giack ; abdomen ferruginous tipt with bbck : legs ferru- ^"* ginous with black joints. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk. p. 68. «. 306. '2-rtifrtfr;^/&oaj Black ; dot on the thorax under the wings and tip of the abdomen white : antennae tipt with black : legs rufous, tip of the hind-ftianks black. Inh-abits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 68. *. 307. C%yo^/T/?rr "Black ; belly yellow : legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lejk.p. 68.7'. 308. Xanthome- Black; fcutel ftnuginons: forc-part of the belly front ^^^^? mouth and lea,s pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. ' MuJ. Lefk. p. 6S. k. 309. Crcfjipss. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 473 CraJJipci, Black; abdomen ferruginous, the third and fourth feement black tipt with white : hind-flianks ferruginous tipt with black. \'nW<<\ti Europe . Mu/. Lejk. p.tZ.n. 3 10. Legs thick rufous. Bicolor, Ferruginous; tip of the abdomen breafl and tips of the upper-wings black. Inhabits Africa, llind-tbtghs black. Cardui. Black ; antcnnx teftaccous from the bafe to the middle: legs tawny, the turfi black. Inhabits jBizyfl/-;*!. Scbranck. Baier. Reife. p. 124. XanthopHs. Abdomen falcate : legs tipt with yellow : antennas ferru- ginous: fling fhort yellow. ' Inhabits Trance. Geoffr. In/par. 2, p. 331. Mclauops. Ferruginous; eyes tip of the abdomen and {heath of the iting black, lahabica Aufiria. Scbranck. Inf. Aujl. p, 372. w, 752. Kigroculus. Ferrueinous; abdomen petiolatc, the bafe blackifli : fting bTack. Inhabits Aufiria. Scbranck, Inf. Auji: p. 372. «. 753. Qitadri' Ferruginous; feu tel yellow ; abdomen brownifh, the bafe pumlatus, ^.jjj^ 2 rows of dots. Inhabits Aufna. Scbrank. Inf. Auf.p, 373. n. 754, Vinftus. Ferruginous ; fculel yellow : hind-tliighs fubclavate. I'lhabits Austria. Scbranck. Inf. Aust. p. 373. «. 755. ExoticMs, Black ; antenncc middle of the abdomen and flianks ferru- ginous. Inhabits Scbranck. Inf. /lust. p. 374. n. 756. Abdomen petiolate : hind-fhanks tipt with bJzck. Melanopb- Ferruginous; eyes tip of the thorax and bafe of the abdo- tbulmus. men at the iidcs black. Inhabits Aufiria, Schtanck. hf Aust. p. 374. n. 757, *Poh%omus Black; head thorax and breaft fpottcd with yellow: fcutel yellow: abdomen black, the fegments edged with yellow. Inhabits £;;^/««^. Font. Nov. inf. i./>. 85. VOL. 111.— 3 O Cjlindricus • 474 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Cylindncus, Black ; abdomen cylindrical, the fegments impreiFed tranf- verfei)': legsrtd: antennas with narrow brown rings* Inhabus Lurope. Muf. Leik. p. 61. «. 201, Ff Minute'. Antenna filtfcrm ; abdomen fejjtle ovate. Sem'wu' GiU ; abdomen fern'ginons tipt withl)lue. ratus. Inhabits Evr'pe. Tip of the abdomen black-blue, Kitjdulus. Blue-black ; thorax and fore-part of the abdomen ferrugi- nous. Inhabits liaJv. Rch. Fr. Etrvjc.tah. d.fg. 1,7. ^/7/^/7>'/2' infxeelcd, ihc firli joinr black, iecond rufous, the reft blachft) .- thorax 2 tcoihed !ic' ind, the tore-lobe ferruginous: iegs ferruginous, hind-thighs with a black ring. Spkndidus, Shining-blue; abdomen fulvous at the bafe and tipt with, black. Inhabits Italy. Jntenva. *nd legs black. Ignitus. Black-blue: thorax golden before . abdomen ferruginous with a black band behind. Inhabits Barbaryy Wiugi dufky. Chryfis. Shining green-bronze ; abdomen ovate golden. Inhabus Barbary. AntenTiae and legs black, *Mttfcarum Gilt; legs yellow, formed for fkipping. ~ Degeer. Inj. \. tab, "^t. fig- 19, 20. Inliabits Europe, in the larvas of Flies. • Bedegua- Shining-green; abdomen deprcffed golden. ris. Inhabits £«riJa£lions. iv , '^9 tab. 18, fiy. I, Inhabits England', not iait,i.r than the lalt. *TipuIae Black : bafe of the antennae and legs rufous ; hind-flianks clavate tipt with black LiniJian franfaSiionw .p. ZT^Q, \n ihehrvz oi' thi: Tipu/a Trit/ci i minute. Antennae as if broken, the firft joint long and reddiOi : ivingf without veins, longer than the body : abdomen ovate feffilc deprefled. •Ovulorum bIjj^,!^ . j^gg rufous; antennas filiform long. De^eer Inl 1. tah. ^^.fg. it, 12, 13. In rhc f^f^^/of iheLcpidopterouh nfefts. 2. Le [ black. Schranch. Beytr,tah. z. fig. 13, ^inntus. Deep-black ; wings blackifh with a white bafe and 2 op- poTite fpors Inhabits France', fmall, Firft joint of the antennae long and pale : /i?^/ black tipt vi'nh, white. *Pecfn<- Black ; antenna; branched. cornis, Degeer. Inf. i. tab %^.fig, 3—6. A''!. H 'm. \i\o tab, \%fig. 4 — 6, In the larva of the Bomlyx ^era s , Ramicornis, Grten antennae- branched. l^ the larv;B of Moths, Degeer. 2, Uib, 3>./^, 14. Aii'f, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA» 84. Ichneumon. 477 Aheariftx Black ; Vgs ferruginous : abdomen petiolate and pale at the bafe beneath. Inhabits Auflria. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 378. n. 767. Breeds in white webs dilpofcd like a honey-comb. Gregariui, Black ; legs and fides of the abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits v^a/^''"'- Schranck. Inf. Aufl. p. 377. ». 766. > ' Breeds in the larvae oi Moths and Butter Jlies, and fpins each a fcparate white filky web. Intercut. Black ; abdomen ovate deprefTed, teftaccous at the bafe : (hanks rufous. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aud.f. 377. ». 764. Tortriiut, Bhick ; abdomen ovate deprelTcd, paler beneath. Inhabits Aujlrta. Schranck. Inf. jjufl. p, 367. ». 763. In the larva of the P halo'tm fdfcianei. Lar-va double cylindrical, inflected into a crefccnt, rough foft, head rctradile. Euonjmi Black; incifures of theabdomcn interruptedly yellow: v/ings ferruginous tipt with black. Inhabits Siberia. Lepechin.lt. i. tab. 17. Hg, I,z. PorreHus. Black ; tip of the fore-thighs and flianks pale, the hind- ones tipt with black : fting as long as the abdo- men. ■ Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 72. a. 377. Longicornis Black : antennae long ; legs rufous ; wings with a large fe- milunar brown fpot. Inhabits £«ro/>i?. Muf Lejk. p.jz. n. 378. r, ^, Black; antenna: mouth % firfl: fcgmenlsof the abdomen aijd legs reddilh. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lefk,p. 68. a. 311 — 316 Is fuhjeiSl to a few varieties in the colour of the legs. Black ; lower half of the firfl abdominal fcg^ment and upocr Inhabits Europe. Muf IjCik.p. 68. «. 317. U/lulafus. Black ; aiitenn.T brown: legs rcddiili : abdomen pubefcent, the full fegment yellow with a black Tuct each lide, ?, 3, yellow on the upper-part. Inhabits Europe. Muf Led. p. 68, n; -31 S. 47S Strgma. AMkarts Zulrvfus. Fafcipes, Fslkjiens Wufeefccns. L^iicc^'arfus INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon Black; antcnnx front jaws, fides of the breaft and legs reddilh: firft fegment of the abdomen yellow with 2 black dots. Inhabits Europe. Mttf. Lejk.p. 68. r, 319. Black ; antenncc whitiQ* on the back ; bafe of the 4 fore- thighs front and mouth whitifh: abdomen ferrugi- nous clouded with brown and blach at the bafe : legs reddiOi. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 68. «. 32c. Black; antennas reddilh, the bafe black : legs and 3 firft fegments of the abdomen rcddiih. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk. p. 69. ». 321. Black ; 4 fore-thighs and hind-ihanks brown : petiole of the abdomen long black, 2 firil fegments and lore-legs yellow. Inhibits ^JE'w-t/f. Muf. Lesk. p. 69, ». 322. Black; front white with a black fpot beneath the antennae petiole of the abdomen at tlie tip and 2 firll fegments and legs reddilh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p 69. n. ^z^. Black ; front aud mouth white ; bafe of the abdomen and 2 firft fegments and legs reddilh. Inhabits Eutope. Muf. Lesk. p.b<). n ^z^. Black : bafe of the antennce front and mouth pale yellow : petiole of the abdomen and 3 firft fegments reddilh,-the firft with a. black fpot : legs reddifli. Inhabits C««/)f. Muf. Lesk. p. 6(^. n. ^1$, Black : legs and abdomen reddilh,' tip of the petiole and up- ' per-part of the firft fegment black. Inhabits Europe. Ihf lesk. p. 69. n. 326. Black ; abdomen yellow tipt with brown : legs yellowlfh- brown. InhabKs Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 69. n. 327. Black ; antennae beneath and mouth pale yellow : abdomen ferruginous, the bafe black; legs reddilh-yellow, white at both ends. Inhabits Europe. Mnj. Lesk. p.G(). n. 32S. Bru- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 479 ^rufiMoIat, hhck \ abdomen and legs reddifli, hind-thighs chcfnut : anteunx rcddifli/ black at the bafe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69. «. 329. Fallens, Black; antenna; ycllowifh-brown : mouth whiti(h : abdo- men reddifh, black at the bafe : legs pale riafous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69- «. 330. BitinJlut. Black ; abdomen and legs reddifh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lak. p. 69. «. 331. CarhoHari- gj^ck ; antennae and legs rcddi{h-brown : abdomen fern*- "'* ginous: bla(5k at the bafe. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk. p. 69. *. 332. laLangulum giacTc : abdomen yellow with a triangular black fpot at the bafe: legs livid: wings dufky. Inhabits Europe Muf Lesk. p. 69. «. 335. , Obfufcatus Black ; autennae ferruginous with a white ring and tipt with brown ; abdomen yellow black at the bafe: le^ yellow, hind-thighs brown. Inhabits i'arc/^. Muf Lesk. p.6(). n 334. Nigruornis Black : antennx with a white ring ; abdom.cn yellow, blac^ at the bafe : thighs black: (hanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 69. «. 335. L'lvUus. Entirely livid : fting as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Leik. p. 69. «. 336. Rufcor/iis. Black ; front yellowifli : antenna: abdomen and legs rci- dilh. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 70. «. 336. Deun'pes, Black; 4 fore- legs livid ; the hind-ones rufous the thighs toothed in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p.. 70. n. 339. LiviJUtr- •gj^^i^ . jjntenna? 4 fore-legs and hind-dianks livid, hind-thig?' "''' black" abdomen yellow, black at the bafe. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 70. «. 340. Flavefcens Black ; mouth 4 fore-legs and hind-fhanks yellowifli : abdo- men yellow: hind- thighs yellow-brown. Inhabits Europe, Muf Lak. p, 70. n. 34J. Lituraivr 48o INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84 Ichneumon. Liiuraius. Black ; jaws and 4 fore-lfgs yeUowilli, hind-thighs reddifli- black : hind-part oi the nrit abdominal Icgment and 2, 3, 4. yellow, the fecondwith a black fpot. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk.p. 70. n. 542. Black ; fegments of the abdomen brown before and reddllh behind, the third yellowilh behind : mouth and 4 fore-legs yellowifh. Inhabits £«ro/,?. Mu(. Leik p. 70. n 343. Hind-legi reddifh-brown with black joints. Confmmis, Black: incifures of the abdomen, and legs reddilTi. Inhabits Eurote, Muf. Lesk, p. yo. n. 344. Stramimus gj^^^^ . front mouth and bafc of the 4 fore-thighs pale yel- low: 4 fore-legs reddifh-yellow, hind-ones rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 70. «. 345, Diformis Black : abdomen comprelled : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. LeJL.p. 70. «. 348. faUidiu. Black ; ^ncifurcs of the abdomen and fides pale : legs dull yellow, the thighs black in the middle. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lejk. p. 70. «, 346. Similis. Black : bafc of the antenna yellow ; legs reddifh-yellow Inhabits Europe. MuJ» Lesk.p, 70. ». 347. SubteHaceus Black ; abdomen with faint teftaceous fpotseach fide: legs reddifh. Inhabits Europe* Muf. Lesk. p. 70. n. 349. Fuliginofus Black ; abdomen rufty-brown. Inhabits £«ro/^. Muf Lesk. p. jo, n. 350. Erythrafio- Black ; mouth 2 firft firft inclfure^ of the abdomen and legs ma» reddifh. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk p. 70. n. 351. t- Utticokn Black ; antennae and legs reddifh. Inhabits Europe, Muj, Lesk. p. 70. ». 352. Cervittns, Black; antennae fore-part of the thorax fides and legs red- difh-brown : abdomen brown. Inhabits Enropt. Muf, Lesk.p, 70, ». 353, Si/t-yi^ n. ^6^, Diverfjcolor Black : afi+cnnae and 4 fore-legs paTe yellow ; hind-ones reddifh^the (hanks whitifh tip with brown. inhabits Europe, Muf Lesk. p. 71. k. 370. Xanthome- Black : antennae and legF pale yellow, "'^* luhabiis Europe, Muf. LeA. p 71. «. 371. tiemipte- giack ; fccond and third fcgments of the a:bdomen rufous : ^^'* wings very (hort. Inhabits France ; in dry gravelly foil. Antennae ferruginous «t the bafe : abdomen petiolate, the feg- ment i, 4, rufous at the bafe : •wings whiri(h, upper-pair with a white fpot : /c^/ rufous, hind ones with black joints. Jgilis, Apterous, black : petiole of the abdomen and legs rufous. Degeer. Inf. z.tal. 31. f:g. 18. In the larvae of the Ichneumon Apbidum Abd»men with a faint rufous band at the bafe. CurCu*9ii Apterous, black ; fore-part of the abdomen and legs fer- ruginous. Inhabits Siveden. Antennae yellow tipt with black. Pulicarius. Apterous, black : thorax petiole and fhanks rufous. Inhabits Saxony ; minute. Fafciatus, Apterous, rufous : head and band on the abdomen black. Inhabits Saxony. . J Apterous, rufous : head and hind-part of the abdomen *Acarorum * , , 1 * black. Degeer^ Inf. 2. tab. JI •^^. I9> 20. Inhabits Europe, in the larva o[ the Ckrculifi, Pediculdri" Apterous, rufous : head and hind-part of the thorax and us. abdomen black. Inhabits Saxony; large: Antennae ycUowifli tipt with black : fiing lliort. Pedeilris Apterous, black : abdomen rufous, the bafe and tip black. Inhabits Svjedm, hegs rufous, Formica- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA S5. Spbex. 4^3 fermcariue Apterous, rufous ; hjcad and abdomen black. Inhabits $'weden. Cur/or. Apterous, black : bafe of tTie antennse, Jong legs peti- ole of the abdomen and firft fegment at the tip tc- flaceous. Inhabits Aufiria. Sthranck, Schr» Neturf.x.p. 308. 85. SPHEX. Mouth with an entire jaw, the mandibles horny incurved toothed, lip horny membranaceous at the tip : feelers 4; antennae \Y'\th. about 10 articu- lations ; wings in each fex plane incum- bent and not folded : fttng pungentand concealed within the abdomen. The iofefts of this genus are the moft fayage and rapacious of this clafs of beings ; ihcy attack whatever comes in their way, and by means of their poifonous IHng overcome and devour others far beyond their own fize. Thofe of thedivifion B. arc found chiefly on umbellate plants : the /^n:'/? without feet foft and inhabit! the body of fome other iniefl;, on whofe juices it ex» ills : the pupa has rudimenti oFwings. A. Antenncsfetaceout ; Up entire, tongue o. Evania. jppendicaf -^^^^^^ i abdomen petiole very fhoat and placed on the back ffr. ot the thorax : hind-lcga very long. Reaum. Infx 6. tub. 31. jig. I 3. Broivn. Jam* f. 44./^ 6. Inhabits Europe^ Africa and Alr-w Holland. • Af It Thorax fpotted ; firft fegment of the abdomen with a white dot each fide, fecond edged with white. Inhabits England Mufeum ot Sir^o/i 5«»ii. Antennae black : head bUclc with a white line each fide between the eyes : thorax elevated It lack, the fore-margin fcutel and dot each fide white ; alxlomcn bla; k with 2 fhort white lines above the tail : legs rufous, thighs black at the bale with a white do: : ^Ming.% hyaline. Fafciata, Black ; abdomen with 2 white bands, the firft interrupted: tail white. Inhabits Italy. xYz thorax 484 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. Thorax black covered with filvery down on the fore-part, the fore-margin with a wlritc line : ixi/igs white tipt wiih browr. Sejfilis. Black ; abdomen fhort cylindrical fefli'e. Inhabit? France. \jegs ferruginous, thighs black ; cijw^'j white with a black fpot. Minuta. Black ; abdomen petiole very fhort and placed on ihc back of the thorax : kgs equal. Inha-iits France; rcfejribles Sp. appendigafter Head and tLo ax rough, abdomen '^Q\i\^tdi, Punaum. Black : tail with a white dot. Inhabits Itaij. Wings hyaline immaculate. Nigrita. Black ; Jjpper-wing*^ with a brown band. Juhabits Europe. Muj. Lsik. p.-jz. p., 38 1. B. Jntenna filiform ; lip emarginate, with a br'ijlle each Jide : fatigue infleEfed trifid, a. Abdomen petiolale. Lutaria. Black; fecond and third fegments of the abdomen rufous ; lip filvery. Inhabrts Kiel. JFings hyaline. Tbo7ttte. Black ; abdomen rufous, the petloic and fpot on the back black. Inhabits 5/. Thomns IJJnnd. Fer'vens. Black ; abdomen ferruginous: wings brown. Inhabits India. Petiole black. C)'anipennis Vii|o„s^ blue; fore-part of the thorax and abdoiren grey; wings blue. Inhal ii5 Cayenne; large. //ir.7<^ blue, ifiandibles and antcnns black :.fl,^rtW'f« blucina-grcy, the octiolc black : /t-r^j black, the iointsyellywiili. botdalis Inhabits ^".V.?. In^hc Mufciin oi Sir J.r.C r^r;;'.., INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 485 Tth"rdx hiiry : abJttnen finooth .• thigkshXick at the bafc : tciags blacilh. Argcnt:a. GlofTy-black : front vil'ows filvery: wings white tipt with brown. . Inhabits C oromandd ; large. Lcgi bJark, a little rcddifh at the tip IxUjipeiiKis Black ; wings ferruginous tipt witii brown. Inhabits Tranquchar ; large. Front covered with filvcry down : //w\^Z)ii \ front gol Jen : abdomen rufous, the petiole and tip black, lullabies Italy. Front coveted with gold dc.vn : thorax with a rufous dot before the wings: n}:h:gs yellowilh, the tip darker ; ;>^j black, the fjre-ones with lerrwginous flunks, PcKjylvani Blackilh ; abdomen full black wings inclining to violet. '■^' , ln\\ah\\.i Jmaic a ■d.ndi Nevj UoUand. Degeer. 2. tub. 7,s.py. z. fiolacea. ^\\\z : wings white tipt with brown : antcnnr black. Inhabits the Ca^e of pcod hope. Fro^it covered with filvery down, Cyanea. glue ; wings azure tipt with brown : antennr black. Inhabits North America. Degeer. In/, 3. tab. lO.Jig. 6. Auntk.i/a, Head and thorax covered?with gold down : abdomen black, the bafeand legs rufous. Inhabits i ratiquehar. Antennae black, the fiift joint larger and ferr'.iginous: petiole of the abdomen and 2 firit Icgmcnts rufous. ^omentcfa. f j^ad and thorax covered with gokl down : abdomen black the tail and hind-thighs rufous. Inhabits Sierra Leofta. Antenna black : 'a:/.';^j white, the tip brovnifii. Feincr.ita. Clue ; abdomen bbck : hind-thighs rurov.;. Inhabits hah. Antenna black; ahdotnen pctiol.ue : lu/Wj.f pale icrryginou', T: o.aas. Hali-y, black-blue ; hind-flianks ferrti^in^us : wings b'ack. Inhabits the Cape cfgoodbipe. In the mii!cu;n o\ c\r Joj. Ea-iks. Antennae black, ferruginous at the bafc. F!a\'i}'S!. INSECTS. HYMENGPTERA. S5. Sphcx, FU'vrfes, Villous, black with a yeHow dot before the wings : legs yellow, thighs black. Inhabits /America. Head brown, attiethtaehX^ci ■: ahdixmv petiolatc; 'wings yellovriflj- brown. ''^■°'' Black •, lip ftlvery villous : wings as long as the abJom en. Inhabits Italy. Abdomzn with a long petiole. ^^%*^*'- Smooth black : fegments of the abdojnen at the edges and lip lucirf. Inhabits Vpfal, in holes of wooden partitions, abandoned by other infeds ; thcfe it clcarfes by gnawing round them, and placing a piece of moili clay at the bottom fticks a fpi ier upon it; in the body of this fpider it depofits its eggs and then clofcs up the cntraflcswith clay and leaves it to be deyoured b). the larva. latsste, j^bdomcn black, the firft fegmcnt with a yellow lunule. Inhabits America. Degecr. Inf. 3. tah. ^o.Jig. 4. Jntennae black, the firlt joint yellow : therax fpoited with yellow: kgi yellow variegated with black. ^.tdi, VilloH.s black \ firfl joint of the antennas fctJtel and flianks yellow. Inhabits America -y refemblcs the laft. Ihorax fpotted with yellow. ^fl«^/ Abdomen black, the firft fegment and edge of the others yellow. Inhabits Jamaica. Head black : f.ift joint of the antennae 7eIlo^v : th:ir»x black ' fpotted with yellow : fere legs yeiiow, hind-ones black with yellow joints. Iryfhre. £;|ack ; hc::d bafe of the petiole and legs ferruginous. ei^hala. Inhabits Malabar. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/. Banks. JnUmiae brown, feiriiginous at the baic: th(,rax hairy, the fore- lobe and dot before the wings ferruginous : wings blue. *$pri/ex, £}3^,|.. thorax hairy immaculate : petiole of one joint, yel- low as long as the abdomen, 2. Petiole and joints of the legs half yellow. Reau?n. 6. tab. 28./^. 5. Schacff. Icon. tah. 38./^. 1. Inhabits tursfc, aud Egyft; m cylirdrical cavities wrought wi'.hJn like a honey-comb, on the fides of cliffs and in the mud walls ofcoitiiges. Mw/r cj' INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA, 85. Sphcx. 487 Madraf' Black; thorax hairy fpotted with yellowy petiole yellosr, fHitejux, as long as the abdomen Irihahits Malabar, I« the mtifcum of Sir Joj. Banks. i/> covered with filvery down : 4 fore-legs yellow, the thigSas black at the bafe; hind-ones yellow, the thighs and tip of die fhanks black. CIavuf» Black; thorax fpotted; abdomen blucifh, the petiole loajg nifous with a black band Inhabits Ne^w Helland. Mufeum of Sir Jof, Batiks. Antennae black, the hrft joint rufous: head covtttd with grey down ; thorax with a grey dot under the wings : firft fegmemit of the abdomen ferruginous, the petiole wiih a fmall tooth ta the middle beneath : Ugs rufous. Ilokjerkta. Black with filver down : abdomen ferruginous: the petioSc black and tail blue. Inhabits Bwbmry. ' Ir^j ferruginous, the hind-ones black: vjings (hort cineiwot with a callous rufous dot at the bafc. Pube/cem, B'ack with filver down : abdomen ferruginous with a blade petiole. Inhabits Guinea^ in ears of grafs. CiitJIa, ^Lxiait Ciliata. Black with filvery down: fcgments of th« abdomen ed^ with white. IthzhiXi Guinea i fmall, W^»fj white. Green-blue; thorax with a diHina fore-lobe : wings fiii!»- ferruginous. Inhabits Afriia. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banki. Afitennaf brown : thorax elevated green, the lobe grooved behind; Aff^gfeen tipt with brown. Teftaceou? ; abdomen blue : mandibles elongated ciliate, Iniiabits I/Jiai fize of the \\l\. Head h\ae between the antennae: iJiurax with a bifid fore-lobe: iviags dull blue. Gffffrefa, Shining-green ; 4 hind-thighs comprefTed ferruginous. Inhabits M^laka'-. In the mufeum of Szr Jof. Banks. Auttnnae br irvn : ahdoitien biuciflx ; f\,rt-Ugi brown, 4 hind-onea blue : 'win^s brown. Sil>iriw l33 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphcx. St&in'ca. Polifhed braffy-green : abdomen blue. Inhaoits Stluria. Mufeuni or' Sir Joj. Banks. Antennae brown : jcutel ftriate : ivingi brown: legs blue witk green thighs. Ichneuma- FuIvous: abdomen black with a ferruginous bafe. ma. Inh.ibits America. Degeer. In/, tab. ^z. fig. 13. Antenna brown, the firtl joint fulvous: head a.nMlmm Black ;_ head and fore-part of the thorax dull terrjginous: wings black. Inhabits Barbary. • Fufa. B'ack, glabrous : bafe of the abdomen ferruginous. Degcer. z. tab. zS.jtg. 6. Kjicea. Inj. l. taL^S ■ Inhabits gravelly plac:b in Europe: after having deftroycd the larva of a moth, depofits its eggs in its carcafs and then digs a hole and buries it. ^^iitfta Black, downy: fore-part of the abdomen ferruginous with ~ black belts: winys brown. Sjfftil.'m V0L.HI.-3Q^ S),^,,r. 49® INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. Du'ecr. 2. iah. 28./;. 16. Frijch, 2. tab. \.fig, 13. RcTembks the laft in its habits and economy. Ur/us. Black, hairy: fecond fegment of the abdomen ferruginous: ■wings black. Inhabits Size of the laft. Amsthjfilna Blue ; antennae and legs black. Inhabits the Ifland of Santa Cruz. J^s«gs blue. Ongukta. Black ; front ftreak on the fore-part^ of the thorax and edges of the abdominal fegments cinereous. Inhabits AVai' Holland. Mufeum of Sir J cf. Banks, Thorax with 2 cinereous dots between the wings. mgra. Black ; fegments of the abdomen with lucid margins. Inhabits Europe, on fiowers : fmall. .Lahiata, Black: fegments of the abdomen edged with cLnereons: wings teftaceous tipt with brown. Inhabits South American IJlands, Head black, lip filvery : Icwer-'wings white : legs black, Variegata. Black fpotted with white: thorax rufous under the fcutel: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Saxony, ^ Bafe of the lip and orbits white : thorax with 4 white ipots : abdomen with 2 white dots each fide and abbreviated ftreak behind: legs black, thighs rufous; ivings white tipt with brown. ^angurno. Black; thorax rufous before and behind: fegments of the lenta. abdomen lucid at the margins. Inhabits Germatty ; fmall. ~ Mixt*. Black varied with yellow : abdomen yellow with 3 black bands. ln\iz\>\r.fi America. Fabric. Append. \v. f. SSI' Antennae rufous tipt with black: beadh\3.cV, orbits mouth' and frontal line yeliow : thorax fpotted with yellow : legs yellow : upper-ivings tellaceous. Maura. Black ; hind -thighs rufous. Inhabits Trnnqtiebnr. Hfalifiatdii INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 491 Ujalinata. Black ; 4 hind-thighs rufous : wings hyaline. Inhabits Sinxony, 4 fore-flianks rufous, Fu/cata. Black; abdomen with a white tranfverfe dot each fide: hind-thighs rufous : wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Saxon)\ h-punHata. Black with 2 white dots under the fcutel and 4 on the ab- domen: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Italy. Fabric. Append, ir. p. 457. Thorax imprefltd : «u7«^j whitifh tipt with brown Bifa/data. Black, immaculate : wings white with 1 black b^nds. Inhabits Paris. Body glabrous. Gdba. Black; abdomen ferruginous tipt with brown: upper- wings brown at the tip. 1 Inhabits Europe. Fafdatct Black : antennas rufous : wings white with 2 brown bands. Inhabits Henu Holland. Mufeuin of Sir Jos. Banks. Tip of ihe antennae brown : lo^wcr-ivingi immaculace. Cincreci Cioereous ; fegments of the abdomen black at the bafs and brown at the tip. Inhabits Ne-w Holland. Mufeurn of Sir Jof. Bank:, Antennae black : upper -luirigs tipt with brown. Tropica. Black ; fecond legmetat of the abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits America. Orbits white, Fiigax. Thorax covered with gold down: abdomen ferruginous: wings yellowiih with a brow^n band, Inhabits Nemo Zealand. * Mofeum of ^'ivjof. Banks. An:eaniS black : legs ferruginous. Atiratc^ Head and thorax with gold down: abdomen black, the edges of the fegments cinereous. Inhabits Eajl India Antennae black, the firil joint longer and ferruginous : mcingn hyaline: legs ferruginous. Nitida, Ferruginous; thorax golden behind: wings ycllowi:Ti. Inhabits Noxv Holland. In the mufcum of Sir Jsj. Br.nks. Antenna black, ferruginous at the bafc, 3 Qjt. * RuJ^pes. 492 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphcx. • Rufpes. Black; fcgmcnts of the abdomen with a while Jot each fide: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe, i.punSlata, Black, glabrous ; abdomen with 2 white dots and band be- hind: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe; rcfembles the laft. , Legs black, hind-thighs fometimcs rufous. l^lgrkornis Black ; head and thorax rufous. Inhabits AVou Holland. Mufeum o^S'irJof. Banks. Exaltata. Black; abdomen rufous tipt with black: wings brown at the tip with a white dot, Inhabits Europe, Antennae convolute. Maculata, Black ; thorax fpotted with white ; firft fegment of the abdomen rutou&, the red with a tranfverfe white line each lide. Inhabits AV>/j fmall. Wings white tipt with black: legs rufous, Tricolorata Black; abdomen with filky filver lunules each fide, the bafe rutous the tip black. Inhabits Barheiry' Wtngi whicifli : legs rufous, thighs black. Guttata, Black, glabrous; thorax fpotted with white : abdomen ru- tous with tranfverfe white dots and black before the tip. Inhabits //fl^; refembles 5p. maculata. Mo«//& filvcry, mandibles rufous at the bafe: r^/7 rufous: legs black, fhanks rufous. Ahdomina. Black; thorax with a cinereous band before: abdomen hi, rufous: wings tipt with brown. Inhabiib Bradl. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/'. Banh^ Front covered with cinereous down : thorax with a femicirtulat mlic\i, rufous in the middle : legs rough with Ihort hairs. ,37.. SCOLIA. Jli Headb\2LcV, lip ferruginous : /i>orii;if black fpotted with yellow: legs ferruginous. Jnterrupta» Black with cinereous hair: abdomen black with 6 yellow bands, the 3 upper-ones interrupted ; tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Italy. S}6\X.t>Barbary* ^ Z/)) yellow with a black fpot in thcmiddle : •u/r/^j hyalme with a ferruginous rib. •j'Cinetan ^02 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 88. Thynnus. "rcinaa. Cinereous hairy : abdomen blueirti with 7 yellow bands, tail 3-toothed. Inhabits AVxu Holland. Mufeum of Sir Jo/. Banks. Tail v/ith a ftiort recurved fting : n^:ings brown. Cylindrica. Black ; edge of the fegments of the abdomen and lateral dot near the edge yellow. Inhabits Italy, , li i r " > In the yellow lateral dot is a fmall black one: legs black, tore-, fhanks yellow; Jliiig fliort recurved. Bifafciata. Black; fcutel and 2 dots on the thorax ferruginous: abdo- men with 2 intqrrupted ferruginous bands. Inhabits Henu York, ASi. Stockh. I787»4- «• 2. 35- Vtffformis. Ferruginous ; 5 fegments of the abdomen black on the fore^ part : wings dirty yellow with a black bafe and tip. Inhabits China. Aa, Stockh. 1787, 4. «. 2, 36. 88. THYNNUS. Mouth liorny with an in- cui-ved mandible, the jaw Ihort and llraight; Up longer than the jaAv, mem- branaceous at the tip and trifid, the middle diviiion emarginate.* tongue very . lliort involute : feelers 4, e(|ual, filiform : antennx cylindrical, the lirft joint thicker. Dentaius. Abdomen black, the fegments 2, 3, 4- with 2 white dots. Inhabits Ne--vu Holland. Mufeum of Sir JoJ. Banks, Size of a common wafp. Antennae brown, piceous at the bale : lip yellow, mandibles yellow tipt with black : thorax black with a yellow fcutel ftreak before and hindlobe and in the middle 2 impreflcd lines : tail with 7 fmall denticles.. Ifrraririna- Abdomen black, the fegments with an interrupted yellow band except the firft and laft; fcutel emarginate. Inhabits M-w Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. ^ Head ycWow with 2 black lines and a llreak: /i>or«Ar ferruginous with a yellow llrcak before and 2 black ones behind : tail 7- tQOthed. tus. .,, . Black ; abdomen ferruginous : fcutel emarginate. Abdominal Inhabits Africa. In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. A?figs hyaline : thighs bbch at the bafc. Maculuta Yellow fpotted wiih black ; fegments of the abdomen fer- mcuiuta, ^^^Jl^^^^ ^^ ^he bafe : hind-thighs clavate immacu- late. Inhabits C^vwuf; fmall. ^v/.«../. black, the firil joint ^eibceous : Wv^uh a black line ■ in th>^ middle and 4 dots, ; thorax v.'\\.\i a black lin: and 3 dots: le^f yellow, thighs blacL at the bale. 02. CHRVSIS. MouiJi hoiny prqjedling; ' "" lip much longer tiian the jaw which is linear, mei)ibi-anaceoiis and emarginate at the tip: tongue 0: feelers ^, uiicqnal fiUform; antennae ilioit tiliforni, of VI articulations, the firlt longer.- body gilt polilhed: abdomen arched beneath Avith aicale each iide : tail generally toothed: fiing- Dunocnt, neavlv concealed ; zvings flat ^ Golden-Jiy. Thefc are generally found in holes of old walls. ° Spleaaida. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 92. Chryfis. 509 SpknMJa, Green-blue : tail 4-tootheci blue. Inhabits Tranquebannd Ne-rv Holland. Croi'jtt imprciled : thorax gibbous punflured, with 2 grooves : y(«/fl concave : legs grtzn, the ends brown, Smmragdu' Grcen ; tail 6-toothed blue. la, Inh^hils North j!j:er:ca. Mnicum of Sir jfo/, Banis. Fepva. Green-bronzed: tail ferrate blue. Iiiliabits Gni'iea ; Icfs than the laft. B-dy rough: antennae black, the firll joint braiTy : ta:l i'crTHts witii numerous fmall teeth. Calenst Blue : abdomen gold, tail 4-toothctl blue. IrhabUs Europe Cyrili. Ent. Neap. I. tab. \% Jig. Z. Antennae bro.vn : legs blue tipt with brown. Scute/laris, Blue ; fcutel and abdomen gold, tail blue. Inhabits //fl/y. Falric. iv. ^/'/./. 458, Antennae black ; legs blue. Oculata» Green ; aVdomcn with a blue-gold fpot each fide: tail 6- toothcd, blue. Inhabits Tranque'rr, Antennae black; eyes hrown '. //'or/w punftursd, toothed behind each fide t kgs green, Lrown at the ends. Lyncem, Green : fecond fcgment of the abdcnen with ablueiih eye each fide : fcutel prominent acute. Jr. ha bits Sierra Lcona. Head grooved : antennae brown : eye on the ahdvmen with a fulvous pupil : tail 4-toothcd bliieifh : /^ro-j grcen, the Cijda black. ,arnea. Glabrous, black : thorax andfirft fegnient of t! c abdomen green, the re (Vflefii colour : tail ferrate. Inhabits Italy. Ro/J. fn. Ettufc. 2. tab. S.Jig. C- Ne^id green, lip villoii'; Hlvcry ; ant^-nnae black . th:rcx rough pointed behind each fide. *FidgtJa. Glabrous, polifhed : thorax and firfl fcgmcnt of thcabJora 11 blue, the rclt gold : tail 4-tO()thcd. Inhabits Europe; larger than Ch. ignita. Pitrpurata, Glabrous, golden : abdomen with a purple band In the mi-I- dle: tail ferrate purple. Iiiiial.it: 5IO INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 92* Chryfif. Inhabits Saxom* Antennae brown : thorax rough golden with 3 purpUIh lines in the middle : legs^oXd. *Igmta, Head and thorax green-blue : abdomen golden^ 4-toothed al the tip. Inhabits Europe. Dcno%'ayit Engl. Inf» i . tai. 7, *Eidentata Thorax and laft fegment of the abdomen blue, the 2 firfi golden : thorax 2-toothcd. ln\\^\i\^a Europe. Dono'uan.i. tab. \i. Degeer. taB.zg.f. ^, /^, ?«;7with 3 fhort teeth ; ends of the /r^i brown. htegra. Green : abdomen gold, the bafe and tip green, tail entire. Inhabits Spain. Abdomen beneath green. "^Sucrheta. Glabrous green ; thorax with afcarlet band ; abdomen gold, flightly 3-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Cltrhja. Glabrous, golden ; head breaft and legs blue-green. Inhabits Barbary, Antennae green-blue : i&fiK/ green, front golden ; tail ejitire. huilule^ Glabrous green : fore-part of the thorax and abdomen gol- den ; tail entire.' Inhabits Europe: imall. Antennae black : ^f/a^x brown with a marginal black dot. Fem^ida. Glabrous, golden : abdomen beneath black* Inhabits JW/iz; fmall. Z^^j black. j£nea» Glabrous, bronzed : antennae and legs brown. Inhabits 5«jtoffy j fmall. //^7«^itipt with brown, *Aurata. Glabrous : thorax green ; abdomen golden, tail 2-toothcd« Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon. tab. ^z.fg, 5. 6. T.evia. Glabrous; thorax blue: abdomen golden, tail entire. Inhabits Kiel; fize of Ch. aurata. Antennae black : nvings dufky. *C\anea. Glabrous ; thorax and abdomen blue. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. E/ig. Lij.y'n.tab. 235. NltiduUi* Green ; thorax 2-toothed behind : tail 4-toothed. Inhabits America, In the mufeum of 5ir Joj, Banks, AmethjS' INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. ^3. Vefpa, 511 Jmethys» Green ; tail 4-toothed blue : wings brown. tina. I n habits Ne^ HolLmd. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/. Bankf. Attttmume brown, grrtn at the bafe : fcutel corxczvc. Virhiukix Glabrous, green ; thorax and 2 firft fegments of the abdo- men golden on the back: tail 4-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Fa, Suei. 1668, (jyaaocbry- Olabrous, grecn-gold : head and thorax blue ; Uil 4-tootli- yi. ed: wings brown. Inhabits Spain. Forfi, Ne^. 7«r/. \ , p, 88. Cftutura. Glabrous, green: thorax 2-toothed: abdomen green 4-tooth- ed, tipt with blue. Inhabits Spain. FttrJI. Nov. Inf. \.p. 89. Attt/nnae black i ivings and tarfi brown. ^nllina. Head greenifli-blue ; thorax blue, the fore-part grecnifli and 2-toothed behind : abdomen blue-green with areddiii Ihade : legs blue wiih teftaceous dot. Inhabits Europt. Mvf. Lesk, p. 73, n, 401, Tbalajfina. Head green-blue ; abdomen gold, the laft fegment grcca blue and 4-toothcd : thorax gold with a fquare grcca fpet in the middle and green behind. Inhabits Europt, Muf, Lesk. p* 73. •». 402, htermis, Blue ; fore-part of the thorax green: abdomen gold entire- Inhabits £aro/r. Ma/; Z,«-t./. 73. «. 405. Chrj/br' Green ; laft fegment of the abdomen gold, entire. rhou/a. Inhabits Europe. Ma/. Le/k^p. 73. «. 406. I^/kii, Green with • a green-gold fpot before the fcutcl : abdomen green-gold, entire. Inhabits Europe, Mu/. Lesk. p, 74. ». 408, 93. VESPA. Mouth horny, with a comprefl- ed j^.w : jfeelers 4-, unequal fihform; an- tennae filiform, the firll joint longer and cylindrical: eyes lunar: body glabrous: upper-wings folded in each fex: Jiing pungent concealed in the abdomen. Wafp Thefc. 5i2 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. Thefe live moftly in numerous focieties, conftruftiag curious nells or combs, generally under ground ; they prey upon other infedls, ei'pecially bees and flies, and devour meal bread and fruit : the lar^a is foft, without feet and feeds on the ncflar of flowers and honey: the pupa q^uiefcent and has the rudiments of wings. A. Tongue fimple or o. a. Lip furnijhed with a hrijile eachjide. CinSa^ Black; thorax with 2 duflcy fpots each fide: abdomen deep black with a ferruginous band. Inhabits Tranquebar. Sulz. Htji. Inf. tab. t'J.fg- 5. Wings ferruginous, black a: the bafe, jff„is. Black; thorax with 2 duflcy fpots each fide : abdomen black, the 2 firft fegments ferruginous. Inhabits China ; refcmbles the lalU F.phipphium Abdomen ferruginous, the fecond fegment larger and black: fcutel 3-toothed. Inhabits 'Nevj Holland, Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Autennae ferruginous, the firfl; joint brown : thorax black, the fore-lobe ferruginous, 2 toothed behind : upper ivings ^ ferru. ginous tipt with violet, lower-ones immaculate at the tip. Oritntalis, Ferruginous: abdomen with a yellow band in which are 2 black dots. Inhabits the Eafi, Drury. Inf. 2. tab, i 39./^. i. ? Tricinta. Ferruginous ; abdomen black with 3 interrupted yellow bands. Inhabits Jmerica. In the mafeum o^^'ir JoJ. Banks. Larger than V. crabro. Antennae black, the firft joint ferrugi- nous : head ferruginous, crown brown, upper-lip yellow : ihorax brown ; 'voingt fubfcrtuginous : Jhanks ferrate on the back. AnaUs, Blackifh ; firft and fecond fegments of the abdomen ferru- ginous at the bafe, fixth entirely yellow. Inhabits the Cape. In the muleum of Sir Jo/. B/tnks. Large. Antenna brown, ferruginous at the tip : keaa black, crown piccous : thorax varied with piccous and black: wngs ferruginous, the rib black at the bafe : legs brown. Carolina. Thorax with 3 black lines : body ferruginous : upper-wings blackifh. Inhabits Amrica\ fize of V. Crabro. Csrnnt a. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vc^pa. 5^3 *Cya!>ro. *Vuk CoruMta, Ferruginous / abdomen and wings black : mandibles pro- je/^jdu&y, S-cir.^a 5i6 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93, Vefpa. l-cin^a. Black ; with yellow and ferruginous fpots : abdomen fer- ruginous with 5 black bands. Inhabits China, Antennae ferruginous : hesa black with fcrniginoiis fpots, lip yellow : thorax with ferruginous fpots and lines; legs ferru- ginous hind-ones black : 'pes, Thorax fpotted with yellow: abdomen with 3 yellow . bands and 2 dots on the firlt aad fecond fegments. Inhabits America. „ „ . . ,, /., n Antennae bldck, beneath rufous, the firft Joint yellow : /;> yellow with a blick. fpot: ivings brown : le^^s yellow. rariaitl-s. Varied with black and ferruginous: abdomjn yellow, the firft fegment with a black fpot, the fecond entirely Inhabits\vA-:u HoUand. In the mufeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Legs ferruginous : abdomen fometimes blackilh. ^Uraea. Yellow ; thorax with 3 black lines: abdomen with ftexuous bkick belts. Inhabits £c7,'? /«^/«; large. . r • Front and tip of the mandibles brown: u-tngs ferruginous. Ginerafcens Black; thorax projeding each fide behind : wings violet. liibabita America; fize of V. panetina. Body in fome dii eft ions of light cinereous. Tefia. Thorax black, the fore-lobe and abdomen ferruginous, the latter with a biack dorfal line Inhabits /rVWcfl. In the muteuTi of Sir 7^/ 5 wf/. Antennae ferruginous : had l.l-ck, the lip and behind the e>e. yellow ; upper -nr:,vgs blucifh with a ferruginous bafe : legs ferruginous, hind-tnighs bl.'.ck. VOL. III.— 3 U lateralis. 524 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vcfpa. Laterchs. Dull ferruginovs : abdomen black with white fides. Inhabits Jifrka. In the mufeum of Sir 'JoJ. Banks, jinte/inae Xipi with black : thorax black on the back. Stigma, Dull ferruginous ; fegmcnts of the abdomen edged Trith yellow: wings with a blown fpot. Inhabits East India ; fmall. thorax with 2 grey Hn«s under the fcutcl : lirft fegmcnt of the ebdoTstn yellow with an ovate dufky fp^t at the bafe, fccond dull ferruginous, third edged with yellow, the reft ferruginous. Flave/ciHS. Ferruginous; wings with a brown fpot at the tip. Inhabits Eajft India ; fmall. dnttmtat ru!ous : thorax with a ycUew fpot and rufous dot : feg- ments of the ahJ»mn ycliowifli at the edge. GiUo/a. Head and thorax black fpottcd with yellow : abdomen Tari_ olous with 4 yellow bands, the firft fegment gibbous. Inhabits America ; fmall, Jittennat black, the firft joint ycjlow: Up^ fiXHit orbits and 2 doti on (he crown yellow ; Itgt yellow, thiglu black. AmeritaiM. Scutel with 2 yellow bands and 4 lines: abdomen black with 4 yellow bands^ tail brown. ^ Inhabits America. AnUnnue ferruginous, black in the middle : thorax fpottcd with yellow : legs varied with black and yellow. • CtarHata Firft fegment of the abdomen funnel-fhaped, the fecond campanulatc and very large. Inhabits Europe, Gerffr. 2. tab. 16. Jig. 2. Fri/cb. 9. tah.g. ylHienuae black, ycUowiih at the bafe : headhXiok with a yellow fpot between the antennae and another at the bafe of the lip : thprax with 2 yellow fpots : fegments of the abdonten edged with yellow, the tirft and fecond with 2 dots. Arcuata. Elack variegated with yellow: petiole of the abdomen in- curved with 4 yellow fpots. Inhabits Ue^l} HoUar.d. Mufeum of Sir J of. Banks. Auiennae black: head black, front and orbits yellow: thorax fpottcd with yellow ; fecond fegment of the abdomen very large with 2 yellow bands, the reft with a fingle one and all interrupted ; legs black, (hanks yellow. Campani. Black variegated with yellow : petiole of the abdomen fer-« formic, ruginous, the tip black with 2 yellow fpots. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vcfpa. 523 Inhabits AV-zo f/o//flW. In the mufeum of Sir 7^-^^'''f-f« Antennae ferruginous, brownifh at the tip : head black, front and orbits jrellow : thorax fpotted vrith yellow : fcutel yellow with a black band, and under it a b'ack groove : fecond fcg- ment of the mbdomen very large with a yellow margin and 2 fpots at thcbafc, the others edged with yellow : legs ycllovr, Cuinttnp, Biacl^ . i^eaj jj^(j |gg5 ferruginous : petiole 2-toothcd ferru- ginous : wings blue. Inhabits Guinea ; large. Antennae ferruginous tipt with black : headend thorax blackifh on the back : abdomen ovate. Cyanipennis Black ; petiole clavate and tcftaceous at the bafe : wings bhie. Inhabits Cayenne. Thtfax lertaceous under the fcutel : firft fegment of the abdomen large campanulatej the reft fliort black; /rg-/ black. VetioUta. Varied with ferruginous and yellow ; petiole incurved, fer- ruginous with a black band. Inhabits Malabar. Ro/s. Fu, £ ru,, 1. fab. \,fig. 10. Antennae hooked ferruginous : head with a black band between the eyes; thorax ferruginous, the fore-lobe yellow: petiole of the abdomen long, with a fmall raifed tooth each fide before the tip, fecond fegment ferruginous with a black band Aid tipt with yellow, the reft ycllowifh : legi ferruginous. Qmca, Ferruginous fpotted with black^; fecond fegment of the ali- domen with a black band. Inhabits China ; refemblcs the kft. Bod^ ferruginous with a few black fpots: petiole long, the bafe and tip a little blackifh. Pjri/ormii, Abdomen yellow^ black at the bafe, the petiole incurved ferruginous with 2 black bands. Inhabits China. J/ead hlicV, front yellow : antennae ferruginous ; thorax gibbous, yellow before and black behind, with ferruginous dots.' firft fegment ot the abdomer. campanulate very large, the bafe black with 2 ferruginous fpots, the tip yellow; the reft fmall and ycllov; "ivingi ferruginous, the tip citiereous : legs fcfrugiaous, hind-thighs black. Vsmiftrmis Black variegated with yellow : petiole of the abdomen with 2 yellow dots, fecond fegment with an interrupted yellow band, all edged with yellow. 3 U 2 Inhabits 524 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. Inhabits //«/>•; fize of V. coardtata. Antennae black, the firft joint yellow beneath ; lip yellow with a black dot in the middle : thorax fpotted with yellow : firft fegmcnt of the abdumen with i yellow dots : legs yellow. Grij'ea^ Cinereous: petiole fernjginon«, fecond fegment of the abdomen cinereous at the tip with a yellow fpot each fide. Inhabits Jfrtca. Mufeum oiSwJof. Banh. j^ntennae brown : mandibles ferruginous : legs brown, thighs fer- ruginous . : with each a fpot on the back, Inhabits Africa; f:zc of aconuncn Eee. Front 526 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. Front with a yellow lunule, ferruginous behind the eyei : thorax with a yellow dot before the wings : /ck/^/ glaucous: abdomen feffile ; legt yellow, ciliatc without. Cafrm. Snout homy fubulate, body varied with yellow and black : antenna: faffron in the middle. Inhabits the Capt of goodhofe. Head, band on the /?if/^/ and aHtennae\^^c\'. front yellow: thorax fpotted with black : abdomen yellow with a black dorfal line and 2 bands, the petiole curved clavate with 2 yellow dots each fide : legs yellow, reddifli beneath. Captnfis. Snout horny fubulate : body black : abdomen pctiolate, the tip yellowifli beneath. Inhabits the Cafe cf good hope*. Abdomen ovate, the petiole curved and cJavate* Surtxiuna Black ; abdomen pctiolate violet-black. Inhabits Surinam • fize of a hornet. !^etioU fubclavatc : 'wings blueifh-black. Canadends Th' tax with 2 fcales : abdomen ferruginous, thefirft feg- ment obconic. Inhabits America. Su/z. InJ.tab. ig.fg. A, Imarginaf Scutel eniarginate : abdomen black, the petiole curved and '^' toothed each fide. Inhabits America, ^uf. Lud. Vlr.^iz. tricinSiA. Black ; thorax fpotted ; abdomen with 3 yellow bands, the 2 firft interrupted. Inhabits -^«//r/'<7., Schranch, Auji. /• 593. «. 794f Exotica, Black varied with ferruginous ; petiole of the abdomen fer- ruginous, the back black : legs ferruginous. Inhabits onzof Eurspe. Muf. LcJ];. p. 74. ». 412, /"««/ bafe of the flAi^wwrf- hinder fcgmcnts of the abdomen and tip of the firlt yellow : 'wings ycllovvifli, tLe:!Tformls ^^^ck ; thorax fpotted with yellow : fcutcl with 2 yellow lines and kidncy-fhapedfpot each fide behind: abdomen with 5 yellow bands: legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk.p. 74. ». 418. Melan-ichra P'a^k ; lip, tranfverfe line on the thonx, 6 bands on the abdomen, tip of the thighs and fhajiks yellow. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vcfpa. 527 inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesi.,j>. 74. «. 419. Firft band of the abdomen very remote, the fccond finuate each fide. Melanoce- Head black with a yellow dot between the antennx : thorax fhala. ^ifh an interrupted yellovy band, abdomen with 4 and a line at the tip : thighs black, the tip aud Ihanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lak. p. 7 5.' ». 420. £ry/A«. Black ; head and abdomen ferruginous, petiole black tipt (tp a a. with yellow, the firft fegment black before and yellow behind, ^, 4, edged with yellow. Inhabits oat oi Europe. Muf. lesk. p, 75, «. 4ZI. Mouth, fides of the tbarax and oblong fpot ac the bafe yellow ; fhmnks yellow. b. Lip tvatcyas Ung€ithejaw, Mcllinus. •M^acta. Black ; fcutel yellow : abdomen with 3 yellow bands, the firft interrupted. Inhabits Northern Europe. Sphex myftacea, iMiine. Between the fecond and third fegraents of the abdomen is fome- timcs a yellow dot. S«hnlofiu Black ; abdomen with 3 whitifti bands, the fore-ones inter- rupted : legs rufous. Inhabits Germany. Antennae ferruginous : /^-r^*/ black, orbits yellow before : thorax fpotted with yellow. Rufuornu. Thorax fpotted ; abdomen with 3 yellow bands, the 2 firft interrupted : antennae and legs rufous. Inhabits Germany. HeadhUcV, orbits rufous ; ahdamen black. Z'Punaaia Black \ fcutel yellow : abdomen with 3 yellow bands, the. firft with 2, black dots. Inhabits Germany. -<4»/^«K*black, the firft joint yellow bene«th; cr^Vi and 2 dots oa the /// yellow: thorax fpotted with yellow: legs yellow, thighs black at the bafe. ^'lineata. Black abdomen with 3 entire yellow bands: antenna: be- neath and joints of the legs ferruginous. Inhabits Italy. Thorsx with a yellow ftreak before : fcufel black. *Cai!t- 528 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. *Can.pMB\^ck; yellow : 'u.ingi ycUowifh .- kgs yellow. Jurito. Black ; head and thorax fpotted with yellow ; firft fegment of the abdomen with 2 yellow fpots, the reft with a yellow band. Inhabits Italy, ,, ,. , , ,,,,., Antennae black, the firft joint yellow ; lip orbits and dot behind the eyes yellow : legs yellow. Triangulummzck'. abdomen yellow, the fegments with a black tiianglc on the back. Inhabits Germany. Mouth yellow : thorax immaculate : legs rutous, n. . Black ; abdomen yellow : legs ferruginous : lip White. Dmdema. j^^^^;,, Italy ^ni\hc Cape of goed hope. Headwith a 3-toothed white Ipot between the antenns : //;craA- fpottcd with yellow : firft fegment of the abdon-.en blackilh: tegs^ yellowifh. Black ; thorax fpotted : abdomen with 6 yellow fubijiter- ^"-^^''' rupted bands : wings white tipt with brown. Inhabits Spain ; large. . , , , Lij^ yellow and mandibles tipt with black : anfenme rufous, black before the tip : legs ferruginous. •Arenana. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vcfpa. 529 Annarta. Black ; abdomen with 4 yellow bands, the firft: fegment with 2 dots. Inhabits Europe ; and hiuies itfclf in fands." Scutel with a tranfverfc yellow linc and 2 dots : legs yellow, ull the fhanks ferrate, Grnata, Thorax immaculate : abdomen with 3 yellow bands, the fecond emarginate. Inhabits Germany^ Antenna black, beneath yellrtwifti : he«d vcllow under the anten- na; ; Ugt yellow, thighs black at the bafe. Flttvi/ies Black ; thorax fpotted : abdomen yellow, the edges of the fegments and tail black. Inhabits Italy Lip ycilow, front covered with filvrry down: legs yellow, -putt a a^ Black: thorax immaculate : abdomen with 3 yellow margi- nal dots each fide. Inhabits Italy. Antennae ferruginous, brown on the backs head ytiXovi under the antennae J /e^i yellow, thighs bJack. l-lineata. Black; thorax fpotted : abdomen with 5 yellow entire bands, tail black Inhabits KieL Antennae black, the firft joint benea'"h yellow : head vellow under the antcnniE ; legs yellow, thighs with a black band. Lata. Black : thorax fpotted: firft fegment of the abdomen with 2 yellow dots, the reft with a ycilow band. Inhabits Spaing refembles the laft. ' Antennae ferruginous, t'lpt with bhck : /^-iffly yellow under the antennas : legs yellow, the joints of the hind-ones black ; ivings wliitifli, upper-pair tiptwirh brown. ufscormj -gj^^,]^ . ^^orax fpotted : fegments --'f the abdomen with a yellow tranfverfe fpot each fide. Inhabits Itily ; fmall Antennae fcrruginou', brown on the back : headyeWovt under the antenna: : legs yellow. S-fnaiUiata Black; thorax fpotted: abdomen with 5 yellow fpots. lnh&\ its Denmark ; fmall Autennae bhck, the firft jyint yellow beneath : ivings hyaline; legs yellow, thighs black. Atra. Hairy, black : abdorucn (liort cohic. inhabito Italy, /-(.-[g-j black, ftiankspiceou?, VOL. III. — 3 X. Sprr/a ^30 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa, d. Lip /hort horny. Crabro. Thorax 2-tootheci behind : abdomen with 3 yellow bands. Sj>woja, I,, habits Southern Europe. x. u ta. 7horax with a yellow line before and a ftrong tooth each fide behind ; UgshXzcV or ferruginous. Ccrnuta. Yellowifh ; thorax black fpotted with yellow : front witk an elevated emarginate horn. Inh'bits£fly? ./? covered wi;h filver/ down: thorax immacuhite : /"off/ with an incurved fharp fpine under it : legs black, ferruginooa at the tip. leiicoRoma Black ; glabrous : lip filvery : abdomen flightly pet'iolatc. Inhabits Europe, Antenna filiform. Genkulata Black; with 2 yellow dots under the antcnnx: thorax fpot- ted : joints of the legs yellow. Inhabits Germany ; fma , Legs black, (hanks white at the bafe. 4f-funSiata Black, glabrous : lip filvery ; abdomen petiolatc with 2 yellow dots each fide. Inhabits France; refemblcs V. Leucoftoma. Firft joint of the antennae yellow beneath. Lugzibris, Black glabrous ; lip black: abdomen petiolate. In\i3.h\ts Sa.xo7ty. Jbiiomen ^oYi^'zA. • Albilabrii Black, glabrous : abdomen felfilc : lip filvery : fore-fhanks ycllowifli above. I Inhabits Saxony. Abdomen ovate poliflied, Mimtta. Black, glabrous : mandibles and {hanks teftaccous. Inhabits Germany : very fmall. Wings whitifii v/ith a black marginal dot : A%^j black. Gaditavci. Black : thorax hairy : antennae and wings rcddilh ; abdcmcn with 5 interrupted yellow bands. Inhabits Spuin; iize of V^. vulgaris. Vt-xiz of the antennae and /axvj yellow f/w/ix fpotted : tllghi and tip of ihc flianks yellow, tejkii. Thorax fpotted : abdomen v,"«th 6 yellow bands narrower on the back, the lirll: lomctimes interrupted : legs yell (J w- Inhabits Europe, MuL Lefi, p. 75. n, ii^. 534 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. funaulata. Thorax fpotted: abdomen with 6 yellow bands, the firft compofed of 3 dots, the third interrupted : lip filvery • legs black at the bafe. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lssk. /. 75. ». 426. ArgurcJ' Thorax fpotted, fcutel uniform : abdomen with 6 yellow toma» bands : lip filvery : thighs black, (hanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesktp. 75. n. 427. Marginata. gj^^j^^ pun6lurcd : abdomen with 4 bands ; tail margined, the tip truncate and 2-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 75. w. 428. Legi yellow, black at the bale : thighs truncate at the tip. ^'^T.v/^^"*"* Black, punctured: front mouth and triangular fpot each fide on the fourth abdominal fegment yellow. Inhabit? Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 76 ». 429. Firft fe^Tient of the abdomen yellow at the bafe, fccond yellow with a black triangle in the middle: /«/ margined : thighs ferruginous, FiarJpesf gafg of the antenna; jaws (hanks and 6 bands on the abdo- men yellow, the third interrupted : lip filvery : thorax fpotted. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 76. n. 43 I. T'/^/g^j'black, the 4. fore-ones yellow beneath. Vi'.rjpus. fhorax fpotted : abdonien with 3 yellow bands, the 2 nrft interrupted : lip filvery : thighs black, the tip and (lianks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Mif. Lesk. p. jG. «, 432. Unfafciaia Thorax fpotted: 4 firft fcgments of the abdomen with a yellow fpot each fide, the fifth with a ferruginous band: lip filvery : legs ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 76. n. 434. Melanops. Thorax fpotted : lip black, 3-toothed : antennae jaws and legs yellow : 2 firft fegments of the abdomen with a yellow fpot each fide, the fourth with a yellow band. Inhabits Europe, Muf Lesk. p. 76. n. 436. Cjilitidrica, Thorax fpotted : abdomen cylindrical, the 3 firft fegments with a yellow band above and fpot each fide beneath : lip and legs blacjc. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 93. Vcfpa. 535 Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p, 76. «. 438. Antennae ferruginous at the tip : Up with a yellow line each fide: bind-jkanks yellow at the bafc. Pubefcens. Thorax immaculate downy ; front mouth and (hanks yel- low : abdomen pctiolate, the fcgments edged with yellow. Inhabits Enrope. MuJ. L/sk.p. 76, «. 438. b. Atitenna and 4 fiare'jkanks black. Sigerrima, Jilntirely black. Inhabits Muf, Lisk. p, 77. tr» 441. Canefcens. Grey -black; abdemen petiolate, the 2 firft fegments gibbous behind. Inhabits Europe, Muf, Lefk, p, 77. «. 442, Chryfopui. Lip filvery : fore-part of the thorax and dot each fide the petiole yellow: abdomen yellow with an oblong bldclc fpot on the 4 firft fegments each fide.. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lefk. p. 77. «. 443. Legs yellow, black at the bafe, /Vrrwg;»/fi. Black ; front and lip filvery: thorax immaculate: tip of the petiole and firft fegment of the abdoman ferrugi- nous : antennae and (hanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk, p» 77. «. 444. Chrjfogona. Lip filvery : thorax immaculate : abdomen black with a grey glofs: joints yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 77. «. 445. Immaculata Black ; thorax immaculate: front and lip filvery : abdomen petiolate : legs ferruginous at the ends. Inhabits Europe. Mif. Lesk, p, "JJ. n, 446. Dicbroa, Black with a yellow fpot each fide the eyes and one under the wings i fore-margin of the thorax and joints yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk.p, 77. «. 447. Tibialis, Lip filvery: thorax fpotted: thighs black, (hank* yellow, the hind-ones brown within. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Leskjp. 77. n. 448. Ga'ViUar 536 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. Oa-z'oia. Abdomen petiolate clavate, the firft ferment yellow at the tip! lip filvery: tliorax with a yellow dot each fide before : hind-ihanks clavate. Inha'^its Euro^ie. Aiuf Lesk. p. 77. «. 449. ^hi^hs black, the bafe and tip yellow : jhanks yellow, the middle Giles with ,1 black fpot within, hind-ones black in the middle and yellow at the tip. Latea^ Black; thorax immaculate: abdomen petiolate, yellow at the tip: jaws antennae fpot on the wings and Ihanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. yj. n. 450. Brauata. Black; thorax immaculate : lip filvery : bafe of the antenn.^ and fore-legs yellow ; thighs black above. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk. p. 77. k. 451, Flavicans j^i^ck ; thorax with a yellow dot each fide: jaws bafe of the antennsc and fore flianks yellow, bafe of the 4 hind-ones yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 77. «. 4^2. B. Tongue bifid, retraBlle. Mafaris. Vefpiformls Abdomen black with 6 yellow bands: antenna black, nearly as long as the body. Inhabits Barbary. Antentia with an interrupted yellow lateral line : upper Up yellow with a fine black edge : head with a yellow frontal fpot and orbits : thorax with a yellow fpot ih the middle, the edge and fcutel yellow : legs yellow, thighs black at the bafe. Apif«nms Si^natfi, Antennas clavate ferruginous; abdomen black with 5 vellow bands. Inhabits Italy. Rofs. Fn. Etr:t/c. 2. tab. 7. fg. \o, il. Antennae ihovt, the firft joint black: head hVizk with 3 yellow frontal fpots : thorax fpotted with 2 horuy yellow fcales at the bafe : abdomen ovate, the 2 laft bands interrupted each iide : legs yellow. C. Tongue infleSiedy s-cleft. Bembex Upper-lip rounded entire: body varied with black and yellow. Inhabits Jmericcr. Suk. Hif. Inf. tab. 2% fig. 9. Pun5lata. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. 537 FunSata. Uppcr-Hp entire : fegmcnts of t!ie abdomen black with 4 yellow dots. ^ Inh^tbitr B'^.-ftK In the mufcum of Sir Jof Banks. Lip black Nvith a yellow line each jide : anteiwae black, the firft joint yellow beneath: thorax Mack: 4 fiift fegn-icn's of the abdr.mrn with 4 yellow dots, 5, with 2, 6. immaculate, 7, with a yci'ow lice each fidc>. kgt black. Rifrata. Upper-lip conic cleft : abdomen black witii flexuous glau- cous bands. Inhabit'^ Europe Sulz. Ilift. Inf. tab. 2"]. fig. 10. Builds in fand banks, and depofus only one larva in each reft. Oli-vacciX. Lip conic yellow : abdomen glaucous, the fegments edged with black ; tail 3 toothed. Inhabiu Barhary. y/''/^/.vi^' black, yellow at the bafe: head grey-brown: thorax brown with a yellowifli border: fecund fegment oi \.\it abdo' men with 2 dot. : legs yeJlow. Glatica, Lip conic; abdomen glaucous, the fcgmants with 2 black dots: Irihabits Tranqiichcr; fizc ofV roftrata. Lip yellowiih -.front brown: back of the thorax brown with 2 ycliow lines, hgs yelioy/. Lm:ata. Lip conic : thorax ferruginous with black lines: abdomen ferruginous, the Il-gmerits with a yellow lunule each fide. •. Inhabits T ravqurhar. Antennae ferruginous , tipt with black : lip yellow : head brown : thorax black beliiiid wi.rh a yellow band : 3 laft fcgme»t3 of the abdomen yeilow: hgs yellow, thighs ferruginous. Carolina. Lip conic black : abdomen black, the firft legment with an interrupted yellovy band, the reft with y^iiow dots. Inhabits Ca^clina. Antennae black, the firft joint yellow beneath: head\iXOWin. Up yellow : thorax brown with a yellow doc unJer tnc wings : laft fcgmcnt of the uhdomsu immaculate : tegs yellow, thighs black at the bafe. Lip conic; abdomen glaucous with 6 flexuGUS black bands, inhabits Tranquehar. Antennae above black, beneath yellow : hp yellow : cropa rcfcmbles the perfe<5l infefl. A Tongue T^-cleft : Up elongated trifid. Hyl^eus. CyUtidiUe, Black ; abdomen cylindrical, the fegments whitifli at the edge: tip of the lip and joints ot the legs white. Inhabits Germany. i/(r<7-o/>^ Mu/, Lesk.,p. 78. n. 455. FAiawV»r«j Brown fubvillous : incifures of'thc abdomen edged with whitilli : lip antenna: and (hanks yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 78. n. 456. Fufeiccrnis Brown, fubvillous; incifures'of the abdomen ferruginous ut the edge : lip and fhanks yellow, middle of the latter and antennae brown. Inhabits Z«ro/(f. Muf. Lak. p. 78, n. /i^^-j. Suhvillofa, I^fown fubvillous : 2 firft fcgments of the abdomen and fore-part of the antennx ferruginous : Ihanks white at the bafe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 78. », 45 8. Rubricornis Brow^n, fubvillous : antennce beneath ferruginous ; ends of the legs white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 78 n 459. Guttatr, Black, punftured : incifures of the abdomen pale yellow. Inhabits o\it of Europe. Muf. Lejl, p. 78. «. 461,. b. C. Tongue T^-cleft : hind-fecJers tongue -Pjaped. Nomada. Thorax abdomen and legs variegated with wiiite and black; lifina, fcutel emarginate. Inhabits Ea^i Ir.eia. Ant en}: f!' INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 94. Apis. 547 Jntenuae black : front villous white: abdomen black, the ^■ ments with each a white dot each fide : Up. •■ \ x\ '--: ■ white. rp.. Scutillarh Black ; with cinereous down ; abdomen black dotted ea.ii fide with white : fciitel proiniaent i-tooihed. Inhabits Siberia. Mufeum ol ^\x'JoJ. BaKks. Front covered with whit; down : hgs bl;cL-, fjnnks with a large white fpot ; upper-nuingi brovvn^wiin a whue inaruinal fpot. ^ Tunaata. Black ; abdomen dotted with white each fide ; fcutel with a Tingle fpine^legs ferruginous. Inhabits Qana::u: half "the fize pf thi- laft. Antenna ferruginous, black at the l.afe : lip filvcrv : thorax with a callous dot before the wings: legs rufous, thighs black. ^ibia'is. Scutel 2 toothed , thorax black fpotted with white : abdo- men with 6 white fpots ; legs rufous. Inhabits fize of the laft. Thorax black with 2 villous dots and dorfal line.- 7?a/«/ with a villous groove in :he middle : luings brown with a whitilh fpot on the upper-pair. yariegata. Thorax and abdomen variegated with white : legs ferru- ginous. Inhabits Europe, 5fa/f/ white or ferruginous. Jgrefiis, Hairy : fegments of the abdomen tipt with black. Inhabits Spam. Colour various. Antennae black : head and thorax with rufous hair : abdomen ru- fous, the firft fegment black at the bafe, the reft at the tip. Rufcornis. Antennx legs and 4 dots on the fcutel ferruginous: abdomen ferruginous variegated with yellow. Inhabits Europe. Thorax with white lines. Hujipes, ^rittta. Black ; fcutel yellow : abdomen with 2 yellow fpots each fide and 2 bands. Inhabits Germany; lefs than the laft. Antennae black, rufous at the bale : margin of the lip a little ru- fous : thorax fpotted with yellow. I^errnginousr thorax with black lines: abdomen rufous fpotte4 with yellow. ' ' VOL. !II.~3 Z Inhabis: 546 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. Inhrbits Europt ; fize of the next. Antennae ferruginou. : head with a black fpot in the middle : thorax with terruginous fpots beneath : nvings whitifh with a brovvnilh tip : legs rotous, Fabrichn^ Black ; abdomen glabrous ferruginous with 2 yellow fpots. Inhabits l/;y«/. Fuhicornit Black ; antennae and legs ferruginous : fcutel with 4 yel- low dots : abdomen with 5 yellow bands. Inhabits Italy. Lip yellow : antennae rufoui, the firft joint yellow beneath : tberax fpptted with yellow. *Cihbat Black ; abdomen rufous tipt with blacjr. luhabiu England, Abdamen glabrous. ' Albilahris. Black ; abdoinen rufous, the firft fegment black. Inhabits Kiel, ■tip iilvery : thorax immaculate. Hattorjiana Black ; fecond fegment of the abdomen rufous with 3 black fpots. Inhabits Germany. Firft fegment of the abddmea black with a ferruginous margin, 2. ferruginous with 3 black fpots, 3, 4., black edged with white, c, blacky tail reddilh : legs black, the hind-ones cove- red with white wool. Cingulata,'] Cinereou* downy ; abdomen glabrous black, the fecond and third fegracnts ferruginous. Inhabits Siveden. Wings white. In one Sex tha abdomen is rufous. Riparia, Abdomen elliptic glofly : wings edged with black. Inhabits Italy. Hcop, Jnn. Hi/i. 4./. 45. ». i. Segments of the abdomen fometimes edged with white at the fides. Squalid/:, Black ; upper-wings with a black dot in the middle of the margin. Inhabits Carniola; Scop. Atin. llijl. 4. /. 45. n. 3. Uonianfi, Reddifh ; abdomen elliptical black, the fegments edged with white. ^ Inhabits /NSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94 Apis. 5^7 Inhabits Carniola. Scop. An Hid. 4./. 45. ». 4* Margin of the upper-'ujings rcddifh. Miner. Black ; antennae mouth abdomen and joints of the hind-legs rufous. Inhabits CarnioJa. Scapol. Ann: Hiji.p, 45. »• 5- Wingi edged with black. Ranunculi glack ; fegmcnts of the abdomen rufous at the margin each fide. Inhabits Carniola. Scop. Ann. Uifi- 4. p. 46. «. ^. front hairy ,: i^iings with a rufoas margin. Nafuta, Abdomen oblong : jaws prominent obtufe. Inhabits Carniola. Scop. Ann. Hiji. \.p.\'j. n. 8, Tranque- Beneath hairy : front yellow : breaft with a white fpot each karorum. fjjp . wings violet. Inhabits Tranquehar. AH. Stock. 1787, 4. n, 2. 37. Maura, Very haiiy, black : jaws very broad and rounded at the tip: wings violet ferruginous. Inhabits Brap. Stock. Iranf, \-j%J. 4. «. i. 38. D. Tongue ^-cleft: feelers very Jhort. Apis. latipes. Hairy, bUck ; forc-tarfi flat yellow and ciliat* withir?. Inhabits China, Drury. In,.z. tab. 48. ^j-. 2. Wings violet ; fnanks with z ferruginous dots- Morio. Hairy, black immaculate : wings blue. Inhabits Braltl. Mufeam of Sir Jof. Banks. Refembks the laft, but the legs are all fimple. Violacec, Hairy black: wings Violet. Degeer. Inj. l.tab. '^.fg. l$. Reaum. Inf. 6, ta^. ^. Hg. I. t. Inhabits Southern Europe, in the trunks of decayed trees, which it perforates longitudinally and forms numerous nefts, in each of which is depofued a fingle egg : thefc neils are made of the pollen of vegetables mixed with honey, and are begun fropi the bottom. Splendida» Almoft naked, blue : abdomen fliining green-bronze. Inhabits Cajegm; nearly as large as the lalt. Uta.i 548 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. ffeaMue : antennae black : eyes large tcftaccoiis ; luings blue : lags blue, hind-fhanks and tarfi vviih thick black fringe. Ntgrita , Hairy, black : front and fidesof the abdomen cinereous, luabits Jfrica. In the muleum of Sir Jof, Banks, 7 barax ^xxdi nvings black : y^Tir^/? cinereous. D J- ^ Vtmdiata, j^^j^ . ffgn^ems of the abdomen edged with cinereous, tail rufous : wings black at the bafe. Inhabits Surinam; large. head with 3 raifcd lines, lip arrhed obtufe , thorax filky black : Jcute/\tirge fquare : tvitfgs black from the bafe to the middle, the tip whitifti : hiiid-jhanks very thick and 2-tcothcd at the bafe. Carolina, Hairy, black : abdomen yellowifh above. Inhabits America, *Terrellris Hairy, black : thorax with a yellow band : abdomen with a yellow belt, tail whi.te or yellow. Humble bee, DontrJan, iii. tab. 88, f-g. i. Reaum. 6. tab. '^.fig. i. Inhabits Europe, and forms its nejt deep in the earth. Crjptarum Hairy, black : abdomen with a yellow band, tail white. Inhabits Germany; fizc of thelaft. Rucierata. Hairy, black : thorax yellow with a black band : abdomen yellow on the fore-part, tail white. Inhabits Germany and Madeira. Cynll. Ent. Neap, i . t. z.f. 5. Nemorum, Hairy, black ; thorax with an ipterrupted yellow band : tail pale. Inhabits Germany; fizeof Ap. terreflris. Sorren/is. Hairy, black : tail white. Inhabits Gt'>v/;d;7y. SchaeJ-. Icon, tab.z^i.ftg. 6. La'ppcnica. Hairy, bhck : thorax yellowifh with a black band : abdo- men rufous, tail yeliowilh. Inhaoiti Lapiandy i:'.rgc. Snrinamcn- Hairy b'ack; abdomen yellow except the firil: ferment. f^^' 'iLiabits V«r .-7/^77;?. Dcgeer.bif. 0^. tab. z%. Jh^, 0. Hind-ibigh! diLtcdand 1 toothed at the tip/ Virgt7iica. Hairy, pale : abdomen black except tlie finl fegment. Inhabits yirginm, Drury hij. 1. tab. 43 Jjg, 4. Anii' Af!f!guen/is Uijpanica. yfxiericano- rum. Caffra. Jfricana Oh ii'acea. ^ Jlortorutn Equeffris. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 549 Hairy, black : thorax and fore-part of the abdomen yellow. Inhabits Antigua. Wings brown. Hairy, yellowifh : abdomen tipt with b:ack : middle pair of legs with tufts of hairs- Inhabits ^ain ; large. Lip yellow. Hairy, black : thorax yellow before ; abdomen yellow, tail black. Inhabits America', fize of Ap. tcrreftris. Thorax yellow before and black behind : abdomen yellow, tail black. Hairy, black : hind-part of the thorax and fore-part of the abdomen yellow. Inhabits the Cape of goad hope. Hairy, black : thorax yellow on the back : abdomen green- ish, the firft fegment yellow. Inhabits Jfrica. In the mufeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Head black \viih green down : autennac black, ferruginous at the tip : tharax full yellow, the fore-margin black : aa/^?/ brown; Hairy greenilh : abdomen beneathandtip of the 4 hind-leg* black. ^ Inhabits Sierra Leona. Head hairy green : antennae and tongue black. Hairy, black : thorax yellow before ; abdorr.cn with a yel- low band, tail white. Inhabits Enrope; lefs than Ap. terreflris. Hairy yellow : head, band on the thorax and under- part of ot the abdomen black. Inhabits Norihem Europe, Ahdomen paler at the tip. Arhup^uvi Hairy, black : thorax yellow before: tail red. Inhabits Denmark. Front- with ytllow hair. *Agrcrum. Hairy, black : thorux and tail ftniiginou^^ JijJiabili Europe; large. *Lapidaria Hairy, black: tail red: wings whitilh hyaline. Inhabii Europe, under heaps of loofe floncs^ Dono-jayi. \\\,tab. lo8./^r. z,tab> 88./^. i. Rv^epii. 550 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94.. Apis. Rupejirii, Hairy^ black : tail reddifli : wings blackilh. Inhabits Germany. Tail paler than the laft. •Sylvarum. Hairy, pale with a black band on the thorax : hind-part of the abdomen black, tail rufous. Inhabits woods of Europe, fiead iXiA antennae black, front yellow; legs black,. Bryerum. Hairy, yellow : abdomen greenifh. Inhabits Nenu Holland. In the mufeum of Sir J^/! Banh, Large. Legs yellow, thighs black. Saxatilis, Hairy, black t thorax fulvous ; tail white. Inhabits Lapland. Ap. rupeftris. Fabric. App, p» 46c, Head\)\\Qk., crown a little ferruginous. IMiea.. Hairy, fulvous : head and legs black. Inhibits Italy. £ody beneath black. * MuJcoruM ll^x'iiy, fulvous: abdomen yellow. Re«rm. IhJ. 6. tab. z.fg. 3, 4. Schacff'. Icon. tab. 6().Jig. 8. Inhabits Europe y in meadows wher? it forms a neft oFmofs. •Hypnorum Hairy, fulvous: abdomen with a black band, tail white. Inhabits Earope. Rcaum. Inf. 6 tab. ^.fg' !• &ibirica. Hairy, yellow : thorax with a fulvous band: tail fulvou§» inhabits Siberia, In the mufeum of Sir "Jjo/. Banks, Pratorutn. Hairy, yellow : thorax with a black band. Inhabits Denmark and Siberia. Legs black. • Lucorum. Hairy, yellow : tail whitifh. Inhabits woods of Ntrtbern Europe, \ I 1 '*Jcervo' Hairy, black : hind-fhanks fcrruginons. rum. Inhabits £wr(j/if. Donovan, Vn. tab. 10%. fg, z. t' * Suhter- Hairy, black : tail brown. ranea. Inhabits Europe. Builds its ncft under the earth. Pariciir.a. Hairy^ black : third and fourth fegments of the abdomen greyilh. Inhabits Germany. Tarfi ferruginous with black rings. Hniarami INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 9+. Apis. 551 Mniorum, Hairy, black : fcutel and abdomen palifh, tail rufous. Inhabits Kiel: lefs than the Ull. BraftUu' Hairy, dull rufous: thighs black at the bafc. mrum. Inhabits Americn^ Antennae above brown, l»cneaih tcftaceous : abdomen with darker bands above and yellow onos beneath. JEfiuani. Hairy, blueifli-black : thorax yellow above. ■ Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tah. 28. fig^ 7, Ahdimen black with a violet glefs : iKiings blue. J. Sljer^Ar entirely white hairy. Inhabits C/&;«tf, Tronic*. Hairy, black: abdomen yellow behind. Inhabits near the Line. Autumnalts Hairy, thorax grey with a black band: abdomen black with a grey bafe, tail white. Inhabits Germany ; half the fize of Ap. ruderata. Abdomen beneath white hairy : tarft piceous. StniUs, Entirely covered with cinereous hair. Inhabits woods of Denmark, Veteranai Hairy, cinereous : thorax with a black band. Inhabits Kiel. Tarji teftaceous, Pygmaai Hairy ; thorax fulvous : abdomen whitifli. Inhabits Kiel, very fmall. Seminuda. Thorax hairy black, the fore-part yellow : abdomen black naked with an interrupted hairy band. Inhabits Germa^iy. Lagopoda, Grey; fore-legs dilated and fringed, hind-flianks clavate tail emarginate. Inhabits Europe, Sulz. Hiji Ltj. tab. zj.fg. I7. Uirtipes. Nearly naked, black : hind-fliaaks with thick yellow hair. Inhabits Surinam ; large. Sides of the abdomen with a fulvous dot beneath : nt-ingi violet. Purpura/' Nearly naked, violet : abdomen ferruginous at the bafe. cent. Inhabits— —In the Britijh Mufeum. Thorax reddifh under the Icutel : abdomen ovate, Amtthjif'. 552 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Api«. ^«,'^/ij5^/fftf Nearly naked ; black; wings violet. Inhabits Fait India and Italy j fmall. Ai^aithea. Nearly naked, black: wings blue tipt with brown ; hind- legs long and larger than the abJqmen. Inhabits LayeH/u ; very fmall. MvJJltam* Blue-black hairy : abdomen fulvous with a coppery fiiade, the fiift fcgment black. Inhabits Cayeaue. Headhluc: antenme black: thorax blue with thick fliort hairs : ivings fubferruginous, the tip whitifh. *Ptlipes, Grey ; middle legs with tufted hairs. Inhabits Ettgiattif, Pa//. Spic. Z09I. 9. tab. i.fg. 14. Plumifes. fhorax fulvous : abdomen black with a fulvous tip : hind- flianks compreffed dilated haiiy black. Inhabits India. In the mufeum of Sir ^0/; Banks. Antennae black : lip yellow -.front bbck with a yellow line: fides of the abdomen fpotted with white: fore legs white villous, the others black. Armata. ^Bi^^k; abdomen braffy-green : hind-fhanks very hairy: tho- rax 2-fpined each fide. Inhabits Surinam ; large. Head black with 4 yellow dots on the lip. *Cunicu- Pubefcent; thorax ferruginous: abdomen brown: legs laria. covered with thick hair. Inhabits Europe^ in gravelly banks. *Mellifca, Pubefcent; thorax grcyifh: abdomen brown, hind-lTianks ciliate and tranfvcrfely ftriate within. Cammm Bee. Male. Recvm. Inf. 5. tub. 21, 23. tab. Zl. fig, 2. Female. Reaum. Inf. 5. tab. 22. fig. 3. Neuter. Reanm. Inf. 5. tab. iz. fig. \. Inhabits Europe, in hollow trees but is chiefly kept in hives. This well known and bufy infedl lives among large focieties, com- pofed of males or drones, females or queens, and neuters or working bees. The Drofie has no Iling, nor are its feet or probofcis adapted for collecting honey or wax, but it leads a life of idlcnefs and gluttony. The ^een has very fiiort wings and is larger than the others ; after having deftroyed all the relt of the females which are in the larva or pupa ftatc, fbe remains under the care and proteiflion of the working-bee?, who feed her and follow her wherever fhe goes. She lay* from 3 to 4000 eggs in the fpace of about 2 months which fhe depofif-s INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 553 depofits in cell? acJ^apted to their feveral hnds. When th ' bees arc too numerous for their accommodarian in the hive' the Queen becomes agitated and communicates this a'^it-ition to her iubjefts; (he then ruflifs our, followed by a multitude of working bees who fwarm round ner, a'-'d when Hie is fatigued, and icttjcd on any place, they cling round her ind guard her with the greateft c:ire. After this fwann is dep.;rted, another Q^een newly transf irmcd from the pupa ftate, is fee at liberty, and foon migrates with a frcfli fwarm. This is repeated 4 and fometimes 5 times in t.^e fummer, till "he hive becomes weakened, and then the remaining Queens fight among themfclves till only one is left. The iv^rivig bees are extremely numernus, and to their induftry is committed the formation of the ce'ls, the colleftion or tiie wax and honey, and the c?.re of providing and adminiilcring food to the Queen the males and the unhatchcd worms, Froai the n.(f>ar of flowers they procure honey, and from the poilen or dull which covers tbe ilamina of ni.iny vegetables they g.ither wax. This laft is brought ho.me in an unwrought ilate, in h.^llows under ' the ihighs, and after being eaten and macerated in the ftomach, is discharged in fmall parcels, and mou'ded by the jaws into perfeft wax. Tney dcf nd the entniccc of the hive agaiail all intruders with the molt determined rcfolution. and keep in imprilonment and under guard the young Queens, till the old * one has dilappeared with a Iwarm. If by any accident their Queen has been deRrnyed or loll, they become in.iftive and ftupid, and readily adopt any other that may accidentally pre- fent herfelf; or enlarge ieveral of the cells containing the eggs of working be.s, and give the larva3 iiiuing from them more abundant nouriihment and of a different quality, by wnich when they change to flics they heome Qjccns. It is likewife the office of the working bees to deftroy all the males, when they became ufelef- ; -vhich is done by fuddcnly attacking them in the autumn with their fting?, and caiting out th-ir dead bodies. A few females of each hive live through the winter, and lay the foundation of other focieties. The antennae of the female has 10 articulations, of the ma!es 1 1 , and of the working-bees 15. Q'.rancj, Black ; firft fegment of the abdomen on the upper-part and 2 ftrtaks behind whitifh : hind-ihanks corPLprciled. Inhabits C^'/;!«, half the fiz'^ of the laft. /^Mi/ bl.'.ck with cincreo'>!? down: ar.Un7tae h\2cV, the /iril joint fcrrnginous at chc bafc : y.'a/'c/ ferruginous : ahiiowrnh^nQiih. whitifli. CuinecnFs. Hairy; crown cinerecus r abdoiriCn rufous. Inhabits Guinea j larger than Ap m'^llifica. Antennae black : -heaJ bl^ckilh : thorax with cinereous iiair, immaculate i legs blac'afh VOL. in.— 4 A Dh'iunaa, 554 DisjunSa. Rufipes. 9 horacica. Dorfata, Vejfitd. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. Black ; hind-part of the thorax and fore-part of the abdo- men covered with yellow down: wings brown. Inhabits American IJlanJs x fizz oi A^. mcWxiiCA. Abdomen blue, the firft fegment covered with yellow down : legs black. Black ; hind-part of the thorax and fore-part of the abdo- men covered with ferruginous down: wings teftaccous tipt with brown. Inhabits Africa; large. -Mufeum of Sir Jo/. Bmnks. Firft fegments of the ebJomem and edge of the fecond covered with ferruginous down : legs ferruginous. Black : thorax rufous: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Denmark ; fize ofAp. canicuJaria. Hairy-black : hind-part of the thorax and back of the ab- domen teftaceous. Inhabits Eafl India: Tongue teftaceous : tail black : hind-Jhanks comprcfled . Black : back of the thorax and abdomen covered with fer- ruginous hair. •Inhabits Fravct ; fize of Ap. thoracica* Abdomen beneath black : ivingt white : legs black. FlavifroHs. fhorax hairy whitilb with a black band: abdomen bluelfli, the tail cinereous. Inhabits Brafil In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Atitennae black, the firft joint yellow beneath : /rea/ yellow: tongue ferruginous : firft fegment of the abdomen with a fer- ruginous ftreak : fore-Jlianks vritU a yellow line, the reft with a yellow ftreak. Black ; thorax hairy whitilh with a black band : abdomen blueiih. Inhabits Europe. Schteff. Ictn. tab. zz* fig* 5» 6. *Cinerarim. A^arenfis. Analis. Ramar^rhoa Black, villous; thorax yellow above : tail white. Inhabits Guinea. Lip whltifh : hind-thighs comprcfled. Thorax villous cinereous : abdomen blueiih, tail black. Inhabits America; twice the fize of Ap. mcUihca. Front yellow : antennae hJack : legs blucilh. Thorax vilous ferruginous : abdomen black with glaucous foots on the fulcs, tail ferruginous. ^ ? - * lahabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 555 Inhabits Germany. Front whh grey down : hind-Jkanki with rufous hair, Barbara, Villous, black : tail brown: hind-flianks with thick rufous hair. Inhabits Barbary ; fmall. ^iduens. Cinereous downy; abdomen black, the fegments edged with white: front yellow. Inhabits France ; builds under the earth. Antennae black : lip jcllow with 2 black dots : legs tcftaceous : ivingt whitifh. * Maukata Cinereous; abdomen black with yellow lateral fpots; tail 5-toothed. Inhabits jG'aro/f. Schteff, Idon. tab. ^z^fg. ii, \%, Flortntina. Abdomen black with yellow lateral fpots and very haifv beneath, the 3 laft fegments toothed each fide Inhabits Southern Europe j rclembles the lall. Lip yellow : thorax hairy : ahdomen above black, the tail 3- toothedj kgi yellow, thighs black, Irecu Thorax hairy ferruginous : abdomeo black with 3 white interrupted bafnds : hind-tarfi angular dilated. Inhabits Rujfia, oa the flowers of the Iris. Mouth and /// yellow : fjrft fegmciit of the abJomen with fer- ruginous wool, 2, 3, 4. with a white band. Sti^ica, Thorax black immaculate: abdomen black with 6 tranf- verfe rutous fpots each fide. Inhibits flowers of Barbary. Antennae ferruginous tipt with black: head h\zz\. with a fer- ruginous hind-margin: c.hdornen very hairy beneath, tail entire; legs ferruginous, thighs black at the bafe, M^tculata, Black; thorax fpotted: abdomen with 6 tranfvcrfe yellow fpots each fide, tail entire. Inhabits Italy. Head black with 2 yellow dots, mouth yellow ; thvrax with yellow lateral fpots: thighs rufous, flunks above yellow beneath black. inttrrnpta. Pubefcent, black: abdomen with 5 yellovy ftreaks, the 2 firft interrupted ; tail 2-tojthed. Inhabits Italy; fizc of the lalh Dp and dot above the eyes yellow^- 4 A 2 Vanegatei. ^.6 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. f'arie^^fcc. Black ; fegmcnts of the abdomen with 4 tranfverfe yellow fpots. ^ Jnhihks Itfiiv . 1 . • J Head brown ; lip with a yellow fpot each fide and oot behind the eyes: thorax brown with a yellow marginal line and 2 fcutellar dots : ahdutmn wuh rufous hairs beneath : hgs yel- low, thighs black above : /«;/'eiuiie. Rotundata. gj^^,], . ^it^ cinereous hair : abdomen nearly globular, the fegmcnts edged with white. Inhabits Germany. Lip downy yellowifli : ih-.rax with grey hair. Ful'vipes. Varied with brown and ferruginous : abdomen yell nv, the fegmcnts edged with black. InhaV'its ^pnin ; fize of Ap. v.^riegata. iy,*j ferruginous, black between the antcnnce, lip yellow : a-,i- leun^ black: thorax black with a ferruginous ma r»^in •.abdo7v.m ■ with a black dorial line on the firft and fecond IcgmentS': legs ferruginous, thighs blaik at the bafe. Gljl>nfa. Black : abdomen fubglobnbr with an oblique whitiOi ftreak each fide, the Yegnitnts edged with whiiidi : hind- ihanks very hairy. Inhabit? Swlh American Iflandi. Antennae black, fvibferruginous at the tip .• orbits grey : thorax^ covered here and there with cinereous down : legs black, taiu reddifh. frrvginea. Head and thorax black wnth ferruginous fpots ; abdomea and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Spuin ; fina!!. Mouth and hind -margin of the ^cdd^ ferruginous. Tu'crcuhta Thonix pubefcent ; abdomen black with a grey tdg^, tail fulvous. Inhabits Kiel; kfj than Ap nl'.nicata. Mandihles ferruginous before the tip: head W\\\i a b.rge fl^arp r.dled tubercl: under the x\\xo'A\;ikors.K lulvouj; i::gs u;ack \% itii a fulvous fiir.ge. Fc:cia!a, Above p::ile ycllcwv. itha black band at the lafe oi the wiiigs Inhahiis Africa. Two firll icgmcnt.s of the ahdov.ei black v.i'.;; v/hi'.£ fide. ' EicormS' INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 557 Licornis Front 2-horncd ; bead black : abdomen hairy rufous. Inhabits iSorthcrn Europe Tunenfis. Black ; thorax hairy rufous : edges of the abdominal feg- ments with rufous fringe. Inhabits Burhary, fize ot Ap. rufa. Head brown with grey down : antennae black. *Ro'fa. Brown : abdomen rcddifh : front white, Inhabiti Europe. Sii/z. Hiji. hf. tab. zj.fig. 15, R::fpeunis, Black ; abdomen hairy ferruginous:' wings teftaceous with darker tips. Inhabits Zanta Cruz, hi the hollow cf trees. 1/jorax villous, blackifh before and terruginous behind. Latiatft. Thorax ferruginous: abdomen black with while bands, beneath covered with fnowy wool. Inhabits Sr,uth American IJlands, Tv.'o firtl Icgmcnts of t:ie abdomen hairy fcrruginou?, the roll; glabroui wiih white edges. Bicolarata, Black; abdomen hairy, above fulvous beneath fnowy. Inhabits Indui. h/lnicnin oi^'w JoJ. Banks. Thorax black with a white villous dot under the wings, bchini covered with fulvous down. ilirta. Cinereous hairy: fegments of the abdomen edged wi'h white. Inhabits Germany ; flind-iar/i iu{ous. Ilihjtricea Downy ferruginous: fegments of the abdomen with fulvous fringe, beneath with fulvous wool. Inhabits South Amcncan Ijjands, Frcxt fulvous with a black fpot in the middle : thorax black on the back with a ftreak of 4 fulvous dots between the wings : A-gs black, fiianks tcftaceous. yaivn. Black ; thorax and abdomen cinereous hairy, the latter co- vered with black wool beneath. Inhabits Jndia; fize of Ap, centuncularis. *Ihorax black with cinereous wool at the bafe ; firll fcginent of the abdomen with grey hair ; 'wings brown. Buh-f:cns. Covered entirely with cinereous pubefceiice. Inhabits liah' Segments of the ahdo7iien paler at the edges. JrgnKtata vS INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 5> Jrgmtata, Downycinereous : abdomen black, thereges of thcfegments wlutc, beneath with filvery hair. Inhabits Barbary ; fmall, lUJlacea. gia^k ; abffomen entirely ferruginous. Inhabit?. Neiv Holland. M.\xk\im oi S\r Jcf. Banks, HfUii, thorax and legs villous black : i^jings brown. *Centun- tulafis. Black ; abdomen covered beneath with fulvous hair. Domijan. iv. tab. 120. Resum.lnf. 6. tab, iS.fg. 3. 4. Inhabits Eui-ope, and forms its nell in the body of oak and other limber tree, which it bores into, and aficr removing the duft and making the canity pcrfedly fmooth, curioufly lines it with role-leaves : it then depofus its eggs, each in a feparaje cell, and leaving a fiifHcient quantity of proper food for the larv^, clofcs up the eutrancc with rofe-lcavcs, cemented by a kind of glue or pdde. The lar\'a, after having conJumcd all its provi- lions, cats its way out and foan becomes a pcrfefl iofcft. *Ptmaata. ^'-^^k with cinereous down ; abdomen deep black, the fcg- n-icnts wiih a white dot each fide. Inliab;ts En,\land. , Abdomen fhort glofly black, the firft and fecond fcgment with a tutt of whiti^ hair^ each fide, 3. 4, 5, with a white dot each fide, tiic lail immaculate: %/ black, (hanks with cinereous lings. Laciuofa. Head thorax and firft fegment of the abdomen cinereous downy: hind-lhanks comprefTed. Inhabits Eafl India. y/cWwhililh before end black behind, lip black ; ivings whitifh. Bhin^a. Villous cinereous : abdomen black wtth 2 approximate whitifh bands near the lip. .Inhabits East India. Ltp yellow, with a black fpot above ti in which is a yellow line : ahdomen with marginal white dots : legs black, the hind-OBCs tompreffjQ : laivgs whitilh. Crifca. \"il]oiis cinereous : abdomen black with 4 white bands, the 2 firft interrupted. Inhabits Italy. Fabric, iv. Append, p. 460. Legs cinereous hairy, hind-flianks with rufous hair. Gw/r, Thorax villous cinereous : abdomen brown, the edges of the fegrnents falvous. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 559 Inhabits Africa. Mufcum of Sir Jof. Banks. Abdomen beneath covered with fulvous dowij brown. leg! and nxmgs Mujaformis £iack ; abdomen fliining grey. Inhabits Guinea, Body thick, refcmbling an CEftrus. Legi black, hind-fhanks dilated : luiugs hyaline. Shining blue : abdomen bronzed. Inhabits Neiu Holland. In the mufeum of fir Jef. Banks, Tail with a few white hairs : 'wings iXid legs blue. MMjcaria. fjlucifli : tail \rhitifll. Inhabits Netu llollan In the mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae black, the tip brown beneath : head black with a yel- low front : thorax with cinereous down ; nv.ngs hyaline. rhoidahs. Black : abdomco rufous-bronze with a red tail. Inhabits South American IJlands. Antennae black, the firft joint yellow beneath : /// yellow : front black with yellow dots. Btutphala. Black; head yellow : fegments of the abdomen edged with rufous above and white beneath. Inhabits Guinea; fmall. Head villous yellowifh: antennae black ; thorax black "with white down : Icis black with white down: n.mnzs whitilli Dent at a. Cordaea. GraJ/ipes Verjicohr. \'dentata. Shining green : wings black : hind-thighs toothed. Inhihks American IJIands. Sid%. Hijh Inf. tab. \'j,fg. 1-6. Body entirely green-broze : tongue very long. Shining green: wings hyaline: abdomen heart-fliaped : hind-rtianks dilated-. Inhabits Surinam. Degecr. InC. 3. tab, 2S. fig, 5. Brown ; abdomen fliort : hind-Hranks comprefled elevate and larger than the abdomen. Inhabits South American IJlands, Firil fegmentof the abdomen piceous : 'Mings whitiflt. Thorax hairy greylfh : abdomen blue with a reddifh tail. Inhabits Sonth American IJlands, Z/^ ycUowilh : hind-fnanks woolly. Brown : abdomen with 5 white bels ; tail 4-toothed, the middle teeth bifid. Inhabits FMrope. Sn/cammerdam Bibl. Nat, tab. 26. fig. 4* Lunipes, 360 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. Lanlpes, Thorax cinereous : abdomen rufous : hind-kgs very hairy: Inhabits South American IJlands. Lip yellow with a cup fliaped black fpot. Cacutiens, Brown : abdomen glabrous ferruginous and fpottcd with black each fide. Inhabits Germany. Eyes white dotted with black. T 'd ma Scutel 3-Voothed ; abdomen conic very acute, the fegments edged with white. Inhabits 5i9/2/^ American If.ands. *Conica, Brown ; abdomen conic very acute, the fegments edged with white- Inhabits faro/i^. Reaurt InJ. 6 tab. W.fig.Z. 3.4. 2 Wihgs blue. Inhabits Henjj Holland. « • SemiciKcta. Black ; abdomen with white marginal fpots, rufous beneath: tail 2-toothed. Inhabits Nenv South Wales, Head covered with cinereous down : it/a^J whitifh. F/orea, Grey villous tabdomen glabrous, rufous tipt with black. Inhabits Ea,^ India. Hmd-fianks comprefTcd. Spinipes. Black ; hind-fhanks compreffcd fcVratc yellow. Inhabits Ne--w South Wales ; fmall. Abdomen a little reddifn above : 'wing* duflcy. Labiata, Black : abdomen rufous tipt with black; lip proje£ling re- flected and flightly horned. Inhabits Sizeof Ap. florea. Lip yellowifh : legs black tipt with yellow. Seladonia. Hairy; greenifh : fegments of the abdomen ec'geJ witli white. Inhabits //^/>; fize of Ap.bicinfta. Head and thorax greenifh W'ith gr.-y dov/n : legs grey, thi^h.s white. riridula. Shining green : abdomen black, the fegments edged with white. Inhabits larger than the next. I SffturagditiJ^ I5TSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 94. Apis. 561 Thorax with a teftaceous callous fpot before the wings ,• abdomen pubcfccnt: •w/^^j whitifh : /rg-j yellow, thighs black. Smaragdula Green : abdomen with 4 black fpots- Inhabits Tranquebar. Lip teltaceous : the fourth and fifth fegments of the ahdomtn ytxtYi each 2 black fpots. t.alleja. Shining black-blue : lip and callous dot on the thorax each fide before the wings white. Inhabits Italy: fmall. Fabric App. p. 460, Ltgs black fringed with pale hairs at the tip. Minuta, Shining black with a white dot each fide before the wings; hind-fhanks white at the bafe. Inhabits K J a-xvs ycWow : eyes and ivtngs brown. B!ack with rufous down : abdomen glabrous with 3 bands which are wiute above and rufous beneath. Inhabits Carniola. Scop. Ann. Hifi. 4.^. 15 n. 14. Vejpoider, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. 565 Vtffoidis Antennae, mouth fcutel and legs fulvous : abdomen with alternate black and yellow belts above. Inhabits Auitria. Rebranch. Autt. p. 408, a. 823. Sphigoides. Mouth yellow : antenna and legs fulvous : abdomen tefta- ceous with yellow belts. Inhabits y4aj/n« . Schranch. Autt. P. 409. rt. 824. Minutior. GlofTy-black : antennae pale fulvous beneath. Inhabits Aujlria. Schranch. Auft. ^.412. n. 829, Sanguino. ^'^^^^ . ^^^^^^ ^.^j^ tenia. Inhabits Austria. Schranch. Aust.p, ^12^ n. 830. Leucopui Front and thorax whitifli: fcutel 2-toothed: abdomen black, the edges f^f the fegments and legs white. Inhabits oat o[ Europe. Mu/.lesk.p. 79. ». 489. Leueomelas ^""^X ' abdomen black, the fecond fegment with a white fpot each fide, 3, 4. and jhe tip edged with white. Inhabits out of Europe, Muf. Lcjk. p. 79. a, 490. Lutea, Ycllowill) grev ; abdomen brown with a grey fpot each fide the third fegment, the fourth with a whitilh mar- gin, the fifth fulvous. Inhabits Europe, Muf. I eJJ:, p, 79. n. 495, Acuminata Grey ; abdomen black with a pointed tip, each fegment with a whitilh- rey fpot each fide. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 79. ». 496. Fajctventrii Head black \ thorax varied with yellow and grey : abdomen brown pubcfcent : hind-thighs with white down. Inhabits Europe . Muf. Leik. p. 79. n 497. Vigri'vtn' Grey ; abdomen black behind tns» Inhabits Europe. Mi'j. Ltsk p. 79. a. 498, Cinerefcens Hairy, grey: front white : fegments of the abdomen edged with grey. . Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lejl.p. 79. n. 499. Ifjli, ' Grey, abdomed brown with grey down ; front white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Li-fk. p, 79. n. 500. Croc at a* 566 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94. Apis. Crocata. Front and jaws yellow : thorax pale yellow :^ abdomen brown pubefcent, the laft fegmcnts edged with grey. Inhabits Earofe. Muf. Lesk. p. 79. n. 501, LiiuratH, Yellowifh-grcy : front with a witifh fpot each fide in which are 2 fmall white dots : abdomen brown, the fegments edged with yellowifh-grey. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 79. «. 505. Kebulo/a. Grc^ : abdomen brown with a ferruginous tip : fhanks ferruginous Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk. p. 80. «. 506. Fuhipes. Grey; abdomen black, the fegmcnts 3, 4, 5. edged with white: Isgs fulvous woolly. Inhabits E-arope, Muf. Lejk- p. 80. a. 507. Anmlns. Grey, hairy : thorax black: abdomen with .1 black clouded band in the middle. Inhabits Europt. Muf. Lesk. p. So. n*5o8. Sordida. Yellowifli-grey : abdomen brown, the edges of the fegments grey. Inhnbits ^wrc-;^. il////". Zt-i-f. />. So. «. 51 1. Lutefcens. Black, cylindrical : front with grey pubefcene ; thorax legs and edges of the abdominal fegments yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 80, n. 512. Jrpraia. Brown i head and thorax grey : jaws armed with a tooth at the bafe : ends of the legs yellow. Inhabits £«ro/>(3;>^. Muf. Lesk. p. So. n. 515. Bjifefcens. Black; abdomen and (hanks rufous. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. So. n. 516. JAiitdenta. Grey- brown pubefcent. Inhabits iiwc/if, Muf. Lesk. p. 80. «. 517, Chryfofioma Black, front white: lip edged with yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 80. n. 518, Ochrocephala INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 94, Apis. 567 ^^^or Yellow; abdomen black, glabrous, the fetrments ed^ed cepbala. with whitifll. b :, Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 80. n. 519. Ur/ina. Black ; hind-legs fulvous arftl very hairy. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk,p. 80. a, 5 20. Nigncans. ^^^^^ . ^ho^ax grey : fegments of the abdomen edged with yellow grey. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 80. a. 52 1 . *• Grey ; fegments of the abdomen edged with whitifll. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 80. a. 522. Triangula. Black; front with a triangular white fpot each fide: abdo- *• men ferruginous tipt with black : legs black, (hanks whitifll at the bafe. Inhabits Europe.^ Muf. Lesk. p. 80. a. 523. Rojirata. Black ; fnout incurved horny, projcding from a conic vef- icle: incifures of the abdomen with waved yellowifli bands. Inhabits Siberia. Lepech. Jt.i. tah. 19.7%. 6. Canefcens. Hoary ; fnout incurved, horny, projeding from a conic vehcle : abdomen with darker blotches. Inhabits Liberia. Lepech. It. i. tab. x-j.fig. 9. Thcfe 2 laft are probably not of this genus. * E. Tongue >] -cleft; hp ^-cleft. Eucera. *ar7s^ ' ^"/^""^ ^5 ^o"g as the body: body hairy and fulvous. Inhabits ^«ro/^. Snvammerciam. BibL NatJ tab, 26. fg. 6. Firft joint of the antennae globular : front yellow. Atriccrnis. Antcnns black, as long as the bodyT body hairy and fer- ruginous. Inhabits Barbary ; fize of the Jail. Lip yellow. •rw.. Antennae as long as the body which is hairy and black: mandibles yellow. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. Eng. Ihj. v. tab. i^i. f7^; males and females with wings, neuters 0. Ant or Emmet. This is a gregarious and proverbially induftrious family, confifting, like bees, of males, females and neuters. Thefe laft are the well known little infcdts, who conftruft the nefts or ant-hids, who labour with fuch unremitting affiJuity for the fupport of themfclves and the idle males and females, and who guard with fuch ferocity the larvse or what arc commonly called ants INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 95. Formica. • 569 ant's eggs. 'They wander about all day in fcarch of food or materials for the nel^, and affift each other in brin^'ng home what is too c-umbsrfomc lor fuch as have attempted it. Tbev every day bring out of the ueft and oxnrfe t<^ ihe warm b of the fun, the newly hatched brvje, and feed them t'.ii they are able to provide for themfelves. In the evening the co: ''ume together whatever has been colhftcd dur-'ng the dav, and do > not, as is commonly fuppofed, lav uo any ftore for the winter, but probably become tornii or, die. They are reculiarly covctou:\ of pi mt lice, and ar? thsmfclves eagerly fought a'^ter by the ant-earer and various birds. A very grateful acid is procured from them by dilhllation. ^HcTcuIa- Black ; abdom'?n ovate : le^s ferrucrJnous. nea. Inhabits Europe, in the trunks o:" decayed trees. Compre/a. Black ; thorax comprefTed : tip of the antennx and thighs rufous : head very large. Inhabits Tranqur.bar . Abdomen ovate, the fcale entire: thorax immaculate. '^vtarai- Green \ thorax vyitii yellow linee. dina, ^ Inhabits India ; large. Antennae a little reddifh at the tip : fcale of the petioje fliort emarginate ; rown : antennae ffrruginous : thorax comprcflcd .• /f^/ ferruginouswith lubclavate thighs. Antiguettlis Teftaceous ; abdomen tipt with black, the petiole with 2 tubercles. Inhabits Jintigua, In the wafcum of Sir Jof. Banks, Gubteenjis. Ferruginous : abdomen black : legs yellowifh. Inhabits Guinea; very fmall. Bmdis. Black : head very large and rufous: petiole of the abdomen with 2 tubercles. Inhabits Egypt. Legs rufous, thighs ferruginous. Omnii-ora: Thorax rough with raifeddots: petiole with 2 tubercles : body telfaceous : abdomen very minnte. Inhih'iis :uriaam. Degeer.Inf.tab. 31. ftg. 23, 24. Fla-z'.". ■ Yellow ; abdomen ovate pubefcent. inhabits Europe. Degeer, Inf. 3. tab. ^Z-f-g. 24 — 2S. *Caejt!itum Black : petiole of the abdomen with 2 tuberc'es : fcutel 2- toothed. Degc.r. Inf. 2. tab. ifZ- fig- 2T, 2 2. ^As/s. Uiti. hf. tab, \T,fig, 20. 21. 22. Inhibits Europe, in dry meadow? vndcr Mofs : the males and fa- n:iler fly abroad in Urge iwarms. in a Icrsnc day, like the D.rv-ily. quberum. Rufous ; head black : abdomen with a black band, the pe- tiole with 2 tubercles. Inhabits iix-eosn : \:-i^ than the latl. Antennae npf wi;h black : tko--ax 2-toothcd behind. Vagc^m, Rr.fotis : head and back of the abdomen brown: ihorav 2- fpined 'behind :. petiole with 2 tubercles. Inhabuf. Saxcry: twice as large as the hit. Head gloyuiar : auiennac lenuginoiis. ^cervoriim INSECTS, HYMENOPTERA. 95. Formica. S73 Jcffvorum Rufotis ; head and abdomen black : thorax 2 fplnc, AbdQmenvi\\\i a fmall black fpot at the bafe legs black, Gmneenfis. fhorax fubfpinous variolous piceous ; abdomen black with 2 white dots and an interrup'cdband. Inhabits Guinea ; large. i/^^y pu'iAured : thorax fubvillous wiih a few fmall fpincseach fide aad imprefl'ed dot . legs oiack. Diademat gj^ck ; abdomen with 2 yellow dots w the bafc and an in- terrupted band in the middle, the tip with a white line. Inhabits Surinam; large. Head black wi'.h a white band at the bafe ' thornx with 2 white lines at th^ fcutel, the fides wnitc beneath: iirftfegment of the abdomen with a white line each fide, fecond very large with a yellow dot each fide at the bafe and llrcak in the middle, the rcfl: with a white line in the middle. Beneath black with a white lateral line at thebaic, 3 of the fegments edged with white. Atncrtcana ;Blaek ; abdomen with 4 yellowifli fpots and 3 white lines. Inhabits South America. Degeerj hj. 3. tab. "^o.Jig. JO. Formicaria Black : abdomen with a line of whitifh dots down the back. Inhabits "Nev^ Holland. In the mufcuni ot Sir Jof. Banks. Thorax rough hairy : fides of the abdomen whitifh. Exulans, Black : abdomen with 2 yellow dots at the bafe, an inter- rupted ftrcak in the middle and line behind. Inhabits America. Abdomen with an obfolite line confiding of a yellow dot on each iegaicnt Deiiiud. Aurata. Blueilh \ abdomen with a large gold fpot. inhabits Neiv Hcliand. Mul'cum of Sir yof. Banks. VOL. lil.— 4 D Antenna 578 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 96. Mutilla. Antennae brown : firft legment of the abdomen with a large ftiin- ing gold rpot, the others black at the bafe. *Bu.ropea. Black ; thorax rufous : fegments of the abdomen with white margins. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Etigl. Inf. vi. tah. 2i 2. Abdomen with 2 white bands, the fecond interrupted. Kuficornis, Bla-ck ; antennae rufous : tail whitifh. Inhabits AVw Holland. In the mufeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Tip o( the al'domen with white hairs : ivings black. Jtrata. Black ; upper-part of the thorax rufous : abdomen blue •with 2 white bands. Inhabits Africa, Maura. Black : abdomen with 4 white fpots : thorax rufous. Inhabits Europe. Grill. Ent, Neap. 7. tab. \.fig. 5. Hungarica.' Black : front cinereous : thorax rufous : abdomen with 6 white dots and ftrcak behind. Inhabits Saxony ; fizc of M. atrata. Ceronata, Halenjis. Armaria* Btarhara. Ephippium liaJUe, Black ; front cinereous : thorax rufous : abdomen with a filvery white dot and 2 ftreaks. Inhabits Saxony; fizeof M. Maura. Hairy, black : thorax rufous : abdomen with 2 white do^ and band behind. Inhabits Saxony; half the fize of M. curopaia. Legs black, flianks rufous at the bafe. Hairy, black : front and back of the thorax white : abdomen Avith 4 white fpots. Inhabits Spain, in fandy plains. Spots on the abdomen placed i, 2, i. 2. Abdomen with a white fpot at the bafe and band in the mid- dle. Hairy, black \ fore-part of the thorax white : abdomen ■with 2 white bands. Inhabits Barbary, Wings black. Hairy black : thorax rufous on the back. Inhabits Saxony. Wings dufky. Hairy, black : fecond fegment of the abdomen rufous. Inhabits Italy ; fize of M, maura. Taedemon INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 96. Mutilla. s^9 Paedcmon- Hairy, black ; forc-paat of the thorax cinereous ; abdo'- tana. men with 2 cinereous bands, the fecond fegment ru- fous. Inhabits Italy ; twice as large as M. italica. erficalor. Abdomen black at each end, and rufous in the middle with a white band in which is a black dot. Inhabits America, Head antennae and thorax rufous : legs brown. Regain. Hairy, black ; front cinereous ; thorax rufous : abdomen with 4 white dots, the middle one elongated. Inhabies Hungary j rcfemblcs M.coronata, Rufcollis, Hairy, black: thorax rufous. Inhabits Italy ; {md^W. Ciliata. Hairy, black: thorax rufous: fegraents of the abdomen edged with cinereous fringe. Inhabits Saxony ; refcmblcs the Tall. Mandibles reddifh at the bafe and tipt with black: antennae ru- fous tipt with black, Erythroce- Hairy, black ; head rufous : abdomen with 3 gold bands, Z^*^-** Inhabits Middlc-fize. • Antesnae rufous tipt with black : ^^^^ rough: Icgi rufous with bJackidi joints. Glabrata, Glabrous, black : thorax and abdomen rufous beneath. Inhabits the£^^t Small. Mouth and firll joint of the antennae rufous : fegments of the ah- domen whitifh at the margins. Rnjipis. Hairy, black : antenna thorax and legs rufous : abdomen with a white dot and 2 approximate bands. Inhabits Saxony ; fmalU ^^'t,7"'^' H^'ry, rufous : head and tip of the abdomen black. Inhabits France ; refcmblcs the laft. J^,outh rufous : antennae reddifh tipt with black : firft fegment of the abdomen rufous, the rcll fringed at the margin with cinere- ous. phala. Ni^ifts, Rufous; tail black with approximate white flrcaks : legs black. Inhabits the East, Antennae black. Indica. Black ; abdomen with a pale yellow band and white line, inhabits South America ind India, Mu/, Lud, Ulr. 419. 4 D 2 Brulia, 580 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. q6, Mutilla. Srutia. Black ; thorax rufous: abdomen with 6 filvery-whhe fpots and band. Inhabits Calabria. Petagn, Inj. Calab. fig, 38. Ltttoralts, Black : thorax rufous; fore-part of the abdomen with a white 2-iobcd fpot, the 5 hind-iegraents edged with white. Inhabits Calabria. Petagn. Inf. Calah. fig. 37. Antennae and legs teitaceuus. Spmofa. Yeliowifh varied with black : thorax with 4 fpines each fide; fecond fegment ot the abdomen with 2 teftaceous fpots. Inhabits ^»»mf n. 2. 40, Blfajclaia. Black ; head and thorax red: abdomen with 2 red bands : wings violet-black. Inhabits AVw York. AS!, Stock, 1787. 4. w, 41. 42. b-punitata Black: thorax fubcylindricdl immaculate: abdomen with 3 whitifti dotseacli fide. Inhabits ///Hc/j. Ad. Stock. 1787.4. w. 43. S-maculata Black; thorax rufous above: abdomen with a row of 3 whitilh fpots each fide. Inhabits //rrfi^. Jc7. 5/of/^, 1787. 4. ». 44. OilDCR. INSECTS. DIPTERA. 97. CEftrus. 581 ORDER. VI. DIPTERA. "Wings 2, under each of which is a clavate poijer with its appropriate jcale. 97. OESTRUS. Mouth with a fimpl aper- ture and not exferted: feelers 2,' of 2 ar- ticulations, orbicular at the tip and (ba- ted each hde in adeprelhon of the mouth: antennae of 3 articulations, the lalt fub- globular Bnd furniflied with a briftle on tlie fore-part ; placed in 2 hollows on the front. Gad-Jly. Breeze. The hct of this fingular genus is broad deprefTed vcficular and glaucous, and has feme fort of refemblance to the Ape Idnd. They are extremely troubltfcme to Horfcs Sheep and Cattle, dcpofiting their eggs in difterent parts of the body and pro- duding painful tumours and fometimes death. The law^e are without feet, fhort thick fofc and annulate, and often tur- Bifaed with fmall hooks. *Boi'is, Wings immaculate brown : abdomen with a black band in the middle and orange-yellow hairs at the tip. LinneanTranJatl. iii. /. Z()l.tub, Z'^.-fg* I — 6. Reaum. Inf. \. tab. l^-fg, J. 8. Degeer. 6. tetb. X^.fg. 22. Depofits its eggs in the back of Cattle, under the fkin j which as they are changed into larva; produce a purulent tumour. By the pain it infli<5^s, an extreme terror and agitation is oc- cafioned, and the objeft of the attack runs bellowing wildly about, with its tail cre I0--I3- Reaum.tab. i^.fg. 3- Larva, tab. Z^.fg. >4- . Bcpofits it's eggs on the lips of Horfe^, occafioning a titillation, which caufcs the animal when attached by it, to move its head about violently, and gallop about with every appearance ofdjflrcfs. The larvs are conveyed through the inteilines like thofe of the laft fpecies. , • u About half the Hze CE. Equi : front white downy: thorax with brown hairs, the fpace betweeu the wings black : beneath hairy cinereous; kgs rufous with black thighs ; female with a black incurved appendage behind : larva lels, but exadtly relembling the laft. *yeterinus. Wings immaculate: body ferruginous; fides of the thorax and bale of the abdomen with white haws. Linn. Iranfaa. iii. p~ 312. tab. 23. /%. 18, 19. CEftrus nafalis. Gmdtn. CEft. Equi. labncius. Depofus it's eggs on Horfes and Cattle : the larv£E probably pafi through the Itomach like the former ones. Icfs than Ceft. Equi. Infeition of the ixings and bale ot the \bdomen covered with whitidi hairs: fccond fegment of the- abdomen with 2 hairy tubercles. Beneath and legs rufty-brown. Female with lometimes a blackilh abdomen. • Q-vii Wings pellucid, pundured at the bafe •,' abdomen variegated with white and black. Linn. 583 INSECTS. DIPTERA 97. OEftrus. Linn. Treut/aa. \\u p. 313. tab. xyfig, 14 — 17. Reaum. IhJ. tab. ^i^. fg> 22. Larva 8, 9. Depolits It's eggs on the inner margin of the noilrils of Sheep, occafioning them to fhake their heads violently and hide their nofes in dull or gravel. The larva: crawl up into the frontal finufes or horns, and when full fed, arc again difcharged through the noflrils. Lefs than Oeft, Equi. HeaJ with hollow dots on the crown : thorax cinereous witk black raifed dots and 4 black lines : above the aperture of the mouth is a fmall conic procefs. Larva white ovate, pointed before with 2 hooks, truncate behind with a prominent margin and 2 black rcfpirarory fcalcs. Above convex, with black Unes and dots; beneath flat, with minute rough black dots in the middle of the fegments. Cuniculu Black; wings brown: thorax black as far as the middle, behind and bafe of the abdomen with yellowKh hairs. Inhabits Georgia. Linn. Tranf.\\\, p. 299. Depofits it's eggs in the flcins of Hares and Rabbits. Twice as large as CEll. Bovis. Sides of the abdominal fegments yellow : body) beneath black. Larua brown ; every where rough with very minute prickles. Buccatus. Grey ; face white dotted with black. \r\\v2^\x.% Caroliva i large. Abdomen grey dotted with black : ijoings brownifh ; fcales of the poijers long rounded brown. Terandi. Wings immaculate: thorax yellow with a black band: abdomen fulvous tipt with black. Linn. Aa. Hohn. ij^q. tab. 3. fig. 5, 6. Inhabits Lapland. Dcpofits it's eggs on the back of the Rein- deer and is often fatal to them. Trompe. Wings^ white: body black with cinereous hairs: thorax with a deep black band. Inhabits Lapland^ on the Rein-deer, Jntilopae* Wings with a brown band and dots : body hairy tawny- grey : abdomen with 3 rows of black ilh fpots. \xi\iA}Q'\u Afia Pall. It. 1./. 212. and 475. Depofits it's eggs on tke back of the Antelope. Fafciculofus Downy, yellow : tail with 3 tufts of blackifti hairs. Inhabits Siberia, Lefech. It. \,p. 75. Hominii. Body entirely brown. Inhabits 5ija/^ America, Lime ap. Pall, nord Beytr. p. 157. Depofits 584 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 98. Tipula. Depofits it's eggs under the (kin, on the bel'ics of the natives ; the larva, if it be difturbed, penetrates deeper, and produces an ulcer which frequently becomes fatal. 98. TIPULA. Mouth with a very fliort mem- branaceous probofcis, the back grooved and receivmg a brillle; hauftel fhort, without a iheath: feelers 2, incurved fi- liform and longer than the head; antennx moftly filiform. Crane-jly. Moft of this genus have a great refemblance to the gnat ; they feed on various fubftances : the lar^uae are without feet foft and cylindrical with a truncate toothed head and feed on the roots of plants : pupa eyhndrical, 2-horaed before and toothed behind. A. Wings expanded. * Peaini' Antennas peftinate : wings with a black fpot : abdomen cornis, rufous at the bafe, barred with yellow in the middle and tipt with black. Father Long-legs. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. In/, 6. tah. 25./^. 3. '* Bjvofa. Wings white hyaline with 3 large brown patches near the thicker margin. Donovan, ii. tab. 48. fig. 2. Degeer. 6. tab. 19./^. !• Inhabits moift places oi Europe. Poifers tipt with yellow. Sinuata, Wings white with a fmuate margin and brown fpot : body cinereoire : legs ferruginous. \n\i3h\i% Germany , large. thorax ferruginous before as far as the wings : r«, Green ; thorax gibbous and lengthened behind : wings white with a brown band. Inlahirs Saxony : fmall. A*tenna with verticillatc hairs ; abdomen green, the fegments paler at the edges with a black ftreak or twb at the tail : Urs pale,bafe of the thighs and tip ef the Ihanks blackifh. Stricta, Black ; fegments of the abdomen tipt with white white : wings white with a brown central dot. Inhabits (.jermany, refembles T. cin^a. Legs variegated with white and black. Pallida, Hairy, pale: legs dotted with black. Inhabits Germany, jiatennie falciculate pale. Barbicornis Black ; wings white : antennae feathered, the tip fimplc. Inhabits Eur opt: fmall. Abdomen deprefTed, the fides a little fpotfcd with white : nuings white : legs black, thighs tcftaceous at the bafe. Plumicorms Brown ; thorax with a whitifli lateral line r legs whitifli immaculate. Inhabits Germany : refembles T. pallida, ^«/^»»rax. Inh-.bits Africa. Inthe naafeu-n of Sir Jof Banks, Wings brown with a darker thicker margin. ^*?^'"^'' Shinin)7 black : abdomen rufous at the bafe : antennsc thick mt. . and ba'ry: Tn'iq^irs Spain, r>r\ *hc Chryanthcmum coronarium. 2. A'i'-'o'Tipn entirely i^Uck. ' Firftioint of the ^w/^««^ larger thick and hairy, the fccond fhor- tcr and and fubulate. Ihomae, g]ack, g-labrous with a faffron line on the fides of the ab- d'^men: wings blacH Hi. Inhabits Upfal, Schaeff. Icon. tab. zoo, fig, 6. J . Ob'orip-, hairy black: wings with a Wackifli rib. , Inhabits Europe. Goedant. Inf. i. tab. 6, Bruwtipes, Plairv, black : legs ferruginous, the hind-ones long. Inhibits America. Mufeum of Sir "Jof. Banks. Abdomen flat on tke back : hind-thighs clavate. *Forcipata Abdomen cylindrical black: wings brown hyaline : tail ap- pendatjcd. Inhabits En^Jand; fmill. Anfe'Knae fuhulate, of many joints : body (hining black : /«//with 2 clavate appendages. Albipennis, Shining blacjc with white wings. Inhabits Gertnany ; very fmal!. Antennae fhort. jfuniperitiA' INSECTS. DIPTERA 98. Tipula. 595 p JuniperiH, Cinereous ; wings white witha villous margin. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 6. tub. 25. fig. 7 — 13. *Hina. Hairy; wings dcflcdcd o\ate ciliate and tclfellate with white aiui black. Inhabits £«ro/^. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. 27. fg. 10, il. *Phalano' Wings deflc6led cinereous ovate lanceolate and fringed. ides. Inhabits Europe, Degeer. Infd. tub. 27. fig. t. *Perficaria Black ; wings incumbent fubciliate. Inhabits in the curled Idves of the PerRcarla, Culicifr. Cinereous ; legs pale ; wings with 1 blackifh fpots. mts. Inhabits Upfal -, /^^/ferruginous. •Palustris. P^^*^ '1 head black : abdomen reddifh. Inhabits Marlhes oi Europe. Legs pale. Cv7-,^f^..;, Pale; thorax with 2 black lines ; abdomen rufous with la- o)i Jem IS. 11111 teral black dots. Inhabits Kiel; iniall. Legs long white, the joints and hind-tarfi black. *Lo>igicor. Body flefh-colour : antennas very long. »^^' Inhabits nioiit Mjadows of Europe. Sertcea. Black with a deeper back ; fides of the thorax bald : poi- fers yeilow. Inhabits vjeden : moves about in fwarms with a rapid and flex- nous flight. *PuIicarir. Black: fides of the thorax fcutel and abdomen yellow. Inhabits Europe; very minute. Penuicornu Antennas ot the male bipek. p. 127, «. 22. Ai.ji. coijr Body yellowiih : abdoi>icn, greenifh : wings with a brown hand. l>i;:ai:r-s 'Europe. "Muf. Lejk. p. \z'].n. 23. Alha. Grey with wliite wings and abdomen, the latter tipt with bro.vn I;ihdbjt> Lurope. Muf. LcJIc. p. 1 27. a. 24. Carbonaria Black : legs ferruginous : wings hyaline, inhabits Europe. Muf. Le.k. p. I2j.n.z6, Plumiarnis Brown with yellow legs: antcn nco browniOi feathered. Inhabits Eunjpe. Muf. Lesk. p. 127. k. 27. Dichroa. Black with ferruginous legs. Inhabits Kurope. Muf. Lesk. p. 127. ;;. 3?.. I.eiicop' INSECTS. DIPTERA. 99. Diopfis. 100. Mufca. 597 Lcucoptera* Brown : tip of the abdomen and legs yellow : wings white. Inhabits Europe. MuJ. Lesk p. izj. n. 35, Uofchifcra Wings cinereous : thorax and abdomen )'cllow. Inhabits Chilis Molin. Hiit. Lhil.p. 188. This infecl has a very pleafant niufky fmeJl, and is ufed by the fe- male natives to perfume their garments. 99. DIOPSIS. Head with 2 inarticulate fi- litbrin horns much longer than the head, at the tip of which are placed the eyes. Jchneumonea DiopHs. Inhabits South America and Guinea; refembles an Ichneumon. Fueji^. Arch. hj. I. cum. tab. Duhi. DiJ. Inf. Vp^. 1 77 5. 4. Bod-i reddifli ; antennae very tmall faaceous and with the horns ferruginous : ^»^.« globular flcxuous black : thorax black with 2 Tubulate yellow teeth behind and a fingle one at the fides : ifings hyaline wiih a black dot on the tore part near the tip : abdomen clavate fli:-;htiy pedicellate, the 2 lall legments black: legs yellow, fore-thighb clavate: 100. MUSCA. Mouth with a fof't exfertcd tieiliy probofcis and 2 equal lips : Jiick- ^?'farni1hcd Avith l^riltles -.feelers 2, ve- ry liiort, orO: antennae generally Ihort. Fly. A. With ifiort feelers. a. Suclcr with a ftrtglehnjile without jheath ; antenna fljort clavate, fnrn:Jhed with a lateral hair. t. Hair of the antennae feathered. J.jur.a. Cinereous: abdomen pellucid with 3 black belts: legs pale. Inhabits Tranauehar. Thorax andyfj//zc/>ro-/ large hyaline: te^t tcftaceoas, Suhtomtn- Downy ; thorax flightly bronzed: abdomen black with 3 to/a, bands ibmething iuterrupied and tipt with yellow. ln\\\h\\.i Europe, Muj Lesk, p. 130, ». 90. Cla-ji'ven- Brown; abdomen clavate : (hanks yellow. *'^"' liih;»bits Europe, MuJ. Lesk. p. i30.-«. 95. Lufea. Yellow ; thorax brown with an oblong yellow fpot each fide beneath. Inhabits Europe, Muf, Lesk. p. 130. «. 96. Tufcipes. Thorax brown; abdomen yellowilh grey: leg* yellow, the ends brown. Inhabits i'aro/f. ' Muf. Lesk. p. 130. ;». 97. Alteral':lls. Black ; abdomen changeable grey. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. /. 130. n. 98. Varia, Black , abdomen varied with yellow grey and black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 130. «. 99. Mdamra, Cinereons with a black tail: 4 hind-legs at the tip and fhaiiks- tcrrugincus. Inhabits Germany. Muf. LeJIc. p. 134, n. 1 00. Strigofa. Tcftaceous; crown with a fcrruginoii«; dot each fide: wint^s with nnmeroiis tranfverfe tedaceous ilreaks. ^ ln\uh\xs Europe. Muf Lesk. p. 134. n, 105. Jrgsniata, Cinereous; thorax with 4 black lines: abdomen cha^'-^e- able grey: front filvery each fide, ^ lT\\\a.hhs Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. i 34. n. 104. Alhifrons. Black with a white front. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf 4. tab, z(3. fig. 5. Furta. Black ; wings defieded brown with a white lateial maffin. Inhabits %;.■/, under the leaves of herbs: very fmal). ^ Antennx tcftaceous, concealed within the head ; lezs \vhire. mereous ; antennas feelers fcutel and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Jujiria. Schranck. Inf. Am], p, 497, ;,. fj2x). 4 G 2 Tnu, 6o4 INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. lav.. Black ; abdomen pale ferruginous with a black bafe and line down the middle. Inhabiis Amtna, Schranck. Jujf. p, /^'^%. «. 931. Dectftoria. Cinereous with rufous legs : abdomen grcy-ferriigiuous with a black d«ifal line. Inhabitb ^w/r;a. HchruKck. hf^ Aust, p. '))>,%, n. (^^z. *MeIcno- Downy, black : abdomen with a rufous tip. pyt/he>, ln\iAQ\X.i> £n^landiir\(X Germany. Schaejf. Icon tab. \0.fg.6. Front pale; eyes blacJc ; yc^/f/ olive : ivit.gs wich tulvous nerves at the bafe and a large brown ipot in the middle. '^* Brown \ thorax downy blue with 3 protuberances : tip of ' the fcutcland thighs yellow. Penchienati Jci. Turin. 1786. />, 595. Inhabits the South of hranc: and Italy. The female depofits her eggs in the Olive, the fruit of which the larvae devour. \-tnaculata Thorax black: brcail with 2 fulvous fpots each fide : ab- domen purplilh-violet. Inhabits Hevj ZeatanJ. Ait. SiocU:, 1787, 4. n. 2, 49, F;'/H^'fa/a/rt Blue ; breafi: with a whitifh fpot each fide: abdomen green with a blue bafe. Iflhabita iV^au Hcllanc/. Act, iiockh, 1787, 4, ». 2, 51. +t. Hair of ihc antenna tiahed. i *Fcrc. Black ; fides of the abdomen teftaceous diaphanous I Inhabits £aro/if. Harris Engl. Inf. tab, Cf.fg. 2. Front zndmouth buff colour : thorax giofly-bli.ck, hairy ; ahcion-en orange-brown with a broad unequal black itsipc down the 'middle, the tail hairy ; langs hyaline, the nb at ihe bale gold- yellow : Icgi black, the ends ycJlovv. ^.ptiP.ulata* JJairy, black : abdomen with 2 rufous fpots each fide : legs black. Inhabits Germany : fize of M. lurid a. Mouth whirifh : fc;arun\ Hairy blackifli ; thorax with faint white lines: abdomen with 7, white bands. Inhabits Kiel; larger than M. radicum. y/«/^//«a^ ferruginous with a black club : head \\'\\\tt with black brilUes : ivings whitifh with a black dot in the middle. 6o6 INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. •larvae Blackifh ; fciitel fubteftaceous at the trp : abdomes tcffel- A rum. late, vvhitilli. Degeer. Inf. I, tub. li'fg. 23- ^^^- »• fiS' 7' Depofits its eggs in tiie larVcC of Moths and Butter files : the lar- i va devours the garden cabbage, making the root ftranaous, and -the head lax, hswaieiik Black : abdomen fprinkledwhh white and fhintng veficles. Inhabits Ural, Lepech. It. i. tab. 20. fig. z, ^Radicmu Blackifli : abdomen full black with 2 cinereous bands. Inhabits EuropCy in gardens. Fageina. Hairy, cinereous ; thorax with l^rown lines : fcutel and legs teftaceous. Inhabits Demriark. Mouth whitifh ; cro^Kin grey : antenna black : ixsings \rhite, the bafe a little tf ftaceous': legs tipt with black, v. 'a Grey^ abdomen rufous varied with white and black. Intiabits £^:?/«^rax wfth 3 filvery lines : abdomen cy- lindrical ruious with a black doifal line : tluiihsiu- fous. Inhabits Spain; in houfes. Atitenna black '.front with a filvery line each fide : ijchigs whi-* tifh, the Pafc a little yellowifh : abdoir.sn compreflcd, the ed- ges of the I'cgments filvery : /^_g^j black, thighs rufous, Napobrajf- Hairy, grey with longitudinal black lines down the back ■ (^. and fides. Biereand. Act. Stockh. 1780, 3.//, 4, Inhabits INSECTS. DIPTERA loo. Mufca. €07 Inhabitg Sive^en^ rfhd is very deftruftivc to the roots of turnips, efpecially thofe growing in a fandy foil : lar'vd white, with- out feet, the head pointed and tipt with black, and uudergoes ' its tranlformation about September : pupa brown obiong an- nulate with fegmcnts, and become* a pcrfed fly the following May, Q-aJicorsis, T\iOvzx hairy with pale black lines? abdomen ferruginous, the tip tcllcllate wiili biack and grey. Inhabits Auierkan Ijlandi ; large. Head lilvery, the crown dufky . antennae long incumbent black: Jcutel lubterruginou* ; *uoin^i duiky ; Icale ot ihcpoi/ers white ; /e£s bJrfck. ' Erinacea, Hairy, black : lip cinereous: wings white with a black rib. Inhabits Germany, Antennae oblong black : thorax and abdomen very hairy black immaculate '. fcale oi tht poijers arched fnowy : legs black. Hairy, black : wings with tranfverfc white dots, inhabits Europe^ Fn. Suec. 1843* Black ; abdomen cylindrical with 2 whitifh bands in the middle Inhabits Italy, fizc of M. comprcfla. Head whitiih with a black line on the crown : thorax blackilh an4 ilightly tefiellate : abdomen very hairy. *Lateralis. Black ; abdomen red with a black tip and ftriate down thd middle, Donovan, i. tab. l^. fg. ?; Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. l.fg. 9. Inhabits Europe ; lize ot M. domciUca. Moutlt white. tionis. Volofcts tlpt with blick ; Tcales of the poifen' fnowy ; 'vsing: wiiiiifh : legi dusky with black tarfi. ■Sftflaris. Black : abdomen cinereous with 5 bia^k bands connected by a line down the middle. Inhabits Germany : a lirtle larger than M: roralis. 0^^<7j filvery : nxiings white : legs h\ 1. Swarms about before fhovveri of rain. Atrata. Naked, fliining black: \viiigs hyaline : joints of the legs tef- taccous. ' ' Inhabits Germany ; fmall. Heed fiibglobular black ; fycf te.ftaceous : rxings hyaline. *Fylt. Black; poifers cndsof the hind-lcgs and abdomen pale green illi. • - Inhabits Eurobe\ about. t'le fize of ?. flea. The larmu is found in the c r of barley and othrr grain, to which it is fo exceedingly dclb-uclive, that in one year the value of icOjOoo Ducats h^s been deftroyed. */'w/;7?Wj Black, beneath yel'.ow : head and 2 lines on the thorax yellow: .poifers .wliitc: legs cinereous tipt wirh black. VOL. UL— 4 n Inhabiti 6io INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. Leprae. *Putris. Aterrima. Manic at a. StriguU. Inhabits Europe, iJnn. Tranf. ii. p. 76. tab. 1 5. The lar-va is found, early in the fpring, in the centre of green wheat and rye, which it blights by llopping its growth and rendering it abortive; ^f^^ pointed and tipt with black : body white, compofed of 10 rings. Shining-black : antennas and legs white ; eyes reddilh- gold. Inhabits America-, and breeds in the legs of the natives afflift- ed with the Elephantiafis: fmallcr than a loufc. Black ; wings white with a black rib. Inhabits Europe. Mer. Eur, tab. 43. fg. 85. Frisch. Inf \.t. 7. The /flr-va is the troublefomc magot found in chcefe bacon hams &c. fo well known to the houfe-wife under the name of the hopper. Silky-black : wings white with a double black rib half way down ; legs long comprefled. Inhabits France ; fjze of M. putris. Black ; abdomen with pale marginal fpots : fore-thighs thickened. Inhabits France ; larger than M. ccllans. Headhro\sr\i mouth grey; i>.i}tgs hyaline. Thorax with 2 pale lines ;. abdomen black, tiie fegments with fnowy edges. Inhabits France : fize of M. roralis. //iffl^coiereous with a black crown : antennae projcfting com- prclfed, black with a white hair ijcutel black v\ith a whitiftl dot at the tip : breajl ycUowifh ; 'v.^ings immaculate . legt black. *Cupraria. Body glaucous- bronze : thorax green : abdomen coppery; poifers naked. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf 4, tab. i 2»Jig. 4. Reaum. Inf 4. tab. ZZ.jig. 7. 8. Schaeff, Icon, t. 209./. 32, ? Legs blactc, and very rarely yellow, *Aurata. Thorax poliflied, braflTy or grcenilli : abdomen polifhed, obtule, browni(h-gOid. Inhabits Evrope. Dcnoi-ans. Eng. Inf. iv. tah. \\z.f,g. \. H.ad blvck : iegments of -he abdomen blackifh at the incifurcs : '•Mingi duiky : abdomen fome times blue. INSECTS. DIPTERA loo. Mufca. >ii JEr.ea. *PoUta. Shining green-bronze : head and legs teftaceous. Inhabits Eaji hd-.a j larger than M. palita. Head ferrciginous with a black probofcis and tranfverfe Ipot a- bove the mouth: antennae \z^'\cco^x% \ al'domen hronzcA, the back and tail {hining blue : /ei^s tcfticenus, fore-thigh<; with a black ring, fhanks black, tarfi white atthebafe and tipt with black. Pulifhcd ; thorax blue : abuomen bralTy : noifers naked. Inhabits £j/r5/^. Foi/irs 3f\d legs ycWow. •ViJuatn. Black-bronze: abdomen bralTy : fcales of the poifcrs fring- ed. Inhabits Europe^ in Gardens, Pubera. J^jack ; lafl fegment of the abdomen incurved, with rc- flecSled down each fide. Inhabits Europe. Head hairy black, mouth whitidi : thorax black fubteircllaie : ^irf'c/wfw long, thin, enlarged at the tip. Fa/ciata. Teftaceons with a black abdomen : wings brown at the tip with a while band : legs long. Inhabits American IJlands. Body narrow. Wings white at the bafe : kind-legs very long find black, the thighs with a pale belt at the tip, tarfi wilh a Inowy belt at the bafe. 2. Head and thorax black. •Pf/rowZ/tf Livid : front red ; legs long teftaceous with black joint?. Inhabits Europe, on the furface of waters. Cylindrica, Glody-black: head globular with teftaceous eyes ; legs long yeliowifti. Inhabits C^rwz<;i»>';fize of the lad. Antennae fmail teftaceous with a black hair: thorax naked thin : tihdomen ovate, with teftaceous fpots beneath at the bafe: nuings white. Filiformis. Body filiform black: head ovate with redeyes: legs very long and ieftaceous. Inhabits Germany Very long and narrow. Segments of the a^As-'^fw whitiih at l!ie edges : /f,^j teftaceous, the joints and tarfi black : n.vvigs white immaculate. H Tipulnria 6l2 INSECTS. DI^TERA. loo. Mufca. Tipularia. Body long black : head and legs teftaceoiis with brown. Inhabits Barbery: fize of M. pctronella. JJead'piie tcftaccous with a fcarlct crown. wings tipt Peticlata. Hairy, black: abdomen petiole compreHed : wings black. Jnliabits Caysr.ne: fize ot M. coinprcfra. lahric.'w. p. 337. t!ead\AAc\ with a white mouth ?,nd redd ifli eyes : pcifers inowy : ahdoinca long black, the Icgnients a little whitjlh at the edge;: legs black, JL}hij>pium. ;po£}y \ox\g black : thorax rufous: legs teftaceoiiS. Inhabits France ; lels than M. petronella, J eaa g\ obular ; antennae ycllowifh with a whitifii hair: ihorax naked : things hyaline ; hind thigh with a brown ring. Elongafa. Teftaceous : legs long, hind-fbanks black, ihe ends whititTi. Inhabits iVtr- a Leoi.a; larger than M. petronella. lyes large brown \ n/jings iiyaline. tongipes. Black : wings brown with a white band at the bafe and dots: legs long teflaceous. Inhabits Cayenne. Head %\ohvL\zr : abdomen long cy!indrical, the tip incurved and hooked : 4 hind-lrgs white before the tip. Annulata. Black ; wings hyaline with a brown band: legs long black, hind thighs with 2 white rings. Inhabitb Cayenne. Orbits a little teflaceous: ihor ax h\zckw\x\\ a blue glofs : 'vcings wtth a brown patch at the tip. Crijlata. Hairy, cinereous : abdomen and legs pale: front ferrugi- nous clavateand prdjefling beyond the antenna;. Inhabits Barhar^. yf«/(rr»^ comprelTcd and tipt with black j a^^/a/ft^a with a darker line down the back ; 'iK.'ings white. Cerrigiola- Black with long yellow legs, thighs with a black ring. ta. Inhabits /)f«wz^ir/Jj about ftagnant ditches. • Cui'lt^'^'- Black with long pale legs: wings incumbent white. Inhabit-^ England^ on trees ard w^lls : refembles a Cimex, and runs with great velocity, but ieldom flics, Jntenntt cylimirical pale with a long black hair : body black with with a fharpftylcat the tail : ■v:ings incumbent. Aimcotaes, INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 613 Clinico'tdcs. Black : wings incumbent white with 2 black bands. Inhibits Dciunark, on trees : rcfcmble«i a CinicT. The 14 laiWpccies ate dillinguiflied from the reft by a globular head with prominent rounded eyes, 'and a linear body with long legs. Pallhcs. Siilning bronze: abdomen with 2yellowifli dots atthcbafe; legs yi-llf'^vilTj. Inhabits (?t'rr.'«/jy; v^n' rmall. /iVa/Zcincrenii? with a hrori'/.ct' cmwri and dot between the eves: nvings hyaline : legs pale teftaceoiis tipt with black. *Ungulata. EralTy-gre'cn : l;iil hdoked : legs long livid. . Deir/rr. laf 6, tah. ii. f^. ig, 20. Inhabits Eunpr, about vv;uers. * Nohilitata'Bi:^^)' -green : tail hooked; wings with a black fpot tip! with white. Inhabits Europe, in gardens* SchacJ, Icon, tab. zoG.fg. 5. Eq-uejlris. BrafTy -green : abdomen with 5 black bands ; tail hooked: wings while with a brown fpot. Inhabits Brail. In the mufcumolbir yo/l Banks. ^hofafa. Hair)': thorax brown with 4 greenilli lines: abdomen bronzed : wings clouded with brown with a black dot. Inhabits England. yi.Vowf« fhortobtufe ovate : /?^j long black ; au/«^j a little tclla*. ccoui at the bafe near the rib. ClaJrata, Shining black-br6nze : head black : antenna; teflaceoiis. Inhabits France: lizc of M. ungulata. Po7/2ri yellow ; ^vings \\\\\iz : fore legs bhck, hind-ones tcftacc- ous with black thighs. Xi^ripes. Shining bralTy : antennre and legs black ; wings white im- inaculate. Innabits Fferncc ; very fnti]], Thorax and abdomen hairy : legs blacL /.Mognns. Hairy, black r wings brown with 3 « hitc bu.'ids. Inhabits Europe. Ac; r.Vor;.vV. Antenna: long : body hairy, fhinins bronze : abdomen dar- ker. Inhabits 6i4 INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. Inhabits Atiurican IJtattds; fmall. Antennae hairy, with a fingle briftle nearly as long as the body.' body green-bronze with bkclc legs; ivings hyaline: tail hooked. Rop-ata. Body bronzed : abdomen with black bands: mouth horny prominent black. Inhabits Germany; fizc of M. ungulata. flif«^/ar/tf Antennas flightly feathered: body glabrous ferruginous: wings immaculate. Inhabits Europe, OB dung. Nigripennis Thorax cinereous: abdomen wings and legs black. Inha.VjV^ France ; fize of the lalt. Momh whitifh; antenme ferruginous; bead with a ferruginous fpot above the antennae ; abdomen paler at the bale, Ruffront^ Cinereous; head ferruginous with 2 black dots: rib of the wings black. / Inhabisi 6i6 INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo, Mufca. Inhabits Italy; fize of M. marginata. Mouth velicular white : antennie rufous with a bJack marein all round and projefting white hairs; injings whitilh vvith~black dots ; legs rufous. Graminum* Front imprefled, fulvous: wings clouded, with 2 dots, the hinder one linear and tranfverfc. Inhabits France; fize of M. rufifrons. Antennae long ferruginous with a white hair; head under the antennas yellowifh with 3 black dots each fide ; above grey with an imprefied fulvous front ; thorax hairy cinereous with bl^ck lines: abdomen cinQTQOWs with a black tail; legs teila- ceoiis. CitiJIa, Cinereous ; head and legs teftaceous : wings clouded, with a black rib. Inhabits Denmark; half the fize of M. marginata. Antennae teftaceous ; tail fubtcllaccous : tvijigs grey clouded with brown. Reticulata. Hairy, cinereous : wings faintly reticulate, the rib dotted with white and black. Inhabits Italy ; fize of M. fimetaria. Heail and antennae tu(o\is : mouth {nowy. Centigua. Teftaceous/ -wings white with 3 black dotsunited to the rib and a fingle diftindl one. Inhabits Braftl. Mo«/^ whitifh : thorax \\.a\ry. /^^j teftaceous. PunSlata. Umbracu' lata. Pennipes, Cinereous with rufaus legs: wings white with rows of black dots between the nerves Inhabits Kiel; half the fize of M. donicftica. Mautk whitifh : hodj ^reyifh. Brown; thorax with faint ferruginous lines: brcaft and legs teftaceous. Inhabits France; fmall. Antennae ferruginous tipt with black : head ferruginous with a black dot on the crown : ivings hyaWnt. Hairy; abdomen rufous : wings black with a ferruginous fpqt and white hind-margin. Inhabits North America: fize of M. domellica. //i?W black with a white mouth; /^or^x black with yellow lines and ftreaks before ; abdomen Q\ate. , Lugem. INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 617 Lugens, Thorax with yellow lines: abdomen blue: wings black wiih 2 white bands which are bifid at the outfide. Inhabits Sierra Leoua; fnull. //f^^ ferruginous with 2 yellow dorfa) lines: abdomen xnnnAzi blue with a yellow fpot at the bafe ; ^ings large bla."k with a white fpot at the bafe, behind which, are 2 bands and 2 dots at the inner margin, one beiwjcn the bands, the other towards the tip ; bo.^y beneath and legs yellow. arens. Hairy, black : thorax with white lines: wings long black with a white line at the bafe and 3 band, thc'firft of which is bifid. Inhibits Guinea ; large. Mouth white with black fides: antennae ferruginous: thorax black with 3 faint white lines: aedomen owi\.Q blue immacu- late: /dr«-/^^i black ; middle-oncs black, the thighs white at the bafe j hind-ones white with black joints. Thorax greyifh: abdomen conic ferruginous, the fides fpotted wiih black. Inhabiis" //«.>•; the 1 irva in the fruit o"" t^c olive, //^fl./ yellowifh with 2 black dots above thp mouth: thorax with fainr black lines; abdomen v,'ith 3 bhick dots each fide: laings hyaline ; legs yellow. aia'vaia. Teftaceous ; abdomen brown, the fegmentspale at the bafe, and terminated by a clavate ftyle. Inhabits ATV/j Jmail. Antennae and thorax hairy : ivings large whitilb. Parietina, Cinereous; wings brown fpotted and dotted with white: front teftaccous. Inhabits Europe. Di/,oidm, Black / wings with >vhitG dots and marginal lines : head and legs teltaceous. Inhabits Denmark ; large. Ljis, thorax and ahaomen black immaculate, Cmnexa. Abdomen cylindrical black: wings white with 3 black bands, the tiiird counedted wnh a fpot at the tip. Inhabits France \ large, //f«rt' ferruginous with a black line on the crown; thorax black before, bthind and fcutel ferruginous ;^ 1 Ihad blackiilv. antennae dull ferruginous: thorax hairy bl»ck : firit fcgmcnt of ihe abdomen funnel-ihaped and ferruginous : fcijers ) eliow : legt rufous. ^C^nipfea. Wings with a lateral black dot at the tip : abdomen cylin- drical. Inhabits ¥,uropey and ha» a fragrant Imell. ^GroJPfca- Deep black ; wings blackifh tipt with white. tianis, hihabits Europe, in fhruqberies, Artemittae. Yellow ; wings white with 5 marginal black fpots. InhaVits De.-rmurk, on the Aitemifia vulgaris. _ Under tht/cutel are 2 large black fpots: e/Ia- Cinereous with ferruginous legs: wings white with tranf- tarum. vtrfe brOwn fpots and tip. Inhabits England. Degeer. In/. 6,Jal>, 2. fig. 17, 18. ? Head whitilh ; antennae rufous ; tail reddilh with a black fiyle. Heraclei. Cinereous; wings white with brown dots 2 bands and line at the bafe. Inhabits A'/f/; fize of the laft. /AWwhitifh: antennae i. Thorax cinereous : (ihdomen black, ending in a ftyle. *Urticae. JBlack, wings white with a terminal brown dot and 3 di- itin6l bands. Inhabits £«/-o/<.', on the Nettle, /"ro?;/ ferruginous. CraJJiipen' Cinereous ; abdomen with black bands : wings milk-white jiif, with 4 ai>breviuted black bands. Inhibil? Germany: lizc of the Uft. Head \\\\\ii\\\ : antennae ferruginous with a black hair : 'ivifyj rather thick with 4 bands, i. 2, at the thicker margin, 3 at the thinner, 4 terminal : legs black, flianks fubteflaccous. Coriiuta. Antennas projecting fpinous and i -toothed beneath; bodv grey : wings white with 4 browri bands. Inhabits Germany; fize of M. tuHiiago. Head INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 621 Heaa pale tcftaceous with 2 horns connefl:ed to the antenna? and bent with rigid bridles: //^orax hairy cinereous: u^d'ow. 119. Nigripts. Cifiereaus ; wings yellowiCh at the bafe : legs black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. i^t. ». l2o. Tibia/is, Cinereous ; front tip of the thighs and (banks teftaceous. Inhabits Eurgpe* Mu/. Lesi. /. i 3 1 . «. 123. Ver/icolor. Black with a changeable grey glofs. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk.p. 131. w, 124. 131, Picea, Piceous, glabrous : legs black. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Led. p4 131. 11. I 25, Crajfipesir Black, rough : thighs thick. Inhabits 'E.urcpe. Muf Lejk. p, i^i.n. 126. LeucBfiicta. Black ; wings with numerous white dots. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 131. 7u 121. Rufcapilla, Cinerc(.us with a rufous crown and teftaceous (hanks. Inhabits £«ro/if. Muf, Lesk. p. i^i.n, 1^0, Ochroptera. Black : front white : wings yellowi(h : (hanks ferrugi- nous. Inhabits Eutope. Mtf.Le:k. p, 131. «. 132. Stuhulata, Piceous : abdomen fubulate : wings with a ferruginoas fpot : Ihanks pale. \n)x3.b\x.s Europe. Mtf. Lesk.p. 132. n. 134. Con'ica, Cinereous : abdomen conic : legs brown-teftaceous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. />. 132. «. 135, Ahrupta* Cinereous : wings with 3 abrupt teftaceous bands. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk.p. 132. v. 136. Chryfoce- Crown ferruginous: back of the (h')rax and linear abdomen phala. black ; wings white with 2 biown band?, the tip brown with a white fpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lesk.p 132. «, 137. Fla'oefcens. Yellowini-grey with a fcjriiginous crown : head and legs yellow ; wings white with 4 yellow bands. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk.p. 132. «. 140. Leuco - INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 625 Ltucopis, Blackifh with a white face: tip of the fcutel fubteftaccous : abdomen chang able grey. Inhabits £iiro/>r, Muf. Lesk.p. 132. «. 141. Cylindrka. Jjiackilli : ibdomeh cylindrical changeable grey. Inhabits Europe, Muf Lesjk. p. 132.//. 142. ferer, Piceons, gla'broirs, cylindrical : legs yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. LeJL: p. i 3 2 , «. 1 4 3 . SeticorntJ Reddifh-brown with brown ey(*s And wings. Inhabi'vi Europe, Mtif. Ltsk.p. 132. h. \\6. Sordlda Black ; wings brownifh with hyaline thinnermargins. Inhabits Zuropt. Muf^ Lesk. /. 132. k. 147. Tricolar. Cinereous: wings brawn : legs black. Inhabits £«ro^. /^.y\. n 958. Thorax With hrown lines : aidomen -whh 3reddiili brown b.inds. t'puniiata Cinereous ; wings with a dot at the tip, one at the inner- margin and 3 at the outer. Inhabits Aufiria. Schranck, Austp» 473. n. 962. Stictica. Yellow ; thorax and abdomen with 4 lines of black dots; wings white with a yellow margin and 3 bands. Inhabits Vienna. Schranck. Jujl. p. 474. ». 963. Posclloptera vVings reddifh-brown variegated with white. Inhabits Auflria. Xchranck. Aujl. p. 474. n. 964. Linxeitfts. Black ; front red, the margin with 2 anaftomofing brown fpots. Inhabits Fr^/Vfif, Gesffr. Inf. par, z. p.^o\, Kafuta. Yellow : thorax with about 5. black lines : abdomen with 4 black bands. Inhabits France. Geoffr. Inf. far^ 2. p. 508. Ltim-d, Wings hyaline, the outer-margin varied with brown, the inner-margin marked with a brown hebrew lamed Inhabits Auflria. Schranck. AuJI. p, 4.-/ ^ ■ n. 967. Body cinereous : head white ; eyes black ; antennae and le^i tc-? Uaceous. Miliaria. Yellow with black eyes: wings yellow with a triple brown fpot and numerous dots. Inhabits Europe. Gcoffr,lnf. par. z. p. \f:f^. Cyanopb' Hairy ; eyes violet with 6 purple bands : legs with a whit? thalmia. rini; ^ Inhabits Anuria. Schranck. Aufi. p, iflf.n. glofly black : head t^A between the eyes ; ^«/f/ coppery : ulduinen reJdifh each fide beneath. Mcticulo/a, GloflTy-black : (hanks rufous with a black band, the hirtd- oncs curved. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Auit. p. 477. n. 972. Merulina. Glofly-black with red eyes: wings hyaline inmmacu- late. Inhabits Austria, Schranck. Aust. p. 477. «. 971. 4 IC 2 Rfjinellct, 628 INSECTS. piPTERA. loo. Mufca. RerineUte. Black : fca1e of the poifers, feiTugiapus : abdomen with 2 thip ryhite belts In the Thulacnei refineUae, Schr, Aust. p. 478, n. 973. Cornuta. Ycllowilh with 2 horns fending out 3 branches from the upper fi,de : wings hyaline fpoited with brown. Inhabits Camiola, Scope/. Ai.v.liut. \.p, 123. «. 149. Iridata. Thorax fplcndid green : abdomen lucid lanceolate, violet- brown. Inhabits Carnlola. Scopol. Ent. Cam. 915. Cannabina^ Thorax bronzed : abdomen pellucid yellow with alternately narrower black bands. iRhabits Carniola* Scopol. Ent, Cam. 9:59. Scutel yellow ; legs ycUowifn . Ltipina, Thorax cinereous with 4 interrupted black lines : abdomen fubtelTellatc, the fides diaphanous. Inhabits Nenv ZealarJ. Stock. Aci. lyS;. 4. n. 2,50. Body downy and rough with very rigid brillles. C. Ruchr with a finglc brlflle, vjithcut Jheath : antanice pointed and united at the hafe. Stratiomys. Tcficcea. Scutel 2-tooihed : body teftaceous ; firft fegment of the ab- domen brownilh. Inhabits South America ; lavgc, glabrous, Thorax with faint lines : kgs teftaceous : tvoings with a teftace- ous tinge. Etrans. Scutel 2-toothed black ; abdomen black, the fccond and third fegments with white fides. liihabirs —lei's than the laft. Heedxo\i\id&6. brown : antennas hardly united but approximate and yedow : all the fegments of the abdomen beneath edged with white; legs teftaceous with black thif'hs. *CkamaIe- Scutel 2-toothed yellow : abdomen b|ack with 3 triangidar ^''- yellow fpors on each fide and one at the end. Do>>0'van. {,tab. l^yfg' I • Rcaum. 4. tab. Z^. fig, 7. . Sulz.. liif. tab ZO.jig 130, Schceff'. Ictah. M^.jh- 16, Inhabit* F.icrope, near trcih vviters; the renialc(Jcpofi:s her eggs in the hollow ftalLs of of aquatic plants orbroktn iceds. Lttwa, INSECTS. DrPTERA. loo. Mufca. 629 Lawa with 12 annular divifions, tlie tail with a circular fringe of hairs, which when expanded, fupports it on the furface of the waier with its hv^ad downwards. "" Front oi tl)€ piale yellow, of the temale cinereous. Spkndcnst Scutcl 2-toothed : body covered with rich gold down : ab- domen with bl.''ck bands. Inhabits Spain ; ii7.e of M. Chameleon. Turiata, Sciitel 2-toothed black edged with yellow : abdomen black, the (ides fpotted with yellow. Ivihtth'ns Gcrmanv; lizeofM Ch^imneleon, I[ciu{c\r\cr''o\i% downy with a yellow (pot on the crown : thorax pubefrent black : abdometi with yellow marginil fpot aliovc and 3 llreaks beneath ; ^toothed yellow: thorax black edged with yellow: abdomen black with 5 yellow fpots. Inhabits Europe. Dcnoi'an^s Engl. Itij, v. tab. 146, /fj. 2. Head black : abdomen with 2 tranfverfs yellow fpots on each fide find one at the tip: legs yellowifh. Mu/caria. Scutel 2-toothed yellow : body black ; margin of the ab- domen fpotteil with yellow. Inhabits Italy; half the fize of the laft. Head znd thorax black : abdomen roundifh with 5 yellow marginal fpots. Minutior. Scutel 2-toothcd: body black; fegmcnts of the abdomen edged with white. Inhabits Tranquebar; fmall. Head white with 4 black dots on the front and a black band on the crown : fcutel edged wirh white : abdomen bene.th whitifh: ivings white : tegs white, thighs and hind-fhanks with a white • ring. Melanopis. Scutel 2-toothed : body teftaceous with black eyes: ftcond and third fegments of the abdomen with a yellow fpot each fide behind. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. J>. 127. ». 42. Nigricans. Scutcl 2-toothed, black with yellow teeth : abdomen black, the hinder mart^ins of the ferments whitilh beneath. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 128. «. 43. ^-lineata. Scutel 4-toothed: body black: abdomen wtth 4 white lines. Inhabits !Sierra Leofut; fize of M. flavipes. Antennae liairy black tipt with white; bead hhcV, orbits white: thorax black, with viulec down : jcutel black with 4 yellow teeth : ivtngs duficy : legs black. CUfipes, Scutel 6- tooted: body black : abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits Sivedcn, Wings brown : legs rufous. •6.<^ff/a/a Scutel 6-toothed ; thorax bronzed: abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits England. In the mufcuii-! of Sir Joj. Banks. Tbora.x ^^52 INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. Thorax fliining bronze ; fcufet w'nh 6 longblaclc teeth : ah^.omen long flat above aad puhefcent: luhigs whitilb with a black marginal fpot : legs yellow, the hind ones long. *Chahbea. Scutel 6-toothed: thorax fteel blue; abdomen black. Inhabit'^ England. Forft. Ncv. Inf. \ p 95. Wings^ and poi/ers bbck : le§s teftaecous, the ends black and clavare. *Sm'lis. Scutel 6-toothed (hining green-blue: abdomen fteel-blue. Inhibits England. Puffi No'V. Inf. t. p. gy. Wings fubferruginous with a brown dot : legs black : poi/ers white. * Vallata. Scutel 6-toothed : abdomen and thighs yeilovv. Inhabits England. Forll. Nov. Inf 1 . /. 96. Wings fubferruginous flat incnmbent with a' brown dot in the middle of the rib : poi/ers yellow: Jhanks near the tip and tarli brown. c. Sucker with a ftngle br'ifJe and univalve jheath : antennarginal fpot in which is a cin- reous dot. Inhabits S^i^eden. Norwegr'ca. Teflaccoiis; abdomen with 5 black bands: wings hyaline with a brown fpot at the tip. Inhabits A'orway. Thorax gibbous : abdomen cylindrical : legs long brown, thighs pale. TipuUfor* Brown; wings white tipt with black. mis. Inhabits Germany ; lefs than the laft. Chry/opus. Thorax ferruginous: abdomen black with yellow fpots on the fides Inhabits Gi-rw/jwy J fmall. //i^.W globular black; thorax finooth : abdotnen cylindrical incur- ved, with 3 yrl.ovv (pots each fide Rnd one on the back: legs yellow with black ends : eJ ', fmall. Ahdamen flat blactf , the fegment« a little pale at the edge : legs black, thighs teftaceous. Macroctras Teftaceous with lateral black fpots on the abdonicn : anten- na: very long. Inhabits Germany, jinttnnae fetaceoiis, thrice as long as the body : wngs white fp«t- ted with black: legs long pale. SucctnMa Teftaceous with black hands on the abdomen: wings hya- line with black fpots. Inhabits Kiel. Head globular : wngs with numerous fmall fpots. lomtnttfa, Black ; abdomen covered with gold down : wings white with a black marginal fpot. » Inhabits Denmark ; twice as large as M. diidema. Head and thorax hairy blackifh ; ^sifert black : legs teftaceous with black thighs, Untola, Cinereous; abdomen teftaceous with a black tail and fpots on the back: wings hyaline with a black marginal fpot. Inhabits Denmark; fiie of M. diadema. Scutel and poi/ers yellow : abdomen conic with a ftripe of large black fpots with a terminal one at the tail ; s Jtrata. Black immaculate ^ wings hyaline with a black marginal fpot. Inhabits Italy ; larger than M, diadema. Cirlombaf- Black with white incifures of the abdomen fhanks and chenjis. tarfi. Inh«bits Siberia and PuJ^a, in the fpring and autumn : is ex- tremely tioublefome and often fatal to cattle, infinuating itbfelf into the nobler pares and deftroying them in the courfe of 4 or 5 hours. Papataci. Antenna body and wings hairy. Inhabits Ittily; very fniall: is extremely troublefome at night during the whole fummer. Eyes black dotted with white: ahciomen »cd. Jcnminata^ Black ; abdomen thin long and fubulatc at the end : wings fpotted; thighs yello\vi(h-rufous, ihanks brownifti. Inhabits £:^. MuJ Lesk.p. izj.n. 41. Fufca. Hairy, yeilowifh : wings and abdomen brown, the feg- incnts with a ferruginous fpot each fide. Inhabits cue oi Europe. Muf. Lak.p. 127. «. 41. - b. P{i/)'sso«'^J« Abdomen ferruginous with a longitudinal black ftripe ; wings hyaluie banded. Inhabits nbena^ Lepech. It. 2. tab, \ i,/ig. 29, f. Sucker with ^ brijilcsy -ivithoi.t Jhcafh : feelers pine ed at the baje of the brijile,. Sy rphus. +. Antennae featheredy .7 ■ Thorax fubtcftaceous : abdomen pelucld with 2 black belts. InhaLus INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 637 Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Itij. 6. tab. 3. fig. 5. Schae£.\ IcoM. tab, lb.J:g. 7, 8. PanK. Fn Germ. 2. tab' 6. HeaeiyoWov) : antsv.nas fulvous with a bhick feathered hair : ah- dctnsn wi:h 3 black belts and tail beneath. Micans. abdomen pellucid with 3 black Thorax black on the back belts. Inhabits Italy; Id's than the laft. Head yellow; antennae icrruginous ; eyes with a yellow line: thorax \six.h. a lateral yellowiJh line: M/V blackilh ." legs ru- fous. *Pillucens, gj^j,j^ . ^^^ fcgment of the abdomen white pellucid. Inhabits £wr«/f. Degeer. In/ 6, tab. '^.J'g. 1. Harris. Eng. IttJ. tab. loyf^. 4. Sulz. hj.tab. zo. fig, 133. *Bomoylans Downy, black : abdomen rufous at the end. Inhabits Eurnfe, Donovatis. Eng%y. tab, 1^1. fg, 4. Hams'' s. Eiig. Inf. tab. lo.fg, 3, *MyfIacea. Downy, black : thorax and tip of the abdomen yellow. Inhibits Europe. Harris Engl. Inf. tab, 10. f^r. \. Degeer. Inf. b.tah. S.fg. 2. iichaeff. Icon, tab, \0.fg, g^ Mi'fjjtans, Lapponum, Mat a. Apiaria. Downy : thorax fulvous : abcbmen grcenilh. Inhabits ^/>/; lizc of the laft. Mouth black : front yellow : antennae ferruginous .- tildotrun 0- vate greenifh with obfolctc brown bands ; iviiigs white with abrowncoftal fpot in the middle, the bafc a little reddifti: legs black, hind-thighs long incurved. Downy, black • fctitel ferruginoos ; abdomen with 3 whi- rilh interrupted belts. Inhabits Lapland: De^ccr, InfG-.tab, S.fg. 14. Head and fcutel yellow : firfl: fegment of the abdomen pel- lucid and yellow- Inhabits Italy; half the fize of M, pcllucens. A'teuna yellow ; eyes brown : thorax with a yellow lateral mar- gin ; abdomeu black with ferruginous down, theflril fegment yellow witli a black line ; n.t;ings lubteilaceous at the bafc with a black fpot in the middle and a leffer one towards the tip; hgs\i\icV, Downy: thorax yellow before : abdomen tipt with white ' win^s ferrutjinous at the bafc. Inhabi 638 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 100. Mufca. Inhabits Italy, refemblcs M. myftacca. Front black : thorax hairy, black behind : abdomen black. E/uriens' Body naked : abdomen ferruginous pellucid. Inhabits American IJlandu Upper-Lip projefting cmarginate : therax WtXik'. fcvtel {yifa^zxTM- ginous •• nuings white, the thicker margin black at the bafe : Uii black with ferruginous Ihanks. *lniricata, Downy, yellowifli ; abdomen black, the tip and joints of the legs white. Inhabits Eurspe. Degeer. Inf, 6. tab. i.fg, lO, Crajfa. Naked, black ; hind-thighs rufous and i-toothed. Inhabits Tran<{uehar. Head di\x^/iy '. fcaleof the/o//2Tx black tipt with \Thlte : each feg- ment of the abdomen with an impreffcd ring : tvings white with a black bafe and taanfverfe dot in the middle : thigh and Jlianis rufoas tipt with black, tarfi black. Scmbylifor- Downy, yellowifli : fhanks white at the bafe. 2^Si Inhabits GfrMwsy J fize of M. intricata, Fdcua. Naked : thorax with yellow lines : abdomen pellucid yel- low witli black belts. Inhabits America IJlands ; frnall. Lip projedling cmarginate ; front yellow with a black line in the middle : thorax black bronze with a yellow latjeral line and 2 dots before the wings ; abdomen with 3 black belts and dorfal line : imngi varied with white and brown. Clefa. Naked : wings with 2 brown fjpots : body bronze. Inhabits 4merica. Degeer. hif. 6.tab.2().j.g. 2. f Abdomen fliort obtufe ; Ugi'bXi.c-^. PluTmJa. Black ; abdomen rufous behind : thorax hairy black. Inhabits Europe. Muf.Lesi, p. \2t,. n. ^z. Probably the fame, or av^ariety ofM. bombylans, ■ft. Antenna naked. Body naked: thorax black fpotted with white: abdomew teftaceous with a white band. Inhabits Ammerica. Head black : fciitel teftaceous : t^l black-broze j ixings broWn Downy : thorax black with 4 yellow lines; abdomen yel' low with tranfver'fe black lines conne£led by a longi" tudinal ftripc. Inhabits vtngui r. *PeiTdula. INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 639 Inhabits Eurepe, Dontvan. Eug. Inf. utab. ^i-fig' 2. Reaum. In/. 3. tab. ^i.Jtg. 9, — U. Pri/cb, Inf. 4. /«3. 13. The /dirva is aquatic and Cufpended by a aliform rcipiratory tube. Natans. Do^wny : thorax with 4 lines ; firft fegment of the abdomen ferruginous with an abbreviated white ftreak. Inhabits Itmly ; left than the laft. Head filvery downy with a black lin? on the crown: fccond and remaining fcgmsntj of the abdomen black with a white ilrcak. VerRcoUra- Downy ; thorax with 2 faint whitini dorfal lines : abdo- ■ta» men rufous, the back black varied with cineieous. Inhabits G^r«r««v; rcfemhlcs M, pendula. Head yellow : antemnae ferruginous ; thorax brown with fcrru., ginous lines : abdamen above rufous, the firR fegment with ci- nereous lunulcs at the bafc, fecond with 3 cinereous dots, the laft rufous with 3 black dots : wings dufky : legs rufous with black thigbt« *FloreaX Downy: thorax with black bands : abdomen yellow with a black dorfal line, the fegments edged with black. Inhabits Eurefe, Jlbin, Inf. tab. X"]. fig- i. Subceleopm Downy ; thorax black : wings thicker, cinereous with 2 trata. brown flexuous fillets. Inhabits Siveden ; larger tkan M. hcmiptera. Ihorax black fubftriate ; abdomen fometimes rufous fometimcs black: it/wfj large. *Hemtptera Downy : thorax with a ferruginous border : wings thick- er cinereous varied withyellowifli-brown. Inhabits England. Schaejf. Icon. tab. "Ji. fig. 6. thorax with fulvous haTS before and under the wings :_^«/f/ ferruginous : abdctncn ferruginous with a black back. CraJJipennis Downy : thorax yellowifli : wings thicker, the difk white with a dilbnt black dot. Inhabits Paris; refemblcs the laft. Ihorax in feme ycllowifh, in others grey with brown lines : fcu- tcl the fame colour edged wirh brown : abdtmen ferruginous with a brown back : nuings nearly coriaceous. J^nis* Thorax fulvous at the fides : abdomen black. Inhabits Fra»ce: fize of M.craffipennij. Moutk 640 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 100. Mufca. Mouthwhhiik : croivn and antennae black piceous : ij^ings white. thordx black : f tut el *Nemorum. Downy ; abdomen bjack with 3 white belts, the firft fegment yellow at the fides : legs black with white joints. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. /»// 6. tal>, B./ig. iz. Mliin.tab. ^-fig. 3. L. Merian. Eur op. tab. z* Cryptarum, Downy ; abdomen brown with 3 white belts, the firft feg- ments yellow at the fides : fcutel and legs teftaceous. Inhabits Germany; refembles the laft. i/?e;lovv : antennae black :yf///f/ yellow : legs yellow, thighs bl-rick at the b.ife. i^ry.n. ]SJcarly naked, bbck : thorax immaculate : abdomen with •^ pair of white recurved lunules. Reaum, Inf. 3. tab. 31. fig. 9. Jlbia. Inf tab. 66. Degcer. hif.b tab. 6. fig. 8. Mcrian. Europ. ta!>. 89. Found iimong the Jphidcs Pyri. Tiymafiri* Downv ; thorax llightly brovizcd: abdomen black with 3 whitilh bands, tlie fecond interrupted. Inhabits (7cr/«rt;7V, on Ho ■ cr. VOL. in.— 4 N Front 650 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 100. Mufca. Front yellow*: anttnrae hh'J^ : fcutel yellow : -u'/wj* iramacuUte?' legt yellow, thighs black ac the bale. Trans/ugA, Downy ; rbdoraen black with 3 pah of whitiih lunules. IvC^zhiii Europe. Antenn/e black; heady be- neath lerfuginoTifv each fide ; thighs. black ; fhanks yel- low, the liidd-pnes biack towards the tip • v,i:;gs v\ i.iic with a black band. I.jhabit Etc ape. lufij, LcsL-^ 12B /r. 61. Riili i. INSECTS. DIPTERA. loo. Mufca. 653 Rubirino/a Black; fcutcl yellow; wings with while veins: 2 firft fegincnts of the abdomen with 2 ferniginous band at the bale; thighs ferruginous, the iiinvl-ones thick and black towards the tip ; Ihanks brown, the hind- ones curved. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk.p. 128. «. 62. LcMocepba- j^g^j white ; eyes coppery dotted with brown; thorax ci- nereous with 4 b'ack bands; abdomen blue-black. Inhabits Europe. Muf Leik. p. 129. n, 63. ^^''' Oblong, black with rufous legs ; hind-thighs long and thick , with black curvc-d tlianks. Inhibits Europe. Muf, Lesk. p. i2g. w. 65. Mclano- ,,..,/• chrj/a. El^*^5< ; fecond and third legments bf the abdomen fulvous. InhaLits Europe. Mi/'. Lesk.p, 129. «. 66. £«M. Thorax flightly bronzed ; abdomen black with 2 cinerr- ous bands : legs yellow, thighs black at the bafe. Inhabits Europe, M:/«jmA Sthransk. Aufi,f» 450. ». gi2. j^Uphanta- Black ; abdomen ferruginous at the bafe : hind-tbsghr> piis, thick. Inhabits Aujiria, Schranck, Inf. Aufi.f. 450.33, 913. Obfufcafa, Black : bafe of the fhanks and antennae fulvous-brown. Inhabits Aufria. Schranck. Auji. p 452. «, 916- Dkytriasi • Naked, black : abdomen with 2 yellow belts ; 4 forc-!cg$ yellow. Inhabits Austria. Schratick, Aust.p. J^^l. ». 917. Letrvata, Silvery- tcftaccous : head inflated fnowy : legs annulate with- black : wings brown with hyaline fpots. Inhabits ^«///7, each fcgment with a ferruginous fpot each fide and an ad- jacent black one : ivingi hyaline : legs cinereous the ends black. Pun/Iaiu't ^7^^ teftaceous : body cinereous downy : wings vfhite dott- ed with black. Inhabits Caejnnc; fize cf T. rulUcu.i. Thirhs green, (hanks white : rib of the "juingj fubferrugindus. Iranif, Eyes brown : body cinereous downy : abdomen pellucid tipt with brown. Inhabits Layenne ; refcmblcs the UH. H'ingj white with a pale ferruginous rib : thio'hi grccnifh at the tip. Occidenfa- Eyes with 2 brown bands : body brown with 3 fnlvous !'f' lines on the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. 30. /^. 3. *Tropiau. Eyes with 3 purpliQi bands: abdomen ferruginous at the fides. Inhabits Em-ope. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. iz.fig. 15, 4 O z Cracus. 6bo INSECTS. DIPTERA. loi Tabanus. Grarcus, Brown ; fides of the abdomen ferruginous, the edges of the fegments cinereous : antennae rufous tipt with black. Inhabits Italy; fize of T. tropicus. hea^ cinereous : fucker ferruginous : eps with a black line be- tween them : thorax with thin ferruginous down ; nx:irgs whitifh with a ferruginous rib: Zf^i black, fhanks ferruginous. Borcalis, Eyes with 3 purpHfhed bands : abdomen black, the feg- ments whitilh at the edges. Inhabits Kcmicay i fize of T p'.uvialis. Thorax brown : abdomen black with a faint glaucous fpot each fide on each fegmcat : A"^/ black. Antarctkus Eyes with 4 brown bands : fhanks white. Inhabits Amrka. WingiwtXxz with a brown rib. *Plm)ialis Eyes green with 4 waved bands : wings with brown dots. \x\hi\yi\% Europe^ Donotan.w. tab. 1$^-/^' i' Reaum. 4. tab. Sl.fg. I. Harris. Eng. Inf. tab, "J.fg. 8, Dcgeer.b,tah l-,fg' I -2. Like T. caecutien^, this little infcfl; fixes on the hands face arid leg.'-, exciting a painfull inflammation in the part where it has drawn biood. Ihorax grey-brown with 7 lines ; abdomen grey with black tranf- verfe lines : legs black. tineslct. Brown ; abdomen fubfcrruginous, the back brown with a W'hiteline. Inhabits AV//.' ^/w/Va; larger than the laft. Moiith while : antennae teftaceous ; thorax with a callous fer- roginous dot before the wings : legs black with ferruginous fhanks. Lunaius. Cinereous ; thorax black with white linds: abdomen with 3 rows of black lunules. Inhabits Barhary ; (izc of T. pluviajis. Antennae cini.'reous, the Lafl: joint rufous, the tip blaci: ; head with 3 black glabrous dots between the eyes : thorax with c lines: jcutel h\zcV : abdomen whnifli, each fegment with 4. black lunules : or black with 3 lines of whitifh Ipots : iiingf whitifh : lefs teftaceous with cinereous thjohs. E quorum. Black ; fides of the abdomen rufous at the bafe brown with white dots. Inhabits Ge-rnrany; fize of T. p1uvia!k=. w;njj Ar,;enn::e. INSECTS. DIPTERA loi. Tabaims. 66i Antenna black, the fccond joint rufous at the bafe : from wth a black dot bctivcen the antcnnx : /-6o>-^;r black with white lines: ahdoir.en fubconic, the 3 firlHcgmcnti rufous at the fides, the rcit edged with white : legs blttck ; fare Jhanh vi\^x a telUceous ring, hind-ones with 2. Matularis Brown : thorax with 4 whitifh lines : abdomen with late- ral pale fpots, ^ Inhabits Morocco; larger than T. pluvialis. Antennc.t cinereoos tipt with black : j&^^w'cinereons, crown brown legs black with ferruginous Aiink? : '•Mings whitilh with a pa!c blown waved itreak \\\ the middle. Vittatus^ Brown ; thorax wirh 4 pale lines, abdomen with 2, ami whitilh beneath Inhabits J\lm-occs j refemblcs the laft. AnUnuae cinereous; the tip rutoui: /.•^ad'cinercoi'.s, crown brown: irgs pale with black thighs :' icings whitilh. Longicornis Eyes fpotted : -wings brown on the thicker half with a tri- angular white fpot in the middle : antenna; long. Inhabits BrafiL Mufeinn of Sir Jof. Banks, Jntemiae brown with a palilh bafe and i-:oothed in the middle: eyes brown at the bale, the tip paler with a brown curve and fpot : thcrax bvown, the 2 firll Icgraents with a yellow Ilreak at the bafe. Strlatus. Cinereous; abdomen brown with 3 abbreviated white lines. Inhabits CI.>h:a. Mcuth whitifii : antennae reddifli : thorax with faint lines ; j&/W- Jizanks paler. Bidetttatus. Ferruginous : abdomen with 2 yellow fpots each (idcjfcu- tel 2-toothcd. Inhabits //ft//r/a: larger than T. pluvial!?, 'Thorax gibbous: firft fcgmcnt of the abaoincn with a brov/n ipot, the z nest wi:h a ycUow marginal fpot each lide : legs ferruginous. Bi/'tinnius. Brown : abdoinen ferruginous wlih a black bafe : fcutcl black, 2-toothtd. 'in\\zh\li Germanx-y flze of the Lid, 7'larax downy with faint lines ; firfl fogir.cnt of the aldont;:': black, the reil {eirugrnoi;: with a black ipctanJ ytllo'.T fi;.ie' . 662 INSECTS. DIPTERA. loi. Tabanus. •Cacutisns Kyes green with black dots: wings with a black outer mar- gin and band in the middle. Donovan, iv. tab, 131. Harris's Er.g, Inf. tab. J.fg. 5^ Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. \l.fg. 3. Schssff. Icon. tab. 8. fig. \. Inhabits Europe and America, and ij extremely troublcfome in hot weather, efpecially before rain, fixing on the hands and face or any uncovered part, dexteroully op.-ning a vein and leaving an inflamed and bloody puncture behind. Antennae and legs black: tijcrax brown with 4 yellow lines: abdomen yellow with triangular black marks and tip. Mm-ens, Ej^s black varied with whitifh; Avings white with a black outer margin and band in the middle. Inhabits Cayenne ; rcfembles the laft. Antennae hhck \\k\\ z whitifh bafe : head whm^h uith 2 black lines under the antennce and 2 dots on the crown ; thorax white with black lines : abdomen grey, the firll fegment yel- lowiiTi with a black curve, 2, 3. with 2 black fpots at the bafe: ivings with a v/hite dot in the black band : legs black with teftaceous ilianks Eemfratus. Pale cineicous with black lines: wings with a brdwn band fpotted with white. Inhabits Fr^wf; fize of the laft. Antennae black with a yellow bafe: heed v^\\\i 2 black dots under the antenna and 2 on the crown : thorax with 3 black lines : abdomen blucifh, the 3 firft fcgments with 2 black lines: w/«^J with a black rib : legs ferruginous tipt wiih black. Cojtatus, Thorax and abdomen yellow with black lines: winces with a yellow rib arnd tipt with brown. Inhabits fize of the former ones. Antennae terticeoiis: head whitifh with a black mouth and 2 dots: thorax with 3 Yxncs: fcutel yellow edged with black: abdomen with 4 lines. ' Luguhrls, Eyes and body black : wings brovTn with a white fpot. Inhabits Ewote. nduatus. Black ; fegments of the abdomen edged with fulvous: wings black with 2 white finuofitics on the thinner margin. Inhabits Germany; fizc of the laft. /rtf/// cinereous with 2 raifed black dots; //f'orcA: with a lateral reddifh line: firft fegment of the abdomen rufous at the fides, the reft at the edges: legs black, SeJ>ul' INSECTS. DIPTERA. 102. Culcx. 66^ * o SepHlchralis Black ; wings white with a black rib and tranfverfe fpot in the middle. Inhabits Germany ; fize of T. lagubris. Cri/eus, Black; thorax grey: fecond fegment of the abdomen with a common cinereous band behind, 4, 5, 6. cinereous each fide : wings ferruginous. Inhabits out oi Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. l^.n. I7c, Jlhidus. Downy; eyes with 4 bands: abdomen with a black belt (hanks white. Inhabits Europe. Schrattck. luft Just, p, 480. «, 977. Maritimus. Cinereous ; wings hyaline with a black margin and broad band. Inhabits Europe. Schranck. Inf. Aufl. p. 480. ». 979. 102, CULEX. Mouth ^v\t\\ a fingle-valved exferted flexile ilieath inclofing 5 briftles; feelers 3, of 3 articulations; antenna; approximate, filiform. Gnat. Thefc like the former infefts, live by fucking out the blood and juices of the larger animals, and are eagerly fought after by poultry and fparrows .• the larva refidcs in ftagnant waters and has a fmall cylindrical refpiratory tube near the tail, the head is armed with hooks to feize on the aquatic infefts upon which it feeds: the pupa is incurred and ovate with refpiratory tubes near the head, *P:piens. Cinereous with 8 brown rings on the abdomen. Reaum. Inf. 3. tab. 43, 44. Roef. Inf. 3. tab. 15. S'wammerdatn. Bib, Nat. tab. ^i.f'g. 4 — 8. tab. $2.fg. I — j. Inhabits Europe, and is every where known by its fhrill buzzing noifc and fevere punclure. It is faid foraetimcs to fliine by night. In the favannas of warmer climates a much larger fpecies is found, known by the name of the Mufjueto fy, which inflifls to fevere a wound, that the inhabitants are obliged to Ilccp under thin gauze nets. Antennae of the male peftinate or feathered. Jn}:ulatus, Brown, abdonlen and legs annulate with white: wings fpoitcd with brown. Inhabits 664 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 102. Culcx. Inhabits Germaay ; fize of the former. Prehojas half as long as the body : fcgments of the *ldomtn edged with white, the {\x^ fcgincnt with a white dorfal line, *Trifurca-' Brown with faint lines on the thorax. tus. Reaum. Inf. \.tah. ip. fig. i,2. Suk.. Inf» l-^'fig- 136- Inhabits fwamps and marks of Europe, Lutefcens, Uamor- rboidalis. CiliatKs. Yellow; wings hyaline with a yelk)wi(h rib. Inhabits Germany i fi/.e of the lalt. Sucker terminated by a black dot. Brown ; abdomen edged with rufous fringe at the tip. Inhabits Cayenne, the largell of its family. Antennat with very thick vcrticillate hairs ; brown, the iirft joint naked and (hining blue: head brown with a fhining-blue crown: thorax elevated brown with a blue fore-margin and dot before the wings; legs blue, thighs teftaceous beneath: ijoings white with a brown rib. Black with 2 yellow dorfal lines on the thorax: legs yellow. Inhabits Carolina ; lefs than the lafl. Antennae vcrticillate pale cinereous: prohofcis yellowifh tipt with black: ^^arj, Journ. de Phvf. 1787. Apr. p. 245. 103. EMPIS. Mozt/Awith an iniieded fucker and \)\'oho^{:\^', fucker \\\t\\ a lingle-valved llieath and 3 bvi{x\G's\ feelers ihort filiform: antennae fetaceous. Thefe minute infects live likewifc, by fucking out the blood and juices of other animals. * Borealis. Black with roundifli rufty-brown wings. Inh.ihitj Lurops, and is fcjn IWArming in the air on a ftill eve- ning. IViugs very large : abdomen with a biiid'tail. CyUndrica. Ferruginous; abdomen long cylindrical black. Inhabits Barbery. Thorax with a black dorfal line : probe/cii bburki 'vjings oblong blackifh: legs ferruginous. : -^.ii ji; Marginata Black ; wings white with blark margins. Inhabits .S«AO«y; fmall. Clav'ipes. Black ; hind-thighs thick and ferrate beneath. Inhabits Zealand, frobofcis fmall ftraight: thorax gibbous: po:/ers yellow. * *Pennipes. Black with long feathered hind-legs. Inhabits Eufcpe,Qn the flowers of the Geranicum fylraticum and Cardamincs pratenfis. Sulx.. Inf. tab. zi.fg \2j. 2. Four hind-thighs feathered: wings brown with a black rib. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 31. v. 209. Fcrc'pata. Cinereous ; wings oblong with a black coftal fpot: tail ter- minated by an appendage. .Inhabits Northern Europe. VOL. III.— 4 ? Maura. 666 INSECTS. DIPT^RA. 103. Empis. „ •. f , ATaura. Black ; fore-tarfi tliick and ovate. Inna&its Ki^I ; about ftagnant waters. Suchr Jlraight, as Jong as the proboJcis, the iheath emarginate : . 'ifvixgt white, halj of the rib brown. * LfviJa.'^ Livid ; thorax pale green with 3 black lines : bafe of tbr wings and i«"gs ferruginious . '• ; -\"* ■ Ii)h^bits ^uroUe, Deg^t Inf, 6. tai, 14. /&. 14.^ Ctuata , ^lack Jill ; wings with a brown rib ; legs black, the 4 hind- ones feathered. ■j-,/! , Inhabits JC^/; fizc of E» livida. r Hiod black Avith a tciiaceous probofcis ; tbtrax hairy. TeJIilMik^ ' Ifatry, cinereous ; thorax with black lines : abdomen tet- feHate. Inhabits Barbaiyi fize ofE, livtda. jd»tennm black : ahdomtn telTeHatc, the fegmerts cinereous at the bafc and tipt with black : vdngs browa with a teftaceous bafc ; Ugs ferruginous, /'iWff, , jHairy, black with whitifh lines on the thorax: wings brown. Inhabits—, — fize of E. livida. Eyes large teftaceous ; hgs black with fubteftaceous flianks: ^tngf a little teftaceous pt the bafc. *€i«erea. Cinereous ; thorax immaculate : legs pale ; wings brownifh at the tip. Inliabirs Europtt on umbellate flowers : fmali. Nigripes, Cinereous; thorax v/Itl\ bi'own lines: wings white: legs black. Inhabits Germai^ i- ifize 6f the latt, i .j Head ^rey : probvjcis and Hntmnat black, tn/cipes. Cinereous; wings .Mrhjte with a black marginal fpot: legs brown. ^"H: Inhabits Denmark j rit}kl|, Fro6q/i:is)xTid antenuaeiA^ck : abdomen brownifh. Maculata, Cinereous/ probofcis fides of the abdomen and legs tefta- ceous: wings white fpoitcd with brown. Inhabits //^/v ; fize of E. cinerea. Ihorax cinereous with faint lines: iegs teftaceous with black claws: abaomen with a teftaceous line each fide, • Siercorea, INSECTS. DIPTERA, loi. Empss, 667 • Serrcon-a, Teflaceous vfhh a black tlorfal line: wings reticulate. Inhabits Exrofe, on umbellate flowere. Vland'ca. Cinereous / thorax with black lines: fcgments of the ab- domen black at the bafe. Inhabics Italy ; fmali. lVi»£s hyaline with an oblong brown fpot : fegs blaci:. Minu:a. Black with white wings and teflzceous Ieg5. Inhabits Denmark, on fungi ; Iraall. Fla'vifes, Cinereous; abdomen black : wings hyaline : legs teftaceoL Inhabits Denmark, on flowers; very J'mall. Legs teilaceouf , the tarli dotted with black. Jiioripenms Black with teftaceous thighs ; wings black hyaline. *" Inhabits Denmarky on flowers .- fmall. Eyti large, in the living infeo;>^. J^Iuf. Lejk.f, i^^. n. 211. ■i.lirseaia* Cinereous: thorax with 3 black impreffed lines; wings white : legs pale yellow. Inhabits Enrope. Muf. Lefk.p. 135;. n, 210. Nigricrus, Cinereous ; thighs black, fhatiks and wings ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leik.p, 135. «. 208. Cbhf Brown; thorax gibbous: abdomen thin; wings fpotted : * Ibanks and ends of the legs white. Inhabits £'«ro/>t-, Muf. Lesk. p \'y^:n.z\6. 4 ? z Fufcipej, 668 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 104. Stomoxys. JFujcipes. Grey-brown: wings white : legs livid, black at tlie c;-'Js. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Letk.p. 135. n, 217. Leucoptera. Thorax cinereous : abdomen blatk : wings white : legs livid. Iflhabits Europe, Muf, Lesk. p, I35.». 218. ■ 104. STOjNIOXYS. Sucker with a iiiigle- valved llieath, indoliiig briltles each in its proper ilieath : feelers 2, fhort fcta- ccous of 5 articulations : antennae leta- ceous. Thefc alfo fuck blood from other animalj, A. Sheath convolute and geniculate at the bafe, with 2 brijllcs Mtrio, Black: fore -part of the thorax hairy ferruginous : wings bUck with white fpois. Inhabits Bralil. In the mufcum of Sir Jo/Banks. /AW ferruginous with black probofcis antennae and ftcmmata: abdomen black vviih abluegioft; : tip of thcavV/g-/ wlutiih, Gri/ea. Antennae feathered : hairy, grey with tcdaceoiis thighs. Inhabits Germafty; fize of Sr.' fiberita. Prohojas black, a little teftaceous at the bafe : head v^Wnc with a teitaceous line on the front : iMings whiciih .•• legs black with rufous thighs. • Pjirajita. Antenna? feathered ^ grey, abdomen above brown with dia- phanous teftaceous fpots at the bafe. Inhabits yimenca ; large. Mcitth whirifli with a projefting black probofcis ; thcrax with laint lines : k^s white, Siberita. Antennae feathered : hairy, grey: fides of the abdomen pale diaphanous. Inhabits Germa7iy. Orbits fuowy : legs bl?.ck with pale tliighs. *C(Jc!traKs Antennae (lightly feathered : grey with black legs. ^ Degcr. Inf. 6. tub. A., fg. 4. Gecjf'r. Inf. 2. tab. 18. fig. 2. Inhabits F.ur^pe, rcfcinDlcs the common flr, iird is the infcdl whirh INSECTS. DIPTERA. 104. Stomoxys. 669 which buzzes about the Icgsof cattle, making them coritinually ilamp with the leet ; and which ftings our legs in autumn. Tejfdlata. Hairy, cinereous : abdomen grey tcflellate with brown. Inhabits Kiel; larger than S. irritans. Jniennae bWck :" ahdumen teflellate with brown fi?ots : ii-/«;s white ; legs black. •Initansi CinercoiiJ:, (lightly hairy: abdomen fpotted with black. Panz. fn- Germ. 5. fat. 24, Inhabits Europe, and is very troublcfomc on the bsck of cattle. Mu/caria. Antennae (lightly feathered : hairy, black ; abdomen pa- ler with deep black bands. Inhabits Denmark; fjze of the laft. Segments of the abdomen black at the bafe : luings white, Pangeas. Cinereous with black thighs Inhabits £Krc;>^. on the back of cattle : fmall. Body nightly hairy : ^Mtngs whitini. JfiUformh Antennce fetaceous ; body diiflcy : wings with black mar- ginal fpois. Inhabits Italy; fize of S. irritans. Sucker Ihort "yellow ; antennae yellow with a long fjmrle hair: /if^/ yellowifh, hind-thighs black, Stylata. Cinereous: abdomen rufous with a projefling ftylc b'ack at the end : wings hyaline with'5 brown bands, every other one abbreviated. Inhabits Barbary. Prohofcis c}lindrical yellowifli ; fl/;/^«wrf fetaceous : head yellow- ifli with a fnowy mouth: thorax h'iuy yellowifli : legs yel- lowifh. 'Djr/alis, Black : abdomen fnowy on the back with 3 pair of black dots. Inhabits France; fmall. Jlntenn^ fetaceous : head black with a frouy mouth ; thorar. with 2 yellow dots on the fore-parr : fcutel yellow : foijers v-llnw : ahdomett pv?.te, above fiat, the firlt fegment hhck edg- ed with whiir. the 3 others white with each a pair of obicng black fpots; W//»^/ hyaline : /f^j yellow tipt with black, Lcngipes. Orbits white: thorax grey: abdomen' grey-brown : legs ferruginous, black ut the ends. Inhabits Europe. Ihif. l.ak. p. 134.;;. 1. ^ -^ B. Sheath, 6^0 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 105. Coaops. B. Sbeath.caveringihc m^ufb, •Buitb 5 hrtjiles. Rhingra., *Roarai'a. Thorax with obfcurc lines ; proboTcis abdomen and leg* teflacewjs. Inhabits Europe, Degnr. Inf. 6- tah. 'J. fig, 21, 2Z. Rdemblei the camman fly. and is very troubkfome to cattle ; iviiigs pak, IJ^ifata. Thorax black with 4 white Irnes : abdomen black with 3 lateral yellow fpots and tail. Inhabits Germany : refembles a Syrphus. /*r^. Mul.Lesk.p, 134. r. 202. 106. ASILUS. Mouth \\\\h. 2L. horny projecSl- ing Itraight 2-valved fucker, and gibbous at the bafe ; antennae fihform appoxi- mate, uf 2 articulations: body conic. oblong Thefe prey on other infe(fls, efpecially thofe of the dipterous and and lepidopterous orders. Hairy black : thorax and bafe of the abdomca cinereous, inhabits America ; very large. Front covered with long cinereous hair at the fides : tvings ci- nereous with brown veins : under thcjaitel are 2 yellow dots | . abdomen ovate, the firit figment naked black, the 2 next hairy cinereous, the rett black. Subferruginous ; fides of the breaft black : back of the tho- rax with 3 black liner. Inhabits Africa; fize of A. crabroniformif. VOL. III.— 4CL Algirur. 674 INSECTS. DIPTERA. io6. Afilus. Algirus. Body entirely ferruginous with pale hairs. Inhabits A/nca. Analis. Thorax teftaceous with 3 brown lines : abdomen above fulvous, beneath bldck, the edges of the fegments white each fide. Inhabits Italy ; lefs A. barbarus. Head hairy golden : eyes black : margin of the thorax golden each fide : abdomen above fulvous, the bafe and tip black: legs teftaceous. Barbarus. YxoxW. thorax and legs ferruginous : wings yellow with a black tip and thinner margin. Inhabits Africa, Thighs black, i^raorom- j\bJoj^en downy, the -i firft fegments black, the lower-part ~ "^ yellow and innected. Donovan, v. tab. 1 80, Reaum: Inf. 4. tab. 8. fg. 3. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. \^,fig. 3. Schaeff- IcQ»»t«b. S.fg. 15. Inhabits Europe. Its fting is yixy paioful. Ephippium, Hairy: black : thorax white at the bafe. Inhabits Germany. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab, \'^^fig» g* Head hairy : vjings brown : ends of the Ugs piceous, ii/bofus. jjairy, black : hind-part of the abdomen white. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf 6, tab, 13. fig, 6, 7. HeadcoMfctsd with thick white hair. ^^^ Hairy, black: hind-part of the thorax and abdomen cinere- ous: tail black. Inhabits Italy;{ize of A. gibbofus. front covered with long cinereous hair : legs black, thighs cla- vate, ihanks cinereous hairy. Black : abdomen and (hanks covered with fulvous hairs. Inhabits Barbary, fize of A. gibbofus. Head wich a fulvous beard under the antennae : thorax black with fulvous down; w/w^ j vvhitifli, fiureus. Hairy : head and abdomen golden: thorax and legs obfcure chefnut-brown. \r),)\iih\is France; fize of A. gibbofus. Sucker and antennae black : thorax black with ferruginous hair : 2 firft fegments of the ahdovun naked black ; legs ferruginous hairy. Barhaius' INSECTS. DIPTERA. 106. Afilus. 675 Barhattti. Hairy, black with a white beard hind-part of the abdonren / and hind-fhanks. Inhabits C;fl>'^»«r. fize of A. gibbofa. HeadhUck with long thick white hair round the mouth : /cute! very hairy : abdomen fhort hairy, the 2 firft fegment black, the other white. Fa/datus. Hairy, black : abdomen with 2 fnowy bands atthebafe. Inhabit! Sierra Leona. Head black with ferruginous hairs : thn>-ax black, the fides and fcutcl fubferruginous : luings brownifh : legs black .with fer- ruginous hairs. ySJluans, *4ter. Dtadema, Qal'idu' Cinereous ; 3 laft fegments of the abdomen white. Inhabits North America. Hairy, black with a whitifh beard. Inhabits Europa Black with brown wings ; front white. Inhabits //«/)'; fize of A. ater. Hairy, chefnut : thorax brown ; abdomen black, the feg* mcnts edged with white. Inhabits Cxiyoine; fize of the former. ones. Antennae black ; vytngs whitifh : thighs brownifh, Ihanks hairy tcftaceousjtarfi black. abdomen above *'"^* Hairy, black : thorax cinereous behind hairy fulvous. Inhabits Europe^ Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. \'^-fg» 10. Head with a white beard. jitratuf. Hairy, black ; head and thorax pale cinereous. Inlwbits Bariary-ffizc of A. diadema, Head hairy cinereouo with a black fucker : thorax with a ferru- ginous callous dot each fide : abdomen black immaculate : luings cinereous with a ferruginous rib : /egs black. Ra/icorm.', Hairy, black : thorax fpotted : fegments of the abdomen 2, 3, 4, fulvous. Inhabits Ir/t/y ; half the fize of A. gibbofus. Antennae black at the bale and rufous at the tip: thorax black, with fulvous fpots on the fore-part and 2 whitilh ones on the kack ; Ugsh\2ick, teftaccous at the tip. 4 0.2 Violaccus, 676 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 106. Afilus. VioJaceus. Hairy, black : abdomen violet. Inhabits Germany % Wings brown. Body entirely covered with creft rigid hairs* *GihHS. Black ; abdomen above fulvous : legs black. Inhihhs Europe. Degeer.lnf.d. tab, i^-Jig* 15* All the fcgments of the abdomen except the 2 firft fulvous. Pun^atus, Haiiy: thorax cinereous downy : abdomen black with 3 white marginal dots and 2 rufous dorfal fpots. Inhabits Italy jfize of A, gilvos. Head with a cinereous front and beard : antennae black : legs black ; nuingi rufty-brown. Cylindrieus, Cylindrical ; fegments of the abdomen 3, 4, 5, above ru- fous : legs rufous. Inhabits G^rwawy: fizeof A. gilvus. Head black with a whitifh front and beard : thorax hairy black; ixings fubteftaceous. Marginatus Poifers and incifures of the abdomen yellow: thighs black. Inhabits Europe. Degeer.Inf, 6. tab. 14./%. i. Limbatt^s. Blackifh : antennas border of the thorax incifures of the ab- domen and legs fulvous. Inhabits Barhary; fize of thelaft. Sucker black : head hairy golden ; /lutel fulvous : ivings fub- hyalinc. Plumheus. ^^dy cinereous immaculate. Inhabits Ne-w Holland, Mufeum of Sir y^/: Banks. Sucker fliort black : poifers tipt with yellow. Bruntteus. Thorax cinereous with black lines : abdomen and legs chcfnut-^brown fpotted with bl»ck. \n]\dib\\.f Cayenne } fize of A. forcipatus. Head yi\\\n(\\ : fucker and antennae chefnut-brown ; thorax with 3 lines; ahdopien with a darker fpot atthebafe of each fegmcnt; 'vcings white : legs tipt with blac^i. *Torclpaius Hairy, cinereous with black tail and legs. Degeer. In,. 6. tab. 14. fig, g. Fri/ch. InJ. 3. tab, 17. Inhahhs Europe »nd Ne-M Holland, Tail torked. Tibialis. Hairy, brown : thorax with obfcure lines : (hanks rufous. Inhabits iiermany, refembles the laft. - Head with a wliitiih beard; /ifgi black j iw/?g-jduCc. Gertnam' INSECTS. DIPTERA io6. Afilus. 677 Germanicus Hairy, black : Ihanks rufous : wings brown with a whi<» tifh bale. Inhabits Germany. Schaeff, Icon. tab. \'i.Jig. g, lO. AW ihz Jhanks TMioMi : /«// forked. Ru/ipet, Brown; abdomen cinereous with 4 black bands and tip : fhanks rufous. Inhabits America; twice as large as A. forcipatus. Sucker black ; tu/wg-jduflcy : legs black. Maculatui. Cinereous with a fquare black fpot on the fcgments of the abdomen : legs piceous, the ends black. Inhabits Eajl India; nzc of the laft. Probofcis tipt with black : abdomenXon^ cylindrical. Chir.enjist Cinereous: fides of the abdomen and fhanks teftaccous. Inhabits China ; fizcof thd laft. Antennae ferruginous : fucker black : thorax with faint bUck lines; ivings white with a fubteftaceous rib. Brunnipei. Hairy, cinereous: rib of the wings at the bafe and legs fcr- rugino;+f. Inhabits Barbary'.% little larger than A. forcipatus. Antennae tipt with black : headn'x'Cix paler lines, UargineU Grey-brown : legs rufous tipt with black : wings with a ^*"'* deep black outer margin. Inhabits American IJlands. Front vj'xCw a white beard, Jiinulatiis. Cinereous : abdomen tipt with black : thighs tedaceous with a black ring. Inhabits Eajl India. Thorax with a darker dorfal line : ivings hyaline with a brown* ifii tip : legs teftaceou?. Stylaius. Hairy, cinereous : thorax and abdomen fpotted with bla^-k : Ihanks rufous : tail ending in a ftyle. Inhabits American Iflands; larger than A. forcipatus. Abdomen with a black ftyle half as long as the body : ivings white, Ki'-rihes. Hairy, black: thorax with 4 white lines : abdomen with white belts. Inhabits Cayenne. Head 678 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 106. Afilus. ^ Head whitifh with a black fucker and antennae : imngs hyaline : legt black. Sabaudtis. JJairy, cinereons: abdomen rufous with brown marginal fpots, beneath brown. Inhabits //fl/y. Sucker black : antennae rufous : thorax with a rufous fpot each fide : legs rufous : swings whitidi with a yellowifh rib. Cingulaias, Cinereous; fhanks rufous with 2 black rings. Inhabits //^^ ; lefs than A. forcipatus. Body cinereous immaculate : legs black. *fifuloides. Naked, cinereous: legs ferruginous, the lafl joint black. Inhabits Europe. Thorax with 3 black lines. Teutonus. Black ; thorax changeable gold, fpotted ; abdomen with 5 white fpots each fide. Inhabits Germany. Schaeff". Icon, tab, 8._fig 13. Ajitenfia; pale yjellow ; front yellow ; abdomen glabrous ; leas tipt with black.- » J^itiduhis. Hairy, black: fcgments of the abdomen white at the edges. Inhabits Italy; lefs than the laft. Front white with a white beard: abdomen covered with gold down : legs black j fhanks with white hairs. (j^y,,,;,,,,;!/?/. Black ; thorax with a white dorfal ftripe in which arc 2 black lines: head and fcutel white. Inhabits Cayenne; fize of A. tcutonus. Sucker, antennae and croivn white : abdomen black, the 2 firft fegments edged with white : 'voiiigs duflcy : poifers with a white club. Glaucius. Downy, black ; fecond and third fcgments of the abdomen with a glaucous band, the reft edged with yellow. Inhabits Italy. Ro/s. Fn. Etrujc. 2. tab. g.Jig. 4. Head h\zck with a whitifh beard : swings duflcy : legs rufous. Lineatus. Tellaceous; thorax with 3 black lines: abdomen with black fpots: wings brown with a tcftaceous fpot in the middle. Inhabits American IJlands ; fize of A. celandicus. Sucker tipt with black : legs tellaceous. jiuratus. INSECTS. DIPTERA. io6. Afilus. 679 , Auratus, Villous, golden: thorax brown on the back : abdomen tef- taccous, the fegmcnts 4, 5. black. Inhabits Eaji India ; fize of the lail. Sucker b\zz)c. : legs tellaceous tipt with black. Sinatus^ Hairy; thorax brown with white lines: abdomen rufous with 2 lines of brown dots and a white one at the fides. Inhabits ^«r^^ry ; fmall. Head cinereous with a thick white beard : legs rufous^ Jrcuatus. Hairy, black : fegments of the abdomen edged with white. Inhabits Germany ; fmall. Cinausi Cinereous; abdomen black, the fegments edged with white. Inhabits G^rwaay ; fmall. Foifcrs yellow : legs black. Cyaneus. Brown ; v/ings and abdomen blue. Inhabits the Cape of good hope ; iize of A. oelandicus. *Oelana'i- Naked, black with ferruginous legs and poifers : wings cus. dark brown. Inhabits Europe, Degeer. Inf. 6, tab. i^-fg. 13* Ilyalipennis Glabrous, black : legs yellow : wings hyaline. Inhabits Denmark ; fmall. Front pale grey : ends of the hind-legs black. Frontalis, Glabrous, black : front filvery : legs rufous. Inhabits Kiel; a little larger than the laft. Morie, Villous, deep black with blackilh wings. Inhabits Guinea ; fize of A. celandicus. flottcntotta Black; abdomen with lateral white dots: wings white- with a black bafe. Inhabitb Germany; fmall. ^hrax gibbous, a little hairy behind : legs black. Haemor- Black ; abdotnen with 4 white dots each fide, tail and le»s rkotdalis. ferruginous. Inhabits Eurbary; fmall, , Head covered with gold down : tarfi blacljifh : vjings whiiifh. Cettop/cides, 6go INSECTS. DIPTERA. lob, Afilus. Conoj>Ji^dcs. Thorix black fpotted with yellovr : abdomen black witk rufous bands \n\\ih\i^ New Holland: fmall, Head y'^\o\s: antennae ind fucker black : _/2a/ covered with filvery down : thorax with 4 lines : swings hy- aline: poi/ers and legs yellow. • Culicifor- Black, glabrous : hind-thighs as long as the abdomen. mis, hiimhili England: fmall. Abdomen comprelfed incurved: 'wings large, hyaline; polj'ers yellow : hind-thighs \tTy finely ferrate. Mufcarius. Black ; wings clouded, the rib dotted with white and black. Inhabits France i fmall. Antennae yellow with a weak long hair : fuckers yellow : paifers yellow tipt with black : legs tcftaceous with black thighs. MinutHs, Glabrous, black : 3 laft fegments of the abdomen pale ' cinereous: wings brown with a white bafe. Inhabits Italy ; fraall. Front with a gold beard : legs black. Maurus, Hairy, black : wings varied with white and black. Inhabits Denmark and the Cape of good hope. Fn. Suec. 1917. LuCitanicus. Blackifh ; wings fpotted with white: abdomen yellow with 3 rows of black dots. Inhabits Italy j fizc of a common fly. l^illofus. Black with yellow hairs: wings ferruginous: thighs and claws black : (hanks and ends of the legs yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf, Lefk. p. 1 34. n, I 86. fuhefcens. Downy, brown: front hoary: fegments of the abdomen yellowilli each fide at the edges: poifers yellow. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p, 134. n. 192. Striatuks, Black: thorax with a cinereous line each fide: poifers yellow. Inhabits £f^r9/f. Muj, Lefk,p, \^\. n. i()Z' jlltirronst INSECTS. DIPTERA. 107. BombyliHS. 68i Albifrons. Black, glabrous; thorax with a double black line: inciOires ot the abdornen pale yellow ; front white : legs livid. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk, p. 134. ». 194, jEfiivui. Cinereous; thorax with 3 black lines: legs black, fhanks teftaceous. 2. Legs entirely black. ScQpcl. Ent, Cam. n. 993. Inhabits Austria. Sckranck. Inf. Auli.p. 487. n- 996. Antennae black: vjings hyaline v/ith black veins ; />c//f/j and fegments of the abdamen at the tip white. higemmus Deep black, glabrous: wings black with a deeper rib. Inhabits !.:/a;^r/rt. Schranck. Inf. /ii/? /. 488. «. 998. Poaairicus. Elack ; thorax yellow with black lines : legs pale, the firft joint of the hind-tarfi thick. Inhil its Au/lria. Schranck. Auli. p. 4S9. n. lOOO. Irora filvery between the antennae : abdomen with 3 ferruginous fpots each fide, the fegments ferruginous at the tio; poifers and legs ferruginous; wings hyaline with black veins. 107. BOMBYLIUS. Mouth with a very loTig itraiabt fetaceous fucker, formed of 1? imequal horizontal vah^es and contain- ino; fetaceous ftino-s. A. Feelers 2, hairy : antennas united at the bafe. * Mojor. Black with thick yellowifli down; wings with a broad fi- nuate black outer margin. Humole-bee, T)a»o~oan- ii. tab. 66. Degeer. lni\ 6. tab. 15. fg, lO. Reaum. i\, tab %■ jig. 11 — 13. Mouff'. Irf. 64. Af. 5. Inhabits Europe, and hovers about flowers with a buzzing noifc, extradling the liedar JE^ualis. Body covered with cinereous hair : wings with a broad equal black outer margin. Inhabits I^orth America; half the lizc of the laH, ^Medius, Wings dotted with brown: body yellowi.h-browh, white at the tail. Donovan. V. tab. \j^6,fg. I. Degeer, b, tab. i^. fig. 12. Inhabits Europe^ and appear** early in the fpnng. VOL. 1 1 1 .—4 R Pi'nnctuii 682 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 107. Bombylius. Pm£latus. Wings black at the bafe with a whitifh rib: body hairy black : thorax with a cinereous border: abdomen dotted with white. Inhabit* Barhury ; large. Front V]\t\\ fnowy \ix\x% : fucker and antennae black : abdomen with 2 lines of fnowy dots beneath: legs black. AnaUu Wings black at the bafe : body hairy black with a fnowy tail. Inhabits the Cape of good hope ; large. Abdomen bencatn fulvous at the bafe and fnowy at the tip, Difeoideus^ Wings black at the bafe with 2 fnowy rib : thorax fnowy with a black diftco: abdomen black with a fnowy tail. Inhabits Barbary; large. Head hairy Inowy : nvings with a white dot, CapenSu Wings fpotted with black: body cinereous, black at the end. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Nitidultts. Wings dufky : body yellowlfh hairy and fhining, the tail dufky : legs tellaceous with black thighs. Inhabits Germany ; fize of B. minor, //fa.y'white hairy : antenna 3t\A fucker black. * Min$r. Wings immaculate : body yellowifh hairy : legs teflaceous. Reaum. Inf. 4 tab. 8. fig. 11 — 13. Schaeff. Icon» tab, J^b.fig. g. Inhabits Eur$pe ; about half the iize of B. major. Minimus. Wings yellowifh at the bafe : body yellowifh hairy : fucker and legs black. Inhabits Germany ; half the fize ofB. minor. Legs blackifli : lAiings whitifh, the tip browner. Cupreiis. Nearly naked, black : fore-lobe of the thorax fulvous * abdomen coppery with a dorfal line of fulvous dots. Inhabits Cayenne. Mings dufky: legs black, thighs pale beneath, hind-fhanks com- prefTcd and fringed, Jter, ; Wings half black at the bafe : body black : abdomen fpotted with white. Inhabits Germany, Schaeff, Icon, tab, yg^fg, 6, Maculatus, INSECTS. DIPTERA. 107. Bomb'ylius. 683 Maculatus. Wings black at the bafe : body deep black : fore-part of The thorax and hind-part of the abdomen white. Inhabits Tranquebar ; fi7.e of the laft. Front whitifh ; k£;s black. Melamce- WIn£^s brovvnifli at the bafe: body hairy ycllowifh with a fhaltts. Ihining filvery tail. Inhabits Barhary, fmall. Sucker black : head covered with black hairs : nx^ings hyaline, browner at the bafe : legs black with teftaceous fhanks, Tujcus. Blackilli immaculate with brown wings. Inhabits Italy. Wings darker at the bafe. Grifeus. VVings white with a brown bafe: body hairy: thorax black with white lines : abdomen grey. Inhabits Spain, on compofite flowers. Thorax with 2 lines : ^vings white, the bafe at the thicker mar- gin brown, with 2 white dots in the middle. Seni.:s. Wings white immaculate : body black covered with cine- reous hair. Inhabits South American IJlands ; fma';'. Sucker long black : front white hairy .- kgs black. Firefcsns. Wings white immaculate: body hairy greenifh: fucker Ihort. Inhabits Spain. Body covered with greenifh hairs. Pygm^us. Wings half black, the other half dotted with black ; thorax brown with a white bafe and tip. Inhabits North America; very hnai!. Abdomen hairy ferruginous ; legs ferruginous. B. Sucker with 3 incumbent brijiles'. feelers o: aniennce approxiniutc. Volucella. florens. Nearly naked, black : wings fubferruginous at the bafe. inhabits Barbary, Auratus. Hairy ; thorax cinereous with 4 black lines: abJoincn black with gold belt?. Inhabits 5^r^rtry; fmall. Wings \:nx\\:xc\\\2tt. F-er/icvlgr. Hairy, cinereous: abdomen with a gol.1 fpot: head and legs black. 4 P,. 2 Inhabits 684 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 107. Bcunbylius. Mi/n Inhabits Barbary ; lefs than the laft. Sucker black ; wings white immaculate. Black, front and wings white, the latter with a ferruginous rib: thorax villous: abdomen black, the fegments tehind cinereous each fide. Inhabits out of Europe,, Muf. Led. p. T 35. w. 221 . C. 4''^tenna dijlant, the lajl joint fubulate Cytherea. feele Objcurut. Blackifh with cinereous hairs: wings brown at the bafe. Inhabits Barbary, Scutel and legs deep black. Aureus, Hairy; thorax brown: ab«}omen golden. Inhabits Barbary, half the fize oi the former. Head covered with gold hairs : thorax with gold hair at thei fides ; abdomen with tufts of hairs : nvittgi browniOi at the bafe, the tip whiliflx with 6 black dots ; legs teftaceous. p. Feelers 2, hairy; antenna di/ianty the laji joint Jctaceous. Anthrax. Thefe have ufually been arranged under the genus Mufca, but on account of their wanting ihe flefhy probofcis, it was thought proper to remove them here. They might with propriety perhaps conlhtute a dillind genus. Cerberus, Hairy, black: abdomen with a fnowy band at the bafe and tip: wings varied with white anxi biack. Inhabits South American Ijlands. (Jrbits fnowy behind : fore and lateral margin of the thorax ^ ferruginous hairy : fcutel brown : abdomen with a fmall lateral fnowy dot. Ni^rita. Brown ; bafe of the wings black dotted with white: fcutel piceous. Inhabits Italy ^nd America. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. zg.fg. II, Abdomen wifh a white fpot at the tip each fide, H^rufcus. Black with a white fpot at the tail each fide : wings white with a teftaceous rib. Inhabits Italy ; large. l-ar. Hairy brown : abdomen with 2 white fpots cpch fide: wings black with a white marginal ipot and tip. Inhabits INSECTS. DJPtERA. loy. Bombillus. 685 Inhabits Bengal', large. Scutel ferruginous : tail whidfll, ^Morio, Hairy, black : wings black with hyaline tips. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 6. tab. w.jig. 13. Reaum.Inf. b.tuh. ^^} ■ fig- 13. Schaef. Icon. tab. 'jS. fig.J. *Manriis. Hairy, black with white bands : wings black withafinuate hyaline thinner margin. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. hij. 6. tab. M.fg. ii. Af^^'' Hairy, black with white bands: wings hyaline with a black bafc. Inhabits iT/V/; refemblcs the laft. Jlgirus. Hairy, brown : fegments of the abdomen with pale edges : wings dotted with black, brown at the bafeand whitifh at the tip. Inhabits Barbary, larger than the laft. Head pale lerruginous : fcutel ferruginous ; legs dull teftaccous. Holo/eriaus Hairy, black : abdomen white at the fides : wings deep black at the bafe. Inhibits Barbary; fize of B. maurus. Head with a few cinereous hairs at the mouth. Varius. Hairy, brown : abdomen varied with white : wings white dotted with black. Inhabits France; fize of B. maurus. Therax a little krruginous at the fides. ^Ethiops. Hairy, black : wings black the tip white with 2 black dots; tail filvery. Inhabits Italy. Wings dotted with white- at the bat'e. Sapucfnus, Hairy, brown : abdomen fpotted with white, the fides ferruginous: wings varied with white and black. Inhabits Nortl? America: lefs than the former ones. Scutel ferruginous ; head and thorax brown Satyrus. Brown : abdomen black, the firft fegment white at the bafc, the 3 lalt at the fides. Inhabits Ncuj Hulland; larger than B. boKcntottus. Inhabits 636 INSECTS. DIPTERA. 107. Bombiliirs. Thorax with ferruginous hairs on the fore-part : ^Mings brown with a ferruginous outer-margin, Behehub, Black ; fegments of the abdomen with a ferrnginous mar- gin : wings brown on the lower harf. Inhabits Hungary ; refemblesB.hottentotta. Moutk whitilh : tharax with ferruginous hair before the wings : bifc of the abdoinen ,?t.Yn\.\(i ferruginous. Tantalus, Hairy, fulvous : abdomen black with a white band: wings brown. Inhabits 'Traw^Kf^^jr; larger than B. hottentottus. HeadytWav^y^: firll fegmcnt of the abdomen with fulvous hair at the fides : legs black. * Hottentot' Hairy, yellowilli : wings hyaline with a brown rib* tus. Inhabits Eurapc. Degeer-. hf. 6. tab. n.fg, 7. Syhanui Brown : abdomen wilh white ilreaks : bafe of the wings brown with a white dot. In\iibks Ne'vj He/land. In the mufeum of Sir jy. -F««^/. Scute/ ferrugiBoiis : ivifigs whitifh : legs black. /x7c».- Hairy, cinereous : wings white immaculate, Inhabits Italy: lefs than B. hottentottus. Poifers yellow : legs black. Zahaui Hairy, black : fegments of the abdomen whitifli at the edges : wings white the outer margin black at the bafe. Inhabits Italy : fize of B. hottentottus. Pollers, terminated by a yellow dot: legs black. 2. Edges of the abdominiil fegments yeilow at the fides. Inhabits Spain. Sphinx. Hairy, yellowifh: wings brown : thighs teftaceous. Inhabits Eafl India ; larger than B, Lucifer. Vt'ings with a paler thinner margin ; hind jhanh teftaceous above, r ./• Hairy, ycllowiOi ; wings brown with a ferruginous bafe. " * Inhabits ^»imaj// 7/7aff J) 8. VOL. II L— 4 S *Plutnhea, 690 INSECTS. APTERA. no. Podur^. •Plumhea. Round, brown with a blue glofs. Inhabiia Europe. Degeer. Inf. 7. tab. 3./^. I. *Minuta. Ovate, yellow with 2 terruginous fpots on the back. Inhabits Europe^ on plants, ^* Nivalis^ Oblong, cineieous with black marks. Inhabits Eurcp. Degeer InJ. 7. tab. z.fig, 8. *Vaga. Oblono;, black : abdomen and antennae with a white band- Inhabits Europe^ in woods. *Arhirea, Oblong, black with white legs and fork. Inhabits YM>ope. Degeer. Inf. 7. tab, z. fig. I, 2, •Villcfa Oblong, villous, variegated \Tf ith brown and black. Inhabits Europe. Sulz. HiJL Inj\ tab. 2().fig. 2. a«cia. Cylindrical, grey with a black belt which is white on thff fore-part. Inhabits woods o( Europe. Amulata. Livid with black rings. Inhabits Europe, in woods. Lignsrutn. Lead-colour with pale head thorax legs and fork. Inhabits Europe, in old wood : fmall. Mouih and antennae black : abdomen lead-colour With a Inow^r fork. PuftUa. Cylindrical, bronzed with a white fork. Inhabits woods of Europe. •Jqnatica. Black, aquatic. Inhabits £:rrc/-e. Degeer. hif. z^. tao. z fig, I ^y \S* ^ Aflembles in troops, early in the moraing, on the banks ot.poois and fifh-ponds, •Fmetaria White, terrestrial. - Inhabits Europe. SchrancU Beytr. 47. tab. 8. pg. l . Found early in the ipnng in frcfh earth. "Tail unarmed, and fkips very weakly, - *Atnhulans. White with a bifid extended tail. Inhabits E.wope, ampnjj Mofs, Degeer, JitJ,. 7. fab. 3./. 5. Monura. INSECTS. APTERA ho. Podara. 691 Monura, Whitifh with an undivided conic tail. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aufl.p. 497, n. lOiS. Found with the laft which it rcfembles, but is Icfs. Back with a browni/h line running down it, Rufefcens. Reddifh-yellow, villous ; eyes black : fork whitifh. Inhabits ^«/?n^. IVuIfen. Schr, Natutf- Gef. ^. p.2>^. Found among ftones. Botiy linear round with a fubglobular infle<5led head : thorax narrow : antennae half as long as the body, of 4 articulations. Vindis, Subcylindrical, yellow-green with black eyes. Inhabits Nor--way. Mull 7.ceL Dan. 2161, Motitans, Long, red with an extended tail ; antennae and legs hya- line. Inhabits Denmark. Mnll, Zooi. Dan. zi6g, yyl'vatica. Cylindrical, grey-brown : tail pointed and unarmed. Inhabits weeds o{ Denmark, Mull. Zool. Dan. Z170. Fcmoraltsi Qblong, cinereous ; tip of the antenn.-e and legs white : tail fulphiir. Inhabits Denmark. Mull. Zool. Dan. 217I. Aquatilis. Cylindrical, yellowifh with black eyes back and fides of the abdomen. Inhabits Denmark. Mull. Zool, Dan. ziyz, Cryjlallina Bod y e n t i rel y h y al i ne . Inhabits Dtv.v;;^;-^. Mull. Zool. Dan. 3173. Longicornis Cylindrical, yellowifli ; antenna: as long as the body and with the legs cinereous. Inhabits Dir.mark. Mull, Z^ol. Dan. 2174. Palustris. Yellow ifli with black eyes and line down the back ; fork white. Inhabits Denmark. Mull. Zool. Dan. 2 1 75. Lanuginofa Silvcry-gilt covered above with blue wool : antenn;e re- curved. \t\\lk)\X.i Denmark. Mull. Ztol. Dat:. 3176. Crafficernis Dull blue, cylindrical and growing thicker towards the tail : antennx thick. ln\\dh.\is Denmark, Mull. Zool. Dan. tx'j'j. 4 "^ 2 Humldaa 692 INSECTS. APTERA. in. Termcs. Humicola, Bluc-brown : antennas (hort thick : body cylindrical and growing thicker towards the tail. \n\\ihit% Greenland, Fabr, Fn, Groenl. p. 212. ». 179. Mamma. Blueifh-black with a whitiQi abdomen: body nearly round and growing thicker towards the tail. Inhabits Greenland. Stroem, Ad. Hafn.o. p, i^%z. tah. 5, ? 111. TERMES. Mouth mih 2 horny jaws: lip horny, 4-cleft, the divifions linear and acute ; feelers 4, equal fihform ; eyes 2. Thefe infefts might with equal propriety be arranged under the Order h'europtera or Uymencptera ; moil: of ihem having either 2 or 4 wings in the perfect llatc. Tattle. A. Antenna monilijorm. Body above brown : thorax with 3 fegments ; wings pale with a teftaceous rib. White-ant. PInloft Travfail.Vol. yi.part.i. tab, \0, fig. l. 2. 3. Degeer. InJ. 7, tab. ■i^-j . fig, 1. 2, 3. forj/i. Ann. tab, 25. Ji^r, A. The animals of this extraordinary community, far exceeding in wifdom and policy the Bee, the Ant or Beaver, arc inhabitans of Eafs Indiay Africa and Sovth America. They build pyra- midal ftru/;7/^«««f of 5 arliculations : abdomen \izny heWxnd. 'Ricivoides. Abdomen orbicuiar with a white line: fcutel 3-lobcdr fucker white. Inhabits America, and gets into the legs of the naked inhabitants, where it draws blood and depoficin* its eggs in the wound, occafions foul and malignant ulcers. Body reddifli ; fucker armed with fmall hooks beneath. Suis. Found on the bodies of Swine. Fn. Suec, 1 942, Porcelli, Found on the body of the Cavia Cobaya or Guinea-pig. Fn. Suec. 1943. Cameli, 696 INSECTS. APTERA. 112. Pcdiculus. CamelL Head prqje6ling pointed: body ferruginous abdomen ovate. On the "Camel. Red. Exp. tab. 2Z. Oper. tab, 254 Cervt. Oti the Stag and Deer. Redi, Expt tab. 5. Frifch, Inf. 12. tab. 5. * OwV. On the body of the Sheep. Redi. Exper. tab, zi. fig% i. Bubalu Ycllowifh with dufky-brown ftreaks: abdomen with 10 conic marginal tubercles. On the Buffalo. Degeer. Inj. 7. tab. i.Jig. 11, 12. *Bovis. Abdomen with 8 tranfverfe ferruginous lines. On the bodies of Cattle. *Vituli. Abdomen lead-colour and pointed at the end. On the bodies of Heifers and Cattle, *EquU On the body of the Horfe. * Armi, Head projefting obtufe : abdomeii ovate brown: legs cheliform. Jlhin. Aran, tab. "J^.fg. 5 1. Red. Exp, tab. 22./^. I, On the body of the Afs. yulturis. Oblong; abdomen brown with 2 yellowlih lines. Inhabits Eaji India, on the Vulture: large. Head flat yellowifh with black margins: thorax ycllowifh with a black margin and dorlal line. *Tinnunculi Head arrow-fhaped and mucronate each fide behind. Alhin. Aran. tab. 43. Redi Exper. tab, 13. On the Falco tinaunculus or Kcftril. • Buteonis. Abdomen margined, the fegments with 2 impreiTed dots each fide. On the Falco Buteo, or Buzzard. Head brown: thorax fmooth with 3 black lines; abdomrn oVAti. StHgis4 Abdomen ovate white edged with red: legs red. On various fpccics ot the Strix and Falco. • Csivii Abdomen ovate with a ftriate margin. Degeer Inf. 7. tab, ^.fig, II. Red, Exp. tab, iS.fg. z, Oa Viriaus fp ecies of Crow. INSECTS. APTERA. 112. Pcdiculus. 697 €ornicis, Abdofnen ovate pale, with lateral black: fpots in which is a wlnte pupil. On the common crow, Infaufii. Thorax narrow ; abJomen ovate pale diaphanous. On the Corvus infiutlus. * PiciT. Head obtufe brown with 4 black dots- j^/'>i/i Aran tab. 76. Tig 45, Re '. Exp. tab. 5. On the Corvus Pica or Magpie. Oriol'i. White with a brown line on the abdomen. On the Roller and O'iole. *Cuatli, Abdomen oblong whitifli with brown bands. On the Cuculus canorus or Cuckovv, CygnL Head emarginate: abdomen ovate, the margin ftriate with black. On the Swan. Albin. Aran. 76. tab, 58, * Anjerh. Filiform ; pale, the margin dotted with black. Albin. Aran tab. 76. fig, qg, Red. Exp. tab. 10. On the wild and tame Goofe. Uofchata. On the Anas mofchata or Mufcovy duck. Redi Exftr. tab, (). J'g. I. jerque- O" the Anas querquedula or Garganey. <^utae. Redi Ex per. tab. 12. Mergi, Whiiifh with ayellowiOi head: body long. , Oa the Mergus ferrator, Degeer. Inf. 7. tab.^.fg. 13. Procellaria Long, filiform, brown with pale lej;s. Inhabits Brafd, on the Procellarla or K-trel. Vagelli. Ovate, pale : thorax with 2 biovvn lines. On the Proccliaria glaciahs ; large. Dlomedac. Head obtufe; body white: fides of the abdomen bhck. Inhabits BMRl^ on the Diomedcn or Albatrois. 7/iW obtufe rounded entire whitiiTi with a blacki/h fore m'.r^in: abdomen flightly Icbed, white with broad black fides : ksi while. ^ VOL.in.~4T ^Uern^. 698 INSECTS. APTERA. 112. Pediculus.. •Sternae. Head triangular: abdomen ovate pale, the back longitudi- nally bUckifh. Degeer.'inf, 7. tab. i,. fig. 12. Recti Exp. tub. (^. fig. 2. On various fpccies of the Tern and Gull. Ylatakae, On the Platalea leucorodia or Spoon-bill. Ardeae. On various fpccies of the Crane. ■Redi Exfer, tab. 6. Gruh. Abdomen fubclavate pale with fnowy fpiraclcs. Red Exper. tab 3 Rtd Oper. tab, 19. hri/ch. 5. tab, 4. On Storks and Herons Ciconiae, Long, filiform: abdomen white the fides dotted with black. Or StOi ks. Frif.h. Inf. 8. tab. 6. * CharaJrii Q^ the Charadrius pluvialis or Golden Plover. Redt Exper. tab, g. Fulicae. On the Fulica atra or common Coot. Redi Exper, tab. 4. •Recur. Oblong, brown with a triangular grooved head. vircjirae. q^ j-^e Recurvirollra or Avocet. *H^matopi Glaucous; thorax very narrow: abdomen ovate with pale incifures. On the Hxmatopus oftraleg^is or Sea-pie. *P^ms. Head globular and very large: body ftriate with pale and brown. On the Peacock. Jlhin. Aran. 76. tab. 47. Redi Exper. tab. 15. Fri/ch. InJ.tab. 3. fig. 0. * Meka- Yiezd triangular obtufe : abdomen ovate grey. gndis. ^j^ jl^g Turkey. Fri/cb. Inf. 8. tab. 4.. * GaUinae. Thorax and head mucronate each fide. Oil Poultry : is deilroyed by pepper. PhaRanl. Head ovate large : abdomen globular obtufr. On the Phearauc. Redi Oper. i • * Cepor.iit INSECTS. APTERA: ii2. Pediculus. 699 *Cap9nls. Abdomen edged with black. Redi Exp. tab. 1 6. Rg. l. Frijch. Inf. II. tab, 24. On common Poultry. Tetraonis. On the Tetrao Tetrix or Black-game. Re^'ii Exper. tab, 14, Lagopt. Q^ ^^^ Tetrao lagopus <5x Ptarmigan. *Coiumhae. gody nliform, ferruginous and clavate behind.. ^Ibin iran. tab. 43. Redi Exp. tab. 2._y%. I. On thfc common Pigeon. •Jr«^ma;, penetrating into the ficin of the inhabitants, vvhere it lodges its eggs and caufos malignant .Bi often fatal ulcers. Botiy reddifii-bro\\ n : dhdomen of the female when gravid, orbi- cular and Iwollen to near an 100 times its ufual fize. J 14'. ACARUS. Mm£/A without probofcis; the lacker with a c_yhndrical 2-valved ihcatli : feelers 2 compreficd and as long as the flicker; eyes 2, placed on the fides of the head: legs 8. Tick. A. Anicmia fliform, rejeuihling legs. Eleibauti- Orbicular dcprelTcd, livid with an ovate black fpot at the trus. bafe. Inhabits India. Schrarck. Beylr. izS.tab. 6. fig. 14, 15. P /.• Ovate, a litt'e deprclTed, olive-brown with very fine curvod i^rc^us. Aria;: fculel blackilh with a coppery- gold bafe and tip. Pallas S{icJl. Zool. 9. /. 43. tab. 3. _/V. i 2 . Inhabits animals oi'Soaib America : very larg'^. Probably a mere variety of the lall. *Rtcii!us. Globular ovate livid with a round brov.n fpot at the bafe. Dog-iklc. Cn Dc;gs. Dtgccr. Irf. 7. tJj. ^. fg. 16, 17. Rcdu^Jt- «o2 INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acanis. *^ei/ux-ius. Oval fiat livid with a round brown fpot at the bafc. On Dogs and Cattle. Degeer. Inf. 7. tah, 6. figrit 2. FaWfes. Oval brown : antennae and legs pale. Inhabits Kiel ; fize of A. Ricinus. Hi/panus. Oval, black ; legs ferruginous with white joints. Inhabits Barbary; larger than A. fanguifagus. Sangui/ugus Oval, flat, black : abdomen ferruginous : antenna; cla- vatc. , Inhabits Nancay; on Man and various animals. Hea^ fmall round glolfy-black : fucker fhort fubulate : antennae as long as the fackcr, the laft joint ovate : thorax black with a whitifh margin and rounded behind. Refexus. Oval deprefled pale with a reflefted margin, and darker on the dilk. Inhabits Italy. Z)//^' unequally browner, jEgvptius, Oboval black, with ?i white margin. Inhabits Egypt. Undafus. Orbicular black, the fides unequally white with a black dot. Inhabits Ke-M Holland. Mufeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head A\x\\ ferruginous : trunk ys.\\oW\^ : body above black with a white fpot in the middle : legs reddifh, J . r ^.£. Oval brown with a thickened maa'gin. - Pr -f- ' Inhabits Germany, fmall, Marginatus Oblong depreflTed brown with a white margin. Inhabits France: fmall, with an elevated margin, Iguanae. Oval flat rufous with gold fpots : margin of the abdomen with crenate ftrise. Inhabits America, on the gular pouch of the Iguana, Auratus, Orbicular, flattifli, with gold fpots : body with numerous impreifed dots above : abdomen flightly crenated, Naturalifs Mijcellanv. iv. tab. 128. Found on the Coluber Naja. Body pale grecnifh-brovvn with minute black impreffed fpccks : edge of the abdomen flightly indented. Rhombeatus INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acarus. 703 Rhombeatus Roundifh, brown with a flightly crenate margin : thorax each fide with a large rhombic laterally diffraded whitifh fpot fpeckled with brown. Ntiturfllifs Mifcellany. ix. tab^ 335. Found on a large Serpent in the Britilh Mufcum. *Lepiiiop- Ovate fubferruginous with clavate briftle* on the body and terorum. thighs : legs long fetiform. Natur. Mi/cellany. vi. tab. 187. Found on the lower furface of the wings of a moth. About the fize of A. Sifo. Bodj oval deprefled and pointed for- wards ; feelers very thick terminated by a long incurved claw and furrounded with briftles. Cayennenfis Oval, flat varied with grey and white, the hind-margia with lo raifed lines. Inhibits Cayenne; fize of A. aegyptius. Trunk flat and witli the antenna grey ; legs grey, Lineatus. Oval, ferruginous with 2 white waved lines, Inhibit? America; fize of the laft. Body punfturcd : legs with white joints. 4ureolatus Ovate, brown with 2 green-gold lines and palmate fpot be- hind. Inhabits America. Pall. Spic. Zool. 9. tab. Z-fg. 10. Holjatus. Oval flat ferruginous with a brown thorax. Inhabits AVtV; fize of the former ones, itfjj dulky. Reticulatus Oval ferruginous, fubreticulate with white lines. Inhabits France. Margin a little elevated and ftriate, Indus. Oval ferruginous with an oval black fpot at the bafe. Inhabits India: longer than A. Ricinus. Jmericanus Oboval reddifh with white fcutel and joints of the legs. Inhabits -r^//;Vr/V«, on Cattle. Degeer, j,tab. ^J./'g. 9. 10. Vibrans^ Roundifh, teftac?ogs immaculate : fore-legs very long. Inhabits Cayenne; minute. •Crfijipes, Second pair of legs vry lor 5. Sck-cn:ck, Beytr. 123. 33, /=. 6./^. 4. Inhabits Europe, In gardens and is gregarious, *re/per^ 704. INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acarus. *Vefperti-- Thorax angular cruciate ; legs furnilhed with cliws and as honis, long :i? the body. On the ejinmon Bit. Fnfi.h, Inf. 7. tab, 7. •Paferims Third pair of thighs very "^hick. Baker. Micr. tab. 14. Dcgeer. hif. j.tah. d^ftg. 12. Oti vorious fpecies of 5parrow. Motatorius Yellow : firft pair of legs very lon^ anil in coatinual agi- tation. Found on Fungi. Schranch. Ecytr. 8. tab. i.fg, 8, 9. *Coleoptra- Black with angular fharp fides. tus. Under the bark of trees. Degeer. 7. tab. 8._y%. 6. Jifhidiodes Red: firft pair of legs formed for running ; abdomen 2- horned behind. In old wood; Schranck.Beytr. tab. i.fg. 33, 34. *rdarius Reddifti-hyaline with a brown fpol each fide the abdomen. Degeer. Inf. 7. tab. j,fg, 20— 2 r. Schranck. Beytr. 35. tab, \ fg. 31—33. Inhabits Europe, and fpins a web on rhe bark of trees, from the top to the bottom of the trunk, which being difperfcd by the winds, covers the fields with innumerable threads. *Siro, Whitifti with ferruginous head and thighs : abdomen brifily. Degeer. inj. j^tab. ^.fg. 15, Binam. Micr. fg. 112. Leu^enk. Epili. yy. tab. 370. /j-. 9, 10. In chcefe and meal which has been kept 100 long. White with 2 brown fpots; body ovate, contrafted in the middle : legs equal, Inhabits Europe, in houfes. Degeer. hf. 7; tab. 5, ;fo-. 1—4. This is perhaps only a variety of the lalt. ^Zcabiel, VVhite with reddilh legs, the 4 hind-ones with a verv Ion? ^''^'^- Itcb-infJ. Baker.Microfc.p. K^'^^tab. i^./g. 2. a, b, c. Degeer Inf. 7. tab. ^.fg. i 2. I 3! Ri-vin: prur. I 8. /%. A, B. l^ound m the fmall pellucid veficles with which the hands and joints ofperfons infefted with the Itch dre covered. It an- pears to he the caufeof the diforder, and occaiions its being iu highly infectious. A. exulcerans ot Linne is the fame animalcule. *Lactli "^Domeiticus INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acarus. 705 Laait, Abdomen ovate obtufe with 4 declined briflks as long as the body on the hind- part. Found in Cream which has been kept too long, and in milk-pails which are not kept properly clean. Body hyaline : propo/cii and le^s teltaceous. t>yfinterua Legs with 2 bridles : abdomen ovate with 4 horizontal briltles as long as the body. Found in wooden vats where beer has been kept. *Genicula. Black : joints of the thighs fubglobular. '«'^' On the dead branches of Trees. Schr. ^eytr. tab. 6./. 9, i o. *^''''^''*'''' Abdomen didended, red with darker fides. SthacJ. Icon. tab. 27. fig, i. Schranck. Beytri tab. i. f!g. 30. On Guofeoerrics Currant; and Plumbs. Thorax vvi:h a bro'.vn dot each fide. Ziprae. Roundifh and whitifh with a rufous abdomen, OiiFuciin the AVia'cy Seas: fmall. Head and thorax whitilh : ahdomeii red : legs white. •Mu/carum Abdomen rufous : hind^legs very long and filiform. On Flies. Degeer. hi/, y.tab. J.fg. i. Batatas. Rather rough and red : fore-legs as long as the body. Inhabits America, on the Potatoe, *Gymnop. Abdomen red with 2 fcarlet fpots each fide terorum. Degeer. Inf 7. tab. -j.fg. 9 Reaum. 5, tab. i%,fg, i-,. Found on Bees. Wafps and Afili. 0 j s, t) 01 urn, Dom-vun.\. tub. ii. Frich. Inf. j\.. tab. \o. Roes. Inf. 4. tab. 1. fig. 10—15. Degeer. 7. tab. 6. fig. ir. On the bodies of venous Ipecics of Beetle. " Carahcrum Hyaline yellowifh with an elevated chefnut fpot on th© back. Inhubits K.ei. on the bodies ofCarabi. Body fmali ; antennae and legs darker, * Phalangii Ovale, red: trunks projedting .• legs long. On ilie bodies of Spiae.-s. Degeer, Uj. j.tcb. 7./-. 5, VOL. in.— 4 U ?haetoni,» 7o6 INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acarus. Pheeionis, Ovate and pointed behind : legs fafciculate at the tip. In the muleurn of 5ir J of. Banks, lig.ptct. Inhabits the SouthernOcean, on the Tropic- bird, *Rupef!rlst Brown with a 2-coloured dorfal line. Inhabits Europe. Schranck. Beytr. ().tab, i.fig. II, 12. Body brown with a line down the back which is fomctimes red and fometimes white, but generally whitilh on the upper half and red behind, *Longic6r' Red: antennae bifid and longer than the fucker. Inhabits Europe^ among Hones. Barkut. Irij.tab. 1 8. Gen, 6, Body oblong with a (hi rp- pointed head and fnout: antennae for- ked at the end, the inner diviiion fhorter. Oval red with a projedling fubulate fnout. Found on the Sea-fhore among lloaes. Antenna 4-jointeci filiform : abdomen with a fevT imprefled dots each fide, Furortpn, pjj]g yj\[\y 2 flexuous black lines : hind-legs tery fhort in- curved. Inhabits the Norway Seas, on Fuci, *Fungorum Reddifh-brown : abdomen fubglobular immaculate. On Fungi. Schranck. Beytr, 127- tab. t. fig. 11, 12. ^remelU, -g^^ fubglobular bluei(h-black. Found on the Tremslla juniper ina, C 7' ' * Red with a double brown dorfal line which is forked pn the, fore-part. Found on the WiUova ^ and is very nimble. Croceus. Fulvous with a rufous dot at the fides of the thorax. Found on protuberances of the Wil/oiv. Ambulanti. Abdomen crenate behind: fcutel ovate fubfulvous : fucker 3-parted. lutebucu. Marcgr. Bras. 245. Inhabits America, and is very troublefome to the natives, by get- ting into their legs and caufing painful itchings. fore-legi armed with Ihort fpines. 'Scabert Cinereous deprefied with rough fides. Fonnd early in thefpring on the ground, Fn, SueCt 1998. ». Bufipes INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acariis. 707 Rufpes. Ovate white, the fore-part cruflaceous and ferruginous: legs ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p, 1 36. w. 231. Licbenis, Y\t^ and fourth pair of legs very long, fecond pair very thick. Schranck. Inf. Austr, p. 510. n. 1048. Found on the under furface of the Lichen canhius. Leueurus. Second pair of legs very thick : body teftaceous vnth a pj- ler tail. On dead bodies, Schranck,Just.p, 510. «. 1050, Loctijla, ^^jy ^^jjj^ ^ bridles behind and as many at the fides. On the Parus ccerulcus, Scranck. Just. p. 510. «. 1050. Cvifirvae Ovate brown ; fecond joint of the legs very fmall, third ar- med with a long briftle at the tip. Schranck. Inf, Just. p. 5 1 1 . «. 1054. Found on the filaments of the Conferva, under water, and pe- rifhes when taken into the air, CaJan/erum ^qJ^ nearly 2-lobed, with 4 biiftles behind longer than the body, in the carcafie^of Infedls. Schr. Aust.n. 1055. ■destructor Qvate with numerous long briftles at the tail and one at each of the feet. Schranck. Inf. Au.'t. p 5 1 2. n. 1 05 7. Found in the bodies of Infe6ls and other fubjefts of Natural Hiftory which are kept in too moiil a place : is more deftruc- tive to Mufeums than even the Ptinus Fur, and not vifiblc to the naked eye. Eruditus, Yii?i. pair of legs very thick and chelate, fecond pair very long with 2 brillles at the .ip. Schranck. Inf. Ausf.p 513.;/. IO58. Found in book? kept \n d.^mp plsces, particulary about the backs, where the ihcets h;ve been glued t >gcther : is very injurious and not vifible witUout the help or a glaic, Ma-jJae. Tail cmarginate behind. On the Alauua arveniis. Schr. A'st, p. 515. n. ig6o. Gramixum, Rufous: firft pair of legs very long : abdomen crenate be- hind. 4 U 2 Schr, 7o8 INSECTS. APTERA. 114. Acarus. Schr. Inf. Just. /I. 5 I 5 , ». 1 06 1 . On the leaves of Plants, which it covers with fraall {pots, ppen icu- Subglobular, fcarlet with long paler legs, the hind-oneS longer. On the Lichen pulmonarius. Scr. Aust, «. 1065. yitis. Ovate red brillly: legs equal, wiih a fc\^ fcattercd bri- ftles. On the Vine. Schranck Inf. Just, p. 519, n. 1067. Pig''"' Red with paler legs; abdomen with fhort black bridles behind. On Mofs. Schranck. Aust. p. ^ig, n. 1068, Denticula- Body with 4 teeth on the fore-part, ^„j. Schranck In). Aust ^ p. 520, «. 1070, Found among potted Ortolans. ^estudina- Abdomen nearly fmoothand globular when in motion. riui. On the ground. Schranck Inf. Just. p. 520. 1072. Rubens. R^d : ovate-oblong; legs nearly equal. On Mofs. Schranck I nj. Just. p. ^zo. n. 1073, Praegnans Red globular and quite fmooth : legs paler, the fore-ones longer. In fre/h earth. Schramk. Inf. Just^ p. ^Zl, n. 1074. Mufci, H6rny, black, hairy. On 'Mo(i;. Schranck Just, p. 521. ». 1075. Limacumt Found on the Helix pomatia or Snail. Schranck Inf. Just. p. 5 21- «. 1076. Fohorum, Ovate, hyaline, naked : all the legs equal. On the leaves of trees. Schranck AuSt. p. 521. «. 1078. Futrefcen- Oval, hyaline briftly : legs nearly equal* t'ac^ jj^ garden Mould. Schranck Justr. p. ^Zl, n. 1079, Ca^ducils, Ovate, fubhyaline, blackifh, naked : legs nearly equal and inflated. On the Fringilla carduclis. Schranck Aujl, p. 522. n, icSo. Coccincus Ovate, fcarlet : body unarmed. On Infecis. SchrancL Just. p. ^zz. n. 1082. Legs generally 6, long fJiforni. Vegetans. INSECTS. APTERA. 115. Hydrachna. 709 Vegetans. Crudaceous, brown, margined, convex and flat befteath. On coleopccrus Inledts. Scranck Auit.p. 524. n, 1084, ^gj with paler legs and feelers: body and legs covered with longifh briflies. Bchrnnck AuM. p 524. ». 1085. On the leaves of the Sambucus nigra ; flow. Acarorum. Hemifphxrical, pale, glabrous with equal legs. On the Acarus craffipes. Schrauck. Aua. p. 524 k. 1 087. Cardimlh. Qvate pubefcent red, black beneath between the legs : fcM- tel ovate black. Qn Mofs. PalL Spia7. Zoo'. 9./). 44. 13, Antetjnae fetaceous. Trombldium. TinBorius, Abdomen hairy red and obti.fe behind : fore-flianks paler. Pallas /pic il. Zool. fafc. g, tab. ■:,. fig, i\^ Body very hairy and red, but turns white when nrcfcrved in fpi- ntsofwinc. *nclo/ence. Qvate, red, deprelTed, filky, and retiife behind. nFTiY' V '"^^ ^•■^^- ''' '3. List. Aran. fig. 38. Blavklnf.tab. i^y,fig.\, Roef. Inf 4,^ tab. i%. inhabits Lurope and America, on dry foil. •Aruaticus Qvatc, red, deprelfed, downy, obtufe behind Deyeer. Inf. tab. g,Jig. 3, 4. Frirch. Uf. 8. tab. 3. Ecef. Inf. 3. tab. 25. Sulz^hif. tab. zz.fig,i^^. Inhabits Europe, in frcfh waters, and fwims very nimbly. llo. HYDRACHNA. Head, thorax and abdomen united : feelers 2, jointed : eyes 'J--6 : legs 8, riliatc and ' formed for fwinnning. Thcfe arc inhabitants of the Water, and fwim with great veloci- ty, they prey on the larva; of Tipulae and Monoculi • the egsszre red and at the firft fph^erical, but afterwards become lemimnar; /ar-va 6-footed and furnifhed with a fingularpro- A. Eyes 2 : body tailed,, "^Ghbator. ^lo INSECTS. APTERA. 115, Hydrachna. * Globaior. Body globular with red eyes. Muiler Hydrach. 27. tah. l.fig' I — 5. Found plentifully in ftagnant waters. Male greenifh fpotted : female blueifh immaculate and twice as Ivge. tabulator. Globular, yellowifli with a fpotted difk: tail cylindrical equal. In ftagnant watfer. Mull. Hydy. 29. tah. 2. Hg. 6. Buccinattr Obovate red, and black behind; tail cylindrical yellow and narrowed at the bale. In Banks. Mull. Hydrach. 30. tab. "if.fig. I. ^/)^ beneath black : eyes reddilh: legs black. Cufpidaior. Brown ; truncate before and mucronate behind : tail dc- prefTed 2-toothed. In Fifliponds. Mull. Hydrach. 31. tah. z.fg. 4. Body deprefTed and broa-dilh on the fore-part, behind narrowed and armed with an ereft triangular fpinc ; eyes black: legi pale, ■ Pu/lulator. Gibbous, red; tail deprefTed, with obtufe angles. In grafly ftreams. Mull. Hydr. 32. tab. ^./ig. 3. Body fmooth and generally covered with vorticelli. Albator, Roimded, grey with a white diflc : tail deprefTed 3-toothed. In Filhponds. Mull. Hydrachn. 33. tab» z.fg. i, 2. Maculator Rounded, cinereous, fpotted and mucronate behind : tail deprelled 3-toothed. In ditches. Mall Hydrach. 34. tab, z.fg. 3» Bread whitifh : legs green. T-icv/tida- Rc^ ^^^^ ^ triple gibbofity on the back: tail deprefTed 3- \or. toothed. In pools. Mull, Hydrach. 34. tab. ^.fig. 2. "Body fubreticulate : hreafi blackifh : feelers and legs whitifti: Fvar^inz- ^^^ ^^*^ ^ gibbous back : tail deprefTed emarginate. " * " In Bogs. Mull., Hydrachn. ^4.. tab. 3. fig. 4. Refembles H. puftulator. Feelers and legs greenifli. Grey; the back yellowifh on the fore-part and tri-punftured behind : tail deprefTed finuate. In ftagnant ,vater. Mull. Hydrach. 37. tah 2.fg. 5. Body reticulate ; feelers and legs white. hitegrator. tor. Sinuator. INSECTS. APTERA 115. Hydrachna. 7ri Inte^rater Green immaculate with a dcprcflcd entire tail. In Ditches. Mull. Hydruchn- 38. tab. 3. fig. 7. Body roundifh-oval, depreffed and contradled behind: breaji yellowilh : legs hyaline. Papillatort Rounded, purple with an cxcrefcence each fide the tail: legs black. ' In wet meadows. Mull. Hydrachn, 39, tab, 3. fg, 6. B. Eyei 2 : back marked with a fork, Craftpes. Obovate ; black, the difk black with a reddifh fork: tail papillous : fore-legs thick. In ditches. Mull. Hydrachn, 41. tab. 4. fig. i, 2. Body pellucid with a white breaft : legs 3 or 4 times as long as the body. CroJJlpesi Nearly fquare, white with 3 fpots and a rufous fork : fore- \ legs thick. In fiih- ponds. Mull. Hydrachn. 43, tab. ^. Jig, 3- Body pellucid glabrous : legs twice as long as the body^ Clofvicornis Obovate rufous with a yellow fork : feelers clavate : legs pale. In Ponds. Mull. Hydrachn, 44. ;/. 1 5. Eyes black: /eelers and legs white,, Spinipess^ Oval, greenifh-yellow with 8 dots and a rufous fork : legs fpinous. In Pools. Mull. Hfdrachn. 45. tab. if. fig. 5.6. Body polifhed, with black eyes breaft legs and dots on the back. Longicornis Nearly fquare, white with 5 brown fpots and a rufous fork: feelers long In Rivulets. MuU, Hpdrachn. 47. tab. 4. fig. 4, Vernalii. Oval, greenilh with a deeper difk and rufous fork. In overflown Meadows. Mull Hydrachn. 48 tab. 5. fig. I. Has the appearance of a grey dot wnti extended white legs. Lunipes, Qval, white, fpotted, with a clear white fork: fourth joint of the hind- legs lunate In ditches. Mull, Hydrachn. 49. tab. 1^. fig. 5, 6, Bodj pellucid with large eyes : tueiers and legs pale. Trijur* 712 INSECTS. APTERA. 115. Hydracbna. Tri/urcalij Oval, whitilh with a brown back and triple filvcry fork. In wet Meadows. Mull. Hydrachn. 50 tab. ^,/^. 2. Feelers ending in a claw and with the legs paic greenifh-white : eyes black : abdomen beneath fometimcs brown with a white line. Orhicularis pepreired, orbicular, pale yellow with black fpots on the diik and a nuous fork. In fords of Rivers. MuJ. Hydrachn. 51. tab. 5.7%. 3, 4. Eyei black ; ie^i white. Ste/Uris, Globular, blue with a cinereous back and ftcllate fork. In banks of Rivulets. Mull Hrdracbu. 52 tab 6. yf^, 3. Body reticulate : legs hardly longer thaa the body. Ovalis, Ovate comprefled, greenifh and flattifh above, carinatc and yellow-brown beneath: feelers placed beneath. In overflown Meaduws. Mu'L Hydrichfi, 53. tab. 10. Jig. 3,4. Eytfs and le^s bUck : feelers placed beneath the legs. EUiptica. Rounded, blue with fulvous fpots arul dots. In Rivulets. MuU. Hydrachu. 54. tab.j.fg. I, 2.' Eyes black : legs white; bread, tail ini^ hind margin yellowifli. Qrbiculata Deprefled, orbicular, violet with a white fpot and circle. In muddy ditciies. Mull, hhdrachn. 55. tab. "J.pg. 3, 4. Breaft fulvous with a greenifh tip : feelers and legs whitifh : eyes black. Lugubris. Globular brownilli with black ftreaks: legs green. In Bogs. MulL Hydrachn. 57. tab. -J, Jig. 5. Eyes black : feelers green. , ' Truncatella Grey, oblong, truncate behind with dufky dots and lirjes. InMarfhes. Mull. Hydrachn. 57. tab. J,fg. 6. Eyes black : feelers white. C. Eyes 2: body glabrous* Defpiifens, Rounded, red with numerous fpots: eyes placed beneath. In Ditches. MulL Hydrachn. 58. tab. 6. fig. 8. J5o^ flightly deprefTcd thick and wrinkled: tyes blackidi.- legs pals yellow. I Geogra-. INSECTS. APTERA. 115. Hydrachna. 713 Geoora- Spherical, black with 4 fcarlet fpots and dots. fhica. In Ditches. Mu//. IJ^drachn. 59. tab. 8. fig, 3 — 5. The largclt and moft beautiful of its genus. Eyes, feelers and laft joint of the legs red. 2. feelers black. Reef, Inf. 3. tab' i\,fig. 6, 2. Ahfergens, Globular, carmine immaculate with black legs. In ftagnant Water, hlull. Hydrachn. p. 61. n. 30, Roef Inf. 3. tab. 24. Body with black lines benca,th eyes ix\.d.Jeelers black, ExtendeHs, Rounded, red : hind-legs contrafted. In ditches. Mull. Hydrachu, 62. tab. ^' fg' 4. Cruenta, Diftended, red : legs equal. In wet Meadows, Midi. Hydrachn. 63. tab. <^tfig» I. Eyes red : feelers pubelccnt. Impreffa. Diftended, red with imprcffed dots : feelers fhort. In Marfhes. hlull. Hydrachn. 64. tab. 9 fig. 2. 2. Feelers long, hinll. Hydrachn. 64. tab. g-fg. 3. Lunaris, Oval, rufous with a black lunate fpot on the back. In Fifhponds. Mull. Hydrachn. 6^. tab. d.fg. T> 2. Eyes black J legs grey. liiiaceai Obovatc whitilh, the difk lilly-white with a black fpot each fide. In Fens. Mull. Hydmchn. 66. tab. q.fig. 5, 6. Feelers, legs and breaft pale, the latter (patted with black, O'vatar Obovate, grey-brown with a triangular fulvous fpot : le^ pale black. In ditches. Mull. Hydrachn. 68. tab. ^.fig. 7. 2. Back marked with a fulvous crofs; legs black; eyes ivA feelers black. Toryism Oval, yellowifh with lateral black fpots and red in the mid- dle : hind-ftianks lamellate. In Ditches. Mull Hydrachn. 69. tab. 6. fig. 4. ^ Ej/es b'lack : legs white. Stngntci Oblong, ycllowilli-green, the fore-part deprelTed with a blackilh ftreaks which unite behind. Near the banks of rivers. Mull. Hydrach. 71. tab. 10, fi^r. i, 2. Eyes black : feel^s and hs^s white. VOL. IU.-4 X Noaata. 714 INSECTS. APTERA. 115. Hydrachna. Nodata. Red, truncate before and Ipotted each fide: hind-legs knotty. In Dirches. Mull. Hydrachn. jz. tab. i.fig. 6. Eyes black : feelers annulate : legs yellowilh and longer than the body. Ob/oleia. Rounded, reddifh-brown with a double obfolete ftreak be- hind the eyes. ^ In moift woods. Mull. Hydrachn. 73. tab. 6.fg. 5- Eyes black ; feelers pellucid ; legs pale brownifti. Complanata Green, depreflTed and emarginate before with a white band in the middle. In Ditches. Mull. Hydrachn. 74. tab. 9,/^. 7, 8. Body elliptic ; eyes black : feelers and legs pellucid. Mufculus. Green, oval comprefled : above grooved, beneath carinate, InMarfhes. Mull. Hydrack. 75. tab. \o.fig. 5, 6. Varies in colour. Eyes black ; feelers white pellucid. Latipes. Oval, yellowifh and fpotted each fide : fourth joint of the hind-legs dilated. In Marlhes. Mull. Hydrachn. 76. tab, 8./^. 1, 2. Legs pale or blueifti tipt with brown, Verficolor. Nearly fquare with whitifh blue and brown fpots. In wet Meadows, Mull. Hydrach. "jj. tab. d.fg' 6. Body white, beneath brown with a yellowifh margin '.feekrs and legs white pellucid. V D. Eyes 4. Caicarea. Rounded, brown with a clear white diflc. In Marfhes. Mull. Hydrach. 78, tab. w.fg, 5, Eyes black : feelers pointed : legs pale pellucid, Fufcatn. Ovate, reddi(h-brown with a darker diflc and pale rutous fork. In muddy ditches. Mull. Hydrachn* 79. tab. 11. fig. 2. Body convex, fpotted on the back: eyes black: legs ^u6. feekrs I white pellucid. Undulata, Oval, pale yellow with flexuous black ftreaks. InMarfhes. Mull. Hydrachn. 80. tab. II. f, I. Body fubgbbuiar pellucid with black eyes, Maculata* INSECTS. APTERA. ii6. Phalanglum. 715 Maculaia. Oval, red with black fpots on the back. In Ditches. Mull. Uyarachn. 8l. tab. w.fig, 3. « Eyes black : legs pale yellow pellucid ; feelers palc yclIow and fometinies long romctimes fhort. E. Eyes 6. XJmhrata, Rounded red with numerous darker fpots. In marfhy woods. Mull. Hydrach. 82. tab. 1 1 . /. 6. Body glabrous, Aibdcprencd with 10 darker fpots above: eyes black : feelers ycllowifli at the tip ; legs /ellov\'. U(). PIIALANGIUM. Mouth with horny mandibles, the fecond joint with a very Iharp moveable cheliferous tooth ;y^t^/^r^ filiform; antennae 0: eyes 2 on the crown and 2 at the lides : legs 8 ; abdomen ger^- rally rounded. Thcfc in their various ftagc? of transformation prey on the fmallcr infedls and worni'.; tlic liirxia And pujia arc aftive 8-tooted and rsfeinble the perftd infe<5l. A. Mouth with a conic tubular fucHer, a. Feelers 4, the upper ones chelate. Nymphion. *Grojrtpes. Body minute cylindrical glabrous; {boulders tubcrculate : legs very long. InhihiU European Seas, Lin.lranf. v. p. J. Strcrnt. Sundm. 208. tah. ^. fig. »6. Body dirty red, very minute and flow: infmuates itfclf into the fhcUs of Mufcles and dcftroys the fifh. Birtunt. Body filiform hairy. Inhabits the Noyway Ocean; fize of thelaft. Body linear and Covered with hair: legs long hairy but fliartcr than thofe of the laft. Spittipes. Body cylindrical flender : legs very long and fpinous. Inhabits the Saas of Korijuay. Fab. Fn. Groen, p. 232. n. 211. 4X2 b. FeeUrs 7i6 INSECTS. APTERA. ii6. Phalangium- *Balaena- rum. Bicchr. Morio. *O0i b. Feelers 2. Pycnogonum, Feelers 2 : body ovate, red on the back. inhabits European Seas. Pennant. Br. Zcol. iv. tah, i^.fg. 7. Found under ftones. Sucker projeaing ftraight obtufe at the tip with a round perforation : feelers as long as the fucker and placed at its bafe : Ugs pointed. B. Mouth with out fucler. a. Feelers projeaing incurved. Phalangium. Body roundifh and black above : legs very long with tefla- ceous joints and tips. Inhabits Hel-uetia ; I^rge. Body beneath cinereous ; feelers cinereous ; tnandible: tip with black. Abdomen ovate black, beneath and bafe of the legs pale. Inhabits Ncrnvay, about rocks : larger than P. Opilio. Body with a waved paler lateral line above -.feelers biack : man- dibles pale : legs long rough. Abdomen ovate grey, beneath whitiHi. Lon^-l egged Spider. T'^eer.lnf. 7. tab. w.fig. I. Bradl Nat. tab z\.fig. 2. L.erk Aran, tab. t.fig, 10, 3, Bulz. tab. 22. fg. 140. Inhabits Europe and Jmtrka, and wander* about by night. *Cornutum Abdomen depreffed : mandible conic afcending: feelers refcmblinglcgs. C^offr.lrf. 2. tab. zo.fig. 6. Sulz. Inf. tab. z^.fg. 10. Degeer. Inf. J. tab. lO.fg. 12. ^chaeff. Icon, tab. 39. fig, 13. Inhabits Europet rcfembles the laft. Boay above grey-brown with a darker rhombic fpotin the middle: head with 2 crelled prominences, Biliueatum •^'^''' '^'^^ 2 black dotted dorfal lines. Inhabit- Seas of Isorvoay, on rocks. LegsW\i\\ darker ring?, the z firll pair much Ihorter thaa the o- ther:, dll the thighs tipt with black and armied with minute fpincs, Dtadema. Thorax with an elevated fpinous tubercle on the back. Inhabits Seas of Nor-xvay. The tubercle on the back fpinous at the tip and furniflied with a huge eye each fide. Carb:..vm Brown; abflomcn dcprelled carinate : fore-legs i -toothed before the tip. Intial-its INSECTS. APTERA. ii6. Phalangium. 717 Inhabits Drefden ; fize of P. Opilio. Legs moderate, the forcones refcmbling feelers : mandibles che. late black. "tim. '' ' Abd"f"en black with 2 white fpots. Inhabits England Domvan. EngL Infects, v. tab. \^6.f. 4..- Body very fmall ovate black with 2 white fpots : ahdomen {\ir. rounded with a very line fubmarginal white line: A-^j Jong Arttneoidts Chelae or daws toothed villous : bodyoblono-. P«//. 5;/V. Zoot 9. tab. 3. fig. 7—9. Pet. GazTtab. Sr.fig, g Inhiibus ihz Ci^pe or good hoj>e^ and fouthern f^ns oi Raffia. Its bite is extremely poifonous, occafioning livid tumours and fometJmes death. Bodj fofc livid woolly with inflated claws, *Cancroides Abdomen obovate deprefifed ferruginous chela; or claws ob- long hairy. Dononjon. 'w.tah. 215. Degser. 7. tab. l^.fig. 14. Seba. Muf. I. tab. JO. Roes. Inf. l^tab.b^. Inhabits Europe, in cellars and damp places, and is the little in- ieft which gets into our legs and under the ikin.caulinga pain' ful itching. o r - 2, Chelae ovate. Scorpio cimicoides. Fabr.W.t^ArS, Jraroidei. Abdomen cy.indrical yellowifli: chela orclawsovatc fmooth Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 7. tab. ^2. /ig. i, 2 Twice as large as the former. Its bite is fald to be extrmely pain- tul and dangerous. / t' '" b. Frelers thichfpinous and furnijhed with a claw at the th 1 arantula. t^' *Hiy/utum Feelers ferrate: body fuboval with 10 angles. Inhabits England. Linn.^ran/.v. p. 7. tab. z.fig. i, 2. Body oval, with 10 angks, and marked with a tranfvcrfe band near the centre : legs hairy; tail cylindrical obtufc : colour palifh-brown : length f of an inch. Betiforme. Feelers ferrate; forc-Iegs very long and filiform; thorax kidney-fhaped. Bro^n Ja'j:aica. p. 419. tab. 41. fig. 3. Blanc, inf. tab. IJ.fig. B. Pallfp,c. Zool, 9. tab. -i.fiy. , Inhabits South A?;ierica and its I (lands. ■» ^^ J» FeeUrs\^xl^ thick 4-jointed, the firft joint fhort and cylindrica refemhhng alip, 2, 3 ferrate with ipines at the mardn. lend- ing in a long claw. ^ Candatum „i8 INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranea. Caadatum. F eelers branched : tail ending in a briftle. Inhabits India. Pall. /pic. ZooL 9. tab. 7,. fig. I, z. Sulz^Inf.iah. 19. fig- H' Seba. MuJ. \. tab. jo./.g. 7,S. Lunatum. Feelers very long and fpinous at the tip : thorax kidney- fhaped. , i • /c Inhabits .^^rnVfl. Palh fpic.Zool. (). tab. 'i,,ftg, i^.t. _ Feelers 4, times as long as the body, fmooth except at the tip which is very fpinous. 117. ARANEA. Mouth with fliort horay ' jaws, the hp rounded at the tip: feelers 2, incurved, jointed and very fliarp at the end, thole of the male clavate : an- tennae 0: eyes 8, rarely 6: legs ^\ ab- domen ovate villous and furnilhed at the 'tip with tcxtorial papillae. ^ Spider. In every ftagc of their cxiftencc thefe dlfgufting animals prey with the moft favage ferocity upon all other inlefts they can overcome and even upon one another : from the papillae at the end of the abdomen they throw out at p^eafure a number ot fine threads, which they unite in various ways for the purpole of entranglin? their prey : they every year call oft their olB ckin, which i's performed by fufpending themfelves m loroe lo- iitary corner, and creeping out of it.The younger ones have the po«er of flight, and in the Autumn afcend the air to a great heigth ; to perform which, they probaMy afcend fome higH eminence, and are wafted about by the winds, filling the at- mofphere with their fine threads. They are infefted by the Sphex and Ichneumon. A. Eyes placed :::: •Extenja. Abdomen long filvery-greenifli : legs longitudinally exten- ded. ■ Inhabits Europe, in woods. Donovan y,tah, "k^^- fig- i. Lister Aran. pg. I. Ray. hf, ig, S- Head thorax ir\d legs reddifh : abdomen gveei>}ih down the back ; firrt pait of legs very long, third very Ihorr. Pa/lens, INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Arantea. 719 Pallsns. Pale teftaceous : mandibles ferruginous with black claws. ln\\7ih\tsA?n8yicanIJlands. Fair. Jpp.iv. p. ^6\. , -^ NeaJ large : aUomen ovate rounded : legs extended, the hrlt pair longer, third a little ihorter. LoUta, Abdomen ovate lobcd, white with double brown lines at the tip. , Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Palljpic Zool. 9. tab, 3./. 14, 15. Longimnna Ferruginous: abdomen long cylindrical brown: fore-legs very long. Inhabits Jamaica. Jaivs hooked. Forelegs very long, third pair very fhort. ^egia. Villous, cinereous with a yellow band on the front : legs - fpinous. Inhabits Tranquebar ; large. _ - Legt with numerous fharp black fpines placed in pairs. Virefcens, Green with a black cylindrical abdomen: fore-lcgs very long. Inhabits Zealand, ■ , Mandibles large greenifh with darker claws : head ana tfosrax greenilh j /egs long greenifli, the third pair fhorter. Cancriror- Abdomen globular gibbous, with 6 fpines round the mar- mis, giti' Inhabits Jamaica. Bro'ujn Jamaic. p. 419. tab. A-ir* fg- $' Sloan.Jam.2.tah.zn,<^.fg.^. SlaU. Microjc tab. i . Body black : abdomen large ferruginous with black dots, the mar- gin Ipinous all round. renatoria GlolTy-black with a blackilh hairy abdomen. Inhabits America- Broxvn Jam, />, 420. tab. ^\. fig- I* Sloan. Jam. 2. tab. zyy.fig.x.z, Merian. Sur. tab. I 8. Soins a large cylindrical web under ground which is covered ■ with a lid : its bite is very painful and frequently occahons fever and delirium, which is foon removed by a gentle iudo- I'ific. Thtrax with a black imprcffed lunule in the midale. 13 guttatx Black : abdomen rounded and fpotted with red. Inhabits Itah. Rcfs. Fn. Etrufc. 2, tab. 9 f^ \o.^ Its bite is faid to be very poifonous and it preys on Crickets wnicn it cncompaffes and entangles in a web, •Latets, 720 INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranea. *Latetts, Black ; abdomen greyifli with a black interrupted dorfal line. Inhabits England, and fecrets itself under a fmall web on the un- der furface of the leaves of plants; fmall. Head and thorax pubefcent black ; abdomen gibbous at the bafe, ovate and covered with cinereous down : legs black. Stgnata, GreenjiTi : fides of the thorax black : abdomen with 2 black lines. Inhabits ^.v/, in Voods : fmall. Head greenifh with a few black fperks: ahdomen globul r with a broad line co:npo!ed of 4. black ipots each iiue : a^i greca dotted with black, the fore-ones longer. Mactaxs. Abdomen ovate black with a fcarlet dorfal line. Inhabits America: fmall. Thorax and Ugs duflcy brown: 2. Abdomen with 2 pair of icarkt dots and tail, Cicurea. Pale red with a cinereous ovate abdom'en. Inhabits Germany. Punx Fn, Germ. 2. tab. 3. Small. Found in houfcs. Head and thorax glabrous rofy with a whitifh dorfal line : legs Ihort dufky. Bicornis, Yellow i fh : abdomen depreifed with 6 imprefled dots: head 2 horned. Inhabits Tranquehar, Head and thorax ycllowifh, the m:irgin a little clavate. and pro- jefting eich fide into a kmd of horn : margin of the abdomen a little elevated and brown : legs yellowifh, the lirll pair long. Ntgrita, Ctrnuta. Black; abdomen with 2 teftaceous dots beneath. Inhabits Saxowy; middlc-fized. Body black glabrous Ihining; legs pale at the tip. Brown : abdomen oval cylindrical, above yellowifh white with 4 pair of impreffed dots and 4 parallel grey lines behind. Inhabits America. PaU.fpic. Zool. 9, p. 44, tab, I. Jig. 13. ■ About the fize of a man's finger. Legs long : thorax truncate each fide and ending in 2 fmall horns behind. B. Eyes. INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranea, yar *CslohoJk, lUrrida, B. Eyes placed •:::» Black : abdomen globular with crimfon fides. Inhabits woods o[ Eurojie. Donovan, v. tai. 156,/f^. 2. Jo^ veryfmall : abiiomen with an intertupted whice band in the middle : Ugt black, the hind-ones longer. C. Eyes placed .••••• Abdomen nearly triangular, the tip truncate and obtufe : 4 fore-legs longer. Inhabits Germany, under the leaves of plants and has a retrograde motion .• is of a fingular formation. ^e^ brown ; fides of iht front a little raifed : thorax filvery on the back and furrounded with a white line : abdomen triangu- lar, narrower at the bafe, the tip much broader truncate and very retufe ; fides of the abdomen wrinkled : 4 fore-legs twice as long as the others and brown, the fhanks annulate with white ; hind-ones greenilb. 'Maxillo/a Ferruginous with a greenirti abdomen : legs pale mandi- bles large and projefting. Inhabits the Ifland 6'a»/a Cruz, Feelers long hairy pale with a brown club at the tip ; abdomen cylindrical : fore-legs longer. Smar*gdum Green ; abdomen paler with a green dorfal line at the la. Latrc, bafe. Inhabits France; large. Abdomen acute with a fquare black fpot beneath at the bafe; legs green, » Thorax villous cinereous : abdomen acute black with fer- ruginous fpots. Inhabits America; large. Mouth pale : abdomen ovate : legs black with pale thighs. *yiaticc» Brown with a roundifli flat obtufe abdomen : 4 hind-legs very fhort. Lifter, Aran, Jigt 29. Clerk, Aran, tab, 2. 6, fig, 9. Degeer, Ipf. 7. tab. iS. Jig. 2^. Schaeff. Icon. tab. iSg.fig. 7. Inhabits £«r<7/f, in gardens and meadows : fmall. '^Domfitca Abdomen ovate brown with 5 black and nearly contiguous fpots, the anterior ones larger. VOL. III.— a Y ClfA, ^j22 INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranea. CU-A. /iran. 76. tab. t.ftg. 9. Lifter, i^f), fig, 17. Degeer- hr. -J. tab. ^S/'i' *'• Inhabits Europe, very common in ho«f-k Aran. tab. x.fig.i. Spins its web on the ground. Rodf large brown .• ahdomenv^' riegated : leg: brown with black joints, Keticulau, Abdonien globular reticulate, above purplifh clouded with brown. Inhabits Europe, \n Gardens. Fn, Sute. 1994. *Cueiirht tina. Abdomen fubglobular yellow with a few black dots. (Jerk Aran. tab. 2, fig. 4- Lijier. Aran, ftg. 5. Inhabits Europe, in trees, and fpins a lax web. Calyeina, Abdomen globular pa^e yclIowi(h. En. Suec. \g()6. Scopol. Ent. Cam. 1099. Inhabits Europe, in the Calyxes of flowers from which the corol has fallen, and faftcns on bees and flics who come to extraft the nedar, 4 Y 2 %' fund at a. 724 INSECTS. APTERA. liy. Aranerf. Z.punSata Abdomen roundifli yellow, With 4 black ratfcd dots each fide : tail rufous. Inhabits Snueden : is probably riot of this divifion, apunSata Abdomen globular, black with 2 hollow dots. Inhabits Europe, in windows. Tn. Suec. n, 1997. Jrundtna- Abdomen fubglobular, white with pale brown fpots, "^' Inhabits £aro/>^, among reeds. f«. 5«fc, 19^8. * IRiparia, Abdomen ovate black-bronze, tail pale yfellow and 2-hor- ned. Inhabits Snveden, en gravely fliOrcs. Fn, Suec, 2OG2. •^aJrata Abdomen fubglobular, yellowifh-iufous ivith a white line at thebafe and 4 fpots. Clerk, tab. \.fig. 3. I^iP^er. Aran. fg. 3. Inhabits woods of Euri^pe. Lefs than A. Diadema. Head &r)i thorax dusky : abdomeKXiA' difh with numerous white fpecks, the back yellowifli with a p\\\xt line in the middle at the baf; and 4 large fpots ; legs pale with brown rings. I fufpeft this to be only a variety of A. Diadema. Liturata. Teftaceous ; abdomen pale black with a white margin and marks. Inhabits France; fmall. Thorax teftaceous deprefled with a whitifti fpot at the bafe : legs pale, 4 fore-thighs black. ^'punctata. Abdomen oblong, the back black and flat with 4 excavated dots. Inhabits Europe, in houfes. Militarise Black with 4 fpines, the hind-ones longer and fpreading. Inhabits Jmerica; ftize of A. fptnofa. Two firft fpines on the abdo»!en ercft and black. Zpinofa, Back with 8 fpines, the 2 hind-ones fpreading ; abdomen beneath conic. Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 7. iah. 39. /g. 9, IC iV^ triangular dusky-brown. Jculeata. ^ack with 6 fpines, the hind-ones fpreading. Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 7. ta'o, 39. ^^. ii, 12. * Head INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranea. 7H Heatinad thorax dull fertuginous : abdomen brown 6n the fore- part with 2 long erefl fpines on the back ; the hind-part im- prcfled and ycllowini with 4fpines, the fore -ones lateral and very fhort, the hind-ones conic divergent ferruginous tipt with black : beneath brown wrinkled with a conic truncate an- nulate tail. Tetntcantha Abdomen globular, with4 fpines round the margin. Inhabits America. Pall. Spic. Zeel. 9. tab % fig. 16, 17, Head ind r/jorax (eiiupnoas : abdomsH with imprcfl'cd dots at the bafe* Hexgcan- tha. Abdomen tranfverfc, v/iih 6 fpines round the abdomen. Inhabits jfamaica. Bro'wn Jamaica, tab J^^.fig. 5. Abdomen with 2 /pines each fide and 2 behind, the fore. margin with a few black dotSi ' This appears to be the fame as A. cancriforitiis. Fcrnicatn. Sides of the abdomen vaulted, with i fpines, the poftcrior onelonger. Inhabits New Holland; In the mufcum of Sir Jo/. Banks. Head &nd t borax hUck immaculate: bria/i yellowifh: fpines on the abdomen ferruginous, the anterior one at the bafe fharp and fnort, the hinder one ftrong and projefting : the hind mar. gin likewifc has 2 equal fubulate ferruginous fpines : abdomen , teftaceous with annular raifed brown fpots at the bafc and tip .• legs brown. , Abdomen ovate, brown with a whitini pinnate line. *LabariU' inhabits Europe. Clerk Aran. tab. Z. fig. 8. Li/ler.fig. 18. Spins an horizontal web on the ground with a cylindrical ca- vity. ihica. A.lineata, Abdomen roundlfh, yellow with a purplilh line each fide and 4 dots. Inhabits SivedtH. Hyaline with a yellow front. *Rediii:ii'i^ Abdomen oval, p:ile yellow with a crimfon oval crown or ring on the back. Inhabits Eurnpe,\n Girdcns. Clerk Aran, tab, 3,/%. 9. Lii'ier Ara'ufig, 12. Frtfcb Inf. lO. tab, ^, /xt-ji long white tranfparent. CeroUata^ Abdomen oval Hiack with a white oVal ring on the bick. I'lhabiti Europe, on planti. iJerk Aran, tab^ 5'fg% 18. ? *M>ntana. 726 INSECTS. APTERA. 1x7. Aranea. •■Montana, Abdomen Oval white with grey fpots. Inhabits Europe, on trees. LiJ^er Aran. Jig. 6. Thorax and /egs pale, fore-legs long extended. lent a . Nigra, Abdomen ovate, fcarlet with a longitudinal black line. Inhabits Spain. Head and kgs black. • # Abdomen ovate and fcarlet above. Inhabits Ca/«^r/<3. Petagn. Inf Calahr. p. 34. n. 176. Body black hairy ; thorax with a fcarlet band at the bafc r region of*the tail fringed with white : fore legs black and fringed with white about the joints, the others with fcarlet thighs and fhanks and black tarfi. Kotata. Rufipes. Abdomen ovate brown with wKite tranfverfe curved lines. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suec. 2008. Abdomen brown ; legs rufous. Inhabits Europe, on nettles. Fn. Suec. 2009. NoSlurna. Abdomen black with 2 white dots and a white luuulc at the bafe. Inhabits £;^ro/>^. Fn, Suec, 2Cio, -I ' ' ■ 't-pun3aia Abdomen oblong with 3 pair of excavated doll-. Inhabits woods of Eu/ipe, Palufirh. Thorax and abdomen with a fnovvy line each fide. Inhabjli reedy mifflies of Germany. 'I'ip of the thorax before the eyes ending in a whi;c line, • Aquatica Brown ; abdomen ovate cinereous, the back brown with 2 imprefTed dots. Chrk rirnn- tab. 6. fig. 8. Degeer, Inf. 7. tab. 1 9. fig. 5. Inhabits Eurcfe, in frefn water lakes, where it dives to the bottom in fearch of its food within a globule of air formed by itfelf } and takes yp it's winter quarters in a forfaken (helf, the apcr- • ture of which it clofes up with a \\ cb. Jatvs large Ibong black with fcarlet nails. Ch/cura. Abdomen fubconic, dufky with a whitlfh dorfal line. Inhabits /'ra^w, in Woods : large. TUrax downy v.ith a white dorftl line and fore-nnrgin each fide: manSbles telt?.ceous : ahdomen with a few white dots beneath; legs dufky. Scalaris. INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranca. 727 Seakris, Thorax teftaceous : abdomen fnowy on the back with an oblong indenteJ fnowy fpot at the tip. Inhabits woods oi trance, Fanz. Fn. Germ. 2. tab. 2. T/jorax deprefied : ab^emeit beneath variegatea WU!". brown and green, and black in the middle with 2 yellow lunulcs ; le^s varied with brown and green, thighs tclUceous, Triguttata, Ytllowifh ; abdomen black with 3 white fpots. . h■\)^^bV3 /lljBce ; imall. Abdunen witn 3 ipots in the middle which neariy form a band: /fjj )c!low, the third pair very ihort, Storfiform\i^\-XQk : abdomen whitifh with 1 black lines: 4 fore-legs very long. Inhabits Letp/ic in gardens : fm»I] and retrograde. . Front a little reddifh ; abdomen ovate glabrous with 2 finiiate ab- breviated lines; ^fore'legs black annulate with white, hind- ones very fhort green. *Carn'tfex Ferruginous; abdomen grey with a brown dorfal line. Inhabits England; middle-fized. Head ferruginous with black mandibles : thorax ferruginous fmooth glabrous, the margin a little yellowifh : abdomen roundilh beneath with a yellow fpot each ii3e at the bafe : legs • pale. flavjjima. Abdomen oblong rich j'cllow and fmooth. Inhabits Egypt. Muf. Lud. Uh\ 42S. Ihorax fulvous : kgt glabrous. Bimaculata Abdomen roundifh, chefnut with 2 white dots. Inhabits Europe ; lefs than a flea. Ahdomeu a little depreifed and unequal with 2 fpots, each cotn- polcd of 2 dots. Trunmum. Black with white dots on the back: fprings to a great dif- tance on its prey. Inhabits Europe, on walls and trunks of trees. Fn. Suec. 2Ci8. RupefirU, Abdomen with a black fpot edged with red and white in the • middle : fprings on its prey. Inhabits Europe on old walls. Fn. Suec. 1019. Virefcenst Abdomen oblong, yellow-green with lateral white lines. Inhabits Europe, Jonji, hj.tab, »8./». 42. Spinipes. 728 INSECTS. APTERA. 117. Aranca. Spinipts* P^lc with fpirvpus legs. %. Legs fpinous With rerruginous joints. Inhabits f.urope. Muf. Leji. p. 85. «. 32. 34. Opilf9itoi(lfs Grey with very long and extremely flender legs. Inhabits Germany and France; ipin^ a very lax irregular web, the threads croifing each uiher, and h gregarious. Oiheckii^ pale yellow ; abdomen with impreffed dots in pairs with an odd one: fore-legs longer. Inhabits Austria, Schranck. Inf. Aujl, p. 533. n, 11 10. Wilkii. Varied with black and grey: legs cinereous annulate wLtIt black, the hind-ones Ihorter. Inhabits Juftria. Schranck. Inf. Auji. /. 534. w. 1 1 n. Sptcie/a. Thorax grey with 2 brown fpots : abdomen oval-oblong with tranfverfe black curves, beneath reticulate with black with 2 yellow bands. Pallas her. z. p 732. ». 97. \.ti\\zh'\is Calabria and Siberia, and is dan^efticated in the houfc* of the Cojjfacs : a very beautiful fpecies. ht^s yellowifh annulate with black : the middle pair Tcry Ihort, fig- 5. Lijier Aran. fig. 24. Ir.habits Europe, in gardens and on walls. Head thorax and kgs pale ferruginous, the third pair of legs fhorter ; abdomen wifh 4 black imprelfcd dots on the back and beneath thefe 4 pale fpots ; tail red. Scopulorum. Abdomen brown with a pinnate white dorfat line. Inhabits Nor^'ay, on locks. Head and mandibles black ; abdomen ovate ; legs teftaceous with brown bands : ejes veryclofe together. Lt/pa, Pale; abdomen filvery with black branched lines. \r\hzh\ts TraK(^uebcir. Headzr\A thorax ■p:x\t tc^xztecm •.ahdomen oblong with a branch- ed dorial line and a larger trifid dne at the iidts: L'gs paic ic- li.iceous. Pur&lUla. INSECTS. APTERA. 117 Aranea. 733 FcralkUt Brown ; fides of the thorax and abdomen whiie : ma ndi bles projedting parallel. Inhabits American Ijlands ; fmall. Fai^. App. iv.p. 461. Eyes diftant and placed more in a circle ; mandiblet brown witk black claws : thorax rounded flat brown with white lidcs : abdomen nearly conic flat brown with white fides : legi pale, the fore- ones ionger.- Scrofa, Hairy, brown : abdomen femiorbicular : mandibles black exferted and hooked at the tip. Inhabits C/;"///', under ground. Molin. Hijl. chiUp. 188. About the fize of a pigeon's egg : legi long aad thick. Biccrnis. Abdomen 2-horned. Inhabits ^V^m*. Lepech, It. x.tab. \^,Jtg. 13. An uncertain and indiftinft fpecies, Cajpia. Thorax fabglobular : abdomen oblong and varied with yel- low and black bands. Lepech. It. I . /. 3 1 6. tab. \6.fig.\. Inhabits the Delerts of t7r«/ aad is regarded by the Ca/waw a» venemOLVs. Legs annulate wiih yellow and black : thighs ferruginous, the 2 iore-ones black. Ar. Roe/. Inf. 3. tab. 66. //. 5, Inhabits South American. Body fpotted with brown. Chilen/is. Combs with 1 6 teeth : hands fubajigular. Inhabits CM". Molhu Hist. Gkl. p. iZ^.n. \o. EuropafU!, Combs with 18 teeth ; hands angular. Degeer.In/.j. tab.4fi.fig. 1^. Hchanf, Elem. tab. Wi,.- Roef. Inf. 3. tab, 66. fig. l. Sw/z- hf. tab. 23. f.g. 1 50. Inhabits the Southern pirts of Europe, .ind is faid to be vivipa- rous. Body brown : bands long with filiform claw?. Hetttntetu Combs with 22teerh: hands fmooth : tail rough. Innabits Sierra Leona ; fize of the laft. 5o 2. 1 12. 3I. Extremely fmall deprefled and pale. ftmotheres. Glabrous ; thorax flattened at the fides before : tail carinate with tubercles in the middle. Inhabits Afm. Jonst. Exfang. tab. 20 Jig. 3, Found in the fliells of Ptnnee, the inhabitants of which it is faid to forewarm of the approach of danger. PuJUIus. Pimtophj' laAt Orbieulus. CheUtKt Thorax orbicular unequal ciliate : 4 tegs placed on the back . Herbst. Cancr. ii. p. 104. /«^; ^■J'g- ^1 • ■ Inhabits America, within the Chama Lazaras which is faid to fore- warm of the approach of the Cuule-fifh. Thorax orbicular flat; probofcis tricufpidate. Inhabits AVxu Zf^/B«fig, 2, 3. Sfheh's gibbous and generally wiih a brown margin. Thorax unequal fpotted, the margin obtufely ferrate: hands crcfted. Inhabits India, Herbst. Cane. ii. tfik, 7, fig. 39. Knorr. Delic. tab. 4^ fig. 3. Seb. Muj. "i^tab l^.fig' 1 8. Thorax fmooth 1 -toothed : one of the hands much lunger than the other : eyes elongated. Herbst. Canc.i. tab. 1 fig. 10. Rumph. Mkf. tab. xo.f. i. ^eba. Mnf. i.tah. 1 8, f'g. 8. Pijo, Bra/H tab. 78. Inhabits Jamaica. Degeer. InJ. 7. tab. 26. fig. M* Found under ftones, and uttersakind of cry when it isc^u^lit. Tlenatus INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. 74, '5/^?// truncate before and hollowed on each fide for the receptioa of the eyes, the margins flightly crenate : is fometimes fmooth fomctimes rough : one of the handt larger with long granulate fingers. Thorax orbfcular flat. 2-toothcd at the fides and 3-toothed at the front. Inhabits Terra del fuego ; minute. lail large infleded orbicular; Ugs fmooth ; f. Jrms fpinous ; h:-inds angalir : laft joint of the lindlegs ovate ci- liate and pellucid. Uajiatus 742 Armiger. INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. Thorax rugged and 8-toothed each fide : front 4-toothcd, the teeth equal. Inhabits American IJlands ; fizs of the laft. Body narrowed behind : armi ipinous : hands angular. Thorax nearly fmooth and 8-toothed each fide : front 5- lobed : arms toothed each fide. Inhabits the Southern Ocean. Hands angular with numerous teeth on the fingers. Gladiator* Thorax 8-toothed at the fides, the hind-tooth very large ; hands angular. Inhabits Neiv Holland; minute. Ftrcefs. Thorax i-fpincd each fide and 8-toothed before : fingers long and filiform. Inhabits the Ocean; lefs than C. haflatus. Thorax with a long fharp fpine behind; front toothed; arms long and toothed within, the fingers long filiform aod toothed within: bind-legs ovate. Vi^ior. Thorax crenate at the fides with a very long tooth in the middle : front globed. Herhft. Cane, tab. (> fig. 45. Seb, Muj. '^. tab, 20. fig. 10, 11. thorax roundifh depreflcd, the middle lobe on the front {lightly emarginate, the fides crenate on the fore part with a verj long tooth in the middle and unarmed behina : colour pale with ferruginous dots and lines; arms (hort: bauds toothed; all the legs formed for fwimming. *Angulatus Thdrax 2-toothed each fide: hands very lon^. Herhfi Can. i. tab. l.fig. I 3. Brit. Zo,l. iv. tal. $. fi^. lO* Inhabits the Britifii Coafis, tak^;n at WeymoHtb. Thorax angular ; hands thrice as long as the body, Marmora- Thorax (lightly plaited and -^-toothed each fide: front crc- fjfj^ nate emarginate: arms dilated and toothed at the tip. Inhabits -middle-fized. Thtrax nearly fquare and plaited at the fides : colour variegated . Variegattts. Thorax flat and 3-toothcd each fide: front very entire : legs variegated. Inhabits American Ifiands : fmall. Body above deprc-fled ferruginous, v*ith 3 teeth at the upper end: firont acute between the eyes ; legs compreffed, thighs 1 -toothed e^ch fide at the tip. Xaiva. INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. 7^.3 Xmiw. Thorax 3-toothed at the fides: front truncate. Inhabits Cyf-y//. Mo/itt. Hifl.Cbil. p. i8i. «. 17. Bo^y hemilphacrical, about 2 inches and a naif broad. •Manai* Thorax fmoothifh with 5 ferrate teeth each fide: front 3- lobcd : joint next the hands i-tpothed. Brit. Zoel. iv. tab. z.fg. 5. Badtr. 2. tab. 2. Inhabits Europe and A/ia: lurks under fea weed or burrows under the iand : colour dirty-grcea and becomes red when boiled. ^•Jintut*.'. Thorax fmoothifh with 5 teeth each fide: front 4-toothed: joints next the hands ilightly toothed: tail intieded narrow, lahabits Muf. Lejk. p. 83. «. 12, Cimctidei^ Thorax orbicular 5-toothed each fide and truncate betore: tail inflected, the third joint longer and pointed. Inhabits Muf. Usk.p. 83. «. 13. b, Imail. ^.Fyg'n^us. Thorax fmoothifli with 5 teeth each fide: front very entire; middle joints of thehands i -toothed. Inhabits the htitijh Coafts ; fmall. Hands Imootli, the fangs unarmed. •Latipe.'. Thorax 5.toothed each fide : front 3-toothed: middle joints of the hands i-fpined: ends of the hind.le. q Inhabits European Seas, and fee^s on de.sd fiih ^.^^•fubcordate:/-.^/ indenteu: /^W. angular, the next joint culalefiirfacc '^' "' ^'""^ " ^°"'''^ """^ * *"''"- Drami.1. 744 Dromttm INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. Hairy ; thorax toothed each fidS : hind-legs with double cbvrs. Jturnph. Mu/, tab. \ X.fig. i- Seb. Muf, 3. tab. 18. fig, I — 3. Inhabits East Indian Seas, and is poifonous. d-dentatus. Thorax 6-toothed each fid'^: front 8-toothed: hands fpinous. Herbft. Cauc. tab. J. fg. 52. tab. '^. fig- 53. Inliabits Eall India; rcfcml^les the next. Thorax flat with an imprefled wrinkle or two ; handt fpinoiM with red fingers. f Feriatut. Thorax 5-tc)0thed each fi ie: hands many anglcfi and ovate, the fecond joint i-toothcd. Inhabits the Indian Ocean, Lar.cifer^ Thorax fubtuberciilate i-fpined each fide and 4-toothed before; fore-legs lineate, hind-ones ovate. Inhabits the Pacifc Ocean: middle-fizcd. Thorax ovate, with 6 tubercles on the back : front 3-lobed ; hands with fpinous protuberances, the fingers toothed within: thighs of the firft 6 legs toothed on the inner margin, the laft joint but one with a ftiarp long fpine before the lip, the 1 Ul lanceolate and acute ; thighs of the hind-legs fmooth, the hft joint bue one acute with a rounded obtufe ciliatc lamina : colour dull ferruginous. • Pegurut, Thorax with 9 . obtufe plaits each fide : hands tipt with black, Brit. Zool. iv. tab. "i^.fig. 7. Bradl. Nat, tah. '-,, fg- 4. Inhabits the rocky coalts of Europe and ludia and is the moft in repute for its food. Front 5 -toothed : hind-legs fubulate. FurnUatus. Thorax unequal, the hind-angles dilated and crenale : pro- bofcis deprcfled acute : hands triangular, the angles toothed. Inhabits /« fig. 68. Mojeart- Thorax nearly finiooth ovate unarmed ; probofcis bifid, the »*«J« lobes 2-toothed. Inhabits the Mediterranean. Herbst, Cane, tah, M.fig. 69, Legt rounded, all of them furnifhed with claws. h^a/utus. Thorax covered with prickles : probofcis bifid, with 2 teeth above and one beneath. Inhabits Norivay ; about the fize of a pea. Eyes pedunculate black : thorax legs and arms covered with Iharp prickles : hands ovate fpinous, Sitofiis, Hifpid ; thorax obcordate tubcrculate : probofcis bifid in- fledled. Inhabits Chili. Melin, Hist, Chil.p. 18. n, 18. Coronatta, Thorax obovate with a dorfal crenate apophyfis. Inhabits Chili. Melin. Hist. Chil. p. 182, n, 20, £;&^// glabrous, about 4 inches wide. Santole*, INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. 747 Santolk. Thorax prickly arched and fubcoriaceous : hands covered with a pellicle. Inhabits ChUi. Molia. HW. Ckii p. 182. «. 19. AV'*« Thorax ovate, covered with long fafctculate hairs: hands Ihiooth. Inhabits the South See. Herhft. Cancr. 7. tah. 14, fig. ^O- Firft pair of mtcni.M long, the joints hairy at the tip: prohojcts bifid, the d;vifions acute and hairy; thtrtix with 7 — 8 larger teeth on the fore-margin : armi toothed on the dorial margin: t iJ-flr.fli fmooth, the thumb i-toothed, the nextjoipt grooved, the margin towthed; /«n,v^iy "sees: imiill. Body ovate, the m.iigiM fpinous: tail ovate rough : all the /^^^ fpinous. Maja» Thorax prickly : hands ventricofc fpinous, the fingers with tufts of hairs : legs 6. Inhabits iV^^ricay. Seba. Muf. tab. \%. jig. 10. /. 22. /. i. Uammil- f horax ovate prickly nnd 3^-rpinGd at the fides : probofiris ^*''''* (hort 3-toothed. h Inhabits China; middle-fized, thorax with a diftina rufous fpot: tail with 2 fpines : arms very fhort toothed : hind-legi ending in a lanceolate lobe. •Hcrridus. Thorax heart-fliapcd and with the hands and legs covered with numerous fpines. Brit. Zodl. iv. tab. 8. fg. I4. Rumph' Muf. t. 9,/. I. Body large : proho/cis forked : jpines rufous or black. Chiragra^ INSECTS. APTERA. 119 Cancer. 75.1 Cbiragra. Thorax tuberculate unequal : probofcis flat retufe : leg tubcrculate. Inhabit* the Mediterranean, Before the eyes ia an obtufe tubercle : Itgs curved. Gitiagra.. Thorax tuberculate and toothed on the fore-part: hands tuberculate. Inhabits Jamaica. In the mufeum of Sir Jo/. Baaks. Thorax unequal and 7-toothcd at the fides : prthofcii o, but the (hell IS cleft on the front; fingers obtufcly toothed and brown: legs compreflcd hairy, N$daloJ>iSm Xhorax covered with tubercles and crenate at the fides : claws of the legs fpinous. Inhabits— —In the mufeum of Sir ^(j/*. Banks, frtbejcis o, but the thorax is notched bcfor«; hacds tuberculate* with a black finger. ♦ Longtma- Thorax orbicular and prickly : arnas very long and prickly, ^*^* hands very fhort. Nat. Mifcel. XX. tab. 408. Seba Mu/t 3. tai. 20, ^g. li. Inhabits Europe and India, Fr«ttt 3-fpiHed: tbtrax edged round with fpinesj arTHs fpinous: legs fmooth. Hjstrix. Thorax with a very long fpine each fide and 5 behind : arms filiform. Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Body ovate glabrous fmooth, the front notched, the margin en- tire : legs filiform, Sfinifer. Thorax unequal and fpined : fecond pair of legs very long. Inhabits the Jfiatic Sea, Zar, Thorax hairy with a fpinous dorfal line and fpine on each fide ; legs very long. Inhabits Eaji India ; larger than C. Phalangium. Thorax ovate tuberculate : prabojcis projedling bifid : [arms fili- form. Lon^pes. Thorax prickly : hands ovate rough : hind-legs very long. Inhabits India. Rumpb, Mnf, tab, 8./r. 4. Gervinnus, Thorax unequal with a fpine on the front and another above the tail. Inhabits' 752 INSECTS. APTER.A. 119. Cancer. Inhabits the G^rjnan Octati, Hands fmootfe, Jiody very minute; front with an ovate lamina between the eye* terminating in a fpine: ^a// round, of 5 globular joints. Auritus^ Thorax i-fpinecl before, with a grooved and foftifh back. Inhabits Iceland; fmall. Shell with a fmill eretl i'pine behind the eyes; tirms i-fpined at the bale and tip : thujnb i-toothed* Crmntatus'- Thorax tubercular and red: probofcls linear truncate. Inhabits the Mediterranetm. Scopel. En.'. Cam. I!34. Body fpotied with white at the tip: bands oblong fmooth 2- toothed : iegs warty. Hepaticus, Thorox femicircular gibbous warty, the margin ferrate. Inhabits America and India» Herbjt. Cane, 6« ». 89. Scrufo/us, Thorax tuberculate and flattifh, the margin prickly : hands crefted at the inner margin. Inhabits India. Herb/i. Cancr. 6. a. 90. ^Tetrodon, Thorax heart-fhaped uneven and fpinous: front with 4 long proje<3;ing fpines. Inhabits Briitjii Coasts. Brit.Zool. \v.tab, 9, fi^, i j. Arms fpinous, the hands fmooth and long : kgt ilender. *'iu^0rojus Thorax tuberous: front fligh'ly bind: legs fhort. Inhabits Britijh Coaitsx Brit, ZooL iv. tab. 9, A, fig^ 19. * A/per. Thorax hcart-fhapcd fpinouj: probofcia a-fpincd : arms and legs fpinous. Inhabits Britijk Coasts. Brit. ZooL iv. tab. ()./ig. 20, B. Antenna pedunculate: the fore-snes fetacttus, hind-ones \ filiform the lull joint bifid: tail nah^d and veftculnr. Pagurus. Thefe arc generally parafitic and inhabit the empty cavities of turbinate fliclls, cbianging their kaditations as they iucreafe in growth ; the tail is naked and tender and furninied v^ith a hook. Of two to fecurc itfelf in its habitation* fctwrr. Thorax 4-cleft at the futures : tail fimple and ventricofe beneath. Ramph INSECTS. APTERA 119. Cancer. 75^ ^ufnph. Muf. fab. 4. /g. H, T. Se^. Muf. 3. t. 2i.f. 1,2. Inhabits EnJ] Ina'ia, in holes of rocks : wanders about on land by night in fearch of Cocoa-nuts, which it procures by climb- ing up the trees and throwing them down and afterwards tearing them open with its hands. The flefh is good if the entrails are taken out. Jniculus. Thorax ovate and fringed at tlie fides: legs rugged and hairy. Inhabits the Southern Ocean: large: Mouth \\i\ry : prohcfcis bifid; thorax Imooth and foft behind; hands ovate, the fingers with a few tufts of red hairs ; legs 2, 3 long rugged hairy with compreflcd thighs, 4, 5. fhort, \ *Bernhar. Hands muricate, the right-One larger. ^«^' Brit. Zool. 4. tab. 17. fig. 38. Ba/ier. t. lO.f. 3, 4. Inhabits European Seas, in turbinate fhells. Thorax ovate fmooth : legs rough. Hufigarus, Hands hairy and tipt with black, the right ohe larger: body with red bands. Inhabits £<»/? iW/a. lierhJi.,Caiti, fig, 122. Peduncles of the (?;« pale with red bands: body fmooth: hands and legs hairj . Diogenes. Hands fmooth pubefcent, the left one larger. Nat. Mijcel. V. tab. 160. Catefi.\CuroL 2, tab. Yj- fig' I, 2. Inhabits American afid Indian Seas. Miles. Left-hand larger and muricate each fide ; legs with very long claws. Ivkihxii East India. Herbst, Canc^fig, ix^, CJypeaiui'. Thorax fmooth entire comprcfled : left-hand larc^er and with the legs pundliired. Inhabitb East India. Herbji. Canc.f.g. Ii6, 117. Body fmall whitifh : antennae hroxsini hands white with purple dots and a blue fpot at tTie margin : legs white with purple dots. Tuhula Hands rough and nearly equal : the 6 fofe-one"s filrnifhed with a thumb. Inhabits Italy ; lefs than C. Diogenes. Subcylindrical ; fhell with excavated dots. Inhabits the Mediterranean, in the fhell of the Serpula glomerata.' VOL. III.— 5 C QcuUtus. 754 Oculatuf, INSECTS. APT ERA. 119. Cancer. Hands tnuricate equal : peduncles of the eyes as long at the body. Inhabits the Ocean, in the Murcx Brandaris. Body ferruginous : peduncles of the eyes armed with a tooth at the bafc : arms with a red fpot each fide, hands rough. Hands fmooth with 3 wirg-Hke projeftions, the right-one larger. Inhabits Iceland, lefs than the laft. Joint beneath the handt rough. Hands rongh ; tail callous at the tip and furnifhcd with a fingle hook. Inhibits Scotland, in the fiffures of rocks. Body fmall dull cinereous: margin above the ^y// with 2 f mall fpines : hands ovate: 4 i>/»a - legs ohtufc reflefled : /W cylin- drical foft ending in a globular callus and a finglc hook. C. Antenna unequal; the fore-ones peduvculate ; hind-ones feffile, the laji joint fetactous: tail foliaceous. Galathea. *Stnge/us» Thorax plaited oh the fore-part with ciliate wrinkles: probofcis fharp, with 7 denticles. Nat,Mi/ceU. ix. tab. 514. Brit. Zool. iv. fab. 14./^. 26. Inhabits Europe; about 6 inches long, Arms fpiaons: legs only 6, fpinous. JUtut. • Aranei- formis. •Bracbia- Thorax with ciliate plaits on the fore-part : probofcis fharp, '"'• with 3 denticles : arms extremely long. Inhabits Europe. Nat. Mi/cel. viii. tab. 282. Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. \j^:fg. 27. Fore-margin of the thorax acute; legs on\y 6, filiform; ams fpinous. Gregarius, Thorax with ciliate plaits: probofcis 3-toothed: fore-feelers very long. Inhabits the fea round Patagonia and appears fomeiimcs in fuch vaft flioals, that the fea appears perfcdly red. Hands rough: colour red with a brown dorfal fpot. ..^/w/Zr^f?^/!^. Thorax fmooth: probofcis very fhort and emarginatc: middle pair of legs very long. Inhabits the Atlantic, near Brafd and Ihines by night. Body fmail whitifh fubdiaphanous and covered with red fpecks • ^re-antennae krnie: /«// of five leaves, the middle-one tonguel D. Atttenna INSECTS. APTERA. 119 Cancer. 755 * Gamma • rut. D. Antenna pedunculate i the fore-ones longfetaceouSf hind' ones cleft: tail foil ace ms. Aftacus. Lobfters. a. Hind-pair of Antenna bifid. Thorax fmooth : probofcis toothed at the fides with a double tooth at the bafe above. Brit. Zool. \v. tab. lO. fig. 21. Baf,er, 2, tab. i. Inhabits moft rocky (hores. and is the fpecics moft in repute for its delicious meat. *A/iacus. Thorax fmooth : probofcis toothed at the fides with a fingle tooth at the bafe each fide. Craw-fijh. Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 15. fig. 27. Degeer. 7. r. lO.f. I. Inhabits Rivers, and lodges itfelf in holes made in the clayey banks: flefh excellent. Hands large tubcrculate ; 4 firft legt chelate. *lioinarus. Thorax prickly before : front 2-horned : arms without hands or chelae. Brit. Zool. iv. tab. \ I. fig. 22. Seba. MuC. 3./. z\,f. j. Body marked with round white fpots : iirll pair of antennae ex- tremely long and fpinous at the bafcj fegments of the <2^- domtn with a fpine each fide: legs ending in a hairy claw. Scrratut. Hands ferrate : tail muricate each fide by a triple row of fpinous protuberances. Inhabits Neiv Holland. Zoal. N. Hall. 2. /. 28. tab. 8. About the fize of the common lobfter : antennae fmooth tefta- ceous : thorax fmooth on the upper-pnrt, the fides muricate with tubercles and fpine? ; hands equal ferrate on the edges by a double row of Iharp protuberances ; legs ferrate, tail with a triple row of fharp point*, between which are a few fmaller ones : body red, blue on the liJes of the hands. Thorax muricate with 4 fpines on the fore-part; the middle- ones larger and toothed. inhibits American IJlandj. Herbjl. Cane. fig. 138, Probofcis very long afcending comprelTed and ferrate each fide. Inhabits the A/^Y/>/r>'^7;;--.i7. Herhst. Cane, fig, 134, Middlcleafof the /<3;7 fubulalc. Thorax fmo Jth ; handi roimdilh : arms rough with prickles. Sloan. Ja^i. 2. tab. 2\^.fig, 2. Ssba. Muj. 3./. 21./. 4. Inhabits rivers of America. 5^2 Fulvus. 756 INSECTS. APTERA. 119, Cancer. Fulvus. Thorax fmooth : probofcis (liort and ferrate each fide: hands comprelVed and crenate each fide. Inhabits the Oeean: midvllefized. Thorax cylindrical; arms tuberculatc : hands ov^ic comprefied hairy, beneath Imooih, fingers toothed ^vithin. Caruk/cens Body blueifh: thoraK fmooth : probofcis projedVing fubulatc and 2-tooth(.d. Inhabits frequently between the 1ropic\: fmall. Thorax with 2 fmall teeth at the bafe of the probofcis: firft feg- ment of the abdomen very large : middle le-.f of the M.'V emar- ginate : airrn very fhort round with minute hands: legs filiform. Fulgens, Probofcis very fhort and fubulate : legs fimplc. Inhabit.' ihe Sea round BruftU and fhines hy nignt. Body (mall whitilh fubdiaphanous : all the 8 le^s fimple. Homari. Segments of the body fuhfpi nous on the back: tail fafci- ciilate and armed with ferrate (tyles. Inharius h'or^jsay. Ad. Hafn. 10, 5. tab. 2. Minute. Head o\^it without probofcis ; legs 7 pair, each with an ovate lamina within, 3 pair of ihcm ciliate and cleft at the tip: tail with numerous ferrate Ityles, Harengum. Probofcis fubulate : eyes globular and prominent. Iniuoits the Ocean, ano 15 ujc chief food of Herrings and Cod- lilh. />otf> minute iililorm white. .. Eyes large ^lonukr approximate black : probofcis fubulate acute: legs 0 p.ir funplc; ^ pair formed for fwimmingand cempoied o; 2 ;oini.s the fiill glabrous, the fecond ciiiacc and bifid : middle ieat of the lau tricufpidate. In the ma.e the firft and fecond jointj of the peduncle of the antenna; have a hook at the tip, CraJ^cornis Thorax articulate : fixth pair of legs very long.' • iiT'^'^Ub t .e ;7«i?,-.«7j Ort?d« : fn;ail, redciih. %/^oru.\ Cirn.ut. on the back and compoied of 8 articulations, the- tuie part rctule and without ipToboiu^ : Jire-afue/.r.^ longer tn.n the bouy : Jegs 8, all of them fimple, the fixtli pair tu'.ce as long ai.ct icrf^cc on the thigUi : fail with 6 fili. loim u,Uc., Histrio, Thorax 2-toothed at the margin : probofcis lanceolate fer- rule . , b jdy variegated. Inhabit* Greenland ; fize of C* crangon. Feehrs INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. 757 Feelers fpinou? at the tip : kody variegated with rufous and cine- reous: middle leaf of the /a// with 2 fpinous lines. Planus, Probofcis very ftiort and fubiilate : hands very long with x coniprelled cariiiate finger. Inhabit? Size of C. Crangon. Body fir.ooth pale immt-cuhue : hands flar above reddifh beneath ycllowifh uithafingle raifcd line; legs yellowiih. Cylindrus. Body cylindrical and furnillicd with rounded united fin-like proccffes t left hand larger than the thorax. Inhabits the Indian Ocean, Ihorax fmooth pdc without probofcis; tail of 3 leaves, the outer ones larger and rounded : legs filitorm. Malakari- Thorax fmooth unarmed : tight hand larger : legs filiform. i-*t. * liU\A>:\ts Malahar ; lizc of C. crangon. Left har.d longer and filiform. Carinatus, Thorax with a toothed keel : probofcis flioit recurved and 3-toothed at the tip. Inhabits In ihc muieum of of Sir ^c/. Banks. T/j'.rax with an elevated 4-toothcd rvlge which projecfls forwards intj a recurved truncate probofcis; fore-inargin I -tootlied, 8 Iharp incumbent fpine nearly in the middle ot the thorax: fibd(jme» with a carinate ridge which is fpinous before and belli nd, Bor»as, Thorax prickly ; fccond and third pair of legs filiform. Iiih.:bits ihi North Sea. Fivpps 190. lab. iz.J^g. I. Frabo/cis fliort deprclled grooved fiach fide and acute, beneath Wjth a llrong tooth: hands fmooth. Groenlatt' dicus. Fore-margin of the thorax and probofcis toothed : feelers fjMnous at the tip : body brown. Inhabits the Sea round Greenland, Probojas uith 3 ,tctth above and 2 beneath: firft aniCKnae very long and variegated with red and white: thorax 3 toothed on the fore-margin, the back csrinate with 4 ttcth : legments of abdomen ending in a fpinc each fide : middle leaf of the tail with 2 toothed lines behind. Vi uriust Thorax i-toothed at the margin: probofcis ferrate each fide : body variegated, Inhabits the Aor'u-nj Occu>4. FcrC' .c8 INSECTS. APTERA. no. Cancer. Fort'antcnnae longer than the body, rufous with 4 white fpots : abdomen cinereous with numcrotts oblique rufous bands : middle leaf of the tail fubulate : fecond pair of legs filiform and longer than the others. Emeritus, Antennae bifid ? hands o : legs 5 each fide and all formed for fwimming. Inhabits the Indian Sea. Gronov. Zooph, tab, IJ* figt 8, 9. Camenta- Thorax fmooth cylindrical : probofcis obtufc: hands prickly. rim. Molin. Hijl. Nat. Chil.p, 183. ». 21. Inhabits rivers of C/?"///: about 8 inches long and brown with red veins : the Hefh is in great eftecm. b. Hind pair of antenna trijid, *Nor^-egi. Thorax fpinous on the fore-part : hands prifmatic vrith cus. fpinous angles. Inhabits Europe. Degeer, Inf. 7. tab, t\. fig. i. Brit. ZooL iv. tab. \2.fig. 24. Seba. Muf. 3. /. 21./. 3. Probojcis long fpinous ; legs long llender. •Squilla. Thorax fmooth: probofcis ferrate above and 3-toothed beneath : margin of the thorax 5-toothed. Prawn, Brit. ZooL iv. tab. i6. fig. 28. Bast. 2 tab. 30, fig. J. Inhabits the Etiropeun Ocean and the Baltic. t. About half the fize and is white when boiled. Penn. Brit. ZooL i'v. p. ig. «. 29. White pra'wu. Probofcis generally turned up and bifid at the end. Pennaftus, Thorax fmooth: probofcis projeding and ferrate above, beneath fmooth : fingers filiform. Inhabits the Ocean; lefs than the laft. Margin of the t/jorax i -toothed each fide ; hands fhort ovate with linear acute fingers, Serrator. Thdrax fmooth fubcarinate ; probofcis ferrate each fiJc. Inhabits the A^o^nu^j' 5f«i; lefs than C, fquilla. _ '^ij^^ Probofcis lanceolate and fmooth at the tip: thorax with an clcva- -' ted lateral line : legs filiform, •Crangon. Thorax fmooth : probofcis fhort and very entire : hands with a fingle moveable fang. Shrimp. Brit. ZooL iv. tab. \^.fig. 30. Seb,MuJ. 3./. 63,/. 1, 2. Inhabits Sandy Shores and is a very rich and good food. Legs only 6; middle leaf of the tail fubulate. ^ettigsnus. INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. 75^ Ttttigonust Thorax fpinous: 4 fore-legs filiform. Inhabits Iceland Pro^o/«,f (hort inflefted z-toothed: thtrax witii g 2-toothed ridgff, the margin 1 -toothed ; hands with a fingle moveable fang, E. Firjipatr of antenna pedunculate fetaceous ; fecond pair pedunculate^ the peduncle fetaceous and cleft ; Jhell of the thorax extremely Jhort. Squilla* Maculatus. Hands with a fingle fang, comprcflcd falcate and ferrate: body very fmooth : tail fubtruncatc and very fmooth. Inhabits Eaft India. Rumph, Muf, tab, "^^ fig. 2, 5o.^ whitifh with blueifh-brown btnds; the laft fcgment tipt with brown with 2 whitifh marginal fpots, the margin with a fpine or two. * Mantis. Hands with a fingle fang, comprefTed falcate and ferrate: body fubanguiar ; tail ferrate with fpines. Seba Muj. i.tah. to, fig. 2, 3. Marc. Braf. tab. 187. Inhabits European A^atic ind Indian Seas; is eaten as a delicacy by the ftaliaus, Siyllarus. Hands with a fingle fang, ventricofe ftraight angular and 3- toothed within. Inhabits Jfia. Seba Muf. 3. tab. 20. fig. 6. Ciliatus. Hands with a fingle fang, falcate comprefled 3-toothed : 2 lafl: fcgments of the abdomen ciliatc with fpines. Inhabits the Indtan Ocean. Tail with 4 leaves I'pinous at the tip: /f^/ filiform. Cbiragricus Hands with a fingle fang, fubulate with a rufous protu- berance at the bafe. Inhabits the Southern Ocean. Feelers 6 approximate: thorax with 2 grooves, the anterior plate moveable and 3 toothed: abdomen oi \\ rounded fmooth I'cg- ments, the_ tenth with 6 railed fpinous lines, the lall with elevated fpinous lines and a fpinous hind margin .- tail inferted under the tench fegment with 3 leaves each fide, the outer ones linear with a finely toothed outer margin, the middle-one bifid, the inncr-one ovate a. id fringed. , Vitreu!^ Hands falcate fubulate entire : thorax fmooth carinate with fubulate angles. Inhabits the Atlantic: fmall pellucid and membranaceous. ^hora:^ 760 INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer. Thorax an oblong fquare with Tpinous margins : prohsfcls long fuhulate acute : tail lirge ovate 6-coothed each fide with 3 fm.iU leaves, the middle one truucate; legs 10. F. Antenna pedunculate and very ftmple. Gammarus, Ampulla. Hands without fangs: legs 14: hind-thighs compreifed dilated. Inhabits the Northern Ocean. Ph'ipps. tab, M.fig. 3; Body nearly white ; prohofcis fhort incurved and very fharp: tail with 6 leaves, the laft joint bifid, NugaM^ Hands without fangs: legs 14: 6 hind-thighs comprcfTed dilated. Inhabits North Seas. Phipps. tab. 12,. fg. 3. Carino-/pi' Hands without fangs: legs 14: back carinate and fpinous. m/xs. Inhabits In the Britifh Mujeurn, Body whitifh fubcomprelled; the hind P.'gmcnts a little fpinous. Cattcellus. Hands 4 without fan'7s : legs t6. Inhabits Siberia. Pall Spic Zool. 9. tub. I. fig. 18. Firft pair of antennae incurved, •Grojfjpes* Hands without fangs: antenna; longer than the body: tail oblufe. Inhabits Europs. Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 16. fig, 31. *Locufta* Hands 4 without fangs* legs 14: thighs fimple: tail with bifid fpines. Roefi. Inf.Ty.tab. 62. Stdx.. Infi. tab, 21,. fig. 152. Inhabits Europe on Tandy fliores and in ftagnant waters; leaps about with great agility, *Pukx, Hands 4 without fangs: legs 10. Degeer. Inf. 7. tab. 33, fig. i, 2. Baff. tab. I. fig. 7. Very common in fountains and rivulets, and fwims in an ia- curved pofture upon it's back ; is very rroublefome to fiih by getting between their gills,, and is faid to fhine by night. Corniger. Hands without fangs : probofcis incurved fubulate : fides of the thorax with a double horn. Inhabits the Nornvay Seas, Btdy INSECTS. APTERA. 119. Cancer, 761 lioJy of 1 1 fliort fegincnts, wbittflj edged with red, tbe 5 hind- ones carinate and fpioous on the iaack : under the thorax each fide are 2 horns united at the bafe : tail with numerous bifid ftylcs. ^Li:tear:s* Hands 4 with a fingliC fang: legs lo. Pall, ^J)idl. Zcol, 9. ta.b. 4-/^i 1 5. Bafier, tab, ^.fg. 1, Inhabits the (horcs oi EwQpe and America* * Aiomos^ Hands 4 with a fingle fang: legs 14, with 2 oval veficles each ipde between the tourth and fifth pair. Pennant Brit. Zool, W. taht xz.f.g, 22. Inhabits Europe, in running water and is fo very minute as to be feldom viiible to the naked eye. Legs 20 fpreadtng : tail fubulate. Found in the Salt Water at Lymington, Body oblong fomething larger than a loufc : t^es diftant pedun- culate : tail filiform, as long as the body. *Stagnalis. Hands without fangs ; legs 22: tail cylindrical bifid. Linnean TrMnJaif. \. p. 1 03. tab, g. Found generally in fmall fhallovv pools of rain water, and is very tranfparent. HeaJ of the laale armed with fangi ending in 2 incurved hooks ; tail of the female furnilhed with a large oval bjr^ of eggs at the b^e. *Sa!i> Qihbojus. Oblong, gibbous : antennx folded and very lottg. Inhabits Portugal; fmall. Body fmooth ycUowilTi fpeckled with brown : head thick ©btufe with a large green fpot : aKtennae bent under the body»- folded and 3 times as long as the body: t^il with 3 iharp cleft leavei. Efca. Hands without fangs: tail jointed fubulate and cleft at the Inh^ibits Kortuay ana is the chief food of Hcrringk. ficc/y blackiih, the h.-iJ more hyaline: /«// nearly a» long as ths body, of 5. joints, the laft cleft. Medufarum Hands 4 with a fingle fafig : head \tty obtufc. Stroe,n, Sandm. 188. tab. i-Jig* I2> 13. Inhabits Norivay, under Medui'x. Fjo/or»»i, Linear; legs 10, the middle oaes larger. Inhihns I^leLlcea, Aimoen. Acad. 6. p, j^i^.n.qg, VOL. 111.-5 i) Q.Antim^e 762 INSECTS. AFTER A. 119. Cancer. G. Ant^ncs 1, the lajl jmnt bifid ; injiead of the hind-Mes. are 2 biarticulate plates, Scyllarus. * Jnlus. Plates of the antennae ciHate with prickles. Brown Jam»:c, tai>. 41*/^. i- SkIz. Inf. tat. 32. fig. 3. Shell tuberculate browii with fmall yellow fpots ; bands o : leg^ fpottcd, the thighs fpiaous : leaves of the tail broad villoKS roundifh. Au/fraJu, Plates of the antennas rounded and fraooth.. Inhabits the Southern Ocean. Mufeum of Sir Jof, Banh, Thorax uncq^ual with a crecatc margin. H. J/tfemia 2 pedunculate and dilate with thick hairs: plates o. Hippa. Adaapks. Thorax fnaooth : hands without fangs. ll^h.iki\xs x.Y.t Southern Ocean. lu T nnitnm mi Sxvjof. BmIis. Body ovate fmooth, the margin - y entire : tetl inflefted, the lall joint long fubulatc and ciliate each fide: hind-Ugs adhering to the tail. SimniBra. Thorax truncate ferrate and eiliat^ before : hands chelate. *■ " ' Inhabits Inditii. Hands hcart-fliaped. Scutellatus: Thorax nearly entire and ciliate : hands chelate. Inhabite la the Bntijk Mufeum. Thorax ovate fmoQth and fringed with long hair M the fidc.-ij^ rounded ,bek)re and narrower b^shind; hands fanoooch. *'DerJaius. Thorax fmooth and 5-toothed each fid?; tarfi fpinous.^ Penn. Brit.ZooL Of tab. J. fig. i^. Inhabits European and Indian Seas, Body glabrous pale, with a fpine each fide at the corner of the eye, 3 in the middle and one behind ; inflead of the probofcis are 2 fhort teeth : antennae fubciliatc, as long agiin as the body : artns as long again as the body and fubfpinous : legs fmooth fringed. Derfites^ Thorax glabrous truncate before and 7-toothed: hands compreired with a falcate thumb- Inhabits /W/c. Rumph. Muf. tab. \o.fig. i. Thorax whitiih, the margin hairy and crenate, before the tip is an elevated plait ciliacc with dcoticles : tail iBfleftcd thin, the lafl: joint ovate obtivfe : hands ovate, above rough beneath ffti^oth. Scab 'er. INSECTS. APTERA. 120. Monoculus. 763 Scaler. Thorax ovate truncate before and many-toothed: hands comprelTed and toothed each fide. Inhabits the South Seas ; large. Thorax rough with oblong raifed dot5 ; tail fh^rt inflefted ciliate: hands large rough, 2-toothed on the upfxjr-margin and 5- toothcd 91). the inner: legs 8, cilktc, the laft joint ovate affute. F4irioJs/us. Thorax variolous and toothed on the fore-part: legs gromed at the tip. Inhabits the Indian Ocean, Probo/cis ^\oit 7--toothcd : thorax fmooth behind with a lateral oblique wrini;le; hands fmooth; ends of the legs falcate. Car.charus. Thorax oval rugged: hands comprelTed and fpinons at the margin. Inliabits Indta. MuJ. Lua, Ulr. 455. CHUCKS. Thorax fomcwhat compreifed oval and fpinous: arms and legs fpinous. Inhabits China. Herhfi, Cane, /. 2 1 8. n. 1 1 1 . 12a MONOCULUS. Legs 4-8, formed for fwimming and very long; body covered with a crdt or iliell divided into fegments: antennae 4> 2 or 0 : eyes 1 or 2, approx- imate and fixetl in the fliell : feelers 4, in continual motion when fwimming; the hind-ones ver}^ fmall and hook- fiiaped. A. fPlth Mangle eye and crujiaceous body. Q'ufus. Antennx o: fcalers 2, long benched : tail infleded. Mull. Entomoji. p. lig. tah. zo. fig. I — 5. Inhabits Europe, in pooh and ftagnant waters, fwims in fwarms »pon it's back, and ha^ a hrge black eye which appeals to •ccH^>y the \7hole of the head. *Shadri>. Antenna 4 : tail ftraight bifid, the divifions branched, ctrnis, Dcnonjaih Eng. Inf. i. tab. 2. Sul^. Inf. tab. 30. fi^y 9» Mull. Entom. tab. iZ.fg.l — 1 4. Inhahifs Europe in frefti and ilagnant waters. 5 D 2 Scaj 764 INSECTS. APTERA. 120. Monoculus. Mady grcyilh or greenifh, firfooth or covered with hair : legs 8j hairy: female with an oval bag containing the eggs each fidfc the tail. Minutui. Antennas 2, linear: tail ending in 2 briftles, Mull. Eniomofi, p. \oi. tab, I J. fig- I — 7. Found at the banks of ditches, generally among duck-weed, and- at firft fight ref«mbles the Lepifma faccharh.a. Legs 10, very long and hairy : tail ending in 2 papillae. Csrulem. Antennse 2 linear : body blucifh with a ftraight 2-lobed tail, MulL Entomojl. p. \6lttab. l^.fg- i — 9. lahabit* Germany, in muddy ditches. ffeti^t tail and antennae red: eyes biack; ahdomeu beneath green: legs 8. *Rithent, Antennas 2, linear; body redJifh with a ftraight forked tail. Mulll. Entomaji. p. 104. tab. l6. fig. I — 5. Found in ditches and livulets and is common tiirough the whBle year ; legs 8. l^inulatus Anttnnx 2, linear: tail curved forked. M0U. Entomsfl. p, 195. tal;. 16. Jig 4 — 6. Inhabits Germany, in ditches. Antennae white. Longuemis. Antenna 2, linear and very long: tail bifid. AIulL Entomofi. p. x 15. tab, ig. Jig^ i — 9. Inhabits the Sea round Femmark, ?fl;/ ending in 2 briltlcs, Captivus, Antcnns 2, linear: head covered with a dilated fhieJd : tail ftraight cleft. Mull. Entomofi, p, 116. tab, \<^. fig. 10 — I 3. Innabjts German'^, Legs 6 : tail with 6 joints. Miruticer- Antennx 2, ftiort linear: tail cleft and ending in 2 briftlcs. (ornis. Mull. Entcmofi.p. 117; tab. ig. /f^. 14, 15. Found though Icldom in Sea Water. feelers about half as long as the antenna:. Clatjiger. Antennx 2, fubclavate rigid : tail bifid. Mull. Entomofi. p. loS. tab. \6.fig. 7—9. Jnhalits INSECTS. APTERA. 120. Monoculns. 765 Inhabits through rarely rivers of Germany^ and glides flowly along alternately on it'i back fides and belly, and fomctimcs raifes itfclf" upright. Bqdy above white, beneath red: /«// not jointc4; hgi 8. Grajifirnis Aijtennas 2, dilated and (liort : tail bicufpidate. Mull. Etttomojl.p. 1 13. M^. 18./^. 15 — 17. Inhabits Marlhes though very rarely. Body with 5 fegmcnts ; anttnnae branched nt the bafc. Cz/r/iVer/f//. Antenna; 2, minute ftraight with 3 liairs at the tip: body inarticulate: hands unarmed: tail forked. Inhabits |^V%. 6, 7. •Swims on it's back on the furface of the water. Shell \Niih^ black darfal ftrcaks: legs 12. Cryfiallinus Tail inflected : fhell oblong cryftalline; head with 2 (hort horns at the tip. In frefh Water. Mull. Entom. «. 41. tab. \\.fig. I — 4. Body white pellucid with 12 hairy legs. Pedlcttlus. Tail reflected. In frefli water. J)egeer. Inf. 7, tab. 28. fig. 9, 10. Seiifer. 'Y?i\\ ftraight : {hells with long tufts of hairs at the angles of the valves. In ftagnant pools, ^ull. Etit. «. 42. tah» 14 fg. 5 — 7, 5i^^// oblong pellucid cryftalline: antenna with 3 branches: Z*'^; very hairy, 8 or more; /a// divided at the tip. C. With afi)igle eye and bivalve Jhell; antenna fvnple, Viridis, Shell ovatc downy green. Mull. Entomost. p. 64. tab. ".fig. i, 2. In fca water, on Fuci and Confewte, Fore. legs falcate and fcrrat;e within. *Luteus. Shell ovate gibbous glabrous pale yellow. On Fuci. MuK. Entomost, />, 65. tab, "J.fig* 3> 4. * FiWiiidus. INSECTS. APTERA. 120. Monoculus. 767 *FIavii^us. Shell oblong gI;!brous pale yellow. Alall. Eutomoft. p. 66. /;. 22. tab. "J. Jig' 5, 6. Found frequently on the Fludra lintaLa, Shell pellucid : fore-legs round. Gibhus, Shell ovate hifpid and gibbous each fide. On Ulva;. Mull. Entorxost, a. 3. tak. J./g. 7 — 9. Shell ovate pale briilly. GoarffatKs. Shell ovate glabrous and contra£l;e«l in the middle. On Fuel. Muil. Entotncst .. K. 24. tab. J.^g, II, 12. Shell greenilh wiUi a black eye. D. fFiih afingle eye and bivalve fl) ell : antenna tufted at the- tip. DereiiHs. Shell oblong white pellucid : tail with 2 briftles. In ditches. M-ull. Entom. n. 4. tab. "^^ fig, i — 3- Legt 4, the fore-ones recurved, hind-oncs rcflefled. Strlgatus. Shell kidney-fhapcd, brown with 3 white bands. In muddy ruts. Mull. )Lntom. p. 54. k. 1 3. iS^c-// glabrous: antennae \y\^\\ 11 briftles, Orstuss. Shell ovate, finuatc beneath on the fore-part and variet^atcd with white green and fulvous. In ftagnant water. Mull Entom. n. 10. tab. 3./^. 4 6, Shell gibbous in the middle with a large fulvous fpot. filojus. Shell ovate brown, ciliate before and behind. Mull. Entomo.t. p. 59. » 16. tab 6. Found in the neftarics of the Utncutaria. minar. Shell imoo\.\\ glabrous opike. CdttJidus, Shell ovate fnovv-white immaculate. In rajrilics Mull. Entum p. 62. tab, l$./g. 4 — 6* Shell ohln'iS before and behind. Shell ovate glabrous grecnifli In Ditches. Mul^. E/itom.p. ;;o. tab. I. fg. 7 9, Shell obtufc opake: /a// ending in a fpinc. Shell ovate white with ^ bl.ick bands. In muddy water. Mull Entom. p. 55. tab. j^.Jig. j—g>. Two of the bands at- in the middle and one on the fore -margin the valves gibbous a^d whitiih. "* TeU'tnus^ -768 INSECTS. APTERA. 126. Monoculus. Telmus. Shell fubglobular j-toothed behind, with a truncate lip on the tore-part. Inhabits Algifw Pellucid j probibljr not (£ tliia genus* Lenticula- ^]xt\\ comprelTcd and lentiform. *''• Inhabits Fi«/«W. Fn, 5wr. 2051, *C9ncba- Shell ovate downy. ceui. In ftagnant Water. Buker, MUrof. tab. \<^.fg, I. Donovan, i. tub. 5. Mull. Ef.t. tab. ^,fig. 1—5. Uody green opake with yeilowiQi legs : ahdomen nearly 2-lobtd and fulvous with a black circle in the middle : it contradls itfelf within the fliell and fwims on the belly. fufciatu:. Shell oblong whitilli \vith a green band. ^ ' In ftagnant water. MuV.. Ent. tab. \- pg. i---^. Rcfcrables a grain of Barley : the green band i« placed io the middle behind the eye. Umachuu Shell glabrous yellow edged with black. In marfties. Uull. Ent. />. 60, tab. dufky. ' Cor«///««/.] Lanceolate ; above brown : tail oblong-triangular and cre- nate. Inhabits Sunderman, Thunb. Aa. Upf, 4. p, 27. w. 46. Jculeatus, Thorax naked : back with 3 rows of fpines. Aa. Petrop. 1778, I. p. z^j,ub. 8. fig. i. Inhabiib the White Sea, Body carmine. Sccrpioidet, Thorax oval-globular: tail long jointed, ending in a fpine and bifid briftles. Inhabits the JVhite Sea. Aa. Petrop, 1778. tab' 8, fig, 2. Cu/pidatus. Thorax articulate tuberculate ; the 6 dorfal feements cuf pidatc. ° Inhabits i\\t.White Sea. Aa. Petop. 1778. tab. 8.fi^. 7. Antennae 4 : tail tufted at the fides. lleaicus. Cinereous, linear: tail linear bicufpidate with 2 linea;- ityles. ff i'^i'^tr''- ^''^^' '^^'" ^^^^- 9- '• 4./. lo. A, B. C. D. i^%. i 3- Body, of I o fcgments, the edges of which arc white. 152. SCOLOPENDRA. Antennae fetace- ous: feelers '^, filiform, united between the jaws: lip toothed and cleft: body long, deprefled, confifting of numerous ^ tranfverfe fegments; legs numerous, as many each lide as there are fegments of the body. Thefe infefts live in decayed wood or undefrfloncs, and fome of them in frelh and fait water : they prey on other infeas. • Lagura. Legs 12 each fide: body oval: tail with a white pencil of hairs. Degeer. Inf. 7. tab. 0,6. fg. i, 2, 3. Geop. Inf. Z. t. 22./. 4. Inkabits Europe, under the bark of old trees. Body browa : head black : ftdes with 9 tufts of hairs. a/..//r^//Legslong, 14 each fide : body fcutellate. Inhabits £«/-o/^. Pall.Sptcil. Zeol. q. teib. ^.fg. \b. Antenna: yellow, as long as the body : thighs prickly, fhanks rough. *forficata. Legs 15 each fide: body redd iili -brown. Dono'van. vi. tab, 198, Sulz. Inf. tab. 24./^. 15^. Inhabits Europe and America, under itones and flower-pots. Gigamea, Legs 17 each fide : tail with 2 hooked ftyles. Inhabits America. Brown. Jamaic, tab, 42./^. 4. lAorrumm. Legs 20 each fule: eyes S. Degeer- Inf. 7. tab. 43./?. i- Catejhy C^'.roU 3. tab. 2. SebmMuf 3. tab. Si.fg. 3, 4, 2. t. 25./. 3, 4. Inhabits India. It's bite is faid to be fomething vencmoui. Ferrugi' INSECTS. APTERA. 123. Julus. 777 Ferruglnea, Legs 22 each fide : body ferrnginous. Inhabits Jfrica. De^^eir, Inf. 7. tab. ^l-fig, 6. Body with 20 fegtncnts : legs pale yellow, Dor/alis. Legs 30 each fide : body brown with a ferruginous dorfal line. Inhabits Tranquebar, large, Legt ferruginous, Clypeata^ Legs 30 each fide : body brovrn 'ro.igh : bead fiiickled. Inhabits Tranquehar ; lefs than the laft. Body o{ 16 narrow fegmcnts which are fubilriate and rough with raifcd dots: head covered with a rounded entire (hidd ; an- ttnuat fhort pale: /^/7 cmarginate : legs pale. '^EUSrica. Legs 70 each fide: body linear, Degeer Inf. 7. tah. 36. fig. 17. Fri/ch. Inf. 2. t. S. f. 1. Inhabits Kurope, in decayed wood, and fhines in the dark, ' Boojf very flat, tawny with a black line down the back, Pbofphorea, Legs 76 each fide. Inhabits Alia, and fliincf like the gbsv-worm in the dark : has been known to fall from the air into a veilel a thoafand miles from land, in the Indian Sea. Head ovite yellowifh with z grooved lines and another tranfvcrre one : antennae fubulatc ferruginous, of 14 articulations : hcdy filiform, about as thick as.a goofe quill, purplifh with 2 yeliow parallel lines. OccidtHfaUt Legs 123 each fide. Inhabits America. Lijl. It. 1699. tah. 6. Body ferruginous; antennae with \\ articulations. Gahrlelin Legs 148 each fide: body, yellowifh. Inhabits Italy, 4 times as largo as S. eleflrica. Antennae 'i^oxx. of 14 articulations: tail fcmioval with an sa- pendagc and 2 fhort Ityles. Marina, Legs rach fide: body pa'e with a rufous dorfal line. Inhabits tne Atlantic. Sircem, Sundm, i. Number oi legt unknown. 123. JULUS. Lip cxQU'die ^mm-glndie : arif- tennae nionilitbnii: feelers 2, filiform: body long fetnicyliiidncal, confifting of numerous traulverie fegments: legs^Twi^ merous, twice as many each lide as there are legments of the body. VOL. lil.~5 y •Oi^atu,. 778 INSECTS. APTERA. 1^3. Julns. •Ovatus, Lees 70 eacK fide. Inhabiia the Etaoyean Ci.atu is probably an OnifciM. • Compla- Leg5 -^o^each fiJe : body flatiifh: tail pointed. ««/«/. Inhaliitf Fure^-e, Digeer In/. ~. 'a/, t.J^i, 2.. Bedy brown ; unttHnnae flightiy clavaic • PetrtJJus» Legs 30 each fide: body flattilh : tail rounded entire, lurabhs Eafl India, t-. n timts a? large hs tie alh Hefiii brown : legments rough gtey and prominent each f;d'» Stigmfi» Legs 30 each fide : body black with a white dot each Mk on every otber fegnncnt. Inhabits Tr'anquehar ; twice as large at J. complanatus* AntenHot and U^i black : tail pointed white. 7ruieHt4itus Legs 3^ each fide : tail 3.toothed. [nhabits America ; thicker than J. fubulofuj. . Body 'vith 18 iirey fegmen-s, each marked with t ferrujmouj dorfal dot ; kgt With 2 denticles at the bale-, r«n«. Legs 78 each fide : fegtncnts of the body black at the bafc " and white at the tip. Inhabits /M^y ; middle-fized. „:.i, - HeadHicV with a white band in the mi^d\t %fegmmU With « fine ferruginous margin .• Ugs black. Crit/Ims Lees 80 each fide: tail acute. ^ Inhabits ^> : pale with a line of black dots each fide. Q^nifiK, Legs (54 each fide : head ar^d legs red : tail with a red linr, ^^ Inhabit^ Tr^nquebar, S'chraet. Ahh. I. tab. I, J.g. 7* Larger than I. fuDulofus. Tail pointed. Tm^iUru, Legs 100 each fide : body black ifhpoli (lied. J.«..x,*«.vi./aA. 207. Degeer Inf. tab^^b. Jig. 9, lO. ; fr.rch. Icf 2. tal,. 8. fig. 3- '^«^^- Y' '• ^J-^* ^5t>- ■ L.ha'jits iiwro/f, under itoncs and m the earth. JUfJns. Legs 108 each fide: body Tivid. Inhabits .-/^^.r/a. Guldenftedt.It,up.Z9^. , , , ,^ , Body aheut as thick as a goofcquiU and z inches long : ^/«^ and. MiemiM black : 2 i*^/ezr:er>fi without feet. INSECTS. APTERA. nj. Juhra. i^i Inditt, Legs 115 each Ide: boiy ferruginous: legs yellow, InfiiSits /o .a Sea. Muf. \. tab 81./^, 5. Degetr. 7 tub 43. fig. 7 Pw/v. t^oos. /. 74./. J# Lift legment of (he body pointed. ^SAhuIo/u, Lcg*« f2o each fide: boiy livid. Hcbaef EUia. tab. 7^. ' Inhauui Europe, in damp phcei and in aut9» /^kj:. j[^ggs 1 24 each fide : body brown. inhabits ln4i«t Seim, MuJ. 2. tab. Z^.Jig' 4' 5* MafCfmuf Legs 134 each fide. Inhabits America, v«ry krgc. ijy. if. J 699. M^, J. INDEX 4 97 342 INDEX To VOLS. II. AND III. A,. ^ , . ^o^- P^ge Vol. Page canthia. Fabrtcius ji. 6o» Bombyx - iii. iqj ■^'■•if's - - iii. 701 Boitrichus - ji. {55 Aci c.a. /tf^r, - - ii. 543 Brachycerus. Fabr. ii. 2*79 Av:i)iiium. fabr. - ii. 547 Breeze - iii. c^j /Li)uia. /fl^r. - iii, 391 Brentus - ii. 2c6 A^i.on. fabr. - iii. 391 Bruchus - ii. 201 A iiCa. fabr. - ii. 163 Bug - _ Ji. 5^3 AiUvjiia. jtabr. - iii. 379 Bu//. comber - ii. 17 Aiiiri.u , - - ii. 140 Buprelljis -; ii. 401 Anuiiophila - - iii. 497 Butter-fiy - - iii. Aiiui^ii.,. fabr. - ill. 541 Byrrhiis - - ii, A.;uiwi.cxi. fubr. - ii. 90 Cajiidiuin - - ii. ^-'''•' - - - iii. 568 Calopus _ _ ii. Ai.u frt,v, fubr. - iii. 664 Cancer - - iii. 7^6 Ai u.nii..-' - - ii. 9?) Cantharis - ii. ^6^ /-.;>..i. = • i L.if. - ii. 278 Carabns - - ii. 048 Apu.u.^ - - \u 206 Carrion-beetle - ii. 99 /\j.ui:. i't«/;r. ii, 84 Cafiida - _ ii. 117 A, '.U-. - - ii 702 Ccorio. fabr. - ii. 1^2 Aj;- - - - iii. 539 Ceramhyx - ii. 288 AiTEKA - - iii. 66b Cfcicopis. fabr. - ii. 583 rviuiitit - - iii. 718 Ceria. fabr - iii. 6>2 Aiv.aiupfiiis. fabr. - lii. iijoj Ceiocoma. Fabr - ii. cqc Aii.ui - - "i* 673 Cetonia. fabr. - ii. 60 Ailrtcus - - iii. 755 Clialcis - iii. ^07 A'.iciuDus, , - ii. 281 Chcrmes - ii. 710 Bee - - ^iii; 539 Chigoe - iii. 701 Heiile - - ii. 12 Chrylis - iii. ^05 liciabex. fabr, - iii. 536 Ciiryloniela - ii. 141 i:^V3^y fabr. - iii. 63;; Cicaaa - ii. ^^^ jbiaps. f{ibr. - ii. 490 Cicindela - ii. 307 ii.auu - - H. 327 Cnnex - ii. 608 Boai-fiy - li. 604 Ciitcla. fabr. - ii. 182 ton:b)lius - iii. 6bi Citrus, fabr. .. ii. 285 Clack. INDEX. 781 Clock-beetle Coccinella Coccus Cochineal Cock-chaffer Cock-roach COLEOPTERA Colydium. Fabr, Conops Corcus Fabr. Cd.Ius Colfyphus. habr. Crab Crab-loufe Crabro. Fabr. Crane-fly Craw-fijh Crioceris. Fabr. ,Cryptocephalu» Cucujus Culex Curculio Cymothua. Fabr. Cynips Cytherea. Fabr. Day-fly Death-watch X)crmeltcs Diamond beetle Diaperis. fabr. Diopfis DlPTERA Dog-tick Donacia. Fabr. Dor Doryhis. Fabr. Dragon-fly Djyops. Fabr. D)urcus Fa r-wig Klaphrus. Fabr. Eiater Elophorus. Fabr. Em met Vol. ii. ii. ii. ii. ii. ii. ii- ii. iii. iii. iii. ii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii ii. ii. ii. iii. ii. iii. iii. iii. iii. ii. ii. ii. ii. iii. iii. iii. ii. ii. iii. iii. ii. ii. ii. ii. ii. ii. iii. Page 36 125 712 712 46 527 12 86 670 630 341 361 737 659 530 584 755 186 171 363 (■,63 208 771 408 684 392 91 78 245 146 597 581 701 342 3^ 576 386 197 423 523 399 376 1 12 563 Empis Ephemera Erodius Erotylus. Fabr. Eucera. Fabr, Evania. Fabr. Father long-legs Field- Cricket Flea Fly _ - Forficula Formica Fulgora Gad-fly Galathea. Fabr- Gall-fly Gammarus. Fabr. Geometra Gerris. Fabr. Glovj-Worm Gnat Golden- fly GryJlus Gyriniis Harvejl-bug Hawk-moth - Helops. habr. Hemcrobius Hem I FT ERA Hepialus HtTperia. Fabr. Hexodon. Fabr. Hippa. Fa'or. Hippobofca Hifpa Hiltcr Horia Hornet Horje-fly Houfe-crickct Humble-bee Hyblaea Hydrachna Hydrophilus Vol. Pago iii. 665 \"- 392 11. 497 11. *93 iii. 567 iii. 483 iii. 5H ii. 545 iii. 700 iii. 597 ii. 523 iii. 5^8 ii. 570 iii. 581 - iii. 754 iii. 408 iii. 760 iii. 231 ii. 689 ii. 35« iii. 66- iii. 50!; ii. 54t ii. 95 iii. 784 iii. 167 ii. j93 iii. 400 . 694 ii. 527 iii. 340 - iii. 121 ii. 75 iii. 762 - iii. 687 11. iii. 11. 19S "• 93 3% ... 513 HI. 687 ii. «;44 548. 681 III* 3?9 in. 709 ii. 420 7^? INDEX. Hylaeus. Fahr. HymenopterA Ichneumon Ips. Fair. Jtch'inJeSl Julus Lady^hird Lady'COW Lagria» Fahr, JLamia. Fahr* Lampyris Lantharn-fly Larra. Fahr. Leatherieater IvEPIDOPTERA Ltpifma • J^eptura Lethrus. Fahr, X^eucopfis » I^ibeilula Ijohfier •- hocujla. Fahr. Long-legged fpider ^oufe Lucanus Ly£^us. Fahr. Lycus. Fahr. * Lygasus. Fahr. Lymexylon. Fahr. Lytta Macrocephalus Malachiiis. Fahr. Manticora Mantis Mafaris. Fahr. Melafis. Fahr. Mellinus. Fahr. Meloe Mclolontha. Fahr. Melyfis Membracis. Fahr. Miris. Fahr. Mite 111. iii. Vol. Page »'»• «;39 iii. 408 iii. 4^0 ii. 103 .. 777 11. 128 ii. 128 ii. 195 ii. 3or ii. 3«;8 .!!• 570 >M. 504 ii. 78 iii. 4 iii. 688 ii. 342 ii. 75 iii. 503 iii. 386 iii. 755 II. 547 HI. 716 iii. 695 !!• 75 11. 483 ii. 362 ii. 654 !i- 374 »'. 498 ii. 702 !!• 372 "• 497 .!'• 533 »- 536 li. 201 iii. 527 ii. ii. ii. ii. i'- 544 in. 704 501 45 89 574 Mole- Cricket Molorchus. Fahr. Mont)Ciilus Mordella Mofauite • Moth Miifca Mufilla Mydas Fahr Mycetophagus. Fahr Mylabris. Fahr. Myopa. Fahr. Myrmelcon Kaucoris. fahr. NecydaHs Ncmotelus. Fahr^ Nepa Neuroptera Nicrophprns. Fahr. Nitidula Noftua. Fahr, Nomada Fahr, Notone<£la Notoxus Nymphon. Fahr. Oeltrus Omalyifus, Fahr. On i feus Opatrum Oxyporus. Fahr, Pacdarus. Fahr. Pagurus. Fahr. - Panorpa Papilio Parnus. Fahr. PafTaUis. Fahr. Paufus Pediculus Piialasna Phalangium Philanthus. fahr. Phryganca Pimelia Plant-hufe Vol. Page. ii. 544 .»»• 3'?4 iii. 763 ii. <:o5 iii. 663 iii. iqa iii. ^Q7 iii. ^76 iii. 6^5 ii. Ic2 ii- era i'». 761 iii^ 403 ii. 60S ii. 6^5 ii. 6r6 iii. 3'"6 ii. 105 ii. 109 iii. 285 iii. 544 ii. 604 ii. 287 111* 7»$ 111. 581 ii, 36* iii. 771 ii. ir3 ii. 520 ii. 522 iii. 75a iii. 406 iii. 4 ii. 3Q^ ii, 78 ii. 204 iii. 695 iii. 192 iii 71^ iii. 528 iii. 3Q4 li. 485 ii. 701 Pneumora INDEX. 7^3 Pnrumora • Podura Prawn Prionus. Fabr. Pt« rophorus Fabr. Ptilinus. Fabr. Ptinu* Pulex Pycnogonum. Fabr. Pyralis. Fabr. iii. Pyrochroa. Fabr. Ranatra. Fabr. Raphidia Reduvius. Fabr. Rhagio. Fabr. Rhagium. Fabr. JRhingia. Fabr. Rhinomacer Ripiphorus. Fabr. Sagra. Fabr. * Sand-wajp Sapcrda. Ftibr. Saw-JJy Scaphidium. F»br. Scarabxus Scarites. Fabr. Scaurus. Fabr. Scolia Scolopendra Scolytus. i'abr. Scorpio Scorpion Scyllarus. Fabr. Semblis. Fabr. iii Sepidium. t^br. Serropalpus Sefia. tabr. Shrimp Sigara. /«3r. - Silpha Sirex Sphseridium. Fabr. Sphcx Sphinx Vol. Page ii. iii. iii. ii. iii. 689 758 289 383 ii. 200 ii. 90 iii. 700 iii. 716 ■ 273- ii. ii. 342 361 607 iii. ii. iii. 407 694 632 ii. 321 iii. ii. 670 280 ii. ii. 507 484 iii. 497 ii. 314 iii. 411 ii. IC3 ii. 12 ii* ii. iii. 476 476 4q8 iii. 776 ii. 475 iii. 735 iii. iii. 735 762 • 395 . 400 ii. ii. 493 376 iii. 178 iii. ii. 758 606 ii. iii. 420 ii. 105 iii. iii. 483 167 Spider Spondylis. Fahr. Spring-tail Squiila. Fabr. Stag-beetle • Staphylinus Stenocorus. Fabr. Stomoxys Siratiomys. Fabr. Synodendron Syrphus. Fabr. Tailed-ivajp Tarantula. Fabr. Tarantula - Tcnebrio Tcnthreda Termes Tetratoma Tettigona. Fnbr. Thrips Thynnus Tick Tillus. Fabr. Tinea. Fabr. TipViia. Tip'ila. T( mix Tree beetle Trichius. Fabr. Tritoma Trogofiia. Fahr. 1 rox. Fahr. Trombidium. Fabr. Truxulis. Fahr. Vefpa Volucella. labr. Upis. Fuhr. Hcijp If ater-jlea Water-Jcorpion Wood-louje Zonitis Z>La;na. Fahr. Zygia Vol. Page iii. 718 - ii. 287 iii. 689 iii. 756 ii. 79 ii. 509 ii. 335 iii. 668 iii. 628 ii. 89 iii. 636 iii. 426 iii. 717 iii. 730 ii. 475 iii. 411 iii. 69Z ii. 117 ii. 578 ii. 716 iii. 50Z iii. 7c« ii. 198 iii. 361 iii. 504 iii. 584 iii. 34^ ii. 46 ii. ^\ ii. 116 ti. 4^2 ii. 73 iii. 709 ii. 541 iii. 511 iii. 68^ ii. lU iii. 5»i ii. 95 ii. 606 iii. 775 ii. 205 iii. 1H2 ii. 2c C ERRATA 784 ERRATA. Page 704. Between Acarus Siro and Ac. domefticas infcrt •Autum- Globular ovate red: abdomen briftly behind. Harveji-bug^ nalis, Si>aw ^'uturaHli'i MifcU. tab 42. Inhabits Europey and is fufficiently known by ir*s bite during the Autumn month? to moll people : it is lefs than the commcai mite and adheres firmly to the fltin, cauiing a tumour and fc- vere itching by it*s bite. Page 241, 1. 14, for fwaun'a read nuauaria. Page 249, 1. 1. the Ipecific name ihould be liturata% Page 256, 1. 17, read decujfata. Page 338. 1. 3, fronm the bottom: the Specific name fliouli be rurea. ' Page 386, 1. I o, fory^^^ read /9/rir, Page 513, 1. 6, ior contigious rei6. contiguoutt Page 593, 1, 34, for Members read numbers. Page 693, 1. 8, from the boitom : for luteolu read lutioU, Page 673, 1. 24, for appoxtmafe read approximate. Page 709. 1. 21 » inr eruaticus xtid aquaticus. Page 720- 1. 3 ior fecrets retd jecretes. Page 775, 1. 1, for Me^u/aram icid medufarum. Page 775. 1. 31, ioi JiJJeilusxtiA Mfellus^ END OF THE THIRD VOLUME. PRINTED BY DAVIP WILLIAMS, SWANSEA* — j8oi, CX- , -t^^^ ...■ v- /; ■■■*